import asyncio from collections import defaultdict import logging from typing import Any, Dict, Generic, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar import pyvera as veraApi from requests.exceptions import RequestException import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ARMED, ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL, ATTR_LAST_TRIP_TIME, ATTR_TRIPPED, CONF_EXCLUDE, CONF_LIGHTS, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import ConfigEntryNotReady from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.util import convert, slugify from homeassistant.util.dt import utc_from_timestamp from .common import ( ControllerData, SubscriptionRegistry, get_configured_platforms, get_controller_data, set_controller_data, ) from .config_flow import fix_device_id_list, new_options from .const import ( ATTR_CURRENT_ENERGY_KWH, ATTR_CURRENT_POWER_W, CONF_CONTROLLER, CONF_LEGACY_UNIQUE_ID, DOMAIN, VERA_ID_FORMAT, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) VERA_ID_LIST_SCHEMA = vol.Schema([int]) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { DOMAIN: vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_CONTROLLER): cv.url, vol.Optional(CONF_EXCLUDE, default=[]): VERA_ID_LIST_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_LIGHTS, default=[]): VERA_ID_LIST_SCHEMA, } ) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, base_config: dict) -> bool: """Set up for Vera controllers.""" hass.data[DOMAIN] = {} config = base_config.get(DOMAIN) if not config: return True hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT}, data=config, ) ) return True async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Do setup of vera.""" # Use options entered during initial config flow or provided from configuration.yml if config_entry.data.get(CONF_LIGHTS) or config_entry.data.get(CONF_EXCLUDE): hass.config_entries.async_update_entry( entry=config_entry, data=config_entry.data, options=new_options( config_entry.data.get(CONF_LIGHTS, []), config_entry.data.get(CONF_EXCLUDE, []), ), ) saved_light_ids = config_entry.options.get(CONF_LIGHTS, []) saved_exclude_ids = config_entry.options.get(CONF_EXCLUDE, []) base_url = config_entry.data[CONF_CONTROLLER] light_ids = fix_device_id_list(saved_light_ids) exclude_ids = fix_device_id_list(saved_exclude_ids) # If the ids were corrected. Update the config entry. if light_ids != saved_light_ids or exclude_ids != saved_exclude_ids: hass.config_entries.async_update_entry( entry=config_entry, options=new_options(light_ids, exclude_ids) ) # Initialize the Vera controller. subscription_registry = SubscriptionRegistry(hass) controller = veraApi.VeraController(base_url, subscription_registry) await hass.async_add_executor_job(controller.start) hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, controller.stop) try: all_devices = await hass.async_add_executor_job(controller.get_devices) all_scenes = await hass.async_add_executor_job(controller.get_scenes) except RequestException as exception: # There was a network related error connecting to the Vera controller. _LOGGER.exception("Error communicating with Vera API") raise ConfigEntryNotReady from exception # Exclude devices unwanted by user. devices = [device for device in all_devices if device.device_id not in exclude_ids] vera_devices = defaultdict(list) for device in devices: device_type = map_vera_device(device, light_ids) if device_type is not None: vera_devices[device_type].append(device) vera_scenes = [] for scene in all_scenes: vera_scenes.append(scene) controller_data = ControllerData( controller=controller, devices=vera_devices, scenes=vera_scenes, config_entry=config_entry, ) set_controller_data(hass, config_entry, controller_data) # Forward the config data to the necessary platforms. for platform in get_configured_platforms(controller_data): hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(config_entry, platform) ) return True async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, config_entry: ConfigEntry) -> bool: """Unload Withings config entry.""" controller_data: ControllerData = get_controller_data(hass, config_entry) tasks = [ hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_unload(config_entry, platform) for platform in get_configured_platforms(controller_data) ] tasks.append(hass.async_add_executor_job(controller_data.controller.stop)) await asyncio.gather(*tasks) return True def map_vera_device(vera_device: veraApi.VeraDevice, remap: List[int]) -> str: """Map vera classes to Home Assistant types.""" type_map = { veraApi.VeraDimmer: "light", veraApi.VeraBinarySensor: "binary_sensor", veraApi.VeraSensor: "sensor", veraApi.VeraArmableDevice: "switch", veraApi.VeraLock: "lock", veraApi.VeraThermostat: "climate", veraApi.VeraCurtain: "cover", veraApi.VeraSceneController: "sensor", veraApi.VeraSwitch: "switch", } def map_special_case(instance_class: Type, entity_type: str) -> str: if instance_class is veraApi.VeraSwitch and vera_device.device_id in remap: return "light" return entity_type return next( iter( map_special_case(instance_class, entity_type) for instance_class, entity_type in type_map.items() if isinstance(vera_device, instance_class) ), None, ) DeviceType = TypeVar("DeviceType", bound=veraApi.VeraDevice) class VeraDevice(Generic[DeviceType], Entity): """Representation of a Vera device entity.""" def __init__(self, vera_device: DeviceType, controller_data: ControllerData): """Initialize the device.""" self.vera_device = vera_device self.controller = controller_data.controller self._name = self.vera_device.name # Append device id to prevent name clashes in HA. self.vera_id = VERA_ID_FORMAT.format( slugify(vera_device.name), vera_device.vera_device_id ) if controller_data.config_entry.data.get(CONF_LEGACY_UNIQUE_ID): self._unique_id = str(self.vera_device.vera_device_id) else: self._unique_id = f"vera_{controller_data.config_entry.unique_id}_{self.vera_device.vera_device_id}" async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Subscribe to updates.""" self.controller.register(self.vera_device, self._update_callback) def _update_callback(self, _device: DeviceType) -> None: """Update the state.""" self.schedule_update_ha_state(True) @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the device.""" return self._name @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """Get polling requirement from vera device.""" return self.vera_device.should_poll @property def device_state_attributes(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Return the state attributes of the device.""" attr = {} if self.vera_device.has_battery: attr[ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL] = self.vera_device.battery_level if self.vera_device.is_armable: armed = self.vera_device.is_armed attr[ATTR_ARMED] = "True" if armed else "False" if self.vera_device.is_trippable: last_tripped = self.vera_device.last_trip if last_tripped is not None: utc_time = utc_from_timestamp(int(last_tripped)) attr[ATTR_LAST_TRIP_TIME] = utc_time.isoformat() else: attr[ATTR_LAST_TRIP_TIME] = None tripped = self.vera_device.is_tripped attr[ATTR_TRIPPED] = "True" if tripped else "False" power = self.vera_device.power if power: attr[ATTR_CURRENT_POWER_W] = convert(power, float, 0.0) energy = self.vera_device.energy if energy: attr[ATTR_CURRENT_ENERGY_KWH] = convert(energy, float, 0.0) attr["Vera Device Id"] = self.vera_device.vera_device_id return attr @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return a unique ID. The Vera assigns a unique and immutable ID number to each device. """ return self._unique_id
from pychannels import Channels import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.media_player import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, MediaPlayerEntity from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL, MEDIA_TYPE_EPISODE, MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE, MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW, SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK, SUPPORT_PAUSE, SUPPORT_PLAY, SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA, SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK, SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE, SUPPORT_STOP, SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE, ) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME, CONF_PORT, STATE_IDLE, STATE_PAUSED, STATE_PLAYING, ) from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv, entity_platform from .const import SERVICE_SEEK_BACKWARD, SERVICE_SEEK_BY, SERVICE_SEEK_FORWARD DATA_CHANNELS = "channels" DEFAULT_NAME = "Channels" DEFAULT_PORT = 57000 FEATURE_SUPPORT = ( SUPPORT_PLAY | SUPPORT_PAUSE | SUPPORT_STOP | SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE | SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK | SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK | SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA | SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE ) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, } ) # Service call validation schemas ATTR_SECONDS = "seconds" async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Channels platform.""" device = ChannelsPlayer(config[CONF_NAME], config[CONF_HOST], config[CONF_PORT]) async_add_entities([device], True) platform = entity_platform.current_platform.get() platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SEEK_FORWARD, {}, "seek_forward", ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SEEK_BACKWARD, {}, "seek_backward", ) platform.async_register_entity_service( SERVICE_SEEK_BY, {vol.Required(ATTR_SECONDS): vol.Coerce(int)}, "seek_by", ) class ChannelsPlayer(MediaPlayerEntity): """Representation of a Channels instance.""" def __init__(self, name, host, port): """Initialize the Channels app.""" self._name = name self._host = host self._port = port self.client = Channels(self._host, self._port) self.status = None self.muted = None self.channel_number = None self.channel_name = None self.channel_image_url = None self.now_playing_title = None self.now_playing_episode_title = None self.now_playing_season_number = None self.now_playing_episode_number = None self.now_playing_summary = None self.now_playing_image_url = None self.favorite_channels = [] def update_favorite_channels(self): """Update the favorite channels from the client.""" self.favorite_channels = self.client.favorite_channels() def update_state(self, state_hash): """Update all the state properties with the passed in dictionary.""" self.status = state_hash.get("status", "stopped") self.muted = state_hash.get("muted", False) channel_hash = state_hash.get("channel") np_hash = state_hash.get("now_playing") if channel_hash: self.channel_number = channel_hash.get("channel_number") self.channel_name = channel_hash.get("channel_name") self.channel_image_url = channel_hash.get("channel_image_url") else: self.channel_number = None self.channel_name = None self.channel_image_url = None if np_hash: self.now_playing_title = np_hash.get("title") self.now_playing_episode_title = np_hash.get("episode_title") self.now_playing_season_number = np_hash.get("season_number") self.now_playing_episode_number = np_hash.get("episode_number") self.now_playing_summary = np_hash.get("summary") self.now_playing_image_url = np_hash.get("image_url") else: self.now_playing_title = None self.now_playing_episode_title = None self.now_playing_season_number = None self.now_playing_episode_number = None self.now_playing_summary = None self.now_playing_image_url = None @property def name(self): """Return the name of the player.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the player.""" if self.status == "stopped": return STATE_IDLE if self.status == "paused": return STATE_PAUSED if self.status == "playing": return STATE_PLAYING return None def update(self): """Retrieve latest state.""" self.update_favorite_channels() self.update_state(self.client.status()) @property def source_list(self): """List of favorite channels.""" sources = [channel["name"] for channel in self.favorite_channels] return sources @property def is_volume_muted(self): """Boolean if volume is currently muted.""" return self.muted @property def media_content_id(self): """Content ID of current playing channel.""" return self.channel_number @property def media_content_type(self): """Content type of current playing media.""" return MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL @property def media_image_url(self): """Image url of current playing media.""" if self.now_playing_image_url: return self.now_playing_image_url if self.channel_image_url: return self.channel_image_url return "https://getchannels.com/assets/img/icon-1024.png" @property def media_title(self): """Title of current playing media.""" if self.state: return self.now_playing_title return None @property def supported_features(self): """Flag of media commands that are supported.""" return FEATURE_SUPPORT def mute_volume(self, mute): """Mute (true) or unmute (false) player.""" if mute != self.muted: response = self.client.toggle_muted() self.update_state(response) def media_stop(self): """Send media_stop command to player.""" self.status = "stopped" response = self.client.stop() self.update_state(response) def media_play(self): """Send media_play command to player.""" response = self.client.resume() self.update_state(response) def media_pause(self): """Send media_pause command to player.""" response = self.client.pause() self.update_state(response) def media_next_track(self): """Seek ahead.""" response = self.client.skip_forward() self.update_state(response) def media_previous_track(self): """Seek back.""" response = self.client.skip_backward() self.update_state(response) def select_source(self, source): """Select a channel to tune to.""" for channel in self.favorite_channels: if channel["name"] == source: response = self.client.play_channel(channel["number"]) self.update_state(response) break def play_media(self, media_type, media_id, **kwargs): """Send the play_media command to the player.""" if media_type == MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL: response = self.client.play_channel(media_id) self.update_state(response) elif media_type in [MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE, MEDIA_TYPE_EPISODE, MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW]: response = self.client.play_recording(media_id) self.update_state(response) def seek_forward(self): """Seek forward in the timeline.""" response = self.client.seek_forward() self.update_state(response) def seek_backward(self): """Seek backward in the timeline.""" response = self.client.seek_backward() self.update_state(response) def seek_by(self, seconds): """Seek backward in the timeline.""" response = self.client.seek(seconds) self.update_state(response)
from test import CollectorTestCase from test import get_collector_config from openldap import OpenLDAPCollector class TestOpenLDAPCollector(CollectorTestCase): def setUp(self, allowed_names=None): if not allowed_names: allowed_names = [] config = get_collector_config('OpenLDAPCollector', { }) self.collector = OpenLDAPCollector(config, None) def test_import(self): self.assertTrue(OpenLDAPCollector)
from distutils.core import setup import os import pkg_resources from setuptools.command import sdist from setuptools import find_packages from distutils.extension import Extension description = """ Collection of Deep Learning Computer Vision Algorithms implemented in Chainer """ setup_requires = ['numpy'] install_requires = [ 'chainer>=6.0', # https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/16083 'Pillow<7', ] ext_data = { 'utils.bbox._nms_gpu_post': {'pyxfile': 'utils/bbox/_nms_gpu_post'} } try: from Cython.Distutils import build_ext as _build_ext use_cython = True except ImportError: from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext use_cython = False for name, data in ext_data.items(): src = os.path.join('chainercv', data['pyxfile'] + '.pyx') if not os.path.exists(src): use_cython = False break suffix = '.pyx' if use_cython else '.c' extensions = [] for name, data in ext_data.items(): sources = [os.path.join('chainercv', data['pyxfile'] + suffix)] extensions.append( Extension('chainercv.{}'.format(name), sources=sources) ) class CheckingBuildExt(_build_ext): def check_cython_extensions(self, extensions): for ext in extensions: for src in ext.sources: if not os.path.exists(src): print("{}: -> [{}]".format(ext.name, ext.sources)) raise Exception("""Cython-generated file '{}' not found. Cython is required to compile chainercv from a development branch. Please install Cython or download a release package of chainercv. """.format(src)) def build_extensions(self): self.check_cython_extensions(self.extensions) # Include NumPy numpy_incl = pkg_resources.resource_filename('numpy', 'core/include') for ext in self.extensions: if (hasattr(ext, 'include_dirs') and numpy_incl not in ext.include_dirs): ext.include_dirs.append(numpy_incl) _build_ext.build_extensions(self) class Sdist(sdist.sdist): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert use_cython from Cython.Build import cythonize for e in extensions: for src in e.sources: cythonize(src) super(sdist.sdist, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) cmdclass = { 'build_ext': CheckingBuildExt, 'sdist': Sdist, } setup( name='chainercv', version='0.13.1', packages=find_packages(), author='Yusuke Niitani, Toru Ogawa', author_email='[email protected], [email protected]', license='MIT', description=description, setup_requires=setup_requires, install_requires=install_requires, include_package_data=True, ext_modules=extensions, cmdclass=cmdclass, )
from typing import Any from homeassistant.components.scene import DOMAIN as SENSOR_DOMAIN, Scene from homeassistant.const import CONF_PLATFORM from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from . import TuyaDevice from .const import DOMAIN, TUYA_DATA, TUYA_DISCOVERY_NEW ENTITY_ID_FORMAT = SENSOR_DOMAIN + ".{}" async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up tuya sensors dynamically through tuya discovery.""" platform = config_entry.data[CONF_PLATFORM] async def async_discover_sensor(dev_ids): """Discover and add a discovered tuya sensor.""" if not dev_ids: return entities = await hass.async_add_executor_job( _setup_entities, hass, dev_ids, platform, ) async_add_entities(entities) async_dispatcher_connect( hass, TUYA_DISCOVERY_NEW.format(SENSOR_DOMAIN), async_discover_sensor ) devices_ids = hass.data[DOMAIN]["pending"].pop(SENSOR_DOMAIN) await async_discover_sensor(devices_ids) def _setup_entities(hass, dev_ids, platform): """Set up Tuya Scene.""" tuya = hass.data[DOMAIN][TUYA_DATA] entities = [] for dev_id in dev_ids: device = tuya.get_device_by_id(dev_id) if device is None: continue entities.append(TuyaScene(device, platform)) return entities class TuyaScene(TuyaDevice, Scene): """Tuya Scene.""" def __init__(self, tuya, platform): """Init Tuya scene.""" super().__init__(tuya, platform) self.entity_id = ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(tuya.object_id()) def activate(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Activate the scene.""" self._tuya.activate()
from test import CollectorTestCase from test import get_collector_config from mock import patch from diamond.collector import Collector from websitemonitor import WebsiteMonitorCollector ######################################################################## class MockResponse(object): def __init__(self, resp_data, code=200): self.resp_data = resp_data self.code = code def read(self): return self.resp_data def getcode(self): return self.code class TestWebsiteCollector(CollectorTestCase): def setUp(self, config=None): if config is None: config = get_collector_config('WebsiteCollector', { 'url': '' }) else: config = get_collector_config('WebsiteCollector', config) self.collector = WebsiteMonitorCollector(config, None) self.patcher = patch('urllib2.urlopen') self.urlopen_mock = self.patcher.start() def test_import(self): self.assertTrue(WebsiteMonitorCollector) @patch.object(Collector, 'publish') def test_websitemonitorcollector_with_data(self, publish_mock): self.collector.collect() self.urlopen_mock.return_value = MockResponse(200) metrics = {} self.setDocExample(collector=self.collector.__class__.__name__, metrics=metrics, defaultpath=self.collector.config['path']) self.assertPublishedMany([publish_mock], metrics) @patch.object(Collector, 'publish') def test_websitemonitorcollector(self, publish_mock): self.setUp() self.collector.collect() self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, { }) def tearDown(self): self.patcher.stop()
import sqlite3 import unittest import collections import sys import gzip from platform import system import lzma import bz2 from functional import seq, pseq from functional.streams import Stream, ParallelStream class TestStreams(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.seq = seq self.seq_c_disabled = Stream(disable_compression=True) def test_open(self): with open("LICENSE.txt") as f: data = f.readlines() self.assertListEqual(data, self.seq.open("LICENSE.txt").to_list()) text = "".join(data).split(",") self.assertListEqual( text, self.seq.open("LICENSE.txt", delimiter=",").to_list() ) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.seq.open("LICENSE.txt", mode="w").to_list() def test_open_gzip(self): expect = ["line0\n", "line1\n", "line2"] self.assertListEqual( expect, self.seq.open("functional/test/data/test.txt.gz", mode="rt").to_list(), ) def test_open_bz2(self): expect = ["line0\n", "line1\n", "line2"] self.assertListEqual( expect, self.seq.open("functional/test/data/test.txt.bz2", mode="rt").to_list(), ) def test_open_xz(self): expect = ["line0\n", "line1\n", "line2"] self.assertListEqual( expect, self.seq.open("functional/test/data/test.txt.xz", mode="rt").to_list(), ) def test_disable_compression(self): file_name = "functional/test/data/test.txt.gz" with open(file_name, "rb") as f: expect = f.readlines() self.assertListEqual( expect, self.seq_c_disabled.open(file_name, mode="rb").to_list() ) def test_range(self): self.assertListEqual([0, 1, 2, 3], self.seq.range(4).to_list()) data = [-5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7] self.assertListEqual(data, self.seq.range(-5, 8, 2).to_list()) def test_csv(self): result = self.seq.csv("functional/test/data/test.csv").to_list() expect = [["1", "2", "3", "4"], ["a", "b", "c", "d"]] self.assertEqual(expect, result) with open("functional/test/data/test.csv", "r") as csv_file: self.assertEqual(expect, self.seq.csv(csv_file).to_list()) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.seq.csv(1) def test_csv_dict_reader(self): result = self.seq.csv_dict_reader( "functional/test/data/test_header.csv" ).to_list() self.assertEqual(result[0]["a"], "1") self.assertEqual(result[0]["b"], "2") self.assertEqual(result[0]["c"], "3") self.assertEqual(result[1]["a"], "4") self.assertEqual(result[1]["b"], "5") self.assertEqual(result[1]["c"], "6") with open("functional/test/data/test_header.csv", "r") as f: result = self.seq.csv_dict_reader(f).to_list() self.assertEqual(result[0]["a"], "1") self.assertEqual(result[0]["b"], "2") self.assertEqual(result[0]["c"], "3") self.assertEqual(result[1]["a"], "4") self.assertEqual(result[1]["b"], "5") self.assertEqual(result[1]["c"], "6") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.seq.csv_dict_reader(1) def test_gzip_csv(self): result = self.seq.csv("functional/test/data/test.csv.gz").to_list() expect = [["1", "2", "3", "4"], ["a", "b", "c", "d"]] self.assertEqual(expect, result) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.seq.csv(1) def test_bz2_csv(self): result = self.seq.csv("functional/test/data/test.csv.bz2").to_list() expect = [["1", "2", "3", "4"], ["a", "b", "c", "d"]] self.assertEqual(expect, result) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.seq.csv(1) def test_xz_csv(self): result = self.seq.csv("functional/test/data/test.csv.xz").to_list() expect = [["1", "2", "3", "4"], ["a", "b", "c", "d"]] self.assertEqual(expect, result) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.seq.csv(1) def test_jsonl(self): result_0 = self.seq.jsonl("functional/test/data/test.jsonl").to_list() expect_0 = [[1, 2, 3], {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}] self.assertEqual(expect_0, result_0) result_1 = self.seq.jsonl(["[1, 2, 3]", "[4, 5, 6]"]) expect_1 = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] self.assertEqual(expect_1, result_1) def test_gzip_jsonl(self): result_0 = self.seq.jsonl("functional/test/data/test.jsonl.gz").to_list() expect_0 = [[1, 2, 3], {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}] self.assertEqual(expect_0, result_0) def test_bz2_jsonl(self): result_0 = self.seq.jsonl("functional/test/data/test.jsonl.bz2").to_list() expect_0 = [[1, 2, 3], {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}] self.assertEqual(expect_0, result_0) def test_xz_jsonl(self): result_0 = self.seq.jsonl("functional/test/data/test.jsonl.xz").to_list() expect_0 = [[1, 2, 3], {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}] self.assertEqual(expect_0, result_0) def test_json(self): list_test_path = "functional/test/data/test_list.json" dict_test_path = "functional/test/data/test_dict.json" list_expect = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] dict_expect = list({u"a": 1, u"b": 2, u"c": 3}.items()) result = self.seq.json(list_test_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(list_expect, result) result = self.seq.json(dict_test_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(dict_expect, result) with open(list_test_path) as file_handle: result = self.seq.json(file_handle).to_list() self.assertEqual(list_expect, result) with open(dict_test_path) as file_handle: result = self.seq.json(file_handle).to_list() self.assertEqual(dict_expect, result) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.seq.json(1) def test_gzip_json(self): list_test_path = "functional/test/data/test_list.json.gz" dict_test_path = "functional/test/data/test_dict.json.gz" list_expect = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] dict_expect = list({u"a": 1, u"b": 2, u"c": 3}.items()) result = self.seq.json(list_test_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(list_expect, result) result = self.seq.json(dict_test_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(dict_expect, result) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.seq.json(1) def test_bz2_json(self): list_test_path = "functional/test/data/test_list.json.bz2" dict_test_path = "functional/test/data/test_dict.json.bz2" list_expect = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] dict_expect = list({u"a": 1, u"b": 2, u"c": 3}.items()) result = self.seq.json(list_test_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(list_expect, result) result = self.seq.json(dict_test_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(dict_expect, result) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.seq.json(1) def test_xz_json(self): list_test_path = "functional/test/data/test_list.json.xz" dict_test_path = "functional/test/data/test_dict.json.xz" list_expect = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] dict_expect = list({u"a": 1, u"b": 2, u"c": 3}.items()) result = self.seq.json(list_test_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(list_expect, result) result = self.seq.json(dict_test_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(dict_expect, result) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.seq.json(1) def test_sqlite3(self): db_file = "functional/test/data/test_sqlite3.db" # test failure case with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.seq.sqlite3(1, "SELECT * from user").to_list() # test select from file path query_0 = "SELECT id, name FROM user;" result_0 = self.seq.sqlite3(db_file, query_0).to_list() expected_0 = [(1, "Tom"), (2, "Jack"), (3, "Jane"), (4, "Stephan")] self.assertListEqual(expected_0, result_0) # test select from connection with sqlite3.connect(db_file) as conn: result_0_1 = self.seq.sqlite3(conn, query_0).to_list() self.assertListEqual(expected_0, result_0_1) # test select from cursor with sqlite3.connect(db_file) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() result_0_2 = self.seq.sqlite3(cursor, query_0).to_list() self.assertListEqual(expected_0, result_0_2) # test connection with kwds result_0_3 = self.seq.sqlite3(db_file, query_0, timeout=30).to_list() self.assertListEqual(expected_0, result_0_3) # test order by result_1 = self.seq.sqlite3( db_file, "SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY name;" ).to_list() expected_1 = [(2, "Jack"), (3, "Jane"), (4, "Stephan"), (1, "Tom")] self.assertListEqual(expected_1, result_1) # test query with params result_2 = self.seq.sqlite3( db_file, "SELECT id, name FROM user WHERE id = ?;", parameters=(1,) ).to_list() expected_2 = [(1, "Tom")] self.assertListEqual(expected_2, result_2) def test_pandas(self): try: import pandas data = pandas.DataFrame([[1, 3], [4, 5]]) result = seq(data).list() self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 1) self.assertEqual(result[0][1], 3) self.assertEqual(result[1][0], 4) self.assertEqual(result[1][1], 5) except ImportError: pass def test_to_file(self): tmp_path = "functional/test/data/tmp/output.txt" sequence = self.seq(1, 2, 3, 4) sequence.to_file(tmp_path) with open(tmp_path, "r") as output: self.assertEqual("[1, 2, 3, 4]", output.readlines()[0]) sequence.to_file(tmp_path, delimiter=":") with open(tmp_path, "r") as output: self.assertEqual("1:2:3:4", output.readlines()[0]) def test_to_file_compressed(self): tmp_path = "functional/test/data/tmp/output.txt" sequence = self.seq(1, 2, 3, 4) sequence.to_file(tmp_path, compression="gzip") with gzip.open(tmp_path, "rt") as output: self.assertEqual("[1, 2, 3, 4]", output.readlines()[0]) sequence.to_file(tmp_path, compression="lzma") with lzma.open(tmp_path, "rt") as output: self.assertEqual("[1, 2, 3, 4]", output.readlines()[0]) sequence.to_file(tmp_path, compression="bz2") with bz2.open(tmp_path, "rt") as output: self.assertEqual("[1, 2, 3, 4]", output.readlines()[0]) def test_to_jsonl(self): tmp_path = "functional/test/data/tmp/output.txt" elements = [{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"c": 3}, {"d": 4}] sequence = self.seq(elements) sequence.to_jsonl(tmp_path) result = self.seq.jsonl(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(elements, result) def test_to_jsonl_compressed(self): tmp_path = "functional/test/data/tmp/output.txt" elements = [{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"c": 3}, {"d": 4}] sequence = self.seq(elements) sequence.to_jsonl(tmp_path, compression="gzip") result = self.seq.jsonl(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(elements, result) sequence.to_jsonl(tmp_path, compression="lzma") result = self.seq.jsonl(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(elements, result) sequence.to_jsonl(tmp_path, compression="bz2") result = self.seq.jsonl(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(elements, result) def test_to_json(self): tmp_path = "functional/test/data/tmp/output.txt" elements = [[u"a", 1], [u"b", 2], [u"c", 3]] sequence = self.seq(elements) sequence.to_json(tmp_path) result = self.seq.json(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(elements, result) dict_expect = {u"a": 1, u"b": 2, u"c": 3} sequence.to_json(tmp_path, root_array=False) result = self.seq.json(tmp_path).to_dict() self.assertEqual(dict_expect, result) def test_to_json_compressed(self): tmp_path = "functional/test/data/tmp/output.txt" elements = [[u"a", 1], [u"b", 2], [u"c", 3]] dict_expect = {u"a": 1, u"b": 2, u"c": 3} sequence = self.seq(elements) sequence.to_json(tmp_path, compression="gzip") result = self.seq.json(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(elements, result) sequence.to_json(tmp_path, root_array=False, compression="gzip") result = self.seq.json(tmp_path).to_dict() self.assertEqual(dict_expect, result) sequence.to_json(tmp_path, compression="lzma") result = self.seq.json(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(elements, result) sequence.to_json(tmp_path, root_array=False, compression="lzma") result = self.seq.json(tmp_path).to_dict() self.assertEqual(dict_expect, result) sequence.to_json(tmp_path, compression="bz2") result = self.seq.json(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(elements, result) sequence.to_json(tmp_path, root_array=False, compression="bz2") result = self.seq.json(tmp_path).to_dict() self.assertEqual(dict_expect, result) def test_to_csv(self): tmp_path = "functional/test/data/tmp/output.txt" elements = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], ["a", "b", "c"]] expect = [["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "6"], ["a", "b", "c"]] sequence = self.seq(elements) sequence.to_csv(tmp_path) result = self.seq.csv(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(expect, result) @unittest.skipUnless(system().startswith("Win"), "Skip CSV test if not on Windows") def test_to_csv_win(self): tmp_path = "functional/test/data/tmp/output.txt" elements = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], ["a", "b", "c"]] expect = [["1", "2", "3"], [], ["4", "5", "6"], [], ["a", "b", "c"], []] sequence = self.seq(elements) sequence.to_csv(tmp_path) result = self.seq.csv(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertNotEqual(expect, result) def test_to_csv_compressed(self): tmp_path = "functional/test/data/tmp/output.txt" elements = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], ["a", "b", "c"]] expect = [["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "6"], ["a", "b", "c"]] sequence = self.seq(elements) sequence.to_csv(tmp_path, compression="gzip") result = self.seq.csv(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(expect, result) sequence.to_csv(tmp_path, compression="lzma") result = self.seq.csv(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(expect, result) sequence.to_csv(tmp_path, compression="bz2") result = self.seq.csv(tmp_path).to_list() self.assertEqual(expect, result) def test_to_sqlite3_failure(self): insert_sql = "INSERT INTO user (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)" elements = [(1, "Tom"), (2, "Jack"), (3, "Jane"), (4, "Stephan")] with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.seq(elements).to_sqlite3(1, insert_sql) def test_to_sqlite3_file(self): tmp_path = "functional/test/data/tmp/test.db" with sqlite3.connect(tmp_path) as conn: conn.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user;") conn.execute("CREATE TABLE user (id INT, name TEXT);") conn.commit() insert_sql = "INSERT INTO user (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)" elements = [(1, "Tom"), (2, "Jack"), (3, "Jane"), (4, "Stephan")] self.seq(elements).to_sqlite3(tmp_path, insert_sql) result = self.seq.sqlite3(tmp_path, "SELECT id, name FROM user;").to_list() self.assertListEqual(elements, result) def test_to_sqlite3_query(self): elements = [(1, "Tom"), (2, "Jack"), (3, "Jane"), (4, "Stephan")] with sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as conn: conn.execute("CREATE TABLE user (id INT, name TEXT);") conn.commit() insert_sql = "INSERT INTO user (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)" self.seq(elements).to_sqlite3(conn, insert_sql) result = self.seq.sqlite3(conn, "SELECT id, name FROM user;").to_list() self.assertListEqual(elements, result) def test_to_sqlite3_tuple(self): elements = [(1, "Tom"), (2, "Jack"), (3, "Jane"), (4, "Stephan")] with sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as conn: conn.execute("CREATE TABLE user (id INT, name TEXT);") conn.commit() table_name = "user" self.seq(elements).to_sqlite3(conn, table_name) result = self.seq.sqlite3(conn, "SELECT id, name FROM user;").to_list() self.assertListEqual(elements, result) def test_to_sqlite3_namedtuple(self): if self.seq is pseq: raise self.skipTest("pseq can't serialize all functions") elements = [(1, "Tom"), (2, "Jack"), (3, "Jane"), (4, "Stephan")] # test namedtuple with the same order as column with sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as conn: user = collections.namedtuple("user", ["id", "name"]) conn.execute("CREATE TABLE user (id INT, name TEXT);") conn.commit() table_name = "user" self.seq(elements).map(lambda u: user(u[0], u[1])).to_sqlite3( conn, table_name ) result = self.seq.sqlite3(conn, "SELECT id, name FROM user;").to_list() self.assertListEqual(elements, result) # test namedtuple with different order with sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as conn: user = collections.namedtuple("user", ["name", "id"]) conn.execute("CREATE TABLE user (id INT, name TEXT);") conn.commit() table_name = "user" self.seq(elements).map(lambda u: user(u[1], u[0])).to_sqlite3( conn, table_name ) result = self.seq.sqlite3(conn, "SELECT id, name FROM user;").to_list() self.assertListEqual(elements, result) def test_to_sqlite3_dict(self): elements = [(1, "Tom"), (2, "Jack"), (3, "Jane"), (4, "Stephan")] with sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as conn: conn.execute("CREATE TABLE user (id INT, name TEXT);") conn.commit() table_name = "user" self.seq(elements).map(lambda x: {"id": x[0], "name": x[1]}).to_sqlite3( conn, table_name ) result = self.seq.sqlite3(conn, "SELECT id, name FROM user;").to_list() self.assertListEqual(elements, result) def test_to_sqlite3_typerror(self): elements = [1, 2, 3] with sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as conn: conn.execute("CREATE TABLE user (id INT, name TEXT);") conn.commit() table_name = "user" with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.seq(elements).to_sqlite3(conn, table_name) def test_to_pandas(self): # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens try: import pandas as pd elements = [(1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c")] df_expect = pd.DataFrame.from_records(elements) df_seq = self.seq(elements).to_pandas() self.assertTrue(df_seq.equals(df_expect)) df_expect = pd.DataFrame.from_records(elements, columns=["id", "name"]) df_seq = self.seq(elements).to_pandas(columns=["id", "name"]) self.assertTrue(df_seq.equals(df_expect)) elements = [ dict(id=1, name="a"), dict(id=2, name="b"), dict(id=3, name="c"), ] df_expect = pd.DataFrame.from_records(elements) df_seq = self.seq(elements).to_pandas() self.assertTrue(df_seq.equals(df_expect)) except ImportError: print("pandas not installed, skipping unit test") # Skipping tests on pypy because of https://github.com/uqfoundation/dill/issues/73 @unittest.skipIf("__pypy__" in sys.builtin_module_names, "Skip parallel tests on pypy") class TestParallelStreams(TestStreams): def setUp(self): self.seq = pseq self.seq_c_disabled = ParallelStream(disable_compression=True)
import io import json import os try: import nbconvert from nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter import nbformat current_nbformat = nbformat.current_nbformat from jupyter_client import kernelspec from traitlets.config import Config NBCONVERT_VERSION_MAJOR = int(nbconvert.__version__.partition(".")[0]) flag = True except ImportError: flag = None from nikola import shortcodes as sc from nikola.plugin_categories import PageCompiler from nikola.utils import makedirs, req_missing, LocaleBorg class CompileIPynb(PageCompiler): """Compile IPynb into HTML.""" name = "ipynb" friendly_name = "Jupyter Notebook" demote_headers = True default_kernel = 'python3' supports_metadata = True def _compile_string(self, nb_json): """Export notebooks as HTML strings.""" self._req_missing_ipynb() c = Config(get_default_jupyter_config()) c.merge(Config(self.site.config['IPYNB_CONFIG'])) if 'template_file' not in self.site.config['IPYNB_CONFIG'].get('Exporter', {}): if NBCONVERT_VERSION_MAJOR >= 6: c['Exporter']['template_file'] = 'classic/base.html.j2' else: c['Exporter']['template_file'] = 'basic.tpl' # not a typo exportHtml = HTMLExporter(config=c) body, _ = exportHtml.from_notebook_node(nb_json) return body @staticmethod def _nbformat_read(in_file): return nbformat.read(in_file, current_nbformat) def _req_missing_ipynb(self): if flag is None: req_missing(['notebook>=4.0.0'], 'build this site (compile ipynb)') def compile_string(self, data, source_path=None, is_two_file=True, post=None, lang=None): """Compile notebooks into HTML strings.""" new_data, shortcodes = sc.extract_shortcodes(data) output = self._compile_string(nbformat.reads(new_data, current_nbformat)) return self.site.apply_shortcodes_uuid(output, shortcodes, filename=source_path, extra_context={'post': post}) def compile(self, source, dest, is_two_file=False, post=None, lang=None): """Compile the source file into HTML and save as dest.""" makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest)) with io.open(dest, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as out_file: with io.open(source, "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") as in_file: nb_str = in_file.read() output, shortcode_deps = self.compile_string(nb_str, source, is_two_file, post, lang) out_file.write(output) if post is None: if shortcode_deps: self.logger.error( "Cannot save dependencies for post {0} (post unknown)", source) else: post._depfile[dest] += shortcode_deps def read_metadata(self, post, lang=None): """Read metadata directly from ipynb file. As ipynb files support arbitrary metadata as json, the metadata used by Nikola will be assume to be in the 'nikola' subfield. """ self._req_missing_ipynb() if lang is None: lang = LocaleBorg().current_lang source = post.translated_source_path(lang) with io.open(source, "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") as in_file: nb_json = nbformat.read(in_file, current_nbformat) # Metadata might not exist in two-file posts or in hand-crafted # .ipynb files. return nb_json.get('metadata', {}).get('nikola', {}) def create_post(self, path, **kw): """Create a new post.""" self._req_missing_ipynb() content = kw.pop('content', None) onefile = kw.pop('onefile', False) kernel = kw.pop('jupyter_kernel', None) # is_page is not needed to create the file kw.pop('is_page', False) metadata = {} metadata.update(self.default_metadata) metadata.update(kw) makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) if content.startswith("{"): # imported .ipynb file, guaranteed to start with "{" because it’s JSON. nb = nbformat.reads(content, current_nbformat) else: nb = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() nb["cells"] = [nbformat.v4.new_markdown_cell(content)] if kernel is None: kernel = self.default_kernel self.logger.warning('No kernel specified, assuming "{0}".'.format(kernel)) IPYNB_KERNELS = {} ksm = kernelspec.KernelSpecManager() for k in ksm.find_kernel_specs(): IPYNB_KERNELS[k] = ksm.get_kernel_spec(k).to_dict() IPYNB_KERNELS[k]['name'] = k del IPYNB_KERNELS[k]['argv'] if kernel not in IPYNB_KERNELS: self.logger.error('Unknown kernel "{0}". Maybe you mispelled it?'.format(kernel)) self.logger.info("Available kernels: {0}".format(", ".join(sorted(IPYNB_KERNELS)))) raise Exception('Unknown kernel "{0}"'.format(kernel)) nb["metadata"]["kernelspec"] = IPYNB_KERNELS[kernel] if onefile: nb["metadata"]["nikola"] = metadata with io.open(path, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as fd: nbformat.write(nb, fd, 4) def get_default_jupyter_config(): """Search default jupyter configuration location paths. Return dictionary from configuration json files. """ config = {} from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_config_path for parent in jupyter_config_path(): try: for file in os.listdir(parent): if 'nbconvert' in file and file.endswith('.json'): abs_path = os.path.join(parent, file) with open(abs_path) as config_file: config.update(json.load(config_file)) except OSError: # some paths jupyter uses to find configurations # may not exist pass return config
import logging from typing import Dict import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA as SENSOR_PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_API_VERSION, CONF_NAME, CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, STATE_UNKNOWN, ) from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady, TemplateError import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.util import Throttle from . import create_influx_url, get_influx_connection, validate_version_specific_config from .const import ( API_VERSION_2, COMPONENT_CONFIG_SCHEMA_CONNECTION, CONF_BUCKET, CONF_DB_NAME, CONF_FIELD, CONF_GROUP_FUNCTION, CONF_IMPORTS, CONF_LANGUAGE, CONF_MEASUREMENT_NAME, CONF_QUERIES, CONF_QUERIES_FLUX, CONF_QUERY, CONF_RANGE_START, CONF_RANGE_STOP, CONF_WHERE, DEFAULT_API_VERSION, DEFAULT_FIELD, DEFAULT_FUNCTION_FLUX, DEFAULT_GROUP_FUNCTION, DEFAULT_RANGE_START, DEFAULT_RANGE_STOP, INFLUX_CONF_VALUE, INFLUX_CONF_VALUE_V2, LANGUAGE_FLUX, LANGUAGE_INFLUXQL, MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES, NO_BUCKET_ERROR, NO_DATABASE_ERROR, QUERY_MULTIPLE_RESULTS_MESSAGE, QUERY_NO_RESULTS_MESSAGE, RENDERING_QUERY_ERROR_MESSAGE, RENDERING_QUERY_MESSAGE, RENDERING_WHERE_ERROR_MESSAGE, RENDERING_WHERE_MESSAGE, RUNNING_QUERY_MESSAGE, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _merge_connection_config_into_query(conf, query): """Merge connection details into each configured query.""" for key in conf: if key not in query and key not in [CONF_QUERIES, CONF_QUERIES_FLUX]: query[key] = conf[key] def validate_query_format_for_version(conf: Dict) -> Dict: """Ensure queries are provided in correct format based on API version.""" if conf[CONF_API_VERSION] == API_VERSION_2: if CONF_QUERIES_FLUX not in conf: raise vol.Invalid( f"{CONF_QUERIES_FLUX} is required when {CONF_API_VERSION} is {API_VERSION_2}" ) for query in conf[CONF_QUERIES_FLUX]: _merge_connection_config_into_query(conf, query) query[CONF_LANGUAGE] = LANGUAGE_FLUX del conf[CONF_BUCKET] else: if CONF_QUERIES not in conf: raise vol.Invalid( f"{CONF_QUERIES} is required when {CONF_API_VERSION} is {DEFAULT_API_VERSION}" ) for query in conf[CONF_QUERIES]: _merge_connection_config_into_query(conf, query) query[CONF_LANGUAGE] = LANGUAGE_INFLUXQL del conf[CONF_DB_NAME] return conf _QUERY_SENSOR_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT): cv.string, } ) _QUERY_SCHEMA = { LANGUAGE_INFLUXQL: _QUERY_SENSOR_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Optional(CONF_DB_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_MEASUREMENT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional( CONF_GROUP_FUNCTION, default=DEFAULT_GROUP_FUNCTION ): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_FIELD, default=DEFAULT_FIELD): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_WHERE): cv.template, } ), LANGUAGE_FLUX: _QUERY_SENSOR_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Optional(CONF_BUCKET): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_RANGE_START, default=DEFAULT_RANGE_START): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_RANGE_STOP, default=DEFAULT_RANGE_STOP): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_QUERY): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_IMPORTS): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Optional(CONF_GROUP_FUNCTION): cv.string, } ), } PLATFORM_SCHEMA = vol.All( SENSOR_PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend(COMPONENT_CONFIG_SCHEMA_CONNECTION).extend( { vol.Exclusive(CONF_QUERIES, "queries"): [_QUERY_SCHEMA[LANGUAGE_INFLUXQL]], vol.Exclusive(CONF_QUERIES_FLUX, "queries"): [_QUERY_SCHEMA[LANGUAGE_FLUX]], } ), validate_version_specific_config, validate_query_format_for_version, create_influx_url, ) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the InfluxDB component.""" try: influx = get_influx_connection(config, test_read=True) except ConnectionError as exc: _LOGGER.error(exc) raise PlatformNotReady() from exc entities = [] if CONF_QUERIES_FLUX in config: for query in config[CONF_QUERIES_FLUX]: if query[CONF_BUCKET] in influx.data_repositories: entities.append(InfluxSensor(hass, influx, query)) else: _LOGGER.error(NO_BUCKET_ERROR, query[CONF_BUCKET]) else: for query in config[CONF_QUERIES]: if query[CONF_DB_NAME] in influx.data_repositories: entities.append(InfluxSensor(hass, influx, query)) else: _LOGGER.error(NO_DATABASE_ERROR, query[CONF_DB_NAME]) add_entities(entities, update_before_add=True) hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, lambda _: influx.close()) class InfluxSensor(Entity): """Implementation of a Influxdb sensor.""" def __init__(self, hass, influx, query): """Initialize the sensor.""" self._name = query.get(CONF_NAME) self._unit_of_measurement = query.get(CONF_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) value_template = query.get(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE) if value_template is not None: self._value_template = value_template self._value_template.hass = hass else: self._value_template = None self._state = None self._hass = hass if query[CONF_LANGUAGE] == LANGUAGE_FLUX: query_clause = query.get(CONF_QUERY) query_clause.hass = hass self.data = InfluxFluxSensorData( influx, query.get(CONF_BUCKET), query.get(CONF_RANGE_START), query.get(CONF_RANGE_STOP), query_clause, query.get(CONF_IMPORTS), query.get(CONF_GROUP_FUNCTION), ) else: where_clause = query.get(CONF_WHERE) where_clause.hass = hass self.data = InfluxQLSensorData( influx, query.get(CONF_DB_NAME), query.get(CONF_GROUP_FUNCTION), query.get(CONF_FIELD), query.get(CONF_MEASUREMENT_NAME), where_clause, ) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement of this entity, if any.""" return self._unit_of_measurement def update(self): """Get the latest data from Influxdb and updates the states.""" self.data.update() value = self.data.value if value is None: value = STATE_UNKNOWN if self._value_template is not None: value = self._value_template.render_with_possible_json_value( str(value), STATE_UNKNOWN ) self._state = value class InfluxFluxSensorData: """Class for handling the data retrieval from Influx with Flux query.""" def __init__(self, influx, bucket, range_start, range_stop, query, imports, group): """Initialize the data object.""" self.influx = influx self.bucket = bucket self.range_start = range_start self.range_stop = range_stop self.query = query self.imports = imports self.group = group self.value = None self.full_query = None self.query_prefix = f'from(bucket:"{bucket}") |> range(start: {range_start}, stop: {range_stop}) |>' if imports is not None: for i in imports: self.query_prefix = f'import "{i}" {self.query_prefix}' if group is None: self.query_postfix = DEFAULT_FUNCTION_FLUX else: self.query_postfix = f'|> {group}(column: "{INFLUX_CONF_VALUE_V2}")' @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) def update(self): """Get the latest data by querying influx.""" _LOGGER.debug(RENDERING_QUERY_MESSAGE, self.query) try: rendered_query = self.query.render(parse_result=False) except TemplateError as ex: _LOGGER.error(RENDERING_QUERY_ERROR_MESSAGE, ex) return self.full_query = f"{self.query_prefix} {rendered_query} {self.query_postfix}" _LOGGER.debug(RUNNING_QUERY_MESSAGE, self.full_query) try: tables = self.influx.query(self.full_query) except (ConnectionError, ValueError) as exc: _LOGGER.error(exc) self.value = None return if not tables: _LOGGER.warning(QUERY_NO_RESULTS_MESSAGE, self.full_query) self.value = None else: if len(tables) > 1 or len(tables[0].records) > 1: _LOGGER.warning(QUERY_MULTIPLE_RESULTS_MESSAGE, self.full_query) self.value = tables[0].records[0].values[INFLUX_CONF_VALUE_V2] class InfluxQLSensorData: """Class for handling the data retrieval with v1 API.""" def __init__(self, influx, db_name, group, field, measurement, where): """Initialize the data object.""" self.influx = influx self.db_name = db_name self.group = group self.field = field self.measurement = measurement self.where = where self.value = None self.query = None @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) def update(self): """Get the latest data with a shell command.""" _LOGGER.debug(RENDERING_WHERE_MESSAGE, self.where) try: where_clause = self.where.render(parse_result=False) except TemplateError as ex: _LOGGER.error(RENDERING_WHERE_ERROR_MESSAGE, ex) return self.query = f"select {self.group}({self.field}) as {INFLUX_CONF_VALUE} from {self.measurement} where {where_clause}" _LOGGER.debug(RUNNING_QUERY_MESSAGE, self.query) try: points = self.influx.query(self.query, self.db_name) except (ConnectionError, ValueError) as exc: _LOGGER.error(exc) self.value = None return if not points: _LOGGER.warning(QUERY_NO_RESULTS_MESSAGE, self.query) self.value = None else: if len(points) > 1: _LOGGER.warning(QUERY_MULTIPLE_RESULTS_MESSAGE, self.query) self.value = points[0].get(INFLUX_CONF_VALUE)
import asyncio import logging from typing import List import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_NAME, CONF_ALIAS, CONF_ICON, CONF_MODE, CONF_SEQUENCE, CONF_VARIABLES, SERVICE_RELOAD, SERVICE_TOGGLE, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, STATE_ON, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.config_validation import make_entity_service_schema from homeassistant.helpers.entity import ToggleEntity from homeassistant.helpers.entity_component import EntityComponent from homeassistant.helpers.script import ( ATTR_CUR, ATTR_MAX, ATTR_MODE, CONF_MAX, CONF_MAX_EXCEEDED, SCRIPT_MODE_SINGLE, Script, make_script_schema, ) from homeassistant.helpers.service import async_set_service_schema from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN = "script" ATTR_LAST_ACTION = "last_action" ATTR_LAST_TRIGGERED = "last_triggered" ATTR_VARIABLES = "variables" CONF_DESCRIPTION = "description" CONF_EXAMPLE = "example" CONF_FIELDS = "fields" ENTITY_ID_FORMAT = DOMAIN + ".{}" EVENT_SCRIPT_STARTED = "script_started" SCRIPT_ENTRY_SCHEMA = make_script_schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_ALIAS): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_ICON): cv.icon, vol.Required(CONF_SEQUENCE): cv.SCRIPT_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_DESCRIPTION, default=""): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_VARIABLES): cv.SCRIPT_VARIABLES_SCHEMA, vol.Optional(CONF_FIELDS, default={}): { cv.string: { vol.Optional(CONF_DESCRIPTION): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_EXAMPLE): cv.string, } }, }, SCRIPT_MODE_SINGLE, ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {DOMAIN: cv.schema_with_slug_keys(SCRIPT_ENTRY_SCHEMA)}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA ) SCRIPT_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema(dict) SCRIPT_TURN_ONOFF_SCHEMA = make_entity_service_schema( {vol.Optional(ATTR_VARIABLES): {str: cv.match_all}} ) RELOAD_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({}) @bind_hass def is_on(hass, entity_id): """Return if the script is on based on the statemachine.""" return hass.states.is_state(entity_id, STATE_ON) @callback def scripts_with_entity(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> List[str]: """Return all scripts that reference the entity.""" if DOMAIN not in hass.data: return [] component = hass.data[DOMAIN] return [ script_entity.entity_id for script_entity in component.entities if entity_id in script_entity.script.referenced_entities ] @callback def entities_in_script(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> List[str]: """Return all entities in script.""" if DOMAIN not in hass.data: return [] component = hass.data[DOMAIN] script_entity = component.get_entity(entity_id) if script_entity is None: return [] return list(script_entity.script.referenced_entities) @callback def scripts_with_device(hass: HomeAssistant, device_id: str) -> List[str]: """Return all scripts that reference the device.""" if DOMAIN not in hass.data: return [] component = hass.data[DOMAIN] return [ script_entity.entity_id for script_entity in component.entities if device_id in script_entity.script.referenced_devices ] @callback def devices_in_script(hass: HomeAssistant, entity_id: str) -> List[str]: """Return all devices in script.""" if DOMAIN not in hass.data: return [] component = hass.data[DOMAIN] script_entity = component.get_entity(entity_id) if script_entity is None: return [] return list(script_entity.script.referenced_devices) async def async_setup(hass, config): """Load the scripts from the configuration.""" hass.data[DOMAIN] = component = EntityComponent(_LOGGER, DOMAIN, hass) await _async_process_config(hass, config, component) async def reload_service(service): """Call a service to reload scripts.""" conf = await component.async_prepare_reload() if conf is None: return await _async_process_config(hass, conf, component) async def turn_on_service(service): """Call a service to turn script on.""" variables = service.data.get(ATTR_VARIABLES) for script_entity in await component.async_extract_from_service(service): await script_entity.async_turn_on( variables=variables, context=service.context, wait=False ) async def turn_off_service(service): """Cancel a script.""" # Stopping a script is ok to be done in parallel script_entities = await component.async_extract_from_service(service) if not script_entities: return await asyncio.wait( [script_entity.async_turn_off() for script_entity in script_entities] ) async def toggle_service(service): """Toggle a script.""" for script_entity in await component.async_extract_from_service(service): await script_entity.async_toggle(context=service.context, wait=False) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_RELOAD, reload_service, schema=RELOAD_SERVICE_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, turn_on_service, schema=SCRIPT_TURN_ONOFF_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, turn_off_service, schema=SCRIPT_TURN_ONOFF_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_TOGGLE, toggle_service, schema=SCRIPT_TURN_ONOFF_SCHEMA ) return True async def _async_process_config(hass, config, component): """Process script configuration.""" async def service_handler(service): """Execute a service call to script.<script name>.""" entity_id = ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(service.service) script_entity = component.get_entity(entity_id) await script_entity.async_turn_on( variables=service.data, context=service.context ) script_entities = [ ScriptEntity(hass, object_id, cfg) for object_id, cfg in config.get(DOMAIN, {}).items() ] await component.async_add_entities(script_entities) # Register services for all entities that were created successfully. for script_entity in script_entities: object_id = script_entity.object_id if component.get_entity(script_entity.entity_id) is None: _LOGGER.error("Couldn't load script %s", object_id) continue cfg = config[DOMAIN][object_id] hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, object_id, service_handler, schema=SCRIPT_SERVICE_SCHEMA ) # Register the service description service_desc = { CONF_DESCRIPTION: cfg[CONF_DESCRIPTION], CONF_FIELDS: cfg[CONF_FIELDS], } async_set_service_schema(hass, DOMAIN, object_id, service_desc) class ScriptEntity(ToggleEntity): """Representation of a script entity.""" icon = None def __init__(self, hass, object_id, cfg): """Initialize the script.""" self.object_id = object_id self.icon = cfg.get(CONF_ICON) self.entity_id = ENTITY_ID_FORMAT.format(object_id) self.script = Script( hass, cfg[CONF_SEQUENCE], cfg.get(CONF_ALIAS, object_id), DOMAIN, running_description="script sequence", change_listener=self.async_change_listener, script_mode=cfg[CONF_MODE], max_runs=cfg[CONF_MAX], max_exceeded=cfg[CONF_MAX_EXCEEDED], logger=logging.getLogger(f"{__name__}.{object_id}"), variables=cfg.get(CONF_VARIABLES), ) self._changed = asyncio.Event() @property def should_poll(self): """No polling needed.""" return False @property def name(self): """Return the name of the entity.""" return self.script.name @property def state_attributes(self): """Return the state attributes.""" attrs = { ATTR_LAST_TRIGGERED: self.script.last_triggered, ATTR_MODE: self.script.script_mode, ATTR_CUR: self.script.runs, } if self.script.supports_max: attrs[ATTR_MAX] = self.script.max_runs if self.script.last_action: attrs[ATTR_LAST_ACTION] = self.script.last_action return attrs @property def is_on(self): """Return true if script is on.""" return self.script.is_running @callback def async_change_listener(self): """Update state.""" self.async_write_ha_state() self._changed.set() async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the script on.""" variables = kwargs.get("variables") context = kwargs.get("context") wait = kwargs.get("wait", True) self.async_set_context(context) self.hass.bus.async_fire( EVENT_SCRIPT_STARTED, {ATTR_NAME: self.script.name, ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.entity_id}, context=context, ) coro = self.script.async_run(variables, context) if wait: await coro return # Caller does not want to wait for called script to finish so let script run in # separate Task. However, wait for first state change so we can guarantee that # it is written to the State Machine before we return. self._changed.clear() self.hass.async_create_task(coro) await self._changed.wait() async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn script off.""" await self.script.async_stop() async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self): """Stop script and remove service when it will be removed from Home Assistant.""" await self.script.async_stop() # remove service self.hass.services.async_remove(DOMAIN, self.object_id)
import random from .const import DOMAIN, SERVICE_RANDOMIZE_DEVICE_TRACKER_DATA def setup_scanner(hass, config, see, discovery_info=None): """Set up the demo tracker.""" def offset(): """Return random offset.""" return (random.randrange(500, 2000)) / 2e5 * random.choice((-1, 1)) def random_see(dev_id, name): """Randomize a sighting.""" see( dev_id=dev_id, host_name=name, gps=(hass.config.latitude + offset(), hass.config.longitude + offset()), gps_accuracy=random.randrange(50, 150), battery=random.randrange(10, 90), ) def observe(call=None): """Observe three entities.""" random_see("demo_paulus", "Paulus") random_see("demo_anne_therese", "Anne Therese") observe() see( dev_id="demo_home_boy", host_name="Home Boy", gps=[hass.config.latitude - 0.00002, hass.config.longitude + 0.00002], gps_accuracy=20, battery=53, ) hass.services.register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_RANDOMIZE_DEVICE_TRACKER_DATA, observe) return True
import logging from homeassistant.components.climate import ClimateEntity from homeassistant.components.climate.const import ( FAN_AUTO, FAN_HIGH, FAN_LOW, FAN_MEDIUM, HVAC_MODE_AUTO, HVAC_MODE_COOL, HVAC_MODE_DRY, HVAC_MODE_FAN_ONLY, HVAC_MODE_HEAT, HVAC_MODE_OFF, SUPPORT_FAN_MODE, SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE, ) from homeassistant.const import ATTR_TEMPERATURE, PRECISION_WHOLE, TEMP_CELSIUS from . import DATA_MELISSA _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SUPPORT_FLAGS = SUPPORT_FAN_MODE | SUPPORT_TARGET_TEMPERATURE OP_MODES = [ HVAC_MODE_HEAT, HVAC_MODE_COOL, HVAC_MODE_DRY, HVAC_MODE_FAN_ONLY, HVAC_MODE_OFF, ] FAN_MODES = [FAN_AUTO, FAN_HIGH, FAN_MEDIUM, FAN_LOW] async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Iterate through and add all Melissa devices.""" api = hass.data[DATA_MELISSA] devices = (await api.async_fetch_devices()).values() all_devices = [] for device in devices: if device["type"] == "melissa": all_devices.append(MelissaClimate(api, device["serial_number"], device)) async_add_entities(all_devices) class MelissaClimate(ClimateEntity): """Representation of a Melissa Climate device.""" def __init__(self, api, serial_number, init_data): """Initialize the climate device.""" self._name = init_data["name"] self._api = api self._serial_number = serial_number self._data = init_data["controller_log"] self._state = None self._cur_settings = None @property def name(self): """Return the name of the thermostat, if any.""" return self._name @property def fan_mode(self): """Return the current fan mode.""" if self._cur_settings is not None: return self.melissa_fan_to_hass(self._cur_settings[self._api.FAN]) @property def current_temperature(self): """Return the current temperature.""" if self._data: return self._data[self._api.TEMP] @property def current_humidity(self): """Return the current humidity value.""" if self._data: return self._data[self._api.HUMIDITY] @property def target_temperature_step(self): """Return the supported step of target temperature.""" return PRECISION_WHOLE @property def hvac_mode(self): """Return the current operation mode.""" if self._cur_settings is None: return None is_on = self._cur_settings[self._api.STATE] in ( self._api.STATE_ON, self._api.STATE_IDLE, ) if not is_on: return HVAC_MODE_OFF return self.melissa_op_to_hass(self._cur_settings[self._api.MODE]) @property def hvac_modes(self): """Return the list of available operation modes.""" return OP_MODES @property def fan_modes(self): """List of available fan modes.""" return FAN_MODES @property def target_temperature(self): """Return the temperature we try to reach.""" if self._cur_settings is None: return None return self._cur_settings[self._api.TEMP] @property def temperature_unit(self): """Return the unit of measurement which this thermostat uses.""" return TEMP_CELSIUS @property def min_temp(self): """Return the minimum supported temperature for the thermostat.""" return 16 @property def max_temp(self): """Return the maximum supported temperature for the thermostat.""" return 30 @property def supported_features(self): """Return the list of supported features.""" return SUPPORT_FLAGS async def async_set_temperature(self, **kwargs): """Set new target temperature.""" temp = kwargs.get(ATTR_TEMPERATURE) await self.async_send({self._api.TEMP: temp}) async def async_set_fan_mode(self, fan_mode): """Set fan mode.""" melissa_fan_mode = self.hass_fan_to_melissa(fan_mode) await self.async_send({self._api.FAN: melissa_fan_mode}) async def async_set_hvac_mode(self, hvac_mode): """Set operation mode.""" if hvac_mode == HVAC_MODE_OFF: await self.async_send({self._api.STATE: self._api.STATE_OFF}) return mode = self.hass_mode_to_melissa(hvac_mode) await self.async_send( {self._api.MODE: mode, self._api.STATE: self._api.STATE_ON} ) async def async_send(self, value): """Send action to service.""" try: old_value = self._cur_settings.copy() self._cur_settings.update(value) except AttributeError: old_value = None if not await self._api.async_send( self._serial_number, "melissa", self._cur_settings ): self._cur_settings = old_value async def async_update(self): """Get latest data from Melissa.""" try: self._data = (await self._api.async_status(cached=True))[ self._serial_number ] self._cur_settings = ( await self._api.async_cur_settings(self._serial_number) )["controller"]["_relation"]["command_log"] except KeyError: _LOGGER.warning("Unable to update entity %s", self.entity_id) def melissa_op_to_hass(self, mode): """Translate Melissa modes to hass states.""" if mode == self._api.MODE_HEAT: return HVAC_MODE_HEAT if mode == self._api.MODE_COOL: return HVAC_MODE_COOL if mode == self._api.MODE_DRY: return HVAC_MODE_DRY if mode == self._api.MODE_FAN: return HVAC_MODE_FAN_ONLY _LOGGER.warning("Operation mode %s could not be mapped to hass", mode) return None def melissa_fan_to_hass(self, fan): """Translate Melissa fan modes to hass modes.""" if fan == self._api.FAN_AUTO: return HVAC_MODE_AUTO if fan == self._api.FAN_LOW: return FAN_LOW if fan == self._api.FAN_MEDIUM: return FAN_MEDIUM if fan == self._api.FAN_HIGH: return FAN_HIGH _LOGGER.warning("Fan mode %s could not be mapped to hass", fan) return None def hass_mode_to_melissa(self, mode): """Translate hass states to melissa modes.""" if mode == HVAC_MODE_HEAT: return self._api.MODE_HEAT if mode == HVAC_MODE_COOL: return self._api.MODE_COOL if mode == HVAC_MODE_DRY: return self._api.MODE_DRY if mode == HVAC_MODE_FAN_ONLY: return self._api.MODE_FAN _LOGGER.warning("Melissa have no setting for %s mode", mode) def hass_fan_to_melissa(self, fan): """Translate hass fan modes to melissa modes.""" if fan == HVAC_MODE_AUTO: return self._api.FAN_AUTO if fan == FAN_LOW: return self._api.FAN_LOW if fan == FAN_MEDIUM: return self._api.FAN_MEDIUM if fan == FAN_HIGH: return self._api.FAN_HIGH _LOGGER.warning("Melissa have no setting for %s fan mode", fan)
from pylatex import Document, NoEscape import pylatex.config as cf lorem = ''' Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus facilisis tortor vel imperdiet vestibulum. Vivamus et mollis risus. Proin ut enim eu leo volutpat tristique. Vivamus quam enim, efficitur quis turpis ac, condimentum tincidunt tellus. Praesent non tellus in quam tempor dignissim. Sed feugiat ante id mauris vehicula, quis elementum nunc molestie. Pellentesque a vulputate nisi, ut vulputate ex. Morbi erat eros, aliquam in justo sed, placerat tempor mauris. In vitae velit eu lorem dapibus consequat. Integer posuere ornare laoreet. Donec pellentesque libero id tempor aliquam. Maecenas a diam at metus varius rutrum vel in nisl. Maecenas a est lorem. Vivamus tristique nec eros ac hendrerit. Vivamus imperdiet justo id lobortis luctus. Sed facilisis ipsum ut tellus pellentesque tincidunt. Mauris libero lectus, maximus at mattis ut, venenatis eget diam. Fusce in leo at erat varius laoreet. Mauris non ipsum pretium, convallis purus vel, pulvinar leo. Aliquam lacinia lorem dapibus tortor imperdiet, quis consequat diam mollis. Praesent accumsan ultrices diam a eleifend. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse accumsan orci ut sodales ullamcorper. Integer bibendum elementum convallis. Praesent accumsan at leo eget ullamcorper. Maecenas eget tempor enim. Quisque et nisl eros. ''' def main(): cf.active = cf.Version1() doc = Document(data=NoEscape(lorem)) doc.generate_pdf('config1_with_indent', clean_tex=False) cf.active = cf.Version1(indent=False) doc = Document(data=NoEscape(lorem)) doc.generate_pdf('config2_without_indent', clean_tex=False) with cf.Version1().use(): doc = Document(data=NoEscape(lorem)) doc.generate_pdf('config3_with_indent_again', clean_tex=False) doc = Document(data=NoEscape(lorem)) doc.generate_pdf('config4_without_indent_again', clean_tex=False) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from test import CollectorTestCase from test import get_collector_config from test import unittest from mock import Mock from mock import patch from diamond.collector import Collector from postfix import PostfixCollector ########################################################################## class TestPostfixCollector(CollectorTestCase): def setUp(self): config = get_collector_config('PostfixCollector', { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 7777, 'interval': '1', }) self.collector = PostfixCollector(config, None) def test_import(self): self.assertTrue(PostfixCollector) @patch.object(Collector, 'publish') def test_should_work_with_synthetic_data(self, publish_mock): first_resp = self.getFixture('postfix-stats.1.json').getvalue() patch_collector = patch.object( PostfixCollector, 'get_json', Mock(return_value=first_resp)) patch_collector.start() self.collector.collect() patch_collector.stop() self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, {}) second_resp = self.getFixture('postfix-stats.2.json').getvalue() patch_collector = patch.object(PostfixCollector, 'get_json', Mock(return_value=second_resp)) patch_collector.start() self.collector.collect() patch_collector.stop() metrics = { 'send.status.sent': 4, 'send.resp_codes.2_0_0': 5, 'clients.127_0_0_1': 1, } self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, metrics) self.setDocExample(collector=self.collector.__class__.__name__, metrics=metrics, defaultpath=self.collector.config['path']) ########################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
import diamond.collector class KafkaConsumerLagCollector(diamond.collector.ProcessCollector): def get_default_config_help(self): collector = super(KafkaConsumerLagCollector, self) config_help = collector.get_default_config_help() config_help.update({ 'bin': 'The path to kafka-run-class.sh binary', 'topic': 'Comma-separated list of consumer topics.', 'zookeeper': 'ZooKeeper connect string.', 'consumer_groups': 'Consumer groups' }) return config_help def get_default_config(self): """ Returns the default collector settings """ config = super(KafkaConsumerLagCollector, self).get_default_config() config.update({ 'path': 'kafka.ConsumerLag', 'bin': '/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-run-class.sh', 'zookeeper': 'localhost:2181' }) return config def collect(self): zookeeper = ','.join(self.config.get('zookeeper')) consumer_groups = self.config.get('consumer_groups') topic = self.config.get('topic') cluster_name = '-'.join(zookeeper.split('/')[1:]).replace('-', '_') for consumer_group in consumer_groups: try: cmd = [ 'kafka.tools.ConsumerOffsetChecker', '--group', consumer_group, '--zookeeper', zookeeper ] if topic: cmd += '--topic %s' % topic raw_output = self.run_command(cmd) if raw_output is None: return for i, output in enumerate(raw_output[0].split('\n')): if i == 0: continue items = output.strip().split(' ') metrics = [item for item in items if item] if not metrics: continue prefix_keys = metrics[:3] value = float(metrics[5]) if cluster_name: prefix_keys.insert(0, cluster_name) self.publish('.'.join(prefix_keys), value) except Exception as e: self.log.error(e)
from unittest import TestCase from scattertext.WhitespaceNLP import whitespace_nlp_with_sentences, whitespace_nlp, Tok, Doc class TestWhitespaceNLP(TestCase): def test_whitespace_nlp(self): raw = '''Hi! My name is Jason. You can call me Mr. J. Is that your name too? Ha. Ha ha. ''' doc = whitespace_nlp(raw) self.assertEqual(len(list(doc)), 55) self.assertEqual(len(doc.sents), 1) tok = Tok('WORD', 'Jason', 'jason', 'Name', 'NNP') self.assertEqual(len(tok), 5) self.assertEqual(str(tok), 'jason') self.assertEqual(str(Doc([[Tok('WORD', 'Jason', 'jason', 'Name', 'NNP'), Tok('WORD', 'a', 'a', 'Name', 'NNP')]], raw='asdfbasdfasd')), 'asdfbasdfasd') self.assertEqual(str(Doc([[Tok('WORD', 'Blah', 'blah', 'Name', 'NNP'), Tok('Space', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '), Tok('WORD', 'a', 'a', 'Name', 'NNP')]])), 'blah a') def test_whitespace_nlp_with_sentences(self): raw = '''Hi! My name is Jason. You can call me Mr. J. Is that your name too? Ha. Ha ha. ''' doc = whitespace_nlp_with_sentences(raw) self.assertEqual(doc.text, raw) self.assertEqual(len(doc.sents), 7) self.assertEqual(doc[3].orth_, 'name') self.assertEqual(doc[25].orth_, '.') self.assertEqual(len(doc), 26) self.assertEqual(doc[3].idx, 7) self.assertEqual(raw[doc[3].idx:(doc[3].idx+len(doc[3].orth_))], 'name') def test_whitespace_nlp_with_sentences_singleton(self): raw = 'Blah' self.assertEqual(whitespace_nlp_with_sentences(raw).text, raw) self.assertEqual(len(whitespace_nlp_with_sentences(raw).sents), 1) self.assertEqual(len(whitespace_nlp_with_sentences(raw).sents[0]), 1) raw = 'Blah.' self.assertEqual(whitespace_nlp_with_sentences(raw).text, raw) self.assertEqual(len(whitespace_nlp_with_sentences(raw).sents), 1) self.assertEqual(len(whitespace_nlp_with_sentences(raw).sents[0]), 2)
from homeassistant import config_entries, data_entry_flow, setup from homeassistant.components.insteon.config_flow import ( HUB1, HUB2, MODEM_TYPE, PLM, STEP_ADD_OVERRIDE, STEP_ADD_X10, STEP_CHANGE_HUB_CONFIG, STEP_HUB_V2, STEP_REMOVE_OVERRIDE, STEP_REMOVE_X10, ) from homeassistant.components.insteon.const import ( CONF_CAT, CONF_DIM_STEPS, CONF_HOUSECODE, CONF_HUB_VERSION, CONF_OVERRIDE, CONF_SUBCAT, CONF_UNITCODE, CONF_X10, DOMAIN, ) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_ADDRESS, CONF_DEVICE, CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PLATFORM, CONF_PORT, CONF_USERNAME, ) from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType from .const import ( MOCK_HOSTNAME, MOCK_IMPORT_CONFIG_PLM, MOCK_IMPORT_MINIMUM_HUB_V1, MOCK_IMPORT_MINIMUM_HUB_V2, MOCK_PASSWORD, MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V1, MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, MOCK_USER_INPUT_PLM, MOCK_USERNAME, PATCH_ASYNC_SETUP, PATCH_ASYNC_SETUP_ENTRY, PATCH_CONNECTION, ) from tests.async_mock import patch from tests.common import MockConfigEntry async def mock_successful_connection(*args, **kwargs): """Return a successful connection.""" return True async def mock_failed_connection(*args, **kwargs): """Return a failed connection.""" raise ConnectionError("Connection failed") async def _init_form(hass, modem_type): """Run the user form.""" result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER} ) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["errors"] == {} result2 = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], {MODEM_TYPE: modem_type}, ) return result2 async def _device_form(hass, flow_id, connection, user_input): """Test the PLM, Hub v1 or Hub v2 form.""" with patch(PATCH_CONNECTION, new=connection,), patch( PATCH_ASYNC_SETUP, return_value=True ) as mock_setup, patch( PATCH_ASYNC_SETUP_ENTRY, return_value=True, ) as mock_setup_entry: result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure(flow_id, user_input) await hass.async_block_till_done() return result, mock_setup, mock_setup_entry async def test_form_select_modem(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test we get a modem form.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) result = await _init_form(hass, HUB2) assert result["step_id"] == STEP_HUB_V2 assert result["type"] == "form" async def test_fail_on_existing(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test we fail if the integration is already configured.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, entry_id="abcde12345", data={**MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, options={}, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) assert config_entry.state == config_entries.ENTRY_STATE_NOT_LOADED result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, data={**MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER}, ) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_ABORT assert result["reason"] == "single_instance_allowed" async def test_form_select_plm(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test we set up the PLM correctly.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) result = await _init_form(hass, PLM) result2, mock_setup, mock_setup_entry = await _device_form( hass, result["flow_id"], mock_successful_connection, MOCK_USER_INPUT_PLM ) assert result2["type"] == "create_entry" assert result2["data"] == MOCK_USER_INPUT_PLM assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 1 assert len(mock_setup_entry.mock_calls) == 1 async def test_form_select_hub_v1(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test we set up the Hub v1 correctly.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) result = await _init_form(hass, HUB1) result2, mock_setup, mock_setup_entry = await _device_form( hass, result["flow_id"], mock_successful_connection, MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V1 ) assert result2["type"] == "create_entry" assert result2["data"] == { **MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V1, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 1, } assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 1 assert len(mock_setup_entry.mock_calls) == 1 async def test_form_select_hub_v2(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test we set up the Hub v2 correctly.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) result = await _init_form(hass, HUB2) result2, mock_setup, mock_setup_entry = await _device_form( hass, result["flow_id"], mock_successful_connection, MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2 ) assert result2["type"] == "create_entry" assert result2["data"] == { **MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2, } assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 1 assert len(mock_setup_entry.mock_calls) == 1 async def test_failed_connection_plm(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test a failed connection with the PLM.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) result = await _init_form(hass, PLM) result2, _, _ = await _device_form( hass, result["flow_id"], mock_failed_connection, MOCK_USER_INPUT_PLM ) assert result2["type"] == "form" assert result2["errors"] == {"base": "cannot_connect"} async def test_failed_connection_hub(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test a failed connection with a Hub.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) result = await _init_form(hass, HUB2) result2, _, _ = await _device_form( hass, result["flow_id"], mock_failed_connection, MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2 ) assert result2["type"] == "form" assert result2["errors"] == {"base": "cannot_connect"} async def _import_config(hass, config): """Run the import step.""" with patch(PATCH_CONNECTION, new=mock_successful_connection,), patch( PATCH_ASYNC_SETUP, return_value=True ), patch(PATCH_ASYNC_SETUP_ENTRY, return_value=True): return await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT}, data=config ) async def test_import_plm(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test importing a minimum PLM config from yaml.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) result = await _import_config(hass, MOCK_IMPORT_CONFIG_PLM) assert result["type"] == "create_entry" assert hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN) for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN): assert entry.data == MOCK_IMPORT_CONFIG_PLM async def _options_init_form(hass, entry_id, step): """Run the init options form.""" with patch(PATCH_ASYNC_SETUP_ENTRY, return_value=True): result = await hass.config_entries.options.async_init(entry_id) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "init" result2 = await hass.config_entries.options.async_configure( result["flow_id"], {step: True}, ) return result2 async def test_import_min_hub_v2(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test importing a minimum Hub v2 config from yaml.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) result = await _import_config( hass, {**MOCK_IMPORT_MINIMUM_HUB_V2, CONF_PORT: 25105, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2} ) assert result["type"] == "create_entry" assert hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN) for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN): assert entry.data[CONF_HOST] == MOCK_HOSTNAME assert entry.data[CONF_PORT] == 25105 assert entry.data[CONF_USERNAME] == MOCK_USERNAME assert entry.data[CONF_PASSWORD] == MOCK_PASSWORD assert entry.data[CONF_HUB_VERSION] == 2 async def test_import_min_hub_v1(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test importing a minimum Hub v1 config from yaml.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) result = await _import_config( hass, {**MOCK_IMPORT_MINIMUM_HUB_V1, CONF_PORT: 9761, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 1} ) assert result["type"] == "create_entry" assert hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN) for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN): assert entry.data[CONF_HOST] == MOCK_HOSTNAME assert entry.data[CONF_PORT] == 9761 assert entry.data[CONF_HUB_VERSION] == 1 async def test_import_existing(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test we fail on an existing config imported.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, entry_id="abcde12345", data={**MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, options={}, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) assert config_entry.state == config_entries.ENTRY_STATE_NOT_LOADED result = await _import_config( hass, {**MOCK_IMPORT_MINIMUM_HUB_V2, CONF_PORT: 25105, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2} ) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_ABORT assert result["reason"] == "single_instance_allowed" async def test_import_failed_connection(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test a failed connection on import.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) with patch(PATCH_CONNECTION, new=mock_failed_connection,), patch( PATCH_ASYNC_SETUP, return_value=True ), patch(PATCH_ASYNC_SETUP_ENTRY, return_value=True): result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT}, data={**MOCK_IMPORT_MINIMUM_HUB_V2, CONF_PORT: 25105, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, ) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_ABORT assert result["reason"] == "cannot_connect" async def _options_form(hass, flow_id, user_input): """Test an options form.""" with patch(PATCH_ASYNC_SETUP_ENTRY, return_value=True) as mock_setup_entry: result = await hass.config_entries.options.async_configure(flow_id, user_input) return result, mock_setup_entry async def test_options_change_hub_config(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test changing Hub v2 config.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, entry_id="abcde12345", data={**MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, options={}, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) result = await _options_init_form( hass, config_entry.entry_id, STEP_CHANGE_HUB_CONFIG ) user_input = { CONF_HOST: "", CONF_PORT: 9999, CONF_USERNAME: "new username", CONF_PASSWORD: "new password", } result, _ = await _options_form(hass, result["flow_id"], user_input) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert config_entry.options == {} assert config_entry.data == {**user_input, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2} async def test_options_add_device_override(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test adding a device override.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, entry_id="abcde12345", data={**MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, options={}, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) result = await _options_init_form(hass, config_entry.entry_id, STEP_ADD_OVERRIDE) user_input = { CONF_ADDRESS: "1a2b3c", CONF_CAT: "0x04", CONF_SUBCAT: "0xaa", } result, _ = await _options_form(hass, result["flow_id"], user_input) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert len(config_entry.options[CONF_OVERRIDE]) == 1 assert config_entry.options[CONF_OVERRIDE][0][CONF_ADDRESS] == "1A.2B.3C" assert config_entry.options[CONF_OVERRIDE][0][CONF_CAT] == 4 assert config_entry.options[CONF_OVERRIDE][0][CONF_SUBCAT] == 170 result2 = await _options_init_form(hass, config_entry.entry_id, STEP_ADD_OVERRIDE) user_input = { CONF_ADDRESS: "4d5e6f", CONF_CAT: "05", CONF_SUBCAT: "bb", } await _options_form(hass, result2["flow_id"], user_input) assert len(config_entry.options[CONF_OVERRIDE]) == 2 assert config_entry.options[CONF_OVERRIDE][1][CONF_ADDRESS] == "4D.5E.6F" assert config_entry.options[CONF_OVERRIDE][1][CONF_CAT] == 5 assert config_entry.options[CONF_OVERRIDE][1][CONF_SUBCAT] == 187 async def test_options_remove_device_override(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test removing a device override.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, entry_id="abcde12345", data={**MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, options={ CONF_OVERRIDE: [ {CONF_ADDRESS: "1A.2B.3C", CONF_CAT: 6, CONF_SUBCAT: 100}, {CONF_ADDRESS: "4D.5E.6F", CONF_CAT: 7, CONF_SUBCAT: 200}, ] }, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) result = await _options_init_form(hass, config_entry.entry_id, STEP_REMOVE_OVERRIDE) user_input = {CONF_ADDRESS: "1A.2B.3C"} result, _ = await _options_form(hass, result["flow_id"], user_input) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert len(config_entry.options[CONF_OVERRIDE]) == 1 async def test_options_remove_device_override_with_x10(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test removing a device override when an X10 device is configured.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, entry_id="abcde12345", data={**MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, options={ CONF_OVERRIDE: [ {CONF_ADDRESS: "1A.2B.3C", CONF_CAT: 6, CONF_SUBCAT: 100}, {CONF_ADDRESS: "4D.5E.6F", CONF_CAT: 7, CONF_SUBCAT: 200}, ], CONF_X10: [ { CONF_HOUSECODE: "d", CONF_UNITCODE: 5, CONF_PLATFORM: "light", CONF_DIM_STEPS: 22, } ], }, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) result = await _options_init_form(hass, config_entry.entry_id, STEP_REMOVE_OVERRIDE) user_input = {CONF_ADDRESS: "1A.2B.3C"} result, _ = await _options_form(hass, result["flow_id"], user_input) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert len(config_entry.options[CONF_OVERRIDE]) == 1 assert len(config_entry.options[CONF_X10]) == 1 async def test_options_add_x10_device(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test adding an X10 device.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, entry_id="abcde12345", data={**MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, options={}, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) result = await _options_init_form(hass, config_entry.entry_id, STEP_ADD_X10) user_input = { CONF_HOUSECODE: "c", CONF_UNITCODE: 12, CONF_PLATFORM: "light", CONF_DIM_STEPS: 18, } result2, _ = await _options_form(hass, result["flow_id"], user_input) assert result2["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert len(config_entry.options[CONF_X10]) == 1 assert config_entry.options[CONF_X10][0][CONF_HOUSECODE] == "c" assert config_entry.options[CONF_X10][0][CONF_UNITCODE] == 12 assert config_entry.options[CONF_X10][0][CONF_PLATFORM] == "light" assert config_entry.options[CONF_X10][0][CONF_DIM_STEPS] == 18 result = await _options_init_form(hass, config_entry.entry_id, STEP_ADD_X10) user_input = { CONF_HOUSECODE: "d", CONF_UNITCODE: 10, CONF_PLATFORM: "binary_sensor", CONF_DIM_STEPS: 15, } result3, _ = await _options_form(hass, result["flow_id"], user_input) assert result3["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert len(config_entry.options[CONF_X10]) == 2 assert config_entry.options[CONF_X10][1][CONF_HOUSECODE] == "d" assert config_entry.options[CONF_X10][1][CONF_UNITCODE] == 10 assert config_entry.options[CONF_X10][1][CONF_PLATFORM] == "binary_sensor" assert config_entry.options[CONF_X10][1][CONF_DIM_STEPS] == 15 async def test_options_remove_x10_device(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test removing an X10 device.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, entry_id="abcde12345", data={**MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, options={ CONF_X10: [ { CONF_HOUSECODE: "C", CONF_UNITCODE: 4, CONF_PLATFORM: "light", CONF_DIM_STEPS: 18, }, { CONF_HOUSECODE: "D", CONF_UNITCODE: 10, CONF_PLATFORM: "binary_sensor", CONF_DIM_STEPS: 15, }, ] }, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) result = await _options_init_form(hass, config_entry.entry_id, STEP_REMOVE_X10) for device in config_entry.options[CONF_X10]: housecode = device[CONF_HOUSECODE].upper() unitcode = device[CONF_UNITCODE] print(f"Housecode: {housecode}, Unitcode: {unitcode}") user_input = {CONF_DEVICE: "Housecode: C, Unitcode: 4"} result, _ = await _options_form(hass, result["flow_id"], user_input) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert len(config_entry.options[CONF_X10]) == 1 async def test_options_remove_x10_device_with_override(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test removing an X10 device when a device override is configured.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, entry_id="abcde12345", data={**MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, options={ CONF_X10: [ { CONF_HOUSECODE: "C", CONF_UNITCODE: 4, CONF_PLATFORM: "light", CONF_DIM_STEPS: 18, }, { CONF_HOUSECODE: "D", CONF_UNITCODE: 10, CONF_PLATFORM: "binary_sensor", CONF_DIM_STEPS: 15, }, ], CONF_OVERRIDE: [{CONF_ADDRESS: "1A.2B.3C", CONF_CAT: 1, CONF_SUBCAT: 18}], }, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) result = await _options_init_form(hass, config_entry.entry_id, STEP_REMOVE_X10) for device in config_entry.options[CONF_X10]: housecode = device[CONF_HOUSECODE].upper() unitcode = device[CONF_UNITCODE] print(f"Housecode: {housecode}, Unitcode: {unitcode}") user_input = {CONF_DEVICE: "Housecode: C, Unitcode: 4"} result, _ = await _options_form(hass, result["flow_id"], user_input) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert len(config_entry.options[CONF_X10]) == 1 assert len(config_entry.options[CONF_OVERRIDE]) == 1 async def test_options_dup_selection(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test if a duplicate selection was made in options.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, entry_id="abcde12345", data={**MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, options={}, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) result = await hass.config_entries.options.async_init(config_entry.entry_id) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "init" result2 = await hass.config_entries.options.async_configure( result["flow_id"], {STEP_ADD_OVERRIDE: True, STEP_ADD_X10: True}, ) assert result2["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result2["errors"] == {"base": "select_single"} async def test_options_override_bad_data(hass: HomeAssistantType): """Test for bad data in a device override.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, entry_id="abcde12345", data={**MOCK_USER_INPUT_HUB_V2, CONF_HUB_VERSION: 2}, options={}, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) result = await _options_init_form(hass, config_entry.entry_id, STEP_ADD_OVERRIDE) user_input = { CONF_ADDRESS: "zzzzzz", CONF_CAT: "bad", CONF_SUBCAT: "data", } result, _ = await _options_form(hass, result["flow_id"], user_input) assert result["type"] == data_entry_flow.RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["errors"] == {"base": "input_error"}
import ast from bisect import bisect_left from distutils import spawn import errno import functools import inspect import itertools import logging import os import re import subprocess import time import traceback import warnings from decorator import decorator from google.protobuf.descriptor import FieldDescriptor from gmusicapi import __version__ from gmusicapi.appdirs import my_appdirs from gmusicapi.exceptions import CallFailure, GmusicapiWarning, NotSubscribed # this controls the crazy logging setup that checks the callstack; # it should be monkey-patched to False after importing to disable it. # when False, static code will simply log in the standard way under the root. per_client_logging = True # Map descriptor.CPPTYPE -> python type. _python_to_cpp_types = { int: ('int32', 'int64', 'uint32', 'uint64'), float: ('double', 'float'), bool: ('bool',), str: ('string',), } cpp_type_to_python = { getattr(FieldDescriptor, 'CPPTYPE_' + cpp.upper()): python for (python, cpplist) in _python_to_cpp_types.items() for cpp in cpplist } log_filepath = os.path.join(my_appdirs.user_log_dir, 'gmusicapi.log') printed_log_start_message = False # global, set in config_debug_logging # matches a mac address in GM form, eg # 00:11:22:33:AA:BB _mac_pattern = re.compile("^({pair}:){{5}}{pair}$".format(pair='[0-9A-F]' * 2)) class DynamicClientLogger: """Dynamically proxies to the logger of a Client higher in the call stack. This is a ridiculous hack needed because logging is, in the eyes of a user, per-client. So, logging from static code (eg protocol, utils) needs to log using the config of the calling client's logger. There can be multiple clients, so we can't just use a globally-available logger. Instead of refactoring every function to receieve a logger, we introspect the callstack at runtime to figure out who's calling us, then use their logger. This probably won't work on non-CPython implementations. """ def __init__(self, caller_name): self.caller_name = caller_name def __getattr__(self, name): # this isn't a totally foolproof way to proxy, but it's fine for # the usual logger.debug, etc methods. logger = logging.getLogger(self.caller_name) if per_client_logging: # search upwards for a client instance for frame_rec in inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe()): frame = frame_rec[0] try: if 'self' in frame.f_locals: f_self = frame.f_locals['self'] # can't import and check against classes; that causes an import cycle if (f_self is not None and f_self.__module__.startswith('gmusicapi.clients') and f_self.__class__.__name__ in ('Musicmanager', 'Webclient', 'Mobileclient')): logger = f_self.logger break finally: del frame # avoid circular references else: # log to root logger. # should this be stronger? There's no default root logger set up. stack = traceback.extract_stack() logger.info('could not locate client caller in stack:\n%s', '\n'.join(traceback.format_list(stack))) return getattr(logger, name) log = DynamicClientLogger(__name__) def deprecated(instructions): """Flags a method as deprecated. :param instructions: human-readable note to assist migration. """ @decorator def wrapper(func, *args, **kwargs): message = "{0} is deprecated and may break unexpectedly; {1}".format( func.__name__, instructions) warnings.warn(message, GmusicapiWarning, stacklevel=2) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def longest_increasing_subseq(seq): """Returns the longest (non-contiguous) subsequence of seq that is strictly increasing. """ # adapted from http://goo.gl/lddm3c if not seq: return [] # head[j] = index in 'seq' of the final member of the best subsequence # of length 'j + 1' yet found head = [0] # predecessor[j] = linked list of indices of best subsequence ending # at seq[j], in reverse order predecessor = [-1] for i in range(1, len(seq)): # Find j such that: seq[head[j - 1]] < seq[i] <= seq[head[j]] # seq[head[j]] is increasing, so use binary search. j = bisect_left([seq[head[idx]] for idx in range(len(head))], seq[i]) if j == len(head): head.append(i) if seq[i] < seq[head[j]]: head[j] = i predecessor.append(head[j - 1] if j > 0 else -1) # trace subsequence back to output result = [] trace_idx = head[-1] while (trace_idx >= 0): result.append(seq[trace_idx]) trace_idx = predecessor[trace_idx] return result[::-1] def id_or_nid(song_dict): """Equivalent to ``d.get('id') or d['nid']``. Uploaded songs have an id key, while AA tracks have a nid key, which can often be used interchangably. """ return song_dict.get('id') or song_dict['nid'] def datetime_to_microseconds(dt): """Return microseconds since epoch, as an int. :param dt: a datetime.datetime """ return int(time.mktime(dt.timetuple()) * 1000000) + dt.microsecond def is_valid_mac(mac_string): """Return True if mac_string is of form eg '00:11:22:33:AA:BB'. """ if not _mac_pattern.match(mac_string): return False return True def create_mac_string(num, splitter=':'): """Return the mac address interpretation of num, in the form eg '00:11:22:33:AA:BB'. :param num: a 48-bit integer (eg from uuid.getnode) :param spliiter: a string to join the hex pairs with """ mac = hex(num)[2:] # trim trailing L for long consts if mac[-1] == 'L': mac = mac[:-1] pad = max(12 - len(mac), 0) mac = '0' * pad + mac mac = splitter.join([mac[x:x + 2] for x in range(0, 12, 2)]) mac = mac.upper() return mac # from http://stackoverflow.com/a/5032238/1231454 def make_sure_path_exists(path, mode=None): try: if mode is not None: os.makedirs(path, mode) else: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise # from http://stackoverflow.com/a/8101118/1231454 class DocstringInheritMeta(type): """A variation on http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/msg/26f7b4fcb4d66c95 by Paul McGuire """ def __new__(meta, name, bases, clsdict): if not('__doc__' in clsdict and clsdict['__doc__']): for mro_cls in (mro_cls for base in bases for mro_cls in base.mro()): doc = mro_cls.__doc__ if doc: clsdict['__doc__'] = doc break for attr, attribute in clsdict.items(): if not attribute.__doc__: for mro_cls in (mro_cls for base in bases for mro_cls in base.mro() if hasattr(mro_cls, attr)): doc = getattr(getattr(mro_cls, attr), '__doc__') if doc: attribute.__doc__ = doc break return type.__new__(meta, name, bases, clsdict) def dual_decorator(func): """This is a decorator that converts a paramaterized decorator for no-param use. source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3888158. """ @functools.wraps(func) def inner(*args, **kw): if (len(args) == 1 and not kw and callable(args[0]) and not (type(args[0]) == type and issubclass(args[0], BaseException))): return func()(args[0]) else: return func(*args, **kw) return inner @dual_decorator def enforce_id_param(position=1): """Verifies that the caller is passing a single song id, and not a song dictionary. :param position: (optional) the position of the expected id - defaults to 1. """ @decorator def wrapper(function, *args, **kw): if not isinstance(args[position], str): raise ValueError("Invalid param type in position %s;" " expected an id (did you pass a dictionary?)" % position) return function(*args, **kw) return wrapper @dual_decorator def enforce_ids_param(position=1): """Verifies that the caller is passing a list of song ids, and not a list of song dictionaries. :param position: (optional) the position of the expected list - defaults to 1. """ @decorator def wrapper(function, *args, **kw): if (not isinstance(args[position], (list, tuple)) or not all([isinstance(e, str) for e in args[position]])): raise ValueError("Invalid param type in position %s;" " expected ids (did you pass dictionaries?)" % position) return function(*args, **kw) return wrapper def configure_debug_log_handlers(logger): """Warnings and above to stderr, below to gmusicapi.log when possible. Output includes line number.""" global printed_log_start_message logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging_to_file = True try: make_sure_path_exists(os.path.dirname(log_filepath), 0o700) debug_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_filepath, encoding='utf-8') except OSError: logging_to_file = False debug_handler = logging.StreamHandler() debug_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) important_handler = logging.StreamHandler() important_handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING) logger.addHandler(debug_handler) logger.addHandler(important_handler) if not printed_log_start_message: # print out startup message without verbose formatting logger.info("!-- begin debug log --!") logger.info("version: " + __version__) if logging_to_file: logger.info("logging to: " + log_filepath) printed_log_start_message = True formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)s) [%(levelname)s]: %(message)s' ) debug_handler.setFormatter(formatter) important_handler.setFormatter(formatter) @dual_decorator def retry(retry_exception=None, tries=5, delay=2, backoff=2, logger=None): """Retry calling the decorated function using an exponential backoff. An exception from a final attempt will propogate. :param retry_exception: exception (or tuple of exceptions) to check for and retry on. If None, use (AssertionError, CallFailure). :param tries: number of times to try (not retry) before giving up :param delay: initial delay between retries in seconds :param backoff: backoff multiplier :param logger: logger to use. If None, use 'gmusicapi.utils' logger Modified from http://www.saltycrane.com/blog/2009/11/trying-out-retry-decorator-python. """ if logger is None: logger = logging.getLogger('gmusicapi.utils') if retry_exception is None: retry_exception = (AssertionError, CallFailure) @decorator def retry_wrapper(f, *args, **kwargs): mtries, mdelay = tries, delay # make our own mutable copies while mtries > 1: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except retry_exception as e: logger.info("%s, retrying in %s seconds...", e, mdelay) time.sleep(mdelay) mtries -= 1 mdelay *= backoff return f(*args, **kwargs) return retry_wrapper def pb_set(msg, field_name, val): """Return True and set val to field_name in msg if the assignment is type-compatible, else return False. val will be coerced to a proper type if needed. :param msg: an instance of a protobuf.message :param field_name: :param val """ # Find the proper type. field_desc = msg.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name[field_name] proper_type = cpp_type_to_python[field_desc.cpp_type] # Try with the given type first. # Their set hooks will automatically coerce. try_types = (type(val), proper_type) for t in try_types: log.debug("attempt %s.%s = %s(%r)", msg.__class__.__name__, field_name, t, val) try: setattr(msg, field_name, t(val)) log.debug("! success") break except (TypeError, ValueError): log.debug("X failure") else: return False # no assignments stuck return True def locate_mp3_transcoder(): """Return the path to a transcoder (ffmpeg or avconv) with mp3 support. Raise ValueError if none are suitable.""" transcoders = ['ffmpeg', 'avconv'] transcoder_details = {} for transcoder in transcoders: cmd_path = spawn.find_executable(transcoder) if cmd_path is None: transcoder_details[transcoder] = 'not installed' continue with open(os.devnull, "w") as null: stdout = subprocess.check_output([cmd_path, '-codecs'], stderr=null).decode("ascii") mp3_encoding_support = ('libmp3lame' in stdout and 'disable-libmp3lame' not in stdout) if mp3_encoding_support: transcoder_details[transcoder] = "mp3 encoding support" break # mp3 decoding/encoding supported else: transcoder_details[transcoder] = 'no mp3 encoding support' else: raise ValueError('ffmpeg or avconv must be in the path and support mp3 encoding' "\ndetails: %r" % transcoder_details) return cmd_path def transcode_to_mp3(filepath, quality='320k', slice_start=None, slice_duration=None): """Return the bytestring result of transcoding the file at *filepath* to mp3. An ID3 header is not included in the result. :param filepath: location of file :param quality: if int, pass to -q:a. if string, pass to -b:a -q:a roughly corresponds to libmp3lame -V0, -V1... :param slice_start: (optional) transcode a slice, starting at this many seconds :param slice_duration: (optional) when used with slice_start, the number of seconds in the slice Raise: * OSError: problems during transcoding * ValueError: invalid params, transcoder not found """ err_output = None cmd_path = locate_mp3_transcoder() cmd = [cmd_path, '-i', filepath] if slice_duration is not None: cmd.extend(['-t', str(slice_duration)]) if slice_start is not None: cmd.extend(['-ss', str(slice_start)]) if isinstance(quality, int): cmd.extend(['-q:a', str(quality)]) elif isinstance(quality, str): cmd.extend(['-b:a', quality]) else: raise ValueError("quality must be int or string, but received %r" % quality) cmd.extend(['-f', 's16le', # don't output id3 headers '-c', 'libmp3lame', 'pipe:1']) log.debug('running transcode command %r', cmd) try: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) audio_out, err_output = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: err_output = ("(return code: %r)\n" % proc.returncode) + err_output.decode("ascii") raise OSError # handle errors in except except OSError as e: err_msg = "transcoding command (%r) failed: %s. " % (' '.join(cmd), e) if 'No such file or directory' in str(e): err_msg += '\nffmpeg or avconv must be installed and in the system path.' if err_output is not None: err_msg += "\nstderr: '%s'" % err_output log.exception('transcoding failure:\n%s', err_msg) raise OSError(err_msg) else: return audio_out def truncate(x, max_els=100, recurse_levels=0): """Return a 'shorter' truncated x of the same type, useful for logging. recurse_levels is only valid for homogeneous lists/tuples. max_els ignored for song dictionaries.""" # Coerce tuple to list to ease truncation. is_tuple = False if isinstance(x, tuple): is_tuple = True x = list(x) try: if len(x) > max_els: if isinstance(x, str): return x[:max_els] + '...' elif isinstance(x, bytes): return x[:max_els] + b'...' if isinstance(x, dict): if 'id' in x and 'titleNorm' in x: # assume to be a song dict trunc = {k: x.get(k) for k in ['title', 'artist', 'album']} trunc['...'] = '...' return trunc else: return dict( itertools.chain( itertools.islice(x.items(), 0, max_els), [('...', '...')])) if isinstance(x, list): trunc = x[:max_els] + ['...'] if recurse_levels > 0: trunc = [truncate(e, recurse_levels - 1) for e in trunc[:-1]] if is_tuple: trunc = tuple(trunc) return trunc except TypeError: # does not have len pass return x @dual_decorator def empty_arg_shortcircuit(return_code='[]', position=1): """Decorate a function to shortcircuit and return something immediately if the length of a positional arg is 0. :param return_code: (optional) simple expression to eval as the return value - default is a list :param position: (optional) the position of the expected list - default is 1. """ # The normal pattern when making a collection an optional arg is to use # a sentinel (like None). Otherwise, you run the risk of the collection # being mutated - there's only one, not a new one on each call. # Here we've got multiple things we'd like to # return, so we can't do that. Rather than make some kind of enum for # 'accepted return values' I'm just allowing freedom to return basic values. # ast.literal_eval only can evaluate most literal expressions (e.g. [] and {}) @decorator def wrapper(function, *args, **kw): if len(args[position]) == 0: return ast.literal_eval(return_code) else: return function(*args, **kw) return wrapper def accept_singleton(expected_type, position=1): """Allows a function expecting a list to accept a single item as well. The item will be wrapped in a list. Will not work for nested lists. :param expected_type: the type of the items in the list :param position: (optional) the position of the expected list - defaults to 1. """ @decorator def wrapper(function, *args, **kw): if isinstance(args[position], expected_type): # args are a tuple, can't assign into them args = list(args) args[position] = [args[position]] args = tuple(args) return function(*args, **kw) return wrapper @decorator def require_subscription(function, *args, **kwargs): self = args[0] if not self.is_subscribed: raise NotSubscribed("%s requires a subscription." % function.__name__) return function(*args, **kwargs) # Modification of recipe found at # https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonDecoratorLibrary#Cached_Properties. class cached_property: """Version of @property decorator that caches the result with a TTL. Tracks the property's value and last refresh time in a dict attribute of a class instance (``self._cache``) using the property name as the key. """ def __init__(self, ttl=0): self.ttl = ttl def __call__(self, fget, doc=None): self.fget = fget self.__doc__ = doc or fget.__doc__ self.__name__ = fget.__name__ self.__module__ = fget.__module__ return self def __get__(self, inst, owner): now = time.time() try: value, last_update = inst._cache[self.__name__] if (self.ttl > 0) and (now - last_update > self.ttl): raise AttributeError except (KeyError, AttributeError): value = self.fget(inst) try: cache = inst._cache except AttributeError: cache = inst._cache = {} cache[self.__name__] = (value, now) return value def __set__(self, inst, value): raise AttributeError("Can't set cached properties") def __delete__(self, inst): try: del inst._cache[self.__name__] except (KeyError, AttributeError): if not inst._cache: inst._cache = {} # Used to mark a field as unimplemented. @property def NotImplementedField(self): raise NotImplementedError
from homeassistant.components.lock import LockEntity from . import DATA_KEY, VolvoEntity async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Volvo On Call lock.""" if discovery_info is None: return async_add_entities([VolvoLock(hass.data[DATA_KEY], *discovery_info)]) class VolvoLock(VolvoEntity, LockEntity): """Represents a car lock.""" @property def is_locked(self): """Return true if lock is locked.""" return self.instrument.is_locked async def async_lock(self, **kwargs): """Lock the car.""" await self.instrument.lock() async def async_unlock(self, **kwargs): """Unlock the car.""" await self.instrument.unlock()
import os import sh from molecule import logger from molecule import util from molecule.verifier.lint import base LOG = logger.get_logger(__name__) class RuboCop(base.Base): """ `RuboCop`_ is not the default verifier linter. `RuboCop`_ is a linter for ruby files. Additional options can be passed to `rubocop` through the options dict. Any option set in this section will override the defaults. .. code-block:: yaml verifier: name: inspec lint: name: rubocop options: auto-correct: True Test file linting can be disabled by setting `enabled` to False. .. code-block:: yaml verifier: name: inspec lint: name: rubocop enabled: False Environment variables can be passed to lint. .. code-block:: yaml verifier: name: inspec lint: name: rubocop env: FOO: bar .. _`RuboCop`: https://rubocop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ """ def __init__(self, config): """ Sets up the requirements to execute `rubocop` and returns None. :param config: An instance of a Molecule config. :return: None """ super(RuboCop, self).__init__(config) self._rubocop_command = None if config: self._tests = self._get_tests() @property def default_options(self): d = {} if self._config.debug: d['d'] = True return d @property def default_env(self): return util.merge_dicts(os.environ.copy(), self._config.env) def bake(self): """ Bake a `rubocop` command so it's ready to execute and returns None. :return: None """ self._rubocop_command = sh.rubocop.bake( self.options, self._tests, _env=self.env, _out=LOG.out, _err=LOG.error) def execute(self): if not self.enabled: msg = 'Skipping, verifier_lint is disabled.' LOG.warn(msg) return if not len(self._tests) > 0: msg = 'Skipping, no tests found.' LOG.warn(msg) return if self._rubocop_command is None: self.bake() msg = 'Executing RuboCop on files found in {}/...'.format( self._config.verifier.directory) LOG.info(msg) try: util.run_command(self._rubocop_command, debug=self._config.debug) msg = 'Lint completed successfully.' LOG.success(msg) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: util.sysexit(e.exit_code) def _get_tests(self): """ Walk the verifier's directory for tests and returns a list. :return: list """ return [ filename for filename in util.os_walk( self._config.verifier.directory, 'test_*.rb') ]
import configparser import io import itertools import os import shutil from nikola.plugin_categories import LateTask from nikola import utils class BuildBundles(LateTask): """Bundle assets.""" name = "create_bundles" def gen_tasks(self): """Bundle assets.""" kw = { 'filters': self.site.config['FILTERS'], 'output_folder': self.site.config['OUTPUT_FOLDER'], 'cache_folder': self.site.config['CACHE_FOLDER'], 'theme_bundles': get_theme_bundles(self.site.THEMES), 'themes': self.site.THEMES, 'files_folders': self.site.config['FILES_FOLDERS'], 'code_color_scheme': self.site.config['CODE_COLOR_SCHEME'], } def build_bundle(output, inputs): out_dir = os.path.join(kw['output_folder'], os.path.dirname(output)) inputs = [ os.path.join( out_dir, os.path.relpath(i, out_dir)) for i in inputs if os.path.isfile(i) ] with open(os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(output)), 'wb+') as out_fh: for i in inputs: with open(i, 'rb') as in_fh: shutil.copyfileobj(in_fh, out_fh) out_fh.write(b'\n') yield self.group_task() if self.site.config['USE_BUNDLES']: for name, _files in kw['theme_bundles'].items(): output_path = os.path.join(kw['output_folder'], name) dname = os.path.dirname(name) files = [] for fname in _files: # paths are relative to dirname files.append(os.path.join(dname, fname)) file_dep = [os.path.join(kw['output_folder'], fname) for fname in files if utils.get_asset_path( fname, self.site.THEMES, self.site.config['FILES_FOLDERS'], output_dir=kw['output_folder']) or fname == os.path.join('assets', 'css', 'code.css')] # code.css will be generated by us if it does not exist in # FILES_FOLDERS or theme assets. It is guaranteed that the # generation will happen before this task. task = { 'file_dep': list(file_dep), 'task_dep': ['copy_assets', 'copy_files'], 'basename': str(self.name), 'name': str(output_path), 'actions': [(build_bundle, (name, file_dep))], 'targets': [output_path], 'uptodate': [ utils.config_changed({ 1: kw, 2: file_dep }, 'nikola.plugins.task.bundles')], 'clean': True, } yield utils.apply_filters(task, kw['filters']) def get_theme_bundles(themes): """Given a theme chain, return the bundle definitions.""" for theme_name in themes: bundles_path = os.path.join( utils.get_theme_path(theme_name), 'bundles') if os.path.isfile(bundles_path): config = configparser.ConfigParser() header = io.StringIO('[bundles]\n') with open(bundles_path, 'rt') as fd: config.read_file(itertools.chain(header, fd)) bundles = {} for name, files in config['bundles'].items(): name = name.strip().replace('/', os.sep) files = [f.strip() for f in files.split(',') if f.strip()] bundles[name] = files return bundles
from datetime import timedelta import logging from pyebox import EboxClient from pyebox.client import PyEboxError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_MONITORED_VARIABLES, CONF_NAME, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME, DATA_GIGABITS, PERCENTAGE, TIME_DAYS, ) from homeassistant.exceptions import PlatformNotReady import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.util import Throttle _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PRICE = "CAD" DEFAULT_NAME = "EBox" REQUESTS_TIMEOUT = 15 SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(minutes=15) MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=15) SENSOR_TYPES = { "usage": ["Usage", PERCENTAGE, "mdi:percent"], "balance": ["Balance", PRICE, "mdi:cash-usd"], "limit": ["Data limit", DATA_GIGABITS, "mdi:download"], "days_left": ["Days left", TIME_DAYS, "mdi:calendar-today"], "before_offpeak_download": [ "Download before offpeak", DATA_GIGABITS, "mdi:download", ], "before_offpeak_upload": ["Upload before offpeak", DATA_GIGABITS, "mdi:upload"], "before_offpeak_total": ["Total before offpeak", DATA_GIGABITS, "mdi:download"], "offpeak_download": ["Offpeak download", DATA_GIGABITS, "mdi:download"], "offpeak_upload": ["Offpeak Upload", DATA_GIGABITS, "mdi:upload"], "offpeak_total": ["Offpeak Total", DATA_GIGABITS, "mdi:download"], "download": ["Download", DATA_GIGABITS, "mdi:download"], "upload": ["Upload", DATA_GIGABITS, "mdi:upload"], "total": ["Total", DATA_GIGABITS, "mdi:download"], } PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_MONITORED_VARIABLES): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [vol.In(SENSOR_TYPES)] ), vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, } ) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the EBox sensor.""" username = config.get(CONF_USERNAME) password = config.get(CONF_PASSWORD) httpsession = hass.helpers.aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession() ebox_data = EBoxData(username, password, httpsession) name = config.get(CONF_NAME) try: await ebox_data.async_update() except PyEboxError as exp: _LOGGER.error("Failed login: %s", exp) raise PlatformNotReady from exp sensors = [] for variable in config[CONF_MONITORED_VARIABLES]: sensors.append(EBoxSensor(ebox_data, variable, name)) async_add_entities(sensors, True) class EBoxSensor(Entity): """Implementation of a EBox sensor.""" def __init__(self, ebox_data, sensor_type, name): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.client_name = name self.type = sensor_type self._name = SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type][0] self._unit_of_measurement = SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type][1] self._icon = SENSOR_TYPES[sensor_type][2] self.ebox_data = ebox_data self._state = None @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return f"{self.client_name} {self._name}" @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement of this entity, if any.""" return self._unit_of_measurement @property def icon(self): """Icon to use in the frontend, if any.""" return self._icon async def async_update(self): """Get the latest data from EBox and update the state.""" await self.ebox_data.async_update() if self.type in self.ebox_data.data: self._state = round(self.ebox_data.data[self.type], 2) class EBoxData: """Get data from Ebox.""" def __init__(self, username, password, httpsession): """Initialize the data object.""" self.client = EboxClient(username, password, REQUESTS_TIMEOUT, httpsession) self.data = {} @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) async def async_update(self): """Get the latest data from Ebox.""" try: await self.client.fetch_data() except PyEboxError as exp: _LOGGER.error("Error on receive last EBox data: %s", exp) return # Update data self.data = self.client.get_data()
import os from absl import flags from perfkitbenchmarker import errors from perfkitbenchmarker import linux_packages from perfkitbenchmarker import object_storage_service from perfkitbenchmarker import providers from perfkitbenchmarker import vm_util flags.DEFINE_boolean('openstack_swift_insecure', False, 'Allow swiftclient to access Swift service without \n' 'having to verify the SSL certificate') FLAGS = flags.FLAGS SWIFTCLIENT_LIB_VERSION = 'python-swiftclient_lib_version' class SwiftStorageService(object_storage_service.ObjectStorageService): """Interface to OpenStack Swift.""" STORAGE_NAME = providers.OPENSTACK def __init__(self): self.swift_command_prefix = '' def PrepareService(self, location): openstack_creds_set = ('OS_AUTH_URL' in os.environ, 'OS_TENANT_NAME' in os.environ, 'OS_USERNAME' in os.environ, 'OS_PASSWORD' in os.environ,) if not all(openstack_creds_set): raise errors.Benchmarks.MissingObjectCredentialException( 'OpenStack credentials not found in environment variables') self.swift_command_parts = [ '--os-auth-url', os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'], '--os-tenant-name', os.environ['OS_TENANT_NAME'], '--os-username', os.environ['OS_USERNAME'], '--os-password', os.environ['OS_PASSWORD']] if FLAGS.openstack_swift_insecure: self.swift_command_parts.append('--insecure') self.swift_command_prefix = ' '.join(self.swift_command_parts) def MakeBucket(self, bucket, raise_on_failure=True): _, stderr, ret_code = vm_util.IssueCommand( ['swift'] + self.swift_command_parts + ['post', bucket], raise_on_failure=False) if ret_code and raise_on_failure: raise errors.Benchmarks.BucketCreationError(stderr) def DeleteBucket(self, bucket): self.EmptyBucket(bucket) vm_util.IssueCommand( ['swift'] + self.swift_command_parts + ['delete', bucket], raise_on_failure=False) def Copy(self, src_url, dst_url): """See base class.""" raise NotImplementedError() def CopyToBucket(self, src_path, bucket, object_path): """See base class.""" raise NotImplementedError() def MakeRemoteCliDownloadUrl(self, bucket, object_path): """See base class.""" raise NotImplementedError() def GenerateCliDownloadFileCommand(self, src_url, local_path): """See base class.""" raise NotImplementedError() def List(self, buckets): """See base class.""" raise NotImplementedError() def EmptyBucket(self, bucket): vm_util.IssueCommand( ['swift'] + self.swift_command_parts + ['delete', bucket], raise_on_failure=False) def PrepareVM(self, vm): vm.Install('swift_client') def CleanupVM(self, vm): vm.Uninstall('swift_client') vm.RemoteCommand('/usr/bin/yes | sudo pip uninstall absl-py') def CLIUploadDirectory(self, vm, directory, file_names, bucket): return vm.RemoteCommand( 'time swift %s upload %s %s' % (self.swift_command_prefix, bucket, directory)) def CLIDownloadBucket(self, vm, bucket, objects, dest): return vm.RemoteCommand( 'time swift %s download %s -D %s' % (self.swift_command_prefix, bucket, dest)) def Metadata(self, vm): return {SWIFTCLIENT_LIB_VERSION: linux_packages.GetPipPackageVersion(vm, 'python-swiftclient')}
import asyncio from datetime import timedelta import json import logging import aiohttp import async_timeout from homeassistant.const import CONF_CLIENT_ID, CONF_CLIENT_SECRET, HTTP_OK from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers import aiohttp_client from homeassistant.util import dt _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) LWA_TOKEN_URI = "https://api.amazon.com/auth/o2/token" LWA_HEADERS = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"} PREEMPTIVE_REFRESH_TTL_IN_SECONDS = 300 STORAGE_KEY = "alexa_auth" STORAGE_VERSION = 1 STORAGE_EXPIRE_TIME = "expire_time" STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN = "access_token" STORAGE_REFRESH_TOKEN = "refresh_token" class Auth: """Handle authentication to send events to Alexa.""" def __init__(self, hass, client_id, client_secret): """Initialize the Auth class.""" self.hass = hass self.client_id = client_id self.client_secret = client_secret self._prefs = None self._store = hass.helpers.storage.Store(STORAGE_VERSION, STORAGE_KEY) self._get_token_lock = asyncio.Lock() async def async_do_auth(self, accept_grant_code): """Do authentication with an AcceptGrant code.""" # access token not retrieved yet for the first time, so this should # be an access token request lwa_params = { "grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": accept_grant_code, CONF_CLIENT_ID: self.client_id, CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: self.client_secret, } _LOGGER.debug( "Calling LWA to get the access token (first time), with: %s", json.dumps(lwa_params), ) return await self._async_request_new_token(lwa_params) @callback def async_invalidate_access_token(self): """Invalidate access token.""" self._prefs[STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN] = None async def async_get_access_token(self): """Perform access token or token refresh request.""" async with self._get_token_lock: if self._prefs is None: await self.async_load_preferences() if self.is_token_valid(): _LOGGER.debug("Token still valid, using it") return self._prefs[STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN] if self._prefs[STORAGE_REFRESH_TOKEN] is None: _LOGGER.debug("Token invalid and no refresh token available") return None lwa_params = { "grant_type": "refresh_token", "refresh_token": self._prefs[STORAGE_REFRESH_TOKEN], CONF_CLIENT_ID: self.client_id, CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: self.client_secret, } _LOGGER.debug("Calling LWA to refresh the access token") return await self._async_request_new_token(lwa_params) @callback def is_token_valid(self): """Check if a token is already loaded and if it is still valid.""" if not self._prefs[STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN]: return False expire_time = dt.parse_datetime(self._prefs[STORAGE_EXPIRE_TIME]) preemptive_expire_time = expire_time - timedelta( seconds=PREEMPTIVE_REFRESH_TTL_IN_SECONDS ) return dt.utcnow() < preemptive_expire_time async def _async_request_new_token(self, lwa_params): try: session = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(self.hass) with async_timeout.timeout(10): response = await session.post( LWA_TOKEN_URI, headers=LWA_HEADERS, data=lwa_params, allow_redirects=True, ) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, aiohttp.ClientError): _LOGGER.error("Timeout calling LWA to get auth token") return None _LOGGER.debug("LWA response header: %s", response.headers) _LOGGER.debug("LWA response status: %s", response.status) if response.status != HTTP_OK: _LOGGER.error("Error calling LWA to get auth token") return None response_json = await response.json() _LOGGER.debug("LWA response body : %s", response_json) access_token = response_json["access_token"] refresh_token = response_json["refresh_token"] expires_in = response_json["expires_in"] expire_time = dt.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=expires_in) await self._async_update_preferences( access_token, refresh_token, expire_time.isoformat() ) return access_token async def async_load_preferences(self): """Load preferences with stored tokens.""" self._prefs = await self._store.async_load() if self._prefs is None: self._prefs = { STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN: None, STORAGE_REFRESH_TOKEN: None, STORAGE_EXPIRE_TIME: None, } async def _async_update_preferences(self, access_token, refresh_token, expire_time): """Update user preferences.""" if self._prefs is None: await self.async_load_preferences() if access_token is not None: self._prefs[STORAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN] = access_token if refresh_token is not None: self._prefs[STORAGE_REFRESH_TOKEN] = refresh_token if expire_time is not None: self._prefs[STORAGE_EXPIRE_TIME] = expire_time await self._store.async_save(self._prefs)
import io import datetime import operator import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import dateutil.tz from blinker import signal from nikola.plugin_categories import Command from nikola import utils COMPILERS_DOC_LINK = 'https://getnikola.com/handbook.html#configuring-other-input-formats' POSTLOGGER = utils.get_logger('new_post') PAGELOGGER = utils.get_logger('new_page') LOGGER = POSTLOGGER def get_default_compiler(is_post, compilers, post_pages): """Given compilers and post_pages, return a reasonable default compiler for this kind of post/page.""" # First throw away all the post_pages with the wrong is_post filtered = [entry for entry in post_pages if entry[3] == is_post] # Get extensions in filtered post_pages until one matches a compiler for entry in filtered: extension = os.path.splitext(entry[0])[-1] for compiler, extensions in compilers.items(): if extension in extensions: return compiler # No idea, back to default behaviour return 'rest' def get_date(schedule=False, rule=None, last_date=None, tz=None, iso8601=False): """Return a date stamp, given a recurrence rule. schedule - bool: whether to use the recurrence rule or not rule - str: an iCal RRULE string that specifies the rule for scheduling posts last_date - datetime: timestamp of the last post tz - tzinfo: the timezone used for getting the current time. iso8601 - bool: whether to force ISO 8601 dates (instead of locale-specific ones) """ if tz is None: tz = dateutil.tz.tzlocal() date = now = datetime.datetime.now(tz) if schedule: try: from dateutil import rrule except ImportError: LOGGER.error('To use the --schedule switch of new_post, ' 'you have to install the "dateutil" package.') rrule = None if schedule and rrule and rule: try: rule_ = rrule.rrulestr(rule, dtstart=last_date or date) except Exception: LOGGER.error('Unable to parse rule string, using current time.') else: date = rule_.after(max(now, last_date or now), last_date is None) offset = tz.utcoffset(now) offset_sec = (offset.days * 24 * 3600 + offset.seconds) offset_hrs = offset_sec // 3600 offset_min = offset_sec % 3600 if iso8601: tz_str = '{0:+03d}:{1:02d}'.format(offset_hrs, offset_min // 60) else: if offset: tz_str = ' UTC{0:+03d}:{1:02d}'.format(offset_hrs, offset_min // 60) else: tz_str = ' UTC' return (date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + tz_str, date) class CommandNewPost(Command): """Create a new post.""" name = "new_post" doc_usage = "[options] [path]" doc_purpose = "create a new blog post or site page" cmd_options = [ { 'name': 'is_page', 'short': 'p', 'long': 'page', 'type': bool, 'default': False, 'help': 'Create a page instead of a blog post. (see also: `nikola new_page`)' }, { 'name': 'title', 'short': 't', 'long': 'title', 'type': str, 'default': '', 'help': 'Title for the post.' }, { 'name': 'author', 'short': 'a', 'long': 'author', 'type': str, 'default': '', 'help': 'Author of the post.' }, { 'name': 'tags', 'long': 'tags', 'type': str, 'default': '', 'help': 'Comma-separated tags for the post.' }, { 'name': 'onefile', 'short': '1', 'type': bool, 'default': False, 'help': 'Create the post with embedded metadata (single file format)' }, { 'name': 'twofile', 'short': '2', 'type': bool, 'default': False, 'help': 'Create the post with separate metadata (two file format)' }, { 'name': 'edit', 'short': 'e', 'type': bool, 'default': False, 'help': 'Open the post (and meta file, if any) in $EDITOR after creation.' }, { 'name': 'content_format', 'short': 'f', 'long': 'format', 'type': str, 'default': '', 'help': 'Markup format for the post (use --available-formats for list)', }, { 'name': 'available-formats', 'short': 'F', 'long': 'available-formats', 'type': bool, 'default': False, 'help': 'List all available input formats' }, { 'name': 'schedule', 'short': 's', 'type': bool, 'default': False, 'help': 'Schedule the post based on recurrence rule' }, { 'name': 'import', 'short': 'i', 'long': 'import', 'type': str, 'default': '', 'help': 'Import an existing file instead of creating a placeholder' }, { 'name': 'date-path', 'short': 'd', 'long': 'date-path', 'type': bool, 'default': False, 'help': 'Create post with date path (eg. year/month/day, see NEW_POST_DATE_PATH_FORMAT in config)' }, ] def _execute(self, options, args): """Create a new post or page.""" global LOGGER compiler_names = [p.name for p in self.site.plugin_manager.getPluginsOfCategory( "PageCompiler")] if len(args) > 1: print(self.help()) return False elif args: path = args[0] else: path = None # Even though stuff was split into `new_page`, it’s easier to do it # here not to duplicate the code. is_page = options.get('is_page', False) is_post = not is_page content_type = 'page' if is_page else 'post' title = options['title'] or None author = options['author'] or '' tags = options['tags'] onefile = options['onefile'] twofile = options['twofile'] import_file = options['import'] wants_available = options['available-formats'] date_path_opt = options['date-path'] date_path_auto = self.site.config['NEW_POST_DATE_PATH'] and content_type == 'post' date_path_format = self.site.config['NEW_POST_DATE_PATH_FORMAT'].strip('/') post_type = options.get('type', 'text') if wants_available: self.print_compilers() return if is_page: LOGGER = PAGELOGGER else: LOGGER = POSTLOGGER if twofile: onefile = False if not onefile and not twofile: onefile = self.site.config.get('ONE_FILE_POSTS', True) content_format = options['content_format'] content_subformat = None if "@" in content_format: content_format, content_subformat = content_format.split("@") if not content_format and path and not os.path.isdir(path): # content_format not specified. If path was given, use # it to guess (Issue #2798) extension = os.path.splitext(path)[-1] for compiler, extensions in self.site.config['COMPILERS'].items(): if extension in extensions: content_format = compiler if not content_format: LOGGER.error("Unknown {0} extension {1}, maybe you need to install a plugin or enable an existing one?".format(content_type, extension)) return elif not content_format and import_file: # content_format not specified. If import_file was given, use # it to guess (Issue #2798) extension = os.path.splitext(import_file)[-1] for compiler, extensions in self.site.config['COMPILERS'].items(): if extension in extensions: content_format = compiler if not content_format: LOGGER.error("Unknown {0} extension {1}, maybe you need to install a plugin or enable an existing one?".format(content_type, extension)) return elif not content_format: # Issue #400 content_format = get_default_compiler( is_post, self.site.config['COMPILERS'], self.site.config['post_pages']) elif content_format not in compiler_names: LOGGER.error("Unknown {0} format {1}, maybe you need to install a plugin or enable an existing one?".format(content_type, content_format)) self.print_compilers() return compiler_plugin = self.site.plugin_manager.getPluginByName( content_format, "PageCompiler").plugin_object # Guess where we should put this entry = self.filter_post_pages(content_format, is_post) if entry is False: return 1 if import_file: print("Importing Existing {xx}".format(xx=content_type.title())) print("-----------------------\n") else: print("Creating New {xx}".format(xx=content_type.title())) print("-----------------\n") if title is not None: print("Title:", title) else: while not title: title = utils.ask('Title') if isinstance(title, bytes): try: title = title.decode(sys.stdin.encoding) except (AttributeError, TypeError): # for tests title = title.decode('utf-8') title = title.strip() if not path: slug = utils.slugify(title, lang=self.site.default_lang) else: if isinstance(path, bytes): try: path = path.decode(sys.stdin.encoding) except (AttributeError, TypeError): # for tests path = path.decode('utf-8') if os.path.isdir(path): # If the user provides a directory, add the file name generated from title (Issue #2651) slug = utils.slugify(title, lang=self.site.default_lang) pattern = os.path.basename(entry[0]) suffix = pattern[1:] path = os.path.join(path, slug + suffix) else: slug = utils.slugify(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0], lang=self.site.default_lang) if isinstance(author, bytes): try: author = author.decode(sys.stdin.encoding) except (AttributeError, TypeError): # for tests author = author.decode('utf-8') # Calculate the date to use for the content # SCHEDULE_ALL is post-only (Issue #2921) schedule = options['schedule'] or (self.site.config['SCHEDULE_ALL'] and is_post) rule = self.site.config['SCHEDULE_RULE'] self.site.scan_posts() timeline = self.site.timeline last_date = None if not timeline else timeline[0].date date, dateobj = get_date(schedule, rule, last_date, self.site.tzinfo, self.site.config['FORCE_ISO8601']) data = { 'title': title, 'slug': slug, 'date': date, 'tags': tags, 'link': '', 'description': '', 'type': post_type, } if not path: pattern = os.path.basename(entry[0]) suffix = pattern[1:] output_path = os.path.dirname(entry[0]) if date_path_auto or date_path_opt: output_path += os.sep + dateobj.strftime(date_path_format) txt_path = os.path.join(output_path, slug + suffix) meta_path = os.path.join(output_path, slug + ".meta") else: if date_path_opt: LOGGER.warning("A path has been specified, ignoring -d") txt_path = os.path.join(self.site.original_cwd, path) meta_path = os.path.splitext(txt_path)[0] + ".meta" if (not onefile and os.path.isfile(meta_path)) or \ os.path.isfile(txt_path): # Emit an event when a post exists event = dict(path=txt_path) if not onefile: # write metadata file event['meta_path'] = meta_path signal('existing_' + content_type).send(self, **event) LOGGER.error("The title already exists!") LOGGER.info("Existing {0}'s text is at: {1}".format(content_type, txt_path)) if not onefile: LOGGER.info("Existing {0}'s metadata is at: {1}".format(content_type, meta_path)) return 8 d_name = os.path.dirname(txt_path) utils.makedirs(d_name) metadata = {} if author: metadata['author'] = author metadata.update(self.site.config['ADDITIONAL_METADATA']) data.update(metadata) # ipynb plugin needs the Jupyter kernel info. We get the kernel name # from the content_subformat and pass it to the compiler in the metadata if content_format == "ipynb" and content_subformat is not None: metadata["jupyter_kernel"] = content_subformat # Override onefile if not really supported. if not compiler_plugin.supports_onefile and onefile: onefile = False LOGGER.warning('This compiler does not support one-file posts.') if onefile and import_file: with io.open(import_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as fh: content = fh.read() elif not import_file: if is_page: content = self.site.MESSAGES[self.site.default_lang]["Write your page here."] else: content = self.site.MESSAGES[self.site.default_lang]["Write your post here."] if (not onefile) and import_file: # Two-file posts are copied on import (Issue #2380) shutil.copy(import_file, txt_path) else: compiler_plugin.create_post( txt_path, content=content, onefile=onefile, title=title, slug=slug, date=date, tags=tags, is_page=is_page, type=post_type, **metadata) event = dict(path=txt_path) if not onefile: # write metadata file with io.open(meta_path, "w+", encoding="utf8") as fd: fd.write(utils.write_metadata(data, comment_wrap=False, site=self.site)) LOGGER.info("Your {0}'s metadata is at: {1}".format(content_type, meta_path)) event['meta_path'] = meta_path LOGGER.info("Your {0}'s text is at: {1}".format(content_type, txt_path)) signal('new_' + content_type).send(self, **event) if options['edit']: editor = os.getenv('EDITOR', '').split() to_run = editor + [txt_path] if not onefile: to_run.append(meta_path) if editor: subprocess.call(to_run) else: LOGGER.error('The $EDITOR environment variable is not set, cannot edit the post with \'-e\'. Please edit the post manually.') def filter_post_pages(self, compiler, is_post): """Return the correct entry from post_pages. Information based on: * selected compilers * available compilers * post/page status """ compilers = self.site.config['COMPILERS'] post_pages = self.site.config['post_pages'] compiler_objs = self.site.compilers # First throw away all the post_pages with the wrong is_post filtered = [entry for entry in post_pages if entry[3] == is_post] # These are the extensions supported by the required format extensions = compilers.get(compiler) if extensions is None: if compiler in compiler_objs: LOGGER.error("There is a {0} compiler available, but it's not set in your COMPILERS option.".format(compiler)) LOGGER.info("Read more: {0}".format(COMPILERS_DOC_LINK)) else: LOGGER.error('Unknown format {0}'.format(compiler)) self.print_compilers() return False # Throw away the post_pages with the wrong extensions filtered = [entry for entry in filtered if any([ext in entry[0] for ext in extensions])] if not filtered: type_name = "post" if is_post else "page" LOGGER.error("Can't find a way, using your configuration, to create " "a {0} in format {1}. You may want to tweak " "COMPILERS or {2}S in conf.py".format( type_name, compiler, type_name.upper())) LOGGER.info("Read more: {0}".format(COMPILERS_DOC_LINK)) return False return filtered[0] def print_compilers(self): """List all available compilers in a human-friendly format.""" # We use compilers_raw, because the normal dict can contain # garbage coming from the translation candidate implementation. # Entries are in format: (name, extensions, used_in_post_pages) compilers_raw = self.site.config['_COMPILERS_RAW'] used_compilers = [] unused_compilers = [] disabled_compilers = [] for name, plugin in self.site.compilers.items(): if name in compilers_raw: used_compilers.append([ name, plugin.friendly_name or name, compilers_raw[name], True ]) else: disabled_compilers.append([ name, plugin.friendly_name or name, (), False ]) for name, (_, _, pi) in self.site.disabled_compilers.items(): if pi.details.has_option('Nikola', 'Friendlyname'): f_name = pi.details.get('Nikola', 'Friendlyname') else: f_name = name if name in compilers_raw: unused_compilers.append([ name, f_name, compilers_raw[name], False ]) else: disabled_compilers.append([ name, f_name, (), False ]) used_compilers.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) unused_compilers.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) disabled_compilers.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) # We also group the compilers by status for readability. parsed_list = used_compilers + unused_compilers + disabled_compilers print("Available input formats:\n") name_width = max([len(i[0]) for i in parsed_list] + [4]) # 4 == len('NAME') fname_width = max([len(i[1]) for i in parsed_list] + [11]) # 11 == len('DESCRIPTION') print((' {0:<' + str(name_width) + '} {1:<' + str(fname_width) + '} EXTENSIONS\n').format('NAME', 'DESCRIPTION')) for name, fname, extensions, used in parsed_list: flag = ' ' if used else '!' flag = flag if extensions else '~' extensions = ', '.join(extensions) if extensions else '(disabled: not in COMPILERS)' print(('{flag}{name:<' + str(name_width) + '} {fname:<' + str(fname_width) + '} {extensions}').format(flag=flag, name=name, fname=fname, extensions=extensions)) print(""" More compilers are available in the Plugins Index. Compilers marked with ! and ~ require additional configuration: ! not in the POSTS/PAGES tuples and any post scanners (unused) ~ not in the COMPILERS dict (disabled) Read more: {0}""".format(COMPILERS_DOC_LINK))
import numpy as np from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from scattertext.Scalers import stretch_0_to_1 from scattertext.termscoring.RankDifference import RankDifference from scattertext.categoryprojector.CategoryProjector import CategoryProjector from scattertext.termcompaction.AssociationCompactor \ import AssociationCompactor, AssociationCompactorByRank, TermCategoryRanker def morista_index(points): # Morisita Index of Dispersion N = points.shape[1] ims = [] for i in range(1, N): bins, _, _ = np.histogram2d(points[0], points[1], i) # I_M = Q * (\sum_{k=1}^{Q}{n_k * (n_k - 1)})/(N * (N _ 1)) Q = len(bins) # num_quadrants # Eqn 1. I_M = Q * np.sum(np.ravel(bins) * (np.ravel(bins) - 1)) / (N * (N - 1)) ims.append([i, I_M]) return np.array(ims).T[1].max() def ripley_poisson_difference(points): try: from astropy.stats import RipleysKEstimator except: raise Exception("Please install astropy") r = np.linspace(0, np.sqrt(2), 100) ripley = RipleysKEstimator(area=1., x_max=1., y_max=1., x_min=0., y_min=0.) return np.sum(np.abs(ripley(points, r, mode='ripley') - ripley.poisson(r))) def get_optimal_category_projection( corpus, n_dims=3, n_steps=10, projector=lambda n_terms, n_dims: CategoryProjector( selector=AssociationCompactor(n_terms, scorer=RankDifference), projector=PCA(n_dims)), optimizer = morista_index, verbose=False ): min_dev = None best_k = None best_x = None best_y = None best_projector = None for k in np.power(2, np.linspace(np.log(corpus.get_num_categories()) / np.log(2), np.log(corpus.get_num_terms()) / np.log(2), n_steps)).astype(int): category_projector = projector(k, n_dims) category_projection = category_projector.project(corpus) for dim_1 in range(0, n_dims): for dim_2 in range(dim_1 + 1, n_dims): proj = category_projection.projection[:, [dim_1, dim_2]] scaled_proj = np.array([stretch_0_to_1(proj.T[0]), stretch_0_to_1(proj.T[1])]).T dev = optimizer(scaled_proj) #dev = np.sum(np.abs(ripley(scaled_proj, r, mode='ripley') - ripley.poisson(r))) if min_dev is None or dev < min_dev: min_dev = dev best_k = k best_projector = category_projector best_x, best_y = (dim_1, dim_2) if verbose: print(k, dim_1, dim_2, dev, best_k, best_x, best_y, min_dev) if verbose: print(best_k, best_x, best_y) return best_projector.project(corpus, best_x, best_y) def get_optimal_category_projection_by_rank( corpus, n_dims=2, n_steps=20, projector=lambda rank, n_dims: CategoryProjector(AssociationCompactorByRank(rank), projector=PCA(n_dims)), verbose=False ): try: from astropy.stats import RipleysKEstimator except: raise Exception("Please install astropy") ripley = RipleysKEstimator(area=1., x_max=1., y_max=1., x_min=0., y_min=0.) min_dev = None best_rank = None best_x = None best_y = None best_projector = None for rank in np.linspace(1, TermCategoryRanker().get_max_rank(corpus), n_steps): r = np.linspace(0, np.sqrt(2), 100) category_projector = projector(rank, n_dims) category_projection = category_projector.project(corpus) for dim_1 in range(0, n_dims): for dim_2 in range(dim_1 + 1, n_dims): proj = category_projection.projection[:, [dim_1, dim_2]] scaled_proj = np.array([stretch_0_to_1(proj.T[0]), stretch_0_to_1(proj.T[1])]).T dev = np.sum(np.abs(ripley(scaled_proj, r, mode='ripley') - ripley.poisson(r))) if min_dev is None or dev < min_dev: min_dev = dev best_rank = rank best_projector = category_projector best_x, best_y = (dim_1, dim_2) if verbose: print('rank', rank, 'dims', dim_1, dim_2, 'K', dev) print(' best rank', best_rank, 'dims', best_x, best_y, 'K', min_dev) if verbose: print(best_rank, best_x, best_y) return best_projector.project(corpus, best_x, best_y)
import logging import os import random import warnings import tempfile import xml.etree.ElementTree as et import zipfile from itertools import chain import numpy from gensim import utils, matutils from gensim.models import basemodel from gensim.models.ldamodel import LdaModel from gensim.utils import check_output, revdict logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LdaMallet(utils.SaveLoad, basemodel.BaseTopicModel): """Python wrapper for LDA using `MALLET <http://mallet.cs.umass.edu/>`_. Communication between MALLET and Python takes place by passing around data files on disk and calling Java with subprocess.call(). Warnings -------- This is **only** python wrapper for `MALLET LDA <http://mallet.cs.umass.edu/>`_, you need to install original implementation first and pass the path to binary to ``mallet_path``. """ def __init__(self, mallet_path, corpus=None, num_topics=100, alpha=50, id2word=None, workers=4, prefix=None, optimize_interval=0, iterations=1000, topic_threshold=0.0, random_seed=0): """ Parameters ---------- mallet_path : str Path to the mallet binary, e.g. `/home/username/mallet-2.0.7/bin/mallet`. corpus : iterable of iterable of (int, int), optional Collection of texts in BoW format. num_topics : int, optional Number of topics. alpha : int, optional Alpha parameter of LDA. id2word : :class:`~gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary`, optional Mapping between tokens ids and words from corpus, if not specified - will be inferred from `corpus`. workers : int, optional Number of threads that will be used for training. prefix : str, optional Prefix for produced temporary files. optimize_interval : int, optional Optimize hyperparameters every `optimize_interval` iterations (sometimes leads to Java exception 0 to switch off hyperparameter optimization). iterations : int, optional Number of training iterations. topic_threshold : float, optional Threshold of the probability above which we consider a topic. random_seed: int, optional Random seed to ensure consistent results, if 0 - use system clock. """ self.mallet_path = mallet_path self.id2word = id2word if self.id2word is None: logger.warning("no word id mapping provided; initializing from corpus, assuming identity") self.id2word = utils.dict_from_corpus(corpus) self.num_terms = len(self.id2word) else: self.num_terms = 0 if not self.id2word else 1 + max(self.id2word.keys()) if self.num_terms == 0: raise ValueError("cannot compute LDA over an empty collection (no terms)") self.num_topics = num_topics self.topic_threshold = topic_threshold self.alpha = alpha if prefix is None: rand_prefix = hex(random.randint(0, 0xffffff))[2:] + '_' prefix = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), rand_prefix) self.prefix = prefix self.workers = workers self.optimize_interval = optimize_interval self.iterations = iterations self.random_seed = random_seed if corpus is not None: self.train(corpus) def finferencer(self): """Get path to inferencer.mallet file. Returns ------- str Path to inferencer.mallet file. """ return self.prefix + 'inferencer.mallet' def ftopickeys(self): """Get path to topic keys text file. Returns ------- str Path to topic keys text file. """ return self.prefix + 'topickeys.txt' def fstate(self): """Get path to temporary file. Returns ------- str Path to file. """ return self.prefix + 'state.mallet.gz' def fdoctopics(self): """Get path to document topic text file. Returns ------- str Path to document topic text file. """ return self.prefix + 'doctopics.txt' def fcorpustxt(self): """Get path to corpus text file. Returns ------- str Path to corpus text file. """ return self.prefix + 'corpus.txt' def fcorpusmallet(self): """Get path to corpus.mallet file. Returns ------- str Path to corpus.mallet file. """ return self.prefix + 'corpus.mallet' def fwordweights(self): """Get path to word weight file. Returns ------- str Path to word weight file. """ return self.prefix + 'wordweights.txt' def corpus2mallet(self, corpus, file_like): """Convert `corpus` to Mallet format and write it to `file_like` descriptor. Format :: document id[SPACE]label (not used)[SPACE]whitespace delimited utf8-encoded tokens[NEWLINE] Parameters ---------- corpus : iterable of iterable of (int, int) Collection of texts in BoW format. file_like : file-like object Opened file. """ for docno, doc in enumerate(corpus): if self.id2word: tokens = chain.from_iterable([self.id2word[tokenid]] * int(cnt) for tokenid, cnt in doc) else: tokens = chain.from_iterable([str(tokenid)] * int(cnt) for tokenid, cnt in doc) file_like.write(utils.to_utf8("%s 0 %s\n" % (docno, ' '.join(tokens)))) def convert_input(self, corpus, infer=False, serialize_corpus=True): """Convert corpus to Mallet format and save it to a temporary text file. Parameters ---------- corpus : iterable of iterable of (int, int) Collection of texts in BoW format. infer : bool, optional ... serialize_corpus : bool, optional ... """ if serialize_corpus: logger.info("serializing temporary corpus to %s", self.fcorpustxt()) with utils.open(self.fcorpustxt(), 'wb') as fout: self.corpus2mallet(corpus, fout) # convert the text file above into MALLET's internal format cmd = \ self.mallet_path + \ " import-file --preserve-case --keep-sequence " \ "--remove-stopwords --token-regex \"\\S+\" --input %s --output %s" if infer: cmd += ' --use-pipe-from ' + self.fcorpusmallet() cmd = cmd % (self.fcorpustxt(), self.fcorpusmallet() + '.infer') else: cmd = cmd % (self.fcorpustxt(), self.fcorpusmallet()) logger.info("converting temporary corpus to MALLET format with %s", cmd) check_output(args=cmd, shell=True) def train(self, corpus): """Train Mallet LDA. Parameters ---------- corpus : iterable of iterable of (int, int) Corpus in BoW format """ self.convert_input(corpus, infer=False) cmd = self.mallet_path + ' train-topics --input %s --num-topics %s --alpha %s --optimize-interval %s '\ '--num-threads %s --output-state %s --output-doc-topics %s --output-topic-keys %s '\ '--num-iterations %s --inferencer-filename %s --doc-topics-threshold %s --random-seed %s' cmd = cmd % ( self.fcorpusmallet(), self.num_topics, self.alpha, self.optimize_interval, self.workers, self.fstate(), self.fdoctopics(), self.ftopickeys(), self.iterations, self.finferencer(), self.topic_threshold, str(self.random_seed) ) # NOTE "--keep-sequence-bigrams" / "--use-ngrams true" poorer results + runs out of memory logger.info("training MALLET LDA with %s", cmd) check_output(args=cmd, shell=True) self.word_topics = self.load_word_topics() # NOTE - we are still keeping the wordtopics variable to not break backward compatibility. # word_topics has replaced wordtopics throughout the code; # wordtopics just stores the values of word_topics when train is called. self.wordtopics = self.word_topics def __getitem__(self, bow, iterations=100): """Get vector for document(s). Parameters ---------- bow : {list of (int, int), iterable of list of (int, int)} Document (or corpus) in BoW format. iterations : int, optional Number of iterations that will be used for inferring. Returns ------- list of (int, float) LDA vector for document as sequence of (topic_id, topic_probability) **OR** list of list of (int, float) LDA vectors for corpus in same format. """ is_corpus, corpus = utils.is_corpus(bow) if not is_corpus: # query is a single document => make a corpus out of it bow = [bow] self.convert_input(bow, infer=True) cmd = \ self.mallet_path + ' infer-topics --input %s --inferencer %s ' \ '--output-doc-topics %s --num-iterations %s --doc-topics-threshold %s --random-seed %s' cmd = cmd % ( self.fcorpusmallet() + '.infer', self.finferencer(), self.fdoctopics() + '.infer', iterations, self.topic_threshold, str(self.random_seed) ) logger.info("inferring topics with MALLET LDA '%s'", cmd) check_output(args=cmd, shell=True) result = list(self.read_doctopics(self.fdoctopics() + '.infer')) return result if is_corpus else result[0] def load_word_topics(self): """Load words X topics matrix from :meth:`gensim.models.wrappers.ldamallet.LdaMallet.fstate` file. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Matrix words X topics. """ logger.info("loading assigned topics from %s", self.fstate()) word_topics = numpy.zeros((self.num_topics, self.num_terms), dtype=numpy.float64) if hasattr(self.id2word, 'token2id'): word2id = self.id2word.token2id else: word2id = revdict(self.id2word) with utils.open(self.fstate(), 'rb') as fin: _ = next(fin) # header self.alpha = numpy.fromiter(next(fin).split()[2:], dtype=float) assert len(self.alpha) == self.num_topics, "mismatch between MALLET vs. requested topics" _ = next(fin) # noqa:F841 beta for lineno, line in enumerate(fin): line = utils.to_unicode(line) doc, source, pos, typeindex, token, topic = line.split(" ") if token not in word2id: continue tokenid = word2id[token] word_topics[int(topic), tokenid] += 1.0 return word_topics def load_document_topics(self): """Load document topics from :meth:`gensim.models.wrappers.ldamallet.LdaMallet.fdoctopics` file. Shortcut for :meth:`gensim.models.wrappers.ldamallet.LdaMallet.read_doctopics`. Returns ------- iterator of list of (int, float) Sequence of LDA vectors for documents. """ return self.read_doctopics(self.fdoctopics()) def get_topics(self): """Get topics X words matrix. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Topics X words matrix, shape `num_topics` x `vocabulary_size`. """ topics = self.word_topics return topics / topics.sum(axis=1)[:, None] def show_topics(self, num_topics=10, num_words=10, log=False, formatted=True): """Get the `num_words` most probable words for `num_topics` number of topics. Parameters ---------- num_topics : int, optional Number of topics to return, set `-1` to get all topics. num_words : int, optional Number of words. log : bool, optional If True - write topic with logging too, used for debug proposes. formatted : bool, optional If `True` - return the topics as a list of strings, otherwise as lists of (weight, word) pairs. Returns ------- list of str Topics as a list of strings (if formatted=True) **OR** list of (float, str) Topics as list of (weight, word) pairs (if formatted=False) """ if num_topics < 0 or num_topics >= self.num_topics: num_topics = self.num_topics chosen_topics = range(num_topics) else: num_topics = min(num_topics, self.num_topics) # add a little random jitter, to randomize results around the same alpha sort_alpha = self.alpha + 0.0001 * numpy.random.rand(len(self.alpha)) sorted_topics = list(matutils.argsort(sort_alpha)) chosen_topics = sorted_topics[: num_topics // 2] + sorted_topics[-num_topics // 2:] shown = [] for i in chosen_topics: if formatted: topic = self.print_topic(i, topn=num_words) else: topic = self.show_topic(i, topn=num_words) shown.append((i, topic)) if log: logger.info("topic #%i (%.3f): %s", i, self.alpha[i], topic) return shown def show_topic(self, topicid, topn=10, num_words=None): """Get `num_words` most probable words for the given `topicid`. Parameters ---------- topicid : int Id of topic. topn : int, optional Top number of topics that you'll receive. num_words : int, optional DEPRECATED PARAMETER, use `topn` instead. Returns ------- list of (str, float) Sequence of probable words, as a list of `(word, word_probability)` for `topicid` topic. """ if num_words is not None: # deprecated num_words is used warnings.warn("The parameter `num_words` is deprecated, will be removed in 4.0.0, use `topn` instead.") topn = num_words if self.word_topics is None: logger.warning("Run train or load_word_topics before showing topics.") topic = self.word_topics[topicid] topic = topic / topic.sum() # normalize to probability dist bestn = matutils.argsort(topic, topn, reverse=True) beststr = [(self.id2word[idx], topic[idx]) for idx in bestn] return beststr def get_version(self, direc_path): """"Get the version of Mallet. Parameters ---------- direc_path : str Path to mallet archive. Returns ------- str Version of mallet. """ try: archive = zipfile.ZipFile(direc_path, 'r') if u'cc/mallet/regression/' not in archive.namelist(): return '2.0.7' else: return '2.0.8RC3' except Exception: xml_path = direc_path.split("bin")[0] try: doc = et.parse(xml_path + "pom.xml").getroot() namespace = doc.tag[:doc.tag.index('}') + 1] return doc.find(namespace + 'version').text.split("-")[0] except Exception: return "Can't parse pom.xml version file" def read_doctopics(self, fname, eps=1e-6, renorm=True): """Get document topic vectors from MALLET's "doc-topics" format, as sparse gensim vectors. Parameters ---------- fname : str Path to input file with document topics. eps : float, optional Threshold for probabilities. renorm : bool, optional If True - explicitly re-normalize distribution. Raises ------ RuntimeError If any line in invalid format. Yields ------ list of (int, float) LDA vectors for document. """ mallet_version = self.get_version(self.mallet_path) with utils.open(fname, 'rb') as fin: for lineno, line in enumerate(fin): if lineno == 0 and line.startswith(b"#doc "): continue # skip the header line if it exists parts = line.split()[2:] # skip "doc" and "source" columns # the MALLET doctopic format changed in 2.0.8 to exclude the id, # this handles the file differently dependent on the pattern if len(parts) == 2 * self.num_topics: doc = [ (int(id_), float(weight)) for id_, weight in zip(*[iter(parts)] * 2) if abs(float(weight)) > eps ] elif len(parts) == self.num_topics and mallet_version != '2.0.7': doc = [(id_, float(weight)) for id_, weight in enumerate(parts) if abs(float(weight)) > eps] else: if mallet_version == "2.0.7": """ 1 1 0 1.0780612802674239 30.005575655428533364 2 0.005575655428533364 2 2 0 0.9184413079632608 40.009062076892971008 3 0.009062076892971008 In the above example there is a mix of the above if and elif statement. There are neither `2*num_topics` nor `num_topics` elements. It has 2 formats 40.009062076892971008 and 0 1.0780612802674239 which cannot be handled by above if elif. Also, there are some topics are missing(meaning that the topic is not there) which is another reason why the above if elif fails even when the `mallet` produces the right results """ count = 0 doc = [] if len(parts) > 0: while count < len(parts): """ if section is to deal with formats of type 2 0.034 so if count reaches index of 2 and since int(2) == float(2) so if block is executed now there is one extra element afer 2, so count + 1 access should not give an error else section handles formats of type 20.034 now count is there on index of 20.034 since float(20.034) != int(20.034) so else block is executed """ if float(parts[count]) == int(parts[count]): if float(parts[count + 1]) > eps: doc.append((int(parts[count]), float(parts[count + 1]))) count += 2 else: if float(parts[count]) - int(parts[count]) > eps: doc.append((int(parts[count]) % 10, float(parts[count]) - int(parts[count]))) count += 1 else: raise RuntimeError("invalid doc topics format at line %i in %s" % (lineno + 1, fname)) if renorm: # explicitly normalize weights to sum up to 1.0, just to be sure... total_weight = float(sum(weight for _, weight in doc)) if total_weight: doc = [(id_, float(weight) / total_weight) for id_, weight in doc] yield doc @classmethod def load(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Load a previously saved LdaMallet class. Handles backwards compatibility from older LdaMallet versions which did not use random_seed parameter. """ model = super(LdaMallet, cls).load(*args, **kwargs) if not hasattr(model, 'random_seed'): model.random_seed = 0 return model def malletmodel2ldamodel(mallet_model, gamma_threshold=0.001, iterations=50): """Convert :class:`~gensim.models.wrappers.ldamallet.LdaMallet` to :class:`~gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel`. This works by copying the training model weights (alpha, beta...) from a trained mallet model into the gensim model. Parameters ---------- mallet_model : :class:`~gensim.models.wrappers.ldamallet.LdaMallet` Trained Mallet model gamma_threshold : float, optional To be used for inference in the new LdaModel. iterations : int, optional Number of iterations to be used for inference in the new LdaModel. Returns ------- :class:`~gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaModel` Gensim native LDA. """ model_gensim = LdaModel( id2word=mallet_model.id2word, num_topics=mallet_model.num_topics, alpha=mallet_model.alpha, eta=0, iterations=iterations, gamma_threshold=gamma_threshold, dtype=numpy.float64 # don't loose precision when converting from MALLET ) model_gensim.state.sstats[...] = mallet_model.wordtopics model_gensim.sync_state() return model_gensim
from datetime import timedelta import logging from typing import Optional from georss_ign_sismologia_client import IgnSismologiaFeedManager import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.geo_location import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, GeolocationEvent from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, CONF_LATITUDE, CONF_LONGITUDE, CONF_RADIUS, CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, LENGTH_KILOMETERS, ) from homeassistant.core import callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect, dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_time_interval _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_EXTERNAL_ID = "external_id" ATTR_IMAGE_URL = "image_url" ATTR_MAGNITUDE = "magnitude" ATTR_PUBLICATION_DATE = "publication_date" ATTR_REGION = "region" ATTR_TITLE = "title" CONF_MINIMUM_MAGNITUDE = "minimum_magnitude" DEFAULT_MINIMUM_MAGNITUDE = 0.0 DEFAULT_RADIUS_IN_KM = 50.0 SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(minutes=5) SOURCE = "ign_sismologia" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Optional(CONF_LATITUDE): cv.latitude, vol.Optional(CONF_LONGITUDE): cv.longitude, vol.Optional(CONF_RADIUS, default=DEFAULT_RADIUS_IN_KM): vol.Coerce(float), vol.Optional( CONF_MINIMUM_MAGNITUDE, default=DEFAULT_MINIMUM_MAGNITUDE ): cv.positive_float, } ) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the IGN Sismologia Feed platform.""" scan_interval = config.get(CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, SCAN_INTERVAL) coordinates = ( config.get(CONF_LATITUDE, hass.config.latitude), config.get(CONF_LONGITUDE, hass.config.longitude), ) radius_in_km = config[CONF_RADIUS] minimum_magnitude = config[CONF_MINIMUM_MAGNITUDE] # Initialize the entity manager. feed = IgnSismologiaFeedEntityManager( hass, add_entities, scan_interval, coordinates, radius_in_km, minimum_magnitude ) def start_feed_manager(event): """Start feed manager.""" feed.startup() hass.bus.listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_START, start_feed_manager) class IgnSismologiaFeedEntityManager: """Feed Entity Manager for IGN Sismologia GeoRSS feed.""" def __init__( self, hass, add_entities, scan_interval, coordinates, radius_in_km, minimum_magnitude, ): """Initialize the Feed Entity Manager.""" self._hass = hass self._feed_manager = IgnSismologiaFeedManager( self._generate_entity, self._update_entity, self._remove_entity, coordinates, filter_radius=radius_in_km, filter_minimum_magnitude=minimum_magnitude, ) self._add_entities = add_entities self._scan_interval = scan_interval def startup(self): """Start up this manager.""" self._feed_manager.update() self._init_regular_updates() def _init_regular_updates(self): """Schedule regular updates at the specified interval.""" track_time_interval( self._hass, lambda now: self._feed_manager.update(), self._scan_interval ) def get_entry(self, external_id): """Get feed entry by external id.""" return self._feed_manager.feed_entries.get(external_id) def _generate_entity(self, external_id): """Generate new entity.""" new_entity = IgnSismologiaLocationEvent(self, external_id) # Add new entities to HA. self._add_entities([new_entity], True) def _update_entity(self, external_id): """Update entity.""" dispatcher_send(self._hass, f"ign_sismologia_update_{external_id}") def _remove_entity(self, external_id): """Remove entity.""" dispatcher_send(self._hass, f"ign_sismologia_delete_{external_id}") class IgnSismologiaLocationEvent(GeolocationEvent): """This represents an external event with IGN Sismologia feed data.""" def __init__(self, feed_manager, external_id): """Initialize entity with data from feed entry.""" self._feed_manager = feed_manager self._external_id = external_id self._title = None self._distance = None self._latitude = None self._longitude = None self._attribution = None self._region = None self._magnitude = None self._publication_date = None self._image_url = None self._remove_signal_delete = None self._remove_signal_update = None async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Call when entity is added to hass.""" self._remove_signal_delete = async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, f"ign_sismologia_delete_{self._external_id}", self._delete_callback, ) self._remove_signal_update = async_dispatcher_connect( self.hass, f"ign_sismologia_update_{self._external_id}", self._update_callback, ) @callback def _delete_callback(self): """Remove this entity.""" self._remove_signal_delete() self._remove_signal_update() self.hass.async_create_task(self.async_remove()) @callback def _update_callback(self): """Call update method.""" self.async_schedule_update_ha_state(True) @property def should_poll(self): """No polling needed for IGN Sismologia feed location events.""" return False async def async_update(self): """Update this entity from the data held in the feed manager.""" _LOGGER.debug("Updating %s", self._external_id) feed_entry = self._feed_manager.get_entry(self._external_id) if feed_entry: self._update_from_feed(feed_entry) def _update_from_feed(self, feed_entry): """Update the internal state from the provided feed entry.""" self._title = feed_entry.title self._distance = feed_entry.distance_to_home self._latitude = feed_entry.coordinates[0] self._longitude = feed_entry.coordinates[1] self._attribution = feed_entry.attribution self._region = feed_entry.region self._magnitude = feed_entry.magnitude self._publication_date = feed_entry.published self._image_url = feed_entry.image_url @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use in the frontend.""" return "mdi:pulse" @property def source(self) -> str: """Return source value of this external event.""" return SOURCE @property def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the name of the entity.""" if self._magnitude and self._region: return f"M {self._magnitude:.1f} - {self._region}" if self._magnitude: return f"M {self._magnitude:.1f}" if self._region: return self._region return self._title @property def distance(self) -> Optional[float]: """Return distance value of this external event.""" return self._distance @property def latitude(self) -> Optional[float]: """Return latitude value of this external event.""" return self._latitude @property def longitude(self) -> Optional[float]: """Return longitude value of this external event.""" return self._longitude @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement.""" return LENGTH_KILOMETERS @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the device state attributes.""" attributes = {} for key, value in ( (ATTR_EXTERNAL_ID, self._external_id), (ATTR_TITLE, self._title), (ATTR_REGION, self._region), (ATTR_MAGNITUDE, self._magnitude), (ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, self._attribution), (ATTR_PUBLICATION_DATE, self._publication_date), (ATTR_IMAGE_URL, self._image_url), ): if value or isinstance(value, bool): attributes[key] = value return attributes
from .base_classes import CommandBase from .package import Package from .base_classes import LatexObject def _remove_invalid_char(s): """Remove invalid and dangerous characters from a string.""" s = ''.join([i if ord(i) >= 32 and ord(i) < 127 else '' for i in s]) s = s.translate(dict.fromkeys(map(ord, "&%$#_{}~^\\\n\xA0[]\":;' "))) return s class Marker(LatexObject): """A class that represents a marker (label/ref parameter).""" _repr_attributes_override = [ 'name', 'prefix', ] def __init__(self, name, prefix="", del_invalid_char=True): """ Args ---- name: str Name of the marker. prefix: str Prefix to add before the name (prefix:name). del_invalid_char: bool If True invalid and dangerous characters will be removed from the marker """ if del_invalid_char: prefix = _remove_invalid_char(prefix) name = _remove_invalid_char(name) self.prefix = prefix self.name = name def __str__(self): return ((self.prefix + ":") if self.prefix != "" else "") + self.name def dumps(self): """Represent the Marker as a string in LaTeX syntax. Returns ------- str """ return str(self) class RefLabelBase(CommandBase): """A class used as base for command that take a marker only.""" _repr_attributes_mapping = { 'marker': 'arguments', } def __init__(self, marker): """ Args ---- marker: Marker The marker to use with the label/ref. """ self.marker = marker super().__init__(arguments=(str(marker))) class Label(RefLabelBase): """A class that represents a label.""" class Ref(RefLabelBase): """A class that represents a reference.""" class Pageref(RefLabelBase): """A class that represents a page reference.""" class Eqref(RefLabelBase): """A class that represent a ref to a formulae.""" packages = [Package('amsmath')] class Cref(RefLabelBase): """A class that represent a cref (not a Cref).""" packages = [Package('cleveref')] class CrefUp(RefLabelBase): """A class that represent a Cref.""" packages = [Package('cleveref')] latex_name = 'Cref' class Autoref(RefLabelBase): """A class that represent an autoref.""" packages = [Package('hyperref')] class Hyperref(CommandBase): """A class that represents an hyperlink to a label.""" _repr_attributes_mapping = { 'marker': 'options', 'text': 'arguments', } packages = [Package('hyperref')] def __init__(self, marker, text): """ Args ---- marker: Marker The marker to use with the label/ref. text: str The text that will be shown as a link to the label of the same marker. """ self.marker = marker super().__init__(options=(str(marker)), arguments=text)
import os import unittest from Tests.utils.utils import get_test_path from kalliope.core.Models import Singleton, Signal from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import BrainLoader from kalliope.core.Models import Neuron from kalliope.core.Models import Synapse from kalliope.core.Models.Brain import Brain from kalliope.core.Models.settings.Settings import Settings class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # be sure the brain haven't been instantiated before Singleton._instances = dict() self.brain_to_test = get_test_path("brains/brain_test.yml") self.expected_result = [ {'signals': [{'order': 'test_order'}], 'neurons': [{'say': {'message': ['test message']}}], 'name': 'test'}, {'signals': [{'order': 'test_order_2'}], 'neurons': [{'say': {'message': ['test message']}}], 'name': 'test2'}, {'signals': [{'order': 'order_for_int'}], 'neurons': [{'sleep': {'seconds': 60}}], 'name': 'testint'}, {'includes': ['included_brain_test.yml']}, {'signals': [{'order': 'test_order_3'}], 'neurons': [{'say': {'message': ['test message']}}], 'name': 'test3'} ] def tearDown(self): Singleton._instances = dict() def test_get_yaml_config(self): """ Test we can get a yaml config from the path """ brain_loader = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test) self.assertEqual(brain_loader.yaml_config, self.expected_result) def test_load_brain(self): """ Test the class return a valid brain object """ neuron = Neuron(name='say', parameters={'message': ['test message']}) neuron2 = Neuron(name='sleep', parameters={'seconds': 60}) signal1 = Signal(name="order", parameters="test_order") signal2 = Signal(name="order", parameters="test_order_2") signal3 = Signal(name="order", parameters="test_order_3") signal4 = Signal(name="order", parameters="order_for_int") synapse1 = Synapse(name="test", neurons=[neuron], signals=[signal1]) synapse2 = Synapse(name="test2", neurons=[neuron], signals=[signal2]) synapse3 = Synapse(name="test3", neurons=[neuron], signals=[signal3]) synapse4 = Synapse(name="testint", neurons=[neuron2], signals=[signal4]) synapses = [synapse1, synapse2, synapse4, synapse3] brain = Brain() brain.synapses = synapses brain.brain_file = self.brain_to_test brain.brain_yaml = self.expected_result brain_loader = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test) self.assertEqual(brain, brain_loader.brain) def test_get_neurons(self): """ Test to get neurons from the brainLoader scenarii: - 1/ get a simple neuron from the brainloader - 2/ get a neuron with brackets - 3/ get a neuron with int as parameters """ # 1/ get a simple neuron from the brainloader st = Settings() neuron_list = [{'say': {'message': ['test message']}}] neuron = Neuron(name='say', parameters={'message': ['test message']}) bl = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test) neurons_from_brain_loader = bl.get_neurons(neuron_list, settings=st) self.assertEqual([neuron], neurons_from_brain_loader) # 2/ get a neuron with global variables as parameters neuron_list = [{'say': {'message': ['bonjour {{name}}']}}] st = Settings() bl = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test) neurons_from_brain_loader = bl.get_neurons(neuron_list, settings=st) neuron = Neuron(name='say', parameters={'message': ['bonjour {{name}}']}) self.assertEqual([neuron], neurons_from_brain_loader) # 3/ get a neuron with int as parameters st = Settings() neuron_list = [{'sleep': {'seconds': 60}}] neuron = Neuron(name='sleep', parameters={'seconds': 60}) bl = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test) neurons_from_brain_loader = bl.get_neurons(neuron_list, settings=st) self.assertEqual([neuron], neurons_from_brain_loader) def test_get_signals(self): signals = [{'order': 'test_order'}] signal = Signal(name="order", parameters="test_order") bl = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test) signals_from_brain_loader = bl.get_signals(signals) self.assertEqual([signal], signals_from_brain_loader) def test_singleton(self): bl1 = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test) bl2 = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test) self.assertTrue(bl1.brain is bl2.brain) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import os.path import cherrypy class WelcomePage: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): # Ask for the user's name. return ''' <form action="greetUser" method="GET"> What is your name? <input type="text" name="name" /> <input type="submit" /> </form>''' @cherrypy.expose def greetUser(self, name=None): # CherryPy passes all GET and POST variables as method parameters. # It doesn't make a difference where the variables come from, how # large their contents are, and so on. # # You can define default parameter values as usual. In this # example, the "name" parameter defaults to None so we can check # if a name was actually specified. if name: # Greet the user! return "Hey %s, what's up?" % name else: if name is None: # No name was specified return 'Please enter your name <a href="./">here</a>.' else: return 'No, really, enter your name <a href="./">here</a>.' tutconf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tutorial.conf') if __name__ == '__main__': # CherryPy always starts with app.root when trying to map request URIs # to objects, so we need to mount a request handler root. A request # to '/' will be mapped to HelloWorld().index(). cherrypy.quickstart(WelcomePage(), config=tutconf)
from typing import Any, Callable, Tuple import pyvera as pv from homeassistant.const import ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, LIGHT_LUX, PERCENTAGE from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from .common import ComponentFactory, new_simple_controller_config from tests.async_mock import MagicMock async def run_sensor_test( hass: HomeAssistant, vera_component_factory: ComponentFactory, category: int, class_property: str, assert_states: Tuple[Tuple[Any, Any]], assert_unit_of_measurement: str = None, setup_callback: Callable[[pv.VeraController], None] = None, ) -> None: """Test generic sensor.""" vera_device = MagicMock(spec=pv.VeraSensor) # type: pv.VeraSensor vera_device.device_id = 1 vera_device.vera_device_id = vera_device.device_id vera_device.name = "dev1" vera_device.category = category setattr(vera_device, class_property, "33") entity_id = "sensor.dev1_1" component_data = await vera_component_factory.configure_component( hass=hass, controller_config=new_simple_controller_config( devices=(vera_device,), setup_callback=setup_callback ), ) update_callback = component_data.controller_data[0].update_callback for (initial_value, state_value) in assert_states: setattr(vera_device, class_property, initial_value) update_callback(vera_device) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(entity_id) assert state.state == state_value if assert_unit_of_measurement: assert ( state.attributes[ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT] == assert_unit_of_measurement ) async def test_temperature_sensor_f( hass: HomeAssistant, vera_component_factory: ComponentFactory ) -> None: """Test function.""" def setup_callback(controller: pv.VeraController) -> None: controller.temperature_units = "F" await run_sensor_test( hass=hass, vera_component_factory=vera_component_factory, category=pv.CATEGORY_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, class_property="temperature", assert_states=(("33", "1"), ("44", "7")), setup_callback=setup_callback, ) async def test_temperature_sensor_c( hass: HomeAssistant, vera_component_factory: ComponentFactory ) -> None: """Test function.""" await run_sensor_test( hass=hass, vera_component_factory=vera_component_factory, category=pv.CATEGORY_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR, class_property="temperature", assert_states=(("33", "33"), ("44", "44")), ) async def test_light_sensor( hass: HomeAssistant, vera_component_factory: ComponentFactory ) -> None: """Test function.""" await run_sensor_test( hass=hass, vera_component_factory=vera_component_factory, category=pv.CATEGORY_LIGHT_SENSOR, class_property="light", assert_states=(("12", "12"), ("13", "13")), assert_unit_of_measurement=LIGHT_LUX, ) async def test_uv_sensor( hass: HomeAssistant, vera_component_factory: ComponentFactory ) -> None: """Test function.""" await run_sensor_test( hass=hass, vera_component_factory=vera_component_factory, category=pv.CATEGORY_UV_SENSOR, class_property="light", assert_states=(("12", "12"), ("13", "13")), assert_unit_of_measurement="level", ) async def test_humidity_sensor( hass: HomeAssistant, vera_component_factory: ComponentFactory ) -> None: """Test function.""" await run_sensor_test( hass=hass, vera_component_factory=vera_component_factory, category=pv.CATEGORY_HUMIDITY_SENSOR, class_property="humidity", assert_states=(("12", "12"), ("13", "13")), assert_unit_of_measurement=PERCENTAGE, ) async def test_power_meter_sensor( hass: HomeAssistant, vera_component_factory: ComponentFactory ) -> None: """Test function.""" await run_sensor_test( hass=hass, vera_component_factory=vera_component_factory, category=pv.CATEGORY_POWER_METER, class_property="power", assert_states=(("12", "12"), ("13", "13")), assert_unit_of_measurement="watts", ) async def test_trippable_sensor( hass: HomeAssistant, vera_component_factory: ComponentFactory ) -> None: """Test function.""" def setup_callback(controller: pv.VeraController) -> None: controller.get_devices()[0].is_trippable = True await run_sensor_test( hass=hass, vera_component_factory=vera_component_factory, category=999, class_property="is_tripped", assert_states=((True, "Tripped"), (False, "Not Tripped"), (True, "Tripped")), setup_callback=setup_callback, ) async def test_unknown_sensor( hass: HomeAssistant, vera_component_factory: ComponentFactory ) -> None: """Test function.""" def setup_callback(controller: pv.VeraController) -> None: controller.get_devices()[0].is_trippable = False await run_sensor_test( hass=hass, vera_component_factory=vera_component_factory, category=999, class_property="is_tripped", assert_states=((True, "Unknown"), (False, "Unknown"), (True, "Unknown")), setup_callback=setup_callback, ) async def test_scene_controller_sensor( hass: HomeAssistant, vera_component_factory: ComponentFactory ) -> None: """Test function.""" vera_device = MagicMock(spec=pv.VeraSensor) # type: pv.VeraSensor vera_device.device_id = 1 vera_device.vera_device_id = vera_device.device_id vera_device.name = "dev1" vera_device.category = pv.CATEGORY_SCENE_CONTROLLER vera_device.get_last_scene_id = MagicMock(return_value="id0") vera_device.get_last_scene_time = MagicMock(return_value="0000") entity_id = "sensor.dev1_1" component_data = await vera_component_factory.configure_component( hass=hass, controller_config=new_simple_controller_config(devices=(vera_device,)), ) update_callback = component_data.controller_data[0].update_callback vera_device.get_last_scene_time.return_value = "1111" update_callback(vera_device) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(entity_id).state == "id0"
import os.path import types import zipimport from coverage import env, files from coverage.misc import contract, expensive, isolate_module, join_regex from coverage.misc import CoverageException, NoSource from coverage.parser import PythonParser from coverage.phystokens import source_token_lines, source_encoding from coverage.plugin import FileReporter os = isolate_module(os) @contract(returns='bytes') def read_python_source(filename): """Read the Python source text from `filename`. Returns bytes. """ with open(filename, "rb") as f: source = f.read() if env.IRONPYTHON: # IronPython reads Unicode strings even for "rb" files. source = bytes(source) return source.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n").replace(b"\r", b"\n") @contract(returns='unicode') def get_python_source(filename): """Return the source code, as unicode.""" base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == ".py" and env.WINDOWS: exts = [".py", ".pyw"] else: exts = [ext] for ext in exts: try_filename = base + ext if os.path.exists(try_filename): # A regular text file: open it. source = read_python_source(try_filename) break # Maybe it's in a zip file? source = get_zip_bytes(try_filename) if source is not None: break else: # Couldn't find source. exc_msg = "No source for code: '%s'.\n" % (filename,) exc_msg += "Aborting report output, consider using -i." raise NoSource(exc_msg) # Replace \f because of http://bugs.python.org/issue19035 source = source.replace(b'\f', b' ') source = source.decode(source_encoding(source), "replace") # Python code should always end with a line with a newline. if source and source[-1] != '\n': source += '\n' return source @contract(returns='bytes|None') def get_zip_bytes(filename): """Get data from `filename` if it is a zip file path. Returns the bytestring data read from the zip file, or None if no zip file could be found or `filename` isn't in it. The data returned will be an empty string if the file is empty. """ markers = ['.zip'+os.sep, '.egg'+os.sep, '.pex'+os.sep] for marker in markers: if marker in filename: parts = filename.split(marker) try: zi = zipimport.zipimporter(parts[0]+marker[:-1]) except zipimport.ZipImportError: continue try: data = zi.get_data(parts[1]) except IOError: continue return data return None def source_for_file(filename): """Return the source filename for `filename`. Given a file name being traced, return the best guess as to the source file to attribute it to. """ if filename.endswith(".py"): # .py files are themselves source files. return filename elif filename.endswith((".pyc", ".pyo")): # Bytecode files probably have source files near them. py_filename = filename[:-1] if os.path.exists(py_filename): # Found a .py file, use that. return py_filename if env.WINDOWS: # On Windows, it could be a .pyw file. pyw_filename = py_filename + "w" if os.path.exists(pyw_filename): return pyw_filename # Didn't find source, but it's probably the .py file we want. return py_filename elif filename.endswith("$py.class"): # Jython is easy to guess. return filename[:-9] + ".py" # No idea, just use the file name as-is. return filename def source_for_morf(morf): """Get the source filename for the module-or-file `morf`.""" if hasattr(morf, '__file__') and morf.__file__: filename = morf.__file__ elif isinstance(morf, types.ModuleType): # A module should have had .__file__, otherwise we can't use it. # This could be a PEP-420 namespace package. raise CoverageException("Module {} has no file".format(morf)) else: filename = morf filename = source_for_file(files.unicode_filename(filename)) return filename class PythonFileReporter(FileReporter): """Report support for a Python file.""" def __init__(self, morf, coverage=None): self.coverage = coverage filename = source_for_morf(morf) super(PythonFileReporter, self).__init__(files.canonical_filename(filename)) if hasattr(morf, '__name__'): name = morf.__name__.replace(".", os.sep) if os.path.basename(filename).startswith('__init__.'): name += os.sep + "__init__" name += ".py" name = files.unicode_filename(name) else: name = files.relative_filename(filename) self.relname = name self._source = None self._parser = None self._excluded = None def __repr__(self): return "<PythonFileReporter {!r}>".format(self.filename) @contract(returns='unicode') def relative_filename(self): return self.relname @property def parser(self): """Lazily create a :class:`PythonParser`.""" if self._parser is None: self._parser = PythonParser( filename=self.filename, exclude=self.coverage._exclude_regex('exclude'), ) self._parser.parse_source() return self._parser def lines(self): """Return the line numbers of statements in the file.""" return self.parser.statements def excluded_lines(self): """Return the line numbers of statements in the file.""" return self.parser.excluded def translate_lines(self, lines): return self.parser.translate_lines(lines) def translate_arcs(self, arcs): return self.parser.translate_arcs(arcs) @expensive def no_branch_lines(self): no_branch = self.parser.lines_matching( join_regex(self.coverage.config.partial_list), join_regex(self.coverage.config.partial_always_list) ) return no_branch @expensive def arcs(self): return self.parser.arcs() @expensive def exit_counts(self): return self.parser.exit_counts() def missing_arc_description(self, start, end, executed_arcs=None): return self.parser.missing_arc_description(start, end, executed_arcs) @contract(returns='unicode') def source(self): if self._source is None: self._source = get_python_source(self.filename) return self._source def should_be_python(self): """Does it seem like this file should contain Python? This is used to decide if a file reported as part of the execution of a program was really likely to have contained Python in the first place. """ # Get the file extension. _, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename) # Anything named *.py* should be Python. if ext.startswith('.py'): return True # A file with no extension should be Python. if not ext: return True # Everything else is probably not Python. return False def source_token_lines(self): return source_token_lines(self.source())
import logging import errno import os import stat import socket from plumbum.commands.base import shquote from plumbum.machines.base import PopenAddons from plumbum.machines.remote import BaseRemoteMachine from plumbum.machines.session import ShellSession from plumbum.lib import _setdoc, six from plumbum.path.local import LocalPath from plumbum.path.remote import RemotePath, StatRes from plumbum.commands.processes import iter_lines, ProcessLineTimedOut try: # Sigh... we need to gracefully-import paramiko for Sphinx builds, etc import paramiko except ImportError: class paramiko(object): def __nonzero__(self): return False __bool__ = __nonzero__ def __getattr__(self, name): raise ImportError("No module named paramiko") paramiko = paramiko() logger = logging.getLogger("plumbum.paramiko") class ParamikoPopen(PopenAddons): def __init__(self, argv, stdin, stdout, stderr, encoding, stdin_file=None, stdout_file=None, stderr_file=None): self.argv = argv self.channel = stdout.channel self.stdin = stdin self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.custom_encoding = encoding self.returncode = None self.pid = None self.stdin_file = stdin_file self.stdout_file = stdout_file self.stderr_file = stderr_file def poll(self): if self.returncode is None: if self.channel.exit_status_ready(): return self.wait() return self.returncode def wait(self): if self.returncode is None: self.channel.recv_exit_status() self.returncode = self.channel.exit_status self.close() return self.returncode def close(self): self.channel.shutdown_read() self.channel.shutdown_write() self.channel.close() def kill(self): # possible way to obtain pid: # "(cmd ; echo $?) & echo ?!" # and then client.exec_command("kill -9 %s" % (pid,)) raise EnvironmentError( "Cannot kill remote processes, we don't have their PIDs") terminate = kill def send_signal(self, sig): raise NotImplementedError() def communicate(self): stdout = [] stderr = [] infile = self.stdin_file sources = [("1", stdout, self.stdout, self.stdout_file), ("2", stderr, self.stderr, self.stderr_file)] i = 0 while sources: if infile: try: line = infile.readline() except (ValueError, IOError): line = None logger.debug("communicate: %r", line) if not line: infile.close() infile = None self.stdin.close() else: self.stdin.write(line) self.stdin.flush() i = (i + 1) % len(sources) name, coll, pipe, outfile = sources[i] line = pipe.readline() # logger.debug("%s> %r", name, line) if not line: del sources[i] elif outfile: outfile.write(line) outfile.flush() else: coll.append(line) self.wait() stdout = "".join(s for s in stdout).encode(self.custom_encoding) stderr = "".join(s for s in stderr).encode(self.custom_encoding) return stdout, stderr def iter_lines(self, timeout=None, **kwargs): if timeout is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "The 'timeout' parameter is not supported with ParamikoMachine" ) return iter_lines(self, _iter_lines=_iter_lines, **kwargs) __iter__ = iter_lines class ParamikoMachine(BaseRemoteMachine): """ An implementation of :class:`remote machine <plumbum.machines.remote.BaseRemoteMachine>` over Paramiko (a Python implementation of openSSH2 client/server). Invoking a remote command translates to invoking it over SSH :: with ParamikoMachine("yourhostname") as rem: r_ls = rem["ls"] # r_ls is the remote `ls` # executing r_ls() is equivalent to `ssh yourhostname ls`, only without # spawning a new ssh client :param host: the host name to connect to (SSH server) :param user: the user to connect as (if ``None``, the default will be used) :param port: the server's port (if ``None``, the default will be used) :param password: the user's password (if a password-based authentication is to be performed) (if ``None``, key-based authentication will be used) :param keyfile: the path to the identity file (if ``None``, the default will be used) :param load_system_host_keys: whether or not to load the system's host keys (from ``/etc/ssh`` and ``~/.ssh``). The default is ``True``, which means Paramiko behaves much like the ``ssh`` command-line client :param missing_host_policy: the value passed to the underlying ``set_missing_host_key_policy`` of the client. The default is ``None``, which means ``set_missing_host_key_policy`` is not invoked and paramiko's default behavior (reject) is employed :param encoding: the remote machine's encoding (defaults to UTF8) :param look_for_keys: set to False to disable searching for discoverable private key files in ``~/.ssh`` :param connect_timeout: timeout for TCP connection .. note:: If Paramiko 1.15 or above is installed, can use GSS_API authentication :param bool gss_auth: ``True`` if you want to use GSS-API authentication :param bool gss_kex: Perform GSS-API Key Exchange and user authentication :param bool gss_deleg_creds: Delegate GSS-API client credentials or not :param str gss_host: The targets name in the kerberos database. default: hostname :param bool get_pty: Execute remote commands with allocated pseudo-tty. default: False :param bool load_system_ssh_config: read system SSH config for ProxyCommand configuration. default: False """ class RemoteCommand(BaseRemoteMachine.RemoteCommand): def __or__(self, *_): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported with ParamikoMachine") def __gt__(self, *_): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported with ParamikoMachine") def __rshift__(self, *_): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported with ParamikoMachine") def __ge__(self, *_): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported with ParamikoMachine") def __lt__(self, *_): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported with ParamikoMachine") def __lshift__(self, *_): raise NotImplementedError("Not supported with ParamikoMachine") def __init__(self, host, user=None, port=None, password=None, keyfile=None, load_system_host_keys=True, missing_host_policy=None, encoding="utf8", look_for_keys=None, connect_timeout=None, keep_alive=0, gss_auth=False, gss_kex=None, gss_deleg_creds=None, gss_host=None, get_pty=False, load_system_ssh_config=False): self.host = host kwargs = {} if user: self._fqhost = "%s@%s" % (user, host) kwargs['username'] = user else: self._fqhost = host self._client = paramiko.SSHClient() if load_system_host_keys: self._client.load_system_host_keys() if port is not None: kwargs["port"] = port if keyfile is not None: kwargs["key_filename"] = keyfile if password is not None: kwargs["password"] = password if missing_host_policy is not None: self._client.set_missing_host_key_policy(missing_host_policy) if look_for_keys is not None: kwargs["look_for_keys"] = look_for_keys if connect_timeout is not None: kwargs["timeout"] = connect_timeout if gss_auth: kwargs['gss_auth'] = gss_auth kwargs['gss_kex'] = gss_kex kwargs['gss_deleg_creds'] = gss_deleg_creds if not gss_host: gss_host = host kwargs['gss_host'] = gss_host if load_system_ssh_config: ssh_config = paramiko.SSHConfig() with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/config')) as f: ssh_config.parse(f) try: hostConfig = ssh_config.lookup(host) kwargs['sock'] = paramiko.ProxyCommand(hostConfig['proxycommand']) except KeyError: pass self._client.connect(host, **kwargs) self._keep_alive = keep_alive self._sftp = None self._get_pty = get_pty BaseRemoteMachine.__init__(self, encoding, connect_timeout) def __str__(self): return "paramiko://%s" % (self._fqhost, ) def close(self): BaseRemoteMachine.close(self) self._client.close() @property def sftp(self): """ Returns an SFTP client on top of the current SSH connection; it can be used to manipulate files directly, much like an interactive FTP/SFTP session """ if not self._sftp: self._sftp = self._client.open_sftp() return self._sftp @_setdoc(BaseRemoteMachine) def session(self, isatty=False, term="vt100", width=80, height=24, new_session=False): # new_session is ignored for ParamikoMachine trans = self._client.get_transport() trans.set_keepalive(self._keep_alive) chan = trans.open_session() if isatty: chan.get_pty(term, width, height) chan.set_combine_stderr(True) chan.invoke_shell() stdin = chan.makefile('wb', -1) stdout = chan.makefile('rb', -1) stderr = chan.makefile_stderr('rb', -1) proc = ParamikoPopen(["<shell>"], stdin, stdout, stderr, self.custom_encoding) return ShellSession(proc, self.custom_encoding, isatty) @_setdoc(BaseRemoteMachine) def popen(self, args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, new_session=False, cwd=None): # new_session is ignored for ParamikoMachine argv = [] envdelta = self.env.getdelta() argv.extend(["cd", str(cwd or self.cwd), "&&"]) if envdelta: argv.append("env") argv.extend("%s=%s" % (k, shquote(v)) for k, v in envdelta.items()) argv.extend(args.formulate()) cmdline = " ".join(argv) logger.debug(cmdline) si, so, se = self._client.exec_command(cmdline, 1, get_pty=self._get_pty) return ParamikoPopen( argv, si, so, se, self.custom_encoding, stdin_file=stdin, stdout_file=stdout, stderr_file=stderr) @_setdoc(BaseRemoteMachine) def download(self, src, dst): if isinstance(src, LocalPath): raise TypeError("src of download cannot be %r" % (src, )) if isinstance(src, RemotePath) and src.remote != self: raise TypeError( "src %r points to a different remote machine" % (src, )) if isinstance(dst, RemotePath): raise TypeError("dst of download cannot be %r" % (dst, )) return self._download( src if isinstance(src, RemotePath) else self.path(src), dst if isinstance(dst, LocalPath) else LocalPath(dst)) def _download(self, src, dst): if src.is_dir(): if not dst.exists(): self.sftp.mkdir(str(dst)) for fn in src: self._download(fn, dst / fn.name) elif dst.is_dir(): self.sftp.get(str(src), str(dst / src.name)) else: self.sftp.get(str(src), str(dst)) @_setdoc(BaseRemoteMachine) def upload(self, src, dst): if isinstance(src, RemotePath): raise TypeError("src of upload cannot be %r" % (src, )) if isinstance(dst, LocalPath): raise TypeError("dst of upload cannot be %r" % (dst, )) if isinstance(dst, RemotePath) and dst.remote != self: raise TypeError( "dst %r points to a different remote machine" % (dst, )) return self._upload( src if isinstance(src, LocalPath) else LocalPath(src), dst if isinstance(dst, RemotePath) else self.path(dst)) def _upload(self, src, dst): if src.is_dir(): if not dst.exists(): self.sftp.mkdir(str(dst)) for fn in src: self._upload(fn, dst / fn.name) elif dst.is_dir(): self.sftp.put(str(src), str(dst / src.name)) else: self.sftp.put(str(src), str(dst)) def connect_sock(self, dport, dhost="localhost", ipv6=False): """Returns a Paramiko ``Channel``, connected to dhost:dport on the remote machine. The ``Channel`` behaves like a regular socket; you can ``send`` and ``recv`` on it and the data will pass encrypted over SSH. Usage:: mach = ParamikoMachine("myhost") sock = mach.connect_sock(12345) data = sock.recv(100) sock.send("foobar") sock.close() """ if ipv6 and dhost == "localhost": dhost = "::1" srcaddr = ("::1", 0, 0, 0) if ipv6 else ("", 0) trans = self._client.get_transport() trans.set_keepalive(self._keep_alive) chan = trans.open_channel('direct-tcpip', (dhost, dport), srcaddr) return SocketCompatibleChannel(chan) # # Path implementation # def _path_listdir(self, fn): return self.sftp.listdir(str(fn)) def _path_read(self, fn): f = self.sftp.open(str(fn), 'rb') data = f.read() f.close() return data def _path_write(self, fn, data): if self.custom_encoding and isinstance(data, six.unicode_type): data = data.encode(self.custom_encoding) f = self.sftp.open(str(fn), 'wb') f.write(data) f.close() def _path_stat(self, fn): try: st = self.sftp.stat(str(fn)) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return None raise OSError(e.errno) res = StatRes((st.st_mode, 0, 0, 0, st.st_uid, st.st_gid, st.st_size, st.st_atime, st.st_mtime, 0)) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): res.text_mode = 'directory' if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): res.text_mode = 'regular file' return res ################################################################################################### # Make paramiko.Channel adhere to the socket protocol, namely, send and recv should fail # when the socket has been closed ################################################################################################### class SocketCompatibleChannel(object): def __init__(self, chan): self._chan = chan def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._chan, name) def send(self, s): if self._chan.closed: raise socket.error(errno.EBADF, 'Bad file descriptor') return self._chan.send(s) def recv(self, count): if self._chan.closed: raise socket.error(errno.EBADF, 'Bad file descriptor') return self._chan.recv(count) ################################################################################################### # Custom iter_lines for paramiko.Channel ################################################################################################### def _iter_lines(proc, decode, linesize, line_timeout=None): try: from selectors import DefaultSelector, EVENT_READ except ImportError: # Pre Python 3.4 implementation from select import select def selector(): while True: rlist, _, _ = select([proc.stdout.channel], [], [], line_timeout) if not rlist and line_timeout: raise ProcessLineTimedOut("popen line timeout expired", getattr(proc, "argv", None), getattr(proc, "machine", None)) for _ in rlist: yield else: # Python 3.4 implementation def selector(): sel = DefaultSelector() sel.register(proc.stdout.channel, EVENT_READ) while True: ready = sel.select(line_timeout) if not ready and line_timeout: raise ProcessLineTimedOut("popen line timeout expired", getattr(proc, "argv", None), getattr(proc, "machine", None)) for key, mask in ready: yield for _ in selector(): if proc.stdout.channel.recv_ready(): yield 0, proc.stdout.readline(linesize) if proc.stdout.channel.recv_stderr_ready(): yield 1, proc.stderr.readline(linesize) if proc.poll() is not None: break for line in proc.stdout: yield 0, line for line in proc.stderr: yield 1, line
import os.path import pytest_bdd as bdd bdd.scenarios('javascript.feature') @bdd.then("the window sizes should be the same") def check_window_sizes(quteproc): hidden = quteproc.wait_for_js('hidden window size: *') quteproc.send_cmd(':jseval --world main updateText("visible")') visible = quteproc.wait_for_js('visible window size: *') hidden_size = hidden.message.split()[-1] visible_size = visible.message.split()[-1] assert hidden_size == visible_size test_gm_script = r""" // ==UserScript== // @name qutebrowser test userscript // @namespace invalid.org // @include http://localhost:*/data/hints/iframe.html // @include http://localhost:*/data/hints/html/wrapped.html // @exclude ??? // @run-at {stage} // {frames} // ==/UserScript== console.log("Script is running on " + window.location.pathname); """ @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.parse("I have a GreaseMonkey file saved for {stage} " "with noframes {frameset}")) def create_greasemonkey_file(quteproc, stage, frameset): script_path = os.path.join(quteproc.basedir, 'data', 'greasemonkey') try: os.mkdir(script_path) except FileExistsError: pass file_path = os.path.join(script_path, 'test.user.js') if frameset == "set": frames = "@noframes" elif frameset == "unset": frames = "" else: raise ValueError("noframes can only be set or unset, " "not {}".format(frameset)) with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(test_gm_script.format(stage=stage, frames=frames))
import pytest import numpy as np from matchzoo.preprocessors import units @pytest.fixture def raw_input(): return "This is an Example sentence to BE ! cleaned with digits 31." @pytest.fixture def list_input(): return ['this', 'Is', 'a', 'the', 'test', 'lIst', '36', '!', 'input'] @pytest.fixture def vec_input(): return np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) def test_tokenize_unit(raw_input): tu = units.Tokenize() out = tu.transform(raw_input) assert len(out) == 13 assert 'an' in out def test_lowercase_unit(list_input): lu = units.Lowercase() out = lu.transform(list_input) assert 'is' in out def test_digitremoval_unit(list_input): du = units.DigitRemoval() out = du.transform(list_input) assert 36 not in out def test_puncremoval_unit(list_input): pu = units.PuncRemoval() out = pu.transform(list_input) assert '!' not in out def test_stopremoval_unit(list_input): su = units.StopRemoval() out = su.transform(list_input) assert 'the' not in out def test_stemming_unit(list_input): su_porter = units.Stemming() out_porter = su_porter.transform(list_input) assert 'thi' in out_porter su_lancaster = units.Stemming(stemmer='lancaster') out_lancaster = su_lancaster.transform(list_input) assert 'thi' in out_lancaster su_not_exist = units.Stemming(stemmer='fake_stemmer') with pytest.raises(ValueError): su_not_exist.transform(list_input) def test_lemma_unit(list_input): lemma = units.Lemmatization() out = lemma.transform(list_input) assert 'this' in out def test_ngram_unit(list_input): ngram = units.NgramLetter() out = ngram.transform(list_input) assert '#a#' in out ngram = units.NgramLetter(reduce_dim=False) out = ngram.transform(list_input) assert len(out) == 9 def test_fixedlength_unit(list_input): fixedlength = units.FixedLength(3) out = fixedlength.transform([]) assert list(out) == [0] * 3 out = fixedlength.transform(list_input) assert list(out) == ['36', '!', 'input'] fixedlength = units.FixedLength(3, truncate_mode='post') out = fixedlength.transform(list_input) assert list(out) == ['this', 'Is', 'a'] fixedlength = units.FixedLength(12, pad_value='0', truncate_mode='pre', pad_mode='pre') out = fixedlength.transform(list_input) assert list(out[3:]) == list_input assert list(out[:3]) == ['0'] * 3 fixedlength = units.FixedLength(12, pad_value='0', truncate_mode='pre', pad_mode='post') out = fixedlength.transform(list_input) assert list(out[:-3]) == list_input assert list(out[-3:]) == ['0'] * 3 @pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=['CH', 'NH', 'LCH']) def hist_mode(request): return request.param def test_matchinghistogram_unit(hist_mode): embedding = np.array([[1.0, -1.0], [1.0, 2.0], [1.0, 3.0]]) text_left = [0, 1] text_right = [1, 2] histogram = units.MatchingHistogram(3, embedding, True, hist_mode) out = histogram.transform([text_left, text_right]) out = [[round(elem, 2) for elem in list_val] for list_val in out] if hist_mode == 'CH': assert out == [[3.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 2.0, 2.0]] elif hist_mode == 'NH': assert out == [[0.6, 0.2, 0.2], [0.2, 0.4, 0.4]] elif hist_mode == 'LCH': assert out == [[1.1, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.69, 0.69]] else: assert False import matchzoo as mz def test_this(): train_data = mz.datasets.toy.load_data() test_data = mz.datasets.toy.load_data(stage='test') dssm_preprocessor = mz.preprocessors.DSSMPreprocessor() train_data_processed = dssm_preprocessor.fit_transform( train_data, verbose=0) type(train_data_processed) test_data_transformed = dssm_preprocessor.transform(test_data) type(test_data_transformed) import tempfile import os def test_bert_tokenizer_unit(): vocab_tokens = [ "[PAD]", "further", "##more", ",", "under", "the", "micro", "##scope", "neither", "entity", "contains", "glands", ".", "此", "外", "在", "显", "微", "镜", "下" ] raw_text = "furthermore, \r under the microscope \t neither entity \n contains sebaceous glands. 此外, 在显微镜下" golden_tokens = ['further', '##more', ',', 'under', 'the', 'micro', '##scope', 'neither', 'entity', 'contains', '[UNK]', 'glands', '.', '此', '外', ',', '在', '显', '微', '镜', '下'] vocab_dict = {} for idx, token in enumerate(vocab_tokens): vocab_dict[token] = idx clean_unit = units.BertClean() cleaned_text = clean_unit.transform(raw_text) chinese_tokenize_unit = units.ChineseTokenize() chinese_tokenized_text = chinese_tokenize_unit.transform(cleaned_text) basic_tokenize_unit = units.BasicTokenize() basic_tokens = basic_tokenize_unit.transform(chinese_tokenized_text) wordpiece_unit = units.WordPieceTokenize(vocab_dict) wordpiece_tokens = wordpiece_unit.transform(basic_tokens) assert wordpiece_tokens == golden_tokens
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import gzip import os import sys import numpy as np from six.moves import urllib import tensorflow as tf from datasets import dataset_utils # The URLs where the MNIST data can be downloaded. _DATA_URL = 'http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/' _TRAIN_DATA_FILENAME = 'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz' _TRAIN_LABELS_FILENAME = 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz' _TEST_DATA_FILENAME = 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz' _TEST_LABELS_FILENAME = 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz' _IMAGE_SIZE = 28 _NUM_CHANNELS = 1 # The names of the classes. _CLASS_NAMES = [ 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'size', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', ] def _extract_images(filename, num_images): """Extract the images into a numpy array. Args: filename: The path to an MNIST images file. num_images: The number of images in the file. Returns: A numpy array of shape [number_of_images, height, width, channels]. """ print('Extracting images from: ', filename) with gzip.open(filename) as bytestream: bytestream.read(16) buf = bytestream.read( _IMAGE_SIZE * _IMAGE_SIZE * num_images * _NUM_CHANNELS) data = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8) data = data.reshape(num_images, _IMAGE_SIZE, _IMAGE_SIZE, _NUM_CHANNELS) return data def _extract_labels(filename, num_labels): """Extract the labels into a vector of int64 label IDs. Args: filename: The path to an MNIST labels file. num_labels: The number of labels in the file. Returns: A numpy array of shape [number_of_labels] """ print('Extracting labels from: ', filename) with gzip.open(filename) as bytestream: bytestream.read(8) buf = bytestream.read(1 * num_labels) labels = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8).astype(np.int64) return labels def _add_to_tfrecord(data_filename, labels_filename, num_images, tfrecord_writer): """Loads data from the binary MNIST files and writes files to a TFRecord. Args: data_filename: The filename of the MNIST images. labels_filename: The filename of the MNIST labels. num_images: The number of images in the dataset. tfrecord_writer: The TFRecord writer to use for writing. """ images = _extract_images(data_filename, num_images) labels = _extract_labels(labels_filename, num_images) shape = (_IMAGE_SIZE, _IMAGE_SIZE, _NUM_CHANNELS) with tf.Graph().as_default(): image = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.uint8, shape=shape) encoded_png = tf.image.encode_png(image) with tf.Session('') as sess: for j in range(num_images): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d' % (j + 1, num_images)) sys.stdout.flush() png_string = sess.run(encoded_png, feed_dict={image: images[j]}) example = dataset_utils.image_to_tfexample( png_string, 'png'.encode(), _IMAGE_SIZE, _IMAGE_SIZE, labels[j]) tfrecord_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) def _get_output_filename(dataset_dir, split_name): """Creates the output filename. Args: dataset_dir: The directory where the temporary files are stored. split_name: The name of the train/test split. Returns: An absolute file path. """ return '%s/mnist_%s.tfrecord' % (dataset_dir, split_name) def _download_dataset(dataset_dir): """Downloads MNIST locally. Args: dataset_dir: The directory where the temporary files are stored. """ for filename in [_TRAIN_DATA_FILENAME, _TRAIN_LABELS_FILENAME, _TEST_DATA_FILENAME, _TEST_LABELS_FILENAME]: filepath = os.path.join(dataset_dir, filename) if not os.path.exists(filepath): print('Downloading file %s...' % filename) def _progress(count, block_size, total_size): sys.stdout.write('\r>> Downloading %.1f%%' % ( float(count * block_size) / float(total_size) * 100.0)) sys.stdout.flush() filepath, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(_DATA_URL + filename, filepath, _progress) print() with tf.gfile.GFile(filepath) as f: size = f.size() print('Successfully downloaded', filename, size, 'bytes.') def _clean_up_temporary_files(dataset_dir): """Removes temporary files used to create the dataset. Args: dataset_dir: The directory where the temporary files are stored. """ for filename in [_TRAIN_DATA_FILENAME, _TRAIN_LABELS_FILENAME, _TEST_DATA_FILENAME, _TEST_LABELS_FILENAME]: filepath = os.path.join(dataset_dir, filename) tf.gfile.Remove(filepath) def run(dataset_dir): """Runs the download and conversion operation. Args: dataset_dir: The dataset directory where the dataset is stored. """ if not tf.gfile.Exists(dataset_dir): tf.gfile.MakeDirs(dataset_dir) training_filename = _get_output_filename(dataset_dir, 'train') testing_filename = _get_output_filename(dataset_dir, 'test') if tf.gfile.Exists(training_filename) and tf.gfile.Exists(testing_filename): print('Dataset files already exist. Exiting without re-creating them.') return _download_dataset(dataset_dir) # First, process the training data: with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(training_filename) as tfrecord_writer: data_filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir, _TRAIN_DATA_FILENAME) labels_filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir, _TRAIN_LABELS_FILENAME) _add_to_tfrecord(data_filename, labels_filename, 60000, tfrecord_writer) # Next, process the testing data: with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(testing_filename) as tfrecord_writer: data_filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir, _TEST_DATA_FILENAME) labels_filename = os.path.join(dataset_dir, _TEST_LABELS_FILENAME) _add_to_tfrecord(data_filename, labels_filename, 10000, tfrecord_writer) # Finally, write the labels file: labels_to_class_names = dict(zip(range(len(_CLASS_NAMES)), _CLASS_NAMES)) dataset_utils.write_label_file(labels_to_class_names, dataset_dir) _clean_up_temporary_files(dataset_dir) print('\nFinished converting the MNIST dataset!')
from homeassistant.components.image_processing import DOMAIN, SERVICE_SCAN from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ENTITY_MATCH_ALL from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass @bind_hass def scan(hass, entity_id=ENTITY_MATCH_ALL): """Force process of all cameras or given entity.""" hass.add_job(async_scan, hass, entity_id) @callback @bind_hass def async_scan(hass, entity_id=ENTITY_MATCH_ALL): """Force process of all cameras or given entity.""" data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id} if entity_id else None hass.async_add_job(hass.services.async_call(DOMAIN, SERVICE_SCAN, data))
import re import ast import os import os.path from scripts import setupcommon as common import setuptools try: BASEDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) except NameError: BASEDIR = None def read_file(name): """Get the string contained in the file named name.""" with common.open_file(name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: return f.read() def _get_constant(name): """Read a __magic__ constant from qutebrowser/__init__.py. We don't import qutebrowser here because it can go wrong for multiple reasons. Instead we use re/ast to get the value directly from the source file. Args: name: The name of the argument to get. Return: The value of the argument. """ field_re = re.compile(r'__{}__\s+=\s+(.*)'.format(re.escape(name))) path = os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'qutebrowser', '__init__.py') line = field_re.search(read_file(path)).group(1) value = ast.literal_eval(line) return value try: common.write_git_file() setuptools.setup( packages=setuptools.find_packages(exclude=['scripts', 'scripts.*']), include_package_data=True, entry_points={'gui_scripts': ['qutebrowser = qutebrowser.qutebrowser:main']}, zip_safe=True, install_requires=['pypeg2', 'jinja2', 'pygments', 'PyYAML', 'attrs'], python_requires='>=3.6', name='qutebrowser', version=_get_constant('version'), description=_get_constant('description'), long_description=read_file('README.asciidoc'), long_description_content_type='text/plain', url='https://www.qutebrowser.org/', author=_get_constant('author'), author_email=_get_constant('email'), license=_get_constant('license'), classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: X11 Applications :: Qt', 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 or later ' '(GPLv3+)', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux', 'Operating System :: MacOS', 'Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9', 'Topic :: Internet', 'Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP', 'Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers', ], keywords='pyqt browser web qt webkit qtwebkit qtwebengine', ) finally: if BASEDIR is not None: path = os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'qutebrowser', 'git-commit-id') if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path)
from __future__ import absolute_import def signature(func, param_num, params): args = ','.join("{!r}".format(a) for a in params.args) kwargs = ','.join("{}={!r}".format(k, v) for k,v in params.kwargs.items()) if args and kwargs: return "{}({},{})".format(func.__name__, args, kwargs) else: return "{}({})".format(func.__name__, args or kwargs) def firstparam(func, param_num, params): return "{}({!r})".format(func.__name__, params.args[0]) def num(func, param_num, params): return "{}_{}".format(func.__name__, param_num)
import os import yaml __all__ = ['source'] _DEFAULT = { 'REGISTRY_PORT': '5000', 'REGISTRY_HOST': '', 'SETTINGS_FLAVOR': 'dev', 'GUNICORN_WORKERS': '4', 'GUNICORN_GRACEFUL_TIMEOUT': '3600', 'GUNICORN_SILENT_TIMEOUT': '3600', 'GUNICORN_USER': '', 'GUNICORN_GROUP': '', 'GUNICORN_ACCESS_LOG_FILE': '"-"', 'GUNICORN_ERROR_LOG_FILE': '"-"', 'GUNICORN_OPTS': '[]', 'NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY': '', 'NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_FILE': '', 'NEW_RELIC_ENVIRONMENT': 'dev' } def source(key, override=''): # Using yaml gives us proper typage return yaml.load( os.environ.get(key, _DEFAULT[key] if key in _DEFAULT else override))
import json import time import uuid from contextlib import contextmanager from queue import Empty from threading import Condition from typing import Generator from typing import Iterable from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Set from typing import Tuple from kazoo.client import KazooClient from kazoo.exceptions import NodeExistsError from kazoo.exceptions import NoNodeError from kazoo.protocol.states import WatchedEvent from kazoo.protocol.states import ZnodeStat from paasta_tools.deployd.common import DelayDeadlineQueueProtocol from paasta_tools.deployd.common import ServiceInstance DEPLOYD_QUEUE_ROOT = "/paasta-deployd-queue" MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 3600 class ZKDelayDeadlineQueue(DelayDeadlineQueueProtocol): def __init__(self, client: KazooClient, path: str = DEPLOYD_QUEUE_ROOT) -> None: self.client = client self.id = uuid.uuid4().hex.encode() self.locks_path = path + "/locks" self.entries_path = path + "/entries" for path in (self.locks_path, self.entries_path): self.client.ensure_path(path) self.local_state_condition = Condition() self.entry_nodes: List[str] = [] self.locked_entry_nodes: Set[str] = set() self._update_local_state(None) def _update_local_state(self, event: WatchedEvent) -> None: with self.local_state_condition: entry_nodes = self.client.retry( self.client.get_children, self.entries_path, watch=self._update_local_state, ) self.entry_nodes = sorted(entry_nodes) self.locked_entry_nodes = set( self.client.retry( self.client.get_children, self.locks_path, watch=self._update_local_state, ) ) self.local_state_condition.notify() def _format_timestamp(self, timestamp: float) -> str: if not isinstance(timestamp, (int, float)): raise TypeError(f"timestamp must be int or float, got {timestamp!r}") if not (0 < timestamp < 9999999999.9995): raise ValueError( f"timestamp must be between 0 and 9999999999.9995, got {timestamp}" ) formatted = f"{timestamp:014.3f}" assert len(formatted) == 14 return formatted def put(self, si: ServiceInstance) -> None: bounce_by = self._format_timestamp(si.bounce_by) wait_until = self._format_timestamp(si.wait_until) self.client.create( f"{self.entries_path}/entry-{bounce_by}-{wait_until}-", value=self._serialize_si(si), sequence=True, ) def _serialize_si(self, si: ServiceInstance) -> bytes: si_dict = si._asdict() return json.dumps(si_dict).encode("utf-8") @contextmanager def get( self, block: bool = True, timeout: float = float("inf") ) -> Generator[ServiceInstance, None, None]: if not block: timeout = 0.0 timeout_timestamp = time.time() + timeout entry = None with self.local_state_condition: while True: first_available_entry_node = self._get_first_available_entry_node() if first_available_entry_node is not None: entry = self._lock_and_get_entry(first_available_entry_node) if entry is not None: break next_upcoming_wait_until = self._get_next_upcoming_wait_until() cond_wait_until = min( timeout_timestamp, next_upcoming_wait_until, time.time() + MAX_SLEEP_TIME, ) hit_timeout = not self.local_state_condition.wait( timeout=cond_wait_until - time.time() ) if hit_timeout and time.time() >= timeout_timestamp: raise Empty() entry_data, entry_stat = entry try: yield self._parse_data(entry_data) except Exception: self._release(first_available_entry_node) raise else: self._consume(first_available_entry_node) def _parse_data(self, entry_data: bytes) -> ServiceInstance: now = time.time() defaults = { "watcher": "unknown", "bounce_by": now, "wait_until": now, "enqueue_time": now, "bounce_start_time": now, "failures": 0, } si_dict = json.loads(entry_data.decode("utf-8")) merged = {**defaults, **si_dict} return ServiceInstance(**merged) # type: ignore def _parse_entry_node(self, path: str) -> Tuple[float, float]: basename = path.split("/")[-1] _, priority, wait_until, _ = basename.split("-", maxsplit=4) return float(priority), float(wait_until) def _get_first_available_entry_node(self) -> Optional[str]: for entry_node in self.entry_nodes: if entry_node not in self.locked_entry_nodes: _, wait_until = self._parse_entry_node(entry_node) now = time.time() if wait_until <= now: return entry_node return None def _get_next_upcoming_wait_until(self) -> float: next_upcoming_wait_until = float("inf") for entry_node in self.entry_nodes: if entry_node not in self.locked_entry_nodes: _, wait_until = self._parse_entry_node(entry_node) next_upcoming_wait_until = min(next_upcoming_wait_until, wait_until) return next_upcoming_wait_until def _lock_and_get_entry(self, entry_node: str) -> Optional[Tuple[bytes, ZnodeStat]]: try: lock_path = f"{self.locks_path}/{entry_node}" self.locked_entry_nodes.add(entry_node) self.client.create(lock_path, value=self.id, ephemeral=True) except NodeExistsError: self.locked_entry_nodes.add(entry_node) return None try: return self.client.get(f"{self.entries_path}/{entry_node}") except NoNodeError: self.client.delete(lock_path) return None def _consume(self, entry_node: str) -> None: # necessary in case we lose connection at some point if not self._holds_lock(entry_node): return # TODO: log? with self.client.transaction() as transaction: transaction.delete(f"{self.locks_path}/{entry_node}") transaction.delete(f"{self.entries_path}/{entry_node}") def _holds_lock(self, entry_node: str) -> bool: lock_path = f"{self.locks_path}/{entry_node}" self.client.sync(lock_path) value, stat = self.client.retry(self.client.get, lock_path) return value == self.id def _release(self, entry_node: str) -> None: if not self._holds_lock(entry_node): return self.client.delete(f"{self.locks_path}/{entry_node}") def _get_all_unlocked_service_instances( self, fetch_service_instances: bool ) -> Iterable[Tuple[float, float, Optional[ServiceInstance]]]: results = [] with self.local_state_condition: for entry_node in self.entry_nodes: if entry_node not in self.locked_entry_nodes: deadline, wait_until = self._parse_entry_node(entry_node) if fetch_service_instances: data, _ = self.client.get(f"{self.entries_path}/{entry_node}") si = self._parse_data(data) else: si = None results.append((deadline, wait_until, si)) return results def get_available_service_instances( self, fetch_service_instances: bool ) -> Iterable[Tuple[float, Optional[ServiceInstance]]]: now = time.time() for deadline, wait_until, si in self._get_all_unlocked_service_instances( fetch_service_instances ): if wait_until <= now: yield (deadline, si) def get_unavailable_service_instances( self, fetch_service_instances: bool ) -> Iterable[Tuple[float, float, Optional[ServiceInstance]]]: now = time.time() for deadline, wait_until, si in self._get_all_unlocked_service_instances( fetch_service_instances ): if wait_until > now: yield (wait_until, deadline, si)
import warnings from sklearn.decomposition import PCA, FastICA, IncrementalPCA, KernelPCA, FactorAnalysis, TruncatedSVD, SparsePCA, MiniBatchSparsePCA, DictionaryLearning, MiniBatchDictionaryLearning from sklearn.manifold import TSNE, MDS, SpectralEmbedding, LocallyLinearEmbedding, Isomap from umap import UMAP from .._shared.helpers import * from .normalize import normalize as normalizer from .align import align as aligner from .format_data import format_data as formatter # dictionary of models models = { 'PCA': PCA, 'IncrementalPCA': IncrementalPCA, 'SparsePCA': SparsePCA, 'MiniBatchSparsePCA': MiniBatchSparsePCA, 'KernelPCA': KernelPCA, 'FastICA': FastICA, 'FactorAnalysis': FactorAnalysis, 'TruncatedSVD': TruncatedSVD, 'DictionaryLearning': DictionaryLearning, 'MiniBatchDictionaryLearning': MiniBatchDictionaryLearning, 'TSNE': TSNE, 'Isomap': Isomap, 'SpectralEmbedding': SpectralEmbedding, 'LocallyLinearEmbedding': LocallyLinearEmbedding, 'MDS': MDS, 'UMAP': UMAP } # main function @memoize def reduce(x, reduce='IncrementalPCA', ndims=None, normalize=None, align=None, model=None, model_params=None, internal=False, format_data=True): """ Reduces dimensionality of an array, or list of arrays Parameters ---------- x : Numpy array or list of arrays Dimensionality reduction using PCA is performed on this array. reduce : str or dict Decomposition/manifold learning model to use. Models supported: PCA, IncrementalPCA, SparsePCA, MiniBatchSparsePCA, KernelPCA, FastICA, FactorAnalysis, TruncatedSVD, DictionaryLearning, MiniBatchDictionaryLearning, TSNE, Isomap, SpectralEmbedding, LocallyLinearEmbedding, MDS and UMAP. Can be passed as a string, but for finer control of the model parameters, pass as a dictionary, e.g. reduce={'model' : 'PCA', 'params' : {'whiten' : True}}. See scikit-learn specific model docs for details on parameters supported for each model. ndims : int Number of dimensions to reduce format_data : bool Whether or not to first call the format_data function (default: True). model : None Deprecated argument. Please use reduce. model_params : None Deprecated argument. Please use reduce. align : None Deprecated argument. Please use new analyze function to perform combinations of transformations normalize : None Deprecated argument. Please use new analyze function to perform combinations of transformations Returns ---------- x_reduced : Numpy array or list of arrays The reduced data with ndims dimensionality is returned. If the input is a list, a list is returned. """ # deprecation warning if (model is not None) or (model_params is not None): warnings.warn('Model and model params will be deprecated. Please use the \ reduce keyword. See API docs for more info: http://hypertools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hypertools.tools.reduce.html#hypertools.tools.reduce') reduce = { 'model': model, 'params': model_params } # if model is None, just return data if reduce is None: return x elif isinstance(reduce, (str, np.string_)): model_name = reduce model_params = { 'n_components': ndims } elif isinstance(reduce, dict): try: model_name = reduce['model'] model_params = reduce['params'] except KeyError: raise ValueError('If passing a dictionary, pass the model as the value of the "model" key and a \ dictionary of custom params as the value of the "params" key.') else: # handle other possibilities below model_name = reduce try: # if the model passed is a string, make sure it's one of the supported options if isinstance(model_name, (str, np.string_)): model = models[model_name] # otherwise check any custom object for necessary methods else: model = model_name getattr(model, 'fit_transform') getattr(model, 'n_components') except (KeyError, AttributeError): raise ValueError('reduce must be one of the supported options or support n_components and fit_transform \ methods. See http://hypertools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hypertools.tools.reduce.html#hypertools.tools.reduce \ for supported models') # check for multiple values from n_components & ndims args if 'n_components' in model_params: if (ndims is None) or (ndims == model_params['n_components']): pass else: warnings.warn('Unequal values passed to dims and n_components. Using ndims parameter.') model_params['n_components'] = ndims else: model_params['n_components'] = ndims # convert to common format if format_data: x = formatter(x, ppca=True) # if ndims/n_components is not passed or all data is < ndims-dimensional, just return it if model_params['n_components'] is None or all([i.shape[1] <= model_params['n_components'] for i in x]): return x stacked_x = np.vstack(x) if stacked_x.shape[0] == 1: warnings.warn('Cannot reduce the dimensionality of a single row of' ' data. Return zeros length of ndims') return [np.zeros((1, model_params['n_components']))] elif stacked_x.shape[0] < model_params['n_components']: warnings.warn('The number of rows in your data is less than ndims.' ' The data will be reduced to the number of rows.') # deprecation warnings if normalize is not None: warnings.warn('The normalize argument will be deprecated for this function. Please use the \ analyze function to perform combinations of these transformations. See API docs for more info: http://hypertools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hypertools.analyze.html#hypertools.analyze') x = normalizer(x, normalize=normalize) if align is not None: warnings.warn('The align argument will be deprecated for this function. Please use the \ analyze function to perform combinations of these transformations. See API docs for more info: http://hypertools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hypertools.analyze.html#hypertools.analyze') x = aligner(x, align=align) # initialize model model = model(**model_params) # reduce data x_reduced = reduce_list(x, model) # return data if internal or len(x_reduced) > 1: return x_reduced else: return x_reduced[0] # sub functions def reduce_list(x, model): split = np.cumsum([len(xi) for xi in x])[:-1] x_r = np.vsplit(model.fit_transform(np.vstack(x)), split) if len(x) > 1: return [xi for xi in x_r] else: return [x_r[0]]
import asyncio import upb_lib from homeassistant.const import CONF_FILE_PATH, CONF_HOST from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType from .const import ( ATTR_ADDRESS, ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT, ATTR_COMMAND, ATTR_RATE, DOMAIN, EVENT_UPB_SCENE_CHANGED, ) UPB_PLATFORMS = ["light", "scene"] async def async_setup(hass: HomeAssistant, hass_config: ConfigType) -> bool: """Set up the UPB platform.""" return True async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry): """Set up a new config_entry for UPB PIM.""" url = config_entry.data[CONF_HOST] file = config_entry.data[CONF_FILE_PATH] upb = upb_lib.UpbPim({"url": url, "UPStartExportFile": file}) upb.connect() hass.data.setdefault(DOMAIN, {}) hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] = {"upb": upb} for component in UPB_PLATFORMS: hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(config_entry, component) ) def _element_changed(element, changeset): change = changeset.get("last_change") if change is None: return if change.get("command") is None: return hass.bus.async_fire( EVENT_UPB_SCENE_CHANGED, { ATTR_COMMAND: change["command"], ATTR_ADDRESS: element.addr.index, ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT: change.get("level", -1), ATTR_RATE: change.get("rate", -1), }, ) for link in upb.links: element = upb.links[link] element.add_callback(_element_changed) return True async def async_unload_entry(hass, config_entry): """Unload the config_entry.""" unload_ok = all( await asyncio.gather( *[ hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_unload(config_entry, component) for component in UPB_PLATFORMS ] ) ) if unload_ok: upb = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id]["upb"] upb.disconnect() hass.data[DOMAIN].pop(config_entry.entry_id) return unload_ok class UpbEntity(Entity): """Base class for all UPB entities.""" def __init__(self, element, unique_id, upb): """Initialize the base of all UPB devices.""" self._upb = upb self._element = element element_type = "link" if element.addr.is_link else "device" self._unique_id = f"{unique_id}_{element_type}_{element.addr}" @property def name(self): """Name of the element.""" return self._element.name @property def unique_id(self): """Return unique id of the element.""" return self._unique_id @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """Don't poll this device.""" return False @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the default attributes of the element.""" return self._element.as_dict() @property def available(self): """Is the entity available to be updated.""" return self._upb.is_connected() def _element_changed(self, element, changeset): pass @callback def _element_callback(self, element, changeset): """Handle callback from an UPB element that has changed.""" self._element_changed(element, changeset) self.async_write_ha_state() async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Register callback for UPB changes and update entity state.""" self._element.add_callback(self._element_callback) self._element_callback(self._element, {}) class UpbAttachedEntity(UpbEntity): """Base class for UPB attached entities.""" @property def device_info(self): """Device info for the entity.""" return { "name": self._element.name, "identifiers": {(DOMAIN, self._element.index)}, "sw_version": self._element.version, "manufacturer": self._element.manufacturer, "model": self._element.product, }
import importlib from operator import attrgetter from pathlib import Path from pprint import pformat from textwrap import indent from types import SimpleNamespace INCLUDES_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() CERBERUS_DIR = INCLUDES_DIR.parent.parent / 'cerberus' def load_module_members(name, path): module_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, path) _module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(module_spec) module_spec.loader.exec_module(_module) return vars(_module) errors_module = load_module_members('errors', CERBERUS_DIR / 'errors.py') error_type = errors_module['ErrorDefinition'] error_definitions = [] for name, member in errors_module.items(): if not isinstance(member, error_type): continue error_definition = SimpleNamespace(code=member.code, rule=member.rule) error_definition.name = name error_definitions.append(error_definition) error_definitions.sort(key=attrgetter('code')) with (INCLUDES_DIR / 'error-codes.rst').open('wt') as f: print( """ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Code (dec.) - Code (hex.) - Name - Rule""".lstrip( '\n' ), file=f, ) for error_definition in error_definitions: print( f""" * - {error_definition.code} - {hex(error_definition.code)} - {error_definition.name} - {error_definition.rule}""".lstrip( '\n' ), file=f, ) print('Generated table with ErrorDefinitions.') validator_module = load_module_members('validator', CERBERUS_DIR / 'validator.py') validator = validator_module['Validator']() schema_validation_schema = pformat( validator.rules, width=68 ) # width seems w/o effect, use black? with (INCLUDES_DIR / 'schema-validation-schema.rst').open('wt') as f: print( '.. code-block:: python\n\n', indent(schema_validation_schema, ' '), file=f ) print("Generated schema for a vanilla validator's, well, schema.")
from abodepy import Abode from abodepy.exceptions import AbodeException from requests.exceptions import ConnectTimeout, HTTPError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.const import CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_USERNAME, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST from homeassistant.core import callback from .const import DEFAULT_CACHEDB, DOMAIN, LOGGER # pylint: disable=unused-import CONF_POLLING = "polling" class AbodeFlowHandler(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Config flow for Abode.""" VERSION = 1 CONNECTION_CLASS = config_entries.CONN_CLASS_LOCAL_POLL def __init__(self): """Initialize.""" self.data_schema = { vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): str, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): str, } async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None): """Handle a flow initialized by the user.""" if self._async_current_entries(): return self.async_abort(reason="single_instance_allowed") if not user_input: return self._show_form() username = user_input[CONF_USERNAME] password = user_input[CONF_PASSWORD] polling = user_input.get(CONF_POLLING, False) cache = self.hass.config.path(DEFAULT_CACHEDB) try: await self.hass.async_add_executor_job( Abode, username, password, True, True, True, cache ) except (AbodeException, ConnectTimeout, HTTPError) as ex: LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to Abode: %s", str(ex)) if ex.errcode == HTTP_BAD_REQUEST: return self._show_form({"base": "invalid_auth"}) return self._show_form({"base": "cannot_connect"}) return self.async_create_entry( title=user_input[CONF_USERNAME], data={ CONF_USERNAME: username, CONF_PASSWORD: password, CONF_POLLING: polling, }, ) @callback def _show_form(self, errors=None): """Show the form to the user.""" return self.async_show_form( step_id="user", data_schema=vol.Schema(self.data_schema), errors=errors if errors else {}, ) async def async_step_import(self, import_config): """Import a config entry from configuration.yaml.""" if self._async_current_entries(): LOGGER.warning("Only one configuration of abode is allowed.") return self.async_abort(reason="single_instance_allowed") return await self.async_step_user(import_config)
import os import pytest import random import string from queue import Empty from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from kombu import messaging from kombu import Connection, Exchange, Queue boto3 = pytest.importorskip('boto3') from kombu.transport import SQS # noqa from botocore.exceptions import ClientError # noqa SQS_Channel_sqs = SQS.Channel.sqs example_predefined_queues = { 'queue-1': { 'url': 'https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/xxx/queue-1', 'access_key_id': 'a', 'secret_access_key': 'b', }, 'queue-2': { 'url': 'https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/xxx/queue-2', 'access_key_id': 'c', 'secret_access_key': 'd', }, } class SQSMessageMock: def __init__(self): """ Imitate the SQS Message from boto3. """ self.body = "" self.receipt_handle = "receipt_handle_xyz" class QueueMock: """ Hold information about a queue. """ def __init__(self, url, creation_attributes=None): self.url = url # arguments of boto3.sqs.create_queue self.creation_attributes = creation_attributes self.attributes = {'ApproximateNumberOfMessages': '0'} self.messages = [] def __repr__(self): return 'QueueMock: {} {} messages'.format(self.url, len(self.messages)) class SQSClientMock: def __init__(self, QueueName='unittest_queue'): """ Imitate the SQS Client from boto3. """ self._receive_messages_calls = 0 # _queues doesn't exist on the real client, here for testing. self._queues = {} url = self.create_queue(QueueName=QueueName)['QueueUrl'] self.send_message(QueueUrl=url, MessageBody='hello') def _get_q(self, url): """ Helper method to quickly get a queue. """ for q in self._queues.values(): if q.url == url: return q raise Exception(f"Queue url {url} not found") def create_queue(self, QueueName=None, Attributes=None): q = self._queues[QueueName] = QueueMock( 'https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/xxx/' + QueueName, Attributes, ) return {'QueueUrl': q.url} def list_queues(self, QueueNamePrefix=None): """ Return a list of queue urls """ urls = (val.url for key, val in self._queues.items() if key.startswith(QueueNamePrefix)) return {'QueueUrls': urls} def get_queue_url(self, QueueName=None): return self._queues[QueueName] def send_message(self, QueueUrl=None, MessageBody=None): for q in self._queues.values(): if q.url == QueueUrl: handle = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for x in range(10)) q.messages.append({'Body': MessageBody, 'ReceiptHandle': handle}) break def receive_message(self, QueueUrl=None, MaxNumberOfMessages=1, WaitTimeSeconds=10): self._receive_messages_calls += 1 for q in self._queues.values(): if q.url == QueueUrl: msgs = q.messages[:MaxNumberOfMessages] q.messages = q.messages[MaxNumberOfMessages:] return {'Messages': msgs} if msgs else {} def get_queue_attributes(self, QueueUrl=None, AttributeNames=None): if 'ApproximateNumberOfMessages' in AttributeNames: count = len(self._get_q(QueueUrl).messages) return {'Attributes': {'ApproximateNumberOfMessages': count}} def purge_queue(self, QueueUrl=None): for q in self._queues.values(): if q.url == QueueUrl: q.messages = [] class test_Channel: def handleMessageCallback(self, message): self.callback_message = message def setup(self): """Mock the back-end SQS classes""" # Sanity check... if SQS is None, then it did not import and we # cannot execute our tests. SQS.Channel._queue_cache.clear() # Common variables used in the unit tests self.queue_name = 'unittest' # Mock the sqs() method that returns an SQSConnection object and # instead return an SQSConnectionMock() object. sqs_conn_mock = SQSClientMock() self.sqs_conn_mock = sqs_conn_mock predefined_queues_sqs_conn_mocks = { 'queue-1': SQSClientMock(QueueName='queue-1'), 'queue-2': SQSClientMock(QueueName='queue-2'), } def mock_sqs(): def sqs(self, queue=None): if queue in predefined_queues_sqs_conn_mocks: return predefined_queues_sqs_conn_mocks[queue] return sqs_conn_mock return sqs SQS.Channel.sqs = mock_sqs() # Set up a task exchange for passing tasks through the queue self.exchange = Exchange('test_SQS', type='direct') self.queue = Queue(self.queue_name, self.exchange, self.queue_name) # Mock up a test SQS Queue with the QueueMock class (and always # make sure its a clean empty queue) self.sqs_queue_mock = QueueMock('sqs://' + self.queue_name) # Now, create our Connection object with the SQS Transport and store # the connection/channel objects as references for use in these tests. self.connection = Connection(transport=SQS.Transport) self.channel = self.connection.channel() self.queue(self.channel).declare() self.producer = messaging.Producer(self.channel, self.exchange, routing_key=self.queue_name) # Lastly, make sure that we're set up to 'consume' this queue. self.channel.basic_consume(self.queue_name, no_ack=False, callback=self.handleMessageCallback, consumer_tag='unittest') def teardown(self): # Removes QoS reserved messages so we don't restore msgs on shutdown. try: qos = self.channel._qos except AttributeError: pass else: if qos: qos._dirty.clear() qos._delivered.clear() def test_init(self): """kombu.SQS.Channel instantiates correctly with mocked queues""" assert self.queue_name in self.channel._queue_cache def test_region(self): _environ = dict(os.environ) # when the region is unspecified connection = Connection(transport=SQS.Transport) channel = connection.channel() assert channel.transport_options.get('region') is None # the default region is us-east-1 assert channel.region == 'us-east-1' # when boto3 picks a region os.environ['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'] = 'us-east-2' assert boto3.Session().region_name == 'us-east-2' # the default region should match connection = Connection(transport=SQS.Transport) channel = connection.channel() assert channel.region == 'us-east-2' # when transport_options are provided connection = Connection(transport=SQS.Transport, transport_options={ 'region': 'us-west-2' }) channel = connection.channel() assert channel.transport_options.get('region') == 'us-west-2' # the specified region should be used assert connection.channel().region == 'us-west-2' os.environ.clear() os.environ.update(_environ) def test_endpoint_url(self): url = 'sqs://@localhost:5493' self.connection = Connection(hostname=url, transport=SQS.Transport) self.channel = self.connection.channel() self.channel._sqs = None expected_endpoint_url = 'http://localhost:5493' assert self.channel.endpoint_url == expected_endpoint_url boto3_sqs = SQS_Channel_sqs.__get__(self.channel, SQS.Channel) assert boto3_sqs()._endpoint.host == expected_endpoint_url def test_none_hostname_persists(self): conn = Connection(hostname=None, transport=SQS.Transport) assert conn.hostname == conn.clone().hostname def test_entity_name(self): assert self.channel.entity_name('foo') == 'foo' assert self.channel.entity_name('foo.bar-baz*qux_quux') == \ 'foo-bar-baz_qux_quux' assert self.channel.entity_name('abcdef.fifo') == 'abcdef.fifo' def test_new_queue(self): queue_name = 'new_unittest_queue' self.channel._new_queue(queue_name) assert queue_name in self.sqs_conn_mock._queues.keys() # For cleanup purposes, delete the queue and the queue file self.channel._delete(queue_name) def test_new_queue_custom_creation_attributes(self): self.connection.transport_options['sqs-creation-attributes'] = { 'KmsMasterKeyId': 'alias/aws/sqs', } queue_name = 'new_custom_attribute_queue' self.channel._new_queue(queue_name) assert queue_name in self.sqs_conn_mock._queues.keys() queue = self.sqs_conn_mock._queues[queue_name] assert 'KmsMasterKeyId' in queue.creation_attributes assert queue.creation_attributes['KmsMasterKeyId'] == 'alias/aws/sqs' # For cleanup purposes, delete the queue and the queue file self.channel._delete(queue_name) def test_botocore_config_override(self): expected_connect_timeout = 5 client_config = {'connect_timeout': expected_connect_timeout} self.connection = Connection( transport=SQS.Transport, transport_options={'client-config': client_config}, ) self.channel = self.connection.channel() self.channel._sqs = None boto3_sqs = SQS_Channel_sqs.__get__(self.channel, SQS.Channel) botocore_config = boto3_sqs()._client_config assert botocore_config.connect_timeout == expected_connect_timeout def test_dont_create_duplicate_new_queue(self): # All queue names start with "q", except "unittest_queue". # which is definitely out of cache when get_all_queues returns the # first 1000 queues sorted by name. queue_name = 'unittest_queue' # This should not create a new queue. self.channel._new_queue(queue_name) assert queue_name in self.sqs_conn_mock._queues.keys() queue = self.sqs_conn_mock._queues[queue_name] # The queue originally had 1 message in it. assert 1 == len(queue.messages) assert 'hello' == queue.messages[0]['Body'] def test_delete(self): queue_name = 'new_unittest_queue' self.channel._new_queue(queue_name) self.channel._delete(queue_name) assert queue_name not in self.channel._queue_cache def test_get_from_sqs(self): # Test getting a single message message = 'my test message' self.producer.publish(message) result = self.channel._get(self.queue_name) assert 'body' in result.keys() # Now test getting many messages for i in range(3): message = f'message: {i}' self.producer.publish(message) self.channel._get_bulk(self.queue_name, max_if_unlimited=3) assert len(self.sqs_conn_mock._queues[self.queue_name].messages) == 0 def test_get_with_empty_list(self): with pytest.raises(Empty): self.channel._get(self.queue_name) def test_get_bulk_raises_empty(self): with pytest.raises(Empty): self.channel._get_bulk(self.queue_name) def test_messages_to_python(self): from kombu.asynchronous.aws.sqs.message import Message kombu_message_count = 3 json_message_count = 3 # Create several test messages and publish them for i in range(kombu_message_count): message = 'message: %s' % i self.producer.publish(message) # json formatted message NOT created by kombu for i in range(json_message_count): message = {'foo': 'bar'} self.channel._put(self.producer.routing_key, message) q_url = self.channel._new_queue(self.queue_name) # Get the messages now kombu_messages = [] for m in self.sqs_conn_mock.receive_message( QueueUrl=q_url, MaxNumberOfMessages=kombu_message_count)['Messages']: m['Body'] = Message(body=m['Body']).decode() kombu_messages.append(m) json_messages = [] for m in self.sqs_conn_mock.receive_message( QueueUrl=q_url, MaxNumberOfMessages=json_message_count)['Messages']: m['Body'] = Message(body=m['Body']).decode() json_messages.append(m) # Now convert them to payloads kombu_payloads = self.channel._messages_to_python( kombu_messages, self.queue_name, ) json_payloads = self.channel._messages_to_python( json_messages, self.queue_name, ) # We got the same number of payloads back, right? assert len(kombu_payloads) == kombu_message_count assert len(json_payloads) == json_message_count # Make sure they're payload-style objects for p in kombu_payloads: assert 'properties' in p for p in json_payloads: assert 'properties' in p def test_put_and_get(self): message = 'my test message' self.producer.publish(message) results = self.queue(self.channel).get().payload assert message == results def test_redelivered(self): self.channel.sqs().change_message_visibility = \ Mock(name='change_message_visibility') message = { 'redelivered': True, 'properties': {'delivery_tag': 'test_message_id'} } self.channel._put(self.producer.routing_key, message) self.sqs_conn_mock.change_message_visibility.assert_called_once() def test_put_and_get_bulk(self): # With QoS.prefetch_count = 0 message = 'my test message' self.producer.publish(message) self.channel.connection._deliver = Mock(name='_deliver') self.channel._get_bulk(self.queue_name) self.channel.connection._deliver.assert_called_once() def test_puts_and_get_bulk(self): # Generate 8 messages message_count = 8 # Set the prefetch_count to 5 self.channel.qos.prefetch_count = 5 # Now, generate all the messages for i in range(message_count): message = 'message: %s' % i self.producer.publish(message) # Count how many messages are retrieved the first time. Should # be 5 (message_count). self.channel.connection._deliver = Mock(name='_deliver') self.channel._get_bulk(self.queue_name) assert self.channel.connection._deliver.call_count == 5 for i in range(5): self.channel.qos.append(Mock(name=f'message{i}'), i) # Now, do the get again, the number of messages returned should be 1. self.channel.connection._deliver.reset_mock() self.channel._get_bulk(self.queue_name) self.channel.connection._deliver.assert_called_once() def test_drain_events_with_empty_list(self): def mock_can_consume(): return False self.channel.qos.can_consume = mock_can_consume with pytest.raises(Empty): self.channel.drain_events() def test_drain_events_with_prefetch_5(self): # Generate 20 messages message_count = 20 prefetch_count = 5 current_delivery_tag = [1] # Set the prefetch_count to 5 self.channel.qos.prefetch_count = prefetch_count self.channel.connection._deliver = Mock(name='_deliver') def on_message_delivered(message, queue): current_delivery_tag[0] += 1 self.channel.qos.append(message, current_delivery_tag[0]) self.channel.connection._deliver.side_effect = on_message_delivered # Now, generate all the messages for i in range(message_count): self.producer.publish('message: %s' % i) # Now drain all the events for i in range(1000): try: self.channel.drain_events(timeout=0) except Empty: break else: assert False, 'disabled infinite loop' self.channel.qos._flush() assert len(self.channel.qos._delivered) == prefetch_count assert self.channel.connection._deliver.call_count == prefetch_count def test_drain_events_with_prefetch_none(self): # Generate 20 messages message_count = 20 expected_receive_messages_count = 3 current_delivery_tag = [1] # Set the prefetch_count to None self.channel.qos.prefetch_count = None self.channel.connection._deliver = Mock(name='_deliver') def on_message_delivered(message, queue): current_delivery_tag[0] += 1 self.channel.qos.append(message, current_delivery_tag[0]) self.channel.connection._deliver.side_effect = on_message_delivered # Now, generate all the messages for i in range(message_count): self.producer.publish('message: %s' % i) # Now drain all the events for i in range(1000): try: self.channel.drain_events(timeout=0) except Empty: break else: assert False, 'disabled infinite loop' assert self.channel.connection._deliver.call_count == message_count # How many times was the SQSConnectionMock receive_message method # called? assert (expected_receive_messages_count == self.sqs_conn_mock._receive_messages_calls) def test_basic_ack(self, ): """Test that basic_ack calls the delete_message properly""" message = { 'sqs_message': { 'ReceiptHandle': '1' }, 'sqs_queue': 'testing_queue' } mock_messages = Mock() mock_messages.delivery_info = message self.channel.qos.append(mock_messages, 1) self.channel.sqs().delete_message = Mock() self.channel.basic_ack(1) self.sqs_conn_mock.delete_message.assert_called_with( QueueUrl=message['sqs_queue'], ReceiptHandle=message['sqs_message']['ReceiptHandle'] ) assert {1} == self.channel.qos._dirty @patch('kombu.transport.virtual.base.Channel.basic_ack') @patch('kombu.transport.virtual.base.Channel.basic_reject') def test_basic_ack_with_mocked_channel_methods(self, basic_reject_mock, basic_ack_mock): """Test that basic_ack calls the delete_message properly""" message = { 'sqs_message': { 'ReceiptHandle': '1' }, 'sqs_queue': 'testing_queue' } mock_messages = Mock() mock_messages.delivery_info = message self.channel.qos.append(mock_messages, 1) self.channel.sqs().delete_message = Mock() self.channel.basic_ack(1) self.sqs_conn_mock.delete_message.assert_called_with( QueueUrl=message['sqs_queue'], ReceiptHandle=message['sqs_message']['ReceiptHandle'] ) basic_ack_mock.assert_called_with(1) assert not basic_reject_mock.called @patch('kombu.transport.virtual.base.Channel.basic_ack') @patch('kombu.transport.virtual.base.Channel.basic_reject') def test_basic_ack_without_sqs_message(self, basic_reject_mock, basic_ack_mock): """Test that basic_ack calls the delete_message properly""" message = { 'sqs_queue': 'testing_queue' } mock_messages = Mock() mock_messages.delivery_info = message self.channel.qos.append(mock_messages, 1) self.channel.sqs().delete_message = Mock() self.channel.basic_ack(1) assert not self.sqs_conn_mock.delete_message.called basic_ack_mock.assert_called_with(1) assert not basic_reject_mock.called @patch('kombu.transport.virtual.base.Channel.basic_ack') @patch('kombu.transport.virtual.base.Channel.basic_reject') def test_basic_ack_invalid_receipt_handle(self, basic_reject_mock, basic_ack_mock): """Test that basic_ack calls the delete_message properly""" message = { 'sqs_message': { 'ReceiptHandle': '2' }, 'sqs_queue': 'testing_queue' } error_response = { 'Error': { 'Code': 'InvalidParameterValue', 'Message': 'Value 2 for parameter ReceiptHandle is invalid.' ' Reason: The receipt handle has expired.' } } operation_name = 'DeleteMessage' mock_messages = Mock() mock_messages.delivery_info = message self.channel.qos.append(mock_messages, 2) self.channel.sqs().delete_message = Mock() self.channel.sqs().delete_message.side_effect = ClientError( error_response=error_response, operation_name=operation_name ) self.channel.basic_ack(2) self.sqs_conn_mock.delete_message.assert_called_with( QueueUrl=message['sqs_queue'], ReceiptHandle=message['sqs_message']['ReceiptHandle'] ) basic_reject_mock.assert_called_with(2) assert not basic_ack_mock.called def test_predefined_queues_primes_queue_cache(self): connection = Connection(transport=SQS.Transport, transport_options={ 'predefined_queues': example_predefined_queues, }) channel = connection.channel() assert 'queue-1' in channel._queue_cache assert 'queue-2' in channel._queue_cache def test_predefined_queues_new_queue_raises_if_queue_not_exists(self): connection = Connection(transport=SQS.Transport, transport_options={ 'predefined_queues': example_predefined_queues, }) channel = connection.channel() with pytest.raises(SQS.UndefinedQueueException): channel._new_queue('queue-99') def test_predefined_queues_get_from_sqs(self): connection = Connection(transport=SQS.Transport, transport_options={ 'predefined_queues': example_predefined_queues, }) channel = connection.channel() def message_to_python(message, queue_name, queue): return message channel._message_to_python = Mock(side_effect=message_to_python) queue_name = "queue-1" exchange = Exchange('test_SQS', type='direct') p = messaging.Producer(channel, exchange, routing_key=queue_name) queue = Queue(queue_name, exchange, queue_name) queue(channel).declare() # Getting a single message p.publish('message') result = channel._get(queue_name) assert 'Body' in result.keys() # Getting many messages for i in range(3): p.publish(f'message: {i}') channel.connection._deliver = Mock(name='_deliver') channel._get_bulk(queue_name, max_if_unlimited=3) channel.connection._deliver.assert_called() assert len(channel.sqs(queue_name)._queues[queue_name].messages) == 0
import unittest from mock import patch, mock_open, MagicMock, sentinel import os import sys import json import httpretty import acd_cli from acdcli.cache import db from .test_helper import gen_file, gen_folder, gen_bunch_of_nodes cache_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dummy_files') os.environ['ACD_CLI_CACHE_PATH'] = cache_path try: from importlib import reload except ImportError: from imp import reload def run_main() -> int: try: acd_cli.main() except SystemExit as e: return e.code class ActionTestCase(unittest.TestCase): stdout = sys.stdout def setUp(self): reload(acd_cli) sys.argv = [acd_cli._app_name, '-nw'] self.cache = db.NodeCache(cache_path) def tearDown(self): db.NodeCache.remove_db_file(cache_path) # tests @patch('sys.stdout.write') def testHelp(self, print_): sys.argv.append('-h') self.assertEqual(run_main(), 0) def testClearCache(self): sys.argv.append('cc') self.assertEqual(run_main(), None) def testClearCacheNonExist(self): self.cache.remove_db_file() sys.argv.append('cc') self.assertEqual(run_main(), None) # listing @patch('sys.stdout.write') def testTree(self, print_): files, folders = gen_bunch_of_nodes(50) self.cache.insert_nodes(files + folders) sys.argv.extend(['tree', '-t']) self.assertEqual(run_main(), None) self.assertEqual(len(print_.mock_calls), 100) @patch('sys.stdout.write') def testList(self, print_): db.NodeCache(cache_path) folder = gen_folder([]) files = [gen_file([folder]) for _ in range(50)] self.cache.insert_nodes(files + [folder]) sys.argv.extend(['ls', '-t', '/']) self.assertEqual(run_main(), None) self.assertEqual(len(print_.mock_calls), 100) # find actions # transfer actions # create # trashing # move/rename, resolve # child ops # stats # FUSE # @httpretty.activate # def testMount(self): # httpretty. \ # register_uri(httpretty.GET, acd_cli.acd_client.metadata_url + 'account/quota', # body=json.dumps({'available:': 100, 'quota': 100})) # # sys.argv.extend(['-d', 'mount', '-i', '0', # os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dummy_files/mountpoint')]) # self.cache.insert_nodes([gen_folder()]) # self.assertEqual(run_main(), None) def testUnmount(self): sys.argv.append('umount') self.assertEqual(run_main(), 0) # undocumented actions def testInit(self): sys.argv.append('init') self.cache.insert_nodes([gen_folder()]) self.assertEqual(run_main(), None) # misc def testCheckCacheEmpty(self): sys.argv.extend(['ls', '/']) self.assertEqual(run_main(), acd_cli.INIT_FAILED_RETVAL) def testCheckCacheNonEmpty(self): folder = gen_folder() self.cache.insert_nodes([folder]) sys.argv.extend(['ls', '/']) self.assertEqual(run_main(), None) # helper functions
from typing import Any from homeassistant.components.scene import Scene from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from .const import NEW_SCENE from .gateway import get_gateway_from_config_entry async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up scenes for deCONZ component.""" gateway = get_gateway_from_config_entry(hass, config_entry) @callback def async_add_scene(scenes): """Add scene from deCONZ.""" entities = [DeconzScene(scene, gateway) for scene in scenes] if entities: async_add_entities(entities) gateway.listeners.append( async_dispatcher_connect( hass, gateway.async_signal_new_device(NEW_SCENE), async_add_scene ) ) async_add_scene(gateway.api.scenes.values()) class DeconzScene(Scene): """Representation of a deCONZ scene.""" def __init__(self, scene, gateway): """Set up a scene.""" self._scene = scene self.gateway = gateway async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Subscribe to sensors events.""" self.gateway.deconz_ids[self.entity_id] = self._scene.deconz_id async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self) -> None: """Disconnect scene object when removed.""" del self.gateway.deconz_ids[self.entity_id] self._scene = None async def async_activate(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Activate the scene.""" await self._scene.async_set_state({}) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the scene.""" return self._scene.full_name
from aiohomekit.model.characteristics import CharacteristicsTypes from aiohomekit.model.services import ServicesTypes from tests.components.homekit_controller.common import setup_test_component CURRENT_STATE = ("security-system", "security-system-state.current") TARGET_STATE = ("security-system", "security-system-state.target") def create_security_system_service(accessory): """Define a security-system characteristics as per page 219 of HAP spec.""" service = accessory.add_service(ServicesTypes.SECURITY_SYSTEM) cur_state = service.add_char(CharacteristicsTypes.SECURITY_SYSTEM_STATE_CURRENT) cur_state.value = 0 targ_state = service.add_char(CharacteristicsTypes.SECURITY_SYSTEM_STATE_TARGET) targ_state.value = 0 # According to the spec, a battery-level characteristic is normally # part of a separate service. However as the code was written (which # predates this test) the battery level would have to be part of the lock # service as it is here. targ_state = service.add_char(CharacteristicsTypes.BATTERY_LEVEL) targ_state.value = 50 async def test_switch_change_alarm_state(hass, utcnow): """Test that we can turn a HomeKit alarm on and off again.""" helper = await setup_test_component(hass, create_security_system_service) await hass.services.async_call( "alarm_control_panel", "alarm_arm_home", {"entity_id": "alarm_control_panel.testdevice"}, blocking=True, ) assert helper.characteristics[TARGET_STATE].value == 0 await hass.services.async_call( "alarm_control_panel", "alarm_arm_away", {"entity_id": "alarm_control_panel.testdevice"}, blocking=True, ) assert helper.characteristics[TARGET_STATE].value == 1 await hass.services.async_call( "alarm_control_panel", "alarm_arm_night", {"entity_id": "alarm_control_panel.testdevice"}, blocking=True, ) assert helper.characteristics[TARGET_STATE].value == 2 await hass.services.async_call( "alarm_control_panel", "alarm_disarm", {"entity_id": "alarm_control_panel.testdevice"}, blocking=True, ) assert helper.characteristics[TARGET_STATE].value == 3 async def test_switch_read_alarm_state(hass, utcnow): """Test that we can read the state of a HomeKit alarm accessory.""" helper = await setup_test_component(hass, create_security_system_service) helper.characteristics[CURRENT_STATE].value = 0 state = await helper.poll_and_get_state() assert state.state == "armed_home" assert state.attributes["battery_level"] == 50 helper.characteristics[CURRENT_STATE].value = 1 state = await helper.poll_and_get_state() assert state.state == "armed_away" helper.characteristics[CURRENT_STATE].value = 2 state = await helper.poll_and_get_state() assert state.state == "armed_night" helper.characteristics[CURRENT_STATE].value = 3 state = await helper.poll_and_get_state() assert state.state == "disarmed" helper.characteristics[CURRENT_STATE].value = 4 state = await helper.poll_and_get_state() assert state.state == "triggered"
import logging from libpurecool.const import Dyson360EyeMode, PowerMode from libpurecool.dyson_360_eye import Dyson360Eye from homeassistant.components.vacuum import ( SUPPORT_BATTERY, SUPPORT_FAN_SPEED, SUPPORT_PAUSE, SUPPORT_RETURN_HOME, SUPPORT_STATUS, SUPPORT_STOP, SUPPORT_TURN_OFF, SUPPORT_TURN_ON, VacuumEntity, ) from homeassistant.helpers.icon import icon_for_battery_level from . import DYSON_DEVICES _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_CLEAN_ID = "clean_id" ATTR_FULL_CLEAN_TYPE = "full_clean_type" ATTR_POSITION = "position" DYSON_360_EYE_DEVICES = "dyson_360_eye_devices" SUPPORT_DYSON = ( SUPPORT_TURN_ON | SUPPORT_TURN_OFF | SUPPORT_PAUSE | SUPPORT_RETURN_HOME | SUPPORT_FAN_SPEED | SUPPORT_STATUS | SUPPORT_BATTERY | SUPPORT_STOP ) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Dyson 360 Eye robot vacuum platform.""" _LOGGER.debug("Creating new Dyson 360 Eye robot vacuum") if DYSON_360_EYE_DEVICES not in hass.data: hass.data[DYSON_360_EYE_DEVICES] = [] # Get Dyson Devices from parent component for device in [d for d in hass.data[DYSON_DEVICES] if isinstance(d, Dyson360Eye)]: dyson_entity = Dyson360EyeDevice(device) hass.data[DYSON_360_EYE_DEVICES].append(dyson_entity) add_entities(hass.data[DYSON_360_EYE_DEVICES]) return True class Dyson360EyeDevice(VacuumEntity): """Dyson 360 Eye robot vacuum device.""" def __init__(self, device): """Dyson 360 Eye robot vacuum device.""" _LOGGER.debug("Creating device %s", device.name) self._device = device async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Call when entity is added to hass.""" self._device.add_message_listener(self.on_message) def on_message(self, message): """Handle a new messages that was received from the vacuum.""" _LOGGER.debug("Message received for %s device: %s", self.name, message) self.schedule_update_ha_state() @property def should_poll(self) -> bool: """Return True if entity has to be polled for state. False if entity pushes its state to HA. """ return False @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device.""" return self._device.name @property def status(self): """Return the status of the vacuum cleaner.""" dyson_labels = { Dyson360EyeMode.INACTIVE_CHARGING: "Stopped - Charging", Dyson360EyeMode.INACTIVE_CHARGED: "Stopped - Charged", Dyson360EyeMode.FULL_CLEAN_PAUSED: "Paused", Dyson360EyeMode.FULL_CLEAN_RUNNING: "Cleaning", Dyson360EyeMode.FULL_CLEAN_ABORTED: "Returning home", Dyson360EyeMode.FULL_CLEAN_INITIATED: "Start cleaning", Dyson360EyeMode.FAULT_USER_RECOVERABLE: "Error - device blocked", Dyson360EyeMode.FAULT_REPLACE_ON_DOCK: "Error - Replace device on dock", Dyson360EyeMode.FULL_CLEAN_FINISHED: "Finished", Dyson360EyeMode.FULL_CLEAN_NEEDS_CHARGE: "Need charging", } return dyson_labels.get(self._device.state.state, self._device.state.state) @property def battery_level(self): """Return the battery level of the vacuum cleaner.""" return self._device.state.battery_level @property def fan_speed(self): """Return the fan speed of the vacuum cleaner.""" speed_labels = {PowerMode.MAX: "Max", PowerMode.QUIET: "Quiet"} return speed_labels[self._device.state.power_mode] @property def fan_speed_list(self): """Get the list of available fan speed steps of the vacuum cleaner.""" return ["Quiet", "Max"] @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the specific state attributes of this vacuum cleaner.""" return {ATTR_POSITION: str(self._device.state.position)} @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return True if entity is on.""" return self._device.state.state in [ Dyson360EyeMode.FULL_CLEAN_INITIATED, Dyson360EyeMode.FULL_CLEAN_ABORTED, Dyson360EyeMode.FULL_CLEAN_RUNNING, ] @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return True if entity is available.""" return True @property def supported_features(self): """Flag vacuum cleaner robot features that are supported.""" return SUPPORT_DYSON @property def battery_icon(self): """Return the battery icon for the vacuum cleaner.""" charging = self._device.state.state in [Dyson360EyeMode.INACTIVE_CHARGING] return icon_for_battery_level( battery_level=self.battery_level, charging=charging ) def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn the vacuum on.""" _LOGGER.debug("Turn on device %s", self.name) if self._device.state.state in [Dyson360EyeMode.FULL_CLEAN_PAUSED]: self._device.resume() else: self._device.start() def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn the vacuum off and return to home.""" _LOGGER.debug("Turn off device %s", self.name) self._device.pause() def stop(self, **kwargs): """Stop the vacuum cleaner.""" _LOGGER.debug("Stop device %s", self.name) self._device.pause() def set_fan_speed(self, fan_speed, **kwargs): """Set fan speed.""" _LOGGER.debug("Set fan speed %s on device %s", fan_speed, self.name) power_modes = {"Quiet": PowerMode.QUIET, "Max": PowerMode.MAX} self._device.set_power_mode(power_modes[fan_speed]) def start_pause(self, **kwargs): """Start, pause or resume the cleaning task.""" if self._device.state.state in [Dyson360EyeMode.FULL_CLEAN_PAUSED]: _LOGGER.debug("Resume device %s", self.name) self._device.resume() elif self._device.state.state in [ Dyson360EyeMode.INACTIVE_CHARGED, Dyson360EyeMode.INACTIVE_CHARGING, ]: _LOGGER.debug("Start device %s", self.name) self._device.start() else: _LOGGER.debug("Pause device %s", self.name) self._device.pause() def return_to_base(self, **kwargs): """Set the vacuum cleaner to return to the dock.""" _LOGGER.debug("Return to base device %s", self.name) self._device.abort()
import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.components.light import DOMAIN as LIGHT_DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import CONF_PORT import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from .const import DOMAIN CONF_SERVER = "server" CONF_BROADCAST = "broadcast" INTERFACE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_SERVER): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_BROADCAST): cv.string, } ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {DOMAIN: {LIGHT_DOMAIN: vol.Schema(vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [INTERFACE_SCHEMA]))}}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) DATA_LIFX_MANAGER = "lifx_manager" async def async_setup(hass, config): """Set up the LIFX component.""" conf = config.get(DOMAIN) hass.data[DOMAIN] = conf or {} if conf is not None: hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_IMPORT} ) ) return True async def async_setup_entry(hass, entry): """Set up LIFX from a config entry.""" hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(entry, LIGHT_DOMAIN) ) return True async def async_unload_entry(hass, entry): """Unload a config entry.""" hass.data.pop(DATA_LIFX_MANAGER).cleanup() await hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_unload(entry, LIGHT_DOMAIN) return True
import pytest from mne.viz.backends._utils import _get_colormap_from_array, _check_color def test_get_colormap_from_array(): """Test setting a colormap.""" from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap cmap = _get_colormap_from_array() assert isinstance(cmap, LinearSegmentedColormap) cmap = _get_colormap_from_array(colormap='viridis') assert isinstance(cmap, ListedColormap) cmap = _get_colormap_from_array(colormap=[1, 1, 1], normalized_colormap=True) assert isinstance(cmap, ListedColormap) cmap = _get_colormap_from_array(colormap=[255, 255, 255], normalized_colormap=False) assert isinstance(cmap, ListedColormap) def test_check_color(): """Test color format.""" assert _check_color('red') == (1., 0., 0.) assert _check_color((0., 1., 0., 1.)) == (0., 1., 0., 1.) assert _check_color((0, 0, 255, 255)) == (0, 0, 255, 255) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='RGB or RGBA'): _check_color([255, 0]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='out of range'): _check_color([256, 0, 0]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='out of range'): _check_color([-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='Expected data type'): _check_color(['foo', 'bar', 'foo']) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='Expected type'): _check_color(None)
from collections import defaultdict from functools import partial import numpy as np from ..bem import _check_origin from ..io.pick import pick_info, pick_types from ..io import _loc_to_coil_trans, _coil_trans_to_loc, BaseRaw from ..transforms import _find_vector_rotation from ..utils import (logger, verbose, check_fname, _check_fname, _pl, _ensure_int, _check_option, _validate_type, _reg_pinv) from .maxwell import (_col_norm_pinv, _trans_sss_basis, _prep_mf_coils, _get_grad_point_coilsets, _read_cross_talk, _prep_fine_cal) @verbose def compute_fine_calibration(raw, n_imbalance=3, t_window=10., ext_order=2, origin=(0., 0., 0.), cross_talk=None, calibration=None, verbose=None): """Compute fine calibration from empty-room data. Parameters ---------- raw : instance of Raw The raw data to use. Should be from an empty-room recording, and all channels should be good. n_imbalance : int Can be 1 or 3 (default), indicating the number of gradiometer imbalance components. Only used if gradiometers are present. t_window : float Time window to use for surface normal rotation in seconds. Default is 10. %(maxwell_ext)s Default is 2, which is lower than the default (3) for :func:`mne.preprocessing.maxwell_filter` because it tends to yield more stable parameter estimates. %(maxwell_origin)s %(maxwell_cross)s calibration : dict | None Dictionary with existing calibration. If provided, the magnetometer imbalances and adjusted normals will be used and only the gradiometer imbalances will be estimated (see step 2 in Notes below). %(verbose)s Returns ------- calibration : dict Fine calibration data. count : int The number of good segments used to compute the magnetometer parameters. See Also -------- mne.preprocessing.maxwell_filter Notes ----- This algorithm proceeds in two steps, both optimizing the fit between the data and a reconstruction of the data based only on an external multipole expansion: 1. Estimate magnetometer normal directions and scale factors. All coils (mag and matching grad) are rotated by the adjusted normal direction. 2. Estimate gradiometer imbalance factors. These add point magnetometers in just the gradiometer difference direction or in all three directions (depending on ``n_imbalance``). Magnetometer normal and coefficient estimation (1) is typically the most time consuming step. Gradiometer imbalance parameters (2) can be iteratively reestimated (for example, first using ``n_imbalance=1`` then subsequently ``n_imbalance=3``) by passing the previous ``calibration`` output to the ``calibration`` input in the second call. MaxFilter processes at most 120 seconds of data, so consider cropping your raw instance prior to processing. It also checks to make sure that there were some minimal usable ``count`` number of segments (default 5) that were included in the estimate. .. versionadded:: 0.21 """ n_imbalance = _ensure_int(n_imbalance, 'n_imbalance') _check_option('n_imbalance', n_imbalance, (1, 3)) _validate_type(raw, BaseRaw, 'raw') ext_order = _ensure_int(ext_order, 'ext_order') origin = _check_origin(origin, raw.info, 'meg', disp=True) _check_option("raw.info['bads']", raw.info['bads'], ([],)) picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, ref_meg=False) if raw.info['dev_head_t'] is not None: raise ValueError('info["dev_head_t"] is not None, suggesting that the ' 'data are not from an empty-room recording') info = pick_info(raw.info, picks) # make a copy and pick MEG channels mag_picks = pick_types(info, meg='mag', exclude=()) grad_picks = pick_types(info, meg='grad', exclude=()) # Get cross-talk ctc, _ = _read_cross_talk(cross_talk, info['ch_names']) # Check fine cal _validate_type(calibration, (dict, None), 'calibration') # # 1. Rotate surface normals using magnetometer information (if present) # cals = np.ones(len(info['ch_names'])) time_idxs = raw.time_as_index( np.arange(0., raw.times[-1], t_window)) if len(time_idxs) <= 1: time_idxs = np.array([0, len(raw.times)], int) else: time_idxs[-1] = len(raw.times) count = 0 locs = np.array([ch['loc'] for ch in info['chs']]) zs = locs[mag_picks, -3:].copy() if calibration is not None: _, calibration, _ = _prep_fine_cal(info, calibration) for pi, pick in enumerate(mag_picks): idx = calibration['ch_names'].index(info['ch_names'][pick]) cals[pick] = calibration['imb_cals'][idx] zs[pi] = calibration['locs'][idx][-3:] elif len(mag_picks) > 0: cal_list = list() z_list = list() logger.info('Adjusting normals for %s magnetometers ' '(averaging over %s time intervals)' % (len(mag_picks), len(time_idxs) - 1)) for start, stop in zip(time_idxs[:-1], time_idxs[1:]): logger.info(' Processing interval %0.3f - %0.3f sec' % (start / info['sfreq'], stop / info['sfreq'])) data = raw[picks, start:stop][0] if ctc is not None: data = ctc.dot(data) z, cal, good = _adjust_mag_normals(info, data, origin, ext_order) if good: z_list.append(z) cal_list.append(cal) count = len(cal_list) if count == 0: raise RuntimeError('No usable segments found') cals[:] = np.mean(cal_list, axis=0) zs[:] = np.mean(z_list, axis=0) if len(mag_picks) > 0: for ii, new_z in enumerate(zs): z_loc = locs[mag_picks[ii]] # Find sensors with same NZ and R0 (should be three for VV) idxs = _matched_loc_idx(z_loc, locs) # Rotate the direction vectors to the plane defined by new normal _rotate_locs(locs, idxs, new_z) for ci, loc in enumerate(locs): info['chs'][ci]['loc'][:] = loc del calibration, zs # # 2. Estimate imbalance parameters (always done) # if len(grad_picks) > 0: extra = 'X direction' if n_imbalance == 1 else ('XYZ directions') logger.info('Computing imbalance for %s gradimeters (%s)' % (len(grad_picks), extra)) imb_list = list() for start, stop in zip(time_idxs[:-1], time_idxs[1:]): logger.info(' Processing interval %0.3f - %0.3f sec' % (start / info['sfreq'], stop / info['sfreq'])) data = raw[picks, start:stop][0] if ctc is not None: data = ctc.dot(data) out = _estimate_imbalance(info, data, cals, n_imbalance, origin, ext_order) imb_list.append(out) imb = np.mean(imb_list, axis=0) else: imb = np.zeros((len(info['ch_names']), n_imbalance)) # # Put in output structure # assert len(np.intersect1d(mag_picks, grad_picks)) == 0 imb_cals = [cals[ii:ii + 1] if ii in mag_picks else imb[ii] for ii in range(len(info['ch_names']))] calibration = dict(ch_names=info['ch_names'], locs=locs, imb_cals=imb_cals) return calibration, count def _matched_loc_idx(mag_loc, all_loc): return np.where([np.allclose(mag_loc[-3:], loc[-3:]) and np.allclose(mag_loc[:3], loc[:3]) for loc in all_loc])[0] def _rotate_locs(locs, idxs, new_z): new_z = new_z / np.linalg.norm(new_z) old_z = locs[idxs[0]][-3:] old_z = old_z / np.linalg.norm(old_z) rot = _find_vector_rotation(old_z, new_z) for ci in idxs: this_trans = _loc_to_coil_trans(locs[ci]) this_trans[:3, :3] = np.dot(rot, this_trans[:3, :3]) locs[ci][:] = _coil_trans_to_loc(this_trans) np.testing.assert_allclose(locs[ci][-3:], new_z, atol=1e-4) def _vector_angle(x, y): """Get the angle between two vectors in degrees.""" return np.abs(np.arccos( np.clip((x * y).sum(axis=-1) / (np.linalg.norm(x, axis=-1) * np.linalg.norm(y, axis=-1)), -1, 1.))) def _adjust_mag_normals(info, data, origin, ext_order): """Adjust coil normals using magnetometers and empty-room data.""" from scipy.optimize import fmin_cobyla # in principle we could allow using just mag or mag+grad, but MF uses # just mag so let's follow suit mag_scale = 100. picks_use = pick_types(info, meg='mag', exclude='bads') picks_meg = pick_types(info, meg=True, exclude=()) picks_mag_orig = pick_types(info, meg='mag', exclude='bads') info = pick_info(info, picks_use) # copy data = data[picks_use] cals = np.ones((len(data), 1)) angles = np.zeros(len(cals)) picks_mag = pick_types(info, meg='mag') data[picks_mag] *= mag_scale # Transform variables so we're only dealing with good mags exp = dict(int_order=0, ext_order=ext_order, origin=origin) all_coils = _prep_mf_coils(info, ignore_ref=True) S_tot = _trans_sss_basis(exp, all_coils, coil_scale=mag_scale) first_err = _data_err(data, S_tot, cals) count = 0 # two passes: first do the worst, then do all in order zs = np.array([ch['loc'][-3:] for ch in info['chs']]) zs /= np.linalg.norm(zs, axis=-1, keepdims=True) orig_zs = zs.copy() match_idx = dict() locs = np.array([ch['loc'] for ch in info['chs']]) for pick in picks_mag: match_idx[pick] = _matched_loc_idx(locs[pick], locs) counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for ki, kind in enumerate(('worst first', 'in order')): logger.info(f' Magnetometer normal adjustment ({kind}) ...') S_tot = _trans_sss_basis(exp, all_coils, coil_scale=mag_scale) for pick in picks_mag: err = _data_err(data, S_tot, cals, axis=1) # First pass: do worst; second pass: do all in order (up to 3x/sen) if ki == 0: order = list(np.argsort(err[picks_mag])) cal_idx = 0 while len(order) > 0: cal_idx = picks_mag[order.pop(-1)] if counts[cal_idx] < 3: break if err[cal_idx] < 2.5: break # move on to second loop else: cal_idx = pick counts[cal_idx] += 1 assert cal_idx in picks_mag count += 1 old_z = zs[cal_idx].copy() objective = partial( _cal_sss_target, old_z=old_z, all_coils=all_coils, cal_idx=cal_idx, data=data, cals=cals, match_idx=match_idx, S_tot=S_tot, origin=origin, ext_order=ext_order) # Figure out the additive term for z-component zs[cal_idx] = fmin_cobyla( objective, old_z, cons=(), rhobeg=1e-3, rhoend=1e-4, disp=False) # Do in-place adjustment to all_coils cals[cal_idx] = 1. / np.linalg.norm(zs[cal_idx]) zs[cal_idx] *= cals[cal_idx] for idx in match_idx[cal_idx]: _rotate_coil(zs[cal_idx], old_z, all_coils, idx, inplace=True) # Recalculate S_tot, taking into account rotations S_tot = _trans_sss_basis(exp, all_coils) # Reprt results old_err = err[cal_idx] new_err = _data_err(data, S_tot, cals, idx=cal_idx) angles[cal_idx] = np.abs(np.rad2deg(_vector_angle( zs[cal_idx], orig_zs[cal_idx]))) ch_name = info['ch_names'][cal_idx] logger.debug( f' Optimization step {count:3d} | ' f'{ch_name} ({counts[cal_idx]}) | ' f'res {old_err:5.2f}→{new_err:5.2f}% | ' f'×{cals[cal_idx, 0]:0.3f} | {angles[cal_idx]:0.2f}°') last_err = _data_err(data, S_tot, cals) # Chunk is usable if all angles and errors are both small reason = list() max_angle = np.max(angles) if max_angle >= 5.: reason.append(f'max angle {max_angle:0.2f} >= 5°') each_err = _data_err(data, S_tot, cals, axis=-1)[picks_mag] n_bad = (each_err > 5.).sum() if n_bad: reason.append(f'{n_bad} residual{_pl(n_bad)} > 5%') reason = ', '.join(reason) if reason: reason = f' ({reason})' good = not bool(reason) assert np.allclose(np.linalg.norm(zs, axis=1), 1.) logger.info(f' Fit mismatch {first_err:0.2f}→{last_err:0.2f}%') logger.info(f' Data segment {"" if good else "un"}usable{reason}') # Reformat zs and cals to be the n_mags (including bads) assert zs.shape == (len(data), 3) assert cals.shape == (len(data), 1) imb_cals = np.ones(len(picks_meg)) imb_cals[picks_mag_orig] = cals[:, 0] return zs, imb_cals, good def _data_err(data, S_tot, cals, idx=None, axis=None): if idx is None: idx = slice(None) S_tot = S_tot / cals data_model = np.dot( np.dot(S_tot[idx], _col_norm_pinv(S_tot.copy())[0]), data) err = 100 * (np.linalg.norm(data_model - data[idx], axis=axis) / np.linalg.norm(data[idx], axis=axis)) return err def _rotate_coil(new_z, old_z, all_coils, idx, inplace=False): """Adjust coils.""" # Turn NX and NY to the plane determined by NZ old_z = old_z / np.linalg.norm(old_z) new_z = new_z / np.linalg.norm(new_z) rot = _find_vector_rotation(old_z, new_z) # additional coil rotation this_sl = all_coils[5][idx] this_rmag = np.dot(rot, all_coils[0][this_sl].T).T this_cosmag = np.dot(rot, all_coils[1][this_sl].T).T if inplace: all_coils[0][this_sl] = this_rmag all_coils[1][this_sl] = this_cosmag subset = (this_rmag, this_cosmag, np.zeros(this_rmag.shape[0], int), 1, all_coils[4][[idx]], {0: this_sl}) return subset def _cal_sss_target(new_z, old_z, all_coils, cal_idx, data, cals, S_tot, origin, ext_order, match_idx): """Evaluate objective function for SSS-based magnetometer calibration.""" cals[cal_idx] = 1. / np.linalg.norm(new_z) exp = dict(int_order=0, ext_order=ext_order, origin=origin) S_tot = S_tot.copy() # Rotate necessary coils properly and adjust correct element in c for idx in match_idx[cal_idx]: this_coil = _rotate_coil(new_z, old_z, all_coils, idx) # Replace correct row of S_tot with new value S_tot[idx] = _trans_sss_basis(exp, this_coil) # Get the GOF return _data_err(data, S_tot, cals, idx=cal_idx) def _estimate_imbalance(info, data, cals, n_imbalance, origin, ext_order): """Estimate gradiometer imbalance parameters.""" mag_scale = 100. n_iterations = 3 mag_picks = pick_types(info, meg='mag', exclude=()) grad_picks = pick_types(info, meg='grad', exclude=()) data = data.copy() data[mag_picks, :] *= mag_scale del mag_picks grad_imb = np.zeros((len(grad_picks), n_imbalance)) exp = dict(origin=origin, int_order=0, ext_order=ext_order) all_coils = _prep_mf_coils(info, ignore_ref=True) grad_point_coils = _get_grad_point_coilsets( info, n_imbalance, ignore_ref=True) S_orig = _trans_sss_basis(exp, all_coils, coil_scale=mag_scale) S_orig /= cals[:, np.newaxis] # Compute point gradiometers for each grad channel this_cs = np.array([mag_scale], float) S_pt = np.array([_trans_sss_basis(exp, coils, None, this_cs) for coils in grad_point_coils]) for k in range(n_iterations): S_tot = S_orig.copy() # In theory we could zero out the homogeneous components with: # S_tot[grad_picks, :3] = 0 # But in practice it doesn't seem to matter S_recon = S_tot[grad_picks] # Add influence of point magnetometers S_tot[grad_picks, :] += np.einsum('ij,ijk->jk', grad_imb.T, S_pt) # Compute multipolar moments mm = np.dot(_col_norm_pinv(S_tot.copy())[0], data) # Use good channels to recalculate prev_imb = grad_imb.copy() data_recon = np.dot(S_recon, mm) assert S_pt.shape == (n_imbalance, len(grad_picks), S_tot.shape[1]) khi_pts = (S_pt @ mm).transpose(1, 2, 0) assert khi_pts.shape == (len(grad_picks), data.shape[1], n_imbalance) residual = data[grad_picks] - data_recon assert residual.shape == (len(grad_picks), data.shape[1]) d = (residual[:, np.newaxis, :] @ khi_pts)[:, 0] assert d.shape == (len(grad_picks), n_imbalance) dinv, _, _ = _reg_pinv(khi_pts.swapaxes(-1, -2) @ khi_pts, rcond=1e-6) assert dinv.shape == (len(grad_picks), n_imbalance, n_imbalance) grad_imb[:] = (d[:, np.newaxis] @ dinv)[:, 0] # This code is equivalent but hits a np.linalg.pinv bug on old NumPy: # grad_imb[:] = np.sum( # dot product across the time dim # np.linalg.pinv(khi_pts) * residual[:, np.newaxis], axis=-1) deltas = (np.linalg.norm(grad_imb - prev_imb) / max(np.linalg.norm(grad_imb), np.linalg.norm(prev_imb))) logger.debug(f' Iteration {k + 1}/{n_iterations}: ' f'max ∆ = {100 * deltas.max():7.3f}%') imb = np.zeros((len(data), n_imbalance)) imb[grad_picks] = grad_imb return imb def read_fine_calibration(fname): """Read fine calibration information from a .dat file. The fine calibration typically includes improved sensor locations, calibration coefficients, and gradiometer imbalance information. Parameters ---------- fname : str The filename. Returns ------- calibration : dict Fine calibration information. Key-value pairs are: - ``ch_names`` List of str of the channel names. - ``locs`` Coil location and orientation parameters. - ``imb_cals`` For magnetometers, the calibration coefficients. For gradiometers, one or three imbalance parameters. """ # Read new sensor locations fname = _check_fname(fname, overwrite='read', must_exist=True) check_fname(fname, 'cal', ('.dat',)) ch_names, locs, imb_cals = list(), list(), list() with open(fname, 'r') as fid: for line in fid: if line[0] in '#\n': continue vals = line.strip().split() if len(vals) not in [14, 16]: raise RuntimeError('Error parsing fine calibration file, ' 'should have 14 or 16 entries per line ' 'but found %s on line:\n%s' % (len(vals), line)) # `vals` contains channel number ch_name = vals[0] if len(ch_name) in (3, 4): # heuristic for Neuromag fix try: ch_name = int(ch_name) except ValueError: # something other than e.g. 113 or 2642 pass else: ch_name = 'MEG' + '%04d' % ch_name # (x, y, z), x-norm 3-vec, y-norm 3-vec, z-norm 3-vec # and 1 or 3 imbalance terms ch_names.append(ch_name) locs.append(np.array(vals[1:13], float)) imb_cals.append(np.array(vals[13:], float)) locs = np.array(locs) return dict(ch_names=ch_names, locs=locs, imb_cals=imb_cals) def write_fine_calibration(fname, calibration): """Write fine calibration information to a .dat file. Parameters ---------- fname : str The filename to write out. calibration : dict Fine calibration information. """ fname = _check_fname(fname, overwrite=True) check_fname(fname, 'cal', ('.dat',)) keys = ('ch_names', 'locs', 'imb_cals') with open(fname, 'wb') as cal_file: for ch_name, loc, imb_cal in zip(*(calibration[key] for key in keys)): cal_line = np.concatenate([loc, imb_cal]).round(6) cal_line = ' '.join(f'{c:0.6f}' for c in cal_line) cal_file.write(f'{ch_name} {cal_line}\n'.encode('ASCII'))
import unittest import numpy as np import chainer from chainer.backends import cuda from chainer.functions import relu from chainer import testing from chainermn import create_communicator from chainercv.links import Conv2DBNActiv from chainercv.utils.testing import attr def _add_one(x): return x + 1 @testing.parameterize(*testing.product({ 'dilate': [1, 2], 'args_style': ['explicit', 'None', 'omit'], 'activ': ['relu', 'add_one', None], })) class TestConv2DBNActiv(unittest.TestCase): in_channels = 1 out_channels = 1 ksize = 3 stride = 1 pad = 1 def setUp(self): if self.activ == 'relu': activ = relu elif self.activ == 'add_one': activ = _add_one elif self.activ is None: activ = None self.x = np.random.uniform( -1, 1, (5, self.in_channels, 5, 5)).astype(np.float32) self.gy = np.random.uniform( -1, 1, (5, self.out_channels, 5, 5)).astype(np.float32) # Convolution is the identity function. initialW = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32).reshape((1, 1, 3, 3)) bn_kwargs = {'decay': 0.8} initial_bias = 0 if self.args_style == 'explicit': self.l = Conv2DBNActiv( self.in_channels, self.out_channels, self.ksize, self.stride, self.pad, self.dilate, initialW=initialW, initial_bias=initial_bias, activ=activ, bn_kwargs=bn_kwargs) elif self.args_style == 'None': self.l = Conv2DBNActiv( None, self.out_channels, self.ksize, self.stride, self.pad, self.dilate, initialW=initialW, initial_bias=initial_bias, activ=activ, bn_kwargs=bn_kwargs) elif self.args_style == 'omit': self.l = Conv2DBNActiv( self.out_channels, self.ksize, stride=self.stride, pad=self.pad, dilate=self.dilate, initialW=initialW, initial_bias=initial_bias, activ=activ, bn_kwargs=bn_kwargs) def check_forward(self, x_data): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) # Make the batch normalization to be the identity function. self.l.bn.avg_var[:] = 1 self.l.bn.avg_mean[:] = 0 with chainer.using_config('train', False): y = self.l(x) self.assertIsInstance(y, chainer.Variable) self.assertIsInstance(y.array, self.l.xp.ndarray) if self.dilate == 1: _x_data = x_data elif self.dilate == 2: _x_data = x_data[:, :, 1:-1, 1:-1] if self.activ == 'relu': np.testing.assert_almost_equal( cuda.to_cpu(y.array), np.maximum(cuda.to_cpu(_x_data), 0), decimal=4 ) elif self.activ == 'add_one': np.testing.assert_almost_equal( cuda.to_cpu(y.array), cuda.to_cpu(_x_data) + 1, decimal=4 ) elif self.activ is None: np.testing.assert_almost_equal( cuda.to_cpu(y.array), cuda.to_cpu(_x_data), decimal=4 ) def test_forward_cpu(self): self.check_forward(self.x) @attr.gpu def test_forward_gpu(self): self.l.to_gpu() self.check_forward(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) def check_backward(self, x_data, y_grad): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = self.l(x) if self.dilate == 1: y.grad = y_grad elif self.dilate == 2: y.grad = y_grad[:, :, 1:-1, 1:-1] y.backward() def test_backward_cpu(self): self.check_backward(self.x, self.gy) @attr.gpu def test_backward_gpu(self): self.l.to_gpu() self.check_backward(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), cuda.to_gpu(self.gy)) @attr.mpi class TestConv2DMultiNodeBNActiv(unittest.TestCase): in_channels = 1 out_channels = 1 ksize = 3 stride = 1 pad = 1 dilate = 1 def setUp(self): self.x = np.random.uniform( -1, 1, (5, self.in_channels, 5, 5)).astype(np.float32) self.gy = np.random.uniform( -1, 1, (5, self.out_channels, 5, 5)).astype(np.float32) # Convolution is the identity function. initialW = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32).reshape((1, 1, 3, 3)) bn_kwargs = {'decay': 0.8, 'comm': create_communicator('naive')} initial_bias = 0 activ = relu self.l = Conv2DBNActiv( self.in_channels, self.out_channels, self.ksize, self.stride, self.pad, self.dilate, initialW=initialW, initial_bias=initial_bias, activ=activ, bn_kwargs=bn_kwargs) def check_forward(self, x_data): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) # Make the batch normalization to be the identity function. self.l.bn.avg_var[:] = 1 self.l.bn.avg_mean[:] = 0 with chainer.using_config('train', False): y = self.l(x) self.assertIsInstance(y, chainer.Variable) self.assertIsInstance(y.array, self.l.xp.ndarray) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( cuda.to_cpu(y.array), np.maximum(cuda.to_cpu(x_data), 0), decimal=4 ) def test_multi_node_batch_normalization_forward_cpu(self): self.check_forward(self.x) @attr.gpu def test_multi_node_batch_normalization_forward_gpu(self): self.l.to_gpu() self.check_forward(cuda.to_gpu(self.x)) def check_backward(self, x_data, y_grad): x = chainer.Variable(x_data) y = self.l(x) y.grad = y_grad y.backward() def test_multi_node_batch_normalization_backward_cpu(self): self.check_backward(self.x, self.gy) @attr.gpu def test_multi_node_batch_normalization_backward_gpu(self): self.l.to_gpu() self.check_backward(cuda.to_gpu(self.x), cuda.to_gpu(self.gy)) testing.run_module(__name__, __file__)
import asyncio import logging from pykodi import CannotConnectError, InvalidAuthError, Kodi, get_kodi_connection from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_SSL, CONF_USERNAME, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.exceptions import ConfigEntryNotReady from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession from .const import ( CONF_WS_PORT, DATA_CONNECTION, DATA_KODI, DATA_REMOVE_LISTENER, DATA_VERSION, DOMAIN, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) PLATFORMS = ["media_player"] async def async_setup(hass, config): """Set up the Kodi integration.""" hass.data.setdefault(DOMAIN, {}) return True async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry): """Set up Kodi from a config entry.""" conn = get_kodi_connection( entry.data[CONF_HOST], entry.data[CONF_PORT], entry.data[CONF_WS_PORT], entry.data[CONF_USERNAME], entry.data[CONF_PASSWORD], entry.data[CONF_SSL], session=async_get_clientsession(hass), ) try: await conn.connect() kodi = Kodi(conn) await kodi.ping() raw_version = (await kodi.get_application_properties(["version"]))["version"] except CannotConnectError as error: raise ConfigEntryNotReady from error except InvalidAuthError as error: _LOGGER.error( "Login to %s failed: [%s]", entry.data[CONF_HOST], error, ) return False async def _close(event): await conn.close() remove_stop_listener = hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, _close) version = f"{raw_version['major']}.{raw_version['minor']}" hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] = { DATA_CONNECTION: conn, DATA_KODI: kodi, DATA_REMOVE_LISTENER: remove_stop_listener, DATA_VERSION: version, } for component in PLATFORMS: hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(entry, component) ) return True async def async_unload_entry(hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry): """Unload a config entry.""" unload_ok = all( await asyncio.gather( *[ hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_unload(entry, component) for component in PLATFORMS ] ) ) if unload_ok: data = hass.data[DOMAIN].pop(entry.entry_id) await data[DATA_CONNECTION].close() data[DATA_REMOVE_LISTENER]() return unload_ok
import logging from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from toonapi import Agreement, Toon, ToonError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession from homeassistant.helpers.config_entry_oauth2_flow import AbstractOAuth2FlowHandler from .const import CONF_AGREEMENT, CONF_AGREEMENT_ID, CONF_MIGRATE, DOMAIN class ToonFlowHandler(AbstractOAuth2FlowHandler, domain=DOMAIN): """Handle a Toon config flow.""" CONNECTION_CLASS = config_entries.CONN_CLASS_CLOUD_PUSH DOMAIN = DOMAIN VERSION = 2 agreements: Optional[List[Agreement]] = None data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None @property def logger(self) -> logging.Logger: """Return logger.""" return logging.getLogger(__name__) async def async_oauth_create_entry(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Test connection and load up agreements.""" self.data = data toon = Toon( token=self.data["token"]["access_token"], session=async_get_clientsession(self.hass), ) try: self.agreements = await toon.agreements() except ToonError: return self.async_abort(reason="connection_error") if not self.agreements: return self.async_abort(reason="no_agreements") return await self.async_step_agreement() async def async_step_import( self, config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Start a configuration flow based on imported data. This step is merely here to trigger "discovery" when the `toon` integration is listed in the user configuration, or when migrating from the version 1 schema. """ if config is not None and CONF_MIGRATE in config: # pylint: disable=no-member # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/3167 self.context.update({CONF_MIGRATE: config[CONF_MIGRATE]}) else: await self._async_handle_discovery_without_unique_id() return await self.async_step_user() async def async_step_agreement( self, user_input: Dict[str, Any] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Select Toon agreement to add.""" if len(self.agreements) == 1: return await self._create_entry(self.agreements[0]) agreements_list = [ f"{agreement.street} {agreement.house_number}, {agreement.city}" for agreement in self.agreements ] if user_input is None: return self.async_show_form( step_id="agreement", data_schema=vol.Schema( {vol.Required(CONF_AGREEMENT): vol.In(agreements_list)} ), ) agreement_index = agreements_list.index(user_input[CONF_AGREEMENT]) return await self._create_entry(self.agreements[agreement_index]) async def _create_entry(self, agreement: Agreement) -> Dict[str, Any]: if ( # pylint: disable=no-member # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/3167 CONF_MIGRATE in self.context ): # pylint: disable=no-member # https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/3167 await self.hass.config_entries.async_remove(self.context[CONF_MIGRATE]) await self.async_set_unique_id(agreement.agreement_id) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() self.data[CONF_AGREEMENT_ID] = agreement.agreement_id return self.async_create_entry( title=f"{agreement.street} {agreement.house_number}, {agreement.city}", data=self.data, )
from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import re import sys import six from Crypto.Hash import MD5 def get_hash(fileobj): h = MD5.new() chunk_size = 8192 while True: chunk = fileobj.read(chunk_size) if len(chunk) == 0: break h.update(chunk) return h.hexdigest() def check_list(fileobj): correct = True for line in fileobj: if line.strip() == "": continue match = re.match(r'(\w+)[ \t]+(.+)', line) try: with open(match.group(2), 'rb') as f1: if match.group(1) == get_hash(f1): print(match.group(2) + ': Pass') else: print(match.group(2) + ': Fail') correct = False except: print('Invalid format.') correct = False return correct def make_file(txt): f = six.BytesIO() if isinstance(txt, six.binary_type): f.write(txt) else: f.write(txt.encode("utf-8")) f.seek(0) return f ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument( '-c', '--check', action='store_true', default=False, help='''Check a file with md5 hashes and file names for a match. format: hash filename''' ) ap.add_argument('file', action='store', nargs='*', help='String or file to hash.') args = ap.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if args.check: if args.file: for arg in args.file: if os.path.isfile(arg): s = check_list(open(arg)) if s: sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1) else: check_list(make_file(sys.stdin.read())) else: if args.file: for arg in args.file: if os.path.isfile(arg): # hash file with open(arg, 'rb') as f: print(get_hash(f) + ' ' + arg) elif arg == "-": # read from stdin print(get_hash(make_file(sys.stdin.read()))) else: # hash arg # TODO: should we realy do this? It does not seem like normal md5sum behavior print(get_hash(make_file(arg))) else: print(get_hash(make_file(sys.stdin.read())))
import re from django.http import HttpResponse from django.utils.functional import cached_property from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError from translate.misc.multistring import multistring from translate.storage.aresource import AndroidResourceFile from translate.storage.csvl10n import csvfile from translate.storage.jsonl10n import JsonFile from translate.storage.mo import mofile from translate.storage.po import pofile from translate.storage.poxliff import PoXliffFile from translate.storage.properties import stringsfile from translate.storage.tbx import tbxfile from translate.storage.tmx import tmxfile from translate.storage.xliff import xlifffile import weblate from weblate.formats.external import XlsxFormat from weblate.formats.ttkit import TTKitFormat from weblate.trans.util import split_plural, xliff_string_to_rich from weblate.utils.site import get_site_url # Map to remove control characters except newlines and tabs _CHARMAP = dict.fromkeys(x for x in range(32) if x not in (9, 10, 13)) DASHES = re.compile("--+") class BaseExporter: content_type = "text/plain" extension = "txt" name = "" verbose = "" set_id = False def __init__( self, project=None, source_language=None, language=None, url=None, translation=None, fieldnames=None, ): if translation is not None: self.plural = translation.plural self.project = translation.component.project self.source_language = translation.component.source_language self.language = translation.language self.url = get_site_url(translation.get_absolute_url()) else: self.project = project self.language = language self.source_language = source_language self.plural = language.plural self.url = url self.fieldnames = fieldnames @staticmethod def supports(translation): return True @cached_property def storage(self): storage = self.get_storage() storage.setsourcelanguage(self.source_language.code) storage.settargetlanguage(self.language.code) return storage def string_filter(self, text): return text def handle_plurals(self, plurals): if len(plurals) == 1: return self.string_filter(plurals[0]) return multistring([self.string_filter(plural) for plural in plurals]) @classmethod def get_identifier(cls): return cls.name def get_storage(self): return self.storage_class() def add(self, unit, word): unit.target = word def add_glossary_term(self, word): """Add glossary term.""" unit = self.storage.UnitClass(self.string_filter(word.source)) self.add(unit, self.string_filter(word.target)) self.storage.addunit(unit) def add_units(self, units): for unit in units: self.add_unit(unit) def build_unit(self, unit): output = self.storage.UnitClass(self.handle_plurals(unit.get_source_plurals())) self.add(output, self.handle_plurals(unit.get_target_plurals())) return output def add_note(self, output, note: str, origin: str): output.addnote(note, origin=origin) def add_unit(self, unit): output = self.build_unit(unit) # Propagate source language if hasattr(output, "setsource"): output.setsource(output.source, sourcelang=self.source_language.code) # Location needs to be set prior to ID to avoid overwrite # on some formats (for example xliff) for location in unit.location.split(): if location: output.addlocation(location) # Store context as context and ID context = self.string_filter(unit.context) if context: output.setcontext(context) if self.set_id: output.setid(context) elif self.set_id: # Use checksum based ID on formats requiring it output.setid(unit.checksum) # Store note note = self.string_filter(unit.note) if note: self.add_note(output, note, origin="developer") # In Weblate explanation note = self.string_filter(unit.source_unit.explanation) if note: self.add_note(output, note, origin="developer") # Comments for comment in unit.unresolved_comments: self.add_note(output, comment.comment, origin="translator") # Suggestions for suggestion in unit.suggestions: self.add_note( output, "Suggested in Weblate: {}".format( ", ".join(split_plural(suggestion.target)) ), origin="translator", ) # Store flags if unit.all_flags: self.store_flags(output, unit.all_flags) # Store fuzzy flag if unit.fuzzy: output.markfuzzy(True) self.storage.addunit(output) def get_response(self, filetemplate="{project}-{language}.{extension}"): filename = filetemplate.format( project=self.project.slug, language=self.language.code, extension=self.extension, ) response = HttpResponse(content_type=f"{self.content_type}; charset=utf-8") response["Content-Disposition"] = f"attachment; filename={filename}" # Save to response response.write(self.serialize()) return response def serialize(self): """Return storage content.""" return TTKitFormat.serialize(self.storage) def store_flags(self, output, flags): return class PoExporter(BaseExporter): name = "po" content_type = "text/x-po" extension = "po" verbose = _("gettext PO") storage_class = pofile def store_flags(self, output, flags): for flag in flags.items(): output.settypecomment(flags.format_flag(flag)) def get_storage(self): store = super().get_storage() plural = self.plural # Set po file header store.updateheader( add=True, language=self.language.code, x_generator=f"Weblate {weblate.VERSION}", project_id_version=f"{self.language.name} ({self.project.name})", plural_forms=plural.plural_form, language_team=f"{self.language.name} <{self.url}>", ) return store class XMLExporter(BaseExporter): """Wrapper for XML based exporters to strip control characters.""" def get_storage(self): return self.storage_class( sourcelanguage=self.source_language.code, targetlanguage=self.language.code, ) def string_filter(self, text): return text.translate(_CHARMAP) def add(self, unit, word): unit.settarget(word, self.language.code) class PoXliffExporter(XMLExporter): name = "xliff" content_type = "application/x-xliff+xml" extension = "xlf" set_id = True verbose = _("XLIFF with gettext extensions") storage_class = PoXliffFile def store_flags(self, output, flags): if flags.has_value("max-length"): output.xmlelement.set("maxwidth", str(flags.get_value("max-length"))) output.xmlelement.set("weblate-flags", flags.format()) def handle_plurals(self, plurals): if len(plurals) == 1: return self.string_filter(plurals[0]) return multistring([self.string_filter(plural) for plural in plurals]) def build_unit(self, unit): output = super().build_unit(unit) try: converted_source = xliff_string_to_rich(unit.get_source_plurals()) converted_target = xliff_string_to_rich(unit.get_target_plurals()) except (XMLSyntaxError, TypeError): return output output.rich_source = converted_source output.set_rich_target(converted_target, self.language.code) return output class XliffExporter(PoXliffExporter): name = "xliff11" content_type = "application/x-xliff+xml" extension = "xlf" set_id = True verbose = _("XLIFF 1.1") storage_class = xlifffile class TBXExporter(XMLExporter): name = "tbx" content_type = "application/x-tbx" extension = "tbx" verbose = _("TBX") storage_class = tbxfile class TMXExporter(XMLExporter): name = "tmx" content_type = "application/x-tmx" extension = "tmx" verbose = _("TMX") storage_class = tmxfile class MoExporter(PoExporter): name = "mo" content_type = "application/x-gettext-catalog" extension = "mo" verbose = _("gettext MO") storage_class = mofile def __init__( self, project=None, source_language=None, language=None, url=None, translation=None, fieldnames=None, ): super().__init__( project=project, source_language=source_language, language=language, url=url, translation=translation, fieldnames=fieldnames, ) # Detect storage properties self.monolingual = False self.use_context = False if translation: self.monolingual = translation.component.has_template() if self.monolingual: unit = next(translation.store.content_units, None) self.use_context = unit is not None and not unit.template.source def store_flags(self, output, flags): return def add_unit(self, unit): # We do not store not translated units if not unit.translated: return # Parse properties from unit if self.monolingual: if self.use_context: source = "" context = unit.context else: source = unit.context context = "" else: source = self.handle_plurals(unit.get_source_plurals()) context = unit.context # Actually create the unit and set attributes output = self.storage.UnitClass(source) output.target = self.handle_plurals(unit.get_target_plurals()) if context: # The setcontext doesn't work on mounit output.msgctxt = [context] # Add unit to the storage self.storage.addunit(output) @staticmethod def supports(translation): return translation.component.file_format == "po" class CVSBaseExporter(BaseExporter): storage_class = csvfile def get_storage(self): return self.storage_class(fieldnames=self.fieldnames) class CSVExporter(CVSBaseExporter): name = "csv" content_type = "text/csv" extension = "csv" verbose = _("CSV") def string_filter(self, text): """Avoid Excel interpreting text as formula. This is really bad idea, implemented in Excel, as this change leads to displaying additional ' in all other tools, but this seems to be what most people have gotten used to. Hopefully these characters are not widely used at first position of translatable strings, so that harm is reduced. Reverse for this is in weblate.formats.ttkit.CSVUnit.unescape_csv """ if text and text[0] in ("=", "+", "-", "@", "|", "%"): return "'{}'".format(text.replace("|", "\\|")) return text class XlsxExporter(CVSBaseExporter): name = "xlsx" content_type = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" extension = "xlsx" verbose = _("Excel Open XML") def serialize(self): """Return storage content.""" return XlsxFormat.serialize(self.storage) class MonolingualExporter(BaseExporter): """Base class for monolingual exports.""" @staticmethod def supports(translation): return translation.component.has_template() def build_unit(self, unit): output = self.storage.UnitClass(unit.context) output.setid(unit.context) self.add(output, self.handle_plurals(unit.get_target_plurals())) return output class JSONExporter(MonolingualExporter): storage_class = JsonFile name = "json" content_type = "application/json" extension = "json" verbose = _("JSON") class AndroidResourceExporter(MonolingualExporter): storage_class = AndroidResourceFile name = "aresource" content_type = "application/xml" extension = "xml" verbose = _("Android String Resource") def add(self, unit, word): # Need to have storage to handle plurals unit._store = self.storage super().add(unit, word) def string_filter(self, text): return text.translate(_CHARMAP) def add_note(self, output, note: str, origin: str): # Remove -- from the comment or - at the end as that is not # allowed inside XML comment note = DASHES.sub("-", note) if note.endswith("-"): note += " " super().add_note(output, note, origin) class StringsExporter(MonolingualExporter): storage_class = stringsfile name = "strings" content_type = "text/plain" extension = "strings" verbose = _("iOS strings")
import logging from typing import List from gi.repository import Gio, GObject, Gtk log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def map_widgets_into_lists(widget, widgetnames): """Put sequentially numbered widgets into lists. Given an object with widgets self.button0, self.button1, ..., after a call to object.map_widgets_into_lists(["button"]) object.button == [self.button0, self.button1, ...] """ for item in widgetnames: i, lst = 0, [] while 1: key = "%s%i" % (item, i) try: val = getattr(widget, key) except AttributeError: if i == 0: log.critical( f"Tried to map missing attribute {key}") break lst.append(val) i += 1 setattr(widget, item, lst) # The functions `extract_accel_from_menu_item` and `extract_accels_from_menu` # are converted straight from GTK+'s GtkApplication handling. I don't # understand why these aren't public API, but here we are. def extract_accel_from_menu_item( model: Gio.MenuModel, item: int, app: Gtk.Application): accel, action, target = None, None, None more, it = True, model.iterate_item_attributes(item) while more: more, key, value = it.get_next() if key == 'action': action = value.get_string() elif key == 'accel': accel = value.get_string() # TODO: Handle targets if accel and action: detailed_action_name = Gio.Action.print_detailed_name(action, target) app.set_accels_for_action(detailed_action_name, [accel]) def extract_accels_from_menu(model: Gio.MenuModel, app: Gtk.Application): for i in range(model.get_n_items()): extract_accel_from_menu_item(model, i, app) more, it = True, model.iterate_item_links(i) while more: more, name, submodel = it.get_next() if submodel: extract_accels_from_menu(submodel, app) def make_multiobject_property_action( obj_list: List[GObject.Object], prop_name: str) -> Gio.PropertyAction: """Construct a property action linked to multiple objects This is useful for creating actions linked to a GObject property, where changing the property via the action should affect multiple GObjects. As an example, changing the text wrapping mode of a file comparison pane should change the wrapping mode for *all* panes. """ source, *targets = obj_list action = Gio.PropertyAction.new(prop_name, source, prop_name) for target in targets: source.bind_property(prop_name, target, prop_name) return action
import tensornetwork from examples.sat import sat_tensornetwork def test_sanity_check(): nodes = sat_tensornetwork.sat_count_tn([ (1, 2, 3), ]) count = tensornetwork.contractors.greedy(nodes).tensor assert count == 7 def test_dual_clauses(): nodes = sat_tensornetwork.sat_count_tn([ (1, 2, 3), (1, -2, 3), ]) count = tensornetwork.contractors.greedy(nodes).tensor assert count == 6 def test_many_clauses(): nodes = sat_tensornetwork.sat_count_tn([ (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, -3), (1, -2, 3), (1, -2, -3), (-1, 2, 3), (-1, 2, -3), (-1, -2, 3), (-1, -2, -3), ]) count = tensornetwork.contractors.greedy(nodes).tensor assert count == 0 def test_four_variables(): nodes = sat_tensornetwork.sat_count_tn([ (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), ]) count = tensornetwork.contractors.greedy(nodes).tensor assert count == 13 def test_four_variables_four_clauses(): nodes = sat_tensornetwork.sat_count_tn([ (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (-3, -4, 2), (-1, 3, -2), ]) count = tensornetwork.contractors.greedy(nodes).tensor assert count == 9 def test_single_variable(): nodes = sat_tensornetwork.sat_count_tn([ (1, 1, 1), ]) count = tensornetwork.contractors.greedy(nodes).tensor assert count == 1 def test_solutions(): edge_order = sat_tensornetwork.sat_tn([ (1, 2, -3), ]) solutions = tensornetwork.contractors.greedy( tensornetwork.reachable(edge_order[0].node1), edge_order).tensor assert solutions[0][0][0] == 1 # Only unaccepted value. assert solutions[0][0][1] == 0 assert solutions[0][1][0] == 1 assert solutions[0][1][1] == 1 assert solutions[1][0][0] == 1 assert solutions[1][0][1] == 1 assert solutions[1][1][0] == 1 assert solutions[1][1][1] == 1
import numpy as np import os from six.moves.urllib import request import unittest from chainer import testing from chainercv.evaluations import eval_detection_coco try: import pycocotools # NOQA _available = True except ImportError: _available = False @unittest.skipUnless(_available, 'pycocotools is not installed') class TestEvalDetectionCOCOSingleClass(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.pred_bboxes = np.array([[[0, 0, 10, 10], [0, 0, 20, 20]]]) self.pred_labels = np.array([[0, 0]]) self.pred_scores = np.array([[0.8, 0.9]]) self.gt_bboxes = np.array([[[0, 0, 10, 9]]]) self.gt_labels = np.array([[0, 0]]) def test_crowded(self): result = eval_detection_coco(self.pred_bboxes, self.pred_labels, self.pred_scores, self.gt_bboxes, self.gt_labels, gt_crowdeds=[[True]]) # When the only ground truth is crowded, nothing is evaluated. # In that case, all the results are nan. self.assertTrue( np.isnan(result['map/iou=0.50:0.95/area=all/max_dets=100'])) self.assertTrue( np.isnan(result['map/iou=0.50/area=all/max_dets=100'])) self.assertTrue( np.isnan(result['map/iou=0.75/area=all/max_dets=100'])) def test_area_not_supplied(self): result = eval_detection_coco(self.pred_bboxes, self.pred_labels, self.pred_scores, self.gt_bboxes, self.gt_labels) self.assertFalse( 'map/iou=0.50:0.95/area=small/max_dets=100' in result) self.assertFalse( 'map/iou=0.50:0.95/area=medium/max_dets=100' in result) self.assertFalse( 'map/iou=0.50:0.95/area=large/max_dets=100' in result) def test_area_specified(self): result = eval_detection_coco(self.pred_bboxes, self.pred_labels, self.pred_scores, self.gt_bboxes, self.gt_labels, gt_areas=[[2048]]) self.assertFalse( np.isnan(result['map/iou=0.50:0.95/area=medium/max_dets=100'])) self.assertTrue( np.isnan(result['map/iou=0.50:0.95/area=small/max_dets=100'])) self.assertTrue( np.isnan(result['map/iou=0.50:0.95/area=large/max_dets=100'])) @unittest.skipUnless(_available, 'pycocotools is not installed') class TestEvalDetectionCOCOSomeClassNonExistent(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.pred_bboxes = np.array([[[0, 0, 10, 10], [0, 0, 20, 20]]]) self.pred_labels = np.array([[1, 2]]) self.pred_scores = np.array([[0.8, 0.9]]) self.gt_bboxes = np.array([[[0, 0, 10, 9]]]) self.gt_labels = np.array([[1, 2]]) def test(self): result = eval_detection_coco(self.pred_bboxes, self.pred_labels, self.pred_scores, self.gt_bboxes, self.gt_labels) self.assertEqual( result['ap/iou=0.50:0.95/area=all/max_dets=100'].shape, (3,)) self.assertTrue( np.isnan(result['ap/iou=0.50:0.95/area=all/max_dets=100'][0])) self.assertEqual( np.nanmean(result['ap/iou=0.50:0.95/area=all/max_dets=100'][1:]), result['map/iou=0.50:0.95/area=all/max_dets=100']) @unittest.skipUnless(_available, 'pycocotools is not installed') class TestEvalDetectionCOCO(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): base_url = 'https://chainercv-models.preferred.jp/tests' cls.dataset = np.load(request.urlretrieve(os.path.join( base_url, 'eval_detection_coco_dataset_2017_10_16.npz'))[0], allow_pickle=True) cls.result = np.load(request.urlretrieve(os.path.join( base_url, 'eval_detection_coco_result_2017_10_16.npz'))[0], allow_pickle=True) def test_eval_detection_coco(self): pred_bboxes = self.result['bboxes'] pred_labels = self.result['labels'] pred_scores = self.result['scores'] gt_bboxes = self.dataset['bboxes'] gt_labels = self.dataset['labels'] gt_areas = self.dataset['areas'] gt_crowdeds = self.dataset['crowdeds'] result = eval_detection_coco( pred_bboxes, pred_labels, pred_scores, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_areas, gt_crowdeds) expected = { 'map/iou=0.50:0.95/area=all/max_dets=100': 0.5069852, 'map/iou=0.50/area=all/max_dets=100': 0.69937725, 'map/iou=0.75/area=all/max_dets=100': 0.57538619, 'map/iou=0.50:0.95/area=small/max_dets=100': 0.58562572, 'map/iou=0.50:0.95/area=medium/max_dets=100': 0.51939969, 'map/iou=0.50:0.95/area=large/max_dets=100': 0.5013979, 'mar/iou=0.50:0.95/area=all/max_dets=1': 0.38919373, 'mar/iou=0.50:0.95/area=all/max_dets=10': 0.59606053, 'mar/iou=0.50:0.95/area=all/max_dets=100': 0.59773394, 'mar/iou=0.50:0.95/area=small/max_dets=100': 0.63981096, 'mar/iou=0.50:0.95/area=medium/max_dets=100': 0.5664206, 'mar/iou=0.50:0.95/area=large/max_dets=100': 0.5642906 } non_existent_labels = np.setdiff1d( np.arange(max(result['existent_labels'])), result['existent_labels']) for key, item in expected.items(): non_mean_key = key[1:] self.assertIsInstance(result[non_mean_key], np.ndarray) self.assertEqual(result[non_mean_key].shape, (80,)) self.assertTrue( np.all(np.isnan(result[non_mean_key][non_existent_labels]))) np.testing.assert_almost_equal( result[key], expected[key], decimal=5) testing.run_module(__name__, __file__)
import functools import time from homeassistant.components.device_tracker import DOMAIN, SOURCE_TYPE_ROUTER from homeassistant.components.device_tracker.config_entry import ScannerEntity from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from .core import discovery from .core.const import ( CHANNEL_POWER_CONFIGURATION, DATA_ZHA, DATA_ZHA_DISPATCHERS, SIGNAL_ADD_ENTITIES, SIGNAL_ATTR_UPDATED, ) from .core.registries import ZHA_ENTITIES from .entity import ZhaEntity from .sensor import Battery STRICT_MATCH = functools.partial(ZHA_ENTITIES.strict_match, DOMAIN) async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up the Zigbee Home Automation device tracker from config entry.""" entities_to_create = hass.data[DATA_ZHA][DOMAIN] unsub = async_dispatcher_connect( hass, SIGNAL_ADD_ENTITIES, functools.partial( discovery.async_add_entities, async_add_entities, entities_to_create ), ) hass.data[DATA_ZHA][DATA_ZHA_DISPATCHERS].append(unsub) @STRICT_MATCH(channel_names=CHANNEL_POWER_CONFIGURATION) class ZHADeviceScannerEntity(ScannerEntity, ZhaEntity): """Represent a tracked device.""" def __init__(self, unique_id, zha_device, channels, **kwargs): """Initialize the ZHA device tracker.""" super().__init__(unique_id, zha_device, channels, **kwargs) self._battery_channel = self.cluster_channels.get(CHANNEL_POWER_CONFIGURATION) self._connected = False self._keepalive_interval = 60 self._should_poll = True self._battery_level = None async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Run when about to be added to hass.""" await super().async_added_to_hass() if self._battery_channel: self.async_accept_signal( self._battery_channel, SIGNAL_ATTR_UPDATED, self.async_battery_percentage_remaining_updated, ) async def async_update(self): """Handle polling.""" if self.zha_device.last_seen is None: self._connected = False else: difference = time.time() - self.zha_device.last_seen if difference > self._keepalive_interval: self._connected = False else: self._connected = True @property def is_connected(self): """Return true if the device is connected to the network.""" return self._connected @property def source_type(self): """Return the source type, eg gps or router, of the device.""" return SOURCE_TYPE_ROUTER @callback def async_battery_percentage_remaining_updated(self, attr_id, attr_name, value): """Handle tracking.""" if not attr_name == "battery_percentage_remaining": return self.debug("battery_percentage_remaining updated: %s", value) self._connected = True self._battery_level = Battery.formatter(value) self.async_write_ha_state() @property def battery_level(self): """Return the battery level of the device. Percentage from 0-100. """ return self._battery_level
import posixpath from perfkitbenchmarker import errors from perfkitbenchmarker import linux_packages PACKAGE_NAME = 'iperf' IPERF_TAR = 'iperf-2.0.13.tar.gz' IPERF_URL = 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/iperf2/files/iperf-2.0.13.tar.gz' IPERF_DIR = '%s/iperf-2.0.13' % linux_packages.INSTALL_DIR def _Install(vm): """Installs the iperf package on the VM.""" vm.Install('build_tools') vm.Install('wget') vm.RemoteCommand('wget -O %s/%s %s' % (linux_packages.INSTALL_DIR, IPERF_TAR, IPERF_URL)) vm.RemoteCommand('cd %s; tar xvf %s; cd %s; ' './configure; make; sudo make install' % (linux_packages.INSTALL_DIR, IPERF_TAR, IPERF_DIR)) def YumInstall(vm): """Installs the iperf package on the VM.""" _Install(vm) def AptInstall(vm): """Installs the iperf package on the VM.""" _Install(vm)
import pytest import voluptuous as vol from withings_api.common import UnauthorizedException import homeassistant.components.webhook as webhook from homeassistant.components.withings import CONFIG_SCHEMA, DOMAIN, async_setup, const from homeassistant.components.withings.common import ConfigEntryWithingsApi, DataManager from homeassistant.config import async_process_ha_core_config from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_CLIENT_ID, CONF_CLIENT_SECRET, CONF_EXTERNAL_URL, CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM, CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC, ) from homeassistant.core import DOMAIN as HA_DOMAIN, HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import DataUpdateCoordinator from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from .common import ( ComponentFactory, async_get_flow_for_user_id, get_data_manager_by_user_id, new_profile_config, ) from tests.async_mock import MagicMock, patch from tests.common import MockConfigEntry def config_schema_validate(withings_config) -> dict: """Assert a schema config succeeds.""" hass_config = {const.DOMAIN: withings_config} return CONFIG_SCHEMA(hass_config) def config_schema_assert_fail(withings_config) -> None: """Assert a schema config will fail.""" try: config_schema_validate(withings_config) assert False, "This line should not have run." except vol.error.MultipleInvalid: assert True def test_config_schema_basic_config() -> None: """Test schema.""" config_schema_validate( { CONF_CLIENT_ID: "my_client_id", CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: "my_client_secret", const.CONF_USE_WEBHOOK: True, } ) def test_config_schema_client_id() -> None: """Test schema.""" config_schema_assert_fail({CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: "my_client_secret"}) config_schema_assert_fail( {CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: "my_client_secret", CONF_CLIENT_ID: ""} ) config_schema_validate( {CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: "my_client_secret", CONF_CLIENT_ID: "my_client_id"} ) def test_config_schema_client_secret() -> None: """Test schema.""" config_schema_assert_fail({CONF_CLIENT_ID: "my_client_id"}) config_schema_assert_fail({CONF_CLIENT_ID: "my_client_id", CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: ""}) config_schema_validate( {CONF_CLIENT_ID: "my_client_id", CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: "my_client_secret"} ) def test_config_schema_use_webhook() -> None: """Test schema.""" config_schema_validate( {CONF_CLIENT_ID: "my_client_id", CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: "my_client_secret"} ) config = config_schema_validate( { CONF_CLIENT_ID: "my_client_id", CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: "my_client_secret", const.CONF_USE_WEBHOOK: True, } ) assert config[const.DOMAIN][const.CONF_USE_WEBHOOK] is True config = config_schema_validate( { CONF_CLIENT_ID: "my_client_id", CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: "my_client_secret", const.CONF_USE_WEBHOOK: False, } ) assert config[const.DOMAIN][const.CONF_USE_WEBHOOK] is False config_schema_assert_fail( { CONF_CLIENT_ID: "my_client_id", CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: "my_client_secret", const.CONF_USE_WEBHOOK: "A", } ) async def test_async_setup_no_config(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test method.""" hass.async_create_task = MagicMock() await async_setup(hass, {}) hass.async_create_task.assert_not_called() @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["exception"], [ [UnauthorizedException("401")], [UnauthorizedException("401")], [Exception("401, this is the message")], ], ) async def test_auth_failure( hass: HomeAssistant, component_factory: ComponentFactory, exception: Exception ) -> None: """Test auth failure.""" person0 = new_profile_config( "person0", 0, api_response_user_get_device=exception, api_response_measure_get_meas=exception, api_response_sleep_get_summary=exception, ) await component_factory.configure_component(profile_configs=(person0,)) assert not async_get_flow_for_user_id(hass, person0.user_id) await component_factory.setup_profile(person0.user_id) data_manager = get_data_manager_by_user_id(hass, person0.user_id) await data_manager.poll_data_update_coordinator.async_refresh() flows = async_get_flow_for_user_id(hass, person0.user_id) assert flows assert len(flows) == 1 flow = flows[0] assert flow["handler"] == const.DOMAIN assert flow["context"]["profile"] == person0.profile assert flow["context"]["userid"] == person0.user_id result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( flow["flow_id"], user_input={} ) assert result assert result["type"] == "external" assert result["handler"] == const.DOMAIN assert result["step_id"] == "auth" await component_factory.unload(person0) async def test_set_config_unique_id( hass: HomeAssistant, component_factory: ComponentFactory ) -> None: """Test upgrading configs to use a unique id.""" person0 = new_profile_config("person0", 0) await component_factory.configure_component(profile_configs=(person0,)) config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, data={"token": {"userid": "my_user_id"}, "profile": person0.profile}, ) with patch("homeassistant.components.withings.async_get_data_manager") as mock: data_manager: DataManager = MagicMock(spec=DataManager) data_manager.poll_data_update_coordinator = MagicMock( spec=DataUpdateCoordinator ) data_manager.poll_data_update_coordinator.last_update_success = True mock.return_value = data_manager config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) await hass.config_entries.async_setup(config_entry.entry_id) assert config_entry.unique_id == "my_user_id" async def test_set_convert_unique_id_to_string(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Test upgrading configs to use a unique id.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, data={ "token": {"userid": 1234}, "auth_implementation": "withings", "profile": "person0", }, ) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) hass_config = { HA_DOMAIN: { CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM: CONF_UNIT_SYSTEM_METRIC, CONF_EXTERNAL_URL: "", }, const.DOMAIN: { CONF_CLIENT_ID: "my_client_id", CONF_CLIENT_SECRET: "my_client_secret", const.CONF_USE_WEBHOOK: False, }, } with patch( "homeassistant.components.withings.common.ConfigEntryWithingsApi", spec=ConfigEntryWithingsApi, ): await async_process_ha_core_config(hass, hass_config.get(HA_DOMAIN)) assert await async_setup_component(hass, HA_DOMAIN, {}) assert await async_setup_component(hass, webhook.DOMAIN, hass_config) assert await async_setup_component(hass, const.DOMAIN, hass_config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert config_entry.unique_id == "1234"
import os import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner( os.environ['MOLECULE_INVENTORY_FILE']).get_hosts('instance-1') def test_distro(host): f = host.file('/etc/debian_version') assert f.is_file def test_cpus(host): cpus = host.ansible("setup")['ansible_facts']['ansible_processor_vcpus'] assert 1 == int(cpus) def test_memory(host): total_memory = host.ansible( "setup")['ansible_facts']['ansible_memtotal_mb'] assert (1024 / 2) <= int(total_memory) <= 1024 def test_has_shared_directory(host): f = host.file('/vagrant') assert f.is_directory def test_internal_interface(host): assert '' in host.interface('eth2').addresses
from datetime import datetime, timedelta from typing import Optional from pytest import fixture from homeassistant.components.directv.media_player import ( ATTR_MEDIA_CURRENTLY_RECORDING, ATTR_MEDIA_RATING, ATTR_MEDIA_RECORDED, ATTR_MEDIA_START_TIME, ) from homeassistant.components.media_player import DEVICE_CLASS_RECEIVER from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE, ATTR_MEDIA_ALBUM_NAME, ATTR_MEDIA_ARTIST, ATTR_MEDIA_CHANNEL, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE, ATTR_MEDIA_DURATION, ATTR_MEDIA_ENQUEUE, ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION, ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION_UPDATED_AT, ATTR_MEDIA_SERIES_TITLE, ATTR_MEDIA_TITLE, DOMAIN as MP_DOMAIN, MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE, MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC, MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA, SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK, SUPPORT_PAUSE, SUPPORT_PLAY, SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA, SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK, SUPPORT_STOP, SUPPORT_TURN_OFF, SUPPORT_TURN_ON, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, SERVICE_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK, SERVICE_MEDIA_PAUSE, SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAY, SERVICE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS_TRACK, SERVICE_MEDIA_STOP, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, STATE_OFF, STATE_PAUSED, STATE_PLAYING, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, ) from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from tests.async_mock import patch from tests.components.directv import setup_integration from tests.test_util.aiohttp import AiohttpClientMocker ATTR_UNIQUE_ID = "unique_id" CLIENT_ENTITY_ID = f"{MP_DOMAIN}.client" MAIN_ENTITY_ID = f"{MP_DOMAIN}.host" MUSIC_ENTITY_ID = f"{MP_DOMAIN}.music_client" RESTRICTED_ENTITY_ID = f"{MP_DOMAIN}.restricted_client" STANDBY_ENTITY_ID = f"{MP_DOMAIN}.standby_client" UNAVAILABLE_ENTITY_ID = f"{MP_DOMAIN}.unavailable_client" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name @fixture def mock_now() -> datetime: """Fixture for dtutil.now.""" return dt_util.utcnow() async def async_turn_on( hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """Turn on specified media player or all.""" data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id} if entity_id else {} await hass.services.async_call(MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, data) async def async_turn_off( hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """Turn off specified media player or all.""" data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id} if entity_id else {} await hass.services.async_call(MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, data) async def async_media_pause( hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """Send the media player the command for pause.""" data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id} if entity_id else {} await hass.services.async_call(MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_MEDIA_PAUSE, data) async def async_media_play( hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """Send the media player the command for play/pause.""" data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id} if entity_id else {} await hass.services.async_call(MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_MEDIA_PLAY, data) async def async_media_stop( hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """Send the media player the command for stop.""" data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id} if entity_id else {} await hass.services.async_call(MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_MEDIA_STOP, data) async def async_media_next_track( hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """Send the media player the command for next track.""" data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id} if entity_id else {} await hass.services.async_call(MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK, data) async def async_media_previous_track( hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """Send the media player the command for prev track.""" data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: entity_id} if entity_id else {} await hass.services.async_call(MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS_TRACK, data) async def async_play_media( hass: HomeAssistantType, media_type: str, media_id: str, entity_id: Optional[str] = None, enqueue: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Send the media player the command for playing media.""" data = {ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE: media_type, ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID: media_id} if entity_id: data[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] = entity_id if enqueue: data[ATTR_MEDIA_ENQUEUE] = enqueue await hass.services.async_call(MP_DOMAIN, SERVICE_PLAY_MEDIA, data) async def test_setup( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test setup with basic config.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) assert hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert hass.states.get(CLIENT_ENTITY_ID) assert hass.states.get(UNAVAILABLE_ENTITY_ID) async def test_unique_id( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test unique id.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) entity_registry = await hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_get_registry() main = entity_registry.async_get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert main.device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_RECEIVER assert main.unique_id == "028877455858" client = entity_registry.async_get(CLIENT_ENTITY_ID) assert client.device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_RECEIVER assert client.unique_id == "2CA17D1CD30X" unavailable_client = entity_registry.async_get(UNAVAILABLE_ENTITY_ID) assert unavailable_client.device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_RECEIVER assert unavailable_client.unique_id == "9XXXXXXXXXX9" async def test_supported_features( hass: HomeAssistantType, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker ) -> None: """Test supported features.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) # Features supported for main DVR state = hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert ( SUPPORT_PAUSE | SUPPORT_TURN_ON | SUPPORT_TURN_OFF | SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA | SUPPORT_STOP | SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK | SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK | SUPPORT_PLAY == state.attributes.get("supported_features") ) # Feature supported for clients. state = hass.states.get(CLIENT_ENTITY_ID) assert ( SUPPORT_PAUSE | SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA | SUPPORT_STOP | SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK | SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK | SUPPORT_PLAY == state.attributes.get("supported_features") ) async def test_check_attributes( hass: HomeAssistantType, mock_now: dt_util.dt.datetime, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker, ) -> None: """Test attributes.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) state = hass.states.get(MAIN_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_PLAYING assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID) == "17016356" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE) == MEDIA_TYPE_MOVIE assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_DURATION) == 7200 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION) == 4437 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION_UPDATED_AT) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_TITLE) == "Snow Bride" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_SERIES_TITLE) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CHANNEL) == "{} ({})".format("HALLHD", "312") assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE) == "312" assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CURRENTLY_RECORDING) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_RATING) == "TV-G" assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_RECORDED) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_START_TIME) == datetime( 2020, 3, 21, 13, 0, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC ) state = hass.states.get(CLIENT_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_PLAYING assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID) == "4405732" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE) == MEDIA_TYPE_TVSHOW assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_DURATION) == 1791 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION) == 263 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION_UPDATED_AT) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_TITLE) == "Tyler's Ultimate" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_SERIES_TITLE) == "Spaghetti and Clam Sauce" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CHANNEL) == "{} ({})".format("FOODHD", "231") assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE) == "231" assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CURRENTLY_RECORDING) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_RATING) == "No Rating" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_RECORDED) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_START_TIME) == datetime( 2010, 7, 5, 15, 0, 8, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC ) state = hass.states.get(MUSIC_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_PLAYING assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID) == "76917562" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE) == MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_DURATION) == 86400 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION) == 15050 assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION_UPDATED_AT) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_TITLE) == "Sparkle In Your Eyes" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_ARTIST) == "Gerald Albright" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_ALBUM_NAME) == "Slam Dunk (2014)" assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_SERIES_TITLE) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CHANNEL) == "{} ({})".format("MCSJ", "851") assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE) == "851" assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CURRENTLY_RECORDING) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_RATING) == "TV-PG" assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_RECORDED) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_START_TIME) == datetime( 2020, 3, 21, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC ) state = hass.states.get(STANDBY_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_OFF assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_DURATION) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION_UPDATED_AT) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_TITLE) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_ARTIST) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_ALBUM_NAME) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_SERIES_TITLE) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CHANNEL) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE) is None assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CURRENTLY_RECORDING) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_RATING) is None assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_RECORDED) state = hass.states.get(RESTRICTED_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_PLAYING assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_ID) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CONTENT_TYPE) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_DURATION) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION_UPDATED_AT) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_TITLE) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_ARTIST) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_ALBUM_NAME) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_SERIES_TITLE) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CHANNEL) is None assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_INPUT_SOURCE) is None assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_CURRENTLY_RECORDING) assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_RATING) is None assert not state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_RECORDED) state = hass.states.get(UNAVAILABLE_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_UNAVAILABLE async def test_attributes_paused( hass: HomeAssistantType, mock_now: dt_util.dt.datetime, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker, ): """Test attributes while paused.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) state = hass.states.get(CLIENT_ENTITY_ID) last_updated = state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION_UPDATED_AT) # Test to make sure that ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION_UPDATED_AT is not # updated if TV is paused. with patch( "homeassistant.util.dt.utcnow", return_value=mock_now + timedelta(minutes=5) ): await async_media_pause(hass, CLIENT_ENTITY_ID) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(CLIENT_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_PAUSED assert state.attributes.get(ATTR_MEDIA_POSITION_UPDATED_AT) == last_updated async def test_main_services( hass: HomeAssistantType, mock_now: dt_util.dt.datetime, aioclient_mock: AiohttpClientMocker, ) -> None: """Test the different services.""" await setup_integration(hass, aioclient_mock) with patch("directv.DIRECTV.remote") as remote_mock: await async_turn_off(hass, MAIN_ENTITY_ID) await hass.async_block_till_done() remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("poweroff", "0") with patch("directv.DIRECTV.remote") as remote_mock: await async_turn_on(hass, MAIN_ENTITY_ID) await hass.async_block_till_done() remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("poweron", "0") with patch("directv.DIRECTV.remote") as remote_mock: await async_media_pause(hass, MAIN_ENTITY_ID) await hass.async_block_till_done() remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("pause", "0") with patch("directv.DIRECTV.remote") as remote_mock: await async_media_play(hass, MAIN_ENTITY_ID) await hass.async_block_till_done() remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("play", "0") with patch("directv.DIRECTV.remote") as remote_mock: await async_media_next_track(hass, MAIN_ENTITY_ID) await hass.async_block_till_done() remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("ffwd", "0") with patch("directv.DIRECTV.remote") as remote_mock: await async_media_previous_track(hass, MAIN_ENTITY_ID) await hass.async_block_till_done() remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("rew", "0") with patch("directv.DIRECTV.remote") as remote_mock: await async_media_stop(hass, MAIN_ENTITY_ID) await hass.async_block_till_done() remote_mock.assert_called_once_with("stop", "0") with patch("directv.DIRECTV.tune") as tune_mock: await async_play_media(hass, "channel", 312, MAIN_ENTITY_ID) await hass.async_block_till_done() tune_mock.assert_called_once_with("312", "0")
from collections import abc from typing import Dict, Hashable, Mapping, Sequence, Set def compare_paths_lt(x, y): min_length = min(len(x), len(y)) if x[:min_length] == y[:min_length]: return len(x) == min_length for i in range(min_length): a, b = x[i], y[i] for _type in (int, str, tuple): if isinstance(a, _type): if isinstance(b, _type): break else: return True if a == b: continue elif a < b: return True else: return False raise RuntimeError def drop_item_from_tuple(t, i): return t[:i] + t[i + 1 :] def mapping_to_frozenset(schema: Mapping) -> frozenset: """ Be aware that this treats any sequence type with the equal members as equal. As it is used to identify equality of schemas, this can be considered okay as definitions are semantically equal regardless the container type. """ schema_copy = {} # type: Dict[Hashable, Hashable] for key, value in schema.items(): if isinstance(value, abc.Mapping): schema_copy[key] = mapping_to_frozenset(value) elif isinstance(value, Sequence): value = list(value) for i, item in enumerate(value): if isinstance(item, abc.Mapping): value[i] = mapping_to_frozenset(item) schema_copy[key] = tuple(value) elif isinstance(value, Set): schema_copy[key] = frozenset(value) elif isinstance(value, Hashable): schema_copy[key] = value else: raise TypeError("All schema contents must be hashable.") return frozenset(schema_copy.items()) def quote_string(value): if isinstance(value, str): return '"%s"' % value else: return value class readonly_classproperty(property): def __get__(self, instance, owner): return super().__get__(owner) def __set__(self, instance, value): raise RuntimeError('This is a readonly class property.') def __delete__(self, instance): raise RuntimeError('This is a readonly class property.') def schema_hash(schema: Mapping) -> int: return hash(mapping_to_frozenset(schema))
import logging from pyjoin import get_devices, send_notification import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.notify import ( ATTR_DATA, ATTR_TITLE, ATTR_TITLE_DEFAULT, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, BaseNotificationService, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_API_KEY import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_DEVICE_ID = "device_id" CONF_DEVICE_IDS = "device_ids" CONF_DEVICE_NAMES = "device_names" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_API_KEY): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICE_ID): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICE_IDS): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_DEVICE_NAMES): cv.string, } ) def get_service(hass, config, discovery_info=None): """Get the Join notification service.""" api_key = config.get(CONF_API_KEY) device_id = config.get(CONF_DEVICE_ID) device_ids = config.get(CONF_DEVICE_IDS) device_names = config.get(CONF_DEVICE_NAMES) if api_key: if not get_devices(api_key): _LOGGER.error("Error connecting to Join. Check the API key") return False if device_id is None and device_ids is None and device_names is None: _LOGGER.error( "No device was provided. Please specify device_id" ", device_ids, or device_names" ) return False return JoinNotificationService(api_key, device_id, device_ids, device_names) class JoinNotificationService(BaseNotificationService): """Implement the notification service for Join.""" def __init__(self, api_key, device_id, device_ids, device_names): """Initialize the service.""" self._api_key = api_key self._device_id = device_id self._device_ids = device_ids self._device_names = device_names def send_message(self, message="", **kwargs): """Send a message to a user.""" title = kwargs.get(ATTR_TITLE, ATTR_TITLE_DEFAULT) data = kwargs.get(ATTR_DATA) or {} send_notification( device_id=self._device_id, device_ids=self._device_ids, device_names=self._device_names, text=message, title=title, icon=data.get("icon"), smallicon=data.get("smallicon"), image=data.get("image"), sound=data.get("sound"), notification_id=data.get("notification_id"), url=data.get("url"), tts=data.get("tts"), tts_language=data.get("tts_language"), vibration=data.get("vibration"), actions=data.get("actions"), api_key=self._api_key, )
import configparser import os import requests from nikola import utils from nikola.plugin_categories import Command LOGGER = utils.get_logger('subtheme') def _check_for_theme(theme, themes): for t in themes: if t.endswith(os.sep + theme): return True return False class CommandSubTheme(Command): """Given a swatch name from bootswatch.com and a parent theme, creates a custom theme.""" name = "subtheme" doc_usage = "[options]" doc_purpose = "given a swatch name from bootswatch.com or hackerthemes.com and a parent theme, creates a custom"\ " theme" cmd_options = [ { 'name': 'name', 'short': 'n', 'long': 'name', 'default': 'custom', 'type': str, 'help': 'New theme name', }, { 'name': 'swatch', 'short': 's', 'default': '', 'type': str, 'help': 'Name of the swatch from bootswatch.com.' }, { 'name': 'parent', 'short': 'p', 'long': 'parent', 'default': 'bootstrap4', 'help': 'Parent theme name', }, ] def _execute(self, options, args): """Given a swatch name and a parent theme, creates a custom theme.""" name = options['name'] swatch = options['swatch'] if not swatch: LOGGER.error('The -s option is mandatory') return 1 parent = options['parent'] version = '4' # Check which Bootstrap version to use themes = utils.get_theme_chain(parent, self.site.themes_dirs) if _check_for_theme('bootstrap', themes) or _check_for_theme('bootstrap-jinja', themes): version = '2' elif _check_for_theme('bootstrap3', themes) or _check_for_theme('bootstrap3-jinja', themes): version = '3' elif _check_for_theme('bootstrap4', themes) or _check_for_theme('bootstrap4-jinja', themes): version = '4' elif not _check_for_theme('bootstrap4', themes) and not _check_for_theme('bootstrap4-jinja', themes): LOGGER.warning( '"subtheme" only makes sense for themes that use bootstrap') elif _check_for_theme('bootstrap3-gradients', themes) or _check_for_theme('bootstrap3-gradients-jinja', themes): LOGGER.warning( '"subtheme" doesn\'t work well with the bootstrap3-gradients family') LOGGER.info("Creating '{0}' theme from '{1}' and '{2}'".format( name, swatch, parent)) utils.makedirs(os.path.join('themes', name, 'assets', 'css')) for fname in ('bootstrap.min.css', 'bootstrap.css'): if swatch in [ 'bubblegum', 'business-tycoon', 'charming', 'daydream', 'executive-suite', 'good-news', 'growth', 'harbor', 'hello-world', 'neon-glow', 'pleasant', 'retro', 'vibrant-sea', 'wizardry']: # Hackerthemes LOGGER.info( 'Hackertheme-based subthemes often require you use a custom font for full effect.') if version != '4': LOGGER.error( 'The hackertheme subthemes are only available for Bootstrap 4.') return 1 if fname == 'bootstrap.css': url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HackerThemes/theme-machine/master/dist/{swatch}/css/bootstrap4-{swatch}.css'.format( swatch=swatch) else: url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HackerThemes/theme-machine/master/dist/{swatch}/css/bootstrap4-{swatch}.min.css'.format( swatch=swatch) else: # Bootswatch url = 'https://bootswatch.com' if version: url += '/' + version url = '/'.join((url, swatch, fname)) LOGGER.info("Downloading: " + url) r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code > 299: LOGGER.error('Error {} getting {}', r.status_code, url) return 1 data = r.text with open(os.path.join('themes', name, 'assets', 'css', fname), 'w+') as output: output.write(data) with open(os.path.join('themes', name, '%s.theme' % name), 'w+') as output: parent_theme_data_path = utils.get_asset_path( '%s.theme' % parent, themes) cp = configparser.ConfigParser() cp.read(parent_theme_data_path) cp['Theme']['parent'] = parent cp['Family'] = {'family': cp['Family']['family']} cp.write(output) LOGGER.info( 'Theme created. Change the THEME setting to "{0}" to use it.'.format(name))
import pytest from decimal import Decimal from shop.money.money_maker import MoneyMaker from testshop.models import Commodity EUR = MoneyMaker('EUR') @pytest.mark.django_db def test_field_filter(commodity_factory): commodity = commodity_factory(unit_price='12.34') assert list(Commodity.objects.filter(unit_price='12.34')) == [commodity] assert list(Commodity.objects.filter(unit_price=Decimal('12.34'))) == [commodity] assert list(Commodity.objects.filter(unit_price=EUR('12.34'))) == [commodity] assert list(Commodity.objects.filter(unit_price__gt='12.33')) == [commodity] assert list(Commodity.objects.filter(unit_price__gt=EUR('12.33'))) == [commodity] assert list(Commodity.objects.filter(unit_price__gt='12.34')) == [] assert list(Commodity.objects.filter(unit_price__gte='12.34')) == [commodity] assert list(Commodity.objects.filter(unit_price__lt='12.35')) == [commodity] assert list(Commodity.objects.filter(unit_price__lt=EUR('12.35'))) == [commodity] assert list(Commodity.objects.filter(unit_price__lt='12.34')) == [] assert list(Commodity.objects.filter(unit_price__lte='12.34')) == [commodity]
from kombu.utils.encoding import ensure_bytes import zlib try: import lzma except ImportError: # pragma: no cover # TODO: Drop fallback to backports once we drop Python 2.7 support try: from backports import lzma except ImportError: # pragma: no cover lzma = None _aliases = {} _encoders = {} _decoders = {} __all__ = ('register', 'encoders', 'get_encoder', 'get_decoder', 'compress', 'decompress') def register(encoder, decoder, content_type, aliases=None): """Register new compression method. Arguments: encoder (Callable): Function used to compress text. decoder (Callable): Function used to decompress previously compressed text. content_type (str): The mime type this compression method identifies as. aliases (Sequence[str]): A list of names to associate with this compression method. """ _encoders[content_type] = encoder _decoders[content_type] = decoder if aliases: _aliases.update((alias, content_type) for alias in aliases) def encoders(): """Return a list of available compression methods.""" return list(_encoders) def get_encoder(t): """Get encoder by alias name.""" t = _aliases.get(t, t) return _encoders[t], t def get_decoder(t): """Get decoder by alias name.""" return _decoders[_aliases.get(t, t)] def compress(body, content_type): """Compress text. Arguments: body (AnyStr): The text to compress. content_type (str): mime-type of compression method to use. """ encoder, content_type = get_encoder(content_type) return encoder(ensure_bytes(body)), content_type def decompress(body, content_type): """Decompress compressed text. Arguments: body (AnyStr): Previously compressed text to uncompress. content_type (str): mime-type of compression method used. """ return get_decoder(content_type)(body) register(zlib.compress, zlib.decompress, 'application/x-gzip', aliases=['gzip', 'zlib']) try: import bz2 except ImportError: pass # No bz2 support else: register(bz2.compress, bz2.decompress, 'application/x-bz2', aliases=['bzip2', 'bzip']) try: import brotli except ImportError: # pragma: no cover pass else: register(brotli.compress, brotli.decompress, 'application/x-brotli', aliases=['brotli']) # TODO: Drop condition once we drop Python 2.7 support if lzma: # pragma: no cover register(lzma.compress, lzma.decompress, 'application/x-lzma', aliases=['lzma', 'xz']) try: import zstandard as zstd except ImportError: # pragma: no cover pass else: def zstd_compress(body): c = zstd.ZstdCompressor() return c.compress(body) def zstd_decompress(body): d = zstd.ZstdDecompressor() return d.decompress(body) register(zstd_compress, zstd_decompress, 'application/zstd', aliases=['zstd', 'zstandard'])
from test import CollectorTestCase from test import get_collector_config from test import unittest from drbd import DRBDCollector ########################################################################## class TestDRBDCollector(CollectorTestCase): def setUp(self): config = get_collector_config('DRBDCollector', {}) self.collector = DRBDCollector(config, None) def test_import(self): self.assertTrue(DRBDCollector) ########################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
from test import CollectorTestCase from test import get_collector_config from test import unittest from mock import Mock from mock import patch try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO from diamond.collector import Collector from cpu import CPUCollector ########################################################################## class TestCPUCollector(CollectorTestCase): def setUp(self): config = get_collector_config('CPUCollector', { 'interval': 10, 'normalize': False }) self.collector = CPUCollector(config, None) def test_import(self): self.assertTrue(CPUCollector) @patch('__builtin__.open') @patch('os.access', Mock(return_value=True)) @patch.object(Collector, 'publish') def test_should_open_proc_stat(self, publish_mock, open_mock): CPUCollector.PROC = '/proc/stat' open_mock.return_value = StringIO('') self.collector.collect() open_mock.assert_called_once_with('/proc/stat') @patch.object(Collector, 'publish') def test_should_work_with_synthetic_data(self, publish_mock): patch_open = patch('__builtin__.open', Mock(return_value=StringIO( 'cpu 100 200 300 400 500 0 0 0 0 0'))) patch_open.start() self.collector.collect() patch_open.stop() self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, {}) patch_open = patch('__builtin__.open', Mock(return_value=StringIO( 'cpu 110 220 330 440 550 0 0 0 0 0'))) patch_open.start() self.collector.collect() patch_open.stop() self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, { 'total.idle': 4.0, 'total.iowait': 5.0, 'total.nice': 2.0, 'total.system': 3.0, 'total.user': 1.0 }) @patch.object(Collector, 'publish') def test_should_work_with_real_data(self, publish_mock): CPUCollector.PROC = self.getFixturePath('proc_stat_1') self.collector.collect() self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, {}) CPUCollector.PROC = self.getFixturePath('proc_stat_2') self.collector.collect() metrics = { 'total.idle': 2440.8, 'total.iowait': 0.2, 'total.nice': 0.0, 'total.system': 0.2, 'total.user': 0.4 } self.setDocExample(collector=self.collector.__class__.__name__, metrics=metrics, defaultpath=self.collector.config['path']) self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, metrics) @patch.object(Collector, 'publish') def test_should_work_with_ec2_data(self, publish_mock): self.collector.config['interval'] = 30 patch_open = patch('os.path.isdir', Mock(return_value=True)) patch_open.start() CPUCollector.PROC = self.getFixturePath('ec2_stat_1') self.collector.collect() self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, {}) CPUCollector.PROC = self.getFixturePath('ec2_stat_2') self.collector.collect() patch_open.stop() metrics = { 'total.idle': 68.4, 'total.iowait': 0.6, 'total.nice': 0.0, 'total.system': 13.7, 'total.user': 16.666666666666668 } self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, metrics) @patch.object(Collector, 'publish') def test_473(self, publish_mock): """ No cpu value should ever be over 100 """ self.collector.config['interval'] = 60 patch_open = patch('os.path.isdir', Mock(return_value=True)) patch_open.start() CPUCollector.PROC = self.getFixturePath('473_1') self.collector.collect() self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, {}) CPUCollector.PROC = self.getFixturePath('473_2') self.collector.collect() patch_open.stop() totals = {} for call in publish_mock.mock_calls: call = call[1] if call[0][:6] == 'total.': continue if call[1] > 100: raise ValueError("metric %s: %s should not be over 100!" % ( call[0], call[1])) k = call[0][:4] totals[k] = totals.get(k, 0) + call[1] for t in totals: # Allow rounding errors if totals[t] >= 101: raise ValueError( "metric total for %s: %s should not be over 100!" % ( t, totals[t])) class TestCPUCollectorNormalize(CollectorTestCase): def setUp(self): config = get_collector_config('CPUCollector', { 'interval': 1, 'normalize': True, }) self.collector = CPUCollector(config, None) self.num_cpu = 2 # first measurement self.input_base = { 'user': 100, 'nice': 200, 'system': 300, 'idle': 400, } # second measurement self.input_next = { 'user': 110, 'nice': 220, 'system': 330, 'idle': 440, } # expected increment, divided by number of CPUs # for example, user should be 10/2 = 5 self.expected = { 'total.user': 5.0, 'total.nice': 10.0, 'total.system': 15.0, 'total.idle': 20.0, } # convert an input dict with values to a string that might come from # /proc/stat def input_dict_to_proc_string(self, cpu_id, dict_): return ("cpu%s %i %i %i %i 0 0 0 0 0 0" % (cpu_id, dict_['user'], dict_['nice'], dict_['system'], dict_['idle'], ) ) @patch.object(Collector, 'publish') def test_should_work_proc_stat(self, publish_mock): patch_open = patch('__builtin__.open', Mock(return_value=StringIO( "\n".join([self.input_dict_to_proc_string('', self.input_base), self.input_dict_to_proc_string('0', self.input_base), self.input_dict_to_proc_string('1', self.input_base), ]) ))) patch_open.start() self.collector.collect() patch_open.stop() self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, {}) patch_open = patch('__builtin__.open', Mock(return_value=StringIO( "\n".join([self.input_dict_to_proc_string('', self.input_next), self.input_dict_to_proc_string('0', self.input_next), self.input_dict_to_proc_string('1', self.input_next), ]) ))) patch_open.start() self.collector.collect() patch_open.stop() self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, self.expected) @patch.object(Collector, 'publish') @patch('cpu.os') @patch('cpu.psutil') def test_should_work_psutil(self, psutil_mock, os_mock, publish_mock): os_mock.access.return_value = False total = Mock(**self.input_base) cpu_time = [Mock(**self.input_base), Mock(**self.input_base), ] psutil_mock.cpu_times.side_effect = [cpu_time, total] self.collector.collect() self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, {}) total = Mock(**self.input_next) cpu_time = [Mock(**self.input_next), Mock(**self.input_next), ] psutil_mock.cpu_times.side_effect = [cpu_time, total] self.collector.collect() self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, self.expected) ########################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
from homeassistant.components.fan import ( SPEED_HIGH, SPEED_LOW, SPEED_MEDIUM, SUPPORT_DIRECTION, SUPPORT_OSCILLATE, SUPPORT_SET_SPEED, FanEntity, ) from homeassistant.const import STATE_OFF FULL_SUPPORT = SUPPORT_SET_SPEED | SUPPORT_OSCILLATE | SUPPORT_DIRECTION LIMITED_SUPPORT = SUPPORT_SET_SPEED async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the demo fan platform.""" async_add_entities( [ DemoFan(hass, "fan1", "Living Room Fan", FULL_SUPPORT), DemoFan(hass, "fan2", "Ceiling Fan", LIMITED_SUPPORT), ] ) async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up the Demo config entry.""" await async_setup_platform(hass, {}, async_add_entities) class DemoFan(FanEntity): """A demonstration fan component.""" def __init__( self, hass, unique_id: str, name: str, supported_features: int ) -> None: """Initialize the entity.""" self.hass = hass self._unique_id = unique_id self._supported_features = supported_features self._speed = STATE_OFF self._oscillating = None self._direction = None self._name = name if supported_features & SUPPORT_OSCILLATE: self._oscillating = False if supported_features & SUPPORT_DIRECTION: self._direction = "forward" @property def unique_id(self): """Return the unique id.""" return self._unique_id @property def name(self) -> str: """Get entity name.""" return self._name @property def should_poll(self): """No polling needed for a demo fan.""" return False @property def speed(self) -> str: """Return the current speed.""" return self._speed @property def speed_list(self) -> list: """Get the list of available speeds.""" return [STATE_OFF, SPEED_LOW, SPEED_MEDIUM, SPEED_HIGH] def turn_on(self, speed: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Turn on the entity.""" if speed is None: speed = SPEED_MEDIUM self.set_speed(speed) def turn_off(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Turn off the entity.""" self.oscillate(False) self.set_speed(STATE_OFF) def set_speed(self, speed: str) -> None: """Set the speed of the fan.""" self._speed = speed self.schedule_update_ha_state() def set_direction(self, direction: str) -> None: """Set the direction of the fan.""" self._direction = direction self.schedule_update_ha_state() def oscillate(self, oscillating: bool) -> None: """Set oscillation.""" self._oscillating = oscillating self.schedule_update_ha_state() @property def current_direction(self) -> str: """Fan direction.""" return self._direction @property def oscillating(self) -> bool: """Oscillating.""" return self._oscillating @property def supported_features(self) -> int: """Flag supported features.""" return self._supported_features
from __future__ import unicode_literals from binascii import hexlify def rsa_encode(item): """rsa algorithm and need modify code""" # replace your "n" and "e" hex value n_modulus_hex_string = 'd7190a042cd2db97ebc2ab4da366f2a7085556ed613b5a39c9fdd2bb2595d1dc' e_exponent_hex_string = '1001' if len(item) < 1: print("[!]exception item:[%s]" % item) return item public_modulus = int(n_modulus_hex_string, 16) public_exponent = int(e_exponent_hex_string, 16) item = int(hexlify(item[::-1].encode('utf-8')).decode(), 16) item = pow(item, public_exponent, public_modulus) return '%X' % item
import os import unittest from perfkitbenchmarker.linux_packages import netperf class NetperfParseHistogramTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data') result_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'netperf_results.txt') with open(result_path) as results_file: self.netperf_output = results_file.read() def testParsesHistogram(self): expected = { 300: 5771, 400: 118948, 500: 7121, 600: 639, 700: 199, 800: 90, 900: 53, 1000: 149, 2000: 31, 3000: 11, 4000: 8, 5000: 1, 6000: 1, 7000: 1, 9000: 1 } hist = netperf.ParseHistogram(self.netperf_output) self.assertEqual(hist, expected) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import copy import os import unittest from perfkitbenchmarker import errors from perfkitbenchmarker.linux_packages import ycsb import six from six.moves import range def open_data_file(filename): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data', filename) with open(path) as fp: return fp.read() class SimpleResultParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase): maxDiff = None def setUp(self): super(SimpleResultParserTestCase, self).setUp() self.contents = open_data_file('ycsb-test-run.dat') self.results = ycsb.ParseResults(self.contents, 'histogram') def testCommandLineSet(self): self.assertEqual('Command line: -db com.yahoo.ycsb.BasicDB ' '-P workloads/workloada -t', self.results['command_line']) def testClientSet(self): self.assertEqual('YCSB Client 0.1', self.results['client']) def testUpdateStatisticsParsed(self): self.assertDictEqual( { 'group': 'update', 'statistics': { 'Operations': 531, 'Return=0': 531, 'AverageLatency(ms)': .0659774011299435, 'MinLatency(ms)': 0.042, 'MaxLatency(ms)': .345, '95thPercentileLatency(ms)': 0, '99thPercentileLatency(ms)': 0 }, 'histogram': [(0, 530), (19, 1)], }, dict(self.results['groups']['update'])) def testReadStatisticsParsed(self): self.assertDictEqual( { 'group': 'read', 'statistics': { 'Operations': 469, 'Return=0': 469, 'AverageLatency(ms)': 0.03847761194029851, 'MinLatency(ms)': 0.034, 'MaxLatency(ms)': 0.102, '95thPercentileLatency(ms)': 0, '99thPercentileLatency(ms)': 0 }, 'histogram': [(0, 469)], }, dict(self.results['groups']['read'])) def testOverallStatisticsParsed(self): self.assertDictEqual( { 'statistics': { 'RunTime(ms)': 80.0, 'Throughput(ops/sec)': 12500.0 }, 'group': 'overall', 'histogram': [] }, self.results['groups']['overall']) class DetailedResultParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(DetailedResultParserTestCase, self).setUp() self.contents = open_data_file('ycsb-test-run-2.dat') self.results = ycsb.ParseResults(self.contents, 'histogram') def testPercentilesFromHistogram_read(self): hist = self.results['groups']['read']['histogram'] percentiles = ycsb._PercentilesFromHistogram(hist) self.assertEqual(1, percentiles['p50']) self.assertEqual(7, percentiles['p99']) def testPercentilesFromHistogram_update(self): hist = self.results['groups']['update']['histogram'] percentiles = ycsb._PercentilesFromHistogram(hist) self.assertEqual(1, percentiles['p50']) self.assertEqual(7, percentiles['p99']) class BadResultParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testBadTestRun(self): contents = open_data_file('ycsb-test-run-3.dat') self.assertRaises(errors.Benchmarks.KnownIntermittentError, ycsb.ParseResults, contents, 'histogram') class WeightedQuantileTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testEvenlyWeightedSamples(self): x = list(range(1, 101)) # 1-100 weights = [1 for _ in x] self.assertEqual(50, ycsb._WeightedQuantile(x, weights, 0.50)) self.assertEqual(75, ycsb._WeightedQuantile(x, weights, 0.75)) self.assertEqual(90, ycsb._WeightedQuantile(x, weights, 0.90)) self.assertEqual(95, ycsb._WeightedQuantile(x, weights, 0.95)) self.assertEqual(99, ycsb._WeightedQuantile(x, weights, 0.99)) self.assertEqual(100, ycsb._WeightedQuantile(x, weights, 1)) def testLowWeight(self): x = [1, 4] weights = [99, 1] for i in range(100): self.assertEqual(1, ycsb._WeightedQuantile(x, weights, i / 100.0)) self.assertEqual(4, ycsb._WeightedQuantile(x, weights, 0.995)) def testMidWeight(self): x = [0, 1.2, 4] weights = [1, 98, 1] for i in range(2, 99): self.assertAlmostEqual(1.2, ycsb._WeightedQuantile(x, weights, i / 100.0)) self.assertEqual(4, ycsb._WeightedQuantile(x, weights, 0.995)) class ParseWorkloadTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testParsesEmptyString(self): self.assertDictEqual({}, ycsb._ParseWorkload('')) def testIgnoresComment(self): self.assertDictEqual({}, ycsb._ParseWorkload('#\n')) self.assertDictEqual({}, ycsb._ParseWorkload('#recordcount = 10\n' '# columnfamily=cf')) self.assertDictEqual({'recordcount': '10'}, ycsb._ParseWorkload('#Sample!\nrecordcount = 10')) def testParsesSampleWorkload(self): contents = open_data_file('ycsb_workloada') actual = ycsb._ParseWorkload(contents) expected = { 'recordcount': '1000', 'operationcount': '1000', 'workload': 'com.yahoo.ycsb.workloads.CoreWorkload', 'readallfields': 'true', 'readproportion': '0.5', 'updateproportion': '0.5', 'scanproportion': '0', 'insertproportion': '0', 'requestdistribution': 'zipfian' } self.assertDictEqual(expected, actual) class CombineResultsTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testGroupMissing(self): r1 = { 'client': '', 'command_line': '', 'groups': { 'read': { 'group': 'read', 'statistics': {'Operations': 100, 'Return=0': 100}, 'histogram': [] } } } r2 = { 'client': '', 'command_line': '', 'groups': { 'read': { 'group': 'read', 'statistics': {'Operations': 96, 'Return=0': 94, 'Return=-1': 2}, 'histogram': [] }, 'update': { 'group': 'update', 'statistics': {'Operations': 100, 'AverageLatency(ms)': 25}, 'histogram': [] } } } combined = ycsb._CombineResults([r1, r2], 'histogram', {}) six.assertCountEqual(self, ['read', 'update'], combined['groups']) six.assertCountEqual(self, ['Operations', 'Return=0', 'Return=-1'], combined['groups']['read']['statistics']) read_stats = combined['groups']['read']['statistics'] self.assertEqual({'Operations': 196, 'Return=0': 194, 'Return=-1': 2}, read_stats) def testDropUnaggregatedFromSingleResult(self): r = { 'client': '', 'command_line': '', 'groups': { 'read': { 'group': 'read', 'statistics': {'AverageLatency(ms)': 21}, 'histogram': [] } } } r_copy = copy.deepcopy(r) self.assertEqual(r, r_copy) combined = ycsb._CombineResults([r], 'histogram', {}) self.assertEqual(r, r_copy) r['groups']['read']['statistics'] = {} self.assertEqual(r, combined) class HdrLogsParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testParseHdrLogFile(self): rawlog = """ #[StartTime: 1523565997 (seconds since epoch), Thu Apr 12 20:46:37 UTC 2018] Value Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile) 314.000 0.000000000000 2 1.00 853.000 0.100000000000 49955 1.11 949.000 0.200000000000 100351 1.25 949.000 0.210000000000 100351 1.27 1033.000 0.300000000000 150110 1.43 #[Mean = 1651.145, StdDeviation = 851.707] #[Max = 203903.000, Total count = 499019] #[Buckets = 8, SubBuckets = 2048] """ actual = ycsb.ParseHdrLogFile(rawlog) expected = [(0.0, 0.314, 2), (10.0, 0.853, 49953), (20.0, 0.949, 50396), (30.0, 1.033, 49759)] self.assertEqual(actual, expected) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from django.utils.functional import cached_property from weblate_language_data.countries import DEFAULT_LANGS from zeep import Client from weblate.machinery.base import MachineTranslation MST_API_URL = "http://api.terminology.microsoft.com/Terminology.svc" MST_WSDL_URL = f"{MST_API_URL}?wsdl" class MicrosoftTerminologyService(MachineTranslation): """The Microsoft Terminology Service API. Allows you to programmatically access the terminology, definitions and user interface (UI) strings available on the MS Language Portal through a web service (SOAP). """ name = "Microsoft Terminology" SERVICE = None @cached_property def soap(self): if MicrosoftTerminologyService.SERVICE is None: MicrosoftTerminologyService.SERVICE = Client(MST_WSDL_URL) return MicrosoftTerminologyService.SERVICE def soap_req(self, name, **kwargs): return getattr(self.soap.service, name)(**kwargs) def download_languages(self): """Get list of supported languages.""" languages = self.soap_req("GetLanguages") if not languages: return [] return [lang["Code"] for lang in languages] def download_translations( self, source, language, text: str, unit, user, search: bool, threshold: int = 75, ): """Download list of possible translations from the service.""" args = { "text": text, "from": source, "to": language, "maxTranslations": 20, "sources": ["Terms", "UiStrings"], "searchOperator": "AnyWord", } result = self.soap_req("GetTranslations", **args) # It can return None in some error cases if not result: return for item in result: target = item["Translations"]["Translation"][0]["TranslatedText"] source = item["OriginalText"] yield { "text": target, "quality": self.comparer.similarity(text, source), "service": self.name, "source": source, } def map_language_code(self, code): """Convert language to service specific code. Add country part of locale if missing. """ code = super().map_language_code(code).replace("_", "-").lower() if "-" not in code: for lang in DEFAULT_LANGS: if lang.split("_")[0] == code: return lang.replace("_", "-").lower() return code
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from compare_gan import utils import gin import tensorflow as tf def check_dimensions(d_real, d_fake, d_real_logits, d_fake_logits): """Checks the shapes and ranks of logits and prediction tensors. Args: d_real: prediction for real points, values in [0, 1], shape [batch_size, 1]. d_fake: prediction for fake points, values in [0, 1], shape [batch_size, 1]. d_real_logits: logits for real points, shape [batch_size, 1]. d_fake_logits: logits for fake points, shape [batch_size, 1]. Raises: ValueError: if the ranks or shapes are mismatched. """ def _check_pair(a, b): if a != b: raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: %s vs %s." % (a, b)) if len(a) != 2 or len(b) != 2: raise ValueError("Rank: expected 2, got %s and %s" % (len(a), len(b))) if (d_real is not None) and (d_fake is not None): _check_pair(d_real.shape.as_list(), d_fake.shape.as_list()) if (d_real_logits is not None) and (d_fake_logits is not None): _check_pair(d_real_logits.shape.as_list(), d_fake_logits.shape.as_list()) if (d_real is not None) and (d_real_logits is not None): _check_pair(d_real.shape.as_list(), d_real_logits.shape.as_list()) @gin.configurable(whitelist=[]) def non_saturating(d_real_logits, d_fake_logits, d_real=None, d_fake=None): """Returns the discriminator and generator loss for Non-saturating loss. Args: d_real_logits: logits for real points, shape [batch_size, 1]. d_fake_logits: logits for fake points, shape [batch_size, 1]. d_real: ignored. d_fake: ignored. Returns: A tuple consisting of the discriminator loss, discriminator's loss on the real samples and fake samples, and the generator's loss. """ with tf.name_scope("non_saturating_loss"): check_dimensions(d_real, d_fake, d_real_logits, d_fake_logits) d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=d_real_logits, labels=tf.ones_like(d_real_logits), name="cross_entropy_d_real")) d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=d_fake_logits, labels=tf.zeros_like(d_fake_logits), name="cross_entropy_d_fake")) d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=d_fake_logits, labels=tf.ones_like(d_fake_logits), name="cross_entropy_g")) return d_loss, d_loss_real, d_loss_fake, g_loss @gin.configurable(whitelist=[]) def wasserstein(d_real_logits, d_fake_logits, d_real=None, d_fake=None): """Returns the discriminator and generator loss for Wasserstein loss. Args: d_real_logits: logits for real points, shape [batch_size, 1]. d_fake_logits: logits for fake points, shape [batch_size, 1]. d_real: ignored. d_fake: ignored. Returns: A tuple consisting of the discriminator loss, discriminator's loss on the real samples and fake samples, and the generator's loss. """ with tf.name_scope("wasserstein_loss"): check_dimensions(d_real, d_fake, d_real_logits, d_fake_logits) d_loss_real = -tf.reduce_mean(d_real_logits) d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(d_fake_logits) d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake g_loss = -d_loss_fake return d_loss, d_loss_real, d_loss_fake, g_loss @gin.configurable(whitelist=[]) def least_squares(d_real, d_fake, d_real_logits=None, d_fake_logits=None): """Returns the discriminator and generator loss for the least-squares loss. Args: d_real: prediction for real points, values in [0, 1], shape [batch_size, 1]. d_fake: prediction for fake points, values in [0, 1], shape [batch_size, 1]. d_real_logits: ignored. d_fake_logits: ignored. Returns: A tuple consisting of the discriminator loss, discriminator's loss on the real samples and fake samples, and the generator's loss. """ with tf.name_scope("least_square_loss"): check_dimensions(d_real, d_fake, d_real_logits, d_fake_logits) d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(d_real - 1.0)) d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(d_fake)) d_loss = 0.5 * (d_loss_real + d_loss_fake) g_loss = 0.5 * tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(d_fake - 1.0)) return d_loss, d_loss_real, d_loss_fake, g_loss @gin.configurable(whitelist=[]) def hinge(d_real_logits, d_fake_logits, d_real=None, d_fake=None): """Returns the discriminator and generator loss for the hinge loss. Args: d_real_logits: logits for real points, shape [batch_size, 1]. d_fake_logits: logits for fake points, shape [batch_size, 1]. d_real: ignored. d_fake: ignored. Returns: A tuple consisting of the discriminator loss, discriminator's loss on the real samples and fake samples, and the generator's loss. """ with tf.name_scope("hinge_loss"): check_dimensions(d_real, d_fake, d_real_logits, d_fake_logits) d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.relu(1.0 - d_real_logits)) d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.relu(1.0 + d_fake_logits)) d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake g_loss = - tf.reduce_mean(d_fake_logits) return d_loss, d_loss_real, d_loss_fake, g_loss @gin.configurable("loss", whitelist=["fn"]) def get_losses(fn=non_saturating, **kwargs): """Returns the losses for the discriminator and generator.""" return utils.call_with_accepted_args(fn, **kwargs)
import pytest from homeassistant.components.camera import ( DOMAIN as CAMERA_DOMAIN, SERVICE_DISABLE_MOTION, SERVICE_ENABLE_MOTION, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, STATE_IDLE, STATE_STREAMING, async_get_image, ) from homeassistant.components.demo import DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.async_mock import patch ENTITY_CAMERA = "camera.demo_camera" @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) async def demo_camera(hass): """Initialize a demo camera platform.""" assert await async_setup_component( hass, CAMERA_DOMAIN, {CAMERA_DOMAIN: {"platform": DOMAIN}} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() async def test_init_state_is_streaming(hass): """Demo camera initialize as streaming.""" state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_CAMERA) assert state.state == STATE_STREAMING with patch( "homeassistant.components.demo.camera.Path.read_bytes", return_value=b"ON" ) as mock_read_bytes: image = await async_get_image(hass, ENTITY_CAMERA) assert mock_read_bytes.call_count == 1 assert image.content == b"ON" async def test_turn_on_state_back_to_streaming(hass): """After turn on state back to streaming.""" state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_CAMERA) assert state.state == STATE_STREAMING await hass.services.async_call( CAMERA_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: ENTITY_CAMERA}, blocking=True ) state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_CAMERA) assert state.state == STATE_IDLE await hass.services.async_call( CAMERA_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_ON, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: ENTITY_CAMERA}, blocking=True ) state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_CAMERA) assert state.state == STATE_STREAMING async def test_turn_off_image(hass): """After turn off, Demo camera raise error.""" await hass.services.async_call( CAMERA_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: ENTITY_CAMERA}, blocking=True ) with pytest.raises(HomeAssistantError) as error: await async_get_image(hass, ENTITY_CAMERA) assert error.args[0] == "Camera is off" async def test_turn_off_invalid_camera(hass): """Turn off non-exist camera should quietly fail.""" state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_CAMERA) assert state.state == STATE_STREAMING await hass.services.async_call( CAMERA_DOMAIN, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: "camera.invalid_camera"}, blocking=True, ) state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_CAMERA) assert state.state == STATE_STREAMING async def test_motion_detection(hass): """Test motion detection services.""" # Fetch state and check motion detection attribute state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_CAMERA) assert not state.attributes.get("motion_detection") # Call service to turn on motion detection await hass.services.async_call( CAMERA_DOMAIN, SERVICE_ENABLE_MOTION, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: ENTITY_CAMERA}, blocking=True, ) # Check if state has been updated. state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_CAMERA) assert state.attributes.get("motion_detection") # Call service to turn off motion detection await hass.services.async_call( CAMERA_DOMAIN, SERVICE_DISABLE_MOTION, {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: ENTITY_CAMERA}, blocking=True, ) # Check if state has been updated. state = hass.states.get(ENTITY_CAMERA) assert not state.attributes.get("motion_detection")
from collections import OrderedDict import os import sys sys.path = [os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))] + sys.path os.environ['is_test_suite'] = 'True' import classifiers as classifier_tests import regressors as regressor_tests training_parameters = { 'model_names': ['DeepLearning', 'GradientBoosting', 'XGB', 'LGBM', 'CatBoost'] } # Make this an OrderedDict so that we run the tests in a consistent order test_names = OrderedDict([ ('optimize_final_model_regression', regressor_tests.optimize_final_model_regression), # ('getting_single_predictions_regression', regressor_tests.getting_single_predictions_regression), # ('feature_learning_getting_single_predictions_regression', regressor_tests.feature_learning_getting_single_predictions_regression), # ('categorical_ensembling_regression', regressor_tests.categorical_ensembling_regression), # ('feature_learning_categorical_ensembling_getting_single_predictions_regression', regressor_tests.feature_learning_categorical_ensembling_getting_single_predictions_regression) ]) def test_generator(): for model_name in training_parameters['model_names']: for test_name, test in test_names.items(): test_model_name = model_name + 'Regressor' test.description = str(test_model_name) + '_' + test_name yield test, test_model_name
from homeassistant.components.sensor import DEVICE_CLASS_TIMESTAMP, DOMAIN from homeassistant.const import DATA_MEGABYTES from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from .const import DOMAIN as UNIFI_DOMAIN from .unifi_client import UniFiClient RX_SENSOR = "rx" TX_SENSOR = "tx" UPTIME_SENSOR = "uptime" async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up sensors for UniFi integration.""" controller = hass.data[UNIFI_DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] controller.entities[DOMAIN] = { RX_SENSOR: set(), TX_SENSOR: set(), UPTIME_SENSOR: set(), } @callback def items_added( clients: set = controller.api.clients, devices: set = controller.api.devices ) -> None: """Update the values of the controller.""" if controller.option_allow_bandwidth_sensors: add_bandwith_entities(controller, async_add_entities, clients) if controller.option_allow_uptime_sensors: add_uptime_entities(controller, async_add_entities, clients) for signal in (controller.signal_update, controller.signal_options_update): controller.listeners.append(async_dispatcher_connect(hass, signal, items_added)) items_added() @callback def add_bandwith_entities(controller, async_add_entities, clients): """Add new sensor entities from the controller.""" sensors = [] for mac in clients: for sensor_class in (UniFiRxBandwidthSensor, UniFiTxBandwidthSensor): if mac in controller.entities[DOMAIN][sensor_class.TYPE]: continue client = controller.api.clients[mac] sensors.append(sensor_class(client, controller)) if sensors: async_add_entities(sensors) @callback def add_uptime_entities(controller, async_add_entities, clients): """Add new sensor entities from the controller.""" sensors = [] for mac in clients: if mac in controller.entities[DOMAIN][UniFiUpTimeSensor.TYPE]: continue client = controller.api.clients[mac] sensors.append(UniFiUpTimeSensor(client, controller)) if sensors: async_add_entities(sensors) class UniFiBandwidthSensor(UniFiClient): """UniFi bandwidth sensor base class.""" DOMAIN = DOMAIN @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the client.""" return f"{super().name} {self.TYPE.upper()}" @property def unit_of_measurement(self) -> str: """Return the unit of measurement of this entity.""" return DATA_MEGABYTES async def options_updated(self) -> None: """Config entry options are updated, remove entity if option is disabled.""" if not self.controller.option_allow_bandwidth_sensors: await self.remove_item({self.client.mac}) class UniFiRxBandwidthSensor(UniFiBandwidthSensor): """Receiving bandwidth sensor.""" TYPE = RX_SENSOR @property def state(self) -> int: """Return the state of the sensor.""" if self._is_wired: return self.client.wired_rx_bytes / 1000000 return self.client.rx_bytes / 1000000 class UniFiTxBandwidthSensor(UniFiBandwidthSensor): """Transmitting bandwidth sensor.""" TYPE = TX_SENSOR @property def state(self) -> int: """Return the state of the sensor.""" if self._is_wired: return self.client.wired_tx_bytes / 1000000 return self.client.tx_bytes / 1000000 class UniFiUpTimeSensor(UniFiClient): """UniFi uptime sensor.""" DOMAIN = DOMAIN TYPE = UPTIME_SENSOR @property def device_class(self) -> str: """Return device class.""" return DEVICE_CLASS_TIMESTAMP @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the client.""" return f"{super().name} {self.TYPE.capitalize()}" @property def state(self) -> int: """Return the uptime of the client.""" return dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(float(self.client.uptime)).isoformat() async def options_updated(self) -> None: """Config entry options are updated, remove entity if option is disabled.""" if not self.controller.option_allow_uptime_sensors: await self.remove_item({self.client.mac})
from molecule import logger from molecule.driver import base from molecule import util LOG = logger.get_logger(__name__) class Openstack(base.Base): """ The class responsible for managing `OpenStack`_ instances. `OpenStack`_ is `not` the default driver used in Molecule. Molecule leverages Ansible's `openstack_module`_, by mapping variables from ``molecule.yml`` into ``create.yml`` and ``destroy.yml``. .. _`openstack_module`: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/os_server_module.html .. code-block:: yaml driver: name: openstack platforms: - name: instance .. code-block:: bash $ pip install molecule[openstack] Change the options passed to the ssh client. .. code-block:: yaml driver: name: openstack ssh_connection_options: - -o ControlPath=~/.ansible/cp/%r@%h-%p .. important:: Molecule does not merge lists, when overriding the developer must provide all options. Provide a list of files Molecule will preserve, relative to the scenario ephemeral directory, after any ``destroy`` subcommand execution. .. code-block:: yaml driver: name: openstack safe_files: - foo .. _`OpenStack`: https://www.openstack.org """ # noqa def __init__(self, config): super(Openstack, self).__init__(config) self._name = 'openstack' @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = value @property def login_cmd_template(self): connection_options = ' '.join(self.ssh_connection_options) return ('ssh {{address}} ' '-l {{user}} ' '-p {{port}} ' '-i {{identity_file}} ' '{}').format(connection_options) @property def default_safe_files(self): return [ self.instance_config, ] @property def default_ssh_connection_options(self): return self._get_ssh_connection_options() def login_options(self, instance_name): d = {'instance': instance_name} return util.merge_dicts(d, self._get_instance_config(instance_name)) def ansible_connection_options(self, instance_name): try: d = self._get_instance_config(instance_name) return { 'ansible_user': d['user'], 'ansible_host': d['address'], 'ansible_port': d['port'], 'ansible_private_key_file': d['identity_file'], 'connection': 'ssh', 'ansible_ssh_common_args': ' '.join(self.ssh_connection_options), } except StopIteration: return {} except IOError: # Instance has yet to be provisioned , therefore the # instance_config is not on disk. return {} def _get_instance_config(self, instance_name): instance_config_dict = util.safe_load_file( self._config.driver.instance_config) return next(item for item in instance_config_dict if item['instance'] == instance_name) def sanity_checks(self): # FIXME(decentral1se): Implement sanity checks pass
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import collections import threading from perfkitbenchmarker import errors import six _SPEC_REGISTRY = {} def GetSpecClass(base_class, **kwargs): """Returns the subclass with the corresponding attributes. Args: base_class: The base class of the resource to return (e.g. BaseVmSpec). **kwargs: Every attribute/value of the subclass's ATTRS that were used to register the subclass. Raises: Exception: If no class could be found with matching attributes. """ key = [base_class.__name__] key += sorted(kwargs.items()) return _SPEC_REGISTRY.get(tuple(key), base_class) class BaseSpecMetaClass(type): """Metaclass that allows each BaseSpec derived class to have its own decoders. """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): super(BaseSpecMetaClass, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct) cls._init_decoders_lock = threading.Lock() cls._decoders = collections.OrderedDict() cls._required_options = set() if (all(hasattr(cls, attr) for attr in cls.SPEC_ATTRS) and cls.SPEC_TYPE): key = [cls.SPEC_TYPE] key += sorted([(attr, getattr(cls, attr)) for attr in cls.SPEC_ATTRS]) if tuple(key) in _SPEC_REGISTRY: raise Exception('Subclasses of %s must define unique values for the ' 'attrs: %s.' % (cls.SPEC_TYPE, cls.SPEC_ATTRS)) _SPEC_REGISTRY[tuple(key)] = cls class BaseSpec(six.with_metaclass(BaseSpecMetaClass, object)): """Object decoded from a YAML config.""" # The name of the spec class that will be extended with auto-registered # subclasses. SPEC_TYPE = None # A list of the attributes that are used to register the subclasses. SPEC_ATTRS = ['CLOUD'] # Each derived class has its own copy of the following three variables. They # are initialized by BaseSpecMetaClass.__init__ and later populated by # _InitDecoders when the first instance of the derived class is created. _init_decoders_lock = None # threading.Lock that protects the next two vars. _decoders = None # dict mapping config option name to ConfigOptionDecoder. _required_options = None # set of strings. Required config options. def __init__(self, component_full_name, flag_values=None, **kwargs): """Initializes a BaseSpec. Translates keyword arguments via the class's decoders and assigns the corresponding instance attribute. Derived classes can register decoders for additional attributes by overriding _GetOptionDecoderConstructions and can add support for additional flags by overriding _ApplyFlags. Args: component_full_name: string. Fully qualified name of the configurable component containing the config options. flag_values: None or flags.FlagValues. Runtime flags that may override the provided config option values in kwargs. **kwargs: dict mapping config option names to provided values. Raises: errors.Config.MissingOption: If a config option is required, but a value was not provided in kwargs. errors.Config.UnrecognizedOption: If an unrecognized config option is provided with a value in kwargs. """ if not self._decoders: self._InitDecoders() if flag_values: self._ApplyFlags(kwargs, flag_values) missing_options = self._required_options.difference(kwargs) if missing_options: raise errors.Config.MissingOption( 'Required options were missing from {0}: {1}.'.format( component_full_name, ', '.join(sorted(missing_options)))) unrecognized_options = frozenset(kwargs).difference(self._decoders) if unrecognized_options: raise errors.Config.UnrecognizedOption( 'Unrecognized options were found in {0}: {1}.'.format( component_full_name, ', '.join(sorted(unrecognized_options)))) self._DecodeAndInit(component_full_name, kwargs, self._decoders, flag_values) @classmethod def _InitDecoders(cls): """Creates a ConfigOptionDecoder for each config option. Populates cls._decoders and cls._required_options. """ with cls._init_decoders_lock: if not cls._decoders: constructions = cls._GetOptionDecoderConstructions() for option, decoder_construction in sorted( six.iteritems(constructions)): decoder_class, init_args = decoder_construction decoder = decoder_class(option=option, **init_args) cls._decoders[option] = decoder if decoder.required: cls._required_options.add(option) @classmethod def _ApplyFlags(cls, config_values, flag_values): """Modifies config options based on runtime flag values. Can be overridden by derived classes to add support for specific flags. Args: config_values: dict mapping config option names to provided values. May be modified by this function. flag_values: flags.FlagValues. Runtime flags that may override the provided config values. """ pass @classmethod def _GetOptionDecoderConstructions(cls): """Gets decoder classes and constructor args for each configurable option. Can be overridden by derived classes to add options or impose additional requirements on existing options. Returns: dict. Maps option name string to a (ConfigOptionDecoder class, dict) pair. The pair specifies a decoder class and its __init__() keyword arguments to construct in order to decode the named option. """ return {} def _DecodeAndInit(self, component_full_name, config, decoders, flag_values): """Initializes spec attributes from provided config option values. Args: component_full_name: string. Fully qualified name of the configurable component containing the config options. config: dict mapping option name string to option value. decoders: OrderedDict mapping option name string to ConfigOptionDecoder. flag_values: flags.FlagValues. Runtime flags that may override provided config option values. These flags have already been applied to the current config, but they may be passed to the decoders for propagation to deeper spec constructors. """ assert isinstance(decoders, collections.OrderedDict), ( 'decoders must be an OrderedDict. The order in which options are ' 'decoded must be guaranteed.') for option, decoder in six.iteritems(decoders): if option in config: value = decoder.Decode(config[option], component_full_name, flag_values) else: value = decoder.default setattr(self, option, value)
import pytest from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl from qutebrowser.misc import utilcmds from qutebrowser.api import cmdutils from qutebrowser.utils import objreg def test_repeat_command_initial(mocker, mode_manager): """Test repeat_command first-time behavior. If :repeat-command is called initially, it should err, because there's nothing to repeat. """ objreg_mock = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.misc.utilcmds.objreg') objreg_mock.get.return_value = mode_manager with pytest.raises(cmdutils.CommandError, match="You didn't do anything yet."): utilcmds.repeat_command(win_id=0) class FakeWindow: """Mock class for window_only.""" def __init__(self, deleted=False): self.closed = False self.deleted = deleted def close(self): """Flag as closed.""" self.closed = True def test_window_only(mocker, monkeypatch): """Verify that window_only doesn't close the current or deleted windows.""" test_windows = {0: FakeWindow(), 1: FakeWindow(True), 2: FakeWindow()} winreg_mock = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.misc.utilcmds.objreg') winreg_mock.window_registry = test_windows sip_mock = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.misc.utilcmds.sip') sip_mock.isdeleted.side_effect = lambda window: window.deleted utilcmds.window_only(current_win_id=0) assert not test_windows[0].closed assert not test_windows[1].closed assert test_windows[2].closed @pytest.fixture def tabbed_browser(stubs, win_registry): tb = stubs.TabbedBrowserStub() objreg.register('tabbed-browser', tb, scope='window', window=0) yield tb objreg.delete('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=0) def test_version(tabbed_browser, qapp): utilcmds.version(win_id=0) assert tabbed_browser.loaded_url == QUrl('qute://version/')
import random import string from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.db import models class Author(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) birthday = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) def __str__(self): return self.name def full_clean(self, exclude=None, validate_unique=True): super().full_clean(exclude, validate_unique) if exclude is None: exclude = [] else: exclude = list(exclude) if 'name' not in exclude and self.name == '123': raise ValidationError({'name': "'123' is not a valid value"}) class Category(models.Model): name = models.CharField( max_length=100, unique=True, ) def __str__(self): return self.name class Book(models.Model): name = models.CharField('Book name', max_length=100) author = models.ForeignKey(Author, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) author_email = models.EmailField('Author email', max_length=75, blank=True) imported = models.BooleanField(default=False) published = models.DateField('Published', blank=True, null=True) published_time = models.TimeField('Time published', blank=True, null=True) price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, null=True, blank=True) added = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) categories = models.ManyToManyField(Category, blank=True) def __str__(self): return self.name class Parent(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) def __str__(self): return self.name class Child(models.Model): parent = models.ForeignKey(Parent, on_delete=models.CASCADE) name = models.CharField(max_length=100) def __str__(self): return '%s - child of %s' % (self.name, self.parent.name) class Profile(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField('auth.User', on_delete=models.CASCADE) is_private = models.BooleanField(default=True) class Entry(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey('auth.User', on_delete=models.CASCADE) class Role(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField('auth.User', on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True) class Person(models.Model): role = models.ForeignKey(Role, on_delete=models.CASCADE) class WithDefault(models.Model): name = models.CharField('Default', max_length=75, blank=True, default='foo_bar') def random_name(): chars = string.ascii_lowercase return ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(chars) for _ in range(100)) class WithDynamicDefault(models.Model): name = models.CharField('Dyn Default', max_length=100, default=random_name) class WithFloatField(models.Model): f = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True) class EBook(Book): """Book proxy model to have a separate admin url access and name""" class Meta: proxy = True
from pygal.adapters import none_to_zero, positive from pygal.graph.graph import Graph from pygal.util import alter, cut, decorate class Funnel(Graph): """Funnel graph class""" _adapters = [positive, none_to_zero] def _value_format(self, value): """Format value for dual value display.""" return super(Funnel, self)._value_format(value and abs(value)) def funnel(self, serie): """Draw a funnel slice""" serie_node = self.svg.serie(serie) fmt = lambda x: '%f %f' % x for i, poly in enumerate(serie.points): metadata = serie.metadata.get(i) val = self._format(serie, i) funnels = decorate( self.svg, self.svg.node(serie_node['plot'], class_="funnels"), metadata ) alter( self.svg.node( funnels, 'polygon', points=' '.join(map(fmt, map(self.view, poly))), class_='funnel reactive tooltip-trigger' ), metadata ) # Poly center from label x, y = self.view(( self._center(self._x_pos[serie.index]), sum([point[1] for point in poly]) / len(poly) )) self._tooltip_data( funnels, val, x, y, 'centered', self._get_x_label(serie.index) ) self._static_value(serie_node, val, x, y, metadata) def _center(self, x): return x - 1 / (2 * self._order) def _compute(self): """Compute y min and max and y scale and set labels""" self._x_pos = [ (x + 1) / self._order for x in range(self._order) ] if self._order != 1 else [.5] # Center if only one value previous = [[self.zero, self.zero] for i in range(self._len)] for i, serie in enumerate(self.series): y_height = -sum(serie.safe_values) / 2 all_x_pos = [0] + self._x_pos serie.points = [] for j, value in enumerate(serie.values): poly = [] poly.append((all_x_pos[i], previous[j][0])) poly.append((all_x_pos[i], previous[j][1])) previous[j][0] = y_height y_height = previous[j][1] = y_height + value poly.append((all_x_pos[i + 1], previous[j][1])) poly.append((all_x_pos[i + 1], previous[j][0])) serie.points.append(poly) val_max = max(list(map(sum, cut(self.series, 'values'))) + [self.zero]) self._box.ymin = -val_max self._box.ymax = val_max if self.range and self.range[0] is not None: self._box.ymin = self.range[0] if self.range and self.range[1] is not None: self._box.ymax = self.range[1] def _compute_x_labels(self): self._x_labels = list( zip( self.x_labels and map(self._x_format, self.x_labels) or [ serie.title['title'] if isinstance(serie.title, dict) else serie.title or '' for serie in self.series ], map(self._center, self._x_pos) ) ) def _plot(self): """Plot the funnel""" for serie in self.series: self.funnel(serie)
from tqdm import tqdm from . import units from .chain_transform import chain_transform from matchzoo import DataPack from matchzoo.engine.base_preprocessor import BasePreprocessor from .build_vocab_unit import build_vocab_unit tqdm.pandas() class CDSSMPreprocessor(BasePreprocessor): """CDSSM Model preprocessor.""" def __init__(self, fixed_length_left: int = 10, fixed_length_right: int = 40, with_word_hashing: bool = True): """ CDSSM Model preprocessor. The word hashing step could eats up a lot of memory. To workaround this problem, set `with_word_hashing` to `False` and use a :class:`matchzoo.DynamicDataGenerator` with a :class:`matchzoo.preprocessor.units.WordHashing`. TODO: doc here. :param with_word_hashing: Include a word hashing step if `True`. Example: >>> import matchzoo as mz >>> train_data = mz.datasets.toy.load_data() >>> test_data = mz.datasets.toy.load_data(stage='test') >>> cdssm_preprocessor = mz.preprocessors.CDSSMPreprocessor() >>> train_data_processed = cdssm_preprocessor.fit_transform( ... train_data, verbose=0 ... ) >>> type(train_data_processed) <class 'matchzoo.data_pack.data_pack.DataPack'> >>> test_data_transformed = cdssm_preprocessor.transform(test_data, ... verbose=0) >>> type(test_data_transformed) <class 'matchzoo.data_pack.data_pack.DataPack'> """ super().__init__() self._fixed_length_left = fixed_length_left self._fixed_length_right = fixed_length_right self._left_fixedlength_unit = units.FixedLength( self._fixed_length_left, pad_value='0', pad_mode='post' ) self._right_fixedlength_unit = units.FixedLength( self._fixed_length_right, pad_value='0', pad_mode='post' ) self._with_word_hashing = with_word_hashing def fit(self, data_pack: DataPack, verbose: int = 1): """ Fit pre-processing context for transformation. :param verbose: Verbosity. :param data_pack: Data_pack to be preprocessed. :return: class:`CDSSMPreprocessor` instance. """ fit_units = self._default_units() + [units.NgramLetter()] func = chain_transform(fit_units) data_pack = data_pack.apply_on_text(func, verbose=verbose) vocab_unit = build_vocab_unit(data_pack, verbose=verbose) self._context['vocab_unit'] = vocab_unit vocab_size = len(vocab_unit.state['term_index']) self._context['input_shapes'] = [ (self._fixed_length_left, vocab_size), (self._fixed_length_right, vocab_size) ] return self def transform(self, data_pack: DataPack, verbose: int = 1) -> DataPack: """ Apply transformation on data, create `letter-ngram` representation. :param data_pack: Inputs to be preprocessed. :param verbose: Verbosity. :return: Transformed data as :class:`DataPack` object. """ data_pack = data_pack.copy() func = chain_transform(self._default_units()) data_pack.apply_on_text(func, inplace=True, verbose=verbose) data_pack.apply_on_text(self._left_fixedlength_unit.transform, mode='left', inplace=True, verbose=verbose) data_pack.apply_on_text(self._right_fixedlength_unit.transform, mode='right', inplace=True, verbose=verbose) post_units = [units.NgramLetter(reduce_dim=False)] if self._with_word_hashing: term_index = self._context['vocab_unit'].state['term_index'] post_units.append(units.WordHashing(term_index)) data_pack.apply_on_text(chain_transform(post_units), inplace=True, verbose=verbose) return data_pack @classmethod def _default_units(cls) -> list: """Prepare needed process units.""" return [ units.Tokenize(), units.Lowercase(), units.PuncRemoval(), units.StopRemoval(), ] @property def with_word_hashing(self): """`with_word_hashing` getter.""" return self._with_word_hashing @with_word_hashing.setter def with_word_hashing(self, value): """`with_word_hashing` setter.""" self._with_word_hashing = value
import datetime from sandman2.model import db, Model INVALID_ACTION_MESSAGE = 'Invalid action' class User(db.Model, Model): """A user of the blogging application.""" __tablename__ = 'user' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String) email = db.Column(db.String, unique=True) @staticmethod def is_valid_get(request, resource): """Return error message in all cases (just for testing).""" return INVALID_ACTION_MESSAGE @staticmethod def is_valid_post(request, resource): """Return error message in all cases (just for testing).""" return INVALID_ACTION_MESSAGE @staticmethod def is_valid_patch(request, resource): """Return error message in all cases (just for testing).""" return INVALID_ACTION_MESSAGE @staticmethod def is_valid_put(request, resource): """Return error message in all cases (just for testing).""" return INVALID_ACTION_MESSAGE @staticmethod def is_valid_delete(request, resource): """Return error message in all cases (just for testing).""" return INVALID_ACTION_MESSAGE class Blog(db.Model, Model): """An online weblog.""" __tablename__ = 'blog' id = db.Column(db.String, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String) subheader = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) creator_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('user.id')) creator = db.relationship(User) class Post(db.Model, Model): """An individual blog post.""" __tablename__ = 'post' id = db.Column(db.Numeric, primary_key=True) title = db.Column(db.String) content = db.Column(db.String) posted_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now) author_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('user.id')) author = db.relationship(User)
from __future__ import unicode_literals from lib.data.data import pystrs from lib.fun.decorator import magic from lib.fun.fun import range_compatible def pid4_magic(*args): """chinese id card last 4 digit""" posrule = lambda _: str(_) if _ >= 10 else "0" + str(_) value1516 = " ".join(posrule(x) for x in range_compatible(1, 100)) post18 = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "X") value1718 = "" if pystrs.default_sex == pystrs.sex_range[0]: rand = ("1", "3", "5", "7", "9") for _ in rand: for _p in post18: value1718 += _ + _p + " " elif pystrs.default_sex == pystrs.sex_range[1]: rand = ("0", "2", "4", "6", "8") for _ in rand: for _p in post18: value1718 += _ + _p + " " elif pystrs.default_sex == pystrs.sex_range[2]: rand = " ".join(str(_) for _ in range_compatible(0, 10)) for _ in rand.split(" "): for _p in post18: value1718 += _ + _p + " " @magic def pid4(): for v1516 in value1516.split(" "): for v1718 in value1718.split(" "): if v1718 != "": yield "".join(v1516 + v1718)
from __future__ import unicode_literals from lib.fun.fun import walk_pure_file from lib.data.data import paths, pystrs, pyoptions def sedb_tricks(): for line in walk_pure_file(paths.sedbtrick_path, pure=False): trick = line.split(pyoptions.key_value_split) if len(trick) == 2: if trick[0].strip() == pystrs.sedb_trick_prefix: for _ in trick[1].strip().split(pyoptions.trick_split): pyoptions.sedb_trick_pre.append(_) elif trick[0].strip() == pystrs.sedb_trick_suffix: for _ in trick[1].strip().split(pyoptions.trick_split): pyoptions.sedb_trick_suf.append(_) elif trick[0].strip() == pystrs.sedb_trick_middle: for _ in trick[1].strip().split(pyoptions.trick_split): pyoptions.sedb_trick_mid.append(_)
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import re from perfkitbenchmarker import errors from perfkitbenchmarker.configs import option_decoders from perfkitbenchmarker.configs import spec from perfkitbenchmarker.providers.azure import flags as azure_flags import six class MemoryDecoder(option_decoders.StringDecoder): """Verifies and decodes a config option value specifying a memory size.""" _CONFIG_MEMORY_PATTERN = re.compile(r'([0-9.]+)([GM]iB)') def Decode(self, value, component_full_name, flag_values): """Decodes memory size in MiB from a string. The value specified in the config must be a string representation of the memory size expressed in MiB or GiB. It must be an integer number of MiB Examples: "1280MiB", "7.5GiB". Args: value: The value specified in the config. component_full_name: string. Fully qualified name of the configurable component containing the config option. flag_values: flags.FlagValues. Runtime flag values to be propagated to BaseSpec constructors. Returns: int. Memory size in MiB. Raises: errors.Config.InvalidValue upon invalid input value. """ string = super(MemoryDecoder, self).Decode(value, component_full_name, flag_values) match = self._CONFIG_MEMORY_PATTERN.match(string) if not match: raise errors.Config.InvalidValue( 'Invalid {0} value: "{1}". Examples of valid values: "1280MiB", ' '"7.5GiB".'.format(self._GetOptionFullName(component_full_name), string)) try: memory_value = float(match.group(1)) except ValueError: raise errors.Config.InvalidValue( 'Invalid {0} value: "{1}". "{2}" is not a valid float.'.format( self._GetOptionFullName(component_full_name), string, match.group(1))) memory_units = match.group(2) if memory_units == 'GiB': memory_value *= 1024 memory_mib_int = int(memory_value) if memory_value != memory_mib_int: raise errors.Config.InvalidValue( 'Invalid {0} value: "{1}". The specified size must be an integer ' 'number of MiB.'.format(self._GetOptionFullName(component_full_name), string)) return memory_mib_int class CustomMachineTypeSpec(spec.BaseSpec): """Properties of a custom machine type. Attributes: cpus: int. Number of vCPUs. memory: string. Representation of the size of memory, expressed in MiB or GiB. Must be an integer number of MiB (e.g. "1280MiB", "7.5GiB"). """ @classmethod def _GetOptionDecoderConstructions(cls): """Gets decoder classes and constructor args for each configurable option. Returns: dict. Maps option name string to a (ConfigOptionDecoder class, dict) pair. The pair specifies a decoder class and its __init__() keyword arguments to construct in order to decode the named option. """ result = super(CustomMachineTypeSpec, cls)._GetOptionDecoderConstructions() result.update({'cpus': (option_decoders.IntDecoder, {'min': 1}), 'memory': (MemoryDecoder, {})}) return result class MachineTypeDecoder(option_decoders.TypeVerifier): """Decodes the machine_type option of a VM config.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MachineTypeDecoder, self).__init__((six.string_types + (dict,)), **kwargs) def Decode(self, value, component_full_name, flag_values): """Decodes the machine_type option of a VM config. Args: value: Either a string name of a machine type or a dict containing 'cpu' and 'memory' keys describing a custom VM. component_full_name: string. Fully qualified name of the configurable component containing the config option. flag_values: flags.FlagValues. Runtime flag values to be propagated to BaseSpec constructors. Returns: If value is a string, returns it unmodified. Otherwise, returns the decoded CustomMachineTypeSpec. Raises: errors.Config.InvalidValue upon invalid input value. """ super(MachineTypeDecoder, self).Decode(value, component_full_name, flag_values) if isinstance(value, six.string_types): return value return CustomMachineTypeSpec(self._GetOptionFullName(component_full_name), flag_values=flag_values, **value) class AzureMachineTypeDecoder(option_decoders.TypeVerifier): """Decodes the machine_type option of a VM config.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(AzureMachineTypeDecoder, self).__init__(six.string_types + (dict,), **kwargs) def Decode(self, value, component_full_name, flag_values): """Decodes the machine_type option of a VM config. Args: value: Either a string name of a machine type or a dict containing 'compute_units' and 'tier' keys describing a machine type. component_full_name: string. Fully qualified name of the configurable component containing the config option. flag_values: flags.FlagValues. Runtime flag values to be propagated to BaseSpec constructors. Returns: If value is a string, returns it unmodified. Otherwise, returns the decoded CustomMachineTypeSpec. Raises: errors.Config.InvalidValue upon invalid input value. """ super(AzureMachineTypeDecoder, self).Decode(value, component_full_name, flag_values) if isinstance(value, six.string_types): return value return AzurePerformanceTierDecoder( self._GetOptionFullName(component_full_name), flag_values=flag_values, **value) class AzurePerformanceTierDecoder(spec.BaseSpec): """Properties of a An Azure custom machine type. Attributes: compute_units: int. Number of compute units. tier: Basic, Standard or Premium """ @classmethod def _GetOptionDecoderConstructions(cls): """Gets decoder classes and constructor args for each configurable option. Returns: dict. Maps option name string to a (ConfigOptionDecoder class, dict) pair. The pair specifies a decoder class and its __init__() keyword arguments to construct in order to decode the named option. """ result = super( AzurePerformanceTierDecoder, cls)._GetOptionDecoderConstructions() # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/acu # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-service-tiers result.update({'compute_units': (option_decoders.IntDecoder, {'min': 50}), 'tier': (option_decoders.EnumDecoder, { 'valid_values': azure_flags.VALID_TIERS})}) return result @classmethod def _ApplyFlags(cls, config_values, flag_values): """Modifies config options based on runtime flag values. Can be overridden by derived classes to add support for specific flags. Args: config_values: dict mapping config option names to provided values. May be modified by this function. flag_values: flags.FlagValues. Runtime flags that may override the provided config values. """ if flag_values['azure_tier'].present: config_values['tier'] = flag_values.azure_tier if flag_values['azure_compute_units'].present: config_values['compute_units'] = flag_values.azure_compute_units
from collections import namedtuple import os import statistics import sys import tempfile import time from unittest_mixins.mixins import make_file import coverage from coverage.backward import import_local_file from tests.helpers import SuperModuleCleaner class StressResult(namedtuple('StressResult', ['files', 'calls', 'lines', 'baseline', 'covered'])): @property def overhead(self): return self.covered - self.baseline TEST_FILE = """\ def parent(call_count, line_count): for _ in range(call_count): child(line_count) def child(line_count): for i in range(line_count): x = 1 """ def mk_main(file_count, call_count, line_count): lines = [] lines.extend( "import test{}".format(idx) for idx in range(file_count) ) lines.extend( "test{}.parent({}, {})".format(idx, call_count, line_count) for idx in range(file_count) ) return "\n".join(lines) class StressTest(object): def __init__(self): self.module_cleaner = SuperModuleCleaner() def _run_scenario(self, file_count, call_count, line_count): self.module_cleaner.clean_local_file_imports() for idx in range(file_count): make_file('test{}.py'.format(idx), TEST_FILE) make_file('testmain.py', mk_main(file_count, call_count, line_count)) # Run it once just to get the disk caches loaded up. import_local_file("testmain") self.module_cleaner.clean_local_file_imports() # Run it to get the baseline time. start = time.perf_counter() import_local_file("testmain") baseline = time.perf_counter() - start self.module_cleaner.clean_local_file_imports() # Run it to get the covered time. start = time.perf_counter() cov = coverage.Coverage() cov.start() try: # pragma: nested # Import the Python file, executing it. import_local_file("testmain") finally: # pragma: nested # Stop coverage.py. covered = time.perf_counter() - start stats = cov._collector.tracers[0].get_stats() if stats: stats = stats.copy() cov.stop() return baseline, covered, stats def _compute_overhead(self, file_count, call_count, line_count): baseline, covered, stats = self._run_scenario(file_count, call_count, line_count) #print("baseline = {:.2f}, covered = {:.2f}".format(baseline, covered)) # Empirically determined to produce the same numbers as the collected # stats from get_stats(), with Python 3.6. actual_file_count = 17 + file_count actual_call_count = file_count * call_count + 156 * file_count + 85 actual_line_count = ( 2 * file_count * call_count * line_count + 3 * file_count * call_count + 769 * file_count + 345 ) if stats is not None: assert actual_file_count == stats['files'] assert actual_call_count == stats['calls'] assert actual_line_count == stats['lines'] print("File counts", file_count, actual_file_count, stats['files']) print("Call counts", call_count, actual_call_count, stats['calls']) print("Line counts", line_count, actual_line_count, stats['lines']) print() return StressResult( actual_file_count, actual_call_count, actual_line_count, baseline, covered, ) fixed = 200 numlo = 100 numhi = 100 step = 50 runs = 5 def count_operations(self): def operations(thing): for _ in range(self.runs): for n in range(self.numlo, self.numhi+1, self.step): kwargs = { "file_count": self.fixed, "call_count": self.fixed, "line_count": self.fixed, } kwargs[thing+"_count"] = n yield kwargs['file_count'] * kwargs['call_count'] * kwargs['line_count'] ops = sum(sum(operations(thing)) for thing in ["file", "call", "line"]) print("{:.1f}M operations".format(ops/1e6)) def check_coefficients(self): # For checking the calculation of actual stats: for f in range(1, 6): for c in range(1, 6): for l in range(1, 6): _, _, stats = self._run_scenario(f, c, l) print("{0},{1},{2},{3[files]},{3[calls]},{3[lines]}".format(f, c, l, stats)) def stress_test(self): # For checking the overhead for each component: def time_thing(thing): per_thing = [] pct_thing = [] for _ in range(self.runs): for n in range(self.numlo, self.numhi+1, self.step): kwargs = { "file_count": self.fixed, "call_count": self.fixed, "line_count": self.fixed, } kwargs[thing+"_count"] = n res = self._compute_overhead(**kwargs) per_thing.append(res.overhead / getattr(res, "{}s".format(thing))) pct_thing.append(res.covered / res.baseline * 100) out = "Per {}: ".format(thing) out += "mean = {:9.3f}us, stddev = {:8.3f}us, ".format( statistics.mean(per_thing)*1e6, statistics.stdev(per_thing)*1e6 ) out += "min = {:9.3f}us, ".format(min(per_thing)*1e6) out += "pct = {:6.1f}%, stddev = {:6.1f}%".format( statistics.mean(pct_thing), statistics.stdev(pct_thing) ) print(out) time_thing("file") time_thing("call") time_thing("line") if __name__ == '__main__': with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="coverage_stress_") as tempdir: print("Working in {}".format(tempdir)) os.chdir(tempdir) sys.path.insert(0, ".") StressTest().stress_test()
import re from datetime import timedelta from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from weblate.checks.base import SourceCheck from weblate.utils.state import STATE_EMPTY, STATE_FUZZY # Matches (s) not followed by alphanumeric chars or at the end PLURAL_MATCH = re.compile(r"\(s\)(\W|\Z)") class OptionalPluralCheck(SourceCheck): """Check for not used plural form.""" check_id = "optional_plural" name = _("Unpluralised") description = _("The string is used as plural, but not using plural forms") def check_source_unit(self, source, unit): if len(source) > 1: return False return len(PLURAL_MATCH.findall(source[0])) > 0 class EllipsisCheck(SourceCheck): """Check for using "..." instead of "…".""" check_id = "ellipsis" name = _("Ellipsis") description = _( "The string uses three dots (...) " "instead of an ellipsis character (…)" ) def check_source_unit(self, source, unit): return "..." in source[0] class MultipleFailingCheck(SourceCheck): """Check whether there are more failing checks on this translation.""" check_id = "multiple_failures" name = _("Multiple failing checks") description = _("The translations in several languages have failing checks") def check_source_unit(self, source, unit): from weblate.checks.models import Check related = Check.objects.filter(unit__in=unit.unit_set.exclude(pk=unit.id)) return related.count() >= 2 class LongUntranslatedCheck(SourceCheck): check_id = "long_untranslated" name = _("Long untranslated") description = _("The string has not been translated for a long time") def check_source_unit(self, source, unit): if unit.timestamp > timezone.now() - timedelta(days=90): return False states = list(unit.unit_set.values_list("state", flat=True)) total = len(states) not_translated = states.count(STATE_EMPTY) + states.count(STATE_FUZZY) translated_percent = 100 * (total - not_translated) / total return ( total and 2 * translated_percent < unit.translation.component.stats.lazy_translated_percent )
from stash.tests.stashtest import StashTestCase class CowsayTests(StashTestCase): """tests for cowsay""" def test_help(self): """test help output""" output = self.run_command("cowsay --help", exitcode=0) self.assertIn("cowsay", output) self.assertIn("--help", output) self.assertIn("usage:", output) def test_singleline_1(self): """test for correct text in output""" output = self.run_command("cowsay test", exitcode=0) self.assertIn("test", output) self.assertNotIn("Hello, World!", output) self.assertEqual(output.count("<"), 1) self.assertEqual(output.count(">"), 1) def test_singleline_1(self): """test for correct text in output""" output = self.run_command("cowsay Hello, World!", exitcode=0) self.assertIn("Hello, World!", output) self.assertNotIn("test", output) self.assertEqual(output.count("<"), 1) self.assertEqual(output.count(">"), 1) def test_stdin_read(self): """test 'echo test | cowsay' printing 'test'""" output = self.run_command("echo test | cowsay", exitcode=0) self.assertIn("test", output) self.assertNotIn("Hello, World!", output) def test_stdin_ignore(self): """test 'echo test | cowsay Hello, World!' printing 'Hello World!'""" output = self.run_command("echo test | cowsay Hello, World!", exitcode=0) self.assertIn("Hello, World!", output) self.assertNotIn("test", output) def test_multiline_1(self): """test for correct multiline output""" output = self.run_command("cowsay Hello,\\nWorld!", exitcode=0) self.assertIn("Hello,", output) self.assertIn("World!", output) self.assertNotIn("Hello,\nWorld!", output) # text should be splitted allong the lines self.assertIn("/", output) self.assertIn("\\", output) self.assertNotIn("<", output) self.assertNotIn(">", output) def test_multiline_2(self): """test for correct multiline output""" output = self.run_command("cowsay Hello,\\nWorld!\\nPython4Ever", exitcode=0) self.assertIn("Hello,", output) self.assertIn("World!", output) self.assertIn("Python4Ever", output) self.assertNotIn("Hello,\nWorld!\nPython4Ever", output) # text should be splitted allong the lines self.assertIn("/", output) self.assertIn("\\", output) self.assertIn("|", output) self.assertNotIn("<", output) self.assertNotIn(">", output)
from typing import Dict, List import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, CONF_CONDITION, CONF_DEVICE_ID, CONF_DOMAIN, CONF_ENTITY_ID, CONF_TYPE, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.helpers import condition, config_validation as cv, entity_registry from homeassistant.helpers.config_validation import DEVICE_CONDITION_BASE_SCHEMA from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, TemplateVarsType from . import DOMAIN, const CONDITION_TYPES = {"is_hvac_mode", "is_preset_mode"} HVAC_MODE_CONDITION = DEVICE_CONDITION_BASE_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_id, vol.Required(CONF_TYPE): "is_hvac_mode", vol.Required(const.ATTR_HVAC_MODE): vol.In(const.HVAC_MODES), } ) PRESET_MODE_CONDITION = DEVICE_CONDITION_BASE_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_id, vol.Required(CONF_TYPE): "is_preset_mode", vol.Required(const.ATTR_PRESET_MODE): str, } ) CONDITION_SCHEMA = vol.Any(HVAC_MODE_CONDITION, PRESET_MODE_CONDITION) async def async_get_conditions( hass: HomeAssistant, device_id: str ) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """List device conditions for Climate devices.""" registry = await entity_registry.async_get_registry(hass) conditions = [] # Get all the integrations entities for this device for entry in entity_registry.async_entries_for_device(registry, device_id): if entry.domain != DOMAIN: continue state = hass.states.get(entry.entity_id) conditions.append( { CONF_CONDITION: "device", CONF_DEVICE_ID: device_id, CONF_DOMAIN: DOMAIN, CONF_ENTITY_ID: entry.entity_id, CONF_TYPE: "is_hvac_mode", } ) if ( state and state.attributes[ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES] & const.SUPPORT_PRESET_MODE ): conditions.append( { CONF_CONDITION: "device", CONF_DEVICE_ID: device_id, CONF_DOMAIN: DOMAIN, CONF_ENTITY_ID: entry.entity_id, CONF_TYPE: "is_preset_mode", } ) return conditions @callback def async_condition_from_config( config: ConfigType, config_validation: bool ) -> condition.ConditionCheckerType: """Create a function to test a device condition.""" if config_validation: config = CONDITION_SCHEMA(config) if config[CONF_TYPE] == "is_hvac_mode": attribute = const.ATTR_HVAC_MODE else: attribute = const.ATTR_PRESET_MODE def test_is_state(hass: HomeAssistant, variables: TemplateVarsType) -> bool: """Test if an entity is a certain state.""" state = hass.states.get(config[ATTR_ENTITY_ID]) return state and state.attributes.get(attribute) == config[attribute] return test_is_state async def async_get_condition_capabilities(hass, config): """List condition capabilities.""" state = hass.states.get(config[CONF_ENTITY_ID]) condition_type = config[CONF_TYPE] fields = {} if condition_type == "is_hvac_mode": hvac_modes = state.attributes[const.ATTR_HVAC_MODES] if state else [] fields[vol.Required(const.ATTR_HVAC_MODE)] = vol.In(hvac_modes) elif condition_type == "is_preset_mode": if state: preset_modes = state.attributes.get(const.ATTR_PRESET_MODES, []) else: preset_modes = [] fields[vol.Required(const.ATTR_PRESET_MODES)] = vol.In(preset_modes) return {"extra_fields": vol.Schema(fields)}
from django.test import TestCase from mots_vides import stop_words from zinnia import comparison from zinnia.comparison import CachedModelVectorBuilder from zinnia.comparison import ModelVectorBuilder from zinnia.comparison import pearson_score from zinnia.models.entry import Entry from zinnia.signals import disconnect_entry_signals class ComparisonTestCase(TestCase): """Test cases for comparison tools""" def setUp(self): english_stop_words = stop_words('english') self.original_stop_words = comparison.STOP_WORDS comparison.STOP_WORDS = english_stop_words disconnect_entry_signals() def tearDown(self): comparison.STOP_WORDS = self.original_stop_words def test_raw_dataset(self): params = {'title': 'My entry 1', 'content': 'My content 1.', 'tags': 'zinnia, test', 'slug': 'my-entry-1'} Entry.objects.create(**params) params = {'title': 'My entry 2', 'content': 'My content 2.', 'tags': 'zinnia, test', 'slug': 'my-entry-2'} Entry.objects.create(**params) v = ModelVectorBuilder(queryset=Entry.objects.all(), fields=['title']) with self.assertNumQueries(1): self.assertEqual(len(v.raw_dataset), 2) self.assertEqual(sorted(v.raw_dataset.values()), [['entry'], ['entry']]) v = ModelVectorBuilder(queryset=Entry.objects.all(), fields=['title', 'content', 'tags']) self.assertEqual(sorted(v.raw_dataset.values()), [['entry', 'content', 'zinnia', 'test'], ['entry', 'content', 'zinnia', 'test']]) v = ModelVectorBuilder(queryset=Entry.objects.all().order_by('-pk'), fields=['title'], limit=1) self.assertEqual(list(v.raw_dataset.values()), [['entry']]) def test_column_dataset(self): vectors = ModelVectorBuilder(queryset=Entry.objects.all(), fields=['title', 'excerpt', 'content']) with self.assertNumQueries(1): self.assertEqual(vectors.dataset, {}) self.assertEqual(vectors.columns, []) params = {'title': 'My entry 1 (01)', 'content': 'This is my first content 1 (01)', 'slug': 'my-entry-1'} e1 = Entry.objects.create(**params) params = {'title': 'My entry 2 (02)', 'content': 'My second content entry 2 (02)', 'slug': 'my-entry-2'} e2 = Entry.objects.create(**params) vectors = ModelVectorBuilder(queryset=Entry.objects.all(), fields=['title', 'excerpt', 'content']) self.assertEqual(vectors.columns, ['01', '02', 'content', 'entry']) self.assertEqual(vectors.dataset[e1.pk], [2, 0, 1, 1]) self.assertEqual(vectors.dataset[e2.pk], [0, 2, 1, 2]) def test_pearson_score(self): self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, pearson_score, [42], [42]) self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, pearson_score, [2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 1]) self.assertEqual(pearson_score([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]), 1.0) self.assertEqual(pearson_score([0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 2]), 0.9819805060619656) self.assertEqual(pearson_score([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3]), 0.9819805060619656) self.assertEqual(pearson_score([2, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1]), -1) def test_compute_related(self): class VirtualVectorBuilder(ModelVectorBuilder): dataset = {1: [1, 2, 3], 2: [1, 5, 7], 3: [2, 8, 3], 4: [1, 8, 3], 5: [7, 3, 5]} v = VirtualVectorBuilder() self.assertEqual(v.compute_related('error'), []) self.assertEqual(v.compute_related(1), [(2, 0.9819805060619659), (4, 0.2773500981126146), (3, 0.15554275420956382), (5, -0.5)]) self.assertEqual(v.compute_related(2), [(1, 0.9819805060619659), (4, 0.4539206495016019), (3, 0.33942211665106525), (5, -0.6546536707079772)]) self.assertEqual(v.compute_related(3), [(4, 0.9922153572367627), (2, 0.33942211665106525), (1, 0.15554275420956382), (5, -0.9332565252573828)]) self.assertEqual(v.compute_related(4), [(3, 0.9922153572367627), (2, 0.4539206495016019), (1, 0.2773500981126146), (5, -0.9707253433941511)]) v.dataset[2] = [0, 0, 0] self.assertEqual(v.compute_related(1), [(4, 0.2773500981126146), (3, 0.15554275420956382), (5, -0.5)]) def test_get_related(self): params = {'title': 'My entry 01', 'content': 'This is my first content 01', 'slug': 'my-entry-1'} e1 = Entry.objects.create(**params) vectors = ModelVectorBuilder(queryset=Entry.objects.all(), fields=['title', 'content']) with self.assertNumQueries(1): self.assertEqual(vectors.get_related(e1, 10), []) params = {'title': 'My entry 02', 'content': 'My second content entry 02', 'slug': 'my-entry-2'} e2 = Entry.objects.create(**params) with self.assertNumQueries(0): self.assertEqual(vectors.get_related(e1, 10), []) vectors = ModelVectorBuilder(queryset=Entry.objects.all(), fields=['title', 'content']) with self.assertNumQueries(2): self.assertEqual(vectors.get_related(e1, 10), [e2]) with self.assertNumQueries(1): self.assertEqual(vectors.get_related(e1, 10), [e2]) def test_cached_vector_builder(self): params = {'title': 'My entry number 1', 'content': 'My content number 1', 'slug': 'my-entry-1'} e1 = Entry.objects.create(**params) v = CachedModelVectorBuilder( queryset=Entry.objects.all(), fields=['title', 'content']) with self.assertNumQueries(1): self.assertEqual(len(v.columns), 3) with self.assertNumQueries(0): self.assertEqual(len(v.columns), 3) with self.assertNumQueries(0): self.assertEqual(v.get_related(e1, 5), []) for i in range(1, 3): params = {'title': 'My entry %s' % i, 'content': 'My content %s' % i, 'slug': 'my-entry-%s' % i} Entry.objects.create(**params) v = CachedModelVectorBuilder( queryset=Entry.objects.all(), fields=['title', 'content']) with self.assertNumQueries(0): self.assertEqual(len(v.columns), 3) with self.assertNumQueries(0): self.assertEqual(v.get_related(e1, 5), []) v.cache_flush() with self.assertNumQueries(2): self.assertEqual(len(v.get_related(e1, 5)), 2) with self.assertNumQueries(0): self.assertEqual(len(v.get_related(e1, 5)), 2) with self.assertNumQueries(0): self.assertEqual(len(v.columns), 3) v = CachedModelVectorBuilder( queryset=Entry.objects.all(), fields=['title', 'content']) with self.assertNumQueries(0): self.assertEqual(len(v.columns), 3) with self.assertNumQueries(0): self.assertEqual(len(v.get_related(e1, 5)), 2) def test_raw_clean(self): v = ModelVectorBuilder(queryset=Entry.objects.none(), fields=['title']) self.assertEqual(v.raw_clean('<p>HTML Content</p>'), ['html', 'content']) self.assertEqual(v.raw_clean('<p>An HTML Content</p>'), ['html', 'content']) self.assertEqual(v.raw_clean('<p>An HTML Content 2</p>'), ['html', 'content']) self.assertEqual(v.raw_clean('<p>!HTML Content ?</p>'), ['html', 'content'])
import asyncio from copy import deepcopy import logging from blinkpy.auth import Auth from blinkpy.blinkpy import Blink import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components import persistent_notification from homeassistant.components.blink.const import ( DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL, DOMAIN, PLATFORMS, SERVICE_REFRESH, SERVICE_SAVE_VIDEO, SERVICE_SEND_PIN, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_FILENAME, CONF_NAME, CONF_PIN, CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.exceptions import ConfigEntryNotReady from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SERVICE_SAVE_VIDEO_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_FILENAME): cv.string} ) SERVICE_SEND_PIN_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({vol.Optional(CONF_PIN): cv.string}) def _blink_startup_wrapper(hass, entry): """Startup wrapper for blink.""" blink = Blink() auth_data = deepcopy(dict(entry.data)) blink.auth = Auth(auth_data, no_prompt=True) blink.refresh_rate = entry.options.get(CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL) if blink.start(): blink.setup_post_verify() elif blink.auth.check_key_required(): _LOGGER.debug("Attempting a reauth flow") _reauth_flow_wrapper(hass, auth_data) return blink def _reauth_flow_wrapper(hass, data): """Reauth flow wrapper.""" hass.add_job( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": "reauth"}, data=data ) ) persistent_notification.async_create( hass, "Blink configuration migrated to a new version. Please go to the integrations page to re-configure (such as sending a new 2FA key).", "Blink Migration", ) async def async_setup(hass, config): """Set up a Blink component.""" hass.data[DOMAIN] = {} return True async def async_migrate_entry(hass, entry): """Handle migration of a previous version config entry.""" data = {**entry.data} if entry.version == 1: data.pop("login_response", None) await hass.async_add_executor_job(_reauth_flow_wrapper, hass, data) return False return True async def async_setup_entry(hass, entry): """Set up Blink via config entry.""" _async_import_options_from_data_if_missing(hass, entry) hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] = await hass.async_add_executor_job( _blink_startup_wrapper, hass, entry ) if not hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id].available: raise ConfigEntryNotReady for component in PLATFORMS: hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_setup(entry, component) ) def blink_refresh(event_time=None): """Call blink to refresh info.""" hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id].refresh(force_cache=True) async def async_save_video(call): """Call save video service handler.""" await async_handle_save_video_service(hass, entry, call) def send_pin(call): """Call blink to send new pin.""" pin = call.data[CONF_PIN] hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id].auth.send_auth_key( hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id], pin, ) hass.services.async_register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_REFRESH, blink_refresh) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SAVE_VIDEO, async_save_video, schema=SERVICE_SAVE_VIDEO_SCHEMA ) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SEND_PIN, send_pin, schema=SERVICE_SEND_PIN_SCHEMA ) return True @callback def _async_import_options_from_data_if_missing(hass, entry): options = dict(entry.options) if CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL not in entry.options: options[CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL] = entry.data.get( CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL ) hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(entry, options=options) async def async_unload_entry(hass, entry): """Unload Blink entry.""" unload_ok = all( await asyncio.gather( *[ hass.config_entries.async_forward_entry_unload(entry, component) for component in PLATFORMS ] ) ) if not unload_ok: return False hass.data[DOMAIN].pop(entry.entry_id) if len(hass.data[DOMAIN]) != 0: return True hass.services.async_remove(DOMAIN, SERVICE_REFRESH) hass.services.async_remove(DOMAIN, SERVICE_SAVE_VIDEO_SCHEMA) hass.services.async_remove(DOMAIN, SERVICE_SEND_PIN) return True async def async_handle_save_video_service(hass, entry, call): """Handle save video service calls.""" camera_name = call.data[CONF_NAME] video_path = call.data[CONF_FILENAME] if not hass.config.is_allowed_path(video_path): _LOGGER.error("Can't write %s, no access to path!", video_path) return def _write_video(camera_name, video_path): """Call video write.""" all_cameras = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id].cameras if camera_name in all_cameras: all_cameras[camera_name].video_to_file(video_path) try: await hass.async_add_executor_job(_write_video, camera_name, video_path) except OSError as err: _LOGGER.error("Can't write image to file: %s", err)
from flask import current_app from lemur.plugins.base import plugins class Metrics(object): """ :param app: The Flask application object. Defaults to None. """ _providers = [] def __init__(self, app=None): if app is not None: self.init_app(app) def init_app(self, app): """Initializes the application with the extension. :param app: The Flask application object. """ self._providers = app.config.get("METRIC_PROVIDERS", []) def send(self, metric_name, metric_type, metric_value, *args, **kwargs): for provider in self._providers: current_app.logger.debug( "Sending metric '{metric}' to the {provider} provider.".format( metric=metric_name, provider=provider ) ) p = plugins.get(provider) p.submit(metric_name, metric_type, metric_value, *args, **kwargs)