import json import os import re from shlex import quote from paasta_tools.cli.utils import lazy_choices_completer from paasta_tools.cli.utils import list_clusters from paasta_tools.cli.utils import list_instances from paasta_tools.cli.utils import run_on_master from paasta_tools.utils import list_services from paasta_tools.utils import load_system_paasta_config from paasta_tools.utils import PaastaColors from paasta_tools.utils import PaastaNotConfiguredError from paasta_tools.utils import SystemPaastaConfig ARG_DEFAULTS = dict( common=dict( service=None, instance=None, cluster=None, # load from system paasta config later verbose=False, ), start=dict( cmd=None, detach=False, staging_timeout=240.0, instances=1, docker_image=None, dry_run=False, constraint=[], notification_email=None, retries=0, ), stop=dict(run_id=None, framework_id=None), list=dict(), ) def get_system_paasta_config(): try: return load_system_paasta_config() except PaastaNotConfiguredError: print( PaastaColors.yellow( "Warning: Couldn't load config files from '/etc/paasta'. This " "indicates PaaSTA is not configured locally on this host, and " "remote-run may not behave the same way it would behave on a " "server configured for PaaSTA." ), sep="\n", ) return SystemPaastaConfig({"volumes": []}, "/etc/paasta") def add_common_args_to_parser(parser): parser.add_argument( "-s", "--service", help="The name of the service you wish to inspect. Required.", required=True, ).completer = lazy_choices_completer(list_services) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--instance", help=( "Simulate a docker run for a particular instance of the " "service, like 'main' or 'canary'. Required." ), required=True, ).completer = lazy_choices_completer(list_instances) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--cluster", help=( "The name of the cluster you wish to run your task on. " "If omitted, uses the default cluster defined in the paasta " f"remote-run configs." ), default=ARG_DEFAULTS["common"]["cluster"], ).completer = lazy_choices_completer(list_clusters) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", help="Show more output", action="store_true", default=ARG_DEFAULTS["common"]["verbose"], ) def add_start_parser(subparser): parser = subparser.add_parser("start", help="Start task subcommand") add_common_args_to_parser(parser) parser.add_argument( "-C", "--cmd", help=( "Run Docker container with particular command, for example: " '"bash". By default will use the command or args specified by the ' "soa-configs or what was specified in the Dockerfile" ), default=ARG_DEFAULTS["start"]["cmd"], ), parser.add_argument( "-D", "--detach", help="Launch in background", action="store_true", default=ARG_DEFAULTS["start"]["detach"], ) default_staging_timeout = ARG_DEFAULTS["start"]["staging_timeout"] parser.add_argument( "-t", "--staging-timeout", help=( "A timeout in seconds for the task to be launching before killed. " f"Default: {default_staging_timeout}s" ), default=ARG_DEFAULTS["start"]["staging_timeout"], type=float, ) parser.add_argument( "-j", "--instances", help="Number of copies of the task to launch", default=ARG_DEFAULTS["start"]["instances"], type=int, ) parser.add_argument( "--docker-image", help=( "URL of docker image to use. " "Defaults to using the deployed docker image." ), default=ARG_DEFAULTS["start"]["docker_image"], ) parser.add_argument( "-R", "--run-id", help="ID of task to stop", default=ARG_DEFAULTS["stop"]["run_id"], ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--dry-run", help=( "Don't launch the task. " "Instead output task that would have been launched" ), action="store_true", default=ARG_DEFAULTS["start"]["dry_run"], ) parser.add_argument( "-X", "--constraint", help="Constraint option, format: <attr>,OP[,<value>], OP can be one " "of the following: EQUALS matches attribute value exactly, LIKE and " "UNLIKE match on regular expression, MAX_PER constrains number of " "tasks per attribute value, UNIQUE is the same as MAX_PER,1", action="append", default=ARG_DEFAULTS["start"]["constraint"], ) default_email = os.environ.get("EMAIL", None) parser.add_argument( "-E", "--notification-email", help=( "Email address to send remote-run notifications to. " "A notification will be sent when a task either succeeds or fails. " "Defaults to env variable $EMAIL: " ) + (default_email if default_email else "(currently not set)"), default=default_email, ) default_retries = ARG_DEFAULTS["start"]["retries"] parser.add_argument( "-r", "--retries", help=( "Number of times to retry if task fails at launch or at runtime. " f"Default: {default_retries}" ), type=int, default=default_retries, ) return parser def add_stop_parser(subparser): parser = subparser.add_parser("stop", help="Stop task subcommand") add_common_args_to_parser(parser) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument( "-R", "--run-id", help="ID of task to stop", default=ARG_DEFAULTS["stop"]["run_id"], ) group.add_argument( "-F", "--framework-id", help=( "ID of framework to stop. Must belong to remote-run of selected " "service instance." ), type=str, default=ARG_DEFAULTS["stop"]["framework_id"], ) return parser def add_list_parser(subparser): parser = subparser.add_parser("list", help="List tasks subcommand") add_common_args_to_parser(parser) return parser def add_subparser(subparsers): main_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "remote-run", help="Schedule Mesos to run adhoc command in context of a service", description=( "`paasta remote-run` is useful for running adhoc commands in " "context of a service's Docker image. The command will be " "scheduled on a Mesos cluster and stdout/stderr printed after " "execution is finished." ), epilog=( "Note: `paasta remote-run` uses Mesos API that may require " "authentication." ), ) main_subs = main_parser.add_subparsers( dest="action", help="Subcommands of remote-run" ) add_start_parser(main_subs) add_stop_parser(main_subs) add_list_parser(main_subs) main_parser.set_defaults(command=paasta_remote_run) def split_constraints(constraints): return [c.split(",", 2) for c in constraints] def create_remote_run_command(args): cmd_parts = ["/usr/bin/paasta_remote_run", args.action] arg_vars = vars(args) arg_defaults = dict(ARG_DEFAULTS[args.action]) # copy dict arg_defaults.update(ARG_DEFAULTS["common"]) arg_defaults.pop("constraint") # needs conversion to json for k in arg_vars.keys(): if k not in arg_defaults: # skip keys we don't know about continue v = arg_vars[k] if v == arg_defaults[k]: # skip values that have default value continue k = re.sub(r"_", "-", k) if isinstance(v, bool) and v: cmd_parts.append(f"--{k}") else: cmd_parts.extend([f"--{k}", quote(str(v))]) # constraint, convert to json if len(arg_vars["constraint"]) > 0: constraints = split_constraints(arg_vars["constraint"]) cmd_parts.extend(["--constraints-json", quote(json.dumps(constraints))]) return cmd_parts def paasta_remote_run(args): system_paasta_config = get_system_paasta_config() if not args.cluster: default_cluster = system_paasta_config.get_remote_run_config().get( "default_cluster" ) if not default_cluster: print( PaastaColors.red( "Error: no cluster specified and no default cluster available" ) ) return 1 args.cluster = default_cluster cmd_parts = create_remote_run_command(args) graceful_exit = args.action == "start" and not args.detach return_code, status = run_on_master( cluster=args.cluster, system_paasta_config=system_paasta_config, cmd_parts=cmd_parts, graceful_exit=graceful_exit, ) # Status results are streamed. This print is for possible error messages. if status is not None: for line in status.rstrip().split("\n"): print(" %s" % line) return return_code
from datetime import timedelta import pytest import zigpy.profiles.zha as zha import zigpy.types import zigpy.zcl.clusters.general as general import zigpy.zcl.clusters.lighting as lighting import zigpy.zcl.foundation as zcl_f from homeassistant.components.light import DOMAIN, FLASH_LONG, FLASH_SHORT from homeassistant.components.zha.core.group import GroupMember from homeassistant.components.zha.light import FLASH_EFFECTS from homeassistant.const import STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, STATE_UNAVAILABLE import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from .common import ( async_enable_traffic, async_find_group_entity_id, async_test_rejoin, find_entity_id, get_zha_gateway, send_attributes_report, ) from tests.async_mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, call, patch, sentinel from tests.common import async_fire_time_changed ON = 1 OFF = 0 IEEE_GROUPABLE_DEVICE = "01:2d:6f:00:0a:90:69:e8" IEEE_GROUPABLE_DEVICE2 = "02:2d:6f:00:0a:90:69:e9" IEEE_GROUPABLE_DEVICE3 = "03:2d:6f:00:0a:90:69:e7" LIGHT_ON_OFF = { 1: { "device_type": zha.DeviceType.ON_OFF_LIGHT, "in_clusters": [ general.Basic.cluster_id, general.Identify.cluster_id, general.OnOff.cluster_id, ], "out_clusters": [general.Ota.cluster_id], } } LIGHT_LEVEL = { 1: { "device_type": zha.DeviceType.DIMMABLE_LIGHT, "in_clusters": [ general.Basic.cluster_id, general.LevelControl.cluster_id, general.OnOff.cluster_id, ], "out_clusters": [general.Ota.cluster_id], } } LIGHT_COLOR = { 1: { "device_type": zha.DeviceType.COLOR_DIMMABLE_LIGHT, "in_clusters": [ general.Basic.cluster_id, general.Identify.cluster_id, general.LevelControl.cluster_id, general.OnOff.cluster_id, lighting.Color.cluster_id, ], "out_clusters": [general.Ota.cluster_id], } } @pytest.fixture async def coordinator(hass, zigpy_device_mock, zha_device_joined): """Test zha light platform.""" zigpy_device = zigpy_device_mock( { 1: { "in_clusters": [general.Groups.cluster_id], "out_clusters": [], "device_type": zha.DeviceType.COLOR_DIMMABLE_LIGHT, } }, ieee="00:15:8d:00:02:32:4f:32", nwk=0x0000, node_descriptor=b"\xf8\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", ) zha_device = await zha_device_joined(zigpy_device) zha_device.available = True return zha_device @pytest.fixture async def device_light_1(hass, zigpy_device_mock, zha_device_joined): """Test zha light platform.""" zigpy_device = zigpy_device_mock( { 1: { "in_clusters": [ general.OnOff.cluster_id, general.LevelControl.cluster_id, lighting.Color.cluster_id, general.Groups.cluster_id, general.Identify.cluster_id, ], "out_clusters": [], "device_type": zha.DeviceType.COLOR_DIMMABLE_LIGHT, } }, ieee=IEEE_GROUPABLE_DEVICE, nwk=0xB79D, ) zha_device = await zha_device_joined(zigpy_device) zha_device.available = True return zha_device @pytest.fixture async def device_light_2(hass, zigpy_device_mock, zha_device_joined): """Test zha light platform.""" zigpy_device = zigpy_device_mock( { 1: { "in_clusters": [ general.OnOff.cluster_id, general.LevelControl.cluster_id, lighting.Color.cluster_id, general.Groups.cluster_id, general.Identify.cluster_id, ], "out_clusters": [], "device_type": zha.DeviceType.COLOR_DIMMABLE_LIGHT, } }, ieee=IEEE_GROUPABLE_DEVICE2, nwk=0xC79E, ) zha_device = await zha_device_joined(zigpy_device) zha_device.available = True return zha_device @pytest.fixture async def device_light_3(hass, zigpy_device_mock, zha_device_joined): """Test zha light platform.""" zigpy_device = zigpy_device_mock( { 1: { "in_clusters": [ general.OnOff.cluster_id, general.LevelControl.cluster_id, lighting.Color.cluster_id, general.Groups.cluster_id, general.Identify.cluster_id, ], "out_clusters": [], "device_type": zha.DeviceType.COLOR_DIMMABLE_LIGHT, } }, ieee=IEEE_GROUPABLE_DEVICE3, nwk=0xB89F, ) zha_device = await zha_device_joined(zigpy_device) zha_device.available = True return zha_device @patch("zigpy.zcl.clusters.general.OnOff.read_attributes", new=MagicMock()) async def test_light_refresh(hass, zigpy_device_mock, zha_device_joined_restored): """Test zha light platform refresh.""" # create zigpy devices zigpy_device = zigpy_device_mock(LIGHT_ON_OFF) zha_device = await zha_device_joined_restored(zigpy_device) on_off_cluster = zigpy_device.endpoints[1].on_off entity_id = await find_entity_id(DOMAIN, zha_device, hass) # allow traffic to flow through the gateway and device await async_enable_traffic(hass, [zha_device]) on_off_cluster.read_attributes.reset_mock() # not enough time passed async_fire_time_changed(hass, dt_util.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=20)) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert on_off_cluster.read_attributes.call_count == 0 assert on_off_cluster.read_attributes.await_count == 0 assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF # 1 interval - 1 call on_off_cluster.read_attributes.return_value = [{"on_off": 1}, {}] async_fire_time_changed(hass, dt_util.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=80)) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert on_off_cluster.read_attributes.call_count == 1 assert on_off_cluster.read_attributes.await_count == 1 assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_ON # 2 intervals - 2 calls on_off_cluster.read_attributes.return_value = [{"on_off": 0}, {}] async_fire_time_changed(hass, dt_util.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=80)) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert on_off_cluster.read_attributes.call_count == 2 assert on_off_cluster.read_attributes.await_count == 2 assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF @patch( "zigpy.zcl.clusters.lighting.Color.request", new=AsyncMock(return_value=[sentinel.data, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]), ) @patch( "zigpy.zcl.clusters.general.Identify.request", new=AsyncMock(return_value=[sentinel.data, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]), ) @patch( "zigpy.zcl.clusters.general.LevelControl.request", new=AsyncMock(return_value=[sentinel.data, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]), ) @patch( "zigpy.zcl.clusters.general.OnOff.request", new=AsyncMock(return_value=[sentinel.data, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "device, reporting", [(LIGHT_ON_OFF, (1, 0, 0)), (LIGHT_LEVEL, (1, 1, 0)), (LIGHT_COLOR, (1, 1, 3))], ) async def test_light( hass, zigpy_device_mock, zha_device_joined_restored, device, reporting ): """Test zha light platform.""" # create zigpy devices zigpy_device = zigpy_device_mock(device) zha_device = await zha_device_joined_restored(zigpy_device) entity_id = await find_entity_id(DOMAIN, zha_device, hass) assert entity_id is not None cluster_on_off = zigpy_device.endpoints[1].on_off cluster_level = getattr(zigpy_device.endpoints[1], "level", None) cluster_color = getattr(zigpy_device.endpoints[1], "light_color", None) cluster_identify = getattr(zigpy_device.endpoints[1], "identify", None) assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF await async_enable_traffic(hass, [zha_device], enabled=False) # test that the lights were created and that they are unavailable assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE # allow traffic to flow through the gateway and device await async_enable_traffic(hass, [zha_device]) # test that the lights were created and are off assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF # test turning the lights on and off from the light await async_test_on_off_from_light(hass, cluster_on_off, entity_id) # test turning the lights on and off from the HA await async_test_on_off_from_hass(hass, cluster_on_off, entity_id) # test short flashing the lights from the HA if cluster_identify: await async_test_flash_from_hass(hass, cluster_identify, entity_id, FLASH_SHORT) # test turning the lights on and off from the HA if cluster_level: await async_test_level_on_off_from_hass( hass, cluster_on_off, cluster_level, entity_id ) # test getting a brightness change from the network await async_test_on_from_light(hass, cluster_on_off, entity_id) await async_test_dimmer_from_light( hass, cluster_level, entity_id, 150, STATE_ON ) # test rejoin await async_test_off_from_hass(hass, cluster_on_off, entity_id) clusters = [cluster_on_off] if cluster_level: clusters.append(cluster_level) if cluster_color: clusters.append(cluster_color) await async_test_rejoin(hass, zigpy_device, clusters, reporting) # test long flashing the lights from the HA if cluster_identify: await async_test_flash_from_hass(hass, cluster_identify, entity_id, FLASH_LONG) async def async_test_on_off_from_light(hass, cluster, entity_id): """Test on off functionality from the light.""" # turn on at light await send_attributes_report(hass, cluster, {1: 0, 0: 1, 2: 3}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_ON # turn off at light await send_attributes_report(hass, cluster, {1: 1, 0: 0, 2: 3}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_OFF async def async_test_on_from_light(hass, cluster, entity_id): """Test on off functionality from the light.""" # turn on at light await send_attributes_report(hass, cluster, {1: -1, 0: 1, 2: 2}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == STATE_ON async def async_test_on_off_from_hass(hass, cluster, entity_id): """Test on off functionality from hass.""" # turn on via UI cluster.request.reset_mock() await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, "turn_on", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True ) assert cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert cluster.request.await_count == 1 assert cluster.request.call_args == call( False, ON, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None, tsn=None ) await async_test_off_from_hass(hass, cluster, entity_id) async def async_test_off_from_hass(hass, cluster, entity_id): """Test turning off the light from Home Assistant.""" # turn off via UI cluster.request.reset_mock() await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, "turn_off", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True ) assert cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert cluster.request.await_count == 1 assert cluster.request.call_args == call( False, OFF, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None, tsn=None ) async def async_test_level_on_off_from_hass( hass, on_off_cluster, level_cluster, entity_id ): """Test on off functionality from hass.""" on_off_cluster.request.reset_mock() level_cluster.request.reset_mock() # turn on via UI await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, "turn_on", {"entity_id": entity_id}, blocking=True ) assert on_off_cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert on_off_cluster.request.await_count == 1 assert level_cluster.request.call_count == 0 assert level_cluster.request.await_count == 0 assert on_off_cluster.request.call_args == call( False, ON, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None, tsn=None ) on_off_cluster.request.reset_mock() level_cluster.request.reset_mock() await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, "turn_on", {"entity_id": entity_id, "transition": 10}, blocking=True ) assert on_off_cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert on_off_cluster.request.await_count == 1 assert level_cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert level_cluster.request.await_count == 1 assert on_off_cluster.request.call_args == call( False, ON, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None, tsn=None ) assert level_cluster.request.call_args == call( False, 4, (zigpy.types.uint8_t, zigpy.types.uint16_t), 254, 100.0, expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None, tsn=None, ) on_off_cluster.request.reset_mock() level_cluster.request.reset_mock() await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, "turn_on", {"entity_id": entity_id, "brightness": 10}, blocking=True ) assert on_off_cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert on_off_cluster.request.await_count == 1 assert level_cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert level_cluster.request.await_count == 1 assert on_off_cluster.request.call_args == call( False, ON, (), expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None, tsn=None ) assert level_cluster.request.call_args == call( False, 4, (zigpy.types.uint8_t, zigpy.types.uint16_t), 10, 1, expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None, tsn=None, ) on_off_cluster.request.reset_mock() level_cluster.request.reset_mock() await async_test_off_from_hass(hass, on_off_cluster, entity_id) async def async_test_dimmer_from_light(hass, cluster, entity_id, level, expected_state): """Test dimmer functionality from the light.""" await send_attributes_report( hass, cluster, {1: level + 10, 0: level, 2: level - 10 or 22} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == expected_state # hass uses None for brightness of 0 in state attributes if level == 0: level = None assert hass.states.get(entity_id).attributes.get("brightness") == level async def async_test_flash_from_hass(hass, cluster, entity_id, flash): """Test flash functionality from hass.""" # turn on via UI cluster.request.reset_mock() await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, "turn_on", {"entity_id": entity_id, "flash": flash}, blocking=True ) assert cluster.request.call_count == 1 assert cluster.request.await_count == 1 assert cluster.request.call_args == call( False, 64, (zigpy.types.uint8_t, zigpy.types.uint8_t), FLASH_EFFECTS[flash], 0, expect_reply=True, manufacturer=None, tsn=None, ) @patch( "zigpy.zcl.clusters.lighting.Color.request", new=AsyncMock(return_value=[sentinel.data, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]), ) @patch( "zigpy.zcl.clusters.general.Identify.request", new=AsyncMock(return_value=[sentinel.data, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]), ) @patch( "zigpy.zcl.clusters.general.LevelControl.request", new=AsyncMock(return_value=[sentinel.data, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]), ) @patch( "zigpy.zcl.clusters.general.OnOff.request", new=AsyncMock(return_value=[sentinel.data, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]), ) async def test_zha_group_light_entity( hass, device_light_1, device_light_2, device_light_3, coordinator ): """Test the light entity for a ZHA group.""" zha_gateway = get_zha_gateway(hass) assert zha_gateway is not None zha_gateway.coordinator_zha_device = coordinator coordinator._zha_gateway = zha_gateway device_light_1._zha_gateway = zha_gateway device_light_2._zha_gateway = zha_gateway member_ieee_addresses = [device_light_1.ieee, device_light_2.ieee] members = [GroupMember(device_light_1.ieee, 1), GroupMember(device_light_2.ieee, 1)] assert coordinator.is_coordinator # test creating a group with 2 members zha_group = await zha_gateway.async_create_zigpy_group("Test Group", members) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert zha_group is not None assert len(zha_group.members) == 2 for member in zha_group.members: assert member.device.ieee in member_ieee_addresses assert member.group == zha_group assert member.endpoint is not None device_1_entity_id = await find_entity_id(DOMAIN, device_light_1, hass) device_2_entity_id = await find_entity_id(DOMAIN, device_light_2, hass) device_3_entity_id = await find_entity_id(DOMAIN, device_light_3, hass) assert ( device_1_entity_id != device_2_entity_id and device_1_entity_id != device_3_entity_id ) assert device_2_entity_id != device_3_entity_id group_entity_id = async_find_group_entity_id(hass, DOMAIN, zha_group) assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id) is not None assert device_1_entity_id in zha_group.member_entity_ids assert device_2_entity_id in zha_group.member_entity_ids assert device_3_entity_id not in zha_group.member_entity_ids group_cluster_on_off = zha_group.endpoint[general.OnOff.cluster_id] group_cluster_level = zha_group.endpoint[general.LevelControl.cluster_id] group_cluster_identify = zha_group.endpoint[general.Identify.cluster_id] dev1_cluster_on_off = device_light_1.device.endpoints[1].on_off dev2_cluster_on_off = device_light_2.device.endpoints[1].on_off dev3_cluster_on_off = device_light_3.device.endpoints[1].on_off dev1_cluster_level = device_light_1.device.endpoints[1].level await async_enable_traffic( hass, [device_light_1, device_light_2, device_light_3], enabled=False ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # test that the lights were created and that they are unavailable assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE # allow traffic to flow through the gateway and device await async_enable_traffic(hass, [device_light_1, device_light_2, device_light_3]) await hass.async_block_till_done() # test that the lights were created and are off assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF # test turning the lights on and off from the HA await async_test_on_off_from_hass(hass, group_cluster_on_off, group_entity_id) # test short flashing the lights from the HA await async_test_flash_from_hass( hass, group_cluster_identify, group_entity_id, FLASH_SHORT ) # test turning the lights on and off from the light await async_test_on_off_from_light(hass, dev1_cluster_on_off, group_entity_id) # test turning the lights on and off from the HA await async_test_level_on_off_from_hass( hass, group_cluster_on_off, group_cluster_level, group_entity_id ) # test getting a brightness change from the network await async_test_on_from_light(hass, dev1_cluster_on_off, group_entity_id) await async_test_dimmer_from_light( hass, dev1_cluster_level, group_entity_id, 150, STATE_ON ) # test long flashing the lights from the HA await async_test_flash_from_hass( hass, group_cluster_identify, group_entity_id, FLASH_LONG ) assert len(zha_group.members) == 2 # test some of the group logic to make sure we key off states correctly await send_attributes_report(hass, dev1_cluster_on_off, {0: 1}) await send_attributes_report(hass, dev2_cluster_on_off, {0: 1}) await hass.async_block_till_done() # test that group light is on assert hass.states.get(device_1_entity_id).state == STATE_ON assert hass.states.get(device_2_entity_id).state == STATE_ON assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state == STATE_ON await send_attributes_report(hass, dev1_cluster_on_off, {0: 0}) await hass.async_block_till_done() # test that group light is still on assert hass.states.get(device_1_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF assert hass.states.get(device_2_entity_id).state == STATE_ON assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state == STATE_ON await send_attributes_report(hass, dev2_cluster_on_off, {0: 0}) await hass.async_block_till_done() # test that group light is now off assert hass.states.get(device_1_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF assert hass.states.get(device_2_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF await send_attributes_report(hass, dev1_cluster_on_off, {0: 1}) await hass.async_block_till_done() # test that group light is now back on assert hass.states.get(device_1_entity_id).state == STATE_ON assert hass.states.get(device_2_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state == STATE_ON # turn it off to test a new member add being tracked await send_attributes_report(hass, dev1_cluster_on_off, {0: 0}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(device_1_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF assert hass.states.get(device_2_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF # add a new member and test that his state is also tracked await zha_group.async_add_members([GroupMember(device_light_3.ieee, 1)]) await send_attributes_report(hass, dev3_cluster_on_off, {0: 1}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert device_3_entity_id in zha_group.member_entity_ids assert len(zha_group.members) == 3 assert hass.states.get(device_1_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF assert hass.states.get(device_2_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF assert hass.states.get(device_3_entity_id).state == STATE_ON assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state == STATE_ON # make the group have only 1 member and now there should be no entity await zha_group.async_remove_members( [GroupMember(device_light_2.ieee, 1), GroupMember(device_light_3.ieee, 1)] ) assert len(zha_group.members) == 1 assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id) is None assert device_2_entity_id not in zha_group.member_entity_ids assert device_3_entity_id not in zha_group.member_entity_ids # make sure the entity registry entry is still there assert zha_gateway.ha_entity_registry.async_get(group_entity_id) is not None # add a member back and ensure that the group entity was created again await zha_group.async_add_members([GroupMember(device_light_3.ieee, 1)]) await send_attributes_report(hass, dev3_cluster_on_off, {0: 1}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(zha_group.members) == 2 assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state == STATE_ON # add a 3rd member and ensure we still have an entity and we track the new one await send_attributes_report(hass, dev1_cluster_on_off, {0: 0}) await send_attributes_report(hass, dev3_cluster_on_off, {0: 0}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state == STATE_OFF # this will test that _reprobe_group is used correctly await zha_group.async_add_members( [GroupMember(device_light_2.ieee, 1), GroupMember(coordinator.ieee, 1)] ) await send_attributes_report(hass, dev2_cluster_on_off, {0: 1}) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(zha_group.members) == 4 assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state == STATE_ON await zha_group.async_remove_members([GroupMember(coordinator.ieee, 1)]) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id).state == STATE_ON assert len(zha_group.members) == 3 # remove the group and ensure that there is no entity and that the entity registry is cleaned up assert zha_gateway.ha_entity_registry.async_get(group_entity_id) is not None await zha_gateway.async_remove_zigpy_group(zha_group.group_id) assert hass.states.get(group_entity_id) is None assert zha_gateway.ha_entity_registry.async_get(group_entity_id) is None
from operator import xor # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def diff3(yourtext, origtext, theirtext): """Three-way diff based on the GNU diff3.c by R. Smith. @param [in] yourtext Array of lines of your text. @param [in] origtext Array of lines of original text. @param [in] theirtext Array of lines of their text. @returns Array of tuples containing diff results. The tuples consist of (cmd, loA, hiA, loB, hiB), where cmd is either one of '0', '1', '2', or 'A'. """ # diff result => [(cmd, loA, hiA, loB, hiB), ...] d2 = (diff(origtext, yourtext), diff(origtext, theirtext)) d3 = [] r3 = [None, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] while d2[0] or d2[1]: # find a continual range in origtext lo2..hi2 # changed by yourtext or by theirtext. # # d2[0] 222 222222222 # origtext ...L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!H... # d2[1] 222222 22 2222222 r2 = ([], []) if not d2[0]: i = 1 else: if not d2[1]: i = 0 else: if d2[0][0][1] <= d2[1][0][1]: i = 0 else: i = 1 j = i k = xor(i, 1) hi = d2[j][0][2] r2[j].append(d2[j].pop(0)) while d2[k] and d2[k][0][1] <= hi + 1: hi_k = d2[k][0][2] r2[k].append(d2[k].pop(0)) if hi < hi_k: hi = hi_k j = k k = xor(k, 1) lo2 = r2[i][0][1] hi2 = r2[j][-1][2] # take the corresponding ranges in yourtext lo0..hi0 # and in theirtext lo1..hi1. # # yourtext ..L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!H... # d2[0] 222 222222222 # origtext ...00!1111!000!!00!111111... # d2[1] 222222 22 2222222 # theirtext ...L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!H... if r2[0]: lo0 = r2[0][0][3] - r2[0][0][1] + lo2 hi0 = r2[0][-1][4] - r2[0][-1][2] + hi2 else: lo0 = r3[2] - r3[6] + lo2 hi0 = r3[2] - r3[6] + hi2 if r2[1]: lo1 = r2[1][0][3] - r2[1][0][1] + lo2 hi1 = r2[1][-1][4] - r2[1][-1][2] + hi2 else: lo1 = r3[4] - r3[6] + lo2 hi1 = r3[4] - r3[6] + hi2 # detect type of changes if not r2[0]: cmd = '1' elif not r2[1]: cmd = '0' elif hi0 - lo0 != hi1 - lo1: cmd = 'A' else: cmd = '2' for d in range(0, hi0 - lo0 + 1): (i0, i1) = (lo0 + d - 1, lo1 + d - 1) ok0 = (0 <= i0 and i0 < len(yourtext)) ok1 = (0 <= i1 and i1 < len(theirtext)) if xor(ok0, ok1) or (ok0 and yourtext[i0] != theirtext[i1]): cmd = 'A' break d3.append((cmd, lo0, hi0, lo1, hi1, lo2, hi2)) return d3 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def merge(yourtext, origtext, theirtext): res = {'conflict': 0, 'body': []} d3 = diff3(yourtext, origtext, theirtext) text3 = (yourtext, theirtext, origtext) i2 = 1 for r3 in d3: for lineno in range(i2, r3[5]): res['body'].append(text3[2][lineno - 1]) if r3[0] == '0': for lineno in range(r3[1], r3[2] + 1): res['body'].append(text3[0][lineno - 1]) elif r3[0] != 'A': for lineno in range(r3[3], r3[4] + 1): res['body'].append(text3[1][lineno - 1]) else: res = _conflict_range(text3, r3, res) i2 = r3[6] + 1 for lineno in range(i2, len(text3[2]) + 1): res['body'].append(text3[2][lineno - 1]) return res # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _conflict_range(text3, r3, res): text_a = [] # their text for i in range(r3[3], r3[4] + 1): text_a.append(text3[1][i - 1]) text_b = [] # your text for i in range(r3[1], r3[2] + 1): text_b.append(text3[0][i - 1]) d = diff(text_a, text_b) if _assoc_range(d, 'c') and r3[5] <= r3[6]: res['conflict'] += 1 res['body'].append('<<<<<<<\n') for lineno in range(r3[1], r3[2] + 1): res['body'].append(text3[0][lineno - 1]) res['body'].append('|||||||\n') for lineno in range(r3[5], r3[6] + 1): res['body'].append(text3[2][lineno - 1]) res['body'].append('=======\n') for lineno in range(r3[3], r3[4] + 1): res['body'].append(text3[1][lineno - 1]) res['body'].append('>>>>>>>\n') return res ia = 1 for r2 in d: for lineno in range(ia, r2[1]): res['body'].append(text_a[lineno - 1]) if r2[0] == 'c': res['conflict'] += 1 res['body'].append('<<<<<<<\n') for lineno in range(r2[3], r2[4] + 1): res['body'].append(text_b[lineno - 1]) res['body'].append('=======\n') for lineno in range(r2[1], r2[2] + 1): res['body'].append(text_a[lineno - 1]) res['body'].append('>>>>>>>\n') elif r2[0] == 'a': for lineno in range(r2[3], r2[4] + 1): res['body'].append(text_b[lineno - 1]) ia = r2[2] + 1 for lineno in range(ia, len(text_a)): res['body'].append(text_a[lineno - 1]) return res # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _assoc_range(diff, diff_type): for d in diff: if d[0] == diff_type: return d return None # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _diff_heckel(text_a, text_b): """Two-way diff based on the algorithm by P. Heckel. @param [in] text_a Array of lines of first text. @param [in] text_b Array of lines of second text. @returns TODO """ d = [] uniq = [(len(text_a), len(text_b))] (freq, ap, bp) = ({}, {}, {}) for i in range(len(text_a)): s = text_a[i] freq[s] = freq.get(s, 0) + 2 ap[s] = i for i in range(len(text_b)): s = text_b[i] freq[s] = freq.get(s, 0) + 3 bp[s] = i for s, x in freq.items(): if x == 5: uniq.append((ap[s], bp[s])) (freq, ap, bp) = ({}, {}, {}) uniq.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) (a1, b1) = (0, 0) while a1 < len(text_a) and b1 < len(text_b): if text_a[a1] != text_b[b1]: break a1 += 1 b1 += 1 for a_uniq, b_uniq in uniq: if a_uniq < a1 or b_uniq < b1: continue (a0, b0) = (a1, b1) (a1, b1) = (a_uniq - 1, b_uniq - 1) while a0 <= a1 and b0 <= b1: if text_a[a1] != text_b[b1]: break a1 -= 1 b1 -= 1 if a0 <= a1 and b0 <= b1: d.append(('c', a0 + 1, a1 + 1, b0 + 1, b1 + 1)) elif a0 <= a1: d.append(('d', a0 + 1, a1 + 1, b0 + 1, b0)) elif b0 <= b1: d.append(('a', a0 + 1, a0, b0 + 1, b1 + 1)) (a1, b1) = (a_uniq + 1, b_uniq + 1) while a1 < len(text_a) and b1 < len(text_b): if text_a[a1] != text_b[b1]: break a1 += 1 b1 += 1 return d # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- diff = _diff_heckel # default two-way diff function used by diff3()
from collections import Counter import numpy as np from scattertext.Common import DEFAULT_PMI_THRESHOLD_COEFFICIENT def filter_bigrams_by_pmis(word_freq_df, threshold_coef=DEFAULT_PMI_THRESHOLD_COEFFICIENT): # type: (pd.DataFrame, int) -> pd.DataFrame if len(word_freq_df.index) == 0: return word_freq_df low_pmi_bigrams = get_low_pmi_bigrams(threshold_coef, word_freq_df) return word_freq_df.drop(low_pmi_bigrams.index) def filter_out_unigrams_that_only_occur_in_one_bigram(df): # type: (pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame bigrams = {bigram for bigram in df.index if ' ' in bigram} unigrams_to_remove = unigrams_that_only_occur_in_one_bigram(bigrams) return df.drop(unigrams_to_remove) def unigrams_that_only_occur_in_one_bigram(bigrams): # type: (set) -> set tok_bigram_counts = Counter() for bigram in bigrams: for tok in bigram.split(): tok_bigram_counts[tok] += 1 return {tok for tok, count in tok_bigram_counts.items() if count == 1} def get_low_pmi_bigrams(threshold_coef, word_freq_df): # type: (float, pd.DataFrame) -> object is_bigram = np.array([' ' in word for word in word_freq_df.index]) unigram_freq = word_freq_df[~is_bigram].sum(axis=1) bigram_freq = word_freq_df[is_bigram].sum(axis=1) bigram_prob = bigram_freq / bigram_freq.sum() unigram_prob = unigram_freq / unigram_freq.sum() def get_pmi(bigram): try: return np.log( bigram_prob[bigram] / np.product([unigram_prob[word] for word in bigram.split(' ')]) ) / np.log(2) except: return 0 low_pmi_bigrams = bigram_prob[bigram_prob.index.map(get_pmi) < threshold_coef * 2] return low_pmi_bigrams class AtLeastOneCategoryHasNoTermsException(Exception): pass class TermDocMatrixFilter(object): ''' Filter out terms below a particular frequency or pmi threshold. ''' def __init__(self, pmi_threshold_coef=DEFAULT_PMI_THRESHOLD_COEFFICIENT, minimum_term_freq=3): ''' Parameters ---------- pmi_threshold_coef : float Bigram filtering threshold (2 * PMI). Default 2. minimum_term_freq : int Minimum number of times term has to appear. Default 3. ''' self._threshold_coef = pmi_threshold_coef self._min_freq = minimum_term_freq def filter(self, term_doc_matrix): ''' Parameters ---------- term_doc_matrix : TermDocMatrix Returns ------- TermDocMatrix pmi-filterd term doc matrix ''' df = term_doc_matrix.get_term_freq_df() if len(df) == 0: return term_doc_matrix low_pmi_bigrams = get_low_pmi_bigrams(self._threshold_coef, df).index infrequent_terms = df[df.sum(axis=1) < self._min_freq].index filtered_term_doc_mat = term_doc_matrix.remove_terms(set(low_pmi_bigrams | infrequent_terms)) try: filtered_term_doc_mat.get_term_freq_df() except ValueError: raise AtLeastOneCategoryHasNoTermsException() return filtered_term_doc_mat
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod class Broker(object): """ This abstract class provides an interface to a generic broker entity. Both simulated and live brokers will be derived from this ABC. This ensures that trading algorithm specific logic is completely identical for both simulated and live environments. The Broker has an associated master denominated currency through which all subscriptions and withdrawals will occur. The Broker entity can support multiple sub-portfolios, each with their own separate handling of PnL. The individual PnLs from each sub-portfolio can be aggregated to generate an account-wide PnL. The Broker can execute orders. It contains a queue of open orders, needed for handling closed market situations. The Broker also supports individual history events for each sub-portfolio, which can be aggregated, along with the account history, to produce a full trading history for the account. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod def subscribe_funds_to_account(self, amount): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement subscribe_funds_to_account()" ) @abstractmethod def withdraw_funds_from_account(self, amount): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement withdraw_funds_from_account()" ) @abstractmethod def get_account_cash_balance(self, currency=None): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement get_account_cash_balance()" ) @abstractmethod def get_account_total_non_cash_equity(self): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement get_account_total_non_cash_equity()" ) @abstractmethod def get_account_total_equity(self): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement get_account_total_equity()" ) @abstractmethod def create_portfolio(self, portfolio_id, name): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement create_portfolio()" ) @abstractmethod def list_all_portfolios(self): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement list_all_portfolios()" ) @abstractmethod def subscribe_funds_to_portfolio(self, portfolio_id, amount): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement subscribe_funds_to_portfolio()" ) @abstractmethod def withdraw_funds_from_portfolio(self, portfolio_id, amount): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement withdraw_funds_from_portfolio()" ) @abstractmethod def get_portfolio_cash_balance(self, portfolio_id): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement get_portfolio_cash_balance()" ) @abstractmethod def get_portfolio_total_non_cash_equity(self, portfolio_id): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement get_portfolio_total_non_cash_equity()" ) @abstractmethod def get_portfolio_total_equity(self, portfolio_id): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement get_portfolio_total_equity()" ) @abstractmethod def get_portfolio_as_dict(self, portfolio_id): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement get_portfolio_as_dict()" ) @abstractmethod def submit_order(self, portfolio_id, order): raise NotImplementedError( "Should implement submit_order()" )
from functools import partial from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np from ..annotations import _annotations_starts_stops from ..filter import create_filter from ..io.pick import pick_types, _pick_data_channels, pick_info, pick_channels from ..utils import verbose, _validate_type, _check_option from ..time_frequency import psd_welch from ..defaults import _handle_default from .topo import _plot_topo, _plot_timeseries, _plot_timeseries_unified from .utils import (plt_show, _compute_scalings, _handle_decim, _check_cov, _shorten_path_from_middle, _get_channel_plotting_order, _make_event_color_dict) _RAW_CLIP_DEF = 1.5 @verbose def plot_raw(raw, events=None, duration=10.0, start=0.0, n_channels=20, bgcolor='w', color=None, bad_color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), event_color='cyan', scalings=None, remove_dc=True, order=None, show_options=False, title=None, show=True, block=False, highpass=None, lowpass=None, filtorder=4, clipping=_RAW_CLIP_DEF, show_first_samp=False, proj=True, group_by='type', butterfly=False, decim='auto', noise_cov=None, event_id=None, show_scrollbars=True, show_scalebars=True, verbose=None): """Plot raw data. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of Raw The raw data to plot. events : array | None Events to show with vertical bars. duration : float Time window (s) to plot. The lesser of this value and the duration of the raw file will be used. start : float Initial time to show (can be changed dynamically once plotted). If show_first_samp is True, then it is taken relative to ``raw.first_samp``. n_channels : int Number of channels to plot at once. Defaults to 20. The lesser of ``n_channels`` and ``len(raw.ch_names)`` will be shown. Has no effect if ``order`` is 'position', 'selection' or 'butterfly'. bgcolor : color object Color of the background. color : dict | color object | None Color for the data traces. If None, defaults to:: dict(mag='darkblue', grad='b', eeg='k', eog='k', ecg='m', emg='k', ref_meg='steelblue', misc='k', stim='k', resp='k', chpi='k') bad_color : color object Color to make bad channels. %(event_color)s Defaults to ``'cyan'``. scalings : 'auto' | dict | None Scaling factors for the traces. If any fields in scalings are 'auto', the scaling factor is set to match the 99.5th percentile of a subset of the corresponding data. If scalings == 'auto', all scalings fields are set to 'auto'. If any fields are 'auto' and data is not preloaded, a subset of times up to 100mb will be loaded. If None, defaults to:: dict(mag=1e-12, grad=4e-11, eeg=20e-6, eog=150e-6, ecg=5e-4, emg=1e-3, ref_meg=1e-12, misc=1e-3, stim=1, resp=1, chpi=1e-4, whitened=1e2) remove_dc : bool If True remove DC component when plotting data. order : array of int | None Order in which to plot data. If the array is shorter than the number of channels, only the given channels are plotted. If None (default), all channels are plotted. If ``group_by`` is ``'position'`` or ``'selection'``, the ``order`` parameter is used only for selecting the channels to be plotted. show_options : bool If True, a dialog for options related to projection is shown. title : str | None The title of the window. If None, and either the filename of the raw object or '<unknown>' will be displayed as title. show : bool Show figure if True. block : bool Whether to halt program execution until the figure is closed. Useful for setting bad channels on the fly by clicking on a line. May not work on all systems / platforms. highpass : float | None Highpass to apply when displaying data. lowpass : float | None Lowpass to apply when displaying data. If highpass > lowpass, a bandstop rather than bandpass filter will be applied. filtorder : int Filtering order. 0 will use FIR filtering with MNE defaults. Other values will construct an IIR filter of the given order and apply it with :func:`~scipy.signal.filtfilt` (making the effective order twice ``filtorder``). Filtering may produce some edge artifacts (at the left and right edges) of the signals during display. .. versionchanged:: 0.18 Support for ``filtorder=0`` to use FIR filtering. clipping : str | float | None If None, channels are allowed to exceed their designated bounds in the plot. If "clamp", then values are clamped to the appropriate range for display, creating step-like artifacts. If "transparent", then excessive values are not shown, creating gaps in the traces. If float, clipping occurs for values beyond the ``clipping`` multiple of their dedicated range, so ``clipping=1.`` is an alias for ``clipping='transparent'``. .. versionchanged:: 0.21 Support for float, and default changed from None to 1.5. show_first_samp : bool If True, show time axis relative to the ``raw.first_samp``. proj : bool Whether to apply projectors prior to plotting (default is ``True``). Individual projectors can be enabled/disabled interactively (see Notes). This argument only affects the plot; use ``raw.apply_proj()`` to modify the data stored in the Raw object. %(browse_group_by)s butterfly : bool Whether to start in butterfly mode. Defaults to False. decim : int | 'auto' Amount to decimate the data during display for speed purposes. You should only decimate if the data are sufficiently low-passed, otherwise aliasing can occur. The 'auto' mode (default) uses the decimation that results in a sampling rate least three times larger than ``min(info['lowpass'], lowpass)`` (e.g., a 40 Hz lowpass will result in at least a 120 Hz displayed sample rate). noise_cov : instance of Covariance | str | None Noise covariance used to whiten the data while plotting. Whitened data channels are scaled by ``scalings['whitened']``, and their channel names are shown in italic. Can be a string to load a covariance from disk. See also :meth:`mne.Evoked.plot_white` for additional inspection of noise covariance properties when whitening evoked data. For data processed with SSS, the effective dependence between magnetometers and gradiometers may introduce differences in scaling, consider using :meth:`mne.Evoked.plot_white`. .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 event_id : dict | None Event IDs used to show at event markers (default None shows the event numbers). .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 %(show_scrollbars)s show_scalebars : bool Whether or not to show the scale bars. Defaults to True. .. versionadded:: 0.20.0 %(verbose)s Returns ------- fig : instance of matplotlib.figure.Figure Raw traces. Notes ----- The arrow keys (up/down/left/right) can typically be used to navigate between channels and time ranges, but this depends on the backend matplotlib is configured to use (e.g., mpl.use('TkAgg') should work). The left/right arrows will scroll by 25%% of ``duration``, whereas shift+left/shift+right will scroll by 100%% of ``duration``. The scaling can be adjusted with - and + (or =) keys. The viewport dimensions can be adjusted with page up/page down and home/end keys. Full screen mode can be toggled with the F11 key, and scrollbars can be hidden/shown by pressing 'z'. Right-click a channel label to view its location. To mark or un-mark a channel as bad, click on a channel label or a channel trace. The changes will be reflected immediately in the raw object's ``raw.info['bads']`` entry. If projectors are present, a button labelled "Prj" in the lower right corner of the plot window opens a secondary control window, which allows enabling/disabling specific projectors individually. This provides a means of interactively observing how each projector would affect the raw data if it were applied. Annotation mode is toggled by pressing 'a', butterfly mode by pressing 'b', and whitening mode (when ``noise_cov is not None``) by pressing 'w'. By default, the channel means are removed when ``remove_dc`` is set to ``True``. This flag can be toggled by pressing 'd'. """ from ..io.base import BaseRaw from ._figure import _browse_figure info = raw.info.copy() sfreq = info['sfreq'] projs = info['projs'] # this will be an attr for which projectors are currently "on" in the plot projs_on = np.full_like(projs, proj, dtype=bool) # disable projs in info if user doesn't want to see them right away if not proj: info['projs'] = list() # handle defaults / check arg validity color = _handle_default('color', color) scalings = _compute_scalings(scalings, raw, remove_dc=remove_dc, duration=duration) if scalings['whitened'] == 'auto': scalings['whitened'] = 1. _validate_type(raw, BaseRaw, 'raw', 'Raw') decim, picks_data = _handle_decim(info, decim, lowpass) noise_cov = _check_cov(noise_cov, info) units = _handle_default('units', None) unit_scalings = _handle_default('scalings', None) _check_option('group_by', group_by, ('selection', 'position', 'original', 'type')) # clipping _validate_type(clipping, (None, 'numeric', str), 'clipping') if isinstance(clipping, str): _check_option('clipping', clipping, ('clamp', 'transparent'), extra='when a string') clipping = 1. if clipping == 'transparent' else clipping elif clipping is not None: clipping = float(clipping) # be forgiving if user asks for too much time duration = min(raw.times[-1], float(duration)) # determine IIR filtering parameters if highpass is not None and highpass <= 0: raise ValueError(f'highpass must be > 0, got {highpass}') if highpass is None and lowpass is None: ba = filt_bounds = None else: filtorder = int(filtorder) if filtorder == 0: method = 'fir' iir_params = None else: method = 'iir' iir_params = dict(order=filtorder, output='sos', ftype='butter') ba = create_filter(np.zeros((1, int(round(duration * sfreq)))), sfreq, highpass, lowpass, method=method, iir_params=iir_params) filt_bounds = _annotations_starts_stops( raw, ('edge', 'bad_acq_skip'), invert=True) # compute event times in seconds if events is not None: event_times = (events[:, 0] - raw.first_samp).astype(float) event_times /= sfreq event_nums = events[:, 2] else: event_times = event_nums = None # determine trace order ch_names = np.array(raw.ch_names) ch_types = np.array(raw.get_channel_types()) order = _get_channel_plotting_order(order, ch_types) n_channels = min(info['nchan'], n_channels, len(order)) # adjust order based on channel selection, if needed selections = None if group_by in ('selection', 'position'): selections = _setup_channel_selections(raw, group_by, order) order = np.concatenate(list(selections.values())) default_selection = list(selections)[0] n_channels = len(selections[default_selection]) # handle event colors event_color_dict = _make_event_color_dict(event_color, events, event_id) # handle first_samp first_time = raw._first_time if show_first_samp else 0 start += first_time event_id_rev = {v: k for k, v in (event_id or {}).items()} # generate window title; allow instances without a filename (e.g., ICA) if title is None: title = '<unknown>' fnames = raw._filenames.copy() if len(fnames): title = fnames.pop(0) extra = f' ... (+ {len(fnames)} more)' if len(fnames) else '' title = f'{title}{extra}' if len(title) > 60: title = _shorten_path_from_middle(title) elif not isinstance(title, str): raise TypeError(f'title must be None or a string, got a {type(title)}') # gather parameters and initialize figure params = dict(inst=raw, info=info, # channels and channel order ch_names=ch_names, ch_types=ch_types, ch_order=order, picks=order[:n_channels], n_channels=n_channels, picks_data=picks_data, group_by=group_by, ch_selections=selections, # time t_start=start, duration=duration, n_times=raw.n_times, first_time=first_time, decim=decim, # events event_color_dict=event_color_dict, event_times=event_times, event_nums=event_nums, event_id_rev=event_id_rev, # preprocessing projs=projs, projs_on=projs_on, apply_proj=proj, remove_dc=remove_dc, filter_coefs=ba, filter_bounds=filt_bounds, noise_cov=noise_cov, # scalings scalings=scalings, units=units, unit_scalings=unit_scalings, # colors ch_color_bad=bad_color, ch_color_dict=color, # display butterfly=butterfly, clipping=clipping, scrollbars_visible=show_scrollbars, scalebars_visible=show_scalebars, window_title=title) fig = _browse_figure(**params) fig._update_picks() # make channel selection dialog, if requested (doesn't work well in init) if group_by in ('selection', 'position'): fig._create_selection_fig() # update projector and data, and plot fig._update_projector() fig._update_trace_offsets() fig._update_data() fig._draw_traces() # plot annotations (if any) fig._setup_annotation_colors() fig._draw_annotations() # start with projectors dialog open, if requested if show_options: fig._toggle_proj_fig() # for blitting fig.canvas.flush_events() fig.mne.bg = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(fig.bbox) plt_show(show, block=block) return fig @verbose def plot_raw_psd(raw, fmin=0, fmax=np.inf, tmin=None, tmax=None, proj=False, n_fft=None, n_overlap=0, reject_by_annotation=True, picks=None, ax=None, color='black', xscale='linear', area_mode='std', area_alpha=0.33, dB=True, estimate='auto', show=True, n_jobs=1, average=False, line_alpha=None, spatial_colors=True, sphere=None, window='hamming', verbose=None): """%(plot_psd_doc)s. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of Raw The raw object. fmin : float Start frequency to consider. fmax : float End frequency to consider. tmin : float | None Start time to consider. tmax : float | None End time to consider. proj : bool Apply projection. n_fft : int | None Number of points to use in Welch FFT calculations. Default is None, which uses the minimum of 2048 and the number of time points. n_overlap : int The number of points of overlap between blocks. The default value is 0 (no overlap). %(reject_by_annotation_raw)s %(plot_psd_picks_good_data)s ax : instance of Axes | None Axes to plot into. If None, axes will be created. %(plot_psd_color)s %(plot_psd_xscale)s %(plot_psd_area_mode)s %(plot_psd_area_alpha)s %(plot_psd_dB)s %(plot_psd_estimate)s %(show)s %(n_jobs)s %(plot_psd_average)s %(plot_psd_line_alpha)s %(plot_psd_spatial_colors)s %(topomap_sphere_auto)s %(window-psd)s .. versionadded:: 0.22.0 %(verbose)s Returns ------- fig : instance of Figure Figure with frequency spectra of the data channels. """ from ._figure import _psd_figure # handle FFT if n_fft is None: if tmax is None or not np.isfinite(tmax): tmax = raw.times[-1] tmin = 0. if tmin is None else tmin n_fft = min(np.diff(raw.time_as_index([tmin, tmax]))[0] + 1, 2048) # generate figure fig = _psd_figure( inst=raw, proj=proj, picks=picks, axes=ax, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, sphere=sphere, xscale=xscale, dB=dB, average=average, estimate=estimate, area_mode=area_mode, line_alpha=line_alpha, area_alpha=area_alpha, color=color, spatial_colors=spatial_colors, n_jobs=n_jobs, n_fft=n_fft, n_overlap=n_overlap, reject_by_annotation=reject_by_annotation, window=window) plt_show(show) return fig @verbose def plot_raw_psd_topo(raw, tmin=0., tmax=None, fmin=0., fmax=100., proj=False, n_fft=2048, n_overlap=0, layout=None, color='w', fig_facecolor='k', axis_facecolor='k', dB=True, show=True, block=False, n_jobs=1, axes=None, verbose=None): """Plot channel-wise frequency spectra as topography. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of io.Raw The raw instance to use. tmin : float Start time for calculations. Defaults to zero. tmax : float | None End time for calculations. If None (default), the end of data is used. fmin : float Start frequency to consider. Defaults to zero. fmax : float End frequency to consider. Defaults to 100. proj : bool Apply projection. Defaults to False. n_fft : int Number of points to use in Welch FFT calculations. Defaults to 2048. n_overlap : int The number of points of overlap between blocks. Defaults to 0 (no overlap). layout : instance of Layout | None Layout instance specifying sensor positions (does not need to be specified for Neuromag data). If None (default), the correct layout is inferred from the data. color : str | tuple A matplotlib-compatible color to use for the curves. Defaults to white. fig_facecolor : str | tuple A matplotlib-compatible color to use for the figure background. Defaults to black. axis_facecolor : str | tuple A matplotlib-compatible color to use for the axis background. Defaults to black. dB : bool If True, transform data to decibels. Defaults to True. show : bool Show figure if True. Defaults to True. block : bool Whether to halt program execution until the figure is closed. May not work on all systems / platforms. Defaults to False. %(n_jobs)s axes : instance of matplotlib Axes | None Axes to plot into. If None, axes will be created. %(verbose)s Returns ------- fig : instance of matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure distributing one image per channel across sensor topography. """ if layout is None: from ..channels.layout import find_layout layout = find_layout(raw.info) psds, freqs = psd_welch(raw, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, proj=proj, n_fft=n_fft, n_overlap=n_overlap, n_jobs=n_jobs) if dB: psds = 10 * np.log10(psds) y_label = 'dB' else: y_label = 'Power' show_func = partial(_plot_timeseries_unified, data=[psds], color=color, times=[freqs]) click_func = partial(_plot_timeseries, data=[psds], color=color, times=[freqs]) picks = _pick_data_channels(raw.info) info = pick_info(raw.info, picks) fig = _plot_topo(info, times=freqs, show_func=show_func, click_func=click_func, layout=layout, axis_facecolor=axis_facecolor, fig_facecolor=fig_facecolor, x_label='Frequency (Hz)', unified=True, y_label=y_label, axes=axes) try: plt_show(show, block=block) except TypeError: # not all versions have this plt_show(show) return fig def _setup_channel_selections(raw, kind, order): """Get dictionary of channel groupings.""" from ..selection import (read_selection, _SELECTIONS, _EEG_SELECTIONS, _divide_to_regions) from ..utils import _get_stim_channel _check_option('group_by', kind, ('position', 'selection')) if kind == 'position': selections_dict = _divide_to_regions(raw.info) keys = _SELECTIONS[1:] # omit 'Vertex' else: # kind == 'selection' from ..channels.channels import _get_ch_info (has_vv_mag, has_vv_grad, *_, has_neuromag_122_grad, has_csd_coils ) = _get_ch_info(raw.info) if not (has_vv_grad or has_vv_mag or has_neuromag_122_grad): raise ValueError("order='selection' only works for Neuromag " "data. Use order='position' instead.") selections_dict = OrderedDict() # get stim channel (if any) stim_ch = _get_stim_channel(None, raw.info, raise_error=False) stim_ch = stim_ch if len(stim_ch) else [''] stim_ch = pick_channels(raw.ch_names, stim_ch) # loop over regions keys = np.concatenate([_SELECTIONS, _EEG_SELECTIONS]) for key in keys: channels = read_selection(key, info=raw.info) picks = pick_channels(raw.ch_names, channels) picks = np.intersect1d(picks, order) if not len(picks): continue # omit empty selections selections_dict[key] = np.concatenate([picks, stim_ch]) # add misc channels misc = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=False, stim=True, eog=True, ecg=True, emg=True, ref_meg=False, misc=True, resp=True, chpi=True, exci=True, ias=True, syst=True, seeg=False, bio=True, ecog=False, fnirs=False, exclude=()) if len(misc) and np.in1d(misc, order).any(): selections_dict['Misc'] = misc return selections_dict
from collections.abc import Iterable import os import os.path as op import logging import tempfile from threading import Thread import time import numpy as np from .check import _check_option from .config import get_config from ._logging import logger class ProgressBar(object): """Generate a command-line progressbar. Parameters ---------- iterable : iterable | int | None The iterable to use. Can also be an int for backward compatibility (acts like ``max_value``). initial_value : int Initial value of process, useful when resuming process from a specific value, defaults to 0. mesg : str Message to include at end of progress bar. max_total_width : int | str Maximum total message width. Can use "auto" (default) to try to set a sane value based on the current terminal width. max_value : int | None The max value. If None, the length of ``iterable`` will be used. **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments for tqdm. """ def __init__(self, iterable=None, initial_value=0, mesg=None, max_total_width='auto', max_value=None, **kwargs): # noqa: D102 # The following mimics this, but with configurable module to use # from ..externals.tqdm import auto from ..externals import tqdm which_tqdm = get_config('MNE_TQDM', 'tqdm.auto') _check_option('MNE_TQDM', which_tqdm[:5], ('tqdm', 'tqdm.', 'off'), extra='beginning') logger.debug(f'Using ProgressBar with {which_tqdm}') if which_tqdm not in ('tqdm', 'off'): tqdm = getattr(tqdm, which_tqdm.split('.', 1)[1]) tqdm = tqdm.tqdm defaults = dict( leave=True, mininterval=0.016, miniters=1, smoothing=0.05, bar_format='{percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}| {desc} : {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt:>11}{postfix}]', # noqa: E501 ) for key, val in defaults.items(): if key not in kwargs: kwargs.update({key: val}) if isinstance(iterable, Iterable): self.iterable = iterable if max_value is None: self.max_value = len(iterable) else: self.max_value = max_value else: # ignore max_value then self.max_value = int(iterable) self.iterable = None if max_total_width == 'auto': max_total_width = None # tqdm's auto with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('wb', prefix='tmp_mne_prog') as tf: self._mmap_fname = tf.name del tf # should remove the file self._mmap = None disable = logger.level > logging.INFO or which_tqdm == 'off' self._tqdm = tqdm( iterable=self.iterable, desc=mesg, total=self.max_value, initial=initial_value, ncols=max_total_width, disable=disable, **kwargs) def update(self, cur_value): """Update progressbar with current value of process. Parameters ---------- cur_value : number Current value of process. Should be <= max_value (but this is not enforced). The percent of the progressbar will be computed as ``(cur_value / max_value) * 100``. """ self.update_with_increment_value(cur_value - self._tqdm.n) def update_with_increment_value(self, increment_value): """Update progressbar with an increment. Parameters ---------- increment_value : int Value of the increment of process. The percent of the progressbar will be computed as ``(self.cur_value + increment_value / max_value) * 100``. """ self._tqdm.update(increment_value) def __iter__(self): """Iterate to auto-increment the pbar with 1.""" for x in self._tqdm: yield x def subset(self, idx): """Make a joblib-friendly index subset updater. Parameters ---------- idx : ndarray List of indices for this subset. Returns ------- updater : instance of PBSubsetUpdater Class with a ``.update(ii)`` method. """ return _PBSubsetUpdater(self, idx) def __enter__(self): # noqa: D105 # This should only be used with pb.subset and parallelization if op.isfile(self._mmap_fname): os.remove(self._mmap_fname) # prevent corner cases where self.max_value == 0 self._mmap = np.memmap(self._mmap_fname, bool, 'w+', shape=max(self.max_value, 1)) self.update(0) # must be zero as we just created the memmap # We need to control how the pickled bars exit: remove print statements self._thread = _UpdateThread(self) self._thread.start() return self def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): # noqa: D105 # Restore exit behavior for our one from the main thread self.update(self._mmap.sum()) self._tqdm.close() self._thread._mne_run = False self._thread.join() self._mmap = None if op.isfile(self._mmap_fname): os.remove(self._mmap_fname) def __del__(self): """Ensure output completes.""" if getattr(self, '_tqdm', None) is not None: self._tqdm.close() class _UpdateThread(Thread): def __init__(self, pb): super(_UpdateThread, self).__init__(daemon=True) self._mne_run = True self._mne_pb = pb def run(self): while self._mne_run: self._mne_pb.update(self._mne_pb._mmap.sum()) time.sleep(1. / 30.) # 30 Hz refresh is plenty class _PBSubsetUpdater(object): def __init__(self, pb, idx): self.mmap = pb._mmap self.idx = idx def update(self, ii): self.mmap[self.idx[ii - 1]] = True
from homeassistant.components.counter import ( DOMAIN, SERVICE_DECREMENT, SERVICE_INCREMENT, SERVICE_RESET, ) from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass @callback @bind_hass def async_increment(hass, entity_id): """Increment a counter.""" hass.async_add_job( hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_INCREMENT, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id}) ) @callback @bind_hass def async_decrement(hass, entity_id): """Decrement a counter.""" hass.async_add_job( hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_DECREMENT, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id}) ) @callback @bind_hass def async_reset(hass, entity_id): """Reset a counter.""" hass.async_add_job( hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_RESET, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id}) )
from functools import partial import logging from homeassistant.const import ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from .const import CHILD_CALLBACK, NODE_CALLBACK, UPDATE_DELAY _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_CHILD_ID = "child_id" ATTR_DESCRIPTION = "description" ATTR_DEVICE = "device" ATTR_NODE_ID = "node_id" ATTR_HEARTBEAT = "heartbeat" MYSENSORS_PLATFORM_DEVICES = "mysensors_devices_{}" def get_mysensors_devices(hass, domain): """Return MySensors devices for a platform.""" if MYSENSORS_PLATFORM_DEVICES.format(domain) not in hass.data: hass.data[MYSENSORS_PLATFORM_DEVICES.format(domain)] = {} return hass.data[MYSENSORS_PLATFORM_DEVICES.format(domain)] class MySensorsDevice: """Representation of a MySensors device.""" def __init__(self, gateway, node_id, child_id, name, value_type): """Set up the MySensors device.""" self.gateway = gateway self.node_id = node_id self.child_id = child_id self._name = name self.value_type = value_type child = gateway.sensors[node_id].children[child_id] self.child_type = child.type self._values = {} self._update_scheduled = False self.hass = None @property def name(self): """Return the name of this entity.""" return self._name @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return device specific state attributes.""" node = self.gateway.sensors[self.node_id] child = node.children[self.child_id] attr = { ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL: node.battery_level, ATTR_HEARTBEAT: node.heartbeat, ATTR_CHILD_ID: self.child_id, ATTR_DESCRIPTION: child.description, ATTR_DEVICE: self.gateway.device, ATTR_NODE_ID: self.node_id, } set_req = self.gateway.const.SetReq for value_type, value in self._values.items(): attr[set_req(value_type).name] = value return attr async def async_update(self): """Update the controller with the latest value from a sensor.""" node = self.gateway.sensors[self.node_id] child = node.children[self.child_id] set_req = self.gateway.const.SetReq for value_type, value in child.values.items(): _LOGGER.debug( "Entity update: %s: value_type %s, value = %s", self._name, value_type, value, ) if value_type in ( set_req.V_ARMED, set_req.V_LIGHT, set_req.V_LOCK_STATUS, set_req.V_TRIPPED, ): self._values[value_type] = STATE_ON if int(value) == 1 else STATE_OFF elif value_type == set_req.V_DIMMER: self._values[value_type] = int(value) else: self._values[value_type] = value async def _async_update_callback(self): """Update the device.""" raise NotImplementedError @callback def async_update_callback(self): """Update the device after delay.""" if self._update_scheduled: return async def update(): """Perform update.""" try: await self._async_update_callback() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error updating %s", self.name) finally: self._update_scheduled = False self._update_scheduled = True delayed_update = partial(self.hass.async_create_task, update()) self.hass.loop.call_later(UPDATE_DELAY, delayed_update) class MySensorsEntity(MySensorsDevice, Entity): """Representation of a MySensors entity.""" @property def should_poll(self): """Return the polling state. The gateway pushes its states.""" return False @property def available(self): """Return true if entity is available.""" return self.value_type in self._values async def _async_update_callback(self): """Update the entity.""" await self.async_update_ha_state(True) async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Register update callback.""" gateway_id = id(self.gateway) dev_id = gateway_id, self.node_id, self.child_id, self.value_type self.async_on_remove( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, CHILD_CALLBACK.format(*dev_id), self.async_update_callback ) ) self.async_on_remove( async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, NODE_CALLBACK.format(gateway_id, self.node_id), self.async_update_callback, ) )
from datetime import timedelta from rokuecp import RokuError from homeassistant.components.media_player import DEVICE_CLASS_RECEIVER, DEVICE_CLASS_TV from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( ATTR_APP_ID, ATTR_APP_NAME, ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE, ATTR_MEDIA_CHANNEL, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE, ATTR_MEDIA_DURATION, ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION, ATTR_MEDIA_TITLE, ATTR_MEDIA_VOLUME_MUTED, DOMAIN as MP_DOMAIN, MEDIA_CLASS_APP, MEDIA_CLASS_CHANNEL, MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY, MEDIA_TYPE_APP, MEDIA_TYPE_APPS, MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL, MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNELS, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA, SERVICE_SELECT_SOURCE, SUPPORT_BROWSE_MEDIA, SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK, SUPPORT_PAUSE, SUPPORT_PLAY, SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA, SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK, SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE, SUPPORT_TURN_OFF, SUPPORT_TURN_ON, SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE, SUPPORT_VOLUME_STEP, ) from homeassistant.components.roku.const import ATTR_KEYWORD, DOMAIN, SERVICE_SEARCH from homeassistant.components.websocket_api.const import TYPE_RESULT from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, SERVICE_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK, SERVICE_MEDIA_PAUSE, SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAY, SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE, SERVICE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS_TRACK, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, SERVICE_VOLUME_DOWN, SERVICE_VOLUME_MUTE, SERVICE_VOLUME_UP, STATE_HOME, STATE_IDLE, STATE_ON, STATE_PAUSED, STATE_PLAYING, STATE_STANDBY, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, ) from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from tests.async_mock import patch from tests.common import async_fire_time_changed from tests.components.roku import UPNP_SERIAL, setup_integration from tests.test_util.aiohttp import AiohttpClientMocker MAIN_ENTITY_ID = f"{MP_DOMAIN}.my_roku_3" TV_ENTITY_ID = f"{MP_DOMAIN}.58_onn_roku_tv" TV_HOST = "" TV_SERIAL = "YN00H5555555" async def test_setup( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test setup with basic config.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) entity_registry = await hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_get_registry() main = entity_registry.async_get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert main assert main.device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_RECEIVER assert main.unique_id == UPNP_SERIAL async def test_idle_setup( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test setup with idle device.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock, power=False) state = hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_STANDBY async def test_tv_setup( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test Roku TV setup.""" await setup_integration( hass, aioclient_mock, device="rokutv", app="tvinput-dtv", host=TV_HOST, unique_id=TV_SERIAL, ) entity_registry = await hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_get_registry() tv = entity_registry.async_get(TV_ENTITY_ID) assert hass.states.get(TV_ENTITY_ID) assert tv assert tv.device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_TV assert tv.unique_id == TV_SERIAL async def test_availability( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test entity availability.""" now = dt_util.utcnow() future = now + timedelta(minutes=1) with patch("homeassistant.util.dt.utcnow", return_value=now): await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) with patch( "homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.update", side_effect=RokuError ), patch("homeassistant.util.dt.utcnow", return_value=future): async_fire_time_changed(hass, future) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID).state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE future += timedelta(minutes=1) with patch("homeassistant.util.dt.utcnow", return_value=future): async_fire_time_changed(hass, future) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID).state == STATE_HOME async def test_supported_features( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test supported features.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) # Features supported for Rokus state = hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert ( SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK | SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK | SUPPORT_VOLUME_STEP | SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE | SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE | SUPPORT_PAUSE | SUPPORT_PLAY | SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA | SUPPORT_TURN_ON | SUPPORT_TURN_OFF | SUPPORT_BROWSE_MEDIA == state.attributes.get("supported_features") ) async def test_tv_supported_features( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test supported features for Roku TV.""" await setup_integration( hass, aioclient_mock, device="rokutv", app="tvinput-dtv", host=TV_HOST, unique_id=TV_SERIAL, ) state = hass.states.get(TV_ENTITY_ID) assert ( SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK | SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK | SUPPORT_VOLUME_STEP | SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE | SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE | SUPPORT_PAUSE | SUPPORT_PLAY | SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA | SUPPORT_TURN_ON | SUPPORT_TURN_OFF | SUPPORT_BROWSE_MEDIA == state.attributes.get("supported_features") ) async def test_attributes( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test attributes.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) state = hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_HOME assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_APP_ID) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_APP_NAME) == "Roku" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE) == "Roku" async def test_attributes_app( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test attributes for app.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock, app="netflix") state = hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_ON assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE) == MEDIA_TYPE_APP assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_APP_ID) == "12" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_APP_NAME) == "Netflix" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE) == "Netflix" async def test_attributes_app_media_playing( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test attributes for app with playing media.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock, app="pluto", media_state="play") state = hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_PLAYING assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE) == MEDIA_TYPE_APP assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_DURATION) == 6496 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION) == 38 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_APP_ID) == "74519" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_APP_NAME) == "Pluto TV - It's Free TV" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE) == "Pluto TV - It's Free TV" async def test_attributes_app_media_paused( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test attributes for app with paused media.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock, app="pluto", media_state="pause") state = hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_PAUSED assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE) == MEDIA_TYPE_APP assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_DURATION) == 6496 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION) == 313 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_APP_ID) == "74519" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_APP_NAME) == "Pluto TV - It's Free TV" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE) == "Pluto TV - It's Free TV" async def test_attributes_screensaver( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test attributes for app with screensaver.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock, app="screensaver") state = hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_IDLE assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_APP_ID) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_APP_NAME) == "Roku" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE) == "Roku" async def test_tv_attributes( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test attributes for Roku TV.""" await setup_integration( hass, aioclient_mock, device="rokutv", app="tvinput-dtv", host=TV_HOST, unique_id=TV_SERIAL, ) state = hass.states.get(TV_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_ON assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_APP_ID) == "tvinput.dtv" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_APP_NAME) == "Antenna TV" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE) == "Antenna TV" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE) == MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CHANNEL) == "getTV (14.3)" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_TITLE) == "Airwolf" async def test_services( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test the different media player services.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.remote") as remote_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: MAIN_ENTITY_ID}, blocking=True ) remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("poweroff") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.remote") as remote_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: MAIN_ENTITY_ID}, blocking=True ) remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("poweron") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.remote") as remote_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_MEDIA_PAUSE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: MAIN_ENTITY_ID}, blocking=True, ) remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("play") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.remote") as remote_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAY, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: MAIN_ENTITY_ID}, blocking=True, ) remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("play") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.remote") as remote_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: MAIN_ENTITY_ID}, blocking=True, ) remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("play") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.remote") as remote_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: MAIN_ENTITY_ID}, blocking=True, ) remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("forward") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.remote") as remote_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS_TRACK, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: MAIN_ENTITY_ID}, blocking=True, ) remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("reverse") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.launch") as launch_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: MAIN_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE: MEDIA_TYPE_APP, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID: "11", }, blocking=True, ) launch_mock.assert_called_once_with("11") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.remote") as remote_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SELECT_SOURCE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: MAIN_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE: "Home"}, blocking=True, ) remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("home") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.launch") as launch_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SELECT_SOURCE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: MAIN_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE: "Netflix"}, blocking=True, ) launch_mock.assert_called_once_with("12") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.launch") as launch_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_SELECT_SOURCE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: MAIN_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE: 12}, blocking=True, ) launch_mock.assert_called_once_with("12") async def test_tv_services( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test the media player services related to Roku TV.""" await setup_integration( hass, aioclient_mock, device="rokutv", app="tvinput-dtv", host=TV_HOST, unique_id=TV_SERIAL, ) with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.remote") as remote_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_VOLUME_UP, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: TV_ENTITY_ID}, blocking=True ) remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("volume_up") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.remote") as remote_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_VOLUME_DOWN, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: TV_ENTITY_ID}, blocking=True, ) remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("volume_down") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.remote") as remote_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_VOLUME_MUTE, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: TV_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_MEDIA_VOLUME_MUTED: True}, blocking=True, ) remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("volume_mute") with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.tune") as tune_mock: await hass.services.async_call( MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA, { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: TV_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE: MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID: "55", }, blocking=True, ) tune_mock.assert_called_once_with("55") async def test_media_browse(hass, aioclient_mock, hass_ws_client): """Test browsing media.""" await setup_integration( hass, aioclient_mock, device="rokutv", app="tvinput-dtv", host=TV_HOST, unique_id=TV_SERIAL, ) client = await hass_ws_client(hass) await client.send_json( { "id": 1, "type": "media_player/browse_media", "entity_id": TV_ENTITY_ID, } ) msg = await client.receive_json() assert msg["id"] == 1 assert msg["type"] == TYPE_RESULT assert msg["success"] assert msg["result"] assert msg["result"]["title"] == "Media Library" assert msg["result"]["media_class"] == MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY assert msg["result"]["media_content_type"] == "library" assert msg["result"]["can_expand"] assert not msg["result"]["can_play"] assert len(msg["result"]["children"]) == 2 # test apps await client.send_json( { "id": 2, "type": "media_player/browse_media", "entity_id": TV_ENTITY_ID, "media_content_type": MEDIA_TYPE_APPS, "media_content_id": "apps", } ) msg = await client.receive_json() assert msg["id"] == 2 assert msg["type"] == TYPE_RESULT assert msg["success"] assert msg["result"] assert msg["result"]["title"] == "Apps" assert msg["result"]["media_class"] == MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY assert msg["result"]["media_content_type"] == MEDIA_TYPE_APPS assert msg["result"]["children_media_class"] == MEDIA_CLASS_APP assert msg["result"]["can_expand"] assert not msg["result"]["can_play"] assert len(msg["result"]["children"]) == 11 assert msg["result"]["children_media_class"] == MEDIA_CLASS_APP assert msg["result"]["children"][0]["title"] == "Satellite TV" assert msg["result"]["children"][0]["media_content_type"] == MEDIA_TYPE_APP assert msg["result"]["children"][0]["media_content_id"] == "tvinput.hdmi2" assert ( msg["result"]["children"][0]["thumbnail"] == "" ) assert msg["result"]["children"][0]["can_play"] assert msg["result"]["children"][3]["title"] == "Roku Channel Store" assert msg["result"]["children"][3]["media_content_type"] == MEDIA_TYPE_APP assert msg["result"]["children"][3]["media_content_id"] == "11" assert ( msg["result"]["children"][3]["thumbnail"] == "" ) assert msg["result"]["children"][3]["can_play"] # test channels await client.send_json( { "id": 3, "type": "media_player/browse_media", "entity_id": TV_ENTITY_ID, "media_content_type": MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNELS, "media_content_id": "channels", } ) msg = await client.receive_json() assert msg["id"] == 3 assert msg["type"] == TYPE_RESULT assert msg["success"] assert msg["result"] assert msg["result"]["title"] == "Channels" assert msg["result"]["media_class"] == MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY assert msg["result"]["media_content_type"] == MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNELS assert msg["result"]["children_media_class"] == MEDIA_CLASS_CHANNEL assert msg["result"]["can_expand"] assert not msg["result"]["can_play"] assert len(msg["result"]["children"]) == 2 assert msg["result"]["children_media_class"] == MEDIA_CLASS_CHANNEL assert msg["result"]["children"][0]["title"] == "WhatsOn" assert msg["result"]["children"][0]["media_content_type"] == MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL assert msg["result"]["children"][0]["media_content_id"] == "1.1" assert msg["result"]["children"][0]["can_play"] # test invalid media type await client.send_json( { "id": 4, "type": "media_player/browse_media", "entity_id": TV_ENTITY_ID, "media_content_type": "invalid", "media_content_id": "invalid", } ) msg = await client.receive_json() assert msg["id"] == 4 assert msg["type"] == TYPE_RESULT assert not msg["success"] async def test_integration_services( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test integration services.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) with patch("homeassistant.components.roku.Roku.search") as search_mock: await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SEARCH, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: MAIN_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_KEYWORD: "Space Jam"}, blocking=True, ) search_mock.assert_called_once_with("Space Jam")
import json from absl import flags from perfkitbenchmarker import disk from perfkitbenchmarker import errors from perfkitbenchmarker import vm_util from perfkitbenchmarker.providers import GCP from perfkitbenchmarker.providers.gcp import util FLAGS = flags.FLAGS PD_STANDARD = 'pd-standard' PD_SSD = 'pd-ssd' DISK_TYPE = {disk.STANDARD: PD_STANDARD, disk.REMOTE_SSD: PD_SSD} DISK_METADATA = { PD_STANDARD: { disk.MEDIA: disk.HDD, disk.REPLICATION: disk.ZONE, }, PD_SSD: { disk.MEDIA: disk.SSD, disk.REPLICATION: disk.ZONE, }, disk.LOCAL: { disk.MEDIA: disk.SSD, disk.REPLICATION: disk.NONE, } } SCSI = 'SCSI' NVME = 'NVME' disk.RegisterDiskTypeMap(GCP, DISK_TYPE) class GceDisk(disk.BaseDisk): """Object representing an GCE Disk.""" def __init__(self, disk_spec, name, zone, project, image=None, image_project=None): super(GceDisk, self).__init__(disk_spec) self.attached_vm_name = None self.image = image self.image_project = image_project self.name = name self.zone = zone self.project = project self.metadata.update(DISK_METADATA[disk_spec.disk_type]) if self.disk_type == disk.LOCAL: self.metadata['interface'] = FLAGS.gce_ssd_interface def _Create(self): """Creates the disk.""" cmd = util.GcloudCommand(self, 'compute', 'disks', 'create', self.name) cmd.flags['size'] = self.disk_size cmd.flags['type'] = self.disk_type cmd.flags['labels'] = util.MakeFormattedDefaultTags() if self.image: cmd.flags['image'] = self.image if self.image_project: cmd.flags['image-project'] = self.image_project _, stderr, retcode = cmd.Issue(raise_on_failure=False) util.CheckGcloudResponseKnownFailures(stderr, retcode) def _Delete(self): """Deletes the disk.""" cmd = util.GcloudCommand(self, 'compute', 'disks', 'delete', self.name) cmd.Issue(raise_on_failure=False) def _Exists(self): """Returns true if the disk exists.""" cmd = util.GcloudCommand(self, 'compute', 'disks', 'describe', self.name) stdout, _, _ = cmd.Issue(suppress_warning=True, raise_on_failure=False) try: json.loads(stdout) except ValueError: return False return True @vm_util.Retry() def Attach(self, vm): """Attaches the disk to a VM. Args: vm: The GceVirtualMachine instance to which the disk will be attached. """ self.attached_vm_name = vm.name cmd = util.GcloudCommand(self, 'compute', 'instances', 'attach-disk', self.attached_vm_name) cmd.flags['device-name'] = self.name cmd.flags['disk'] = self.name stdout, stderr, retcode = cmd.Issue(raise_on_failure=False) # Gcloud attach-disk commands may still attach disks despite being rate # limited. if retcode: if (cmd.rate_limited and 'is already being used' in stderr and FLAGS.retry_on_rate_limited): return debug_text = ('Ran: {%s}\nReturnCode:%s\nSTDOUT: %s\nSTDERR: %s' % (' '.join(cmd.GetCommand()), retcode, stdout, stderr)) raise errors.VmUtil.CalledProcessException( 'Command returned a non-zero exit code:\n{}'.format(debug_text)) def Detach(self): """Detaches the disk from a VM.""" cmd = util.GcloudCommand(self, 'compute', 'instances', 'detach-disk', self.attached_vm_name) cmd.flags['device-name'] = self.name cmd.IssueRetryable() self.attached_vm_name = None def GetDevicePath(self): """Returns the path to the device inside the VM.""" if self.disk_type == disk.LOCAL and FLAGS.gce_ssd_interface == NVME: return '/dev/%s' % self.name else: # by default, gce_ssd_interface == SCSI and returns this name id return '/dev/disk/by-id/google-%s' % self.name
import logging import pyatv.const as atv_const from homeassistant.components.media_player import MediaPlayerEntity from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC, MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW, MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK, SUPPORT_PAUSE, SUPPORT_PLAY, SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA, SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK, SUPPORT_SEEK, SUPPORT_STOP, SUPPORT_TURN_OFF, SUPPORT_TURN_ON, ) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, STATE_IDLE, STATE_OFF, STATE_PAUSED, STATE_PLAYING, STATE_STANDBY, ) from homeassistant.core import callback import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from . import ATTR_ATV, ATTR_POWER, DATA_APPLE_TV, DATA_ENTITIES _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SUPPORT_APPLE_TV = ( SUPPORT_TURN_ON | SUPPORT_TURN_OFF | SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA | SUPPORT_PAUSE | SUPPORT_PLAY | SUPPORT_SEEK | SUPPORT_STOP | SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK | SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK ) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Apple TV platform.""" if not discovery_info: return # Manage entity cache for service handler if DATA_ENTITIES not in hass.data: hass.data[DATA_ENTITIES] = [] name = discovery_info[CONF_NAME] host = discovery_info[CONF_HOST] atv = hass.data[DATA_APPLE_TV][host][ATTR_ATV] power = hass.data[DATA_APPLE_TV][host][ATTR_POWER] entity = AppleTvDevice(atv, name, power) @callback def on_hass_stop(event): """Stop push updates when hass stops.""" atv.push_updater.stop() hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, on_hass_stop) if entity not in hass.data[DATA_ENTITIES]: hass.data[DATA_ENTITIES].append(entity) async_add_entities([entity]) class AppleTvDevice(MediaPlayerEntity): """Representation of an Apple TV device.""" def __init__(self, atv, name, power): """Initialize the Apple TV device.""" self.atv = atv self._name = name self._playing = None self._power = power self._power.listeners.append(self) self.atv.push_updater.listener = self async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Handle when an entity is about to be added to Home Assistant.""" self._power.init() @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device.""" return self._name @property def unique_id(self): """Return a unique ID.""" return self.atv.metadata.device_id @property def should_poll(self): """No polling needed.""" return False @property def state(self): """Return the state of the device.""" if not self._power.turned_on: return STATE_OFF if self._playing: state = self._playing.play_state if state in ( atv_const.PLAY_STATE_IDLE, atv_const.PLAY_STATE_NO_MEDIA, atv_const.PLAY_STATE_LOADING, ): return STATE_IDLE if state == atv_const.PLAY_STATE_PLAYING: return STATE_PLAYING if state in ( atv_const.PLAY_STATE_PAUSED, atv_const.PLAY_STATE_FAST_FORWARD, atv_const.PLAY_STATE_FAST_BACKWARD, atv_const.PLAY_STATE_STOPPED, ): # Catch fast forward/backward here so "play" is default action return STATE_PAUSED return STATE_STANDBY # Bad or unknown state? @callback def playstatus_update(self, updater, playing): """Print what is currently playing when it changes.""" self._playing = playing self.async_write_ha_state() @callback def playstatus_error(self, updater, exception): """Inform about an error and restart push updates.""" _LOGGER.warning("A %s error occurred: %s", exception.__class__, exception) # This will wait 10 seconds before restarting push updates. If the # connection continues to fail, it will flood the log (every 10 # seconds) until it succeeds. A better approach should probably be # implemented here later. updater.start(initial_delay=10) self._playing = None self.async_write_ha_state() @property def media_content_type(self): """Content type of current playing media.""" if self._playing: media_type = self._playing.media_type if media_type == atv_const.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: return MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO if media_type == atv_const.MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC: return MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC if media_type == atv_const.MEDIA_TYPE_TV: return MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW @property def media_duration(self): """Duration of current playing media in seconds.""" if self._playing: return self._playing.total_time @property def media_position(self): """Position of current playing media in seconds.""" if self._playing: return self._playing.position @property def media_position_updated_at(self): """Last valid time of media position.""" state = self.state if state in (STATE_PLAYING, STATE_PAUSED): return dt_util.utcnow() async def async_play_media(self, media_type, media_id, **kwargs): """Send the play_media command to the media player.""" await self.atv.airplay.play_url(media_id) @property def media_image_hash(self): """Hash value for media image.""" state = self.state if self._playing and state not in [STATE_OFF, STATE_IDLE]: return self._playing.hash async def async_get_media_image(self): """Fetch media image of current playing image.""" state = self.state if self._playing and state not in [STATE_OFF, STATE_IDLE]: return (await self.atv.metadata.artwork()), "image/png" return None, None @property def media_title(self): """Title of current playing media.""" if self._playing: if self.state == STATE_IDLE: return "Nothing playing" title = self._playing.title return title if title else "No title" return f"Establishing a connection to {self._name}..." @property def supported_features(self): """Flag media player features that are supported.""" return SUPPORT_APPLE_TV async def async_turn_on(self): """Turn the media player on.""" self._power.set_power_on(True) async def async_turn_off(self): """Turn the media player off.""" self._playing = None self._power.set_power_on(False) async def async_media_play_pause(self): """Pause media on media player.""" if not self._playing: return state = self.state if state == STATE_PAUSED: await self.atv.remote_control.play() elif state == STATE_PLAYING: await self.atv.remote_control.pause() async def async_media_play(self): """Play media.""" if self._playing: await self.atv.remote_control.play() async def async_media_stop(self): """Stop the media player.""" if self._playing: await self.atv.remote_control.stop() async def async_media_pause(self): """Pause the media player.""" if self._playing: await self.atv.remote_control.pause() async def async_media_next_track(self): """Send next track command.""" if self._playing: await self.atv.remote_control.next() async def async_media_previous_track(self): """Send previous track command.""" if self._playing: await self.atv.remote_control.previous() async def async_media_seek(self, position): """Send seek command.""" if self._playing: await self.atv.remote_control.set_position(position)
from datetime import date from pytest import mark from cerberus import errors from cerberus.tests import assert_fail, assert_success @mark.parametrize( ("field", "increment"), [("an_integer", 1), ("a_float", 1.0), ("a_number", 1)] ) def test_max(schema, field, increment): max_value = schema[field]['max'] value = max_value + increment assert_fail( {field: value}, error=(field, (field, 'max'), errors.MAX_VALUE, max_value) ) @mark.parametrize( ("field", "decrement"), [("an_integer", 1), ("a_float", 1.0), ("a_number", 1)] ) def test_min(schema, field, decrement): min_value = schema[field]['min'] value = min_value - decrement assert_fail( {field: value}, error=(field, (field, 'min'), errors.MIN_VALUE, min_value) ) def test_min_and_max_with_date(): schema = {'date': {'min': date(1900, 1, 1), 'max': date(1999, 12, 31)}} assert_success({'date': date(1945, 5, 8)}, schema) assert_fail({'date': date(1871, 5, 10)}, schema)
from aiohue.sensors import TYPE_ZLL_PRESENCE from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import ( DEVICE_CLASS_MOTION, BinarySensorEntity, ) from .const import DOMAIN as HUE_DOMAIN from .sensor_base import SENSOR_CONFIG_MAP, GenericZLLSensor PRESENCE_NAME_FORMAT = "{} motion" async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Defer binary sensor setup to the shared sensor module.""" await hass.data[HUE_DOMAIN][ config_entry.entry_id ].sensor_manager.async_register_component("binary_sensor", async_add_entities) class HuePresence(GenericZLLSensor, BinarySensorEntity): """The presence sensor entity for a Hue motion sensor device.""" device_class = DEVICE_CLASS_MOTION @property def is_on(self): """Return true if the binary sensor is on.""" return self.sensor.presence @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the device state attributes.""" attributes = super().device_state_attributes if "sensitivity" in self.sensor.config: attributes["sensitivity"] = self.sensor.config["sensitivity"] if "sensitivitymax" in self.sensor.config: attributes["sensitivity_max"] = self.sensor.config["sensitivitymax"] return attributes SENSOR_CONFIG_MAP.update( { TYPE_ZLL_PRESENCE: { "platform": "binary_sensor", "name_format": PRESENCE_NAME_FORMAT, "class": HuePresence, } } )
import numpy as np from hypertools.tools.normalize import normalize from hypertools.plot.plot import plot cluster1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(3), np.eye(3), size=100) cluster2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(3)+100, np.eye(3), size=100) data = [cluster1, cluster2] def test_normalize_returns_list(): assert type(normalize(data)) is list def test_normalize_across(): norm_data = normalize(data, normalize='across') assert np.allclose(np.mean(np.vstack(norm_data),axis=0),0) def test_normalize_within(): norm_data = normalize(data, normalize='within') assert np.allclose([np.mean(i,axis=0) for i in norm_data],0) def test_normalize_row(): norm_data = normalize(data, normalize='row') assert np.allclose(np.mean(np.vstack(norm_data), axis=1),0) def test_normalize_geo(): geo = plot(data, show=False) norm_data = normalize(geo, normalize='row') assert np.allclose(np.mean(np.vstack(norm_data), axis=1),0)
import itertools from jinja2 import Template from jinja2.runtime import LoopContext TEST_IDX_TEMPLATE_STR_1 = ( "[{% for i in lst|reverse %}(len={{ loop.length }}," " revindex={{ loop.revindex }}, index={{ loop.index }}, val={{ i }}){% endfor %}]" ) TEST_IDX0_TEMPLATE_STR_1 = ( "[{% for i in lst|reverse %}(len={{ loop.length }}," " revindex0={{ loop.revindex0 }}, index0={{ loop.index0 }}, val={{ i }})" "{% endfor %}]" ) def test_loop_idx(): t = Template(TEST_IDX_TEMPLATE_STR_1) lst = [10] excepted_render = "[(len=1, revindex=1, index=1, val=10)]" assert excepted_render == t.render(lst=lst) def test_loop_idx0(): t = Template(TEST_IDX0_TEMPLATE_STR_1) lst = [10] excepted_render = "[(len=1, revindex0=0, index0=0, val=10)]" assert excepted_render == t.render(lst=lst) def test_loopcontext0(): in_lst = [] lc = LoopContext(reversed(in_lst), None) assert lc.length == len(in_lst) def test_loopcontext1(): in_lst = [10] lc = LoopContext(reversed(in_lst), None) assert lc.length == len(in_lst) def test_loopcontext2(): in_lst = [10, 11] lc = LoopContext(reversed(in_lst), None) assert lc.length == len(in_lst) def test_iterator_not_advanced_early(): t = Template("{% for _, g in gs %}{{ loop.index }} {{ g|list }}\n{% endfor %}") out = t.render( gs=itertools.groupby([(1, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c"), (3, "d")], lambda x: x[0]) ) # groupby groups depend on the current position of the iterator. If # it was advanced early, the lists would appear empty. assert out == "1 [(1, 'a'), (1, 'b')]\n2 [(2, 'c')]\n3 [(3, 'd')]\n" def test_mock_not_contextfunction(): """If a callable class has a ``__getattr__`` that returns True-like values for arbitrary attrs, it should not be incorrectly identified as a ``contextfunction``. """ class Calc: def __getattr__(self, item): return object() def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return len(args) + len(kwargs) t = Template("{{ calc() }}") out = t.render(calc=Calc()) # Would be "1" if context argument was passed. assert out == "0"
import logging _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Subscriber: """Subscriber class for the publisher in mprm websocket class.""" def __init__(self, name, callback): """Initiate the subscriber.""" self.name = name self.callback = callback def update(self, message): """Trigger hass to update the device.""" _LOGGER.debug('%s got message "%s"', self.name, message) self.callback(message)
import logging import logging.handlers import platform import sys from . import toolkit from .extras import cors from .extras import ebugsnag from .lib import config from .server import __version__ import flask # configure logging prior to subsequent imports which assume # logging has been configured cfg = config.load() logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=getattr(logging, cfg.loglevel.upper()), datefmt="%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z") from .lib import mirroring # noqa app = flask.Flask('docker-registry') @app.route('/_ping') @app.route('/v1/_ping') def ping(): headers = { 'X-Docker-Registry-Standalone': 'mirror' if mirroring.is_mirror() else (cfg.standalone is True) } infos = {} if cfg.debug: # Versions versions = infos['versions'] = {} headers['X-Docker-Registry-Config'] = cfg.flavor for name, module in sys.modules.items(): if name.startswith('_'): continue try: version = module.__version__ except AttributeError: continue versions[name] = version versions['python'] = sys.version # Hosts infos infos['host'] = platform.uname() infos['launch'] = sys.argv return toolkit.response(infos, headers=headers) @app.route('/') def root(): return toolkit.response(cfg.issue) def init(): # Configure the email exceptions info = cfg.email_exceptions if info and info.smtp_host: mailhost = info.smtp_host mailport = info.smtp_port if mailport: mailhost = (mailhost, mailport) smtp_secure = info.smtp_secure secure_args = _adapt_smtp_secure(smtp_secure) mail_handler = logging.handlers.SMTPHandler( mailhost=mailhost, fromaddr=info.from_addr, toaddrs=[info.to_addr], subject='Docker registry exception', credentials=(info.smtp_login, info.smtp_password), secure=secure_args) mail_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) app.logger.addHandler(mail_handler) # Optional bugsnag support ebugsnag.boot(app, cfg.bugsnag, cfg.flavor, __version__) # Optional cors support cors.boot(app, cfg.cors) def _adapt_smtp_secure(value): """Adapt the value to arguments of ``SMTP.starttls()`` .. seealso:: <http://docs.python.org/2/library/smtplib.html\ #smtplib.SMTP.starttls> """ if isinstance(value, basestring): # a string - wrap it in the tuple return (value,) if isinstance(value, config.Config): assert set(value.keys()) <= set(['keyfile', 'certfile']) return (value.keyfile, value.certfile) if value: return () init()
import logging from absl import flags from perfkitbenchmarker import configs from perfkitbenchmarker import data from perfkitbenchmarker import regex_util from perfkitbenchmarker import sample from perfkitbenchmarker.linux_packages import unixbench FLAGS = flags.FLAGS BENCHMARK_NAME = 'unixbench' BENCHMARK_CONFIG = """ unixbench: description: Runs UnixBench. vm_groups: default: vm_spec: *default_single_core disk_spec: *default_500_gb """ flags.DEFINE_boolean('unixbench_all_cores', default=False, help='Setting this flag changes the default behavior of ' 'Unix bench. It will now scale to the number of CPUs on ' 'the machine vs the limit of 16 CPUs today.') UNIXBENCH_PATCH_FILE = 'unixbench-16core-limitation.patch' SYSTEM_SCORE_REGEX = r'\nSystem Benchmarks Index Score\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)' RESULT_REGEX = ( r'\n([A-Z][\w\-\(\) ]+)\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+) (\w+)\s+\(' r'([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+) (\w+), (\d+) samples\)') SCORE_REGEX = ( r'\n([A-Z][\w\-\(\) ]+)\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)' r'\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)') PARALLEL_COPIES_REGEX = r'running (\d+) parallel cop[yies]+ of tests' RESULT_START_STRING = 'Benchmark Run:' def GetConfig(user_config): return configs.LoadConfig(BENCHMARK_CONFIG, user_config, BENCHMARK_NAME) def CheckPrerequisites(benchmark_config): """Verifies that the required resources for UnixBench are present. Raises: perfkitbenchmarker.data.ResourceNotFound: On missing resource. """ if FLAGS.unixbench_all_cores: data.ResourcePath(UNIXBENCH_PATCH_FILE) def Prepare(benchmark_spec): """Install Unixbench on the target vm. Args: benchmark_spec: The benchmark specification. Contains all data that is required to run the benchmark. """ vms = benchmark_spec.vms vm = vms[0] logging.info('Unixbench prepare on %s', vm) vm.Install('unixbench') if FLAGS.unixbench_all_cores: vm.PushDataFile(UNIXBENCH_PATCH_FILE) vm.RemoteCommand('cp %s %s' % (UNIXBENCH_PATCH_FILE, unixbench.UNIXBENCH_DIR)) vm.RemoteCommand('cd %s && patch ./Run %s' % (unixbench.UNIXBENCH_DIR, UNIXBENCH_PATCH_FILE)) def ParseResults(results): """Result parser for UnixBench. Sample Results: 1 CPUs in system; running 1 parallel copy of tests 8 CPUs in system; running 8 parallel copies of tests Double-Precision Whetstone 4022.0 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples) Execl Throughput 4735.8 lps (29.8 s, 2 samples) File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1294367.0 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples) File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 396912.9 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples) File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 2513158.7 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples) Pipe Throughput 2221775.6 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples) Pipe-based Context Switching 369000.7 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples) Process Creation 12587.7 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples) Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 8234.3 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples) Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1064.5 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples) System Call Overhead 4439274.5 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples) System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 34872897.7 2988.3 Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 4022.0 731.3 Execl Throughput 43.0 4735.8 1101.4 File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 1294367.0 3268.6 File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 396912.9 2398.3 File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 2513158.7 4333.0 Pipe Throughput 12440.0 2221775.6 1786.0 Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 369000.7 922.5 Process Creation 126.0 12587.7 999.0 Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 8234.3 1942.1 Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 1064.5 1774.2 System Call Overhead 15000.0 4439274.5 2959.5 ======== System Benchmarks Index Score 1825.8 Args: results: UnixBench result. Returns: A list of sample.Sample objects. """ samples = [] start_index = results.find(RESULT_START_STRING) while start_index != -1: next_start_index = results.find(RESULT_START_STRING, start_index + 1) result = results[start_index: next_start_index] parallel_copies = regex_util.ExtractAllMatches( PARALLEL_COPIES_REGEX, result) parallel_copy_metadata = {'num_parallel_copies': int(parallel_copies[0])} match = regex_util.ExtractAllMatches(RESULT_REGEX, result) for groups in match: metadata = {'samples': int(groups[5]), 'time': groups[3] + groups[4]} metadata.update(parallel_copy_metadata) samples.append(sample.Sample( groups[0].strip(), float(groups[1]), groups[2], metadata)) match = regex_util.ExtractAllMatches(SCORE_REGEX, result) for groups in match: metadata = {'baseline': float(groups[1]), 'index': float(groups[3])} metadata.update(parallel_copy_metadata) samples.append(sample.Sample('%s:score' % groups[0].strip(), value=float(groups[2]), unit='', metadata=metadata)) match = regex_util.ExtractAllMatches(SYSTEM_SCORE_REGEX, result) samples.append(sample.Sample('System Benchmarks Index Score', float(match[0]), unit='', metadata=parallel_copy_metadata)) start_index = next_start_index return samples def Run(benchmark_spec): """Run UnixBench on the target vm. Args: benchmark_spec: The benchmark specification. Contains all data that is required to run the benchmark. Returns: A list of sample.Sample objects. """ vms = benchmark_spec.vms vm = vms[0] logging.info('UnixBench running on %s', vm) unixbench_command = 'cd {0} && UB_TMPDIR={1} ./Run'.format( unixbench.UNIXBENCH_DIR, vm.GetScratchDir()) logging.info('Unixbench Results:') stdout, _ = vm.RemoteCommand(unixbench_command, should_log=True) return ParseResults(stdout) def Cleanup(benchmark_spec): """Cleanup UnixBench on the target vm. Args: benchmark_spec: The benchmark specification. Contains all data that is required to run the benchmark. """ pass
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from flask import current_app from lemur.extensions import sentry from .sts import sts_client @sts_client("s3", service_type="resource") def put(bucket_name, region_name, prefix, data, encrypt, **kwargs): """ Use STS to write to an S3 bucket """ bucket = kwargs["resource"].Bucket(bucket_name) current_app.logger.debug( "Persisting data to S3. Bucket: {0} Prefix: {1}".format(bucket_name, prefix) ) # get data ready for writing if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode("utf-8") if encrypt: bucket.put_object( Key=prefix, Body=data, ACL="bucket-owner-full-control", ServerSideEncryption="AES256", ) else: try: bucket.put_object(Key=prefix, Body=data, ACL="bucket-owner-full-control") return True except ClientError: sentry.captureException() return False @sts_client("s3", service_type="client") def delete(bucket_name, prefixed_object_name, **kwargs): """ Use STS to delete an object """ try: response = kwargs["client"].delete_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=prefixed_object_name) current_app.logger.debug(f"Delete data from S3." f"Bucket: {bucket_name}," f"Prefix: {prefixed_object_name}," f"Status_code: {response}") return response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] < 300 except ClientError: sentry.captureException() return False @sts_client("s3", service_type="client") def get(bucket_name, prefixed_object_name, **kwargs): """ Use STS to get an object """ try: response = kwargs["client"].get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=prefixed_object_name) current_app.logger.debug(f"Get data from S3. Bucket: {bucket_name}," f"object_name: {prefixed_object_name}") return response['Body'].read().decode("utf-8") except ClientError: sentry.captureException() return None
from homeassistant.components.switch import SwitchEntity from . import DOMAIN as QWIKSWITCH, QSToggleEntity async def async_setup_platform(hass, _, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Add switches from the main Qwikswitch component.""" if discovery_info is None: return qsusb = hass.data[QWIKSWITCH] devs = [QSSwitch(qsid, qsusb) for qsid in discovery_info[QWIKSWITCH]] add_entities(devs) class QSSwitch(QSToggleEntity, SwitchEntity): """Switch based on a Qwikswitch relay module."""
import pytest from mock import patch, call from pandas.util.testing import assert_frame_equal from arctic import arctic as m from arctic.scripts import arctic_copy_data as mcd from ...util import read_str_as_pandas, run_as_main @pytest.fixture(scope='function', autouse=True) def init(arctic): arctic.initialize_library('user.library', m.VERSION_STORE, segment='month') arctic.initialize_library('user.library2', m.VERSION_STORE, segment='month') ts = read_str_as_pandas(""" times | near 2012-09-08 17:06:11.040 | 1.0 2012-10-08 17:06:11.040 | 2.0 2012-10-09 17:06:11.040 | 2.5 2012-11-08 17:06:11.040 | 3.0""") ts1 = read_str_as_pandas(""" times | near 2012-09-08 17:06:11.040 | 4.0 2012-10-08 17:06:11.040 | 5.0 2012-10-09 17:06:11.040 | 6.5 2012-11-08 17:06:11.040 | 7.0""") ts2 = read_str_as_pandas(""" times | near 2012-10-08 17:06:11.040 | 5.0 2012-10-09 17:06:11.040 | 6.5""") ts3 = read_str_as_pandas(""" times | near 2012-09-08 17:06:11.040 | 1.0 2012-10-08 17:06:11.040 | 5.0 2012-10-09 17:06:11.040 | 6.5 2012-11-08 17:06:11.040 | 3.0""") def test_copy_data_no_force(arctic, mongo_host): src = 'user.library' dest = 'user.library2' # Put ts, ts1 in library arctic[src].write('some_ts', ts1) arctic[src].write('some_ts1', ts1) # Put some other value for ts in library2 arctic[dest].write('some_ts', ts) # Create the user against the current mongo database src_host = 'arctic_' + src + '@' + mongo_host dest_host = 'arctic_' + dest + '@' + mongo_host with patch('arctic.scripts.arctic_copy_data.logger') as logger: run_as_main(mcd.main, '--src', src_host, '--dest', dest_host, '--log', 'CR101', 'some_ts', 'some_ts1') assert_frame_equal(ts, arctic[dest].read('some_ts').data) assert_frame_equal(ts1, arctic[dest].read('some_ts1').data) assert logger.info.call_args_list == [call('Copying data from %s -> %s' % (src_host, dest_host)), call('Copying: 2 symbols')] assert logger.warn.call_args_list == [call('Symbol: some_ts already exists in %s, use --force to overwrite or --splice to join with existing data' % dest_host)] assert arctic[dest].read_audit_log('some_ts1')[0]['message'] == 'CR101' def test_copy_data_force(arctic, mongo_host): src = 'user.library' dest = 'user.library2' # Put ts, ts1 in library arctic[src].write('some_ts', ts) arctic[src].write('some_ts1', ts1) # Put some other value for ts in library2 arctic[dest].write('some_ts', ts1) # Create the user against the current mongo database src_host = src + '@' + mongo_host dest_host = dest + '@' + mongo_host with patch('arctic.scripts.arctic_copy_data.logger') as logger: run_as_main(mcd.main, '--src', src_host, '--dest', dest_host, '--log', 'CR101', '--force', 'some_ts', 'some_ts1') assert_frame_equal(ts, arctic[dest].read('some_ts').data) assert_frame_equal(ts1, arctic[dest].read('some_ts1').data) assert logger.info.call_args_list == [call('Copying data from %s -> %s' % (src_host, dest_host)), call('Copying: 2 symbols')] assert logger.warn.call_args_list == [call('Symbol: some_ts already exists in destination, OVERWRITING')] assert arctic[dest].read_audit_log('some_ts1')[0]['message'] == 'CR101' def test_copy_data_splice(arctic, mongo_host): src = 'user.library' dest = 'user.library2' # Put ts, ts1 in library arctic[src].write('some_ts', ts2) arctic[src].write('some_ts1', ts1) # Put some other value for ts in library2 arctic[dest].write('some_ts', ts) # Create the user against the current mongo database src_host = src + '@' + mongo_host dest_host = dest + '@' + mongo_host with patch('arctic.scripts.arctic_copy_data.logger') as logger: run_as_main(mcd.main, '--src', src_host, '--dest', dest_host, '--log', 'CR101', '--splice', 'some_ts', 'some_ts1') assert_frame_equal(ts3, arctic[dest].read('some_ts').data) assert_frame_equal(ts1, arctic[dest].read('some_ts1').data) assert logger.info.call_args_list == [call('Copying data from %s -> %s' % (src_host, dest_host)), call('Copying: 2 symbols')] assert logger.warn.call_args_list == [call('Symbol: some_ts already exists in destination, splicing in new data')] assert arctic[dest].read_audit_log('some_ts')[0]['message'] == 'CR101' def test_copy_data_wild(arctic, mongo_host): src = 'user.library' dest = 'user.library2' # Put ts, ts1 in library arctic[src].write('some_a_ts', ts) arctic[src].write('some_a_ts1', ts1) arctic[src].write('some_b_ts1', ts1) arctic[src].write('some_c_ts1', ts1) # Create the user against the current mongo database src_host = 'arctic_' + src + '@' + mongo_host dest_host = 'arctic_' + dest + '@' + mongo_host with patch('arctic.scripts.arctic_copy_data.logger') as logger: run_as_main(mcd.main, '--src', src_host, '--dest', dest_host, '--log', 'CR101', '.*_a_.*', '.*_b_.*') assert_frame_equal(ts, arctic[dest].read('some_a_ts').data) assert_frame_equal(ts1, arctic[dest].read('some_a_ts1').data) assert_frame_equal(ts1, arctic[dest].read('some_b_ts1').data) assert logger.info.call_args_list == [call('Copying data from %s -> %s' % (src_host, dest_host)), call('Copying: 3 symbols')] assert arctic[dest].read_audit_log('some_a_ts1')[0]['message'] == 'CR101' def test_copy_data_doesnt_exist(arctic, mongo_host): src = 'user.library' dest = 'user.library2' # Create the user against the current mongo database src_host = src + '@' + mongo_host dest_host = dest + '@' + mongo_host with patch('arctic.scripts.arctic_copy_data.logger') as logger: run_as_main(mcd.main, '--src', src_host, '--dest', dest_host, '--log', 'CR101', 'some_ts') assert logger.info.call_args_list == [call('Copying data from %s -> %s' % (src_host, dest_host)), call('Copying: 0 symbols')] assert logger.warn.call_args_list == [call('No symbols found that matched those provided.')]
from unittest.mock import patch import pytest import zigpy.profiles.zha import zigpy.zcl.clusters.general as general import zigpy.zcl.clusters.security as security import zigpy.zcl.foundation as zcl_f import homeassistant.components.automation as automation from homeassistant.components.device_automation import ( _async_get_device_automations as async_get_device_automations, ) from homeassistant.components.zha import DOMAIN from homeassistant.helpers.device_registry import async_get_registry from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import async_mock_service, mock_coro SHORT_PRESS = "remote_button_short_press" COMMAND = "command" COMMAND_SINGLE = "single" @pytest.fixture async def device_ias(hass, zigpy_device_mock, zha_device_joined_restored): """IAS device fixture.""" clusters = [general.Basic, security.IasZone, security.IasWd] zigpy_device = zigpy_device_mock( { 1: { "in_clusters": [c.cluster_id for c in clusters], "out_clusters": [general.OnOff.cluster_id], "device_type": zigpy.profiles.zha.DeviceType.ON_OFF_SWITCH, } }, ) zha_device = await zha_device_joined_restored(zigpy_device) zha_device.update_available(True) await hass.async_block_till_done() return zigpy_device, zha_device async def test_get_actions(hass, device_ias): """Test we get the expected actions from a zha device.""" ieee_address = str(device_ias[0].ieee) ha_device_registry = await async_get_registry(hass) reg_device = ha_device_registry.async_get_device({(DOMAIN, ieee_address)}, set()) actions = await async_get_device_automations(hass, "action", reg_device.id) expected_actions = [ {"domain": DOMAIN, "type": "squawk", "device_id": reg_device.id}, {"domain": DOMAIN, "type": "warn", "device_id": reg_device.id}, ] assert actions == expected_actions async def test_action(hass, device_ias): """Test for executing a zha device action.""" zigpy_device, zha_device = device_ias zigpy_device.device_automation_triggers = { (SHORT_PRESS, SHORT_PRESS): {COMMAND: COMMAND_SINGLE} } ieee_address = str(zha_device.ieee) ha_device_registry = await async_get_registry(hass) reg_device = ha_device_registry.async_get_device({(DOMAIN, ieee_address)}, set()) with patch( "zigpy.zcl.Cluster.request", return_value=mock_coro([0x00, zcl_f.Status.SUCCESS]), ): assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: [ { "trigger": { "device_id": reg_device.id, "domain": "zha", "platform": "device", "type": SHORT_PRESS, "subtype": SHORT_PRESS, }, "action": { "domain": DOMAIN, "device_id": reg_device.id, "type": "warn", }, } ] }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() calls = async_mock_service(hass, DOMAIN, "warning_device_warn") channel = zha_device.channels.pools[0].client_channels["1:0x0006"] channel.zha_send_event(COMMAND_SINGLE, []) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0].domain == DOMAIN assert calls[0].service == "warning_device_warn" assert calls[0].data["ieee"] == ieee_address
import json import logging from absl import flags from perfkitbenchmarker import cloud_tpu from perfkitbenchmarker import errors from perfkitbenchmarker.providers import gcp from perfkitbenchmarker.providers.gcp import util FLAGS = flags.FLAGS TPU_TIMEOUT = 1200 _INSUFFICIENT_CAPACITY = 'There is no more capacity in the zone' class GcpTpu(cloud_tpu.BaseTpu): """class representing a GCP cloud TPU. Attributes: name: Name of the cloud TPU to create. project: the GCP project. version: the TPU version. zone: the GCP zone. tpu_ip: the TPU IP. """ CLOUD = gcp.CLOUD SERVICE_NAME = 'tpu' TPU_IP = '10.240.{}.2' DEFAULT_TPU_VERSION = '1.6' def __init__(self, tpu_spec): super(GcpTpu, self).__init__(tpu_spec) self.spec = tpu_spec self.project = FLAGS.project or util.GetDefaultProject() def _Create(self): """Create Cloud TPU.""" cmd = util.GcloudCommand(self, 'compute', 'tpus', 'create', self.spec.tpu_name) cmd.flags['range'] = self.spec.tpu_cidr_range if self.spec.tpu_accelerator_type: cmd.flags['accelerator-type'] = self.spec.tpu_accelerator_type if self.spec.tpu_description: cmd.flags['description'] = self.spec.tpu_description if self.spec.tpu_network: cmd.flags['network'] = self.spec.tpu_network if self.spec.tpu_tf_version: cmd.flags['version'] = self.spec.tpu_tf_version if self.spec.tpu_zone: cmd.flags['zone'] = self.spec.tpu_zone if self.spec.tpu_preemptible: cmd.flags['preemptible'] = self.spec.tpu_preemptible cmd.flags['project'] = self.project _, stderr, retcode = cmd.Issue(raise_on_failure=False) if _INSUFFICIENT_CAPACITY in stderr: logging.error(util.STOCKOUT_MESSAGE) raise errors.Benchmarks.InsufficientCapacityCloudFailure( util.STOCKOUT_MESSAGE) if retcode != 0: logging.error('Create GCP cloud TPU failed.') def _Delete(self): """Deletes the cloud TPU.""" cmd = util.GcloudCommand(self, 'compute', 'tpus', 'delete', self.spec.tpu_name) if self.spec.tpu_zone: cmd.flags['zone'] = self.spec.tpu_zone cmd.flags['project'] = self.project _, _, retcode = cmd.Issue(timeout=TPU_TIMEOUT, raise_on_failure=False) if retcode != 0: logging.error('Delete GCP cloud TPU failed.') else: logging.info('Deleted GCP cloud TPU.') def _GetTpuDescription(self): """Gets the cloud TPU description.""" cmd = util.GcloudCommand(self, 'compute', 'tpus', 'describe', self.spec.tpu_name) if self.spec.tpu_zone: cmd.flags['zone'] = self.spec.tpu_zone cmd.flags['project'] = self.project stdout, _, retcode = cmd.Issue(raise_on_failure=False) if retcode != 0: logging.info('Could not found GCP cloud TPU %s.', self.spec.tpu_name) return stdout and json.loads(stdout), retcode def _Exists(self): """Returns true if the cloud TPU exists.""" _, retcode = self._GetTpuDescription() return retcode == 0 def GetName(self): """Gets the name of the cloud TPU.""" return self.spec.tpu_name def GetMasterGrpcAddress(self): """Gets the grpc address of the 0th NetworkEndpoint.""" master_network_endpoint = self._GetTpuDescription()[0]['networkEndpoints'][ 0] return 'grpc://{ip_address}:{port}'.format( ip_address=master_network_endpoint['ipAddress'], port=master_network_endpoint['port']) def GetNumShards(self): """Gets the number of TPU shards.""" num_tpus = len(self._GetTpuDescription()[0]['networkEndpoints']) return num_tpus * FLAGS.tpu_cores_per_donut def GetZone(self): """Gets the TPU zone.""" return self.spec.tpu_zone def GetAcceleratorType(self): """Gets the TPU accelerator type.""" return self.spec.tpu_accelerator_type def GetResourceMetadata(self): """Returns the metadata associated with the resource. All keys will be prefaced with tpu before being published (done in publisher.py). Returns: metadata: dict of GCP cloud TPU metadata. """ metadata = super(GcpTpu, self).GetResourceMetadata() metadata.update({ 'project': self.project, 'cloud': self.CLOUD }) return metadata
from datetime import timedelta import logging from aiohttp.hdrs import USER_AGENT import requests import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, CONF_API_KEY, CONF_EMAIL, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, HTTP_OK, ) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_point_in_time from homeassistant.util import Throttle import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTRIBUTION = "Data provided by Have I Been Pwned (HIBP)" DATE_STR_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" HA_USER_AGENT = "Home Assistant HaveIBeenPwned Sensor Component" MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_FORCED_UPDATES = timedelta(seconds=5) MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=15) URL = "https://haveibeenpwned.com/api/v3/breachedaccount/" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_EMAIL): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Required(CONF_API_KEY): cv.string, } ) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the HaveIBeenPwned sensor.""" emails = config.get(CONF_EMAIL) api_key = config[CONF_API_KEY] data = HaveIBeenPwnedData(emails, api_key) devices = [] for email in emails: devices.append(HaveIBeenPwnedSensor(data, email)) add_entities(devices) class HaveIBeenPwnedSensor(Entity): """Implementation of a HaveIBeenPwned sensor.""" def __init__(self, data, email): """Initialize the HaveIBeenPwned sensor.""" self._state = None self._data = data self._email = email self._unit_of_measurement = "Breaches" @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return f"Breaches {self._email}" @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit the value is expressed in.""" return self._unit_of_measurement @property def state(self): """Return the state of the device.""" return self._state @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the attributes of the sensor.""" val = {ATTR_ATTRIBUTION: ATTRIBUTION} if self._email not in self._data.data: return val for idx, value in enumerate(self._data.data[self._email]): tmpname = f"breach {idx + 1}" datetime_local = dt_util.as_local( dt_util.parse_datetime(value["AddedDate"]) ) tmpvalue = f"{value['Title']} {datetime_local.strftime(DATE_STR_FORMAT)}" val[tmpname] = tmpvalue return val async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Get initial data.""" # To make sure we get initial data for the sensors ignoring the normal # throttle of 15 minutes but using an update throttle of 5 seconds self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.update_nothrottle) def update_nothrottle(self, dummy=None): """Update sensor without throttle.""" self._data.update_no_throttle() # Schedule a forced update 5 seconds in the future if the update above # returned no data for this sensors email. This is mainly to make sure # that we don't get HTTP Error "too many requests" and to have initial # data after hass startup once we have the data it will update as # normal using update if self._email not in self._data.data: track_point_in_time( self.hass, self.update_nothrottle, dt_util.now() + MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_FORCED_UPDATES, ) return self._state = len(self._data.data[self._email]) self.schedule_update_ha_state() def update(self): """Update data and see if it contains data for our email.""" self._data.update() if self._email in self._data.data: self._state = len(self._data.data[self._email]) class HaveIBeenPwnedData: """Class for handling the data retrieval.""" def __init__(self, emails, api_key): """Initialize the data object.""" self._email_count = len(emails) self._current_index = 0 self.data = {} self._email = emails[0] self._emails = emails self._api_key = api_key def set_next_email(self): """Set the next email to be looked up.""" self._current_index = (self._current_index + 1) % self._email_count self._email = self._emails[self._current_index] def update_no_throttle(self): """Get the data for a specific email.""" self.update(no_throttle=True) @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES, MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_FORCED_UPDATES) def update(self, **kwargs): """Get the latest data for current email from REST service.""" try: url = f"{URL}{self._email}?truncateResponse=false" header = {USER_AGENT: HA_USER_AGENT, "hibp-api-key": self._api_key} _LOGGER.debug("Checking for breaches for email: %s", self._email) req = requests.get(url, headers=header, allow_redirects=True, timeout=5) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: _LOGGER.error("Failed fetching data for %s", self._email) return if req.status_code == HTTP_OK: self.data[self._email] = sorted( req.json(), key=lambda k: k["AddedDate"], reverse=True ) # Only goto next email if we had data so that # the forced updates try this current email again self.set_next_email() elif req.status_code == HTTP_NOT_FOUND: self.data[self._email] = [] # only goto next email if we had data so that # the forced updates try this current email again self.set_next_email() else: _LOGGER.error( "Failed fetching data for %s (HTTP Status_code = %d)", self._email, req.status_code, )
from __future__ import absolute_import from docstructure import SITE_STRUCTURE, HREF_MAP, BASENAME_MAP from lxml.etree import (parse, fromstring, ElementTree, Element, SubElement, XPath, XML) import glob import hashlib import os import re import sys import copy import shutil import textwrap import subprocess from io import open as open_file RST2HTML_OPTIONS = " ".join([ '--no-toc-backlinks', '--strip-comments', '--language en', '--date', ]) XHTML_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' htmlnsmap = {"h": XHTML_NS} find_head = XPath("/h:html/h:head[1]", namespaces=htmlnsmap) find_body = XPath("/h:html/h:body[1]", namespaces=htmlnsmap) find_title = XPath("/h:html/h:head/h:title/text()", namespaces=htmlnsmap) find_title_tag = XPath("/h:html/h:head/h:title", namespaces=htmlnsmap) find_headings = XPath("//h:h1[not(@class)]//text()", namespaces=htmlnsmap) find_heading_tag = XPath("//h:h1[@class = 'title'][1]", namespaces=htmlnsmap) find_menu = XPath("//h:ul[@id=$name]", namespaces=htmlnsmap) find_page_end = XPath("/h:html/h:body/h:div[last()]", namespaces=htmlnsmap) find_words = re.compile(r'(\w+)').findall replace_invalid = re.compile(r'[-_/.\s\\]').sub def make_menu_section_head(section, menuroot): section_id = section + '-section' section_head = menuroot.xpath("//ul[@id=$section]/li", section=section_id) if not section_head: ul = SubElement(menuroot, "ul", id=section_id) section_head = SubElement(ul, "li") title = SubElement(section_head, "span", {"class":"section title"}) title.text = section else: section_head = section_head[0] return section_head def build_menu(tree, basename, section_head): page_title = find_title(tree) if page_title: page_title = page_title[0] else: page_title = replace_invalid('', basename.capitalize()) build_menu_entry(page_title, basename+".html", section_head, headings=find_headings(tree)) def build_menu_entry(page_title, url, section_head, headings=None): page_id = replace_invalid(' ', os.path.splitext(url)[0]) + '-menu' ul = SubElement(section_head, "ul", {"class":"menu foreign", "id":page_id}) title = SubElement(ul, "li", {"class":"menu title"}) a = SubElement(title, "a", href=url) a.text = page_title if headings: subul = SubElement(title, "ul", {"class":"submenu"}) for heading in headings: li = SubElement(subul, "li", {"class":"menu item"}) try: ref = heading.getparent().getparent().get('id') except AttributeError: ref = None if ref is None: ref = '-'.join(find_words(replace_invalid(' ', heading.lower()))) a = SubElement(li, "a", href=url+'#'+ref) a.text = heading def merge_menu(tree, menu, name): menu_root = copy.deepcopy(menu) tree.getroot()[1][0].insert(0, menu_root) # html->body->div[class=document] for el in menu_root.iter(): tag = el.tag if tag[0] != '{': el.tag = "{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}" + tag current_menu = find_menu( menu_root, name=replace_invalid(' ', name) + '-menu') if not current_menu: current_menu = find_menu( menu_root, name=replace_invalid('-', name) + '-menu') if current_menu: for submenu in current_menu: submenu.set("class", submenu.get("class", ""). replace("foreign", "current")) return tree def inject_flatter_button(tree): head = tree.xpath('h:head[1]', namespaces=htmlnsmap)[0] script = SubElement(head, '{%s}script' % XHTML_NS, type='text/javascript') script.text = """ (function() { var s = document.createElement('script'); var t = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = 'http://api.flattr.com/js/0.6/load.js?mode=auto'; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); })(); """ script.tail = '\n' intro_div = tree.xpath('h:body//h:div[@id = "introduction"][1]', namespaces=htmlnsmap)[0] intro_div.insert(-1, XML( '<p style="text-align: center;">Like working with lxml? ' 'Happy about the time that it just saved you? <br />' 'Show your appreciation with <a href="http://flattr.com/thing/268156/lxml-The-Python-XML-Toolkit">Flattr</a>.<br />' '<a class="FlattrButton" style="display:none;" rev="flattr;button:compact;" href="http://lxml.de/"></a>' '</p>' )) def inject_donate_buttons(lxml_path, rst2html_script, tree): command = ([sys.executable, rst2html_script] + RST2HTML_OPTIONS.split() + [os.path.join(lxml_path, 'README.rst')]) rst2html = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = rst2html.communicate() readme = fromstring(stdout) intro_div = tree.xpath('h:body//h:div[@id = "introduction"][1]', namespaces=htmlnsmap)[0] support_div = readme.xpath('h:body//h:div[@id = "support-the-project"][1]', namespaces=htmlnsmap)[0] intro_div.append(support_div) finance_div = readme.xpath('h:body//h:div[@id = "project-income-report"][1]', namespaces=htmlnsmap)[0] legal = readme.xpath('h:body//h:div[@id = "legal-notice-for-donations"][1]', namespaces=htmlnsmap)[0] last_div = tree.xpath('h:body//h:div//h:div', namespaces=htmlnsmap)[-1] last_div.addnext(finance_div) finance_div.addnext(legal) def inject_banner(parent): banner = parent.makeelement('div', {'class': 'banner'}) parent.insert(0, banner) banner_image = SubElement(banner, 'div', {'class': "banner_image"}) SubElement(banner_image, 'img', src="python-xml-title.png") banner_text = SubElement(banner, 'div', {'class': "banner_link"}) banner_link = SubElement(banner_text, 'a', href="index.html#support-the-project") banner_link.text = "Like the tool? " SubElement(banner_link, 'br', {'class': "first"}).tail = "Help making it better! " SubElement(banner_link, 'br', {'class': "second"}).tail = "Your donation helps!" def rest2html(script, source_path, dest_path, stylesheet_url): command = ('%s %s %s --stylesheet=%s --link-stylesheet %s > %s' % (sys.executable, script, RST2HTML_OPTIONS, stylesheet_url, source_path, dest_path)) subprocess.call(command, shell=True) def convert_changelog(lxml_path, changelog_file_path, rst2html_script, stylesheet_url): f = open_file(os.path.join(lxml_path, 'CHANGES.txt'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') try: content = f.read() finally: f.close() links = dict(LP='`%s <https://bugs.launchpad.net/lxml/+bug/%s>`_', GH='`%s <https://github.com/lxml/lxml/issues/%s>`_') replace_tracker_links = re.compile('((LP|GH)#([0-9]+))').sub def insert_link(match): text, ref_type, ref_id = match.groups() return links[ref_type] % (text, ref_id) content = replace_tracker_links(insert_link, content) command = [sys.executable, rst2html_script] + RST2HTML_OPTIONS.split() + [ '--link-stylesheet', '--stylesheet', stylesheet_url ] out_file = open(changelog_file_path, 'wb') try: rst2html = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=out_file) rst2html.communicate(content.encode('utf8')) finally: out_file.close() def publish(dirname, lxml_path, release): if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname) doc_dir = os.path.join(lxml_path, 'doc') script = os.path.join(doc_dir, 'rest2html.py') pubkey = os.path.join(doc_dir, 'pubkey.asc') stylesheet_file = 'style.css' shutil.copy(pubkey, dirname) # FIXME: find a way to make hashed filenames work both locally and in the versioned directories. stylesheet_url = stylesheet_file """ style_file_pattern = "style_%s.css" for old_stylesheet in glob.iglob(os.path.join(dirname, style_file_pattern % "*")): os.unlink(old_stylesheet) with open(os.path.join(dirname, stylesheet_file), 'rb') as f: css = f.read() checksum = hashlib.sha256(css).hexdigest()[:32] stylesheet_url = style_file_pattern % checksum with open(os.path.join(dirname, stylesheet_url), 'wb') as out: out.write(css) """ href_map = HREF_MAP.copy() changelog_basename = 'changes-%s' % release href_map['Release Changelog'] = changelog_basename + '.html' menu_js = textwrap.dedent(''' function trigger_menu(event) { var sidemenu = document.getElementById("sidemenu"); var classes = sidemenu.getAttribute("class"); classes = (classes.indexOf(" visible") === -1) ? classes + " visible" : classes.replace(" visible", ""); sidemenu.setAttribute("class", classes); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } function hide_menu() { var sidemenu = document.getElementById("sidemenu"); var classes = sidemenu.getAttribute("class"); if (classes.indexOf(" visible") !== -1) { sidemenu.setAttribute("class", classes.replace(" visible", "")); } } ''') trees = {} menu = Element("div", {'class': 'sidemenu', 'id': 'sidemenu'}) SubElement(menu, 'div', {'class': 'menutrigger', 'onclick': 'trigger_menu(event)'}).text = "Menu" menu_div = SubElement(menu, 'div', {'class': 'menu'}) inject_banner(menu_div) # build HTML pages and parse them back for section, text_files in SITE_STRUCTURE: section_head = make_menu_section_head(section, menu_div) for filename in text_files: if filename.startswith('@'): # special menu entry page_title = filename[1:] url = href_map[page_title] build_menu_entry(page_title, url, section_head) else: path = os.path.join(doc_dir, filename) basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] basename = BASENAME_MAP.get(basename, basename) outname = basename + '.html' outpath = os.path.join(dirname, outname) rest2html(script, path, outpath, stylesheet_url) tree = parse(outpath) page_div = tree.getroot()[1][0] # html->body->div[class=document] inject_banner(page_div) if filename == 'main.txt': # inject donation buttons #inject_flatter_button(tree) inject_donate_buttons(lxml_path, script, tree) trees[filename] = (tree, basename, outpath) build_menu(tree, basename, section_head) # also convert CHANGES.txt convert_changelog(lxml_path, os.path.join(dirname, 'changes-%s.html' % release), script, stylesheet_url) # generate sitemap from menu sitemap = XML(textwrap.dedent('''\ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Sitemap of lxml.de - Processing XML and HTML with Python</title> <meta content="lxml - the most feature-rich and easy-to-use library for processing XML and HTML in the Python language" name="description" /> <meta content="Python XML, XML, XML processing, HTML, lxml, simple XML, ElementTree, etree, lxml.etree, objectify, XML parsing, XML validation, XPath, XSLT" name="keywords" /> </head> <body> <h1>Sitemap of lxml.de - Processing XML and HTML with Python</h1> </body> </html> ''')) sitemap_menu = copy.deepcopy(menu) SubElement(SubElement(sitemap_menu[-1], 'li'), 'a', href='http://lxml.de/files/').text = 'Download files' sitemap[-1].append(sitemap_menu) # append to body ElementTree(sitemap).write(os.path.join(dirname, 'sitemap.html')) # integrate sitemap into the menu SubElement(SubElement(menu_div[-1], 'li'), 'a', href='/sitemap.html').text = 'Sitemap' # integrate menu into web pages for tree, basename, outpath in trees.values(): head = find_head(tree)[0] SubElement(head, 'script', type='text/javascript').text = menu_js SubElement(head, 'meta', name='viewport', content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1") find_body(tree)[0].set('onclick', 'hide_menu()') new_tree = merge_menu(tree, menu, basename) title = find_title_tag(new_tree) if title and title[0].text == 'lxml': title[0].text = "lxml - Processing XML and HTML with Python" heading = find_heading_tag(new_tree) if heading: heading[0].text = "lxml - XML and HTML with Python" new_tree.write(outpath) if __name__ == '__main__': publish(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
import importlib import logging import os from perfkitbenchmarker import events from perfkitbenchmarker import import_util from perfkitbenchmarker import requirements from perfkitbenchmarker.providers import aws from perfkitbenchmarker.providers import azure from perfkitbenchmarker.providers import gcp GCP = gcp.CLOUD AZURE = azure.CLOUD AWS = aws.CLOUD ALICLOUD = 'AliCloud' KUBERNETES = 'Kubernetes' DIGITALOCEAN = 'DigitalOcean' OPENSTACK = 'OpenStack' CLOUDSTACK = 'CloudStack' RACKSPACE = 'Rackspace' MESOS = 'Mesos' PROFITBRICKS = 'ProfitBricks' # Though Docker is not a cloud provider, it's inclusion is useful # for performing on premise to cloud benchmarks DOCKER = 'Docker' VALID_CLOUDS = (GCP, AZURE, AWS, DIGITALOCEAN, KUBERNETES, OPENSTACK, RACKSPACE, CLOUDSTACK, ALICLOUD, MESOS, PROFITBRICKS, DOCKER) _imported_providers = set() def LoadProviderFlags(providers): """Imports just the flags module for each provider. This allows PKB to load flag definitions from each provider to include in the help text without actually loading any other provider-specific modules. Args: providers: series of strings. Each element is a value from VALID_CLOUDS indicating a cloud provider for which to import the flags module. """ for provider_name in providers: normalized_name = provider_name.lower() flags_module_name = '.'.join((__name__, normalized_name, 'flags')) importlib.import_module(flags_module_name) # Import flag definitions for all cloud providers. LoadProviderFlags(VALID_CLOUDS) def LoadProvider(provider_name, ignore_package_requirements=True): """Loads the all modules in the 'provider_name' package. This function first checks the specified provider's Python package requirements file, if one exists, and verifies that all requirements are met. Next, it loads all modules in the specified provider's package. By loading these modules, relevant classes (e.g. VMs) will register themselves. Args: provider_name: string chosen from VALID_CLOUDS. The name of the provider whose modules should be loaded. ignore_package_requirements: boolean. If True, the provider's Python package requirements file is ignored. """ if provider_name in _imported_providers: return # Check package requirements from the provider's pip requirements file. normalized_name = provider_name.lower() if not ignore_package_requirements: requirements.CheckProviderRequirements(normalized_name) # Load all modules in the provider's directory. Simply loading those modules # will cause relevant classes (e.g. VM and disk classes) to register # themselves so that they can be instantiated during resource provisioning. provider_package_path = os.path.join(__path__[0], normalized_name) try: modules = tuple(import_util.LoadModulesForPath( [provider_package_path], __name__ + '.' + normalized_name)) if not modules: raise ImportError('No modules found for provider %s.' % provider_name) except Exception: logging.error('Unable to load provider %s.', provider_name) raise # Signal that the provider's modules have been imported. _imported_providers.add(provider_name) events.provider_imported.send(provider_name)
from weblate.checks.angularjs import AngularJSInterpolationCheck from weblate.checks.tests.test_checks import CheckTestCase, MockUnit class AngularJSInterpolationCheckTest(CheckTestCase): check = AngularJSInterpolationCheck() def test_no_format(self): self.assertFalse(self.check.check_format("strins", "string", False)) def test_format(self): self.assertFalse( self.check.check_format( "{{name}} string {{other}}", "{{name}} {{other}} string", False ) ) def test_format_ignore_position(self): self.assertFalse( self.check.check_format( "{{name}} string {{other}}", "{{other}} string {{name}}", False ) ) def test_different_whitespace(self): self.assertFalse( self.check.check_format("{{ name }} string", "{{name}} string", False) ) def test_missing_format(self): self.assertTrue(self.check.check_format("{{name}} string", "string", False)) def test_wrong_value(self): self.assertTrue( self.check.check_format("{{name}} string", "{{nameerror}} string", False) ) def test_extended_formatting(self): self.assertFalse( self.check.check_format( "Value: {{ something.value | currency }}", "Wert: {{ something.value | currency }}", False, ) ) self.assertTrue( self.check.check_format( "Value: {{ something.value | currency }}", "Value: {{ something.value }}", False, ) ) def test_check_highlight(self): highlights = self.check.check_highlight( "{{name}} {{ something.value | currency }} string", MockUnit("angularjs_format", flags="angularjs-format"), ) self.assertEqual(2, len(highlights)) self.assertEqual(0, highlights[0][0]) self.assertEqual(8, highlights[0][1]) self.assertEqual(9, highlights[1][0]) self.assertEqual(41, highlights[1][1]) def test_check_highlight_ignored(self): highlights = self.check.check_highlight( "{{name}} {{other}} string", MockUnit("angularjs_format", flags="ignore-angularjs-format"), ) self.assertEqual([], highlights)
import mock from zake.fake_client import FakeClient from paasta_tools.api import settings from paasta_tools.api.views import deploy_queue from paasta_tools.deployd.common import ServiceInstance from paasta_tools.utils import SystemPaastaConfig @mock.patch("paasta_tools.api.views.deploy_queue.KazooClient", autospec=True) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.api.views.deploy_queue.ZKDelayDeadlineQueue", autospec=True) def test_list_deploy_queue(mock_delay_deadline_queue_class, mock_kazoo_client): mock_request = mock.Mock() settings.system_paasta_config = mock.create_autospec(SystemPaastaConfig) mock_kazoo_client.return_value = FakeClient() available_service_instance = ServiceInstance( service="fake_service1", instance="fake_instance1", watcher="worker0", bounce_by=1577952000, wait_until=1577952000, enqueue_time=1577952000, bounce_start_time=1577952000, failures=1, processed_count=2, ) unavailable_service_instance = ServiceInstance( service="fake_service2", instance="fake_instance2", watcher="worker1", bounce_by=1577952100, wait_until=1577952200, enqueue_time=1577952100, bounce_start_time=1577952100, failures=2, processed_count=3, ) mock_delay_deadline_queue = mock_delay_deadline_queue_class.return_value mock_delay_deadline_queue.get_available_service_instances.return_value = [ (mock.Mock(), available_service_instance) ] mock_delay_deadline_queue.get_unavailable_service_instances.return_value = [ (mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), unavailable_service_instance) ] output = deploy_queue.list_deploy_queue(mock_request) assert output == { "available_service_instances": [ { "service": "fake_service1", "instance": "fake_instance1", "watcher": "worker0", "bounce_by": 1577952000, "wait_until": 1577952000, "enqueue_time": 1577952000, "bounce_start_time": 1577952000, "failures": 1, "processed_count": 2, } ], "unavailable_service_instances": [ { "service": "fake_service2", "instance": "fake_instance2", "watcher": "worker1", "bounce_by": 1577952100, "wait_until": 1577952200, "enqueue_time": 1577952100, "bounce_start_time": 1577952100, "failures": 2, "processed_count": 3, } ], }
import logging import unittest import numpy as np from gensim.models import LdaModel from gensim.test.utils import common_dictionary, common_corpus class TestLdaDiff(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dictionary = common_dictionary self.corpus = common_corpus self.num_topics = 5 self.n_ann_terms = 10 self.model = LdaModel(corpus=self.corpus, id2word=self.dictionary, num_topics=self.num_topics, passes=10) def testBasic(self): # test for matrix case mdiff, annotation = self.model.diff(self.model, n_ann_terms=self.n_ann_terms) self.assertEqual(mdiff.shape, (self.num_topics, self.num_topics)) self.assertEqual(len(annotation), self.num_topics) self.assertEqual(len(annotation[0]), self.num_topics) # test for diagonal case mdiff, annotation = self.model.diff(self.model, n_ann_terms=self.n_ann_terms, diagonal=True) self.assertEqual(mdiff.shape, (self.num_topics,)) self.assertEqual(len(annotation), self.num_topics) def testIdentity(self): for dist_name in ["hellinger", "kullback_leibler", "jaccard"]: # test for matrix case mdiff, annotation = self.model.diff(self.model, n_ann_terms=self.n_ann_terms, distance=dist_name) for row in annotation: for (int_tokens, diff_tokens) in row: self.assertEqual(diff_tokens, []) self.assertEqual(len(int_tokens), self.n_ann_terms) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.diag(mdiff), np.zeros(mdiff.shape[0], dtype=mdiff.dtype))) if dist_name == "jaccard": self.assertTrue(np.allclose(mdiff, np.zeros(mdiff.shape, dtype=mdiff.dtype))) # test for diagonal case mdiff, annotation = \ self.model.diff(self.model, n_ann_terms=self.n_ann_terms, distance=dist_name, diagonal=True) for (int_tokens, diff_tokens) in annotation: self.assertEqual(diff_tokens, []) self.assertEqual(len(int_tokens), self.n_ann_terms) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(mdiff, np.zeros(mdiff.shape, dtype=mdiff.dtype))) if dist_name == "jaccard": self.assertTrue(np.allclose(mdiff, np.zeros(mdiff.shape, dtype=mdiff.dtype))) def testInput(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.model.diff, self.model, n_ann_terms=self.n_ann_terms, distance='something') self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.model.diff, [], n_ann_terms=self.n_ann_terms, distance='something') if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) unittest.main()
import asyncio import logging.handlers from timeit import default_timer as timer from types import ModuleType from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Optional, Set from homeassistant import config as conf_util, core, loader, requirements from homeassistant.config import async_notify_setup_error from homeassistant.const import EVENT_COMPONENT_LOADED, PLATFORM_FORMAT from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_COMPONENT = "component" DATA_SETUP_DONE = "setup_done" DATA_SETUP_STARTED = "setup_started" DATA_SETUP = "setup_tasks" DATA_DEPS_REQS = "deps_reqs_processed" SLOW_SETUP_WARNING = 10 SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT = 300 @core.callback def async_set_domains_to_be_loaded(hass: core.HomeAssistant, domains: Set[str]) -> None: """Set domains that are going to be loaded from the config. This will allow us to properly handle after_dependencies. """ hass.data[DATA_SETUP_DONE] = {domain: asyncio.Event() for domain in domains} def setup_component(hass: core.HomeAssistant, domain: str, config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up a component and all its dependencies.""" return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( async_setup_component(hass, domain, config), hass.loop ).result() async def async_setup_component( hass: core.HomeAssistant, domain: str, config: ConfigType ) -> bool: """Set up a component and all its dependencies. This method is a coroutine. """ if domain in hass.config.components: return True setup_tasks = hass.data.setdefault(DATA_SETUP, {}) if domain in setup_tasks: return await setup_tasks[domain] # type: ignore task = setup_tasks[domain] = hass.async_create_task( _async_setup_component(hass, domain, config) ) try: return await task # type: ignore finally: if domain in hass.data.get(DATA_SETUP_DONE, {}): hass.data[DATA_SETUP_DONE].pop(domain).set() async def _async_process_dependencies( hass: core.HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, integration: loader.Integration ) -> bool: """Ensure all dependencies are set up.""" dependencies_tasks = { dep: hass.loop.create_task(async_setup_component(hass, dep, config)) for dep in integration.dependencies if dep not in hass.config.components } after_dependencies_tasks = {} to_be_loaded = hass.data.get(DATA_SETUP_DONE, {}) for dep in integration.after_dependencies: if ( dep not in dependencies_tasks and dep in to_be_loaded and dep not in hass.config.components ): after_dependencies_tasks[dep] = hass.loop.create_task( to_be_loaded[dep].wait() ) if not dependencies_tasks and not after_dependencies_tasks: return True if dependencies_tasks: _LOGGER.debug( "Dependency %s will wait for dependencies %s", integration.domain, list(dependencies_tasks), ) if after_dependencies_tasks: _LOGGER.debug( "Dependency %s will wait for after dependencies %s", integration.domain, list(after_dependencies_tasks), ) async with hass.timeout.async_freeze(integration.domain): results = await asyncio.gather( *dependencies_tasks.values(), *after_dependencies_tasks.values() ) failed = [ domain for idx, domain in enumerate(dependencies_tasks) if not results[idx] ] if failed: _LOGGER.error( "Unable to set up dependencies of %s. Setup failed for dependencies: %s", integration.domain, ", ".join(failed), ) return False return True async def _async_setup_component( hass: core.HomeAssistant, domain: str, config: ConfigType ) -> bool: """Set up a component for Home Assistant. This method is a coroutine. """ def log_error(msg: str, link: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Log helper.""" _LOGGER.error("Setup failed for %s: %s", domain, msg) async_notify_setup_error(hass, domain, link) try: integration = await loader.async_get_integration(hass, domain) except loader.IntegrationNotFound: log_error("Integration not found.") return False if integration.disabled: log_error(f"dependency is disabled - {integration.disabled}") return False # Validate all dependencies exist and there are no circular dependencies if not await integration.resolve_dependencies(): return False # Process requirements as soon as possible, so we can import the component # without requiring imports to be in functions. try: await async_process_deps_reqs(hass, config, integration) except HomeAssistantError as err: log_error(str(err), integration.documentation) return False # Some integrations fail on import because they call functions incorrectly. # So we do it before validating config to catch these errors. try: component = integration.get_component() except ImportError as err: log_error(f"Unable to import component: {err}", integration.documentation) return False except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Setup failed for %s: unknown error", domain) return False processed_config = await conf_util.async_process_component_config( hass, config, integration ) if processed_config is None: log_error("Invalid config.", integration.documentation) return False start = timer() _LOGGER.info("Setting up %s", domain) hass.data.setdefault(DATA_SETUP_STARTED, {})[domain] = dt_util.utcnow() if hasattr(component, "PLATFORM_SCHEMA"): # Entity components have their own warning warn_task = None else: warn_task = hass.loop.call_later( SLOW_SETUP_WARNING, _LOGGER.warning, "Setup of %s is taking over %s seconds.", domain, SLOW_SETUP_WARNING, ) try: if hasattr(component, "async_setup"): task = component.async_setup(hass, processed_config) # type: ignore elif hasattr(component, "setup"): # This should not be replaced with hass.async_add_executor_job because # we don't want to track this task in case it blocks startup. task = hass.loop.run_in_executor( None, component.setup, hass, processed_config # type: ignore ) else: log_error("No setup function defined.") hass.data[DATA_SETUP_STARTED].pop(domain) return False async with hass.timeout.async_timeout(SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT, domain): result = await task except asyncio.TimeoutError: _LOGGER.error( "Setup of %s is taking longer than %s seconds." " Startup will proceed without waiting any longer", domain, SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT, ) hass.data[DATA_SETUP_STARTED].pop(domain) return False except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error during setup of component %s", domain) async_notify_setup_error(hass, domain, integration.documentation) hass.data[DATA_SETUP_STARTED].pop(domain) return False finally: end = timer() if warn_task: warn_task.cancel() _LOGGER.info("Setup of domain %s took %.1f seconds", domain, end - start) if result is False: log_error("Integration failed to initialize.") hass.data[DATA_SETUP_STARTED].pop(domain) return False if result is not True: log_error( f"Integration {domain!r} did not return boolean if setup was " "successful. Disabling component." ) hass.data[DATA_SETUP_STARTED].pop(domain) return False # Flush out async_setup calling create_task. Fragile but covered by test. await asyncio.sleep(0) await hass.config_entries.flow.async_wait_init_flow_finish(domain) await asyncio.gather( *[ entry.async_setup(hass, integration=integration) for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(domain) ] ) hass.config.components.add(domain) hass.data[DATA_SETUP_STARTED].pop(domain) # Cleanup if domain in hass.data[DATA_SETUP]: hass.data[DATA_SETUP].pop(domain) hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_COMPONENT_LOADED, {ATTR_COMPONENT: domain}) return True async def async_prepare_setup_platform( hass: core.HomeAssistant, hass_config: ConfigType, domain: str, platform_name: str ) -> Optional[ModuleType]: """Load a platform and makes sure dependencies are setup. This method is a coroutine. """ platform_path = PLATFORM_FORMAT.format(domain=domain, platform=platform_name) def log_error(msg: str) -> None: """Log helper.""" _LOGGER.error("Unable to prepare setup for platform %s: %s", platform_path, msg) async_notify_setup_error(hass, platform_path) try: integration = await loader.async_get_integration(hass, platform_name) except loader.IntegrationNotFound: log_error("Integration not found") return None # Process deps and reqs as soon as possible, so that requirements are # available when we import the platform. try: await async_process_deps_reqs(hass, hass_config, integration) except HomeAssistantError as err: log_error(str(err)) return None try: platform = integration.get_platform(domain) except ImportError as exc: log_error(f"Platform not found ({exc}).") return None # Already loaded if platform_path in hass.config.components: return platform # Platforms cannot exist on their own, they are part of their integration. # If the integration is not set up yet, and can be set up, set it up. if integration.domain not in hass.config.components: try: component = integration.get_component() except ImportError as exc: log_error(f"Unable to import the component ({exc}).") return None if hasattr(component, "setup") or hasattr(component, "async_setup"): if not await async_setup_component(hass, integration.domain, hass_config): log_error("Unable to set up component.") return None return platform async def async_process_deps_reqs( hass: core.HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType, integration: loader.Integration ) -> None: """Process all dependencies and requirements for a module. Module is a Python module of either a component or platform. """ processed = hass.data.get(DATA_DEPS_REQS) if processed is None: processed = hass.data[DATA_DEPS_REQS] = set() elif integration.domain in processed: return if not await _async_process_dependencies(hass, config, integration): raise HomeAssistantError("Could not set up all dependencies.") if not hass.config.skip_pip and integration.requirements: async with hass.timeout.async_freeze(integration.domain): await requirements.async_get_integration_with_requirements( hass, integration.domain ) processed.add(integration.domain) @core.callback def async_when_setup( hass: core.HomeAssistant, component: str, when_setup_cb: Callable[[core.HomeAssistant, str], Awaitable[None]], ) -> None: """Call a method when a component is setup.""" async def when_setup() -> None: """Call the callback.""" try: await when_setup_cb(hass, component) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error handling when_setup callback for %s", component) # Running it in a new task so that it always runs after if component in hass.config.components: hass.async_create_task(when_setup()) return unsub = None async def loaded_event(event: core.Event) -> None: """Call the callback.""" if event.data[ATTR_COMPONENT] != component: return unsub() # type: ignore await when_setup() unsub = hass.bus.async_listen(EVENT_COMPONENT_LOADED, loaded_event)
from typing import Type from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from .board import FirmataPinType from .const import DOMAIN, FIRMATA_MANUFACTURER from .pin import FirmataBoardPin class FirmataEntity: """Representation of a Firmata entity.""" def __init__(self, api): """Initialize the entity.""" self._api = api @property def device_info(self) -> dict: """Return device info.""" return { "connections": {}, "identifiers": {(DOMAIN, self._api.board.name)}, "manufacturer": FIRMATA_MANUFACTURER, "name": self._api.board.name, "sw_version": self._api.board.firmware_version, } class FirmataPinEntity(FirmataEntity): """Representation of a Firmata pin entity.""" def __init__( self, api: Type[FirmataBoardPin], config_entry: ConfigEntry, name: str, pin: FirmataPinType, ): """Initialize the pin entity.""" super().__init__(api) self._name = name location = (config_entry.entry_id, "pin", pin) self._unique_id = "_".join(str(i) for i in location) @property def name(self) -> str: """Get the name of the pin.""" return self._name @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """No polling needed.""" return False @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return a unique identifier for this device.""" return self._unique_id
from datetime import timedelta import logging from pyblockchain import get_balance, validate_address import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, CONF_NAME import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTRIBUTION = "Data provided by blockchain.com" CONF_ADDRESSES = "addresses" DEFAULT_NAME = "Bitcoin Balance" ICON = "mdi:currency-btc" SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(minutes=5) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_ADDRESSES): [cv.string], vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, } ) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Blockchain.com sensors.""" addresses = config[CONF_ADDRESSES] name = config[CONF_NAME] for address in addresses: if not validate_address(address): _LOGGER.error("Bitcoin address is not valid: %s", address) return False add_entities([BlockchainSensor(name, addresses)], True) class BlockchainSensor(Entity): """Representation of a Blockchain.com sensor.""" def __init__(self, name, addresses): """Initialize the sensor.""" self._name = name self.addresses = addresses self._state = None self._unit_of_measurement = "BTC" @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement this sensor expresses itself in.""" return self._unit_of_measurement @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use in the frontend, if any.""" return ICON @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes of the sensor.""" return {ATTR_ATTRIBUTION: ATTRIBUTION} def update(self): """Get the latest state of the sensor.""" self._state = get_balance(self.addresses)
import os import json from app.utils.HookDataParse import ( get_repo_name, get_repo_branch, get_push_name, get_push_email ) WEBHOOKDATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'webhookdata') WEBHOOKDATA = {} for filename in os.listdir(WEBHOOKDATA_DIR): name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] with open(os.path.join(WEBHOOKDATA_DIR, filename)) as f: data = json.load(f) WEBHOOKDATA[name] = data def test(): for name, data in WEBHOOKDATA.items(): print('\n' + name.center(60, '-')) print(get_repo_name(data)) print(get_repo_branch(data)) print(get_push_name(data)) print(get_push_email(data))
import os from babelfish import Language, language_converters import pytest from vcr import VCR from subliminal.providers.thesubdb import TheSubDBProvider, TheSubDBSubtitle vcr = VCR(path_transformer=lambda path: path + '.yaml', record_mode=os.environ.get('VCR_RECORD_MODE', 'once'), cassette_library_dir=os.path.realpath(os.path.join('tests', 'cassettes', 'thesubdb'))) @pytest.mark.converter def test_converter_convert_alpha3_country(): assert language_converters['thesubdb'].convert('por', 'BR') == 'pt' @pytest.mark.converter def test_converter_convert_alpha3(): assert language_converters['thesubdb'].convert('eng') == 'en' @pytest.mark.converter def test_converter_convert_alpha3_alpha2_converter(): assert language_converters['thesubdb'].convert('fra') == 'fr' @pytest.mark.converter def test_converter_reverse(): assert language_converters['thesubdb'].reverse('en') == ('eng', ) @pytest.mark.converter def test_converter_reverse_alpha3_country(): assert language_converters['thesubdb'].reverse('pt') == ('por', 'BR') def test_get_matches(movies): subtitle = TheSubDBSubtitle(Language('eng'), 'ad32876133355929d814457537e12dc2') matches = subtitle.get_matches(movies['man_of_steel']) assert matches == {'hash'} def test_get_matches_no_match(episodes): subtitle = TheSubDBSubtitle(Language('eng'), 'ad32876133355929d814457537e12dc2') matches = subtitle.get_matches(episodes['got_s03e10']) assert matches == set() @pytest.mark.integration @vcr.use_cassette def test_query(movies): video = movies['man_of_steel'] expected_languages = {Language('eng'), Language('por', 'BR')} with TheSubDBProvider() as provider: subtitles = provider.query(video.hashes['thesubdb']) assert len(subtitles) == 2 assert {subtitle.language for subtitle in subtitles} == expected_languages @pytest.mark.integration @vcr.use_cassette def test_query_wrong_hash(): with TheSubDBProvider() as provider: subtitles = provider.query('11223344556677899877665544332211') assert len(subtitles) == 0 @pytest.mark.integration @vcr.use_cassette def test_list_subtitles(episodes): video = episodes['bbt_s07e05'] languages = {Language('eng'), Language('fra')} with TheSubDBProvider() as provider: subtitles = provider.list_subtitles(video, languages) assert len(subtitles) == 2 assert {subtitle.language for subtitle in subtitles} == languages @pytest.mark.integration @vcr.use_cassette def test_download_subtitle(episodes): video = episodes['bbt_s07e05'] languages = {Language('eng'), Language('fra')} with TheSubDBProvider() as provider: subtitles = provider.list_subtitles(video, languages) provider.download_subtitle(subtitles[0]) assert subtitles[0].content is not None assert subtitles[0].is_valid() is True
import logging from tuyaha import TuyaApi from tuyaha.tuyaapi import TuyaAPIException, TuyaNetException, TuyaServerException import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PLATFORM, CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, CONF_USERNAME, ENTITY_MATCH_NONE, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, ) from homeassistant.core import callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv # pylint:disable=unused-import from .const import ( CONF_BRIGHTNESS_RANGE_MODE, CONF_COUNTRYCODE, CONF_CURR_TEMP_DIVIDER, CONF_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL, CONF_EXT_TEMP_SENSOR, CONF_MAX_KELVIN, CONF_MAX_TEMP, CONF_MIN_KELVIN, CONF_MIN_TEMP, CONF_QUERY_DEVICE, CONF_QUERY_INTERVAL, CONF_SUPPORT_COLOR, CONF_TEMP_DIVIDER, CONF_TUYA_MAX_COLTEMP, DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_QUERY_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_TUYA_MAX_COLTEMP, DOMAIN, TUYA_DATA, TUYA_PLATFORMS, TUYA_TYPE_NOT_QUERY, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_LIST_DEVICES = "list_devices" DATA_SCHEMA_USER = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): str, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): str, vol.Required(CONF_COUNTRYCODE): vol.Coerce(int), vol.Required(CONF_PLATFORM): vol.In(TUYA_PLATFORMS), } ) ERROR_DEV_MULTI_TYPE = "dev_multi_type" ERROR_DEV_NOT_CONFIG = "dev_not_config" ERROR_DEV_NOT_FOUND = "dev_not_found" RESULT_AUTH_FAILED = "invalid_auth" RESULT_CONN_ERROR = "cannot_connect" RESULT_SUCCESS = "success" RESULT_LOG_MESSAGE = { RESULT_AUTH_FAILED: "Invalid credential", RESULT_CONN_ERROR: "Connection error", } TUYA_TYPE_CONFIG = ["climate", "light"] class TuyaConfigFlow(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Handle a tuya config flow.""" VERSION = 1 CONNECTION_CLASS = config_entries.CONN_CLASS_CLOUD_POLL def __init__(self): """Initialize flow.""" self._country_code = None self._password = None self._platform = None self._username = None self._is_import = False def _save_entry(self): return self.async_create_entry( title=self._username, data={ CONF_COUNTRYCODE: self._country_code, CONF_PASSWORD: self._password, CONF_PLATFORM: self._platform, CONF_USERNAME: self._username, }, ) def _try_connect(self): """Try to connect and check auth.""" tuya = TuyaApi() try: tuya.init( self._username, self._password, self._country_code, self._platform ) except (TuyaNetException, TuyaServerException): return RESULT_CONN_ERROR except TuyaAPIException: return RESULT_AUTH_FAILED return RESULT_SUCCESS async def async_step_import(self, user_input=None): """Handle configuration by yaml file.""" self._is_import = True return await self.async_step_user(user_input) async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None): """Handle a flow initialized by the user.""" if self._async_current_entries(): return self.async_abort(reason="single_instance_allowed") errors = {} if user_input is not None: self._country_code = str(user_input[CONF_COUNTRYCODE]) self._password = user_input[CONF_PASSWORD] self._platform = user_input[CONF_PLATFORM] self._username = user_input[CONF_USERNAME] result = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._try_connect) if result == RESULT_SUCCESS: return self._save_entry() if result != RESULT_AUTH_FAILED or self._is_import: if self._is_import: _LOGGER.error( "Error importing from configuration.yaml: %s", RESULT_LOG_MESSAGE.get(result, "Generic Error"), ) return self.async_abort(reason=result) errors["base"] = result return self.async_show_form( step_id="user", data_schema=DATA_SCHEMA_USER, errors=errors ) @staticmethod @callback def async_get_options_flow(config_entry): """Get the options flow for this handler.""" return OptionsFlowHandler(config_entry) class OptionsFlowHandler(config_entries.OptionsFlow): """Handle a option flow for Tuya.""" def __init__(self, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry): """Initialize options flow.""" self.config_entry = config_entry self._conf_devs_id = None self._conf_devs_option = {} self._form_error = None def _get_form_error(self): """Set the error to be shown in the options form.""" errors = {} if self._form_error: errors["base"] = self._form_error self._form_error = None return errors def _get_tuya_devices_filtered(self, types, exclude_mode=False, type_prefix=True): """Get the list of Tuya device to filtered by types.""" config_list = {} types_filter = set(types) tuya = self.hass.data[DOMAIN][TUYA_DATA] devices_list = tuya.get_all_devices() for device in devices_list: dev_type = device.device_type() exclude = ( dev_type in types_filter if exclude_mode else dev_type not in types_filter ) if exclude: continue dev_id = device.object_id() if type_prefix: dev_id = f"{dev_type}-{dev_id}" config_list[dev_id] = f"{device.name()} ({dev_type})" return config_list def _get_device(self, dev_id): """Get specific device from tuya library.""" tuya = self.hass.data[DOMAIN][TUYA_DATA] return tuya.get_device_by_id(dev_id) def _save_config(self, data): """Save the updated options.""" curr_conf = self.config_entry.options.copy() curr_conf.update(data) curr_conf.update(self._conf_devs_option) return self.async_create_entry(title="", data=curr_conf) async def _async_device_form(self, devs_id): """Return configuration form for devices.""" conf_devs_id = [] for count, dev_id in enumerate(devs_id): device_info = dev_id.split("-") if count == 0: device_type = device_info[0] device_id = device_info[1] elif device_type != device_info[0]: self._form_error = ERROR_DEV_MULTI_TYPE return await self.async_step_init() conf_devs_id.append(device_info[1]) device = self._get_device(device_id) if not device: self._form_error = ERROR_DEV_NOT_FOUND return await self.async_step_init() curr_conf = self._conf_devs_option.get( device_id, self.config_entry.options.get(device_id, {}) ) config_schema = await self._get_device_schema(device_type, curr_conf, device) if not config_schema: self._form_error = ERROR_DEV_NOT_CONFIG return await self.async_step_init() self._conf_devs_id = conf_devs_id device_name = ( "(multiple devices selected)" if len(conf_devs_id) > 1 else device.name() ) return self.async_show_form( step_id="device", data_schema=config_schema, description_placeholders={ "device_type": device_type, "device_name": device_name, }, ) async def async_step_init(self, user_input=None): """Handle options flow.""" if user_input is not None: dev_ids = user_input.get(CONF_LIST_DEVICES) if dev_ids: return await self.async_step_device(None, dev_ids) user_input.pop(CONF_LIST_DEVICES, []) return self._save_config(data=user_input) data_schema = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional( CONF_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL, default=self.config_entry.options.get( CONF_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL ), ): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Clamp(min=30, max=900)), } ) query_devices = self._get_tuya_devices_filtered( TUYA_TYPE_NOT_QUERY, True, False ) if query_devices: devices = {ENTITY_MATCH_NONE: "Default"} devices.update(query_devices) def_val = self.config_entry.options.get(CONF_QUERY_DEVICE) if not def_val or not query_devices.get(def_val): def_val = ENTITY_MATCH_NONE data_schema = data_schema.extend( { vol.Optional( CONF_QUERY_INTERVAL, default=self.config_entry.options.get( CONF_QUERY_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_QUERY_INTERVAL ), ): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Clamp(min=30, max=240)), vol.Optional(CONF_QUERY_DEVICE, default=def_val): vol.In(devices), } ) config_devices = self._get_tuya_devices_filtered(TUYA_TYPE_CONFIG, False, True) if config_devices: data_schema = data_schema.extend( {vol.Optional(CONF_LIST_DEVICES): cv.multi_select(config_devices)} ) return self.async_show_form( step_id="init", data_schema=data_schema, errors=self._get_form_error(), ) async def async_step_device(self, user_input=None, dev_ids=None): """Handle options flow for device.""" if dev_ids is not None: return await self._async_device_form(dev_ids) if user_input is not None: for device_id in self._conf_devs_id: self._conf_devs_option[device_id] = user_input return await self.async_step_init() async def _get_device_schema(self, device_type, curr_conf, device): """Return option schema for device.""" if device_type == "light": return self._get_light_schema(curr_conf, device) if device_type == "climate": entities_list = await _get_entities_matching_domains(self.hass, ["sensor"]) return self._get_climate_schema(curr_conf, device, entities_list) return None @staticmethod def _get_light_schema(curr_conf, device): """Create option schema for light device.""" min_kelvin = device.max_color_temp() max_kelvin = device.min_color_temp() config_schema = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional( CONF_SUPPORT_COLOR, default=curr_conf.get(CONF_SUPPORT_COLOR, False), ): bool, vol.Optional( CONF_BRIGHTNESS_RANGE_MODE, default=curr_conf.get(CONF_BRIGHTNESS_RANGE_MODE, 0), ): vol.In({0: "Range 1-255", 1: "Range 10-1000"}), vol.Optional( CONF_MIN_KELVIN, default=curr_conf.get(CONF_MIN_KELVIN, min_kelvin), ): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Clamp(min=min_kelvin, max=max_kelvin)), vol.Optional( CONF_MAX_KELVIN, default=curr_conf.get(CONF_MAX_KELVIN, max_kelvin), ): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Clamp(min=min_kelvin, max=max_kelvin)), vol.Optional( CONF_TUYA_MAX_COLTEMP, default=curr_conf.get( CONF_TUYA_MAX_COLTEMP, DEFAULT_TUYA_MAX_COLTEMP ), ): vol.All( vol.Coerce(int), vol.Clamp( min=DEFAULT_TUYA_MAX_COLTEMP, max=DEFAULT_TUYA_MAX_COLTEMP * 10 ), ), } ) return config_schema @staticmethod def _get_climate_schema(curr_conf, device, entities_list): """Create option schema for climate device.""" unit = device.temperature_unit() def_unit = TEMP_FAHRENHEIT if unit == "FAHRENHEIT" else TEMP_CELSIUS entities_list.insert(0, ENTITY_MATCH_NONE) config_schema = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional( CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, default=curr_conf.get(CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, def_unit), ): vol.In({TEMP_CELSIUS: "Celsius", TEMP_FAHRENHEIT: "Fahrenheit"}), vol.Optional( CONF_TEMP_DIVIDER, default=curr_conf.get(CONF_TEMP_DIVIDER, 0), ): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Clamp(min=0)), vol.Optional( CONF_CURR_TEMP_DIVIDER, default=curr_conf.get(CONF_CURR_TEMP_DIVIDER, 0), ): vol.All(vol.Coerce(int), vol.Clamp(min=0)), vol.Optional( CONF_MIN_TEMP, default=curr_conf.get(CONF_MIN_TEMP, 0), ): int, vol.Optional( CONF_MAX_TEMP, default=curr_conf.get(CONF_MAX_TEMP, 0), ): int, vol.Optional( CONF_EXT_TEMP_SENSOR, default=curr_conf.get(CONF_EXT_TEMP_SENSOR, ENTITY_MATCH_NONE), ): vol.In(entities_list), } ) return config_schema async def _get_entities_matching_domains(hass, domains): """List entities in the given domains.""" included_domains = set(domains) entity_ids = hass.states.async_entity_ids(included_domains) entity_ids.sort() return entity_ids
from Handler import Handler import MySQLdb class MySQLHandler(Handler): """ Implements the abstract Handler class, sending data to a mysql table """ conn = None def __init__(self, config=None): """ Create a new instance of the MySQLHandler class """ # Initialize Handler Handler.__init__(self, config) # Initialize Options self.hostname = self.config['hostname'] self.port = int(self.config['port']) self.username = self.config['username'] self.password = self.config['password'] self.database = self.config['database'] self.table = self.config['table'] self.col_time = self.config['col_time'] self.col_metric = self.config['col_metric'] self.col_value = self.config['col_value'] # Connect self._connect() def get_default_config_help(self): """ Returns the help text for the configuration options for this handler """ config = super(MySQLHandler, self).get_default_config_help() config.update({ }) return config def get_default_config(self): """ Return the default config for the handler """ config = super(MySQLHandler, self).get_default_config() config.update({ }) return config def __del__(self): """ Destroy instance of the MySQLHandler class """ self._close() def process(self, metric): """ Process a metric """ # Just send the data self._send(str(metric)) def _send(self, data): """ Insert the data """ data = data.strip().split(' ') try: cursor = self.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s, %s) VALUES(%%s, %%s, %%s)" % (self.table, self.col_metric, self.col_time, self.col_value), (data[0], data[2], data[1])) cursor.close() self.conn.commit() except BaseException as e: # Log Error self.log.error("MySQLHandler: Failed sending data. %s.", e) # Attempt to restablish connection self._connect() def _connect(self): """ Connect to the MySQL server """ self._close() self.conn = MySQLdb.Connect(host=self.hostname, port=self.port, user=self.username, passwd=self.password, db=self.database) def _close(self): """ Close the connection """ if self.conn: self.conn.commit() self.conn.close()
import requests from homeassistant.components.switch import SwitchEntity from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_TEMPERATURE, CONF_DEVICES, ENERGY_KILO_WATT_HOUR, TEMP_CELSIUS, ) from .const import ( ATTR_STATE_DEVICE_LOCKED, ATTR_STATE_LOCKED, ATTR_TEMPERATURE_UNIT, ATTR_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION, ATTR_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION_UNIT, CONF_CONNECTIONS, DOMAIN as FRITZBOX_DOMAIN, LOGGER, ) ATTR_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION_UNIT_VALUE = ENERGY_KILO_WATT_HOUR async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up the Fritzbox smarthome switch from config_entry.""" entities = [] devices = hass.data[FRITZBOX_DOMAIN][CONF_DEVICES] fritz = hass.data[FRITZBOX_DOMAIN][CONF_CONNECTIONS][config_entry.entry_id] for device in await hass.async_add_executor_job(fritz.get_devices): if device.has_switch and device.ain not in devices: entities.append(FritzboxSwitch(device, fritz)) devices.add(device.ain) async_add_entities(entities) class FritzboxSwitch(SwitchEntity): """The switch class for Fritzbox switches.""" def __init__(self, device, fritz): """Initialize the switch.""" self._device = device self._fritz = fritz @property def device_info(self): """Return device specific attributes.""" return { "name": self.name, "identifiers": {(FRITZBOX_DOMAIN, self._device.ain)}, "manufacturer": self._device.manufacturer, "model": self._device.productname, "sw_version": self._device.fw_version, } @property def unique_id(self): """Return the unique ID of the device.""" return self._device.ain @property def available(self): """Return if switch is available.""" return self._device.present @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device.""" return self._device.name @property def is_on(self): """Return true if the switch is on.""" return self._device.switch_state def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the switch on.""" self._device.set_switch_state_on() def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the switch off.""" self._device.set_switch_state_off() def update(self): """Get latest data and states from the device.""" try: self._device.update() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as ex: LOGGER.warning("Fritzhome connection error: %s", ex) self._fritz.login() @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes of the device.""" attrs = {} attrs[ATTR_STATE_DEVICE_LOCKED] = self._device.device_lock attrs[ATTR_STATE_LOCKED] = self._device.lock if self._device.has_powermeter: attrs[ ATTR_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION ] = f"{((self._device.energy or 0.0) / 1000):.3f}" attrs[ATTR_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION_UNIT] = ATTR_TOTAL_CONSUMPTION_UNIT_VALUE if self._device.has_temperature_sensor: attrs[ATTR_TEMPERATURE] = str( self.hass.config.units.temperature( self._device.temperature, TEMP_CELSIUS ) ) attrs[ATTR_TEMPERATURE_UNIT] = self.hass.config.units.temperature_unit return attrs @property def current_power_w(self): """Return the current power usage in W.""" return self._device.power / 1000
import base64 import io import aiohttp import pytest from voluptuous.error import MultipleInvalid from homeassistant.components.color_extractor import ( ATTR_PATH, ATTR_URL, DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, ) from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT, ATTR_RGB_COLOR, DOMAIN as LIGHT_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF as LIGHT_SERVICE_TURN_OFF, ) from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component import homeassistant.util.color as color_util from tests.async_mock import Mock, mock_open, patch from tests.common import load_fixture LIGHT_ENTITY = "light.kitchen_lights" CLOSE_THRESHOLD = 10 def _close_enough(actual_rgb, testing_rgb): """Validate the given RGB value is in acceptable tolerance.""" # Convert the given RGB values to hue / saturation and then back again # as it wasn't reading the same RGB value set against it. actual_hs = color_util.color_RGB_to_hs(*actual_rgb) actual_rgb = color_util.color_hs_to_RGB(*actual_hs) testing_hs = color_util.color_RGB_to_hs(*testing_rgb) testing_rgb = color_util.color_hs_to_RGB(*testing_hs) actual_red, actual_green, actual_blue = actual_rgb testing_red, testing_green, testing_blue = testing_rgb r_diff = abs(actual_red - testing_red) g_diff = abs(actual_green - testing_green) b_diff = abs(actual_blue - testing_blue) return ( r_diff <= CLOSE_THRESHOLD and g_diff <= CLOSE_THRESHOLD and b_diff <= CLOSE_THRESHOLD ) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) async def setup_light(hass): """Configure our light component to work against for testing.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, LIGHT_DOMAIN, {LIGHT_DOMAIN: {"platform": "demo"}} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state # Validate starting values assert state.state == STATE_ON assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS) == 180 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_RGB_COLOR) == (255, 63, 111) await hass.services.async_call( LIGHT_DOMAIN, LIGHT_SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: LIGHT_ENTITY}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state assert state.state == STATE_OFF async def test_missing_url_and_path(hass): """Test that nothing happens when url and path are missing.""" # Load our color_extractor component await async_setup_component( hass, DOMAIN, {}, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Validate pre service call state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state assert state.state == STATE_OFF # Missing url and path attributes, should cause error log service_data = { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: LIGHT_ENTITY, } with pytest.raises(MultipleInvalid): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, service_data, blocking=True ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # check light is still off, unchanged due to bad parameters on service call state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state assert state.state == STATE_OFF async def _async_load_color_extractor_url(hass, service_data): # Load our color_extractor component await async_setup_component( hass, DOMAIN, {}, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Validate pre service call state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state assert state.state == STATE_OFF # Call the shared service, our above mock should return the base64 decoded fixture 1x1 pixel assert await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, service_data, blocking=True ) await hass.async_block_till_done() async def test_url_success(hass, aioclient_mock): """Test that a successful image GET translate to light RGB.""" service_data = { ATTR_URL: "http://example.com/images/logo.png", ATTR_ENTITY_ID: LIGHT_ENTITY, # Standard light service data which we pass ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT: 50, } # Mock the HTTP Response with a base64 encoded 1x1 pixel aioclient_mock.get( url=service_data[ATTR_URL], content=base64.b64decode(load_fixture("color_extractor_url.txt")), ) # Allow access to this URL using the proper mechanism hass.config.allowlist_external_urls.add("http://example.com/images/") await _async_load_color_extractor_url(hass, service_data) state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state # Ensure we turned it on assert state.state == STATE_ON # Brightness has changed, optional service call field assert state.attributes[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] == 128 # Ensure the RGB values are correct assert _close_enough(state.attributes[ATTR_RGB_COLOR], (50, 100, 150)) async def test_url_not_allowed(hass, aioclient_mock): """Test that a not allowed external URL fails to turn light on.""" service_data = { ATTR_URL: "http://denied.com/images/logo.png", ATTR_ENTITY_ID: LIGHT_ENTITY, } await _async_load_color_extractor_url(hass, service_data) # Light has not been modified due to failure state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state assert state.state == STATE_OFF async def test_url_exception(hass, aioclient_mock): """Test that a HTTPError fails to turn light on.""" service_data = { ATTR_URL: "http://example.com/images/logo.png", ATTR_ENTITY_ID: LIGHT_ENTITY, } # Don't let the URL not being allowed sway our exception test hass.config.allowlist_external_urls.add("http://example.com/images/") # Mock the HTTP Response with an HTTPError aioclient_mock.get(url=service_data[ATTR_URL], exc=aiohttp.ClientError) await _async_load_color_extractor_url(hass, service_data) # Light has not been modified due to failure state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state assert state.state == STATE_OFF async def test_url_error(hass, aioclient_mock): """Test that a HTTP Error (non 200) doesn't turn light on.""" service_data = { ATTR_URL: "http://example.com/images/logo.png", ATTR_ENTITY_ID: LIGHT_ENTITY, } # Don't let the URL not being allowed sway our exception test hass.config.allowlist_external_urls.add("http://example.com/images/") # Mock the HTTP Response with a 400 Bad Request error aioclient_mock.get(url=service_data[ATTR_URL], status=400) await _async_load_color_extractor_url(hass, service_data) # Light has not been modified due to failure state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state assert state.state == STATE_OFF @patch( "builtins.open", mock_open(read_data=base64.b64decode(load_fixture("color_extractor_file.txt"))), create=True, ) def _get_file_mock(file_path): """Convert file to BytesIO for testing due to PIL UnidentifiedImageError.""" _file = None with open(file_path) as file_handler: _file = io.BytesIO(file_handler.read()) _file.name = "color_extractor.jpg" _file.seek(0) return _file @patch("os.path.isfile", Mock(return_value=True)) @patch("os.access", Mock(return_value=True)) async def test_file(hass): """Test that the file only service reads a file and translates to light RGB.""" service_data = { ATTR_PATH: "/opt/image.png", ATTR_ENTITY_ID: LIGHT_ENTITY, # Standard light service data which we pass ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT: 100, } # Add our /opt/ path to the allowed list of paths hass.config.allowlist_external_dirs.add("/opt/") await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, {}) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Verify pre service check state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state assert state.state == STATE_OFF # Mock the file handler read with our 1x1 base64 encoded fixture image with patch("homeassistant.components.color_extractor._get_file", _get_file_mock): await hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, service_data) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state # Ensure we turned it on assert state.state == STATE_ON # And set the brightness assert state.attributes[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] == 255 # Ensure the RGB values are correct assert _close_enough(state.attributes[ATTR_RGB_COLOR], (25, 75, 125)) @patch("os.path.isfile", Mock(return_value=True)) @patch("os.access", Mock(return_value=True)) async def test_file_denied_dir(hass): """Test that the file only service fails to read an image in a dir not explicitly allowed.""" service_data = { ATTR_PATH: "/path/to/a/dir/not/allowed/image.png", ATTR_ENTITY_ID: LIGHT_ENTITY, # Standard light service data which we pass ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT: 100, } await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, {}) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Verify pre service check state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state assert state.state == STATE_OFF # Mock the file handler read with our 1x1 base64 encoded fixture image with patch("homeassistant.components.color_extractor._get_file", _get_file_mock): await hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, service_data) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(LIGHT_ENTITY) assert state # Ensure it's still off due to access error (dir not explicitly allowed) assert state.state == STATE_OFF
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import inspect import json import os import sys import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import errors from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.training import training def _load_library(filename, lib="op"): """_load_library""" f = inspect.getfile(sys._getframe(1)) # pylint: disable=protected-access # Construct filename f = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f), filename) filenames = [f] # Function to load the library, return True if file system library is loaded load_fn = tf.load_op_library if lib == "op" \ else lambda f: tf.compat.v1.load_file_system_library(f) is None # Try to load all paths for file, fail if none succeed errs = [] for f in filenames: try: l = load_fn(f) if l is not None: return l except errors.NotFoundError as e: errs.append(str(e)) raise NotImplementedError( "unable to open file: " + "{}, from paths: {}\ncaused by: {}".format(filename, filenames, errs)) _gcs_config_so = _load_library("_gcs_config_ops.so") gcs_configure_credentials = _gcs_config_so.gcs_configure_credentials gcs_configure_block_cache = _gcs_config_so.gcs_configure_block_cache class BlockCacheParams(object): # pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance """BlockCacheParams is a struct used for configuring the GCS Block Cache.""" def __init__(self, block_size=None, max_bytes=None, max_staleness=None): self._block_size = block_size or 128 * 1024 * 1024 self._max_bytes = max_bytes or 2 * self._block_size self._max_staleness = max_staleness or 0 @property def block_size(self): return self._block_size @property def max_bytes(self): return self._max_bytes @property def max_staleness(self): return self._max_staleness def configure_gcs(credentials=None, block_cache=None, device=None): """Configures the GCS file system for a given a session. Warning: GCS `credentials` may be transmitted over the network unencrypted. Please ensure that the network is trusted before using this function. For users running code entirely within Google Cloud, your data is protected by encryption in between data centers. For more information, please take a look at https://cloud.google.com/security/encryption-in-transit/. Args: credentials: [Optional.] A JSON string block_cache: [Optional.] A BlockCacheParams to configure the block cache . device: [Optional.] The device to place the configure ops. """ def configure(credentials, block_cache): """Helper function to actually configure GCS.""" if credentials: if isinstance(credentials, dict): credentials = json.dumps(credentials) creds = gcs_configure_credentials(credentials) else: creds = tf.constant(0) if block_cache: cache = gcs_configure_block_cache( max_cache_size=block_cache.max_bytes, block_size=block_cache.block_size, max_staleness=block_cache.max_staleness) else: cache = tf.constant(0) return tf.tuple([creds, cache]) if device: with ops.device(device): return configure(credentials, block_cache) return configure(credentials, block_cache) def configure_gcs_from_colab_auth(device='/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0'): """ConfigureColabSession configures the GCS file system in Colab. Args: """ # Read from the application default credentials (adc). adc_filename = os.environ.get( 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS', '/content/adc.json') with open(adc_filename) as f: data = json.load(f) return configure_gcs(credentials=data, device=device)
import logging from homeassistant.components.media_player import BrowseMedia from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( MEDIA_CLASS_ALBUM, MEDIA_CLASS_ARTIST, MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY, MEDIA_CLASS_EPISODE, MEDIA_CLASS_MOVIE, MEDIA_CLASS_PLAYLIST, MEDIA_CLASS_SEASON, MEDIA_CLASS_TRACK, MEDIA_CLASS_TV_SHOW, MEDIA_CLASS_VIDEO, ) from homeassistant.components.media_player.errors import BrowseError from .const import DOMAIN class UnknownMediaType(BrowseError): """Unknown media type.""" EXPANDABLES = ["album", "artist", "playlist", "season", "show"] PLAYLISTS_BROWSE_PAYLOAD = { "title": "Playlists", "media_class": MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY, "media_content_id": "all", "media_content_type": "playlists", "can_play": False, "can_expand": True, } SPECIAL_METHODS = { "On Deck": "onDeck", "Recently Added": "recentlyAdded", } ITEM_TYPE_MEDIA_CLASS = { "album": MEDIA_CLASS_ALBUM, "artist": MEDIA_CLASS_ARTIST, "episode": MEDIA_CLASS_EPISODE, "movie": MEDIA_CLASS_MOVIE, "playlist": MEDIA_CLASS_PLAYLIST, "season": MEDIA_CLASS_SEASON, "show": MEDIA_CLASS_TV_SHOW, "track": MEDIA_CLASS_TRACK, "video": MEDIA_CLASS_VIDEO, } _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def browse_media( entity_id, plex_server, media_content_type=None, media_content_id=None ): """Implement the websocket media browsing helper.""" def build_item_response(payload): """Create response payload for the provided media query.""" media = plex_server.lookup_media(**payload) if media is None: return None try: media_info = item_payload(media) except UnknownMediaType: return None if media_info.can_expand: media_info.children = [] for item in media: try: media_info.children.append(item_payload(item)) except UnknownMediaType: continue return media_info if media_content_id and ":" in media_content_id: media_content_id, special_folder = media_content_id.split(":") else: special_folder = None if ( media_content_type and media_content_type == "server" and media_content_id != plex_server.machine_identifier ): raise BrowseError( f"Plex server with ID '{media_content_id}' is not associated with {entity_id}" ) if special_folder: if media_content_type == "server": library_or_section = plex_server.library children_media_class = MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY title = plex_server.friendly_name elif media_content_type == "library": library_or_section = plex_server.library.sectionByID(media_content_id) title = library_or_section.title try: children_media_class = ITEM_TYPE_MEDIA_CLASS[library_or_section.TYPE] except KeyError as err: raise BrowseError( f"Unknown type received: {library_or_section.TYPE}" ) from err else: raise BrowseError( f"Media not found: {media_content_type} / {media_content_id}" ) payload = { "title": title, "media_class": MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY, "media_content_id": f"{media_content_id}:{special_folder}", "media_content_type": media_content_type, "can_play": False, "can_expand": True, "children": [], "children_media_class": children_media_class, } method = SPECIAL_METHODS[special_folder] items = getattr(library_or_section, method)() for item in items: try: payload["children"].append(item_payload(item)) except UnknownMediaType: continue return BrowseMedia(**payload) try: if media_content_type in ["server", None]: return server_payload(plex_server) if media_content_type == "library": return library_payload(plex_server, media_content_id) except UnknownMediaType as err: raise BrowseError( f"Media not found: {media_content_type} / {media_content_id}" ) from err if media_content_type == "playlists": return playlists_payload(plex_server) payload = { "media_type": DOMAIN, "plex_key": int(media_content_id), } response = build_item_response(payload) if response is None: raise BrowseError(f"Media not found: {media_content_type} / {media_content_id}") return response def item_payload(item): """Create response payload for a single media item.""" try: media_class = ITEM_TYPE_MEDIA_CLASS[item.type] except KeyError as err: _LOGGER.debug("Unknown type received: %s", item.type) raise UnknownMediaType from err payload = { "title": item.title, "media_class": media_class, "media_content_id": str(item.ratingKey), "media_content_type": item.type, "can_play": True, "can_expand": item.type in EXPANDABLES, } if hasattr(item, "thumbUrl"): payload["thumbnail"] = item.thumbUrl return BrowseMedia(**payload) def library_section_payload(section): """Create response payload for a single library section.""" try: children_media_class = ITEM_TYPE_MEDIA_CLASS[section.TYPE] except KeyError as err: _LOGGER.debug("Unknown type received: %s", section.TYPE) raise UnknownMediaType from err return BrowseMedia( title=section.title, media_class=MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY, media_content_id=section.key, media_content_type="library", can_play=False, can_expand=True, children_media_class=children_media_class, ) def special_library_payload(parent_payload, special_type): """Create response payload for special library folders.""" title = f"{special_type} ({parent_payload.title})" return BrowseMedia( title=title, media_class=parent_payload.media_class, media_content_id=f"{parent_payload.media_content_id}:{special_type}", media_content_type=parent_payload.media_content_type, can_play=False, can_expand=True, children_media_class=parent_payload.children_media_class, ) def server_payload(plex_server): """Create response payload to describe libraries of the Plex server.""" server_info = BrowseMedia( title=plex_server.friendly_name, media_class=MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY, media_content_id=plex_server.machine_identifier, media_content_type="server", can_play=False, can_expand=True, children_media_class=MEDIA_CLASS_DIRECTORY, ) server_info.children = [] server_info.children.append(special_library_payload(server_info, "On Deck")) server_info.children.append(special_library_payload(server_info, "Recently Added")) for library in plex_server.library.sections(): if library.type == "photo": continue server_info.children.append(library_section_payload(library)) server_info.children.append(BrowseMedia(**PLAYLISTS_BROWSE_PAYLOAD)) return server_info def library_payload(plex_server, library_id): """Create response payload to describe contents of a specific library.""" library = plex_server.library.sectionByID(library_id) library_info = library_section_payload(library) library_info.children = [] library_info.children.append(special_library_payload(library_info, "On Deck")) library_info.children.append( special_library_payload(library_info, "Recently Added") ) for item in library.all(): try: library_info.children.append(item_payload(item)) except UnknownMediaType: continue return library_info def playlists_payload(plex_server): """Create response payload for all available playlists.""" playlists_info = {**PLAYLISTS_BROWSE_PAYLOAD, "children": []} for playlist in plex_server.playlists(): try: playlists_info["children"].append(item_payload(playlist)) except UnknownMediaType: continue response = BrowseMedia(**playlists_info) response.children_media_class = MEDIA_CLASS_PLAYLIST return response
import numpy as np import unittest from chainer import testing from chainercv.visualizations import vis_semantic_segmentation try: import matplotlib # NOQA _available = True except ImportError: _available = False @testing.parameterize(*testing.product({ 'label_names': [None, ('class0', 'class1', 'class2')], 'label_colors': [None, ((255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255))], 'all_label_names_in_legend': [False, True], 'no_img': [False, True], })) @unittest.skipUnless(_available, 'Matplotlib is not installed') class TestVisSemanticSegmentation(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): if self.no_img: self.img = None else: self.img = np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(3, 32, 48)) self.label = np.random.randint( -1, 3, size=(48, 64)).astype(np.int32) def test_vis_semantic_segmentation(self): ax, legend_handles = vis_semantic_segmentation( self.img, self.label, label_names=self.label_names, label_colors=self.label_colors, all_label_names_in_legend=self.all_label_names_in_legend) self.assertIsInstance(ax, matplotlib.axes.Axes) for handle in legend_handles: self.assertIsInstance(handle, matplotlib.patches.Patch) @unittest.skipUnless(_available, 'Matplotlib is not installed') class TestVisSemanticSegmentationInvalidArguments(unittest.TestCase): def test_vis_semantic_segmentation_mismatch_names_and_colors(self): label = np.random.randint(-1, 2, size=(48, 64)).astype(np.int32) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): vis_semantic_segmentation( None, label, label_names=('class0', 'class1', 'class2'), label_colors=((255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0))) def test_vis_semantic_segmentation_exceed_value(self): label = np.random.randint(10, 20, size=(48, 64)).astype(np.int32) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): vis_semantic_segmentation( None, label, label_names=('class0', 'class1', 'class2')) testing.run_module(__name__, __file__)
from homeassistant.components.group import GroupIntegrationRegistry from homeassistant.const import STATE_OFF from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType from . import ( STATE_ECO, STATE_ELECTRIC, STATE_GAS, STATE_HEAT_PUMP, STATE_HIGH_DEMAND, STATE_PERFORMANCE, ) @callback def async_describe_on_off_states( hass: HomeAssistantType, registry: GroupIntegrationRegistry ) -> None: """Describe group on off states.""" registry.on_off_states( { STATE_ECO, STATE_ELECTRIC, STATE_PERFORMANCE, STATE_HIGH_DEMAND, STATE_HEAT_PUMP, STATE_GAS, }, STATE_OFF, )
import os.path import subprocess GIT_PATHS = [ "/usr/lib/git", "/usr/lib/git-core", "/usr/libexec/git", "/usr/libexec/git-core", ] def find_git_http_backend(): """Find Git HTTP back-end.""" if hasattr(find_git_http_backend, "result"): return find_git_http_backend.result try: path = subprocess.run( ["git", "--exec-path"], universal_newlines=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ).stdout.strip() if path: GIT_PATHS.insert(0, path) except OSError: pass for path in GIT_PATHS: name = os.path.join(path, "git-http-backend") if os.path.exists(name): find_git_http_backend.result = name return name return None
from app.wraps.login_wrap import login_required from app import app, v from app.utils import ResponseUtil, RequestUtil, AuthUtil from app.database.model import Collaborator, User # get server list @app.route('/api/collaborator/list', methods=['GET']) @login_required() @v.param({'webhook_id': v.int()}) def api_collaborator_list(webhook_id): # login user user_id = RequestUtil.get_login_user().get('id', '') if not AuthUtil.has_readonly_auth(user_id, webhook_id): return ResponseUtil.standard_response(0, 'Permission deny!') collaborators = Collaborator.query.filter_by(webhook_id=webhook_id).all() collaborators = [collaborator.dict() for collaborator in collaborators] return ResponseUtil.standard_response(1, collaborators) # new server @app.route('/api/collaborator/new', methods=['POST']) @login_required() @v.param({'webhook_id': v.int(), 'user_id': v.str()}) def api_collaborator_new(webhook_id, user_id): # login user login_user_id = RequestUtil.get_login_user().get('id', '') if login_user_id == user_id: return ResponseUtil.standard_response(0, '`%s` is Creator!' % user_id) if not AuthUtil.has_admin_auth(login_user_id, webhook_id): return ResponseUtil.standard_response(0, 'Permission deny!') collaborator = Collaborator.query.filter_by(webhook_id=webhook_id, user_id=user_id).first() # not exist if collaborator: return ResponseUtil.standard_response(0, 'Collaborator exist!') # 开始添加 user = User.query.get(user_id) if not user: user = User(id=user_id, name=user_id) user.save() collaborator = Collaborator(webhook_id=webhook_id, user=user) collaborator.save() return ResponseUtil.standard_response(1, collaborator.dict()) @app.route('/api/collaborator/delete', methods=['POST']) @login_required() @v.param({'collaborator_id': v.int()}) def api_collaborator_delete(collaborator_id): # login user user_id = RequestUtil.get_login_user().get('id', '') collaborator = Collaborator.query.get(collaborator_id) if not collaborator: return ResponseUtil.standard_response(0, 'Permission deny!') webhook_id = collaborator.webhook_id if not AuthUtil.has_admin_auth(user_id, webhook_id): return ResponseUtil.standard_response(0, 'Permission deny!') collaborator.delete() return ResponseUtil.standard_response(1, 'Success')
from cerberus.base import normalize_rulesset, UnconcernedValidator from cerberus.schema import ValidatedSchema class Validator(UnconcernedValidator): @property def allow_unknown(self): """ If ``True`` unknown fields that are not defined in the schema will be ignored. If a mapping with a validation schema is given, any undefined field will be validated against its rules. Also see :ref:`allowing-the-unknown`. Type: :class:`bool` or any :term:`mapping` """ return self._config.get('allow_unknown', False) @allow_unknown.setter def allow_unknown(self, value): if not (self.is_child or isinstance(value, (bool, ValidatedSchema))): value = normalize_rulesset(value) ValidatedSchema(self, {'allow_unknown': value}) self._config['allow_unknown'] = value @property # type: ignore def schema(self): """ The validation schema of a validator. When a schema is passed to a validator method (e.g. ``validate``), it replaces this attribute. Type: any :term:`mapping` or :obj:`None` """ return self._schema @schema.setter def schema(self, schema): if schema is None: self._schema = None elif self.is_child or isinstance(schema, ValidatedSchema): self._schema = schema else: self._schema = ValidatedSchema(self, schema)
from pyflunearyou import Client from pyflunearyou.errors import FluNearYouError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.const import CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LONGITUDE from homeassistant.helpers import aiohttp_client, config_validation as cv from .const import DOMAIN, LOGGER # pylint: disable=unused-import class FluNearYouFlowHandler(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Handle an FluNearYou config flow.""" VERSION = 1 CONNECTION_CLASS = config_entries.CONN_CLASS_CLOUD_POLL @property def data_schema(self): """Return the data schema for integration.""" return vol.Schema( { vol.Required( CONF_LATITUDE, default=self.hass.config.latitude ): cv.latitude, vol.Required( CONF_LONGITUDE, default=self.hass.config.longitude ): cv.longitude, } ) async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None): """Handle the start of the config flow.""" if not user_input: return self.async_show_form(step_id="user", data_schema=self.data_schema) unique_id = f"{user_input[CONF_LATITUDE]}, {user_input[CONF_LONGITUDE]}" await self.async_set_unique_id(unique_id) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() websession = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(self.hass) client = Client(websession) try: await client.cdc_reports.status_by_coordinates( user_input[CONF_LATITUDE], user_input[CONF_LONGITUDE] ) except FluNearYouError as err: LOGGER.error("Error while configuring integration: %s", err) return self.async_show_form(step_id="user", errors={"base": "unknown"}) return self.async_create_entry(title=unique_id, data=user_input)
import numpy as np from jax import config import pytest import tensornetwork import tensornetwork.linalg.operations from tensornetwork.linalg.operations import kron from tensornetwork.linalg.initialization import random_uniform from tensornetwork.tensor import Tensor from tensornetwork.ncon_interface import ncon from tensornetwork import backends from tensornetwork.tests import testing_utils # pylint: disable=no-member config.update("jax_enable_x64", True) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_not_bool) def test_tensordot_invalid_backend_raises_value_error(backend, dtype): """ Tests that tensordot raises ValueError when fed Tensors with different backends. Other failure modes are tested at the backend level. """ backend_names = set(["jax", "numpy", "tensorflow", "pytorch"]) this_name = set([backend]) other_backend_names = list(backend_names - this_name) shape = (4, 4, 4) dtype1 = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) testing_utils.check_contraction_dtype(backend, dtype1) tensor1 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype1) for other_backend in other_backend_names: dtype2 = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(other_backend, dtype) testing_utils.check_contraction_dtype(other_backend, dtype2) tensor2 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=other_backend, dtype=dtype2) with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = tensornetwork.tensordot(tensor1, tensor2, [[2, 0, 1], [1, 2, 0]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_not_bool) def test_tensordot_vs_backend(backend, dtype): """ Tests that tensordot yields the same result as the backend equivalent. """ shape = (4, 4, 4) dtype = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) testing_utils.check_contraction_dtype(backend, dtype) tensor1 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) tensor2 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) tensors = [tensor1, tensor2] dims = [[2, 0, 1], [1, 2, 0]] result = tensornetwork.tensordot(*tensors, dims) backend_obj = backends.backend_factory.get_backend(backend) arrays = [t.array for t in tensors] backend_result = backend_obj.tensordot(*arrays, axes=dims) np.testing.assert_allclose(backend_result, result.array) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_not_bool) def test_tensordot_int_vs_backend(backend, dtype): """ Tests that tensordot yields the same result as the backend equivalent. """ shape = (4, 4, 4) dtype = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) testing_utils.check_contraction_dtype(backend, dtype) tensor1 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) tensor2 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) tensors = [tensor1, tensor2] dim = 1 result = tensornetwork.tensordot(*tensors, dim) backend_obj = backends.backend_factory.get_backend(backend) arrays = [t.array for t in tensors] backend_result = backend_obj.tensordot(*arrays, axes=dim) np.testing.assert_allclose(backend_result, result.array) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_all_dtypes) def test_reshape_vs_backend(backend, dtype): """ Tests that reshape yields the same result as the backend equivalent. """ shape = (3, 2, 4) dtype = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) tensor = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) result = tensornetwork.reshape(tensor, (6, 4)) backend_obj = backends.backend_factory.get_backend(backend) backend_result = backend_obj.reshape(tensor.array, (6, 4)) assert result.shape == backend_result.shape @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_all_dtypes) def test_transpose_vs_backend(backend, dtype): """ Tests that transpose yields the same result as the backend equivalent. """ shape = (3, 2, 4) permutation = (1, 2, 0) tensor, array = testing_utils.safe_randn(shape, backend, dtype) if tensor is not None: backend_obj = backends.backend_factory.get_backend(backend) test = backend_obj.convert_to_tensor(array) test = backend_obj.transpose(test, perm=permutation) tensor_test = tensornetwork.transpose(tensor, perm=permutation) np.testing.assert_allclose(test, tensor_test.array) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_float_dtypes) def test_hconj_vs_backend(backend, dtype): """ Tests that hconj yields the same result as the equivalent backend sequence. """ shape = (3, 2, 4) permutation = (1, 2, 0) tensor, array = testing_utils.safe_randn(shape, backend, dtype) if tensor is not None: backend_obj = backends.backend_factory.get_backend(backend) test = backend_obj.convert_to_tensor(array) test = backend_obj.transpose(test, perm=permutation) test = backend_obj.conj(test) tensor_test = tensornetwork.hconj(tensor, perm=permutation) np.testing.assert_allclose(test, tensor_test.array) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_all_dtypes) def test_take_slice_vs_backend(backend, dtype): """ Tests that take_slice yields the same result as the backend equivalent. """ shape = (5, 6, 7) dtype = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) tensor = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) start_indices = (1, 2, 3) slice_sizes = (2, 3, 3) result = tensornetwork.take_slice(tensor, start_indices, slice_sizes) backend_obj = backends.backend_factory.get_backend(backend) backend_result = backend_obj.slice(tensor.array, start_indices, slice_sizes) assert result.shape == backend_result.shape @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_float_dtypes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("fname", ["sin", "cos", "exp", "log", "conj", "sign"]) def test_unary_ops_vs_backend(backend, dtype, fname): shape = (4, 5, 6) dtype_b = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) backend_obj = backends.backend_factory.get_backend(backend) backend_func = getattr(backend_obj, fname) tn_func = getattr(tensornetwork.linalg.operations, fname) tensor = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype_b) if backend == "pytorch" and fname in ["sin", "log", "exp", "cos"]: with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend_result = backend_func(tensor.array) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): tn_result = tn_func(tensor).array else: backend_result = backend_func(tensor.array) tn_result = tn_func(tensor).array np.testing.assert_allclose(backend_result, tn_result) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_not_half) def test_abs_vs_backend(backend, dtype): shape = (4, 5, 6) dtype_b = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) backend_obj = backends.backend_factory.get_backend(backend) tensor = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype_b) if (backend == "pytorch" and dtype == np.float16): pytest.skip("Prod not supported with this dtype and backend.") else: backend_result = backend_obj.sqrt(tensor.array) tn_result = tensornetwork.sqrt(tensor).array np.testing.assert_allclose(backend_result, tn_result) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_float_dtypes) def test_sqrt_vs_backend(backend, dtype): shape = (4, 5, 6) dtype_b = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) backend_obj = backends.backend_factory.get_backend(backend) tensor = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype_b) if (backend == "pytorch" and dtype == np.float16): pytest.skip("Prod not supported with this dtype and backend.") else: backend_result = backend_obj.sqrt(tensor.array) tn_result = tensornetwork.sqrt(tensor).array np.testing.assert_allclose(backend_result, tn_result) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_all_dtypes) def test_shape(backend, dtype): shape = (4, 5, 6) dtype_b = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) tensor = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype_b) tn_result = tensornetwork.shape(tensor) assert tensor.shape == tn_result @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_all_dtypes) def test_einsum_invalid_backends(dtype, backend): backend_names = set(["jax", "numpy", "tensorflow", "pytorch"]) this_name = set([backend]) other_backend_names = list(backend_names - this_name) shape = (4, 3) dtype1 = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) tensor1 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype1) for other_backend in other_backend_names: dtype2 = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(other_backend, dtype) tensor2 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=other_backend, dtype=dtype2) for other_other_backend in backend_names: dtype3 = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(other_other_backend, dtype) tensor3 = tensornetwork.zeros(shape, backend=other_other_backend, dtype=dtype3) with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = tensornetwork.einsum("ba, bc, dc", tensor1, tensor2, tensor3, optimize=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_not_bool) def test_einsum_vs_backend(dtype, backend): shape = (4, 3) dtype = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) testing_utils.check_contraction_dtype(backend, dtype) tensor1 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) tensor2 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) tensor3 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) result = tensornetwork.einsum("ba, bc, dc", tensor1, tensor2, tensor3, optimize=True) backend_obj = backends.backend_factory.get_backend(backend) arrays = [t.array for t in [tensor1, tensor2, tensor3]] backend_result = backend_obj.einsum("ba, bc, dc", *arrays, optimize=True) np.testing.assert_allclose(backend_result, result.array) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_all_dtypes) def test_outer_invalid_backends(dtype, backend): backend_names = set(["jax", "numpy", "tensorflow", "pytorch"]) this_name = set([backend]) other_backend_names = list(backend_names - this_name) shape = (4, 3) dtype1 = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) tensor1 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype1) for other_backend in other_backend_names: dtype2 = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(other_backend, dtype) tensor2 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=other_backend, dtype=dtype2) with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = tensornetwork.outer(tensor1, tensor2) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_not_bool) def test_outer_vs_backend(dtype, backend): shape = (4, 3) dtype = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) testing_utils.check_contraction_dtype(backend, dtype) tensor1 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) tensor2 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) result = tensornetwork.outer(tensor1, tensor2) backend_obj = backends.backend_factory.get_backend(backend) arrays = [t.array for t in [tensor1, tensor2]] backend_result = backend_obj.outer_product(*arrays) np.testing.assert_allclose(backend_result, result.array) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_all_dtypes) def test_ncon_invalid_backends(dtype, backend): backend_names = set(["jax", "numpy", "tensorflow", "pytorch"]) this_name = set([backend]) other_backend_names = list(backend_names - this_name) shape = (4, 3) dtype1 = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) tensor1 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype1) for other_backend in other_backend_names: dtype2 = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(other_backend, dtype) tensor2 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=other_backend, dtype=dtype2) for other_other_backend in backend_names: dtype3 = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(other_other_backend, dtype) tensor3 = tensornetwork.zeros(shape, backend=other_other_backend, dtype=dtype3) tensors = [tensor1, tensor2, tensor3] idxs = [[1, -1], [1, 2], [-2, 2]] with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = ncon(tensors, idxs) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_not_bool) def test_ncon_vs_backend(dtype, backend): shape = (4, 3) dtype = testing_utils.np_dtype_to_backend(backend, dtype) testing_utils.check_contraction_dtype(backend, dtype) tensor1 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) tensor2 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) tensor3 = tensornetwork.ones(shape, backend=backend, dtype=dtype) tensors = [tensor1, tensor2, tensor3] arrays = [tensor1.array, tensor2.array, tensor3.array] idxs = [[1, -1], [1, 2], [-2, 2]] result = ncon(tensors, idxs, backend=backend) old_result = tensornetwork.ncon(arrays, idxs, backend=backend) np.testing.assert_allclose(old_result, result.array) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_float_dtypes) def test_diagonal(backend, dtype): """ Checks that Tensor.diagonal() works. """ shape = (2, 3, 3) A, _ = testing_utils.safe_randn(shape, backend, dtype) if A is not None: np.testing.assert_allclose(tensornetwork.diagonal(A).array, A.backend.diagonal(A.array)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_float_dtypes) def test_diagflat(backend, dtype): """ Checks that Tensor.diagflat() works. """ shape = (2, 3, 3) A, _ = testing_utils.safe_randn(shape, backend, dtype) if A is not None: np.testing.assert_allclose(tensornetwork.diagflat(A).array, A.backend.diagflat(A.array)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_not_half) def test_trace(backend, dtype): """ Checks that Tensor.trace() works. """ shape = (2, 3, 3) A, _ = testing_utils.safe_randn(shape, backend, dtype) if A is not None: np.testing.assert_allclose(tensornetwork.trace(A).array, A.backend.trace(A.array)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_float_dtypes) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pivotA", [None, 1, 2, 0, -1]) def test_pivot(backend, dtype, pivotA): """ Checks that Tensor.pivot() works. """ shapeA = (2, 3, 4, 2) A, _ = testing_utils.safe_randn(shapeA, backend, dtype) if A is not None: if pivotA is None: matrixA = tensornetwork.pivot(A) tA = A.backend.pivot(A.array, pivot_axis=-1) else: matrixA = tensornetwork.pivot(A, pivot_axis=pivotA) tA = A.backend.pivot(A.array, pivot_axis=pivotA) np.testing.assert_allclose(matrixA.array, tA) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", testing_utils.np_float_dtypes) def test_kron(backend, dtype): """ Checks that Tensor.kron() works. """ if (backend == "pytorch" and dtype in (np.complex64, np.complex128)): pytest.skip("pytorch support for complex dtypes is currently poor.") np.random.seed(10) t1 = Tensor(np.random.rand(2, 2).astype(dtype), backend=backend) t2 = Tensor(np.random.rand(3, 3).astype(dtype), backend=backend) res_kron = kron(t1, t2) res_ncon = ncon([t1.array, t2.array], [[-1, -3], [-2, -4]], backend=backend) np.testing.assert_allclose(res_kron.array, res_ncon) mat1 = res_kron.reshape((6, 6)) mat2 = np.kron(t1.array, t2.array) np.testing.assert_allclose(mat1.array, mat2) t1 = Tensor(np.random.rand(2, 2, 2, 2).astype(dtype), backend=backend) t2 = Tensor(np.random.rand(3, 3, 3, 3).astype(dtype), backend=backend) res_kron = kron(t1, t2) res_ncon = ncon([t1.array, t2.array], [[-1, -2, -5, -6], [-3, -4, -7, -8]], backend=backend) np.testing.assert_allclose(res_kron.array, res_ncon) mat1 = res_kron.reshape((36, 36)) mat2 = np.kron( np.array(t1.array).reshape(4, 4), np.array(t2.array).reshape(9, 9)) np.testing.assert_allclose(mat1.array, mat2) def test_kron_raises(backend): np.random.seed(10) t1 = Tensor(np.random.rand(2, 2, 2), backend=backend) t2 = Tensor(np.random.rand(3, 3), backend=backend) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="tensorA.ndim"): kron(t1, t2) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="tensorB.ndim"): kron(t2, t1) t1 = Tensor(np.random.rand(2, 2, 2), backend='numpy') t2 = Tensor(np.random.rand(3, 3), backend='tensorflow') with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="kron"): kron(t1, t2)
from collections import deque from copy import deepcopy from datetime import timedelta import aiounifi import pytest from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import DOMAIN as TRACKER_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.sensor import DOMAIN as SENSOR_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.switch import DOMAIN as SWITCH_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.unifi.const import ( CONF_CONTROLLER, CONF_SITE_ID, DEFAULT_ALLOW_BANDWIDTH_SENSORS, DEFAULT_ALLOW_UPTIME_SENSORS, DEFAULT_DETECTION_TIME, DEFAULT_TRACK_CLIENTS, DEFAULT_TRACK_DEVICES, DEFAULT_TRACK_WIRED_CLIENTS, DOMAIN as UNIFI_DOMAIN, UNIFI_WIRELESS_CLIENTS, ) from homeassistant.components.unifi.controller import ( SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS, get_controller, ) from homeassistant.components.unifi.errors import AuthenticationRequired, CannotConnect from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_VERIFY_SSL, ) from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.async_mock import patch from tests.common import MockConfigEntry CONTROLLER_HOST = { "hostname": "controller_host", "ip": "", "is_wired": True, "last_seen": 1562600145, "mac": "10:00:00:00:00:01", "name": "Controller host", "oui": "Producer", "sw_mac": "00:00:00:00:01:01", "sw_port": 1, "wired-rx_bytes": 1234000000, "wired-tx_bytes": 5678000000, "uptime": 1562600160, } CONTROLLER_DATA = { CONF_HOST: "", CONF_USERNAME: "username", CONF_PASSWORD: "password", CONF_PORT: 1234, CONF_SITE_ID: "site_id", CONF_VERIFY_SSL: False, } ENTRY_CONFIG = {CONF_CONTROLLER: CONTROLLER_DATA} ENTRY_OPTIONS = {} CONFIGURATION = [] SITES = {"Site name": {"desc": "Site name", "name": "site_id", "role": "admin"}} DESCRIPTION = [{"name": "username", "site_name": "site_id", "site_role": "admin"}] async def setup_unifi_integration( hass, config=ENTRY_CONFIG, options=ENTRY_OPTIONS, sites=SITES, site_description=DESCRIPTION, clients_response=None, devices_response=None, clients_all_response=None, wlans_response=None, known_wireless_clients=None, controllers=None, ): """Create the UniFi controller.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, UNIFI_DOMAIN, {}) config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=UNIFI_DOMAIN, data=deepcopy(config), options=deepcopy(options), entry_id=1, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) if known_wireless_clients: hass.data[UNIFI_WIRELESS_CLIENTS].update_data( known_wireless_clients, config_entry ) mock_client_responses = deque() if clients_response: mock_client_responses.append(clients_response) mock_device_responses = deque() if devices_response: mock_device_responses.append(devices_response) mock_client_all_responses = deque() if clients_all_response: mock_client_all_responses.append(clients_all_response) mock_wlans_responses = deque() if wlans_response: mock_wlans_responses.append(wlans_response) mock_requests = [] async def mock_request(self, method, path, json=None): mock_requests.append({"method": method, "path": path, "json": json}) if path == "/stat/sta" and mock_client_responses: return mock_client_responses.popleft() if path == "/stat/device" and mock_device_responses: return mock_device_responses.popleft() if path == "/rest/user" and mock_client_all_responses: return mock_client_all_responses.popleft() if path == "/rest/wlanconf" and mock_wlans_responses: return mock_wlans_responses.popleft() return {} with patch("aiounifi.Controller.check_unifi_os", return_value=True), patch( "aiounifi.Controller.login", return_value=True, ), patch("aiounifi.Controller.sites", return_value=sites), patch( "aiounifi.Controller.site_description", return_value=site_description ), patch( "aiounifi.Controller.request", new=mock_request ), patch.object( aiounifi.websocket.WSClient, "start", return_value=True ): await hass.config_entries.async_setup(config_entry.entry_id) await hass.async_block_till_done() if config_entry.entry_id not in hass.data[UNIFI_DOMAIN]: return None controller = hass.data[UNIFI_DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] controller.mock_client_responses = mock_client_responses controller.mock_device_responses = mock_device_responses controller.mock_client_all_responses = mock_client_all_responses controller.mock_wlans_responses = mock_wlans_responses controller.mock_requests = mock_requests return controller async def test_controller_setup(hass): """Successful setup.""" with patch( "homeassistant.config_entries.ConfigEntries.async_forward_entry_setup", return_value=True, ) as forward_entry_setup: controller = await setup_unifi_integration(hass) entry = controller.config_entry assert len(forward_entry_setup.mock_calls) == len(SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS) assert forward_entry_setup.mock_calls[0][1] == (entry, TRACKER_DOMAIN) assert forward_entry_setup.mock_calls[1][1] == (entry, SENSOR_DOMAIN) assert forward_entry_setup.mock_calls[2][1] == (entry, SWITCH_DOMAIN) assert controller.host == CONTROLLER_DATA[CONF_HOST] assert controller.site == CONTROLLER_DATA[CONF_SITE_ID] assert controller.site_name in SITES assert controller.site_role == SITES[controller.site_name]["role"] assert controller.option_allow_bandwidth_sensors == DEFAULT_ALLOW_BANDWIDTH_SENSORS assert controller.option_allow_uptime_sensors == DEFAULT_ALLOW_UPTIME_SENSORS assert isinstance(controller.option_block_clients, list) assert controller.option_track_clients == DEFAULT_TRACK_CLIENTS assert controller.option_track_devices == DEFAULT_TRACK_DEVICES assert controller.option_track_wired_clients == DEFAULT_TRACK_WIRED_CLIENTS assert controller.option_detection_time == timedelta(seconds=DEFAULT_DETECTION_TIME) assert isinstance(controller.option_ssid_filter, list) assert controller.mac is None assert controller.signal_update == "unifi-update-" assert controller.signal_remove == "unifi-remove-" assert controller.signal_options_update == "unifi-options-" async def test_controller_mac(hass): """Test that it is possible to identify controller mac.""" controller = await setup_unifi_integration(hass, clients_response=[CONTROLLER_HOST]) assert controller.mac == CONTROLLER_HOST["mac"] async def test_controller_not_accessible(hass): """Retry to login gets scheduled when connection fails.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.unifi.controller.get_controller", side_effect=CannotConnect, ): await setup_unifi_integration(hass) assert hass.data[UNIFI_DOMAIN] == {} async def test_controller_unknown_error(hass): """Unknown errors are handled.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.unifi.controller.get_controller", side_effect=Exception, ): await setup_unifi_integration(hass) assert hass.data[UNIFI_DOMAIN] == {} async def test_reset_after_successful_setup(hass): """Calling reset when the entry has been setup.""" controller = await setup_unifi_integration(hass) assert len(controller.listeners) == 6 result = await controller.async_reset() await hass.async_block_till_done() assert result is True assert len(controller.listeners) == 0 async def test_wireless_client_event_calls_update_wireless_devices(hass): """Call update_wireless_devices method when receiving wireless client event.""" controller = await setup_unifi_integration(hass) with patch( "homeassistant.components.unifi.controller.UniFiController.update_wireless_clients", return_value=None, ) as wireless_clients_mock: controller.api.websocket._data = { "meta": {"rc": "ok", "message": "events"}, "data": [ { "datetime": "2020-01-20T19:37:04Z", "key": aiounifi.events.WIRELESS_CLIENT_CONNECTED, "msg": "User[11:22:33:44:55:66] has connected to WLAN", "time": 1579549024893, } ], } controller.api.session_handler("data") assert wireless_clients_mock.assert_called_once async def test_get_controller(hass): """Successful call.""" with patch("aiounifi.Controller.check_unifi_os", return_value=True), patch( "aiounifi.Controller.login", return_value=True ): assert await get_controller(hass, **CONTROLLER_DATA) async def test_get_controller_verify_ssl_false(hass): """Successful call with verify ssl set to false.""" controller_data = dict(CONTROLLER_DATA) controller_data[CONF_VERIFY_SSL] = False with patch("aiounifi.Controller.check_unifi_os", return_value=True), patch( "aiounifi.Controller.login", return_value=True ): assert await get_controller(hass, **controller_data) async def test_get_controller_login_failed(hass): """Check that get_controller can handle a failed login.""" with patch("aiounifi.Controller.check_unifi_os", return_value=True), patch( "aiounifi.Controller.login", side_effect=aiounifi.Unauthorized ), pytest.raises(AuthenticationRequired): await get_controller(hass, **CONTROLLER_DATA) async def test_get_controller_controller_unavailable(hass): """Check that get_controller can handle controller being unavailable.""" with patch("aiounifi.Controller.check_unifi_os", return_value=True), patch( "aiounifi.Controller.login", side_effect=aiounifi.RequestError ), pytest.raises(CannotConnect): await get_controller(hass, **CONTROLLER_DATA) async def test_get_controller_unknown_error(hass): """Check that get_controller can handle unknown errors.""" with patch("aiounifi.Controller.check_unifi_os", return_value=True), patch( "aiounifi.Controller.login", side_effect=aiounifi.AiounifiException ), pytest.raises(AuthenticationRequired): await get_controller(hass, **CONTROLLER_DATA)
import diamond.collector class XFSCollector(diamond.collector.Collector): PROC = '/proc/fs/xfs/stat' def get_default_config_help(self): config_help = super(XFSCollector, self).get_default_config_help() config_help.update({ }) return config_help def get_default_config(self): """ Returns the xfs collector settings """ config = super(XFSCollector, self).get_default_config() config.update({ 'path': 'xfs' }) return config def collect(self): """ Collect xfs stats. For an explanation of the following metrics visit http://xfs.org/index.php/Runtime_Stats https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/fs/xfs/xfs_stats.h """ data_structure = { 'extent_alloc': ( 'alloc_extent', 'alloc_block', 'free_extent', 'free_block' ), 'abt': ( 'lookup', 'compare', 'insrec', 'delrec' ), 'blk_map': ( 'read_ops', 'write_ops', 'unmap', 'add_exlist', 'del_exlist', 'look_exlist', 'cmp_exlist' ), 'bmbt': ( 'lookup', 'compare', 'insrec', 'delrec' ), 'dir': ( 'lookup', 'create', 'remove', 'getdents' ), 'trans': ( 'sync', 'async', 'empty' ), 'ig': ( 'ig_attempts', 'ig_found', 'ig_frecycle', 'ig_missed', 'ig_dup', 'ig_reclaims', 'ig_attrchg' ), 'log': ( 'writes', 'blocks', 'noiclogs', 'force', 'force_sleep' ), 'push_ail': ( 'try_logspace', 'sleep_logspace', 'pushes', 'success', 'pushbuf', 'pinned', 'locked', 'flushing', 'restarts', 'flush' ), 'xstrat': ( 'quick', 'split' ), 'rw': ( 'write_calls', 'read_calls' ), 'attr': ( 'get', 'set', 'remove', 'list' ), 'icluster': ( 'iflush_count', 'icluster_flushcnt', 'icluster_flushinode' ), 'vnodes': ( 'vn_active', 'vn_alloc', 'vn_get', 'vn_hold', 'vn_rele', 'vn_reclaim', 'vn_remove', 'vn_free' ), 'buf': ( 'xb_get', 'xb_create', 'xb_get_locked', 'xb_get_locked_waited', 'xb_busy_locked', 'xb_miss_locked', 'xb_page_retries', 'xb_page_found', 'xb_get_read' ), 'abtb2': ( 'xs_abtb_2_lookup', 'xs_abtb_2_compare', 'xs_abtb_2_insrec', 'xs_abtb_2_delrec', 'xs_abtb_2_newroot', 'xs_abtb_2_killroot', 'xs_abtb_2_increment', 'xs_abtb_2_decrement', 'xs_abtb_2_lshift', 'xs_abtb_2_rshift', 'xs_abtb_2_split', 'xs_abtb_2_join', 'xs_abtb_2_alloc', 'xs_abtb_2_free', 'xs_abtb_2_moves' ), 'abtc2': ( 'xs_abtc_2_lookup', 'xs_abtc_2_compare', 'xs_abtc_2_insrec', 'xs_abtc_2_delrec', 'xs_abtc_2_newroot', 'xs_abtc_2_killroot', 'xs_abtc_2_increment', 'xs_abtc_2_decrement', 'xs_abtc_2_lshift', 'xs_abtc_2_rshift', 'xs_abtc_2_split', 'xs_abtc_2_join', 'xs_abtc_2_alloc', 'xs_abtc_2_free', 'xs_abtc_2_moves' ), 'bmbt2': ( 'xs_bmbt_2_lookup', 'xs_bmbt_2_compare', 'xs_bmbt_2_insrec', 'xs_bmbt_2_delrec', 'xs_bmbt_2_newroot', 'xs_bmbt_2_killroot', 'xs_bmbt_2_increment', 'xs_bmbt_2_decrement', 'xs_bmbt_2_lshift', 'xs_bmbt_2_rshift', 'xs_bmbt_2_split', 'xs_bmbt_2_join', 'xs_bmbt_2_alloc', 'xs_bmbt_2_free', 'xs_bmbt_2_moves' ), 'ibt2': ( 'lookup', 'compare', 'insrec', 'delrec', 'newroot', 'killroot', 'increment', 'decrement', 'lshift', 'rshift', 'split', 'join', 'alloc', 'free', 'moves' ), 'fibt2': ( 'lookup', 'compare', 'insrec', 'delrec', 'newroot', 'killroot', 'increment', 'decrement', 'lshift', 'rshift', 'split', 'join', 'alloc', 'free', 'moves' ), 'qm': ( 'xs_qm_dquot', 'xs_qm_dquot_unused' ), 'xpc': ( 'xs_xstrat_bytes', 'xs_write_bytes', 'xs_read_bytes' ), 'debug': ( 'debug', ) } f = open(self.PROC) new_stats = f.readlines() f.close() stats = {} for line in new_stats: items = line.rstrip().split() stats[items[0]] = [int(a) for a in items[1:]] for key in stats.keys(): for item in enumerate(data_structure[key]): metric_name = '.'.join([key, item[1]]) value = stats[key][item[0]] self.publish_counter(metric_name, value)
from __future__ import division import numpy as np import chainer from chainer.backends import cuda import chainer.functions as F from chainer import initializers import chainer.links as L from chainercv.links.model.fpn.misc import argsort from chainercv.links.model.fpn.misc import choice from chainercv.links.model.fpn.misc import exp_clip from chainercv.links.model.fpn.misc import smooth_l1 from chainercv import utils class BboxHead(chainer.Chain): """Bounding box head network of Feature Pyramid Networks. Args: n_class (int): The number of classes including background. scales (tuple of floats): The scales of feature maps. """ _canonical_level = 2 _canonical_scale = 224 _roi_size = 7 _roi_sample_ratio = 2 std = (0.1, 0.2) def __init__(self, n_class, scales): super(BboxHead, self).__init__() fc_init = { 'initialW': Caffe2FCUniform(), 'initial_bias': Caffe2FCUniform(), } with self.init_scope(): self.fc1 = L.Linear(1024, **fc_init) self.fc2 = L.Linear(1024, **fc_init) self.loc = L.Linear( n_class * 4, initialW=initializers.Normal(0.001)) self.conf = L.Linear(n_class, initialW=initializers.Normal(0.01)) self._n_class = n_class self._scales = scales def forward(self, hs, rois, roi_indices): """Calculates RoIs. Args: hs (iterable of array): An iterable of feature maps. rois (list of arrays): A list of arrays of shape: math: `(R_l, 4)`, where: math: `R_l` is the number of RoIs in the: math: `l`- th feature map. roi_indices (list of arrays): A list of arrays of shape :math:`(R_l,)`. Returns: tuple of two arrays: :obj:`locs` and :obj:`confs`. * **locs**: An arrays whose shape is \ :math:`(R, n\_class, 4)`, where :math:`R` is the total number \ of RoIs in the batch. * **confs**: A list of array whose shape is :math:`(R, n\_class)`. """ hs_ = [] for l, h in enumerate(hs): if len(rois[l]) == 0: continue h = F.roi_average_align_2d( h, rois[l], roi_indices[l], self._roi_size, self._scales[l], self._roi_sample_ratio) hs_.append(h) hs = hs_ if len(hs) == 0: locs = chainer.Variable( self.xp.empty((0, self._n_class, 4), dtype=np.float32)) confs = chainer.Variable( self.xp.empty((0, self._n_class), dtype=np.float32)) return locs, confs h = F.concat(hs, axis=0) h = F.reshape(h, (h.shape[0], -1)) h = F.relu(self.fc1(h)) h = F.relu(self.fc2(h)) locs = self.loc(h) locs = F.reshape(locs, (locs.shape[0], -1, 4)) confs = self.conf(h) return locs, confs def distribute(self, rois, roi_indices): """Assigns Rois to feature maps according to their size. Args: rois (array): An array of shape :math:`(R, 4)`, \ where :math:`R` is the total number of RoIs in the given batch. roi_indices (array): An array of shape :math:`(R,)`. Returns: tuple of two lists: :obj:`rois` and :obj:`roi_indices`. * **rois**: A list of arrays of shape :math:`(R_l, 4)`, \ where :math:`R_l` is the number of RoIs in the :math:`l`-th \ feature map. * **roi_indices** : A list of arrays of shape :math:`(R_l,)`. """ size = self.xp.sqrt(self.xp.prod(rois[:, 2:] - rois[:, :2], axis=1)) level = self.xp.floor(self.xp.log2( size / self._canonical_scale + 1e-6)).astype(np.int32) # skip last level level = self.xp.clip( level + self._canonical_level, 0, len(self._scales) - 2) masks = [level == l for l in range(len(self._scales))] rois = [rois[mask] for mask in masks] roi_indices = [roi_indices[mask] for mask in masks] return rois, roi_indices def decode(self, rois, roi_indices, locs, confs, scales, sizes, nms_thresh, score_thresh): """Decodes back to coordinates of RoIs. This method decodes :obj:`locs` and :obj:`confs` returned by a FPN network back to :obj:`bboxes`, :obj:`labels` and :obj:`scores`. Args: rois (iterable of arrays): An iterable of arrays of shape :math:`(R_l, 4)`, where :math:`R_l` is the number of RoIs in the :math:`l`-th feature map. roi_indices (iterable of arrays): An iterable of arrays of shape :math:`(R_l,)`. locs (array): An array whose shape is :math:`(R, n\_class, 4)`, where :math:`R` is the total number of RoIs in the given batch. confs (array): An array whose shape is :math:`(R, n\_class)`. scales (list of floats): A list of floats returned by :meth:`~chainercv.links.model.fpn.faster_rcnn.prepare` sizes (list of tuples of two ints): A list of :math:`(H_n, W_n)`, where :math:`H_n` and :math:`W_n` are height and width of the :math:`n`-th image. nms_thresh (float): The threshold value for :func:`~chainercv.utils.non_maximum_suppression`. score_thresh (float): The threshold value for confidence score. Returns: tuple of three list of arrays: :obj:`bboxes`, :obj:`labels` and :obj:`scores`. * **bboxes**: A list of float arrays of shape :math:`(R'_n, 4)`, \ where :math:`R'_n` is the number of bounding boxes in \ the :math:`n`-th image. \ Each bounding box is organized by \ :math:`(y_{min}, x_{min}, y_{max}, x_{max})` \ in the second axis. * **labels** : A list of integer arrays of shape :math:`(R'_n,)`. \ Each value indicates the class of the bounding box. \ Values are in range :math:`[0, L - 1]`, where :math:`L` is the \ number of the foreground classes. * **scores** : A list of float arrays of shape :math:`(R'_n,)`. \ Each value indicates how confident the prediction is. """ rois = self.xp.vstack(rois) roi_indices = self.xp.hstack(roi_indices) locs = locs.array confs = confs.array bboxes = [] labels = [] scores = [] for i in range(len(scales)): mask = roi_indices == i roi = rois[mask] loc = locs[mask] conf = confs[mask] bbox = self.xp.broadcast_to(roi[:, None], loc.shape) / scales[i] # tlbr -> yxhw bbox[:, :, 2:] -= bbox[:, :, :2] bbox[:, :, :2] += bbox[:, :, 2:] / 2 # offset bbox[:, :, :2] += loc[:, :, :2] * bbox[:, :, 2:] * self.std[0] bbox[:, :, 2:] *= self.xp.exp( self.xp.minimum(loc[:, :, 2:] * self.std[1], exp_clip)) # yxhw -> tlbr bbox[:, :, :2] -= bbox[:, :, 2:] / 2 bbox[:, :, 2:] += bbox[:, :, :2] # clip bbox[:, :, :2] = self.xp.maximum(bbox[:, :, :2], 0) bbox[:, :, 2:] = self.xp.minimum( bbox[:, :, 2:], self.xp.array(sizes[i])) conf = self.xp.exp(conf) score = conf / self.xp.sum(conf, axis=1, keepdims=True) bbox, label, score = _suppress( bbox, score, nms_thresh, score_thresh) bboxes.append(bbox) labels.append(label) scores.append(score) return bboxes, labels, scores def bbox_head_loss_pre(rois, roi_indices, std, bboxes, labels): """Loss function for Head (pre). This function processes RoIs for :func:`bbox_head_loss_post`. Args: rois (iterable of arrays): An iterable of arrays of shape :math:`(R_l, 4)`, where :math:`R_l` is the number of RoIs in the :math:`l`-th feature map. roi_indices (iterable of arrays): An iterable of arrays of shape :math:`(R_l,)`. std (tuple of floats): Two coefficients used for encoding bounding boxes. bboxes (list of arrays): A list of arrays whose shape is :math:`(R_n, 4)`, where :math:`R_n` is the number of ground truth bounding boxes. labels (list of arrays): A list of arrays whose shape is :math:`(R_n,)`. Returns: tuple of four lists: :obj:`rois`, :obj:`roi_indices`, :obj:`gt_locs`, and :obj:`gt_labels`. * **rois**: A list of arrays of shape :math:`(R'_l, 4)`, \ where :math:`R'_l` is the number of RoIs in the :math:`l`-th \ feature map. * **roi_indices**: A list of arrays of shape :math:`(R'_l,)`. * **gt_locs**: A list of arrays of shape :math:`(R'_l, 4) \ indicating the bounding boxes of ground truth. * **roi_indices**: A list of arrays of shape :math:`(R'_l,)` \ indicating the classes of ground truth. """ thresh = 0.5 batchsize_per_image = 512 fg_ratio = 0.25 xp = cuda.get_array_module(*rois) n_level = len(rois) roi_levels = xp.hstack( xp.array((l,) * len(rois[l])) for l in range(n_level)).astype(np.int32) rois = xp.vstack(rois).astype(np.float32) roi_indices = xp.hstack(roi_indices).astype(np.int32) rois_yx = (rois[:, 2:] + rois[:, :2]) / 2 rois_hw = rois[:, 2:] - rois[:, :2] indices = np.unique(cuda.to_cpu(roi_indices)) gt_locs = xp.empty_like(rois) gt_labels = xp.empty_like(roi_indices) for i in indices: mask = roi_indices == i if len(bboxes[i]) > 0: iou = utils.bbox_iou(rois[mask], bboxes[i]) gt_index = iou.argmax(axis=1) gt_loc = bboxes[i][gt_index].copy() else: gt_loc = xp.empty_like(rois[mask]) # tlbr -> yxhw gt_loc[:, 2:] -= gt_loc[:, :2] gt_loc[:, :2] += gt_loc[:, 2:] / 2 # offset gt_loc[:, :2] = (gt_loc[:, :2] - rois_yx[mask]) / \ rois_hw[mask] / std[0] gt_loc[:, 2:] = xp.log(gt_loc[:, 2:] / rois_hw[mask]) / std[1] if len(bboxes[i]) > 0: gt_label = labels[i][gt_index] + 1 gt_label[iou.max(axis=1) < thresh] = 0 else: gt_label = xp.zeros(int(mask.sum()), dtype=np.int32) fg_index = xp.where(gt_label > 0)[0] n_fg = int(batchsize_per_image * fg_ratio) if len(fg_index) > n_fg: gt_label[choice(fg_index, size=len(fg_index) - n_fg)] = -1 bg_index = xp.where(gt_label == 0)[0] n_bg = batchsize_per_image - int((gt_label > 0).sum()) if len(bg_index) > n_bg: gt_label[choice(bg_index, size=len(bg_index) - n_bg)] = -1 gt_locs[mask] = gt_loc gt_labels[mask] = gt_label mask = gt_labels >= 0 rois = rois[mask] roi_indices = roi_indices[mask] roi_levels = roi_levels[mask] gt_locs = gt_locs[mask] gt_labels = gt_labels[mask] masks = [roi_levels == l for l in range(n_level)] rois = [rois[m] for m in masks] roi_indices = [roi_indices[m] for m in masks] gt_locs = [gt_locs[m] for m in masks] gt_labels = [gt_labels[m] for m in masks] return rois, roi_indices, gt_locs, gt_labels def bbox_head_loss_post( locs, confs, roi_indices, gt_locs, gt_labels, batchsize): """Loss function for Head (post). Args: locs (array): An array whose shape is :math:`(R, n\_class, 4)`, where :math:`R` is the total number of RoIs in the given batch. confs (array): An iterable of arrays whose shape is :math:`(R, n\_class)`. roi_indices (list of arrays): A list of arrays returned by :func:`bbox_head_locs_pre`. gt_locs (list of arrays): A list of arrays returned by :func:`bbox_head_locs_pre`. gt_labels (list of arrays): A list of arrays returned by :func:`bbox_head_locs_pre`. batchsize (int): The size of batch. Returns: tuple of two variables: :obj:`loc_loss` and :obj:`conf_loss`. """ xp = cuda.get_array_module(locs.array, confs.array) roi_indices = xp.hstack(roi_indices).astype(np.int32) gt_locs = xp.vstack(gt_locs).astype(np.float32) gt_labels = xp.hstack(gt_labels).astype(np.int32) loc_loss = 0 conf_loss = 0 for i in np.unique(cuda.to_cpu(roi_indices)): mask = roi_indices == i gt_loc = gt_locs[mask] gt_label = gt_labels[mask] n_sample = mask.sum() loc_loss += F.sum(smooth_l1( locs[mask][xp.where(gt_label > 0)[0], gt_label[gt_label > 0]], gt_loc[gt_label > 0], 1)) / n_sample conf_loss += F.softmax_cross_entropy(confs[mask], gt_label) loc_loss /= batchsize conf_loss /= batchsize return loc_loss, conf_loss class Caffe2FCUniform(chainer.initializer.Initializer): """Initializer used in Caffe2. """ def __call__(self, array): scale = 1 / np.sqrt(array.shape[-1]) initializers.Uniform(scale)(array) def _suppress(raw_bbox, raw_score, nms_thresh, score_thresh): xp = cuda.get_array_module(raw_bbox, raw_score) bbox = [] label = [] score = [] for l in range(raw_score.shape[1] - 1): bbox_l = raw_bbox[:, l + 1] score_l = raw_score[:, l + 1] mask = score_l >= score_thresh bbox_l = bbox_l[mask] score_l = score_l[mask] order = argsort(-score_l) bbox_l = bbox_l[order] score_l = score_l[order] indices = utils.non_maximum_suppression(bbox_l, nms_thresh) bbox_l = bbox_l[indices] score_l = score_l[indices] bbox.append(bbox_l) label.append(xp.array((l,) * len(bbox_l))) score.append(score_l) bbox = xp.vstack(bbox).astype(np.float32) label = xp.hstack(label).astype(np.int32) score = xp.hstack(score).astype(np.float32) return bbox, label, score
import logging from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import BinarySensorEntity from .const import BSH_DOOR_STATE, DOMAIN from .entity import HomeConnectEntity _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up the Home Connect binary sensor.""" def get_entities(): entities = [] hc_api = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] for device_dict in hc_api.devices: entity_dicts = device_dict.get("entities", {}).get("binary_sensor", []) entities += [HomeConnectBinarySensor(**d) for d in entity_dicts] return entities async_add_entities(await hass.async_add_executor_job(get_entities), True) class HomeConnectBinarySensor(HomeConnectEntity, BinarySensorEntity): """Binary sensor for Home Connect.""" def __init__(self, device, desc, device_class): """Initialize the entity.""" super().__init__(device, desc) self._device_class = device_class self._state = None @property def is_on(self): """Return true if the binary sensor is on.""" return bool(self._state) @property def available(self): """Return true if the binary sensor is available.""" return self._state is not None async def async_update(self): """Update the binary sensor's status.""" state = self.device.appliance.status.get(BSH_DOOR_STATE, {}) if not state: self._state = None elif state.get("value") in [ "BSH.Common.EnumType.DoorState.Closed", "BSH.Common.EnumType.DoorState.Locked", ]: self._state = False elif state.get("value") == "BSH.Common.EnumType.DoorState.Open": self._state = True else: _LOGGER.warning("Unexpected value for HomeConnect door state: %s", state) self._state = None _LOGGER.debug("Updated, new state: %s", self._state) @property def device_class(self): """Return the device class.""" return self._device_class
from unittest import expectedFailure from stash.tests.stashtest import StashTestCase class EchoTests(StashTestCase): """tests for the 'echo' command.""" def do_echo(self, s): """echo a string and return the echoed output.""" return self.run_command("echo " + s, exitcode=0) def test_simple(self): """test 'echo test'""" o = self.do_echo("test") self.assertEqual(o, "test\n") def test_multi(self): """test 'echo test1 test2 test:'""" o = self.do_echo("test1 test2 test3") self.assertEqual(o, "test1 test2 test3\n") def test_help_ignore(self): """test that -h and --help will be ignored by echo.""" ho = self.do_echo("-h") self.assertEqual(ho, "-h\n") helpo = self.do_echo("--help") self.assertEqual(helpo, "--help\n") def test_empty(self): """test the behavior without arguments.""" output = self.run_command("echo", exitcode=0) self.assertEqual(output, "\n") @expectedFailure def test_non_ascii(self): """test echo with non-ascii characters.""" output = self.do_echo(u"Non-Ascii: äöüß end") self.assertEqual(output, u"Non-Ascii: äöüß end\n")
import os.path import coverage class Plugin(coverage.CoveragePlugin): """A file tracer plugin for testing.""" def file_tracer(self, filename): if "render.py" in filename: return RenderFileTracer() return None def file_reporter(self, filename): return FileReporter(filename) class RenderFileTracer(coverage.FileTracer): """A FileTracer using information from the caller.""" def has_dynamic_source_filename(self): return True def dynamic_source_filename(self, filename, frame): if frame.f_code.co_name != "render": return None source_filename = os.path.abspath(frame.f_locals['filename']) return source_filename def line_number_range(self, frame): lineno = frame.f_locals['linenum'] return lineno, lineno+1 class FileReporter(coverage.FileReporter): """A goofy file reporter.""" def lines(self): # Goofy test arrangement: claim that the file has as many lines as the # number in its name. num = os.path.basename(self.filename).split(".")[0].split("_")[1] return set(range(1, int(num)+1)) def coverage_init(reg, options): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Called by coverage to initialize the plugins here.""" reg.add_file_tracer(Plugin())
import os import operator from typing import cast, Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineSettings, QWebEngineProfile from qutebrowser.browser.webengine import spell, webenginequtescheme from qutebrowser.config import config, websettings from qutebrowser.config.websettings import AttributeInfo as Attr from qutebrowser.utils import standarddir, qtutils, message, log, urlmatch, usertypes # The default QWebEngineProfile default_profile = cast(QWebEngineProfile, None) # The QWebEngineProfile used for private (off-the-record) windows private_profile: Optional[QWebEngineProfile] = None # The global WebEngineSettings object global_settings = cast('WebEngineSettings', None) parsed_user_agent = None class _SettingsWrapper: """Expose a QWebEngineSettings interface which acts on all profiles. For read operations, the default profile value is always used. """ def _settings(self): yield default_profile.settings() if private_profile: yield private_profile.settings() def setAttribute(self, attribute, on): for settings in self._settings(): settings.setAttribute(attribute, on) def setFontFamily(self, which, family): for settings in self._settings(): settings.setFontFamily(which, family) def setFontSize(self, fonttype, size): for settings in self._settings(): settings.setFontSize(fonttype, size) def setDefaultTextEncoding(self, encoding): for settings in self._settings(): settings.setDefaultTextEncoding(encoding) def setUnknownUrlSchemePolicy(self, policy): for settings in self._settings(): settings.setUnknownUrlSchemePolicy(policy) def testAttribute(self, attribute): return default_profile.settings().testAttribute(attribute) def fontSize(self, fonttype): return default_profile.settings().fontSize(fonttype) def fontFamily(self, which): return default_profile.settings().fontFamily(which) def defaultTextEncoding(self): return default_profile.settings().defaultTextEncoding() def unknownUrlSchemePolicy(self): return default_profile.settings().unknownUrlSchemePolicy() class WebEngineSettings(websettings.AbstractSettings): """A wrapper for the config for QWebEngineSettings.""" _ATTRIBUTES = { 'content.xss_auditing': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.XSSAuditingEnabled), 'content.images': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.AutoLoadImages), 'content.javascript.enabled': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.JavascriptEnabled), 'content.javascript.can_open_tabs_automatically': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.JavascriptCanOpenWindows), 'content.javascript.can_access_clipboard': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.JavascriptCanAccessClipboard), 'content.plugins': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.PluginsEnabled), 'content.hyperlink_auditing': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.HyperlinkAuditingEnabled), 'content.local_content_can_access_remote_urls': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls), 'content.local_content_can_access_file_urls': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.LocalContentCanAccessFileUrls), 'content.webgl': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.WebGLEnabled), 'content.local_storage': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.LocalStorageEnabled), 'content.desktop_capture': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.ScreenCaptureEnabled, converter=lambda val: True if val == 'ask' else val), # 'ask' is handled via the permission system 'input.spatial_navigation': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.SpatialNavigationEnabled), 'input.links_included_in_focus_chain': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.LinksIncludedInFocusChain), 'scrolling.smooth': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.ScrollAnimatorEnabled), 'content.print_element_backgrounds': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.PrintElementBackgrounds), 'content.autoplay': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.PlaybackRequiresUserGesture, converter=operator.not_), 'content.dns_prefetch': Attr(QWebEngineSettings.DnsPrefetchEnabled), } _FONT_SIZES = { 'fonts.web.size.minimum': QWebEngineSettings.MinimumFontSize, 'fonts.web.size.minimum_logical': QWebEngineSettings.MinimumLogicalFontSize, 'fonts.web.size.default': QWebEngineSettings.DefaultFontSize, 'fonts.web.size.default_fixed': QWebEngineSettings.DefaultFixedFontSize, } _FONT_FAMILIES = { 'fonts.web.family.standard': QWebEngineSettings.StandardFont, 'fonts.web.family.fixed': QWebEngineSettings.FixedFont, 'fonts.web.family.serif': QWebEngineSettings.SerifFont, 'fonts.web.family.sans_serif': QWebEngineSettings.SansSerifFont, 'fonts.web.family.cursive': QWebEngineSettings.CursiveFont, 'fonts.web.family.fantasy': QWebEngineSettings.FantasyFont, } _UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME_POLICY = { 'disallow': QWebEngineSettings.DisallowUnknownUrlSchemes, 'allow-from-user-interaction': QWebEngineSettings.AllowUnknownUrlSchemesFromUserInteraction, 'allow-all': QWebEngineSettings.AllowAllUnknownUrlSchemes, } # Mapping from WebEngineSettings::initDefaults in # qtwebengine/src/core/web_engine_settings.cpp _FONT_TO_QFONT = { QWebEngineSettings.StandardFont: QFont.Serif, QWebEngineSettings.FixedFont: QFont.Monospace, QWebEngineSettings.SerifFont: QFont.Serif, QWebEngineSettings.SansSerifFont: QFont.SansSerif, QWebEngineSettings.CursiveFont: QFont.Cursive, QWebEngineSettings.FantasyFont: QFont.Fantasy, } def set_unknown_url_scheme_policy( self, policy: Union[str, usertypes.Unset]) -> bool: """Set the UnknownUrlSchemePolicy to use. Return: True if there was a change, False otherwise. """ old_value = self._settings.unknownUrlSchemePolicy() if isinstance(policy, usertypes.Unset): self._settings.resetUnknownUrlSchemePolicy() new_value = self._settings.unknownUrlSchemePolicy() else: new_value = self._UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME_POLICY[policy] self._settings.setUnknownUrlSchemePolicy(new_value) return old_value != new_value def _update_setting(self, setting, value): if setting == 'content.unknown_url_scheme_policy': return self.set_unknown_url_scheme_policy(value) return super()._update_setting(setting, value) def init_settings(self): super().init_settings() self.update_setting('content.unknown_url_scheme_policy') class ProfileSetter: """Helper to set various settings on a profile.""" def __init__(self, profile): self._profile = profile def init_profile(self): """Initialize settings on the given profile.""" self.set_http_headers() self.set_http_cache_size() self._set_hardcoded_settings() self.set_dictionary_language() def _set_hardcoded_settings(self): """Set up settings with a fixed value.""" settings = self._profile.settings() settings.setAttribute( QWebEngineSettings.FullScreenSupportEnabled, True) settings.setAttribute( QWebEngineSettings.FocusOnNavigationEnabled, False) try: settings.setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings.PdfViewerEnabled, False) except AttributeError: # Added in Qt 5.13 pass def set_http_headers(self): """Set the user agent and accept-language for the given profile. We override those per request in the URL interceptor (to allow for per-domain values), but this one still gets used for things like window.navigator.userAgent/.languages in JS. """ user_agent = websettings.user_agent() self._profile.setHttpUserAgent(user_agent) accept_language = config.val.content.headers.accept_language if accept_language is not None: self._profile.setHttpAcceptLanguage(accept_language) def set_http_cache_size(self): """Initialize the HTTP cache size for the given profile.""" size = config.val.content.cache.size if size is None: size = 0 else: size = qtutils.check_overflow(size, 'int', fatal=False) # 0: automatically managed by QtWebEngine self._profile.setHttpCacheMaximumSize(size) def set_persistent_cookie_policy(self): """Set the HTTP Cookie size for the given profile.""" assert not self._profile.isOffTheRecord() if config.val.content.cookies.store: value = QWebEngineProfile.AllowPersistentCookies else: value = QWebEngineProfile.NoPersistentCookies self._profile.setPersistentCookiesPolicy(value) def set_dictionary_language(self, warn=True): """Load the given dictionaries.""" filenames = [] for code in config.val.spellcheck.languages or []: local_filename = spell.local_filename(code) if not local_filename: if warn: message.warning("Language {} is not installed - see " "scripts/dictcli.py in qutebrowser's " "sources".format(code)) continue filenames.append(os.path.splitext(local_filename)[0]) log.config.debug("Found dicts: {}".format(filenames)) self._profile.setSpellCheckLanguages(filenames) self._profile.setSpellCheckEnabled(bool(filenames)) def _update_settings(option): """Update global settings when qwebsettings changed.""" global_settings.update_setting(option) # WORKAROUND for https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-75884 # (note this isn't actually fixed properly before Qt 5.15) header_bug_fixed = qtutils.version_check('5.15', compiled=False) if option in ['content.headers.user_agent', 'content.headers.accept_language'] and header_bug_fixed: default_profile.setter.set_http_headers() if private_profile: private_profile.setter.set_http_headers() elif option == 'content.cache.size': default_profile.setter.set_http_cache_size() if private_profile: private_profile.setter.set_http_cache_size() elif option == 'content.cookies.store': default_profile.setter.set_persistent_cookie_policy() # We're not touching the private profile's cookie policy. elif option == 'spellcheck.languages': default_profile.setter.set_dictionary_language() if private_profile: private_profile.setter.set_dictionary_language(warn=False) def _init_user_agent_str(ua): global parsed_user_agent parsed_user_agent = websettings.UserAgent.parse(ua) def init_user_agent(): _init_user_agent_str(QWebEngineProfile.defaultProfile().httpUserAgent()) def _init_default_profile(): """Init the default QWebEngineProfile.""" global default_profile default_profile = QWebEngineProfile.defaultProfile() init_user_agent() default_profile.setter = ProfileSetter( # type: ignore[attr-defined] default_profile) default_profile.setCachePath( os.path.join(standarddir.cache(), 'webengine')) default_profile.setPersistentStoragePath( os.path.join(standarddir.data(), 'webengine')) default_profile.setter.init_profile() default_profile.setter.set_persistent_cookie_policy() def init_private_profile(): """Init the private QWebEngineProfile.""" global private_profile if not qtutils.is_single_process(): private_profile = QWebEngineProfile() private_profile.setter = ProfileSetter( # type: ignore[attr-defined] private_profile) assert private_profile.isOffTheRecord() private_profile.setter.init_profile() def _init_site_specific_quirks(): """Add custom user-agent settings for problematic sites. See https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/4810 """ if not config.val.content.site_specific_quirks: return # Please leave this here as a template for new UAs. # default_ua = ("Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}) " # "AppleWebKit/{webkit_version} (KHTML, like Gecko) " # "{qt_key}/{qt_version} " # "{upstream_browser_key}/{upstream_browser_version} " # "Safari/{webkit_version}") no_qtwe_ua = ("Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}) " "AppleWebKit/{webkit_version} (KHTML, like Gecko) " "{upstream_browser_key}/{upstream_browser_version} " "Safari/{webkit_version}") new_chrome_ua = ("Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}) " "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) " "Chrome/99 " "Safari/537.36") edge_ua = ("Mozilla/5.0 ({os_info}) " "AppleWebKit/{webkit_version} (KHTML, like Gecko) " "{upstream_browser_key}/{upstream_browser_version} " "Safari/{webkit_version} " "Edg/{upstream_browser_version}") user_agents = { # Needed to avoid a ""WhatsApp works with Google Chrome 36+" error # page which doesn't allow to use WhatsApp Web at all. Also see the # additional JS quirk: qutebrowser/javascript/whatsapp_web_quirk.user.js # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/4445 'https://web.whatsapp.com/': no_qtwe_ua, # Needed to avoid a "you're using a browser [...] that doesn't allow us # to keep your account secure" error. # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/5182 'https://accounts.google.com/*': edge_ua, # Needed because Slack adds an error which prevents using it relatively # aggressively, despite things actually working fine. # September 2020: Qt 5.12 works, but Qt <= 5.11 shows the error. # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/4669 'https://*.slack.com/*': new_chrome_ua, } for pattern, ua in user_agents.items(): config.instance.set_obj('content.headers.user_agent', ua, pattern=urlmatch.UrlPattern(pattern), hide_userconfig=True) def _init_devtools_settings(): """Make sure the devtools always get images/JS permissions.""" settings: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = [ ('content.javascript.enabled', True), ('content.images', True), ('content.cookies.accept', 'all'), ] for setting, value in settings: for pattern in ['chrome-devtools://*', 'devtools://*']: config.instance.set_obj(setting, value, pattern=urlmatch.UrlPattern(pattern), hide_userconfig=True) def init(): """Initialize the global QWebSettings.""" webenginequtescheme.init() spell.init() _init_default_profile() init_private_profile() config.instance.changed.connect(_update_settings) global global_settings global_settings = WebEngineSettings(_SettingsWrapper()) global_settings.init_settings() _init_site_specific_quirks() _init_devtools_settings() def shutdown(): pass
from lightwave.lightwave import LWLink import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.climate import DOMAIN as CLIMATE_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.sensor import DOMAIN as SENSOR_DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_LIGHTS, CONF_NAME, CONF_SWITCHES import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.discovery import async_load_platform CONF_SERIAL = "serial" CONF_PROXY_IP = "proxy_ip" CONF_PROXY_PORT = "proxy_port" CONF_TRV = "trv" CONF_TRVS = "trvs" DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT = 7878 DEFAULT_PROXY_IP = "" DOMAIN = "lightwave" LIGHTWAVE_LINK = f"{DOMAIN}_link" LIGHTWAVE_TRV_PROXY = f"{DOMAIN}_proxy" LIGHTWAVE_TRV_PROXY_PORT = f"{DOMAIN}_proxy_port" CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { DOMAIN: vol.Schema( vol.All( cv.has_at_least_one_key(CONF_LIGHTS, CONF_SWITCHES, CONF_TRV), { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_LIGHTS, default={}): { cv.string: vol.Schema({vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string}) }, vol.Optional(CONF_SWITCHES, default={}): { cv.string: vol.Schema({vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string}) }, vol.Optional(CONF_TRV, default={}): { vol.Optional( CONF_PROXY_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT ): cv.port, vol.Optional( CONF_PROXY_IP, default=DEFAULT_PROXY_IP ): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_TRVS, default={}): { cv.string: vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_SERIAL): cv.string, } ) }, }, }, ) ) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) async def async_setup(hass, config): """Try to start embedded Lightwave broker.""" host = config[DOMAIN][CONF_HOST] lwlink = LWLink(host) hass.data[LIGHTWAVE_LINK] = lwlink lights = config[DOMAIN][CONF_LIGHTS] if lights: hass.async_create_task( async_load_platform(hass, "light", DOMAIN, lights, config) ) switches = config[DOMAIN][CONF_SWITCHES] if switches: hass.async_create_task( async_load_platform(hass, "switch", DOMAIN, switches, config) ) trv = config[DOMAIN][CONF_TRV] if trv: trvs = trv[CONF_TRVS] proxy_ip = trv[CONF_PROXY_IP] proxy_port = trv[CONF_PROXY_PORT] lwlink.set_trv_proxy(proxy_ip, proxy_port) platforms = [CLIMATE_DOMAIN, SENSOR_DOMAIN] for platform in platforms: hass.async_create_task( async_load_platform(hass, platform, DOMAIN, trvs, config) ) return True
import asyncio from haffmpeg.camera import CameraMjpeg from haffmpeg.tools import IMAGE_JPEG, ImageFrame from onvif.exceptions import ONVIFError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.camera import SUPPORT_STREAM, Camera from homeassistant.components.ffmpeg import CONF_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS, DATA_FFMPEG from homeassistant.const import HTTP_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, entity_platform from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_aiohttp_proxy_stream from .base import ONVIFBaseEntity from .const import ( ABSOLUTE_MOVE, ATTR_CONTINUOUS_DURATION, ATTR_DISTANCE, ATTR_MOVE_MODE, ATTR_PAN, ATTR_PRESET, ATTR_SPEED, ATTR_TILT, ATTR_ZOOM, CONF_RTSP_TRANSPORT, CONF_SNAPSHOT_AUTH, CONTINUOUS_MOVE, DIR_DOWN, DIR_LEFT, DIR_RIGHT, DIR_UP, DOMAIN, GOTOPRESET_MOVE, LOGGER, RELATIVE_MOVE, SERVICE_PTZ, ZOOM_IN, ZOOM_OUT, ) async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up the ONVIF camera video stream.""" platform = entity_platform.current_platform.get() # Create PTZ service platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_PTZ, { vol.Optional(ATTR_PAN): vol.In([DIR_LEFT, DIR_RIGHT]), vol.Optional(ATTR_TILT): vol.In([DIR_UP, DIR_DOWN]), vol.Optional(ATTR_ZOOM): vol.In([ZOOM_OUT, ZOOM_IN]), vol.Optional(ATTR_DISTANCE, default=0.1): cv.small_float, vol.Optional(ATTR_SPEED, default=0.5): cv.small_float, vol.Optional(ATTR_MOVE_MODE, default=RELATIVE_MOVE): vol.In( [CONTINUOUS_MOVE, RELATIVE_MOVE, ABSOLUTE_MOVE, GOTOPRESET_MOVE] ), vol.Optional(ATTR_CONTINUOUS_DURATION, default=0.5): cv.small_float, vol.Optional(ATTR_PRESET, default="0"): cv.string, }, "async_perform_ptz", ) device = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.unique_id] async_add_entities( [ONVIFCameraEntity(device, profile) for profile in device.profiles] ) return True class ONVIFCameraEntity(ONVIFBaseEntity, Camera): """Representation of an ONVIF camera.""" def __init__(self, device, profile): """Initialize ONVIF camera entity.""" ONVIFBaseEntity.__init__(self, device, profile) Camera.__init__(self) self.stream_options[CONF_RTSP_TRANSPORT] = device.config_entry.options.get( CONF_RTSP_TRANSPORT ) self._basic_auth = ( device.config_entry.data.get(CONF_SNAPSHOT_AUTH) == HTTP_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION ) self._stream_uri = None @property def supported_features(self) -> int: """Return supported features.""" return SUPPORT_STREAM @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of this camera.""" return f"{self.device.name} - {self.profile.name}" @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return a unique ID.""" if self.profile.index: return f"{self.device.info.mac or self.device.info.serial_number}_{self.profile.index}" return self.device.info.mac or self.device.info.serial_number @property def entity_registry_enabled_default(self) -> bool: """Return if the entity should be enabled when first added to the entity registry.""" return self.device.max_resolution == self.profile.video.resolution.width async def stream_source(self): """Return the stream source.""" return self._stream_uri async def async_camera_image(self): """Return a still image response from the camera.""" image = None if self.device.capabilities.snapshot: try: image = await self.device.device.get_snapshot( self.profile.token, self._basic_auth ) except ONVIFError as err: LOGGER.error( "Fetch snapshot image failed from %s, falling back to FFmpeg; %s", self.device.name, err, ) if image is None: ffmpeg = ImageFrame(self.hass.data[DATA_FFMPEG].binary, loop=self.hass.loop) image = await asyncio.shield( ffmpeg.get_image( self._stream_uri, output_format=IMAGE_JPEG, extra_cmd=self.device.config_entry.options.get( CONF_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS ), ) ) return image async def handle_async_mjpeg_stream(self, request): """Generate an HTTP MJPEG stream from the camera.""" LOGGER.debug("Handling mjpeg stream from camera '%s'", self.device.name) ffmpeg_manager = self.hass.data[DATA_FFMPEG] stream = CameraMjpeg(ffmpeg_manager.binary, loop=self.hass.loop) await stream.open_camera( self._stream_uri, extra_cmd=self.device.config_entry.options.get(CONF_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS), ) try: stream_reader = await stream.get_reader() return await async_aiohttp_proxy_stream( self.hass, request, stream_reader, ffmpeg_manager.ffmpeg_stream_content_type, ) finally: await stream.close() async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Run when entity about to be added to hass.""" uri_no_auth = await self.device.async_get_stream_uri(self.profile) self._stream_uri = uri_no_auth.replace( "rtsp://", f"rtsp://{self.device.username}:{self.device.password}@", 1 ) async def async_perform_ptz( self, distance, speed, move_mode, continuous_duration, preset, pan=None, tilt=None, zoom=None, ) -> None: """Perform a PTZ action on the camera.""" await self.device.async_perform_ptz( self.profile, distance, speed, move_mode, continuous_duration, preset, pan, tilt, zoom, )
import asyncio import io import logging import aiohttp import hangups from hangups import ChatMessageEvent, ChatMessageSegment, Client, get_auth, hangouts_pb2 from homeassistant.const import HTTP_OK from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers import dispatcher, intent from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession from .const import ( ATTR_DATA, ATTR_MESSAGE, ATTR_TARGET, CONF_CONVERSATION_ID, CONF_CONVERSATION_NAME, CONF_CONVERSATIONS, CONF_MATCHERS, DOMAIN, EVENT_HANGOUTS_CONNECTED, EVENT_HANGOUTS_CONVERSATIONS_CHANGED, EVENT_HANGOUTS_CONVERSATIONS_RESOLVED, EVENT_HANGOUTS_DISCONNECTED, EVENT_HANGOUTS_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, INTENT_HELP, ) from .hangups_utils import HangoutsCredentials, HangoutsRefreshToken _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HangoutsBot: """The Hangouts Bot.""" def __init__( self, hass, refresh_token, intents, default_convs, error_suppressed_convs ): """Set up the client.""" self.hass = hass self._connected = False self._refresh_token = refresh_token self._intents = intents self._conversation_intents = None self._client = None self._user_list = None self._conversation_list = None self._default_convs = default_convs self._default_conv_ids = None self._error_suppressed_convs = error_suppressed_convs self._error_suppressed_conv_ids = None dispatcher.async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, EVENT_HANGOUTS_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, self._async_handle_conversation_message, ) def _resolve_conversation_id(self, obj): if CONF_CONVERSATION_ID in obj: return obj[CONF_CONVERSATION_ID] if CONF_CONVERSATION_NAME in obj: conv = self._resolve_conversation_name(obj[CONF_CONVERSATION_NAME]) if conv is not None: return conv.id_ return None def _resolve_conversation_name(self, name): for conv in self._conversation_list.get_all(): if conv.name == name: return conv return None @callback def async_update_conversation_commands(self): """Refresh the commands for every conversation.""" self._conversation_intents = {} for intent_type, data in self._intents.items(): if data.get(CONF_CONVERSATIONS): conversations = [] for conversation in data.get(CONF_CONVERSATIONS): conv_id = self._resolve_conversation_id(conversation) if conv_id is not None: conversations.append(conv_id) data[f"_{CONF_CONVERSATIONS}"] = conversations elif self._default_conv_ids: data[f"_{CONF_CONVERSATIONS}"] = self._default_conv_ids else: data[f"_{CONF_CONVERSATIONS}"] = [ conv.id_ for conv in self._conversation_list.get_all() ] for conv_id in data[f"_{CONF_CONVERSATIONS}"]: if conv_id not in self._conversation_intents: self._conversation_intents[conv_id] = {} self._conversation_intents[conv_id][intent_type] = data try: self._conversation_list.on_event.remove_observer( self._async_handle_conversation_event ) except ValueError: pass self._conversation_list.on_event.add_observer( self._async_handle_conversation_event ) @callback def async_resolve_conversations(self, _): """Resolve the list of default and error suppressed conversations.""" self._default_conv_ids = [] self._error_suppressed_conv_ids = [] for conversation in self._default_convs: conv_id = self._resolve_conversation_id(conversation) if conv_id is not None: self._default_conv_ids.append(conv_id) for conversation in self._error_suppressed_convs: conv_id = self._resolve_conversation_id(conversation) if conv_id is not None: self._error_suppressed_conv_ids.append(conv_id) dispatcher.async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, EVENT_HANGOUTS_CONVERSATIONS_RESOLVED ) async def _async_handle_conversation_event(self, event): if isinstance(event, ChatMessageEvent): dispatcher.async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, EVENT_HANGOUTS_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, event.conversation_id, event.user_id, event, ) async def _async_handle_conversation_message(self, conv_id, user_id, event): """Handle a message sent to a conversation.""" user = self._user_list.get_user(user_id) if user.is_self: return message = event.text _LOGGER.debug("Handling message '%s' from %s", message, user.full_name) intents = self._conversation_intents.get(conv_id) if intents is not None: is_error = False try: intent_result = await self._async_process(intents, message, conv_id) except (intent.UnknownIntent, intent.IntentHandleError) as err: is_error = True intent_result = intent.IntentResponse() intent_result.async_set_speech(str(err)) if intent_result is None: is_error = True intent_result = intent.IntentResponse() intent_result.async_set_speech("Sorry, I didn't understand that") message = ( intent_result.as_dict().get("speech", {}).get("plain", {}).get("speech") ) if (message is not None) and not ( is_error and conv_id in self._error_suppressed_conv_ids ): await self._async_send_message( [{"text": message, "parse_str": True}], [{CONF_CONVERSATION_ID: conv_id}], None, ) async def _async_process(self, intents, text, conv_id): """Detect a matching intent.""" for intent_type, data in intents.items(): for matcher in data.get(CONF_MATCHERS, []): match = matcher.match(text) if not match: continue if intent_type == INTENT_HELP: return await self.hass.helpers.intent.async_handle( DOMAIN, intent_type, {"conv_id": {"value": conv_id}}, text ) return await self.hass.helpers.intent.async_handle( DOMAIN, intent_type, {key: {"value": value} for key, value in match.groupdict().items()}, text, ) async def async_connect(self): """Login to the Google Hangouts.""" session = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( get_auth, HangoutsCredentials(None, None, None), HangoutsRefreshToken(self._refresh_token), ) self._client = Client(session) self._client.on_connect.add_observer(self._on_connect) self._client.on_disconnect.add_observer(self._on_disconnect) self.hass.loop.create_task(self._client.connect()) def _on_connect(self): _LOGGER.debug("Connected!") self._connected = True dispatcher.async_dispatcher_send(self.hass, EVENT_HANGOUTS_CONNECTED) async def _on_disconnect(self): """Handle disconnecting.""" if self._connected: _LOGGER.debug("Connection lost! Reconnect...") await self.async_connect() else: dispatcher.async_dispatcher_send(self.hass, EVENT_HANGOUTS_DISCONNECTED) async def async_disconnect(self): """Disconnect the client if it is connected.""" if self._connected: self._connected = False await self._client.disconnect() async def async_handle_hass_stop(self, _): """Run once when Home Assistant stops.""" await self.async_disconnect() async def _async_send_message(self, message, targets, data): conversations = [] for target in targets: conversation = None if CONF_CONVERSATION_ID in target: conversation = self._conversation_list.get(target[CONF_CONVERSATION_ID]) elif CONF_CONVERSATION_NAME in target: conversation = self._resolve_conversation_name( target[CONF_CONVERSATION_NAME] ) if conversation is not None: conversations.append(conversation) if not conversations: return False messages = [] for segment in message: if messages: messages.append( ChatMessageSegment( "", segment_type=hangouts_pb2.SEGMENT_TYPE_LINE_BREAK ) ) if "parse_str" in segment and segment["parse_str"]: messages.extend(ChatMessageSegment.from_str(segment["text"])) else: if "parse_str" in segment: del segment["parse_str"] messages.append(ChatMessageSegment(**segment)) image_file = None if data: if data.get("image_url"): uri = data.get("image_url") try: websession = async_get_clientsession(self.hass) async with websession.get(uri, timeout=5) as response: if response.status != HTTP_OK: _LOGGER.error( "Fetch image failed, %s, %s", response.status, response ) image_file = None else: image_data = await response.read() image_file = io.BytesIO(image_data) image_file.name = "image.png" except (asyncio.TimeoutError, aiohttp.ClientError) as error: _LOGGER.error("Failed to fetch image, %s", type(error)) image_file = None elif data.get("image_file"): uri = data.get("image_file") if self.hass.config.is_allowed_path(uri): try: image_file = open(uri, "rb") except OSError as error: _LOGGER.error( "Image file I/O error(%s): %s", error.errno, error.strerror ) else: _LOGGER.error('Path "%s" not allowed', uri) if not messages: return False for conv in conversations: await conv.send_message(messages, image_file) async def _async_list_conversations(self): ( self._user_list, self._conversation_list, ) = await hangups.build_user_conversation_list(self._client) conversations = {} for i, conv in enumerate(self._conversation_list.get_all()): users_in_conversation = [] for user in conv.users: users_in_conversation.append(user.full_name) conversations[str(i)] = { CONF_CONVERSATION_ID: str(conv.id_), CONF_CONVERSATION_NAME: conv.name, "users": users_in_conversation, } self.hass.states.async_set( f"{DOMAIN}.conversations", len(self._conversation_list.get_all()), attributes=conversations, ) dispatcher.async_dispatcher_send( self.hass, EVENT_HANGOUTS_CONVERSATIONS_CHANGED, conversations ) async def async_handle_send_message(self, service): """Handle the send_message service.""" await self._async_send_message( service.data[ATTR_MESSAGE], service.data[ATTR_TARGET], service.data.get(ATTR_DATA, {}), ) async def async_handle_update_users_and_conversations(self, _=None): """Handle the update_users_and_conversations service.""" await self._async_list_conversations() async def async_handle_reconnect(self, _=None): """Handle the reconnect service.""" await self.async_disconnect() await self.async_connect() def get_intents(self, conv_id): """Return the intents for a specific conversation.""" return self._conversation_intents.get(conv_id)
import pandas as pd def get_p_vals(df, positive_category, term_significance): ''' Parameters ---------- df : A data frame from, e.g., get_term_freq_df : pd.DataFrame positive_category : str The positive category name. term_significance : TermSignificance A TermSignificance instance from which to extract p-values. ''' df_pos = df[[positive_category]] df_pos.columns = ['pos'] df_neg = pd.DataFrame(df[[c for c in df.columns if c != positive_category and c.endswith(' freq')]].sum(axis=1)) df_neg.columns = ['neg'] X = df_pos.join(df_neg)[['pos','neg']].values return term_significance.get_p_vals(X)
from unittest.mock import patch from homeassistant import setup from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers import discovery from tests.common import ( MockModule, MockPlatform, get_test_home_assistant, mock_coro, mock_entity_platform, mock_integration, ) class TestHelpersDiscovery: """Tests for discovery helper methods.""" def setup_method(self, method): """Set up things to be run when tests are started.""" self.hass = get_test_home_assistant() def teardown_method(self, method): """Stop everything that was started.""" self.hass.stop() @patch("homeassistant.setup.async_setup_component", return_value=mock_coro()) def test_listen(self, mock_setup_component): """Test discovery listen/discover combo.""" helpers = self.hass.helpers calls_single = [] calls_multi = [] @callback def callback_single(service, info): """Service discovered callback.""" calls_single.append((service, info)) @callback def callback_multi(service, info): """Service discovered callback.""" calls_multi.append((service, info)) helpers.discovery.listen("test service", callback_single) helpers.discovery.listen(["test service", "another service"], callback_multi) helpers.discovery.discover( "test service", "discovery info", "test_component", {} ) self.hass.block_till_done() assert mock_setup_component.called assert mock_setup_component.call_args[0] == (self.hass, "test_component", {}) assert len(calls_single) == 1 assert calls_single[0] == ("test service", "discovery info") helpers.discovery.discover( "another service", "discovery info", "test_component", {} ) self.hass.block_till_done() assert len(calls_single) == 1 assert len(calls_multi) == 2 assert ["test service", "another service"] == [info[0] for info in calls_multi] @patch("homeassistant.setup.async_setup_component", return_value=mock_coro(True)) def test_platform(self, mock_setup_component): """Test discover platform method.""" calls = [] @callback def platform_callback(platform, info): """Platform callback method.""" calls.append((platform, info)) discovery.listen_platform(self.hass, "test_component", platform_callback) discovery.load_platform( self.hass, "test_component", "test_platform", "discovery info", {"test_component": {}}, ) self.hass.block_till_done() assert mock_setup_component.called assert mock_setup_component.call_args[0] == ( self.hass, "test_component", {"test_component": {}}, ) self.hass.block_till_done() discovery.load_platform( self.hass, "test_component_2", "test_platform", "discovery info", {"test_component": {}}, ) self.hass.block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 assert calls[0] == ("test_platform", "discovery info") self.hass.bus.fire( discovery.EVENT_PLATFORM_DISCOVERED, { discovery.ATTR_SERVICE: discovery.EVENT_LOAD_PLATFORM.format( "test_component" ) }, ) self.hass.block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 def test_circular_import(self): """Test we don't break doing circular import. This test will have test_component discover the switch.test_circular component while setting up. The supplied config will load test_component and will load switch.test_circular. That means that after startup, we will have test_component and switch setup. The test_circular platform has been loaded twice. """ component_calls = [] platform_calls = [] def component_setup(hass, config): """Set up mock component.""" discovery.load_platform(hass, "switch", "test_circular", "disc", config) component_calls.append(1) return True def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities_callback, discovery_info=None): """Set up mock platform.""" platform_calls.append("disc" if discovery_info else "component") mock_integration(self.hass, MockModule("test_component", setup=component_setup)) # dependencies are only set in component level # since we are using manifest to hold them mock_integration( self.hass, MockModule("test_circular", dependencies=["test_component"]) ) mock_entity_platform( self.hass, "switch.test_circular", MockPlatform(setup_platform) ) setup.setup_component( self.hass, "test_component", {"test_component": None, "switch": [{"platform": "test_circular"}]}, ) self.hass.block_till_done() # test_component will only be setup once assert len(component_calls) == 1 # The platform will be setup once via the config in `setup_component` # and once via the discovery inside test_component. assert len(platform_calls) == 2 assert "test_component" in self.hass.config.components assert "switch" in self.hass.config.components @patch("homeassistant.helpers.signal.async_register_signal_handling") def test_1st_discovers_2nd_component(self, mock_signal): """Test that we don't break if one component discovers the other. If the first component fires a discovery event to set up the second component while the second component is about to be set up, it should not set up the second component twice. """ component_calls = [] def component1_setup(hass, config): """Set up mock component.""" print("component1 setup") discovery.discover(hass, "test_component2", {}, "test_component2", {}) return True def component2_setup(hass, config): """Set up mock component.""" component_calls.append(1) return True mock_integration( self.hass, MockModule("test_component1", setup=component1_setup) ) mock_integration( self.hass, MockModule("test_component2", setup=component2_setup) ) @callback def do_setup(): """Set up 2 components.""" self.hass.async_add_job( setup.async_setup_component(self.hass, "test_component1", {}) ) self.hass.async_add_job( setup.async_setup_component(self.hass, "test_component2", {}) ) self.hass.add_job(do_setup) self.hass.block_till_done() # test_component will only be setup once assert len(component_calls) == 1
import struct from plumbum.lib import six LFANEW_OFFSET = 30 * 2 FILE_HEADER_SIZE = 5 * 4 SUBSYSTEM_OFFSET = 17 * 4 IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI = 2 IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI = 3 def get_pe_subsystem(filename): with open(filename, "rb") as f: if f.read(2) != six.b("MZ"): return None f.seek(LFANEW_OFFSET) lfanew = struct.unpack("L", f.read(4))[0] f.seek(lfanew) if f.read(4) != six.b("PE\x00\x00"): return None f.seek(FILE_HEADER_SIZE + SUBSYSTEM_OFFSET, 1) subsystem = struct.unpack("H", f.read(2))[0] return subsystem # print(get_pe_subsystem("c:\\windows\\notepad.exe")) == 2 # print(get_pe_subsystem("c:\\python32\\python.exe")) == 3 # print(get_pe_subsystem("c:\\python32\\pythonw.exe")) == 2
import asyncio from contextlib import suppress from datetime import timedelta import logging from aiohttp import web from aiohttp.web_exceptions import HTTPNotFound import async_timeout from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.const import HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.helpers import config_per_platform, discovery from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import EntityComponent from homeassistant.setup import async_prepare_setup_platform # mypy: allow-untyped-defs, no-check-untyped-defs _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN = "mailbox" EVENT = "mailbox_updated" CONTENT_TYPE_MPEG = "audio/mpeg" CONTENT_TYPE_NONE = "none" SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=30) async def async_setup(hass, config): """Track states and offer events for mailboxes.""" mailboxes = [] hass.components.frontend.async_register_built_in_panel( "mailbox", "mailbox", "mdi:mailbox" ) hass.http.register_view(MailboxPlatformsView(mailboxes)) hass.http.register_view(MailboxMessageView(mailboxes)) hass.http.register_view(MailboxMediaView(mailboxes)) hass.http.register_view(MailboxDeleteView(mailboxes)) async def async_setup_platform(p_type, p_config=None, discovery_info=None): """Set up a mailbox platform.""" if p_config is None: p_config = {} if discovery_info is None: discovery_info = {} platform = await async_prepare_setup_platform(hass, config, DOMAIN, p_type) if platform is None: _LOGGER.error("Unknown mailbox platform specified") return _LOGGER.info("Setting up %s.%s", DOMAIN, p_type) mailbox = None try: if hasattr(platform, "async_get_handler"): mailbox = await platform.async_get_handler( hass, p_config, discovery_info ) elif hasattr(platform, "get_handler"): mailbox = await hass.async_add_executor_job( platform.get_handler, hass, p_config, discovery_info ) else: raise HomeAssistantError("Invalid mailbox platform.") if mailbox is None: _LOGGER.error("Failed to initialize mailbox platform %s", p_type) return except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Error setting up platform %s", p_type) return mailboxes.append(mailbox) mailbox_entity = MailboxEntity(mailbox) component = EntityComponent( logging.getLogger(__name__), DOMAIN, hass, SCAN_INTERVAL ) await component.async_add_entities([mailbox_entity]) setup_tasks = [ async_setup_platform(p_type, p_config) for p_type, p_config in config_per_platform(config, DOMAIN) ] if setup_tasks: await asyncio.wait(setup_tasks) async def async_platform_discovered(platform, info): """Handle for discovered platform.""" await async_setup_platform(platform, discovery_info=info) discovery.async_listen_platform(hass, DOMAIN, async_platform_discovered) return True class MailboxEntity(Entity): """Entity for each mailbox platform to provide a badge display.""" def __init__(self, mailbox): """Initialize mailbox entity.""" self.mailbox = mailbox self.message_count = 0 async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Complete entity initialization.""" @callback def _mailbox_updated(event): self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) self.hass.bus.async_listen(EVENT, _mailbox_updated) self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) @property def state(self): """Return the state of the binary sensor.""" return str(self.message_count) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the entity.""" return self.mailbox.name async def async_update(self): """Retrieve messages from platform.""" messages = await self.mailbox.async_get_messages() self.message_count = len(messages) class Mailbox: """Represent a mailbox device.""" def __init__(self, hass, name): """Initialize mailbox object.""" self.hass = hass self.name = name @callback def async_update(self): """Send event notification of updated mailbox.""" self.hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT) @property def media_type(self): """Return the supported media type.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def can_delete(self): """Return if messages can be deleted.""" return False @property def has_media(self): """Return if messages have attached media files.""" return False async def async_get_media(self, msgid): """Return the media blob for the msgid.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_get_messages(self): """Return a list of the current messages.""" raise NotImplementedError() async def async_delete(self, msgid): """Delete the specified messages.""" raise NotImplementedError() class StreamError(Exception): """Media streaming exception.""" class MailboxView(HomeAssistantView): """Base mailbox view.""" def __init__(self, mailboxes): """Initialize a basic mailbox view.""" self.mailboxes = mailboxes def get_mailbox(self, platform): """Retrieve the specified mailbox.""" for mailbox in self.mailboxes: if mailbox.name == platform: return mailbox raise HTTPNotFound class MailboxPlatformsView(MailboxView): """View to return the list of mailbox platforms.""" url = "/api/mailbox/platforms" name = "api:mailbox:platforms" async def get(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response: """Retrieve list of platforms.""" platforms = [] for mailbox in self.mailboxes: platforms.append( { "name": mailbox.name, "has_media": mailbox.has_media, "can_delete": mailbox.can_delete, } ) return self.json(platforms) class MailboxMessageView(MailboxView): """View to return the list of messages.""" url = "/api/mailbox/messages/{platform}" name = "api:mailbox:messages" async def get(self, request, platform): """Retrieve messages.""" mailbox = self.get_mailbox(platform) messages = await mailbox.async_get_messages() return self.json(messages) class MailboxDeleteView(MailboxView): """View to delete selected messages.""" url = "/api/mailbox/delete/{platform}/{msgid}" name = "api:mailbox:delete" async def delete(self, request, platform, msgid): """Delete items.""" mailbox = self.get_mailbox(platform) await mailbox.async_delete(msgid) class MailboxMediaView(MailboxView): """View to return a media file.""" url = r"/api/mailbox/media/{platform}/{msgid}" name = "api:asteriskmbox:media" async def get(self, request, platform, msgid): """Retrieve media.""" mailbox = self.get_mailbox(platform) with suppress(asyncio.CancelledError, asyncio.TimeoutError): with async_timeout.timeout(10): try: stream = await mailbox.async_get_media(msgid) except StreamError as err: error_msg = "Error getting media: %s" % (err) _LOGGER.error(error_msg) return web.Response(status=HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) if stream: return web.Response(body=stream, content_type=mailbox.media_type) return web.Response(status=HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
import datetime import json import logging from absl import flags from perfkitbenchmarker import capacity_reservation from perfkitbenchmarker import errors from perfkitbenchmarker import os_types from perfkitbenchmarker import vm_util from perfkitbenchmarker.providers import aws from perfkitbenchmarker.providers.aws import util FLAGS = flags.FLAGS _INSUFFICIENT_CAPACITY = 'InsufficientInstanceCapacity' class InvalidVmGroupSizeError(Exception): pass class UnsupportedOsTypeError(Exception): pass class CreationError(Exception): pass class AwsCapacityReservation(capacity_reservation.BaseCapacityReservation): """An object representing an AWS EC2 CapacityReservation.""" CLOUD = aws.CLOUD def __init__(self, vm_group): if not vm_group: raise InvalidVmGroupSizeError( 'AwsCapacityReservation must be initialized with at least one ' 'VM in the vm_group.') super(AwsCapacityReservation, self).__init__(vm_group) self.zone_or_region = vm_group[0].zone self.region = util.GetRegionFromZone(self.zone_or_region) self.machine_type = vm_group[0].machine_type self.os_type = vm_group[0].OS_TYPE self.vm_count = len(vm_group) def _Create(self): """Creates the AWS CapacaityReservation. A reservation will be created given the VM shape in self.vm_groups. Count is determined by the number of VMs in said group. The reservation will have a lifetime determined by the general PKB concept of timeout_minutes. If the reservation exceeds this timeout, AWS will cancel it automatically. The VMs in the reservation will not be deleted. Note that an empty capacity reservation will encur costs for the VM shape / count, even if no VMs are using it. After the reservation is created, this method updates all the VMs in self.vm_groups by setting the capacity_reservation_id, as well as the zone attributes on the VM, and the VM's network instance. Raises: UnsupportedOsTypeError: If creating a capacity reservation for the given os type is not supported. CreationError: If a capacity reservation cannot be created in the region (typically indicates a stockout). """ if self.os_type in os_types.LINUX_OS_TYPES: instance_platform = 'Linux/UNIX' elif self.os_type in os_types.WINDOWS_OS_TYPES: instance_platform = 'Windows' else: raise UnsupportedOsTypeError( 'Unsupported os_type for AWS CapacityReservation: %s.' % self.os_type) # If the user did not specify an AZ, we need to try to create the # CapacityReservation in a specifc AZ until it succeeds. # Then update the zone attribute on all the VMs in the group, # as well as the zone attribute on the VMs' network instance. if util.IsRegion(self.zone_or_region): zones_to_try = util.GetZonesInRegion(self.region) else: zones_to_try = [self.zone_or_region] end_date = ( datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=FLAGS.timeout_minutes)) for zone in zones_to_try: cmd = util.AWS_PREFIX + [ 'ec2', 'create-capacity-reservation', '--instance-type=%s' % self.machine_type, '--instance-platform=%s' % instance_platform, '--availability-zone=%s' % zone, '--instance-count=%s' % self.vm_count, '--instance-match-criteria=targeted', '--region=%s' % self.region, '--end-date-type=limited', '--end-date=%s' % end_date.isoformat(), ] stdout, stderr, retcode = vm_util.IssueCommand(cmd, raise_on_failure=False) if retcode: logging.info('Unable to create CapacityReservation in %s. ' 'This may be retried. Details: %s', zone, stderr) if _INSUFFICIENT_CAPACITY in stderr: logging.error(util.STOCKOUT_MESSAGE) raise errors.Benchmarks.InsufficientCapacityCloudFailure( util.STOCKOUT_MESSAGE + ' CapacityReservation in ' + zone) continue json_output = json.loads(stdout) self.capacity_reservation_id = ( json_output['CapacityReservation']['CapacityReservationId']) self._UpdateVmsInGroup(self.capacity_reservation_id, zone) return raise CreationError('Unable to create CapacityReservation in any of the ' 'following zones: %s.' % zones_to_try) def _Delete(self): """Deletes the capacity reservation.""" cmd = util.AWS_PREFIX + [ 'ec2', 'cancel-capacity-reservation', '--capacity-reservation-id=%s' % self.capacity_reservation_id, '--region=%s' % self.region, ] vm_util.IssueCommand(cmd, raise_on_failure=False) def _Exists(self): """Returns true if the underlying reservation exists and is active.""" cmd = util.AWS_PREFIX + [ 'ec2', 'describe-capacity-reservations', '--capacity-reservation-id=%s' % self.capacity_reservation_id, '--region=%s' % self.region, ] stdout, _, retcode = vm_util.IssueCommand(cmd, raise_on_failure=False) if retcode != 0: return False json_output = json.loads(stdout) return json_output['CapacityReservations'][0]['State'] == 'active' def _UpdateVmsInGroup(self, capacity_reservation_id, zone): """Updates the VMs in a group with necessary reservation details. AWS virtual machines need to reference the capacity reservation id during creation, so it is set on all VMs in the group. Additionally, this class may determine which zone to run in, so that needs to be updated too (on the VM, and the VM's network instance). Args: capacity_reservation_id: ID of the reservation created by this instance. zone: Zone chosen by this class, or if it was supplied, the zone provided by the user. In the latter case, setting the zone is equivalent to a no-op. """ for vm in self.vm_group: vm.capacity_reservation_id = capacity_reservation_id vm.zone = zone vm.network.zone = zone
from app import SQLAlchemyDB as db # 一些公共的方法,仅仅适合单独操作,对于事务操作,还是需要手工写db.session代码 class BaseMethod(object): __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine': 'MyISAM', 'mysql_charset': 'utf8'} # insert and update def save(self): db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() # delete def delete(self): db.session.delete(self) db.session.commit()
from collections import UserDict from copy import deepcopy from requests.cookies import RequestsCookieJar import os.path from httpobs.scanner.utils import parse_http_equiv_headers def empty_requests(http_equiv_file=None) -> dict: req = { 'hostname': 'http-observatory.security.mozilla.org', 'resources': { '__path__': None, '/': None, '/clientaccesspolicy.xml': None, '/contribute.json': None, '/crossdomain.xml': None, '/robots.txt': None, }, 'responses': { 'auto': UserDict(), 'cors': None, 'http': None, 'https': None, }, 'session': UserDict(), } # Parse the HTML file for its own headers, if requested if http_equiv_file: __dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(__dirname, 'unittests', 'files', http_equiv_file), 'r') as f: html = f.read() # Load the HTML file into the object for content tests. req['resources']['__path__'] = html req['responses']['auto'].headers = { 'Content-Type': 'text/html', } req['responses']['auto'].history = [] req['responses']['auto'].request = UserDict() req['responses']['auto'].request.headers = UserDict() req['responses']['auto'].status_code = 200 req['responses']['auto'].url = 'https://http-observatory.security.mozilla.org/' req['responses']['auto'].verified = True req['session'].cookies = RequestsCookieJar() req['responses']['cors'] = deepcopy(req['responses']['auto']) req['responses']['http'] = deepcopy(req['responses']['auto']) req['responses']['https'] = deepcopy(req['responses']['auto']) # Parse the HTML file for its own headers, if requested if http_equiv_file: req['responses']['auto'].http_equiv = parse_http_equiv_headers(req['resources']['__path__']) else: req['responses']['auto'].http_equiv = {} return req
import logging from miio import DeviceException, WifiRepeater # pylint: disable=import-error import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import ( DOMAIN, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, DeviceScanner, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_TOKEN import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_TOKEN): vol.All(cv.string, vol.Length(min=32, max=32)), } ) def get_scanner(hass, config): """Return a Xiaomi MiIO device scanner.""" scanner = None host = config[DOMAIN][CONF_HOST] token = config[DOMAIN][CONF_TOKEN] _LOGGER.info("Initializing with host %s (token %s...)", host, token[:5]) try: device = WifiRepeater(host, token) device_info = device.info() _LOGGER.info( "%s %s %s detected", device_info.model, device_info.firmware_version, device_info.hardware_version, ) scanner = XiaomiMiioDeviceScanner(device) except DeviceException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Device unavailable or token incorrect: %s", ex) return scanner class XiaomiMiioDeviceScanner(DeviceScanner): """This class queries a Xiaomi Mi WiFi Repeater.""" def __init__(self, device): """Initialize the scanner.""" self.device = device async def async_scan_devices(self): """Scan for devices and return a list containing found device IDs.""" devices = [] try: station_info = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.device.status) _LOGGER.debug("Got new station info: %s", station_info) for device in station_info.associated_stations: devices.append(device["mac"]) except DeviceException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Unable to fetch the state: %s", ex) return devices async def async_get_device_name(self, device): """Return None. The repeater doesn't provide the name of the associated device. """ return None
from datetime import timedelta import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( SERVICE_TOGGLE, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, STATE_ON, ) from homeassistant.helpers.config_validation import ( # noqa: F401 PLATFORM_SCHEMA, PLATFORM_SCHEMA_BASE, ) from homeassistant.helpers.entity import ToggleEntity from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import EntityComponent from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass # mypy: allow-untyped-defs, no-check-untyped-defs DOMAIN = "switch" SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=30) ENTITY_ID_FORMAT = DOMAIN + ".{}" ATTR_TODAY_ENERGY_KWH = "today_energy_kwh" ATTR_CURRENT_POWER_W = "current_power_w" MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_SCANS = timedelta(seconds=10) PROP_TO_ATTR = { "current_power_w": ATTR_CURRENT_POWER_W, "today_energy_kwh": ATTR_TODAY_ENERGY_KWH, } DEVICE_CLASS_OUTLET = "outlet" DEVICE_CLASS_SWITCH = "switch" DEVICE_CLASSES = [DEVICE_CLASS_OUTLET, DEVICE_CLASS_SWITCH] DEVICE_CLASSES_SCHEMA = vol.All(vol.Lower, vol.In(DEVICE_CLASSES)) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) @bind_hass def is_on(hass, entity_id): """Return if the switch is on based on the statemachine. Async friendly. """ return hass.states.is_state(entity_id, STATE_ON) async def async_setup(hass, config): """Track states and offer events for switches.""" component = hass.data[DOMAIN] = EntityComponent( _LOGGER, DOMAIN, hass, SCAN_INTERVAL ) await component.async_setup(config) component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {}, "async_turn_off") component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_TURN_ON, {}, "async_turn_on") component.async_register_entity_service(SERVICE_TOGGLE, {}, "async_toggle") return True async def async_setup_entry(hass, entry): """Set up a config entry.""" return await hass.data[DOMAIN].async_setup_entry(entry) async def async_unload_entry(hass, entry): """Unload a config entry.""" return await hass.data[DOMAIN].async_unload_entry(entry) class SwitchEntity(ToggleEntity): """Representation of a switch.""" @property def current_power_w(self): """Return the current power usage in W.""" return None @property def today_energy_kwh(self): """Return the today total energy usage in kWh.""" return None @property def is_standby(self): """Return true if device is in standby.""" return None @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the optional state attributes.""" data = {} for prop, attr in PROP_TO_ATTR.items(): value = getattr(self, prop) if value is not None: data[attr] = value return data @property def device_class(self): """Return the class of this device, from component DEVICE_CLASSES.""" return None class SwitchDevice(SwitchEntity): """Representation of a switch (for backwards compatibility).""" def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Print deprecation warning.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) _LOGGER.warning( "SwitchDevice is deprecated, modify %s to extend SwitchEntity", cls.__name__, )
from babelfish import LanguageReverseConverter from ..exceptions import ConfigurationError class TheSubDBConverter(LanguageReverseConverter): def __init__(self): self.from_thesubdb = {'en': ('eng',), 'es': ('spa',), 'fr': ('fra',), 'it': ('ita',), 'nl': ('nld',), 'pl': ('pol',), 'pt': ('por', 'BR'), 'ro': ('ron',), 'sv': ('swe',), 'tr': ('tur',)} self.to_thesubdb = {v: k for k, v in self.from_thesubdb.items()} self.codes = set(self.from_thesubdb.keys()) def convert(self, alpha3, country=None, script=None): if (alpha3, country) in self.to_thesubdb: return self.to_thesubdb[(alpha3, country)] if (alpha3,) in self.to_thesubdb: return self.to_thesubdb[(alpha3,)] raise ConfigurationError('Unsupported language for thesubdb: %s, %s, %s' % (alpha3, country, script)) def reverse(self, thesubdb): if thesubdb in self.from_thesubdb: return self.from_thesubdb[thesubdb] raise ConfigurationError('Unsupported language code for thesubdb: %s' % thesubdb)
from gi.repository import Gdk, GObject, Gtk class DiffGrid(Gtk.Grid): __gtype_name__ = "DiffGrid" column_count = 10 handle_columns = (2, 6) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._in_drag = False self._drag_pos = -1 self._drag_handle = None self._handle1 = HandleWindow() self._handle2 = HandleWindow() def do_realize(self): Gtk.Grid.do_realize(self) self._handle1.realize(self) self._handle2.realize(self) def do_unrealize(self): self._handle1.unrealize() self._handle2.unrealize() Gtk.Grid.do_unrealize(self) def do_map(self): Gtk.Grid.do_map(self) drag = self.get_child_at(2, 0) self._handle1.set_visible(drag and drag.get_visible()) drag = self.get_child_at(6, 0) self._handle2.set_visible(drag and drag.get_visible()) def do_unmap(self): self._handle1.set_visible(False) self._handle2.set_visible(False) Gtk.Grid.do_unmap(self) def _handle_set_prelight(self, window, flag): if hasattr(window, "handle"): window.handle.set_prelight(flag) def do_enter_notify_event(self, event): if hasattr(event.window, "handle"): event.window.handle.set_prelight(True) def do_leave_notify_event(self, event): if self._in_drag: return if hasattr(event.window, "handle"): event.window.handle.set_prelight(False) def do_button_press_event(self, event): if event.button & Gdk.BUTTON_PRIMARY: self._drag_pos = event.x self._in_drag = True return True return False def do_button_release_event(self, event): if event.button & Gdk.BUTTON_PRIMARY: self._in_drag = False return True return False def do_motion_notify_event(self, event): if event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK: if hasattr(event.window, "handle"): x, y = event.window.get_position() pos = round(x + event.x - self._drag_pos) event.window.handle.set_position(pos) self._drag_handle = event.window.handle self.queue_resize_no_redraw() return True return False def _calculate_positions( self, xmin, xmax, pane_sep_width_1, pane_sep_width_2, wpane1, wpane2, wpane3): wremain = max(0, xmax - xmin - pane_sep_width_1 - pane_sep_width_2) pos1 = self._handle1.get_position(wremain, xmin) pos2 = self._handle2.get_position(wremain, xmin + pane_sep_width_1) if not self._drag_handle: npanes = 0 if wpane1 > 0: npanes += 1 if wpane2 > 0: npanes += 1 if wpane3 > 0: npanes += 1 wpane = float(wremain) / max(1, npanes) if wpane1 > 0: wpane1 = wpane if wpane2 > 0: wpane2 = wpane if wpane3 > 0: wpane3 = wpane xminlink1 = xmin + wpane1 xmaxlink2 = xmax - wpane3 - pane_sep_width_2 wlinkpane = pane_sep_width_1 + wpane2 if wpane1 == 0: pos1 = xminlink1 if wpane3 == 0: pos2 = xmaxlink2 if wpane2 == 0: if wpane3 == 0: pos1 = pos2 - pane_sep_width_2 else: pos2 = pos1 + pane_sep_width_1 if self._drag_handle == self._handle2: xminlink2 = xminlink1 + wlinkpane pos2 = min(max(xminlink2, pos2), xmaxlink2) xmaxlink1 = pos2 - wlinkpane pos1 = min(max(xminlink1, pos1), xmaxlink1) else: xmaxlink1 = xmaxlink2 - wlinkpane pos1 = min(max(xminlink1, pos1), xmaxlink1) xminlink2 = pos1 + wlinkpane pos2 = min(max(xminlink2, pos2), xmaxlink2) self._handle1.set_position(pos1) self._handle2.set_position(pos2) return int(round(pos1)), int(round(pos2)) def do_size_allocate(self, allocation): # We should be chaining up here to: # Gtk.Grid.do_size_allocate(self, allocation) # However, when we do this, we hit issues with doing multiple # allocations in a single allocation cycle (see bgo#779883). self.set_allocation(allocation) wcols, hrows = self._get_min_sizes() yrows = [allocation.y, allocation.y + hrows[0], # Roughly equivalent to hard-coding row 1 to expand=True allocation.y + (allocation.height - hrows[2] - hrows[3]), allocation.y + (allocation.height - hrows[3]), allocation.y + allocation.height] (wpane1, wgutter1, wlink1, wgutter2, wpane2, wgutter3, wlink2, wgutter4, wpane3, wmap) = wcols xmin = allocation.x xmax = allocation.x + allocation.width - wmap pane_sep_width_1 = wgutter1 + wlink1 + wgutter2 pane_sep_width_2 = wgutter3 + wlink2 + wgutter4 pos1, pos2 = self._calculate_positions( xmin, xmax, pane_sep_width_1, pane_sep_width_2, wpane1, wpane2, wpane3 ) wpane1 = pos1 - allocation.x wpane2 = pos2 - (pos1 + pane_sep_width_1) wpane3 = xmax - (pos2 + pane_sep_width_2) wcols = ( allocation.x, wpane1, wgutter1, wlink1, wgutter2, wpane2, wgutter3, wlink2, wgutter4, wpane3, wmap) columns = [sum(wcols[:i + 1]) for i in range(len(wcols))] def child_allocate(child): if not child.get_visible(): return left, top, width, height = self.child_get( child, 'left-attach', 'top-attach', 'width', 'height') # This is a copy, and we have to do this because there's no Python # access to Gtk.Allocation. child_alloc = self.get_allocation() child_alloc.x = columns[left] child_alloc.y = yrows[top] child_alloc.width = columns[left + width] - columns[left] child_alloc.height = yrows[top + height] - yrows[top] if self.get_direction() == Gtk.TextDirection.RTL: child_alloc.x = ( allocation.x + allocation.width - (child_alloc.x - allocation.x) - child_alloc.width) child.size_allocate(child_alloc) for child in self.get_children(): child_allocate(child) if self.get_realized(): mapped = self.get_mapped() ydrag = yrows[0] hdrag = yrows[1] - yrows[0] self._handle1.set_visible(mapped and pane_sep_width_1 > 0) self._handle1.move_resize(pos1, ydrag, pane_sep_width_1, hdrag) self._handle2.set_visible(mapped and pane_sep_width_2 > 0) self._handle2.move_resize(pos2, ydrag, pane_sep_width_2, hdrag) def _get_min_sizes(self): hrows = [0] * 4 wcols = [0] * self.column_count for row in range(4): for col in range(self.column_count): child = self.get_child_at(col, row) if child and child.get_visible(): msize, nsize = child.get_preferred_size() # Ignore spanning columns in width calculations; we should # do this properly, but it's difficult. spanning = GObject.Value(int) self.child_get_property(child, 'width', spanning) spanning = spanning.get_int() # We ignore natural size when calculating required # width, but use it when doing required height. The # logic here is that height-for-width means that # minimum width requisitions mean more-than-minimum # heights. This is all extremely dodgy, but works # for now. if spanning == 1: wcols[col] = max(wcols[col], msize.width) hrows[row] = max(hrows[row], msize.height, nsize.height) return wcols, hrows def do_draw(self, context): Gtk.Grid.do_draw(self, context) self._handle1.draw(context) self._handle2.draw(context) class HandleWindow(): # We restrict the handle width because render_handle doesn't pay # attention to orientation. handle_width = 10 def __init__(self): self._widget = None self._window = None self._area_x = -1 self._area_y = -1 self._area_width = 1 self._area_height = 1 self._prelit = False self._pos = 0.0 self._transform = (0, 0) def get_position(self, width, xtrans): self._transform = (width, xtrans) return float(self._pos * width) + xtrans def set_position(self, pos): width, xtrans = self._transform self._pos = float(pos - xtrans) / width def realize(self, widget): attr = Gdk.WindowAttr() attr.window_type = Gdk.WindowType.CHILD attr.x = self._area_x attr.y = self._area_y attr.width = self._area_width attr.height = self._area_height attr.wclass = Gdk.WindowWindowClass.INPUT_OUTPUT attr.event_mask = (widget.get_events() | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK) attr.cursor = Gdk.Cursor.new_for_display(widget.get_display(), Gdk.CursorType. SB_H_DOUBLE_ARROW) attr_mask = (Gdk.WindowAttributesType.X | Gdk.WindowAttributesType.Y | Gdk.WindowAttributesType.CURSOR) parent = widget.get_parent_window() self._window = Gdk.Window(parent, attr, attr_mask) self._window.handle = self self._widget = widget self._widget.register_window(self._window) def unrealize(self): self._widget.unregister_window(self._window) def set_visible(self, visible): if visible: self._window.show() else: self._window.hide() def move_resize(self, x, y, width, height): self._window.move_resize(x, y, width, height) self._area_x = x self._area_y = y self._area_width = width self._area_height = height def set_prelight(self, flag): self._prelit = flag self._widget.queue_draw_area(self._area_x, self._area_y, self._area_width, self._area_height) def draw(self, cairocontext): alloc = self._widget.get_allocation() padding = 5 x = self._area_x - alloc.x + padding y = self._area_y - alloc.y + padding width = max(0, self._area_width - 2 * padding) height = max(0, self._area_height - 2 * padding) if width == 0 or height == 0: return stylecontext = self._widget.get_style_context() state = stylecontext.get_state() if self._widget.is_focus(): state |= Gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED if self._prelit: state |= Gtk.StateFlags.PRELIGHT if Gtk.cairo_should_draw_window(cairocontext, self._window): stylecontext.save() stylecontext.set_state(state) stylecontext.add_class(Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_PANE_SEPARATOR) stylecontext.add_class(Gtk.STYLE_CLASS_VERTICAL) color = stylecontext.get_background_color(state) if color.alpha > 0.0: xcenter = x + width / 2.0 - self.handle_width / 2.0 Gtk.render_handle( stylecontext, cairocontext, xcenter, y, self.handle_width, height) else: xcenter = x + width / 2.0 Gtk.render_line(stylecontext, cairocontext, xcenter, y, xcenter, y + height) stylecontext.restore()
import json from pushbullet import PushBullet import pytest import homeassistant.components.notify as notify from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.async_mock import patch from tests.common import assert_setup_component, load_fixture @pytest.fixture def mock_pushbullet(): """Mock pushbullet.""" with patch.object( PushBullet, "_get_data", return_value=json.loads(load_fixture("pushbullet_devices.json")), ): yield async def test_pushbullet_config(hass, mock_pushbullet): """Test setup.""" config = { notify.DOMAIN: { "name": "test", "platform": "pushbullet", "api_key": "MYFAKEKEY", } } with assert_setup_component(1) as handle_config: assert await async_setup_component(hass, notify.DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert handle_config[notify.DOMAIN] async def test_pushbullet_config_bad(hass): """Test set up the platform with bad/missing configuration.""" config = {notify.DOMAIN: {"platform": "pushbullet"}} with assert_setup_component(0) as handle_config: assert await async_setup_component(hass, notify.DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert not handle_config[notify.DOMAIN] async def test_pushbullet_push_default(hass, requests_mock, mock_pushbullet): """Test pushbullet push to default target.""" config = { notify.DOMAIN: { "name": "test", "platform": "pushbullet", "api_key": "MYFAKEKEY", } } with assert_setup_component(1) as handle_config: assert await async_setup_component(hass, notify.DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert handle_config[notify.DOMAIN] requests_mock.register_uri( "POST", "https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes", status_code=200, json={"mock_response": "Ok"}, ) data = {"title": "Test Title", "message": "Test Message"} await hass.services.async_call(notify.DOMAIN, "test", data) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert requests_mock.called assert requests_mock.call_count == 1 expected_body = {"body": "Test Message", "title": "Test Title", "type": "note"} assert requests_mock.last_request.json() == expected_body async def test_pushbullet_push_device(hass, requests_mock, mock_pushbullet): """Test pushbullet push to default target.""" config = { notify.DOMAIN: { "name": "test", "platform": "pushbullet", "api_key": "MYFAKEKEY", } } with assert_setup_component(1) as handle_config: assert await async_setup_component(hass, notify.DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert handle_config[notify.DOMAIN] requests_mock.register_uri( "POST", "https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes", status_code=200, json={"mock_response": "Ok"}, ) data = { "title": "Test Title", "message": "Test Message", "target": ["device/DESKTOP"], } await hass.services.async_call(notify.DOMAIN, "test", data) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert requests_mock.called assert requests_mock.call_count == 1 expected_body = { "body": "Test Message", "device_iden": "identity1", "title": "Test Title", "type": "note", } assert requests_mock.last_request.json() == expected_body async def test_pushbullet_push_devices(hass, requests_mock, mock_pushbullet): """Test pushbullet push to default target.""" config = { notify.DOMAIN: { "name": "test", "platform": "pushbullet", "api_key": "MYFAKEKEY", } } with assert_setup_component(1) as handle_config: assert await async_setup_component(hass, notify.DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert handle_config[notify.DOMAIN] requests_mock.register_uri( "POST", "https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes", status_code=200, json={"mock_response": "Ok"}, ) data = { "title": "Test Title", "message": "Test Message", "target": ["device/DESKTOP", "device/My iPhone"], } await hass.services.async_call(notify.DOMAIN, "test", data) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert requests_mock.called assert requests_mock.call_count == 2 assert len(requests_mock.request_history) == 2 expected_body = { "body": "Test Message", "device_iden": "identity1", "title": "Test Title", "type": "note", } assert requests_mock.request_history[0].json() == expected_body expected_body = { "body": "Test Message", "device_iden": "identity2", "title": "Test Title", "type": "note", } assert requests_mock.request_history[1].json() == expected_body async def test_pushbullet_push_email(hass, requests_mock, mock_pushbullet): """Test pushbullet push to default target.""" config = { notify.DOMAIN: { "name": "test", "platform": "pushbullet", "api_key": "MYFAKEKEY", } } with assert_setup_component(1) as handle_config: assert await async_setup_component(hass, notify.DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert handle_config[notify.DOMAIN] requests_mock.register_uri( "POST", "https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes", status_code=200, json={"mock_response": "Ok"}, ) data = { "title": "Test Title", "message": "Test Message", "target": ["email/[email protected]"], } await hass.services.async_call(notify.DOMAIN, "test", data) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert requests_mock.called assert requests_mock.call_count == 1 assert len(requests_mock.request_history) == 1 expected_body = { "body": "Test Message", "email": "[email protected]", "title": "Test Title", "type": "note", } assert requests_mock.request_history[0].json() == expected_body async def test_pushbullet_push_mixed(hass, requests_mock, mock_pushbullet): """Test pushbullet push to default target.""" config = { notify.DOMAIN: { "name": "test", "platform": "pushbullet", "api_key": "MYFAKEKEY", } } with assert_setup_component(1) as handle_config: assert await async_setup_component(hass, notify.DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert handle_config[notify.DOMAIN] requests_mock.register_uri( "POST", "https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes", status_code=200, json={"mock_response": "Ok"}, ) data = { "title": "Test Title", "message": "Test Message", "target": ["device/DESKTOP", "email/[email protected]"], } await hass.services.async_call(notify.DOMAIN, "test", data) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert requests_mock.called assert requests_mock.call_count == 2 assert len(requests_mock.request_history) == 2 expected_body = { "body": "Test Message", "device_iden": "identity1", "title": "Test Title", "type": "note", } assert requests_mock.request_history[0].json() == expected_body expected_body = { "body": "Test Message", "email": "[email protected]", "title": "Test Title", "type": "note", } assert requests_mock.request_history[1].json() == expected_body async def test_pushbullet_push_no_file(hass, requests_mock, mock_pushbullet): """Test pushbullet push to default target.""" config = { notify.DOMAIN: { "name": "test", "platform": "pushbullet", "api_key": "MYFAKEKEY", } } with assert_setup_component(1) as handle_config: assert await async_setup_component(hass, notify.DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert handle_config[notify.DOMAIN] requests_mock.register_uri( "POST", "https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes", status_code=200, json={"mock_response": "Ok"}, ) data = { "title": "Test Title", "message": "Test Message", "target": ["device/DESKTOP", "device/My iPhone"], "data": {"file": "not_a_file"}, } assert not await hass.services.async_call(notify.DOMAIN, "test", data) await hass.async_block_till_done()
from perfkitbenchmarker import errors RHEL_REPO = ('[nginx]\n' 'name=nginx repo\n' 'baseurl=https://nginx.org/packages/rhel/$releasever/$basearch/\n' 'gpgcheck=0\n' 'enabled=1') def YumInstall(vm): """Installs nginx on the VM.""" vm.RemoteCommand('echo \'%s\' | ' 'sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo' % RHEL_REPO) try: vm.InstallPackages('nginx') except errors.VmUtil.SshConnectionError: # Amazon Linux does not have a releasever configured. vm.RemoteCommand('sudo sed -i -e "s/\\$releasever/6/" ' '/etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo') vm.InstallPackages('nginx') def AptInstall(vm): """Installs nginx on the VM.""" vm.InstallPackages('nginx')
import unittest import numpy as np from chainer import testing from chainercv.transforms import translate_bbox from chainercv.utils.testing.generate_random_bbox import generate_random_bbox class TestTranslateBbox(unittest.TestCase): def test_translate_bbox(self): size = (32, 24) y_offset, x_offset = 5, 3 bbox = generate_random_bbox(10, size, 0, min(size)) out = translate_bbox(bbox, y_offset=y_offset, x_offset=x_offset) bbox_expected = np.empty_like(bbox) bbox_expected[:, 0] = bbox[:, 0] + y_offset bbox_expected[:, 1] = bbox[:, 1] + x_offset bbox_expected[:, 2] = bbox[:, 2] + y_offset bbox_expected[:, 3] = bbox[:, 3] + x_offset np.testing.assert_equal(out, bbox_expected) testing.run_module(__name__, __file__)
from mne.io.utils import _check_orig_units def test_check_orig_units(): """Test the checking of original units.""" orig_units = dict(FC1='nV', Hfp3erz='n/a', Pz='uV', greekMu='μV', microSign='µV') orig_units = _check_orig_units(orig_units) assert orig_units['FC1'] == 'nV' assert orig_units['Hfp3erz'] == 'n/a' assert orig_units['Pz'] == 'µV' assert orig_units['greekMu'] == 'µV' assert orig_units['microSign'] == 'µV'
from qstrader.asset.asset import Asset class Equity(Asset): """ Stores meta data about an equity common stock or ETF. Parameters ---------- name : `str` The asset's name (e.g. the company name and/or share class). symbol : `str` The asset's original ticker symbol. TODO: This will require modification to handle proper ticker mapping. tax_exempt: `boolean`, optional Is the share exempt from government taxation? Necessary for taxation on share transactions, such as UK stamp duty. """ def __init__( self, name, symbol, tax_exempt=True ): self.cash_like = False self.name = name self.symbol = symbol self.tax_exempt = tax_exempt def __repr__(self): """ String representation of the Equity Asset. """ return ( "Equity(name='%s', symbol='%s', tax_exempt=%s)" % ( self.name, self.symbol, self.tax_exempt ) )
from weblate.billing.models import Billing from weblate.billing.tasks import billing_notify from weblate.utils.management.base import BaseCommand class Command(BaseCommand): """Command for billing check.""" help = "checks billing limits" def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument("--valid", action="store_true", help="list valid ones") parser.add_argument( "--notify", action="store_true", help="send email notifications" ) def handle(self, *args, **options): if options["notify"]: billing_notify() return Billing.objects.check_limits() if options["valid"]: for bill in Billing.objects.get_valid(): self.stdout.write(f" * {bill}") return limit = Billing.objects.get_out_of_limits() due = Billing.objects.get_unpaid() if limit: self.stdout.write("Following billings are over limit:") for bill in limit: self.stdout.write(f" * {bill}") if due: self.stdout.write("Following billings are past due date:") for bill in due: self.stdout.write(f" * {bill}")
import os from mimetypes import guess_type from urllib.parse import urljoin from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify from django.urls import NoReverseMatch from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.encoding import smart_str from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ import django_comments as comments from tagging.models import Tag from tagging.models import TaggedItem from zinnia.models.author import Author from zinnia.models.entry import Entry from zinnia.settings import COPYRIGHT from zinnia.settings import FEEDS_FORMAT from zinnia.settings import FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS from zinnia.settings import PROTOCOL from zinnia.templatetags.zinnia import get_gravatar from zinnia.views.categories import get_category_or_404 class ZinniaFeed(Feed): """ Base Feed class for the Zinnia application, enriched for a more convenient usage. """ protocol = PROTOCOL feed_copyright = COPYRIGHT feed_format = FEEDS_FORMAT limit = FEEDS_MAX_ITEMS def __init__(self): if self.feed_format == 'atom': self.feed_type = Atom1Feed self.subtitle = getattr(self, 'description', None) def title(self, obj=None): """ Title of the feed prefixed with the site name. """ return '%s - %s' % (self.site.name, self.get_title(obj)) def get_title(self, obj): raise NotImplementedError @property def site(self): """ Acquire the current site used. """ return Site.objects.get_current() @property def site_url(self): """ Return the URL of the current site. """ return '%s://%s' % (self.protocol, self.site.domain) class EntryFeed(ZinniaFeed): """ Base Entry Feed. """ title_template = 'feeds/entry_title.html' description_template = 'feeds/entry_description.html' def item_pubdate(self, item): """ Publication date of an entry. """ return item.publication_date def item_updateddate(self, item): """ Update date of an entry. """ return item.last_update def item_categories(self, item): """ Entry's categories. """ return [category.title for category in item.categories.all()] def item_author_name(self, item): """ Return the first author of an entry. """ if item.authors.count(): self.item_author = item.authors.all()[0] return self.item_author.__str__() def item_author_email(self, item): """ Return the first author's email. Should not be called if self.item_author_name has returned None. """ return self.item_author.email def item_author_link(self, item): """ Return the author's URL. Should not be called if self.item_author_name has returned None. """ try: author_url = self.item_author.get_absolute_url() return self.site_url + author_url except NoReverseMatch: return self.site_url def item_enclosure_url(self, item): """ Return an image for enclosure. """ try: url = item.image.url except (AttributeError, ValueError): img = BeautifulSoup(item.html_content, 'html.parser').find('img') url = img.get('src') if img else None self.cached_enclosure_url = url if url: url = urljoin(self.site_url, url) if self.feed_format == 'rss': url = url.replace('https://', 'http://') return url def item_enclosure_length(self, item): """ Try to obtain the size of the enclosure if it's present on the FS, otherwise returns an hardcoded value. Note: this method is only called if item_enclosure_url has returned something. """ try: return str(item.image.size) except (AttributeError, ValueError, os.error): pass return '100000' def item_enclosure_mime_type(self, item): """ Guess the enclosure's mimetype. Note: this method is only called if item_enclosure_url has returned something. """ mime_type, encoding = guess_type(self.cached_enclosure_url) if mime_type: return mime_type return 'image/jpeg' class LastEntries(EntryFeed): """ Feed for the last entries. """ def link(self): """ URL of last entries. """ return reverse('zinnia:entry_archive_index') def items(self): """ Items are published entries. """ return Entry.published.all()[:self.limit] def get_title(self, obj): """ Title of the feed """ return _('Last entries') def description(self): """ Description of the feed. """ return _('The last entries on the site %(object)s') % { 'object': self.site.name} class CategoryEntries(EntryFeed): """ Feed filtered by a category. """ def get_object(self, request, path): """ Retrieve the category by his path. """ return get_category_or_404(path) def items(self, obj): """ Items are the published entries of the category. """ return obj.entries_published()[:self.limit] def link(self, obj): """ URL of the category. """ return obj.get_absolute_url() def get_title(self, obj): """ Title of the feed. """ return _('Entries for the category %(object)s') % {'object': obj.title} def description(self, obj): """ Description of the feed. """ return (obj.description or _('The last entries categorized under %(object)s') % { 'object': obj.title}) class AuthorEntries(EntryFeed): """ Feed filtered by an author. """ def get_object(self, request, username): """ Retrieve the author by his username. """ return get_object_or_404(Author, **{Author.USERNAME_FIELD: username}) def items(self, obj): """ Items are the published entries of the author. """ return obj.entries_published()[:self.limit] def link(self, obj): """ URL of the author. """ return obj.get_absolute_url() def get_title(self, obj): """ Title of the feed. """ return _('Entries for the author %(object)s') % { 'object': smart_str(obj.__str__())} def description(self, obj): """ Description of the feed. """ return _('The last entries by %(object)s') % { 'object': smart_str(obj.__str__())} class TagEntries(EntryFeed): """ Feed filtered by a tag. """ def get_object(self, request, tag): """ Retrieve the tag by his name. """ return get_object_or_404(Tag, name=tag) def items(self, obj): """ Items are the published entries of the tag. """ return TaggedItem.objects.get_by_model( Entry.published.all(), obj)[:self.limit] def link(self, obj): """ URL of the tag. """ return reverse('zinnia:tag_detail', args=[obj.name]) def get_title(self, obj): """ Title of the feed. """ return _('Entries for the tag %(object)s') % {'object': obj.name} def description(self, obj): """ Description of the feed. """ return _('The last entries tagged with %(object)s') % { 'object': obj.name} class SearchEntries(EntryFeed): """ Feed filtered by a search pattern. """ def get_object(self, request): """ The GET parameter 'pattern' is the object. """ pattern = request.GET.get('pattern', '') if len(pattern) < 3: raise ObjectDoesNotExist return pattern def items(self, obj): """ Items are the published entries founds. """ return Entry.published.search(obj)[:self.limit] def link(self, obj): """ URL of the search request. """ return '%s?pattern=%s' % (reverse('zinnia:entry_search'), obj) def get_title(self, obj): """ Title of the feed. """ return _("Search results for '%(pattern)s'") % {'pattern': obj} def description(self, obj): """ Description of the feed. """ return _("The last entries containing the pattern '%(pattern)s'") % { 'pattern': obj} class DiscussionFeed(ZinniaFeed): """ Base class for discussion Feed. """ title_template = 'feeds/discussion_title.html' description_template = 'feeds/discussion_description.html' def item_pubdate(self, item): """ Publication date of a discussion. """ return item.submit_date def item_link(self, item): """ URL of the discussion item. """ return item.get_absolute_url() def item_author_name(self, item): """ Author of the discussion item. """ return item.name def item_author_email(self, item): """ Author's email of the discussion item. """ return item.email def item_author_link(self, item): """ Author's URL of the discussion. """ return item.url class LastDiscussions(DiscussionFeed): """ Feed for the last discussions. """ def items(self): """ Items are the discussions on the entries. """ content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Entry) return comments.get_model().objects.filter( content_type=content_type, is_public=True).order_by( '-submit_date')[:self.limit] def link(self): """ URL of last discussions. """ return reverse('zinnia:entry_archive_index') def get_title(self, obj): """ Title of the feed. """ return _('Last discussions') def description(self): """ Description of the feed. """ return _('The last discussions on the site %(object)s') % { 'object': self.site.name} class EntryDiscussions(DiscussionFeed): """ Feed for discussions on an entry. """ def get_object(self, request, year, month, day, slug): """ Retrieve the discussions by entry's slug. """ return get_object_or_404(Entry, slug=slug, publication_date__year=year, publication_date__month=month, publication_date__day=day) def items(self, obj): """ Items are the discussions on the entry. """ return obj.discussions[:self.limit] def link(self, obj): """ URL of the entry. """ return obj.get_absolute_url() def get_title(self, obj): """ Title of the feed. """ return _('Discussions on %(object)s') % {'object': obj.title} def description(self, obj): """ Description of the feed. """ return _('The last discussions on the entry %(object)s') % { 'object': obj.title} class EntryComments(EntryDiscussions): """ Feed for comments on an entry. """ title_template = 'feeds/comment_title.html' description_template = 'feeds/comment_description.html' def items(self, obj): """ Items are the comments on the entry. """ return obj.comments[:self.limit] def item_link(self, item): """ URL of the comment. """ return item.get_absolute_url('#comment-%(id)s-by-' ) + slugify(item.user_name) def get_title(self, obj): """ Title of the feed. """ return _('Comments on %(object)s') % {'object': obj.title} def description(self, obj): """ Description of the feed. """ return _('The last comments on the entry %(object)s') % { 'object': obj.title} def item_enclosure_url(self, item): """ Return a gravatar image for enclosure. """ return get_gravatar(item.email) def item_enclosure_length(self, item): """ Hardcoded enclosure length. """ return '100000' def item_enclosure_mime_type(self, item): """ Hardcoded enclosure mimetype. """ return 'image/jpeg' class EntryPingbacks(EntryDiscussions): """ Feed for pingbacks on an entry. """ title_template = 'feeds/pingback_title.html' description_template = 'feeds/pingback_description.html' def items(self, obj): """ Items are the pingbacks on the entry. """ return obj.pingbacks[:self.limit] def item_link(self, item): """ URL of the pingback. """ return item.get_absolute_url('#pingback-%(id)s') def get_title(self, obj): """ Title of the feed. """ return _('Pingbacks on %(object)s') % {'object': obj.title} def description(self, obj): """ Description of the feed. """ return _('The last pingbacks on the entry %(object)s') % { 'object': obj.title} class EntryTrackbacks(EntryDiscussions): """ Feed for trackbacks on an entry. """ title_template = 'feeds/trackback_title.html' description_template = 'feeds/trackback_description.html' def items(self, obj): """ Items are the trackbacks on the entry. """ return obj.trackbacks[:self.limit] def item_link(self, item): """ URL of the trackback. """ return item.get_absolute_url('#trackback-%(id)s') def get_title(self, obj): """ Title of the feed. """ return _('Trackbacks on %(object)s') % {'object': obj.title} def description(self, obj): """ Description of the feed. """ return _('The last trackbacks on the entry %(object)s') % { 'object': obj.title}
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from homeassistant.components import unifi from homeassistant.components.unifi.const import DOMAIN as UNIFI_DOMAIN from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from .test_controller import setup_unifi_integration from tests.async_mock import AsyncMock from tests.common import MockConfigEntry, mock_coro async def test_setup_with_no_config(hass): """Test that we do not discover anything or try to set up a bridge.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, UNIFI_DOMAIN, {}) is True assert UNIFI_DOMAIN not in hass.data async def test_successful_config_entry(hass): """Test that configured options for a host are loaded via config entry.""" await setup_unifi_integration(hass) assert hass.data[UNIFI_DOMAIN] async def test_controller_fail_setup(hass): """Test that a failed setup still stores controller.""" with patch("homeassistant.components.unifi.UniFiController") as mock_controller: mock_controller.return_value.async_setup = AsyncMock(return_value=False) await setup_unifi_integration(hass) assert hass.data[UNIFI_DOMAIN] == {} async def test_controller_no_mac(hass): """Test that configured options for a host are loaded via config entry.""" entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=UNIFI_DOMAIN, data={ "controller": { "host": "", "username": "user", "password": "pass", "port": 80, "site": "default", "verify_ssl": True, }, "poe_control": True, }, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) mock_registry = Mock() with patch( "homeassistant.components.unifi.UniFiController" ) as mock_controller, patch( "homeassistant.helpers.device_registry.async_get_registry", return_value=mock_coro(mock_registry), ): mock_controller.return_value.async_setup = AsyncMock(return_value=True) mock_controller.return_value.mac = None assert await unifi.async_setup_entry(hass, entry) is True assert len(mock_controller.mock_calls) == 2 assert len(mock_registry.mock_calls) == 0 async def test_unload_entry(hass): """Test being able to unload an entry.""" controller = await setup_unifi_integration(hass) assert hass.data[UNIFI_DOMAIN] assert await unifi.async_unload_entry(hass, controller.config_entry) assert not hass.data[UNIFI_DOMAIN]
from logilab.common.testlib import TestCase, unittest_main from logilab.common.tree import * tree = ('root', ( ('child_1_1', ( ('child_2_1', ()), ('child_2_2', ( ('child_3_1', ()), )))), ('child_1_2', (('child_2_3', ()),)))) def make_tree(tuple): n = Node(tuple[0]) for child in tuple[1]: n.append(make_tree(child)) return n class Node_ClassTest(TestCase): """ a basic tree node, caracterised by an id""" def setUp(self): """ called before each test from this class """ self.o = make_tree(tree) def test_flatten(self): result = [r.id for r in self.o.flatten()] expected = ['root', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_1', 'child_2_2', 'child_3_1', 'child_1_2', 'child_2_3'] self.assertListEqual(result, expected) def test_flatten_with_outlist(self): resultnodes = [] self.o.flatten(resultnodes) result = [r.id for r in resultnodes] expected = ['root', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_1', 'child_2_2', 'child_3_1', 'child_1_2', 'child_2_3'] self.assertListEqual(result, expected) def test_known_values_remove(self): """ remove a child node """ self.o.remove(self.o.get_node_by_id('child_1_1')) self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.get_node_by_id, 'child_1_1') def test_known_values_replace(self): """ replace a child node with another """ self.o.replace(self.o.get_node_by_id('child_1_1'), Node('hoho')) self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.get_node_by_id, 'child_1_1') self.assertEqual(self.o.get_node_by_id('hoho'), self.o.children[0]) def test_known_values_get_sibling(self): """ return the sibling node that has given id """ self.assertEqual(self.o.children[0].get_sibling('child_1_2'), self.o.children[1], None) def test_raise_get_sibling_NodeNotFound(self): self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.children[0].get_sibling, 'houhou') def test_known_values_get_node_by_id(self): """ return node in whole hierarchy that has given id """ self.assertEqual(self.o.get_node_by_id('child_1_1'), self.o.children[0]) def test_raise_get_node_by_id_NodeNotFound(self): self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.get_node_by_id, 'houhou') def test_known_values_get_child_by_id(self): """ return child of given id """ self.assertEqual(self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_1', recurse=1), self.o.children[0].children[0]) def test_raise_get_child_by_id_NodeNotFound(self): self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.get_child_by_id, nid='child_2_1') self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.get_child_by_id, 'houhou') def test_known_values_get_child_by_path(self): """ return child of given path (path is a list of ids) """ self.assertEqual(self.o.get_child_by_path(['root', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_1']), self.o.children[0].children[0]) def test_raise_get_child_by_path_NodeNotFound(self): self.assertRaises(NodeNotFound, self.o.get_child_by_path, ['child_1_1', 'child_2_11']) def test_known_values_depth_down(self): """ return depth of this node in the tree """ self.assertEqual(self.o.depth_down(), 4) self.assertEqual(self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_1', True).depth_down(), 1) def test_known_values_depth(self): """ return depth of this node in the tree """ self.assertEqual(self.o.depth(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_1', True).depth(), 2) def test_known_values_width(self): """ return depth of this node in the tree """ self.assertEqual(self.o.width(), 3) self.assertEqual(self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_1', True).width(), 1) def test_known_values_root(self): """ return the root node of the tree """ self.assertEqual(self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_1', True).root(), self.o) def test_known_values_leaves(self): """ return a list with all the leaf nodes descendant from this task """ self.assertEqual(self.o.leaves(), [self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_1', True), self.o.get_child_by_id('child_3_1', True), self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_3', True)]) def test_known_values_lineage(self): c31 = self.o.get_child_by_id('child_3_1', True) self.assertEqual(c31.lineage(), [self.o.get_child_by_id('child_3_1', True), self.o.get_child_by_id('child_2_2', True), self.o.get_child_by_id('child_1_1', True), self.o]) class post_order_list_FunctionTest(TestCase): """""" def setUp(self): """ called before each test from this class """ self.o = make_tree(tree) def test_known_values_post_order_list(self): """ create a list with tree nodes for which the <filter> function returned true in a post order foashion """ L = ['child_2_1', 'child_3_1', 'child_2_2', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_3', 'child_1_2', 'root'] l = [n.id for n in post_order_list(self.o)] self.assertEqual(l, L, l) def test_known_values_post_order_list2(self): """ create a list with tree nodes for which the <filter> function returned true in a post order foashion """ def filter(node): if node.id == 'child_2_2': return 0 return 1 L = ['child_2_1', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_3', 'child_1_2', 'root'] l = [n.id for n in post_order_list(self.o, filter)] self.assertEqual(l, L, l) class PostfixedDepthFirstIterator_ClassTest(TestCase): """""" def setUp(self): """ called before each test from this class """ self.o = make_tree(tree) def test_known_values_next(self): L = ['child_2_1', 'child_3_1', 'child_2_2', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_3', 'child_1_2', 'root'] iter = PostfixedDepthFirstIterator(self.o) o = next(iter) i = 0 while o: self.assertEqual(o.id, L[i]) o = next(iter) i += 1 class pre_order_list_FunctionTest(TestCase): """""" def setUp(self): """ called before each test from this class """ self.o = make_tree(tree) def test_known_values_pre_order_list(self): """ create a list with tree nodes for which the <filter> function returned true in a pre order fashion """ L = ['root', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_1', 'child_2_2', 'child_3_1', 'child_1_2', 'child_2_3'] l = [n.id for n in pre_order_list(self.o)] self.assertEqual(l, L, l) def test_known_values_pre_order_list2(self): """ create a list with tree nodes for which the <filter> function returned true in a pre order fashion """ def filter(node): if node.id == 'child_2_2': return 0 return 1 L = ['root', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_1', 'child_1_2', 'child_2_3'] l = [n.id for n in pre_order_list(self.o, filter)] self.assertEqual(l, L, l) class PrefixedDepthFirstIterator_ClassTest(TestCase): """""" def setUp(self): """ called before each test from this class """ self.o = make_tree(tree) def test_known_values_next(self): L = ['root', 'child_1_1', 'child_2_1', 'child_2_2', 'child_3_1', 'child_1_2', 'child_2_3'] iter = PrefixedDepthFirstIterator(self.o) o = next(iter) i = 0 while o: self.assertEqual(o.id, L[i]) o = next(iter) i += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': unittest_main()
from homeassistant.helpers import discovery from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from .common import NUMATO_CFG, mockup_raise MOCKUP_ENTITY_IDS = { "binary_sensor.numato_binary_sensor_mock_port2", "binary_sensor.numato_binary_sensor_mock_port3", "binary_sensor.numato_binary_sensor_mock_port4", } async def test_failing_setups_no_entities(hass, numato_fixture, monkeypatch): """When port setup fails, no entity shall be created.""" monkeypatch.setattr(numato_fixture.NumatoDeviceMock, "setup", mockup_raise) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "numato", NUMATO_CFG) await hass.async_block_till_done() for entity_id in MOCKUP_ENTITY_IDS: assert entity_id not in hass.states.async_entity_ids() async def test_setup_callbacks(hass, numato_fixture, monkeypatch): """During setup a callback shall be registered.""" numato_fixture.discover() def mock_add_event_detect(self, port, callback, direction): assert self == numato_fixture.devices[0] assert port == 1 assert callback is callable assert direction == numato_fixture.BOTH monkeypatch.setattr( numato_fixture.devices[0], "add_event_detect", mock_add_event_detect ) assert await async_setup_component(hass, "numato", NUMATO_CFG) async def test_hass_binary_sensor_notification(hass, numato_fixture): """Test regular operations from within Home Assistant.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "numato", NUMATO_CFG) await hass.async_block_till_done() # wait until services are registered assert ( hass.states.get("binary_sensor.numato_binary_sensor_mock_port2").state == "on" ) await hass.async_add_executor_job(numato_fixture.devices[0].callbacks[2], 2, False) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert ( hass.states.get("binary_sensor.numato_binary_sensor_mock_port2").state == "off" ) async def test_binary_sensor_setup_without_discovery_info(hass, config, numato_fixture): """Test handling of empty discovery_info.""" numato_fixture.discover() await discovery.async_load_platform(hass, "binary_sensor", "numato", None, config) for entity_id in MOCKUP_ENTITY_IDS: assert entity_id not in hass.states.async_entity_ids() await hass.async_block_till_done() # wait for numato platform to be loaded for entity_id in MOCKUP_ENTITY_IDS: assert entity_id in hass.states.async_entity_ids()
from homeassistant.components.cover import ( ATTR_POSITION, SUPPORT_CLOSE, SUPPORT_CLOSE_TILT, SUPPORT_OPEN, SUPPORT_OPEN_TILT, SUPPORT_SET_POSITION, SUPPORT_SET_TILT_POSITION, SUPPORT_STOP, SUPPORT_STOP_TILT, CoverEntity, ) from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from .base import AcmedaBase from .const import ACMEDA_HUB_UPDATE, DOMAIN from .helpers import async_add_acmeda_entities async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up the Acmeda Rollers from a config entry.""" hub = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] current = set() @callback def async_add_acmeda_covers(): async_add_acmeda_entities( hass, AcmedaCover, config_entry, current, async_add_entities ) hub.cleanup_callbacks.append( async_dispatcher_connect( hass, ACMEDA_HUB_UPDATE.format(config_entry.entry_id), async_add_acmeda_covers, ) ) class AcmedaCover(AcmedaBase, CoverEntity): """Representation of a Acmeda cover device.""" @property def current_cover_position(self): """Return the current position of the roller blind. None is unknown, 0 is closed, 100 is fully open. """ position = None if self.roller.type != 7: position = 100 - self.roller.closed_percent return position @property def current_cover_tilt_position(self): """Return the current tilt of the roller blind. None is unknown, 0 is closed, 100 is fully open. """ position = None if self.roller.type in [7, 10]: position = 100 - self.roller.closed_percent return position @property def supported_features(self): """Flag supported features.""" supported_features = 0 if self.current_cover_position is not None: supported_features |= ( SUPPORT_OPEN | SUPPORT_CLOSE | SUPPORT_STOP | SUPPORT_SET_POSITION ) if self.current_cover_tilt_position is not None: supported_features |= ( SUPPORT_OPEN_TILT | SUPPORT_CLOSE_TILT | SUPPORT_STOP_TILT | SUPPORT_SET_TILT_POSITION ) return supported_features @property def is_closed(self): """Return if the cover is closed.""" return self.roller.closed_percent == 100 async def async_close_cover(self, **kwargs): """Close the roller.""" await self.roller.move_down() async def async_open_cover(self, **kwargs): """Open the roller.""" await self.roller.move_up() async def async_stop_cover(self, **kwargs): """Stop the roller.""" await self.roller.move_stop() async def async_set_cover_position(self, **kwargs): """Move the roller shutter to a specific position.""" await self.roller.move_to(100 - kwargs[ATTR_POSITION]) async def async_close_cover_tilt(self, **kwargs): """Close the roller.""" await self.roller.move_down() async def async_open_cover_tilt(self, **kwargs): """Open the roller.""" await self.roller.move_up() async def async_stop_cover_tilt(self, **kwargs): """Stop the roller.""" await self.roller.move_stop() async def async_set_cover_tilt(self, **kwargs): """Tilt the roller shutter to a specific position.""" await self.roller.move_to(100 - kwargs[ATTR_POSITION])
import logging import synology_srm import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import ( DOMAIN, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, DeviceScanner, ) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_SSL, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_VERIFY_SSL, ) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_USERNAME = "admin" DEFAULT_PORT = 8001 DEFAULT_SSL = True DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL = False PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME, default=DEFAULT_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_SSL, default=DEFAULT_SSL): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_VERIFY_SSL, default=DEFAULT_VERIFY_SSL): cv.boolean, } ) ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS = { "band": None, "connection": None, "current_rate": None, "dev_type": None, "hostname": None, "ip6_addr": None, "ip_addr": None, "is_baned": "is_banned", "is_beamforming_on": None, "is_guest": None, "is_high_qos": None, "is_low_qos": None, "is_manual_dev_type": None, "is_manual_hostname": None, "is_online": None, "is_parental_controled": "is_parental_controlled", "is_qos": None, "is_wireless": None, "mac": None, "max_rate": None, "mesh_node_id": None, "rate_quality": None, "signalstrength": "signal_strength", "transferRXRate": "transfer_rx_rate", "transferTXRate": "transfer_tx_rate", } def get_scanner(hass, config): """Validate the configuration and return Synology SRM scanner.""" scanner = SynologySrmDeviceScanner(config[DOMAIN]) return scanner if scanner.success_init else None class SynologySrmDeviceScanner(DeviceScanner): """This class scans for devices connected to a Synology SRM router.""" def __init__(self, config): """Initialize the scanner.""" self.client = synology_srm.Client( host=config[CONF_HOST], port=config[CONF_PORT], username=config[CONF_USERNAME], password=config[CONF_PASSWORD], https=config[CONF_SSL], ) if not config[CONF_VERIFY_SSL]: self.client.http.disable_https_verify() self.devices = [] self.success_init = self._update_info() _LOGGER.info("Synology SRM scanner initialized") def scan_devices(self): """Scan for new devices and return a list with found device IDs.""" self._update_info() return [device["mac"] for device in self.devices] def get_extra_attributes(self, device) -> dict: """Get the extra attributes of a device.""" device = next( (result for result in self.devices if result["mac"] == device), None ) filtered_attributes = {} if not device: return filtered_attributes for attribute, alias in ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS.items(): value = device.get(attribute) if value is None: continue attr = alias or attribute filtered_attributes[attr] = value return filtered_attributes def get_device_name(self, device): """Return the name of the given device or None if we don't know.""" filter_named = [ result["hostname"] for result in self.devices if result["mac"] == device ] if filter_named: return filter_named[0] return None def _update_info(self): """Check the router for connected devices.""" _LOGGER.debug("Scanning for connected devices") try: self.devices = self.client.core.get_network_nsm_device({"is_online": True}) except synology_srm.http.SynologyException as ex: _LOGGER.error("Error with the Synology SRM: %s", ex) return False _LOGGER.debug("Found %d device(s) connected to the router", len(self.devices)) return True
from datetime import timedelta import logging import Adafruit_DHT # pylint: disable=import-error import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, CONF_NAME, PERCENTAGE, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, ) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.util import Throttle from homeassistant.util.temperature import celsius_to_fahrenheit _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_PIN = "pin" CONF_SENSOR = "sensor" CONF_HUMIDITY_OFFSET = "humidity_offset" CONF_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET = "temperature_offset" DEFAULT_NAME = "DHT Sensor" # DHT11 is able to deliver data once per second, DHT22 once every two MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(seconds=30) SENSOR_TEMPERATURE = "temperature" SENSOR_HUMIDITY = "humidity" SENSOR_TYPES = { SENSOR_TEMPERATURE: ["Temperature", None], SENSOR_HUMIDITY: ["Humidity", PERCENTAGE], } PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_SENSOR): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PIN): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, default=[]): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [vol.In(SENSOR_TYPES)] ), vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET, default=0): vol.All( vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=-100, max=100) ), vol.Optional(CONF_HUMIDITY_OFFSET, default=0): vol.All( vol.Coerce(float), vol.Range(min=-100, max=100) ), } ) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the DHT sensor.""" SENSOR_TYPES[SENSOR_TEMPERATURE][1] = hass.config.units.temperature_unit available_sensors = { "AM2302": Adafruit_DHT.AM2302, "DHT11": Adafruit_DHT.DHT11, "DHT22": Adafruit_DHT.DHT22, } sensor = available_sensors.get(config[CONF_SENSOR]) pin = config[CONF_PIN] temperature_offset = config[CONF_TEMPERATURE_OFFSET] humidity_offset = config[CONF_HUMIDITY_OFFSET] if not sensor: _LOGGER.error("DHT sensor type is not supported") return False data = DHTClient(Adafruit_DHT, sensor, pin) dev = [] name = config[CONF_NAME] try: for variable in config[CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS]: dev.append( DHTSensor( data, variable, SENSOR_TYPES[variable][1], name, temperature_offset, humidity_offset, ) ) except KeyError: pass add_entities(dev, True) class DHTSensor(Entity): """Implementation of the DHT sensor.""" def __init__( self, dht_client, sensor_type, temp_unit, name, temperature_offset, humidity_offset, ): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.client_name = name self._name = SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type][0] self.dht_client = dht_client self.temp_unit = temp_unit self.type = sensor_type self.temperature_offset = temperature_offset self.humidity_offset = humidity_offset self._state = None self._unit_of_measurement = SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type][1] @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return f"{self.client_name} {self._name}" @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement of this entity, if any.""" return self._unit_of_measurement def update(self): """Get the latest data from the DHT and updates the states.""" self.dht_client.update() temperature_offset = self.temperature_offset humidity_offset = self.humidity_offset data = self.dht_client.data if self.type == SENSOR_TEMPERATURE and SENSOR_TEMPERATURE in data: temperature = data[SENSOR_TEMPERATURE] _LOGGER.debug( "Temperature %.1f \u00b0C + offset %.1f", temperature, temperature_offset, ) if -20 <= temperature < 80: self._state = round(temperature + temperature_offset, 1) if self.temp_unit == TEMP_FAHRENHEIT: self._state = round(celsius_to_fahrenheit(temperature), 1) elif self.type == SENSOR_HUMIDITY and SENSOR_HUMIDITY in data: humidity = data[SENSOR_HUMIDITY] _LOGGER.debug("Humidity %.1f%% + offset %.1f", humidity, humidity_offset) if 0 <= humidity <= 100: self._state = round(humidity + humidity_offset, 1) class DHTClient: """Get the latest data from the DHT sensor.""" def __init__(self, adafruit_dht, sensor, pin): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.adafruit_dht = adafruit_dht self.sensor = sensor self.pin = pin self.data = {} @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) def update(self): """Get the latest data the DHT sensor.""" humidity, temperature = self.adafruit_dht.read_retry(self.sensor, self.pin) if temperature: self.data[SENSOR_TEMPERATURE] = temperature if humidity: self.data[SENSOR_HUMIDITY] = humidity
from __future__ import unicode_literals from builtins import object import copy import deepdish as dd import numpy as np from .tools.normalize import normalize as normalizer from .tools.reduce import reduce as reducer from .tools.align import align as aligner from .tools.format_data import format_data from ._shared.helpers import convert_text, get_dtype from .config import __version__ class DataGeometry(object): """ Hypertools data object class A DataGeometry object contains the data, figure handles and transform functions used to create a plot. Note: this class should not be called directly, but is used by the `hyp.plot` function to create a plot object. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.Figure The matplotlib figure handle for the plot ax : matplotlib.Axes The matplotlib axes handle for the plot line_ani : matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation The matplotlib animation handle (if the plot is an animation) data : list A list of numpy arrays representing the raw data xform_data : list A list of numpy arrays representing the transformed data reduce : dict A dictionary containing the reduction model and parameters align : dict A dictionary containing align model and parameters normalize : str A string representing the kind of normalization kwargs : dict A dictionary containing all kwargs passed to the plot function version : str The version of the software used to create the class instance """ def __init__(self, fig=None, ax=None, line_ani=None, data=None, xform_data=None, reduce=None, align=None, normalize=None, semantic=None, vectorizer=None, corpus=None, kwargs=None, version=__version__, dtype=None): # matplotlib figure handle self.fig = fig # matplotlib axis handle self.ax = ax # matplotlib line_ani handle (if its an animation) self.line_ani = line_ani # convert to numpy array if text if isinstance(data, list): data = list(map(convert_text, data)) self.data = data self.dtype = get_dtype(data) # the transformed data self.xform_data = xform_data # dictionary of model and model_params self.reduce = reduce # 'hyper', 'SRM' or None self.align = align # 'within', 'across', 'row' or False self.normalize = normalize # text params self.semantic = semantic self.vectorizer = vectorizer self.corpus = corpus # dictionary of kwargs self.kwargs = kwargs # hypertools version self.version = version def get_data(self): """Return a copy of the data""" return copy.copy(self.data) def get_formatted_data(self): """Return a formatted copy of the data""" return format_data(self.data) # a function to transform new data def transform(self, data=None): """ Return transformed data, or transform new data using the same model parameters Parameters ---------- data : numpy array, pandas dataframe or list of arrays/dfs The data to transform. If no data is passed, the xform_data from the DataGeometry object will be returned. Returns ---------- xformed_data : list of numpy arrays The transformed data """ # if no new data passed, if data is None: return self.xform_data else: formatted = format_data( data, semantic=self.semantic, vectorizer=self.vectorizer, corpus=self.corpus, ppca=True) norm = normalizer(formatted, normalize=self.normalize) reduction = reducer( norm, reduce=self.reduce, ndims=self.reduce['params']['n_components']) return aligner(reduction, align=self.align) # a function to plot the data def plot(self, data=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the data Parameters ---------- data : numpy array, pandas dataframe or list of arrays/dfs The data to plot. If no data is passed, the xform_data from the DataGeometry object will be returned. kwargs : keyword arguments Any keyword arguments supported by `hypertools.plot` are also supported by this method Returns ---------- geo : hypertools.DataGeometry A new data geometry object """ # import plot here to avoid circular imports from .plot.plot import plot as plotter if data is None: d = copy.copy(self.data) transform = copy.copy(self.xform_data) if any([k in kwargs for k in ['reduce', 'align', 'normalize', 'semantic', 'vectorizer', 'corpus']]): d = copy.copy(self.data) transform = None else: d = data transform = None # get kwargs and update with new kwargs new_kwargs = copy.copy(self.kwargs) update_kwargs = dict(transform=transform, reduce=self.reduce, align=self.align, normalize=self.normalize, semantic=self.semantic, vectorizer=self.vectorizer, corpus=self.corpus) new_kwargs.update(update_kwargs) for key in kwargs: new_kwargs.update({key : kwargs[key]}) return plotter(d, **new_kwargs) def save(self, fname, compression='blosc'): """ Save method for the data geometry object The data will be saved as a 'geo' file, which is a dictionary containing the elements of a data geometry object saved in the hd5 format using `deepdish`. Parameters ---------- fname : str A name for the file. If the file extension (.geo) is not specified, it will be appended. compression : str The kind of compression to use. See the deepdish documentation for options: http://deepdish.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api_io.html#deepdish.io.save """ if hasattr(self, 'dtype'): if 'list' in self.dtype: data = np.array(self.data) elif 'df' in self.dtype: data = {k: np.array(v).astype('str') for k, v in self.data.to_dict('list').items()} else: data = self.data # put geo vars into a dict geo = { 'data' : data, 'xform_data' : np.array(self.xform_data), 'reduce' : self.reduce, 'align' : self.align, 'normalize' : self.normalize, 'semantic' : self.semantic, 'corpus' : np.array(self.corpus) if isinstance(self.corpus, list) else self.corpus, 'kwargs' : self.kwargs, 'version' : self.version, 'dtype' : self.dtype } # if extension wasn't included, add it if fname[-4:]!='.geo': fname+='.geo' # save dd.io.save(fname, geo, compression=compression)
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import xarray as xr from . import parameterized, randn, requires_dask nx = 3000 long_nx = 30000000 ny = 2000 nt = 1000 window = 20 randn_xy = randn((nx, ny), frac_nan=0.1) randn_xt = randn((nx, nt)) randn_t = randn((nt,)) randn_long = randn((long_nx,), frac_nan=0.1) new_x_short = np.linspace(0.3 * nx, 0.7 * nx, 100) new_x_long = np.linspace(0.3 * nx, 0.7 * nx, 1000) new_y_long = np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 1000) class Interpolation: def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ds = xr.Dataset( { "var1": (("x", "y"), randn_xy), "var2": (("x", "t"), randn_xt), "var3": (("t",), randn_t), }, coords={ "x": np.arange(nx), "y": np.linspace(0, 1, ny), "t": pd.date_range("1970-01-01", periods=nt, freq="D"), "x_coords": ("x", np.linspace(1.1, 2.1, nx)), }, ) @parameterized(["method", "is_short"], (["linear", "cubic"], [True, False])) def time_interpolation(self, method, is_short): new_x = new_x_short if is_short else new_x_long self.ds.interp(x=new_x, method=method).load() @parameterized(["method"], (["linear", "nearest"])) def time_interpolation_2d(self, method): self.ds.interp(x=new_x_long, y=new_y_long, method=method).load() class InterpolationDask(Interpolation): def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): requires_dask() super().setup(**kwargs) self.ds = self.ds.chunk({"t": 50})
import imp import os import base from nose import tools from docker_registry.lib import checksums from docker_registry.lib import xtarfile # setting like this in test, due to flake8 H302 tarfile = xtarfile.tarfile # To test whether the UnicodeDecodeError still exists # (it's still present in python 3.4.0) # ((loading this way, since we've monkey patched currently loaded tarfile)) tarfile_vanilla = imp.load_module('test_failing', *imp.find_module('tarfile')) class TestTarfile(base.TestCase): @tools.raises(UnicodeDecodeError) def test_vanilla_tarfile(self): layer_fh = open(os.path.join(base.data_dir, "xattr/layer.tar")) tar = tarfile_vanilla.open(mode='r|*', fileobj=layer_fh) assert tar def test_headers(self): expected = { "46af0962ab5afeb5ce6740d4d91652e69206fc991fd5328c1a94d364ad00e457/layer.tar": { # noqa "dev": { "headers": {"size": 0, "mode": 0o40755, "type": "5"}, "pax": {}, }, "dev/core": { "headers": {"size": 0, "mode": 0o120777, "type": "2"}, "pax": {}, }, "dev/stderr": { "headers": {"size": 0, "mode": 0o120777, "type": "2"}, "pax": {}, }, "dev/stdout": { "headers": {"size": 0, "mode": 0o120777, "type": "2"}, "pax": {}, }, "dev/fd": { "headers": {"size": 0, "mode": 0o120777, "type": "2"}, "pax": {}, }, "dev/ptmx": { "headers": {"size": 0, "mode": 0o120777, "type": "2"}, "pax": {}, }, "dev/stdin": { "headers": {"size": 0, "mode": 0o120777, "type": "2"}, "pax": {}, }, "etc": { "headers": {"size": 0, "mode": 0o40755, "type": "5"}, "pax": {}, }, "etc/sudoers": { "headers": {"size": 3348, "mode": 0o100440, "type": "0"}, "pax": {}, }, }, "511136ea3c5a64f264b78b5433614aec563103b4d4702f3ba7d4d2698e22c158/layer.tar": { # noqa ".": { "headers": {"size": 0, "mode": 0o40755, "type": "5"}, "pax": {}, }, }, "xattr/layer.tar": { "file": { "headers": {"size": 0, "mode": 0o100644, "type": "0"}, "pax": {u"SCHILY.xattr.security.capability": "\x01\x00\x00\x02\xc0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"}, # noqa }, }, } for file in expected.keys(): layer_fh = open(os.path.join(base.data_dir, file)) tar = tarfile.open(mode='r|*', fileobj=layer_fh) member_count = 0 for member in tar: member_count += 1 # check that we know the file names msg = "in %s, did not find file %s" % (file, member.path) l = len(filter(lambda x: member.path in x, expected[file].keys())) assert (l > 0), msg e = expected[file][member.path] for attr in e["headers"].keys(): msg = "in %s:%s, expected %s of %s, but got %s" % ( file, member.path, attr, e["headers"][attr], getattr(member, attr)) assert e["headers"][attr] == getattr(member, attr), msg for attr in e["pax"].keys(): msg = b"in %s:%s, expected %s of %s, but got %s".format( file, member.path, attr, e["pax"][attr], member.pax_headers[attr]) assert e["pax"][attr] == member.pax_headers[attr], msg assert member_count == len(expected[file]) layer_fh.close() def test_tarsum(self): expected = { "46af0962ab5afeb5ce6740d4d91652e69206fc991fd5328c1a94d364ad00e457": "tarsum+sha256:e58fcf7418d4390dec8e8fb69d88c06ec07039d651fedd3aa72af9972e7d046b", # noqa "511136ea3c5a64f264b78b5433614aec563103b4d4702f3ba7d4d2698e22c158": "tarsum+sha256:ac672ee85da9ab7f9667ae3c32841d3e42f33cc52c273c23341dabba1c8b0c8b", # noqa "xattr": "tarsum+sha256:e86f81a4d552f13039b1396ed03ca968ea9717581f9577ef1876ea6ff9b38c98", # noqa } for layer in expected.keys(): layer_fh = open(os.path.join(base.data_dir, layer, "layer.tar")) json_fh = open(os.path.join(base.data_dir, layer, "json")) tarsum = checksums.TarSum(json_fh.read()) tar = tarfile.open(mode='r|*', fileobj=layer_fh) for member in tar: tarsum.append(member, tar) sum = tarsum.compute() msg = "layer %s, expected [%s] but got [%s]" % ( layer, expected[layer], sum) assert expected[layer] == sum, msg layer_fh.close() json_fh.close()
import unittest import numpy as np import chainer from chainer.initializers import Zero from chainer.testing import attr from chainer import Variable from chainercv.links import VGG16 from chainercv.utils import testing @testing.parameterize( {'pick': 'prob', 'shapes': (1, 200), 'n_class': 200}, {'pick': 'pool5', 'shapes': (1, 512, 7, 7), 'n_class': None}, {'pick': ['conv5_3', 'conv4_2'], 'shapes': ((1, 512, 14, 14), (1, 512, 28, 28)), 'n_class': None}, ) class TestVGG16Call(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.link = VGG16( n_class=self.n_class, pretrained_model=None, initialW=Zero()) self.link.pick = self.pick def check_call(self): xp = self.link.xp x1 = Variable(xp.asarray(np.random.uniform( -1, 1, (1, 3, 224, 224)).astype(np.float32))) with chainer.no_backprop_mode(): features = self.link(x1) if isinstance(features, tuple): for activation, shape in zip(features, self.shapes): self.assertEqual(activation.shape, shape) else: self.assertEqual(features.shape, self.shapes) self.assertEqual(features.dtype, np.float32) @attr.slow def test_call_cpu(self): self.check_call() @attr.gpu @attr.slow def test_call_gpu(self): self.link.to_gpu() self.check_call() @testing.parameterize(*testing.product({ 'n_class': [None, 500, 1000], 'pretrained_model': ['imagenet'], 'mean': [None, np.random.uniform((3, 1, 1)).astype(np.float32)], })) class TestVGG16Pretrained(unittest.TestCase): @attr.slow def test_pretrained(self): kwargs = { 'n_class': self.n_class, 'pretrained_model': self.pretrained_model, 'mean': self.mean, } if self.pretrained_model == 'imagenet': valid = self.n_class in {None, 1000} if valid: VGG16(**kwargs) else: with self.assertRaises(ValueError): VGG16(**kwargs) testing.run_module(__name__, __file__)
from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT, ATTR_COLOR_NAME, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, ATTR_EFFECT, ATTR_FLASH, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_KELVIN, ATTR_PROFILE, ATTR_RGB_COLOR, ATTR_TRANSITION, ATTR_WHITE_VALUE, ATTR_XY_COLOR, DOMAIN, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ENTITY_MATCH_ALL, SERVICE_TOGGLE, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, ) from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass @bind_hass def turn_on( hass, entity_id=ENTITY_MATCH_ALL, transition=None, brightness=None, brightness_pct=None, rgb_color=None, xy_color=None, hs_color=None, color_temp=None, kelvin=None, white_value=None, profile=None, flash=None, effect=None, color_name=None, ): """Turn all or specified light on.""" hass.add_job( async_turn_on, hass, entity_id, transition, brightness, brightness_pct, rgb_color, xy_color, hs_color, color_temp, kelvin, white_value, profile, flash, effect, color_name, ) async def async_turn_on( hass, entity_id=ENTITY_MATCH_ALL, transition=None, brightness=None, brightness_pct=None, rgb_color=None, xy_color=None, hs_color=None, color_temp=None, kelvin=None, white_value=None, profile=None, flash=None, effect=None, color_name=None, ): """Turn all or specified light on.""" data = { key: value for key, value in [ (ATTR_ENTITY_ID, entity_id), (ATTR_PROFILE, profile), (ATTR_TRANSITION, transition), (ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, brightness), (ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT, brightness_pct), (ATTR_RGB_COLOR, rgb_color), (ATTR_XY_COLOR, xy_color), (ATTR_HS_COLOR, hs_color), (ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, color_temp), (ATTR_KELVIN, kelvin), (ATTR_WHITE_VALUE, white_value), (ATTR_FLASH, flash), (ATTR_EFFECT, effect), (ATTR_COLOR_NAME, color_name), ] if value is not None } await hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, data, blocking=True) @bind_hass def turn_off(hass, entity_id=ENTITY_MATCH_ALL, transition=None): """Turn all or specified light off.""" hass.add_job(async_turn_off, hass, entity_id, transition) async def async_turn_off(hass, entity_id=ENTITY_MATCH_ALL, transition=None): """Turn all or specified light off.""" data = { key: value for key, value in [(ATTR_ENTITY_ID, entity_id), (ATTR_TRANSITION, transition)] if value is not None } await hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, data, blocking=True) @bind_hass def toggle( hass, entity_id=ENTITY_MATCH_ALL, transition=None, brightness=None, brightness_pct=None, rgb_color=None, xy_color=None, hs_color=None, color_temp=None, kelvin=None, white_value=None, profile=None, flash=None, effect=None, color_name=None, ): """Toggle all or specified light.""" hass.add_job( async_toggle, hass, entity_id, transition, brightness, brightness_pct, rgb_color, xy_color, hs_color, color_temp, kelvin, white_value, profile, flash, effect, color_name, ) async def async_toggle( hass, entity_id=ENTITY_MATCH_ALL, transition=None, brightness=None, brightness_pct=None, rgb_color=None, xy_color=None, hs_color=None, color_temp=None, kelvin=None, white_value=None, profile=None, flash=None, effect=None, color_name=None, ): """Turn all or specified light on.""" data = { key: value for key, value in [ (ATTR_ENTITY_ID, entity_id), (ATTR_PROFILE, profile), (ATTR_TRANSITION, transition), (ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, brightness), (ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT, brightness_pct), (ATTR_RGB_COLOR, rgb_color), (ATTR_XY_COLOR, xy_color), (ATTR_HS_COLOR, hs_color), (ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, color_temp), (ATTR_KELVIN, kelvin), (ATTR_WHITE_VALUE, white_value), (ATTR_FLASH, flash), (ATTR_EFFECT, effect), (ATTR_COLOR_NAME, color_name), ] if value is not None } await hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_TOGGLE, data, blocking=True)
from docker_registry.core import compat from docker_registry.core import lru # In case you want to mock (and that doesn't work well) # import mock # import mockredis # @mock.patch('docker_registry.core.lru.redis.StrictRedis', # mockredis.mock_strict_redis_client) # def boot(): # lru.init() # boot() lru.init() class Dumb(object): value = {} @lru.get def get(self, key): if key not in self.value: return None return self.value[key] @lru.set def set(self, key, value): self.value[key] = value @lru.remove def remove(self, key): if key not in self.value: return del self.value[key] class TestLru(object): def setUp(self): self._dumb = Dumb() def testNonExistentGet(self): assert not self._dumb.get('nonexistent') assert not self._dumb.get('nonexistent') def testSetSimple1(self): content = 'bar' result = b'bar' self._dumb.set('foo', content) assert self._dumb.get('foo') == result assert self._dumb.get('foo') == result def testSetBytes1(self): content = b'foo' result = b'foo' self._dumb.set('foo', content) assert self._dumb.get('foo') == result def testSetBytes2(self): content = b'\xc3\x9f' result = b'\xc3\x9f' self._dumb.set('foo', content) assert self._dumb.get('foo') == result def testSetUnicode1(self): content = u'foo' result = b'foo' self._dumb.set('foo', content) assert self._dumb.get('foo') == result def testSetUnicode2(self): content = u'ß' result = b'\xc3\x9f' self._dumb.set('foo', content) assert self._dumb.get('foo') == result def testSetUnicode3(self): content = u'ß'.encode('utf8') result = b'\xc3\x9f' self._dumb.set('foo', content) assert self._dumb.get('foo') == result def testSetUnicode4(self): content = 'ß' if compat.is_py2: content = content.decode('utf8') content = content.encode('utf8') result = b'\xc3\x9f' self._dumb.set('foo', content) assert self._dumb.get('foo') == result def testRemove(self): self._dumb.set('foo', 'bar') assert self._dumb.get('foo') self._dumb.remove('foo') assert not self._dumb.get('foo') assert not self._dumb.get('foo')
from test import CollectorTestCase from test import get_collector_config from test import unittest from mock import patch from diamond.collector import Collector from example import ExampleCollector ########################################################################## class TestExampleCollector(CollectorTestCase): def setUp(self): config = get_collector_config('ExampleCollector', { 'interval': 10 }) self.collector = ExampleCollector(config, None) def test_import(self): self.assertTrue(ExampleCollector) @patch.object(Collector, 'publish') def test(self, publish_mock): self.collector.collect() metrics = { 'my.example.metric': 42 } self.setDocExample(collector=self.collector.__class__.__name__, metrics=metrics, defaultpath=self.collector.config['path']) self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, metrics) ########################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
from collections import deque from functools import wraps import logging from typing import Any from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType from .const import ATTR_DISCOVERY_PAYLOAD, ATTR_DISCOVERY_TOPIC from .models import MessageCallbackType _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO = "mqtt_debug_info" STORED_MESSAGES = 10 def log_messages(hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: str) -> MessageCallbackType: """Wrap an MQTT message callback to support message logging.""" def _log_message(msg): """Log message.""" debug_info = hass.data[DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO] messages = debug_info["entities"][entity_id]["subscriptions"][ msg.subscribed_topic ]["messages"] if msg not in messages: messages.append(msg) def _decorator(msg_callback: MessageCallbackType): @wraps(msg_callback) def wrapper(msg: Any) -> None: """Log message.""" _log_message(msg) msg_callback(msg) setattr(wrapper, "__entity_id", entity_id) return wrapper return _decorator def add_subscription(hass, message_callback, subscription): """Prepare debug data for subscription.""" entity_id = getattr(message_callback, "__entity_id", None) if entity_id: debug_info = hass.data.setdefault( DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO, {"entities": {}, "triggers": {}} ) entity_info = debug_info["entities"].setdefault( entity_id, {"subscriptions": {}, "discovery_data": {}} ) if subscription not in entity_info["subscriptions"]: entity_info["subscriptions"][subscription] = { "count": 0, "messages": deque([], STORED_MESSAGES), } entity_info["subscriptions"][subscription]["count"] += 1 def remove_subscription(hass, message_callback, subscription): """Remove debug data for subscription if it exists.""" entity_id = getattr(message_callback, "__entity_id", None) if entity_id and entity_id in hass.data[DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO]["entities"]: hass.data[DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO]["entities"][entity_id]["subscriptions"][ subscription ]["count"] -= 1 if not hass.data[DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO]["entities"][entity_id]["subscriptions"][ subscription ]["count"]: hass.data[DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO]["entities"][entity_id]["subscriptions"].pop( subscription ) def add_entity_discovery_data(hass, discovery_data, entity_id): """Add discovery data.""" debug_info = hass.data.setdefault( DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO, {"entities": {}, "triggers": {}} ) entity_info = debug_info["entities"].setdefault( entity_id, {"subscriptions": {}, "discovery_data": {}} ) entity_info["discovery_data"] = discovery_data def update_entity_discovery_data(hass, discovery_payload, entity_id): """Update discovery data.""" entity_info = hass.data[DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO]["entities"][entity_id] entity_info["discovery_data"][ATTR_DISCOVERY_PAYLOAD] = discovery_payload def remove_entity_data(hass, entity_id): """Remove discovery data.""" hass.data[DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO]["entities"].pop(entity_id) def add_trigger_discovery_data(hass, discovery_hash, discovery_data, device_id): """Add discovery data.""" debug_info = hass.data.setdefault( DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO, {"entities": {}, "triggers": {}} ) debug_info["triggers"][discovery_hash] = { "device_id": device_id, "discovery_data": discovery_data, } def update_trigger_discovery_data(hass, discovery_hash, discovery_payload): """Update discovery data.""" trigger_info = hass.data[DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO]["triggers"][discovery_hash] trigger_info["discovery_data"][ATTR_DISCOVERY_PAYLOAD] = discovery_payload def remove_trigger_discovery_data(hass, discovery_hash): """Remove discovery data.""" hass.data[DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO]["triggers"][discovery_hash]["discovery_data"] = None async def info_for_device(hass, device_id): """Get debug info for a device.""" mqtt_info = {"entities": [], "triggers": []} entity_registry = await hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_get_registry() entries = hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_entries_for_device( entity_registry, device_id ) mqtt_debug_info = hass.data.setdefault( DATA_MQTT_DEBUG_INFO, {"entities": {}, "triggers": {}} ) for entry in entries: if entry.entity_id not in mqtt_debug_info["entities"]: continue entity_info = mqtt_debug_info["entities"][entry.entity_id] subscriptions = [ { "topic": topic, "messages": [ { "payload": msg.payload, "qos": msg.qos, "retain": msg.retain, "time": msg.timestamp, "topic": msg.topic, } for msg in list(subscription["messages"]) ], } for topic, subscription in entity_info["subscriptions"].items() ] discovery_data = { "topic": entity_info["discovery_data"].get(ATTR_DISCOVERY_TOPIC, ""), "payload": entity_info["discovery_data"].get(ATTR_DISCOVERY_PAYLOAD, ""), } mqtt_info["entities"].append( { "entity_id": entry.entity_id, "subscriptions": subscriptions, "discovery_data": discovery_data, } ) for trigger in mqtt_debug_info["triggers"].values(): if trigger["device_id"] != device_id: continue discovery_data = { "topic": trigger["discovery_data"][ATTR_DISCOVERY_TOPIC], "payload": trigger["discovery_data"][ATTR_DISCOVERY_PAYLOAD], } mqtt_info["triggers"].append({"discovery_data": discovery_data}) return mqtt_info
import os from os import path as op title = 'mne-python flow diagram' font_face = 'Arial' node_size = 12 node_small_size = 9 edge_size = 9 sensor_color = '#7bbeca' source_color = '#ff6347' legend = """ <<FONT POINT-SIZE="%s"> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="0" CELLSPACING="4" CELLPADDING="4"> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="%s"> </TD><TD ALIGN="left"> Sensor (M/EEG) space</TD></TR> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="%s"> </TD><TD ALIGN="left"> Source (brain) space</TD></TR> </TABLE></FONT>>""" % (edge_size, sensor_color, source_color) legend = ''.join(legend.split('\n')) nodes = dict( T1='T1', flashes='Flash5/30', trans='Head-MRI trans', recon='Freesurfer surfaces', bem='BEM', src='Source space\nmne.SourceSpaces', cov='Noise covariance\nmne.Covariance', fwd='Forward solution\nmne.forward.Forward', inv='Inverse operator\nmne.minimum_norm.InverseOperator', stc='Source estimate\nmne.SourceEstimate', raw='Raw data\nmne.io.Raw', epo='Epoched data\nmne.Epochs', evo='Averaged data\nmne.Evoked', pre='Preprocessed data\nmne.io.Raw', legend=legend, ) sensor_space = ('raw', 'pre', 'epo', 'evo', 'cov') source_space = ('src', 'stc', 'bem', 'flashes', 'recon', 'T1') edges = ( ('T1', 'recon'), ('flashes', 'bem'), ('recon', 'bem'), ('recon', 'src', 'mne.setup_source_space'), ('src', 'fwd'), ('bem', 'fwd'), ('trans', 'fwd', 'mne.make_forward_solution'), ('fwd', 'inv'), ('cov', 'inv', 'mne.make_inverse_operator'), ('inv', 'stc'), ('evo', 'stc', 'mne.minimum_norm.apply_inverse'), ('raw', 'pre', 'raw.filter\n' 'mne.preprocessing.ICA\n' 'mne.preprocessing.compute_proj_eog\n' 'mne.preprocessing.compute_proj_ecg\n' '...'), ('pre', 'epo', 'mne.Epochs'), ('epo', 'evo', 'epochs.average'), ('epo', 'cov', 'mne.compute_covariance'), ) subgraphs = ( [('T1', 'flashes', 'recon', 'bem', 'src'), ('<Structural information<BR/><FONT POINT-SIZE="%s"><I>' 'Freesurfer / MNE-C</I></FONT>>' % node_small_size)], ) def setup(app): app.connect('builder-inited', generate_flow_diagram) app.add_config_value('make_flow_diagram', True, 'html') def setup_module(): # HACK: Stop nosetests running setup() above pass def generate_flow_diagram(app): out_dir = op.join(app.builder.outdir, '_static') if not op.isdir(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) out_fname = op.join(out_dir, 'mne-python_flow.svg') make_flow_diagram = app is None or \ bool(app.builder.config.make_flow_diagram) if not make_flow_diagram: print('Skipping flow diagram, webpage will have a missing image') return import pygraphviz as pgv g = pgv.AGraph(name=title, directed=True) for key, label in nodes.items(): label = label.split('\n') if len(label) > 1: label[0] = ('<<FONT POINT-SIZE="%s">' % node_size + label[0] + '</FONT>') for li in range(1, len(label)): label[li] = ('<FONT POINT-SIZE="%s"><I>' % node_small_size + label[li] + '</I></FONT>') label[-1] = label[-1] + '>' label = '<BR/>'.join(label) else: label = label[0] g.add_node(key, shape='plaintext', label=label) # Create and customize nodes and edges for edge in edges: g.add_edge(*edge[:2]) e = g.get_edge(*edge[:2]) if len(edge) > 2: e.attr['label'] = ('<<I>' + '<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>'.join(edge[2].split('\n')) + '<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/></I>>') e.attr['fontsize'] = edge_size # Change colors for these_nodes, color in zip((sensor_space, source_space), (sensor_color, source_color)): for node in these_nodes: g.get_node(node).attr['fillcolor'] = color g.get_node(node).attr['style'] = 'filled' # Create subgraphs for si, subgraph in enumerate(subgraphs): g.add_subgraph(subgraph[0], 'cluster%s' % si, label=subgraph[1], color='black') # Format (sub)graphs for gr in g.subgraphs() + [g]: for x in [gr.node_attr, gr.edge_attr]: x['fontname'] = font_face g.node_attr['shape'] = 'box' # A couple of special ones for ni, node in enumerate(('fwd', 'inv', 'trans')): node = g.get_node(node) node.attr['gradientangle'] = 270 colors = (source_color, sensor_color) colors = colors if ni == 0 else colors[::-1] node.attr['fillcolor'] = ':'.join(colors) node.attr['style'] = 'filled' del node g.get_node('legend').attr.update(shape='plaintext', margin=0, rank='sink') # put legend in same rank/level as inverse leg = g.add_subgraph(['legend', 'inv'], name='legendy') leg.graph_attr['rank'] = 'same' g.layout('dot') g.draw(out_fname, format='svg') return g # This is useful for testing/iterating to see what the result looks like if __name__ == '__main__': from mne.io.constants import Bunch out_dir = op.abspath(op.join(op.dirname(__file__), '..', '_build', 'html')) app = Bunch(builder=Bunch(outdir=out_dir, config=Bunch(make_flow_diagram=True))) g = generate_flow_diagram(app)
from vine import promise, transform from kombu.asynchronous.aws.ext import AWSRequest, get_response from kombu.asynchronous.http import Headers, Request, get_client import io try: # pragma: no cover from email import message_from_bytes from email.mime.message import MIMEMessage # py3 def message_from_headers(hdr): # noqa bs = "\r\n".join("{}: {}".format(*h) for h in hdr) return message_from_bytes(bs.encode()) except ImportError: # pragma: no cover from mimetools import Message as MIMEMessage # noqa # py2 def message_from_headers(hdr): # noqa return io.BytesIO(b'\r\n'.join( b'{}: {}'.format(*h) for h in hdr )) __all__ = ( 'AsyncHTTPSConnection', 'AsyncConnection', ) class AsyncHTTPResponse: """Async HTTP Response.""" def __init__(self, response): self.response = response self._msg = None self.version = 10 def read(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.response.body def getheader(self, name, default=None): return self.response.headers.get(name, default) def getheaders(self): return list(self.response.headers.items()) @property def msg(self): if self._msg is None: self._msg = MIMEMessage(message_from_headers(self.getheaders())) return self._msg @property def status(self): return self.response.code @property def reason(self): if self.response.error: return self.response.error.message return '' def __repr__(self): return repr(self.response) class AsyncHTTPSConnection: """Async HTTP Connection.""" Request = Request Response = AsyncHTTPResponse method = 'GET' path = '/' body = None default_ports = {'http': 80, 'https': 443} def __init__(self, strict=None, timeout=20.0, http_client=None): self.headers = [] self.timeout = timeout self.strict = strict self.http_client = http_client or get_client() def request(self, method, path, body=None, headers=None): self.path = path self.method = method if body is not None: try: read = body.read except AttributeError: self.body = body else: self.body = read() if headers is not None: self.headers.extend(list(headers.items())) def getrequest(self): headers = Headers(self.headers) return self.Request(self.path, method=self.method, headers=headers, body=self.body, connect_timeout=self.timeout, request_timeout=self.timeout, validate_cert=False) def getresponse(self, callback=None): request = self.getrequest() request.then(transform(self.Response, callback)) return self.http_client.add_request(request) def set_debuglevel(self, level): pass def connect(self): pass def close(self): pass def putrequest(self, method, path): self.method = method self.path = path def putheader(self, header, value): self.headers.append((header, value)) def endheaders(self): pass def send(self, data): if self.body: self.body += data else: self.body = data def __repr__(self): return f'<AsyncHTTPConnection: {self.getrequest()!r}>' class AsyncConnection: """Async AWS Connection.""" def __init__(self, sqs_connection, http_client=None, **kwargs): # noqa self.sqs_connection = sqs_connection self._httpclient = http_client or get_client() def get_http_connection(self): return AsyncHTTPSConnection(http_client=self._httpclient) def _mexe(self, request, sender=None, callback=None): callback = callback or promise() conn = self.get_http_connection() if callable(sender): sender(conn, request.method, request.path, request.body, request.headers, callback) else: conn.request(request.method, request.url, request.body, request.headers) conn.getresponse(callback=callback) return callback class AsyncAWSQueryConnection(AsyncConnection): """Async AWS Query Connection.""" STATUS_CODE_OK = 200 STATUS_CODE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408 STATUS_CODE_NETWORK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR = 599 STATUS_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR = 500 STATUS_CODE_BAD_GATEWAY = 502 STATUS_CODE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR = 503 STATUS_CODE_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504 STATUS_CODES_SERVER_ERRORS = ( STATUS_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR, STATUS_CODE_BAD_GATEWAY, STATUS_CODE_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR ) STATUS_CODES_TIMEOUT = ( STATUS_CODE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, STATUS_CODE_NETWORK_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR, STATUS_CODE_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT ) def __init__(self, sqs_connection, http_client=None, http_client_params=None, **kwargs): if not http_client_params: http_client_params = {} AsyncConnection.__init__(self, sqs_connection, http_client, **http_client_params) def make_request(self, operation, params_, path, verb, callback=None): # noqa params = params_.copy() if operation: params['Action'] = operation signer = self.sqs_connection._request_signer # noqa # defaults for non-get signing_type = 'standard' param_payload = {'data': params} if verb.lower() == 'get': # query-based opts signing_type = 'presignurl' param_payload = {'params': params} request = AWSRequest(method=verb, url=path, **param_payload) signer.sign(operation, request, signing_type=signing_type) prepared_request = request.prepare() return self._mexe(prepared_request, callback=callback) def get_list(self, operation, params, markers, path='/', parent=None, verb='POST', callback=None): # noqa return self.make_request( operation, params, path, verb, callback=transform( self._on_list_ready, callback, parent or self, markers, operation ), ) def get_object(self, operation, params, path='/', parent=None, verb='GET', callback=None): # noqa return self.make_request( operation, params, path, verb, callback=transform( self._on_obj_ready, callback, parent or self, operation ), ) def get_status(self, operation, params, path='/', parent=None, verb='GET', callback=None): # noqa return self.make_request( operation, params, path, verb, callback=transform( self._on_status_ready, callback, parent or self, operation ), ) def _on_list_ready(self, parent, markers, operation, response): # noqa service_model = self.sqs_connection.meta.service_model if response.status == self.STATUS_CODE_OK: _, parsed = get_response( service_model.operation_model(operation), response.response ) return parsed elif ( response.status in self.STATUS_CODES_TIMEOUT or response.status in self.STATUS_CODES_SERVER_ERRORS ): # When the server returns a timeout or 50X server error, # the response is interpreted as an empty list. # This prevents hanging the Celery worker. return [] else: raise self._for_status(response, response.read()) def _on_obj_ready(self, parent, operation, response): # noqa service_model = self.sqs_connection.meta.service_model if response.status == self.STATUS_CODE_OK: _, parsed = get_response( service_model.operation_model(operation), response.response ) return parsed else: raise self._for_status(response, response.read()) def _on_status_ready(self, parent, operation, response): # noqa service_model = self.sqs_connection.meta.service_model if response.status == self.STATUS_CODE_OK: httpres, _ = get_response( service_model.operation_model(operation), response.response ) return httpres.code else: raise self._for_status(response, response.read()) def _for_status(self, response, body): context = 'Empty body' if not body else 'HTTP Error' return Exception("Request {} HTTP {} {} ({})".format( context, response.status, response.reason, body ))
import numpy as np import unittest from chainer import testing from chainer.testing import attr from chainercv.datasets import ade20k_semantic_segmentation_label_names from chainercv.datasets import ADE20KSemanticSegmentationDataset from chainercv.datasets import ADE20KTestImageDataset from chainercv.utils import assert_is_semantic_segmentation_dataset from chainercv.utils.testing.assertions.assert_is_image import assert_is_image @testing.parameterize( {'split': 'train'}, {'split': 'val'}, ) class TestADE20KSemanticSegmentationDataset(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dataset = ADE20KSemanticSegmentationDataset(split=self.split) @attr.slow def test_ade20k_dataset(self): assert_is_semantic_segmentation_dataset( self.dataset, len(ade20k_semantic_segmentation_label_names), n_example=10) class TestADE20KTestImageDataset(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dataset = ADE20KTestImageDataset() @attr.slow def test_ade20k_dataset(self): indices = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(self.dataset))) for i in indices[:10]: img = self.dataset[i] assert_is_image(img, color=True) testing.run_module(__name__, __file__)
from django.test import TestCase from weblate.auth.models import User from weblate.utils.markdown import get_mention_users, render_markdown class MarkdownTestCase(TestCase): def test_link(self): self.assertEqual( '<p><a rel="ugc" href="https://weblate.org/">link</a></p>\n', render_markdown("[link](https://weblate.org/)"), ) def test_js(self): self.assertEqual( "<p>link</p>\n", render_markdown('<a href="javascript:alert()">link</a>') ) def test_intra_emphasis(self): self.assertEqual( "<p>foo<strong>bar</strong>baz</p>\n", render_markdown("foo**bar**baz") ) class MarkdownMentionTestCase(TestCase): def test_mention(self): User.objects.create(username="testuser", full_name="Full Name") self.assertEqual( '<p><strong><a rel="ugc" href="/user/testuser/" ' 'title="Full Name">@testuser</a></strong> really?</p>\n', render_markdown("@testuser really?"), ) def test_get_mentions(self): user = User.objects.create(username="testuser", full_name="Full Name") self.assertEqual( {user.pk}, set( get_mention_users("@testuser, @invalid, @testuser").values_list( "pk", flat=True ) ), ) def test_get_mentions_case_insentivite(self): user = User.objects.create(username="testuser", full_name="Full Name") self.assertEqual( {user.pk}, set( get_mention_users("@testUser, @invalid, @Testuser").values_list( "pk", flat=True ) ), )
import sys from contextlib import contextmanager try: import urlparse except ImportError: # Python 3 import urllib.parse as urlparse @contextmanager def webserver(app, port=0, host=None): """Context manager entry point for the 'with' statement. Pass 0 as port number to dynamically allocate a free port. Usage: with webserver(wsgi_app_function, 8080) as host_url: do_ws_calls(host_url) """ server = build_web_server(app, port, host or '') host, port = server.socket.getsockname() import threading thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever, kwargs={'poll_interval': 0.5}) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() try: yield 'http://%s:%s/' % (host, port) # yield control to 'with' body finally: server.shutdown() server.server_close() thread.join(timeout=1) try: from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn except ImportError: # Python 3 from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn import wsgiref.simple_server as wsgiserver class WebServer(wsgiserver.WSGIServer, ThreadingMixIn): """A web server that starts a new thread for each request. """ class _RequestHandler(wsgiserver.WSGIRequestHandler): def get_stderr(self): # don't write to stderr return sys.stdout def log_message(self, format, *args): # message = "wsmock(%s) %s" % (self.address_string(), format % args) pass # don't log messages def build_web_server(app, port, host=None): server = wsgiserver.make_server( host or '', port, app, server_class=WebServer, handler_class=_RequestHandler) return server class HTTPRequestCollector(object): def __init__(self, response_data, response_code=200, headers=()): self.requests = [] self.response_code = response_code self.response_data = response_data self.headers = list(headers or ()) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): self.requests.append(( environ.get('PATH_INFO'), urlparse.parse_qsl(environ.get('QUERY_STRING')))) start_response('%s OK' % self.response_code, self.headers) return [self.response_data]
import html import functools import io import os import re import sys import uuid import email.policy import email.generator import email.encoders import email.mime.multipart import email.message import quopri from typing import MutableMapping, Set, Tuple import attr from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl from qutebrowser.browser import downloads from qutebrowser.browser.webkit import webkitelem from qutebrowser.utils import log, objreg, message, usertypes, utils, urlutils from qutebrowser.extensions import interceptors @attr.s class _File: content = attr.ib() content_type = attr.ib() content_location = attr.ib() transfer_encoding = attr.ib() _CSS_URL_PATTERNS = [re.compile(x) for x in [ r"@import\s+'(?P<url>[^']+)'", r'@import\s+"(?P<url>[^"]+)"', r'''url\((?P<url>[^'"][^)]*)\)''', r'url\("(?P<url>[^"]+)"\)', r"url\('(?P<url>[^']+)'\)", ]] def _get_css_imports_regex(data): """Return all assets that are referenced in the given CSS document. The returned URLs are relative to the stylesheet's URL. Args: data: The content of the stylesheet to scan as string. """ urls = [] for pattern in _CSS_URL_PATTERNS: for match in pattern.finditer(data): url = match.group("url") if url: urls.append(url) return urls def _get_css_imports_cssutils(data, inline=False): """Return all assets that are referenced in the given CSS document. The returned URLs are relative to the stylesheet's URL. Args: data: The content of the stylesheet to scan as string. inline: True if the argument is an inline HTML style attribute. """ try: import cssutils except ImportError: return None # We don't care about invalid CSS data, this will only litter the log # output with CSS errors parser = cssutils.CSSParser(loglevel=100, fetcher=lambda url: (None, ""), validate=False) if not inline: sheet = parser.parseString(data) return list(cssutils.getUrls(sheet)) else: urls = [] declaration = parser.parseStyle(data) # prop = background, color, margin, ... for prop in declaration: # value = red, 10px, url(foobar), ... for value in prop.propertyValue: if isinstance(value, cssutils.css.URIValue): if value.uri: urls.append(value.uri) return urls def _get_css_imports(data, inline=False): """Return all assets that are referenced in the given CSS document. The returned URLs are relative to the stylesheet's URL. Args: data: The content of the stylesheet to scan as string. inline: True if the argument is an inline HTML style attribute. """ imports = _get_css_imports_cssutils(data, inline) if imports is None: imports = _get_css_imports_regex(data) return imports def _check_rel(element): """Return true if the element's rel attribute fits our criteria. rel has to contain 'stylesheet' or 'icon'. Also returns True if the rel attribute is unset. Args: element: The WebElementWrapper which should be checked. """ if 'rel' not in element: return True must_have = {'stylesheet', 'icon'} rels = [rel.lower() for rel in element['rel'].split(' ')] return any(rel in rels for rel in must_have) def _encode_quopri_mhtml(msg): """Encode the message's payload in quoted-printable. Substitute for quopri's default 'encode_quopri' method, which needlessly encodes all spaces and tabs, instead of only those at the end on the line. Args: msg: Email message to quote. """ orig = msg.get_payload(decode=True) encdata = quopri.encodestring(orig, quotetabs=False) msg.set_payload(encdata) msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'quoted-printable' MHTMLPolicy = email.policy.default.clone(linesep='\r\n', max_line_length=0) # Encode the file using base64 encoding. E_BASE64 = email.encoders.encode_base64 # Encode the file using MIME quoted-printable encoding. E_QUOPRI = _encode_quopri_mhtml class MHTMLWriter: """A class for outputting multiple files to an MHTML document. Attributes: root_content: The root content as bytes. content_location: The url of the page as str. content_type: The MIME-type of the root content as str. _files: Mapping of location->_File object. """ def __init__(self, root_content, content_location, content_type): self.root_content = root_content self.content_location = content_location self.content_type = content_type self._files: MutableMapping[QUrl, _File] = {} def add_file(self, location, content, content_type=None, transfer_encoding=E_QUOPRI): """Add a file to the given MHTML collection. Args: location: The original location (URL) of the file. content: The binary content of the file. content_type: The MIME-type of the content (if available) transfer_encoding: The transfer encoding to use for this file. """ self._files[location] = _File( content=content, content_type=content_type, content_location=location, transfer_encoding=transfer_encoding, ) def write_to(self, fp): """Output the MHTML file to the given file-like object. Args: fp: The file-object, opened in "wb" mode. """ msg = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart( 'related', '---=_qute-{}'.format(uuid.uuid4())) root = self._create_root_file() msg.attach(root) for _, file_data in sorted(self._files.items()): msg.attach(self._create_file(file_data)) gen = email.generator.BytesGenerator(fp, policy=MHTMLPolicy) gen.flatten(msg) def _create_root_file(self): """Return the root document as MIMEMultipart.""" root_file = _File( content=self.root_content, content_type=self.content_type, content_location=self.content_location, transfer_encoding=E_QUOPRI, ) return self._create_file(root_file) def _create_file(self, f): """Return the single given file as email.message.Message.""" msg = email.message.Message() msg['MIME-Version'] = '1.0' msg['Content-Location'] = f.content_location if f.content_type: msg.set_type(f.content_type) msg.set_payload(f.content) f.transfer_encoding(msg) return msg _PendingDownloadType = Set[Tuple[QUrl, downloads.AbstractDownloadItem]] class _Downloader: """A class to download whole websites. Attributes: tab: The AbstractTab which contains the website that will be saved. target: DownloadTarget where the file should be downloaded to. writer: The MHTMLWriter object which is used to save the page. loaded_urls: A set of QUrls of finished asset downloads. pending_downloads: A set of unfinished (url, DownloadItem) tuples. _finished_file: A flag indicating if the file has already been written. _used: A flag indicating if the downloader has already been used. """ def __init__(self, tab, target): self.tab = tab self.target = target self.writer = None self.loaded_urls = {tab.url()} self.pending_downloads: _PendingDownloadType = set() self._finished_file = False self._used = False def run(self): """Download and save the page. The object must not be reused, you should create a new one if you want to download another page. """ if self._used: raise ValueError("Downloader already used") self._used = True web_url = self.tab.url() # FIXME:qtwebengine have a proper API for this page = self.tab._widget.page() # pylint: disable=protected-access web_frame = page.mainFrame() self.writer = MHTMLWriter( web_frame.toHtml().encode('utf-8'), content_location=urlutils.encoded_url(web_url), # I've found no way of getting the content type of a QWebView, but # since we're using .toHtml, it's probably safe to say that the # content-type is HTML content_type='text/html; charset="UTF-8"', ) # Currently only downloading <link> (stylesheets), <script> # (javascript) and <img> (image) elements. elements = web_frame.findAllElements('link, script, img') for element in elements: element = webkitelem.WebKitElement(element, tab=self.tab) # Websites are free to set whatever rel=... attribute they want. # We just care about stylesheets and icons. if not _check_rel(element): continue if 'src' in element: element_url = element['src'] elif 'href' in element: element_url = element['href'] else: # Might be a local <script> tag or something else continue absolute_url = web_url.resolved(QUrl(element_url)) self._fetch_url(absolute_url) styles = web_frame.findAllElements('style') for style in styles: style = webkitelem.WebKitElement(style, tab=self.tab) # The Mozilla Developer Network says: # > type: This attribute defines the styling language as a MIME # > type (charset should not be specified). This attribute is # > optional and default to text/css if it's missing. # https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/HTML/Element/style if 'type' in style and style['type'] != 'text/css': continue for element_url in _get_css_imports(str(style)): self._fetch_url(web_url.resolved(QUrl(element_url))) # Search for references in inline styles for element in web_frame.findAllElements('[style]'): element = webkitelem.WebKitElement(element, tab=self.tab) style = element['style'] for element_url in _get_css_imports(style, inline=True): self._fetch_url(web_url.resolved(QUrl(element_url))) # Shortcut if no assets need to be downloaded, otherwise the file would # never be saved. Also might happen if the downloads are fast enough to # complete before connecting their finished signal. self._collect_zombies() if not self.pending_downloads and not self._finished_file: self._finish_file() def _fetch_url(self, url): """Download the given url and add the file to the collection. Args: url: The file to download as QUrl. """ assert self.writer is not None if url.scheme() not in ['http', 'https']: return # Prevent loading an asset twice if url in self.loaded_urls: return self.loaded_urls.add(url) log.downloads.debug("loading asset at {}".format(url)) # Using the download manager to download host-blocked urls might crash # qute, see the comments/discussion on # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/pull/962#discussion_r40256987 # and https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1053 request = interceptors.Request(first_party_url=None, request_url=url) interceptors.run(request) if request.is_blocked: log.downloads.debug("Skipping {}, host-blocked".format(url)) # We still need an empty file in the output, QWebView can be pretty # picky about displaying a file correctly when not all assets are # at least referenced in the mhtml file. self.writer.add_file(urlutils.encoded_url(url), b'') return download_manager = objreg.get('qtnetwork-download-manager') target = downloads.FileObjDownloadTarget(_NoCloseBytesIO()) item = download_manager.get(url, target=target, auto_remove=True) self.pending_downloads.add((url, item)) item.finished.connect(functools.partial(self._finished, url, item)) item.error.connect(functools.partial(self._error, url, item)) item.cancelled.connect(functools.partial(self._cancelled, url, item)) def _finished(self, url, item): """Callback when a single asset is downloaded. Args: url: The original url of the asset as QUrl. item: The DownloadItem given by the DownloadManager """ assert self.writer is not None self.pending_downloads.remove((url, item)) mime = item.raw_headers.get(b'Content-Type', b'') # Note that this decoding always works and doesn't produce errors # RFC 7230 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230) states: # Historically, HTTP has allowed field content with text in the # ISO-8859-1 charset [ISO-8859-1], supporting other charsets only # through use of [RFC2047] encoding. In practice, most HTTP header # field values use only a subset of the US-ASCII charset [USASCII]. # Newly defined header fields SHOULD limit their field values to # US-ASCII octets. A recipient SHOULD treat other octets in field # content (obs-text) as opaque data. mime = mime.decode('iso-8859-1') if mime.lower() == 'text/css' or url.fileName().endswith('.css'): # We can't always assume that CSS files are UTF-8, but CSS files # shouldn't contain many non-ASCII characters anyway (in most # cases). Using "ignore" lets us decode the file even if it's # invalid UTF-8 data. # The file written to the MHTML file won't be modified by this # decoding, since there we're taking the original bytestream. try: css_string = item.fileobj.getvalue().decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: log.downloads.warning("Invalid UTF-8 data in {}".format(url)) css_string = item.fileobj.getvalue().decode('utf-8', 'ignore') import_urls = _get_css_imports(css_string) for import_url in import_urls: absolute_url = url.resolved(QUrl(import_url)) self._fetch_url(absolute_url) encode = E_QUOPRI if mime.startswith('text/') else E_BASE64 # Our MHTML handler refuses non-ASCII headers. This will replace every # non-ASCII char with '?'. This is probably okay, as official Content- # Type headers contain ASCII only anyway. Anything else is madness. mime = utils.force_encoding(mime, 'ascii') self.writer.add_file(urlutils.encoded_url(url), item.fileobj.getvalue(), mime, encode) item.fileobj.actual_close() if self.pending_downloads: return self._finish_file() def _error(self, url, item, *_args): """Callback when a download error occurred. Args: url: The original url of the asset as QUrl. item: The DownloadItem given by the DownloadManager. """ assert self.writer is not None try: self.pending_downloads.remove((url, item)) except KeyError: # This might happen if .collect_zombies() calls .finished() and the # error handler will be called after .collect_zombies log.downloads.debug("Oops! Download already gone: {}".format(item)) return item.fileobj.actual_close() # Add a stub file, see comment in .fetch_url() for more information self.writer.add_file(urlutils.encoded_url(url), b'') if self.pending_downloads: return self._finish_file() def _cancelled(self, url, item): """Callback when a download is cancelled by the user. Args: url: The original url of the asset as QUrl. item: The DownloadItem given by the DownloadManager. """ # This callback is called before _finished, so there's no need to # remove the item or close the fileobject. log.downloads.debug("MHTML download cancelled by user: {}".format(url)) # Write an empty file instead item.fileobj.seek(0) item.fileobj.truncate() def _finish_file(self): """Save the file to the filename given in __init__.""" assert self.writer is not None if self._finished_file: log.downloads.debug("finish_file called twice, ignored!") return self._finished_file = True log.downloads.debug("All assets downloaded, ready to finish off!") if isinstance(self.target, downloads.FileDownloadTarget): fobj = open(self.target.filename, 'wb') elif isinstance(self.target, downloads.FileObjDownloadTarget): fobj = self.target.fileobj elif isinstance(self.target, downloads.OpenFileDownloadTarget): try: fobj = downloads.temp_download_manager.get_tmpfile( self.tab.title() + '.mhtml') except OSError as exc: msg = "Download error: {}".format(exc) message.error(msg) return else: raise ValueError("Invalid DownloadTarget given: {!r}" .format(self.target)) try: with fobj: self.writer.write_to(fobj) except OSError as error: message.error("Could not save file: {}".format(error)) return log.downloads.debug("File successfully written.") message.info("Page saved as {}".format(self.target)) if isinstance(self.target, downloads.OpenFileDownloadTarget): utils.open_file(fobj.name, self.target.cmdline) def _collect_zombies(self): """Collect done downloads and add their data to the MHTML file. This is needed if a download finishes before attaching its finished signal. """ items = {(url, item) for url, item in self.pending_downloads if item.done} log.downloads.debug("Zombie downloads: {}".format(items)) for url, item in items: self._finished(url, item) class _NoCloseBytesIO(io.BytesIO): """BytesIO that can't be .closed(). This is needed to prevent the DownloadManager from closing the stream, thus discarding the data. """ def close(self): """Do nothing.""" def actual_close(self): """Close the stream.""" super().close() def _start_download(target, tab): """Start downloading the current page and all assets to an MHTML file. This will overwrite dest if it already exists. Args: target: The DownloadTarget where the resulting file should be saved. tab: Specify the tab whose page should be loaded. """ loader = _Downloader(tab, target) loader.run() def start_download_checked(target, tab): """First check if dest is already a file, then start the download. Args: target: The DownloadTarget where the resulting file should be saved. tab: Specify the tab whose page should be loaded. """ if not isinstance(target, downloads.FileDownloadTarget): _start_download(target, tab) return # The default name is 'page title.mhtml' title = tab.title() default_name = utils.sanitize_filename(title + '.mhtml', shorten=True) # Remove characters which cannot be expressed in the file system encoding encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() default_name = utils.force_encoding(default_name, encoding) dest = utils.force_encoding(target.filename, encoding) dest = os.path.expanduser(dest) # See if we already have an absolute path path = downloads.create_full_filename(default_name, dest) if path is None: # We still only have a relative path, prepend download_dir and # try again. path = downloads.create_full_filename( default_name, os.path.join(downloads.download_dir(), dest)) downloads.last_used_directory = os.path.dirname(path) # Avoid downloading files if we can't save the output anyway... # Yes, this is prone to race conditions, but we're checking again before # saving the file anyway. if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(path)): folder = os.path.dirname(path) message.error("Directory {} does not exist.".format(folder)) return target = downloads.FileDownloadTarget(path) if not os.path.isfile(path): _start_download(target, tab=tab) return q = usertypes.Question() q.mode = usertypes.PromptMode.yesno q.title = "Overwrite existing file?" q.text = "<b>{}</b> already exists. Overwrite?".format( html.escape(path)) q.completed.connect(q.deleteLater) q.answered_yes.connect(functools.partial( _start_download, target, tab=tab)) message.global_bridge.ask(q, blocking=False)
import copy import json from typing import Any from typing import Dict from typing import Tuple from typing import Type from typing import TypeVar from typing import Union from kazoo.client import KazooClient from kazoo.exceptions import BadVersionError from kazoo.exceptions import NodeExistsError from kazoo.exceptions import NoNodeError from kazoo.protocol.states import ZnodeStat from paasta_tools.utils import _log class MesosTaskParametersIsImmutableError(Exception): pass _SelfT = TypeVar("_SelfT", bound="MesosTaskParameters") class MesosTaskParameters: health: Any mesos_task_state: str is_draining: bool is_healthy: bool offer: Any resources: Any def __init__( self, health=None, mesos_task_state=None, is_draining=None, is_healthy=None, offer=None, resources=None, ): self.__dict__["health"] = health self.__dict__["mesos_task_state"] = mesos_task_state self.__dict__["is_draining"] = is_draining self.__dict__["is_healthy"] = is_healthy self.__dict__["offer"] = offer self.__dict__["resources"] = resources def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __repr__(self): return "{}(\n {})".format( type(self).__name__, ",\n ".join(["%s=%r" % kv for kv in self.__dict__.items()]), ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): raise MesosTaskParametersIsImmutableError() def __delattr__(self, name): raise MesosTaskParametersIsImmutableError() def merge(self: _SelfT, **kwargs) -> "MesosTaskParameters": """Return a merged MesosTaskParameters object, where attributes in other take precedence over self.""" new_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) new_dict.update(kwargs) return MesosTaskParameters(**new_dict) @classmethod def deserialize(cls: Type[_SelfT], serialized_params: Union[str, bytes]) -> _SelfT: return cls(**json.loads(serialized_params)) def serialize(self): return json.dumps(self.__dict__).encode("utf-8") class TaskStore: def __init__(self, service_name, instance_name, framework_id, system_paasta_config): self.service_name = service_name self.instance_name = instance_name self.framework_id = framework_id self.system_paasta_config = system_paasta_config def get_task(self, task_id: str) -> MesosTaskParameters: """Get task data for task_id. If we don't know about task_id, return None""" raise NotImplementedError() def get_all_tasks(self) -> Dict[str, MesosTaskParameters]: """Returns a dictionary of task_id -> MesosTaskParameters for all known tasks.""" raise NotImplementedError() def overwrite_task(self, task_id: str, params: MesosTaskParameters) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() def add_task_if_doesnt_exist(self, task_id: str, **kwargs) -> None: """Add a task if it does not already exist. If it already exists, do nothing.""" if self.get_task(task_id) is not None: return else: self.overwrite_task(task_id, MesosTaskParameters(**kwargs)) def update_task(self, task_id: str, **kwargs) -> MesosTaskParameters: existing_task = self.get_task(task_id) if existing_task: merged_params = existing_task.merge(**kwargs) else: merged_params = MesosTaskParameters(**kwargs) self.overwrite_task(task_id, merged_params) return merged_params def garbage_collect_old_tasks(self, max_dead_task_age: float) -> None: # TODO: call me. # TODO: implement in base class. raise NotImplementedError() def close(self): pass class DictTaskStore(TaskStore): def __init__(self, service_name, instance_name, framework_id, system_paasta_config): self.tasks: Dict[str, MesosTaskParameters] = {} super().__init__( service_name, instance_name, framework_id, system_paasta_config ) def get_task(self, task_id: str) -> MesosTaskParameters: return self.tasks.get(task_id) def get_all_tasks(self) -> Dict[str, MesosTaskParameters]: """Returns a dictionary of task_id -> MesosTaskParameters for all known tasks.""" return dict(self.tasks) def overwrite_task(self, task_id: str, params: MesosTaskParameters) -> None: # serialize/deserialize to make sure the returned values are the same format as ZKTaskStore. self.tasks[task_id] = MesosTaskParameters.deserialize(params.serialize()) class ZKTaskStore(TaskStore): def __init__(self, service_name, instance_name, framework_id, system_paasta_config): super().__init__( service_name, instance_name, framework_id, system_paasta_config ) self.zk_hosts = system_paasta_config.get_zk_hosts() # For some reason, I could not get the code suggested by this SO post to work to ensure_path on the chroot. # https://stackoverflow.com/a/32785625/25327 # Plus, it just felt dirty to modify instance attributes of a running connection, especially given that # KazooClient.set_hosts() doesn't allow you to change the chroot. Must be for a good reason. chroot = f"task_store/{service_name}/{instance_name}/{framework_id}" temp_zk_client = KazooClient(hosts=self.zk_hosts) temp_zk_client.start() temp_zk_client.ensure_path(chroot) temp_zk_client.stop() temp_zk_client.close() self.zk_client = KazooClient(hosts=f"{self.zk_hosts}/{chroot}") self.zk_client.start() self.zk_client.ensure_path("/") def close(self): self.zk_client.stop() self.zk_client.close() def get_task(self, task_id: str) -> MesosTaskParameters: params, stat = self._get_task(task_id) return params def _get_task(self, task_id: str) -> Tuple[MesosTaskParameters, ZnodeStat]: """Like get_task, but also returns the ZnodeStat that self.zk_client.get() returns """ try: data, stat = self.zk_client.get("/%s" % task_id) return MesosTaskParameters.deserialize(data), stat except NoNodeError: return None, None except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: _log( service=self.service_name, instance=self.instance_name, level="debug", component="deploy", line=f"Warning: found non-json-decodable value in zookeeper for task {task_id}: {data}", ) return None, None def get_all_tasks(self): all_tasks = {} for child_path in self.zk_client.get_children("/"): task_id = self._task_id_from_zk_path(child_path) params = self.get_task(task_id) # sometimes there are bogus child ZK nodes. Ignore them. if params is not None: all_tasks[task_id] = params return all_tasks def update_task(self, task_id: str, **kwargs): retry = True while retry: retry = False existing_task, stat = self._get_task(task_id) zk_path = self._zk_path_from_task_id(task_id) if existing_task: merged_params = existing_task.merge(**kwargs) try: self.zk_client.set( zk_path, merged_params.serialize(), version=stat.version ) except BadVersionError: retry = True else: merged_params = MesosTaskParameters(**kwargs) try: self.zk_client.create(zk_path, merged_params.serialize()) except NodeExistsError: retry = True return merged_params def overwrite_task( self, task_id: str, params: MesosTaskParameters, version=-1 ) -> None: try: self.zk_client.set( self._zk_path_from_task_id(task_id), params.serialize(), version=version ) except NoNodeError: self.zk_client.create( self._zk_path_from_task_id(task_id), params.serialize() ) def _zk_path_from_task_id(self, task_id: str) -> str: return "/%s" % task_id def _task_id_from_zk_path(self, zk_path: str) -> str: return zk_path.lstrip("/")
from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as np from six.moves import zip def add_params(param_list_left, param_list_right): """Add two lists of parameters one by one :param param_list_left: list of numpy arrays :param param_list_right: list of numpy arrays :return: list of numpy arrays """ res = [] for x, y in zip(param_list_left, param_list_right): res.append(x + y) return res def subtract_params(param_list_left, param_list_right): """Subtract two lists of parameters :param param_list_left: list of numpy arrays :param param_list_right: list of numpy arrays :return: list of numpy arrays """ res = [] for x, y in zip(param_list_left, param_list_right): res.append(x - y) return res def get_neutral(array_list): """Get list of zero-valued numpy arrays for specified list of numpy arrays :param array_list: list of numpy arrays :return: list of zeros of same shape as input """ res = [] for x in array_list: res.append(np.zeros_like(x)) return res def divide_by(array_list, num_workers): """Divide a list of parameters by an integer num_workers. :param array_list: :param num_workers: :return: """ for i, x in enumerate(array_list): array_list[i] /= num_workers return array_list
import logging import pytest from PyQt5.QtCore import QProcess from qutebrowser.misc import guiprocess from qutebrowser.utils import usertypes from qutebrowser.browser import qutescheme @pytest.fixture() def proc(qtbot, caplog): """A fixture providing a GUIProcess and cleaning it up after the test.""" p = guiprocess.GUIProcess('testprocess') yield p if p._proc.state() == QProcess.Running: with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): with qtbot.waitSignal(p.finished, timeout=10000, raising=False) as blocker: p._proc.terminate() if not blocker.signal_triggered: p._proc.kill() p._proc.waitForFinished() @pytest.fixture() def fake_proc(monkeypatch, stubs): """A fixture providing a GUIProcess with a mocked QProcess.""" p = guiprocess.GUIProcess('testprocess') monkeypatch.setattr(p, '_proc', stubs.fake_qprocess()) return p def test_start(proc, qtbot, message_mock, py_proc): """Test simply starting a process.""" with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.started, timeout=10000), \ qtbot.waitSignal(proc.finished, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc("import sys; print('test'); sys.exit(0)") proc.start(*argv) expected = proc._spawn_format(exitinfo="Testprocess exited successfully.", stdout="test", stderr="") assert not message_mock.messages assert qutescheme.spawn_output == expected assert proc.exit_status() == QProcess.NormalExit def test_start_verbose(proc, qtbot, message_mock, py_proc): """Test starting a process verbosely.""" proc.verbose = True with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.started, timeout=10000), \ qtbot.waitSignal(proc.finished, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc("import sys; print('test'); sys.exit(0)") proc.start(*argv) expected = proc._spawn_format(exitinfo="Testprocess exited successfully.", stdout="test", stderr="") msgs = message_mock.messages assert msgs[0].level == usertypes.MessageLevel.info assert msgs[1].level == usertypes.MessageLevel.info assert msgs[0].text.startswith("Executing:") assert msgs[1].text == "Testprocess exited successfully." assert qutescheme.spawn_output == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('stdout', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('stderr', [True, False]) def test_start_output_message(proc, qtbot, caplog, message_mock, py_proc, stdout, stderr): proc._output_messages = True code = ['import sys'] if stdout: code.append('print("stdout text")') if stderr: code.append(r'sys.stderr.write("stderr text\n")') code.append("sys.exit(0)") with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR, 'message'): with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.started, timeout=10000), \ qtbot.waitSignal(proc.finished, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc(';'.join(code)) proc.start(*argv) if stdout and stderr: stdout_msg = message_mock.messages[0] stderr_msg = message_mock.messages[1] msg_count = 2 elif stdout: stdout_msg = message_mock.messages[0] stderr_msg = None msg_count = 1 elif stderr: stdout_msg = None stderr_msg = message_mock.messages[0] msg_count = 1 else: stdout_msg = None stderr_msg = None msg_count = 0 assert len(message_mock.messages) == msg_count if stdout_msg is not None: assert stdout_msg.level == usertypes.MessageLevel.info assert stdout_msg.text == 'stdout text' if stderr_msg is not None: assert stderr_msg.level == usertypes.MessageLevel.error assert stderr_msg.text == 'stderr text' def test_start_env(monkeypatch, qtbot, py_proc): monkeypatch.setenv('QUTEBROWSER_TEST_1', '1') env = {'QUTEBROWSER_TEST_2': '2'} proc = guiprocess.GUIProcess('testprocess', additional_env=env) argv = py_proc(""" import os import json import sys env = dict(os.environ) print(json.dumps(env)) sys.exit(0) """) with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.started, timeout=10000), \ qtbot.waitSignal(proc.finished, timeout=10000): proc.start(*argv) data = qutescheme.spawn_output assert 'QUTEBROWSER_TEST_1' in data assert 'QUTEBROWSER_TEST_2' in data def test_start_detached(fake_proc): """Test starting a detached process.""" argv = ['foo', 'bar'] fake_proc._proc.startDetached.return_value = (True, 0) fake_proc.start_detached(*argv) fake_proc._proc.startDetached.assert_called_with(*list(argv) + [None]) def test_start_detached_error(fake_proc, message_mock, caplog): """Test starting a detached process with ok=False.""" argv = ['foo', 'bar'] fake_proc._proc.startDetached.return_value = (False, 0) with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): fake_proc.start_detached(*argv) msg = message_mock.getmsg(usertypes.MessageLevel.error) expected = "Error while spawning testprocess" assert msg.text == expected def test_double_start(qtbot, proc, py_proc): """Test starting a GUIProcess twice.""" with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.started, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc("import time; time.sleep(10)") proc.start(*argv) with pytest.raises(ValueError): proc.start('', []) def test_double_start_finished(qtbot, proc, py_proc): """Test starting a GUIProcess twice (with the first call finished).""" with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.started, timeout=10000), \ qtbot.waitSignal(proc.finished, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc("import sys; sys.exit(0)") proc.start(*argv) with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.started, timeout=10000), \ qtbot.waitSignal(proc.finished, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc("import sys; sys.exit(0)") proc.start(*argv) def test_cmd_args(fake_proc): """Test the cmd and args attributes.""" cmd = 'does_not_exist' args = ['arg1', 'arg2'] fake_proc.start(cmd, args) assert (fake_proc.cmd, fake_proc.args) == (cmd, args) def test_start_logging(fake_proc, caplog): """Make sure that starting logs the executed commandline.""" cmd = 'does_not_exist' args = ['arg', 'arg with spaces'] with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): fake_proc.start(cmd, args) assert caplog.messages == [ "Starting process.", "Executing: does_not_exist arg 'arg with spaces'" ] def test_error(qtbot, proc, caplog, message_mock): """Test the process emitting an error.""" with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR, 'message'): with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.error, timeout=5000): proc.start('this_does_not_exist_either', []) msg = message_mock.getmsg(usertypes.MessageLevel.error) assert msg.text.startswith("Error while spawning testprocess:") def test_exit_unsuccessful(qtbot, proc, message_mock, py_proc, caplog): with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.finished, timeout=10000): proc.start(*py_proc('import sys; sys.exit(1)')) msg = message_mock.getmsg(usertypes.MessageLevel.error) expected = "Testprocess exited with status 1, see :messages for details." assert msg.text == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('stream', ['stdout', 'stderr']) def test_exit_unsuccessful_output(qtbot, proc, caplog, py_proc, stream): """When a process fails, its output should be logged.""" with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.finished, timeout=10000): proc.start(*py_proc(""" import sys print("test", file=sys.{}) sys.exit(1) """.format(stream))) assert caplog.messages[-1] == 'Process {}:\ntest'.format(stream) @pytest.mark.parametrize('stream', ['stdout', 'stderr']) def test_exit_successful_output(qtbot, proc, py_proc, stream): """When a process succeeds, no output should be logged. The test doesn't actually check the log as it'd fail because of the error logging. """ with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.finished, timeout=10000): proc.start(*py_proc(""" import sys print("test", file=sys.{}) sys.exit(0) """.format(stream))) def test_stdout_not_decodable(proc, qtbot, message_mock, py_proc): """Test handling malformed utf-8 in stdout.""" with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.started, timeout=10000), \ qtbot.waitSignal(proc.finished, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc(r""" import sys # Using \x81 because it's invalid in UTF-8 and CP1252 sys.stdout.buffer.write(b"A\x81B") sys.exit(0) """) proc.start(*argv) expected = proc._spawn_format(exitinfo="Testprocess exited successfully.", stdout="A\ufffdB", stderr="") assert not message_mock.messages assert qutescheme.spawn_output == expected
from homeassistant.auth.permissions.merge import merge_policies def test_merging_permissions_true_rules_dict(): """Test merging policy with two entities.""" policy1 = { "something_else": True, "entities": {"entity_ids": {"light.kitchen": True}}, } policy2 = {"entities": {"entity_ids": True}} assert merge_policies([policy1, policy2]) == { "something_else": True, "entities": {"entity_ids": True}, } def test_merging_permissions_multiple_subcategories(): """Test merging policy with two entities.""" policy1 = {"entities": None} policy2 = {"entities": {"entity_ids": True}} policy3 = {"entities": True} assert merge_policies([policy1, policy2]) == policy2 assert merge_policies([policy1, policy3]) == policy3 assert merge_policies([policy2, policy3]) == policy3