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0.508497 | 7eb929ab64984270945ccf5a7c3ed6cc | Electron momentum distributions for (a) Run A, (b) B, (c) C, and (d) D. Each distribution consists of the electrons near the electromagnetic pulse at x≥ 0. | astro | ph0308153-figure6.jpg |
0.426603 | f61f9ab2ee054c68a92ea9bd6e743d10 | Temporal evolutions of the peak electron momentum at which the momentum distribution attains its maximum value for Runs (a) A and D, (b) B, and (c) C. | astro | ph0308153-figure7.jpg |
0.420672 | 1f3be55c0f04413982d4555e6fa067c2 | Spatial profiles of the (a) magnetic field B_y, (b) electric field E_y, (c) current density J_z, and (d) electron density n_e as functions of x at z=0, and (e) phase plots of electrons in the x-P_x space for Run B. The quantities only in the x≥ 0 region are shown at tΩ_e=0, 500, 1000, and 1500. | astro | ph0308153-figure8.jpg |
0.471909 | f915df2040f24d79a181b402b32736f3 | Temporal evolutions of the peak value of the magnetic field of the pulse for (a) Runs A, B, C, and the case with no plasma (pure vacuum EM pulse), and (b) comparison between Runs A and D. | astro | ph0308153-figure9.jpg |
0.470054 | c5af24288fda478d9abefcf8677f08de | Longitudinal shower development: Energy release of electrons plus positrons and of muons plus hadrons. Additionally, the contribution of electromagnetic particles below the simulation energy threshold E_thr=0.1 MeV is given. | astro | ph0308158-fig1.jpg |
0.437668 | 4505873788014312a91984d83e98b2c6 | Upper panel: Energy release contained within a given distance of the shower axis versus the distance at shower ages s = 0.7 and s = 1.0. Lower panel: Lateral distribution of electrons plus positrons. | astro | ph0308158-fig2.jpg |
0.492026 | aa91ae1f1b224b56ba0506a98d33ad5b | Contribution to the energy release per matter traversed in shower direction as a function of the kinetic particle energy. Simulation for primary iron, 10^19 eV. Upper panel: Individual and combined contributions of electrons and positrons at shower maximum. Lower panel: Combined contribution of electrons and positrons for different shower ages (normalized to the same height of maximum). | astro | ph0308158-fig3.jpg |
0.500826 | 2983bedd2bb446a1a869921d9ec0a8a9 | The WMAP power spectrum, where the shaded region represents the expected cosmic variance about the best fit spectrum <cit.>. | astro | ph0308160-power.jpg |
0.535167 | fe200c760acb48d88fc6c07e21455c9d | The cross-correlation between the E-mode polarization and temperature anisotropies in the CMB. The solid line represents the inflationary prediction, while the defect prediction is shown by the dotted line <cit.>. | astro | ph0308160-te.jpg |
0.417171 | a6fe1af76a55420d8d2bf66acbad7d0e | The three classes of single field inflationary models are displayed. The hybrid models have η>ϵ>0, and the small field models have η<0. Vanilla inflation corresponds to r=0 and n=1, the point at which the three wedges intersect. (Plot from <cit.>.) | astro | ph0308160-zoo.jpg |
0.544347 | 588e65a62f9148db9541fec6eb8b76b5 | The nuclear sources in NGC 6240, A1, A2 and B1, as they appear in the PC I image (top) and in the NIC2 H image (bottom). The latter has been scaled to the PC angular resolution. | astro | ph0308163-0183.f1.jpg |
0.45302 | f09c31ee85fd4ccfb90cec7eee70b0d0 | The best-fitting spectral energy distributions (solid lines) obtained for the discrete sources A1, A2 and B1 in the nuclei of NGC 6240 with superimposed the observed, apparent magnitudes. The assumption here is that A1, A2 and B1 are star clusters. In the right panels, the χ^2 value is plotted for each source and colour for minimum χ^2_ tot. | astro | ph0308163-0183.f2.jpg |
0.496816 | ccb0a057978546cca77b6f386625c893 | The probability distributions of age and mass in logarithmic units, and reddening on a linear scale. The solid line represents the probability distribution for the population of star clusters detected in the NGC 6240 main body, the dashed line traces the clusters identified in the galaxy's tails (cf. Paper I). The dashed bins show the most probable values from fits to the A1, A2 and B1 sources. | astro | ph0308163-0183.f3.jpg |
0.44553 | 85feb961f7ad4f8a894fcb05d050a4d6 | As Fig. 2, but now assuming a continuous star formation scenario. | astro | ph0308163-0183.f4.jpg |
0.490186 | 24a3a27b910b4d24bc079cee031dd275 | As Fig. 3, but under the assumption that A1, A2 and B1 are star-forming regions. | astro | ph0308163-0183.f5.jpg |
0.372179 | b53394507d06459397bc65a65d2c2af4 | A 40×40 arcsec^2 field centred on the position of from the sum of the Js and H band images (left), the NB 1.19 image (middle), and the NB 1.71 images (right). The only emission-line source closer in than 30 is a candidate [Oiii] emitter at an impact parameter of 16 seen near the western edge of the NB 1.19 image. | astro | ph0308164-field.jpg |
0.536818 | 35055dddba2e4adba4c494693458fb5b | The transmission curves for the four filters used in this project. From left to right it is Js, NB 1.19, H, NB 1.71. | astro | ph0308164-filters.jpg |
0.381893 | 8157e1ad472a443e90d7e041e2768038 | Spectral energy distributions (propotional to F_λ) of the seven objects A–F marked in Fig. <ref> and for the candidate z=1.38 [Oiii] emitter. The candidate, named Oiiia and shown at the bottom, has strong excess flux in the NB 1.19 filter. | astro | ph0308164-spec.jpg |
0.46526 | c5f1618e25bb46fdb04264a716697214 | Star formation history given by the model for τ_1=0.1 Gyr; τ_2=1 Gyr; = 5; z_F=5; =0.2. The top panel shows the star formation rate (ψ, thick line), gas infall rate (f, thin) and gas ejected from stars (E, dashed). The bottom panel gives the time evolution of [Mg/H] (dashed) and [Fe/H] (solid) in the gas, and thus in stars formed at that time. The inset in the top panel is the final histogram of true iron metallicities in long-lived stars, to be compared with the data for the bulge fields described in the text. | astro | ph0308165-mnbulge_f1.jpg |
0.420945 | 58a9ad25f67a46b7b57c2a15d2aa8760 | Comparison of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov probability as a function of τ_2 (left) or Δ t_ SF (right). The latter gives the time for the bulge to generate 75% of the total stellar mass content. Fields IG95#1 (top) and SRT96 (bottom) are tested with a fixed value of = 0.5 (IG95#1) and =0 (SRT96) and τ_1=0.1 Gyr, z_F=5 for both fields. Three star formation efficiencies are chosen, namely = 5 (dashed), 10 (dotted), and 20 (solid). The horizontal line gives the best fit for a Simple Model. | astro | ph0308165-mnbulge_f10.jpg |
0.496767 | ad07258613384ab49287a299845cfeae | Distribution of [Mg/Fe] abundances predicted by the models shown in figure <ref>. The histogram corresponding to the best fit is shown in the top-left panel as well as in the three remaining panels as a dashed line. Notice that a low star formation efficiency – which generates a similar [Fe/H] as the best fit as seen in figure <ref> – generates a very wide [Mg/Fe] distribution. | astro | ph0308165-mnbulge_f11.jpg |
0.455496 | fbc7cd2cc0154a6c8afacf1da770d5cb | Iron abundance histograms of the stars in the bulge fields used in this paper. Notice the offset in the distributions between the IG95 fields and SRT96 and Z03; a systematic offset of ∼ 0.3 dex would “align” the histograms of these fields. The iron abundances are all obtained using different techniques, and the offsets could reflect an underlying difference in calibrations, as discussed in the text. The curve gives the expected distribution for the Simple Model, with a yield y=Z_⊙. | astro | ph0308165-mnbulge_f2.jpg |
0.44223 | 90853179d45143a999807e56a49be157 | Probability maps at the 90% and 95% (thick) confidence levels in the (τ_1,τ_2) parameter space for the =10,z_F=5 (solid) and =10, z_F=2 (dashed) models. The dotted lines give the fraction of stars younger than 10 Gyr. The panels show the analysis for all the fields listed in table <ref>. The analysis is performed with the sample comprising subsolar metallicities. | astro | ph0308165-mnbulge_f3.jpg |
0.508123 | 79d64f0314f74ecebfc36809dd10e761 | Probability maps at the 90% and 95% confidence levels in the (τ_1,) parameter space. The same notation as in Figure <ref> is used. | astro | ph0308165-mnbulge_f4.jpg |
0.449326 | e2bb144b69c549dd8e4f27b00beda789 | Probability maps at the 90% and 95% confidence levels in the (τ_2,) parameter space. The same notation as in Figure <ref> is used. | astro | ph0308165-mnbulge_f5.jpg |
0.457817 | 2c82df246ccc4e27a3b13e01670a6f2e | A comparison of the effect of varying the parameters explored in this paper. The dashed line in all panels give the metallicity distribution of the sample in Ibata & Gilmore field IG95#1. The solid lines are the model predictions. The top-left panel corresponds to τ_1=τ_2=0.05 Gyr; =0.5; =10; z_F=5, which gives a good fit to the observed data (KS test probability 94%). The remaining three panels show the predicted histograms when changing one of the parameters to the value shown keeping the other parameters fixed. In the top=right panel, τ_f represents the overall infall timescale τ_1+τ_2. Notice infall timescales of 1 Gyr are readily ruled out because of the narrow metallicity distributions which are generated. The thin line in all four panels give the metallicity distribution of field Z03, which is narrower than IG95#1 thereby allowing for a slightly longer infall timescale. | astro | ph0308165-mnbulge_f6.jpg |
0.432089 | a7d03b6cc94d4e65961a5e32fdad295e | The instantaneous recycling approximation (IRA) assumes stars have either zero or infinite lifetimes depending on whether their masses are larger or smaller than some characteristic mass scale. The bottom panels show the probability maps when comparing the observed metallicity distributions with a model which imposes IRA. We have also set to zero the contribution from type Ia SNe. The top panels show the results from the full model presented in this paper. The figure also shows the difference when including stars with supersolar metallicity to the analysis (left). The solid (dashed) contours represent the 90 (95) % confidence level. | astro | ph0308165-mnbulge_f7.jpg |
0.407833 | c255e3f29011474cb354de3acd27a9b6 | Metallicity distribution predicted for three different exponents of the Schmidt law relating the star formation rate with the gas density. The model corresponds to τ_1=τ_2=0.1 Gyr; =0.5; =10. Notice that a linear law gives a much sharper histogram since star formation takes longer for the same amount of gas, compared to a non-linear law with n>1. | astro | ph0308165-mnbulge_f8.jpg |
0.447775 | 49b13d321ea1434d93c0bb5ca6408f13 | Spectral energy distribution (sed) obtained by convolving the star formation history for the best fit to Ibata & Gilmore field IG95#1 with the stellar population synthesis models of Bruzual & Charlot (in preparation). The model corresponds to τ_1=τ_2=0.05 Gyr; =0.5. The vertical lines give the central positions of the U, B, and V passbands. A second sed with a longer timescale (τ_1=1 Gyr) is also shown (dashed line). The larger population of stars with a higher metallicity in the τ_1=1 Gyr model is responsible for the redder colours. The dots correspond to the average and standard deviation of the Sbc bulge sample of Gadotti & dos Anjos (2001). A comparison of the solid and dashed lines shows that it is very difficult to determine SFH parameters from integrated spectroscopy alone. The distribution of stellar metallicities (as presented in this paper) is a much more sensitive discriminator. | astro | ph0308165-mnbulge_f9.jpg |
0.533846 | a8bfb93a17a8480287ab13bb4d49c3f4 | Histograms of the corona temperature, corona optical depth, reflection normalization and compton parameter in the sub-sample already analyzed. The hatched histograms correspond to the sotropic geometry. | astro | ph0308174-fig1.jpg |
0.455347 | 36829a8258f346a697bab4fce452633f | Contour plots of the 13 observations of our subsample. We have plotted R vs kT_e and R vs τ for the slab and isotropic geometries. The contours correpond to the 90% confidence level. | astro | ph0308174-fig2.jpg |
0.407942 | c5bb4e39fbff4c458dbe95ee1f2b935b | MECS light curves (bins of 2500 s). The periods of the two XMM observations are indicated on the figure. | astro | ph0308176-f1.jpg |
0.50745 | 3439fe1c5fcf4e0f95cdc8ead40d5246 | Cross-section for absorption, as a function of wavelength difference from resonance in the frame of the absorbing atom. The top axis shows the velocity (in the frame of the absorbing atom) where the resonance corresponds to the wavelength on the bottom axis. | astro | ph0308196-figure01.jpg |
0.470069 | d3c16b14679244fb876a4b990f0f803b | IGM density as a function of radius from the fiducial galaxy. The left edges of the plots are at the virial radius. (a) The total IGM mass density and density contrast as a function of radius in physical Mpc. (b) The cumulative IGM hydrogen column density to radius r. In both plots the solid curve is for the dynamic IGM model and the dashed curve is for the simple model. | astro | ph0308196-figure02.jpg |
0.428918 | 7990fd0abe5847babbafdf9ccec0906d | Velocity of IGM gas as a function of radius from the fiducial galaxy. The solid curve is the dynamic IGM model; the dashed curve is the Hubble flow relation of the simple model. The dotted curve is the ratio of the dynamic model to the simple model, in units marked on the right axis. | astro | ph0308196-figure03.jpg |
0.553295 | d6c21959eae44efaa396d45be3c80fca | IGM density as a function of velocity in the frame of the fiducial galaxy. (a) The total IGM mass density and density contrast as a function of velocity. (b) The cumulative IGM hydrogen column density to velocity v. In both plots the solid curve is for the dynamic IGM model and the dashed curve is for the simple model. | astro | ph0308196-figure04.jpg |
0.511831 | 893cb96989e243da824f9b415ac6e35e | Schematic diagram of location and velocity of the IGM around the fiducial galaxy. (a) Dynamic IGM model. (b) Simple model. The galaxy is marked by a `G' at right. The curve immediately surrounding it shows the virial radius of the halo. The next curve, at , shows the Stromgren sphere. The velocity axis marks the velocities (in ) corresponding to these radii. In (a) R_stall, the radius where IGM gas has zero velocity with respect to the galaxy, is also marked. The dashed and dotted lines key the physical location of the IGM material to the contribution it makes to the scattering optical depth, shown in Fig. <ref>. | astro | ph0308196-figure05.jpg |
0.495087 | ab4aaad0a5fe4645968e12e82bcd72ad | Optical depth due to IGM scattering as a function of observed wavelength. (a) Dynamic IGM model. (b) Simple model. The solid curves are the total optical depth due to all IGM . The short-dashed curves are the optical depth due to gas with negative velocity (in the frame of the galaxy). The dotted curves are the optical depth due to gas with positive velocity inside the Stromgren sphere. The long-dashed curve is the optical depth due to gas outside the Stromgren sphere. | astro | ph0308196-figure06.jpg |
0.435158 | f7695928779b4f1b8ccfd255f1f06586 | Density and ionization state of the IGM as a function of radius and velocity. (a) Dynamic IGM model. (b) Simple model. The dashed curves are , the total (+) hydrogen number density; the dotted curves are , the neutral hydrogen fraction; and the solid curves are ≡. Both plots are for the fiducial galaxy with radius in physical Mpc and velocity in the frame of the galaxy. | astro | ph0308196-figure07.jpg |
0.412224 | 74f58747ef2e4e26b1b5d4ac40a6a83d | line profiles. The dotted curve is the intrinsic line profile of the fiducial galaxy. The solid curve is the observed line profile using the dynamic IGM model. The dashed curve is the observed line using the simple IGM model. The velocity where the resonance corresponds to the wavelength on the bottom axis is shown as , on the top axis. | astro | ph0308196-figure08.jpg |
0.463115 | 5a63d615c65f4d73acca57c31f9b9bd9 | As in Fig. <ref>, but note different radial scale. The curves are truncated at . (a) Halo mass M=10^10. (b) M=10^11 (fiducial model). (c) M=10^12. | astro | ph0308196-figure09.jpg |
0.428227 | 2d4c16e271fa4fb498820d9b24d10917 | As in Fig. <ref>, but note different axis scales. The labels show M (in ) for the corresponding intrinsic and observed line profiles. The fiducial model M=10^11 is the lighter curve, and the intrinsic fiducial line profile is not shown. | astro | ph0308196-figure10.jpg |
0.439959 | 786f70eae9ef45c9a615d3f90f87cb84 | As in Fig. <ref>. (a) Star-formation rate ψ=1. (b) ψ=10 (fiducial model). (c) ψ=1000. See Fig. <ref>c for ψ=10. (d) Age of star formation =10^7. (e) =10^8 (fiducial model). (f) =10^9. | astro | ph0308196-figure11.jpg |
0.421614 | 42a298d3d7654759bd15654e0a111d98 | As in Fig. <ref>, but different vertical scale. The labels show star-formation rate (in ) for the corresponding observed line profiles. The fiducial model ψ=10 is the lighter curve, and the intrinsic fiducial line profile is the dotted curve. | astro | ph0308196-figure12.jpg |
0.433354 | 107cc9f1cecb4145947b2bbcf51cc135 | As in Fig. <ref>, but different vertical scale. The labels show the age of star-formation (in ) for the corresponding observed line profiles. The fiducial model =10^8 is the lighter curve, and the intrinsic fiducial line profile is the dotted curve. | astro | ph0308196-figure13.jpg |
0.433802 | 557f5a6f04c142cb9e59455265612a77 | As in Fig. <ref>. (a) Ionizing photon escape fraction =0. (b) =0.1 (fiducial model). (c) =1. (d) Ionizing background =10^-5. (e) =1. (f) =100. | astro | ph0308196-figure14.jpg |
0.470196 | b7cde1bc26064881aca90a25a74eb3a1 | As in Fig. <ref>, but different vertical scale. The labels show the conversion factor between Doppler line width and halo circular velocity for the corresponding intrinsic and observed line profiles. The fiducial model =1.5 is the lighter curve, and the intrinsic fiducial line profile is not shown. | astro | ph0308196-figure15.jpg |
0.483945 | 63bc1e0712a5431a8ff41bdcabb7399d | As in Fig. <ref>. The labels show ionizing background strength for the corresponding observed line profiles. The fiducial model with no ionizing background is the lighter curve, and the intrinsic fiducial line profile is the dotted curve. | astro | ph0308196-figure16.jpg |
0.421364 | 7e0a9475f4c14790b7e99c4aef42a138 | As in Fig. <ref>, but with different vertical scale. The labels show the neutral fraction of the IGM outside of the galaxy's Stromgren sphere for the corresponding observed line profiles. The fiducial model with a neutral IGM is the lighter curve, and the intrinsic fiducial line profile is the dotted curve. | astro | ph0308196-figure17.jpg |
0.453301 | f0a4a74ef7a94cfd8c79be8d73309358 | As in Fig. <ref>, but note different radial and velocity scales. The curves are truncated at . (a) Redshift z=6.5 (fiducial model). (b) z=8.8. (c) z=17. | astro | ph0308196-figure18.jpg |
0.433589 | 3e93f0e6233442bf893a17d8773707c3 | line profiles. The wavelength scale is expressed as an offset from the resonance in the frame of the galaxy, chosen so that the scale is the same as in Fig. <ref>. The labels show the redshift for the corresponding observed line profiles. The narrower intrinsic profile (dotted curve) is for z=8.8; the wider intrinsic profile (dotted curve) is for z=17. The fiducial model z=6.5 is the lighter curve, and the intrinsic fiducial line profile is not shown. | astro | ph0308196-figure19.jpg |
0.419969 | a89d7cde1bf34047a9ccc2708741dc8c | As in Fig. <ref>, but different vertical scale. The labels show star-formation timescale (in ) for the corresponding observed line profiles. For each , the light solid curve is the profile without assuming any winds (as in Fig. <ref>), and the long-dashed curve is the observed line profile assuming a wind blows to the Stromgren radius. The intrinsic fiducial line profile is the dotted curve. | astro | ph0308196-figure20.jpg |
0.555371 | e08d7cb63e5d4c14be72a1e3ef0703db | Intrinsic and observed line flux as a function of model parameters. Each model plotted is described by a label on the bottom axis that refers to the fiducial model in the case of `fiduc,' and refers to the parameter varied from the fiducial model in the rest of the cases (see Section <ref>). Numbers in square braces are the log_10 of the parameter value. The open triangles are the intrinsic line flux, and the solid circles are the observed line flux, based on the line profiles calculated in Section <ref>. | astro | ph0308196-figure21.jpg |
0.491821 | 886916ec6bfe4ed583ce84e22f60712a | Intrinsic and observed line flux as a function of model parameters, including possible effects due to galactic winds. The model labelling is described in Fig. <ref>. The open triangles are the intrinsic line flux, as in Fig. <ref>. The open squares are the integrated flux of the observed line calculated assuming a galactic wind completely ionizes the IGM out to the Stromgren radius of the galaxy. The solid diamonds are the integrated flux of the observed line calculated assuming the intrinsic line is emitted entirely at 360 redward of the systemic wavelength. See Section <ref>. | astro | ph0308196-figure22.jpg |
0.499908 | c70b3241a7b44dfe9e3bb6b40b85192f | Ratio of observed to intrinsic line flux as a function of model parameters, for both no wind and wind models. The model labelling is described in Fig. <ref>. The point shapes are the same as in Figs. <ref> and <ref>: open circles show no-wind models, open squares show models where a strong wind clears the Stromgren sphere of IGM, and solid diamonds show models where the intrinsic is concentrated at 360 redward of the systemic redshift. | astro | ph0308196-figure23.jpg |
0.462744 | 3ae3d076a5ca482bb0b4433193eb593c | Intrinsic and observed line flux as a function of ionizing photon escape fraction. The dotted curves are the intrinsic line flux; the solid curves are the observed line fluxes. The lower curves are for the fiducial model with varied; the upper curves are for the fiducial model modified to ψ=100. | astro | ph0308196-figure24.jpg |
0.484265 | 4d387901af51417b8674e9ae9d5ed071 | Ratio of observed to intrinsic line flux as a function of . The solid curve assumes the intrinsic line profile described in Section <ref>. The long-dashed curve assumes the intrinsic line is concentrated 360 redward of the systemic velocity (see Section <ref>). Both curves are for the fiducial galaxy. | astro | ph0308196-figure25.jpg |
0.440619 | 2f279b164703453586f24725f49de195 | Spiral shocks generated around the nuclear Lindblad resonance.( model D with ε_0 = 0.1, Ω_p = 30 km s^-1 kpc^-1) at t= 60 (upper panel) and 70 Myr (lower panel). Gray-scale is the log-scaled density, and vectors represent a velocity field. | astro | ph0308203-f10.jpg |
0.441438 | e148c35ee1214543b8fed0ff8b1de595 | Velocity distribution in the early phase of the evolution for model A with i=10, ε_0 = 0.1. Gray-scale represents amplitude of the velocity. | astro | ph0308203-f11.jpg |
0.424749 | 07060c00172a4a03bd3ffabd5c1c4ddb | Spiral shock and streamlines, for which we assumed that the curvature can be negligible, and therefore the spiral shocks are modeled as oblique shocks. For Δ R ≪ R, the spiral shock can be approximated as an oblique shock. A streamline is changed its direction at point A with velocity v', and it is accelated toward the other shock. At point B, its velocity is v”. A velocity gradient is expected between points B and C. A characteristic scale of the shocked layer is 2d. (ξ, η) is a orthogonal coordinate along the spiral with the pitch angle, i. | astro | ph0308203-f12.jpg |
0.426177 | 0a9264fa818642c1aad5d04e4221a126 | Richardson number,J, behind a spiral shock as a function of Mach number, M, and the pitch angle of the spiral, i, for α = 1 (i.e. rigid rotation ), λ̂ = 0.1, and strength of the spiral potential, ε = 0.1. | astro | ph0308203-f13.jpg |
0.528415 | 37b88f7e5dbe4fdc82c15f0092d4b77b | Curves for J = 1/4 are plotted as a function of the pitch angle i (degree) and Mach number M, below which the spiral shocks could be Kelvin-Helmholtz stable (i.e. J > 1/4, see Fig. <ref> and the text). Thick curves are for rigid rotation (α = 1), and thin curves are for Keplerian (α = -1/2) with ε = 0.1 (solid curves) and 0.05 (dashed curves). λ̂ = 0.01 is assumed. | astro | ph0308203-f14.jpg |
0.471638 | 43d613f07f96426c9b6ceac948a2f35c | Response of the gas disc to a spiral potential (model A with i =10, ε_0 = 0.1, Ω_p = 26 km s^-1 kpc^-1) at t =24 Myr. (a) Density distribution given by AUSM with 1024^2 cells. Gray-scale represents log-scaled surface density with a unit of M_⊙ pc^-2. (b) SPH with 10^5 particles (roughly there are 4× 10^4 particles in this box). Gray-scale represents amplitude of the spiral potential, and the white line is a bottom of the potential. (c) Same as (a), but by CIP. | astro | ph0308203-f3.jpg |
0.449715 | 0138aaea3be146bf848f6dc29c765619 | Effect of changing a spatial resolution on the instabilities. The potential model is the same as that in Fig. <ref>. (a) Density distribution of a central 1/4 region of the computational box with 128^2 cells at t=24 Myr. (b), (c) and (d): Same as (a), but with 256^2, 512^2, and 2048^2, respectively. The parameters used here are the same as those for models in Fig. 3. | astro | ph0308203-f4.jpg |
0.480429 | ac914976d7914908beef554a3350a7ef | Azimuthal density profile at R=1.5 kpc of Fig. <ref> (d). The unif of density is M_⊙ pc^-2. | astro | ph0308203-f5.jpg |
0.467147 | 8e6ab06f6c99431189e64d62e362f2c3 | Evolution of the instability in the same model shown in Fig. <ref> (d). Four snapshots are at (a) t=7.5 Myr, (b) 12.5 Myr, (c) 17.5 Myr, and (d) 28 Myr. | astro | ph0308203-f6.jpg |
0.392382 | 40ebbff81eb747f78e120be9f94a4e6a | Response of the gas disc to a spiral potential (model A with i =5 and i=20). ε_0 = 0.1, Ω_p = 26 km s^-1 kpc^-1 and T_g = 10^5 K at 50 Myr. 1024^2 cells are used in both models. | astro | ph0308203-f7.jpg |
0.454746 | 977ee76bb54c40cdb8a5499277e97a44 | Density distribution in a spiral potential (model C) with i = 15^∘ at t=10^8 yr. 2048^2 cells are used. | astro | ph0308203-f9.jpg |
0.456994 | 828457e5de214589882e1a2449917405 | Rotation curves adopted in the numerical simulations. Solid line (model A): nearly rigid rotation models, dashed line: nearly flat rotation curve (model B), and dotted line (model D): the bar model with a central massive black hole. | astro | ph0308203-fig1.jpg |
0.516543 | 623b621d14e44ddcab48aaf1c5dc3120 | The rotation curve of model C. Solid line: Φ_0+Φ_2, dotted line: Φ_0, and dashed line Φ_2. | astro | ph0308203-fig2.jpg |
0.429627 | 9206a221a7444fd1a5b72e0e4107d9b8 | Same as Fig. <ref>, but for the case that the rotation curve is nearly flat (model B) with ε_0 = 0.03. | astro | ph0308203-fig8.jpg |
0.461504 | b0b06e7013d14bebb5ae8ab405c761f6 | Top: H I deficient fraction in bins of projected radius from the cluster center for the superposition of all the H I deficient clusters. Bottom: H I deficiency versus projected radius from the cluster center. Small dots show the radial variation of H I deficiency for individual galaxies, while the arrows indentify non detections plotted at their estimated lower limit. Large dots are the medians of the binned number distribution. From Solanes et al. 2001. | astro | ph0308209-gorkom.fig1.jpg |
0.387906 | 036d6a9a20534440b1e5e277d4d6ea58 | Radial run of normalized line of sight velocity dispersion for the composite H I deficient cluster. From Solanes et al. 2001. | astro | ph0308209-gorkom.fig2.jpg |
0.478321 | 19149555164e4b49bc81b6c86fd3067c | Composite of individual H I images of Coma spirals observed with the VLA. Galaxies are shown at their proper position and they are magnified by a factor 7. The H I images (contours) are overlaid on DSS optical images (greyscale). The large scale contours sketch the X-ray emission as observed by Vikhlinin et al. (1997). From Bravo-Alfaro et al. 2000. | astro | ph0308209-gorkom.fig3.jpg |
0.582596 | 6b23e0605d84475980e13e40137b7f60 | Distribution of H I deficiency parameter as a function of the projected distance from the center of Coma. Filled circles correspond to H I detected galaxies and triangles to the lower limits of the deficiency parameter for the galaxies that are not detected in H I. From Bravo-Alfaro et al. 2000. | astro | ph0308209-gorkom.fig4.jpg |
0.379658 | 8e173bd29d4c4d2d83d05f5187440294 | Normalized H I to optical diameter as a function of the H I deficiency for the Virgo Cluster. Squares: observed values (Cayatte et al. 1994); stars: model values. The solid line assumes that the H I surface density has the same value before and after the stripping event. From Vollmer et al. 2001 | astro | ph0308209-gorkom.fig5.jpg |
0.447514 | 131b1bbac82a43fea88e4f5e4e7ef747 | H I greyscale image of NGC 4522, scaled up in size by a factor of 30, on a ROSAT X-ray image of the Virgo cluster from Bohringer et al. (1994). The image indicates the locations of the giant ellipticals M87, M86 and M49, which are associated with sub-clusters. From Kenney et al. 2003. | astro | ph0308209-gorkom.fig6.jpg |
0.510447 | e09b910930654cb2b4f00ff0d61d83be | H I contours overlaid on an R band greyscale image from the WIYN telescope from Kenney & Koopmann (1999). Note the undisturbed outer disk. From Kenney et al. 2003. | astro | ph0308209-gorkom.fig7.jpg |
0.49233 | 4a38df8f268843839a42903c73411f42 | H I contours overlaid on an Hα greyscale image from Kenney and Koopmann (1999). Note that there are H II regions associated with each of the 2 major extraplanar H I peaks. From Kenney et al. 2003. | astro | ph0308209-gorkom.fig8.jpg |
0.428118 | 986fc01197584185990a6167c502bce7 | The velocity distribution of the H I detected galaxies in Abell 496, 2670 and 85 with respect to the mean velocity of the cluster. At the bottom the combined distribution for the three clusters. Note the very non gaussian distribution of the velocities. In Figure 11 an example is shown of spatial and velocity clustering of H I detected galaxies. | astro | ph0308209-gorkom.fig9.jpg |
0.461627 | 476c4adb8ef2416f800cc5f710b9bfb5 | The structure of the heliospheric interface is the region of the solar wind interaction with the interstellar medium. HP is the heliopause, TS is the heliospheric termination shock, BS is the bow shock, MD is the Mach disk, TD is the tangential discontinuity, RS is the reflected shock. The right figure corresponds to the case with no H atoms, while the left figure corresponds to the solution, when interstellar H atoms are taken into account. | astro | ph0308211-heliotail_fig1engl.jpg |
0.458516 | 88aa5fe4a9d340d9a2e39c8d1d7b0fa0 | Velocities (curves 1 and 2) and densities (curves 3 and 4) from both sides of the heliopause as a function of the heliocentric distance along the heliopause. Curves 2 and 3 correspond to interstellar side; curves 1 and 4 correspond to solar wind side. The velocities and densities are normalized to their interstellar values. | astro | ph0308211-heliotail_fig2engl.jpg |
0.493932 | 3b7d3b33f6084083b9a842f9c1e0dec6 | Isolines of Mach number M. It is seen that on the distances more than 4000 AU into the heliotail direction the solar wind flow is supersonic. The Mach number increases with increase of the heliocentric distance and approaches its interstellar number. | astro | ph0308211-heliotail_fig3engl.jpg |
0.529441 | 99adc13003ee4dbda24e003ee3f22cc6 | Number density, velocity and temperature of the interstellar H atom along downwind lines of sights θ = 150, 160, 170, 175 degrees. | astro | ph0308211-heliotail_fig4engl.jpg |
0.409517 | f35079ca81714eaba97ebe1932678c94 | 2D distribution of H atom number density in the heliospheric interface. At heliocentric distances ∼ 400000 AU number density of H atoms is closer to the interstellar value. The hydrogen wall, the in crease of H atom number density in front of the heliopause, is also shown. The intensity of the hydrogen wall falls with the increase of the heliocentric distance. | astro | ph0308211-heliotail_fig5engl.jpg |
0.370113 | bdefe85df38a4b2db05738f442f73790 | OMC light curve. IJD is the fractional number of days since January 1, 2000 at 0 UT | astro | ph0308212-INTEGRAL36_f2.jpg |
0.467286 | 3eff7b140e9945dcbcf936ff65a7fc39 | IBIS/ISGRI significance image in the 25-40 keV energy band of the field of 3C 273 and NGC 4388. The insert shows a 25-40 keV flux image of the area surrounding 3C 273 and where GRS 1227+025 would be expected. The 3C 273 count rate is about 2.7 counts s^-1, that of GRS 1227+025 is less than 0.4 counts s^-1. | astro | ph0308212-fig1astroph.jpg |
0.503911 | b75b91e0eff4481c92ef9e16d564f832 | Degree of polarization and position angle for the observations of 3C279 during the four nights. | astro | ph0308224-3938.f1.jpg |
0.999953 | d499174b29da4522ace1fc01f70e6f78 | Upper panel: Differential light curve of 3C279 in the J and H filters (comparison - target). Lower panel: Optical V band polarization | astro | ph0308224-3938.f11.jpg |
0.999953 | 87831ef09c1041cab1427e3e7f1ffef0 | Spectral behavior in the nights of March 9 and March 11, showing the flux decrease and that the mechanism that are causing the variations (polarization and continuum flux) do not cause changes in the spectral indices. | astro | ph0308224-3938.f12.jpg |
0.465584 | c255cf5f6dec4aa7a64b900a869f52f4 | Differential light curve of 3C279 in the J and H filters during ten nights of observations in 2002, divided in four campaigns between March 9 and May 19. | astro | ph0308224-3938.f13.jpg |
0.479735 | 886bb8cfdb9b448b9af7e2e78d8367cd | Variation of the fractional polarization as a function of the angle with the line-of-sight. The solid line is for Γ = 8, the dashed one is for Γ = 12 and Γ = 13, and the dots line is for Γ = 16. The zoom-in panel shows a detail of the same plot at low values of θ. | astro | ph0308224-3938.f14.jpg |
0.422466 | 282f14f07d2544b4a39a711f8e13891e | Variation of the fractional polarization as a function of the factor of compression of the plasma. The solid line is for θ^'=20^∘, the dashed one is for θ^'=25^∘, the dash-dots line is for θ^'=26^∘, and the dots are for θ^'=30^∘. | astro | ph0308224-3938.f15.jpg |
0.43902 | 895140a6b61c485d8ee23d96c78effb0 | Normalized Stokes parameters for 3C279 (entire campaign). (1) indicates the initial data point, and (2) is the final one. | astro | ph0308224-3938.f6.jpg |
0.398211 | df6874c941bc452abedf9802b5f24637 | This figure presents the Hα line profiles for the seven slit positions observed. The numbers in the upper left corners of each profile correspond to the slit positions shown in the lower right image (Hα contours, continuum grayscale; N is up and E to the left). The slit width for the MES observations (slits 1-6) is the same as indicated for the REOSC echelle observation (slit 7). For each profile, the fit and residuals are shown (from IRAF's splot) along with the data. The individual gaussian components at Hα, created using IRAF's artdata.mk1dspec, are also superposed. The wavelength scale (horizontal axis) is plotted in units of the heliocentric radial velocity. The faint line visible to the blue of Hα in slits 2, 5, and 7 is Heiiλ6560. | astro | ph0308225-h4176f1.jpg |
0.475856 | 02b712a48f7347cca774240603ea48c5 | Here, we present the results of the prolate elliptical model (Model 2; see text). The upper left panel presents the model position-velocity diagram for slit 2 while the middle left panel presents the observed position-velocity diagram. At bottom left is the integrated line profile for slit 2 predicted by Model 2. In the right hand panels, the integrated line profiles for slit 1 and slit 3 are presented in the top and bottom panels, respectively. These line profiles may be compared with those observed in Fig. <ref>. The individual profiles of the blue- and red-shifted material are also shown. The velocities are all relative to the systemic velocity. | astro | ph0308225-h4176f2.jpg |
0.473959 | 36572f2f1da745ff892e3c84a2fb9d8d | Full spectrum of the SNR N157B. The open boxes are for the entire SNR; the crosses are for the pulsar wind nebula; and the open circle and upper-limit arrows are for the shock region. | astro | ph0308240-spectrum24apr03.jpg |
0.462315 | 669a224c56d145b6b5c813e1190c4c54 | Data flow in the INTEGRAL Ground Segment. The ISOC and ISDC have direct contact with the scientific community. The MOC is in contact with the INTEGRAL satellite via the ground stations in Goldstone and Redu. | astro | ph0308245-dataflow1_bw.jpg |
0.457875 | 88931c2536a64a15ad25d018c2a3ada9 | The overall structure of the INTEGRAL ground segment consisting of the Operational Ground Segment (MOC, ground stations and communication lines) and the Science Ground Segment (ISOC and ISDC). | astro | ph0308245-sc_bw.jpg |
0.475847 | 6b780cc4b66341cb8e88f0f61ecaf3e3 | The auto-power for our four different magnitude bins. The solid curves show the observed auto-power multipoles with their estimated Gaussian errors (Eq.23), while the dashed curves are the projected Peacock and Dodds <cit.> non-linear power spectra with the best fit constant bias. The best fit Poisson noise term is subtracted out. | astro | ph0308260-auto_corr.jpg |