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[email protected] (Der Postillon) | 2016-11-19T10:30:22.441+02:00 | bremen ersetzt als erstes bundesland schulnoten durch emojis | sonntag november sonntagsfrage was sagen sie dazu dass angela merkel wohl noch einmal antreten will am sonntagabend wird angela merkel vor die presse treten und eine bisher unbekannte erklä na gut eigentlich weiß jeder in deutschland was die ewige kanzlerin zu verkünden hat haben sie sich schon auf merkel eingestellt in dieser woche will der merkillon unterstützt durch yawn control von ihnen wissen und hier noch die unglaublich spannenden ergebnisse der letzten sonntagsfrage stimmen gesamt was sagen sie dazu dass donald trump tatsächlich gewonnen hat topantworten glück für george w bush der sich schon fast damit abgefunden hat als schlechtester uspräsident aller zeiten in die geschichte einzugehen stimmen seltsam und das obwohl die demokraten mit hillary clinton eine kandidatin aufgestellt haben die all das verkörperte was die amerikaner an der politik hassen stimmen und was macht der mann als erste amtshandlung nimmt einer schwarzen familie das haus weg unmöglich stimmen foto shutterstock | german | | bs | Fake | stiftung warentest benotet planeten erde mit mangelhaft | montag november bayernfan plötzlich rbleipzigfan köln dpo manch einer hätte ihn fast nicht wiedererkannt seit diesem wochenende ist dennis langner aus köln plötzlich bekennender fan von rb leipzig nach angaben seiner kollegen war der bürokommunikationskaufmann der heute erstmals im leipzigtrikot und schal auf der arbeit erschien zuvor glühender anhänger des fc bayern münchen auf seine überraschende wandlung angesprochen erklärt langner ich soll ein bayernfan gewesen sein ein quatsch niemals würde ich diese münchner gurkentruppe unterstützen langner reckt stolz einen rbleipzigschal die höhe dem noch das etikett baumelt ich freue mich einfach nur dass mein team tabellenführer ist darauf ein red bull dass langner nichts für den fc bayern münchen übrig hat scheint zu stimmen immerhin quillt die mülltonne bei ihm zu hause vor fanartikeln des verhassten vereins aus münchen nahezu über die anderen sind doch nur neidisch auf mich weil mein team erfolgreich ist und ich viel ahnung von fußball habe erklärt der jährige die gerüchte über seine angebliche frühere bayernanhängerschaft mein lieblingsspieler bei leipzig puh ja also die nummer find ich sehr gut der ist richtig stark oh sekunde hihi da kommt ein kölnfan langner grüßt einen kollegen na becki hat der fc wieder verkackt mönsch das tut mir aber leid also mein verein hat gewonnen ssi dan foto shutterstock | 1 |
[email protected] (Der Postillon) | 2016-11-19T14:56:04.791+02:00 | morgen in pams steinmeier mit absoluter mehrheit gewählt | alte knacker waren hinüber verdorbene würstchen verursachen seniorenheimskandal heim gesucht kunden verfolgen immobilienmakler bis nach hause konnte er nicht auf sich sitzen lassen pirat wechselt beleidigenden papagei aus farbton blinder erkennt bemalung am geräusch wusst er mann war bekannt wie man worcester richtig ausspricht hoffentlich nichts ernstes clown muss ins krankenhaus trug das kleine schwarze angelina jolie mit ihren kindern auf dem roten teppich tom ban rba oga kly pk hpa jetzt bestellen der postillonnewstickerkalender nur der postillon newsticker | german | | bs | Fake | sonntagsfrage sagen sie dazu dass angela merkel wohl noch einmal antreten | montag november sicher trainieren beim spinning gilt ab sofort helmpflicht berlin dpo achtung freizeitsportler ab januar gilt deutschlands fitnessstudios helmpflicht wer sich durch spinning form bringen darf das indoorbike ohne professionellen kopfschutz nicht mehr besteigen durch die neuregelung soll die unfall und verletzungsgefahr deutlich reduziert werden die helmpflicht sei ein wichtiger baustein um die sicherheit den studios weiter zu erhöhen der verband deutscher fitness und gesundheitsunternehmen einer mitteilung zwar sei die gefahr von einem entgegenkommenden pkw erfasst zu werden vergleichsweise gering doch seien schon mehrere sportler vor erschöpfung vom ergometer gefallen oder von einem unaufmerksamen bodybuilder angerempelt oder gar umgestoßen worden zudem erhöhe ein helm das sicherheitsgefühl gerade bei rasanten spinningeinheiten oder berg und talfahrtsimulationen indoorbikes haben keinerlei knautschzone weshalb der kopf besonders geschützt werden muss ebenfalls aus sicherheitsgründen ist es künftig nicht mehr gestattet während der fahrt über kopfhörer musik zu hören oder auf einen bildschirm zu starren wir bauen alle monitore ab verena hardenberg betreiberin eines privaten fitnessstudios würzburg es hat sich herausgestellt dass die fahrer dadurch sehr stark abgelenkt werden das risiko ist uns einfach zu groß und der branche sind bereits weitere maßnahmen im gespräch sollte die helminitiative zu kurz greifen möglicherweise müssen beim spinning demnächst neonfarbene warnwesten übergestreift oder leuchtende katzenaugen mitgeführt werden diese könne man ohnehin ganz bequem shirt oder stirnband befestigen sei auch der dämmerung und den abendstunden ein sicheres training möglich aber nicht jeder ist begeistert ich fahr doch nicht extra mit meinem rad kilometer ins fitnessstudio um mich dort dann zu blamieren der kritische kommentar von mcfitstammkunde mirko aus ennepetal ein helm sei umständlich teuer und verringere glaubt er vor allem seine flirtchancen vor ort weil er albern aussehe wofür halten die uns für spinner swo foto shutterstock | 1 |
[email protected] (Der Postillon) | 2016-11-20T11:04:18.245+02:00 | stiftung warentest benotet planeten erde mit mangelhaft | montag november bayernfan plötzlich rbleipzigfan köln dpo manch einer hätte ihn fast nicht wiedererkannt seit diesem wochenende ist dennis langner aus köln plötzlich bekennender fan von rb leipzig nach angaben seiner kollegen war der bürokommunikationskaufmann der heute erstmals im leipzigtrikot und schal auf der arbeit erschien zuvor glühender anhänger des fc bayern münchen auf seine überraschende wandlung angesprochen erklärt langner ich soll ein bayernfan gewesen sein so ein quatsch niemals würde ich diese münchner gurkentruppe unterstützen langner reckt stolz einen rbleipzigschal in die höhe an dem noch das etikett baumelt ich freue mich einfach nur dass mein team tabellenführer ist darauf ein red bull dass langner nichts für den fc bayern münchen übrig hat scheint zu stimmen immerhin quillt die mülltonne bei ihm zu hause vor fanartikeln des verhassten vereins aus münchen nahezu über die anderen sind doch nur neidisch auf mich weil mein team so erfolgreich ist und ich so viel ahnung von fußball habe erklärt der jährige die gerüchte über seine angebliche frühere bayernanhängerschaft mein lieblingsspieler bei leipzig puh ja also die nummer find ich sehr gut der ist richtig stark oh sekunde hihi da kommt ein kölnfan langner grüßt einen kollegen na becki hat der fc wieder verkackt mönsch das tut mir aber leid also mein verein hat gewonnen ssi dan foto shutterstock | german | | bs | Fake | newsticker | dienstag november studie lohnzahlungen verursachen milliardenschäden für deutsche unternehmen hamburg archiv schon lange haben wirtschaftsverbände gewarnt jetzt bestätigt eine unabhängige studie den verdacht lohnzahlungen arbeitnehmer fügen deutschen unternehmen jährlich schäden milliardenhöhe zu zu dieser feststellung kam das institut für wirtschaftsökonomie einer großangelegten studie deren zuge mehr als hiesige betriebe und unternehmen unter die lupe genommen wurden die zahlen sind alarmierend erklärt ökonom harald glockner den letzten jahren machten lohnkosten im schnitt zwei drittel aller unternehmensausgaben aus kaum vorzustellen für gigantische gewinne gemacht werden könnten wenn dieser lästige posten nicht wäre schwächen die wirtschaft mit ihrer gier arbeitnehmer vielen beschäftigten sei weder bewusst welchen enormen finanziellen schaden sie ihrem arbeitgeber durch ihre löhne und bezüge monatlich zufügen noch dass sie damit letztlich gar ihren eigenen arbeitsplatz gefährden diesem klima des egoismus sei es für viele firmen schwer geworden auch nur die allernötigsten rekordrenditen ihre aktionäre auszuschütten angesichts der erschreckenden ergebnisse der studie fordert der arbeitgeberverband nun einen flächendeckenden höchstlohn für abhängig beschäftigte andernfalls sei deutschlandweit mit vorstandsprotesten und chefstreiks zu rechnen fed dan ssi idee tobias k foto oben kautz fotoliacom foto rechts kurhan fotoliacom hinweis erstmals erschienen artikel teilen | 1 |
[email protected] (Der Postillon) | 2016-11-20T13:05:26.751+02:00 | sonntagsfrage was sagen sie dazu dass angela merkel wohl noch einmal antreten will | montag november sicher trainieren beim spinning gilt ab sofort helmpflicht berlin dpo achtung freizeitsportler ab januar gilt in deutschlands fitnessstudios helmpflicht wer sich durch spinning in form bringen will darf das indoorbike ohne professionellen kopfschutz nicht mehr besteigen durch die neuregelung soll die unfall und verletzungsgefahr deutlich reduziert werden die helmpflicht sei ein wichtiger baustein um die sicherheit in den studios weiter zu erhöhen so der verband deutscher fitness und gesundheitsunternehmen in einer mitteilung zwar sei die gefahr von einem entgegenkommenden pkw erfasst zu werden vergleichsweise gering doch seien schon mehrere sportler vor erschöpfung vom ergometer gefallen oder von einem unaufmerksamen bodybuilder angerempelt oder gar umgestoßen worden zudem erhöhe ein helm das sicherheitsgefühl gerade bei rasanten spinningeinheiten oder berg und talfahrtsimulationen indoorbikes haben keinerlei knautschzone weshalb der kopf besonders geschützt werden muss ebenfalls aus sicherheitsgründen ist es künftig nicht mehr gestattet während der fahrt über kopfhörer musik zu hören oder auf einen bildschirm zu starren wir bauen alle monitore ab so verena hardenberg betreiberin eines privaten fitnessstudios in würzburg es hat sich herausgestellt dass die fahrer dadurch sehr stark abgelenkt werden das risiko ist uns einfach zu groß und in der branche sind bereits weitere maßnahmen im gespräch sollte die helminitiative zu kurz greifen möglicherweise müssen beim spinning demnächst neonfarbene warnwesten übergestreift oder leuchtende katzenaugen mitgeführt werden diese könne man ohnehin ganz bequem am shirt oder stirnband befestigen so sei auch in der dämmerung und in den abendstunden ein sicheres training möglich aber nicht jeder ist begeistert ich fahr doch nicht extra mit meinem rad kilometer ins fitnessstudio um mich dort dann zu blamieren so der kritische kommentar von mcfitstammkunde mirko m aus ennepetal ein helm sei umständlich teuer und verringere so glaubt er vor allem seine flirtchancen vor ort weil er albern aussehe wofür halten die uns für spinner swo foto m shutterstock | german | | bs | Fake | bayernfan plötzlich rbleipzigfan | dienstag november facebook geht gegen fakenews vor alle meldungen von bildde und focusde gelöscht menlo park dpo hunderttausende facebookuser dürften sich heute morgen verwundert die augen gerieben haben das soziale netzwerk hat durch eine änderung seines algorithmus sämtliche meldungen von bildde und focusde mit sofortiger wirkung aus seiner timeline verbannt ziel der maßnahme sei es die massenhafte verbreitung von fakenews einzudämmen teilte das unternehmen heute mit auch die facebookseiten der fakenewsseiten bild httpswwwfacebookcombiid und focus httpswwwfacebookcomfocusoniine wurden gelöscht und sind nicht mehr erreichbar desinformation ist kein kavaliersdelikt facebookboss mark zuckerberg zwei der schlimmsten sünder haben wir aus dem verkehr gezogen weitere werden folgen hier und da könne zwar immer noch eine nachricht durchrutschen der facebookgründer wir arbeiten aber mit hochdruck daran dass das zukunft nicht mehr passiert sollten user noch einzelne bild oder focus nachrichten der timeline haben helfe nur eines ignorieren typische meldungen auf focus online und bild falsche nachrichten waren den vergangenen tagen und wochen von vielen beobachtern für den wahlsieg von donald trump mitverantwortlich gemacht worden auch die bundestagswahl läuft möglicherweise gefahr von fakenachrichtenportalen massiv beeinflusst zu werden angeblich sollen einschlägige falschnewsverbreiter wie bildde und focusde sogar ganze redaktionen beschäftigen die täglich hunderte fakemeldungen ausstoßen der schaden für die gesellschaft ist noch gar nicht abschätzbar news bei bildde einem der größten player ist man selbst überrascht über die gutgläubigkeit des publikums dass das lange gut gegangen ist hätten ich nie gedacht julian reichelt der sogenannte chefredakteur der seite keine ahnung warum viele menschen unsere meldungen zu pietro und sarah lombardis trennung oder das neueste tattoo von sophia thomalla für nachrichten gehalten haben er muss jetzt neue wege finden um seine fakenews im internet zu verbreiten der redaktion von focus online wiederum ist man sogar froh über die löschung wir schreiben ohnehin immer nur bildartikel minimal um und veröffentlichen die dann mit einer clickbaitüberschrift oder einem fiesen spruch gegen migranten neu wenn wir nicht auf facebook sehen gerade gut auf bildde läuft wissen wir eh nicht mehr worüber wir berichten sollen focuschef daniel steil der beim standesamt einen antrag eingereicht hat seinen namen julian wie mein zweiter vorname lautet wird sie überraschen reichelt ändern zu lassen medienexperten raten usern im netz prinzipiell zur vorsicht und zur skepsis seriöse nachrichtenportale deren meldungen man ernst nehmen kann erkenne man vor allem ihrer schlichten schwarzweißoptik sie hätten der regel ein posthorn und steckenpferd im logo oder beides das ist noch glaubwürdiger und seien langjährig markt erfolgreich zum beispiel schon seit swo ssi dan | 1 |
[email protected] (Der Postillon) | 2016-11-21T10:34:28.209+02:00 | newsticker | dienstag november studie lohnzahlungen verursachen milliardenschäden für deutsche unternehmen hamburg archiv schon lange haben wirtschaftsverbände gewarnt jetzt bestätigt eine unabhängige studie den verdacht lohnzahlungen an arbeitnehmer fügen deutschen unternehmen jährlich schäden in milliardenhöhe zu zu dieser feststellung kam das institut für wirtschaftsökonomie in einer großangelegten studie in deren zuge mehr als hiesige betriebe und unternehmen unter die lupe genommen wurden die zahlen sind alarmierend erklärt ökonom harald glockner in den letzten jahren machten lohnkosten im schnitt zwei drittel aller unternehmensausgaben aus kaum vorzustellen was für gigantische gewinne gemacht werden könnten wenn dieser lästige posten nicht wäre schwächen die wirtschaft mit ihrer gier arbeitnehmer vielen beschäftigten sei weder bewusst welchen enormen finanziellen schaden sie ihrem arbeitgeber durch ihre löhne und bezüge monatlich zufügen noch dass sie damit letztlich gar ihren eigenen arbeitsplatz gefährden in diesem klima des egoismus sei es für viele firmen schwer geworden auch nur die allernötigsten rekordrenditen an ihre aktionäre auszuschütten angesichts der erschreckenden ergebnisse der studie fordert der arbeitgeberverband nun einen flächendeckenden höchstlohn für abhängig beschäftigte andernfalls sei deutschlandweit mit vorstandsprotesten und chefstreiks zu rechnen fed dan ssi idee tobias k foto oben kautz fotoliacom foto rechts kurhan fotoliacom hinweis erstmals erschienen am artikel teilen | german | | bs | Fake | sicher trainieren beim spinning gilt ab sofort helmpflicht | posted october admin vekar one thing yet see anyone bring election could bait switch last minute order understand however need explain unique possibilities nwo created two candidates fact old card first trump everyone loves trump trump hillary therefore must better argument based following stalin killed million one mao killed million two stalin better mao trump outright lets go back sleep candidate hillary already seen heard enough trump goes least four years bought nation survive juts four years called militia patriots awrm intelligence report yammer trump goes postpone coming war buy time prepare claim time favors us enemy bearing mind trump gone back word many times changed mind flip flopped illegals wants bigger police state hated media etc lets compare next runner quickly hillary currently chic hate hillary youre style like end nation doom world never mind trump hillary put nwo allowed run otherwise old news going cause war liar cheat betrayed nation etc yet trump met netanyahu behind closed doors apparently received blessing proceed trap know see clearly also darling media common rise power theme lenin hitler take two nations germany russia collapse outright collapsed debauchery rule well corruption hillary like lenin going red banners flying cheka heels remove undesirables going finish job push agenda hilt even takes war trump hand following hitlers script offering hope without promising anything except bigger government powerful police state etc trump also see plan fruition subtle nuance two one offering iron fist velvet glove simply iron fist comes problem people seeing force hillary despite public outrage know fact reached level preparation adequate dealing public backlash even insurrection minor full put trump taking back street approach gathered resources yet put us need put someone quiet public like obama time election purchasing time nothing nothing less trump put already see going straight back bed getting another four years minimum maybe eight militias patriot groups declare partial victory bury guns whistle dixie mortified take action trump obvious choice hillary hand represents steamroller coming hill full tilt want seek avoid rather fight reality time favor us time favors enemy time favored us would diminished dire straits imagine much could avoided militia stood waco time favored enemy ruby ridge time favored enemy whittle away build power base bit bit fools consider two possibilities consider trump goes goes along war russia indeed plan ww laid sixity years ago admittedly people far willing join trumps army go fight would hillary something else consider perhaps want second civil war put hillary knowing cause insurrection fake one know trump reluctantly take reins like davis lead way marching fools single file enemy guns like first one causing mass casualties nothing second civil war sort would favor enemy would absolutely end nation would fight hillary oh right thats bringing foreigners foreign troops change uniform quickly voila would suggest would favor american nationals really rather fight intelligently bill rights would fighting trump would fighting bleed us dry like confederates civil war fighting rules cost dearly fighting rules win trump would allow guide slaughter one way another weakening us remember end game destroy absolutely last vestiges americans culture whatever may left much anything perhaps warning coming breakup america occur perhaps perhaps option want think let mind run wild possibilities remember right lining ducks firing squad forming loading rifles matter believe outcome matter happens one way another know preplanned would never allow situation unless humdinger plan hidden beneath surface hope scratched surface like plan b c succeeded two centuries take fool proven maybe get trump populace quiet communists march different uniform cheka versus gestapo hillary might go finish things done prep nation next phase matter happens ready let sucker believing honest trump honest together merely represent two different paths reach ultimate goal share | 1 |
[email protected] (Der Postillon) | 2016-11-21T14:47:11.582+02:00 | bayernfan plötzlich rbleipzigfan | dienstag november facebook geht gegen fakenews vor alle meldungen von bildde und focusde gelöscht menlo park dpo hunderttausende facebookuser dürften sich heute morgen verwundert die augen gerieben haben das soziale netzwerk hat durch eine änderung seines algorithmus sämtliche meldungen von bildde und focusde mit sofortiger wirkung aus seiner timeline verbannt ziel der maßnahme sei es die massenhafte verbreitung von fakenews einzudämmen teilte das unternehmen heute mit auch die facebookseiten der fakenewsseiten bild httpswwwfacebookcombiid und focus httpswwwfacebookcomfocusoniine wurden gelöscht und sind nicht mehr erreichbar desinformation ist kein kavaliersdelikt so facebookboss mark zuckerberg zwei der schlimmsten sünder haben wir aus dem verkehr gezogen weitere werden folgen hier und da könne zwar immer noch eine nachricht durchrutschen so der facebookgründer wir arbeiten aber mit hochdruck daran dass das in zukunft nicht mehr passiert sollten user noch einzelne bild oder focus nachrichten in der timeline haben helfe nur eines ignorieren typische meldungen auf focus online und bild falsche nachrichten waren in den vergangenen tagen und wochen von vielen beobachtern für den wahlsieg von donald trump mitverantwortlich gemacht worden auch die bundestagswahl läuft möglicherweise gefahr von fakenachrichtenportalen massiv beeinflusst zu werden angeblich sollen einschlägige falschnewsverbreiter wie bildde und focusde sogar ganze redaktionen beschäftigen die täglich hunderte fakemeldungen ausstoßen der schaden für die gesellschaft ist noch gar nicht abschätzbar news bei bildde einem der größten player ist man selbst überrascht über die gutgläubigkeit des publikums dass das so lange gut gegangen ist hätten ich nie gedacht so julian reichelt der sogenannte chefredakteur der seite keine ahnung warum so viele menschen unsere meldungen zu pietro und sarah lombardis trennung oder das neueste tattoo von sophia thomalla für nachrichten gehalten haben er muss jetzt neue wege finden um seine fakenews im internet zu verbreiten in der redaktion von focus online wiederum ist man sogar froh über die löschung wir schreiben ohnehin immer nur bildartikel minimal um und veröffentlichen die dann mit einer clickbaitüberschrift oder einem fiesen spruch gegen migranten neu wenn wir nicht auf facebook sehen was gerade gut auf bildde läuft wissen wir eh nicht mehr worüber wir berichten sollen so focuschef daniel steil der beim standesamt einen antrag eingereicht hat seinen namen in julian wie mein zweiter vorname lautet wird sie überraschen reichelt ändern zu lassen medienexperten raten usern im netz prinzipiell zur vorsicht und zur skepsis seriöse nachrichtenportale deren meldungen man ernst nehmen kann erkenne man vor allem an ihrer schlichten schwarzweißoptik sie hätten in der regel ein posthorn und steckenpferd im logo oder beides das ist noch glaubwürdiger und seien langjährig am markt erfolgreich zum beispiel schon seit swo ssi dan | german | | bs | Fake | studie lohnzahlungen verursachen milliardenschäden für deutsche unternehmen | published may cbs sunday morning place minnesota feel small town america want get northwest angle travelers leave us go canada get lee cowan explains geographical quirk along northern border share | 1 |
[email protected] (Der Postillon) | 2016-11-21T18:16:38.932+02:00 | sicher trainieren beim spinning gilt ab sofort helmpflicht | posted on october by admin
by vekar
one thing i have yet to see anyone bring up is how this election could be bait and switch at the last minute in order to understand this however i need to explain the unique possibilities the nwo has created with these two candidates and how this is in fact a very old card from the s
first we have trump everyone loves trump because trump is not hillary therefore he must be better it is an argument based on the following stalin killed million and one while mao killed million and two so stalin is better than mao trump is outright the lets go back to sleep candidate hillary is not already i have seen and heard more than enough about how if only trump goes in then at least four more years have been bought and the nation will survive juts four more years
from the so called militia and patriots at awrm and the intelligence report they yammer that if only trump goes in then we can postpone the coming war or buy ourselves more time to prepare after all they claim time favors us not the enemy all this bearing in mind that trump has gone back on his word many times changed his mind flip flopped on illegals wants a bigger police state is the most hated in the media etc now lets compare the next runner up quickly
hillary it is currently chic to hate hillary youre not in style if you like her she will end the nation doom the world and so on never mind that both trump and hillary were put up by the nwo you are not allowed to run otherwise this is old news she is going to cause more war she is a liar cheat she betrayed the nation etc yet both her and trump met with netanyahu behind closed doors and apparently received his blessing to proceed it is a trap and we should all know it and see it clearly she is also the darling of the media
both of them have in common the s rise to power theme of lenin and hitler both take after these two for both nations germany and russia were in collapse or outright collapsed debauchery was the rule as well as corruption hillary is like lenin she is going in red banners flying and the cheka on her heels to remove any undesirables she is going to finish the job and push the agenda to the hilt even if it takes war to do it trump on the other hand is following hitlers script offering hope without promising anything except a bigger government more powerful police state etc trump will also see the plan to fruition but there is a subtle nuance between these two one is offering to do it with an iron fist in a velvet glove the other is simply the iron fist
now comes the problem people are not seeing if they force hillary in despite all the public outrage then we know for a fact they have reached a level of preparation that is adequate to dealing with public backlash even insurrection should it be minor or full if they put trump in then they are taking the back street approach because they have not gathered the resources yet to put us down and need to put someone in who will quiet the public just like obama did for a time this election is about purchasing time nothing more nothing less
if trump is put in then already we can see that most are going straight back to bed and not getting up for another four years at minimum maybe eight the militias and other patriot groups will declare a partial victory and that they can bury their guns again and whistle dixie they are mortified of having to take action so trump is their obvious choice hillary on the other hand represents that steamroller coming down the hill at full tilt they do not want that and seek to avoid it rather than fight it the reality is time does not favor us here time favors the enemy if time favored us then we would not be here diminished and in dire straits imagine how much could have been avoided had the militia stood up during waco again time favored the enemy ruby ridge time favored the enemy as they whittle away and build their power base up bit by bit they are not fools
consider those two possibilities then consider this if trump goes in and goes along with the war with russia if indeed that is the plan for ww they laid out more than sixity years ago admittedly people are far more willing to join trumps army and go fight than they would hillary something else to consider is perhaps they want a second civil war put hillary in knowing it will cause an insurrection fake one which we know they can do have trump reluctantly take the reins and like davis lead the way in marching the fools single file into the enemy guns just like the first one causing mass casualties for nothing a second civil war of this sort would favor the enemy for it would absolutely end the nation but who would fight for hillary oh right thats why they are bringing in all those foreigners and foreign troops just change the uniform quickly and voila some would suggest this would favor the american nationals not really rather than fight intelligently for the bill of rights they would be fighting for trump they would be fighting to bleed us dry like the confederates did in the civil war fighting by the rules and it cost them dearly only by fighting by our own rules can we win trump would allow them to guide the slaughter one way or another all the while weakening us remember the end game is to destroy absolutely the last vestiges of americans and our culture whatever may be left of it which is not much if anything
perhaps the above is where those warning about the coming breakup of america will occur perhaps perhaps not but they now have the option to do so i want you to think on all this and let your mind run wild with other possibilities but just remember that they are right now lining the ducks up you while the firing squad is forming up and loading their rifles no matter what you believe will be the outcome of this and no matter what happens one way or another know that this is all preplanned and they would never allow this situation unless they had a humdinger of a plan hidden just beneath the surface i hope i scratched that surface for you like you they have a plan a b c and d it is why they have succeeded for more than two centuries do not take them for the fool they have proven they are not
so maybe we will get trump and the populace will quiet down while the communists march on with a different uniform cheka versus gestapo then again hillary might go in and just finish things and be done with it or prep the nation for the next phase no matter what happens be ready for it and do not let them sucker you into believing this honest or that trump is honest they are both in on it together they merely represent two different paths for them to reach their ultimate goal share this | german | | bs | Fake | facebook geht gegen fakenews vor alle meldungen von bildde und focusde gelöscht | notify followup comments email notify new posts email security question please leave two fields asis important able proceed need solve following simple math know human doom bloom | 1 |
[email protected] (Der Postillon) | 2016-11-22T11:15:13.537+02:00 | studie lohnzahlungen verursachen milliardenschäden für deutsche unternehmen | published on may by cbs sunday morning there is a place in minnesota that has the feel of small town america but if you want to get to the northwest angle travelers have to leave the us and go through canada to get there lee cowan explains a geographical quirk along the northern border share this | german | | bs | Fake | bait switch elections | notify followup comments email notify new posts email security question please leave two fields asis important able proceed need solve following simple math know human doom bloom | 1 |
[email protected] (Der Postillon) | 2016-11-22T14:20:35.980+02:00 | facebook geht gegen fakenews vor alle meldungen von bildde und focusde gelöscht | notify me of followup comments by email notify me of new posts by email security question what is please leave these two fields asis important to be able to proceed you need to solve the following simple math so we know that you are a human doom and bloom | english | | | bs | Fake | americas small town canada | plane carrying republican vice presidential candidate mike pence slid runway landing new york citys laguardia airport thursday evening immediate word injuries aircraft boeing tore two tracks concrete runway coming rest patch grass federal aviation administration said statement crushable concrete runway safety technology called engineered material arresting system stopped plane seemed sliding distance landing burning smell became obvious like rubber fox news producer dan gallo wrote email hard see much plane windows emergency vehicles pictwittercomxaknsgduwd dan gallo dangallo october according gallo pence said saw mud windows front plane came check passengers rear aircraft see mud front windows calm pence said press cabin minute plane came rest said felt fine thankful everyone plane safe pence said later tweet grateful first responders concern prayers many back trail tomorrow thankful everyone plane safe grateful first responders concern prayers many back trail tomorrow mike pence mike_pence october roughly passengers crew board including pence evacuated back aircraft large amount emergency vehicles responded scene campaign spokesman marc loetter later told reporters pence missed fundraiser new york city headed hotel night pence later called fundraiser held trump tower car motorcade drove manhattan campaign officials told fox news another plane way pence looks forward campaign trail friday planned trump campaign spokesperson told fox news statement republican nominee reached running mate incident mr trump reach gov pence glad everyone board plane safe trump campaign spokesperson stephanie grisham said trump later told crowd campaign rally geneva ohio everbody fine spoke future vice president hes okay trump told supporters know big accident wth plane plane skidded runway pretty close grave grave danger spoke mike pence hes fine got everybodys fine democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton said tweet glad hear everyone board safe glad hear mike_pence staff secret service crew safe h hillary clinton hillaryclinton october new york citys office emergency management said airport closed roughly hour result incident due plane skidding runway laguardia currently closed notice check airline additional info nycem notify nyc notifynyc october following earlier incident laguardia airport reopened limited air traffic expect delays check airline additional info nycem notify nyc notifynyc october new york city affected heavy rain thursday evening immediately clear whether played role landing | 1 |
Admin | 2016-10-27T02:41:42.945+03:00 | bait and switch elections | notify me of followup comments by email notify me of new posts by email security question what is please leave these two fields asis important to be able to proceed you need to solve the following simple math so we know that you are a human doom and bloom | english | | | bs | Fake | marcus mumford bundy verdict | notify followup comments email notify new posts email security question please leave two fields asis important able proceed need solve following simple math know human doom bloom | 1 |
GrinNBarrett | 2016-10-27T02:41:43.033+03:00 | americas small town in canada | a plane carrying republican vice presidential candidate mike pence slid off the runway while landing at new york citys laguardia airport thursday evening
there was no immediate word of any injuries
the aircraft a boeing tore up two tracks of concrete on the runway before coming to rest on a patch of grass the federal aviation administration said in a statement a crushable concrete runway safety technology called an engineered material arresting system stopped the plane
we seemed to be sliding for the distance of the landing and a burning smell became very obvious like rubber fox news producer dan gallo wrote in an email hard to see much from these plane windows but emergency vehicles are here pictwittercomxaknsgduwd
dan gallo dangallo october
according to gallo pence said that he saw mud on windows at the front of the plane when he came to check on passengers in the rear of the aircraft
we can see mud on the front windows a calm pence said in the press cabin about a minute after the plane came to rest he said he felt fine
so thankful everyone on our plane is safe pence said in a later tweet grateful for our first responders the concern prayers of so many back on the trail tomorrow so thankful everyone on our plane is safe grateful for our first responders the concern prayers of so many back on the trail tomorrow
mike pence mike_pence october
the roughly passengers and crew on board including pence were evacuated through the back of the aircraft as a large amount of emergency vehicles responded to the scene
campaign spokesman marc loetter later told reporters that pence had missed his fundraiser in new york city and was headed to his hotel for the night pence later called into his fundraiser being held at trump tower from the car in the motorcade as he drove into manhattan
campaign officials told fox news another plane is on the way and pence looks forward to being on the campaign trail on friday as planned
a trump campaign spokesperson told fox news in a statement the republican nominee reached out to his running mate after the incident
mr trump did reach out to gov pence and is very glad everyone on board plane is safe trump campaign spokesperson stephanie grisham said
trump later told a crowd a campaign rally in geneva ohio that everbody is fine
i just spoke to our future vice president and hes okay trump told supporters do you know he was in a big accident wth the plane the plane skidded off the runway and was pretty close to grave grave danger but i just spoke to mike pence and hes fine got out everybodys fine
democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton said in a tweet she was glad to hear everyone on board was safe glad to hear mike_pence his staff secret service and the crew are all safe h
hillary clinton hillaryclinton october
new york citys office of emergency management said the airport was closed for roughly an hour a result of the incident due to a plane skidding off the runway laguardia is currently closed until further notice check with your airline for additional info
nycem notify nyc notifynyc october following an earlier incident laguardia airport has reopened to limited air traffic expect delays check with airline for additional info
nycem notify nyc notifynyc october
new york city was being affected by heavy rain thursday evening it was not immediately clear whether that played a role in the landing | english | | | bs | Fake | mike pence says shalom israels republicans | published jun rays reason million verse time critical thinking minds take another look inside history books turn pages covers world war ii focus attention million jews verse yes million jews mantra see point view fact dont get mad gas chambers labor camps victors wrote story needs revamped chorus see holocaust appears yes holocaust needs looked carefully yes holocaust clearly logistic impossibility yes holocaust cash cow keeps making money verse million lies told birth million lies keeps growing gets worse used propaganda tool zionist israel forcing palestine become living hell repeats chorus tag million million million lies million million million die mantra repeated time end see holocaust appears words music john l niems copyright niemsongs pub bmi share | 1 |
Paula Walker | 2016-10-28T15:52:58.176+03:00 | marcus mumford after bundy verdict | notify me of followup comments by email notify me of new posts by email security question what is please leave these two fields asis important to be able to proceed you need to solve the following simple math so we know that you are a human doom and bloom | english | | | bs | Fake | plane carrying pence skids runway laguardia airport | yahoo news portland ore ap jury delivered extraordinary blow government thursday longrunning battle use public lands acquitted seven defendants involved armed occupation national wildlife refuge rural southeastern oregon tumult erupted courtroom verdicts read attorney group leader ammon bundy demanded client immediately released repeatedly yelling judge us marshals tackled attorney marcus mumford ground used stun gun several times arrested us district judge anna brown said could release bundy still faces charges nevada stemming armed standoff father cliven bundys ranch two years ago portland jury acquitted bundy brother ryan bundy five others conspiring impede federal workers jobs malheur national wildlife refuge miles southeast portland even attorneys defendants surprised acquittals stunning stunning victory defense said robert salisbury attorney defendant jeff banta im speechless said defendant neil wampler tremendous victory rural america welldeserved overwhelming defeat corrupt predatory federal government us attorney oregon billy j williams issued statement defending decision bring charges seven defendants strongly believe case needed brought court publicly tried decided jury bundy daughter bailey logue said family members savoring victory would begin friday determine next step first thing going get knees thank heavenly father going enjoy families logue said tomorrow going figure going next messages left bundy family matriarch carol bundy bunkerville nevada werent immediately returned oregon case continuation tense standoff federal officials cliven bundys ranch cliven ammon ryan bundy among go trial nevada early next year standoff charges oregon accused defendants preventing federal workers getting workplace case nevada revolves around allegations direct threat armed standoff involving dozens bundy backers pointing weapons including assaultstyle rifles federal bureau land management agents contract cowboys rounding cattle near bundy ranch outside bunkerville daniel hill attorney ammon bundy nevada case said believed acquittal oregon bodes well client defendants facing felony weapon conspiracy charges jury hears whole story expect result hill told associated press las vegas hill also said hell seek clients release federal custody pending trial nevada ammon bundy followers took oregon bird sanctuary jan objected prison sentences handed dwight steven hammond two local ranchers convicted setting fires demanded government free father son relinquish control public lands local officials bundys key figures arrested jan traffic stop outside refuge ended police fatally shooting robert lavoy finicum occupation spokesman occupiers left death four holdouts remained feb surrendered following lengthy negotiation federal prosecutors took two weeks present case finishing display guns seized standoff fbi agent testified live rounds nearly spent casings found trial bundy testified plan take ownership refuge occupying period time turn local officials use saw fit bundy also testified occupiers carried guns would arrested immediately otherwise protect possible government attack bird sanctuary takeover drew sympathizers around west also drew protesters upset armed occupation preventing others using land included kieran suckling executive director center biological diversity suckling thursday called acquittals extremely disturbing anyone cares americas public lands rights native people heritage political system refuses bullied violence racism bundy clan followers peddle dangerous brand radicalism aimed taking lands owned us worry verdict emboldens kind intimidation rightwing violence underpins movement suckling said one ammon bundys attorneys morgan philpot different perspective watching mumford get tackled marshals liberty assaulted government supposed protect government prosecuted client unjustly jury found theres another oregon trial coming wildlife refuge authorities charged occupiers conspiracy eleven pleaded guilty another charge dropped seven defendants chose tried time trial scheduled begin feb | 1 |
Martist | 2016-10-28T15:53:00.520+03:00 | mike pence says shalom to israels republicans | published on jun by the rays of reason million verse now is the time for critical thinking minds to take another look inside your history books and turn to the pages that covers world war ii and focus your attention on the million jews verse yes million jews its a mantra you see not my point of view but a fact so dont get mad at me there were no gas chambers in any of the labor camps the victors wrote the story it needs to be revamped chorus you see the holocaust is not what it appears to be yes the holocaust needs to be looked at more carefully yes the holocaust is clearly a logistic impossibility yes the holocaust a cash cow that keeps making money verse million lies is what we are told at birth million lies it keeps growing and only gets worse they used it as a propaganda tool for zionist israel while forcing palestine to become a living hell repeats chorus then tag million million million lies million million million did not die its a mantra repeated over and over its time to end this now you see the holocaust is not what it appears to be words and music by john l niems copyright niemsongs pub bmi share this | english | | | bs | Fake | fdny rope rescue manhattan thalarm | posted october joe massprivatei streamed live hours ago ronpaullibertyreport fifteen years ago yesterday president george w bush signed patriot act law said necessary temporary response terrorist attacks since become permanent scar fourth amendment nationalsecurity state washington dc tells us danger ever working share | 1 |
The Funny Farmer | 2016-10-28T15:53:01.191+03:00 | plane carrying pence skids off runway at laguardia airport | yahoo news portland ore ap a jury delivered an extraordinary blow to the government thursday in a longrunning battle over the use of public lands when it acquitted all seven defendants involved in the armed occupation of a national wildlife refuge in rural southeastern oregon tumult erupted in the courtroom after the verdicts were read when an attorney for group leader ammon bundy demanded his client be immediately released repeatedly yelling at the judge us marshals tackled attorney marcus mumford to the ground used a stun gun on him several times and arrested him us district judge anna brown said she could not release bundy because he still faces charges in nevada stemming from an armed standoff at his father cliven bundys ranch two years ago the portland jury acquitted bundy his brother ryan bundy and five others of conspiring to impede federal workers from their jobs at the malheur national wildlife refuge miles southeast of portland even attorneys for the defendants were surprised by the acquittals its stunning its a stunning victory for the defense said robert salisbury attorney for defendant jeff banta im speechless said defendant neil wampler this is a tremendous victory for rural america and it is a welldeserved overwhelming defeat for a corrupt and predatory federal government the us attorney in oregon billy j williams issued a statement defending the decision to bring charges against the seven defendants we strongly believe that this case needed to be brought before a court publicly tried and decided by a jury a bundy daughter bailey logue said family members were savoring the victory and would begin friday to determine their next step first thing were going to get down on our knees and thank our heavenly father and were going to enjoy our families logue said tomorrow were going to figure out what were going to do next messages left for bundy family matriarch carol bundy in bunkerville nevada werent immediately returned the oregon case is a continuation of the tense standoff with federal officials at cliven bundys ranch in cliven ammon and ryan bundy are among those who are to go on trial in nevada early next year for that standoff while the charges in oregon accused defendants of preventing federal workers from getting to their workplace the case in nevada revolves around allegations of a more direct threat an armed standoff involving dozens of bundy backers pointing weapons including assaultstyle rifles at federal bureau of land management agents and contract cowboys rounding up cattle near the bundy ranch outside bunkerville daniel hill attorney for ammon bundy in the nevada case said he believed the acquittal in oregon bodes well for his client and the other defendants facing felony weapon conspiracy and other charges when the jury here hears the whole story i expect the same result hill told the associated press in las vegas hill also said hell seek his clients release from federal custody pending trial in nevada ammon bundy and his followers took over the oregon bird sanctuary on jan they objected to prison sentences handed down to dwight and steven hammond two local ranchers convicted of setting fires they demanded the government free the father and son and relinquish control of public lands to local officials the bundys and other key figures were arrested in a jan traffic stop outside the refuge that ended with police fatally shooting robert lavoy finicum an occupation spokesman most occupiers left after his death but four holdouts remained until feb when they surrendered following a lengthy negotiation federal prosecutors took two weeks to present their case finishing with a display of more than guns seized after the standoff an fbi agent testified that live rounds and nearly spent casings were found during trial bundy testified that the plan was to take ownership of the refuge by occupying it for a period of time and then turn it over to local officials to use as they saw fit bundy also testified that the occupiers carried guns because they would have been arrested immediately otherwise and to protect themselves against possible government attack the bird sanctuary takeover drew sympathizers from around the west it also drew a few protesters who were upset that the armed occupation was preventing others from using the land they included kieran suckling executive director of the center for biological diversity suckling on thursday called the acquittals extremely disturbing for anyone who cares about americas public lands the rights of native people and their heritage and a political system that refuses to be bullied by violence and racism the bundy clan and their followers peddle a dangerous brand of radicalism aimed at taking over lands owned by all of us i worry this verdict only emboldens the kind of intimidation and rightwing violence that underpins their movement suckling said one of ammon bundys attorneys morgan philpot had a different perspective after watching mumford get tackled by marshals his liberty was just assaulted by the very government that was supposed to protect it by the very government that just prosecuted his client unjustly as the jury found theres another oregon trial coming up over the wildlife refuge authorities had charged occupiers with conspiracy eleven pleaded guilty and another had the charge dropped seven defendants chose not to be tried at this time their trial is scheduled to begin feb | english | | | bs | Fake | million john niems authorised version | published oct daily sheeple joe joseph quickly discusses new system put place detroit international airport sixteen airports nationwide classic problem reaction solution make incredibly miserable travel people gladly give rights away convenience | 1 |
The Funny Farmer | 2016-10-28T15:53:03.735+03:00 | fdny rope rescue at manhattan thalarm | posted on october by joe from massprivatei streamed live hours ago by ronpaullibertyreport fifteen years ago yesterday president george w bush signed the patriot act into law it was said to be a necessary and temporary response to the terrorist attacks on it has since become a permanent scar on the fourth amendment and the nationalsecurity state in washington dc tells us we are in more danger than ever is this working share this | english | | | bs | Fake | jury acquits leaders oregon standoff federal charges | seattle times heres whats happening seattle times environment reporter lynda mapes times photographer alan berner ground end week report protests dakota access pipeline near bismarck nd hundreds protesters joined standing rock sioux tribe effort block construction pipeline say threatens water supplies sacred sites thursday protesters clashed police officers began push land owned pipeline developers hundred people arrested authorities said one woman allegedly fired shots officers placed arrest according north dakota department emergency services read primer whats going oil pipeline heres reading project regions history heres happened wednesday update pm hours protesters started clashing authorities thursday disturbance still going serious injuries reported numerous lawenforcement agencies involved addition morton county sheriffs department north dakota city county agencies responded well highway patrol also officers wisconsin south dakota wyoming minnesota nebraska indiana area bureau indian affairs assist tribal nations associated press captured video footage authorities making arrests earlier day associated press lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm morton county sheriffs department say people arrested total number arrests grown throughout day since authorities began pushing protesters private land owned pipeline developers department said protesters set fires numerous vehicles three pieces dakota access pipeline equipment bridge extent total damage unknown protesters also reportedly threw rocks bottles logs homemade firebombs officers also locked items people arrested suspicion reckless endangerment department said others arrested suspicion conspiracy endanger fire explosion engaging riot maintaining public nuisance according department lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm authorities operation earlier thursday move protesters private land pipeline developer owns included agencies six states well local area lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm authorities say people arrested pm pst donnell hushka spokeswoman morton county sheriffs department said morton county use jails house people arrested suspicion misdemeanors bond said facing felonies held initial court appearances earlier protesters started two fires bridge threw molotov cocktails authorities according north dakota department emergency services associated press lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm near clashing scene protesters authorities resulted dozen arrests thursday one woman allegedly firing shots officers residents nearby giving take demonstration ken wressler retired steelworker says glad move back house born working steel mill nearby mandan years earlier thursday standing porch morning coffee said doesnt much see sense blocking billion oil pipeline construction four states energy transfer partners dallas texas cuts swath freshlyturned ground mile house construction protected razor wire highway overpass reminder protests drawn international attention half hour wresslers house near standing rock sioux reservation aint bothered us st anthony wressler said im afraid something going happen worst going move going get moved said protesters encamped path construction said sheriff taken stronger stance beginning knows north dakota needs pipeline said former steel worker knows value oil industry first boom made tanks oil tanks tanks today good oil north dakota cant send somewhere want get arabs see many problems gave us good life wressler said faded town used two schools lumber yard grocery store post office bigger town mandan road sucked jobs population values roots feels deep ground father used work shed next wresslers house blacksmith fixing farmers tools pounded fixed everything moved throwaway scythes throwaway everything wresslers red plaid flannel shirt white plastic pearl snaps needed comfortable fall morning everybody wanted early winter pipeline people wanted indians would leave indians wanted couldnt put pipeline instead weve got shook visitors hands goodbye meaty hand lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm woman allegedly fired three shots law enforcement officers operation force protesters private land according north dakota department emergency services cecily fong spokeswoman department said woman placed arrest pulled caliber pistol fired narrowly missing sheriffs deputy officers return fire fong said wasnt immediately clear exactly incident happened authorities took woman custody popping noises crowd thought gunfire heard facebook live video produced atsa esha hoferer protests unclear whether video captures shooting incident reported police popping noises crowd thought gunfire heard facebook live video produced atsa esha hoferer dakota access pipeline protest update pm spokesman protesters said continue efforts block project despite forced camp thursday afternoon cody hall says protesters likely set new camp east federallyowned land thats also path construction main camp protesters land owned army corps engineers agency taken steps evict protesters camp citing free speech reasons thursdays eviction authorities targeted protesters private land owned pipeline developer law enforcement officers launched operation midday thursday wednesday demonstrators refused leave voluntarily camp hall believes wont easy move protesters new camp federal land associated press update pm authorities say ousted protesters camp set land owned pipeline developer morton county sheriff kyle kirchmeier says authorities maintain presence area keep protesters private land prevent blocking nearby highway late afternoon kirchmeier said camp secure though officers still dealing protesters surrounding area north dakota gov jack dalrymple said effort wellhandled start finish resulted serious injuries said protesters given ample time move didnt leave voluntarily needed dealt associated press update pm medics say treated tribal member hit atv well tribal members hit pepper spray also medics said helped tribal member hurt falling horse lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm estimated demonstrators still north camp dozen horses county road road protesters set area fire near bridge according morton county sheriffs office also burned tires highway office said prepared statement cass county sheriff paul laney said law enforcement methodical moving ahead slowly escalate situation lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm sixteen protesters arrested according morton county sheriffs department details arrests immediately available law enforcement officials using pepper spray beanbag shot guns concussion grenades mace move demonstrators camp sits private land also deployed long range acoustic devices lrad make piercing noises dakota access pipeline purchased private land complete nearly milelong pipeline lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm protesters set tractors fire ambulances standing rock tribe standing help protesters hurt clashes law enforcement lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm pacific time herd buffalo seen surging prairie bringing cheers demonstrators flowed ground like fast moving water finally disappearing distant hills meanwhile man named tubs northern ohio said maced four times struck club headed medical tent police allterrain vehicles chasing demonstrators horseback kicking cloud dust helicopter also pursued lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm alfred kills horse lakota nation said standing front lines shot bean bag shotgun water everything us dont understand chaos coming us drink water said dont want violence dont want get shot dont know way fighting us government hundreds years lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm protesters horseback galloping toward frontline demonstration wearing gas masks started advancing lines said dana yellow fat standing rock sioux tribal councilman opened big gash man lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm police advancing armoredpersonnel vehicle atvs campers surrounded outnumbered seven empty buses en route police move protesters locked onto pickup truck pepper sprayed get pickup officer said megaphone lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm police continue work clear protesters camp land owned dakota access pipeline developer lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm darryl lies douglas north dakota said came standoff violation private property rights use one right trample another abuse godgiven countrygiven rights lies president north dakota farm bureau using first amendment right trample private property rights said lies said protests harmed relationship farmers ranchers tribe want go away said trent loos loup city nebraska said protesters crossed line went onto private property sheriff executed rights caved federal pressure said lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm police continue push demonstrators south highway toward protesters main camp half mile away frontline camp owned pipeline developers opponents began moving camp path construction last weekend first arrest thursday made police encircle camp moving closer closer foot foot need much people possible started spraying pepper spray pushing tents said devin blackcloud standing rock tribal member one budging people willing arrested campers running police pursued lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update pm police moving protesters south highway megaphone police saying please move south going sound alert tone guys close vehicles please move want arrest anyone moving forward feet line demonstrators formed facing oncoming riot gearclad officers armoredpersonnel carrier police also fanned surrounding fields many standing short distance away hill lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update back main camp south confrontation police mood hushed subdued black smoke still rising highway barricade set fire camp dogs begun howling times photographer alan berner cut head barbed wire flurry activity earlier medics assisted wound cleaned declined stitches staples headed back front line demonstrations near property owned pipeline developers lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update field medics arrived scene faceoff protesters riot gearclad police lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update helicopter circling low police armoredpersonnel carriers riot gear moving showdown coming lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update police officers riot gear ordered protesters leave camp erected private property protesters set aflame barricade built highway thick black smoke billowed blockade children taken back main protester camp nearby us army corps engineers property bulldozers ready lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update morton county sheriffs office warned protesters new camp erected property owned pipeline developers leave arrested one leaving demonstrators rushing front line protest helicopter circling overhead police officer shouted megaphone protesters take personal belongings leave walk main camp pen road block hurt need come hands raised come onto road go field approach us horses approach us vehicles protesters locking arms praying drumming burning sage waiting arrested disperse arrested north dakota laws police ordered protesters sing live videos scene show line officers approaching protesters highway blockade appeared set fire thick black smoke billowed barricade cops walking toward nodapl dapl pictwittercomfkhkrpset wes enzinna wesenzinna october lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter update dakota access pipeline slicing four states u also creates smalltown divisions business owners near protest camp plenty say subject declined give names publicly though fear sending away customers tiny town solen standing rock sioux reservation half hours drive protest camps business owners walking difficult line instance nonindian garage owner married sioux woman sides opponents finds whole controversy nuisance think people around native nonnative would like see end big inconvenience traffic cops pipeline north dakota oilproducing state said safest way transport home dividing line clear convinced pipeline going break people going die said wife shes got view ive got mine dirt road main highway last chance saloon decorated branding irons large longhorn cattle horns solid advice bumper sticker stuck wall doubt let horse talking barkeeper age similarly opinionated couple yet circumspect wish would end im sick said pouring fresh coffee visitors styrofoam cups keep coming lifelong resident farming hamlet comes clean bar every day son mind counter slow hours else going sit look window like stay busy coffee hot fresh free wouldnt take payment outoftown visitors dont make argue said nearby residents fear pipeline protests turn violent like ken ressler st anthony nd whos worried someone hurt ken ressler st anthony nd worried protests become violent alan berner seattle times outside st anthony dakota access pipeline ground guarded razor wire billion pipeline percent complete dakota access pipeline north dakota halfway finished lynda mapes seattle times update protests billion oilpipeline project draw people around country standing rock sioux developers dakota access pipeline also clashing court key legal issues dave archambault ii chairman standing rock sioux tribe oct washington dc federal appealscourt judges heard tribes argument emergency halt construction dakota access pipeline request denied oct jessica gresko associated press file update morton county sheriff kyle kirchmeier lawenforcement officials confronted protesters new camp wednesday requesting demonstrators remove roadblock highway camp private property protesters refused protesters escalated unlawful behavior weekend trespassing onto private property establishing encampment forced law enforcement respond kirchmeier said news release cant stress enough public safety issue protesters blocking county roads blocking state highways trespassing private property roy murphy muckleshoot indian tribe standing rock encampment since aug says staying pipeline defeated tent shared two others winterized roy murphy muckleshoot tribe protesting standing rock sioux tribe dakota access pipeline north dakota alan berner seattle times roy murphy muckleshoot indian tribe arrived standing rock encampment aug says staying pipeline defeated lynda mapes seattle times update standing rock sioux tribe battle dakota access pipeline recalls bitter history tribe want repeated want protect land want protect water said dave archambault ii tribal chairman concerns interests dont matter treated years roaming great plains living teepees hunting buffalo sioux leaders sitting bull red cloud crazy horse household names bloodiest battles wounded knee custers last stand history sioux people united states one broken promises seizing land white settlement gold mining development lands reserved indians sole use peace treaties supposed highest law land read standing rock sioux tribe lost ancestral lands broken treaties theft | 1 |
Hal Apeeno | 2016-10-28T15:53:05.074+03:00 | million john niems authorised version | published on oct by the daily sheeple joe joseph quickly discusses a new system being put in place at detroit international airport and sixteen other airports nationwide this is classic problem reaction solution where they make it so incredibly miserable to travel that people will gladly give their rights away for convenience | english | | | bs | Fake | patriot act feel safer | cbc news large map slogan pray redoubt hangs behind till warren campbells army surplus store located outside coeur dalene idaho campbell moved family california year half ago part believes us economy verge collapse also get god less government life live around likeminded people american redoubt stronghold last bastion god country liberty constitution second amendment home schooling said warren campbell inside army surplus store redoubt surplus tactical near coeur dalene idaho erin collinscbc redoubt littleused military term refers temporary fortification american redoubt movement unofficial geographic zone includes idaho wyoming montana eastern parts washington oregon term coined survivalist james wesley rawles identified region best place wait disaster us natural economic political rawles sees redoubt place mostly conservative christian americans worried future move prepare worst goal create safe likeminded americans many refer preppers live land selfsufficient wait calamities come holy cause liberty past tactical gear hallway back redoubt surplus tactical youll find pastor warren campbells venture lordship church adorned military garb sporting abe lincolnstyle beard campbell sets folding metal chairs get ready weekend service three dozen people usually come hear preach love preach liberty holy cause liberty george washington called liberty sacred fire liberties dear us especially liberties jesus christ pastor warren campbell inside makeshift church connected army surplus store northern idaho erin collinscbc campbell says hes met dozens people recently moved area mostly california colorado theyre frustrated feel government overreach including rising taxes stiffer gun regulations affordable care act obamacare says hell likely vote republican presidential candidate donald trump nov primarily believes hillary clinton administration would erode religious freedoms right bear arms despite polls campbell believes trump win doesnt expects redoubt get lot crowded think see great influx people seeing right multiplying thousands coming safety refuge mudslinging scandal defined us presidential campaign perhaps shouldnt surprising theres talk political migration election cycle democrats including several celebrities threatened move canada candidate lose folks redoubt suspect plenty trump supporters consider move candidate loses although quite far north people want feel safe short drive away customers peruse display cases ed santoss busy post falls gun shop shooting range theyre served staff wearing side arms show everything handguns automatic weapons american redoubt stronghold last bastion god country liberty constitution second amendment home schooling warren campbell owner redoubt surplus tactical santos says many people coming shop days new arrivals looking fresh start quieter peaceful life many things attracted wife area things attracting people today people want live place feels like community people want feel safe go night santos former army officer cop minor pro hockey referee says facility signing new members every day many vast majority fact area ed santos fires pistol inside gun range attached port falls idaho gun shop kilometres east search safety community drew chuck leveque wife wooded property isolated foothills flathead county mont former las vegas vice cop says biggest worry terrorists could knock americas electrical grid leveque opens creaky doors large shipping container yard show hes prepared threat fuel storage container tank gallons diesel tank gallons nonethanol regular gasoline fuel run leveques generator event prolonged power outage says hes stored enough food water wife survive four years leveque believes also need protect hes stored less prepared like many people redoubt stockpiled weapons ammunition chuck leveque opens sea lift container holds two tanks fuel run generator case power grid goes erin collinscbc us montana particular gun culture event large catastrophe would need guns defend people would want take property preparedness stores meantime worries countrys political economic power waning saddled much debt political system ground halt problem expects get worse presidential campaign matter way election turns going lot angst either side canning bullion bullets inside nondescript industrial mall near kalispell mont dj lebaron puts finishing touches dehydrated eggs inside store big sky preppers lebaron originally southern alberta provides survival products training including everything gold bullion bullets want pack tight dont sound like bullets somebody shakes said lebaron life redoubt hoping best preparing worst mantra adopted working fema americas disaster management agency earthquake rocked san francisco bay area bad things happen people called friends years longer friends said people cold tired hungry forget friendships biggest worry natural disaster like earthquake flood disrupt normal life america says growing uncertainty americas political economic future close second says trump presents conservatives redoubt difficult choice election people voting going voting trump people dont want trump nobody control worried guess call manmade disaster expects divisions presidential campaign reinforced across country remain long election feed americans desire retreat redoubt much division schism united states today people literally side fence | 1 |
JENO | 2016-10-28T15:53:08.164+03:00 | jury acquits leaders of oregon standoff of federal charges | seattle times
heres whats happening seattle times environment reporter lynda mapes and times photographer alan berner are on the ground through the end of the week to report on protests of the dakota access pipeline near bismarck nd hundreds of protesters have joined the standing rock sioux tribe in their effort to block construction of the pipeline they say threatens water supplies and sacred sites on thursday protesters clashed with police officers who began to push them from land owned by the pipeline developers more than hundred people were arrested authorities said one woman allegedly fired shots at officers while being placed under arrest according to the north dakota department of emergency services read our primer on whats going on with the oil pipeline and heres what were reading about the project and the regions history heres what happened on wednesday
update pm
more than hours after protesters started clashing with authorities thursday the disturbance is still going no serious injuries have been reported
numerous lawenforcement agencies are involved in addition to the morton county sheriffs department other north dakota city and county agencies have responded as well as the highway patrol also officers from wisconsin south dakota wyoming minnesota nebraska and indiana are in the area
the bureau of indian affairs is here to assist tribal nations
the associated press captured this video footage of authorities making arrests earlier in the day
the associated press and lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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the morton county sheriffs department now say people have been arrested
the total number of arrests has grown throughout the day since authorities began pushing protesters from private land owned by the pipeline developers
the department said protesters set fires to numerous vehicles three pieces of dakota access pipeline equipment and a bridge the extent of total damage was unknown protesters also reportedly threw rocks bottles logs and homemade firebombs at officers they also locked themselves to items
some people were arrested on suspicion of reckless endangerment the department said others were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to endanger by fire or explosion engaging in a riot and maintaining a public nuisance according to the department
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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authorities operation earlier thursday to move protesters off private land which the pipeline developer owns included agencies from six states as well as from the local area
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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authorities say people have been arrested as of pm pst
donnell hushka a spokeswoman for the morton county sheriffs department said morton county will use other jails to house people
those who were arrested on suspicion of misdemeanors can bond out she said but those facing felonies will be held for initial court appearances
earlier protesters started two fires on a bridge and threw molotov cocktails at authorities according to the north dakota department of emergency services
the associated press and lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
update pm
near the clashing scene between protesters and authorities which resulted in more than a dozen arrests thursday and one woman allegedly firing shots at officers residents nearby are giving their take on the demonstration
ken wressler a retired steelworker says he was glad to move back into the house in which he was born here after working in the steel mill in nearby mandan for more than years
earlier thursday standing on his porch to have his morning coffee he said he doesnt much see the sense of blocking the billion oil pipeline under construction through four states by energy transfer partners of dallas texas it cuts a swath of freshlyturned ground just a mile from his house
the construction is protected by razor wire on a highway overpass a reminder of the protests that have drawn international attention about a half hour from wresslers house near the standing rock sioux reservation
they aint bothered us here in st anthony wressler said but im afraid something is going to happen for the worst if they are not going to move and they are going to get moved he said of protesters now encamped in the path of construction he said the sheriff should have taken a stronger stance from the beginning but who knows
north dakota needs the pipeline he said as a former steel worker he knows the value of the oil industry
during the first boom in we made tanks and more oil tanks and more tanks today what good is oil to north dakota if we cant send it somewhere what do we want to get it from the arabs we see how many problems that gave us
its been a good life wressler said in this faded town that used to have two schools a lumber yard grocery store and a post office the bigger town of mandan up the road sucked off the jobs and population but he values the roots he feels deep in this ground his father used to work in the shed next to his wresslers house as a blacksmith fixing farmers tools he pounded and fixed everything until they moved to throwaway scythes throwaway everything
wresslers red plaid flannel shirt with white plastic pearl snaps was all he needed to be comfortable on this fall morning everybody wanted an early winter the pipeline people wanted it so the indians would leave the indians wanted it so they couldnt put in the pipeline instead weve got this
he shook his visitors hands goodbye with a meaty hand
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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a woman allegedly fired three shots at law enforcement officers during their operation to force protesters off private land according to the north dakota department of emergency services
cecily fong a spokeswoman for the department said the woman was being placed under arrest when she pulled out a caliber pistol and fired narrowly missing a sheriffs deputy officers did not return fire fong said
it wasnt immediately clear exactly when the incident happened
authorities took the woman in to custody
popping noises that some in the crowd thought was gunfire can be heard in this facebook live video produced by atsa esha hoferer during the protests its unclear whether this video captures the shooting incident reported by police popping noises that some in the crowd thought was gunfire can be heard in this facebook live video produced by atsa esha hoferer during the dakota access pipeline protest
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a spokesman for protesters said they will continue efforts to block the project despite being forced from a camp thursday afternoon
cody hall says protesters likely will set up a new camp to the east on federallyowned land thats also in the path of construction
the main camp of the protesters is on land owned by the army corps of engineers that agency has taken no steps to evict protesters from that camp citing free speech reasons
thursdays eviction by authorities targeted protesters on private land owned by the pipeline developer about law enforcement officers launched the operation midday thursday on wednesday the demonstrators refused to leave voluntarily from the camp
hall believes it wont be as easy to move the protesters off a new camp if its on federal land
the associated press
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authorities say they have ousted the protesters from a camp they had set up on land owned by the pipeline developer
morton county sheriff kyle kirchmeier says authorities will maintain a presence in the area to keep protesters off private land and prevent them from blocking a nearby highway
late in the afternoon kirchmeier said the camp was secure though officers were still dealing with some protesters in the surrounding area
north dakota gov jack dalrymple said the effort was wellhandled from start to finish and resulted in no serious injuries he said the protesters were given more than ample time to move on their own and that those who didnt leave voluntarily needed to be dealt with as we have
the associated press
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medics say they have treated a tribal member who was hit by an atv as well as tribal members who were hit by pepper spray
also medics said they have helped a tribal member who was hurt by a falling horse
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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an estimated demonstrators are still at the north camp and about more with a dozen horses are at county road
on that road protesters have set an area on fire near a bridge according to the morton county sheriffs office they also have burned tires on highway the office said
in a prepared statement cass county sheriff paul laney said law enforcement has been very methodical in moving ahead slowly so as not to escalate the situation
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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sixteen protesters have been arrested according to the morton county sheriffs department no further details on the arrests were immediately available
law enforcement officials are using pepper spray beanbag shot guns concussion grenades and mace to move the demonstrators out of a camp that sits on private land they have also deployed long range acoustic devices lrad which make piercing noises
the dakota access pipeline purchased the private land to complete its nearly milelong pipeline
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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protesters have set tractors on fire
ambulances from the standing rock tribe are standing by to help protesters hurt in the clashes with law enforcement
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
update pm pacific time
a herd of buffalo was seen surging over the prairie bringing cheers from the demonstrators they flowed over the ground like fast moving water finally disappearing over the distant hills
meanwhile a man named tubs of northern ohio said he was maced four times and struck with a club he headed to the medical tent
police on allterrain vehicles are chasing demonstrators on horseback kicking up a cloud of dust a helicopter also pursued
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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alfred kills his horse of the lakota nation said he was standing on the front lines and was shot by a bean bag from a shotgun
the water is everything to us i dont understand why this chaos is coming to us we all drink water he said i dont want the violence i dont want to get shot we dont know any other way we have been fighting the us government for hundreds of years
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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protesters on horseback are galloping toward the frontline of the demonstration wearing gas masks
they started advancing on our lines said dana yellow fat standing rock sioux tribal councilman they opened up a big gash on a man
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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police are advancing with armoredpersonnel vehicle and atvs campers are surrounded and outnumbered seven empty buses are en route while police move in
some protesters have locked themselves onto a pickup truck
you will be pepper sprayed if you do not get off of the pickup an officer said through a megaphone
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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police continue to work to clear the protesters camp on land owned by the dakota access pipeline developer
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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darryl lies from douglas north dakota said he came to the standoff because of the violation of private property rights and the use of one right to trample another is an abuse of our godgiven and our countrygiven rights
lies is president of the north dakota farm bureau they are using the first amendment right to trample private property rights he said
lies said the protests have harmed the relationship between farmers and ranchers and the tribe
we just want this to go away he said
trent loos of loup city nebraska said the protesters crossed the line when they went onto private property
the sheriff has executed his rights as he should he has not caved to federal pressure he said
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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police continue to push demonstrators south down the highway toward the protesters main camp about a half mile away the frontline camp is owned by pipeline developers opponents began moving the camp there in the path of construction last weekend
the first arrest on thursday was made there as police encircle the camp moving closer and closer foot by foot
we need as much people as possible they started spraying pepper spray they are pushing tents down said devin blackcloud a standing rock tribal member no one is budging there are people willing to be arrested
some campers are running police pursued
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
update pm
police are moving protesters south on highway over the megaphone police are saying please move to the south i am going to sound the alert tone you guys are too close to the vehicles please move we do not want to arrest anyone we are moving forward a few feet
a line of demonstrators has formed facing the oncoming riot gearclad officers and their armoredpersonnel carrier police are also fanned out in the surrounding fields and many more are standing by a short distance away up the hill
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
update am
back at the main camp south of the confrontation with police the mood is hushed subdued black smoke is still rising from the highway barricade that was set on fire the camp dogs have begun howling
times photographer alan berner cut his head on barbed wire during the flurry of activity earlier medics assisted and his wound was cleaned he declined stitches or staples and is headed back to the front line of demonstrations near the property owned by the pipeline developers
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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field medics have arrived to the scene of the faceoff between protesters and riot gearclad police
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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a helicopter is circling low police in armoredpersonnel carriers and in riot gear are moving in and a showdown is coming
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
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police officers in riot gear ordered protesters to leave their camp erected on private property the protesters then set aflame the barricade they had built on the highway thick black smoke billowed from the blockade
children were being taken back to the main protester camp nearby on us army corps of engineers property bulldozers are at the ready
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
update am
the morton county sheriffs office has warned protesters at their new camp erected on property owned by the pipeline developers to leave or be arrested no one is leaving demonstrators are rushing to the front line of the protest a helicopter is circling overhead
a police officer shouted over a megaphone over and over that protesters should take their personal belongings and leave walk to the main camp pen the road block we will not hurt you you need to come out with your hands raised come onto the road do not go into the field do not approach us with horses do not approach us with vehicles
protesters are locking arms praying and drumming and burning sage waiting to be arrested
disperse now or you will be arrested under north dakota laws police ordered as protesters sing
live videos from the scene show a line of officers approaching the protesters highway blockade which appeared to have been set on fire thick black smoke billowed from the barricade this is what cops are walking toward on nodapl dapl pictwittercomfkhkrpset
wes enzinna wesenzinna october
lynda mapes seattle times environment reporter
update am
the dakota access pipeline slicing through four states of the u s also creates smalltown divisions where some business owners near the protest camp have plenty to say on the subject they declined to give their names publicly though for fear of sending away customers
in the tiny town of solen which is on the standing rock sioux reservation and about a half hours drive from the protest camps some business owners are walking a difficult line
for instance a nonindian garage owner is married to a sioux woman who sides with the opponents while he finds the whole controversy a nuisance
i think most of the people around here native and nonnative would like to see it end its a big inconvenience all the traffic the cops i am for the pipeline north dakota is an oilproducing state he said and its the safest way to transport it
at home the dividing line is clear she is convinced the pipeline is going to break and people are going to die he said of his wife shes got her view and ive got mine
up the dirt road off the main highway is the last chance saloon decorated with branding irons large longhorn cattle horns and solid advice on a bumper sticker stuck on the wall when in doubt let your horse do the talking
the barkeeper age was similarly opinionated with the couple yet circumspect
i wish it would end im sick of it she said pouring fresh coffee for visitors into styrofoam cups and they keep coming more and more
a lifelong resident of this farming hamlet she comes in to clean the bar every day for her son and mind the counter during the slow hours
what else am i going to do sit and look out the window i like to stay busy
as for the coffee it was hot fresh and free she wouldnt take payment no not from outoftown visitors
dont make me argue she said
other nearby residents fear the pipeline protests will turn violent like ken ressler of st anthony nd whos worried someone will be hurt ken ressler in st anthony nd is worried the protests will become violent alan berner the seattle times
just outside st anthony the dakota access pipeline is in the ground and guarded by razor wire the billion pipeline is about percent complete the dakota access pipeline in north dakota is more than halfway finished lynda mapes the seattle times
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while protests against the billion oilpipeline project draw people from around the country the standing rock sioux and developers of the dakota access pipeline are also clashing in court here are the key legal issues dave archambault ii chairman of the standing rock sioux tribe on oct in washington dc where federal appealscourt judges heard his tribes argument for an emergency halt to construction of the dakota access pipeline the request was denied oct jessica gresko the associated press file
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morton county sheriff kyle kirchmeier and other lawenforcement officials confronted protesters at their new camp wednesday requesting that the demonstrators remove their roadblock on highway and their camp on private property
the protesters refused
protesters escalated unlawful behavior this weekend of trespassing onto private property and establishing an encampment has forced law enforcement to respond kirchmeier said in a news release i cant stress it enough this is a public safety issue we can not have protesters blocking county roads blocking state highways or trespassing on private property
roy murphy of the muckleshoot indian tribe has been at the standing rock encampment since aug and says he is staying until the pipeline is defeated his tent shared with two others is winterized roy murphy of the muckleshoot tribe on why he is protesting with the standing rock sioux tribe against the dakota access pipeline in north dakota alan berner the seattle times roy murphy of the muckleshoot indian tribe arrived at the standing rock encampment on aug he says he is staying until the pipeline is defeated lynda mapes the seattle times
update am
for the standing rock sioux tribe the battle over the dakota access pipeline recalls a bitter history the tribe does not want repeated
we want to protect our land and we want to protect our water said dave archambault ii tribal chairman our concerns and interests dont matter and this is how we have been treated for over years
once roaming the great plains living in teepees and hunting buffalo the sioux leaders such as sitting bull red cloud and crazy horse are household names their bloodiest battles are too wounded knee custers last stand
the history of the sioux people and the united states is one of broken promises and seizing land for white settlement gold mining and development those lands were reserved for the indians sole use in peace treaties that were supposed to be the highest law of the land
read more about how the standing rock sioux tribe has lost ancestral lands in broken treaties and in theft | english | | | bs | Fake | news shot detroit airport uses new system control travelers | global research aljazeera ramallah occupied west bank enas taha resident palestinian village kafr aldeek occupied west bank become desperate since water crisis started june municipality able supply water one hour twice week taha told al jazeera checking weather forecast every day announced rain three weeks ago come yet thing pray god many west bank communities facing similar problems amid acute water shortage lasted months salfit jenin hebron governorates villages gone long days row without running water midjuly residents bethlehem area staged sitin days protest shortages sparking clashes palestinian youths israeli forces stressful situation consider prioritise every single drop water use taha said barely enough drink cook shower use bathroom sometimes dont laundry clean house weeks hot dusty exhausting enas taha shows garden turned brown due severe water shortages since june eloise bollackal jazeera palestinians joked water bill collector comes homes often water demand rises cost drinking water skyrocketed families spending percent meagre incomes purchase israel implements policy water cuts summer year reached unprecedented peak early june israeli water company mekorot informed palestinian water authority pwa summertime supply cuts totalling percent cuts dramatic remain effect today month official end summer regular contact mekorot find solution constantly give us different excuses increase demand rising temperature etc deeb abdelghafour pwas director water resources department told al jazeera notion region suffering water scarcity myth added facing shortages decades reason natural manmade meaning israeli occupation israeli control water resources palestinian territories israeli officials stated water resources shared equally israel occupied palestinian territories israels coordinator government activities territories unit israeli army noted israel provides million cubic metres water palestinians annually even though obliged provide million oslo accords however disparity evident lush gardens parks swimming pools illegal israeli settlements key difference palestinian villages west bank connected national water grid relying instead local underground supplies palestinians living remote areas hit hardest ongoing water crisis access roads often poor additional costs delivery result higher prices need special trucks drive unpaved roads take two hours reach communities said hafez hureini resident attuwani village leader south hebron hills popular committee taha shows empty beehives last year bees could produce honey bees died due lack water enough flowers eloise bollackal jazeera summer israeli media reported illegal jewish settlements west bank also suffering daily disruptions water supplies prompting israeli government establish new drilling site ariel would provide cubic metres water per hour abdelrahman tamimi director palestinian hydrology group water environmental resources development said water needed wells drilled important demand north south jenin south hebron northwest jordan valley ariel wonder hydrologist already well simply improve capacity measure definitely designed supply palestinian communities tamimi told al jazeera meantime israel accused palestinians tapping pipes israeli water authority asserting cubic metres water stolen every day palestinians aware water theft however ask people stealing water simply thirsty abdelghafour said time increased water demands owing growing israeli palestinian populations stretching limits existing water infrastructure water network installed israel occupied west bank today diameters pipes inadequate system reaching end life cycle even upgrade infrastructure area b headache abdelghafour said israel impose long complicated procedures order issue permits import smallest pieces equipment data released israeli water authority shows large expansion agriculture settlements led estimated rise percent water consumption year palestinian authority solution water crisis opinion israel used summer put pressure us purchase desalinated water allocate groundwater settlements future expansion tamimi said since five desalination plants built israel producing approximately percent countrys water supply dont want substitute water desalination plants historical rights shared water resources abdelghafour said basic rights based equitable allocation resources international law think development options desalination treatment waste water original source article al jazeera | 1 |
Joe from MassPrivateI | 2016-10-28T16:08:48.284+03:00 | patriot act at do you feel safer | cbc news
a large map with the slogan pray for the redoubt hangs behind the till at warren campbells army surplus store located just outside coeur dalene idaho
campbell moved his family from california about a year and a half ago in part because he believes the us economy is on the verge of collapse but also to get more god and less government in his life and to live around likeminded people
the american redoubt is a stronghold its the last bastion for god country liberty constitution second amendment and home schooling he said warren campbell inside his army surplus store redoubt surplus and tactical near coeur dalene idaho erin collinscbc
a redoubt is a littleused military term that refers to a temporary fortification the american redoubt is both a movement and an unofficial geographic zone that includes idaho wyoming montana and the eastern parts of washington and oregon
the term was coined in by survivalist james wesley rawles who identified the region as the best place to wait out a disaster in the us be it natural economic or political
rawles sees the redoubt as a place where mostly conservative christian americans who are worried about the future should move and prepare for the worst the goal is to create a safe haven where likeminded americans many of whom refer to themselves as preppers can live off the land be more selfsufficient and wait out the calamities to come the holy cause of liberty
past the tactical gear and through a hallway at the back of redoubt surplus and tactical youll find pastor warren campbells other venture the lordship church
adorned in military garb and sporting an abe lincolnstyle beard campbell sets out folding metal chairs to get ready for his weekend service where about three dozen people usually come to hear him preach
we love to preach on liberty the holy cause of liberty george washington called liberty a sacred fire and our liberties are very very dear to us especially the liberties we have in jesus christ pastor warren campbell inside his makeshift church connected to his army surplus store in northern idaho erin collinscbc
campbell says hes met dozens of people who have recently moved to the area mostly from california and colorado because theyre frustrated with what they feel is government overreach including rising taxes stiffer gun regulations and the affordable care act or obamacare
he says hell likely vote for republican presidential candidate donald trump on nov primarily because he believes a hillary clinton administration would erode religious freedoms and the right to bear arms
and despite the polls campbell believes trump will win if he doesnt he expects the redoubt will get a lot more crowded
i think we will see a great influx of people more than we are seeing right now multiplying by thousands coming here for safety and refuge
with all the mudslinging and scandal that has defined this us presidential campaign perhaps it shouldnt be surprising theres talk of political migration
once again this election cycle some democrats including several celebrities have threatened to move to canada should their candidate lose
folks in the redoubt suspect plenty of trump supporters will consider a move of their own if their candidate loses although not quite as far north people want to feel safe
a short drive away customers peruse the display cases at ed santoss busy post falls gun shop and shooting range theyre served by staff wearing side arms who show off everything from handguns to automatic weapons
the american redoubt is a stronghold its the last bastion for god country liberty constitution second amendment and home schooling warren campbell owner of redoubt surplus and tactical
santos says many of the people coming through his shop these days are new arrivals looking for a fresh start and a quieter more peaceful life
many of the things that attracted my wife and i to this area are the same things that are attracting people today people want to live in a place that feels like a community people want to feel safe when they go out at night
santos a former army officer cop and minor pro hockey referee says the facility is signing up new members every day and many of them the vast majority of them in fact are from out of this area ed santos fires a pistol inside the gun range attached to his port falls idaho gun shop
more than kilometres east that search for safety and community drew chuck leveque and his wife to a wooded property in the isolated foothills of flathead county mont
the former las vegas vice cop says his biggest worry is that terrorists could knock out americas electrical grid
leveque opens the creaky doors of a large shipping container in his yard to show how hes prepared for the threat
this is our fuel storage container and we have a tank with gallons of diesel and a tank with gallons of nonethanol regular gasoline
the fuel will run leveques generator in the event of a prolonged power outage he says hes stored enough food and water for him and his wife to survive for up to four years
but leveque believes he will also need to protect what hes stored from those who are less prepared so like many people here in the redoubt he has stockpiled weapons and ammunition too chuck leveque opens up the sea lift container that holds two tanks of fuel to run his generator in case the power grid goes down erin collinscbc
the us and montana in particular is a gun culture and in the event of a large catastrophe we would need the guns to defend ourselves against people who would want to take our property and our preparedness stores
in the meantime he worries the countrys political and economic power is waning saddled with too much debt and a political system that has ground to a halt
its a problem he expects will get worse after the presidential campaign
no matter which way the election turns out there is going to be a lot of angst by either side canning bullion and bullets
inside a nondescript industrial mall near kalispell mont dj lebaron puts the finishing touches on a can of dehydrated eggs inside his store big sky preppers
lebaron who is originally from southern alberta provides survival products and training including how to can everything from gold bullion to bullets
you want to pack them tight so that they dont sound like bullets if somebody shakes it he said
for lebaron life in the redoubt is about hoping for the best and preparing for the worst its a mantra he adopted while working with fema americas disaster management agency during the earthquake that rocked the san francisco bay area in
when bad things happen people that you have called your friends for years are no longer your friends he said when people are cold tired and hungry they forget all about friendships
his biggest worry is that a natural disaster like an earthquake or flood will disrupt normal life in america but he says the growing uncertainty about americas political and economic future is a close second
he says trump presents conservatives in the redoubt with a difficult choice this election
people if they are voting are going to be voting for trump but people dont want trump because nobody can control him and they are worried about what he will do so i guess i will call that a manmade disaster
he expects the divisions this presidential campaign has reinforced across the country will remain long after the election and will feed some americans desire to retreat to the redoubt
there is very much a division or a schism in the united states today where people are literally which side of the fence are you on | english | | | bs | Fake | shots reportedly fired arrested dakota access pipeline protests | listen player listen smart phone click link httplistenspacialcomapilistensidmethodsc ask want download execute click execute next screen complete action using click google play music get together chat room pub | 1 |
Joe from MassPrivateI | 2016-10-28T16:08:51.123+03:00 | news shot detroit airport uses new system to control travelers | global research by aljazeera
ramallah occupied west bank enas taha a resident of the palestinian village of kafr aldeek in the occupied west bank has become desperate
since the water crisis started in june the municipality has been able to supply water for only one hour twice a week taha told al jazeera i am checking the weather forecast every day they announced rain three weeks ago but it has not come yet the only thing i can do is to pray to god
many west bank communities are facing similar problems amid an acute water shortage that has lasted for months in the salfit jenin and hebron governorates some villages have gone as long as days in a row without running water
in midjuly residents in the bethlehem area staged a sitin for days to protest against the shortages sparking clashes between palestinian youths and israeli forces
it is a very stressful situation i have to consider and prioritise every single drop of water i use taha said we have barely enough to drink cook shower and use the bathroom sometimes i dont do the laundry or clean the house for weeks it is hot and dusty this is exhausting enas taha shows her garden which has turned brown due to the severe water shortages since june eloise bollackal jazeera
some palestinians have joked that the water bill collector comes to their homes more often than water as demand rises the cost of drinking water has skyrocketed with some families spending up to percent of their meagre incomes to purchase it
israel implements a policy of water cuts each summer but this year it reached an unprecedented peak in early june israeli water company mekorot informed the palestinian water authority pwa of summertime supply cuts totalling more than percent and the cuts while not as dramatic remain in effect today more than a month after the official end of summer
we are in regular contact with mekorot to find a solution but they constantly give us different excuses such as the increase in demand rising temperature etc deeb abdelghafour the pwas director of the water resources department told al jazeera
the notion that the region is suffering from water scarcity is a myth he added
we have been facing shortages for decades and the reason is not natural but manmade meaning the israeli occupation and israeli control over water resources in the palestinian territories
israeli officials have stated that water resources are shared equally in israel and the occupied palestinian territories israels coordinator of government activities in the territories a unit in the israeli army noted that israel provides million cubic metres of water to the palestinians annually even though it is only obliged to provide million under the oslo accords
however disparity is evident in the lush gardens parks and swimming pools in illegal israeli settlements the key difference is that palestinian villages in the west bank are not connected to the national water grid relying instead on local underground supplies
palestinians living in remote areas have been hit the hardest by the ongoing water crisis as access roads are often poor and the additional costs of delivery result in higher prices
we need special trucks to drive on the unpaved roads and it can take up to two hours to reach the communities said hafez hureini a resident of attuwani village and leader of the south hebron hills popular committee taha shows her empty beehives last year we had bees so we could produce our own honey but all the bees died due to lack of water there are not enough flowers eloise bollackal jazeera
over the summer israeli media reported that illegal jewish settlements in the west bank were also suffering from daily disruptions to water supplies prompting the israeli government to establish a new drilling site ariel which would provide cubic metres of water per hour
abdelrahman tamimi director of the palestinian hydrology group for water and environmental resources development said that this was not where water was needed the most
the wells should be drilled where there is important demand such as north and south of jenin south of hebron or northwest of the jordan valley why in ariel i wonder as a hydrologist there is already a well there they can simply improve its capacity this measure was definitely not designed to supply palestinian communities tamimi told al jazeera
in the meantime israel has accused palestinians of tapping into pipes with the israeli water authority asserting that cubic metres of water is stolen every day by palestinians
we are aware there is water theft however we should ask ourselves why are the people stealing water simply because they are thirsty abdelghafour said
at the same time increased water demands owing to growing israeli and palestinian populations is stretching the limits of existing water infrastructure most of the water network was installed in when israel occupied the west bank today the diameters of the pipes are inadequate and the system is reaching the end of its life cycle
even to upgrade infrastructure in area a and b is a headache abdelghafour said they israel impose long and complicated procedures in order to issue permits to import the smallest pieces or equipment
data released by the israeli water authority shows that a large expansion in agriculture in the settlements has led to an estimated rise of to percent in water consumption this year
the palestinian authority has no solution for the water crisis in my opinion israel has used this summer to put more pressure on us to purchase desalinated water so they can allocate groundwater for the settlements and their future expansion tamimi said
since five desalination plants have been built in israel now producing approximately percent of the countrys water supply
we dont want to substitute water from desalination plants for our historical rights to all shared water resources abdelghafour said once we have our basic rights based on equitable allocation of resources and international law then we can think of other development options such as desalination or treatment of waste water the original source of this article is al jazeera | english | | | bs | Fake | hoping best preparing worst look inside american redoubt movement | oregon live juror vigorously defends acrosstheboard acquittals ammon bundy six codefendants calling rulings statement prosecutions failure prove fundamental elements conspiracy charge fulltime marylhurst university business administration student juror sent note judge fourth day initial jurys deliberations case questioning impartiality fellow juror judge bounced jury day later known jurors felt verdict statement regarding various failures prosecution prove conspiracy count form affirmation defenses various beliefs actions aspirations juror wrote friday lengthy email oregonianoregonlive expressed relief speak freely wasnt ready friday morning drop anonymity said studies suffered since trial started hes ready attention revealing identity would bring felt important defend verdict judge withheld jurors names jury selection process trial instead referring number jury closely followed us district judge anna j browns instructions apply law evidence testimony heard fiveweek trial said jury returned unanimous verdicts guilty conspiracy charges seven defendants accused conspiring prevent employees us fish wildlife service bureau land management carrying official work intimidation threat force day occupation juror noted panel couldnt simply rely defendantsdefining actions convict agreed impeding existed even effect occupation wrote asked judge bullets hurt feelings rather decide agreement made illegal object mind marylhurst student wrote seemed basic high standard proof lost upon prosecution throughout prosecutors argued case core illegal taking anothers property heavily armed guards manned front gate watchtower day takeover intimidating prevented officers us fish wildlife service us bureau land management carrying work said argued alleged conspiracy began nov ammon bundy ally ryan payne met harney county sheriff dave ward promised would extreme civil unrest community didnt step block harney county ranchers dwight hammond jr steven hammond hammonds slated return federal prison jan serve mandatory minimum fiveyear sentence arson federal land defense lawyers urged jurors closing arguments mixup effect occupation undoubtedly kept federal employees jobs intent occupiers five seven defendants including ammon bundy testified many said protest support hammonds federal government overreach received absolutely response state local government officials previous efforts spur change defense lawyers arguments coupled jury instructions apply law evidence resonated jurors juror noted inference possibly compelling proved insulting inadequate diversely situated people means convict juror wrote air triumphalism prosecution brought lost us warranted given burden proof juror plainly stated fellow juror initial round deliberations zero business jury first place juror worked us bureau land management ranch tech firefighter years ago said jury selection asked judge voir dire experience would impede ability fair impartial judge facts said really juror explained didnt alert court immediately heard juror day one deliberations reportedly say biased wasnt fourth day deliberations juror sent note court asking juror worked previously federal land management agency outright told panel biased could impartial judge court flummoxed development day later dismissed juror good cause prosecution defense teams agreed dismissal time parties case werent sure way juror alleged bias fell juror said resisted impulse send question sooner effort give fellow juror chance explain email oregonianoregonlive juror first time also contended juror violated judges explicit orders hearkening evidence never admitted case refused consider defendants state mind used imaginative theories explain key actions juror said though wishes sent letter day one since would alleviated much stress us maryville business student said baffled described observersflippant sentiments wake jurys acquittals dont know guilty mean innocent wrote lost us verdicts might inspire future actions regrettable sort thinking permitted considering charges us jury said met judge brown verdicts announced us marshals physical confrontation arrest bundy lawyer marcus mumford said many jurors questioned judge federal government chose conspiracy charge said learned potential alternate charge criminal trespass wouldnt brought significant penalty charge conspiring impede federal employees carrying official work intimidation threat force brings maximum sentence six years prison queried alternative charges could stick amazed conspiracy charge seemed best possible option juror said maxine bernstein | 1 |
Angel - NYC | 2016-10-28T18:23:45.811+03:00 | shots reportedly fired arrested at dakota access pipeline protests | you can listen on our player
to listen on a smart phone just click this link httplistenspacialcomapilistensidmethodsc it will ask if you want to download or execute click execute then on the next screen complete action using click google play music
get together in our chat room the pub | english | | | bs | Fake | israel imposes two hour per week water supply limit palestinians crime humanity | notify followup comments email notify new posts email security question please leave two fields asis important able proceed need solve following simple math know human doom bloom | 1 |
Jim | 2016-10-28T18:23:48.783+03:00 | hoping for the best and preparing for the worst a look inside the american redoubt movement | oregon live
juror vigorously defends the acrosstheboard acquittals of ammon bundy and his six codefendants calling the rulings a statement about the prosecutions failure to prove the fundamental elements of a conspiracy charge
the fulltime marylhurst university business administration student was the juror who had sent a note to the judge on the fourth day of the initial jurys deliberations in the case questioning the impartiality of a fellow juror no who the judge bounced from the jury a day later
it should be known that all jurors felt that this verdict was a statement regarding the various failures of the prosecution to prove conspiracy in the count itself and not any form of affirmation of the defenses various beliefs actions or aspirations juror wrote friday in a lengthy email to the oregonianoregonlive
he expressed relief that he can now speak out freely but he wasnt ready as of friday morning to drop his anonymity he said his studies have suffered since the trial started and hes not ready for the attention revealing his identity would bring but felt it was important to defend the verdict the judge withheld jurors names during the jury selection process and trial instead referring to each by number
the jury closely followed us district judge anna j browns instructions on how to apply the law to the evidence and testimony heard during the fiveweek trial he said
the jury returned unanimous verdicts of not guilty to conspiracy charges against all seven defendants each was accused of conspiring to prevent employees of the us fish and wildlife service and bureau of land management from carrying out their official work through intimidation threat or force during the day occupation
juror noted the panel couldnt simply rely on the defendantsdefining actions to convict
all agreed that impeding existed even if as an effect of the occupation he wrote
but we were not asked to judge on bullets and hurt feelings rather to decide if any agreement was made with an illegal object in mind the marylhurst student wrote it seemed this basic high standard of proof was lost upon the prosecution throughout
prosecutors had argued that the case at its core was about the illegal taking of anothers property the heavily armed guards that manned the front gate and watchtower during the day takeover in and of itself was intimidating and prevented officers from the us fish and wildlife service and us bureau of land management from carrying out their work they said
they argued that the alleged conspiracy began nov when ammon bundy and ally ryan payne met with harney county sheriff dave ward and promised there would be extreme civil unrest in the community if he didnt step in and block harney county ranchers dwight hammond jr and steven hammond the hammonds were slated to return to federal prison on jan and serve out a mandatory minimum fiveyear sentence for arson on federal land
defense lawyers urged jurors in closing arguments not to mixup the effect of the occupation which undoubtedly kept federal employees from doing their jobs from the intent of the occupiers
five of the seven defendants including ammon bundy testified many said that they were there to protest in support of the hammonds and federal government overreach because they received absolutely no response from state or local government officials to their previous efforts to spur change
the defense lawyers arguments coupled with the jury instructions on how to apply the law to the evidence resonated with jurors juror noted
inference while possibly compelling proved to be insulting or inadequate to diversely situated people as a means to convict the juror wrote the air of triumphalism that the prosecution brought was not lost on any of us nor was it warranted given their burden of proof
juror plainly stated that fellow juror during the initial round of deliberations had zero business being on this jury in the first place
juror had worked for the us bureau of land management as a ranch tech and firefighter more than years ago he had said during jury selection asked by the judge during voir dire if that experience would impede his ability to be a fair and impartial judge of the facts he said not really
juror explained why he didnt alert the court immediately after he had heard juror on day one of deliberations reportedly say i am very biased
it wasnt until the fourth day into deliberations that juror sent a note to the court asking if a juror who had worked previously for the federal land management agency and outright told the panel he was very biased could be an impartial judge the court flummoxed by the development a day later dismissed juror for good cause after the prosecution and defense teams agreed to the dismissal at the time parties to the case werent sure which way juror s alleged bias fell
juror said he resisted the impulse to send the question sooner in an effort to give his fellow juror a chance to explain himself
in his email to the oregonianoregonlive juror for the first time also contended that juror violated the judges explicit orders by hearkening to evidence that was never admitted in this case refused to consider the defendants state of mind and used imaginative theories to explain key actions
juror said though he wishes that he had sent the letter on day one since it would have alleviated much stress for all of us
the maryville business student said he is baffled by what he described as observersflippant sentiments in the wake of the jurys acquittals
dont they know that not guilty does not mean innocent he wrote it was not lost on us that our verdicts might inspire future actions that are regrettable but that sort of thinking was not permitted when considering the charges before us
the jury he said met with judge brown after the verdicts were announced and after the us marshals physical confrontation and arrest of bundy lawyer marcus mumford
he said many of the jurors questioned the judge about why the federal government chose the conspiracy charge he said he learned that a potential alternate charge such as criminal trespass wouldnt have brought as significant a penalty
the charge of conspiring to impede federal employees from carrying out their official work through intimidation threat or force brings a maximum sentence of six years in prison
we all queried about alternative charges that could stick and were amazed that this conspiracy charge seemed the best possible option juror said
maxine bernstein | english | | | bs | Fake | word trenches october | daily sheeple ryan banister awardwinning california state trooper caught camera fleeing scene crashing patrol car parked vehicle utility pole snapping half thursday afternoon pm officers approached asked explain happened officer daniel kenney refused get vehicle least three officers surrounding front end car kenney reverses speeds away past cameraman across street kenney state park k officer paid administrative leave nearly homes business area left without power officers placed kenney handcuffs eventually decided pull taken hospital determined intoxicated man inside parked vehicle kenney struck suffered minor injuries taken hospital according action news | 1 |
US Marine Fighting Tyranny | 2016-10-29T00:45:52.984+03:00 | israel imposes two hour per week water supply limit on palestinians is it a crime against humanity | notify me of followup comments by email notify me of new posts by email security question what is please leave these two fields asis important to be able to proceed you need to solve the following simple math so we know that you are a human doom and bloom | english | | | bs | Fake | juror oregon standoff prosecutors failed prove intent impede federal workers | notify followup comments email notify new posts email security question please leave two fields asis important able proceed need solve following simple math know human doom bloom | 1 |
Henry Shivley | 2016-10-29T00:45:54.601+03:00 | the word from the trenches october | the daily sheeple by ryan banister
an awardwinning california state trooper was caught on camera fleeing the scene after crashing his patrol car into a parked vehicle and a utility pole snapping it in half on thursday afternoon at pm
when other officers approached and asked him to explain what happened officer daniel kenney refused to get out of the vehicle with at least three officers surrounding the front end of the car kenney reverses and then speeds away past a cameraman across the street
kenney a state park k officer is now on paid administrative leave
nearly homes and business in the area were left without power
officers placed kenney in handcuffs when he eventually decided to pull over he was taken to a hospital where it was determined that he was not intoxicated
a man inside the parked vehicle which kenney struck suffered minor injuries and was taken to the hospital according to action news now | english | | | bs | Fake | captions | fox news fbi reopened investigation hillary clintons use private server secretary state discovering new emails stunning turn events days presidential election fbi director james comey wrote letter top members congress friday bureau learned existence emails appear pertinent investigation click read letter comey detail emails saying surfaced connection unrelated case told lawmakers investigative team briefed information day earlier agreed fbi take appropriate investigative steps designed allow investigators review emails determine whether contain classified information well assess importance investigation said fbi could yet assess whether new material significant could predict long take complete additional work senior law enforcement official separately told fox news fbi decision linked wikileaks messages hack newly discovered emails come clinton server another device another government official move comes comey justice department decided july pursue charges clintons email practices saying time investigation finished comey since come criticism donald trump lawmakers others claim investigation downplayed mishandling classified information clintons tenure trump speaking cheering supporters friday afternoon manchester nh praised fbi courage right horrible mistake made saying hopes corrected hillary clintons corruption scale never seen trump said must let take criminal scheme oval office nod significance fbis announcement trump quipped rest speech going boring gop lawmakers also weighed urging bureau pursue thorough new probe fbis decision reopen investigation secretary clinton reinforces house judiciary committee saying months learn secretary clintons use private email server clearer becomes associates committed wrongdoing jeopardized national security house judiciary committee chairman bob goodlatte rva said statement republican national committee chairman reince priebus said discovery must serious bureau investigate close election clinton respond questions reporters development landed cedar rapids iowa address matter speaking supporters city development comes days general election latest shockwave hit race clinton gaining polls trump wake release footage showing trump talking groping women subsequent allegations sexual assault harassment however daily revelations hacked clinton campaign emails obtained wikileaks become headache democrats campaign resumption fbi probe poses potentially bigger problem ron hosko former assistant director fbi told fox news telephone interview retired fbi officials livid comey fact charges brought clinton round one investigation lit fire walked away hosko said comey holding news conference laying clintons mishandling classified information pressing criminal charges hosko said still defends comey pressing charges fbi always make decision based time hosko said thinks agents probing separate matter found emails made say oh god look house speaker paul ryan called fbi decision long overdue breaking news fbi reopening investigation secretary hillary clinton full statement pictwittercomlhfygdwk paul ryan speakerryan october former obama administration spokesman tommy vietor chided bureau twitter many emails fbi find get butt gear read assess form conclusion letting hang irresponsible | 1 |
Joe from MassPrivateI | 2016-10-29T00:45:55.615+03:00 | juror oregon standoff prosecutors failed to prove intent to impede federal workers | notify me of followup comments by email notify me of new posts by email security question what is please leave these two fields asis important to be able to proceed you need to solve the following simple math so we know that you are a human doom and bloom | english | | | bs | Fake | cop crashes car runs away cops arrive | new york post michael gartland de blasio administration trying limit number food trucks city claiming hotdog kabob cart causes pollution truck ride los angeles deputy health commissioner corinne schiff made claim city council hearing wednesday apparent effort sink bill would nearly double number foodvendor permits city meat grilling significant source air pollution city schiff said one additional vendor grilling meat emits amount particle pollution one day equivalent diesel truck emits driving miles new bill would boost number permits also create enforcement team sniff violations since number streetfood vending permits remained steady likely carts streets vendors simply open shop without license work caught schiff argued increase number food carts needs come regulations stipulating carts operate environmentally friendly manner city councilman mark levine dmanhattan sponsoring bill increase permits wondered already case laws city air quality currently stipulate food establishment got hood grill levine said currently law schiff however said laws regulating carts suggested proposals delayed ensure better pollution safeguards really see opportunity work council think might use modernization act improve air quality said current laws dont actually control emissions concerned businessimprovement districts residents throughout city also pushed delays increasing vendor permits saying many already neighborhoods welcomed increased enforcement enforcement idea great idea said ellen baer cochair nyc bid association lets see works lets see works lets see sufficiently funded lets see many resources need start adding chaos street vendors argued theyve waited long reforms would allow transition operating illegally legally sean basinski director street vendor project described bills far dream said supports call reasonable compromise said vendors waiting years change certainly welcome study done dont think delay progress needs made time reform hearing vendors rallied outside demanding city officials police stop harassing treating like criminals bill remain committee members discuss possible changes | 1 |
Paul | 2016-10-29T00:45:56.858+03:00 | captions | fox news
the fbi has reopened its investigation into hillary clintons use of a private server while secretary of state after discovering new emails in a stunning turn of events just days before the presidential election
fbi director james comey wrote in a letter to top members of congress friday that the bureau has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation
click here to read the letter
comey did not detail those emails saying only that they surfaced in connection with an unrelated case
he told lawmakers the investigative team briefed him on the information a day earlier and i agreed that the fbi should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information as well as to assess their importance to our investigation
he said the fbi could not yet assess whether the new material is significant and he could not predict how long it will take to complete this additional work
a senior law enforcement official separately told fox news the fbi decision is not linked to wikileaks messages or any hack and the newly discovered emails did not come from the clinton server but from another device from another government official
the move comes after comey and the justice department decided in july not to pursue charges over clintons email practices saying at the time that the investigation was finished
comey has since come under criticism from donald trump lawmakers and others who claim the investigation downplayed the mishandling of classified information during clintons tenure
trump speaking to cheering supporters friday afternoon in manchester nh praised the fbi for having the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made saying he hopes that is corrected
hillary clintons corruption is on a scale we have never seen before trump said we must not let her take her criminal scheme into the oval office
in a nod to the significance of the fbis announcement trump quipped the rest of my speech is going to be so boring
other gop lawmakers also weighed in urging the bureau to pursue a thorough new probe
the fbis decision to reopen its investigation into secretary clinton reinforces what the house judiciary committee has been saying for months the more we learn about secretary clintons use of a private email server the clearer it becomes that she and her associates committed wrongdoing and jeopardized national security house judiciary committee chairman bob goodlatte rva said in a statement
republican national committee chairman reince priebus said the discovery must be serious for the bureau to investigate this close to the election
clinton did not respond to questions from reporters about the development as she landed in cedar rapids iowa and did not address the matter while speaking to supporters in the same city
the development comes days before the general election and is the latest shockwave to hit the race clinton had been gaining in the polls over trump in the wake of the release of footage showing trump talking about groping women and subsequent allegations of sexual assault and harassment against him
however daily revelations from hacked clinton campaign emails obtained by wikileaks have become a headache for the democrats campaign the resumption of the fbi probe poses a potentially bigger problem
ron hosko former assistant director of the fbi told fox news in a telephone interview that retired fbi officials were livid at comey over the fact that charges were not brought against clinton in round one of the investigation
he lit her on fire and then walked away hosko said of comey holding a news conference laying out clintons mishandling of classified information but then not pressing criminal charges
hosko said he still defends comey for not pressing charges because the fbi always has to make a decision based on what they have at the time hosko said he thinks agents were probing a separate matter and found emails that made them say oh my god look at what we have
house speaker paul ryan called the fbi decision long overdue breaking news the fbi is reopening its investigation into secretary hillary clinton
my full statement pictwittercomlhfygdwk
paul ryan speakerryan october
but former obama administration spokesman tommy vietor chided the bureau on twitter how many emails did the fbi find get your butt in gear read them assess them form a conclusion letting this hang is so irresponsible | english | | | bs | Fake | morning status report know oregonfront nodapl vindicated | shtf plan mac slavo election remains heated modern history many become call arms even metaphorically despite fact dnc operatives exposed ones inciting violence rallies robert creamer scott foval example working overtime bus illegal voters rig vote media going way paint trump supporters grassroots americans ones plotting violence recently latching onto comments made former congressman joe walsh conservative radio host suggested would pick musket trump loses election november th im voting trump november th trump loses im grabbing musket joe walsh walshfreedom october walsh mean imply violence certainly media portraying comments spark controversy fuel fire debate nearing election irony commentary drew imagery foundingera patriots stood tyranny deeply lost left see opponents hillary black white terms racist xenophobic utterly deplorable inherently violent cnn followed asking walsh meant statement via cnn former rep joe walsh appeared call armed revolution wednesday donald trump elected president walsh respond cnns jake tapper via twitter asked exactly mean means protesting participating acts civil disobedience takes get country back responded tapper jaketapper means protesting participating acts civil disobedience takes get country back joe walsh walshfreedom october firestorm social media walsh doubled stating twitter im serious dont think musket would much good days time civil disobedience right httpstcothjpebalwz joe walsh walshfreedom october heated rhetoric response endless episodes fraud dirty trick foul play hillary campaign seems stop nothing become first female potus sort abuse power founders warned erupted response long train abuses acts oppression hostility listed declaration independence largely repeated modern day america could hillarys reported election victory donald trumps defeat signal civil unrest new wave resistance particularly results widely viewed fraudulent rigged trump one certainly talking possibility stolen election scenario plausible enough pentagon homeland security carrying secret drills lead election prepare possibility martial law response violence civil unrest shtf detailed exclusive report whistleblower come forward ominous contingency plan keep andor restore order populace revolt establishments selection president truth election could kickoff total tyranny according unnamed source provided accurate intel past unannounced military drill scheduled take place period leading election throughout month date october th days election suspected region northeast specifically new york st phase nrol rule law drill involving combat arms metro areas active reserve source says active duty reserve service members vaccinated deployed theatre nd phase lrol limited rule law militaryfema consolidating resources controlling water supply handing public needed rd phase arol authoritarian rule law possible new acronym term martial law curfew restricted movements basically martial law scenario source said exercise involves femadhsmilitary point one say certain happen aftermath november clear millions millions americans dissatisfied status quo troubled economic realities perpetuated fed angry hillary may put oval office rather jail cell despite trail corruption virtually end far things go things ever reset without new american revolution | 1 |
# 1 NWO Hatr | 2016-10-29T00:45:57.472+03:00 | cop crashes car and runs away when more cops arrive | new york post by michael gartland
the de blasio administration is trying to limit the number of food trucks in the city by claiming that each hotdog and kabob cart causes more pollution than a truck ride to los angeles
deputy health commissioner corinne schiff made the claim at a city council hearing wednesday in an apparent effort to sink a bill that would nearly double the number of foodvendor permits in the city by
meat grilling is a significant source of air pollution in the city schiff said one additional vendor grilling meat emits an amount of particle pollution in one day equivalent to what a diesel truck emits driving miles
the new bill would boost the number of permits to by and also create an enforcement team to sniff out violations
since the number of streetfood vending permits has remained steady at but there are likely more carts than that on the streets as some vendors simply open shop without a license and work until they are caught
schiff argued any increase in the number of food carts needs to come with regulations stipulating that the carts operate in a more environmentally friendly manner
city councilman mark levine dmanhattan who is sponsoring the bill to increase the permits wondered if this was already the case we have laws in the city about air quality that currently stipulate that any food establishment has got to have a hood over a grill levine said is that not currently the law
schiff however said there are no such laws regulating the carts as she suggested the proposals be delayed to ensure better pollution safeguards
we really see this as an opportunity to work with the council to think through how we might use this modernization act to improve air quality she said the current laws dont actually control the emissions that were concerned about
businessimprovement districts and residents throughout the city also pushed for delays on increasing vendor permits saying there are too many already in some neighborhoods but welcomed increased enforcement
the enforcement idea is a great idea said ellen baer cochair of the nyc bid association lets see if this works lets see how it works lets see if its sufficiently funded lets see how many resources they need before we start adding to the chaos
but street vendors argued theyve waited too long for reforms that would allow them to transition from operating illegally to legally
sean basinski director of the street vendor project described the bills as far from our dream but said he supports most of what they call for
it is a reasonable compromise he said vendors have been waiting years for this change we certainly welcome a study being done but we dont think that should delay the progress that needs to be made the time for reform is now
before the hearing some vendors rallied outside demanding that city officials and police stop harassing them and treating them like criminals
the bill will remain before the committee while members discuss possible changes | english | | | bs | Fake | fbi reopens clinton email investigation new messages found | notify followup comments email notify new posts email security question please leave two fields asis important able proceed need solve following simple math know human doom bloom | 1 |
Katie | 2016-10-29T00:45:58.112+03:00 | morning after status report and what we know from oregonfront to nodapl vindicated | shtf plan by mac slavo
this election remains more heated than any other in modern history and for many it has become a call to arms even if only metaphorically
despite the fact that dnc operatives have been exposed as the ones inciting violence at rallies robert creamer and scott foval for example and working overtime to bus in illegal voters and rig the vote the media is going out of its way to paint trump supporters and grassroots americans as the ones plotting violence
most recently they are latching onto comments made by former congressman joe walsh now a conservative radio host who suggested he would pick up a musket if trump loses the election on november th im voting for trump
on november th if trump loses im grabbing my musket
you in
joe walsh walshfreedom october
did walsh mean to imply violence that is certainly how the media is portraying it as his comments spark controversy and fuel fire to the debate over the nearing election
the irony that his commentary drew from the imagery of foundingera patriots who stood up to tyranny was deeply lost on the left who see opponents to hillary in black and white terms racist xenophobic utterly deplorable and inherently violent
cnn followed up asking walsh what he meant by statement
via cnn
former rep joe walsh appeared to call for armed revolution wednesday if donald trump is not elected president
walsh did respond to cnns jake tapper via twitter when he asked what exactly does that mean
it means protesting participating in acts of civil disobedience doing what it takes to get our country back he responded to tapper jaketapper it means protesting participating in acts of civil disobedience doing what it takes to get our country back
joe walsh walshfreedom october
after a firestorm on social media walsh doubled down stating on twitter im serious i dont think a musket would do much good these days but its time for civil disobedience on the right httpstcothjpebalwz
joe walsh walshfreedom october
his heated rhetoric is a response to the endless episodes of fraud dirty trick and foul play by the hillary campaign as it seems that she will stop at nothing to become the first female potus just the sort of abuse of power that the founders warned about
erupted in response to a long train of abuses acts of oppression and hostility listed in the declaration of independence that is being largely repeated in modern day america
could hillarys reported election victory or donald trumps defeat signal civil unrest and a new wave of resistance particularly if the results are widely viewed as fraudulent or rigged trump for one has certainly been talking up the possibility of a stolen election
the scenario is plausible enough that the pentagon and homeland security have been carrying out secret drills in the lead up to the election to prepare for the possibility of a martial law response to violence or civil unrest
as shtf detailed in an exclusive report a whistleblower has come forward on the ominous contingency plan to keep andor restore order if the populace revolt against the establishments selection for president
if there is any truth to it the election could be a kickoff for total tyranny
according to an unnamed source who has provided accurate intel in the past an unannounced military drill is scheduled to take place during a period leading up to the election and throughout the month after
date october th days after the election suspected region northeast specifically new york
st phase nrol no rule of law drill involving combat arms in metro areas active and reserve source says active duty and reserve service members are being vaccinated as if they are being deployed in theatre
nd phase lrol limited rule of law militaryfema consolidating resources controlling water supply handing out to public as needed
rd phase arol authoritarian rule of law possible new acronym or term for martial law curfew restricted movements basically martial law scenario
source said exercise involves femadhsmilitary
at this point no one can say for certain what will happen in the aftermath of november but it is clear that millions and millions of americans are dissatisfied with the status quo troubled about the economic realities perpetuated by the fed and angry that hillary may be put in the oval office rather than a jail cell despite a trail of corruption with virtually no end
how far will things go
and will things ever be reset without a new american revolution | english | | | bs | Fake | de blasio administration finds way ruin food trucks | grid news daniel jennings public school official florida urged citizens fight truancy reporting children suspect might school educated including homeschool families part antitruancy initiative called operation round residents jackson county florida urged lookout children school report school officials police truancy report lead home check sheriffs deputies police possibly arrest parents tv station wjhg reported policy jackson county school district send law enforcement homes suspected truants sometimes citizens dont call way knowing shirl williams director student services school system told tv station nosy neighbor nosy neighbor call let check situation williams acknowledged homeschool children mistaken truants urged citizens report school authorities investigate sometimes community see around town think hey theyre educated sometimes community right williams said home school legal defense association attorney tj schmidt wrote williams jackson county superintendent saying truancy problem homeschoolers targeted statements suggest everyone report children think arent educated letter read opinion threatening practice instill spirit suspicion hostility homeschoolers community schmidt wrote williams parent saw tv complained hsdla copyright grid news | 1 |
Admin | 2016-10-29T00:45:58.879+03:00 | fbi reopens clinton email investigation after new messages found | notify me of followup comments by email notify me of new posts by email security question what is please leave these two fields asis important to be able to proceed you need to solve the following simple math so we know that you are a human doom and bloom | english | | | bs | Fake | trump loses im grabbing musket former congressman ready go full revolution | portland ore koin last person surrender malheur national wildlife refuge takeover released prison hours acquitted federal conspiracy charges thursday afternoon david fry found guilty conspiring impede workers jobs refuge threats intimidation force also acquitted firearms charge ohio resident spoke koin news stepping onto streets downtown portland first time months fry said excited reunite family friends celebrate victory adding plight end corruption far overits wonderful feeling acquitted highest authority country fry said definitely feel divine intervention playing weve got work together start making changes governments worldwide arent people said theyve become opposite said guards multnomah county jail treated guilty inmates often dealt fairly presumption innocence guess greatest example dont treat people guilty acquitted fry said fry one last holdouts refuge helped broadcast final days standoff youtube livestreams allegedly threatened commit suicide phone fbi crisis negotiators surrendered defense attorneys called father william fry witness stand discuss motives joining occupation william said son frustrated corruption wanted support dwight steve hammond believed falsely characterized terrorists fry wanted bring computer equipment malheur father said broadcast going help people around world understand issue hand | 1 |
# 1 NWO Hatr | 2016-10-29T00:46:02.536+03:00 | de blasio administration finds a way to ruin food trucks | off the grid news by daniel jennings
a public school official in florida has urged citizens to fight truancy by reporting any children they suspect might not be in school or being educated including homeschool families
it is all part of an antitruancy initiative called operation round up in which residents of jackson county florida are urged to be on the lookout for children not in school and to report them to school officials or to police
a truancy report can lead to a home check by sheriffs deputies or police and possibly the arrest of the parents tv station wjhg reported
the policy of the jackson county school district is to send law enforcement to the homes of suspected truants
sometimes if these citizens dont call me i have no way of knowing shirl williams director of student services for the school system told the tv station so if its a nosy neighbor be a nosy neighbor just call me and let me check out the situation
williams acknowledged that homeschool children can be mistaken for truants but urged citizens to report them so school authorities can investigate
sometimes the community will see them around town and they think hey theyre not being educated sometimes the community is right williams said
home school legal defense association attorney tj schmidt wrote williams and the jackson county superintendent saying that while truancy is a problem homeschoolers should not be targeted
your statements suggest that everyone should report children they think arent being educated the letter read in our opinion this is a threatening practice and will instill a spirit of suspicion and hostility against homeschoolers in the community
schmidt wrote to williams after a parent saw her on tv and complained to hsdla
copyright off the grid news | english | | | bs | Fake | david fry released jail | oregon live maxine bernstein federal jury thursday found ammon bundy brother ryan bundy five codefendants guilty conspiring prevent federal employees jobs intimidation threat force day occupation malheur national wildlife refuge bundy brothers occupiers jeff banta david fry also found guilty guns federal facility kenneth medenbach found guilty stealing government property hung jury declared ryan bundys charge theft fbi surveillance cameras could hoped said one ammon bundys lawyers j morgan philpot stunning said defense lawyer lisa ludwig standby counsel ryan bundy im thrilled said neil wamplers attorney lisa maxfield jury nine women three men returned verdicts five hours deliberations thursday highprofile case riveted state drew national international attention federal bird sanctuary rural eastern oregon defendant stood separately facing jury judge read verdicts ammon bundy hands clasped behind back nodded guilty verdicts read first sat smiled rubbed shoulder lawyer marcus mumford older brother ryan bundy stood guilty verdicts read nodded mouthed jury thank defendant neil wampler hugged kissed defense lawyer maxfield coda stunning verdict undoubtedly significant blow federal prosecutors ammon bundys lawyer marcus mumford argued client dressed gray suit white dress shirt allowed walk court free man us district judge anna j brown told us marshals hold pending federal indictment nevada oregon standoff defendant jeff banta relieved acquittals theres detainer show mumford stood arguing judge suddenly group six us marshals surrounded mumford defense table judge directed move back moments later marshals grabbed mumford yelled struggled taken floor deputy marshals yelled stop resisting judge demanded everybody courtroom mumford taken custody member legal team confirmed ammon bundys lawyer j morgan philpot said afterwards courthouse steps mumford arrested marshals used stun gun taser back another member ammon bundys legal team rick koerber echoed philpot saying heard mumford questioning court using taser philpot decried marshals treatment mumford courtroom happened end symbolic improper use force federal government said pm mumford released custody confirmed struck stun gun floor courtroom grew dairy farm used rough treatment sure said said actions us marshals uncalled asking papers show authority take mr bundy custody verdict pleased gratified jury dedicated listened case verdicts announced people emerged onto front steps courthouse tell crowd media onlookers supporters defendants gathered joyous hug one brand thornton las vegas one original occupiers accompanied ryan bundy others onto refuge jan called witness defense said trial since oct verdict means everything thornton said huge ranchers land rights within harney county across west said something peaceful wanted stay peaceful said thornton kept vigil outside courthouse blowing shofar people oregon thornton said never us wampler appeared courthouse steps described verdict stunning victory rural america david frys lawyer per c olson said right result think jury saw wellmeaning wellintentioned individuals olson said jury saw defendants cared hammonds didnt like federal government treating maxfield represented wampler came courthouse holding fists said never seen anything like happen multiple defendants federal court trial acquitted called one significant cases career defendant shawna cox said peaceful feeling waited verdicts didnt expect wed found guilty wept cox said brings tears im grateful jury defense lawyer matthew schindler standby counsel defendant kenneth medenbach excused court medical ailments said called client right away hes fighting years situation jury acquitted schindler said vindication schindler said believes jurys verdicts resulted difficulty government proving intent defendants conspire us fish wildlife service us bureau land management judge gave us broad ability bring defendants state mind saw number defendants motivations schindler said prosecuting drug conspiracy easy point defendants underlying objective case schindler said obvious underlying self interest said defense also bolstered jurors came different regions state portland oregon us attorney billy williams sat back courtroom oregons fbi special agent charge gregg bretzing verdicts read williams left courtroom early scrum mumford attend gathering league minority voters salem thursday night harney county sheriff dave ward face law enforcement day refuge takeover said statement disappointed outcome believe form government justice system best world folks tried court law found guilty jury peers system stand fiveweek trial offered rare display three seven defendants chose represent five among people took witness stand testify one original jurors dismissed fellow juror raised concerns impartiality four days initial round deliberations judge called extraordinary circumstance alternate juror summoned begin new round deliberations remaining jurors thursday morning heightened security around courthouse throughout trial security officers ordered wear bulletproof vests metal detectors set outside main trial courtroom overflow room live video feed proceedings often supporters knelt prayer courthouse corridor trial began mornings kept vigil across street one fellow occupier blowing rams horn shofar jury deliberated pending prosecutions seven trial among people indicted conspiracy charge eleven pleaded guilty conspiracy charge seven others set trial feb cases may affected verdicts convictions handed case defendants scheduled trial february might consider potential pleas acquittals prosecutors may rethink going trial charges codefendants next year eve jury selection case prosecutors agreed dismiss conspiracy charge pete santilli independent broadcaster selfdescribed shock jock provided live stream footage occupation nevada case ammon bundy ryan bundy also face prosecution nevada standoff federal agents impounding fathers cattle near bunkerville nevada trial set start feb two brothers father cliven bundy among indicted nevada others oregon refuge occupation also indicted federal charges nevada pete santilli ryan payne brian cavalier blaine cooper joseph oshaughnessy payne pleaded guilty federal conspiracy charge oregon potential global agreement works nevada prosecutors recently asked withdraw oregon plea deal reached nevada prosecutors portland oct respond cooper entered guilty pleas cases oshaughnessy pleaded guilty oregon case deal pending nevada cavalier pleaded guilty oregon case maxine bernstein | 1 |
Kantucky | 2016-10-29T00:46:03.067+03:00 | if trump loses im grabbing my musket former congressman ready to go full revolution | portland ore koin the last person to surrender in the malheur national wildlife refuge takeover was released from prison hours after being acquitted on federal conspiracy charges thursday afternoon
david fry was found not guilty of conspiring to impede workers from doing their jobs at the refuge through threats intimidation or force he was also acquitted of a firearms charge
the ohio resident spoke to koin news before stepping onto the streets of downtown portland for the first time in months
fry said he was excited to reunite with family and friends to celebrate the victory adding that his plight to end corruption is far from overits a wonderful feeling to be acquitted by the highest authority in this country fry said i definitely feel this was divine intervention playing in this
weve all got to work together and start making some changes because our governments worldwide arent for the people he said theyve become the opposite
he said guards at multnomah county jail treated him as if he were guilty and that inmates are not often dealt with fairly or under the presumption of innocence
i guess this is the greatest example of why you dont treat people as guilty because they can be acquitted fry said
fry was one of the last holdouts at the refuge and helped broadcast the final days of the standoff through youtube livestreams he allegedly threatened to commit suicide while on the phone with fbi crisis negotiators before he surrendered
defense attorneys called his father william fry to the witness stand to discuss his motives for joining the occupation william said his son was frustrated with corruption and wanted to support dwight and steve hammond who he believed were falsely characterized as terrorists
fry wanted to bring his computer equipment to malheur his father said to broadcast what was going on and help people around the world understand the issue at hand | english | | | bs | Fake | homeschool families targeted districts operation round | october omg confederate flag school minds warped forever cant truth spewed public like people might think actually rights without freedom william wallace dont know others feel mind quite far true freedom need dispose rubbish better permit need take shit better get permit birth death certificates log youre property dehumanizing species well underway number like rats cage eat shit breathe cage minds manipulated beyond measure unscrupulous bastards greed never quenched unfortunate exist superiority complex think shit dont stink superiority complex leads wars advanced civilized monkeys planet steal bananas goin war confederate flag get undies bundy confederate flag yep must lie children tell true history must protect psychological trauma truth yes jimmy everythings lollypops rainbowshere take ritalin stfu pharmacy regulars seems parents damned drug well gotta get kids pills may well get long im hey dr feelgood whats mothers little helpers told story decades ago snoop anyones medicine chest youll discover array concoctions herbals stimulants downers mood enhancers sleeping pills wake pills stay awake pills two morning two noon two bedtime repeat every day dead want live forever dont suspect bigger better things await arrival least hope | 1 |
Katie | 2016-10-29T00:46:08.446+03:00 | david fry released from jail | oregon live by maxine bernstein
a federal jury on thursday found ammon bundy his brother ryan bundy and five codefendants not guilty of conspiring to prevent federal employees from doing their jobs through intimidation threat or force during the day occupation of the malheur national wildlife refuge
the bundy brothers and occupiers jeff banta and david fry also were found not guilty of having guns in a federal facility kenneth medenbach was found not guilty of stealing government property and a hung jury was declared on ryan bundys charge of theft of fbi surveillance cameras
more than we could have hoped for said one of ammon bundys lawyers j morgan philpot
stunning said defense lawyer lisa ludwig who was standby counsel for ryan bundy
im just thrilled said neil wamplers attorney lisa maxfield
the jury of nine women and three men returned the verdicts after five hours of deliberations on thursday in the highprofile case that riveted the state and drew national and international attention to the federal bird sanctuary in rural eastern oregon
each defendant stood separately facing the jury as the judge read the verdicts ammon bundy his hands clasped behind his back nodded as the not guilty verdicts were read for him first as he sat he smiled and rubbed the shoulder of his lawyer marcus mumford
his older brother ryan bundy stood as his not guilty verdicts were read he nodded and mouthed to the jury thank you defendant neil wampler hugged and kissed his defense lawyer maxfield
the coda to the stunning verdict undoubtedly a significant blow to federal prosecutors was when ammon bundys lawyer marcus mumford argued that his client dressed in a gray suit and white dress shirt should be allowed to walk out of the court a free man
us district judge anna j brown told him that there was a us marshals hold on him from a pending federal indictment in nevada
oregon standoff defendant jeff banta is relieved by acquittals
if theres a detainer show me mumford stood arguing before the judge
suddenly a group of about six us marshals surrounded mumford at his defense table the judge directed them to move back but moments later the marshals grabbed on to him
what are you doing mumford yelled as he struggled and was taken down to the floor
as deputy marshals yelled stop resisting the judge demanded everybody out of the courtroom now
mumford was taken into custody a member of his legal team confirmed
ammon bundys lawyer j morgan philpot said afterwards on the courthouse steps that mumford had been arrested and marshals had used a stun gun or taser on his back another member of ammon bundys legal team rick koerber echoed philpot saying he heard mumford questioning in court why they were using a taser against him
philpot decried the marshals treatment of mumford in the courtroom what happened at the end is symbolic of the improper use of force by the federal government he said
by pm mumford was released from custody he confirmed that he was struck with a stun gun once while he was on the floor of the courtroom
i grew up on a dairy farm so am i used to some rough treatment sure he said but he said the actions of the us marshals were uncalled for
all i was asking for was papers just show me you have the authority to take mr bundy into custody
as to the verdict very pleased very gratified this jury was dedicated they listened to our case
just after the verdicts were announced people emerged onto the front steps of the courthouse to tell a crowd of media and onlookers
supporters of the defendants gathered in a joyous hug one of them brand thornton of las vegas one of the original occupiers who accompanied ryan bundy and others onto the refuge on jan and was called as witness by the defense said that he has been at the trial since oct
the verdict means everything thornton said its huge for ranchers and land rights within harney county and across the west he said
we did something peaceful and wanted to stay peaceful said thornton who has kept vigil outside the courthouse blowing a shofar
this is for the people of oregon thornton said this was never for us
wampler appeared on the courthouse steps and described the verdict as a stunning victory for rural america
david frys lawyer per c olson said it was the right result
i think the jury saw through this that they were wellmeaning wellintentioned individuals olson said the jury saw that the defendants cared about the hammonds and didnt like how the federal government was treating them
maxfield who represented wampler came out of the courthouse holding up her fists she said she has never seen anything like this happen where multiple defendants in a federal court trial were all acquitted and called it one of the most significant cases in her career
defendant shawna cox said she had a peaceful feeling as she waited for the verdicts but i didnt expect wed all be found not guilty
i wept cox said it brings me to tears im so grateful to the jury
defense lawyer matthew schindler standby counsel to defendant kenneth medenbach who was excused from court because of medical ailments said he called his client right away
hes been fighting for more than years to be in a situation where a jury acquitted him schindler said its vindication
schindler said he believes the jurys verdicts resulted from the difficulty the government had in proving that the intent of the defendants was to conspire against the us fish and wildlife service and us bureau of land management
the judge gave us broad ability to bring in a defendants state of mind and what you saw was a number of defendants who each had their own motivations schindler said
when prosecuting a drug conspiracy its easy to point to what the defendants underlying objective is but in this case schindler said there was no obvious underlying self interest he said the defense also was bolstered because the jurors came from different regions from the state and not just from portland
oregon us attorney billy williams sat in the back of the courtroom with oregons fbi special agent in charge gregg bretzing as the verdicts were read williams left the courtroom early before the scrum with mumford to attend a gathering of the league of minority voters in salem thursday night
harney county sheriff dave ward who was the face of law enforcement during the day refuge takeover said in a statement while i am disappointed in the outcome i believe our form of government and justice system to be the best in the world these folks were tried in a court of law and found not guilty by a jury of their peers this is our system and i stand by it
the fiveweek trial offered a rare display three of the seven defendants chose to represent themselves five of them were among the more than people who took the witness stand to testify
and one of the original jurors was dismissed after a fellow juror raised concerns about his impartiality four days into an initial round of deliberations what the judge called an extraordinary circumstance an alternate juror was summoned to begin a new round of deliberations with the remaining jurors thursday morning
there was heightened security in and around the courthouse throughout the trial with security officers ordered to wear bulletproof vests and metal detectors set up outside the main trial courtroom and an overflow room with a live video feed of the proceedings
often supporters knelt in prayer in the courthouse corridor before the trial began in the mornings and some kept vigil across the street with one fellow occupier blowing a rams horn or shofar as the jury deliberated
pending prosecutions
the seven on trial were among people indicted on the conspiracy charge
eleven of them pleaded guilty to the conspiracy charge
seven others are set for trial on feb but their cases may be affected by the verdicts if convictions are handed down in this case then defendants scheduled for trial in february might consider potential pleas if there are acquittals prosecutors may rethink going to trial on same charges against codefendants next year
on the eve of jury selection in this case prosecutors agreed to dismiss the conspiracy charge against pete santilli an independent broadcaster and selfdescribed shock jock who provided live stream footage of the occupation
nevada case
ammon bundy and ryan bundy also face prosecution in nevada in the standoff with federal agents over the impounding of their fathers cattle near bunkerville nevada
the trial there is set to start feb the two brothers and father cliven bundy are among indicted in nevada others from the oregon refuge occupation also indicted on federal charges in nevada are pete santilli ryan payne brian cavalier blaine cooper and joseph oshaughnessy
payne pleaded guilty to the federal conspiracy charge in oregon under a potential global agreement that was in the works with nevada prosecutors but he recently asked to withdraw the oregon plea because no deal was reached in nevada prosecutors in portland have until oct to respond
cooper entered guilty pleas in both cases oshaughnessy pleaded guilty in the oregon case with a deal pending in nevada cavalier pleaded guilty in the oregon case
maxine bernstein | english | | | bs | Fake | occupier david fry released jail im really free | one twitter user asked much hope one parties would pick someone links pedophile sexslave island apparently much ask presumptive republican presidential nominee donald trump former president bill clinton ties convicted pedophile democratic donor billionaire jeffery epstein sex slave island note president bill clinton merely husband democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton either bill currently campaigning wife plus hillary recently unveiled bill charge revitalizing economy take office uncovered clinton known troublemaking libido even stronger ties epstein previously reported noted free beacon clinton aboard infamous lolita express owned billionaire pedophile least times initially reported times fox news reports clintons presence aboard jeffrey epsteins boeing occasions reported flight logs show number double trips included extended junkets around world epstein fellow passengers identified manifests initials first names including tatiana trickedout jet earned nabakovinspired nickname reportedly outfitted bed passengers group sex young girlsofficial flight logs filed federal aviation administration show clinton traveled trips many us secret service agents however fiveleg asia trip may may single secret service agent listed republican presumptive nominee apparently got action trumps ties epstein man trump called terrific guy sex slave island chronicled daily wire per political insider trump accused threatening raping yearold girl private island epstein also named suit sexual misconduct lawsuit accusations vehemently denied trump camp alleging filing hoax evidence plaintiff question actually exists sex slave island sometimes referred orgy island lovely names one deranged place allegedly rife solicited sex often minors groomed epstein terrific guy epstein course convicted soliciting sex minor billionaire served months prison election candidates ties convicted pedophile lolita express sex slave island | 1 |
# 1 NWO Hatr | 2016-10-29T00:46:09.330+03:00 | homeschool families targeted in districts operation round up | october at am
omg a confederate flag at school minds have been warped forever we cant have that the truth being spewed out in public like that people might think they actually have rights
what will you do without freedom william wallace i dont know about how others feel but in my mind were quite far from true freedom you need to dispose rubbish better have your permit need to take a shit better get your permit birth and death certificates log you in and out and youre property
the dehumanizing of the species is well underway your number is like rats in a cage we eat shit and breathe our cage is our own minds manipulated beyond measure by unscrupulous bastards with a greed that can never be quenched its unfortunate that there are those that exist with a superiority complex and think their shit dont stink that superiority complex leads to wars were the most advanced civilized monkeys on the planet but you steal my bananas were goin to war
a confederate flag they get their undies in a bundy over a confederate flag
yep we must lie to our children and not tell them our true history we must protect them from the psychological trauma of the truth yes jimmy everythings lollypops and rainbowshere take some more ritalin and stfu
pharmacy regulars it seems most parents on some damned drug too well i gotta get the kids pills i may as well get some for me as long as im there hey dr feelgood whats up
mothers little helpers told the story decades ago now snoop in anyones medicine chest and youll discover an array of concoctions herbals stimulants downers mood enhancers sleeping pills wake up pills stay awake pills two in the morning two at noon two at bedtime repeat every day until your dead
you want to live forever i dont i suspect bigger and better things await my arrival at least i hope so | english | | | bs | Fake | jury finds oregon standoff defendants guilty federal conspiracy gun charges | indian country theresa braine details emerging yesterdays police action highway three miles cannonball river commencing shortly noon large contingent heavily armed officers worked clear route dakota access oil pipeline dapl trenches relentless push resulted numerous instances violent confrontations culminating seizure newly established treaty camp removal number tents tipis sweat lodges morton county sheriffs department said people arrested least one bullet fired frontlines officers met violence resistance including protester fired gun officers police line protesters threw molotov cocktails set vehicles debris fire sheriffs office said post facebook ap news story cites state spokesperson cecily wong describing woman drew caliber pistol firing three times officers account disputed activists recorded onthescene video live feeds currently circulating however tribal law enforcement apprehended heavilyarmed man crouched creek apparent connections private security firm hired dapls builders standing rock sioux tribe posted description incident facebook page man apprehended carrying assault rifle papers indicating employed private security firm according standing rock sioux tribe reported via video evidence front lines man bearing assault rifle broke thru barricade speeding toward oceti sakowin camp run road mile north camp man exited vehicle appeared disguised water protector fired several shots assault rifle tribal law enforcement responded man apprehended insurance documents vehicle reveal owned dakota access pipeline commend bia law enforcement commitment public safety quick response apprehension suspect clearly meaning harm statement camp sacred stones one three prayer camps set near standing rock sioux reservation catalogued exactly unarmed protectors met lots firepower police officers riot gear atvs armored vehicles helicopters numerous militarygrade humvees showed north newly formed frontline camp east highway treaty camp set past sunday directly path pipeline land recently purchased dapl today camp reclamation unceded lakota territory affirmed part standing rock reservation ft laramie treaty violently cleared blockades established past weekend enable occupation also cleared least one sniper atop humvee scanned crowd protectors people horses shot beanbag guns noise concussion devices used fireextinguishersized canisters tear gas mace deployed police used pepper spray mace liberally photo savannah joefacebook standing rock sioux chairman david archambault ii blasted use force continued construction numerous violations civil human rights repeatedly seen disproportionate response law enforcement water protectors nonviolent exercise constitutional rights said statement today witnessed people praying peace yet attacked pepper spray rubber bullets sound concussion cannons urge state federal government agencies give tense situation immediate close attention noted dapl parent company energy transfer partners completely ignored request administration president barack obama voluntarily halt construction legal issues raised tribe resolved deploying law enforcement support dapl construction state north dakota collaborating energy transfer partners escalating tensions archambault said need state federal governments bring justice peace lands force armored vehicles archambault urged everyone supports standing rocks efforts divert halt pipeline remain peaceful prayerful resort violence lash anger act violence hurts cause welcome said invite supporters join us prayer ultimately right decisionthe moral decisionis made protect people sacred places land resources wont step fight peoples earth need water water rights dignity human beings firsthand accounts bore stark witness events happened via facebook live feeds social media posts dispatches front lines dallas goldtooth organizer keep ground movement indigenous environmental network posted updates throughout day president obama asked work stop within miles river yet national guard used clear way yesterdays police sweep dapl construction wrote dapl security forces part invasion armed men ar malicious intent sneak camp said men women pulled sweat lodge ceremony gunpoint similarities wounded knee cannot ignored potential last night turn peaceful protest major tragedy wrote goldtooth also contrasted treatment unarmed water protectors acquittal day armed militia took malheur wildlife refuge racial undertones yesterdays actions cannot ignored goldtooth wrote armed white men stand police oregon acquitted unarmed water protectors north dakota concussion grenades rubber bullets batons said north dakota polices characterization armed vigilantes patently false jesus wagner shot face rubber bullet photo facebook weapons site yesterday hands militarized police wrote assault rifles snipers concussion grenades batons etc harm limited humans riders horseback also assaulted one horse killed horseback riders attacked police atvs resulting one horse hurt severely put goldtooth said national guard humvees site snipers stationed top even medical personnel immune sprayed hands back medic markings clearly showing sprayed head toe said one man facebook post standing rock medic healer council pointed shotguns pointed shotguns back treating patients jon eagle sr tribal historic preservation officer standing rock sioux tribe spoke heartbreak heart hurts said facebook actions many people hurt today people shot rubber bullets beanbags used pepper spray percussion grenades sound cannons numerous arrests cant believe witnessed today still going prayers protectors tonight uplifting moments well conflict escalated woman yelled everyone look buffalo turned east see herd buffalo come charging eagle said behind young warriors horse back police atvs charged shots fired young men rode line atvs made get away war cry went crowd im proud say still greatest light cavalry world many activists protectors used social media describe feelings nausea lightheadedness sickness returning camps near standing rock also morning new uncertain day dawned plains read httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcomconflictingaccountsemergeaftertreatycamppoliceaction | 1 |
Admin | 2016-10-28T23:34:00.000+03:00 | occupier david fry released from jail im really free | one twitter user once asked me is it too much to hope that one of our parties would pick someone with no links to a pedophile sexslave island
apparently it is too much to ask for
both presumptive republican presidential nominee donald trump and former president bill clinton have ties to convicted pedophile and democratic donor billionaire jeffery epstein and sex slave island
note president bill clinton is not merely the husband of democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton either bill is currently campaigning for his wife plus hillary recently unveiled that bill with be in charge of revitalizing the economy if she were to take office
it has been uncovered that clinton known for his troublemaking libido has even stronger ties to epstein than previously reported as noted by the free beacon clinton was aboard the infamous lolita express owned by a billionaire pedophile at least times not the initially reported times
fox news reports
clintons presence aboard jeffrey epsteins boeing on occasions has been reported but flight logs show the number is more than double that and trips between and included extended junkets around the world with epstein and fellow passengers identified on manifests by their initials or first names including tatiana the trickedout jet earned its nabakovinspired nickname because it was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girlsofficial flight logs filed with the federal aviation administration show clinton traveled on some of the trips with as many as us secret service agents however on a fiveleg asia trip between may and may not a single secret service agent is listed
the republican presumptive nominee apparently got in on the action too trumps ties to epstein a man trump once called a terrific guy and sex slave island have been chronicled by the daily wire here
per the political insider trump is accused of threatening and raping a yearold girl on the private island epstein is also named in the suit for sexual misconduct the lawsuit accusations have been vehemently denied by the trump camp alleging that the filing is a hoax and that there is no evidence that the plaintiff in question actually exists
sex slave island sometimes referred to as orgy island both lovely names is one deranged place allegedly rife with solicited sex often from minors groomed by epstein
terrific guy epstein of course was convicted for soliciting sex from a minor in the billionaire served months in prison
election where both candidates have ties to a convicted pedophile the lolita express and sex slave island | english | | | bs | Fake | principal institutes ban students wear confederate flag school | published oct ukraine war awareness october village pervomaisk district separatistheld lugansk bombed collateral damage private property well gas electricity residents report shooting coming governmentheld zolote region captured uaf march report separatist positions vicinity lugansk reparation team quickly arrived restore gas electricity distribution throughout pervomaisk share | 1 |
Admin | 2016-10-28T23:31:00.000+03:00 | jury finds all oregon standoff defendants not guilty of federal conspiracy gun charges | indian country by theresa braine
more details are emerging about yesterdays police action on highway about three miles from the cannonball river commencing shortly before noon a large contingent of heavily armed officers worked to clear a route for dakota access oil pipeline dapl trenches in a relentless push that resulted in numerous instances of violent confrontations culminating in the seizure of the newly established treaty camp and removal of a number of tents tipis and sweat lodges
the morton county sheriffs department said that people had been arrested and that at least one bullet had been fired from the frontlines
officers met violence and resistance including a protester who fired a gun at officers in the police line protesters who threw molotov cocktails at them and set vehicles and debris on fire the sheriffs office said in a post on facebook
an ap news story cites state spokesperson cecily wong describing a woman who drew a caliber pistol and firing three times at officers an account disputed by activists and not recorded on any of the onthescene video or live feeds currently circulating
however tribal law enforcement apprehended a heavilyarmed man crouched in a creek with apparent connections to a private security firm hired by dapls builders the standing rock sioux tribe posted a description of the incident on its facebook page a man was apprehended carrying an assault rifle with papers indicating he was employed by a private security firm according to the standing rock sioux tribe
as reported via video evidence from the front lines on a man bearing an assault rifle broke thru a barricade and was speeding toward the oceti sakowin camp he was run off the road mile north from the camp the man exited the vehicle where he appeared to be disguised as a water protector he than fired several shots from his assault rifle tribal law enforcement responded the man was then apprehended insurance documents from the vehicle reveal that it is owned by dakota access pipeline we commend the bia law enforcement to their commitment of public safety and for their quick response and apprehension of the suspect who was clearly meaning to do harm
a statement by the camp of the sacred stones one of three prayer camps set up near the standing rock sioux reservation catalogued exactly how the unarmed protectors were met by lots of firepower over police officers in riot gear atvs armored vehicles helicopters and numerous militarygrade humvees showed up north of the newly formed frontline camp just east of highway the treaty camp was set up this past sunday directly in the path of the pipeline on land recently purchased by dapl today this camp a reclamation of unceded lakota territory affirmed as part of the standing rock reservation in the ft laramie treaty of was violently cleared both blockades established this past weekend to enable that occupation were also cleared
at least one sniper atop a humvee scanned the crowd of protectors people and horses were shot at with beanbag guns noise concussion devices were used and fireextinguishersized canisters of tear gas and mace were deployed police used pepper spray and mace liberally photo savannah joefacebook
standing rock sioux chairman david archambault ii blasted the use of force the continued construction and the numerous violations of civil and human rights
we have repeatedly seen a disproportionate response from law enforcement to water protectors nonviolent exercise of their constitutional rights he said in a statement today we have witnessed people praying in peace yet attacked with pepper spray rubber bullets sound and concussion cannons we urge state and federal government agencies to give this tense situation their immediate and close attention
he noted that dapl parent company energy transfer partners had completely ignored the request by the administration of president barack obama to voluntarily halt construction while the legal issues raised by the tribe were resolved
by deploying law enforcement to support dapl construction the state of north dakota is collaborating with energy transfer partners and escalating tensions archambault said we need our state and federal governments to bring justice and peace to our lands not the force of armored vehicles
archambault urged everyone who supports standing rocks efforts to divert or halt the pipeline to remain peaceful and prayerful and not resort to violence or lash out in anger
any act of violence hurts our cause and is not welcome here he said we invite all supporters to join us in prayer that ultimately the right decisionthe moral decisionis made to protect our people our sacred places our land and our resources we wont step down from this fight as peoples of this earth we all need water this is about our water our rights and our dignity as human beings
firsthand accounts bore stark witness to the events as they happened via facebook live feeds social media posts and other dispatches from the front lines
dallas goldtooth organizer of the keep it in the ground movement with the indigenous environmental network posted updates throughout the day
president obama had asked that work stop within miles of river yet national guard were used to clear the way for yesterdays police sweep dapl construction he wrote dapl security forces were part of the invasion they had armed men with ar and had malicious intent to sneak into the camp
he said that men and women had been pulled out of a sweat lodge ceremony at gunpoint
the similarities to wounded knee cannot be ignored there was potential last night to turn a peaceful protest into a major tragedy he wrote
goldtooth also contrasted such treatment of unarmed water protectors with the acquittal on the same day of the armed militia who took over malheur wildlife refuge
the racial undertones of yesterdays actions cannot be ignored goldtooth wrote armed white men stand off against police in oregon acquitted unarmed water protectors in north dakota concussion grenades rubber bullets and batons
he said that north dakota polices characterization of them as armed vigilantes was patently false jesus wagner was shot in the face with a rubber bullet photo facebook
the only weapons on site yesterday were in the hands of militarized police he wrote assault rifles snipers concussion grenades batons etc
the harm was not limited to humans riders on horseback were also assaulted and one horse was killed
horseback riders were attacked by police on atvs resulting in one horse being hurt so severely that it had to be put down goldtooth said there were national guard humvees on site with snipers stationed on top
not even medical personnel were immune
they sprayed me with my hands up and my back to them with all my medic markings clearly showing they sprayed me head to toe said one man in a facebook post by the standing rock medic healer council they pointed shotguns at me they pointed shotguns at my back while i was treating patients
jon eagle sr tribal historic preservation officer of the standing rock sioux tribe spoke of the heartbreak
my heart hurts he said on facebook because of the actions of a few many people were hurt today people were shot with rubber bullets and beanbags they used pepper spray percussion grenades and sound cannons numerous arrests i cant believe what i witnessed today and its still going on prayers for the protectors tonight
there were uplifting moments as well as the conflict escalated a woman yelled at everyone to look at the buffalo
we all turned to the east to see a herd of buffalo come charging eagle said behind them were young warriors on horse back police in atvs charged after them there were shots fired the young men rode through the line of atvs and made their get away a war cry went up from the crowd im proud to say we are still the greatest light cavalry in the world
many activists and protectors used social media to describe feelings of nausea lightheadedness and sickness after returning to the camps near standing rock and also this morning as a new uncertain day dawned on the plains
read more at httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcomconflictingaccountsemergeaftertreatycamppoliceaction | english | | | bs | Fake | trump clinton went jeffrey epsteins sex slave island | jewish pirates caribbean october daniel greenfield brooding bearded face shadowed odd hat cutlass scars arms dark patch eye ought pirate familiar stereotype countless movies worn smooth unremarkable cliche cliche depths yet mined movie industry question israeliamerican director arnon z shorr blood stone legend golem modest suggestion glimpse chosen tap pirate captain toledano beneath pirates hat hides another sort hat jewish one pirate captain toledano jewish pirate sort jew becomes pirate touching true history one questions shorrs film proposes answer recent years seen growing interest history jewish pirates initially seems absurd quickly becomes fascinating exploration much history lost legend becomes cliche pioneering filmmaker arnon z shorr chosen tackle ambitious project aid two vessels ocean institute dedicated cast support public though process bringing pirate captain toledano vision reality begun journey already marked fortuitous coincidences including discovery cast member stephen decordova captain toledano hailed ancestors jewish pirates treasured kiddush cup possession likely dates back days play key role story like ocean history unseen depths strange currents glimpsed right angle arnon z shorr currently laboring bring lost piece history deeps | 1 |
Joe from MassPrivateI | 2016-10-28T23:09:00.000+03:00 | principal institutes ban after students wear confederate flag to school | published on oct by ukraine war awareness october a village in the pervomaisk district in separatistheld lugansk was bombed with collateral damage on private property as well as gas and electricity residents report the shooting coming from governmentheld zolote a region captured by uaf in march and report no separatist positions in their vicinity lugansk reparation team quickly arrived to restore gas and electricity distribution throughout pervomaisk share this | english | | | bs | Fake | conflicting accounts emerge treaty camp police action | project veritas ive known president since community organizer chicago october daniel greenfield another great video project veritas shows blurred lines politics organized crime become latest project veritas videos shows one integrated system despite protests contrary democratic machine spouts dark money lives breathes thrives take matter dark dubious whether routed foreign interests foreign institutions roundabout ways system runs money power favors traded influence bought sold leftist politics surface beneath waters murkier tide folks like clintons swim dark water money gets access hillary obama royal courts royal left filled power brokers things make money move around | 1 |
Frank Face | 2016-10-29T05:24:01.414+03:00 | both trump and clinton went to jeffrey epsteins sex slave island | jewish pirates of the caribbean october daniel greenfield
brooding and bearded face shadowed by an odd hat cutlass scars on his arms and a dark patch where his eye ought to be the pirate is a familiar stereotype countless movies have worn him down to a smooth and unremarkable cliche
but what if that cliche has depths that have yet to be mined by the movie industry
that is the question that israeliamerican director arnon z shorr blood and stone a legend of the golem a modest suggestion glimpse has chosen to tap into with the pirate captain toledano beneath the pirates hat hides another sort of hat a jewish one for the pirate captain toledano is a jewish pirate what sort of jew becomes a pirate and why
touching on true history that is one of the questions that shorrs film proposes to answer
recent years have seen growing interest in the history of jewish pirates and what initially seems absurd quickly becomes a fascinating exploration of how much of history is lost when legend becomes cliche as a pioneering filmmaker arnon z shorr has chosen to tackle this ambitious project with the aid of two vessels at the ocean institute a dedicated cast and support from the public
though the process of bringing the pirate captain toledano from vision to reality has only begun the journey has already been marked by fortuitous coincidences including the discovery that cast member stephen decordova captain toledano hailed from ancestors who were jewish pirates and a treasured kiddush cup in his possession which likely dates back from those days will play a key role in the story
like the ocean history has unseen depths and strange currents that can only be glimpsed from the right angle arnon z shorr is currently laboring to bring up a lost piece of history from the deeps | english | | | bs | Fake | eng subs bombardment residential lugansk village osce records craters | knew end clinton lies begins theres one lie left october daniel greenfield daniel greenfield shillman journalism fellow freedom center new york writer focusing radical islam hillary clintons first presidential campaign neera tanden described wonk behind hillary close associate clintons tanden helped shape policy bill hillary switched playing role obama hillarys email scandal broke tanden charge center american progress radical leftwing group described obamas idea factory chatting john podesta top clintonite founded cap podesta cochaired obamabiden transition project neera tanden would cochair hillarykaine transition project podesta headed hillarys presidential campaign podesta helped shape last eight years national politics obama tanden looked forward shaping next eight hillary think hillary believe defenses wrongdoing podesta tanden ridiculed associates coverup didnt get stuff like months ago crazy wondered unbelievable podesta wrote wanted get away since early days email scandal weve treated sordid rituals feigned innocence issue nonissue clinton surrogates quick assure us even one anything wrong flies wall knew better though flies wall away cameras briefings clintonites held bosses contempt neera tanden supposed close associate hillary blasted instincts suboptimal described suffering character problem never doubt going tanden ridiculed cheryl mills mess mills fired email podesta warning obamas denial wouldnt hold need clean emails say stategov warned obama offered usual denial claiming learned scandal media revelation hillary emailed obama illegal address would show lied meanwhile people struggled reinvent lie claiming knew illegal address didnt know illegal put lie line hillarys lie one problem doubt clintons take refuge final lie may able prove wrong meant wrong hillarys final email defense fbi spliced claims memory loss due concussion old sergeant schultz favorite know nothing defense completely falls apart prove know leaked emails begun establishing sergeant schultz defense utterly hollow cheryl mills knew john podesta knew barack obama knew hillary clinton knew obama told lie could easily disproven trying distance hillary mills quickly fired warning better get story straight people makes obama complicit fact knew hillary people participated effort cover afterward protect protect hillary clinton rogue actor part administration waged war transparency even media allies dubbed least transparent administration history lies censorship targeting whistleblowers norm obama inc new york times reporter dubbed greatest enemy press freedom generation washington post noted obama administration routinely makes mockery longago pledge establish transparent administration us history ap pointed often ever censored government files outright denied access bizarre administration email dodges included epa boss lisa jackson using richard windsor alias jacksonwindsor left epa took seat board clinton foundation tanden podesta didnt take issue hillary clinton breaking law clumsy political instincts inability fake sincere apologies spin scandals smoothly obama hillarys biggest flaw eyes clumsiness covering acts routine obamaworld didnt despise broke law bad made threat political futures hillarys clumsy instincts led point admit denying intended motive simultaneously strongest weakest defense prove someone else hard prove someone else meant unless emails hillarys firewall every painful trickle scandal meant drag delay every partial revelation buying time bringing us closer final breach motive wall podesta emails tell us knew around hillary knew around knew inner circle knew knew hated hillary bad liar inside drama clintonworld spills across internet red queen moves closer check making motive hillary clinton turned personal communications particularly emails key instrument culpability podestas emails hot commodity emails becoming even bigger prize neera tanden right hillary clintons political instincts suboptimal member obama graduating class voted least likely able lie convincingly national television perverse knack dragging everyone around scandals exposing know people knew lied know obama lied thats left final lie | 1 |
Angel - NYC | 2016-10-29T05:24:02.205+03:00 | conflicting accounts emerge after treaty camp police action | project veritas ive known the president since he was a community organizer in chicago october daniel greenfield
another great video from project veritas that shows you just how blurred the lines between politics and organized crime have become
the latest of the project veritas videos shows once again that its all one integrated system despite any protests to the contrary the same democratic machine that spouts off about dark money lives on it breathes it and thrives on it and will take it no matter how dark and dubious it is whether its routed from foreign interests through foreign institutions and through roundabout ways
the system runs of money on power and favors traded and influence bought and sold for all the leftist politics on the surface beneath the waters is the murkier tide in which folks like the clintons swim its the dark water in which money gets you access to hillary or obama in which the royal courts of the royal left are filled with power brokers who do the things that make the money move around | english | | | hate | Real | jewish pirates caribbean | search election law violation hillarys idea orders use donald duck foment violence trump rallies came straight top october matthew vadum democrat hillary clinton personally authorized illegal dirty tricks operations republican donald trumps campaign according top democrats appearing undercover video third hillaryrelated video released acorn slayer james okeefe project veritas action fund past sunday oct clinton directly implicated scheme use donald duck mock trump troll supporters trump campaign rallies among disney cartoon characters donald duck natural choice name used appear regularly voter registration documents bill hillary clintons favorite community organizing group nowdefunct acorn hired hobos felons go voterregistration drives earlier year democrats donald duck costumes started appearing trump events across america costumed individuals would walk around carrying signs one said trump ducks releasing tax return cutesy publicity stunt isnt necessarily problem though problem hillary clinton ordered apparently broke law coordinating taxexempt nonprofit group prominent video political organizer robert creamer high democratic partys hierarchy reportedly visited obama white house times including meetings obama personally one visits took place obamas personal living quarters big deal creamer visited presidents residence white house former senior white house employee told frontpage interview white house employees work years never visit residence creamer practitioner agitation arts taught marxist community organizing guru saul alinsky husband tof rep jan schakowsky dill socialist advocate singlepayer health care creamer considered many legislative architect obamacare also wrote series bad checks cover salary nonprofit went prison prosecutors wanted send river months got merely five months months home confinement friendly democrat judge creamer founder unsavory political consulting firm democracy partners list partners companys website whos elite democratic party power players addition creamer partners midwest academy founder heather booth website developer marc cerabona organizer wyatt closs seiu veteran mac dalessandro maccabee group founder brett c di resta crosscurrents foundation cofounder ken grossinger former media matters america online organizer david grossman former seiu national field director politics john hennelly strategic communications advisor marilyn katz organizer jackie kendall strategist lupe lopez political consultant mike lux strategic advisor josie mooney consultant patrick pannett organizer christine pelosi mother house minority leader nancy pelosi usaction president khalid pitts former dnc general counsel joe sandler consultant linda saucedo fundraiser renee schaeffer former new organizing institute senior fellow joel silberman organizer cheri whiteman listed associates lauren windsor executive director american family voices aaron black appears undercover videos black describes footage basically deputy rapid response director dnc ground trump events adding nobodys supposed know frontpage published article yesterday examining democracy partners master practitioner fascistic tactics creamer amazingly lacking selfawareness plain dishonest wrote fatuous ahistorical oped huffington post earlier year titled fascism triumph america like fascist movements trump says loud legitimates kind hateful violent language previously whispered privacy peoples living rooms bear mind quite apart mischaracterization trumps public statements creamer shown videos masterminding elaborate criminal conspiracy involving use targeted political violence political opponents fomenting carrying acts violence political opponents fascist third reich using sturmabteiling sa also called brown shirts storm troopers ditto mussolinis squadristi black shirts maos red guards irans basij haitis tonton macoute creamer explains donald duck action third video end candidate hillary clinton future president united states wanted ducks ground creamer says one several exchanges god would get ducks ground creamer makes clear knows coordination consulting firm democracy partners campaign huge legal landmine said dont repeat anybody whole duck thing came reason moved dnc americans united change hopscotch actual idea hatched way back may creamer associate scott foval said making pun duck americans united change entity creamer said problem acting dnc chief donna brazile abc owned disney worried trademark issue thats really silly originally launched duck hillary clinton wants duck case really wanted duck figure stuff fine put ducks got lot coverage trump taxes abcdisney went crazy thought original slogan donald ducks taxes releasing tax returns creamer shown video hoping disney would file lawsuit democrats using donald duck campaign likely thing would generate publicity let sue us please god says looking heavens clasping hands together prayer doubt paying rent buy suits thats get license fees using commercial purposes wall street journal reported aug donald ducks creation democratic national committee sept paper reported dnc longer associated duck americans united change managing duck public view dnc clinton campaign still controlling duck operation breaking federal campaign coordination laws okeefe says narrating third video kind divvy responsibilities sometimes like campaign owned said jenna price assistant press secretary dnc sometimes see advised something taking credit things like arent taking credit duck anymore thats like random ally groups still something involved brad woodhouse president americans united change expected presence duck events would spark violence think duck going get roughed somewhere one segment foval says almost got punched monday morning mean duck costume nations campaign coordination laws enacted president richard nixons watergate scandal okeefe notes activity violate law must meet threepart test explains first must payment someone candidate electionrelated activity second campaign materially involved shaping communications third party group third electoral advocacy take place close election okeefe continues payment prong test complicated fact foval paid employee americans united change duck events constitutes payment aufc conduct based admission campaign creamer agent aufc coordinated duck activities finally content donald ducks undeniably political content directed one candidate sole purpose helping another fourth video released yesterday isnt much expose wrongdoing provide ample evidence creamers ties clinton campaign president obama phone call creamer says spend time overseeing trump events around country mean thats clinton campaign uh thats interesting well another scene undercover reporter phones saying needs immigration lawyer powerful connections wealthy client syria creamer makes clear happy help reaching obamas inner circle need try find couple good referrals get back pretty quick okay first well ill talk guy im going talk first see alley first thing alley guy ran campaign president obama firm thats pretty well connected another setting creamer says heres clinton campaign way im consultant clinton campaign wherever trump pence go country make sure press events tv market whatever whether theyre big turnouts little turnouts whatever drive message wherever candidate goes drive message given day probably six places team makes sure events six places every day lot events try help define candidate every morning call goes message driven campaign headquarters added creamer continued im campaign mainly deal know earned media television radio earned media social media paid media advertising would whole different advertising everybody driven tracks though couple bunch people brooklyn office clinton campaign responsible possible aspects communication like rapid response guy work heavily guy communicating kind stuff instance found sent note beforehand came said understanding might another revelation another woman talking trump afternoon creamer bragged ties president obama oh barack obamas best campaign history american politics mean second one mean first good consultant second one everything hit every level every aspect obama pro creamer said ive known president since community organizer chicago event chicago actually friday last good ever lot work white house issues helping run issue campaigns involved mean immigration reform health care bill trying make america like britain comes gun violence issues second video released oct primer democrats get away massive voter fraud easy thing republicans say well theyre bussing people said scott foval national field director americans united change well know weve bussing people deal fuckin assholes years going stop going find different way mean grew idea used bus people iowa needed people wed bus people iowa discussion okeefe described focusing bringing people one state another state vote illegally foval also worked deputy political director george sorosfunded people american way pfaw explains get away voter fraud instead bussing people better travel personal vehicles said would charge individual voter fraud going go facilitator conspiracy could prove one thing people drive personal cars theres bus involved changes dynamic legality prove conspiracy theres bus said cars much harder prove theres enough money people drive povs personally owned vehicles drive rentals foval says easy keep voter fraud operation secret use shells use shell companies democrats untouchable said question whether get caught reporter matter turn investigation case state answer dont power anything foval explained first video proclinton super pacs communicate information finds way dnc presumably violation federal law guarandamntee people run super pacs talk people hubs communication consultants foval says official entity conversations consultants working different parts adds thing watch making sure double blind actual campaign actual dnc theres double blind plausibly deny knew anything clinton campaign fully veteran leftwing strategist robert creamer confirms hidden camera hillary knows chain command whats going okeefes group project veritas action fund filed formal complaint clinton campaign federal election commission last week complaint states project veritas uncovered criminal conspiracy words scott foval way works hillary america campaign pays dnc dnc pays democracy partners democracy partners pays foval group foval group goes executes ground done manner evade federal election law violating coordinated expenditures rules complaint also accuses priorities usa action alliance retired americans americans united change democratic national committee accepting prohibited excessive contributions form coordinated expenditures contrary federal law regulations first undercover video okeefe released sent shock waves political community video released oct learned frequent outbursts violence republican candidate trumps campaign rallies orchestrated paid clintons campaign idea foment violent trump rallies order create false impression campaign supporters violent crazy people time provide evidence support lefts predetermined narrative billionaire businessman dangerous fascist behavior constitutes terrorism austin bay writes observer creamer ran amounts domestic us political terror propaganda operation dedicated undermining us presidential electionrigging election use current term election rigging scheme commanded relies street thuggery means physical fearterroris core component americans united changes crooked enterprise street thuggery lowlevel terrorism type terrorism nonetheless wrong call otherwise hardboy muscle bottles two fours street thuggerys kinetics bottles baseball bats al qaedas high explosivesbut incite fear crack heads cause casualties people bleed street thuggery arm politics violent criminalized politics ugly downward slope much worse worse including lynchings pogroms dont think street thuggery terror consider kristalnacht okeefe isnt finished hillary clinton campaign yet lawyers wont let us release hillaryclinton dnc footageokeefe tweeted tuesday demanding full raw footage careful wish | 1 |
Frank Face | 2016-10-30T21:14:33.540+02:00 | eng subs bombardment of residential lugansk village osce records craters | they knew the end of the clinton lies begins theres only one lie left october daniel greenfield
daniel greenfield a shillman journalism fellow at the freedom center is a new york writer focusing on radical islam
during hillary clintons first presidential campaign neera tanden was described as the wonk behind hillary a close associate of the clintons tanden helped shape policy for both bill and hillary then she switched to playing that role for obama
while hillarys email scandal broke tanden was in charge of the center for american progress a radical leftwing group that had been described as obamas idea factory and she was chatting with john podesta the top clintonite who had founded cap podesta had cochaired the obamabiden transition project neera tanden would cochair the hillarykaine transition project under podesta who headed up hillarys presidential campaign podesta had helped shape the last eight years of national politics through obama and tanden looked forward to shaping the next eight under hillary
and what did they think of hillary did they believe their defenses of her wrongdoing
podesta and tanden ridiculed her associates for the coverup why didnt they get this stuff out like months ago so crazy she wondered unbelievable podesta wrote they wanted to get away with it
since the early days of the email scandal weve been treated to the sordid rituals of feigned innocence the issue was a nonissue clinton surrogates were quick to assure us and even if it was no one did anything wrong the flies on the wall knew better though and now we can all be the flies on the wall
away from the cameras and the briefings the clintonites held their bosses in contempt neera tanden a supposed close associate of hillary blasted her instincts as suboptimal and described her as suffering from a character problem and there was never any doubt as to what was going on
tanden ridiculed cheryl mills for the mess mills fired off an email to podesta warning that obamas denial wouldnt hold up we need to clean this up he has emails from her they do not say stategov she warned
obama had offered his usual denial claiming to have only learned about the scandal from the media the revelation that hillary had emailed obama from her illegal address would show that he had lied but meanwhile his people struggled to reinvent his lie by claiming that while he knew about her illegal address he didnt know that it was illegal this put his lie in line with hillarys lie
there was only one problem
when in doubt the clintons take refuge in the final lie that you may be able to prove that they did wrong but not that they meant to do wrong that was hillarys final email defense to the fbi spliced with claims of memory loss due to a concussion was that old sergeant schultz favorite i know nothing
but that defense completely falls apart once you prove that they did know that is what the leaked emails have begun doing they are establishing that the sergeant schultz defense is utterly hollow
cheryl mills knew john podesta knew barack obama knew and hillary clinton knew
when obama told a lie that could easily be disproven while trying to distance himself from hillary mills quickly fired off a warning that he had better get his story straight and his people did that makes obama complicit before and after the fact he knew what hillary was doing when she was doing it and his people participated in the effort to cover it up afterward not just to protect her but to protect him
hillary clinton was not a rogue actor she was part of an administration that had waged a war on transparency even media allies had dubbed it as the least transparent administration in history
lies censorship and targeting whistleblowers were the norm for obama inc a new york times reporter dubbed it the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation the washington post noted that the obama administration routinely makes a mockery of its longago pledge to establish itself as the most transparent administration in us history the ap pointed out that it more often than ever censored government files or outright denied access to them
bizarre administration email dodges included epa boss lisa jackson using richard windsor as her alias jacksonwindsor left the epa and took a seat on the board of the clinton foundation
tanden and podesta didnt take issue with hillary clinton breaking the law but with her clumsy political instincts her inability to fake sincere apologies and spin scandals as smoothly as obama hillarys biggest flaw in their eyes was her clumsiness at covering up acts that were routine in in obamaworld they didnt despise her because she broke the law but because she was bad at it
that made her a threat to their political futures
hillarys clumsy instincts led her to the point of having to admit what she did while denying having intended to do it motive is simultaneously the strongest and weakest defense you can prove what someone else did but it is hard to prove what someone else meant to do
unless you have their emails
this is hillarys firewall its what every painful trickle of the scandal was meant to drag out and delay every partial revelation is buying time while bringing us closer to the final breach in the motive wall
what the podesta emails tell us is that they knew those around hillary knew and those around them knew that the inner circle knew they knew and they hated hillary for being a bad liar and now as the inside drama of clintonworld spills across the internet the red queen moves closer to being in check
by making it all about motive hillary clinton turned personal communications particularly emails into the key instrument of culpability that is why podestas emails are such a hot commodity its why her emails are becoming an even bigger prize
neera tanden was right hillary clintons political instincts are suboptimal she is the member of the obama graduating class voted least likely to be able to lie convincingly on national television and she has a perverse knack for dragging everyone around her into her scandals while exposing their own
we know that her people knew that she lied we know that obama lied all thats left is her final lie | english | | | hate | Real | project veritas ive known president since community organizer chicago | realism jihad threat oklahoma oklahoma state rep john bennett ventures dare tread october robert spencer age nearuniversal denial willful ignorance highest levels ideological roots nature magnitude jihad threat unusual refreshing find lawmakers level willing approach problem honestly state representative john bennett oklahoma marine combat veteran iraq afghanistan one alltoorare breed tuesday bennett held interim study current threat posed radical islam effect shariah law muslim brotherhood jihadist indoctrination radicalization process oklahoma america request hold study explained study current threat posed radical islam effect shariah law muslim brotherhood jihadist indoctrination radicalization process oklahoma america kind study held oklahoma house representatives us house senate well idea inconceivable indication fix situation marginally better oklahoma nowadays misinformation disinformation universal anywhere truth told threat significant pushback allies enablers jihad islamic supremacism tulsa tuesday interim study featured testimony former fbi agent john guandolo chris gaubatz whose exploits undercover agent infiltrating hamaslinked council americanislamic relations cair chronicled eyeopening book muslim mafia gaubatz guandolo presented evidence including land records showing islamic society greater oklahoma city isgoc owned muslim brotherhood group north american islamic trust nait cair active chapter oklahoma city isgoc muslim brotherhood organizations cair extensive ties jihad terror group hamas styles muslim brotherhood palestine pointed since imad enchassi imam isgoc palestinian ties muslim brotherhood likely also links hamas guandolo gaubatz base case innuendo hearsay laid fbi evidence muslim brotherhood documents demonstrating claims making based solid evidence predictably however mainstream media know beyond shadow doubt simply solely propaganda arm left democratic party focused entirely presence adam soltani cairok enchassi tulsa world ran piece hysterical headline state representative brands cairok director local imam terrorists quoted soltani raging bennett rep bennett shamefully wasting taxpayer money promote biased agenda hearing new low rep bennett guests presented biased narrative achieves nothing demonizing marginalizing oklahoma muslim community world magisterially told readers cair muslim civil liberties advocacy group working enhance understanding islam didnt see fit mention cair unindicted coconspirator hamas terror funding case named justice department word world report cair officials repeatedly refused denounce hamas hizballah terrorist groups several former cair officials convicted various crimes related jihad terror cairs cofounder longtime board chairman omar ahmad well chief spokesman ibrahim hooper made islamic supremacist statements ahmad denies original reporter stands story california chapter distributed poster telling muslims talk fbi florida chapter distributed pamphlets message cair opposed virtually every antiterror measure proposed implemented declared terror organization united arab emirates tulsa world mainstream media outlets covered bennetts study see fit inform readers instead predictably enough portrayed hearing baseless exercise racebaiting fearmongering conducted politician reelection john bennett people oklahoma deserve better legitimate questions cair isgoc bennett dared raise tuesday subjected media lynching cynically designed obscure genuine concerns raised yet ever since member isgoc beheaded coworker concerns urgent ever media enablers jihad must decisively repudiated please email speaker oklahoma house jeff w hickman politely courteously expressing support john bennett requesting hearing first series email email protected phone number john bennett yet stuck neck freedom hard times willing hang together | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-26T08:50:00.000+03:00 | jewish pirates of the caribbean | search election law violation was hillarys idea orders to use donald duck to foment violence at trump rallies came straight from the top october matthew vadum
democrat hillary clinton personally authorized illegal dirty tricks operations against republican donald trumps campaign according to top democrats appearing in undercover video
in the third hillaryrelated video released by acorn slayer james okeefe and his project veritas action fund this past sunday oct clinton is directly implicated in a scheme to use donald duck to mock trump and troll his supporters at trump campaign rallies
among disney cartoon characters donald duck was a natural choice after all his name used to appear regularly on voter registration documents when bill and hillary clintons favorite community organizing group the nowdefunct acorn hired hobos and felons to go on voterregistration drives
earlier this year democrats in donald duck costumes started appearing at trump events across america costumed individuals would walk around carrying signs one said trump ducks releasing his tax return
this cutesy publicity stunt isnt necessarily the problem though the problem is that hillary clinton ordered it and apparently broke the law by coordinating with a taxexempt nonprofit group
prominent in the video is political organizer robert creamer who is very high up in the democratic partys hierarchy he has reportedly visited the obama white house times including meetings with obama personally
one of the visits took place in obamas personal living quarters
its a very big deal that creamer visited the presidents residence in the white house a former senior white house employee told frontpage in an interview white house employees can work there for years and never visit the residence
creamer a practitioner of the agitation arts taught by marxist community organizing guru saul alinsky is husband tof rep jan schakowsky dill a socialist and advocate of singlepayer health care creamer is considered by many to be the legislative architect of obamacare he also wrote a series of bad checks to cover his salary at a nonprofit and went to prison prosecutors wanted to send him up the river for months but he got off with merely five months and months of home confinement from a friendly democrat judge
creamer is a founder of the unsavory political consulting firm democracy partners the list of partners on the companys website is a whos who of elite democratic party power players
in addition to creamer the partners are
midwest academy founder heather booth website developer marc cerabona organizer wyatt closs seiu veteran mac dalessandro maccabee group founder brett c di resta crosscurrents foundation cofounder ken grossinger former media matters for america online organizer david grossman former seiu national field director for politics john hennelly strategic communications advisor marilyn katz organizer jackie kendall strategist lupe lopez political consultant mike lux strategic advisor josie mooney consultant patrick pannett organizer christine pelosi her mother is house minority leader nancy pelosi usaction president khalid pitts former dnc general counsel joe sandler consultant linda saucedo fundraiser renee schaeffer former new organizing institute senior fellow joel silberman and organizer cheri whiteman
listed as associates are lauren windsor executive director of american family voices and aaron black who appears in the undercover videos black describes himself in the footage as basically deputy rapid response director for the dnc on the ground at trump events adding nobodys supposed to know about me
frontpage published an article yesterday examining democracy partners
for a master practitioner of fascistic tactics creamer is amazingly lacking in selfawareness or just plain dishonest he wrote a fatuous ahistorical oped in the huffington post earlier this year titled can fascism triumph in america
like other fascist movements trump says out loud and legitimates the kind of hateful violent language that was previously whispered only in the privacy of peoples living rooms
bear in mind that quite apart from his mischaracterization of trumps public statements creamer is shown in the videos masterminding an elaborate criminal conspiracy involving the use of targeted political violence against political opponents
fomenting and carrying out acts of violence against political opponents was what the fascist third reich did using the sturmabteiling or sa also called brown shirts and storm troopers ditto for mussolinis squadristi black shirts maos red guards irans basij and haitis tonton macoute
creamer explains the donald duck action in the third video
in the end it was the candidate hillary clinton the future president of the united states who wanted ducks on the ground creamer says in one of several exchanges so by god we would get ducks on the ground
creamer makes it clear he knows that this coordination between his consulting firm democracy partners and the campaign was a huge legal landmine when he said dont repeat that to anybody
the whole duck thing that came about the reason we moved it from dnc to americans united for change was to just do a hopscotch but the actual idea was hatched way back in may creamer associate scott foval said making a pun
the duck has to be an americans united for change entity creamer said this had to do only with some problem between now acting dnc chief donna brazile and abc which is owned by disney because they were worried about a trademark issue thats why its really silly
we originally launched this duck because hillary clinton wants the duck in any case so she really wanted this duck figure out there doing stuff so that was fine so we put all these ducks out there and got a lot of coverage and trump taxes and then abcdisney went crazy because they thought our original slogan was donald ducks his taxes releasing his tax returns
creamer is shown in the video hoping disney would file a lawsuit against democrats for using donald duck in the campaign likely because such a thing would generate publicity
let them sue us please god he says looking to the heavens and clasping his hands together as if in prayer i doubt they will because were paying to rent or buy the suits thats where they get their license fees were not using it for commercial purposes
the wall street journal reported aug that donald ducks was the creation of the democratic national committee then on sept the paper reported the dnc is no longer associated with the duck americans united for change is now managing the duck
but out of public view the dnc and the clinton campaign were still controlling the duck operation breaking federal campaign coordination laws okeefe says in narrating the third video
we kind of divvy up responsibilities so sometimes it will be like campaign owned said jenna price assistant press secretary at the dnc so sometimes you will see that they advised something or they are taking credit for things so like we arent taking credit for the duck anymore thats like random ally groups but its still something that were involved in
brad woodhouse president of americans united for change expected the presence of the duck at events would spark violence i think this duck is going to get roughed up somewhere
in one segment foval says i almost got punched on monday morning i mean i was in a duck costume
the nations campaign coordination laws were enacted after president richard nixons watergate scandal okeefe notes
for an activity to violate the law it must meet a threepart test he explains
first there must be payment by someone other than the candidate for electionrelated activity second a campaign has to be materially involved in shaping communications for a third party group and third electoral advocacy has to take place close to an election
okeefe continues
the payment prong of the test is complicated but just the fact that foval a paid employee of americans united for change was the duck at some events constitutes payment by aufc conduct based on their own admission the campaign creamer their agent and aufc coordinated the duck activities and finally content donald ducks is undeniably political content directed against one candidate for the sole purpose of helping another
the fourth video released yesterday isnt so much an expose of wrongdoing but it does provide ample evidence of creamers ties to the clinton campaign and to president obama himself
in a phone call creamer says i spend most of my time overseeing the trump events around the country i mean thats what i do for the clinton campaign uh so thats interesting as well
in another scene when an undercover reporter phones saying he needs an immigration lawyer with powerful connections for a wealthy client in syria creamer makes it clear he is happy to help by reaching out to obamas inner circle
i just need to i will try and find a couple of good referrals to you and get back to you pretty quick then okay on the first well ill just talk the guy im going to talk to first to see if this is up his alley the first thing is up his alley its the guy who ran the campaign for president obama he has a firm thats pretty well connected
in another setting creamer says
heres what i do for the clinton campaign by the way im a consultant to the clinton campaign wherever trump or pence go in the country we make sure that there are press events in the tv market or whatever whether theyre big turnouts or little turnouts whatever that drive our message wherever the candidate goes to drive his message so that on any given day they will be between them probably in six places so our team makes sure there are events in all those six places every day so it is a lot of events and we try and help define the other candidate
every morning i am on a call at that goes over the message being driven by the campaign headquarters added creamer
he continued
im in this campaign mainly to deal with what you know earned media with the television radio with earned media and social media not with paid media not with advertising there would be a whole different advertising everybody is driven on the same tracks though so then there are a couple a bunch of people in the brooklyn office of the clinton campaign that are responsible for possible aspects of communication like we do rapid response and there is a guy there i work with heavily is the guy that i was just communicating with on that kind of stuff for instance we just found i just sent him a note beforehand when we came here that said my understanding is there might be another revelation of another woman talking about trump this afternoon
creamer bragged again about his ties to president obama
oh barack obamas was the best campaign in the history of american politics i mean the second one i mean the first was good too i was a consultant to both the second one was everything hit on every level and every aspect
obama is a pro creamer said ive known the president since he was a community organizer in chicago
i was just at an event with him in chicago actually on friday last he is just as good as ever i do a lot of work with the white house on their issues helping to run issue campaigns that they have been involved in i mean for immigration reform for the the health care bill trying to make america more like britain when it comes to gun violence issues
the second video released oct was a primer on how democrats get away with massive voter fraud
its a very easy thing for republicans to say well theyre bussing people in said scott foval then national field director for americans united for change
well you know what weve been bussing people in to deal with you fuckin assholes for years and were not going to stop now were just going to find a different way to do it so i mean i grew up with that idea they used to bus people out to iowa if we needed people out there wed bus people out to iowa
in a discussion okeefe described as focusing on bringing people from one state to another state to vote illegally foval who also worked as deputy political director at george sorosfunded people for the american way pfaw explains how to get away with voter fraud
instead of bussing people in it is better to have them travel in their own personal vehicles he said
would they charge each individual of voter fraud or are they going to go after the facilitator for conspiracy which they could prove its one thing if all these people drive up in their personal cars if theres a bus involved that changes the dynamic
its the legality because you can prove conspiracy if theres a bus he said if there are cars its much harder to prove if theres enough money you have people drive their povs personally owned vehicles or you can have them drive rentals
foval says its easy to keep the voter fraud operation a secret so you use shells use shell companies
democrats are untouchable he said the question is whether when you get caught by a reporter does that matter because does it turn into an investigation or not in this case this state the answer is no because they dont have any power to do anything
foval explained in the first video how proclinton super pacs communicate with each other and how their information finds its way to the dnc presumably a violation of federal law
i guarandamntee you that the people who run the super pacs all talk to each other and we and a few other people are the hubs of that communication
were consultants foval says so were not the official entity and so those conversations can be had between consultants who are working for different parts
he adds
the thing that we have to watch is making sure there is a double blind between the actual campaign and the actual dnc and what were doing theres a double blind there so they can plausibly deny that they knew anything about it
the clinton campaign is fully in it veteran leftwing strategist robert creamer confirms on hidden camera hillary knows through the chain of command whats going on
okeefes group project veritas action fund filed a formal complaint against the clinton campaign with the federal election commission last week
the complaint states that project veritas
uncovered a criminal conspiracy where in the words of scott foval the way it works is the hillary for america campaign pays dnc dnc pays democracy partners democracy partners pays the foval group the foval group goes and executes on the ground this has been done in a manner to evade federal election law and violating coordinated expenditures rules
the complaint also accuses priorities usa action alliance for retired americans americans united for change and the democratic national committee of accepting prohibited and excessive contributions in the form of coordinated expenditures contrary to federal law and regulations
the first undercover video okeefe released sent shock waves through the political community
in that video released oct we learned that the frequent outbursts of violence at republican candidate trumps campaign rallies have been orchestrated and paid for by clintons campaign
the idea was to foment violent at trump rallies in order to create the false impression that his campaign and supporters were violent crazy people and at the same time provide evidence to support the lefts predetermined narrative that the billionaire businessman is a dangerous fascist
such behavior constitutes terrorism austin bay writes at the observer
creamer ran what amounts to a domestic us political terror and propaganda operation dedicated to undermining the us presidential electionrigging the election to use the current term
the election rigging scheme he commanded relies on street thuggery that means physical fearterroris a core component of americans united for changes crooked enterprise street thuggery is very lowlevel terrorism but it is a type of terrorism nonetheless and it is wrong to call it otherwise hardboy muscle bottles and two by fours are street thuggerys kinetics bottles and baseball bats are not al qaedas high explosivesbut they incite fear and when they crack heads they cause casualties people bleed street thuggery as an arm of politics is violent criminalized politics on an ugly downward slope to much worse the worse including lynchings and pogroms if you dont think street thuggery is terror then consider kristalnacht
and okeefe isnt finished with the hillary clinton campaign yet
our lawyers wont let us release all our hillaryclinton dnc footageokeefe tweeted tuesday for those demanding full raw footage be very careful what you wish for | english | | | hate | Real | knew end clinton lies begins | new country women minorities hit hardest rape culture media wont cover october ann coulter every ethnic group except whites blocvotes democrats coincidentally democrats brought another million nonwhite immigrants last decades doesnt help white voters cant agree constitutes acceptable candidate workingclass whites sat election rather vote outoftouch rich guy saw mitt romney year outoftouch rich guys say theyll vote hillary trump tacky gross sad irony people better new country mostly white plutocrats top percent rest us servants people worse everybody else working class middle class soon working class women minorities children elderly weakest vulnerable members society look mexico future third world country univisions jorge ramos ruling class mexico composed europeanlooking white descendants spanish conquistadors raped native population giving spanish names return british settlers america brought women explaining latino cultures acceptance incest child rape criminal justice researcher shana maier writes book rape male head household women subordinate men hispanics latinos likely racialethnic groups blame victim victim perpetrator blamed bringing dishonor family one american detective said today police taught keep open mind child rape cultural thing comes multiculturalism cant say love empanadas dont want yearold men raping nieces isnt la carte menu get attributes cultures importing described excruciating detail adios america lefts plan turn country third world hellhole media already totally open mind incest child rape murder committed immigrants thus example would chosen headline illegal alien convicted incest child rape chattanooga tenn times free press went less catchy man guilty case human smuggling would used headline illegal alien repeatedly raped yearold girl job site commercial dispatch columbus mississippi went subtle columbus resident charged molestation immigrant women arrive america thrilled escaped cultures rape incest spousal murder acceptable discover crimes perfectly acceptable country provided perpetrator culture fled brooklyn judge edward pincus sentenced chinese immigrant probation premeditated murder wife grounds murder flowed traditional chinese values adultery loss manhood female head asianamerican legal defense education fund margaret fung applauded ruling somewhat amazingly newspapers likely report black crime immigrant crime anything keep third world immigration flowing yearold girl gangraped dozen illegal aliens cheered videoed attack news first broke shaneequa jupiter lived children apartment building gang rape occurred complained neither police apartment security warned residents danger could reflect poorly illegal immigrants even shaneequa scoured headlines would lookout austin men two compare headlines brutal sexual attack two held attack child austin americanstatesman texas july two mexicans placed immigration detainers third man arrested fiveday gang rape hell teenage runaway smoked crack daily mail online uk july needless say new york times cover mexican illegal alien gang rape contrast times every major american news outlet extensively covered another gang rape girl age time place second case rape girls young age enthusiastic participant sneaking house night meet men sex rapes years earlier got fullcourt press defendants africanamerican victim mexican time articles huffington post gq slate salon mother jones even made new york times despite connection college fraternity lacrosse team similarly within months one another two men arrested separate child rape cases decatur alabama assaults yearold girls one suspect africanamerican hispanic immigrant one made newspaper guess one excitable muslims raped american reporter lara logan tahrir square another one hillarys foreign policy successes journalists immediately set work find shortest line muslim rapists white american men conclusion real problem female reporters american bosses colleagues definitely islam sampling new york times commentary logans rape need women war zones would never tell bosses fear might keep home next time something major happened attack also nothing islam reporting female women reporters face another set challenges often harassed ways male colleagues experience muslim countries worst places sexual harassment perhaps american men could better american women may soon discover never good manifestly purpose immigration policies help americans immigrants wanted live place like america designed funnel welfaredependent voters democrats cheap labor rich chinese immigrant got probation murdering wife example came america based specialized skill dishwasher country zimbabwe goes according democrats plan theyll get mugabe thats hillarys dream wins joe sobrans parody typical new york times headline anything come true women minorities hit hardest | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-27T04:50:26.351+03:00 | project veritas ive known the president since he was a community organizer in chicago | realism about the jihad threat in oklahoma oklahoma state rep john bennett ventures where few dare to tread october robert spencer
in an age of nearuniversal denial and willful ignorance at the highest levels about the ideological roots nature and magnitude of the jihad threat it is as unusual as it is refreshing to find lawmakers at any level who are willing to approach the problem honestly state representative john bennett of oklahoma a marine and combat veteran of iraq and afghanistan is one of an alltoorare breed
on tuesday bennett held an interim study on the current threat posed by radical islam and the effect that shariah law the muslim brotherhood and jihadist indoctrination have in the radicalization process in oklahoma and america in his request to hold this study he explained this will be a study of the current threat posed by radical islam and the effect that shariah law the muslim brotherhood and jihadist indoctrination have in the radicalization process in oklahoma and america
this kind of study should have been held not just in the oklahoma house of representatives but in the us house and senate as well that such an idea is inconceivable is an indication of the fix were in and the situation is only marginally better in oklahoma nowadays the misinformation and disinformation about what were up against is so universal that anywhere the truth is told about this threat there is significant pushback from the allies and enablers of jihad and islamic supremacism
and so it was in tulsa on tuesday the interim study featured testimony by former fbi agent john guandolo and chris gaubatz whose exploits as an undercover agent infiltrating the hamaslinked council on americanislamic relations cair are chronicled in the eyeopening book muslim mafia
gaubatz and guandolo presented evidence including land records showing that the islamic society of greater oklahoma city isgoc is owned by the muslim brotherhood group the north american islamic trust nait that both cair which has an active chapter in oklahoma city and isgoc are muslim brotherhood organizations and that cair has extensive ties to the jihad terror group hamas which styles itself the muslim brotherhood for palestine they pointed out that since imad enchassi the imam of isgoc is a palestinian and has all these ties to the muslim brotherhood he likely also has links to hamas
guandolo and gaubatz did not base their case on innuendo and hearsay they laid out fbi evidence muslim brotherhood documents and more demonstrating that the claims they were making were based on solid evidence
predictably however the mainstream media which we now know beyond any shadow of a doubt is simply and solely a propaganda arm for the left and the democratic party focused entirely on the presence of adam soltani of cairok and enchassi the tulsa world ran a piece with the hysterical headline state representative brands cairok its director and a local imam as terrorists it quoted soltani raging against bennett rep bennett is shamefully wasting taxpayer money to promote his own biased agenda this hearing was a new low for rep bennett as his guests presented a biased narrative that achieves nothing more than demonizing and marginalizing the oklahoma muslim community
the world magisterially told its readers that cair is a muslim civil liberties and advocacy group working to enhance the understanding of islam it didnt see fit to mention that cair is an unindicted coconspirator in a hamas terror funding case so named by the justice department there was not a word in the world report about how cair officials have repeatedly refused to denounce hamas and hizballah as terrorist groups several former cair officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror cairs cofounder and longtime board chairman omar ahmad as well as its chief spokesman ibrahim hooper have made islamic supremacist statements ahmad denies this but the original reporter stands by her story a california chapter distributed a poster telling muslims not to talk to the fbi and a florida chapter distributed pamphlets with the same message cair has opposed virtually every antiterror measure that has been proposed or implemented and has been declared a terror organization by the united arab emirates
but the tulsa world and other mainstream media outlets that covered bennetts study did not see fit to inform their readers of any of that instead predictably enough they portrayed the hearing as a baseless exercise in racebaiting and fearmongering conducted by a politician up for reelection
john bennett and the people of oklahoma deserve better there are legitimate questions about cair and isgoc bennett dared to raise them tuesday for that he is being subjected to a media lynching that is cynically designed to obscure the genuine concerns he raised yet ever since a member of isgoc beheaded a coworker in these concerns are more urgent than ever
the media enablers of jihad must be decisively repudiated please email the speaker of the oklahoma house jeff w hickman politely and courteously expressing your support for john bennett and requesting that his hearing be just the first of a series his email is email protected and his phone number is
john bennett has yet again stuck his neck out for freedom in these hard times those who are willing to do that have to hang together | english | | | hate | Real | election law violation hillarys idea | reprinted palestinian media watch fatah posted several childrens drawings facebook drawings clearly show success pa fatah brainwashing children believe israel seeks harm violence good israel really palestine labeling drawings innocent drawings express feelings children palestine fatah posted drawing showing israel indicated star david eating palestinian body wrapped palestinian flag blood seen coming body glass blood next plateanother drawing palestinian child showed crucified woman wearing colors palestinian flag body shape pa map palestine presents israel palestine together pa areas crucifixion also repeats analogy palestinians martyr victims like jesus yet drawings showed support violence legitimate means palestinian opposition israel one child drew palestinian slingshot another drew hand rifle see drawings echo pa fatahs encouragement use violence israel glorification terrorists heroes palestinian media watch documented summer camps organized pa ministry education plo educated children see terrorist stabbers role models drawings repeated world view israel palestine showing pa map palestine completely erases existence israel legitimacy see message repeated endlessly pa fatah children told return us kids tv programs pa national security forces regularly post photos israel presenting places palestine even crossword puzzles portray israeli cities occupied palestine pas exploitation palestinian childrens innocence precisely pmw highlighting warning years pa fatah repeatedly demonize israel monster whose intention harm palestinians israel satan tail pa tv childrens programs satans project fighting allahs project sermons delivered mahmoud abbas advisor similarly palestinian terrorist murderers portrayed innocent victims alleged israeli executions drawings included doves calling peace freedom major focus palestinian authority policy today demand freedom imprisoned palestinian terrorists including murderers one drawing specifies freedom ahmad manasrah child terrorist stabbed critically wounded two israelis one yearold boy | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-27T09:20:32.054+03:00 | they knew the end of the clinton lies begins | our new country women and minorities hit hardest the rape culture the media wont cover october ann coulter every ethnic group except whites blocvotes for the democrats coincidentally the democrats have brought in another to million nonwhite immigrants in the last few decades it doesnt help that white voters cant agree on what constitutes an acceptable candidate in workingclass whites sat out the election rather than vote for the outoftouch rich guy they saw in mitt romney this year the outoftouch rich guys say theyll vote for hillary because trump is tacky and gross the sad irony is that the only people who will be better off in our new country are mostly white plutocrats the top percent the rest of us will be their servants the people who will be worse off are everybody else the working class the middle class who will soon be working class and most of all women minorities children the elderly the weakest and most vulnerable members of society look to mexico for your future or any third world country or to univisions jorge ramos the ruling class in mexico is composed of europeanlooking white descendants of spanish conquistadors who raped the native population giving them only their spanish names in return british settlers in america brought women with them explaining latino cultures acceptance of incest and child rape criminal justice researcher shana maier writes in a book about rape that the male is the head of the household and women are subordinate to men hispanics and latinos are more likely than other racialethnic groups to blame the victim the victim not the perpetrator is blamed for bringing dishonor to the family one american detective said that today police are being taught to keep an open mind about child rape because its a cultural thing when it comes to multiculturalism you cant say we love the empanadas but we dont want yearold men raping their nieces this isnt an a la carte menu we get all the attributes of the cultures were importing as described in excruciating detail in adios america the lefts plan to turn our country into a third world hellhole our media already have a totally open mind about incest and child rape and murder when its committed by immigrants thus for example where i would have chosen the headline illegal alien convicted of incest child rape the chattanooga tenn times free press went with the less catchy man guilty in case of human smuggling and where i would have used the headline illegal alien repeatedly raped yearold girl at job site the commercial dispatch in columbus mississippi went with the more subtle columbus resident charged with molestation immigrant women arrive in america thrilled to have escaped cultures where rape incest and spousal murder are acceptable only to discover that those crimes are perfectly acceptable in this country too provided the perpetrator is from the very culture they fled in brooklyn judge edward pincus sentenced a chinese immigrant to probation for a premeditated murder of his wife on the grounds that the murder flowed from traditional chinese values about adultery and loss of manhood the female head of the asianamerican legal defense and education fund margaret fung applauded the ruling somewhat amazingly newspapers are more likely to report black crime than immigrant crime anything to keep the third world immigration flowing in a yearold girl was gangraped by about a dozen illegal aliens who cheered and videoed the attack when the news first broke shaneequa jupiter who lived with her children in the apartment building where the gang rape occurred complained that neither the police nor apartment security had warned residents about the danger that could reflect poorly on illegal immigrants even if shaneequa had scoured the headlines she would have been on the lookout for austin men or two compare these headlines about the same brutal sexual attack two held in attack on child austin americanstatesman texas july two mexicans placed on immigration detainers as third man is arrested over fiveday gang rape hell of teenage runaway during which she smoked crack daily mail online uk july needless to say the new york times did not cover the mexican illegal alien gang rape at all by contrast the times and every major american news outlet extensively covered another gang rape of a girl about the same age at about the same time in about the same place the second case only was rape because of the girls young age she was but she was an enthusiastic participant sneaking out of her house at night to meet the men for sex those rapes just a few years earlier got a fullcourt press the defendants were africanamerican the victim was mexican that time there were articles in the huffington post gq slate salon and mother jones it even made the new york times despite no connection to a college fraternity or lacrosse team similarly within a few months of one another in two men were arrested in separate child rape cases in decatur alabama for assaults on yearold girls one suspect was africanamerican the other was a hispanic immigrant only one made the newspaper guess which one when excitable muslims raped american reporter lara logan in tahrir square another one of hillarys foreign policy successes journalists immediately set to work to find the shortest line from the muslim rapists to white american men conclusion the real problem was the female reporters american bosses and colleagues definitely not islam sampling of new york times commentary on logans rape why we need women in war zones i would never tell my bosses for fear that they might keep me at home the next time something major happened this attack also had nothing to do with islam reporting while female women reporters face another set of challenges we are often harassed in ways that male colleagues are not in my experience muslim countries were not the worst places for sexual harassment perhaps american men could do better but as american women may soon discover they never had it so good manifestly the purpose of our immigration policies is not to help americans or the immigrants who wanted to live in a place like america they are designed to funnel welfaredependent voters to the democrats and cheap labor to the rich the chinese immigrant who got probation for murdering his wife for example came to america based on his specialized skill of being a dishwasher our country will be zimbabwe but if all goes according to the democrats plan theyll get to be mugabe thats hillarys dream if she wins joe sobrans parody of the typical new york times headline about anything will come true women and minorities hit hardest | english | | | hate | Real | realism jihad threat oklahoma | weird bans women iran gender apartheid islamic republic october dr majid rafizadeh irans islamic laws women prohibited performing basic daytoday activities firsthand experience witnessing many strange bizarre bans living iran muslim countries millions women including relatives iran syria continue face injustices following rules derived irans islamic constitution moral police codes recently reported deutsche welle farsi exist may islamic countries well women prohibited taking selfies soccer players specifically irans moral committee banned women taking selfies famous soccer players iranian women prohibited riding bicycles irans supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei recently issued islamic fatwa regarding officially banning women riding bicycles argued riding bicycles often attracts attention men exposes society corruption thus contravenes womens chastity must abandoned according irans staterun media coffee shops prohibited hiring women according irans police women banned working cafés iranian muslim women cannot marry nonmuslim men iranian muslim men marry nonmuslim women forbidden women wear boots pants sure irans islamic logic behind women allowed wear hats instead veils cover hair women allowed wear tight clothes show body curves women prohibited wearing tight clothes swimming women forbidden changing religion criticizing muhammad allah supreme leader muslim leaders women prohibited entering sport stadiums watching mens sports iran buses subways divided two sections larger front section men smaller back section women women prohibited entering mens section even seats left back plenty empty seats front bus according irans moral police women banned wearing leggings women prohibited showing strands hair side article states women appear streets public places without islamic hijab shall sentenced ten days two months imprisonment fined fifty thousand five hundred thousand rials women banned going camping men kind contraceptive surgery allowed women women banned entering coffeehouses smoking hookah women allowed initiate divorce men right according irans family code women cannot travel abroad except permission custodian natural guardian husband father etc also cannot obtain passport without consent husbands women banned wearing clothes writing women banned taking hijab sport event including olympics iranian women prohibited pursuing education academic fields iranian regimes oil minister argued education women field operations drilling processing require physical activities operational areas sites useless masculine mens jobs women allowed work occupation husband disagrees article civil code states relations husband wife position head family exclusively belongs husband addition comes employment laws article civil code indicates husband prevent wife occupation technical profession incompatible familys interests dignity wife women banned receiving amount inheritance male relatives even husband dies wife receive oneeighth inheritance child women forbidden physical contact men including shaking hands women banned becoming supreme leader girls young years old allowed object parents decision marry women allowed object husbands requests sex law tamkin means womens submission obedience full accessibility unhampered sexual availability husband sexual availability considered womans duty mans right women allowed bring lawsuits raped unless four witnesses women banned socializing dating men women banned attracting attention public flamboyant behavior laughing loudly women allowed show part skin except face encouraged cover face well women allowed kind alcoholic drinks women allowed dance women forbidden lesbian sex two women adultery punishments range stoning execution women banned listening forbidden music women allowed pets dog women banned adopting except husband agrees women prohibited gambling kind event women banned sex marrying man five six months divorce women prohibited tattoos women allowed premarital relationships men many irans provinces women banned performing music stage women banned judges women banned striking husband men allowed circumstances women allowed show jewelry public women continue defy rules many face severe punishment discrimination performing normal daytoday activities need raise voice helping muslim women iran muslim countries desire experience freedom social justice equality want subjugated dehumanized treated second class citizens solely sexual toys men | 1 |
Matthew Vadum | 2016-10-27T09:20:32.333+03:00 | election law violation was hillarys idea | reprinted from palestinian media watch
fatah has posted several childrens drawings on facebook the drawings clearly show the success of pa and fatah brainwashing children to believe that israel only seeks to harm them violence is good and that all of israel really is palestine labeling the drawings innocent drawings that express the feelings of children of palestine fatah posted the drawing above showing israel as indicated by a star of david eating a palestinian body wrapped in the palestinian flag blood is seen coming from the body and a glass of blood is next to the plateanother drawing by a palestinian child showed a crucified woman wearing the colors of the palestinian flag with her body in the shape of the pa map of palestine that presents all of israel as palestine together with the pa areas the crucifixion also repeats the analogy that palestinians are martyr victims like jesus yet other drawings showed support for violence as legitimate means of palestinian opposition to israel one child drew a palestinian with a slingshot another drew a hand with a rifle see below these drawings echo the pa and fatahs encouragement of the use of violence against israel and their glorification of terrorists as heroes palestinian media watch documented that summer camps organized by the pa ministry of education and the plo educated children to see terrorist stabbers as role models
other drawings repeated the world view that all of israel is palestine showing the pa map of palestine which completely erases the existence of israel and its legitimacy see below this message is repeated endlessly by the pa and fatah children are told that it will all return to us on kids tv programs the pa national security forces regularly post photos from all over israel presenting the places as palestine and even crossword puzzles portray israeli cities as occupied palestine
the pas exploitation of palestinian childrens innocence is precisely what pmw has been highlighting and warning about for years the pa and fatah repeatedly demonize israel as a monster whose only intention is to harm palestinians israel is satan with a tail on pa tv childrens programs and satans project fighting allahs project in sermons delivered by mahmoud abbas advisor similarly palestinian terrorist murderers are being portrayed as innocent victims of alleged israeli executions a few of the drawings included doves some calling for peace and freedom a major focus of palestinian authority policy today is to demand freedom for all imprisoned palestinian terrorists including murderers one drawing specifies freedom for ahmad manasrah a child terrorist who stabbed and critically wounded two israelis one of them a yearold boy | english | | | hate | Real | new country women minorities hit hardest | hillary clinton tops islamist money politics list dubious awards dont want win one top recipients islamic money politics certainly tops list hillary clinton likes complain dark money dark money gets middle east forums research shows hillary clinton tops list raking prominent islamists includes senior officials council americanislamic relations cair declared terrorist organization united arab emirates november example mrs clinton accepted former cair vicechairman ahmad alakhras defended numerous islamists ohio indicted later convicted terrorism charges among current presidential candidates jill stein accepted donald trump gary johnson received islamist money top recent recipients money enemy include rep keith ellison rep andre carson top ten list includes nine democrats one independent sen bernie sanders accepted republicans dont think thats surprising anyone though feel sorry jill stein hates israel announced wouldnt killed osama bin laden whats girl gotta get ahead jihad street anyway | 1 |
Robert Spencer | 2016-10-27T09:20:32.939+03:00 | realism about the jihad threat in oklahoma | weird bans on women in iran gender apartheid in the islamic republic october dr majid rafizadeh
under irans islamic laws women are prohibited from performing basic daytoday activities i had firsthand experience of witnessing many of these strange and bizarre bans while living in iran and other muslim countries millions of women including my relatives in iran and syria continue to face these injustices some of the following rules which are derived from irans islamic constitution and moral police codes were recently reported on by deutsche welle farsi they exist in may other islamic countries as well
women are prohibited from taking selfies with soccer players specifically irans moral committee has banned women from taking selfies with famous soccer players
iranian women are prohibited from riding bicycles irans supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei recently issued an islamic fatwa regarding officially banning women from riding bicycles he argued that riding bicycles often attracts the attention of men and exposes the society to corruption and thus contravenes womens chastity and it must be abandoned according to irans staterun media
coffee shops are prohibited from hiring women according to irans police women are banned from working in any cafés
iranian muslim women cannot marry nonmuslim men but iranian muslim men can marry nonmuslim women
it is forbidden for women to wear boots over their pants why i am not sure what is irans islamic logic behind this
women are not allowed to wear hats instead of veils to cover their hair
women are not allowed to wear tight clothes that show their body curves
women are prohibited from wearing tight clothes for swimming
women are forbidden from changing their religion or criticizing muhammad allah the supreme leader and other muslim leaders
women are prohibited from entering sport stadiums and watching mens sports
in iran buses and subways are divided in two sections the larger front section is for men the smaller back section is for women women are prohibited from entering the mens section even if there are no seats left in the back and there are plenty of empty seats in front of the bus
according to irans moral police women are banned from wearing leggings
women are prohibited from showing strands of their hair on any side article states those women that appear in the streets and public places without the islamic hijab shall be sentenced from ten days to two months imprisonment or fined from fifty thousand to five hundred thousand rials
women are banned from going camping with men
any kind of contraceptive surgery is not allowed for women
women are banned from entering coffeehouses or smoking hookah
women are not allowed to initiate divorce men have the right to do so
according to irans family code women cannot travel abroad except with the permission of their custodian or natural guardian husband father etc they also cannot obtain a passport without the consent of their husbands
women are banned from wearing clothes with writing on them
women are banned from taking their hijab off in any sport event including in the olympics
iranian women are prohibited from pursuing education in some academic fields iranian regimes oil minister argued that education of women in the field of operations such as drilling and processing and so on that require physical activities in operational areas and sites is useless and these are masculine mens jobs
women are not allowed to work in any occupation if their husband disagrees with it article of the civil code states in relations between husband and wife the position of the head of the family exclusively belongs to the husband in addition when it comes to employment laws article of the civil code indicates the husband can prevent his wife from an occupation or technical profession which is incompatible with the familys interests or the dignity of him or his wife
women are banned from receiving the same amount of inheritance as their male relatives even if a husband dies the wife will receive only oneeighth of the inheritance if she has a child
women are forbidden from having any physical contact with men including shaking hands
women are banned from becoming a supreme leader
girls as young as years old are not allowed to object to their parents decision to marry them off
women are not allowed to object to their husbands requests for sex the law of tamkin means womens submission obedience full accessibility and unhampered sexual availability to her husband sexual availability is considered a womans duty and a mans right
women are not allowed to bring lawsuits if they are raped unless they have four witnesses
women are banned from socializing or dating men
women are banned from attracting attention in public through flamboyant behavior such as laughing loudly
women are not allowed to show any part of their skin except the face it is encouraged to cover the face as well
women are not allowed to have any kind of alcoholic drinks
women are not allowed to dance
women are forbidden from being lesbian sex between two women is adultery and the punishments range from stoning to execution
women are banned from listening to forbidden music
women are not allowed to have pets such as a dog
women are banned from adopting except if they have a husband and he agrees to do so
women are prohibited from gambling in any kind of event
women are banned from having sex or marrying a man up to five or six months after their divorce
women are prohibited from having tattoos
women are not allowed to have premarital relationships with men
in many of irans provinces women are banned from performing music on stage
women are banned from being judges
women are banned from striking their husband but men are allowed to do so in some circumstances
women are not allowed to show their jewelry in public
some women continue to defy these rules but many face severe punishment and discrimination for performing some of these normal daytoday activities we need to raise our voice in helping muslim women in iran and other muslim countries who desire to experience freedom social justice equality and do not want to be subjugated dehumanized treated as second class citizens or solely as sexual toys for men | english | | | hate | Real | pa kids drawings israel drinks blood palestinians | obama used religious test favor muslims christians saw statistical outcomes refugee numbers vast majority syrian refugees muslims hardly christians snapshot bias worked jobs according email chain john podesta received lists exclusively muslims asians considered jobs obama administration email chain revealed process middle eastern christians purposefully excluded set aside separate list aide writing candidates top jobs excluded arab american background muslim eg george mitchell many lebanese americans example christian last list outside boardscommissions listed appear muslim american except handful noted may arab american uncertain religion esp christian remember outrage unamerican religious tests religious tests preference muslims obama inc business note especially uncertain religion part religious tests work | 1 |
Ann Coulter | 2016-10-27T09:20:33.390+03:00 | our new country women and minorities hit hardest | hillary clinton tops islamist money in politics list
there are some very dubious awards out there that you just dont want to win being one of the top recipients of islamic money in politics certainly tops that list hillary clinton likes to complain about dark money this is as dark as money gets as the middle east forums research shows
hillary clinton tops the list raking in from prominent islamists this includes from senior officials of the council on americanislamic relations cair declared a terrorist organization by the united arab emirates on november
for example mrs clinton has accepted from former cair vicechairman ahmad alakhras who has defended numerous islamists in ohio indicted and later convicted on terrorism charges
among other current presidential candidates jill stein has accepted donald trump and gary johnson have not received any islamist money
other top recent recipients of money from the enemy include rep keith ellison and rep andre carson
the top ten list includes nine democrats one independent sen bernie sanders accepted and no republicans
i dont think thats too surprising to anyone though you have to feel sorry for jill stein she hates israel and announced she wouldnt have killed osama bin laden whats a girl gotta do to get ahead on jihad street anyway | english | | | hate | Real | weird bans women iran | bill clinton inc billions foundation million clintons october call unintended revenge doug band band used bills huma guy big guy couldnt go bathroom without let alone perform simplest tasks clinton foundation band project waters grew murkier recent email leaks revealed rather devastating doug band memo making money whole infrastructure called running bill clinton inc band also organizing personal income directly clinton heading forprofit activity president clinton ie bill clinton inc band wrote dedicated selves helping president secure engage forprofit activitiesincluding speeches books advisory service engagements support presidents forprofit activity also solicited obtained appropriate inkind services president familyfor personal travel hospitality vacation like neither justin separately compensated activities eg receive fee percentage million forprofit activity personally helped secure president clinton date million future contracts choose continue engagements band mentions four arrangements without naming bill clinton paid nearly million honorary chancellor forprofit college laureate international universities according reports familys tax returns dubaibased firm gems education paid bill clinton according tax returns band also lists variety speaking fees previously disclosed clintons including hundreds thousands dollars ubs ericsson bhp barclays alone according clintons tax returns bill clinton earned speaking fees course lots synergy profit stuff non profit stuff dougs teneo interests entire clintonworld octopus dedicated helping president secure engage forprofit activities band wrote also said sought leverage activities including partner role teneo support raise funds foundation bands memo provided data showing much money teneos clients time given clinton foundation much paid bill clinton cases kelly personally forged relationships resulted payments band wrote teneo partners raised excess million foundation million paid speaking fees bill clinton said secured contracts former president would pay million subsequent nine years deals remained place band also described kelly helped expand fruitful relationship ubs global wealth management introducing bill clinton top executive charity dinner ensuing years ubs upped giving foundation signed teneo client agreed pay bill clinton speeches band wrote band actually making case entire network clinton foundation completely entangled private financial interests clintons mention interests people around banks major corporations business bills toady paying bill money donating clinton foundation arrangements made party first part band described memo combined work cgi teneo wrote used hotel room upstairs cgi gathering meet teneo clients also acknowledged giving free cgi memberships target teneo clients cultivated potential foundation donors memberships generally cost year teneo meanwhile named bill clinton honorary chairman clinton initially tapped threeyear arrangement would provide advice teneo regarding geopolitical economic social trends according separate june memo band wrote state department seeking ethics approval former presidents employment bill clinton initially paid million teneo according man world book written former presidents participation author joe conason heres gets appropriately entertaining band outlined kelly teneo cofounder served simultaneously unpaid economic envoy northern ireland appointed thensecretary state hillary clinton head separate consulting company whose clients included coke ubs dow band wrote arrangement consistent kellys state department ethics agreement kellys multiple roles came together one state department event thensecretary clinton recognized dow among companies creating jobs northern ireland thanked kelly work issue dow became one teneos first major clients according bands memo dow chief executive andrew liveris introduced bill clinton round golf kelly august thats consistent mafia ethics agreements good clintonworld | 1 |
Itamar Marcus | 2016-10-27T09:20:33.446+03:00 | pa kids drawings israel drinks blood of palestinians | obama used religious test to favor muslims over christians
we saw the statistical outcomes with the refugee numbers where the vast majority of syrian refugees were muslims with hardly any christians at all now we have a snapshot of how that same bias worked with jobs
according to an email chain from john podesta received lists of exclusively muslims and asians to be considered for jobs in the obama administration the email chain revealed that in this process middle eastern christians were purposefully excluded or set aside in a separate list with an aide writing
in the candidates for top jobs i excluded those with some arab american background but who are not muslim eg george mitchell many lebanese americans for example are christian in the last list of outside boardscommissions most who are listed appear to be muslim american except that a handful where noted may be arab american but of uncertain religion esp christian
remember all that outrage over how unamerican religious tests are religious tests that preference muslims are how obama inc does business
note especially the uncertain religion part this is how religious tests work | english | | | hate | Real | hillary clinton tops islamist money politics list | wife fbi official investigating hillary got k hillary allied pac october daniel greenfield system broken deeply corrupted insider politics situation center power reached point utter unaccountability insider politics function shadow government needs change restoring america requires dismantling much federal government constitutional reasons simple matter saving republic hillary clinton headlined major fundraiser political action committee shortly group steered nearly wife fbi official oversaw clinton email investigation dailymailcom learned clintons ties common good va virginia state pac run clintons longtime friend advisor terry mcauliffe governor came scrutiny week wall street journal reported group donated heavily state senate campaign jill mccabe husband andrew mccabe led fbi investigation clintons emails andrew mccabe deputy director fbi told wall street journal complied federal ethics rules promoted lead clinton probe months wifes unsuccessful state senate bid ended common good va largest single donor jill mccabes campaign election records show giving june october thirdlargest recipient money group contribute virginia state candidates campaign also received additional democratic party virginia group mcauliffe exerts significant control combined money made nearly onethird total funding mccabe pediatrician suddenly decided run public office unopposed certainly nice dems put first timer unopposed throw piles piles cash cash coming key former clinton foundation man center latest foundation scandal although common good va allowed fund statelevel candidates many largest donations came outside virginia including clinton foundation official doug band new york clinton loyalist robert johnson maryland clinton megadonor stephen cloobeck nevada following months common good va received several major donations close clinton associates including bill clintons business partner ron burkle california ready hillarys finance committee member leonard lauder new york basic conflicts someone linked clinton network never investigating hillary regardless dates timing exactly happened benghazi | 1 |
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh | 2016-10-27T09:20:34.163+03:00 | weird bans on women in iran | bill clinton inc billions for the foundation million for the clintons october
call it the unintended revenge of doug band
band used to be bills huma the guy that the big guy couldnt go to the bathroom without let alone perform the simplest tasks the clinton foundation was a band project the waters grew murkier but the recent email leaks revealed a rather devastating doug band memo on how he was making money for the whole infrastructure of what he called running bill clinton inc
and band was also organizing personal income directly for clinton under the heading forprofit activity of president clinton ie bill clinton inc band wrote we have dedicated our selves to helping the president secure and engage in forprofit activitiesincluding speeches books and advisory service engagements in support of the presidents forprofit activity we also have solicited and obtained as appropriate inkind services for the president and his familyfor personal travel hospitality vacation and the like neither justin nor i are separately compensated for these activities eg we do not receive a fee for or percentage of the more than million in forprofit activity we have personally helped to secure for president clinton to date or the million in future contracts should he choose to continue with those engagements
band mentions four such arrangements without naming them bill clinton was paid nearly million to be honorary chancellor of a forprofit college laureate international universities according to reports and the familys tax returns a dubaibased firm gems education paid bill clinton more than in according to the tax returns band also lists a variety of speaking fees previously disclosed by the clintons including hundreds of thousands of dollars each from ubs ericsson bhp and barclays in alone according to the clintons tax returns bill clinton earned in speaking fees
of course there was lots of synergy between the for profit stuff and the non profit stuff between dougs teneo interests and the entire clintonworld octopus
we have dedicated ourselves to helping the president secure and engage in forprofit activities band wrote he also said he had sought to leverage my activities including my partner role at teneo to support and to raise funds for the foundation
bands memo provided data showing how much money each of teneos clients at the time had given to the clinton foundation how much they had paid bill clinton and in some cases how he or kelly had personally forged the relationships that resulted in the payments
band wrote that teneo partners had raised in excess of million for the foundation and million in paid speaking fees for bill clinton he said he had secured contracts for the former president that would pay out million over the subsequent nine years if the deals remained in place
band also described how kelly helped expand a fruitful relationship with ubs global wealth management introducing bill clinton to a top executive at a charity dinner in the ensuing years ubs upped its giving to the foundation signed on as a teneo client and agreed to pay bill clinton for speeches band wrote
band was actually making the case that the entire network of the clinton foundation is completely entangled with the private financial interests of the clintons not to mention the interests of people around them
banks and major corporations were doing business with bills toady paying bill money and donating to the clinton foundation through arrangements made by the party of the first part
band described in the memo how he combined his work for cgi and teneo he wrote that he had used a hotel room upstairs from the cgi gathering to meet with teneo clients he also acknowledged giving free cgi memberships to target teneo clients being cultivated as potential foundation donors memberships generally cost a year
teneo meanwhile named bill clinton its honorary chairman clinton had been initially tapped for a threeyear arrangement in which he would provide advice to teneo regarding geopolitical economic and social trends according to a separate june memo that band wrote to the state department seeking ethics approval for the former presidents employment
bill clinton was initially paid million by teneo according to man of the world a book written with the former presidents participation by author joe conason
and heres where it gets appropriately entertaining
but band outlined that kelly his teneo cofounder had served simultaneously between and as an unpaid economic envoy to northern ireland appointed by thensecretary of state hillary clinton and as head of a separate consulting company whose clients included coke ubs and dow band wrote that the arrangement was consistent with kellys state department ethics agreement
kellys multiple roles came together during one state department event in when thensecretary clinton recognized dow among other companies for creating jobs in northern ireland and thanked kelly for his work on the issue
dow became one of teneos first major clients according to bands memo dow chief executive andrew liveris had been introduced to bill clinton over a round of golf with kelly in august
thats not consistent with mafia ethics agreements but its all good in clintonworld | english | | | hate | Real | obama used religious test favor muslims christians | reprinted spectatororg tom hayden vietnam war protester sds founder died past weekend age haydens journey many ways tragic born december detroit suburbs unlike many radical leaders reddiaper baby parents irish catholics named st thomas aquinas sent catholic school father marine worked chrysler abusive drunk haydens parents rocky marriage divorced boy affected terribly haydens friend exradical david horowitz observed hayden harbored irving howe described obscure personal rage possibly estrangement father tom indeed angry man wrote horowitz seemed perpetual search enemies hayden channeled anger group much damage america antithesis anything thomas aquinas would ever imagined sds students democratic society hayden forever young forever hippie memories many americans snarling activist married hanoi jane fonda literally wrote script sds hayden wrote sdss manifesto founding port huron statement haydens creampuff obituary washington post generously referred expansive utopian manifesto extolled participatory democracy antidote complacency conformity eisenhower decade right haydens odd expressions participatory democracy included another writing scribbled infamous june letter wishing good fortune victory north vietnamese colonels killing american boys southeast asia using kind artillery haydens sweetheart jane posed beside stint viet cong covergirl one countless disturbing actions tom hayden time todays leftists merrily sweep rug uphold crusader civil rights course social justice etched memory might tom haydens swan song long wifes cheerleading viet cong namely document wrote president fundamental transformation know hayden founder another group destructive forces group called progressives obama groups members came together coalescing around democratic presidential nominee lifetimes farleft enough support constituted whos sds crowd among nearly formal signers progressives obama mark rudd carl davidson jane fonda thorne dreyer daniel ellsberg richard flacks john mcauliff jay schaffner columbia university naturally wellrepresented likes rudd shut campus current faculty todd gitlin former sds president today professor journalism sociology chair columbias doctoral program communications whereas likes obama friends bill ayers bernardine dohrn thrust national spotlight conservatives like glenn beck sean hannity progressives obama flew radar largely unnoticed even right appropriately spearheading progressives obama man spearheaded sds tom hayden one four initiators progressives obama along barbara ehrenreich bill fletcher jr danny glover exaggeration say signers list progressives obama resembled roster sdsers called testify congress december subversive activities aside likes hayden rudd davidson sdsers among progressives obama bob pardun sds education secretary paul buhle professor recently sought revive sds among names insane fired unique opportunity fellow farleft radical one barack obama offered saw obama golden chance onceinalifetime moment got november obama day last day therein among progressives obama testimony leader tom hayden especially revealing understand early life establishing sds meeting expressing good fortune victory viet cong vigorously protesting american system hayden went politics professional activism education like erstwhile sds brethren hayden grasped power higher education pervaded served professor pitzer college also obamas alma mater occidental college like mark rudd like bill ayers like bernardine dohrn higher education hayden come view quick revolution system daunting impossible become much patient instead advocating progressive evolution slower measured change seeking advance progressive cause within established mainstream democratic party course hayden helped blow democratic partys national convention matter party different warmly accepted hayden ecstatic barack obamas presidential campaign jumped feet looking assist wherever could rush enthusiasm seen since days undermining america vietnam one tinker around hayden got work formal organization unifying statement done sds creation man drafted sdss pivotal port huron statement got work drafting mission statements progressives obama campaign touched hayden moved verse emergence obama one article titled obama open unexpected future written commondreamsorg selfdescribed website breaking news views progressive community hayden mused didnt see coming read young state senator background community organizing wanted president least sentient enough interested read dreams father sic taken aback depth young man apparently gave first public speech south african apartheid occidental college rally organized students economic democracy student branch campaign economic democracy chaired buds curiosity quickened hayden saw obama longawaited vehicle economic democracy instrument channel equal distribution wealth economic justice redistributive change obama put hayden wished win lose obama movement shape progressive politics generation come also hoped progressive movement likewise might transform obama well could reinforce shape one another hayden wrote june obama elected later following november hayden beside joy surely shocked american electorate finally voted president tom hayden saw kind president upon time traditional democrats like haydens parents shaken heads disgust tom pals partys convention chicago days rage next year columbia student strike democratic party belonged kiddies former sds founder became particularly vocal praise obama election election goal organize raise money speak loudly fear driving away moderates remaining traditional democrat moms pops worked mines mills joined unions clinged god guns prayed rosaries filled churches prolife antigay marriage presidency secured hayden could open joined former comrades takenoprisoners website progressives obama began regularly sounding obamas critics opposing single payer public option healthcare reform government management general motors subtlety howitzer presidency hayden allies free express demonize healthinsurance companies financialservices industry aig big three automakers whatever capitalist reptile lenins phrase stood way president obamas desire reform mandate change twoterm presidency fundamental transformation obama hayden friends achieved many common dreams election cycle tom hayden must mesmerized revolution fellow radicals pulled democratic party alas fitting tom hayden became seriously ill final stand turn worse democratic national convention philadelphia past summer striving ensure democratic party continue along radical path fundamental transformation allies unable achieve via sds weather underground path hands hillary clinton assured today long last tom hayden friends new democratic party new america rest peace assured mission finally accomplished | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-27T14:09:03.602+03:00 | hillary clinton tops islamist money in politics list | wife of fbi official investigating hillary got k from hillary allied pac october daniel greenfield
the system is broken its deeply corrupted by insider politics the situation at the center of power has reached the point of utter unaccountability insider politics function as a shadow government that needs to change restoring america requires dismantling much of the federal government not only for constitutional reasons but because its a simple matter of saving the republic
hillary clinton headlined a major fundraiser for a political action committee shortly before the group steered nearly to the wife of the fbi official who oversaw the clinton email investigation dailymailcom has learned
clintons ties to the common good va a virginia state pac run by clintons longtime friend and advisor terry mcauliffe its governor came under scrutiny this week after the wall street journal reported that the group donated heavily to the state senate campaign of jill mccabe
her husband andrew mccabe led the fbi investigation into clintons emails
andrew mccabe now the deputy director of the fbi told the wall street journal that he complied with federal ethics rules and was not promoted to lead the clinton probe until months after his wifes unsuccessful state senate bid ended
common good va was the largest single donor to jill mccabes campaign election records show giving her between june and october of
she was the thirdlargest recipient of money from the group which can only contribute to virginia state candidates
her campaign also received an additional from the democratic party of virginia a group over which mcauliffe exerts significant control combined the money made up nearly onethird of her total funding
now mccabe a pediatrician suddenly decided to run for public office unopposed that was certainly nice of the dems to not only put a first timer unopposed but to throw piles and piles of cash at her and some of that cash was coming from a key former clinton foundation man at the center of the latest foundation scandal
although common good va is only allowed to fund statelevel candidates many of its largest donations came from outside of virginia including from clinton foundation official doug band in new york from clinton loyalist robert johnson in maryland and from clinton megadonor stephen cloobeck in nevada
in the following months common good va received several major donations from other close clinton associates including from bill clintons business partner ron burkle in california and from ready for hillarys finance committee member leonard lauder in new york
there are basic conflicts here someone this linked to the clinton network should never have been investigating hillary regardless of the dates and timing but this is exactly what happened with benghazi | english | | | hate | Real | bill clinton inc billions foundation million clintons | obama votes us un october daniel greenfield obamas abstention un vote us new low antiamerican administration american history obama foreign policy reoriented toward damaging interests much possible actively opposing us policy un new low resolution ares necessity ending economic commercial financial embargo imposed united states america cuba introduced request cuba back memorandum accused america pursuing aggressive policy cuba declared aim imposing political social economic order united states authorities consider fitting policy included direct military intervention threat nuclear annihilation instigation carrying countless acts sabotage plans assassinate cuban leaders obamas creepy toady ben rhodes tweeted reason vote defend failed policy oppose except failed policy united states rhodes means obama left arent going defend united states international forums disagree us yet another reminder people running country country theyre hostile foreign ideology sees separate united states believe responsibilities toward united states un samantha power took antiamerican positions applause un united obama america years united states policy aimed isolating government cuba roughly half years un member states voted overwhelmingly general assembly resolution condemns us embargo calls ended united states always voted resolution today united states abstain applause thank treason | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-27T14:09:06.081+03:00 | obama used religious test to favor muslims over christians | reprinted from spectatororg
tom hayden the vietnam war protester and sds founder died this past weekend at age
haydens journey was in many ways tragic born december in the detroit suburbs he was not unlike many radical leaders a reddiaper baby his parents were irish catholics who named him after st thomas aquinas and sent him to catholic school his father was a marine who worked for chrysler and an abusive drunk haydens parents had a rocky marriage and divorced when he was a boy which affected him terribly haydens friend and exradical david horowitz observed that hayden harbored what irving howe once described as an obscure personal rage possibly from his estrangement from his father tom was indeed an angry man wrote horowitz who seemed in perpetual search of enemies
hayden channeled that anger into a group that did much damage to america and was the antithesis of anything that thomas aquinas would have ever imagined sds students for a democratic society
hayden will be forever young and forever a hippie in the memories of many americans the snarling activist who married hanoi jane fonda and literally wrote the script for sds hayden wrote sdss manifesto its founding port huron statement which haydens creampuff obituary in the washington post generously referred to as an expansive utopian manifesto that extolled participatory democracy as an antidote to the complacency and conformity of the eisenhower decade
haydens odd expressions of participatory democracy included another writing he scribbled an infamous june letter wishing good fortune and victory to the north vietnamese colonels who were killing american boys in southeast asia using the same kind of artillery that haydens sweetheart jane posed beside in her stint as a viet cong covergirl that was just one of countless disturbing actions by tom hayden at the time all of which todays leftists merrily sweep under the rug as they uphold him as a crusader for civil rights and of course social justice
but not etched in our memory was what might have been tom haydens swan song long after his and his wifes cheerleading for the viet cong namely the document that he wrote for our president of fundamental transformation few know this but hayden was a founder of another group of destructive forces a group called progressives for obama
the groups members came together in coalescing around the only democratic presidential nominee in their lifetimes who was farleft enough for them to support they constituted a whos who of the s sds crowd among the nearly formal signers to progressives for obama were mark rudd carl davidson jane fonda thorne dreyer daniel ellsberg richard flacks john mcauliff jay schaffner and more columbia university was naturally wellrepresented if not through the likes of rudd who shut down the campus in then through current faculty such as todd gitlin a former sds president who today is professor of journalism sociology and chair of columbias doctoral program in communications
whereas the likes of obama friends bill ayers and bernardine dohrn were thrust into the national spotlight in by conservatives like glenn beck and sean hannity progressives for obama flew under the radar largely unnoticed even by the right
appropriately spearheading progressives for obama was the man who had spearheaded sds tom hayden was one of the four initiators of progressives for obama along with barbara ehrenreich bill fletcher jr and danny glover
it is no exaggeration to say that the signers list of progressives for obama resembled the roster of sdsers called to testify before congress in december for their subversive activities aside from the likes of hayden rudd and davidson other sdsers among progressives for obama were bob pardun who was sds education secretary from and paul buhle a professor who has recently sought to revive sds
among these names from the insane s all were fired up in over the unique opportunity that a fellow farleft radical one barack obama offered they saw obama as a golden chance a onceinalifetime moment and they got it on november obama won the day and they at last won the day too
and therein among the progressives for obama the testimony of leader tom hayden was especially revealing
understand that after his early life establishing sds meeting with and expressing good fortune and victory to the viet cong and vigorously protesting the american system hayden went into politics professional activism and education like his erstwhile sds brethren hayden grasped the power of higher education which they have pervaded and served as a professor at pitzer college and also at obamas alma mater occidental college
like mark rudd like bill ayers like bernardine dohrn all of them now in higher education hayden had come to view a quick revolution of the system as too daunting if not impossible he had become much more patient instead advocating a progressive evolution of slower measured change by he was seeking to advance the progressive cause within the established mainstream democratic party
of course hayden once helped blow up the democratic partys national convention in no matter the party of was different and warmly accepted him
hayden was ecstatic over barack obamas presidential campaign he jumped in with both feet looking to assist wherever he could with a rush of enthusiasm not seen since his days undermining america in vietnam not one to tinker around hayden got to work on a formal organization and unifying statement as he had done for sds once again there at the creation the man who drafted sdss pivotal port huron statement got to work drafting mission statements for progressives for obama
during the campaign a touched hayden was moved to verse over the emergence of obama in one article titled obama and the open and unexpected future written for commondreamsorg selfdescribed as a website for breaking news views for the progressive community hayden mused
i didnt see him coming when i read of the young state senator with a background in community organizing who wanted to be president i was at least sentient enough to be interested when i read dreams of my father sic i was taken aback by its depth this young man apparently gave his first public speech against south african apartheid at an occidental college rally organized by students for economic democracy the student branch of the campaign for economic democracy which i chaired in the buds of curiosity quickened
hayden saw in obama a longawaited vehicle for economic democracy an instrument to channel an equal distribution of wealth economic justice or redistributive change as obama himself had once put it hayden wished that win or lose the obama movement will shape progressive politics for a generation to come he also hoped that that progressive movement likewise might transform obama as well both could reinforce and shape one another
hayden wrote that in june when obama was elected later the following november hayden was beside himself with joy surely shocked that the american electorate had finally voted for a president that tom hayden saw as his kind of president once upon a time traditional democrats like haydens parents had shaken their heads in disgust at what tom and his pals did to their partys convention in chicago in at what they did during the days of rage the next year at what they did at columbia during the student strike and on and on but now by the democratic party was theirs it belonged to the s kiddies
the former sds founder became particularly vocal in his praise for obama once the election was over during the election the goal was to organize raise money but not speak too loudly out of fear of driving away the moderates and remaining traditional democrat moms and pops who had worked in the mines and the mills who joined unions who clinged to their god and guns who prayed rosaries and filled churches who were prolife and antigay marriage with the presidency now secured hayden could open up joined by his former comrades at the takenoprisoners website of progressives for obama he began regularly sounding off against obamas critics those opposing single payer or the public option in healthcare reform or government management of general motors with the subtlety of a howitzer
with the presidency won hayden and his allies were free to express themselves to demonize healthinsurance companies the financialservices industry aig the big three automakers or whatever other capitalist reptile lenins phrase stood in the way of president obamas desire for reform and mandate for change
in the twoterm presidency of fundamental transformation under obama hayden and friends achieved many of their common dreams
by this election cycle in tom hayden must have been mesmerized by the revolution he and his fellow radicals had pulled off in the democratic party
alas it was fitting that tom hayden became seriously ill his final stand during a turn for the worse at the democratic national convention in philadelphia this past summer where he was striving to ensure that the democratic party continue along the radical path of fundamental transformation that he and his allies had been unable to achieve via sds and the weather underground that path in the hands of hillary clinton is assured
today at long last for tom hayden and friends the new democratic party and the new america is theirs he can rest in peace assured that his mission is finally being accomplished | english | | | hate | Real | wife fbi official investigating hillary got k hillary allied pac | obamacare great need punish people using october butbut thought trying help people obamacare visionary jonathan stupidity american voter gruber back last heard man name die hard villain ushered scene explaining stupid everyone architect federal healthcare law said last year lack transparency stupidity american voter helped congress approve obamacare clip unearthed sunday massachusetts institute technology professor jonathan gruber appears panel discusses reform earned enough votes pass suggested many lawmakers voters didnt know law financing worked helped win approval lack transparency huge political advantage gruber said basically call stupidity american voter whatever basically really really critical thing pass gruber made comment discussing law written tortured way avoid bad score congressional budget office suggested voters would rejected obamacare penalties going without health insurance interpreted taxes either budget analysts public cbo scored individual mandate taxes bill dies gruber said gruber back ready explain problem obamacare lack severe beatings sense law fixed law working designed however could work better think probably important thing experts would agree need larger mandate penalty individuals essentially freeriding system theyre essentially waiting get sick getting health insurance whole idea plan pioneered massachusetts individual mandate penalty would bring people system participate penalty right probably low thats something think ideally would fix ideally would penalize gruber everyone involved inflicting monstrosity public predictably grubers proposal offer beatings morale improves pretending anyone isnt obamacare free rider | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-27T20:31:28.708+03:00 | bill clinton inc billions for the foundation million for the clintons | obama votes against us at un october daniel greenfield
obamas abstention from a un vote against the us is a new low for the most antiamerican administration in american history under obama our foreign policy has been reoriented toward damaging our own interests as much as possible but actively opposing us policy at the un is a new low
the resolution ares is on the necessity of ending the economic commercial and financial embargo imposed by the united states of america against cuba
it was introduced at the request of cuba back in with a memorandum that accused america of pursuing an aggressive policy against cuba with the declared aim of imposing on it the political social and economic order which the united states authorities consider most fitting this policy has included direct military intervention the threat of nuclear annihilation the instigation and carrying out of countless acts of sabotage and plans to assassinate cuban leaders
as obamas creepy toady ben rhodes tweeted no reason to vote to defend a failed policy we oppose
except the failed policy is that of the united states by we rhodes means that obama and the left arent going to defend the united states in international forums when they disagree with the us
all this is yet another reminder that the people running the country are not of the country theyre a hostile foreign ideology that sees itself as separate from the united states and does not believe it has any responsibilities toward the united states
at the un samantha power took the antiamerican positions to applause from a un united with obama against america
for more than years the united states had a policy aimed at isolating the government of cuba for roughly half of those years un member states have voted overwhelmingly for a general assembly resolution that condemns the us embargo and calls for it to be ended the united states has always voted against this resolution today the united states will abstain applause thank you
this is treason | english | | | hate | Real | tom hayden sds viet cong progressives obama | search left power clinton obama david horowitz explains democrats became leftwing party volume vii black book american left october richard baehr richard baehrs review david horowitzs new book left power clinton obama reprinted american thinker permission book volume black book american left multivolume collection david horowitzs conservative writings completed ambitious effort ever undertaken define left agenda order encourage readers visit blackbookoftheamericanleftcom features horowitzs introductions volumes volume series along tables contents reviews interviews author every year report blissful ignorance american history demonstrated supposedly best brightest elite american universities suffice say collected writings david horowitz american left constitute part solid foundation understanding last half century american politics nowhere found college high school reading list horowitzs latest book left power clinton obama seventh volume ninevolume collection black book american left new volume provides collection writings last quarter century focusing primarily lefts control government culture horowitz reveals even bush years conservatives defense leftists controlled narrative attempted destroy bush chances reelection primary mode attack undermine americas efforts iraq almost start conflict months earlier majority senate democrats near half house democrats supported president left destroyed bushs second term bogus charges racist neglect handling hurricane katrina plenty incompetence response katrina local state officials democrats course many african american principal operators ground crisis immediate abandonment support iraq war effort signal event american history sending message large part democratic party remotely concerned morale men women fighting overseas weak effort democrats hold onto ounce patriotic resolve end war support troops designed campaign speeches meaningful attempt convey national unity effort underway armed forces obsession abu ghraib gave lie democrats support troops message broad brush used paint incident somehow would expect military routine basis horowitz outlines narrative faulting bush administration failing fight harder present story went iraq risks done nothing regrettably bush administration never chance get better defense iraq war media media considered bush administration illegitimate due narrow victory presidential contest lie sure unfortunately almost certainly true media today far bag left ten twenty years ago work harder pushing lefts agenda soft liberalism walter cronkite replaced cable national network anchors routinely bury stories embarrassing side focus damage side current presidential election cycle seen prestigious media organs explain necessary appropriate biased year special time argue trump view unique threat republic hand media loath consider damage country caused barack obama loss respect abroad americas fight degradation military readiness fraying ties allies near obsessive outreach americas enemies led agreements nuclear deal iran best described abject surrender american interests lead funding fanatical nuclear regime supposedly sensible proisrael democrats walked plank behind great leader deal visible regrets date simply much political risk oppose first black president party media happy parrot administrations talking points nuclear deal something manipulators crowed white house least propaganda use abu ghraib left honest revealing thinks military horowitz outlines article article left fighting war americans see disguising intentions aggressive unceasing promotion progressive policies make america better place commitment deception emerges horowitz reveals allegiance ideology saul alinskys rules radicals formative doctrine barack obama hillary clinton progressive goal achieve new society never seen country though promised catastrophically failed many places around globe america left unconcerned selling program public also horowitz argues fearful result voters knowing pursuing one prime example admission mit professor obamacare architect jonathan gruber health care law would never made congress presented honestly left also busy work making easier win politically horowitz provides chapter verse lefts efforts rapidly change composition voting pool motor voter registration birth certificate required fighting every effort combat voter fraud charges racism turning clock back even states willing pay potential voters obtaining needed documents register support open borders expansion legal immigration amnesty citizenship voting rights ten million already country illegally lefts mentor financier george soros buddies funded dozens organizations fight multiple fronts every day advance left politically horowitz done great public service discover network listing people responsible americas steady drift radical left left uses racism charge many confrontations creates course problems americas inner cities complete control one political party half century never even near equal interest democrats ability continue win enormous majorities among inner city voters particularly african americans left fully endorsed teacher unions opposition charter schools voucher programs though popular minority group parents children two major teachers unions simply powerful support group democratic party campaign cash votes volunteers left support policies might lead better future kids opposed continued growth expenditures teachers unions workforce last two years sorosfunded black lives matter movement created near national hysteria alleged systematic effort police kill unarmed black men two three dozen unarmed blacks killed cops year many situations victims almost certainly responsible happened michael brown ferguson prime example one wonders news media report police shooting unarmed whites greatly outnumber unarmed blacks perhaps riots looting incidents cachet likely fit systemic racism charge routinely thrown around everyone current president hillary clinton chicago months year blacks mostly men shot killed almost exclusively black men year end chicagoans shot one might think bigger story urban calamity civil society breakdown shooting charlotte chicagos mayor says police gone fetal avoiding making stops crime ridden neighborhoods aclu looking shoulder demanding report every stop activists neighborhoods treating police scorn abuse following bad police shooting captured video kept hidden public chicagos mayor protect reelection bid rahm emanuel must also read alinsky knows whose hide protect first foremost victims police pullback chicago baltimore st louis cities called ferguson effect many dead black men killed crime waves reminiscent even fbi director admits ferguson effect real covering hillary clinton horowitz latest book full insights straight talk goals mission left advanced cause last quarter century provides kind arguments keep books getting reviewed new york times always horrible slur available left describe viewpoint counters one missions left chooses ignore argument uses character assassination people making argues people horowitz included unworthy serious consideration respect silencing critic dissident limiting visibility long time weapon left far horowitz keeps writing america free enough left though clearly wants cannot ban books george soros family another billion spend changing america alinsky acolytes mission laid make use funds create america smart bureaucrats organize society distribute wealth results equal sing along pete seeger songs turn away role overseas course primarily agent evil disinvest defense every year lets hope americas young read horowitz booksand learn professors teachers wont teach | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-27T20:39:44.307+03:00 | wife of fbi official investigating hillary got k from hillary allied pac | obamacare is great we just need to punish people for not using it october
butbut i thought we were trying to help people
obamacare visionary jonathan stupidity of the american voter gruber is back when last we heard from the man with the same name as the die hard villain he was being ushered off the scene after explaining how stupid everyone was
an architect of the federal healthcare law said last year that a lack of transparency and the stupidity of the american voter helped congress approve obamacare in a clip unearthed sunday massachusetts institute of technology professor jonathan gruber appears on a panel and discusses how the reform earned enough votes to pass
he suggested that many lawmakers and voters didnt know what was in the law or how its financing worked and that this helped it win approval lack of transparency is a huge political advantage gruber said and basically call it the stupidity of the american voter or whatever but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass gruber made the comment while discussing how the law was written in a tortured way to avoid a bad score from the congressional budget office he suggested that voters would have rejected obamacare if the penalties for going without health insurance were interpreted as taxes either by budget analysts or the public if cbo scored the individual mandate as taxes the bill dies gruber said
now the gruber is back and ready to explain why the only problem with obamacare is the lack of severe beatings
there is no sense in which the law has to be fixed the law is working as designed however it could work better and i think probably the most important thing experts would agree on is that we need a larger mandate penalty we have individuals who are essentially freeriding on the system theyre essentially waiting until they get sick and then getting health insurance the whole idea of this plan which was pioneered in massachusetts was that the individual mandate penalty would bring those people into the system and have them participate the penalty right now is probably too low and thats something i think ideally we would fix
ideally we would penalize gruber and everyone involved in inflicting this monstrosity on the public but predictably grubers proposal is to offer up more beatings until morale improves while pretending that anyone who isnt on obamacare is just a free rider | english | | | hate | Real | obama votes us un | eyebrowraising new study nonpartisan research institute october matthew vadum obama administration using billions dollars banking fines fund radical leftwing activist groups work elect democrats according eyeopening new study nonpartisan research institute eric holders term attorney general february april little billion paid us banks threat federal lawsuits million sum came three big settlements bank america citigroup jp morgan chase many cases rest bogus disparate impact theory leftwing government lawyers use make sure banks become liable charges racism based upon perceived injustice lending disparity certain lower income areas regardless reasons disparity instead used help supposed victims banks money flows leftist allies president obama adding insult injury process money snakes way leftwing organizations corrupt unconstitutional according report government accountability institute called follow money department justice funds progressive activists bestselling clinton cash author anticorruption crusader peter schweizer gais president full page report available pdf form report states department justice curated opaque system wherein appointed attorneys legally extract money private sector redistribute funds thirdparty organizations outside appropriations processan unprecedented extraordinary disregard congressional authority adds funds directed doj effectively replaced funding activist nonprofits previously denied congress much cash moves neighborworks nonprofit gave million rabblerousing group neighborhood assistance corp america naca whose leader bruce marks calls bank terrorist also gave million asian americans equality aafe organization communist roots continued close ties vocal north korean sympathizer illgotten funds extorted banks also trickle leftwing groups national council la raza nhs chicago national urban league operation hope many nonprofits receive funding spend money elect democrats catalist george sorosfunded forprofit data analytics company specializing leftprogressive causes along group called nonprofit vote mobilize federally funded nonprofits get vote tend reliably progressive report states catalist founded former bill clinton aide harold ickes following democrats electoral wipeout leftwing activists believed republicans owed george w bushs reelection victory heavy spending voter contact technology including databases according capital research center report catalist boasts vital president obamas victory admission organizations campaigns committees used companys services based data loaded catalist databases standardized catalist analysis cycle says progressive organizations obama campaign federal party committees attempted contact million people means progressive community attempted contact us adult population contacts delivered inperson phone mail internet course leeching others generally activist left funds apart oceans cash supplied leftwing fatcat megadonors like george soros michael bloomberg galaxy radical foundations left derives sustenance ripping taxpayers federal state local levels report states evidence shows left using department justice power federal government extract money financial institutions redistribution progressive activists whose real intent far partisan housing housing education ostensibly exist words left plays different set rules rest america level socalled playing field american electoral politics sense system rigged parasitic left feeding taxpayer trough versus everybody else conservatives knew travesty already studies put together follow money trail half century left using taxpayer dollars fund efforts advance radical subversive causes united states changes federal social policy mids helped lay groundwork insidious leftist astroturfing profoundly antisocial war poverty federal government handing taxpayer money since liberal radical socalled community organizations help agitate status quo one could say america declared war conscripted saul alinskyinspired pressure groups fighting recent decades left including groups like acorn moneygrubbing con artists like jesse jackson sr also become quite adept working outside public sector shake banks businesses fill war chests conservative groups receive largesse uncle sam fairness many organizations would likely reject government funding principle offered sueandsettle corruption undoubtedly continue hillary clinton becomes president secretary labor tom perez stranger shakedown business said top contender attorney general post new clinton administration perez previously ran dojs civil rights division also past president casa de maryland notorious advocacy group illegal aliens funded george soros late venezuelan strongman hugo chavez moneyraising scam described gai report isnt way leftwing groups fill bank accounts activist groups encouraged agitate carterera community reinvestment act enshrined law kind lending protection racket banking regulators come influence groups like acorn power make trouble banks failed lend enough money borrowers socalled underserved communities banks paid enough whatever means got left alone banks didnt got legs broken serious economists doubt mortgage market debacle economic collapse caused deliberate weakening underwriting standards carried name ending discrimination leftists played sides called banks racist demanded subprime lending minorities loans went bad called banks racist supposedly targeting minority borrowers pure gangsterism magic dysphemism sought subprime lending transformed predatory lending shaking lenders intensified thentreasury secretary robert rubin presided clinton administrations effort put cra steroids banks began make risky subprime loans fannie mae freddie mac aggregated sale secondary market mortgagebacked securities practices made easier banks give demands acorn groups originate doomed mortgages knew could offload highrisk debt quasigovernmental suckers fannie freddie intense political pressure service subprime market president clinton turned community reinvestment act onceobscure lightly enforced banking regulation law one powerful mandates shaping american citiesand senate banking committee chairman phil gramm memorably put vast extortion scheme nations banks howard husock manhattan institute wrote city journal husock wrote us banks committed nearly trillion innercity lowincome mortgages real estate development projects funneled nationwide network leftwing community groups intent cases teaching lowincome clients financial system enemy implicitly government rather striving key wellbeing enterprising leftwing levelers never tire dreaming redistribution schemes never | 1 |
Paul Kengor | 2016-10-27T12:05:00.000+03:00 | tom hayden from sds and viet cong to progressives for obama | search the left in power clinton to obama david horowitz explains how the democrats became a leftwing party in volume vii of the black book of the american left october richard baehr
below is richard baehrs review of david horowitzs new book the left in power clinton to obama reprinted from american thinker with permission the book is volume of the black book of the american left a multivolume collection of david horowitzs conservative writings that will when completed be the most ambitious effort ever undertaken to define the left and its agenda order here we encourage our readers to visit blackbookoftheamericanleftcom which features horowitzs introductions to volumes of this volume series along with their tables of contents reviews and interviews with the author
every year there is some report of the blissful ignorance of american history demonstrated by the supposedly best and brightest at elite american universities suffice it to say the collected writings of david horowitz on the american left which constitute part of a solid foundation for understanding the last half century of american politics are nowhere to be found on any college or high school reading list
horowitzs latest book the left in power clinton to obama is the seventh volume in his ninevolume collection the black book of the american left this new volume provides a collection of his writings over the last quarter century focusing primarily on the lefts control in our government and culture as horowitz reveals even during the bush years conservatives were on the defense and leftists controlled the narrative as they attempted to destroy bush and his chances for reelection in their primary mode of attack was to undermine americas efforts in iraq almost from the start of the conflict when just months earlier a majority of senate democrats and near half of house democrats had supported the president the left then destroyed bushs second term with bogus charges of racist neglect in the handling of hurricane katrina there was plenty of incompetence in the response to katrina but local and state officials all democrats of course and many of them african american were the principal operators on the ground during the crisis
the immediate abandonment of support for the iraq war effort was a signal event in american history sending a message that a large part of the democratic party was not remotely concerned about the morale of our men and women fighting overseas the weak effort by some democrats to hold onto an ounce of patriotic resolve end the war support the troops was designed more for campaign speeches than any meaningful attempt to convey national unity for the effort underway by our armed forces so too the obsession with abu ghraib gave the lie to the democrats support our troops message as a broad brush was used to paint the incident as somehow what you would expect from our military on a routine basis
horowitz outlines this narrative faulting the bush administration for failing to fight harder to present its story of why we went into iraq and the risks if we had done nothing regrettably the bush administration never had a chance to get a better defense of the iraq war out to the media most in the media considered the bush administration illegitimate due to its narrow victory in the presidential contest a lie to be sure unfortunately it is almost certainly true that the media today are far more in the bag for the left than ten or twenty years ago and work harder at pushing the lefts agenda the soft liberalism of walter cronkite has been replaced by cable and national network anchors who routinely bury stories embarrassing to their side and focus on those that can do damage to the other side during the current presidential election cycle we have seen the most prestigious media organs explain why it is necessary and appropriate for them to be biased this year it is a special time they argue because trump is in their view a unique threat to the republic
on the other hand the media have been loath to consider the damage to the country caused by barack obama the loss of respect abroad for americas will to fight the degradation of our military readiness the fraying of ties with allies and the near obsessive outreach to americas enemies that led to agreements such as the nuclear deal with iran best described as an abject surrender of american interests that will lead to the funding of fanatical nuclear regime about of those supposedly sensible proisrael democrats walked the plank behind their great leader on that deal with no visible regrets to date there was simply too much political risk to oppose the first black president of their party the media were happy to parrot the administrations talking points for the nuclear deal something the manipulators crowed over at the white house
at least in the propaganda use of abu ghraib the left was honest in revealing what it thinks about the military as horowitz outlines in article after article the left is fighting a war that most americans do not see disguising its intentions through its aggressive unceasing promotion of progressive policies to make america a better place this commitment to deception emerges horowitz reveals from the allegiance to the ideology of saul alinskys rules for radicals a formative doctrine for both barack obama and hillary clinton the progressive goal is to achieve a new society that has never been seen before in this country though it has been promised and has catastrophically failed in many places around the globe in america the left is not only unconcerned with selling their program to the public but also horowitz argues it is fearful of the result of voters knowing what it is pursuing one prime example was the admission of mit professor and obamacare architect jonathan gruber that health care law would never have made it through congress if it had been presented honestly
the left is also busy at work making it easier for itself to win politically horowitz provides chapter and verse on the lefts efforts to rapidly change the composition of the voting pool motor voter registration with no birth certificate required fighting every effort to combat voter fraud with charges of racism and turning the clock back even when states were willing to pay for potential voters obtaining the needed documents to register support for open borders expansion of legal immigration and amnesty and citizenship and voting rights for more than ten million already in the country illegally here the lefts mentor and financier is george soros and his buddies who have funded dozens of organizations which fight on multiple fronts every day to advance the left politically and horowitz has done a great public service by his discover the network listing of the people responsible for americas steady drift to the radical left
the left uses the racism charge in many of the confrontations it creates of course the problems of americas inner cities all under complete control of one political party for half a century have never been of even near equal interest to the democrats as their ability to continue to win enormous majorities among inner city voters particularly african americans the left has fully endorsed the teacher unions opposition to charter schools and voucher programs though both are popular with minority group parents and children the two major teachers unions are simply too powerful a support group for the democratic party campaign cash votes and volunteers for the left to support policies that might lead to a better future for kids as opposed to continued growth in expenditures for the teachers unions and their workforce
in the last two years the sorosfunded black lives matter movement has created a near national hysteria over the alleged systematic effort by police to kill unarmed black men between two and three dozen unarmed blacks are killed by cops each year many of them in situations where the victims were almost certainly responsible for what happened to them michael brown in ferguson is a prime example one wonders where the news media are to report on the police shooting of unarmed whites which greatly outnumber those of unarmed blacks perhaps because there are no riots or looting these incidents have no cachet more likely they do not fit the systemic racism charge now routinely thrown around by everyone from the current president to hillary clinton
in chicago in months this year over blacks mostly men have been shot and killed almost exclusively by other black men by year end over chicagoans will have been shot one might think this was a bigger story of urban calamity and civil society breakdown than a shooting in charlotte chicagos mayor says that police have gone fetal avoiding making stops in crime ridden neighborhoods with the aclu looking over their shoulder demanding a report for every stop and activists in the neighborhoods treating the police with scorn and abuse following a bad police shooting captured on video and kept hidden from the public by chicagos mayor to protect his reelection bid rahm emanuel must also have read alinsky for he knows whose hide to protect first and foremost the victims of the police pullback in chicago baltimore st louis and other cities called the ferguson effect are many more dead black men killed in crime waves that are reminiscent of the s even the fbi director admits the ferguson effect is real when not covering for hillary clinton
horowitz latest book is full of insights and straight talk on the goals and the mission of the left and how it has advanced its cause this last quarter century he provides the kind of arguments that keep his books from getting reviewed by the new york times and there is always a horrible slur available from the left to describe a viewpoint that counters one of its missions the left chooses to ignore the argument and uses character assassination for the people making it it argues that these are people horowitz included unworthy of serious consideration or respect
silencing the critic or the dissident or limiting his visibility has been a long time weapon of the left so far horowitz keeps writing and america is free enough that the left though it clearly wants to cannot ban his books george soros and his family have another billion to spend on changing america the alinsky acolytes have their mission laid out to make use of the funds and create an america where the smart bureaucrats can organize society and distribute its wealth so results are all equal and we can all sing along with the pete seeger songs as we turn away from any role overseas where of course we have primarily been an agent of evil and disinvest in defense every year
lets hope that some of americas young will read horowitz booksand learn what their professors and teachers wont teach them | english | | | hate | Real | obamacare great need punish people using | search replace isis war determine whether future belong west islam october daniel greenfield daniel greenfield shillman journalism fellow freedom center new york writer focusing radical islam long administration declared fighting iraq several times claim victory isis timetable push islamic state appears less victimized christians yazidis prevented coming refugees favor syrian muslims clinton presidential campaign like obamas declarations wars afghanistan iraq announcement isis defeated premature based profound misunderstanding misreading islamic terrorism long current string defeats isis begun evolving another al qaeda multinational alliance jihadists scattered around world bombing mosul isnt hard try bombing marseille brussels london doubt ability isis temporarily establish caliphate allowed build network could carry terror attacks new york miami nice munich would dangerous assume losing iraq syria stop isis isis doesnt matter idea isis idea isis islamic supremacism organization think isis transformed rebranded countless times even leaders vacillate calling isis isil childishly daesh dubs islamic state fighting one form another decade would unrealistically optimistic assume war end old enemy shown ability strike deep cities bigger error though think fighting organization fighting idea contend obama debate death sort idea argues words bullets bombs swords neither go away seize city al qaeda iraq survived death zarqawi became even dangerous baghdadi would risky assume isis die instead may well grow new phase al qaeda one ties together worlds deadliest islamic terror groups network decentralized enough suffer al qaedas leadership fatigue rise islamic terrorism incremental process new groups learn mistakes old supersede isis recede localized oblivion reemerging occasion suicide bomb something someone baghdad deadlier even effective group likely take place group move one step closer realizing caliphate break cycle must confront idea caliphate heart islamic terrorism isis unislamic ruthlessly uncompromisingly islamic unlike predecessors muslim brotherhood al qaeda makes fewest compromises civilizational sensibilities goals every islamic political organization including dubbed moderate seeks restore enforce islamic system every part muslim world moving conquer subjugate nonmuslim world merely fringe belief held tiny minority extremists could bombed pieces syrian iraqi backwater driving force islam thats wont go away amount appeasement banish taking muslim settlers pressuring israel letting muslim brotherhood colonize foreign policy wont weve tried actually makes islamic terrorism much worse announcement made usual suspects pat back defeated isis mobilizing muslim coalition wasnt obama mobilized muslim coalition coalition mobilized obama provided useful support islamic state sponsors terror iran turkey assorted islamic jihadists ground blatantly associated sunni shiite terror groups internal jihadist conflict isis fight us allies aiding today ones bombing us tomorrow claiming credit beating isis accomplishes nothing isis expression islamic impulse encoded koran islamic groups differ tactical expression impulse isis nastier uglier islamic terror groups dealt though even found boko haram affiliate nigeria occasionally little much stomach isis vanishes world stage islamic terrorism easier dismiss thinking goes islamic state better viral videos media tried whitewash islamic terror hard ignore scattering islamic terror groups around world forgotten public history suggests thats wishful thinking islamic terrorism shown signs receding growing muslim populations home muslim settlements west increase travel communications infrastructure globalism spread backward advanced parts world wealthy unstable muslim countries rich oil poor power finance spread mosques guns ingredients give us isis combination letters stands islamic terror anything meaningful would reverse decline west islam originally spread vacuum created civilizational decline civilizational decline rising obscure local terror group eventually turned isis filling power vacuum even obama performs another touchdown dance group making journey mission familiar one replacing civilization come terms civilizational struggle go fighting endless wars sand coping endless terror attacks cities failed recognize nature enemy fighting acronym whether isis isil fighting islamic state war determine whether future belong west islam | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-27T21:12:14.598+03:00 | obama votes against us at un | an eyebrowraising new study from a nonpartisan research institute october matthew vadum
the obama administration is using billions of dollars in banking fines to fund radical leftwing activist groups that work to elect democrats according to an eyeopening new study from a nonpartisan research institute
during eric holders term as attorney general from february through april a little under billion was paid by us banks under the threat of federal lawsuits all but million of that sum came from three big settlements bank of america citigroup and jp morgan chase
many of the cases rest on bogus disparate impact theory which leftwing government lawyers use to make sure that banks become liable for charges of racism based upon the perceived injustice of lending disparity in certain lower income areas regardless of the reasons for the disparity
instead of being used to help the supposed victims of these banks the money flows to leftist allies of president obama
adding insult to injury the process by which the money snakes its way to leftwing organizations is both corrupt and unconstitutional according to the report from the government accountability institute that is called follow the money how the department of justice funds progressive activists bestselling clinton cash author and anticorruption crusader peter schweizer is gais president the full page report is available in pdf form here
the report states
the department of justice has curated an opaque system wherein appointed attorneys can legally extract money from the private sector and redistribute the funds to thirdparty organizations outside of the appropriations processan unprecedented and extraordinary disregard for congressional authority
it adds these funds directed by the doj effectively replaced funding to activist nonprofits previously denied by congress
much of the cash moves through neighborworks the nonprofit gave more than million to the rabblerousing group neighborhood assistance corp of america naca whose leader bruce marks calls himself a bank terrorist it also gave over million to asian americans for equality aafe an organization with communist roots and continued close ties to a very vocal north korean sympathizer
the illgotten funds extorted from the banks also trickle down to leftwing groups such as national council of la raza nhs of chicago national urban league and operation hope
many of the nonprofits that receive such funding spend the money to elect democrats
catalist a george sorosfunded forprofit data analytics company specializing in leftprogressive causes along with a group called nonprofit vote mobilize these federally funded nonprofits to get the vote out for those who tend to be reliably progressive the report states
catalist was founded by former bill clinton aide harold ickes in following democrats electoral wipeout in leftwing activists believed republicans owed george w bushs reelection victory to heavy spending on voter contact technology including databases
according to a capital research center report
catalist boasts it was vital to president obamas victory by its own admission over organizations campaigns and committees used the companys services based on data that was loaded into the catalist databases and then standardized a catalist analysis of the cycle says progressive organizations the obama campaign and federal party committees attempted to contact more than million people this means that the progressive community attempted to contact over of the us adult population contacts were delivered inperson over the phone by mail and over the internet
of course leeching off others is generally how the activist left funds itself apart from oceans of cash supplied by leftwing fatcat megadonors like george soros and michael bloomberg and a galaxy of radical foundations the left derives its sustenance by ripping off taxpayers at the federal state and local levels
the report states the evidence shows the left is using the department of justice and the power of the federal government to extract money from financial institutions for redistribution to progressive activists whose real intent is far more partisan than the housing and housing education for which they ostensibly exist
in other words the left plays by a different set of rules than the rest of america there is no level socalled playing field in american electoral politics in a sense the system is rigged there is the parasitic left feeding at the taxpayer trough versus everybody else
conservatives knew about this travesty already but few studies have been put together that follow the money trail for a half century the left has been using taxpayer dollars to fund efforts to advance radical subversive causes in the united states
changes in federal social policy in the mids helped lay the groundwork for this insidious leftist astroturfing under the profoundly antisocial war on poverty the federal government has been handing out taxpayer money since to liberal and radical socalled community organizations to help them agitate against the status quo one could say america declared war on itself and conscripted saul alinskyinspired pressure groups to do the fighting in recent decades those on the left including groups like acorn and moneygrubbing con artists like jesse jackson sr have also become quite adept at working outside the public sector to shake down banks and other businesses to fill their war chests
conservative groups receive no such largesse from uncle sam and in fairness many such organizations would likely reject government funding on principle if offered it
this sueandsettle corruption will undoubtedly continue if hillary clinton becomes president secretary of labor tom perez no stranger to the shakedown business himself is said to be a top contender for the attorney general post in any new clinton administration perez who previously ran the dojs civil rights division is also a past president of casa de maryland a notorious advocacy group for illegal aliens funded by george soros and the late venezuelan strongman hugo chavez
the moneyraising scam described in the gai report isnt the only way leftwing groups fill up their bank accounts
activist groups were encouraged to agitate by the carterera community reinvestment act which enshrined in law a kind of lending protection racket banking regulators who had come under the influence of groups like acorn had the power to make trouble for banks that failed to lend enough money to borrowers in socalled underserved communities banks that paid enough whatever that means got left alone but banks that didnt got their legs broken
few serious economists doubt that the mortgage market debacle and the economic collapse of were caused by the deliberate weakening of underwriting standards carried out in the name of ending discrimination
leftists played both sides they called banks racist and demanded more subprime lending for minorities and then when the loans went bad called the banks racist for supposedly targeting minority borrowers it was and is pure gangsterism through the magic of dysphemism the once sought after subprime lending was transformed into predatory lending
the shaking down of lenders intensified when thentreasury secretary robert rubin presided over the clinton administrations effort to put the cra on steroids banks began to make risky subprime loans and fannie mae and freddie mac aggregated them for sale in the secondary market as mortgagebacked securities these practices made it easier for banks to give in to the demands of acorn and other groups to originate more and more doomed mortgages because they knew they could offload their highrisk debt on quasigovernmental suckers fannie and freddie which were under intense political pressure to service the subprime market
president clinton turned the community reinvestment act a onceobscure and lightly enforced banking regulation law into one of the most powerful mandates shaping american citiesand as senate banking committee chairman phil gramm memorably put it a vast extortion scheme against the nations banks howard husock of the manhattan institute wrote in city journal
when husock wrote in us banks had committed nearly trillion for innercity and lowincome mortgages and real estate development projects most of it funneled through a nationwide network of leftwing community groups intent in some cases on teaching their lowincome clients that the financial system is their enemy and implicitly that government rather than their own striving is the key to their wellbeing
enterprising leftwing levelers never tire of dreaming up these redistribution schemes
and they never will | english | | | hate | Real | left power clinton obama | splcs libelous new report antimuslim extremists equating counterjihadists jihadists robert spencer objective libelous new report hardleft moneymaking incitement machine southern poverty law center splc made plain within book spokesperson antimuslim extremist group quote story research background detailed indepth guide visible antimuslim activists consider consequences giving platform wish silence speak honestly nature magnitude jihad threat blaming us supposed rise islamophobia really want stamp suspicion islam course move us likes omar mateen syed rizwan farook tashfeen malik nidal malik hasan mohammed abdulazeez dzhokhar tsarnaev myriad muslims commit violence name islam justify reference islamic teachings splc doesnt objective really stop islamophobia create illusion powerful moneyed network islamophobes stopped write check splc thats really constructing illusory edifice splc labels fourteen others antimuslim extremists course antimuslim foes nazis antigerman note word extremists thats mainstream media obama administrations term choice jihad terrorists way extremists anyone splcs hit list given splcs track record inciting violence targets exactly ever blown anything anyone beheaded anyone boasted imminent conquest territory massacre enslavement people done speak critically jihad terror sharia oppression splc trying libel side coin nonmuslim bin ladens awlakis commit terror attacks conspire others however splcs libel libel also passingly ironic splc list includes several people doubtless horrified company endeavored years distinguish message would smear islamophobes temporizing pandering didnt work ended index prohibited thinkers anyway ultimately anyone dares note islam might something acts murder committed name accord teachings report whole stands example lefts strange tendency present true statements selfevidently false without bothering explain apparently splc knows supporters aware doesnt need bother troublesome things like know facts splcs hit list recurrently excoriates people making true statements apparently regards selfevidently false example says ann corcoran refugee resettlement watch accuses immigrantrun stores illegally trafficking food stamps case corcoran makes evidence evidence splc doesnt bother try disproving says steven emerson investigative project terrorism claimed obama administration extensively collaborates muslim brotherhood actually done doesnt seem bother andrew c mccarthy noted barack obama spent presidency cultivating islamists particularly international muslim brotherhood affiliates united states splc also hits emerison asserted europe riddled nogo zones regarding nogo zones news articles past weeks germany police sick citizens nogo zone fears splc excoriates brigitte gabriel act america saying practicing muslim believes word koran word allah goes mosque prays every friday prays five times day practicing muslim believes teachings koran cannot loyal citizen united states yet says nothing course many teachings quran contradict american constitutional principles denial freedom speech death penalty apostasy devaluation women reconcile teachings us citizenship splc bother explain splc quotes david horowitz saying couple degrees separation anybody left terrorists includes people democratic party even antiterrorist refutation offered yet lefts dalliance palestinian jihad groups overall antiamericanism make impossible dismiss horowitzs assertion frank gaffney center security policy told gripped paranoid fantasies muslims destroying west within splc doesnt bother mention explanatory memorandum general strategic goal brotherhood north america captured muslim brotherhood internal document explained brotherhood members must understand work america kind grand jihad eliminating destroying western civilization within sabotaging miserable house hands hands believers eliminated gods religion made victorious religions attacking pamela geller american freedom defense initiative splc descended outright fabrications notes geller claim insist obama love child malcolm x patently untrue splc also states spoken neofascist group germany fact never even germany characterizes former fbi agent john guandolos claim cia director john brennan convert islam outlandish accusation fact us asset assigned overseas brennan saudi arabia station chief confirmed years ago firsthand account brennan indeed target saudi intelligence influence operation led conversion brennan also stated publicly visited mecca impossible nonmuslim unless special guest saudi king even strangely splc targets ayaan hirsi ali woman grew muslim somalia suffered genital mutilated hands muslims death threats muslims lives exile homeland muslims instead trying discredit splc honoring stand human rights sharia oppression splc priorities splc concedes real intellectual complains entirely selftaught study islam odd objection one cannot selftaught real intellectual case false indeed mostly selftaught study islam make secret apologies every days headlines proves correct nonetheless fact first read quran began studying islam earnest university north carolina claims says splc provably false offers number demonstrably true without attempt refute even says referred barack obama first muslim president one epitomizes dishonesty splc quote comes article wrote discussing obama muslim stating obvious affinity islam muslim world could make first muslim president way bill clinton called first black president eight years obama id say proven correct rather spectacular fashion splc finally hits even suggested media may getting money depict muslims positive light facts deeply unfortunate splc george soros funded report islamophobia twitter gave center american progress defamatory report alleged islamophobes also spent favorable coverage muslim migrant inundation bought favorable coverage iran deal bought islamophobia propaganda san bernardino jihad massacre need splc facts knows readers wont check veracity claims accept face value since splc camp saints enlightened tolerant left outside camp clearly rights splc feels bound respect | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-28T03:32:38.137+03:00 | obamacare is great we just need to punish people for not using it | search what will replace isis this is a war to determine whether the future will belong to the west or to islam october daniel greenfield
daniel greenfield a shillman journalism fellow at the freedom center is a new york writer focusing on radical islam
before long the same administration that declared the fighting in iraq over several times will claim victory over isis the timetable for its push against the islamic state appears to have less do with the victimized christians and yazidis who have been prevented from coming here as refugees in favor of syrian muslims than with the clinton presidential campaign like obamas declarations that the wars in afghanistan and iraq were over the announcement that isis has been defeated will be premature
it is based on a profound misunderstanding and misreading of islamic terrorism
long before its current string of defeats isis had begun evolving into another al qaeda a multinational alliance of jihadists scattered around the world bombing mosul isnt hard but try bombing marseille brussels or london there is no doubt that the ability of isis to temporarily establish a caliphate allowed it to build a network that could carry out terror attacks from new york to miami to nice to munich but it would be dangerous to assume that losing iraq and syria will stop isis
isis doesnt matter the idea of isis does and the idea of isis is islamic supremacism
the organization we think of isis has transformed and rebranded countless times even now our leaders vacillate between calling it isis isil or more childishly daesh while it dubs itself the islamic state we have been fighting it in one form or another for over a decade it would be unrealistically optimistic to assume that the war will end just as this old enemy has shown its ability to strike deep in our own cities
the bigger error though is to think that we are fighting an organization we are fighting an idea that is not to contend as obama does that we can debate it to death it is not the sort of idea that argues with words but with bullets bombs and swords but neither does it just go away if you seize a city
al qaeda in iraq not only survived the death of zarqawi but it became even more dangerous under baghdadi it would be risky to assume that isis will die with him instead it may very well grow into a new phase of al qaeda one that ties together some of the worlds deadliest islamic terror groups into a network that is decentralized enough that it will not suffer from al qaedas leadership fatigue
the rise of islamic terrorism has been an incremental process in which new groups learn from the mistakes of the old and supersede them if isis does recede into a localized oblivion reemerging only on occasion to suicide bomb something or someone in baghdad then a deadlier and even more effective group is likely to take its place each group will move one step closer to realizing the caliphate
to break the cycle we must confront the idea of the caliphate at the heart of islamic terrorism
isis is not unislamic it is ruthlessly and uncompromisingly islamic in that unlike its predecessors in the muslim brotherhood and al qaeda it makes the fewest compromises to civilizational sensibilities its goals are the same as those of every islamic political organization including those dubbed moderate it seeks to restore and enforce an islamic system in every part of the muslim world before moving on to conquer and subjugate the nonmuslim world if this were merely some fringe belief held by a tiny minority of extremists then it could be bombed to pieces in some syrian or iraqi backwater
but its the driving force of islam thats why it wont go away no amount of appeasement will banish it
taking in more muslim settlers pressuring israel and letting the muslim brotherhood colonize our foreign policy wont do it weve tried it and it actually makes islamic terrorism much worse
when the announcement is made the usual suspects will pat themselves on the back for having defeated isis by mobilizing a muslim coalition but it wasnt obama who mobilized a muslim coalition the coalition such as it was mobilized them obama provided useful support to islamic state sponsors of terror such as iran and turkey assorted islamic jihadists on the ground some blatantly associated with sunni and shiite terror groups in their internal jihadist conflict with isis over who will fight us
the allies we are aiding today will be the ones bombing us tomorrow
and that is why claiming credit for beating isis accomplishes nothing isis is an expression of an islamic impulse encoded in the koran islamic groups differ in the tactical expression of that impulse isis was nastier and uglier than most of the islamic terror groups we had dealt with before this though even it found its boko haram affiliate in nigeria occasionally a little too much to stomach
if isis vanishes from the world stage islamic terrorism will be easier to dismiss or so the thinking goes the islamic state was better at viral videos than the media that tried to whitewash islamic terror it was hard to ignore but a scattering of islamic terror groups around the world will be forgotten by the public
history suggests thats wishful thinking
islamic terrorism has shown no signs of receding growing muslim populations both at home and in muslim settlements in the west and the increase in travel and communications the infrastructure of globalism spread it from the most backward to the most advanced parts of the world wealthy and unstable muslim countries rich in oil but poor in power finance its spread through mosques and guns
these are the ingredients that give us isis or any other combination or letters that stands for islamic terror to do anything meaningful about it we would have to reverse the decline of the west
islam originally spread into a vacuum created by civilizational decline civilizational decline is why it is rising once again an obscure local terror group eventually turned into isis by filling a power vacuum even as obama performs another touchdown dance some other group will be making that same journey its mission will be the familiar one of replacing our civilization with its own
until we come to terms with this civilizational struggle we will go on fighting endless wars in the sand and coping with endless terror attacks in our own cities because we have failed to recognize the nature of the enemy we are not fighting an acronym whether its isis or isil we are fighting an islamic state
this is a war to determine whether the future will belong to the west or to islam | english | | | hate | Real | bank fines elect democrats | psychopathic insincere jihad islams natural appeal criminals psychopaths murderers october raymond ibrahim shillman fellow david horowitz freedom center whenever muslims engage behavior ostensibly contradicts islamfrom taking drugs watching porn killing fellow muslims islams apologists loudly proclaim aha see theyre true muslims words cia head john brennan islamic state terrorists theyre criminals mostmanyof psychopathic thugs murderers use religious concept masquerade mask religious construct overlooked many selfstyled jihadis indeed psychopathic thugs murderers may even believe allah yet exonerate islam religious construct designed entice men usual traces back prophet muhammad telling followers allah permitted muslims four wives limitless concubines koran later claimed allah delivered new revelation koran permitting muhammad alone marry sleep many women wanted response young wife aisha quipped feel lord hastens fulfilling wishes desires apostates islam regularly cite episode especially disenchanting prophet concept jihad especially comports seek indulge carnal appetites whoever fights name allah andor seeks empower islamthat jihadisterroristsis exonerated blame dies fighting guaranteed highest levels paradise sex awaits thats allah made pact according koran allah bought believers lives worldly goods return promised paradise shall fight way allah shall slay slain rejoice bargain struck supreme triumph muhammad elaborated lining battle path allah jihad empower islam worthier years worship moreover martyr special allah forgiven first drop blood sheds sees throne paradise wed aynhour supernatural celestial women designed exclusively sexual purposes know torments grave safeguards greater horror hell fixed atop head crown honor ruby greater world contains copulate seventytwo aynhour muslims reject jihad muhammad said tortured like sinful human many islamic scriptures depicting jihad greatest undertaking one earns unconditional forgiveness paradise see denying historic growth islam related carnal incentives decade preaching mecca muhammad followers mostly relatives became successful warlord caravan raider followers grew multiplied long fighters helped spread banner islam infidel lands deemed good pious muslimsregardless true intentions priorities even faith many original jihadis revered islamic hagiography modern standards little mass killing psychotics consider khalid bin alwalid meccan pagan opposed muhammad years prophet seized mecca khalidlike many muhammads foes archenemy abu sufyanexpediently converted proclaimed shahada joined winning team went ajihadingmutilating plundering raping enslaving crucifying setting people fire process banner jihad serial killer rapist today one islams revered heroes reason nowhere islam talk condition jihadis heart hes right god allah god interested hearts minds fighters swords long fighters proclaim shahada god allah muhammad messengerand fight banner islam take plunder murder rape infidels die go paradise genius muhammad arabian society lived members ones tribe inviolable nonmembers free game plundered enslaved killed impunity muhammad took idea infused pious rationale henceforth would two tribes world umma consists muslims regardless raceand infidels deserve plundered enslaved killed impunity rejecting allah explains tribalnomadic societiesturks mongolstatars whose way life consisted preying everyone outside tribealso converted islam banner jihad continued preying infidel venerated champions faith christian europe aware islams true appeal beginning theophanes byzantine scholar wrote following muhammad chronicles taught gave ear one slaying enemyor slain enemyentered paradise see koran said paradise carnal sensualorgies eating drinking women also river wine women another sort duration sex greatly prolonged pleasure longenduring eg koran sorts nonsense centuries later st thomas aquinas made similar observations muhamad seduced people promises carnal pleasure concupiscence flesh urges us teaching also contained precepts conformity promises gave free rein carnal pleasure unexpected obeyed carnal men proofs truth doctrine muhammad said sent power armswhich signs lacking even robbers tyrants wise men men trained things divine human believed beginning believed brutal men desert wanderers utterly ignorant divine teaching whose numbers mohammed forced others become followers violence arms finally another group muslims overlooked give fig allah wish martyred exchange paradise rely islam justify robbing enslaving raping killing nonmuslims many christian minorities nations like pakistan egypt attest victims infidelsand sin aid nonmuslim muslim nontribal member tribal membermuslim criminals target nonmuslim minorities precisely know muslim authorities thing behalf victimized infidels short enough claims jihadi words cias brennan terrorists criminals psychopathic thugs murderers yes doesnt change fact one group convinced matter immoral perverse behavior long continue fighting dying name jihad paradise assured another group doesnt care bit afterlife knows long victimize infidels muslim hold accountable cases islam aids abets behavior | 1 |
Richard Baehr | 2016-10-28T07:54:59.211+03:00 | the left in power clinton to obama | the splcs libelous new report on antimuslim extremists equating counterjihadists with jihadists robert spencer
the objective of this libelous new report from the hardleft moneymaking and incitement machine the southern poverty law center splc is made plain within it before you book a spokesperson from an antimuslim extremist group or quote them in a story research their background detailed in this indepth guide to of the most visible antimuslim activists and consider the consequences of giving them a platform
they wish to silence those who speak honestly about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat blaming us for a supposed rise in islamophobia if they really want to stamp out suspicion of islam of course they will move against not us but the likes of omar mateen syed rizwan farook tashfeen malik nidal malik hasan mohammed abdulazeez dzhokhar tsarnaev and the myriad other muslims who commit violence in the name of islam and justify it by reference to islamic teachings
the splc doesnt do that because its objective is not really to stop islamophobia at all but to create the illusion of a powerful and moneyed network of islamophobes who can only be stopped if you write a check to the splc thats what this is really all about
in constructing this illusory edifice the splc labels me and fourteen others antimuslim extremists we are of course no more antimuslim than foes of the nazis were antigerman but note the word extremists thats the mainstream media and obama administrations term of choice for jihad terrorists in what way are we extremists has anyone on the splcs hit list and given the splcs track record of inciting violence against its targets that is exactly what it is ever blown anything or anyone up beheaded anyone boasted of our imminent conquest of any territory and the massacre of or enslavement of its people no all we have done is speak critically about jihad terror and sharia oppression the splc is trying to further the libel that we are the other side of the coin the nonmuslim bin ladens and awlakis until we commit any terror attacks or conspire with others to do so however the splcs libel is only that a libel
its also passingly ironic that the splc list includes several people who are doubtless horrified to be in this company as they have endeavored for years to distinguish their message from that of those whom they themselves would smear as islamophobes but their temporizing and pandering didnt work they ended up on the index of prohibited thinkers anyway as will ultimately anyone who dares to note that islam just might have something to do with the acts of murder committed in its name and in accord with its teachings
the report as a whole stands as an example of the lefts strange tendency to present true statements as if they were selfevidently false without bothering to explain why apparently the splc knows its supporters and is aware that it doesnt need to bother with troublesome things like you know facts
the splcs hit list recurrently excoriates people for making true statements that it apparently regards as selfevidently false for example it says that ann corcoran of refugee resettlement watch accuses immigrantrun stores of illegally trafficking in food stamps this is a case that corcoran makes with evidence evidence that the splc doesnt bother to try disproving it says that steven emerson of the investigative project on terrorism has claimed that the obama administration extensively collaborates with the muslim brotherhood that he actually has done so doesnt seem to bother them as andrew c mccarthy has noted barack obama has spent his presidency cultivating islamists particularly from the international muslim brotherhood and its affiliates in the united states the splc also hits emerison for having asserted that europe is riddled with nogo zones regarding nogo zones here are some news articles from just the past few weeks
germany police sick of citizens nogo zone fears
the splc excoriates brigitte gabriel of act for america for saying that any practicing muslim who believes the word of the koran to be the word of allah who goes to mosque and prays every friday who prays five times a day this practicing muslim who believes in the teachings of the koran cannot be a loyal citizen of the united states yet it says nothing of course about the many teachings of the quran that contradict american constitutional principles the denial of the freedom of speech the death penalty for apostasy the devaluation of women and more how to reconcile these teachings with us citizenship the splc did not bother to explain
the splc quotes david horowitz saying there are only a couple of degrees of separation between anybody on the left and the terrorists and that includes people in the democratic party even those who are antiterrorist here again no refutation is offered yet the lefts dalliance with palestinian jihad groups and overall antiamericanism make it impossible to dismiss horowitzs assertion
frank gaffney of the center for security policy were told is gripped by paranoid fantasies about muslims destroying the west from within the splc doesnt bother to mention the explanatory memorandum on the general strategic goal for the brotherhood in north america the captured muslim brotherhood internal document that explained that brotherhood members must understand that their work in america is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and gods religion is made victorious over all other religions
in attacking pamela geller of the american freedom defense initiative the splc descended to outright fabrications notes geller their claim that i insist that obama is the love child of malcolm x is patently untrue the splc also states that i have spoken to a neofascist group in germany when in fact i have never even been to germany it characterizes former fbi agent john guandolos claim that cia director john brennan was a convert to islam as an outlandish accusation when in fact a us asset assigned overseas with brennan in saudi arabia when he was station chief confirmed years ago their firsthand account that brennan was indeed the target of a saudi intelligence influence operation that led to his conversion brennan has also stated publicly that he visited mecca which is impossible for a nonmuslim to do unless he is a special guest of the saudi king
even more strangely the splc targets ayaan hirsi ali a woman who grew up as a muslim in somalia suffered genital mutilated at the hands of muslims is under death threats from muslims and lives in exile from her homeland because of muslims instead of trying to discredit her the splc should be honoring her for her stand for human rights against sharia oppression but the splc has other priorities
of me the splc concedes that i am a real intellectual but complains that i am entirely selftaught in the study of islam an odd objection one cannot be both selftaught and a real intellectual in any case its false i am indeed mostly selftaught in the study of islam and make no secret of or apologies for it every days headlines proves me correct nonetheless the fact is that i did first read the quran and began studying islam in earnest while at the university of north carolina my claims says the splc are provably false but then only offers a number of them that are demonstrably true without any attempt to refute them
it even says that i have referred to barack obama as the first muslim president this one epitomizes the dishonesty of the splc the quote comes from an article i wrote in discussing how obama was not a muslim stating that his obvious affinity for islam and the muslim world could make him into our first muslim president the way bill clinton was called our first black president after eight years of obama id say i was proven correct in rather spectacular fashion
the splc finally hits me for having even suggested that the media may be getting money to depict muslims in a positive light
the facts are once again deeply unfortunate for the splc george soros funded a report on islamophobia on twitter and gave to the center for american progress for a defamatory report on alleged islamophobes he also spent for favorable coverage of the muslim migrant inundation bought favorable coverage of the iran deal and bought islamophobia propaganda after the san bernardino jihad massacre
but what need does the splc have of facts it knows its readers wont check up on the veracity of its claims but will accept them at face value since the splc is of the camp of the saints the enlightened and tolerant left those who are outside that camp clearly have no rights that the splc feels bound to respect | english | | | hate | Real | replace isis | muslim bloc may battle israel win war october ari lieberman clear blindest rabidly disingenuous united nations organization coopted nefarious interests muslim nations despotic third world allies organization rife prejudice hypocrisy organization undeniably without equivocation described todays greatest purveyor judeophobia historical revisionism conspiracy theories fact best illustrated three resolutions passed year united nations educational scientific cultural organization unesco deny indisputable jewish nexus holy city april member body voted favor asinine wholly onesided resolution referred jewish holy sites jerusalem exclusively muslim names designated temple mount judaisms holiest site muslim holy site worship add insult injury resolution also adopted wild conspiracy theories including claim israel planting jewish fake graves spaces muslim cemeteries unsurprisingly resolution submitted seven muslim nations passed wide margin votes favor six abstentions two nations absent vote france sweden slovenia spain shamefully supported vile resolution resolution would pass never doubt given large number muslim despotic third world nations constitute makeup unesco hoped resolution would fail garner european support israel could thus claim moral victory france collaborationist past proclivity kowtow worlds despots disappoint predictably voted rabble following vote crack appeared façade antiisrael invective prevalent un appeared france case buyers remorse address french parliament prime minister manuel valls termed resolution clumsy unfortunate added rather sharp pointed terms france never deny jewish presence jewish history jerusalem would make sense absurd deny history france one europes strongest advocates palestinians palestinian authority muslim allies unesco understood valls statement future resolutions similar toxic content would longer enjoy automatic european support instead declaring victory moving pressed luck introducing another vile resolution october october resolution sponsored usual suspects contained nearly identical language april resolution condemned israel various contrived transgressions severed jewish christian nexus city time however muslim bloc rude awakening resolution passed muslim bloc unable garner majority member body nations voted favor resolution mexico later withdrew support lowering final tally composed states muslim majorities fifteenth nigeria percent muslim making passage resolution forgone conclusion notable fact time around resolution failed garner single western european concurrence developing nations like india hitherto supported arabsponsored drafts also abstained israels behindthescenes political offensive aimed exposing lunacy muslim initiative paying dividends following resolutions passage palestinians muslim allies suffered additional political reversals mexico asked revote wished withdraw support motion mexicos secretariat foreign affairs said statement governments changed position reiterates recognition government mexico gives undeniable link jewish people cultural heritage east jerusalem brazil soon followed suit echoing mexicos position statement brazilian government noted would longer support onesided resolutions italy abstained went one step announced would actively oppose resolutions future prime minister matteo renzi told italian radio station resolutions incomprehensible unacceptable wrong added say jews links jerusalem like saying sun creates darkness even unescos directorgeneral irina bokova voiced disapproval stating heritage jerusalem indivisible communities right explicit recognition history relationship city later received death threats voicing objection motion wednesday palestinian authority jordan introduced third draft resolution unescos world heritage committee seeking generate political terrorism proposed resolution attempted sever jewish nexus city holy sites member whc body expected pass resolution consensus surprise move croatia tanzania asked secret ballot infuriated muslim bloc instead motion passing consensus vote favor two opposed eight abstentions one nation absent two nations opposing tanzania philippines ayes seven muslim pyrrhic victory best given large number muslim countries represented un hostility nations harbor israel virtual certainty toxic resolutions nature continue sponsored passed evidenced recent arab political reversals gone days palestinians rely automatic european nonaligned support israel effectively reaching socalled nonaligned nations significant positive impact part israeli success lies fact jewish state much offer nations fields water technology agriculture energy counterterrorism cyber warfare arms outreach translated political dividends un nevertheless unesco resolutions serve highlight noxious nature malevolence many un member states also underscores need united states maintain commitment assurance israel never allow un impose terms dictates israel rumors circulating barack obama twilight months would seek impose deleterious settlement israel utilizing un security council white house remained uncharacteristically mute subject raising fears may merit speculation administrations objective would accomplished actively supporting proposed antiisrael resolution likely introduced france choosing abstain rather exercising veto addition betraying longstanding commitments israel running counter strong bipartisan opposition notion united states would throw israel bus allow engage despotism blatant antisemitism say israels fate beyond asinine hopefully outrageous conduct exhibited unesco steers administration right direction | 1 |
Matthew Vadum | 2016-10-28T07:54:59.346+03:00 | bank fines elect democrats | the psychopathic and insincere jihad islams natural appeal to criminals psychopaths and murderers october
raymond ibrahim is a shillman fellow at the david horowitz freedom center
whenever muslims engage in behavior that ostensibly contradicts islamfrom taking drugs and watching porn to killing fellow muslims islams apologists loudly proclaim aha see theyre not true muslims or in the words of cia head john brennan on the islamic state they are terrorists theyre criminals mostmanyof them are psychopathic thugs murderers who use a religious concept and masquerade and mask themselves in that religious construct
overlooked is that many selfstyled jihadis are indeed psychopathic thugs murderers some may not even believe in allah at all yet this does not exonerate islam for its religious construct was designed to entice such men
as usual this traces back to the prophet muhammad after telling his followers that allah had permitted muslims four wives and limitless concubines koran he later claimed that allah had delivered a new revelation koran permitting him muhammad alone to marry and sleep with as many women as he wanted in response his young wife aisha quipped i feel that your lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires apostates from islam regularly cite this episode as especially disenchanting them with the prophet
but it is the concept of jihad that especially comports with those who seek to indulge their carnal appetites for whoever fights in the name of allah andor seeks to empower islamthat is jihadisterroristsis exonerated of all blame and if he dies fighting guaranteed the highest levels of paradise where more sex awaits
thats because allah made a pact with them according to koran allah has bought from the believers their lives and worldly goods and in return has promised them paradise they shall fight in the way of allah and shall slay and be slain rejoice then in the bargain you have struck for that is the supreme triumph muhammad elaborated lining up for battle in the path of allah jihad to empower islam is worthier than years of worship moreover the martyr is special to allah he is forgiven from the first drop of blood that he sheds he sees his throne in paradise he will wed the aynhour supernatural celestial women designed exclusively for sexual purposes and will not know the torments of the grave and safeguards against the greater horror hell fixed atop his head will be a crown of honor a ruby that is greater than the world and all it contains and he will copulate with seventytwo aynhour
as for those muslims who reject jihad muhammad said they will be tortured like no other sinful human for many more islamic scriptures depicting jihad as the greatest undertaking one that earns unconditional forgiveness and paradise see here
there is no denying that the historic growth of islam is related to its carnal incentives after more than a decade of preaching in mecca muhammad had about followers mostly relatives it was only when he became a successful warlord and caravan raider that his followers grew and multiplied so long as such fighters helped spread the banner of islam into infidel lands they were deemed good and pious muslimsregardless of their true intentions priorities or even faith
many of the original jihadis now revered in islamic hagiography were by modern standards little more than mass killing psychotics consider khalid bin alwalid a meccan pagan he opposed muhammad for years but when the prophet seized mecca khalidlike many of muhammads foes such as his archenemy abu sufyanexpediently converted proclaimed the shahada joined the winning team and then went ajihadingmutilating plundering raping enslaving crucifying and setting people on fire in the process but because he did so under the banner of jihad this serial killer and rapist is today one of islams most revered heroes
the reason for this is that nowhere in islam is there talk about the condition of the jihadis heart or if hes right with god allah is not god he is not interested in hearts and minds but in fighters and swords so long as his fighters proclaim the shahada there is no god but allah and muhammad is his messengerand fight under the banner of islam they can take plunder murder and rape the infidels and if they die doing so they go to paradise
such was the genius of muhammad in the arabian society he lived in members of ones tribe were as inviolable as nonmembers were free game to be plundered enslaved or killed with impunity muhammad took this idea and infused it with a pious rationale henceforth there would be only two tribes in the world the umma which consists of all muslims regardless of raceand the infidels who deserve to be plundered enslaved or killed with impunity for rejecting allah
this explains why other tribalnomadic societiesturks and mongolstatars whose way of life consisted of preying on everyone outside their tribealso converted to islam and under the banner of jihad continued preying on the other the infidel but now as venerated champions of the faith
christian europe was aware of islams true appeal from the very beginning theophanes the byzantine scholar d wrote the following about muhammad in his chronicles he taught those who gave ear to him that the one slaying the enemyor being slain by the enemyentered into paradise see koran and he said paradise was carnal and sensualorgies of eating drinking and women also there was a river of wine and the women were of another sort and the duration of sex greatly prolonged and its pleasure longenduring eg koran and all sorts of other nonsense
centuries later st thomas aquinas d made similar observations he muhamad seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh urges us his teaching also contained precepts that were in conformity with his promises and he gave free rein to carnal pleasure in all this as is not unexpected he was obeyed by carnal men as for proofs of the truth of his doctrine muhammad said that he was sent in the power of his armswhich are signs not lacking even to robbers and tyrants what is more no wise men men trained in things divine and human believed in him from the beginning those who believed in him were brutal men and desert wanderers utterly ignorant of all divine teaching through whose numbers mohammed forced others to become his followers by the violence of his arms
there is finally another group of muslims who should not be overlooked these do not give a fig for allah nor wish to be martyred in exchange for paradise but they rely on islam to justify robbing enslaving raping and killing nonmuslims as many christian minorities in nations like pakistan and egypt will attest because their victims are just infidelsand its a sin to aid a nonmuslim against a muslim that is a nontribal member against a tribal membermuslim criminals target nonmuslim minorities precisely because they know muslim authorities will not do a thing on behalf of the victimized infidels
in short enough of these claims that this or that jihadi is in the words of the cias brennan terrorists criminals psychopathic thugs and murderers yes they are but that doesnt change the fact that one group of them is convinced that no matter how immoral or perverse their behavior is as long as they continue fighting and dying in the name of jihad paradise is assured them and another group doesnt care a bit about the afterlife but knows that as long as they only victimize infidels no muslim will hold them accountable in both cases islam aids and abets their behavior | english | | | hate | Real | splcs libelous new report antimuslim extremists | originally published jerusalem post one immortal lines godfather mafia boss michael corleone discusses fate brother betrayed enforcer dont want anything happen mother alive corleone said message received brother murdered mothers funeral last week reported obama administration delivered message palestinian authority administration warned pa us veto antiisrael resolution brought un security council us presidential elections november message received open season israel security council commence november palestinians planning appropriately israel needs plan israels urgent diplomatic mission today develop implement strategy outflank president barack obama final eight weeks power lobbying administration pointless obama waited eight years exact revenge israel supporting hostile strategically irrational policies interest letting bygones bygones turning israel must first need understand israel good place begin considering transpired unesco twice week unesco bodies resolved erase years jewish history jerusalem temple mount fight israel waged unesco fight needs wage security council stakes security council far higher like un general assembly unescos decisions nonbinding declarations legal operational significance reason expend great resources fight israel goal fight unesco defeat antiisrael initiatives impossible given palestinians automatic majority purpose fight unesco humiliate european governments side antisemitic initiatives weaken congenitally antiisrael body government achieved objectives italian prime minister matteo renzis disavowal governments abstention vote first resolution like similar position taken fact mexican government diplomatic victory israel fact unescos secretarygeneral irina bukova felt compelled disavow agencys actions rejecting resolutions denial jewish peoples ties jerusalem significant victory israel statement deeply damaging unesco reputation finally fact tanzania philippines voted resolution testament israels capacity convince governments abandon traditional propalestinian voting pattern palestinians vote unesco powerful diplomatically israel automatic antiisrael majority werent empowered victory contrary bloodied sign weakening hold member nations palestinians jordanians felt compelled send threatening letter members unescos world heritage committee lest dare vote resolution powerful players dont make threats dont need israels experience unesco teaches us governments open counteroffers israel doesnt need hide americas shadow capable working blunt impact palestinians automatic majority need use resources fend usbacked assault security council unlike unesco security council pass legally binding resolutions israel needs prepared bring resources bear prevent resolution adopted obamas intention abandon israel security council means israel comes battle severely hobbled one advantage uss betrayal years israels ability trust us veto antiisrael resolutions security council mixed blessing one hand us secured israel diplomatic assaults hand ability trust washington made us diplomatically lazy ineffective safe washingtons shadow behaved diplomacy public diplomacy pretended statecraft begins ends making moral strategic case side guys public diplomacy one diplomatic tool syrian regime instance moral case securing international support bashar assad didnt convince russian president vladimir putin support arguing better alternative regimes bought putins support offering permanent air naval bases syria morocco another weak state public diplomacy case make last march un secretarygeneral ban kimoon outraged rabat acknowledged plain fact western sahara morocco occupies occupied territory morocco quickly secured support spain france launched allout onslaught ban morocco manage moroccos powerful diplomatic resource control migration flows north africa europe anytime wishes rabat open migratory floodgates easily keep shut french spanish know less month ban issued repeated abject apologies game set match morocco reports date appears shortly us elections november malaysians egyptians submit palestinianbacked resolution defines israeli communities united jerusalem judea samaria illegal resolution brought vote us fail veto resolution resolution obligating israel withdraw armistice lines would cause israel grave harm resources israel prevent happening course public diplomacy might work friendly nations wont get us top need learn syrian moroccan examples consider offer security council members exchange support scuttling approaching onslaught us one resource us congress israels allies congress sickened obama administrations devastating middle east policies solid majority lawmakers trusted support actions reinforce israels position israel resources well trade natural gas technologies governments world require surmount challenges century reason give resources away trade diplomatic support palestinians unesco vote showed less popular time past years offer threats antisemitism powerful weapons longer invincible israels goal must use resources security council manner make impossible obama enable antiisrael resolution pass method achieving goal two components first component convince friendly country security council propose balanced resolution would counter palestinianbacked israelbashing one resolution could include four points first could deplore efforts deny jewish history jerusalem temple mount second condemn paplo continued unlawful funding terrorists third urge israel restrain settlement construction areas previous negotiations identified likely territory future palestinian state fourth call israel pa reinstate negotiations immediately without preconditions israel friendly ties security council members among uruguay new zealand final weeks obama era possible israel able convince one submit balanced resolution along lines obama would hardpressed oppose resolution favor one singles israel rebuke still insufficient obama make uruguay new zealand better offer wishes move second aspect plan learn nothing else obama era must recognize time come israel stop sufficing one security council veto states several need russia today best place start search second veto putin dealmaker agreement assad showed willing consider attractive offers obviously israel wont offer russia bases things offer putin exchange veto instance exchange russian veto security council israel offer putin lobby us congress cancel us sanctions russia russias annexation crimea israel dog fight sanctions getting us anywhere putin might go deal two reasons first stepping breach defending israel obama humiliate obama second israel succeeds congress reap economic rewards part putin wouldnt even openly side israel would announce interests regional stability russia support unbalanced resolution israel palestinians putin supports balanced resolution obama checkmated plan take revenge israel following strategic cliff foiled israel survived presidency none easy success far assured many ways israel fail succeed diplomatic weakness remains millstone around neck unesco resolutions showed attacking israel longer cost free powerless grip circumstances cards play time play worth | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-28T07:54:59.950+03:00 | what will replace isis | the muslim bloc may have won the battle but did israel win the war october ari lieberman
by now it should be clear to all but the blindest or rabidly disingenuous that the united nations is an organization that has been coopted by the nefarious interests of muslim nations and their despotic third world allies it is an organization rife with prejudice and hypocrisy an organization that can undeniably and without equivocation be described as todays greatest purveyor of judeophobia historical revisionism and conspiracy theories this fact is best illustrated by three resolutions passed this year by united nations educational scientific and cultural organization unesco that deny the indisputable jewish nexus to the holy city
on april the member body voted in favor of an asinine and wholly onesided resolution that referred to jewish holy sites in jerusalem exclusively by their muslim names and designated the temple mount judaisms holiest site as a muslim holy site of worship to add insult to injury the resolution also adopted wild conspiracy theories including a claim that israel was planting jewish fake graves in other spaces of the muslim cemeteries
unsurprisingly the resolution which was submitted by seven muslim nations passed by a wide margin with votes in favor six against and abstentions two nations were absent for the vote france sweden slovenia and spain shamefully supported the vile resolution
that the resolution would pass was never in doubt given the large number of muslim and despotic third world nations that constitute the makeup of unesco but it was hoped that the resolution would fail to garner european support and israel could thus claim a moral victory france with its collaborationist past and proclivity to kowtow to the worlds despots did not disappoint and predictably voted with the rabble
but following the vote a crack appeared in the façade of antiisrael invective so prevalent at the un it appeared that france was having a case of buyers remorse in an address to the french parliament prime minister manuel valls termed the resolution clumsy and unfortunate he then added in rather sharp and pointed terms that france will never deny the jewish presence and jewish history in jerusalem it would make no sense it is absurd to deny this history
france is one of europes strongest advocates for the palestinians the palestinian authority and their muslim allies at unesco should have understood from valls statement that future resolutions with similar toxic content would no longer enjoy automatic european support instead of declaring victory and moving on they pressed their luck by introducing another vile resolution in october
the october resolution sponsored by the usual suspects contained nearly identical language as the april resolution it condemned israel for various contrived transgressions and again severed the jewish and christian nexus to the city this time however the muslim bloc was in for a rude awakening while the resolution passed the muslim bloc was unable to garner a majority in the member body
of the nations that voted in favor of the resolution mexico later withdrew support lowering the final tally to were composed of states with muslim majorities while a fifteenth nigeria is percent muslim making passage of the resolution a forgone conclusion what was notable was the fact that this time around the resolution failed to garner a single western european concurrence other developing nations like india which had hitherto supported arabsponsored drafts also abstained israels behindthescenes political offensive aimed at exposing the lunacy of the muslim initiative was paying dividends
following the resolutions passage the palestinians and their muslim allies suffered additional political reversals mexico asked for a revote because it wished to withdraw support for the motion mexicos secretariat of foreign affairs said in a statement that his governments changed position reiterates the recognition that the government of mexico gives the undeniable link of the jewish people to the cultural heritage of east jerusalem
brazil soon followed suit echoing mexicos position in a statement the brazilian government noted that it would no longer support such onesided resolutions italy which had abstained went one step further and announced that it would actively oppose such resolutions in the future prime minister matteo renzi told an italian radio station that these resolutions were incomprehensible unacceptable and wrong he added that to say that the jews have no links to jerusalem is like saying the sun creates darkness
even unescos directorgeneral irina bokova voiced disapproval by stating that the heritage of jerusalem is indivisible and each of its communities has a right to the explicit recognition of their history and relationship with the city she later received death threats for voicing objection to the motion
on wednesday the palestinian authority and jordan introduced a third draft resolution to unescos world heritage committee seeking to generate further political terrorism the proposed resolution once again attempted to sever the jewish nexus to the city and its holy sites the member whc body was expected to pass the resolution by consensus but in a surprise move croatia and tanzania asked for a secret ballot which infuriated the muslim bloc instead of the motion passing by consensus the vote was in favor two opposed eight abstentions and one nation absent
the two nations opposing were tanzania and the philippines of the ayes seven were muslim it was a pyrrhic victory at best
given the large number of muslim countries represented at the un and the hostility that most of these nations harbor against israel it is a virtual certainty that toxic resolutions of this nature will continue to be sponsored and passed but as evidenced by recent arab political reversals gone are the days that the palestinians can rely on automatic european and nonaligned support
israel has been effectively reaching out to the socalled nonaligned nations and it is having a significant positive impact part of the israeli success lies in the fact that the jewish state has much to offer these nations in the fields of water technology agriculture energy counterterrorism cyber warfare and arms this outreach has translated to political dividends at the un
nevertheless the unesco resolutions serve to highlight the noxious nature and malevolence of many un member states it also underscores the need for the united states to maintain its commitment and assurance to israel that it will never allow the un to impose terms and dictates on israel
there have been rumors circulating that barack obama in his twilight months would seek to impose a deleterious settlement on israel utilizing the un security council the white house has remained uncharacteristically mute on the subject raising fears that there may be some merit to the speculation
the administrations objective would be accomplished by actively supporting a proposed antiisrael resolution likely introduced by france or by choosing to abstain rather than exercising a veto in addition to betraying longstanding commitments to israel and running counter to strong bipartisan opposition the notion that the united states would throw israel under the bus and allow those who engage in despotism and blatant antisemitism to have a say on israels fate is beyond asinine hopefully the outrageous conduct exhibited at unesco steers the administration in the right direction | english | | | hate | Real | psychopathic insincere jihad | look universitys new mission october jack kerwick jonathan haidt professor social psychology new york university argued recently published essay traditional telos end goal truth within last decades university assumed another social justice university however one telos conflict two goals raged decades haidt claims last year though became unmanageable student groups universities colleges around country issued demands administrators demands social justice large met following statement posted blackliberationcollectiveorg demand minimum black students black faculty reflected national percentage black folk state country demand free intuition black indigenous students demand divestment prisons investment communities statement principles follows black liberation collective blc opposes antiblackness sexism ableism capitalism white privilege inequality heteronormativity rejects well nonviolence considered principle contradistinction tactic antiblack racism woven fabric global society says blc social systems racialized white supremacy whiteness becomes default humanity blackness stripped humanity becoming commodity becoming disposable blc antisexist insofar affirms value black womens lives whether cisgender transgender genderqueer addition rejecting eurocentric beauty standards made lessen beauty black women black womens features antisexist also means realizing police brutality prison industrial system school prison pipeline like aspects structural racism affect black women much impact black men black liberation entails queer liberation trans liberation also seek destroy heteronormative norms dehumanize black queer people blc asserts homophobia within black community comes way hands responsible white supremacy presumably transphobia within black community also legacy white supremacy cooperation cissexism gender binary transphobia used means invalidating erasing trans family members blc pledges eliminate systemic biases social justice warriors sjws staunch opponents capitalist notions infinite profit homogenized markets privatized means production capitalism insist economic system thats used justify oppression marginalization exploitation blacks solution oppression found supporting blackowned businesses blc explains cannot adopt patriarchal exploitative tools oppressors seek liberation rather solution dismantle antiblack capitalist corporations benefit oppression isnt capitalist corporations students want destroyed demand well eradication institutional practices policies discriminate black community removal federal state local government officials abide principles state institutions deny black humanity black agency must dismantled replaced produce black liberty concerning attitude toward america blc clear country built systematically oppress groups people black liberation collective stand haidt misspeaks characterizing year university experienced crisis identity unmanageable conflict goals judge vast majority liberal arts humanities social sciences departments social justice long ago eclipsed truth raison detre academy interestingly sjw demands last year bear perhaps ive spent last couple decades academy capacity student faculty may privy others painfully obvious student activists come demands didnt professors actually write demands black liberation collective unquestionably derived concepts language statement demands mentors put bluntly one must attend college major liberal arts humanities study far left professors order think terms characteristic social justice warriors leftist ideologues training students bend university first point though another rich irony lost upon selfstyled radicals bluster systemic racism structural white supremacy ie phenomena omnipresent hence largely unconscious black students white collaborators professors fail realize thinking lack better term issues eurocentric one get critical race theory blc subscribe version marxism philosophical vision th century germanjewish man marxist tradition within enmeshed fleshed span generations mostly white heterosexual men theres idea racism sexism homophobia transphobia ableism like sjws rail evils defeated peculiar moral traditions european civilization isms phobias immoral guilty fail judge individual individual color gender sexual orientation ability forth neither constitutive essential moral identity individualbut framework doctrine individualism accepted yet conception sacrosanct individual eurocentric proverbial apple pie american social justice warriors intellectual landscape much european colony west african country th early th centuries black liberation collective definitely internalized modes thought oppressor would well aware received genuine education college rather training social justice | 1 |
Robert Spencer | 2016-10-28T07:55:00.267+03:00 | the splcs libelous new report on antimuslim extremists | originally published by the jerusalem post
in one of the immortal lines of godfather mafia boss michael corleone discusses the fate of his brother who betrayed him with his enforcer i dont want anything to happen to him while my mother is alive corleone said
message received the brother was murdered after their mothers funeral last week it was reported that the obama administration has delivered a message to the palestinian authority the administration has warned the pa that the us will veto any antiisrael resolution brought before the un security council before the us presidential elections on november message received open season on israel at the security council will commence november the palestinians are planning appropriately israel needs to plan too israels most urgent diplomatic mission today is to develop and implement a strategy that will outflank president barack obama in his final eight weeks in power lobbying the administration is pointless obama has waited eight years to exact his revenge on israel for not supporting his hostile strategically irrational policies and he has no interest in letting bygones be bygones before turning to what israel must do first we need to understand what israel can do a good place to begin is by considering what just transpired at unesco where twice in a week unesco bodies resolved to erase years of jewish history in jerusalem and the temple mount the fight that israel waged at unesco is not the fight it needs to wage at the security council the stakes at the security council are far higher like the un general assembly unescos decisions are nonbinding declarations that have no legal or operational significance as such there is no reason to expend great resources to fight them for israel the goal of the fight at unesco is not to defeat antiisrael initiatives that is impossible given the palestinians automatic majority the purpose of the fight at unesco is to humiliate european governments that side with antisemitic initiatives and to weaken the congenitally antiisrael body itself the government achieved both of these objectives italian prime minister matteo renzis disavowal of his own governments abstention from the vote on the first resolution like the similar position taken after the fact by the mexican government was a diplomatic victory for israel so too the fact that unescos own secretarygeneral irina bukova felt compelled to disavow her own agencys actions by rejecting the resolutions denial of the jewish peoples ties to jerusalem was a significant victory for israel her statement was deeply damaging for unesco and its reputation finally the fact that tanzania and the philippines voted against the resolution was a testament to israels capacity to convince other governments to abandon their traditional propalestinian voting pattern the palestinians won the vote at unesco because they are more powerful diplomatically than israel they have an automatic antiisrael majority but they werent empowered by their victory to the contrary they were bloodied by it in a sign of their weakening hold on member nations the palestinians and jordanians felt compelled to send a threatening letter to the members of unescos world heritage committee lest they dare to vote against the resolution powerful players dont make threats they dont need to israels experience at unesco teaches us that there are governments that are open to counteroffers israel doesnt need to hide in americas shadow it is capable of working on its own to blunt the impact of the palestinians automatic majority and it will need to use all of its resources to fend off a usbacked assault at the security council unlike unesco the security council can pass legally binding resolutions israel needs to be prepared to bring all of its resources to bear to prevent such a resolution from being adopted against it obamas intention to abandon israel at the security council means that israel comes to this battle severely hobbled but there is one advantage to the uss betrayal over the years israels ability to trust the us to veto antiisrael resolutions at the security council was been a mixed blessing on the one hand the us has secured israel from diplomatic assaults but on the other hand our ability to trust washington has made us diplomatically lazy and ineffective safe in washingtons shadow we have behaved as through all diplomacy is public diplomacy that is we have pretended that statecraft begins and ends with making the moral or strategic case for our side against the other guys but public diplomacy is just one diplomatic tool the syrian regime for instance has no moral case for securing international support bashar assad didnt convince russian president vladimir putin to support him by arguing that he is better than alternative regimes he bought putins support by offering him permanent air and naval bases in syria then there is morocco another weak state with no public diplomacy case to make last march un secretarygeneral ban kimoon outraged rabat when he acknowledged the plain fact that western sahara which morocco occupies is occupied territory morocco quickly secured the support of spain and france and launched an allout onslaught against ban how did morocco manage moroccos most powerful diplomatic resource is its control over migration flows from north africa to europe anytime it wishes rabat can open the migratory floodgates just as easily as it can keep them shut and the french and spanish know it in less than a month ban issued repeated abject apologies game set match morocco from reports to date it appears that shortly after the us elections on november the malaysians or egyptians will submit a palestinianbacked resolution that defines israeli communities in united jerusalem judea and samaria as illegal if the resolution is brought to a vote the us will fail to veto it such a resolution or a resolution obligating israel to withdraw to the armistice lines would cause israel grave harm so what resources does israel have to prevent this from happening of course we have public diplomacy and that might work with some friendly nations but it wont get us over the top we need to learn from the syrian and moroccan examples and consider what we have to offer security council members in exchange for their support in scuttling the approaching onslaught against us one such resource is the us congress israels allies in congress are sickened by the obama administrations devastating middle east policies a solid majority of lawmakers can be trusted to support actions that will reinforce israels position israel has other resources as well that we can trade on we have natural gas and we have technologies that the governments of the world require to surmount the challenges of the century there is no reason to give these resources away when we can trade them for diplomatic support as for the palestinians as the unesco vote showed they are less popular now than at any time in the past years all they have to offer is threats and antisemitism both are powerful weapons but they are no longer invincible israels goal must be to use our resources at the security council in a manner that will make it impossible for obama to enable an antiisrael resolution to pass a method for achieving this goal has two components the first component is to convince a friendly country on the security council to propose a balanced resolution that would counter the palestinianbacked israelbashing one such a resolution could include four points first it could deplore efforts to deny jewish history in jerusalem and the temple mount second it can condemn the paplo for their continued unlawful funding of terrorists third it can urge israel to restrain settlement construction in areas that in previous negotiations have been identified as likely territory for a future palestinian state fourth it can call on israel and the pa to reinstate negotiations immediately without preconditions israel has friendly ties with a few security council members among them uruguay and new zealand in the final weeks of the obama era it is possible that israel will be able to convince one of them to submit a balanced resolution along these lines obama would be hardpressed to oppose such a resolution in favor of one that singles israel out for rebuke but that still is insufficient obama can make uruguay and new zealand a better offer if he wishes and so we move to the second aspect of the plan if we learn nothing else from the obama era we must recognize that the time has come for israel to stop sufficing with just one security council veto most states have several and we need a few more russia today is the best place to start our search for a second veto putin is a dealmaker as his agreement with assad showed he is willing to consider attractive offers obviously israel wont offer russia bases but we do have other things to offer putin in exchange for a veto for instance in exchange for a russian veto at the security council israel can offer putin to lobby the us congress to cancel us sanctions against russia over russias annexation of crimea israel has no dog in that fight and the sanctions are not getting the us anywhere putin might go for the deal for two reasons first by stepping into the breach and defending israel against obama he will humiliate obama second if israel succeeds with the congress he will reap economic rewards for his part putin wouldnt even have to openly side with israel all he would have to do is announce that in the interests of regional stability russia will not support an unbalanced resolution on israel and the palestinians if putin supports a balanced resolution obama will be checkmated his plan to take revenge on israel for not following him off the strategic cliff will be foiled israel will have survived his presidency none of this will be easy and success is far from assured there are many more ways for israel to fail than succeed our diplomatic weakness remains a millstone around our neck but as the unesco resolutions showed attacking israel is no longer cost free we are not powerless in the grip of circumstances we have cards to play and now is the time to play them for all they are worth | english | | | hate | Real | battle unesco | feminists learn melania trump october ilana mercer recent interviews donald trumps wife melania trump observed wryly almost every malicious liefilled article husband written female indeed women seem particular stake bringing mr trump contrast mrs trump many histrionic shrews prosecuting husband stark interviews cnns condescending anderson cooper fox newss ainsley earhardt mrs trump embodiment strength liberal woman declares shes strong woman usually uttered tartlike staccato inflection shes using cliché look actions youll see strong liberal distaff means kicking screaming brings others compliance worldview ways strong liberal woman one hammers obligation forkout trojans trivora birth control fails liberated libertine youre hook abortions abortifacients dont dare doubt intemperate charges leveled prototype liberal succubus man man doubt harm without significance hillary clintons first general election speech june planned parenthood time media buried story one named rajiv k fernando donated clinton foundation given seat hillarys nuclear weapons advisor watching thinking endemic corruption trillion debt dire jobs report terrifying prospect negative interest rates fate savers hillary gynobrigade media across country cheering universal right taxpayerpaid dilation curettage dc melania trump hand authentically strong refusal impart salacious tellall tidbits interviewers way guards privacy family serene gracious beautiful manners bearingmrs trump exemplifies european womans good breeding shes class act enemies cultural underclass mrs trump display histrionics men exhibited american counterparts images internet presidents inappropriate women particular watch grainy youtube clip barack obama appearing showing crotch giggling female reporters another president frances nicolas sarkozy eying shapely behind young woman passing much media chagrin melania refused get worked access hollywood tape husband engaged lockerroom talk men men theyre saying theyre thinking material mien melania trumps words reason sovietstyle witchhunt launched husband media mediation said sexual assault allegations handled court law accuse someone man woman without evidence damaging unfair exact verdict famed defense attorney tom mesereau bill cosby pileon quit feeding frenzy give man due process investigate women counseled mesereau esq time embodiment malevolent liberal matriarchy rising sainted michelle obama first lady lauded unhinged antitrump address nations women world americans beheaded camera women raped en masse europes streets christians exterminated middle eastthe first lady bewailed shaken shallow core raunchy words cant stop thinking groaned michelle mr trumps access hollywood indiscretion shaken core way could predicted ritualistic decapitation altar catholic priest muslim migrants france thats something cant stop thinking machinegunning five macys shoppers employees turkish muslim immigrant arcan cetin neck woods shaken core way could predicted mrs obamas pitiful case mr trump strengthened nothing dramaqueen credentials candidate clinton crowed mrs obamas long whinge women compelling strong case stakes election americans indeed implicit case michelle put women mammoth national debt shrinking job market rising lawlessness racial strife annual intake mostly thirdworld immigrants exceeding million dangers life limb importing islam fuhgeddaboudit counts whimpered michelle obama voice tremblingyes mrs obama almost brought tearswas ferret microaggression find safeplace hunker write sen elizabeth warren stormed stage somewhere hillary clinton phony pocahontas hollering power nasty women immiserate clinton warren make resentful domineering powerhungry pair whove made big life use state power human backdrop displays female force invariably looks whereas trump rallies packed hopefilled beaming faces clintonwarren affair festooned malevolentlooking aggrieved women frightened lowt houseboys background music enfeebled squeaking courtesy female pop singer like katy perry whose outoftune yelps bedroom whispers would unheard marvel autotune autotune holy grail recording corrects intonation problems vocals solo instruments real time without distortion artifacts invented male engineer shudder melodramatic neurotic message voice americas womenand legions republican women seconded itthen count melania | 1 |
Raymond Ibrahim | 2016-10-28T07:55:00.777+03:00 | the psychopathic and insincere jihad | a look at the universitys new mission october jack kerwick
jonathan haidt a professor of social psychology at new york university argued in a recently published essay that while its traditional telos end or goal has been truth within the last few decades the university has assumed another social justice
the university however can only have one telos
the conflict between these two goals has raged for decades haidt claims last year though it became unmanageable when student groups at universities and colleges around the country issued demands to administrators demands for social justice that by and large were met
the following statement is posted at blackliberationcollectiveorg
we demand at the minimum black students and black faculty to be reflected by the national percentage of black folk in the state and the country
we demand free intuition for black and indigenous students
we demand a divestment from prisons and an investment in communities
a statement of principles follows the black liberation collective blc opposes antiblackness sexism ableism capitalism white privilege inequality and heteronormativity it rejects as well nonviolence considered as a principle in contradistinction to a tactic
antiblack racism is woven in the fabric of our global society says the blc when social systems are racialized by white supremacy whiteness becomes the default of humanity and blackness is stripped of its humanity becoming a commodity becoming disposable
the blc is antisexist insofar as it affirms the value of all black womens lives whether cisgender transgender or genderqueer in addition to rejecting eurocentric beauty standards that are made to lessen the beauty of black women and black womens features being antisexist also means realizing that police brutality the prison industrial system school to prison pipeline and the like are aspects of structural racism that affect black women as much as they impact black men
black liberation entails queer liberation and trans liberation we also seek to destroy the heteronormative norms that dehumanize black queer people the blc asserts the homophobia within the black community comes by way of the same hands responsible for white supremacy
presumably transphobia within the black community is also a legacy of white supremacy in cooperation with cissexism and the gender binary transphobia has been used as a means of invalidating and erasing our trans family members the blc pledges to eliminate such systemic biases
these social justice warriors sjws are staunch opponents of the capitalist notions of infinite profit homogenized markets and a privatized means of production capitalism they insist is the economic system thats been used to justify the oppression marginalization and exploitation of blacks
nor is the solution to this oppression to be found in supporting blackowned businesses the blc explains that we cannot adopt the patriarchal exploitative tools of our oppressors as we seek liberation rather the solution is to dismantle antiblack capitalist corporations that benefit from our oppression
it isnt only the capitalist corporations that these students want destroyed they demand as well the eradication of all institutional practices and policies that discriminate against the black community and the removal of all federal state and local government officials who do not abide by our principles
the state and all its institutions that deny black humanity and black agency must be dismantled and replaced with those that produce black liberty
concerning its attitude toward america the blc is clear this country was built to systematically oppress groups of people and the black liberation collective will not stand for it
haidt misspeaks in characterizing as the year when the university experienced a crisis of identity an unmanageable conflict of goals to judge from the vast majority of liberal arts humanities and social sciences departments social justice long ago eclipsed truth as the raison detre of the academy interestingly it is these sjw demands from last year that bear this out
perhaps it is because ive spent the last couple of decades in the academy in the capacity of both student and faculty that i may be more privy to this than are some others but its painfully obvious that these student activists did not come up with these demands on their own if they didnt have their professors actually write the demands for them then the black liberation collective unquestionably derived the concepts and language of their statement of demands from their mentors
to put it bluntly one must attend college major in the liberal arts and humanities and study under far left professors in order to think in the terms that are characteristic of social justice warriors
leftist ideologues are training their students to bend the university to their will this is the first point there is though another a rich irony that is lost upon these selfstyled radicals
for all of their bluster over systemic racism and structural white supremacy ie phenomena that are omnipresent and hence largely unconscious these black students their white collaborators and their professors fail to realize that their thinking for lack of a better term on these issues is about as eurocentric as one can get the critical race theory to which the blc subscribe is a version of marxism the philosophical vision of a th century germanjewish man the marxist tradition within which they are enmeshed was fleshed out over a span of generations by mostly white heterosexual men
but theres more to it than this
the idea that racism sexism homophobia transphobia ableism and the like against which sjws rail are evils to be defeated is itself peculiar to the moral traditions of european civilization if these isms and phobias are immoral it can only be because those who are guilty of them fail to judge the individual as an individual color gender sexual orientation ability and so forth are neither constitutive of nor essential to the moral identity of the individualbut only if the framework of the doctrine of individualism is accepted
yet this conception of the sacrosanct individual is as eurocentric as the proverbial apple pie is american
the social justice warriors intellectual landscape is as much a european colony as was any west african country in the th or early th centuries those in the black liberation collective have most definitely internalized the modes of thought of their oppressor
now they would have been well aware of all this had they received a genuine education in college rather than a training in social justice | english | | | hate | Real | checkmating obama | search zineb el rhazoui charlie hebdo survivor discusses world needs destroy islamic fascism undeterred fatwas death threats author released incendiary thoughtful new book bound provoke debate october reprinted nytimescom leads clandestine existence move hour guard frances protected woman yet zineb el rhazoui charlie hebdo journalist happened casablanca january last year day terrorists avenging prophet massacred nine people satirical magazine paris believes duty defy islamists desperate silence shaken undeterred fatwas relentless precise death threats issued via social media kill bitch since helped produce publications first survivors issue following attack spoke arabic arab press moroccanfrench writer refuses assume anonymous identity fleeing paris abandoning human rights activism unforgiving critiques religion grew also question dont right renounce struggle give freedom says reporter sociologist religion interview women world recent trip new york part french president francois hollandes delegation received appeal conscience foundations world statesman award french state protects little individual protected freedom irreverent freedom expression exercise even enjoy protection totally crazy done nothing law nothing hide yet live security threaten us free el rhazoui declares air shock anger underscores arbitrariness brutality visited yearold woman condemned living run mostly shadows call names islamophobic racist racist teach things arab culture show discover richness diversity culture believe culture deserves universality arab muslim free thinker resisting terror sweeping offices women world manhattan accompanied bodyguards worldrenowned journalist living proof pledge keep living life beyond limits key way resisting terror elegant beautiful long wavy hair flowing freely impeccably tailored black dress el rhazoui reminiscent cinemas cerebral heroines eloquence composure occasionally betraying trauma past months time speak aftermath massacre magazine coping personally voice quavers subject comes back fight reform islamic civilization fearless spirit el rhazoui obliged spend time hiding like salman rushdie publication satanic verses taken highrisk option publishing explosive new book islam detruire le fascisme islamique destroy islamic fascism released france week takes battle ideas directly ideologicallydriven zealots inspired assassins dear friend charb stephane charbonnier late editor charlie hebdo preferred die standing live knees obtained exclusively women world book dedicated muslim atheists unapologetic strike strict application islam imitating first salafists pious ancestors prophet mohammed companions whose violent exploits contained bellicose texts barbaric thcentury bedouin tribal context exhibited codes behavior el rhazoui insists place modern world directly connected terrorism abject crimes islamic state stcentury remake first muslims accomplished guidance prophet writes noting sexual domestic slavery massacre nonmuslims notably jews pedophilia pillage polygamy summary executions adopted preislamic societies book also journalists way carrying legacy dead comrades reveled right mock established religion fanatics everywhere islam exception traditional french anticlerical ridicule satire caricature formerly magazines religion writer el rhazoui throes joining exodus staff breaking magazine new management flush cash international donations fundamentally altered publication disappointedly explained probably never draw prophet fear reprisals think handful madmen capable killing cartoon mohammed forget everywhere islam reigns religion state caricatures cartoons press repressed el rhazouis book dedicated muslim atheists unapologetic strike strict application islam religion peace love need admit islamism today applied islam el rhazoui describes atheist muslim culture writes responding politicians religious figures islamophobia opponents media commentators claim every jihadist attack real islam nothing terror apply islam letter gives islamism apply islamism letter gives terrorism need stop saying islam religion peace love moderate islamist islamist doesnt kill essaylength book grand french polemical tradition emile zola whose jaccuse denounced antisemitism french state establishment dreyfus affair eve th century el rhazoui holds moroccan french citizenship takes aim stcentury phenomenon abhors intellectual fraud islamophobia pretends antiracism reckoning used weapon silence critics islam ideas behind automatically hostile towards muslims epitomized french collective islamophobia ccif deliberate strategy vilifies islamophobic voices el rhazouis dare question religion ccif fellow travelers define prism fundamentalism notion islamophobia doesnt even exist muslim countries author points outside west criticism religion mohammed officially categorized blasphemy unable pass blasphemy laws europe groups like ccif employ dangerous semantic confusion said ccif site written islamophobia opinion offense dangerous even entered dictionary hostility towards islam muslims yet criticism idea islam religion cannot characterized offense crime born lived islam morocco live france right criticize religion dictatorship islamophobia says right criticize criticize christianity doesnt mean christianophobes racist towards christian race widespread pressure selfcensor severe el rhazoui says longer speak islam without saying religion peace love open book islam find violence blood oppression women hate religions course find religions however talking something written many centuries ago barbaric time humanity long dont talk keep repeating islam religion peace love many people continue believe koran constitution rather book written centuries ago reflecting particular context legal constitution apply today zineb el rhazoui feels carrying legacy dead charlie hebdo comrades completing high school morocco el rhazoui studied languages sociology religion obtaining masters degree pariss prestigious social science graduate school ehess twenties returned country birth work journalist le journal hebdomadaire becoming campaigner secular liberties right break fast even snack public month ramadan act nonviolent resistance earned first fatwa ahead involvement movement supporting arab spring wave personal attacks threats came collective protest ramadan rules prompted leave morocco france began report charlie hebdo bringing memories vomited compulsory religious classes country muslim choice unless youre jewish christian extreme personality cult socalled islamic fascism seen extreme form groups like isis shares characteristics common extremeright fascisms el rhazoui argues combines intense personality cult around mohammed incarnation nation also employs widespread systems suspicion denunciation exemplified sartorial branding example burkinis niqabs allow immediate identification targeting nonadherents also familiar fascist tropes repressive sexism women homosexuals armed militias adoption flag strategy confers benign status muslim women heavily veiled adherents west characterizes disingenuously victimized objects exclusion literary corpus islam stuffed damning accounts would difficult cleanse without altering fundamentals dogma el rhazoui writes terrorists daesh isis behead judge miscreants draw legislation texts like th surah koran alanfal verse remember lord revealed angels support believed cast terror hearts disbelieve strike neck strike every fingertip arab muslim free thinker drawing personal experience scholarly knowledge islams core arabic texts politics postarab spring middle east wellspring reformism dissidence embraced within multifaceted islamic civilization el rhazouis book impassioned response extremists want see fellow opponents politicoreligious repression dead greatest racism el rhazoui argues racism islamist ideology forbids marriage people muslims rejects women definition racism fascism must say writer adds today islam world role civilization civilization defined many things uniquely religion also geographical heritage artistic culinary sartorial traditions literature muslim religion place modern world submits fully laws rule humanity today universal principles equality men women sexual individual freedom equality matter creed religion islam admitted accepted freedom men women superior islam acceptable islamophobia whiners destroy islamic fascism aims puncture hypocrisy fauxintellectual fakery authors word islamophobia whiners collaborationists across political spectrum particularly hard left cryptoislamist antiracists quest new muslim proletariat certain feminists cultural relativists socalled moderate imams willing accomplices distort noble cause fighting racism give undeserved legitimacy ideology extreme results horrors islamic state author says also makes lives millions muslims living islamic countries downright miserable islamophobia whiners say millions individuals live islamic theocracies dream liberty el rhazoui concludes book speaks nightmare woman decides cross streets algiers casablanca cairo skirt would like drink glass alcohol countries flout law homosexuals pariahs muslim societies often choice death prison exile speaks youth born muslim dreaming normal life teens attacked romance summer furore burkini bans france agitated author deplored cynical rush islamists western sympathizers media academia politics celebrate controversial swimsuit form liberation simultaneously banal piece cloth preferred muslim women even though never wear western media intolerable readiness oblige defended burkini freedom legitimate cultural expression part humanity said pointed muslim countries beaches filling burkinis emptying women one year another disappearing public space veil never anything except extension walls harem exterior mainstream moderate muslim clerics el rhazoui tells women world burkini debate france one imam stood said hey wait minute muslim wear regular bathing suit history judge monopolized debate given platform islamist fundamentalism even given guarantee acceptability author destroy islamic fascism told women world betrayal collaboration one worst forms fascism exists today said according writer repeatedly accused bigotry islamophobia ruse driven great ignorance lack understanding culture islam islam big ignore complexity always opposition currents progressive liberal pushes within accomplices dont recognize struggles playing today arab countries inevitably democrats free people fascism totalitarianism ever able win long haul history people allies collaborators totalitarianism today judged history seen accomplices criminal ideology given veneer respectability el rhazoui true racism emerges condescending approach islamic culture decrees islamic woman burqa congenitally free race burqa present fundamentalists race shows contempt culture absolutely intolerable says survivor syndrome women world asked el rhazoui manages keep spirits continue struggle freedom dissent everything happened since january question people often ask said perceptible tremor voice live moments confronted reality cruel simple life death realize put many things perspective straight attacks like many colleagues felt guilty stayed alive said dead dead work dead wasnt even work work journalist still understand part survivor syndrome normal survive massacre like start heal say lucky alive still perhaps still something understood long attack charlie engaged struggle individual liberties democracy morocco fight totalitarianism whether political religious never give enemies pleasure stopping living fight everyone free happy life must continue live life zineb el rhazoui c attends funeral french cartoonist charlie hebdo editor stephane charb charbonnier january pontoise outside paris martin bureauafpgetty images still day doesnt go past doesnt think old colleague charb many heated discussions someone extremely lucid concepts clear true humanist didnt fear accused racist absurd el rhazouis deconstruction islam also defense muslims reasoned salvation come stop aligning identity entire community fundamentalist people pretend represent extend hand muslims free people questioned heritage fighters liberty battling values us context controlled islamists says life moving jail since january survivor charlie hebdo traveled frequently speak universities meetings freedom forum europe us protection assured french state countries receive says would never complain living permanent armed guard freedom mobility curtailed many writers political figures around world especially islamistcontrolled influenced countries taking brave decisions without security always find spaces freedom always little escape hatches life continues says woman written second book since charlie attacks recently became firsttime mother laughingly called surprise baby boom publication used one lowest birthrates french media today wander around moving jail moving cage reality free head threaten cage inside head cage brain even freedom movement spirit reason intelligence imprisoned much freer follow emmakate symons twitter eksymons | 1 |
Ari Lieberman | 2016-10-28T07:55:01.169+03:00 | the battle at unesco | what feminists can learn from melania trump october ilana mercer
in recent interviews donald trumps wife melania trump observed wryly that almost every malicious liefilled article about herself or he husband was written by a female indeed women seem to have a particular stake in bringing mr trump down
the contrast between mrs trump and the many histrionic shrews prosecuting her husband is stark in both her interviews with cnns condescending anderson cooper and fox newss ainsley earhardt mrs trump was the embodiment of strength
when a liberal woman declares shes a strong woman usually uttered in a tartlike staccato inflection shes using a cliché look at her actions youll see that strong to liberal distaff means kicking and screaming until she brings others into compliance with her worldview and ways
a strong liberal woman is one who hammers you about your obligation to forkout for her trojans and her trivora and if birth control fails our liberated libertine then youre on the hook for her abortions and abortifacients and dont dare doubt any of the intemperate charges leveled by this prototype liberal succubus against a man any man to doubt her is to harm her
it was not without significance that hillary clintons first general election speech in june was before planned parenthood at the time media buried the story of one named rajiv k fernando who had donated to the clinton foundation and was given a seat as hillarys nuclear weapons advisor watching this i was thinking endemic corruption the trillion debt the dire jobs report the terrifying prospect of negative interest rates and the fate of savers but hillary and her gynobrigade in media and across the country were cheering for a universal right to taxpayerpaid dilation and curettage dc
melania trump on the other hand is authentically strong
in her refusal to impart salacious tellall tidbits to interviewers in the way she guards her privacy and that of her family in her serene gracious and beautiful manners and bearingmrs trump exemplifies a european womans good breeding shes a class act her enemies are the cultural underclass
nor does mrs trump display any of the histrionics about men exhibited by her american counterparts there are images on the internet of presidents being inappropriate with women in particular you can watch a grainy youtube clip of barack obama appearing to be showing off his crotch to giggling female reporters in another the president with frances nicolas sarkozy is eying the shapely behind of a young woman passing by much to media chagrin melania refused to get worked up about the access hollywood tape in which her husband engaged in lockerroom talk
men will be men if theyre not saying it theyre thinking it
more material than her mien were melania trumps words of reason on the sovietstyle witchhunt launched against her husband with media mediation she said this all sexual assault allegations should be handled in a court of law to accuse someone man or woman without evidence is damaging and unfair this was the exact verdict of famed defense attorney tom mesereau about the bill cosby pileon quit the feeding frenzy give the man his due process investigate the women counseled mesereau esq at the time
the very embodiment of the malevolent liberal matriarchy rising is the sainted michelle obama the first lady was lauded for an unhinged antitrump address to the nations women in a world where americans have been beheaded on camera women raped en masse on europes streets and christians exterminated in the middle eastthe first lady bewailed being shaken to her shallow core by raunchy words i cant stop thinking about it groaned michelle about mr trumps access hollywood indiscretion it has shaken me to my core in a way i could not have predicted
the ritualistic decapitation on the altar of a catholic priest by muslim migrants in france thats something i cant stop thinking about the machinegunning of five macys shoppers and employees by a turkish muslim immigrant arcan cetin in my neck of the woods that has shaken me to my core in a way i could not have predicted again mrs obamas pitiful case against mr trump has strengthened nothing but her dramaqueen credentials
candidate clinton crowed that mrs obamas long whinge for women was a compelling and strong case about the stakes in the election about who we are as americans indeed the implicit case michelle put to women is this a mammoth national debt a shrinking job market rising lawlessness and racial strife an annual intake of mostly thirdworld immigrants exceeding million the dangers to life and limb of importing more islam fuhgeddaboudit what counts whimpered michelle obama voice tremblingyes mrs obama almost brought herself to tearswas to ferret out microaggression and find a safeplace to hunker down
as i write sen elizabeth warren has stormed a stage somewhere for hillary clinton phony pocahontas is hollering about the power of nasty women to immiserate clinton and warren make for a resentful domineering powerhungry pair whove made it big in life through the use of state power the human backdrop to their displays of female force invariably looks the same
whereas trump rallies are packed with hopefilled beaming faces a clintonwarren affair is festooned with malevolentlooking aggrieved women and their frightened lowt houseboys the background music enfeebled squeaking courtesy of a female pop singer like katy perry whose outoftune yelps and bedroom whispers would be unheard if not for the marvel of autotune autotune is the holy grail of recording that corrects intonation problems in vocals or solo instruments in real time without distortion or artifacts it was invented by a male engineer
if this melodramatic neurotic message is the voice of americas womenand legions of republican women have seconded itthen count me with her with melania | english | | | hate | Real | social justice vs truth | propalestinian propaganda lowering standards truth america manipulation doctored narratives every sphere october reprinted israelnationalnewscom commendably organized american jewry finally focused campaign boycott delegitimize sanction israel however focusing primarily israel also america europe shortsighted bds campaign devastated israel economically israel thriving economically terms regional alliancesbut fifty years wellfunded propaganda campaign destroyed israels good name rendered jews everywhere vulnerable diplomatic academic mob attacks also lowered standards truth among americans important point islamicstyle jew hatred merged western politically correct antiracism breed unnatural passion palestinians fakestinians infiltrated every corner every crevice lives world infected americans europeans sides aisle every class race ethnicity utterly astounding amazing really something like happen overnight bds campaign rooted arab league plo soviet propaganda campaign began mids mids un proposed infamous zionismracism resolution day israel yet another war selfdefense israelnot arab aggressorswas seen alleged occupier late edward saids treacherous lying work begun way western academics westernstyle academics israel european governments international organizations realized successful campaign israel demonized un conference women copenhagen soviets iranians arab league plo roamed hallways chanting death israel european feminists called upon palestinian refugees refused hear jewishisraeli refugees arab muslim countries un world conference racism durban even outofcontrol hate fest riot israel approach un resolutions israel commonplace grotesque unescos recent decision dejudaize jerusalem western wall first second temples grim maddening continuation trend time proisrael professors students america increasingly harassed even fired lies infiltrated private social world example recent holiday dinner guests agreed live criminal anarchic times great power stopped global barbarism entity willing bring world back brink likeminded gathering yes exactly one man genial wellheeled welleducated jewishamerican suddenly began hectoring us palestinians hate jews destroyed textbooks demonize jews israelis peaceful wouldnt admit palestinians always existed therefore deserve state cant deny palestinian people always lived oh start company included two authorscholars published books thousands articles many dealing history nature islam tribal gender religious apartheid israel antisemitism etc among us third author also served four tours duty idf held breath prayed would go war table man punching way pay grade could understand two authorscholars presented facts cited statistics pulled book book shelves got nowhere look said really good muslim friends theyre americans totally westernized palestinians strongly feel identity deny identity choice understood propalestinianantizionist propaganda behind relentless bds campaign successful precisely many americans ages without knowledge without respect knowledge know frankly dont care fair fair said words whats good jews good everyone else jews dont deserve whatever either heres man whos antisemite antizionist active member organizationyet needs believe canard nonjewish palestinians always existed existed nineteenth century later year another stateless peoplethe jewschose national sovereign identity would listen reason quite astounding possible mindset part ruling american zeitgeist rachel dolezal say shes black even shes white direct chapter naacp man say hes really woman trapped mans body truths relative everything subjective objectivity longer important doctored narratives supplanted factbased histories revisionism preferred truththen yes anyone say deserve nation state feel believe grateful combative guest reminding ignorance often arrogant great enemy educated people especially vulnerable false ideas psychologically speaking must approach theyve brainwashed cult facts alone work must consider known techniques deprogramming one greatest challenges | 1 |
Caroline Glick | 2016-10-28T07:55:02.971+03:00 | checkmating obama | search zineb el rhazoui charlie hebdo survivor discusses why the world needs to destroy islamic fascism undeterred by fatwas and death threats the author has released an incendiary and thoughtful new book bound to provoke debate october
reprinted from nytimescom
she leads a clandestine existence on the move and under hour guard as frances most protected woman yet zineb el rhazoui the charlie hebdo journalist who happened to be in casablanca on january last year the day terrorists avenging the prophet massacred nine people at the satirical magazine in paris believes she has a duty to defy islamists desperate to silence her
shaken but undeterred by the fatwas and relentless precise death threats issued via social media to kill the bitch since she helped produce the publications first survivors issue following the attack and spoke about it in arabic for the arab press the moroccanfrench writer refuses to assume an anonymous identity fleeing paris or abandoning her human rights activism and her unforgiving critiques of the religion she grew up with are also out of the question
i dont have the right to renounce my struggle or to give up my freedom says the reporter and sociologist of religion in an interview with women in the world during a recent trip to new york as part of french president francois hollandes delegation when he received the appeal of conscience foundations world statesman award for if the french state protects me it is not little individual me what is being protected is my freedom to be irreverent and freedom of expression so i should exercise this even more because i enjoy this protection
its totally crazy i have done nothing against the law and have nothing to hide yet i live with security while those who threaten us are free el rhazoui declares with an air of shock and anger that underscores the arbitrariness and brutality visited on a yearold woman condemned to living on the run and mostly in the shadows and if you call them by their names you are islamophobic and racist i am racist i can teach them a few things about arab culture i can show them how to discover its richness and the diversity of their culture i believe this culture deserves universality because you can be arab muslim and a free thinker
resisting terror
sweeping in to the offices of women in the world in manhattan accompanied by bodyguards the worldrenowned journalist is living proof of her pledge to keep living her life beyond its limits as a key way of resisting terror elegant and beautiful with her long wavy hair flowing freely and in an impeccably tailored black dress el rhazoui is reminiscent of s cinemas cerebral heroines her eloquence and composure only occasionally betraying the trauma of the past months each time we speak about the aftermath of the massacre at her magazine and how she is coping personally her voice quavers but when the subject comes back to her fight for reform in islamic civilization she is fearless
in this spirit el rhazoui obliged to spend most of her time in hiding like salman rushdie after his publication of the satanic verses has taken the highrisk option of publishing an explosive new book about islam
detruire le fascisme islamique destroy islamic fascism being released in france this week takes the battle of ideas directly to the ideologicallydriven zealots who inspired the assassins of her dear friend charb stephane charbonnier late editor of charlie hebdo who preferred to die standing than to live on my knees
obtained exclusively by women in the world the book dedicated to muslim atheists is an unapologetic strike against the strict application of islam by imitating the first salafists or pious ancestors the prophet mohammed and his companions whose violent exploits are contained in bellicose texts from a barbaric thcentury bedouin tribal context exhibited codes of behavior el rhazoui insists have no place in the modern world and can be directly connected to terrorism the most abject crimes of islamic state are but a stcentury remake of what the first muslims accomplished under the guidance of the prophet she writes noting that sexual and domestic slavery the massacre of nonmuslims notably jews pedophilia pillage polygamy and summary executions were all adopted from preislamic societies the book is also the journalists way of carrying on the legacy of her dead comrades who reveled in their right to mock established religion and fanatics everywhere with islam no exception to their traditional french anticlerical ridicule through satire and caricature
formerly the magazines religion writer el rhazoui is in the throes of joining the exodus of staff breaking from the magazine under its new management flush with cash from international donations the fundamentally altered publication she disappointedly explained will probably never again draw the prophet out of fear of more reprisals
and those who think that only a handful of madmen are capable of killing for a cartoon of mohammed forget that everywhere that islam reigns as the religion of the state caricatures and cartoons in the press are repressed el rhazouis book dedicated to muslim atheists is an unapologetic strike against the strict application of islam religion of peace and love
we need to admit that islamism today is applied islam el rhazoui who describes herself as an atheist of muslim culture writes responding to politicians religious figures islamophobia opponents and media commentators who claim after every jihadist attack that real islam has nothing to do with such terror
when we apply islam to the letter it gives islamism and when we apply islamism to the letter it gives terrorism so we need to stop saying islam is a religion of peace and love what is a moderate islamist an islamist who doesnt kill
the essaylength book is in the grand french polemical tradition of emile zola whose jaccuse denounced the antisemitism of the french state and establishment during the dreyfus affair on the eve of the th century el rhazoui who holds moroccan and french citizenship takes aim at a very stcentury phenomenon what she abhors as the intellectual fraud of islamophobia which pretends to be about antiracism but in her reckoning is used as a weapon to silence all critics of islam and the ideas behind it as automatically hostile towards all muslims epitomized by the french collective against islamophobia ccif this deliberate strategy vilifies as islamophobic voices such as el rhazouis who dare question the religion the ccif and fellow travelers define only through the prism of their own fundamentalism
the notion of islamophobia doesnt even exist in muslim countries the author points out because outside the west criticism of the religion or mohammed is officially categorized as blasphemy
unable to pass blasphemy laws in europe groups like the ccif employ a dangerous semantic confusion she said on the ccif site it is written islamophobia is not an opinion it is an offense
this is very dangerous because it has even entered the dictionary as hostility towards islam and muslims yet criticism of an idea of islam or of a religion cannot be characterized as an offense or a crime i was born and lived under the islam of morocco and live in france and i have the right criticize religion and this dictatorship of islamophobia that says i have no right to criticize if we criticize christianity it doesnt mean we are christianophobes or racist towards the christian race
the widespread pressure to selfcensor is severe el rhazoui says
you can no longer speak about islam without saying its a religion of peace and love but when you open any book in islam what do you find violence blood oppression of women and hate for other religions
of course you can find this in other religions however we are talking about something written many centuries ago during a barbaric time for humanity as long as we dont talk about this and keep repeating that islam is a religion of peace and love many people will continue to believe the koran is a constitution and that rather than being a book written centuries ago reflecting a particular context it is a legal constitution to apply today
zineb el rhazoui feels she is carrying on the legacy of her dead charlie hebdo comrades
after completing high school in morocco el rhazoui studied languages and the sociology of religion obtaining a masters degree from pariss prestigious social science graduate school ehess in her twenties she returned to the country of her birth to work as a journalist at le journal hebdomadaire becoming a campaigner for secular liberties such as the right to break the fast and even snack in public during the month of ramadan this act of nonviolent resistance earned her her first fatwa ahead of her involvement in the movement supporting the arab spring in the wave of personal attacks and threats that came after her collective protest against ramadan rules prompted her to leave morocco again for france where she began to report for charlie hebdo bringing her memories of having vomited up compulsory religious classes in a country where being muslim is not a choice unless youre jewish or christian
extreme personality cult
socalled islamic fascism seen in its most extreme form in groups like isis shares characteristics in common with all extremeright fascisms el rhazoui argues because it combines an intense personality cult around mohammed as the incarnation of the nation it also employs widespread systems of suspicion and denunciation exemplified by sartorial branding for example burkinis or niqabs that allow for immediate identification and targeting of nonadherents there are also familiar fascist tropes of repressive sexism against women and homosexuals armed militias adoption of a flag and a strategy that confers the benign status of muslim women to heavily veiled adherents in the west and characterizes them disingenuously as victimized objects of exclusion
the literary corpus of islam is so stuffed with damning accounts it would be difficult to cleanse it without altering the fundamentals of dogma el rhazoui writes
if the terrorists of daesh isis behead those they judge to be miscreants that is because they draw on their legislation in the texts like the th surah of the koran alanfal verse remember what your lord revealed to the angels i am with you so support those who have believed i will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve you can strike them above the neck and strike off every fingertip
you can be arab muslim and a free thinker
drawing on her personal experience and scholarly knowledge of islams core arabic texts the politics of the postarab spring middle east and the wellspring of reformism and dissidence embraced within the multifaceted islamic civilization el rhazouis book is an impassioned response to all the extremists who want to see her and her fellow opponents of politicoreligious repression dead
the greatest racism is el rhazoui argues the racism of the islamist ideology that forbids marriage with people who are not muslims and that rejects women that is the definition of racism and fascism and we must say it the writer adds
today islam in the world only has a role as a civilization a civilization is defined by many things and not uniquely by religion but also by its geographical heritage its artistic culinary and sartorial traditions and by literature
the muslim religion has its place in the modern world if it submits itself fully to the laws that rule humanity today universal principles of equality between men and women sexual and individual freedom and equality for all no matter your creed or religion until islam has admitted this and accepted that the freedom of men and women is superior to it islam will not be acceptable
islamophobia whiners
destroy islamic fascism aims to puncture the hypocrisy and fauxintellectual fakery the authors word of islamophobia whiners and other collaborationists from across the political spectrum particularly the hard left cryptoislamist antiracists on a quest for a new muslim proletariat certain feminists cultural relativists and socalled moderate imams all these willing accomplices do is distort the noble cause of fighting racism to give undeserved legitimacy to an ideology that at its most extreme results in the horrors of islamic state the author says but also makes the lives of millions of muslims living in islamic countries downright miserable
what do these islamophobia whiners say to the millions of individuals who live in islamic theocracies and dream of liberty el rhazoui concludes in her book who speaks about the nightmare of a woman who decides to cross the streets of algiers casablanca or cairo in a skirt those who would like to drink a glass of alcohol in countries where you have to flout the law to do it about homosexuals pariahs of muslim societies who often only have the choice of death prison or exile who speaks about this youth born muslim but dreaming of a normal life these teens attacked for having had a romance
the summer furore over burkini bans in france agitated the author who deplored the cynical rush of islamists and their western sympathizers in the media academia and politics to celebrate the controversial swimsuit as a form of liberation and simultaneously a banal piece of cloth preferred by muslim women even though most never wear it
western media in an intolerable readiness to oblige have defended the burkini as a freedom and a legitimate cultural expression of a part of humanity she said but pointed out that in muslim countries the beaches are not filling up with burkinis but they are emptying themselves of women from one year to another they are disappearing from the public space because the veil has never been anything except an extension of the walls of their harem to the exterior
as for mainstream or moderate muslim clerics el rhazoui tells women in the world that during the burkini debate in france not one imam stood up and said hey wait a minute you can be muslim and wear a regular bathing suit
history will judge those who have monopolized the debate given a platform to islamist fundamentalism and even given it a guarantee of acceptability the author of destroy islamic fascism told women in the world this is just betrayal and it is collaboration with one of the worst forms of fascism that exists today she said
according to the writer who is repeatedly accused of bigotry the islamophobia ruse is driven by great ignorance and a lack of understanding of the culture of islam and what islam with a big i is they ignore its complexity and that there have always been opposition currents and progressive and liberal pushes from within
the accomplices dont recognize the struggles playing out today in arab countries will inevitably be won by the democrats and free people no fascism or totalitarianism has ever been able to win in the long haul of history the people who are the allies and collaborators of this totalitarianism today will be judged by history and seen as accomplices to this criminal ideology to which they have given a veneer of respectability
for el rhazoui the true racism emerges from a condescending approach to islamic culture that decrees an islamic woman in a burqa is congenitally not free and that her race is the burqa we present the fundamentalists as being a race and this only shows the contempt we have for this culture it is absolutely intolerable she says
survivor syndrome
women in the world asked el rhazoui how she manages to keep up her spirits and continue her struggle for the freedom to dissent after everything that has happened since january
it is a question people often ask me she said with a perceptible tremor in her voice but when you live through these moments in which you are confronted by a reality as cruel and simple as life and death you realize can put many things in perspective
straight after the attacks like many of my colleagues i felt guilty for having stayed alive i said to myself those who are dead are dead for all our work and some are dead when it wasnt even their work but it was my work because i am a journalist and i am still here and then you understand this is all part of survivor syndrome which is normal when you survive a massacre like that
as you start to heal you say i am lucky to be alive and if i am still here perhaps that is because i still have something to do i understood long before the attack on charlie when i engaged in a struggle for individual liberties and democracy in morocco that when you fight against totalitarianism whether it is political or religious you should never give your enemies the pleasure of stopping living we fight so that everyone can have a free and happy life and we must continue to live this same life
zineb el rhazoui c attends the funeral of french cartoonist and charlie hebdo editor stephane charb charbonnier on january in pontoise outside paris martin bureauafpgetty images
still a day doesnt go past when she doesnt think of her old colleague charb and their many heated discussions
he was someone who was extremely lucid and for whom the concepts were clear he was a true humanist who didnt fear being accused of being racist because for him it was absurd
el rhazouis deconstruction of islam is also a defense of muslims she reasoned as salvation will come when we stop aligning the identity of an entire community with the most fundamentalist people who pretend to represent it
we have to extend a hand to all these muslims who are free people who have questioned their heritage and who are fighters for liberty battling for the same values as us but in a context controlled by islamists she says
life in a moving jail
since january the survivor from charlie hebdo has traveled frequently to speak at universities and meetings of the freedom forum in europe and the us under the protection assured by the french state and the countries that receive her she says she would never complain about living under permanent armed guard and having her freedom of mobility curtailed because so many other writers and political figures around the world and especially in islamistcontrolled or influenced countries are taking the brave decisions to do as she does but without any security
i always find some spaces of freedom there are always little escape hatches life continues says the woman who has just written her second book since the charlie attacks and recently became a firsttime mother in what she laughingly called the surprise baby boom at a publication that used to have one of the lowest birthrates in french media
today i wander around in a moving jail its a moving cage but in reality i am more free in my head than those who threaten me because their cage is inside their head they have this cage in their brain and even if they have freedom of movement it is their spirit and their reason and intelligence that is imprisoned i am much freer than them
follow emmakate symons on twitter eksymons | english | | | hate | Real | hillarys malevolent matriarchy | us navy iran giving terrorists missiles fire us ships october theres one possible solution lets load million unmarked foreign currency unmarked cargo plane deliver iran make follow make sure iran scores billion sanctions relief thats got smartpower neither smart powerful earlier month us navy ships fire defensive interceptor missiles targeted attacks launched houthicontrolled yemen likely first time history navy take measures officials saying think iran behind attacks believe iran connected vice admiral kevin donegan told nbc news fact us intercepted many shipments weapons iran houthi militants oppose yemens internationally recognized government conflict seen thousands civilian deaths mass starvation civilian population intercepted shipments filled coastal defense cruise missiles boats believe explosive boats weapons clearly decks ships saw donegan said im sure theres chance billions obama lavished iranian jihadists way freed terror state open jihadi candy store chance im sure iran gets nuclear weapons obama enabling use responsibly using cruise missiles | 1 |
Jack Kerwick | 2016-10-28T07:55:05.430+03:00 | social justice vs truth | propalestinian propaganda lowering standards of truth in america manipulation by doctored narratives in every sphere october
reprinted from israelnationalnewscom
commendably organized american jewry is finally focused on the campaign to boycott delegitimize and sanction israel however focusing primarily on israel and not also on america and europe is shortsighted
the bds campaign has not devastated israel economically israel is thriving both economically and in terms of regional alliancesbut fifty years of a wellfunded propaganda campaign has all but destroyed israels good name and has rendered her and jews everywhere vulnerable to diplomatic academic and mob attacks
it has also lowered the standards for truth among americans this is a very important point
an islamicstyle of jew hatred has merged with western politically correct antiracism to breed an unnatural passion for palestinians fakestinians which has infiltrated every corner every crevice of our lives and world it has infected americans and europeans on both sides of the aisle and of every class race and ethnicity
this is utterly astounding amazing really something like this does not happen overnight
the bds campaign is rooted in the arab league plo and soviet propaganda campaign that began in the mids in the mids the un proposed its infamous zionismracism resolution
in the day after israel won yet another war of selfdefense israelnot the arab aggressorswas seen as the alleged occupier
by the late s edward saids treacherous lying work had begun to have its way with western academics and with westernstyle academics in israel european governments and international organizations
i only realized how successful his campaign was in when israel was demonized at a un conference on women in copenhagen the soviets the iranians the arab league the plo roamed the hallways chanting death to israel european feminists called upon palestinian refugees but refused to hear jewishisraeli refugees from arab and muslim countries by the un world conference against racism in durban was an even more outofcontrol hate fest and riot against israel
as we approach un resolutions against israel are as commonplace as they are grotesque unescos recent decision to dejudaize jerusalem the western wall and the first and second temples is a grim and maddening continuation of this trend at the same time proisrael professors and students in america are increasingly being harassed even fired
such lies have infiltrated my private social world for example at a recent holiday dinner our guests agreed that we live in criminal and anarchic times and that no great power has stopped global barbarism no entity is willing to bring the world back from the brink
a likeminded gathering yes not exactly one man a genial wellheeled welleducated jewishamerican suddenly began hectoring us about the palestinians what if they did not hate the jews and destroyed all their textbooks that demonize jews and israelis what if they were peaceful wouldnt we have to admit that palestinians have always existed and therefore deserve a state of their own you cant deny that the palestinian people have always lived there can you oh my where to start the company included two authorscholars who between them have published books and thousands of articles many of them dealing with the history and nature of islam tribal gender and religious apartheid israel and antisemitism etc among us was a third author who had also served four tours of duty in the idf i held my breath and prayed that we would not go to war at the table this man was punching way above his pay grade and i could not understand why
the two authorscholars presented facts cited statistics i pulled down book after book from my shelves we got nowhere look he said i have some really good muslim friends theyre americans totally westernized they are palestinians they strongly feel that this is their identity why deny them the identity of their choice and then i understood that the propalestinianantizionist propaganda behind the relentless bds campaign is successful precisely because so many americans of all ages are without knowledge without respect for knowledge do not know this and frankly dont care
fair is fair he said in other words whats good for the jews has to be good for everyone else if not the jews dont deserve whatever it is either
heres a man whos not an antisemite or an antizionist not an active member of any organizationyet who needs to believe the canard that nonjewish palestinians have always existed or that they existed by the nineteenth century or no later than the year that another stateless peoplethe jewschose a national sovereign identity
he would not listen to reason it was quite astounding how is this possible
his mindset is part of our ruling american zeitgeist if rachel dolezal can say shes black even when shes white and direct a chapter of the naacp if a man can say that hes really a woman trapped in a mans body if all truths are relative if everything is subjective if objectivity is no longer important if doctored narratives have supplanted factbased histories if revisionism is preferred to truththen yes anyone can say that they deserve their own nation state because they feel or believe that they do
i am grateful to my combative guest for reminding me that ignorance is often arrogant and as such is a great enemy that educated people have been especially vulnerable to false ideas that psychologically speaking we must approach them as if theyve been brainwashed by a cult
facts alone will not work we must consider all known techniques for deprogramming
this is one of our greatest challenges | english | | | hate | Real | zineb el rhazoui charlie hebdo survivor discusses world needs destroy islamic fascism | hillary clinton seeks even unfit secretary state october daniel greenfield never read medieval german folk tales hillary clinton counting chickens theyve hatched preparing hand jobs one handed hand shes busy planning fantasy cabinet fantasy administration big pick makes sense reportedly would like make joe biden secretary state biden obvious choice hes arrogant dumb brimming bright ideas like giving iran money splitting iraq little pieces obviously wouldnt competency pick last time someone qualified secretary state president bushs time office democrats decided would give job consolation prize failed presidential candidates foreign policy important could counted make even bigger mess hillary clinton john kerry joe biden perfect plan want fall guy blame everything dont come obvious joe biden want someone shadowed soft bigotry low expectations youve gotta go joe joe biden could accidentally start ww everyone would shrug say thats joe | 1 |
Ilana Mercer | 2016-10-28T07:55:06.853+03:00 | against hillarys malevolent matriarchy | us navy iran giving terrorists missiles to fire at us ships october
theres only one possible solution
lets load million in unmarked foreign currency on an unmarked cargo plane and deliver it to iran then make follow that up with a few more and make sure iran scores billion in sanctions relief
thats how we got here its smartpower which is neither smart nor powerful
earlier this month us navy ships had to fire defensive interceptor missiles after they were targeted by attacks launched from houthicontrolled yemen
this was likely the first time in history the navy had to take such measures and officials are now saying they think iran is behind the attacks
we believe that iran is connected to this vice admiral kevin donegan told nbc news in fact the us has intercepted many shipments of weapons from iran to the houthi militants who oppose yemens internationally recognized government in a conflict that has seen thousands of civilian deaths and mass starvation of the civilian population
the intercepted shipments were filled with coastal defense cruise missiles boats that we believe were explosive boats other weapons that were clearly on the decks of their ships that we saw donegan said
im sure theres no chance that the billions obama lavished on iranian jihadists have in any way freed up the terror state to open its own jihadi candy store not a chance
and im sure that when iran gets the nuclear weapons that obama is enabling it will use them as responsibly as its using its cruise missiles | english | | | hate | Real | propalestinian propaganda lowering standards truth america | bundy verdict another defeat obama october daniel greenfield obama inc lot luck media trials lynchings police officers gotten far baltimore biggest resounding defeat wasnt one vastly differing treatment bundy protesters dakota pipeline protesters killing government backing intended effect instead obama lost trial time bundy case left realized hated civil disobedience rediscovering came environmental protests big gov lost one jury thursday delivered stunning acrosstheboard acquittal leaders participants malheur national wildlife refuge occupation remarkable blow federal government tries tamp national movement led nevada family open public lands ranchers miners loggers verdicts finding ammon bundy older brother ryan bundy five others guilty federal conspiracy drew elation defense attorneys spent five weeks arguing armed takeover amounted timehonored tradition first amendment protest civil disobedience highprofile case riveted state drew national international attention isolated bird sanctuary rural eastern oregon jurys decision proved less dramatic sets showdown next stage landrights movement means big green gov think twice next time around much better job picking jury oregon prosecutors sat silently front boss us attorney billy williams head fbi oregon greg bretzing judge announced guilty pleas one one quickly back ut trial fireworks werent quite brawl broke end six seven us marshals surrounded ammon bundys lawyer stood judge arguing shouting client walk door free man tackled stunned taser gun mumford yelled us district judge anna j brown ordered everybody courtroom asking papers mumford said emerging federal custody nearly two hours later show authority take mr bundy custody | 1 |
Emma-Kate Symons | 2016-10-28T07:55:07.497+03:00 | zineb el rhazoui charlie hebdo survivor discusses why the world needs to destroy islamic fascism | hillary clinton seeks even more unfit secretary of state than her october daniel greenfield
having never read any medieval german folk tales hillary clinton is counting her chickens before theyve hatched and preparing to hand out jobs that no one has handed her to hand out shes busy planning her fantasy cabinet for her fantasy administration
and her big pick makes sense
reportedly she would like to make joe biden the secretary of state biden is the obvious choice hes arrogant dumb and brimming with bright ideas like just giving iran money or splitting iraq into little pieces obviously this wouldnt be a competency pick the last time we had someone qualified as secretary of state was during president bushs time in office
then democrats decided they would give the job as a consolation prize to failed presidential candidates because our foreign policy is just that important
and who could be counted on to make an even bigger mess than hillary clinton or john kerry joe biden its a perfect plan if you want a fall guy to blame everything on they dont come any more obvious than joe biden
and if you want someone shadowed by the soft bigotry of low expectations youve gotta go joe
joe biden could accidentally start ww and everyone would shrug and say thats just joe | english | | | hate | Real | us navy iran giving terrorists missiles fire us ships | hillarys secretary state send check million iran talking tehran joe biden course good pals iran lobby biden reportedly hillarys fantasy cabinet pick secretary state democrats decided secretary state job important trusted experienced diplomats instead reserved strictly consolation prize failed presidential candidates heres flashback bidens views democratic vicepresidential candidate joe biden quoted monday telling senior israeli officials behind closed doors jewish state reconcile nuclear iran unsourced report army radio also quoted biden saying opposed opening additional military diplomatic front army radio said israeli officials expressed amazement remarks attributed israel reconcile nuclearization iran army radio quoted biden telling unnamed officials bidens people loudly denied report history tight w ith iran lobby might call reaching american muslims many iranians living california fundraiser sen joseph biden ddel home prominent proiran lobbyist feb sent wrongheaded message ruling clerics tehran learned sen biden planning hold fundraiser california home dr sadegh namazikhah immediately contacted office express dismay prominent iranianamerican activist tells insight dismay dr namazikhah wellknown los angeles area support ruling clerical regime tehran one regimes leading unofficial lobbyists america thought sen biden might know background getting chairman senate foreign relations committee appear event certainly seen regime tehran show support eve fundraiser brought estimated bidens reelection coffers biden staffer told activist senators staff facts necessary make decision planning attend fundraiser despite protests several participants paid attend event tell insight biden arrived pm stayed delivered sweeping condemnation president george w bushs axis evil formula senator biden undermining bush fundraising home supporters terrorist enemy state biden also impressed many present friendly attitude toward islamic republic iran senator said iran always wanted ally united states good relations us according housang dadgostar prominent lawyer iranianamericans dont want anything happen iranian government iranian people result war terrorism says mohsen movaghar los angeles businessman men belong member board directors namazikhahs iranian muslim association north america iman namazikhah denied official contact iranian government tells insight regularly travels iran something many expatriates actively supports moderates within ruling clergy iranian president mohammad khatami efforts bring reform islamic system namazikhah iman board members say bidens office contacted inquire would hold private fundraiser senator reelection year meeting protehran gala new york last december event sponsored americaniranian council aic proregime lobbying group trying get congress bush administration lift trade embargo iran biden perfect post reaction september th biden suggested sending million iran strings attached gesture good faith arab world tuesdaymorning meeting committee staffers biden launches streamofconsciousness monologue committee finally admits obvious im groping hits idea america needs show arab world bent destruction seems would good time send strings attached check million iran biden declares surveys table raised eyebrows ya like look face traitor says | 1 |
Phyllis Chesler | 2016-10-28T07:55:10.308+03:00 | propalestinian propaganda lowering standards of truth in america | the bundy verdict is another defeat for obama october daniel greenfield
obama inc has a lot more luck with the media than it does with trials its lynchings of police officers have not gotten very far baltimore was the biggest and most resounding defeat but it wasnt the only one and the vastly differing treatment of the bundy protesters and the dakota pipeline protesters from killing to government backing have not had their intended effect
instead obama lost at trial again
this time its the bundy case that was when the left realized it hated civil disobedience just before rediscovering it again when it came to environmental protests but big gov lost this one again
a jury thursday delivered a stunning acrosstheboard acquittal to the leaders and participants in the malheur national wildlife refuge occupation and a remarkable blow to the federal government as it tries to tamp down a national movement led by a nevada family to open public lands to ranchers miners and loggers
the verdicts finding ammon bundy older brother ryan bundy and five others not guilty of a federal conspiracy drew elation from defense attorneys who spent five weeks arguing that the armed takeover amounted to a timehonored tradition of first amendment protest and civil disobedience
the highprofile case riveted the state and drew national and international attention to the isolated bird sanctuary in rural eastern oregon the jurys decision proved no less dramatic and sets up a showdown in the next stage of the landrights movement
it means that big green gov will have to think twice next time around or do a much better job of picking a jury
the oregon prosecutors sat silently in front of their boss us attorney billy williams and the head of the fbi in oregon greg bretzing as the judge announced the not guilty pleas one by one
but it was quickly back to more of the same
ut the trial fireworks werent quite over a brawl broke out at the very end when six to seven us marshals surrounded ammon bundys lawyer as he stood before the judge arguing and shouting for his client to walk out the door a free man they tackled him and stunned him with a taser gun as mumford yelled what are you doing us district judge anna j brown ordered everybody out of the courtroom
all i was asking for was papers mumford said after emerging from federal custody nearly two hours later just show me you have the authority to take mr bundy into custody | english | | | hate | Real | hillary clinton seeks even unfit secretary state | weiner sexting yearold girl leads new fbi investigation hillary emails giant flaming garbage dump clintonworld offering wonderful new development sure excite anyone wanted combine weiner scandal hillary email scandal yes virginia one like peanut butter jelly shampoo conditioner one theyve merged one horrible stinking landfill entertainment downfall republic fbi reopened investigation hillary clintons use private server secretary state discovering new emails apparently probe former rep anthony weiners sexting stunning turn events days presidential election fbi director james comey wrote letter top members congress friday bureau learned existence emails appear pertinent investigation comey detail emails saying surfaced connection unrelated case fbi source though confirmed fox news new emails discovered bureau seized devices belonging disgraced rep weiner wife huma abedin top clinton aide recently announced separating former congressman new york times first reported weiner investigation connection noting fbi probing texts weiner sent yearold girl donald trump congressional republicans seized fbis decision interim democratic party leader donna brazile simply tweeted good grief news anthony weiner connection broke cant argue would hilarious anthony weiner thereby huma abedin led downfall hillarys lifelong ambition know someone going commit suicide dc park anyone democratic party really look forward years big mess hillary weve reached point ongoing email scandal intertwined sexting investigation yearold girl thats election | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-28T14:52:36.662+03:00 | us navy iran giving terrorists missiles to fire at us ships | hillarys secretary of state after send a check for million to iran
were talking about tehran joe biden of course who is good pals with the iran lobby biden is reportedly hillarys fantasy cabinet pick for secretary of state because the democrats have decided that secretary of state is a job too important to be trusted to experienced diplomats but should instead be reserved strictly as a consolation prize for failed presidential candidates
heres a flashback on bidens views
democratic vicepresidential candidate joe biden was quoted monday as telling senior israeli officials behind closed doors that the jewish state will have to reconcile itself to a nuclear iran in the unsourced report army radio also quoted biden as saying that he opposed opening a additional military and diplomatic front army radio said israeli officials expressed amazement over the remarks attributed to him israel will have to reconcile itself with the nuclearization of iran army radio quoted biden as telling the unnamed officials
bidens people loudly denied the report but he had a history of being tight w ith the iran lobby
some might call it reaching out to american muslims but to many iranians living in california a fundraiser for sen joseph biden ddel at the home of a prominent proiran lobbyist on feb sent a wrongheaded message to the ruling clerics in tehran
when we learned that sen biden was planning to hold a fundraiser at the california home of dr sadegh namazikhah we immediately contacted his office to express our dismay a prominent iranianamerican activist tells insight why dismay
dr namazikhah is wellknown in the los angeles area for his support of the ruling clerical regime in tehran and is one of the regimes leading unofficial lobbyists in america we thought that sen biden might not know his background getting the chairman of the senate foreign relations committee to appear at this event will certainly be seen by the regime in tehran as a show of support
on the eve of the fundraiser which brought an estimated into bidens reelection coffers a biden staffer told the activist that the senators staff had all the facts necessary to make a decision and he was planning to attend the fundraiser despite the protests
several participants who paid to attend the event tell insight that biden arrived at pm stayed until and delivered a sweeping condemnation of president george w bushs axis of evil formula
as senator biden was not only undermining bush but fundraising off it at the home of supporters of a terrorist enemy state
biden also impressed many of those present with his friendly attitude toward the islamic republic of iran the senator said that iran always wanted to be an ally of the united states and to have good relations with the us according to housang dadgostar a prominent lawyer as iranianamericans we dont want anything to happen to the iranian government or to the iranian people as a result of this war on terrorism says mohsen movaghar a los angeles businessman both men belong to the member board of directors of namazikhahs iranian muslim association of north america iman
namazikhah denied any official contact with the iranian government but he tells insight that he regularly travels to iran something many expatriates do and that he actively supports moderates within the ruling clergy such as iranian president mohammad khatami in their efforts to bring reform to the islamic system
namazikhah and other iman board members say bidens office contacted them to inquire if they would hold a private fundraiser for the senator who is up for reelection this year after meeting with them at a protehran gala in new york last december that event was sponsored by the americaniranian council aic a proregime lobbying group trying to get congress and the bush administration to lift the trade embargo on iran
but biden had the perfect post reaction
after september th biden suggested sending million to iran no strings attached as a gesture of good faith to the arab world
at the tuesdaymorning meeting with committee staffers biden launches into a streamofconsciousness monologue about what his committee should be doing before he finally admits the obvious im groping here then he hits on an idea america needs to show the arab world that were not bent on its destruction
seems to me this would be a good time to send no strings attached a check for million to iran biden declares
he surveys the table with raised eyebrows a how do ya like that look on his face
traitor says what | english | | | hate | Real | bundy verdict another defeat obama | obamas un ambassador cuba right human rights october daniel greenfield may remember ambassador samantha power time proposed invading israel since shes gone glorious career representing castro regime un obama regime naturally gets confusing us ambassador un sides enemy country years united states policy aimed isolating government cuba roughly half years un member states voted overwhelmingly general assembly resolution condemns us embargo calls ended united states always voted resolution today united states abstain applause thank obama power told abstain opposing resolution critical united states say obama sort antiamerican traitor dont see would seeing signs anyway power went audition job un ambassador cuba claiming critiques brutal communist dictatorship human rights wellfounded let among first acknowledge cuban counterparts often point united states work fulfilling rights citizens know times history us leaders citizens used pretext promoting democracy human rights region justify actions left deep legacy mistrust somehow though siding communist dictatorships enemy betraying allies region create mistrust opposing left | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-28T14:52:54.791+03:00 | hillary clinton seeks even more unfit secretary of state than her | weiner sexting of yearold girl leads to new fbi investigation of hillary emails
the giant flaming garbage dump that is clintonworld is offering up a wonderful new development sure to excite anyone who wanted to combine the weiner scandal and the hillary email scandal
yes virginia you can now have both of them in one like peanut butter and jelly or shampoo and conditioner in one theyve been merged into one horrible stinking landfill for your entertainment and the downfall of the republic
the fbi has reopened its investigation into hillary clintons use of a private server while secretary of state after discovering new emails apparently during the probe of former rep anthony weiners sexting in a stunning turn of events just days before the presidential election
fbi director james comey wrote in a letter to top members of congress friday that the bureau has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation
comey did not detail those emails saying only that they surfaced in connection with an unrelated case
an fbi source though confirmed to fox news that the new emails were discovered after the bureau seized devices belonging to disgraced rep weiner and his wife huma abedin a top clinton aide who recently announced she was separating from the former congressman the new york times first reported on the weiner investigation connection noting the fbi had been probing texts weiner sent to a yearold girl
as donald trump and congressional republicans seized on the fbis decision interim democratic party leader donna brazile simply tweeted good grief after the news of the anthony weiner connection broke
cant argue with her there
it would be hilarious if anthony weiner and thereby huma abedin led to the downfall of hillarys lifelong ambition you just know someone is going to commit suicide in a dc park
but does anyone in the democratic party really look forward to to years of this this is how big of a mess hillary is now weve reached the point where her ongoing email scandal is now intertwined with a sexting investigation of a yearold girl and thats just during the election | english | | | hate | Real | hillarys secretary state send check million iran | obamas doj hasnt approved warrant fbi new hillary emails lynch obamas corrupted doj switched overtly undermining fbi investigation hillary clinton remember hillary emails come weiner investigation saturday night fbi still gotten approval justice department warrant would allow agency officials read newly discovered abedin emails therefore still dark whether include classified material bureau already seen warrant senior law enforcement official said discussions way fbi justice department best way move forward michael isikoff spin attack comey though comey couldnt get lynch sign warrant public announcement could well way pressuring doj right thing emails election issue way move forward allow fbi review dems media currently attacking comey isikoff piece typical example rather tell truth doj obstructing hillary investigation smearing fbi instead many pointed imagine nixon democrat way media would covered watergate meanwhile dems also screaming comey tell emails refuse grant access | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-28T14:53:04.717+03:00 | the bundy verdict is another defeat for obama | obamas un ambassador cuba is right about our human rights october daniel greenfield
you may remember ambassador samantha power from the time she proposed invading israel since then shes gone on to a glorious career of representing the castro regime at the un or is it the obama regime it naturally gets confusing when the us ambassador to the un sides with the enemy against her own country
for more than years the united states had a policy aimed at isolating the government of cuba for roughly half of those years un member states have voted overwhelmingly for a general assembly resolution that condemns the us embargo and calls for it to be ended the united states has always voted against this resolution today the united states will abstain applause thank you
under obama power was told to abstain from opposing a resolution critical of the united states and they say obama is some sort of antiamerican traitor i dont see it if he were we would be seeing signs of it by now
anyway power then went on to audition for the job of the un ambassador from cuba by claiming that critiques from a brutal communist dictatorship about our human rights are wellfounded
let me be among the first to acknowledge as our cuban counterparts often point out that the united states has work to do in fulfilling these rights for our own citizens and we know that at times in our history us leaders and citizens used the pretext of promoting democracy and human rights in the region to justify actions that have left a deep legacy of mistrust
somehow though siding with communist dictatorships who are the enemy while betraying our allies in the region does not create any mistrust only opposing the left does | english | | | hate | Real | weiner sexting yearold girl leads new fbi investigation hillary emails | huma abedin swore oath emails lied anything resembling rule law huma would jail people federal investigations gone jail much lower acts dishonesty deception rebooted fbi investigation hillary clintons emails spurred emails turned anthony weiner sexting investigation emails huma abedin swore gave new information fbi found state departmentrelated email home laptop also calls question whether abedin fact turned devices used send receive email working state june abedin said oath sworn deposition looked devices thought contained government work records could given state department records subsequently reviewed fbi go searching records may possession returned state department attorney ramona cotca judicial watch asked looked devices may state department work returned returned gave attorneys review relevant documents gave devices paper abedin answered anyone really surprised huma abedin lied real question whether held accountable | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-29T04:17:00.000+03:00 | hillarys secretary of state after send a check for million to iran | obamas doj hasnt approved warrant for fbi of new hillary emails
lynch and obamas corrupted doj have switched to overtly undermining the fbi investigation of hillary clinton remember those hillary emails that have come up in the weiner investigation
as of saturday night the fbi had still not gotten approval from the justice department for a warrant that would allow agency officials to read any of the newly discovered abedin emails and therefore are still in the dark about whether they include any classified material that the bureau has not already seen
we do not have a warrant a senior law enforcement official said discussions are under way between the fbi and the justice department as to the best way to move forward
this is michael isikoff so the spin is an attack on comey though if comey couldnt get lynch to sign off on a warrant the public announcement could very well have been his way of pressuring the doj to do the right thing now that the emails are an election issue the only way to move forward is to allow the fbi to review them
but the dems and the media are currently attacking comey and the isikoff piece is a typical example rather than tell the truth that the doj is obstructing the hillary investigation its smearing the fbi instead as so many have pointed out imagine if nixon had been a democrat this is the way the media would have covered watergate
meanwhile the dems are also screaming that comey tell them about the emails that they refuse to grant him access to | english | | | hate | Real | obamas un ambassador cuba right human rights | obamas attorney general warned fbi director inform congress new hillary investigation media shamelessly spinning corrupt behavior attorney general lynch standard protocol blasting fbi deviating imaginary standard democratic presidential candidates supposed immune consequences criminality congress meant kept dark attorney general loretta lynch deputy attorney general sally yates disagreed fbi director james comeys decision notify congress bureaus review emails potentially related hillary clintons personal server law enforcement officials familiar discussion said direct confrontation lynch yates comey instead disagreements conveyed comey justice department staff advised fbi chief letter would department policy comment investigations close election officials said line policy though lynch met bill clinton yes hillary backer disagreed course action damaging candidate comeydecided disregard concerns sent letter friday anyway shaking presidential race days election nearly four months fbi chief said wouldnt recommend criminal charges democratic nominees use server officials acknowledged little lynch yates could given fallout lynchs controversial meeting summer former president bill clinton note media spinning comeys drastic course action lynch responsible public servant default assumption comey wrong providing information one major branches government greater public | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-29T04:05:00.000+03:00 | weiner sexting of yearold girl leads to new fbi investigation of hillary emails | huma abedin swore under oath she had no emails she lied
again if we had anything resembling a rule of law huma would be in jail people in federal investigations have gone to jail for much lower acts of dishonesty and deception
the rebooted fbi investigation of hillary clintons emails was spurred by emails turned up during the anthony weiner sexting investigation those emails that huma abedin swore she gave up
but the new information that the fbi found state departmentrelated email on her home laptop also calls into question whether abedin in fact turned over all of the devices she used to send and receive email while working at state
on june abedin said under oath in a sworn deposition that she looked for all devices that she thought contained government work on them so the records could be given to the state department these records were subsequently reviewed by the fbi
how did you go about searching for what records you may have in your possession to be returned to the state department attorney ramona cotca for judicial watch asked her
i looked for all the devices that may have any of my state department work on it and returned returned gave them to my attorneys for them to review for all relevant documents and gave them devices and paper abedin answered
is anyone really surprised that huma abedin lied the real question is whether or not she will be held accountable | english | | | hate | Real | obamas doj hasnt approved warrant fbi new hillary emails | dems file complaint wdoj fbi investigating hillary obviously absurd move considering doj become transparently political organization abuses attacks law enforcement regular basis including eric garner case fbi things work hall mirrors left made democratic coalition trump filed complaint department justice office professional responsibility friday fbi director james comey interfering presidential election following fbis decision open investigation secretary clintons emails close election day federal employees forbidden participating political activities hatch act absolutely absurd fbi director comey would support donald trump like days go election said scott dworkin senior advisor democratic coalition trump obvious attack lifelong republican used serve bush white house undermine campaign comey needs focus stopping terrorists protecting america investigating soon presidentelect hillary clinton silly grandstanding seems easy enough dismissexcept bizarre unlikely tactics longer outrage moveons attack petraeus even dems thought unhelpful attack comey suspect meet little criticism dems consider helpful preemptive move even though track record comey likely hurt hillary | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-30T02:33:26.184+02:00 | obamas un ambassador cuba is right about our human rights | obamas attorney general warned fbi director not to inform congress of new hillary investigation
the media is shamelessly spinning this corrupt behavior by attorney general lynch as standard protocol and blasting the fbi from deviating from some imaginary standard in which democratic presidential candidates are supposed to be immune from the consequences of their criminality and congress is meant to be kept in the dark
attorney general loretta lynch and deputy attorney general sally yates disagreed with fbi director james comeys decision to notify congress about his bureaus review of emails potentially related to hillary clintons personal server law enforcement officials familiar with the discussion said
there was no direct confrontation between lynch or yates and comey instead the disagreements were conveyed to comey by justice department staff who advised the fbi chief his letter would be against department policy to not comment on investigations close to an election the officials said
it is in line with policy though for lynch to have met with bill clinton
but yes a hillary backer disagreed with a course of action damaging to her candidate
comeydecided to disregard their concerns and sent the letter friday anyway shaking the presidential race days before the election and nearly four months after the fbi chief said he wouldnt recommend criminal charges over the democratic nominees use of the server
the officials acknowledged there was little lynch and yates could do given the fallout over lynchs controversial meeting over the summer with former president bill clinton
note how the media is spinning this as comeys drastic course of action while lynch is just being a responsible public servant the default assumption is that comey is in the wrong for providing information to one of the major branches of government and the greater public | english | | | hate | Real | huma abedin swore oath emails lied | sioux indians wish dakota pipeline protesters would go home october daniel greenfield ecoloons protesting dakota pipeline support media white house many local sioux dont see defenders wish would go home ask around youll hear stories pipeline protesters whove traveled great distances theyve come japan russia germany australia israel serbia course allies exclusively native american indigenous whove flocked corners us demonstrating proud daily work obnoxious leftists world united want pipelines showers one makes clearer robert fool bear sr district chairman cannon ball town runs estimated population miles action close given faceoffs law enforcement pass police checkpoint reach time people heard folks like says fool bear protesters says two years ago members standing rock sioux tribe could attended hearings make concerns known didnt care suddenly crowds control fears matter time someone gets seriously hurt go camps says wont see many standing rock sioux irks people world says could come planets think would sioux stuck helping leftist idiot protesters long ago found three teenage girls ontario canada camped inside storage shed white woman spokane washington came see help saying shed come nothing car broken casino recently someone approached two young kids parents arrested even though fool bear protests doesnt mean hes preparing help people anticipates opening community gymnasium people without beds come winter growing pile sleeping bags blankets sits office protesters arizona georgia california wont know hit cold rushes says instead helping sioux privileged leftists become burden take care | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-30T06:57:17.661+02:00 | obamas doj hasnt approved warrant for fbi of new hillary emails | dems file complaint wdoj against fbi for investigating hillary
its an obviously absurd move but considering that the doj has become a transparently political organization that abuses and attacks law enforcement on a regular basis including in the eric garner case the fbi this is just how things work in the hall of mirrors that the left has made
the democratic coalition against trump filed a complaint with the department of justice office of professional responsibility on friday against fbi director james comey for interfering in the presidential election following the fbis decision to open up an investigation into secretary clintons emails this close to election day federal employees are forbidden from participating in political activities under the hatch act
it is absolutely absurd that fbi director comey would support donald trump like this with only days to go before the election said scott dworkin senior advisor to the democratic coalition against trump it is an obvious attack from a lifelong republican who used to serve in the bush white house just to undermine her campaign comey needs to focus on stopping terrorists and protecting america not investigating our soon to be presidentelect hillary clinton
its silly grandstanding and seems easy enough to dismissexcept that bizarre and unlikely tactics no longer are there was outrage over moveons attack on petraeus and even most dems thought that it was unhelpful this attack on comey i suspect will meet with little criticism some dems will consider it a helpful preemptive move even though with his track record comey is as likely to hurt hillary as he is himself | english | | | hate | Real | obamas attorney general warned fbi director inform congress new hillary investigation | media spin fbis actions deeply troubling hillarys hillary email investigation reopened due sexting investigation close aides husband media focused outrage disgust gruesome weinerabedinhillary trio fbi reporting line alternate universe left inhabits media brimming headlines attacking fbi investigating hillary hillary clinton called fbis actions deeply troubling instead media made propagandistic decision upend scandal coverage portraying fbis actions investigating hillary scandal rather hillarys actions agenda blatantly obvious also telling left decided real scandal investigating | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-30T06:57:20.298+02:00 | huma abedin swore under oath she had no emails she lied | sioux indians wish dakota pipeline protesters would go home october daniel greenfield
the ecoloons protesting the dakota pipeline have the support of the media and the white house but many of the local sioux dont see them as defenders they just wish they would go home
ask around and youll hear stories of pipeline protesters whove traveled great distances theyve come from japan russia and germany australia israel and serbia and of course there are the allies not exclusively native american or indigenous whove flocked here from all corners of the us
demonstrating is their proud daily work
the obnoxious leftists of the world have united and they want no pipelines or showers
no one makes this clearer than robert fool bear sr district chairman of cannon ball the town he runs estimated population of is just a few miles from the action its so close that given the faceoffs with law enforcement you have to pass through a police checkpoint to reach it
its about time people heard from folks like him he says
fool bear has had it with the protesters he says that more than two years ago when members of the standing rock sioux tribe could have attended hearings to make their concerns known they didnt care now suddenly the crowds are out of control and he fears its just a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt
go down to the camps he says and you wont see many standing rock sioux
it irks me people are here from all over the world he says if they could come from other planets i think they would
and the sioux are stuck helping leftist idiot protesters
not long ago he found three teenage girls from ontario canada camped out inside his storage shed a white woman from spokane washington came to see him for help saying shed come here with nothing and her car had broken down when he was at the casino recently someone approached him about two young kids who were on their own because their parents had been arrested
even though fool bear is against the protests that doesnt mean hes not preparing to help people out too he anticipates opening the community gymnasium for people without beds come winter and a growing pile of sleeping bags and blankets sits in his office
those protesters from arizona georgia and california wont know what hit them when the cold rushes in he says
instead of helping the sioux privileged leftists have become a burden for them to take care of | english | | | hate | Real | dems file complaint wdoj fbi investigating hillary | obama donations funneled fake bonuses great investigative work kind story flies radar small component democratic machine setup looks like jon tester didnt come way montana scrambled eggs bacon us senator virtually unknown boston conference room thornton law firm june morning cash one reliable stops democratic fundraising circuit law firm pours millions coffers party politicians tester massive jovial man raises livestock family farm compelling many breakfast guests political candidates firm hoped would defend interests trial attorneys drill basically personal injury lawyers listened politely minutes returned offices tester walked away checks striking thing happened day tester visited partner david c strouss received payment firm labeled bonus exactly equaled contribution testers campaign maximum allowed days later partner garrett bradley recently house assistant majority leader beacon hill got bonus exactly matching gift tester thats quite coincidence strouss bradley along founding partner michael thornton wife donated nearly million democratic party fundraising committees parade politicians senate minority leader harry reid nevada hawaii gubernatorial candidate david ige senator elizabeth warren massachusetts span lawyers received million listed bonuses thornton law firm records contributions precisely matched bonuses paid within days corruption see lets move another fake scandal thorntons lawyers especially generous vice president joe biden one washingtons strongest advocates trial lawyers contributing campaigns president obama bidens reelection campaign michael thornton hosted fundraiser obama victory fund house cambridge biden guest honor biggest donors thornton partners gave escorted private room offered chance photographed biden said someone thornton records show lawyers reimbursed donations hope change | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-30T06:57:20.350+02:00 | obamas attorney general warned fbi director not to inform congress of new hillary investigation | media spin the fbis actions are deeply troubling not hillarys
so the hillary email investigation was reopened due to a sexting investigation of her close aides husband so the media focused its outrage and disgust not on the gruesome weinerabedinhillary trio but on the fbi reporting line from the alternate universe that the left inhabits the media is brimming with headlines attacking the fbi for investigating hillary
hillary clinton called the fbis actions deeply troubling they should be for her but instead the media made the propagandistic decision to upend the scandal coverage by portraying the fbis actions in investigating hillary as the scandal rather than hillarys own actions
the agenda is blatantly obvious but its also telling that the left has decided that the real scandal is investigating their own | english | | | hate | Real | sioux indians wish dakota pipeline protesters would go home | hillary campaign launching attacks fbi october clinton campaign becomes deranged hillary start running attack ads fbi kind tactic already perilously close attack ad hillary clintons presidential campaign ratcheted attack director fbi sunday circulating draft letter critical james comey former federal prosecutors respect settled tenets united states department justice moved express concern recent letter issued fbi director james comey eight congressional committees clinton campaigns letter speaking prosecutors said letter signed provided daily beast elkan abramowitz former chief criminal division us attorney southern district new york expected released sunday evening bizarre spectacle hillary deciding needs campaign head fbi praised clearing youre paranoid personality assembles lists enemies react also telling clinton campaign finds threatening waging war fbi | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-30T06:57:20.426+02:00 | dems file complaint wdoj against fbi for investigating hillary | obama donations funneled through fake bonuses
this is some great investigative work and its the kind of story that flies under the radar and its just a small component of the democratic machine but it is what the setup looks like
jon tester didnt come all the way from montana for the scrambled eggs and bacon the us senator virtually unknown in boston was in a conference room at the thornton law firm that june morning to cash in at one of the most reliable stops on the democratic fundraising circuit a law firm that pours millions into the coffers of the party and its politicians
tester a massive jovial man who raises livestock on his family farm was more compelling than many of the other breakfast guests all of them political candidates the firm hoped would defend the interests of trial attorneys but the drill was basically the same the personal injury lawyers listened politely for a few minutes then returned to their offices and tester walked away with in checks
but a striking thing happened the day tester visited in partner david c strouss received a payment from the firm labeled as a bonus that exactly equaled his contribution to testers campaign the maximum allowed a few days later partner garrett bradley until recently the house assistant majority leader on beacon hill got a bonus too exactly matching his gift to tester
thats quite a coincidence
from through strouss and bradley along with founding partner michael thornton and his wife donated nearly million to democratic party fundraising committees and a parade of politicians from senate minority leader harry reid of nevada to hawaii gubernatorial candidate david ige to senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts over the same span the lawyers received million listed as bonuses in thornton law firm records more than of the contributions precisely matched bonuses that were paid within days
no corruption to see here now lets move on to another fake scandal
thorntons lawyers were especially generous to vice president joe biden one of washingtons strongest advocates for trial lawyers contributing more than to his campaigns from to
during president obama and bidens reelection campaign in michael thornton hosted a fundraiser for the obama victory fund at his house in cambridge where biden was the guest of honor some of the biggest donors some thornton partners gave were escorted into a private room and offered the chance to be photographed with biden said someone who was there thornton records show the lawyers were reimbursed for those donations
hope and change | english | | | hate | Real | media spin fbis actions deeply troubling hillarys | obamas doj also obstructed clinton foundation investigation october know lynch obamas doj obstructing investigation hillary clintons emails biased media predictably spinning fbi wrong hillarys backers doj right also appears doj obstructing investigations hillary including clinton foundation fbi field office new york done work clinton foundation case received help fbi field office little rock people familiar matter said february fbi officials made presentation justice department according people accounts meeting didnt go well said fbi didnt present compelling evidence justify aggressive pursuit clinton foundation career public integrity prosecutors room simply believed wasnt strong case others said start justice department officials stern icy dismissive case one weirdest meetings ive ever one participant told others afterward according people familiar matter justice department officials told fbi meeting wouldnt authorize aggressive investigative techniques subpoenas formal witness interviews grandjury activity fbi officials believed well within authority pursue leads methods already way people said course doj wouldnt authorize investigations democratic partys chosen thats type elemental corruption work system | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-30T13:25:29.310+02:00 | sioux indians wish dakota pipeline protesters would go home | hillary campaign launching attacks on the fbi october
if the clinton campaign becomes any more deranged hillary will start running attack ads against the fbi this kind of tactic is already perilously close to an attack ad
hillary clintons presidential campaign ratcheted up its attack on the director of the fbi on sunday circulating a draft letter critical of james comey to former federal prosecutors
it is out of our respect for such settled tenets of the united states department of justice that we are moved to express our concern with the recent letter issued by fbi director james comey to eight congressional committees the clinton campaigns letter speaking for prosecutors said
the letter was signed and provided to the daily beast by elkan abramowitz a former chief of the criminal division of the us attorney for the southern district of new york it is expected to be released sunday evening
so we have the bizarre spectacle of hillary deciding that she needs to campaign against the head of the fbi who was just being praised for clearing her because when youre a paranoid personality who assembles lists of enemies this is how you react but its also telling that the clinton campaign finds this so threatening that it is waging war on the fbi | english | | | hate | Real | obama donations funneled fake bonuses | exassistant fbi director clintons crime family october thats quite endorsement theres anything top fbi officials crime families certainly probably first serious level experience hillary claim field clintons thats crime family basically former assistant fbi director james kallstrom said like organized crime mean clinton foundation cesspool kallstrom best known leading investigation explosion twa flight late said hillary clinton democratic presidential nominee pathological liar also blasted attorney general loretta lynch claiming impeded investigation clintons private server problem investigation never real investigation said thats problem never grand jury empanelled reason never grand jury empanelled im sure loretta lynch would go along kallstrom also said fbi director james comey rest fbis leadership responsible holding back investigation rest bureau agents furious whats going know fact said according media fbi investigating hillary real crime | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-30T13:39:16.216+02:00 | media spin the fbis actions are deeply troubling not hillarys | obamas doj also obstructed clinton foundation investigation october
we now know that lynch and obamas doj are obstructing the investigation of hillary clintons emails the biased media is predictably spinning this as the fbi being in the wrong and hillarys backers at the doj being in the right
but it also appears that the doj was obstructing any investigations of hillary including that of the clinton foundation
the fbi field office in new york had done the most work on the clinton foundation case and received help from the fbi field office in little rock the people familiar with the matter said
in february fbi officials made a presentation to the justice department according to these people by all accounts the meeting didnt go well
some said that is because the fbi didnt present compelling evidence to justify more aggressive pursuit of the clinton foundation and that the career public integrity prosecutors in the room simply believed it wasnt a very strong case others said that from the start the justice department officials were stern icy and dismissive of the case
that was one of the weirdest meetings ive ever been to one participant told others afterward according to people familiar with the matter
justice department officials told the fbi at the meeting they wouldnt authorize more aggressive investigative techniques such as subpoenas formal witness interviews or grandjury activity but the fbi officials believed they were well within their authority to pursue the leads and methods already under way these people said
of course the doj wouldnt authorize investigations of the democratic partys chosen thats the type of elemental corruption at work in the system | english | | | hate | Real | hillary campaign launching attacks fbi | americans seek help persecuted christians government helps muslims people united states get obama administration could care less october originally published gatestone institute raymond ibrahim shillman fellow david horowitz freedom center muslim persecution christians continues reach critical proportions around world see report average american shows much concern current administration soon revealed obama administration taken muslim refugees christianseven though christians approximately percent syrias population classified experiencing genocide therea poll found three quarters american respondents agreed statement important next us president committed addressing persecution christians face around world eg imprisonment beheadings rape loss home assets deliberate targeting killing christians europe also reached unprecedented levels modern times notably morning july allahu akbar shouting muslims stormed small church france morning mass forced yearold fr jacques hamel knees slit throat critically injured nun killed police later revealed police known church targeted even monitoring one murderers least oneandahalf years later journalist asked pope francis fr jacques killed name islam pope disagreed argued hears christians committing violence every day italy one murdered girlfriend another murdered motherinlaw baptized catholics violent catholics speak islamic violence must speak catholic violence logic popes statement seems violence done direct contradiction judeochristian gods commandmentssuch murder wives mothersinlawis identical violence done accordance allahs commandments wage jihad infidels isiscontrolled territories iraq syria reports christians tortured convert maimed crucified burned alive beheaded sold sex slavery continued emerge iraq report says christians minorities iraq facing persecution unprecedented levels verge extinction christian population dwindled million last decade according estimates however minority rights group put number anywhere former isis member exposed atrocities group commits syria extremely brutal killing women elderly obey abused mutilated dead bodies cut corpses tied back cars dragged along would find publicly execute witnessed many executions remainder julys roundup muslim persecution christiansmost committed isisincludes limited following muslim slaughter christians nigeria two armed muslim tribesmen murdered rev joseph kurah evangelical pastor working farm repeatedly hacked death machetes local muslim reportedly hired assassins got argument christian leader since muslim fulani murdered thousands christians destroyed hundreds churches according separate report june july muslim fulani tribesmen targeted invaded several christian majority villages killed people destroyed churches countless christian properties farms muslims hacked female christian preacher death outskirts abuja eunice elisha minister redeemed church god found dead pool blood went preach streets month earlier june muslim mob beat bridget agbahime wife christian pastor death iron rods accusation blasphemed muhammad one million christian children whose families displaced affected violent activities boko haram muslim fulani herdsmen starving churches currently primary supporters children gone beyond capacity tens thousands children expected die starvation disease receive aid elsewhere according report boko harams sevenyear rebellion left people dead two million displaced philippines attacks murders christians around mindanao island large muslim population rise fr sebastiano dambra lived region years calling authorities find proper solutions stop agony christian community said christian killed jolo days ago reliable source told christians targeted killed kidnapped soon christian community suffering form persecution guided bad elements claim name islam kenya muslim gunmen al shabaab murdered pastor john returning home facilitating peacemaking training seminar jihadis ambushed bus killing pastor six people including children democratic republic congo suspected muslim militants armed guns machetes slaughtered nine christians north kivu region also looted homes seizing food cattle plunder area percent christian seen killed last year half pakistan muslim bombing saints church peshawar killed christian worshippers claimed latest victim battling internal injuries received three years earlier attack cecilia yearold christian nurse died bomb fragments embedded body turned cancerous according report tearstained eyes husband noted still losing loved ones attack forced conversion rape murder christians libya report documents sufferings christians experience hands muslim militants migrate libya effort reach europe one instance women abducted kept sex slaves underground repeatedly raped various jihadis almost year one christian women amal said took christians tripoli kept us underground didnt see sun nine months sometimes didnt eat three days times would give us one meal day half piece bread christian woman described pressured converting islam threat death beaten hoses sticks sometimes would frighten us guns threaten slaughter us knives islamic state isis making use social mediaincluding facebook mobile apps like whatapp telegram sell enslaved christian yazidi girls wider network sadists pedophiles one telegram posting showed picture young girl caption virgin beautiful years old posting states price reached sold soon nigeria another report says muslim terrorist group boko haram murdered people almost christian refusing convert islam also forced women young girls marry fighters pakistan muslims kidnapped forced yearold christian girl convert islam last may father pled weeks release daughter eventually pretended relent told meet somewhere could return daughter arrived shot dead girl remains rapists slain fathers widow three daughters hiding home fear reprisals kidnappers according najma bibi girls mother several months daughters kidnapping police done anything money defend rights live hopeless situation need help pray daughter continue place hope faith jesus christ muhammad iqrar muslim man assaulted raped sonia nasar yearold christian girl although rapist fled father rushed scene hearing cries daughter sonia left critical condition said expects justice follow local authorities associated rapist sobia nadeem christian girl studying masters degree physics abducted group muslims forced convert islam forced marryat gunpointa man named mohammad hamza lahore although girl managed escape back parents home taken court family prove conversion marriage performed force numerous reports continued appear indicating nonmuslim students often christians forced convert islam public school system teachers force recite shahadawhich said muslim witnesses makes reciter muslimand force study muslim beliefs practices often occurs conjunction denigration christian faith due ongoing christian protests punjab government said would launch inquiry muslim attacks christian churches symbols turkey july failed coup attempt least two churches attacked one attacks happened trabzon group people attacked santa maria church paving stones hammers smash windows said report one church leader istanbul said im optimistic plight christians turkey bear mind weve roman catholic bishop murdered weve clergy threatened weve one priest murdered years ago christian leader theyre honest would say whats going quite alarming nigeria friday july muslims attacked catholic church angered christians praying church friday islams holy day muslims congregate pray mosques according christian church leader sometime around pm muslim youths hundreds left mosque friday jumat prayer rushed church premises climbed wall destroyed everything church windows altar musical instruments chapel security man church premises beaten pulp women holding prayer meeting chased away seminarian resident premises also beaten chased away iraq according new report churches monasteries inside mosul reportedly occupied isis looted burned destroyed property addition removing buildings crosses christians unable flee forced pay large extortion money jizya risk instant execution sudan report notes continuously bombing christian nonmuslim indigenous regions near south sudan targeting churches pastors homes destruction government trying cleanse nation christians create homogenous muslim state recent years hundreds thousands people displaced violence homes crops churches schools hospitals destroyed indonesia despite receiving legal documents permits catholic family trying construct shrine virgin mary land since continued face growing threats local muslims muslim mob set fire shrine site brought construction halt recently july muslims stormed house catholic leader ordered stop work even though building permit issued authorities muslim attacks christian apostates blasphemers preachers egypt according report like biblical character daniel lions den egyptian muslim converted christianity found mercy ferocious attack dogs unleashed jailers torture possibly kill however law student majed el shafie god side like story daniel savage animals miraculously harm himto utter astonishment prison guards however tortured muslim guards uganda another muslim convert christianity lost family home business lives small shanty result apostasy extended family yearold man former muslim imam stormed eventually appropriated ancestral home attempt life night said heard people talking outside house around pm saying wanted take away life cannot watch whole family turning christianity complained local council relatives also destroyed business intervention effect lives without means provide pakistan nadeem james yearold christian man father two arrested gujarat district muslim angry accused james texting poem deemed blasphemous muhammad according accuseds brother home police raided house arrest nadeem however cops couldnt find us premises took away two women family wife wife elder brother faryad around time local mosques began calling megaphones didnt surrender christian homes would burn nadeem surrendered women released charge brother completely baseless nadeem uneducated could possibly sent text message im certain yasir bashir muslim accuser downloaded supposedly blasphemous text onto nadeems phone forwarded cell number build case brother yaqoob masih christian sanitary worker accused committing blasphemy islam hyderabad according report masih collected waste streets dumped specific location however bakash muslim accuser without verifying tortured masih stick accusing committing blasphemy burning pages book reportedly carried islamic verses masih packing garbage waste trunk bakash accused blasphemy masih hospitalized injuries muslim doctor treated dying christian man medicine donated zakat islamic charity received death threats christian verge dying without treatment defense muslim doctor said know man christian interpretations islamic law use muslim charity money help nonmuslims iran three azerbaijani pastors arrested tehran visit reason given family local legal experts according report latest succession pastors imprisoned iranian authorities many years accusations ranging apostasy evangelism ebrahim firouzi arrest since vague charges suffered physical abuse hands prison guards forced attend appeal hearing dhimmitude muslim contempt hostility christians bangladesh christian hindu businesses received notices banned islamic organization ordering uphold number islamic customs killed include hanging banners allahs name keeping copies koran putting pictures kaba mecca removing pictures statues religions creating place muslims pray banning music female workers pakistan government raiwind district flooded christian graveyard sewage water desecrated graves response protesting christians complained even grave receive peace pakistan sudan authorities insulted forcefully arrested jailed christians attempted stop seizing evangelical school church property authorities plan giving muslim businesses later authorities returned christian school gave letters dismissal christian headmistress vandalized office replaced teacher choosing egypt christian man stabbed death many christian homes church burned angry muslims rumor church going built coptic christian bishop makarious alminya interviewed television church authorities egypt regularly diplomatic sensitive say makarious made many revealing comments although christians muslims killed hurt wondered government media continue describe incidents clasheswhich suggests two quarrelling partieswhen reality always one side attacks within minutes start one attacks muslims instantly appeared fully armed ready war added long attackers never punished armed forces portrayed duty encourage others continue attacks since even arrested quickly released host asked questions released suggesting perhaps released fact innocent wrongdoing christians bishop replied well think actual attackers arrested complete proofs evidences still declared innocent released happens every single time series persecution christians islamic world become endemic accordingly muslim persecution christians developed collate someby means allof instances persecution surface month serves two purposes document mainstream media habitual chronic persecution christians show persecution random systematic interrelatedthat rooted worldview inspired islamic sharia accordingly whatever anecdote persecution typically fits specific theme including hatred churches christian symbols apostasy blasphemy proselytism laws criminalize sometimes punish death offend islam sexual abuse christian women forced conversions islam theft plunder lieu jizya financial tribute expected nonmuslims overall expectations christians behave like cowed dhimmis thirdclass tolerated citizens simple violence murder sometimes combination thereof accounts persecution span different ethnicities languages localesfrom morocco west indonesia eastit clear one thing alone binds islamwhether strict application islamic sharia law supremacist culture born previous reports | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-30T13:39:16.355+02:00 | obama donations funneled through fake bonuses | exassistant fbi director clintons are a crime family october
thats quite an endorsement and if theres anything top fbi officials now its crime families certainly this is probably the first serious level of experience that hillary can claim in any field
the clintons thats a crime family basically former assistant fbi director james kallstrom said its like organized crime i mean the clinton foundation is a cesspool
kallstrom best known for leading the investigation into the explosion of twa flight in the late s said that hillary clinton the democratic presidential nominee was a pathological liar
he also blasted attorney general loretta lynch claiming that she impeded the investigation into clintons private server
the problem here is this investigation was never a real investigation he said thats the problem they never had a grand jury empanelled and the reason they never had a grand jury empanelled im sure is loretta lynch would not go along with that
kallstrom also said that fbi director james comey and the rest of the fbis leadership were responsible for holding back the investigation not the rest of the bureau
the agents are furious with whats going on i know that for a fact he said
but according to the media the fbi investigating hillary is the real crime | english | | | hate | Real | obamas doj also obstructed clinton foundation investigation | freedom center urges college presidents end aid campus supporters terror ask withdraw university privileges granted sjp october frontpagemagcom editors note following letter sent presidents ten campuses named freedom centers report top ten schools supporting terrorists alphabetical order ten campuses brooklyn college cuny san diego state university san francisco state university tufts university university california berkeley university california irvine university california los angeles university chicago university tennessee knoxville vassar college october university california dear dr napolitano school purports promote values diversity inclusiveness tolerance yet provides resources funding legitimacy students justice palestine students justice palestine campus organization whose sole purpose conduct hateful propaganda jews jewish state terrorist organization hamas explicit goals hamas destruction worlds jewish state genocide jewish population reasons among others three campuses university californiairvine los angeles berkeleyhave named among top ten schools supporting terrorists david horowitz freedom center may read full report httpwwwstopthejewhatredoncampusorgnewstoptenschoolssupportingterroristsfallreport masquerades typical campus cultural group sjp integral part hamass efforts annihilate israel boycott divestment sanctions bds campaign insidious effort attempts delegitimize israel smear rogue apartheid nation claims ludicrous million palestinians enjoy israeli citizenship including rights vote sit israeli courts parliament harvard professor alan dershowitz said bds movement antisemitic antizionist antihuman rights antiintellectual antiscience antinegotiation antipeace anticompromise antipalestinian workers denied opportunities work larry summers hillary clinton denounced bds antisemitic jew hatred yet school provides platform funding sponsors university support sjp also conducts israeli apartheid hate weeks campus quads events feature prohamas advocates construction apartheid walls featuring prohamas antisemitic propaganda creation mock checkpoints dieins disrupt student movements campus sjp actively disrupts proisrael campus eventsa threat free speech violation universitys stated values rules conduct addition scripted hamas terrorists sjps proterror campaign funded guided hamas front called american muslims palestine recent testimony house foreign affairs committee jonathan schanzer worked terrorism finance analyst united states department treasury described hamas funnels large sums money provides material assistance students justice palestine sjp hamas front group american muslims palestine amp purpose promoting bds campaigns american campuses amp created sjp cofounder hatem bazian proterrorist lecturer uc berkeley called suicide bombing intifada inside united states employs highranking officials muslim charities previously shut providing material assistance terrorists schanzer described amp arguably important sponsor organizer students justice palestine sjp visible arm bds campaign campuses united states detailed amp provides speakers training printed materials socalled apartheid wall grants sjp activists even campus coordinator staff whose job work directly sjp probds campus groups across country furthermore according email sent subscribers amp spent campus activities alone students justice palestine continues accept funding aid hamas front group american muslims palestine despite links terrorist organizations agendas students justice palestine continues receive campus funds campus privileges including university offices right hold events preaching genocidal values hamas university property privileges would normally denied groups preach hatred ethnic group let alone one supports barbaric terrorists slaughter men women children goal cleansing earth people disagree light facts ask withdraw university privileges granted sjp campus groups promote genocidal hamas agenda put end terrorist influences infiltrated campus threaten security jewish students campus americans david horowitz ceo david horowitz freedom center sherman oaks california | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-31T05:57:53.998+02:00 | hillary campaign launching attacks on the fbi | americans seek to help persecuted christians government helps muslims the people of the united states get it but the obama administration could care less october
originally published by the gatestone institute raymond ibrahim is a shillman fellow at the david horowitz freedom center
as the muslim persecution of christians continues to reach critical proportions around the world see report below the average american shows much more concern than the current administration soon after it was revealed that the obama administration has taken in muslim refugees but only christianseven though christians are approximately percent of syrias population and are classified as experiencing a genocide therea poll found that more than three quarters of american respondents agreed with the statement it is important to me that the next us president be committed to addressing the persecution that some christians face around the world eg imprisonment beheadings rape loss of home and assets
the deliberate targeting and killing of christians in europe also reached unprecedented levels in modern times most notably on the morning of july allahu akbar shouting muslims stormed a small church in france during morning mass they forced yearold fr jacques hamel to his knees slit his throat and critically injured a nun before being killed by police it was later revealed that police had known that church was being targeted and had even been monitoring one of the murderers for at least oneandahalf years
later when a journalist asked pope francis if fr jacques was killed in the name of islam the pope disagreed he argued that he hears of christians committing violence every day in italy this one who has murdered his girlfriend another who has murdered the motherinlaw and these are baptized catholics there are violent catholics if i speak of islamic violence i must speak of catholic violence the logic of the popes statement seems to be that violence done in direct contradiction of the judeochristian gods commandmentssuch as the murder of wives and mothersinlawis identical to violence done in accordance with allahs commandments to wage jihad on infidels
in isiscontrolled territories in iraq and syria reports of christians being tortured to convert maimed crucified burned alive beheaded or sold into sex slavery continued to emerge in iraq a report says that christians and other minorities in iraq are facing persecution at unprecedented levels and are at the verge of extinction the christian population has dwindled from million to in the last decade according to some estimates however minority rights group put that the number at anywhere between to
a former isis member exposed some of the atrocities the group commits in syria they were extremely brutal killing women and the elderly who did not obey them they abused and mutilated their dead bodies they cut up the corpses tied them to the back of the cars and dragged them along they would find them and publicly execute them i witnessed many executions
the remainder of julys roundup of muslim persecution of christiansmost of which was not committed by isisincludes but is not limited to the following muslim slaughter of christians
nigeria two armed muslim tribesmen murdered rev joseph kurah an evangelical pastor while he was working on his farm they repeatedly hacked him to death with machetes a local muslim reportedly hired the assassins after he got into an argument with the christian leader since muslim fulani have murdered thousands of christians and destroyed hundreds of churches according to a separate report in just june and july muslim fulani tribesmen targeted and invaded several christian majority villages they killed people destroyed churches and countless christian properties and farms muslims hacked a female christian preacher to death in the outskirts of abuja eunice elisha a minister from the redeemed church of god was found dead in a pool of her own blood after she went out to preach in the streets a month earlier on june a muslim mob beat bridget agbahime the wife of a christian pastor to death with iron rods on the accusation that she blasphemed against muhammad about one million christian children whose families have been displaced or affected by the violent activities of boko haram and muslim fulani herdsmen are starving churches which are currently the primary supporters of these children have gone beyond capacity and tens of thousands of children are expected to die of starvation and disease if they do not receive aid from elsewhere according to the report boko harams sevenyear rebellion has left people dead and more than two million displaced
philippines attacks and murders of christians around mindanao island which has a large muslim population are on the rise fr sebastiano dambra who has lived in the region for years is calling on authorities to find proper solutions to stop the agony of the christian community he said a christian was killed in jolo a few days ago a reliable source told me that christians have been targeted to be killed or kidnapped soon the christian community is suffering a form of persecution from those who are guided by bad elements who claim to do it in the name of islam
kenya muslim gunmen from al shabaab murdered pastor john as he was returning home from facilitating a peacemaking training seminar the jihadis ambushed the bus he was in killing the pastor and six other people including children
democratic republic of congo suspected muslim militants armed with guns and machetes slaughtered nine christians in the north kivu region they also looted homes seizing food and cattle as plunder the area which is percent christian has seen more than killed over the last year and a half
pakistan the muslim bombing of the all saints church in peshawar which killed more than christian worshippers claimed its latest victim after battling internal injuries she had received three years earlier from the attack cecilia a yearold christian nurse died from bomb fragments embedded in her body that had turned cancerous according to the report with tearstained eyes her husband noted that we are still losing loved ones after the attack forced conversion rape and murder of christians
libya a report documents the sufferings that christians experience at the hands muslim militants when they migrate through libya in an effort to reach europe in one instance women were abducted and kept as sex slaves underground and repeatedly raped by various jihadis for almost a year one of the christian women amal said they took the christians to tripoli and kept us underground we didnt see the sun for nine months sometimes we didnt eat for three days other times they would give us one meal a day half a piece of bread the christian woman described how they were pressured into converting to islam under threat of death and beaten with hoses or sticks sometimes they would frighten us with their guns or threaten to slaughter us with their knives
islamic state isis has been making use of social mediaincluding facebook and mobile apps like whatapp and telegram to sell enslaved christian and yazidi girls to a wider network of sadists and pedophiles one telegram posting showed a picture of a young girl with the caption virgin beautiful years old the posting states her price has reached and she will be sold soon
nigeria another report says that the muslim terrorist group boko haram has murdered people almost all of whom were christian for refusing to convert to islam they also forced women and young girls to marry their fighters
pakistan muslims kidnapped and forced a yearold christian girl to convert to islam last may her father pled with them for weeks to release his daughter they eventually pretended to relent told him to meet them somewhere so they could return his daughter and once he arrived shot him dead the girl remains with the rapists the slain fathers widow and three other daughters are hiding in their home in fear of further reprisals from the kidnappers according to najma bibi the girls mother several months after my daughters kidnapping the police have not done anything because we have no money to defend our rights we live in a hopeless situation we need help i pray that my daughter will continue to place hope and faith in jesus christ muhammad iqrar a muslim man assaulted and raped sonia nasar a yearold christian girl although the rapist fled when her father rushed to the scene after hearing the cries of his daughter sonia was left in critical condition he said that he expects no justice or follow up from local authorities some of whom are associated with the rapist sobia nadeem a christian girl studying for a masters degree in physics was abducted by a group of muslims forced to convert to islam and forced to marryat gunpointa man named mohammad hamza in lahore although the girl managed to escape back to her parents home she was taken to court where her family had to prove that her conversion and marriage were performed under force numerous reports continued to appear indicating that nonmuslim students most often christians are being forced to convert to islam through the public school system teachers force them to recite the shahadawhich when said before muslim witnesses makes the reciter a muslimand force them to study muslim beliefs and practices this often occurs in conjunction with denigration of the christian faith due to ongoing christian protests the punjab government said it would launch an inquiry muslim attacks on christian churches and symbols
turkey during the july failed coup attempt at least two churches were attacked one of the attacks happened in trabzon a group of people attacked santa maria church with paving stones and hammers to smash the windows said the report one church leader in istanbul said im not optimistic about the plight of christians in turkey bear in mind weve had a roman catholic bishop murdered weve had clergy threatened weve had one priest murdered years ago any christian leader if theyre being honest would say that some of whats going on is quite alarming
nigeria on friday july muslims attacked a catholic church they were angered that christians were praying in the church on friday islams holy day when muslims congregate and pray in mosques according to a christian church leader sometime around pm some muslim youths in their hundreds left their mosque after their friday jumat prayer and rushed to the church premises climbed the wall and destroyed everything in the church the windows the altar musical instruments the chapel the security man in the church premises was beaten to a pulp some women holding a prayer meeting were chased away the seminarian who is resident in the premises was also beaten up and chased away
iraq according to a new report all churches and monasteries inside mosul are reportedly now occupied by isis who have looted burned and destroyed property in addition to removing the buildings crosses christians unable to flee are forced to pay large extortion money jizya or risk instant execution
sudan a report notes that by continuously bombing christian and nonmuslim indigenous regions near south sudan and targeting churches and pastors homes for destruction the government is trying to cleanse the nation of christians and create a homogenous muslim state in recent years hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced by the violence their homes crops churches schools and hospitals destroyed
indonesia despite receiving all legal documents and permits a catholic family trying to construct a shrine to the virgin mary on their own land since continued to face growing threats from local muslims in a muslim mob set fire to the shrine site and brought construction to a halt most recently in july muslims stormed the house of a catholic leader and ordered him to stop the work even though he has a building permit issued by the authorities muslim attacks on christian apostates blasphemers and preachers
egypt according to a report just like the biblical character daniel in the lions den an egyptian muslim who converted to christianity found himself at the mercy of ferocious attack dogs that were unleashed by his jailers to torture and possibly kill him however law student majed el shafie had god on his side and just like in the story about daniel the savage animals miraculously did not harm himto the utter astonishment of his prison guards he was however tortured by the muslim guards themselves
uganda another muslim convert to christianity has lost his family home and business and now lives in a small shanty as a result of his apostasy the extended family of the yearold man a former muslim imam stormed and eventually appropriated his ancestral home in an attempt on his life of that night he said i heard people talking outside my house around pm saying that they wanted to take away my life and we cannot watch the whole family turning to christianity he complained to the local council after his relatives also destroyed his business but their intervention had no effect and he now lives without any means to provide for himself
pakistan nadeem james a yearold christian man and father of two was arrested in gujarat district after a muslim angry with him accused james of texting a poem deemed blasphemous of muhammad according to the accuseds brother we were not at home when the police raided our house to arrest nadeem however when the cops couldnt find any of us in the premises they took away two women of the family my wife and the wife of my elder brother faryad around the same time local mosques began calling on megaphones that if he didnt surrender himself christian homes would burn nadeem surrendered himself and the women were released the charge against my brother is completely baseless nadeem is uneducated and could not have possibly sent that text message im certain that yasir bashir muslim accuser downloaded the supposedly blasphemous text onto nadeems phone and then forwarded it to his cell number to build a case against my brother yaqoob masih a christian sanitary worker was accused of committing blasphemy against islam in hyderabad according to the report masih collected waste from the streets and dumped it at a specific location however bakash muslim accuser without verifying tortured masih with a stick accusing him of committing blasphemy by burning pages of a book which reportedly carried islamic verses masih was packing the garbage and waste in a trunk when bakash accused him of blasphemy masih was hospitalized from his injuries a muslim doctor who treated a dying christian man with medicine that was donated through zakat islamic charity received death threats the christian was on the verge of dying without treatment in his defense the muslim doctor said he did not know the man was a christian or that it was against some interpretations of islamic law to use muslim charity money to help nonmuslims
iran three azerbaijani pastors were arrested in tehran during a visit no reason was given to family and local legal experts according to the report this is the latest in a succession of pastors who have been imprisoned by iranian authorities over many years for accusations ranging from apostasy to evangelism and ebrahim firouzi who has been under arrest since under vague charges
suffered physical abuse at the hands of prison guards when he was forced to attend an appeal hearing dhimmitude muslim contempt and hostility for christians
bangladesh christian and hindu businesses received notices from a banned islamic organization ordering them to uphold a number of islamic customs or be killed these include hanging banners with allahs name keeping copies of the koran putting pictures of the kaba in mecca removing pictures or statues of their own religions creating a place for muslims to pray and banning music and female workers
pakistan the government in the raiwind district flooded a christian graveyard with sewage water and desecrated all the graves in response protesting christians complained that even in the grave they can receive no peace in pakistan
sudan authorities insulted forcefully arrested and jailed christians when they attempted to stop them from seizing an evangelical school on church property which authorities plan on giving to muslim businesses later authorities returned to the same christian school gave letters of dismissal to the christian headmistress vandalized her office and replaced her with a teacher of their own choosing
egypt after a christian man was stabbed to death and many christian homes and a church burned by angry muslims because of a rumor that a church was going to be built coptic christian bishop makarious of alminya was interviewed on television church authorities in egypt are regularly diplomatic and sensitive to what they say but makarious made many revealing comments although only christians no muslims were killed and hurt he wondered why the government and media continue to describe these incidents as clasheswhich suggests two quarrelling partieswhen the reality is always that one side attacks the other within minutes of the start of one of the attacks muslims instantly appeared fully armed as if ready for war he added as long as the attackers are never punished and the armed forces are portrayed as doing their duty this will just encourage others to continue the attacks since even if they are arrested they will be quickly released when the host asked questions about who is released and why suggesting that perhaps those released are in fact innocent of any wrongdoing against the christians the bishop replied well what do you think when the actual attackers themselves are arrested with complete proofs and evidences against them but then they are still declared innocent and released this happens every single time about this series
the persecution of christians in the islamic world has become endemic accordingly muslim persecution of christians was developed to collate someby no means allof the instances of persecution that surface each month it serves two purposes
to document that which the mainstream media does not the habitual if not chronic persecution of christians
to show that such persecution is not random but systematic and interrelatedthat it is rooted in a worldview inspired by islamic sharia
accordingly whatever the anecdote of persecution it typically fits under a specific theme including hatred for churches and other christian symbols apostasy blasphemy and proselytism laws that criminalize and sometimes punish with death those who offend islam sexual abuse of christian women forced conversions to islam theft and plunder in lieu of jizya financial tribute expected from nonmuslims overall expectations for christians to behave like cowed dhimmis or thirdclass tolerated citizens and simple violence and murder sometimes it is a combination thereof
because these accounts of persecution span different ethnicities languages and localesfrom morocco in the west to indonesia in the eastit should be clear that one thing alone binds them islamwhether the strict application of islamic sharia law or the supremacist culture born of it
previous reports | english | | | hate | Real | exassistant fbi director clintons crime family | meet hillary clintons secretary state send million check iran october daniel greenfield daniel greenfield shillman journalism fellow freedom center new york writer focusing radical islam september come gone countless bodies lie scattered fragments around two countrys tallest skyscrapers stood burned ash others throats slashed islamic terrorists still others fought died plane prevent another islamic terror attack taking place joe idea joe guy lots big ideas one real doozy senator delaware come long way since days sixties shyster drumming business wilmington formerly bald head covered hair shiny gleams neon lights teeth capped shine almost brightly generation holding squeaky seat senate seniority makes man reckoned therefore man listened even wish would shut im groping joe says isnt referring notorious habits women go make star countless viral photographs massaging squeezing caressing instead hes talking foreign policy chair senate foreign relations committee clue joe worried muslims think badly us murdered thousands us plan make feel better seems would good time send strings attached check million iran senator joe biden says remark isnt quite random seems senator delaware state known large muslim iranian population friendly relationship iran lobby relationship grow friendlier bush era attacks america appeases enemies iranianamericans hate jihadist government taken country oppressed persian people outraged attends fundraiser proiranian lobbyists home california treasonously attacking government naming iran one members axis evil joes usual amtrak obsession wouldnt get door california treason hair plugs capped teeth make big hit outside delaware joe remains fond iran informs israeli officials israel reconcile nuclearization iran thats way back deal puts iran path shiite bomb nuclear twinkle obamas eye radioactive itch hillarys socks big year biden first biggest shot big chair white house joe tried stomped dukakis people caught plagiarizing speech british politician neil kinnock got useless position white house consolation prize time around joe biden expected get consolation prize hillary clinton got barack obama office secretary state united states jobs joe biden wants utterly unfit amtrak train engineer secret agent guy charge counting money bar hard think one hes less fit joe biden blamed darfur gingrich revolution fell love taliban taliban per se enemy joe insisted single statement president ever made policy assertions taliban enemy suggested taliban probably okay incorrigible taliban seemed think like joe biden money joe biden soft spot islamic terrorists whether theyre shiite jihadists iran sunni jihadists taliban joe loves terrorists world terrorists love back wasnt long ago lectured media bushs ruination relations rest world biden become secretary state would become third democratic presidential campaign loser get job consolation prize failures politician last time professional held job would bush administration yet perversely loser secretary incompetent last hillarys disastrous time secretary state could exceeded john kerry gave away everything russians contradicted white house many times would humiliated lesser man man loser could follow two class acts like joe biden joe bidens amateur diplomacy one disaster another even visit israel friendly ally known fractious political visits american politicians became international incident biden sulking room hillary yelled prime minister netanyahu minutes phone somehow biden gift appeasing iran taliban alienates allies year joe biden launched yet another attack israel cynic might almost think tehran joe loves islamic terrorists hates resist fight biden claimed terrorism existential threat accused president bush shortsighted using military fight islamic terrorists argued perception want stay iraq helps al qaeda years later administrations decision pull led rise isis called closing gitmo insisting become greatest propaganda tool exists recruiting terrorists around world senator joe biden voice appeasement vice president joe biden part administration empowered unleashed malignant power islamic terror secretary state joe biden would able act worst fantasies could even write check iran though obamabiden era seen cash transfers iran make joes million check seem like chump change hillary clintons rise doesnt mean making big decisions mean joe biden gone wilmington shyster running foreign policy country betrayed | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-31T05:57:54.365+02:00 | obamas doj also obstructed clinton foundation investigation | freedom center urges college presidents to end aid to campus supporters of terror we ask that you withdraw all university privileges granted to sjp october frontpagemagcom
editors note the following letter was sent to the presidents of the ten campuses named in the freedom centers report on the top ten schools supporting terrorists in alphabetical order the ten campuses are brooklyn college cuny san diego state university san francisco state university tufts university university of california berkeley university of california irvine university of california los angeles university of chicago university of tennessee knoxville and vassar college
university of california
dear dr napolitano
your school purports to promote the values of diversity inclusiveness and tolerance yet provides resources funding and legitimacy to students for justice in palestine students for justice in palestine is a campus organization whose sole purpose is to conduct hateful propaganda against jews and the jewish state for the terrorist organization hamas the explicit goals of hamas are the destruction of the worlds only jewish state and genocide against its jewish population for these reasons among others three campuses of the university of californiairvine los angeles and berkeleyhave been named among the top ten schools supporting terrorists by the david horowitz freedom center you may read the full report here httpwwwstopthejewhatredoncampusorgnewstoptenschoolssupportingterroristsfallreport
while it masquerades as a typical campus cultural group sjp is an integral part of hamass efforts to annihilate israel through the boycott divestment and sanctions bds campaign this is an insidious effort that attempts to delegitimize israel and smear it as a rogue apartheid nation these claims are ludicrous more than a million palestinians enjoy israeli citizenship including the rights to vote and to sit on the israeli courts and parliament harvard professor alan dershowitz has said of the bds movement it is antisemitic antizionist antihuman rights antiintellectual antiscience antinegotiation antipeace anticompromise and antipalestinian workers when they are denied opportunities to work both larry summers and hillary clinton have denounced bds as antisemitic jew hatred yet your school provides a platform and funding for its sponsors
with university support sjp also conducts israeli apartheid hate weeks on campus quads these events feature prohamas advocates the construction of apartheid walls featuring prohamas antisemitic propaganda and the creation of mock checkpoints and dieins that disrupt student movements on campus sjp actively disrupts proisrael campus eventsa threat to free speech and a violation of your universitys stated values and rules of conduct
in addition to being scripted by hamas terrorists sjps proterror campaign is funded and guided through a hamas front called american muslims for palestine in recent testimony before the house foreign affairs committee jonathan schanzer who worked as a terrorism finance analyst for the united states department of the treasury from described how hamas funnels large sums of money and provides material assistance to students for justice in palestine sjp through the hamas front group american muslims for palestine amp for the purpose of promoting bds campaigns on american campuses amp was created by sjp cofounder hatem bazian a proterrorist lecturer at uc berkeley who called for a suicide bombing intifada inside the united states it employs highranking officials from other muslim charities that were previously shut down for providing material assistance to terrorists
schanzer described amp as arguably the most important sponsor and organizer for students for justice in palestine sjp which is the most visible arm of the bds campaign on campuses in the united states he detailed how amp provides speakers training printed materials a socalled apartheid wall and grants to sjp activists and even has a campus coordinator on staff whose job is to work directly with sjp and other probds campus groups across the country furthermore according to an email it sent to subscribers amp spent on campus activities in alone
students for justice in palestine continues to accept funding and aid through the hamas front group american muslims for palestine despite its links to terrorist organizations and agendas students for justice in palestine continues to receive campus funds and campus privileges including university offices and the right to hold events preaching the genocidal values of hamas on university property these privileges would normally be denied to groups that preach hatred of any other ethnic group let alone one that supports barbaric terrorists who slaughter men women and children with the goal of cleansing the earth of people who disagree with them
in light of these facts we ask that you withdraw all university privileges granted to sjp and other campus groups who promote the genocidal hamas agenda and that you put an end to the terrorist influences which have infiltrated your campus and which threaten the security not only of jewish students on your campus but of all americans
david horowitz ceo the david horowitz freedom center sherman oaks california | english | | | hate | Real | americans seek help persecuted christians government helps muslims frontpage magazine | hillary clinton presidents longer game home abroad nation less affluent less free far less secure october lloyd billingsley president united states powerful man world used pseudonym communicate secretary state hillary clinton private unsecured email server andrew mccarthy contended reason fbi declined prosecute clinton president would part action wouldnt politically correct current president united states also record contrary custom linger washington dc years wherever chooses live email intrigue suggests continuing backchannel communications hillary clinton become president invites look man new york times dubbed obamas narrator white house adviser sat closest president signed every word say presidents vision future decisions made would satisfy politics moment david axelrod explained massive believer home abroad obama playing longer game explained columbia missouri october five days away fundamentally transforming united states america man liberal barry rubin wondered silent revolution left rose political power cultural dominance see need fundamentally transform nation shaped liberals franklin roosevelt new deal lyndon johnson great society saw need liberal lifelong leftist radical david horowitz explained volume black book american left president born bred trained progressive movement mentors communists progressive successors wonder presided institutionalizing policies left government eight years means practical terms becoming painfully evident economy remains sluggish obamacare presidents signature plan premiums skyrocketing suggests many believe obamacare simply demolition plan longer game designated successor hillary clinton impose government monopoly healthcare candidates erroneously call socialized medicine rubin noted goal left convince americans exact opposite experience proved country fundamentally failed old leftist solutions answer result may longterm even permanent change united states something else nation far less affluent far less free far less secure david axelrod also indicates vladimir putin makes appearance believer obamas narrator outline putins background kgb believer includes nothing putins role east germany stalinist police state walled subjects shot attempting escape narrator avoids putins belief breakup soviet union greatest geopolitical catastrophe century believer putin tells president highly educated man come security sector believer asks president assessment putin hes smart tough clear interests without trace sentimentality president says strong language kgb veteran expansionist autocrat narrators account president uses word motherf | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-31T05:57:54.911+02:00 | exassistant fbi director clintons are a crime family | meet hillary clintons secretary of state send a million check to iran october daniel greenfield
daniel greenfield a shillman journalism fellow at the freedom center is a new york writer focusing on radical islam
september has come and gone countless bodies lie scattered in fragments around where two of the countrys tallest skyscrapers once stood some have burned to ash others had their throats slashed by islamic terrorists still others fought and died on a plane to prevent another islamic terror attack from taking place
but joe has an idea joe is a guy with lots of big ideas and this one is a real doozy
the senator from delaware has come a long way since his days as a sixties shyster drumming up business in wilmington his formerly bald head is covered in hair so shiny is gleams under neon lights his teeth are capped and shine almost as brightly after a generation holding down a squeaky seat in the senate seniority makes him a man to be reckoned with and therefore a man to be listened to
even if you wish he would shut up
im groping here joe says for once he isnt referring to his notorious habits with women that will go on to make him the star of countless viral photographs massaging squeezing caressing instead hes talking about foreign policy the chair of the senate foreign relations committee has no clue
joe is worried that the muslims will think badly of us after they murdered thousands of us and he has a plan to make them feel better
seems to me this would be a good time to send no strings attached a check for million to iran senator joe biden says
the remark isnt quite as random as it seems the senator from delaware a state not known for its large muslim or iranian population has a friendly relationship with the iran lobby that relationship will only grow friendlier during the bush era as he attacks america and appeases its enemies
iranianamericans who hate the jihadist government that has taken over their country and oppressed the persian people are outraged when he attends a fundraiser at a proiranian lobbyists home in california while treasonously attacking his own government for naming iran one of the members of the axis of evil
joes usual amtrak obsession wouldnt get him in the door in california but treason hair plugs and capped teeth make him a big hit outside delaware and joe remains very fond of iran
he informs israeli officials that israel will have to reconcile itself with the nuclearization of iran and thats all the way back in before the deal that puts iran on the path to a shiite bomb was a nuclear twinkle in obamas eye and a radioactive itch in hillarys socks
that was a big year for biden it was his first and biggest shot at the big chair in the white house joe had tried it in and was stomped by dukakis of all people after being caught plagiarizing a speech by british politician neil kinnock got him a useless position in the white house as a consolation prize
this time around joe biden is expected to get the same consolation prize from hillary clinton that she got from barack obama the office of secretary of state of the united states
of all the jobs that joe biden wants and is utterly unfit for amtrak train engineer secret agent and the guy in charge of counting all the money at the bar its hard to think of one that hes less fit for
joe biden blamed darfur on the gingrich revolution he fell in love with the taliban
the taliban per se is not our enemy joe insisted there is not a single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the taliban is our enemy
he suggested that of the taliban were probably okay and only were incorrigible most of the taliban he seemed to think were like joe biden just in it for the money
but joe biden has a soft spot for islamic terrorists whether theyre the shiite jihadists of iran or the sunni jihadists of the taliban joe loves all the terrorists of the world and the terrorists love him back
it wasnt that long ago that we were being lectured to by the media on bushs ruination of relations with the rest of the world if biden were to become secretary of state he would become the third democratic presidential campaign loser to get the job as a consolation prize for his failures as a politician the last time a professional held down the job would have been the bush administration
and yet perversely each loser secretary has been more incompetent than the last hillarys disastrous time as secretary of state could only be exceeded by john kerry who gave away everything to the russians and who was contradicted by the white house so many times it would have humiliated a lesser man or just any man the only loser who could follow two class acts like that was joe biden
joe bidens amateur diplomacy has been one disaster after another even his visit to israel a friendly ally not known for fractious political visits by american politicians became an international incident with biden sulking in his room while hillary yelled at prime minister netanyahu for minutes over the phone but somehow biden with his gift for appeasing iran and the taliban alienates allies
just this year joe biden launched yet another attack on israel a cynic might almost think that tehran joe loves islamic terrorists and hates those who resist them and fight against them
biden has claimed that terrorism is not an existential threat he accused president bush of being shortsighted for using the military to fight islamic terrorists he argued that the perception that we want to stay in iraq helps al qaeda some years later his administrations decision to pull out led to the rise of isis he called for closing gitmo while insisting that it had become the greatest propaganda tool that exists for recruiting of terrorists around the world
senator joe biden was a voice for appeasement vice president joe biden was part of an administration that empowered and unleashed the malignant power of islamic terror secretary of state joe biden would be able to act out his worst fantasies he could even write that check to iran though the obamabiden era has seen cash transfers to iran that make joes million check seem like chump change
hillary clintons rise doesnt just mean that she will be making big decisions it will mean that joe biden will have gone from a wilmington shyster to running the foreign policy of a country he has betrayed | english | | | hate | Real | freedom center urges college presidents end aid campus supporters terror | search selective outrage splcs antimuslim extremist list leftists atheists appalled splcs hit list islam critics includesleftists atheists october robert spencer sam harris thinks unbelievable maajid nawaz ayaan hirsi ali made southern poverty law centers hit list antimuslim extremists said nothing people splc included surprising since quite recently expressed willingness acquiesce contexts demonization splc list exemplifies hemant mehta friendly atheist blog ably sums outrage nawaz hirsi ali included criticizing religious beliefs makes extremists wont long vocal atheists end list make mistake thats nawaz hirsi ali thats theyre theyre antimuslim work moderate muslims theyre critical worst aspects islam problem angry nawaz hirsi ali splc list silent everyone else mehta says nawaz hirsi ali quite accurately said everyone else list criticizing religious beliefs makes extremists wont long everyone dares utter critical word islam list indeed objective list stigmatize marginalize critics mehta protests nawaz hirsi ali antimuslim work moderate muslims theyre critical worst aspects islam one would think antimuslim hadnt southern poverty law center hamaslinked council americanislamic relations cair allied groups insisting years avidity conflate opposition jihad terror sharia oppression hating group people tactic designed discredit opposition jihad terror sharia oppression mehta co falling validating smear tactics hey decrying used friends working moderate muslims years jihad watch contained invitation muslim renounces violent jihad dhimmitude welcome join antijihadist efforts nawaz well moderates attacked appears cynical attempt gain support among muslims never attacked would happy work otherwise complaining nawaz hirsi ali merely criticizing religious beliefs antimuslim mehta strongly implying others splc list something beyond criticizing religious beliefs indeed antimuslim twitter last couple days ive seen many people express outrage nawaz lumped likes spencer ask big difference us quotes actually bigoted go silent mehta harris haider others angry splcs hit list included nawaz hirsi ali selective outrage acquiescing legitimizing splcs demonization people list defense hemant mehta wrote explain somewhat unsatisfactorily focused two theyre well known atheist circles selfdefeating choice made splc never identified anyone considers legitimate critic islam never point lists one released yesterday demonize silence everyone dares say something islam warmly positive turn mehta harris haider come treatment one wonders happens anyone left speak already smeared antimuslim tacit approval | 1 |
No Author | 2016-10-31T10:53:40.058+02:00 | americans seek to help persecuted christians government helps muslims frontpage magazine | hillary clinton and the presidents longer game at home and abroad a nation less affluent less free and far less secure october lloyd billingsley
the president of the united states the most powerful man in the world used a pseudonym to communicate with secretary of state hillary clinton on her private unsecured email server as andrew mccarthy contended that was the reason the fbi declined to prosecute clinton because the president would have been part of the same action and that wouldnt be politically correct
the current president of the united states is also on record that contrary to custom he will linger in washington dc for a few years wherever he chooses to live the email intrigue suggests continuing backchannel communications with hillary clinton should she become president that invites a look at what the man the new york times dubbed obamas narrator the white house adviser who sat closest to the president and signed off on his every word had to say about the presidents vision of the future
few of the decisions he had made would satisfy the politics of the moment david axelrod explained in his massive believer but at home and abroad obama was playing a longer game as he explained in columbia missouri on october we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the united states of america
if this man was a liberal as barry rubin wondered in silent revolution how the left rose to political power and cultural dominance why did he see a need fundamentally to transform a nation shaped by liberals such as franklin roosevelt with his new deal and lyndon johnson with his great society he saw the need because he was not a liberal but a lifelong leftist radical
as david horowitz explained in volume of the black book of the american left the president was born bred and trained in the progressive movement his mentors were communists and their progressive successors so no wonder he presided over the institutionalizing of the policies of the left in government for eight years what that means in practical terms is becoming painfully evident
the economy remains sluggish and under obamacare the presidents signature plan premiums are skyrocketing this suggests that as many believe obamacare was simply a demolition plan in the longer game designated successor hillary clinton will impose government monopoly healthcare what some candidates erroneously call socialized medicine
as rubin noted the goal of the left is to convince americans the exact opposite of what their experience proved that the country had fundamentally failed and the old leftist solutions were the answer the result may be a very longterm and even permanent change of the united states into something else a nation far less affluent and far less free and far less secure as david axelrod also indicates
vladimir putin makes an appearance in believer but obamas narrator does not outline putins background in the kgb the believer includes nothing about putins role in east germany a stalinist police state that walled in its subjects and shot those attempting to escape the narrator avoids putins belief that the breakup of the soviet union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century
in believer putin tells the president you are a highly educated man i come from the security sector the believer then asks the president for his assessment of putin
hes smart tough clear about his interests and without a trace of sentimentality the president says that is not very strong language for a kgb veteran and expansionist autocrat
in his narrators account the president uses the word motherf | english | | | hate | Real | meet hillary clintons secretary state | resolution jerusalem fuel antijewish incitement violence october joseph puder anyone doubted fact united nations agencies harbored deepseated antiisrael antijewish animus united nations educational scientific cultural organization unesco vote jerusalem proved unesco world heritage committee voted week october resolution dealing jerusalem drafted palestinian jordanian delegations submitted kuwait lebanon tunisia arab muslim states executive committee unesco approved opposed abstained missing resolution already voted earlier month memberstates approved resolution algeria bangladesh brazil cuba chad dominican republic egypt iran lebanon malaysia morocco mauritius mexico mozambique nicaragua nigeria oman pakistan qatar russia senegal south africa sudan vietnam opposed estonia germany lithuania netherlands uk us among abstaining states argentina france greece india japan kenya south korea spain sri lanka sweden resolution deeply decries continuous israeli aggressions civilians including islamic religious figures priests decries forceful entering different mosques historic buildings muslim holy sites israelis including employees socalled israeli antiquities israel urged end aggressions abuses inflame tension ground faiths according hillel neuer executive director un watch genevabased watchdog organization resolution likely adopted dangerously risks fueling antijewish incitement violence legitimizing escalating palestinian denial jewish cultural rights neuer added inflammatory narrative praised last week hamas rewards past years relentless palestinian stabbing shooting attacks jerusalem parts israel mustnt forget began false claims israel planning damage holy muslim shrines expected resolution mentions eleven times alharam alsharif muslim designation jews call har habayit holiest shrine judaism temple solomon stood also known temple mount islamic bloc controlling largest voting bloc un wonder resolution kind approved oic organization islamic cooperation largest influential bloc un might well declare earth flat garner majority vote general assembly un constituent agencies resolution effectively jerusalem islamize sites historically belonging faiths latest draft describe western wall hallowed remains jewish holy temple destroyed romans ce western wall al aqsa mosque blatant effort erase jewish heritage biblical truth part campaign islamize site shamelessly disregards fact jewish worshippers prayed wall two thousand years language draft resolution continues deliberate attempt palestinian authority pa deny jewish historical connection land israel general jerusalem particular mahmoud abbas continued path denial arafat initiated camp david among charges brought pa arabmuslim states undertaking resolution jerusalem light rail used daily thousands arab residents jerusalem damaging effect visual integrity authentic character walls old city jerusalem yet rail tracks pass existing highway facilitates effective transportation visitors faiths preceding shameless resolution vote took place paris headquarters unesco israels president reuven rivlin stated event jerusalem residence forum body world come deny connection jewish people land israel jerusalem body simply embarrasses understand criticism cannot change history unescos director general irina bokova chairman unescos executive board michael worbs expressed displeasure apologized resolution interview israeli tv channel october day following vote worbs said hoped boards tuesday meeting delayed order reach consensus resolution formal vote bokova part expressed dismay resolution saying efforts deny history citys jerusalem complex multifaith character harms unesco earlier july bokova stated heritage jerusalem indivisible communities right explicit recognition history relationship city deny conceal jewish christian muslim traditions undermines integrity site runs counter reasons justified inscription world heritage site unesco counted one antiisrael un agencies course typical year organizations legislative bodies condemn israel times criticism aimed country world example unesco adopted antiisrael decisions eight st nd sessions executive board two th session general conference unesco adopted antiisrael decisions th th sessions executive board unesco adopted antiisrael decisions th th sessions executive board two resolutions israel th session general conference whereas jerusalem king davids capital continued capital second jewish commonwealth well israels capital today never capital arab muslim empire caliphate entity jerusalem spiritual center muslims yearned umayyad caliphate capital damascus abbasside caliphate capital baghdad ottoman empires caliphate capital constantinople ramle small town israel administrative capital palestine jerusalem palestinian state never existed independent entity pa claims jerusalem strictly contrarian deny jerusalem heart jewish spirituality yearning jerusalem exists every jewish prayer invoked every occasion holiday dore gold former director general israels foreign ministry addressed last years unescos jerusalem resolution pointed resolution glossed jewish connection jerusalem failed acknowledge christianitys ties jerusalem dismaying fact christian nations voted resolution abstained abandoned vestiges pride honor willing deny historical truth narrow political interests brazil mexico dominican republic predominantly catholic states case point unfortunately christian countries including france spain greece argentina sweden know jerusalem church bibles courage reject outrageously false resolution lead conclusion perhaps cowardice latent antisemitism drove decision accept reject infamous resolution | 1 | | 2016-10-31T11:11:00.000+02:00 | freedom center urges college presidents to end aid to campus supporters of terror | search selective outrage over splcs antimuslim extremist list leftists and atheists appalled that splcs hit list of islam critics includesleftists and atheists october robert spencer
sam harris thinks its unbelievable that maajid nawaz and ayaan hirsi ali made it to the southern poverty law centers hit list of antimuslim extremists he said nothing about me or the other people whom the splc included which is not surprising since he has quite recently expressed willingness to acquiesce in other contexts to the demonization that the splc list exemplifies
hemant mehta of the friendly atheist blog ably sums up the outrage over nawaz and hirsi ali being included if criticizing religious beliefs makes them extremists then it wont be long before other vocal atheists end up on that list too and make no mistake thats what nawaz and hirsi ali are doing thats all theyre doing theyre not antimuslim they work with moderate muslims theyre critical of the worst aspects of islam
the problem with being angry about nawaz and hirsi ali being on the splc list but silent about everyone else who is on it is that what mehta says about nawaz and hirsi ali can quite accurately said about everyone else on the list if criticizing religious beliefs makes them extremists then it wont be long before everyone who dares to utter a critical word about islam will be on the list and that is indeed the objective of the list to stigmatize and marginalize any and all such critics mehta protests that nawaz and hirsi ali are not antimuslim they work with moderate muslims theyre critical of the worst aspects of islam
but no one would think that the other were antimuslim if it hadnt been for the southern poverty law center and the hamaslinked council on americanislamic relations cair and their allied groups insisting that we were all these years in their avidity to conflate opposition to jihad terror and sharia oppression with hating a group of people a tactic designed to discredit opposition to jihad terror and sharia oppression mehta and co are falling for and validating the same smear tactics hey are decrying when used against their friends
and as for working with moderate muslims for years jihad watch has contained this invitation any muslim who renounces violent jihad and dhimmitude is welcome to join in our antijihadist efforts it is nawaz as well as other moderates who has attacked me in what appears to have been a cynical attempt to gain support for himself among muslims i never attacked him and would have have been happy to work with him otherwise
in complaining that nawaz and hirsi ali are merely criticizing religious beliefs and are not antimuslim mehta is strongly implying that the others on the splc list are doing something beyond criticizing religious beliefs and are indeed antimuslim on twitter the last couple of days ive seen many people express outrage that nawaz has been lumped in with the likes of spencer but when i ask them what the big difference is between us or for quotes from me that are actually bigoted they go silent
mehta harris haider and the others who are only angry with the splcs hit list because it included nawaz and hirsi ali are by their selective outrage acquiescing to and legitimizing the splcs demonization of the other people on the list in his own defense hemant mehta wrote me to explain somewhat unsatisfactorily i focused on those two because theyre well known in atheist circles this is a selfdefeating choice for them to have made for the splc has never identified anyone whom it considers to be a legitimate critic of islam and never will the point of lists such as the one they released yesterday is to demonize and silence everyone who dares say something about islam that is not warmly positive
the turn of mehta harris and haider will come for the same treatment one wonders if when this happens there will be anyone left to speak for them who has not already been smeared as antimuslim with their tacit approval | english | | | hate | Real | hillary clinton presidents longer game | hillary panicking fbi weiner emails past days seen major shift clinton tactics original investigation clinton campaign political media allies launched attacks republicans wasting time investigating hillary attack fbi misrepresented fbi statements certainly target investigators way seeing open hostilities lynch doj fbi clinton campaign circulating letter attacking fbi countless media hit pieces aimed fbi obvious question clinton campaign kept cool least degree certainly didnt begin illadvised campaign fbi thats kind tactic may play core base alienates everyone else say everyone isnt media whats going clintons thought done close election theyre lashing typically paranoid nasty behavior clintons hillary tried playing humble tried apologizing moment ago victory seemed inevitable shes state fury put risk something emails genuinely frightens clinton campaign took crazy risk going fbi barrels desperate smear fbi much possible order neutralize revelations even potential charges attacks warning treat hillary kid gloves else first plausible degree hillarys awkwardness didnt lose past losing theres evidence beyond speculation latter yet major shift tactics rather striking clinton campaign panicking would look like | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-31T11:09:00.000+02:00 | meet hillary clintons secretary of state | a resolution on jerusalem that will fuel antijewish incitement and violence october joseph puder
if anyone doubted the fact that the united nations agencies harbored a deepseated antiisrael and antijewish animus the united nations educational scientific and cultural organization unesco vote on jerusalem proved it the unesco world heritage committee voted this week october on a resolution dealing with jerusalem drafted by the palestinian and jordanian delegations and submitted by kuwait lebanon and tunisia all arab muslim states the executive committee of unesco approved for opposed abstained and missing the resolution that was already voted on earlier this month in which memberstates approved the resolution algeria bangladesh brazil cuba chad dominican republic egypt iran lebanon malaysia morocco mauritius mexico mozambique nicaragua nigeria oman pakistan qatar russia senegal south africa sudan and vietnam opposed estonia germany lithuania the netherlands uk and the us among the abstaining states were argentina france greece india japan kenya south korea spain sri lanka and sweden
the resolution deeply decries the continuous israeli aggressions against civilians including islamic religious figures and priests decries the forceful entering into the different mosques and historic buildings and into muslim holy sites by israelis including employees of the socalled israeli antiquities israel is urged to end these aggressions and abuses which inflame the tension on the ground and between faiths
according to hillel neuer executive director of un watch a genevabased watchdog organization the resolution which is likely to be adopted dangerously risks fueling antijewish incitement and violence and legitimizing the escalating palestinian denial of jewish and cultural rights neuer added that this inflammatory narrative praised last week by hamas rewards the past years relentless palestinian stabbing and shooting attacks in jerusalem and other parts of israel which we mustnt forget began with false claims that israel was planning to damage the holy muslim shrines
the expected resolution mentions eleven times alharam alsharif the muslim designation to what jews call har habayit the holiest shrine in judaism where the temple of solomon stood and also known as temple mount with the islamic bloc controlling the largest voting bloc in the un it is no wonder that a resolution of this kind can be approved oic organization of islamic cooperation being the largest and most influential bloc at the un it might as well declare that the earth is flat and it will garner a majority vote at the general assembly or its other un constituent agencies what this resolution effectively does to jerusalem is to islamize sites historically belonging to other faiths
the latest draft does not describe the western wall as the most hallowed remains of the jewish holy temple destroyed by the romans in ce but as the western wall of al aqsa mosque in a blatant effort to erase the jewish heritage and biblical truth and as part of a campaign to islamize the site it shamelessly disregards the fact that jewish worshippers have prayed at the wall for over two thousand years the language of the draft resolution continues the deliberate attempt by the palestinian authority pa to deny the jewish historical connection to the land of israel in general and to jerusalem in particular mahmoud abbas has continued on the path of denial that arafat initiated at camp david
among the charges brought up by the pa and the other arabmuslim states for undertaking the resolution is that the jerusalem light rail which is used daily by thousands of arab residents of jerusalem is having a damaging effect on the visual integrity and the authentic character of the walls of the old city of jerusalem yet the rail tracks pass through an existing highway and facilitates effective transportation for visitors of all faiths
preceding the shameless resolution and the vote that took place in the paris headquarters of unesco israels president reuven rivlin stated at an event in his jerusalem residence no forum or body in the world can come and deny the connection between the jewish people the land of israel and jerusalem and any such body that does so simply embarrasses itself we can understand criticism but you cannot change history
unescos director general irina bokova and the chairman of unescos executive board michael worbs expressed displeasure and apologized for the resolution in an interview with israeli tv channel on october the day following the vote worbs said he hoped that the boards tuesday meeting will be delayed in order to reach consensus on the resolution before a formal vote bokova on her part expressed her dismay at the resolution saying that efforts to deny history and the citys jerusalem complex multifaith character harms unesco
earlier in july bokova stated that the heritage of jerusalem is indivisible and each of its communities have a right to the explicit recognition of their history and relationship with the city to deny or conceal any of the jewish christian or muslim traditions undermines the integrity of the site and runs counter to the reasons that justified its inscription in as a world heritage site
unesco can be counted as one of the most antiisrael un agencies in the course of a typical year the organizations legislative bodies will condemn israel or more times with no criticism aimed at any other country in the world in for example unesco adopted antiisrael decisions eight at the st and nd sessions of the executive board and two at the th session of the general conference again in unesco adopted antiisrael decisions at the th and th sessions of the executive board in unesco again adopted antiisrael decisions at the th and th sessions of the executive board and two resolutions against israel at the th session of the general conference
whereas jerusalem was king davids capital and continued to be the capital of the second jewish commonwealth as well as israels capital today it was never the capital of any arab or muslim empire caliphate or entity nor was jerusalem a spiritual center that muslims yearned for the umayyad caliphate had its capital in damascus the abbasside caliphate capital was baghdad and the ottoman empires caliphate capital was constantinople ramle a small town in israel was its administrative capital in palestine not jerusalem a palestinian state never existed as an independent entity and the pa claims on jerusalem are strictly contrarian to deny jerusalem as the heart of jewish spirituality and yearning jerusalem exists in every jewish prayer and is invoked on every occasion and holiday
dore gold former director general of israels foreign ministry addressed last years unescos jerusalem resolution he pointed out that the resolution glossed over any jewish connection to jerusalem and it failed to acknowledge christianitys ties to jerusalem
most dismaying is the fact that christian nations who voted for the resolution or abstained have abandoned all vestiges of pride and honor and are willing to deny historical truth for narrow political interests brazil mexico and the dominican republic predominantly catholic states are a case in point unfortunately other christian countries including france spain greece argentina and sweden who should know about jerusalem from their church bibles did not have the courage to reject this outrageously false resolution it can only lead to the conclusion that perhaps cowardice and latent antisemitism drove their decision to accept not reject this infamous resolution | english | | | hate | Real | selective outrage splcs antimuslim extremist list | reminders ignore trump doomed polls weve recently two object lessons worthlessness trump doomed polling saga days ago media loudly trumpeting hillarys victory inevitable polls going ignore trump focus building administration winning downticket races like last time around numbers turned around recently asked predict race answered one thing could predict media claim landslide hillary right election much likely medias interest spread fud promoting polls predict hillary win landslide creating perception voting useless republicans feel outcome futile less likely go vote scandal polling numbers history rebounding remains challenging unusual election premature panic weve seen circles unhealthy shouldnt completely ignore poll numbers neither treat inevitable weve two major lessons thats short sighted | 1 |
Lloyd Billingsley | 2016-10-31T11:09:00.000+02:00 | hillary clinton and the presidents longer game | is hillary panicking over the fbi and weiner emails
these past few days have seen a major shift in the clinton tactics during the original investigation the clinton campaign and its political and media allies launched attacks at republicans for wasting time investigating hillary but did not attack the fbi it misrepresented fbi statements but it certainly did not target investigators in the way were seeing now
but now we have open hostilities between lynch at the doj and the fbi we have the clinton campaign circulating a letter attacking the fbi we have countless media hit pieces aimed at the fbi
the obvious question is why the clinton campaign kept its cool at least to some degree before it certainly didnt begin an illadvised campaign against the fbi thats the kind of tactic that may play to your core base but alienates everyone else that is to say everyone who isnt in the media
so whats going on here
the clintons thought they were done its close to the election so theyre lashing out its typically paranoid and nasty behavior by the clintons hillary tried playing humble she tried apologizing but a moment ago her victory seemed inevitable and now shes in a state of fury at having it put at risk
there is something in those emails that genuinely frightens the clinton campaign which is why it took the crazy risk of going after the fbi with both barrels its desperate to smear the fbi as much as possible in order to neutralize any revelations or even potential charges the attacks are a warning to treat hillary with kid gloves again or else
the first is plausible to a degree but for all of hillarys awkwardness she didnt lose it in the past why is she losing it now theres no evidence beyond speculation for the latter and yet the major shift in tactics is rather striking if the clinton campaign were panicking this is what it would look like | english | | | hate | Real | unescos antiisrael bias | hillary clinton hits unfavorability high higher trump october remember last week hillary clinton shopping around white house drapes popular wisdom inevitable fun wasnt hit unfavorability rating high percent thats higher trump also means candidate claims shes going bring americans together disliked country clinton seen unfavorably percent likely voters latest results new high trump seen unfavorably essentially many percent marking depth views percent see clinton strongly unfavorably percent say trump unusual levels strong sentiment extent partisan antipathy poll produced abc langer research associates remarkable ninetyseven percent trump supporters see clinton unfavorably percent strongly ninetyfive percent clinton supporters see trump unfavorably percent strongly remember hillary inevitable clinton campaign decided go fbi assumption people like hillary fbi may slight misjudgment slight mean huge fbi popular hillary major landfills ufo cattle mutilations number international war criminals | 1 |
Robert Spencer | 2016-10-31T11:08:00.000+02:00 | selective outrage over splcs antimuslim extremist list | reminders to ignore the trump is doomed polls
weve recently had two object lessons in the worthlessness of the trump is doomed polling saga a few days ago the media was loudly trumpeting that hillarys victory was inevitable that the polls were in and she was going to ignore trump and focus on building her administration and winning downticket races and then just like last time around the numbers turned around again
i was recently asked to predict the race i answered that the one thing i could predict is that the media will claim a landslide for hillary right before the election that much is very likely
its in the medias interest to spread fud by promoting polls that predict not just a hillary win but a landslide creating the perception that voting is useless the more republicans feel that the outcome is futile the less likely they will be to go out and vote but the scandal polling numbers have a history of rebounding this remains a challenging and very unusual election
the premature panic weve seen in some circles is unhealthy we shouldnt completely ignore poll numbers but neither should we treat them as inevitable
weve had two major lessons in why thats short sighted | english | | | hate | Real | hillary panicking fbi weiner emails | dnc head leaked nd debate question hillary october talking debbie wasserman schultz exmuppet charge dnc forced resign way dnc rigged process favor hillary donna brazile brought replace bring back integrity dnc since brazile another clinton loyalist never going happen latest leak reveals brazile passed along second debate question hillary emphasizes fraudulent rigged whole debate process another leaked email emerged showing democratic national committee boss former cnn contributor donna brazile sharing debate question advance hillary clinton campaign despite braziles persistent claims contrary cnn announced statement soon email became public monday brazile tendered resignation network accepted oct days controversy brazile tipping clinton campaign initially broke according documents released monday wikileaks brazile sent clinton communications director jennifer palmieri email titled one questions directed hrc tomorrow woman rash night march cnn primary debate flint mich family lead poison ask anything hillary president help ppl flint brazile wrote following night leeanne walters mom whose twin boys stopped growing whose daughter lost hair flint water contamination crisis posed question clinton eventual democratic presidential nominee primary opponent vermont sen bernie sanders clinton responded lengthy answer moderator anderson cooper twice interrupt attempt keep agreedupon time limit pervasive kind thing process getting snapshot clintons people rigged process faked results favor every turn | 1 |
Joseph Puder | 2016-10-31T11:02:00.000+02:00 | unescos antiisrael bias | hillary clinton hits unfavorability high of higher than trump october
remember last week when hillary clinton was shopping around for white house drapes and the popular wisdom was that she was inevitable that was fun wasnt it now she hit an unfavorability rating high of percent thats higher than trump
it also means that the candidate who claims shes going to bring americans together is disliked by most of the country
clinton is seen unfavorably by percent of likely voters in the latest results a new high trump is seen unfavorably by essentially as many percent marking the depth of these views percent see clinton strongly unfavorably and percent say the same about trump unusual levels of strong sentiment
the extent of partisan antipathy in this poll produced for abc by langer research associates is remarkable ninetyseven percent of trump supporters see clinton unfavorably percent strongly so ninetyfive percent of clinton supporters see trump unfavorably again percent strongly so
but remember hillary is inevitable
now the clinton campaign has decided to go after the fbi under the assumption that people like hillary more than the fbi that may be a slight misjudgment and by slight i mean huge because not only is the fbi more popular than hillary so are major landfills ufo cattle mutilations and a number of international war criminals | english | | | hate | Real | reminders ignore trump doomed polls | independents tilt decisively trump october daniel greenfield independents largest political group country larger either democrats republicans theyre tilting toward trump gop adding ideology tracking poll shows clinton going percent support among liberal democrats early tracking poll percent trumps gone percent among conservative republicans percent independents sometimes swing voters past elections albeit inconsistently also merit attention theyve gone scant points clintons favor first four nights tracking percent substantial trump lead percent clintontrump key element partisan preferences independents emerge likely vote points likely lean toward republican party rather democratic party start tracking points apt hillary clinton tried win independents positioning brand moderate centrist work republicans get things done portraying trump dangerous irresponsible certainly worked degree trumps pitch hes conventional republican overturn rigged system drain swamp speech key element latter likely ultimately appeal people identify none theyre disgusted parties | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-31T14:57:59.335+02:00 | is hillary panicking over the fbi and weiner emails | dnc head leaked nd debate question to hillary october
were not talking about debbie wasserman schultz the exmuppet in charge of the dnc who was forced to resign because of the way the dnc rigged the process to favor hillary this is donna brazile who was brought in to replace her to bring back integrity to the dnc since brazile is another clinton loyalist that was never going to happen
but the latest leak reveals that brazile had passed along a second debate question to hillary all this just emphasizes how fraudulent and rigged the whole debate process was
another leaked email has emerged showing democratic national committee boss and former cnn contributor donna brazile sharing a debate question in advance with the hillary clinton campaign despite braziles persistent claims to the contrary
cnn announced in a statement soon after the email became public monday that brazile had tendered her resignation and the network accepted it on oct days after the controversy over brazile tipping off the clinton campaign initially broke
according to documents released monday by wikileaks brazile sent clinton communications director jennifer palmieri an email titled one of the questions directed to hrc tomorrow is from a woman with a rash the night before the march cnn primary debate in flint mich
her family has lead poison and she will ask what if anything will hillary do as president to help the ppl of flint brazile wrote
the following night leeanne walters a mom whose twin boys stopped growing and whose daughter lost her hair during the flint water contamination crisis posed a question to both clinton the eventual democratic presidential nominee and her primary opponent vermont sen bernie sanders
clinton responded with a lengthy answer that moderator anderson cooper had to twice interrupt in an attempt to keep to the agreedupon time limit
how pervasive is this kind of thing in the process were getting a snapshot of how clintons people rigged the process and faked the results to favor them at every turn | english | | | hate | Real | hillary clinton hits unfavorability high higher trump | hillary clinton campaign still whining fbi november hillary clinton whineaton continues mobilized mulltiple exofficials media types attack fbi clinton campaign whose candidate blatantly benefited white glove fbi complaining double standard hillary clintons campaign accused fbi director james comey monday engaging blatant double standard clintons campaign manager robby mook slammed comey wake reports fbi director refused publicly comment potential donald trump campaign ties russias alleged efforts meddle us election weigh updated investigation involving clintons email server impossible view anything less blatant double standard mook clintons campaign manager said call reporters director comey would show discretion matter concerning foreign state action one involving democratic nominee president nothing short jawdropping yes jaw dropping mook cant grasp investigations work comey reason comment trump thing wasnt part existing criminal investigation trump despite hillarys bottomless barrel lies criminal investigation hillary clinton double standard trump clinton facing criminal investigations double standard since hillary | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-31T14:57:59.537+02:00 | reminders to ignore the trump is doomed polls | independents tilt decisively to trump october daniel greenfield
independents are the largest political group in the country larger than either democrats or republicans and theyre tilting toward trump and the gop
adding in ideology the tracking poll shows clinton going from percent support among liberal democrats early in the tracking poll to percent now while trumps gone from percent among conservative republicans to percent now
independents sometimes swing voters in past elections albeit inconsistently also merit attention theyve gone from a scant points in clintons favor in the first four nights of tracking percent to a substantial trump lead now percent clintontrump
a key element here is the partisan preferences of independents who emerge as likely to vote they were points more likely to lean toward the republican party rather than the democratic party at the start of tracking but are points more apt to do so now
hillary clinton tried to win over independents by positioning her brand as a moderate centrist who can work with republicans and can get things done while portraying trump as dangerous and irresponsible it certainly worked to a degree
trumps pitch was that hes not a conventional republican and he can overturn a rigged system the drain the swamp speech was a key element the latter is more likely to ultimately appeal to people who identify as none of the above because theyre disgusted with both parties | english | | | hate | Real | dnc head leaked nd debate question hillary | renewed criminal investigation hillarys misdeeds could affect election november matthew vadum democrats panic mode week election day try spin away fbis newly announced discovery hoard twothirds million potentially sensitive emails apparently related hillary clintons catastrophic tenure americas top diplomat partisan hack james carville spewing wild conspiracy theories think outrage think fact kgb involved election outrage think american people ought take democracy back regardless press wants excuses want make fbi director james comey thats think added effect attempt hijack election ought called past july comey praised democrats far wide wisdom opting pursue clinton evidence federal officials tried hinder various investigations clinton endlessly corrupt bill hillary chelsea clinton foundation functions bribe processing center wouldbe president hillary clinton democrats suddenly flipped sides denouncing comey enemy republic opened investigation newly discovered emails carville long known ragin cajun apoplectic thinks emails could change dynamics election old clinton hand may right investigators found emails laptop computer believe used home disgraced former rep anthony weiner wife longtime senior hillary aide huma abedin computer reportedly device serial pervert weiner used send sexual messages underage girl underlying metadata suggests thousands messages could sent private server mrs clinton used secretary state according people familiar matter reports wall street journal information emailed may classified abedin intergenerational ties muslim brotherhood reportedly forwarded sensitive government information personal yahoo email account may viewed home laptop objections attorney general loretta lynch comey notified congress information previously unknown emails late stage election cycle letting hillary hook summer facing huge uprising among fbi employees overwhelming majority unprincipled supplicants power lynch best make sure department justice probe goes nowhere assistant attorney general legislative affairs peter j kadzik zero hedge calls best friend john podesta hillarys campaign chairman former white house chief staff bill clintons administration heading email probe fix event prospect restoring good name may also prompted comey act people upset comey took cowards way email investigation viewed helping clinton team obama white house efforts cover wrongdoing back july comey announced despite massive body damning evidence accumulating clinton would recommend charges brought former secretary state use hackerfriendly homebrew private email servers conduct official business clinton aides extremely careless handling classified documents evidence criminal intent said even though relevant national security statute require intent next day attorney general lynch confirmed charges would laid hillary lynch everyone knows clandestine meeting former president bill clinton phoenix airport week corrupt bargain presumably made internal rebellion investigative agency serious enough comey felt act immediately sources fbi former district attorneys commentator larry kudlow said sunday nbcs meet press fbi full revolt right fbi full revolt since decisions made last summer ever hillary shill host chuck todd corrected kudlow full revolt said theres lot mean itsthere agentslets say full revolt right semifull revolt said kudlow im getting comey hadnt said said congress rest world would leaked would leaked whole building ready leak discovered new source anthony weiner huma abedin dont think comey much chance think fbi badly divided meanwhile trickle bad news hillary clinton turned raging flood last days clinton directly implicated nasty false flag operation donald trump campaign top democrat operatives robert creamer scott foval caught undercover video describing involvement elaborate criminal conspiracy involving use targeted political violence political opponents euphemism employed conflict engagement means paying leftist agitators homeless mentally ill cause melees trump rallies fomenting violence physically attacking political opponents fascist third reich using sturmabteilung sa also called brown shirts storm troopers longtime democrat pollster campaign consultant doug schoen familiar face fox news channel announced could longer good conscience support clintons candidacy im deeply concerned well constitutional crisis shes elected said sunday secretary state wins president criminal investigation top aide huma abedin criminal investigation republican donald trump closing gap national polls likely voters clintons unfavorability rating polls exceeds trumps shes percent hes percent former new york mayor leading trump surrogate rudy giuliani said weekend enough evidence surfaced wikileaks fbi indict clinton racketeering bill clinton speeches put money pocket favors government said giuliani former federal prosecutor links destroy emails shows link influential liberal journalist ron fournier threw hillary bus mrs clinton got secret server protect washington post called circle enrichment said hillary clinton wins next week media outlets across america hire extra investigative journalists handle corruption exposes follow | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-31T19:30:19.095+02:00 | hillary clinton hits unfavorability high of higher than trump | hillary clinton campaign still whining about the fbi november
the hillary clinton whineaton continues
after having mobilized mulltiple exofficials and media types to attack the fbi the clinton campaign whose candidate blatantly benefited from white glove from the fbi is complaining about a double standard
hillary clintons campaign accused fbi director james comey monday of engaging in a blatant double standard
clintons campaign manager robby mook slammed comey in the wake of reports that the fbi director refused to publicly comment on potential donald trump campaign ties to russias alleged efforts to meddle with the us election but did weigh in on an updated investigation involving clintons email server
it is impossible to view this as anything less than a blatant double standard mook clintons campaign manager said on a call with reporters that director comey would show more discretion in a matter concerning a foreign state action than one involving the democratic nominee for president is nothing short of jawdropping
yes its jaw dropping that mook cant grasp how investigations work
comey had no reason to comment on the trump thing because it wasnt part of an existing criminal investigation of trump there has been despite hillarys bottomless barrel of lies a criminal investigation of hillary clinton
its a double standard if trump and clinton were both facing criminal investigations its not a double standard since only hillary is | english | | | hate | Real | independents tilt decisively trump | nevertrumpers sunk november bruce thornton shillman journalism fellow david horowitz freedom center chorus nevertrumpers wailing ever louder election day hillarys supposed victory approach year complaining trump crashing political soiree republicans attacking trump still dont seem get behavior contributed perception outoftouch elites disdainful republican masses recent example comes premier nevertrumper bret stephens wall street journal column stephens bids farewell republican party stupid enough nominate trump contrasting imagined golden age republican policy excellence trump followers destroyed one policy particular immigration reveals distance political pundit elite voting masses helped make trump nominee republican primary debate houston candidates george hw bush ronald reagan asked whether children illegal immigrants allowed attend public schools free mr bush said creating whole society really honorable decent familyloving people violation law lamented reagan agreed instead putting fence asked dont make possible come legally work permit theyre working earning pay taxes good measure reagan suggested open border ways populist fervor build wall mexico deport millions human beings republican party today take bush seniors statement first repeats basically clichés bipartisan gang eight recycled push comprehensive immigration reform another euphemism amnesty hardworking familyvalues illegal immigrants embryonic conservatives told need legal status social recognition come shadows john mccain said start voting republican political apple doesnt fall far tree son jeb ended presidential ambitions calling illegal immigration act love stance illegal immigration republican politicos pundits obviously lightyears experience position many ordinary people take mccains oftrepeated trope living shadows seriously illegal alien young people openly protest live television knowing going deported millions visit emergency rooms free wrangle food stamps welfare transfers school lunches sorts largess live protected sanctuary cities living shadows doesnt deter committing felonies given even caught convicted deported theyll soon back remember juan francisco lopezsanchez illegal alien deported five times murdered kate steinle angel gilberto garciaavalos another fivetime deportee month started million fire sequoia national park released kern county jail could deported californias lunatic sanctuary city law prohibits sheriff contacting federal agents simply repeating hardworking family values religious mantra doesnt address problems illegal immigration illegal immigrants know sixty years personal experience living san joaquin valley one largest concentrations illegal aliens country grew mexicanamericans theyre members immediate family theyre friends students colleagues theyre also victims crimes disorder caused porous border illegals transition sort immigrants many rigorous vetting process might sort wheat chaff bush mccain stephens proposed workable rigorous mechanism determining stay go means form amnesty citizenship likely granted indiscriminately egregious felons sifted stupid enough apply citizenship rather continuing live shadows guilty duis hitandruns defrauding welfare system fake ids stayand bring extended families provisions disastrous immigration act enshrined family reunification limits relatives us citizens equally tonedeaf stephenss bringing ronald reagans open border ways thats exactly signed simpsonmazzoli act granted amnesty millions illegal immigrants promises border enforcement never materialized stephens doesnt mention result number illegal immigrants increased million million creating todays crisis obvious lesson secure border first figure million would governmental malfeasance repeat reagans mistake problem politicians pundits like stephens dont live consequences indiscriminately letting people different cultures mores people like stephens dont live daily disorder crime results theyre aware extensive damage quality life illegal immigration version broken windows dogs without rabies shots running free health safety codes ignored building codes shrugged garbage refuse dumped everywhere copper wire stolen pumps street lights chronic petty theftand thats top stolen cars hitandruns driving without insurance gangbanging dealing drugs mr stephens thinks im nativist xenophobe racist dare visit san joaquin valley better yet let bring wife children live month come tour hospital emergency room social security disability office public school county jail wax lyrical honorable decent familyloving people would take week mr stephens develop fervor fivefoot high wall around house buy four five pit bulls shotgun wouldnt last long within day hed scurry back nice white secure tony neighborhood doesnt pay cost moral preening hypocrisy trump came perception millions votersperceptions nevertrumpers fed incessantly look lot like realitythe conservative politicians pundits care privileged status purity principle welfare interests partys voters would rather see venal perjurious corrupt mediocrity become obama continue progressive destruction constitutional order see elected nominee party sort principle | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-31T19:30:19.719+02:00 | dnc head leaked nd debate question to hillary | the renewed criminal investigation into hillarys misdeeds and how it could affect the election november matthew vadum
democrats are in panic mode a week out from election day as they try to spin away the fbis newly announced discovery of a hoard of twothirds of a million potentially sensitive emails apparently related to hillary clintons catastrophic tenure as americas top diplomat
partisan hack james carville is spewing wild conspiracy theories
i think it is an outrage and i think the fact that the kgb is involved in this election is an outrage and i think the american people ought to take their democracy back regardless of what the press wants to do and the excuses they want to make for fbi director james comey thats what i think
he added this is in effect an attempt to hijack an election it ought to be called for what it is
just this past july comey was praised by democrats far and wide for his wisdom in opting not to pursue clinton there is evidence federal officials tried to hinder various investigations of clinton and the endlessly corrupt bill hillary and chelsea clinton foundation which functions as a bribe processing center for wouldbe president hillary clinton
but democrats have suddenly flipped sides denouncing comey as an enemy of the republic now that he has opened an investigation into the newly discovered emails
carville long known as the ragin cajun is apoplectic because he thinks these emails could change the dynamics of the election
the old clinton hand may be right
investigators found emails on a laptop computer they believe was used at home by disgraced former rep anthony weiner d and his wife longtime senior hillary aide huma abedin the computer is reportedly the same device serial pervert weiner used to send sexual messages to an underage girl
underlying metadata suggests thousands of those messages could have been sent to or from the private server that mrs clinton used while she was secretary of state according to people familiar with the matter reports the wall street journal some of the information emailed may have been classified
abedin who has intergenerational ties to the muslim brotherhood reportedly forwarded sensitive government information to her personal yahoo email account and may have viewed them on her home laptop
over the objections of attorney general loretta lynch comey notified congress of the information about the previously unknown emails at this late stage in the election cycle because after letting hillary off the hook this summer he was facing a huge uprising among fbi employees the overwhelming majority of whom are not unprincipled supplicants to power
lynch is doing her best to make sure the department of justice probe goes nowhere
assistant attorney general for legislative affairs peter j kadzik whom zero hedge calls the best friend of john podesta hillarys campaign chairman and former white house chief of staff in bill clintons administration is heading up the email probe
so the fix is in
in any event the prospect of restoring his good name may also have prompted comey to act
people are upset at comey because he took the cowards way out in the email investigation and is viewed as helping the clinton team and the obama white house in their efforts to cover up wrongdoing
it was back on july comey announced that despite the massive body of damning evidence accumulating against clinton he would not recommend charges be brought against the former secretary of state for her use of hackerfriendly homebrew private email servers to conduct official business clinton and her aides were extremely careless in their handling of classified documents but there was no evidence of criminal intent he said even though the relevant national security statute does not require intent the next day attorney general lynch confirmed no charges would be laid against hillary lynch as everyone now knows had a clandestine meeting with former president bill clinton at a phoenix airport a week before at which a corrupt bargain was presumably made
this internal rebellion in the investigative agency was serious enough that comey felt he had to act immediately
i have some sources in the fbi and the former district attorneys commentator larry kudlow said sunday on nbcs meet the press the fbi is in full revolt right now the fbi has been in full revolt since the decisions made last summer
ever the hillary shill host chuck todd corrected kudlow
not full revolt he said theres been a lot i mean itsthere are agentslets not say full revolt
all right a semifull revolt said kudlow
because what im getting at is if comey hadnt said what he said to congress and the rest of the world it would have leaked it would have leaked that whole building was ready to leak that they had discovered this new source with anthony weiner and huma abedin so i dont think comey had much chance here and i think the fbi is badly divided
meanwhile the trickle of bad news for hillary clinton has turned into a raging flood in the last few days
clinton has been directly implicated in a nasty false flag operation against the donald trump campaign top democrat operatives robert creamer and scott foval were caught on undercover video describing their involvement in an elaborate criminal conspiracy involving the use of targeted political violence against political opponents the euphemism employed was conflict engagement which means paying leftist agitators the homeless and the mentally ill to cause melees at trump rallies
fomenting violence and physically attacking political opponents was what the fascist third reich did using the sturmabteilung or sa also called brown shirts and storm troopers
longtime democrat pollster and campaign consultant doug schoen a familiar face on fox news channel announced he could no longer in good conscience support clintons candidacy
im deeply concerned that well have a constitutional crisis if shes elected he said sunday if the secretary of state wins we will have a president under criminal investigation with top aide huma abedin under criminal investigation
republican donald trump is closing the gap in national polls of likely voters
clintons unfavorability rating in polls now exceeds trumps shes at percent hes at percent
former new york mayor and leading trump surrogate rudy giuliani said over the weekend that enough evidence has surfaced from wikileaks and the fbi to indict clinton for racketeering bill clinton does the speeches they put the money in the pocket she does the favors in the government said giuliani a former federal prosecutor it all links up why did they destroy emails because it shows the link
influential liberal journalist ron fournier threw hillary under the bus mrs clinton got a secret server to protect what the washington post called the circle of enrichment he said
if hillary clinton wins next week media outlets across america will have to hire extra investigative journalists to handle all the corruption exposes that will follow | english | | | hate | Real | hillary clinton campaign still whining fbi | obama wont vote america un obama united states wont defend united states november daniel greenfield daniel greenfield shillman journalism fellow freedom center new york writer focusing radical islam generation ago communist tyranny cuba demanded united nations condemn america embargo brutal castro regimes rant accused united states threatening nuclear annihilation countless acts sabotage plans assassinate cuban leaders cold day october european leftwing activist serving un ambassador announced applause administration would longer voting defend us un un member states voted overwhelmingly general assembly resolution condemns us embargo calls ended united states always voted resolution today united states abstain samantha power said thank added acknowledging applause obama united states would longer defend united states generation ago communists cuba washington dc instead defending america obamas chosen representative agreed communist enemies point lack human rights imperialist foreign policy let among first acknowledge cuban counterparts often point united states work fulfilling rights citizens know times history us leaders citizens used pretext promoting democracy human rights region justify actions left deep legacy mistrust said cuban representative place could done much better communist cuban propaganda parroted ambassador power castro dictatorship wanted save money could shut propaganda department outsource labor washington dc cuban ambassador boasted cuban communists rid us imperialism proclaimed never go back capitalism declared resolution powerful message peoples world message indeed unmistakable ben rhodes close obama adviser sold media iran sellout curtly tweeted justification reason vote defend failed policy oppose cuban embargo law land official policy united states based laws passed congress implemented president john f kennedy successors certainly isnt united states government elected representatives legislative executive branches working together end old policy implement new one one member must ben rhodes tells us rhodes aspiring novelist pushed obama back muslim brotherhood takeover egypt iran nuke sellout apparently choosing communist cuba america one ever elected rhodes anything leftwing rule outweighs congress president kennedy law land national interests united states obama made final decision ambassador samantha power number functionaries derive power single elected official one third government announced treasonous opposition us un america problem american left wants vote way secede form country president john f kennedy proclaimed embargo trade cuba based authorization congress united states system used work days el teleprompte dc decides wants sign nuclear treaty iran mandate transgender bathrooms legalize millions illegal aliens open relations brother tyrant havana authority congress dismissed bunch obstructionists thats america supposed work thats iran works thats cuba works first word introduction obamas presidential policy directive cuba date obamas basis authority announcement letat cest moi obama state jfk humble shrinking violet mentions fourth paragraph congress context kennedys therefore john f kennedy president united states america acting authority section foreign assistance act jfk act servant master obamas directive congress exists berated badgered obstructionism source authorization anything barack obama law obama big washington decided oppose america united nations ben rhodes aspires excel novelistic narratives made unfortunate slip obama accused louis xivs letat cest moi mentality ben rhodes isnt saying state instead tells us two powerful political entities america one us yet entirely control state also feels obligation united states agrees america vote un opposes america votes choose patriotism treason based interests happens run america isnt america parasite humped americas back call many names deep state one coalition leftwing special interests networking politics nonprofit sector media corporations control america president kennedy quite familiar enemy opposed around world monolithic ruthless conspiracy relies primarily covert means expanding sphere influenceon infiltration instead invasion subversion instead elections intimidation instead free choice kennedy speaking recent bay pigs crisis foreign assistance act mentioned passed congress year cuban embargo limited ability castro regime sponsor spread terror around region world didnt stop washington dc easy sit distant future wonder whether cuba matters truth still enmeshed fundamental struggle cold war struggle end berlin wall fell battle whether nations ruled people nameless monolithic ruthless conspiracy nomenklatura left backing away america united nations announced independence laws responsibilities duties country whose government hijacked offer us independence treasonous rule instead impose us collectivism yevgeny zamyatins novel everyone suffers stifling progressive tyranny one state controls every aspect human life novel inspired offer us cubas castro wes one state every communist regime offer us george orwell summed boot stamping human face forever president kennedy dated embargo proclamation one hundred eightysixth year independence united states america united nations ambassador power cheerfully declared americas enforced submission communist demands cuba cuban people show signs winning independence communist overlords question united states america able regain independence | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-10-31T19:56:35.868+02:00 | independents tilt decisively to trump | how the nevertrumpers sunk themselves november
bruce thornton is a shillman journalism fellow at the david horowitz freedom center
the chorus of nevertrumpers is wailing ever louder as election day and hillarys supposed victory approach after more than a year of complaining about trump crashing their political soiree the republicans attacking trump still dont seem to get how their own behavior contributed to the perception that they are outoftouch elites disdainful of the republican masses
a recent example comes from premier nevertrumper bret stephens of the wall street journal in his column stephens bids farewell to a republican party stupid enough to nominate trump contrasting it with his imagined golden age of republican policy excellence that trump and his followers have destroyed one policy in particular immigration reveals the distance between the political and pundit elite and the voting masses that helped make trump the nominee
at a republican primary debate in houston candidates george hw bush and ronald reagan were asked whether the children of illegal immigrants should be allowed to attend public schools for free mr bush said they should were creating a whole society of really honorable decent familyloving people that are in violation of the law he lamented
reagan agreed instead of putting up a fence he asked why dont we make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit and then while theyre working and earning here they pay taxes here for good measure reagan suggested we should open the border both ways
where in the populist fervor to build a wall with mexico and deport millions of human beings is that republican party today
take bush seniors statement first it repeats basically the same clichés that the bipartisan gang of eight recycled in during their push for comprehensive immigration reform another euphemism for amnesty all those hardworking familyvalues illegal immigrants are embryonic conservatives we were told who just need legal status and social recognition so they can come out of the shadows as john mccain said and start voting republican the political apple doesnt fall far from the tree son jeb ended his presidential ambitions by calling illegal immigration an act of love
this stance on illegal immigration by republican politicos and pundits is obviously lightyears from the experience and position of many ordinary people take mccains oftrepeated trope of living in the shadows seriously illegal alien young people openly protest on live television knowing they are not going to be deported millions visit emergency rooms for free and wrangle food stamps welfare transfers school lunches and all sorts of largess all the while they live protected by sanctuary cities and living in the shadows doesnt deter them from committing felonies given that even if caught convicted and deported theyll soon be back remember juan francisco lopezsanchez the illegal alien deported five times who murdered kate steinle or angel gilberto garciaavalos another fivetime deportee who just this month started a million fire in sequoia national park he had just been released from the kern county jail but could not be deported because of californias lunatic sanctuary city law which prohibits a sheriff from contacting federal agents
simply repeating the hardworking family values religious mantra doesnt address the problems of illegal immigration there are such illegal immigrants as i know from over sixty years of personal experience living in the san joaquin valley one of the largest concentrations of illegal aliens in the country i grew up with mexicanamericans theyre members of my immediate family theyre my friends students and colleagues theyre also the victims of the crimes and disorder caused by our porous border
some illegals do transition into these sort of immigrants but many do not a rigorous vetting process might sort out the wheat from the chaff but bush mccain and stephens have not proposed a workable rigorous mechanism for determining who should stay and who should go that means with any form of amnesty citizenship will likely be granted indiscriminately with only the most egregious felons sifted out if any are stupid enough to apply for citizenship rather than continuing to live in the shadows but all those guilty of duis hitandruns or defrauding the welfare system with fake ids will stayand then bring their extended families under the provisions of the disastrous immigration act which enshrined family reunification with no limits on relatives of us citizens
equally tonedeaf is stephenss bringing up ronald reagans open the border both ways thats exactly what he did in when he signed the simpsonmazzoli act which granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants with promises of border enforcement that never materialized stephens doesnt mention that as a result the number of illegal immigrants increased from about million to million creating todays crisis the obvious lesson is secure the border first then figure out what to do with the million it would be governmental malfeasance to repeat reagans mistake
the problem with politicians and pundits like stephens is they dont live with the consequences of indiscriminately letting in people from very different cultures and mores people like stephens dont live daily with the disorder and crime that results theyre not aware of the extensive damage to quality of life the illegal immigration version of broken windows such as dogs without rabies shots running free health and safety codes ignored building codes shrugged off garbage and refuse dumped everywhere copper wire stolen from pumps and street lights and chronic petty theftand thats on top of stolen cars hitandruns driving without insurance gangbanging and dealing drugs
and if mr stephens thinks im just a nativist or xenophobe or racist i dare him to visit the san joaquin valley better yet let him bring his wife and children to live there for a month come and tour a hospital emergency room a social security disability office a public school a county jail and then wax lyrical about these honorable decent familyloving people it would take just a week for mr stephens to develop a fervor for a fivefoot high wall around his house and buy four or five pit bulls and a shotgun then again he wouldnt last that long within a day hed scurry back to his nice white secure tony neighborhood where he doesnt have to pay the cost of his moral preening
and that hypocrisy is where trump came from in the perception of millions of votersperceptions nevertrumpers have fed so incessantly that they look a lot like realitythe conservative politicians and pundits care more about their privileged status and purity of principle than they do about the welfare and interests of their partys voters and so they would rather see a venal perjurious corrupt mediocrity become obama and continue the progressive destruction of the constitutional order than see elected the nominee of their own party what sort of principle is that | english | | | hate | Real | democratic panic | dawn perlmutter war law enforcement epidemic every aspect culture infected antipolice disease highly contagious rapidly spreading social media memes movements popular fast food restaurants football games campuses media every aspect american culture epidemic defined rapid spread infectious disease large number people given population within short period time colin kaepernick typhoid mary antipolice epidemic kaepernick refuses stand us national anthem performed start nfl games protest alleged racial injustice police brutality sept kaepernick chose kneel one knee protest gesture instead sitting bench explanation decision switch attempt show respect former current us military members kneeling somehow symbolically less offensive sitting misinterpreted meaning military expression take knee occurs troops take pause continuing mission similar hands dont shoot antipolice gesture imbued trendy righteousness regardless original meaning media reverently refers kaepernicks protest taking knee kind sacred act headlines read kaepernick disses flag kaepernick takes crap country case gesture didnt send clear enough message kaepernick also uses clothing symbolize antipolice sympathies worn everything tshirts honoring militant black panther party socks depict police pigs addition numerous crimes black panther party responsible murder least officers originated expression pigs meaning murder police like typhoid infected cook mary mallon kaepernick rapidly spreading antipolice pathogen dubbed kaepernick effect dozens nfl wnba players knelt sat raised fist national anthem disease also spread high schools colleges one middle school described bizarre symbolic contradiction two incidents women performing star spangled banner got one knee protest singing one women denasia lawrence kneeled performing anthem also opened jacket display black lives matter tshirt exposing miami heat fans contagious disorder rapid spread well known infectious diseases antipolice disorder also contaminated navy unidentified sailor assigned naval air technical training center pensacola florida filmed deliberately standing national anthem posted facebook remained seated raised fist morning colors praised colin kaepernick another sailor petty officer nd class janaye ervin intelligence specialist navy reserve stationed pearl harbor stand national anthem uniform also posted statement facebook saying inspired colin kaepernick navy acted decisively lost security clearance may facing jail response actions yet known facing real consequences contribute curing virus accelerating kaepernick one carrier antipolice disease source infection attributed specific movements black lives matter originated florida trayvon martin protests disease went airborne ferguson missouri transmitted college students professional protesters journalists subsequently spread disorder towns cities across country currently disease seems cluster around populations susceptible antipolice propaganda symptoms irrationality excessive anger impaired perception anxiety hatred delusions oppression acute symptoms include sudden changes behavior aggression paranoia loss control homicidal suicidal tendencies indicators expressed severe disrespect law order early symptoms antipolice epidemic observed various cultural manifestations contempt law enforcement officers antipolice graffiti common symptom virus writing escalated insults police murderers threats violence recent popular indicator expression kill cops related variations kill police save life kill cop cops lives dont matter shoot cops threats also depicted images guns officers heads violent antipolice rhetoric also seen protest signs read heroes kill cops put wings pigs kill cops cops control cops flowers disturbingly antipolice graffiti protests tweets increase officers murdered signifying violence cops celebrated glorified antipolice epidemic also spread wellknown fast food restaurants employees refused serve officers taco bell phenix city al dunkin donuts west hartford ct krispy kreme columbia sc ihop virginia beach va arbys pembroke pines fl chuck e cheese bowling green ky whataburger lewisville tx mcdonalds brenham tx chipotle brooklyn ny genghis grill dallas tx noodles company alexandria va tropical smoothie winter fl luckys teriyaki sedrowoolley wa krystal restaurant irondale al incidents involved employees refusing let officer use restroom philadelphia starbucks refusing service sunoco gas station miramar fl writing black lives matter officers coffee cup dunkin donuts providence ri walmart bakery mcdonough ga refusing bake cake police officers retirement party incidents made public refusing service restaurant goes beyond gestures disrespect law enforcement officers concerned instead simply denied service food tampered reason many officers eat restaurants see food made legitimate concern aug louisville ky five police officers denied service taco bell another employee took orders overheard conversation two employees making food saying im going mess resulted walking restaurant officers fear put food doubt war police fullscale epidemic antipolice infection went viral social media facebook twitter instagram social networks hundreds antipolice pages ridiculing disrespecting threatening officers protests riots organized social media users openly advocate celebrate killing police officers following examples popular hashtags ftp fuck police bluelivesmurder acab cops bastards bluelivesdontmatter fuckcops fuckthemall apdk police dept killer fryemlikebacon blacklivesmatter ferguson milwaukeeuprising kaepernick disease progresses acute symptoms begin manifest acts violence particularly offensive indicator disorder desecration fallen officer memorials memorials honoring officers killed line duty attacked philadelphia chicago albuquerque fresno denver new orleans oakland austin honolulu rochester san diego st paul covington richmond goshen fayetteville raleigh many cities across country vandalism involved everything dousing paint toppling scratching granite burning destroying metal torch order extinguish eternal flame previous article described acts symbolic assassinations vandals target tributes heroic officers want appropriate valor honor respect think deprived another symptom antipolice disease sense entitlement resentment leads symbolic actual attacks law enforcement officers critical stage antipolice disorder lethal expressed dozens ambushes killings police officers acute phase disease infected become homicidal suicidal targeting killing officers knowing die incident pattern emerged clearly demonstrates attacks police escalate protest gestures acts vandalism deadly shootings inspire demonstrations continual cycle protest violence consequently kaepernicks gesture neither benign harmless one symptom deadly epidemic | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-11-01T06:27:23.010+02:00 | hillary clinton campaign still whining about the fbi | obama wont vote with america at the un under obama the united states wont defend the united states november daniel greenfield
daniel greenfield a shillman journalism fellow at the freedom center is a new york writer focusing on radical islam
a generation ago the communist tyranny in cuba demanded that the united nations condemn america for the embargo the brutal castro regimes rant accused the united states of threatening nuclear annihilation countless acts of sabotage and plans to assassinate cuban leaders
on a cold day in october the european leftwing activist serving as un ambassador announced to applause that her administration would no longer be voting to defend the us at the un
un member states have voted overwhelmingly for a general assembly resolution that condemns the us embargo and calls for it to be ended the united states has always voted against this resolution today the united states will abstain samantha power said
thank you she added acknowledging the applause
under obama the united states would no longer defend the united states a generation ago the communists had been in cuba now they were in washington dc
instead of defending america obamas chosen representative agreed that our communist enemies had a point about our lack of human rights and our imperialist foreign policy
let me be among the first to acknowledge as our cuban counterparts often point out that the united states has work to do in fulfilling these rights for our own citizens and we know that at times in our history us leaders and citizens used the pretext of promoting democracy and human rights in the region to justify actions that have left a deep legacy of mistrust she said
if the cuban representative had been in her place he could not have done much better communist cuban propaganda was now being parroted by ambassador power if the castro dictatorship wanted to save money it could shut down its propaganda department and outsource the labor to washington dc
the cuban ambassador boasted that cuban communists had rid ourselves of us imperialism and proclaimed that we will never go back to capitalism he declared that the resolution was a powerful message to the peoples of the world the message is indeed unmistakable
ben rhodes the close obama adviser who sold the media on the iran sellout curtly tweeted his justification no reason to vote to defend a failed policy we oppose
who is this we
the cuban embargo is the law of the land its the official policy of the united states its based on laws passed by congress and implemented by president john f kennedy and his successors
this we certainly isnt the united states government its elected representatives in the legislative and executive branches working together to end the old policy and implement a new one
one member of the we must be ben rhodes because he tells us so who is rhodes an aspiring novelist who pushed obama to back the muslim brotherhood takeover of egypt the iran nuke sellout and now apparently choosing communist cuba over america
no one has ever elected rhodes to anything but under leftwing rule he outweighs congress president kennedy the law of the land and the national interests of the united states
we is obama who made the final decision its ambassador samantha power its a number of other functionaries all of whom derive their power from a single elected official who is only one third of the government this is the we that announced its treasonous opposition to the us at the un
america has a we problem
if the we of the american left wants to vote its own way it should secede to form its own country
when president john f kennedy proclaimed the embargo on all trade with cuba he based it on authorization from the congress of the united states that is how our system used to work
these days el teleprompte in dc decides that he wants to sign a nuclear treaty with iran mandate transgender bathrooms legalize millions of illegal aliens or open relations with his brother tyrant in havana and he does so on his own authority and congress is dismissed as a bunch of obstructionists
thats not how america is supposed to work thats how iran works thats how cuba works
the first word in the introduction to obamas presidential policy directive on cuba after the date was i obamas basis for his authority is his announcement letat cest moi obama is the state
jfk no humble shrinking violet mentions i only in the fourth paragraph after congress what is the context of kennedys i now therefore i john f kennedy president of the united states of america acting under the authority of section a of the foreign assistance act of
the i of jfk can only act as a servant not a master
in obamas directive congress exists only to be berated or badgered for its obstructionism there is no source of authorization for anything other than barack obama there is no law only obama
now the big we in washington have decided that they will oppose america at the united nations but ben rhodes who aspires to excel at novelistic narratives made an unfortunate slip obama has been accused of louis xivs letat cest moi mentality but ben rhodes isnt saying we are the state instead he tells us that there are two powerful political entities in america one is us the other is we
we does not yet entirely control the state but we also feels no obligation to the united states if we agrees with america then we will vote with it at the un if we opposes america then we votes against it we will choose patriotism or treason based on its own interests not ours
we happens to run america but it isnt america its the parasite humped on americas back
you can call we by many names deep state is one its a coalition of leftwing special interests networking through politics the nonprofit sector and media corporations to control america
president kennedy was quite familiar with the enemy we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influenceon infiltration instead of invasion on subversion instead of elections on intimidation instead of free choice
kennedy was speaking after the recent bay of pigs crisis the foreign assistance act mentioned by him was passed by congress that year while the cuban embargo limited the ability of the castro regime to sponsor and spread terror around the region and the world it didnt stop the we in washington dc
it is easy to sit here in the distant future of and wonder whether cuba matters at all but the truth is that we are still enmeshed in the same fundamental struggle of the cold war that struggle did not end when the berlin wall fell it is a battle over whether nations will be ruled by we the people or by the nameless we of the monolithic and ruthless conspiracy of the nomenklatura of the left
by backing away from america at the united nations the we have announced their independence from the laws responsibilities and duties of the country whose government they have hijacked
but the we offer us no such independence from their treasonous rule instead they impose on us the collectivism of yevgeny zamyatins novel we in which everyone suffers under the stifling progressive tyranny of the one state that controls every aspect of human life that novel inspired
what we offer us is what cubas castro wes one state and every communist regime offer us its what george orwell in summed up as a boot stamping on a human face forever
president kennedy dated his embargo proclamation from the one hundred and eightysixth year of the independence of the united states of america at the united nations ambassador power cheerfully declared americas enforced submission to the communist demands for cuba
the cuban people show no signs of winning independence from their communist overlords the question is will the united states of america be able to regain its independence from the we | english | | | hate | Real | trump happened | force fanaticism wahhabism saudi arabia beyond wahhabism complete distortion islam november raymond ibrahim note follows shillman fellow raymond ibrahim reviews force fanaticism wahhabism saudi arabia beyond simon ross valentine shorter version book review first appeared middle east quarterly fall vol valentine british methodist pastor teacher taught saudi arabia written useful book desert kingdom interesting exploration monarchy single greatest force spreading islamic fundamentalism spent much billion spread wahhabism west yet america britain continuing implicit supporters wahhabism valentine discusses background unholy alliance came warns west simply ignores saudi arabias role international terrorism seems likely worsen rather conveniently disappear troubling considering isis saudi arabias latest monstrous contribution world history author explores important topics including mutawwa religious police provides useful historical context discussing origins wahhabism alliance house saud oil discoveries changed everything books primary defect standard valentine regularly insists greatest importance distinguish wahhabism islam generally anything good positive tolerant peaceful ascribed islam anything bad negative intolerant violentmisogyny draconian punishments execution apostates intolerance discrimination nonmuslimsis ascribed wahhabism position appears based authors cultural presuppositions thus felt confused puzzled hear wahhabi intolerance including attempt propagate beliefs force prompting wonder force someone love god conversations ulema imams mutawa religious police saudis generally never mention love idea god loved frightful talk hell burning future pain believe accept wahhabi faith valentine engaged critical reading islamic doctrine historyas opposed projecting christian notion god onto islamhe wouldve known muhammad followed countless caliphs sultans throughout centuries propagate beliefs force overwhelming majority todays muslim world taken nonmuslims force although islam attributes characteristics god love one valentines readers wouldve benefit much simply laid useful information concerning inner workings saudi regime unholy alliance west without trying tackle deeper question islam really isleading yet another book marred islamic apologetics | 1 |
Matthew Vadum | 2016-11-01T07:32:54.394+02:00 | democratic panic | dawn perlmutter
the war on law enforcement is epidemic every aspect of culture has been infected the antipolice disease is highly contagious and rapidly spreading on social media in memes in movements in popular fast food restaurants at football games on campuses in media and in every aspect of american culture
an epidemic is defined as the rapid spread of infectious disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time colin kaepernick is the typhoid mary of the antipolice epidemic kaepernick refuses to stand while the us national anthem is being performed at the start of nfl games as a protest against alleged racial injustice and police brutality on sept kaepernick chose to kneel on one knee as his protest gesture instead of just sitting on the bench his explanation for his decision to switch is that it was an attempt to show more respect to former and current us military members as if kneeling is somehow symbolically less offensive than sitting he misinterpreted the meaning of the military expression take a knee which occurs when troops take a pause before continuing their mission similar to hands up dont shoot the antipolice gesture has been imbued with a trendy righteousness regardless of its original meaning the media reverently refers to kaepernicks protest as taking a knee as if it is some kind of sacred act there are no headlines that read kaepernick disses the flag or kaepernick takes a crap on his country just in case his gesture didnt send a clear enough message kaepernick also uses clothing to symbolize his antipolice sympathies he has worn everything from tshirts honoring the militant black panther party to socks that depict police as pigs in addition to numerous other crimes the black panther party was responsible for the murder of at least officers and originated the expression off the pigs meaning murder police
like the typhoid infected cook mary mallon kaepernick is rapidly spreading the antipolice pathogen in what has been dubbed the kaepernick effect dozens of nfl and wnba players have knelt sat or raised a fist during the national anthem the disease has also spread to over high schools colleges and one middle school in what can only be described as a bizarre symbolic contradiction there were two incidents where women performing the star spangled banner got down on one knee in protest of what they were singing one of the women denasia lawrence not only kneeled while performing the anthem but also opened her jacket to display a black lives matter tshirt exposing miami heat fans to the contagious disorder
rapid spread is well known for infectious diseases the antipolice disorder also contaminated the navy an unidentified sailor assigned to the naval air technical training center in pensacola florida filmed herself deliberately not standing for the national anthem and posted it on facebook she remained seated and raised a fist during morning colors and then praised colin kaepernick another sailor petty officer nd class janaye ervin an intelligence specialist in the navy reserve stationed at pearl harbor did not stand for the national anthem while in uniform she also posted a statement on facebook saying she was inspired by colin kaepernick the navy acted decisively she lost her security clearance and may be facing jail in response to her actions it is yet to be known if facing real consequences will contribute to curing the virus or accelerating it
kaepernick is just one carrier of the antipolice disease the source of the infection can be attributed to specific movements such as black lives matter that originated in florida during the trayvon martin protests the disease went airborne in ferguson missouri where it was transmitted to college students professional protesters and journalists who subsequently spread the disorder to towns and cities across the country currently the disease seems to cluster around populations that are susceptible to antipolice propaganda the symptoms are irrationality excessive anger impaired perception anxiety hatred and delusions of oppression acute symptoms include sudden changes in behavior aggression paranoia loss of control and homicidal and suicidal tendencies all indicators are expressed in severe disrespect for law and order
early symptoms of the antipolice epidemic have been observed in various cultural manifestations of contempt for law enforcement officers antipolice graffiti is a common symptom of the virus writing has escalated from insults such as police are murderers to threats of violence a recent popular indicator is the expression kill cops and related variations such as kill all police save a life kill a cop cops lives dont matter and shoot cops threats are also depicted in images such as guns to officers heads violent antipolice rhetoric has also been seen in protest signs that read all my heroes kill cops put wings on pigs kill cops and cops under control or cops under flowers disturbingly antipolice graffiti protests and tweets increase after officers are murdered signifying that violence against cops is celebrated and glorified
the antipolice epidemic has also spread to wellknown fast food restaurants employees have refused to serve officers at a taco bell in phenix city al dunkin donuts in west hartford ct krispy kreme in columbia sc ihop in virginia beach va arbys in pembroke pines fl chuck e cheese in bowling green ky whataburger in lewisville tx mcdonalds in brenham tx chipotle in brooklyn ny genghis grill in dallas tx noodles company in alexandria va tropical smoothie in winter haven fl luckys teriyaki sedrowoolley wa and at the krystal restaurant in irondale al other incidents involved employees refusing to let an officer use the restroom in a philadelphia starbucks refusing service at a sunoco gas station in miramar fl writing black lives matter on an officers coffee cup at a dunkin donuts in providence ri and a walmart bakery in mcdonough ga refusing to bake a cake for a police officers retirement party these are just the incidents that have been made public
refusing service at a restaurant goes beyond gestures of disrespect law enforcement officers are concerned that instead of simply being denied service that their food will be tampered with for this reason many officers will only eat at restaurants where they can see the food being made this is a legitimate concern on aug in louisville ky five police officers were denied service at a taco bell when another employee took their orders they overheard a conversation between two employees making the food saying im going to mess with them which resulted in them walking out of the restaurant when officers have to fear what is being put in their food there can be no doubt that the war on police is a fullscale epidemic
the antipolice infection went viral on social media facebook twitter instagram and other social networks have hundreds of antipolice pages ridiculing disrespecting and threatening officers protests and riots are organized on social media and some users openly advocate and celebrate the killing of police officers the following are examples of popular hashtags ftp fuck the police bluelivesmurder acab all cops are bastards bluelivesdontmatter fuckcops fuckthemall apdk all police dept killer fryemlikebacon blacklivesmatter ferguson milwaukeeuprising and kaepernick
as the disease progresses more acute symptoms begin to manifest in acts of violence a particularly offensive indicator of the disorder is the desecration of fallen officer memorials memorials honoring officers killed in the line of duty have been attacked in philadelphia chicago albuquerque fresno denver new orleans oakland austin honolulu rochester san diego st paul covington richmond goshen fayetteville raleigh and many other cities across the country vandalism has involved everything from dousing in paint toppling and scratching granite burning to destroying a metal torch in order to extinguish the eternal flame in a previous article i described these acts as symbolic assassinations vandals target tributes to heroic officers because they want to appropriate the valor honor and respect that they think they have been deprived of this is another symptom of the antipolice disease a sense of entitlement and resentment that leads to both symbolic and actual attacks on law enforcement officers
at its most critical stage the antipolice disorder is lethal this is expressed in the dozens of ambushes and killings of police officers in the most acute phase of the disease some of those infected become homicidal and suicidal targeting and killing officers knowing that they will die in the incident a pattern has emerged that clearly demonstrates that attacks on police escalate from protest gestures to acts of vandalism to deadly shootings that inspire further demonstrations in a continual cycle of protest and violence consequently kaepernicks gesture is neither benign nor harmless it is one symptom in a deadly epidemic | english | | | hate | Real | obama wont vote america un | government truly alleviate poverty leftist policies made worse november thomas sowell political left keeps announcing new breakthrough discovery life unfair never read thomas grays elegy written country churchyard two half centuries ago economic historian david landes statement world never level playing field joint autobiography milton friedman wife rose say everywhere world gross inequities income wealth offend us fail moved contrast luxury enjoyed grinding poverty suffered others moreover professor friedman left behind foundation dedicated promoting school choice disadvantaged children could get better education better chance life political left saying think new breakthrough necessity progress important test evidence ever subjected notions one presented social vision left often nicholas kristof new york times one certain happen share vision dont get repeatedly declared mr kristofs essay growing poor america october th new york times classic example mindset left begins story poor black teenager arkansas raised single mom sometimes goes hungry home even one book television sets huge screens apparently money enough buy marijuana surely agree young fellow unpromising future prospects ahead human tragedy circumstances life unfair none us would want born circumstances moreover one many brought setting full dangers low probability improvement enough mr kristof political left general youngsters says society fail long fail us whoa society make decisions engage actions led teenager bad situation society acquire either omniscience omnipotence prevent left says society usually mean government apparently society means case kristof laments teenager kind person americas presidential candidates dont talk left chooses believe government intervention answer tragedies right expect rest us share belief surely could subject belief empirical test however triumphant decade wanted government intervention solve called social problems work things like social vision triumphed things like afterwards homicide victimization rates among black males going substantially homicide victimization rates reversed skyrocketed wiping progress two previous decades began black children born families mother father great welfare state expansion black children born single mother like youngster arkansas today kristofs essay also mentions teenage girl single mother suggests sex education could prevented getting pregnant teenage pregnancy going repeat reversed shot began bringing sex education vision schools across country similar trends occurred england similar visions policies also triumphed perhaps left doesnt get cannot face hard fact vision policies worsened things claimed would made better | 1 |
Bruce Thornton | 2016-11-01T07:32:54.546+02:00 | how trump happened | force and fanaticism wahhabism in saudi arabia and beyond is wahhabism a complete distortion of islam november raymond ibrahim
note in what follows shillman fellow raymond ibrahim reviews force and fanaticism wahhabism in saudi arabia and beyond by simon ross valentine a shorter version of the book review first appeared in the middle east quarterly fall vol no
valentine a british methodist pastor and teacher who taught in saudi arabia has written a useful book about the desert kingdom most interesting is its exploration of how the monarchy is the single greatest force in spreading islamic fundamentalism it has spent as much as billion to spread wahhabism in the west yet america and britain have been and are continuing to be implicit supporters of wahhabism
valentine discusses the background of how this unholy alliance came about he warns if the west simply ignores it saudi arabias role in international terrorism seems likely to worsen rather than conveniently disappear this is troubling considering that isis is saudi arabias latest monstrous contribution to world history
the author explores important topics including the mutawwa or religious police and provides useful historical context discussing the origins of wahhabism its alliance with the house of saud and the oil discoveries that changed everything
the books primary defect is standard valentine regularly insists that it is of the greatest importance to distinguish between wahhabism and islam generally anything good positive tolerant and peaceful is ascribed to islam anything bad negative intolerant and violentmisogyny draconian punishments execution of apostates intolerance for and discrimination against nonmuslimsis ascribed to wahhabism
this position appears to be based on the authors own cultural presuppositions thus he felt confused and puzzled to hear of wahhabi intolerance including the attempt to propagate their beliefs by force prompting him to wonder can you force someone to love god in all the conversations i had with ulema imams mutawa religious police and saudis generally there was never a mention of love the idea that god loved me just frightful talk of hell burning and future pain if i did not believe and accept the wahhabi faith
had valentine engaged in a critical reading of islamic doctrine and historyas opposed to projecting his christian notion of god onto islamhe wouldve known that muhammad followed by countless caliphs and sultans throughout the centuries did propagate their beliefs by force the overwhelming majority of todays muslim world was taken from nonmuslims by force and that although islam attributes characteristics to god love is not one of them
valentines readers wouldve benefit much more had he simply laid out his useful information concerning the inner workings of the saudi regime and its unholy alliance with the west without trying to tackle the deeper question of what islam really isleading to yet another book marred by islamic apologetics | english | | | hate | Real | antipolice epidemic | time investigating hillary attack women november good morning tuesday whos another silly attempt claim hillary clinton investigated rogue email setup shes woman gem comes robin lakoff berkeley professor sustained incoherence special pleading hillary clintons emailgate attack women emails public communication woman mad mad scared woman emailgate bitch hunt target hillary clinton us reason whole email flap legs candidate female imagine happening man name general petraeus thank nice day clinton guilty swf speaking female emailgate reminder us business shes must punished sake decent women everywhere much going around escalated quickly incoherently also im pretty sure whatever decade robin parodying channeling yes hillary clinton mess shes woman nothing anything else must albright rice werent center similar scandals candidate male would scolding scandal ideas would absurd men nearly absolute right freedom speech theory women creationists like say theory emailing classified information server avoid transparency regulations free speech illegal public officials genders heres hillary rodham clinton public standin bossy uppity ambitious women emails since woman decent women never doengaging highlevel public communicationwell must something wrong even cant quite find something illegally emailing classified information | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-11-01T07:32:54.859+02:00 | obama wont vote with america at the un | if government can truly alleviate poverty why have leftist policies only made it worse november thomas sowell
the political left keeps announcing as if it is a new breakthrough discovery of theirs that life is unfair
have they never read thomas grays elegy written in a country churchyard more than two and a half centuries ago what about economic historian david s landes statement the world has never been a level playing field
in the joint autobiography of milton friedman and his wife rose they say everywhere in the world there are gross inequities of income and wealth they offend most of us few can fail to be moved by the contrast between the luxury enjoyed by some and the grinding poverty suffered by others
moreover professor friedman left behind a foundation dedicated to promoting school choice so that disadvantaged children could get a better education for a better chance in life
what is it that the political left is saying that they think is so new such a breakthrough and such a necessity for progress more important what test of evidence if any have they ever subjected their notions to
no one has presented the social vision of the left more often than nicholas kristof of the new york times and no one has been more certain that those who do not happen to share his vision just dont get it as he has repeatedly declared
mr kristofs essay growing up poor in america in the october th new york times is a classic example of the mindset of the left
it begins with the story of a poor black teenager in arkansas being raised by a single mom sometimes he goes hungry and his home does not have even one book but it does have television sets with huge screens and apparently there is money enough to buy marijuana
surely we can all agree that this young fellow has very unpromising future prospects ahead of him and that this is a human tragedy the circumstances of his life are unfair to him and none of us would want to be born into such circumstances moreover he is just one of many who are brought up in a setting that is full of dangers and with a low probability of improvement
but that is not enough for mr kristof or for the political left in general of such youngsters he says as a society we fail them long before they fail us
whoa just when did society make the decisions and engage in the actions that have led to this teenager being in the bad situation he is in and just when did society acquire either the omniscience or the omnipotence to prevent it
when the left says society they usually mean government that is apparently what society means in this case for kristof laments that this teenager is the kind of person whom americas presidential candidates just dont talk about
if the left chooses to believe that government intervention is the answer to such tragedies that is their right but if they expect the rest of us to share that belief surely they could subject that belief to some empirical test but we can however
the s were the triumphant decade of those who wanted government intervention to solve what they called social problems how did that work out what were things like before this social vision triumphed and what were things like afterwards
homicide victimization rates among black males were going down substantially in the s and the s but homicide victimization rates reversed and skyrocketed in the s wiping out all the progress of the two previous decades
when the s began most black children were born into families with both a mother and a father after the great welfare state expansion during the s most black children were born to a single mother like the youngster in arkansas today
kristofs essay also mentions a teenage girl who is a single mother and suggests that sex education could have prevented her from getting pregnant teenage pregnancy was going down repeat down during the s it reversed and shot up after the s began bringing the sex education vision into schools across the country
very similar trends occurred in england after very similar visions and policies also triumphed there in the s perhaps it is the left that just doesnt get it or cannot face the hard fact that its own vision and policies worsened the very things they claimed would be made better | english | | | hate | Real | force fanaticism wahhabism saudi arabia beyond | head hillary transition project israel depressing november daniel greenfield hillarys people really dont like israel email like many recent leaks stars neera tanden tanden heads hillarykaine transition project email exchange john podesta head hillary campaign mar pm neera tanden email protected wrote israel depressing good lesson wing nuts ruthless every country john podesta replied bad | 1 |
Dawn Perlmutter | 2016-11-01T07:32:55.132+02:00 | the antipolice epidemic | time investigating hillary is an attack on all women november
good morning its tuesday
whos up for another silly attempt to claim that hillary clinton is only being investigated for her rogue email setup because shes a woman this gem comes from robin lakoff a berkeley professor in sustained incoherence and special pleading
hillary clintons emailgate is an attack on women
its not about emails its about public communication by a woman
i am mad i am mad because i am scared and if you are a woman you should be too emailgate is a bitch hunt but the target is not hillary clinton its us
the only reason the whole email flap has legs is because the candidate is female can you imagine this happening to a man
his name was general petraeus thank you have a nice day
clinton is guilty of swf speaking while female and emailgate is just a reminder to us all that she has no business doing what shes doing and must be punished for the sake of all decent women everywhere there is so much of that going around
that escalated quickly and incoherently also im pretty sure its not the s or whatever decade robin is parodying or channeling but yes hillary clinton is only in this mess because shes a woman it has nothing to do with anything else that must be why albright and rice werent in the center of similar scandals
if the candidate were male there would be no scolding and no scandal those very ideas would be absurd men have a nearly absolute right to freedom of speech in theory so do women but that as the creationists like to say is only a theory
emailing classified information on your server to avoid transparency regulations is not free speech its illegal for both public officials of both genders
but heres hillary rodham clinton the very public standin for all bossy uppity and ambitious women here are her emails and since its a woman doing what decent women should never doengaging in highlevel public communicationwell there must be something wrong with that even if we cant quite find that something
illegally emailing classified information | english | | | hate | Real | lefts vision | hillary campaign manager gets k month hillary donor linked economic collapse clintonworld giant sewer nothing surprise plummets infinite depths slime mold rotting carrion another day clintonworld john podesta draws salary campaign making per month sandler foundation run herb sandler politico reported sandlers ran world savings bank sold wachovia billion accused offering adjustablerate mortgages contributed housing collapse saturday night live got trouble depicted sandlers people shot time magazine listed one people blame financial crisis early sandlers world savings bank became first sell tricky home loan called option arm pushed mortgage offered several ways backload loan thereby reduce early payments increasing zeal misleading advertisements next two decades couple pocketed billion sold bank wachovia losses world savings loan portfolio led implosion wachovia sold duress late last year wells fargo notorious right wing comedy show saturday night live also featured sandlers october however saturday night live aired skit sandlers depicted predatory lenders names snl placed caption people shot compounding sandlers negative press time magazine list identified two people blame financial crisis new york times also labeled sandlers pariahs december times reportedthat mortgages typhoid mary housing crisis february cbss minutes also aired segment featured sandlers world savings bank one primary examples mortgage industry destroyed unleashed economic collapse hillarys campaign chief taking cash | 1 |
Raymond Ibrahim | 2016-11-01T07:32:55.554+02:00 | force and fanaticism wahhabism in saudi arabia and beyond | head of hillary transition project israel is depressing november daniel greenfield
hillarys people really dont like israel this email like many of the recent leaks stars neera tanden tanden heads the hillarykaine transition project the email exchange was with john podesta head of the hillary campaign
on mar pm neera tanden email protected wrote israel is depressing its a good lesson that the wing nuts are just ruthless in every country
john podesta replied bad | english | | | hate | Real | time investigating hillary attack women | lawyer kept hillary campaign chief jail doj hillary probe november daniel greenfield peter kadzik kept hillarys campaign chief jail hopes hillarys people gone warpath fbi allies obamas political appointees doj corner justice department official charge informing congress newly reactivated hillary clinton email probe political appointee former privatepractice lawyer kept clinton campaign chairman john podesta jail lobbied tax cheat later pardoned president bill clinton led effort confirm attorney general loretta lynch peter kadzik confirmed assistant attorney general legislative affairs june represented podesta independent counsel kenneth starr investigating podesta possible role helping exbill clinton intern mistress monica lewinsky land job united nations fantastic lawyer kept jail podesta wrote sept obama aide cassandra butts according emails hacked podestas gmail account posted wikileaks kadziks name surfaced multiple times regard fbis investigation democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton using private homebrewed server fbi director james comey informed congress thursday fbi reviving inquiry new evidence linked separate investigation discovered congressional leaders wrote department justice seeking information kadzik replied assure department continue work closely fbi together dedicate necessary resources take appropriate steps expeditiously possible kadzik wrote oct kadzik attorney dickstein shapiro llp years represented podesta clintonlewinsky investigation hired lobbyist tax cheat marc rich controversially granted pardon president bill clinton clintons final days office kadzik got job trusted white house chief staff john podesta considered useful person convey marc richs arguments mr podesta according house oversight committee report marc rich funny mention name fbi boss comey prosecutor case fbi recently released material investigation case theres lot clinton history coming full circle | 1 |
Thomas Sowell | 2016-11-01T07:32:55.748+02:00 | the lefts vision | hillary campaign manager gets k a month from hillary donor linked to economic collapse
clintonworld is a giant sewer nothing about it can surprise it plummets to infinite depths of slime mold and rotting carrion this is just another day in clintonworld
john podesta who draws no salary from the campaign is making per month from the sandler foundation run by herb sandler politico reported
the sandlers ran world savings bank which was sold to wachovia in for billion and which was accused of offering adjustablerate mortgages that contributed to the housing collapse
saturday night live got into trouble when it depicted the sandlers as people who should be shot time magazine listed them as one of people to blame for the financial crisis
in the early s the sandlers world savings bank became the first to sell a tricky home loan called the option arm and they pushed the mortgage which offered several ways to backload your loan and thereby reduce your early payments with increasing zeal and misleading advertisements over the next two decades the couple pocketed billion when they sold their bank to wachovia in but losses on world savings loan portfolio led to the implosion of wachovia which was sold under duress late last year to wells fargo
notorious right wing comedy show saturday night live also featured the sandlers
on october however saturday night live aired a skit in which the sandlers were depicted as predatory lenders under their names snl placed the caption people who should be shot compounding the sandlers negative press was a time magazine list that identified them as two of the people to blame for the financial crisis the new york times also labeled the sandlers pariahs and on december the times reportedthat their mortgages were the typhoid mary of the housing crisis on february cbss minutes also aired a segment that featured the sandlers world savings bank as one of the primary examples of how the mortgage industry had destroyed itself and unleashed an economic collapse
and this is whom hillarys campaign chief is taking cash from | english | | | hate | Real | head hillary transition project israel depressing | fbi releases files bill clintons cash pardons scandal november daniel greenfield fbi early present hillary clinton files time husband decided pardon wanted fugitive exchange cash fugitive fellow name marc rich prosecutor james comey fbi unexpectedly released pages documents related investigation closed without charges president bill clintons pardon marc rich married wealthy democratic donor unusual timing release result freedom information act request completed posted standard fbi practice according law enforcement official asked identified discussing internal matters clinton campaign immediately questioned timing release well course never especially wise pick fights people lot dirt investigation stemmed one several pardons clinton made last day presidency financier international fugitive marc rich whose exwife denise given democratic national committee entity would later become clinton foundation theres surprise guest files may seem dated invoke figures beyond clintons went play key roles official washington including comey served prosecutor charge legal case rich us attorney manhattan comey took criminal investigation clintons pardons stunned rich pardon comey wrote letter lawmakers clintons people fuming standard fioa request theres nothing big one things clintons gone jail didnt another | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-11-01T13:09:42.688+02:00 | time investigating hillary is an attack on all women | lawyer who kept hillary campaign chief out of jail in doj hillary probe november daniel greenfield
peter kadzik kept hillarys campaign chief out of jail and he hopes to do the same for her
hillarys people have gone on the warpath against the fbi their allies are obamas political appointees at the doj and this is who is in their corner
the justice department official in charge of informing congress about the newly reactivated hillary clinton email probe is a political appointee and former privatepractice lawyer who kept clinton campaign chairman john podesta out of jail lobbied for a tax cheat later pardoned by president bill clinton and led the effort to confirm attorney general loretta lynch
peter kadzik who was confirmed as assistant attorney general for legislative affairs in june represented podesta in when independent counsel kenneth starr was investigating podesta for his possible role in helping exbill clinton intern and mistress monica lewinsky land a job at the united nations
fantastic lawyer kept me out of jail podesta wrote on sept to obama aide cassandra butts according to emails hacked from podestas gmail account and posted by wikileaks
kadziks name has surfaced multiple times in regard to the fbis investigation of democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton for using a private homebrewed server after fbi director james comey informed congress on thursday the fbi was reviving its inquiry when new evidence linked to a separate investigation was discovered congressional leaders wrote to the department of justice seeking more information kadzik replied
we assure you that the department will continue to work closely with the fbi and together dedicate all necessary resources and take appropriate steps as expeditiously as possible kadzik wrote on oct
kadzik had been an attorney with dickstein shapiro llp for years before he represented podesta in the clintonlewinsky investigation he was hired in as a lobbyist for tax cheat marc rich who was controversially granted a pardon by president bill clinton during clintons final days in office kadzik got the job because he was trusted by white house chief of staff john podesta and was considered to be a useful person to convey marc richs arguments to mr podesta according to a house oversight committee report
marc rich funny you should mention his name fbi boss comey was the prosecutor in that case and the fbi recently released material from the investigation into that case
so theres a lot of clinton history coming full circle here | english | | | hate | Real | hillary campaign manager gets k month hillary donor linked economic collapse | hillary already planning fireworks victory celebration november people united states royal family law enforcement officials fdny told prepare bargelaunched pyrotechnic display manhattans javits center clinton running mate tim kaine join supporters nov vote count sources said aerial detonations would last two minutes triumphal celebration permitted start early pm mere halfhour polls close new york sources said fortunately pride never known come fall hubris notoriously positive trait negative consequences must hillary clinton polls facing yet another investigation feuding fbi cops firefighters blown away clintons hubris planning fireworks display would eclipse shower blazing sparkles preceded balloon drop julys democratic national convention little presumptuous plan winning guess put friday one nypd detective said others said actual election results could put damper things one firefighter raised specter style recount added whats going put fireworks ice arrogance truly unchecked | 1 |
Daniel Greenfield | 2016-11-01T13:09:43.088+02:00 | head of hillary transition project israel is depressing | fbi releases files on bill clintons cash for pardons scandal november daniel greenfield
the fbi has an early present for hillary clinton its the files from the time her husband decided to pardon a wanted fugitive in exchange for cash that fugitive was a fellow by the name of marc rich his prosecutor james comey
the fbi unexpectedly released pages of documents related to an investigation closed without charges in into president bill clintons pardon of marc rich who had been married to a wealthy democratic donor
the unusual timing of the release was the result of a freedom of information act request that had been completed and was posted under standard fbi practice according to a law enforcement official who asked not to be identified discussing internal matters but the clinton campaign immediately questioned the timing of the release
well of course it did its never especially wise to pick fights with people who have a lot of dirt on you
the investigation stemmed from one of several pardons clinton made on the last day of his presidency in that of financier and international fugitive marc rich whose exwife denise had given to the democratic national committee and the entity that would later become the clinton foundation
and theres a surprise guest
while the files may seem dated they invoke figures beyond the clintons who went on to play key roles in official washington including comey
he served as prosecutor in charge of a legal case against rich from to as the us attorney in manhattan in comey took over a criminal investigation of clintons pardons i was stunned at the rich pardon comey wrote in a letter to lawmakers in
clintons people are fuming but it was a standard fioa request and theres nothing big here its just one of those things the clintons should have gone to jail for but didnt another of those | english | | | hate | Real | lawyer kept hillary campaign chief jail doj hillary probe | obamas secret muslim list enemies israel irans goto guy appeared list november daniel greenfield daniel greenfield shillman journalism fellow freedom center new york writer focusing radical islam like warped islamic version santa claus obama secret muslim list people checked least twice list muslims prospects important jobs appointments included muslim described israel apartheid state irans goto guy new york financial circles number figures linked muslim brotherhood ultimate religious test administration vocally rejected obama claimed religious tests migration shameful american hear folks say well maybe admit christians muslims huffed turkey muslim host country run bigoted sponsor islamic terror dont religious tests insisted except obama also religious tests religious tests excluded christians favored muslims syrian refugees muslim christians yazidis even though groups real victims muslim religious war syria christian hundreds thousands displaced yet made past obamas iron curtain thats either islamic religious test worlds greatest coincidence would man piously lectured us evils religious tests really religious test course would hacked emails include list muslim american candidates top administration jobs subcabinet jobs outside boardsagenciespolicy committees list sent john podesta headed obamabiden transition project put together woman sat commission international religious freedom boasted excluded arab american background muslim eg george mitchell many lebanese americans example christian shameful american barack hussein obama listed appear muslimamerican except handful noted may arab american uncertain religion esp christian assured podesta religious tests line exclude muslims exclude christians thats pattern emerged obamabiden transition project obamas refugee policy clear pattern administration bias christians jews favor muslims bias obvious foreign policy backed islamic supremacist groups muslim brotherhood moderate governments expense nonmuslim populations policy led displacement death countless christians persecution entire communities administration denied safe harbor victims policies administration bias replicated bigoted policy home favored islamic candidates obama appointed farooq kathwari first name muslim list sent podesta presidents advisory commission asian americans pacific islanders muslim list email warned kathwaris yearold americaneducated son irfan aka imran killed fighting jihad russians afghanistan actions son may mujahedeen also apparently outraged indias defense kashmir less relevance kathwaris appearance isna conference another conference cosponsored muslim students association groups linked muslim brotherhood cochaired american muslim task force whose members included salam almarayati director muslim public affairs council defended hamas hezbollah yahya basha president american muslim council former board member muslim public affairs council assorted islamists report complained muslims inhibited donating charities run islamic terrorist groups hezbollah yahya basha also appeared obamas muslim list also listed mpacs aslam abdullah claimed zionists christians hindus behind war terror described israel apartheid state racist state second muslim list cyrus amirmokri named assistant treasury secretary became first iranian named high position defended iran nuclear sellout mokri attended meeting members iran lobby white house also reportedly advised obama iranian sanctions obama famously told nasa boss bolden one three tasks space agency muslim selfesteem bolden almost didnt make muslim list included two alternative candidates nasa administrator one dr charles elachi jpl dismissed possibly christian indeed elachi grew admiring john wayne believes american success possible isnt held back longstanding ingrained systems beliefs found middle east would rather poor fit deeply shameful unamerican potential nasa appointment questioned religion inappropriate religious test obama must apologize name list however firouz naderi iranian board member public affairs alliance iranian americans advocated support iran nuke sellout eboo patel whose name would frequently appear lists islamists obama administration first made appearance muslim list despite islamist ties got posting advisory council faithbased neighborhood partnerships also listed keith ellison andre carson larry shaw shaw sits board cair dilawar syed first name appear list possible appointments named obamas advisory commission asian americans pacific islanders syed cofounder chair asian americans pacific islander victory fund come hillary clinton secret muslim list describes animated policy issues relating muslim world similar description appended bio kashif zafar served cochair south asian american leadership council dnc also list hamid biglari bloomberg described biglari irans man new york iranian presidents goto guy new york financial circles biglari key iran lobby figure recently revealed secret muslim list deeply troubling religious test political appointments yet obama one people sought screen christians favor muslims represents behavior obamas words shameful american one cant help conclude based principles obama shameful american | 1 |