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lately gunfree zones and gun control laws are all the rage among the globalists and liberals of all shapes usually circular and sizes those measures solely aimed at disarming the people and depriving them of the sacred right to defend themselves has shown its vast ineffiency with gun victims and terrorist attacks on the rise in those zones since no honest citizen can shoot back to stop the massacre here is why i propose once a conservative government reaches the white house to create fat control laws fcl and obesityfree zones ofz as obesity is indeed a more serious threat to the lives of americans than honest citizens carrying legally purchased guns here are six potential benefits simple philanthropy obese people are delusional thinking that it is great to be a useless sack of shit nowadays they get fed a distorted reality saying that big and round is beautiful when the natural reaction deeply branded in our dna is disgust mockery and suspicion fat and sedentary lifestyles kill much more than guns the war against obesity is as important as the war on crime or drugs bovine people not only harm themselves but others too by creating measures to prevent them from becoming fat or exhorting them lose weight we are helping our common man to preserve his dignity as a human being in their case sugar and salt create a dopamine rush and an addiction loop very similar to an addiction to opiates we must show our potbellied or barrelbellied junkies the way as they cant take the steps themselves just like with restrictions on cigarettes if they are stupid enough to gorge themselves on calories we must conclude that there is a severe lack of judgement on their part and prevent them from purchasing the source of their misery preserving aesthetics and other senses no more eyesore of seeing fatties rolling around everywhere you go imagine a beach with a plethora of more feminine attractive and thin women by banning whales in bikinis our nostrils would also be free of the olfactory offence that they throw in our faces say goodbye to the pungent smell of fat rolls sweat at your local grocery store no more lb sjw land whales with laboured breath sounds in waiting rooms or uncontrolled farting in the public transport like you are in a cattle train it could be tomorrow positive impact on children i do not want these people to roam free and that my future progeny can witness it and think that this is normal worse if the pc politburo tells them it is beautiful to be a beached whale lets send them far until they get better out of sight out of mind as they say legal elements should be implemented against pernicious publicity aired on television and directly aimed at children whether by the time chosen to air it or the promotion it makes of unhealthy eating of course with fat control policies kids will get bullied at school some will cut themselves for being called fattie so what adapt and overcome or crawl in a ball and cry the weakest has to be left behind if he does not want to save himself a healthier population you are under arrest for being an immovable gargantuan arsehole fat is not a silent killer hundreds of thousands of people die with a loud thud every year of obesityrelated diseases a largely preventable cause of death worldwide today in americans and in britons dies from being a fat arse with no selfcontrol it is a fact that obesity causes death by cardiac arrest diabetes coronary and liver diseases cancer and hypertension among others promoting a healthy lifestyle and physical activity will create a longer life expectancy physically healthier people are mentally healthier too boost of selfesteem and confidence fat control laws will reduce mental health issues such as depression inferiority complex or suicidal tendencies caused by obesity that is also less money spent by the taxpayer a boost for the economy according to a report ham planets cost the economy billion a year and that is for the american economy alone the number of human cattle is still growing exponentially it inflicted more than a billion loss to the economy in in we can reasonably assume that the number of obese people has grown and has impacted the wallet of your average american even harder a fitter population with its nutritional choices would result in a more natural higherquality food industry smaller amounts of food produced and needed resulting in reduced resources and materials wasted during and after its production we could see the end of excessive fossil fuel used to transport land walruses and their fat arse across long distances and hogging the space that could be use by three normal individuals healthier more active people are happier more productive and successful since the cogs of the machinery are not coated in fat an age of stronger selfgoverned highenergy men bringing a healthier society its yuge a new sexual and romantic market it will bring a more balanced sexual arena to limit the accumulation of fat a radical answer to the phenomenon of plummeting testosterone levels caused by high fat percentage trimming the numbers of plump omegas and sexual market voluntary rejects lets impose a healthier diet for higher numbers of attractive thin and pretty women greater numbers of quality girls to choose from reduces aggressive competition which decreases the bitch shields of thin entitled girls endless supplies of betas queuing to capture crumbs of their attention would be a thing of the past as i said it before male thirst is the root of all evil when it comes to romantic competition sexier citizens means more relationships a peak in libido and reproduction of physically and mentally balanced individual helping nations suffering from low birth rate one more element for the protection of western society being the most affected one and its people cementing the bases of a strong future fighting globalism and the myth they try to sell us about global overpopulation by logical natural process bronies corpulent manchildren and manga conventions should also disappear soon the fat control laws segregated obesityfree zones our diabetic mammoths must be isolated from further propaganda and tasty treats this is why we should create large very large fenced areas to protect the healthy subjects as fat is more dangerous than guns lets pen the bigboned rejects in separated zones where access to junk food and other harmful products would be forbidden fresh water open spaces salad and treadmills as far as the eye could see build that fence we shall call it the david fatrelle center for porcine rehabilitation permits a permit would have to be issued similar to a guncarrying permit for the purchase of junk food highcarb snacks soda drinks etc after a doctors physical exam of the patient slim citizens would be delivered a permit with a stamp of approval granting them access to supermarkets or venues where processed or junk food is served mandatory workouts compulsory exercise would be imposed to obese people to reach a standard bmi we could bring it up a notch where a fine could be issued after a determined period of time if the weight loss target has not been reached a steps counter activity tracker would have to be worn or installed on their smartphone and a quota of physical activity would have to be reached on a day to day basis just like the programs for convicted criminals or drug abusers with reports to the local police station on a regular basis the stubbornly chunky would be followed during a rehabilitation stage and their progress monitored fat shaming fat shaming works great as we have seen before remember the shitstorm of the beach body campaign immediately declared thought criminals by the body positive lobby or islamic thought tribunal of londonistan or the coldblooded leaflets given by anonymous though criminals to particularly adipose london tube passengers yuge success pourquoi ça nexiste pas fat people are a dead weight to society in all senses of the term and to compensate this burden they must chip in one way or another and repair the harm they cause fitter people means a selfaware powerful mass that strives for greatness but the liberals in charge dont want that this is why they produce massive amounts of harmful processed food and encourage the pleb by manipulating publicity and promoting makebelieve to remain fat weak and above all docile its all part of a plan fat control laws are the answer to that great evil read more reasons to date an obese girl
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following post sponsored chad cocker written matt forney everyone says shouldnt judge book cover thats really difficult cover makes throw little mouth thats felt tasked writing review chad cockers memoirs misogynist erotic novel men kind man would want read erotic novel romance erotica female masturbation material trying write harlequin novel men like marketing lesbian porn actual lesbians thought despite packaging memoirs misogynist one best works ive read year contrary cockers marketing novel examination life man modern america filtered protagonists relationships women starts slowly cockers prose honesty save day make memoirs misogynist absolutely worth time money marquis de sade neomasculinity mainstream publishing almost exclusively caters women underground independent writers turned fill void malecentric literature braggadocios fratire writers like tucker max maddox loser lit authors andy nowicki ann sterzinger roosh quintus curtius theres surfeit alternative writing men sick misandry feminism real literary world viewed backdrop alternative publishing memoirs misogynist odd animal indeed first picked assumed would tellall memoir along lines rooshs dead bat paraguay roman à clef fashion charles bukowskis work however indeed live subtitle much novel devoted lengthy detailed descriptions protagonists sexual encounters shed also gotten used chastity belt scared still didnt sit well master total control sexual gratification slave constantly wet horny made even compliant orgasms master gave unlike anything experienced mindblowing even year together sex electric deeply satisfying introduction cocker warns us book possibly dirtiest depraved offensive novel youve ever read making wonder hes ever heard days sodom still structure memoirs plot skill cockers prose shows hes acquainted classic erotica actually sex lot girls first half book reminiscent pauline reages story woman systematically trained become sex slave interestingly memoirs misogynist also seems inspired venus furs velvet underground song erotic novel leopold von sachermasoch sachermasoch derive term masochism tendency derive sexual pleasure pain akin sadism derived sade plot revolves around man desires nothing utterly subservient mistress severins humiliation hands lover drives become misogynist way cockers protagonist one woman nature created man present educating mans enemy slave despot never companion become rights equal education work worth noting sachermasoch feminist believed equal relationships women would become possible womens liberation insert joke power doesnt care need long youre knees enjoying memoirs misogynist requires get past initial chapters read like fifty shades grey extra iq points initial plot concerns melinda runaway falls care wealthy man goes unnamed book offering room board man melinda begin relationship sealed contract agrees become sexual plaything body masters blank canvas modify many times many different ways chooses could hear breath quickening read control bodily functions particularly orgasms orgasm master allows saves bookand kept readingwas depiction protagonist henceforth referred master far masturbatory blank slate christian grey cocker depicts master complex conflicted character constantly trying rationalize way treats melinda later rechristened slave cockers deft writing kept wondering protagonists motivations way end book also frequently switches melindas perspective usually challenge male writers depict female characters vice versa cocker skilled enough make compelling well memoirs really picks second half set nearly ten years later focus shifts elizabeth avery disgraced doctor stripped medical license shes caught abusing male patient destitute despondent accepts job personal physician masters stable whores lifestyle offending feminist sensibilities doctor averys world spinning tried distance patient paid significant amount money jobthe kind money would solve lot problems regardless couldnt help disgusted woman allowed treated way hed said consented fact way looked man showed clearly loved willing participant modifications degradation woman melinda man called looked doctor could call adoration would easy cocker depict elizabeth raging braburning feminist stereotype agilely avoids clichés favor nuance elizabeth isnt portrayed firebreathing misandrist woman unthinkingly absorbs leftist cant life ruined final chapters book show elizabeth tussling sexual arousal feels working mr x name protagonist attempts maintain beliefs evidence failed life piles wont spoil ending say finishing book sit digest days chapter memoirs begins factual statistic state men boys america today jarring contrast depravity books action initially wondered approached end book suddenly clicked memoirs misogynist biting look toxic sexual marketplace men women american dating like acid bath one dives comes unscathed even men successful getting laid affected get ahead winners saints role models people trying make best broken system stated earlier memoirs takes really get going youre lascivious descriptions sex book wont appeal want haunting piercing look horror show modern gender relations memoirs misogynist mustbuy cant wait see cocker comes next click buy memoirs misogynist advertise product site return kings
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more emotions men should master more emotions men should master andré is a young european who left his decaying country in for greener pastures he enjoys exploring subterranean places reading about a host of interconnected topics and yearns for tradition november mind passions and emotions are an almost bottomless pit start digging there and you will find new ones or new relations between this and that tidbit of emotional content socalled enlightenment philosophers who tried to theorize the passionssomething that had been done at greater length actually by thomas aquinascould never agree on how many there were or even how much they exactly mattered in the course of life whether or not you have been reading my last two pieces on the topic remember this is about mastering passions in the most general sense this is not only about emotional restraint or seduction our own emotional states are the first in line but mastering the passions is also about spotting what other people are feeling how they can be led to a specific course of action and what tends to make them tick mastering the passions is far from evident it rather takes times and experience the concepts and directions i am providing here aim at giving some conscious clarity about things that are by nature a bit muddy artists though they often suffer from mental problems are skilled at painting a particular vision in vivid colours allowing their public to share a specific point of view and emotional state this is something the elite know very well critics trashed ayn rands atlas shrugged because they could see themselves painted there as passiveaggressive cultural parasites rands novel was more cogent and attracted more heat than her barely original philosophical pieces today sold at the cheapest price on the secondhand book market more recently the movie the fall got backlashed by some of the mainstream media on the grounds that it depicted hitler as too human while seeing actor bruno ganz pondering eating talking to his closest company or getting angry the viewer could perhaps feel a bit of empathy to him which is of course unacceptable to a left that clings to the idea of a crazy careless inhuman dictator to be forever cast as an embodiment of evil hollywood directors do not like witnessing others competing with their own emotional mastery we need artists as well as qualified cultural critics to take some distance from the mainstream propaganda disguised as entertainment and expand an alternative culture and artworks emotions explored in the present series can be used just that way gratitude gratitude denotes a trained and refined disposition being graceful means recognizing that the good in our life can come from something that is outside us and outside our control neel burton heaven and hell chap p it focuses on positive things we already have and that cannot be ascribed to our sole merit or efforts the traditional world whatever the particular cultural or religious form it was embodied into always emphasized the necessity of being grateful you owed your existence to god to your family and your community none of these goods were actually deserved which meant you had to be grateful for them and repay them by being a dutiful member of the community as well as a dutiful father for your own children a lot of prayers and ancient rites imply a thanksgiving for what one already has moving later in time it is striking to see that modern progressivism breeds the exact opposite mindset the ideology of rights make many goods granted not a thank you for but an i have a right to neophilia the relentless pursuit of novelty always casts a bad shadow on what has been around for some time as if what was coming later was always better advertisement gossip culture economic growth pressure quest for victimhood lead to envy and always being more or less frustrated with what one already has regardless of what it is by leading us to always want more progressivism makes us oblivious to what we already have or how it does not stem from pure individual meritand when it flatters the ego it makes us complacent and far from cultivating the art of being thankful turning our backs from the modern ungraceful mindset is easier said than done to start with loudmouthed girls should be remembered they owe their nice luxurious workplaces to the men who built them lgbtbbq should thank their heterosexual parents and ancestors for their very lives antiwhite black activists should remember they would not even exist had their ancestors not benefited from their white colonizers healthcare technology feel free to expand the list ultimately i think every person who is modern or westernized enough can be outed as ungraceful for something trust a famous study showed that multiculturalism was closely correlated with defiance and a lack of trust in each other provided that we enlarge a bit our definition of multiculturalism this absolutely makes sense some ethnic groups are especially prone to violence and some minority groups are rewarded for freely accusing the silent majority but the hegemony of political correctness made it a taboo communities have been fragmented by individualism ie each person looking to take as much as she can and by an antiracist white guilt that soon became an intrawhite generalized suspicion of racism people do not identify anymore with the larger society and often cannot even identify with a smaller communitywhich makes everyone else a potential enemy yet without trust life becomes unbearable if you cant go to the streets without the possibility of getting mugged by say blm activists or go to a family meal without the prospect of a lukewarm struggle with aging leftist parents or have a relationship with a girl without the possibility of her making a false rape accusation there arent a lot of things you can do on the long run without trust in other people you have to trust the complex of big corporations ngo and state institutions we call the systemand be dependent from it for things as basic as food and shelter only trust in each other can make life sustainable and longterm projects workable to recreate trust we have to make people accountable and bound to precise rules reward good behaviours while punishing bad ones actions must bear consequences but before neomasculinity gets into power men should strive to establish a reputation through reliability persistence and a strong mindset i could wager you have been more trusting of your facebook friends last years than of the mainstream media the former conveying more trustworthy information than the latter desire modern capitalism and progressivism always ran on desire want cheaper prices more goods better goods more tv channels to watch more monies more ego and thinking you are the hot shit well just buy in x or do some work for y and here it is um nah you just have to do some more and some more and some more in the end you forgot why exactly you are doing what youre doing or why you started to watch tv but it all started with you led to perform something no matter how surreptitiously framed as spontaneous or normal it was the system plays on desires in three ways it sets things to be desired things to be feared or never desired at all and things to be consummated without end things to be desired include everything the advertisement wants you to desire like a revolving credit a new sofa an suv or whatever as well as the next step of progress as it has been elaborated on the top of the pyramid things to be feared are where the system wants you to be resigned and fatalistic did you ever feel sad to see all these girls losing themselves into a sea of fat bitching and sjwpropaganda spouting too bad thats globalization resistance is futile move on at last things to be consummated are mainly produced to keep you busy and programmed though you are not really practising anything beyond staring at a screen lately an important shift has been happening between the first and third ways to play on desires decades before the average consumer had to desire owning more junk or being part of the progress the system needed him to work and monitor his peers today the junk is already everywhere pc culture is already hegemonic and the average american worker is no longer needed active desire is not needed anymore thus the system has shifted into making the average joe more passive instead of actually desiring more the consumer should be content with surrogates of everythingpseudogroup identity with team sports pseudosports with football and basket on tv pseudosex with porn pseudolife with video games pseudofamily life with animals pseudoexpertise when the average libtard obnoxiously parrots the media on everything this is brzezinskis tittytainment in a nutshell even if you dont give up on having a real life instead of a surrogate the system will still want you to desire things only for yourself thus retreating into individualism instead of trying to actually weight on the world either you surrender to the progress or you try to ignore it before it comes for you as if nothing could change dont let the elite frame the world according to its own interests desire selfrealization and weighting on the course of the world of course our female counterparts should desire being loving caretaking and definitely on our side to conclude this series once again it is hard to sketch in a few words what could be done with passions or emotions what i have mostly dwelled into is how those already in power manipulate them and what we could do as to take them back if you find the topic worthy of interest you can expand it in two directions first documenting yourself on a particular passion or emotion and second using some by stirring it with a certain aim in mind in the former case i would recommend neel burtons heaven and hell quoted several times in the course of this series as a point of departure in the latter being creative or simply assertive is up to you whether this looks more like efforts or selfpersuasion or artistry does not matter much here as well as in seduction a tight framing is key whatever the topic no vocabulary and no picture are really neutral which is a problem as our perception and thinking orientation are often conditioned by these the mastery of emotions is reinforcedand reinforcesthe mastery of representations if this sounds farfetched let me provide some examples of use examples you are absolutely free to expand as it suits you in the comments space several guys here have been giving a very negative portrayal of the nice guy he would be a fake a sneaky bastard a jerk so guys who want to get laid or have their own interests just as everyone else are jerks this looks like internalized feminist thinking in my opinion nice guys should elicit empathy which goes through a positive portrayal emphasizing their willingness to respect the girl or how they were likely raised by an unmanly culture a recent rok piece about mainstream media has shown how these are making a conscious effort to hide and delegimitate white victimhood they paint vividly any crime where the victim is nonwhite and the perpetrator is but mention no detail or do not mention at all any crime perpetrated by nonwhites on whites the same pattern appears in the movie elysium when the of course white villain mentions children she wants to protect from a mass of brown invaders yet these children are never shown and consequently stir no empathy from the average watcher whereas the brownskinned are vividly depicted as humane and not responsible for their own poverty analyzing these phenomena is fine but ultimately insufficient creative people on our side have to provide an alternative that includes mastered emotions picking up girls is part of and gives some experience in this wider game
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home month popular tips sex croatian girls tips sex croatian girls february comments travel day game croatian girls extremely receptive day game want opened even headphones seems focused music still go well goes girls rollerblades excuse buy rollerblades like croatia one places indirect direct game work pick one suits venue personality open indirect chat couple minutes hit compliment positive energy see shed respond smiled knew girls give number even boyfriend may come first meeting avoid getting number id jokingly say youre married right boyfriend would announce guilty look face always go instadate especially youre street game weed flakey girls gives opportunity find wants life croatia lot good girls dont drink want serious relationship want dump prospects youre staying long common issue youll find first date girls want bring friends along dont let youll get stuck hellish group chat either date nothing night game need push interaction far go dont least get kiss odds number lead date less get passionate kiss handholding end easy get number croatian girl resist push kiss similar america absolutely add croatian girl facebook accomplished attention whores string along didnt least get phone number got nothing cockblocking huge problem best way fight selective venues choose large clubs hottest girls harder approach end getting cockblocked incessantly hipster bars ugliest girls youll rarely get cockblocked experiment city find something middle best balance beauty attitude much successful croatian experience based venue going best venue worst may even feel like youre different country general rule youre club girls arent genuinely excited youre foreigner go somewhere else since many girls go pairs better roll wingman solo dolo problem youll face going solo girl doesnt want leave friend alone approach girls whose friend already getting hit another guy dont compliment night croatian girls already elevated perception get compliments time insecure girls baltics ukraine dont call girl bang rarely answer text instead croatia slowly embracing onenight stands right logistics able get far easier place like ukraine key tight logistics tight take walk place hop quick drink girls likely go want taste american sexual culture older women able resist logistical game similar point dates close apartment date venue half mile away youre already shooting foot even croatian girl playing aloof turn dime private room less snobby club acceptable buy girl drink without getting punished croatia isnt like eastern european countries girls generally upfront honest intentionsthey play give opportunity especially higher end venues generally speaking long didnt bitch face first approached clear buy drink best game zagreb capital best logistics possible sadly croatian girls flake average want proximity apartment act bait casual hangouts turn bangs unless youre dealing older croatian girl youll play numbers game get hung one girl get ready meet hardcore female players put x hours day day game x hours night game youll rewarded night game first get surprisingly fast bangs night day game doesnt provide mostly aggressive night game easily screens day girls simply bored really hankering dick go back croatia ill move right next good bar
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the following post was sponsored by chad cocker and written by matt forney everyone says that you shouldnt judge a book by its cover but thats really difficult when the cover makes you throw up a little in your mouth thats how i felt when i was tasked with writing a review of chad t cockers memoirs of a misogynist an erotic novel for men what kind of man would want to read an erotic novel romance and erotica are female masturbation material trying to write a harlequin novel men is like marketing lesbian porn to actual lesbians or so i thought despite the packaging memoirs of a misogynist is one of the best works ive read this year contrary to cockers marketing the novel is a examination of life as a man in modern america filtered through the protagonists relationships with women while it starts slowly cockers prose and honesty save the day and make memoirs of a misogynist absolutely worth your time and money from the marquis de sade to neomasculinity because mainstream publishing almost exclusively caters to women underground and independent writers have turned to fill the void of malecentric literature from braggadocios fratire writers like tucker max and maddox to loser lit authors such as andy nowicki and ann sterzinger to our very own roosh and quintus curtius theres a surfeit of alternative writing for men who are sick of the misandry and feminism of the real literary world viewed against the backdrop of alternative publishing memoirs of a misogynist is an odd animal indeed when i first picked it up i assumed it would be a tellall memoir along the lines of rooshs a dead bat in paraguay or a roman à clef in the fashion of charles bukowskis work however it does indeed live up to its subtitle as much of the novel is devoted to lengthy detailed descriptions of the protagonists sexual encounters shed also gotten used to her chastity belt and that scared her it still didnt sit well with her that master had total control over her sexual gratification slave was constantly wet and horny and that made her even more compliant the orgasms that master gave her were unlike anything she had experienced before they were mindblowing even after a year together their sex was electric and deeply satisfying in the introduction cocker warns us that the book is possibly the dirtiest most depraved and most offensive novel youve ever read making me wonder if hes ever heard of days of sodom still the structure of memoirs plot and the skill of cockers prose shows that hes both acquainted with classic erotica and has actually had sex with a lot of girls the first half of the book is reminiscent of pauline reages story of o in which a woman is systematically trained to become a sex slave interestingly memoirs of a misogynist also seems inspired by venus in furs not the velvet underground song but the erotic novel by leopold von sachermasoch its from sachermasoch that we derive the term masochism the tendency to derive sexual pleasure from pain akin to how sadism is derived from sade as the plot revolves around a man who desires nothing more than to be utterly subservient to his mistress severins humiliation at the hands of his lover drives him to become a misogynist in the same way that cockers protagonist is one that woman as nature has created her and man at present is educating her is mans enemy she can only be his slave or his despot but never his companion this she can become only when she has the same rights as he and is his equal in education and work its worth noting that sachermasoch was a feminist and believed that equal relationships with women would only become possible with womens liberation insert your own joke here power doesnt care what you need as long as youre on your knees enjoying memoirs of a misogynist requires you to get past the initial few chapters which read like fifty shades of grey with about extra iq points the initial plot concerns melinda a runaway who falls into the care of a wealthy man who goes unnamed for most of the book after offering her room and board the man and melinda begin a relationship sealed by a contract where she agrees to become his sexual plaything my body is my masters it is his blank canvas for him to modify as many times and in as many different ways as he chooses he could hear her breath quickening as he read he will control my bodily functions most particularly my orgasms i will only orgasm when my master allows me what saves the bookand what kept me readingwas its depiction of the protagonist henceforth referred to as master far from the masturbatory blank slate that christian grey was cocker depicts master as a complex and conflicted character constantly trying to rationalize the way he treats melinda later rechristened slave cockers deft writing kept me wondering what the protagonists motivations were all the way to the end the book also frequently switches to melindas perspective while its usually a challenge for male writers to depict female characters and vice versa cocker is skilled enough to make her compelling as well where memoirs really picks up is in the second half which is set nearly ten years later the focus shifts to elizabeth avery a disgraced doctor stripped of her medical license after shes caught abusing a male patient destitute and despondent she accepts a job as the personal physician of masters stable of whores his lifestyle offending her feminist sensibilities doctor averys world was spinning she tried to distance herself this was just a patient after all she was being paid a significant amount of money for this jobthe kind of money that would solve a lot of her problems regardless she couldnt help but be disgusted that a woman had allowed herself to be treated this way hed said she consented to this in fact the way she looked at the man showed she clearly loved him and was a willing participant in her modifications and degradation the woman or melinda as the man had called her looked up at him with what the doctor could only call adoration once again it would have been easy for cocker to depict elizabeth as a raging braburning feminist stereotype but he agilely avoids clichés in favor of nuance elizabeth isnt portrayed as a firebreathing misandrist but as a woman who unthinkingly absorbs leftist cant and has her life ruined because of it the final chapters of the book show elizabeth tussling with the sexual arousal she feels working for mr x her name for the protagonist and her attempts to maintain her beliefs as the evidence of her failed life piles up i wont spoil the ending other than to say that after finishing the book i had to sit on it and digest it for a few days each chapter of memoirs begins with a factual statistic about the state of men and boys in america today a jarring contrast with the depravity of the books action i initially wondered why they were there but as i approached the end of the book it all suddenly clicked memoirs of a misogynist is a biting look at what our toxic sexual marketplace does to men and women american dating is like an acid bath no one who dives into it comes out unscathed even men who are successful at getting laid are affected by what they have to do to get ahead there are no winners no saints and no role models just people trying to make the best of a broken system as i stated earlier memoirs takes a while to really get going and if youre not into lascivious descriptions of sex the book wont appeal to you but if you want a haunting piercing look at the horror show of modern gender relations memoirs of a misogynist is a mustbuy i cant wait to see what cocker comes up with next click here to buy memoirs of a misogynist advertise your product or site on return of kings
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day work scrap yard glamorous glamour pay bills evening teach welding program community college like many others bought fallacy need piece paper university succeed life age thirty graduated university undergraduate degree customary debt came along twentynine years later see wrong soon graduating obtained office job moved city knew one job optimistic turned like marriage crack whore day walking minefield full dysfunctional women emasculated men drama backstabbing catfights every problem associated modern workplaces worse yet cut male managers allowed trim charge resulting fucked toxic culture three tumultuous abusive years found unceremoniously kicked curb surprisingly relieved lengthy stint unemployment landed entrylevel job metal fabrication company one benefits offered tuition reimbursement work related classes enrolled welding classes night upgraded skills employers dime immediately noticed difference previous job worked exclusively men except token assholes men liked solitude jobs left alone work varied creative overtime pay decent fact work ethic showed every day time desired learn earned respect quickly eventually went different path returned welding parttime adjunct instructor welding joining two metal pieces parts applying heat filler metal electrode helps make joint power source supplies electricity required heat shielding gas fluxcovered electrode aids welding process common welding processes gas metal arc welding gmaw flux core arc welding fcaw gas tungsten arc welding gtaw shielded metal arc welding smaw gas metal arc welding easiest learn offers fastest production welding involves ferrous steel nonferrous metals aluminum stainless steel welding according bureau labor report need welders grow percent according national association manufacturers report nearly percent manufacturers united states report cannot find skilled welders meet demand american welding society reports average age welder midfifties entrylevel wages region average annually skilled welders earning five years trade frequently hear employers desperate skilled welders one plant manager told many computer jockeys enough people weld turn wrench another manufacturer told dozen welders retiring one replace school teach jobs available students enrolled welders welders work manufacturing construction maintenance repair facilities service companies welders typically work eighthour shifts fiveday week overtime common welders often perform duties like operating metal fabrication equipment assembly work skills welder develops value earning potential example able weld cut fit metals read weld symbols prints command higher wage becoming certified certain weld procedures also increases welders wages marketability qualifications welding quintessential bluecollar job physically demanding hot dirty requires high degree skill personal characteristics good eyesight hand eye coordination good manual dexterity good concentration training community colleges offer affordable training entrylevel jobs welding programs nine months school also offers sixteenweek work ready certificate welding students learn common welding processes thermal cutting processes blueprint reading unlike typical ivory palace college professors instructors required minimum three years related verifiable industrial experience job placement also good additional facts despite decent paying skill high demand clueless parents educators continue dissuade young men entering bluecollar trades like welding result entire generation young men ruined hostile fouryear colleges worthless degrees insurmountable debt perhaps perceptive bright young rok reader considering career change closing consider facts always employment welder welding skills highly transferable carry skills next often higher paying job unlike many whitecollar corporate jobs today average welders wages increase skill overtime merit increases production bonuses common benefits welders end shift leave job door welding offers level creativity solitude seeing fruits labor studies show welders machinists bluecollar trades lower suicide rates many whitecollar professions welding often gateway trade even higher paying trades like machinist multicraft machinery maintenance millwright welding male dominated occupation traditionalist men find offers insulation respite typical feminist diatribe pc bullshit todays corporate world conclusion welding benefited first developed reasoning skills something academia failed also developed thorough understanding men dirty nasty dangerous jobs life feminists elitists marginalize men want men risk lives health build maintain shit welding opened doors mainly teaching ultimate goal teach welding fulltime late life career change one hope happen read blue collar job
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home this month popular tips for having sex with croatian girls tips for having sex with croatian girls february comments travel day game croatian girls are extremely receptive to day game they want to be opened even if she has headphones and seems focused on her music it can still go well same goes for girls on rollerblades excuse me where can i buy rollerblades like yours croatia is one of those places where both indirect and direct game work pick one that suits the venue and your personality what i did was open indirect chat for a couple minutes and then hit her with a compliment about her positive energy to see how shed respond if she smiled i knew i was in girls will give you their number even if they have a boyfriend it may not come out until the first meeting to avoid this when i was getting a number id jokingly say youre not married right if she had a boyfriend she would then announce it with a guilty look on her face always go for the instadate especially if youre doing street game not only will this weed out flakey girls but it gives you an opportunity to find out what she wants in life croatia has a lot of good girls who dont drink at all and want a serious relationship you want to dump those prospects if youre not staying long a common issue youll find on the first date is girls who want to bring their friends along dont let them or youll get stuck in a hellish group chat its either a on date or nothing night game you need to push the interaction as far as you can go if you dont at least get a kiss the odds that number will lead to a date is or less if you get a passionate kiss with some handholding at the end over its easy to get a number from a croatian girl but you should resist push for the kiss its similar to what you should do in america absolutely do not add a croatian girl to facebook they are accomplished attention whores and will string you along if you didnt at least get a phone number you got nothing cockblocking is a huge problem the best way to fight it is to be more selective about the venues you choose large clubs have the hottest girls but they are harder to approach and you will end up getting cockblocked incessantly hipster bars have the ugliest girls but youll rarely get cockblocked experiment in the city to find something in the middle that has the best balance between beauty and attitude so much of a successful croatian experience will be based on the venue going from the best venue to the worst you may even feel like youre in a different country as a general rule if youre in a club where the girls arent genuinely excited youre a foreigner you should go somewhere else since so many girls go out in pairs its better to roll with a wingman than solo dolo a problem youll face if you re going out solo is that a girl doesnt want to leave her friend alone what i did was approach girls whose friend was already getting hit on by another guy dont compliment at night croatian girls already have an elevated perception of themselves and get compliments all the time they are not insecure as girls from the baltics or ukraine dont call a girl before you bang her they rarely answer text instead croatia is slowly embracing onenight stands with the right logistics you should be able to get them they are far easier than a place like ukraine the key here is having tight logistics it should be so tight that you can take a walk with her and be at your place to hop in for a quick drink the girls who are most likely to go for this will be and who want a taste of the american sexual culture older women will be able to resist your logistical game similar to the above point all your dates should be close to your apartment if your date venue is more than half a mile away youre already shooting yourself in the foot even if a croatian girl is playing aloof she can turn on a dime once in a private room the less snobby the club the more acceptable it is to buy a girl a drink without getting punished for it croatia isnt like other eastern european countries where girls are generally upfront and honest with their intentionsthey will play you if you give them the opportunity especially the higher end venues generally speaking as long as she didnt have a bitch face when you first approached her you should be in the clear to buy a drink the best game for zagreb the capital is to have the best logistics possible sadly croatian girls flake more than average so you want the proximity of your apartment to act as bait for casual hangouts that turn into bangs unless youre dealing with an older croatian girl who is into you youll have to play the numbers game and not get hung up on any one girl get ready to meet some hardcore female players if you put x hours a day into day game and x hours into night game youll be rewarded with night game first you can get surprisingly fast bangs at night that day game doesnt provide mostly because aggressive night game easily screens out day girls who are simply bored but not really hankering for dick if i go back to croatia ill just move right next to a good bar
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importance patriarchal religion marriage childrearing importance patriarchal religion marriage childrearing brutus centinel brutus centinel american christian patriarch leading family resistance decline guns libertys teeth brutus firearms enthusiast militia officer brutus fights help americans across political spectrum wake tyranny corporate overloads november religion live america happily married kids write manly intelligent successful write share main key success patriarchal traditional religion writing religious convictions believe true free disagree may still find value read writings religions consider true myths useful wisdom even though may disagree theology neomasculinity philosophy accepted people different religions religion modern religion ill find another church thanks modern religion feminized wasteland god exists impose obligations men excuses womens evil acts faith blind irrational collectivist men hate modern religion churches west demographically imbalanced toward women men bored death touchyfeely sermons endless committee meetings female gossip losers sitting pews around patriarchal religion thats like patriarchal religion interesting men teaches god man creator rationality slayer evil men protector innocent praise lord rock trains hands war fingers battle psalm maleled churches women taught respectful fathers husbands legitimate authority understand role raise care children support husbands mission wives submit husbands lord ephesians patriarchal religion female sins like rebellion envy dishonesty hypergamy dressing acting like whore hamstering rationalizing sin condemned woman saw fruit tree good food pleasing eye also desirable gaining wisdom took ate genesis also want women dress modestly decency propriety adorning elaborate hairstyles gold pearls expensive clothes good deeds appropriate women profess worship god timothy adam one deceived woman deceived became sinner timothy way adulterous woman eats wipes mouth says ive done nothing wrong proverbs finding virtuous woman unicorn married women tempted towards sins like envy women act impulses spite many observe west met many virtuous women sexual partners marriage respectful submissive husbands physically fit feminine good mothers older generations especially boomers involved traditional religion fewer younger women virtuous every single one met involved traditional religion tend rural small churches traditional religion extremely helpful finding vetting women provides community certain values want woman provides reliable references persons character woman spent younger years world came back bornagainvirgin red flag woman early teaches sunday school helps potluck dinners far likely wife material older women church usually let know woman whore patriarchal religion helps control womens sinful tendencies proper training woman virtuous traditional religion acts curb cure womens immoral rebellious destructive behavior wife goes womens bible study group often receives instruction older religious women includes things like telling submissive lose weight healthy waste money cheerful sex regular basis learn get control emotions teach older women reverent way live slanderers addicted much wine teach good urge younger women love husbands children selfcontrolled pure busy home kind subject husbands titus one wifes friends corrected attitude toward sex saying need view body sheath husbands sword routinely thanks sex natural alpha little fear wife going suddenly cut sex minor slip band brothers weve got back bro deus vult great power comes great responsibility patriarch commanded lead family instructing wife kids act properly genuine love wellbeing must top game physically fit think rationally wife irrational attend mens bible study talk leading men every man group owns gun often go shooting together encourage support teach correct sharp intense discussions pastor men church character life decisions things handled like men discussed open realtalk rhetorical bullshit masculine love concern aided thinking deeply life correcting bad decisions made awhile back helped another man verge divorce working hours week would stand employer energy lead family told marriage counseling getting bullshit talk feelings slavish attitude toward employer making wife lose respect women church also talked wife choosing respectful submissive spite rebellious emotions cut back hours work enabled able captain ship along training wife received helped become respectful wife less bitch sex several times week doubt would happened without patriarchal religion children ive succeeded father see culture toxic feminized immoral men need place raise children apart toxins church great place kids go sunday school classes taught respectful wife legitimate adult authorities several families welldisciplined children trust wont corrupt kids wife often takes kids playdates socialize wholesome women great alternative sitting around social media day conclusion patriarchal traditional religion change female nature help restrain past generations maintained civilization confidently say traditional religion main reason maintain happy marriage cesspool culture religious might consider institutions may provide similar support marriage childraising
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by day i work in a scrap yard it is not glamorous but glamour does not pay my bills in the evening i teach in a welding program at a community college like many others i once bought into the fallacy that you need a piece of paper from a university to succeed in life at the age of thirty i graduated from a university with an undergraduate degree and the customary debt which came along with it twentynine years later i see how wrong i was soon after graduating i obtained an office job and moved to a city where i knew no one the job i was so optimistic about turned out to be like marriage to a crack whore each day was as if walking through a minefield full of dysfunctional women emasculated men drama backstabbing catfights and every other problem associated with modern workplaces worse yet the cut male managers allowed trim to be in charge resulting in a fucked up toxic culture after three tumultuous and abusive years i found myself unceremoniously kicked to the curb and surprisingly relieved after a lengthy stint of unemployment i landed an entrylevel job in a metal fabrication company one of the benefits offered was tuition reimbursement for work related classes i enrolled in welding classes at night and upgraded my skills all on my employers dime i immediately noticed a difference from my previous job i worked exclusively with men except for a few token assholes the men liked their solitude did their jobs and left each other alone the work was varied creative and with overtime the pay was decent the fact that i had a work ethic showed up every day on time and desired to learn earned me respect quickly i eventually went down a different path but returned to welding parttime as an adjunct instructor welding is the joining of two metal pieces or parts by applying heat a filler metal or electrode helps to make the joint power source supplies electricity required for heat and a shielding gas or fluxcovered electrode aids in the welding process the most common welding processes are gas metal arc welding gmaw flux core arc welding fcaw gas tungsten arc welding gtaw and shielded metal arc welding smaw of these gas metal arc welding is the easiest to learn and offers the fastest production welding involves both ferrous steel and nonferrous metals aluminum stainless steel why welding according to a bureau of labor report the need for welders will grow by percent by according to a national association of manufacturers report nearly percent of manufacturers in the united states report that they cannot find skilled welders to meet demand the american welding society reports that the average age for a welder is now in the midfifties entrylevel wages in my region average annually with skilled welders earning and more after five years in the trade i frequently hear from employers who are desperate for skilled welders one plant manager told me there are too many computer jockeys and not enough people who can weld and turn a wrench another manufacturer told me we have over a dozen welders retiring and no one to replace them further the school i teach at has more jobs available than they have students enrolled what welders do welders work in manufacturing construction maintenance repair facilities and service companies welders typically work eighthour shifts and a fiveday week but overtime is common welders often perform other duties like operating metal fabrication equipment and doing assembly work the more skills a welder develops the more value and earning potential he has for example being able to weld cut and fit up metals and read weld symbols and prints will command a higher wage becoming certified in certain weld procedures also increases a welders wages and marketability qualifications welding is the quintessential bluecollar job it is physically demanding hot dirty and requires a high degree of skill other personal characteristics are good eyesight and hand eye coordination good manual dexterity and good concentration training community colleges offer affordable training for entrylevel jobs in welding most programs are nine months but my school also offers a sixteenweek work ready certificate in welding students learn common welding processes thermal cutting processes and blueprint reading unlike the typical ivory palace college professors instructors are required to have a minimum of three years related and verifiable industrial experience job placement is also good additional facts despite a decent paying skill in high demand clueless parents and educators continue to dissuade young men from entering bluecollar trades like welding the result has been an entire generation of young men ruined by hostile fouryear colleges worthless degrees and insurmountable debt perhaps you are a perceptive and bright young rok reader considering a career change in closing consider these facts you will always have employment as a welder welding skills are highly transferable you can carry these skills to your next and often higher paying job unlike many whitecollar corporate jobs of today the average welders wages increase with skill overtime merit increases and production bonuses are common benefits for welders at the end of your shift you can leave your job at the door welding offers a level of creativity solitude and seeing the fruits of your labor studies show that welders machinists and other bluecollar trades have lower suicide rates than many whitecollar professions welding is often a gateway trade into other even higher paying trades like machinist multicraft machinery maintenance and millwright welding is a male dominated occupation traditionalist men will find it offers some insulation and respite from the typical feminist diatribe and pc bullshit of todays corporate world conclusion how has welding benefited me first i developed reasoning skills something that academia failed to do i also developed a thorough understanding of how men do the dirty nasty and dangerous jobs in this life feminists and elitists can marginalize men all they want but men risk their lives and health to build and maintain their shit further welding has opened some doors for me mainly teaching my ultimate goal is to teach welding fulltime a late life career change if you will and one i hope will happen read more is a blue collar job for you
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home month popular western civilization worth saving western civilization worth saving beau albrecht father highranking student radical poobah still thinks castro bees knees although makes technically red diaper baby rejected baloney early days write stories mostly comedy science fiction well maintain blog mainly dating advice political commentary writing projects november politics predicted usa longer white majority thank ted kennedys immigration nationality act politicians swore wouldnt change american ethnic composition europe due declining native birth rates mass immigration eventually come pass several nations later century according coudenhovekalergi plan leftists really big hearts think wonderful globalism cultural marxism driving forces behind population replacement policies unawareness apathy almost much problem think western civilization go toilet go flow enjoy ride way tubes thanks media propaganda educational indoctrination idea civilization worth anything dont slightest concern posterity still theyre pretty naive believe things cant turn far worse within lifetimes bad need reminding future going get better worse trends continue unabated founding peoples lose control destiny history shows happens results good pillaging plundering genteel affair modern times though always youre still going like new rulers say since things changed much abolish affirmative action setasides show weve transcended race dont count likely theyll double preferential treatment programs come new ones chance block spoils systems thats beginning diversification cities last several decades baddetroit need say moreand riots really getting hand imagine like hope influencing things like section housing moving neighborhood youll get real police protection facing aztlán crowd takes southwest community agitators get charge big cities together constituency electoral majority controlling federal government also remember theyve told since youre evil oppressors responsible problems parts flyover country might able hold nothing short forming country stop advance progress ever come secession theyll surrounded outnumbered outgunned lets keep things getting point hope refugees taken characteristics invaders ive painted grim picture realistic happen later things look worse jean raspails camp saints describes bleak future like isnt usa line western europe perhaps eastern europe australia time want keep disappearing endless night time act sometimes luck sovereignty regained example spanish reconquista nations balkans rising centuries turkish yoke however results arent guaranteed nations may never recover examples dhimmis subjugated military occupation outnumbered lands founding populations must allow dispossessed countries first place granted dark forces globalism powerfuland theyd like us think theyre invinciblebut must stopped also want think theyre smarter know whats good theyd simply focus getting richer cease social engineering theyd far less answer political establishment failed us theyre working public wont easy must reassert control destiny deserve dispossessed brainwashed sjws welcoming destruction even sayoften haughty condescensionthat lose countries deserve fate ignoring moment sheer snottiness well might makes right argument incongruent usual rhetoric fairness prepare assimilated resistance futile crowd lets consider following facts communist propaganda campaign launched western world mutated cultural marxism kicked high gear people idea scope things like political correctness came senior citizens remember like living fairly normal country even fewer never grew exposed propaganda one form another rest us indoctrinated early age mass media educational establishment western political tradition lately openness democracy reason dont conduct political change torches pitchforks days play fair even enemies often dont political correctness encourages disadvantaged solidarity vilifies majority one reason defensive usually losing people vague idea extent managed democracy sheer corruption population replacement policies mostly put faith mainstream opposition parties realizing theyve sold deeppockets globalists mainstream conservatism controlled opposition providing token resistance best extent treachery disinformation limited options resistance managed democracy grotesquely dishonest defeatists tell us losing fair fight opinion give one word whenever hear defeatists crowing inevitable deserve remember want demoralize anyone else listening goes tell loving people wanting posterity survive hatred suppose someone losing home devious swindle orchestrated crooks widely lauded fairness caring honesty would height arrogance tell defrauded deserved shut let happen depopulation population replacement agenda first eu accept least million asylumseekers annually foreseeable future eu provide euros per asylumseeker first two years help cover housing healthcare education costsand make accepting refugees appealing member states dont fooled isnt happening vague invisible force called progress pushing things inevitably direction actively promoted globalist interests adopted cultural marxism means control native fertility rates declining replacement level major factors women encouraged spend partying trying get rich cube farm encouraging make starting family last priority often leaves unhappy long term many miss chance begin good economy tends positively correlated higher fertility rates recessions births go implications obvious less tax money taken working citizens costly social services programs spitinyoureye wars theyd able afford children sending guilty prison instead bailing crash economy might good indirect measure third american babies conceived end aborted thanks feminism leftists think wonderful scream bloody murder whenever savage killer death row executed thats another matter declining fertility rates globalists tell us must open floodgates third world immigration prop population support aging citizens theyve fed us poison soothe symptoms want feed us another kind poison hell granted keeping social security going usa challenge still pretty uncertain newlyarriving immigrantsif become majoritywill able willing support millions elderly gringos future european retirees well cared refugees africa middle east way things many prefer rioting looting collecting welfare working going people propping european retirement programs dispossession inevitable let happen must educate rest public whats going convince future worth saving posterity worth preserving weve achieved critical mass confront political establishment get government start working us rather us whats us whenever someone writes western civilization nothing injustice oppression theyre using technology invented complain us fashionableespecially academiato bash western civilization perfect nobody else either truth creative dynamic industrious people us impression dont culture people thats mistaken could spend day listing major artists composers poets philosophers writers theologians like would scratch surface cultures made notable contributionsparticularly east asia middle eastbut fact majority science technology makes life comfortable today originated western world electricity motorized transportation refrigeration telecommunications computers need go yep us shared medical advances rest world increasing longevity quality life around globe whether worlds future looks like star trek like blade runner may lot whether people survive finally us going live lives native countries want stay nations grew time future todays youth running show elderly kind place want western civilization great lets keep going
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the importance of patriarchal religion to marriage and childrearing the importance of patriarchal religion to marriage and childrearing brutus centinel brutus centinel is an american christian patriarch leading a family resistance to the decline because guns are libertys teeth brutus is a firearms enthusiast and a militia officer brutus fights to help americans across the political spectrum wake up to the tyranny of our corporate overloads november religion i live in america and i am happily married with kids i do not write this because i am more manly or intelligent or successful than you i am not i write this to share the main key to my success patriarchal traditional religion i am writing from my own religious convictions which i believe are true you are free to disagree but you may still find value here i have read the writings of other religions and consider them true myths useful for their wisdom even though i may disagree with their theology neomasculinity itself is a philosophy that can be accepted by people of different religions or no religion modern religion ill find another church thanks modern religion is a feminized wasteland god exists to impose obligations on men and excuses womens evil acts faith is blind irrational and collectivist men hate modern religion which is why most churches in the west are demographically imbalanced toward women men are bored to death with touchyfeely sermons endless committee meetings female gossip and the losers sitting in the pews around them this is not how it should be patriarchal religion thats more like it patriarchal religion is interesting to men it teaches that god is a man creator of rationality slayer of evil men protector of the innocent praise be to the lord my rock who trains my hands for war my fingers for battle psalm in maleled churches women are taught to be respectful to their fathers husbands and legitimate authority they understand that their role is to raise and care for children and support their husbands mission wives submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the lord ephesians in patriarchal religion female sins like rebellion envy dishonesty hypergamy dressing and acting like a whore and hamstering or rationalizing sin are condemned when the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye and also desirable for gaining wisdom she took some and ate it genesis i also want the women to dress modestly with decency and propriety adorning themselves not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes but with good deeds appropriate for women who profess to worship god timothy and adam was not the one deceived it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner timothy this is the way of an adulterous woman she eats and wipes her mouth and says ive done nothing wrong proverbs finding a virtuous woman this is the unicorn i married all women are tempted towards sins like envy but not all women act on their impulses in spite of what many observe in the west i have met many virtuous women few sexual partners before marriage respectful submissive to their husbands physically fit feminine good mothers most are in the older generations especially before the boomers most are involved in traditional religion there are fewer younger women who are virtuous and every single one that i have met is involved in traditional religion they tend to be more rural from small churches traditional religion can be extremely helpful to finding and vetting women it provides a community with certain values that you want in a woman and it provides reliable references for a persons character a woman who spent her younger years out in the world and came back at be a bornagainvirgin is a red flag but a woman in her early s who teaches sunday school and helps with the potluck dinners is far more likely to be wife material the older women in the church will usually let you know if a woman is a whore patriarchal religion helps control womens sinful tendencies with proper training woman can be virtuous traditional religion acts as a curb but not a cure for womens immoral rebellious destructive behavior my wife goes to a womens bible study group where she often receives instruction from older religious women this includes things like telling her to be submissive to me lose weight and be healthy not waste money have cheerful sex on a regular basis and to learn how to get some control over her emotions teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine but to teach what is good then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children to be selfcontrolled and pure to be busy at home to be kind and to be subject to their husbands titus one of my wifes friends once corrected her attitude toward sex saying you need to view your body as a sheath for your husbands sword she now routinely thanks me after we have sex i am not a natural alpha but i have little fear that my wife is going to suddenly cut off sex if i have a minor slip up band of brothers weve got your back bro deus vult with this great power comes great responsibility as a patriarch i am commanded to lead my family instructing my wife and kids on how to act properly with genuine love for their wellbeing i must be on top of my game be physically fit and think rationally when my wife is irrational i attend a mens bible study where we talk about leading as men every man in my group owns a gun and we often go shooting together we encourage support teach and correct each other i have had sharp intense discussions with my pastor and men in my church about my own character and life decisions things are handled like men discussed in the open with realtalk not rhetorical bullshit and masculine love and concern for each other this has aided me in thinking deeply about my life and correcting bad decisions i have made awhile back we helped another man who was on the verge of divorce he was working hours a week because he would not stand up to his employer and had no energy to lead his family we told him that the marriage counseling he was getting was bullshit talk about your feelings more and that his slavish attitude toward his employer was making his wife lose respect for him the women in our church also talked to his wife about choosing to be respectful and submissive in spite of her rebellious emotions he cut back hours at work which enabled him able to be captain of his ship again this along with training his wife received helped her become more respectful now his wife is less of a bitch and they have sex several times a week i doubt this would have happened without patriarchal religion children ive succeeded as a father we see that our culture is toxic feminized and immoral men need a place to raise children apart from these toxins and church is a great place to do this my kids go to sunday school classes where they are taught to be respectful to me my wife and legitimate adult authorities we have several families with welldisciplined children that we can trust wont corrupt our kids my wife often takes the kids for playdates so she can socialize with wholesome women which is a great alternative to sitting around on social media all day conclusion patriarchal traditional religion will not change female nature but it can help restrain it this is how past generations maintained civilization i can confidently say that traditional religion is the main reason i can maintain a happy marriage in this cesspool of a culture those who are not religious might consider other institutions that may provide similar support for their marriage and childraising
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election inching slowly towards end experts nervously scrambling find dirt would stop trump train first megyn kelly pulled sexist card undisclosed tax returns comments john mccain making fun crippled reporters reading mein kampf remarks dating daughter accusations racism former employees usage eminent domain hiring immigrants questionable practices trump university scandal blunder abortion old comments drug decriminalization gun control relationship clintons dc insiders comments refugees illegal immigrants khan incident course pussygrabbing scandal surely time sink campaign wont yet time teflon deflects dirt dexterously ghetto trash trying escape alimony payments nothing seems able stop opponents ever stop trying trump fantastic ability escape unharmed would clearly destroy career politician howard deans yeehaw enough end bid democratic candidate yet trump call end muslim refugees accused grabbing women loins end praised masses mainstream media spew bile allowed trump maneuver nimbly accusations unprecedented role internet media elections including able reach people directly twitter lack trust traditional media well biggerthanlife persona letting get away others would lynched thats story another article would rather talk something else particularly anything could stop answer surprise goes conventional wisdom yes think trumps weak spot one biggest problems defeating trump unlike politicians political scandals seem affect even aid saying every antitrump meme also protrump meme trump mastered political antifragility causes strengthen opponents try destroy trump defeated lefts platform fascists mentality saying things outrageous option report left cannot choose cover let wallow obscurity like ron paul neither attack attacks make popular one memorable movie quote remember went something like every man weak spot first try buy money women go family doesnt work well bullet always job unfortunately unlike political losers need peoples money lack female attention family smart probably safe violence isnt article god forbid donald trump getting assassinated would stop trump trump train trump man trump idea avatar discontent opposed progressive ideology would become martyr thus raising hatred opponents fever pitch might alter americas consciousness forever trumps enemies cant afford ignoring trump work throwing dirt work bribing doesnt work even killing wont work left answer might surprise see trumps power comes contrarianism candidate anticandidate people dont vote trump vote hillary obama progressives cuckservatives wrecking ball injured working class nonliberal whites well minorities completely love progressive marxist ideology want use establishment done stop well lets ask makes trump popular brashness antipc attitudes antielitism part establishment hacks one different gives trump strength would make sense weaken would present opposite present nothing special make look boring weak present another pcdrone theyve claimed nonstop trump next hitler start building concentration camps sexually assaulting random women grabbing cock pockets obliterate muslims minorities right wing death squad robots instead could claimed weakling trying act tough wont deliver anything love political correctness respects women progressives best choice bring four years obama course would present difficulties age online media monopoly physical press broken news circulates speed minutes rather hours days would hard establishment media accomplish hard call trump ordinary boring statements break many taboos yet difficult may least would chance success small calling sexist racist mean words nothing stop instead made popular masses incidents made donald seem human made people trust showing flaws opposite effect intended hated already needed extra ammo liked either left indifferent whats worse excited statements worst moderates doubts set mind however considering short attention span undecided voters stellar performance second debate clearly made forget statement maybe even convinced focus bills sexual misdeeds instead havent opponents used brings us final point article havent opponents used brains figure hard believe considering amount money poured think tanks truth like strategy forsaken sideeffects would camp opponents try attack another pc drone would also attacking like hillary trying paint trump sex offender made easier trump point bills sexual indiscretions said mighty book kek thee dwell glass lodgings shall propel sedimentary formations prophecy kek chapter verse attacking trump multicultural politically correct weak inefficient shill would shed light establishments weakness means order draw voters away trump would claim trump loves multiculturalism antiracism open borders free trade globalism offer another candidate would even extreme crucial issues using strategy trump even successful would pyrrhic victory opponents cuckservatives would acknowledge cant woo supporters talks reducing taxes bringing back reaganism truth future bleak reaganbushcuck wing gop even win election would lose war left cultural war winning elections cultural metawarfare instead moderating message attempt win election used popular culture mass media push liberal values masses right wing option concessions dropping people opposed civil rights womens liberation closed borders put simply battle lost even trump cametrump match ignited powder keg simply mobilized people said others kept private always wanted say turning back elites cannot choose ignore popular still win elections anymore reform gop account constituencys desire risk ending dust bin history longer option charm sheeple talks low taxes open borders awfulness bigotry least nominally give something back people stay power one wise commenter site said trump may liar like rest least saying right lies next thing people manosphere altright look trumplike figures copy trumps rhetoric fail deliver solutions try coopt redirect anger first time years winning culture war read cruzsexscandal propel donald trump white house
messagingapp comp lines profit misses estimates as ads push meets slow growth
home this month popular is western civilization worth saving is western civilization worth saving beau albrecht my father was a highranking student radical poobah and still thinks castro is the bees knees although this makes me technically a red diaper baby i rejected all that baloney early on these days i write stories mostly comedy science fiction as well as maintain a blog mainly about dating advice political commentary and my writing projects november politics by its predicted the usa will no longer have a white majority which in was for this we can thank ted kennedys immigration and nationality act of which the politicians swore up and down wouldnt change the american ethnic composition in europe due to declining native birth rates and mass immigration this will eventually come to pass for several other nations later this century all according to the coudenhovekalergi plan the leftists with their really big hearts think all this will be wonderful globalism and cultural marxism are the driving forces behind population replacement policies but unawareness and apathy are almost as much of a problem some think that if western civilization will go down the toilet they should just go with the flow and enjoy the ride all the way down the tubes thanks to media propaganda and educational indoctrination they have no idea that their own civilization is worth anything and dont have the slightest concern for their own posterity still theyre pretty naive to believe that things cant turn far worse within their own lifetimes why this is bad for those who need reminding in the future is this going to get better or worse if trends continue unabated the founding peoples will lose control over their destiny history shows that when this happens the results are not good pillaging and plundering is a more genteel affair in modern times though not always but youre still not going to like it will your new rulers say since things have changed so much how about we abolish affirmative action and setasides to show weve transcended race dont count on it more likely theyll double down on these preferential treatment programs and come up with new ones and you will have no chance to block the spoils systems thats just the beginning too the diversification of cities for the last several decades has been baddetroit need i say moreand riots really are getting out of hand now imagine what it will be like when you have no hope of influencing things like section housing moving into your neighborhood or if youll get any real police protection this is what were facing if the aztlán crowd takes over the southwest the community agitators get in charge of the big cities and together their constituency has an electoral majority controlling the federal government also remember that theyve been told since the s that youre evil oppressors responsible for all their problems parts of flyover country might be able to hold out for a while but nothing short of forming their own country will stop the advance of progress if it were ever to come to secession theyll be surrounded outnumbered and outgunned lets keep things from getting to that point is there any hope refugees have taken on the characteristics of invaders ive painted a grim picture but i have to be realistic as for what will happen later things only look worse jean raspails camp of the saints describes a bleak future like that this isnt just the usa on the line but western europe too and perhaps eastern europe and australia in time if we want to keep from disappearing into the endless night the time to act is now sometimes with luck sovereignty can be regained for example the spanish reconquista or the nations of the balkans rising after a few centuries under the turkish yoke however the results arent guaranteed some nations may never recover in these examples the dhimmis were subjugated under military occupation but they were not outnumbered in their own lands the founding populations must not allow themselves to be dispossessed in their own countries in the first place granted the dark forces of globalism are very powerfuland theyd like us to think theyre invinciblebut they must be stopped they also want you to think theyre smarter than you and know whats good for you if theyd simply focus on getting richer and cease their social engineering theyd have far less to answer for not only has our political establishment failed us theyre working against the public it wont be easy but we must reassert control over our destiny do we deserve to be dispossessed brainwashed sjws welcoming their own destruction some will even sayoften with haughty condescensionthat if we lose our countries then we deserve this fate ignoring for a moment the sheer snottiness as well as the might makes right argument incongruent with the usual rhetoric of fairness by the prepare to be assimilated resistance is futile crowd lets consider the following facts in the s a communist propaganda campaign was launched in the western world in the s this mutated into cultural marxism and kicked into high gear during the s most people have no idea of the scope of it all or where things like political correctness came from only senior citizens remember what it was like living in a fairly normal country even fewer never grew up exposed to this propaganda in one form or another the rest of us have been indoctrinated from an early age by the mass media and educational establishment the western political tradition lately is about openness and democracy for this reason we dont conduct political change by torches and pitchforks these days we play fair even if our enemies often dont further political correctness encourages the disadvantaged to have solidarity but vilifies the same in the majority this is one reason why were on the defensive and for now usually losing most people only have a vague idea about the extent of managed democracy and sheer corruption those against population replacement policies mostly put their faith in the mainstream opposition parties not realizing that theyve sold out to deeppockets globalists too mainstream conservatism is a controlled opposition providing token resistance at best so with that extent of treachery disinformation limited options for resistance and managed democracy its grotesquely dishonest for the defeatists to tell us that were losing a fair fight as for their opinion that we should just give up i have one word no whenever you hear the defeatists crowing that this is inevitable or that we deserve it remember that they want to demoralize you and anyone else listening the same goes for when they tell you that loving your people and wanting your posterity to survive is hatred suppose someone is losing his home by a devious swindle orchestrated by crooks widely lauded for their fairness caring and honesty it would be the height of arrogance to tell the defrauded that he deserved it and should shut up about it and let it happen the depopulation and population replacement agenda first the eu has to accept at least a million asylumseekers annually for the foreseeable future the eu should provide euros per asylumseeker for each of the first two years to help cover housing healthcare and education costsand to make accepting refugees more appealing to member states dont be fooled this isnt happening because some vague invisible force called progress is pushing things inevitably in this direction no its being actively promoted by globalist interests that have adopted cultural marxism as a means of control why are native fertility rates declining below replacement level the major factors are women are encouraged to spend their s partying and their s trying to get rich in a cube farm encouraging them to to make starting a family last priority often leaves them very unhappy over the long term and many will miss the chance to begin good economy tends to be positively correlated with higher fertility rates during recessions births go down the implications are obvious if less tax money was taken from working citizens for costly social services programs and spitinyoureye wars then theyd be able to afford more children sending the guilty to prison instead of bailing them out when they crash the economy might be a good indirect measure too about a third of american babies conceived end up aborted thanks feminism the same leftists who think this is wonderful will scream bloody murder whenever a savage killer on death row is executed but all thats another matter because of declining fertility rates the globalists tell us that we must open the floodgates of third world immigration to prop up the population and support the aging citizens so theyve fed us poison and to soothe the symptoms they want to feed us another kind of poison to hell with that granted keeping social security going in the usa will be a challenge still its pretty uncertain that newlyarriving immigrantsif they become the majoritywill be able or willing to support millions of elderly gringos as for future european retirees will they be well cared for by refugees from africa and the middle east the way things are now many of them prefer rioting looting and collecting welfare over working so these are going to be the people propping up the european retirement programs dispossession is inevitable only if we let it happen for now we must educate the rest of the public about whats going on and convince them that their future is worth saving and their posterity is worth preserving once weve achieved critical mass we can confront the political establishment and get the government to start working for us rather than against us whats in it for us whenever someone writes that western civilization is nothing but injustice and oppression theyre using technology we invented to complain about us its fashionableespecially in academiato bash western civilization were not perfect but nobody else is either the truth is that were a creative dynamic and industrious people some of us are under the impression that we dont have any culture only other people do but thats mistaken i could spend all day listing our major artists composers poets philosophers writers theologians and the like but i only would scratch the surface other cultures have made notable contributionsparticularly east asia and the middle eastbut the fact is that the majority of science and technology that makes life comfortable today originated in the western world electricity motorized transportation refrigeration telecommunications computers need i go on yep that was us we shared our medical advances with the rest of the world increasing longevity and quality of life around the globe whether the worlds future looks more like star trek or more like blade runner may have a lot to do with whether or not our people survive finally most of us are going to live out our lives in our native countries do we want them to stay the same nations we grew up in some time in the future todays youth will be running the show while were elderly what kind of a place do we want it to be by then western civilization is great lets keep it going
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cuckservatism topic previously discussed detail return kings articles comments sections alike underlying reason topic focus great deal discussion roots deeply steeped cowardice betrayal readership well acquainted political social implications cuckservatism also need also discuss behavioral roots accomplish task used social media accounts examine connections mine displayed classic red flags associated cuckservatism searched common traits possessed based nature rants posts three characteristics listed represent key factors opinion necessary individual transform otherwise normal person cuck understand factors enable us develop comprehensive strategy rendering irrelevant apart merely ignoring political naiveté nothing screams political naivety voting last minute candidate considers conservative alternative trump factor represents first step one must take become cuckservative entails believing series premises patently false political naiveté include simpler forms believing wage gap illegal immigrants natural republicans conversely political naiveté also complex individual afflicted might believe equality virtue democratic two party system best form government perfect example seen friends associates blindly believe constitution individuals refuse vote anyone constitutionalist sole metric judging candidates implications obscure constitutional issue care perspective indicative political naiveé globalists run political system jettisoned belief constitution rule law decades ago constitution merely convenient rubber stamp used justify unpopular political decisions accordingly anyone votes candidates narrow viewpoints naively playing hands globalists fail understand constitution function nation thats virtuous willing abide principles united states continues current demographic track eventually import new population despises original american values would also actively vote eliminate constitution provide protections occurs people simply ignore invoking arguably important phrase american legal history fail understand stakes considering ones voting patterns instead opting emulate local revolutionary war reenactors hallmark trait cuckservative lack self confidence cuckservative would never get far lack selfconfidence feelings doubt serve foundation represents second symptom cuckservatism return kings countless articles acquire maintain selfconfidence form preventative medicine doubts ones chances success coupled fear innate need selfpreservation easily shatter people moments weakness easy person something would normally find revolting conversely one steadfastly believes convictions selfconfidence become stronger true even situations seemingly entire world following clip interview jeb bush lester holt republican primary excellent illustration lack selfconfidence lead powerlessness lack control ones surroundings beginning clip jebs lack self confidence readily apparent whether fact far hunched seat attempts curb nervousness forcing smile laugh fact rarely made eye contact lester holt ability project undermined body language even deeper sign lack selfconfidence begins video holt proceeds ask didnt frame charleston shooting act racism situation asked question setting individual one two choices selfconfident would turn question back lester holt saying racism social construct people care limpwristed losers however one like jeb lacks selfconfidence response situation immediately try compromise acknowledging premise raised someone like lester holt spend rest interview trying show theyre bad person approach jeb used demonstrated lester holt weak led lester forcing jeb backtrack question decision support stand ground laws tenure floridas governor lack selfconfidence evidenced jebs failure retain control surroundings interview lester holt highlights classic character trait shared cuckservatives answer come trait prevalent might product childhood havent able get way archetypal cuck likely bullied mistreated child never learned fight back love hated others never developed necessary level selfconfidence succeed life eventually translates politics want friends everyone destroy political movement established ones father one fell swoop grown leftist northeast considering still live work im used political minority coping mechanisms situation consisted unknowingly embracing key tenets alternative right knowing pick political fights additionally also resolved never friendly ever trust anyone political left decision vindicated last several years unfortunately approach popular one amongst political dissidents region many grown leftists simply view political disagreements series gentlemanly differences put aside beers refuse believe leftists sjws hate anyone even slightly disagrees like women view weak men easy targets accordingly faced choice staying true beliefs moderating order ensure get invited next sushi night art showing paint nite cuckservatives know roll every time specifically theyll profess support third party libertarian constitutional candidates supporting slightly lessliberal version leftist friends politics tendency demonstrates key principle cuckservatives subconsciously hold want liked everyone therefore anything make happen even means betraying beliefs process adopting attitude ever lead success life child keeps getting beat schoolyard bully cower bullys presence act lackey order avoid getting hurt know approach worthless way respond fight back yet people adopt approach dealing political equivalent schoolyard bully perhaps reason trying friends globalists trying appease moderate stems way handled problems childhood however issue another topic deserves discussion remedy character flaws even understand characteristics think active ways subvert cuckservatism entirely successful people fall category psychologically conditioned act way meaning much attempts open eyes fall deaf ears sympathy people theyve never internal drive fortitude necessary overcome adversity would rather wallow misery also pulling others abyss however always couple might show potential individuals might seen us cuckservatives imitated others around lacking positive role model could show truth greatest service select identify prove viable alternative cents day supposedly help starving african family rice six months us acting positive role models weaker brethren help immeasurably also advancing cause read david frenchs candidacy president shows cuckservatives cant stop donald trump
eu states agree caps on wholesale roaming charges
as the election is inching slowly towards its end experts are nervously scrambling to find any dirt that would stop the trump train first megyn kelly pulled the sexist card then it was his undisclosed tax returns then his comments on john mccain then making fun of crippled reporters then his reading of mein kampf then his remarks about dating his daughter then accusations of racism from former employees his usage of eminent domain hiring of immigrants and other questionable practices the trump university scandal his blunder on abortion old comments on drug decriminalization and gun control his relationship with the clintons and the dc insiders his comments on refugees and illegal immigrants the khan incident and of course the pussygrabbing scandal surely this time it will sink his campaign wont it and yet each time teflon don deflects dirt more dexterously than ghetto trash trying escape alimony payments nothing seems to be able to stop him not that his opponents will ever stop trying trump has the fantastic ability to escape unharmed from what would clearly destroy any career politician howard deans yeehaw was enough to end his bid for the democratic candidate in and yet trump can call for an end to muslim refugees be accused of grabbing women by their loins and end up being praised for it by the masses while the mainstream media spew their bile what has allowed trump to maneuver so nimbly against these accusations is the unprecedented role of internet media in elections including being able to reach people directly through twitter and a lack of trust in traditional media as well as his biggerthanlife persona letting him get away with what others would be lynched for but thats the story for another article i would rather talk about something else particularly is there anything that could stop him the answer will surprise you as it goes against all conventional wisdom yes but its not what you think trumps weak spot one of the biggest problems with defeating trump is that unlike other politicians political scandals not only seem to not affect him but they even aid him there is a saying that every antitrump meme is also a protrump meme trump has mastered political antifragility which causes him to only strengthen when opponents try to destroy him trump has defeated the lefts no platform for fascists mentality by saying things so outrageous they have no option but to report on him so the left cannot choose to not cover him and let him wallow in obscurity like they did with ron paul neither can they attack him for each of their attacks only make him more popular one memorable movie quote i remember went something like this every man has a weak spot first you try to buy him with money then women then you go for his family and if that doesnt work well a bullet always does the job unfortunately unlike other political losers don does not need other peoples money nor does he lack female attention and his family is smart and probably safe from violence but this isnt an article about god forbid donald trump getting assassinated that would stop trump but not the trump train trump is more than a man trump is an idea he is the avatar of discontent of all those opposed to progressive ideology he would become a martyr thus raising the hatred for his opponents to a fever pitch which might alter americas consciousness forever trumps enemies cant afford that so if ignoring trump does not work throwing dirt at him does not work bribing him doesnt work and even killing him wont work than what is left the answer might surprise you you see trumps power comes from his contrarianism he is not a candidate he is an anticandidate people dont just vote for trump they vote against hillary obama progressives and cuckservatives he is the wrecking ball who the injured working class and all nonliberal whites as well as minorities not completely in love in with progressive marxist ideology want to use against the establishment so what can be done to stop him well lets ask ourselves what makes trump popular his brashness his antipc attitudes his antielitism his not being a part of the establishment hacks his being not one of them his being different so if that is what gives trump strength it would make sense that to weaken him you would have to present him as the opposite of that to present him as being nothing special to make him look boring and weak to present him as just another pcdrone theyve claimed nonstop that trump is the next hitler and that he will start building concentration camps and sexually assaulting random women by grabbing their cock pockets and will obliterate muslims and minorities with right wing death squad robots instead they could have claimed that he is just weakling trying to act tough and that he wont deliver anything that he is in love with political correctness and respects women that he is a progressives best choice that he will bring four more years of obama that of course would present its own difficulties in the age of online media the monopoly of physical press has been broken when news circulates at the speed of minutes rather than hours and days it would be very hard for the establishment media to accomplish this it is very hard to call trump ordinary and boring when his statements break so many taboos yet as difficult as it may have been at the very least it would have had a chance of success as small as it was calling him sexist racist and other mean words did nothing to stop him and instead only made him more popular with the masses some of these incidents have made donald seem human and it made people trust him more showing his flaws had the opposite effect as intended as those who hated him already needed no extra ammo but those who liked him were either left indifferent or whats worse excited by his statements at worst a few moderates had doubts set in their mind however considering what short attention span undecided voters have his stellar performance at the second debate clearly made them forget about the statement and maybe even convinced them to focus on bills sexual misdeeds instead why havent his opponents used this against him this brings us to the final point of this article why havent his opponents used this against him have they not the brains to figure this out hard to believe considering the amount of money being poured into think tanks no the truth is like that the strategy was forsaken because of the sideeffects it would have on their own camp should his opponents try to attack him as another pc drone they would be also attacking themselves just like hillary trying to paint trump as sex offender only made it easier for trump to point at bills sexual indiscretions as it has been said in the mighty book of kek thee that dwell in glass lodgings shall not propel sedimentary formations the prophecy of kek chapter verse attacking trump for being multicultural politically correct weak inefficient or a shill would only shed light on the establishments own weakness this means that in order to draw voters away from trump they would have to claim trump loves multiculturalism antiracism open borders free trade globalism and offer another candidate who would be even more extreme than him on these crucial issues using this strategy against trump even if it was successful would be a pyrrhic victory for his opponents as cuckservatives would have to acknowledge they cant woo supporters with talks about reducing taxes and bringing back reaganism the truth is the future is bleak for reaganbushcuck wing of the gop even if they were to win the election they would lose the war the left has won the cultural war not just by winning elections but by cultural metawarfare instead of moderating their message in attempt to win election they used popular culture and mass media to push liberal values to the masses and so the right wing had no option but do concessions dropping people who opposed civil rights womens liberation and closed borders to put it simply the battle was lost even before trump cametrump was the match that ignited the powder keg he simply mobilized people and said what others kept in private but always wanted to say and now there is no turning back the elites cannot choose to ignore popular will and still win elections anymore they will have to reform the gop to account for their constituencys desire or risk ending in the dust bin of history there is no longer the option to charm the sheeple with talks about low taxes open borders and the awfulness of bigotry they will have to at least nominally give something back to the people to stay in power as one wise commenter on this site once said trump may be a liar like the rest of them but at least he is saying the right lies the next thing people on the manosphere and the altright will have to look after will be trumplike figures who will copy trumps rhetoric but will fail to deliver any solutions or they will try to coopt and redirect that anger but for now for the first time in more than years we are winning the culture war read more will the cruzsexscandal propel donald trump into the white house
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swallowed red pill take test swallowed red pill take test video december comments masculinity theres lot guys claim taken red pill suspect sea blue still swirling within core find thats watch following three portions video time grade test think witnessed heartwarming thing world yes youre drowning blue pill wish could female friend like indian man video yes youre still blue pill think theres nothing wrong friends girl yes youre bluer ocean run nearest bathroom throw toilet display supreme betatude yes youre red pill viscerally cringe actually get angry world girl said youre best friend world always beta withheld tears emotion yes youre blood pill one problem swallowing red pill get offended everything mainstream people enjoy longer digest media enjoy viral videos even normal conversation blue piller form red pill bubble whether frequenting sites manosphere dating women blue pill societies outright expatriating countries men rewarded masculine long live red pill ps make appearance
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cuckservatism is a topic that has previously been discussed in detail on return of kings in articles and comments sections alike the underlying reason that this topic is the focus of a great deal of discussion is because its roots are deeply steeped in both cowardice and betrayal while our readership is well acquainted with the political and social implications of cuckservatism there is also a need to also discuss its behavioral roots to accomplish this task i used my social media accounts to examine connections of mine who displayed all of the classic red flags associated with cuckservatism i then searched for common traits that they possessed based on the nature of their rants or posts the three characteristics listed below represent key factors which in my opinion are necessary for any individual to transform from an otherwise normal person into a cuck if we can understand these factors this will enable us to develop a more comprehensive strategy for rendering them irrelevant apart from merely ignoring them political naiveté nothing screams political naivety more than voting for a last minute candidate who considers himself a conservative alternative to trump this factor represents the first step that one must take to become a cuckservative because it entails believing in a series of premises that are patently false political naiveté can include simpler forms such as believing in the wage gap or that illegal immigrants are natural republicans conversely political naiveté can also be more complex in that an individual afflicted with it might believe in equality as a virtue or that a democratic two party system is the best form of government a perfect example of this can be seen in my friends and associates who blindly believe in the constitution these individuals refuse to vote for anyone other than a constitutionalist and their sole metric for judging candidates is the implications of an obscure constitutional issue that only they care about this perspective is indicative of political naiveé because the globalists who run our political system jettisoned any belief in the constitution and rule of law decades ago for them the constitution is merely a convenient rubber stamp used to justify unpopular political decisions accordingly anyone who votes only for candidates with such narrow viewpoints is naively playing into the hands of globalists because they fail to understand that the constitution will only function in a nation thats virtuous and willing to abide by its principles if the united states continues on its current demographic track we will eventually import a new population that not only despises original american values but would also actively vote to eliminate them the constitution will provide no protections if this occurs because these people will simply ignore it invoking arguably the most important phrase in all of american legal history to fail to understand these stakes when considering ones voting patterns instead opting to emulate the local revolutionary war reenactors is a hallmark trait of a cuckservative lack of self confidence a cuckservative would never get this far lack of selfconfidence and the feelings of doubt that serve as its foundation represents a second symptom of cuckservatism which is why return of kings has countless articles on how to acquire and maintain selfconfidence as a form of preventative medicine doubts as to ones chances of success coupled with fear and the innate need for selfpreservation can easily shatter most people in such moments of weakness its very easy for a person to do a and to do something that they would normally find revolting conversely if one steadfastly believes in their convictions and themselves their selfconfidence will become stronger this is true even in situations when seemingly the entire world is against them the following clip is from an interview that jeb bush did with lester holt during the republican primary and is an excellent illustration of how a lack of selfconfidence can lead to powerlessness and a lack of control over ones surroundings from the very beginning of this clip jebs lack of self confidence is readily apparent whether it was the fact that he was too far hunched over in his seat his attempts to curb his nervousness by forcing himself to smile or laugh or the fact that he rarely made eye contact with lester holt any ability that he has to project himself was undermined by his body language an even deeper sign of his lack of selfconfidence begins at in the video when holt proceeds to ask him why he didnt frame the charleston shooting as an act of racism in this situation if asked such a question in any setting an individual has one of two choices if he is selfconfident he would turn the question back on lester holt by saying that racism is a social construct and the only people who care about it are limpwristed losers however if one is like jeb and lacks selfconfidence their response to this situation will be to immediately try to compromise by acknowledging the premise raised by someone like lester holt and then spend the rest of the interview trying to show that theyre not a bad person this was the approach that jeb used and it demonstrated to lester holt that he was weak which then led to lester forcing jeb to backtrack and question his own decision to support stand your ground laws during his tenure as floridas governor a lack of selfconfidence as evidenced by jebs failure to retain control over his surroundings during his interview with lester holt highlights a classic character trait shared by cuckservatives the only answer that i can come up with as to why this trait is so prevalent is that it might be a product of their childhood that they havent been able to get over in a way the archetypal cuck was likely bullied or mistreated as a child but has never learned how to fight back or to love being hated by others because of this they never developed the necessary level of selfconfidence to succeed in life which eventually translates over to their politics they want to be friends with everyone how to destroy a political movement established by ones father in one fell swoop having grown up in the leftist northeast and considering that i still live and work there im used to being in the political minority my coping mechanisms for this situation consisted of unknowingly embracing key tenets of the alternative right and knowing how to pick my political fights additionally i also resolved to never be friendly with or ever trust anyone from the political left a decision that has been vindicated over the last several years unfortunately my approach is not a popular one amongst political dissidents in my region this is because many of them having grown up with leftists simply view their political disagreements as a series of gentlemanly differences that they can put aside over a few beers they refuse to believe that leftists and sjws hate anyone who even slightly disagrees with them and like women view weak men as easy targets accordingly when faced with the choice of staying true to their beliefs or moderating them in order to ensure that they get invited to the next sushi night art showing or paint nite the cuckservatives that i know will roll over every time specifically theyll profess support for third party libertarian or constitutional candidates while supporting a slightly lessliberal version of their leftist friends politics this tendency demonstrates a key principle that most cuckservatives subconsciously hold they want to be liked by everyone and will therefore do anything they can to make this happen even if it means betraying themselves and their own beliefs in the process when does adopting this attitude ever lead to success in life if a child keeps getting beat up by a schoolyard bully should they cower in the bullys presence and act as his lackey in order to avoid getting hurt we all know that such an approach is worthless and that the only way to respond is to fight back yet these people adopt the same approach when dealing with the political equivalent of a schoolyard bully perhaps their reason for trying to be friends with globalists and trying to appease them by being moderate stems from the way in which they handled problems in childhood however that issue itself is another topic that deserves discussion by itself is there a remedy for these character flaws even if we understand these characteristics and can think of active ways to subvert cuckservatism we will not be entirely successful most people who fall under this category have been psychologically conditioned to act this way meaning that much of our attempts to open their eyes will fall on deaf ears i have no sympathy for these people because theyve never had the internal drive or fortitude necessary to overcome adversity and would rather wallow in misery while also pulling others into the abyss with them however there are always a couple that might show potential these individuals might only be seen by us as cuckservatives because they imitated others around them while lacking a positive role model that could show them the truth the greatest service we can do for these select few is to identify them and prove that there is a viable alternative if cents a day can supposedly help a starving african family have rice for six months then us acting as positive role models to our weaker brethren will help them immeasurably while also advancing our own cause read more david frenchs candidacy for president shows that cuckservatives cant stop donald trump
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american woman bikini desecrates french catacombs female indiana jones brand american woman bikini desecrates french catacombs female indiana jones brand andré young european left decaying country greener pastures enjoys exploring subterranean places reading host interconnected topics yearns tradition november girls paris catacombs place dear heart born city front row seat see turn giant museum every wealthy asshole wanting piece city lights paris one visited cities world could see year year streets taken luxury clothing shops expensive venues middle lower classes pushed aside rising living costs rich globalists bobos neverending trail tourists could stroll around yet go twenty meters haussmanian hurdle find something different south seine lands deeply dug extract building stones voids filled since hundred kilometres mine galleries still exploring place officially forbidden good thing one go officiously provided one knows enter get lost labyrinth without bothering swarms tourists wasting money overpriced bar officially prohibited actually less selfmanaged loose community cataphiles catacombs one interesting places today paris allows genuine explorations friendly meetings also teaching masculine virtues venture seriously underground network fragile officials enjoying many visitors tread jurisdiction cataphiles complex relationship exposing one hand like show place share atmosphere passionate newcomers afraid much exposition attract many visitors stifle officials relative toleration unofficial activities well today cataphiles wont chastise mentioning topic public already made recently attention whore international scope alison teal hawaiian years old girl made show sent ludicrous photos daily mail im teach protecting planet yknow love bringing surfboards places without waves way im feminine indiana jones especially help crew ill never give credit follow instagram yt talking attention whoring lightly daily mail photos already tell much blond girl pink bikini carries pink surfboard narrow underground network definition waves surf take photos bit catacombs could used setting latest alisons adventures im joking adventures literally hitler trademark since least teal seems taken advantage nomadic lifestyle parents make photos movies promote heavily along way help dad wellconnected photographer selfpromoter claims master yoga got bunch awards media promotion longhaired alison thus handed niche allows travel world take pictures various places claim concerned environment résumé shows massive ego associated minor lies world school playgroundi guess smaller places would small giant ego may explain suffered claustrophobia paris see namedroppings references media awards big pictures alison teal alison teal learn styled female indiana jones time magazine oprah adventure huffington post really actually teal said huffpo aspired oprah adventure branding female indiana jones time year later said twitter résumé referred big lie lie indeed way also branded tarzan child huffpo interview would someone really grew wild obsessed linking famous icons excerpt huffpo article articles adds selfdescribed tarzan child excerpt time article named time magazine selfstyled résumé lie misattributing famous media outlets selfcharacterizing lavishly flattering labels cant even put right years referring said media pieces selfstyled female indiana jones less went seems joint undertaking daily mail descending paris catacombs symbols adventures namely pink bikini surfboard english tabloid released photos video testimony indianajonesinabikinisurfingthecatacombs th october days bunch french outlets copied mail content often translating verbatim struck first stunning inaccuracies tabloid published first mail claims teal went meters ground whereas actual depth catacombs goes meters depending network cant indiana jane tell difference meters second also claimed lacked oxygen witnessed water level suddenly rising best extremely unlikely water levels change month month even week week knowledge never changes abruptly seconds oxygen issue witnessed two times big party many people room enough oxygen light cigarette claustrophobic newcomers could stand place either completely made sudden water change oxygen issues order give story sensational aspect likely got panic attack due claustrophobia preferred twist grandiose plot rather acknowledging limitations mail ate published without question ask actual cataphile sure done anyone decent experience catacombes could told wrote also noticed quotes mention anyone crew gives credit men opened manhole cover helped go humid ladder showed way filmed would never found entrance one already know accepted guide neither could lift manhole covers hundred kilograms thin armseven round butt likes display couldnt first photo displayed mail notice strategically displays butt could bet sex guys enabled display happen julius evola hinted likely kind woman possibilities physical love often interesting narcissistic cult body seen many clothes possible evola revolt modern world chap respect thing makes teal special compared lookatme twats adventurous label tries put exploiting people places garner attention definitely special yet lot comments noticed behind weird mix glamour pseudoadventure offended treaded bones ie remnants real past men pink bikini proof bad taste selfaggrandizing maniait also utterly disrespectful indeed blatant example pussy pass imagine going hawaii bringing skateboard local cemetery start skateboarding graves pink throng expect would happen would probably get beaten locals media gave attention would label disturbed troll something like think would fair selfimportant oprah jane superadventure mainstream media reacts completely differently celebrates without least hint criticism though treading surfing bones actual past people respectful sure think especially appalling outlook teal seems carry place catacombs another background alison adventures whole places loaded historical spiritual significance reduced set egotic show another vapid character entire world school said meaning world turned mixture disneyland hollywood studio picture stroll around weeks ago alison teal busy showing near erupting volcano notice another strategic partdisplay butt usual newcomers catacombs come genuine interest place come find sometimes drink actual adventure cannot help feel humility perhaps even awe meeting bones millions nameless dead lived nineteenth century carried paris could grow different using place play adventure treading bones rather inappropriate outfit depending crew real cataphiles forgetting give slightest credit showing utter carelessness historical spiritual significance place alisons ego adventures show continues see lot comments negativeespecially cataphiles teal discreetly withdrawn video trail youtube putting private mode teals circus least one merit symbolizes pretty well one worst aspects westernization world west wilderness sacredness magic tons potential places tourism ultimately places losing soul turning disneylands catacombs worth definitely never fortunately immanent justice wave criticism teals disrespectful show well deserved harshly young libtard thought could hitchhike middle east prove muslims peaceful got raped killed peaceful ones theatrically claimed care event shew shown world giant kindergarten western strong independent narcissists world selfmarketing selfcentred cunts everyone busy caring ones image meaningless representations truly care place family members truly respectable women ones spot easily true cataphiles often discreet well humble servant bathed teal pretended surf place would definitely exhibit treading bones pink thong
Al Bundy
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have you swallowed the red pill take the test have you swallowed the red pill take the test video december comments masculinity theres a lot of guys who claim to haven taken the red pill but i suspect there is a sea of blue still swirling within their core to find out if thats you watch the following three portions of the above video time to grade the test did you think what you just witnessed was the most heartwarming thing in the world if yes youre drowning in blue pill do you wish you could have a female friend like the indian man in the video if yes youre still blue pill did you think theres nothing wrong with being friends with a girl if yes youre bluer than the ocean did you run to the nearest bathroom and throw up in the toilet at his display of supreme betatude if yes youre red pill did you viscerally cringe and actually get angry at the world when the girl said youre my best friend in the world and you always will be while the beta withheld his tears of emotion if yes youre blood pill one problem with swallowing the red pill is that you will get offended at just about everything that mainstream people enjoy you can no longer digest their media enjoy their viral videos or even have a normal conversation with a blue piller you form your own red pill bubble whether its frequenting sites on the manosphere not dating women from blue pill societies or outright expatriating to countries where men are rewarded for being masculine long live the red pill ps i make an appearance at
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three quarters americans oppose gun control
donald trump rushed stage reno possible assassination attempt donald trump rushed stage reno possible assassination attempt account syndicates news media outlets november news via breitbart republican presidential candidate donald trump rushed offstage reno nevada campaign rally protester audience involved extended incident near stage immediately clear occurring crowd several members appeared law enforcement us secret service jumped area protester could seen right side broadcasting networks video livestream event video trump rushed stage posted online video appears trump pauses look crowd event disrupter two us secret service agents seen rushing remove trump stage two agents also facilitate removal absence someone announced crowd trump would return protester eventually seen removed crowd although appeared struggle several law enforcement secret service agents secure protesters removal several minutes trump able take stage trump returned stage thanked crowd cheered back nobody said going easy us never stopped never ever stopped said trump man question handcuffs searched officers escorted rally area pictwittercompjomctmk
Al Bundy
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american woman in bikini desecrates french catacombs for her female indiana jones brand american woman in bikini desecrates french catacombs for her female indiana jones brand andré is a young european who left his decaying country in for greener pastures he enjoys exploring subterranean places reading about a host of interconnected topics and yearns for tradition november girls the paris catacombs are a place dear to my heart born in this very city i had a front row seat to see it turn into a giant museum every wealthy asshole wanting his own piece of the city of lights and paris being one of the most visited cities in the world i could see year after year the streets taken over by luxury clothing shops and expensive venues the middle and lower classes have been pushed aside by rising living costs so that the rich globalists the bobos and a neverending trail of tourists could stroll around yet go twenty meters below the haussmanian hurdle and you will find something very different south of the seine the lands have been deeply dug to extract building stones most of the voids have been filled since but more than a hundred kilometres of mine galleries are still there exploring the place is officially forbidden which is a good thing as one can go there officiously provided one knows how to enter and not get lost in the labyrinth without bothering with swarms of tourists or wasting money in an overpriced bar officially prohibited actually more or less selfmanaged by a loose community of cataphiles the catacombs are one of the most interesting places today in paris it allows for genuine explorations and friendly meetings while also teaching some masculine virtues to those who venture there seriously the underground network being fragile and the officials not enjoying when too many visitors tread on their jurisdiction the cataphiles have a complex relationship with exposing it on the one hand we like to show the place and share its atmosphere with passionate newcomers on the other we are afraid that too much exposition will attract too many visitors and stifle the officials relative toleration for unofficial activities well today other cataphiles wont chastise me for mentioning the topic in public for this has been already made recently by an attention whore of international scope alison teal a hawaiian or years old girl made a show of herself down there and sent ludicrous photos to the daily mail so im here to teach you about protecting the planet yknow i love bringing surfboards in places without waves by the way im the feminine indiana jones especially with the help of a crew ill never give credit to follow me on instagram and yt here we are not talking about attention whoring lightly the daily mail photos already tell much a blond girl in a pink bikini carries a pink surfboard in a narrow underground network where there is by definition no waves to surf at all to take some photos of herself herself herself and a bit of the catacombs as they could be used as the setting of the latest of alisons adventures im not joking these adventures are literally hitler a trademark since she was at least teal seems to have taken advantage from the nomadic lifestyle of her parents to make photos movies and promote herself heavily along the way with the help of her dad a wellconnected photographer and selfpromoter who claims to master yoga she got a bunch of awards and media promotion longhaired alison was thus handed a niche that allows her to travel the world take pictures of herself in various places and claim to be concerned about the environment her résumé shows a massive ego associated to minor lies the world was my school and playgroundi guess smaller places would be too small for her giant ego and this may explain why she suffered from claustrophobia under paris as we are to see below between namedroppings references to media awards and other big pictures of alison teal and alison teal we learn she was styled the female indiana jones by time magazine and the oprah of adventure by the huffington post really actually teal said to the huffpo she aspired to be the oprah of adventure in before branding herself as the female indiana jones to the time a year later not then she said on twitter and on her résumé how they had referred to her as such not a big lie but a lie indeed by the way she also branded herself a tarzan child in the huffpo interview would someone who really grew up in the wild be so obsessed with linking herself to famous icons excerpt from the huffpo article the same articles adds she is a selfdescribed tarzan child excerpt from the time article named by time magazine or selfstyled and now on her résumé not only does she lie by misattributing to famous media outlets selfcharacterizing and lavishly flattering labels but she cant even put the right years while referring to said media pieces so selfstyled female indiana jones no less went through what seems to be a joint undertaking with the daily mail by descending into the paris catacombs with the symbols of her adventures namely a pink bikini and a surfboard the english tabloid released the photos video and testimony of indianajonesinabikinisurfingthecatacombs the th of october days after a bunch of french outlets copied the mail content often translating it verbatim what struck me first are the stunning inaccuracies the tabloid published first the mail claims teal went meters below the ground whereas the actual depth of the catacombs goes between and meters depending on where you are in the network cant indiana jane tell the difference between and meters second she also claimed to have lacked oxygen and witnessed the water level suddenly rising this is at best extremely unlikely the water levels can change from month to month and even from week to week but to my knowledge it never changes abruptly in seconds as for the oxygen issue i have witnessed some only two times at a big party when so many people were in the same room that there was not enough oxygen to light a cigarette and from claustrophobic newcomers who could not stand the place either she completely made up the sudden water change and oxygen issues in order to give her story a sensational aspect or more likely got a panic attack due to claustrophobia but preferred to twist it into a grandiose plot rather than acknowledging her own limitations the mail just ate that up and published without question they did not ask any actual cataphile for sure had they done so anyone with a decent experience of the catacombes could have told them what i just wrote above i also noticed from her quotes that she does not mention anyone from her crew gives no credit to the men who opened the manhole cover helped her go down the humid ladder showed her the way filmed her she would never have found the entrance if no one already in the know had accepted to be her guide neither could she lift manhole covers of more than a hundred kilograms with her thin armseven the round butt she likes to display couldnt do that the first photo displayed by the mail notice how she strategically displays some of her butt i could bet she did not have sex with any of the guys who enabled her display to happen as julius evola hinted she is likely the kind of woman to whom the possibilities of physical love are often not as interesting as the narcissistic cult of her body or as being seen with as many or as few clothes as possible evola revolt against the modern world chap in this respect the only thing that makes teal special compared to all other lookatme twats is the adventurous label she tries to put on herself exploiting people and places to garner attention is definitely not special yet a lot of comments have noticed this behind the weird mix of glamour and pseudoadventure some are offended that she treaded on bones ie remnants of real past men in a pink bikini doing so is not only a proof of bad taste and selfaggrandizing maniait is also utterly disrespectful this is indeed a blatant example of pussy pass imagine going to hawaii bringing a skateboard at a local cemetery and start skateboarding over the graves in a pink throng what do you expect would happen you would probably get beaten by locals and if the media gave you attention at all they would label you as a disturbed troll or something like that all this i think would be fair but when a selfimportant oprah jane of superadventure does the same the mainstream media reacts completely differently and celebrates her without the least hint of criticism though she treading and surfing on bones of actual past people is not very respectful for sure i think especially appalling the outlook teal seems to carry on the place the catacombs are just another background for alison adventures whole places some loaded with historical and spiritual significance are reduced to a set for the egotic show of another vapid character the entire world was her school or so she said meaning that the world is turned into a mixture of disneyland and hollywood studio where her picture can stroll around some weeks ago alison teal was busy showing herself near an erupting volcano notice another strategic partdisplay of her butt usual newcomers to the catacombs come there with a genuine interest in the place they come to find out sometimes drink and have an actual adventure they cannot help but feel some humility perhaps even awe when meeting with the bones of millions of nameless dead most if not all of them having lived before the nineteenth century and having been carried there so that paris could grow this is very different from using the place to play adventure treading on bones in a rather inappropriate outfit depending on a crew of real cataphiles but forgetting to give them the slightest credit and showing utter carelessness to the historical and spiritual significance of the place all so that alisons ego adventures show continues as you can see above a lot of the comments are negativeespecially those from cataphiles and teal has discreetly withdrawn the video of her trail from youtube putting it into private mode teals circus has at least one merit it symbolizes pretty well one of the worst aspects of the westernization of the world in the west there is no wilderness no sacredness no magic there are tons of potential places for tourism but ultimately all these places are losing their soul and turning into disneylands the catacombs are worth it because they are definitely not so and should never be fortunately there can be some immanent justice the wave of criticism under teals disrespectful show is well deserved more harshly a young libtard who thought she could hitchhike through middle east to prove muslims peaceful got raped and killed by the peaceful ones she theatrically claimed to care about the event shew or should have shown that the world is not a giant kindergarten for western strong and independent narcissists in a world of selfmarketing and selfcentred cunts everyone is too busy caring about ones image and about meaningless representations to truly care about a place or about family members truly respectable women are not the ones we spot the most easily and true cataphiles are often discreet as well your humble servant bathed there before teal pretended to surf the place but i would definitely not exhibit myself treading on bones in a pink thong
wikileaks email clinton operative thinks black voters stupid
tenperson federal jury found rolling stone journalist sabrina rubin erdely defamed university virginia dean nicole eramo actual malice fraudulent college rape story rolling stone parent company wenner media also found defamed eramo seeking million damages lesser extent writer rubin erdelys piece conveyed eramo indifferent even callous towards accuser jackie coakley addition discouraging reporting crime continues coverage rape hoax decade controversy began publication rubin erdelys story centered debunked fraternity gang rape alleged fabulist coakley well weeks court decision rubin erdely admitted bothering contact male uva students accused act young men via phi kappa psi fraternity suing separately million surprisingly low figure makes eramos claim look comparatively astronomical sabrina rubin erdely far left arrives court pictured right deputy managing editor rolling stone sean woods instrumental bogus storys publication defended later coakleys limited financial position respect even outed sexual assault frauds given eramo legally pursuing rubin erdely rolling stone wenner media million nevertheless eramos attempts portray victim troubling uvas goto college administrator handling sexual violence cases euphemism organizer basically kangaroo courts aside eramo uva president teresa sullivans actions appalling giving basic credence jackies allegations sullivan suspended greek life activities university virginia publicity accusations grew increased suffering falsely maligned fraternity members plus gave ammunition rape culture activists ridiculously represent every young male campus potential sexual abuser women true victims falsely accused young men nicole eramo nicole eramo victim system helps prop defend rape culture nicole eramo may defamed also intricately involved uva system afford young men even basic procedural rights whilst happy rush supporting jackie coakleys lies extent trying eschew police involvement still dealing either admirable upstanding individual extensive research yet find instances eramo challenging shameful treatment college students accused sexual assault whether specific instances broadly neither defender young men kind principled whistleblower positive thing generally said somewhat less prone typical kneejerk sjw reactions ie try get jackie talk police jackie coakley escaped punishment stupid even begin describe man decided marry rape hoaxer jackie coakley thanks chuck johnson wwwgotnewscom work outing coakley fabulist sociopath jackie coakley sociopathic architect whole mess notwithstanding rubin erdely others would gleefully found another poster girl somewhere else america degree malice calculation coakleys actions worst seen even terrible crystal mangum black stripper serving long sentence homicide false rape allegations made bogus accusations racism gang raped much opportunistically duke lacrosse players declined services stripper coakleys misdeeds however inhabit world women like jackie coakley obsessed fantasy worlds selfvictimization next money go defamation suits need charged prosecuted crimes public mischief obviously would better charged making false rape claim yet coakley enough selfpreserving foresight avoid talking police consequently system usually gives next remedies discouraging outright lies rape boot washington post may savaged rubin erdely rolling stone still refuses publish jackie coakleys full name despite evidence completely disproving rape accusations nicole eramo gets million accused male uva students deserve billion attentionseeker emily renda used jackie coakleys lies promote agenda seek redress victim determination damages nicole eramo case yet take place million claim may posturing legal team high watermark figure designed secure smaller nonetheless tidy sum minimum accused uva students deserve times whatever eramo gets course wenner medias coffers nowhere near big principle remains compared mauled reputations witchhunted fraternity members eramo suffered slight pinprick broken system otherwise staked career supporting expanding villains saga also need held account chief among emily renda sociology major uva completing law degree uc berkeley rape culture extremist acted conduit coakley rubin erdely chuck johnson got news already demonstrated rendas rape survivor story changed biased journalists anna merlan formerly jezebel additionally promoted uva hoax greatly upset gang rape found taken place many supporting actors created mess lets hope heavy legal blows rubin erdely rolling stone obliquely jackie coakleys lies continue uva fraternity defamation suit significant financial legal hardship pangs conscience stop sjws enablers attempting ruin lives innocent men read hasnt jackie coakley punished starting biggest rape hoax decade
three quarters of americans oppose gun control
donald trump rushed off stage in reno after possible assassination attempt donald trump rushed off stage in reno after possible assassination attempt this account syndicates news from other media outlets november news via breitbart republican presidential candidate donald trump was rushed offstage at a reno nevada campaign rally as a protester in the audience was involved in an extended incident near the stage it was not immediately clear what was occurring in the crowd but several members of what appeared to be law enforcement or us secret service jumped down into the area where the protester was as could be seen on right side broadcasting networks video livestream of the event video of trump being rushed off stage was posted online in the video it appears trump pauses to look out into the crowd for the event disrupter two us secret service agents can be seen rushing in to remove trump from the stage and two other agents also facilitate his removal during his absence someone announced to the crowd that trump would return the protester was eventually seen being removed from the crowd although there appeared to be a struggle with several law enforcement or secret service agents to secure the protesters removal it was several minutes before trump was able to take the stage again as trump returned to the stage he thanked the crowd which cheered him back nobody said it was going to be easy for us but we will never be stopped never ever be stopped said trump here is the man in question in handcuffs being searched by officers after he was escorted out of the rally area pictwittercompjomctmk
britain joins biggest european military buildup since cold war
many older physical trainers even younger ones proteges older men tell trainee inverse correlation strength speedthat big muscular slow athlete whatever reason found prevalent amongst traditional martial artists usual reason given increased mass simply dead weight little bit knowledge explain lifting develop slow twitch muscles fast twitch muscles needed sprinting jumping punching kicking tell common wisdom completely wrongwhen done properly weightlifting impede speed fact enhance speed explosiveness anecdotes perhaps youve heard man course jamaicas usain bolt fastest man world holder multiple olympic records also worth noting interview mr bolt revealed squats pounds least partially attributes nigh inhuman speed training regimen hes speed athlete said oflook olympic class sprinter quite muscular fellows similarly athletic disciplines thats athletics specific rather general sense im using european term countrymen call track field claimed utilize weightlifting training long jump hurdles take word best one rep max squat pounds inch vertical leap judging ability perform standing jump ndhighest position hurdles measured inches fact many worldlevel athletes disciplines utilizing olympic style weightlifting develop speed powe r anyway slice compound weight training fantastic supplement athletes even seemingly dont need raw brute strength science elaborated article well free pdf offer subscribers website subscription signup front page theres one type way athletic accurately three speaking purely terms muscular andor nervous system function include handtoeye coordination skills related team sports three things loosely correlate three types muscle fibersredor slowoxidative fast glycolyticor white fast oxidative rather rehash article ive already written focus white muscle fast glycolytic type muscle want training want develop sprinting speed high vertical leap put terms newtons second law motion accelerationforcemass ie amount muscular force exert divided body weighthow fast accelerate yes aware theres probably mathematically accurate way putting exercises point youre probably asking exercises train develop physical skills desire read articles regularly know likely saycompound free weight lifting fact ill go limb say dont know exercise develop certain physical trait always default compound lift unless receive information says otherwise training speed vertical leap exception rule looking sheer running speed leaping ability power lifts hit lower body effective deep ass grass squats deadlifts clean jerk used professional athletes great effect similarly want ability throw ball punch harder upper body compound lifts key bench presses overhead presses yes clean jerk see afraid athletic performance somehow impeded heavy weightlifting nothing could truth read improve weightlifting video camera
wikileaks email clinton operative thinks black voters are stupid
a tenperson federal jury has found that rolling stone journalist sabrina rubin erdely defamed university of virginia dean nicole eramo with actual malice over a fraudulent college rape story rolling stone and its parent company wenner media were also found to have defamed eramo who is seeking million in damages but to a lesser extent than the writer herself rubin erdelys piece conveyed that eramo was indifferent and even callous towards the accuser jackie coakley in addition to discouraging her from reporting the crime and so continues coverage of the rape hoax of the decade the controversy which began with the publication of rubin erdelys story in centered on a now debunked fraternity gang rape alleged by fabulist coakley well before this weeks court decision rubin erdely admitted to not bothering to contact the male uva students accused of the act these young men via their phi kappa psi fraternity are suing separately for million a surprisingly low figure which makes eramos claim look comparatively astronomical sabrina rubin erdely far left arrives for court pictured on the right is the deputy managing editor of rolling stone sean woods instrumental in the bogus storys publication and who defended it later because of coakleys limited financial position and the respect even outed sexual assault frauds are given eramo is legally pursuing only rubin erdely rolling stone and wenner media for the million nevertheless eramos attempts to portray herself as a victim are troubling she was after all uvas goto college administrator for handling sexual violence cases a euphemism for the organizer of what are basically kangaroo courts aside from eramo uva president teresa sullivans actions were appalling giving basic credence to jackies allegations sullivan suspended all greek life activities at the university of virginia as publicity about the accusations grew this only increased the suffering of the falsely maligned fraternity members plus gave ammunition to the rape culture activists who ridiculously represent every young male on campus as a potential sexual abuser of women the true victims are the falsely accused young men not nicole eramo nicole eramo is a victim of the same system she helps to prop up and defend rape culture nicole eramo may have been defamed but she was also intricately involved in a uva system that does not afford young men even the most basic procedural rights whilst we should be happy that she did not rush into supporting jackie coakleys lies to the extent of trying to eschew police involvement we are still not dealing with either an admirable or upstanding individual after extensive research i am yet to find instances of eramo challenging the shameful treatment of college students accused of sexual assault whether in specific instances or more broadly she is neither a defender of these young men nor some kind of principled whistleblower the only positive thing that can be generally said of her is that she is somewhat less prone to typical kneejerk sjw reactions ie she did try to get jackie to talk to the police again jackie coakley has escaped any punishment stupid does not even begin to describe the man who decided to marry rape hoaxer jackie coakley thanks to chuck johnson and wwwgotnewscom for their work in outing coakley as a fabulist and sociopath jackie coakley is the sociopathic architect of this whole mess notwithstanding that rubin erdely and others would have gleefully found another poster girl from somewhere else in america the degree of malice and calculation in coakleys actions is the worst i have seen even the very terrible crystal mangum the black stripper who is now serving a long sentence for homicide not false rape allegations made her bogus accusations of racism and being gang raped much more opportunistically after duke lacrosse players declined her services as a stripper coakleys misdeeds however inhabit a world of their own because women like jackie coakley obsessed as they are with fantasy worlds and selfvictimization have next to no money to go after in defamation suits they need to be charged and prosecuted for crimes such as public mischief it obviously would be better if they were charged with making a false rape claim yet coakley had enough selfpreserving foresight to avoid talking to the police consequently the system usually gives next to no remedies for discouraging outright lies about rape to boot the washington post may have savaged rubin erdely and rolling stone but it still refuses to publish jackie coakleys full name despite all the evidence completely disproving the rape accusations if nicole eramo gets million the accused male uva students deserve billion attentionseeker emily renda she used jackie coakleys lies to promote an agenda not seek redress for a victim determination of damages in the nicole eramo case is yet to take place and the million claim may just have been posturing by her legal team a high watermark figure designed to secure a smaller but nonetheless very tidy sum at a minimum the accused uva students deserve times more than whatever eramo gets of course wenner medias coffers are nowhere near that big but the principle remains compared to the mauled reputations of the witchhunted fraternity members eramo suffered a slight pinprick from a broken system she has otherwise staked her career on supporting and expanding other villains in this saga also need to be held to account chief among them is emily renda a sociology major at uva who is now completing a law degree at uc berkeley a rape culture extremist she acted as the conduit between coakley and rubin erdely as chuck johnson and got news have already demonstrated rendas own rape survivor story has changed biased journalists such as anna merlan formerly of jezebel additionally promoted the uva hoax and were greatly upset when the gang rape was found not to have taken place so many supporting actors created this mess lets hope that the heavy legal blows against rubin erdely rolling stone and obliquely jackie coakleys lies continue with the uva fraternity defamation suit only significant financial and legal hardship not the pangs of conscience will stop sjws and their enablers from attempting to ruin the lives of innocent men read more why hasnt jackie coakley been punished for starting the biggest rape hoax of the decade
fox news poll clinton leads trump three points
brilliant takedown feminism old man brilliant takedown feminism old man december comments culture many probably familiar fred everything member old guard comes fight feminism hooking article gives birdseye view feminism corrupted women way senior citizen seen elucidate dont get gals bitching world wanted clawed scratched burned bras court cases threw fits get exactly hated men said men werent letting copulate frantically like men always wanted men likely mothers didnt let make unattractive dressing like hodcarriers swearing like sailors finally men gave women hate whatever happened gratitude sally sue might teeth like pearls brains perky tits wacky sense humor actually quite prize sex trumps art sally didnt say yes knew greta would women commoditized marvelous thing testosterone wads think college boys want sex uhwhat else got marriage would sex better would food taste better dont get marriage doesnt make sense want eat restaurant life women werent happen arent happy trying please sacrifice want giving guarantee theyll content yet still beta males white knights fighting among appease unappeasable collectively realize folly maybe relevant question want wake im looting best buy hurricane dont want compete looters possible quality goods id able steal would much less due competition
britain joins biggest european military buildup since cold war
many older physical trainers and even those younger ones who were proteges of the older men will tell the trainee that there is an inverse correlation between strength and speedthat being too big and muscular will slow down an athlete for whatever reason i have found that this is most prevalent amongst traditional martial artists the usual reason given is that the increased mass is simply a dead weight while those with a little bit more knowledge will explain that lifting will develop slow twitch muscles over the fast twitch muscles needed for sprinting jumping punching and kicking i am here to tell you that the common wisdom is completely wrongwhen done properly weightlifting will not impede your speed and will in fact enhance your speed and explosiveness anecdotes perhaps youve heard of this man that is of course jamaicas usain bolt the fastest man in the world and holder of multiple olympic records also worth noting is that in an interview mr bolt revealed that he squats pounds and at least partially attributes his nigh inhuman speed to his training regimen and hes not the only speed athlete who this can be said oflook at any olympic class sprinter they are all quite muscular fellows similarly other athletic disciplines thats athletics in the specific rather than general sense im using the european term for what my countrymen call track and field have claimed to utilize weightlifting in their training such as the long jump and the hurdles or you can take my word for it at my best i had a one rep max squat of pounds and had a inch vertical leap i am judging this by my ability to perform a standing jump over ndhighest position hurdles which are measured at inches in fact many worldlevel athletes of all disciplines are utilizing olympic style weightlifting to develop speed and powe r anyway you slice it compound weight training is a fantastic supplement to all athletes even those who seemingly dont need that raw brute strength the science as i elaborated in this article as well as in the free pdf i offer to subscribers to my website the subscription signup is on the front page theres more than one type of way to be athletic more accurately there are three speaking purely in terms of muscular andor nervous system function so this does not include handtoeye coordination or other skills related to team sports these three things can loosely correlate to the three types of muscle fibersredor slowoxidative fast glycolyticor white and fast oxidative rather than rehash an article that ive already written we will focus on the white muscle the fast glycolytic this is the type of muscle you want to be training for if you want to develop sprinting speed or a high vertical leap or to put this into terms of newtons second law of motion accelerationforcemass ie the amount of muscular force you can exert divided by your body weighthow fast you can accelerate and yes i am aware that theres probably a more mathematically accurate way of putting this which exercises to do it is at this point that youre probably asking which exercises you should train to develop those physical skills you desire if you read my articles regularly you will know what i am likely to saycompound free weight lifting in fact ill go out on a limb and say if you dont know which exercise you should do to develop a certain physical trait you should always default to a compound lift unless you receive some further information that says otherwise training for speed or vertical leap is no exception to this rule if you are looking for sheer running speed and leaping ability the power lifts that hit the lower body are most effective deep ass to grass squats deadlifts and the clean and jerk are used by professional athletes to great effect similarly if you want the ability to throw a ball or punch harder upper body compound lifts are the key bench presses overhead presses and yes the clean and jerk will see you through so for those of you who are afraid that your athletic performance will be somehow impeded by heavy weightlifting nothing could be further from the truth read more improve your weightlifting with a video camera
mystery hillary clintons eye problems becoming frequent
really like sexy women like one photo sure big brother google says dont look story alternative lifestyles men realized terrible misogynists sexual desires rather searching articles pickup artistry sooner rather later internet roads lead new world order socialist philosophy profiling internet users becomes prolific algorithms sophisticated coming years news information search tailored slowly nudge us one way politically one small step time management information get read already infancy think free app phone performs functions swells size update released really think give damn privacy plugging security holes hell apps download moving useful lowresource using services resource hogs necessitating upgrade processing power every year two provide us free service order hook us apps gather information everything weve ever written devices social engineers marketing flacks apps becoming sophisticated way monitor everything apps need memory size soon apps gathering information everything weve ever said aloud using built microphones device speech recognition technology cia agents confirm microphones easily activated even device switched completely type information collected giant databases utah data center ultimate goal corporategovernment complex knowing us know big brother yesterday orwells big brother idea never could imagined insidious nature todays information technology todays information technology put big brother steroids waking times details frightful world already emerging anyone pays attention knows search engines already tailoring information search even text people mr x weve studied little virtual bubble live sell special brand truth time information one see internet bubble customized suit persons interests facebook relentlessly pushes like page product portion web site information used build profile person ultimately able accurately predict color next bowel movement man interested nongmo foods advertising news stories tailored inform grocers sell organics news approved outlets stories written topic time insidious advertising ads disguised information hello audience going pitch becoming fullfledged obsessed consumers worthy goal lifeand going profile top bottom find exactly kind obsessed consumer hit trigger information uniquely stimulates adrenal glands utah data center designed store exabytes information forms communication including emails cell phone calls internet searches well types personal data trailsparking receipts travel itineraries bookstore purchases another example okay know interested traditional gender roles information managers like facebook google find news stories customize information get read online order cause doubt validity beliefs ultimate goal slowly steadily move away believing traditional gender roles believing militant feminism without realizing done type information management even insidious outright censorship designed steer everyone towards controllers society want us think buy matter far ideal consumer fellow traveler may think game plinko price right chips ultimately fall perfect braindead consumer slot bottom maze social engineers dream world nothing sexless consumers perform mindless work meaningless jobs whose outlets pleasure shopping eating stateapproved activities think thats hyperbole travel around world six months year come back united states tell think little information bubbles merge big information bubbles become repeatedly exposed war mind believing certain way questioning established beliefs key comes time steer public perception one way rubber meets road realm managing populace like many sheeple big one comes along like national election us separate tunes come together ring one overriding need extend globalisms goals person hillary clinton blot every priority major media twist whatever need twist bubble everyone soon like mainstream media television print everything see online directed making think behave vote certain way micromanagement control information hasnt become sophisticated yet obama already hinted official information linked corporate interests facebook google etc look hillary implement idea iron fist whisked oval office internet security crisis likely engineered near future whichyou guessed itbig daddy government needs step take control web back corporategovernment propaganda instead libertarians dream current iteration internet awakening seen brainwashing corporate media temporary one elite anything groundwork new socialist system micromanaging information already laid already see every time search someday soon information well able find online sources corporategovernment complex approves course renegades rebels like us resist braindead sheeple go along get along happening since time immemorial options get grid move new internet neither move peacefully tolerated powers read sweatshops coming america
fox news poll clinton leads trump by three points
brilliant takedown of feminism from an old man brilliant takedown of feminism from an old man december comments culture many of you are probably familiar with fred on everything a member of the old guard when it comes to the fight against feminism his hooking up article gives a birdseye view of how feminism corrupted women in a way that only a senior citizen who has seen it all can elucidate what i dont get is why are gals bitching this is the world they wanted they clawed and scratched and burned their bras and had court cases and threw fits to get exactly what they have they hated men because they said men werent letting them copulate frantically like men had always wanted them to men or more likely their mothers didnt let them make themselves unattractive by dressing like hodcarriers and swearing like sailors finally men gave in and now women hate them for that whatever happened to gratitude sally sue might have teeth like pearls and brains and perky tits and a wacky sense of humor and actually be quite a prize but sex trumps art if sally didnt say yes she knew that greta would women had commoditized themselves it was a marvelous thing for the testosterone wads we think of as college boys all you want is sex uhwhat else have you got or so what or marriage why would sex be better would food taste better i dont get it or marriage doesnt make sense do you want to eat in the same restaurant all your life women werent happen then and arent happy now trying to please them will just sacrifice what you want while giving no guarantee that theyll be content yet we still have beta males and white knights fighting among each other to appease the unappeasable will they collectively realize their folly maybe a more relevant question is if we want them to wake up when im looting the best buy after a hurricane i dont want to compete with other looters its possible the quality of goods id be able to steal would be much less due to the competition
whistleblowers former cia agents story
merit taking cynical view life observations cynicism realistic brave observations human nature freed sentimentality somber commentary offered one loser game life taking solace weakness failure compelling arguments either way disputed however françois de la rouchefoucauld one brilliantly cynical epigrammers ever lived probably help came long line noblemen nothing enfeebles soul much inherited wealth titles born inherited title duke death father receiving usual education class dabbled military matters teens various itinerant love affairs followed wellplaced women ended badly find imprisoned bastille week political intrigue although married continued pursue women custom time station marriages days business affairs ignored partys pleasure necessity one dalliance resulted illegitimate child woman eventually rejected appealing competitor found mixed quasirevolt called fronde adventure left impaired sight struck musket ball head health problems also intervened add misery form gout melancholy late seventeenth century france paris salons centers debate discussion flowering controversial ideas la rochefoucauld acquired acrid talent stinging prose knew use failures love war primed spirit cynical view life predilection meshed well taste salons savage wit nothing shallow sophistication frequent visits salon mme de sable paris begun piece together body epigrams represented worldview one peers commercial goals mind bootleg collection sayings first published without permission attribution two years later finally put proper edition contained maxims volume titled sentences et maximes morales usually shortened maxims philosophy centers around idea men selfseeking egoists fault virtue man displays smokescreen concealing selflove virtues vices disguise human vanity takes precedence nearly else virtues lost selfinterest rivers sea even nobler emotions like love altruism according la rochefoucauld kind traffic selflove ever proposes gainer took dim view women finding fit love men course procreation one crueler maxims womens worth lasts longer beauty lifes realities eventually caught softening rougher edges wife cared infirmities eighteen years died mothers death followed two years later two sons would eventually die injuries received frances ruinous wars period gloomy picture brightened entry life mme de la fayette twenty years junior invited stay paris carried difficulty seems viewed reform project would later say gave understanding reformed heart perhaps fame made interesting captive union worked seemed alleviate dark picture humanity final hours came asked received last rites church fair assessment la rochefoucauld must take account undeniable wit probing sensitivity ability strip away pretenses behind many human actions yet maxims meager result many superficial shallow product personality still nursing wounds early disillusionment weary aphorisms two three pages hesitate reopen book later worse still wrong say virtue altruism shams nothing vital life see around us every day know look long senses blinded fear timor animi auribus officit sallust says fear blocks ears bitter weakling cynic takes depth character accept worldsand mansfaults foibles balance mans unquestioned capacity greatness soul broader life experiences might corrected la rochefoucaulds errors preferred remain state arrested development receiving applause notoriety paris society maxims bring smiles faces easy find amusement flaws others yet forget barbs directed us well montaigne far wiser took balanced view life accepting worlds absurdities joys equanimity calm resolution greek roman sage also better man la rochefoucauld intelligent without wise never found confidence submit ego consolatory power higher philosophical authority form cynicism end strips man important protective armor leaves naked face cruelties life cynic ever died happy man read tips get best shape life
mystery are hillary clintons eye problems becoming more frequent
do you really like sexy women like the one in the photo above are you sure big brother google says why dont you look at this story about alternative lifestyles about men who have realized what terrible misogynists they are for having sexual desires rather than searching for articles on for pickup artistry sooner rather than later all internet roads will lead to the same new world order socialist philosophy as profiling of internet users becomes more prolific and the algorithms more sophisticated in the coming years the news and information we search for will be tailored to slowly nudge us one way or the other politically one small step at a time the management of the information we get to read is already in its infancy why do you think that free app on your phone that only performs a few functions swells in size with each update that is released do you really think they give a damn about your privacy and are plugging security holes hell no the apps we download are moving from useful lowresource using services to resource hogs necessitating an upgrade in processing power every year or two because they only provide us with a free service in order to hook us so the apps can gather information about everything weve ever written on our devices for social engineers and marketing flacks the apps are becoming more sophisticated in the way they monitor everything we do which is why the apps need all that memory size and soon apps will be gathering information about everything weve ever said aloud by using the built in microphones on each device and speech recognition technology cia agents confirm microphones can easily be activated even when a device is switched completely off this type of information will be collected in giant databases such as the utah data center with the ultimate goal being the corporategovernment complex knowing more about us than we know about ourselves big brother was so yesterday orwells big brother idea never could have imagined the insidious nature of todays information technology todays information technology has put big brother on steroids the waking times details this frightful world that is already emerging as anyone who pays attention knows search engines are already tailoring information to what we search for and even what we text people about mr x weve studied the little virtual bubble you live in and now we can sell you your own special brand of truth most of the time the information one will see in this internet bubble will be customized to suit a persons interests this is why facebook relentlessly pushes the like a page or product portion of its web site this information is used to build a profile of a person that ultimately will be able to accurately predict the color of their next bowel movement if a man is interested in nongmo foods advertising and news stories will be tailored to inform him of grocers who sell organics and about news from approved outlets with stories written on the topic most of the time this will be insidious advertising and ads disguised as information hello audience were going to pitch you on becoming fullfledged obsessed consumers as if there is no other worthy goal in lifeand then were going to profile you from top to bottom to find out exactly what kind of obsessed consumer you are so we can hit you and trigger you with information that uniquely stimulates your adrenal glands the utah data center is designed to store exabytes of information on all forms of communication including emails cell phone calls and internet searches as well as all types of personal data trailsparking receipts travel itineraries and bookstore purchases as another example okay we know you are interested in traditional gender roles we the information managers like facebook and google will now to find news stories and customize the information you get to read online in order to cause you to doubt the validity of your beliefs the ultimate goal is to slowly but steadily move you away from believing in traditional gender roles to believing in militant feminism without you realizing what we have done this type of information management is even more insidious than outright censorship as it will be designed to steer everyone towards what the controllers of society want us to think and buy no matter how far from the ideal consumer and fellow traveler we may be think of it as a game of plinko on the price is right in which all chips ultimately fall into the perfect braindead consumer slot at the bottom of the maze the social engineers dream is a world of nothing but sexless consumers who perform mindless work in meaningless jobs whose only outlets for pleasure are shopping and eating out and other stateapproved activities think thats hyperbole travel around the world for six months to a year then come back to the united states and tell me what you think little information bubbles merge into big information bubbles we become what we are repeatedly exposed to which is why a war is on for your mind once we have you believing a certain way or questioning your established beliefs the key comes when it is time to steer public perception one way or the other this is where the rubber meets the road in the realm of managing the populace like so many sheeple but when a big one comes along like the national election in the us the separate tunes come together and ring as one then the overriding need to extend globalisms goals in the person of hillary clinton blot out every other priority then the major media twist whatever they need to twist then its the same bubble for everyone soon just like the mainstream media on television and in print everything you see online will be directed at making you think behave and vote a certain way the micromanagement and control of information just hasnt become that sophisticated yet obama already hinted that only official information should be linked up by the corporate interests of facebook google etc look for hillary to implement that idea with an iron fist if she is whisked into the oval office an internet security crisis will likely be engineered in the near future in whichyou guessed itbig daddy government needs to step in and take control of the web from there on out we will be back to corporategovernment propaganda instead of the libertarians dream the current iteration of the internet is so the awakening we have seen from the brainwashing of the corporate media will be a temporary one if the elite have anything to do with it the groundwork of this new socialist system of micromanaging information is already being laid you already see it every time you do a search someday soon the only information well be able to find online will be from sources the corporategovernment complex approves of of course there will be renegades and rebels like us who resist but most of the braindead sheeple out there will go along to get along just as has been happening since time immemorial our options will be to get off the grid or to move to a new internet neither move will be peacefully tolerated by the powers that be read more are sweatshops coming to america
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solar winds spur geomagnetic storm may affect power
reasons youre happy reasons youre happy corey aspiring iconoclast believes key life men honour primal nature learn views theprimalmalecom also follow twitter november mind happiness want human beings matter differences seek motivated things happy avoid things may detract even claim dont care happiness theyre living higher purpose makes happy way happiness beyond state feeling state although dont want obsessive happiness make life revolve around attaining things live fulfilling life improve quality often case selfimprovement believe addressing bad habits lead healthier life trying gain positives ways may sabotaging happiness chasing ill happy finally chase happiness less people today chasing happiness theyre chasing wrong things hopes bring everlasting joy money women status may elevate life cant source happiness alone especially fail compensation void life youre trying fill also know mood naturally fluctuate time constantly obsessing feel getting stressed emotional state help rather jumping one thing another hopes boost mood dull pain focus things matter far better work selfimprovement enhancing overall quality life wavered feelings dont basics taken care good sleep extremely underrated busy society affects mood testosterone level mental capacity prioritize sleep much healthy diet working often basics overlooked ask sleeping well harder tell think eating healthy keeping fit getting enough sunlight ever take time connect nature stable life purpose meaning doubt people basic needs checked im willing bet improvement even one area significantly improve persons mood well concern things cant control something bad happening world cant jack shit time complain internet sweat issues take practical action helpless feel unhappy course able tell difference control cant art need master experience one thing im personally lower stress reduce news consumption less concerned events around world irrelevant personal life ill read enough get general awareness whats happening around world refuse emotionally invested things control lack intimacy deep human connection dont friends vulnerable didnt begin would argue one biggest biggest factor causing anxiety depression general unhappiness modern world humans social creatures need bond others beyond simply spending time people chat drink deeper connection needs made people quality matters much quantity todays societyespecially north americait seems people become superficial afraid intimacy whether friendship romance without opening true self due fear rejected ridiculed relationships others genuine fulfilling living present reality may conscious aware live past future lose touch present reality disconnection cause longing lead dissatisfaction loss joy lure nostalgia daydreaming better life improved world actually quite insidious intoxicating mind drifts imagining pleasurable experience exciting life tricked thinking longing happiness sort like mirages work contrary studies actually shown actually happier productive focus youre right even task boring stick reality forget fantasies either make things happen accept youre wasting time energy wishful thinking engage junk activities im happy im happy im happy junk foods junk activities may feel pleasurable time dissatisfying even harmful longrun ask really need entertainment ive squandered youth immersing long hours digital entertainment day day barely even noticed unhappy whole time sedated even get several hours everyday could spent reading working learning new skills meeting new people experiencing world fact giving entertainment negative impact level happiness sure might miss theyre suddenly gone overall long find valuable things life get better ditch learn enjoy things give value rather seeking enjoyment things without value conclusion unlike many people today say one deserves happiness thats something youll earn ill go far say happinessas defined modern standardsisnt even necessary hard come certain individuals everyone path towards living life unique potential universal rule applies havent really listed anything specific reader strive towards hope laid pitfalls avoid journey nov corey savage
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why so few whistleblowers a former cia agents story
is there any merit in taking a cynical view of life are the observations of cynicism realistic brave observations on human nature freed from sentimentality or are they only the somber commentary offered by one who is a loser at the game of life taking solace in his weakness and failure there are compelling arguments either way what is not disputed however is that françois de la rouchefoucauld was one of the most brilliantly cynical epigrammers who ever lived it probably did not help that he came from a long line of noblemen for nothing so enfeebles the soul as much as inherited wealth and titles he was born in and inherited the title of duke on the death of his father in receiving the usual education of his class he dabbled in military matters in his teens various itinerant love affairs followed with wellplaced women but some of these ended badly we find him imprisoned in bastille for a week in for political intrigue although married he continued to pursue other women as was the custom of the time and his station marriages in those days were business affairs to be ignored at each partys pleasure or necessity one such dalliance resulted in an illegitimate child but the woman eventually rejected him for a more appealing competitor in he found himself mixed up with a quasirevolt called the fronde an adventure that left him with impaired sight when he was struck with a musket ball in the head health problems also intervened to add to his misery in the form of gout and melancholy in late seventeenth century france the paris salons were centers of debate discussion and the flowering of controversial ideas by now la rochefoucauld had acquired an acrid talent for stinging prose and he knew how to use it his failures in love and war had primed his spirit for a cynical view of life and this predilection meshed well with the taste of the salons for savage wit nothing is so shallow as sophistication from his frequent visits to the salon of mme de sable in paris he had begun to piece together a body of epigrams that represented his worldview one of his peers had more commercial goals in mind for a bootleg collection of of his sayings was first published without his permission and with no attribution in two years later he finally put out a proper edition this contained maxims the volume was titled sentences et maximes morales but this is usually shortened to maxims there is a philosophy here it centers around the idea that all men are selfseeking egoists to a fault any virtue a man displays is only a smokescreen concealing his selflove our virtues are only vices in disguise human vanity takes precedence over nearly all else virtues are lost in selfinterest as rivers are in the sea even the nobler emotions like love and altruism according to la rochefoucauld are only a kind of traffic in which selflove ever proposes to be the gainer he took a dim view of women finding them fit only for love for men such as himself of course and procreation one of his crueler maxims was few womens worth lasts longer than their beauty but lifes realities eventually caught up with him softening his rougher edges his wife who had cared for him in his infirmities for eighteen years died in his mothers death followed two years later two of his sons would eventually die of injuries received in frances ruinous wars of the period this gloomy picture was brightened by the entry into his life of the mme de la fayette who was twenty years his junior she invited him to stay with her in paris and he was carried there with difficulty she seems to have viewed him as a reform project she would later say that he gave me understanding but i reformed his heart perhaps his fame made him an interesting captive the union worked and seemed to alleviate his dark picture of humanity and when his final hours came he asked for and received the last rites of the church in a fair assessment of la rochefoucauld must take into account his undeniable wit his probing sensitivity and his ability to strip away the pretenses behind many human actions yet all in all his maxims are meager in result many of them are superficial and shallow the product of a personality still nursing the wounds of an early disillusionment we weary of his aphorisms after two or three pages and hesitate to reopen his book later worse still he was wrong to say that virtue and altruism are shams nothing is more vital to life and we can see them around us every day if only we know where to look and as long as our senses are not blinded by fear timor animi auribus officit as sallust says fear blocks out the ears any bitter weakling can be a cynic but it takes depth of character to accept the worldsand mansfaults and foibles and to balance those against mans unquestioned capacity for greatness of soul broader life experiences might have corrected la rochefoucaulds errors but he preferred to remain in a state of arrested development while receiving the applause and notoriety of paris society his maxims can bring smiles to our faces as it is easy to find amusement in the flaws of others yet we forget that his barbs were directed at us as well montaigne was far wiser for he took a balanced view of life accepting the worlds absurdities and joys with the equanimity and calm resolution of a greek or roman sage he was also a better man la rochefoucauld was intelligent without being wise and never found the confidence in himself to submit his ego to the consolatory power of a higher philosophical authority in any form cynicism in the end strips a man of his most important protective armor and leaves him naked to face the cruelties of life no cynic ever died a happy man read more tips on how to get into the best shape of your life
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hidden camera nyc democratic election commissioner think lot voter fraud project veritas
took bread pill started making bread video explains visit youtube channel hit subscribe button see new clips drop blog previous video summer vacation croatia
solar winds spur geomagnetic storm that may affect power
reasons why youre not happy reasons why youre not happy corey is an aspiring iconoclast he believes that the key to life is for men to honour their primal nature learn more about his views at theprimalmalecom you can also follow him on twitter november mind happiness its what we all want as human beings no matter the differences in where we seek them we are motivated to do things to be happy and we avoid things that may detract from it even those who claim that they dont care about happiness or that theyre living for a higher purpose is doing what they do because it makes them happy in that way happiness is beyond a state of feeling it is a state of being now although you dont want to be obsessive about happiness and make your life revolve around attaining it there are few things you can do to live a more fulfilling life and improve the quality of your being and as its often the case with selfimprovement i believe that addressing the bad habits will lead to a healthier life than trying to gain the positives here are some ways you may be sabotaging your own happiness you are chasing it ill be happy once i finally the more you chase happiness the less you have of it and not only are people today chasing happiness theyre chasing all the wrong things in hopes that it will bring them everlasting joy money women and status may elevate your life but they cant be the source of happiness alone they will especially fail as being compensation for some void in your life that youre trying to fill also know that your mood will naturally fluctuate over time constantly obsessing over how you feel and getting stressed over your emotional state will not help you so rather than jumping from one thing to another in hopes that it will boost your mood or dull your pain focus on things that matter to you its far better to work on selfimprovement and enhancing the overall quality of your life than be wavered by feelings you dont have the basics taken care of good sleep is extremely underrated in our busy society it affects your mood testosterone level mental capacity and more prioritize sleep as much as you do with healthy diet and working out its often the basics that are overlooked ask yourself are you sleeping well its harder to tell than you think are you eating healthy are you keeping yourself fit are you getting enough sunlight do you ever take the time to connect with nature do you have a stable life do you have a purpose or a meaning i doubt most people have all of these basic needs checked off but im willing to bet that an improvement in even one area will significantly improve a persons mood and well being you concern yourself with things you cant control no something bad is happening in the world and i cant do jack shit about it time to complain about it on the internet the more you sweat over issues which you can take no practical action over the more helpless you feel and the more unhappy you will be of course being able to tell the difference between what you can control and what you cant is an art in itself that you need to master through experience one thing im personally doing to lower stress is to reduce my news consumption and be less concerned with events around the world that are irrelevant to my personal life ill read enough to get a general awareness of whats happening around the world but i refuse to be emotionally invested in things i have no control over you lack intimacy and deep human connection if you dont have any friends to be vulnerable with you didnt have any to begin with i would argue that this is one of the biggest if not the biggest factor in causing anxiety depression and general unhappiness in the modern world humans are social creatures and we need to bond with others and beyond simply spending time with people to chat and drink deeper connection needs to be made with people the quality matters much more than the quantity in todays societyespecially in north americait seems people have all become superficial and afraid of intimacy whether it be for friendship or romance without opening up your true self due to the fear of being rejected or ridiculed all the relationships you have with others will not be genuine and it will not be fulfilling you are not living in the present reality you may be conscious but are you aware if you live in the past or the future you lose touch with the present reality that disconnection will cause longing which can only lead to dissatisfaction and loss of joy the lure of nostalgia and daydreaming of a better life or an improved world is actually quite insidious because of how intoxicating it is when your mind drifts to imagining a pleasurable experience or a more exciting life you are tricked into thinking that the longing is happiness itself sort of like how mirages work on the contrary studies have actually shown that you are actually happier and more productive when you focus on what youre doing right now even if the task is boring so stick to the reality and forget about your fantasies either make things happen or accept that youre just wasting your time and energy on wishful thinking you engage in junk activities im happy im happy im happy just as there are junk foods there are junk activities that may feel pleasurable at the time but dissatisfying and even harmful in the longrun ask yourself do you really need entertainment ive squandered my youth by immersing myself in long hours of digital entertainment day after day i barely even noticed that i was unhappy the whole time because i was so sedated and what did i even get out of them those were several hours everyday that i could have spent reading working out learning new skills meeting new people and experiencing the world the fact is giving up on entertainment has no negative impact on your level of happiness sure you might miss them when theyre suddenly gone but overall as long as you find more valuable things to do your life can only get better when you ditch them learn to enjoy things that give you value rather than seeking enjoyment in things without value conclusion unlike what many people today say no one deserves happiness thats something youll have to earn ill go as far as to say that happinessas defined by modern standardsisnt even necessary and hard to come by for certain individuals everyone has their own path towards living life to his unique potential and there is no universal rule that applies to all so while i havent really listed anything specific for the reader to strive towards i hope i laid out some pitfalls that you can avoid in your journey nov corey savage
nra admits deceived public says president obama never could confiscated guns video
hillary clintons entourage involved satanic pedophile ring hillary clintons entourage involved satanic pedophile ring jeanbatave poqueliche jeanbatave martial artist viking stronghold normandy france travels world looking new fighting techniques new beautiful women eastern europe taught everything knows second home column runs every thursday november news latest batch podesta emails shared wikileaks add darker dimension even possible sordid culture corruption lies depravity surrounds hillary clinton explaining fbi calling quite time antichrist personified possibility hellarys clique attends organizes satanic rituals involving mockup scenes cannibalism sexual abuse involving children one emails directed tony podesta john podestas brother contains following sentence looking forward spirit cooking dinner place think able let know brother joining really sounds like much discover author invitation walks footsteps beast woman sent email marina abramovic dressed red holding skinned head dead goat clear reference occult character baphomet proof clinton foundation directly transferred abramovic ten thousand dollars least one instance services abramovic carving pentagram flesh stomach blade show artistic side selfproclaimed artist abramovic hails serbia regularly organizes performances events using calls spirit cooking spirit cooking includes mixing semen breast milk urine fresh blood consuming splattering various things lifesized representations young children like shown performance included spelling body fluids following stanza sharp knife cut deeply middle finger left hand eat pain examples art nowadays revolting expression bad taste sporting correct pair problem glasses include public dinners politicians hollywood stars singers decision makers gather eat cakes depict naked human corpse feast fake hope sacred blood contained coffin swims another human body celebrities use demonic symbols persona lady gaga rush participate abramovics events another heavy user occult symbols jayz big fan marina codes directly copied rituals black masses sabat night reunions popularized figures aleister crowley abramovic draws direct inspiration part growing phenomenon elites celebrities close power get caught intentionally showing symbols celebrating ancient babylonian rites worship devil november th clinton chose jayz last bid draw crowds empty rallies coincidence innocent children involved mess hard evidence bill clinton traveled least times sometimes without bodyguards pilot logs billionaire convicted pedophile jeffrey epsteins island board plane dubbed lolita express plane guests could allegedly sex minors mind disturbing notice podesta emails refer children entertainment pool parties almost entirely attended middleaged men involved politics emails involve strange references food pizza cheese worth hot dogs party attendees dream recipes many sources suggest code words orgies involving minors extremely young children read whole clinton bag crooks reeks unnatural sexual behaviour reproachable acts certainly know much days come hillary clinton still fbi investigation speak follows scandal surrounding huma abedin clintons right hand confidant estranged husband sex offender champion onehanded texter anthony weiner take time go weiners emails decide course action regarding dark revelations atrocities clinton crime family la plus belle ruse du diable est de vous persuader quil nexiste pas drawing ben garrison heavy accusations satanism remind us sexual blackmail practices said take place among popular hiphop hollywood communities roosh described related article rumours linked suspicious reunions involving secret ceremonies elite ones bohemian grove rothschilds parties recent speculations turn true could effect bomb mean revolution observe symbols cannibalism eerily similar three following pictures respectively scene rothschilds surrealistic bal painting hanging john podestas office one abramovics dinners let judge conclusions inspired images father cartesian fellow saying comes mind like saint thomas believe see see unsettles
No Author
hidden camera nyc democratic election commissioner i think there is a lot of voter fraud project veritas
i took the bread pill and started making my own bread this video explains why and how i do it visit my youtube channel and hit the subscribe button to see new clips before i drop them on the blog previous video my summer vacation in croatia
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hillary cancels public appearance due large crowd people chanting lock
gateway western eastern europe lies charles river czech republicprague western tourist hotspot many years many people consider city overrun westerners ruined longer worth ive spent last month travels prague good opportunity contrast place east ukraine said observations ive made prague yes overrun doesnt mean cant find places arent overrun yes choose stay prague zone youre going drastically different experience hoards people selfie sticks fat western girls wobbling old town blocking already narrow streets head prague etc youll much different experience youll get meet locals try beer staropramen avoid throngs tourists course important note prague beautiful city natural want see sights choose go route theres simply way around reaction locals changes time simply put locals used westerners roll eyes however know youve laid semipermanent roots theyre far friendly cashiers market apartment done complete weeks ive went general coldness show english speakers genuine warmth beauty city unreal third time prague im still blown away beautiful city castle riverwalks colorful buildings pleasant place lot beautiful cities europe prague definitely near top cant really blame people wanting come see cheap western standards expensive ee simply put youre looking shortterm rentalsyoure getting hosed theres many ways around prague landlords know power western currency know shortterm stag parties dont mind blowing far far cheaper sign lease month period meal nice restaurant probably run usd incredibly cheap compared places like italy spain london time definitely bit expensive places kiev budapest cities poland want actual numbers id say expensive kiev probably expensive budapest last time april keep mind marginally expensive poland course keep harping going get cheaper go old town area girls know probably large part reason youre reading lets break girls hot theyre hot ukrainian russian girls theyre step polish women point easy see local czech girls living prague basically immune foreigners arent going impress girl swooping weekend renting great pad view old town fact shed probably rather almost anything hang area however foreigner give major value youre living colombia girls bang youre foreigner ukraine theyll probably least give one date foreign prague theyll neither especially high quality ones however things apply youre living coming back consistently plus exactly rocket science higher value drunken tourists stumbling around keep liquor check avoid putting gopro headyoull already ahead game conclusionis livable come place like ukraine prague feels much like home english better western feel find larger supermarkets comforts often rare former soviet union countries ukraine belarus etc question whether worth deal comes western amenitieshigh amounts tourism general feel taken theres denying prague probably lost lot luster adventurous single man compared years ago however prague definitely good spot digital nomad settle get work done internet fast city interesting good expat groups put cool things could lot worse read habits successful seducers share
Ivana M
nra admits it deceived public says president obama never could have confiscated guns video
is hillary clintons entourage involved in a satanic pedophile ring is hillary clintons entourage involved in a satanic pedophile ring jeanbatave poqueliche jeanbatave is a martial artist from the viking stronghold of normandy france he travels the world looking for new fighting techniques and new beautiful women eastern europe taught him everything he knows and is his second home his column runs every thursday november news the latest batch of the podesta emails shared by wikileaks add a darker dimension if it was even possible to the sordid culture of corruption lies and depravity that surrounds hillary clinton explaining why the fbi has been calling her for quite some time now the antichrist personified it is a possibility that hellarys clique attends and organizes satanic rituals involving mockup scenes of cannibalism and sexual abuse involving children one of the emails directed at tony podesta john podestas brother contains the following sentence i am so looking forward to the spirit cooking dinner at my place do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining this really does not sounds like much until you discover the author of this invitation she who walks in the footsteps of the beast this is the woman who sent the email marina abramovic dressed in red and holding the skinned head of a dead goat a clear reference to the occult character baphomet there is proof that the clinton foundation directly transferred abramovic ten thousand dollars in at least one instance for her services abramovic carving a pentagram in the flesh of her stomach with a blade to show her artistic side a selfproclaimed artist abramovic hails from serbia and regularly organizes performances and events using what she calls spirit cooking this spirit cooking includes mixing semen breast milk urine or fresh blood before consuming it or splattering it over various things such as lifesized representations of young children like shown below this performance included spelling with the body fluids the following stanza with a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand eat the pain other examples of her art nowadays any revolting expression of bad taste if sporting the correct pair of problem glasses include public dinners where politicians hollywood stars singers and decision makers gather to eat cakes that depict a naked human corpse or feast on the fake i hope by all that is sacred blood contained in a coffin where swims another human body celebrities that use demonic symbols in their persona such as lady gaga rush to participate to abramovics events another heavy user of the occult symbols jayz is a big fan of marina these codes are all directly copied from rituals such as black masses or sabat night reunions and popularized by figures such as aleister crowley from whom abramovic draws direct inspiration it is part of this growing phenomenon where the elites and celebrities close to power get caught intentionally or not showing symbols celebrating the ancient babylonian rites or the worship of the devil on november the th clinton chose jayz in a last bid to draw crowds to her empty rallies coincidence innocent children involved in that mess there is hard evidence that bill clinton traveled at least times sometimes without his bodyguards it is all in the pilot logs to billionaire and convicted pedophile jeffrey epsteins island on board his plane dubbed the lolita express as it is in this plane that the guests could allegedly have sex with minors with this in mind it is disturbing to notice that other podesta emails refer to children as being the entertainment at pool parties almost entirely attended by middleaged men involved in politics other emails involve strange references to food such as pizza cheese worth of hot dogs for a party that attendees dream of and recipes that many sources suggest are code words for orgies involving minors and extremely young children you can read more about it here the whole clinton bag of crooks reeks of unnatural sexual behaviour and reproachable acts and we will certainly know much more in the days to come as hillary clinton is still under fbi investigation as we speak this follows the scandal surrounding huma abedin clintons right hand and confidant and her estranged husband sex offender and champion onehanded texter anthony weiner it will take some time before they go through weiners emails and decide of a course of action regarding these dark revelations and other atrocities of the clinton crime family la plus belle ruse du diable est de vous persuader quil nexiste pas drawing by ben garrison these heavy accusations of satanism remind us of the sexual blackmail practices said to take place among the popular hiphop and hollywood communities as roosh described in his related article or other rumours linked to suspicious reunions involving the secret ceremonies of the elite such as the ones of the bohemian grove or the rothschilds parties of the s if those recent speculations turn out to be true it could have the effect of a bomb and mean a revolution observe the symbols of cannibalism eerily similar in the three following pictures those are respectively a scene of the rothschilds surrealistic bal a painting hanging in john podestas office and one of abramovics dinners i will let you be the own judge of the conclusions inspired by those images my father is a very cartesian fellow and a saying of his comes to mind just like saint thomas i only believe in what i see and what i see unsettles me
communist brainwashing method exported united states
favorite trope feminists women claiming workplace discrimination female staff victims sexism due judgments appearance many times seen girls working building lunch breaks attire befitting tinder date raunchy nightclub strip joint even gym meanwhile men must keep fashion within narrow range acceptability otherwise risk failing get fancy new job could lose current one furthermore guys learn deal fact world judge based appearance many women zero idea concept accepting judgments agree ones interests career opinions dont like always conveniently claim person giving sexist misogynist amorphously objectifying woman classic attentionseeking attentionwhore jayde phoenix epitome growing female narcissism british woman name jayde phoenix touting security expert despite academic job credentials fraction means highly qualified plain nonexistent suggested guess number usbs jar competition promote company breasts nearly spilling seethrough top looked camera lustful gaze many roosh v forum would call thousand cock stare clothes demeanor better suited street hooker professional expected troubled times many critics phoenixs contrived appearance labeled sexists bullies misogynists tried excoriate detractors emphasizing good job professional standards supposedly meets every day questions original photo exercise subsequent justifications failed answer namely shes good job need use seethrough bra picture doesnt wear top size comfortably contains breasts rather flaunting someone else photo though attentionseeking jayde employer first flared several months ago dilemma girls like ongoing one try getting employed office man sort attire baggy pants underwear showing male office worker could wearing black pants jeans like photo sporting typical business shirt doesnt matter white collar company worth dime going hire man whose boxers briefs showing ass compare parade female office workers go beyond showing arms hint bra strap exhibiting half surface area breasts addition havent already noticed short crop top staple garment within american office unculture unusual see large part womans bare stomach back including overthetop tattoos hawaiian shirts board shorts workplaces notably trying appear hip drastically relaxed need business attire employers definitely minority man penchant hawaiian shirts board shirts beach clothing find career options drastically limited way relate friends fellow tourists holiday almost always far different deal clients investors stakeholders like profession men save best worst hawaiian shirt office charity fundraising days company summer parties related functions average day leather lycra ridiculously tight clothing general inasmuch tight clothing men doesnt tickle fancy ironic obese woman wear garments twice thrice closefitting workplace fit male male office workers world dont even consider wearing leather pants next boardroom presentation occasional gay man metrosexual might escape sanction outlandish garish outfit industries value reputation clients prohibit donning clothing looks like came wardrobe lance armstrong someone queer eye straight guy excuses female attentionseeking control seems lady victoria hervey jayde phoenix read book little doubt jayde phoenixs employer expected backlash sense good marketing advertising ploy prospective clients care actual professionalism many phoenix women like situation winwin least ilk continue daytoday objectification generating desperately craved male attention particular even girls receive publics spotlight roadblock mishap career later blamed misogyny judgments appearance best happened phoenixs situation gets nationwide even global coverage narcissistic girls take zero responsibility others may negatively perceive coup lifetime yet age jayde phoenix looks far older early expect antics become strawclutching girls engage sexual selfadvancement wage war imaginary discriminations vast majority male employees scapegoat use rationalize failures virtually means combating institutionalized prejudice socalled privilege way jayde phoenixs arabic necklace indicative work may done dubai read types photos girls use attention whore tinder
No Author
hillary cancels public appearance due to a large crowd of people chanting lock her up
a gateway between western and eastern europe lies on the charles river in the czech republicprague its been a western tourist hotspot for many years now many people consider it a city overrun by the westerners ruined and no longer worth it ive spent the last month of my travels here in prague and have had a good opportunity to contrast to a place further east ukraine with that being said here are observations ive made about prague yes its overrun but that doesnt mean you cant find places that arent overrun yes if you choose to stay in prague zone youre going to have a drastically different experience there will be hoards of people with selfie sticks and fat western girls wobbling all over old town blocking the already narrow streets if you head out to prague etc youll have a much different experience youll get to meet some locals try beer other than staropramen and avoid the throngs of tourists of course its important to note that prague is a beautiful city its natural to want to see some of the sights if you choose to go this route theres simply no way around it the reaction from locals changes over time simply put locals are used to westerners and most of them roll their eyes at them however once they know that youve laid down some semipermanent roots theyre far more friendly just the cashiers at the market below my apartment have done a complete on me in the few weeks ive been here it went from a general coldness that they show all english speakers to genuine warmth the beauty of the city is unreal this is my third time in prague and im still blown away by how beautiful of a city it is from the castle to the riverwalks to all the colorful buildings its just a very pleasant place to be there are a lot of beautiful cities in europe but prague is definitely near the top of all of them you cant really blame people for wanting to come and see it cheap by western standards expensive by ee simply put if youre looking for shortterm rentalsyoure getting hosed and theres not many ways around it prague landlords know the power of western currency and know that the shortterm stag parties dont mind blowing it its far far cheaper to sign a lease for a or month period a meal in a nice restaurant will probably run you between usd this is incredibly cheap compared to places like italy spain or london at the same time its definitely a bit more expensive than places such as kiev budapest or some cities in poland if you want actual numbers id say its about more expensive than kiev probably about more expensive than budapest the last time i was there was april so keep that in mind and just marginally more expensive than poland of course as i keep harping on this its going to get cheaper the further you go from the old town area the girls i know this is probably a large part of the reason youre reading this so lets break it down the girls are hot theyre not as hot as ukrainian and russian girls but theyre a step above polish women at this point its easy to see that any and all local czech girls living in prague are basically immune to foreigners you arent going to impress a girl by swooping in for a weekend and renting out a great pad with a view of the old town in fact shed probably rather do almost anything but hang out in that area however being a foreigner will give you some major value if youre living there in colombia girls will bang you just because youre a foreigner in ukraine theyll probably at least give you one date for being foreign in prague theyll do neither especially the high quality ones however the same things apply if youre living there or coming back consistently plus its not exactly rocket science to be higher value than the drunken tourists stumbling around just keep your liquor in check and avoid putting a gopro on your headyoull already be ahead of the game conclusionis it livable when you come from a place like ukraine prague feels much more like home the english is better and it has a more western feel you can find the larger supermarkets and other comforts that are often rare in the former soviet union countries ukraine belarus etc the question is whether or not its worth it to deal with what comes with those western amenitieshigh amounts of tourism and a general feel of it being taken over theres no denying that prague has probably lost a lot of luster for the adventurous single man compared to how it was years ago however prague is definitely a good spot for a digital nomad to settle in and get some work done the internet is fast the city is interesting and there are good expat groups that put on cool things to do you could do a lot worse read more habits all successful seducers share
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finally opening tshirt shop rok gear
day come within hours know next president united states also follow results rvf election results thread high energy donald trump thread dont miss donald trump doesnt win screwed
Beau Albrecht
how a communist brainwashing method was exported to the united states
a favorite trope of feminists and women claiming workplace discrimination is that female staff are the victims of sexism due to judgments about their appearance but how many times have we all seen girls working in our building or out on their lunch breaks in attire more befitting of a tinder date raunchy nightclub strip joint or even the gym meanwhile men must keep their fashion within a very narrow range of acceptability otherwise they risk failing to get that fancy new job or could lose their current one furthermore guys learn to deal with the fact that the world does judge you based on your appearance many women have zero idea about this concept only accepting the judgments they agree with or those ones that further their interests and career for those opinions they dont like they can always conveniently claim the person giving them is sexist or misogynist or just as amorphously objectifying a woman this is classic attentionseeking attentionwhore jayde phoenix the epitome of this growing female narcissism is a british woman by the name of jayde phoenix touting herself as a it security expert despite her academic and job credentials being a fraction of what it means to be highly qualified or plain nonexistent she suggested a guess the number of usbs in a jar competition to promote her company with her breasts nearly spilling out of a seethrough top she looked at the camera with a lustful gaze what many on the roosh v forum would call a thousand cock stare her clothes and demeanor better suited a street hooker than a professional as we should have expected in our troubled times the many critics of phoenixs contrived appearance were labeled as sexists bullies and misogynists she herself tried to excoriate her detractors emphasizing how good she was at her job and the professional standards she supposedly meets every day but there are a few questions both the original photo exercise and her subsequent justifications failed to answer namely if shes so good at her job why did she need to use a seethrough bra in the picture why doesnt she wear a top size that comfortably contains her breasts rather than flaunting them why is she and not someone else in the photo though the attentionseeking of jayde and her employer first flared up several months ago the dilemma of girls like her is an ongoing one try getting employed in an office as a man with this sort of attire baggy pants with your underwear showing the male office worker could be wearing black pants and not jeans like in the photo and sporting a typical business shirt that doesnt matter no white collar company worth a dime is going to hire a man whose boxers or briefs are showing down to his ass compare this to the parade of female office workers who go beyond showing their arms and the hint of a bra strap to exhibiting half the surface area of their breasts in addition if you havent already noticed the very short crop top is now a staple garment within american office unculture it is not unusual to see a large part of a womans bare stomach and back including overthetop tattoos hawaiian shirts and board shorts some workplaces most notably those trying to appear hip have drastically relaxed the need for business attire but these employers are definitely in the minority a man with a penchant for hawaiian shirts board shirts or other beach clothing will find his career options drastically limited as they should be the way in which you relate to your friends or fellow tourists on a holiday is almost always far different from how you should deal with clients investors stakeholders and the like in your profession men save their best or worst hawaiian shirt for office charity fundraising days company summer parties and related functions not an average day leather lycra or ridiculously tight clothing in general inasmuch as tight clothing on men doesnt tickle your or my fancy its how ironic how an obese woman can wear garments twice or thrice as closefitting in the workplace than a fit male and male office workers of the world dont even consider wearing leather pants during your next boardroom presentation the occasional gay man or metrosexual might escape sanction for some outlandish or garish outfit but most industries if they value their reputation with clients will prohibit you from donning clothing that looks like it came from the wardrobe of lance armstrong or someone from queer eye for the straight guy excuses for female attentionseeking are out of control it seems that lady victoria hervey and jayde phoenix read the same book there is little doubt that jayde phoenixs employer expected a backlash against her in this sense it was a very good marketing and advertising ploy for those prospective clients who do not care about actual professionalism of which there are many as for phoenix and other women like her this situation is winwin at the very least she and those of her ilk can continue their daytoday objectification of themselves generating desperately craved male attention in particular even for girls who do not receive the publics spotlight any roadblock or mishap in their career can later be blamed on misogyny after judgments about their appearance at best as happened in phoenixs situation she gets nationwide and even global coverage for narcissistic girls who take zero responsibility for how others may negatively perceive them this is the coup of a lifetime yet as they age and jayde phoenix looks far older than her early s expect their antics to become more strawclutching and while these girls engage in sexual selfadvancement and wage war over imaginary discriminations the vast majority of male employees have no scapegoat they can use to rationalize their failures and virtually no means of combating institutionalized prejudice against their socalled privilege by the way is jayde phoenixs arabic necklace indicative of some work she may have done in dubai read more types of photos girls use to attention whore on tinder
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donald trump supporters fighting rigged system
via ap donald trump elected americas th president tuesday astonishing victory celebrity businessman political novice capitalized voters economic anxieties took advantage racial tensions overcame string sexual assault allegations way white house triumph hillary clinton end eight years democratic dominance white house threatens undo major achievements president barack obama hes pledged act quickly repeal obamas landmark health care law revoke nuclear agreement iran rewrite important trade deals countries particularly mexico canada republican blasted democrats longstanding firewall carrying pennsylvania wisconsin states hadnt voted gop presidential candidate since needed win nearly competitive battleground states claiming florida ohio north carolina others global stock markets us stock futures plunged deeply reflecting investor alarm trump presidency might mean economy trade new york real estate developer lives sparking manhattan highrise trump forged striking connection white working class americans feel left behind changing economy diversifying country cast immigration latin america middle east root problems plaguing many americans taped fears terrorism emanating home abroad trump take office congress expected fully republican control gop senate candidates fended democratic challengers key states appeared poised maintain majority republicans also maintained grip house senate control means trump great leeway appointing supreme court justices could mean major change right would last decades trump upended years political convention way white house leveling harshly personal insults rivals deeming mexican immigrants rapists murderers vowing temporarily suspend muslim immigration us never released tax returns breaking decades campaign tradition eschewed kind robust data field efforts helped obama win two terms white house relying instead large freewheeling rallies energize supporters campaign frequently chaos cycled three campaign managers year final campaign manager kellyanne conway touted teams accomplishments final results rolled writing twitter rally crowds matter expanded map mood clintons party grew bleak night wore supporters leaving others crying hugging top campaign aides stopped returning calls texts clinton family hunkered luxury hotel watching returns clinton campaign chairman john podesta told crowd head home night still counting votes every vote count said trump inherit anxious nation deeply divided economic educational opportunities race culture exit polls underscored fractures women nationwide supported clinton doubledigit margin men significantly likely back trump half white voters backed republican nearly blacks twothirds hispanics voted democrat doug ratliff yearold businessman richlands virginia said trumps election would one happiest days life county hope said ratliff owns strip malls area badly beaten collapse coal industry idea would mean people trump theyll hope things change know hes going perfect hes got heart gives people hope trump pledged usher series sweeping changes us domestic foreign policy repealing obamas signature health care law though vague could replace building wall along usmexico border suspending immigration countrys terrorism ties hes also praised russian president vladimir putin spoken building better relationship moscow worrying party fear hell go easy putins provocations republican partys tortured relationship nominee evident right end former president george w bush wife laura bush declined back trump instead selecting none voted president according spokesman freddy ford house speaker paul ryan reluctant trump supporter called businessman earlier evening congratulate according ryan spokeswoman read entire story
Roosh Valizadeh
were finally opening a tshirt shop for rok gear
the day has come within a few hours we should know who is the next president of the united states you can also follow results on the rvf election results thread or the high energy donald trump thread dont miss if donald trump doesnt win were screwed
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emotions men master
gentlemen donald j trump new presidentelect united states though results may still unclear trump captured perennial large battleground states ohio florida iowa north carolina plus georgia change seen generation seized pennsylvania michigan wisconsin pennsylvania michigan voted republican presidential candidate since wisconsin since way back appears also states democrats thought well truly bag minnesota maine virginia stayed blue waferthin disappointing margins nd congressional district maine state divides electoral votes along nebraska called republicans first time nearly years last time maine district voted gop presidential candidate george h w bush seized four electoral votes importantly avowedly liberal states seen significant turnouts trump example counts far show voters connecticut rhode island states even liberal media bias nation generally opted racist sexist homophobic republican candidate votes ultimately change electoral college map heartening know even eye liberal storm plenty people happy support trump despite facing fierce rebukes often enough violence make views public clown candidate beaten experienced republican challengers hillary clinton elitebacked candidate worlds political history tonights results shown plenty trump voters red blue states alike forced keep beliefs quiet media airtime protrump views stories deliberately minimized frequently demonized major networks mainstream journalists glenn thrush wolf blitzer jake tapper jessica valenti brent budowsky caught collaborating dnc clinton campaign believe two groups actually separate increases esteem emphatic resounding trump victory needs held lets forget senate house races months spineless gop cucks rushing differentiate trump donald still carried victory houses congress white house senate house representatives republican hands least house midterms taste salty tears liberals sjws yet every powerful vested interest supported hillary everything could ruin trump yes happening see last major hillary clinton rallies celebritiescumpolitical hacktivists chief among lady gaga beyoncé jay z bruce springsteen bon jovi katy perry fell clintons corner well final appearances excoriating anyone gall support donald trump even longterm republicans betrayed trump like arnold schwarzenegger attacked celebrity sjws robert deniro joined never trump ranks dangerous saboteurs celebrity paranoia palpable months hollywood broad industry taking film stars also singers silver screen actors comedians become little overpaid trade union hillary clinton likewise every major american company come candidate come hillary plenty neutral corporations undoubtedly funneling support clinton campaign behind scenes well prominent billionaires like george soros warren buffett done could drag hillarys stumbling halfcorpse literally figuratively across line whilst trump supported number tenfigure businessmen men regularly attacked media include scapegoated brave peter thiel carl icahn theres mainstream media countless studies indicated journalists liberal overrepresentation salient still upper echelons newsmen women particularly prominent mastheads new york times washington post huffington post plus democratic tv surrogates like cnn nbc campaign inflated preexisting liberal bias one plagued two george w bush administrations raged even ferociously donald trump last months media elites lambasted trump year time give paltriest coverage disgusting hillary podesta dnc emails everything newsworthy front overwhelming presence clinton foundation donors hillarys secretary state diary book recent revelations john podestas involvement satanic rituals brushed balcony wolf blitzers chuck todds american mainstream media yet trump triumphed nonetheless new administration must crush criminal democratic elites clinton foundation rule law hillary find stumbling jail inasmuch clinton campaign sjws big business media enablers defeated years election retain welloiled effective means trying undermine president trump takes office trumps first priority commanderinchief must remove bureaucratic apparatchiks preventing full frank investigation clinton foundation also needs clear way legal inquiries various criminal activities uncovered wikileaks perpetrated within dnc hillary clintons campaign department justice particular engaged manner skulduggery notably attorneygeneral loretta lynch private meeting bill clinton crucial time fbi investigation hillarys emails additionally elements state department illegally informed hillary new developments case enough enough time drain swamp election night produced another curveball weeks calling donald trump sore loser saying would respect final result hillary clinton refused speak supporters american people would seem telephoned trump privately whos sore loser last night witnesses greatest electoral seachange americanand perhaps globalhistory cannot lose sight work done next hours bask unprecedented victory odds hail chief donald j trump read reasons donald trump win presidential election
Michael Sebastian
donald trump and his supporters are fighting a rigged system
via ap donald trump was elected americas th president tuesday an astonishing victory for a celebrity businessman and political novice who capitalized on voters economic anxieties took advantage of racial tensions and overcame a string of sexual assault allegations on his way to the white house his triumph over hillary clinton will end eight years of democratic dominance of the white house and threatens to undo major achievements of president barack obama hes pledged to act quickly to repeal obamas landmark health care law revoke the nuclear agreement with iran and rewrite important trade deals with other countries particularly mexico and canada the republican blasted through democrats longstanding firewall carrying pennsylvania and wisconsin states that hadnt voted for a gop presidential candidate since the s he needed to win nearly all of the competitive battleground states and he did just that claiming florida ohio north carolina and others global stock markets and us stock futures plunged deeply reflecting investor alarm over what a trump presidency might mean for the economy and trade a new york real estate developer who lives in a sparking manhattan highrise trump forged a striking connection with white working class americans who feel left behind in a changing economy and diversifying country he cast immigration both from latin america and the middle east as the root of the problems plaguing many americans and taped into fears of terrorism emanating at home and abroad trump will take office with congress expected to be fully under republican control gop senate candidates fended off democratic challengers in key states and appeared poised to maintain the majority republicans also maintained their grip on the house senate control means trump will have great leeway in appointing supreme court justices which could mean a major change to the right that would last for decades trump upended years of political convention on his way to the white house leveling harshly personal insults on his rivals deeming mexican immigrants rapists and murderers and vowing to temporarily suspend muslim immigration to the us he never released his tax returns breaking with decades of campaign tradition and eschewed the kind of robust data and field efforts that helped obama win two terms in the white house relying instead on his large freewheeling rallies to energize supporters his campaign was frequently in chaos and he cycled through three campaign managers this year his final campaign manager kellyanne conway touted the teams accomplishments as the final results rolled in writing on twitter that rally crowds matter and we expanded the map the mood at clintons party grew bleak as the night wore out with some supporters leaving others crying and hugging each other top campaign aides stopped returning calls and texts as clinton and her family hunkered down in a luxury hotel watching the returns at am clinton campaign chairman john podesta told the crowd to head home for the night were still counting votes and every vote should count he said trump will inherit an anxious nation deeply divided by economic and educational opportunities race and culture exit polls underscored the fractures women nationwide supported clinton by a doubledigit margin while men were significantly more likely to back trump more than half of white voters backed the republican while nearly in blacks and twothirds of hispanics voted for the democrat doug ratliff a yearold businessman from richlands virginia said trumps election would be one of the happiest days of his life this county has had no hope said ratliff who owns strip malls in the area badly beaten by the collapse of the coal industry you have no idea what it would mean for the people if trump won theyll have hope again things will change i know hes not going to be perfect but hes got a heart and he gives people hope trump has pledged to usher in a series of sweeping changes to us domestic and foreign policy repealing obamas signature health care law though he has been vague on what he could replace it with building a wall along the usmexico border and suspending immigration from countrys with terrorism ties hes also praised russian president vladimir putin and spoken of building a better relationship with moscow worrying some in his own party who fear hell go easy on putins provocations the republican partys tortured relationship with its nominee was evident right up to the end former president george w bush and wife laura bush declined to back trump instead selecting none of the above when they voted for president according to spokesman freddy ford house speaker paul ryan a reluctant trump supporter called the businessman earlier in the evening to congratulate him according to a ryan spokeswoman read the entire story
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important concepts manosphere taught
firearms panics happen variety things like acts domestic terrorism mass shootings democrats getting elected office though may worry years nd amendment enthusiast donald trumps decisive victory last night lets cover bases talk panic future democrats elected panic ammo firearms panic people go buy items worried soon illegal buy sell items maybe already americans still believe ex post facto laws part constitution adding panic speculators buy retailers roundly shamed raise prices resell privately much higher levels legal certainly isnt ethical decent thing folks deserve shamed mocked every opportunity lastly gun stores sites inventory cannot handle flex buying demand manufacturer artificially contrived panic creates real scarcity corrected panic running steam everyone buys consider enough natural undercutting resets price back lower levels prices never return long rifle ammunition still totally recovered damage old brock islamic shock obama multiyear championship best firearms salesman ever may even worse bitch chief gets grabbed panic get count still available weve got three categories guns ammo componentsaccessories guns anything thats big liberal hit list first target ban first target panic look things popular right scary left also look things modern one going ban garand anytime soon evil features matter destructive power anyone knows anything guns knows ak ar fire intermediate cartridges puny enough considered inhumane several states hunt deer lack power kill animal marginal shots however theyre black mean things attached theyre shit list nice blued wooden stock scoped bolt action rifle magnum cartridge capable wrecking world twice distance ar pull safe looks traditional popular left get noticed rifles like fal anything based ghk action simply dont enough exposure get targeted unless pull something sweeping like usc r rules mini might safe maybe pistols pretty much semiautomatic polymer age fair game want banned oftentimes stupid rules like restrictive magazine sizes get pushed hi powers old domestic semiautos revolvers safe expect libtards go glocks like shotguns seem immune days theres whole lot difference hunting gun combat gun paint mag tube length think saigas still imported box mag fed one anything else makes good home defense gun also immune ammo panic portion well ammunition range full metal jacket defensehunting hollow soft point cartridges popular centerfire calibers long rifle almost literally evaporate local store online probably beginning write oddly enough certain rounds suffer panic buying rifles limited traditional hunting rounds like seem impacted doesnt get bought panic old joke goes men dont panic really feedback cycle mentioned start theres little demand cannot exceed instore supply perception gone good cannot occur everything shotgun shell howitzer round far right sell fast panic panic bought pistol ammo big mm luger sw acp round affected semiautomatic rounds usually bit run magnum special well mm sig gap magnums like seem affected rimfires long rifle goes poof magnum brother smaller caliber cousins seem affected rimfires reloadable contributes overstockpiling components accessories centerfire ammo reloadable serious amongst shooters roll economy selfreliance performance consumable components also get panics although ive held reloading articles get press set back hit components get panic bought briefly biggest thing primers even bigger bullets oddly enough primer little metal cup gets smacked firing pin sets powder modern cartridges come two sizes pistols two rifles varying hardness satisfy military specifications second gunpowder fortunately theres wide variety smokeless powder everyone tends brands formulas prefer takes little less hit primers third bullets since many types manufacturers also take little less hit primers obviously need three reload bear mind always save brass anyone elses pick even though little ones easier use higher capacity ones disappear first get always good idea spare springs small parts like firing pins extractors prone breakage number one accessory part take hit panics box magazine especially high capacity ones dont mean round drum mags although take dive really mean round coffin mags mean full capacity full sized pistol mags like round mag full sized pistol round ar mag expect see pmags surplus style aluminum ar mags vanish gabby giffords special extended glock round mag also contender vanishing fast panic holsters slings cleaning accessories optics ammo cans seem immune panics already carbine andor semiauto pistol make sure enough ammo magazines spare parts lot better one gun multiple mags lot ammo many guns one two mags came factory couple boxes ammo try least six mags semiauto pistols least ten mags semiauto rifles get rifle mags different sizes ar mags fun shooting standing get way prone firing rounders preferable ultimate ammo goal maintain thousand practice rounds defense rounds gun prepanic panic situation get normal price better none youre reloading know get already dont anything want soon refer pistol articles rifle article shotgun article buying guide consider buying stripped ar lowers build rainy day later build ar meet girls range conclusion matter got elected think country rough times always better firearms need need store safely accessible ready times need read firearms man
André du Pôle
more emotions men should master
gentlemen donald j trump is the new presidentelect of the united states though a a few results may still be unclear trump has captured the perennial large battleground states of ohio florida iowa and north carolina plus georgia and in a change not seen in more than a generation he has seized pennsylvania michigan and wisconsin pennsylvania and michigan have not voted for a republican presidential candidate since and wisconsin since way back in it appears also that states the democrats thought were well and truly in the bag for them such as minnesota maine and virginia have stayed blue with only waferthin or very disappointing margins the nd congressional district of maine a state which divides its electoral votes along with nebraska has been called for the republicans for the first time in nearly years the last time any maine district voted for a gop presidential candidate was when george h w bush seized all four electoral votes there importantly too avowedly liberal states have seen significant turnouts for trump for example counts so far show that some of voters in connecticut and rhode island states with even more liberal media bias than the nation generally have opted for the racist sexist and homophobic republican candidate their votes ultimately did not change the electoral college map but it is heartening to know that even in the eye of the liberal storm plenty of people are happy to support trump this is despite them facing fierce rebukes and often enough violence if they make their views public the clown candidate has beaten more experienced republican challengers and now hillary clinton the most elitebacked candidate in the worlds political history as tonights results have shown plenty of trump voters in red and blue states alike have been forced to keep their beliefs quiet media airtime for protrump views and stories has been deliberately minimized and frequently demonized by the major networks mainstream journalists such as glenn thrush wolf blitzer jake tapper jessica valenti and brent budowsky have been caught collaborating with both the dnc and clinton campaign if you believe that these two groups are actually separate this only increases the esteem in which the emphatic resounding trump victory needs to be held and lets not forget the senate and house races after months of spineless gop cucks rushing to differentiate themselves from trump the donald has still carried them to victory in both houses of congress the white house senate and house of representatives are all in republican hands until at least the house midterms can you taste the very salty tears of the liberals and sjws yet every powerful vested interest not only supported hillary but did everything they could to ruin trump yes its happening did you see the last major hillary clinton rallies celebritiescumpolitical hacktivists chief among them lady gaga beyoncé jay z bruce springsteen bon jovi and katy perry all fell into clintons corner well before their final appearances for her excoriating anyone who had the gall to support donald trump even longterm republicans who betrayed trump like arnold schwarzenegger were attacked by celebrity sjws such as robert deniro after they joined the never trump ranks as if they were dangerous saboteurs the celebrity paranoia has been palpable for months hollywood that broad industry taking in not just film stars but also singers silver screen actors and comedians has become little more than an overpaid trade union for hillary clinton likewise every major american company that has come out for a candidate has come out for hillary plenty of neutral corporations have undoubtedly been funneling support to the clinton campaign behind the scenes as well prominent billionaires like george soros and warren buffett have done all they could to drag hillarys stumbling halfcorpse both literally and figuratively across the line whilst trump has been supported by a number of tenfigure businessmen these men are regularly attacked in the media they include the scapegoated but brave peter thiel and carl icahn and then theres the mainstream media countless studies have indicated that about of all journalists are liberal this overrepresentation is more salient still in the upper echelons of newsmen and women particularly prominent mastheads such as the new york times washington post and huffington post plus democratic tv surrogates like cnn and nbc the campaign has inflated this preexisting liberal bias one that plagued the two george w bush administrations but raged even more ferociously against donald trump over the last months all of these media elites have lambasted trump for over a year at the same time they give the paltriest coverage of the disgusting hillary podesta and dnc emails everything newsworthy on this front from the overwhelming presence of clinton foundation donors in hillarys secretary of state diary book to more recent revelations about john podestas involvement with satanic rituals has been brushed off the balcony by the wolf blitzers and chuck todds of the american mainstream media yet trump has triumphed nonetheless the new administration must crush the criminal democratic elites and clinton foundation with the rule of law will hillary now find herself stumbling into jail inasmuch as the clinton campaign the sjws and their big business and media enablers have been defeated in this years election they retain very welloiled and effective means for trying to undermine president trump once he takes office trumps first priority as commanderinchief must be to remove the bureaucratic apparatchiks preventing a full and frank investigation of the clinton foundation he also needs to clear the way for legal inquiries into the various criminal activities as uncovered by wikileaks perpetrated from within the dnc and hillary clintons campaign the department of justice in particular has engaged in all manner of skulduggery most notably when attorneygeneral loretta lynch had a private meeting with bill clinton during the most crucial time of the fbi investigation into hillarys emails additionally elements of the state department illegally informed hillary about new developments in that same case enough is enough its time to drain the swamp election night produced another curveball after weeks of calling donald trump a sore loser for him not saying if he would respect the final result hillary clinton refused to speak to her supporters and the american people it would seem that she only telephoned trump privately so whos the sore loser now last night we were witnesses to the greatest electoral seachange in americanand perhaps globalhistory we cannot lose sight of the work to be done but for the next hours we can bask in this unprecedented victory against all odds hail to the chief donald j trump read more reasons donald trump will win the presidential election of
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comment reasons diet sucks important concepts manosphere taught
rejoice gentlemen tears liberals flowing freely donald trump recently announced president hard work weve committed past year finally come close truly event ages hard working american businessman beat globalist titans satanic elite spirit great victory believe entitled enjoyment article solely dedicated bathing liberal tears mark words glorious beginning end sjwism think high time soak fruits labor hillary hq morale obliterated sorry guys theres brakes trumptrain poll results came moving trump measly chance whopping chance seizing presidency libtards began crying across nation turns america fact want lord savior hillary rodham christ president free world note sour expression woman far right unfortunately guys trump presidency sorry illegalsyoure sjwism coming end mainstream media dying going make america great mean wont letting violent refugees oh heres video compilation theshakening late literallyshaking literally cant even literally literally hitler frosty regressive left cant cope reality youre much trouble dealing trumps presidency shouldnt even allowed vote doesnt realize democrats keep black population giving free handouts encouraging squalor oh feels people lead country cant even contain emotions professional victim concern trolling olympics meanwhile trump hq notice general lack highestrogen men guys dont seem lacking testosterone man giving toast donald trump making america great thank mr president lets maga read wall street hollywood media sjws fail stop donald trump becoming americas next president
Jean-Batave Poqueliche
the most important concepts the manosphere taught me
firearms panics happen over a variety of things like acts of domestic terrorism mass shootings or democrats getting elected to office though we may not have to worry about this for a few years after nd amendment enthusiast donald trumps decisive victory last night lets cover our bases and talk about a panic if future democrats are elected what is a panic for ammo and firearms a panic is when people go and buy items just to have them because they are worried that there will soon be no more or it will be illegal to buy and sell such items but maybe not to own them already as most americans still believe in the no ex post facto laws part of the constitution adding to a panic is speculators who buy from retailers who are roundly shamed if they raise their own prices only to resell privately at much higher levels while this is legal it certainly isnt ethical or a decent thing to do and these folks deserve being shamed and mocked at every opportunity lastly the gun stores or sites inventory cannot handle the flex in the buying demand nor can the manufacturer and an artificially contrived panic creates a real scarcity that can only be corrected by the panic running out of steam as everyone buys what they consider to be enough and natural undercutting resets the price back to lower levels some prices never return long rifle ammunition has still not totally recovered from the damage old brock the islamic shock obama did to it with his multiyear championship of best firearms salesman ever and it may be even worse under the bitch in chief so what gets grabbed in a panic what should you get what should you count on still being available weve got three categories guns ammo and componentsaccessories guns anything thats big on the liberal hit list is a first target for a ban so its a first target for a panic look for things that are popular with the right and scary to the left also look for things that are modern no one is going to ban the m garand anytime soon evil features matter more than destructive power anyone who knows anything about guns knows that the ak and the ar fire intermediate cartridges that are puny enough to be considered inhumane in several states with which to hunt deer as they lack the power to kill the animal with marginal shots however theyre black and have mean things attached to them so theyre on the shit list while a nice blued with wooden stock scoped bolt action rifle in a magnum cartridge capable of wrecking your world from twice the distance that an ar can pull is safe as it looks traditional they have to be popular to the left to get noticed rifles like the fal and anything based of the ghk action simply dont have enough exposure to get targeted unless they pull something sweeping like the usc r rules again the mini and the ma might be safe maybe for pistols pretty much any semiautomatic of the polymer age is fair game to want banned oftentimes stupid rules like restrictive magazine sizes get pushed s hi powers other old domestic semiautos and revolvers should be safe expect the libtards to go after glocks and the like shotguns seem to be immune these days as theres not a whole lot of difference between a hunting gun and a combat gun other than paint and mag tube length i think the saigas are still not being imported and its about the only box mag fed one out there but anything else makes a good home defense gun that should also be immune to the ammo panic portion as well ammunition range full metal jacket and defensehunting hollow or soft point cartridges in popular centerfire calibers and long rifle will almost literally evaporate from your local store and online and its probably beginning as i write this oddly enough only certain rounds will suffer panic buying for rifles its limited to and traditional hunting rounds like and do not seem to be impacted why doesnt get bought in a panic as the old joke goes men with s dont panic but it really has to do with the feedback cycle i mentioned at the start if theres little demand it cannot exceed the instore supply so the perception of it being gone for good cannot occur everything but the shotgun shell and the howitzer round to the far right will sell fast in a panic panic bought pistol ammo is the big mm luger sw and acp will round out the affected semiautomatic rounds and there usually is a bit of a run on magnum and special as well mm sig gap and other magnums like the do not seem to be affected for rimfires long rifle just goes poof while its magnum brother and smaller caliber cousins do not seem to be as affected rimfires are not reloadable and this contributes to their overstockpiling components and accessories most centerfire ammo is reloadable and the serious amongst shooters will roll their own for economy selfreliance and performance so the consumable components will also get some panics although ive held off on reloading articles until i get my press set back up we can hit up the components that will get panic bought briefly biggest thing is primers even bigger than the bullets oddly enough the primer is the little metal cup that gets smacked by the firing pin and sets off the powder in modern cartridges and they come in two sizes for pistols two for rifles and of varying hardness to satisfy military specifications the second is gunpowder itself fortunately theres a wide variety of smokeless powder and everyone tends to have the brands and formulas they prefer so it takes a little less of a hit than the primers the third is the bullets and since there are so many types and manufacturers they also take a little less of a hit than primers while you obviously need all three to reload bear that in mind always save your brass and anyone elses you can pick up even though the little ones are easier to use the higher capacity ones disappear first get both while it is always a good idea to have spare springs and small parts like firing pins and extractors that are prone to breakage the number one accessory or part to take a hit in panics is the box magazine especially high capacity ones i dont mean the round drum mags although those do take a dive nor do i really mean the round coffin mags but i mean the full capacity full sized pistol mags like a round mag for a full sized pistol or a round ar mag expect to see pmags and surplus style aluminum ar mags just vanish the gabby giffords special the extended glock round mag is also a contender for vanishing fast in a panic holsters slings cleaning accessories optics and ammo cans seem to be immune from panics what to do if you already own a carbine andor a semiauto pistol make sure you have enough ammo magazines and spare parts its a lot better to have one gun with multiple mags and a lot of ammo than many guns with the one or two mags with which they came from the factory and a couple boxes of ammo i try to have at least six mags for my semiauto pistols and at least ten mags for my semiauto rifles get some rifle mags of different sizes the and ar mags are fun for shooting standing up but they get in the way of prone firing and the and rounders are preferable your ultimate ammo goal i maintain should be a thousand practice rounds and defense rounds for each gun you have but in a prepanic or panic situation just get what you can at a normal price some is better than none if youre into reloading you know what to get already if you dont own anything and want to soon refer to some pistol articles a rifle article a shotgun article and a buying guide here consider buying some stripped ar lowers to build on a rainy day later on build an ar and meet girls at the range conclusion no matter who got elected i think this country is in for rough times its always better to have firearms and not need them then not have them and need them store yours safely but accessible and ready in times of need read more firearms a man should own
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wisdom books old testament
things america learn hungarys resistance migrant masses things america learn hungarys resistance migrant masses paprika plutocrat spicy capitalistic hungarian blogger follow unyielding assaults cultural marxism blog paprikaplutocratcom november politics nd october hungary seen stunning manifestation national unity votes cast referendum regarding euimposed migrant settlement quotas declared strong undebatable hungarian national parliament works incorporating referendum results amendment countrys constitution leftwing news outletslike guardiancelebrated supposed inadequacy referendum beyond dispute message voting strong firm five lessons learn monumental stand globalism democracies need strong leaders wimpy western politicians would voters believe personality matter strong witty masculine politicians often depicted exponents fascistic personality cult nowadays seems much distinction made macho nazi reality great western democratic leaders strong menand sometimes women winston churchill charles de gaulle david bengurion ronald reagan margaret thatcher known timid politically correct politicians would retract apologize every past comment theyve made think todays eu politicians western leaders could beaten hitler cold war hungarys viktor orbán might faults certainly shy weak politician lacks magnetism even opponents grant rare political talent almost visionary skill seeing future happenings think one year ago hungary first european country build wall keep migrant wave today countriesfrom austria great britainfollow lead listen th march speech made hungarys national holiday commemorating countrys freedom fight habsburgs look standing rain without guy holding umbrella head man speaking skills grand views balls idea western democracies function leaders charisma damp rag appearance lowgrade bank clerkto quote nigel farage sharply put herman van rompuyis lie foundation reality democracy masses masses need inspiration leaders democratic leaders therefore strong need game personally friend monarchies libertarian arguments long western world believes democracy cannot cucks wimps protecting liberty protected rightwing anyone believes game enjoys fruits western liberal capitalism like yes modern world faults freedom speech freedom sex life freedom entrepreneurship freedom travel essential parts lifestyle course tenets left hates today fact want live free live masculine lifestyle liberalism today certainly friend therefore im going write liberty liberalism one debate difference terms short mean left today doesnt want free wants politically correct nanny state control plan every move make punish oblige right however still stands basic concept personal liberty grown love respect hungary criticized lot leftwing groups curbed freedoms agree state actions unnecessary hardly defensible hungaryand easterneuropetoday still freedom corners ohsoliberalandtolerant western world hungary universities rarely propagate debased agenda social justice wars cultural marxism regularly attacked barely tolerated feminism rare marginal country overwhelmingly conservative right wing governing party twothirds parliamentary seats centreright largest opposition party openly farright capital city budapest one best cheapest cities nightlife gaming europe certainly prosecuted stopping hot girls asking numberunlike western cities minorities misled hungarian pressmuch outside view grand world due rarely known complicated languagehas throes past months migrant crisis like eastern european countries hungary barely immigration muslims fact theres black person street people often turn heads debates present western mediaabout muslim integration terror islam palestine israel recently surfaced hungarian press minorities course misled leftwing press believing migrants refugees poor victims responsibility assist jewish press meaning official jewish congregation organs conspiracy theories lgbt groups voiced concern tolerance nonviolent communication probably grand revelation readers site muslim immigration brings little good minorities milo yiannopoulos said lecture muslims top oppression ladder want kill others oppression ladder minorities misled following agenda political left sight hungarys gay public personalities demonstrating letting muslims front parliament clear proof feminists love islam feminism hungary rare bird exist one radical marxistfeminist made news openly argued could terrorists among muslim refugees course paris brussels attacks many perpetrators arrived refugees hungary days ago stumbled across facebook page another fine specimen hardly attractive girl celebrated empowerment hijab according beautiful expression females voluntary decision defy dating market describing violent shameful oppression people voluntary selfempowerment crazy feminists live denial facts recent alliance crazy radical islam marxist feminism proves neither love western culture eastern europe still ok western media gleefully celebrated fact voter turnout little limit required turnout reached according hungarian laws however referendum electorate turnout valid even politically binding hungarian government soon amend constitution declare brussels cannot force country take immigrants without consent people policy clear sound message eastern europewith faults economic lagging sometimes real intoleranceis still better place live masculine men many place western world masculine lifestyle appreciated donald trump grand supporteven viktor orbán voiced good wishes republican presidentelectand feminism failed win serious ground eastern europe still lost hungary certainly among best options men game today
The Most Important Concepts The Manosphere Taught Me
comment on reasons why your diet sucks by the most important concepts the manosphere taught me
rejoice gentlemen the tears of liberals are flowing freely as donald trump has recently been announced president all of the hard work that weve committed ourselves to over the past year has finally come to a close its truly an event of the ages a hard working american businessman beat out the globalist titans and satanic elite in the spirit of this great victory i believe that were all entitled to some enjoyment this article will be solely dedicated to bathing in liberal tears and mark my words it will be glorious this is the beginning of the end of sjwism and i think its high time we soak in the fruits of our labor hillary hq morale obliterated sorry guys theres no brakes on the trumptrain as poll results came in moving trump from a measly chance to a whopping chance of seizing the presidency libtards began crying all across the nation turns out that america does not in fact want their lord and savior hillary rodham christ to be president of the free world note the sour expression of the woman on the far right unfortunately for you guys trump has won the presidency sorry illegalsyoure out sjwism is coming to an end the mainstream media is dying off and were going to make america great again you mean we wont be letting in violent refugees oh no heres a video compilation theshakening too late he won literallyshaking literally cant even literally literally hitler as am i frosty as am i the regressive left cant cope with reality if youre having this much trouble dealing with trumps presidency you shouldnt even be allowed to vote she doesnt realize that democrats keep the black population down by giving them free handouts and encouraging squalor oh the feels how can these people lead our country when they cant even contain their emotions professional victim and concern trolling olympics meanwhile at trump hq notice the general lack of highestrogen men most of these guys dont seem to be lacking in testosterone this man is giving a toast to donald trump to making america great again thank you mr president lets maga read more wall street hollywood the media and sjws fail to stop donald trump from becoming americas next president
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myths men believe southeast asia
things learned united states election well need keep mind make efforts return sanity society federal government corrupted probably shocking lesson election entire federal government coopted serve single partythe democrats best example behavior fbi director james comey fbi part executive branch government comey reports loretta lynch turn reports obama despite fact one expects fbi allowed high degree discretion honestly investigate individuals regardless political party belong us founded upon idea equal law comeys actions reveal fbi thrown equality law window first fbi investigated clintons use unsecure personal email server conduct national business secretary state even though clinton apparently violated several laws gotten people severe jail sentences comey exonerated back july hand slap move surprised everyone comey reopened october th criminal investigation clinton emails state department emails found pervert anthony weiners computer trump supporters rejoiced hillary supporters expressed outrage white house calmly called comey man integrity know something didnt turns fix beginning hours election day comey exonerated clinton fbi director likely intended clear clinton wrongdoing election defuse donald trumps criticism big lesson law applied selectively wealthy politicallyconnected people dont need play rules everyone else unless situation corrected means rule law deadand grave lesson indeed elites control elites want believe super smart super powerful like great oz ive written many times control globalist elites exert country control media educational institutions politicians form bribes donations cushy job offers speaking fees controlling flow information setting narrative globalists able control masses like cattle good news control complete omnipotent weakness elites demonstrated three ways first brexit vote prime minister david cameron agreed hold referendum uks membership eu never dreamed britons would actually vote leave polls time showed movement leave would go flames still work men like nigel farage boris johnson british populace voted leave eu brits leave side endure called racist look past polling said chance win second way campaign trump gop planned coronation jeb bush rest gop field candidates virtually indistinguishable jeb trump came uncompromising message crushed jeb rest little jebs elite plan hillary versus weak conservative completely thrown disarray trumps campaign even trump lost general still victory instead seeing great oz see globalists behind curtain third manifestation weakness elites rise alt right tiny group young people internet able quickly wake large segments population year ago terms like nationalism globalism rarely heard us grandmothers texas tweeting need lay axe globalists overall lesson fear globalist elite exist able fool majority population us sound strategy defeated elite completely divorced nonelites past europe aristocracy aristocracy close relationship rest people country aristocracy expected defend nation case war also religion rest country already knew modern aristocracy globalist elites responsibilities toward rest us thanks wikileaks learned dont even share religion wikileaks revealed hillary clinton campaign manager close friends marina abramovic serbian artist performs occult rituals calls spirit cooking spirit cooking appears set magical rituals use bodily fluids menstrual blood urine semen achieve certain goals usually sexrelated also involves least minor sacrifices one recipe calls cutting ones figure eating pain spirit cooking certainly grotesque intention focus except point become sort initiation ritual us globalist elite hillary clinton john podesta jayz beyonce lady gaga gwen stefani attended rituals would surprised learn many politicians ceos bankers also participate getting invited one spirit cooking sessions means gained entry wealthy elite us probably similar groups rituals modern day european elites several things work spirit cooking participants probably dont believe efficacy spirit cooking ritual like college fraternity initiation means something terms ones social standing also satanic imagery spirit cooking sexual overtones big middle fingers christianity elite regard religion unwashed masses ways modern elite separated rest us dont share destiny us country starts going hell wealthy elite pick move another country live small heavily guarded compounds untouched damage policies caused even lack common morality us eyes wealth somehow put beyond traditional moral code guides rest us fact elites regard rest country bode well aristocracy old knew fortune bound countrymen modern elite lack wisdom enough hoi polloi realize matter time pseudoelites deposed pedestal conclusion trumps election problem federal government used political purposes mitigated however problems indulgent pseudoelite continue force prevents patriarchy returning case grateful election exposed cancers eating away society read rigged fbi reveals evidence hillary clinton broke law prosecute
Roosh Valizadeh
the wisdom books of the old testament
things america can learn from hungarys resistance against the migrant masses things america can learn from hungarys resistance against the migrant masses the paprika plutocrat is a spicy capitalistic hungarian blogger follow his unyielding assaults against cultural marxism on his blog paprikaplutocratcom november politics on the nd of october hungary has seen a stunning manifestation of national unity as of votes cast on a referendum regarding the euimposed migrant settlement quotas were declared a strong and undebatable no now the hungarian national parliament works at incorporating the referendum results as an amendment to the countrys constitution while some leftwing news outletslike the guardiancelebrated the supposed inadequacy of the referendum it is beyond dispute that the message of the voting is strong and firm here are five lessons we can learn from this monumental stand against globalism democracies need strong leaders wimpy western politicians would have their voters believe that personality does not matter strong witty and masculine politicians are often depicted as exponents of a fascistic personality cult nowadays it seems not much distinction is made between being a macho and being a nazi in reality all great western democratic leaders were strong menand sometimes women winston churchill charles de gaulle david bengurion ronald reagan and margaret thatcher were not known for being timid politically correct politicians who would retract and apologize for every past comment that theyve made do you think that todays eu politicians and western leaders could have beaten hitler or won the cold war hungarys viktor orbán might have some faults but he is certainly not a shy and weak politician who lacks magnetism even his opponents will grant him that he has a rare political talent and an almost visionary skill for seeing future happenings think of how one year ago hungary was the first european country to build a wall to keep the migrant wave out today most countriesfrom austria to great britainfollow his lead just listen to his th march speech made on hungarys national holiday commemorating the countrys freedom fight against the habsburgs look at how he is standing in the rain without some guy holding an umbrella over his head this man has speaking skills grand views and balls the idea that western democracies can function with leaders who have the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a lowgrade bank clerkto quote nigel farage who has so sharply put it to herman van rompuyis a lie and has no foundation in reality democracy is about the masses the masses need inspiration and leaders democratic leaders therefore have to be strong and need game themselves i am personally a friend of monarchies and i have libertarian arguments for it but as long as the western world believes in democracy we cannot have cucks and wimps protecting it liberty is protected by the rightwing anyone who believes in game enjoys the fruits if western liberal capitalism like it or not yes the modern world has its faults but freedom of speech freedom of sex life freedom of entrepreneurship and freedom of travel are all essential parts of our lifestyle of course these are tenets that the left hates today in fact if you want to live free and live a masculine lifestyle the liberalism of today is certainly not your friend therefore im going to write about liberty and not liberalism one can debate the difference between these terms in short what i mean is that the left today doesnt want you to be free but wants a politically correct nanny state to control and plan every move you make and punish you if you do not oblige the right however still stands for the basic concept of personal liberty that we have grown to love and respect hungary has been criticized a lot by leftwing groups for having curbed some freedoms i will agree that some of these state actions were unnecessary and hardly defensible but hungaryand easterneuropetoday still has more freedom than some corners of the ohsoliberalandtolerant western world in hungary universities rarely propagate the debased agenda of social justice wars cultural marxism is regularly attacked and barely tolerated feminism is rare and marginal and the country is overwhelmingly conservative and right wing the governing party with twothirds of parliamentary seats is centreright the largest opposition party is openly farright in the capital city of budapest one of the best and cheapest cities for nightlife and gaming in europe you will certainly not be prosecuted for stopping hot girls and asking for their numberunlike some western cities minorities are misled the hungarian pressmuch outside of the view of the grand world due to our rarely known and complicated languagehas been in throes for the past few months about the migrant crisis like most eastern european countries hungary barely has any immigration or muslims in fact if theres a black person on the street people will often turn their heads debates that have been present in the western mediaabout muslim integration terror and islam palestine and israel have only recently surfaced in the hungarian press minorities of course have been misled by the leftwing press into believing that the migrants were refugees poor victims whom he have a responsibility to assist the jewish press meaning official jewish congregation organs not conspiracy theories and lgbt groups voiced their concern for tolerance and nonviolent communication it is probably not a grand revelation to most readers of this site that muslim immigration brings little good to minorities as milo yiannopoulos said in a lecture of his the muslims are not on top of the oppression ladder but they want to kill all the others on the oppression ladder minorities have been misled into following the agenda of the political left the sight of hungarys gay public personalities demonstrating for letting in muslims in front the parliament is a clear proof of this feminists love islam feminism in hungary is a rare bird but it does exist one such radical marxistfeminist made the news when she openly argued that there could be no terrorists among muslim refugees this of course was before the paris and brussels attacks many of the perpetrators of which arrived as refugees through hungary a few days ago i stumbled across the facebook page of another fine specimen this hardly attractive girl celebrated the empowerment of the hijab which according to her was a beautiful expression of females voluntary decision to defy the dating market describing such violent and shameful oppression of people as voluntary selfempowerment is crazy feminists live in denial of facts and the recent alliance between crazy radical islam and marxist feminism only proves that neither has any love for western culture eastern europe is still ok the western media gleefully celebrated the fact that with a voter turnout of a little more than the limit of required turnout was not reached according to hungarian laws however a referendum with or more electorate turnout is valid even if not politically binding the hungarian government will soon amend the constitution to declare that brussels cannot force the country to take in immigrants without the consent of the people such a policy is clear and sound the message is that eastern europewith all its faults economic lagging and sometimes real intoleranceis still a better place to live for masculine men that many a place in the western world here masculine lifestyle is appreciated donald trump has grand supporteven viktor orbán voiced his good wishes for the republican presidentelectand feminism has failed to win any serious ground eastern europe is still not lost and hungary is certainly among the best options for men of game today
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ridiculously stupid things men keep women
socalled intellectuals harm good society socalled intellectuals harm good society andré young european left decaying country greener pastures enjoys exploring subterranean places reading host interconnected topics yearns tradition november culture existence intellectuals ubiquitous today ever many contend public attention credibility money reward wits mention status intellectual yet existence people far selfevident centuries traditional societies barely anything anybody looked like modern intellectuals prevent lasting hundreds even thousands years elaborate projects ideas reforming depraved societies empire nothinga necessary step want lasting victoryan important question must confronted need called intellectuals last centuries instead origin modern intellectuals heart modernity lies deep crisis western europe united christian faith basic agreement place economysubordinated guilds rights average producer modernity reared philosophical head rené descartes prominent thinker seventeenth century old continent much problematic state christianity splintered various opposing faiths whose intellectual opposition shaking everything core told seventeenth eighteenth centuries glorious new flourishing intelligence fact thinkers actually lived time quite different impression irish bishop george berkeley criticized practice philosophy become age synonymous getting embroiled thousand scruples prejudices errors sense situation attributed wrong use make faculties likewise scottish philosopher david hume scolded contemporaries eager criticize systems others sake pushing scene mutual hypercriticism led general lack certitude everything nothing subject debate men learning contrary opinions trivial question escapes controversy momentous able give certain decision disputes multiplied everything uncertain disputes managed greatest warmth everything certain amidst bustle reason carries prize eloquence hence opinion arises common prejudice metaphysical reasonings kinds first precursors honest endeavour solve crisis descartes berkeley hume many others genuinely sought grand encompassing theory could resume controversies soon controversy became institution whole market ideas growing lettrés started see opportunity make name thus earning fame social standing sometimes money hume could help soon criticizing fed crisis attacking others systems promoting socalled enlightenment undermining spiritual philosophical cultural unity ambitious individuals ready hustle notoriety would experts flattering powerful mocking catholic church fiddle fashionable themes witty prose everything else rationalizing activity progress expression enlightenment stems willingness market posterity intellectuals bread butter noted amateur gentlemen eighteenth century generations scientists sprang characters mathematicians engineers doctors dedicated observers nature contributed improving general human power matter make mistake even science needs problems unknown stuff justify careers research thus following headlong rush dynamic side literary intellectuals need problems opportunity sell claiming want solve momentous crisis turned crisis structure structure turned mark modern west god ceased speak modern talking head took territory wrote dozens books trying prove embodiment progress doesnt matter problems genuine artificial intellectuals need like blacksmith needs iron two typical intellectual characters voltaire émile zola gifted writers charming witty managed write matters actually relevant times used trial political overtones make show incidentally french participated furthering twisted literary chauvinism voltaire took advantage various trials claim defendants accused protestants inside catholic country infamous affaire calas name father accused murdered son used shrewd philosophe sending pathetic letters upper crust society stirring public opinion pressuring magistrates fatherwho convicted executed thorough investigationwas rehabilitated two centuries half later young frenchmen still taught voltaire champion truth justice reason whereas like playwright peddled influence zola century later jewishfrench captain alfred dreyfus convicted high treason allegedly communicated secret documents prussia years later new evidence seemed indicate dreyfus innocent another officer leaked documents moment zola published incendiary article jaccuse spat judges cried injustice affaire eventually dreyfus rehabilitatedand army patriots catholics shamed neverending media discourse casted villains whole story voltaire zola played role narrative exact kind taught situation injustice majority population oppressing innocent group innocent individual crooked institutions fortunately heroic talking head rises miraculously converts opinion recognize poor innocent victim talking head crowned awesome thinker beyond boundaries whereas fairly vilified oppressors poor victims rehabilitation also victory reason justice progress thus intellectuel typical sense highly paradoxical creature becomes taught classes seemingly rebelled dominant institutions teenagers led think heroic highly intelligent individuals turn tide unfavourable opinion provided follow mysterious sense history lot intellectuals mere classics often rejected official narrative interesting inside whos gonna pay even gifted words language talking head pay much would anyone ready pay giving opinion matter elaborate anything problem money good starting point connect dots voltaire close wealthy protestants bankers one even helped obtain house geneva zola rotschild protégé contributed tarnish catholicism people words served interests could pay themthey sellouts today bloggers happen earn money independents especially found niche yet independence scarce way many people would like live wits even obtain recognition intellectuals often intellectual types turn teachers journalists even marketersthus depending upon institution pays north america war whites masculinity massively subsidized whether academic media wont easily find job take critical stance cultural marxism case wouldnt selfhating enough already replacing minority individuals rewarded spewing wordy venom daily old marxism wellaligned interests intellectuals class individuals handed official status flattered ego casting vanguard progress keynesianism triumphed exact reason justified creation bloated state modelobsessed nerds enjoy tremendous power produce actual wealth intellectual types historically joined left gave status money moral recognition whole marxist vocabulary progress emancipation dissimulated seems glaring today namely intellectuals recognized paid enlightened bright efficient tool destruction conservative right often lacked milieu intellectual types average conservative reluctant pay someone saw parasite lack pushed number high iqs arms left made establishment paid enforce globalism antiwhiteness antimasculinity pathological altruism transgender madness politically correct repression intellectuals never paid say truth paid tools performed primarily destructive social function happen beat cultural marxism shall intellectual types dismantle globalism build healthier societies think replace bobo leftist establishment intellectual mediocrity spinelessness average conservative solution truly traditional society would likely initiates something akin high priests knights lieu vacuous coward talkers exactly go exactly could look today another question conclusion french essayist alain soral famously said journalist either whore without job even truer intellectuals sold destructive left seldomly inefficient right culture overrated mainstream refers name giant matrix full lies taboos snobbery talking heads end lying everyone believing bullshit wonder shrewd robert greene advised intense realist one must cultivate inner intuition situational awareness fall prey claptrap constitutes least eighty per cent current mainstream culture previous generations could join cultural marxist establishment pretend destructive egoladen works progress generation impossible either stand existence even must go two centuries manipulations lies resign ignominious death take power back shared awareness must stimulated enter direct conflict wellfunded antiwhite antimasculine establishment types must beat field bonus quotes intellectuels problems modern philosophical thinking puts forward appear void importance meaning modern philosophy features range issues merely stem equivocal stance confusion different viewpoints issues exist poorly framed fundamental reason exist many cases defining statements precisely may enough make disappear plain simple modern philosophy strive maintain makes living ambiguity rené guénon introduction study hindu doctrines chap rené guénon young philosophers care much putting forth problems matter artificial illusory solving also strive link name system strictly bounded set theories would consider nothing work hence desire original price even truth must sacrificed altar said originality philosopher cares repute better making new mistake repeating truth already expressed others rené guénon crisis modern world chap rené guénon older evident feature modern critique lack principles authenticity greater preoccupation consists brilliant appearing original point view embody intellectuality catchy line dialectical polemical posturing well noticed others much greater value truth ideas use nothing pretext matters look intelligentjust mainstream politician ideology party essentially means career vanity fair deleterious subjectivism often verging pure unmitigated narcissism essential components phenomenon critique scourge modern culture epidemic born bourgeois society concomitantly commodification culture normal traditional civilizations one could find creators artists would judge works without intermediaries sovereigns patrons people times witnessed appearance public creators cultural pimp cheeky presumptuous parasite call critique julius evola bow club baron giulio cesare evola show venal insensitive corrupt minds literate caste many know whose virtue would still uncorrupted thirty years kept flooding us loosened morale disdain work disgust duty disrespect family literary dipped secret funds shamelessly seduced women softened young excited nation debauchery abandon cowardly princes begging favours socalled men letters always run like harlots legitimate government usurpers monarchy republic politics socialism atheism religion everything good long make profit fashionable pierrejoseph proudhon quoted following one pierrejoseph proudon compare example seventeenth century writers eighteenth difference tone gait former veneer servility noble proud stance pretend reign merely stand place recognize place superior power beyond give completely writing task dismiss temptation advertising demonstrate professional dedication hand look voltaire diderot like open well era intellectuals writing stooges courtiers princes flatter despise timesomething forced want usurp power courtier nature reveals everything whole eighteenth century spiritual plain scoundrel background libertine already pornographic start literary mercantilism people letters make money writings pretend financial independence write garbage flatter opinion public édouard berth les méfaits des intellectuels misdeeds intellectuals introduction édouard berth disciple proudhon experience journalists citing books without smallest effort go writingsmy experience journalists professional academics similar phony professions dont read original sources largely need figure consensus making pronouncement nassim taleb antifragile chap
Greg Freeman
myths that men believe about southeast asia
there are some things that we have learned about the united states from this election well need to keep these in mind as we make efforts to return sanity to society the federal government has been corrupted probably the most shocking lesson of this election is that the entire federal government has been coopted to serve a single partythe democrats the best example of this was the behavior of fbi director james comey the fbi is part of the executive branch of government so comey reports to loretta lynch who in turn reports to obama despite this fact one expects that the fbi be allowed a high degree of discretion to honestly investigate individuals regardless of which political party they belong to after all the us was founded upon the idea that we are all equal before the law comeys actions reveal that the fbi has thrown equality before the law out the window at first the fbi investigated clintons use of an unsecure personal email server to conduct national business while she was secretary of state but even though clinton apparently violated several laws that have gotten other people severe jail sentences comey exonerated her back in july with a hand slap in a move that surprised everyone comey reopened on october th the criminal investigation of clinton after emails state department emails were found on pervert anthony weiners computer trump supporters rejoiced and hillary supporters expressed outrage but the white house calmly called comey a man of integrity did they know something we didnt it turns out the fix was in from the beginning because just hours before election day comey exonerated clinton again the fbi director likely intended to clear clinton of wrongdoing before the election to defuse donald trumps criticism of her the big lesson is that the law is applied selectively wealthy politicallyconnected people dont need to play by the same rules as everyone else unless this situation is corrected it means the rule of law is deadand that is a very grave lesson indeed the elites are in control but elites want you to believe they are super smart and super powerful like the great oz ive written many times about the control that globalist elites exert on the country through their control of the media educational institutions and politicians through the form of bribes donations cushy job offers speaking fees by controlling the flow of information and setting the narrative the globalists are able to control the masses like cattle the good news is that their control is not complete they are not omnipotent the weakness of the elites has been demonstrated in three ways the first was with the brexit vote when prime minister david cameron agreed to hold a referendum on the uks membership in the eu he never dreamed that britons would actually vote to leave all the polls at the time showed that any movement to leave would go down in flames still through the work of men like nigel farage and boris johnson the british populace voted to leave the eu the brits on the leave side had to endure being called racist and look past polling that said they had no chance to win the second way was the campaign of trump himself the gop had planned a coronation for jeb bush the rest of the gop field was me too candidates who were virtually indistinguishable from jeb trump came in with an uncompromising message and crushed jeb and the rest of the little jebs the elite plan to have hillary versus a weak conservative was completely thrown into disarray by trumps campaign even if trump has lost the general it is still a victory because now instead of seeing the great oz we see the globalists behind the curtain the third manifestation of the weakness of the elites is the rise of the alt right a tiny group of young people on the internet was able to quickly wake up large segments of the population only a year ago terms like nationalism and globalism were rarely heard in the us now we have grandmothers in texas tweeting about how we need to lay the axe to the globalists the overall lesson is that we should not fear the globalist elite they exist and they are able to fool a majority of the population but not all of us with sound strategy they can be defeated the elite have completely divorced themselves from nonelites in the past europe had an aristocracy this aristocracy had a close relationship with the rest of the people in the country the aristocracy was expected to defend the nation in case of war they also had the same religion as the rest of the country we already knew that the modern aristocracy of the globalist elites has no responsibilities toward the rest of us but thanks to wikileaks we have now learned that they dont even share the same religion wikileaks revealed that hillary clinton and her campaign manager are close friends with marina abramovic a serbian artist who performs occult rituals she calls spirit cooking spirit cooking appears to be set of magical rituals that use bodily fluids such as menstrual blood urine and semen to achieve certain goals usually sexrelated it also involves at least minor sacrifices one recipe calls for cutting ones figure and eating the pain while spirit cooking is certainly grotesque it is not my intention to focus on it except to point out that it has become a sort of initiation ritual into the us globalist elite hillary clinton john podesta jayz and beyonce lady gaga and gwen stefani have all attended these rituals and i would not be surprised to learn that many other politicians ceos and bankers also participate getting invited to one of these spirit cooking sessions means that you have gained entry into the wealthy elite in the us there are probably similar groups or rituals for the modern day european elites there are several things at work here most of the spirit cooking participants probably dont believe in the efficacy of the spirit cooking ritual it is more like a college fraternity initiation it only means something in terms of ones social standing also the satanic imagery of spirit cooking and its sexual overtones are big middle fingers to christianity which our elite regard as the religion of the unwashed masses in both of these ways our modern elite have separated themselves from the rest of us they dont share the same destiny as us if the country starts going to hell the wealthy elite can just pick up and move to another country or they can live in small heavily guarded compounds untouched by the damage their policies have caused and they even lack a common morality with us in their own eyes their wealth has somehow put them beyond the traditional moral code that guides the rest of us the fact that the elites have no regard for the rest of the country does not bode well for them the aristocracy of old knew that their fortune was bound up with that of their countrymen the modern elite lack this wisdom once enough of the hoi polloi realize it it is only a matter of time before these pseudoelites are deposed from their pedestal conclusion with trumps election the problem of federal government being used for political purposes will be mitigated however the problems with our indulgent pseudoelite will continue to be a force that prevents the patriarchy from returning in any case we can be grateful that the election of has exposed some of the cancers that are eating away at our society read more rigged fbi reveals it has evidence hillary clinton broke law but will not prosecute
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influential french author alain soral become red pilled
celebrations ended weve come absorb fact donald trump next president outcome many us aggressively worked past several months weve gotten wanted time describe exactly trump presidency improve standing president say say biggest effect well see death political correctness shitlord president insulted ugly women fat pigs whose private macho talk masculine men done relentlessly attacked press punished voter booth means talk like trump first thought listener sounds like president united states excuse limiting speech one man able gain highest office land either trump elected voters liked person makes kinds statements didnt care enough made whichever explanation accept means american people stated exercise free speech opinions desire flirt attractive women without obey speech police force evaluates everything based offensive kaleidoscope races loony identities begin removing politically correct filter im state exuberance president rates women scale way evaluates women appearance feminine attitude may institute new feature called would trump bang signify importance feminine beauty ideals cultivate effort class sloth vulgarity simply look wife beautiful women surrounded remind men everywhere prefer beauty every size sewage pushed throats gender studies professors corporations trying market product feminist fatsoes president united states see value fat women dont take care neither liberals forced tolerate us way didnt many us ease closet afraid persecution like going fire everyone supports trump accuse every man voted rape way establishment able marginalize us corner men individually apply intense pressure natural allies men back trump even dont subscribe particular interpretation masculinity liberals able point shriek get withdraw like easy victories using labels like racist sexist endure us midst bite lip offend degenerate ideals knowing price attacking us becoming costly may simple whipping maga hat bat signal fellow trump supporters come aid know see trump supporter trouble help regardless race station liberals forced share space hate instead trying exile like past easier find fellow traveler men hold beliefs long ago learned cant go around sharing public vetted youre like first test new man meet masculine comment see responds remarking attractiveness woman youve heard community online trolls liberals without mercy weve even devise special pet shop code know man aware teachings found rok forum easier shortcut trump man tells voted trump safe say favorable strong borders nationalism masculinity beautiful women basic level able get along man build bond also works way around bring trump screen offended fine someone politically indifferent man opposes trump anticipate attacking sabotaging future distance wellbeing cultural decline halt president encourage antimale propaganda rape culture female victimhood minor concerns influence feministminded daughter ivanka trump continue attack men institutionalized since sexual revolution accelerated eight years obama current cultural dystopia result intense longterm manipulation enough trump simply touch gender issue allow culture return patriarchal order stop feeding rot die allowing biology naturally reassert weve experienced many changes past decade havent chance understand whats going adapt instead weve reacting one blow next whether loss jobs witch hunts rape culture horror turned banal consensual hookup possible incarceration trumps victory gives us room begin pushing back fictions put men harms way conclusion paradoxically benefits trump presidency involve specific actions trump presence automatically legitimizes masculine behaviors previously labeled sexist misogynist may still get heat less severe well less likely sustain serious damage liberals choice silently stew words effortlessly connect men male bonding also push back demoralized fractured left victories far easier achieve trump obama moment door opening renaissance masculinity men take pride men best part dont need wait trump anything victory enough us apply individual strength seizing bulls horns come politically incorrect closet assert beliefs behaviors would icing cake trump rolled back antimasculine laws policies required power change country within hands return kings opened surprise quickly name fulfilled read next donald trump doesnt win screwed
David G. Brown
ridiculously stupid things men keep doing for women
why socalled intellectuals do more harm than good to society why socalled intellectuals do more harm than good to society andré is a young european who left his decaying country in for greener pastures he enjoys exploring subterranean places reading about a host of interconnected topics and yearns for tradition november culture the existence of intellectuals is more ubiquitous today than ever many are those who contend for public attention credibility and money as a reward for their wits not to mention the very status of intellectual yet the existence of such people is far from selfevident for centuries traditional societies barely had anything or anybody that looked like modern intellectuals and this did not prevent them from lasting hundreds or even thousands of years so as we elaborate projects and ideas for reforming the depraved societies of the empire of nothinga necessary step if we want a lasting victoryan important question must be confronted do we need at all what has been called intellectuals during last centuries and if we do not what should we have instead the origin of modern intellectuals at the heart of modernity lies a deep crisis before it western europe was united by the same christian faith and a basic agreement on the place of economysubordinated to guilds and the rights of the average producer when modernity reared its philosophical head through rené descartes a prominent thinker of the seventeenth century the old continent was in a much more problematic state christianity had splintered into various opposing faiths whose intellectual opposition was shaking everything to the core we have been told that the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were a glorious new flourishing of intelligence but in fact thinkers who actually lived at this time had quite a different impression the irish bishop george berkeley criticized how the practice of philosophy had become on his age synonymous with getting embroiled into thousand scruples prejudices and errors of sense a situation he attributed to the wrong use we make of our faculties likewise the scottish philosopher david hume scolded his contemporaries for being too eager to criticize the systems of others for the sake of pushing their own on the scene that is a mutual hypercriticism that led to a general lack of certitude about everything there is nothing which is not the subject of debate and in which men of learning are not of contrary opinions the most trivial question escapes not our controversy and in the most momentous we are not able to give any certain decision disputes are multiplied as if everything was uncertain and these disputes are managed with the greatest warmth as if everything was certain amidst all this bustle it is not reason which carries the prize but eloquence from hence in my opinion arises that common prejudice against metaphysical reasonings of all kinds the first precursors were honest in their endeavour to solve the crisis descartes berkeley hume and many others genuinely sought a grand encompassing theory that could resume with all controversies but soon the very controversy became an institution a whole market of ideas was growing in which more and more lettrés started to see an opportunity to make a name thus earning fame social standing and sometimes money hume could not help himself soon after criticizing those who fed the crisis by attacking the others systems while promoting their own he was doing the same such was the socalled enlightenment the further undermining of any spiritual philosophical or cultural unity by ambitious individuals ready to hustle for notoriety they would be experts at flattering the powerful mocking the catholic church fiddle fashionable themes and witty prose and more than everything else rationalizing their activity as a progress the very expression enlightenment stems from their willingness to market themselves to the posterity the intellectuals bread and butter it can be noted that from the amateur gentlemen of the eighteenth century generations of scientists have sprang up some of these characters were mathematicians engineers doctors or dedicated observers of nature and they all contributed to improving general human power over matter but make no mistake even science needs problems and unknown stuff to justify careers and research thus following a headlong rush dynamic at its side the literary intellectuals need more problems so they can have the opportunity to sell themselves through claiming they want to solve them the momentous crisis turned into a crisis structure and the structure turned into a mark of the modern west where god ceased to speak the modern talking head took more and more territory and wrote dozens of books trying to prove he was the embodiment of progress it doesnt matter if problems are genuine or artificial intellectuals need them like a blacksmith needs iron two typical intellectual characters are voltaire and émile zola both were gifted writers both were charming and witty both managed to write about matters that were actually relevant to their times and both have used a trial with political overtones to make a show of themselves not so incidentally both were french and participated to the furthering of a twisted literary chauvinism voltaire took advantage of various trials to claim that the defendants were accused because they were protestants inside a catholic country the infamous affaire calas from the name of a father who was accused of having murdered his own son was used by the shrewd philosophe to sending pathetic letters to the upper crust of the society stirring the public opinion pressuring magistrates until the fatherwho had been convicted and executed after a thorough investigationwas rehabilitated two centuries and a half later young frenchmen are still taught voltaire was a champion of truth justice and reason whereas he was more like a playwright who peddled influence zola more than a century later did the same a jewishfrench captain alfred dreyfus was convicted for high treason after he allegedly communicated secret documents to prussia years later some new evidence seemed to indicate that dreyfus was innocent and that another officer had leaked the documents at this very moment zola published an incendiary article jaccuse where he spat on the judges and cried about the injustice of the affaire eventually dreyfus was rehabilitatedand the army the patriots and the catholics were shamed through a neverending media discourse that casted them as villains of the whole story voltaire and zola played the same role in a narrative of the exact same kind we are taught about a situation of injustice where the majority of the population is oppressing an innocent group through an innocent individual and crooked institutions fortunately a heroic talking head rises miraculously converts the opinion to recognize the poor innocent victim as such the talking head is crowned as an awesome thinker beyond boundaries whereas some are fairly vilified as oppressors and the poor victims rehabilitation is also the victory of reason justice and progress thus the intellectuel in the most typical sense is a highly paradoxical creature who becomes taught in classes after having seemingly rebelled against dominant institutions teenagers are led to think that heroic and highly intelligent individuals can turn the tide of unfavourable opinion provided they follow a mysterious sense of history there have been a lot more intellectuals than the mere classics and often those rejected by the official narrative are more interesting than those inside whos gonna pay even if you are gifted with words and language being a talking head does not pay much would anyone be ready to pay you for giving an opinion no matter how elaborate on anything the problem of money is a good starting point to connect the dots voltaire was close from wealthy protestants bankers one of whom even helped him to obtain a house in geneva and zola was a rotschild protégé both of them contributed to tarnish catholicism and most of their own people in other words they served interests that could pay themthey were sellouts today some bloggers happen to earn money as independents especially when they found themselves a niche yet independence is scarce way too many people would like to live from their wits and even more obtain recognition as intellectuals more than often intellectual types turn into teachers journalists or even marketersthus depending upon an institution that pays them in north america the war against whites and masculinity is massively subsidized whether in the academic or in the media you wont easily find a job there if you take a critical stance on cultural marxism and in case you wouldnt be selfhating enough they are already replacing you with minority individuals who are rewarded for spewing wordy venom daily old marxism was wellaligned with the interests of intellectuals as a class not as individuals it handed them an official status and flattered their ego by casting them as the vanguard of progress keynesianism triumphed for the exact same reason as it justified the creation of a bloated state where modelobsessed nerds enjoy a tremendous power over those who produce actual wealth intellectual types historically joined the left because it gave them a status money and moral recognition but the whole marxist vocabulary of progress and emancipation dissimulated what seems glaring today namely that intellectuals were recognized and paid not because they were enlightened or bright but because they were an efficient tool of destruction the conservative right has often lacked a milieu for intellectual types the average conservative was reluctant to pay someone he saw as a parasite such a lack pushed a number of high iqs to the arms of the left who made an establishment out of them and paid them to enforce globalism antiwhiteness antimasculinity pathological altruism transgender madness politically correct repression and so on intellectuals were never paid to say the truth they were paid as tools who performed a primarily destructive social function if we happen to beat cultural marxism what shall we do with intellectual types if we are to dismantle globalism and build healthier societies we have to think about what we will replace the bobo leftist establishment the intellectual mediocrity and spinelessness of the average conservative is no solution a truly traditional society would likely have initiates something akin to high priests and knights in lieu of vacuous and coward talkers how exactly we go there or how exactly this could look today is another question conclusion the french essayist alain soral once famously said a journalist is either a whore or without a job this is even truer for most intellectuals sold as they are to a destructive left or more seldomly to the inefficient right culture is overrated what the mainstream refers to under that name is a giant matrix full of lies taboos and the snobbery of talking heads who end up lying to everyone or believing into their own bullshit no wonder why the shrewd robert greene advised to be an intense realist one must cultivate inner intuition and situational awareness not to fall prey to some of the claptrap that constitutes at least eighty per cent of current mainstream culture the previous generations could join the cultural marxist establishment and pretend their destructive egoladen works were progress to our generation this is impossible either we stand up for our very existence even if we must go against more than two centuries of manipulations and lies or we resign ourselves to an ignominious death before we take the power back a shared awareness must be stimulated and this is where we enter in direct conflict with the wellfunded antiwhite antimasculine establishment types whom we must beat on their own field once and for all bonus quotes about the intellectuels some of the problems that modern philosophical thinking puts forward appear void of any importance and meaning modern philosophy features a range of issues that merely stem from an equivocal stance and the confusion of different viewpoints these issues only exist because they are poorly framed they have no fundamental reason to exist in many cases defining their statements more precisely may be enough to make them disappear plain and simple if modern philosophy did not strive to maintain them because it makes a living out of ambiguity rené guénon introduction to the study of the hindu doctrines chap rené guénon young philosophers care much more about putting forth problems no matter how artificial and illusory than about solving them they also strive to link their name to a system that is to a strictly bounded set of theories they would own and consider as their nothing more than their own work hence the desire to be original at any price even if the truth must be sacrificed on the altar of said originality a philosopher who cares about his repute does better by making up a new mistake than by repeating some truth that has already been expressed by others rené guénon the crisis of the modern world chap rené guénon older the most evident feature of modern critique is the lack of principles and of authenticity its greater preoccupation consists in being brilliant in appearing original from the point of view of those who embody this intellectuality the catchy line the dialectical or polemical posturing well noticed by others have a much greater value than truth ideas when they use them are nothing but a pretext what matters is to look intelligentjust as to the mainstream politician the ideology of a party is essentially a means for career the vanity fair the most deleterious subjectivism often verging on pure and unmitigated narcissism are essential components of this phenomenon the critique is a scourge of modern culture an epidemic that was born out of bourgeois society concomitantly with the commodification of culture in normal traditional civilizations one could find creators artists and those who would judge the works without intermediaries the sovereigns the patrons and the people our times have witnessed the appearance between the public and the creators that cultural pimp that cheeky and presumptuous parasite we call a critique julius evola the bow and the club baron giulio cesare evola show me more venal more insensitive more corrupt minds than those of the literate caste how many of them do you know whose virtue would still be uncorrupted who but them for over thirty years kept flooding us with a loosened morale a disdain for work a disgust of duty a disrespect for family who but the literary who dipped into secret funds more shamelessly than they did who seduced women softened the young excited the nation to more debauchery than they did who did abandon cowardly the princes after begging for their favours socalled men of letters always they run like harlots between the legitimate government and usurpers between monarchy and republic between politics and socialism between atheism and religion everything is good to them as long as they can make a profit and be fashionable out of it pierrejoseph proudhon quoted by the following one pierrejoseph proudon compare for example seventeenth century writers with those of the eighteenth what a difference in tone and gait the former under a veneer of servility have the most noble and proud stance they do not pretend to reign they merely stand at their place recognize the place of a superior power beyond give themselves completely to their writing task dismiss the temptation of advertising and demonstrate their professional dedication on the other hand look at the voltaire diderot and the like they open well the era of intellectuals writing stooges as they are courtiers of princes they flatter and despise at the same timesomething they are forced to do as they want to usurp their power their courtier nature reveals in everything they do the whole eighteenth century both spiritual and plain on a scoundrel background is libertine and already pornographic such is the start of literary mercantilism people of letters make money out of their writings pretend to financial independence and they write garbage to flatter the opinion of their public édouard berth les méfaits des intellectuels the misdeeds of the intellectuals introduction édouard berth disciple of proudhon i have had the same experience with journalists citing each other about my books without the smallest effort to go to my writingsmy experience is that most journalists professional academics and other in similar phony professions dont read original sources but each other largely because they need to figure out the consensus before making a pronouncement nassim taleb antifragile chap
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young men need know avoid statutory rape accusation
two hollywood films men leave todays sjw movies dust two hollywood films men leave todays sjw movies dust bob smith bob smith man search truth favorite quotes fools earth different know true read liebrary truth misogynistic truth november culture today going take quick look two epic clint eastwood films one wellknown western classic outlaw josey wales one littleknown undertheradar gem showcases psychotic insanity deranged western female play misty superb rpo films leave redpill male feeling wholly satisfied shortly viewing well thats movie reviews old uncle bobs nothelping find bona fide gold nuggets amid endlessly steaming piles sjw hollywood crap yes indeed lets get crackin outlaw josey wales clint eastwood chief dan george bill mckinney john vernon clint eastwood directed starred sweeping extremely wellcrafted postcivil war epic film cinematography direction undeniably excellent eastwoods portrayal southernsympathizer josey wales major score settle union troops burn house murder wife children major cinematic achievement blood taking prisoners eastwoods merciless josey wales thunders across plains prairies american west blowing scores northern soldiers away process makes desperate dash towards mexico hopes sanctuary wales gets sidetracked along way collecting stray dog stray human beings well proves thing man truly count life change theres great scene early film involving josey wales partner crime jaimie played sam bottoms starts babbling incoherently faking state feverinduced delirium underneath blanket two outlaws confronted pair backwoods yahoos looking collect bounty recently placed wales head clearly see behavior typical frightened woefully outmanned beta male character actor len lesser portrays overmatched bounty hunter abe starts yapping barking loud voice jerking around excitedly shortly getting drop eastwoods alphamale killingmachine youre alpha male youre good shape youve undoubtedly seen similar betamale behavior probably bar paunchy beta asswit whos sitting cucked crew one many beers starts cutting passiveaggressive manner periphery barks yaps excited voice tough used doesnt need lift weights man doesnt think cool wear tight shorts hostile barb born envy uttered feels package inadequate yup know routine films wowwealmosthadagangbang scene featuring somewhatturnedon sondra locke see photo locke portrays kansasborn settler laura lee shes confronted back covered wagon dragged outside group lusty comancheros obviously blatant exaggeration already know rapes committed totally unattractive deranged horribly evil lightskinned men smell badly absolutely zero neck tattoos e etcclints character comes riding rescue hills guns wouldbe rapists probably made sjws feminists time scream unbridled outrage theater screen giving consent didnt see eyes right express sexually however many men might choose murderer creeper pussyblocker unfortunately like today feminists sjws aplenty back numbers growing vengeance since roughly mids years saddle still keep going round round circles yelling preprogrammed buzzwords catchphrases unknowingly speeding destruction freedom speech hey uncle bob tell us something dont already know yeah ill get back film review favorite scene movie occurs josey wales think bit white knight hmm rescues native american woman doubleteamed pair drunken white trappers eastwoods maddog character ultimately gets drop wouldbe bountycollectors blows straight hell impressive hail gunfire ill admit pretty darned cool mean thats watch films like isnt violence babes redpill messages well plenty noholdsbarred epic western film maybe im going rethink movie terms perceived wholly redpill film clints character stepped stopped potential gangbang well threeway nobody asked might sly hollywood warmup series blatant white knight films see today dont really want think way clint wont ill gulp quick blue pill right nowah much better mean clint played dirty harry callahan chrissakes film hopefully reviewing later date dont get hit truck driven illegal alien whos sporting arrests murder drivers license lynched swarm rabid sjws hunt white male isnt media ceo billionaire film bogs bit twothirds mark opinion still gets high marks across board every critical category havent seen rectify soon cant miss watching topdrawer rpo film men play misty clint eastwood jessica walter donna mills unless overthetop laughingly ridiculous obviously fictional slasher films redpill movies like one dont get made hollywood longer think clint eastwood usually think dirty harry outlaw josey wales unforgiven gran torino clint made obscure films solidly red pill truly excellent movies although theyve swept rug locked away film vaults todays liberalleaning filmhiders welldirected highly suspenseful thriller carmelbythesea disk jockey dave carver clint eastwood lives freewheeling alpha male lifestyle regularly banging assortment hot women listen live jazz broadcasts nightly basis carver living dream pounding available hot babes thoroughly enjoying rightfully appointed alpha male privilege white male privilegeersjw moment sorry jessica walters psychostalker character evelyn walks life may encountered maybe sometimes think invisible sign forehead initiated read proclaims youre hot insaneim guy clint eastwood shows us exactly like pursed attractive psycho female stalker writing creepy notes lipstick mirror cutting clothing attacking cleaning lady fit jealous rage clints diskjockey character quickly begins realize bit hell lot pussy started banging actress jessica walters batshitcrazy evelyn ive always feeling actresses really good psycho roles could wrong wrong beforeit third grade didnt really love may jessica walters really brings agame role totally unhinged evelyn youve ever relationship woman like one watching film send chills spine result serious flashback imagery ever done thiswhat clint photonamely hold comfort crazy woman somehow managed weasel way life skillfully turning enabler caretakerif definitely feel pain ill bet clint experienced time three probably wouldnt done film play misty absolutely worth watching myriad reasons important reason wholeheartedly believe clearly demonstrate uncertain terms subtle overt signs man absolutely able recognize order avoid blindsided psychotic unhinged female reason alone mustsee classic doubt clints character ultimately gets revenge tormentor end excellent rpo film youll feel warm fuzzy inside tooand weird viscerally satisfying waywhich makes whole experience much gratifying boycotting modern sjw hollywood cinema sending message power structure loud clearyou fooled deliberate attempts poison peoples minds socially engineer pussified dumbeddown bluepillsucking robots always research plot lines films seriously considering buying ticket renting dvd smell sjw rat dont spend money simple end like investigating potential ltr candidate conduct due diligence otherwise might get taken ride
Max Roscoe
how influential french author alain soral become red pilled
the celebrations have ended and weve all come to absorb the fact that donald trump is our next president an outcome that many of us have aggressively worked for in the past several months now that weve gotten what we wanted its time to describe exactly how a trump presidency will improve our standing if the president can say it then you can say it the biggest effect well see is the death of political correctness we now have a shitlord for president who has insulted ugly women as fat pigs and whose private macho talk which all masculine men have done was relentlessly attacked by the press but not punished in the voter booth this means that when you talk like trump the first thought your listener will have is he sounds like the president of the united states what excuse will they now have for limiting your speech if one man was able to gain the highest office in the land because of it either trump was elected because voters liked a person who makes those kinds of statements or they didnt care enough that he made them whichever explanation you accept means that the will of the american people has stated that you can exercise your free speech your opinions and your desire to flirt with attractive women without having to obey a speech police force that evaluates everything you do based on how offensive it is to a kaleidoscope of races and loony identities you can begin removing your politically correct filter im in a state of exuberance that we now have a president who rates women on a scale in the same way that we do and evaluates women by their appearance and feminine attitude we may have to institute a new feature called would trump bang to signify the importance of feminine beauty ideals that cultivate effort and class above sloth and vulgarity simply look at his wife and the beautiful women he has surrounded himself with to remind yourself of what men everywhere prefer and not the beauty at every size sewage that has been pushed down our throats by gender studies professors and corporations trying to market their product to feminist fatsoes the president of the united states does not see the value in fat women who dont take care of themselves and neither should you liberals will be forced to tolerate us in a way they didnt have to before there are so many of us that we can ease out of the closet and not be afraid of persecution like before what are they going to do fire everyone who supports trump accuse every man who voted for him of rape the way the establishment has been able to marginalize us is to corner men individually and apply intense pressure but now we have natural allies in all men who back trump even if they dont subscribe to our particular interpretation of masculinity liberals will not be able to point and shriek to get you to withdraw like before they will not have easy victories by using labels like racist or sexist they will have to endure us in their midst and bite their lip when we offend their degenerate ideals knowing that the price of attacking us is becoming too costly it may be as simple as whipping out your maga hat as if its a bat signal and having fellow trump supporters come to your aid i know that if i see a trump supporter in trouble i will help him regardless of his race or station liberals will be forced to share space with those whom they hate instead of trying to exile them like in the past it will be easier to find a fellow traveler men who hold our beliefs have long ago learned that we cant go around sharing them in public to those who are not vetted if youre like me you first test a new man you meet with a masculine comment to see how he responds such as remarking on the attractiveness of a woman or how youve heard of a community online that trolls liberals without mercy weve even had to devise a special pet shop code to know if a man is aware of the teachings that are found on rok or the forum we now have a easier shortcut in trump if a man tells you that he voted for trump its safe to say that he is favorable to strong borders nationalism masculinity and beautiful women on a basic level you will be able to get along with this man and build a bond it also works the other way around where you bring up trump to screen out those who are offended by him its fine if someone is politically indifferent but if a man opposes trump then i have to anticipate him attacking or sabotaging me in the future i will distance myself from him for my own wellbeing the cultural decline will halt we now have a president who will not encourage antimale propaganda rape culture and female victimhood while i do have minor concerns on the influence of his feministminded daughter ivanka trump will not continue the attack on men that has been institutionalized since the sexual revolution and accelerated during the eight years of obama because our current cultural dystopia is the result of intense longterm manipulation it is more than enough for trump to simply not touch the gender issue to allow the culture to return to a more patriarchal order stop feeding the rot and it will die off allowing biology to naturally reassert itself weve experienced so many changes in the past decade that we havent had a chance to understand whats going on and adapt instead weve been reacting from one blow to the next whether its the loss of our jobs through witch hunts or the rape culture horror that has turned a banal consensual hookup into possible incarceration trumps victory gives us room to begin pushing back against the fictions that have put men in harms way conclusion paradoxically the benefits of a trump presidency will not involve specific actions from trump his presence automatically legitimizes masculine behaviors that were previously labeled sexist and misogynist while we may still get heat for them it will be less severe and well be less likely to sustain serious damage liberals will have no choice but to silently stew on our words and we can more effortlessly connect with men not only for male bonding but also to push back against a demoralized and fractured left victories will be far easier to achieve under trump than obama this is our moment the door is opening for a renaissance of masculinity where men can take pride in being men and the best part of it is that we dont need to wait for trump to do anything his victory is more than enough for us to apply our own individual strength in seizing the bulls horns where we can come out of the politically incorrect closet and assert our beliefs and behaviors it would be icing on the cake if trump rolled back antimasculine laws and policies but its not required because the power to change ourselves and our country is within our hands return of kings opened in and the only surprise for me is how quickly the name is being fulfilled read next if donald trump doesnt win were screwed
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feminism lost minds young women
home month popular trump skeptics got wrong trump skeptics got wrong fitzroy sommerset fitzroy british american nationalist refuses apologize british empire young man took presidents shilling served us army free time enjoys studying history destroying sjw revisionist narrative november politics true upsets history caesar crossing rubicon wellingtons victories assaye waterloo washingtons victory yorktown professional army world often said general charles ohara dubious distinction surrendering george washington napoleon bonaparte surrendered cornwalliss sword band played world turned upside today establishment intellectuals cannot help share similar sentiment cornwallis ohara yorktown fully admit spite vote trump fully expected lose polls negative approval rating sheer forces media fbi even republicans arrayed skepticism trump ideas chances winning election conservative intellectual skeptics voted wrong one intellectuals expected trump defeat ive studying politics history economics years reading countless books matter prince freakonomics wealth nations wrong canadian housewife iranian pickup artist called correctly trump trump beat odds beat intellectuals made establishment babies hands giant said napoleons resounding victory austerlitz left currently panicmode attempt explain lost calling trump supporters racist sexists homophobic even sex offenders end blindness made psychologically incapable defeating donald trump trump immune almost conventional political weapons trump following left seemed far interested calling trump supporters racist saying something substance outlets new york times blatantly stupid crap like try blame nra orlando shootings even tried call terrorists beat even trump outrageousness thought american people stupid lied said fuck peasants believe anything write trump call bullshit call liars right msm lied american people entire election cycle subsequent every terrorist attack perpetrated muslim msm continued push narrative home grown rightwing terrorism real problem trump called lies american people tired lied msm cheered even issues truth democrats ran absolute worst candidate possible hillary clinton negative approval ratings rivaled trumps bland couldnt decide moderate firebrand progressive corrupt lied stupidly thinking american people ignorant understand putting classified information private email server recklessly irresponsible thing trump knew communicate people knew whites without college degree tired talked progressives left genuine intellectuals right like freely admit guilty study two thousand years philosophy economics rhetoric cicero particularly effective sometimes frustrating people dont approach situation terms axioms proofs working class built america go feel gut often times right left failed failed understand america bought idea americans stupidhaha americans stupid may smart sure hell know liberal taking head lying nra basically taliban obviously biased hit piece hillary took working class americans granted lost stand parallel black americans democrats also take granted pleased donald trump presidentelect wasnt candidate anticandidate everything politician used vulgar language talked freely ideas made pretense polite destroying america turned weaknesses spotty track record strengths would ended candidates campaign uncandidate america needed high hopes trumps presidency spite tepid support see trump president lot good potential good president recent memory first trump spat face pc culture scott walker took unions wisconsin cucked winning recall election getting votes previous election trump defeated sjws trump keep achieve major strategic victory war political correctness get back concept called actually correct secondly trump unapologetic nationalist loves america doesnt give damn think howard zinns peoples history united states great book department cultural guilt infected schools america teaches children hate country look forward seeing trump abolish practice teaching children founding fathers evil racists british empire nothing good world america greatest evil world ever seen lastly trump antithesis everything social justice warriors stand successful alpha male tells people go fuck still gets elected hope see rise masculinity america studies shown testosterone levels among american male population rise trump men embrace masculinity instead hiding fear accused sexual assault trump skeptic underestimated didnt disagree much perhaps maybe platform little faith could pull vocal concerns regarding electability like liberals wrong canadian housewife former pickupartistturnedconservativephilosopher right recall something told fellow soldier long boring convoy operation iraq genius says something others say wow way head true genius says something others say wow didnt think trump true genius stated obvious american people made believe wanted make america great think genuinely didnt use fancy graphs focus groups spoke truth without political correctness presidentelect
Justin Puck
what young men need to know to avoid a statutory rape accusation
two more hollywood films for men that leave todays sjw movies in the dust two more hollywood films for men that leave todays sjw movies in the dust bob smith bob smith is a man in search of the truth his favorite quotes are were all fools on this earth and i can be no different i know its true i read it at the liebrary and the truth is not misogynistic its just the truth november culture today we are going to take a quick look at two epic clint eastwood films one of which is a wellknown western classic the outlaw josey wales the other one is a littleknown undertheradar gem which showcases the psychotic insanity of the deranged western female play misty for me both of these superb rpo films will leave any redpill male feeling wholly satisfied shortly after viewing them and well thats what these movie reviews of your old uncle bobs are all about are they nothelping you find the bona fide gold nuggets amid the endlessly steaming piles of sjw hollywood crap yes indeed so lets get crackin the outlaw josey wales clint eastwood chief dan george bill mckinney john vernon clint eastwood directed and starred in this sweeping extremely wellcrafted postcivil war epic film and the cinematography and direction are undeniably excellent but eastwoods portrayal of the southernsympathizer josey wales who has a major score to settle after union troops burn his house down and murder his wife and children is in itself a major cinematic achievement out for blood and taking no prisoners eastwoods merciless josey wales thunders across the plains and prairies of the american west blowing scores of northern soldiers away in the process as he makes a desperate dash towards mexico and what he hopes will be sanctuary but wales gets sidetracked along the way collecting a stray dog and a few stray human beings as well which proves that the only thing a man can truly count on in this life is change theres a great scene early on in the film involving josey wales partner in crime jaimie played by sam bottoms where he starts babbling incoherently while faking a state of feverinduced delirium from underneath a blanket as the two outlaws are confronted by a pair of backwoods yahoos who are looking to collect the bounty that has recently been placed on wales head here we clearly see the behavior of the typical frightened woefully outmanned beta male as character actor len lesser who portrays the overmatched bounty hunter abe starts yapping and barking in a very loud voice while jerking around excitedly shortly after getting the drop on eastwoods alphamale killingmachine if youre an alpha male and youre in good shape youve undoubtedly seen similar betamale behavior probably at a bar when some paunchy beta asswit whos sitting with his cucked crew has had one too many beers and starts cutting you down in a passiveaggressive manner from your periphery as he barks and yaps in an excited voice about how tough he used to be or how he doesnt need to lift weights to be a man or how he doesnt think its cool to wear tight shorts a hostile barb born of envy uttered because he feels his package is inadequate yup you know the routine in the films wowwealmosthadagangbang scene featuring a somewhatturnedon sondra locke see above photo locke portrays kansasborn settler laura lee as shes confronted in the back of a covered wagon and dragged outside by a group of lusty comancheros which was obviously a blatant exaggeration because as we already know all rapes are committed by totally unattractive deranged horribly evil lightskinned men who smell badly and have absolutely zero neck tattoos e etcclints character comes riding to the rescue out of the hills and guns the wouldbe rapists down which probably made sjws and feminists at the time scream with unbridled outrage at the theater screen she was giving her consent didnt you see it it was in her eyes its her right to express herself sexually with however many men she might choose murderer creeper pussyblocker unfortunately just like today there were feminists and sjws aplenty back in their numbers have been growing with a vengeance since roughly the mids and after more than years in the saddle they still keep going round and round in circles yelling preprogrammed buzzwords and catchphrases while unknowingly speeding up the destruction of freedom of speech but hey uncle bob tell us something we dont already know and yeah ill get back to the film review now my favorite scene in the movie occurs when josey wales who now that i think about it is a bit of a white knight hmm rescues a native american woman who is about to be doubleteamed against her will by a pair of drunken white trappers eastwoods maddog character ultimately gets the drop on the wouldbe bountycollectors and he blows them straight to hell in an impressive hail of gunfire which ill have to admit is pretty darned cool in itself i mean thats why we watch films like this isnt it for the violence and the babes and the redpill messages well there are plenty of those to be had in this noholdsbarred epic western film maybe im going to have to rethink this movie in terms of it being perceived as a wholly redpill film clints character stepped up and stopped a potential gangbang as well as a threeway and nobody asked him to do it so this might have been a sly hollywood warmup for the series of blatant white knight films we see today but i dont really want to think that way about clint so i wont ill just gulp down a quick blue pill right nowah much better i mean clint played dirty harry callahan for chrissakes in a film that i will hopefully be reviewing at a later date if i dont get hit by a truck driven by an illegal alien whos sporting arrests for murder while having no drivers license or lynched by a swarm of rabid sjws who are on the hunt for any white male who isnt a media ceo or a billionaire the film bogs down a bit after about the twothirds mark in my opinion but it still gets high marks across the board in every other critical category if you havent seen it rectify that soon you cant miss by watching this topdrawer rpo film for men play misty for me clint eastwood jessica walter donna mills unless they are overthetop laughingly ridiculous obviously fictional slasher films redpill movies like this one just dont get made in hollywood any longer when you think of clint eastwood you usually think of dirty harry or the outlaw josey wales or unforgiven or gran torino but clint made a few obscure films that were both solidly red pill and truly excellent movies although theyve been swept under the rug and locked away in the film vaults by todays liberalleaning filmhiders in this welldirected highly suspenseful thriller carmelbythesea disk jockey dave carver clint eastwood lives a freewheeling alpha male lifestyle regularly banging out an assortment of hot women who listen to his live jazz broadcasts on a nightly basis carver is living the dream pounding most of the available hot babes and thoroughly enjoying his rightfully appointed alpha male privilege or is that white male privilegeersjw moment there sorry that is until jessica walters psychostalker character evelyn walks into his life now you may have encountered a few of these yourself or maybe its just me sometimes i think i have an invisible sign on my forehead that only the initiated can read which proclaims if youre hot and insaneim your guy but clint eastwood shows us exactly what its like to be pursed by an attractive psycho female stalker from writing creepy notes to him in lipstick on his mirror to cutting up his clothing to attacking his cleaning lady in a fit of jealous rage clints diskjockey character quickly begins to realize that he bit off a hell of a lot more than just pussy when he started banging actress jessica walters batshitcrazy evelyn ive always had a feeling that actresses who were really good in these psycho roles were just being themselves but i could be wrong about that i was wrong once beforeit was in the third grade and she didnt really love me be that as it may jessica walters really brings her agame in the role of the totally unhinged evelyn if youve ever had a relationship with a woman like this one watching the film will send chills down your spine and result in some serious flashback imagery have you ever done thiswhat clint is doing in the above photonamely hold and comfort a crazy woman who somehow managed to weasel her way into your life by skillfully turning you into both an enabler and a caretakerif so i definitely feel your pain and ill bet clint has experienced it a time or three himself or he probably wouldnt have done this film play misty for me is absolutely worth watching for myriad reasons but the most important reason of all i wholeheartedly believe is because it will clearly demonstrate to you in no uncertain terms the subtle and overt signs that a man absolutely has to be able to recognize in order to avoid being blindsided by a psychotic unhinged female and for that reason alone its a mustsee classic no doubt about it when clints character ultimately gets revenge on his tormentor at the very end of this excellent rpo film youll feel all warm and fuzzy inside tooand in a weird viscerally satisfying waywhich makes the whole experience just that much more gratifying by boycotting all modern sjw hollywood cinema you are sending a message to the power structure that is loud and clearyou are not being fooled by their deliberate attempts to poison peoples minds and socially engineer them to be pussified dumbeddown bluepillsucking robots always research the plot lines of any films for which you are seriously considering buying a ticket or renting on dvd and if you smell an sjw rat dont spend your money its that simple in the end its just like investigating a potential ltr candidate you have to conduct your due diligence otherwise you might just get taken for a ride
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necessary relax stretch
home month popular absolutely worth learn game absolutely worth learn game jon enjoys helping others evolve best selves blog masculine development recently launched ebook strategies develop masculinity november game previous article advocated men learn game form selfdevelopment got good amount disagreementmost inaccurate majority rok readers becoming less less interested learning game simply western women attractive isnt say weve abandoned learning game whole certainly still want get laid eventually find girl relationship nonetheless seems large portion manosphere simply doesnt believe game worth anymore article would like present realistic objective perspective regards learning game retrospect last article may focused positive aspects wear rose colored glasses regards game fact quite opposite veteran im quite aware troubles men encounter learning game ive slapped making mildly offensive jokes ive drinks thrown ive guys threaten slit throat despite however still believe worth learn game beginners hell dare try ask name fucking rapist believe reason men dont feel game worth experience difficulty getting period known beginners hell youre starting shrug feminist conditioning havent developed confidence game need succeed beginners walk around really knowing talk women carry flirt general women typically one two responses pity ignore lash berate creep weird course may get occasional girl whos drunk enough far part beginners hell phase learning game absolutely horrendous sometimes targeted club douchebags either confront use superior social intelligence embarrass rare occasion manage get girl talking hell come steal women smack ignore tell offagain called beginners hell reason think theyre initial difficulty learning game compounded cultures general lack femininity extremely obvious anyone eyes see women culture encouraged less less feminine time goes praised virtues nurturing empathy kindness replaced resting bitch face sociopathy social climbing coupled fact women experience endless supply beta orbiters means theyve conditioned believe theyre highly sought goddesses use men like tissues without sort social repercussions fact theyre sometimes praised perhaps one biggest obstacles newbies struggling learn game couple severe approach anxiety complete lack masculinity weak body hasnt trained easy see men dont see game worth turning point one gets beyond initial bump however game smooth sailing newbie learned fix lack masculinity balance assertiveness consent improved game general enters call turning point turning point essentially point learning game longer struggle actually enjoyable due several key lifestyle mindset shifts take place newbie gets success drawing state within rather without state abundance rather scarcity improving areas life creates upwards spiral youre newbie struggling learn game dont feel like worth fully empathize painthe problem dont much game course learning game hard get stuck bitchy fat girls start develop three characteristics mentioned however cascade effects starts take place catapults game next level allows pick choose hot girls want rather mercy ugly might want come hang internal vs external drawing state age realize bitches aint shit hoes tricks transition drawing state outside drawing state within literally difference guy doesnt pull guy pull victorias secret models let explain women typically draw state without means emotions governed environment respond much social pressure men want dance song like comes theyre generally emotionally volatile due changing environments emotions change rapidly well want men draw state within words affected outside environments women repulsed men care much opinions indicative man draws state without man drawing state within numerous benefits obvious youre perpetually good mood learn make shift learn happy regardless external circumstances women pick like hawktheyre attuned type thing youll definitely notice difference behavior get vying attention start give tremendous power make game fun lead even women life begin start upward spiral beginning upward spiral begin make simple mindset shift game longer feel like worth see game feels like worth put huge amount effort average looking girl horrible personality start get point put medium amount effort gorgeous woman thats game starts fun basic mindset shift learning care environment like simply happy create chain reaction within life first youll start get much women much easily allow start harem keep perpetual state abundance find girl want relationship state abundance amplify game five fold women sense youve got ton women vying attention sameits like magnet draws plus girl says something dislike simply kick life since many women start many women life youll start friend zone hot girls social benefits simply cant handle sleeping theyll invite parties try hook friends youll receive many social benefits game worth sucks first getting beginners hell lot like get side downhill though made clear learning game first huge struggleyou encounter massive cock blocks lot negativity women mention youll deal white knights learn get initial beginners hell ive coined see side reality men shielded realize difficult learn game first feel like isnt worth make decision put effort learn world literally x better youre struggling learning game initially sure maximize appearance get height increasing soles read style articles rok get good designer haircut learn perfect appearance least much consider taking martial arts classes boost confidence well ultimately however want learn game experience like dozens hot girls hitting bite bullet go go clubbing go bars go trips las vegas miami approach women day approach nighteventually youll get beginners hell experience abundance women life
Maximus Decimus Meridius
feminism has lost the minds of young women
home this month popular what the trump skeptics got wrong what the trump skeptics got wrong fitzroy sommerset fitzroy is a british and american nationalist who refuses to apologize for the british empire as a young man he took a presidents shilling and served in the us army in his free time he enjoys studying history and destroying the sjw revisionist narrative november politics there have been few true upsets in our history caesar crossing the rubicon wellingtons victories at assaye and waterloo and washingtons victory at yorktown over the most professional army in the world it is often said that when general charles ohara who had the dubious distinction of surrendering to both george washington and napoleon bonaparte surrendered cornwalliss sword the band played the world turned upside down today the establishment and the intellectuals cannot help but share a similar sentiment as cornwallis or ohara did at yorktown and i fully admit in spite of my vote for trump i fully expected him to lose the polls his negative approval rating and the sheer forces of the media the fbi and even some republicans were arrayed against him my skepticism of trump was not his ideas but his chances of winning the election myself and other conservative intellectual skeptics who voted for him were wrong i am one of the intellectuals who expected a trump defeat ive been studying politics history and economics for years reading countless books on the matter from the prince to freakonomics to the wealth of nations and i was wrong it was a canadian housewife and an iranian pickup artist who called it correctly for trump trump beat the odds he beat the intellectuals and made the establishment babies in the hands of a giant as was said after napoleons resounding victory at austerlitz in the left is currently in panicmode in an attempt to explain how they lost they are calling trump supporters racist sexists homophobic and even sex offenders but in the end it was this same blindness that made them psychologically incapable of defeating donald trump trump was immune to almost all conventional political weapons trump won because of the following the left seemed far more interested in calling trump and his supporters racist than saying something of substance outlets such as the new york times did blatantly stupid crap like try to blame the nra for the orlando shootings and even tried to call them terrorists in this they beat even trump in outrageousness they thought the american people were stupid so they just lied to them and said fuck it those peasants will believe anything we write all trump had to do was call them on their bullshit and call them liars and he was right the msm has lied to the american people this entire election cycle subsequent to every terrorist attack perpetrated by a muslim the msm continued to push the narrative that home grown rightwing terrorism is the real problem trump called them on their lies and the american people who are tired of being lied to by the msm cheered him on even if he had a few issues with the truth himself the democrats ran the absolute worst candidate possible hillary clinton had negative approval ratings that rivaled trumps own and she was bland and she couldnt decide if she was a moderate or a firebrand progressive and she is corrupt and lied about it stupidly thinking the american people were too ignorant to understand that putting classified information on a private email server is a recklessly irresponsible thing to do trump knew how to communicate with people he knew that whites without a college degree were tired of being talked down to by progressives on the left and genuine intellectuals on the right like myself i freely admit i am guilty of this when you study two thousand years of philosophy economics and rhetoric cicero was particularly effective it is sometimes frustrating when people dont approach a situation in terms of axioms and proofs the working class that built america go by what they feel in their gut and often times they are right all in all the left failed because they failed to understand america they bought into the idea that americans are stupidhaha americans are not stupid they may not be smart but they sure as hell know when a liberal taking head is lying to them about now the nra is basically the taliban in an obviously biased hit piece hillary took working class americans for granted and she lost this should stand as a parallel for black americans whom the democrats also take for granted i am pleased that donald trump is now presidentelect he wasnt just a candidate he was the anticandidate he did everything a politician should not do he used vulgar language he talked freely about his ideas he made no pretense about being polite to those who are destroying america he turned weaknesses such as his spotty track record into strengths that would have ended any other candidates campaign he was the uncandidate america needed i have high hopes for trumps presidency in spite of my tepid support i see trump as a president who can do a lot of good and has the potential to do more good than any president of recent memory first trump spat in the face of pc culture and won just as scott walker took on the unions in wisconsin and cucked them by winning the recall election by getting more votes than he did in the previous election trump defeated the sjws if trump can keep this up we can achieve a major strategic victory in the war against political correctness and get back to a concept called actually being correct secondly trump is an unapologetic nationalist he loves america and doesnt give a damn if you think howard zinns a peoples history of the united states is a great book the department of cultural guilt that has infected schools in america teaches children to hate their own country i look forward to seeing trump abolish the practice of teaching children that the founding fathers were evil racists the british empire did nothing good for the world and that america is the greatest evil the world has ever seen lastly trump is the antithesis of everything the social justice warriors stand for a successful alpha male who tells people to go fuck themselves and still gets elected i hope to see a rise in masculinity in america studies have shown that testosterone levels are down among the american male population this should rise under trump as men embrace their masculinity instead of hiding it for fear of being accused of sexual assault i was a trump skeptic i underestimated him i didnt disagree with him on much perhaps maybe of his platform but i had little faith he could pull it off and i was vocal about my concerns regarding his electability but like the liberals i was wrong and a canadian housewife and a former pickupartistturnedconservativephilosopher were right i recall something i told a fellow soldier while on a long boring convoy operation in iraq when a genius says something others say wow that is way above my head but when a true genius says something others say wow why didnt i think of that before trump is a true genius he stated the obvious to the american people and made them believe he wanted to make america great again and i think he genuinely does he didnt use fancy graphs or focus groups he spoke the truth without political correctness and now he is presidentelect
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population growth industrial agriculture environmental pollution may weakened society
buzz aldrin warning success lead depression buzz aldrin warning success lead depression aaron clarey captain capitalism resident economist manoandrosphere misanthropic hedonist nihilistic cynical type keeps getting proved right every day author enjoy decline worthless bachelor pad economics newest book black mans guide poverty also runs advisory asshole consulting read daily rantings blog captain capitalism november masculinity buzz aldrin neil armstrong household names first men land moon neil perhaps moreremembered two technically first land moon buzz remembered unique name bet dont know third guy technicalities landed first cool names aside buzz aldrin forever one worlds greatest historical figures unrivaled accomplishments die better man vast majority us know buzz aldrin alcoholic retiring fell severe depression divorce days consisted drinking alone apartment fetching kfc booze entered rehab hard fact believe man seems everything fame superaccomplished career least titaniumstrong professionalism selfdiscipline become astronaut yet ends depressed drunk perhaps even suicidal like ordinary piece trailer trash doesnt make sense first cant see relates realize theres good simple reason fall great heights buzz aldrin syndrome understand use internet accumulate wisdom knowledge rocket past contemporaries excel life problem festering unaware additionally much like alzheimers prevalent today humans advance live longer become increasingly common therefore option identify today prepare thus avoid pain insanity comes problem cant identify devastate lives later buzz aldrin syndrome buzz aldrin syndrome man achieves greatness accomplishments life truly unrivaled peerless exhilarating first perhaps even earning one fame riches fortune success also unintentionally alienates person rest society time buzz aldrin three four astronauts could really talk confide relate remaining billion people planet time starstruck wideeyed sheep alas buzz aldrin could surrounded scores fans party still completely alone mentally syndrome also exacerbated ones pinnacle achievements life likely correlated retirement typically progress career right day retire however leave environment network youve come accustomed thrived derived entire agency thus short period time go center attention life party engine machineto retiree california drinking scotch eating kfc longing days could go back office without environment derived worth value lose purpose life lose mental stimulation lose peers likely sink crippling depression perfect storm seven factors combined create perfect storm buzz aldrin syndrome form rok readers either traits affected technological advancements technology always advanced particular case affects us two specific ways making living expenses cheaper allowing easier ways make money opposed mans life spent toiling field didnt time contemplate loftier heavier subjects much like purpose life mans reason etc worry plague tetanus wife dying labor whether thered enough crops survive coming winter today economics capitalism agricultural technology etc single man basically eat nearfree walmart local grocery store technology also freed us work much fact work terms much time need spend order survive decade ago young man work hours week commute likely inept baby boomer boss never going let get past cubicle plantation internet man give proverbial finger rush hour commute boss well making whatever minimalistic modicum money needs survive online entrepreneurship short never easier satisfy maslows first three vital hierarchy needs freeing mans mind pursue excellence mention ponder point purpose minimalism secret red pill men practice least pursue minimalism know material things matter love friendship fellow man friends family loved ones matter know would nice shelby super snake mustang youd never trade lifetime conversations cigars best friend additionally value freedom else refuse subjugate becoming debt slaves buying things plain dont need jettisoning material desires liberates finite lives work commute pursue passions fields adventures lives simply refusing buy mcmansion take car loan guarantee live interesting rewarding lives peers avoiding divorce unwanted children saving us time disproportionate number us refusing children marry fear divorce us marry fully aware look less immunizing us divorce knowledge women blunt honestly assess good manosphere red pill community done saved lives millions young men prevented older ones wasting remains estimate every boy born today save least decade time would otherwise wasted nightclubs chasing tail dating wrong girls perhaps even marrying wrong ones product often talked gen x peers estimated could done wasted chasing women either never going get would regret catching could easily doctorates houses built hands much better careers mention better mental health would avoided batshit insane women sifted young men today especially consume red pill easily decade time us simply learning mistakes selfimprovement unless virgintow community know important selfimprovement mans life one finite life planet imperative enjoy must ensure masterpiece art whatever endeavors choose excel may land moon achieve greatness excellence capacity another music literature innovation philosophy good dad something idly stand sitting ass majoring sociology collecting welfare check knock baby mama baby momma notable leave positive legacy world entrepreneurship stem know major stupid worthless shit also know majority us entrepreneurship selfemployment form employment tolerate two things happen life one save inordinate amount time spent trying make go career isnt demand real world work engineer programmer doctor real professiontrade pay handsome wage make life incredibly easier two point time come idea either cement success career outright launch successful entrepreneurial endeavor free dependence traditional employers ensure financial future sound also likely lead towards achieving legacy excellence veritable sea liberal arts majors one millions ever make anything simply waste away doubling masters degrees doctorates hopelessly worthless fields worse crippled death student loans inadequate compensation beg vote peoples money die like unmentionable irrelevant forgotten high intelligence make reality need raw intellectual capacity bring fruition studies done independent mindedness reading rok id estimate average iq rok readers however keep mind highly intelligent asset also curse like rok fringe going receive inordinate amount flak rest normie society relating rest let alone finding healthy rewarding social life going prove next impossible combine traits conditions arguably perfect environment great life form need little survive wont waste resources frivolous material things life also little liabilities responsibilities youre minimalist likely going marry children lions share time energies dedicated towards achieving excellence greatness life youve done right youll two decades ahead gen x peers since avoided worthless degrees leapfrogged philosophical understanding life accomplished successful paid fraction mental toll get indeed amazing man worlds interesting perhaps reached called finish line much earlier faster buzz aldrin thats real problems start werent meant understand goal man secure unlimited food resources security may pursue unlimited happy life human mind experience entire existence humankind struggle suffering fighting striving life also time failing course human history human brain million years experience conditioning failure success leads ironic perhaps tragic instances human experiences man finally gets wants wealth health success excellence legacy everything upon attaining cant enjoy human mind programmed realizes rare success doesnt result happiness perpetual lifelong glee see grave theres nothing left conquer theres nothing left game life like red dead redemption gets mighty boring riding horse around conquer game worse unique characteristics required attain excellence man lucky enough successful one way another ostracized rest peers professionally romantically intellectually way another statistical freak alas get suffer true symptoms buzz aldrin syndrome peerlessness friends pumping children colleagues trying get underneath mcmansion mortgage impending divorce may avoiding dreaded fates also alone longer college days intellectual peers equal lifecircumstances hang chat philosophize numbers seem endless slowly surely get picked like german messerschmitts wwii forces life left alone understand nothing pursuit greatness achieving excellence life outside control people fall within bell distribution curve averageness choose lives meaning statistical freak leaving leaving statistical freak matter loudly claimed college going live life differently dont think simply recoup former social life joining average putting sports jersey ordering buffalo wild wings cheering local sportsball team mind wont tolerate peerless get used boredom without people get bored matter intelligent still human humans indeed social creatures derive entire life value others things paradox suffering buzz aldrin syndrome face would like social people vast majority people either common stupid boring especially compared go buffalo wild wings hear loud drunk divorced swpl men cheer local swingystick team read marcus aurelius go movie jason bourne discovers another mole ciaagainwho set fatheragainwhere drives around europe shooting place upagain binge history podcasts know go party youll hear conversations men sportsball game saw buffalo wild wings lament inability get underneath mortgage wives gossip painfully pointless governmentmakework careers talking great cake road trip west hiking desert larger point vast majority people intellectually stimulating enough good luck finding enough freedom finances anything besides hit happy hour wifey lets house theres frustration unencumbered daily scourge chores children finances mortgages commutes mind unshackled pursue whatever intellectual pursuits wishes pursue youll solve world problems afternoon politicians taking eons solve youll come many viable business ideas discarding time put execution youll see obvious solutions making friends love ones lives infinitely better theyll horseblinders tight theyll ignore wisdom youll make great scientific discovery work boss dismisses away threatens fire independent thought simply real world telling dont control everything matter fact world meant obviously see depression alcoholism ennui set see pursuit successful attainment excellence life lead unintentional alienation ostracization rest society since society humans geniuses successful get value see downside zooming past finish line life especially increasingly earlier ages technology minimalism permit solution part find quality people lifelong friends colleagues peers comrades perhaps even get married find right girl matter keep mind occupied hobbies interests pursuits etc inactivity death ultimately going best prepare whats coming simply know coming nirvana heaven side finish line active rewarding social life full close friends loved ones reward success certainly isnt lifelong party die mentallybarren landscape much like moon place buzz literally metaphorically
Larsen Halleck
why its necessary to relax into a stretch
home this month popular why its absolutely worth it to learn game why its absolutely worth it to learn game jon enjoys helping others evolve into their best selves on his blog masculine development and recently launched his ebook on strategies to develop your masculinity november game after my previous article which advocated that men learn game as a form of selfdevelopment i got a good amount of disagreementmost of it was not inaccurate the majority of rok readers are becoming less and less interested in learning game simply because western women are not as attractive as they once were this isnt to say that weve abandoned learning game as a whole certainly we still want to get laid and eventually find a girl for a relationship but nonetheless there seems to be a large portion of the manosphere which simply doesnt believe that game is worth it anymore in this article i would like to present a very realistic and objective perspective in regards to learning game in retrospect my last article may have been too focused on the positive aspects i do not wear the rose colored glasses in regards to the game in fact its quite the opposite as a veteran myself im quite aware of the troubles that men can encounter when learning game ive been slapped for making mildly offensive jokes ive had drinks thrown on me ive had guys threaten to slit my throat and more despite this however i still believe that it is worth it to learn game beginners hell how dare you try to ask me my name you fucking rapist i believe that the reason why most men dont feel that game is worth it is because they experience difficulty getting over a period known as beginners hell this is when youre just starting to shrug off your feminist conditioning and you havent developed the confidence or game that you need to succeed most beginners walk around not really knowing how to talk to women how to carry themselves or how to flirt in general because of this women will typically have one of two responses they pity you and ignore you they lash out and berate you for being a creep or weird of course you may get the occasional girl whos drunk enough to be into you but these are few and far between for the most part the beginners hell phase of learning game is absolutely horrendous you will be sometimes be targeted by club douchebags who will either confront you or use their superior social intelligence to embarrass you and on the rare occasion that you do manage to get a girl talking to you hell come over and steal her you will have women smack you ignore you and tell you offagain its called beginners hell for a reason s who think theyre s this initial difficulty in learning game is only compounded by our cultures general lack of femininity it is extremely obvious to anyone with eyes to see that women in our culture are encouraged to be less and less feminine as time goes on the once praised virtues of nurturing empathy and kindness have now been replaced by resting bitch face sociopathy and social climbing this coupled with the fact that women experience an endless supply of beta orbiters means that theyve been conditioned to believe theyre highly sought after goddesses who can use men like tissues without any sort of social repercussions and in fact theyre sometimes praised for doing so this is perhaps one of the biggest obstacles to newbies struggling to learn game couple this with severe approach anxiety a complete lack of masculinity and a weak body that hasnt been trained and its very easy to see why most men dont see that game is worth it the turning point once one gets beyond this initial bump however most of game is smooth sailing once the newbie has learned how to fix his lack of masculinity how to balance assertiveness with consent and has improved his game in general he enters what i call the turning point the turning point is essentially that point at which learning game is no longer a struggle but its actually enjoyable this is due to several key lifestyle and mindset shifts which take place as the newbie gets more and more success such as drawing state from within rather than from without being in a state of abundance rather than scarcity improving other areas of your life which creates an upwards spiral if youre a newbie struggling to learn game and you dont feel like its worth it i fully empathize with your painthe problem is that when you dont have much game of course learning game will be hard because you get stuck with the bitchy fat girls when you start to develop the three characteristics that i mentioned however a cascade of effects starts to take place that catapults your game to the next level this allows you to pick and choose which hot girls you want rather than being at the mercy of the ugly who might want to come over and hang out internal vs external drawing of state by my age you realize that bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks the transition from drawing state from outside of you to drawing state from within you is literally the difference between a guy that doesnt pull at all and a guy that can pull victorias secret models let me explain women typically draw state from without this means that their emotions are governed by their environment this is why they respond so much more to social pressure than men why they just want to dance when a song they like comes on and its why theyre generally so emotionally volatile due to their changing environments their emotions change rapidly as well this is why they want men to draw state from within or in other words not be affected by their outside environments this is why women are repulsed by men who care too much about their opinions its indicative of a man who draws state from without as a man drawing state from within has numerous benefits the most obvious of which being that youre perpetually in a good mood once you learn to make this shift and learn to be happy regardless of your external circumstances women will pick up on it like a hawktheyre very attuned to this type of thing and youll definitely notice a difference in their behavior this will get them vying for your attention which will start to give you tremendous power this will make game fun which will lead to even more women in your life which will begin the start of your upward spiral the beginning of the upward spiral once you begin to make this simple mindset shift game will no longer feel like its not worth it you see game feels like its not worth it when you have to put in a huge amount of effort for a below average looking girl with a horrible personality but when you start to get to the point where you can put in a medium amount of effort for a very gorgeous woman thats when game starts to be fun this basic mindset shift of learning to not care what your environment is like and to simply be happy by yourself will create a chain reaction within your life first youll start to get much more women much more easily this will allow you to start a harem which will keep you in a perpetual state of abundance until you find a girl you want for a relationship this state of abundance will amplify your game by about five fold women will sense that youve got a ton of other women vying for your attention and they will do the sameits like a magnet that just draws them in plus if a girl does or says something that you dislike you can simply kick her out of your life since you have so many other women then when you start to have so many women in your life youll start to friend zone hot girls for the social benefits because you simply cant handle sleeping with all of them theyll invite you to parties and try to hook you up with their friends and youll receive many of the social benefits that they do game is worth it it just sucks at first getting over beginners hell is a lot like this once you get to the other side its all downhill though as i have made clear learning game at first is a huge struggleyou will encounter massive cock blocks a lot of negativity from women and not to mention youll have to deal with all of the white knights too but if you can learn to get over this initial beginners hell as ive coined it you will see the other side of reality that most men are shielded from i realize that it can be very difficult to learn game at first and can feel like it isnt worth it but if you make a decision to put in the effort and learn it your world will literally be x better than before if youre struggling with learning game initially be sure to maximize your appearance get some height increasing soles read through some of the style articles on rok get a good designer haircut and learn to perfect your appearance at least as much as you can consider taking some martial arts classes to boost your confidence as well ultimately however if you want to learn game and experience what its like to have dozens of hot girls hitting you up you just have to bite the bullet and go out go clubbing go to bars go on trips to las vegas or miami approach women during the day and approach them during the nighteventually youll get over this beginners hell and will experience an abundance of women in your life
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airbnb goes full sjw demands users host deviants every kind home
repeatedly shown articles fan aspects fitnessnot strength developing muscular mass also cardiovascular endurance flexibility well likely knew already also likely aware done several articles stretching recently relax stretch technique state used predominantly lower body stretching splits likely always considered benchmark hip leg flexibility upper body flexibility people dont focus important train lower body flexibility namely purposes increased athletic performance reduction joint aches pains cases increased strength taught readers basic upper body stretches past chest stretch door frame stretch opinion youre going one stretch upper body flexibility would seated twist stretch works stretch involves crossing legs manner discussed twisting torso simultaneously locking arm onto bent knees stretch hit prominent upper body musclesthe latissimus dorsi triceps deltoids obliques neck pectorals addition visible muscles twist stretch work deep spinal muscles even muscles buttocks gluteus maximus medius minimus well many athletes perform twist stretch particularly combat athletes wrestlers judokas mixed martial artists need great torso flexibility escape holds pinfalls sounds like something ought learn doesnt happily admitted past likely paul wades outstanding convict conditioning series taught many exercises cannot advocate wades writing enough specifically twist stretch comes convict conditioning first book deals core calisthenic seriespushups squats like already gone detail contrast second book deals static holds develop strength flexibility lsit todays topic third book deals explosive movements back front handsprings topic another time instead lets go steps twist stretch pictures taken directly book exercises first twist stretch easy twist stretch sit floor feet extended take one foot put inside leg resting foot next opposite knee shown twist body opposite shoulder turns towards raised kneed ie left knee raised turn right shoulder vice versa keep foot flat ground knee stationaryjust twist torso allow neck turn naturally wants turn lock torso placing elbow opposite side knee holding body hand immediately begin feel stretch around torso hold stretch seconds side comfortable move step simple twist stretch requires little bit flexibility place one foot leg shown take foot flat ground bend leg back touch heel foot opposing buttock ie right heel touches left buttock foot position used twist stretches henceforth rotate torso towards opposite knee right shoulder left knee vice versa locking placing elbow opposite side knee supporting body hand hold seconds move stretch things become difficult assume position stretch time rotate torso much force goal stretch extend arm touch instep foot flat floor arm wont able stretch dont advise try accomplish proper torso rotation stretch difficulty increase get hand towel object foot long assume stretching position rotate torso holding said towel remove supporting hand floor flick towel hole made raised leg obviously hand extending instep wrapping support hand around back grab end towel begins stretch time stretch assume position holding towel two hands work hands towel slowly bringing hands together gripping greater portions towel eventually able clasp fingers final level twist stretch process slow arduouscoach wade admits took better part year accomplish moving fingers together inch inch quite final level yeta rough measurement shows inches towel go fingers touch certainly noticed increased mobility flexibility already towel stretch made easier remembering worm hands towel one actively use secure deeper stretches notice progress even easiest variations stretch make notice immediate healing spine back deliciously crack youll feel warm limber afterwards practicing advanced variants make limber whatever physical activity engage ranging dancing getting submission holds could one millions americans bad backs hips choice read necessary relax stretch
Kshatriya Indransha
how population growth industrial agriculture and environmental pollution may have weakened society
buzz aldrin is a warning of how success can lead to depression buzz aldrin is a warning of how success can lead to depression aaron clarey captain capitalism is the resident economist of the manoandrosphere he is a misanthropic hedonist nihilistic cynical type but he keeps getting proved right every day he is the author of enjoy the decline worthless and bachelor pad economics his newest book is the black mans guide out of poverty he also runs the advisory asshole consulting you can read his daily rantings at his blog captain capitalism november masculinity buzz aldrin and neil armstrong are household names because they were the first men to land on the moon and while neil is perhaps the moreremembered of the two because he was technically the first to land on the moon buzz is just as remembered because of his unique name while i bet most of you dont know who the third guy was but technicalities of who landed where first and who had cool names aside buzz aldrin will forever be one of the worlds greatest historical figures because of his unrivaled accomplishments and will die a better man than the vast majority of us but did you know buzz aldrin was an alcoholic and after retiring he fell into a severe depression and after his divorce his days consisted of drinking alone in his apartment fetching kfc and booze until he entered rehab its a hard fact to believe where a man who seems to have everything fame a superaccomplished career and least of all the titaniumstrong professionalism and selfdiscipline to become an astronaut yet he ends up down depressed drunk and perhaps even suicidal like any other ordinary piece of trailer trash but while it doesnt make sense at first and you cant see how this relates to you realize theres a very good and simple reason for this fall from great heights the buzz aldrin syndrome understand as we use the internet to accumulate the wisdom and knowledge to rocket past our contemporaries and excel in life a problem is festering that you are unaware of additionally much like alzheimers it is not prevalent today but as humans advance more and live longer it will become increasingly common therefore we have the option to identify it today prepare for it now and thus avoid the pain and insanity that comes with having a problem we cant identify or we can have it devastate our lives later it is the buzz aldrin syndrome the buzz aldrin syndrome is where a man achieves such greatness such accomplishments in life that he is truly unrivaled and peerless while exhilarating at first perhaps even earning one fame riches and fortune the success also unintentionally alienates the person from the rest of society at the time buzz aldrin only had three or four other astronauts who he could really talk to confide in and relate to the remaining billion people on the planet at the time were just starstruck wideeyed sheep alas buzz aldrin could be surrounded by scores of fans at a party but still be completely alone mentally the syndrome is also exacerbated as ones pinnacle achievements in life are likely correlated with retirement you typically progress in your career right up until the day you retire however here you leave the environment and network youve come accustomed thrived in and derived your entire agency from thus in a very short period of time you go from the center of attention the life of the party the engine of the machineto a retiree in california drinking scotch and eating kfc longing for the days you could go back to the office again without the environment you derived all your worth and value from you lose purpose in life you lose mental stimulation you lose your peers and very likely sink into a crippling depression the perfect storm there are seven factors that when combined create the perfect storm for the buzz aldrin syndrome to form and most rok readers either have these traits are affected by them technological advancements technology has always advanced but in this particular case it affects us in two specific ways making living expenses cheaper and allowing for more and easier ways to make money as opposed to the s most of a mans life was spent toiling in the field he didnt have time to contemplate loftier or heavier subjects much like the purpose of life what is mans reason for being etc you had to worry about the plague tetanus your wife dying in labor and whether thered be enough crops to survive the coming winter but today through economics capitalism agricultural technology etc a single man can basically eat for nearfree at walmart or the local grocery store technology has also freed us from work not so much from the fact we have to work but in terms of how much time we need to spend on it in order to survive no more than a decade ago a young man had to work hours a week for a commute and likely for an inept baby boomer boss who was never going to let you get past the cubicle plantation now with the internet not only can a man give the proverbial finger to rush hour and a commute but his boss as well making whatever minimalistic modicum of money he needs to survive through online entrepreneurship in short it has never been easier to satisfy maslows first three and vital hierarchy of needs freeing a mans mind to pursue his own excellence not to mention ponder his point and purpose in being here minimalism it is no secret that red pill men practice or at least pursue minimalism we know that material things do not matter as it is the love and friendship from our fellow man friends family and loved ones that matter most you know that it would be nice to have that shelby super snake mustang but youd never trade it in for a lifetime of conversations and cigars with your best friend additionally we value our freedom above all else and refuse to subjugate ourselves to becoming debt slaves by buying things we plain dont need jettisoning these material desires liberates more of our finite lives from work and a commute to once again pursue our passions our fields our adventures and our lives in simply refusing to buy a mcmansion and take on a car loan we guarantee we will live more interesting and rewarding lives than of our peers avoiding divorce and unwanted children further saving us more time is the disproportionate number of us refusing to have children or marry in fear of divorce and for those of us who do marry we are fully aware of what to look for more or less immunizing us from divorce knowledge of women to be blunt and honestly assess the good the manosphere and red pill community have done we have saved the lives of millions of young men and prevented older ones from wasting what remains of theirs if i were to estimate it every boy born today will save at least a decade of time that would have otherwise been wasted at nightclubs chasing tail dating the wrong girls and perhaps even marrying the wrong ones being a product of the s i have often talked with my gen x peers where we estimated what we could have done had we not wasted the s and s chasing women we were either never going to get or would regret catching we could have easily had doctorates houses built by our own hands much better careers not to mention better mental health as we would have avoided all the batshit insane women we sifted through young men today especially those who consume the red pill will easily have a decade of time on us by simply learning from our mistakes selfimprovement unless you are in the virgintow community you know how important selfimprovement is to a mans life you have this one finite life on this planet and not only is it imperative you enjoy it but you must ensure it is a masterpiece of art in whatever endeavors you choose to excel in this may not land you on the moon but you will achieve greatness and excellence in some capacity or another music literature innovation philosophy being a good dad something you will not idly stand by sitting on your ass majoring in sociology or collecting a welfare check as you knock up baby mama after baby momma you will be notable and leave a positive legacy on this world entrepreneurship or stem most of you know not to major in stupid worthless shit you also know that for the majority of us entrepreneurship or selfemployment is the only form of employment that we can tolerate because of this two things will happen in your life one you will save an inordinate amount of time spent trying to make a go at a career that just isnt in demand in the real world you will work as an engineer a programmer a doctor or some real professiontrade which will not only pay you a handsome wage but make your life incredibly easier two at some point in time you will come up with an idea that will either cement your success in your career or outright launch a successful entrepreneurial endeavor this will free you from your dependence on traditional employers ensure your financial future is sound but it will also likely lead towards you achieving your legacy in excellence in the veritable sea of liberal arts majors not one of their millions will ever make anything of themselves they will simply waste away doubling down on masters degrees and doctorates in their hopelessly worthless fields worse they will be crippled until death with student loans and inadequate compensation as they beg and vote for other peoples money they will die like most unmentionable irrelevant and forgotten you will not a high intelligence to make all of this a reality you need the raw intellectual capacity to bring this to fruition while no studies have been done if you have the independent mindedness to be reading rok id estimate the average iq of rok readers to be however keep in mind while being highly intelligent is an asset it is also a curse like rok you are on the fringe and because of that you are not only going to receive an inordinate amount of flak from the rest of normie society but relating to the rest of it let alone finding a healthy and rewarding social life in it is going to prove next to impossible when you combine these traits and conditions you have what is arguably the perfect environment for a great life to form you need very little to survive because you wont waste your resources on frivolous material things in life you also have very little liabilities or responsibilities not only because youre a minimalist but are likely not going to marry or have children the lions share of your time and energies can be dedicated towards achieving excellence and greatness in your life and if youve done it right youll be two decades ahead of your gen x peers since you avoided worthless degrees and leapfrogged your philosophical understanding of life you will be accomplished you will be successful you will have paid a fraction of the mental toll to get there and you will indeed be an amazing man the worlds most interesting perhaps you have reached the so called finish line much earlier and faster than buzz aldrin and thats when your real problems start you werent meant to be here understand that while the goal of man was to secure unlimited food resources and security so that he may pursue an unlimited and happy life the human mind has no experience being here the entire existence of humankind has been struggle suffering fighting and striving for such a life but also of the time failing and over the course of human history the human brain has had million years experience and conditioning in failure not success this leads to an ironic and perhaps the most tragic instances in human experiences a man finally gets what he wants wealth health success excellence legacy everything but upon attaining it he cant enjoy it because the human mind is not programmed to he not only realizes this rare success doesnt result in happiness or a perpetual lifelong glee that will see him to his grave but theres nothing left to conquer theres nothing left to do the game of life is over and like red dead redemption it gets mighty boring just riding your horse around after you conquer the game worse because of the unique characteristics required to attain this excellence any man lucky enough to be this successful is in one way or another ostracized from the rest of his peers professionally romantically intellectually some way or another to be in that you have to be a statistical freak alas you get to suffer the true symptoms of the buzz aldrin syndrome peerlessness while your friends are pumping out children or your colleagues are trying to get out from underneath their mcmansion mortgage and impending divorce you may be avoiding these dreaded fates but you are also alone no longer are these the college days where your intellectual peers in equal lifecircumstances can hang out chat philosophize and in numbers that seem endless slowly but surely they will get picked off like german messerschmitts in wwii by the forces of life and you will be left alone understand this has nothing to do with your pursuit of greatness or achieving excellence in life but is outside of your control as these people fall within the bell distribution curve of averageness they choose these lives meaning its not the statistical freak leaving them but them leaving the statistical freak no matter how loudly they claimed in college they were going to live life differently and dont think that you can simply recoup your former social life by joining them by being average putting on a sports jersey ordering some buffalo wild wings cheering on the local sportsball team your mind wont tolerate it you are peerless get used to it boredom without people you get bored no matter how intelligent you are you are still human and humans are indeed social creatures as they derive their entire life value from others not things but the paradox those suffering from the buzz aldrin syndrome face is that while you would like to be social with people the vast majority of people are either too common too stupid or just too boring especially when compared to being by yourself go to that same buffalo wild wings to hear loud drunk divorced swpl men in their s cheer on the local swingystick team or read marcus aurelius go to a movie where jason bourne discovers another mole in the ciaagainwho set up his fatheragainwhere he drives around europe shooting the place upagain or binge on some history podcasts i know how about you go to a party where youll hear the same conversations from men about the sportsball game they just saw at buffalo wild wings as they lament their inability to get out from underneath their mortgage while the wives gossip about their painfully pointless governmentmakework careers while talking about how great the cake is or road trip out west and do some hiking in the desert the larger point is not only are the vast majority of people not intellectually stimulating enough but good luck finding enough of them who have the freedom and finances to do anything besides hit up happy hour when wifey lets them out of the house and then theres frustration being unencumbered by the daily scourge of chores children finances mortgages and commutes your mind will be unshackled to pursue whatever intellectual pursuits it wishes to pursue youll solve world problems in an afternoon that politicians are taking eons to not solve youll come up with some and many viable business ideas discarding most of them because you have not the time to put them all into execution youll see the obvious solutions to making your friends and love ones lives infinitely better but theyll have the horseblinders on so tight theyll ignore your wisdom or youll make a great scientific discovery at work while your boss dismisses it away and threatens to fire you for having an independent thought it is simply the real world telling you you dont control everything and matter of fact most of this world was not meant for you obviously you can see where depression alcoholism and ennui set in you can see where the pursuit and successful attainment of excellence in life can lead to unintentional alienation and ostracization from the rest of society and since society is where all humans geniuses or not successful or not get their value you can see the downside to zooming past the finish line of life especially at increasingly earlier ages as technology and minimalism permit it the solution is in part to find quality people who can be lifelong friends colleagues peers and comrades perhaps even get married if you find the right girl and no matter what keep yourself and your mind occupied hobbies interests pursuits etc inactivity is death but ultimately what is going to best prepare you for whats coming is to simply know its coming nirvana and heaven are not at the other side of that finish line an active and rewarding social life full of close friends and loved ones are the not the reward for success and it certainly isnt a lifelong party until you die it is a mentallybarren landscape much like the moon a place buzz has been to both literally and metaphorically
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elites using divide rule control us
since children bombarded propaganda romantic love ultimate relationship ideal hollywood movies disney cartoons literary fiction portray romantic love absolute necessity wedding union much narrative lie possible pursuit romantic love actually preventing us forming lifelong pair bond began question notion romantic love thinking emotional root love fleeting emotion like emotions comes goes like clouds sky taught select life partner based emotion im surely encouraged use emotion buying house applying job personal finances comes choosing human im supposed spend rest life im advised establishment narrative use emotion biggest decision another major clue romantic love childish strategy choosing mates fact countries arranged marriages partners picked based purely practical matters lower divorce rates countries romantic love used select mates multiple reasons divorce society rather coincidental countries impacted notions romantic love happen highest divorce rates romance invented turns desire use love precondition marriage pair bonding invented construct roots destroying tradition theistic authority romanticism movement began th century put romantic love forefront individuals nations well central thesis individualism wanted take focus away boring old rules traditions focusing feel movement came primarily bourgeois youth used family money fiddle away idealistic writings romantic movement nothing protest bourgeois conventions bourgeois society morality extreme flamboyant unusual violent even risk becoming grotesque desire every young romantic romantics fact bourgeois origins trying hard escape shadows source romantics believed men women ought guided warm emotions rather cold abstract rules rituals established bourgeois society source sound lot like modern day social justice warriors many trust fund babies lash privilege inequality relieve psychological pain wealthy without earn combined fact sjws also trump feelings logic clear see romanticists protosjws whose individualistic ideas enlightenment needed complete destruction tradition romantics redefined relationships based prior romantic era companionate love relationship form often described literature historical writings passionate love arousaldriven emotion often gives people extreme feelings happiness also give people feelings anguish companionate love form creates steadfast bond two people gives people feelings peace scientists described stage passionate love cocaine since stage brain releases neurotransmitter dopamine cocaine used source besides song songs old testament writers encouraged muse endlessly passionate love zero evidence used principal factor forming new marriages passionate love told strive feeling like youve swept exciting whirlwind publishing gory details buzzfeed bestseller like eat pray love authored woman embarking second divorce women romantic era played big part elevating romantic love wouldnt much fun get swept excitement created noncommittal alpha male arduous daily duties husband king god women given chance pick excitement responsibility know chosen works romantic era also differed preceding works spoke wider audience partly reflecting greater distribution books costs came period romantic period saw increase female authors also female readers source modern era doubled notion romantic love jewish psychologist robert sternberg proposed popular triangular theory love often used today defining love ideal theory caused immense harm stating three forms love needed equal measure successful relationship anyone takes introductory psychology course reads pop psychology book exposed theory walk away thinking passion absolutely required relationship presumption relationship longer consummate far short ideal believing romantic love passion necessary marriage makes much easier exit woman longer feels passion walk away knowing experts like sternberg would agree relationship degraded longer worth saving exactly modern women droves shown appalling disregard wedding vows especially upon realizing initiate divorces romanticism rise nationalism nationalism came romantic era passionate love mistake mean nationalism also mistake one romanticisms key ideas enduring legacies assertion nationalism became central theme romantic art political philosophy earliest parts movement focus development national languages folklore importance local customs traditions movements would redraw map europe lead calls selfdetermination nationalities nationalism one key vehicles romanticism role expression meaning patriotism nationalism revolution armed struggle independence also became popular themes arts period source upon closer inspection easy see ruling agenda today globalism essentially world nationalism instead loving neighbor share unique traditions race youre supposed love everyone world evil think large differences german businessman hugo boss suit tutsi villager lip plate size grapefruit romantic ideal nationalism adolph hitler george soros insists loving everyone world depths heartfelt human compassion nationalism based genetics local bonds doubt serve citizens better global nationalism youre supposed care nothing like men choose life partners clear using romantic love passion primary standard longterm relationships lead failure maybe even personal catastrophe youll easily come conclusion evaluating past relationships mistakes youve made women intense passion instead practicality must order day must logically evaluate woman intend casual relationship weighing values beliefs sexual history easier said done weve brainwashed believe passion important simply makes amount sense find woman way would find new job buy new house wary women picked based passion practical matters may sound cold search wife like would business partner exactly daytoday life family home far business economics love come easy conclusion thats must use form stable home understand however live traditional patriarchal society aids us search virtuous woman instead society encouraging women corrupt sexually physically name empowerment independence making search exceedingly difficult one costs pay living modern world men able overcome many men wont fail search woman create family least armed knowledge takes successful longterm relationship romantic love butterflies stomach matter practicality logically evaluate past values beliefs make sound predictions shell behave future evaluation come logical decision likely endure instead relying emotion changes readily direction wind read unconditional love woman impossible
David G. Brown
airbnb goes full sjw and demands users host deviants of every kind in their home
as i have repeatedly shown in my articles i am a fan of all aspects of fitnessnot just strength and developing muscular mass but also cardiovascular endurance and flexibility as well you likely knew this already you are also likely aware that i have done several articles on stretching most recently the relax into stretch technique that i state can be used predominantly for lower body stretching such as the splits which are and will likely always be considered the benchmark of hip and leg flexibility but what about upper body flexibility most people dont focus on that and that is just as important to train as lower body flexibility namely for purposes of increased athletic performance reduction of joint aches and pains and in some cases increased strength i have taught the readers some basic upper body stretches in the past such as the chest stretch and the door frame stretch but in my opinion if youre going to do any one stretch for upper body flexibility that would have to be the seated twist stretch how it works this stretch involves crossing your legs in a manner that will be discussed below and twisting the torso while simultaneously locking your arm onto your bent knees this stretch will hit most of your most prominent upper body musclesthe latissimus dorsi the triceps the deltoids the obliques the neck and the pectorals in addition to those visible muscles the twist stretch will work the deep spinal muscles and even the muscles of the buttocks the gluteus maximus medius and minimus as well many athletes perform the twist stretch particularly combat athletes such as wrestlers judokas and mixed martial artists that need great torso flexibility to escape from holds and pinfalls sounds like something you ought to learn doesnt it but how as i have happily admitted in the past and will likely do so again paul wades outstanding convict conditioning series has taught me this and many other exercises and i cannot advocate wades writing enough more specifically the twist stretch comes from convict conditioning the first book deals with the core calisthenic seriespushups squats and the like i have already gone over these in detail in contrast the second book deals with static holds that develop strength and flexibility such as the lsit and todays topic while the third book deals with explosive movements such as the back and front handsprings that will be a topic for another time instead lets go into the steps of the twist stretch all of the pictures here are taken directly from the book the exercises the first twist stretch is the easy twist stretch sit down on the floor with your feet extended take one foot and put it inside the other leg resting that foot next to the opposite knee as shown now twist your body so the opposite shoulder turns towards the raised kneed ie if the left knee is raised turn the right shoulder and vice versa keep the foot flat on the ground and the knee stationaryjust twist the torso allow your neck to turn as it naturally wants to turn then lock your torso by placing your elbow against the opposite side of the knee while holding your body up with the other hand you should immediately begin to feel a stretch all around your torso hold the stretch for seconds for each side when this is comfortable for you move on step is the simple twist stretch which requires a little bit more flexibility place one foot over the other leg as shown above then take the foot that is not flat on the ground bend the leg back and touch the heel of that foot to the opposing buttock ie the right heel touches the left buttock this foot position will be used for all twist stretches from henceforth now as before rotate your torso towards the opposite knee right shoulder to left knee and vice versa locking yourself by placing your elbow on the opposite side of the knee and again supporting your body with the other hand hold for seconds and move on stretch is where things become more difficult assume the position from stretch but this time you will have to rotate the torso with much more force as the goal of this stretch is to extend your arm and touch the instep of the foot that is flat on the floor your arm wont be able to stretch on its own and i dont advise you try you will have to accomplish this with proper torso rotation stretch has the difficulty increase further get a hand towel or some other object that is about a foot long assume the stretching position and rotate the torso while holding said towel remove the supporting hand from the floor and flick the towel through the hole made by your raised leg obviously your hand is not extending down to your instep here wrapping the support hand around your back grab the other end of the towel this begins the stretch each time you stretch you will assume this position holding the towel in two hands you will work your hands up and down the towel slowly bringing your hands together by gripping greater portions of the towel eventually you will be able to clasp fingers and that is the final level of the twist stretch this process will be slow and arduouscoach wade himself admits that it took him the better part of a year to accomplish this by moving his fingers together inch by inch i myself am not quite at the final level yeta rough measurement shows that i have about more inches of towel to go before my fingers touch but i have certainly noticed increased mobility and flexibility already the towel stretch can be made easier by remembering to worm both hands up the towel not just one actively use both to secure deeper stretches and you will notice progress doing even the easiest variations of this stretch will make you notice an immediate healing of the spine your back will deliciously crack and youll feel warm and limber afterwards and with practicing the more advanced variants you will make yourself more limber for whatever physical activity you engage in ranging from dancing to getting out of submission holds or you could be one of millions of americans with bad backs and hips the choice is yours read more why its necessary to relax into a stretch
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hedonistic game became gateway virtuous truths
peter great one pivotal figures russian history reforms product personality vision wanted russia become sometimes history personality matters vague historical forces professional historians like imagine controlling destinies men russia day still halfbarbarous rule absolute monarch never moment doubted right personal habits say much little need sleep regularly working fourteen hours per day alcohol considered acceptable escape drudgery rule knew limit intake forbade ministers excessive consumption sexual appetites normal mans showed little interest kind conspicuous indulgence characterized contemporaries western europe make point choosing mistresses lowly origin rather titled families desire intellectual competition bedroom frederick ii denmark teased type women chose response brother women cost much cost thousands crowns might better spent elsewhere chose spend time city bore name st petersburg liked maritime affairs wanted near sea disliked atmosphere moscow abundance clergy freezing winters army first felt effect modernization programs peter introduced conscription professional officer class defined periods service naval program less effective vessels built reign high quality realized would never able make russia great power unless changed mentality outlook people like many rulers underestimated difficult task would prove death many reforms permitted wither vine least tentative first steps made future monarchs might draw inspiration imperial decree banished beards exception made orthodox patriarch shocking step country whiskers become symbol piety fidelity insisted keeping could paying incomeadjusted annual tax told distraught peasants obsessively saved shaved facial hair lest incur disfavor saints method peters apparent madness understood appearance thought connected man wished change one change peter decreed royal officials adopt westernstyle clothing trousers cloaks acceptable caftans overly oriental garb like kemal ataturk two centuries later patience backsliders protesters swept aside ruthlessly social relations ended good traditional practice secluding women public intercourse men habit probably inheritance mongols reforms gained peter bitter enemies among clergy centuries russian ecclesiastic establishment held near monopoly education rural social life peters reforms threatened erode base saw implacable enemy traditional belief also suspected much contact western europeans fact thatit seemed themmade nearly atheist peter help matters openly mocking rituals folkways saw matters responsibility bring russia par advanced nations day resistance obscurantist clerics could tolerated peter solved problem time making head orthodox church patriarch adrian died appoint successor went one step abolishing title patriarch altogether place formed council clerics would appoint measure church effectively became arm state ecclesiastical grumbling audible peter wisely refused venture disputes priests religious doctrine cared power theology slowly made progress industrialization frankly could done dictatorial power end reorganized traditional russian boyar system place old aristocracy new one arose based military civil function rule saw success mining textile work peter died russia exporting iron statesponsored factories made modest gains cloth manufacture protective tariffs used shelter new industries suffocating foreign competitionto pay peter unashamedly taxed everyone realm limits tolerance state tax revenues rose million rubles million majority revenue went military russian boyar ambitious plans existed education peter ordered old slavonic alphabet used church replaced new system based greek letters imported printing presses founded institutes organized professional associations spread ideas current time western europe net result effort picture mixed one reformers usually popular nature required focus attentions different directions men horses appreciate new stirrups peasantryalready used harsh existencefound taxed exhaustion moscow became filled paupers alternated banditry begging nobles hated ferocity french nobles hated richelieu reason forced serve nation rather unpopularity grew peter resorted whip dungeon implement designs perhaps way least example pointed way future authoritarian leaders would drag russia kicking screaming modern era achievements lasting significant history even great men must contend limitations era try balance vision possibilities granted circumstance precarious tightrope great men walk read countries emigrate west collapses
Corey Savage
how the elites are using divide and rule to control us
since we were children we have been bombarded with propaganda that romantic love is the ultimate relationship ideal hollywood movies disney cartoons and literary fiction all portray romantic love as an absolute necessity in any wedding union but how much of that narrative has been a lie is it possible that our pursuit of romantic love is actually preventing us from forming a lifelong pair bond i began to question the notion of romantic love when thinking about its emotional root love is a fleeting emotion and like all emotions it comes and goes like the clouds in the sky why have i been taught to select my life partner based on an emotion im surely not encouraged to use emotion when buying a house applying for a job or doing my personal finances but when it comes to choosing a human being that im supposed to spend the rest of my life with im advised by the establishment narrative to use emotion for the biggest decision of them all another major clue that romantic love is a childish strategy for choosing mates is the fact that countries with arranged marriages where partners are picked based on purely practical matters have lower divorce rates that in countries where romantic love is used to select mates while there are multiple reasons for divorce in any society it is rather coincidental that the countries most impacted by notions of romantic love happen to have the highest divorce rates romance was invented it turns out that your desire to use love as a precondition for marriage or pair bonding is an invented construct that had roots in destroying tradition and theistic authority romanticism a movement that began in the th century put romantic love at the forefront not just for individuals but nations as well all from a central thesis of individualism it wanted you to take the focus away from boring old rules and traditions to focusing on how you feel the movement came primarily from bourgeois youth who used family money to fiddle away on idealistic writings the romantic movement was nothing more than a protest against bourgeois conventions bourgeois society and morality to be extreme and flamboyant and unusual and violent even at the risk of becoming grotesque was the desire of every young romantic the romantics were in fact bourgeois origins who were trying hard to escape from their own shadows source romantics believed that men and women ought to be guided by warm emotions rather than the cold abstract rules and rituals established by bourgeois society source they sound a lot like modern day social justice warriors many of whom are trust fund babies that lash out against privilege and inequality to relieve the psychological pain of being wealthy without having had to earn it combined with the fact that sjws also trump feelings over logic its clear to see how romanticists were protosjws whose individualistic ideas are just what the enlightenment needed to complete its destruction of tradition romantics redefined what relationships should be based on prior to the romantic era companionate love was the relationship form often described in literature and other historical writings passionate love is the arousaldriven emotion which often gives people extreme feelings of happiness and can also give people feelings of anguish companionate love is the form which creates a steadfast bond between two people and gives people feelings of peace scientists have described the stage of passionate love as being on cocaine since during that stage the brain releases the same neurotransmitter dopamine as when cocaine is being used source besides song of songs in the old testament writers were not encouraged to muse endlessly about passionate love and there is zero evidence it was used as the principal factor in forming new marriages but its this passionate love that were told to strive for of feeling like youve been swept up in an exciting whirlwind before publishing the gory details on buzzfeed or in a bestseller like eat pray love authored by a woman who is embarking on her second divorce women of the romantic era played a big part in elevating romantic love and why wouldnt they its much more fun to get swept up in the excitement created by noncommittal alpha male than it does to do arduous daily duties before you husband king and god women were given the chance to pick between excitement or responsibility and we know what they have chosen the works of the romantic era also differed from preceding works in that they spoke to a wider audience partly reflecting the greater distribution of books as costs came down during the period the romantic period saw an increase in female authors and also female readers source the modern era has doubled down on the notion of romantic love jewish psychologist robert sternberg proposed the popular triangular theory of love which is often used today as defining the love ideal this theory has caused immense harm for stating that all three forms of love are needed in equal measure for a successful relationship anyone who takes an introductory psychology course or who reads a pop psychology book will be exposed to this theory and walk away thinking that passion is absolutely required in a relationship if its not there the presumption is that the relationship is no longer consummate and far short of ideal believing that romantic love and passion are necessary in a marriage makes it that much easier to exit out of it because when a woman no longer feels passion she will walk away knowing that experts like sternberg would agree that the relationship degraded and was no longer worth saving and this is exactly what modern women are doing in droves they have shown an appalling disregard for their wedding vows especially upon realizing that they initiate of divorces romanticism and the rise of nationalism if nationalism came out of the romantic era and passionate love was a mistake does that mean nationalism is also a mistake one of romanticisms key ideas and most enduring legacies is the assertion of nationalism which became a central theme of romantic art and political philosophy from the earliest parts of the movement with their focus on development of national languages and folklore and the importance of local customs and traditions to the movements that would redraw the map of europe and lead to calls for selfdetermination of nationalities nationalism was one of the key vehicles of romanticism its role expression and meaning patriotism nationalism revolution and armed struggle for independence also became popular themes in the arts of this period source upon closer inspection its easy to see that the ruling agenda of today globalism is essentially world nationalism instead of loving your neighbor and only those who share your unique traditions or race youre supposed to love everyone in the world because its evil to think that there are large differences between a german businessman in a hugo boss suit and a tutsi villager with a lip plate the size of a grapefruit the romantic ideal of nationalism is not adolph hitler but george soros who insists on loving everyone in the world from the depths of your heartfelt human compassion a nationalism based on genetics and local bonds will no doubt serve citizens better than a global nationalism where youre supposed to care for those who are nothing like you how should men choose their life partners its clear that using romantic love and passion as your primary standard for longterm relationships will lead to failure and maybe even personal catastrophe youll easily come to this conclusion by evaluating your past relationships and the mistakes youve made on women who you had intense passion for instead practicality must be the order of the day you must logically evaluate any woman you intend to be with for more than a casual relationship by weighing her values beliefs and sexual history this is easier said than done because weve been so brainwashed to believe passion is important but it simply makes the most amount of sense find a woman the same way you would find a new job or buy a new house and be wary of women who picked you based more on passion than practical matters it may sound cold to search for your wife like you would a business partner but that is exactly what she is the daytoday life of a family home is far more business and economics than love and so you should come to the easy conclusion that thats what you must use to form a stable home understand however that we do not live in a traditional and patriarchal society that aids us in our search for a virtuous woman instead society is encouraging women to corrupt themselves sexually and physically in the name of empowerment and independence making our search exceedingly difficult this is one of the costs we have to pay for living in the modern world some men will be able to overcome it but many men wont and will fail in their search for a woman they can create a family with but at least we are now armed with the knowledge of what it takes to have a more successful longterm relationship its not romantic love or butterflies in the stomach but a matter of practicality logically evaluate her past her values and her beliefs to make sound predictions of how shell behave in the future from this evaluation will come a logical decision that is likely to endure instead of relying on emotion which changes as readily as the direction of the wind read more unconditional love from a woman is impossible
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repair strained broken relationships
stoicism philosophy mind helps deal suffering misfortune podcast review stoicisms strongest points presented three powerful thinkers epictetus seneca marcus aurelius using direct quotes important works also share ive used stoicism reduce pain life effectively fourpoint strategy listen soundcloud download mp listen youtube subscribe itunes add rss feed favorite podcast app like podcast please leave rating review itunes previous podcast travel cant give man
Roosh Valizadeh
how hedonistic game became the gateway to virtuous truths
peter the great was one of the pivotal figures of russian history his reforms were a product of his personality and his vision for what he wanted russia to become and sometimes in history personality matters more than those vague historical forces that professional historians like to imagine as controlling the destinies of men russia in his day was still halfbarbarous to rule her he had to be an absolute monarch and never for a moment doubted his right to be so his personal habits say much about him he had little need for sleep regularly working for fourteen hours or more per day alcohol was considered then as now an acceptable escape from the drudgery of rule but he knew when to limit his intake and forbade his ministers from excessive consumption his sexual appetites were as normal as any mans but he showed little interest in the kind of conspicuous indulgence that characterized most of his contemporaries in western europe he did make a point of choosing mistresses of lowly origin rather than from titled families he had no desire for intellectual competition in the bedroom when frederick ii of denmark teased him about the type of women he chose his response was brother my women do not cost me much but yours cost you thousands of crowns which might be better spent elsewhere he chose to spend most of his time in the city that bore his name st petersburg he liked maritime affairs and wanted to be near the sea he disliked the atmosphere of moscow with its abundance of clergy and freezing winters it was the army that first felt the effect of his modernization programs peter introduced conscription a professional officer class and defined periods of service his naval program was less effective and most of the vessels built during his reign were not of high quality he realized that he would never be able to make russia into a great power unless he changed the mentality and outlook of the people and like many rulers before and after him he underestimated just how difficult this task would prove to be after his death many of his reforms were permitted to wither on the vine but at least some tentative first steps had been made that future monarchs might draw inspiration from by imperial decree he banished beards in an exception was made for the orthodox patriarch this was a shocking step in a country where whiskers had become a symbol of piety and fidelity those who insisted on keeping them could do so by paying an incomeadjusted annual tax we are told that some distraught peasants obsessively saved their shaved facial hair lest they incur some disfavor from the saints but there was method to peters apparent madness he understood that appearance and thought are connected and that if a man wished to change one he had to change the other in peter decreed that all royal officials had to adopt westernstyle clothing trousers and cloaks were acceptable caftans or overly oriental garb was not like kemal ataturk two centuries later he had no patience for backsliders or protesters whom he swept aside ruthlessly in social relations he ended for good the traditional practice of secluding women from public intercourse with men a habit that had probably been an inheritance from the mongols these reforms gained peter some bitter enemies among the clergy for centuries the russian ecclesiastic establishment had held a near monopoly on education and rural social life peters reforms threatened to erode this base and they saw in him an implacable enemy of traditional belief they also suspected him of having had too much contact with western europeans a fact thatit seemed to themmade him nearly an atheist peter did not help matters by openly mocking their rituals and folkways as he saw matters it was his responsibility to bring russia up to par with the other advanced nations of the day and resistance from obscurantist clerics could not be tolerated peter solved this problem for a time by making himself the head of the orthodox church in when patriarch adrian died he did not appoint a successor and went one step further in by abolishing the title of patriarch altogether in its place he formed a council of clerics that he himself would appoint with this measure the church effectively became an arm of the state ecclesiastical grumbling was audible but peter wisely refused to venture into disputes with the priests over religious doctrine he cared about power not theology slowly he made progress in industrialization this frankly could only be done with dictatorial power and to this end he reorganized the traditional russian boyar system in place of the old aristocracy a new one arose that was based on military and civil function his rule saw some success in mining and textile work when peter died in russia was exporting iron and statesponsored factories made modest gains in cloth manufacture protective tariffs were used to shelter the new industries from suffocating foreign competitionto pay for all this peter unashamedly taxed everyone in his realm to the limits of their tolerance state tax revenues rose from million rubles in to million in the majority of this revenue went to the military a russian boyar ambitious plans existed for education too peter ordered the old slavonic alphabet used by the church to be replaced by a new system based on greek letters he imported printing presses founded institutes and organized professional associations to spread the ideas that were current at the time in western europe what was the net result of all this effort the picture was a mixed one reformers are not usually popular as by their very nature they are required to focus attentions in different directions men and horses do not appreciate new stirrups the peasantryalready used to a harsh existencefound themselves taxed to exhaustion moscow became filled with paupers who alternated between banditry and begging the nobles hated him with the same ferocity as the french nobles hated richelieu and for the very same reason because he forced them to serve the nation rather than each other as his unpopularity grew peter resorted more and more to the whip and the dungeon to implement his designs perhaps there was no other way but at the very least his example pointed the way for future authoritarian leaders who would drag russia kicking and screaming into the modern era some of his achievements were lasting and significant and some were not in history even great men must contend with the limitations of their era and try to balance their own vision with the possibilities granted them by circumstance it is on this precarious tightrope that all great men walk read more more countries to emigrate to if the west collapses
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podcast travel cant give man
media doesnt even try hide shameless prosocialist bias days since nobody really pays attention anymore might missed entertaining butthurt spouted shameless propagandists posing journalists election night coverage propaganda news channels lesson hilarity examining reaction lamestream media talking heads entertaining trumps ascendancy oval office totally unexpected catching cocksure marxists cnn alphabet channels completely guard lets go entertaining reactions last tuesday hillary shill martha raddatz breaks tears abc wrinkled old hillary shill martha raddatz loss words attempted perform cuff hamster rationalization fellow clinton operative george staphylococcus explaining bitch lost election raddatz looked like mother died victory turned defeat criminal hillary clinton shes sure moving pack smokes day two packs day reality election continues settle pea brain next years tears say boilerplate language ever could bernstein plays race card mainstream media white people voting accordance selfinterest racist fact white people acting manner total subservience racist cnn washington post journalist carl bernstein even went far say trumps election tragic dangerous despondent quite possibly drugged cnn propagandists looked bernstein seemed upset trumps immigration policy proposals mexico longer able flagrantly let citizens violate us immigration law bernstein completely forgot racism white people endured year long hands black lives matter la raza black brown supremacist groups chris matthews goes hamster rationalization mode hamster rationalizations usually reserved women effeminate lowt manlets like chris matthews also first spin hamster wheel makes say hillary debates didnt says best ad campaign nobody believes advertising anything say anymore chris matthews says best ground game might terrible candidate halfman halfalligator james carville looked ready give chris hug reality hillarys defeat began settle msnbc racist van jones whines white people van jones looked like needed change underwear fell back tired old leftist talking points evil white male especially white males havent turned geldings goes emotional overreaction say families afraid breakfast next day whitey got back office lmfao really dude says immigrants afraid trump going president van immigrants arent afraid illegal hordes figuratively literally say fuck us immigration law afraid jones goes make supremely ironic quote talks socalled whitelash says trumps campaign based throwing away us appeal deeply others umm isnt entire platform democratic party van throwing away nay crucifying white men appeal deeply others entire career based mr jones cbs mea culpa cbs published article admitting badly press biased cbs stunned full mea culpa networks shoddy coverage election stunning article entitled unbearable smugness press needed written years ago better late never cbs actually echoed manosphere altright saying since day one oped piece symptomatic modern journalisms great moral intellectual failing unbearable smugness hillary clinton thered winking feeling press sense brave called trump liar saved republic eyeball network even admitted contempt network men like us much audience glib analysis contempt much electorate turned rather limited particularly true came voters ones turned millions deliver rebuke political system also people cover trump knew invited crowds jeer hiss reporters covering hate us time blame journalists love mocking trump supporters insult appearances dismiss racists sexists emote twitter comment policy makes us feel one way yet reject feelings invalid damn least people know hate includes former mainstream media news anchor defected shameless activism got marxism guiding philosophy alphabet channels anyone capacity perform iota critical thinking knows mainstream media side average american hates seethes traditionalists works tear every institution western civilization attempting impale hated creatures planet evil white male rebuke sorry candidate like hillary socialist shills thought shoein caught smug son bitches guard reactions priceless need documented remembered reactions undeniable proof blogs like return kings web sites like breitbart drudge sorely needed indispensable resources day age getting truth media generations alternative voices appear rift two versions reality grows wider deeper mainstream media become nothing shameless activists new world order socialism election night horror show solidifies point proud activists pushing agenda nothing else balance scales media friends american public ultimately tired old socialist media must dismantled order freedom traditionalism survive read antidonald trump riot chicago help trump cruise victory tuesday
Quintus Curtius
how to repair strained or broken relationships
stoicism is a philosophy for your mind that helps you deal with suffering and misfortune in this podcast i review stoicisms strongest points as presented by three powerful thinkers epictetus seneca and marcus aurelius by using direct quotes from their most important works i also share how ive used stoicism to reduce pain in my own life and how you can do the same through an effectively fourpoint strategy listen on soundcloud or download the mp listen on youtube subscribe on itunes or add the rss feed to your favorite podcast app if you like the podcast please leave a rating and review on itunes previous podcast what travel can and cant give a man
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draftourdaughters bring hillary
sad saga john walker lindh rebel without clue sad saga john walker lindh rebel without clue beau albrecht father highranking student radical poobah still thinks castro bees knees although makes technically red diaper baby rejected baloney early days write stories mostly comedy science fiction well maintain blog mainly dating advice political commentary writing projects november culture john walker lindh grew washington dc area family brought california ten another ten years would become known american taliban afghanistan known sulayman alfaris one several arabic monikers hes used years johnny joins jihad moments one realizes ones vacation really starting suck twelve young lindh saw spike lees rather hagiographic film biography malcolm x began fascination islam teenager used evocative email email protected made several postings rap music usenet sometimes pretended black even nerve dis dr dre hort dog hip hop glory wack like dr dre madeup gangster stories sellout house nigga living honkey dory saying hes broke pool laps playground mcs fall like scabs skills disappear like alaka abracadab dr dres disgrace selling talcolm hell left dead naked outcome word brother malcolm dre shirts hats see cereal whos poseur anyway im sure whether laugh sheer impertinence cry abuse english language sixteen formally converted beginning fateful journey meanwhile family situation shaky ground father turned gay living parttime male lover eventually divorced john began world travels twice venturing yemen times nearly year later stayed pakistani madrassa may went afghanistan fight behalf taliban unfortunately september american forces went war taliban captured november unit surrendered kunduz cia questioned claimed irishman must interesting conversation perhaps ach begorrah top mornin ye presumably pretending black wouldnt gotten far shortly captive jihadis staged bloody uprising lindh escaped hundreds died including mike spann one interrogators recaptured andfollowing rough treatment im shedding tears itquestioned announced defiantly wasnt taliban rather al qaeda actions sealed doom fighting taliban fruitcakes pretty dumb move part actions captured even dumber could done differently beginning couldve said interested islam quest discovering spiritual roots took abroad could lied told pressganged taliban quite happy freed countrymen could tipped interrogators planned escape attemptpotentially sparing many lives sidesas well avoiding criminal charges given helpful warning uprising likely wouldve concluded small fry let go couldve become star daytime tv talk shows couldve given speeches antiwar circuit helping jihadi buddies saying really arent bad whatever instead ended faced ten criminal charges couldve meant three life sentences plus ninety years finally getting smart copped plea twenty years possibility three good behavior hes federal prison making news back suing right allowed group prayer went wrong bush elder put lindh misguided marin county hottubber later apologized profusely remark still say bush onto something one criticism got truth hurts things couldve different lindh didnt become renegade hed made choices could living happy life productive member society rather counting days prison cell still environment bears responsibility became raised catholic faith stronger grounding itas well explaining unpleasant realities islam balance picture might put kibosh journey jihad liberal environment least able explain thats bad liberalism become wishywashy assert values wasnt much chance parental guidance turning wrong path mother converted buddhism father left gay community matter acquired appreciation good musicbe mozart metallicaperhaps wouldnt fascinated irritating rap music kind white kid alienated heritage pretends black laughably accuses dr dre selling note malcolm x didnt lindh cultural icons wonder received much grounding irishamerican heritage illustration happen impressionable adolescent cast adrift anything goes environment islam speaks absolutes enjoining right conduct forbidding haram conduct fight believe cant fault much although disagree theology actions many points going islam offers paradise believerspromising seventy virgins martyrsand eternal hellfire brimstone damned theres nothing wishywashy indeed embracing radical islam could interpreted utter rejection anything goes world view certainly dont agree lindhs choices see found compelling comparison sea moral relativism certainly isnt first time people turned backs countries went abroad give aid comfort enemy jane fondas north vietnam adventure comes mind action regrets recently five hundred misguided youths volunteered human shields iraq pal saddam posturing none got blown leaving aside question whether resumption war justified fewer social justice warriors wouldve helped cleanse gene pool bit theres odd case matthew todd miller californian went north korea tore visa announced seeking political asylum ones iffy case though later said wanted speak ordinary north korean person normal things kids days summary dont let happen youth must grow culturally bereft times past children taught countrys heritage instructed culture pride nation instilled given presented good things daysat least much western worldthis isnt happening cant count educational systemand certainly mediato decades cultural marxism young people indoctrinated negative view civilization societies beliefs ways life equal except terrible dont see baloney end rootless alienated disconnected culture even end thinking homeland embodiment evil repressive regimes abroad wonderful basically social justice weenies think something common young jihadi rebels without clue change course hopefully day come media manipulators educational bureaucrats pushed cultural marxism standing unemployment line well pay close attention messages young people lives absorbing help learn secure faith cultural identity teach roots thats important dont let tv childs babysitter anything goes standard raise youth
Roosh Valizadeh
podcast what travel can and cant give a man
the media doesnt even try to hide its shameless prosocialist bias these days since nobody really pays attention to them anymore you might have missed some of the more entertaining butthurt spouted by shameless propagandists posing as journalists election night coverage on the propaganda news channels is a lesson in hilarity when examining the reaction of lamestream media talking heads what is most entertaining about trumps ascendancy to the oval office is that it was totally unexpected catching cocksure marxists at cnn and other alphabet channels completely off guard lets go over some of the more entertaining reactions last tuesday hillary shill martha raddatz breaks down in tears over at abc the wrinkled old hillary shill martha raddatz was at a loss for words as she attempted to perform an off the cuff hamster rationalization to fellow clinton operative george staphylococcus explaining why the bitch lost the election raddatz looked like her mother just died as victory turned into defeat for the criminal hillary clinton shes sure to be moving from a pack of smokes a day to two packs a day as the reality of the election continues to settle into her pea brain over the next years her tears say more than her boilerplate language ever could bernstein plays the race card to the mainstream media white people voting in accordance with their own selfinterest is racist in fact white people acting in any other manner than total subservience is racist to cnn washington post journalist carl bernstein even went so far as to say trumps election is tragic and dangerous as despondent and quite possibly drugged cnn propagandists looked on bernstein seemed most upset about trumps immigration policy proposals in which mexico will no longer be able to flagrantly let its citizens violate us immigration law bernstein completely forgot the racism white people have endured all year long at the hands of black lives matter la raza and other black and brown supremacist groups chris matthews goes into hamster rationalization mode hamster rationalizations are usually reserved for women but effeminate lowt manlets like chris matthews also have them his first spin of the hamster wheel makes him say hillary won the debates she didnt then he says she had the best ad campaign nobody believes advertising or anything you say anymore chris then matthews says she had the best ground game she might have but she was a terrible candidate the halfman halfalligator james carville looked ready to give chris a hug as the reality of hillarys defeat began to settle in on msnbc the racist van jones whines about white people van jones looked like he needed a change of underwear as he fell back on tired old leftist talking points from the s about the evil white male especially white males that havent been turned into geldings he then goes on with an emotional overreaction to say families will be afraid to have breakfast the next day because whitey got back into office lmfao really dude he then says immigrants are afraid now that trump is going to be president no van immigrants arent afraid illegal hordes who figuratively if not literally say fuck you to us immigration law are afraid as they should be jones then goes on to make a supremely ironic quote as he talks about a socalled whitelash he says trumps campaign was based on throwing away some of us to appeal more deeply to others umm isnt that what the entire platform of the democratic party is van throwing away nay crucifying white men to appeal more deeply to others your entire career is based on just that mr jones cbs does a mea culpa cbs published an article admitting how badly the press is biased cbs was so stunned it did a full mea culpa on the networks shoddy coverage of the election this stunning article entitled the unbearable smugness of the press needed to be written years ago better late than never cbs actually echoed what we in the manosphere and altright have been saying since day one with the oped piece this is all symptomatic of modern journalisms great moral and intellectual failing its unbearable smugness had hillary clinton won thered be a winking we did it feeling in the press a sense that we were brave and called trump a liar and saved the republic the eyeball network even admitted the contempt the network has for men like us so much for that the audience for our glib analysis and contempt for much of the electorate it turned out was rather limited this was particularly true when it came to voters the ones who turned out by the millions to deliver not only a rebuke to the political system but also the people who cover it trump knew what he was doing when he invited his crowds to jeer and hiss the reporters covering him they hate us and have for some time and can you blame them journalists love mocking trump supporters we insult their appearances we dismiss them as racists and sexists we emote on twitter about how this or that comment or policy makes us feel one way or the other and yet we reject their feelings as invalid damn at least some people over there know why we hate them that includes this former mainstream media news anchor who defected shameless activism got marxism its the guiding philosophy of the alphabet channels anyone who has the capacity to perform an iota of critical thinking knows the mainstream media is not on the side of the average american it hates and seethes at traditionalists and works to tear down every institution of western civilization while attempting to impale the most hated of creatures on this planet the evil white male the rebuke of a sorry candidate like hillary when the socialist shills thought she was a shoein caught the smug son of a bitches off guard their reactions are priceless and need to be documented and remembered these reactions are undeniable proof that blogs like return of kings and web sites like breitbart and drudge are sorely needed indispensable resources in this day and age we have not been getting the truth from media for generations and now as alternative voices appear the rift between the two versions of reality grows wider and deeper the once mainstream media have become nothing but shameless activists for new world order socialism the election night horror show only solidifies this point we should be proud to be activists pushing our own agenda if nothing else to balance the scales the media are not friends of the american public ultimately the tired old socialist media must be dismantled in order for freedom and traditionalism to survive read more did the antidonald trump riot in chicago help trump cruise to victory on tuesday
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research finds women group dont pay taxes
shopify erased store internet fulfilling orders shopify erased store internet fulfilling orders november work money launch return kings tshirt shop decided go shopify much easier launch selfhosted store signed paid one year service prelaunch small group readers resulted orders began fulfilling shopify pulled plug entire store without warning public storefront administrative backend data shopifys decision customers couldnt access order status way informing happened couldnt fulfill remaining orders put individuals lurch legitamate reason forcing threaten legal action order get enough information complete fulfillment orders backstory many open source solutions hosting web store problem takes extra time create store maintain compared services like shopify squarespace bigcommerce magento others get rok store running quickly possible picked shopify competitive prices knowing far greater price road set store featuring photos truly first tshirt collected email addresses interested participating prelaunch sent group email announcing store took action ordering tshirt two shirt question time received email shopify risk analyst name justin asked send identification happy asked information thanks signing shopify payments providing id order complete initial review ensure payments continue sent account would need little bit information could send documentation may validate business would great examples would business bank statement business license business registration documents could also confirm youre primarily operating business sent business incorporation documents irs employer number designation recent bank statement usbased bank note often travel eastern europe business bank accounts tax status reside united states spite shopify unjustly classified foreign business gave means dispute unfortunately shopify payments currently available companies based australia canada united kingdom united states able help payments site right frustrating us turn good businesses need make sure abiding us international regulations means successful charges transferred schedule wont able use shopify payments accept payments despite information provided payment processing partner needs ensure shops based operating substantial presence united states ultimately decision final must respect according united states federal government irs company american liable pay american taxes shopify im american business repercussion couldnt use shopifys payment system shopify payments pay extra commision orders wasnt huge setback since many payment options stayed course wanted ontime opening readers could always change stores later convenient disaster worker based united states maintains shirt inventory charge shipping printed shipping labels first batch orders got ready shipment finished tried log admin area store monitor progress saw public storefront also taken longer way know customers ordered couldnt even send email received justin hello im afraid reviewing information website believe business presents level risk customer disputes unable support shopify transfer existing payments unable accept additional payments behalf shopify payments im sorry wont able help business regards justin read email absolutely livid ive business internet fifteen years never situation company pulled rug customers way would personally classify fraud allowed take orders begin processing removed access could complete fulfillment imagine bought shirt tried access store see status order would way know whats going would probably think took money ran shopify created situation unneeded worry individuals directly hurting reputation im running sort scam operation phone call support called support got line level support tech told situation calmly could response send email reply justin unacceptable politely complying email beforehand resulted deletion entire store without warning demanded speak someone risk department support tech told way patch since working remotely calling shopifys main office someone sitting middle nowhere pajamas also told support tech information asked unilateral closing shop middle fulfillment shopify worried fraud would leave individuals position would believe got defrauded start initiating chargebacks credit card companies choice threaten legal action told support tech shopify doesnt give way complete orders would pursue legal means response saw fraud support tech put hold minutes chatting risk team said given permission send csv file orders decided enough satisfy individuals purchased still didnt allow easyway process exchanges refunds one customers unsatisfied shirt ending call support tech told relay justin team created much ill way treated ensure everyone knows exactly also customers unfortunate experience ecommerce platform using csv file received able contact customers let know situation complete fulfillment many already received tshirts mail lesson shopify every right choose business would particularly upset said go elsewhere fulfilling open orders way removed access store absolutely reprehensible stuff nightmares business owner owner wants wake one day find everything gone way contact customers never treated poorly american internet business im confident business treats people way wont business long maybe situation special often abroad shopify operates customers even allowed take vacation country log certain ip address pool algorithms go crazy comes justin hit delete button store one click whatever reason important existing potential shopify customers know doesnt take much shut moment cause take information prevent contacting customers fulfilling orders recourse receive data threaten legal action may guarantee success friends ask web store platform use strongly warn shopify rok store ive decided try open source method hopefully ready orders within two months nov roosh valizadeh
Michael Sebastian
will draftourdaughters bring hillary down
the sad saga of john walker lindh rebel without a clue the sad saga of john walker lindh rebel without a clue beau albrecht my father was a highranking student radical poobah and still thinks castro is the bees knees although this makes me technically a red diaper baby i rejected all that baloney early on these days i write stories mostly comedy science fiction as well as maintain a blog mainly about dating advice political commentary and my writing projects november culture john walker lindh grew up in the washington dc area his family brought him to california when he was ten in another ten years he would become known as the american taliban while in afghanistan he was known as sulayman alfaris one of several arabic monikers hes used over the years johnny joins the jihad there are moments when one realizes ones vacation is really starting to suck when he was twelve the young lindh saw spike lees rather hagiographic film biography about malcolm x that began his fascination with islam while a teenager he used the evocative email email protected and made several postings about rap music on usenet sometimes he pretended to be black even having the nerve to dis dr dre hort dog does hip hop no glory wack like dr dre and his madeup gangster stories sellout house nigga living honkey dory saying hes broke in his own pool doing laps all these playground mcs fall off like scabs skills disappear like alaka abracadab dr dres a disgrace selling out to the talcolm hell be left dead and naked in the outcome word to brother malcolm dre shirts and hats when will we see his cereal so whos the poseur there anyway im not sure whether to laugh at the sheer impertinence or cry at the abuse of the english language when he was sixteen he formally converted beginning his fateful journey meanwhile his family situation was on shaky ground his father turned gay living parttime with his male lover and eventually divorced john began his world travels twice venturing to yemen both times for nearly a year later he stayed at a pakistani madrassa in may he went to afghanistan to fight on behalf of the taliban unfortunately for him after september american forces went to war with the taliban he was captured on november after his unit surrendered in kunduz the cia questioned him and he claimed to be an irishman that must have been an interesting conversation perhaps ach begorrah top o the mornin to ye presumably pretending to be black again wouldnt have gotten him very far shortly after the captive jihadis staged a bloody uprising and lindh escaped hundreds died including mike spann one of his interrogators after that he was recaptured andfollowing some rough treatment not that im shedding any tears about itquestioned again he announced defiantly that he wasnt in the taliban but rather al qaeda his actions sealed his doom fighting for the taliban fruitcakes was a pretty dumb move on his part his actions after being captured were even dumber what could he have done differently in the beginning he couldve said he was interested in islam and his quest for discovering his spiritual roots took him abroad then he could have lied and told them he was pressganged into the taliban and he was quite happy to be freed by his countrymen he could have tipped off his interrogators about the planned escape attemptpotentially sparing many lives on both sidesas well as avoiding further criminal charges for himself had he given a helpful warning about the uprising likely they wouldve concluded he was small fry and let him go after that he couldve become the star of the daytime tv talk shows then he couldve given speeches on the antiwar circuit helping his jihadi buddies by saying they really arent that bad or whatever instead he ended up faced with ten criminal charges which couldve meant three life sentences plus ninety years finally getting smart he copped a plea for twenty years with the possibility of three off for good behavior now hes in federal prison making the news back in by suing for the right to be allowed group prayer what went wrong as bush the elder put it lindh was some misguided marin county hottubber later he apologized profusely for the remark still i have to say that bush was onto something with that one all the criticism he got from that was because the truth hurts things couldve been different lindh didnt have to become a renegade if hed made other choices he could be living a happy life as a productive member of society rather than counting the days in a prison cell still his environment bears some responsibility for what he became he was raised in the catholic faith but a stronger grounding in itas well as explaining some of the unpleasant realities about islam to balance out the picture might have put the kibosh on his journey to jihad a liberal environment should at least be able to explain why all thats bad or has liberalism become too wishywashy to assert its own values there wasnt much chance of parental guidance turning him from the wrong path his mother converted to buddhism and his father left for the gay community for that matter if he had acquired an appreciation for good musicbe it mozart or metallicaperhaps he wouldnt have been so fascinated by irritating rap music what kind of white kid is so alienated from his heritage that he pretends to be black and laughably accuses dr dre of selling out on that note as for malcolm x didnt lindh have some cultural icons of his own i have to wonder if he received much grounding in his own irishamerican heritage all this is an illustration of what can happen when an impressionable adolescent is cast adrift in an anything goes environment islam speaks in absolutes enjoining right conduct and forbidding haram conduct and they fight for what they believe in i cant fault them too much for that although i disagree with their theology and actions on many points going further islam offers paradise for believerspromising seventy virgins to their martyrsand eternal hellfire and brimstone for the damned theres nothing wishywashy about it indeed embracing radical islam could be interpreted as an utter rejection of the anything goes world view i certainly dont agree with lindhs choices but i can see how he found that compelling in comparison to being at sea in moral relativism this certainly isnt the first time that people turned their backs on their countries and went abroad to give aid and comfort to the enemy jane fondas north vietnam adventure comes to mind an action she now regrets more recently there were about five hundred misguided youths who volunteered to be human shields in iraq for their pal saddam for all their posturing none of them got themselves blown up over there leaving aside the question of whether or not the resumption of war was justified fewer social justice warriors wouldve helped cleanse the gene pool a bit then theres the odd case of matthew todd miller a californian who went to north korea tore up his visa and announced he was seeking political asylum that ones an iffy case though later he said i just wanted to speak to an ordinary north korean person about normal things kids these days in summary dont let this happen to our youth they must not grow up culturally bereft in times past children were taught about their countrys heritage instructed in their culture and pride in their nation was instilled in them it was a given that these were presented as good things these daysat least in much of the western worldthis isnt happening we cant count on the educational systemand certainly the mediato do that any more because of decades of cultural marxism young people are indoctrinated with a negative view of their own civilization all societies beliefs and ways of life are equal except yours are terrible those who dont see through that baloney end up rootless alienated and disconnected from their own culture some even end up thinking that their homeland is the embodiment of all evil while repressive regimes abroad are wonderful this is basically what social justice weenies think something they have in common with young jihadi rebels without a clue this will have to change of course hopefully the day will come when the media manipulators and educational bureaucrats who pushed cultural marxism are standing in the unemployment line for now well have to pay close attention to the messages that the young people in our lives are absorbing and help them learn to be secure in their faith and cultural identity teach them about their roots and why thats important dont let the tv be your childs babysitter anything goes is not a standard by which to raise our youth
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riots america day donald trump wins presidency
ways forge strength challenges ways forge strength challenges corey aspiring iconoclast believes key life men honour primal nature learn views theprimalmalecom also follow twitter november mind modern men need constantly improve hostile world like tries debase us lesser men embrace weakness degeneracy must embrace strength discipline whiners complain unfair world better disengage must engage world greater willpower defeat enemies towards end propose become resilient antifragile every way possible following ways turn seemingly negative circumstances strengths stress although stress maligned plague modern world wrecks mental physical health way perceive makes profound difference affects new studies shown see stress toxic suffered damaging health effects saw helpful able turn source energy push challenges next time feel stressed whatever trouble may facing remember friend must reframe sensation believe body trying help changing processes stress use succeed life obstacles response obstacles reveal kind man really whatever obstacles may face endeavors two choices become frustrated discouraged see opportunity grow stronger like stress weaker mans inclination view obstacle confirmation helplessness must better face whatever gets way use every occasion grow stronger obstacles arent facing enough life need get start things deal obstacle show true nature man world see dont pussy moan must overcome instead determined rise honor stake failures failures inevitable life although always try best succeed shouldnt afraid fail either obstacles view every instance failure opportunity learn adapt failure bad learning giving easily remember winners dont quit try better rejection rejection specific kind failure often painful especially difficult often unclear whether actually fault would say best assume full responsibility rejections face see area improve better increase chance next time long youre willing learn long youre willing try grow master rejections youll placing far men physical discomfort russians tough well known human body designed antifragile bones get thicker every blow skin gets tougher every scrap pain discomfort sorts also become bearable expose harshness endure stronger become time inversely comfortable softer turn weaker get one simple method implement become healthy energized start taking cold showers benefits many including stronger immune system enhanced mood energy better circulation boost testosterone level trouble getting started start seconds end usual warm shower go want train comfortably stand coldest water least five minutes fear cant really turn fear positive process conquering fears transformative effect life proudest exciting memorable moments life defied fears presentation front hundreds people terrible stagefright going rock climbing terrible fear heights traveling first time foreign country one thing completely turn life around man make list fears wish defeat write order least fearful start knocking one one impossible become better man conquer anger like fear anger something transform positive trait ive heard people transmutating anger rechannel energy activities ive never work way however good focal point master mind become stoic also serve area focus practice meditation matter unpleasant anger teach lot allow reveal weaknesses insecurities areas life need improvement one base primal human emotions shouldnt shirk something unneeded instead make friend negativity pessimism longest time felt guilty negative constantly told everyone else bad thing smile said think positively said life improve said constantly berated part north american positivity cult wonder people tend say theyre great even theyre feeling like shit habit yet fix contrary long held belief positive thinking attitude gives better life studies shown opposite forced positivity actually harm people like positive thinking backfires makes things worse also badtempered people pessimists shown enjoy successful marriages healthier live longer better negotiating successful overall life youre natural grouch like time embrace tell fakeass positivity people shove conclusion road selfimprovement ugly bumpy one honestly cant say enjoy matter know necessary part man cant imagine trying better spite difficulties refuse live life complacency people mock insult efforts know opinions dont matter lesser men say means live fight prosper one life
Ricardo Sanchez
research finds that women as a group dont pay taxes
shopify erased our store from the internet while i was fulfilling orders shopify erased our store from the internet while i was fulfilling orders november work money to launch a return of kings tshirt shop i decided to go with shopify because of how much easier it is to launch than a selfhosted store i signed up with them paid for one year of service and did a prelaunch with a small group of readers which resulted in orders as i began fulfilling them shopify pulled the plug on the entire store without warning both the public storefront and the administrative backend with all our data because of shopifys decision my customers couldnt access their order status i had no way of informing them of what happened and i couldnt fulfill remaining orders they put both me and individuals in the lurch for no legitamate reason forcing me to threaten legal action in order to get enough information to complete fulfillment of all orders the backstory there are many open source solutions for hosting a web store the problem with them is that it takes extra time to create the store and maintain it compared to services like shopify squarespace bigcommerce magento and others to get the rok store up and running as quickly as possible i picked shopify because of their competitive prices not knowing that i was in for a far greater price down the road after i set up the store featuring photos of yours truly in our first tshirt i collected email addresses of those who were most interested with participating in the prelaunch i sent this group an email announcing the store and of them took action ordering a tshirt or two the shirt in question during this time i received an email from a shopify risk analyst by the name of justin he asked me to send in identification which i was happy to do and then asked me for more information thanks for signing up with shopify payments and providing your id in order to complete this initial review and ensure payments continue to be sent to your account we would need a little bit more information if you could send me any documentation you may have to validate the business that would be great examples would be a business bank statement business license or business registration documents could you also confirm where youre primarily operating your business from i sent in my business incorporation documents my irs employer number designation a recent bank statement from my usbased bank and a note of how i often travel through eastern europe but that my business bank accounts and tax status all reside in the united states in spite of that shopify unjustly classified me as a foreign business and gave me no means to dispute it unfortunately shopify payments is currently only available to companies that are based in australia canada united kingdom and the united states so we are not able to help with payments for your site right now its frustrating for us to have to turn down good businesses but we need to make sure were abiding by both us and international regulations this means that any successful charges you have will be transferred to you on schedule but you wont be able to use shopify payments to accept any further payments despite the information provided our payment processing partner needs to ensure that the shops are based operating from and have a substantial presence in the united states ultimately their decision is final and we must respect it according to the united states federal government and the irs my company is american and liable to pay american taxes but to shopify im not an american business the repercussion from this was that i couldnt use shopifys own payment system shopify payments and had to pay a extra commision on all orders but this wasnt a huge setback since there were many other payment options i stayed the course because i wanted to do an ontime opening for my readers i could always change stores later when it was convenient for me the disaster i have a worker based in the united states who maintains the shirt inventory and is charge of shipping them out he printed most of the shipping labels for the first batch of orders and got ready for shipment before he was finished i tried to log into the admin area of the store to monitor his progress and saw this the public storefront was also taken down there was no longer any way for me to know who my customers were and what they ordered i couldnt even send them an email i then received this from justin hello im afraid that after reviewing your information and website we believe your business presents a level of risk for customer disputes that we will be unable to support on shopify we will transfer your existing payments to you but will be unable to accept any additional payments on your behalf from shopify payments im sorry we wont be able to help with your business regards justin after i read this email i was absolutely livid ive been doing business on the internet for over fifteen years and have never had a situation where a company pulled the rug out from under me and my customers in a way that i would personally classify as fraud they allowed me to take orders begin processing them and then removed all access so i could not complete fulfillment imagine if you bought a shirt from me and then tried to access the store to see the status of your order you would have no way to know whats going on and would probably think that i took your money and ran shopify created a situation of unneeded worry for individuals while directly hurting my reputation as if im running some sort a scam operation the phone call to support i called support and got on the line with a level support tech i told him the situation as calmly as i could his response send an email reply to justin this was unacceptable because politely complying with him through email beforehand had only resulted in the deletion of my entire store without warning i demanded to speak with someone from the risk department but the support tech told me there was no way to patch me through since he was working remotely i was not calling shopifys main office but someone sitting in the middle of nowhere in his pajamas i also told the support tech that there was no further information asked of me that this was a unilateral closing of my shop while i was in the middle of fulfillment if shopify is so worried about fraud why would they leave individuals in a position where they would believe they got defrauded and start initiating chargebacks with their credit card companies i had no choice but to threaten legal action i told the support tech that if shopify doesnt give me a way to complete these orders i would pursue all legal means as a response to what i saw as fraud the support tech put me on hold after a few minutes of chatting with the risk team he said that they have given him permission to send me a csv file of all my orders i decided that this was enough to satisfy the individuals who purchased from me but it still didnt allow me an easyway to process exchanges or refunds if one of my customers was unsatisfied with the shirt before ending the call with the support tech i told him to relay to justin and his team that they have created so much ill will by the way they have treated me that i will ensure that everyone knows exactly what they did not just to me but also to my customers who had an unfortunate experience because of their ecommerce platform using the csv file i received i was able to contact my customers to let them know of the situation and complete fulfillment many of them have already received their tshirts in the mail the lesson shopify has every right to choose who to do business with and i would not be particularly upset if they said i have to go elsewhere after fulfilling open orders but the way they removed all access from my store is absolutely reprehensible and the stuff of nightmares for a business owner no owner wants to wake up one day and find that everything is gone with no way to contact his customers i have never been treated so poorly by an american internet business before and im confident that any business who treats people in this way wont be in business for long maybe my situation was special as i am often abroad but shopify operates as if its customers are not even allowed to take a vacation out of the country if you log in from a certain ip address pool their algorithms go crazy and here comes justin to hit the delete button on your store with one click whatever the reason its important for existing and potential shopify customers to know that it doesnt take much for them to shut you down at any moment and for any cause they will take all your information and prevent you from contacting customers or fulfilling orders your only recourse to receive your data is to threaten legal action and that may be no guarantee of success if any of my friends ask me about which web store platform to use i will strongly warn them against shopify as for the rok store ive decided to try the open source method hopefully we will be ready for orders again within two months nov roosh valizadeh
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friendly guide roks world view recovering liberals
home month popular pace reach goals pace reach goals february comments lifestyle today february youre one month closer death done year improve may say new years resolutions copouts actually setting reasonable goals instead starting today say week ill hit gym finally get ripped like idea coming goals plans achieve january st next year start year mental rebirth january new snow begging make fresh tracks blank canvas yearning painted however many use new years resolutions feel better gorge baked goods drink heartily fail exercise throughout month december telling next year different one last time change case us return kings different writers readers commenters strive build man want personally slipups month january sets determined apart shambling masses pick keep pushing forward one step time started year strong days nights booked full dates time girlfriends reconnecting old friends eschewed online dating become social day time broke prs lifts dropped pounds sought coaching olympic lifts importantly held accountable actions ate much drank much didnt take opportunities picked adapted push forward give everything bad want happens reach goal aim higher stop remain content slightly average choose latter finite concrete goals already anticipating day quit building youre doomed failuredont ever miss opportunity get better take risks analyze successesfailures dont stop youve surpassed goals strive better faster stronger goals smart purpose want sex beautiful women learn language lift weight make money accountability buddy journal meticulously track progress progress going feb western cancer
Relampago Furioso
will there be riots in america the day after donald trump wins the presidency
ways to forge strength through challenges ways to forge strength through challenges corey is an aspiring iconoclast he believes that the key to life is for men to honour their primal nature learn more about his views at theprimalmalecom you can also follow him on twitter november mind we modern men need to constantly improve ourselves in a hostile world like ours that tries to debase us while the lesser men embrace weakness and degeneracy we must embrace strength and discipline while whiners complain about how unfair the world is and how its better to just disengage we must engage the world with greater willpower and defeat our enemies towards this end i propose that we become both resilient and antifragile in every way possible the following are ways you can turn a seemingly negative circumstances into strengths stress although stress has been maligned as the plague of the modern world that wrecks our mental and physical health the way you perceive it makes a profound difference on how it affects you new studies have shown that those who see stress as being toxic suffered damaging health effects while who saw it as being helpful were able to turn it into a source of energy to push them through their challenges so next time you feel stressed from whatever trouble you may be facing remember that it is your friend you must reframe the sensation and believe that its your body trying to help you by changing how you processes stress you can use it to succeed in life obstacles your response to obstacles reveal the kind of man you really are whatever obstacles you may face in your endeavors you have two choices become frustrated and discouraged by it or see it as an opportunity to grow stronger like stress its the weaker mans inclination to view an obstacle as a confirmation of his own helplessness but you must do better and face up to whatever gets in your way use every occasion to grow stronger from your obstacles and if you arent facing enough of them in your life you need to get out and start doing more things how you deal with obstacle will show your true nature as a man for the world to see so dont pussy out or moan about what you must overcome instead be determined to rise above it your honor is at stake failures failures are inevitable in life although you should always try your best to succeed you shouldnt be afraid to fail either just as with obstacles view every instance of failure as an opportunity to learn and adapt its not failure itself that is bad but not learning from it or giving up so easily remember winners dont quit they try to do better rejection rejection is a specific kind of failure that is often the most painful of them all its especially difficult because its often unclear whether it was actually your fault or not i would say that its best to assume full responsibility for all the rejections you face and see what area you can improve to better increase your chance next time as long as youre willing to learn and as long as youre willing to try again you will grow master rejections and youll be placing yourself far above other men physical discomfort this is why russians are so tough its well known that the human body is designed to be antifragile your bones get thicker with every blow and your skin gets tougher with every scrap pain and discomfort of all sorts also become more bearable the more you expose yourself to them the more harshness you endure the stronger you become over time but inversely the more comfortable you are the softer you turn and the weaker you get one simple method you can implement to become more healthy and energized is to start taking cold showers the benefits of doing it are many including stronger immune system enhanced mood and energy better circulation boost in testosterone level and so on if you are having trouble getting started start by doing just seconds at the end of your usual warm shower and go from there you want to train yourself until you can comfortably stand under the coldest water for at least five minutes fear you cant really turn fear itself into a positive but the process of conquering your fears can have a transformative effect on your life some of the proudest most exciting and memorable moments of my life were when i defied fears by doing a presentation in front of hundreds of people i had a terrible stagefright going rock climbing i have a terrible fear of heights and traveling for the first time by myself to a foreign country one thing you can do to completely turn your life around is to do what this man did and make a list of all the fears that you wish to defeat write them down in an order from the least fearful to the most and start knocking them down one by one its impossible not to become a better man once you conquer them all anger like fear anger is not something you can transform into a positive trait ive heard of people transmutating their anger to rechannel the energy into other activities but ive never had it work that way however it is a good focal point to master your mind to become more stoic it can also serve as your area of focus if you practice meditation no matter how unpleasant your anger will teach you a lot about yourself and only if you allow it it will reveal your weaknesses insecurities and any other areas of your life in need of improvement as one of the most base and primal of human emotions you shouldnt just shirk it as something that is unneeded instead make it your friend negativity and pessimism for the longest time i felt guilty about being so negative because i was constantly told by everyone else that it was a bad thing smile they said think positively they said your life will improve they said i was constantly berated for not being part of the north american positivity cult its no wonder why people there tend to say that theyre doing great even when theyre feeling like shit a habit i have yet to fix but in contrary to the long held belief that positive thinking and attitude gives you a better life studies have shown just the opposite forced positivity can actually harm you for some people like me positive thinking backfires and makes things worse also badtempered people who are pessimists have been shown to enjoy more successful marriages be healthier live longer be better at negotiating and more successful overall in life so if youre a natural grouch like me its time to embrace who you are and tell the fakeass positivity people to shove it conclusion the road to selfimprovement is an ugly and a bumpy one i honestly cant say that i enjoy it but no matter what i know that it is a necessary part of being a man i cant imagine myself not trying to be better in spite of all the difficulties i refuse to live a life of complacency some people mock and insult our efforts but know that their opinions dont matter lesser men have no say on what it means to live so fight on and prosper for this is your one and only life
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donald trump candidate americans special interests
gentlemen filled brim joy successfully thwarted globalists plans ruin americaweve fought big banks weve fought satanic pedophile elites weve fought corrupt mainstream media battle yet still much wish make america great easy fight certainly face much resistance along way expect cucks liberals throw temper tantrums safe spaces come tumbling expect mainstream media demonize altright expect elites everything stop us stop us thoughno far powerful wheels truth fact turn slowly alas turn growing speed blaze towards victory four goals must achieve path victory dismantle mainstream media us start wake media begin sense thisin fact already wondered theyve started cover antihillary stories realize theyre losing credibility mainstream media well aware theyre losing chokehold american publics mind last ditch effort theyre trying seem unbiased buy liesits giant farce attempt regain former credibility next four years extremely important start dismantling outlets time call start sharing altright stories facebook twitter get message dont watch mainstream media dont buy mainstream magazines dont watch news shows hell dont even pay cable everything bleed pockets dry money moves away mainstream media naturally move towards alternative news sourcessites like return kings info wars matt forney danger play become new media dont expect happen first however one final cry gory death media proclaim new racist xenophobic enemy helped donald get office altright expect demonize us expect lie us scream shout protest fine howeverfor antifragile altright unique position hatred towards altright net win us simple publicity good publicity single mention alternative news site msm often net us tens thousands new viewers words ignore us continue grow power attack us grow even faster cant win drain swamp everything weve done point get donald office completely pointless dont drain swamp one chancewe four years order us bring permanent change country need hold cucks libtards accountable actions anyone pushed proislam agenda rape culture feminazi philosophy must called traitors elites corrupt bankers globalists must brought light order us bring true change prevent globalist dictatorship happening near future must ensure least americans aware elites conspiracy next election grass roots movement growing powerbut must take away power tried hard fight us time cause ruckus email representatives time demand hillary thrown prison every single person involved hillary clintons private email server must thrown jail pedophiles satanists anthony weiner marina abramovic traitors huma abedin comey must thrown jail crimes time clear murky watersto sift dirt rotten garbage lurking believe said done america enter new age prosperity patriarchy return normalize straight males long men oppressed civilization created let sjws culture warriors back us corner weve finally started fight back men upon exposed manosphere starting wake take red pill starting realize nation reason ashamed white man start dismantle mainstream media drain swamp happen naturallyit artificial social engineering white male became crime cant stop hereits time start slowly redpilling bluepilled friends best way simply osmosis dont try convince logic arrive bluepilled position logic emotion simply beacon masculinity confident assertive dont cave ridiculous hr requests political correctness social pressures mainstream media dismantled manosphere grows popularity movement gain strength exponentially normalization males especially white males essential culture continuethe second started become ashamed heritage nationality second cucks started closing cannot give inch take mile say country shouldnt accept immigrantsif go legal process get far became socially unacceptable shame illegal immigrants illegal immigrants like said got way due overwhelming amount white guilt ashamed heritage men made gigantic step towards national sovereignty donald trump elected president cannot let victory go vain must push onward continue normalize normal straight male white note norm transgender greenhaired sjw get law side grass roots movement picks steam believe pressure create naturally push judges lawmakers change corrupt legal system first things first must create laws treat men women treated many laws skewed favor women women right work must remove alimonyits ridiculous men pay month exwives got used certain living situation must remove corrupt antimale divorce laws ridiculous hatespeech laws infringe freedom speech ultimately sjw rape laws along many rok men falsely accused rape time remove ridiculous laws make illegal men simply talk women built system elites order wage war men law encourage freedom speech fact twitter held accountable banning milo yiannopoulos absolutely absurd information social media platforms held standards american people google needs stop censoring search resultsand dont time us create laws type behavior allowing google filter search results like regression back medieval times one entity selectively edit version reality unacceptable importantly judges lawmakers taken bribes thrown jailindefinitely anyone took donation george soros member bilderberg group imprisoned crimes treason summary path towards victory menbut without many hiccups first thing mainstream media demonize altright make us stronger expose view points larger audience expect get darker dawn expect feminists sjws cucks libtards protest scream shoutbut vain many men starting wake many men starting see lies shoved throats going back next four years important ever primary objective dismantle mainstream media natural means time exposed liars simply eliminating msm battleremember war information altright starts control news sanity must also focus draining swamp must rid corrupt political establishment people whove betrayed us must normalize family unit white menno longer shall feel ashamed gender sexual orientation laws must change remember easy much resistance along way weve come far weve beat odds elected trump president nationand time make america great read pace reach goals
Beau Albrecht
friendly guide to roks world view for recovering liberals
home this month popular are you on pace to reach your goals are you on pace to reach your goals february comments lifestyle today is february and youre one month closer to death what have you done this year to improve yourself some may say new years resolutions are copouts for actually setting reasonable goals instead of starting today we say in a week ill hit the gym and finally get ripped i like the idea of coming up with goals and plans to achieve them for january st of the next year the start of each year is a mental rebirth january is a new snow begging for you to make fresh tracks in it a blank canvas yearning to be painted on however many do use new years resolutions to feel better about themselves they gorge themselves on baked goods drink heartily and fail to exercise throughout the month of december telling themselves that next year will be different and just one last time before i change this is not the case for us here at return of kings we are different writers readers and commenters all strive to build themselves into the man they want to be personally i had some slipups through the month of january but what sets the determined apart from the shambling masses is that we pick ourselves up and keep pushing forward one step at a time i started the year off strong my days and nights booked full with dates time with girlfriends reconnecting with old friends i eschewed online dating and become more social during the day time i broke prs on all of my lifts dropped a few pounds and sought coaching for the olympic lifts most importantly i held myself accountable for all of my actions if i ate too much drank too much or didnt take opportunities i should have i picked myself up and adapted push forward and give everything you have how bad do you want it what happens when you reach your goal do you aim higher or do you stop there and remain content with being slightly above average if you choose the latter and have finite concrete goals you are already anticipating the day you can quit building yourself youre doomed for failuredont ever miss an opportunity to get better take risks analyze your successesfailures and dont stop until youve surpassed your goals then strive to be better faster and stronger what are your goals for are they smart do you have a purpose do you want to have sex with more beautiful women learn a language lift more weight and make more money do you have an accountability buddy or do you journal and meticulously track your progress how is your progress going feb western cancer
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habits successful seducers share
one foundations living good life todays times good place call home whether want solid comfortable place pursue hobbies recover days tribulations whether want bachelor pad romantic pursuits good home essential modern man purchased home decided general contractor renovations home asoriginallyfurnished home brought multicolor painted green shag carpeted datedness sharply trimmed hardwoodfloored modernity somewhat timeless style general contractor person hired architect engineer run job site source labor follow schedule get materials execute vision plan ten things learned general contractor good contractors bad contractors run good bad contractors good contractor good work good value follows schedule honest doesnt lie bad contractor fired contractor good value poor work could follow schedule lied paid later contractor excellent work hit schedule time perfectionist give bad contractor second chance mainly see corrects fails shape cut loose good contractor correct amount paperwork firms turned things hand contractors license little whereas firm gives fifteen pages legalese allowing take uncontested mechanics lien home pay much lot presentation representative tradesmen naturally rough people work hands man good handshake good eye contact evasive important details shady good contractors cost busy best indicator good contractor busy schedule mean booked often month advance guy fired kept trying work weekends night seems like hes busy hes actually operating red trying use funds cover jobs good contractor negotiate terms front change awarded job put schedule agreedupon time best contractor busy things first could get firm bid work good contractors busy turned work later need establish reputation general contractors area reputation amongst customers contractors subcontract difference living reputation busy contractor work gc give work future one unknown busy guys busy season fall preholidays would pass work ones knew however word got around others gave jobs good scope paid time hired sub contractor set jobs found used electrician subbed electrical jobs called electricians vouched picky hell paid time let run schedule run house point good contractors know good contractors reputation works way good roofer turned busy wouldnt meet timetable brother runs electrical shop mentioned although always get multiple competing quotes bid three two generally respond pick better one deciding factor brother roofer ran good shop stood reason would plumbers knew ac guys chimney guy flooring guys knew kitchen cabinets guys everyone works around everyone else saved paperwork contact info vendors future projects know call even dont know know ask recommendations take money think home renovation expensive mainly nasty reason commit action get hit extra costs mitigate good bid scopes give contractors parties know find home need things didnt think hourly rate laborers higher budgeted materials simply cost part balancing act required learn spend money spend money later right live place finally still construction paper floors yet bought furniture pads rugs high traffic areas bathrooms plumbing mirrors cabinets towel racks toilet paper holders entire rooms without furniture taken care later things like flooring painting needed happen earlier take time think may need something complicated gantt chart shows dependency one job others contractors schedules also time outside work time arrange site visit juggle quotes write work theres followups punchlists finally job done pay cant jobs finish first one master schedule knowing affecting matters floor guys run place finishing floors laying subfloor able plumbers day well contrariwise could start kitchen install floors done ideas wrong right thoughts place sometimes wrong stupid try reuse baseboard carpet put hardwood even though color listened contractor used new sometimes right backsplash behind sink supposed match countertops colors ratio white wanted correct persuaded add contractor know important vision able explain intent contractor might better way mind told instead rather creative way running drains basement fixtures wanted better way would suggested got almost completely right intent process gaps manpower coverage one thing professional general contractor private operator basic stuff gc hire electrician wire fan boxes mounting fans install boxes hang fans electricians install hang anyway two reasons mitigate little shit jobs one want single job first provide materials also allows pick want pile fixtures fans bulbs laid plan went helped throw technical wiring part done second reason provide good scope work plumber come install single faucet maybe come install five garbage disposal certainly thats good days work little jobs lot little jobs youll get interest things satisfied good enough good enough house old renovated things simply cannot fixed without massive upheaval cannot perfectly flat ceilings drywall years old popcorn texture things address new baseboard new window trim door trim original nicks stains time things done perfect drywall kitchen cabinets bulkhead used hang ceiling one spot even two reworks still hairline paint crack window film pull away lines theres couple things trapped film places one toilets top seconds signifying small seal issue cannot perfection go reasonable excellence code enforcement sucks man sucks someone called code enforcement go get permit cost x renovations cost mainly jack taxes got permit expect taxes go inspector real schmuck appointed officials jokes got permit left omitted things would still happen werent noticeable code enforcement county ordinances idea reasonable cooperation able explain things away saying mistaken instead flouting law went got permit busted know third story gotten permit earlier perhaps whatever nosy neighbor ratted might called another tactic future project planned get permit months ahead time hit hard days done anyone notices conclusion time patience skill know exactly want get juggle massive schedule running home renovation lot fun educational want done faster want deal one person everything hiring professional general contractor might way go instead read essential subjects teach children rok international school
Luke Stranahan
donald trump is the candidate for americans not special interests
gentlemen i am filled to the brim with joy we have successfully thwarted the globalists plans to ruin americaweve fought against the big banks weve fought against the satanic pedophile elites and weve fought against the corrupt mainstream media but the battle is not over yet we still have much to do if we wish to make america great again this will not be an easy fight for we will certainly face much resistance along the way expect the cucks and liberals to throw temper tantrums as their safe spaces come tumbling down expect the mainstream media to demonize the altright and expect the elites to do everything they can to stop us they will not stop us thoughno we are far too powerful the wheels of truth do in fact turn slowly but alas they turn and they are growing in speed as we blaze towards victory here are four goals that we must achieve on our path to victory dismantle the mainstream media as more and more of us start to wake up the media will begin to sense thisin fact they already have have you wondered why theyve started to cover antihillary stories its because they realize that theyre losing credibility the mainstream media is very well aware that theyre losing their chokehold on the american publics mind so in a last ditch effort theyre trying to seem unbiased do not buy into their liesits all a giant farce an attempt to regain their former credibility over the next four years it will be extremely important to start dismantling these outlets its time to call them out for what they are start sharing altright stories on facebook and twitter get our message out there dont watch any mainstream media dont buy mainstream magazines dont watch their news shows hell dont even pay for cable do everything you can to bleed their pockets dry as more and more money moves away from the mainstream media it will naturally move towards alternative news sourcessites like return of kings info wars matt forney and danger and play will become the new media dont expect this to happen at first however in one final cry before its gory death the media will proclaim that there is a new racist xenophobic enemy that helped donald get into office the altright expect them to demonize us expect them to lie about us to scream and shout and to protest this is fine howeverfor we are antifragile the altright is in a very unique position any and all hatred towards the altright will be a net win for us why its simple any publicity is good publicity a single mention of an alternative news site by the msm can and often does net us tens of thousands of new viewers in other words if they ignore us we continue to grow in power if they attack us we grow even faster they cant win drain the swamp everything that weve done up to this point to get donald in office will be completely pointless if we dont drain the swamp this is our one chancewe have four years to do this in order for us to bring about permanent change in this country we need to hold the cucks and libtards accountable for their actions anyone who pushed the proislam agenda rape culture or feminazi philosophy must be called out for the traitors that they are the elites the corrupt bankers and the globalists must all be brought to light in order for us to bring about true change and to prevent a globalist dictatorship from happening in the near future we must ensure that at least of americans are aware of the elites conspiracy by the next election this is a grass roots movement and it is growing in powerbut we must take away power from those who tried so hard to fight us now is the time to cause a ruckus and email your representatives now is the time to demand hillary be thrown in prison every single person involved in hillary clintons private email server must be thrown in jail pedophiles and satanists such as anthony weiner and marina abramovic and traitors such as huma abedin and comey must be thrown in jail for their crimes now is the time to clear out the murky watersto sift through the dirt and rotten garbage lurking below i believe that once all is said and done america will enter into a new age of prosperity the patriarchy will return normalize straight males for too long have men been oppressed by the very civilization which we created we have let the sjws and culture warriors back us into a corner but weve finally started to fight back more and more men upon being exposed to the manosphere are starting to wake up and take the red pill were starting to realize as a nation that there is no reason to be ashamed of being white or being a man once we start to dismantle the mainstream media and drain the swamp most of this should happen naturallyit was only through the artificial social engineering that being a white male became a crime but we cant stop hereits time to start slowly redpilling our bluepilled friends the best way to do this is simply through osmosis dont try to convince them with logic because they did not arrive at a bluepilled position through logic they did so through emotion simply be a beacon of masculinity be confident in yourself be assertive and dont cave into ridiculous hr requests or political correctness social pressures again once the mainstream media is dismantled and the manosphere grows in popularity our movement will gain strength exponentially the normalization of males especially white males is essential for our culture to continuethe second that we started to become ashamed of our heritage and of our nationality was the second that the cucks started closing in we cannot give them an inch or they will take a mile this is not to say that our country shouldnt accept immigrantsif they go through the legal process how did it get so far that it became socially unacceptable to shame illegal immigrants again illegal immigrants like i said it got this way due to an overwhelming amount of white guilt do not be ashamed of your heritage men we have made a gigantic step towards national sovereignty with donald trump being elected as president and we cannot let this victory go in vain we must push onward and continue to normalize what is normal being a straight male white or note should be the norm not being a transgender greenhaired sjw get the law on our side as our grass roots movement picks up more and more steam i believe that the pressure we create will naturally push judges and lawmakers to change our corrupt legal system first things first we must create laws that treat men and women as they should be treated too many laws are skewed in favor of women now that women have the right to work we must remove alimonyits ridiculous that men should have to pay a month to their exwives because she got used to a certain living situation we must remove corrupt antimale divorce laws ridiculous hatespeech laws which infringe on our freedom of speech and ultimately sjw rape laws i along with many other rok men have been falsely accused of rape its time to remove all of these ridiculous laws that make it illegal for men to simply talk to women and that were built into the system by the elites in order to wage war against men the law should encourage freedom of speech the fact that twitter has not been held accountable for banning milo yiannopoulos is absolutely absurd information and social media platforms should be held to the same standards that the american people are google needs to stop censoring search resultsand if they dont its time for us to create laws against this type of behavior allowing google to filter search results is like a regression back to medieval times for one entity to selectively edit our version of reality is unacceptable most importantly judges and lawmakers that have taken bribes should be thrown in jailindefinitely anyone who took a donation from george soros or any other member of the bilderberg group should be imprisoned for crimes of treason summary we are on the path towards victory menbut it will not be without many hiccups the first thing that the mainstream media will do is demonize the altright but again this will only make us stronger it will expose our view points to a larger audience expect it to get darker just before the dawn expect feminists sjws cucks and libtards to protest and scream and shoutbut it will all be in vain too many men are starting to wake up too many men are starting to see the lies that have been shoved down our throats and there is no going back the next four years will be more important than ever our primary objective is to dismantle the mainstream media through natural means its time for them to be exposed as the liars that they are simply eliminating the msm will be most of the battleremember this is a war of information and when the altright starts to control the news there will be sanity we must also focus on draining the swamp we must rid our corrupt political establishment of the people whove betrayed us we must normalize the family unit and white menno longer shall we feel ashamed of our gender or sexual orientation then from here the laws must change remember this will not be easy there will be much resistance along the way but weve come this far weve beat all odds and elected trump as the president of our nationand its time to make america great again read more are you on pace to reach your goals
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feminists attack elderly gay man saying older women shouldnt wear yoga pants
hollywood films bluepill men reinforce sjw values concepts hollywood films bluepill men reinforce sjw values concepts bob smith bob smith man search truth favorite quotes fools earth different know true read liebrary truth misogynistic truth november culture old uncle bob mixing things hereand think see im going new angle mine pretty quickly selected three sjw films review one one one much recent vintage might three insidious hollywood movies common outwardly subliminally program viewers blindly adopt bluepill beliefs behaviors thats feel unsettlingly dirty writing films somebodys gotta lets get busy expose three flatout unintentional farces really seize day onward upward downwardin case terms three horrendously blatant sjw films definitely downward kill mockingbird gregory peck robert duvall brock peters mary badham multipleoscarwinning film based pulitzerprizewinning novel name written harper lee published pulitzer prize multiple oscars first major clues hollywood elitists good crafting brilliantly clever piece sjw brainwashing wickedly hypnotic movie cleverly reinforces statistically bankrupt notion white males american deep south vicious stupid ignorantly racist crackers spend time ruining lives innocent blacksthat arent shooting like dogs lynching outright plot centers around hardworking standup straightarrow black man tom robinson brock peters falsely accused rape conniving whitetrash slut named mayella ewell collin wilcox whose alcoholic father bob ewell james anderson racist pig unfathomably low character towns sjw lawyer atticus finch gregory peck plays white knight comes rushing tom robinsons defensemuch dismay local good ole boysbut despite best efforts free poor wrongly accused black man finch cannot hold back powerful tide racist anger ultimately results backwater towns killer cops shooting poor tom cold blood familiar theme abundantly found todays world dindunothin black folk perennially viciously gunned racist white cops everincreasing frightening basisyawn gee never heard one im even going get rest mindnumbing films plot story line waste time mention correlative facts might find little bit interesting sjwcontrolled civil rights movement exploded vengeance long film released heres redpill truth matter according annual report murder federal bureau investigation interracial murders usa involved black assailants white victims blacks murdering whites times rate whites murder blacks stunning disparities began emerge mids sharp increase black crime white people upsurge coincidentally enough corresponds exactly beginning modern sjwcrafted civil rights movement blacks thus committed times violent interracial crimes whites even though black population oneseventh size white population time according survey highlights years surveying crime victims published youll buy book want find real truth days washingtons sjw datagatherers longer keep track bigoted statisticsprobably care safety deeply years cumulative effects staggering justice department fbi statistics indicate million violent interracial crimes committed usa overwhelmingly involving black offenders white victims people killed interracial murdersthe vast majority blackonwhite killings comparison americans died vietnam war killed korean war wonder many additional people killed america escalation deliberately inflamed race wars since unfortunately cant get look statistics previously mentioned puppet masters longer keep records far telland definitely dont want us see may notions set forth kill mockingbird repulsively twisted morally insidious patently false offends anybody might reading review makes entire freaking day end matter critically thinking person truth hollywood dishes regular basis anything gandhi sir ben kingsley martin sheen candice bergen sir john gielgud supposedly crafters history quite ingeniously led us believe mohandas k gandhi played sir ben kingsley multipleoscarwinning film utilized greatest weapon epic fight british tyranny behalf indian peoplethe incredibly effective method nonviolent resistance movie gandhi sequence film featuring large group noncompliant protesters faces group security forces armed sticks outside salt factory end result protesters get holy crap beaten reality basically happened public dogandpony show shortly supposedly reallife event choreographed elitistowned media indeed cleverly constructed movie actor martin sheen seen describing bloody mayhem factory telephone cohorts back usa sheen plays american journalist vince walker film sheens character witnessed put words passed along editor phone summarily put print vast numbers elitistowned newspapers well film elitistowned news reels marketed worldwhich resulted bringing worldwide focus terrorist acts security workers salt factory entire episode allegedly key element indias signature accomplishment gaining independence british despite fact every single major worldwide event finds way mainstream medias propaganda conduits either completely staged event like indian protesters getting beaten outside salt mine imho something meshes well elites overall master plan even put print film begin worlds major media companies owned six major players supposed believe elitistproduced film gandhi depicts reallife events occurred direct result one brave man loincloth stood ferocious might british empire brought entire house singlehandedly please youd better chance talking using tinder another infamous sequence film wherein group hindi demonstrators peacefully assembling protest within enclosed parklike area indian city amritsar demonstrators consequently assaulted british soldiers open fire brutally randomly assembled sitting ducks proceed gun hundreds protesters incident allegedly occurred april estimates put actual number demonstrators killed well single crucial revealing sequence film sobering truth put display seeassembling peacefully going grain established order utilizing peaceful protest noncompliance within group setting exactly elite want people makes whole lot easier identify kill film mass slaughter soldiers commander dressed higherups taking law hands gunning peaceful demonstrators done strictly show obviously case cinematic cover anyone think easily infer think produced gandhi uh would elitistowned film company columbia picturesdo really think elite going pass along bona fide solution wiping outuh way last time checked rattlesnakes dont commit suicide british empire long bloody history usurping lands notion stringpullers top greasy flagpole would aghast actions british commander ordered slaughter amritsar comical best slaughter amritsar actually accomplished addition massmurder huge swath ardent protesters following complicit assistance elitistowned press british commanders actions day reinforced suicidal notion peaceful protest nonviolent resistance keys bringing significant social change throughout history choreographed events like slaughter amritsar subsequent explosion moral outrage fueled reports eliteowned media continued give rise suicidal notion nonviolent resistance actually works course isolated highprofile choreographed incidents outcome already decided beforehand whenever puppet masters want appear way sleeping sheepthe rest time results massincarceration physical assault political harassment murder subtle note might noticed two leading actors oscarwinning film eventually knighted british empirenamely sir ben kingsley knighted sir john gielgud knighted say rest case honor gift jason bateman rebecca hall joel edgerton allison tolman dont typically watch modern hollywood films days mostly know hollywood normally avoid exact way avoid single mothers tramp stamps chicks green hair went ahead checked absolute mindfuck movie showtime night knowing would probably throw wicked sjw curveballand sure enough didnt disappoint aside threw film mix juxtaposed previous two oscarwinners partly demonstrate far bar fallen hollywood filmmaking industry terms standard quality dont even try hide sjw brainwashing madness films longer least back day could mindfuck sheep entertaining captivating way keeping overall intentions radarbut today next film proves much simon callem jason bateman horrifying secret buried twisted past wife robyn rebecca hall clueless whole thing innocent white female vs evil white male usual bullshit couple relocates chicago suburb los angeles run gordon gordo moseley joel edgerton creepy awkward socially inept former high school classmate simons gordo starts dropping couples new house uninvited unannounced far many occasions simon thinks gordons behavior weird sjw wife thinks gordo sweet shy simply misunderstood gordos weirdness escalates typical boremetodeath fashion hollywood really great audiencewowing technique lately robyn finally discovers husbands longheld secret bullied poor gordo back high school inventing story centered around homosexual relationship gordo never horrendously unfair story got back gordos father gordos father nearly killed course simons liberal sjw brainwashed wife eventually wants bullyboy husband life forever shortly discovering unforgivable transgression even though shes pregnant first child much love point yeah like would ever happen real life sjw bullshit meter spikes hard film youll left slackjawed stunned eyerollingly incredulous unfortunate enough sit absolutely putrid piece garbage sure keep barfbucket handy especially endingbecause definitely going need hopefully getting whole lot easier spot bullshit sold todays sjw hollywood films hollywood films days gone especially oscar winners elite always using magic hollywood nefarious purposesnamely magically instill behaviors audience members get trouble instill beliefs totally divorced reality makes much easier divide moviegoing sheep thereby conquer typically race historical beliefs sociopolitical beliefs world huge favor avoid sjw hollywood films wherever whenever rule simple made hollywood today bpo film blue pill unfortunately pertains movies made way back early even well seen rule applies many cases boycotting hollywood films lessening degree brainwashing subject simply alive world present time particular case less definitely
Troy Francis
habits all successful seducers share
one of the foundations of living a good life in todays times is having a good place to call home whether you want a solid comfortable place with which to pursue your hobbies recover from the days tribulations and just to be or whether you want a bachelor pad for your romantic pursuits or both a good home is essential to the modern man i purchased a home and i decided to be my own general contractor for the renovations my home was an asoriginallyfurnished home of the s and i brought its multicolor painted green shag carpeted datedness up to a sharply trimmed hardwoodfloored modernity while being of a somewhat timeless style a general contractor is a person hired by the architect or engineer to run the job site source the labor follow the schedule get the materials and execute the vision of the plan here are ten things i learned as my own general contractor there are good contractors and there are bad contractors you will run into both good and bad contractors out there a good contractor does good work at good value follows the schedule and is honest and doesnt lie to you a bad contractor will do any or all of the above i fired a contractor who had good value but did poor work could not follow the schedule and lied to me i paid more for a later contractor who did excellent work hit the schedule on time and was a perfectionist give a bad contractor a second chance mainly to see how he corrects it and if he fails to shape up cut him loose a good contractor has the correct amount of paperwork but no more some firms i turned down did things by hand and had no contractors license and that is too little whereas a firm that gives you fifteen pages of legalese allowing them to take out an uncontested mechanics lien on your home if you do not pay is too much a lot has to do with the presentation of the representative tradesmen are naturally rough people who work with their hands but a man that does not have a good handshake good eye contact and is evasive on important details is shady good contractors cost more and they are busy the best indicator of a good contractor is that they have a busy schedule and i mean they are booked often a month or so in advance the guy i fired kept trying to work me in on the weekends and at night which while it seems like hes busy hes actually operating in the red and trying to use your funds to cover his other jobs a good contractor will negotiate terms up front and not change them and he will when awarded the job put you in his schedule at an agreedupon time my best contractor was so busy that i had to do other things first before i could get his firm to bid my work and they did what good contractors do when they are too busy they turned down my work until later you need to establish a reputation general contractors in an area have a reputation amongst their customers and the contractors they subcontract to and the only difference between those that do it for a living and you is that you have no reputation a busy contractor will work with a gc who will give them work in the future over one who will not i was an unknown so the busy guys during the busy season fall and preholidays would pass on me and work with ones they knew however word got around to the others that i gave jobs of good scope and paid on time i hired a sub contractor for a set of jobs and once they found out who i used as my electrician it was who they subbed their own electrical jobs to they called and the electricians vouched that i was picky as all hell but paid on time and let them run their own schedule and have the run of the house at that point i was in good contractors know other good contractors reputation works the other way too a good roofer who i only turned down because he was too busy and wouldnt meet my timetable has a brother who runs the electrical shop mentioned above although you should always get multiple competing quotes bid to three two will generally respond and pick the better one the deciding factor was that his brother the roofer ran a good shop and it stood to reason he would too my plumbers knew my ac guys and my chimney guy my flooring guys knew my kitchen cabinets guys everyone works with and around everyone else and i saved all my paperwork and contact info for all my vendors so that on any future projects i know who to call for what and even if i dont know i know who to ask for recommendations it will take more money than you think it will home renovation is expensive and its mainly for the nasty reason that once you commit to action you can get hit with extra costs you can mitigate this with good bid scopes that you give to your contractors so all parties know what is what but you will find that the home will need things you didnt think about or that the hourly rate of the laborers is higher than you budgeted or materials will simply cost more part of the balancing act that is required is you will learn what to spend money on now and what to spend money on later right now i live in the place finally but i still have construction paper down on my floors as i have not yet bought furniture pads or rugs for the high traffic areas my bathrooms have plumbing in but no mirrors cabinets towel racks or toilet paper holders entire rooms are without furniture all of these can and should be taken care of later but things like flooring and painting needed to happen earlier it will take more time than you think it will you may not need something this complicated but a gantt chart shows dependency of one job on others contractors have their own schedules and there is also the time outside the work time where they have to arrange a site visit you have to juggle quotes they have to then write you in then they do the work then theres followups and punchlists and then finally that job is done and you pay them you cant do some other jobs before you finish the first one this is where having a master schedule and knowing who is doing what and affecting whom matters my floor guys had to have the run of the place when they were finishing the floors but they did not when they were laying subfloor and i was able to have plumbers in that day as well contrariwise i could not start the kitchen install until after the floors were done some of your ideas are wrong some are right i had my own thoughts about what to do with the place sometimes i was wrong it was stupid to try to reuse the baseboard that was over the carpet and put it over the hardwood even though it was the same color and i listened to my contractor and used new sometimes i was right my backsplash behind my sink was supposed to match the countertops colors and the ratio of white i wanted was correct but i was persuaded to add more by my contractor know what is important in your vision and be able to explain your intent but the contractor might have a better way of how to do it in mind than if you had told them the how instead of the what i have a rather creative way of running the drains on my basement fixtures they did what i wanted but did it in a better way than i would have suggested and they got it almost completely right to my intent in the process there will be gaps in your manpower coverage the one thing a professional general contractor does that you as a private operator will not is do all the basic stuff themselves a gc will hire an electrician to wire fan boxes for mounting fans but he will install the boxes and hang the fans himself my electricians did install and hang them for me anyway this was for two reasons and this is how you can mitigate having little shit jobs that no one will want to do as a single job the first is to provide all the materials yourself which also allows you to pick out what you want i had a pile of fixtures fans and bulbs laid out for them with a plan of what went where and this helped them just throw them up after the technical wiring part was done the second reason is to provide a good scope of work will a plumber come install a single faucet maybe will he come install five and a garbage disposal certainly thats a good days work so if you have little jobs have a lot of little jobs and youll get more interest there are things with which you will not be satisfied good enough is good enough this house is old but renovated some things simply cannot be fixed without massive upheaval i cannot have perfectly flat ceilings because the drywall is years old and it had popcorn texture on it some things i did not address i have new baseboard and new window trim but the door trim is original and has the nicks and stains of time some things were done but were not perfect the drywall where my kitchen cabinets bulkhead used to hang from the ceiling has one spot where even after two reworks still has a hairline paint crack some of the window film has pull away lines and theres a couple things trapped under the film in places one of the toilets will top itself off for a few seconds signifying a small seal issue you cannot have perfection but you can go for reasonable excellence code enforcement sucks the man sucks someone called code enforcement on me and i had to go get a permit of a cost of x of the renovations cost mainly so they can jack my taxes up i got the permit and i expect my taxes to go up the inspector was a real schmuck as most appointed officials are but the jokes on him as i only got the permit on what i had left to do and i omitted some things that would still happen but werent too noticeable with code enforcement and county ordinances the idea is reasonable cooperation and being able to explain things away with saying you were mistaken instead of flouting the law i went and got the permit when i was busted for it but they only know a third of the story had i gotten a permit earlier perhaps whatever nosy neighbor that ratted me out might not have called at all another tactic which i will do on a future project i have planned is to get the permit months ahead of time then hit it hard over a few days and be done before anyone notices conclusion if you have the time the patience and the skill to know exactly what you want who to get for it and how to juggle a massive schedule running your own home renovation is a lot of fun and very educational if you want it done faster and just want to deal with one person for everything then hiring a professional general contractor might be the way to go instead read more essential subjects that we will teach children at the rok international school
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comment things indian guys understand learning game game modern rite passage helps turn boys men
camp saints predicted migrant destruction europe camp saints predicted migrant destruction europe daryush roosh valizadeh created rok october visit blog rooshvcom follow twitter facebook rss november books written camp saints novel jean raspail predicted european migrant crisis forty years began actual invasion brown migrants also leftist arguments enabled ushered europe doom story follows onemillion strong flotilla indians slowly making way europe leaders people europe decided stop arrival light action book focuses mood pending arrival particularly europeans eager cuck oblivion helpall seeds drugs technologymigrants found much simpler say heres son heres daughter take take take us country idea caught thought fine encouraged organized big hands flood deluge control youve gone worked race problem whole cloth right heart white world destroy thats youre want destroy world whole way life raspail understood media whips public feeling immense guilt mechanism introduce nonwhite migrants well globalist view migration equality elucidated raspail steps ahead predicting result would reading crystal ball even knew migrants would bring diseases like tuberculosis whole sections new york deserted score american cities watch flight suburbsand half historic paris pavement tooamerican tots integrated schools fall five years behind tubercular gauls flee droves openair clinics tallyho tallyho listen battering ram smash southern gate centurieslong segregation first thirdworld brought great complacency upon europe one could really get grasp store thirdworld reached critical mass started invading west tell vilsberg continued really dont believe serious situation lived side side third world convinced hermetic coexistence global segregation would last forever deadly illusion see third world great unbridled mass obeying impulsive urges well millions hapless wills come together grip despair bittersweet scene one prominent media leftists goes wife celebrate arrival flotilla joyous africans towards end party wife gets brutally raped eventually dies sorrow hordes arrival suddenly awakened immigrants already country asserting began stealing directly native citizens attacking white privilege known fact racism comes two forms practiced whitesheinous inexcusable whatever motivesand practiced blacksquite justified whatever excesses since merely expression righteous revenge whites patient understanding drives maniacal leftist raspail believes suicide mechanism likely activated human organism void spirit reason endure cosmopolitan existence attempting destroy host culture indirect way killing whenever pop tunes would lose blaring charm nothing left let oneself drown stickysweet syrup human misery despair set music sorts one refuge yearning unfulfilled souls learned nothing else never occurred measure notion misery past wellbeing drug needed shoot good strong dose keep going like addicts heroin fact often hard come close home made little difference nothing stops addict fix poisons like easy import theres never lack pushers besides modern man always tucked away back mind singular longing total destruction sole cure boredom anguish consume book even predicted cucked catholic church raspail knew every institution board europes destruction thirdworld invasion proceed seamlessly came south like lot priests father hail thought would mankinds redemption welcome million christs board ships would rise reborn signal dawn new day european women welcomed refugees became whores think extreme consider european women getting raped migrants today reporting crime yet white man much brushes past hes accused assault died nice whorehouse hindus disgusted everything general particular time refugee quarter stock white women free taking perfectly legal yes third world started overflow banks west sewer raspail even predicted fact media would elevant interracial couplings white women invaders saw something similar recently german government sponsored sex workshops migrants fornicate german girls ralph ginzburg famous american publisher printed series photos magazine eros caused little ink spilled showed interracial couplewhite woman black manin various stages nude embrace caption read follows tomorrow couples recognized pioneers enlightened age prejudice dead race human race fleet made landfall france french impotent right thing save country tripped head first spreading welcome mat actually competed see would welcoming imagine result one million wretches made landfall country cared nothing new social justice government rose forth catered invaders french similar already see western european nations war real enemy always behind lines never front never among always back thats something every soldier knows every army since world began plenty times theyve tempted turn backs enemythe socalled enemy isand give real one freedom expands mean freedom instinct social destruction freedom dead book wasnt style storytelling raspail made numerous detours longwinded soliloquies took away action favor creating accurate character portrayals mood novel one moved forward exciting pace flaw didnt predict rise alternative media would sound alarm bell even though active invasion taking place today antimigrant side far stronger whats portrayed book camp saints prophetic story showed migrants werent cause europes destructionleftists played largest role ripping apart country arrival fact many us already know well nov roosh valizadeh
David G. Brown
feminists attack elderly gay man for saying older women shouldnt wear yoga pants
hollywood films for bluepill men that reinforce sjw values and concepts hollywood films for bluepill men that reinforce sjw values and concepts bob smith bob smith is a man in search of the truth his favorite quotes are were all fools on this earth and i can be no different i know its true i read it at the liebrary and the truth is not misogynistic its just the truth november culture your old uncle bob is mixing things up hereand i think you will see where im going with this new angle of mine pretty quickly i have selected three sjw films to review one from the s one from the s and one of much more recent vintage from and what might all three of these insidious hollywood movies have in common why they outwardly or subliminally program viewers to blindly adopt bluepill beliefs and behaviors thats what i feel unsettlingly dirty just writing about these films but somebodys gotta do it so lets get busy here and expose these three flatout unintentional farces for what they really are seize the day onward and upward or is that downwardin this case in terms of these three horrendously blatant sjw films most definitely downward to kill a mockingbird gregory peck robert duvall brock peters mary badham this multipleoscarwinning film is based on the pulitzerprizewinning novel of the same name which was written by harper lee and published in and it is that pulitzer prize and those multiple oscars that should be your first major clues that the hollywood elitists were up to no good while crafting this brilliantly clever piece of sjw brainwashing this wickedly hypnotic movie cleverly reinforces the statistically bankrupt notion that most white males in the american deep south are vicious stupid ignorantly racist crackers who spend most of their time ruining the lives of innocent blacksthat is when they arent shooting them down like dogs or lynching them outright the plot centers around a hardworking standup straightarrow black man tom robinson brock peters who is falsely accused of rape by a conniving whitetrash slut named mayella ewell collin wilcox whose alcoholic father bob ewell james anderson is a racist pig of unfathomably low character the towns sjw lawyer atticus finch gregory peck plays white knight and comes rushing to tom robinsons defensemuch to the dismay of the local good ole boysbut despite his best efforts to free the poor wrongly accused black man finch cannot hold back the powerful tide of racist anger which ultimately results in the backwater towns killer cops shooting poor tom down in cold blood a familiar theme which can be abundantly found in todays world of dindunothin black folk who are perennially and viciously gunned down by racist white cops on an everincreasing and frightening basisyawn gee never heard this one before im not even going to get into the rest of this mindnumbing films plot and story line because its a waste of both my time and yours but i will mention a few correlative facts here which you might find just a little bit interesting the sjwcontrolled civil rights movement exploded with a vengeance not long after this film was released and heres the redpill truth of the matter according to the annual report on murder by the federal bureau of investigation most interracial murders in the usa involved black assailants and white victims with blacks murdering whites at times the rate that whites murder blacks these stunning disparities began to emerge in the mids when there was a sharp increase in black crime against white people an upsurge which not so coincidentally enough corresponds exactly with the beginning of the modern sjwcrafted civil rights movement blacks thus committed times more violent interracial crimes than whites even though the black population was only oneseventh the size of the white population at the time this is according to the survey highlights from years of surveying crime victims published in youll have to buy the book if you want to find out the real truth these days washingtons sjw datagatherers no longer keep track of such bigoted statisticsprobably because they care about our safety so very very deeply over the years the cumulative effects have been staggering justice department and fbi statistics indicate that between and more than million violent interracial crimes were committed in the usa overwhelmingly involving black offenders and white victims and more than people were killed in interracial murdersthe vast majority of them being blackonwhite killings by comparison americans died in the vietnam war and were killed in the korean war i wonder how many additional people have been killed in america during the escalation of these deliberately inflamed race wars since unfortunately we cant get a look at those statistics as previously mentioned because the puppet masters no longer keep such records so far as i can telland if they do they definitely dont want us to see them be that as it may the notions set forth in to kill a mockingbird are repulsively twisted morally insidious and patently false and if that offends anybody out there who might be reading this review that makes my entire freaking day because in the end all that should matter to any critically thinking person is the truth and what hollywood dishes out on a regular basis is anything but gandhi sir ben kingsley martin sheen candice bergen sir john gielgud supposedly as the crafters of history have quite ingeniously led us to believe mohandas k gandhi played by sir ben kingsley in this multipleoscarwinning film utilized the greatest weapon of all in his epic fight against british tyranny on behalf of the indian peoplethe incredibly effective method of nonviolent resistance and in the movie gandhi there is a sequence in the film featuring a large group of noncompliant protesters as it faces down a group of security forces armed with sticks outside of a salt factory the end result being that the protesters get the holy crap beaten out of them in reality that was basically all that happened there was a public dogandpony show shortly after this supposedly reallife event which was choreographed by the elitistowned media and indeed in this cleverly constructed movie actor martin sheen can be seen describing the bloody mayhem at the factory over the telephone to his cohorts back in the usa sheen plays american journalist vince walker in the film and what sheens character witnessed and put into words and then passed along to his editor over the phone was summarily put into print in vast numbers of elitistowned newspapers as well as on film in elitistowned news reels and marketed all over the worldwhich resulted in bringing worldwide focus on the terrorist acts of the security workers at the salt factory this entire episode was allegedly a key element of indias signature accomplishment of gaining her independence from the british despite the fact that every single major worldwide event that finds its way into the mainstream medias propaganda conduits is either a completely staged event like the indian protesters getting beaten outside the salt mine imho or something that meshes well with the elites overall master plan or they will not even put it into print or on film to begin with of the worlds major media companies are owned by just six major players we are supposed to believe that the elitistproduced film gandhi depicts reallife events that occurred as the direct result of one brave man in a loincloth who stood up to the ferocious might of the british empire and brought the entire house down singlehandedly please youd have a better chance of talking me into using tinder there is another infamous sequence in the film wherein a group of hindi demonstrators is peacefully assembling in protest within an enclosed parklike area of the indian city of amritsar the demonstrators are consequently assaulted by british soldiers who open fire brutally and randomly on the assembled sitting ducks and proceed to gun down hundreds of protesters this incident allegedly occurred on april and some estimates put the actual number of demonstrators killed at well over and in this single crucial very revealing sequence of the film the sobering truth is once again put on display for all to seeassembling peacefully going against the grain of the established order by utilizing peaceful protest and noncompliance within a group setting is exactly what the elite want the people to do because it makes it a whole lot easier to identify them and kill them in the film after the mass slaughter the soldiers commander is dressed down by his higherups for taking the law into his own hands and gunning down the peaceful demonstrators but that was all done strictly for show and this is most obviously a case of cinematic cover here as anyone who can think for themselves can easily infer who do you think produced gandhi uh that would be an elitistowned film company columbia picturesdo you really think the elite are going to pass along the bona fide solution to wiping them outuh no way last time i checked rattlesnakes dont commit suicide the british empire has a long and bloody history of usurping lands and the notion that the stringpullers at the very top of the greasy flagpole would be aghast at the actions of the british commander who ordered the slaughter at amritsar is comical at best what the slaughter at amritsar actually accomplished in addition to the massmurder of a huge swath of ardent protesters was the following with the complicit assistance of the elitistowned press the british commanders actions that day reinforced the suicidal notion that peaceful protest and nonviolent resistance were the keys to bringing about significant social change and throughout history other choreographed events like the slaughter at amritsar and the subsequent explosion of moral outrage fueled by the reports in the eliteowned media have continued to give rise to the suicidal notion that nonviolent resistance actually works which of course it does but only in isolated highprofile choreographed incidents where the outcome has already been decided beforehand whenever the puppet masters want it to appear that way to the sleeping sheepthe rest of the time it only results in massincarceration physical assault political harassment or murder on a more subtle note you might have noticed that two of the leading actors in this oscarwinning film were eventually knighted by the british empirenamely sir ben kingsley knighted in and sir john gielgud knighted in to which i can only say i rest my case your honor the gift jason bateman rebecca hall joel edgerton allison tolman i dont typically watch modern hollywood films these days mostly because i know what hollywood is up to so i normally avoid them in the exact same way that i avoid single mothers with tramp stamps or chicks with green hair but i went ahead and checked out this absolute mindfuck of a movie on showtime the other night knowing it would probably throw me a wicked sjw curveballand sure enough it didnt disappoint as an aside i threw this film into the mix juxtaposed with the previous two oscarwinners partly to demonstrate how far the bar has fallen in the hollywood filmmaking industry in terms of the standard of quality they dont even try to hide the sjw brainwashing madness in their films any longer at least back in the day they could mindfuck the sheep in an entertaining and captivating way while keeping their overall intentions under the radarbut today as this next film proves not so much simon callem jason bateman has a horrifying secret buried in his twisted past and his wife robyn rebecca hall is clueless about the whole thing innocent white female vs evil white male the usual bullshit here the couple relocates from chicago to a suburb of los angeles where they run into gordon gordo moseley joel edgerton a creepy awkward socially inept former high school classmate of simons gordo starts dropping by the couples new house uninvited and unannounced and he does so on far too many occasions simon thinks gordons behavior is weird which it is but his sjw wife thinks gordo is sweet shy and simply misunderstood gordos weirdness escalates in typical boremetodeath fashion hollywood is really great at this audiencewowing technique lately until robyn finally discovers her husbands longheld secret he bullied poor gordo back in high school by inventing a story about him which centered around a homosexual relationship that gordo never had the horrendously unfair story got back to gordos father and gordos father nearly killed him of course simons liberal sjw brainwashed wife eventually wants her bullyboy husband out of her life forever shortly after discovering this unforgivable transgression even though shes pregnant with their first child and they were very much in love up to this point yeah like that would ever happen in real life the sjw bullshit meter spikes so hard in this film that youll be left slackjawed stunned and eyerollingly incredulous and if you are unfortunate enough to have to sit through this absolutely putrid piece of garbage be sure to keep a barfbucket handy especially for the endingbecause you are definitely going to need it hopefully its getting a whole lot easier for you to spot the bullshit that is being sold not only in todays sjw hollywood films but in hollywood films of days gone by most especially oscar winners the elite are always using the magic of hollywood for nefarious purposesnamely to magically instill behaviors in its audience members that will get them into trouble or instill beliefs in them that are totally divorced from reality doing this makes it much easier to divide the moviegoing sheep and thereby conquer them typically by race or by historical beliefs or by sociopolitical beliefs so do yourself and the world a huge favor and avoid sjw hollywood films wherever and whenever you can the rule is simple if its being made in hollywood today its a bpo film blue pill only and unfortunately as it pertains to movies that were made all the way back in the early s if not even further well as we have just seen the same rule applies in many cases by boycotting hollywood films you are lessening the degree of brainwashing to which you subject yourself simply by being alive in the world at the present time and in this particular case less is most definitely more
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game modern rite passage helps turn boys men
remember signing facebook ten years ago point time new social media site geared mostly toward college students uncommon anyone age account last decade weve seen facebook morph billion conglomerate information kingpin acquiring massive power wealth endless amounts time users waste scrolling news feeds beast social media platform gone consume lives millions gather nefarious amounts data foster unnecessary personal dramas often cause harm good users would prudent take good hard look facebook experience ask something thats actually adding value life five reasons think carefully using worlds largest social media site facebook feed black hole completely worthless information think important create streams information add real value life platforms twitter feedly youtube ive followed writers content producers dedicated lives selfimprovement entrepreneurship higher meaning search truth probably imagine stark difference intellectually curated twitter feed dumbeddown facebook community people went high school peaked th grade log facebook common information youll likely find got married kids got fat scrolling facebook feed akin flipping personalized celebrity gossip magazine grocery store checkout line every time log onto facebook im immediately reminded never log onto facebook longer useful dating college gained value site using chat feature build attraction girls social circle get phone numbers years girls attached creepy stigma guys hit via facebook messenger addition dont really need facebook profile social proof since instagram better social media app meeting girls forfeiture privacy people realized first thing potential employer interviewing look facebook theyre basically searching every reason hire lock account best privacy functions dont let one drunk picture years ago ruin potential job offer wasnt enough facebook long history shady activities comes privacy theyve already caught accessing location without permission speculate else theyve infringing censorship although facebook right control information broadcasted platform doesnt mean abuse right censoring anything might find disagreeable offensive much like overbearing parent facebook proactively controls discourse children eagerly censoring content might rub someone wrong way facebook many overreaches entire website dedicated documenting affronts freedom opinion probably guess side political spectrum try stifle brings worst people plenty time passed indepth research come regarding longterm effects much facebook persons mental wellbeing gives illusion everyone else better life isnt fair slippery slope victim mindset blaming others circumstances oppressed chronic facebook users sip lattes comfy chair starbucks scroll facebook feeds latest macbook wont completely deny merits facebook youre using build brand business could good investment time simply many people actively use ive also witnessed joy brings older users connecting long lost friends havent seen decades truth many cases facebook cause trouble worth never bad idea cut back usage even opt entirely may longer first know upcoming dinner party brad sarah freshman year years suspect might better person read western civilization worth saving
Game Is A Modern Rite Of Passage That Helps Turn Boys Into Men
comment on things indian guys have to understand when learning game by game is a modern rite of passage that helps turn boys into men
how the camp of the saints predicted the migrant destruction of europe how the camp of the saints predicted the migrant destruction of europe daryush roosh valizadeh created rok in october you can visit his blog at rooshvcom or follow him on twitter and facebook rss november books written in the camp of the saints is a novel by jean raspail that predicted the european migrant crisis forty years before it began not only the actual invasion by brown migrants but also the leftist arguments that enabled it which ushered europe to its doom the story follows a onemillion strong flotilla of indians who are slowly making their way to europe the leaders and people of europe have decided not to stop their arrival light on action the book focuses on the mood of the pending arrival particularly how europeans were eager to cuck themselves into oblivion after all your helpall the seeds and drugs and technologymigrants found it so much simpler just to say heres my son heres my daughter take them take me take us all to your country and the idea caught on you thought it was fine you encouraged it organized it but now its too big now its out of your hands its a flood a deluge and its out of control youve gone and worked up a race problem out of whole cloth right in the heart of the white world just to destroy it thats what youre after you want to destroy our world our whole way of life raspail understood how the media whips the public into feeling immense guilt as a mechanism to introduce nonwhite migrants well before the globalist view on migration and equality was elucidated raspail was steps ahead in predicting what the result of it would be as if he was reading into a crystal ball he even knew that migrants would bring diseases like tuberculosis and all at once whole sections of new york are deserted a score of american cities watch the flight to the suburbsand half the historic paris pavement tooamerican tots in their integrated schools fall five years behind tubercular gauls flee in droves from our openair clinics tallyho tallyho just listen to that battering ram smash at the southern gate the centurieslong segregation of the first and thirdworld brought great complacency upon europe no one could really get a grasp of what was in store once the thirdworld reached critical mass and started invading the west i can tell vilsberg continued that you really dont believe how serious the situation is after all we lived side by side with the third world convinced that our hermetic coexistence our global segregation would last forever what a deadly illusion now we see that the third world is a great unbridled mass obeying only those impulsive urges that well up when millions of hapless wills come together in the grip of despair in a bittersweet scene one of the prominent media leftists goes out with his wife to celebrate the arrival of the flotilla with joyous africans towards the end of the party his wife gets brutally raped by them and he eventually dies in sorrow the hordes arrival suddenly awakened all the immigrants already in the country into asserting themselves they began stealing directly from the native citizens by attacking their white privilege now its a known fact that racism comes in two forms that practiced by whitesheinous and inexcusable whatever its motivesand that practiced by blacksquite justified whatever its excesses since its merely the expression of a righteous revenge and its up to the whites to be patient and understanding what drives the maniacal leftist raspail believes its a suicide mechanism likely activated by a human organism void of spirit and with no reason to endure a cosmopolitan existence attempting to destroy its host culture is an indirect way of killing itself whenever the pop tunes would lose their blaring charm there was nothing left but to let oneself drown in the stickysweet syrup of human misery and despair set to music of sorts that one refuge of yearning and unfulfilled souls that had learned nothing else it never occurred to any of them to measure that notion of misery against the past or against their own wellbeing for them it was a drug and they needed to shoot up a good strong dose to keep themselves going like addicts and their heroin the fact that it was often hard to come by close to home made very little difference nothing stops an addict when he has to have his fix and poisons like that are easy to import theres never a lack of pushers besides modern man has always had tucked away in the back of his mind that singular longing for total destruction sole cure for the boredom and anguish that consume him the book even predicted a cucked catholic church raspail knew that every institution had to be on board with europes destruction for the thirdworld invasion to proceed seamlessly i came south like a lot of other priests father to hail what i thought would be mankinds redemption to welcome the million christs on board those ships who would rise up reborn and signal the dawn of a just new day the european women who welcomed the refugees became whores for them if you think this is too extreme consider that european women are getting raped by migrants today but not reporting the crime yet if a white man so much as brushes past them hes accused of assault she died in nice in a whorehouse for hindus disgusted with everything in general and herself in particular at the time each refugee quarter had its stock of white women all free for the taking and perfectly legal yes the third world had started to overflow its banks and the west was its sewer raspail even predicted the fact that the media would elevant the interracial couplings of white women and the invaders we saw something similar recently when the german government sponsored sex workshops for migrants on how to fornicate with german girls ralph ginzburg the famous american publisher had printed a series of photos in his magazine eros which had caused not a little ink to be spilled they showed an interracial couplewhite woman black manin various stages of nude embrace with a caption that read as follows tomorrow these couples will be recognized as the pioneers of an enlightened age in which prejudice will be dead and the only race will be the human race the fleet made landfall in france the french impotent to do the right thing to save their country tripped head first into spreading the welcome mat they actually competed with each other to see who would be the most welcoming you can imagine the result when one million wretches made landfall in a country they cared nothing about the new social justice government that rose forth catered to the invaders more than the french similar to what we already see in western european nations in war the real enemy is always behind the lines never in front of you never among you always at your back thats something every soldier knows in every army since the world began and plenty of times theyve been tempted to turn their backs on the enemythe socalled enemy that isand give it to the real one once and for all when freedom expands to mean freedom of instinct and social destruction then freedom is dead the book itself wasnt my style of storytelling raspail made numerous detours and longwinded soliloquies that took away from the action in favor of creating accurate character portrayals its more of a mood novel than one that moved forward at an exciting pace the only flaw is that it didnt predict the rise of an alternative media that would sound the alarm bell even though an active invasion is taking place today the antimigrant side is far stronger than whats portrayed in the book the camp of the saints was a prophetic story that showed how the migrants themselves werent the only cause of europes destructionleftists played the largest role in ripping apart the country before their arrival a fact that many of us already know too well nov roosh valizadeh
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reasons create fat control laws obesityfree zones
like sigh every time skimread synopsis new lgbt agendaapproved blockbuster septic tank hollywood releases usually stars anorexic aids ridden cowboy teams lovestarved transexual fabulous journey open borders districts america carpet muncher falls love female tortured artist heroin addict next door female remake ghostbusters sponsored cheetos whiskas clintonapproved work art recipient ingsoc academy award put muzzle balls selfinflicted humiliation mythical heroes triumphing odds mad max waits patiently car bonehead empowered go grrrrl takes decisions seems turn towards russia recommended daily dose normal masculinity red pill coldblooded gets brother brat russian movie directed alexey balabanov seen many one greatest gangster movie time changed forever image traditional justiceseeking hero years least want share discovery film readers tremendous impact way see world attitude towards life convinced quality impact could disciples red pill lines cannot justice giant russian cinema culture entirely deserves article brother criminal enter danila bagrov played stellar sergey bodrov died peak meteorlike career many called russian james dean serving bloody war theatre chechnya young veteran danila returns home sleepy provincial town tula needing money without solid prospects joins brother vytia works hitman local welldressed businessman saint petersburg expert making rudimentary weapons quick capacity reaction frugality danila adapts marvelously new occupation seeing risk gifted concurrent stealing livelihood citys gangsters soon put price head send professionals tie loose end even betrayed mix greed cowardice young danila bagrov decides take mob single handedly epitome russian alpha hard unforgiving sober words behaviour nothing counts bonds blood brotherhood err human one soft spot faith human nature convinced good fellow man virtuous return could wrong especially women discovers fast beta moves like buying gifts helping brings trouble ungratefulness rare makes danila stand loyalty cornerstone definition masculinity value progressively vanishes nowadays brother unthinkable storm clears danila emerges victorious proves quality man magnanimous giving second chance fancy green screen politically correct themes brat good painfully real embellish lawless chaos early postsoviet russia felt wall came everyone trying survive best way could odd lowquality orange filter used film reminds us period everything made people could find shelves empty cannot go wrong good revenge movie danila example bravery alone odds takes mafia wronged make pay man says like analysis city perverse influence men brutally accurate danila told city strength everyone weak hoffman city great terrible force sucks life force strong turns weak takes away power fell right middle opinion abuse power corrupt elites would kill mother father profit final victory truth applies especially well todays political social context american whats power really money brother says money youve got lots money truth real power whoever right strong cheated man took away money make stronger cause right person cheated means hes stronger right brother also drops lethal truths women ways spending roubles buying drinks dope young interchangeable skank tells danila kate condoms danila kate really think give back money come two brothers two majestic films second volume simply titled brother breaks stereotype sequels always awful least good better original characters followed time danilas brother arms played crooked american businessman touch muscovite mafia attacked brothers time cross atlantic reclaim rightfully movie realistic gritty lighter outlook life whereas first volume main character showed sheer hatred everything came america corrupted country sequel involves danilas adventures clueless discovery american culture often results hilarious encounters un film qui prend aux tripes red pill religion danila bagrov could patron saint watch legally following link includes english subtitles firm kinokompania stv produced film decided release online film household name russia worldwide needless say watch original russian second opus also found online english subtitles russian audio dont miss monuments russian cinema read youve already seen one greatest red pill movies ever made
Jon Anthony
game is a modern rite of passage that helps turn boys into men
i remember signing up for facebook ten years ago at this point in time the new social media site was geared mostly toward college students and it was uncommon for anyone over the age of to have an account but over the last decade weve seen facebook morph into a billion conglomerate and information kingpin acquiring massive power and wealth from the endless amounts of time users waste scrolling through their news feeds this beast of a social media platform has gone on to consume the lives of millions gather nefarious amounts of data foster unnecessary personal dramas and often cause more harm than good for its users it would be prudent to take a good hard look at your facebook experience and ask yourself if its something thats actually adding value to your life here are five reasons why you should think carefully before using the worlds largest social media site your facebook feed is a black hole of completely worthless information i think its important to create streams of information that add real value to your life through platforms such as twitter feedly and youtube ive followed writers and content producers that have dedicated their lives to selfimprovement entrepreneurship higher meaning and the search for truth so you can probably imagine the stark difference between an intellectually curated twitter feed and the dumbeddown facebook community of people you went to high school with that peaked in the th grade log into your facebook and the most common information youll likely find is who got married who had kids and who got fat scrolling through your facebook feed is akin to flipping through a more personalized celebrity gossip magazine at the grocery store checkout line every time i log onto facebook im immediately reminded why i never log onto facebook its no longer useful for dating in college i gained some value out of the site by using its chat feature to build up attraction with girls in my social circle and get their phone numbers but over the years most girls have attached the creepy stigma to guys who hit them up via facebook messenger in addition to that you dont really need a facebook profile for social proof as you once did since instagram is a better social media app for meeting girls forfeiture of your privacy most people have realized by now that the first thing a potential employer will do after interviewing you is look you up on facebook theyre basically searching for any and every reason not to hire you lock your account down as best you can with privacy functions dont let that one drunk picture of you from years ago ruin a potential job offer if that wasnt enough facebook has a long history of shady activities when it comes to privacy theyve already been caught accessing your location without permission we can only speculate what else theyve been infringing on censorship although facebook has a right to control the information broadcasted on its platform that doesnt mean they should abuse that right by censoring anything they might find disagreeable or offensive much like an overbearing parent facebook proactively controls the discourse of its children eagerly censoring content that might rub someone the wrong way facebook has so many overreaches that an entire website has been dedicated to documenting their affronts on freedom of opinion you can probably guess which side of the political spectrum they try to stifle it brings out the worst in people plenty of time has now passed for indepth research to come out regarding the longterm effects that too much facebook can have on a persons mental wellbeing it gives the illusion that everyone else has it better than you and that your life just isnt fair this is a slippery slope into a victim mindset and blaming others for your circumstances how oppressed these chronic facebook users are as they sip lattes from a comfy chair in starbucks and scroll through their facebook feeds on the latest macbook i wont completely deny the merits of facebook if youre using it to build a brand or a business then it could be a good investment of your time simply because so many people actively use it ive also witnessed the joy it brings to older users for connecting with long lost friends they havent seen in decades but the truth is that in many cases facebook does cause more trouble than its worth its never a bad idea to cut back on your usage or even just opt out entirely you may no longer be the first to know about an upcoming dinner party or what brad and sarah from freshman year have been up to all these years but i suspect you might be better off as a person read more is western civilization worth saving
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emotions men master
trumps glorious victory forces progressive darkness promised would provide roadmap traditional men could next usher return patriarchy hillary prevailed roadmap would grim one work would take place underground happily able work open three ways leverage trumps victory bring back patriarchy rule bruce wayne good role model traditional men urbane fit financially independentand dangerous may seem obvious going bring back patriarchy men worthy patriarch relies solely fact man quickly overthrown however man authority earned way lives naturally retain thus first step making progress trump administration would hillary electedselfimprovement selfimprovement involves obvious things getting shape training martial arts getting rid addictions exercising selfdiscipline process selfimprovement needs undergirded philosophy life men involve adopting faithfully living one faithtraditions others may mean adopting stoic philosophy whatever substantial degenerate pleasure wealth power cost morality spirit cooking eliteslack morality got us problem first place selfimprovement also involves moving direction financial independence trump administration last goal become easier achieve trumps tax plan cuts tax rates across board especially benefit men middle class trying generate income able keep savings move ahead rather paying penalty keeps becoming wealthy trumps emphasis fair trade also result american jobs unleash unprecedented creativity age trump great time start new business one word warning order though trump us likely flourish way hasnt happened since enjoy prosperity dont get caught back materialism merrygoround goal lifetime financial independence conspicuous consumption financial independence important practical consideration need firm financial foundation second step ruling family rule family patriarch starting boomers society rejected traditional way life adopted progressivism families got smaller divorce became common promiscuity increased feminism became default philosophy girls remaining vestiges patriarchy vanished progressivism promised freedom delivered enslavement political correctness globalism trump administration little reverse deleterious effects progressivism family best thing government family encourage financially provide safe environment real change come bottom upfrom men women return tradition us means finding traditional woman likely one converted tradition getting married lots children twitter shitlord johnrandom drove home point humorous way suggesting fourstep trump bump starter kit getting married children raising hold patriarchy long game way long term victory without next generation traditional men ground gain trump soon lost rule societybring back patriarchy benjamin franklin great example man serious civic duty next thing must start reclaiming institutions trump captured presidency republicans control congress many republicans cucks oppose trumpian agenda institutions still dominated leftists hollywood news media education corporations proclaim progressive antipatriarchy message dont take advantage current moment gains trump makes quickly rolledback leaves office therefore need start reengaging institutions shift towards patriarchal nationalism share ideas comments id like suggest one institution needs participation republican party trump created many allies within gop majority party still holds cucked ideology open borders bad trade deals like nafta gop desperately needs likeminded men within ranks help trump achieve vision getting involved local gop easy merely get touch local party leadership district dont run elected office simply volunteer time getting local officials elected voting delegates attending gop events go respectful attitude lot local gop leaders good people still dont understand real battle globalists work incremental change disposition required consider running local office one piece advice choose get involved politics dont get caught one way ended ossified outoftouch gop people started hold globalist neoconservatism almost religious fervor trap use politics way enriching oneself manner hillary clinton choose enter political realm resolve outset use financial gain dont make politics life think strictly civic duty course politics everybodys cup tea key use gifts whether moviemaking running company help create environment patriarchy flourish conclusion one thing must wake trump victory rest laurels hillary wed great sense urgency protect little remained way life trump coming power temptation relaxto let trump temptation must avoided must capitalize trump victory high level urgency would regarded hillary victory dont run risk losing ground gained read donald trump vanquished enemies conquered republican party
Jean-Batave Poqueliche
reasons to create fat control laws and obesityfree zones
like me you now sigh every time you skimread the synopsis of the new lgbt agendaapproved blockbuster that the septic tank of hollywood releases which usually stars an anorexic aids ridden cowboy teams up with a lovestarved transexual on a fabulous journey to the open borders districts of america carpet muncher falls in love with female tortured artist or heroin addict next door a female remake of ghostbusters sponsored by cheetos and whiskas a clintonapproved work of art and recipient of the ingsoc academy award should have put the muzzle on his balls for more selfinflicted humiliation where are the mythical heroes triumphing against all odds now mad max waits patiently in the car while a bonehead empowered you go grrrrl takes the decisions it seems that we have to turn towards russia once more for our recommended daily dose of normal masculinity as red pill and coldblooded as it gets brother brat in russian is a movie directed by alexey balabanov it is seen by many as the one of the greatest gangster movie of all time and changed forever the image of the traditional justiceseeking hero it has been a few years at least that i want to share my discovery of this film with our readers it had a tremendous impact on the way i see the world and the attitude i have towards life i was convinced of its quality of the impact it could have on the disciples of the red pill and that a few lines cannot do justice to this giant of russian cinema culture it entirely deserves an article of its own my brother the criminal enter danila bagrov played by the stellar sergey bodrov who died at at the peak of his meteorlike career many called him the russian james dean after serving in the bloody war theatre of chechnya young veteran danila returns home in the sleepy provincial town of tula needing money and without any solid prospects he joins his brother vytia who works as a hitman for the local welldressed businessman in saint petersburg being an expert in making rudimentary weapons and with his quick capacity of reaction and frugality danila adapts marvelously to his new occupation after seeing the risk of a gifted concurrent stealing their livelihood the citys gangsters soon put a price on his head and send a few professionals to tie up this loose end but even after being betrayed by a mix of greed and cowardice young danila bagrov decides to take on the mob single handedly an epitome of the russian alpha hard and unforgiving sober in words and in behaviour for whom nothing counts more than the bonds of blood and brotherhood to err is human his one soft spot is the faith he has in human nature convinced that if he does good his fellow man will be virtuous in return he could not be more wrong especially with women he discovers very fast that beta moves like buying them gifts and helping them only brings him trouble or ungratefulness what is rare and makes danila stand out is his loyalty a cornerstone of the definition of masculinity and a value that progressively vanishes nowadays his brother will do the unthinkable but after the storm clears and danila emerges victorious he proves once more his quality as a man by being magnanimous and giving him a second chance no fancy green screen or politically correct themes brat is good because it is painfully real and does not embellish the lawless chaos that was early postsoviet russia this is how it felt when the wall came down everyone was trying to survive the best way they could the odd lowquality orange filter used in the film reminds us of this period where everything was made from what people could find when the shelves where empty you cannot go wrong with a good revenge movie and danila is an example of bravery alone and against all odds he takes on the mafia that wronged him and will make them pay the man says it like it is his analysis of the city and its perverse influence on men is brutally accurate danila you told me about the city about its strength but here everyone is weak hoffman the city is a great and terrible force it sucks the life force out of the strong turns them weak it takes away your power and you fell right in the middle of it his opinion about the abuse of power and the corrupt elites that would kill mother and father for their own profit and the final victory of truth applies especially well to todays political and social context american whats your power is it really money my brother says its money youve got lots of money so what truth is a real power whoever is right is strong you cheated on a man and took away his money did it make you stronger no it did not cause you are not right and the person you cheated on is that means hes stronger right brother also drops lethal truths about women and their ways after spending all his roubles buying drinks and dope for a young interchangeable skank she tells danila kate do you have condoms danila why kate why you really think i will give you back your money come here two brothers for two majestic films the second volume simply titled brother breaks the stereotype that sequels are always awful and is at least as good if not better than the original same characters are followed but this time danilas brother in arms has been played by a crooked american businessman in touch with the muscovite mafia they attacked his brothers once more and he will have this time to cross the atlantic to reclaim what is rightfully his again the movie is realistic gritty but has a lighter outlook on life whereas in the first volume the main character showed a sheer hatred for everything that came from america and corrupted his country the sequel that involves danilas adventures and clueless discovery of american culture often results in hilarious encounters un film qui prend aux tripes if the red pill was a religion danila bagrov could be its patron saint you can watch it legally following this link which includes english subtitles the firm kinokompania stv that produced the film decided to release it online the film being such a household name in russia and worldwide needless to say that you have watch it in the original russian the second opus can also be found online with english subtitles and russian audio dont miss out on these monuments of russian cinema read more youve already seen one of the greatest red pill movies ever made
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memoirs misogynist brutal entertaining look sexual dystopia
election done america turning attention transition president obama president trump barely two months donald take office ejecting democrats coterie corrupt courtiers beginning mission right americas wrongs president trump cant alone needs good talented people work carry hard work making america great thats come trump administration soliciting people apply jobs man takes office january officially calling ready able return kings readers submit applications take job offers heres consider job president trumps administration beyond obvious reasons money prestige itll help keep president trump accountable media lying trump reneging campaign promises still good idea give man reasons keep word staffing administration committed nationalists well make easier president trump fulfill political program well make difficult go back promises remember rankandfile fbi agents forced james comey reopen investigation hillary clinton leader needs loyal men order carry agenda youll able make history given momentous task rebuilding america eight years obamas perfidy failure almost civic duty help president trump mission expecting america become great delusional need part restore nations glory working trump administration youll direct role reshaping america yearspossibly decadesto come youll help trigger left despite massive losses electionbeyond hillary clintons defeat democrats control handful state governments failed dent gops congressional majoritythe leftist mainstream media trying order trump around persuade staff administration flacks filled bushs obamas right theyre freaking breitbart executive chairman stephen bannon appointed trumps chief strategist joining trump administration youll hand helping trigger left conniption fits spasms impotence nothing horrifies losing access levers power theyve controlled decades watching leftists squirm cry one biggest fringe benefits trumps victory need keep triggering years come think job skills return kings highly recommends apply job trumps administration president trump may started fire job help fire rise read antidonald trump riot chicago help trump cruise victory tuesday
André du Pôle
more emotions men should master
before trumps glorious victory over the forces of progressive darkness i promised that i would provide a roadmap on what traditional men could do next to usher in a return of the patriarchy if hillary had prevailed the roadmap would have been a grim one as all of our work would have had to take place underground happily we will be able to work in the open here are three ways that we can leverage trumps victory to bring back the patriarchy rule yourself bruce wayne is a good role model for traditional men urbane fit financially independentand dangerous this may seem obvious but if we are going to bring back the patriarchy we have to be men who are worthy of it a patriarch who relies solely on the fact that he is a man will quickly be overthrown however a man who has authority because he has earned it by the way he lives will naturally retain it thus the first step in making progress under a trump administration is the same as it would have been if hillary had been electedselfimprovement selfimprovement involves the obvious things getting in shape training martial arts getting rid of addictions and exercising selfdiscipline the process of selfimprovement needs to be undergirded with a philosophy of life for most men this will involve adopting and faithfully living one of the faithtraditions for others it may mean adopting stoic philosophy whatever it is it will have to be more substantial than the degenerate pleasure wealth and power at any cost morality of our spirit cooking eliteslack of morality got us into this problem in the first place selfimprovement also involves moving in the direction of financial independence under a trump administration this last goal will become easier to achieve trumps tax plan cuts tax rates across the board this will especially benefit men who are in the middle class who are trying to generate more income they will be able to keep their savings so that they can move ahead rather than paying a penalty that keeps them from becoming wealthy trumps emphasis on fair trade will also result in more american jobs and unleash unprecedented creativity the age of trump will be a great time to start a new business one word of warning is in order though under trump the us is likely to flourish in a way that hasnt happened since the the s enjoy the prosperity but dont get caught back in the materialism merrygoround our goal is a lifetime of financial independence not conspicuous consumption financial independence is an important practical consideration because you will need a firm financial foundation for the second step which is ruling your family rule your family be the patriarch starting with the boomers our society rejected the traditional way of life and adopted progressivism families got smaller divorce became more common promiscuity increased feminism became the default philosophy for girls and the remaining vestiges of the patriarchy vanished progressivism promised freedom but delivered enslavement to political correctness and globalism a trump administration will do little to reverse the deleterious effects that progressivism has had on the family at best the only thing government can do for the family is encourage it financially and provide a safe environment for it but real change has to come from the bottom upfrom men and women who return to tradition for us that means finding a traditional woman or more likely one who can be converted to tradition getting married and having lots of children a twitter shitlord johnrandom drove home this point in a humorous way by suggesting with a fourstep trump bump starter kit getting married having children and raising them to hold to the patriarchy is the long game but it is the only way we will have long term victory without a next generation of traditional men any ground that we gain under trump will soon be lost rule societybring back the patriarchy benjamin franklin is a great example of a man who was serious about his civic duty the next thing that we must do is start reclaiming our institutions trump has captured the presidency and republicans control congress but many of those republicans are cucks who will oppose the trumpian agenda and our other institutions are still dominated by leftists hollywood the news media education and corporations all proclaim the progressive antipatriarchy message if we dont take advantage of the current moment any gains that trump makes will be quickly rolledback after he leaves office therefore we need to start reengaging with these institutions to shift them towards patriarchal nationalism you can share any ideas you have to do this in the comments here id like to suggest that one institution that needs our participation the republican party trump has created many allies within the gop but the majority of the party still holds to the cucked ideology of open borders and bad trade deals like nafta the gop desperately needs likeminded men within its ranks who will help trump achieve his vision getting involved in your local gop is easy you merely have to get in touch with your local party leadership in your district you dont have to run for elected office simply volunteer your time in getting local officials elected voting for delegates or attending gop events go in with a respectful attitude a lot of the local gop leaders are good people who still dont understand that the real battle is against globalists work for incremental change and if you have the disposition required for it consider running for local office yourself one piece of advice if you do choose to get involved in politics dont get caught up in it one way we ended up with an ossified and outoftouch gop is that people started to hold the globalist neoconservatism with an almost religious fervor the other trap is to use politics as a way of enriching oneself in the manner of hillary clinton if you do choose to enter the political realm resolve at the outset to not use it for your own financial gain dont make politics your life think of it strictly as civic duty of course politics is not everybodys cup of tea the key is to use your gifts whether that is in moviemaking or in running a company to help create an environment where the patriarchy can flourish conclusion the one thing we must not do in wake of the trump victory is rest on our laurels if hillary had won wed all have a great sense of urgency to protect what little remained of our way of life now that trump is coming into power the temptation is to relaxto just let trump do it all this temptation must be avoided we must capitalize on the trump victory with the same high level of urgency that we would have regarded a hillary victory if we dont we run the risk of losing all the ground we have gained read more how donald trump vanquished his enemies and conquered the republican party
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last decades south korea emerged one wealthiest countries asia currently oecd country roughly material economic level affluent east asian nations japan hong kong taiwan however appears perhaps potentially strong among south korea seems dynamic willful larger neighbor economic main rival japan perhaps entered path longterm decline article briefly describe main characteristics contemporary south korea also reflect upon various cultural subtopics importance male interested obtain sophisticated knowledge nonwestern cultures might might offer emergence modern south korea culturally politically technologically economically south korean development th century onward cannot understood without mention strong ties japan united states much japan suppressed korea material progression nevertheless direct indirect consequence traumatic colonial period korean leaders also inspired japanese military dictatorship turn influenced european militarism south koreawhich formed divide countrystopped relying american aid focused potential economy grew rapidly due effective exportoriented industrialization democracy gradually introduced authoritarian residues still visible todays society military particular also regard many companies run presently economicpolitical relationships south korea japan remain flexible pragmatic sake countries ties us seems less problematic although koreans negotiate one hand distinguished korean culture western influences additional ambivalence might also result koreans regard american relations hinder process future reunification two korean nations generally though political military economic cooperation south korea us appears fruitful benefit sides korean wave rising appeal south korea quite long time modern south korea may regarded much smaller version japan although unique language differentiating characteristics postmillennial times however picture gradually shiftedboth among asians westerners people continents tootowards appealing national image reason mainly material related refined development technology samsung pop music kpop tv dramas kdrama cosmetic products kbeauty perhaps also exciting metropolitan nightlife better ranked top university seoul national university korean wave hallyu covers whole plethora different expressions rising popularity south korean products celebrities spillover effects sectors academia tourism instance people interested learning korean years ago nightlife capital seoul unhesitatingly high standard instance year dj mag ranks club octagon gangnam fifth best night club entire world city regions gangnam hongdae itaewon particular foreigners locals easily find bars clubs various sizes offer highquality entertainment conform relatively broad spectrum tastes music dress style cultural characteristics contempory south korean culture described hybrid korean east asian western culture stated south korea influenced japan us particular significant extent means similar real quasihierarchical structures instance china japan visible south korea one expected speak behave different ways depending persons age social rank less explicitly stated largely overlap meritocratic social structure rather status primarily inherited factor doctor looked upon socially valuable regular office worker regardless family background thus much left old confucian system korean languageeven though words based chinese words grammar partly similar japaneseis unique different suffixes turn conform different speech writing levels less formal plain polite always related social relations contexts either speaking writing people know well tend use intimate speech style haeche contexts workplace might change formal polite level haeyoche walk people many learn korean beginners level start haeyoche gradually broaden scope include levels speaking writing apart korean language foreigner may find many things south korea either similar places japan hong kong western world south korea especially seoul largely product globalization wealthy country goes along high standards infrastructure general quality life hightech nation appears forefront material development often outshining western counterparts least ways present culture especially youthoriented culture safe relaxed slight modifications dress behavior towards politeness moderation makes westerner fit well least short termwise speak english seldom real obstacle person digs deeper korean history cultureand geographically move outside seoul metropolitan areaone may find many differentiating even somewhat unique characteristics although often china root point departure apart buddhismwhich separated rather integrated larger societythese elements seldom manifested present time obviously many real buddhists christians present south korea traditional layers culture tend mere relics past said country whole overall socially conservative many western counterparts whether trend towards increased westernization continue remains open question terms technology popular culture unlikely south korea look directions near future much present infrastructure popular culture makes pretty much local version westernglobal society lastly two things direct implications foreign person reflects upon option stay longer south korea tourist temporary employee exchange student population homogeneous explicit change fact means difficult although totally impossible obtain citizenship korean descent south korea uses type partial jas sanguinis citizenship blood uncommon days korean men get married children instance southeast asian women filipinas south korea gradually shifting towards multiethnic society however compared many western countries levels ethnic genetic heterogeneity much much smaller due legal difficulties cultural differences especially languagewise definitely smooth process become naturalized korean citizen resident permanent temporary living generally two different things south korea yet another palpable manifestation women south korea phenotypically south korean women similar east asian populations result drastically improved nutrition younger south koreans relatively tall seemingly much shorter average western counterparts levels obesity slightly rising still low compared us canada even thinner european countries italy sweden overall korean femalesespecially girlscan characterized moderately tall slim additionally significant share cares lot appearances fashion diet hair style makeup important everyday life although things change rapidly due new trends seasonal shifts many ride along wave wherever goes collectivism quite striking respect subcultures widespread visible japan many look many phenomena life extent person likes dislikes population generally appears related individual taste said think objectively speaking two main strengths korean girls younger women relatively thin wellgroomed everything optimize beauty potentials sometimes even help plastic surgery make look somewhat european partly ideal among east asian populations additionallyeven stems observations anecdotes general factsthey tend polite welleducated positive sense western females something also common well asians japanese taiwanese singaporeans exciting locations seoul one find quite many pretty decent korean girls even though hookup culture good bad penetrated south korean peninsula significant share females may looked upon serious girlfriend material western guys comparative advantage terms looks even sometimes behavior korean guys tend lack cockiness westerners automatic benefits overemphasized many things girls attracted confidence extroversion good looks general close universal traits one loser west one probably east well conversely alpha males magnify results proper time opportunity conclusion overall south korea rather impressive modern society shares many good features equally rich neighbors however recently seemingly surpassed places like japan hong kong terms material development nightlife popular culture western males ages south korea might offer valuable opportunity temporaryranging weeks even years circular migration eventually likely time go home regardless one wishes read get laid south korea
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with the election over and done with america is turning its attention to the transition from president obama to president trump in barely two months the donald will take office ejecting the democrats coterie of corrupt courtiers and beginning his mission to right americas wrongs but president trump cant do it alone he needs good talented people to work under him and carry out the hard work of making america great again thats where you come in the trump administration is now soliciting people to apply for jobs for when the man himself takes office in january we are officially calling on all ready and able return of kings readers to submit their applications and take up any job offers heres why you should consider a job in president trumps administration beyond obvious reasons such as money and prestige itll help keep president trump accountable while the media is lying about trump reneging on his campaign promises its still a good idea to give the man more reasons to keep his word by staffing his administration with committed nationalists well make it easier for president trump to fulfill his political program as well as make it more difficult for him to go back on his promises remember it was rankandfile fbi agents who forced james comey to reopen the investigation into hillary clinton a leader needs loyal men in order to carry out his agenda youll be able to make history given the momentous task of rebuilding america after eight years of obamas perfidy and failure you almost have a civic duty to help president trump in his mission expecting america to become great again all on its own is delusional we need to do our part to restore this nations glory by working with the trump administration youll have a direct role in reshaping america for yearspossibly decadesto come youll help trigger the left despite their massive losses in the electionbeyond hillary clintons defeat the democrats now control only a handful of state governments and failed to dent the gops congressional majoritythe leftist mainstream media is trying to order trump around and persuade him to staff his administration with the same flacks who filled bushs and obamas right now theyre freaking out over breitbart executive chairman stephen bannon being appointed as trumps chief strategist by joining the trump administration youll have a hand in helping trigger the left into conniption fits and spasms of impotence nothing horrifies them more than losing access to the levers of power which theyve controlled for decades watching leftists squirm and cry is one of the biggest fringe benefits of trumps victory and we need to keep the triggering up for years to come if you think you have the job skills return of kings highly recommends you apply for a job in trumps administration president trump may have started the fire but its our job to help the fire rise read more did the antidonald trump riot in chicago help trump cruise to victory on tuesday
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like welder
men binded shared realization truth men binded shared realization truth andré young european left decaying country greener pastures enjoys exploring subterranean places reading host interconnected topics yearns tradition november politics th november great day remember well parents remember first moon landing july fall berlin wall liberal mainstream mediaalmost pleonasmare either stunned agitating crybullies clamour fearful lament destruction westa curious expression seldom appears leftist pensor difficulties acknowledge man despised defamed every day months th president united states outside us donalds victory creating waves many liberals allegedly connected canadian immigration website crash france bourgeois bohemians work media academia everything constitutes big left establishment posturing american counterparts whereas petits blancs impoverished disenfranchised whites local righters rejoice brazil humble servant lives official media making tedious comments deliver flabby criticism local leftist talking heads condemn white protestants reality shows cliché posturing mixes antiwhite prejudice critique capitalism whereas new traditionalists among avid readers makers altright content grateful victory feels good man propepe facebook group substantive discussion redpilled foreigner considering moving us donald go make long story short advised potential newcomers go live midwest texas long one stays away houston dallas wyoming gun rights pennsylvania excluding philadelphia urban areas close appalachian mountains one enjoys outdoors staying away illinois participated whites spotted latino arab names made jokes names fuss following question arises defines us liberals shrieking xenophobia racism time yet strictly national boundaries much less relevant even us even rejoiced trumps promise make wall world rejoicing around gop candidates victory american trumpists undoubtedly feel closer nonamericans dissenting nwo internet wanted donald pass american libtards lot us ok nonwhites around dont pander arrogant aggressive antiwhites mean would racists liberal caricature wants us cut personally know genuine redpilled altrighter would rejected frog although remember stars stripes cucks blaming daring speak american politics without owning us passport frog green defines us race plays role sure struggle keep white people getting dissolved acid bath widescale miscegenation dispossession want right solidarity based least partly race ie lineage identity like pseudominority groups fight double standard allows communitarian tribalistic nepotistic without ever responsible whereas supposed keep heads taught everything liberal social engineers world would freedom future dignity even blacks latinos many women participated bringing donald white house racemixed friend supported trump along say im racist afraid cuckservativestyle show know firsthand mystery us white united around civilization primarily built people european descent think defines binds us shared awareness periphery system centers managed grow gather aware broadly speaking phenomena trends witnessed breakup families harmonious relationships men women faced untold prohibition make least critic feminism minority groups aggressive identitarianism pervasive omnipresence leftist norms commonly referred political correctness seen neoliberalism allowing handful careless irresponsible assholes sending jobs overseas importing thirdworld immigration force us life chronic unemployment endless struggles lowwage individuals small place sun saw conservatism sham never faced genuine problems witnessed societies crumble conflictual minoritarian group identities crafted likes soros meritorious worker professionalwhatever racegetting exploited benefit lower upper parasites saw liberal establishment using various social categories like pawns create horizontal struggles depopulation course disagreements found particular issue see devastated landscape lieu brilliant civilization west major fault line leftists deny value often go former latterthe replacement native european population aggressive tribalistic stance minority groups towards silent majority forced inclusion individuals sick identity politics games perpetual hostility institutionalized prejudice whites males either leftists utterly deny aware example say whites replacement demonize remnant privilege prejudice talk oppressed minorities dissimulates real disenfranchisement white majority nonwhite meritorious integrated westerners serves deny us rights public empathy dignity even basically survive world work language representations job consists manipulating thus brainwashing us seeing world lenses denying legitimacy vision importance shared awareness explains united internet lot us closet nationalists years ago still could often still cannot nationalists public would excluded normal social life local leftists cowards leftist hegemony still real mainstream know hegemony see spend countless hours thinking thrive even living mid found information website fdesouche native french quote standards today news aggregator seems hardly interesting mostly collates pieces written others fantastic could recognize already felt worldthat something wrong nonwhites thugs holding streets getting lavish promotion bragged concentrated eyes others talking went daily well least others felt saw crazy bound life unauthenticity forlorn solitude among almighty left assembling internet fdesouchecomthe website want keep visiting us found attack nonnative frenchmen knowing intuitively identity goes deeper fleeting winds today called culture often despised immigration general eventually things changed thanks alain soral mostly emphasized racial struggle leading sterile battles among disenfranchised people letting truly powerful hook mathias cardet black journalist worked soral showed gangstarap culture injected nurtured among nonwhites powerful interests one black arab wanting live peace free individual identity politics pawn spends life attacking another social category prowhite promasculinity protradition require white often felt closer muslims good intentions ie muslims genuine believers rancorous people using islam mask antiwhite tribalism white liberals muslims would share blood would share awareness yearning tradition two things white liberals eagerly reject faith front warriors alliance common foes internet immaterial basically network information flows awareness spread immaterial well could meet act internet alt right manosphere sharing ideas media contents memes advisesand later proceeded meetups panicking totalitarian liberals process trumps victory major one regardless donald actually event considerable historical magnitude beginningmake mistake libtards establishment still holds loads money institutions cultural territory started crumble leak yet still major battles waiting ahead awareness make thorough research every aspect leftism develop proper cultural references always remember libtards never cared one second us would let us die alone poor childless traumatized demonized chosen follow path red pill america firsttier power still battlefield among others wherever time thicken mutual relationships cooperate closely battle nationals foreigners workers parasites feel void wrongness rotten core postmodernity dwell last liberal trend realists want freedom responsibility healthy world values cultures ravel blue pill media bullshit complacency parasitism cucking empire nothing future doesnt matter true awareness genuine healthy values struggled hone abilities importantly actually deserve inherit western world save conquer country country institution institution outlet outletor nothing left
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over the last decades south korea has emerged as one of the wealthiest countries in all of asia currently the oecd country is roughly on the same material and economic level as other affluent east asian nations such as japan hong kong and taiwan however it appears now as perhaps the most potentially strong among them south korea seems more dynamic and willful than its larger neighbor and economic main rival japan which perhaps has entered the path of a more longterm decline in this article i do briefly describe the main characteristics of contemporary south korea and also reflect upon various cultural subtopics which are of importance for any male who is interested in to obtain more sophisticated knowledge about nonwestern cultures and what they might and might not offer the emergence of modern south korea culturally politically technologically and economically south korean development during the th century onward cannot be understood without to mention the strong ties to japan and the united states as much as japan suppressed korea between the material progression is nevertheless a direct and indirect consequence of the traumatic colonial period korean leaders were also inspired by the japanese military dictatorship which in turn was influenced by european militarism after south koreawhich was formed in after the divide of the countrystopped relying on american aid and focused on its own potential the economy grew rapidly due to an effective exportoriented industrialization democracy was gradually introduced in but some of these authoritarian residues are still visible in todays society the military in particular but also with regard to how many companies are run presently the economicpolitical relationships between south korea and japan remain flexible and pragmatic for the sake of both countries the ties to the us seems less problematic although koreans negotiate between on one hand a more distinguished korean culture and on the other further western influences additional ambivalence might also be a result of that some koreans regard american relations as a hinder in the process of a future reunification between the two korean nations generally though the political military and economic cooperation between south korea and the us appears fruitful and to the benefit of both sides the korean wave and the rising appeal of south korea for quite a long time modern south korea may be regarded as not much more than a smaller version of japan although with a unique language and some other differentiating characteristics in postmillennial times however this picture has gradually shiftedboth among other asians westerners and people in other continents tootowards a more appealing national image the reason for this is mainly material related to a refined development of technology samsung pop music kpop tv dramas kdrama cosmetic products kbeauty and perhaps also a more exciting metropolitan nightlife and a better ranked top university seoul national university the korean wave hallyu covers a whole plethora of different expressions of the rising popularity of south korean products and celebrities and it has had spillover effects for other sectors such as academia and tourism for instance more people are interested in learning korean than or years ago the nightlife in the capital seoul is unhesitatingly of very high standard for instance this year dj mag ranks club octagon in gangnam as the fifth best night club in the entire world in the city regions gangnam hongdae and itaewon in particular both foreigners and locals can easily find bars and clubs of various sizes that offer highquality entertainment and which conform to a relatively broad spectrum of tastes in music and dress style cultural characteristics contempory south korean culture can be described as a hybrid of korean east asian and western culture as i have stated above south korea has been influenced by japan and the us in particular to a significant extent this means that the similar real or quasihierarchical structures as in for instance china and japan are visible in south korea too one is expected to speak and behave in different ways depending on a persons age or social rank which are more or less explicitly stated this does largely overlap a meritocratic social structure rather than status being a primarily inherited factor a doctor is looked upon as socially more valuable than a regular office worker regardless of family background it is thus not much left of the old confucian system the korean languageeven though about of the words are based on chinese words and its grammar being partly similar to japaneseis unique with all its different suffixes that in turn conform to different speech and writing levels these can be more or less formal plain and polite but are always related to the social relations and contexts of either speaking or writing people who know each other well tend to use an intimate speech style haeche but in some contexts such as the workplace they might change to a more formal and polite level haeyoche when they walk to other people many who learn korean at a beginners level start with haeyoche and then gradually broaden the scope to include other levels of speaking and writing apart from the korean language a foreigner may find many things in south korea that are either similar to places such as japan and hong kong or to the western world south korea especially seoul is largely the product of globalization and as a wealthy country this goes along with high standards of infrastructure and general quality of life as a hightech nation it appears as being in the forefront of material development often outshining its western counterparts at least in some ways the present culture especially the more youthoriented culture is safe and relaxed only slight modifications in dress and behavior towards more politeness and moderation makes any westerner fit in well at least short termwise and to only speak english is seldom a real obstacle if a person digs deeper into korean history and cultureand geographically move outside the seoul metropolitan areaone may find many differentiating and even somewhat unique characteristics although these do often have china as its root or point of departure but apart from buddhismwhich is separated rather than integrated into the larger societythese elements are seldom manifested in present time there are obviously many real buddhists and christians in present south korea but the traditional layers of culture tend to be mere relics of the past with that said the country as a whole is overall more socially conservative than many western counterparts whether or not the trend towards increased westernization will continue remains an open question but in terms of technology and popular culture it is unlikely that south korea will look in other directions in the near future after all much of its present infrastructure and popular culture makes it into pretty much a local version of the westernglobal society lastly two other things that have direct implications for any foreign person who reflects upon the option to stay longer in south korea than as a tourist temporary employee or exchange student is that the population is very homogeneous and it has no explicit will to change this fact this means that it is difficult although not totally impossible to obtain a citizenship if you are not of korean descent south korea uses a type of partial jas sanguinis citizenship by the blood it is not very uncommon these days that korean men get married to and have children with for instance southeast asian women such as filipinas and south korea is gradually shifting towards a more multiethnic society however compared to many western countries the levels of ethnic and genetic heterogeneity are much much smaller due to the legal difficulties and cultural differences especially languagewise it is definitely not a smooth process to become naturalized as a korean citizen or resident permanent and temporary living are generally two very different things and south korea is yet another palpable manifestation of that women in south korea phenotypically south korean women are similar to those of other east asian populations as a result of drastically improved nutrition younger south koreans are relatively tall seemingly not much shorter on average than their western counterparts the levels of obesity are slightly rising but still very low compared to the us canada and even thinner european countries such as italy and sweden overall korean femalesespecially girlscan be characterized as moderately tall and slim additionally a significant share cares a lot about their appearances fashion diet hair style and makeup are all very important in everyday life and although these things change rapidly due to new trends and seasonal shifts many will ride along the same wave wherever it goes collectivism is quite striking in that respect and subcultures are not as widespread and visible as in japan many look about the same as with many phenomena in life the extent to which a person likes or dislikes how a population generally appears is related to individual taste with that said i think that more objectively speaking the two main strengths of korean girls and younger women are that they are relatively thin and wellgroomed they do everything they can to optimize their beauty potentials sometimes even with the help of plastic surgery which will make them look somewhat more european which partly is an ideal among east asian populations additionallyeven if this stems more from observations and anecdotes than general factsthey tend to be more polite and welleducated in a positive sense than western females this is something they also have in common with other well off asians such as japanese taiwanese and singaporeans in the more exciting locations of seoul one will find quite many pretty and decent korean girls and even though hookup culture has for good and for bad penetrated the south of the korean peninsula a significant share of these females may be looked upon as serious girlfriend material western guys do have a comparative advantage in terms of looks and even sometimes behavior korean guys tend to lack the cockiness of westerners but these automatic benefits should not be overemphasized many of the things that girls are attracted to such as confidence extroversion and good looks are general close to universal traits if one is a loser in the west then one will probably be that in the east as well conversely the more alpha males will magnify their results if they have the proper time and opportunity to do so conclusion overall south korea is a rather impressive modern society that shares many of the good features with its equally rich neighbors however recently it has seemingly surpassed places like japan and hong kong in terms of material development nightlife and popular culture for some western males between the ages of south korea might offer a valuable opportunity for temporaryranging from weeks to even years and circular migration because eventually it is most likely time to go home regardless if one wishes it or not read more how to get laid in south korea
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importance patriarchal religion marriage childrearing
suppose one adventurous americans meets marries beautiful foreign woman envy friends next bring back home united states europe guys jealous women feel threatened bride fish waterfor doesnt take long get established find group countrywomen thais vietnamese ukrainians teach ropes go shopping kind groceries needs efficient way send money relatives back home fellow countrymen hang oh yes also learn american culture friends explain american men american divorce law trouble starts vietnamese war bride upscale frenchified thing informed year marriage helped family escape saigon woman needs man like fish needs bicycle inevitable divorce came refused reasonable settlement offer hired junkyard dog lawyer fight court losing shocked discover offer table keep woman country comfortable culture likely appreciate men make adjustment culture instead vice versa american culture poisonous world almost anything better countries havent indoctrinated feminism cultural marxism still value children respect womans role bearing raising also respect mans role breadwinner head family committed ukraine nine years ago met wife seven years ago son appeared five years ago worth enumerating many ways pleasure living raising kyiv instead usa kyiv beautiful lively city beautiful architecture andreevska church kyiv worthy capital city millenniumlong history studded cathedrals exquisitely crafted monuments many many targets tourist camera walled city built defensible situated atop steep bluff right bank dnieper river close desno river joins east miles south another major tributary pripyat flows west capital kyiv viking princes could easily sally long boats black sea anywhere western russia sandy river beaches good swimming june september fishing time isnt frozen one rent kayaks rowboats take river cruise warmer months freeze dotted ice fishermen takes saw bait line antifreeze ones choice bicycle paths along river islands middle river city experiencing surge number bicycle commuters soviet system good points housed everybody highrise apartments may attractive detached houses makes compact city people needed places breathe exercise city full parks compact kyiv people living apartment blocks easy get around every place city within walking distance convenience store sort restaurants shopping centers usually within walk short bus ride young people world want live city kyiv exception lots bars cafés nightclubs trends toward sushi italian food ukraine traditional enough young people even go church orthodox churches every neighborhood handful englishspeaking congregations scattered throughout city kyiv home ukraines famous universities shevchenko university kyivmohyla academy kyiv polytechnic institute harvard yale mit extraordinarily high percentage business government leaders graduated know united states admitted universities sign intelligence talent foreigner getting know elites lot easier getting know ivy leaguers united states ukraine extremely affordable attractive inexpensive traditional markets supermarkets course kyiv inexpensive place live bottom big mac index hryvnya exchange rate fallen threefold since start war donbass prices risen especially imports nearly much tourist note still possible get decent hotel room taxi anywhere city meal start us live metro ridesbuses trams even lessmake life cheap convenient try grocery store pound potatoes beets carrots onions cabbage staples ukrainian diet meat generally two dollars pound although lot hue cry corruption energy business end costs far less united states month heat house four five dollars gallon gasoline however ukrainians utilities included rent drive cars medical care preview impending obamacare disaster state promises moon delivers afford average ukrainian stand long line get indifferent service underequipped underpaid doctors shabby soviet era hospitals flip side feeforservice alive well get decent care pay doesnt cost much fact ukraine medical tourism destination especially fertility treatments plastic surgery dental work american social security check makes rich local standards good place live retirement moreover american teach english number entrepreneurial opportunities dont take lot capital start ukrainians fairly uniformly slavic like people like us slavs western newspapers full horror stories ukraine war corruption leaders moscow washington europe love point fingers us distract increasingly blatant corruption surrounding west im fan corruption given fact universal worth relating ukrainian corruption comfortable live europe united states hypocrisy corruption rather hypocrisy transparent nobody believes lies virtue still free speech ukrainians lose jobs politically incorrect jailed say think middle eastern immigration tell woman looks good might actually blush appreciate corruption kept standard living low perversely important benefits people remain traditional needed support families survive asylum seeking immigrants dont come nothing themfew jobs nothing way welfare immigrants leads high levels social capital people actually like trust american little development homes included groupeverybody knows says hello meet street bus stores toney neighborhood bethesda maryland neighbors occupied important jobs bother neighborly fact mostly slavs couple important corollaries bad neighborhoods kyiv people tell avoid troyeshchena lot people know live went see couple pleasant shots vodka chatting locals cannot imagine anacostia neighborhood washington dc people always stand give son seat bus metro old ladies absolutely gush engage small talk support rising generation tickled death raising ukrainian lastly even though locals tell otherwise ukrainians good polite drivers invariably stop crosswalks drive even one drink fatalities per vehicle mile twice high west roads poor cant blame drivers young people pride english language toastmasters meeting students young professionals show selfrestraint tattoos piercings sloppy clothes swearing little smoking drugs called squaredelightfully look forward marriage families especially women reason perhaps easy girls elsewhere get one something substance lots places meet young people needless say bars nightclubs studios town giving inexpensive dance lessonssalsa swing bigand hundreds sports clubs english language mafia club thriving toastmasters public speaking club attracts many best brightest meetings english german russian ukrainian language exchange club also meets several languages may september river beaches great surrounded restaurants bars discos ukrainians love practice english welcome foreigners many make far east easy place make friends good place sit wests coming civil unrest one kyivs many lovely river beaches western press would believe kyiv lawless wild west opposite truth even today safer western capital city first danger cited vladimir putin russians going invade answer wont throughout history russia expanded stealth opportunity stopped finland fought back georgia fought back swiped baltics part poland germany started war diverted worlds attention imposed european satellites red army conveniently occupied end world war ii ukraine took opportunity political chaos steal crimea treaty already large military presence emboldened thought opportunity russianspeaking donbass ukrainians resisted war standstill putin knows full well million ethnic russians cannot dominate million ethnic ukrainians especially glare world opinion despite neocons may shouted sway us election russians coming another comforting thought nothing worth nuking benefit staying nato dependent class rise economic hardship hits hardship already discontented minorities gypsies visible actually workthey sell flowers work junk dealers cannot parasite blood suck united states europe legions restless unemployed pacified government benefits rise governments longer afford ukraines corruption well understood everybody much complain people know cope may take bribery get things done generally get done corruption result much violence occasionally hardnosed judge pesky reporter gets bumped true every case victim could explained quite clearly targeted like random killing whites blacks united states random islamic terror western europe ukraine lots land excellent agriculture abundant water reasonably good natural resources homogeneous hardworking population dependent international trade european countries world financial system collapses ukraine come looking pretty good far looks like stress lines civil unrest simply dont exist though may come love wonderful woman find delightful place make home read ukrainian girls lost love american men
Tubal Cain
what its like to be a welder
men are binded by their shared realization of truth men are binded by their shared realization of truth andré is a young european who left his decaying country in for greener pastures he enjoys exploring subterranean places reading about a host of interconnected topics and yearns for tradition november politics the th of november was a great day we will remember it as well as our parents remember the first moon landing in july or the fall of the berlin wall liberal mainstream mediaalmost a pleonasmare either stunned or agitating some of these crybullies clamour to themselves how fearful they are lament on the destruction of the westa curious expression as it seldom appears under leftist pensor have difficulties to acknowledge that the man they have despised and defamed every day for months will be the th president of the united states outside the us the donalds victory is creating waves too so many liberals allegedly connected to the canadian immigration website to crash it in france the bourgeois bohemians who work in the media academia and everything that constitutes the big left establishment do the same posturing than their american counterparts whereas the petits blancs impoverished disenfranchised whites and local righters rejoice in brazil where your humble servant lives the official media is making some tedious comments that deliver a flabby criticism local leftist talking heads condemn the white protestants and reality shows in a very cliché posturing that mixes antiwhite prejudice with a critique of capitalism whereas some new traditionalists among whom some have been avid readers and makers of altright content are grateful this is our victory feels good man a propepe facebook group has had a substantive discussion about where a redpilled foreigner considering moving to the us after the donald won should go to make a long story short some have advised potential newcomers to go live in the midwest in texas as long as one stays away from houston or dallas in wyoming for the gun rights in pennsylvania excluding philadelphia and the urban areas close to the appalachian mountains if one enjoys outdoors while staying away from illinois most of those who participated were whites but i have spotted some latino and arab names some made jokes on these names but no fuss and here the following question arises what defines us liberals have been shrieking about xenophobia or racism all the time yet strictly national boundaries are much less relevant than before even for us even when we all rejoiced about trumps promise to make a wall all over the world we are rejoicing around the gop candidates victory american trumpists undoubtedly feel closer to nonamericans who have been dissenting from the nwo on the internet and wanted the donald to pass than to american libtards a lot of us are ok with having nonwhites around we dont pander to arrogant aggressive antiwhites but that does not mean we would have to be racists as the liberal caricature wants us to be to cut in more personally i know of no genuine redpilled or altrighter who would have rejected me as a frog although i remember some stars and stripes cucks blaming me for daring to speak about american politics without owning a us passport the frog is green after all so once again what defines us why are we a we race plays a role for sure we struggle to keep the white people from getting dissolved into the acid bath of widescale miscegenation and dispossession we want a right to solidarity based at least partly on race ie on lineage and identity just like all the pseudominority groups out there we fight the double standard that allows them to be communitarian tribalistic nepotistic without being ever responsible of what they do whereas we are supposed to keep our heads down and be taught everything by liberal social engineers in a world where we would have no freedom no future no dignity but even then there have been blacks latinos and many women who participated into bringing the donald to the white house i have a racemixed friend who supported trump all along this is not to say im not a racist afraid cuckservativestyle but to show there are some and we know it firsthand it is no mystery why most of us are white we are united around a civilization that was primarily built by people of european descent but there is more too and this more that i think defines and binds us this more is shared awareness on the periphery of the system centers we managed to grow and gather we are all aware broadly speaking of the same phenomena and trends we have witnessed the breakup of families and harmonious relationships between men and women we have been faced with the untold prohibition to make the least critic of feminism minority groups aggressive identitarianism and with the pervasive omnipresence of these leftist norms commonly referred to as political correctness we have seen neoliberalism allowing a handful of careless irresponsible assholes sending the jobs overseas importing thirdworld immigration then force us into a life of chronic unemployment or endless struggles against other lowwage individuals for a small place under the sun we saw how conservatism was a sham that never faced the genuine problems we witnessed societies crumble conflictual minoritarian group identities being crafted by the likes of soros and the meritorious worker or professionalwhatever his racegetting exploited to the benefit of the lower and upper parasites we saw the liberal establishment using various social categories like pawns to create horizontal struggles and depopulation of course some disagreements can be found on this or that particular issue but we all see the same devastated landscape in lieu of the brilliant civilization the west once was and here is the major fault line the leftists deny or value they often go from the former to the latterthe replacement of native european population the aggressive and tribalistic stance of minority groups towards the silent majority the forced inclusion of individuals into sick identity politics games the perpetual hostility and institutionalized prejudice against whites and males either the leftists utterly deny what we are aware of for example when they say that whites are not under replacement or they demonize it as a remnant of some privilege or prejudice all their talk about oppressed minorities dissimulates the very real disenfranchisement of the white majority of nonwhite meritorious and integrated westerners and serves to deny us from our rights to public empathy to dignity or to even basically survive in a world of our own they work on language and representations because their job consists in manipulating these thus brainwashing us into seeing the world through their lenses and denying the legitimacy of any other vision the importance of shared awareness explains why we united on the internet a lot of us were closet nationalists years ago and still are we could not and often still cannot be nationalists in public or we would have been excluded from normal social life by the local leftists and cowards leftist hegemony was and is still real in the mainstream you know hegemony when you see it and spend countless hours thinking about how you can thrive even when living under it in the mid i found out about the information website fdesouche native french quote by the standards of today this news aggregator seems hardly interesting it mostly collates pieces written by others but then it was fantastic here i could recognize what i already felt about the worldthat something was wrong with all these nonwhites thugs holding the streets and getting lavish promotion when they bragged about it it was all concentrated before my eyes and others were talking about what they went through daily as well at least others felt and saw the same as i did i was not crazy not bound to a life of unauthenticity or forlorn solitude among the almighty left we were assembling and we were on the internet fdesouchecomthe website they want to keep you from visiting as most of us found ourselves under attack from nonnative frenchmen and knowing intuitively that identity goes deeper than the fleeting winds today called culture we often despised immigration in general but eventually things changed thanks to alain soral mostly who emphasized how racial struggle was leading to sterile battles among disenfranchised people while letting the truly powerful off the hook mathias cardet a black journalist who worked with soral showed how gangstarap culture was injected and nurtured among nonwhites by powerful interests after all one can be black or arab and wanting to live in peace as a free individual not as an identity politics pawn who spends his life attacking another social category being prowhite promasculinity and protradition does not require being white i often felt closer from muslims with good intentions ie muslims who were genuine believers and not rancorous people using islam as a mask for antiwhite tribalism than from white liberals the muslims would not share my blood but they would share some of my awareness and yearning for tradition two things that white liberals eagerly reject faith front warriors alliance against common foes the internet is immaterial it is basically a network where information flows awareness and the will to spread it are immaterial as well this is why we could meet and act on the internet after all the alt right and manosphere have been sharing ideas media contents memes advisesand only later proceeded to meetups panicking the totalitarian liberals in the process trumps victory is a major one regardless of what the donald will actually do it is an event of considerable historical magnitude but it is only the beginningmake no mistake about that the libtards establishment still holds loads of money of institutions of cultural territory it has started to crumble and leak yet it is still there major battles are waiting ahead we have to further our awareness make thorough research on every aspect of leftism and develop more proper cultural references always remember the libtards never cared one second about us they would have let us die off alone poor childless traumatized and demonized had we not chosen to follow the path of the red pill america is a firsttier power but it is still a battlefield among others wherever we are it is time to thicken our mutual relationships and cooperate more closely it is a battle not between nationals and foreigners but between workers and parasites between those who feel the void and wrongness in the rotten core of postmodernity and those who dwell in the last liberal trend between the realists who want freedom and responsibility in a healthy world of values and cultures against those who ravel in blue pill media bullshit complacency parasitism and cucking for the empire of nothing we are the future it doesnt matter where we are we are those with true awareness those with genuine and healthy values those who struggled to hone their abilities and most importantly those who actually deserve to inherit the western world so save it and conquer it country after country institution after institution outlet after outletor there will be nothing left
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western civilization worth saving
hollywood silver screen career options dried former charmed actress constantly nearnaked attentionseeker rose mcgowan leading feminist would expect transition occurred looks never approached costar alyssa milano well truly begun fade mcgowan alone making spectacular shift pamela anderson professional sjw natasha devon among growing crowd women rail sexism objectification years trying often successfully sexualize youth seeking cash newfound fame unhinged sjw rose mcgowan launched rose army kind personal cult tries hide overt narcissism creator supporting campaigns domestic violence female objectification full sjw mode button away instance attacked gays feminist enough probably projecting jealousy landing significant acting role eternity claimed xmen movie poster promoted violence women comes task reconciling new rose mcgowan old one whose selfobjectification best described infamous photo exboyfriend marilyn manson excuses excuses rose mcgowan tried gloss past history selfobjectification sexualization saying merely pawn patriarchy mcgowan even blaming past personal feuds fellow charmed actress shannen doherty patriarchy sexism female objectification sadly public attentionseeking mcgowan wrote doherty open letter comes time latter suffering cancer know girls gotta attentionwhore including another girl used catfights die rose mcgowan lot common pamela anderson ex playboy cover model anderson entire career made taking clothes otherwise selling body competing championship come pornography may bad gal nearing best years good years behind would wager pamela anderson hit spent last several years denial decided lambaste industry currently lauding nubile girls twenties pornography addictions bad anderson showing new colors nothing short joke andersons position summed following two pictures time condemn pornography time condemns pornography previously lot attention paid fat unattractive girls feminists activists nominally sexualization women appear driven primarily envy need diminish societys praise attractive females whilst lot truth tells part story rank opportunism feminism perhaps better explained women made career selling appearances subsequently turned industries whose financial teats used suckle better time turn industries whether pornography film modeling markets looks longer allow actively participate phenomenon runs parallel female athletes utilizing complaining sexualization attractive tennis players like sabine lisicki unattractive ones like serena williams made careers wearing revealing oncourt clothing much show practicality chance presents lisicki others moaned like years wimbledon manufacturers designs make show much skin many girls may lost attractiveness yet pick choose objectification bad like celebrities whose looks abandoned famous people natasha devon many return kings readers remember natasha devon awful performance milo yiannopoulos british sky news debate fashion mannequins seems eerie timing devons transition selfdescribed former model sjw founded socalled body image education program midtwenties dont know seems sort age nonfamous models particular face meat grinder due competition younger fresher girls hurtled towards natasha devon penned article cosmopolitan magazine bulimia morphed regular monthly column came selfesteem team devon created frequently government funding selfesteem team essentially applauded obesity britains number one health crisis sought reengineer humans programmed evolution find attractive devon along anderson mcgowan may chalk antiobjectification epiphany age experience something similarly convenient changes happened neither height selfsexualization careers prewall protracted slide always look exactly woman took feminist general sjw activism woman complains objectification women usually means never goods begin b goods werent enough compete girls c goods well truly gone delicious irony option c countless women milk looks natureor halfdecade alcohol drugfueled benderstakes away feminism projection par course todays political climate enemies describe us sad mommas boys play failed encounters women beliefs anyone roosh faced entirely baseless criticism opponents unable actually refute return kings say need turn idea projection feminists even modernday feminism domain women seeking easy comforts ideology explains away either faults primal fears harsh uncertain world women whose looks washedup feminism enables label objectification wrong soothe crushing blows come longer getting attention used rather seeing women twisted evil better perceive behavior desperation shocking realization sexually irrelevant read female danish athletes diminish championship victory taking nude photos
Brutus Centinel
the importance of patriarchal religion to marriage and childrearing
suppose you are one of those adventurous americans who meets and marries a beautiful foreign woman you are the envy of all your friends what next you can bring her back home to the united states or europe the guys will be jealous the women will feel threatened and your bride will be a fish out of waterfor a while but it doesnt take them long to get established she will find a group of her countrywomen other thais vietnamese or ukrainians they will teach her the ropes where to go shopping for the kind of groceries she needs the most efficient way to send money to her relatives back home where her fellow countrymen hang out and oh yes they will also learn american culture their friends will explain about american men and american divorce law and that is where the trouble starts my vietnamese war bride an upscale frenchified thing informed me after just over a year of marriage after i had helped her family escape saigon that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle when the inevitable the divorce came she refused a reasonable settlement offer and hired a junkyard dog lawyer to fight it in court losing she was shocked to discover that that offer was off the table keep your woman in her own country where she is comfortable and where the culture is more likely to appreciate men you make the adjustment to her culture instead of vice versa why american culture is about the most poisonous in the world almost anything is better countries that havent been indoctrinated in feminism and cultural marxism still value children and respect a womans role in bearing them and raising them they also respect a mans role as the breadwinner and head of the family i committed myself to ukraine nine years ago met my wife seven years ago and our son appeared five years ago it is worth enumerating the many ways in which it is a pleasure to be living with her and raising him in kyiv instead of the usa kyiv is a beautiful and lively city beautiful architecture andreevska church kyiv is a worthy capital city it has millenniumlong history studded with cathedrals and other exquisitely crafted monuments there are many many targets for a tourist camera the walled city was built to be defensible situated atop a steep bluff on the right bank of the dnieper river close to where the desno river joins from the east miles south of where another major tributary the pripyat flows in from the west from their capital in kyiv the viking princes could easily sally out in their long boats to the black sea or anywhere in western russia the sandy river beaches are good for swimming from june to september and for fishing any time it isnt frozen one can rent kayaks and rowboats or take a river cruise in the warmer months when it does freeze it is dotted with ice fishermen all it takes is a saw some bait a line and the antifreeze of ones choice there are bicycle paths along the river and on the islands in the middle of the river the city is experiencing a surge in the number of bicycle commuters the soviet system had its good points they housed everybody in highrise apartments it may not be as attractive as detached houses but it makes for a very compact city those people needed places to breathe and exercise so the city is full of parks as compact as kyiv is it is with most people living in apartment blocks it easy to get around every place in the city is within walking distance of a convenience store of some sort and restaurants and shopping centers are usually within a walk or a short bus ride young people the world over want to live in the city and kyiv is no exception it has lots of bars cafés and nightclubs the trends are toward sushi and italian food ukraine is traditional enough that young people even go to church there are orthodox churches in every neighborhood and a handful of englishspeaking congregations scattered throughout the city kyiv is home to ukraines most famous universities shevchenko university kyivmohyla academy and kyiv polytechnic institute these are their harvard yale and mit an extraordinarily high percentage of business and government leaders have graduated from them they know each other as in the united states just being admitted to these universities is a sign of intelligence and talent for a foreigner getting to know these elites is a lot easier than getting to know ivy leaguers in the united states ukraine is extremely affordable attractive inexpensive traditional markets and supermarkets of course kyiv is a very inexpensive place to live very bottom of the big mac index the hryvnya exchange rate has fallen threefold since the start of the war in donbass prices have risen especially for imports but not nearly as much the tourist will note that it is still possible to get a decent hotel room for a taxi anywhere in the city for and a meal for under that is just the start for those of us who live here metro ridesbuses and trams are even lessmake life cheap and convenient try the grocery store a pound for potatoes beets carrots onions and cabbage the staples of the ukrainian diet meat is generally under two dollars a pound although there is a lot of hue and cry about corruption in the energy business in the end it costs far less than in the united states a month to heat a house and between four and five dollars a gallon for gasoline however most ukrainians utilities are included in rent and only a few drive cars medical care is a preview of the impending obamacare disaster the state promises the moon but delivers only what it can afford the average ukrainian has to stand in a long line to get indifferent service from underequipped and underpaid doctors in shabby soviet era hospitals the flip side is that feeforservice is alive and well you can get decent care if you pay for it and it doesnt cost very much in fact ukraine is a medical tourism destination especially for fertility treatments plastic surgery and dental work an american social security check makes you rich by local standards it is a good place to live in retirement moreover any american can teach english and there are a number of entrepreneurial opportunities that dont take a lot of capital to start ukrainians are fairly uniformly slavic and they like people like themselves just us slavs western newspapers are full of horror stories about ukraine war and corruption leaders in moscow washington and europe love to point fingers at us to distract from the increasingly blatant corruption surrounding those in the west im no fan of corruption but given the fact that it is universal it is worth relating why ukrainian corruption is more comfortable to live with than that of the europe or the united states there is no hypocrisy about our corruption or rather the hypocrisy is so transparent that nobody believes the lies the virtue we still have free speech ukrainians do not lose their jobs if they are politically incorrect they are not jailed if they say what they think about middle eastern immigration if you tell a woman she looks good she might actually blush and appreciate it the corruption has kept the standard of living low which perversely has important benefits people remain traditional because they have needed the support of families just to survive asylum seeking immigrants dont come because there is nothing here for themfew jobs and nothing in the way of welfare not having immigrants leads to high levels of social capital the people actually like and trust each other i am the only american in our little development of homes they have included me in the groupeverybody knows me and says hello when i meet them on the street in the bus and in the stores in my toney neighborhood of bethesda maryland most neighbors were too occupied with their important jobs to bother being neighborly the fact that it is mostly just slavs has a couple of important corollaries there are no bad neighborhoods in kyiv people will tell you to avoid the troyeshchena but a lot of people i know live there i went to see for myself i had a couple of pleasant shots of vodka chatting with the locals i cannot imagine doing that in the anacostia neighborhood of washington dc people always stand up to give my son and me a seat on the bus or metro old ladies absolutely gush over him and engage him in small talk they support their rising generation and are tickled to death that i am raising him to be a ukrainian lastly even though the locals will tell you otherwise ukrainians are good and polite drivers they invariably stop for you at crosswalks very few will drive after even one drink fatalities per vehicle mile are about twice as high as in the west because the roads are poor but you cant blame it on the drivers young people have pride in themselves an english language toastmasters meeting students and young professionals show selfrestraint no tattoos no piercings no sloppy clothes no swearing very little smoking and no drugs they are what in the s was called squaredelightfully so they look forward to marriage and families especially the women for this reason they are perhaps not as easy as girls elsewhere but when you get one you have something of substance there are lots of places to meet young people needless to say bars and nightclubs there are studios all over town giving inexpensive dance lessonssalsa and swing are bigand hundreds of sports clubs the english language mafia club is thriving the toastmasters public speaking club attracts many of the best and brightest with meetings in english german russian and ukrainian the language exchange club also meets in several languages from may to september the river beaches are great surrounded by restaurants bars and discos ukrainians love to practice their english and welcome foreigners not too many make it this far east it is an easy place to make friends it is a good place to sit out the wests coming civil unrest one of kyivs many lovely river beaches the western press would have you believe that kyiv is a lawless wild west that is the opposite from the truth even today it is safer than any western capital city the first danger cited is vladimir putin when are the russians going to invade answer they wont throughout is history russia has expanded by stealth and opportunity they stopped when finland fought back in and georgia fought back in they swiped the baltics and part of poland only after germany had started a war that diverted the worlds attention they imposed their will on their european satellites only because the red army conveniently occupied them at the end of world war ii in ukraine they took the opportunity of political chaos in to steal crimea where by treaty they already had a large military presence emboldened they thought they had an opportunity in the russianspeaking donbass but the ukrainians resisted and that war is at a standstill putin knows full well that million ethnic russians cannot dominate million ethnic ukrainians especially under the glare of world opinion despite what the neocons may have shouted to sway the us election the russians are not coming another comforting thought is that there is nothing here worth nuking it is a benefit of staying out of nato there is no dependent class here to rise up when economic hardship hits hardship is already here there are no discontented minorities gypsies the most visible of them actually workthey sell flowers and work as junk dealers you cannot be a parasite if there is no blood to suck it is the united states and europe that have legions of restless unemployed who are only being pacified by government benefits and will rise up when governments can no longer afford them ukraines corruption is well understood by everybody as much as they complain people know how to cope with it it may take bribery to get things done but they generally do get done corruption does not result in much violence occasionally some hardnosed judge or a pesky reporter gets bumped off true but in every case the victim could have explained quite clearly why he was targeted it is not like the random killing of whites by blacks in the united states or random islamic terror in western europe ukraine has lots of land excellent agriculture abundant water reasonably good natural resources and a homogeneous and hardworking population it is not as dependent on international trade as most european countries when the world financial system collapses ukraine will come through looking pretty good they are so far down that it all looks like up and the stress lines for civil unrest simply dont exist though you may come here for the love of a wonderful woman you will find it a delightful place to make your home read more ukrainian girls have lost their love for american men
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strategy could stopped donald trump
every man supports donald trump came different path support economic impoverishment seen neighborhoods degrade illegal immigrants maybe support attacked politically incorrect many men came support trump shared truths sex true nature women fight began southern poverty law center march years teaching men improve sex lives books web sites put list jewishoperated southern poverty law center misogynist shaken knew desire enjoy sex beautiful women share truths ive learned put path return either close shop immediately accept mob would one day come pounding door decided keep going responded splc designation article titled existence becoming illegal described heterosexual sex defiant political act male received benefit clear gender hate oneway street men hate women way around men rape women cant men abusive physically emotionally women cant men misogynist women cant misandrist word unknown american population men described lazy slobs play video games day women perfect asis country organizations trying convince fat healthy beautiful male teachers get sent poundmeintheass prison sex student female teachers get slap wrist youre man youre likely perpetrator hate violence abuse innocent american women even dont yet realize thought crime never way around fast forward two years october witch hunts leftists force rage mobs crawling social networking looking racists homophobes sexists aim getting fired studied people participating witch hunts wrote one important articles ive ever published social justice warrior sjw article widely shared influencing people viewed useful idiot layer individuals guided controlled establishment forces consisting academia corporate news media hollywood fortune companies silicon valley billionaire owners politicians scratch feminist sjw youll find reptilian skin billionaire created narrative believes pessimistic wrote sjw article thinking wed need full generation years even begin defeating powerful antiamerican entity focused teaching men selfdefense avoidance instead ways defeat little know defining absolute peak barely two years later candidate stood diametric opposite social justice would win presidency social justice warriors havent gone away rushing fulfill george soros refusing accept results fair election power force people bend demands reduced along power institutions support though sjwism peaked face full brunt attacks summer canadian stops lecture tour february international meetups survived attacks fact im still right able exercise free speech platformswhile youre still participatingshows clearly little power really stop us bruised meetup outrage healed quickly enough weaponize sites spread support even bigger enemy donald trump donald trump ground zero im pessimist nature didnt much hope establishment would allow trump win primaries even though confident ideas resonated americans noticed simply couldnt knocked matter enemies saw humiliate jeb bush outcompete resurgent ted cruz smack attempt media force display weakness time attended republican national convention cleveland started believe ground zero donald trump within manosphere donald trump thread forum created june veteran member rok contributor samseau battle unfolded thosuands men pages long thread viewed nearly million times ideas within filtered mainstream discourse described men bullhorns larger significant battles real war medals awarded soldiers dont nitpick best soldier worked team ensure victory general donald trump colonels advisers captains major media influencers like alex jones matt drudge paul joseph watson mike cernovich sergeants men like specialists men like samseau private regular commenter contributes occasional meme argument spare time ego cares impactful one influential ideas team player cares victory whole whether private sergeant fought side side men thread web site amounts modern fourthgenerational informational war studied historians future would guessed public internet sites operating free opensource software would positive effect result election lives many men participated approaching date election two months election youtube video urging men vote trump resulted nearly unsubscribes within day surprising even since thought audience mostly men would automatically support trump presidency video echoed lot sentiments shared article donald trump doesnt win screwed tried convey danger hillary presidency obama race president look badly damaged race relations eight years hillary gender president future store absolutely clear happens defeat trump move establish technomatriarchy men secondclass citizens female ensure movement organization able challenge establishment cronies ever isnt trivial matter getting banned web site like twitter youtubemany forced escape country reason happening man found wrong side establishment next month stared calendar waiting election happen could push back narrative twitter early october old tape released trump saying grabs girls pussy let sister called confused asked really bad man told media distorting comments like distorted mine months earlier proclaimed prorape advocate told believe media judge trump actions policies gotcha moment spun control help hillarys failing campaign spoke confidence inside concerned politically correct world would blow sink trumps candidacy majority americans actually ready defeat political correctness thankfully trump responded strongly ignoring calls traitors republican party step first poll come pussygate suggested trumps support didnt decline fake controversy didnt work held breath next days see another tape would come maybe saying nword none knew establishment bullets moment finally believed felt rush energy day subconscious accepted trump going win periscope night amped methamphetamine took drug point matter hanging finally november elected president disbelief four years prior attacked forces aligned trump didnt wait long personal enemies dealt monstrous defeat another man consider team us made miscalculation would take generation longer us begin pushing back establishment forces underestimated power allies alternative internet space human control foolhardy endeavor important lesson learned trumps victory pointless control human beings behaviors minds every single major institution united states represented billions dollars economic activity influence could stop populist candidate spite trying everything short assassination george soros billions werent effective obama allies werent effective mainstream media dozens outlets werent effective ceos biggest companies united states werent effective hollywood superstars werent effective academia thousands professors werent effective social media censorship efforts werent effective fbi allowing hillary skate real crimes wasnt effective even donald trumps party wasnt effective stopping absolutely incredible forces couldnt stop one man believers disgrace fields scientific management modern propaganda fail miserably think right much effort antitrump forces put stopping winning think much money spent guarantee desired outcome think nothing accomplished opposite moved mountains accomplish decades cementing control within country sucking truth life blood american public whatever term use describe force governs existencenature god tao onit clear humans cannot control pendulum swing wants swing wheel history turn wants turn billions dollars propaganda institutions nothing stop imagine impotent george soros friends must feel limitless money influence nothing perfect control methods even open pocket books try force upon population pushing food mouth someone already full desire control nothing psychological failings trying alleviate crippling fears trying prove world somebody powerful world must shaped image gods among men clear gods sociopaths gamed economic system amass huge amounts capital money much flushed drain continue fight grasp way unequivocal defeat attempting control want controlled control human beings temporarily end day humans want want dont possess wish buy go someone matter much money spend mechanisms control control want controlled tension created released great unraveling currently living previous eras tension resulted victorious parades streets modern era form online celebrations use tweets memes want true leader society create environment humans associate want freely engage commerce create families live safety search truth without interference work play live according nature put stone walls blocking righteous watch torn may take decade may take years happen contraptions used control reveal strength pathetic weakness conclusion tired controlled leave us alone tired institutions obsessed controlling us forcing us believe falsehoods programming us hate country pitting woman man black white leave us alone let men men new american renaissance come forth men strong good must allowed live lives prevent us wont allow live humiliate useful idiots destroy institutions lash memes im afraid stand us gearing even greater authoritarian control us least man white house join us fight already battling many years cant wait see fight takes us next read next donald trumps victory means men
Beau Albrecht
is western civilization worth saving
with her hollywood and silver screen career options all but dried up former charmed actress and constantly nearnaked attentionseeker rose mcgowan is now a leading feminist as you would expect this transition occurred after her looks which never approached those of costar alyssa milano had well and truly begun to fade mcgowan is not alone in making this spectacular shift pamela anderson and professional sjw natasha devon are among a growing crowd of women who rail against sexism and objectification after years of trying often very successfully to sexualize their youth seeking to cash in on her newfound fame as an unhinged sjw rose mcgowan launched the rose army a kind of personal cult that tries to hide the overt narcissism of its creator by supporting campaigns against domestic violence and female objectification full sjw mode is just a button away for her for instance she attacked gays for not being feminist enough and probably projecting her jealousy over not landing a significant acting role for an eternity claimed an xmen movie poster promoted violence against women so now comes the task of reconciling the new rose mcgowan with the old one whose selfobjectification is best described by this infamous photo with exboyfriend marilyn manson excuses excuses rose mcgowan has tried to gloss over her past history of selfobjectification and sexualization by saying she was merely a pawn of the patriarchy mcgowan is now even blaming her past personal feuds such as with a fellow charmed actress shannen doherty on patriarchy sexism and female objectification sadly this very public attentionseeking in which mcgowan wrote doherty an open letter comes at the same time that the latter is suffering from cancer but you know a girls gotta attentionwhore including when another girl she used to have catfights with is about to die rose mcgowan has a lot in common with pamela anderson ex playboy cover model anderson after an entire career made from taking her clothes off and otherwise selling her body as if she were competing for a championship has now come out against pornography she may not be bad for a gal nearing but her best years are a good years behind her i would wager that pamela anderson hit and spent the last several years in denial before she decided to lambaste an industry currently lauding nubile girls in their twenties and not her pornography addictions are bad but anderson showing these new colors in is nothing short of a joke andersons position can be summed up by the following two pictures time when she did not condemn pornography time when she condemns pornography previously a lot of attention has been paid to fat or unattractive girls being feminists these activists are nominally against the sexualization of women but appear to be driven primarily by envy and the need to diminish societys praise of attractive females whilst there is a lot of truth to this it only tells part of the story the rank opportunism of feminism is perhaps better explained by women who once made a career from selling their appearances and have subsequently turned on the industries whose financial teats they used to suckle and what better time to turn on these industries whether they be the pornography film or modeling markets than when your looks no longer allow you to actively participate in them this phenomenon runs parallel to female athletes both utilizing and complaining about their sexualization attractive tennis players like sabine lisicki and unattractive ones like serena williams have made careers out of wearing revealing oncourt clothing which is much more for show than practicality but when the chance presents itself lisicki and others have moaned like at this years wimbledon about how manufacturers designs make them show too much skin many of these girls may not have lost their attractiveness yet but they pick and choose when objectification is bad just like celebrities whose looks have abandoned them its not just famous people natasha devon many return of kings readers will remember natasha devon from her awful performance against milo yiannopoulos during a british sky news debate on fashion mannequins there seems to have been an eerie timing in devons transition from selfdescribed former model to sjw she founded a socalled body image education program in in her midtwenties i dont know about you but this seems to be the sort of age when nonfamous models in particular face the meat grinder due to competition from younger fresher girls as she hurtled towards natasha devon penned an article for cosmopolitan magazine on bulimia which morphed into a regular monthly column then came the selfesteem team devon created in frequently with government funding the selfesteem team has essentially applauded obesity britains number one health crisis and sought to reengineer what humans are programmed by evolution to find attractive devon along with anderson and mcgowan may chalk an antiobjectification epiphany down to age experience or something similarly convenient but the changes happened neither at the height of their selfsexualization careers nor during the prewall protracted slide always be on the look out for when exactly a woman took up feminist or general sjw activism when a woman complains about the objectification of women it usually means a she never had the goods to begin with b her goods werent enough to compete with other girls or c her goods are well and truly gone there is a delicious irony to option c as countless women will milk their looks until natureor a halfdecade of alcohol or drugfueled benderstakes them away feminism as projection it is par for the course in todays political climate that our enemies describe us as sad mommas boys who play out failed encounters with women through our beliefs of anyone roosh has faced this entirely baseless criticism the most all because our opponents have been unable to actually refute what he and return of kings say we need to turn this idea of projection against feminists even more than we have before modernday feminism is itself the domain of women seeking easy comforts from an ideology that explains away either their own faults or their most primal fears about a harsh uncertain world for women whose looks are now washedup feminism enables them to label objectification as wrong and soothe the crushing blows that come from no longer getting the attention they were used to rather than seeing these women as twisted and evil it is better to perceive the behavior for what it is desperation and the shocking realization that they are sexually irrelevant read more female danish athletes diminish their own championship victory by taking nude photos
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people become cuckservatives
selfimprovement return kings man always seeking improve fashion achieved one goal move onto next one short never rest laurels combining desire self improvement masculine independence minimalist lifestyle writers fine website inculcate desire improve thrifty relatively solitary article deals fitness know im going say personal trainers least ones average commercial gym avoided costs longterm fitness enthusiasts professionals likely either train one trainers knows hes us train alone especially beginners naught common sense light path another option books yes books simple yet elegant method transferring knowledge directly viewer certainly plenty books pertaining various fields fitness athletics question remains effective book physical training avid reader fitnessrelated tomes many others thats neither many books feel effectiveness judged grouping based genre weight lifting calisthenics first started getting physical culture young teenager turned nearby commercial gym tyros tend commercial gym quickly found attached wellmeaning jackass gave machineheavy program according would develop strength size endurance like naive young men followed developing none things lining trainers pockets eventually realizing lied embarked search enlightenment coming various corners internet deal interests one first things came across books repeatedly referred pages still consider best writing general fitness therethe works men paul wade pavel tsatsouline upon reading books power people convict condidtioning series using bit common sense deduced books superior typical tomes fitness commercial gyms would sell counter reasons one advocated physical philosophy simplicity purity rather advocating julienne exercises routines efficient targeted muscles body two credentials men cut average writer maximum security convict spetsnaz veteran respectively knew men needed train muscles fighting trim purposes survival rather curls girls third referred strongmen old like maxick eugen sandow standing shoulders giants opening eyes wider world fitness writing much consumed general would argue writing weightlifting calisthenics effective books fitness solitary activities books typically written one man speaking another man thus techniques written easily understood practiced user without partner martial arts repeatedly stated website martial arts general taken massive grain saltwhile im stupid say theres point training sort refined fighting style adrenaline yes seen boneheaded argument made also spent substantial amount time debunking overly flowery outright fictitious martial arts styles many hack authors filmmakers propagate website well youtube dailymotion channels sadly thanks martial arts less unregulated market united states clown full legal right proclaim master said martial arts books effective thoroughly explaining proper mechanics move andor explaining proper situations use background proper study also utilized books teach aspects martial arts formally taughtsuch grappling sought accomplished legitimate fighters decorated field men like farmer burns lessons catch wrestling physical culture masao takahashi mastering judo wrote detailed efficient books fighting clinch also used dr sang kims books taekwondo complete kicking learning exotic kicks background didnt teach course practiced resisting opponents wrestlers thus could shore technique important thing bear mind using martial arts book must practice techniques bagdummy least preferably sparring partner put fight also case book physical culture would argue important martial artsnamely martial arts techniques definition used panic situations contrast weightlifting almost always done state relative calmnessnot counting fake screaming idiots use pump mindsetmeditationetc books kundalini meditation manual yogi bhajan recently started use simultaneously simple complicated books selfimprovement use simple basic terms advice give basically think really hard something precisely abstractness make difficultmeditation nebulous concept best us grasp immediately ways changing ones mindset behavior difficult thing anybody admittedly depth knowledge two topics would say hard grasp easy practice grokked words anthony burgess every second every day life involve utilizing mindset thus difficulty lies original understanding conclusion looking three broad genres male selfimprovement books see differ greatly content speaking position experience safely say great extent effective teach new things get one relatively books arent written armchair alpha males diligently practice information contained within read effective fighting techniques every man know
August Moliere
the only strategy that could have stopped donald trump
every man who supports donald trump came to it from a different path some of you support him because of economic impoverishment or because you have seen your neighborhoods degrade from illegal immigrants or maybe you support him because you were attacked for being politically incorrect for me and many other men we came to support trump because we shared truths about sex and the true nature of women the fight began in with the southern poverty law center in march after years of teaching men how to improve their sex lives through books and web sites i was put on a list by the jewishoperated southern poverty law center for being a misogynist i was shaken up by this because i knew that my desire to enjoy sex with beautiful women and share the truths ive learned from it put me on a path of no return either i close down shop immediately or accept that the mob would one day come pounding on my door i decided to keep going i responded to the splc designation with an article titled my existence is becoming illegal where i described how heterosexual sex was now a defiant political act if the male received any benefit from it it is clear that gender hate is now a oneway street men can hate women but not the other way around men can rape women cant men can be abusive both physically and emotionally but women cant men can be misogynist but women cant be misandrist a word that is unknown to most of the american population men can be described as lazy slobs who play video games all day but women are perfect asis in a country where there are organizations trying to convince you that being fat is both healthy and beautiful male teachers get sent to poundmeintheass prison if they have sex with a student but female teachers only get a slap on the wrist if youre a man youre likely a perpetrator of hate violence and abuse to innocent american women even if you dont yet realize your thought crime but never the other way around fast forward two years to october witch hunts by leftists were in force rage mobs were crawling through social networking looking for racists homophobes and sexists with the aim of getting them fired i studied the people who were participating in these witch hunts and wrote one of the most important articles ive ever published what is a social justice warrior sjw the article was widely shared influencing how people viewed the useful idiot layer of individuals who were guided and controlled by establishment forces consisting of academia the corporate news media hollywood fortune companies silicon valley and the billionaire owners of our politicians scratch a feminist sjw and youll find the reptilian skin of a billionaire who created the narrative she believes i was pessimistic when i wrote the sjw article thinking wed need a full generation years to even begin defeating such a powerful antiamerican entity i focused on teaching men selfdefense and avoidance instead of ways to defeat them little did i know that i was defining them at their absolute peak and barely two years later a candidate who stood for the diametric opposite of social justice would win the presidency the social justice warriors havent gone away and they are rushing to fulfill the will of george soros by refusing to accept the results of a fair election but the power they have to force people to bend to their demands has been reduced along with the power of the institutions that support them though sjwism peaked in i had to face the full brunt of their attacks in the summer of during the canadian stops of my lecture tour and again in february during the international meetups i survived those attacks and the fact that im still here right now and able to exercise my free speech on all my platformswhile youre still here participatingshows clearly how little power they really had to stop us they bruised me during the meetup outrage but i healed quickly enough to weaponize my sites to spread my support of an even bigger enemy of theirs donald trump donald trump ground zero im a pessimist by nature so i didnt have much hope that the establishment would allow trump to win in the primaries even though i was confident his ideas resonated with most americans but then i noticed that he simply couldnt be knocked out no matter what his enemies did i saw him humiliate jeb bush outcompete a resurgent ted cruz and smack down any attempt by the media to force him to display weakness by the time i attended the republican national convention in cleveland i started to believe the ground zero for donald trump within the manosphere was the donald trump thread on the forum created in june by veteran member and rok contributor samseau this is where the battle unfolded for thosuands of men over pages long the thread has been viewed nearly million times ideas within it have filtered out into mainstream discourse as described here to men with bullhorns larger than i have after significant battles in a real war medals are awarded but soldiers dont nitpick on who was the best soldier they all worked as a team to ensure victory from the general donald trump the colonels his advisers the captains major media influencers like alex jones matt drudge paul joseph watson and mike cernovich the sergeants men like myself the specialists men like samseau and on down to the private a regular commenter who contributes the occasional meme or argument in his spare time the ego cares about how impactful one is how influential its ideas are but the team player only cares about victory for the whole whether i am a private or a sergeant i fought side by side with men in that thread and on this web site to what amounts to a modern fourthgenerational informational war that will be studied by historians in the future who would have guessed that public internet sites operating on free opensource software would have such a positive effect on not just the result of the election but on the lives of so many men who participated in it approaching the date of the election two months before the election i did a youtube video urging men to vote for trump and it resulted in nearly unsubscribes within a day surprising even me since i thought my audience was mostly men who would automatically support a trump presidency the video echoed a lot of sentiments i shared in the article if donald trump doesnt win were screwed where i tried to convey the danger of a hillary presidency obama was the race president and look how badly he has damaged race relations in only eight years hillary will be the gender president the future we have in store should be absolutely clear to you if she happens to defeat trump not only will she move to establish a technomatriarchy where men are secondclass citizens to any female but she will ensure that no movement or organization will be able to challenge her or her establishment cronies ever again this isnt a trivial matter of getting banned from a web site like twitter or youtubemany of you will be forced to escape the country for no other reason than you happening to be a man who found himself on the wrong side of the establishment for the next month i stared at the calendar waiting for the election to happen doing what i could to push back against the narrative on twitter then in early october an old tape was released of trump saying he grabs girls by the pussy because they let him my sister called me confused and asked if he really was a bad man i told her that the media is distorting his comments just like they distorted mine a few months earlier when their proclaimed me as a prorape advocate i told her not to believe the media and to judge trump by his actions and his policies not a gotcha moment that was being spun out of control to help hillarys failing campaign i spoke to her with confidence but inside i was concerned in a politically correct world would this be the blow to sink trumps candidacy is the majority of americans actually ready to defeat political correctness thankfully trump responded strongly ignoring calls by the traitors in the republican party to step down the first poll to come in after pussygate suggested that trumps support didnt decline the fake controversy didnt work i held my breath for the next few days to see if another tape would come out maybe of him saying the nword but none did and i knew the establishment had no more bullets this was the moment where i finally believed i felt a rush of energy on that day as my subconscious accepted that trump was going to win i did a periscope that night as if i was amped up on methamphetamine but i took no drug from that point on it was just a matter of hanging on until finally on november when he was elected president i was in disbelief after he won because it was only four years prior when i was attacked by the same forces that were aligned against trump i didnt have to wait long until my personal enemies were dealt a monstrous defeat by another man whom i consider on the same team as us if i made any miscalculation it was that it would take a generation or longer for us to begin pushing back against establishment forces i underestimated our own power and those of our allies in the alternative internet space human control is a foolhardy endeavor the most important lesson i learned from trumps victory is how pointless it is to control human beings both their behaviors and their minds every single major institution in the united states represented by billions of dollars of economic activity and influence could not stop a populist candidate in spite of trying everything short of assassination george soros and his billions werent effective obama and his allies werent effective the mainstream media and their dozens of outlets werent effective ceos of the biggest companies in the united states werent effective hollywood and its superstars werent effective academia and its thousands of professors werent effective social media and its censorship efforts werent effective the fbi allowing hillary to skate from real crimes wasnt effective even donald trumps own party wasnt effective in stopping him its absolutely incredible that all these forces couldnt stop one man and his believers what a disgrace to the fields of scientific management and modern propaganda for them all to fail so miserably think right now of how much effort the antitrump forces put into stopping him from winning think of how much money they spent to guarantee their desired outcome and now think how it was all for nothing they accomplished the very opposite of what they moved mountains to accomplish after decades of cementing their control within the country by sucking the truth and life blood from the american public whatever term you use to describe the force that governs our existencenature god tao or so onit is clear that humans cannot control it all and that the pendulum will swing when it wants to swing that the wheel of history will turn when it wants to turn and your billions of dollars and your propaganda and your institutions can do nothing to stop it imagine how impotent george soros and his friends must feel after their limitless money and influence was all for nothing now they have to perfect their control methods even more open their pocket books further and try to force their will upon a population as if pushing food into the mouth of someone who is already full their desire to control you is nothing but their own psychological failings of trying to alleviate their crippling fears of trying to prove to themselves and to the world that they are a somebody that they are powerful that the world must be shaped into their image that they are gods among men but it should be clear to you by now that they are not gods but sociopaths who gamed an economic system to amass huge amounts of capital and money much of that will be flushed down the drain as they continue to fight and grasp their way to unequivocal defeat or attempting to control those who do not want to be controlled you can control human beings but only temporarily and only some of them at the end of the day humans want to do what they want to do and if you dont possess what they wish to buy they will go to someone who does no matter how much money you spend on your mechanisms of control the more you control what does not want to be controlled the more tension is created and then released in the great unraveling of which we are currently living through in previous eras that tension resulted in victorious parades on the streets but in our modern era it is in the form of online celebrations with the use of tweets and memes if you want to be a true leader of society create an environment where humans can associate with whom they want can freely engage in commerce can create families can live in safety can search for the truth without interference and can work and play and live according to their nature put stone walls blocking their righteous will and watch them be torn down it may take a decade it may take years but it will happen and the contraptions you used to control them will reveal not your strength but your own pathetic weakness conclusion we are tired of being controlled leave us alone we are tired of institutions that are obsessed with controlling us of forcing us to believe in falsehoods of programming us to hate our country of pitting woman against man and black against white leave us alone let men be men and from that a new american renaissance will come forth men who are strong and good must be allowed to live their lives and if you prevent us from doing so we wont allow you to live yours we will humiliate your useful idiots we will destroy your institutions we will lash out with more than just memes im afraid that those who stand against us are gearing up for even greater authoritarian control over us but at least now we have our man in the white house who can join us in a fight that we have already been battling for many years i cant wait to see where this fight takes us next read next what donald trumps victory means for men
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comment swallowed red pill take test people become cuckservatives
myth male privilege myth male privilege november comments culture happens woman doesnt want baby aborts go doctor minor procedure inconveniences day man impregnated legal right prevent happens man doesnt want baby assuming woman wants keep ordered court provide payments chooses money automatically garnished salary garnishment option sent prison woman kill life empowered receiving interference state man choose merely ignore life imprisoned life ruined live society male privilege nov roosh valizadeh
Brian Gerard
why do people become cuckservatives
were all about selfimprovement here at return of kings a man should always be seeking to improve himself in some fashion and when he has achieved one goal he should move onto the next one in short never rest on your laurels combining this desire for self improvement with the masculine independence and minimalist lifestyle that other writers on this fine website should inculcate in you a desire to improve yourself while being thrifty and relatively solitary as this article deals with fitness you know what im going to say personal trainers or at the very least the ones at your average commercial gym should be avoided at all costs and while most longterm fitness enthusiasts and professionals will likely either train by themselves or have one of the few trainers that knows what hes doing most of us have to train alone especially beginners who have naught but common sense to light his path but there is another option books yes books that simple yet elegant method of transferring knowledge directly to its viewer there are certainly plenty of books out there pertaining to the various fields of fitness and athletics but the question remains how effective is a book in physical training as an avid reader of fitnessrelated tomes and many others but thats neither here nor there i own many of these books and i feel that their effectiveness can be judged by grouping them based on genre weight lifting and calisthenics when i first started getting into physical culture as a young teenager i turned to the nearby commercial gym as most tyros tend to in that commercial gym i quickly found myself being attached to a wellmeaning jackass who gave me a machineheavy program that according to him would develop strength size and endurance and like most naive young men i followed him developing none of those things but lining the trainers pockets eventually realizing that i had been lied to i embarked on a search for enlightenment coming to the various corners of the internet that deal in such interests one of the first things that i came across were books that i have repeatedly referred to in these pages and still consider to be some of the best writing on general fitness out therethe works of men such as paul wade and pavel tsatsouline upon reading books such as power to the people and the convict condidtioning series and using a bit of common sense i deduced that these books were superior than the typical tomes on fitness that the commercial gyms would sell at the counter for a few reasons one they advocated a physical philosophy of simplicity and purity rather than advocating a julienne of exercises their routines were efficient and targeted all muscles of the body two the credentials of the men were a cut above the average writer as a maximum security convict and a spetsnaz veteran respectively i knew that these men needed to train their muscles to fighting trim for purposes of survival rather than doing curls for the girls and third they referred to the strongmen of old like maxick and eugen sandow standing on the shoulders of giants and opening my eyes to the wider world of fitness writing much of which i have further consumed in general i would argue that writing on weightlifting and calisthenics are the most effective books on fitness as these are solitary activities and the books are typically written by one man speaking to another man thus the techniques there in are written to be easily understood and practiced by the user without a partner martial arts as i have repeatedly stated on this website martial arts in general should be taken with a massive grain of saltwhile im not so stupid as to say theres no point in training any sort of refined fighting style because of adrenaline and yes i have seen this boneheaded argument made i have also spent a substantial amount of time debunking the overly flowery and outright fictitious martial arts styles that many hack authors and filmmakers propagate on my own website as well as my youtube and dailymotion channels sadly thanks to martial arts being more or less an unregulated market in the united states any clown has the full legal right to proclaim himself a master with that being said some martial arts books are effective thoroughly explaining the proper mechanics of a move andor explaining proper situations in how to use them while i have a background in proper study i have also utilized books to teach aspects of martial arts that i was not formally taughtsuch as grappling and again i sought out accomplished and legitimate fighters that were decorated in their field men like farmer burns lessons in catch wrestling and physical culture and masao takahashi mastering judo wrote detailed and efficient books for fighting in the clinch and i have also used dr sang kims books on taekwondo such as complete kicking for learning some of the more exotic kicks that my own background didnt teach me and of course i practiced on resisting opponents some of whom had been wrestlers themselves and thus could shore up my technique the most important thing to bear in mind when using a martial arts book is that you must practice these techniques against a bagdummy at the very least and preferably with a sparring partner that will put up a fight and while this is also the case for any book on physical culture i would argue that its the most important for martial artsnamely because martial arts techniques are by definition used in panic situations in contrast weightlifting is almost always done in a state of relative calmnessnot counting the fake screaming idiots use to pump themselves up mindsetmeditationetc books such as the kundalini meditation manual by yogi bhajan which i have only recently started to use are simultaneously the most simple and most complicated books on selfimprovement to use they are simple because in very basic terms the advice they give is basically think really hard about something but it is precisely that abstractness that can make them difficultmeditation is a nebulous concept for the best of us to grasp immediately and in some ways changing ones mindset and behavior is the most difficult thing anybody can do while i admittedly do not have the depth of knowledge in these that i do with the other two topics i would say that these are hard to grasp but easy to practice once they have been grokked in the words of anthony burgess after all every second of every day of your life will involve you utilizing your mindset and thus its difficulty lies in the original understanding conclusion looking at these three broad genres of male selfimprovement books we can see that they differ greatly in content but speaking from a position of experience i can safely say that to a great extent they are effective and they can teach you new things but only if you get one of the relatively few books that arent written by armchair alpha males and only if you diligently practice the information contained within them read more effective fighting techniques that every man should know
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american woman bikini desecrates french catacombs female indiana jones brand
become minimalist become minimalist february comments lifestyle abused word english language need youre reading post contend little actually need beyond currently possess ample electricity power computer climatecontrolled environment running water food wellstocked refrigerator always hear people talking need stuff humans deeplyrooted drive compete advertisers capitalize impulse take moment picture average person meet take pride buying newest thing allows join club consumers fleeting moment measured equal playing field despite personal shortcomings internal pain lifes problems dissipates split second boast superiority everyone doesnt shiny widget conspicuous consumption creates selffulfilling egoinvestment broken system although borrowing money useless luxury purchases subjugates people debt slavery mentality paid hunk metal im working overtime pay must worth things commercials telling buy quite literally working jobs hate buy shit dont need youre reading blog likely male aged wants one following quit job travel explore locationindependent income get shape take charge relationship learn valuable life skills minimalist mentality helps things fewer possessions forces properly place higher value experiences make safer fulfilling travel touch truly makes happy youre working side hustle starting business desire needless possessions drains disposable income levels prevents taking risks business fails give car lease preempt loss aversion less lose want move better city higher cost living excess stuff sets floor much rent youll pay house crap turn much spend leisure activities youre distractable person like removing visual noise area makes likely create things mind less likely fixate environment throwing giving useless things away good first step since possessions psychic weight may realize rid fully embrace mindset must also kill desires inculcated since birth cut consumer impressions watching less tv trying rationally dissect techniques used advertisements encounter find fulfillment hobbies work rather chasing rush eventual hedonic adaptation consuming much like drug successive bouts consumerism create higher baseline overall happiness different end bunch useless crap ties girls also troublesome endeavor ever notice girl spends extended time living space beings tell need new replacement good friend told human beings innate desire create women cant redecorate limit exposure women attempt thwart separation consumerism ironically men likely lead minimalistnomadic lifestyle simply attractive primesmv women think whether starving artist bottle service guy throwing money around ends getting ass always watch women behave rather listening say protesting lifestyle change ask house burned nothing clothes back would worth society would feel losing possessions people plugged matrix would rather die think replacing aunt gladyss vase baby pictures havent looked decade illusion begin divorce emotional investment stuff implicitly place value skills past experiences minimalism synonym frugality cheapness dont wear potato sack pedaling used tricycle work every day simply choose allocate money experiences possessions fulfill advance lifes purpose rather enslave debt trinkets collect dust somewhere taking red pill learning separate priorities desires society forces upon dont promise adopting mindset make everybody happy certainly help clarify contributes individual sense self allow focus internal external traits exemplify man value
Why Do People Become Cuckservatives?
comment on have you swallowed the red pill take the test by why do people become cuckservatives
the myth of male privilege the myth of male privilege november comments culture what happens when a woman doesnt want a baby she aborts it she can go to the doctor for a minor procedure that inconveniences her for a day the man who impregnated her has no legal right to prevent her from doing so what happens when a man doesnt want a baby assuming the woman wants to keep it he is ordered by a court to provide payments if he chooses not to money will be automatically garnished from his salary if garnishment is not an option he is sent to prison a woman can kill life and she is empowered while receiving no interference from the state a man can choose to merely ignore life and he can be imprisoned his life ruined and we live in a society of male privilege nov roosh valizadeh
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donald trump rushed stage reno possible assassination attempt
everyone reminded media infallible composed fallible human beings make mistakes regularity rest us recently reading bit something statistics called galtons problem observational dynamic named discoverer sir francis galton state crudely galtons problem situation resulting observers assume certain things separate discrete fact example failed predict donald trumps electoral victory assumed social conditions united states isolated rest world people failed notice evidence widespread public anger many countries notably england italy france hungary sir francis galton failure take consideration big picture still forgivable course one right time even time systems modern world suffer much input data rather little deliberate lying quite another matter undeniable mainstream media outlets deliberately sought conceal truth variety domestic foreign issues rather act check governmental power media actually become arm government power enforcing doctrinal orthodoxy variety carrots sticks proven reasonably effective individual journalists play significant roles process consider favorite example mine case famed baseball player ty cobb ive admirer cobb long time ever since reading autobiography boy something never quite felt true stories biographers would tell worst sports writer al stump whose biography cobb discredited mostly fabrication stump granted exclusive access ty cobb biographical purposes cobb shared many intimate details life career instead faithfully reproducing recollections stump embellished slanted outright fabricated numerous anecdotes designed cast cobb worst possible light stump portrayed cobb southern racist cobb georgia misogynist even murderer cobb alive time stories began circulate unable defend add insult injury stumps writings used basis terrible film called cobb starred tommy lee jones film tissue lies distortions deserved toand didflop box office real ty cobb complex driven highly intelligent figure knew court controversy actually gentleman standards era readers interested reading consult wonderful biography charles leerhsen entitled ty cobb terrible beauty famous photo cobb stealing third base begin cobb used brains rather brawn beat opponents made careful studies top players day crafted strategies designed exploit weaknesses example learned pitcher walter johnson hated hitting batters pitches cobb would crowd plate force johnson walk learned get inside heads adversaries forcing lose tempers cobb would steal bases right noses remains one players history knew steal home base one legend cobb persisted violent brawler simply true true men era got fistfights oftenit part healthy masculine culture back thenbut never gratuitously assaulted struck anyone incidents held examples misbehavior eg fight black groundskeeper assorted hotel brawls prove closer inspection nothing standard types fights physicallyminded men like became entangled nearly ballplayers era engaged including babe ruth al stumps character assassination cobb went even painting unreconstructed southern racist grudge blacks completely false cobb actually one early supporters integration big leagues asked opinion subject sporting news said negro right compete sports say nothing compliments black athletes like willie mays jackie robinson players negro league cobb interacted confirm trace prejudice cobbs makeup cobb mentored younger players corresponded fans personalized letters helped found hospital college education fund cobb certainly angel hindsight nothing aggressive daring man played professional sports time things much less regulated cobb may even allowed spurious tales circulate order court publicity limit complete fairy tales would tolerate stumps lies pervasive persistent mythology surrounding cobb take decades undo anything cobb trusting letting man like stump confidence cobb angry stumps hatchet job preparing sue prevent publication stumps writings death terrible film cobb added oil fire malicious journalism serious damage sometimes damage comes ignorance times deliberate peddling falsehood motives lyingwhether coming money fame desire virtue signalcan always found one digs surface modern era default rule must seek independent confirmation news stories remember journalists subject human emotions weaknesses rest us read examination cult leader game
André du Pôle
american woman in bikini desecrates french catacombs for her female indiana jones brand
why you should become a minimalist why you should become a minimalist february comments lifestyle the most abused word in the english language is need if youre reading this post i contend there is little that you actually need beyond what you currently possess you have ample electricity to power your computer in a climatecontrolled environment with running water and food in your wellstocked refrigerator why then do you always hear people talking about how they need more stuff humans have a deeplyrooted drive to compete with each other and advertisers capitalize on this impulse take a moment to picture the average person that you meet what do they have to take pride in buying the newest thing allows them to join the club of consumers and for a fleeting moment to be measured on an equal playing field despite their personal shortcomings the internal pain of their lifes problems dissipates for the split second they can boast superiority over everyone who doesnt have the same shiny widget this conspicuous consumption creates a selffulfilling egoinvestment in the broken system although borrowing money for useless luxury purchases subjugates people into debt slavery the mentality is if i paid for this hunk of metal and im working overtime to pay it off it must be worth it and so are other things that the commercials are telling me to buy quite literally we are working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we dont need if youre reading this blog you are likely a male aged who wants to do one or more of the following quit your job travel explore a locationindependent income get yourself in shape take charge of a relationship and learn valuable life skills a minimalist mentality helps you do all of these things having fewer possessions forces you to properly place a higher value on experiences this will make it safer and more fulfilling to travel because you are in touch with what truly makes you happy if youre working on a side hustle or starting a business the desire for needless possessions drains your disposable income levels and prevents you from taking risks if my business fails will i have to give up my car lease preempt this loss aversion by having less to lose if you want to move to a better city with a higher cost of living having excess stuff sets a floor on how much rent youll pay to house your crap and in turn how much you can spend on leisure activities if youre a distractable person like me removing visual noise from your area makes you more likely to create things with your mind and less likely to fixate on your environment throwing or giving useless things away is a good first step since possessions have a psychic weight that you may not realize until you rid yourself of them to fully embrace this mindset you must also kill the desires that have been inculcated in you since birth cut down on your consumer impressions by watching less tv and trying to rationally dissect the techniques used in the few advertisements you encounter find fulfillment in hobbies and work rather than chasing the rush and eventual hedonic adaptation from consuming much like a drug successive bouts of consumerism create a higher baseline where your overall happiness is no different but you end up having a bunch of useless crap that ties you down girls can also be troublesome in this endeavor ever notice that when a girl spends extended time in your living space she beings to tell you that you need a new this or a replacement that a good friend once told me all human beings have an innate desire to create most women cant so they redecorate limit your exposure to women who attempt to thwart a separation from consumerism ironically men likely to lead a minimalistnomadic lifestyle are simply more attractive to primesmv women think about whether the starving artist or the bottle service guy throwing money around ends up getting more ass as always watch how women behave rather than listening to what they say when they are protesting your lifestyle change ask yourself this if your house burned down and you had nothing but the clothes on your back what would you be worth to society and to yourself how would you feel about losing all of the possessions you own most people plugged into the matrix would rather die than think about replacing aunt gladyss vase or baby pictures they havent looked at in a decade this is an illusion once you begin to divorce yourself from this emotional investment to stuff you will implicitly place more value on your skills and past experiences minimalism is not a synonym for frugality or cheapness i dont wear a potato sack while pedaling a used tricycle to work every day i simply choose to allocate my money to experiences and a few possessions that will fulfill me and advance my lifes purpose rather than enslave myself into debt for trinkets that will collect dust somewhere taking the red pill is about learning to separate your priorities and desires from those that society forces upon you i dont promise that adopting this mindset will make everybody happy but it will certainly help to clarify what contributes to your individual sense of self and will allow you to focus on the internal and external traits that exemplify a man of value
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federal jury finds uva rape hoax journalist sabrina rubin erdely rolling stone liable defamation
media beginning demonize manosphere alt right twitter suspended multiple accounts milo yiannopoulos ricky vaughn matt forney guardian wrote hit piece red pill media called altright groups xenophobic racist misogynist despite pointing single piece evidence antitrump rallies continue rage across nation new york city philadelphia michigan media completely ignores assaults occurring trump voters despite elites attempts destroy us fact winning battle reasons simple truth always powerful falsehood numerous effectively silenced dont congregate one single platform collection individuals based around ideology high energy decisive assertive confident men would like offer supporters causes signs hope victory near trump going lead way george soros sued million according breitbart along dozens alternative news sites dallas police department sergeant demetrick pennie president dallas fallen officer foundation suing multitude individuals inciting race war george soros hillary clinton jesse jackson barrack obama new black panthers individuals might claim theres way someone take collection massively powerful wealthy elites single lawsuit may right however whether lawsuit successful completely irrelevant matters far word starting get president dallas fallen officer foundation extremely reputable organization taking steps file massive lawsuit individuals least several things potentially serve massive blow globalists show elites back generate huge amounts public awareness show average gun rights promoting masculine traditional american support best lawsuit filed united states district court northern district texas means outcome generally good either way first theres high likelihood winning due case handled texas highly conservative state second event case doesnt win likely pursued way supreme court occurs expect truly amazing things happen reason president united states responsible appointing supreme court judgesand guess whos going president two months grubhub crash matt maloney ceo online food delivery service grubhub proclaimed email agree trumps politics resign stock dropped nearly days since time addition companys stock tanking received ample backlash sites manner twitter facebook reddit independent blogs major altright news centers fellow rok contributors manosphere bloggers talking mentioned tangible impact trump voters hillarys supporters lack characteristics necessary make change burning passion sense purpose moral fortitude sense justice selfconfidence courage stand rights fucking spine win period antitrump crowd based around massive entitlement complex victim complex thinking blind social sheep people like ever political financial power world course think hard working businessmen entrepreneurs people investing stock market order take control financial future hard working intelligent men dont make excuses obviously know types men voted donald trump think dow jones industrial average time high trumps win restored faith america rise new media mainstream media repeatedly shown completely incompetent regards actually reporting issues nothing puppet show meant distract entertain brainwash american public consistently lied candidates manipulated evidence falsified facts skewed statistics polls defamed multiple individuals mere political opinion happen longer rise new media men begun establishing outlets across platforms reddit twitter facebook youtube periscope list goes firmly believe next eight years looked back historians one important times humanitys time earth america brought world stability stood symbol ideal countries follow monolith free speech bravery economic prosperityand elites tried destroy satisfy greedy little egos men america past years cough obamas presidency cough seen exponential increase quantity alternative news outlets also quality sites merely blogs years ago evolved fullblown news syndicates live reporting onsite video footage actual news anchors literally people fighting back want freedom speech mainstream media draws final breath theyre proclaiming theres new radical whitenationalist group called altright attempt make us look like evil fascists fact somebody threaten kill twitter banned course repeated favoring violent mentally ill leftists makes clear msms agenda istotal control complete suppression freedoms speech sorry alternative media isnt going let happen massive boycotts antitrump companies lefts hypocrisy never ceases amaze somehow completely legally destroy independent family owned business simply refusing bake gay couple cake trump supporters simply boycott multibillion dollar conglomerate ones hateful response several ceos statements regarding trumps racism hate men women voted donald trump decided simply boycott despite completely legal antiviolent response left arms list companies whose ceos caught attacking donald trump proamerican policies pepsico pepsi lays mountain dew starbucks nabisco brands include oreo chips ahoy ritz netflix macys ben jerrys every single one companies either spoken trump directly refused business trump moved factory production outside us nabisco started moving production mexico companies ben jerrys even openly supported terrorist movement black lives matter actions signify trump supporters power assertiveness courage willingness take action donald trump wonhis supporters grown ups little babies want safe spaces antifree speech zones donald trumps voters get oppressed biased controlled media elite globalists dont whine cry something protest stop supporting companies shipping jobs away speak logical rational way anger hatred left towards white men take lives hands rather relying stupid system caters cry babies whiners take health hands take finances hands take relationships hands dont wait around someone else themthey get done trump got office going make america great read ways start fighting back onslaught liberalism
News Syndicator
donald trump rushed off stage in reno after possible assassination attempt
by now everyone has been reminded that the media is not infallible it is composed of very fallible human beings who make mistakes with the same regularity as all the rest of us i was recently reading a bit about something in statistics called galtons problem an observational dynamic named after its discoverer sir francis galton to state it very crudely galtons problem is a situation resulting when observers assume that certain things are separate and discrete when in fact they are not for example those who failed to predict donald trumps electoral victory assumed that social conditions in the united states were isolated from those of the rest of the world such people failed to notice the evidence of widespread public anger in many other countries most notably england italy france and hungary sir francis galton failure to take into consideration the big picture is still forgivable of course no one can be right all the time or even most of the time systems in the modern world suffer from too much input and data rather than too little but deliberate lying is quite another matter and it is undeniable that some mainstream media outlets have deliberately sought to conceal the truth on a variety of domestic and foreign issues rather than act as a check on governmental power the media has actually become an arm of government power enforcing doctrinal orthodoxy with a variety of carrots and sticks that have proven to be reasonably effective individual journalists can play significant roles in this process consider a favorite example of mine the case of famed baseball player ty cobb ive been an admirer of cobb for a very long time ever since reading his autobiography as a boy something never quite felt true about all those stories that other biographers would tell about him the worst of these was sports writer al stump whose biography of cobb has now been discredited as mostly fabrication stump was granted exclusive access to ty cobb in and for his biographical purposes cobb shared with him many intimate details of his life and career but instead of faithfully reproducing those recollections stump embellished slanted and outright fabricated numerous anecdotes designed to cast cobb in the worst possible light stump portrayed cobb as a southern racist cobb was from georgia a misogynist and even a murderer cobb was not alive at the time all these stories began to circulate and was unable to defend himself to add insult to injury stumps writings were used as the basis for a terrible film called cobb which starred tommy lee jones the film is a tissue of lies and distortions that deserved toand didflop at the box office the real ty cobb was a complex driven and highly intelligent figure who knew how to court controversy when he had to but was actually a gentleman by the standards of the era readers interested in further reading should consult the wonderful biography by charles leerhsen entitled ty cobb a terrible beauty a famous photo of cobb stealing third base to begin with cobb used brains rather than brawn to beat his opponents he made careful studies of all the top players of his day and crafted strategies designed to exploit their weaknesses for example when he learned that pitcher walter johnson hated hitting batters with pitches cobb would crowd the plate to force johnson to walk him he learned how to get inside the heads of his adversaries forcing them to lose their tempers when they did cobb would steal bases right under their noses he remains one of the few players in history who knew how to steal home base one legend about cobb that has persisted is that he was a violent brawler this is simply not true it is true that men of his era got into fistfights oftenit was part of a healthy masculine culture back thenbut he never gratuitously assaulted or struck anyone the few incidents that have been held out as examples of his misbehavior eg a fight with a black groundskeeper and assorted hotel brawls prove to be on closer inspection nothing more than the standard types of fights that physicallyminded men like him became entangled with nearly all ballplayers of his era engaged in them including babe ruth al stumps character assassination of cobb went even further painting him as an unreconstructed southern racist who had a grudge against blacks this is completely false cobb was actually one of the few early supporters of integration in the big leagues when asked his opinion about subject by the sporting news in he said the negro has the right to compete in sports and who is to say he has not he had nothing but compliments for black athletes like willie mays and jackie robinson and players in the negro league whom cobb interacted with in the s confirm that there was no trace of prejudice in cobbs makeup cobb mentored younger players corresponded with fans with personalized letters and helped found a hospital and a college education fund cobb was certainly no angel but in hindsight he was nothing more than an aggressive daring man who played professional sports at a time when things were much less regulated than they are now cobb himself may even have allowed spurious tales about himself to circulate in order to court publicity but he had a limit and complete fairy tales he would not tolerate stumps lies have been so pervasive and persistent that the mythology surrounding cobb will take decades to undo if anything cobb was too trusting in letting a man like stump into his confidence cobb was so angry with stumps hatchet job that he was preparing to sue to prevent publication of stumps writings in just before his death the terrible film cobb only added more oil to the fire malicious journalism can do serious damage sometimes the damage comes from ignorance other times from deliberate peddling of falsehood the motives for lyingwhether coming from money fame or the desire to virtue signalcan always be found if one digs below the surface in the modern era the default rule must be to seek independent confirmation of news stories and to remember that journalists are subject to the same human emotions and weaknesses as all the rest of us read more an examination of cult leader game
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dont believe myth weightlifting slow
home month popular path men took trump path men took trump daryush roosh valizadeh created rok october visit blog rooshvcom follow twitter facebook rss november politics every man supports donald trump came different path support economic impoverishment seen neighborhoods degrade illegal immigrants maybe support attacked politically incorrect many men came support trump shared truths sex true nature women fight began southern poverty law center march years teaching men improve sex lives books web sites put list jewishoperated southern poverty law center misogynist shaken knew desire enjoy sex beautiful women share truths ive learned put path return either close shop immediately accept mob would one day come pounding door decided keep going responded splc designation article titled existence becoming illegal described heterosexual sex defiant political act male received benefit clear gender hate oneway street men hate women way around men rape women cant men abusive physically emotionally women cant men misogynist women cant misandrist word unknown american population men described lazy slobs play video games day women perfect asis country organizations trying convince fat healthy beautiful male teachers get sent poundmeintheass prison sex student female teachers get slap wrist youre man youre likely perpetrator hate violence abuse innocent american women even dont yet realize thought crime never way around fast forward two years october witch hunts leftists force rage mobs crawling social networking looking racists homophobes sexists aim getting fired studied people participating witch hunts wrote one important articles ive ever published social justice warrior sjw article widely shared influencing people viewed useful idiot layer individuals guided controlled establishment forces consisting academia corporate news media hollywood fortune companies silicon valley billionaire owners politicians scratch feminist sjw youll find reptilian skin billionaire created narrative believes pessimistic wrote sjw article thinking wed need full generation years even begin defeating powerful antiamerican entity focused teaching men selfdefense avoidance instead ways defeat little know defining absolute peak barely two years later candidate stood diametric opposite social justice would win presidency social justice warriors havent gone away rushing fulfill george soros refusing accept results fair election power force people bend demands reduced along power institutions support though sjwism peaked face full brunt attacks summer canadian stops lecture tour february international meetups survived attacks fact im still right able exercise free speech platformswhile youre still participatingshows clearly little power really stop us bruised meetup outrage healed quickly enough weaponize sites spread support even bigger enemy donald trump donald trump ground zero im pessimist nature didnt much hope establishment would allow trump win primaries even though confident ideas resonated americans noticed simply couldnt knocked matter enemies saw humiliate jeb bush outcompete resurgent ted cruz smack attempt media force display weakness time attended republican national convention cleveland started believe ground zero donald trump within manosphere donald trump thread forum created june veteran member rok contributor samseau battle unfolded thosuands men pages long thread viewed nearly million times ideas within filtered mainstream discourse described men bullhorns larger significant battles real war medals awarded soldiers dont nitpick best soldier worked team ensure victory general donald trump colonels advisers captains major media influencers like alex jones matt drudge paul joseph watson mike cernovich sergeants men like specialists men like samseau private regular commenter contributes occasional meme argument spare time ego cares impactful one influential ideas team player cares victory whole whether private sergeant fought side side men thread web site amounts modern fourthgenerational informational war studied historians future would guessed public internet sites operating free opensource software would positive effect result election lives many men participated approaching date election two months election youtube video urging men vote trump resulted nearly unsubscribes within day surprising even since thought audience mostly men would automatically support trump presidency video echoed lot sentiments shared article donald trump doesnt win screwed tried convey danger hillary presidency obama race president look badly damaged race relations eight years hillary gender president future store absolutely clear happens defeat trump move establish technomatriarchy men secondclass citizens female ensure movement organization able challenge establishment cronies ever isnt trivial matter getting banned web site like twitter youtubemany forced escape country reason happening man found wrong side establishment next month stared calendar waiting election happen could push back narrative twitter early october old tape released trump saying grabs girls pussy let sister called confused asked really bad man told media distorting comments like distorted mine months earlier proclaimed prorape advocate told believe media judge trump actions policies gotcha moment spun control help hillarys failing campaign spoke confidence inside concerned politically correct world would blow sink trumps candidacy majority americans actually ready defeat political correctness thankfully trump responded strongly ignoring calls traitors republican party step first poll come pussygate suggested trumps support didnt decline fake controversy didnt work held breath next days see another tape would come maybe saying nword none knew establishment bullets moment finally believed felt rush energy day subconscious accepted trump going win periscope night amped methamphetamine took drug point matter hanging finally november elected president disbelief four years prior attacked forces aligned trump didnt wait long personal enemies dealt monstrous defeat another man consider team us made miscalculation would take generation longer us begin pushing back establishment forces underestimated power allies alternative internet space human control foolhardy endeavor important lesson learned trumps victory pointless control human beings behaviors minds every single major institution united states represented billions dollars economic activity influence could stop populist candidate spite trying everything short assassination george soros billions werent effective obama allies werent effective mainstream media dozens outlets werent effective ceos biggest companies united states werent effective hollywood superstars werent effective academia thousands professors werent effective social media censorship efforts werent effective fbi allowing hillary skate real crimes wasnt effective even donald trumps party wasnt effective stopping absolutely incredible forces couldnt stop one man believers disgrace fields scientific management modern propaganda fail miserably think right much effort antitrump forces put stopping winning think much money spent guarantee desired outcome think nothing accomplished opposite moved mountains accomplish decades cementing control within country sucking truth life blood american public whatever term use describe force governs existencenature god tao onit clear humans cannot control pendulum swing wants swing wheel history turn wants turn billions dollars propaganda institutions nothing stop imagine impotent george soros friends must feel limitless money influence nothing perfect control methods even open pocket books try force upon population pushing food mouth someone already full desire control nothing psychological failings trying alleviate crippling fears trying prove world somebody powerful world must shaped image gods among men clear gods sociopaths gamed economic system amass huge amounts capital money much flushed drain continue fight grasp way unequivocal defeat attempting control want controlled control human beings temporarily end day humans want want dont possess wish buy go someone matter much money spend mechanisms control control want controlled tension created released great unraveling currently living previous eras tension resulted victorious parades streets modern era form online celebrations use tweets memes want true leader society create environment humans associate want freely engage commerce create families live safety search truth without interference work play live according nature put stone walls blocking righteous watch torn may take decade may take years happen contraptions used control reveal strength pathetic weakness conclusion tired controlled leave us alone tired institutions obsessed controlling us forcing us believe falsehoods programming us hate country pitting woman man black white leave us alone let men men new american renaissance come forth men strong good must allowed live lives prevent us wont allow live humiliate useful idiots destroy institutions lash memes im afraid stand us gearing even greater authoritarian control us least man white house join us fight already battling many years cant wait see fight takes us next nov roosh valizadeh
David G. Brown
federal jury finds uva rape hoax journalist sabrina rubin erdely and rolling stone liable for defamation
the media is beginning to demonize the manosphere and alt right twitter has suspended multiple accounts such as milo yiannopoulos ricky vaughn and matt forney the guardian wrote a hit piece against the red pill the media has called altright groups xenophobic racist and misogynist despite not pointing to a single piece of evidence as antitrump rallies continue to rage across the nation in new york city philadelphia and michigan the media completely ignores all of the assaults occurring on trump voters despite the elites attempts to destroy us we are in fact winning this battle the reasons why are simple truth is always more powerful than falsehood we are too numerous to be effectively silenced we dont congregate on one single platform were a collection of individuals based around an ideology were high energy decisive assertive and confident men below i would like to offer the supporters of our causes some signs of hope victory is near and trump is going to lead the way george soros being sued for million according to breitbart along with dozens of other alternative news sites dallas police department sergeant demetrick pennie president of the dallas fallen officer foundation is suing a multitude of individuals for inciting a race war george soros hillary clinton jesse jackson barrack obama the new black panthers and more some individuals might claim that theres no way someone can take on this collection of massively powerful and wealthy elites in a single lawsuit and they may be right however whether or not this lawsuit is successful is completely irrelevant what matters far more is that the word is starting to get out there the president of the dallas fallen officer foundation an extremely reputable organization is taking steps to file a massive lawsuit against these individuals this will at the very least do several things potentially serve a massive blow to the globalists show the elites that we will not back down generate huge amounts of public awareness show the average gun rights promoting masculine traditional american that they have our support and best of all the lawsuit was filed in the united states district court for the northern district of texas which means that the outcome will generally be good either way first of all theres a very high likelihood of them winning due to the case being handled in texas a highly conservative state second in the event that the case doesnt win it will likely be pursued all the way to the supreme court if this occurs expect truly amazing things to happen the reason why the president of the united states is responsible for appointing supreme court judgesand guess whos going to be president in two months the grubhub crash after matt maloney ceo of the online food delivery service grubhub proclaimed in an email that if you agree with trumps politics you should resign their stock dropped by nearly in just a few days since this time in addition to his companys stock tanking he has received ample backlash on sites of all manner from twitter to facebook to reddit to independent blogs to major altright news centers this is what my fellow rok contributors and manosphere bloggers were talking about when they mentioned the tangible impact of trump voters hillarys supporters lack the characteristics necessary to make change a burning passion and sense of purpose moral fortitude and a sense of justice selfconfidence and the courage to stand up for your rights a fucking spine this is why we will win period the antitrump crowd is based around having a massive entitlement complex a victim complex not thinking for yourself and being a blind social sheep do people like this ever have any political or financial power in the world of course not who do you think all of the hard working businessmen are all of the entrepreneurs all of the people investing in the stock market in order to take control of their financial future hard working intelligent men who dont make excuses obviously and do you know what these are the types of men that voted for donald trump why do you think the dow jones industrial average is at an all time high because trumps win restored faith in america rise of the new media the mainstream media has repeatedly shown to be completely incompetent in regards to actually reporting on the issues they are nothing more than a puppet show meant to distract entertain and brainwash the american public they have consistently lied about candidates manipulated the evidence falsified facts skewed statistics and polls and defamed multiple individuals for a mere political opinion this will happen no longer with the rise of the new media more and more men have begun establishing outlets across all platforms reddit twitter facebook youtube periscope the list goes on and on i firmly believe that the next eight years will be looked back on by historians as one of the most important times in all of humanitys time on this earth america has brought the world stability we have stood as a symbol and an ideal for other countries to follow we are a monolith of free speech bravery and economic prosperityand the elites have tried to destroy all of this to satisfy their greedy little egos the men of america will not have this over the past years cough obamas presidency cough we have seen an exponential increase in not only the quantity of alternative news outlets but also the quality sites that were merely blogs a few years ago have evolved into fullblown news syndicates with live reporting onsite video footage and actual news anchors this is literally the people fighting back we want freedom of speech and we will have it while the mainstream media draws its final breath theyre proclaiming that theres this new radical whitenationalist group called the altright in an attempt to make us look like evil fascists in fact i just had somebody threaten to kill me on twitter but was he banned of course not this repeated favoring of violent mentally ill leftists makes it very clear what the msms agenda istotal control and a complete suppression of our freedoms of speech sorry but the alternative media isnt going to let this happen massive boycotts of antitrump companies the lefts hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me somehow they can completely legally destroy an independent family owned business for simply refusing to bake a gay couple a cake but when trump supporters simply boycott a multibillion dollar conglomerate were the ones that are hateful in response to several ceos statements regarding trumps racism and hate the men and women who voted for donald trump decided to simply boycott them despite this completely legal and antiviolent response the left is up in arms here is a list of companies whose ceos have been caught attacking donald trump and his proamerican policies pepsico they own pepsi lays mountain dew starbucks and more nabisco their brands include oreo chips ahoy ritz and more netflix macys ben jerrys each and every single one of these companies has either spoken out against trump directly has refused to do business with trump or has moved factory production outside of the us such as nabisco which has started moving production to mexico some companies such as ben jerrys have even openly supported the terrorist movement black lives matter again what do these actions signify in trump supporters power assertiveness courage a willingness to take action this is why donald trump wonhis supporters are grown ups not little babies who want more safe spaces and antifree speech zones when donald trumps voters get oppressed by the biased controlled media or by elite globalists they dont whine or cry about it they just do something they protest and stop supporting companies that are shipping our jobs away they speak out in a logical rational way against the anger and hatred that the left has towards white men they take their lives into their own hands rather than relying on a stupid system that caters to cry babies and whiners they take their health into their own hands they take their finances into their own hands and they take their relationships into their own hands they dont wait around for someone else to do it for themthey get it done themselves this is why trump got into office and this is why were going to make america great again read more ways to start fighting back against the onslaught of liberalism
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submit home month popular reasons try photography hobby reasons try photography hobby photography really one rewarding hobbies man could pursue ness nomadison ness thirtysomething american almost decade experience living traveling across asia hes strong believer pursuing ones passions continual selfimprovement best man runs website nessthenomadcom november lifestyle ever curiosity photography yet werent sure hobby really worthy limited time article written also shoes picked dslr camera first time back awoke passion inside never even knew three half years later im tell many benefits realizations ive experienced taking timeless hobby eight reasons photography might meaningful hobby youve overlooked entire life opportunity flex creative muscle order balanced human beings believe people need physically healthy spiritually awake creatively expressive photography like writing film selfless way creative also giving something back world way interpret world changes individual individual photography provides medium people express ask ten different photographers photograph thing city example prepared see ten wildly different visions subject sensoryoverload world feels good create something thats uniquely appreciate understand surroundings find seeing everything around rectangular framesa takeaway frame many pictures years oh people would fit perfectly box building would look perfect boxed angle eyes sharper ever also find observing appreciating little things around always keep camera nearby often want photograph something ive noticed daily routine pattern sewer lid reflection puddle birds perched tree forth prephotographer self like rest world would walked right past things without care world yet entertained minuscule simple things especially camera handy world full photogenic things teach notice help preserve history since inception photography always one moving ways preserve history rapidly changing modern times photos touch people way media cant photography video visual arts photographs differ capture merely one frame going yet one frame one needs feel taken back another time advent smartphone photography accessible ever sounds good paper truth worlds becoming flooded garbage narcissistic photographs world needs adventurous welltrained photographers taking photos modern world live rapid changes undergoing photos cherished decades road shitty selfies bog social media travel experiences meaningful photography goes traveling like bread goes butter took nearly five years traveling internationally finally get serious photography trips got started never looked back rather traveling escapism hedonism im traveling learn document world result trips feel much meaningful fulfilling ever way see come understand country photographer quite different werent one divide history travel experiences two separate groupsthe trips owned dslr camera trips buying one photography fun addicting find wanting go back predslr camera destinations even ones didnt enjoy much reexperience camera hand opportunity meet new people one thing always try travel meet fellow photographers whether foreign local appreciate talking people observational eye provide unique insight nonphotographers rarely photography doesnt help meet photographers helps meet people walks life ive regular people street come talk saw taking photos ive also met people online reason liked work good photographer also great way meet women theyre gonna start blowing soon see awesome pictures dont surprised discover newfound female admiration excellent photography skills open make woman look beautiful photo shell admire way never imagined blog edge diverse world independently run blogs many bloggers know write well photograph well literally think one fact blogger good utilizing camera wielding pen rather keyboard puts website league terms quality content though still highly respect good bloggers amazing writing skills insights think theyre readers websites great disservice merely using stock photos shitty shotwithacellphone photos articles readers definitely tell difference blogger takes photos nice dslr camera start taking nice dslrshot photos see enhance articles theyll give much edge bloggers dont youll also edge others social media dating sites since everyone else posting lame smartphonetaken shots social media accounts dslrshot photos could shine like diamonds rough way stand men lifting weights regularly advantage expected taking cheap shortcuts social mediabound photography facebook instagram twitter accounts look better ever also true dating websites apps chumps take lame mirror selfies smartphone upload accounts dudes welltaken nontraditional photos stand big time dont take word actually plenty discussion benefits roosh v forum although helpful dont actually need another photographer get good shots rather need camera autofocus lens tripod remote shutter creative eye resumeenhancing marketable skill photography isnt mentally rewarding also financially rewarding play cards right field profitable photography may vast highly competitive one things sure demand new photographs infinite world never stops turning stock portrait wedding wildlife travel sports news photography demand profitable niches really wanna make money selling photographs gotta make name sharpening skills networking right people great photographer one knows exists wont make money father outdoorsman slash wildlife photographer decades experience tens thousands photos giant network contacts industry seems like magazine website editors always knocking door know probably nice shot exactly theyre looking often dig archives boomhes made bucks conclusion stop dreaming give photography shot already borrow friend family members dslr camera weekend get take pictures anything strikes fancy photography takes decades master begins single click shutter button yet sometimes takes one little click realize youve missing something big meaningful entire life youll never know try
Larsen Halleck
dont believe the myth that weightlifting will slow you down
home this month popular the path men took to trump the path men took to trump daryush roosh valizadeh created rok in october you can visit his blog at rooshvcom or follow him on twitter and facebook rss november politics every man who supports donald trump came to it from a different path some of you support him because of economic impoverishment or because you have seen your neighborhoods degrade from illegal immigrants or maybe you support him because you were attacked for being politically incorrect for me and many other men we came to support trump because we shared truths about sex and the true nature of women the fight began in with the southern poverty law center in march after years of teaching men how to improve their sex lives through books and web sites i was put on a list by the jewishoperated southern poverty law center for being a misogynist i was shaken up by this because i knew that my desire to enjoy sex with beautiful women and share the truths ive learned from it put me on a path of no return either i close down shop immediately or accept that the mob would one day come pounding on my door i decided to keep going i responded to the splc designation with an article titled my existence is becoming illegal where i described how heterosexual sex was now a defiant political act if the male received any benefit from it it is clear that gender hate is now a oneway street men can hate women but not the other way around men can rape women cant men can be abusive both physically and emotionally but women cant men can be misogynist but women cant be misandrist a word that is unknown to most of the american population men can be described as lazy slobs who play video games all day but women are perfect asis in a country where there are organizations trying to convince you that being fat is both healthy and beautiful male teachers get sent to poundmeintheass prison if they have sex with a student but female teachers only get a slap on the wrist if youre a man youre likely a perpetrator of hate violence and abuse to innocent american women even if you dont yet realize your thought crime but never the other way around fast forward two years to october witch hunts by leftists were in force rage mobs were crawling through social networking looking for racists homophobes and sexists with the aim of getting them fired i studied the people who were participating in these witch hunts and wrote one of the most important articles ive ever published what is a social justice warrior sjw the article was widely shared influencing how people viewed the useful idiot layer of individuals who were guided and controlled by establishment forces consisting of academia the corporate news media hollywood fortune companies silicon valley and the billionaire owners of our politicians scratch a feminist sjw and youll find the reptilian skin of a billionaire who created the narrative she believes i was pessimistic when i wrote the sjw article thinking wed need a full generation years to even begin defeating such a powerful antiamerican entity i focused on teaching men selfdefense and avoidance instead of ways to defeat them little did i know that i was defining them at their absolute peak and barely two years later a candidate who stood for the diametric opposite of social justice would win the presidency the social justice warriors havent gone away and they are rushing to fulfill the will of george soros by refusing to accept the results of a fair election but the power they have to force people to bend to their demands has been reduced along with the power of the institutions that support them though sjwism peaked in i had to face the full brunt of their attacks in the summer of during the canadian stops of my lecture tour and again in february during the international meetups i survived those attacks and the fact that im still here right now and able to exercise my free speech on all my platformswhile youre still here participatingshows clearly how little power they really had to stop us they bruised me during the meetup outrage but i healed quickly enough to weaponize my sites to spread my support of an even bigger enemy of theirs donald trump donald trump ground zero im a pessimist by nature so i didnt have much hope that the establishment would allow trump to win in the primaries even though i was confident his ideas resonated with most americans but then i noticed that he simply couldnt be knocked out no matter what his enemies did i saw him humiliate jeb bush outcompete a resurgent ted cruz and smack down any attempt by the media to force him to display weakness by the time i attended the republican national convention in cleveland i started to believe the ground zero for donald trump within the manosphere was the donald trump thread on the forum created in june by veteran member and rok contributor samseau this is where the battle unfolded for thosuands of men over pages long the thread has been viewed nearly million times ideas within it have filtered out into mainstream discourse as described here to men with bullhorns larger than i have after significant battles in a real war medals are awarded but soldiers dont nitpick on who was the best soldier they all worked as a team to ensure victory from the general donald trump the colonels his advisers the captains major media influencers like alex jones matt drudge paul joseph watson and mike cernovich the sergeants men like myself the specialists men like samseau and on down to the private a regular commenter who contributes the occasional meme or argument in his spare time the ego cares about how impactful one is how influential its ideas are but the team player only cares about victory for the whole whether i am a private or a sergeant i fought side by side with men in that thread and on this web site to what amounts to a modern fourthgenerational informational war that will be studied by historians in the future who would have guessed that public internet sites operating on free opensource software would have such a positive effect on not just the result of the election but on the lives of so many men who participated in it approaching the date of the election two months before the election i did a youtube video urging men to vote for trump and it resulted in nearly unsubscribes within a day surprising even me since i thought my audience was mostly men who would automatically support a trump presidency the video echoed a lot of sentiments i shared in the article if donald trump doesnt win were screwed where i tried to convey the danger of a hillary presidency obama was the race president and look how badly he has damaged race relations in only eight years hillary will be the gender president the future we have in store should be absolutely clear to you if she happens to defeat trump not only will she move to establish a technomatriarchy where men are secondclass citizens to any female but she will ensure that no movement or organization will be able to challenge her or her establishment cronies ever again this isnt a trivial matter of getting banned from a web site like twitter or youtubemany of you will be forced to escape the country for no other reason than you happening to be a man who found himself on the wrong side of the establishment for the next month i stared at the calendar waiting for the election to happen doing what i could to push back against the narrative on twitter then in early october an old tape was released of trump saying he grabs girls by the pussy because they let him my sister called me confused and asked if he really was a bad man i told her that the media is distorting his comments just like they distorted mine a few months earlier when their proclaimed me as a prorape advocate i told her not to believe the media and to judge trump by his actions and his policies not a gotcha moment that was being spun out of control to help hillarys failing campaign i spoke to her with confidence but inside i was concerned in a politically correct world would this be the blow to sink trumps candidacy is the majority of americans actually ready to defeat political correctness thankfully trump responded strongly ignoring calls by the traitors in the republican party to step down the first poll to come in after pussygate suggested that trumps support didnt decline the fake controversy didnt work i held my breath for the next few days to see if another tape would come out maybe of him saying the nword but none did and i knew the establishment had no more bullets this was the moment where i finally believed i felt a rush of energy on that day as my subconscious accepted that trump was going to win i did a periscope that night as if i was amped up on methamphetamine but i took no drug from that point on it was just a matter of hanging on until finally on november when he was elected president i was in disbelief after he won because it was only four years prior when i was attacked by the same forces that were aligned against trump i didnt have to wait long until my personal enemies were dealt a monstrous defeat by another man whom i consider on the same team as us if i made any miscalculation it was that it would take a generation or longer for us to begin pushing back against establishment forces i underestimated our own power and those of our allies in the alternative internet space human control is a foolhardy endeavor the most important lesson i learned from trumps victory is how pointless it is to control human beings both their behaviors and their minds every single major institution in the united states represented by billions of dollars of economic activity and influence could not stop a populist candidate in spite of trying everything short of assassination george soros and his billions werent effective obama and his allies werent effective the mainstream media and their dozens of outlets werent effective ceos of the biggest companies in the united states werent effective hollywood and its superstars werent effective academia and its thousands of professors werent effective social media and its censorship efforts werent effective the fbi allowing hillary to skate from real crimes wasnt effective even donald trumps own party wasnt effective in stopping him its absolutely incredible that all these forces couldnt stop one man and his believers what a disgrace to the fields of scientific management and modern propaganda for them all to fail so miserably think right now of how much effort the antitrump forces put into stopping him from winning think of how much money they spent to guarantee their desired outcome and now think how it was all for nothing they accomplished the very opposite of what they moved mountains to accomplish after decades of cementing their control within the country by sucking the truth and life blood from the american public whatever term you use to describe the force that governs our existencenature god tao or so onit is clear that humans cannot control it all and that the pendulum will swing when it wants to swing that the wheel of history will turn when it wants to turn and your billions of dollars and your propaganda and your institutions can do nothing to stop it imagine how impotent george soros and his friends must feel after their limitless money and influence was all for nothing now they have to perfect their control methods even more open their pocket books further and try to force their will upon a population as if pushing food into the mouth of someone who is already full their desire to control you is nothing but their own psychological failings of trying to alleviate their crippling fears of trying to prove to themselves and to the world that they are a somebody that they are powerful that the world must be shaped into their image that they are gods among men but it should be clear to you by now that they are not gods but sociopaths who gamed an economic system to amass huge amounts of capital and money much of that will be flushed down the drain as they continue to fight and grasp their way to unequivocal defeat or attempting to control those who do not want to be controlled you can control human beings but only temporarily and only some of them at the end of the day humans want to do what they want to do and if you dont possess what they wish to buy they will go to someone who does no matter how much money you spend on your mechanisms of control the more you control what does not want to be controlled the more tension is created and then released in the great unraveling of which we are currently living through in previous eras that tension resulted in victorious parades on the streets but in our modern era it is in the form of online celebrations with the use of tweets and memes if you want to be a true leader of society create an environment where humans can associate with whom they want can freely engage in commerce can create families can live in safety can search for the truth without interference and can work and play and live according to their nature put stone walls blocking their righteous will and watch them be torn down it may take a decade it may take years but it will happen and the contraptions you used to control them will reveal not your strength but your own pathetic weakness conclusion we are tired of being controlled leave us alone we are tired of institutions that are obsessed with controlling us of forcing us to believe in falsehoods of programming us to hate our country of pitting woman against man and black against white leave us alone let men be men and from that a new american renaissance will come forth men who are strong and good must be allowed to live their lives and if you prevent us from doing so we wont allow you to live yours we will humiliate your useful idiots we will destroy your institutions we will lash out with more than just memes im afraid that those who stand against us are gearing up for even greater authoritarian control over us but at least now we have our man in the white house who can join us in a fight that we have already been battling for many years i cant wait to see where this fight takes us next nov roosh valizadeh
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relentless media censorship brining us fate worse big brother
people coming truthful conclusion globalism failure nationalism countrys people interests valued noncitizens way forward problem globalismnationalism framework exactly type dialectic elites use usher global war crackdown increase power imagine wife tired husband going every night friends drink instead nagging every evening would effect motivating leave house even sooner wait gets drunk driving accident serious bar fight could draw line make reasonable ultimatum never drink husband likely listen something wrong takes place safe night right nationalist movement allowed gain strength future event act trigger globalists draw line movement imprisoning killing strongest members words globalists plan use nationalism trap device transform advantage right budding nationalist movement extremely useful allowing identify resisters easily crushing time right elites cannot advance plans without dialectic way elites move agenda forward dialectic meaning two opposing ideologies rub create friction comes desired result ie order chaos power either control monitor existence sides guide bend dialectic serve ends recent rise nationalism speculate allowed previous dialectics capitalism vs communism democracy vs terrorism longer useful advancing desired agenda soviet communism dead increased terrorism allow planned wars syria iran proceed like iraq afghanistan addition white vs black race war years late stubbornly resistant gasoline obama pours onto fire new dialectic must nurtured nationalism may trick hillarys recent alt right speech officially debuted american nationalism new enemy conclusion nationalism logical beneficial nation true im sure agree guided onto beliefs arrive nationalist thought decades free trade feminism opendoor immigration worn country arrival nationalist conclusions direct result globalism means nationalist thoughts exist mind likes george soros pulled million muslims hat placed europe sponsoring multitude social justice organizations united states actions behavior along powerful globalists like essentially created ideology entrenched dialectic opposing forces must exist combat growth nationalism useful nationalism must continue grow power right moment threaten globalist banking geopolitical interests globalists clamp severely replaying world war identify nationalist country big bad bully use country excuse start war simultaneously weed nationalists throughout world sending die arrested home subversion treason russia evil nationalist country neocons others poking even poland puffed undemocratic country order hedge bets hint may already taking place france recently called upon patriots serve national guard protect citizens since france care patriots committed consistent actions past decade suggest care must reasonably conclude new army trap attract nationalists game end result death wouldnt surprised frances beefedup army used start war place like poland painted aggressor caused economic attacks upon saintly western europeans long youre dialectic see sort twilight zone creation mega rich youre fighting terms need nationalist grassroots uprising create violent events allow reassert control power even though nationalism may sane movement day still plays hands long insist two sides debate good evil living hollywoodstyle storyline instead twodimensional arrangement solution may go move front back around spectrum ideas instead left right youre pawn game matter side pick nationalist resistance growing doesnt mean globalists power hurt without able effectively control western population cold war terrorism racial divideandconquer modern russian aggression hoping nationalist movement grows enough create conflict moves chess pieces forward im urging throw away nationalist beliefs surely wont throw away mine clear trap waiting sprung suffer finally launched article originally published roosh v dont miss patriarchal nationalism national identity
How To Kill Zombie Arguments
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submit home this month popular reasons why you should try photography as a hobby reasons why you should try photography as a hobby photography really is one of the most rewarding hobbies a man could pursue ness nomadison ness is a thirtysomething american with almost a decade of experience living and traveling across asia hes a strong believer in pursuing ones passions continual selfimprovement and just being the best man he can be he runs his own website nessthenomadcom november lifestyle have you ever had a curiosity in photography yet you werent sure if its a hobby really worthy of your limited time then this article was written for you as i was also once in your shoes i picked up a dslr camera for the first time back in which awoke a passion inside me that i never even knew was there three and half years later im here to tell you just a few of the many benefits and realizations ive experienced by taking on this timeless hobby here are eight reasons photography might just be the most meaningful hobby youve overlooked your entire life an opportunity to flex your creative muscle in order to be balanced human beings i believe people need to be physically healthy spiritually awake and creatively expressive photography just like writing and film is a selfless way to be creative while also giving something back to the world the way we interpret our world changes from individual to individual and photography provides a medium for people to express themselves ask ten different photographers to photograph the same thing a city for example and be prepared to see ten wildly different visions of the same subject in our sensoryoverload world it feels good to create something thats uniquely you appreciate and understand your surroundings more i now find myself seeing everything around me in rectangular framesa takeaway from having to frame so many pictures over the years oh those people over there would fit perfectly into a box or that building over there would look perfect boxed in from this angle my eyes are now sharper than ever but i also find myself observing and appreciating all the little things around me i always have to keep my camera nearby because i often want to photograph something ive noticed in my daily routine the pattern on a sewer lid a reflection in a puddle birds perched in a tree and so forth my prephotographer self just like most of the rest of the world would have walked right past these things without a care in the world yet now i can be entertained from the most minuscule and simple things especially if my camera is handy the world is full of photogenic things if can just teach yourself to notice them help preserve history since its inception photography has always been one of the most moving ways to preserve history in our rapidly changing modern times photos touch people in a way other media cant both photography and video are both visual arts but photographs differ in that they capture merely one frame of what is going on yet one frame is all one needs to feel taken back to another time with the advent of the smartphone photography is as accessible as ever while this sounds good on paper the truth is our worlds becoming more and more flooded with garbage and narcissistic photographs our world needs more adventurous and welltrained photographers out there taking photos of the modern world we live in and the rapid changes its undergoing these are the photos that will be cherished decades down the road not all the shitty selfies that bog down social media travel experiences will be more meaningful photography goes with traveling like bread goes with butter it took me nearly five years of traveling internationally to finally get serious about doing photography on my trips and after i got started i never looked back rather than traveling for escapism and hedonism im traveling to learn about and document our world as a result my trips feel much more meaningful and fulfilling than they ever did before the way you see and come to understand a country as a photographer is quite different than if you werent one i now divide my history of travel experiences into two separate groupsthe trips i had before i owned a dslr camera and the trips i had after buying one photography is so fun and addicting that i find myself wanting to go back to all those predslr camera destinations even the ones i didnt enjoy all that much just so i can reexperience them with a camera in hand an opportunity to meet new people one thing i always try to do when i travel is meet fellow photographers whether they be foreign or local i appreciate talking to people with an observational eye as they can provide me with unique insight that nonphotographers rarely can but photography doesnt just help you meet other photographers it helps you meet other people from all walks of life ive had regular people on the street come up and talk to me once they saw i was taking photos ive also met people from online for no other reason than they liked my work being a good photographer can also be a great way to meet women theyre not gonna start blowing you as soon as they see your awesome pictures but dont be surprised if you discover some newfound female admiration once your excellent photography skills are out in the open and if you can make a woman look beautiful in a photo shell admire you in a way you never imagined a blog with an edge in the diverse world of independently run blogs how many bloggers do you know who can both write well and photograph well i can literally only think of one and the fact that this blogger is just as good at utilizing a camera as he is at wielding a pen or rather a keyboard puts his website in a league of its own in terms of quality content though i still highly respect the good bloggers out there for their amazing writing skills and insights i think theyre doing both their readers and websites a great disservice by merely using stock photos or shitty shotwithacellphone photos in their articles readers can definitely tell the difference when a blogger takes all of their own photos with a nice dslr camera start taking nice dslrshot photos and see for yourself how they can enhance your articles theyll give you just that much more of an edge over all the other bloggers who dont youll also have an edge over of others on social media and dating sites since everyone else is posting lame smartphonetaken shots all over their social media accounts your dslrshot photos could shine like diamonds in the rough the same way you stand above of other men by lifting weights regularly the same advantage can be expected by not taking cheap shortcuts with your social mediabound photography your facebook instagram and twitter accounts will all look better than ever before this is also true for dating websites and apps where most chumps just take some lame mirror selfies with their smartphone and then upload them to their accounts dudes with welltaken nontraditional photos stand out big time dont just take my word for it as there has actually been plenty of discussion about these benefits over at the roosh v forum and although they can be very helpful you dont actually need another photographer with you to get some good shots of yourself rather all you need is your camera an autofocus lens a tripod a remote shutter and a creative eye a resumeenhancing marketable skill photography isnt just mentally rewarding it can also be financially rewarding if you play your cards right the field of profitable photography may be vast and highly competitive but one things for sure the demand for new photographs is infinite the world never stops turning after all stock portrait wedding wildlife travel sports and news photography are just a few of the most in demand and profitable niches but if you really wanna make money selling your photographs you gotta make a name for yourself by sharpening your skills and networking with the right people a great photographer who no one knows exists wont make any money my father is an outdoorsman slash wildlife photographer with decades of experience tens of thousands of photos and a giant network of contacts from his industry it seems like magazine and website editors are always knocking on his door because they know he probably has a nice shot of exactly what theyre looking for often all he has to do is dig through his archives and boomhes made bucks conclusion stop dreaming about it and just give photography a shot already borrow your friend or a family members dslr camera for the weekend and just get out there and take pictures of anything that strikes your fancy photography takes decades to master but it all begins with a single click of the shutter button yet sometimes all it takes is one little click to realize youve been missing out on something very big and meaningful your entire life youll never know until you try
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françois de la rochefoucauld teach us cynicism
week since glorious victory ever recorded war rapacious globalism lunatic cultural marxismthe election donald trump presidency united states like many outside fellow tribesmen tribe opponents tried shut february election day may expect joyous occasion ill never forget yet remarked time glorious victory decisive one ended campaign war would continue hoped magnanimous possible victory finally bridge divides begin move past insanity weve dealing thats accelerated past years however quickly become apparent cultural marxists sjws globalist overlords intention coming terms engaging meaningful selfreflection anytime soon instead theyre doubling everything voters resoundingly rejected november th predictably protests riots incidents violence left taken place gone underreported predictably protests professionally organized george soros likely pulling least strings learning nothing regressive leftists taking streets complete year zero pathology think morally justified blocking streets attacking people theyre mission purify society anything stands way mission justly eliminated came across one protests days ago generic small basic bitch shit really recall merely peons army overlords intensity dissipate time safetypin wearing safespace occupying neonhaired freaks arent ones take note grand strategic map bigger picture focus drive toward increased censorship past days recent counteroffensive began uproar donald trumps selection steve bannon chief white house strategist media acolytes social media went another coordinated attack lambasting bannon breitbart ran connections altright turn say associated white nationalism reinforce pairing media ran couple controversial breitbart headlines recognize tactic media ab tested roosh february took stop rape headline said proved roosh prorape repeated endlessly actually sort hypnosis trick certainly done deliberately scott adams calls wordthinking rational people use data reason arrive truth group mostly imaginary wordthinkers use labels word definitions analogies create illusion rational thinking group world persuaders use simplicity repetition emotion habit aspirations visual communication tools persuasion program people group population effectively control wordthinkers world describes phenomenon wordthinking wordthinking important persuasion convince someone accept label opponent turns critical thought turns confirmation bias nuance lost context lost matters label accepted whatever qualities label already contained media roosh damndest bannon doubt one thousand paper cuts hope use take president trump term altright relatively fresh vulnerable defined ominous dark terms possible media trying furiously create much connective tissue white nationalism possible remember wordthinking nuance context lost first step achieved meant selfanointed moral cover alarming stage counteroffensive underway ambiguous ominoussounding altright attempted extensively defined solution obviously crack anyone even really dont given pretext purges censorship begun numerous prominent twitter accounts suspended agree accounts often dont give pause kind blanket censorship implemented youre little bit politically unorthodox youre heightened risk slapped altright label even youre record identifying banned outlets communication vital pushing ideas forward promoting business banning individuals stage one stage two recent drive google facebook twitter others censor call fake news media blitz fake news articles completely unironically given crowd uncritically signal boosted rolling stone rape hoax ends world fact checks donald trumps comment hillary clinton acid washed private email server selectively edits clips promote narrative pets black lives matter entirely peaceful arent fails disclose contacts relationships officials democratic national committee writing campaign onion drive deserves subject laughter must nevertheless still take seriously already reports shadow bans twitter prominent figures mike cernovich scott adams far question blacklist sorts gets put outlets return kings crucial taking control narrative campaign media continues nitpick inflate manufacture anything turn controversy incoming trump administration narrative warfare far fortunately master persuader donald trump lead way grassroots grunts trenches must continue efforts first need begin dehypnotize scott adams thoughts crucial points basis hypnosis recent days around pairing terms altright fake news sorts bad things take away pairing youve made significant inroads ive ab tested sort thing numerous times remember mike cernovichs maxim conflict attention attention influence pointers like women frame control paramount inevitable tactic theyll try use associate anyone opposed worst elements side fortunately opponents arguably worse elements given blanket moral superiority cultural influence refocus frame make worst elements appeal vanity people like think rational tell wordthinking literally shutting critical thinking skills girl first debate explaining movie head pictured mexican certain way critical thinking skills turned trump said mexican judge would equally applicable someone another heritage like german long story face picture tell theyre seeing things based reality movies playing heads triggered certain word watch cognitive dissonance come broader level heres continue usual continue make cultural impact get websites books movies echoing one member forum said politics air cover culture ground war try censor fake news want numerous control dont cooperate time redouble efforts dont talk aggrieved victimhood class social media theyre acting hostile theyll use excuse ban law disdain things cannot ignoring best revenge begin build new networks gab coming far free speech friendly echo many others said forum make fun theyre prime target humor believe say people sick special snowflakes street well media time great opportunity need readjust new moves opponents making theyre everything censor us delegitimize trump thats next focus campaign must delegitimize turn take heart ascendant otherwise wouldnt making moves recall first visited return kings forum nearly four years ago general malaise atmosphere day day seemed suffering another defeat longer ride read next reasons apply job trump administration
Relampago Furioso
relentless media censorship is brining us a fate worse than big brother
more people are coming to the truthful conclusion that globalism is a failure and nationalism where a countrys people and interests are valued above that of noncitizens is the way forward a problem is that the globalismnationalism framework is exactly the type of dialectic elites can use to usher in a global war or crackdown to further increase their power imagine there is a wife who is tired of her husband going out every night with his friends to drink instead of nagging at him every evening which would have the effect of motivating him to leave the house even sooner she will wait until he gets into a drunk driving accident or serious bar fight so she could draw the line and make the reasonable ultimatum for him to never drink again the husband is more likely to listen to her after something wrong takes place than after he had a safe night out right now the nationalist movement is being allowed to gain strength so that a future event can act as a trigger for globalists to draw the line on the movement by imprisoning or killing its strongest members in other words globalists plan to use nationalism as a trap a device they transform into to their advantage as of right now the budding nationalist movement is extremely useful in allowing them to identify all resisters before easily crushing them when the time is right elites cannot advance their plans without a dialectic the way the elites move an agenda forward is through a dialectic meaning that two opposing ideologies rub against each other create friction and from that comes a desired result ie order from chaos those in power either control or monitor the existence of both sides to guide and bend the dialectic to serve their ends the recent rise in nationalism i speculate has been allowed because previous dialectics such as capitalism vs communism and democracy vs terrorism are no longer useful in advancing the desired agenda soviet communism is dead and increased terrorism did not allow planned wars in syria and iran to proceed like did with iraq and afghanistan in addition the white vs black race war is years late stubbornly resistant to the gasoline that obama pours onto the fire a new dialectic must be nurtured and so nationalism may just do the trick hillarys recent alt right speech officially debuted american nationalism as the new enemy while your conclusion that nationalism is logical and beneficial to a nation is true and im sure to agree with it you were guided onto those beliefs how did you arrive at nationalist thought through decades of free trade feminism and opendoor immigration that have worn you and your country down your arrival at nationalist conclusions is the direct result of globalism which means that nationalist thoughts exist in your mind only because of the likes of george soros who pulled out a million muslims from his hat and placed them in europe while sponsoring a multitude of social justice organizations in the united states his actions and behavior along with other powerful globalists like him have essentially created your very ideology because you are entrenched in a dialectic where opposing forces must exist and be in combat with each other the growth of nationalism is useful nationalism must continue to grow in power right before the moment it can threaten globalist banking and geopolitical interests and when it does the globalists will clamp down severely on it as if replaying world war they will identify a nationalist country as the big bad bully and then use that country as an excuse to start a war that will simultaneously weed out nationalists throughout the world by sending them to die or having them arrested at home for subversion or treason russia is the evil nationalist country that neocons and others have been poking and even poland is being puffed up into an undemocratic country in order to hedge their bets a hint that this may already be taking place is that france recently called upon patriots to serve in their national guard to protect citizens since when does france care about patriots they have committed no consistent actions in the past decade that suggest they do care so we must reasonably conclude that this new army is a trap to attract nationalists into a game where the end result is their death i wouldnt be surprised if frances beefedup army is used to start a war in a place like poland which will be painted as an aggressor that caused economic attacks upon the saintly western europeans as long as youre in the dialectic which i see as a sort of twilight zone creation of the mega rich youre fighting on their terms they need the nationalist grassroots uprising to create violent events that allow them to reassert control and power even though nationalism may be the most sane movement of the day it still plays into their hands as long as we insist on having only two sides of the debate good and evil as if we were living in a hollywoodstyle storyline instead of this twodimensional arrangement the solution may be to go d where you can move front and back and around in a spectrum of ideas instead of just left and right where youre a pawn of the game no matter what side you pick just because a nationalist resistance is growing doesnt mean that that the globalists in power are being hurt without being able to effectively control the western population through the cold war terrorism racial divideandconquer or modern russian aggression they are hoping that the nationalist movement grows enough to create the conflict that moves their chess pieces forward while im not urging you to throw away your nationalist beliefs as i surely wont throw away mine it is clear to me that a trap is waiting to be sprung and we will all suffer when its finally launched this article was originally published on roosh v dont miss patriarchal nationalism what is national identity
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reasons youre happy
convinced previous snow plowing policies sexist city government swedish capital stockholm recently implemented feminist system clearing ended disaster city came absolute standstill start four times many people usual hospitalized snowrelated injuries nearly importantly countless workers men prevented getting work would appear patriarchybacked snow local politicians ended apologizing havoccausing changes havoc like forgetting motor vehicles often impeded snow pedestrians create greater safety risk municipal resources already increased diverted clearing bicycle paths sidewalks away main roads areas like schools also prioritized ignores frequently greater ease walking snow driving plus longer distances car commuters face compared children mothers women walking places situation quite plainly moronic reason nonmain roads parts city take much space meaning swedish capitals snow removal teams targeting far larger less densely used zone boot november already breaking records snowfall saga stockholm reads like microcosm feminism overeducated meaning undereducated group leftists come together create data based feelings produce plan action screws entire community feminists stockholm previously complained thoroughfares cleaned first extensively snowplows ones heavily used men came conclusion unclear given shutdown city resulted feminist changes wasnt based solid reasoning private cars public transport vehicles alike unable move many cases femalefriendly snowclearing ended adversely impacting far people including women old one well done feminists white knights says sweden really surprising one people responsible stockholms femalefriendly snow plowing scandal mayor karin wanngård feminist career politician first joined council teens sweden perhaps concentrated welfare state world people jobs instead stuck snow bad thing country continue pay large bill handouts elected representatives caliber stockholms trying ruin things sweden also home growing class lowskilled migrant communities including many tens thousands recent mediterranean waves last year recent migrant population essentially proportionallyspeaking states typically associated multiculturalism canada australia nonethnic swedes sweden tend come troublesome cultures compared assimilationfriendly east asians indians emigrating canada australia sweden intends deal issues like balancing urgent economic needs remains seen especially braindead initiatives like snow plow fiasco taking precedence add mix recent creation mansplaining hotline swedish labor union start see real problems scandinavias basketcase society trying solve organizing snow plowingand actually yup guessed man driving theres doubt feminist snow plowing scheme unmitigated disaster also extremely likely vast majority people tasked clearing stockholms streets men oh irony feminist politicians try preference women removal snow expect men work achieving sanitation workers garbage collectors invariably male dont expect catch many female snowplow operators snowclearing employees stockholm wake sweden swedish multiculturalism action stockholms snow removal catastrophe emblematic country refusing deal real malaise men built sweden categorized wouldbe oppressors swedish society close breaking point even stockholms central train station terribly unsafe various city police forces long made known control many suburbs particular malmö swedens third city certain districts stockholm notorious ethnic ghettos gang violence rape crime mansplaining hotlines removing snow new feminist way clear present dangers swedes fear night read australian male senator shuts female colleague accusing mansplaining
Quintus Curtius
what françois de la rochefoucauld has to teach us about cynicism
its now been over a week since the most glorious victory ever recorded in the war against rapacious globalism and lunatic cultural marxismthe election of donald trump to the presidency of the united states like many of you i was outside with my fellow tribesmen the same tribe our opponents tried to shut down in february until about am on election day as you may expect it was a joyous occasion that ill never forget yet as i remarked at the time while this was a glorious victory a decisive one that ended the campaign the war would continue i had hoped to be as magnanimous as possible in victory to finally bridge some divides and begin to move past the insanity weve been dealing with thats accelerated in the past few years however as has quickly become apparent the cultural marxists sjws and their globalist overlords have no intention of coming to terms or engaging in meaningful selfreflection anytime soon instead theyre doubling down on everything that voters resoundingly rejected on november th predictably there have been protests and some riots incidents of violence on the left have taken place and gone underreported just as predictably most of these protests are professionally organized with george soros likely pulling at least a few of the strings learning nothing the regressive leftists taking to the streets complete with their year zero pathology think themselves morally justified in blocking streets and attacking people because theyre on a mission to purify society anything that stands in the way of that mission can be justly eliminated i came across one of these protests a few days ago it was generic and small basic bitch shit really but recall that these are merely the peons in the army of their overlords their intensity will dissipate with time the safetypin wearing safespace occupying neonhaired freaks arent the ones to take note of on the grand strategic map the bigger picture to focus on is the drive toward increased censorship in the past few days the recent counteroffensive began with the uproar over donald trumps selection of steve bannon to be his chief white house strategist the media and its acolytes on social media went into another coordinated attack lambasting bannon and breitbart which he ran as having connections to the altright which in turn they say is associated with white nationalism to reinforce this pairing the media ran with a couple of the most controversial breitbart headlines if you recognize this tactic its because the media ab tested this against roosh in february they took the how to stop rape headline said that it proved that roosh was prorape and then repeated endlessly this is actually a sort of hypnosis trick and was certainly done deliberately scott adams calls this wordthinking rational people use data and reason to arrive at truth this group is mostly imaginary wordthinkers use labels word definitions and analogies to create the illusion of rational thinking this group is of the world persuaders use simplicity repetition emotion habit aspirations visual communication and other tools of persuasion to program other people and themselves this group is about of the population and effectively control the wordthinkers of the world he further describes the phenomenon of wordthinking wordthinking is important to persuasion because if you can convince someone to accept a label on an opponent it turns off their critical thought and turns on their confirmation bias nuance is lost context is lost all that matters once the label is accepted is whatever qualities the label already contained and this is what the media is doing they did it with roosh and are now doing their damndest to do it to bannon no doubt as one of the thousand paper cuts they hope to use to take president trump down because the term altright is relatively fresh its vulnerable to being defined with the most ominous dark terms possible which is why the media is trying furiously to create as much connective tissue between it and white nationalism as possible remember with wordthinking nuance and context are lost and now that this first step has been achieved where it was meant to the selfanointed moral cover for the more alarming stage of the counteroffensive is underway now that the ambiguous and ominoussounding altright has been attempted to be extensively defined the solution is obviously to crack down on it and anyone having to do with it even if they really dont given this pretext the purges and censorship have begun with numerous prominent twitter accounts being suspended agree with these accounts or not i often dont it should give you pause that this kind of blanket censorship is being implemented if youre just a little bit politically unorthodox youre now at heightened risk of being slapped with the altright label even if youre on record as not identifying with it and banned from outlets of communication that are both vital for pushing your ideas forward and for promoting any business you have but banning individuals is only stage one stage two is the recent drive by google facebook twitter and others to censor what they call fake news the media has been on a blitz against these fake news articles completely unironically given that this is the same crowd that uncritically signal boosted the rolling stone rape hoax to the ends of the world fact checks donald trumps comment that hillary clinton acid washed her private email server selectively edits clips to promote the narrative that their pets in black lives matter are entirely peaceful when they arent and fails to disclose contacts and relationships with officials of the democratic national committee while writing about the campaign no this is not the onion while this drive deserves to be a subject of laughter we must nevertheless still take it seriously there have already been reports of shadow bans on twitter with prominent figures such as mike cernovich and scott adams and its far from out of the question that a blacklist of sorts gets put up for outlets such as return of kings which were crucial in taking control of the narrative during the campaign all the while the media continues to nitpick inflate and manufacture anything they can turn into a controversy about the incoming trump administration narrative warfare is far from over what can we do fortunately we have a master persuader in donald trump to lead the way but we at the grassroots the grunts in the trenches if you will must continue our efforts first we need to begin to dehypnotize those that can be scott adams had some thoughts on that but here are the crucial points the basis of the hypnosis in recent days has been around pairing the terms altright and fake news with all sorts of bad things take away that pairing and youve made significant inroads ive ab tested this sort of thing numerous times remember mike cernovichs maxim that conflict is attention and attention is influence here are a few pointers just like with women frame control is paramount the inevitable tactic that theyll try to use is to associate anyone opposed to them with the worst elements of their side fortunately our opponents have arguably worse elements given their blanket of moral superiority and cultural influence refocus the frame on those make them own their own worst elements appeal to vanity most people like to think of themselves as rational tell them that their wordthinking is literally shutting down their critical thinking skills i did this with a girl after the first debate explaining to her that because the movie in her head pictured a mexican in a certain way her critical thinking skills turned off and that what trump said about the mexican judge would be equally applicable to someone of another heritage like german its a long story but her face was a picture tell them that theyre seeing things not based on reality but on the movies playing in their heads triggered by a certain word then watch the cognitive dissonance come on the broader level heres what we can do continue on as usual continue to make a cultural impact get those websites books movies and so on out there echoing what one member of the forum said politics is air cover culture is the ground war they can try to censor fake news all they want but we are too numerous to control if we dont cooperate its now time to redouble our efforts dont talk to any aggrieved victimhood class on social media if theyre acting hostile to you theyll use any excuse to ban you law disdain things you cannot have ignoring them is the best revenge begin to build new networks gab is up and coming and is far more free speech friendly i will echo what many others have said on the forum make fun of them theyre a prime target for humor believe me when i say most people are sick of the special snowflakes on the street as well as the media this is a time of great opportunity but we need to readjust for the new moves our opponents are making theyre doing everything they can to censor us and delegitimize trump thats the next focus of the campaign we must delegitimize them in turn but take heart that were now in the ascendant otherwise they wouldnt be making these moves i recall when i first visited return of kings and the forum nearly four years ago there was a general malaise in the atmosphere day after day it seemed we were suffering another defeat no longer what a ride its been read next reasons why you should apply for a job in the trump administration
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watch make bread home bread machine
feminism erodes tattooed lesbian core stop take moment wonder point third wave part feminism although ultimately proves destructive western societies give women equality least first second wave something legitimate bitch third wave feminism much today well talk underlying motives end game one looks modern feminism see women flipped script use term rewired life men necessary modern feminist job meet needs maybe wants small place cats netflix wants company men goes sluts always successful due biological imperative men surface feminist woman may appear analog red pill man yet upon closer examination actually imperfect copy man works harder dangerous jobs makes money thus money anything wants proper man interesting hobbies healthy fit lifestyle must fulfill potential inner drive also realizes normal men get laid due hypergamy must best wants successful women however crucial difference lies outcome women outlast shelf lives still single miserable fully expect suicide rate women generation skyrocket years men whose value based production enjoy later life peak women also live things companionship family quite happy even want family one time still question women despite feminist pandering contrary actually want man live grow old third wave feminism devoted stopping every way answer like things lies red pill philosophy women including feminists want best men modern feminism nothing nuclearlevel shit test woman needs alpha man like fish needs water sjw society today tells us men supposed hit women grocery store bookstore coffee shop thats precursor stalking shit night youre supposed hit girls bar club friends looking work youre even supposed talk women anything workrelated topics thats harassment wondering guy supposed meet girls get point answer youre feminists women general know man actually allows regulate behavior man worth first place interested men see answer feminisms constraints ignore first place combining shit test hypergamy result winning combo man successful good looking alpha enough good chance pulling another mans wife directly marriage family taking away women ultimately interested self interest means confronted best man ever beheld go feminism best self interest time instead receptive man hopes snaring ultimately women still need want men dont want bothered inferior men third wave feminism good job convincing betas stay away wanted paychecks postwall nascarstyle wrecks women enough enough look feminism logically hard come premise women disadvantaged history feminism effort balance scales disguise selfdepreciating irony feminism radical notion men women equal really men men women equal balance history since women disadvantaged men better get ready suck square accounts bet shes rok articles question follows men owe women much talking ever paid women heinously treated entirety existence never enough atonement make three theories could men apparently treated women badly time never paid absolute problem absolutes lack scope worst atrocities history borne men women alike could said men borne heavier half usually expected die defeat war whereas women although get raped conquerors least get live doubt women treated badly though balance probably finite amount penance men would restore equality two theories center idea eventually men atone faults perceived feminism difference lies happens second idea noble one probably accurate feminists see equality female supremacy equality reached women get top millennia would say already point anyone feminist see movement faltered lost whatever relevance ever already shouldnt stop try actually make things equal actually moral integrity thats third idea concept debts paid true equality would rule doubt one would ever happen victimhoodempowerment culture makes advantageous victim cant victim demographic top plus feelers thinkers average woman lacks intellectual capacity honest conclusion combining idea feminism massive shit test guys scam win money prizes society vagina one see solution treat like cult bullshit nothing new us return kings nothing new message reaches reason must treat like hopefully little exposed light reason feminism makes sense makes seem like men way succeed must lose everything precisely point way win equality female superiority males go along men read feminism lost minds young women
Corey Savage
reasons why youre not happy
convinced that previous snow plowing policies were sexist the city government of the swedish capital of stockholm recently implemented a feminist system for clearing it it ended in disaster and the city came to an absolute standstill for a start four times as many people than usual were hospitalized for snowrelated injuries nearly as importantly countless workers most of them men were prevented from getting to work it would appear that the patriarchybacked snow won as local politicians ended up apologizing for the havoccausing changes havoc like this forgetting that motor vehicles are often more impeded by snow than pedestrians and create a greater safety risk municipal resources which had already been increased were diverted to clearing bicycle paths and sidewalks and away from main roads areas like schools were also prioritized which again ignores the frequently greater ease of walking in snow than driving in it plus the longer distances car commuters face compared to children mothers and other women walking to places the situation is quite plainly moronic for a further reason nonmain roads and other parts of a city take up much more space meaning that the swedish capitals snow removal teams were targeting a far larger less densely used zone to boot this was all during a november already breaking records for snowfall the saga in stockholm reads like an microcosm of feminism itself an overeducated meaning undereducated group of leftists come together create data based on feelings and produce a plan of action that screws up an entire community feminists in stockholm had previously complained that the thoroughfares cleaned up first and most extensively by snowplows were the ones heavily used by men how they came to this conclusion is unclear but given the shutdown of the city that resulted from the feminist changes it wasnt based on any solid reasoning with private cars and public transport vehicles alike unable to move in many cases the femalefriendly snowclearing ended up adversely impacting far more people including women than the old one well done feminists and white knights what this says about sweden is it really surprising that one of the people responsible for stockholms femalefriendly snow plowing scandal mayor karin wanngård is a feminist and career politician who first joined the council in her teens because sweden is perhaps the most concentrated welfare state in the world not having people at their jobs and instead stuck in snow is a very bad thing how can a country continue to pay such a large bill for handouts with elected representatives of the caliber of stockholms trying to ruin things sweden is also home to a growing class of lowskilled migrant communities including many tens of thousands from the most recent mediterranean waves last year its recent migrant population is now essentially the same proportionallyspeaking as states more typically associated with multiculturalism such as canada and australia and nonethnic swedes in sweden tend to come from more troublesome cultures compared to the more assimilationfriendly east asians and indians emigrating to canada and australia how sweden intends to deal with issues like this while balancing urgent economic needs remains to be seen especially with braindead initiatives like the snow plow fiasco taking precedence add to the mix the recent creation of a mansplaining hotline by a swedish labor union and you start to see the real problems scandinavias most basketcase society is trying to solve so who was organizing the snow plowingand actually doing it yup you guessed it its a man driving theres no doubt that the feminist snow plowing scheme was an unmitigated disaster and its also extremely likely that the vast majority of people tasked with clearing stockholms streets are men oh the irony not only do feminist politicians try to preference women in the removal of snow they expect men to do the work in achieving it just as sanitation workers and garbage collectors are invariably male dont expect to catch too many female snowplow operators and other snowclearing employees in stockholm wake up sweden swedish multiculturalism in action stockholms snow removal catastrophe is emblematic of a country refusing to deal with its real malaise while the men who built sweden are categorized as wouldbe oppressors swedish society itself is close to breaking point even stockholms central train station is now terribly unsafe and various city police forces have long made it known that they do not have control of many suburbs in particular malmö swedens third city and certain districts of stockholm are notorious for ethnic ghettos gang violence rape and other crime but no mansplaining hotlines and not removing snow in a new feminist way are the clear and present dangers most swedes should fear at night read more australian male senator shuts down female colleague for accusing him of mansplaining
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hillary clintons entourage involved satanic pedophile ring
mainstream media calls real news fake narrative collapsing mainstream media calls real news fake narrative collapsing relampago furioso relampago author new modern man blog former member mainstream media turned dissident enjoys striking establishment using politically incorrect truths electrifying sjws logic living expat dream caribbean want come back matrix relampago also maintains library red pill book film recommendations red pill life coach helping men realize dream getting laid regular getting debt traveling world facebook twitter november manosphere think get news official sources know like blonde telling believe hocking hockey game theres anything election showed us american people increasingly distrustful listening commands laid mainstream media theyre increasingly reticent commit national demographic suicide guise diversity nebulous ideals theyre desperate drain swamp restore sense national pride stability declining usa response controllers presstitutes people really run world already hard work trying find way create false narrative fake news sites order lay ground work censorship control internet destroyed corporategovernment narrative shit fit happening highest levels propaganda ministry ie cnn abc cbs nbc et al learned american people know full shit really sites like return kings front lines war support free speech vitally important stay top game avoid reversion managed propaganda centralized control mass media gave us last years hackers leakers play right hands censorship narrative make mistake one reasons leakers misdeeds done politicians elite work allowed continue leaking dirty laundry plays hands designs censorship regaining control information sheeple get listen julian assange edward snowden leaks information giving extensive press coverage plays right hands censorship brigade also play protecting national security game time silence dissent comes fake news first assault sure become full scale war free speech internet thankful trump election rather bitch since election slow process censorship aggressiveness fake news narrative shows us determined people shut us shut us new york times already front lines assault free speech internet days bitch lost election publisher arthur sulzberger published mea culpa promised rededicate newspaper honest reporting cannot deliver independent original journalism known without loyalty subscribers new york times promises give news impartially without fear favor also approach incoming trump administration without bias dont buy whats known public relations diversion tactic focus seeming victory theyre already moving next false narrative socalled fake news sooner ink dried promise give trump chance new york times moving shut people made possible rise power altright alternative news web sites fake news produced purposefully teenagers balkans entrepreneurs united states seeking make money advertising false information also arise misinformed social media posts regular people seized spread hyperpartisan blogosphere spurious case study rumor got started protesters bussed protest trump rallies never mind mainstream media business runs lock stock barrel fake news almost every narrative create false one one need google search discredit many mainstream medias stories hypocrisy astounding pulling plug facebook censorship algorithms nothing compared elites agenda eliminating free speech online whether fake news narrative gains traction next step elite create problem affects millions people online follow hegelian dialectic preordained solution make everyone safer online stop spread false information protecting free speech online destroying look less figurative internet elite become desperate enough theyll pull plug backbone internet shutting ecommerce communication online days blame fake news story like benghazi blamed youtube video spring save us passing sorts creative laws restrictions aimed nothing eliminating competition corporategovernment narrative gutting yet another bill rights protections make mistake freedom speech important amendments constitution taken away game obama already floated idea silencing us cling guns religion continues narrative even election trump obama already floating idea official news web sites nothing proposing creation american equivalent pravda soviet union stateapproved newspaper considered truth everything else considered lies obviously new world order socialist narrative would truth system traditional conservative views would relentlessly silenced check messiah said berlin recently age theres much active misinformation packaged well looks see facebook page turn television overzealousness part us official equated constant severe repression elsewhere everything seems distinctions made wont know protect cant discriminate serious arguments propaganda problems fact saying things frighten also make angry statement pc way saying goal power structure shut us fuck want us listen clueless journalists encourage idea microchipping children later every aspect life controlled government must fight back discrediting fake news narrative every turn informing listen possibility fake internet designed give government reason curb free expression libertarian internet today
Roosh Valizadeh
watch how i make my own bread at home with a bread machine
as feminism erodes down to its tattooed lesbian core we should stop and take a moment to wonder what the point of the third wave part of feminism was although it ultimately proves destructive to western societies to give women equality at least the first and second wave had something legitimate to bitch about third wave feminism not so much and today well talk about the underlying motives and the end game of it all when one looks at modern feminism you see women who have flipped the script to use their term and rewired life so that men are not necessary for them a modern feminist has her own job that can meet her needs but maybe not all her wants and has her own small place with her cats and netflix when she wants the company of men she goes out and sluts it up and is always successful due to the biological imperative of men on the surface a feminist woman may appear to be the analog of a red pill man yet upon closer examination she is actually an imperfect copy a man works harder more dangerous jobs and makes more money because of it thus he has money for anything he wants and more a proper man has interesting hobbies and a healthy fit lifestyle and he must do this to fulfill his potential and inner drive but also because he realizes that normal men do not get laid due to hypergamy and he must be the best he can be if he wants to be successful with women however the most crucial difference lies in the outcome women who outlast their shelf lives while still being single are miserable and i fully expect the suicide rate of women of my generation to skyrocket in about years from now men whose value is based on their production and can enjoy a later in life peak than women also can live for other things than companionship and family and can be quite happy on their own even if they did want a family at one time or still do so the question is if women despite their feminist pandering to the contrary actually do want a man to live with and grow old with why is third wave feminism devoted to stopping that in every which way the answer like most things lies in the red pill philosophy women including feminists only want the best men modern feminism is nothing more than a nuclearlevel shit test a woman needs an alpha man like a fish needs water sjw society today tells us that men are not supposed to hit on women in the grocery store in the bookstore or at the coffee shop because thats a precursor to stalking or some shit at night youre not supposed to hit on girls at the bar or club because they are there with the friends and not looking for that at work youre not even supposed to talk to women about anything other than workrelated topics because thats harassment if you are wondering where is a guy supposed to meet girls then you get the point and the answer is that youre not feminists and women in general know that any man who actually allows them to regulate his behavior is not a man worth having in the first place so they are only interested in men that see that the answer to feminisms constraints is to ignore them in the first place combining the above shit test with hypergamy will result in a winning combo if a man is successful good looking and alpha enough he has a good chance of pulling another mans wife directly out of their marriage and family and taking her away women are ultimately interested only in their own self interest and that means when confronted with the best man she has ever beheld she will go against feminism because it is not in her own best self interest at the time and instead be receptive to the man in hopes of snaring him ultimately women do still need and want men they just dont want to be bothered by inferior men and third wave feminism does a good job of convincing the betas to stay away until they are wanted for their paychecks by postwall nascarstyle wrecks of women when is enough enough when you look at feminism logically which is hard you can come up with the premise that women have been disadvantaged over history and feminism is an effort to balance the scales they will disguise it in selfdepreciating irony feminism is the radical notion that men and women are equal but what they really men is that men and women should be equal over the balance of history and since women have been so disadvantaged men had better get ready for some suck to square the accounts i bet shes been in rok articles by now the question then follows if men owe women how much are we talking can it ever be paid off or have women been so heinously treated over the entirety of our existence that there will never be enough atonement to make up for it i have three theories it could be that men have apparently treated women so badly for all time that it can never be paid off because its an absolute the problem with absolutes is they lack scope the worst atrocities in history have been borne by both men and women alike and it could be said that men have borne the heavier half as they are usually expected to die before defeat in war whereas women although they get raped by the conquerors at least get to live i doubt most women have been treated that badly though on the balance so there is probably some finite amount of penance men would do to restore equality the other two theories center on the idea that eventually men will atone for all faults perceived by feminism and the only difference lies in what happens then my second idea is not a noble one but it is probably the most accurate feminists you see are not for equality they are for female supremacy and once equality is reached women will get to be on top for millennia some would say we are already at that point and this is why anyone who is not a feminist can see why the movement has faltered and lost whatever relevance it ever had when you already have it all shouldnt you stop and try to actually make things equal that is if you actually have moral integrity thats the third idea the concept of once all debts are paid true equality would rule i doubt this one would ever happen as our victimhoodempowerment culture makes it advantageous to be a victim and you cant be a victim if your demographic is on top plus being feelers not thinkers the average woman lacks the intellectual capacity to be honest with themselves conclusion combining the idea of feminism being a massive shit test to guys and a scam to win money and prizes from society just because you have a vagina one can see that the only solution is to treat it like the cult bullshit it is while that is nothing new for those of us here at return of kings and nothing new for those our message reaches the reason we must treat it like that has hopefully been a little more exposed to the light here the reason that feminism makes no sense and makes it seem like all men have no way to succeed and must lose everything is because that is precisely the point there is no way to win there is no equality there is only female superiority males that go along with it and men that do not read more feminism has lost the minds of young women
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things know prague czech republic
motivates live meaning life centuries mankind questioned everything mankinds quest answer drives us pushes us forward times darkness exempt analysis fact consistent theme since dawn time stoicism although directly attributed answering drives us skirts around topic creates general set principles help us deal negative externalities life many philosophers pontificated subject mankinds driving force live theres problem inherent analysis order research basic instinctual topic one needs experience visceral cerebral experience brings basic instinctual level epiphany one needs examine animalistic base explore logically one analysis known logotherapy greek word logoswise logotherapy developed viktor frankl influential school psychotherapy founded pillars motivates mankind delve logotherapy however important discuss viktor franklwho unique perspective provides incredibly powerful source credibility authority viktor frankl born time known austriahungary frankl neurologist psychiatrist early life relatively unspectacular early age displayed interest philosophy well psychotherapy initially interested freud adlers work began see faults eventually diverged teachingsbecoming particularly interested depression well suicide frankl completing residency neurology responsible setting selbstmörderpavillon translated english suicide pavilion estimated frankl along staff treated upwards women suicidal tendencies september life shaken frankl along wife family deported nazi concentration camp known theresienstadt ghetto whilst stay auschwitz frankl worked doctor psychiatric care unit focusing mental health helping newcomers deal shock grief three years concentration camp frankl released book entitled mans search meaning details experiences holocaust survivor well theory became known logotherapy book divided two partspart one detailed account experiences whereas part two discusses logotherapy time numerous concentration camps began shape philosophical psychiatric theory read books subject psychological healing prior imprisonment never experienced degree become accustomed particularly intrigued prisoners lived longer others frankl began organize thoughts document average prisoners life concentration camp reflected mind doctor focusing grief shockstricken inmates unique position hundreds weeks thousands helpless inmates carted auschwitz mostfeared concentration camp weekly inmates sleeping next seeking treatment frankl noted prisoner without exception faced three stages psychological reactions entering concentration camp stages shock apathy depersonalization seemingly unimportant noted documentation stages important frankl began notice every inmate experienced stages experienced less cerebral degree inmates seemed less depressive others featured happier disposition inmateswith expected variabilityoutlived inmates discovery began poke prod frankl noticed something separated individuals others hope never meaning life every moment matter painful dehumanizing horrendous meaning extension frankl suggests even suffering meaningful inmates survived longestthe ones outlived rest hope frankl suggested could tell whether inmate would live looking facesthe face dejected depressed inmate obvious clear day without hope doomed everything taken man one thing last human freedomsto choose ones attitude given set circumstances choose ones way next question frankl sought answer important one foundational maxim logotherapywhy men hope others answer love truth love ultimate highest goal man aspire grasped meaning greatest secret human poetry human thought belief impart salvation man love love understood man nothing left world still may know bliss brief moment contemplation beloved frankl book mans search meaning recounted several instances would driven brief stints depression beating latenight march bare feet watching friend get treated inhumanely hed vacillate depression thinking longing wife men lasted longest invariably wife job loved motivator unquantifiable love pushed men inhuman circumstances existentially escape physical realm put mind body get answer frankl codified three ways discovered find meaning life job love react suffering important realize easy read assume frankl saying suffer order find meaninghes suggesting however jobdeed love allow us find meaning life still find meaning choosing react negative situationour mental freedom one things never taken us theoretically speaking average man never faced dire circumstance atrocities frankl many others dealt however choose react lifes adversities fair assessment logotherapy provides simplistic solution complex question life since life complex series events logotherapy offers solution may representative lifes true hardships intricacies saying personal evaluation criticism may flaws assuming complex question must complex solution even assumption life complex debated cliched saying life hard complexand even realm possibility complex question simple solution sometimes answer seek right front us viktor frankl died september works still read today several logotherapy institutes exist today named read life inherent meaning without belief god
Jean-Batave Poqueliche
is hillary clintons entourage involved in a satanic pedophile ring
mainstream media calls real news fake because their narrative is collapsing mainstream media calls real news fake because their narrative is collapsing relampago furioso relampago is the author of the new modern man blog he is a former member of the mainstream media turned dissident he enjoys striking at the establishment using politically incorrect truths and electrifying sjws with logic he is now living the expat dream in the caribbean and does not want to come back to the matrix relampago also maintains a library of red pill book and film recommendations and is a red pill life coach helping other men realize the dream of getting laid on the regular getting out of debt and traveling the world facebook twitter november manosphere there are those who think we should only get our news from official sources you know like the blonde telling you what to believe in between hocking a hockey game if theres anything the election showed us its that the american people are increasingly distrustful of and not listening to the commands laid out by the once mainstream media theyre increasingly reticent to commit national and demographic suicide under the guise of diversity and other nebulous ideals theyre desperate not only to drain the swamp but to restore some sense of national pride and stability to the declining usa in response the controllers of the presstitutes the people who really run the world are already hard at work trying to find some way to create a false narrative about fake news sites in order to lay the ground work for censorship and control the internet has all but destroyed the corporategovernment narrative and there is a shit fit happening at the highest levels of the propaganda ministry ie cnn abc cbs nbc et al because they have learned the american people know how full of shit they really are sites like return of kings are on the front lines of this war in support of free speech and it is vitally important we stay on top of our game to avoid a reversion to the managed propaganda the centralized control of mass media gave us over the last years hackers and leakers play right into the hands of the censorship narrative make no mistake one of the reasons leakers of misdeeds done by politicians and the elite they work for have been allowed to continue leaking dirty laundry is because it plays into the hands of those with designs on censorship and regaining control of the information the sheeple get to listen to having julian assange and edward snowden doing leaks of information and giving them extensive press coverage plays right into the hands of the censorship brigade because they can also play the protecting national security game when the time to silence dissent comes fake news is only the first assault in what is sure to become a full scale war on free speech on the internet we can be thankful trump won the election rather than the bitch since his election will slow the process of censorship but the aggressiveness of the fake news narrative shows us how determined some people are to shut us up and shut us down the new york times is already on the front lines of this assault on free speech on the internet only days after the bitch lost the election publisher arthur sulzberger published a mea culpa and promised to rededicate the newspaper to honest reporting we cannot deliver the independent original journalism for which we are known without the loyalty of our subscribers the new york times promises to give the news impartially without fear or favor we also approach the incoming trump administration without bias dont buy into it this is whats known in public relations as a diversion tactic while we focus on our seeming victory theyre already moving on to their next false narrative socalled fake news no sooner than the ink dried on the promise to give trump a chance the new york times was moving to shut up the very people who made possible his rise to power the altright and alternative news web sites while some fake news is produced purposefully by teenagers in the balkans or entrepreneurs in the united states seeking to make money from advertising false information can also arise from misinformed social media posts by regular people that are seized on and spread through a hyperpartisan blogosphere they did a spurious case study on how a rumor got started about protesters being bussed in to protest at trump rallies never mind the mainstream media is a business that runs lock stock and barrel on fake news almost every narrative they create is a false one one need do no more than a google search to discredit many if not most of the mainstream medias stories the hypocrisy is astounding pulling the plug facebook censorship algorithms are nothing compared to the elites agenda of eliminating free speech online whether or not the fake news narrative gains traction the next step will be for the elite to create a problem that affects millions of people online then follow through with the hegelian dialectic with a preordained solution to make everyone safer online and to stop the spread of false information while protecting free speech online by destroying it look for no less than a figurative internet if the elite become desperate enough theyll pull the plug on the backbone of the internet shutting down ecommerce and communication online for a few days blame it on a fake news story just like benghazi was blamed on a youtube video then spring in to save us from ourselves by passing all sorts of creative laws and restrictions aimed at nothing more than eliminating competition to the corporategovernment narrative and gutting yet another of our bill of rights protections make no mistake freedom of speech is the most important of amendments to the constitution once that is taken away its game over obama has already floated the idea of silencing those of us who cling to our guns and religion and continues this narrative even after the election of trump obama has already been floating the idea of official news web sites this is nothing more than proposing the creation of the american equivalent of pravda in the soviet union in which only the stateapproved newspaper was considered the truth and everything else was considered lies obviously the new world order socialist narrative would be the only truth under a system such as this and traditional and conservative views would be relentlessly silenced check out what the messiah said in berlin recently in an age where theres so much active misinformation and its packaged very well and it looks the same when you see it on a facebook page or you turn on your television where some overzealousness on the part of a us official is equated with constant and severe repression elsewhere if everything seems to be the same and no distinctions are made then we wont know what to protect if we cant discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda then we have problems the fact he is saying these things should frighten you it should also make you angry this statement is a pc way of saying the goal of the power structure is to shut us the fuck up they want us to listen to clueless journalists who encourage the idea of microchipping your children and later yourselves so every aspect of your life can be controlled by the government we must fight back by discrediting the fake news narrative at every turn and informing those who will listen of the possibility of a fake internet designed to give the government a reason to curb free expression on the very libertarian internet of today
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dress like attention whore work expect treated like one
would saw two boys years wrestling shirts red sweaty large group peers around cheering eyes wide knuckles white would stop give young scraps advice see violent squabble boys acting natural impulses better equip defend family neighbours later life answer give large part dependent gender fact scenario would make increasingly large number men upset sign collapsing civilization nil desperandum western civilization solution mere horseplay early years professional saw education academics acknowledging databoys need rough tumble play mental physical wellbeing way encouraging institutions boys immediately reprimanded making fingerpistols without saying directly thought majority female teaching staff younger age ranges pushing boys natural urge fight like lioncubs underground whats boys made feel bad nature solution suggested men encouraged teach younger children engage rough play late education male dominated boys spent lot time male mentors course effort bring back environment instead compromise boys boys boys fairy princesses achievedplaying superheroes though female teachers going tone disapproval boys shoot lasers magic treacherous political class present feeble attempts manage symptoms societal masculinity problem like sticking tape burst pipe hemorrhaging testosterone cultural marxism continues swing pickaxe nthwave feminism high time took swings back first need teach lads fight age viking children taught martial art glima father son playfighting boys occasionally girls already wrestle friends family age systematic group activity greeks also taught boys wrestle ancestors could see big picture hoplites example individualistic free men ages voluntarily came together practise combat strengthened communities also allowed farmers fend persian empire yet today even isolated expressions violence computer games questioned sjws nevertheless signs thereour boys yearning activities practised forefathers college started unofficial fight clubmen based large part book movie name narrators nietzschean alter ego tyler durden describes bubbling frustration inside everincreasing number somethings coming together underground fights generation men raised women naturally half guys year participating within week young boys taught fight openly without shame avoid hidden expressions violence maybe even massshootings angry loner teens young perfect time teach young lads intention seriously injurying friends good fun produces healthier attitudes towards violence confidence selfdefence defence ones community furthermore recent study shown fighting helps strengthen peer relationships meaning less bullying segregation interesting compare codes honour ancient greek wrestling etc intuit wrestling children intentional hitting kicking gouging eyes biting going balls thats precisely used wrestle brothers friends pup obvious someone took things far ostracised fun least calmed apologised someone got hurt stopped checked whether pussy needed get mended kept calm carried generation men raised women tyler durden data screaming men havent changed especially need practise fighting still natural impulses suppression demonisation made men weak submissive much many selfdeprecating betas believe masculinity toxic full white guilt ashamed western civilization everything proud need encourage boys fighting spirit grow balls confidence kin thats spirit kept enemies foreign domestic bay thousands years cultural marxism malevolent immigrants anyone else wants go want turn scrapping boys men first gentlemen second need organise fights break read short history masculinity fighting save save save
Kyle Trouble
things to know about prague czech republic
what motivates you to live what is the meaning of life for centuries mankind has questioned everything mankinds quest for the answer to what drives us and what pushes us forward in times of darkness is not exempt from analysis in fact its been a consistent theme since the dawn of time stoicism although not directly attributed to answering what drives us skirts around the topic and creates a general set of principles to help us deal with negative externalities in life while many philosophers have pontificated on the subject of mankinds driving force and the will to live theres a problem inherent with such an analysis in order to research such a basic and instinctual topic one needs to experience a visceral cerebral experience that brings him or her to a basic instinctual level before having such an epiphany one needs to examine our animalistic base and then explore logically from there one such analysis is known as logotherapy from the greek word logoswise logotherapy developed by viktor frankl is an influential school of psychotherapy that is founded on the pillars of what motivates mankind before we delve into logotherapy however its important that we discuss viktor franklwho he was and why his unique perspective provides for an incredibly powerful source of credibility and authority viktor frankl was born in in what was at that time known as austriahungary frankl was a neurologist and psychiatrist his early life was relatively unspectacular but from an early age he displayed an interest in philosophy as well as psychotherapy initially interested in freud and adlers work he began to see their faults and eventually diverged from their teachingsbecoming particularly interested in depression as well as suicide during frankl in completing his residency in neurology was responsible for setting up the selbstmörderpavillon translated in english to the suicide pavilion its estimated that frankl along with his staff treated upwards of women who had suicidal tendencies in september of his life was shaken frankl along with his wife and family were deported to a nazi concentration camp known as theresienstadt ghetto whilst there and during his stay at auschwitz frankl worked as a doctor in the psychiatric care unit focusing on mental health helping newcomers deal with shock and grief in after three years in a concentration camp frankl released his book entitled mans search for meaning which details his experiences as a holocaust survivor as well as his theory which became known as logotherapy the book is divided into two partspart one is a detailed account of his experiences whereas part two discusses logotherapy his time in the numerous concentration camps began to shape his philosophical and psychiatric theory while he had read books on the subject of psychological healing prior to his imprisonment he had never experienced it to the degree in which he had become accustomed to particularly intrigued as to why some prisoners lived longer than others frankl began to organize his thoughts and document how the average prisoners life in a concentration camp was reflected in their mind as a doctor focusing on grief and shockstricken inmates he was in a very unique position hundreds and during some weeks thousands of helpless inmates were carted in auschwitz the mostfeared concentration camp weekly between the inmates sleeping next to him and those seeking treatment frankl noted that each prisoner without exception faced three stages of psychological reactions once entering the concentration camp these stages were shock apathy and depersonalization while seemingly unimportant the noted documentation of these stages was very important for frankl as he began to notice while every inmate experienced these stages some experienced them to a less cerebral degree some inmates seemed less depressive than others and featured a happier disposition these inmateswith some expected variabilityoutlived the other inmates discovery as he began to poke and prod frankl noticed something that separated these individuals from others hope there is never not meaning in life every moment no matter how painful dehumanizing or horrendous it is has meaning by extension frankl suggests even suffering is meaningful the inmates that survived the longestthe ones that outlived the rest had hope frankl suggested that he could tell whether or not an inmate would live just by looking at their facesthe face of a dejected depressed inmate was obvious and clear as day without hope they were doomed everything can be taken from a man but one thing the last of the human freedomsto choose ones attitude in any given set of circumstances to choose ones own way the next question that frankl sought to answer was an important one and the foundational maxim of logotherapywhy did some men have hope and others not the answer was love the truth that love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire then i grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart the salvation of man is through love and in love i understood how a man who has nothing left in this world still may know bliss be it only for a brief moment in the contemplation of his beloved frankl in his book mans search for meaning recounted several instances where he would be driven into brief stints of depression after a beating during a latenight march in bare feet or watching his friend get treated inhumanely hed vacillate from depression by thinking and longing for his wife the men whom lasted the longest invariably had a wife or a job that they loved it was this motivator the unquantifiable love that pushed men in inhuman circumstances to existentially escape the physical realm and put mind above body what we can get from this to answer this frankl codified three ways that he discovered is how we can find meaning in life a job love and how we react to suffering its important to realize that while its easy to read this and assume that frankl is saying we should all suffer in order to find meaninghes not he is suggesting however that should we not have a jobdeed or love that allow us to find meaning in life we can still find meaning by choosing how to react in a negative situationour mental freedom is one of the only things that can never be taken from us theoretically speaking the average man will never be faced with such a dire circumstance such as the atrocities that frankl and so many others dealt with what we can do however is choose how we react to lifes adversities a fair assessment of logotherapy is that it provides a simplistic solution to a complex question life since life is such a complex series of events logotherapy offers a solution that may not be representative of lifes true hardships and intricacies in saying this my own personal evaluation is that this criticism in itself may have flaws by assuming that a complex question must have a complex solution even the assumption that life in complex can be debated its a cliched saying that life is hard or complexand even if it is its not out of the realm of possibility that a complex question has a simple solution sometimes the answer we seek is right in front of us viktor frankl died in september and his works are still read today several logotherapy institutes exist today named after him read more does life have inherent meaning without belief in god
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election result discussion presidential election open thread
earlier skewered nine dictators thugs demagogues politicians adored leftists despite considerable failings policy ethics hygiene six overhyped figures revered leftists always get everything wrong franklin delano roosevelt world remembers fdr led america great depression wwii remembered fondly seniors heard inspiring fireside chats ugly truth economists argue fdrs measures prolonged great depression new deal programs struck unconstitutional except social security got supreme court back threatening pack court members views liking restrained judicial opinion though constitution doesnt grant congress power create federal retirement system social security worksthough slim pickings retirees incomeand decades surplus cash cow offsetting congressional overspending however aging baby boomers didnt enough children might turn cash cow albatross social security number defacto universal id number convenient database field monitoring citizens americas founding fathers would appalled todays domestic spying soviet dictators old would wept envy fdr pledged keep usa wwii meanwhile quietly everything possible antagonize japan oncefriendly nation among several items freezing assets cutting oil supply got intelligence upcoming attack pearl harbor didnt order base locked loaded wasnt bad enough nearly quarter million americans died battle least pivotal intervention came time make world safe democracy right unfortunately fdr far friendly ussr giving nearly billion food weaponry supplies billion adjusted inflation yalta conference fdr agreed let uncle joe stalin take eastern europe general patton wanted press forward full speed keep much territory possible away soviet tyranny politics hampered every step way got rubbed iron curtain rose cold war began winston churchill said slaughtered wrong pig roosevelt listened generals fdr wasnt communist many appointees trusted advisers later joseph mccarthy barely scratched surface trying get rid walter cronkite world remembers longtime cbs anchorman reporting many triumphs tragedies friendly face living room tvs decades became everyones uncle walter according polls trusted man america ugly truth although decent fellow person cronkite archetypal bigname liberal journalist spinning news decades sometimes rather subliminal including signature subtle sneer public believed journalists muckrakers unbiased truthtellers cronkites tagline went thats way cronkites late career mainstream media veneer respectabilityperhaps like warped plastic barely sticking crumbling particleboard veneer nonetheless three american corporate tv networks manhattan publics information gatekeepers broadcast news besides shortwave radio available baby boomer liberals might get bit mistyeyed remembering days today six megaconglomerates media least internet lets us present perspectives call biased reporters wasnt bad enough biggest whopper tet offensive viet cong launched desperate allout assault suffered heavy losses mostly within day ultimately vc gained territory however trusted man america gave propaganda victory reporting vietnam war hopeless public opinion promptly turned war ho chi minh shouldve given cronkite medal honorary vc generalship dozen roses many forget paris accords brought peace two years later though shaky ford administration couldnt persuade congress respond appropriately shit test north vietnam invaded saigon fell thats long story public opinion biased reporting certainly didnt help affected americas prestige abroad along lives millions south vietnamese killed sent reeducation camps allen ginsberg world remembers pioneer beatniks much beloved hippies followed lauded several literary prizes even credit basically starting counterculture singlehandedly ugly truth ginsberg neurotic degenerate wrote socalled poem sphincter yes really rest isnt much better anyone considering bathroom wall ravings profound either educated beyond ability comprehend believed hype didnt read dropped much acid howl bestknown poem begins saw best minds generation destroyed madness brief excerpt get brain bleach describing best minds burned cigarette holes arms protesting narcotic tobacco haze capitalism distributed supercommunist pamphlets union square weeping undressing sirens los alamos wailed wailed wall staten island ferry also wailed broke crying white gymnasiums naked trembling machinery skeletons bit detectives neck shrieked delight policecars committing crime wild cooking pederasty intoxication howled knees subway dragged roof waving genitals manuscripts let fucked ass saintly motorcyclists screamed joy blew blown human seraphim sailors caresses atlantic caribbean love balled morning evenings rosegardens grass public parks cemeteries scattering semen freely whomever come may even overlooking lunacy buggery butthurt ginsbergs free verse stylistically lazy back poetry meant keats kipling rhymed meter noted critic usa example america used communist kid im sorry ginsberg visited several communist countries getting deported immorality abandoned ancestral faith buddhism hare krishna phase people believe course adding two things upalong wretched poetryreveals tortured soul rejecting everything one belongs childish rebellion rebellions sake granted ginsbergs popularity greatest screwedup kill parents still promoted crapulous drivel smoking literary gatekeepers pushing cultural marxism running talented writers wasnt bad enough ginsberg joined north american manboy love association sometimes speaking kindly behalf explaining accurately titled interviewpolitics pederasty consciousnessto harvard crimson get older specialised sexual tastes gets harder make like young boys id chance making younger guys younger dewier dewylimbed media usually portrays pickup artists reprobates screeched donald trumps yearsold private locker room talk presstitutes likewise lefty intelligentsia fawningly praised ginsberg despite appetite young boys ted kennedy best friends forever east west world remembers lion senate representing massachusetts death champion social justice carried kennedy legacyhailed americas nobilityafter two brothers tragically slain ugly truth passionate booze adultery social justice suckers kept reelecting lack character sank way deeper though way underwater night partying chappaquiddick island ted kennedy drove bridge escaped failed help passenger mary jo kopechne per one investigators suffocated slowly air pocket two hours hed ran nearby house helprather waiting nine hours sober upshe wouldve survived got two month suspended sentence barely slap wrist vehicular manslaughter judge basically said poor teddy suffered enough miss kopechne suffered theres one set rules elites another us shortly thereafter tried spindoctor woe shtick suckers kept reelecting though presidential bid beyond reach many legislative actions immigration nationality act notorious promised public first cities flooded million immigrants annually proposed bill present level immigration remains substantially secondly ethnic mix country upset contrary charges quarters bill inundate america immigrants one country area populated deprived nations africa asia final analysis ethnic pattern immigration proposed measure expected change sharply critics seem think bill flood cities immigrants upset ethnic mix society relax standards admission cause american workers lose jobs lion senate lyin fat ass population replacement policy threatens americas future coudenhovekalergi plan europe still suckers kept reelecting wasnt bad enough besides giving away country constitution granted blessings liberty posterity lyin ted cahoots kgb proposed help soviet pal yuri andropov tidying ussrs image problem cold wars endgame damning documents suggested walter cronkite see barbara walters might used effort conservatives often suspect liberals soft communism little know cozy ted kennedy bed comrade andropov john lennon world remembers talented musician arguably prominent beatles story archetypal garage band becoming bar band eventually breaking great fame lennon produced dozens hits still get air play hes remembered wonderful man embodiment good parts anyway conscience world ugly truth despite lennons considerable talents songs excellent things slipped white album revolution really beatles broke started solo career often featuring songs sophomoric political poses last album produced lifeafter dragging long heroin stuporwas double fantasy critics first agreed sucked nut shot lennon felt sorry declared brilliant lennon archetypal leftist celebrity using fame push politics granted everyone right opinion able sing act confers special political expertise song imagine particularly telling put imagine religion country politics virtually communist manifesto even though im particularly communist belong movement shadow berlin wall back bar gig days shouldve precluded sophomoric posturing like wasnt bad enough failings quite troubling numerous fully detail one item abandoning family way father truly wonderful man wouldnt another item extensive substance abuse spent guzzling booze lost weekend one night waitress refused service stuck menstrual pad head lennon know waitress yeah youre asshole kotex forehead one lennon biographer asked timothy leary whod hundreds acid trips lennons extreme lsd consumption would leary idea finally kind inner vacuum caused highly successful musician much beloved public get strung heroin jimmy carter heartwarming scene jimmy carter uncle fidel stand cuban national anthem havana world remembers carter praised rare honest politician exemplifying christian principles tolerance ugly truth economy tanked carter administration doubledigit inflation high unemployment economists still puzzled stagflation normally unemployment inflation inversely correlated least obama gave economists another data point study carters commendably corrupt exemplified bleedinghearted liberalism despite winning nobel peace prize george w bush likewise al gore lightworker carter lackluster embarrassment known tmi statements example hemorrhoids committing adultery heart least clinton balls real ranked lower mr whipple face recognition survey boston globe reported one speeches headline mush wimp finally journalists got something right carters shining foreign policy moment camp david accords establishing peace egypt israel america started giving billion annually party making peace ironically supplies military usa wasnt even combatant aside uss liberty incident certainly shouldnt inspire american tribute money taxpayers still fund absurd protection racket worse badly bungled iran hostage crisis one iranian official later stated wouldve released hostages usa threatened force beginning yep carter failed irans shit test consequentially usa lost tons international prestige ordeal hostages dragged unnecessarily wasnt bad enough carter often little cordial notorious dictators worse clinton trusted represent usa disarmament talks north korea gave potemkin village show bought hook line sinker yet carter played chumpthe usa opened wallet gave north korea aid pinkyswore stop nuclear program norks nukessurprise awesome job mister nice guy read ugly truth leftist heroes
David G. Brown
if you dress like an attention whore at work expect to be treated like one
what would you do if you saw two boys of years wrestling their shirts off red and sweaty they have a large group of peers around them cheering eyes wide and knuckles white would you stop them or give the young scraps some advice do you see a violent squabble or boys acting on natural impulses which will better equip them to defend their family and neighbours later in life the answer you give is in large part dependent on your gender so the fact that this scenario would make an increasingly large number of men upset is a sign of a collapsing civilization but nil desperandum western civilization has the solution mere horseplay as an early years professional i saw education academics acknowledging the databoys need rough and tumble play for their mental and physical wellbeing but they have no way of encouraging this in institutions where boys are immediately reprimanded for making fingerpistols at each other without saying it directly they thought that the majority female teaching staff for younger age ranges were pushing our boys natural urge to fight like lioncubs underground whats more the boys were made to feel bad about themselves and their very nature their solution they suggested that more men be encouraged to teach younger children and engage in rough play with them until the late s education was male dominated and boys spent a lot of time with male mentors but of course there has been no effort to bring back that environment instead a compromise between boys being boys and boys being fairy princesses was achievedplaying superheroes as though female teachers are going to tone down the disapproval as the boys shoot lasers and magic at each other the treacherous political class present only feeble attempts to manage the symptoms of our societal masculinity problem like sticking some tape over the burst pipe of our hemorrhaging testosterone as cultural marxism continues to swing the pickaxe of nthwave feminism at it so its high time we took a few swings back but first we need to teach our lads how to fight at the age of or viking children were taught the martial art of glima this was not just father and son playfighting boys and occasionally girls already wrestle with friends and family up to that age this was more systematic a group activity the greeks also taught their boys how to wrestle because our other ancestors could see the big picture the hoplites for example were individualistic free men of all ages who voluntarily came together to practise combat this not only strengthened their communities but also allowed these farmers to fend off the persian empire yet today even isolated expressions of violence in computer games are questioned by sjws nevertheless all the signs are thereour boys are yearning for the same activities practised by their forefathers at college i started a unofficial fight clubmen only this based in large part on the book and movie of the same name in which the narrators nietzschean alter ego tyler durden describes the bubbling frustration inside the everincreasing number of somethings coming together for underground fights were a generation of men raised by women naturally half the guys in my year were participating within a week but our young boys should be taught how to fight openly and without shame to avoid hidden expressions of violence and maybe even some massshootings by angry loner teens when they are young it is the perfect time to teach them young lads have no intention of seriously injurying their friends its just good fun and produces healthier attitudes towards violence and confidence in selfdefence and the defence of ones community furthermore a recent study has shown that fighting helps to strengthen peer relationships meaning less bullying and segregation it is interesting to compare the codes of honour of ancient greek wrestling etc with those we intuit as wrestling children no intentional hitting or kicking no gouging the eyes or biting no going for the balls thats precisely how i used to wrestle with my brothers and friends as a pup it was just obvious if someone took things too far they were ostracised from the fun at least until they calmed down and apologised if someone got hurt we stopped checked whether they were just being a pussy or needed to get themselves mended we kept calm and carried on were a generation of men raised by women tyler durden the data are screaming that men havent changed especially our need to practise fighting we still have the same natural impulses but their suppression no their demonisation has made our men weak and submissive so much so many are selfdeprecating betas who believe masculinity is toxic full of white guilt and ashamed of western civilization we have everything to be proud of and need to encourage our boys fighting spirit so they grow some balls some confidence in themselves and their kin thats the spirit which has kept our enemies foreign and domestic at bay for thousands of years and will do the same to cultural marxism malevolent immigrants and anyone else who wants to have a go if we want to turn scrapping boys into men first and gentlemen second we need to organise some fights not break them up read more a short history on the masculinity of fighting save save save
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donald trump elected th president united states
leave reply bill still good morning im still reporting chan truepundit right movements fbi agents tonight suggest massive raid happening tomorrow dc metro area may involve arrests seizure evidence clinton foundation investigation think hear sound thousands computers scrubbed bleachbit leesburg virginia bowie maryland walk outside tomorrow mighty blow freedom struck first step towards restoration rule law taken first letter anonymous writing chan making interesting predictions first chan see also sr huma abedin flipped nypd slimy sex probe crooked hillary may involved message board designed ground totally anonymous users dont even pick username posts time sensitive less time rrated discussion threads time g pg rated ones reliability comments judged knowledge context surrounding comments story chan aug still report since thought true ran story longer seems bit flaky much panned particular chan thread pertained whether hillary clinton would recommended indictment fbi director jim comey announced anonymous fbi analyst management thread apparently taken anonymous previous author may met fate hands conspirators attempting steal american election follows message dated nov next days many new documents released contents documents contain evidence perhaps largest coverup american history happens would like explain answer questions may month wikileaks anonymous worked together building efficient detailed comprehensive set documents would responsible incarceration hillary clinton bill clinton individuals ranging dnc fbi cia clinton foundation documents show without doubt evidence treason obstruction justice election fraud manipulation bribery intended october surprise release documents contacted member fbi well another cia week later nypd information pertaining something much darker even imagine due nature leaks work together efficiently possible ensure two objectives necessary information would given public organized searchable manageable way provided us information would able find safety releases made concern wasnt without warrant new leaks released week provide documents form emails pictures videos within evidence bill clinton well least six government officials taking part sexual acts minors well evidence human trafficking also included minors believe pictures videos taken purpose political manipulation order make sure participants followed previously agreed agenda documents given us american government official come learn crime covered hillary staff methods including bribery blackmail also told us due restricted access documents would soon know one released us trying make arrangements exit country safely killed arrangements could carried remember remember th november im still reporting washington good day sf source bill still nov share
Roosh Valizadeh
election result discussion for the presidential election open thread
earlier i skewered nine dictators thugs demagogues and politicians adored by leftists despite considerable failings in policy ethics and hygiene here are six more overhyped figures revered by leftists who always get everything wrong franklin delano roosevelt how the world remembers fdr led america through the great depression and wwii remembered fondly by seniors who heard his inspiring fireside chats the ugly truth some economists argue that fdrs measures prolonged the great depression all the new deal programs were struck down as unconstitutional except social security he got the supreme court to back off by threatening to pack the court with more members with views to his liking that restrained their judicial opinion though the constitution doesnt grant congress the power to create a federal retirement system social security worksthough its slim pickings if its a retirees only incomeand for decades the surplus has been a cash cow offsetting congressional overspending however the aging baby boomers who didnt have enough children might turn the cash cow into an albatross further the social security number is now a defacto universal id number a convenient database field for monitoring citizens americas founding fathers would have been appalled at todays domestic spying and the soviet dictators of old would have wept with envy fdr pledged to keep the usa out of wwii meanwhile he quietly did everything possible to antagonize japan a oncefriendly nation such as among several items freezing their assets and cutting off their oil supply when he got intelligence of the upcoming attack on pearl harbor he didnt order the base to be locked and loaded if that wasnt bad enough so nearly a quarter million americans died in battle but at least the pivotal intervention came just in time to make the world safe for democracy right unfortunately fdr was far too friendly with the ussr giving them nearly billion in food weaponry and other supplies about billion adjusted for inflation at the yalta conference fdr agreed to let uncle joe stalin take over eastern europe general patton wanted to press forward at full speed to keep as much territory as possible away from soviet tyranny but politics hampered him every step of the way until he got rubbed out when the iron curtain rose and the cold war began winston churchill said we slaughtered the wrong pig if only roosevelt had listened to his generals fdr wasnt a communist but many of his appointees and trusted advisers were later joseph mccarthy barely scratched the surface trying to get rid of them walter cronkite how the world remembers he was a longtime cbs anchorman reporting many triumphs and tragedies a friendly face on living room tvs for decades he became everyones uncle walter according to polls he was the most trusted man in america the ugly truth although a decent fellow in person cronkite was the archetypal bigname liberal journalist spinning the news for decades sometimes it was rather subliminal including his signature subtle sneer most of the public then believed journalists were muckrakers and unbiased truthtellers as cronkites tagline went and thats the way it is until cronkites late career the mainstream media had a veneer of respectabilityperhaps like warped plastic barely sticking to crumbling particleboard but a veneer nonetheless there once were only three american corporate tv networks from manhattan they were the publics information gatekeepers no other broadcast news besides shortwave radio was available baby boomer liberals might get a bit mistyeyed remembering those days today six megaconglomerates own of the media but at least the internet lets us present our own perspectives and call out biased reporters if that wasnt bad enough his biggest whopper was about the tet offensive the viet cong launched a desperate allout assault suffered very heavy losses mostly it was over within a day and ultimately the vc gained no territory however the most trusted man in america gave them a propaganda victory reporting that the vietnam war was hopeless public opinion promptly turned against the war ho chi minh shouldve given cronkite a medal an honorary vc generalship and a dozen roses many forget that the paris accords brought peace two years later though the shaky ford administration couldnt persuade congress to respond appropriately to a shit test by north vietnam then they invaded and saigon fell all thats a long story but public opinion from biased reporting certainly didnt help that affected americas prestige abroad along with the lives of millions of south vietnamese killed or sent to reeducation camps allen ginsberg how the world remembers he was a pioneer of the beatniks much beloved by the hippies who followed and lauded with several literary prizes some even credit him with basically starting the s counterculture singlehandedly the ugly truth ginsberg was neurotic and a degenerate he wrote a socalled poem about his sphincter yes really but the rest isnt much better anyone considering his bathroom wall ravings as profound either is educated beyond his ability to comprehend believed the hype and didnt read it or dropped too much acid howl his bestknown poem begins i saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness a brief excerpt get some brain bleach describing these best minds who burned cigarette holes in their arms protesting the narcotic tobacco haze of capitalism who distributed supercommunist pamphlets in union square weeping and undressing while the sirens of los alamos wailed them down and wailed down wall and the staten island ferry also wailed who broke down crying in white gymnasiums naked and trembling before the machinery of other skeletons who bit detectives in the neck and shrieked with delight in policecars for committing no crime but their own wild cooking pederasty and intoxication who howled on their knees in the subway and were dragged off the roof waving genitals and manuscripts who let themselves be fucked in the ass by saintly motorcyclists and screamed with joy who blew and were blown by those human seraphim the sailors caresses of atlantic and caribbean love who balled in the morning in the evenings in rosegardens and the grass of public parks and cemeteries scattering their semen freely to whomever come who may even overlooking the lunacy buggery and butthurt ginsbergs free verse is stylistically lazy back when poetry meant keats and kipling it rhymed and had meter he was a noted critic of the usa for example america i used to be a communist when i was a kid im not sorry ginsberg visited several communist countries getting himself deported from some of them for immorality he abandoned his ancestral faith for buddhism and had a hare krishna phase what people believe is up to them of course but adding these two things upalong with his wretched poetryreveals a tortured soul rejecting everything one belongs to is childish rebellion for rebellions sake granted ginsbergs popularity was greatest during the screwedup kill your parents s still what were those who promoted his crapulous drivel smoking were the literary gatekeepers pushing cultural marxism running out of talented writers if that wasnt bad enough ginsberg joined the north american manboy love association sometimes speaking kindly on their behalf explaining in an accurately titled interviewpolitics pederasty and consciousnessto the harvard crimson as i get older having very specialised sexual tastes it gets harder to make out i like young boys why id have more chance at making out with younger guys if i were younger dewier dewylimbed the media usually portrays pickup artists as reprobates and screeched about donald trumps yearsold private locker room talk but the presstitutes likewise the lefty intelligentsia fawningly praised ginsberg despite his appetite for young boys ted kennedy best friends forever east and west how the world remembers he was the lion of the senate representing massachusetts from until his death in this champion of social justice carried on the kennedy legacyhailed as americas nobilityafter his two brothers were tragically slain the ugly truth he was as passionate for booze and adultery as he was for social justice but the suckers kept reelecting him his lack of character sank way deeper though all the way underwater after a night of partying on chappaquiddick island ted kennedy drove off a bridge he escaped but failed to help his passenger mary jo kopechne per one of the investigators she suffocated slowly in an air pocket for about two hours if hed ran to a nearby house for helprather than waiting nine hours to sober upshe wouldve survived he got a two month suspended sentence barely a slap on the wrist for vehicular manslaughter the judge basically said poor teddy had suffered enough what about how miss kopechne suffered theres one set of rules for the elites and another for us shortly thereafter he tried to spindoctor it with a woe is me shtick the suckers kept reelecting him though a presidential bid was now beyond reach as for his many legislative actions the immigration and nationality act of was the most notorious he promised the public first our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually under the proposed bill the present level of immigration remains substantially the same secondly the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset contrary to the charges in some quarters the bill will not inundate america with immigrants from any one country or area or the most populated and deprived nations of africa and asia in the final analysis the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think the bill will not flood our cities with immigrants it will not upset the ethnic mix of our society it will not relax the standards of admission it will not cause american workers to lose their jobs the lion of the senate was lyin his fat ass off this population replacement policy threatens americas future just as the coudenhovekalergi plan is doing in europe still the suckers kept reelecting him if that wasnt bad enough besides giving away the country to which the constitution granted the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity lyin ted was in cahoots with the kgb he proposed to help his soviet pal yuri andropov with tidying up the ussrs image problem during the cold wars endgame the damning documents suggested that walter cronkite see above and barbara walters might be used for this effort conservatives often suspect liberals are soft on communism little did they know how cozy ted kennedy was in bed with comrade andropov john lennon how the world remembers he was a talented musician arguably the most prominent of the beatles their story was an archetypal garage band becoming a bar band and eventually breaking out into great fame lennon produced dozens of hits that still get air play hes remembered as a wonderful man an embodiment of the s the good parts anyway and the conscience of the world the ugly truth despite lennons considerable talents not all his songs were excellent things slipped with the white album revolution really after the beatles broke up he started a solo career often featuring songs with sophomoric political poses his last album produced during his lifeafter dragging himself out of a long heroin stuporwas double fantasy critics at first agreed that it sucked after a nut shot lennon they felt sorry for him and declared it brilliant lennon was the archetypal leftist celebrity using fame to push politics granted everyone has a right to their opinion but being able to sing or act confers no special political expertise his song imagine is particularly telling as he put it imagine that there was no more religion no more country no more politics is virtually the communist manifesto even though im not particularly a communist and i do not belong to any movement being under the shadow of the berlin wall back in their bar gig days shouldve precluded sophomoric posturing like this if that wasnt bad enough his failings are quite troubling too numerous to fully detail one item is abandoning his family the way his own father did a truly wonderful man wouldnt do that another item was his extensive substance abuse he spent guzzling booze his lost weekend one night a waitress refused service because he stuck a menstrual pad on his head then lennon do you know who i am waitress yeah youre some asshole with a kotex on his forehead one lennon biographer asked timothy leary whod been on hundreds of acid trips what lennons extreme lsd consumption would do leary had no idea finally what kind of inner vacuum caused this highly successful musician much beloved by the public to get himself strung out on heroin jimmy carter in this heartwarming scene jimmy carter and uncle fidel stand for the cuban national anthem in havana how the world remembers carter is praised as a rare honest politician exemplifying christian principles and tolerance the ugly truth the economy tanked during the carter administration doubledigit inflation and high unemployment economists are still puzzled by stagflation normally unemployment and inflation are inversely correlated at least obama gave economists another data point to study carters commendably not corrupt but exemplified bleedinghearted liberalism despite winning the nobel peace prize for not being george w bush likewise al gore and the lightworker carter was a lackluster embarrassment he was known for tmi statements for example about his hemorrhoids and committing adultery in his heart at least clinton had the balls to do it for real he ranked lower than mr whipple on a face recognition survey the boston globe reported on one of his speeches with the headline more mush from the wimp finally journalists got something right carters shining foreign policy moment was the camp david accords establishing peace between egypt and israel america started giving over a billion annually to each party for making peace which ironically supplies their military why the usa wasnt even a combatant aside from the uss liberty incident which certainly shouldnt inspire american tribute money taxpayers still fund this absurd protection racket worse he badly bungled the iran hostage crisis one iranian official later stated they wouldve released the hostages if the usa had threatened force in the beginning yep carter failed irans shit test consequentially the usa lost tons of international prestige and the ordeal of the hostages dragged on unnecessarily if that wasnt bad enough carter is often a little too cordial with notorious dictators worse clinton trusted him to represent the usa during disarmament talks with north korea they gave him the potemkin village show he bought it hook line and sinker yet again carter was played for a chumpthe usa opened its wallet and gave north korea aid and they pinkyswore to stop their nuclear program now the norks have nukessurprise awesome job mister nice guy read more the ugly truth of leftist heroes
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wall street hollywood media sjws fail stop donald trump becoming americas th president
leave reply maureen moss typical newsletter words flowed forth morning clearly week ahead united states across world one significant history presidential election historic though weeks follow may prove nothing appears beginning times entirely new civilization humanity years ago everything harmonized new civilization dismantled sometime future weeks directly front us hundreds thousands years billions people shaped become individually collectively earth restructured events unfolding must trust brought harmony impulse one system operation long knowing new humanity new global reality would born lifetime certainly little idea would occur long ago came know responsibility personally held lift stabilize consciousness open wide hearts free captivity deceptive fearful lower nature multiple realities certainly started becoming aware desire know authentically thus beginning journey return singular loving nature longer conflicted dual pillars truth odds war divine right time preparation new reality born earth begin within certainly instinctively entire distorted external reality politically socially economically operating reverse truth riddled deception lies manipulation would come find true nature would considered much could potentially come light glare much darkness would come presidential election far election day regardless seeming winnerin united states america election seismic evolutionary event week ahead follow flurry activity end times beginnings witness distorted psychology human system exposed broken every angle breathe stay center open heart open mind love observance profound display activity behalf humanities evolution earth hold close stay center get thisit already written god bless
Roosh Valizadeh
donald trump elected th president of the united states
leave a reply bill still good morning im still reporting on chan if truepundit is right again then there are movements of fbi agents tonight that suggest a massive raid happening tomorrow in the dc metro area that may involve arrests and seizure of evidence in the clinton foundation investigation i think i can hear the sound of thousands of computers being scrubbed by bleachbit from leesburg virginia to bowie maryland when i walk outside and if so then tomorrow a mighty blow for freedom will be struck as the first step towards the restoration of the rule of law is taken but first this letter from anonymous writing on chan making some interesting predictions first of all what is chan see also sr huma abedin flipped in nypd slimy sex probe crooked hillary may be involved it is a message board that is designed from the ground up to be totally anonymous users dont even have to pick a username posts are time sensitive less time for rrated discussion threads more time for g or pg rated ones so the reliability of the comments can only be judged by knowledge of the context surrounding the comments i did a story on chan on aug still report since i thought it was true i ran the story then now it no longer seems a bit flaky because much of it has panned out the particular chan thread that pertained to whether or not hillary clinton would not be recommended for indictment by fbi director jim comey was announced by an anonymous fbi analyst now management of the thread has apparently been taken over by anonymous the previous author may have met his fate at the hands of the conspirators attempting to steal the american election what follows is the message dated nov over the next few days many new documents will be released the contents of these documents will contain evidence of perhaps the largest coverup in american history before this happens we would like to explain ourselves and answer a few questions you may have until this month wikileaks and anonymous have worked together building an efficient detailed comprehensive set of documents that would be responsible for the incarceration of hillary clinton bill clinton and individuals ranging from the dnc fbi cia and clinton foundation these documents will show without a doubt the evidence of treason obstruction of justice election fraud manipulation and bribery this was intended to be the october surprise but before the release of these documents we were contacted by a member of the fbi as well as another from the cia and a week later by the nypd all with information pertaining to something much darker than even we imagine due to the nature of these leaks we all work together as efficiently as possible to ensure two objectives that all necessary information would be given to the public in an organized searchable manageable way those who provided us with this information would be able to find safety before these releases were made this concern wasnt without warrant the new leaks being released this week will provide documents in the form of emails pictures and videos within these will be evidence of bill clinton as well as at least six other government officials taking part in sexual acts with minors as well as evidence of human trafficking that also included minors we believe these pictures and videos were taken for the purpose of political manipulation in order to make sure all participants followed through on a previously agreed agenda these documents were given to us by an american government official when he had come to learn that this crime had been covered up by hillary and her staff through methods including bribery and blackmail he also told us that due to the restricted access of these documents they would soon know he was the one who released them to us we were trying to make arrangements for him to exit the country safely but he was killed before those arrangements could be carried out remember remember the th of november im still reporting from washington good day sf source bill still nov share this
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ammo panic
leave reply steve taylor phd standpoint ordinary consciousness separateness seems basic part human condition human beings experience egos trapped inside mindspace observing world seems side skulls result normal human state one aloneness always onlookers rather participants communicate people speaking writing gesturing never able truly know us share thoughts feelings inner always sealed egoseparation also creates sense incompleteness separate world like fragments broken whole feel sense insufficiency kind hole inside us spend lives trying fill rarely manage like cats taken away mother birth always hankering affection attention try compensate sense lack bornagain christians mean something close say godshaped hole inside us although view traditional religion cant fill hole either provide ultimately incomplete consolation wealth success result aloneness incompleteness dont feel completely home world completely rooted feel somehow adrift dont fully belong like people travelled around world much longer feel home anywhere whereas traditional indigenous peoples seem perceive world benign benevolent place us seems indifferent even vaguely malevolent addition egoisolation generates basic sense insecurity insignificance ego tiny flimsy face enormous world like tiny wooden beach shack edge vast ocean feel dwarfed sheer weight phenomena events taking place possibly significance relation fragile entity inside heads stand might world wider effects separateness however effects separateness reach far beyond individual fact would go far say sense separateness root cause constant conflict warfare oppression blighted human history human sense incompleteness generates craving possessions power status way trying complete compensate inner discord try complete make significant gaining power people collecting wealth possessions desire wealth power root cause warfare oppression coupled reduced empathy separateness causes separate self walls us human beings makes difficult us feel experience world perspective makes possible us violent cruel people since cant sense suffering cause oppress exploit service desires oppress women members lower classes castes different races gain power status wealth sense separateness also root cause abuse environment means experience sense otherness nature cant sense aliveness result dont feel qualms exploiting abusing separateness wouldnt exactly say separateness illusion many nonduality teachers would illusion aberration something exists shouldnt children dont experience separateness exist state natural relatedness world one reasons childhood wonderful child feels connected everything around participatory flow experience also many peoples world even adults dont exist state separateness world indigenous peoples dont see separate environment feel strong sense connection nature awareness part web creation one important tim ingold writes batek negritos malaysia example see involved intimate relationship interdependence plants animals hala spirits including deities inhabit world cherokee indian scholar rebecca adamson points indigenous peoples environment perceived sensate conscious entity suffused spiritual powers human understanding realised perfect humility sacred whole hopi use term novoitti concept living harmony nature tlingit also north america call shogan anthropologist lucien levybruhl believed essential characteristic native peoples limits individuality variable illdefined noted rather existing selfsufficient individual entities indigenous peoples sense identity bound community land cites reports native peoples used word speaking group others see land extension self forced away land would tantamount death native peoples often prepared commit suicide rather leave lands naming practices certain peoples suggest us name permanent label defines individuality autonomy australian aborigines example fixed names keep throughout lives names regularly change include members tribe native peoples use tekonyms terms describe relationship two people instead personal kinship names sense separateness seems quirk psychological development us slowly develops move adolescence becoming firmly established late teens ego develops structure creating sense innerness walling us witness massive change occurs child enters adolescence especially boys freshness joy childhood gives way dullness confusion part glorious flow experience suddenly outside world alone inside mental space adolescents strong need belonging new sense separation makes feel vulnerable need reinforce identity part groups gangs following fashions bleakly also murders committed young men response perceived slights insults new fragile sense identity young men liable take offence kind trivial affront making feel belittled creating instant desire take revenge regain lost status remember transition clearly adolescence carefree childhood suddenly felt locked inside alone thoughts feelings one else would ever able experience along felt acute selfconsciousness aware every movement made every word spoke couldnt anything naturally anymore felt exposed walked street aware people could looking windows grow adulthood people deal fragility vulnerability self taking roles attachments take roles jobs attach certain beliefs strengthening identity labels socialists atheists muslims attach ambitions knowledge theyve accumulated selfimage important powerful people emotionally attach people roles attachments become scaffolding ego propping time reinforce separation making individual walled awakening sleep separateness however matter far separateness fall sense never superficial matter strong ego becomes never construct everyone experiences moments separateness temporarily fades become part unity refer awakening experiences frequently occur walking amongst natural surroundings dancing running sex listening playing music situations normal chattering ego normal fuel ego maintaining structure becomes quiet leading softening boundaries separateness dissolves afloat ocean immersed glorious isness aliveness world tellingly moments always identity shift feel weve become someone else deeper grounded self seems authentically egoself identified seems like imposter limited shallow trickster somehow deluded us thinking identity also many cases extreme loss intense turmoil egos building blocks roles attachments broken away person might diagnosed cancer told months left live alcoholic might reach rock bottom point suicide person might become seriously disabled injury illness might suffer trauma bereavement depression destruction hopes beliefs cases forms loss simply bring sadness suffering minority individuals trigger spiritual awakening scaffolding broken normal egoself dissolves away deeper truer self emerges place like butterfly caterpillar person feels reborn like different person inhabiting body new sense meaning connection experiences sense coming home back original oneness harmony individual species fell away always always separate selves deluded us thinking asleep steve taylor holds phd transpersonal psychology senior lecturer psychology leeds beckett university uk last five years steve included mind body spirit magazines list spiritually influential living people connect steve facebookcomstevetaylorauthor sf source wake world nov
David G. Brown
wall street hollywood the media and sjws fail to stop donald trump from becoming americas th president
leave a reply maureen moss not a typical newsletter from me these are words that flowed forth this morning clearly the week ahead for the united states and those across the world will be one of the most significant in history the presidential election is historic in and of itself though the weeks to follow may prove to be more so nothing is as it appears to be we are in the beginning times of an entirely new civilization as was humanity some years ago everything not harmonized with this new civilization will be dismantled not sometime in the future in the weeks directly in front of us hundreds of thousands of years and billions of people will be shaped by who we become individually and then collectively and how this earth is restructured by the events unfolding now we must trust we are being brought into harmony under the impulse of one system of operation long knowing that a new humanity and new global reality would be born in this our lifetime certainly we had little idea of how that would occur not all that long ago we came to know the responsibility we personally held to lift and stabilize our consciousness open wide our hearts and free ourselves from the captivity of a deceptive fearful lower nature having multiple realities certainly we started becoming aware of our desire to know ourselves authentically thus beginning the journey to return to a singular loving nature no longer conflicted by dual pillars of truth nor at odds or war with ourselves all this in divine right time and in preparation for a new reality to be born on earth it had to begin within ourselves certainly not as instinctively was how an entire distorted external reality politically socially economically and more operating in reverse truth riddled with deception lies and manipulation would come to find its true nature few would have considered how much could potentially come to light under the glare of so much darkness or that it would come through a presidential election far from over on election day regardless of the seeming winnerin the united states of america this election is a seismic evolutionary event in this week ahead and those to follow through the flurry and activity of the end times and the beginnings as you witness the distorted psychology of the human system exposed and broken down from every angle breathe stay in your center and with an open heart open mind and love be in observance of this most profound display of activity on behalf of humanities evolution and that of the earth hold each other close and stay in your center we will get through thisit has already been written god bless you
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trump presidency creates mountains salt butthurt liberals
leave reply chelsea clintons wedding paid charity money meant poor crooked hillary used clinton foundation funds illegally pay daughters wedding called charity fraud wikileaks busted chelsea hillary clinton today leaking email clinton advisor doug band hillary campaign chairman john podesta email band accuses chelsea charity fraud paying wedding charity cash laundered thru rotten clinton foundation racket many clinton crimes take hillary voters awaken many never world isnt run naive simpletons clinton crimes run deep adults stepping squash hillary round crooked henchmen happen time stop hillary stealing rigged election sf source barry soetoro
Luke Stranahan
what to do in an ammo panic
leave a reply steve taylor phd from the standpoint of ordinary consciousness separateness seems to be a basic part of the human condition most human beings experience themselves as egos trapped inside their own mindspace observing a world which seems to be out there on the other side of their skulls as a result the normal human state is one of aloneness were always onlookers rather than participants we can communicate with other people by speaking writing or gesturing but they will never be able to truly know us or to share our thoughts and feelings our inner being will always be sealed off from them egoseparation also creates a sense of incompleteness because were separate from the world were like fragments which have broken off from the whole and so feel a sense of insufficiency there s a kind of hole inside us which we spend most of our lives trying to fill but very rarely manage to like cats who were taken away from their mother at birth and who are always hankering for affection and attention to try to compensate for a sense of lack bornagain christians mean something close to this when they say that there is a godshaped hole inside us although in my view traditional religion cant fill the hole either only provide the same ultimately incomplete consolation as wealth or success as a result of this aloneness and incompleteness we dont feel completely at home in the world were not completely rooted here and so feel somehow adrift as if we dont fully belong like people who have travelled around the world so much that they no longer feel at home anywhere whereas traditional indigenous peoples seem to perceive the world as a benign and benevolent place to us it seems indifferent and even vaguely malevolent in addition our egoisolation generates a basic sense of insecurity and insignificance our own ego is so tiny and so flimsy in the face of the enormous world out there like a tiny wooden beach shack at the edge of a vast ocean we feel dwarfed by the sheer weight of the phenomena and events taking place out there how can we possibly have any significance in relation to them how can this fragile entity inside our heads stand up to the might of the world the wider effects of separateness however the effects of this separateness reach far beyond the individual in fact i would go so far as to say that the sense of separateness is the root cause of the constant conflict warfare and oppression which have blighted human history the human sense of incompleteness generates a craving for possessions power and status as a way of trying to complete ourselves and compensate for our inner discord we try to complete ourselves and make ourselves significant by gaining power over other people or by collecting wealth and possessions this desire for wealth and power is the root cause of warfare and oppression too coupled with the reduced empathy which separateness causes the separate self walls us off from other human beings makes it difficult for us to feel with them and to experience the world from their perspective this makes it possible for us to be violent and cruel to other people since we cant sense the suffering we cause them so we oppress and exploit them in the service of our own desires oppress women members of lower classes or castes different races so that we can gain more power status and wealth the sense of separateness is also the root cause of our abuse of the environment it means that we experience a sense of otherness to nature and that we cant sense its aliveness and as a result we dont feel any qualms about exploiting and abusing it why separateness i wouldnt exactly say that separateness is an illusion as many nonduality teachers would not an illusion but an aberration something which exists but shouldnt children dont experience separateness they exist in a state of natural relatedness to the world this is one of the reasons why childhood is so wonderful because the child feels connected to everything around them in a participatory flow with all experience with no in here or out there there are also many other peoples in the world who even as adults dont exist in a state of separateness most of the world s indigenous peoples dont see themselves as separate to their environment they feel a strong sense of connection to nature an awareness that they are a part of the web of creation and one which is no more important than any other as tim ingold writes of the batek negritos of malaysia for example they see themselves as involved in an intimate relationship of interdependence with the plants animals and hala spirits including the deities which inhabit their world or as the cherokee indian scholar rebecca adamson points out for indigenous peoples the environment is perceived as a sensate conscious entity suffused with spiritual powers through which the human understanding is only realised in perfect humility before the sacred whole the hopi use the term novoitti for the concept of living in harmony with nature while the tlingit also of north america call it shogan the anthropologist lucien levybruhl believed that essential characteristic of native peoples was that the limits of their individuality are variable and illdefined he noted that rather than existing as selfsufficient individual entities indigenous peoples sense of identity was bound up with their community and their land he cites reports of native peoples who used the word i when speaking of their group and others who see their land as an extension of their self so that being forced away from their land would be tantamount to death this is why native peoples are often prepared to commit suicide rather than leave their lands the naming practices of certain peoples suggest this too for us a name is a permanent label which defines our individuality and autonomy but australian aborigines for example do not have fixed names which they keep throughout their lives their names regularly change and include those of other members of their tribe other native peoples use tekonyms terms which describe the relationship between two people instead of personal or kinship names the sense of separateness seems to be a quirk of our psychological development for us it slowly develops as we move into adolescence becoming firmly established in our late teens the ego develops as a structure creating a sense of innerness and walling us off witness the massive change which occurs when a child enters adolescence especially with boys the freshness and joy of childhood gives way to dullness and confusion after being a part of the glorious flow of experience were suddenly outside the world alone inside our own mental space this is why adolescents have such a strong need for belonging their new sense of separation makes them feel so vulnerable that they need to reinforce their identity by being a part of groups or gangs or by following fashions more bleakly this is also why most murders are committed by young men in response to perceived slights or insults with their new fragile sense of identity young men are liable to take offence at any kind of trivial affront making them feel belittled and creating an instant desire to take revenge and regain their lost status i remember this transition clearly from my own adolescence after a carefree childhood i suddenly felt locked inside myself alone with thoughts and feelings which no one else would ever be able to experience along with that i felt an acute selfconsciousness i was aware of every movement i made and every word i spoke so that i couldnt do anything naturally anymore i felt exposed when i walked down the street aware that people could have been looking at me from their windows as they grow into adulthood most people deal with the fragility and vulnerability of the self by taking on roles and attachments they take on the roles of their jobs attach themselves to certain beliefs strengthening their identity with labels such as socialists atheists or muslims or attach themselves to ambitions to knowledge theyve accumulated to their selfimage as important or powerful people or emotionally attach themselves to other people these roles and attachments become the scaffolding of the ego propping it up and at the same time they reinforce separation making the individual walled off awakening from the sleep of separateness however no matter how far into separateness we fall in a sense its never more than superficial no matter how strong the ego becomes its never more than a construct everyone experiences moments when separateness temporarily fades and we become part of the unity again these are what i refer to as awakening experiences they frequently occur when were walking amongst natural surroundings when were dancing or running during or after sex listening to or playing music in these situations the normal chattering of the ego which is the normal fuel of the ego maintaining it as a structure becomes quiet leading to a softening of its boundaries separateness dissolves and were afloat on the ocean of being again immersed in the glorious isness and aliveness of the world tellingly in these moments there is always an identity shift we feel that weve become someone else a deeper more grounded self which seems more authentically you the egoself we identified with before seems like an imposter a limited and shallow trickster who somehow deluded us into thinking it was our identity there are also many cases of extreme loss or intense turmoil when all of the egos building blocks its roles and attachments are broken away a person might be diagnosed with cancer and told they only have a few months left to live an alcoholic might reach rock bottom and be on the point of suicide a person might become seriously disabled through injury or illness or they might suffer from the trauma of bereavement depression the destruction of hopes and beliefs and so on in most cases these forms of loss simply bring sadness and suffering but for a minority of individuals they can trigger a spiritual awakening with all its scaffolding broken down the normal egoself dissolves away and our deeper truer self emerges in its place like a butterfly from a caterpillar the person feels reborn like a different person inhabiting the same body with a new sense of meaning and connection in all of these experiences there is a sense of coming home back to our original oneness the harmony which both as an individual and as a species we fell away from it was always there it is always here its just that our separate selves deluded us into thinking we were asleep steve taylor holds a phd in transpersonal psychology and is a senior lecturer in psychology at leeds beckett university uk for the last five years steve has been included in mind body spirit magazines list of the most spiritually influential living people connect with steve at and facebookcomstevetaylorauthor sf source wake up world nov
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things america learn hungarys resistance migrant masses
leave reply doreen virtue powerful intense week angel numbers sign instant manifestation upcoming election impending supersuper full moon november touch godgiven spiritual power healer positive role model stressed yet youll also need take time ideally quiet retreat even moments day may feel effects upcoming powerful full moon sleep issues sensitivity mood swings avoid anyone anything trigger learn angel numbers please visit free page angel numbers reading httpwwwangeltherapycomangelnum magical messages fairies oracle cards httpbitlyfairycards sf source doreen virtue
Jon Anthony
trump presidency creates mountains of salt from butthurt liberals
leave a reply chelsea clintons wedding was paid for with charity money meant for the poor crooked hillary used clinton foundation funds to illegally pay for her daughters wedding that is called charity fraud wikileaks busted chelsea and hillary clinton today by leaking an email from clinton advisor doug band to hillary campaign chairman john podesta in the email band accuses chelsea of charity fraud paying for her own wedding with charity cash laundered thru the rotten clinton foundation racket how many clinton crimes will it take for hillary voters to awaken many never will but the world isnt run by naive simpletons clinton crimes run so deep that adults are stepping up to squash hillary and round up her crooked henchmen will that happen in time to stop hillary from stealing the rigged election sf source barry soetoro
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election exposed
reply according numerous reports stories published years among many alleged secrets vatican device called chronovisor device enables user observe future well past events many believe device one greatest guarded secrets humanity ever even believe crucial tool allowed vatican preserve influence power years ever since h g wells composed novel time machine many people left fascinated idea time travel even theoretical physics dreams possibility making work one day everything related time travel today related science fiction seems least interestingly may italian newspaper shocked world published article provoking headline machine photographs past finally invented news article indicated dozens scientists created artifact allowed photograph past even witness important historical accounts directly connected jesus christ alleged device according many nothing science fiction built team scientists led father pellegrino maria ernetti italian physicist eventually became priest believed team received important help nobel laureate enrico fermi famous rocket scientist wernher von braun chronovisor relatively small object equipped number antennas composed entirely precious alloys cathode tubes dials levers reports father ernetti suggest whoever uses device able capture record specific locations important events follow history noteworthy individuals according father ernetti observed among historical events christs crucifixion photographed well view image image left one obtained using chronovisor right similar image located church perugia even said perfect conditions device offers user ability foresee going happen near future however father ernetti remained secretive stated liberty reveal details chronovisor father ernetti however reveal chronovisor worked processing residual electromagnetic radiation left numerous processes according numerous reports father ernetti used chronovisor witness important historical events notable crucifixion christ however father ernetti revealed thanks invention managed witness destruction sodom gomorrah major historical events founding rome bc also thanks chronovisor father ernetti able recompose missing work thyestes written ennio quinto represented rome ac original version original text two stone tablets written god exodus given moses mount sinai apart witnessing likes napoleon roman philosopher cicero great momentous historical biblical episodes french priest françois charles antoine brune one first hear chronovisor according father françois met father ernetti two traveling across grand canal venice two experts ancient languages began talk bible interpretation years supposedly blueprints chronoviso r image father brune intrigued father ernetti revealed machine could answer questions related bible father françois asked machine father ernetti described chronovisor saying device functioned like tv instead receiving transmissions local stations chronovisor able tune past allow viewer see hear events occurred centuries ernetti told brune machine worked detecting images sounds humanity created floating space said intriguing device project behind canceled vatican destroyed believe chronovisor located somewhere vatican hidden one many chambers hidden away society however versions suggest father ernetti team decided voluntarily dismantle device since could tune anywhere anytime past fall wrong hands could create scariest dictatorship world ever seen interestingly father ernetti died april wrote letter insisted device real hoax many believed father ernetti claimed alleged photograph chronovisor captured jesus christ cross showing sorrowful face bearded man gazing towards heavens real even though critics argue image reproduction statue jesus located church perugia critics also claim alleged text device managed observe thyestes included latin words exist time made father ernetti also said pope pius xii forbade us disclose details device machine dangerous restrain freedom man however vatican issued decree warned anyone using instrument characteristics would excommunicated according many unnecessary warning since according chronovisor never existed issue warning another hoax think story behind chronovisor think another top secret object kept away society vatican sf source rise earth
Bernie Paprika
things america can learn from hungarys resistance against the migrant masses
leave a reply doreen virtue its a powerful and intense week with the angel numbers which is a sign of instant manifestation and the upcoming election and impending supersuper full moon of november you will be in touch with your godgiven spiritual power of being a healer and a positive role model for those who are stressed yet youll also need to take time for yourself ideally a quiet retreat even for a few moments each day you may feel the effects of the upcoming powerful full moon with sleep issues sensitivity or mood swings avoid anyone or anything that trigger you to learn more about angel numbers please visit our free page for an angel numbers reading httpwwwangeltherapycomangelnum from the magical messages from the fairies oracle cards at httpbitlyfairycards sf source doreen virtue
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socalled intellectuals harm good society
leave reply joseph p anthony presidential week united states although job president proven incredibly stressful two candidates vying position willing take responsibility election day tuesday november th mars schedule leave capricorn enter aquarius signs switch mars unmistakable signal whoever elected move things new given nature aquarius possibly surprising direction wednesday know whether first female elected someone politician break glass ceiling simply something unusual surprising could store friday november th time venus rein wilder side nature sagittarius buckle enters practical capricorn focusing attention realistic aspirations regarding love money next month saturday november th mercury emerges depths scorpio begins bask sagittarian worldview cheerful optimistic communication sign likes focus energy future sports travel religion politics education philosophy mercury paints large brush sagittarius next three weeks lookout embellishments exaggerations fish big especially newly elected president made prediction based solely astrology win election sf source joseph p anthony
Michael Sebastian
what the election has exposed
reply according to numerous reports and stories that have been published through the years among the many alleged secrets the vatican has there is a device called the chronovisor the device enables its user to observe future as well as past events many believe this device is one of the greatest guarded secrets humanity has ever had some even believe it is a crucial tool which has allowed the vatican to preserve its influence and power through the years ever since h g wells composed his novel the time machine many people have been left fascinated by the idea of time travel even theoretical physics dreams of the possibility of making it work one day everything related to time travel today is related to science fiction or so it seems at least interestingly on may an italian newspaper shocked the world when they published an article with a provoking headline a machine that photographs the past has finally been invented the news article indicated that dozens of scientists created an artifact that allowed them to photograph the past and even witness important historical accounts directly connected with jesus christ the alleged device which according to many is nothing more than science fiction was built in the s by a team of scientists led by father pellegrino maria ernetti an italian physicist who eventually became a priest it is believed that the team received important help from nobel laureate enrico fermi and famous rocket scientist wernher von braun the chronovisor is a relatively small object that is equipped with a number of antennas and is composed entirely of precious alloys cathode tubes some dials and levers reports by father ernetti suggest that whoever uses the device is able to capture and record specific locations important events and follow in history noteworthy individuals according to father ernetti he had observed among other historical events christs crucifixion and photographed it as well view image the image to the left is the one obtained using the chronovisor on the right is a similar image located in a church in perugia it is even said that under the perfect conditions the device offers its user the ability to foresee what was going to happen in the near future however father ernetti remained secretive and stated he was not at liberty to reveal further details about the chronovisor father ernetti did however reveal that the chronovisor worked by processing residual electromagnetic radiation left over by numerous processes according to numerous reports father ernetti used the chronovisor to witness important historical events with the most notable being the crucifixion of christ however father ernetti revealed that thanks to this invention had managed to witness the destruction of sodom and gomorrah and other major historical events such as the founding of rome in bc also thanks to the chronovisor father ernetti was able to recompose the missing work thyestes written by ennio quinto and represented in rome in ac in its original version and the original text of the the two stone tablets written by god exodus which were given to moses on mount sinai apart from witnessing the likes of napoleon roman philosopher cicero and other great and momentous historical and biblical episodes french priest françois charles antoine brune was one of the first to hear about the chronovisor according to father françois he met father ernetti in the s when the two were traveling across the grand canal of venice as the two were experts in ancient languages they began to talk about the bible and its interpretation through the years supposedly these are the blueprints of the chronoviso r image father brune that was very intrigued when the father ernetti revealed that there was a machine that could answer all questions related to the bible when father françois asked about the machine father ernetti described the chronovisor saying that it was device that functioned just like a tv but instead of receiving transmissions from local stations the chronovisor was able to tune into the past and allow the viewer to see and hear events that had occurred centuries before ernetti told brune that the machine worked by detecting images and sounds that humanity had created which were floating in space it is said that this intriguing device and the project behind it were canceled by the vatican but not destroyed some believe the chronovisor is located somewhere in the vatican hidden in one of the many chambers hidden away from society however there are other versions that suggest that father ernetti and his team decided to voluntarily dismantle the device because since it could tune anywhere and anytime in the past if it were to fall into the wrong hands it could create the scariest dictatorship the world has ever seen interestingly before father ernetti died in april he wrote a letter in which he insisted that the device was real and was not a hoax as many believed father ernetti claimed that the alleged photograph the chronovisor had captured of jesus christ on the cross showing the sorrowful face of a bearded man gazing towards the heavens was real even though some critics argue that the image was a reproduction of a statue of jesus located in a church in perugia critics also claim that the alleged text the device managed to observe of thyestes included latin words that did not exist at the time it was made in father ernetti also said that pope pius xii forbade us to do disclose any details about this device because the machine was very dangerous it can restrain the freedom of man however in the vatican issued a decree in which it warned that anyone using an instrument of such characteristics would be excommunicated according to many this was an unnecessary warning since according to them the chronovisor never existed so why issue a warning if it was just another hoax what do you think about the story behind the chronovisor do you think it is another top secret object kept away from society by the vatican sf source rise earth
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donald trumps victory means men
leave reply aa michael attuned midthdimensional frequencies light relinquish idea human known past time emergence soul consciousness allow become reigning influence within life means begin listen wisdom body elemental signals sends appropriate physical emotional wellbeing dna cells body begin integrate higher frequencies light gradually begin vibrate attune refined energy new age period transformation process could likened death old selfconsciousness really process removing veils illusion integrate new level oversoulhigher self absorb wisdom illumination facet vaster process shedding multiple layers density absorbed within auric field many ages earthly experience saying light shall set free true statement light dissolving layers upon layers negativity carried long time begin function within auric field refined light creation turn inward learn stay focused centered within sacred heart power moment time light transformers begin draw forth integrate maximum amount adamantine particles creator light consciously radiate forth remainder humanity world achieve certain level harmony within open physical body gateways portals higher dimensions ascension chakra medulla oblongata vagus nerve base skull also back portal sacred heart sacred mind major steps ascension process process complete well way gaining access first sublevel fifth dimension entrylevel sacred triad waiting welcome adameve kadmon body original individualized seed atom godself fully conscious light body form created elohim lords lightbuilders archetype humanity adam kadmon embodies original complete divine spiritual nature manwoman personal oversoul body light evolving towards divine consciousness higher selves spiritualoversoul body sacred triads refracted facets god self original light body kadmon light body ability take form necessary create experience forms creation fathermother gods plan universe adameve kadmon spiritualphysical creation incarnates planetary worlds cycles divine creation physical body beginning awakening process desire turn inward listen inner wisdom soul soul awareness includes body elemental memory seed atom contains perfect blueprint original adameve kadmon light form emotional body first become aware emotions control wants needs desires long run bring sense happiness satisfaction begin turn inward question life choices asking awhat results actions begin seek answers pain dissatisfaction life voice superconscious mind becomes stronger gradually take heed follow souls guidance become comfortable begin rely voice higher wisdom egodesire body gradually relinquishes control soulself becomes director guiding influence life begin align higher self gradually learned trust inspirational intuitive thoughts sacred mind eventually begin view interactive events life higher vantage point develop emotional detachment refined view human interactions experienced important tests emotions develop better understanding human emotional nature learn go flow view tests challenges gifts opportunities growth learned make peace past script future endeavor live focus moment gradually time vibrational patterns emotional body lifted magnetic pull physical realm mental body begin realize limitations subconscious conscious minds see rigid limited stuck mass consciousness belief structure willingly begin selfanalysis process whereby reevaluate attitudes judgment programmed concepts begin feel burning desire expand knowledge beyond physical reality seek learn earth greater meaning life instinctive mind gives way higher intellectual mind gradually gain access sacredintuitive mind soulself becomes director destiny life begins change dramatically better faith trust become inborn certainty happening divine order also know certainty upward spiraling path refined harmonious loving reality stay moment take one step time way opened selfmaster selfdetermined selfconditioned selfaware soulconscious selfmaster responsive surrounding environment observer mundane life experiences higher vantage point world profound event first experience abounding loving energy joy radiating forth within sacred heart soul souls nature love residing within limitations rdthdimensional environment soul self connect love essence motherfather god selfmaster stands firmly centered within sacred heart within midst chaos change holding fast wisdom sacred mind gathering strength fathermother god illusions lower dimensions slowly fade away adept adept person firmly centered upon path light whose point focus within sacred mind sacred heart heshe balanced harmonized integrated facets soul self within rdthdimensional planes consciousness heshe directly connected hisher overlighting sacred triad resides least within entry level th dimension order reach stage aspirant must completed first four stages enlightenment attained selfmastery first four dimensions level ascension open humanity time accomplished many brave souls physical vessel disciple disciple person heeded whisperings soul self actively seeking enlightenment wisdom selfrealization ultimately selfmastery sacred mind higher mind human sacred mind etheric crystalline seed atom stored within upper back portion brain membrane light protecting access portal contents sacred mind raised frequencies appropriate level higher th dimension sacred mind contains condensed version ancient past history portion wisdom vital information integrated many past lives universe becoming selfmaster earth involves gaining access integrating requisite portion attributes qualities talents stored within sacred mind mental aspect higher self wisdom tap connect many facets vaster oversoul ultimately connect presence god ray godseed atom access wisdom fathermother god collective intelligence subuniverse divine mind divine mind totality divine godseed atom ever higher level ultimately sacred minds fathermother god better understanding could say higher mind refined frequency consciousness obtain higher consciousness levels download facet oversoul higher self traverse path ascension move accepted spectrum light shadow goal develop ability stay centered within sacred mind sacred heart learn consciously maintain higher perspective going around express compassion unconditional love everyone goal selfmaster become attuned higher frequencies light become accustomed flow sacred fire breath called river lifelovelight antakarana ancient teachings hidden powerful radiant current knowledge encoded within living river life code creative genius however must tap wisdom sacred mind soul self order access inborn power called star seeds reason return selfmastery initiate process creating crystalline life code seed atoms c new advanced evolutionary process eventually used life forms within next forthcoming golden galaxy ask study revealed endeavor get universal schematic created firmly within mind understand next phase wondrous cosmic events unfolding eyes bearer light promised representatives earth within need complete earthly journey remainder thdimensional realms doubts arise remember experiences past whether successful seemingly failures given wealth experience draw upon shine light see call us assist every way possible know always loved profoundly archangel michael transmitted ronnasacred scribe sf source ronna star
André du Pôle
why socalled intellectuals do more harm than good to society
leave a reply joseph p anthony its presidential week in the united states and although the job of being president has proven to be incredibly stressful two candidates vying for this position are willing to take on this responsibility on election day tuesday november th mars is on schedule to leave capricorn and enter aquarius this signs switch for mars is an unmistakable signal that whoever is elected will move things in a new and given the nature of aquarius possibly surprising direction on wednesday we should know whether the first female is elected or someone who is not a politician will break the glass ceiling or simply that something unusual and surprising could be in store on friday to november th its time for venus to rein in the wilder side of its nature in sagittarius and buckle down as it enters practical capricorn focusing her attention on realistic aspirations regarding love and money for the next month on saturday november th mercury emerges out of the depths of scorpio and begins to bask in the sagittarian worldview of cheerful and optimistic communication this sign likes to focus it energy on the future of sports travel religion politics education and philosophy mercury paints with a very large brush in sagittarius so for the next three weeks be on the lookout for embellishments and exaggerations the fish was this big especially from the newly elected president i made a prediction based solely on astrology on who will win this election sf source joseph p anthony
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two hollywood films men leave todays sjw movies dust
leave reply mike adams fbi head james comey deliberately clearly conspired cover enormous number crimes committed hillary clinton closest staffers fbis investigation additional emails concluded changed conclusions expressed july respect secretary clinton comey announced today decision james comey essentially announces tyranny criminal government washington complete rule law declared null void head fbi sufficiently powerful person washington ever held accountable crimes including crimes treason nation bribery corruption destruction evidence selling government influence unless something reverses quickly fbi cemented position nothing corrupt branch totalitarian criminal regime seized power washington protect criminal class political elitists rule nation lawless tyrants rogue fbi agents nypd go public evidence expose horrifying truth clintons really pedophilia fails analysis says may see rapid ramping real talk open revolt perhaps even leading armed citizens march washington depose criminal regime power ive pointed effort would require thousand armed citizens achieve occupation key government buildings overthrow criminals power sadly would also involve tremendous bloodshed loss life lets hope doesnt come heres letter james comey sent today write supplement october letter notified fbi would taking additional investigative steps respect former secretary state clintons use personal email server since letter fbi investigative team working around clock process review large volume emails device obtained connection unrelated criminal investigation process reviewed communications hillary clinton secretary state based review changed conclusions expressed july respect secretary clinton grateful professionals fbi extraordinary amount f highquality work short period time source uk daily mail sf source natural news
Roosh Valizadeh
what donald trumps victory means for men
leave a reply aa michael when you are attuned to the midthdimensional frequencies of light you relinquish the idea of being human as you have known it in the past it is a time of the emergence of your soul consciousness as you allow it to become the reigning influence within your life this means you begin to listen to the wisdom of your body elemental and the signals it sends as to what is appropriate for your physical and emotional wellbeing your dna and the cells of your body begin to integrate the higher frequencies of light and gradually you begin to vibrate and attune to the refined energy of the new age this period of the transformation process could be likened to a death of your old selfconsciousness which is really the process of removing the veils of illusion as you integrate each new level of your oversoulhigher self you absorb the wisdom and illumination of that facet of your vaster being you are in the process of shedding the multiple layers of density which you have absorbed within your auric field down through the many ages of earthly experience the saying the light shall set you free is a true statement for the light is dissolving the layers upon layers of negativity that you have carried for such a very long time you begin to function within an auric field of refined light of your own creation as you turn inward and learn to stay focused and centered within your sacred heart in the power of the now moment over time you as light transformers begin to draw forth and integrate the maximum amount of adamantine particles of creator light and you then consciously radiate forth the remainder out to humanity and to the world when you achieve a certain level of harmony within you open the physical body gateways or portals to the higher dimensions the ascension chakra or the medulla oblongata and the vagus nerve at the base of the skull and also the back portal of your sacred heart and your sacred mind these are major steps in the ascension process when this process is complete you are well on your way to gaining access to the first sublevel of the fifth dimension where your entrylevel sacred triad is waiting to welcome you the adameve kadmon body is your original individualized seed atom godself in a fully conscious light body form created by the elohim lords of lightbuilders of as the archetype of humanity the adam kadmon embodies the original complete divine and spiritual nature of manwoman it is not the same as your personal oversoul body of light which is itself evolving towards divine consciousness your higher selves your spiritualoversoul body and your sacred triads are refracted facets of your god self your original light body the kadmon light body has the ability to take on any form necessary to create and experience all forms of creation in your fathermother gods plan for this universe the adameve kadmon is a spiritualphysical creation which incarnates in the planetary worlds during all cycles of divine creation physical body in the beginning awakening process there is a desire to turn inward and to listen to the inner wisdom of the soul this soul awareness includes your body elemental the memory seed atom which contains the perfect blueprint for your original adameve kadmon light form emotional body first you become aware that your emotions control you through your wants needs and desires which in the long run do not bring you a sense of happiness or satisfaction you begin to turn inward and to question your life choices asking awhat have been the results of your actions you begin to seek answers for the pain and dissatisfaction in your life the voice of your superconscious mind becomes stronger as you gradually take heed and follow your souls guidance as you become comfortable and begin to rely on this voice of higher wisdom the egodesire body gradually relinquishes control and the soulself becomes the director and guiding influence in your life you begin to align your will with the will of your higher self for you have gradually learned to trust the inspirational and intuitive thoughts from your sacred mind eventually you begin to view all interactive events in your life from a higher vantage point you develop emotional detachment through a more refined view of human interactions having experienced most of the important tests of the emotions you develop a better understanding of the human emotional nature again you learn to go with the flow and you view your tests and challenges as gifts and opportunities for growth you have learned to make peace with the past and to script your future as you endeavor to live and focus on the now moment gradually over time the vibrational patterns of the emotional body are lifted above the magnetic pull of the physical realm the mental body you begin to realize the limitations of your subconscious and conscious minds and you see how rigid limited and stuck you have been in the mass consciousness belief structure you willingly begin a selfanalysis process whereby you reevaluate your attitudes judgment and programmed concepts you begin to feel a burning desire to expand your knowledge beyond your physical reality as you seek to learn why you are here on earth and the greater meaning of life your instinctive mind gives way to your higher intellectual mind and gradually you gain access to your sacredintuitive mind as your soulself becomes the director of your destiny your life begins to change dramatically for the better then faith and trust become an inborn certainty that all is happening in divine order you also know with certainty that you are on an upward spiraling path to a more refined harmonious and loving reality all you have to do is stay in the moment and take one step at a time as the way is opened before you a selfmaster is selfdetermined selfconditioned selfaware soulconscious a selfmaster is responsive to the surrounding environment while being the observer of mundane life experiences from a higher vantage point being in the world but not of it a most profound event is when you first experience the abounding loving energy and joy radiating forth from within your sacred heart and soul the souls nature is love and while residing within the limitations of the rdthdimensional environment it is through the soul self that you connect with the love essence of your motherfather god a selfmaster stands firmly centered within the sacred heart within the midst of chaos and change holding fast to the wisdom of the sacred mind while gathering strength from our fathermother god as the illusions of the lower dimensions slowly fade away an adept an adept is a person who is firmly centered upon the path of light and whose point of focus is from within the sacred mind and the sacred heart heshe has balanced harmonized and integrated all the facets of the soul self from within the rdthdimensional planes of consciousness heshe is now directly connected to hisher overlighting sacred triad which resides at least within the entry level of the th dimension in order to reach this stage an aspirant must have completed the first four stages of enlightenment and have attained selfmastery of the first four dimensions this is the level of ascension open to humanity at this time and it can and will be accomplished by many brave souls while in the physical vessel a disciple a disciple is a person who has heeded the whisperings of the soul self and who is actively seeking enlightenment wisdom selfrealization and ultimately selfmastery sacred mind higher mind the human sacred mind is an etheric crystalline seed atom stored within the upper back portion of your brain there is a membrane of light protecting your access to the portal into and to the contents of your sacred mind until you have raised your frequencies to the appropriate level of the higher th dimension your sacred mind contains a condensed version of your ancient past history and a portion of the wisdom and vital information you have integrated during your many past lives in this universe becoming a selfmaster on earth involves gaining access to and integrating the requisite portion of the attributes qualities and talents stored within your sacred mind the mental aspect of your higher self or the wisdom you tap into when you connect with many facets of your vaster oversoul will ultimately connect you with your i am presence god ray godseed atom which has access to the wisdom of your fathermother god or the collective intelligence of this subuniverse divine mind the divine mind is the totality of your divine godseed atom at an ever higher level ultimately the sacred minds of our fathermother god for better understanding you could say that the higher mind is a refined frequency of your consciousness and you obtain higher consciousness levels with each download of a facet of your oversoul higher self as you traverse the path of ascension and move into an accepted spectrum of light and shadow your goal is to develop the ability to stay centered within your sacred mind and sacred heart you learn to consciously maintain a higher perspective about what is going on around you as you express compassion and unconditional love for everyone that is the goal of a selfmaster as you become attuned to the higher frequencies of light you will become accustomed to the flow of sacred fire breath which has been called the river of lifelovelight or the antakarana in ancient teachings there is a hidden powerful radiant current of knowledge encoded within this living river of life it is a code of creative genius however you must tap into the wisdom of the sacred mind and your soul self in order to access this inborn power you are called star seeds for a reason for as you return to selfmastery you will initiate the process of creating crystalline life code seed atoms c a new advanced evolutionary process which will eventually be used by life forms within the next forthcoming golden galaxy we ask you to study what we have revealed and endeavor to get the universal schematic we have created firmly within your mind so that you will understand the next phase of the wondrous cosmic events which are unfolding before your eyes as a bearer of light you promised to be our representatives on earth within you have all that you need to complete your earthly journey through the remainder of the thdimensional realms as doubts arise remember all of your experiences of the past whether they were successful or seemingly failures have given you a wealth of experience to draw upon shine your light for all to see call on us and we will assist you in every way possible know that i am with you always and you are loved most profoundly i am archangel michael transmitted through ronnasacred scribe sf source ronna star
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trump skeptics got wrong
leave reply greg hunter recently fortunate enough interviewed jim sinclair bill holter jsminesetcom wanted get take state journalism propaganda mainstream media also wanted get read many guests saying past several months coming economy also got turn tables half way interview ask questions two smartest guys world finance markets precious metals interviewing jim sinclair bill holter anything economy like interviewing batman superman investment world dire views going happen america world november th day presidential election think finally going get houston problem moment warning everyone stock prepare rough ride please keep mind interview conducted days fbi reopened case clinton email scandal jim sinclair bill holter offer interviews like jsminesetcom subscribers kind enough allow post interview listen usawatchdogcom site youtube channel join greg hunter interviewed jim sinclair bill holter jsminesetcom sf source usa watchdog nov share
Bob Smith
two more hollywood films for men that leave todays sjw movies in the dust
leave a reply mike adams under fbi head james comey who has deliberately and clearly conspired to cover up the enormous number of crimes committed by hillary clinton and her closest staffers the fbis investigation of additional emails is now concluded we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in july with respect to secretary clinton comey announced today with this decision james comey essentially announces that the tyranny of criminal government in washington is now complete the rule of law has just been declared null and void by the head of the fbi no sufficiently powerful person in washington will ever be held accountable for their crimes including crimes of treason against the nation bribery corruption destruction of evidence and selling government influence unless something reverses very quickly the fbi has now cemented its position as nothing more than a corrupt branch of a totalitarian criminal regime that has seized power in washington to protect the criminal class of political elitists who rule over the nation as lawless tyrants now its up to rogue fbi agents or the nypd to go public with the evidence they have and expose the horrifying truth about what the clintons really are pedophilia and all if that fails my analysis says we may see a rapid ramping up of real talk of open revolt perhaps even leading to an armed citizens march on washington to depose the criminal regime in power as ive pointed out before that effort would only require a few thousand armed citizens to achieve the occupation of key government buildings and the overthrow of the criminals in power sadly it would also involve tremendous bloodshed and loss of life lets hope it doesnt come to that heres the letter james comey sent out today i write to supplement my october letter that notified you the fbi would be taking additional investigative steps with respect to former secretary of state clintons use of a personal email server since my letter the fbi investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation during that process we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from hillary clinton while she was secretary of state based on our review we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in july with respect to secretary clinton i am very grateful to the professionals at the fbi for doing an extraordinary amount f highquality work in a short period of time source uk daily mail sf source natural news
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absolutely worth learn game
one seans powerful videos definitely worth minutes takes listen g grannum sf source sgtreportcom nov share
FitzRoy Sommerset
what the trump skeptics got wrong
leave a reply greg hunter recently i was fortunate enough to be interviewed by jim sinclair and bill holter at jsminesetcom they wanted to get my take on the state of journalism or the propaganda mainstream media they also wanted to get a read on what many of my guests have been saying over the past several months about what is coming for the economy i also got to turn the tables about half way through the interview and ask questions of two of the smartest guys in the world on finance markets and precious metals interviewing jim sinclair and bill holter on anything to do with the economy is like interviewing batman and superman of the investment world they have very dire views of what is going to happen in america and the world on november th the day after the presidential election they think we are finally going to get the houston we have a problem moment and are warning that everyone should stock up and prepare for a very rough ride please keep in mind this interview was conducted a few days before the fbi reopened its case on the clinton email scandal jim sinclair and bill holter offer interviews like this to their jsminesetcom subscribers only they were kind enough to allow me to post this interview for all to listen to on the usawatchdogcom site and youtube channel join greg hunter as he is interviewed by jim sinclair and bill holter of jsminesetcom sf source usa watchdog nov share this
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buzz aldrin warning success lead depression
arent surprised hillary presstitutes havent blamed putin fbi director comeys reopening hillary email case presstitutes done next best thing hillary made comey issue hillary according us senator harry reid presstitutes dont need worry hillarys crimes political woman feathering nest political men done ages misogynist talk hillary presstitutes cry comeys alleged crime far important womanhating republican violated hatch act telling congress investigation said closed reopened strange interpretation hatch act election ok announce candidate president cleared ok say candidate investigation july comey violated hatch act orders corrupt obama attorney general announced hillary clean comey used prestige federal clearance hillarys violation national security protocols boost standing election polls actually hillarys standing polls based pollsters overweighting hillary supporters polls easy produce favorite overweight supporters poll questions look crowds attending two candidates public appearances clear american people prefer donald trump opposed war russia china war nuclear powers big issue election hillarys problem ruling american oligarchy hillary total servant concerned going trump wins fate john f kennedy robert kennedy martin luther king george wallace time tell hotel maid appear last minute way oligarchy got rid dominique strausskahn american western feminists progressives leftwing remnant fell obvious frameup strausskahn strausskahn blocked presidency france resigned director imf new york authorities drop charges strausskahn washington succeeded removing strausskahn challenge french vassal sarkozy american oligarchy destroys suspects might serve interests corrupt selfserving oligarchy makes sure owns government media think tanks increasingly major universities course presstitutes americans minds oligarchs hardpressed rescue hillary us president lets see oligarchs deceive american people wait lets concern another important issue clinton crime syndicate closing years th century allowed small handful megacorporations consolidate us media hands vast increase power oligarchy accomplished despite us antitrust law media mergers destroyed american tradition dispersed independent media really federal law mean one percent nothing whatsoever one percents power makes immune law hillarys crimes might cost election wont go jail content control us media oligarchy wants concentration control looks like getting thanks corrupt us government federal trade commission supposed enforce us antitrust law instead federal agency routinely violates us antitrust law permitting monopoly concentrations business interests failure federal government enforce federal law banks big fail unregulated internet monopoly evisceration dispersed independent media long ago field economics known antitrust phd candidates specialized wrote dissertations public control monopoly power assume field economics like america youth longer exists article rahul manchanda explains yet another huge media conglomerate swallowed acquired another huge media conglomerate create another gargantuan media outlet another consolidation enormous power money wealth intimidation conspiracy control eviscerates us constitution first amendment federal trade commission antitrust division anymore delivered daily sheeple encourage share republish reports analyses breaking news videos click details contributed paul craig roberts institute political economy dr paul craig roberts paul craig roberts assistant secretary treasury economic policy associate editor wall street journal columnist business week scripps howard news service creators syndicate many university appointments internet columns attracted worldwide following visit web site institute political economy article posted permission dr paul craig roberts copyright paul craig roberts
Jon Anthony
why its absolutely worth it to learn game
this is one of seans most powerful videos it is most definitely worth the minutes it takes to listen g grannum sf source sgtreportcom nov share this
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twist stretch
man reads various quotes people street either adolf hitler hillary clinton participants expected guess one first quote going take things away behalf common good participants guessed hitler nope hillary second quote believe primary role state teach train raise children parents secondary role participants guess hitler nope wrong hillarys quote telling people trouble distinguishing two delivered daily sheeple encourage share republish reports analyses breaking news videos click details contributed ryan banister daily sheeple
Aaron Clarey
buzz aldrin is a warning of how success can lead to depression
arent you surprised that hillary and the presstitutes havent blamed putin for fbi director comeys reopening of the hillary email case but the presstitutes have done the next best thing for hillary they have made comey the issue not hillary according to us senator harry reid and the presstitutes we dont need to worry about hillarys crimes after all she is only a political woman feathering her nest just as political men have done for ages why all this misogynist talk about hillary the presstitutes cry is that comeys alleged crime is far more important this womanhating republican violated the hatch act by telling congress that the investigation he said was closed is now reopened a very strange interpretation of the hatch act during an election it is ok to announce that a candidate for president is cleared but it is not ok to say that a candidate is under investigation in july comey violated the hatch act when he on orders from the corrupt obama attorney general announced hillary clean in so doing comey used the prestige of federal clearance of hillarys violation of national security protocols to boost her standing in the election polls actually hillarys standing in the polls is based on the pollsters overweighting hillary supporters in the polls it is easy to produce a favorite if you overweight their supporters in the poll questions if you look at the crowds attending the two candidates public appearances it is clear that the american people prefer donald trump who is opposed to war with russia and china war with nuclear powers is the big issue of the election hillarys problem has the ruling american oligarchy for which hillary is the total servant concerned what are they going to do about trump if he wins will his fate be the same as john f kennedy robert kennedy martin luther king george wallace time will tell or will a hotel maid appear at the last minute in the way that the oligarchy got rid of dominique strausskahn all of the american and western feminists progressives and leftwing remnant fell for the obvious frameup of strausskahn after strausskahn was blocked from the presidency of france and resigned as director of the imf the new york authorities had to drop all charges against strausskahn but washington succeeded in removing strausskahn as a challenge to its french vassal sarkozy this is how the american oligarchy destroys those it suspects might not serve its interests the corrupt selfserving oligarchy makes sure that it owns the government and the media the think tanks and increasingly all of the major universities and of course through the presstitutes americans minds the oligarchs are now hardpressed to rescue hillary as us president so lets see if the oligarchs can once again deceive the american people while we wait lets concern ourselves with another important issue the clinton crime syndicate in the closing years of the th century allowed a small handful of megacorporations to consolidate the us media in a few hands this vast increase in the power of the oligarchy was accomplished despite us antitrust law the media mergers destroyed the american tradition of a dispersed and independent media but really what does federal law mean to the one percent nothing whatsoever the one percents power makes them immune to law hillarys crimes might cost her the election but she wont go to jail not content with control of the us media the oligarchy wants more concentration and more control looks like they will be getting it thanks to the corrupt us government the federal trade commission is supposed to enforce us antitrust law instead the federal agency routinely violates us antitrust law by permitting monopoly concentrations of business interests because of the failure of the federal government to enforce federal law we now have banks too big to fail unregulated internet monopoly and the evisceration of a dispersed and independent media not so long ago there was a field of economics known as antitrust phd candidates specialized in and wrote dissertations about public control of monopoly power i assume that this field of economics like the america of my youth no longer exists in the article below rahul manchanda explains that yet again another huge media conglomerate is being swallowed and acquired by another huge media conglomerate to create another gargantuan media outlet in another consolidation of the enormous power money wealth intimidation conspiracy and control that eviscerates the us constitution and the first amendment just what does federal trade commission antitrust division do anymore delivered by the daily sheeple we encourage you to share and republish our reports analyses breaking news and videos click for details contributed by paul craig roberts of institute for political economy about dr paul craig roberts paul craig roberts was assistant secretary of the treasury for economic policy and associate editor of the wall street journal he was columnist for business week scripps howard news service and creators syndicate he has had many university appointments his internet columns have attracted a worldwide following visit his web site at the institute for political economy this article has been posted with permission from dr paul craig roberts copyright paul craig roberts
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dangers romantic love
zero hedge wwwzerohedgecom views citis chief political analyst tina fordham busy month start october trumps victory odds gutter clinton presidency priced hotly debated statement suggested establishment may approaching us presidential completely incorrectly unusual juncture keep looking kinds lenses wrong society technology opinion polling methods everything else dont capture marginalized voters way might according fordham us presidential race felt like election developing nation public distrust government high conspiracy theories rife markets seem unaware much low trust raises risk antiestablishment vote fordham focused gallup world poll public health analyzes two decades worth health records trump supporters numbers show correlation increase number people going difficult times measured suicide rates depression mental illness drug addiction rise trumps popularity fordham said kind thing investors dont normally run provides another useful way think things income inequality necessary sufficient said something subtle going public expectations exhaustion sense corruption elite abuse power lack control conclusion troubling clinton fans im getting brexity feeling know investors well said thinking didnt expect brexit better assume trump going win element investor psychology play followed monday predicted fbis friday announcement could meaningful impact presidential race cautioned may end continue emphasize potential black swan events emerging making things complicated forecasters pollsters today latest media appearance fordham penned oped ft looking postelection landscape warning investors face political risk whoever wins us election first analyzes clinton victory mean business usual america global order responds fast investors brace new form advanced economy political risk ever outcome us presidential election first market relief victory mrs clinton donald trump republican opponent almost certainly followed realization divided congress mean return gridlock brinkmanship debt ceiling little prospect reform broadly following vote uk leave eu rise mr trump according yougov study authoritarian populism politics advanced economies might termed emerging markets moment vox populi risk concept formulated wave protests coups rise nonmainstream political parties become global phenomenon notes economic market implications advanced economy political risks likely become systemically significant emerging markets counterparts according international monetary funds recently published world economic outlook political risk advanced economies become biggest threat global growth specifically envisages trump campaign threats jail opponents corruption charges proliferation conspiracy theories trump campaign supporters borrowed heavily em political playbook sowing doubts opponents suitability office also us political institutions majority republicans say believe election rigged according data pew research center despite lack precedent us election history claims reverting notion us election looks lot like developing nation notes links advanced economy political risk em cousin low trust institutions elites political business elites expertsand media trust plus belief future growth alone immunizes body politic populist virus collapse trust also evident sheer number outright lies factchecking website politifact tracked campaign everything bogus anything goes also market implications reaction financial markets may starkest illustration change trend according brookings institution effect mr trumps candidacy give rise price movements suggesting trump victory would reduce value sp lead per cent decline mexican peso well pricing future volatility however fordhams punchline little trump victory rather consequences another clinton presidency mr trump may heading defeat prevalence low trust identity politics demographic divides across developed world suggests last nonmainstream candidate come close power constellation risks evidence elections next year germany france netherlands significant impact brexit negotiations moreover clinton presidency highly likely marked nearcontinuous investigations well risk impeachment citi right preelection circus endless drama theatrics beginning unleashed world political realities dm em worlds converge new normal advanced economies looks lot like emerging markets old normal considerably higher stakes global economy encourage share republish reports analyses breaking news videos click details contributed zero hedge wwwzerohedgecom wake flock please share sheeple far wide post navigation
Larsen Halleck
why you should be doing the twist stretch
a man reads various quotes to people on the street that are either from adolf hitler or hillary clinton and the participants are expected to guess which one it is first quote were going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good the participants guessed hitler nope it was hillary second quote i believe the primary role of the state is to teach train and raise children parents have a secondary role the participants guess hitler nope wrong again that was hillarys quote how telling it is that people have trouble distinguishing between the two delivered by the daily sheeple we encourage you to share and republish our reports analyses breaking news and videos click for details contributed by ryan banister of the daily sheeple
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revolutionary reforms peter great
latest batch hacked emails clintons campaign chair john podesta released emails contained latest leak amounting promised released wikileaks november number communications found email pertaining clinton campaigns close relationship mainstream media private email server one email september shows chris lu deputy secretary department labor discussing virtual data room policy promises private communications uploaded general room general room well upload policy promises well legal documents like expense reimbursements contribution forms principals list access room regarding policy promises well email first drafts theyre done wont email revisions latest version always stored general data room another email thread may discussing lanny davis former attorney bill clinton see clintons senior advisor philippe reines pose following question hillary rodham clinton anxious move forward commitment keep focused line guys need run traps end reach enlist human abedin writes back saying called wants lanny john podesta cryptically responds land blind oneeyed man king delivered daily sheeple encourage share republish reports analyses breaking news videos click details contributed ryan banister daily sheeple
Roosh Valizadeh
the dangers of romantic love
zero hedge wwwzerohedgecom views citis chief political analyst tina fordham has had a busy month at the start of october when trumps victory odds were in the gutter and a clinton presidency had been priced in in a hotly debated statement she suggested that the establishment may be approaching the us presidential completely incorrectly this is an unusual juncture but we keep looking at it through the same kinds of lenses what if its all wrong because society technology opinion polling methods and everything else dont capture marginalized voters in the way they might once have according to fordham the us presidential race felt more like an election in a developing nation where public distrust in government is high and conspiracy theories are rife markets seem unaware how much that low trust raises the risk of an antiestablishment vote fordham has focused on the gallup world poll on public health which analyzes two decades worth of health records of trump supporters the numbers show a correlation between the increase in the number of people going through difficult times as measured by suicide rates depression mental illness and drug addiction and the rise in trumps popularity fordham said this is the kind of thing that investors just dont normally run into but it provides another useful way to think about things because income inequality is necessary but not sufficient she said there is something more subtle going on about public expectations and exhaustion and a sense of corruption elite abuse of power and lack of control her conclusion was troubling for clinton fans im getting this brexity feeling and i know other investors are as well she said the thinking is i didnt expect brexit so i better assume trump is going to win that element of investor psychology is at play here she followed up on monday when she predicted that the fbis friday announcement could have a meaningful impact on the presidential race and cautioned that this may not be the end of it we continue to emphasize the potential for more black swan events emerging making things more complicated for forecasters and pollsters today in her latest media appearance fordham has penned an oped for the ft looking at the postelection landscape and warning that investors face political risk whoever wins in the us election she first analyzes if a a clinton victory will mean business as usual for america and the global order and responds not so fast investors should brace themselves for the new form of advanced economy political risk what ever the outcome of the us presidential election first any market relief from a victory for mrs clinton over donald trump her republican opponent will almost certainly be followed by the realization that a divided congress will mean a return to gridlock and brinkmanship over the debt ceiling with little prospect for reform more broadly following the vote in the uk to leave the eu the rise of mr trump and according to a yougov study authoritarian populism politics in advanced economies are having what might be termed an emerging markets moment vox populi risk a concept i formulated in after a wave of protests coups and the rise of nonmainstream political parties has become a global phenomenon she then notes that the economic and market implications of advanced economy political risks are more likely to become systemically significant than their emerging markets counterparts according to the international monetary funds recently published world economic outlook political risk in the advanced economies has become the biggest threat to global growth specifically she envisages the trump campaign from threats to jail opponents on corruption charges to the proliferation of conspiracy theories the trump campaign and its supporters have borrowed heavily from the em political playbook sowing doubts not only about his opponents suitability for office but also about us political institutions a majority of republicans now say they believe the election will be rigged according to data from pew research center despite the lack of any precedent in us election history for such claims reverting to her notion that the us election looks a lot like that of a developing nation she notes that what links this advanced economy political risk with its em cousin is low trust in institutions and elites political and business elites expertsand the media it is trust plus belief in the future not growth alone that immunizes the body politic against the populist virus the collapse of trust is also evident in the sheer number of outright lies the factchecking website politifact has tracked during the campaign if everything is bogus than anything goes there are also the market implications the reaction of financial markets may be the starkest illustration of this change in trend according to the brookings institution the effect of mr trumps candidacy has been to give rise to price movements suggesting that a trump victory would reduce the value of the sp and lead to a per cent decline in the mexican peso as well as pricing in future volatility however fordhams punchline has little to do with a trump victory but rather the consequences of another clinton presidency mr trump may be heading for defeat but the prevalence of low trust identity politics and demographic divides across the developed world suggests that he will not be the last nonmainstream candidate to come close to power this constellation of risks will be in evidence before elections next year in germany france and the netherlands and will have a significant impact on brexit negotiations moreover a clinton presidency is highly likely to be marked by nearcontinuous investigations as well as the risk of impeachment if citi is right the preelection circus and endless drama and theatrics is just the beginning of what is about to be unleashed a world in which the political realities of dm and em worlds will converge the new normal in advanced economies looks a lot like the emerging markets old normal but with considerably higher stakes for the global economy we encourage you to share and republish our reports analyses breaking news and videos click for details contributed by zero hedge of wwwzerohedgecom wake the flock up please share with sheeple far wide post navigation
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podcast serenity stoicism
former united states department state official dr steve pieczenik psychiatrist years experience resolving international crises four us administrations pieczenik deputy assistant secretary state henry kissinger cyrus vance james baker expertise includes foreign policy international crisis management psychological warfare served presidential administrations gerald ford jimmy carter ronald reagan george hw bush capacity deputy assistant secretary come forward series videos expose clintons explains coopted many central facets government including white house judiciary cia fbi claims corrupt couple belongs highlevel pedophile ring pieczenik explains russians provided information wikileaks us intelligence offered data julian assange countercoup working hillary clinton campaign pieczenik discusses clintons connections anthony weiner jeffrey espteins lolita express video pieczenik reveals details regarding democratic party fixer jeff rovin dr pieczenik tells us second american revolution happening hope hes correct certainly need delivered daily sheeple encourage share republish reports analyses breaking news videos click details contributed lily dane daily sheeple lily dane staff writer daily sheeple goal help people wake flock
Quintus Curtius
the revolutionary reforms of peter the great
the latest batch of hacked emails from clintons campaign chair john podesta have been released over emails are contained in the latest leak amounting to of the promised to be released by wikileaks before november there are a number of communications found in the email pertaining to the clinton campaigns close relationship with mainstream media and her private email server one email from september shows chris lu the deputy secretary of the department of labor discussing a virtual data room where policy promises and other private communications will be uploaded general room there is a general room that well upload all of the policy promises as well as legal documents like expense reimbursements and contribution forms all of the principals on this list will have access to this room regarding policy promises from now on well email out the first drafts when theyre done but we wont email out revisions the latest version will always be stored in the general data room another email thread from may discussing lanny davis former attorney for bill clinton we see clintons senior advisor philippe reines pose the following question hillary rodham clinton is anxious to move forward with the commitment that i will keep him focused and in line do you guys need to run any more traps on your end or can i reach out to enlist him human abedin writes back saying she just called me about this she wants lanny john podesta cryptically responds in the land of he blind the oneeyed man is king delivered by the daily sheeple we encourage you to share and republish our reports analyses breaking news and videos click for details contributed by ryan banister of the daily sheeple
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ways media responded butthurt donald trumps victory
media gripped accusatory speculation regarding identity source behind wikileaks leak hacked podesta dnc emails much focused russia new theory emerged craig murray former british ambassador uzbekistan tells sputnik russian media outlet source leaks russian hackers washington insider source emails leaks nothing russia discovered source attended sam adams whistleblower award washington source emails comes within official circles washington dc look washington moscow asked whether wikileaks ever published information behest moscow murray said wikileaks never published material received russian government proxy russian government simply completely untrue claim designed divert attention content material blasted washington first republicans several years ago recently democrats wikileaks revelations often hailed champion accountability think whistleblowers become extremely important west propaganda model chomsky puts reinforced extent people dont get true information media worth saying julian assange wikileaks publishers publish whistleblowers leak mr murrary told sputnik yet whistleblowers us continue subject lengthy prison sentences key example chelsea manning sentenced august thirty five year sentence providing wikileaks sensitive military diplomatic documents highlighting among things us military conduct iraq murray also mentions case john kiriakou former investigator international terrorism cia turned whistleblower people torture suffered comeback adds mr murray taking step back discussing risk geopolitical escalation russia us murray told sputnik chance whatsoever russia going ever attack united states simply isnt going happen russia going attack united kingdom never chance russia would ever attack either two countries course narrative power funneling huge amounts american taxpayer money defense industry security industry people class benefits extremely dangerous game says mr murray feeds foreign policy completely mad syria say im fan assad regime idea backing assorted groups jihadists tear country apart better solution crazy especially crazy weve already messed iraq afghanistan exactly thing see doesnt work works terms promoting continued instability continued spending military security services finally murray also believes public cant get clear analysis issues mainstream media part moneypower nexus delivered daily sheeple encourage share republish reports analyses breaking news videos click details contributed zero hedge wwwzerohedgecom
Roosh Valizadeh
podcast the serenity of stoicism
former united states department of state official dr steve pieczenik is a psychiatrist who has over years experience in resolving international crises for four us administrations pieczenik was deputy assistant secretary of state under henry kissinger cyrus vance and james baker his expertise includes foreign policy international crisis management and psychological warfare he served the presidential administrations of gerald ford jimmy carter ronald reagan and george hw bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary he has come forward with a series of videos that expose the clintons explains that they coopted many central facets of our government including the white house the judiciary the cia and the fbi and claims that the corrupt couple belongs to a highlevel pedophile ring pieczenik explains that it was not the russians who provided information to wikileaks us intelligence offered the data to julian assange this countercoup is working against hillary clinton and her campaign here pieczenik discusses the clintons connections to anthony weiner jeffrey espteins lolita express and more in this video pieczenik reveals the details regarding democratic party fixer jeff rovin dr pieczenik tells us the second american revolution is happening i hope hes correct because we certainly need it delivered by the daily sheeple we encourage you to share and republish our reports analyses breaking news and videos click for details contributed by lily dane of the daily sheeple lily dane is a staff writer for the daily sheeple her goal is to help people to wake the flock up
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sad saga john walker lindh rebel without clue
excerpt john pilger special interview julian assange says emails released wikileaks show hillary clinton intentionally misguiding voters degree us allies supporting isis donald trump allowed oval office assange explains financial interests funding isis funding clinton references email john podesta clinton find following militaryparamilitary operation moving forward need use diplomatic traditional intelligence assets bring pressure governments qatar saudi arabia providing clandestine financial logistic support isil radical sunni groups region think significant email whole collection said assange serious analysts know even us government agreed saudi figures supporting isis funding isis dodge always rogue princes using oil money whatever like actually government disapproves email says government saudi arabia government qatar funding isis pilger asked assange possibility trump would steal election help russia many democratic party claim assange thinks highly unlikely unpopular analysis trump would permitted win say every establishment side trump one establishment maybe exception evangelicals call establishment explained assange says hillary establishment pick banks intelligence arms companies foreign money etc united behind hillary clinton media well media owners journalists delivered daily sheeple encourage share republish reports analyses breaking news videos click details contributed daily sheeple wwwthedailysheeplecom content may freely reproduced full part digital form full attribution author link wwwthedailysheeplecom
Relampago Furioso
ways the media responded with butthurt to donald trumps victory
with the media gripped by accusatory speculation regarding the identity of the source behind the wikileaks leak of hacked podesta and dnc emails much of it focused on russia a new theory has emerged from craig murray the former british ambassador to uzbekistan who tells sputnik a russian media outlet that the source of the leaks are not russian hackers but a washington insider the source of these emails and leaks has nothing to do with russia at all i discovered what the source was when i attended the sam adams whistleblower award in washington the source of these emails comes from within official circles in washington dc you should look to washington not to moscow asked about whether or not wikileaks have ever published information at the behest of moscow murray said that wikileaks has never published any material received from the russian government or from any proxy of the russian government its simply a completely untrue claim designed to divert attention from the content of the material while blasted by washington first by republicans several years ago and most recently by democrats the wikileaks revelations have often been hailed as a champion of accountability i think whistleblowers have become extremely important in the west because the propaganda model as chomsky puts it has been reinforced to the extent that people dont get any true information out of the media at all its worth saying that julian assange and wikileaks are publishers they publish what whistleblowers leak to them mr murrary told sputnik yet whistleblowers in the us continue to be subject to lengthy prison sentences a key example is chelsea manning who was sentenced on august to a thirty five year sentence for providing wikileaks with sensitive military and diplomatic documents highlighting among other things us military conduct in iraq murray also mentions the case of john kiriakou a former investigator of international terrorism with the cia who turned whistleblower the people who did the torture have suffered no comeback at all adds mr murray taking a step back and discussing the risk of geopolitical escalation between russia and the us murray told sputnik that there is no chance whatsoever that russia is going to ever attack the united states that simply isnt going to happen just as russia is not going to attack the united kingdom there never has been a chance that russia would ever attack either of these two countries but of course the narrative is all to do with power and funneling huge amounts of american taxpayer money into the defense industry and the security industry and these people are both from the class that benefits its an extremely dangerous game says mr murray and it feeds into a foreign policy that is completely mad in syria and i should say im no fan of the assad regime at all but the idea that backing assorted groups of jihadists to tear the country apart is a better solution is crazy and its especially crazy when weve already messed up iraq afghanistan and now were doing exactly the same thing again and you can see it doesnt work it only works in terms of promoting continued instability and continued spending for the military and the security services finally murray also believes that the public cant get clear analysis of these issues from mainstream media because they are part of the same moneypower nexus delivered by the daily sheeple we encourage you to share and republish our reports analyses breaking news and videos click for details contributed by zero hedge of wwwzerohedgecom
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shopify erased store internet fulfilling orders
october surprise donald trump one option left expose clinton crimes michael television democrats calling revolution streets believe quite serious michael snyder november th surprise victory donald trump november th spawned series violent protests riots nation stunned leftists continue throw largest postelection temper tantrum us history protesters large cities across america disrupting public transportation looting stores hurling objects police burning trump effigy even shootings antitrump rallies seattle portland hundreds protesters arrested far organizers promising beginning meanwhile large numbers enraged leftists physically threatening trump twitter even calling violent revolution sadly believe quite serious even big celebrity names starting use word revolution messages followers twitter katy perry ominously warned revolution coming comedian sarah silverman boldly declared trump gets chance hear us else r fails revolution streets course leftists seeking less violent ways oppose trump major push use electoral college block trump presidency fails many hoping immediately impeach trump takes office activists former labor secretary robert reich calling new third party planned postelection takeover democratic party successful many radical left time patience president movement taking like rocket one survey found percent clinton supporters consider trumps victory legitimate protest near trump tower new york city saturday drew approximately people usa today reported antitrump protest portland oregon saturday night rapidly devolved riot becoming clear protests going away time soon even beginning refer movement purple revolution sooner trump declared th president united states sorosfunded political operations launched activities disrupt trump obamas lameduck period thereafter swiftness purple revolution reminiscent speed protesters hit streets kiev ukrainian capital two orange revolutions sponsored soros one ten years later clintons embracing purple new york street demonstrations violent coordinated sorosfunded moveonorg black lives matter broke new york los angeles chicago oakland nashville cleveland washington austin seattle philadelphia richmond st paul kansas city omaha san francisco cities across united states could actually see violent revolution streets america radical left really horrified prospect trump presidency would actually willing engage prolonged campaign chaos violence physical intimidation well oath keepers concerned movement could become initiated intelligence gathering operation calling operation hypo clearly oath keepers cannot simply sit around watch enemies liberty work use violence initiate communist revolution country result intelligence provided operation sabot operatives initiated operation hypo allowed personnel burrow deep inside protest organizations collect information regarding tactics motivations schedules logistics operatives planning meetings protests occurred last evening baltimore md philadelphia pa operatives also penetrated numerous planning organizations cities across country opsec reasons precise list cities operating publicly disclosed one thing already know radical left hoping organize largest political protest united states history washington dc inauguration day writing later today important news election donald trump single galvanizing event radical left seen decades one early leaders president movement filmmaker michael moore following three key action points feels must implemented immediately must quickly decisively form opposition movement likes hasnt seen since part help lead im sure many others bernie elizabeth warren moveon hiphop community dfa etc core opposition force fueled young people occupy wall street black lives matter dont tolerate bs relentless resistance authority interest compromising racists misogynists prepare impeach trump republicans already planning president hillary day one must organize apparatus bring charges violates oath breaks law must remove office must commit right vigorous fight including civil disobedience necessarywhich block donald trump supreme court nominees meet approval demand democrats senate aggressively filibuster nominees support citizens united oppose rights women immigrants poor nonnegotiable course liberals still shock disbelief stage stated americans emotionally invested election election decades aftermath pretty particularly true college campuses nation according new york post college administrators going extraordinary lengths soothe deep emotional pain many students experiencing university michigan offered traumatized students coloring books playdoh calm students college kindergarten university kansas reminded stressedout kids therapy dogs regular campus feature available cornell university ivy league school held campuswide cryin officials handing tissues hot chocolate tufts university offered devastated students arts crafts sessions ok kindergarten like summer camp campuses elite yale connecticut iowa beyond professors canceled classes andor exams either students asked instructors distraught teach also reported suicide hotlines ringing hook nation never seen anything like ever feeling president movement going absolutely dwarf occupy wall street black lives matter movements considering high levels anger frustration pain radical leftists feeling easy see movement could become violent many patriots conservatives christians hoping donald trump could bring america together lead us new era peace prosperity radical left already hates trump president ever come isnt going take much push radical left edge happens could see endless chaos violence civil unrest next four years
Beau Albrecht
the sad saga of john walker lindh rebel without a clue
in an excerpt of a john pilger special interview julian assange says that emails released by wikileaks show that hillary clinton is intentionally misguiding voters about the degree to which us allies are supporting isis and that donald trump will not be allowed into the oval office assange explains that the same financial interests funding isis are funding clinton he references a email from john podesta to clinton in which we find the following while this militaryparamilitary operation is moving forward we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of qatar and saudi arabia which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to isil and other radical sunni groups in the region i think this is the most significant email in the whole collection said assange all serious analysts know and even the us government has agreed that some saudi figures have been supporting isis and funding isis but the dodge has always been that it is some rogue princes using their oil money to do whatever they like but actually the government disapproves but that email says that it is the government of saudi arabia and the government of qatar that have been funding isis pilger asked assange about the possibility that trump would steal the election with the help of russia as many in the democratic party claim assange thinks that this is highly unlikely but not because he is unpopular my analysis is that trump would not be permitted to win why do i say that because he has had every establishment off his side trump does not have one establishment maybe with the exception of the evangelicals if you can call them establishment he explained assange says that hillary is the establishment pick banks intelligence arms companies foreign money etc are all united behind hillary clinton and the media as well media owners and the journalists themselves delivered by the daily sheeple we encourage you to share and republish our reports analyses breaking news and videos click for details contributed by the daily sheeple of wwwthedailysheeplecom this content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to wwwthedailysheeplecom
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ways forge strength challenges
election donald trump already enormous impact economy th sent shockwaves us economy us financial system since november th dow hit brand new alltime record high us dollar strengthened greatly bank stocks way economic news good news unlike stocks bonds reacted negatively trumps election victory past week absolute bloodbath bond traders see going dramatic implications us consumers moving forward two day period trillion dollars wiped bond yields spiked globe cnn noted type violent reaction bond market happened three times within past ten years rate year treasury notes surged election last weeks spike treasury rates big happened three times last decade blackrocks russ koesterich called violent reaction move stands broad repercussions americans us government pay borrow money mortgage rates car loan costs also rise thats treasuries used benchmark many forms credit interest rates rise virtually everyone society going feel pain need auto loan order purchase vehicle going find loan payments significantly higher credit card rates also go getting school discover student loan payments even suffocating biggest impact felt housing market average rate year fixed mortgage hit psychologicallyimportant percent barrier could mean big trouble housing market average contract rate popular year fixed mortgage hit percent according mortgage news daily level didnt expect see middle next year rates moved nearly half percentage point higher since donald trump elected president situation ground panicked damage control said matthew graham chief operating officer mortgage news daily people trying lock loans quickly last week facing tough choice lock today hope bounce many hoped bounce last week heading long weekend obviously didnt get rising interest rates one key factors precipitated financial crisis many fear could happen without doubt rise rates going affect affordability homes already market youre going buy house mortgage payment went may buy smaller house theres impact interest rate sensitive sectors like autos housing also corporate bonds financial engineering helped juice equity market said george goncalves head rate strategy nomura addition rising rates make difficult adjustable rate mortgages keep homes foreclosure activity already percent month october many projecting could see another giant spike foreclosures months ahead similar saw last financial crisis many trump supporters dont really care rest world thinks new president area rest world thinks really really matters truth rest planet fond trump makes lot less eager lend us money major problem way maintain massively inflated debtfueled standard living continue borrow gigantic mountains money rest world ultralow interest rates rest world starts demanding higher rates return trump president going experience economic pain scale americans dont believe possible one big lenders china right deeply trump presidency might mean trump talked tough trade china chinese gearing major trade war following comes cnbc election campaign year trump spoke percent import tariff chinese goods failing outline would work policy come effect china take titfortat approach according opinion piece global times newspaper backed communist party batch boeing orders replaced airbus us auto iphone sales china suffer setback us soybean maize imports halted china also limit number chinese students studying us global times article read trump supporters assume since trump successful businessman able strengthen us economy isnt simple reason able live way live today able borrow trillions upon trillions dollars irrationally low interest rates moment rest world decides going loan us money irrationally low interest rates longer game wont really matter white house point watch interest rates carefully keep going inevitable major economic slowdown follow matter economic policies new trump administration implements november th tags bank stocks bond crash bond traders bonds donald trump economic news feel pain financial foreclosure foreclosure activity foreclosure activity rising foreclosure help foreclosures foreclosures rising good news home foreclosures pain stocks dollar dow pain stock market us dollar us economy us financial system trump us consumers category housing crash economy mleblanc crash burn house prices crash burn houses go sky high wages remain stagnant sustainable time correction excessive correction genada lose weight take pain eat less work goes making economy work americans going need take pain able improve economy make work every american top rates go couldnt really go anymore going negative impacts impacts due living beyond means making bad choices need pay bit lack lending others require us produce thats good thing producing home lead jobs make us less depend others less final major truth world economy detailed many times worlds debt far excess payed time write downs admit pain put things place prevent happening retired ultimately gonads eu sinking bankruptcy america last major consumer market left standing american consumer economy total economy exporting nations else sell consumer products raw materialsthey need keep american economy afloat debtit never paidit rolled indefinitely alsothere financial chaos around world america drops hammer outside world big money outside drawn america securitysouth florida already wealthy venezuelans money parked hard times homelandcalifornia similar situation offshore chinese wealth world part global financial system based american dollars worlds reserve currencya large part world arein effect provinces american financial empireamerica bankerthey cant extricate dollar america paul anders bottom line one day soon house cards coming downtrump trump drain swamp get political cesspool back track think worth pain pain coming sooner later anyways retired main thing get rid central bankers get leash fire economywhich mostly huge overhead sucking life real productive economy takes pain correction need handle want turn economic corner castiel screw chinks screw stupid ignorant liberals screw elitesi hope burn scott
Roosh Valizadeh
shopify erased our store from the internet while i was fulfilling orders
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comment pace reach goals goals neomasculinity movement trumps first term
depressing economic realities donald trump inherit barack obama th would grave mistake understate amount damage done us economy past eight years article going share economic numbers extremely sobering anyone takes cold hard honest look numbers able see economy terrible shape unfortunately way see things often clouded political views election democrats far likely republicans believe economy improving process completely reversing according gallup percent republicans believed economy getting better election number suddenly jumped percent trumps election victory percentage democrats believe economy getting better fell percent percent election additional details gallup trump last weeks election republicans republicanleaning independents much optimistic view us economys outlook republicans said economy getting better week election said getting worse since election say getting better worse conversely democrats democraticleaning independents confidence economy plummeted election election democrats said economy getting better worse democrats evenly divided saying getting better saying getting worse truth course result election somehow magically alter outlook us economy still giant mess hands following depressing economic realities donald trump inherit barack obama nearly every americans less savings means twothirds country essentially living paycheck paycheck moment reuters reporting us mall investors poised lose billions dollars retail apocalypse nation deepens credit card delinquencies hit highest level seen since approximately percent americans debt least days past due rate homeownership fallen eight years row hovering near year low total number government employees outnumbers total number manufacturing employees country almost million number homeless people new york city donald trump hit brand new record high percent young adults currently living parents total household debt united states reached grand total trillion dollars total amount corporate debt us nearly doubled since end barack obama entered white house us government trillion dollars debt today us national debt currently sitting staggering total despite nearly doubling national debt eight years white house barack obama going president united states history never single year us gdp grew least three percent donald trump waltz suddenly turn everything around like george w bush elected lot optimism future right among republicans republicans going control senate house addition control white house mean actually get anything done moment lets review didnt happen last time republicans position following extended excerpt article author devvy kidd republicans control houses congress part time bush jrs two terms lock borders pass legislation stop funding illegals would selfdeport millions liars cheats thieves read please selfdeport millions illegals stop trillions unconstitutional spending get rid clintons unconstitutional executive orders one two otherwise let comrade bill clinton crap faces get rid one unconstitutional cabinet like hhs department education epa stop unconstitutional foreign aid stop unconstitutional spending planned parenthood congress continues use borrowed money spend debt stop unconstitutional spending gigantic hoax called global warming climate change trump left lost war climate change bush jr get us destructive trade treaties killing american jobs crack visas bringing tens thousands foreign workers american workers want work left unemployment line stop federal regulations strangling americas businesses impeach one single activist judge destroying freedom liberty republican controlled congress republican white house virtually nothing restore america constitutional republic constitutional spending things different trump administration shall see tremendous pressure maintain status quo many instances process fixing things would undoubtedly make conditions worse shortterm great example national debt discussed yesterday reason able enjoy massively inflated standard living country federal government started spending money brought taxes ridiculous debt would begin collapsing immediately consume far wealth produce way able borrowing insane amounts money either donald trump continue borrow money recklessly go major league economic downturn really simple politicians borrow money literally destroying future country choice pain shortterm greater pain longterm way would involve shutting federal reserve going completely debtfree form money topic another article unfortunately something even donald trumps radar point matter election next president going faced harsh economic realities many faith donald trump pull unprecedented economic miracle others deeply skeptical let us hope best let us also keep preparing worst
Corey Savage
ways to forge strength through challenges
after this october surprise donald trump only has one option left expose the clinton crimes michael on television democrats are now calling for a revolution in the streets and i believe that they are quite serious by michael snyder on november th the surprise victory by donald trump on november th has spawned a series of violent protests and riots all over the nation as stunned leftists continue to throw the largest postelection temper tantrum in us history protesters in large cities all across america have been disrupting public transportation looting stores hurling objects at the police and burning trump in effigy there have even been shootings at antitrump rallies in seattle and in portland hundreds of protesters have been arrested so far and organizers are promising that this is only just the beginning meanwhile large numbers of enraged leftists are physically threatening trump on twitter and some are even calling for a violent revolution sadly i believe that they are quite serious about this even some big celebrity names are starting to use the word revolution in messages to their followers on twitter katy perry has ominously warned that the revolution is coming and comedian sarah silverman has boldly declared that trump gets a chance to hear us or else we r them if he fails revolution in the streets of course other leftists are seeking less violent ways to oppose trump there is a major push to use the electoral college to block a trump presidency if that fails there are many hoping to immediately impeach trump once he takes office and other activists such as former labor secretary robert reich are calling for a new third party if their planned postelection takeover of the democratic party is not successful but for many on the radical left the time for patience is over the not my president movement is taking off like a rocket and one survey found that only percent of all clinton supporters consider trumps victory to be legitimate a protest near trump tower in new york city on saturday drew approximately people and usa today reported that the antitrump protest in portland oregon on saturday night rapidly devolved into a riot it is becoming clear that these protests are not going away any time soon and some are even beginning to refer to this movement as the purple revolution no sooner had trump been declared the th president of the united states sorosfunded political operations launched their activities to disrupt trump during obamas lameduck period and thereafter the swiftness of the purple revolution is reminiscent of the speed at which protesters hit the streets of kiev the ukrainian capital in two orange revolutions sponsored by soros one in and the other ten years later in as the clintons were embracing purple in new york street demonstrations some violent all coordinated by the sorosfunded moveonorg and black lives matter broke out in new york los angeles chicago oakland nashville cleveland washington austin seattle philadelphia richmond st paul kansas city omaha san francisco and some other cities across the united states so could we actually see a violent revolution on the streets of america is the radical left really so horrified by the prospect of a trump presidency that they would actually be willing to engage in a prolonged campaign of chaos violence and physical intimidation well the oath keepers are so concerned about what this movement could become that they have initiated an intelligence gathering operation that they are calling operation hypo clearly as oath keepers we cannot simply sit around and watch while the enemies of liberty work to use violence to initiate a communist revolution in our country as a result of the intelligence being provided by our operation sabot operatives we have initiated operation hypo we have allowed our personnel to burrow deep inside these protest organizations to collect information regarding tactics motivations schedules and logistics we had operatives at the planning meetings for the protests that occurred last evening in baltimore md and philadelphia pa our operatives have also penetrated numerous other planning organizations in cities across the country for opsec reasons the precise list of cities we are operating in will not be publicly disclosed and one thing that we already know is that the radical left is hoping to organize the largest political protest in united states history in washington dc on inauguration day i will be writing about this later today on the most important news the election of donald trump has been the single most galvanizing event for the radical left that we have seen in decades one of the early leaders of the not my president movement is filmmaker michael moore and the following are three of his key action points which he feels must be implemented immediately must quickly and decisively form an opposition movement the likes of which hasnt been seen since the s i will do my part to help lead this as im sure many others bernie elizabeth warren moveon the hiphop community dfa etc will too the core of this opposition force will be fueled by young people who as with occupy wall street and black lives matter dont tolerate bs and are relentless in their resistance to authority they have no interest in compromising with racists and misogynists prepare to impeach trump just as the republicans were already planning to do with president hillary from day one we must organize the apparatus that will bring charges against him when he violates his oath and breaks the law and then we must remove him from office must commit right now to a vigorous fight including civil disobedience if necessarywhich will block any and all donald trump supreme court nominees who do not meet our approval we demand the democrats in the senate aggressively filibuster any nominees who support citizens united or who oppose the rights of women immigrants and the poor this is nonnegotiable but of course other liberals are still in the shock and disbelief stage as i have stated before americans were more emotionally invested in this election than they had been in any election in decades and the aftermath has not been pretty this has been particularly true on college campuses all over the nation according to the new york post college administrators have been going to extraordinary lengths to soothe the deep emotional pain that many of their students are experiencing ?the university of michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and playdoh to calm them are its students in college or kindergarten ?the university of kansas reminded its stressedout kids that therapy dogs a regular campus feature were available ?cornell university an ivy league school held a campuswide cryin with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate ?tufts university offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions ok not kindergarten more like summer camp ?at campuses from elite yale to connecticut to iowa and beyond professors canceled classes andor exams either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach and it is also being reported that suicide hotlines are ringing off the hook all over the nation we have never seen anything like this ever before and i have a feeling that this not my president movement is going to absolutely dwarf the occupy wall street and black lives matter movements and considering the very high levels of anger frustration and pain that these radical leftists are feeling it is easy to see how this movement could become very violent many patriots conservatives and christians were hoping that donald trump could bring america together and lead us into a new era of peace and prosperity but the radical left already hates trump more than any president that has ever come before him it isnt going to take much to push the radical left over the edge and if that happens we could see endless chaos violence and civil unrest for the next four years
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goals neomasculinity movement trumps first term
donald trump must shut federal reserve start issuing debtfree money th donald trump truly wants fix economy must shut federal reserve tries patch current system fail fundamentally flawed beginning little century ago powerful forces wall street convinced congress completely restructure financial system immensely powerful central bank known federal reserve created goal transform us dollar debtbased currency would continuously inflated create endless debt spiral could never possibly escape sadly successful counts since creation federal reserve value us dollar declined approximately percent national debt gotten times larger americans tend give credit blame performance us economy presidents truth unelected unaccountable group central bankers far power economy anyone else federal reserve become known fourth branch government unlike branches government told feds decisions politics important fed officials fiercely guard independence fiercely resist interference congress president american people donald trump try lower taxes reduce regulations able influence economy pales comparison immensely powerful tools fed wields fed controls interest rates fed controls money supply fed regulates banks give idea enormously powerful fed want pull dollar bill look dollar bill want notice says federal reserve note right top financial world note instrument debt truth system designed create much debt possible using debtbased federal reserve notes first place shouldnt congress control currency according article section us constitution congress authority coin money regulate value thereof foreign coin fix standard weights measures fed get involved well long convoluted story interested history behind would commend excellent book c edward griffin entitled creature jekyll island second look federal reserve basically big money interests wall street got hooks white house congress rushed legislation right christmas created insidious central banking system designed slowly surely take wealth american people put hands sadly americans dont even realize debtbased currency understand money comes previous article discussed money normally created federal reserve current system us government decides wants spend another billion dollars print billion dollars rather us government creates bunch us treasury bonds debt takes federal reserve federal reserve creates billion dollars thin air exchanges us treasury bonds federal reserve takes us treasury bonds receives exchange federal reserve notes gave government auctions bonds highest bidder course process always creates debt money us treasury bonds federal reserve receives exchange money created nothing auctioned federal reserve system wait problem us government must pay interest treasury bonds amount debt created transaction greater amount money created us government get money pay debt well theory get money circulate economy really really fast tax high enough rate government able collect enough taxes pay debt never actually happens creators federal reserve understood well understood us government would enough money run government service national debt knew us government would keep borrowing even money attempt keep game debt keeps going barack obama white house national debt risen trillion dollars moment sitting trillion dollar mark shouldnt surprised precisely federal reserve system designed us many conservatives still hold mistaken illusion could somehow pay debt back someday shown previous article mathematically impossible government went today grabbed every single dollar existence could pay back national debt course household debt corporate debt state local government debt need pay back well current system hope keep wheel spinning continuing devalue dollar continuing go even greater amounts debt course isnt united states predicament point almost every single nation entire planet central bank even though extremely sharp disagreements among nations virtually everything else somehow central banking achieved nearly universal adoption read article well population globe lives country central bank think coincidence course still small countries federated states micronesia central bank big nation one north korea would literally insane want live north korea opportunity get free insidious system truth dont central bank fact greatest period economic growth us history central bank dont need central planners set interest rates manipulate money supply never admit reality matter interference economy often creates tremendous economic busts since federal reserve created distinct recessions depressions considering track record isnt time change dont debtbased currency fact long ago president decided start issuing debtfree united states notes back president john f kennedy issued executive order authorized us treasury issue debtfree united states notes directly created us government assassinated shortly thereafter americans dont realize many debtfree united states notes issued president kennedy still circulation today president trump could something similar said borrower servant lender federal reserve system turned us debt slaves debt form social control global elite use debt dominate planet total amount debt world hit trillion dollars longer allow central banks control system bigger debt bubble become united states starts shutting issuing debtfree currency would take someone bold make move like let us hope man elected task
4 Goals For The Neomasculinity Movement During Trump’s First Term
comment on are you on pace to reach your goals by goals for the neomasculinity movement during trumps first term
the election of donald trump is already having an enormous impact on the economy th sent shockwaves through the us economy and the us financial system since november th the dow has hit a brand new alltime record high the us dollar has strengthened greatly and bank stocks are way up but not all of the economic news is good news unlike stocks bonds have reacted very negatively to trumps election victory the past week has been an absolute bloodbath for bond traders and as you will see below this is going to have dramatic implications for all us consumers moving forward over just a two day period more than a trillion dollars was wiped out as bond yields spiked all over the globe as cnn has noted this type of violent reaction in the bond market has only happened three other times within the past ten years the rate on year treasury notes has surged to from before the election last weeks spike in treasury rates was so big that it had only happened three times before in the last decade blackrocks russ koesterich called it a violent reaction the move stands to have broad repercussions for all americans not only will the us government have to pay more to borrow money but mortgage rates and car loan costs should also rise thats because treasuries are used as the benchmark for many other forms of credit as interest rates rise virtually everyone in our society is going to feel the pain those that need an auto loan in order to purchase a vehicle are going to find that loan payments are significantly higher than they were before credit card rates will also go up and those just getting out of school will discover that their student loan payments are even more suffocating but the biggest impact will be felt in the housing market the average rate on a year fixed mortgage just hit the psychologicallyimportant percent barrier and that could mean big trouble for the housing market in the average contract rate on the popular year fixed mortgage hit percent according to mortgage news daily a level most didnt expect to see until the middle of next year rates have now moved nearly a half a percentage point higher since donald trump was elected president the situation on the ground is panicked damage control said matthew graham chief operating officer of mortgage news daily people were trying to lock loans quickly last week and are now facing a tough choice to lock today or hope for a bounce many hoped for a bounce last week heading into the long weekend and we obviously didnt get it rising interest rates was one of the key factors that precipitated the financial crisis of and many fear that it could happen again and without a doubt this rise in rates is going to affect the affordability of homes that are already on the market if youre going to buy a house and your mortgage payment went up by or you may buy a smaller house theres impact on interest rate sensitive sectors like autos and housing and also corporate bonds themselves where financial engineering has helped juice up the equity market said george goncalves head of rate strategy at nomura in addition rising rates will make it more difficult for those with adjustable rate mortgages to keep their homes foreclosure activity was already up percent during the month of october and many are projecting that we could see another giant spike in foreclosures during the months ahead that is similar to what we saw during the last financial crisis many trump supporters dont really care what the rest of the world thinks of our new president but this is an area where what the rest of the world thinks really really matters the truth is that the rest of the planet is not all too fond of trump and if that makes them a lot less eager to lend us money that is a major problem the only way that we can maintain our massively inflated debtfueled standard of living is to continue to borrow gigantic mountains of money from the rest of the world at ultralow interest rates if the rest of the world starts demanding higher rates of return now that trump is president we are going to experience economic pain on a scale that most americans dont believe is possible one of our big lenders has been china and right now they are deeply a trump presidency might mean trump has talked very tough about trade with china and the chinese are gearing up for a major trade war the following comes from cnbc during his election campaign this year trump spoke of a percent import tariff on all chinese goods while failing to outline how it would work should any such policy come into effect china will take a titfortat approach according to an opinion piece in the global times a newspaper backed by the communist party a batch of boeing orders will be replaced by airbus us auto and iphone sales in china will suffer a setback and us soybean and maize imports will be halted china can also limit the number of chinese students studying in the us the global times article read most trump supporters assume that since trump has been a very successful businessman that he will be able to strengthen the us economy but it isnt that simple the only reason we are able to live the way that we live today is because we have been able to borrow trillions upon trillions of dollars at irrationally low interest rates the moment the rest of the world decides that they are not going to loan us money at irrationally low interest rates any longer the game is over and it wont really matter who is in the white house at that point so watch interest rates very carefully if they keep going up it is inevitable that a major economic slowdown will follow no matter what economic policies the new trump administration implements november th tags bank stocks bond crash bond traders bonds donald trump economic news feel the pain financial foreclosure foreclosure activity foreclosure activity rising foreclosure help foreclosures foreclosures rising good news home foreclosures pain stocks the dollar the dow the pain the stock market the us dollar the us economy the us financial system trump us consumers category housing crash the economy mleblanc crash and burn house prices crash and burn houses go sky high while wages remain stagnant not sustainable time for a correction an excessive correction genada to lose weight you have to take some pain eat less work out same goes with making our economy work for americans we are going to need to take some pain to be able to improve the economy and make it work for every american and not just the top the rates had to go up they couldnt really go down anymore and its going to have some negative impacts but those impacts are due to living beyond our means and making bad choices now we will need to pay for that a bit lack of lending from others will require us to produce at all and thats a good thing producing at home will lead to more jobs and make us less depend on others less then the final major truth about the world economy is and you have detailed many times is that the worlds debt is far in excess of what can be payed its time for write downs and admit this then after the pain of that to put things in place to prevent this from happening again retired ultimately we have them all by the gonads with the eu sinking into bankruptcy america will be the last major consumer market left standing the american consumer economy is over of the total economy the exporting nations have no where else to sell their consumer products raw materialsthey will need to keep the american economy afloat as for the debtit will never be paidit will be rolled over indefinitely alsothere will be financial chaos around the world when america drops the hammer on the outside world most of the big money from outside will be drawn to america for securitysouth florida is already a haven for wealthy venezuelans who had money parked here for hard times in their homelandcalifornia is in a similar situation with offshore chinese wealth most of the world is part of a global financial system based on american dollars as the worlds reserve currencya large part of the world arein effect provinces in an american financial empireamerica is their bankerthey cant extricate themselves from the dollar america paul anders bottom line is one day soon this house of cards is coming downtrump or no trump but if he can drain the swamp and get the political cesspool back on track i think its worth the pain pain is coming sooner or later anyways retired the main thing is to get rid of the central bankers get a leash on the fire economywhich is mostly huge overhead is sucking the life out of the real productive economy if it takes pain in the correction we will need to handle it if we want to turn the economic corner castiel screw the chinks screw those stupid and ignorant liberals screw the elitesi hope they all burn scott
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things learned general contractor
still danger zone january th th donald trump president yet barack obama could still extraordinary amount damage last two months white house prior election described period time ending january th danger zone outlook changed donald trump victorious election night see next two months absolutely critical time get january th without something major happening perhaps breathe little bit easier least hand events next two months could easily plunge country period unprecedented chaos lot people feeling really good things right trumps victory definitely time relax let guard truth donald trump even presidency yet detailed shortly election night next president determined december th electoral college meets monday december th members electoral college gather state capitals cast votes president next president united states elected throughout history electors followed people perfect time faithless electors democrats get enough switch sides december still possible though probable hillary clinton could win election one petition asking electors switch votes already signed million people petition claims donald trump unfit serve president since hillary clinton popular vote wide margin elected president instead following comes usa today article entitled could electoral college elect hillary clinton instead donald trump changeorg petition signed million people encourages members electoral college cast votes hillary clinton college meets dec petition argues donald trump unfit serve secretary clinton popular vote president vote way states voted donald trump win petition states however vote hillary clinton choose even states allowed vote would still counted would simply pay small fine sure clinton supporters glad pay calling electors ignore states votes cast ballots secretary clinton personally dont believe going happen may able flip electors gap electoral votes almost certainly wide democrats overcome however concern facing ever since victory november th multitude violent threats donald trump family without doubt lot powerful people would interested finding way keep donald trump getting inauguration day let us pray safety safety family donald trump incapacitated wins electoral college vote december th mike pence would take place something happen december th electors would free vote another candidate including hillary clinton everything goes smoothly donald trump successfully makes inauguration day could facing one biggest political protests united states history article important news showed far left calling thousands upon thousands protesters descend upon washington dc january th order disrupt inauguration festivities much possible giant protest organized usual suspects already put facebook pages websites hashtag disruptj widely used social media traditionally inauguration day day joy celebration far left seems intent transforming massive riot let us hope successful another reason danger zone next two months barack obama may choose united nations looks like donald trump going next president international pressure barack obama something united nations regarding israelipalestinian conflict end term become even intense something trump advisers actively concerned fact came across article earlier today discussed fact trump team warning obama making moves israelipalestinian conflict last months office saying pushing agendas contrary presidentelects position would spirit transition trump national security advisor donald trump last week warned obama administration making moves israelipalestinian conflict last months office big transformative issues president obama presidentelect trump alignment dont think keeping spirit transitionto try push agenda items contrary presidentelects positions advisor told politico specifically concern obama may decide support un security council resolution would officially recognize palestinian state set parameters two state solution establish east jerusalem capital new palestinian state weeks ago article wall street journal entitled obamas israel surprise reported one options obama administration strongly considering right un security council resolution would legally binding israel palestinians would something president trump would able undo rest un security council eager support resolution decision whether resolution going happen sits hands barack obama moment know going following comes article leo hohmann wall street journal reported one week tuesdays election obama requested aides provide list options deal decadesold israelipalestinian conflict israeli diplomats according wsj story preparing possibility lameduck president obama may try force diplomatic resolution israel palestinians united nations president presumably reviewing options number half dozen may preparing recognize palestinian state un leaves office wsj reported barack obama decides divide land israel united nations worst decision entire presidency warned repeatedly hell break loose america happens also mean many events warn latest book much closer many anticipating get january th land israel divided yet may able rest easy least little trump already said would support un security council resolution forces solution israelis palestinians politicians going something know people wont like tend try sneak around holidays lot people arent paying attention example yesterday discussed legislation created federal reserve rushed congress right christmas keep eye period around thanksgiving period around christmas barack obama going stab israel back may happen one times hope get january th without anything going seriously wrong happens know thankful detailed previous article donald trump years months days old first full day office january st happen year hebrew calendar could sign better things ahead many believe next two months set chain events absolutely disastrous nation believe absolutely critical moment history let us hope leaders make right decisions danger zone brings back memories kenny loggins top gun anonymous listen howlin roar metal tension beggin touch go highway danger zone ride danger zone headin twilight spreadin wings tonight got jumpin deck shovin overdrive highway danger zone ill take right danger zone william lutz celebrate holidays year screw christmas new years already anonymous good support corporate mandated holidays anyway thanksgiving important celebration also celebrate day dead solemn reminder future holds us besides parties awesome ricardo also celebrate day dead spiritism king saul tried bring dead samuel via witch endor dont mess spiritism let dead bury dead matthew meaning spiritual life dead let dead bury dead halloween october st date martin luther nail thesis church catholic door october st halloween catholic church playing spiritism fostering world via disguise harmless fun dont mess spiritism anonymous meant remembrance loved ones passed away painting broad religious brush god isnt god spirit know death died clearly biased df nj god unknowable force motivates electrons move charge without god time would cease exist paul benson wrong df nj dumb friend new jersey god gone great extremes make knowable jesus died cross veil temple torn god top bottom sign way presence given put faith jesus follow teaching path lead father eternal life know god mondobeyondo merry hallothanksmaskwanzaanewyear nick political atheist set record straight although visit site fairly often showing signs paranoia provoking fear george w elected many protesters hidden away free speech zones course many unhappy people every election trumps votes less million people country trump bring jobs unless govt employees funded taxes one way jobs created demand products services lot people low paying jobs hardly afford basic necessities let alone keep playing consumerism game cannot see obama anything requires legislation lame duck status perhaps site needs focus swamp getting filled careerists especially lobbyists expat years lovely peaceful warm day think go bicycle ride dip degree seawater faith much change sun continue rise even obscured clouds peace loveit way df nj obamas big political move appoint ultra liberal judge bench recess cant imagine doesnt leave office without punishing republicans taking garland given threats taking away obamas legacy thing left make mark history rick dont think phone pen sorry heyahuman could imagine pandemonium would ensue electoral college vote hillary wed real danger zone mondobeyondo yes would would like krakatoa volcano erupting df nj going happen electors hate hillary much would like cutting one fingers kitchen knife think okay anonymous always amazes people look signs anything remember world going end year end mayan calendar uncertainty certainty knowing live insecurity security john allen paulos df nj still second coming jesus every single person reading posting board going long dead gone jesus returns james staten fulfilled prophecy dont even know httpswwwbiblegatewaycompassagesearchpeteraversionkjv jerry c longer need look signs happening whether youre looking way lsm saying ending guess fact trump years months days old first full day office coincidence see coincidence believers see signs isa liberals long since gone beyond activism descended mobs acting like spoiled children stamping feet screaming want politics juvenile delinquency liberal means must lie deceive deflect last resort attack conservative liberalism godlessness df nj criticize hate peoples character like character otherwise able meet people sacred remaining unconditional love acceptance peoples flaws civility come respect opposing opinions isa election demonstrations mean nothing bunch winy liberals breaking laws conservative childish things n wonder obamas pardon list looks like jc teecher jesse james jackson pawn left pushing hard hitlery pardoned crimes even charged crook received free pass called religious connections bull caca occult religions maybe mondobeyondo yes still possibility hillary clinton could still get oval office trump presidency pretty much done deal knock wood secret service better guard family closely ive seen heard president obama trying make trumps transition presidency peaceful orderly even though hate lets hope trumps presidency successful one heals many divisions issues plague country back bought brand new book called art deal college bookstore written guy named donald trump yes actually read df nj chance hillary dead gone mondobeyondo barack obama actually liberal enough sign resolution would divide land israel donald trump would pressured outside forces make decision would dont know although ive heard president putin russia likes trump lot df nj dropped bombs five predominately muslim countries maybe time give yinon plan rest stop bombing ragheads israel america first way many problems debt country continue foreign policies american adventurism wheres pat buchanan need think time return traditional conservative approach foreign policy long war absolutely nothing make feel safer streets newark jersey city say eff em america first thelulzwarrior fing cares israel us state far would simply refuse go along plan paul patriot freedom loving americans know needs happen hitlery said el presidente december th left whine shout protest riotits time freedom loving americans get right mind set standing tyrannyand apathy passivity fear political correctness prove ineffective liberty tree getting mighty thirstyjust saying df nj many forms freedom criticize left dont understand heres left thinks old english judge said necessitous men free men liberty requires opportunity make living living decent according standard time living gives man enough live something live many us political equality meaningless face economic inequality small group concentrated hands almost complete control peoples property peoples money peoples labor peoples lives many us life longer free liberty longer real men could longer follow pursuit happiness economic tyranny american citizen could appeal organized power government many agree approach evidence shows wealth inequality time highs right wingers claim much socialism communism country sad fact cannot way communism still currency shred value fear every year top become richer richer every year middle class driven deeper deeper poverty wages marx said laissez faire capitialism always followed communism unfettered greed would result governments currency collapse currency collapses people bread lines demand government less see breadlines comrades ???????? ??? jc teecher fairly evident b hussein odrama spewing nwo rhetoric propaganda overseas attempts assume role worlds authoritarian handpicked biggest nazi since hitler behind scenes ghw bush odrama chosen underworld successor ghwb billery fulfill occultic destiny beast system gov religion education economics four hidden dynasties also viewed dienasty one part anything possible next two months huge amounts invested continuing evil empire underworldshadow gov use means make plans come fruition christians prepare worst pray god become manifest purpose pleasure fulfillment end days age time fulfillment year generation since planting fig tree house judah israel drawing nigh christ said generation sees nation israel replanted covenant land also see return glory glory hallelujah might get worldalive fly away pretrib rapture trap change twinkling eye earth part kingdom come earth heaven df nj need stop dropping bombs ragheads god shower us blessings guns butter choose get one black wow hope place hell scum like burn eternity jerry c
Jon Anthony
goals for the neomasculinity movement during trumps first term
very depressing economic realities that donald trump will inherit from barack obama th it would be a grave mistake to understate the amount of damage that has been done to the us economy over the past eight years in this article i am going to share some economic numbers with you that are extremely sobering anyone that takes a cold hard honest look at the numbers should be able to see that our economy is in terrible shape unfortunately the way that we see things is often clouded by our political views up until the election democrats were far more likely then republicans to believe that the economy was improving but now that is in the process of completely reversing according to gallup only percent of republicans believed that the economy was getting better before the election but that number has suddenly jumped to percent after trumps election victory and the percentage of democrats that believe that the economy is getting better fell from percent to percent after the election here are some additional details from gallup after trump won last weeks election republicans and republicanleaning independents now have a much more optimistic view of the us economys outlook than they did just of republicans said the economy was getting better in the week before the election while said it was getting worse since the election say it is getting better and worse conversely democrats and democraticleaning independents confidence in the economy plummeted after the election before the election of democrats said the economy was getting better and worse now democrats are evenly divided with saying it is getting better and saying it is getting worse the truth of course is that the result of the election did not somehow magically alter the outlook for the us economy we still have a giant mess on our hands and the following are very depressing economic realities that donald trump will inherit from barack obama nearly out of every americans have less than in savings that means that about twothirds of the country is essentially living paycheck to paycheck at this moment reuters is reporting that us mall investors are poised to lose billions of dollars as the retail apocalypse in this nation deepens credit card delinquencies have hit the highest level that we have seen since approximately percent of all americans have a debt that is at least days past due the rate of homeownership has fallen for eight years in a row and is now hovering near a year low the total number of government employees now outnumbers the total number of manufacturing employees in this country by almost million the number of homeless people in new york city where donald trump is from has hit a brand new record high about percent of all young adults are currently living with their parents total household debt in the united states has now reached a grand total of trillion dollars the total amount of corporate debt in the us has nearly doubled since the end of when barack obama entered the white house the us government was trillion dollars in debt today the us national debt is currently sitting at a staggering total of despite nearly doubling the national debt during his eight years in the white house barack obama is going to be the only president in united states history to never have a single year when us gdp grew by at least three percent so will donald trump waltz in and suddenly turn everything around just like when george w bush was elected there is a lot of optimism about the future right now among republicans and in republicans are going to have control of the senate and the house in addition to being in control of the white house but does that mean that they will actually get anything done for a moment lets review what didnt happen the last time the republicans were in this position the following is an extended excerpt from an article by author devvy kidd the republicans had control of both houses of congress part of the time during bush jrs two terms did they lock down our borders no did they pass legislation to stop all funding for illegals which would selfdeport millions of liars cheats and thieves no read please how to selfdeport millions of illegals did they stop trillions in unconstitutional spending no did they get rid of any of clintons unconstitutional executive orders one or two but otherwise let comrade bill clinton crap in our faces did they get rid of one unconstitutional cabinet like hhs department of education and epa no did they stop the unconstitutional foreign aid no did they stop unconstitutional spending for planned parenthood no congress just continues to use borrowed money to spend more debt did they stop unconstitutional spending for the gigantic hoax called global warming or climate change no trump the left just lost the war on climate change did bush jr get us out of all the destructive trade treaties killing american jobs no did they crack down on visas bringing in tens of thousands of foreign workers when american workers who want to work are left in the unemployment line no did they stop more and more federal regulations strangling americas businesses no did they impeach one single activist judge destroying our freedom and liberty no a republican controlled congress with a republican in the white house and they did virtually nothing to restore america to a constitutional republic and constitutional spending so will things be any different under a trump administration we shall see there will be tremendous pressure to maintain the status quo in many instances because the process of fixing things would undoubtedly make conditions worse in the shortterm a great example of this is the national debt as i discussed yesterday the only reason why we are able to enjoy such a massively inflated standard of living in this country federal government started spending only the money that it brought in through taxes our ridiculous debt would begin collapsing immediately we consume far more wealth than we produce and the only way that we are able to do this is by borrowing insane amounts of money either donald trump will continue to borrow money recklessly or we will go into a major league economic downturn it really is that simple but when our politicians borrow money they are literally destroying the future of this country so the choice is pain in the shortterm or greater pain in the longterm there is a way out and that would involve shutting down the federal reserve and going to a completely debtfree form of money but that is a topic for another article and unfortunately that is not something that is even on donald trumps radar at this point no matter who won the election the next president was going to be faced with some very harsh economic realities there are many out there that have faith that donald trump can pull off an unprecedented economic miracle but there are others that are deeply skeptical let us hope for the best but let us also keep preparing for the worst
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hollywood films bluepill men reinforce sjw values concepts
obama threatening russia world war right election michael television set higher interest rates major recession giant stock market crash november th since donald trumps victory election night seen worst bond crash years global bond investors seen trillions dollars wealth wiped since november th analysts warning another tough week ahead general consensus investing community trump administration mean much higher inflation result investors already starting demand higher interest rates unfortunately us history shown higher interest rates always cause economic slowdown makes perfect sense economic activity naturally slows becomes expensive borrow money obama administration already set next president major recession anyway bond crash threatens bring sooner rather later familiar bond market yields go bond prices go bond prices go bad news economic growth generally dont want yields go unfortunately yields absolutely soaring past couple weeks yield year treasury notes jumped one full percentage point since july year treasury yield jumped late trading friday highest since december basis point since election one full percentage point since july year yield critical juncture terms reality first thing might happen rate increase fed december year flipflopping slew postelection pronouncements fed heads including yellens relatively soon pushed odds rate hike noted day many things financial system tied yields us treasury notes look happening mortgages wolf richter noted average rate year mortgages shooting stratosphere carnage bonds consequences average interest rate conforming year fixed mortgage friday quoted top credit scores thats percentage point election according mortgage news daily put month short list worst months decade mortgage rates continue shoot higher another housing crash rates auto loans credit cards student loans also affected throughout economic system become much costly borrow money inevitably slow overall economy bond investors edge days statements one steve bannon nascent administration seems best random beliefs bannon seem focused voice almost messianic one like andrew jacksons populism going build entirely new political movement says everything related jobs conservatives going go crazy im guy pushing trilliondollar infrastructure plan negative interest rates throughout world greatest opportunity rebuild everything ship yards iron works get jacked going throw wall see sticks exciting greater reagan revolution conservatives plus populists economic nationalist movement steve bannon going one influential voices new trump administration absolutely determined get trillion dollar infrastructure plan congress going mean lot borrowing lot spending government already pace add trillion dollars national debt fiscal year sadly comes time us economy already starting show significant signs slowing projected see sixth straight decline yearoveryear earnings sp industrial production contracted months row truth economy barely treading water quite time isnt going take much push us edge following comes lance roberts economy running consumers already heavily indebted wage growth weak bulk americans lot wiggle room policy mistakes combine weak economics higher interest rates negatively impacts consumption stronger dollar weighs exports real potential recession occurring sooner rather later yes stock market soared immediately following trumps election wasnt economic conditions actually improved look history stock market crash almost always follows major bond crash bond prices keep declining rapidly going ominous sign stock traders history also shown us bull market survive major recession economy suffers major downturn early trump administration inevitable stock prices follow waning days obama administration set us perfectly higher interest rates major recession giant stock market crash course problems occur january th blamed trump truth obama far responsible happens trump right many people lulled sense complacency donald trump election enormous mistake shaking already begun financial world shaking could easily become avalanche time party rather time batten hatches prepare rough seas ahead things many experts warned coming may delayed slightly without doubt still way get prepared still time running
Luke Stranahan
things i learned from being my own general contractor
why donald trump must shut down the federal reserve and start issuing debtfree money by th if donald trump truly wants to fix the economy he must shut down the federal reserve if he just tries to patch up our current system he will fail because it has been fundamentally flawed from the very beginning a little over a century ago very powerful forces on wall street convinced congress to completely restructure our financial system an immensely powerful central bank known as the federal reserve was created and the goal was to transform the us dollar into a debtbased currency that would continuously be inflated and to create an endless debt spiral from which could never possibly escape sadly they were successful on both counts since the creation of the federal reserve the value of the us dollar has declined by approximately percent and our national debt has gotten more than times larger americans tend to give most of the credit or most of the blame for the performance of the us economy to our presidents but the truth is that an unelected unaccountable group of central bankers has far more power over our economy than anyone else does the federal reserve has become known as the fourth branch of government but unlike the other branches of government we are told that the feds decisions are above politics because they are too important fed officials fiercely guard their independence and they fiercely resist any interference from congress the president or the american people donald trump can try to lower taxes and reduce regulations but what he will be able to do to influence the economy pales in comparison to the immensely powerful tools that the fed wields the fed controls interest rates the fed controls the money supply and the fed regulates the banks to give you an idea of how enormously powerful the fed is i want you to pull out a dollar bill as you look at that dollar bill i want you to notice that it says federal reserve note right at the top in the financial world a note is an instrument of debt and the truth is that our system was designed to create as much debt as possible so why are we using debtbased federal reserve notes in the first place shouldnt congress have control over our currency according to article i section of the us constitution it is congress that has the authority to coin money regulate the value thereof and of foreign coin and fix the standard of weights and measures so how did the fed get involved well it is a very long and convoluted story and if you are interested in the history behind it i would commend to you an excellent book by c edward griffin entitled the creature from jekyll island a second look at the federal reserve basically big money interests on wall street got their hooks into the white house and congress and they rushed through legislation right before christmas in that created this insidious central banking system that was designed to slowly but surely take wealth from the american people and put it into their hands sadly most americans dont even realize that we have a debtbased currency nor do they understand where our money comes from in a previous article i discussed how money is normally created by the federal reserve under our current system when the us government decides that it wants to spend another billion dollars that it does not have it does not print up a billion dollars rather the us government creates a bunch of us treasury bonds debt and takes them over to the federal reserve the federal reserve creates a billion dollars out of thin air and exchanges them for the us treasury bonds the federal reserve takes the us treasury bonds that it receives in exchange for the federal reserve notes that it gave to the government and it auctions off those bonds to the highest bidder but of course this process always creates more debt than it does money the us treasury bonds that the federal reserve receives in exchange for the money it has created out of nothing are auctioned off through the federal reserve system but wait there is a problem because the us government must pay interest on the treasury bonds the amount of debt that has been created by this transaction is greater than the amount of money that has been created so where will the us government get the money to pay that debt well the theory is that we can get money to circulate through the economy really really fast and tax it at a high enough rate that the government will be able to collect enough taxes to pay the debt but that never actually happens does it and the creators of the federal reserve understood this as well they understood that the us government would not have enough money to both run the government and service the national debt they knew that the us government would have to keep borrowing even more money in an attempt to keep up with the game so our debt just keeps going up and up and up while barack obama has been in the white house our national debt has risen by more than trillion dollars and at this moment it is sitting just under the trillion dollar mark but we shouldnt be surprised by this because this is precisely what the federal reserve system was designed to do to us many conservatives still hold to the mistaken illusion that we could somehow pay all of this debt back someday but as i have shown in a previous article this is mathematically impossible to do if the government went out today and grabbed every single dollar in existence we could not pay back the national debt and of course we have of household debt of corporate debt and of state and local government debt that we need to pay back as well under the current system our only hope is to keep the wheel spinning by continuing to devalue the dollar and by continuing to go into even greater amounts of debt and of course it isnt just the united states that is in this predicament at this point almost every single nation on the entire planet has a central bank even though there are extremely sharp disagreements among nations on virtually everything else somehow central banking has achieved nearly universal adoption as you read this article well over of the population of the globe lives in a country that has a central bank do you think that is just a coincidence of course there are still a few very small countries such as the federated states of micronesia that do not have a central bank but the only big nation not to have one is north korea and you would literally have to be insane to want to live in north korea but now we have an opportunity to get free from this insidious system the truth is that we dont have to have a central bank in fact the greatest period of economic growth in us history was when there was no central bank we dont need central planners to set our interest rates and to manipulate our money supply they will never admit this but the reality of the matter is that their interference in the economy often creates tremendous economic busts since the federal reserve was created in there have been distinct recessions or depressions considering their track record isnt it time for a change and we dont have to have a debtbased currency in fact not too long ago we had a president that decided to start issuing debtfree united states notes back in president john f kennedy issued executive order which authorized the us treasury to issue debtfree united states notes which were directly created by the us government he was assassinated shortly thereafter most americans dont realize this but many of the debtfree united states notes that were issued under president kennedy are still in circulation today and president trump could do something similar but will he it has been said that the borrower is the servant of the lender and the federal reserve system has turned all of us into debt slaves debt is a form of social control and the global elite use all of this debt to dominate the planet the total amount of debt in the world just hit of trillion dollars and the longer we allow the central banks to control the system the bigger this debt bubble will become here in the united states that starts with shutting issuing debtfree currency it would take someone very bold to make a move like this and so let us hope that the man that we just elected is up to the task
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camp saints predicted migrant destruction europe
americans shall say peace safety michael snyder november st millions americans expecting new golden age america donald trump going get always optimism new president elected dont know ever seen anything like euphoria many trump supporters expressing right look voted donald trump want successful possible donald trump becomes next president january th mean great problems nation facing somehow magically disappear listen people make sound like america going experience nothing peace prosperity blessing decades come would love indeed going case unfortunately simply truth currently path leads national suicide unless change ways isnt going matter white house keep hearing new president going unify nation going extremely difficult considering fact divided ever fact brand new gallup survey found alltime record high percent americans believe greatly divided comes important values keep hearing entering golden age peace prosperity supposed happen still butchering millions innocent children abortion mills keep hearing economy take like rocket possible already greatest debt binge world history way able maintain massively inflated debtfueled standard living piling debt faster pace generation history today accumulated trillion dollars consumer debt corporate debt doubled since last financial crisis national debt rapidly approaching trillion dollars trump possibly pump standard living debt obama already done keep hearing going make america great great producing pornography rest world combined keep hearing law order going restored meanwhile chaos already erupting cities nation far left planning turn inauguration day major riot keep hearing things going go back way used discussed previous article sexuallytransmitted diseases spreading fastest pace decades percentage births wedlock times higher approximately two every three christian men watch pornography regular basis keep hearing going drain swamp yet plans even reform federal reserve system heart financial problems nation keep hearing good judges going put supreme court trust new president said fine supreme court decision forced states redefine institution marriage keep hearing going example rest world example every form evil imaginable exploding popularity inside country keep hearing government going blessed government gives hundreds millions dollars year planned parenthood blessed republicans control white house senate house representatives golden opportunity defund planned parenthood doesnt happen probably never happen show complete utter failure republican party become remember planned parenthood organization caught camera admitting harvest organs babies kill sell organs highest bidder would argue america already great lot things united states number one world television watching legal drug use illegal drug use lead world plastic surgery eating disorder deaths teen pregnancy lawyers per capita highest std infection rate industrialized world highest divorce rate industrialized world largest prison population entire planet also complicated tax system entire world largest trade deficit entire world largest national debt entire world want make america great sure lot work complacency seeing right really alarms many people seem think battle donald trump victorious election night even close reality fundamentally change course nation survive tinkering tax rates regulations trade agreements going get job done many people acting cuts scratches reality country really needs major heart surgery donald trump sort messiah even able accomplish every single thing promising right nearly enough moment millions americans proclaiming peace safety donald trump election shall see turns november st tags americans anxiety blessing donald trump national suicide peace safety successful suicide trump category commentary set higher interest rates major recession giant stock market crash
Bob Smith
hollywood films for bluepill men that reinforce sjw values and concepts
why we are still in the danger zone until january th th donald trump is not the president yet and barack obama could still do an extraordinary amount of damage during his last two months in the white house prior to the election i described the period of time ending on january th as the danger zone and my outlook has not changed just because donald trump was victorious on election night as you will see the next two months are an absolutely critical time and if we can get through january th without something major happening perhaps we can breathe a little bit easier at least for a while on the other hand the events of the next two months could easily plunge this country into a period of unprecedented chaos a lot of people are feeling really good about things right now because of trumps victory but now is definitely not a time to relax and let down our guard and the truth is that donald trump has not even won the presidency yet as i detailed shortly before election night the next president will not be determined until december th when the electoral college meets on monday december th the members of the electoral college will gather in all state capitals to cast their votes for president it is then and only then that the next president of the united states will be elected throughout our history electors have followed the will of the people more than perfect of the time but there have been faithless electors before and if democrats can get enough of them to switch sides in december it is still possible though not probable that hillary clinton could win the election one petition that is asking electors to switch their votes has already been signed by more than million people the petition claims that donald trump is unfit to serve as president and that since hillary clinton won the popular vote by a wide margin she should be elected president instead the following comes from a usa today article entitled could the electoral college elect hillary clinton instead of donald trump a changeorg petition now signed by more than million people encourages members of the electoral college to cast their votes for hillary clinton when the college meets on dec the petition argues that donald trump is unfit to serve and that secretary clinton won the popular vote and should be president if they all vote the way their states voted donald trump will win the petition states however they can vote for hillary clinton if they choose even in states where that is not allowed their vote would still be counted they would simply pay a small fine which we can be sure clinton supporters will be glad to pay we are calling on the electors to ignore their states votes and cast their ballots for secretary clinton personally i dont believe that this is going to happen they may be able to flip a few electors but the gap in electoral votes is almost certainly too wide for the democrats to overcome however that is not the only concern we are facing ever since his victory on november th there have been a multitude of violent threats against donald trump and his family and without a doubt there are a lot of very powerful people that would be very interested in finding a way to keep donald trump from getting to inauguration day so let us pray for his safety and for the safety of his family if donald trump were to be incapacitated after he wins the electoral college vote on december th mike pence would take his place but if something were to happen to him before december th his electors would be free to vote for another candidate including hillary clinton if everything goes smoothly and donald trump successfully makes it to inauguration day he could be facing one of the biggest political protests in united states history in an article for the most important news i showed that the far left is calling for thousands upon thousands of protesters to descend upon washington dc on january th in order to disrupt the inauguration festivities as much as possible this giant protest is being organized by the usual suspects and they have already put up facebook pages websites and the hashtag disruptj is being widely used all over social media traditionally inauguration day is a day of joy and celebration but the far left seems intent on transforming it into a massive riot let us hope that they are not successful another reason why we will be in the danger zone over the next two months is because of what barack obama may choose to do at the united nations now that it looks like donald trump is going to be our next president the international pressure on barack obama to do something at the united nations regarding the israelipalestinian conflict before the end of his term has become even more intense and this is something that trump and his advisers are actively concerned about in fact i came across an article earlier today that discussed the fact that the trump team is warning obama against making moves on the israelipalestinian conflict in his last months in office saying that pushing agendas contrary to the presidentelects position would not be in the spirit of the transition trump national security advisor for donald trump last week warned the obama administration against making moves on the israelipalestinian conflict in his last months in office on big transformative issues where president obama and presidentelect trump are not in alignment i dont think its in keeping with the spirit of the transitionto try to push through agenda items that are contrary to the presidentelects positions the advisor told politico specifically the concern is that obama may decide to support a un security council resolution that would officially recognize a palestinian state set the parameters for a two state solution and establish east jerusalem as the capital for the new palestinian state just a few weeks ago an article in the wall street journal entitled obamas israel surprise reported that this is one of the options that the obama administration is strongly considering right now a un security council resolution would be legally binding on both israel and the palestinians and it would be something that president trump would not be able to undo the rest of the un security council is eager to support such a resolution and so the decision about whether this resolution is going to happen or not sits in the hands of barack obama and at this moment we do not know what he is going to do the following comes from an article by leo hohmann the wall street journal reported one week before tuesdays election that obama had requested his aides provide him with a list of options to deal with the decadesold israelipalestinian conflict israeli diplomats according to the wsj story are preparing for the possibility that a lameduck president obama may try to force a diplomatic resolution for israel and the palestinians at the united nations the president is presumably now reviewing those options which number about half a dozen he may be preparing to recognize a palestinian state at the un before he leaves office wsj reported if barack obama decides to divide the land of israel at the united nations it will be the worst decision of his entire presidency i have warned repeatedly that all hell will break loose in america if it happens and it will also mean that many of the events that i warn about in my latest book are much closer than many had been anticipating but if we can get to january th and the land of israel has not been divided yet we may be able to rest easy for at least a little while because trump has already said that he would not support a un security council resolution that forces a solution on the israelis and palestinians when politicians are going to do something that they know people wont like they tend to try to sneak it through around the holidays when a lot of people arent paying attention for example yesterday i discussed how the legislation that created the federal reserve was rushed through congress right before christmas in so keep an eye on the period around thanksgiving and the period around christmas if barack obama is going to stab israel in the back it may happen during one of those times my hope is that we can get through january th without anything going seriously wrong if that happens i know that i will be very thankful and as i detailed in a previous article donald trump will be years months and days old on his first full day in office on january st and that will happen in year on the hebrew calendar could that be a sign of better things ahead as many believe or will the next two months set off a chain of events that will be absolutely disastrous for this nation i believe that this is an absolutely critical moment in our history and let us hope that our leaders make the right decisions danger zone brings back memories of kenny loggins and top gun anonymous listen to her howlin roar metal under tension beggin you to touch and go highway to the danger zone ride into the danger zone headin into twilight spreadin out her wings tonight she got you jumpin off the deck and shovin into overdrive highway to the danger zone ill take you right into the danger zone william lutz i will not celebrate the holidays this year screw christmas and new years already anonymous good on you why support corporate mandated holidays anyway thanksgiving should be the most important celebration we should also celebrate the day of the dead a solemn reminder of what the future holds for us all besides their parties are awesome ricardo we should also celebrate the day of the dead that is spiritism king saul tried to bring up the dead samuel via the witch of endor dont mess with spiritism let the dead bury the dead matthew meaning if you have no spiritual life you are dead so let the dead bury the dead halloween october st what date did martin luther nail the thesis to the church catholic door october st halloween is the catholic church playing with spiritism and fostering it on the world via the disguise of its just harmless fun dont mess with spiritism anonymous i meant more of a remembrance of loved ones who have passed away you are painting with a broad religious brush what is god isnt god a spirit what do you know of death have you died you are clearly biased df nj god is unknowable force that motivates the electrons to move and have charge without god time would cease to exist paul benson wrong again df nj dumb friend from new jersey god has gone to great extremes to make himself knowable when jesus died on the cross the veil of the temple was torn by god from top to bottom as a sign the way into his presence had been given put your faith in jesus follow his teaching and that path will lead you to the father and eternal life you can know god mondobeyondo merry hallothanksmaskwanzaanewyear nick i am a political atheist just to set the record straight although i visit this site fairly often it is showing signs of paranoia and provoking fear when george w as elected there were many protesters they were just hidden away in free speech zones of course there are many unhappy people as there were in and every election trumps votes were less than of the million people in the country will trump bring jobs no not unless they are govt employees or funded by taxes there is only one way jobs are created and that is when there is demand for products and services a lot of people with their low paying jobs can hardly afford the basic necessities let alone keep playing the consumerism game i cannot see obama doing anything that requires legislation as he is lame duck status now perhaps this site needs to focus on the swamp getting filled with more careerists especially lobbyists i have been an expat for over years it is a lovely peaceful warm day here think i will go for a bicycle ride then a dip in degree seawater i do have faith that not much will change and the sun will continue to rise even when it is obscured by clouds peace and loveit is the only way df nj obamas big political move will be to appoint an ultra liberal judge to the bench during the recess i just cant imagine that he doesnt leave office without punishing the republicans for not taking garland and given all the threats to taking away all of obamas legacy this is the only thing left he has to make his mark on history rick i dont think he can do that with a phone and pen sorry heyahuman could you imagine the pandemonium that would ensue if the electoral college were to vote hillary in then wed be in a real danger zone mondobeyondo yes it would be it would be like the krakatoa volcano erupting again df nj that is not going to happen because the electors hate hillary as much as you do it would be like cutting off one of your own fingers with a kitchen knife i think we are okay anonymous it always amazes me that people will look for signs in anything remember the world was going to end in the year then again in with the end of the mayan calendar uncertainty is the only certainty there is and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security john allen paulos df nj its and still no second coming of jesus every single person reading this and posting on this board is going to be long dead and gone before jesus returns james staten you just fulfilled prophecy and you dont even know it httpswwwbiblegatewaycompassagesearchpeteraversionkjv jerry c no longer need to look for signs as they are happening whether or not youre looking by the way were lsm saying it was ending i guess for you the fact trump will be years months days old on his first full day of office is coincidence you see coincidence believers see signs isa liberals have long since gone beyond activism and descended to mobs all acting like spoiled children stamping their feet and screaming i want it now its the politics of juvenile delinquency to be a liberal means you must lie deceive deflect and as a last resort attack a conservative liberalism is godlessness df nj you only criticize and hate on other peoples character what you do not like about your own character otherwise if you are able to meet people as being sacred then all you have remaining is unconditional love and acceptance of other peoples flaws where does civility come from if not from having respect for opposing opinions isa the election is over these demonstrations mean nothing these are bunch of winy liberals breaking laws did conservative do these childish things in or n i wonder what obamas pardon list looks like jc teecher jesse james jackson a pawn for the left is pushing hard to have hitlery pardoned for all her crimes before she is even charged as a crook himself he has received a free pass because of his so called religious connections bull caca occult religions maybe mondobeyondo yes there is still a possibility that hillary clinton could still get in the oval office but a trump presidency is pretty much a done deal knock on wood the secret service had better guard him and his family very closely from what ive seen and heard president obama is trying to make trumps transition to the presidency very peaceful and orderly even though they hate each other lets hope that trumps presidency will be a successful one and that it heals the many divisions and other issues that plague our country back in i bought a brand new book called the art of the deal at my college bookstore it was written by some guy named donald trump yes i actually did read it df nj not a chance hillary is dead and gone mondobeyondo barack obama is actually liberal enough to sign a resolution that would divide the land of israel donald trump would have to be pressured by outside forces to make such a decision would he do it dont know although from what ive heard president putin of russia likes trump a lot df nj we dropped bombs on five predominately muslim countries in maybe its time to give the yinon plan a rest and stop bombing ragheads for israel america first we have way too many problems and debt in this country to continue our foreign policies of american adventurism wheres pat buchanan when you need him i think its time we return to a more traditional conservative approach to foreign policy the long war does absolutely nothing to make me feel safer on the streets of newark or jersey city i say eff em america first thelulzwarrior who fing cares israel is not an us state so far they would simply refuse to go along such a plan paul patriot freedom loving americans should know what needs to happen if hitlery is said to be el presidente on december th the left can whine shout protest and riotits time freedom loving americans get the right mind set about standing up to tyrannyand apathy passivity fear and political correctness will prove ineffective the liberty tree is getting mighty thirstyjust saying df nj there are many forms of freedom you criticize the left but you just dont understand it heres how the left thinks an old english judge once said necessitous men are not free men liberty requires opportunity to make a living a living decent according to the standard of the time a living which gives man not only enough to live by but something to live for for too many of us the political equality we once had won was meaningless in the face of economic inequality a small group had concentrated into their own hands an almost complete control over other peoples property other peoples money other peoples labor other peoples lives for too many of us life was no longer free liberty no longer real men could no longer follow the pursuit of happiness against economic tyranny such as this the american citizen could appeal only to the organized power of government you many not agree with this approach but all the evidence shows wealth inequality is at all time highs most of you right wingers claim we have too much socialism and communism in this country the sad fact is we cannot be further way from communism and still have a currency with any shred of value but do not fear every year the top become richer and richer every year the middle class is driven deeper and deeper into poverty wages marx said laissez faire capitialism is always followed by communism because unfettered greed would result in a governments currency collapse once the currency collapses people in bread lines will demand more government not less see you in the breadlines comrades ???????? ??? jc teecher it is fairly evident that b hussein odrama is spewing his nwo rhetoric and propaganda overseas as he attempts to assume the role of the worlds authoritarian he was handpicked by the biggest nazi since hitler behind the scenes as in ghw bush odrama was chosen by the underworld as a successor to ghwb and billery why to fulfill their occultic destiny of the beast system of gov religion education and economics the four hidden dynasties also viewed as dienasty if one is part of it anything is possible in the next two months and with the huge amounts of invested into continuing an evil empire the underworldshadow gov will use any and all means to make their plans come to fruition all we as christians can do is prepare for the worst and pray for the will of god to become manifest for his purpose pleasure and fulfillment of the end of days of this age the time of the fulfillment of a year generation since the planting of the fig tree house of judah in israel is drawing nigh christ said the generation that sees it nation of israel replanted in the covenant land will also see his return glory glory hallelujah we might just get out of this worldalive not fly away in a pretrib rapture trap but change in the twinkling of an eye here in this earth to be a part of the kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven df nj we just need to stop dropping bombs on ragheads and god will shower us with blessings guns or butter choose you get one or the other black wow i hope there is such a place as hell so scum like you can burn there for eternity jerry c
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polls rigged trump wildly divergent surveys cannot possibly correct michael television half population world dirt poor global elite want keep way nd could survive day according compassion international approximately half population entire planet currently lives day less meanwhile hoarding wealth top global pyramid rapidly becoming lot wealthier dont get wrong big believer working hard contributing something value society work hardest contribute able reap rewards article way shape form criticizing true capitalism true capitalism actually practiced planet would far far less poverty today instead planet dominated heavily socialized debtbased central banking system systematically transfers wealth hard working ordinary citizens global elite top pyramid know impoverishing everyone else much intend keep way lets start hard numbers according zero hedge credit suisse released yearly report global wealth shows percent wealth world controlled percent people credit suisse tantalizingly shows year year number people control shy majority global net worth roughly trillion household wealth declining progressively relative total population world number people worth million million roughly worlds population adults end pyramid billion adults net worth less accounting trillion household wealth since yearly report go back see things changed time zero hedge discovered wealth top nearly doubled past six years meanwhile poor gotten even poorer incidentally tracked first credit suisse report found series total wealth top layer pyramid modest trillion worlds millionaires nearly doubled years since meanwhile worlds poorest gotten got poorer adults worth less combined net worth trillion number since declined trillion despite half billion increase sample size trends continue pace wont long global elite virtually wealth rest us virtually nothing perhaps fortunate enough still good job live large home sleep warm bed tonight well consider blessed definitely case rest world following facts global poverty come dosomethingcom want really let numbers sink moment nearly worlds population billion people live less day billion live extreme poverty less day billion children worldwide living poverty according unicef children die day due poverty million people worldwide enough food eat food banks especially important providing food people cant afford run food drive outside local grocery store people community enough eat sign supermarket stakeout million people lack adequate access clean drinking water diarrhea caused inadequate drinking water sanitation hand hygiene kills estimated people every year globally approximately people per day million children age stunted reduced rate growth development due chronic malnutrition preventable diseases like diarrhea pneumonia take lives million children year poor afford proper treatment million children year age worldwide received three recommended doses vaccine diphtheria tetanus pertussis humans live without electricity approximately billion people world population lives less day oxfam estimates would take billion annually end extreme global povertythats less income top richest billionaires world food programme says poor hungry hunger traps poverty hunger number one cause death world killing hivaids malaria tuberculosis combined get debt primary mechanism takes wealth ordinary people like puts hands global elite recent article entitled donald trump must shut federal reserve start issuing debtfree money discussed federal reserve designed entrap us government endless debt spiral could never possibly escape precisely happened us national debt gotten times larger since federal reserve created year federal income tax instituted key part program global elite see income tax wealth transferred us government continuously growing national debt wealth transferred government elite complicated system end day taking money us getting pockets point percent population world lives country central bank almost every nation planet form income tax global system designed create much debt possible recently shared readers total amount debt world hit staggering trillion dollars interestingly bible actually foretells time rich men would hoard wealth last days following first five verses book james modern english version come rich men weep howl miseries shall come upon riches corrupted garments motheaten gold silver corroded corrosion witness eat flesh like fire stored treasures last days indeed wages kept back fraud laborers harvested fields crying cries harvested entered ears lord hosts lived pleasure earth wayward nourished hearts day slaughter much time focus great sins see around us truth one greatest sins world today sin greed borrower servant lender global elite used various forms debt turn rest planet debt slaves debt levels race higher higher planet elite using magic compound interest grab bigger bigger share pie given enough time top would virtually everything rest us would virtually nothing middle class shrinking globe gap wealthy poor continues grow astounding pace vast majority people idea money debt taxes central banks really work idea purposely done please share article many people truth dont much global poverty correctly identify root causes poverty start working real solutions
Roosh Valizadeh
how the camp of the saints predicted the migrant destruction of europe
why is obama threatening russia with world war right before the election october th it sure seems like an odd time to be provoking a war with russia as i write this we stand just a little bit more than three weeks away from one of the most pivotal elections in us history and barack obama has chosen this moment to strongly threaten the russians as i wrote about on friday reuters is reporting that obama is contemplating direct us military action against syrian military targets and the russians have already indicated that any assault on syrian forces would be considered an attack on themselves the rapidly deteriorating crisis in syria has already caused tensions with russia to rise to the highest level since the end of the cold war but now obama is adding fuel to the fire by publicly considering an unprecedented cyber covert action against russia apparently obama believes that russian hackers are interfering in the election and so he wants payback the following comes from an nbc news article entitled cia prepping for possible cyber strike against russia the obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against russia in retaliation for alleged russian interference in the american presidential election us intelligence officials told nbc news current and former officials with direct knowledge of the situation say the cia has been asked to deliver options to the white house for a wideranging clandestine cyber operation designed to harass and embarrass the kremlin leadership the sources did not elaborate on the exact measures the cia was considering but said the agency had already begun opening cyber doors selecting targets and making other preparations for an operation somebody should tell obama that he is not playing a video game a cyber attack is considered to be an act of war and the russians would inevitably retaliate and considering how exceedingly vulnerable our cyber infrastructure is i dont know if that is something that we want to invite at the end of last week vice president joe biden also publicly threatened the russians on friday vice president joe biden met meet the press host chuck todd for an interview that has raised serious concern in russia without bothering to question the authenticity of the claims todd took the allegations of russian hacking at face value opening his interview with a loaded question why havent we sent a message yet to putin after a moment of stunned silence biden responded were sending a message we have the capacity to do it and it will be at the time of our choosing and under the circumstances that will have the greatest impact when todd asked if the public will know a message was sent biden replied hope not the russians firmly deny that they had any involvement in the hacking and so far the obama administration has not publicly produced any firm evidence that the russians were behind it perhaps the obama administration privately has some evidence but at this point they have not shown that evidence to the american public so for joe biden to be making these sorts of threats is a very dangerous thing the russians are taking these threats very seriously and they are preparing to protect their interests the threats directed against moscow and our states leadership are unprecedented because they are voiced at the level of the us vice president to the backdrop of this aggressive unpredictable line we must take measures to protect our interests to hedge risks a kremlin spokesman said according to ria novosti news agency here in the united states most people dont even realize that we could be on the verge of a major conflict with russia but over in russia things are completely different talk of war is everywhere and the potential for war is the number one topic in the russian media right now just check out some of the recent russian media headlines about the conflict between our two nations in contrast to clinton trump has no appetite for war with russia and one russian television network recently instructed their viewers to locate the nearest bomb shelter in case a nuclear war between the united states and russia suddenly erupts a terrifying russian television broadcast explicitly told civilians to find out where their nearest bomb shelter is and repeatedly asked viewers if they were ready for nuclear war one apocalyptic broadcast told viewers on moscows stateowned tv channel ntv if it should one day happen every one of you should know where the nearest bomb shelter is its best to find out now i dont believe that the russians are crazy to be thinking that a war might be coming to me it almost seems as though obama wants one could it be possible that a conflict with russia will be used to alter change or influence the upcoming election in november the truth is that it isnt going to take much for the shooting to begin if obama orders airstrikes against syrian forces the russians have said that they will shoot back ash carter has threatened russia with consequences after blowing up the ceasefire the pentagon supported by the joint chiefs of staff now is peddling potential strikes on syrias air force to punish the regime for what the pentagon actually did blow up the ceasefire one cant make this stuff up majorgeneral igor konashenkov russias defense ministry spokesman sent a swift message to our colleagues in washington think twice if you believe you can get away with launching a shadow hot war against russia russia will target any stealthunidentified aircraft attacking syrian government targets and they will be shot down the only serious question then is whether an out of control pentagon will force the russian air force false flag and otherwise to knock out us air force fighter jets and whether moscow has the fire power to take out each and every one of them i discussed the potential for war with russia in my latest video hopefully cooler heads will prevail and war with russia will be put off but without a doubt the crisis in syria is not going to be resolved any time soon because it is one giant mess most people dont realize that the syrian civil war has essentially been a proxy war between sunni islam and shia islam from the very beginning jihadist rebels that are being armed and funded by saudi arabia and turkey are fighting hezbollah troops that are being armed and funded by iran and now turkish forces have invaded northern syria and this threatens to cause a fullblown war to erupt between turkey and the syrian kurds of course isis is right in the middle of everything causing havoc blowing stuff up and beheading anyone that doesnt believe in their radical version of sunni islam it is absolutely insane that the united states and russia could potentially go to war because of this conflict both sides are determined to show the other how tough they are and one false move could set off a spiral of events from which they may be no recovery the american people very foolishly elected barack obama twice but up until now the consequences have not been quite as dire as many had been projecting however right here at the end of his second term obama is facing a moment of truth if he ends up dragging us into a war with russia the american people will ultimately bitterly regret putting him into the white house drowning in debt percent of all americans have debt that is at least days past due guest if he obama ends up dragging us into a war with russia the american people will ultimately bitterly regret putting him into the white house oh i doubt it most americans just lap up the propaganda fed to them by the mainstream media that has incessantly demonized putin and other foreign leaders where is the outrage over what this administration has done in destabilizing libya and other sovereign nations in the middle east where is the outrage over what the bush administration did in iraq and afghanistan there is a video on youtube with general wesley clark discussing how the pentagon planned to attack countries in years google it jc teecher the reality of the general public putting an atheisticmuzzy into the white house will not strike home until their sons and daughters are coming home in body bags guest no when their sons and daughters come back in body bags their parents will wave that american flag and say that their children died to defend the freedoms of this country good grief jc teecher oh yea plenty of those folks as well watchmannonthewall god help us you are both right but there will be far fewer of the first than the second paul patriot nothing liked a lame duck traitor to recklessly stick his nose in the affairs of others and then leave office in a few months this traitor should have been impeached after one year of his first termbut the american sheeple demanded the change you could believe in so the way i see it we are bearing the fruits of allowing a traitor to occupy the white house and a apethetic population that is not united and sat back and did nothing to protest if hitlery gets in she will gladly continued the change that obama global elite masters has been determined to accomplish and will transform this nation into a nation unrecognizable to most who call this nation home i predict if hitlery gets in she will be even more addicted to executive orders than the invader obummer df nj im not sure obama is really in control of the military at this point gfmucci sheesh i hope youre right orlando prayers for us all since all the elite and governments have bunkers to hide in smh we should have never allowed the government coruption to get this far thats why im voting trump if we even make it to that at this point who knows bill g wilminton nc vote trump donna yes we need to vote for trump but heres the problem it has now surfaced that states have voters machines that are connected to george soros and friends the second thing is we have to quit being so weak as the american people wanting someone else to fix this for us i do t know that they can this time bill g wilminton nc donna vote for trump be strong and be happy that you are one of the deplorables donna thank you didnt get to see this till today but we won snodtblossom peter esv but false prophets also arose among the people just as there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies even denying the master who bought them bringing upon themselves swift destruction and many will follow their sensuality and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed and in their greed they will exploit you with false words their condemnation from long ago is not idle and their destruction is not asleep for if god did not spare angels when they sinned but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment if he did not spare the ancient world but preserved noah a herald of righteousness with seven others when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly lester holt we knew you were an idiot at least youre a christian idiot snodtblossom how much prior political experience does trump have nada zip zilch zero he talks the talk but never walked the walk but hey its only the presidency maybe next well grab people off the street wno medical training to do surgery neither did ulysses grant or dwight eisenhower have a prior politcal position though both had a strong military background dwight being the supreme commander of allied forces in world war ii and grant commanding general of the united states army how much military background does trump have nada zip zilch zero no major us company has filed for chapter more than trumps casino empire in the last years he has filed four business bankruptcies maybe he thinks its just as easy to file bankruptcy wthe entire government and walk away randy wellman bankruptall major cities in america are bankrupt so it is fitting that we put a person in charge that knows how to go through the processcities states counties the federal gubmint and individually we are all broke now they all thought they could spend money in perpetuity never having to actually pay these debt obligations the check is now on the table and the waiter is nervously tapping his footand btw we dont need a person with experience as their advisors they hire once in office are the ones that actually do the workplanningall we need is a person willing to do us righta person with heart we know killary has done the wrong thing at every turnpick the guy who will do right americadont put another criminal in the spitehouse lazarovic dont waste your time with bill he aint playin with a full deck oracprez hillary is going to have him in her team to kickstart the economy pulltheweeds he has the same amount of military background as obozo and hitlery snodtblossom both were hillary obama were senators before presidency trump hasnt even been mayor of a rich boy community watchmannonthewall an interesting thought and one that appears to be supported in some quarters however who purged the military leaders over the past years and placed those who are now in charge where they are the man seems to be a master at creating situations where a defense ofplausible deniability can be invoked there is little doubt much of what he has done has been a well thought out and implemented strategy that creates a lot of confusion and allows no one to be held accountable look at the irs scandals and the gun running to drug dealers in mexico by the doj everything he does is meant to destabilize society mike smithy perhaps president zero will get another nobel peace prize alan piece prize similar but completely different john yeah piece prize for blowing up americans to pieces tracey marie learn to spell if you are going to troll alwaystomorrow countdown today october in days i predict mrs clinton will be elected our next president bill g wilminton nc if trump is as far ahead as i think he is there may not be an election donna if he causes a war with russia and our idiot gop congress approves it we the people better take up arms to remove them and try them for treason jakartaman obamas job from the globalist elites was to bring down the usa to the level of greece globalism is the new term for communism btw he has done a terrific job lennie pike hate democracy much oracprez clintons account hacked blame russia this is the classic bait and switch love or hate her the line has been sold that the russians were involved in the hacking even if something happens that was a system fault she now has a scapegoat and will hammer the line that russia did it before and will do it again shes blamed china on other occasions so she can even play the line that at this stage we only know that it was an outside attack and be sure that the media will spin it even further for those ratings before long the general public will be demanding action oracprez can you explain why the us air force has been sending warbirds into the region with transponders off eg over the black sea and through commercial airspace and some painted in russian air force colors with the red star df nj in the movie the dark knight batman is trying to figure out the jokers motivations alfred tells the story that one day he found a child playing with a ruby as big as a tangerine the bandit had been throwing the stones away wayne says so why was he stealing them alfred says because he thought it was good sport because some men arent looking for anything logical like moneythey cant be bought bullied reasoned or negotiated with some men just want to watch the world burn snodtblossom are all these words to go unanswered is this talker to be vindicated will your idle talk reduce others to silence will no one rebuke you when you mock you say to god my beliefs are flawless and i am pure in your sight oh how i wish that god would speak that he would open his lips against you and disclose to you the secrets of wisdom for true wisdom has two sides know this god has even forgotten some of your sin can you fathom the mysteries of god can you probe the limits of the almighty they are higher than the heavens abovewhat can you do they are deeper than the depths belowwhat can you know their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea if he comes along and confines you in prison and convenes a court who can oppose him surely he recognizes deceivers and when he sees evil does he not take note but the witless can no more become wise than a wild donkeys colt can be born humana yet if you devote your heart to him and stretch out your hands to him if you put away the sin that is in your hand and allow no evil to dwell in your tent then free of fault you will lift up your face you will stand firm and without fear you will surely forget your trouble recalling it only as waters gone by life will be brighter than noonday and darkness will become like morning you will be secure because there is hope you will look about you and take your rest in safety you will lie down with no one to make you afraid and many will court your favor but the eyes of the wicked will fail and escape will elude them their hope will become a dying gasp loser blo sum one ignore the blo some one snodtblossom the wind blows where it wishes you hear its sound but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going so it is with everyone born of the spirit how can this be nicodemus asked you are israels teacher jesus replied and do you not understand these things truly truly i tell you we speak of what we know and we testify to what we have seen and yet you people do not accept our testimony teresa f oh good youre in the new testament now snodtblossom momentarily oracprez you missed the obvious tim all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness both new and old testament watchmannonthewall unfortunately there are still many teachers jesus could still ask and you are a teacher in israel and do you not understand these things forget about explaining them to those who are lost bill g wilminton nc put her on blocki did watchmannonthewall it is interesting that the man you quote ended up being rebuked by god for his foolish words he was eventually forgiven when god stood up for job and had job pray for the man because of his stupidity in projecting a false picture bearing false witness of him oh that we might take some of this to heart jc teecher for what it is worth would it not be an easy task for the odramaliberalindustrial war machine to pull off a strike of instant war of immediate reaction with the powers of the iranianrussian regimes in light of a donald trump win next month easily it could be the catalyst for a chaotic event of stock market crashes and world wide chaos to invoke a martial law edict which would prevent trump from becoming potus and keep the nwo wheels turning even with a liberal win it could be the one thing that prevents a psychopath from actually taking the reins and continuing a program that is soon to take a hold of the whole world anyway folks that are awake and seeking truth should pay attention and make changes in their lives accordingly df nj on the one hand you say government is completely incompetent and a waste of money and then in the next breath you say government is a super genius organization capable of duping everyone into a nwo just like people resist jesus christ and your christian religion people will resist the nwo one thing is for certain people will continue to copulate and have babies and most people hate their bosses and would not do anything the boss asked them to do if they were not being paid to do it i think having faith in people this way is a faith that is very strong gfmucci again words from an obviously abused person and most people hate their bosses and would not do anything the boss asked them to do if they were not being paid to do it that is a dark and hopeless sounding attitude you have there and it does not reflect reality in my years in the world liberty first there would be a civil war are they that stupid df nj the south got their butts kicked the last time i doubt the pussssies in the south have the guts to try it again dlewenz the civil war of the past is not relevant what we will have is a takeover of all democratic office holders and remove them from office with military and local police support you can call it a constutional rebirth james staten mark twain said that ever man is entitled to at least one insanity but he was wrong alan it doesnt need to be an armed revolt just vote for succession and do it donna your an idiot you make it sound as though it was quick and seamless id say we all lost that war many americans died in that long ruthless war another point i might make here is you better look at the size of trumps rallies to the size of her meetingsoops my bad her rallies also us southern rednecks arent the ones who wont own a gun because you think youre corrupt government is the only ones who should have them civil war is the last thing you liberals want you enjoy being helpless and told what to do and over half the military will not support her or the potus you have now destiny the us didnt win the war on the battlefield but by the war on southern civilians the marches through south carolina georgia mississippi north carolina where of the houses were burned and all food was taken florida where children of a town were nail inside a church and burned alive athens alabama where the soldiers were given an hour to rape pillage and do any evil thing to the people they could dream up southerners more that other americans should know why the world hates us df nj jc teecher yep donna i think there is a chance of that anyway if she gets elected our military will be cut to shreds because they wont serve her pulltheweeds agreed allan rogan right on the money forgive the pun a voice in the dark chillawack bc canadathanks neighbour snodtblossom jct is the biggest fool to ever walk these boards you canadians have bacon for brains tsf no reason to get regional here were all made of the same stuff canadian or american instead we should appreciate our neighbors for sharing the longest unguarded border on earth crossroads if jct were a fool hes a fool for christ whose fool are you nobodys df nj i think many christians want wwiii to happen i dont understand why people are praying for death and mayhem of innocent woman and children if wwii happens millions of pregnant women will be killed and their babies aborted i just dont understand the death wish by the christians if they want to to meet their maker cant they do it in private karenl i am a christian were not praying for death to anyone however wwlll is inevitable whether we want it to or not its coming its in the bible we must be wise be ready to meet the lord i just pray that when it does its swift so no one suffers but the enemy is at play certainly wants it aldownunder i agree wwiii is inevitable but not because its in the bible fiction not true karenl you are entitled to your opinion even if its wrong no matter how hard scientist have tried to disprove the bible the more they proved every thing is correct in the end every knee will bow every tongue will confess when jesus returns but in rev it speaks about it so its going to happen bc god said it will saveusa bible is truehas been proven to be trueyou are not obligated to believe ithowever the facts and the events lines up as was told by the lord through the apostles in the holly bible gsob you are not obligated to believe it all in the bible jerry c the holy bible is the only truth on this planet and the deception will get much worse gfmucci where do you get this bs idea from there isnt one sect of christianity that desire what you described you may be mistaking christianity with islam whose leaders are hoping to bring in their mahdi via violent provocation snodtblossom whenwhat did i miss saveusa wwii is past tense a years agoand as of wwiii you are a very poor soul to believe that christians are waiting or wanting to happenif it is true they are not true christiansget your fact straight and read the revelation that may shed some light in your heart bill g wilminton nc bsare you on drugs alwaystomorrow bill was your above statement a quote from the bible too new or old testrament bill g wilminton nc mr gfmucci below says it perfectlyread about it paul patriot there is no death wish by christians it is in your mind you are not listeningi have told you manyt times beforestop drinking the koolaide that the pied piper of propaganda is feeding you get off yoiu mefds and start thinking for yourself realist why is it that when trump says there is election interference and rigging going on he is derided and chastised as being ridiculous but hillary can say the russians are doing the same with absolutely no proof and the media take it as the word of god what irony and hypocrisy gfmucci i call it mindless complicity due to the training of most journalists in our socialistcommunist schools of higher education over the last decades resistance not just higher education it starts from elementary school indoctrination is the key to controlling future generations its been going on for longer than the last five decades still an awesome comment orange jean and its not just journalists i went to umassamherst in the s studied anthropology and then grad school in geography anthro was clearly focused on presenting the marxistleninist school of thought on everything geography somewhat less but they have swollowed the global warming hoax hook line and sinker and that was in a state university funded largely with taxpayer money liz the shiz yup theres nothing like a good old commie education from the peoples republic of massachusetts snodtblossom trump is ridiculous hes the ronald mcdonald of the usa wo the clown outfit all the world may love a clown but he would make the usa a laughingstock whis incompetency arrogance goinsheep when you compare the candidates i wonder if youve noticed donald trump hasnt killed anyone hasnt lied under oath hasnt committed perjury in congress hasnt leaked national secrets hasnt sold uranium to russia hasnt supplied weapons to militant muslims hasnt stolen money from the state department hasnt peddled national interest in turn for donations hasnt left any americans for dead hasnt provided new toyota trucks to isis hasnt left a string of body bags behind him including two young boys the list goes on and on but i dont have that kind of time locker room banter versus treason there is no comparison first any guy who says that they have never participated in locker room banter or said something sexually explicit when they had a reasonable expectation of privacy is either jesus or a liar there is no comparison between natural male human behavior and treasonous activities additionally this lowlife ploy by the progressive liberal democrats is disgusting and changes nothing for many of us jfk was having an ongoing affair with marilyn monroe and im sure his secret service agents could have repeated some rather spicy language in which he described their sexual sessions but you know what neither jfks secret service agents nor the mainstream media said anything about the affair much less jfks private conversations about it because they had dignity respect for the office of potus and respect for jfk any one of those things alone should be enough to keep despicable actions of the democrats and the mainstream media from happening around the whole institution of the potus including the potential potus candidates however we see that neither the democrats nor the mainstream media have any honor truth or journalistic integrity remaining general george s patton and prime minister winston churchill were both as crude as they come in private and often in public but they got the job done when they were called upon maybe you dont consider donald trump in the same ranks as the above three men maybe you dont think donald trump can get the job done either way i couldnt care less what i do care about is the poor state of our country the damage that barack obama the democrats have done and the damage that hillary clinton is sure to do for petes sake look at the shell of a city that used to be detroit mi look at chicago with doubledigit murders just about every week if you want the us to look like these longtime democratrun cities by all means vote for hillary clinton if not then the only other viable option is donald trump if the worst thing that the democrats the mainstream media and the progressive liberal useful idiots have on donald trump is locker room banter by a man acting like men do then thats nothing to see in my opinion it might actually be beneficial to our country to have an alphamale as potus for a change lynn bowling cosentino and were not already obama has succeeded in making us look stupid and weak always apologizing for americas actions of past decades other world leaders dont trust him lazarovic id say youre a mindless brainwashed acolyte of the rush limbaugh institute of advanced conservative studies snicker raymond chow how is that when you can turn off limbaugh anytime you want but you have no choice when it comes to public education you are one stupid dimwit you are one of the idiots that voted for a dumbass knee grow and now want to put in a dishonest corrupt crooked hog no typo for president lazarovic it is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere snodtblossom trump has done nothing but give lippservice he has never worked a steady bureaucratic job in his life he blasts his mouth in obnoxious ways are you insane enough to want this man as a president paleface it states quite plainly that im referring to lippservice trump thelulzwarrior that im referring to lippservice trump we have no troubles believing you snodtblossom you know i have to edit spelling to avoid censure liz the shiz lippservice i thought that was you give to your dates after they bought you dinner snodtblossom mm been a long time since ive done that i had a bf over yrs you know maybe my boss will get brave liz the shiz its always a good career move to suck up to the boss snodtblossom hes much harder to get than expected liz the shiz but i hear hes a big tipper snodtblossom i am due for a raise da fish yes beats the crap out of warmonger hillary thepeanut we do not need this slimy couple in the white house again snodtblossom ridiculous t rump would be the first one to say offensive things and get us into a war trollingfortrolls clinton has both public and private positions on issues at least he trump speaks his mind on what is so blatantly wrong with our current system hillary will sell out everyone including you to attain the power and prestige she yearns be careful what you wish for bill g wilminton nc put snotty on blocki did snodtblossom bill wears frilly girly panties liz the shiz and you of course wear government issue boxers snodtblossom i wear no undies under my mao suit jonodough yes satin she and obama want ww more than anything what is wrong with you check it out they have signed a death certificate for the americans goinsheep did she say that would you post the link of the death certificate watchmannonthewall adults dont immediately respond to words if they did the us because of obama and hillary would be toast we will be toast anyway any one who thinks russian leadership is going to wait for the us to make the first move unless they allow us one and then hit back xs harder is living in la la land nukes will come out almost immediately no more year wars if hillary wins this is what you have to look forward to if trump wins the neocons might still hijack policy and we may end up there anyway count on putin to play to win it wont be a long war jonodough i hope they nuke dc first wow thought police automatically typing in for me with the lowercase d c turning into dc global control of the internet and free speech now in place liz the shiz steady bureaucratic job lazy pencil pusher with productivity at best just biding time until they collect a pension paid for by the makers and doers snodtblossom yes but not everyone can sit there steadily while draining the taxpayers thepeanut are you insane enough to
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red pill masterpiece predates
usa created isis european know scared ndma lets remember enslaves usa entity forced people like even understand fewer still like family members even something theres reason end pathetic desperate slaver fiends pretending friends nathan sandiego imagine gabe newell owner founder valve controlling entire military arm chair ndma would bother better things work nathan sandiego herbanlegend steam name ndma life better imagine replace corruption infests world ww guns permanently destroying powers entitled peasants harming ecology mbrucequarles awesome technology god bless israel nathan sandiego fuck israel bunch zionists destroying means jew turning back god soon punished dufas_duck american police several local forces talking arming small drones using survalence arizona police think nothing using helicopters fire suspected vehicles kill innocent people doesnt seem matter ndma httpsuploadsdisquscdncomimagesfacefbdcdecbbecdbcabcbbjpg httpwwwhaaretzcomopinionpremium seriously israeli propaganda dreams desperate pirates arent fooling anybody ww coming entitled chumps indeed mmmm going fun hunting like nazis know entitled proudly make victims ww httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvuabiehbia already happily started slaughtering around world aidan rodrigo johansson reason american police love shooting people instead actually working risking safety safety people blood thirsty cowboy dirty harry brain washed psychopaths love killing american culture root deep psyche police militarized dont job like old days negotiators drs counselling scene crisis shoot bang bang boom yourr dead gun knife glow stick sandwich whatever gary honeycutt old old days mention negotiators counselors came vogue nationally period democrat rule notable outstanding accomplishment huge escalation criminals rights victims note escalation crime since seems also anticop bandwagon support able defend mistakes made split second amount time might take criminal kill cop im sure name victims cops realize small percentage interactions cops public constitute unfortunately justified shootings like ferguson case unfairly included many perceptions first foremost dont commit crime improves odds drastically next comply orders given police raised treat police hostile someone failed guilty innocent comply police trying job dont complicate ive seen many arrest person taunts struggles police even resisting put car try walking mile shoes trying keep public safe right safe fluffnik guilty innocent comply land free places successfully policed consent without shooting citizens suffering much crime gary honeycutt yes officer wants see identification reason wants keep hands plain sight reason possibly ruling person interest seen area imagine much efficiently would go person would refrain shouting rights minutes complying person question transaction could handled couple minutes youll gone without violence hard feelings pay taxes helped us get moneys worth course youve seen news reality shows may impression lot guys giving cop load crap probably live paying government mike wasnt raised hostile cops family members cops matter fact america im committing crime suspected dont ask papers dont detain dont run dui checkpoints infringements freedom assume love safety left uses excuse behavior safety fallacy dufas_duck police officers extended family got point none welcome rest familys homes eventually never invited family get gathers rude overbearing malicious individuals constantly bragging screwed person taught world really treatment family members along line petty dictators matter subject familly member wrong petty things like didnt like car bought haircut job worked satisfied anything anybody brought street attitude home couldnt keep wives husbands significant others long arrogant mean thaought themselvesanybody else way seen gang members ethics police freinds gary honeycutt greatgrandfather soninlaw grandfatherand son uncle cops oldest youngest whole careers deeply religious highly moral men dufas_duck great straight arrow need like cop relatives friends would fit right crips bloods outlaw motorcycle club one cops proud family sure wasnt proud gary honeycutt maybe became hardened faced daily east side detroit south side chicago people products environment maybe cops branson mo places nice guys ratio cops citizens lets say youve got playground year olds get dozen year olds keep order among sierra leone dozen american boy scouts thered dead americans short order dead among wouldve killed expect cops grew without rap sheet graduated school passed academy think years patrolling gnetto might change surely know realities job better ones arent mayberry year career inner city shooting cop makes hero resisting arrest makes pussy dufas_duck know grew police least tried keep officers getting street hardened rotated officers different districts every month found thst police trading assignments cops didnt want rotate wanted stay explaination given officerat least publically answer given many thought cops good wanted stay area protct interst dufas_duck gave cops excuse act like gang members gary honeycutt dont think dont throw choirboys blue wolves ghetto send seal team lifeguard kiddie pool dufas_duck send seal team lifeguard kiddie pool havent checked school cops late year old handcuffs throwing year old ground doesnt work way increase trust among populace anthony fredericks end stupidity right gary work police every single day emt every day qualified expert police act scenemost arrogant rude aggressive towards people shut quiet first thing normally hear cop always see put someone ground even person one called help dont like youboom face knee neck cuffs approximately like reality gary worked several cities different areasand police overbearing chip shoulder general publicand lot take physically gary honeycutt sympathies flaw familys dna dufas_duck luckily flaw extended family treeinlaws marriages etc gary honeycutt people oppose dui checkpoints reason ive always seen problem bars parking lots illegal good reason drink drive dont mind providing id cop asks done without giving lip quickly without incident hes trying job paying want launch minute tirade rights youll minutes longer make bad night work cop wind maybe like people love drama mike reason infringement rights unnecessarily exposes officers potentially dangerous confrontation way believe unwanted contact forced upon officers public increases safety wouldnt blame officers policies enforce however higher ups never pay things go wrong fact problem law abiding nothing wrong dont see infringement rights tolerate arent guilty anything doesnt mean rights arent taken safety decided firearms need removed private citizens decided tsa run mandatory random checkpoints us creating hour delays decided anyone supports trump may violent extremist stopped questioning see goes dont like immigration ones inside states southwest dont like agricultural ones california dont like dui checkpoints south im legal resident dont transport crops dont drink yet oppose idea behind wellmeaning execution unlawful imo obviously courts dont think theyd exist gary honeycutt officers job initiate confrontation despite risk lessen chance drunk run daughter crosswalk stops people fit description wanted person hopes catching criminal claims another victim perhaps raping daughter would place mike confusing issues zero issue stopping talking someone suspected witnessed committing crime dui checkpoints stop question zero probable cause states run road barricaded even turning around prior checkpoint leads confrontation police assumed committing crime wanting questioned within rights polite refuse checkpoint fact exist trouble checkpoints based probable cause gary honeycutt youve seen checkpoints pm suburban baptist church probable cause lies near strip history alcoholrelated incidents mike lived south things targeting specific demographic far could tell pm recall werent late sure could front baptist church could naive targeted wasnt waived saw skin color point location doesnt matter target demographic one unjust like every forced interaction law enforcement serve increase safety leos police pull car looks like mine robbed quickie mart guy like reported beating wife ran kid problem probable cause risk safety mine worth may stopping criminal stop detain reasonable time prove looking let way however ive stopped rural area making right turn red perfectly legal state officer complete ass enough short fuse could quickly escalated encounter talking state previously posted turn red sign removed intersection couple months fact officers supervisor backed unlawful stop threatening could written would prove court didnt break law proved police uninterested right depending circumstances officer reason stop although suspect since near house rural county officer couldnt control road rage put risk well million ifs situation least fact even though pulled dark along fairly rural road didnt call stop procedure department could ended shot could dispatch would never known increasing negative interaction public never leos best interest safety reputation police whole dufas_duck guess thats police looking skinny black man wearing white sweatshirt foot commited robbery would shoot short foot kid wearing dark gray sweat shirt back walking sidewalk fast pace turned man shot pizza delivery hurry deliver next order cooled police shooting two small white females light blue pickup truck cops looking huge black man dark gray pickup truck perfectly aok town live police shot killed year old kid slept maybe congraduate officer used three bullets could emptied clip maybe cops love making things efficient killing anyone everyone save taxpayers worried money couple bullets cheaper cops time find really going course evil peoples relitives probably sue tax payers take care feel cops demand sex random female refuses gets arrested noncompliance would love uncle cop really got could beat kill someone fifteen years bullying beating killing making false charges people force finally fired himmeanwhile ruined hundreds lives welfare people abused anybody could screw mind police wrongmaybe right police always telling us never anything wrong especialy investigate friendly agency investigation gary honeycutt dont deny small percentage cops shouldnt wrong splitsecond decisions sometimes think many police officers span time draw examples think number times per day leo comes contact citizen taken account bad contacts extremely rare sensationalism female teachers sex students stuck everyones mind dont consider huge number teachers students note statistically rare incidents incidents dont sour entire education system need law enforcement good pointing flaws solution form policing perfect dufas_duck honest police policing percentage wise small number truley bad cops always large percentage good cops keep silent lie even cover bad cops extends ranks top police forces honest cops come forward setting fail eventually destroy careerscops dont like whistleblowers example used teachers sex students perfect found teacher crossed line even suspicion teacher done something bring immeadiate consequenses within police bad policeman get away things multiple times sometimes going years upper eschalon figures ways cover errant cop almost every turn even convicted court system come later appeal remove parts punishment years public kept dark bad cop brought justice extreme cases crooked cops adjudicated lately public attention police starting somewhat clean house child molesting police officers still working officers many put probation others allowed retun police work incarceration would also boon public justice system instead legal system legal system whatever practicinors want justice system looks truth matter points quilified absolute immunity police das judges lend anything close justice police necessary evilthe evil people world bad many police officers gary honeycutt keep silent lie even cover turn tv go world agree youd said thing black people thered trouble dont think group might share likelihood bending rules also dont like criminals uniform likely line bad apple cops get away small indiscretions occassionally major crime probably general population interesting take teacher thing remember fellow got job girls basketball coach small rural school prize youth guess equally awkward underage player team developped crush couldnt resist got pregnant add volatile situation uncle superintendent schools flash ahead maybe years give take im teacher football coach system slightly larger rural school work married couple tenured teachers probably full retirement full careers without ever fired downsized transferred things may befall teachers careers hubby boys basketball coach unofficially assistant principle guess yep dufas_duck ive world years beat cops later discover wasnt perp looking lucky cops didnt make charges cover tails lied went covered instance everything happened driving make model color year vehicle used felony crime way jail radio message came telling cops stand perp caught identified cops turned around dumped back vehicle think would reread posted cops refered giged turning another cop teachers todays world teacher messed rumer coach rumers messing kids dont think would lasted positionunless stating messing kids ratted gary honeycutt wasnt referring outsider good ol boy superintendent slew relatives even buddies payroll think guy story shouldve done time never allowed work kids dufas_duck addendum get feelig type policeman makes mistake officer get pass everybody makes mistakes police supposed trained back split second decisions even military soldier makes mistake covered soldier faces consequenses many think killing kid policeman aok like two policemen canvassing nieghborhood knocking doors year old kid opens door holding ps game controller cop shouts gun shots lateran innocent kid dead bleeding home playstation running background cops get another pass thats kind policing want yet mechanic makes mistake repairing sevicing vehicle leads death innocent personthe mechanic held liable mistakeswhy mechanic held responsible cop anthony fredericks theres excuse killing person gary laws im sorry brings back people killed reacting cops gary accidents like excusable dont care job soldiers warzones kill innocent people brought charges murder would ok stupid beat cop able gary honeycutt selfdefense valid reason police much right anyone likelihood find situation due nature jobs people like argue case unarmed attacker mma champions allowed cops unarmed attacker kill someone breaks house night whatever takes keep harm family wait see hes armed ask intentions wont refrain using weapon dont see one high school wrestling match wont get shake hands decided score criminal finds awake decides leave call cop job confront person resistance suspect places situation someone invaded home fluffnik live scotland police routinely carry guns mostly noone dies anthony fredericks mean like guy got shot car trying give id cop maybe talking social worker trying bring back autistic patient com back hands straight air huh gary could go close minded sheep like would never see forest trees anthony fredericks gary seen walking towards street got scared looked dangerous accidentally defended blowing head say oh sorry bad accidents happen everything ok right take head sandpolice kill people think authority challenged lives protecting egos mike wont disagree completely statement blanket statements never correct police may kill challenges authority cases kill killed split second decision exact position second guess secondguessing supervisors chiefs elected officials hire bad cops improperly train officers put officers harms way higherups never pay price whose actions responsible real problem want change need hold elected officials responsible behavior officers indirectly work programs stop frisk checkpoints etc require confrontation individuals need occur puts officers publics lives risk neither acceptable easy solution stop making confrontations occur something stupid michael brown deserve get wish organizations like black lives matter would pick individuals use martyrs actually victims lot people would agree basic ideas espoused choose perpetrators crime happened get martyrs expose cause something justice gary honeycutt put example back pulled fromif head isnt way bj thats actually standard every part world except usa normal police protect serve normal police shoot first ask later jack mccauley someone hurry inform usa jeeeez embarassing troothfairy
Brock Robinson
reasons you should stop using facebook
why is obama threatening russia with world war right before the election michael on television we are being set up for higher interest rates a major recession and a giant stock market crash november th since donald trumps victory on election night we have seen the worst bond crash in years global bond investors have seen trillions of dollars of wealth wiped out since november th and analysts are warning of another tough week ahead the general consensus in the investing community is that a trump administration will mean much higher inflation and as a result investors are already starting to demand higher interest rates unfortunately for all of us history has shown that higher interest rates always cause an economic slowdown and this makes perfect sense because economic activity naturally slows down when it becomes more expensive to borrow money the obama administration had already set up the next president for a major recession anyway but now this bond crash threatens to bring it on sooner rather than later for those that are not familiar with the bond market when yields go up bond prices go down and when bond prices go down that is bad news for economic growth so we generally dont want yields to go up unfortunately yields have been absolutely soaring over the past couple of weeks and the yield on year treasury notes has now jumped one full percentage point since july the year treasury yield jumped to in late trading on friday the highest since december up basis point since the election and up one full percentage point since july the year yield is at a critical juncture in terms of reality the first thing that might happen is a rate increase by the fed in december after a year of flipflopping a slew of postelection pronouncements by fed heads including yellens relatively soon have pushed the odds of a rate hike to as i noted the other day so many things in our financial system are tied to yields on us treasury notes just look at what is happening to mortgages as wolf richter has noted the average rate on year mortgages is shooting into the stratosphere the carnage in bonds has consequences the average interest rate of the a conforming year fixed mortgage as of friday was quoted at for top credit scores thats up about percentage point from just before the election according to mortgage news daily it put the month on a short list of worst months in more than a decade if mortgage rates continue to shoot higher there will be another housing crash rates on auto loans credit cards and student loans will also be affected throughout our economic system it will become much more costly to borrow money and that will inevitably slow the overall economy down why bond investors are so on edge these days is because of statements such as this one from steve bannon in a nascent administration that seems at best random in its beliefs bannon can seem to be not just a focused voice but almost a messianic one like andrew jacksons populism were going to build an entirely new political movement he says its everything related to jobs the conservatives are going to go crazy im the guy pushing a trilliondollar infrastructure plan with negative interest rates throughout the world its the greatest opportunity to rebuild everything ship yards iron works get them all jacked up were just going to throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks it will be as exciting as the s greater than the reagan revolution conservatives plus populists in an economic nationalist movement steve bannon is going to be one of the most influential voices in the new trump administration and he is absolutely determined to get this trillion dollar infrastructure plan through congress and that is going to mean a lot more borrowing and a lot more spending for a government that is already on pace to add trillion dollars to the national debt this fiscal year sadly all of this comes at a time when the us economy is already starting to show significant signs of slowing down it is being projected that we will see a sixth straight decline in yearoveryear earnings for the sp and industrial production has now contracted for months in a row the truth is that the economy has been barely treading water for quite some time now and it isnt going to take much to push us over the edge the following comes from lance roberts with an economy running at below consumers already heavily indebted wage growth weak for the bulk of americans there is not a lot of wiggle room for policy mistakes combine weak economics with higher interest rates which negatively impacts consumption and a stronger dollar which weighs on exports and you have a real potential of a recession occurring sooner rather than later yes the stock market soared immediately following trumps election but it wasnt because economic conditions actually improved if you look at history a stock market crash almost always follows a major bond crash so if bond prices keep declining rapidly that is going to be a very ominous sign for stock traders and history has also shown us that no bull market can survive a major recession if the economy suffers a major downturn early in the trump administration it is inevitable that stock prices will follow the waning days of the obama administration have set us up perfectly for higher interest rates a major recession and a giant stock market crash of course any problems that occur after january th will be blamed on trump but the truth is that obama will be far more responsible for what happens than trump will be right now so many people have been lulled into a sense of complacency because donald trump won the election that is an enormous mistake a shaking has already begun in the financial world and this shaking could easily become an avalanche now is not a time to party rather it is time to batten down the hatches and to prepare for very rough seas ahead all of the things that so many experts warned were coming may have been delayed slightly but without a doubt they are still on the way so get prepared while you still can because time is running out
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live trump
home badge abuse genius child arrested interrogated thrown juvi hero cops making homemade clock genius child arrested interrogated thrown juvi hero cops making homemade clock john vibes september comments irving tx intelligent talented th grader arrested week bringing homemade clock school yearold ahmed mohamed interested electronics taught make radios devices even repair gokart recently made clock proud decided take school show classmates teachers sadly instead celebrating achievement one teachers called police thought might bomb police arrived took threat seriously believed could bomb well even though obviously wasnt eventually police charged making clock misrepresenting bomb even though consistently told everyone clock denied bomb teachers police suggested young man handcuffed taken juvenile detention center clock taken put evidence room also suspended school unable attend student council meeting scheduled part high school none teachers know ahmed told dallas news incident explained showed engineering teacher created warned show teachers like thats really nice would advise show teachers ahmed said kept clock bag english class alarm went disturbed teacher class ahmed showed teacher making noise accused bringing bomb school like looks like bomb said told doesnt look like bomb explained teacher took clock expected end however towards end day ahmed pulled class taken room filled police officers said officers attempted get admit tried make bomb like tried make bomb ahmed said told trying make clock officer told looks like movie bomb police even admit ahmed never said device bomb never reason believe actually one police still seemed think lying something even though didnt proof information claimed bomb kept maintaining clock broader explanation police spokesman james mclellan said could reasonably mistaken device left bathroom car concern thing built take custody added couldnt possibly imagine young man would want teach valuable skill share achievement teachers thought could someone like build something like unless threat ahmed said ahmeds father mohamed elhassan mohamed believes family discriminated wants invent good things mankind name mohamed sept think son got mistreated said since outpour support social media since ahmeds story went public even gotten support mark z president obama cool clock ahmed want bring white house inspire kids like like science makes america great president obama potus september john vibes author researcher investigative journalist takes special interest counterculture drug war addition writing activist work organizes number large events including free mind conference features top caliber speakers whistleblowers world contact stay connected work facebook page find chapter book entitled alchemy timeless renaissance bookpatchcom share john lloyd scharf vietnam vet spent great deal time philippines martial law life liberty public safety precious let slip every time citizen persecuted terrorists win point terrorism destruction alone object us turn draconian law enforcement suits political purposes creating innocent martyrs violate laws paid enforce threaten public safety sworn protect lose liberty terrorists win john lloyd scharf vietnam vet spent great deal time philippines martial law life liberty public safety precious let slip every time citizen persecuted terrorists win point terrorism destruction alone object us turn draconian law enforcement suits political purposes creating innocent martyrs violate laws paid enforce threaten public safety sworn protect lose liberty terrorists win dania chaviano everything happens reason direct invite president united states visit white house message mark visit facebook head quarters nation behind support brilliant mind talent know still doesnt change shitty stuff happened due peoples sheer ignorance discrimination positive think ways negative dania chaviano everything happens reason direct invite president united states visit white house message mark visit facebook head quarters nation behind support brilliant mind talent know still doesnt change shitty stuff happened due peoples sheer ignorance discrimination positive think ways negative miguel angel coria kids fault cops believe hollywood media creating string stereotypical racism minds see muslim think terrorism cop acted basic instinct believe would smart start project putting end stereotypes exists possibility might work thinking away miguel angel coria im assuming african american actually went page took time form idea got offended comments im realizing ignorant rednecks people realize cant win intellectual debate directly start offending opponent might well start wearing donald trump shirt watching duck dynasty problem government separates people race religion beliefs way cant stand together try researching information going thinking right everything say im douglas brigham cops fuck cops fault guess also dylan roof fault killed people media smh beth pucku im canadian love obama obviously trying switch american people brain washing hating muslim loving cos obama knows hes killing thses people seas get oil feed industrial military war machine im reading article generating thought creating idea might help solve issue small minded people discuss people average minded people discuss events critical thinkers discuss ideas aimee hernandez miguel initial comment basic n ambiguous appear contradict say least idea creating solve issue perhaps take couple steps back one couple sir construe opinion based comments posted fyi cant part solution basic mentality part issue due respect read morea lot pretend sort intellictual debate saying miguel angel coria ill leave plain simple friend understand stated opinion idea exact blue print never stated fact try help spreading thought process people like friend go around acting like overseers deciding wrong right read watch think dont offend people directly insult people try improve give opinion reread post comments think second like elementary school nothing nice say dont say anything go hompage find tab says whats mind today go ahead click go crazy great day maam miguel angel coria kids fault cops believe hollywood media creating string stereotypical racism minds see muslim think terrorism cop acted basic instinct believe would smart start project putting end stereotypes exists possibility might work thinking away miguel angel coria im assuming african american actually went page took time form idea got offended comments im realizing ignorant rednecks people realize cant win intellectual debate directly start offending opponent might well start wearing donald trump shirt watching duck dynasty problem government separates people race religion beliefs way cant stand together try researching information going thinking right everything say im douglas brigham cops fuck cops fault guess also dylan roof fault killed people media smh beth pucku im canadian love obama obviously trying switch american people brain washing hating muslim loving cos obama knows hes killing thses people seas get oil feed industrial military war machine im reading article generating thought creating idea might help solve issue small minded people discuss people average minded people discuss events critical thinkers discuss ideas aimee hernandez miguel initial comment basic n ambiguous appear contradict say least idea creating solve issue perhaps take couple steps back one couple sir construe opinion based comments posted fyi cant part solution basic mentality part issue due respect read morea lot pretend sort intellictual debate saying miguel angel coria ill leave plain simple friend understand stated opinion idea exact blue print never stated fact try help spreading thought process people like friend go around acting like overseers deciding wrong right read watch think dont offend people directly insult people try improve give opinion reread post comments think second like elementary school nothing nice say dont say anything go hompage find tab says whats mind today go ahead click go crazy great day maam yea penis looks like make porn industry lmao police iq time low yea penis looks like make porn industry lmao police iq time low keith buck course could spent years public school system completed apprenticeship proceeded teach five people time work week police could ive spent years surrounded family lady accuse someone knowing theyre talking make sure actually keith buck course could spent years public school system completed apprenticeship proceeded teach five people time work week police could ive spent years surrounded family lady accuse someone knowing theyre talking make sure actually looks like movie bomb stop watching movies start actually job properly hollywood obviously messed rational thinking looks like movie bomb stop watching movies start actually job properly hollywood obviously messed rational thinking agree arresting taking juvi etc seriouslyhe know looks people agree arresting taking juvi etc seriouslyhe know looks people louis edward francis mills gets station day like hey seargeant meant take medicine thanks ahmed hey inspector time call wifehey youre right ahmed thanks buddyexcuse chief didnt squad say would back exactly sirright ahmed obvious simply wanted working clock someone knew read louis edward francis mills gets station day like hey seargeant meant take medicine thanks ahmed hey inspector time call wifehey youre right ahmed thanks buddyexcuse chief didnt squad say would back exactly sirright ahmed obvious simply wanted working clock someone knew read high school asked come presentation going bring bunch circuit boards guess better rethink oh wait name mohammed good high school asked come presentation going bring bunch circuit boards guess better rethink oh wait name mohammed good outrageous time everyone held accountable abolish qualified immunity cops arrest charge indict convict cops crimes commit color law charge commanders accessories crimes subordinates commit police stop victimizing public special grand juries cops hold judges accountable light sentencing handed criminal cops charge judges district attorneys obstruction justice refuse prosecute cops criminal misconduct police shoot pets held accountable charged animal abuse get mandatory jail time killing pets outrageous time everyone held accountable abolish qualified immunity cops arrest charge indict convict cops crimes commit color law charge commanders accessories crimes subordinates commit police stop victimizing public special grand juries cops hold judges accountable light sentencing handed criminal cops charge judges district attorneys obstruction justice refuse prosecute cops criminal misconduct police shoot pets held accountable charged animal abuse get mandatory jail time killing pets edward johnson back growing science fair art fair projects encouraged high school students left right along teachers ask fix walkman boombox radio big boost self esteem work forcemore came experience teachers boy arrested way teachers anymore trauma put edward johnson back growing science fair art fair projects encouraged high school students left right along teachers ask fix walkman boombox radio big boost self esteem work forcemore came experience teachers boy arrested way teachers anymore trauma put rocket science denounce islam shoe bomber muslim beltway snipers muslims fort hood shooter muslim underwear bomber muslim uss cole bombers muslims madrid train bombers muslims bafi nightclub bombers muslims london subway bombers muslims moscow theatre attackers muslims boston marathon bombers muslims panam flight bombers muslims air france entebbe hijackers muslims iranian embassy takeover muslims beirut us embassy bombers muslims libyan us embassy attack musiims buenos aires suicide bombers muslims israeli olympic team attackers muslims kenyan us embassy bombers muslims saudi khobar towers bombers muslims beirut marine barracks bombers muslims besian russian school attackers muslims first world trade center bombers muslims bombay mumbai india attackers muslims achille lauro cruise ship hijackers muslims september th airline hijackers muslims think buddhists living hindus problem hindus living christians problem hindus living jews problem christians living shintos problem shintos living confucians problem confusians living bahais problem bahais living jews problem jews living atheists problem atheists living buddhists problem buddhists living sikhs problem sikhs living hindus problem hindus living bahais problem bahais living christians problem christians living jews problem jews living buddhists problem buddhists living shintos problem shintos living atheists problem atheists living confucians problem confusians living hindus problem muslims living hindus problem muslims living buddhists problem muslims living christians problem muslims living jews problem muslims living sikhs problem muslims living bahais problem muslims living shintos problem muslims living atheists problem muslims living muslims big problem lead theyre happy gaza theyre happy egypt theyre happy libya theyre happy morocco theyre happy iran theyre happy iraq theyre happy yemen theyre happy afghanistan theyre happy pakistan theyre happy syria theyre happy lebanon theyre happy nigeria theyre happy kenya theyre happy sudan happy theyre happy australia theyre happy england theyre happy belgium theyre happy france theyre happy italy theyre happy germany theyre happy sweden theyre happy usa canada theyre happy norway india theyre happy almost every country islamic blame islam leadership blame countries happy want change countries theyre happy like countries came unhappy finally get hammered islamic jihad islamic terror organization isis islamic terror organization alqaeda islamic terror organization taliban islamic terror organization hamas islamic terror organization hezbollah islamic terror organization boko haram islamic terror organization alnusra islamic terror organization abu sayyaf islamic terror organization albadr islamic terror organization muslim brotherhood islamic terror organization lashkaretaiba islamic terror organization palestine liberation front islamic terror organization ansaru islamic terror organization jemaah islamiyah islamic terror organization abdullah azzam brigades islamic terror organization lot rocket science denounce islam shoe bomber muslim beltway snipers muslims fort hood shooter muslim underwear bomber muslim uss cole bombers muslims madrid train bombers muslims bafi nightclub bombers muslims london subway bombers muslims moscow theatre attackers muslims boston marathon bombers muslims panam flight bombers muslims air france entebbe hijackers muslims iranian embassy takeover muslims beirut us embassy bombers muslims libyan us embassy attack musiims buenos aires suicide bombers muslims israeli olympic team attackers muslims kenyan us embassy bombers muslims saudi khobar towers bombers muslims beirut marine barracks bombers muslims besian russian school attackers muslims first world trade center bombers muslims bombay mumbai india attackers muslims achille lauro cruise ship hijackers muslims september th airline hijackers muslims think buddhists living hindus problem hindus living christians problem hindus living jews problem christians living shintos problem shintos living confucians problem confusians living bahais problem bahais living jews problem jews living atheists problem atheists living buddhists problem buddhists living sikhs problem sikhs living hindus problem hindus living bahais problem bahais living christians problem christians living jews problem jews living buddhists problem buddhists living shintos problem shintos living atheists problem atheists living confucians problem confusians living hindus problem muslims living hindus problem muslims living buddhists problem muslims living christians problem muslims living jews problem muslims living sikhs problem muslims living bahais problem muslims living shintos problem muslims living atheists problem muslims living muslims big problem lead theyre happy gaza theyre happy egypt theyre happy libya theyre happy morocco theyre happy iran theyre happy iraq theyre happy yemen theyre happy afghanistan theyre happy pakistan theyre happy syria theyre happy lebanon theyre happy nigeria theyre happy kenya theyre happy sudan happy
Jean-Batave Poqueliche
the red pill masterpiece that predates them all
when americans shall say peace and safety by michael snyder on november st millions of americans are expecting a new golden age for america under donald trump but is that what they are going to get there is always optimism when a new president is elected but i dont know if i have ever seen anything like the euphoria that many trump supporters are expressing right now look i voted for donald trump and i want him to be as successful as possible but when donald trump becomes our next president on january th that does not mean that all of the great problems that our nation is facing will somehow magically disappear if you listen to some people they make it sound like america is going to experience nothing but peace prosperity and blessing for decades to come i would love it if that was indeed going to be the case but unfortunately that is simply not the truth we are currently on a path that leads to national suicide and unless we change our ways it isnt going to matter who is in the white house i keep hearing about how our new president is going to unify the nation but that is going to be extremely difficult to do considering the fact that we are now more divided than ever in fact a brand new gallup survey found that an alltime record high percent of all americans believe that we are greatly divided when it comes to the most important values i keep hearing about how we are now entering a golden age of peace and prosperity but how is that supposed to happen while we are still butchering millions of innocent children in our abortion mills i keep hearing about how the economy is about to take off like a rocket but how is that possible when we have already been on the greatest debt binge in world history the only way we have been able to maintain our massively inflated debtfueled standard of living is by piling up debt at a faster pace than any generation in history today we have accumulated trillion dollars in consumer debt corporate debt has doubled since the last financial crisis and the national debt is rapidly approaching trillion dollars how can trump possibly pump up our standard of living with debt more than obama has already done i keep hearing about how we are going to make america great again but how can we be great when we are producing more pornography than the rest of the world combined i keep hearing about how law and order is going to restored but meanwhile chaos has already been erupting in cities all over the nation and the far left is planning to turn inauguration day into a major riot i keep hearing about how things are going to go back to the way they used to be but as i discussed in a previous article sexuallytransmitted diseases are spreading at the fastest pace in decades the percentage of births out of wedlock is more than times higher than in and approximately two out of every three christian men watch pornography on a regular basis i keep hearing about how we are going to drain the swamp and yet there are no plans to even reform the federal reserve system which is at the very heart of our financial problems as a nation i keep hearing about how good judges are going to be put on the supreme court but how can we trust that when our new president just said that he is fine with the supreme court decision that forced all states to redefine the institution of marriage i keep hearing about how we are going to be an example for the rest of the world but how can we be an example when just about every form of evil imaginable is exploding in popularity inside our own country i keep hearing about how our government is going to be blessed but how can a government that gives hundreds of millions of dollars a year to planned parenthood be blessed now that the republicans have control of the white house the senate and the house of representatives this is their golden opportunity to defund planned parenthood if it doesnt happen now it probably will never happen and it will show what a complete and utter failure the republican party has become remember planned parenthood is an organization that has been caught on camera admitting that they harvest organs from the babies that they kill and that they sell those organs off to the highest bidder some would argue that america is already great at a lot of things after all the united states is number one in the world in television watching legal drug use and illegal drug use we lead the world in plastic surgery eating disorder deaths teen pregnancy and lawyers per capita we have the highest std infection rate in the industrialized world the highest divorce rate in the industrialized world and the largest prison population on the entire planet we also have the most complicated tax system in the entire world the largest trade deficit in the entire world and the largest national debt in the entire world so if we want to make america great again we sure have a lot of work to do the complacency that i am seeing out there right now really alarms me so many people seem to think that the battle is won because donald trump was victorious on election night but that is not even close to reality if we do not fundamentally change course as a nation we will not survive tinkering with tax rates regulations and trade agreements is not going to get the job done so many people are acting as if we just have a few cuts and scratches when the reality is what our country really needs is major heart surgery donald trump is not some sort of a messiah and even if he is able to accomplish every single thing that he is promising right now it will not nearly be enough but for the moment millions of americans are proclaiming peace and safety now that donald trump has won the election and we shall see how it all turns out november st tags americans anxiety blessing donald trump national suicide peace safety successful suicide trump category commentary we are being set up for higher interest rates a major recession and a giant stock market crash
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reasons apply job trump administration
home badge abuse cop fired shooting yearold daughter halloween party cop fired shooting yearold daughter halloween party matt agorist november leave comment lincolnton nc time police prove government monopoly use weapons terrible idea glaring example incompetence evidenced recent case north carolina police officer shot daughter monday lincoln county sheriffs office announced deputy misty michelle flowers terminated shot yearold daughter weekend shooting happened flowers entrusted state act responsibly firearm showing service weapon friends saturday night squeezed trigger bullet went wall hit daughter another room find gross negligence disregard safety others displayed incident saturday night therefore officer flowers terminated today sheriff david carpenter said totally separate sbi investigation incident occurred residence according wncn lincoln county deputies said called home pm started tending girls injury child taken chslincoln airlifted carolinas medical center charlotte surgery according deputies stable condition treatment neighbors say halloween party going house happened flowers lincoln county sheriffs office since worked catawba county sheriffs office entire situation focus wellbeing condition child involved understanding child going ok surgery tragic situation involved officer family career everyone touched carpenter said continue pray healing child entire family investigation continues next several days according sbi investigation incident still ongoing unclear whether flowers face charges second incident week police officer accidentally fired weapon endangering lives children last week free thought project reported ohio cop fired weapon daycare center fully occupied despite officer clearly admitting committing misdemeanor offense discharging firearm within city limits police yet charge right law department reviewing see charges police chief jack davis said last wednesday morning unfortunate incident school well added outside skating misdemeanor charge far officer also seems avoiding felony offense discharging weapon gunfree school zone imagine moment showing pistol friends halloween party sudden accidentally squeeze round shoot daughter two possible scenarios would take place first one swat team responds killed second less lethal result would inevitable arrest charges public endangerment unlawful discharge illegal use firearm assault deadly weapon terrorism myriad charges associated sending deadly projectile hurling wall child would immediately facing fines jail time probation firearms restrictions however government agent whos trusted carrying deadly weapon places others cannot neednt worry repercussions matt agorist honorably discharged veteran usmc former intelligence operator directly tasked nsa prior experience gives unique insight world government corruption american police state agorist independent journalist decade featured mainstream networks around world follow mattagorist twitter steemit share
Michael Sebastian
how to live after trump
are the polls rigged against trump all of these wildly divergent surveys cannot possibly be correct michael on television half of the population of the world is dirt poor and the global elite want to keep it that way nd could you survive on just a day according to compassion international approximately half of the population of the entire planet currently lives on a day or less meanwhile those hoarding wealth at the very top of the global pyramid are rapidly becoming a lot wealthier dont get me wrong i am a very big believer in working hard and contributing something of value to society and those that work the hardest and contribute the most should be able to reap the rewards in this article i am in no way shape or form criticizing true capitalism because if true capitalism were actually being practiced all over the planet we would have far far less poverty today instead our planet is dominated by a heavily socialized debtbased central banking system that systematically transfers wealth from hard working ordinary citizens to the global elite those at the very top of the pyramid know that they are impoverishing everyone else and they very much intend to keep it that way lets start with some of the hard numbers according to zero hedge credit suisse had just released their yearly report on global wealth and it shows that percent of all the wealth in the world is controlled by just percent of the people as credit suisse tantalizingly shows year after year the number of people who control just shy of a majority of global net worth or of the roughly trillion in household wealth is declining progressively relative to the total population of the world and in the number of people who are worth more than million was just million roughly of the worlds population of adults on the other end of the pyramid some billion adults had a net worth of less than accounting for just about trillion in household wealth and since this is a yearly report we can go back and see how things have changed over time when zero hedge did this it was discovered that the wealth of those at the very top has nearly doubled over the past six years and meanwhile the poor have gotten even poorer incidentally we tracked down the first credit suisse report we found in this series from where the total wealth of the top layer in the pyramid was a modest trillion for the worlds millionaires it has nearly doubled in the years since then meanwhile the worlds poorest have gotten you got it poorer as those adults who were worth less than in had a combined net worth of trillion a number which has since declined to trillion in despite a half a billion increase in the sample size if these trends continue at this pace it wont be too long before the global elite have virtually all of the wealth and the rest of us have virtually nothing perhaps you are fortunate enough to still have a good job and you live in a large home and you will sleep in a warm bed tonight well you should consider yourself to be very blessed because that is definitely not the case for most of the rest of the world the following facts about global poverty come from dosomethingcom and i want you to really let these numbers sink in for a moment nearly of the worlds population more than billion people live on less than a day more than billion live in extreme poverty less than a day billion children worldwide are living in poverty according to unicef children die each day due to poverty million people worldwide do not have enough food to eat food banks are especially important in providing food for people that cant afford it themselves run a food drive outside your local grocery store so people in your community have enough to eat sign up for supermarket stakeout more than million people lack adequate access to clean drinking water diarrhea caused by inadequate drinking water sanitation and hand hygiene kills an estimated people every year globally or approximately people per day in million children under the age were stunted reduced rate of growth and development due to chronic malnutrition preventable diseases like diarrhea and pneumonia take the lives of million children a year who are too poor to afford proper treatment as of million children under year of age worldwide had not received the three recommended doses of vaccine against diphtheria tetanus and pertussis of all humans live without electricity approximately billion people of the world population lives on less than a day oxfam estimates that it would take billion annually to end extreme global povertythats less than the income of the top richest billionaires the world food programme says the poor are hungry and their hunger traps them in poverty hunger is the number one cause of death in the world killing more than hivaids malaria and tuberculosis combined so how did we get here debt is the primary mechanism that takes wealth from ordinary people like you and me and puts it into the hands of the global elite in my recent article entitled why donald trump must shut down the federal reserve and start issuing debtfree money i discussed how the federal reserve was designed to entrap the us government in an endless debt spiral from which it could never possibly escape and that is precisely what has happened as the us national debt has gotten more than times larger since the federal reserve was created in in that very same year the federal income tax was instituted and that is a key part of the program for the global elite you see the income tax is how wealth is transferred from us to the government and then a continuously growing national debt is how that wealth is transferred from the government to the elite it is a very complicated system but at the end of the day it is all about taking money from us and getting it into their pockets and at this point more than percent of the population of the world lives in a country with a central bank and almost every nation on the planet has some form of income tax it is a global system that is designed to create as much debt as possible and i recently shared with my readers that the total amount of debt in the world has hit a staggering of trillion dollars interestingly the bible actually foretells of a time when rich men would hoard wealth in the last days the following are the first five verses of the book of james in the modern english version come now you rich men weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you your riches are corrupted and your garments are motheaten your gold and silver are corroded and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire you have stored up treasures for the last days indeed the wages that you kept back by fraud from the laborers who harvested your fields are crying and the cries of those who harvested have entered into the ears of the lord of hosts you have lived in pleasure on the earth and have been wayward you have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter so much of the time we focus on the other great sins that we see all around us but the truth is that one of the greatest sins of all in our world today is the sin of greed the borrower is the servant of the lender and the global elite have used various forms of debt to turn the rest of the planet into their debt slaves as debt levels race higher and higher all over the planet the elite are using the magic of compound interest to grab a bigger and bigger share of the pie given enough time those at the very top would have virtually everything and the rest of us would have virtually nothing the middle class is shrinking all over the globe and the gap between the wealthy and the poor continues to grow at an astounding pace but the vast majority of people out there have no idea how money debt taxes and central banks really work and so they have no idea that this is purposely being done to them so please share this article with as many people as you can the truth is that we dont have to have this much global poverty and if we correctly identify the root causes of this poverty we can start working on some real solutions
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modern south korea like
home breaking news dapl protesters proven right largest gas pipeline us experiences massive deadly explosion dapl protesters proven right largest gas pipeline us experiences massive deadly explosion claire bernish november leave comment massive explosion gas pipeline shelby county alabama near site pipeline leaked gallons gasoline last month evidences exact reason activists native american water protectors oppose construction dakota access pipeline miles northwest one person killed least five people injured blast tentatively described accident colonial pipeline shut operations black smoke billowed sending millions panic abrupt unexpected coming gas shortage deepest condolences go tonight family friends person lost today thoughts prayers injured colonial said statement reported nbc news cited chicago tribune alabama governor robert bentley said explosion occurred roughly mile west last months rupture adding likely crippling shortage fuel well hope pray best appears accident theyre allowing fuel burn bentley told wbrc one mile west repair took place colonial pipeline recently liveon brianpia reports colonial pipeline company history todays explosion shelby county httpstcojjmncsce pictwittercomyntwos abc news abc october refined gas poured pipeline workers rushed construct footlong earthen dam contain flaming spill fuel allowed burn dry tinder ongoing drought area quickly ignited two wildfires explosion charred acres area residents forced evacuate without indication would permitted return theres large plume smoke theres large fire noted shelby county sheriffs captain jeff hartley quoted chicago tribune sure exactly started caused said adding massive deployment fire emergency personnel weve got first responders entering area lot apart worker killed subsequent reports downplayed extent injuries suffered blast site alcom reported seven eight nine subcontractors working area suffered severe burns explosion according shelby county sheriff john samaniego two workers begun digging effort flush one lines repairs continued original leak may still missing though information unconfirmed unclear extreme heat flames emanating site explosion prevented assessment colonial noted brief statement cited local abc affiliate pipelines one transporting gasoline distillates shut colonials top priorities health safety work crew site protection public according later report reuters fire contained around pm local time yet word possiblymissing subcontractors provided incredible video colonial pipeline leak ryan burtis thoughts prayers pictwittercomnuodoawo wbrc fox news wbrcnews october fears yet another gas shortage akin september leak well consequent soaring prices spawned lengthy lines gas stations soon news explosion hit headlines reuters explains colonial biggest refined products system united states responsible supplying onethird million barrels per day gasoline consumed east coast according us energy department data clear whether explosion happened gasoline distillates pipeline governor said briefing although aforementioned details handily summarize facts explosion occurring active repairs previous sizeable leak facts little quantify potential environmental health impacts explosion leak magnitude explosion major pipeline supplying fuel large portions southeast east coast serves ominous portent ongoing opposition construction hotly contentious dakota access pipeline slated cross four states traversing north standing rock sioux reservation north dakota standing rock sioux water protectors native americans indigenous peoples nations supporters fear pipelines route undercutting missouri river several places threatens poison tribal water supply less million others living downstream indeed colonial pipelines tragic mishap second essentially section pipe one month darkly parallels hundreds similar accidents pipelines prone residents bismarck aware big oils horrendous safety record managed thwart energy transfer partners original plans pipeline routed near city etp assistance state diverted dakota access cross north standing rock sioux reservation privatelyowned land rightly viewed pipeline opponents blatant exploitation native americans well violation treaty us government standing rock sioux water protectors supporters camped along missouri months effort halt construction lawsuit languishes federal court big oil big banks government backers obviously view future profiteering pipeline important enough send absurdly militarized police least five states combat pipeline opponents remained whole peaceful prayerful unarmed etp insists opposition misguided dakota access offers safe alternative riskier oil transportation methods railroad tanker truck even companys records listing thousands spills last six years flatly dispute claims worse although pipeline leaks spills might technically less frequent caused railroad accidents international energy agency notes pipeline mishaps leaked three times crude eightyear period fact big oils general safety record nearly impossible fully track part spills leaks explosions accidents startlingly common less perilous workers residents environment yes rapidly dwindling water supply report center effective government attempting map quantify crude industry spills found ruptures leaks daily occurrence eighty people died injured incidents last five years since incidents crude oil liquefied natural gas leaks ruptures occurred us pipelines incidents killed people injured cost billion damages also released toxic polluting chemicals local soil waterways air according pipeline hazardous materials safety administration noted report spills ruptures sent million gallons crude environment illustrating imperative oppose construction dakota access one worst spills occurred north dakota human error poor maintenance lightning struck crude oil pipeline spilling gallons crude wheat field oil gas industry wealthy proponents government would attempt pull wool publics eyes pipeline safety using crafty language skewed statistics truth safe manner transporting oil gas actually exists opposition dakota access pipeline simply isnt confined native american issue exploitive facet pipelines traverse pristine lands farm acreage rivers waterways depend sustain us risk scant corporate media coverage standing rock sioux tribes stand big oil exist painted fight limited scope thousands encamped along pipelines planned route face unusually bitter winter less fact taking stand every person every creature would devastated event future oil spill share