int64 0
| code
stringlengths 13
| declarations
stringlengths 16
3,500 | removeConnection(dependency: Dependency): void | class Dependency {
weak: boolean;
optional: boolean;
get type(): string;
get category(): string;
loc: DependencyLocation;
startLine?: any,
startColumn?: any,
endLine?: any,
endColumn?: any
): void;
getContext(): undefined | string;
getResourceIdentifier(): null | string;
couldAffectReferencingModule(): boolean | typeof TRANSITIVE;
* Returns the referenced module and export
getReference(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): never;
* Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): (string[] | ReferencedExport)[];
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
| null
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState);
* Returns the exported names
getExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): undefined | ExportsSpec;
* Returns warnings
getWarnings(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Returns errors
getErrors(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Update the hash
updateHash(hash: Hash, context: UpdateHashContextDependency): void;
* implement this method to allow the occurrence order plugin to count correctly
getNumberOfIdOccurrences(): number;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): ConnectionState;
createIgnoredModule(context: string): Module;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
module: any;
get disconnect(): any;
static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: string[][];
} |
3,501 | addExplanation(dependency: Dependency, explanation: string): void | class Dependency {
weak: boolean;
optional: boolean;
get type(): string;
get category(): string;
loc: DependencyLocation;
startLine?: any,
startColumn?: any,
endLine?: any,
endColumn?: any
): void;
getContext(): undefined | string;
getResourceIdentifier(): null | string;
couldAffectReferencingModule(): boolean | typeof TRANSITIVE;
* Returns the referenced module and export
getReference(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): never;
* Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): (string[] | ReferencedExport)[];
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
| null
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState);
* Returns the exported names
getExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): undefined | ExportsSpec;
* Returns warnings
getWarnings(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Returns errors
getErrors(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Update the hash
updateHash(hash: Hash, context: UpdateHashContextDependency): void;
* implement this method to allow the occurrence order plugin to count correctly
getNumberOfIdOccurrences(): number;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): ConnectionState;
createIgnoredModule(context: string): Module;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
module: any;
get disconnect(): any;
static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: string[][];
} |
3,502 | cloneModuleAttributes(sourceModule: Module, targetModule: Module): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,503 | cloneModuleAttributes(sourceModule: Module, targetModule: Module): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,504 | removeModuleAttributes(module: Module): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,505 | removeModuleAttributes(module: Module): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,506 | moveModuleConnections(
oldModule: Module,
newModule: Module,
filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,507 | moveModuleConnections(
oldModule: Module,
newModule: Module,
filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,508 | moveModuleConnections(
oldModule: Module,
newModule: Module,
filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
): void | class ModuleGraphConnection {
originModule: null | Module,
dependency: null | Dependency,
module: Module,
explanation?: string,
weak?: boolean,
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState)
originModule: null | Module;
resolvedOriginModule: null | Module;
dependency: null | Dependency;
resolvedModule: Module;
module: Module;
weak: boolean;
conditional: boolean;
condition: (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState;
explanations: Set<string>;
clone(): ModuleGraphConnection;
condition: (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState
): void;
addExplanation(explanation: string): void;
get explanation(): string;
active: void;
isActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
isTargetActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
getActiveState(runtime: RuntimeSpec): ConnectionState;
setActive(value: boolean): void;
static addConnectionStates: (
a: ConnectionState,
b: ConnectionState
) => ConnectionState;
} |
3,509 | (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean | class ModuleGraphConnection {
originModule: null | Module,
dependency: null | Dependency,
module: Module,
explanation?: string,
weak?: boolean,
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState)
originModule: null | Module;
resolvedOriginModule: null | Module;
dependency: null | Dependency;
resolvedModule: Module;
module: Module;
weak: boolean;
conditional: boolean;
condition: (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState;
explanations: Set<string>;
clone(): ModuleGraphConnection;
condition: (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState
): void;
addExplanation(explanation: string): void;
get explanation(): string;
active: void;
isActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
isTargetActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
getActiveState(runtime: RuntimeSpec): ConnectionState;
setActive(value: boolean): void;
static addConnectionStates: (
a: ConnectionState,
b: ConnectionState
) => ConnectionState;
} |
3,510 | copyOutgoingModuleConnections(
oldModule: Module,
newModule: Module,
filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,511 | copyOutgoingModuleConnections(
oldModule: Module,
newModule: Module,
filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,512 | copyOutgoingModuleConnections(
oldModule: Module,
newModule: Module,
filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
): void | class ModuleGraphConnection {
originModule: null | Module,
dependency: null | Dependency,
module: Module,
explanation?: string,
weak?: boolean,
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState)
originModule: null | Module;
resolvedOriginModule: null | Module;
dependency: null | Dependency;
resolvedModule: Module;
module: Module;
weak: boolean;
conditional: boolean;
condition: (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState;
explanations: Set<string>;
clone(): ModuleGraphConnection;
condition: (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState
): void;
addExplanation(explanation: string): void;
get explanation(): string;
active: void;
isActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
isTargetActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
getActiveState(runtime: RuntimeSpec): ConnectionState;
setActive(value: boolean): void;
static addConnectionStates: (
a: ConnectionState,
b: ConnectionState
) => ConnectionState;
} |
3,513 | addExtraReason(module: Module, explanation: string): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,514 | addExtraReason(module: Module, explanation: string): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,515 | getResolvedModule(dependency: Dependency): Module | class Dependency {
weak: boolean;
optional: boolean;
get type(): string;
get category(): string;
loc: DependencyLocation;
startLine?: any,
startColumn?: any,
endLine?: any,
endColumn?: any
): void;
getContext(): undefined | string;
getResourceIdentifier(): null | string;
couldAffectReferencingModule(): boolean | typeof TRANSITIVE;
* Returns the referenced module and export
getReference(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): never;
* Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): (string[] | ReferencedExport)[];
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
| null
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState);
* Returns the exported names
getExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): undefined | ExportsSpec;
* Returns warnings
getWarnings(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Returns errors
getErrors(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Update the hash
updateHash(hash: Hash, context: UpdateHashContextDependency): void;
* implement this method to allow the occurrence order plugin to count correctly
getNumberOfIdOccurrences(): number;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): ConnectionState;
createIgnoredModule(context: string): Module;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
module: any;
get disconnect(): any;
static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: string[][];
} |
3,516 | getConnection(dependency: Dependency): undefined | ModuleGraphConnection | class Dependency {
weak: boolean;
optional: boolean;
get type(): string;
get category(): string;
loc: DependencyLocation;
startLine?: any,
startColumn?: any,
endLine?: any,
endColumn?: any
): void;
getContext(): undefined | string;
getResourceIdentifier(): null | string;
couldAffectReferencingModule(): boolean | typeof TRANSITIVE;
* Returns the referenced module and export
getReference(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): never;
* Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): (string[] | ReferencedExport)[];
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
| null
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState);
* Returns the exported names
getExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): undefined | ExportsSpec;
* Returns warnings
getWarnings(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Returns errors
getErrors(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Update the hash
updateHash(hash: Hash, context: UpdateHashContextDependency): void;
* implement this method to allow the occurrence order plugin to count correctly
getNumberOfIdOccurrences(): number;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): ConnectionState;
createIgnoredModule(context: string): Module;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
module: any;
get disconnect(): any;
static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: string[][];
} |
3,517 | getModule(dependency: Dependency): Module | class Dependency {
weak: boolean;
optional: boolean;
get type(): string;
get category(): string;
loc: DependencyLocation;
startLine?: any,
startColumn?: any,
endLine?: any,
endColumn?: any
): void;
getContext(): undefined | string;
getResourceIdentifier(): null | string;
couldAffectReferencingModule(): boolean | typeof TRANSITIVE;
* Returns the referenced module and export
getReference(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): never;
* Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): (string[] | ReferencedExport)[];
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
| null
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState);
* Returns the exported names
getExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): undefined | ExportsSpec;
* Returns warnings
getWarnings(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Returns errors
getErrors(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Update the hash
updateHash(hash: Hash, context: UpdateHashContextDependency): void;
* implement this method to allow the occurrence order plugin to count correctly
getNumberOfIdOccurrences(): number;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): ConnectionState;
createIgnoredModule(context: string): Module;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
module: any;
get disconnect(): any;
static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: string[][];
} |
3,518 | getOrigin(dependency: Dependency): Module | class Dependency {
weak: boolean;
optional: boolean;
get type(): string;
get category(): string;
loc: DependencyLocation;
startLine?: any,
startColumn?: any,
endLine?: any,
endColumn?: any
): void;
getContext(): undefined | string;
getResourceIdentifier(): null | string;
couldAffectReferencingModule(): boolean | typeof TRANSITIVE;
* Returns the referenced module and export
getReference(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): never;
* Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): (string[] | ReferencedExport)[];
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
| null
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState);
* Returns the exported names
getExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): undefined | ExportsSpec;
* Returns warnings
getWarnings(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Returns errors
getErrors(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Update the hash
updateHash(hash: Hash, context: UpdateHashContextDependency): void;
* implement this method to allow the occurrence order plugin to count correctly
getNumberOfIdOccurrences(): number;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): ConnectionState;
createIgnoredModule(context: string): Module;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
module: any;
get disconnect(): any;
static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: string[][];
} |
3,519 | getResolvedOrigin(dependency: Dependency): Module | class Dependency {
weak: boolean;
optional: boolean;
get type(): string;
get category(): string;
loc: DependencyLocation;
startLine?: any,
startColumn?: any,
endLine?: any,
endColumn?: any
): void;
getContext(): undefined | string;
getResourceIdentifier(): null | string;
couldAffectReferencingModule(): boolean | typeof TRANSITIVE;
* Returns the referenced module and export
getReference(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): never;
* Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): (string[] | ReferencedExport)[];
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
| null
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState);
* Returns the exported names
getExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): undefined | ExportsSpec;
* Returns warnings
getWarnings(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Returns errors
getErrors(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Update the hash
updateHash(hash: Hash, context: UpdateHashContextDependency): void;
* implement this method to allow the occurrence order plugin to count correctly
getNumberOfIdOccurrences(): number;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): ConnectionState;
createIgnoredModule(context: string): Module;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
module: any;
get disconnect(): any;
static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: string[][];
} |
3,520 | getIncomingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection> | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,521 | getIncomingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection> | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,522 | getOutgoingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection> | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,523 | getOutgoingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection> | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,524 | getIncomingConnectionsByOriginModule(
module: Module
): Map<undefined | Module, ReadonlyArray<ModuleGraphConnection>> | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,525 | getIncomingConnectionsByOriginModule(
module: Module
): Map<undefined | Module, ReadonlyArray<ModuleGraphConnection>> | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,526 | getOutgoingConnectionsByModule(
module: Module
): undefined | Map<undefined | Module, ReadonlyArray<ModuleGraphConnection>> | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,527 | getOutgoingConnectionsByModule(
module: Module
): undefined | Map<undefined | Module, ReadonlyArray<ModuleGraphConnection>> | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,528 | getProfile(module: Module): null | ModuleProfile | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,529 | getProfile(module: Module): null | ModuleProfile | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,530 | setProfile(module: Module, profile: null | ModuleProfile): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,531 | setProfile(module: Module, profile: null | ModuleProfile): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,532 | getIssuer(module: Module): null | Module | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,533 | getIssuer(module: Module): null | Module | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,534 | setIssuer(module: Module, issuer: null | Module): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,535 | setIssuer(module: Module, issuer: null | Module): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,536 | setIssuerIfUnset(module: Module, issuer: null | Module): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,537 | setIssuerIfUnset(module: Module, issuer: null | Module): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,538 | getOptimizationBailout(
module: Module
): (string | ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string))[] | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,539 | getOptimizationBailout(
module: Module
): (string | ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string))[] | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,540 | getProvidedExports(module: Module): null | true | string[] | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,541 | getProvidedExports(module: Module): null | true | string[] | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,542 | isExportProvided(
module: Module,
exportName: string | string[]
): null | boolean | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,543 | isExportProvided(
module: Module,
exportName: string | string[]
): null | boolean | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,544 | getExportsInfo(module: Module): ExportsInfo | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,545 | getExportsInfo(module: Module): ExportsInfo | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,546 | getExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,547 | getExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,548 | getReadOnlyExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,549 | getReadOnlyExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,550 | getUsedExports(
module: Module,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): null | boolean | SortableSet<string> | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,551 | getUsedExports(
module: Module,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): null | boolean | SortableSet<string> | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,552 | getUsedExports(
module: Module,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): null | boolean | SortableSet<string> | type RuntimeSpec = undefined | string | SortableSet<string>; |
3,553 | getPreOrderIndex(module: Module): number | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,554 | getPreOrderIndex(module: Module): number | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,555 | getPostOrderIndex(module: Module): number | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,556 | getPostOrderIndex(module: Module): number | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,557 | setPreOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,558 | setPreOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,559 | setPreOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,560 | setPreOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,561 | setPostOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,562 | setPostOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,563 | setPostOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,564 | setPostOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,565 | getDepth(module: Module): number | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,566 | getDepth(module: Module): number | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,567 | setDepth(module: Module, depth: number): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,568 | setDepth(module: Module, depth: number): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,569 | setDepthIfLower(module: Module, depth: number): boolean | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,570 | setDepthIfLower(module: Module, depth: number): boolean | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,571 | isAsync(module: Module): boolean | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,572 | isAsync(module: Module): boolean | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,573 | setAsync(module: Module): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,574 | setAsync(module: Module): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,575 | (moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, ...args: T) => V | class ModuleGraph {
dependency: Dependency,
block: DependenciesBlock,
module: Module,
indexInBlock?: number
): void;
getParentModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getParentBlock(dependency: Dependency): DependenciesBlock;
getParentBlockIndex(dependency: Dependency): number;
originModule: Module,
dependency: Dependency,
module: Module
): void;
updateModule(dependency: Dependency, module: Module): void;
removeConnection(dependency: Dependency): void;
addExplanation(dependency: Dependency, explanation: string): void;
cloneModuleAttributes(sourceModule: Module, targetModule: Module): void;
removeModuleAttributes(module: Module): void;
removeAllModuleAttributes(): void;
oldModule: Module,
newModule: Module,
filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
): void;
oldModule: Module,
newModule: Module,
filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
): void;
addExtraReason(module: Module, explanation: string): void;
getResolvedModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getConnection(dependency: Dependency): undefined | ModuleGraphConnection;
getModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getOrigin(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getResolvedOrigin(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getIncomingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection>;
getOutgoingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection>;
module: Module
): Map<undefined | Module, ReadonlyArray<ModuleGraphConnection>>;
module: Module
): undefined | Map<undefined | Module, ReadonlyArray<ModuleGraphConnection>>;
getProfile(module: Module): null | ModuleProfile;
setProfile(module: Module, profile: null | ModuleProfile): void;
getIssuer(module: Module): null | Module;
setIssuer(module: Module, issuer: null | Module): void;
setIssuerIfUnset(module: Module, issuer: null | Module): void;
module: Module
): (string | ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string))[];
getProvidedExports(module: Module): null | true | string[];
module: Module,
exportName: string | string[]
): null | boolean;
getExportsInfo(module: Module): ExportsInfo;
getExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo;
getReadOnlyExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo;
module: Module,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
getPreOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
getPostOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
setPreOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
setPreOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean;
setPostOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
setPostOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean;
getDepth(module: Module): number;
setDepth(module: Module, depth: number): void;
setDepthIfLower(module: Module, depth: number): boolean;
isAsync(module: Module): boolean;
setAsync(module: Module): void;
getMeta(thing?: any): Object;
getMetaIfExisting(thing?: any): Object;
freeze(cacheStage?: string): void;
unfreeze(): void;
cached<T extends any[], V>(
fn: (moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, ...args: T) => V,
...args: T
): V;
moduleMemCaches: Map<Module, WeakTupleMap<any, any>>
): void;
dependencyCacheProvide(dependency: Dependency, ...args: any[]): any;
static getModuleGraphForModule(
module: Module,
deprecateMessage: string,
deprecationCode: string
): ModuleGraph;
static setModuleGraphForModule(
module: Module,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): void;
static clearModuleGraphForModule(module: Module): void;
static ModuleGraphConnection: typeof ModuleGraphConnection;
} |
3,576 | dependencyCacheProvide(dependency: Dependency, ...args: any[]): any | class Dependency {
weak: boolean;
optional: boolean;
get type(): string;
get category(): string;
loc: DependencyLocation;
startLine?: any,
startColumn?: any,
endLine?: any,
endColumn?: any
): void;
getContext(): undefined | string;
getResourceIdentifier(): null | string;
couldAffectReferencingModule(): boolean | typeof TRANSITIVE;
* Returns the referenced module and export
getReference(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): never;
* Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): (string[] | ReferencedExport)[];
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
| null
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState);
* Returns the exported names
getExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): undefined | ExportsSpec;
* Returns warnings
getWarnings(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Returns errors
getErrors(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
* Update the hash
updateHash(hash: Hash, context: UpdateHashContextDependency): void;
* implement this method to allow the occurrence order plugin to count correctly
getNumberOfIdOccurrences(): number;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): ConnectionState;
createIgnoredModule(context: string): Module;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
module: any;
get disconnect(): any;
static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: string[][];
} |
3,577 | static getModuleGraphForModule(
module: Module,
deprecateMessage: string,
deprecationCode: string
): ModuleGraph | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,578 | static getModuleGraphForModule(
module: Module,
deprecateMessage: string,
deprecationCode: string
): ModuleGraph | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,579 | static setModuleGraphForModule(
module: Module,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): void | class ModuleGraph {
dependency: Dependency,
block: DependenciesBlock,
module: Module,
indexInBlock?: number
): void;
getParentModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getParentBlock(dependency: Dependency): DependenciesBlock;
getParentBlockIndex(dependency: Dependency): number;
originModule: Module,
dependency: Dependency,
module: Module
): void;
updateModule(dependency: Dependency, module: Module): void;
removeConnection(dependency: Dependency): void;
addExplanation(dependency: Dependency, explanation: string): void;
cloneModuleAttributes(sourceModule: Module, targetModule: Module): void;
removeModuleAttributes(module: Module): void;
removeAllModuleAttributes(): void;
oldModule: Module,
newModule: Module,
filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
): void;
oldModule: Module,
newModule: Module,
filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
): void;
addExtraReason(module: Module, explanation: string): void;
getResolvedModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getConnection(dependency: Dependency): undefined | ModuleGraphConnection;
getModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getOrigin(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getResolvedOrigin(dependency: Dependency): Module;
getIncomingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection>;
getOutgoingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection>;
module: Module
): Map<undefined | Module, ReadonlyArray<ModuleGraphConnection>>;
module: Module
): undefined | Map<undefined | Module, ReadonlyArray<ModuleGraphConnection>>;
getProfile(module: Module): null | ModuleProfile;
setProfile(module: Module, profile: null | ModuleProfile): void;
getIssuer(module: Module): null | Module;
setIssuer(module: Module, issuer: null | Module): void;
setIssuerIfUnset(module: Module, issuer: null | Module): void;
module: Module
): (string | ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string))[];
getProvidedExports(module: Module): null | true | string[];
module: Module,
exportName: string | string[]
): null | boolean;
getExportsInfo(module: Module): ExportsInfo;
getExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo;
getReadOnlyExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo;
module: Module,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
getPreOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
getPostOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
setPreOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
setPreOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean;
setPostOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
setPostOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean;
getDepth(module: Module): number;
setDepth(module: Module, depth: number): void;
setDepthIfLower(module: Module, depth: number): boolean;
isAsync(module: Module): boolean;
setAsync(module: Module): void;
getMeta(thing?: any): Object;
getMetaIfExisting(thing?: any): Object;
freeze(cacheStage?: string): void;
unfreeze(): void;
cached<T extends any[], V>(
fn: (moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, ...args: T) => V,
...args: T
): V;
moduleMemCaches: Map<Module, WeakTupleMap<any, any>>
): void;
dependencyCacheProvide(dependency: Dependency, ...args: any[]): any;
static getModuleGraphForModule(
module: Module,
deprecateMessage: string,
deprecationCode: string
): ModuleGraph;
static setModuleGraphForModule(
module: Module,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): void;
static clearModuleGraphForModule(module: Module): void;
static ModuleGraphConnection: typeof ModuleGraphConnection;
} |
3,580 | static setModuleGraphForModule(
module: Module,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,581 | static setModuleGraphForModule(
module: Module,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,582 | static clearModuleGraphForModule(module: Module): void | interface Module {
hot: webpack.Hot;
} |
3,583 | static clearModuleGraphForModule(module: Module): void | class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
type: string;
context: null | string;
layer: null | string;
needId: boolean;
debugId: number;
resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
factoryMeta?: object;
useSourceMap: boolean;
useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
buildMeta: BuildMeta;
buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
codeGenerationDependencies?: Dependency[];
id: string | number;
get hash(): string;
get renderedHash(): string;
profile: null | ModuleProfile;
index: number;
index2: number;
depth: number;
issuer: null | Module;
get usedExports(): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
get optimizationBailout(): (
| string
| ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
get optional(): boolean;
addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
isEntryModule(): boolean;
getChunks(): Chunk[];
getNumberOfChunks(): number;
get chunksIterable(): Iterable<Chunk>;
isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
get exportsArgument(): string;
get moduleArgument(): string;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
strict: boolean
): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
addCodeGenerationDependency(codeGenerationDependency: Dependency): void;
addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
addError(error: WebpackError): void;
getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
getNumberOfErrors(): number;
* removes all warnings and errors
clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunk: Chunk,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
ignoreChunk?: Chunk
): boolean;
chunk: Chunk,
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
): boolean;
hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
context: NeedBuildContext,
callback: (arg0?: null | WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
): void;
fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
): boolean;
invalidateBuild(): void;
identifier(): string;
readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
compilation: Compilation,
resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
fs: InputFileSystem,
callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
): void;
getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
type?: string
): Source;
size(type?: string): number;
libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
nameForCondition(): null | string;
context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
): undefined | string;
getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
* the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
* and properties.
updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
* Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
* This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
* Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
cleanupForCache(): void;
originalSource(): null | Source;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
): void;
get hasEqualsChunks(): any;
get isUsed(): any;
get errors(): any;
get warnings(): any;
used: any;
} |
3,584 | (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState | type RuntimeSpec = undefined | string | SortableSet<string>; |
3,585 | (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState | class ModuleGraphConnection {
originModule: null | Module,
dependency: null | Dependency,
module: Module,
explanation?: string,
weak?: boolean,
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState)
originModule: null | Module;
resolvedOriginModule: null | Module;
dependency: null | Dependency;
resolvedModule: Module;
module: Module;
weak: boolean;
conditional: boolean;
condition: (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState;
explanations: Set<string>;
clone(): ModuleGraphConnection;
condition: (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState
): void;
addExplanation(explanation: string): void;
get explanation(): string;
active: void;
isActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
isTargetActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
getActiveState(runtime: RuntimeSpec): ConnectionState;
setActive(value: boolean): void;
static addConnectionStates: (
a: ConnectionState,
b: ConnectionState
) => ConnectionState;
} |
3,586 | (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState | type RuntimeSpec = undefined | string | SortableSet<string>; |
3,587 | (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState | class ModuleGraphConnection {
originModule: null | Module,
dependency: null | Dependency,
module: Module,
explanation?: string,
weak?: boolean,
| false
| ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState)
originModule: null | Module;
resolvedOriginModule: null | Module;
dependency: null | Dependency;
resolvedModule: Module;
module: Module;
weak: boolean;
conditional: boolean;
condition: (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState;
explanations: Set<string>;
clone(): ModuleGraphConnection;
condition: (
arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
arg1: RuntimeSpec
) => ConnectionState
): void;
addExplanation(explanation: string): void;
get explanation(): string;
active: void;
isActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
isTargetActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
getActiveState(runtime: RuntimeSpec): ConnectionState;
setActive(value: boolean): void;
static addConnectionStates: (
a: ConnectionState,
b: ConnectionState
) => ConnectionState;
} |
3,588 | isActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean | type RuntimeSpec = undefined | string | SortableSet<string>; |
3,589 | isTargetActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean | type RuntimeSpec = undefined | string | SortableSet<string>; |
3,590 | getActiveState(runtime: RuntimeSpec): ConnectionState | type RuntimeSpec = undefined | string | SortableSet<string>; |
3,591 | (
a: ConnectionState,
b: ConnectionState
) => ConnectionState | type ConnectionState =
| boolean
3,592 | setDependencies(compiler: Compiler, dependencies: string[]): void | class Compiler {
constructor(context: string, options?: WebpackOptionsNormalized);
hooks: Readonly<{
initialize: SyncHook<[]>;
shouldEmit: SyncBailHook<[Compilation], boolean>;
done: AsyncSeriesHook<[Stats]>;
afterDone: SyncHook<[Stats]>;
additionalPass: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
beforeRun: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
run: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
emit: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
assetEmitted: AsyncSeriesHook<[string, AssetEmittedInfo]>;
afterEmit: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
thisCompilation: SyncHook<[Compilation, CompilationParams]>;
compilation: SyncHook<[Compilation, CompilationParams]>;
normalModuleFactory: SyncHook<[NormalModuleFactory]>;
contextModuleFactory: SyncHook<[ContextModuleFactory]>;
beforeCompile: AsyncSeriesHook<[CompilationParams]>;
compile: SyncHook<[CompilationParams]>;
make: AsyncParallelHook<[Compilation]>;
finishMake: AsyncParallelHook<[Compilation]>;
afterCompile: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
readRecords: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
emitRecords: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
watchRun: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
failed: SyncHook<[Error]>;
invalid: SyncHook<[null | string, number]>;
watchClose: SyncHook<[]>;
shutdown: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
infrastructureLog: SyncBailHook<[string, string, any[]], true>;
environment: SyncHook<[]>;
afterEnvironment: SyncHook<[]>;
afterPlugins: SyncHook<[Compiler]>;
afterResolvers: SyncHook<[Compiler]>;
entryOption: SyncBailHook<[string, EntryNormalized], boolean>;
webpack: typeof exports;
name?: string;
parentCompilation?: Compilation;
root: Compiler;
outputPath: string;
watching: Watching;
outputFileSystem: OutputFileSystem;
intermediateFileSystem: IntermediateFileSystem;
inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem;
watchFileSystem: WatchFileSystem;
recordsInputPath: null | string;
recordsOutputPath: null | string;
records: object;
managedPaths: Set<string | RegExp>;
immutablePaths: Set<string | RegExp>;
modifiedFiles: ReadonlySet<string>;
removedFiles: ReadonlySet<string>;
fileTimestamps: ReadonlyMap<string, null | FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">;
contextTimestamps: ReadonlyMap<string, null | FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">;
fsStartTime: number;
resolverFactory: ResolverFactory;
infrastructureLogger: any;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized;
context: string;
requestShortener: RequestShortener;
cache: Cache;
moduleMemCaches?: Map<
buildInfo: object;
references: WeakMap<Dependency, Module>;
memCache: WeakTupleMap<any, any>;
compilerPath: string;
running: boolean;
idle: boolean;
watchMode: boolean;
getCache(name: string): CacheFacade;
getInfrastructureLogger(name: string | (() => string)): WebpackLogger;
watch(watchOptions: WatchOptions, handler: CallbackFunction<Stats>): Watching;
run(callback: CallbackFunction<Stats>): void;
callback: (
err?: null | Error,
entries?: Chunk[],
compilation?: Compilation
) => any
): void;
purgeInputFileSystem(): void;
emitAssets(compilation: Compilation, callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
emitRecords(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
readRecords(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
compilation: Compilation,
compilerName: string,
compilerIndex: number,
outputOptions?: OutputNormalized,
plugins?: WebpackPluginInstance[]
): Compiler;
isChild(): boolean;
createCompilation(params?: any): Compilation;
newCompilation(params: CompilationParams): Compilation;
createNormalModuleFactory(): NormalModuleFactory;
createContextModuleFactory(): ContextModuleFactory;
newCompilationParams(): {
normalModuleFactory: NormalModuleFactory;
contextModuleFactory: ContextModuleFactory;
compile(callback: CallbackFunction<Compilation>): void;
close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
} |
3,593 | (compiler: Compiler, callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>) => any | class Compiler {
constructor(context: string, options?: WebpackOptionsNormalized);
hooks: Readonly<{
initialize: SyncHook<[]>;
shouldEmit: SyncBailHook<[Compilation], boolean>;
done: AsyncSeriesHook<[Stats]>;
afterDone: SyncHook<[Stats]>;
additionalPass: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
beforeRun: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
run: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
emit: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
assetEmitted: AsyncSeriesHook<[string, AssetEmittedInfo]>;
afterEmit: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
thisCompilation: SyncHook<[Compilation, CompilationParams]>;
compilation: SyncHook<[Compilation, CompilationParams]>;
normalModuleFactory: SyncHook<[NormalModuleFactory]>;
contextModuleFactory: SyncHook<[ContextModuleFactory]>;
beforeCompile: AsyncSeriesHook<[CompilationParams]>;
compile: SyncHook<[CompilationParams]>;
make: AsyncParallelHook<[Compilation]>;
finishMake: AsyncParallelHook<[Compilation]>;
afterCompile: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
readRecords: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
emitRecords: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
watchRun: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
failed: SyncHook<[Error]>;
invalid: SyncHook<[null | string, number]>;
watchClose: SyncHook<[]>;
shutdown: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
infrastructureLog: SyncBailHook<[string, string, any[]], true>;
environment: SyncHook<[]>;
afterEnvironment: SyncHook<[]>;
afterPlugins: SyncHook<[Compiler]>;
afterResolvers: SyncHook<[Compiler]>;
entryOption: SyncBailHook<[string, EntryNormalized], boolean>;
webpack: typeof exports;
name?: string;
parentCompilation?: Compilation;
root: Compiler;
outputPath: string;
watching: Watching;
outputFileSystem: OutputFileSystem;
intermediateFileSystem: IntermediateFileSystem;
inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem;
watchFileSystem: WatchFileSystem;
recordsInputPath: null | string;
recordsOutputPath: null | string;
records: object;
managedPaths: Set<string | RegExp>;
immutablePaths: Set<string | RegExp>;
modifiedFiles: ReadonlySet<string>;
removedFiles: ReadonlySet<string>;
fileTimestamps: ReadonlyMap<string, null | FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">;
contextTimestamps: ReadonlyMap<string, null | FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">;
fsStartTime: number;
resolverFactory: ResolverFactory;
infrastructureLogger: any;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized;
context: string;
requestShortener: RequestShortener;
cache: Cache;
moduleMemCaches?: Map<
buildInfo: object;
references: WeakMap<Dependency, Module>;
memCache: WeakTupleMap<any, any>;
compilerPath: string;
running: boolean;
idle: boolean;
watchMode: boolean;
getCache(name: string): CacheFacade;
getInfrastructureLogger(name: string | (() => string)): WebpackLogger;
watch(watchOptions: WatchOptions, handler: CallbackFunction<Stats>): Watching;
run(callback: CallbackFunction<Stats>): void;
callback: (
err?: null | Error,
entries?: Chunk[],
compilation?: Compilation
) => any
): void;
purgeInputFileSystem(): void;
emitAssets(compilation: Compilation, callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
emitRecords(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
readRecords(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
compilation: Compilation,
compilerName: string,
compilerIndex: number,
outputOptions?: OutputNormalized,
plugins?: WebpackPluginInstance[]
): Compiler;
isChild(): boolean;
createCompilation(params?: any): Compilation;
newCompilation(params: CompilationParams): Compilation;
createNormalModuleFactory(): NormalModuleFactory;
createContextModuleFactory(): ContextModuleFactory;
newCompilationParams(): {
normalModuleFactory: NormalModuleFactory;
contextModuleFactory: ContextModuleFactory;
compile(callback: CallbackFunction<Compilation>): void;
close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
} |
3,594 | constructor(__0: NormalModuleCreateData) | interface NormalModuleCreateData {
* an optional layer in which the module is
layer?: string;
* module type
type: string;
* request string
request: string;
* request intended by user (without loaders from config)
userRequest: string;
* request without resolving
rawRequest: string;
* list of loaders
loaders: LoaderItem[];
* path + query of the real resource
resource: string;
* resource resolve data
resourceResolveData?: Record<string, any>;
* context directory for resolving
context: string;
* path + query of the matched resource (virtual)
matchResource?: string;
* the parser used
parser: Parser;
* the options of the parser used
parserOptions?: Record<string, any>;
* the generator used
generator: Generator;
* the options of the generator used
generatorOptions?: Record<string, any>;
* options used for resolving requests from this module
resolveOptions?: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
} |
3,595 | markModuleAsErrored(error: WebpackError): void | class WebpackError extends Error {
* Creates an instance of WebpackError.
constructor(message?: string);
details: any;
module: Module;
loc: DependencyLocation;
hideStack: boolean;
chunk: Chunk;
file: string;
serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
* Create .stack property on a target object
static captureStackTrace(
targetObject: object,
constructorOpt?: Function
): void;
* Optional override for formatting stack traces
static prepareStackTrace?: (
err: Error,
stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]
) => any;
static stackTraceLimit: number;
} |
3,596 | static getCompilationHooks(
compilation: Compilation
): NormalModuleCompilationHooks | class Compilation {
* Creates an instance of Compilation.
constructor(compiler: Compiler, params: CompilationParams);
hooks: Readonly<{
buildModule: SyncHook<[Module]>;
rebuildModule: SyncHook<[Module]>;
failedModule: SyncHook<[Module, WebpackError]>;
succeedModule: SyncHook<[Module]>;
stillValidModule: SyncHook<[Module]>;
addEntry: SyncHook<[Dependency, EntryOptions]>;
failedEntry: SyncHook<[Dependency, EntryOptions, Error]>;
succeedEntry: SyncHook<[Dependency, EntryOptions, Module]>;
dependencyReferencedExports: SyncWaterfallHook<
[(string[] | ReferencedExport)[], Dependency, RuntimeSpec]
executeModule: SyncHook<[ExecuteModuleArgument, ExecuteModuleContext]>;
prepareModuleExecution: AsyncParallelHook<
[ExecuteModuleArgument, ExecuteModuleContext]
finishModules: AsyncSeriesHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
finishRebuildingModule: AsyncSeriesHook<[Module]>;
unseal: SyncHook<[]>;
seal: SyncHook<[]>;
beforeChunks: SyncHook<[]>;
afterChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>]>;
optimizeDependencies: SyncBailHook<[Iterable<Module>], any>;
afterOptimizeDependencies: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
optimize: SyncHook<[]>;
optimizeModules: SyncBailHook<[Iterable<Module>], any>;
afterOptimizeModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
optimizeChunks: SyncBailHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, ChunkGroup[]], any>;
afterOptimizeChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, ChunkGroup[]]>;
optimizeTree: AsyncSeriesHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>]>;
afterOptimizeTree: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>]>;
optimizeChunkModules: AsyncSeriesBailHook<
[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>],
afterOptimizeChunkModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>]>;
shouldRecord: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
additionalChunkRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<
[Chunk, Set<string>, RuntimeRequirementsContext]
runtimeRequirementInChunk: HookMap<
SyncBailHook<[Chunk, Set<string>, RuntimeRequirementsContext], any>
additionalModuleRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<
[Module, Set<string>, RuntimeRequirementsContext]
runtimeRequirementInModule: HookMap<
SyncBailHook<[Module, Set<string>, RuntimeRequirementsContext], any>
additionalTreeRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<
[Chunk, Set<string>, RuntimeRequirementsContext]
runtimeRequirementInTree: HookMap<
SyncBailHook<[Chunk, Set<string>, RuntimeRequirementsContext], any>
runtimeModule: SyncHook<[RuntimeModule, Chunk]>;
reviveModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>, any]>;
beforeModuleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
moduleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
optimizeModuleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
afterOptimizeModuleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
reviveChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, any]>;
beforeChunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>]>;
chunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>]>;
optimizeChunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>]>;
afterOptimizeChunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>]>;
recordModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>, any]>;
recordChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, any]>;
optimizeCodeGeneration: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
beforeModuleHash: SyncHook<[]>;
afterModuleHash: SyncHook<[]>;
beforeCodeGeneration: SyncHook<[]>;
afterCodeGeneration: SyncHook<[]>;
beforeRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[]>;
afterRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[]>;
beforeHash: SyncHook<[]>;
contentHash: SyncHook<[Chunk]>;
afterHash: SyncHook<[]>;
recordHash: SyncHook<[any]>;
record: SyncHook<[Compilation, any]>;
beforeModuleAssets: SyncHook<[]>;
shouldGenerateChunkAssets: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
beforeChunkAssets: SyncHook<[]>;
additionalChunkAssets: FakeHook<
"name" | "tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise"
additionalAssets: FakeHook<
Pick<AsyncSeriesHook<[]>, "name" | "tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise">
optimizeChunkAssets: FakeHook<
"name" | "tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise"
afterOptimizeChunkAssets: FakeHook<
"name" | "tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise"
optimizeAssets: AsyncSeriesHook<
afterOptimizeAssets: SyncHook<[CompilationAssets]>;
processAssets: AsyncSeriesHook<
afterProcessAssets: SyncHook<[CompilationAssets]>;
processAdditionalAssets: AsyncSeriesHook<[CompilationAssets]>;
needAdditionalSeal: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
afterSeal: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
renderManifest: SyncWaterfallHook<
[RenderManifestEntry[], RenderManifestOptions]
fullHash: SyncHook<[Hash]>;
chunkHash: SyncHook<[Chunk, Hash, ChunkHashContext]>;
moduleAsset: SyncHook<[Module, string]>;
chunkAsset: SyncHook<[Chunk, string]>;
assetPath: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, object, AssetInfo]>;
needAdditionalPass: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
childCompiler: SyncHook<[Compiler, string, number]>;
log: SyncBailHook<[string, LogEntry], true>;
processWarnings: SyncWaterfallHook<[WebpackError[]]>;
processErrors: SyncWaterfallHook<[WebpackError[]]>;
statsPreset: HookMap<
SyncHook<[Partial<NormalizedStatsOptions>, CreateStatsOptionsContext]>
statsNormalize: SyncHook<
[Partial<NormalizedStatsOptions>, CreateStatsOptionsContext]
statsFactory: SyncHook<[StatsFactory, NormalizedStatsOptions]>;
statsPrinter: SyncHook<[StatsPrinter, NormalizedStatsOptions]>;
get normalModuleLoader(): SyncHook<[object, NormalModule]>;
name?: string;
startTime: any;
endTime: any;
compiler: Compiler;
resolverFactory: ResolverFactory;
inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem;
fileSystemInfo: FileSystemInfo;
valueCacheVersions: Map<string, string | Set<string>>;
requestShortener: RequestShortener;
compilerPath: string;
logger: WebpackLogger;
options: WebpackOptionsNormalized;
outputOptions: OutputNormalized;
bail: boolean;
profile: boolean;
params: CompilationParams;
mainTemplate: MainTemplate;
chunkTemplate: ChunkTemplate;
runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
moduleTemplates: { javascript: ModuleTemplate };
moduleMemCaches?: Map<Module, WeakTupleMap<any, any>>;
moduleMemCaches2?: Map<Module, WeakTupleMap<any, any>>;
moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
codeGenerationResults: CodeGenerationResults;
processDependenciesQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, Module, Module>;
addModuleQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, string, Module>;
factorizeQueue: AsyncQueue<
Module | ModuleFactoryResult
buildQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, Module, Module>;
rebuildQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, Module, Module>;
* Modules in value are building during the build of Module in key.
* Means value blocking key from finishing.
* Needed to detect build cycles.
creatingModuleDuringBuild: WeakMap<Module, Set<Module>>;
entries: Map<string, EntryData>;
globalEntry: EntryData;
entrypoints: Map<string, Entrypoint>;
asyncEntrypoints: Entrypoint[];
chunks: Set<Chunk>;
chunkGroups: ChunkGroup[];
namedChunkGroups: Map<string, ChunkGroup>;
namedChunks: Map<string, Chunk>;
modules: Set<Module>;
records: any;
additionalChunkAssets: string[];
assets: CompilationAssets;
assetsInfo: Map<string, AssetInfo>;
errors: WebpackError[];
warnings: WebpackError[];
children: Compilation[];
logging: Map<string, LogEntry[]>;
dependencyFactories: Map<DepConstructor, ModuleFactory>;
dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
childrenCounters: object;
usedChunkIds: Set<string | number>;
usedModuleIds: Set<number>;
needAdditionalPass: boolean;
builtModules: WeakSet<Module>;
codeGeneratedModules: WeakSet<Module>;
buildTimeExecutedModules: WeakSet<Module>;
emittedAssets: Set<string>;
comparedForEmitAssets: Set<string>;
fileDependencies: LazySet<string>;
contextDependencies: LazySet<string>;
missingDependencies: LazySet<string>;
buildDependencies: LazySet<string>;
compilationDependencies: { add: (item?: any) => LazySet<string> };
getStats(): Stats;
optionsOrPreset: string | StatsOptions,
context?: CreateStatsOptionsContext
): NormalizedStatsOptions;
createStatsFactory(options?: any): StatsFactory;
createStatsPrinter(options?: any): StatsPrinter;
getCache(name: string): CacheFacade;
getLogger(name: string | (() => string)): WebpackLogger;
module: Module,
callback: (err?: null | WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
* Fetches a module from a compilation by its identifier
getModule(module: Module): Module;
* Attempts to search for a module by its identifier
findModule(identifier: string): undefined | Module;
* Schedules a build of the module object
module: Module,
callback: (err?: null | WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
module: Module,
callback: (err?: null | WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
processModuleDependenciesNonRecursive(module: Module): void;
__0: HandleModuleCreationOptions,
callback: (err?: null | WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
context: string,
dependency: Dependency,
callback: (err?: null | WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
__0: {
* context string path
context: string;
* dependency used to create Module chain
dependency: Dependency;
* additional context info for the root module
contextInfo?: Partial<ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo>;
callback: (err?: null | WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
context: string,
entry: Dependency,
optionsOrName: string | EntryOptions,
callback: (err?: null | WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
context: string,
dependency: Dependency,
options: EntryOptions,
callback: (err?: null | WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
module: Module,
callback: (err?: null | WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
finish(callback?: any): void;
unseal(): void;
seal(callback: (err?: null | WebpackError) => void): void;
module: Module,
blocks: DependenciesBlock[]
): boolean;
codeGeneration(callback?: any): void;
processRuntimeRequirements(__0?: {
* the chunk graph
chunkGraph?: ChunkGraph;
* modules
modules?: Iterable<Module>;
* chunks
chunks?: Iterable<Chunk>;
* codeGenerationResults
codeGenerationResults?: CodeGenerationResults;
* chunkGraphEntries
chunkGraphEntries?: Iterable<Chunk>;
}): void;
chunk: Chunk,
module: RuntimeModule,
chunkGraph?: ChunkGraph
): void;
* If `module` is passed, `loc` and `request` must also be passed.
groupOptions: string | ChunkGroupOptions,
module?: Module,
loc?: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation,
request?: string
): ChunkGroup;
options: EntryOptions,
module: Module,
loc: DependencyLocation,
request: string
): Entrypoint;
* This method first looks to see if a name is provided for a new chunk,
* and first looks to see if any named chunks already exist and reuse that chunk instead.
addChunk(name?: string): Chunk;
assignDepth(module: Module): void;
assignDepths(modules: Set<Module>): void;
dependency: Dependency,
runtime: RuntimeSpec
): (string[] | ReferencedExport)[];
module: Module,
block: DependenciesBlockLike
): void;
patchChunksAfterReasonRemoval(module: Module, chunk: Chunk): void;
removeChunkFromDependencies(block: DependenciesBlock, chunk: Chunk): void;
assignRuntimeIds(): void;
sortItemsWithChunkIds(): void;
summarizeDependencies(): void;
createModuleHashes(): void;
createHash(): {
module: Module;
hash: string;
runtime: RuntimeSpec;
runtimes: RuntimeSpec[];
fullHash?: string;
hash?: string;
emitAsset(file: string, source: Source, assetInfo?: AssetInfo): void;
file: string,
newSourceOrFunction: Source | ((arg0: Source) => Source),
assetInfoUpdateOrFunction?: AssetInfo | ((arg0?: AssetInfo) => AssetInfo)
): void;
renameAsset(file?: any, newFile?: any): void;
deleteAsset(file: string): void;
getAssets(): Readonly<Asset>[];
getAsset(name: string): undefined | Readonly<Asset>;
clearAssets(): void;
createModuleAssets(): void;
getRenderManifest(options: RenderManifestOptions): RenderManifestEntry[];
createChunkAssets(callback: (err?: null | WebpackError) => void): void;
filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string),
data?: PathData
): string;
filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string),
data?: PathData
): { path: string; info: AssetInfo };
filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string),
data: PathData
): string;
filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string),
data: PathData
): { path: string; info: AssetInfo };
getWarnings(): WebpackError[];
getErrors(): WebpackError[];
* This function allows you to run another instance of webpack inside of webpack however as
* a child with different settings and configurations (if desired) applied. It copies all hooks, plugins
* from parent (or top level compiler) and creates a child Compilation
name: string,
outputOptions?: OutputNormalized,
plugins?: (
| ((this: Compiler, compiler: Compiler) => void)
| WebpackPluginInstance
): Compiler;
module: Module,
options: ExecuteModuleOptions,
callback: (err?: null | WebpackError, result?: ExecuteModuleResult) => void
): void;
checkConstraints(): void;
factorizeModule: {
options: FactorizeModuleOptions & { factoryResult?: false },
callback: (err?: null | WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
): void;
options: FactorizeModuleOptions & { factoryResult: true },
callback: (
err?: null | WebpackError,
result?: ModuleFactoryResult
) => void
): void;
* Add additional assets to the compilation.
* Basic preprocessing of assets.
* Derive new assets from existing assets.
* Existing assets should not be treated as complete.
* Add additional sections to existing assets, like a banner or initialization code.
* Optimize existing assets in a general way.
* Optimize the count of existing assets, e. g. by merging them.
* Only assets of the same type should be merged.
* For assets of different types see PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_INLINE.
* Optimize the compatibility of existing assets, e. g. add polyfills or vendor-prefixes.
* Optimize the size of existing assets, e. g. by minimizing or omitting whitespace.
* Add development tooling to assets, e. g. by extracting a SourceMap.
* Optimize the count of existing assets, e. g. by inlining assets of into other assets.
* Only assets of different types should be inlined.
* For assets of the same type see PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_COUNT.
* Summarize the list of existing assets
* e. g. creating an assets manifest of Service Workers.
* Optimize the hashes of the assets, e. g. by generating real hashes of the asset content.
* Optimize the transfer of existing assets, e. g. by preparing a compressed (gzip) file as separate asset.
* Analyse existing assets.
* Creating assets for reporting purposes.
} |
3,597 | getResolve(options?: ResolveOptionsWithDependencyType): {
context: string,
request: string,
callback: (
arg0: null | Error,
arg1?: string | false,
arg2?: ResolveRequest
) => void
): void;
(context: string, request: string): Promise<string>;
} | type ResolveOptionsWithDependencyType = ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions & {
dependencyType?: string;
resolveToContext?: boolean;
}; |
3,598 | (arg0: ObjectDeserializerContext) => any | interface ObjectDeserializerContext {
read: () => any;
} |
3,599 | constructor(options?: OccurrenceChunkIdsPluginOptions) | interface OccurrenceChunkIdsPluginOptions {
* Prioritise initial size over total size.
prioritiseInitial?: boolean;
} |
Subsets and Splits