import typing import numbers import hyperopt import hyperopt.pyll.base class HyperoptProxy(object): """ Hyperopt proxy class. See `hyperopt`'s documentation for more details: https://github.com/hyperopt/hyperopt/wiki/FMin Reason of these wrappers: A hyper space in `hyperopt` requires a `label` to instantiate. This `label` is used later as a reference to original hyper space that is sampled. In `matchzoo`, hyper spaces are used in :class:`matchzoo.engine.Param`. Only if a hyper space's label matches its parent :class:`matchzoo.engine.Param`'s name, `matchzoo` can correctly back-refrenced the parameter got sampled. This can be done by asking the user always use the same name for a parameter and its hyper space, but typos can occur. As a result, these wrappers are created to hide hyper spaces' `label`, and always correctly bind them with its parameter's name. Examples:: >>> import matchzoo as mz >>> from hyperopt.pyll.stochastic import sample Basic Usage: >>> model = mz.models.DenseBaseline() >>> sample(model.params.hyper_space) # doctest: +SKIP {'mlp_num_layers': 1.0, 'mlp_num_units': 274.0} Arithmetic Operations: >>> new_space = 2 ** mz.hyper_spaces.quniform(2, 6) >>> model.params.get('mlp_num_layers').hyper_space = new_space >>> sample(model.params.hyper_space) # doctest: +SKIP {'mlp_num_layers': 8.0, 'mlp_num_units': 292.0} """ def __init__( self, hyperopt_func: typing.Callable[..., hyperopt.pyll.Apply], **kwargs ): """ :class:`HyperoptProxy` constructor. :param hyperopt_func: Target `hyperopt.hp` function to proxy. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments of the proxy function, must pass all parameters in `hyperopt_func`. """ self._func = hyperopt_func self._kwargs = kwargs def convert(self, name: str) -> hyperopt.pyll.Apply: """ Attach `name` as `hyperopt.hp`'s `label`. :param name: :return: a `hyperopt` ready search space """ return self._func(name, **self._kwargs) def __add__(self, other): """__add__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, lambda x, y: x + y) def __radd__(self, other): """__radd__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, lambda x, y: x + y) def __sub__(self, other): """__sub__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, lambda x, y: x - y) def __rsub__(self, other): """__rsub__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, lambda x, y: y - x) def __mul__(self, other): """__mul__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, lambda x, y: x * y) def __rmul__(self, other): """__rmul__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, lambda x, y: x * y) def __truediv__(self, other): """__truediv__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, lambda x, y: x / y) def __rtruediv__(self, other): """__rtruediv__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, lambda x, y: y / x) def __floordiv__(self, other): """__floordiv__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, lambda x, y: x // y) def __rfloordiv__(self, other): """__rfloordiv__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, lambda x, y: y // x) def __pow__(self, other): """__pow__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, lambda x, y: x ** y) def __rpow__(self, other): """__rpow__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, lambda x, y: y ** x) def __neg__(self): """__neg__.""" return _wrap_as_composite_func(self, None, lambda x, _: -x) def _wrap_as_composite_func(self, other, func): def _wrapper(name, **kwargs): return func(self._func(name, **kwargs), other) return HyperoptProxy(_wrapper, **self._kwargs) class choice(HyperoptProxy): """:func:`hyperopt.hp.choice` proxy.""" def __init__(self, options: list): """ :func:`hyperopt.hp.choice` proxy. :param options: options to search from """ super().__init__(hyperopt_func=hyperopt.hp.choice, options=options) self._options = options def __str__(self): """:return: `str` representation of the hyper space.""" return f'choice in {self._options}' class quniform(HyperoptProxy): """:func:`hyperopt.hp.quniform` proxy.""" def __init__( self, low: numbers.Number, high: numbers.Number, q: numbers.Number = 1 ): """ :func:`hyperopt.hp.quniform` proxy. If using with integer values, then `high` is exclusive. :param low: lower bound of the space :param high: upper bound of the space :param q: similar to the `step` in the python built-in `range` """ super().__init__(hyperopt_func=hyperopt.hp.quniform, low=low, high=high, q=q) self._low = low self._high = high self._q = q def __str__(self): """:return: `str` representation of the hyper space.""" return f'quantitative uniform distribution in ' \ f'[{self._low}, {self._high}), with a step size of {self._q}' class uniform(HyperoptProxy): """:func:`hyperopt.hp.uniform` proxy.""" def __init__( self, low: numbers.Number, high: numbers.Number ): """ :func:`hyperopt.hp.uniform` proxy. :param low: lower bound of the space :param high: upper bound of the space """ super().__init__(hyperopt_func=hyperopt.hp.uniform, low=low, high=high) self._low = low self._high = high def __str__(self): """:return: `str` representation of the hyper space.""" return f'uniform distribution in [{self._low}, {self._high})' def sample(space): """ Take a sample in the hyper space. This method is stateless, so the distribution of the samples is different from that of `tune` call. This function just gives a general idea of what a sample from the `space` looks like. Example: >>> import matchzoo as mz >>> space = mz.models.Naive.get_default_params().hyper_space >>> mz.hyper_spaces.sample(space) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS {'optimizer': ...} """ return hyperopt.pyll.stochastic.sample(space)
from datetime import timedelta from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional from homeassistant.components.sensor import DEVICE_CLASS_CURRENT from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( DATA_BYTES, DEVICE_CLASS_SIGNAL_STRENGTH, DEVICE_CLASS_TIMESTAMP, PERCENTAGE, SIGNAL_STRENGTH_DECIBELS_MILLIWATT, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType from homeassistant.util.dt import utcnow from . import WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator, WLEDDeviceEntity from .const import ATTR_LED_COUNT, ATTR_MAX_POWER, CURRENT_MA, DOMAIN async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistantType, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: Callable[[List[Entity], bool], None], ) -> None: """Set up WLED sensor based on a config entry.""" coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] sensors = [ WLEDEstimatedCurrentSensor(entry.entry_id, coordinator), WLEDUptimeSensor(entry.entry_id, coordinator), WLEDFreeHeapSensor(entry.entry_id, coordinator), WLEDWifiBSSIDSensor(entry.entry_id, coordinator), WLEDWifiChannelSensor(entry.entry_id, coordinator), WLEDWifiRSSISensor(entry.entry_id, coordinator), WLEDWifiSignalSensor(entry.entry_id, coordinator), ] async_add_entities(sensors, True) class WLEDSensor(WLEDDeviceEntity): """Defines a WLED sensor.""" def __init__( self, *, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator, enabled_default: bool = True, entry_id: str, icon: str, key: str, name: str, unit_of_measurement: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize WLED sensor.""" self._unit_of_measurement = unit_of_measurement self._key = key super().__init__( entry_id=entry_id, coordinator=coordinator, name=name, icon=icon, enabled_default=enabled_default, ) @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return the unique ID for this sensor.""" return f"{self.coordinator.data.info.mac_address}_{self._key}" @property def unit_of_measurement(self) -> str: """Return the unit this state is expressed in.""" return self._unit_of_measurement class WLEDEstimatedCurrentSensor(WLEDSensor): """Defines a WLED estimated current sensor.""" def __init__(self, entry_id: str, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator) -> None: """Initialize WLED estimated current sensor.""" super().__init__( coordinator=coordinator, entry_id=entry_id, icon="mdi:power", key="estimated_current", name=f"{coordinator.data.info.name} Estimated Current", unit_of_measurement=CURRENT_MA, ) @property def device_state_attributes(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Return the state attributes of the entity.""" return { ATTR_LED_COUNT: self.coordinator.data.info.leds.count, ATTR_MAX_POWER: self.coordinator.data.info.leds.max_power, } @property def state(self) -> int: """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.coordinator.data.info.leds.power @property def device_class(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the class of this sensor.""" return DEVICE_CLASS_CURRENT class WLEDUptimeSensor(WLEDSensor): """Defines a WLED uptime sensor.""" def __init__(self, entry_id: str, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator) -> None: """Initialize WLED uptime sensor.""" super().__init__( coordinator=coordinator, enabled_default=False, entry_id=entry_id, icon="mdi:clock-outline", key="uptime", name=f"{coordinator.data.info.name} Uptime", ) @property def state(self) -> str: """Return the state of the sensor.""" uptime = utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=self.coordinator.data.info.uptime) return uptime.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() @property def device_class(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the class of this sensor.""" return DEVICE_CLASS_TIMESTAMP class WLEDFreeHeapSensor(WLEDSensor): """Defines a WLED free heap sensor.""" def __init__(self, entry_id: str, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator) -> None: """Initialize WLED free heap sensor.""" super().__init__( coordinator=coordinator, enabled_default=False, entry_id=entry_id, icon="mdi:memory", key="free_heap", name=f"{coordinator.data.info.name} Free Memory", unit_of_measurement=DATA_BYTES, ) @property def state(self) -> int: """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.coordinator.data.info.free_heap class WLEDWifiSignalSensor(WLEDSensor): """Defines a WLED Wi-Fi signal sensor.""" def __init__(self, entry_id: str, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator) -> None: """Initialize WLED Wi-Fi signal sensor.""" super().__init__( coordinator=coordinator, enabled_default=False, entry_id=entry_id, icon="mdi:wifi", key="wifi_signal", name=f"{coordinator.data.info.name} Wi-Fi Signal", unit_of_measurement=PERCENTAGE, ) @property def state(self) -> int: """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.coordinator.data.info.wifi.signal class WLEDWifiRSSISensor(WLEDSensor): """Defines a WLED Wi-Fi RSSI sensor.""" def __init__(self, entry_id: str, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator) -> None: """Initialize WLED Wi-Fi RSSI sensor.""" super().__init__( coordinator=coordinator, enabled_default=False, entry_id=entry_id, icon="mdi:wifi", key="wifi_rssi", name=f"{coordinator.data.info.name} Wi-Fi RSSI", unit_of_measurement=SIGNAL_STRENGTH_DECIBELS_MILLIWATT, ) @property def state(self) -> int: """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.coordinator.data.info.wifi.rssi @property def device_class(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the class of this sensor.""" return DEVICE_CLASS_SIGNAL_STRENGTH class WLEDWifiChannelSensor(WLEDSensor): """Defines a WLED Wi-Fi Channel sensor.""" def __init__(self, entry_id: str, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator) -> None: """Initialize WLED Wi-Fi Channel sensor.""" super().__init__( coordinator=coordinator, enabled_default=False, entry_id=entry_id, icon="mdi:wifi", key="wifi_channel", name=f"{coordinator.data.info.name} Wi-Fi Channel", ) @property def state(self) -> int: """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.coordinator.data.info.wifi.channel class WLEDWifiBSSIDSensor(WLEDSensor): """Defines a WLED Wi-Fi BSSID sensor.""" def __init__(self, entry_id: str, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator) -> None: """Initialize WLED Wi-Fi BSSID sensor.""" super().__init__( coordinator=coordinator, enabled_default=False, entry_id=entry_id, icon="mdi:wifi", key="wifi_bssid", name=f"{coordinator.data.info.name} Wi-Fi BSSID", ) @property def state(self) -> str: """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.coordinator.data.info.wifi.bssid
import asyncio import io import logging from PIL import UnidentifiedImageError import aiohttp import async_timeout from colorthief import ColorThief import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.color_extractor.const import ( ATTR_PATH, ATTR_URL, DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, ) from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_RGB_COLOR, DOMAIN as LIGHT_DOMAIN, LIGHT_TURN_ON_SCHEMA, SERVICE_TURN_ON as LIGHT_SERVICE_TURN_ON, ) from homeassistant.helpers import aiohttp_client import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Extend the existing light.turn_on service schema SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.All( cv.has_at_least_one_key(ATTR_URL, ATTR_PATH), cv.make_entity_service_schema( { **LIGHT_TURN_ON_SCHEMA, vol.Exclusive(ATTR_PATH, "color_extractor"): cv.isfile, vol.Exclusive(ATTR_URL, "color_extractor"): cv.url, } ), ) def _get_file(file_path): """Get a PIL acceptable input file reference. Allows us to mock patch during testing to make BytesIO stream. """ return file_path def _get_color(file_handler) -> tuple: """Given an image file, extract the predominant color from it.""" color_thief = ColorThief(file_handler) # get_color returns a SINGLE RGB value for the given image color = color_thief.get_color(quality=1) _LOGGER.debug("Extracted RGB color %s from image", color) return color async def async_setup(hass, hass_config): """Set up services for color_extractor integration.""" async def async_handle_service(service_call): """Decide which color_extractor method to call based on service.""" service_data = dict(service_call.data) try: if ATTR_URL in service_data: image_type = "URL" image_reference = service_data.pop(ATTR_URL) color = await async_extract_color_from_url(image_reference) elif ATTR_PATH in service_data: image_type = "file path" image_reference = service_data.pop(ATTR_PATH) color = await hass.async_add_executor_job( extract_color_from_path, image_reference ) except UnidentifiedImageError as ex: _LOGGER.error( "Bad image from %s '%s' provided, are you sure it's an image? %s", image_type, image_reference, ex, ) return if color: service_data[ATTR_RGB_COLOR] = color await hass.services.async_call( LIGHT_DOMAIN, LIGHT_SERVICE_TURN_ON, service_data, blocking=True ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, async_handle_service, schema=SERVICE_SCHEMA, ) async def async_extract_color_from_url(url): """Handle call for URL based image.""" if not hass.config.is_allowed_external_url(url): _LOGGER.error( "External URL '%s' is not allowed, please add to 'allowlist_external_urls'", url, ) return None _LOGGER.debug("Getting predominant RGB from image URL '%s'", url) # Download the image into a buffer for ColorThief to check against try: session = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass) with async_timeout.timeout(10): response = await session.get(url) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, aiohttp.ClientError) as err: _LOGGER.error("Failed to get ColorThief image due to HTTPError: %s", err) return None content = await response.content.read() with io.BytesIO(content) as _file: _file.name = "color_extractor.jpg" _file.seek(0) return _get_color(_file) def extract_color_from_path(file_path): """Handle call for local file based image.""" if not hass.config.is_allowed_path(file_path): _LOGGER.error( "File path '%s' is not allowed, please add to 'allowlist_external_dirs'", file_path, ) return None _LOGGER.debug("Getting predominant RGB from file path '%s'", file_path) _file = _get_file(file_path) return _get_color(_file) return True
import logging import gammu # pylint: disable=import-error, no-member import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.notify import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, BaseNotificationService from homeassistant.const import CONF_NAME, CONF_RECIPIENT import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from .const import DOMAIN, SMS_GATEWAY _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( {vol.Required(CONF_RECIPIENT): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME): cv.string} ) def get_service(hass, config, discovery_info=None): """Get the SMS notification service.""" if SMS_GATEWAY not in hass.data[DOMAIN]: _LOGGER.error("SMS gateway not found, cannot initialize service") return gateway = hass.data[DOMAIN][SMS_GATEWAY] if discovery_info is None: number = config[CONF_RECIPIENT] else: number = discovery_info[CONF_RECIPIENT] return SMSNotificationService(gateway, number) class SMSNotificationService(BaseNotificationService): """Implement the notification service for SMS.""" def __init__(self, gateway, number): """Initialize the service.""" self.gateway = gateway self.number = number async def async_send_message(self, message="", **kwargs): """Send SMS message.""" smsinfo = { "Class": -1, "Unicode": False, "Entries": [{"ID": "ConcatenatedTextLong", "Buffer": message}], } try: # Encode messages encoded = gammu.EncodeSMS(smsinfo) # pylint: disable=no-member except gammu.GSMError as exc: # pylint: disable=no-member _LOGGER.error("Encoding message %s failed: %s", message, exc) return # Send messages for encoded_message in encoded: # Fill in numbers encoded_message["SMSC"] = {"Location": 1} encoded_message["Number"] = self.number try: # Actually send the message await self.gateway.send_sms_async(encoded_message) except gammu.GSMError as exc: # pylint: disable=no-member _LOGGER.error("Sending to %s failed: %s", self.number, exc)
import pytest from homeassistant.components.geonetnz_volcano import DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LONGITUDE, CONF_RADIUS, CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM, ) from tests.common import MockConfigEntry @pytest.fixture def config_entry(): """Create a mock GeoNet NZ Volcano config entry.""" return MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, data={ CONF_LATITUDE: -41.2, CONF_LONGITUDE: 174.7, CONF_RADIUS: 25, CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM: "metric", CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL: 300.0, }, title="-41.2, 174.7", )
import asyncio import logging import os from pathlib import Path from subprocess import PIPE, Popen import sys from typing import Optional from urllib.parse import urlparse import pkg_resources if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 8): from importlib.metadata import ( # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error PackageNotFoundError, version, ) else: from importlib_metadata import ( # pylint: disable=import-error PackageNotFoundError, version, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def is_virtual_env() -> bool: """Return if we run in a virtual environment.""" # Check supports venv && virtualenv return getattr(sys, "base_prefix", sys.prefix) != sys.prefix or hasattr( sys, "real_prefix" ) def is_docker_env() -> bool: """Return True if we run in a docker env.""" return Path("/.dockerenv").exists() def is_installed(package: str) -> bool: """Check if a package is installed and will be loaded when we import it. Returns True when the requirement is met. Returns False when the package is not installed or doesn't meet req. """ try: req = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(package) except ValueError: # This is a zip file. We no longer use this in Home Assistant, # leaving it in for custom components. req = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(urlparse(package).fragment) try: return version(req.project_name) in req except PackageNotFoundError: return False def install_package( package: str, upgrade: bool = True, target: Optional[str] = None, constraints: Optional[str] = None, find_links: Optional[str] = None, no_cache_dir: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> bool: """Install a package on PyPi. Accepts pip compatible package strings. Return boolean if install successful. """ # Not using 'import pip; pip.main([])' because it breaks the logger _LOGGER.info("Attempting install of %s", package) env = os.environ.copy() args = [sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "--quiet", package] if no_cache_dir: args.append("--no-cache-dir") if upgrade: args.append("--upgrade") if constraints is not None: args += ["--constraint", constraints] if find_links is not None: args += ["--find-links", find_links, "--prefer-binary"] if target: assert not is_virtual_env() # This only works if not running in venv args += ["--user"] env["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = os.path.abspath(target) if sys.platform != "win32": # Workaround for incompatible prefix setting # See http://stackoverflow.com/a/4495175 args += ["--prefix="] process = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env) _, stderr = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: _LOGGER.error( "Unable to install package %s: %s", package, stderr.decode("utf-8").lstrip().strip(), ) return False return True async def async_get_user_site(deps_dir: str) -> str: """Return user local library path. This function is a coroutine. """ env = os.environ.copy() env["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = os.path.abspath(deps_dir) args = [sys.executable, "-m", "site", "--user-site"] process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *args, stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.DEVNULL, env=env, ) stdout, _ = await process.communicate() lib_dir = stdout.decode().strip() return lib_dir
import logging from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import ( DEVICE_CLASS_PROBLEM, BinarySensorEntity, ) from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from . import DOMAIN, SIGNAL_UPDATE_SMARTY _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Smarty Binary Sensor Platform.""" smarty = hass.data[DOMAIN]["api"] name = hass.data[DOMAIN]["name"] sensors = [ AlarmSensor(name, smarty), WarningSensor(name, smarty), BoostSensor(name, smarty), ] async_add_entities(sensors, True) class SmartyBinarySensor(BinarySensorEntity): """Representation of a Smarty Binary Sensor.""" def __init__(self, name, device_class, smarty): """Initialize the entity.""" self._name = name self._state = None self._sensor_type = device_class self._smarty = smarty @property def device_class(self): """Return the class of the sensor.""" return self._sensor_type @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """Do not poll.""" return False @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def is_on(self): """Return true if the binary sensor is on.""" return self._state async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Call to update.""" async_dispatcher_connect(self.hass, SIGNAL_UPDATE_SMARTY, self._update_callback) @callback def _update_callback(self): """Call update method.""" self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) class BoostSensor(SmartyBinarySensor): """Boost State Binary Sensor.""" def __init__(self, name, smarty): """Alarm Sensor Init.""" super().__init__(name=f"{name} Boost State", device_class=None, smarty=smarty) def update(self) -> None: """Update state.""" _LOGGER.debug("Updating sensor %s", self._name) self._state = self._smarty.boost class AlarmSensor(SmartyBinarySensor): """Alarm Binary Sensor.""" def __init__(self, name, smarty): """Alarm Sensor Init.""" super().__init__( name=f"{name} Alarm", device_class=DEVICE_CLASS_PROBLEM, smarty=smarty ) def update(self) -> None: """Update state.""" _LOGGER.debug("Updating sensor %s", self._name) self._state = self._smarty.alarm class WarningSensor(SmartyBinarySensor): """Warning Sensor.""" def __init__(self, name, smarty): """Warning Sensor Init.""" super().__init__( name=f"{name} Warning", device_class=DEVICE_CLASS_PROBLEM, smarty=smarty ) def update(self) -> None: """Update state.""" _LOGGER.debug("Updating sensor %s", self._name) self._state = self._smarty.warning
import io import logging import urllib.parse try: import requests except ImportError: MISSING_DEPS = True from smart_open import utils, constants import http.client as httplib logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) SCHEME = 'webhdfs' URI_EXAMPLES = ( 'webhdfs://host:port/path/file', ) MIN_PART_SIZE = 50 * 1024**2 # minimum part size for HDFS multipart uploads def parse_uri(uri_as_str): return dict(scheme=SCHEME, uri=uri_as_str) def open_uri(uri, mode, transport_params): kwargs = utils.check_kwargs(open, transport_params) return open(uri, mode, **kwargs) def open(http_uri, mode, min_part_size=MIN_PART_SIZE): """ Parameters ---------- http_uri: str webhdfs url converted to http REST url min_part_size: int, optional For writing only. """ if http_uri.startswith(SCHEME): http_uri = _convert_to_http_uri(http_uri) if mode == constants.READ_BINARY: fobj = BufferedInputBase(http_uri) elif mode == constants.WRITE_BINARY: fobj = BufferedOutputBase(http_uri, min_part_size=min_part_size) else: raise NotImplementedError("webhdfs support for mode %r not implemented" % mode) fobj.name = http_uri.split('/')[-1] return fobj def _convert_to_http_uri(webhdfs_url): """ Convert webhdfs uri to http url and return it as text Parameters ---------- webhdfs_url: str A URL starting with webhdfs:// """ split_uri = urllib.parse.urlsplit(webhdfs_url) netloc = split_uri.hostname if split_uri.port: netloc += ":{}".format(split_uri.port) query = split_uri.query if split_uri.username: query += ( ("&" if query else "") + "user.name=" + urllib.parse.quote(split_uri.username) ) return urllib.parse.urlunsplit( ("http", netloc, "/webhdfs/v1" + split_uri.path, query, "") ) # # For old unit tests. # def convert_to_http_uri(parsed_uri): return _convert_to_http_uri(parsed_uri.uri) class BufferedInputBase(io.BufferedIOBase): def __init__(self, uri): self._uri = uri payload = {"op": "OPEN", "offset": 0} self._response = requests.get(self._uri, params=payload, stream=True) if self._response.status_code != httplib.OK: raise WebHdfsException.from_response(self._response) self._buf = b'' # # Override some methods from io.IOBase. # def close(self): """Flush and close this stream.""" logger.debug("close: called") def readable(self): """Return True if the stream can be read from.""" return True def seekable(self): """If False, seek(), tell() and truncate() will raise IOError. We offer only seek support, and no truncate support.""" return False # # io.BufferedIOBase methods. # def detach(self): """Unsupported.""" raise io.UnsupportedOperation def read(self, size=None): if size is None: self._buf, retval = b'', self._buf + self._response.raw.read() return retval elif size < len(self._buf): self._buf, retval = self._buf[size:], self._buf[:size] return retval try: while len(self._buf) < size: self._buf += self._response.raw.read(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE) except StopIteration: pass self._buf, retval = self._buf[size:], self._buf[:size] return retval def read1(self, size=-1): """This is the same as read().""" return self.read(size=size) def readinto(self, b): """Read up to len(b) bytes into b, and return the number of bytes read.""" data = self.read(len(b)) if not data: return 0 b[:len(data)] = data return len(data) def readline(self): self._buf, retval = b'', self._buf + self._response.raw.readline() return retval class BufferedOutputBase(io.BufferedIOBase): def __init__(self, uri, min_part_size=MIN_PART_SIZE): """ Parameters ---------- min_part_size: int, optional For writing only. """ self._uri = uri self._closed = False self.min_part_size = min_part_size # creating empty file first payload = {"op": "CREATE", "overwrite": True} init_response = requests.put(self._uri, params=payload, allow_redirects=False) if not init_response.status_code == httplib.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT: raise WebHdfsException.from_response(init_response) uri = init_response.headers['location'] response = requests.put(uri, data="", headers={'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'}) if not response.status_code == httplib.CREATED: raise WebHdfsException.from_response(response) self.lines = [] self.parts = 0 self.chunk_bytes = 0 self.total_size = 0 # # This member is part of the io.BufferedIOBase interface. # self.raw = None # # Override some methods from io.IOBase. # def writable(self): """Return True if the stream supports writing.""" return True # # io.BufferedIOBase methods. # def detach(self): raise io.UnsupportedOperation("detach() not supported") def _upload(self, data): payload = {"op": "APPEND"} init_response = requests.post(self._uri, params=payload, allow_redirects=False) if not init_response.status_code == httplib.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT: raise WebHdfsException.from_response(init_response) uri = init_response.headers['location'] response = requests.post(uri, data=data, headers={'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'}) if not response.status_code == httplib.OK: raise WebHdfsException.from_response(response) def write(self, b): """ Write the given bytes (binary string) into the WebHDFS file from constructor. """ if self._closed: raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file") if not isinstance(b, bytes): raise TypeError("input must be a binary string") self.lines.append(b) self.chunk_bytes += len(b) self.total_size += len(b) if self.chunk_bytes >= self.min_part_size: buff = b"".join(self.lines) logger.info( "uploading part #%i, %i bytes (total %.3fGB)", self.parts, len(buff), self.total_size / 1024.0 ** 3 ) self._upload(buff) logger.debug("upload of part #%i finished", self.parts) self.parts += 1 self.lines, self.chunk_bytes = [], 0 def close(self): buff = b"".join(self.lines) if buff: logger.info( "uploading last part #%i, %i bytes (total %.3fGB)", self.parts, len(buff), self.total_size / 1024.0 ** 3 ) self._upload(buff) logger.debug("upload of last part #%i finished", self.parts) self._closed = True @property def closed(self): return self._closed class WebHdfsException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg="", status_code=None): self.msg = msg self.status_code = status_code super(WebHdfsException, self).__init__(repr(self)) def __repr__(self): return "{}(status_code={}, msg={!r})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.status_code, self.msg ) @classmethod def from_response(cls, response): return cls(msg=response.text, status_code=response.status_code)
from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree import os.path import getpass import logging import tempfile import pkg_resources from ..Telegraf.decoder import decoder from yandextank.common.util import read_resource import configparser logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ConfigManager(object): """ Config reader and parser helper. XML support """ @staticmethod def parse_xml(config): if os.path.exists(config): return etree.parse(config) else: return etree.fromstring(config) def getconfig(self, filename, target_hint): """Prepare config data.""" try: config = read_resource(filename) tree = self.parse_xml(config) except IOError as exc: logger.error("Error loading config: %s", exc) raise RuntimeError("Can't read monitoring config %s" % filename) hosts = tree.findall('Host') config = [] for host in hosts: host_config = self.get_host_config(host, target_hint) config.append(host_config) return config def get_host_config(self, host, target_hint): defaults = { "CPU": { "name": '[inputs.cpu]', "percpu": 'false', "fielddrop": '["time_*", "usage_guest_nice"]' }, "Memory": { "name": '[inputs.mem]', "fielddrop": '["active", "inactive", "total", "used_per*", "avail*"]', }, "Disk": { "name": '[inputs.diskio]', "devices": '[{devices}]'.format( devices=",".join( ['"vda%s","sda%s"' % (num, num) for num in range(6)])), }, "Net": { "name": '[inputs.net]', "interfaces": '[{interfaces}]'.format( interfaces=",".join( ['"eth%s"' % (num) for num in range(6)])), "fielddrop": '["icmp*", "ip*", "udplite*", "tcp*", "udp*", "drop*", "err*"]', }, "Nstat": { "name": '[inputs.nstat]', "fieldpass": '["TcpRetransSegs"]', }, "Netstat": { "name": '[inputs.netstat]', }, "NetResponse": { "name": '[inputs.net_response]', "protocol": '"tcp"', "address": '":80"', "timeout": '"1s"' }, "System": { "name": '[inputs.system]', "fielddrop": '["n_users", "n_cpus", "uptime*"]', }, "Kernel": { "name": '[inputs.kernel]', "fielddrop": '["boot_time"]', }, "KernelVmstat": { "name": '[inputs.kernel_vmstat]', "fieldpass": '["pgfault", "pgmajfault"]', } } defaults_enabled = ['CPU', 'Memory', 'Disk', 'Net', 'System', 'Kernel'] defaults_boolean = [ 'percpu', 'round_interval', 'fielddrop', 'fieldpass', 'interfaces', 'devices' ] hostname = host.get('address').lower() if hostname == '[target]': if not target_hint: raise ValueError( "Can't use `[target]` keyword with no target parameter specified" ) logger.debug("Using target hint: %s", target_hint) hostname = target_hint.lower() custom = [] startups = [] shutdowns = [] sources = [] telegrafraw = [] # agent defaults host_config = {} for metric in host: if str(metric.tag) in defaults: for key in tuple(defaults[metric.tag].keys()): if key != 'name' and key not in defaults_boolean: value = metric.get(key, None) if value: defaults[metric.tag][key] = "'{value}'".format( value=value) elif key in defaults_boolean: value = metric.get(key, None) if value: defaults[metric.tag][key] = "{value}".format( value=value) host_config[metric.tag] = defaults[metric.tag] # custom metrics if (str(metric.tag)).lower() == 'custom': isdiff = metric.get('diff', 0) cmd = { 'cmd': metric.text, 'label': metric.get('label'), 'diff': isdiff } custom.append(cmd) elif (str(metric.tag)).lower() == 'startup': startups.append(metric.text) elif (str(metric.tag)).lower() == 'shutdown': shutdowns.append(metric.text) elif (str(metric.tag)).lower() == 'source': sources.append(metric.text) elif (str(metric.tag)).lower() == 'telegrafraw': telegrafraw.append(metric.text) if len(host_config) == 0: logger.info('Empty host config, using defaults') for section in defaults_enabled: host_config[section] = defaults[section] result = { 'host_config': host_config, 'port': int(host.get('port', 22)), 'python': host.get('python', '/usr/bin/env python3'), 'interval': host.get('interval', 1), 'username': host.get('username', getpass.getuser()), 'telegraf': host.get('telegraf', '/usr/bin/telegraf'), 'comment': host.get('comment', ''), 'custom': custom, 'host': hostname, 'startup': startups, 'shutdown': shutdowns, 'source': sources, 'telegrafraw': telegrafraw } logger.info("Telegraf Result config %s", result) return result class AgentConfig(object): """ Agent config generator helper """ def __init__(self, config, old_style_configs): self.host = config['host'] self.custom = config['custom'] self.startups = config['startup'] self.shutdowns = config['shutdown'] self.sources = config['source'] self.interval = config['interval'] self.comment = config['comment'] self.telegrafraw = config['telegrafraw'] self.host_config = config['host_config'] self.old_style_configs = old_style_configs def create_startup_config(self): """ Startup and shutdown commands config Used by agent.py on the target """ cfg_path = "agent_startup_{}.cfg".format(self.host) if os.path.isfile(cfg_path): logger.info( 'Found agent startup config file in working directory with the same name as created for host %s.\n' 'Creating new one via tempfile. This will affect predictable filenames for agent artefacts', self.host) handle, cfg_path = tempfile.mkstemp('.cfg', 'agent_') os.close(handle) try: config = configparser.RawConfigParser(strict=False) # FIXME incinerate such a string formatting inside a method call # T_T config.add_section('startup') [ config.set('startup', "cmd%s" % idx, cmd) for idx, cmd in enumerate(self.startups) ] config.add_section('shutdown') [ config.set('shutdown', "cmd%s" % idx, cmd) for idx, cmd in enumerate(self.shutdowns) ] config.add_section('source') [ config.set('source', "file%s" % idx, path) for idx, path in enumerate(self.sources) ] with open(cfg_path, 'w') as fds: config.write(fds) except Exception as exc: logger.error( 'Error trying to create monitoring startups config. Malformed? %s', exc, exc_info=True) return cfg_path def create_custom_exec_script(self): """ bash script w/ custom commands inside inspired by half a night trying to avoid escaping bash special characters """ cfg_path = "agent_customs_{}.cfg".format(self.host) if os.path.isfile(cfg_path): logger.info( 'Found agent custom execs config file in working directory with the same name as created for host %s.\n' 'Creating new one via tempfile. This will affect predictable filenames for agent artefacts', self.host) handle, cfg_path = tempfile.mkstemp('.sh', 'agent_customs_') os.close(handle) cmds = "" for idx, cmd in enumerate(self.custom): cmds += "-{idx}) {cmd};;\n".format(idx=idx, cmd=cmd['cmd']) customs_script = """ #!/bin/sh while : do case "$1" in {cmds} *) break;; esac shift done """.format(cmds=cmds) with open(cfg_path, 'w') as fds: fds.write(customs_script) return cfg_path def create_collector_config(self, workdir): """ Telegraf collector config, toml format """ cfg_path = "agent_collector_{}.cfg".format(self.host) if os.path.isfile(cfg_path): logger.info( 'Found agent config file in working directory with the same name as created for host %s.\n' 'Creating new one via tempfile. This will affect predictable filenames for agent artefacts', self.host) handle, cfg_path = tempfile.mkstemp('.cfg', 'agent_collector_') os.close(handle) self.monitoring_data_output = "{remote_folder}/monitoring.rawdata".format( remote_folder=workdir) defaults_old_enabled = ['CPU', 'Memory', 'Disk', 'Net', 'System'] try: config = configparser.RawConfigParser(strict=False) config.add_section("global_tags") config.add_section("agent") config.set( "agent", "interval", "'{interval}s'".format(interval=self.interval)) config.set("agent", "round_interval", "true") config.set("agent", "flush_interval", "'1s'") config.set("agent", "collection_jitter", "'0s'") config.set("agent", "flush_jitter", "'1s'") for section in self.host_config.keys(): # telegraf-style config if not self.old_style_configs: config.add_section( "{section_name}".format( section_name=self.host_config[section]['name'])) for key, value in self.host_config[section].items(): if key != 'name': config.set( "{section_name}".format( section_name=self.host_config[section][ 'name']), "{key}".format(key=key), "{value}".format(value=value)) # monitoring-style config else: if section in defaults_old_enabled: config.add_section( "{section_name}".format( section_name=self.host_config[section]['name'])) for key, value in self.host_config[section].items(): if key in [ 'fielddrop', 'fieldpass', 'percpu', 'devices', 'interfaces' ]: config.set( "{section_name}".format( section_name=self.host_config[section][ 'name']), "{key}".format(key=key), "{value}".format(value=value)) # outputs config.add_section("[outputs.file]") config.set( "[outputs.file]", "files", "['{config}']".format(config=self.monitoring_data_output)) config.set("[outputs.file]", "data_format", "'json'") with open(cfg_path, 'w') as fds: config.write(fds) # dirty hack, this allow to avoid bash escape quoting, we're pushing shell script w/ arguments # index of argument is index of custom metric in our config inputs = "" for idx, cmd in enumerate(self.custom): inputs += "[[inputs.exec]]\n" inputs += "commands = ['/bin/sh {workdir}/agent_customs.sh -{idx}']\n".format( workdir=workdir, idx=idx) inputs += "data_format = 'value'\n" inputs += "data_type = 'float'\n" inputs += "name_prefix = '{}_'\n\n".format(cmd.get('label')) if cmd['diff']: decoder.diff_metrics['custom'].append( decoder.find_common_names(cmd.get('label'))) with open(cfg_path, 'a') as fds: fds.write(inputs) # telegraf raw configuration into xml telegraf_raw = "" for element in self.telegrafraw: telegraf_raw += element with open(cfg_path, 'a') as fds: fds.write(telegraf_raw) except Exception as exc: logger.error( 'Error trying to create monitoring config. Malformed? %s', exc, exc_info=True) return cfg_path def create_agent_py(agent_filename): if not os.path.isfile(agent_filename): with open(agent_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(read_resource(pkg_resources.resource_filename('yandextank.plugins.Telegraf', 'agent/agent.py'))) os.chmod(agent_filename, 0o775) return os.path.abspath(agent_filename)
from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password from weblate.auth.data import ( GLOBAL_PERMISSIONS, GROUPS, PERMISSIONS, ROLES, SELECTION_ALL, ) def migrate_permissions_list(model, permissions): ids = set() # Update/create permissions for code, name in permissions: instance, created = model.objects.get_or_create( codename=code, defaults={"name": name} ) ids.add(instance.pk) if not created and instance.name != name: instance.name = name instance.save(update_fields=["name"]) return ids def migrate_permissions(model): """Create permissions as defined in the data.""" ids = set() # Per object permissions ids.update(migrate_permissions_list(model, PERMISSIONS)) # Global permissions ids.update(migrate_permissions_list(model, GLOBAL_PERMISSIONS)) # Delete stale permissions model.objects.exclude(id__in=ids).delete() def migrate_roles(model, perm_model): """Create roles as defined in the data.""" result = False for role, permissions in ROLES: instance, created = model.objects.get_or_create(name=role) result |= created instance.permissions.set( perm_model.objects.filter(codename__in=permissions), clear=True ) return result def migrate_groups(model, role_model, update=False): """Create groups as defined in the data.""" for group, roles, selection in GROUPS: defaults = { "internal": True, "project_selection": selection, "language_selection": SELECTION_ALL, } instance, created = model.objects.get_or_create(name=group, defaults=defaults) if created or update: instance.roles.set(role_model.objects.filter(name__in=roles), clear=True) if update: for key, value in defaults.items(): setattr(instance, key, value) instance.save() def create_anonymous(model, group_model, update=True): user, created = model.objects.get_or_create( username=settings.ANONYMOUS_USER_NAME, defaults={ "full_name": "Anonymous", "email": "[email protected]", "is_active": False, "password": make_password(None), }, ) if user.is_active: raise ValueError( f"Anonymous user ({settings.ANONYMOUS_USER_NAME}) already exists and is " "active, please change the ANONYMOUS_USER_NAME setting or mark the user " "as not active in the admin interface." ) if created or update: user.set_unusable_password() user.save() user.groups.set( group_model.objects.filter(name__in=("Guests", "Viewers")), clear=True )
from collections import namedtuple import iptc import mock import pytest from paasta_tools import iptables EMPTY_RULE = iptables.Rule( protocol="ip", src="", dst="", target=None, matches=(), target_parameters=(), ) @pytest.yield_fixture def mock_Table(): with mock.patch.object(iptc, "Table", autospec=True) as m: m.return_value.autocommit = True yield m @pytest.yield_fixture def mock_Chain(): with mock.patch.object(iptc, "Chain", autospec=True) as m: yield m def test_rule_from_iptc_simple(): rule = iptc.Rule() rule.create_target("DROP") rule.src = "" assert iptables.Rule.from_iptc(rule) == EMPTY_RULE._replace( src="", target="DROP" ) def test_rule_from_iptc_mac_match(): rule = iptc.Rule() rule.create_target("DROP") rule.create_match("mac") rule.matches[0].mac_source = "20:C9:D0:2B:6F:F3" assert iptables.Rule.from_iptc(rule) == EMPTY_RULE._replace( target="DROP", matches=(("mac", (("mac-source", ("20:C9:D0:2B:6F:F3",)),)),) ) def test_rule_from_iptc_target_parameters(): rule = iptc.Rule() target = rule.create_target("LOG") target.set_parameter("log-prefix", "my-prefix ") assert iptables.Rule.from_iptc(rule) == EMPTY_RULE._replace( target="LOG", target_parameters=(("log-prefix", ("my-prefix ",)),) ) def test_rule_tcp_to_iptc(): rule = EMPTY_RULE._replace( protocol="tcp", target="ACCEPT", matches=(("tcp", (("dport", ("443",)),)),) ).to_iptc() assert rule.protocol == "tcp" assert rule.target.name == "ACCEPT" assert len(rule.matches) == 1 assert rule.matches[0].name == "tcp" assert rule.matches[0].parameters["dport"] == "443" def test_mac_src_to_iptc(): rule = EMPTY_RULE._replace( target="ACCEPT", matches=(("mac", (("mac-source", ("20:C9:D0:2B:6F:F3",)),)),) ).to_iptc() assert rule.protocol == "ip" assert rule.target.name == "ACCEPT" assert len(rule.matches) == 1 assert rule.matches[0].name == "mac" assert rule.matches[0].parameters["mac_source"] == "20:C9:D0:2B:6F:F3" def test_iptables_txn_normal(): table = mock.Mock(autocommit=True) with iptables.iptables_txn(table): assert table.autocommit is False assert table.commit.called is False assert table.refresh.called is False assert table.commit.called is True assert table.refresh.called is True assert table.autocommit is True def test_iptables_txn_with_exception(): table = mock.Mock(autocommit=True) with pytest.raises(ValueError): with iptables.iptables_txn(table): raise ValueError("just testing lol") assert table.commit.called is False assert table.refresh.called is True assert table.autocommit is True def test_all_chains(mock_Table): chain1 = mock.Mock() chain1.name = "INPUT" chain2 = mock.Mock() chain2.name = "OUTPUT" mock_Table.return_value = mock.Mock(chains=[chain1, chain2]) assert iptables.all_chains() == {"INPUT", "OUTPUT"} def test_ensure_chain(): with mock.patch.object( iptables, "list_chain", autospec=True, return_value={ EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="DROP"), EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="ACCEPT", src=""), }, ), mock.patch.object( iptables, "insert_rule", autospec=True ) as mock_insert_rule, mock.patch.object( iptables, "delete_rules", autospec=True ) as mock_delete_rules: iptables.ensure_chain( "PAASTA.service", ( EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="DROP"), EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="ACCEPT", src=""), ), ) # It should add the missing rule assert mock_insert_rule.mock_calls == [ mock.call( "PAASTA.service", EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="ACCEPT", src=""), ) ] # It should delete the extra rule assert mock_delete_rules.mock_calls == [ mock.call( "PAASTA.service", {EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="ACCEPT", src="")}, ) ] def test_ensure_chain_creates_chain_if_doesnt_exist(): with mock.patch.object( iptables, "list_chain", side_effect=iptables.ChainDoesNotExist("PAASTA.service") ), mock.patch.object(iptables, "create_chain", autospec=True) as mock_create_chain: iptables.ensure_chain("PAASTA.service", ()) assert mock_create_chain.mock_calls == [mock.call("PAASTA.service")] def test_ensure_rule_does_not_exist(): with mock.patch.object( iptables, "list_chain", return_value=( EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="ACCEPT"), EMPTY_RULE._replace(src=""), ), ), mock.patch.object(iptables, "insert_rule", autospec=True) as mock_insert_rule: iptables.ensure_rule("PAASTA.service", EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="DROP")) assert mock_insert_rule.mock_calls == [ mock.call("PAASTA.service", EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="DROP")) ] def test_ensure_rule_already_exists(): with mock.patch.object( iptables, "list_chain", return_value=( EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="DROP"), EMPTY_RULE._replace(src=""), ), ), mock.patch.object(iptables, "insert_rule", autospec=True) as mock_insert_rule: iptables.ensure_rule("PAASTA.service", EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="DROP")) assert mock_insert_rule.called is False def test_insert_rule(mock_Table, mock_Chain): iptables.insert_rule("PAASTA.service", EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="DROP")) (call,) = mock_Chain("filter", "PAASTA.service").insert_rule.call_args_list args, kwargs = call (rule,) = args assert iptables.Rule.from_iptc(rule) == EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="DROP") def test_delete_rules(mock_Table, mock_Chain): mock_Chain.return_value.rules = ( EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="DROP").to_iptc(), EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="ACCEPT").to_iptc(), EMPTY_RULE._replace( target="REJECT", target_parameters=(("reject-with", ("icmp-port-unreachable",)),), ).to_iptc(), ) iptables.delete_rules( "PAASTA.service", ( EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="ACCEPT"), EMPTY_RULE._replace( target="REJECT", target_parameters=(("reject-with", ("icmp-port-unreachable",)),), ), ), ) assert mock_Chain("filter", "PAASTA.service").delete_rule.mock_calls == [ mock.call(mock_Chain.return_value.rules[1]), mock.call(mock_Chain.return_value.rules[2]), ] def test_create_chain(mock_Table): iptables.create_chain("PAASTA.service") mock_Table("filter").create_chain.assert_called_once_with("PAASTA.service") def test_delete_chain(mock_Table, mock_Chain): iptables.delete_chain("PAASTA.service") chain = mock_Chain("filter", "PAASTA.service") assert chain.flush.called is True assert chain.delete.called is True def test_list_chain_simple(mock_Table, mock_Chain): chain = mock_Chain("PAASTA.internet", mock_Table.return_value) rule = iptc.Rule() rule.create_target("DROP") chain.rules = [rule] mock_Table.return_value.chains = [chain] assert iptables.list_chain("PAASTA.internet") == ( EMPTY_RULE._replace(target="DROP"), ) def test_list_chain_does_not_exist(mock_Table, mock_Chain): mock_Table.return_value.chains = [] with pytest.raises(iptables.ChainDoesNotExist): iptables.list_chain("PAASTA.internet") class TestReorderChain: class FakeRule(namedtuple("FakeRule", ("target", "id"))): def to_iptc(self): return self @pytest.yield_fixture(autouse=True) def chain_mock(self): with mock.patch.object( iptables, "iptables_txn", autospec=True ), mock.patch.object(iptables.iptc, "Table", autospec=True), mock.patch.object( iptables.iptc, "Chain", autospec=True ) as chain_mock, mock.patch.object( iptables, "list_chain", autospec=True ) as list_chain_mock: self.chain_mock = chain_mock self.list_chain_mock = list_chain_mock yield def test_reorder_chain_flip(self): self.list_chain_mock.return_value = [ self.FakeRule("REJECT", "a"), self.FakeRule("LOG", "b"), self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "c"), self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "d"), ] iptables.reorder_chain("") assert self.chain_mock.return_value.replace_rule.mock_calls == [ mock.call(self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "c"), 0), mock.call(self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "d"), 1), mock.call(self.FakeRule("LOG", "b"), 2), mock.call(self.FakeRule("REJECT", "a"), 3), ] def test_reorder_chain_log_first(self): self.list_chain_mock.return_value = [ self.FakeRule("LOG", "b"), self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "c"), self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "d"), self.FakeRule("REJECT", "a"), ] iptables.reorder_chain("") assert self.chain_mock.return_value.replace_rule.mock_calls == [ mock.call(self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "c"), 0), mock.call(self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "d"), 1), mock.call(self.FakeRule("LOG", "b"), 2), ] def test_reorder_chain_empty(self): self.list_chain_mock.return_value = [] iptables.reorder_chain("") assert self.chain_mock.return_value.replace_rule.mock_calls == [] def test_reorder_chain_already_in_order(self): self.chain_mock.return_value.rules = [ self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "c"), self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "d"), self.FakeRule("LOG", "b"), self.FakeRule("REJECT", "a"), ] iptables.reorder_chain("") assert self.chain_mock.return_value.replace_rule.mock_calls == [] def test_reorder_chain_log_at_bottom(self): self.list_chain_mock.return_value = [ self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "c"), self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "d"), self.FakeRule("REJECT", "a"), self.FakeRule("LOG", "b"), ] iptables.reorder_chain("") assert self.chain_mock.return_value.replace_rule.mock_calls == [ mock.call(self.FakeRule("LOG", "b"), 2), mock.call(self.FakeRule("REJECT", "a"), 3), ] def test_reorder_chain_reject_in_middle(self): self.list_chain_mock.return_value = [ self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "c"), self.FakeRule("REJECT", "a"), self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "d"), ] iptables.reorder_chain("") assert self.chain_mock.return_value.replace_rule.mock_calls == [ mock.call(self.FakeRule("ACCEPT", "d"), 1), mock.call(self.FakeRule("REJECT", "a"), 2), ] def test_reorder_chain_other_target_names(self): self.list_chain_mock.return_value = [ self.FakeRule("HELLOWORLD", "c"), self.FakeRule("REJECT", "a"), self.FakeRule("FOOBAR", "d"), ] iptables.reorder_chain("") assert self.chain_mock.return_value.replace_rule.mock_calls == [ mock.call(self.FakeRule("FOOBAR", "d"), 1), mock.call(self.FakeRule("REJECT", "a"), 2), ]
import asyncio from ipaddress import ip_address import logging import os from typing import Dict, Union import aiohttp from aiohttp import hdrs, web from aiohttp.web_exceptions import HTTPBadGateway from multidict import CIMultiDict from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType from .const import X_HASSIO, X_INGRESS_PATH _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) @callback def async_setup_ingress_view(hass: HomeAssistantType, host: str): """Auth setup.""" websession = hass.helpers.aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession() hassio_ingress = HassIOIngress(host, websession) hass.http.register_view(hassio_ingress) class HassIOIngress(HomeAssistantView): """Hass.io view to handle base part.""" name = "api:hassio:ingress" url = "/api/hassio_ingress/{token}/{path:.*}" requires_auth = False def __init__(self, host: str, websession: aiohttp.ClientSession): """Initialize a Hass.io ingress view.""" self._host = host self._websession = websession def _create_url(self, token: str, path: str) -> str: """Create URL to service.""" return f"http://{self._host}/ingress/{token}/{path}" async def _handle( self, request: web.Request, token: str, path: str ) -> Union[web.Response, web.StreamResponse, web.WebSocketResponse]: """Route data to Hass.io ingress service.""" try: # Websocket if _is_websocket(request): return await self._handle_websocket(request, token, path) # Request return await self._handle_request(request, token, path) except aiohttp.ClientError as err: _LOGGER.debug("Ingress error with %s / %s: %s", token, path, err) raise HTTPBadGateway() from None get = _handle post = _handle put = _handle delete = _handle patch = _handle options = _handle async def _handle_websocket( self, request: web.Request, token: str, path: str ) -> web.WebSocketResponse: """Ingress route for websocket.""" if hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL in request.headers: req_protocols = [ str(proto.strip()) for proto in request.headers[hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL].split(",") ] else: req_protocols = () ws_server = web.WebSocketResponse( protocols=req_protocols, autoclose=False, autoping=False ) await ws_server.prepare(request) # Preparing url = self._create_url(token, path) source_header = _init_header(request, token) # Support GET query if request.query_string: url = f"{url}?{request.query_string}" # Start proxy async with self._websession.ws_connect( url, headers=source_header, protocols=req_protocols, autoclose=False, autoping=False, ) as ws_client: # Proxy requests await asyncio.wait( [ _websocket_forward(ws_server, ws_client), _websocket_forward(ws_client, ws_server), ], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, ) return ws_server async def _handle_request( self, request: web.Request, token: str, path: str ) -> Union[web.Response, web.StreamResponse]: """Ingress route for request.""" url = self._create_url(token, path) data = await request.read() source_header = _init_header(request, token) async with self._websession.request( request.method, url, headers=source_header, params=request.query, allow_redirects=False, data=data, ) as result: headers = _response_header(result) # Simple request if ( hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH in result.headers and int(result.headers.get(hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH, 0)) < 4194000 ): # Return Response body = await result.read() return web.Response( headers=headers, status=result.status, content_type=result.content_type, body=body, ) # Stream response response = web.StreamResponse(status=result.status, headers=headers) response.content_type = result.content_type try: await response.prepare(request) async for data in result.content.iter_chunked(4096): await response.write(data) except (aiohttp.ClientError, aiohttp.ClientPayloadError) as err: _LOGGER.debug("Stream error %s / %s: %s", token, path, err) return response def _init_header( request: web.Request, token: str ) -> Union[CIMultiDict, Dict[str, str]]: """Create initial header.""" headers = {} # filter flags for name, value in request.headers.items(): if name in ( hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH, hdrs.CONTENT_ENCODING, hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSIONS, hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL, hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, hdrs.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY, ): continue headers[name] = value # Inject token / cleanup later on Supervisor headers[X_HASSIO] = os.environ.get("HASSIO_TOKEN", "") # Ingress information headers[X_INGRESS_PATH] = f"/api/hassio_ingress/{token}" # Set X-Forwarded-For forward_for = request.headers.get(hdrs.X_FORWARDED_FOR) connected_ip = ip_address(request.transport.get_extra_info("peername")[0]) if forward_for: forward_for = f"{forward_for}, {connected_ip!s}" else: forward_for = f"{connected_ip!s}" headers[hdrs.X_FORWARDED_FOR] = forward_for # Set X-Forwarded-Host forward_host = request.headers.get(hdrs.X_FORWARDED_HOST) if not forward_host: forward_host = request.host headers[hdrs.X_FORWARDED_HOST] = forward_host # Set X-Forwarded-Proto forward_proto = request.headers.get(hdrs.X_FORWARDED_PROTO) if not forward_proto: forward_proto = request.url.scheme headers[hdrs.X_FORWARDED_PROTO] = forward_proto return headers def _response_header(response: aiohttp.ClientResponse) -> Dict[str, str]: """Create response header.""" headers = {} for name, value in response.headers.items(): if name in ( hdrs.TRANSFER_ENCODING, hdrs.CONTENT_LENGTH, hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE, hdrs.CONTENT_ENCODING, ): continue headers[name] = value return headers def _is_websocket(request: web.Request) -> bool: """Return True if request is a websocket.""" headers = request.headers if ( "upgrade" in headers.get(hdrs.CONNECTION, "").lower() and headers.get(hdrs.UPGRADE, "").lower() == "websocket" ): return True return False async def _websocket_forward(ws_from, ws_to): """Handle websocket message directly.""" try: async for msg in ws_from: if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT: await ws_to.send_str(msg.data) elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY: await ws_to.send_bytes(msg.data) elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.PING: await ws_to.ping() elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.PONG: await ws_to.pong() elif ws_to.closed: await ws_to.close(code=ws_to.close_code, message=msg.extra) except RuntimeError: _LOGGER.debug("Ingress Websocket runtime error")
import pytest from homeassistant.components import zeroconf from tests.async_mock import patch zeroconf.orig_install_multiple_zeroconf_catcher = ( zeroconf.install_multiple_zeroconf_catcher ) zeroconf.install_multiple_zeroconf_catcher = lambda zc: None @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def prevent_io(): """Fixture to prevent certain I/O from happening.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.http.ban.async_load_ip_bans_config", return_value=[], ): yield
from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType async def async_setup(hass, config): """Component setup, do nothing.""" return True async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistantType, entry: ConfigEntry): """Set up a config entry for solarlog.""" hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(entry, "sensor") ) return True async def async_unload_entry(hass, entry): """Unload a config entry.""" return await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_unload(entry, "sensor")
import json import logging from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError import httpx from jsonpath import jsonpath import voluptuous as vol import xmltodict from homeassistant.components.sensor import DEVICE_CLASSES_SCHEMA, PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_AUTHENTICATION, CONF_DEVICE_CLASS, CONF_FORCE_UPDATE, CONF_HEADERS, CONF_METHOD, CONF_NAME, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PAYLOAD, CONF_RESOURCE, CONF_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE, CONF_TIMEOUT, CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE, CONF_VERIFY_SSL, HTTP_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION, HTTP_DIGEST_AUTHENTICATION, ) from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.reload import async_setup_reload_service from . import DOMAIN, PLATFORMS from .data import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, RestData _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_METHOD = "GET" DEFAULT_NAME = "REST Sensor" DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL = True DEFAULT_FORCE_UPDATE = False CONF_JSON_ATTRS = "json_attributes" CONF_JSON_ATTRS_PATH = "json_attributes_path" METHODS = ["POST", "GET"] PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Exclusive(CONF_RESOURCE, CONF_RESOURCE): cv.url, vol.Exclusive(CONF_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE, CONF_RESOURCE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_AUTHENTICATION): vol.In( [HTTP_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION, HTTP_DIGEST_AUTHENTICATION] ), vol.Optional(CONF_HEADERS): vol.Schema({cv.string: cv.string}), vol.Optional(CONF_JSON_ATTRS, default=[]): cv.ensure_list_csv, vol.Optional(CONF_METHOD, default=DEFAULT_METHOD): vol.In(METHODS), vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PAYLOAD): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICE_CLASS): DEVICE_CLASSES_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_JSON_ATTRS_PATH): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_VERIFY_SSL, default=DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_FORCE_UPDATE, default=DEFAULT_FORCE_UPDATE): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_TIMEOUT, default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): cv.positive_int, } ) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = vol.All( cv.has_at_least_one_key(CONF_RESOURCE, CONF_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE), PLATFORM_SCHEMA ) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the RESTful sensor.""" await async_setup_reload_service(hass, DOMAIN, PLATFORMS) name = config.get(CONF_NAME) resource = config.get(CONF_RESOURCE) resource_template = config.get(CONF_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE) method = config.get(CONF_METHOD) payload = config.get(CONF_PAYLOAD) verify_ssl = config.get(CONF_VERIFY_SSL) username = config.get(CONF_USERNAME) password = config.get(CONF_PASSWORD) headers = config.get(CONF_HEADERS) unit = config.get(CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) device_class = config.get(CONF_DEVICE_CLASS) value_template = config.get(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE) json_attrs = config.get(CONF_JSON_ATTRS) json_attrs_path = config.get(CONF_JSON_ATTRS_PATH) force_update = config.get(CONF_FORCE_UPDATE) timeout = config.get(CONF_TIMEOUT) if value_template is not None: value_template.hass = hass if resource_template is not None: resource_template.hass = hass resource = resource_template.render(parse_result=False) if username and password: if config.get(CONF_AUTHENTICATION) == HTTP_DIGEST_AUTHENTICATION: auth = httpx.DigestAuth(username, password) else: auth = (username, password) else: auth = None rest = RestData(method, resource, auth, headers, payload, verify_ssl, timeout) await rest.async_update() if rest.data is None: raise PlatformNotReady # Must update the sensor now (including fetching the rest resource) to # ensure it's updating its state. async_add_entities( [ RestSensor( hass, rest, name, unit, device_class, value_template, json_attrs, force_update, resource_template, json_attrs_path, ) ], True, ) class RestSensor(Entity): """Implementation of a REST sensor.""" def __init__( self, hass, rest, name, unit_of_measurement, device_class, value_template, json_attrs, force_update, resource_template, json_attrs_path, ): """Initialize the REST sensor.""" self._hass = hass self.rest = rest self._name = name self._state = None self._unit_of_measurement = unit_of_measurement self._device_class = device_class self._value_template = value_template self._json_attrs = json_attrs self._attributes = None self._force_update = force_update self._resource_template = resource_template self._json_attrs_path = json_attrs_path @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit the value is expressed in.""" return self._unit_of_measurement @property def device_class(self): """Return the class of this sensor.""" return self._device_class @property def available(self): """Return if the sensor data are available.""" return self.rest.data is not None @property def state(self): """Return the state of the device.""" return self._state @property def force_update(self): """Force update.""" return self._force_update async def async_update(self): """Get the latest data from REST API and update the state.""" if self._resource_template is not None: self.rest.set_url(self._resource_template.render(parse_result=False)) await self.rest.async_update() value = self.rest.data _LOGGER.debug("Data fetched from resource: %s", value) if self.rest.headers is not None: # If the http request failed, headers will be None content_type = self.rest.headers.get("content-type") if content_type and ( content_type.startswith("text/xml") or content_type.startswith("application/xml") ): try: value = json.dumps(xmltodict.parse(value)) _LOGGER.debug("JSON converted from XML: %s", value) except ExpatError: _LOGGER.warning( "REST xml result could not be parsed and converted to JSON" ) _LOGGER.debug("Erroneous XML: %s", value) if self._json_attrs: self._attributes = {} if value: try: json_dict = json.loads(value) if self._json_attrs_path is not None: json_dict = jsonpath(json_dict, self._json_attrs_path) # jsonpath will always store the result in json_dict[0] # so the next line happens to work exactly as needed to # find the result if isinstance(json_dict, list): json_dict = json_dict[0] if isinstance(json_dict, dict): attrs = { k: json_dict[k] for k in self._json_attrs if k in json_dict } self._attributes = attrs else: _LOGGER.warning( "JSON result was not a dictionary" " or list with 0th element a dictionary" ) except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning("REST result could not be parsed as JSON") _LOGGER.debug("Erroneous JSON: %s", value) else: _LOGGER.warning("Empty reply found when expecting JSON data") if value is not None and self._value_template is not None: value = self._value_template.async_render_with_possible_json_value( value, None ) self._state = value async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self): """Shutdown the session.""" await self.rest.async_remove() @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" return self._attributes
from pydispatch import dispatcher from tests.async_mock import MagicMock def value_changed(value): """Fire a value changed.""" dispatcher.send( MockNetwork.SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED, value=value, node=value.node, network=value.node._network, ) def node_changed(node): """Fire a node changed.""" dispatcher.send(MockNetwork.SIGNAL_NODE, node=node, network=node._network) def notification(node_id, network=None): """Fire a notification.""" dispatcher.send( MockNetwork.SIGNAL_NOTIFICATION, args={"nodeId": node_id}, network=network ) class MockOption(MagicMock): """Mock Z-Wave options.""" def __init__(self, device=None, config_path=None, user_path=None, cmd_line=None): """Initialize a Z-Wave mock options.""" super().__init__() self.device = device self.config_path = config_path self.user_path = user_path self.cmd_line = cmd_line def _get_child_mock(self, **kw): """Create child mocks with right MagicMock class.""" return MagicMock(**kw) class MockNetwork(MagicMock): """Mock Z-Wave network.""" SIGNAL_NETWORK_FAILED = "mock_NetworkFailed" SIGNAL_NETWORK_STARTED = "mock_NetworkStarted" SIGNAL_NETWORK_READY = "mock_NetworkReady" SIGNAL_NETWORK_STOPPED = "mock_NetworkStopped" SIGNAL_NETWORK_RESETTED = "mock_DriverResetted" SIGNAL_NETWORK_AWAKED = "mock_DriverAwaked" SIGNAL_DRIVER_FAILED = "mock_DriverFailed" SIGNAL_DRIVER_READY = "mock_DriverReady" SIGNAL_DRIVER_RESET = "mock_DriverReset" SIGNAL_DRIVER_REMOVED = "mock_DriverRemoved" SIGNAL_GROUP = "mock_Group" SIGNAL_NODE = "mock_Node" SIGNAL_NODE_ADDED = "mock_NodeAdded" SIGNAL_NODE_EVENT = "mock_NodeEvent" SIGNAL_NODE_NAMING = "mock_NodeNaming" SIGNAL_NODE_NEW = "mock_NodeNew" SIGNAL_NODE_PROTOCOL_INFO = "mock_NodeProtocolInfo" SIGNAL_NODE_READY = "mock_NodeReady" SIGNAL_NODE_REMOVED = "mock_NodeRemoved" SIGNAL_SCENE_EVENT = "mock_SceneEvent" SIGNAL_VALUE = "mock_Value" SIGNAL_VALUE_ADDED = "mock_ValueAdded" SIGNAL_VALUE_CHANGED = "mock_ValueChanged" SIGNAL_VALUE_REFRESHED = "mock_ValueRefreshed" SIGNAL_VALUE_REMOVED = "mock_ValueRemoved" SIGNAL_POLLING_ENABLED = "mock_PollingEnabled" SIGNAL_POLLING_DISABLED = "mock_PollingDisabled" SIGNAL_CREATE_BUTTON = "mock_CreateButton" SIGNAL_DELETE_BUTTON = "mock_DeleteButton" SIGNAL_BUTTON_ON = "mock_ButtonOn" SIGNAL_BUTTON_OFF = "mock_ButtonOff" SIGNAL_ESSENTIAL_NODE_QUERIES_COMPLETE = "mock_EssentialNodeQueriesComplete" SIGNAL_NODE_QUERIES_COMPLETE = "mock_NodeQueriesComplete" SIGNAL_AWAKE_NODES_QUERIED = "mock_AwakeNodesQueried" SIGNAL_ALL_NODES_QUERIED = "mock_AllNodesQueried" SIGNAL_ALL_NODES_QUERIED_SOME_DEAD = "mock_AllNodesQueriedSomeDead" SIGNAL_MSG_COMPLETE = "mock_MsgComplete" SIGNAL_NOTIFICATION = "mock_Notification" SIGNAL_CONTROLLER_COMMAND = "mock_ControllerCommand" SIGNAL_CONTROLLER_WAITING = "mock_ControllerWaiting" STATE_STOPPED = 0 STATE_FAILED = 1 STATE_RESETTED = 3 STATE_STARTED = 5 STATE_AWAKED = 7 STATE_READY = 10 def __init__(self, options=None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a Z-Wave mock network.""" super().__init__() self.options = options self.state = MockNetwork.STATE_STOPPED class MockNode(MagicMock): """Mock Z-Wave node.""" def __init__( self, *, node_id=567, name="Mock Node", manufacturer_id="ABCD", product_id="123", product_type="678", command_classes=None, can_wake_up_value=True, manufacturer_name="Test Manufacturer", product_name="Test Product", network=None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a Z-Wave mock node.""" super().__init__() self.node_id = node_id self.name = name self.manufacturer_id = manufacturer_id self.product_id = product_id self.product_type = product_type self.manufacturer_name = manufacturer_name self.product_name = product_name self.can_wake_up_value = can_wake_up_value self._command_classes = command_classes or [] if network is not None: self._network = network for attr_name in kwargs: setattr(self, attr_name, kwargs[attr_name]) def has_command_class(self, command_class): """Test if mock has a command class.""" return command_class in self._command_classes def get_battery_level(self): """Return mock battery level.""" return 42 def can_wake_up(self): """Return whether the node can wake up.""" return self.can_wake_up_value def _get_child_mock(self, **kw): """Create child mocks with right MagicMock class.""" return MagicMock(**kw) class MockValue(MagicMock): """Mock Z-Wave value.""" _mock_value_id = 1234 def __init__( self, *, label="Mock Value", node=None, instance=0, index=0, value_id=None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a Z-Wave mock value.""" super().__init__() self.label = label self.node = node self.instance = instance self.index = index if value_id is None: MockValue._mock_value_id += 1 value_id = MockValue._mock_value_id self.value_id = value_id self.object_id = value_id for attr_name in kwargs: setattr(self, attr_name, kwargs[attr_name]) def _get_child_mock(self, **kw): """Create child mocks with right MagicMock class.""" return MagicMock(**kw) def refresh(self): """Mock refresh of node value.""" value_changed(self) class MockEntityValues: """Mock Z-Wave entity values.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize the mock zwave values.""" self.primary = None self.wakeup = None self.battery = None self.power = None for name in kwargs: setattr(self, name, kwargs[name]) def __iter__(self): """Allow iteration over all values.""" return iter(self.__dict__.values())
from __future__ import division try: import MySQLdb from MySQLdb import MySQLError except ImportError: MySQLdb = None import diamond import time import re class MySQLPerfCollector(diamond.collector.Collector): def process_config(self): super(MySQLPerfCollector, self).process_config() self.db = None self.last_wait_count = {} self.last_wait_sum = {} self.last_timestamp = {} self.last_data = {} self.monitors = { 'slave_sql': { 'wait/synch/cond/sql/MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::update_cond': 'wait_for_update', 'wait/io/file/innodb/innodb_data_file': 'innodb_data_file', 'wait/io/file/innodb/innodb_log_file': 'innodb_log_file', 'wait/io/file/myisam/dfile': 'myisam_dfile', 'wait/io/file/myisam/kfile': 'myisam_kfile', 'wait/io/file/sql/binlog': 'binlog', 'wait/io/file/sql/relay_log_info': 'relaylog_info', 'wait/io/file/sql/relaylog': 'relaylog', 'wait/synch/mutex/innodb': 'innodb_mutex', 'wait/synch/mutex': 'other_mutex', 'wait/synch/rwlock': 'rwlocks', 'wait/io': 'other_io', }, 'slave_io': { 'wait/io/file/sql/relaylog_index': 'relaylog_index', 'wait/synch/mutex/sql/MYSQL_RELAY_LOG::LOCK_index': 'relaylog_index_lock', 'wait/synch/mutex/sql/Master_info::data_lock': 'master_info_lock', 'wait/synch/mutex/mysys/IO_CACHE::append_buffer_lock': 'append_buffer_lock', 'wait/synch/mutex/sql/LOG::LOCK_log': 'log_lock', 'wait/io/file/sql/master_info': 'master_info', 'wait/io/file/sql/relaylog': 'relaylog', 'wait/synch/mutex': 'other_mutex', 'wait/synch/rwlock': 'rwlocks', 'wait/io': 'other_io', } } if self.config['hosts'].__class__.__name__ != 'list': self.config['hosts'] = [self.config['hosts']] # Move legacy config format to new format if 'host' in self.config: hoststr = "%s:%s@%s:%s/%s" % ( self.config['user'], self.config['passwd'], self.config['host'], self.config['port'], self.config['db'], ) self.config['hosts'].append(hoststr) def get_default_config_help(self): config_help = super(MySQLPerfCollector, self).get_default_config_help() config_help.update({ 'hosts': 'List of hosts to collect from. Format is ' + 'yourusername:yourpassword@host:' + 'port/performance_schema[/nickname]', 'slave': 'Collect Slave Replication Metrics', }) return config_help def get_default_config(self): """ Returns the default collector settings """ config = super(MySQLPerfCollector, self).get_default_config() config.update({ 'path': 'mysql', # Connection settings 'hosts': [], 'slave': 'False', }) return config def connect(self, params): if MySQLdb is None: self.log.error('Unable to import MySQLdb') return try: self.db = MySQLdb.connect(**params) except MySQLError as e: self.log.error('MySQLPerfCollector couldnt connect to database %s', e) return {} self.log.debug('MySQLPerfCollector: Connected to database.') def query_list(self, query, params): cursor = self.db.cursor() cursor.execute(query, params) return list(cursor.fetchall()) def slave_load(self, nickname, thread): data = self.query_list(""" SELECT his.event_name, his.sum_timer_wait, his.count_star, cur.event_name, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(SYSDATE()) FROM events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name his JOIN threads thr USING (thread_id) JOIN events_waits_current cur USING (thread_id) WHERE name = %s ORDER BY his.event_name """, (thread,)) wait_sum = sum([x[1] for x in data]) wait_count = sum([x[2] for x in data]) timestamp = int(time.time()) if 0 in data and len(data[0]) > 5: cur_event_name, timestamp = data[0][3:] if thread not in self.last_wait_sum: # Avoid bogus data self.last_wait_sum[thread] = wait_sum self.last_wait_count[thread] = wait_count self.last_timestamp[thread] = timestamp self.last_data[thread] = data return wait_delta = wait_sum - self.last_wait_sum[thread] time_delta = (timestamp - self.last_timestamp[thread]) * 1000000000000 if time_delta == 0: return # Summarize a few things thread_name = thread[thread.rfind('/') + 1:] data.append( ['wait/synch/mutex/innodb', sum([x[1] for x in data if x[0].startswith('wait/synch/mutex/innodb')])]) data.append( ['wait/synch/mutex', sum([x[1] for x in data if (x[0].startswith('wait/synch/mutex') and x[0] not in self.monitors[thread_name])]) - data[-1][1]]) data.append( ['wait/synch/rwlock', sum([x[1] for x in data if x[0].startswith('wait/synch/rwlock')])]) data.append( ['wait/io', sum([x[1] for x in data if (x[0].startswith('wait/io') and x[0] not in self.monitors[thread_name])])]) for d in zip(self.last_data[thread], data): if d[0][0] in self.monitors[thread_name]: self.publish(nickname + thread_name + '.' + self.monitors[thread_name][d[0][0]], (d[1][1] - d[0][1]) / time_delta * 100) # Also log what's unaccounted for. This is where Actual Work gets done self.publish(nickname + thread_name + '.other_work', float(time_delta - wait_delta) / time_delta * 100) self.last_wait_sum[thread] = wait_sum self.last_wait_count[thread] = wait_count self.last_timestamp[thread] = timestamp self.last_data[thread] = data def collect(self): for host in self.config['hosts']: matches = re.search( '^([^:]*):([^@]*)@([^:]*):?([^/]*)/([^/]*)/?(.*)$', host) if not matches: continue params = {'host': matches.group(3)} try: params['port'] = int(matches.group(4)) except ValueError: params['port'] = 3306 params['db'] = matches.group(5) params['user'] = matches.group(1) params['passwd'] = matches.group(2) nickname = matches.group(6) if len(nickname): nickname += '.' self.connect(params=params) if self.config['slave']: self.slave_load(nickname, 'thread/sql/slave_io') self.slave_load(nickname, 'thread/sql/slave_sql') self.db.close()
from matchzoo.engine.base_task import BaseTask class Classification(BaseTask): """Classification task. Examples: >>> classification_task = Classification(num_classes=2) >>> classification_task.metrics = ['precision'] >>> classification_task.num_classes 2 >>> classification_task.output_shape (2,) >>> classification_task.output_dtype <class 'int'> >>> print(classification_task) Classification Task with 2 classes """ def __init__(self, num_classes: int = 2, **kwargs): """Classification task.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) if not isinstance(num_classes, int): raise TypeError("Number of classes must be an integer.") if num_classes < 2: raise ValueError("Number of classes can't be smaller than 2") self._num_classes = num_classes @property def num_classes(self) -> int: """:return: number of classes to classify.""" return self._num_classes @classmethod def list_available_losses(cls) -> list: """:return: a list of available losses.""" return ['categorical_crossentropy'] @classmethod def list_available_metrics(cls) -> list: """:return: a list of available metrics.""" return ['acc'] @property def output_shape(self) -> tuple: """:return: output shape of a single sample of the task.""" return self._num_classes, @property def output_dtype(self): """:return: target data type, expect `int` as output.""" return int def __str__(self): """:return: Task name as string.""" return f'Classification Task with {self._num_classes} classes'
from homeassistant.const import PERCENTAGE, STATE_UNKNOWN from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry async def test_sensor(hass, create_registrations, webhook_client): """Test that sensors can be registered and updated.""" webhook_id = create_registrations[1]["webhook_id"] webhook_url = f"/api/webhook/{webhook_id}" reg_resp = await webhook_client.post( webhook_url, json={ "type": "register_sensor", "data": { "attributes": {"foo": "bar"}, "device_class": "battery", "icon": "mdi:battery", "name": "Battery State", "state": 100, "type": "sensor", "unique_id": "battery_state", "unit_of_measurement": PERCENTAGE, }, }, ) assert reg_resp.status == 201 json = await reg_resp.json() assert json == {"success": True} await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.test_1_battery_state") assert entity is not None assert entity.attributes["device_class"] == "battery" assert entity.attributes["icon"] == "mdi:battery" assert entity.attributes["unit_of_measurement"] == PERCENTAGE assert entity.attributes["foo"] == "bar" assert entity.domain == "sensor" assert entity.name == "Test 1 Battery State" assert entity.state == "100" update_resp = await webhook_client.post( webhook_url, json={ "type": "update_sensor_states", "data": [ { "icon": "mdi:battery-unknown", "state": 123, "type": "sensor", "unique_id": "battery_state", }, # This invalid data should not invalidate whole request {"type": "sensor", "unique_id": "invalid_state", "invalid": "data"}, ], }, ) assert update_resp.status == 200 json = await update_resp.json() assert json["invalid_state"]["success"] is False updated_entity = hass.states.get("sensor.test_1_battery_state") assert updated_entity.state == "123" dev_reg = await device_registry.async_get_registry(hass) assert len(dev_reg.devices) == len(create_registrations) async def test_sensor_must_register(hass, create_registrations, webhook_client): """Test that sensors must be registered before updating.""" webhook_id = create_registrations[1]["webhook_id"] webhook_url = f"/api/webhook/{webhook_id}" resp = await webhook_client.post( webhook_url, json={ "type": "update_sensor_states", "data": [{"state": 123, "type": "sensor", "unique_id": "battery_state"}], }, ) assert resp.status == 200 json = await resp.json() assert json["battery_state"]["success"] is False assert json["battery_state"]["error"]["code"] == "not_registered" async def test_sensor_id_no_dupes(hass, create_registrations, webhook_client, caplog): """Test that a duplicate unique ID in registration updates the sensor.""" webhook_id = create_registrations[1]["webhook_id"] webhook_url = f"/api/webhook/{webhook_id}" payload = { "type": "register_sensor", "data": { "attributes": {"foo": "bar"}, "device_class": "battery", "icon": "mdi:battery", "name": "Battery State", "state": 100, "type": "sensor", "unique_id": "battery_state", "unit_of_measurement": PERCENTAGE, }, } reg_resp = await webhook_client.post(webhook_url, json=payload) assert reg_resp.status == 201 reg_json = await reg_resp.json() assert reg_json == {"success": True} await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "Re-register" not in caplog.text entity = hass.states.get("sensor.test_1_battery_state") assert entity is not None assert entity.attributes["device_class"] == "battery" assert entity.attributes["icon"] == "mdi:battery" assert entity.attributes["unit_of_measurement"] == PERCENTAGE assert entity.attributes["foo"] == "bar" assert entity.domain == "sensor" assert entity.name == "Test 1 Battery State" assert entity.state == "100" payload["data"]["state"] = 99 dupe_resp = await webhook_client.post(webhook_url, json=payload) assert dupe_resp.status == 201 dupe_reg_json = await dupe_resp.json() assert dupe_reg_json == {"success": True} await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "Re-register" in caplog.text entity = hass.states.get("sensor.test_1_battery_state") assert entity is not None assert entity.attributes["device_class"] == "battery" assert entity.attributes["icon"] == "mdi:battery" assert entity.attributes["unit_of_measurement"] == PERCENTAGE assert entity.attributes["foo"] == "bar" assert entity.domain == "sensor" assert entity.name == "Test 1 Battery State" assert entity.state == "99" async def test_register_sensor_no_state(hass, create_registrations, webhook_client): """Test that sensors can be registered, when there is no (unknown) state.""" webhook_id = create_registrations[1]["webhook_id"] webhook_url = f"/api/webhook/{webhook_id}" reg_resp = await webhook_client.post( webhook_url, json={ "type": "register_sensor", "data": { "name": "Battery State", "state": None, "type": "sensor", "unique_id": "battery_state", }, }, ) assert reg_resp.status == 201 json = await reg_resp.json() assert json == {"success": True} await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.test_1_battery_state") assert entity is not None assert entity.domain == "sensor" assert entity.name == "Test 1 Battery State" assert entity.state == STATE_UNKNOWN reg_resp = await webhook_client.post( webhook_url, json={ "type": "register_sensor", "data": { "name": "Backup Battery State", "type": "sensor", "unique_id": "backup_battery_state", }, }, ) assert reg_resp.status == 201 json = await reg_resp.json() assert json == {"success": True} await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.test_1_backup_battery_state") assert entity assert entity.domain == "sensor" assert entity.name == "Test 1 Backup Battery State" assert entity.state == STATE_UNKNOWN async def test_update_sensor_no_state(hass, create_registrations, webhook_client): """Test that sensors can be updated, when there is no (unknown) state.""" webhook_id = create_registrations[1]["webhook_id"] webhook_url = f"/api/webhook/{webhook_id}" reg_resp = await webhook_client.post( webhook_url, json={ "type": "register_sensor", "data": { "name": "Battery State", "state": 100, "type": "sensor", "unique_id": "battery_state", }, }, ) assert reg_resp.status == 201 json = await reg_resp.json() assert json == {"success": True} await hass.async_block_till_done() entity = hass.states.get("sensor.test_1_battery_state") assert entity is not None assert entity.state == "100" update_resp = await webhook_client.post( webhook_url, json={ "type": "update_sensor_states", "data": [{"state": None, "type": "sensor", "unique_id": "battery_state"}], }, ) assert update_resp.status == 200 json = await update_resp.json() assert json == {"battery_state": {"success": True}} updated_entity = hass.states.get("sensor.test_1_battery_state") assert updated_entity.state == STATE_UNKNOWN
from typing import List import pytest import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.climate import ( HVAC_MODE_HEAT, HVAC_MODE_OFF, SET_TEMPERATURE_SCHEMA, ClimateDevice, ClimateEntity, ) from tests.async_mock import MagicMock from tests.common import async_mock_service async def test_set_temp_schema_no_req(hass, caplog): """Test the set temperature schema with missing required data.""" domain = "climate" service = "test_set_temperature" schema = SET_TEMPERATURE_SCHEMA calls = async_mock_service(hass, domain, service, schema) data = {"hvac_mode": "off", "entity_id": ["climate.test_id"]} with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid): await hass.services.async_call(domain, service, data) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 0 async def test_set_temp_schema(hass, caplog): """Test the set temperature schema with ok required data.""" domain = "climate" service = "test_set_temperature" schema = SET_TEMPERATURE_SCHEMA calls = async_mock_service(hass, domain, service, schema) data = {"temperature": 20.0, "hvac_mode": "heat", "entity_id": ["climate.test_id"]} await hass.services.async_call(domain, service, data) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[-1].data == data class MockClimateEntity(ClimateEntity): """Mock Climate device to use in tests.""" @property def hvac_mode(self) -> str: """Return hvac operation ie. heat, cool mode. Need to be one of HVAC_MODE_*. """ return HVAC_MODE_HEAT @property def hvac_modes(self) -> List[str]: """Return the list of available hvac operation modes. Need to be a subset of HVAC_MODES. """ return [HVAC_MODE_OFF, HVAC_MODE_HEAT] def turn_on(self) -> None: """Turn on.""" def turn_off(self) -> None: """Turn off.""" async def test_sync_turn_on(hass): """Test if async turn_on calls sync turn_on.""" climate = MockClimateEntity() climate.hass = hass climate.turn_on = MagicMock() await climate.async_turn_on() assert climate.turn_on.called async def test_sync_turn_off(hass): """Test if async turn_off calls sync turn_off.""" climate = MockClimateEntity() climate.hass = hass climate.turn_off = MagicMock() await climate.async_turn_off() assert climate.turn_off.called def test_deprecated_base_class(caplog): """Test deprecated base class.""" class CustomClimate(ClimateDevice): """Custom climate entity class.""" @property def hvac_mode(self): pass @property def hvac_modes(self): pass CustomClimate() assert "ClimateDevice is deprecated, modify CustomClimate" in caplog.text
from functools import partial from ...utils import verbose from ..utils import (has_dataset, _data_path, _data_path_doc, _get_version, _version_doc) has_opm_data = partial(has_dataset, name='opm') @verbose def data_path(path=None, force_update=False, update_path=True, download=True, verbose=None): # noqa: D103 return _data_path(path=path, force_update=force_update, update_path=update_path, name='opm', download=download) data_path.__doc__ = _data_path_doc.format(name='opm', conf='MNE_DATASETS_OPML_PATH') def get_version(): # noqa: D103 return _get_version('opm') get_version.__doc__ = _version_doc.format(name='opm')
import numpy as np import unittest import chainer from chainer import testing from chainer.testing import attr from chainercv.links.model.ssd import Multibox from chainercv.links.model.ssd import SSD from chainercv.utils import assert_is_detection_link def _random_array(xp, shape): return xp.array( np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=shape), dtype=np.float32) class DummyExtractor(chainer.Link): insize = 32 grids = (10, 4, 1) def forward(self, x): n_sample = x.shape[0] n_dims = (32, 16, 8) return [ chainer.Variable( _random_array(self.xp, (n_sample, n_dim, grid, grid))) for grid, n_dim in zip(self.grids, n_dims)] class DummySSD(SSD): def __init__(self, n_fg_class): super(DummySSD, self).__init__( extractor=DummyExtractor(), multibox=Multibox( n_class=n_fg_class + 1, aspect_ratios=((2,), (2, 3), (2,))), steps=(0.1, 0.25, 1), sizes=(0.1, 0.25, 1, 1.2), mean=np.array((0, 1, 2)).reshape((-1, 1, 1))) @testing.parameterize( {'n_fg_class': 1}, {'n_fg_class': 5}, {'n_fg_class': 20}, ) class TestSSD(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.link = DummySSD(n_fg_class=self.n_fg_class) self.n_bbox = 10 * 10 * 4 + 4 * 4 * 6 + 1 * 1 * 4 def _check_call(self): x = _random_array(self.link.xp, (1, 3, 32, 32)) mb_locs, mb_confs = self.link(x) self.assertIsInstance(mb_locs, chainer.Variable) self.assertIsInstance(mb_locs.array, self.link.xp.ndarray) self.assertEqual(mb_locs.shape, (1, self.n_bbox, 4)) self.assertIsInstance(mb_confs, chainer.Variable) self.assertIsInstance(mb_confs.array, self.link.xp.ndarray) self.assertEqual(mb_confs.shape, (1, self.n_bbox, self.n_fg_class + 1)) def test_call_cpu(self): self._check_call() @attr.gpu def test_call_gpu(self): self.link.to_gpu() self._check_call() def test_prepare(self): img = np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(3, 480, 640)) img = self.link._prepare(img) self.assertEqual(img.shape, (3, self.link.insize, self.link.insize)) def test_use_preset(self): self.link.nms_thresh = 0 self.link.score_thresh = 0 self.link.use_preset('visualize') self.assertEqual(self.link.nms_thresh, 0.45) self.assertEqual(self.link.score_thresh, 0.6) self.link.nms_thresh = 0 self.link.score_thresh = 0 self.link.use_preset('evaluate') self.assertEqual(self.link.nms_thresh, 0.45) self.assertEqual(self.link.score_thresh, 0.01) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.link.use_preset('unknown') def test_predict_cpu(self): assert_is_detection_link(self.link, self.n_fg_class) @attr.gpu def test_predict_gpu(self): self.link.to_gpu() assert_is_detection_link(self.link, self.n_fg_class) testing.run_module(__name__, __file__)
from homeassistant import config_entries, data_entry_flow from homeassistant.components import cast from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.async_mock import patch async def test_creating_entry_sets_up_media_player(hass): """Test setting up Cast loads the media player.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.cast.media_player.async_setup_entry", return_value=True, ) as mock_setup, patch( "pychromecast.discovery.discover_chromecasts", return_value=(True, None) ), patch( "pychromecast.discovery.stop_discovery" ): result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( cast.DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER} ) # Confirmation form assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure(result["flow_id"], {}) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 1 async def test_configuring_cast_creates_entry(hass): """Test that specifying config will create an entry.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.cast.async_setup_entry", return_value=True ) as mock_setup: await async_setup_component( hass, cast.DOMAIN, {"cast": {"some_config": "to_trigger_import"}} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 1 async def test_not_configuring_cast_not_creates_entry(hass): """Test that no config will not create an entry.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.cast.async_setup_entry", return_value=True ) as mock_setup: await async_setup_component(hass, cast.DOMAIN, {}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 0
import base64 import datetime import io import logging import posixpath import pprint import random import sys import time import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import zlib from http import client import pkg_resources from radicale import (auth, httputils, log, pathutils, rights, storage, web, xmlutils) from radicale.app.delete import ApplicationDeleteMixin from radicale.app.get import ApplicationGetMixin from radicale.app.head import ApplicationHeadMixin from radicale.app.mkcalendar import ApplicationMkcalendarMixin from radicale.app.mkcol import ApplicationMkcolMixin from radicale.app.move import ApplicationMoveMixin from radicale.app.options import ApplicationOptionsMixin from radicale.app.post import ApplicationPostMixin from radicale.app.propfind import ApplicationPropfindMixin from radicale.app.proppatch import ApplicationProppatchMixin from radicale.app.put import ApplicationPutMixin from radicale.app.report import ApplicationReportMixin from radicale.log import logger # WORKAROUND: https://github.com/tiran/defusedxml/issues/54 import defusedxml.ElementTree as DefusedET # isort: skip sys.modules["xml.etree"].ElementTree = ET VERSION = pkg_resources.get_distribution("radicale").version class Application( ApplicationDeleteMixin, ApplicationGetMixin, ApplicationHeadMixin, ApplicationMkcalendarMixin, ApplicationMkcolMixin, ApplicationMoveMixin, ApplicationOptionsMixin, ApplicationPropfindMixin, ApplicationProppatchMixin, ApplicationPostMixin, ApplicationPutMixin, ApplicationReportMixin): """WSGI application.""" def __init__(self, configuration): """Initialize Application. ``configuration`` see ``radicale.config`` module. The ``configuration`` must not change during the lifetime of this object, it is kept as an internal reference. """ super().__init__() self.configuration = configuration self._auth = auth.load(configuration) self._storage = storage.load(configuration) self._rights = rights.load(configuration) self._web = web.load(configuration) self._encoding = configuration.get("encoding", "request") def _headers_log(self, environ): """Sanitize headers for logging.""" request_environ = dict(environ) # Mask passwords mask_passwords = self.configuration.get("logging", "mask_passwords") authorization = request_environ.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", "") if mask_passwords and authorization.startswith("Basic"): request_environ["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = "Basic **masked**" if request_environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE"): request_environ["HTTP_COOKIE"] = "**masked**" return request_environ def __call__(self, environ, start_response): with log.register_stream(environ["wsgi.errors"]): try: status, headers, answers = self._handle_request(environ) except Exception as e: try: method = str(environ["REQUEST_METHOD"]) except Exception: method = "unknown" try: path = str(environ.get("PATH_INFO", "")) except Exception: path = "" logger.error("An exception occurred during %s request on %r: " "%s", method, path, e, exc_info=True) status, headers, answer = httputils.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR answer = answer.encode("ascii") status = "%d %s" % ( status.value, client.responses.get(status, "Unknown")) headers = [ ("Content-Length", str(len(answer)))] + list(headers) answers = [answer] start_response(status, headers) return answers def _handle_request(self, environ): """Manage a request.""" def response(status, headers=(), answer=None): headers = dict(headers) # Set content length if answer: if hasattr(answer, "encode"): logger.debug("Response content:\n%s", answer) headers["Content-Type"] += "; charset=%s" % self._encoding answer = answer.encode(self._encoding) accept_encoding = [ encoding.strip() for encoding in environ.get("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING", "").split(",") if encoding.strip()] if "gzip" in accept_encoding: zcomp = zlib.compressobj(wbits=16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) answer = zcomp.compress(answer) + zcomp.flush() headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip" headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(answer)) # Add extra headers set in configuration for key in self.configuration.options("headers"): headers[key] = self.configuration.get("headers", key) # Start response time_end = datetime.datetime.now() status = "%d %s" % ( status, client.responses.get(status, "Unknown")) logger.info( "%s response status for %r%s in %.3f seconds: %s", environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""), depthinfo, (time_end - time_begin).total_seconds(), status) # Return response content return status, list(headers.items()), [answer] if answer else [] remote_host = "unknown" if environ.get("REMOTE_HOST"): remote_host = repr(environ["REMOTE_HOST"]) elif environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR"): remote_host = environ["REMOTE_ADDR"] if environ.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"): remote_host = "%s (forwarded for %r)" % ( remote_host, environ["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) remote_useragent = "" if environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT"): remote_useragent = " using %r" % environ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] depthinfo = "" if environ.get("HTTP_DEPTH"): depthinfo = " with depth %r" % environ["HTTP_DEPTH"] time_begin = datetime.datetime.now() logger.info( "%s request for %r%s received from %s%s", environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""), depthinfo, remote_host, remote_useragent) headers = pprint.pformat(self._headers_log(environ)) logger.debug("Request headers:\n%s", headers) # Let reverse proxies overwrite SCRIPT_NAME if "HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME" in environ: # script_name must be removed from PATH_INFO by the client. unsafe_base_prefix = environ["HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME"] logger.debug("Script name overwritten by client: %r", unsafe_base_prefix) else: # SCRIPT_NAME is already removed from PATH_INFO, according to the # WSGI specification. unsafe_base_prefix = environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME", "") # Sanitize base prefix base_prefix = pathutils.sanitize_path(unsafe_base_prefix).rstrip("/") logger.debug("Sanitized script name: %r", base_prefix) # Sanitize request URI (a WSGI server indicates with an empty path, # that the URL targets the application root without a trailing slash) path = pathutils.sanitize_path(environ.get("PATH_INFO", "")) logger.debug("Sanitized path: %r", path) # Get function corresponding to method function = getattr( self, "do_%s" % environ["REQUEST_METHOD"].upper(), None) if not function: return response(*httputils.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED) # If "/.well-known" is not available, clients query "/" if path == "/.well-known" or path.startswith("/.well-known/"): return response(*httputils.NOT_FOUND) # Ask authentication backend to check rights login = password = "" external_login = self._auth.get_external_login(environ) authorization = environ.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", "") if external_login: login, password = external_login login, password = login or "", password or "" elif authorization.startswith("Basic"): authorization = authorization[len("Basic"):].strip() login, password = httputils.decode_request( self.configuration, environ, base64.b64decode( authorization.encode("ascii"))).split(":", 1) user = self._auth.login(login, password) or "" if login else "" if user and login == user: logger.info("Successful login: %r", user) elif user: logger.info("Successful login: %r -> %r", login, user) elif login: logger.warning("Failed login attempt from %s: %r", remote_host, login) # Random delay to avoid timing oracles and bruteforce attacks delay = self.configuration.get("auth", "delay") if delay > 0: random_delay = delay * (0.5 + random.random()) logger.debug("Sleeping %.3f seconds", random_delay) time.sleep(random_delay) if user and not pathutils.is_safe_path_component(user): # Prevent usernames like "user/calendar.ics" logger.info("Refused unsafe username: %r", user) user = "" # Create principal collection if user: principal_path = "/%s/" % user with self._storage.acquire_lock("r", user): principal = next(self._storage.discover( principal_path, depth="1"), None) if not principal: if "W" in self._rights.authorization(user, principal_path): with self._storage.acquire_lock("w", user): try: self._storage.create_collection(principal_path) except ValueError as e: logger.warning("Failed to create principal " "collection %r: %s", user, e) user = "" else: logger.warning("Access to principal path %r denied by " "rights backend", principal_path) if self.configuration.get("server", "_internal_server"): # Verify content length content_length = int(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH") or 0) if content_length: max_content_length = self.configuration.get( "server", "max_content_length") if max_content_length and content_length > max_content_length: logger.info("Request body too large: %d", content_length) return response(*httputils.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE) if not login or user: status, headers, answer = function( environ, base_prefix, path, user) if (status, headers, answer) == httputils.NOT_ALLOWED: logger.info("Access to %r denied for %s", path, repr(user) if user else "anonymous user") else: status, headers, answer = httputils.NOT_ALLOWED if ((status, headers, answer) == httputils.NOT_ALLOWED and not user and not external_login): # Unknown or unauthorized user logger.debug("Asking client for authentication") status = client.UNAUTHORIZED realm = self.configuration.get("auth", "realm") headers = dict(headers) headers.update({ "WWW-Authenticate": "Basic realm=\"%s\"" % realm}) return response(status, headers, answer) def _read_xml_request_body(self, environ): content = httputils.decode_request( self.configuration, environ, httputils.read_raw_request_body(self.configuration, environ)) if not content: return None try: xml_content = DefusedET.fromstring(content) except ET.ParseError as e: logger.debug("Request content (Invalid XML):\n%s", content) raise RuntimeError("Failed to parse XML: %s" % e) from e if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("Request content:\n%s", xmlutils.pretty_xml(xml_content)) return xml_content def _xml_response(self, xml_content): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("Response content:\n%s", xmlutils.pretty_xml(xml_content)) f = io.BytesIO() ET.ElementTree(xml_content).write(f, encoding=self._encoding, xml_declaration=True) return f.getvalue() def _webdav_error_response(self, status, human_tag): """Generate XML error response.""" headers = {"Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=%s" % self._encoding} content = self._xml_response(xmlutils.webdav_error(human_tag)) return status, headers, content class Access: """Helper class to check access rights of an item""" def __init__(self, rights, user, path): self._rights = rights self.user = user self.path = path self.parent_path = pathutils.unstrip_path( posixpath.dirname(pathutils.strip_path(path)), True) self.permissions = self._rights.authorization(self.user, self.path) self._parent_permissions = None @property def parent_permissions(self): if self.path == self.parent_path: return self.permissions if self._parent_permissions is None: self._parent_permissions = self._rights.authorization( self.user, self.parent_path) return self._parent_permissions def check(self, permission, item=None): if permission not in "rw": raise ValueError("Invalid permission argument: %r" % permission) if not item: permissions = permission + permission.upper() parent_permissions = permission elif isinstance(item, storage.BaseCollection): if item.get_meta("tag"): permissions = permission else: permissions = permission.upper() parent_permissions = "" else: permissions = "" parent_permissions = permission return bool(rights.intersect(self.permissions, permissions) or ( self.path != self.parent_path and rights.intersect(self.parent_permissions, parent_permissions)))
import sys from marathon.exceptions import InternalServerError from marathon.exceptions import MarathonError from paasta_tools import marathon_tools from paasta_tools.metrics.metastatus_lib import assert_marathon_apps def check_marathon_apps(): clients = marathon_tools.get_list_of_marathon_clients() if not clients: print("UNKNOWN: Failed to load marathon clients.") sys.exit(3) try: result = assert_marathon_apps(clients) except (MarathonError, InternalServerError, ValueError) as e: print("CRITICAL: Unable to connect to Marathon cluster: %s" % e) sys.exit(2) if result.healthy: print("OK: " + result.message) sys.exit(0) else: print(result.message) sys.exit(2) if __name__ == "__main__": check_marathon_apps()
import logging from pyruckus import Ruckus from pyruckus.exceptions import AuthenticationError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries, core, exceptions from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME from .const import ( # pylint:disable=unused-import API_SERIAL, API_SYSTEM_OVERVIEW, DOMAIN, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__package__) DATA_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({"host": str, "username": str, "password": str}) def validate_input(hass: core.HomeAssistant, data): """Validate the user input allows us to connect. Data has the keys from DATA_SCHEMA with values provided by the user. """ try: ruckus = Ruckus(data[CONF_HOST], data[CONF_USERNAME], data[CONF_PASSWORD]) except AuthenticationError as error: raise InvalidAuth from error except ConnectionError as error: raise CannotConnect from error mesh_name = ruckus.mesh_name() system_info = ruckus.system_info() try: host_serial = system_info[API_SYSTEM_OVERVIEW][API_SERIAL] except KeyError as error: raise CannotConnect from error return { "title": mesh_name, "serial": host_serial, } class ConfigFlow(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Handle a config flow for Ruckus Unleashed.""" VERSION = 1 CONNECTION_CLASS = config_entries.CONN_CLASS_LOCAL_POLL async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None): """Handle the initial step.""" errors = {} if user_input is not None: try: info = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( validate_input, self.hass, user_input ) except CannotConnect: errors["base"] = "cannot_connect" except InvalidAuth: errors["base"] = "invalid_auth" except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Unexpected exception") errors["base"] = "unknown" else: await self.async_set_unique_id(info["serial"]) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() return self.async_create_entry(title=info["title"], data=user_input) return self.async_show_form( step_id="user", data_schema=DATA_SCHEMA, errors=errors ) class CannotConnect(exceptions.HomeAssistantError): """Error to indicate we cannot connect.""" class InvalidAuth(exceptions.HomeAssistantError): """Error to indicate there is invalid auth."""
from weblate.checks.models import CHECKS def highlight_string(source, unit): """Return highlights for a string.""" if unit is None: return [] highlights = [] for check in CHECKS: if not CHECKS[check].target: continue highlights += CHECKS[check].check_highlight(source, unit) # Remove empty strings highlights = [highlight for highlight in highlights if highlight[2]] # Sort by order in string highlights.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # Remove overlapping ones for hl_idx in range(0, len(highlights)): if hl_idx >= len(highlights): break elref = highlights[hl_idx] for hl_idx_next in range(hl_idx + 1, len(highlights)): if hl_idx_next >= len(highlights): break eltest = highlights[hl_idx_next] if eltest[0] >= elref[0] and eltest[0] < elref[1]: # Elements overlap, remove inner one highlights.pop(hl_idx_next) elif eltest[0] > elref[1]: # This is not an overlapping element break return highlights
from flask import request, make_response import flask from flask.views import MethodView from sqlalchemy import asc, desc # Application imports from sandman2.exception import NotFoundException, BadRequestException from sandman2.model import db from sandman2.decorators import etag, validate_fields def add_link_headers(response, links): """Return *response* with the proper link headers set, based on the contents of *links*. :param response: :class:`flask.Response` response object for links to be added :param dict links: Dictionary of links to be added :rtype :class:`flask.Response` : """ link_string = '<{}>; rel=self'.format(links['self']) for link in links.values(): link_string += ', <{}>; rel=related'.format(link) response.headers['Link'] = link_string return response def jsonify(resource): """Return a Flask ``Response`` object containing a JSON representation of *resource*. :param resource: The resource to act as the basis of the response """ response = flask.jsonify(resource.to_dict()) response = add_link_headers(response, resource.links()) return response def is_valid_method(model, resource=None): """Return the error message to be sent to the client if the current request passes fails any user-defined validation.""" validation_function_name = 'is_valid_{}'.format( request.method.lower()) if hasattr(model, validation_function_name): return getattr(model, validation_function_name)(request, resource) class Service(MethodView): """The *Service* class is a generic extension of Flask's *MethodView*, providing default RESTful functionality for a given ORM resource. Each service has an associated *__model__* attribute which represents the ORM resource it exposes. Services are JSON-only. HTML-based representation is available through the admin interface. """ #: The sandman2.model.Model-derived class to expose __model__ = None #: The string used to describe the elements when a collection is #: returned. __json_collection_name__ = 'resources' def delete(self, resource_id): """Return an HTTP response object resulting from a HTTP DELETE call. :param resource_id: The value of the resource's primary key """ resource = self._resource(resource_id) error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) db.session().delete(resource) db.session().commit() return self._no_content_response() @etag def get(self, resource_id=None): """Return an HTTP response object resulting from an HTTP GET call. If *resource_id* is provided, return just the single resource. Otherwise, return the full collection. :param resource_id: The value of the resource's primary key """ if request.path.endswith('meta'): return self._meta() if resource_id is None: error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) if 'export' in request.args: return self._export(self._all_resources()) return flask.jsonify({ self.__json_collection_name__: self._all_resources() }) else: resource = self._resource(resource_id) error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) return jsonify(resource) def patch(self, resource_id): """Return an HTTP response object resulting from an HTTP PATCH call. :returns: ``HTTP 200`` if the resource already exists :returns: ``HTTP 400`` if the request is malformed :returns: ``HTTP 404`` if the resource is not found :param resource_id: The value of the resource's primary key """ resource = self._resource(resource_id) error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) if not request.json: raise BadRequestException('No JSON data received') resource.update(request.json) db.session().merge(resource) db.session().commit() return jsonify(resource) @validate_fields def post(self): """Return the JSON representation of a new resource created through an HTTP POST call. :returns: ``HTTP 201`` if a resource is properly created :returns: ``HTTP 204`` if the resource already exists :returns: ``HTTP 400`` if the request is malformed or missing data """ resource = self.__model__.query.filter_by(**request.json).first() if resource: error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) return self._no_content_response() resource = self.__model__(**request.json) # pylint: disable=not-callable error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) db.session().add(resource) db.session().commit() return self._created_response(resource) def put(self, resource_id): """Return the JSON representation of a new resource created or updated through an HTTP PUT call. If resource_id is not provided, it is assumed the primary key field is included and a totally new resource is created. Otherwise, the existing resource referred to by *resource_id* is updated with the provided JSON data. This method is idempotent. :returns: ``HTTP 201`` if a new resource is created :returns: ``HTTP 200`` if a resource is updated :returns: ``HTTP 400`` if the request is malformed or missing data """ resource = self.__model__.query.get(resource_id) if resource: error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) resource.update(request.json) db.session().merge(resource) db.session().commit() return jsonify(resource) resource = self.__model__(**request.json) # pylint: disable=not-callable error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) db.session().add(resource) db.session().commit() return self._created_response(resource) def _meta(self): """Return a description of this resource as reported by the database.""" return flask.jsonify(self.__model__.description()) def _resource(self, resource_id): """Return the ``sandman2.model.Model`` instance with the given *resource_id*. :rtype: :class:`sandman2.model.Model` """ resource = self.__model__.query.get(resource_id) if not resource: raise NotFoundException() return resource def _all_resources(self): """Return the complete collection of resources as a list of dictionaries. :rtype: :class:`sandman2.model.Model` """ queryset = self.__model__.query args = {k: v for (k, v) in request.args.items() if k not in ('page', 'export')} limit = None if args: filters = [] order = [] for key, value in args.items(): if value.startswith('%'): filters.append(getattr(self.__model__, key).like(str(value), escape='/')) elif key == 'sort': direction = desc if value.startswith('-') else asc order.append(direction(getattr(self.__model__, value.lstrip('-')))) elif key == 'limit': limit = int(value) elif hasattr(self.__model__, key): filters.append(getattr(self.__model__, key) == value) else: raise BadRequestException('Invalid field [{}]'.format(key)) queryset = queryset.filter(*filters).order_by(*order) if 'page' in request.args: resources = queryset.paginate(page=int(request.args['page']), per_page=limit).items else: queryset = queryset.limit(limit) resources = queryset.all() return [r.to_dict() for r in resources] def _export(self, collection): """Return a CSV of the resources in *collection*. :param list collection: A list of resources represented by dicts """ fieldnames = collection[0].keys() faux_csv = ','.join(fieldnames) + '\r\n' for resource in collection: faux_csv += ','.join((str(x) for x in resource.values())) + '\r\n' response = make_response(faux_csv) response.mimetype = 'text/csv' return response @staticmethod def _no_content_response(): """Return an HTTP 204 "No Content" response. :returns: HTTP Response """ response = make_response() response.status_code = 204 return response @staticmethod def _created_response(resource): """Return an HTTP 201 "Created" response. :returns: HTTP Response """ response = jsonify(resource) response.status_code = 201 return response
import asyncio from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import DOMAIN as DOMAIN_BINARY_SENSOR from homeassistant.components.sensor import DOMAIN as DOMAIN_SENSOR from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers import aiohttp_client from .const import DOMAIN from .hub import GTIHub PLATFORMS = [DOMAIN_SENSOR, DOMAIN_BINARY_SENSOR] async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, config: dict): """Set up the HVV component.""" return True async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry): """Set up HVV from a config entry.""" hub = GTIHub( entry.data[CONF_HOST], entry.data[CONF_USERNAME], entry.data[CONF_PASSWORD], aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass), ) hass.data.setdefault(DOMAIN, {}) hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] = hub for component in PLATFORMS: hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(entry, component) ) return True async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry): """Unload a config entry.""" unload_ok = all( await asyncio.gather( *[ hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_unload(entry, component) for component in PLATFORMS ] ) ) return unload_ok
import os import threading import pkg_resources from radicale import config, log from radicale.app import Application from radicale.log import logger VERSION = pkg_resources.get_distribution("radicale").version _application = None _application_config_path = None _application_lock = threading.Lock() def _init_application(config_path, wsgi_errors): global _application, _application_config_path with _application_lock: if _application is not None: return log.setup() with log.register_stream(wsgi_errors): _application_config_path = config_path configuration = config.load(config.parse_compound_paths( config.DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, config_path)) log.set_level(configuration.get("logging", "level")) # Log configuration after logger is configured for source, miss in configuration.sources(): logger.info("%s %s", "Skipped missing" if miss else "Loaded", source) _application = Application(configuration) def application(environ, start_response): """Entry point for external WSGI servers.""" config_path = environ.get("RADICALE_CONFIG", os.environ.get("RADICALE_CONFIG")) if _application is None: _init_application(config_path, environ["wsgi.errors"]) if _application_config_path != config_path: raise ValueError("RADICALE_CONFIG must not change: %s != %s" % (repr(config_path), repr(_application_config_path))) return _application(environ, start_response)
import asyncio from aiohttp import ClientError import pytest from smart_meter_texas.exceptions import ( SmartMeterTexasAPIError, SmartMeterTexasAuthError, ) from homeassistant import config_entries, setup from homeassistant.components.smart_meter_texas.const import DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME from tests.async_mock import patch from tests.common import MockConfigEntry TEST_LOGIN = {CONF_USERNAME: "test-username", CONF_PASSWORD: "test-password"} async def test_form(hass): """Test we get the form.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER} ) assert result["type"] == "form" assert result["errors"] == {} with patch("smart_meter_texas.Client.authenticate", return_value=True), patch( "homeassistant.components.smart_meter_texas.async_setup", return_value=True ) as mock_setup, patch( "homeassistant.components.smart_meter_texas.async_setup_entry", return_value=True, ) as mock_setup_entry: result2 = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], TEST_LOGIN ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert result2["type"] == "create_entry" assert result2["title"] == TEST_LOGIN[CONF_USERNAME] assert result2["data"] == TEST_LOGIN assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 1 assert len(mock_setup_entry.mock_calls) == 1 async def test_form_invalid_auth(hass): """Test we handle invalid auth.""" result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER} ) with patch( "smart_meter_texas.Client.authenticate", side_effect=SmartMeterTexasAuthError, ): result2 = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], TEST_LOGIN, ) assert result2["type"] == "form" assert result2["errors"] == {"base": "invalid_auth"} @pytest.mark.parametrize( "side_effect", [asyncio.TimeoutError, ClientError, SmartMeterTexasAPIError] ) async def test_form_cannot_connect(hass, side_effect): """Test we handle cannot connect error.""" result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER} ) with patch( "smart_meter_texas.Client.authenticate", side_effect=side_effect, ): result2 = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], TEST_LOGIN ) assert result2["type"] == "form" assert result2["errors"] == {"base": "cannot_connect"} async def test_form_unknown_exception(hass): """Test base exception is handled.""" result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER} ) with patch( "smart_meter_texas.Client.authenticate", side_effect=Exception, ): result2 = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], TEST_LOGIN, ) assert result2["type"] == "form" assert result2["errors"] == {"base": "unknown"} async def test_form_duplicate_account(hass): """Test that a duplicate account cannot be configured.""" MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, unique_id="user123", data={"username": "user123", "password": "password123"}, ).add_to_hass(hass) with patch( "smart_meter_texas.Client.authenticate", return_value=True, ): result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER}, data={"username": "user123", "password": "password123"}, ) assert result["type"] == "abort" assert result["reason"] == "already_configured"
import os import pytest from molecule import config from molecule.driver import lxc @pytest.fixture def _instance(config_instance): return lxc.LXC(config_instance) def test_config_private_member(_instance): assert isinstance(_instance._config, config.Config) def test_testinfra_options_property(_instance): assert { 'connection': 'ansible', 'ansible-inventory': _instance._config.provisioner.inventory_file } == _instance.testinfra_options def test_name_property(_instance): assert 'lxc' == _instance.name def test_options_property(_instance): x = {'managed': True} assert x == _instance.options def test_login_cmd_template_property(_instance): assert 'sudo lxc-attach -n {instance}' == _instance.login_cmd_template def test_safe_files_property(_instance): assert [] == _instance.safe_files def test_default_safe_files_property(_instance): assert [] == _instance.default_safe_files def test_delegated_property(_instance): assert not _instance.delegated def test_managed_property(_instance): assert _instance.managed def test_default_ssh_connection_options_property(_instance): assert [] == _instance.default_ssh_connection_options def test_login_options(_instance): assert {'instance': 'foo'} == _instance.login_options('foo') def test_ansible_connection_options(_instance): x = {'ansible_connection': 'lxc'} assert x == _instance.ansible_connection_options('foo') def test_instance_config_property(_instance): x = os.path.join(_instance._config.scenario.ephemeral_directory, 'instance_config.yml') assert x == _instance.instance_config def test_ssh_connection_options_property(_instance): assert [] == _instance.ssh_connection_options def test_status(mocker, _instance): result = _instance.status() assert 2 == len(result) assert result[0].instance_name == 'instance-1' assert result[0].driver_name == 'lxc' assert result[0].provisioner_name == 'ansible' assert result[0].scenario_name == 'default' assert result[0].created == 'false' assert result[0].converged == 'false' assert result[1].instance_name == 'instance-2' assert result[1].driver_name == 'lxc' assert result[1].provisioner_name == 'ansible' assert result[1].scenario_name == 'default' assert result[1].created == 'false' assert result[1].converged == 'false' def test_created_property(_instance): assert 'false' == _instance._created() def test_converged_property(_instance): assert 'false' == _instance._converged()
from stash.tests.stashtest import StashTestCase class TotdTests(StashTestCase): """ Tests for the 'totd' command. """ def test_help(self): """ Test 'totd --help'. """ output = self.run_command("totd --help", exitcode=0) self.assertIn("totd", output) self.assertIn("-h", output) self.assertIn("--help", output) self.assertIn("-n", output) self.assertIn("--count", output) def test_count(self): """ Test 'totd --count'. """ output = self.run_command("totd --count", exitcode=0).replace("\n", "") # ensure that the string is correct self.assertTrue(output.startswith("Total available tips: ")) # ensure that number of tips is not zero self.assertFalse(output.endswith(" ")) def test_simple(self): """ Test a simple 'totd' execution. Ensure that different totds are returned. """ known = [] n_unique = 0 for i in range(100): output = self.run_command("totd", exitcode=0).replace("\n", "") if output not in known: known.append(output) n_unique += 1 self.assertGreater(n_unique, 3)
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os from absl import flags from absl import logging from compare_gan import datasets from compare_gan import eval_utils from compare_gan import utils import gin import numpy as np from six.moves import range import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_hub as hub FLAGS = flags.FLAGS # Special value returned when a fake image generated by a GAN has NaNs. NAN_DETECTED = 31337.0 @gin.configurable("eval_z", blacklist=["shape", "name"]) def z_generator(shape, distribution_fn=tf.random.uniform, minval=-1.0, maxval=1.0, stddev=1.0, name=None): """Random noise distributions as TF op. Args: shape: A 1-D integer Tensor or Python array. distribution_fn: Function that create a Tensor. If the function has any of the arguments 'minval', 'maxval' or 'stddev' these are passed to it. minval: The lower bound on the range of random values to generate. maxval: The upper bound on the range of random values to generate. stddev: The standard deviation of a normal distribution. name: A name for the operation. Returns: Tensor with the given shape and dtype tf.float32. """ return utils.call_with_accepted_args( distribution_fn, shape=shape, minval=minval, maxval=maxval, stddev=stddev, name=name) def _update_bn_accumulators(sess, generated, num_accu_examples): """Returns True if the accumlators for batch norm were updated. Args: sess: `tf.Session` object. Checkpoint should already be loaded. generated: Output tensor of the generator. num_accu_examples: How many examples should be used to update accumulators. Returns: True if there were accumlators. """ # Create update ops for batch statistic updates for each batch normalization # with accumlators. update_accu_switches = [v for v in tf.global_variables() if "accu/update_accus" in v.name] logging.info("update_accu_switches: %s", update_accu_switches) if not update_accu_switches: return False sess.run([tf.assign(v, 1) for v in update_accu_switches]) batch_size = generated.shape[0].value num_batches = num_accu_examples // batch_size for i in range(num_batches): if i % 500 == 0: logging.info("Updating BN accumulators %d/%d steps.", i, num_batches) sess.run(generated) sess.run([tf.assign(v, 0) for v in update_accu_switches]) logging.info("Done updating BN accumulators.") return True def evaluate_tfhub_module(module_spec, eval_tasks, use_tpu, num_averaging_runs): """Evaluate model at given checkpoint_path. Args: module_spec: string, path to a TF hub module. eval_tasks: List of objects that inherit from EvalTask. use_tpu: Whether to use TPUs. num_averaging_runs: Determines how many times each metric is computed. Returns: Dict[Text, float] with all the computed results. Raises: NanFoundError: If generator output has any NaNs. """ # Make sure that the same latent variables are used for each evaluation. np.random.seed(42) dataset = datasets.get_dataset() num_test_examples = dataset.eval_test_samples batch_size = 64 num_batches = int(np.ceil(num_test_examples / batch_size)) # Load and update the generator. result_dict = {} fake_dsets = [] with tf.Graph().as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(42) with tf.Session() as sess: if use_tpu: sess.run(tf.contrib.tpu.initialize_system()) def sample_from_generator(): """Create graph for sampling images.""" generator = hub.Module( module_spec, name="gen_module", tags={"gen", "bs{}".format(batch_size)}) logging.info("Generator inputs: %s", generator.get_input_info_dict()) z_dim = generator.get_input_info_dict()["z"].get_shape()[1].value z = z_generator(shape=[batch_size, z_dim]) if "labels" in generator.get_input_info_dict(): # Conditional GAN. assert dataset.num_classes labels = tf.random.uniform( [batch_size], maxval=dataset.num_classes, dtype=tf.int32) inputs = dict(z=z, labels=labels) else: # Unconditional GAN. assert "labels" not in generator.get_input_info_dict() inputs = dict(z=z) return generator(inputs=inputs, as_dict=True)["generated"] if use_tpu: generated = tf.contrib.tpu.rewrite(sample_from_generator) else: generated = sample_from_generator() tf.global_variables_initializer().run() if _update_bn_accumulators(sess, generated, num_accu_examples=204800): saver = tf.train.Saver() save_path = os.path.join(module_spec, "model-with-accu.ckpt") checkpoint_path = saver.save( sess, save_path=save_path) logging.info("Exported generator with accumulated batch stats to " "%s.", checkpoint_path) if not eval_tasks: logging.error("Task list is empty, returning.") return for i in range(num_averaging_runs): logging.info("Generating fake data set %d/%d.", i+1, num_averaging_runs) fake_dset = eval_utils.EvalDataSample( eval_utils.sample_fake_dataset(sess, generated, num_batches)) fake_dsets.append(fake_dset) logging.info("Computing inception features for generated data %d/%d.", i+1, num_averaging_runs) activations, logits = eval_utils.inception_transform_np( fake_dset.images, batch_size) fake_dset.set_inception_features( activations=activations, logits=logits) fake_dset.set_num_examples(num_test_examples) if i != 0: # Free up some memory by releasing additional fake data samples. # For ImageNet128 50k images are ~9 GiB. This will blow up metrics # (such as fractal dimension) if num_averaging_runs > 1. fake_dset.discard_images() real_dset = eval_utils.EvalDataSample( eval_utils.get_real_images( dataset=dataset, num_examples=num_test_examples)) logging.info("Getting Inception features for real images.") real_dset.activations, _ = eval_utils.inception_transform_np( real_dset.images, batch_size) real_dset.set_num_examples(num_test_examples) # Run all the tasks and update the result dictionary with the task statistics. result_dict = {} for task in eval_tasks: task_results_dicts = [ task.run_after_session(fake_dset, real_dset) for fake_dset in fake_dsets ] # Average the score for each key. result_statistics = {} for key in task_results_dicts[0].keys(): scores_for_key = np.array([d[key] for d in task_results_dicts]) mean, std = np.mean(scores_for_key), np.std(scores_for_key) scores_as_string = "_".join([str(x) for x in scores_for_key]) result_statistics[key + "_mean"] = mean result_statistics[key + "_std"] = std result_statistics[key + "_list"] = scores_as_string logging.info("Computed results for task %s: %s", task, result_statistics) result_dict.update(result_statistics) return result_dict
import argparse import os import platform import subprocess import sys import threading from typing import List from homeassistant.const import REQUIRED_PYTHON_VER, RESTART_EXIT_CODE, __version__ def validate_python() -> None: """Validate that the right Python version is running.""" if sys.version_info[:3] < REQUIRED_PYTHON_VER: print( "Home Assistant requires at least Python " f"{REQUIRED_PYTHON_VER[0]}.{REQUIRED_PYTHON_VER[1]}.{REQUIRED_PYTHON_VER[2]}" ) sys.exit(1) def ensure_config_path(config_dir: str) -> None: """Validate the configuration directory.""" # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import homeassistant.config as config_util lib_dir = os.path.join(config_dir, "deps") # Test if configuration directory exists if not os.path.isdir(config_dir): if config_dir != config_util.get_default_config_dir(): print( f"Fatal Error: Specified configuration directory {config_dir} " "does not exist" ) sys.exit(1) try: os.mkdir(config_dir) except OSError: print( "Fatal Error: Unable to create default configuration " f"directory {config_dir}" ) sys.exit(1) # Test if library directory exists if not os.path.isdir(lib_dir): try: os.mkdir(lib_dir) except OSError: print(f"Fatal Error: Unable to create library directory {lib_dir}") sys.exit(1) def get_arguments() -> argparse.Namespace: """Get parsed passed in arguments.""" # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import homeassistant.config as config_util parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Home Assistant: Observe, Control, Automate." ) parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version=__version__) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config", metavar="path_to_config_dir", default=config_util.get_default_config_dir(), help="Directory that contains the Home Assistant configuration", ) parser.add_argument( "--safe-mode", action="store_true", help="Start Home Assistant in safe mode" ) parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", help="Start Home Assistant in debug mode" ) parser.add_argument( "--open-ui", action="store_true", help="Open the webinterface in a browser" ) parser.add_argument( "--skip-pip", action="store_true", help="Skips pip install of required packages on startup", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Enable verbose logging to file." ) parser.add_argument( "--pid-file", metavar="path_to_pid_file", default=None, help="Path to PID file useful for running as daemon", ) parser.add_argument( "--log-rotate-days", type=int, default=None, help="Enables daily log rotation and keeps up to the specified days", ) parser.add_argument( "--log-file", type=str, default=None, help="Log file to write to. If not set, CONFIG/home-assistant.log is used", ) parser.add_argument( "--log-no-color", action="store_true", help="Disable color logs" ) parser.add_argument( "--runner", action="store_true", help=f"On restart exit with code {RESTART_EXIT_CODE}", ) parser.add_argument( "--script", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="Run one of the embedded scripts" ) if os.name == "posix": parser.add_argument( "--daemon", action="store_true", help="Run Home Assistant as daemon" ) arguments = parser.parse_args() if os.name != "posix" or arguments.debug or arguments.runner: setattr(arguments, "daemon", False) return arguments def daemonize() -> None: """Move current process to daemon process.""" # Create first fork pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: sys.exit(0) # Decouple fork os.setsid() # Create second fork pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: sys.exit(0) # redirect standard file descriptors to devnull infd = open(os.devnull) outfd = open(os.devnull, "a+") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() os.dup2(infd.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(outfd.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(outfd.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) def check_pid(pid_file: str) -> None: """Check that Home Assistant is not already running.""" # Check pid file try: with open(pid_file) as file: pid = int(file.readline()) except OSError: # PID File does not exist return # If we just restarted, we just found our own pidfile. if pid == os.getpid(): return try: os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError: # PID does not exist return print("Fatal Error: Home Assistant is already running.") sys.exit(1) def write_pid(pid_file: str) -> None: """Create a PID File.""" pid = os.getpid() try: with open(pid_file, "w") as file: file.write(str(pid)) except OSError: print(f"Fatal Error: Unable to write pid file {pid_file}") sys.exit(1) def closefds_osx(min_fd: int, max_fd: int) -> None: """Make sure file descriptors get closed when we restart. We cannot call close on guarded fds, and we cannot easily test which fds are guarded. But we can set the close-on-exec flag on everything we want to get rid of. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from fcntl import F_GETFD, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC, fcntl for _fd in range(min_fd, max_fd): try: val = fcntl(_fd, F_GETFD) if not val & FD_CLOEXEC: fcntl(_fd, F_SETFD, val | FD_CLOEXEC) except OSError: pass def cmdline() -> List[str]: """Collect path and arguments to re-execute the current hass instance.""" if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "__main__.py": modulepath = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = os.path.dirname(modulepath) return [sys.executable] + [arg for arg in sys.argv if arg != "--daemon"] return [arg for arg in sys.argv if arg != "--daemon"] def try_to_restart() -> None: """Attempt to clean up state and start a new Home Assistant instance.""" # Things should be mostly shut down already at this point, now just try # to clean up things that may have been left behind. sys.stderr.write("Home Assistant attempting to restart.\n") # Count remaining threads, ideally there should only be one non-daemonized # thread left (which is us). Nothing we really do with it, but it might be # useful when debugging shutdown/restart issues. try: nthreads = sum( thread.is_alive() and not thread.daemon for thread in threading.enumerate() ) if nthreads > 1: sys.stderr.write(f"Found {nthreads} non-daemonic threads.\n") # Somehow we sometimes seem to trigger an assertion in the python threading # module. It seems we find threads that have no associated OS level thread # which are not marked as stopped at the python level. except AssertionError: sys.stderr.write("Failed to count non-daemonic threads.\n") # Try to not leave behind open filedescriptors with the emphasis on try. try: max_fd = os.sysconf("SC_OPEN_MAX") except ValueError: max_fd = 256 if platform.system() == "Darwin": closefds_osx(3, max_fd) else: os.closerange(3, max_fd) # Now launch into a new instance of Home Assistant. If this fails we # fall through and exit with error 100 (RESTART_EXIT_CODE) in which case # systemd will restart us when RestartForceExitStatus=100 is set in the # systemd.service file. sys.stderr.write("Restarting Home Assistant\n") args = cmdline() os.execv(args[0], args) def main() -> int: """Start Home Assistant.""" validate_python() # Run a simple daemon runner process on Windows to handle restarts if os.name == "nt" and "--runner" not in sys.argv: nt_args = cmdline() + ["--runner"] while True: try: subprocess.check_call(nt_args) sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: if exc.returncode != RESTART_EXIT_CODE: sys.exit(exc.returncode) args = get_arguments() if args.script is not None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from homeassistant import scripts return scripts.run(args.script) config_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args.config)) ensure_config_path(config_dir) # Daemon functions if args.pid_file: check_pid(args.pid_file) if args.daemon: daemonize() if args.pid_file: write_pid(args.pid_file) # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from homeassistant import runner runtime_conf = runner.RuntimeConfig( config_dir=config_dir, verbose=args.verbose, log_rotate_days=args.log_rotate_days, log_file=args.log_file, log_no_color=args.log_no_color, skip_pip=args.skip_pip, safe_mode=args.safe_mode, debug=args.debug, open_ui=args.open_ui, ) exit_code = runner.run(runtime_conf) if exit_code == RESTART_EXIT_CODE and not args.runner: try_to_restart() return exit_code if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
import asyncio from aiohttp.client_exceptions import ClientError import pytest from yarl import URL from homeassistant.components.qwikswitch import DOMAIN as QWIKSWITCH from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.async_mock import Mock from tests.test_util.aiohttp import AiohttpClientMockResponse, MockLongPollSideEffect @pytest.fixture def qs_devices(): """Return a set of devices as a response.""" return [ { "id": "@a00001", "name": "Switch 1", "type": "rel", "val": "OFF", "time": "1522777506", "rssi": "51%", }, { "id": "@a00002", "name": "Light 2", "type": "rel", "val": "ON", "time": "1522777507", "rssi": "45%", }, { "id": "@a00003", "name": "Dim 3", "type": "dim", "val": "280c00", "time": "1522777544", "rssi": "62%", }, ] EMPTY_PACKET = {"cmd": ""} async def test_binary_sensor_device(hass, aioclient_mock, qs_devices): """Test a binary sensor device.""" config = { "qwikswitch": { "sensors": {"name": "s1", "id": "@a00001", "channel": 1, "type": "imod"} } } aioclient_mock.get("", json=qs_devices) listen_mock = MockLongPollSideEffect() aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=listen_mock) assert await async_setup_component(hass, QWIKSWITCH, config) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() # verify initial state is off per the 'val' in qs_devices state_obj = hass.states.get("binary_sensor.s1") assert state_obj.state == "off" # receive turn on command from network listen_mock.queue_response( json={"id": "@a00001", "cmd": "STATUS.ACK", "data": "4e0e1601", "rssi": "61%"} ) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) await hass.async_block_till_done() state_obj = hass.states.get("binary_sensor.s1") assert state_obj.state == "on" # receive turn off command from network listen_mock.queue_response( json={"id": "@a00001", "cmd": "STATUS.ACK", "data": "4e0e1701", "rssi": "61%"}, ) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) await hass.async_block_till_done() state_obj = hass.states.get("binary_sensor.s1") assert state_obj.state == "off" listen_mock.stop() async def test_sensor_device(hass, aioclient_mock, qs_devices): """Test a sensor device.""" config = { "qwikswitch": { "sensors": { "name": "ss1", "id": "@a00001", "channel": 1, "type": "qwikcord", } } } aioclient_mock.get("", json=qs_devices) listen_mock = MockLongPollSideEffect() aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=listen_mock) assert await async_setup_component(hass, QWIKSWITCH, config) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() state_obj = hass.states.get("sensor.ss1") assert state_obj.state == "None" # receive command that sets the sensor value listen_mock.queue_response( json={"id": "@a00001", "name": "ss1", "type": "rel", "val": "4733800001a00000"}, ) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) await hass.async_block_till_done() state_obj = hass.states.get("sensor.ss1") assert state_obj.state == "416" listen_mock.stop() async def test_switch_device(hass, aioclient_mock, qs_devices): """Test a switch device.""" async def get_devices_json(method, url, data): return AiohttpClientMockResponse(method=method, url=url, json=qs_devices) config = {"qwikswitch": {"switches": ["@a00001"]}} aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=get_devices_json) listen_mock = MockLongPollSideEffect() aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=listen_mock) assert await async_setup_component(hass, QWIKSWITCH, config) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() # verify initial state is off per the 'val' in qs_devices state_obj = hass.states.get("switch.switch_1") assert state_obj.state == "off" # ask hass to turn on and verify command is sent to device aioclient_mock.mock_calls.clear() aioclient_mock.get("", json={"data": "OK"}) await hass.services.async_call( "switch", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "switch.switch_1"}, blocking=True ) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) assert ( "GET", URL(""), None, None, ) in aioclient_mock.mock_calls # verify state is on state_obj = hass.states.get("switch.switch_1") assert state_obj.state == "on" # ask hass to turn off and verify command is sent to device aioclient_mock.mock_calls.clear() aioclient_mock.get("", json={"data": "OK"}) await hass.services.async_call( "switch", "turn_off", {"entity_id": "switch.switch_1"}, blocking=True ) assert ( "GET", URL(""), None, None, ) in aioclient_mock.mock_calls # verify state is off state_obj = hass.states.get("switch.switch_1") assert state_obj.state == "off" # check if setting the value in the network show in hass qs_devices[0]["val"] = "ON" listen_mock.queue_response(json=EMPTY_PACKET) await hass.async_block_till_done() state_obj = hass.states.get("switch.switch_1") assert state_obj.state == "on" listen_mock.stop() async def test_light_device(hass, aioclient_mock, qs_devices): """Test a light device.""" async def get_devices_json(method, url, data): return AiohttpClientMockResponse(method=method, url=url, json=qs_devices) config = {"qwikswitch": {}} aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=get_devices_json) listen_mock = MockLongPollSideEffect() aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=listen_mock) assert await async_setup_component(hass, QWIKSWITCH, config) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() # verify initial state is on per the 'val' in qs_devices state_obj = hass.states.get("light.dim_3") assert state_obj.state == "on" assert state_obj.attributes["brightness"] == 255 # ask hass to turn off and verify command is sent to device aioclient_mock.mock_calls.clear() aioclient_mock.get("", json={"data": "OK"}) await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_off", {"entity_id": "light.dim_3"}, blocking=True ) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) assert ( "GET", URL(""), None, None, ) in aioclient_mock.mock_calls state_obj = hass.states.get("light.dim_3") assert state_obj.state == "off" # change brightness in network and check that hass updates qs_devices[2]["val"] = "280c55" # half dimmed listen_mock.queue_response(json=EMPTY_PACKET) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) await hass.async_block_till_done() state_obj = hass.states.get("light.dim_3") assert state_obj.state == "on" assert 16 < state_obj.attributes["brightness"] < 240 # turn off in the network and see that it is off in hass as well qs_devices[2]["val"] = "280c78" # off listen_mock.queue_response(json=EMPTY_PACKET) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) await hass.async_block_till_done() state_obj = hass.states.get("light.dim_3") assert state_obj.state == "off" # ask hass to turn on and verify command is sent to device aioclient_mock.mock_calls.clear() aioclient_mock.get("", json={"data": "OK"}) await hass.services.async_call( "light", "turn_on", {"entity_id": "light.dim_3"}, blocking=True ) assert ( "GET", URL(""), None, None, ) in aioclient_mock.mock_calls await hass.async_block_till_done() state_obj = hass.states.get("light.dim_3") assert state_obj.state == "on" listen_mock.stop() async def test_button(hass, aioclient_mock, qs_devices): """Test that buttons fire an event.""" async def get_devices_json(method, url, data): return AiohttpClientMockResponse(method=method, url=url, json=qs_devices) config = {"qwikswitch": {"button_events": "TOGGLE"}} aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=get_devices_json) listen_mock = MockLongPollSideEffect() aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=listen_mock) assert await async_setup_component(hass, QWIKSWITCH, config) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() button_pressed = Mock() hass.bus.async_listen_once("qwikswitch.button.@a00002", button_pressed) listen_mock.queue_response( json={"id": "@a00002", "cmd": "TOGGLE"}, ) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) await hass.async_block_till_done() button_pressed.assert_called_once() listen_mock.stop() async def test_failed_update_devices(hass, aioclient_mock): """Test that code behaves correctly when unable to get the devices.""" config = {"qwikswitch": {}} aioclient_mock.get("", exc=ClientError()) listen_mock = MockLongPollSideEffect() aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=listen_mock) assert not await async_setup_component(hass, QWIKSWITCH, config) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() listen_mock.stop() async def test_single_invalid_sensor(hass, aioclient_mock, qs_devices): """Test that a single misconfigured sensor doesn't block the others.""" config = { "qwikswitch": { "sensors": [ {"name": "ss1", "id": "@a00001", "channel": 1, "type": "qwikcord"}, {"name": "ss2", "id": "@a00002", "channel": 1, "type": "ERROR_TYPE"}, {"name": "ss3", "id": "@a00003", "channel": 1, "type": "qwikcord"}, ] } } aioclient_mock.get("", json=qs_devices) listen_mock = MockLongPollSideEffect() aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=listen_mock) assert await async_setup_component(hass, QWIKSWITCH, config) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() await asyncio.sleep(0.01) assert hass.states.get("sensor.ss1") assert not hass.states.get("sensor.ss2") assert hass.states.get("sensor.ss3") listen_mock.stop() async def test_non_binary_sensor_with_binary_args( hass, aioclient_mock, qs_devices, caplog ): """Test that the system logs a warning when a non-binary device has binary specific args.""" config = { "qwikswitch": { "sensors": [ { "name": "ss1", "id": "@a00001", "channel": 1, "type": "qwikcord", "invert": True, }, ] } } aioclient_mock.get("", json=qs_devices) listen_mock = MockLongPollSideEffect() aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=listen_mock) assert await async_setup_component(hass, QWIKSWITCH, config) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() await asyncio.sleep(0.01) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get("sensor.ss1") assert "invert should only be used for binary_sensors" in caplog.text listen_mock.stop() async def test_non_relay_switch(hass, aioclient_mock, qs_devices, caplog): """Test that the system logs a warning when a switch is configured for a device that is not a relay.""" config = {"qwikswitch": {"switches": ["@a00003"]}} aioclient_mock.get("", json=qs_devices) listen_mock = MockLongPollSideEffect() aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=listen_mock) assert await async_setup_component(hass, QWIKSWITCH, config) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() await asyncio.sleep(0.01) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert not hass.states.get("switch.dim_3") assert "You specified a switch that is not a relay @a00003" in caplog.text listen_mock.stop() async def test_unknown_device(hass, aioclient_mock, qs_devices, caplog): """Test that the system logs a warning when a network device has unknown type.""" config = {"qwikswitch": {}} qs_devices[1]["type"] = "ERROR_TYPE" aioclient_mock.get("", json=qs_devices) listen_mock = MockLongPollSideEffect() aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=listen_mock) assert await async_setup_component(hass, QWIKSWITCH, config) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() await asyncio.sleep(0.01) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get("light.switch_1") assert not hass.states.get("light.light_2") assert hass.states.get("light.dim_3") assert "Ignored unknown QSUSB device" in caplog.text listen_mock.stop() async def test_no_discover_info(hass, hass_storage, aioclient_mock, caplog): """Test that discovery with no discovery_info does not result in errors.""" config = { "qwikswitch": {}, "light": {"platform": "qwikswitch"}, "switch": {"platform": "qwikswitch"}, "sensor": {"platform": "qwikswitch"}, "binary_sensor": {"platform": "qwikswitch"}, } aioclient_mock.get( "", json=[ { "id": "@a00001", "name": "Switch 1", "type": "ERROR_TYPE", "val": "OFF", "time": "1522777506", "rssi": "51%", }, ], ) listen_mock = MockLongPollSideEffect() aioclient_mock.get("", side_effect=listen_mock) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "light", config) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "switch", config) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "binary_sensor", config) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "Error while setting up qwikswitch platform" not in caplog.text listen_mock.stop()
import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_WHITE_VALUE, ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS, SUPPORT_COLOR, SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP, SUPPORT_WHITE_VALUE, LightEntity, ) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_ENTITY_ID, CONF_ENTITY_PICTURE_TEMPLATE, CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME, CONF_ICON_TEMPLATE, CONF_LIGHTS, CONF_UNIQUE_ID, CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, ) from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.exceptions import TemplateError import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.config_validation import PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.helpers.entity import async_generate_entity_id from homeassistant.helpers.reload import async_setup_reload_service from homeassistant.helpers.script import Script from .const import CONF_AVAILABILITY_TEMPLATE, DOMAIN, PLATFORMS from .template_entity import TemplateEntity _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) _VALID_STATES = [STATE_ON, STATE_OFF, "true", "false"] CONF_ON_ACTION = "turn_on" CONF_OFF_ACTION = "turn_off" CONF_LEVEL_ACTION = "set_level" CONF_LEVEL_TEMPLATE = "level_template" CONF_TEMPERATURE_TEMPLATE = "temperature_template" CONF_TEMPERATURE_ACTION = "set_temperature" CONF_COLOR_TEMPLATE = "color_template" CONF_COLOR_ACTION = "set_color" CONF_WHITE_VALUE_TEMPLATE = "white_value_template" CONF_WHITE_VALUE_ACTION = "set_white_value" LIGHT_SCHEMA = vol.All( cv.deprecated(CONF_ENTITY_ID), vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_ON_ACTION): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA, vol.Required(CONF_OFF_ACTION): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_ICON_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_ENTITY_PICTURE_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_AVAILABILITY_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_LEVEL_ACTION): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_LEVEL_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Optional(CONF_TEMPERATURE_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_TEMPERATURE_ACTION): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_COLOR_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_COLOR_ACTION): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_WHITE_VALUE_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_WHITE_VALUE_ACTION): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_UNIQUE_ID): cv.string, } ), ) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( {vol.Required(CONF_LIGHTS): cv.schema_with_slug_keys(LIGHT_SCHEMA)} ) async def _async_create_entities(hass, config): """Create the Template Lights.""" lights = [] for device, device_config in config[CONF_LIGHTS].items(): friendly_name = device_config.get(CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME, device) state_template = device_config.get(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE) icon_template = device_config.get(CONF_ICON_TEMPLATE) entity_picture_template = device_config.get(CONF_ENTITY_PICTURE_TEMPLATE) availability_template = device_config.get(CONF_AVAILABILITY_TEMPLATE) unique_id = device_config.get(CONF_UNIQUE_ID) on_action = device_config[CONF_ON_ACTION] off_action = device_config[CONF_OFF_ACTION] level_action = device_config.get(CONF_LEVEL_ACTION) level_template = device_config.get(CONF_LEVEL_TEMPLATE) temperature_action = device_config.get(CONF_TEMPERATURE_ACTION) temperature_template = device_config.get(CONF_TEMPERATURE_TEMPLATE) color_action = device_config.get(CONF_COLOR_ACTION) color_template = device_config.get(CONF_COLOR_TEMPLATE) white_value_action = device_config.get(CONF_WHITE_VALUE_ACTION) white_value_template = device_config.get(CONF_WHITE_VALUE_TEMPLATE) lights.append( LightTemplate( hass, device, friendly_name, state_template, icon_template, entity_picture_template, availability_template, on_action, off_action, level_action, level_template, temperature_action, temperature_template, color_action, color_template, white_value_action, white_value_template, unique_id, ) ) return lights async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the template lights.""" await async_setup_reload_service(hass, DOMAIN, PLATFORMS) async_add_entities(await _async_create_entities(hass, config)) class LightTemplate(TemplateEntity, LightEntity): """Representation of a templated Light, including dimmable.""" def __init__( self, hass, device_id, friendly_name, state_template, icon_template, entity_picture_template, availability_template, on_action, off_action, level_action, level_template, temperature_action, temperature_template, color_action, color_template, white_value_action, white_value_template, unique_id, ): """Initialize the light.""" super().__init__( availability_template=availability_template, icon_template=icon_template, entity_picture_template=entity_picture_template, ) self.entity_id = async_generate_entity_id( ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, device_id, hass=hass ) self._name = friendly_name self._template = state_template domain = __name__.split(".")[-2] self._on_script = Script(hass, on_action, friendly_name, domain) self._off_script = Script(hass, off_action, friendly_name, domain) self._level_script = None if level_action is not None: self._level_script = Script(hass, level_action, friendly_name, domain) self._level_template = level_template self._temperature_script = None if temperature_action is not None: self._temperature_script = Script( hass, temperature_action, friendly_name, domain ) self._temperature_template = temperature_template self._color_script = None if color_action is not None: self._color_script = Script(hass, color_action, friendly_name, domain) self._color_template = color_template self._white_value_script = None if white_value_action is not None: self._white_value_script = Script( hass, white_value_action, friendly_name, domain ) self._white_value_template = white_value_template self._state = False self._brightness = None self._temperature = None self._color = None self._white_value = None self._unique_id = unique_id @property def brightness(self): """Return the brightness of the light.""" return self._brightness @property def color_temp(self): """Return the CT color value in mireds.""" return self._temperature @property def white_value(self): """Return the white value.""" return self._white_value @property def hs_color(self): """Return the hue and saturation color value [float, float].""" return self._color @property def name(self): """Return the display name of this light.""" return self._name @property def unique_id(self): """Return the unique id of this light.""" return self._unique_id @property def supported_features(self): """Flag supported features.""" supported_features = 0 if self._level_script is not None: supported_features |= SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS if self._temperature_script is not None: supported_features |= SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP if self._color_script is not None: supported_features |= SUPPORT_COLOR if self._white_value_script is not None: supported_features |= SUPPORT_WHITE_VALUE return supported_features @property def is_on(self): """Return true if device is on.""" return self._state async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Register callbacks.""" if self._template: self.add_template_attribute( "_state", self._template, None, self._update_state ) if self._level_template: self.add_template_attribute( "_brightness", self._level_template, None, self._update_brightness, none_on_template_error=True, ) if self._temperature_template: self.add_template_attribute( "_temperature", self._temperature_template, None, self._update_temperature, none_on_template_error=True, ) if self._color_template: self.add_template_attribute( "_color", self._color_template, None, self._update_color, none_on_template_error=True, ) if self._white_value_template: self.add_template_attribute( "_white_value", self._white_value_template, None, self._update_white_value, none_on_template_error=True, ) await super().async_added_to_hass() async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the light on.""" optimistic_set = False # set optimistic states if self._template is None: self._state = True optimistic_set = True if self._level_template is None and ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: _LOGGER.info( "Optimistically setting brightness to %s", kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] ) self._brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] optimistic_set = True if self._white_value_template is None and ATTR_WHITE_VALUE in kwargs: _LOGGER.info( "Optimistically setting white value to %s", kwargs[ATTR_WHITE_VALUE] ) self._white_value = kwargs[ATTR_WHITE_VALUE] optimistic_set = True if self._temperature_template is None and ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs: _LOGGER.info( "Optimistically setting color temperature to %s", kwargs[ATTR_COLOR_TEMP], ) self._temperature = kwargs[ATTR_COLOR_TEMP] optimistic_set = True if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs and self._level_script: await self._level_script.async_run( {"brightness": kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS]}, context=self._context ) elif ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs and self._temperature_script: await self._temperature_script.async_run( {"color_temp": kwargs[ATTR_COLOR_TEMP]}, context=self._context ) elif ATTR_WHITE_VALUE in kwargs and self._white_value_script: await self._white_value_script.async_run( {"white_value": kwargs[ATTR_WHITE_VALUE]}, context=self._context ) elif ATTR_HS_COLOR in kwargs and self._color_script: hs_value = kwargs[ATTR_HS_COLOR] await self._color_script.async_run( {"hs": hs_value, "h": int(hs_value[0]), "s": int(hs_value[1])}, context=self._context, ) else: await self._on_script.async_run(context=self._context) if optimistic_set: self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the light off.""" await self._off_script.async_run(context=self._context) if self._template is None: self._state = False self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def _update_brightness(self, brightness): """Update the brightness from the template.""" try: if brightness in ("None", ""): self._brightness = None return if 0 <= int(brightness) <= 255: self._brightness = int(brightness) else: _LOGGER.error( "Received invalid brightness : %s. Expected: 0-255", brightness ) self._brightness = None except ValueError: _LOGGER.error( "Template must supply an integer brightness from 0-255, or 'None'", exc_info=True, ) self._brightness = None @callback def _update_white_value(self, white_value): """Update the white value from the template.""" try: if white_value in ("None", ""): self._white_value = None return if 0 <= int(white_value) <= 255: self._white_value = int(white_value) else: _LOGGER.error( "Received invalid white value: %s. Expected: 0-255", white_value ) self._white_value = None except ValueError: _LOGGER.error( "Template must supply an integer white_value from 0-255, or 'None'", exc_info=True, ) self._white_value = None @callback def _update_state(self, result): """Update the state from the template.""" if isinstance(result, TemplateError): # This behavior is legacy self._state = False if not self._availability_template: self._available = True return if isinstance(result, bool): self._state = result return state = str(result).lower() if state in _VALID_STATES: self._state = state in ("true", STATE_ON) return _LOGGER.error( "Received invalid light is_on state: %s. Expected: %s", state, ", ".join(_VALID_STATES), ) self._state = None @callback def _update_temperature(self, render): """Update the temperature from the template.""" try: if render in ("None", ""): self._temperature = None return temperature = int(render) if self.min_mireds <= temperature <= self.max_mireds: self._temperature = temperature else: _LOGGER.error( "Received invalid color temperature : %s. Expected: 0-%s", temperature, self.max_mireds, ) self._temperature = None except ValueError: _LOGGER.error( "Template must supply an integer temperature within the range for this light, or 'None'", exc_info=True, ) self._temperature = None @callback def _update_color(self, render): """Update the hs_color from the template.""" h_str = s_str = None if isinstance(render, str): if render in ("None", ""): self._color = None return h_str, s_str = map( float, render.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").split(",", 1) ) elif isinstance(render, (list, tuple)) and len(render) == 2: h_str, s_str = render if ( h_str is not None and s_str is not None and 0 <= h_str <= 360 and 0 <= s_str <= 100 ): self._color = (h_str, s_str) elif h_str is not None and s_str is not None: _LOGGER.error( "Received invalid hs_color : (%s, %s). Expected: (0-360, 0-100)", h_str, s_str, ) self._color = None else: _LOGGER.error("Received invalid hs_color : (%s)", render) self._color = None
import diamond.collector from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import re from diamond.collector import str_to_bool class NetfilterAccountingCollector(diamond.collector.Collector): def get_default_config_help(self): config_help = ( super(NetfilterAccountingCollector, self).get_default_config_help()) config_help.update({ 'bin': 'The path to the smartctl binary', 'reset': 'Reset counters after collecting', 'use_sudo': 'Use sudo?', 'sudo_cmd': 'Path to sudo', }) return config_help def get_default_config(self): """ Returns default configuration options. """ config = super(NetfilterAccountingCollector, self).get_default_config() config.update({ 'path': 'nfacct', 'bin': 'nfacct', 'use_sudo': False, 'reset': True, 'sudo_cmd': '/usr/bin/sudo', 'method': 'Threaded' }) return config def collect(self): """ Collect and publish netfilter counters """ cmd = [self.config['bin'], "list"] if str_to_bool(self.config['reset']): cmd.append("reset") if str_to_bool(self.config['use_sudo']): cmd.insert(0, self.config['sudo_cmd']) # We avoid use of the XML format to mtaintain compatbility with older # versions of nfacct and also to avoid the bug where pkts and bytes were # flipped # Each line is of the format: # { pkts = 00000000000001121700, bytes = 00000000000587037355 } = ipv4; matcher = re.compile("{ pkts = (.*), bytes = (.*) } = (.*);") lines = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].strip().splitlines() for line in lines: matches = re.match(matcher, line) if matches: num_packets = int(matches.group(1)) num_bytes = int(matches.group(2)) name = matches.group(3) self.publish(name + ".pkts", num_packets) self.publish(name + ".bytes", num_bytes)
from homeassistant.components.humidifier import ( ATTR_AVAILABLE_MODES, ATTR_HUMIDITY, ATTR_MODE, DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_HUMIDITY, SERVICE_SET_MODE, intent, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, SERVICE_TURN_ON, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, ) from homeassistant.helpers.intent import IntentHandleError from tests.common import async_mock_service async def test_intent_set_humidity(hass): """Test the set humidity intent.""" hass.states.async_set( "humidifier.bedroom_humidifier", STATE_ON, {ATTR_HUMIDITY: 40} ) humidity_calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_HUMIDITY) turn_on_calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON) await intent.async_setup_intents(hass) result = await hass.helpers.intent.async_handle( "test", intent.INTENT_HUMIDITY, {"name": {"value": "Bedroom humidifier"}, "humidity": {"value": "50"}}, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert result.speech["plain"]["speech"] == "The bedroom humidifier is set to 50%" assert len(turn_on_calls) == 0 assert len(humidity_calls) == 1 call = humidity_calls[0] assert call.domain == DOMAIN assert call.service == SERVICE_SET_HUMIDITY assert call.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) == "humidifier.bedroom_humidifier" assert call.data.get(ATTR_HUMIDITY) == 50 async def test_intent_set_humidity_and_turn_on(hass): """Test the set humidity intent for turned off humidifier.""" hass.states.async_set( "humidifier.bedroom_humidifier", STATE_OFF, {ATTR_HUMIDITY: 40} ) humidity_calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_HUMIDITY) turn_on_calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON) await intent.async_setup_intents(hass) result = await hass.helpers.intent.async_handle( "test", intent.INTENT_HUMIDITY, {"name": {"value": "Bedroom humidifier"}, "humidity": {"value": "50"}}, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert ( result.speech["plain"]["speech"] == "Turned bedroom humidifier on and set humidity to 50%" ) assert len(turn_on_calls) == 1 call = turn_on_calls[0] assert call.domain == DOMAIN assert call.service == SERVICE_TURN_ON assert call.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) == "humidifier.bedroom_humidifier" assert len(humidity_calls) == 1 call = humidity_calls[0] assert call.domain == DOMAIN assert call.service == SERVICE_SET_HUMIDITY assert call.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) == "humidifier.bedroom_humidifier" assert call.data.get(ATTR_HUMIDITY) == 50 async def test_intent_set_mode(hass): """Test the set mode intent.""" hass.states.async_set( "humidifier.bedroom_humidifier", STATE_ON, { ATTR_HUMIDITY: 40, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES: 1, ATTR_AVAILABLE_MODES: ["home", "away"], ATTR_MODE: "home", }, ) mode_calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_MODE) turn_on_calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON) await intent.async_setup_intents(hass) result = await hass.helpers.intent.async_handle( "test", intent.INTENT_MODE, {"name": {"value": "Bedroom humidifier"}, "mode": {"value": "away"}}, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert ( result.speech["plain"]["speech"] == "The mode for bedroom humidifier is set to away" ) assert len(turn_on_calls) == 0 assert len(mode_calls) == 1 call = mode_calls[0] assert call.domain == DOMAIN assert call.service == SERVICE_SET_MODE assert call.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) == "humidifier.bedroom_humidifier" assert call.data.get(ATTR_MODE) == "away" async def test_intent_set_mode_and_turn_on(hass): """Test the set mode intent.""" hass.states.async_set( "humidifier.bedroom_humidifier", STATE_OFF, { ATTR_HUMIDITY: 40, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES: 1, ATTR_AVAILABLE_MODES: ["home", "away"], ATTR_MODE: "home", }, ) mode_calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_MODE) turn_on_calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON) await intent.async_setup_intents(hass) result = await hass.helpers.intent.async_handle( "test", intent.INTENT_MODE, {"name": {"value": "Bedroom humidifier"}, "mode": {"value": "away"}}, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert ( result.speech["plain"]["speech"] == "Turned bedroom humidifier on and set away mode" ) assert len(turn_on_calls) == 1 call = turn_on_calls[0] assert call.domain == DOMAIN assert call.service == SERVICE_TURN_ON assert call.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) == "humidifier.bedroom_humidifier" assert len(mode_calls) == 1 call = mode_calls[0] assert call.domain == DOMAIN assert call.service == SERVICE_SET_MODE assert call.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) == "humidifier.bedroom_humidifier" assert call.data.get(ATTR_MODE) == "away" async def test_intent_set_mode_tests_feature(hass): """Test the set mode intent where modes are not supported.""" hass.states.async_set( "humidifier.bedroom_humidifier", STATE_ON, {ATTR_HUMIDITY: 40} ) mode_calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_MODE) await intent.async_setup_intents(hass) try: await hass.helpers.intent.async_handle( "test", intent.INTENT_MODE, {"name": {"value": "Bedroom humidifier"}, "mode": {"value": "away"}}, ) assert False, "handling intent should have raised" except IntentHandleError as err: assert str(err) == "Entity bedroom humidifier does not support modes" assert len(mode_calls) == 0 async def test_intent_set_unknown_mode(hass): """Test the set mode intent for unsupported mode.""" hass.states.async_set( "humidifier.bedroom_humidifier", STATE_ON, { ATTR_HUMIDITY: 40, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES: 1, ATTR_AVAILABLE_MODES: ["home", "away"], ATTR_MODE: "home", }, ) mode_calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_MODE) await intent.async_setup_intents(hass) try: await hass.helpers.intent.async_handle( "test", intent.INTENT_MODE, {"name": {"value": "Bedroom humidifier"}, "mode": {"value": "eco"}}, ) assert False, "handling intent should have raised" except IntentHandleError as err: assert str(err) == "Entity bedroom humidifier does not support eco mode" assert len(mode_calls) == 0
from functools import partial import struct import numpy as np from scipy import sparse from .constants import (FIFF, _dig_kind_named, _dig_cardinal_named, _ch_kind_named, _ch_coil_type_named, _ch_unit_named, _ch_unit_mul_named) from ..utils.numerics import _julian_to_cal ############################################################################## # HELPERS class Tag(object): """Tag in FIF tree structure. Parameters ---------- kind : int Kind of Tag. type_ : int Type of Tag. size : int Size in bytes. int : next Position of next Tag. pos : int Position of Tag is the original file. """ def __init__(self, kind, type_, size, next, pos=None): # noqa: D102 self.kind = int(kind) self.type = int(type_) self.size = int(size) self.next = int(next) self.pos = pos if pos is not None else next self.pos = int(self.pos) self.data = None def __repr__(self): # noqa: D105 out = ("<Tag | kind %s - type %s - size %s - next %s - pos %s" % (self.kind, self.type, self.size, self.next, self.pos)) if hasattr(self, 'data'): out += " - data %s" % self.data out += ">" return out def __eq__(self, tag): # noqa: D105 return int(self.kind == tag.kind and self.type == tag.type and self.size == tag.size and self.next == tag.next and self.pos == tag.pos and self.data == tag.data) def read_tag_info(fid): """Read Tag info (or header).""" tag = _read_tag_header(fid) if tag is None: return None if tag.next == 0: fid.seek(tag.size, 1) elif tag.next > 0: fid.seek(tag.next, 0) return tag def _frombuffer_rows(fid, tag_size, dtype=None, shape=None, rlims=None): """Get a range of rows from a large tag.""" if shape is not None: item_size = np.dtype(dtype).itemsize if not len(shape) == 2: raise ValueError('Only implemented for 2D matrices') want_shape = np.prod(shape) have_shape = tag_size // item_size if want_shape != have_shape: raise ValueError('Wrong shape specified, requested %s have %s' % (want_shape, have_shape)) if not len(rlims) == 2: raise ValueError('rlims must have two elements') n_row_out = rlims[1] - rlims[0] if n_row_out <= 0: raise ValueError('rlims must yield at least one output') row_size = item_size * shape[1] # # of bytes to skip at the beginning, # to read, where to end start_skip = int(rlims[0] * row_size) read_size = int(n_row_out * row_size) end_pos = int(fid.tell() + tag_size) # Move the pointer ahead to the read point fid.seek(start_skip, 1) # Do the reading out = np.frombuffer(fid.read(read_size), dtype=dtype) # Move the pointer ahead to the end of the tag fid.seek(end_pos) else: out = np.frombuffer(fid.read(tag_size), dtype=dtype) return out def _loc_to_coil_trans(loc): """Convert loc vector to coil_trans.""" assert loc.shape[-1] == 12 coil_trans = np.zeros(loc.shape[:-1] + (4, 4)) coil_trans[..., :3, 3] = loc[..., :3] coil_trans[..., :3, :3] = np.reshape( loc[..., 3:], loc.shape[:-1] + (3, 3)).swapaxes(-1, -2) coil_trans[..., -1, -1] = 1. return coil_trans def _coil_trans_to_loc(coil_trans): """Convert coil_trans to loc.""" coil_trans = coil_trans.astype(np.float64) return np.roll(coil_trans.T[:, :3], 1, 0).flatten() def _loc_to_eeg_loc(loc): """Convert a loc to an EEG loc.""" if not np.isfinite(loc[:3]).all(): raise RuntimeError('Missing EEG channel location') if np.isfinite(loc[3:6]).all() and (loc[3:6]).any(): return np.array([loc[0:3], loc[3:6]]).T else: return loc[0:3][:, np.newaxis].copy() ############################################################################## # READING FUNCTIONS # None of these functions have docstring because it's more compact that way, # and hopefully it's clear what they do by their names and variable values. # See ``read_tag`` for variable descriptions. Return values are implied # by the function names. _is_matrix = 4294901760 # ffff0000 _matrix_coding_dense = 16384 # 4000 _matrix_coding_CCS = 16400 # 4010 _matrix_coding_RCS = 16416 # 4020 _data_type = 65535 # ffff def _read_tag_header(fid): """Read only the header of a Tag.""" s = fid.read(4 * 4) if len(s) == 0: return None # struct.unpack faster than np.frombuffer, saves ~10% of time some places return Tag(*struct.unpack('>iIii', s)) _matrix_bit_dtype = { FIFF.FIFFT_INT: (4, '>i4'), FIFF.FIFFT_JULIAN: (4, '>i4'), FIFF.FIFFT_FLOAT: (4, '>f4'), FIFF.FIFFT_DOUBLE: (8, '>f8'), FIFF.FIFFT_COMPLEX_FLOAT: (8, '>f4'), FIFF.FIFFT_COMPLEX_DOUBLE: (16, '>f8'), } def _read_matrix(fid, tag, shape, rlims, matrix_coding): """Read a matrix (dense or sparse) tag.""" matrix_coding = matrix_coding >> 16 # This should be easy to implement (see _frombuffer_rows) # if we need it, but for now, it's not... if shape is not None: raise ValueError('Row reading not implemented for matrices ' 'yet') # Matrices if matrix_coding == _matrix_coding_dense: # Find dimensions and return to the beginning of tag data pos = fid.tell() fid.seek(tag.size - 4, 1) ndim = int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype='>i4')) fid.seek(-(ndim + 1) * 4, 1) dims = np.frombuffer(fid.read(4 * ndim), dtype='>i4')[::-1] # # Back to where the data start # fid.seek(pos, 0) if ndim > 3: raise Exception('Only 2 or 3-dimensional matrices are ' 'supported at this time') matrix_type = _data_type & tag.type try: bit, dtype = _matrix_bit_dtype[matrix_type] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError('Cannot handle matrix of type %d yet' % matrix_type) data = fid.read(int(bit * dims.prod())) data = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=dtype) # Note: we need the non-conjugate transpose here if matrix_type == FIFF.FIFFT_COMPLEX_FLOAT: data = data.view('>c8') elif matrix_type == FIFF.FIFFT_COMPLEX_DOUBLE: data = data.view('>c16') data.shape = dims elif matrix_coding in (_matrix_coding_CCS, _matrix_coding_RCS): # Find dimensions and return to the beginning of tag data pos = fid.tell() fid.seek(tag.size - 4, 1) ndim = int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype='>i4')) fid.seek(-(ndim + 2) * 4, 1) dims = np.frombuffer(fid.read(4 * (ndim + 1)), dtype='>i4') if ndim != 2: raise Exception('Only two-dimensional matrices are ' 'supported at this time') # Back to where the data start fid.seek(pos, 0) nnz = int(dims[0]) nrow = int(dims[1]) ncol = int(dims[2]) data = np.frombuffer(fid.read(4 * nnz), dtype='>f4') shape = (dims[1], dims[2]) if matrix_coding == _matrix_coding_CCS: # CCS tmp_indices = fid.read(4 * nnz) indices = np.frombuffer(tmp_indices, dtype='>i4') tmp_ptr = fid.read(4 * (ncol + 1)) indptr = np.frombuffer(tmp_ptr, dtype='>i4') if indptr[-1] > len(indices) or np.any(indptr < 0): # There was a bug in MNE-C that caused some data to be # stored without byte swapping indices = np.concatenate( (np.frombuffer(tmp_indices[:4 * (nrow + 1)], dtype='>i4'), np.frombuffer(tmp_indices[4 * (nrow + 1):], dtype='<i4'))) indptr = np.frombuffer(tmp_ptr, dtype='<i4') data = sparse.csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=shape) else: # RCS tmp_indices = fid.read(4 * nnz) indices = np.frombuffer(tmp_indices, dtype='>i4') tmp_ptr = fid.read(4 * (nrow + 1)) indptr = np.frombuffer(tmp_ptr, dtype='>i4') if indptr[-1] > len(indices) or np.any(indptr < 0): # There was a bug in MNE-C that caused some data to be # stored without byte swapping indices = np.concatenate( (np.frombuffer(tmp_indices[:4 * (ncol + 1)], dtype='>i4'), np.frombuffer(tmp_indices[4 * (ncol + 1):], dtype='<i4'))) indptr = np.frombuffer(tmp_ptr, dtype='<i4') data = sparse.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=shape) else: raise Exception('Cannot handle other than dense or sparse ' 'matrices yet') return data def _read_simple(fid, tag, shape, rlims, dtype): """Read simple datatypes from tag (typically used with partial).""" return _frombuffer_rows(fid, tag.size, dtype=dtype, shape=shape, rlims=rlims) def _read_string(fid, tag, shape, rlims): """Read a string tag.""" # Always decode to ISO 8859-1 / latin1 (FIFF standard). d = _frombuffer_rows(fid, tag.size, dtype='>c', shape=shape, rlims=rlims) return str(d.tobytes().decode('latin1', 'ignore')) def _read_complex_float(fid, tag, shape, rlims): """Read complex float tag.""" # data gets stored twice as large if shape is not None: shape = (shape[0], shape[1] * 2) d = _frombuffer_rows(fid, tag.size, dtype=">f4", shape=shape, rlims=rlims) d = d.view(">c8") return d def _read_complex_double(fid, tag, shape, rlims): """Read complex double tag.""" # data gets stored twice as large if shape is not None: shape = (shape[0], shape[1] * 2) d = _frombuffer_rows(fid, tag.size, dtype=">f8", shape=shape, rlims=rlims) d = d.view(">c16") return d def _read_id_struct(fid, tag, shape, rlims): """Read ID struct tag.""" return dict( version=int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4")), machid=np.frombuffer(fid.read(8), dtype=">i4"), secs=int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4")), usecs=int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4"))) def _read_dig_point_struct(fid, tag, shape, rlims): """Read dig point struct tag.""" kind = int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4")) kind = _dig_kind_named.get(kind, kind) ident = int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4")) if kind == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL: ident = _dig_cardinal_named.get(ident, ident) return dict( kind=kind, ident=ident, r=np.frombuffer(fid.read(12), dtype=">f4"), coord_frame=FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_UNKNOWN) def _read_coord_trans_struct(fid, tag, shape, rlims): """Read coord trans struct tag.""" from ..transforms import Transform fro = int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4")) to = int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4")) rot = np.frombuffer(fid.read(36), dtype=">f4").reshape(3, 3) move = np.frombuffer(fid.read(12), dtype=">f4") trans = np.r_[np.c_[rot, move], np.array([[0], [0], [0], [1]]).T] data = Transform(fro, to, trans) fid.seek(48, 1) # Skip over the inverse transformation return data _ch_coord_dict = { FIFF.FIFFV_MEG_CH: FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE, FIFF.FIFFV_REF_MEG_CH: FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE, FIFF.FIFFV_EEG_CH: FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD, } def _read_ch_info_struct(fid, tag, shape, rlims): """Read channel info struct tag.""" d = dict( scanno=int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4")), logno=int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4")), kind=int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4")), range=float(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">f4")), cal=float(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">f4")), coil_type=int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4")), # deal with really old OSX Anaconda bug by casting to float64 loc=np.frombuffer(fid.read(48), dtype=">f4").astype(np.float64), # unit and exponent unit=int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4")), unit_mul=int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4")), ) # channel name ch_name = np.frombuffer(fid.read(16), dtype=">c") ch_name = ch_name[:np.argmax(ch_name == b'')].tobytes() d['ch_name'] = ch_name.decode() # coil coordinate system definition d['coord_frame'] = _ch_coord_dict.get(d['kind'], FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_UNKNOWN) d['kind'] = _ch_kind_named.get(d['kind'], d['kind']) d['coil_type'] = _ch_coil_type_named.get(d['coil_type'], d['coil_type']) d['unit'] = _ch_unit_named.get(d['unit'], d['unit']) d['unit_mul'] = _ch_unit_mul_named.get(d['unit_mul'], d['unit_mul']) return d def _read_old_pack(fid, tag, shape, rlims): """Read old pack tag.""" offset = float(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">f4")) scale = float(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">f4")) data = np.frombuffer(fid.read(tag.size - 8), dtype=">i2") data = data * scale # to float64 data += offset return data def _read_dir_entry_struct(fid, tag, shape, rlims): """Read dir entry struct tag.""" return [_read_tag_header(fid) for _ in range(tag.size // 16 - 1)] def _read_julian(fid, tag, shape, rlims): """Read julian tag.""" return _julian_to_cal(int(np.frombuffer(fid.read(4), dtype=">i4"))) # Read types call dict _call_dict = { FIFF.FIFFT_STRING: _read_string, FIFF.FIFFT_COMPLEX_FLOAT: _read_complex_float, FIFF.FIFFT_COMPLEX_DOUBLE: _read_complex_double, FIFF.FIFFT_ID_STRUCT: _read_id_struct, FIFF.FIFFT_DIG_POINT_STRUCT: _read_dig_point_struct, FIFF.FIFFT_COORD_TRANS_STRUCT: _read_coord_trans_struct, FIFF.FIFFT_CH_INFO_STRUCT: _read_ch_info_struct, FIFF.FIFFT_OLD_PACK: _read_old_pack, FIFF.FIFFT_DIR_ENTRY_STRUCT: _read_dir_entry_struct, FIFF.FIFFT_JULIAN: _read_julian, } _call_dict_names = { FIFF.FIFFT_STRING: 'str', FIFF.FIFFT_COMPLEX_FLOAT: 'c8', FIFF.FIFFT_COMPLEX_DOUBLE: 'c16', FIFF.FIFFT_ID_STRUCT: 'ids', FIFF.FIFFT_DIG_POINT_STRUCT: 'dps', FIFF.FIFFT_COORD_TRANS_STRUCT: 'cts', FIFF.FIFFT_CH_INFO_STRUCT: 'cis', FIFF.FIFFT_OLD_PACK: 'op_', FIFF.FIFFT_DIR_ENTRY_STRUCT: 'dir', FIFF.FIFFT_JULIAN: 'jul', FIFF.FIFFT_VOID: 'nul', # 0 } # Append the simple types _simple_dict = { FIFF.FIFFT_BYTE: '>B', FIFF.FIFFT_SHORT: '>i2', FIFF.FIFFT_INT: '>i4', FIFF.FIFFT_USHORT: '>u2', FIFF.FIFFT_UINT: '>u4', FIFF.FIFFT_FLOAT: '>f4', FIFF.FIFFT_DOUBLE: '>f8', FIFF.FIFFT_DAU_PACK16: '>i2', } for key, dtype in _simple_dict.items(): _call_dict[key] = partial(_read_simple, dtype=dtype) _call_dict_names[key] = dtype def read_tag(fid, pos=None, shape=None, rlims=None): """Read a Tag from a file at a given position. Parameters ---------- fid : file The open FIF file descriptor. pos : int The position of the Tag in the file. shape : tuple | None If tuple, the shape of the stored matrix. Only to be used with data stored as a vector (not implemented for matrices yet). rlims : tuple | None If tuple, the first (inclusive) and last (exclusive) rows to retrieve. Note that data are assumed to be stored row-major in the file. Only to be used with data stored as a vector (not implemented for matrices yet). Returns ------- tag : Tag The Tag read. """ if pos is not None: fid.seek(pos, 0) tag = _read_tag_header(fid) if tag.size > 0: matrix_coding = _is_matrix & tag.type if matrix_coding != 0: tag.data = _read_matrix(fid, tag, shape, rlims, matrix_coding) else: # All other data types try: fun = _call_dict[tag.type] except KeyError: raise Exception('Unimplemented tag data type %s' % tag.type) tag.data = fun(fid, tag, shape, rlims) if tag.next != FIFF.FIFFV_NEXT_SEQ: # f.seek(tag.next,0) fid.seek(tag.next, 1) # XXX : fix? pb when tag.next < 0 return tag def find_tag(fid, node, findkind): """Find Tag in an open FIF file descriptor. Parameters ---------- fid : file-like Open file. node : dict Node to search. findkind : int Tag kind to find. Returns ------- tag : instance of Tag The first tag found. """ if node['directory'] is not None: for subnode in node['directory']: if subnode.kind == findkind: return read_tag(fid, subnode.pos) return None def has_tag(node, kind): """Check if the node contains a Tag of a given kind.""" for d in node['directory']: if d.kind == kind: return True return False
import os import sys import shutil import tempfile import subprocess from flexx import flx from flexx.util.testing import run_tests_if_main, raises, skip def setup_module(): flx.manager._clear_old_pending_sessions(1) flx.assets.__init__() flx.assets.associate_asset(__name__, 'foo.js', 'xx') flx.assets.associate_asset(__name__, 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.21.0/codemirror.min.js') def teardown_module(): flx.manager._clear_old_pending_sessions(1) flx.assets.__init__() class MyExportTestApp(flx.JsComponent): pass def test_dump(): # Standalone apps app = flx.App(MyExportTestApp) d = app.dump(None, 0) assert len(d) == 1 and 'myexporttestapp.html' in d.keys() app = flx.App(MyExportTestApp) app.serve('') d = app.dump(None, 0) assert len(d) == 1 and 'index.html' in d.keys() with raises(ValueError): d = app.dump('', 0) d = app.dump('index.htm', 0) assert len(d) == 1 and 'index.htm' in d.keys() # Multiple files d = app.dump('index.html', 2) fnames = list(d.keys()) assert len(fnames) == 6 and 'index.html' in fnames assert 'flexx/assets/shared/foo.js' in d assert 'flexx/assets/shared/flexx-core.js' in d assert 'flexx/assets/shared/codemirror.min.js' in d d = app.dump('index.html', 3) fnames = list(d.keys()) assert len(fnames) == 5 and 'index.html' in fnames assert 'flexx/assets/shared/foo.js' in d assert 'flexx/assets/shared/flexx-core.js' in d assert 'flexx/assets/shared/codemirror.min.js' not in d def test_export(): dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'flexx_export') if os.path.isdir(dir): shutil.rmtree(dir) # os.mkdir(dir) -> No, export can create this dir! # Create app and export app = flx.App(MyExportTestApp) app.export(dir, 0) # standalone assert len(os.listdir(dir)) == 1 assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, 'myexporttestapp.html')) # Expor again, now with external assets app.export(dir, 3) assert len(os.listdir(dir)) == 2 assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, 'flexx', 'assets', 'shared', 'reset.css')) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, 'flexx', 'assets', 'shared', 'flexx-core.js')) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, 'flexx', 'assets', 'shared', 'foo.js')) # Export under specific name app.export(os.path.join(dir, 'foo.html')) assert len(os.listdir(dir)) == 3 assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, 'foo.html')) def test_dump_consistency(): # This is why we have ``sesstion._id = name`` in _app.py app1 = flx.App(MyExportTestApp) d1 = app1.dump() app2 = flx.App(MyExportTestApp) d2 = app2.dump() assert d1 == d2 def test_assetstore_data(): store = flx.assets.__class__() # new AssetStore store.add_shared_data('foo.png', b'xx') d = store._dump_data() assert len(d) == 1 and 'flexx/data/shared/foo.png' in d.keys() CODE = """ import sys from flexx import flx class Foo(flx.Widget): pass app = flx.App(Foo) d = app.dump() for fname in ['foo.html', 'flexx/assets/shared/flexx.ui._widget.js']: assert fname in d assert not flx.manager.get_app_names(), 'manager.get_app_names not empty' assert not flx.manager._appinfo, 'manager._appinfo not empty' assert 'tornado' not in sys.modules, 'tornado unexpectedly imported' """ def test_dump_side_effects(): # In subprocess to get a real clean sheet p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, '-c', CODE], env=os.environ, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out = p.communicate()[0] if p.returncode: raise RuntimeError(out.decode()) run_tests_if_main()
import os from socket import gethostname import time from uuid import getnode as getmac from urllib.parse import unquote import httplib2 # included with oauth2client from oauth2client.client import TokenRevokeError import gmusicapi from gmusicapi.clients.shared import _OAuthClient from gmusicapi.appdirs import my_appdirs from gmusicapi.exceptions import CallFailure, NotLoggedIn from gmusicapi.protocol import musicmanager, upload_pb2, locker_pb2 from gmusicapi.utils import utils from gmusicapi import session class Musicmanager(_OAuthClient): """Allows uploading by posing as Google's Music Manager. Musicmanager uses OAuth, so a plaintext email and password are not required when logging in. For most authors and users of gmusicapi scripts, :func:`perform_oauth` should be run once per machine to store credentials to disk. Future calls to :func:`login` can use use the stored credentials by default. Some authors may want more control over the OAuth flow. In this case, credentials can be directly provided to :func:`login`. """ OAUTH_FILEPATH = os.path.join(my_appdirs.user_data_dir, 'oauth.cred') _session_class = session.Musicmanager def __init__(self, debug_logging=True, validate=True, verify_ssl=True): super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__, debug_logging, validate, verify_ssl) def login(self, oauth_credentials=OAUTH_FILEPATH, uploader_id=None, uploader_name=None): """Authenticates the Music Manager using OAuth. Returns ``True`` on success, ``False`` on failure. Unlike the :class:`Webclient`, OAuth allows authentication without providing plaintext credentials to the application. In most cases, the default parameters should be acceptable. Users on virtual machines will want to provide `uploader_id`. :param oauth_credentials: ``oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials`` or the path to a ``oauth2client.file.Storage`` file. By default, the same default path used by :func:`perform_oauth` is used. Endusers will likely call :func:`perform_oauth` once to write credentials to disk and then ignore this parameter. This param is mostly intended to allow flexibility for developers of a 3rd party service who intend to perform their own OAuth flow (eg on their website). :param uploader_id: a unique id as a MAC address, eg ``'00:11:22:33:AA:BB'``. This should only be provided in cases where the default (host MAC address incremented by 1) will not work. Upload behavior is undefined if a Music Manager uses the same id, especially when reporting bad matches. ``ValueError`` will be raised if this is provided but not in the proper form. ``OSError`` will be raised if this is not provided and a real MAC could not be determined (most common when running on a VPS). If provided, use the same id on all future runs for this machine, because of the upload device limit explained below. :param uploader_name: human-readable non-unique id; default is ``"<hostname> (gmusicapi-{version})"``. This doesn't appear to be a part of authentication at all. Registering with (id, name = X, Y) and logging in with (id, name = X, Z) works, and does not change the server-stored uploader_name. There are hard limits on how many upload devices can be registered; refer to `Google's docs <http://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1230356>`__. There have been limits on deauthorizing devices in the past, so it's smart not to register more devices than necessary. """ return (self._oauth_login(oauth_credentials) and self._perform_upauth(uploader_id, uploader_name)) def _perform_upauth(self, uploader_id, uploader_name): """Auth or register ourselves as an upload client. Return True on success; see :py:func:`login` for params. """ if uploader_id is None: mac_int = getmac() if (mac_int >> 40) % 2: self.session.logout() raise OSError('a valid MAC could not be determined.' ' Provide uploader_id (and be' ' sure to provide the same one on future runs).') else: # distinguish us from a Music Manager on this machine mac_int = (mac_int + 1) % (1 << 48) uploader_id = utils.create_mac_string(mac_int) if not utils.is_valid_mac(uploader_id): self.session.logout() raise ValueError('uploader_id is not in a valid form.' '\nProvide 6 pairs of hex digits' ' with capital letters', ' (eg "00:11:22:33:AA:BB")') if uploader_name is None: uploader_name = gethostname() + " (gmusicapi-%s)" % gmusicapi.__version__ try: # this is a MM-specific step that might register a new device. self._make_call(musicmanager.AuthenticateUploader, uploader_id, uploader_name) self.logger.info("successful upauth") self.uploader_id = uploader_id self.uploader_name = uploader_name except CallFailure: self.logger.exception("upauth failure") self.session.logout() return False return True def logout(self, revoke_oauth=False): """Forgets local authentication in this Client instance. :param revoke_oauth: if True, oauth credentials will be permanently revoked. If credentials came from a file, it will be deleted. Returns ``True`` on success.""" # TODO the login/logout stuff is all over the place success = True if revoke_oauth: try: # this automatically deletes a Storage file, if present self.session._oauth_creds.revoke(httplib2.Http()) except TokenRevokeError: self.logger.exception("could not revoke oauth credentials") success = False self.uploader_id = None self.uploader_name = None return success and super().logout() # mostly copy-paste from Webclient.get_all_songs. # not worried about overlap in this case; the logic of either could change. def get_uploaded_songs(self, incremental=False): """Returns a list of dictionaries, each with the following keys: ``('id', 'title', 'album', 'album_artist', 'artist', 'track_number', 'track_size', 'disc_number', 'total_disc_count')``. All Access tracks that were added to the library will not be included, only tracks uploaded/matched by the user. :param incremental: if True, return a generator that yields lists of at most 1000 dictionaries as they are retrieved from the server. This can be useful for presenting a loading bar to a user. """ to_return = self._get_all_songs() if not incremental: to_return = [song for chunk in to_return for song in chunk] return to_return # mostly copy-paste from Webclient.get_all_songs. # not worried about overlap in this case; the logic of either could change. def get_purchased_songs(self, incremental=False): """Returns a list of dictionaries, each with the following keys: ``('id', 'title', 'album', 'album_artist', 'artist', 'track_number', 'track_size', 'disc_number', 'total_disc_count')``. :param incremental: if True, return a generator that yields lists of at most 1000 dictionaries as they are retrieved from the server. This can be useful for presenting a loading bar to a user. """ to_return = self._get_all_songs(export_type=2) if not incremental: to_return = [song for chunk in to_return for song in chunk] return to_return @staticmethod def _track_info_to_dict(track_info): """Given a download_pb2.DownloadTrackInfo, return a dictionary.""" # figure it's better to hardcode keys here than use introspection # and risk returning a new field all of a sudden. return {field: getattr(track_info, field) for field in ('id', 'title', 'album', 'album_artist', 'artist', 'track_number', 'track_size', 'disc_number', 'total_disc_count')} def _get_all_songs(self, export_type=1): """Return a generator of song chunks.""" get_next_chunk = True # need to spoof .continuation_token access, and # can't add attrs to object(). Can with functions. lib_chunk = lambda: 0 # noqa lib_chunk.continuation_token = None while get_next_chunk: lib_chunk = self._make_call(musicmanager.ListTracks, self.uploader_id, lib_chunk.continuation_token, export_type) yield [self._track_info_to_dict(info) for info in lib_chunk.download_track_info] get_next_chunk = lib_chunk.HasField('continuation_token') @utils.enforce_id_param def download_song(self, song_id): """Download an uploaded or purchased song from your library. Subscription tracks can't be downloaded with this method. Returns a tuple ``(u'suggested_filename', 'audio_bytestring')``. The filename will be what the Music Manager would save the file as, presented as a unicode string with the proper file extension. You don't have to use it if you don't want. :param song_id: a single uploaded or purchased song id. To write the song to disk, use something like:: filename, audio = mm.download_song(an_id) # if open() throws a UnicodeEncodeError, either use # filename.encode('utf-8') # or change your default encoding to something sane =) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(audio) Unlike with :py:func:`Webclient.get_song_download_info <gmusicapi.clients.Webclient.get_song_download_info>`, there is no download limit when using this interface. Also unlike the Webclient, downloading a track requires authentication. Returning a url does not suffice, since retrieving a track without auth will produce an http 500. """ url = self._make_call(musicmanager.GetDownloadLink, song_id, self.uploader_id)['url'] response = self._make_call(musicmanager.DownloadTrack, url) cd_header = response.headers['content-disposition'] filename = unquote(cd_header.split("filename*=UTF-8''")[-1]) return (filename, response.content) def get_quota(self): """Returns a tuple of (number of uploaded tracks, allowed number of uploaded tracks).""" if self.uploader_id is None: raise NotLoggedIn("Not authenticated as an upload device;" " run Musicmanager.login(...perform_upload_auth=True...)" " first.") client_state = self._make_call( musicmanager.GetClientState, self.uploader_id).clientstate_response return (client_state.total_track_count, client_state.locker_track_limit) @utils.accept_singleton(str) @utils.empty_arg_shortcircuit(return_code='{}') def upload(self, filepaths, enable_matching=False, enable_transcoding=True, transcode_quality='320k'): """Uploads the given filepaths. All non-mp3 files will be transcoded before being uploaded. This is a limitation of Google's backend. An available installation of ffmpeg or avconv is required in most cases: see `the installation page <https://unofficial-google-music-api.readthedocs.io/en /latest/usage.html?#installation>`__ for details. Returns a 3-tuple ``(uploaded, matched, not_uploaded)`` of dictionaries, eg:: ( {'<filepath>': '<new server id>'}, # uploaded {'<filepath>': '<new server id>'}, # matched {'<filepath>': '<reason, eg ALREADY_EXISTS>'} # not uploaded ) :param filepaths: a list of filepaths, or a single filepath. :param enable_matching: if ``True``, attempt to use `scan and match <http://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2920799&topic=2450455>`__ to avoid uploading every song. This requires ffmpeg or avconv. **WARNING**: currently, mismatched songs can *not* be fixed with the 'Fix Incorrect Match' button nor :py:func:`report_incorrect_match <gmusicapi.clients.Webclient.report_incorrect_match>`. They would have to be deleted and reuploaded with matching disabled (or with the Music Manager). Fixing matches from gmusicapi may be supported in a future release; see issue `#89 <https://github.com/simon-weber/gmusicapi/issues/89>`__. :param enable_transcoding: if ``False``, non-MP3 files that aren't matched using `scan and match <http://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2920799&topic=2450455>`__ will not be uploaded. :param transcode_quality: if int, pass to ffmpeg/avconv ``-q:a`` for libmp3lame (`lower-better int, <http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encoding%20VBR%20(Variable%20Bit%20Rate)%20mp3%20audio>`__). If string, pass to ffmpeg/avconv ``-b:a`` (eg ``'128k'`` for an average bitrate of 128k). The default is 320kbps cbr (the highest possible quality). All Google-supported filetypes are supported; see `Google's documentation <http://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1100462>`__. If ``PERMANENT_ERROR`` is given as a not_uploaded reason, attempts to reupload will never succeed. The file will need to be changed before the server will reconsider it; the easiest way is to change metadata tags (it's not important that the tag be uploaded, just that the contents of the file change somehow). """ if self.uploader_id is None or self.uploader_name is None: raise NotLoggedIn("Not authenticated as an upload device;" " run Api.login(...perform_upload_auth=True...)" " first.") # TODO there is way too much code in this function. # To return. uploaded = {} matched = {} not_uploaded = {} # Gather local information on the files. local_info = {} # {clientid: (path, Track)} for path in filepaths: try: track = musicmanager.UploadMetadata.fill_track_info(path) except BaseException as e: self.logger.exception("problem gathering local info of '%r'", path) user_err_msg = str(e) if 'Non-ASCII strings must be converted to unicode' in str(e): # This is a protobuf-specific error; they require either ascii or unicode. # To keep behavior consistent, make no effort to guess - require users # to decode first. user_err_msg = ("nonascii bytestrings must be decoded to unicode" " (error: '%s')" % user_err_msg) not_uploaded[path] = user_err_msg else: local_info[track.client_id] = (path, track) if not local_info: return uploaded, matched, not_uploaded # TODO allow metadata faking # Upload metadata; the server tells us what to do next. res = self._make_call(musicmanager.UploadMetadata, [t for (path, t) in local_info.values()], self.uploader_id) # TODO checking for proper contents should be handled in verification md_res = res.metadata_response responses = [r for r in md_res.track_sample_response] sample_requests = [req for req in md_res.signed_challenge_info] # Send scan and match samples if requested. for sample_request in sample_requests: path, track = local_info[sample_request.challenge_info.client_track_id] bogus_sample = None if not enable_matching: bogus_sample = b'' # just send empty bytes try: res = self._make_call(musicmanager.ProvideSample, path, sample_request, track, self.uploader_id, bogus_sample) except (OSError, ValueError) as e: self.logger.warning("couldn't create scan and match sample for '%r': %s", path, str(e)) not_uploaded[path] = str(e) else: responses.extend(res.sample_response.track_sample_response) # Read sample responses and prep upload requests. to_upload = {} # {serverid: (path, Track, do_not_rematch?)} for sample_res in responses: path, track = local_info[sample_res.client_track_id] if sample_res.response_code == upload_pb2.TrackSampleResponse.MATCHED: self.logger.info("matched '%r' to sid %s", path, sample_res.server_track_id) matched[path] = sample_res.server_track_id if not enable_matching: self.logger.error("'%r' was matched without matching enabled", path) elif sample_res.response_code == upload_pb2.TrackSampleResponse.UPLOAD_REQUESTED: to_upload[sample_res.server_track_id] = (path, track, False) else: # there was a problem # report the symbolic name of the response code enum for debugging enum_desc = upload_pb2._TRACKSAMPLERESPONSE.enum_types[0] res_name = enum_desc.values_by_number[sample_res.response_code].name err_msg = "TrackSampleResponse code %s: %s" % (sample_res.response_code, res_name) if res_name == 'ALREADY_EXISTS': # include the sid, too # this shouldn't be relied on externally, but I use it in # tests - being surrounded by parens is how it's matched err_msg += "(%s)" % sample_res.server_track_id self.logger.warning("upload of '%r' rejected: %s", path, err_msg) not_uploaded[path] = err_msg # Send upload requests. if to_upload: # TODO reordering requests could avoid wasting time waiting for reup sync self._make_call(musicmanager.UpdateUploadState, 'start', self.uploader_id) for server_id, (path, track, do_not_rematch) in to_upload.items(): # It can take a few tries to get an session. should_retry = True attempts = 0 while should_retry and attempts < 10: session = self._make_call(musicmanager.GetUploadSession, self.uploader_id, len(uploaded), track, path, server_id, do_not_rematch) attempts += 1 got_session, error_details = \ musicmanager.GetUploadSession.process_session(session) if got_session: self.logger.info("got an upload session for '%r'", path) break should_retry, reason, error_code = error_details self.logger.debug("problem getting upload session: %s\ncode=%s retrying=%s", reason, error_code, should_retry) if error_code == 200 and do_not_rematch: # reupload requests need to wait on a server sync # 200 == already uploaded, so force a retry in this case should_retry = True time.sleep(6) # wait before retrying else: err_msg = "GetUploadSession error %s: %s" % (error_code, reason) self.logger.warning("giving up on upload session for '%r': %s", path, err_msg) not_uploaded[path] = err_msg continue # to next upload # got a session, do the upload # this terribly inconsistent naming isn't my fault: Google-- session = session['sessionStatus'] external = session['externalFieldTransfers'][0] session_url = external['putInfo']['url'] content_type = external.get('content_type', 'audio/mpeg') if track.original_content_type != locker_pb2.Track.MP3: if enable_transcoding: try: self.logger.info("transcoding '%r' to mp3", path) contents = utils.transcode_to_mp3(path, quality=transcode_quality) except (OSError, ValueError) as e: self.logger.warning("error transcoding %r: %s", path, e) not_uploaded[path] = "transcoding error: %s" % e continue else: not_uploaded[path] = "transcoding disabled" continue else: with open(path, 'rb') as f: contents = f.read() upload_response = self._make_call(musicmanager.UploadFile, session_url, content_type, contents) success = upload_response.get('sessionStatus', {}).get('state') if success: uploaded[path] = server_id else: # 404 == already uploaded? serverside check on clientid? self.logger.debug("could not finalize upload of '%r'. response: %s", path, upload_response) not_uploaded[path] = 'could not finalize upload; details in log' self._make_call(musicmanager.UpdateUploadState, 'stopped', self.uploader_id) return uploaded, matched, not_uploaded
import logging from pprint import pformat from pynetgear import Netgear import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import ( DOMAIN, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, DeviceScanner, ) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_DEVICES, CONF_EXCLUDE, CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_SSL, CONF_USERNAME, ) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_APS = "accesspoints" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Optional(CONF_HOST, default=""): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_SSL, default=False): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_USERNAME, default=""): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICES, default=[]): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Optional(CONF_EXCLUDE, default=[]): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Optional(CONF_APS, default=[]): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), } ) def get_scanner(hass, config): """Validate the configuration and returns a Netgear scanner.""" info = config[DOMAIN] host = info[CONF_HOST] ssl = info[CONF_SSL] username = info[CONF_USERNAME] password = info[CONF_PASSWORD] port = info.get(CONF_PORT) devices = info[CONF_DEVICES] excluded_devices = info[CONF_EXCLUDE] accesspoints = info[CONF_APS] api = Netgear(password, host, username, port, ssl) scanner = NetgearDeviceScanner(api, devices, excluded_devices, accesspoints) _LOGGER.debug("Logging in") results = scanner.get_attached_devices() if results is not None: scanner.last_results = results else: _LOGGER.error("Failed to Login") return None return scanner class NetgearDeviceScanner(DeviceScanner): """Queries a Netgear wireless router using the SOAP-API.""" def __init__( self, api, devices, excluded_devices, accesspoints, ): """Initialize the scanner.""" self.tracked_devices = devices self.excluded_devices = excluded_devices self.tracked_accesspoints = accesspoints self.last_results = [] self._api = api def scan_devices(self): """Scan for new devices and return a list with found device IDs.""" self._update_info() devices = [] for dev in self.last_results: tracked = ( not self.tracked_devices or dev.mac in self.tracked_devices or dev.name in self.tracked_devices ) tracked = tracked and ( not self.excluded_devices or not ( dev.mac in self.excluded_devices or dev.name in self.excluded_devices ) ) if tracked: devices.append(dev.mac) if ( self.tracked_accesspoints and dev.conn_ap_mac in self.tracked_accesspoints ): devices.append(f"{dev.mac}_{dev.conn_ap_mac}") return devices def get_device_name(self, device): """Return the name of the given device or the MAC if we don't know.""" parts = device.split("_") mac = parts[0] ap_mac = None if len(parts) > 1: ap_mac = parts[1] name = None for dev in self.last_results: if dev.mac == mac: name = dev.name break if not name or name == "--": name = mac if ap_mac: ap_name = "Router" for dev in self.last_results: if dev.mac == ap_mac: ap_name = dev.name break return f"{name} on {ap_name}" return name def _update_info(self): """Retrieve latest information from the Netgear router. Returns boolean if scanning successful. """ _LOGGER.debug("Scanning") results = self.get_attached_devices() if _LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _LOGGER.debug("Scan result: \n%s", pformat(results)) if results is None: _LOGGER.warning("Error scanning devices") self.last_results = results or [] def get_attached_devices(self): """List attached devices with pynetgear. The v2 method takes more time and is more heavy on the router so we only use it if we need connected AP info. """ if self.tracked_accesspoints: return self._api.get_attached_devices_2() return self._api.get_attached_devices()
import logging from homeassistant.const import PERCENTAGE, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT from . import ( CONF_SENSORS, DATA_EIGHT, NAME_MAP, EightSleepHeatEntity, EightSleepUserEntity, ) ATTR_ROOM_TEMP = "Room Temperature" ATTR_AVG_ROOM_TEMP = "Average Room Temperature" ATTR_BED_TEMP = "Bed Temperature" ATTR_AVG_BED_TEMP = "Average Bed Temperature" ATTR_RESP_RATE = "Respiratory Rate" ATTR_AVG_RESP_RATE = "Average Respiratory Rate" ATTR_HEART_RATE = "Heart Rate" ATTR_AVG_HEART_RATE = "Average Heart Rate" ATTR_SLEEP_DUR = "Time Slept" ATTR_LIGHT_PERC = f"Light Sleep {PERCENTAGE}" ATTR_DEEP_PERC = f"Deep Sleep {PERCENTAGE}" ATTR_REM_PERC = f"REM Sleep {PERCENTAGE}" ATTR_TNT = "Tosses & Turns" ATTR_SLEEP_STAGE = "Sleep Stage" ATTR_TARGET_HEAT = "Target Heating Level" ATTR_ACTIVE_HEAT = "Heating Active" ATTR_DURATION_HEAT = "Heating Time Remaining" ATTR_PROCESSING = "Processing" ATTR_SESSION_START = "Session Start" ATTR_FIT_DATE = "Fitness Date" ATTR_FIT_DURATION_SCORE = "Fitness Duration Score" ATTR_FIT_ASLEEP_SCORE = "Fitness Asleep Score" ATTR_FIT_OUT_SCORE = "Fitness Out-of-Bed Score" ATTR_FIT_WAKEUP_SCORE = "Fitness Wakeup Score" _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the eight sleep sensors.""" if discovery_info is None: return name = "Eight" sensors = discovery_info[CONF_SENSORS] eight = hass.data[DATA_EIGHT] if hass.config.units.is_metric: units = "si" else: units = "us" all_sensors = [] for sensor in sensors: if "bed_state" in sensor: all_sensors.append(EightHeatSensor(name, eight, sensor)) elif "room_temp" in sensor: all_sensors.append(EightRoomSensor(name, eight, sensor, units)) else: all_sensors.append(EightUserSensor(name, eight, sensor, units)) async_add_entities(all_sensors, True) class EightHeatSensor(EightSleepHeatEntity): """Representation of an eight sleep heat-based sensor.""" def __init__(self, name, eight, sensor): """Initialize the sensor.""" super().__init__(eight) self._sensor = sensor self._mapped_name = NAME_MAP.get(self._sensor, self._sensor) self._name = f"{name} {self._mapped_name}" self._state = None self._side = self._sensor.split("_")[0] self._userid = self._eight.fetch_userid(self._side) self._usrobj = self._eight.users[self._userid] _LOGGER.debug( "Heat Sensor: %s, Side: %s, User: %s", self._sensor, self._side, self._userid, ) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor, if any.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit the value is expressed in.""" return PERCENTAGE async def async_update(self): """Retrieve latest state.""" _LOGGER.debug("Updating Heat sensor: %s", self._sensor) self._state = self._usrobj.heating_level @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return device state attributes.""" return { ATTR_TARGET_HEAT: self._usrobj.target_heating_level, ATTR_ACTIVE_HEAT: self._usrobj.now_heating, ATTR_DURATION_HEAT: self._usrobj.heating_remaining, } class EightUserSensor(EightSleepUserEntity): """Representation of an eight sleep user-based sensor.""" def __init__(self, name, eight, sensor, units): """Initialize the sensor.""" super().__init__(eight) self._sensor = sensor self._sensor_root = self._sensor.split("_", 1)[1] self._mapped_name = NAME_MAP.get(self._sensor, self._sensor) self._name = f"{name} {self._mapped_name}" self._state = None self._attr = None self._units = units self._side = self._sensor.split("_", 1)[0] self._userid = self._eight.fetch_userid(self._side) self._usrobj = self._eight.users[self._userid] _LOGGER.debug( "User Sensor: %s, Side: %s, User: %s", self._sensor, self._side, self._userid, ) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor, if any.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit the value is expressed in.""" if ( "current_sleep" in self._sensor or "last_sleep" in self._sensor or "current_sleep_fitness" in self._sensor ): return "Score" if "bed_temp" in self._sensor: if self._units == "si": return TEMP_CELSIUS return TEMP_FAHRENHEIT return None @property def icon(self): """Icon to use in the frontend, if any.""" if "bed_temp" in self._sensor: return "mdi:thermometer" async def async_update(self): """Retrieve latest state.""" _LOGGER.debug("Updating User sensor: %s", self._sensor) if "current" in self._sensor: if "fitness" in self._sensor: self._state = self._usrobj.current_sleep_fitness_score self._attr = self._usrobj.current_fitness_values else: self._state = self._usrobj.current_sleep_score self._attr = self._usrobj.current_values elif "last" in self._sensor: self._state = self._usrobj.last_sleep_score self._attr = self._usrobj.last_values elif "bed_temp" in self._sensor: temp = self._usrobj.current_values["bed_temp"] try: if self._units == "si": self._state = round(temp, 2) else: self._state = round((temp * 1.8) + 32, 2) except TypeError: self._state = None elif "sleep_stage" in self._sensor: self._state = self._usrobj.current_values["stage"] @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return device state attributes.""" if self._attr is None: # Skip attributes if sensor type doesn't support return None if "fitness" in self._sensor_root: state_attr = { ATTR_FIT_DATE: self._attr["date"], ATTR_FIT_DURATION_SCORE: self._attr["duration"], ATTR_FIT_ASLEEP_SCORE: self._attr["asleep"], ATTR_FIT_OUT_SCORE: self._attr["out"], ATTR_FIT_WAKEUP_SCORE: self._attr["wakeup"], } return state_attr state_attr = {ATTR_SESSION_START: self._attr["date"]} state_attr[ATTR_TNT] = self._attr["tnt"] state_attr[ATTR_PROCESSING] = self._attr["processing"] sleep_time = ( sum(self._attr["breakdown"].values()) - self._attr["breakdown"]["awake"] ) state_attr[ATTR_SLEEP_DUR] = sleep_time try: state_attr[ATTR_LIGHT_PERC] = round( (self._attr["breakdown"]["light"] / sleep_time) * 100, 2 ) except ZeroDivisionError: state_attr[ATTR_LIGHT_PERC] = 0 try: state_attr[ATTR_DEEP_PERC] = round( (self._attr["breakdown"]["deep"] / sleep_time) * 100, 2 ) except ZeroDivisionError: state_attr[ATTR_DEEP_PERC] = 0 try: state_attr[ATTR_REM_PERC] = round( (self._attr["breakdown"]["rem"] / sleep_time) * 100, 2 ) except ZeroDivisionError: state_attr[ATTR_REM_PERC] = 0 try: if self._units == "si": room_temp = round(self._attr["room_temp"], 2) else: room_temp = round((self._attr["room_temp"] * 1.8) + 32, 2) except TypeError: room_temp = None try: if self._units == "si": bed_temp = round(self._attr["bed_temp"], 2) else: bed_temp = round((self._attr["bed_temp"] * 1.8) + 32, 2) except TypeError: bed_temp = None if "current" in self._sensor_root: try: state_attr[ATTR_RESP_RATE] = round(self._attr["resp_rate"], 2) except TypeError: state_attr[ATTR_RESP_RATE] = None try: state_attr[ATTR_HEART_RATE] = round(self._attr["heart_rate"], 2) except TypeError: state_attr[ATTR_HEART_RATE] = None state_attr[ATTR_SLEEP_STAGE] = self._attr["stage"] state_attr[ATTR_ROOM_TEMP] = room_temp state_attr[ATTR_BED_TEMP] = bed_temp elif "last" in self._sensor_root: try: state_attr[ATTR_AVG_RESP_RATE] = round(self._attr["resp_rate"], 2) except TypeError: state_attr[ATTR_AVG_RESP_RATE] = None try: state_attr[ATTR_AVG_HEART_RATE] = round(self._attr["heart_rate"], 2) except TypeError: state_attr[ATTR_AVG_HEART_RATE] = None state_attr[ATTR_AVG_ROOM_TEMP] = room_temp state_attr[ATTR_AVG_BED_TEMP] = bed_temp return state_attr class EightRoomSensor(EightSleepUserEntity): """Representation of an eight sleep room sensor.""" def __init__(self, name, eight, sensor, units): """Initialize the sensor.""" super().__init__(eight) self._sensor = sensor self._mapped_name = NAME_MAP.get(self._sensor, self._sensor) self._name = f"{name} {self._mapped_name}" self._state = None self._attr = None self._units = units @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor, if any.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state async def async_update(self): """Retrieve latest state.""" _LOGGER.debug("Updating Room sensor: %s", self._sensor) temp = self._eight.room_temperature() try: if self._units == "si": self._state = round(temp, 2) else: self._state = round((temp * 1.8) + 32, 2) except TypeError: self._state = None @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit the value is expressed in.""" if self._units == "si": return TEMP_CELSIUS return TEMP_FAHRENHEIT @property def icon(self): """Icon to use in the frontend, if any.""" return "mdi:thermometer"
from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Address, ip_address, ip_network from typing import Union import yarl # RFC6890 - IP addresses of loopback interfaces LOOPBACK_NETWORKS = ( ip_network(""), ip_network("::1/128"), ip_network("::ffff:"), ) # RFC6890 - Address allocation for Private Internets PRIVATE_NETWORKS = ( ip_network("fd00::/8"), ip_network(""), ip_network(""), ip_network(""), ) # RFC6890 - Link local ranges LINK_LOCAL_NETWORK = ip_network("") def is_loopback(address: Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]) -> bool: """Check if an address is a loopback address.""" return any(address in network for network in LOOPBACK_NETWORKS) def is_private(address: Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]) -> bool: """Check if an address is a private address.""" return any(address in network for network in PRIVATE_NETWORKS) def is_link_local(address: Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]) -> bool: """Check if an address is link local.""" return address in LINK_LOCAL_NETWORK def is_local(address: Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]) -> bool: """Check if an address is loopback or private.""" return is_loopback(address) or is_private(address) def is_ip_address(address: str) -> bool: """Check if a given string is an IP address.""" try: ip_address(address) except ValueError: return False return True def normalize_url(address: str) -> str: """Normalize a given URL.""" url = yarl.URL(address.rstrip("/")) if url.is_default_port(): return str(url.with_port(None)) return str(url)
from datetime import datetime from django.db.models import Q from django.test import SimpleTestCase, TestCase from pytz import utc from weblate.trans.models import Change, Unit from weblate.trans.util import PLURAL_SEPARATOR from weblate.utils.search import Comparer, parse_query from weblate.utils.state import ( STATE_APPROVED, STATE_EMPTY, STATE_FUZZY, STATE_READONLY, STATE_TRANSLATED, ) class ComparerTest(SimpleTestCase): def test_different(self): self.assertLessEqual(Comparer().similarity("a", "b"), 50) def test_same(self): self.assertEqual(Comparer().similarity("a", "a"), 100) def test_unicode(self): # Test fallback to Python implementation in jellyfish # for unicode strings self.assertEqual(Comparer().similarity("NICHOLASŸ", "NICHOLAS"), 88) def test_long(self): # This is expected to raise MemoryError inside jellyfish self.assertLessEqual(Comparer().similarity("a" * 200000, "b" * 200000), 50) class QueryParserTest(TestCase): def assert_query(self, string, expected): result = parse_query(string) self.assertEqual(result, expected) self.assertFalse(Unit.objects.filter(result).exists()) def test_simple(self): self.assert_query( "hello world", ( Q(source__substring="hello") | Q(target__substring="hello") | Q(context__substring="hello") ) & ( Q(source__substring="world") | Q(target__substring="world") | Q(context__substring="world") ), ) def test_quote(self): expected = ( Q(source__substring="hello world") | Q(target__substring="hello world") | Q(context__substring="hello world") ) self.assert_query('"hello world"', expected) self.assert_query("'hello world'", expected) def test_context(self): expected = Q(context__substring="hello world") self.assert_query('key:"hello world"', expected) self.assert_query("context:'hello world'", expected) def test_text(self): self.assert_query("note:TEXT", Q(note__substring="TEXT")) self.assert_query("location:TEXT", Q(location__substring="TEXT")) def test_comment(self): self.assert_query("comment:TEXT", Q(comment__comment__substring="TEXT")) self.assert_query( "comment_author:nijel", Q(comment__user__username__iexact="nijel") ) def test_field(self): self.assert_query( "source:hello target:world", Q(source__substring="hello") & Q(target__substring="world"), ) self.assert_query("location:hello.c", Q(location__substring="hello.c")) def test_exact(self): self.assert_query("source:='hello'", Q(source__iexact="hello")) self.assert_query('source:="hello world"', Q(source__iexact="hello world")) self.assert_query("source:='hello world'", Q(source__iexact="hello world")) self.assert_query("source:=hello", Q(source__iexact="hello")) def test_regex(self): self.assert_query('source:r"^hello"', Q(source__regex="^hello")) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.assert_query('source:r"^(hello"', Q(source__regex="^(hello")) def test_logic(self): self.assert_query( "source:hello AND NOT target:world", Q(source__substring="hello") & ~Q(target__substring="world"), ) self.assert_query( "source:hello OR target:world", Q(source__substring="hello") | Q(target__substring="world"), ) def test_empty(self): self.assert_query("", Q()) def test_invalid(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.assert_query( "changed:inval AND target:world", Q(target__substring="world") ) def test_year(self): self.assert_query( "changed:2018", Q(change__timestamp__gte=datetime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc)) & Q( change__timestamp__lte=datetime( 2018, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999, tzinfo=utc ) ) & Q(change__action__in=Change.ACTIONS_CONTENT), ) def test_change_action(self): expected = ( Q(change__timestamp__gte=datetime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc)) & Q( change__timestamp__lte=datetime( 2018, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999, tzinfo=utc ) ) & Q(change__action=Change.ACTION_MARKED_EDIT) ) self.assert_query( "change_time:2018 AND change_action:marked-for-edit", expected ) self.assert_query( "change_time:2018 AND change_action:'Marked for edit'", expected ) def test_dates(self): action_change = Q(change__action__in=Change.ACTIONS_CONTENT) self.assert_query( "changed:>20190301", Q(change__timestamp__gte=datetime(2019, 3, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc)) & action_change, ) self.assert_query( "changed:>2019-03-01", Q(change__timestamp__gte=datetime(2019, 3, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc)) & action_change, ) self.assert_query( "changed:2019-03-01", Q(change__timestamp__gte=datetime(2019, 3, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc)) & Q( change__timestamp__lte=datetime( 2019, 3, 1, 23, 59, 59, 999999, tzinfo=utc ) ) & action_change, ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.assert_query("changed:>=2010-01-", Q()) def test_date_range(self): self.assert_query( "changed:[2019-03-01 to 2019-04-01]", Q(change__timestamp__gte=datetime(2019, 3, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc)) & Q( change__timestamp__lte=datetime( 2019, 4, 1, 23, 59, 59, 999999, tzinfo=utc ) ) & Q(change__action__in=Change.ACTIONS_CONTENT), ) def test_date_added(self): self.assert_query( "added:>2019-03-01", Q(timestamp__gte=datetime(2019, 3, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc)), ) def test_bool(self): self.assert_query("pending:true", Q(pending=True)) def test_nonexisting(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.assert_query("nonexisting:true", Q()) def test_state(self): self.assert_query("state:>=empty", Q(state__gte=STATE_EMPTY)) self.assert_query("state:>=translated", Q(state__gte=STATE_TRANSLATED)) self.assert_query("state:<translated", Q(state__lt=STATE_TRANSLATED)) self.assert_query("state:translated", Q(state=STATE_TRANSLATED)) self.assert_query("state:needs-editing", Q(state=STATE_FUZZY)) def test_invalid_state(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.assert_query("state:invalid", Q()) def test_parenthesis(self): self.assert_query( "state:translated AND ( source:hello OR source:bar )", Q(state=STATE_TRANSLATED) & (Q(source__substring="hello") | Q(source__substring="bar")), ) self.assert_query( "state:translated AND (source:hello OR source:bar)", Q(state=STATE_TRANSLATED) & (Q(source__substring="hello") | Q(source__substring="bar")), ) def test_language(self): self.assert_query("language:cs", Q(translation__language__code__iexact="cs")) self.assert_query('language:r".*"', Q(translation__language__code__regex=".*")) def test_component(self): self.assert_query( "component:hello", Q(translation__component__slug__iexact="hello") ) def test_project(self): self.assert_query( "project:hello", Q(translation__component__project__slug__iexact="hello") ) def test_html(self): self.assert_query( "<b>bold</b>", Q(source__substring="<b>bold</b>") | Q(target__substring="<b>bold</b>") | Q(context__substring="<b>bold</b>"), ) def test_has(self): self.assert_query("has:plural", Q(source__contains=PLURAL_SEPARATOR)) self.assert_query("has:suggestion", Q(suggestion__isnull=False)) self.assert_query("has:check", Q(check__dismissed=False)) self.assert_query("has:comment", Q(comment__resolved=False)) self.assert_query("has:resolved-comment", Q(comment__resolved=True)) self.assert_query("has:dismissed-check", Q(check__dismissed=True)) self.assert_query("has:translation", Q(state__gte=STATE_TRANSLATED)) self.assert_query("has:variant", Q(variant__isnull=False)) self.assert_query("has:label", Q(source_unit__labels__isnull=False)) self.assert_query("has:context", ~Q(context="")) self.assert_query( "has:screenshot", Q(screenshots__isnull=False) | Q(source_unit__screenshots__isnull=False), ) self.assert_query("has:flags", ~Q(source_unit__extra_flags="")) def test_is(self): self.assert_query("is:pending", Q(pending=True)) self.assert_query("is:translated", Q(state__gte=STATE_TRANSLATED)) self.assert_query("is:untranslated", Q(state__lt=STATE_TRANSLATED)) self.assert_query("is:approved", Q(state=STATE_APPROVED)) self.assert_query("is:read-only", Q(state=STATE_READONLY)) self.assert_query("is:fuzzy", Q(state=STATE_FUZZY)) def test_changed_by(self): self.assert_query( "changed_by:nijel", Q(change__author__username__iexact="nijel") & Q(change__action__in=Change.ACTIONS_CONTENT), ) def test_suggestions(self): self.assert_query("suggestion:text", Q(suggestion__target__substring="text")) self.assert_query( "suggestion_author:nijel", Q(suggestion__user__username__iexact="nijel") ) def test_checks(self): self.assert_query( "check:ellipsis", Q(check__check__iexact="ellipsis") & Q(check__dismissed=False), ) self.assert_query( "dismissed_check:ellipsis", Q(check__check__iexact="ellipsis") & Q(check__dismissed=True), ) def test_labels(self): self.assert_query( "label:'test label'", Q(source_unit__labels__name__iexact="test label"), ) def test_priority(self): self.assert_query("priority:10", Q(priority=10)) self.assert_query("priority:>=10", Q(priority__gte=10)) def test_text_html(self): self.assert_query("target:<name>", Q(target__substring="<name>")) def test_text_long(self): self.assert_query( "[one to other]", ( Q(source__substring="[one") | Q(target__substring="[one") | Q(context__substring="[one") ) & ( Q(source__substring="to") | Q(target__substring="to") | Q(context__substring="to") ) & ( Q(source__substring="other]") | Q(target__substring="other]") | Q(context__substring="other]") ), ) def test_lowercase_or(self): self.assert_query( "state:<translated or state:empty", Q(state__lt=STATE_TRANSLATED) | Q(state=STATE_EMPTY), ) def test_timestamp_format(self): self.assert_query( "changed:>=01/20/2020", Q(change__timestamp__gte=datetime(2020, 1, 20, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc)) & Q(change__action__in=Change.ACTIONS_CONTENT), ) def test_timestamp_interval(self): self.assert_query( "changed:2020-03-27", Q(change__timestamp__gte=datetime(2020, 3, 27, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc)) & Q( change__timestamp__lte=datetime( 2020, 3, 27, 23, 59, 59, 999999, tzinfo=utc ) ) & Q(change__action__in=Change.ACTIONS_CONTENT), ) def test_non_quoted_strings(self): self.assert_query( "%(count)s word", parse_query("'%(count)s' 'word'"), ) self.assert_query("{actor}", parse_query("'{actor}'")) def test_specialchars(self): self.assert_query( "to %{_topdir}", ( Q(source__substring="to") | Q(target__substring="to") | Q(context__substring="to") ) & ( Q(source__substring="%{_topdir}") | Q(target__substring="%{_topdir}") | Q(context__substring="%{_topdir}") ), ) def test_url(self): self.assert_query("https://weblate.org/", parse_query("'https://weblate.org/'")) def test_quotes(self): self.assert_query("'", parse_query('''"'"''')) self.assert_query('"', parse_query("""'"'""")) self.assert_query("source:'", parse_query('''source:"'"''')) self.assert_query('source:"', parse_query("""source:'"'"""))
import unittest from uiautomator import param_to_property class TestParamToProperty(unittest.TestCase): def test_props(self): args_value = None kwargs_value = None @param_to_property("one", "two", "three") def func(*args, **kwargs): self.assertEqual(args, args_value) self.assertEqual(kwargs, kwargs_value) args_value = ("one", "two", "three") kwargs_value = {"test": 1} func.one.two.three(test=1) args_value = ("one", "three") kwargs_value = {"another_test": 100} func.one("three", another_test=100) args_value = ("one", "two", "three") kwargs_value = {} func("one", "two", "three") args_value = ("three", "one", "two") kwargs_value = {} func.three("one", "two") def test_kwprops(self): args_value = None kwargs_value = None @param_to_property(key=["one", "two", "three"]) def func(*args, **kwargs): self.assertEqual(args, args_value) self.assertEqual(kwargs, kwargs_value) args_value = (1,) kwargs_value = {"key": "one"} func.one(1) args_value = (2, 3) kwargs_value = {"key": "two"} func.two(2, 3) args_value = () kwargs_value = {} func() def test_error(self): @param_to_property(key=["one", "two", "three"]) def func(*args, **kwargs): pass with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): func.one.one with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): @param_to_property("a", "b", key=["one", "two", "three"]) def func(*args, **kwargs): pass
import logging from toonapi import ToonConnectionError, ToonError _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def toon_exception_handler(func): """Decorate Toon calls to handle Toon exceptions. A decorator that wraps the passed in function, catches Toon errors, and handles the availability of the device in the data coordinator. """ async def handler(self, *args, **kwargs): try: await func(self, *args, **kwargs) self.coordinator.update_listeners() except ToonConnectionError as error: _LOGGER.error("Error communicating with API: %s", error) self.coordinator.last_update_success = False self.coordinator.update_listeners() except ToonError as error: _LOGGER.error("Invalid response from API: %s", error) return handler
import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.notify import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, BaseNotificationService from homeassistant.const import CONF_NAME from homeassistant.core import split_entity_id import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from . import ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_LANGUAGE, ATTR_MESSAGE, DOMAIN CONF_MEDIA_PLAYER = "media_player" CONF_TTS_SERVICE = "tts_service" # mypy: allow-untyped-calls, allow-untyped-defs, no-check-untyped-defs _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_TTS_SERVICE): cv.entity_id, vol.Required(CONF_MEDIA_PLAYER): cv.entity_id, vol.Optional(ATTR_LANGUAGE): cv.string, } ) async def async_get_service(hass, config, discovery_info=None): """Return the notify service.""" return TTSNotificationService(config) class TTSNotificationService(BaseNotificationService): """The TTS Notification Service.""" def __init__(self, config): """Initialize the service.""" _, self._tts_service = split_entity_id(config[CONF_TTS_SERVICE]) self._media_player = config[CONF_MEDIA_PLAYER] self._language = config.get(ATTR_LANGUAGE) async def async_send_message(self, message="", **kwargs): """Call TTS service to speak the notification.""" _LOGGER.debug("%s '%s' on %s", self._tts_service, message, self._media_player) data = { ATTR_MESSAGE: message, ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self._media_player, } if self._language: data[ATTR_LANGUAGE] = self._language await self.hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, self._tts_service, data, )
import pytest import contextlib import os asyncio = pytest.importorskip("asyncio") httpx = pytest.importorskip("httpx") import vcr # noqa: E402 class BaseDoRequest: _client_class = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._client = self._client_class(*args, **kwargs) class DoSyncRequest(BaseDoRequest): _client_class = httpx.Client def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._client.request(*args, timeout=60, **kwargs) class DoAsyncRequest(BaseDoRequest): _client_class = httpx.AsyncClient @staticmethod def run_in_loop(coroutine): with contextlib.closing(asyncio.new_event_loop()) as loop: asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) task = loop.create_task(coroutine) return loop.run_until_complete(task) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): async def _request(): async with self._client as c: return await c.request(*args, **kwargs) return DoAsyncRequest.run_in_loop(_request()) def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): if "do_request" in metafunc.fixturenames: metafunc.parametrize("do_request", [DoAsyncRequest, DoSyncRequest]) if "scheme" in metafunc.fixturenames: metafunc.parametrize("scheme", ["http", "https"]) @pytest.fixture def yml(tmpdir, request): return str(tmpdir.join(request.function.__name__ + ".yaml")) def test_status(tmpdir, scheme, do_request): url = scheme + "://mockbin.org/request" with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join("status.yaml"))): response = do_request()("GET", url) with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join("status.yaml"))) as cassette: cassette_response = do_request()("GET", url) assert cassette_response.status_code == response.status_code assert cassette.play_count == 1 def test_case_insensitive_headers(tmpdir, scheme, do_request): url = scheme + "://mockbin.org/request" with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join("whatever.yaml"))): do_request()("GET", url) with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join("whatever.yaml"))) as cassette: cassette_response = do_request()("GET", url) assert "Content-Type" in cassette_response.headers assert "content-type" in cassette_response.headers assert cassette.play_count == 1 def test_content(tmpdir, scheme, do_request): url = scheme + "://httpbin.org" with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join("cointent.yaml"))): response = do_request()("GET", url) with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join("cointent.yaml"))) as cassette: cassette_response = do_request()("GET", url) assert cassette_response.content == response.content assert cassette.play_count == 1 def test_json(tmpdir, scheme, do_request): url = scheme + "://httpbin.org/get" headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join("json.yaml"))): response = do_request(headers=headers)("GET", url) with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join("json.yaml"))) as cassette: cassette_response = do_request(headers=headers)("GET", url) assert cassette_response.json() == response.json() assert cassette.play_count == 1 def test_params_same_url_distinct_params(tmpdir, scheme, do_request): url = scheme + "://httpbin.org/get" headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} params = {"a": 1, "b": False, "c": "c"} with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join("get.yaml"))) as cassette: response = do_request()("GET", url, params=params, headers=headers) with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join("get.yaml"))) as cassette: cassette_response = do_request()("GET", url, params=params, headers=headers) assert cassette_response.request.url == response.request.url assert cassette_response.json() == response.json() assert cassette.play_count == 1 params = {"other": "params"} with vcr.use_cassette(str(tmpdir.join("get.yaml"))) as cassette: with pytest.raises(vcr.errors.CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException): do_request()("GET", url, params=params, headers=headers) def test_redirect(tmpdir, do_request, yml): url = "https://mockbin.org/redirect/303/2" response = do_request()("GET", url) with vcr.use_cassette(yml): response = do_request()("GET", url) with vcr.use_cassette(yml) as cassette: cassette_response = do_request()("GET", url) assert cassette_response.status_code == response.status_code assert len(cassette_response.history) == len(response.history) assert len(cassette) == 3 assert cassette.play_count == 3 # Assert that the real response and the cassette response have a similar # looking request_info. assert cassette_response.request.url == response.request.url assert cassette_response.request.method == response.request.method assert {k: v for k, v in cassette_response.request.headers.items()} == { k: v for k, v in response.request.headers.items() } def test_work_with_gzipped_data(tmpdir, do_request, yml): with vcr.use_cassette(yml): do_request()("GET", "https://httpbin.org/gzip") with vcr.use_cassette(yml) as cassette: cassette_response = do_request()("GET", "https://httpbin.org/gzip") assert "gzip" in cassette_response.json()["headers"]["Accept-Encoding"] assert cassette_response.read() assert cassette.play_count == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize("url", ["https://github.com/kevin1024/vcrpy/issues/" + str(i) for i in range(3, 6)]) def test_simple_fetching(tmpdir, do_request, yml, url): with vcr.use_cassette(yml): do_request()("GET", url) with vcr.use_cassette(yml) as cassette: cassette_response = do_request()("GET", url) assert str(cassette_response.request.url) == url assert cassette.play_count == 1 def test_behind_proxy(do_request): # This is recorded because otherwise we should have a live proxy somewhere. yml = ( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/cassettes/" + "test_httpx_test_test_behind_proxy.yml" ) url = "https://httpbin.org/headers" proxy = "http://localhost:8080" proxies = {"http": proxy, "https": proxy} with vcr.use_cassette(yml): response = do_request(proxies=proxies, verify=False)("GET", url) with vcr.use_cassette(yml) as cassette: cassette_response = do_request(proxies=proxies, verify=False)("GET", url) assert str(cassette_response.request.url) == url assert cassette.play_count == 1 assert cassette_response.headers["Via"] == "my_own_proxy", str(cassette_response.headers) assert cassette_response.request.url == response.request.url def test_cookies(tmpdir, scheme, do_request): def client_cookies(client): return [c for c in client._client.cookies] def response_cookies(response): return [c for c in response.cookies] client = do_request() assert client_cookies(client) == [] url = scheme + "://httpbin.org" testfile = str(tmpdir.join("cookies.yml")) with vcr.use_cassette(testfile): r1 = client("GET", url + "/cookies/set?k1=v1&k2=v2") assert response_cookies(r1.history[0]) == ["k1", "k2"] assert response_cookies(r1) == [] r2 = client("GET", url + "/cookies") assert len(r2.json()["cookies"]) == 2 assert client_cookies(client) == ["k1", "k2"] new_client = do_request() assert client_cookies(new_client) == [] with vcr.use_cassette(testfile) as cassette: cassette_response = new_client("GET", url + "/cookies/set?k1=v1&k2=v2") assert response_cookies(cassette_response.history[0]) == ["k1", "k2"] assert response_cookies(cassette_response) == [] assert cassette.play_count == 2 assert client_cookies(new_client) == ["k1", "k2"] def test_relative_redirects(tmpdir, scheme, do_request): url = scheme + "://mockbin.com/redirect/301?to=/redirect/301?to=/request" testfile = str(tmpdir.join("relative_redirects.yml")) with vcr.use_cassette(testfile): response = do_request()("GET", url) assert len(response.history) == 2, response assert response.json()["url"].endswith("request") with vcr.use_cassette(testfile) as cassette: response = do_request()("GET", url) assert len(response.history) == 2 assert response.json()["url"].endswith("request") assert cassette.play_count == 3 def test_redirect_wo_allow_redirects(do_request, yml): url = "https://mockbin.org/redirect/308/5" with vcr.use_cassette(yml): response = do_request()("GET", url, allow_redirects=False) assert str(response.url).endswith("308/5") assert response.status_code == 308 with vcr.use_cassette(yml) as cassette: response = do_request()("GET", url, allow_redirects=False) assert str(response.url).endswith("308/5") assert response.status_code == 308 assert cassette.play_count == 1
import enum import logging import warnings from nikola import DEBUG __all__ = ( "get_logger", "LOGGER", ) # Handlers/formatters class ApplicationWarning(Exception): """An application warning, raised in strict mode.""" pass class StrictModeExceptionHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """A logging handler that raises an exception on warnings.""" def emit(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> None: """Emit a logging record.""" if record.levelno >= logging.WARNING: raise ApplicationWarning(self.format(record)) class ColorfulFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Stream handler with colors.""" _colorful = False def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str: """Format a message and add colors to it.""" message = super().format(record) return self.wrap_in_color(record).format(message) def wrap_in_color(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str: """Return the colorized string for this record.""" if not self._colorful: return "{}" if record.levelno >= logging.ERROR: return "\033[1;31m{}\033[0m" elif record.levelno >= logging.WARNING: return "\033[1;33m{}\033[0m" elif record.levelno >= logging.INFO: return "\033[1m{}\033[0m" return "\033[37m{}\033[0m" # Initial configuration class LoggingMode(enum.Enum): """Logging mode options.""" NORMAL = 0 STRICT = 1 QUIET = 2 def configure_logging(logging_mode: LoggingMode = LoggingMode.NORMAL) -> None: """Configure logging for Nikola. This method can be called multiple times, previous configuration will be overridden. """ if DEBUG: logging.root.level = logging.DEBUG else: logging.root.level = logging.INFO if logging_mode == LoggingMode.QUIET: logging.root.handlers = [] return handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter( ColorfulFormatter( fmt="[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(name)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) ) handlers = [handler] if logging_mode == LoggingMode.STRICT: handlers.append(StrictModeExceptionHandler()) logging.root.handlers = handlers configure_logging() # For compatibility with old code written with Logbook in mind # TODO remove in v9 def patch_notice_level(logger: logging.Logger) -> logging.Logger: """Patch logger to issue WARNINGs with logger.notice.""" logger.notice = logger.warning return logger # User-facing loggers def get_logger(name: str, handlers=None) -> logging.Logger: """Get a logger with handlers attached.""" logger = logging.getLogger(name) if handlers is not None: for h in handlers: logger.addHandler(h) return patch_notice_level(logger) LOGGER = get_logger("Nikola") # Push warnings to logging def showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): """Show a warning (from the warnings module) to the user.""" try: n = category.__name__ except AttributeError: n = str(category) get_logger(n).warning("{0}:{1}: {2}".format(filename, lineno, message)) warnings.showwarning = showwarning
import errno import os import select import socket import socketserver import ssl import sys import wsgiref.simple_server from urllib.parse import unquote from radicale import Application, config from radicale.log import logger if hasattr(socket, "EAI_ADDRFAMILY"): COMPAT_EAI_ADDRFAMILY = socket.EAI_ADDRFAMILY elif hasattr(socket, "EAI_NONAME"): # Windows and BSD don't have a special error code for this COMPAT_EAI_ADDRFAMILY = socket.EAI_NONAME if hasattr(socket, "EAI_NODATA"): COMPAT_EAI_NODATA = socket.EAI_NODATA elif hasattr(socket, "EAI_NONAME"): # Windows and BSD don't have a special error code for this COMPAT_EAI_NODATA = socket.EAI_NONAME if hasattr(socket, "IPPROTO_IPV6"): COMPAT_IPPROTO_IPV6 = socket.IPPROTO_IPV6 elif os.name == "nt": # Workaround: https://bugs.python.org/issue29515 COMPAT_IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41 def format_address(address): return "[%s]:%d" % address[:2] class ParallelHTTPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIServer): # We wait for child threads ourself block_on_close = False daemon_threads = True def __init__(self, configuration, family, address, RequestHandlerClass): self.configuration = configuration self.address_family = family super().__init__(address, RequestHandlerClass) self.client_sockets = set() def server_bind(self): if self.address_family == socket.AF_INET6: # Only allow IPv6 connections to the IPv6 socket self.socket.setsockopt(COMPAT_IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1) super().server_bind() def get_request(self): # Set timeout for client request, client_address = super().get_request() timeout = self.configuration.get("server", "timeout") if timeout: request.settimeout(timeout) client_socket, client_socket_out = socket.socketpair() self.client_sockets.add(client_socket_out) return request, (*client_address, client_socket) def finish_request_locked(self, request, client_address): return super().finish_request(request, client_address) def finish_request(self, request, client_address): *client_address, client_socket = client_address client_address = tuple(client_address) try: return self.finish_request_locked(request, client_address) finally: client_socket.close() def handle_error(self, request, client_address): if issubclass(sys.exc_info()[0], socket.timeout): logger.info("Client timed out", exc_info=True) else: logger.error("An exception occurred during request: %s", sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=True) class ParallelHTTPSServer(ParallelHTTPServer): def server_bind(self): super().server_bind() # Wrap the TCP socket in an SSL socket certfile = self.configuration.get("server", "certificate") keyfile = self.configuration.get("server", "key") cafile = self.configuration.get("server", "certificate_authority") # Test if the files can be read for name, filename in [("certificate", certfile), ("key", keyfile), ("certificate_authority", cafile)]: type_name = config.DEFAULT_CONFIG_SCHEMA["server"][name][ "type"].__name__ source = self.configuration.get_source("server", name) if name == "certificate_authority" and not filename: continue try: open(filename, "r").close() except OSError as e: raise RuntimeError( "Invalid %s value for option %r in section %r in %s: %r " "(%s)" % (type_name, name, "server", source, filename, e)) from e context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) context.load_cert_chain(certfile=certfile, keyfile=keyfile) if cafile: context.load_verify_locations(cafile=cafile) context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED self.socket = context.wrap_socket( self.socket, server_side=True, do_handshake_on_connect=False) def finish_request_locked(self, request, client_address): try: try: request.do_handshake() except socket.timeout: raise except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("SSL handshake failed: %s" % e) from e except Exception: try: self.handle_error(request, client_address) finally: self.shutdown_request(request) return return super().finish_request_locked(request, client_address) class ServerHandler(wsgiref.simple_server.ServerHandler): # Don't pollute WSGI environ with OS environment os_environ = {} def log_exception(self, exc_info): logger.error("An exception occurred during request: %s", exc_info[1], exc_info=exc_info) class RequestHandler(wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler): """HTTP requests handler.""" def log_request(self, code="-", size="-"): pass # Disable request logging. def log_error(self, format_, *args): logger.error("An error occurred during request: %s", format_ % args) def get_environ(self): env = super().get_environ() if hasattr(self.connection, "getpeercert"): # The certificate can be evaluated by the auth module env["REMOTE_CERTIFICATE"] = self.connection.getpeercert() # Parent class only tries latin1 encoding env["PATH_INFO"] = unquote(self.path.split("?", 1)[0]) return env def handle(self): """Copy of WSGIRequestHandler.handle with different ServerHandler""" self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline(65537) if len(self.raw_requestline) > 65536: self.requestline = "" self.request_version = "" self.command = "" self.send_error(414) return if not self.parse_request(): return handler = ServerHandler( self.rfile, self.wfile, self.get_stderr(), self.get_environ() ) handler.request_handler = self handler.run(self.server.get_app()) def serve(configuration, shutdown_socket=None): """Serve radicale from configuration. `shutdown_socket` can be used to gracefully shutdown the server. The socket can be created with `socket.socketpair()`, when the other socket gets closed the server stops accepting new requests by clients and the function returns after all active requests are finished. """ logger.info("Starting Radicale") # Copy configuration before modifying configuration = configuration.copy() configuration.update({"server": {"_internal_server": "True"}}, "server", privileged=True) use_ssl = configuration.get("server", "ssl") server_class = ParallelHTTPSServer if use_ssl else ParallelHTTPServer application = Application(configuration) servers = {} try: for address in configuration.get("server", "hosts"): # Try to bind sockets for IPv4 and IPv6 possible_families = (socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6) bind_ok = False for i, family in enumerate(possible_families): is_last = i == len(possible_families) - 1 try: server = server_class(configuration, family, address, RequestHandler) except OSError as e: # Ignore unsupported families (only one must work) if ((bind_ok or not is_last) and ( isinstance(e, socket.gaierror) and ( # Hostname does not exist or doesn't have # address for address family # macOS: IPv6 address for INET address family e.errno == socket.EAI_NONAME or # Address not for address family e.errno == COMPAT_EAI_ADDRFAMILY or e.errno == COMPAT_EAI_NODATA) or # Workaround for PyPy str(e) == "address family mismatched" or # Address family not available (e.g. IPv6 disabled) # macOS: IPv4 address for INET6 address family with # IPV6_V6ONLY set e.errno == errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL or # Address family not supported e.errno == errno.EAFNOSUPPORT or # Protocol not supported e.errno == errno.EPROTONOSUPPORT)): continue raise RuntimeError("Failed to start server %r: %s" % ( format_address(address), e)) from e servers[server.socket] = server bind_ok = True server.set_app(application) logger.info("Listening on %r%s", format_address(server.server_address), " with SSL" if use_ssl else "") if not servers: raise RuntimeError("No servers started") # Mainloop select_timeout = None if os.name == "nt": # Fallback to busy waiting. (select(...) blocks SIGINT on Windows.) select_timeout = 1.0 max_connections = configuration.get("server", "max_connections") logger.info("Radicale server ready") while True: rlist = [] # Wait for finished clients for server in servers.values(): rlist.extend(server.client_sockets) # Accept new connections if max_connections is not reached if max_connections <= 0 or len(rlist) < max_connections: rlist.extend(servers) # Use socket to get notified of program shutdown if shutdown_socket is not None: rlist.append(shutdown_socket) rlist, _, _ = select.select(rlist, [], [], select_timeout) rlist = set(rlist) if shutdown_socket in rlist: logger.info("Stopping Radicale") break for server in servers.values(): finished_sockets = server.client_sockets.intersection(rlist) for s in finished_sockets: s.close() server.client_sockets.remove(s) rlist.remove(s) if finished_sockets: server.service_actions() if rlist: server = servers.get(rlist.pop()) if server: server.handle_request() finally: # Wait for clients to finish and close servers for server in servers.values(): for s in server.client_sockets: s.recv(1) s.close() server.server_close()
import pytest import yarl from homeassistant.components.demo.tts import DemoProvider from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE, DOMAIN as DOMAIN_MP, MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA, ) import homeassistant.components.tts as tts from homeassistant.components.tts import _get_cache_files from homeassistant.config import async_process_ha_core_config from homeassistant.const import HTTP_NOT_FOUND from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.async_mock import PropertyMock, patch from tests.common import assert_setup_component, async_mock_service def relative_url(url): """Convert an absolute url to a relative one.""" return str(yarl.URL(url).relative()) @pytest.fixture def demo_provider(): """Demo TTS provider.""" return DemoProvider("en") @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mock_get_cache_files(): """Mock the list TTS cache function.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.tts._get_cache_files", return_value={} ) as mock_cache_files: yield mock_cache_files @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mock_init_cache_dir(): """Mock the TTS cache dir in memory.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.tts._init_tts_cache_dir", side_effect=lambda hass, cache_dir: hass.config.path(cache_dir), ) as mock_cache_dir: yield mock_cache_dir @pytest.fixture def empty_cache_dir(tmp_path, mock_init_cache_dir, mock_get_cache_files, request): """Mock the TTS cache dir with empty dir.""" mock_init_cache_dir.side_effect = None mock_init_cache_dir.return_value = str(tmp_path) # Restore original get cache files behavior, we're working with a real dir. mock_get_cache_files.side_effect = _get_cache_files yield tmp_path if request.node.rep_call.passed: return # Print contents of dir if failed print("Content of dir for", request.node.nodeid) for fil in tmp_path.iterdir(): print(fil.relative_to(tmp_path)) # To show the log. assert False @pytest.fixture() def mutagen_mock(): """Mock writing tags.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.tts.SpeechManager.write_tags", side_effect=lambda *args: args[1], ): yield @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) async def internal_url_mock(hass): """Mock internal URL of the instance.""" await async_process_ha_core_config( hass, {"internal_url": "http://example.local:8123"}, ) async def test_setup_component_demo(hass): """Set up the demo platform with defaults.""" config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) assert hass.services.has_service(tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say") assert hass.services.has_service(tts.DOMAIN, "clear_cache") async def test_setup_component_demo_no_access_cache_folder(hass, mock_init_cache_dir): """Set up the demo platform with defaults.""" config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} mock_init_cache_dir.side_effect = OSError(2, "No access") assert not await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) assert not hass.services.has_service(tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say") assert not hass.services.has_service(tts.DOMAIN, "clear_cache") async def test_setup_component_and_test_service(hass, empty_cache_dir): """Set up the demo platform and call service.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE] == MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC assert ( calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID] == "http://example.local:8123/api/tts_proxy/42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3" ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert ( empty_cache_dir / "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3" ).is_file() async def test_setup_component_and_test_service_with_config_language( hass, empty_cache_dir ): """Set up the demo platform and call service.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo", "language": "de"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE] == MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC assert ( calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID] == "http://example.local:8123/api/tts_proxy/42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_de_-_demo.mp3" ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert ( empty_cache_dir / "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_de_-_demo.mp3" ).is_file() async def test_setup_component_and_test_service_with_config_language_special( hass, empty_cache_dir ): """Set up the demo platform and call service with extend language.""" import homeassistant.components.demo.tts as demo_tts demo_tts.SUPPORT_LANGUAGES.append("en_US") calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo", "language": "en_US"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE] == MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC assert ( calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID] == "http://example.local:8123/api/tts_proxy/42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en-us_-_demo.mp3" ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert ( empty_cache_dir / "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en-us_-_demo.mp3" ).is_file() async def test_setup_component_and_test_service_with_wrong_conf_language(hass): """Set up the demo platform and call service with wrong config.""" config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo", "language": "ru"}} with assert_setup_component(0, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) async def test_setup_component_and_test_service_with_service_language( hass, empty_cache_dir ): """Set up the demo platform and call service.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", tts.ATTR_LANGUAGE: "de", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE] == MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC assert ( calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID] == "http://example.local:8123/api/tts_proxy/42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_de_-_demo.mp3" ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert ( empty_cache_dir / "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_de_-_demo.mp3" ).is_file() async def test_setup_component_test_service_with_wrong_service_language( hass, empty_cache_dir ): """Set up the demo platform and call service.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", tts.ATTR_LANGUAGE: "lang", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(calls) == 0 await hass.async_block_till_done() assert not ( empty_cache_dir / "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_lang_-_demo.mp3" ).is_file() async def test_setup_component_and_test_service_with_service_options( hass, empty_cache_dir ): """Set up the demo platform and call service with options.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", tts.ATTR_LANGUAGE: "de", tts.ATTR_OPTIONS: {"voice": "alex", "age": 5}, }, blocking=True, ) opt_hash = tts._hash_options({"voice": "alex", "age": 5}) assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE] == MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC assert ( calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID] == f"http://example.local:8123/api/tts_proxy/42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_de_{opt_hash}_demo.mp3" ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert ( empty_cache_dir / f"42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_de_{opt_hash}_demo.mp3" ).is_file() async def test_setup_component_and_test_with_service_options_def(hass, empty_cache_dir): """Set up the demo platform and call service with default options.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN), patch( "homeassistant.components.demo.tts.DemoProvider.default_options", new_callable=PropertyMock(return_value={"voice": "alex"}), ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", tts.ATTR_LANGUAGE: "de", }, blocking=True, ) opt_hash = tts._hash_options({"voice": "alex"}) assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE] == MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC assert ( calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID] == f"http://example.local:8123/api/tts_proxy/42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_de_{opt_hash}_demo.mp3" ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert ( empty_cache_dir / f"42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_de_{opt_hash}_demo.mp3" ).is_file() async def test_setup_component_and_test_service_with_service_options_wrong( hass, empty_cache_dir ): """Set up the demo platform and call service with wrong options.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", tts.ATTR_LANGUAGE: "de", tts.ATTR_OPTIONS: {"speed": 1}, }, blocking=True, ) opt_hash = tts._hash_options({"speed": 1}) assert len(calls) == 0 await hass.async_block_till_done() assert not ( empty_cache_dir / f"42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_de_{opt_hash}_demo.mp3" ).is_file() async def test_setup_component_and_test_service_with_base_url_set(hass): """Set up the demo platform with ``base_url`` set and call service.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo", "base_url": "http://fnord"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE] == MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC assert ( calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID] == "http://fnord" "/api/tts_proxy/42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491" "_en_-_demo.mp3" ) async def test_setup_component_and_test_service_clear_cache(hass, empty_cache_dir): """Set up the demo platform and call service clear cache.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", }, blocking=True, ) # To make sure the file is persisted await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 await hass.async_block_till_done() assert ( empty_cache_dir / "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3" ).is_file() await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, tts.SERVICE_CLEAR_CACHE, {}, blocking=True ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert not ( empty_cache_dir / "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3" ).is_file() async def test_setup_component_and_test_service_with_receive_voice( hass, demo_provider, hass_client ): """Set up the demo platform and call service and receive voice.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) client = await hass_client() await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(calls) == 1 req = await client.get(relative_url(calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID])) _, demo_data = demo_provider.get_tts_audio("bla", "en") demo_data = tts.SpeechManager.write_tags( "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3", demo_data, demo_provider, "There is someone at the door.", "en", None, ) assert req.status == 200 assert await req.read() == demo_data async def test_setup_component_and_test_service_with_receive_voice_german( hass, demo_provider, hass_client ): """Set up the demo platform and call service and receive voice.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo", "language": "de"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) client = await hass_client() await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(calls) == 1 req = await client.get(relative_url(calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID])) _, demo_data = demo_provider.get_tts_audio("bla", "de") demo_data = tts.SpeechManager.write_tags( "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_de_-_demo.mp3", demo_data, demo_provider, "There is someone at the door.", "de", None, ) assert req.status == 200 assert await req.read() == demo_data async def test_setup_component_and_web_view_wrong_file(hass, hass_client): """Set up the demo platform and receive wrong file from web.""" config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) client = await hass_client() url = "/api/tts_proxy/42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3" req = await client.get(url) assert req.status == HTTP_NOT_FOUND async def test_setup_component_and_web_view_wrong_filename(hass, hass_client): """Set up the demo platform and receive wrong filename from web.""" config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) client = await hass_client() url = "/api/tts_proxy/265944dsk32c1b2a621be5930510bb2cd_en_-_demo.mp3" req = await client.get(url) assert req.status == HTTP_NOT_FOUND async def test_setup_component_test_without_cache(hass, empty_cache_dir): """Set up demo platform without cache.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo", "cache": False}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(calls) == 1 await hass.async_block_till_done() assert not ( empty_cache_dir / "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3" ).is_file() async def test_setup_component_test_with_cache_call_service_without_cache( hass, empty_cache_dir ): """Set up demo platform with cache and call service without cache.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo", "cache": True}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", tts.ATTR_CACHE: False, }, blocking=True, ) assert len(calls) == 1 await hass.async_block_till_done() assert not ( empty_cache_dir / "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3" ).is_file() async def test_setup_component_test_with_cache_dir( hass, empty_cache_dir, demo_provider ): """Set up demo platform with cache and call service without cache.""" calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN_MP, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA) _, demo_data = demo_provider.get_tts_audio("bla", "en") cache_file = ( empty_cache_dir / "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3" ) with open(cache_file, "wb") as voice_file: voice_file.write(demo_data) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo", "cache": True}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) with patch( "homeassistant.components.demo.tts.DemoProvider.get_tts_audio", return_value=(None, None), ): await hass.services.async_call( tts.DOMAIN, "demo_say", { "entity_id": "media_player.something", tts.ATTR_MESSAGE: "There is someone at the door.", }, blocking=True, ) assert len(calls) == 1 assert ( calls[0].data[ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID] == "http://example.local:8123/api/tts_proxy/42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3" ) async def test_setup_component_test_with_error_on_get_tts(hass): """Set up demo platform with wrong get_tts_audio.""" config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN), patch( "homeassistant.components.demo.tts.DemoProvider.get_tts_audio", return_value=(None, None), ): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) async def test_setup_component_load_cache_retrieve_without_mem_cache( hass, demo_provider, empty_cache_dir, hass_client ): """Set up component and load cache and get without mem cache.""" _, demo_data = demo_provider.get_tts_audio("bla", "en") cache_file = ( empty_cache_dir / "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3" ) with open(cache_file, "wb") as voice_file: voice_file.write(demo_data) config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo", "cache": True}} with assert_setup_component(1, tts.DOMAIN): assert await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) client = await hass_client() url = "/api/tts_proxy/42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3" req = await client.get(url) assert req.status == 200 assert await req.read() == demo_data async def test_setup_component_and_web_get_url(hass, hass_client): """Set up the demo platform and receive file from web.""" config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) client = await hass_client() url = "/api/tts_get_url" data = {"platform": "demo", "message": "There is someone at the door."} req = await client.post(url, json=data) assert req.status == 200 response = await req.json() assert response.get("url") == ( "http://example.local:8123/api/tts_proxy/42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.mp3" ) async def test_setup_component_and_web_get_url_bad_config(hass, hass_client): """Set up the demo platform and receive wrong file from web.""" config = {tts.DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} await async_setup_component(hass, tts.DOMAIN, config) client = await hass_client() url = "/api/tts_get_url" data = {"message": "There is someone at the door."} req = await client.post(url, json=data) assert req.status == 400 async def test_tags_with_wave(hass, demo_provider): """Set up the demo platform and call service and receive voice.""" # below data represents an empty wav file demo_data = bytes.fromhex( "52 49 46 46 24 00 00 00 57 41 56 45 66 6d 74 20 10 00 00 00 01 00 02 00" + "22 56 00 00 88 58 01 00 04 00 10 00 64 61 74 61 00 00 00 00" ) tagged_data = tts.SpeechManager.write_tags( "42f18378fd4393d18c8dd11d03fa9563c1e54491_en_-_demo.wav", demo_data, demo_provider, "AI person is in front of your door.", "en", None, ) assert tagged_data != demo_data
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.test import TestCase from tagging.models import Tag from zinnia.managers import PUBLISHED from zinnia.managers import entries_published from zinnia.managers import tags_published from zinnia.models.author import Author from zinnia.models.category import Category from zinnia.models.entry import Entry from zinnia.signals import disconnect_entry_signals from zinnia.tests.utils import datetime from zinnia.tests.utils import skip_if_custom_user @skip_if_custom_user class ManagersTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): disconnect_entry_signals() self.sites = [ Site.objects.get_current(), Site.objects.create(domain='http://domain.com', name='Domain.com')] self.authors = [ Author.objects.create_user(username='webmaster', email='[email protected]'), Author.objects.create_user(username='contributor', email='[email protected]')] self.categories = [ Category.objects.create(title='Category 1', slug='category-1'), Category.objects.create(title='Category 2', slug='category-2')] params = {'title': 'My entry 1', 'content': 'My content 1', 'tags': 'zinnia, test', 'slug': 'my-entry-1', 'status': PUBLISHED} self.entry_1 = Entry.objects.create(**params) self.entry_1.authors.add(self.authors[0]) self.entry_1.categories.add(*self.categories) self.entry_1.sites.add(*self.sites) params = {'title': 'My entry 2', 'content': 'My content 2', 'tags': 'zinnia, test', 'slug': 'my-entry-2'} self.entry_2 = Entry.objects.create(**params) self.entry_2.authors.add(*self.authors) self.entry_2.categories.add(self.categories[0]) self.entry_2.sites.add(self.sites[0]) def test_tags_published(self): self.assertEqual(tags_published().count(), Tag.objects.count()) Tag.objects.create(name='out') self.assertNotEqual(tags_published().count(), Tag.objects.count()) def test_author_published_manager_get_query_set(self): self.assertEqual(Author.published.count(), 1) self.entry_2.status = PUBLISHED self.entry_2.save() self.assertEqual(Author.published.count(), 2) self.entry_2.sites.remove(self.sites[0]) self.entry_2.sites.add(self.sites[1]) self.assertEqual(Author.published.count(), 1) def test_category_published_manager_get_query_set(self): category = Category.objects.create( title='Third Category', slug='third-category') self.assertEqual(Category.published.count(), 2) self.entry_2.categories.add(category) self.entry_2.status = PUBLISHED self.entry_2.save() self.assertEqual(Category.published.count(), 3) def test_entries_published(self): self.assertEqual(entries_published(Entry.objects.all()).count(), 1) self.entry_2.status = PUBLISHED self.entry_2.save() self.assertEqual(entries_published(Entry.objects.all()).count(), 2) self.entry_1.sites.clear() self.assertEqual(entries_published(Entry.objects.all()).count(), 1) self.entry_1.sites.add(*self.sites) self.entry_1.start_publication = datetime(2030, 1, 1) self.entry_1.save() self.assertEqual(entries_published(Entry.objects.all()).count(), 1) self.entry_1.start_publication = datetime(2000, 1, 1) self.entry_1.save() self.assertEqual(entries_published(Entry.objects.all()).count(), 2) self.entry_1.end_publication = datetime(2000, 1, 1) self.entry_1.save() self.assertEqual(entries_published(Entry.objects.all()).count(), 1) self.entry_1.end_publication = datetime(2030, 1, 1) self.entry_1.save() self.assertEqual(entries_published(Entry.objects.all()).count(), 2) def test_entry_published_manager_get_query_set(self): self.assertEqual(Entry.published.count(), 1) self.entry_2.status = PUBLISHED self.entry_2.save() self.assertEqual(Entry.published.count(), 2) self.entry_1.sites.clear() self.assertEqual(Entry.published.count(), 1) self.entry_1.sites.add(*self.sites) self.entry_1.start_publication = datetime(2030, 1, 1) self.entry_1.save() self.assertEqual(Entry.published.count(), 1) self.entry_1.start_publication = datetime(2000, 1, 1) self.entry_1.save() self.assertEqual(Entry.published.count(), 2) self.entry_1.end_publication = datetime(2000, 1, 1) self.entry_1.save() self.assertEqual(Entry.published.count(), 1) self.entry_1.end_publication = datetime(2030, 1, 1) self.entry_1.save() self.assertEqual(Entry.published.count(), 2) def test_entry_published_manager_on_site(self): self.assertEqual(Entry.published.on_site().count(), 2) self.entry_2.sites.clear() self.entry_2.sites.add(self.sites[1]) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.on_site().count(), 1) self.entry_1.sites.clear() self.assertEqual(Entry.published.on_site().count(), 0) def test_entry_published_manager_basic_search(self): self.assertEqual(Entry.published.basic_search('My ').count(), 1) self.entry_2.status = PUBLISHED self.entry_2.save() self.assertEqual(Entry.published.basic_search('My ').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.basic_search('1').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.basic_search('content 1').count(), 2) def test_entry_published_manager_advanced_search(self): category = Category.objects.create( title='SimpleCategory', slug='simple') self.entry_2.categories.add(category) self.entry_2.tags = self.entry_2.tags + ', custom' self.entry_2.status = PUBLISHED self.entry_2.save() self.assertEqual( Entry.published.advanced_search('content').count(), 2) search = Entry.published.advanced_search('content 1') self.assertEqual(search.count(), 1) self.assertEqual(search.all()[0], self.entry_1) self.assertEqual( Entry.published.advanced_search('content 1 or 2').count(), 2) self.assertEqual( Entry.published.advanced_search('content 1 and 2').count(), 0) self.assertEqual( Entry.published.advanced_search('content 1 2').count(), 0) self.assertEqual( Entry.published.advanced_search('"My content" 1 or 2').count(), 2) self.assertEqual( Entry.published.advanced_search('-"My content" 2').count(), 0) search = Entry.published.advanced_search('content -1') self.assertEqual(search.count(), 1) self.assertEqual(search.all()[0], self.entry_2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content category:SimpleCategory').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content category:simple').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content category:"Category 1"').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content category:"category-1"').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content category:"category-2"').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content tag:zinnia').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content tag:custom').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content author:webmaster').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content author:contributor').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content author:webmaster tag:zinnia').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content author:webmaster tag:custom').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content 1 or 2 author:webmaster').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'content 1 or 2 author:webmaster').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( '(author:webmaster content) my').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( '(author:webmaster) or (author:contributor)').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( '(author:webmaster) (author:contributor)').count(), 0) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( '(author:webmaster content) 1').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( '(author:webmaster content) or 2').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( '(author:contributor content) or 1').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( '(author:contributor content) or 2').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( '(author:webmaster or ("hello world")) and 2').count(), 1) # Complex queries self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( '(author:admin and "content 1") or author:webmaster').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'author:admin and ("content 1" or author:webmaster)').count(), 0) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'author:admin and "content 1" or author:webmaster').count(), 0) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( '-(author:webmaster and "content 1")').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( '-(-author:webmaster and "content 1")').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'category:"category -1" or author:"web master"').count(), 0) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'category:"category-1" or author:"webmaster"').count(), 2) # Wildcards self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'author:webm*').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'author:*bmas*').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'author:*master').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'author:*master category:*ory-2').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'author:*master or category:cate*').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'category:*ate*').count(), 2) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'author:"webmast*"').count(), 0) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'tag:"zinnia*"').count(), 0) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'tag:*inni*').count(), 2) def test_entry_published_manager_advanced_search_with_punctuation(self): self.entry_2.content = 'How are you today ? Fine thank you ! OK.' self.entry_2.status = PUBLISHED self.entry_2.save() self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'today ?').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( 'today or ! or .').count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Entry.published.advanced_search( '"you today ?"').count(), 1) def test_entry_published_manager_search(self): self.entry_2.content = self.entry_2.content + ' * ' self.entry_2.status = PUBLISHED self.entry_2.save() # Be sure that basic_search does not return # the same results of advanced_search self.assertNotEqual( Entry.published.basic_search('content 1').count(), Entry.published.advanced_search('content 1').count()) # Now check the fallback with the '*' pattern # which will fails advanced search self.assertEqual(Entry.published.search('*').count(), 1)
import chainer import chainer.functions as F from chainer import initializers import chainer.links as L class FPN(chainer.Chain): """An extractor class of Feature Pyramid Networks. This class wraps a feature extractor and provides multi-scale features. Args: base (Link): A base feature extractor. It should have :meth:`forward` and :obj:`mean`. :meth:`forward` should take a batch of images and return feature maps of them. The size of the :math:`k+1`-th feature map should be the half as that of the :math:`k`-th feature map. n_base_output (int): The number of feature maps that :obj:`base` returns. scales (tuple of floats): The scales of feature maps. """ def __init__(self, base, n_base_output, scales): super(FPN, self).__init__() with self.init_scope(): self.base = base self.inner = chainer.ChainList() self.outer = chainer.ChainList() init = {'initialW': initializers.GlorotNormal()} for _ in range(n_base_output): self.inner.append(L.Convolution2D(256, 1, **init)) self.outer.append(L.Convolution2D(256, 3, pad=1, **init)) self.scales = scales @property def mean(self): return self.base.mean def forward(self, x): hs = list(self.base(x)) for i in reversed(range(len(hs))): hs[i] = self.inner[i](hs[i]) if i + 1 < len(hs): hs[i] += F.unpooling_2d(hs[i + 1], 2, cover_all=False) for i in range(len(hs)): hs[i] = self.outer[i](hs[i]) while len(hs) < len(self.scales): hs.append(F.max_pooling_2d(hs[-1], 1, stride=2, cover_all=False)) return hs
import logging from mastodon import Mastodon from mastodon.Mastodon import MastodonAPIError, MastodonUnauthorizedError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.notify import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, BaseNotificationService from homeassistant.const import CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN, CONF_CLIENT_ID, CONF_CLIENT_SECRET import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_BASE_URL = "base_url" DEFAULT_URL = "https://mastodon.social" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_CLIENT_ID): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_CLIENT_SECRET): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_BASE_URL, default=DEFAULT_URL): cv.string, } ) def get_service(hass, config, discovery_info=None): """Get the Mastodon notification service.""" client_id = config.get(CONF_CLIENT_ID) client_secret = config.get(CONF_CLIENT_SECRET) access_token = config.get(CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN) base_url = config.get(CONF_BASE_URL) try: mastodon = Mastodon( client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, access_token=access_token, api_base_url=base_url, ) mastodon.account_verify_credentials() except MastodonUnauthorizedError: _LOGGER.warning("Authentication failed") return None return MastodonNotificationService(mastodon) class MastodonNotificationService(BaseNotificationService): """Implement the notification service for Mastodon.""" def __init__(self, api): """Initialize the service.""" self._api = api def send_message(self, message="", **kwargs): """Send a message to a user.""" try: self._api.toot(message) except MastodonAPIError: _LOGGER.error("Unable to send message")
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Boolean, Index from lemur.database import db class Domain(db.Model): __tablename__ = "domains" __table_args__ = ( Index( "ix_domains_name_gin", "name", postgresql_ops={"name": "gin_trgm_ops"}, postgresql_using="gin", ), ) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(256), index=True) sensitive = Column(Boolean, default=False) def __repr__(self): return "Domain(name={name})".format(name=self.name)
import asyncio import json import pytest from homeassistant.components.minio import ( CONF_ACCESS_KEY, CONF_HOST, CONF_LISTEN, CONF_LISTEN_BUCKET, CONF_PORT, CONF_SECRET_KEY, CONF_SECURE, DOMAIN, QueueListener, ) from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.async_mock import MagicMock, call, patch from tests.components.minio.common import TEST_EVENT @pytest.fixture(name="minio_client") def minio_client_fixture(): """Patch Minio client.""" with patch("homeassistant.components.minio.minio_helper.Minio") as minio_mock: minio_client_mock = minio_mock.return_value yield minio_client_mock @pytest.fixture(name="minio_client_event") def minio_client_event_fixture(): """Patch helper function for minio notification stream.""" with patch("homeassistant.components.minio.minio_helper.Minio") as minio_mock: minio_client_mock = minio_mock.return_value response_mock = MagicMock() stream_mock = MagicMock() stream_mock.__next__.side_effect = [ "", "", bytearray(json.dumps(TEST_EVENT), "utf-8"), ] response_mock.stream.return_value = stream_mock minio_client_mock._url_open.return_value = response_mock yield minio_client_mock async def test_minio_services(hass, caplog, minio_client): """Test Minio services.""" hass.config.allowlist_external_dirs = {"/test"} await async_setup_component( hass, DOMAIN, { DOMAIN: { CONF_HOST: "localhost", CONF_PORT: "9000", CONF_ACCESS_KEY: "abcdef", CONF_SECRET_KEY: "0123456789", CONF_SECURE: "true", } }, ) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "Setup of domain minio took" in caplog.text # Call services await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, "put", {"file_path": "/test/some_file", "key": "some_key", "bucket": "some_bucket"}, blocking=True, ) assert minio_client.fput_object.call_args == call( "some_bucket", "some_key", "/test/some_file" ) minio_client.reset_mock() await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, "get", {"file_path": "/test/some_file", "key": "some_key", "bucket": "some_bucket"}, blocking=True, ) assert minio_client.fget_object.call_args == call( "some_bucket", "some_key", "/test/some_file" ) minio_client.reset_mock() await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, "remove", {"key": "some_key", "bucket": "some_bucket"}, blocking=True ) assert minio_client.remove_object.call_args == call("some_bucket", "some_key") minio_client.reset_mock() async def test_minio_listen(hass, caplog, minio_client_event): """Test minio listen on notifications.""" minio_client_event.presigned_get_object.return_value = "http://url" events = [] @callback def event_callback(event): """Handle event callbback.""" events.append(event) hass.bus.async_listen("minio", event_callback) await async_setup_component( hass, DOMAIN, { DOMAIN: { CONF_HOST: "localhost", CONF_PORT: "9000", CONF_ACCESS_KEY: "abcdef", CONF_SECRET_KEY: "0123456789", CONF_SECURE: "true", CONF_LISTEN: [{CONF_LISTEN_BUCKET: "test"}], } }, ) await hass.async_start() await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "Setup of domain minio took" in caplog.text while not events: await asyncio.sleep(0) assert 1 == len(events) event = events[0] assert DOMAIN == event.event_type assert "s3:ObjectCreated:Put" == event.data["event_name"] assert "5jJkTAo.jpg" == event.data["file_name"] assert "test" == event.data["bucket"] assert "5jJkTAo.jpg" == event.data["key"] assert "http://url" == event.data["presigned_url"] assert 0 == len(event.data["metadata"]) async def test_queue_listener(): """Tests QueueListener firing events on Home Assistant event bus.""" hass = MagicMock() queue_listener = QueueListener(hass) queue_listener.start() queue_entry = { "event_name": "s3:ObjectCreated:Put", "bucket": "some_bucket", "key": "some_dir/some_file.jpg", "presigned_url": "http://host/url?signature=secret", "metadata": {}, } queue_listener.queue.put(queue_entry) queue_listener.stop() call_domain, call_event = hass.bus.fire.call_args[0] expected_event = { "event_name": "s3:ObjectCreated:Put", "file_name": "some_file.jpg", "bucket": "some_bucket", "key": "some_dir/some_file.jpg", "presigned_url": "http://host/url?signature=secret", "metadata": {}, } assert DOMAIN == call_domain assert json.dumps(expected_event, sort_keys=True) == json.dumps( call_event, sort_keys=True )
import os import shutil import tempfile import json import re import zipfile import platform from io import open import six from six.moves import configparser try: from stashutils.extensions import create_command from libversion import VersionSpecifier except ImportError: create_command = None VersionSpecifier = None class WheelError(Exception): """Error related to a wheel.""" pass def parse_wheel_name(filename): """ Parse the filename of a wheel and return the information as dict. """ if not filename.endswith(".whl"): raise WheelError("PEP427 violation: wheels need to end with '.whl'") else: filename = filename[:-4] splitted = filename.split("-") distribution = splitted[0] version = splitted[1] if len(splitted) == 6: build_tag = splitted[2] python_tag = splitted[3] abi_tag = splitted[4] platform_tag = splitted[5] elif len(splitted) == 5: build_tag = None python_tag = splitted[2] abi_tag = splitted[3] platform_tag = splitted[4] else: raise WheelError("PEP427 violation: invalid naming schema") return { "distribution": distribution, "version": version, "build_tag": build_tag, "python_tag": python_tag, "abi_tag": abi_tag, "platform_tag": platform_tag, } def escape_filename_component(fragment): """ Escape a component of the filename as specified in PEP 427. """ return re.sub(r"[^\w\d.]+", "_", fragment, re.UNICODE) def generate_filename( distribution, version, build_tag=None, python_tag=None, abi_tag=None, platform_tag=None, ): """ Generate a filename for the wheel and return it. """ if python_tag is None: if six.PY3: python_tag = "py3" else: python_tag = "py2" if abi_tag is None: abi_tag = "none" if platform_tag is None: platform_tag = "any" return "{d}-{v}{b}-{py}-{a}-{p}.whl".format( d=escape_filename_component(distribution), v=escape_filename_component(version), b=("-" + escape_filename_component(build_tag) if build_tag is not None else ""), py=escape_filename_component(python_tag), a=escape_filename_component(abi_tag), p=escape_filename_component(platform_tag), ) def wheel_is_compatible(filename): """ Return True if the wheel is compatible, False otherwise. """ data = parse_wheel_name(filename) if ("py2.py3" in data["python_tag"]) or ("py3.py2" in data["python_tag"]): # only here to skip elif/else pass elif six.PY3: if not data["python_tag"].startswith("py3"): return False else: if not data["python_tag"].startswith("py2"): return False if data["abi_tag"].lower() != "none": return False if data["platform_tag"].lower() != "any": return False return True class BaseHandler(object): """ Baseclass for installation handlers. """ name = "<name not set>" def __init__(self, wheel, verbose=False): self.wheel = wheel self.verbose = verbose def copytree(self, packagepath, src, dest, remove=False): """ Copies a package directory tree. :param packagepath: relative path of the (sub-)package, e.g. 'package/subpackage/' :type packagepath: str :param src: path to the actual source of the root package :type src: str :param dest: path to copy to :type dest: str :return: the path to which the directories have been copied. :trype: str """ if self.verbose: print("Copying {s} -> {d}".format(s=src, d=dest)) if os.path.isfile(src): if os.path.isdir(dest): dest = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(src)) if os.path.exists(dest) and remove: os.remove(dest) shutil.copy(src, dest) return dest else: target = os.path.join( dest, # os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(src)), packagepath, ) if os.path.exists(target) and remove: shutil.rmtree(target) shutil.copytree(src, target) return target @property def distinfo_name(self): """the name of the *.dist-info directory.""" data = parse_wheel_name(self.wheel.filename) return "{pkg}-{v}.dist-info".format( pkg=data["distribution"], v=data["version"], ) class TopLevelHandler(BaseHandler): """Handler for 'top_level.txt'""" name = "top_level.txt installer" def handle_install(self, src, dest): tltxtp = os.path.join(src, self.distinfo_name, "top_level.txt") files_installed = [] if not os.path.exists(tltxtp): files = os.listdir(src) fin = [file_name for file_name in files if file_name != self.distinfo_name] print('No top_level.txt, try to fix this.', fin) else: with open(tltxtp, "r") as f: fin = f.readlines() for pkg_name in fin: pure = pkg_name.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") sp = os.path.join(src, pure) if os.path.exists(sp): p = self.copytree(pure, sp, dest, remove=True) elif os.path.exists(sp + ".py"): dp = os.path.join(dest, pure + ".py") p = self.copytree(pure, sp + ".py", dp, remove=True) else: raise WheelError("top_level.txt entry '{e}' not found in toplevel directory!".format(e=pure)) files_installed.append(p) return files_installed class ConsoleScriptsHandler(BaseHandler): """Handler for 'console_scripts'.""" name = "console_scripts installer" def handle_install(self, src, dest): eptxtp = os.path.join(src, self.distinfo_name, "entry_points.txt") if not os.path.exists(eptxtp): if self.verbose: print("No entry_points.txt found, skipping.") return parser = configparser.ConfigParser() try: parser.read(eptxtp) except configparser.MissingSectionHeaderError: # print message and return if self.verbose: print("No section headers found in entry_points.txt, passing.") return if not parser.has_section("console_scripts"): if self.verbose: print("No console_scripts definition found, skipping.") return if create_command is None: if self.verbose: print("Warning: could not import create_command(); skipping.") return files_installed = [] mdp = os.path.join(src, self.distinfo_name, "metadata.json") if os.path.exists(mdp): with open(mdp, "r") as fin: desc = json.load(fin).get("summary", "???") else: desc = "???" for command, definition in parser.items(section="console_scripts"): # name, loc = definition.replace(" ", "").split("=") modname, funcname = definition.split(":") if not command.endswith(".py"): command += ".py" path = create_command( command, ( u"""'''%s''' from %s import %s if __name__ == "__main__": %s() """ % (desc, modname, funcname, funcname) ).encode("utf-8") ) files_installed.append(path) return files_installed class WheelInfoHandler(BaseHandler): """Handler for wheel informations.""" name = "WHEEL information checker" supported_major_versions = [1] supported_versions = ["1.0"] def handle_install(self, src, dest): wtxtp = os.path.join(src, self.distinfo_name, "WHEEL") with open(wtxtp, "r") as fin: for line in fin: line = line.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") ki = line.find(":") key = line[:ki] value = line[ki + 2:] if key.lower() == "wheel-version": major, minor = value.split(".") major, minor = int(major), int(minor) if major not in self.supported_major_versions: raise WheelError("Wheel major version is incompatible!") if value not in self.supported_versions: print("WARNING: unsupported minor version: " + str(value)) self.wheel.version = (major, minor) elif key.lower() == "generator": if self.verbose: print("Wheel generated by: " + value) return [] class DependencyHandler(BaseHandler): """ Handler for the dependencies. """ name = "dependency handler" def handle_install(self, src, dest): metajsonp = os.path.join(src, self.distinfo_name, "metadata.json") metadatap = os.path.join(src, self.distinfo_name, "METADATA") if not os.path.exists(metajsonp): if os.path.exists(metadatap): if self.verbose: print("Reading 'METADATA' file...") dependencies = self.read_dependencies_from_METADATA(metadatap) else: if self.verbose: print("Warning: could find neither 'metadata.json' nor `METADATA`, can not detect dependencies!") return else: if self.verbose: print("Reading 'metadata.json' file...") with open(metajsonp, "r") as fin: content = json.load(fin) dependencies = [] for ds in content.get("run_requires", []): ex = ds.get("extra", None) dep = ds.get("requires", []) if ex is not None: if ex not in self.wheel.extras: # extra not wanted continue else: if self.verbose: print("Adding dependencies for extra '{e}'...".format(e=ex)) dependencies += dep else: dependencies += dep self.wheel.dependencies += dependencies def read_dependencies_from_METADATA(self, p): """read dependencies from distinfo/METADATA""" dependencies = [] with open(p, "r", encoding='utf-8') as fin: for line in fin: line = line.replace("\n", "") if line.startswith("Requires-Dist: "): t = line[len("Requires-Dist: "):] if ";" in t: es = t[t.find(";") + 1:].replace('"', "").replace("'", "") t = t[:t.find(";")].strip() if VersionSpecifier is None: # libversion not found print( "Warning: could not import libversion.VersionSpecifier! Ignoring version and extra dependencies." ) rq, v, extras = "<libversion not found>", "???", [] else: rq, v, extras = VersionSpecifier.parse_requirement(es) if rq == "python_version": # handle python version dependencies if not v.match(platform.python_version()): # dependency NOT required continue elif rq == "extra": # handle extra dependencies matched = any([v.match(e) for e in self.wheel.extras]) if not matched: # dependency NOT required continue else: if self.verbose: print("Adding dependencies for extras...") else: # unknown requirement for dependency # warn user and register the dependency print("Warning: unknown dependency requirement: '{}'".format(rq)) print("Warning: Adding dependency '{}', ignoring requirements for dependency.".format(t)) # do not do anything here- As long as we dont use 'continue', 'break', ... the dependency will be added. dependencies.append(t) return dependencies # list of default handlers DEFAULT_HANDLERS = [ WheelInfoHandler, DependencyHandler, TopLevelHandler, ConsoleScriptsHandler, ] class Wheel(object): """class for installing python wheels.""" def __init__(self, path, handlers=DEFAULT_HANDLERS, extras=[], verbose=False): self.path = path self.extras = extras self.verbose = verbose self.filename = os.path.basename(self.path) self.handlers = [handler(self, self.verbose) for handler in handlers] self.version = None # to be set by handler self.dependencies = [] # to be set by handler if not wheel_is_compatible(self.filename): raise WheelError("Incompatible wheel: {p}!".format(p=self.filename)) def install(self, targetdir): """ Install the wheel into the target directory. Return (files_installed, dependencies) """ if self.verbose: print("Extracting wheel..") tp = self.extract_into_temppath() if self.verbose: print("Extraction finished, running handlers...") try: files_installed = [] for handler in self.handlers: if hasattr(handler, "handle_install"): if self.verbose: print("Running handler '{h}'...".format(h=getattr(handler, "name", "<unknown>"))) tfi = handler.handle_install(tp, targetdir) if tfi is not None: files_installed += tfi finally: if self.verbose: print("Cleaning up...") if os.path.exists(tp): shutil.rmtree(tp) return (files_installed, self.dependencies) def extract_into_temppath(self): """ Extract the wheel into a temporary directory. Return the path of the temporary directory. """ p = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "wheel_tmp", self.filename) if not os.path.exists(p): os.makedirs(p) with zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, mode="r") as zf: zf.extractall(p) return p if __name__ == "__main__": # test script import argparse import sys parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Wheel debug installer") parser.add_argument("path", help="path to .whl", action="store") parser.add_argument("-q", help="be less verbose", action="store_false", dest="verbose") parser.add_argument("extras", action="store", nargs="*", help="extras to install") ns = parser.parse_args() print("Installing {} with extras {}...".format(ns.path, ns.extras)) fi, dep = Wheel(ns.path, verbose=ns.verbose, extras=ns.extras).install(os.path.expanduser("~/Documents/site-packages/")) print("files installed: ") print(fi) print("dependencies:") print(dep) if len(dep) > 0: print("WARNING: Dependencies were not installed.")
import logging import unittest from homeassistant.components import litejet from tests.common import get_test_home_assistant _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestLiteJet(unittest.TestCase): """Test the litejet component.""" def setup_method(self, method): """Set up things to be run when tests are started.""" self.hass = get_test_home_assistant() self.hass.start() self.hass.block_till_done() def teardown_method(self, method): """Stop everything that was started.""" self.hass.stop() def test_is_ignored_unspecified(self): """Ensure it is ignored when unspecified.""" self.hass.data["litejet_config"] = {} assert not litejet.is_ignored(self.hass, "Test") def test_is_ignored_empty(self): """Ensure it is ignored when empty.""" self.hass.data["litejet_config"] = {litejet.CONF_EXCLUDE_NAMES: []} assert not litejet.is_ignored(self.hass, "Test") def test_is_ignored_normal(self): """Test if usually ignored.""" self.hass.data["litejet_config"] = { litejet.CONF_EXCLUDE_NAMES: ["Test", "Other One"] } assert litejet.is_ignored(self.hass, "Test") assert not litejet.is_ignored(self.hass, "Other one") assert not litejet.is_ignored(self.hass, "Other 0ne") assert litejet.is_ignored(self.hass, "Other One There") assert litejet.is_ignored(self.hass, "Other One")
import mock import pytest import paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes as pik from paasta_tools import utils def test_instance_types_integrity(): for it in pik.INSTANCE_TYPES: assert it in utils.INSTANCE_TYPES for it in pik.INSTANCE_TYPES_WITH_SET_STATE: assert it in utils.INSTANCE_TYPES def instance_status_kwargs(): return dict( service="", instance="", instance_type="", verbose=0, include_smartstack=False, include_envoy=False, settings=mock.Mock(), ) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.cr_status", autospec=True) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.kubernetes_status", autospec=True) def test_instance_status_invalid_instance_type(mock_kubernetes_status, mock_cr_status): kwargs = instance_status_kwargs() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo: pik.instance_status(**kwargs) assert "Unknown instance type" in str(excinfo.value) assert len(mock_cr_status.mock_calls) == 0 assert len(mock_kubernetes_status.mock_calls) == 0 @mock.patch("paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.cr_status", autospec=True) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.kubernetes_status", autospec=True) def test_instance_status_kubernetes_only(mock_kubernetes_status, mock_cr_status): kwargs = instance_status_kwargs() kwargs.update(instance_type="kubernetes") pik.instance_status(**kwargs) assert len(mock_cr_status.mock_calls) == 0 assert len(mock_kubernetes_status.mock_calls) == 1 @mock.patch("paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.cr_status", autospec=True) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.kubernetes_status", autospec=True) def test_instance_status_cr_only(mock_kubernetes_status, mock_cr_status): kwargs = instance_status_kwargs() kwargs.update(instance_type="flink") pik.instance_status(**kwargs) assert len(mock_cr_status.mock_calls) == 1 assert len(mock_kubernetes_status.mock_calls) == 0 @mock.patch("paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.cr_status", autospec=True) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.kubernetes_status", autospec=True) def test_instance_status_cr_and_kubernetes(mock_kubernetes_status, mock_cr_status): kwargs = instance_status_kwargs() kwargs.update(instance_type="cassandracluster") pik.instance_status(**kwargs) assert len(mock_cr_status.mock_calls) == 1 assert len(mock_kubernetes_status.mock_calls) == 1 @mock.patch("paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.job_status", autospec=True) @mock.patch( "paasta_tools.kubernetes_tools.replicasets_for_service_instance", autospec=True ) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.kubernetes_tools.pods_for_service_instance", autospec=True) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.kubernetes_tools.get_kubernetes_app_by_name", autospec=True) @mock.patch( "paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.LONG_RUNNING_INSTANCE_TYPE_HANDLERS", autospec=True, ) def test_kubernetes_status( mock_LONG_RUNNING_INSTANCE_TYPE_HANDLERS, mock_get_kubernetes_app_by_name, mock_pods_for_service_instance, mock_replicasets_for_service_instance, mock_job_status, ): mock_LONG_RUNNING_INSTANCE_TYPE_HANDLERS["flink"] = mock.Mock() mock_pods_for_service_instance.return_value = [] mock_replicasets_for_service_instance.return_value = [] status = pik.kubernetes_status( service="", instance="", verbose=0, include_smartstack=False, include_envoy=False, instance_type="flink", settings=mock.Mock(), ) assert "app_count" in status assert "evicted_count" in status assert "bounce_method" in status assert "desired_state" in status @mock.patch("paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.job_status", autospec=True) @mock.patch( "paasta_tools.kubernetes_tools.load_service_namespace_config", autospec=True ) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.mesh_status", autospec=True) @mock.patch( "paasta_tools.kubernetes_tools.replicasets_for_service_instance", autospec=True ) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.kubernetes_tools.pods_for_service_instance", autospec=True) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.kubernetes_tools.get_kubernetes_app_by_name", autospec=True) @mock.patch( "paasta_tools.instance.kubernetes.LONG_RUNNING_INSTANCE_TYPE_HANDLERS", autospec=True, ) def test_kubernetes_status_include_smartstack( mock_LONG_RUNNING_INSTANCE_TYPE_HANDLERS, mock_get_kubernetes_app_by_name, mock_pods_for_service_instance, mock_replicasets_for_service_instance, mock_mesh_status, mock_load_service_namespace_config, mock_job_status, ): mock_load_service_namespace_config.return_value = {"proxy_port": 1234} mock_LONG_RUNNING_INSTANCE_TYPE_HANDLERS["flink"] = mock.Mock() mock_pods_for_service_instance.return_value = [] mock_replicasets_for_service_instance.return_value = [] mock_service = mock.Mock() status = pik.kubernetes_status( service=mock_service, instance="", verbose=0, include_smartstack=True, include_envoy=False, instance_type="flink", settings=mock.Mock(), ) assert ( mock_load_service_namespace_config.mock_calls[0][2]["service"] is mock_service ) assert mock_mesh_status.mock_calls[0][2]["service"] is mock_service assert "app_count" in status assert "evicted_count" in status assert "bounce_method" in status assert "desired_state" in status def test_cr_status_bad_instance_type(): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo: pik.cr_status( service="", instance="", verbose=0, instance_type="marathon", kube_client=mock.Mock(), ) assert "Unknown instance type" in str(excinfo.value) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.kubernetes_tools.get_cr", autospec=True) def test_cr_status_happy_path(mock_get_cr): mock_status = mock.Mock() mock_metadata = mock.Mock() mock_return = dict(status=mock_status, metadata=mock_metadata) mock_get_cr.return_value = mock_return status = pik.cr_status( service="", instance="", verbose=0, instance_type="flink", kube_client=mock.Mock(), ) assert status == mock_return def test_set_cr_desired_state_invalid_instance_type(): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo: pik.set_cr_desired_state( kube_client=mock.Mock(), service=mock.Mock(), instance=mock.Mock(), instance_type="marathon", desired_state=mock.Mock(), ) assert "Unknown instance type" in str(excinfo.value) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.kubernetes_tools.set_cr_desired_state", autospec=True) def test_set_cr_desired_state_calls_k8s_tools(mock_set_cr_desired_state): pik.set_cr_desired_state( kube_client=mock.Mock(), service=mock.Mock(), instance=mock.Mock(), instance_type="flink", desired_state=mock.Mock(), ) assert len(mock_set_cr_desired_state.mock_calls) == 1 def test_can_set_state(): for it in pik.INSTANCE_TYPES_WITH_SET_STATE: assert pik.can_set_state(it) assert not pik.can_set_state("marathon") def test_can_handle(): for it in pik.INSTANCE_TYPES: assert pik.can_handle(it) assert not pik.can_handle("marathon")
import logging import time from aiohttp.hdrs import CONTENT_TYPE import requests import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.discovery import SERVICE_OCTOPRINT from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_API_KEY, CONF_BINARY_SENSORS, CONF_HOST, CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, CONF_NAME, CONF_PATH, CONF_PORT, CONF_SENSORS, CONF_SSL, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, PERCENTAGE, TEMP_CELSIUS, TIME_SECONDS, ) from homeassistant.helpers import discovery import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.discovery import load_platform from homeassistant.util import slugify as util_slugify _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_BED = "bed" CONF_NUMBER_OF_TOOLS = "number_of_tools" DEFAULT_NAME = "OctoPrint" DOMAIN = "octoprint" def has_all_unique_names(value): """Validate that printers have an unique name.""" names = [util_slugify(printer["name"]) for printer in value] vol.Schema(vol.Unique())(names) return value def ensure_valid_path(value): """Validate the path, ensuring it starts and ends with a /.""" vol.Schema(cv.string)(value) if value[0] != "/": value = f"/{value}" if value[-1] != "/": value += "/" return value BINARY_SENSOR_TYPES = { # API Endpoint, Group, Key, unit "Printing": ["printer", "state", "printing", None], "Printing Error": ["printer", "state", "error", None], } BINARY_SENSOR_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional( CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, default=list(BINARY_SENSOR_TYPES) ): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [vol.In(BINARY_SENSOR_TYPES)]), vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, } ) SENSOR_TYPES = { # API Endpoint, Group, Key, unit, icon "Temperatures": ["printer", "temperature", "*", TEMP_CELSIUS], "Current State": ["printer", "state", "text", None, "mdi:printer-3d"], "Job Percentage": [ "job", "progress", "completion", PERCENTAGE, "mdi:file-percent", ], "Time Remaining": [ "job", "progress", "printTimeLeft", TIME_SECONDS, "mdi:clock-end", ], "Time Elapsed": ["job", "progress", "printTime", TIME_SECONDS, "mdi:clock-start"], } SENSOR_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, default=list(SENSOR_TYPES)): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [vol.In(SENSOR_TYPES)] ), vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, } ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { DOMAIN: vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [ vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_API_KEY): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_SSL, default=False): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=80): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_PATH, default="/"): ensure_valid_path, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NUMBER_OF_TOOLS, default=0): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_BED, default=False): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_SENSORS, default={}): SENSOR_SCHEMA, vol.Optional( CONF_BINARY_SENSORS, default={} ): BINARY_SENSOR_SCHEMA, } ) ], has_all_unique_names, ) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) def setup(hass, config): """Set up the OctoPrint component.""" printers = hass.data[DOMAIN] = {} success = False def device_discovered(service, info): """Get called when an Octoprint server has been discovered.""" _LOGGER.debug("Found an Octoprint server: %s", info) discovery.listen(hass, SERVICE_OCTOPRINT, device_discovered) if DOMAIN not in config: # Skip the setup if there is no configuration present return True for printer in config[DOMAIN]: name = printer[CONF_NAME] protocol = "https" if printer[CONF_SSL] else "http" base_url = ( f"{protocol}://{printer[CONF_HOST]}:{printer[CONF_PORT]}" f"{printer[CONF_PATH]}api/" ) api_key = printer[CONF_API_KEY] number_of_tools = printer[CONF_NUMBER_OF_TOOLS] bed = printer[CONF_BED] try: octoprint_api = OctoPrintAPI(base_url, api_key, bed, number_of_tools) printers[base_url] = octoprint_api octoprint_api.get("printer") octoprint_api.get("job") except requests.exceptions.RequestException as conn_err: _LOGGER.error("Error setting up OctoPrint API: %r", conn_err) continue sensors = printer[CONF_SENSORS][CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS] load_platform( hass, "sensor", DOMAIN, {"name": name, "base_url": base_url, "sensors": sensors}, config, ) b_sensors = printer[CONF_BINARY_SENSORS][CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS] load_platform( hass, "binary_sensor", DOMAIN, {"name": name, "base_url": base_url, "sensors": b_sensors}, config, ) success = True return success class OctoPrintAPI: """Simple JSON wrapper for OctoPrint's API.""" def __init__(self, api_url, key, bed, number_of_tools): """Initialize OctoPrint API and set headers needed later.""" self.api_url = api_url self.headers = {CONTENT_TYPE: CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, "X-Api-Key": key} self.printer_last_reading = [{}, None] self.job_last_reading = [{}, None] self.job_available = False self.printer_available = False self.available = False self.printer_error_logged = False self.job_error_logged = False self.bed = bed self.number_of_tools = number_of_tools def get_tools(self): """Get the list of tools that temperature is monitored on.""" tools = [] if self.number_of_tools > 0: for tool_number in range(0, self.number_of_tools): tools.append(f"tool{tool_number!s}") if self.bed: tools.append("bed") if not self.bed and self.number_of_tools == 0: temps = self.printer_last_reading[0].get("temperature") if temps is not None: tools = temps.keys() return tools def get(self, endpoint): """Send a get request, and return the response as a dict.""" # Only query the API at most every 30 seconds now = time.time() if endpoint == "job": last_time = self.job_last_reading[1] if last_time is not None: if now - last_time < 30.0: return self.job_last_reading[0] elif endpoint == "printer": last_time = self.printer_last_reading[1] if last_time is not None: if now - last_time < 30.0: return self.printer_last_reading[0] url = self.api_url + endpoint try: response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=9) response.raise_for_status() if endpoint == "job": self.job_last_reading[0] = response.json() self.job_last_reading[1] = time.time() self.job_available = True elif endpoint == "printer": self.printer_last_reading[0] = response.json() self.printer_last_reading[1] = time.time() self.printer_available = True self.available = self.printer_available and self.job_available if self.available: self.job_error_logged = False self.printer_error_logged = False return response.json() except Exception as conn_exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except log_string = "Failed to update OctoPrint status. Error: %s" % conn_exc # Only log the first failure if endpoint == "job": log_string = f"Endpoint: job {log_string}" if not self.job_error_logged: _LOGGER.error(log_string) self.job_error_logged = True self.job_available = False elif endpoint == "printer": log_string = f"Endpoint: printer {log_string}" if not self.printer_error_logged: _LOGGER.error(log_string) self.printer_error_logged = True self.printer_available = False self.available = False return None def update(self, sensor_type, end_point, group, tool=None): """Return the value for sensor_type from the provided endpoint.""" response = self.get(end_point) if response is not None: return get_value_from_json(response, sensor_type, group, tool) return response def get_value_from_json(json_dict, sensor_type, group, tool): """Return the value for sensor_type from the JSON.""" if group not in json_dict: return None if sensor_type in json_dict[group]: if sensor_type == "target" and json_dict[sensor_type] is None: return 0 return json_dict[group][sensor_type] if tool is not None: if sensor_type in json_dict[group][tool]: return json_dict[group][tool][sensor_type] return None
import keras import tensorflow as tf from matchzoo.engine.base_model import BaseModel from matchzoo.engine.param import Param from matchzoo.engine import hyper_spaces class KNRM(BaseModel): """ KNRM model. Examples: >>> model = KNRM() >>> model.params['embedding_input_dim'] = 10000 >>> model.params['embedding_output_dim'] = 10 >>> model.params['embedding_trainable'] = True >>> model.params['kernel_num'] = 11 >>> model.params['sigma'] = 0.1 >>> model.params['exact_sigma'] = 0.001 >>> model.guess_and_fill_missing_params(verbose=0) >>> model.build() """ @classmethod def get_default_params(cls): """Get default parameters.""" params = super().get_default_params(with_embedding=True) params.add(Param( name='kernel_num', value=11, hyper_space=hyper_spaces.quniform(low=5, high=20), desc="The number of RBF kernels." )) params.add(Param( name='sigma', value=0.1, hyper_space=hyper_spaces.quniform( low=0.01, high=0.2, q=0.01), desc="The `sigma` defines the kernel width." )) params.add(Param( name='exact_sigma', value=0.001, desc="The `exact_sigma` denotes the `sigma` " "for exact match." )) return params def build(self): """Build model.""" query, doc = self._make_inputs() embedding = self._make_embedding_layer() q_embed = embedding(query) d_embed = embedding(doc) mm = keras.layers.Dot(axes=[2, 2], normalize=True)([q_embed, d_embed]) KM = [] for i in range(self._params['kernel_num']): mu = 1. / (self._params['kernel_num'] - 1) + (2. * i) / ( self._params['kernel_num'] - 1) - 1.0 sigma = self._params['sigma'] if mu > 1.0: sigma = self._params['exact_sigma'] mu = 1.0 mm_exp = self._kernel_layer(mu, sigma)(mm) mm_doc_sum = keras.layers.Lambda( lambda x: tf.reduce_sum(x, 2))(mm_exp) mm_log = keras.layers.Activation(tf.math.log1p)(mm_doc_sum) mm_sum = keras.layers.Lambda( lambda x: tf.reduce_sum(x, 1))(mm_log) KM.append(mm_sum) phi = keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: tf.stack(x, 1))(KM) out = self._make_output_layer()(phi) self._backend = keras.Model(inputs=[query, doc], outputs=[out]) @classmethod def _kernel_layer(cls, mu: float, sigma: float) -> keras.layers.Layer: """ Gaussian kernel layer in KNRM. :param mu: Float, mean of the kernel. :param sigma: Float, sigma of the kernel. :return: `keras.layers.Layer`. """ def kernel(x): return tf.math.exp(-0.5 * (x - mu) * (x - mu) / sigma / sigma) return keras.layers.Activation(kernel)
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.test import TestCase from django.utils import timezone import django_comments as comments from zinnia.managers import PUBLISHED from zinnia.models.author import Author from zinnia.models.entry import Entry from zinnia.signals import disconnect_discussion_signals from zinnia.signals import disconnect_entry_signals from zinnia.spam_checker.backends.long_enough import backend from zinnia.tests.utils import skip_if_custom_user @skip_if_custom_user class LongEnoughTestCase(TestCase): """Test cases for zinnia.spam_checker.long_enough""" def setUp(self): disconnect_entry_signals() disconnect_discussion_signals() self.site = Site.objects.get_current() self.author = Author.objects.create(username='admin', email='[email protected]') params = {'title': 'My test entry', 'content': 'My test entry', 'slug': 'my-test-entry', 'status': PUBLISHED} self.entry = Entry.objects.create(**params) self.entry.sites.add(self.site) self.entry.authors.add(self.author) def test_long_enough(self): comment = comments.get_model().objects.create( comment='My Comment', user=self.author, is_public=True, content_object=self.entry, site=self.site, submit_date=timezone.now()) self.assertEqual(backend(comment, self.entry, {}), True) comment.comment = 'Hello I just wanted to thank for great article' comment.save() self.assertEqual(backend(comment, self.entry, {}), False)
from homeassistant.components.lock import SUPPORT_OPEN, LockEntity from .const import ATTR_DISCOVER_DEVICES from .entity import HMDevice def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Homematic lock platform.""" if discovery_info is None: return devices = [] for conf in discovery_info[ATTR_DISCOVER_DEVICES]: devices.append(HMLock(conf)) add_entities(devices, True) class HMLock(HMDevice, LockEntity): """Representation of a Homematic lock aka KeyMatic.""" @property def is_locked(self): """Return true if the lock is locked.""" return not bool(self._hm_get_state()) def lock(self, **kwargs): """Lock the lock.""" self._hmdevice.lock() def unlock(self, **kwargs): """Unlock the lock.""" self._hmdevice.unlock() def open(self, **kwargs): """Open the door latch.""" self._hmdevice.open() def _init_data_struct(self): """Generate the data dictionary (self._data) from metadata.""" self._state = "STATE" self._data.update({self._state: None}) @property def supported_features(self): """Flag supported features.""" return SUPPORT_OPEN
import re import sys import cgi import os import os.path import urllib.parse import cherrypy localFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'coverage.cache') the_coverage = None try: from coverage import coverage the_coverage = coverage(data_file=localFile) def start(): the_coverage.start() except ImportError: # Setting the_coverage to None will raise errors # that need to be trapped downstream. the_coverage = None import warnings warnings.warn( 'No code coverage will be performed; ' 'coverage.py could not be imported.') def start(): pass start.priority = 20 TEMPLATE_MENU = """<html> <head> <title>CherryPy Coverage Menu</title> <style> body {font: 9pt Arial, serif;} #tree { font-size: 8pt; font-family: Andale Mono, monospace; white-space: pre; } #tree a:active, a:focus { background-color: black; padding: 1px; color: white; border: 0px solid #9999FF; -moz-outline-style: none; } .fail { color: red;} .pass { color: #888;} #pct { text-align: right;} h3 { font-size: small; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; margin-top: 5px; } input { border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 2px; } .directory { color: #933; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt; } .file { color: #400; } a { text-decoration: none; } #crumbs { color: white; font-size: 8pt; font-family: Andale Mono, monospace; width: 100%; background-color: black; } #crumbs a { color: #f88; } #options { line-height: 2.3em; border: 1px solid black; background-color: #eee; padding: 4px; } #exclude { width: 100%; margin-bottom: 3px; border: 1px solid #999; } #submit { background-color: black; color: white; border: 0; margin-bottom: -9px; } </style> </head> <body> <h2>CherryPy Coverage</h2>""" TEMPLATE_FORM = """ <div id="options"> <form action='menu' method=GET> <input type='hidden' name='base' value='%(base)s' /> Show percentages <input type='checkbox' %(showpct)s name='showpct' value='checked' /><br /> Hide files over <input type='text' id='pct' name='pct' value='%(pct)s' size='3' />%%<br /> Exclude files matching<br /> <input type='text' id='exclude' name='exclude' value='%(exclude)s' size='20' /> <br /> <input type='submit' value='Change view' id="submit"/> </form> </div>""" TEMPLATE_FRAMESET = """<html> <head><title>CherryPy coverage data</title></head> <frameset cols='250, 1*'> <frame src='menu?base=%s' /> <frame name='main' src='' /> </frameset> </html> """ TEMPLATE_COVERAGE = """<html> <head> <title>Coverage for %(name)s</title> <style> h2 { margin-bottom: .25em; } p { margin: .25em; } .covered { color: #000; background-color: #fff; } .notcovered { color: #fee; background-color: #500; } .excluded { color: #00f; background-color: #fff; } table .covered, table .notcovered, table .excluded { font-family: Andale Mono, monospace; font-size: 10pt; white-space: pre; } .lineno { background-color: #eee;} .notcovered .lineno { background-color: #000;} table { border-collapse: collapse; </style> </head> <body> <h2>%(name)s</h2> <p>%(fullpath)s</p> <p>Coverage: %(pc)s%%</p>""" TEMPLATE_LOC_COVERED = """<tr class="covered"> <td class="lineno">%s&nbsp;</td> <td>%s</td> </tr>\n""" TEMPLATE_LOC_NOT_COVERED = """<tr class="notcovered"> <td class="lineno">%s&nbsp;</td> <td>%s</td> </tr>\n""" TEMPLATE_LOC_EXCLUDED = """<tr class="excluded"> <td class="lineno">%s&nbsp;</td> <td>%s</td> </tr>\n""" TEMPLATE_ITEM = ( "%s%s<a class='file' href='report?name=%s' target='main'>%s</a>\n" ) def _percent(statements, missing): s = len(statements) e = s - len(missing) if s > 0: return int(round(100.0 * e / s)) return 0 def _show_branch(root, base, path, pct=0, showpct=False, exclude='', coverage=the_coverage): # Show the directory name and any of our children dirs = [k for k, v in root.items() if v] dirs.sort() for name in dirs: newpath = os.path.join(path, name) if newpath.lower().startswith(base): relpath = newpath[len(base):] yield '| ' * relpath.count(os.sep) yield ( "<a class='directory' " "href='menu?base=%s&exclude=%s'>%s</a>\n" % (newpath, urllib.parse.quote_plus(exclude), name) ) for chunk in _show_branch( root[name], base, newpath, pct, showpct, exclude, coverage=coverage ): yield chunk # Now list the files if path.lower().startswith(base): relpath = path[len(base):] files = [k for k, v in root.items() if not v] files.sort() for name in files: newpath = os.path.join(path, name) pc_str = '' if showpct: try: _, statements, _, missing, _ = coverage.analysis2(newpath) except Exception: # Yes, we really want to pass on all errors. pass else: pc = _percent(statements, missing) pc_str = ('%3d%% ' % pc).replace(' ', '&nbsp;') if pc < float(pct) or pc == -1: pc_str = "<span class='fail'>%s</span>" % pc_str else: pc_str = "<span class='pass'>%s</span>" % pc_str yield TEMPLATE_ITEM % ('| ' * (relpath.count(os.sep) + 1), pc_str, newpath, name) def _skip_file(path, exclude): if exclude: return bool(re.search(exclude, path)) def _graft(path, tree): d = tree p = path atoms = [] while True: p, tail = os.path.split(p) if not tail: break atoms.append(tail) atoms.append(p) if p != '/': atoms.append('/') atoms.reverse() for node in atoms: if node: d = d.setdefault(node, {}) def get_tree(base, exclude, coverage=the_coverage): """Return covered module names as a nested dict.""" tree = {} runs = coverage.data.executed_files() for path in runs: if not _skip_file(path, exclude) and not os.path.isdir(path): _graft(path, tree) return tree class CoverStats(object): def __init__(self, coverage, root=None): self.coverage = coverage if root is None: # Guess initial depth. Files outside this path will not be # reachable from the web interface. root = os.path.dirname(cherrypy.__file__) self.root = root @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return TEMPLATE_FRAMESET % self.root.lower() @cherrypy.expose def menu(self, base='/', pct='50', showpct='', exclude=r'python\d\.\d|test|tut\d|tutorial'): # The coverage module uses all-lower-case names. base = base.lower().rstrip(os.sep) yield TEMPLATE_MENU yield TEMPLATE_FORM % locals() # Start by showing links for parent paths yield "<div id='crumbs'>" path = '' atoms = base.split(os.sep) atoms.pop() for atom in atoms: path += atom + os.sep yield ("<a href='menu?base=%s&exclude=%s'>%s</a> %s" % (path, urllib.parse.quote_plus(exclude), atom, os.sep)) yield '</div>' yield "<div id='tree'>" # Then display the tree tree = get_tree(base, exclude, self.coverage) if not tree: yield '<p>No modules covered.</p>' else: for chunk in _show_branch(tree, base, '/', pct, showpct == 'checked', exclude, coverage=self.coverage): yield chunk yield '</div>' yield '</body></html>' def annotated_file(self, filename, statements, excluded, missing): source = open(filename, 'r') buffer = [] for lineno, line in enumerate(source.readlines()): lineno += 1 line = line.strip('\n\r') empty_the_buffer = True if lineno in excluded: template = TEMPLATE_LOC_EXCLUDED elif lineno in missing: template = TEMPLATE_LOC_NOT_COVERED elif lineno in statements: template = TEMPLATE_LOC_COVERED else: empty_the_buffer = False buffer.append((lineno, line)) if empty_the_buffer: for lno, pastline in buffer: yield template % (lno, cgi.escape(pastline)) buffer = [] yield template % (lineno, cgi.escape(line)) @cherrypy.expose def report(self, name): filename, statements, excluded, missing, _ = self.coverage.analysis2( name) pc = _percent(statements, missing) yield TEMPLATE_COVERAGE % dict(name=os.path.basename(name), fullpath=name, pc=pc) yield '<table>\n' for line in self.annotated_file(filename, statements, excluded, missing): yield line yield '</table>' yield '</body>' yield '</html>' def serve(path=localFile, port=8080, root=None): if coverage is None: raise ImportError('The coverage module could not be imported.') from coverage import coverage cov = coverage(data_file=path) cov.load() cherrypy.config.update({'server.socket_port': int(port), 'server.thread_pool': 10, 'environment': 'production', }) cherrypy.quickstart(CoverStats(cov, root)) if __name__ == '__main__': serve(*tuple(sys.argv[1:]))
import unittest from urwid import graphics from urwid.compat import B import urwid class LineBoxTest(unittest.TestCase): def border(self, tl, t, tr, l, r, bl, b, br): return [bytes().join([tl, t, tr]), bytes().join([l, B(" "), r]), bytes().join([bl, b, br]),] def test_linebox_pack(self): # Bug #346 'pack' Padding does not run with LineBox urwid.set_encoding("utf-8") t = urwid.Text("AAA\nCCC\nDDD") size = t.pack() l = urwid.LineBox(t) self.assertEqual(l.pack()[0], size[0] + 2) self.assertEqual(l.pack()[1], size[1] + 2) def test_linebox_border(self): urwid.set_encoding("utf-8") t = urwid.Text("") l = urwid.LineBox(t).render((3,)).text # default self.assertEqual(l, self.border(B("\xe2\x94\x8c"), B("\xe2\x94\x80"), B("\xe2\x94\x90"), B("\xe2\x94\x82"), B("\xe2\x94\x82"), B("\xe2\x94\x94"), B("\xe2\x94\x80"), B("\xe2\x94\x98"))) nums = [B(str(n)) for n in range(8)] b = dict(zip(["tlcorner", "tline", "trcorner", "lline", "rline", "blcorner", "bline", "brcorner"], nums)) l = urwid.LineBox(t, **b).render((3,)).text self.assertEqual(l, self.border(*nums)) class BarGraphTest(unittest.TestCase): def bgtest(self, desc, data, top, widths, maxrow, exp ): rval = graphics.calculate_bargraph_display(data,top,widths,maxrow) assert rval == exp, "%s expected %r, got %r"%(desc,exp,rval) def test1(self): self.bgtest('simplest',[[0]],5,[1],1, [(1,[(0,1)])] ) self.bgtest('simpler',[[0],[0]],5,[1,2],5, [(5,[(0,3)])] ) self.bgtest('simple',[[5]],5,[1],1, [(1,[(1,1)])] ) self.bgtest('2col-1',[[2],[0]],5,[1,2],5, [(3,[(0,3)]), (2,[(1,1),(0,2)]) ] ) self.bgtest('2col-2',[[0],[2]],5,[1,2],5, [(3,[(0,3)]), (2,[(0,1),(1,2)]) ] ) self.bgtest('2col-3',[[2],[3]],5,[1,2],5, [(2,[(0,3)]), (1,[(0,1),(1,2)]), (2,[(1,3)]) ] ) self.bgtest('3col-1',[[5],[3],[0]],5,[2,1,1],5, [(2,[(1,2),(0,2)]), (3,[(1,3),(0,1)]) ] ) self.bgtest('3col-2',[[4],[4],[4]],5,[2,1,1],5, [(1,[(0,4)]), (4,[(1,4)]) ] ) self.bgtest('3col-3',[[1],[2],[3]],5,[2,1,1],5, [(2,[(0,4)]), (1,[(0,3),(1,1)]), (1,[(0,2),(1,2)]), (1,[(1,4)]) ] ) self.bgtest('3col-4',[[4],[2],[4]],5,[1,2,1],5, [(1,[(0,4)]), (2,[(1,1),(0,2),(1,1)]), (2,[(1,4)]) ] ) def test2(self): self.bgtest('simple1a',[[2,0],[2,1]],2,[1,1],2, [(1,[(1,2)]),(1,[(1,1),(2,1)]) ] ) self.bgtest('simple1b',[[2,1],[2,0]],2,[1,1],2, [(1,[(1,2)]),(1,[(2,1),(1,1)]) ] ) self.bgtest('cross1a',[[2,2],[1,2]],2,[1,1],2, [(2,[(2,2)]) ] ) self.bgtest('cross1b',[[1,2],[2,2]],2,[1,1],2, [(2,[(2,2)]) ] ) self.bgtest('mix1a',[[3,2,1],[2,2,2],[1,2,3]],3,[1,1,1],3, [(1,[(1,1),(0,1),(3,1)]),(1,[(2,1),(3,2)]), (1,[(3,3)]) ] ) self.bgtest('mix1b',[[1,2,3],[2,2,2],[3,2,1]],3,[1,1,1],3, [(1,[(3,1),(0,1),(1,1)]),(1,[(3,2),(2,1)]), (1,[(3,3)]) ] ) class SmoothBarGraphTest(unittest.TestCase): def sbgtest(self, desc, data, top, exp ): urwid.set_encoding('utf-8') g = urwid.BarGraph( ['black','red','blue'], None, {(1,0):'red/black', (2,1):'blue/red'}) g.set_data( data, top ) rval = g.calculate_display((5,3)) assert rval == exp, "%s expected %r, got %r"%(desc,exp,rval) def test1(self): self.sbgtest('simple', [[3]], 5, [(1, [(0, 5)]), (1, [((1, 0, 6), 5)]), (1, [(1, 5)])] ) self.sbgtest('boring', [[4,2]], 6, [(1, [(0, 5)]), (1, [(1, 5)]), (1, [(2,5)]) ] ) self.sbgtest('two', [[4],[2]], 6, [(1, [(0, 5)]), (1, [(1, 3), (0, 2)]), (1, [(1, 5)]) ] ) self.sbgtest('twos', [[3],[4]], 6, [(1, [(0, 5)]), (1, [((1,0,4), 3), (1, 2)]), (1, [(1,5)]) ] ) self.sbgtest('twof', [[4],[3]], 6, [(1, [(0, 5)]), (1, [(1,3), ((1,0,4), 2)]), (1, [(1,5)]) ] )
from datetime import timedelta import logging from omnilogic import OmniLogicException from homeassistant.const import ATTR_NAME from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import ( CoordinatorEntity, DataUpdateCoordinator, UpdateFailed, ) from .const import ( ALL_ITEM_KINDS, ATTR_IDENTIFIERS, ATTR_MANUFACTURER, ATTR_MODEL, DOMAIN, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OmniLogicUpdateCoordinator(DataUpdateCoordinator): """Class to manage fetching update data from single endpoint.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, api: str, name: str, polling_interval: int, ): """Initialize the global Omnilogic data updater.""" self.api = api super().__init__( hass=hass, logger=_LOGGER, name=name, update_interval=timedelta(seconds=polling_interval), ) async def _async_update_data(self): """Fetch data from OmniLogic.""" try: data = await self.api.get_telemetry_data() except OmniLogicException as error: raise UpdateFailed(f"Error updating from OmniLogic: {error}") from error parsed_data = {} def get_item_data(item, item_kind, current_id, data): """Get data per kind of Omnilogic API item.""" if isinstance(item, list): for single_item in item: data = get_item_data(single_item, item_kind, current_id, data) if "systemId" in item: system_id = item["systemId"] current_id = current_id + (item_kind, system_id) data[current_id] = item for kind in ALL_ITEM_KINDS: if kind in item: data = get_item_data(item[kind], kind, current_id, data) return data parsed_data = get_item_data(data, "Backyard", (), parsed_data) return parsed_data class OmniLogicEntity(CoordinatorEntity): """Defines the base OmniLogic entity.""" def __init__( self, coordinator: OmniLogicUpdateCoordinator, kind: str, name: str, item_id: tuple, icon: str, ): """Initialize the OmniLogic Entity.""" super().__init__(coordinator) bow_id = None entity_data = coordinator.data[item_id] backyard_id = item_id[:2] if len(item_id) == 6: bow_id = item_id[:4] msp_system_id = coordinator.data[backyard_id]["systemId"] entity_friendly_name = f"{coordinator.data[backyard_id]['BackyardName']} " unique_id = f"{msp_system_id}" if bow_id is not None: unique_id = f"{unique_id}_{coordinator.data[bow_id]['systemId']}" entity_friendly_name = ( f"{entity_friendly_name}{coordinator.data[bow_id]['Name']} " ) unique_id = f"{unique_id}_{coordinator.data[item_id]['systemId']}_{kind}" if entity_data.get("Name") is not None: entity_friendly_name = f"{entity_friendly_name} {entity_data['Name']}" entity_friendly_name = f"{entity_friendly_name} {name}" unique_id = unique_id.replace(" ", "_") self._kind = kind self._name = entity_friendly_name self._unique_id = unique_id self._item_id = item_id self._icon = icon self._attrs = {} self._msp_system_id = msp_system_id self._backyard_name = coordinator.data[backyard_id]["BackyardName"] @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return a unique, Home Assistant friendly identifier for this entity.""" return self._unique_id @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the entity.""" return self._name @property def icon(self): """Return the icon for the entity.""" return self._icon @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the attributes.""" return self._attrs @property def device_info(self): """Define the device as back yard/MSP System.""" return { ATTR_IDENTIFIERS: {(DOMAIN, self._msp_system_id)}, ATTR_NAME: self._backyard_name, ATTR_MANUFACTURER: "Hayward", ATTR_MODEL: "OmniLogic", }
from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import sys import traceback js_cache = None def execjs_encode(item): """execute js function and need modify code""" global js_cache # 1. please change js_call_function name. modify local js file path or modify js code string js_call_function = 'hex_md5' js_file_local_path = r"js_md5.js" js_code_for_string = """ """ if js_cache: resource = js_cache elif os.path.isfile(js_file_local_path): with open(js_file_local_path, 'r') as f: resource = f.read() else: resource = js_code_for_string if "execjs" not in sys.modules: try: import execjs except ImportError: exit("[-] Please: pip install PyExecJS") exec_compile = __import__("execjs").compile(resource.encode('utf8').decode('utf8')) try: # 2. if need use can add extra parameters like: # return exec_compile.call(js_call_function, item, "param1", "param2") return exec_compile.call(js_call_function, item,) except: print("[-] execjs error:\n") exit(traceback.print_exc())
from unittest import TestCase import numpy as np from scattertext.Scalers import percentile_alphabetical class TestPercentile_lexicographic(TestCase): def test_percentile_lexicographic(self): scores = [1, 1, 5, 18, 1, 3] text = ['c', 'a', 'five', 'eighteen', 'b', 'three'] ranking = percentile_alphabetical(scores, text) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ranking, np.array([0.4, 0, 0.8, 1., 0.2, 0.6]))
from typing import Any from homeassistant.components.scene import Scene from homeassistant.helpers.event import async_call_later from .const import ATTR_DESCRIPTION, DOMAIN, NEXIA_DEVICE, UPDATE_COORDINATOR from .entity import NexiaEntity SCENE_ACTIVATION_TIME = 5 async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up automations for a Nexia device.""" nexia_data = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] nexia_home = nexia_data[NEXIA_DEVICE] coordinator = nexia_data[UPDATE_COORDINATOR] entities = [] # Automation switches for automation_id in nexia_home.get_automation_ids(): automation = nexia_home.get_automation_by_id(automation_id) entities.append(NexiaAutomationScene(coordinator, automation)) async_add_entities(entities, True) class NexiaAutomationScene(NexiaEntity, Scene): """Provides Nexia automation support.""" def __init__(self, coordinator, automation): """Initialize the automation scene.""" super().__init__( coordinator, name=automation.name, unique_id=automation.automation_id, ) self._automation = automation @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the scene specific state attributes.""" data = super().device_state_attributes data[ATTR_DESCRIPTION] = self._automation.description return data @property def icon(self): """Return the icon of the automation scene.""" return "mdi:script-text-outline" async def async_activate(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Activate an automation scene.""" await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._automation.activate) async def refresh_callback(_): await self.coordinator.async_refresh() async_call_later(self.hass, SCENE_ACTIVATION_TIME, refresh_callback)
from appconf import AppConf from weblate.utils.classloader import ClassLoader class VCSConf(AppConf): VCS_BACKENDS = ( "weblate.vcs.git.GitRepository", "weblate.vcs.git.GitWithGerritRepository", "weblate.vcs.git.SubversionRepository", "weblate.vcs.git.GithubRepository", "weblate.vcs.git.GitLabRepository", "weblate.vcs.git.PagureRepository", "weblate.vcs.git.LocalRepository", "weblate.vcs.git.GitForcePushRepository", "weblate.vcs.mercurial.HgRepository", ) VCS_CLONE_DEPTH = 1 # GitHub username for sending pull requests GITHUB_USERNAME = None GITHUB_TOKEN = None GITHUB_CREDENTIALS = {} # GitLab username for sending merge requests GITLAB_USERNAME = None GITLAB_TOKEN = None GITLAB_CREDENTIALS = {} # GitLab username for sending merge requests PAGURE_USERNAME = None PAGURE_TOKEN = None PAGURE_CREDENTIALS = {} class Meta: prefix = "" class VcsClassLoader(ClassLoader): def __init__(self): super().__init__("VCS_BACKENDS", False) self.errors = {} def load_data(self): result = super().load_data() for key, vcs in list(result.items()): try: version = vcs.get_version() except Exception as error: supported = False self.errors[vcs.name] = str(error) else: supported = vcs.is_supported() if not supported: self.errors[vcs.name] = f"Outdated version: {version}" if not supported or not vcs.is_configured(): result.pop(key) return result # Initialize VCS list VCS_REGISTRY = VcsClassLoader()
import asyncio import logging import os from aiohttp import ClientError, ClientResponseError from august.api_async import ApiAsync from august.authenticator_async import AuthenticationState, AuthenticatorAsync from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_TIMEOUT, CONF_USERNAME, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, ) from homeassistant.helpers import aiohttp_client from .const import ( CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN_CACHE_FILE, CONF_INSTALL_ID, CONF_LOGIN_METHOD, DEFAULT_AUGUST_CONFIG_FILE, VERIFICATION_CODE_KEY, ) from .exceptions import CannotConnect, InvalidAuth, RequireValidation _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AugustGateway: """Handle the connection to August.""" def __init__(self, hass): """Init the connection.""" self._aiohttp_session = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass) self._token_refresh_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._access_token_cache_file = None self._hass = hass self._config = None self.api = None self.authenticator = None self.authentication = None @property def access_token(self): """Access token for the api.""" return self.authentication.access_token def config_entry(self): """Config entry.""" return { CONF_LOGIN_METHOD: self._config[CONF_LOGIN_METHOD], CONF_USERNAME: self._config[CONF_USERNAME], CONF_PASSWORD: self._config[CONF_PASSWORD], CONF_INSTALL_ID: self._config.get(CONF_INSTALL_ID), CONF_TIMEOUT: self._config.get(CONF_TIMEOUT), CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN_CACHE_FILE: self._access_token_cache_file, } async def async_setup(self, conf): """Create the api and authenticator objects.""" if conf.get(VERIFICATION_CODE_KEY): return self._access_token_cache_file = conf.get( CONF_ACCESS_TOKEN_CACHE_FILE, f".{conf[CONF_USERNAME]}{DEFAULT_AUGUST_CONFIG_FILE}", ) self._config = conf self.api = ApiAsync( self._aiohttp_session, timeout=self._config.get(CONF_TIMEOUT) ) self.authenticator = AuthenticatorAsync( self.api, self._config[CONF_LOGIN_METHOD], self._config[CONF_USERNAME], self._config[CONF_PASSWORD], install_id=self._config.get(CONF_INSTALL_ID), access_token_cache_file=self._hass.config.path( self._access_token_cache_file ), ) await self.authenticator.async_setup_authentication() async def async_authenticate(self): """Authenticate with the details provided to setup.""" self.authentication = None try: self.authentication = await self.authenticator.async_authenticate() if self.authentication.state == AuthenticationState.AUTHENTICATED: # Call the locks api to verify we are actually # authenticated because we can be authenticated # by have no access await self.api.async_get_operable_locks(self.access_token) except ClientResponseError as ex: if ex.status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED: raise InvalidAuth from ex raise CannotConnect from ex except ClientError as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to August service: %s", str(ex)) raise CannotConnect from ex if self.authentication.state == AuthenticationState.BAD_PASSWORD: raise InvalidAuth if self.authentication.state == AuthenticationState.REQUIRES_VALIDATION: raise RequireValidation if self.authentication.state != AuthenticationState.AUTHENTICATED: _LOGGER.error("Unknown authentication state: %s", self.authentication.state) raise InvalidAuth return self.authentication async def async_reset_authentication(self): """Remove the cache file.""" await self._hass.async_add_executor_job(self._reset_authentication) def _reset_authentication(self): """Remove the cache file.""" if os.path.exists(self._access_token_cache_file): os.unlink(self._access_token_cache_file) async def async_refresh_access_token_if_needed(self): """Refresh the august access token if needed.""" if self.authenticator.should_refresh(): async with self._token_refresh_lock: refreshed_authentication = ( await self.authenticator.async_refresh_access_token(force=False) ) _LOGGER.info( "Refreshed august access token. The old token expired at %s, and the new token expires at %s", self.authentication.access_token_expires, refreshed_authentication.access_token_expires, ) self.authentication = refreshed_authentication
import asyncio import logging from typing import Sequence, TypeVar, Union from pyatv import AppleTVDevice, connect_to_apple_tv, scan_for_apple_tvs from pyatv.exceptions import DeviceAuthenticationError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.discovery import SERVICE_APPLE_TV from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID, CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME from homeassistant.helpers import discovery from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN = "apple_tv" SERVICE_SCAN = "apple_tv_scan" SERVICE_AUTHENTICATE = "apple_tv_authenticate" ATTR_ATV = "atv" ATTR_POWER = "power" CONF_LOGIN_ID = "login_id" CONF_START_OFF = "start_off" CONF_CREDENTIALS = "credentials" DEFAULT_NAME = "Apple TV" DATA_APPLE_TV = "data_apple_tv" DATA_ENTITIES = "data_apple_tv_entities" KEY_CONFIG = "apple_tv_configuring" NOTIFICATION_AUTH_ID = "apple_tv_auth_notification" NOTIFICATION_AUTH_TITLE = "Apple TV Authentication" NOTIFICATION_SCAN_ID = "apple_tv_scan_notification" NOTIFICATION_SCAN_TITLE = "Apple TV Scan" T = TypeVar("T") # This version of ensure_list interprets an empty dict as no value def ensure_list(value: Union[T, Sequence[T]]) -> Sequence[T]: """Wrap value in list if it is not one.""" if value is None or (isinstance(value, dict) and not value): return [] return value if isinstance(value, list) else [value] CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { DOMAIN: vol.All( ensure_list, [ vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_LOGIN_ID): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_CREDENTIALS): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_START_OFF, default=False): cv.boolean, } ) ], ) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) # Currently no attributes but it might change later APPLE_TV_SCAN_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({}) APPLE_TV_AUTHENTICATE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({ATTR_ENTITY_ID: cv.entity_ids}) def request_configuration(hass, config, atv, credentials): """Request configuration steps from the user.""" configurator = hass.components.configurator async def configuration_callback(callback_data): """Handle the submitted configuration.""" pin = callback_data.get("pin") try: await atv.airplay.finish_authentication(pin) hass.components.persistent_notification.async_create( f"Authentication succeeded!<br /><br />" f"Add the following to credentials: " f"in your apple_tv configuration:<br /><br />{credentials}", title=NOTIFICATION_AUTH_TITLE, notification_id=NOTIFICATION_AUTH_ID, ) except DeviceAuthenticationError as ex: hass.components.persistent_notification.async_create( f"Authentication failed! Did you enter correct PIN?<br /><br />Details: {ex}", title=NOTIFICATION_AUTH_TITLE, notification_id=NOTIFICATION_AUTH_ID, ) hass.async_add_job(configurator.request_done, instance) instance = configurator.request_config( "Apple TV Authentication", configuration_callback, description="Please enter PIN code shown on screen.", submit_caption="Confirm", fields=[{"id": "pin", "name": "PIN Code", "type": "password"}], ) async def scan_apple_tvs(hass): """Scan for devices and present a notification of the ones found.""" atvs = await scan_for_apple_tvs(hass.loop, timeout=3) devices = [] for atv in atvs: login_id = atv.login_id if login_id is None: login_id = "Home Sharing disabled" devices.append( f"Name: {atv.name}<br />Host: {atv.address}<br />Login ID: {login_id}" ) if not devices: devices = ["No device(s) found"] found_devices = "<br /><br />".join(devices) hass.components.persistent_notification.async_create( f"The following devices were found:<br /><br />{found_devices}", title=NOTIFICATION_SCAN_TITLE, notification_id=NOTIFICATION_SCAN_ID, ) async def async_setup(hass, config): """Set up the Apple TV component.""" if DATA_APPLE_TV not in hass.data: hass.data[DATA_APPLE_TV] = {} async def async_service_handler(service): """Handle service calls.""" entity_ids = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) if service.service == SERVICE_SCAN: hass.async_add_job(scan_apple_tvs, hass) return if entity_ids: devices = [ device for device in hass.data[DATA_ENTITIES] if device.entity_id in entity_ids ] else: devices = hass.data[DATA_ENTITIES] for device in devices: if service.service != SERVICE_AUTHENTICATE: continue atv = device.atv credentials = await atv.airplay.generate_credentials() await atv.airplay.load_credentials(credentials) _LOGGER.debug("Generated new credentials: %s", credentials) await atv.airplay.start_authentication() hass.async_add_job(request_configuration, hass, config, atv, credentials) async def atv_discovered(service, info): """Set up an Apple TV that was auto discovered.""" await _setup_atv( hass, config, { CONF_NAME: info["name"], CONF_HOST: info["host"], CONF_LOGIN_ID: info["properties"]["hG"], CONF_START_OFF: False, }, ) discovery.async_listen(hass, SERVICE_APPLE_TV, atv_discovered) tasks = [_setup_atv(hass, config, conf) for conf in config.get(DOMAIN, [])] if tasks: await asyncio.wait(tasks) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SCAN, async_service_handler, schema=APPLE_TV_SCAN_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_AUTHENTICATE, async_service_handler, schema=APPLE_TV_AUTHENTICATE_SCHEMA, ) return True async def _setup_atv(hass, hass_config, atv_config): """Set up an Apple TV.""" name = atv_config.get(CONF_NAME) host = atv_config.get(CONF_HOST) login_id = atv_config.get(CONF_LOGIN_ID) start_off = atv_config.get(CONF_START_OFF) credentials = atv_config.get(CONF_CREDENTIALS) if host in hass.data[DATA_APPLE_TV]: return details = AppleTVDevice(name, host, login_id) session = async_get_clientsession(hass) atv = connect_to_apple_tv(details, hass.loop, session=session) if credentials: await atv.airplay.load_credentials(credentials) power = AppleTVPowerManager(hass, atv, start_off) hass.data[DATA_APPLE_TV][host] = {ATTR_ATV: atv, ATTR_POWER: power} hass.async_create_task( discovery.async_load_platform( hass, "media_player", DOMAIN, atv_config, hass_config ) ) hass.async_create_task( discovery.async_load_platform(hass, "remote", DOMAIN, atv_config, hass_config) ) class AppleTVPowerManager: """Manager for global power management of an Apple TV. An instance is used per device to share the same power state between several platforms. """ def __init__(self, hass, atv, is_off): """Initialize power manager.""" self.hass = hass self.atv = atv self.listeners = [] self._is_on = not is_off def init(self): """Initialize power management.""" if self._is_on: self.atv.push_updater.start() @property def turned_on(self): """Return true if device is on or off.""" return self._is_on def set_power_on(self, value): """Change if a device is on or off.""" if value != self._is_on: self._is_on = value if not self._is_on: self.atv.push_updater.stop() else: self.atv.push_updater.start() for listener in self.listeners: self.hass.async_create_task(listener.async_update_ha_state())
import pytest import socket from kombu import Connection, Exchange, Queue, Consumer, Producer class test_MemoryTransport: def setup(self): self.c = Connection(transport='memory') self.e = Exchange('test_transport_memory') self.q = Queue('test_transport_memory', exchange=self.e, routing_key='test_transport_memory') self.q2 = Queue('test_transport_memory2', exchange=self.e, routing_key='test_transport_memory2') self.fanout = Exchange('test_transport_memory_fanout', type='fanout') self.q3 = Queue('test_transport_memory_fanout1', exchange=self.fanout) self.q4 = Queue('test_transport_memory_fanout2', exchange=self.fanout) def test_driver_version(self): assert self.c.transport.driver_version() def test_produce_consume_noack(self): channel = self.c.channel() producer = Producer(channel, self.e) consumer = Consumer(channel, self.q, no_ack=True) for i in range(10): producer.publish({'foo': i}, routing_key='test_transport_memory') _received = [] def callback(message_data, message): _received.append(message) consumer.register_callback(callback) consumer.consume() while 1: if len(_received) == 10: break self.c.drain_events() assert len(_received) == 10 def test_produce_consume_fanout(self): producer = self.c.Producer() consumer = self.c.Consumer([self.q3, self.q4]) producer.publish( {'hello': 'world'}, declare=consumer.queues, exchange=self.fanout, ) assert self.q3(self.c).get().payload == {'hello': 'world'} assert self.q4(self.c).get().payload == {'hello': 'world'} assert self.q3(self.c).get() is None assert self.q4(self.c).get() is None def test_produce_consume(self): channel = self.c.channel() producer = Producer(channel, self.e) consumer1 = Consumer(channel, self.q) consumer2 = Consumer(channel, self.q2) self.q2(channel).declare() for i in range(10): producer.publish({'foo': i}, routing_key='test_transport_memory') for i in range(10): producer.publish({'foo': i}, routing_key='test_transport_memory2') _received1 = [] _received2 = [] def callback1(message_data, message): _received1.append(message) message.ack() def callback2(message_data, message): _received2.append(message) message.ack() consumer1.register_callback(callback1) consumer2.register_callback(callback2) consumer1.consume() consumer2.consume() while 1: if len(_received1) + len(_received2) == 20: break self.c.drain_events() assert len(_received1) + len(_received2) == 20 # compression producer.publish({'compressed': True}, routing_key='test_transport_memory', compression='zlib') m = self.q(channel).get() assert m.payload == {'compressed': True} # queue.delete for i in range(10): producer.publish({'foo': i}, routing_key='test_transport_memory') assert self.q(channel).get() self.q(channel).delete() self.q(channel).declare() assert self.q(channel).get() is None # queue.purge for i in range(10): producer.publish({'foo': i}, routing_key='test_transport_memory2') assert self.q2(channel).get() self.q2(channel).purge() assert self.q2(channel).get() is None def test_drain_events(self): with pytest.raises(socket.timeout): self.c.drain_events(timeout=0.1) c1 = self.c.channel() c2 = self.c.channel() with pytest.raises(socket.timeout): self.c.drain_events(timeout=0.1) del(c1) # so pyflakes doesn't complain. del(c2) def test_drain_events_unregistered_queue(self): c1 = self.c.channel() producer = self.c.Producer() consumer = self.c.Consumer([self.q2]) producer.publish( {'hello': 'world'}, declare=consumer.queues, routing_key=self.q2.routing_key, exchange=self.q2.exchange, ) message = consumer.queues[0].get()._raw class Cycle: def get(self, callback, timeout=None): return (message, 'foo'), c1 self.c.transport.cycle = Cycle() self.c.drain_events() def test_queue_for(self): chan = self.c.channel() chan.queues.clear() x = chan._queue_for('foo') assert x assert chan._queue_for('foo') is x # see the issue # https://github.com/celery/kombu/issues/1050 def test_producer_on_return(self): def on_return(_exception, _exchange, _routing_key, _message): pass channel = self.c.channel() producer = Producer(channel, on_return=on_return) consumer = self.c.Consumer([self.q3]) producer.publish( {'hello': 'on return'}, declare=consumer.queues, exchange=self.fanout, ) assert self.q3(self.c).get().payload == {'hello': 'on return'} assert self.q3(self.c).get() is None
import numpy as np from scattertext.Scalers import percentile_min from scattertext.termranking import AbsoluteFrequencyRanker class ScatterChartData(object): def __init__(self, minimum_term_frequency=3, minimum_not_category_term_frequency=0, jitter=None, seed=0, pmi_threshold_coefficient=3, max_terms=None, filter_unigrams=False, term_ranker=AbsoluteFrequencyRanker, use_non_text_features=False, term_significance=None, terms_to_include=None, score_transform=percentile_min): ''' Parameters ---------- term_doc_matrix : TermDocMatrix The term doc matrix to use for the scatter chart. minimum_term_frequency : int, optional Minimum times an ngram has to be seen to be included. Default is 3. minimum_not_category_term_frequency : int, optional If an n-gram does not occur in the category, minimum times it must been seen to be included. Default is 0. jitter : float, optional Maximum amount of noise to be added to points, 0.2 is a lot. Default is None to disable jitter. seed : float, optional Random seed. Default 0 pmi_threshold_coefficient : int Filter out bigrams with a PMI of < 2 * pmi_threshold_coefficient. Default is 3 max_terms : int, optional Maximum number of terms to include in visualization filter_unigrams : bool, optional If True, remove unigrams that are part of bigrams. Default is False. term_ranker : TermRanker, optional TermRanker class for determining term frequency ranks. use_non_text_features : bool, default = False Use non-BoW features (e.g., Empath) instead of text features term_significance : TermSignificance instance or None Way of getting significance scores. If None, p values will not be added. terms_to_include : set or None Only annotate these terms in chart score_transform : function Transforms original scores into value between 0 and 1. Default is percentile_min ''' self.jitter = jitter self.minimum_term_frequency = minimum_term_frequency self.minimum_not_category_term_frequency = minimum_not_category_term_frequency self.seed = seed self.pmi_threshold_coefficient = pmi_threshold_coefficient self.filter_unigrams = filter_unigrams self.term_ranker = term_ranker self.max_terms = max_terms self.use_non_text_features = use_non_text_features self.term_significance = term_significance self.terms_to_include = terms_to_include self.score_transform = score_transform np.random.seed(seed)
import os from molecule import logger from molecule import util LOG = logger.get_logger(__name__) VALID_KEYS = [ 'created', 'converged', 'driver', 'prepared', 'sanity_checked', ] class InvalidState(Exception): """ Exception class raised when an error occurs in :class:`.State`. """ pass class State(object): """ A class which manages the state file. Intended to be used as a singleton throughout a given Molecule config. The initial state is serialized to disk if the file does not exist, otherwise is deserialized from the existing state file. Changes made to the object are immediately serialized. State is not a top level option in Molecule's config. It's purpose is for bookkeeping, and each :class:`.Config` object has a reference to a State_ object. .. note:: Currently, it's use is significantly smaller than it was in v1 of Molecule. """ def __init__(self, config): """ Initialize a new state class and returns None. :param config: An instance of a Molecule config. :returns: None """ self._config = config self._state_file = self._get_state_file() self._data = self._get_data() self._write_state_file() def marshal(func): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): func(self, *args, **kwargs) self._write_state_file() return wrapper @property def state_file(self): return self._state_file @property def converged(self): return self._data.get('converged') @property def created(self): return self._data.get('created') @property def driver(self): return self._data.get('driver') @property def prepared(self): return self._data.get('prepared') @property def sanity_checked(self): return self._data.get('sanity_checked') @marshal def reset(self): self._data = self._default_data() @marshal def change_state(self, key, value): """ Changes the state of the instance data with the given ``key`` and the provided ``value``. Wrapping with a decorator is probably not necessary. :param key: A ``str`` containing the key to update :param value: A value to change the ``key`` to :return: None """ if key not in VALID_KEYS: raise InvalidState self._data[key] = value def _get_data(self): if os.path.isfile(self.state_file): return self._load_file() return self._default_data() def _default_data(self): return { 'converged': False, 'created': False, 'driver': None, 'prepared': None, 'sanity_checked': False, } def _load_file(self): return util.safe_load_file(self.state_file) def _write_state_file(self): util.write_file(self.state_file, util.safe_dump(self._data)) def _get_state_file(self): return os.path.join(self._config.scenario.ephemeral_directory, 'state.yml')
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import tensorflow as tf from preprocessing import preprocessing_factory from configs.kitti_config import config from nets.mobilenetdet import scale_bboxes from datasets import dataset_factory from tensorflow.contrib import slim dataset = dataset_factory.get_dataset( 'kitti', 'train', '/home/zehao/Dataset/KITII/tfrecord') # def conver_box(bboxes, img_h, img_w): # [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] = tf.unstack(bboxes, axis=1) # img_h = tf.cast(img_h, tf.float32) # img_w = tf.cast(img_w, tf.float32) # ymin = tf.truediv(ymin, img_h) # xmin = tf.truediv(xmin, img_w) # ymax = tf.truediv(ymax, img_h) # xmax = tf.truediv(xmax, img_w) # return tf.expand_dims(tf.stack([ymin,xmin,ymax,xmax], axis=1), axis=0) with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: with tf.device('/cpu:0'): provider = slim.dataset_data_provider.DatasetDataProvider( dataset, num_readers=1, common_queue_capacity=20 * 1, common_queue_min=10 * 1) [image, shape, bbox, label] = provider.get(['image', 'shape', 'object/bbox', 'object/label']) bbox = scale_bboxes(bbox, shape) bbox = tf.expand_dims(bbox, axis=0) image_preprocessing_fn = preprocessing_factory.get_preprocessing( 'mobilenetdet', is_training=True) image, gt_labels, gt_bboxes = image_preprocessing_fn(image, config.IMG_HEIGHT, config.IMG_WIDTH, labels=label, bboxes=bbox, ) with tf.Session() as sess: coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord) # [image, bbox, label] = sess.run([image, gt_bboxes, gt_labels]) summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("/home/zehao/PycharmProjects/MobileNet/summary", sess.graph) merge = tf.summary.merge_all() merge = sess.run(merge) summary_writer.add_summary(merge) summary_writer.close()
from homeassistant.components.light import SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS, LightEntity from . import DOMAIN as QWIKSWITCH, QSToggleEntity async def async_setup_platform(hass, _, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Add lights from the main Qwikswitch component.""" if discovery_info is None: return qsusb = hass.data[QWIKSWITCH] devs = [QSLight(qsid, qsusb) for qsid in discovery_info[QWIKSWITCH]] add_entities(devs) class QSLight(QSToggleEntity, LightEntity): """Light based on a Qwikswitch relay/dimmer module.""" @property def brightness(self): """Return the brightness of this light (0-255).""" return self.device.value if self.device.is_dimmer else None @property def supported_features(self): """Flag supported features.""" return SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS if self.device.is_dimmer else 0
from homeassistant import setup import homeassistant.components.sleepiq as sleepiq from tests.async_mock import MagicMock, patch from tests.common import load_fixture CONFIG = {"sleepiq": {"username": "foo", "password": "bar"}} def mock_responses(mock, single=False): """Mock responses for SleepIQ.""" base_url = "https://prod-api.sleepiq.sleepnumber.com/rest/" if single: suffix = "-single" else: suffix = "" mock.put(base_url + "login", text=load_fixture("sleepiq-login.json")) mock.get(base_url + "bed?_k=0987", text=load_fixture(f"sleepiq-bed{suffix}.json")) mock.get(base_url + "sleeper?_k=0987", text=load_fixture("sleepiq-sleeper.json")) mock.get( base_url + "bed/familyStatus?_k=0987", text=load_fixture(f"sleepiq-familystatus{suffix}.json"), ) async def test_setup(hass, requests_mock): """Test the setup.""" mock_responses(requests_mock) # We're mocking the load_platform discoveries or else the platforms # will be setup during tear down when blocking till done, but the mocks # are no longer active. with patch("homeassistant.helpers.discovery.load_platform", MagicMock()): assert sleepiq.setup(hass, CONFIG) async def test_setup_login_failed(hass, requests_mock): """Test the setup if a bad username or password is given.""" mock_responses(requests_mock) requests_mock.put( "https://prod-api.sleepiq.sleepnumber.com/rest/login", status_code=401, json=load_fixture("sleepiq-login-failed.json"), ) response = sleepiq.setup(hass, CONFIG) assert not response async def test_setup_component_no_login(hass): """Test the setup when no login is configured.""" conf = CONFIG.copy() del conf["sleepiq"]["username"] assert not await setup.async_setup_component(hass, sleepiq.DOMAIN, conf) async def test_setup_component_no_password(hass): """Test the setup when no password is configured.""" conf = CONFIG.copy() del conf["sleepiq"]["password"] assert not await setup.async_setup_component(hass, sleepiq.DOMAIN, conf)
from flexx import flx class SineExample(flx.Widget): def init(self): time = [i/100 for i in range(100)] with flx.VBox(): with flx.HBox(): flx.Label(text='Frequency:') self.slider1 = flx.Slider(min=1, max=10, value=5, flex=1) flx.Label(text='Phase:') self.slider2 = flx.Slider(min=0, max=6, value=0, flex=1) self.plot = flx.PlotWidget(flex=1, xdata=time, xlabel='time', ylabel='amplitude', title='a sinusoid') @flx.reaction def __update_amplitude(self, *events): global Math freq, phase = self.slider1.value, self.slider2.value ydata = [] for x in self.plot.xdata: ydata.append(Math.sin(freq*x*2*Math.PI+phase)) self.plot.set_data(self.plot.xdata, ydata) if __name__ == '__main__': m = flx.launch(SineExample) flx.run()
import temescal from homeassistant.components.media_player import MediaPlayerEntity from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( SUPPORT_SELECT_SOUND_MODE, SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE, SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE, SUPPORT_VOLUME_SET, ) from homeassistant.const import STATE_ON SUPPORT_LG = ( SUPPORT_VOLUME_SET | SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE | SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE | SUPPORT_SELECT_SOUND_MODE ) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the LG platform.""" if discovery_info is not None: add_entities([LGDevice(discovery_info)]) class LGDevice(MediaPlayerEntity): """Representation of an LG soundbar device.""" def __init__(self, discovery_info): """Initialize the LG speakers.""" self._host = discovery_info.get("host") self._port = discovery_info.get("port") properties = discovery_info.get("properties") self._uuid = properties.get("UUID") self._name = "" self._volume = 0 self._volume_min = 0 self._volume_max = 0 self._function = -1 self._functions = [] self._equaliser = -1 self._equalisers = [] self._mute = 0 self._rear_volume = 0 self._rear_volume_min = 0 self._rear_volume_max = 0 self._woofer_volume = 0 self._woofer_volume_min = 0 self._woofer_volume_max = 0 self._bass = 0 self._treble = 0 self._device = None async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Register the callback after hass is ready for it.""" await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._connect) def _connect(self): """Perform the actual devices setup.""" self._device = temescal.temescal( self._host, port=self._port, callback=self.handle_event ) self.update() def handle_event(self, response): """Handle responses from the speakers.""" data = response["data"] if response["msg"] == "EQ_VIEW_INFO": if "i_bass" in data: self._bass = data["i_bass"] if "i_treble" in data: self._treble = data["i_treble"] if "ai_eq_list" in data: self._equalisers = data["ai_eq_list"] if "i_curr_eq" in data: self._equaliser = data["i_curr_eq"] elif response["msg"] == "SPK_LIST_VIEW_INFO": if "i_vol" in data: self._volume = data["i_vol"] if "s_user_name" in data: self._name = data["s_user_name"] if "i_vol_min" in data: self._volume_min = data["i_vol_min"] if "i_vol_max" in data: self._volume_max = data["i_vol_max"] if "b_mute" in data: self._mute = data["b_mute"] if "i_curr_func" in data: self._function = data["i_curr_func"] elif response["msg"] == "FUNC_VIEW_INFO": if "i_curr_func" in data: self._function = data["i_curr_func"] if "ai_func_list" in data: self._functions = data["ai_func_list"] elif response["msg"] == "SETTING_VIEW_INFO": if "i_rear_min" in data: self._rear_volume_min = data["i_rear_min"] if "i_rear_max" in data: self._rear_volume_max = data["i_rear_max"] if "i_rear_level" in data: self._rear_volume = data["i_rear_level"] if "i_woofer_min" in data: self._woofer_volume_min = data["i_woofer_min"] if "i_woofer_max" in data: self._woofer_volume_max = data["i_woofer_max"] if "i_woofer_level" in data: self._woofer_volume = data["i_woofer_level"] if "i_curr_eq" in data: self._equaliser = data["i_curr_eq"] if "s_user_name" in data: self._name = data["s_user_name"] self.schedule_update_ha_state() def update(self): """Trigger updates from the device.""" self._device.get_eq() self._device.get_info() self._device.get_func() self._device.get_settings() self._device.get_product_info() # Temporary fix until handling of unknown equaliser settings is integrated in the temescal library for equaliser in self._equalisers: if equaliser >= len(temescal.equalisers): temescal.equalisers.append("unknown " + str(equaliser)) @property def unique_id(self): """Return the device's unique ID.""" return self._uuid @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device.""" return self._name @property def volume_level(self): """Volume level of the media player (0..1).""" if self._volume_max != 0: return self._volume / self._volume_max return 0 @property def is_volume_muted(self): """Boolean if volume is currently muted.""" return self._mute @property def state(self): """Return the state of the device.""" return STATE_ON @property def sound_mode(self): """Return the current sound mode.""" if self._equaliser == -1 or self._equaliser >= len(temescal.equalisers): return None return temescal.equalisers[self._equaliser] @property def sound_mode_list(self): """Return the available sound modes.""" modes = [] for equaliser in self._equalisers: modes.append(temescal.equalisers[equaliser]) return sorted(modes) @property def source(self): """Return the current input source.""" if self._function == -1: return None return temescal.functions[self._function] @property def source_list(self): """List of available input sources.""" sources = [] for function in self._functions: sources.append(temescal.functions[function]) return sorted(sources) @property def supported_features(self): """Flag media player features that are supported.""" return SUPPORT_LG def set_volume_level(self, volume): """Set volume level, range 0..1.""" volume = volume * self._volume_max self._device.set_volume(int(volume)) def mute_volume(self, mute): """Mute (true) or unmute (false) media player.""" self._device.set_mute(mute) def select_source(self, source): """Select input source.""" self._device.set_func(temescal.functions.index(source)) def select_sound_mode(self, sound_mode): """Set Sound Mode for Receiver..""" self._device.set_eq(temescal.equalisers.index(sound_mode))
import botocore from retrying import retry from lemur.extensions import metrics, sentry from lemur.plugins.lemur_aws.sts import sts_client def retry_throttled(exception): """ Determines if this exception is due to throttling :param exception: :return: """ if isinstance(exception, botocore.exceptions.ClientError): if exception.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NoSuchEntity": return False # No need to retry deletion requests if there is a DeleteConflict error. # This error indicates that the certificate is still attached to an entity # and cannot be deleted. if exception.response["Error"]["Code"] == "DeleteConflict": return False metrics.send("iam_retry", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"exception": str(exception)}) return True def get_name_from_arn(arn): """ Extract the certificate name from an arn. :param arn: IAM SSL arn :return: name of the certificate as uploaded to AWS """ return arn.split("/", 1)[1] def create_arn_from_cert(account_number, region, certificate_name): """ Create an ARN from a certificate. :param account_number: :param region: :param certificate_name: :return: """ return "arn:aws:iam::{account_number}:server-certificate/{certificate_name}".format( account_number=account_number, certificate_name=certificate_name ) @sts_client("iam") @retry(retry_on_exception=retry_throttled, wait_fixed=2000, stop_max_attempt_number=25) def upload_cert(name, body, private_key, path, cert_chain=None, **kwargs): """ Upload a certificate to AWS :param name: :param body: :param private_key: :param cert_chain: :param path: :return: """ assert isinstance(private_key, str) client = kwargs.pop("client") if not path or path == "/": path = "/" else: name = name + "-" + path.strip("/") metrics.send("upload_cert", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"name": name, "path": path}) try: if cert_chain: return client.upload_server_certificate( Path=path, ServerCertificateName=name, CertificateBody=str(body), PrivateKey=str(private_key), CertificateChain=str(cert_chain), ) else: return client.upload_server_certificate( Path=path, ServerCertificateName=name, CertificateBody=str(body), PrivateKey=str(private_key), ) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] != "EntityAlreadyExists": raise e @sts_client("iam") @retry(retry_on_exception=retry_throttled, wait_fixed=2000, stop_max_attempt_number=25) def delete_cert(cert_name, **kwargs): """ Delete a certificate from AWS :param cert_name: :return: """ client = kwargs.pop("client") metrics.send("delete_cert", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"cert_name": cert_name}) try: client.delete_server_certificate(ServerCertificateName=cert_name) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] != "NoSuchEntity": raise e @sts_client("iam") @retry(retry_on_exception=retry_throttled, wait_fixed=2000, stop_max_attempt_number=25) def get_certificate(name, **kwargs): """ Retrieves an SSL certificate. :return: """ client = kwargs.pop("client") metrics.send("get_certificate", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"name": name}) try: return client.get_server_certificate(ServerCertificateName=name)["ServerCertificate"] except client.exceptions.NoSuchEntityException: sentry.captureException() return None @sts_client("iam") @retry(retry_on_exception=retry_throttled, wait_fixed=2000, stop_max_attempt_number=25) def get_certificates(**kwargs): """ Fetches one page of certificate objects for a given account. :param kwargs: :return: """ client = kwargs.pop("client") metrics.send("get_certificates", "counter", 1) return client.list_server_certificates(**kwargs) def get_all_certificates(**kwargs): """ Use STS to fetch all of the SSL certificates from a given account """ certificates = [] account_number = kwargs.get("account_number") metrics.send( "get_all_certificates", "counter", 1, metric_tags={"account_number": account_number}, ) while True: response = get_certificates(**kwargs) metadata = response["ServerCertificateMetadataList"] for m in metadata: certificates.append( get_certificate( m["ServerCertificateName"], account_number=account_number ) ) if not response.get("Marker"): return certificates else: kwargs.update(dict(Marker=response["Marker"]))
from homeassistant.components.sensor import DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import ( CONCENTRATION_PARTS_PER_MILLION, DEVICE_CLASS_HUMIDITY, DEVICE_CLASS_ILLUMINANCE, DEVICE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE, LIGHT_LUX, PERCENTAGE, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from . import FIBARO_DEVICES, FibaroDevice SENSOR_TYPES = { "com.fibaro.temperatureSensor": [ "Temperature", None, None, DEVICE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE, ], "com.fibaro.smokeSensor": [ "Smoke", CONCENTRATION_PARTS_PER_MILLION, "mdi:fire", None, ], "CO2": ["CO2", CONCENTRATION_PARTS_PER_MILLION, "mdi:cloud", None], "com.fibaro.humiditySensor": [ "Humidity", PERCENTAGE, None, DEVICE_CLASS_HUMIDITY, ], "com.fibaro.lightSensor": ["Light", LIGHT_LUX, None, DEVICE_CLASS_ILLUMINANCE], } def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Fibaro controller devices.""" if discovery_info is None: return add_entities( [FibaroSensor(device) for device in hass.data[FIBARO_DEVICES]["sensor"]], True ) class FibaroSensor(FibaroDevice, Entity): """Representation of a Fibaro Sensor.""" def __init__(self, fibaro_device): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.current_value = None self.last_changed_time = None super().__init__(fibaro_device) self.entity_id = f"{DOMAIN}.{self.ha_id}" if fibaro_device.type in SENSOR_TYPES: self._unit = SENSOR_TYPES[fibaro_device.type][1] self._icon = SENSOR_TYPES[fibaro_device.type][2] self._device_class = SENSOR_TYPES[fibaro_device.type][3] else: self._unit = None self._icon = None self._device_class = None try: if not self._unit: if self.fibaro_device.properties.unit == "lux": self._unit = LIGHT_LUX elif self.fibaro_device.properties.unit == "C": self._unit = TEMP_CELSIUS elif self.fibaro_device.properties.unit == "F": self._unit = TEMP_FAHRENHEIT else: self._unit = self.fibaro_device.properties.unit except (KeyError, ValueError): pass @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self.current_value @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement of this entity, if any.""" return self._unit @property def icon(self): """Icon to use in the frontend, if any.""" return self._icon @property def device_class(self): """Return the device class of the sensor.""" return self._device_class def update(self): """Update the state.""" try: self.current_value = float(self.fibaro_device.properties.value) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass
def _make_divisible(v, divisor, min_value=None): if min_value is None: min_value = divisor new_v = max(min_value, int(v + divisor / 2) // divisor * divisor) # Make sure that round down does not go down by more than 10%. if new_v < 0.9 * v: new_v += divisor return new_v def expand_input_by_factor(n, divisible_by=8): return lambda num_inputs: _make_divisible(num_inputs * n, divisible_by)
import hashlib import os as _os from urllib.request import urlretrieve import numpy as np from .backends.api import open_dataset as _open_dataset from .core.dataarray import DataArray from .core.dataset import Dataset _default_cache_dir = _os.sep.join(("~", ".xarray_tutorial_data")) def file_md5_checksum(fname): hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(fname, "rb") as f: hash_md5.update(f.read()) return hash_md5.hexdigest() # idea borrowed from Seaborn def open_dataset( name, cache=True, cache_dir=_default_cache_dir, github_url="https://github.com/pydata/xarray-data", branch="master", **kws, ): """ Open a dataset from the online repository (requires internet). If a local copy is found then always use that to avoid network traffic. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the file containing the dataset. If no suffix is given, assumed to be netCDF ('.nc' is appended) e.g. 'air_temperature' cache_dir : str, optional The directory in which to search for and write cached data. cache : bool, optional If True, then cache data locally for use on subsequent calls github_url : str Github repository where the data is stored branch : str The git branch to download from kws : dict, optional Passed to xarray.open_dataset See Also -------- xarray.open_dataset """ root, ext = _os.path.splitext(name) if not ext: ext = ".nc" fullname = root + ext longdir = _os.path.expanduser(cache_dir) localfile = _os.sep.join((longdir, fullname)) md5name = fullname + ".md5" md5file = _os.sep.join((longdir, md5name)) if not _os.path.exists(localfile): # This will always leave this directory on disk. # May want to add an option to remove it. if not _os.path.isdir(longdir): _os.mkdir(longdir) url = "/".join((github_url, "raw", branch, fullname)) urlretrieve(url, localfile) url = "/".join((github_url, "raw", branch, md5name)) urlretrieve(url, md5file) localmd5 = file_md5_checksum(localfile) with open(md5file) as f: remotemd5 = f.read() if localmd5 != remotemd5: _os.remove(localfile) msg = """ MD5 checksum does not match, try downloading dataset again. """ raise OSError(msg) ds = _open_dataset(localfile, **kws) if not cache: ds = ds.load() _os.remove(localfile) return ds def load_dataset(*args, **kwargs): """ Open, load into memory, and close a dataset from the online repository (requires internet). See Also -------- open_dataset """ with open_dataset(*args, **kwargs) as ds: return ds.load() def scatter_example_dataset(): A = DataArray( np.zeros([3, 11, 4, 4]), dims=["x", "y", "z", "w"], coords=[ np.arange(3), np.linspace(0, 1, 11), np.arange(4), 0.1 * np.random.randn(4), ], ) B = 0.1 * A.x ** 2 + A.y ** 2.5 + 0.1 * A.z * A.w A = -0.1 * A.x + A.y / (5 + A.z) + A.w ds = Dataset({"A": A, "B": B}) ds["w"] = ["one", "two", "three", "five"] ds.x.attrs["units"] = "xunits" ds.y.attrs["units"] = "yunits" ds.z.attrs["units"] = "zunits" ds.w.attrs["units"] = "wunits" ds.A.attrs["units"] = "Aunits" ds.B.attrs["units"] = "Bunits" return ds
import logging import threading import pychromecast from homeassistant.const import EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import dispatcher_send from .const import ( INTERNAL_DISCOVERY_RUNNING_KEY, KNOWN_CHROMECAST_INFO_KEY, SIGNAL_CAST_DISCOVERED, SIGNAL_CAST_REMOVED, ) from .helpers import ChromecastInfo, ChromeCastZeroconf _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def discover_chromecast(hass: HomeAssistant, info: ChromecastInfo): """Discover a Chromecast.""" if info.uuid is None: _LOGGER.error("Discovered chromecast without uuid %s", info) return if info.uuid in hass.data[KNOWN_CHROMECAST_INFO_KEY]: _LOGGER.debug("Discovered update for known chromecast %s", info) else: _LOGGER.debug("Discovered chromecast %s", info) hass.data[KNOWN_CHROMECAST_INFO_KEY][info.uuid] = info dispatcher_send(hass, SIGNAL_CAST_DISCOVERED, info) def _remove_chromecast(hass: HomeAssistant, info: ChromecastInfo): # Removed chromecast _LOGGER.debug("Removed chromecast %s", info) dispatcher_send(hass, SIGNAL_CAST_REMOVED, info) def setup_internal_discovery(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Set up the pychromecast internal discovery.""" if INTERNAL_DISCOVERY_RUNNING_KEY not in hass.data: hass.data[INTERNAL_DISCOVERY_RUNNING_KEY] = threading.Lock() if not hass.data[INTERNAL_DISCOVERY_RUNNING_KEY].acquire(blocking=False): # Internal discovery is already running return def internal_add_update_callback(uuid, service_name): """Handle zeroconf discovery of a new or updated chromecast.""" service = listener.services[uuid] # For support of deprecated IP based white listing zconf = ChromeCastZeroconf.get_zeroconf() service_info = None tries = 0 while service_info is None and tries < 4: try: service_info = zconf.get_service_info( "_googlecast._tcp.local.", service_name ) except OSError: # If the zeroconf fails to receive the necessary data we abort # adding the service break tries += 1 if not service_info: _LOGGER.warning( "setup_internal_discovery failed to get info for %s, %s", uuid, service_name, ) return addresses = service_info.parsed_addresses() host = addresses[0] if addresses else service_info.server discover_chromecast( hass, ChromecastInfo( services=service[0], uuid=service[1], model_name=service[2], friendly_name=service[3], host=host, port=service_info.port, ), ) def internal_remove_callback(uuid, service_name, service): """Handle zeroconf discovery of a removed chromecast.""" _remove_chromecast( hass, ChromecastInfo( services=service[0], uuid=service[1], model_name=service[2], friendly_name=service[3], ), ) _LOGGER.debug("Starting internal pychromecast discovery") listener = pychromecast.CastListener( internal_add_update_callback, internal_remove_callback, internal_add_update_callback, ) browser = pychromecast.start_discovery(listener, ChromeCastZeroconf.get_zeroconf()) def stop_discovery(event): """Stop discovery of new chromecasts.""" _LOGGER.debug("Stopping internal pychromecast discovery") pychromecast.discovery.stop_discovery(browser) hass.data[INTERNAL_DISCOVERY_RUNNING_KEY].release() hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, stop_discovery)
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import ctypes import errno import os import unittest from absl import command_name from absl.testing import absltest import mock def _get_kernel_process_name(): """Returns the Kernel's name for our process or an empty string.""" try: with open('/proc/self/status', 'rt') as status_file: for line in status_file: if line.startswith('Name:'): return line.split(':', 2)[1].strip().encode('ascii', 'replace') return b'' except IOError: return b'' def _is_prctl_syscall_available(): try: libc = ctypes.CDLL('libc.so.6', use_errno=True) except OSError: return False zero = ctypes.c_ulong(0) try: status = libc.prctl(zero, zero, zero, zero, zero) except AttributeError: return False if status < 0 and errno.ENOSYS == ctypes.get_errno(): return False return True @unittest.skipIf(not _get_kernel_process_name(), '_get_kernel_process_name() fails.') class CommandNameTest(absltest.TestCase): def assertProcessNameSimilarTo(self, new_name): if not isinstance(new_name, bytes): new_name = new_name.encode('ascii', 'replace') actual_name = _get_kernel_process_name() self.assertTrue(actual_name) self.assertTrue(new_name.startswith(actual_name), msg='set {!r} vs found {!r}'.format(new_name, actual_name)) @unittest.skipIf(not os.access('/proc/self/comm', os.W_OK), '/proc/self/comm is not writeable.') def test_set_kernel_process_name(self): new_name = u'ProcessNam0123456789abcdefghijklmnöp' command_name.set_kernel_process_name(new_name) self.assertProcessNameSimilarTo(new_name) @unittest.skipIf(not _is_prctl_syscall_available(), 'prctl() system call missing from libc.so.6.') def test_set_kernel_process_name_no_proc_file(self): new_name = b'NoProcFile0123456789abcdefghijklmnop' mock_open = mock.mock_open() with mock.patch.object(command_name, 'open', mock_open, create=True): mock_open.side_effect = IOError('mock open that raises.') command_name.set_kernel_process_name(new_name) mock_open.assert_called_with('/proc/self/comm', mock.ANY) self.assertProcessNameSimilarTo(new_name) def test_set_kernel_process_name_failure(self): starting_name = _get_kernel_process_name() new_name = b'NameTest' mock_open = mock.mock_open() mock_ctypes_cdll = mock.patch('ctypes.CDLL') with mock.patch.object(command_name, 'open', mock_open, create=True): with mock.patch('ctypes.CDLL') as mock_ctypes_cdll: mock_open.side_effect = IOError('mock open that raises.') mock_libc = mock.Mock(['prctl']) mock_ctypes_cdll.return_value = mock_libc command_name.set_kernel_process_name(new_name) mock_open.assert_called_with('/proc/self/comm', mock.ANY) self.assertEqual(1, mock_libc.prctl.call_count) self.assertEqual(starting_name, _get_kernel_process_name()) # No change. def test_make_process_name_useful(self): test_name = 'hello.from.test' with mock.patch('sys.argv', [test_name]): command_name.make_process_name_useful() self.assertProcessNameSimilarTo(test_name) if __name__ == '__main__': absltest.main()
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import unittest from absl import flags import mock from perfkitbenchmarker.providers.azure import azure_disk from tests import pkb_common_test_case FLAGS = flags.FLAGS class AzureDiskGetDevicePathTest(pkb_common_test_case.PkbCommonTestCase): def setUp(self): super(AzureDiskGetDevicePathTest, self).setUp() # Patch the __init__ method for simplicity. with mock.patch.object(azure_disk.AzureDisk, '__init__', lambda self: None): self.disk = azure_disk.AzureDisk() self.disk.disk_type = 'NOT_LOCAL' self.disk.machine_type = 'fake' def test_get_device_path_starts_at_c(self): self.disk.lun = 0 self.assertEqual('/dev/sdc', self.disk.GetDevicePath()) def test_get_device_path_eq_z(self): self.disk.lun = 23 self.assertEqual('/dev/sdz', self.disk.GetDevicePath()) def test_get_device_path_eq_aa(self): self.disk.lun = 24 self.assertEqual('/dev/sdaa', self.disk.GetDevicePath()) def test_get_device_path_eq_ba(self): self.disk.lun = 50 self.assertEqual('/dev/sdba', self.disk.GetDevicePath()) def test_get_device_path_greatest_allowable_index(self): self.disk.lun = 699 self.assertEqual('/dev/sdzz', self.disk.GetDevicePath()) def test_get_device_path_index_too_large(self): self.disk.lun = 700 with self.assertRaises(azure_disk.TooManyAzureDisksError): self.disk.GetDevicePath() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from tqdm import tqdm import matchzoo as mz from .units import StatefulUnit def build_unit_from_data_pack( unit: StatefulUnit, data_pack: mz.DataPack, mode: str = 'both', flatten: bool = True, verbose: int = 1 ) -> StatefulUnit: """ Build a :class:`StatefulUnit` from a :class:`DataPack` object. :param unit: :class:`StatefulUnit` object to be built. :param data_pack: The input :class:`DataPack` object. :param mode: One of 'left', 'right', and 'both', to determine the source data for building the :class:`VocabularyUnit`. :param flatten: Flatten the datapack or not. `True` to organize the :class:`DataPack` text as a list, and `False` to organize :class:`DataPack` text as a list of list. :param verbose: Verbosity. :return: A built :class:`StatefulUnit` object. """ corpus = [] if flatten: data_pack.apply_on_text(corpus.extend, mode=mode, verbose=verbose) else: data_pack.apply_on_text(corpus.append, mode=mode, verbose=verbose) if verbose: description = 'Building ' + unit.__class__.__name__ + \ ' from a datapack.' corpus = tqdm(corpus, desc=description) unit.fit(corpus) return unit
import collections from collections import Counter import six import yaml from jinja2 import Template from kalliope.core.NeuronParameterLoader import NeuronParameterLoader from kalliope.core.Models.MatchedSynapse import MatchedSynapse from kalliope.core.Utils.Utils import Utils from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import SettingLoader import logging logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger("kalliope") class OrderAnalyser: """ This Class is used to get a list of synapses that match a given Spoken order """ brain = None settings = None @classmethod def __init__(cls): cls.settings = SettingLoader().settings @classmethod def get_matching_synapse(cls, order, brain=None): """ Return the list of matching synapses from the given order :param order: The user order :param brain: The loaded brain :return: The List of synapses matching the given order """ cls.brain = brain logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] Received order: %s" % order) if isinstance(order, six.binary_type): order = order.decode('utf-8') # We use a namedtuple to associate the synapse and the signal of the synapse synapse_order_tuple = collections.namedtuple('tuple_synapse_matchingOrder', ['synapse', 'matched_order', 'user_order']) # if the received order is None we can stop the process immediately if order is None: return list() # test each synapse from the brain list_match_synapse = cls.get_list_match_synapse(order, synapse_order_tuple) # create a list of MatchedSynapse from the tuple list list_synapse_to_process = cls.get_list_synapses_to_process(list_match_synapse) return list_synapse_to_process @classmethod def get_list_synapses_to_process(cls, list_match_synapse): list_synapse_to_process = list() for tuple_el in list_match_synapse: new_matching_synapse = MatchedSynapse(matched_synapse=tuple_el.synapse, matched_order=tuple_el.matched_order, user_order=tuple_el.user_order) list_synapse_to_process.append(new_matching_synapse) return list_synapse_to_process @classmethod def get_list_match_synapse(cls, order, synapse_order_tuple): list_match_synapse = list() order = order.lower() # Needed for STT Correction for synapse in cls.brain.synapses: if synapse.enabled: for signal in synapse.signals: logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] Testing Synapse name %s" % synapse.name) # we are only concerned by synapse with a order type of signal if signal.name == "order": # Check if signal is matching the order and parameters. if cls.is_order_matching_signal(user_order=order, signal=signal): order = cls.order_correction(order=order, signal=signal) logger.debug("Order found! Run synapse name: %s" % synapse.name) Utils.print_success("Order matched in the brain. Running synapse \"%s\"" % synapse.name) list_match_synapse.append(synapse_order_tuple(synapse=synapse, matched_order=cls.get_signal_order(signal), user_order=order)) # we matched this synapse with an order, don't need to check another break return list_match_synapse @classmethod def order_correction(cls, order, signal): stt_correction_list = list() stt_correction_file_path = cls.get_stt_correction_file_path(signal) stt_correction = cls.get_stt_correction(signal) if stt_correction_file_path is not None: stt_correction_list = cls.load_stt_correction_file(stt_correction_file_path) if stt_correction is not None: stt_correction_list = cls.override_stt_correction_list(stt_correction_list, stt_correction) if stt_correction_list: order = cls.override_order_with_correction(order, stt_correction_list) return order @staticmethod def get_stt_correction(signal): stt_correction = None try: stt_correction = signal.parameters["stt-correction"] logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] stt-correction provided by user") except KeyError: logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] No stt-correction provided") finally: return stt_correction @staticmethod def get_not_containing_words(signal): not_containing_words = None try: not_containing_words = signal.parameters['excluded-words'] if isinstance(not_containing_words, str): logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] not contain words should be a list not a string.") not_containing_words = None raise KeyError logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] not-contain provided by user : %s" % not_containing_words) except KeyError: logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] No excluded-words provided, change expected_matching_type to normal") return not_containing_words @staticmethod def get_stt_correction_file_path(signal): stt_correction_file_path = None try: stt_correction_file_path = signal.parameters["stt-correction-file"] logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] stt-correction-file provided by user") except KeyError: logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] No stt-correction-file provided") finally: return stt_correction_file_path @staticmethod def get_matching_type(signal): expected_matching_type = "normal" try: expected_matching_type = signal.parameters["matching-type"] except KeyError: logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] Warning, missing parameter 'matching-type' in order. " "Fallback to 'normal'") finally: return expected_matching_type @staticmethod def _get_split_order_without_bracket(order): """ Get an order with bracket inside like: "hello my name is {{ name }}. return a list of string without bracket like ["hello", "my", "name", "is"] :param order: sentence to split :return: list of string without bracket """ matches = Utils.find_all_matching_brackets(order) for match in matches: order = order.replace(match, "") # then split split_order = order.split() return split_order @classmethod def is_not_contain_matching(cls, user_order, signal_order, not_containing_words): """ True if : - all word in the user_order are present in the signal_order - if not containing words in the order :param user_order: order from the user :param signal_order: order in the signal :param not_containing_words: list of words which are not present in the order :return: Boolean """ logger.debug( "[OrderAnalyser] is_not_contain_matching called with user_order: %s, signal_order: %s and should not contains %s" % (user_order, signal_order, not_containing_words)) # Check that normal matching is valid otherwise returns False if not cls.is_normal_matching(user_order, signal_order): return False for m in not_containing_words: if m in user_order.split(): return False return True @classmethod def is_normal_matching(cls, user_order, signal_order): """ True if : - all word in the user_order are present in the signal_order :param user_order: order from the user :param signal_order: order in the signal :return: Boolean """ logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] is_normal_matching called with user_order: %s, signal_order: %s" % (user_order, signal_order)) if not signal_order: return False split_user_order = user_order.split() split_signal_order_without_brackets = cls._get_split_order_without_bracket(signal_order) c1, c2 = Counter(split_signal_order_without_brackets), Counter(split_user_order) for k, n in c1.items(): if n > c2[k]: return False return True @classmethod def is_strict_matching(cls, user_order, signal_order): """ True if : - all word in the user_order are present in the signal_order - no additional word :param user_order: order from the user :param signal_order: order in the signal :return: Boolean """ logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] is_strict_matching called with user_order: %s, signal_order: %s" % (user_order, signal_order)) if cls.is_normal_matching(user_order=user_order, signal_order=signal_order): # if the signal order contains bracket, we need to instantiate it with loaded parameters from the user order if Utils.is_containing_bracket(signal_order): signal_order = cls._get_instantiated_order_signal_from_user_order(signal_order, user_order) split_user_order = user_order.split() split_instantiated_signal = signal_order.split() if len(split_user_order) == len(split_instantiated_signal): return True return False @classmethod def is_ordered_strict_matching(cls, user_order, signal_order): """ True if : - all word in the user_order are present in the signal_order - no additional word - same order as word present in signal_order :param user_order: order from the user :param signal_order: order in the signal :return: Boolean """ logger.debug( "[OrderAnalyser] ordered_strict_matching called with user_order: %s, signal_order: %s" % (user_order, signal_order)) if cls.is_normal_matching(user_order=user_order, signal_order=signal_order) and \ cls.is_strict_matching(user_order=user_order, signal_order=signal_order): # if the signal order contains bracket, we need to instantiate it with loaded parameters from the user order if Utils.is_containing_bracket(signal_order): signal_order = cls._get_instantiated_order_signal_from_user_order(signal_order, user_order) split_user_order = user_order.split() split_signal_order = signal_order.split() return split_user_order == split_signal_order return False @classmethod def is_order_matching_signal(cls, user_order, signal): """ return True if the user_order matches the provided signal. False otherwise Note: it applies `stt-correction` and handles `not-contain` matching type. :param user_order: order from the user :param signal: The signal to compare with the user_order :return: True if the order match """ matching_type_function = { "normal": cls.is_normal_matching, "strict": cls.is_strict_matching, "ordered-strict": cls.is_ordered_strict_matching, "not-contain": cls.is_not_contain_matching } expected_order_type = cls.get_matching_type(signal) signal_order = cls.get_signal_order(signal) user_order = cls.order_correction(user_order, signal) # Lowercase all incoming user_order = user_order.lower() signal_order = signal_order.lower() if expected_order_type in matching_type_function: if expected_order_type == "not-contain": not_containing_words = cls.get_not_containing_words(signal) return cls.is_not_contain_matching(user_order, signal_order, not_containing_words) else: return matching_type_function[expected_order_type](user_order, signal_order) else: return cls.is_normal_matching(user_order, signal_order) @classmethod def get_signal_order(cls, signal): signal_order = "" if isinstance(signal.parameters, str) or isinstance(signal.parameters, six.text_type): signal_order = signal.parameters if isinstance(signal.parameters, dict): try: signal_order = signal.parameters["text"] except KeyError: logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] Warning, missing parameter 'text' in order. " "Signal Order will be skipped") return signal_order @classmethod def _get_instantiated_order_signal_from_user_order(cls, signal_order, user_order): """ return instantiated signal order with parameters loaded from the user order E.g: signal_order = "this is an {{ variable }} user_order = "this is an order" returned value is: "this is an order" :param user_order: the order from the user :param signal_order: the order with brackets from the synapse :return: jinja instantiated order from the signal """ # get parameters parameters_from_user_order = NeuronParameterLoader.get_parameters(synapse_order=signal_order, user_order=user_order) # we load variables into the expected order from the signal t = Template(signal_order) signal_order = t.render(**parameters_from_user_order) return signal_order @classmethod def override_order_with_correction(cls, order, stt_correction): logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] override_order_this_correction: stt_correction list: %s" % stt_correction) logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] override_order_this_correction: order before correction: %s" % order) for correction in stt_correction: try: input_val = str(correction["input"]).lower() output_val = str(correction["output"]).lower() except KeyError as e: logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] override_order_this_correction: " "Missing key %s. Order will not be modified" % e) return order if str(input_val) in order: # remove split for the case a correction contains more than one word logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] STT override '%s' by '%s'" % (input_val, output_val)) order = order.replace(input_val, output_val) return order @classmethod def load_stt_correction_file(cls, stt_correction_file): stt_correction_file_path = Utils.get_real_file_path(stt_correction_file) stt_correction_file = open(stt_correction_file_path, "r") stt_correction = yaml.full_load(stt_correction_file) return stt_correction @classmethod def override_stt_correction_list(cls, stt_correction_list_to_override, correction_list): # add non existing dict for correction_to_check in correction_list: if correction_to_check["input"] not in (x["input"] for x in stt_correction_list_to_override): stt_correction_list_to_override.append(correction_to_check) # override dict with same input for correction_to_override in stt_correction_list_to_override: for correction_to_check in correction_list: if correction_to_check["input"] == correction_to_override["input"]: correction_to_override["output"] = correction_to_check["output"] break return stt_correction_list_to_override
from datetime import timedelta import logging from life360 import Life360Error import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import ( CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, DOMAIN as DEVICE_TRACKER_DOMAIN, ) from homeassistant.components.zone import async_active_zone from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, CONF_PREFIX, LENGTH_FEET, LENGTH_KILOMETERS, LENGTH_METERS, LENGTH_MILES, STATE_UNKNOWN, ) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_time_interval from homeassistant.util.async_ import run_callback_threadsafe from homeassistant.util.distance import convert import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from .const import ( CONF_CIRCLES, CONF_DRIVING_SPEED, CONF_ERROR_THRESHOLD, CONF_MAX_GPS_ACCURACY, CONF_MAX_UPDATE_WAIT, CONF_MEMBERS, CONF_SHOW_AS_STATE, CONF_WARNING_THRESHOLD, DOMAIN, SHOW_DRIVING, SHOW_MOVING, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SPEED_FACTOR_MPH = 2.25 EVENT_DELAY = timedelta(seconds=30) ATTR_ADDRESS = "address" ATTR_AT_LOC_SINCE = "at_loc_since" ATTR_DRIVING = "driving" ATTR_LAST_SEEN = "last_seen" ATTR_MOVING = "moving" ATTR_PLACE = "place" ATTR_RAW_SPEED = "raw_speed" ATTR_SPEED = "speed" ATTR_WAIT = "wait" ATTR_WIFI_ON = "wifi_on" EVENT_UPDATE_OVERDUE = "life360_update_overdue" EVENT_UPDATE_RESTORED = "life360_update_restored" def _include_name(filter_dict, name): if not name: return False if not filter_dict: return True name = name.lower() if filter_dict["include"]: return name in filter_dict["list"] return name not in filter_dict["list"] def _exc_msg(exc): return f"{exc.__class__.__name__}: {exc}" def _dump_filter(filter_dict, desc, func=lambda x: x): if not filter_dict: return _LOGGER.debug( "%scluding %s: %s", "In" if filter_dict["include"] else "Ex", desc, ", ".join([func(name) for name in filter_dict["list"]]), ) def setup_scanner(hass, config, see, discovery_info=None): """Set up device scanner.""" config = hass.data[DOMAIN]["config"] apis = hass.data[DOMAIN]["apis"] Life360Scanner(hass, config, see, apis) return True def _utc_from_ts(val): try: return dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(float(val)) except (TypeError, ValueError): return None def _dt_attr_from_ts(timestamp): utc = _utc_from_ts(timestamp) if utc: return utc return STATE_UNKNOWN def _bool_attr_from_int(val): try: return bool(int(val)) except (TypeError, ValueError): return STATE_UNKNOWN class Life360Scanner: """Life360 device scanner.""" def __init__(self, hass, config, see, apis): """Initialize Life360Scanner.""" self._hass = hass self._see = see self._max_gps_accuracy = config.get(CONF_MAX_GPS_ACCURACY) self._max_update_wait = config.get(CONF_MAX_UPDATE_WAIT) self._prefix = config[CONF_PREFIX] self._circles_filter = config.get(CONF_CIRCLES) self._members_filter = config.get(CONF_MEMBERS) self._driving_speed = config.get(CONF_DRIVING_SPEED) self._show_as_state = config[CONF_SHOW_AS_STATE] self._apis = apis self._errs = {} self._error_threshold = config[CONF_ERROR_THRESHOLD] self._warning_threshold = config[CONF_WARNING_THRESHOLD] self._max_errs = self._error_threshold + 1 self._dev_data = {} self._circles_logged = set() self._members_logged = set() _dump_filter(self._circles_filter, "Circles") _dump_filter(self._members_filter, "device IDs", self._dev_id) self._started = dt_util.utcnow() self._update_life360() track_time_interval( self._hass, self._update_life360, config[CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL] ) def _dev_id(self, name): return self._prefix + name def _ok(self, key): if self._errs.get(key, 0) >= self._max_errs: _LOGGER.error("%s: OK again", key) self._errs[key] = 0 def _err(self, key, err_msg): _errs = self._errs.get(key, 0) if _errs < self._max_errs: self._errs[key] = _errs = _errs + 1 msg = f"{key}: {err_msg}" if _errs >= self._error_threshold: if _errs == self._max_errs: msg = f"Suppressing further errors until OK: {msg}" _LOGGER.error(msg) elif _errs >= self._warning_threshold: _LOGGER.warning(msg) def _exc(self, key, exc): self._err(key, _exc_msg(exc)) def _prev_seen(self, dev_id, last_seen): prev_seen, reported = self._dev_data.get(dev_id, (None, False)) if self._max_update_wait: now = dt_util.utcnow() most_recent_update = last_seen or prev_seen or self._started overdue = now - most_recent_update > self._max_update_wait if overdue and not reported and now - self._started > EVENT_DELAY: self._hass.bus.fire( EVENT_UPDATE_OVERDUE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: f"{DEVICE_TRACKER_DOMAIN}.{dev_id}"}, ) reported = True elif not overdue and reported: self._hass.bus.fire( EVENT_UPDATE_RESTORED, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: f"{DEVICE_TRACKER_DOMAIN}.{dev_id}", ATTR_WAIT: str(last_seen - (prev_seen or self._started)).split( "." )[0], }, ) reported = False # Don't remember last_seen unless it's really an update. if not last_seen or prev_seen and last_seen <= prev_seen: last_seen = prev_seen self._dev_data[dev_id] = last_seen, reported return prev_seen def _update_member(self, member, dev_id): loc = member.get("location") try: last_seen = _utc_from_ts(loc.get("timestamp")) except AttributeError: last_seen = None prev_seen = self._prev_seen(dev_id, last_seen) if not loc: err_msg = member["issues"]["title"] if err_msg: if member["issues"]["dialog"]: err_msg += f": {member['issues']['dialog']}" else: err_msg = "Location information missing" self._err(dev_id, err_msg) return # Only update when we truly have an update. if not last_seen: _LOGGER.warning("%s: Ignoring update because timestamp is missing", dev_id) return if prev_seen and last_seen < prev_seen: _LOGGER.warning( "%s: Ignoring update because timestamp is older than last timestamp", dev_id, ) _LOGGER.debug("%s < %s", last_seen, prev_seen) return if last_seen == prev_seen: return lat = loc.get("latitude") lon = loc.get("longitude") gps_accuracy = loc.get("accuracy") try: lat = float(lat) lon = float(lon) # Life360 reports accuracy in feet, but Device Tracker expects # gps_accuracy in meters. gps_accuracy = round( convert(float(gps_accuracy), LENGTH_FEET, LENGTH_METERS) ) except (TypeError, ValueError): self._err(dev_id, f"GPS data invalid: {lat}, {lon}, {gps_accuracy}") return self._ok(dev_id) msg = f"Updating {dev_id}" if prev_seen: msg += f"; Time since last update: {last_seen - prev_seen}" _LOGGER.debug(msg) if self._max_gps_accuracy is not None and gps_accuracy > self._max_gps_accuracy: _LOGGER.warning( "%s: Ignoring update because expected GPS " "accuracy (%.0f) is not met: %.0f", dev_id, self._max_gps_accuracy, gps_accuracy, ) return # Get raw attribute data, converting empty strings to None. place = loc.get("name") or None address1 = loc.get("address1") or None address2 = loc.get("address2") or None if address1 and address2: address = ", ".join([address1, address2]) else: address = address1 or address2 raw_speed = loc.get("speed") or None driving = _bool_attr_from_int(loc.get("isDriving")) moving = _bool_attr_from_int(loc.get("inTransit")) try: battery = int(float(loc.get("battery"))) except (TypeError, ValueError): battery = None # Try to convert raw speed into real speed. try: speed = float(raw_speed) * SPEED_FACTOR_MPH if self._hass.config.units.is_metric: speed = convert(speed, LENGTH_MILES, LENGTH_KILOMETERS) speed = max(0, round(speed)) except (TypeError, ValueError): speed = STATE_UNKNOWN # Make driving attribute True if it isn't and we can derive that it # should be True from other data. if ( driving in (STATE_UNKNOWN, False) and self._driving_speed is not None and speed != STATE_UNKNOWN ): driving = speed >= self._driving_speed attrs = { ATTR_ADDRESS: address, ATTR_AT_LOC_SINCE: _dt_attr_from_ts(loc.get("since")), ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING: _bool_attr_from_int(loc.get("charge")), ATTR_DRIVING: driving, ATTR_LAST_SEEN: last_seen, ATTR_MOVING: moving, ATTR_PLACE: place, ATTR_RAW_SPEED: raw_speed, ATTR_SPEED: speed, ATTR_WIFI_ON: _bool_attr_from_int(loc.get("wifiState")), } # If user wants driving or moving to be shown as state, and current # location is not in a HA zone, then set location name accordingly. loc_name = None active_zone = run_callback_threadsafe( self._hass.loop, async_active_zone, self._hass, lat, lon, gps_accuracy ).result() if not active_zone: if SHOW_DRIVING in self._show_as_state and driving is True: loc_name = SHOW_DRIVING elif SHOW_MOVING in self._show_as_state and moving is True: loc_name = SHOW_MOVING self._see( dev_id=dev_id, location_name=loc_name, gps=(lat, lon), gps_accuracy=gps_accuracy, battery=battery, attributes=attrs, picture=member.get("avatar"), ) def _update_members(self, members, members_updated): for member in members: member_id = member["id"] if member_id in members_updated: continue err_key = "Member data" try: first = member.get("firstName") last = member.get("lastName") if first and last: full_name = " ".join([first, last]) else: full_name = first or last slug_name = cv.slugify(full_name) include_member = _include_name(self._members_filter, slug_name) dev_id = self._dev_id(slug_name) if member_id not in self._members_logged: self._members_logged.add(member_id) _LOGGER.debug( "%s -> %s: will%s be tracked, id=%s", full_name, dev_id, "" if include_member else " NOT", member_id, ) sharing = bool(int(member["features"]["shareLocation"])) except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError, vol.Invalid): self._err(err_key, member) continue self._ok(err_key) if include_member and sharing: members_updated.append(member_id) self._update_member(member, dev_id) def _update_life360(self, now=None): circles_updated = [] members_updated = [] for api in self._apis.values(): err_key = "get_circles" try: circles = api.get_circles() except Life360Error as exc: self._exc(err_key, exc) continue self._ok(err_key) for circle in circles: circle_id = circle["id"] if circle_id in circles_updated: continue circles_updated.append(circle_id) circle_name = circle["name"] incl_circle = _include_name(self._circles_filter, circle_name) if circle_id not in self._circles_logged: self._circles_logged.add(circle_id) _LOGGER.debug( "%s Circle: will%s be included, id=%s", circle_name, "" if incl_circle else " NOT", circle_id, ) try: places = api.get_circle_places(circle_id) place_data = "Circle's Places:" for place in places: place_data += f"\n- name: {place['name']}" place_data += f"\n latitude: {place['latitude']}" place_data += f"\n longitude: {place['longitude']}" place_data += f"\n radius: {place['radius']}" if not places: place_data += " None" _LOGGER.debug(place_data) except (Life360Error, KeyError): pass if incl_circle: err_key = f'get_circle_members "{circle_name}"' try: members = api.get_circle_members(circle_id) except Life360Error as exc: self._exc(err_key, exc) continue self._ok(err_key) self._update_members(members, members_updated)
import pygogo as gogo from itertools import chain from html.parser import HTMLParser from meza.compat import decode from riko.utils import fetch from riko.bado import coroutine, return_value, microdom from riko.bado.io import async_url_open TIMEOUT = 10 logger = gogo.Gogo(__name__, monolog=True).logger class LinkParser(HTMLParser): def reset(self): HTMLParser.reset(self) self.entry = iter([]) def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): entry = dict(attrs) alternate = entry.get('rel') == 'alternate' rss = 'rss' in entry.get('type', '') if (alternate or rss) and 'href' in entry: entry['link'] = entry['href'] entry['tag'] = tag self.entry = chain(self.entry, [entry]) def file2entries(f, parser): for line in f: parser.feed(decode(line)) for entry in parser.entry: yield entry def doc2entries(document): for node in document.childNodes: if hasattr(node, 'attributes') and node.attributes: entry = node.attributes alternate = entry.get('rel') == 'alternate' rss = 'rss' in entry.get('type', '') else: alternate = rss = None if (alternate or rss) and 'href' in entry: entry['link'] = entry['href'] entry['tag'] = node.nodeName yield entry for node in document.childNodes: for entry in doc2entries(node): yield entry @coroutine def async_get_rss(url, convert_charrefs=False): try: f = yield async_url_open(url, timeout=TIMEOUT) except ValueError: f = filter(None, url.splitlines()) document = microdom.parse(f, lenient=True) return_value(doc2entries(document)) def get_rss(url, convert_charrefs=False): try: parser = LinkParser(convert_charrefs=convert_charrefs) except TypeError: parser = LinkParser() try: f = fetch(url, timeout=TIMEOUT) except ValueError: f = filter(None, url.splitlines()) return file2entries(f, parser)
from .precision import Precision from .average_precision import AveragePrecision from .discounted_cumulative_gain import DiscountedCumulativeGain from .mean_reciprocal_rank import MeanReciprocalRank from .mean_average_precision import MeanAveragePrecision from .normalized_discounted_cumulative_gain import \ NormalizedDiscountedCumulativeGain def list_available() -> list: from matchzoo.engine.base_metric import BaseMetric from matchzoo.utils import list_recursive_concrete_subclasses return list_recursive_concrete_subclasses(BaseMetric)
import copy import json import logging import re import time from yandextank.common.util import expand_to_seconds, expand_to_milliseconds from ...common.interfaces import AbstractCriterion logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AvgTimeCriterion(AbstractCriterion): """ average response time criterion """ @staticmethod def get_type_string(): return 'time' def __init__(self, autostop, param_str): AbstractCriterion.__init__(self) self.seconds_count = 0 params = param_str.split(',') self.rt_limit = expand_to_milliseconds(params[0]) self.seconds_limit = expand_to_seconds(params[1]) self.autostop = autostop self.tag = params[2].strip() if len(params) == 3 else None def notify(self, data, stat): rt_total, requests_number = self.parse_data(data) rt_actual = rt_total / 1000.0 / requests_number if rt_actual > self.rt_limit: if not self.seconds_count: self.cause_second = (data, stat) logger.debug(self.explain()) self.seconds_count += 1 self.autostop.add_counting(self) if self.seconds_count >= self.seconds_limit: return True else: self.seconds_count = 0 return False def parse_data(self, data): requests_number = data["overall"]["interval_real"]["len"] # Parse data for specific tag if it is present if self.tag: if data["tagged"].get(self.tag): rt_total = data["tagged"][self.tag]["interval_real"]["total"] requests_number = data["tagged"][self.tag]["interval_real"]["len"] # rt_total=0 if current tag differs from selected one else: rt_total = 0 # Parse data for overall else: rt_total = data["overall"]["interval_real"]["total"] return rt_total, requests_number def get_rc(self): return self.RC_TIME def explain(self): items = self.get_criterion_parameters() explanation = "Average response time higher than %(limit)sms for %(seconds_count)ss, since %(since_time)s" % items if self.tag: explanation = explanation + " for tag %(tag)s" % items return explanation def get_criterion_parameters(self): parameters = { 'limit': self.rt_limit, 'seconds_count': self.seconds_count, 'seconds_limit': self.seconds_limit, 'since_time': self.cause_second[0]["ts"], 'tag': self.tag } return parameters def widget_explain(self): items = self.get_criterion_parameters() return "Avg Time >%(limit)sms for %(seconds_count)s/%(seconds_limit)ss" % items, \ float(self.seconds_count) / self.seconds_limit class HTTPCodesCriterion(AbstractCriterion): """ HTTP codes criterion """ @staticmethod def get_type_string(): return 'http' def __init__(self, autostop, param_str): AbstractCriterion.__init__(self) self.seconds_count = 0 params = param_str.split(',') self.codes_mask = params[0].lower() self.codes_regex = re.compile(self.codes_mask.replace("x", '.')) self.autostop = autostop level_str = params[1].strip() if level_str[-1:] == '%': self.level = float(level_str[:-1]) / 100 self.is_relative = True else: self.level = int(level_str) self.is_relative = False self.seconds_limit = expand_to_seconds(params[2]) self.tag = params[3].strip() if len(params) == 4 else None def notify(self, data, stat): matched_responses, total_responses = self.parse_data(data) if self.is_relative: if total_responses: matched_responses = float(matched_responses) / total_responses else: matched_responses = 0 logger.debug("HTTP codes matching mask %s: %s/%s", self.codes_mask, matched_responses, self.level) if matched_responses >= self.level: if not self.seconds_count: self.cause_second = (data, stat) logger.debug(self.explain()) self.seconds_count += 1 self.autostop.add_counting(self) if self.seconds_count >= self.seconds_limit: return True else: self.seconds_count = 0 return False def parse_data(self, data): # Parse data for specific tag if self.tag: if data["tagged"].get(self.tag): total_responses = data["tagged"][self.tag]["interval_real"]["len"] matched_responses = self.count_matched_codes( self.codes_regex, data["tagged"][self.tag]["proto_code"]["count"]) # matched_responses=0 if current tag differs from selected one else: matched_responses = 0 total_responses = data["overall"]["interval_real"]["len"] # Parse data for overall else: matched_responses = self.count_matched_codes(self.codes_regex, data["overall"]["proto_code"]["count"]) total_responses = data["overall"]["interval_real"]["len"] return matched_responses, total_responses def get_rc(self): return self.RC_HTTP def get_level_str(self): """ format level str """ if self.is_relative: level_str = str(100 * self.level) + "%" else: level_str = self.level return level_str def explain(self): items = self.get_criterion_parameters() explanation = "%(code)s codes count higher than %(level)s for %(seconds_count)ss, since %(since_time)s" % items if self.tag: explanation = explanation + " for tag %(tag)s" % items return explanation def get_criterion_parameters(self): parameters = { 'code': self.codes_mask, 'level': self.get_level_str(), 'seconds_count': self.seconds_count, 'seconds_limit': self.seconds_limit, 'since_time': self.cause_second[0].get('ts'), 'tag': self.tag } return parameters def widget_explain(self): items = self.get_criterion_parameters() return "HTTP %(code)s>%(level)s for %(seconds_count)s/%(seconds_limit)ss" % items, \ float(self.seconds_count) / self.seconds_limit class NetCodesCriterion(AbstractCriterion): """ Net codes criterion """ @staticmethod def get_type_string(): return 'net' def __init__(self, autostop, param_str): AbstractCriterion.__init__(self) self.seconds_count = 0 params = param_str.split(',') self.codes_mask = params[0].lower() self.codes_regex = re.compile(self.codes_mask.replace("x", '.')) self.autostop = autostop level_str = params[1].strip() if level_str[-1:] == '%': self.level = float(level_str[:-1]) / 100 self.is_relative = True else: self.level = int(level_str) self.is_relative = False self.seconds_limit = expand_to_seconds(params[2]) self.tag = params[3].strip() if len(params) == 4 else None def notify(self, data, stat): matched_responses, total_responses = self.parse_data(data) if self.is_relative: if total_responses: matched_responses = float(matched_responses) / total_responses else: matched_responses = 0 logger.debug("Net codes matching mask %s: %s/%s", self.codes_mask, matched_responses, self.level) if matched_responses >= self.level: if not self.seconds_count: self.cause_second = (data, stat) logger.debug(self.explain()) self.seconds_count += 1 self.autostop.add_counting(self) if self.seconds_count >= self.seconds_limit: return True else: self.seconds_count = 0 return False def parse_data(self, data): # Count data for specific tag if it's present if self.tag: if data["tagged"].get(self.tag): total_responses = data["tagged"][self.tag]["interval_real"]["len"] code_count = data["tagged"][self.tag]["net_code"]["count"] codes = copy.deepcopy(code_count) if '0' in codes: codes.pop('0') matched_responses = self.count_matched_codes(self.codes_regex, codes) # matched_responses=0 if current tag differs from selected one else: matched_responses = 0 total_responses = data["overall"]["interval_real"]["len"] # Count data for overall else: code_count = data["overall"]["net_code"]["count"] total_responses = data["overall"]["interval_real"]["len"] codes = copy.deepcopy(code_count) if '0' in codes: codes.pop('0') matched_responses = self.count_matched_codes(self.codes_regex, codes) return matched_responses, total_responses def get_rc(self): return self.RC_NET def get_level_str(self): """ format level str """ if self.is_relative: level_str = str(100 * self.level) + "%" else: level_str = self.level return level_str def explain(self): items = self.get_criterion_parameters() explanation = "%(code)s net codes count higher than %(level)s for %(seconds_count)ss, since %(since_time)s" \ % items if self.tag: explanation = explanation + " for tag %(tag)s" % items return explanation def get_criterion_parameters(self): parameters = { 'code': self.codes_mask, 'level': self.get_level_str(), 'seconds_count': self.seconds_count, 'seconds_limit': self.seconds_limit, 'since_time': self.cause_second[0].get("ts"), 'tag': self.tag } return parameters def widget_explain(self): items = self.get_criterion_parameters() return "Net %(code)s>%(level)s for %(seconds_count)s/%(seconds_limit)ss" % items, \ float(self.seconds_count) / self.seconds_limit class QuantileCriterion(AbstractCriterion): """ quantile criterion """ @staticmethod def get_type_string(): return 'quantile' def __init__(self, autostop, param_str): AbstractCriterion.__init__(self) self.seconds_count = 0 params = param_str.split(',') self.quantile = float(params[0]) self.rt_limit = expand_to_milliseconds(params[1]) self.seconds_limit = expand_to_seconds(params[2]) self.autostop = autostop self.tag = params[3].strip() if len(params) == 4 else None def notify(self, data, stat): quantiles = self.parse_data(data) logger.debug('Autostop quantiles for ts %s: %s', data['ts'], quantiles) if self.quantile not in quantiles.keys(): logger.warning("No quantile %s in %s", self.quantile, quantiles) if self.quantile in quantiles.keys() and quantiles[self.quantile] / 1000.0 > self.rt_limit: if not self.seconds_count: self.cause_second = (data, stat) self.seconds_count += 1 logger.debug(self.explain()) self.autostop.add_counting(self) if self.seconds_count >= self.seconds_limit: return True else: self.seconds_count = 0 return False def parse_data(self, data): # Parse data for specific tag if self.tag: if data["tagged"].get(self.tag): quantile_values = data["tagged"][self.tag]["interval_real"]["q"]["value"] # quantile_values empty if current tag differs from selected one else: quantile_values = [] # Parse data for overall else: quantile_values = data["overall"]["interval_real"]["q"]["value"] quantiles = dict(zip(data["overall"]["interval_real"]["q"]["q"], quantile_values)) return quantiles def get_rc(self): return self.RC_TIME def explain(self): items = self.get_criterion_parameters() explanation = "Percentile %(percentile)s higher than %(limit)sms for %(seconds_count)ss, since %(since_time)s" \ % items if self.tag: explanation = explanation + " for tag %(tag)s" % items return explanation def get_criterion_parameters(self): parameters = { 'percentile': self.quantile, 'limit': self.rt_limit, 'seconds_count': self.seconds_count, 'seconds_limit': self.seconds_limit, 'since_time': self.cause_second[0].get("ts"), 'tag': self.tag } return parameters def widget_explain(self): items = self.get_criterion_parameters() return "%(percentile)s%% >%(limit)sms for %(seconds_count)s/%(seconds_limit)ss" % items, \ float(self.seconds_count) / self.seconds_limit class SteadyCumulativeQuantilesCriterion(AbstractCriterion): """ quantile criterion """ @staticmethod def get_type_string(): return 'steady_cumulative' def __init__(self, autostop, param_str): raise NotImplementedError AbstractCriterion.__init__(self) self.seconds_count = 0 self.quantile_hash = "" self.seconds_limit = expand_to_seconds(param_str.split(',')[0]) self.autostop = autostop def notify(self, data, stat): quantiles = dict( zip(data["overall"]["q"]["q"], data["overall"]["q"]["values"])) quantile_hash = json.dumps(quantiles) logging.debug("Cumulative quantiles hash: %s", quantile_hash) if self.quantile_hash == quantile_hash: if not self.seconds_count: self.cause_second = (data, stat) logger.debug(self.explain()) self.seconds_count += 1 self.autostop.add_counting(self) if self.seconds_count >= self.seconds_limit: return True else: self.seconds_count = 0 self.quantile_hash = quantile_hash return False def get_rc(self): return self.RC_STEADY def explain(self): items = self.get_criterion_parameters() return "Cumulative percentiles are steady for %ss, since %s" % items def get_criterion_parameters(self): parameters = ( self.seconds_count, self.cause_second[0]["ts"]) return parameters def widget_explain(self): items = (self.seconds_count, self.seconds_limit) return "Steady for %s/%ss" % items, float( self.seconds_count) / self.seconds_limit class TimeLimitCriterion(AbstractCriterion): """ time limit criterion """ @staticmethod def get_type_string(): return 'limit' def __init__(self, autostop, param_str): AbstractCriterion.__init__(self) self.start_time = time.time() self.end_time = time.time() self.time_limit = expand_to_seconds(param_str) def notify(self, data, stat): self.end_time = time.time() return (self.end_time - self.start_time) > self.time_limit def get_rc(self): return self.RC_TIME def explain(self): return "Test time elapsed. Limit: %(limit)ss, actual time: %(actual)ss" % self.get_criterion_parameters() def get_criterion_parameters(self): parameters = { 'limit': self.time_limit, 'actual': self.end_time - self.start_time } return parameters def widget_explain(self): return "Time limit: %(limit)ss, actual time: %(actual)ss" % self.get_criterion_parameters()
import os from datetime import date, timedelta from glob import glob from time import time from typing import List, Optional from celery import current_task from celery.schedules import crontab from django.conf import settings from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Count, F from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from django.utils.translation import ngettext, override from filelock import Timeout from weblate.addons.models import Addon from weblate.auth.models import User, get_anonymous from weblate.lang.models import Language from weblate.trans.autotranslate import AutoTranslate from weblate.trans.exceptions import FileParseError from weblate.trans.models import ( Change, Comment, Component, Project, Suggestion, Translation, ) from weblate.utils.celery import app from weblate.utils.data import data_dir from weblate.utils.errors import report_error from weblate.utils.files import remove_tree from weblate.vcs.base import RepositoryException @app.task( trail=False, autoretry_for=(Timeout,), retry_backoff=600, retry_backoff_max=3600 ) def perform_update(cls, pk, auto=False, obj=None): try: if obj is None: if cls == "Project": obj = Project.objects.get(pk=pk) else: obj = Component.objects.get(pk=pk) if settings.AUTO_UPDATE in ("full", True) or not auto: obj.do_update() else: obj.update_remote_branch() except FileParseError: # This is stored as alert, so we can silently ignore here return @app.task( trail=False, autoretry_for=(Timeout,), retry_backoff=600, retry_backoff_max=3600 ) def perform_load( pk: int, force: bool = False, langs: Optional[List[str]] = None, changed_template: bool = False, from_link: bool = False, ): component = Component.objects.get(pk=pk) component.create_translations( force=force, langs=langs, changed_template=changed_template, from_link=from_link ) @app.task( trail=False, autoretry_for=(Timeout,), retry_backoff=600, retry_backoff_max=3600 ) def perform_commit(pk, *args): component = Component.objects.get(pk=pk) component.commit_pending(*args) @app.task( trail=False, autoretry_for=(Timeout,), retry_backoff=600, retry_backoff_max=3600 ) def perform_push(pk, *args, **kwargs): component = Component.objects.get(pk=pk) component.do_push(*args, **kwargs) @app.task(trail=False) def update_component_stats(pk): component = Component.objects.get(pk=pk) component.stats.ensure_basic() @app.task( trail=False, autoretry_for=(Timeout,), retry_backoff=600, retry_backoff_max=3600 ) def commit_pending(hours=None, pks=None, logger=None): if pks is None: components = Component.objects.all() else: components = Component.objects.filter(translation__pk__in=pks).distinct() for component in components.prefetch(): if hours is None: age = timezone.now() - timedelta(hours=component.commit_pending_age) else: age = timezone.now() - timedelta(hours=hours) last_change = component.stats.last_changed if not last_change: continue if last_change > age: continue if not component.needs_commit(): continue if logger: logger(f"Committing {component}") perform_commit.delay(component.pk, "commit_pending", None) def cleanup_sources(project): """Remove stale source Unit objects.""" for component in project.component_set.filter(template="").iterator(): translation = component.source_translation # Skip translations with a filename (eg. when POT file is present) if translation.filename: continue with transaction.atomic(): # Remove all units where there is just one referenced unit (self) translation.unit_set.annotate(Count("unit")).filter( unit__count__lte=1 ).delete() @app.task(trail=False) def cleanup_project(pk): """Perform cleanup of project models.""" try: project = Project.objects.get(pk=pk) except Project.DoesNotExist: return cleanup_sources(project) @app.task(trail=False) def cleanup_suggestions(): # Process suggestions anonymous_user = get_anonymous() suggestions = Suggestion.objects.prefetch_related("unit") for suggestion in suggestions: with transaction.atomic(): # Remove suggestions with same text as real translation if ( suggestion.unit.target == suggestion.target and suggestion.unit.translated ): suggestion.delete_log( anonymous_user, change=Change.ACTION_SUGGESTION_CLEANUP ) continue # Remove duplicate suggestions sugs = Suggestion.objects.filter( unit=suggestion.unit, target=suggestion.target ).exclude(id=suggestion.id) # Do not rely on the SQL as MySQL compares strings case insensitive for other in sugs: if other.target == suggestion.target: suggestion.delete_log( anonymous_user, change=Change.ACTION_SUGGESTION_CLEANUP ) break @app.task(trail=False) def update_remotes(): """Update all remote branches (without attempt to merge).""" if settings.AUTO_UPDATE not in ("full", "remote", True, False): return for component in Component.objects.with_repo().iterator(): perform_update("Component", -1, auto=True, obj=component) @app.task(trail=False) def cleanup_stale_repos(): prefix = data_dir("vcs") vcs_mask = os.path.join(prefix, "*", "*") yesterday = time() - 86400 for path in glob(vcs_mask): if not os.path.isdir(path): continue # Skip recently modified paths if os.path.getmtime(path) > yesterday: continue # Parse path project, component = os.path.split(path[len(prefix) + 1 :]) # Find matching components objects = Component.objects.with_repo().filter( slug=component, project__slug=project ) # Remove stale dirs if not objects.exists(): remove_tree(path) @app.task(trail=False) def cleanup_old_suggestions(): if not settings.SUGGESTION_CLEANUP_DAYS: return cutoff = timezone.now() - timedelta(days=settings.SUGGESTION_CLEANUP_DAYS) Suggestion.objects.filter(timestamp__lt=cutoff).delete() @app.task(trail=False) def cleanup_old_comments(): if not settings.COMMENT_CLEANUP_DAYS: return cutoff = timezone.now() - timedelta(days=settings.COMMENT_CLEANUP_DAYS) Comment.objects.filter(timestamp__lt=cutoff).delete() @app.task(trail=False) def repository_alerts(threshold=settings.REPOSITORY_ALERT_THRESHOLD): non_linked = Component.objects.with_repo() for component in non_linked.iterator(): try: if component.repository.count_missing() > threshold: component.add_alert("RepositoryOutdated") else: component.delete_alert("RepositoryOutdated") if component.repository.count_outgoing() > threshold: component.add_alert("RepositoryChanges") else: component.delete_alert("RepositoryChanges") except RepositoryException as error: report_error(cause="Could not check repository status") component.add_alert("MergeFailure", error=component.error_text(error)) @app.task(trail=False) def component_alerts(component_ids=None): if component_ids: components = Component.objects.filter(pk__in=component_ids).iterator() else: components = Component.objects.iterator() for component in components: component.update_alerts() @app.task(trail=False, autoretry_for=(Component.DoesNotExist,), retry_backoff=60) def component_after_save( pk, changed_git, changed_setup, changed_template, changed_variant, skip_push ): component = Component.objects.get(pk=pk) component.after_save( changed_git, changed_setup, changed_template, changed_variant, skip_push ) return {"component": pk} @app.task(trail=False) def component_removal(pk, uid): user = User.objects.get(pk=uid) try: obj = Component.objects.get(pk=pk) obj.acting_user = user Change.objects.create( project=obj.project, action=Change.ACTION_REMOVE_COMPONENT, target=obj.slug, user=user, author=user, ) obj.delete() if obj.allow_translation_propagation: components = obj.project.component_set.filter( allow_translation_propagation=True ) for component_id in components.values_list("id", flat=True): update_checks.delay(component_id) except Component.DoesNotExist: return @app.task(trail=False) def project_removal(pk, uid): user = User.objects.get(pk=uid) try: obj = Project.objects.get(pk=pk) Change.objects.create( action=Change.ACTION_REMOVE_PROJECT, target=obj.slug, user=user, author=user ) obj.delete() except Project.DoesNotExist: return @app.task(trail=False) def auto_translate( user_id, translation_id, mode, filter_type, auto_source, component, engines, threshold, ): if user_id: user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id) else: user = None with override(user.profile.language if user else "en"): translation = Translation.objects.get(pk=translation_id) translation.log_info( "starting automatic translation %s", current_task.request.id ) auto = AutoTranslate(user, translation, filter_type, mode) if auto_source == "mt": auto.process_mt(engines, threshold) else: auto.process_others(component) translation.log_info("completed automatic translation") if auto.updated == 0: message = _("Automatic translation completed, no strings were updated.") else: message = ( ngettext( "Automatic translation completed, %d string was updated.", "Automatic translation completed, %d strings were updated.", auto.updated, ) % auto.updated ) return {"translation": translation_id, "message": message} @app.task(trail=False) def create_component(addons_from=None, in_task=False, **kwargs): kwargs["project"] = Project.objects.get(pk=kwargs["project"]) kwargs["source_language"] = Language.objects.get(pk=kwargs["source_language"]) component = Component.objects.create(**kwargs) Change.objects.create(action=Change.ACTION_CREATE_COMPONENT, component=component) if addons_from: addons = Addon.objects.filter( component__pk=addons_from, project_scope=False, repo_scope=False ) for addon in addons: # Avoid installing duplicate addons if component.addon_set.filter(name=addon.name).exists(): continue if not addon.addon.can_install(component, None): continue addon.addon.create(component, configuration=addon.configuration) if in_task: return None return component @app.task(trail=False) def update_checks(pk): component = Component.objects.get(pk=pk) for translation in component.translation_set.exclude( pk=component.source_translation.pk ).iterator(): for unit in translation.unit_set.iterator(): unit.run_checks() for unit in component.source_translation.unit_set.iterator(): unit.run_checks() for translation in component.translation_set.iterator(): translation.invalidate_cache() @app.task(trail=False) def daily_update_checks(): # Update every component roughly once in a month components = Component.objects.annotate(idmod=F("id") % 30).filter( idmod=date.today().day ) for component_id in components.values_list("id", flat=True): update_checks.delay(component_id) @app.on_after_finalize.connect def setup_periodic_tasks(sender, **kwargs): sender.add_periodic_task(3600, commit_pending.s(), name="commit-pending") sender.add_periodic_task( crontab(hour=3, minute=30), update_remotes.s(), name="update-remotes" ) sender.add_periodic_task( crontab(hour=0, minute=30), daily_update_checks.s(), name="daily-update-checks" ) sender.add_periodic_task(3600 * 24, repository_alerts.s(), name="repository-alerts") sender.add_periodic_task(3600 * 24, component_alerts.s(), name="component-alerts") sender.add_periodic_task( 3600 * 24, cleanup_suggestions.s(), name="suggestions-cleanup" ) sender.add_periodic_task( 3600 * 24, cleanup_stale_repos.s(), name="cleanup-stale-repos" ) sender.add_periodic_task( 3600 * 24, cleanup_old_suggestions.s(), name="cleanup-old-suggestions" ) sender.add_periodic_task( 3600 * 24, cleanup_old_comments.s(), name="cleanup-old-comments" )
from warnings import warn from itertools import combinations, permutations import networkx as nx from tqdm import tqdm from joblib import Parallel, delayed from pgmpy.base import PDAG from pgmpy.estimators import StructureEstimator from pgmpy.estimators.CITests import chi_square, pearsonr, independence_match from pgmpy.global_vars import SHOW_PROGRESS class PC(StructureEstimator): def __init__(self, data=None, independencies=None, **kwargs): """ Class for constraint-based estimation of DAGs using the PC algorithm from a given data set. Identifies (conditional) dependencies in data set using chi_square dependency test and uses the PC algorithm to estimate a DAG pattern that satisfies the identified dependencies. The DAG pattern can then be completed to a faithful DAG, if possible. Parameters ---------- data: pandas DataFrame object datafame object where each column represents one variable. (If some values in the data are missing the data cells should be set to `numpy.NaN`. Note that pandas converts each column containing `numpy.NaN`s to dtype `float`.) References ---------- [1] Koller & Friedman, Probabilistic Graphical Models - Principles and Techniques, 2009, Section 18.2 [2] Neapolitan, Learning Bayesian Networks, Section 10.1.2 for the PC algorithm (page 550), http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~dang/books/Learning%20Bayesian%20Networks(Neapolitan,%20Richard).pdf """ super(PC, self).__init__(data=data, independencies=independencies, **kwargs) def estimate( self, variant="stable", ci_test="chi_square", max_cond_vars=5, return_type="dag", significance_level=0.01, n_jobs=-1, show_progress=True, **kwargs, ): """ Estimates a DAG/PDAG from the given dataset using the PC algorithm which is a constraint-based structure learning algorithm[1]. The independencies in the dataset are identified by doing statistical independece test. This method returns a DAG/PDAG structure which is faithful to the independencies implied by the dataset Parameters ---------- variant: str (one of "orig", "stable", "parallel") The variant of PC algorithm to run. "orig": The original PC algorithm. Might not give the same results in different runs but does less independence tests compared to stable. "stable": Gives the same result in every run but does needs to do more statistical independence tests. "parallel": Parallel version of PC Stable. Can run on multiple cores with the same result on each run. ci_test: str or fun The statistical test to use for testing conditional independence in the dataset. If `str` values should be one of: "independence_match": If using this option, an additional parameter `independencies` must be specified. "chi_square": Uses the Chi-Square independence test. This works only for discrete datasets. "pearsonr": Uses the pertial correlation based on pearson correlation coefficient to test independence. This works only for continuous datasets. max_cond_vars: int The maximum number of conditional variables allowed to do the statistical test with. return_type: str (one of "dag", "cpdag", "pdag", "skeleton") The type of structure to return. If `return_type=pdag` or `return_type=cpdag`: a partially directed structure is returned. If `return_type=dag`, a fully directed structure is returned if it is possible to orient all the edges. If `return_type="skeleton", returns an undirected graph along with the separating sets. significance_level: float (default: 0.01) The statistical tests use this value to compare with the p-value of the test to decide whether the tested variables are independent or not. Different tests can treat this parameter differently: 1. Chi-Square: If p-value > significance_level, it assumes that the independence condition satisfied in the data. 2. pearsonr: If p-value > significance_level, it assumes that the independence condition satisfied in the data. Returns ------- model: DAG-instance, PDAG-instance, or (networkx.UndirectedGraph, dict) The estimated model structure, can be a partially directed graph (PDAG) or a fully directed graph (DAG), or (Undirected Graph, separating sets) depending on the value of `return_type` argument. References ---------- [1] Original PC: P. Spirtes, C. Glymour, and R. Scheines, Causation, Prediction, and Search, 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000. [2] Stable PC: D. Colombo and M. H. Maathuis, “A modification of the PC algorithm yielding order-independent skeletons,” ArXiv e-prints, Nov. 2012. [3] Parallel PC: Le, Thuc, et al. "A fast PC algorithm for high dimensional causal discovery with multi-core PCs." IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics (2016). Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> from pgmpy.estimators import PC >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 5, size=(2500, 3)), columns=list('XYZ')) >>> data['sum'] = data.sum(axis=1) >>> print(data) X Y Z sum 0 3 0 1 4 1 1 4 3 8 2 0 0 3 3 3 0 2 3 5 4 2 1 1 4 ... .. .. .. ... 2495 2 3 0 5 2496 1 1 2 4 2497 0 4 2 6 2498 0 0 0 0 2499 2 4 0 6 [2500 rows x 4 columns] >>> c = PC(data) >>> model = c.estimate() >>> print(model.edges()) [('Z', 'sum'), ('X', 'sum'), ('Y', 'sum')] """ # Step 0: Do checks that the specified parameters are correct, else throw meaningful error. if variant not in ("orig", "stable", "parallel"): raise ValueError( f"variant must be one of: orig, stable, or parallel. Got: {variant}" ) elif (not callable(ci_test)) and ( ci_test not in ("chi_square", "independence_match", "pearsonr") ): raise ValueError( "ci_test must be a callable or one of: chi_square, pearsonr, independence_match" ) if (ci_test == "independence_match") and (self.independencies is None): raise ValueError( "For using independence_match, independencies argument must be specified" ) elif (ci_test in ("chi_square", "pearsonr")) and (self.data is None): raise ValueError( "For using Chi Square or Pearsonr, data arguement must be specified" ) # Step 1: Run the PC algorithm to build the skeleton and get the separating sets. skel, separating_sets = self.build_skeleton( ci_test=ci_test, max_cond_vars=max_cond_vars, significance_level=significance_level, variant=variant, n_jobs=n_jobs, show_progress=show_progress, **kwargs, ) if return_type.lower() == "skeleton": return skel, separating_sets # Step 2: Orient the edges based on build the PDAG/CPDAG. pdag = self.skeleton_to_pdag(skel, separating_sets) # Step 3: Either return the CPDAG or fully orient the edges to build a DAG. if return_type.lower() in ("pdag", "cpdag"): return pdag elif return_type.lower() == "dag": return pdag.to_dag() else: raise ValueError( f"return_type must be one of: dag, pdag, cpdag, or skeleton. Got: {return_type}" ) def build_skeleton( self, ci_test="chi_square", max_cond_vars=5, significance_level=0.01, variant="stable", n_jobs=-1, show_progress=True, **kwargs, ): """ Estimates a graph skeleton (UndirectedGraph) from a set of independencies using (the first part of) the PC algorithm. The independencies can either be provided as an instance of the `Independencies`-class or by passing a decision function that decides any conditional independency assertion. Returns a tuple `(skeleton, separating_sets)`. If an Independencies-instance is passed, the contained IndependenceAssertions have to admit a faithful BN representation. This is the case if they are obtained as a set of d-seperations of some Bayesian network or if the independence assertions are closed under the semi-graphoid axioms. Otherwise the procedure may fail to identify the correct structure. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- skeleton: UndirectedGraph An estimate for the undirected graph skeleton of the BN underlying the data. separating_sets: dict A dict containing for each pair of not directly connected nodes a separating set ("witnessing set") of variables that makes then conditionally independent. (needed for edge orientation procedures) References ---------- [1] Neapolitan, Learning Bayesian Networks, Section 10.1.2, Algorithm 10.2 (page 550) http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~dang/books/Learning%20Bayesian%20Networks(Neapolitan,%20Richard).pdf [2] Koller & Friedman, Probabilistic Graphical Models - Principles and Techniques, 2009 Section (page 85), Algorithm 3.3 Examples -------- >>> from pgmpy.estimators import PC >>> from pgmpy.models import DAG >>> from pgmpy.independencies import Independencies >>> # build skeleton from list of independencies: ... ind = Independencies(['B', 'C'], ['A', ['B', 'C'], 'D']) >>> # we need to compute closure, otherwise this set of independencies doesn't ... # admit a faithful representation: ... ind = ind.closure() >>> skel, sep_sets = PC.build_skeleton("ABCD", ind) >>> print(skel.edges()) [('A', 'D'), ('B', 'D'), ('C', 'D')] >>> # build skeleton from d-seperations of DAG: ... model = DAG([('A', 'C'), ('B', 'C'), ('B', 'D'), ('C', 'E')]) >>> skel, sep_sets = PC.build_skeleton(model.nodes(), model.get_independencies()) >>> print(skel.edges()) [('A', 'C'), ('B', 'C'), ('B', 'D'), ('C', 'E')] """ # Initialize initial values and structures. lim_neighbors = 0 separating_sets = dict() if ci_test == "chi_square": ci_test = chi_square elif ci_test == "pearsonr": ci_test = pearsonr elif ci_test == "independence_match": ci_test = independence_match elif callable(ci_test): ci_test = ci_test else: raise ValueError( f"ci_test must either be chi_square, pearsonr, independence_match, or a function. Got: {ci_test}" ) if show_progress and SHOW_PROGRESS: pbar = tqdm(total=max_cond_vars) pbar.set_description("Working for n conditional variables: 0") # Step 1: Initialize a fully connected undirected graph graph = nx.complete_graph(n=self.variables, create_using=nx.Graph) # Exit condition: 1. If all the nodes in graph has less than `lim_neighbors` neighbors. # or 2. `lim_neighbors` is greater than `max_conditional_variables`. while not all( [len(list(graph.neighbors(var))) < lim_neighbors for var in self.variables] ): # Step 2: Iterate over the edges and find a conditioning set of # size `lim_neighbors` which makes u and v independent. if variant == "orig": for (u, v) in graph.edges(): for separating_set in combinations( set(graph.neighbors(u)) - set([v]), lim_neighbors ): # If a conditioning set exists remove the edge, store the separating set # and move on to finding conditioning set for next edge. if ci_test( u, v, separating_set, data=self.data, independencies=self.independencies, significance_level=significance_level, **kwargs, ): separating_sets[frozenset((u, v))] = separating_set graph.remove_edge(u, v) break elif variant == "stable": # In case of stable, precompute neighbors as this is the stable algorithm. neighbors = {node: set(graph[node]) for node in graph.nodes()} for (u, v) in graph.edges(): for separating_set in combinations( neighbors[u] - set([v]), lim_neighbors ): # If a conditioning set exists remove the edge, store the # separating set and move on to finding conditioning set for next edge. if ci_test( u, v, separating_set, data=self.data, independencies=self.independencies, significance_level=significance_level, **kwargs, ): separating_sets[frozenset((u, v))] = separating_set graph.remove_edge(u, v) break elif variant == "parallel": neighbors = {node: set(graph[node]) for node in graph.nodes()} def _parallel_fun(u, v): for separating_set in combinations( neighbors[u] - set([v]), lim_neighbors ): if ci_test( u, v, separating_set, data=self.data, independencies=self.independencies, significance_level=significance_level, **kwargs, ): return (u, v), separating_set results = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, prefer="threads")( delayed(_parallel_fun)(u, v) for (u, v) in graph.edges() ) for result in results: if result is not None: (u, v), sep_set = result graph.remove_edge(u, v) separating_sets[frozenset((u, v))] = sep_set else: raise ValueError( f"variant must be one of (orig, stable, parallel). Got: {variant}" ) # Step 3: After iterating over all the edges, expand the search space by increasing the size # of conditioning set by 1. if lim_neighbors >= max_cond_vars: warn("Reached maximum number of allowed conditional variables. Exiting") break lim_neighbors += 1 if show_progress and SHOW_PROGRESS: pbar.update(1) pbar.set_description( f"Working for n conditional variables: {lim_neighbors}" ) if show_progress and SHOW_PROGRESS: pbar.close() return graph, separating_sets @staticmethod def skeleton_to_pdag(skeleton, separating_sets): """Orients the edges of a graph skeleton based on information from `separating_sets` to form a DAG pattern (DAG). Parameters ---------- skeleton: UndirectedGraph An undirected graph skeleton as e.g. produced by the estimate_skeleton method. separating_sets: dict A dict containing for each pair of not directly connected nodes a separating set ("witnessing set") of variables that makes then conditionally independent. (needed for edge orientation) Returns ------- pdag: DAG An estimate for the DAG pattern of the BN underlying the data. The graph might contain some nodes with both-way edges (X->Y and Y->X). Any completion by (removing one of the both-way edges for each such pair) results in a I-equivalent Bayesian network DAG. References ---------- Neapolitan, Learning Bayesian Networks, Section 10.1.2, Algorithm 10.2 (page 550) http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~dang/books/Learning%20Bayesian%20Networks(Neapolitan,%20Richard).pdf Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> from pgmpy.estimators import ConstraintBasedEstimator >>> data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 4, size=(5000, 3)), columns=list('ABD')) >>> data['C'] = data['A'] - data['B'] >>> data['D'] += data['A'] >>> c = ConstraintBasedEstimator(data) >>> pdag = c.skeleton_to_pdag(*c.estimate_skeleton()) >>> pdag.edges() # edges: A->C, B->C, A--D (not directed) [('B', 'C'), ('A', 'C'), ('A', 'D'), ('D', 'A')] """ pdag = skeleton.to_directed() node_pairs = list(permutations(pdag.nodes(), 2)) # 1) for each X-Z-Y, if Z not in the separating set of X,Y, then orient edges as X->Z<-Y # (Algorithm 3.4 in Koller & Friedman PGM, page 86) for pair in node_pairs: X, Y = pair if not skeleton.has_edge(X, Y): for Z in set(skeleton.neighbors(X)) & set(skeleton.neighbors(Y)): if Z not in separating_sets[frozenset((X, Y))]: pdag.remove_edges_from([(Z, X), (Z, Y)]) progress = True while progress: # as long as edges can be oriented (removed) num_edges = pdag.number_of_edges() # 2) for each X->Z-Y, orient edges to Z->Y # (Explanation in Koller & Friedman PGM, page 88) for pair in node_pairs: X, Y = pair if not pdag.has_edge(X, Y): for Z in (set(pdag.successors(X)) - set(pdag.predecessors(X))) & ( set(pdag.successors(Y)) & set(pdag.predecessors(Y)) ): pdag.remove_edge(Y, Z) # 3) for each X-Y with a directed path from X to Y, orient edges to X->Y for pair in node_pairs: X, Y = pair if pdag.has_edge(Y, X) and pdag.has_edge(X, Y): for path in nx.all_simple_paths(pdag, X, Y): is_directed = True for src, dst in list(zip(path, path[1:])): if pdag.has_edge(dst, src): is_directed = False if is_directed: pdag.remove_edge(Y, X) break # 4) for each X-Z-Y with X->W, Y->W, and Z-W, orient edges to Z->W for pair in node_pairs: X, Y = pair for Z in ( set(pdag.successors(X)) & set(pdag.predecessors(X)) & set(pdag.successors(Y)) & set(pdag.predecessors(Y)) ): for W in ( (set(pdag.successors(X)) - set(pdag.predecessors(X))) & (set(pdag.successors(Y)) - set(pdag.predecessors(Y))) & (set(pdag.successors(Z)) & set(pdag.predecessors(Z))) ): pdag.remove_edge(W, Z) progress = num_edges > pdag.number_of_edges() # TODO: This is temp fix to get a PDAG object. edges = set(pdag.edges()) undirected_edges = [] directed_edges = [] for u, v in edges: if (v, u) in edges: undirected_edges.append((u, v)) else: directed_edges.append((u, v)) return PDAG(directed_ebunch=directed_edges, undirected_ebunch=undirected_edges)
import time import pyotp import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import CONF_NAME, CONF_TOKEN from homeassistant.core import callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity DEFAULT_NAME = "OTP Sensor" TIME_STEP = 30 # Default time step assumed by Google Authenticator ICON = "mdi:update" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, } ) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the OTP sensor.""" name = config.get(CONF_NAME) token = config.get(CONF_TOKEN) async_add_entities([TOTPSensor(name, token)], True) return True # Only TOTP supported at the moment, HOTP might be added later class TOTPSensor(Entity): """Representation of a TOTP sensor.""" def __init__(self, name, token): """Initialize the sensor.""" self._name = name self._otp = pyotp.TOTP(token) self._state = None self._next_expiration = None async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Handle when an entity is about to be added to Home Assistant.""" self._call_loop() @callback def _call_loop(self): self._state = self._otp.now() self.async_write_ha_state() # Update must occur at even TIME_STEP, e.g. 12:00:00, 12:00:30, # 12:01:00, etc. in order to have synced time (see RFC6238) self._next_expiration = TIME_STEP - (time.time() % TIME_STEP) self.hass.loop.call_later(self._next_expiration, self._call_loop) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state @property def should_poll(self): """No polling needed.""" return False @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use in the frontend.""" return ICON
import argparse import json import os import socket from datetime import datetime import service_configuration_lib import yaml from paasta_tools.marathon_tools import get_all_namespaces from paasta_tools.marathon_tools import get_all_namespaces_for_service from paasta_tools.utils import atomic_file_write from paasta_tools.utils import compose_job_id from paasta_tools.utils import DEFAULT_SOA_DIR YOCALHOST = "" def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="") parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", help="Output filename.", dest="output_filename", required=True ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--format", help="Output format. Defaults to %(default)s", dest="output_format", choices=["rfc1700", "yaml", "json"], default="rfc1700", ) args = parser.parse_args() return args def get_service_lines_for_service(service): lines = [] config = service_configuration_lib.read_service_configuration(service) port = config.get("port", None) description = config.get("description", "No description") if port is not None: lines.append("%s\t%d/tcp\t# %s" % (service, port, description)) for namespace, config in get_all_namespaces_for_service(service, full_name=False): proxy_port = config.get("proxy_port", None) if proxy_port is not None: lines.append( "%s\t%d/tcp\t# %s" % (compose_job_id(service, namespace), proxy_port, description) ) return lines def write_yaml_file(filename): previous_config = maybe_load_previous_config(filename, yaml.safe_load) configuration = generate_configuration() if previous_config and previous_config == configuration: return with atomic_file_write(filename) as fp: fp.write( "# This file is automatically generated by paasta_tools.\n" "# It was automatically generated at {now} on {host}.\n".format( host=socket.getfqdn(), now=datetime.now().isoformat() ) ) yaml.safe_dump( configuration, fp, indent=2, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=False, ) def maybe_load_previous_config(filename, config_loader): try: with open(filename, "r") as fp: previous_config = config_loader(fp) return previous_config except Exception: pass return None def generate_configuration(): service_data = get_all_namespaces() config = {} for (name, data) in service_data: proxy_port = data.get("proxy_port") if proxy_port is None: continue config[name] = {"host": YOCALHOST, "port": int(proxy_port)} return config def write_json_file(filename): configuration = generate_configuration() with atomic_file_write(filename) as fp: json.dump( obj=configuration, fp=fp, indent=2, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ": ") ) def write_rfc1700_file(filename): strings = [ "# This file is generated by generate_services_file", "# DO NOT EDIT BY HAND", ] for service in sorted(os.listdir(DEFAULT_SOA_DIR)): strings.extend(get_service_lines_for_service(service)) with atomic_file_write(filename) as fp: fp.write("\n".join(strings)) fp.write("\n") def main(): args = parse_args() if args.output_format == "rfc1700": write_rfc1700_file(filename=args.output_filename) elif args.output_format == "yaml": write_yaml_file(filename=args.output_filename) elif args.output_format == "json": write_json_file(filename=args.output_filename) else: raise (NotImplementedError) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import importlib import six from scrapy.utils.misc import load_object from . import connection, defaults # TODO: add SCRAPY_JOB support. class Scheduler(object): """Redis-based scheduler Settings -------- SCHEDULER_PERSIST : bool (default: False) Whether to persist or clear redis queue. SCHEDULER_FLUSH_ON_START : bool (default: False) Whether to flush redis queue on start. SCHEDULER_IDLE_BEFORE_CLOSE : int (default: 0) How many seconds to wait before closing if no message is received. SCHEDULER_QUEUE_KEY : str Scheduler redis key. SCHEDULER_QUEUE_CLASS : str Scheduler queue class. SCHEDULER_DUPEFILTER_KEY : str Scheduler dupefilter redis key. SCHEDULER_DUPEFILTER_CLASS : str Scheduler dupefilter class. SCHEDULER_SERIALIZER : str Scheduler serializer. """ def __init__(self, server, persist=False, flush_on_start=False, queue_key=defaults.SCHEDULER_QUEUE_KEY, queue_cls=defaults.SCHEDULER_QUEUE_CLASS, dupefilter_key=defaults.SCHEDULER_DUPEFILTER_KEY, dupefilter_cls=defaults.SCHEDULER_DUPEFILTER_CLASS, idle_before_close=0, serializer=None): """Initialize scheduler. Parameters ---------- server : Redis The redis server instance. persist : bool Whether to flush requests when closing. Default is False. flush_on_start : bool Whether to flush requests on start. Default is False. queue_key : str Requests queue key. queue_cls : str Importable path to the queue class. dupefilter_key : str Duplicates filter key. dupefilter_cls : str Importable path to the dupefilter class. idle_before_close : int Timeout before giving up. """ if idle_before_close < 0: raise TypeError("idle_before_close cannot be negative") self.server = server self.persist = persist self.flush_on_start = flush_on_start self.queue_key = queue_key self.queue_cls = queue_cls self.dupefilter_cls = dupefilter_cls self.dupefilter_key = dupefilter_key self.idle_before_close = idle_before_close self.serializer = serializer self.stats = None def __len__(self): return len(self.queue) @classmethod def from_settings(cls, settings): kwargs = { 'persist': settings.getbool('SCHEDULER_PERSIST'), 'flush_on_start': settings.getbool('SCHEDULER_FLUSH_ON_START'), 'idle_before_close': settings.getint('SCHEDULER_IDLE_BEFORE_CLOSE'), } # If these values are missing, it means we want to use the defaults. optional = { # TODO: Use custom prefixes for this settings to note that are # specific to scrapy-redis. 'queue_key': 'SCHEDULER_QUEUE_KEY', 'queue_cls': 'SCHEDULER_QUEUE_CLASS', 'dupefilter_key': 'SCHEDULER_DUPEFILTER_KEY', # We use the default setting name to keep compatibility. 'dupefilter_cls': 'DUPEFILTER_CLASS', 'serializer': 'SCHEDULER_SERIALIZER', } for name, setting_name in optional.items(): val = settings.get(setting_name) if val: kwargs[name] = val # Support serializer as a path to a module. if isinstance(kwargs.get('serializer'), six.string_types): kwargs['serializer'] = importlib.import_module(kwargs['serializer']) server = connection.from_settings(settings) # Ensure the connection is working. server.ping() return cls(server=server, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler): instance = cls.from_settings(crawler.settings) # FIXME: for now, stats are only supported from this constructor instance.stats = crawler.stats return instance def open(self, spider): self.spider = spider try: self.queue = load_object(self.queue_cls)( server=self.server, spider=spider, key=self.queue_key % {'spider': spider.name}, serializer=self.serializer, ) except TypeError as e: raise ValueError("Failed to instantiate queue class '%s': %s", self.queue_cls, e) self.df = load_object(self.dupefilter_cls).from_spider(spider) if self.flush_on_start: self.flush() # notice if there are requests already in the queue to resume the crawl if len(self.queue): spider.log("Resuming crawl (%d requests scheduled)" % len(self.queue)) def close(self, reason): if not self.persist: self.flush() def flush(self): self.df.clear() self.queue.clear() def enqueue_request(self, request): if not request.dont_filter and self.df.request_seen(request): self.df.log(request, self.spider) return False if self.stats: self.stats.inc_value('scheduler/enqueued/redis', spider=self.spider) self.queue.push(request) return True def next_request(self): block_pop_timeout = self.idle_before_close request = self.queue.pop(block_pop_timeout) if request and self.stats: self.stats.inc_value('scheduler/dequeued/redis', spider=self.spider) return request def has_pending_requests(self): return len(self) > 0