import logging from typing import List import eiscp from eiscp import eISCP import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.media_player import PLATFORM_SCHEMA, MediaPlayerEntity from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( DOMAIN, SUPPORT_PLAY, SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA, SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE, SUPPORT_TURN_OFF, SUPPORT_TURN_ON, SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE, SUPPORT_VOLUME_SET, SUPPORT_VOLUME_STEP, ) from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, ) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_SOURCES = "sources" CONF_MAX_VOLUME = "max_volume" CONF_RECEIVER_MAX_VOLUME = "receiver_max_volume" DEFAULT_NAME = "Onkyo Receiver" SUPPORTED_MAX_VOLUME = 100 DEFAULT_RECEIVER_MAX_VOLUME = 80 SUPPORT_ONKYO = ( SUPPORT_VOLUME_SET | SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE | SUPPORT_VOLUME_STEP | SUPPORT_TURN_ON | SUPPORT_TURN_OFF | SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE | SUPPORT_PLAY | SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA ) SUPPORT_ONKYO_WO_VOLUME = ( SUPPORT_TURN_ON | SUPPORT_TURN_OFF | SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE | SUPPORT_PLAY | SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA ) KNOWN_HOSTS: List[str] = [] DEFAULT_SOURCES = { "tv": "TV", "bd": "Bluray", "game": "Game", "aux1": "Aux1", "video1": "Video 1", "video2": "Video 2", "video3": "Video 3", "video4": "Video 4", "video5": "Video 5", "video6": "Video 6", "video7": "Video 7", "fm": "Radio", } DEFAULT_PLAYABLE_SOURCES = ("fm", "am", "tuner") PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Optional(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_MAX_VOLUME, default=SUPPORTED_MAX_VOLUME): vol.All( vol.Coerce(int), vol.Range(min=1, max=100) ), vol.Optional( CONF_RECEIVER_MAX_VOLUME, default=DEFAULT_RECEIVER_MAX_VOLUME ): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_SOURCES, default=DEFAULT_SOURCES): {cv.string: cv.string}, } ) TIMEOUT_MESSAGE = "Timeout waiting for response." ATTR_HDMI_OUTPUT = "hdmi_output" ATTR_PRESET = "preset" ACCEPTED_VALUES = [ "no", "analog", "yes", "out", "out-sub", "sub", "hdbaset", "both", "up", ] ONKYO_SELECT_OUTPUT_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_ENTITY_ID): cv.entity_ids, vol.Required(ATTR_HDMI_OUTPUT): vol.In(ACCEPTED_VALUES), } ) SERVICE_SELECT_HDMI_OUTPUT = "onkyo_select_hdmi_output" def determine_zones(receiver): """Determine what zones are available for the receiver.""" out = {"zone2": False, "zone3": False} try: _LOGGER.debug("Checking for zone 2 capability") receiver.raw("ZPWQSTN") out["zone2"] = True except ValueError as error: if str(error) != TIMEOUT_MESSAGE: raise error _LOGGER.debug("Zone 2 timed out, assuming no functionality") try: _LOGGER.debug("Checking for zone 3 capability") receiver.raw("PW3QSTN") out["zone3"] = True except ValueError as error: if str(error) != TIMEOUT_MESSAGE: raise error _LOGGER.debug("Zone 3 timed out, assuming no functionality") except AssertionError: _LOGGER.error("Zone 3 detection failed") return out def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Onkyo platform.""" host = config.get(CONF_HOST) hosts = [] def service_handle(service): """Handle for services.""" entity_ids = service.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) devices = [d for d in hosts if d.entity_id in entity_ids] for device in devices: if service.service == SERVICE_SELECT_HDMI_OUTPUT: device.select_output(service.data.get(ATTR_HDMI_OUTPUT)) hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_SELECT_HDMI_OUTPUT, service_handle, schema=ONKYO_SELECT_OUTPUT_SCHEMA, ) if CONF_HOST in config and host not in KNOWN_HOSTS: try: receiver = eiscp.eISCP(host) hosts.append( OnkyoDevice( receiver, config.get(CONF_SOURCES), name=config.get(CONF_NAME), max_volume=config.get(CONF_MAX_VOLUME), receiver_max_volume=config.get(CONF_RECEIVER_MAX_VOLUME), ) ) KNOWN_HOSTS.append(host) zones = determine_zones(receiver) # Add Zone2 if available if zones["zone2"]: _LOGGER.debug("Setting up zone 2") hosts.append( OnkyoDeviceZone( "2", receiver, config.get(CONF_SOURCES), name=f"{config[CONF_NAME]} Zone 2", max_volume=config.get(CONF_MAX_VOLUME), receiver_max_volume=config.get(CONF_RECEIVER_MAX_VOLUME), ) ) # Add Zone3 if available if zones["zone3"]: _LOGGER.debug("Setting up zone 3") hosts.append( OnkyoDeviceZone( "3", receiver, config.get(CONF_SOURCES), name=f"{config[CONF_NAME]} Zone 3", max_volume=config.get(CONF_MAX_VOLUME), receiver_max_volume=config.get(CONF_RECEIVER_MAX_VOLUME), ) ) except OSError: _LOGGER.error("Unable to connect to receiver at %s", host) else: for receiver in eISCP.discover(): if receiver.host not in KNOWN_HOSTS: hosts.append(OnkyoDevice(receiver, config.get(CONF_SOURCES))) KNOWN_HOSTS.append(receiver.host) add_entities(hosts, True) class OnkyoDevice(MediaPlayerEntity): """Representation of an Onkyo device.""" def __init__( self, receiver, sources, name=None, max_volume=SUPPORTED_MAX_VOLUME, receiver_max_volume=DEFAULT_RECEIVER_MAX_VOLUME, ): """Initialize the Onkyo Receiver.""" self._receiver = receiver self._muted = False self._volume = 0 self._pwstate = STATE_OFF self._name = ( name or f"{receiver.info['model_name']}_{receiver.info['identifier']}" ) self._max_volume = max_volume self._receiver_max_volume = receiver_max_volume self._current_source = None self._source_list = list(sources.values()) self._source_mapping = sources self._reverse_mapping = {value: key for key, value in sources.items()} self._attributes = {} self._hdmi_out_supported = True def command(self, command): """Run an eiscp command and catch connection errors.""" try: result = self._receiver.command(command) except (ValueError, OSError, AttributeError, AssertionError): if self._receiver.command_socket: self._receiver.command_socket = None _LOGGER.debug("Resetting connection to %s", self._name) else: _LOGGER.info("%s is disconnected. Attempting to reconnect", self._name) return False _LOGGER.debug("Result for %s: %s", command, result) return result def update(self): """Get the latest state from the device.""" status = self.command("system-power query") if not status: return if status[1] == "on": self._pwstate = STATE_ON else: self._pwstate = STATE_OFF return volume_raw = self.command("volume query") mute_raw = self.command("audio-muting query") current_source_raw = self.command("input-selector query") # If the following command is sent to a device with only one HDMI out, # the display shows 'Not Available'. # We avoid this by checking if HDMI out is supported if self._hdmi_out_supported: hdmi_out_raw = self.command("hdmi-output-selector query") else: hdmi_out_raw = [] preset_raw = self.command("preset query") if not (volume_raw and mute_raw and current_source_raw): return # eiscp can return string or tuple. Make everything tuples. if isinstance(current_source_raw[1], str): current_source_tuples = (current_source_raw[0], (current_source_raw[1],)) else: current_source_tuples = current_source_raw for source in current_source_tuples[1]: if source in self._source_mapping: self._current_source = self._source_mapping[source] break self._current_source = "_".join(current_source_tuples[1]) if preset_raw and self._current_source.lower() == "radio": self._attributes[ATTR_PRESET] = preset_raw[1] elif ATTR_PRESET in self._attributes: del self._attributes[ATTR_PRESET] self._muted = bool(mute_raw[1] == "on") # AMP_VOL/MAX_RECEIVER_VOL*(MAX_VOL/100) self._volume = ( volume_raw[1] / self._receiver_max_volume * (self._max_volume / 100) ) if not hdmi_out_raw: return self._attributes["video_out"] = ",".join(hdmi_out_raw[1]) if hdmi_out_raw[1] == "N/A": self._hdmi_out_supported = False @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the device.""" return self._pwstate @property def volume_level(self): """Return the volume level of the media player (0..1).""" return self._volume @property def is_volume_muted(self): """Return boolean indicating mute status.""" return self._muted @property def supported_features(self): """Return media player features that are supported.""" return SUPPORT_ONKYO @property def source(self): """Return the current input source of the device.""" return self._current_source @property def source_list(self): """List of available input sources.""" return self._source_list @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return device specific state attributes.""" return self._attributes def turn_off(self): """Turn the media player off.""" self.command("system-power standby") def set_volume_level(self, volume): """ Set volume level, input is range 0..1. However full volume on the amp is usually far too loud so allow the user to specify the upper range with CONF_MAX_VOLUME. we change as per max_volume set by user. This means that if max volume is 80 then full volume in HA will give 80% volume on the receiver. Then we convert that to the correct scale for the receiver. """ # HA_VOL * (MAX VOL / 100) * MAX_RECEIVER_VOL self.command( f"volume {int(volume * (self._max_volume / 100) * self._receiver_max_volume)}" ) def volume_up(self): """Increase volume by 1 step.""" self.command("volume level-up") def volume_down(self): """Decrease volume by 1 step.""" self.command("volume level-down") def mute_volume(self, mute): """Mute (true) or unmute (false) media player.""" if mute: self.command("audio-muting on") else: self.command("audio-muting off") def turn_on(self): """Turn the media player on.""" self.command("system-power on") def select_source(self, source): """Set the input source.""" if source in self._source_list: source = self._reverse_mapping[source] self.command(f"input-selector {source}") def play_media(self, media_type, media_id, **kwargs): """Play radio station by preset number.""" source = self._reverse_mapping[self._current_source] if media_type.lower() == "radio" and source in DEFAULT_PLAYABLE_SOURCES: self.command(f"preset {media_id}") def select_output(self, output): """Set hdmi-out.""" self.command(f"hdmi-output-selector={output}") class OnkyoDeviceZone(OnkyoDevice): """Representation of an Onkyo device's extra zone.""" def __init__( self, zone, receiver, sources, name=None, max_volume=SUPPORTED_MAX_VOLUME, receiver_max_volume=DEFAULT_RECEIVER_MAX_VOLUME, ): """Initialize the Zone with the zone identifier.""" self._zone = zone self._supports_volume = True super().__init__(receiver, sources, name, max_volume, receiver_max_volume) def update(self): """Get the latest state from the device.""" status = self.command(f"zone{self._zone}.power=query") if not status: return if status[1] == "on": self._pwstate = STATE_ON else: self._pwstate = STATE_OFF return volume_raw = self.command(f"zone{self._zone}.volume=query") mute_raw = self.command(f"zone{self._zone}.muting=query") current_source_raw = self.command(f"zone{self._zone}.selector=query") preset_raw = self.command(f"zone{self._zone}.preset=query") # If we received a source value, but not a volume value # it's likely this zone permanently does not support volume. if current_source_raw and not volume_raw: self._supports_volume = False if not (volume_raw and mute_raw and current_source_raw): return # It's possible for some players to have zones set to HDMI with # no sound control. In this case, the string `N/A` is returned. self._supports_volume = isinstance(volume_raw[1], (float, int)) # eiscp can return string or tuple. Make everything tuples. if isinstance(current_source_raw[1], str): current_source_tuples = (current_source_raw[0], (current_source_raw[1],)) else: current_source_tuples = current_source_raw for source in current_source_tuples[1]: if source in self._source_mapping: self._current_source = self._source_mapping[source] break self._current_source = "_".join(current_source_tuples[1]) self._muted = bool(mute_raw[1] == "on") if preset_raw and self._current_source.lower() == "radio": self._attributes[ATTR_PRESET] = preset_raw[1] elif ATTR_PRESET in self._attributes: del self._attributes[ATTR_PRESET] if self._supports_volume: # AMP_VOL/MAX_RECEIVER_VOL*(MAX_VOL/100) self._volume = ( volume_raw[1] / self._receiver_max_volume * (self._max_volume / 100) ) @property def supported_features(self): """Return media player features that are supported.""" if self._supports_volume: return SUPPORT_ONKYO return SUPPORT_ONKYO_WO_VOLUME def turn_off(self): """Turn the media player off.""" self.command(f"zone{self._zone}.power=standby") def set_volume_level(self, volume): """ Set volume level, input is range 0..1. However full volume on the amp is usually far too loud so allow the user to specify the upper range with CONF_MAX_VOLUME. we change as per max_volume set by user. This means that if max volume is 80 then full volume in HA will give 80% volume on the receiver. Then we convert that to the correct scale for the receiver. """ # HA_VOL * (MAX VOL / 100) * MAX_RECEIVER_VOL self.command( f"zone{self._zone}.volume={int(volume * (self._max_volume / 100) * self._receiver_max_volume)}" ) def volume_up(self): """Increase volume by 1 step.""" self.command(f"zone{self._zone}.volume=level-up") def volume_down(self): """Decrease volume by 1 step.""" self.command(f"zone{self._zone}.volume=level-down") def mute_volume(self, mute): """Mute (true) or unmute (false) media player.""" if mute: self.command(f"zone{self._zone}.muting=on") else: self.command(f"zone{self._zone}.muting=off") def turn_on(self): """Turn the media player on.""" self.command(f"zone{self._zone}.power=on") def select_source(self, source): """Set the input source.""" if source in self._source_list: source = self._reverse_mapping[source] self.command(f"zone{self._zone}.selector={source}")
import asyncio import logging from types import MappingProxyType from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, SERVICE_TURN_OFF, SERVICE_TURN_ON, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, ) from homeassistant.core import Context, State from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType from . import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT, ATTR_COLOR_NAME, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, ATTR_EFFECT, ATTR_FLASH, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_KELVIN, ATTR_PROFILE, ATTR_RGB_COLOR, ATTR_TRANSITION, ATTR_WHITE_VALUE, ATTR_XY_COLOR, DOMAIN, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) VALID_STATES = {STATE_ON, STATE_OFF} ATTR_GROUP = [ ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT, ATTR_EFFECT, ATTR_FLASH, ATTR_WHITE_VALUE, ATTR_TRANSITION, ] COLOR_GROUP = [ ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, ATTR_RGB_COLOR, ATTR_XY_COLOR, # The following color attributes are deprecated ATTR_PROFILE, ATTR_COLOR_NAME, ATTR_KELVIN, ] DEPRECATED_GROUP = [ ATTR_BRIGHTNESS_PCT, ATTR_COLOR_NAME, ATTR_FLASH, ATTR_KELVIN, ATTR_PROFILE, ATTR_TRANSITION, ] DEPRECATION_WARNING = ( "The use of other attributes than device state attributes is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. " "Invalid attributes are %s. Read the logs for further details: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/scene/" ) async def _async_reproduce_state( hass: HomeAssistantType, state: State, *, context: Optional[Context] = None, reproduce_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """Reproduce a single state.""" cur_state = hass.states.get(state.entity_id) if cur_state is None: _LOGGER.warning("Unable to find entity %s", state.entity_id) return if state.state not in VALID_STATES: _LOGGER.warning( "Invalid state specified for %s: %s", state.entity_id, state.state ) return # Warn if deprecated attributes are used deprecated_attrs = [attr for attr in state.attributes if attr in DEPRECATED_GROUP] if deprecated_attrs: _LOGGER.warning(DEPRECATION_WARNING, deprecated_attrs) # Return if we are already at the right state. if cur_state.state == state.state and all( check_attr_equal(cur_state.attributes, state.attributes, attr) for attr in ATTR_GROUP + COLOR_GROUP ): return service_data: Dict[str, Any] = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: state.entity_id} if reproduce_options is not None and ATTR_TRANSITION in reproduce_options: service_data[ATTR_TRANSITION] = reproduce_options[ATTR_TRANSITION] if state.state == STATE_ON: service = SERVICE_TURN_ON for attr in ATTR_GROUP: # All attributes that are not colors if attr in state.attributes: service_data[attr] = state.attributes[attr] for color_attr in COLOR_GROUP: # Choose the first color that is specified if color_attr in state.attributes: service_data[color_attr] = state.attributes[color_attr] break elif state.state == STATE_OFF: service = SERVICE_TURN_OFF await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, service, service_data, context=context, blocking=True ) async def async_reproduce_states( hass: HomeAssistantType, states: Iterable[State], *, context: Optional[Context] = None, reproduce_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """Reproduce Light states.""" await asyncio.gather( *( _async_reproduce_state( hass, state, context=context, reproduce_options=reproduce_options ) for state in states ) ) def check_attr_equal( attr1: MappingProxyType, attr2: MappingProxyType, attr_str: str ) -> bool: """Return true if the given attributes are equal.""" return attr1.get(attr_str) == attr2.get(attr_str)
import os.path as op import pytest import numpy as np from numpy.testing import (assert_array_almost_equal, assert_allclose, assert_equal, assert_array_less) from scipy import fftpack from mne import read_events, Epochs, make_fixed_length_events from mne.io import read_raw_fif from mne.time_frequency._stockwell import (tfr_stockwell, _st, _precompute_st_windows, _check_input_st, _st_power_itc) from mne.time_frequency import AverageTFR, tfr_array_stockwell from mne.utils import run_tests_if_main base_dir = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'io', 'tests', 'data') raw_fname = op.join(base_dir, 'test_raw.fif') raw_ctf_fname = op.join(base_dir, 'test_ctf_raw.fif') def test_stockwell_ctf(): """Test that Stockwell can be calculated on CTF data.""" raw = read_raw_fif(raw_ctf_fname) raw.apply_gradient_compensation(3) events = make_fixed_length_events(raw, duration=0.5) evoked = Epochs(raw, events, tmin=-0.2, tmax=0.3, decim=10, preload=True, verbose='error').average() tfr_stockwell(evoked, verbose='error') # smoke test def test_stockwell_check_input(): """Test input checker for stockwell.""" # check for data size equal and unequal to a power of 2 for last_dim in (127, 128): data = np.zeros((2, 10, last_dim)) with pytest.warns(None): # n_fft sometimes x_in, n_fft, zero_pad = _check_input_st(data, None) assert_equal(x_in.shape, (2, 10, 128)) assert_equal(n_fft, 128) assert_equal(zero_pad, 128 - last_dim) def test_stockwell_st_no_zero_pad(): """Test stockwell power itc.""" data = np.zeros((20, 128)) start_f = 1 stop_f = 10 sfreq = 30 width = 2 W = _precompute_st_windows(data.shape[-1], start_f, stop_f, sfreq, width) _st_power_itc(data, 10, True, 0, 1, W) def test_stockwell_core(): """Test stockwell transform.""" # adapted from # http://vcs.ynic.york.ac.uk/docs/naf/intro/concepts/timefreq.html sfreq = 1000.0 # make things easy to understand dur = 0.5 onset, offset = 0.175, 0.275 n_samp = int(sfreq * dur) t = np.arange(n_samp) / sfreq # make an array for time pulse_freq = 15. pulse = np.cos(2. * np.pi * pulse_freq * t) pulse[0:int(onset * sfreq)] = 0. # Zero before our desired pulse pulse[int(offset * sfreq):] = 0. # and zero after our desired pulse width = 0.5 freqs = fftpack.fftfreq(len(pulse), 1. / sfreq) fmin, fmax = 1.0, 100.0 start_f, stop_f = [np.abs(freqs - f).argmin() for f in (fmin, fmax)] W = _precompute_st_windows(n_samp, start_f, stop_f, sfreq, width) st_pulse = _st(pulse, start_f, W) st_pulse = np.abs(st_pulse) ** 2 assert_equal(st_pulse.shape[-1], len(pulse)) st_max_freq = freqs[st_pulse.max(axis=1).argmax(axis=0)] # max freq assert_allclose(st_max_freq, pulse_freq, atol=1.0) assert (onset < t[st_pulse.max(axis=0).argmax(axis=0)] < offset) # test inversion to FFT, by averaging local spectra, see eq. 5 in # Moukadem, A., Bouguila, Z., Ould Abdeslam, D. and Alain Dieterlen. # "Stockwell transform optimization applied on the detection of split in # heart sounds." width = 1.0 start_f, stop_f = 0, len(pulse) W = _precompute_st_windows(n_samp, start_f, stop_f, sfreq, width) y = _st(pulse, start_f, W) # invert stockwell y_inv = fftpack.ifft(np.sum(y, axis=1)).real assert_array_almost_equal(pulse, y_inv) def test_stockwell_api(): """Test stockwell functions.""" raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname) event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5 event_name = op.join(base_dir, 'test-eve.fif') events = read_events(event_name) epochs = Epochs(raw, events, # XXX pick 2 has epochs of zeros. event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=[0, 1, 3]) for fmin, fmax in [(None, 50), (5, 50), (5, None)]: with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='padding'): power, itc = tfr_stockwell(epochs, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, return_itc=True) if fmax is not None: assert (power.freqs.max() <= fmax) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='padding'): power_evoked = tfr_stockwell(epochs.average(), fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, return_itc=False) # for multitaper these don't necessarily match, but they seem to # for stockwell... if this fails, this maybe could be changed # just to check the shape assert_array_almost_equal(power_evoked.data, power.data) assert (isinstance(power, AverageTFR)) assert (isinstance(itc, AverageTFR)) assert_equal(power.data.shape, itc.data.shape) assert (itc.data.min() >= 0.0) assert (itc.data.max() <= 1.0) assert (np.log(power.data.max()) * 20 <= 0.0) assert (np.log(power.data.max()) * 20 <= 0.0) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='ndarray'): tfr_array_stockwell('foo', 1000.) data = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(1, 1024) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='3D with shape'): tfr_array_stockwell(data, 1000.) data = data[np.newaxis] power, itc, freqs = tfr_array_stockwell(data, 1000., return_itc=True) assert_allclose(itc, np.ones_like(itc)) assert power.shape == (1, len(freqs), data.shape[-1]) assert_array_less(0, power) run_tests_if_main()
from threading import Thread, Event import requests import time import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PandoraStatsPoller(Thread): def __init__(self, port): super(PandoraStatsPoller, self).__init__() self._stop_run = Event() self.buffer = [] self.port = port def run(self): last_ts = int(time.time() - 1) while not self._stop_run.is_set(): curr_ts = int(time.time()) if curr_ts > last_ts: last_ts = curr_ts try: pandora_stat = requests.get( "http://localhost:{port}/debug/vars".format(port=self.port), timeout=0.9 ).json() data = { 'ts': last_ts - 1, 'metrics': { 'instances': pandora_stat.get("engine_ActiveRequests"), 'reqps': pandora_stat.get("engine_ReqPS"), } } except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.HTTPError, requests.exceptions.Timeout, ValueError): logger.debug("Pandora expvar http interface is unavailable", exc_info=True) data = { 'ts': last_ts - 1, 'metrics': { 'instances': 0, 'reqps': 0 } } self.buffer.append(data) else: time.sleep(0.2) def stop(self): self._stop_run.set() def get_data(self): result, self.buffer = self.buffer, [] return result class PandoraStatsReader(object): # TODO: maybe make stats collection asyncronous def __init__(self, expvar, port): self.closed = False self.expvar = expvar self.port = port self.poller = PandoraStatsPoller(port) self.started = False def __next__(self): if not self.expvar: if self.closed: raise StopIteration return [{ 'ts': int(time.time() - 1), 'metrics': { 'instances': 0, 'reqps': 0 } }] else: if self.closed: raise StopIteration() elif not self.started: self.poller.start() self.started = True return self.poller.get_data() def close(self): self.closed = True self.poller.stop() self.poller.join() def __iter__(self): return self
from django.test import TestCase from zinnia.templating import append_position from zinnia.templating import loop_template_list class TemplateTestCase(TestCase): """Tests cases for template""" def test_loop_template_list(self): template = 'zinnia/template.html' self.assertEqual( loop_template_list( (1, 1), None, None, template, {}), ['zinnia/template-1.html', 'zinnia/template_1.html', template]) self.assertEqual( loop_template_list( (10, 1), None, None, template, {'default': {10: 'default_template.html'}}), ['default_template.html', 'zinnia/template-10.html', 'zinnia/template_1.html', template]) self.assertEqual( loop_template_list( (10, 1), 'object', 'str', template, {'default': {10: 'default_template.html'}, 'str': {10: 'str_template.html'}, 'object': {10: 'object_template.html'}, 'str-object': {10: 'str_object_template.html'}}), ['str_object_template.html', 'object_template.html', 'str_template.html', 'default_template.html', 'zinnia/template-10.html', 'zinnia/template_1.html', template]) def test_append_position(self): self.assertEqual( append_position('template.html', 1), 'template1.html') self.assertEqual( append_position('template', 1), 'template1') self.assertEqual( append_position('/path/template.html', 1), '/path/template1.html') self.assertEqual( append_position('/path/template.html', 1, '-'), '/path/template-1.html')
from .base_classes import Command, Container, Environment from .package import Package class Alignat(Environment): """Class that represents a aligned equation environment.""" #: Alignat environment cause compile errors when they do not contain items. #: This is why it is omitted fully if they are empty. omit_if_empty = True packages = [Package('amsmath')] def __init__(self, aligns=2, numbering=True, escape=None): """ Parameters ---------- aligns : int number of alignments numbering : bool Whether to number equations escape : bool if True, will escape strings """ self.aligns = aligns self.numbering = numbering self.escape = escape if not numbering: self._star_latex_name = True super().__init__(start_arguments=[str(int(aligns))]) class Math(Container): """A class representing a math environment.""" packages = [Package('amsmath')] content_separator = ' ' def __init__(self, *, inline=False, data=None, escape=None): r""" Args ---- data: list Content of the math container. inline: bool If the math should be displayed inline or not. escape : bool if True, will escape strings """ self.inline = inline self.escape = escape super().__init__(data=data) def dumps(self): """Return a LaTeX formatted string representing the object. Returns ------- str """ if self.inline: return '$' + self.dumps_content() + '$' return '\\[%\n' + self.dumps_content() + '%\n\\]' class VectorName(Command): """A class representing a named vector.""" _repr_attributes_mapping = { 'name': 'arguments', } def __init__(self, name): """ Args ---- name: str Name of the vector """ super().__init__('mathbf', arguments=name) class Matrix(Environment): """A class representing a matrix.""" packages = [Package('amsmath')] _repr_attributes_mapping = { 'alignment': 'arguments', } def __init__(self, matrix, *, mtype='p', alignment=None): r""" Args ---- matrix: `numpy.ndarray` instance The matrix to display mtype: str What kind of brackets are used around the matrix. The different options and their corresponding brackets are: p = ( ), b = [ ], B = { }, v = \| \|, V = \|\| \|\| alignment: str How to align the content of the cells in the matrix. This is ``c`` by default. References ---------- * https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Mathematics#Matrices_and_arrays """ import numpy # noqa, Sanity check if numpy is installed self.matrix = matrix self.latex_name = mtype + 'matrix' self._mtype = mtype if alignment is not None: self.latex_name += '*' super().__init__(arguments=alignment) def dumps_content(self): """Return a string representing the matrix in LaTeX syntax. Returns ------- str """ import numpy as np string = '' shape = self.matrix.shape for (y, x), value in np.ndenumerate(self.matrix): if x: string += '&' string += str(value) if x == shape[1] - 1 and y != shape[0] - 1: string += r'\\' + '%\n' super().dumps_content() return string
from goalzero import exceptions from homeassistant.components.goalzero.const import DOMAIN from homeassistant.config_entries import SOURCE_USER from homeassistant.data_entry_flow import ( RESULT_TYPE_ABORT, RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY, RESULT_TYPE_FORM, ) from . import ( CONF_CONFIG_FLOW, CONF_DATA, CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME, NAME, _create_mocked_yeti, _patch_config_flow_yeti, ) from tests.async_mock import patch from tests.common import MockConfigEntry def _flow_next(hass, flow_id): return next( flow for flow in hass.config_entries.flow.async_progress() if flow["flow_id"] == flow_id ) def _patch_setup(): return patch( "homeassistant.components.goalzero.async_setup_entry", return_value=True, ) async def test_flow_user(hass): """Test user initialized flow.""" mocked_yeti = await _create_mocked_yeti() with _patch_config_flow_yeti(mocked_yeti), _patch_setup(): result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": SOURCE_USER}, ) result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], user_input=CONF_CONFIG_FLOW, ) assert result["type"] == RESULT_TYPE_CREATE_ENTRY assert result["title"] == NAME assert result["data"] == CONF_DATA async def test_flow_user_already_configured(hass): """Test user initialized flow with duplicate server.""" entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, data={CONF_HOST: "", CONF_NAME: "Yeti"}, ) entry.add_to_hass(hass) service_info = { "host": "", "name": "Yeti", } result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": SOURCE_USER}, data=service_info ) assert result["type"] == RESULT_TYPE_ABORT assert result["reason"] == "already_configured" async def test_flow_user_cannot_connect(hass): """Test user initialized flow with unreachable server.""" mocked_yeti = await _create_mocked_yeti(True) with _patch_config_flow_yeti(mocked_yeti) as yetimock: yetimock.side_effect = exceptions.ConnectError result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": SOURCE_USER}, data=CONF_CONFIG_FLOW ) assert result["type"] == RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "user" assert result["errors"] == {"base": "cannot_connect"} async def test_flow_user_invalid_host(hass): """Test user initialized flow with invalid server.""" mocked_yeti = await _create_mocked_yeti(True) with _patch_config_flow_yeti(mocked_yeti) as yetimock: yetimock.side_effect = exceptions.InvalidHost result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": SOURCE_USER}, data=CONF_CONFIG_FLOW ) assert result["type"] == RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "user" assert result["errors"] == {"base": "invalid_host"} async def test_flow_user_unknown_error(hass): """Test user initialized flow with unreachable server.""" mocked_yeti = await _create_mocked_yeti(True) with _patch_config_flow_yeti(mocked_yeti) as yetimock: yetimock.side_effect = Exception result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": SOURCE_USER}, data=CONF_CONFIG_FLOW ) assert result["type"] == RESULT_TYPE_FORM assert result["step_id"] == "user" assert result["errors"] == {"base": "unknown"}
import os import subprocess import threading import time import unittest from absl import flags import mock from perfkitbenchmarker import errors from perfkitbenchmarker import vm_util from tests import pkb_common_test_case import psutil FLAGS = flags.FLAGS class ShouldRunOnInternalIpAddressTestCase( pkb_common_test_case.PkbCommonTestCase): def setUp(self): super(ShouldRunOnInternalIpAddressTestCase, self).setUp() self.sending_vm = mock.MagicMock() self.receiving_vm = mock.MagicMock() def _RunTest(self, expectation, ip_addresses, is_reachable=True): FLAGS.ip_addresses = ip_addresses self.sending_vm.IsReachable.return_value = is_reachable self.assertEqual( expectation, vm_util.ShouldRunOnInternalIpAddress( self.sending_vm, self.receiving_vm)) def testExternal_Reachable(self): self._RunTest(False, vm_util.IpAddressSubset.EXTERNAL, True) def testExternal_Unreachable(self): self._RunTest(False, vm_util.IpAddressSubset.EXTERNAL, False) def testInternal_Reachable(self): self._RunTest(True, vm_util.IpAddressSubset.INTERNAL, True) def testInternal_Unreachable(self): self._RunTest(True, vm_util.IpAddressSubset.INTERNAL, False) def testBoth_Reachable(self): self._RunTest(True, vm_util.IpAddressSubset.BOTH, True) def testBoth_Unreachable(self): self._RunTest(True, vm_util.IpAddressSubset.BOTH, False) def testReachable_Reachable(self): self._RunTest(True, vm_util.IpAddressSubset.REACHABLE, True) def testReachable_Unreachable(self): self._RunTest( False, vm_util.IpAddressSubset.REACHABLE, False) def HaveSleepSubprocess(): """Checks if the current process has a sleep subprocess.""" for child in psutil.Process(os.getpid()).children(recursive=True): if 'sleep' in child.cmdline(): return True return False class WaitUntilSleepTimer(threading.Thread): """Timer that waits for a sleep subprocess to appear. This is intended for specific tests that want to trigger timer expiry as soon as it detects that a subprocess is executing a "sleep" command. It assumes that the test driver is not parallelizing the tests using this method since that may lead to inconsistent results. TODO(klausw): If that's an issue, could add a unique fractional part to the sleep command args to distinguish them. """ def __init__(self, interval, function): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.end_time = time.time() + interval self.function = function self.finished = threading.Event() self.have_sleep = threading.Event() def WaitForSleep(): while not self.finished.is_set(): if HaveSleepSubprocess(): self.have_sleep.set() break time.sleep(0) # yield to other Python threads threading.Thread(target=WaitForSleep).run() def cancel(self): self.finished.set() def run(self): while time.time() < self.end_time and not self.have_sleep.is_set(): time.sleep(0) # yield to other Python threads if not self.finished.is_set(): self.function() self.finished.set() class IssueCommandTestCase(pkb_common_test_case.PkbCommonTestCase): def setUp(self): super(IssueCommandTestCase, self).setUp() FLAGS.time_commands = True def testTimeoutNotReached(self): _, _, retcode = vm_util.IssueCommand(['sleep', '0s']) self.assertEqual(retcode, 0) @mock.patch('threading.Timer', new=WaitUntilSleepTimer) def testTimeoutReachedThrows(self): with self.assertRaises(errors.VmUtil.IssueCommandTimeoutError): _, _, _ = vm_util.IssueCommand(['sleep', '2s'], timeout=1, raise_on_failure=False) self.assertFalse(HaveSleepSubprocess()) @mock.patch('threading.Timer', new=WaitUntilSleepTimer) def testTimeoutReached(self): _, _, retcode = vm_util.IssueCommand(['sleep', '2s'], timeout=1, raise_on_failure=False, raise_on_timeout=False) self.assertEqual(retcode, -9) self.assertFalse(HaveSleepSubprocess()) def testNoTimeout(self): _, _, retcode = vm_util.IssueCommand(['sleep', '0s'], timeout=None) self.assertEqual(retcode, 0) def testNoTimeout_ExceptionRaised(self): with mock.patch('subprocess.Popen', spec=subprocess.Popen) as mock_popen: mock_popen.return_value.wait.side_effect = KeyboardInterrupt() with self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt): vm_util.IssueCommand(['sleep', '2s'], timeout=None) self.assertFalse(HaveSleepSubprocess()) def testRaiseOnFailureSuppressed_NoException(self): def _SuppressFailure(stdout, stderr, retcode): del stdout # unused del stderr # unused self.assertNotEqual( retcode, 0, '_SuppressFailure should not have been called for retcode=0.') return True stdout, stderr, retcode = vm_util.IssueCommand( ['cat', 'non_existent_file'], suppress_failure=_SuppressFailure) # Ideally our command would produce stdout that we could verify is preserved # but that's hard with the way IssueCommand creates local files for getting # results subprocess.Popen(). self.assertEqual(stdout, '') # suppressed from # cat: non_existent_file: No such file or directory self.assertEqual(stderr, '') # suppressed from 1 self.assertEqual(retcode, 0) def testRaiseOnFailureUnsuppressed_ExceptionRaised(self): def _DoNotSuppressFailure(stdout, stderr, retcode): del stdout # unused del stderr # unused self.assertNotEqual( retcode, 0, '_DoNotSuppressFailure should not have been called for retcode=0.') return False with self.assertRaises(errors.VmUtil.IssueCommandError) as cm: vm_util.IssueCommand(['cat', 'non_existent_file'], raise_on_failure=True, suppress_failure=_DoNotSuppressFailure) self.assertIn('cat: non_existent_file: No such file or directory', str(cm.exception)) def testRaiseOnFailureWithNoSuppression_ExceptionRaised(self): with self.assertRaises(errors.VmUtil.IssueCommandError) as cm: vm_util.IssueCommand(['cat', 'non_existent_file'], raise_on_failure=True, suppress_failure=None) self.assertIn('cat: non_existent_file: No such file or directory', str(cm.exception)) class VmUtilTest(pkb_common_test_case.PkbCommonTestCase): def setUp(self): super(VmUtilTest, self).setUp() self.mock_vm = mock.Mock() def testReplaceTextUsesCorrectCommand(self): """Test of vm_util.ReplaceText().""" vm_util.ReplaceText( self.mock_vm, 'current', 'new', 'test_file', regex_char='|') self.mock_vm.RemoteCommand.assert_called_with( 'sed -i -r "s|current|new|" test_file') def testDictionaryToEnvString(self): self.assertEqual('', vm_util.DictionaryToEnvString({})) test_dict = {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'} self.assertEqual('a=b c=d', vm_util.DictionaryToEnvString(test_dict)) self.assertEqual('a=b;c=d', vm_util.DictionaryToEnvString(test_dict, ';')) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from html import escape from aiohttp import web import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.const import HTTP_OK import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv CONTENT_TYPE_XML = "text/xml" DOMAIN = "rss_feed_template" CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { DOMAIN: vol.Schema( { cv.match_all: vol.Schema( { vol.Optional("requires_api_password", default=True): cv.boolean, vol.Optional("title"): cv.template, vol.Required("items"): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [ { vol.Optional("title"): cv.template, vol.Optional("description"): cv.template, } ], ), } ) } ) }, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) def setup(hass, config): """Set up the RSS feed template component.""" for (feeduri, feedconfig) in config[DOMAIN].items(): url = "/api/rss_template/%s" % feeduri requires_auth = feedconfig.get("requires_api_password") title = feedconfig.get("title") if title is not None: title.hass = hass items = feedconfig.get("items") for item in items: if "title" in item: item["title"].hass = hass if "description" in item: item["description"].hass = hass rss_view = RssView(url, requires_auth, title, items) hass.http.register_view(rss_view) return True class RssView(HomeAssistantView): """Export states and other values as RSS.""" requires_auth = True url = None name = "rss_template" _title = None _items = None def __init__(self, url, requires_auth, title, items): """Initialize the rss view.""" self.url = url self.requires_auth = requires_auth self._title = title self._items = items async def get(self, request, entity_id=None): """Generate the RSS view XML.""" response = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n\n' response += "<rss>\n" if self._title is not None: response += " <title>%s</title>\n" % escape( self._title.async_render(parse_result=False) ) for item in self._items: response += " <item>\n" if "title" in item: response += " <title>" response += escape(item["title"].async_render(parse_result=False)) response += "</title>\n" if "description" in item: response += " <description>" response += escape(item["description"].async_render(parse_result=False)) response += "</description>\n" response += " </item>\n" response += "</rss>\n" return web.Response( body=response, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE_XML, status=HTTP_OK )
from __future__ import absolute_import, division import copy import warnings import numpy as np from numpy import dot, zeros, eye import scipy.linalg as linalg from filterpy.common import pretty_str class HInfinityFilter(object): """ H-Infinity filter. You are responsible for setting the various state variables to reasonable values; the defaults below will not give you a functional filter. Parameters ---------- dim_x : int Number of state variables for the Kalman filter. For example, if you are tracking the position and velocity of an object in two dimensions, dim_x would be 4. This is used to set the default size of `P`, `Q`, and `u` dim_z : int Number of of measurement inputs. For example, if the sensor provides you with position in (x, y), `dim_z` would be 2. dim_u : int Number of control inputs for the Gu part of the prediction step. gamma : float .. warning:: I do not believe this code is correct. DO NOT USE THIS. In particular, note that predict does not update the covariance matrix. """ def __init__(self, dim_x, dim_z, dim_u, gamma): warnings.warn("This code is likely incorrect. DO NOT USE.", DeprecationWarning) self.dim_x = dim_x self.dim_z = dim_z self.dim_u = dim_u self.gamma = gamma self.x = zeros((dim_x, 1)) # state self.B = 0 # control transition matrix self.F = eye(dim_x) # state transition matrix self.H = zeros((dim_z, dim_x)) # Measurement function self.P = eye(dim_x) # Uncertainty covariance. self.Q = eye(dim_x) self._V_inv = zeros((dim_z, dim_z)) # inverse measurement noise self._V = zeros((dim_z, dim_z)) # measurement noise self.W = zeros((dim_x, dim_x)) # process uncertainty # gain and residual are computed during the innovation step. We # save them so that in case you want to inspect them for various # purposes self.K = 0 # H-infinity gain self.y = zeros((dim_z, 1)) self.z = zeros((dim_z, 1)) # identity matrix. Do not alter this. self._I = np.eye(dim_x) def update(self, z): """ Add a new measurement `z` to the H-Infinity filter. If `z` is None, nothing is changed. Parameters ---------- z : ndarray measurement for this update. """ if z is None: return # rename for readability and a tiny extra bit of speed I = self._I gamma = self.gamma Q = self.Q H = self.H P = self.P x = self.x V_inv = self._V_inv F = self.F W = self.W # common subexpression H.T * V^-1 HTVI = dot(H.T, V_inv) L = linalg.inv(I - gamma * dot(Q, P) + dot(HTVI, H).dot(P)) # common subexpression P*L PL = dot(P, L) K = dot(F, PL).dot(HTVI) self.y = z - dot(H, x) # x = x + Ky # predict new x with residual scaled by the H-Infinity gain self.x = self.x + dot(K, self.y) self.P = dot(F, PL).dot(F.T) + W # force P to be symmetric self.P = (self.P + self.P.T) / 2 # pylint: disable=bare-except try: self.z = np.copy(z) except: self.z = copy.deepcopy(z) def predict(self, u=0): """ Predict next position. Parameters ---------- u : ndarray Optional control vector. If non-zero, it is multiplied by `B` to create the control input into the system. """ # x = Fx + Bu self.x = dot(self.F, self.x) + dot(self.B, u) def batch_filter(self, Zs,update_first=False, saver=False): """ Batch processes a sequences of measurements. Parameters ---------- Zs : list-like list of measurements at each time step `self.dt` Missing measurements must be represented by 'None'. update_first : bool, default=False, optional, controls whether the order of operations is update followed by predict, or predict followed by update. saver : filterpy.common.Saver, optional filterpy.common.Saver object. If provided, saver.save() will be called after every epoch Returns ------- means: ndarray ((n, dim_x, 1)) array of the state for each time step. Each entry is an np.array. In other words `means[k,:]` is the state at step `k`. covariance: ndarray((n, dim_x, dim_x)) array of the covariances for each time step. In other words `covariance[k, :, :]` is the covariance at step `k`. """ n = np.size(Zs, 0) # mean estimates from H-Infinity Filter means = zeros((n, self.dim_x, 1)) # state covariances from H-Infinity Filter covariances = zeros((n, self.dim_x, self.dim_x)) if update_first: for i, z in enumerate(Zs): self.update(z) means[i, :] = self.x covariances[i, :, :] = self.P self.predict() if saver is not None: saver.save() else: for i, z in enumerate(Zs): self.predict() self.update(z) means[i, :] = self.x covariances[i, :, :] = self.P if saver is not None: saver.save() return (means, covariances) def get_prediction(self, u=0): """ Predicts the next state of the filter and returns it. Does not alter the state of the filter. Parameters ---------- u : ndarray optional control input Returns ------- x : ndarray State vector of the prediction. """ return dot(self.F, self.x) + dot(self.B, u) def residual_of(self, z): """ returns the residual for the given measurement (z). Does not alter the state of the filter. """ return z - dot(self.H, self.x) def measurement_of_state(self, x): """ Helper function that converts a state into a measurement. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray H-Infinity state vector Returns ------- z : ndarray measurement corresponding to the given state """ return dot(self.H, x) @property def V(self): """ measurement noise matrix""" return self._V @V.setter def V(self, value): """ measurement noise matrix""" if np.isscalar(value): self._V = np.array([[value]], dtype=float) else: self._V = value self._V_inv = linalg.inv(self._V) def __repr__(self): return '\n'.join([ 'HInfinityFilter object', pretty_str('dim_x', self.dim_x), pretty_str('dim_z', self.dim_z), pretty_str('dim_u', self.dim_u), pretty_str('gamma', self.dim_u), pretty_str('x', self.x), pretty_str('P', self.P), pretty_str('F', self.F), pretty_str('Q', self.Q), pretty_str('V', self.V), pretty_str('W', self.W), pretty_str('K', self.K), pretty_str('y', self.y), ])
from homeassistant.components.group import GroupIntegrationRegistry from homeassistant.const import ( STATE_ALARM_ARMED_AWAY, STATE_ALARM_ARMED_CUSTOM_BYPASS, STATE_ALARM_ARMED_HOME, STATE_ALARM_ARMED_NIGHT, STATE_ALARM_TRIGGERED, STATE_OFF, ) from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType @callback def async_describe_on_off_states( hass: HomeAssistantType, registry: GroupIntegrationRegistry ) -> None: """Describe group on off states.""" registry.on_off_states( { STATE_ALARM_ARMED_AWAY, STATE_ALARM_ARMED_CUSTOM_BYPASS, STATE_ALARM_ARMED_HOME, STATE_ALARM_ARMED_NIGHT, STATE_ALARM_TRIGGERED, }, STATE_OFF, )
import copy from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging import re import caldav import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.calendar import ( ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, CalendarEventDevice, calculate_offset, get_date, is_offset_reached, ) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_NAME, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_URL, CONF_USERNAME, CONF_VERIFY_SSL, ) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import generate_entity_id from homeassistant.util import Throttle, dt _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_CALENDARS = "calendars" CONF_CUSTOM_CALENDARS = "custom_calendars" CONF_CALENDAR = "calendar" CONF_SEARCH = "search" CONF_DAYS = "days" OFFSET = "!!" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter vol.Required(CONF_URL): vol.Url(), vol.Optional(CONF_CALENDARS, default=[]): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [cv.string]), vol.Inclusive(CONF_USERNAME, "authentication"): cv.string, vol.Inclusive(CONF_PASSWORD, "authentication"): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_CUSTOM_CALENDARS, default=[]): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [ vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_CALENDAR): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_SEARCH): cv.string, } ) ], ), vol.Optional(CONF_VERIFY_SSL, default=True): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_DAYS, default=1): cv.positive_int, } ) MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=15) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, disc_info=None): """Set up the WebDav Calendar platform.""" url = config[CONF_URL] username = config.get(CONF_USERNAME) password = config.get(CONF_PASSWORD) days = config[CONF_DAYS] client = caldav.DAVClient( url, None, username, password, ssl_verify_cert=config[CONF_VERIFY_SSL] ) calendars = client.principal().calendars() calendar_devices = [] for calendar in list(calendars): # If a calendar name was given in the configuration, # ignore all the others if config[CONF_CALENDARS] and calendar.name not in config[CONF_CALENDARS]: _LOGGER.debug("Ignoring calendar '%s'", calendar.name) continue # Create additional calendars based on custom filtering rules for cust_calendar in config[CONF_CUSTOM_CALENDARS]: # Check that the base calendar matches if cust_calendar[CONF_CALENDAR] != calendar.name: continue name = cust_calendar[CONF_NAME] device_id = f"{cust_calendar[CONF_CALENDAR]} {cust_calendar[CONF_NAME]}" entity_id = generate_entity_id(ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, device_id, hass=hass) calendar_devices.append( WebDavCalendarEventDevice( name, calendar, entity_id, days, True, cust_calendar[CONF_SEARCH] ) ) # Create a default calendar if there was no custom one if not config[CONF_CUSTOM_CALENDARS]: name = calendar.name device_id = calendar.name entity_id = generate_entity_id(ENTITY_ID_FORMAT, device_id, hass=hass) calendar_devices.append( WebDavCalendarEventDevice(name, calendar, entity_id, days) ) add_entities(calendar_devices, True) class WebDavCalendarEventDevice(CalendarEventDevice): """A device for getting the next Task from a WebDav Calendar.""" def __init__(self, name, calendar, entity_id, days, all_day=False, search=None): """Create the WebDav Calendar Event Device.""" self.data = WebDavCalendarData(calendar, days, all_day, search) self.entity_id = entity_id self._event = None self._name = name self._offset_reached = False @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the device state attributes.""" return {"offset_reached": self._offset_reached} @property def event(self): """Return the next upcoming event.""" return self._event @property def name(self): """Return the name of the entity.""" return self._name async def async_get_events(self, hass, start_date, end_date): """Get all events in a specific time frame.""" return await self.data.async_get_events(hass, start_date, end_date) def update(self): """Update event data.""" self.data.update() event = copy.deepcopy(self.data.event) if event is None: self._event = event return event = calculate_offset(event, OFFSET) self._offset_reached = is_offset_reached(event) self._event = event class WebDavCalendarData: """Class to utilize the calendar dav client object to get next event.""" def __init__(self, calendar, days, include_all_day, search): """Set up how we are going to search the WebDav calendar.""" self.calendar = calendar self.days = days self.include_all_day = include_all_day self.search = search self.event = None async def async_get_events(self, hass, start_date, end_date): """Get all events in a specific time frame.""" # Get event list from the current calendar vevent_list = await hass.async_add_executor_job( self.calendar.date_search, start_date, end_date ) event_list = [] for event in vevent_list: vevent = event.instance.vevent uid = None if hasattr(vevent, "uid"): uid = vevent.uid.value data = { "uid": uid, "summary": vevent.summary.value, "start": self.get_hass_date(vevent.dtstart.value), "end": self.get_hass_date(self.get_end_date(vevent)), "location": self.get_attr_value(vevent, "location"), "description": self.get_attr_value(vevent, "description"), } data["start"] = get_date(data["start"]).isoformat() data["end"] = get_date(data["end"]).isoformat() event_list.append(data) return event_list @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) def update(self): """Get the latest data.""" start_of_today = dt.start_of_local_day() start_of_tomorrow = dt.start_of_local_day() + timedelta(days=self.days) # We have to retrieve the results for the whole day as the server # won't return events that have already started results = self.calendar.date_search(start_of_today, start_of_tomorrow) # Create new events for each recurrence of an event that happens today. # For recurring events, some servers return the original event with recurrence rules # and they would not be properly parsed using their original start/end dates. new_events = [] for event in results: vevent = event.instance.vevent for start_dt in vevent.getrruleset() or []: _start_of_today = start_of_today _start_of_tomorrow = start_of_tomorrow if self.is_all_day(vevent): start_dt = start_dt.date() _start_of_today = _start_of_today.date() _start_of_tomorrow = _start_of_tomorrow.date() if _start_of_today <= start_dt < _start_of_tomorrow: new_event = event.copy() new_vevent = new_event.instance.vevent if hasattr(new_vevent, "dtend"): dur = new_vevent.dtend.value - new_vevent.dtstart.value new_vevent.dtend.value = start_dt + dur new_vevent.dtstart.value = start_dt new_events.append(new_event) elif _start_of_tomorrow <= start_dt: break vevents = [event.instance.vevent for event in results + new_events] # dtstart can be a date or datetime depending if the event lasts a # whole day. Convert everything to datetime to be able to sort it vevents.sort(key=lambda x: self.to_datetime(x.dtstart.value)) vevent = next( ( vevent for vevent in vevents if ( self.is_matching(vevent, self.search) and (not self.is_all_day(vevent) or self.include_all_day) and not self.is_over(vevent) ) ), None, ) # If no matching event could be found if vevent is None: _LOGGER.debug( "No matching event found in the %d results for %s", len(vevents), self.calendar.name, ) self.event = None return # Populate the entity attributes with the event values self.event = { "summary": vevent.summary.value, "start": self.get_hass_date(vevent.dtstart.value), "end": self.get_hass_date(self.get_end_date(vevent)), "location": self.get_attr_value(vevent, "location"), "description": self.get_attr_value(vevent, "description"), } @staticmethod def is_matching(vevent, search): """Return if the event matches the filter criteria.""" if search is None: return True pattern = re.compile(search) return ( hasattr(vevent, "summary") and pattern.match(vevent.summary.value) or hasattr(vevent, "location") and pattern.match(vevent.location.value) or hasattr(vevent, "description") and pattern.match(vevent.description.value) ) @staticmethod def is_all_day(vevent): """Return if the event last the whole day.""" return not isinstance(vevent.dtstart.value, datetime) @staticmethod def is_over(vevent): """Return if the event is over.""" return dt.now() >= WebDavCalendarData.to_datetime( WebDavCalendarData.get_end_date(vevent) ) @staticmethod def get_hass_date(obj): """Return if the event matches.""" if isinstance(obj, datetime): return {"dateTime": obj.isoformat()} return {"date": obj.isoformat()} @staticmethod def to_datetime(obj): """Return a datetime.""" if isinstance(obj, datetime): if obj.tzinfo is None: # floating value, not bound to any time zone in particular # represent same time regardless of which time zone is currently being observed return obj.replace(tzinfo=dt.DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE) return obj return dt.as_local(dt.dt.datetime.combine(obj, dt.dt.time.min)) @staticmethod def get_attr_value(obj, attribute): """Return the value of the attribute if defined.""" if hasattr(obj, attribute): return getattr(obj, attribute).value return None @staticmethod def get_end_date(obj): """Return the end datetime as determined by dtend or duration.""" if hasattr(obj, "dtend"): enddate = obj.dtend.value elif hasattr(obj, "duration"): enddate = obj.dtstart.value + obj.duration.value else: enddate = obj.dtstart.value + timedelta(days=1) return enddate
import errno import voluptuous as vol from wiffi import WiffiTcpServer from homeassistant import config_entries from homeassistant.const import CONF_PORT, CONF_TIMEOUT from homeassistant.core import callback from .const import ( # pylint: disable=unused-import DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, DOMAIN, ) class WiffiFlowHandler(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Wiffi server setup config flow.""" VERSION = 1 CONNECTION_CLASS = config_entries.CONN_CLASS_LOCAL_PUSH @staticmethod @callback def async_get_options_flow(config_entry): """Create Wiffi server setup option flow.""" return OptionsFlowHandler(config_entry) async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None): """Handle the start of the config flow. Called after wiffi integration has been selected in the 'add integration UI'. The user_input is set to None in this case. We will open a config flow form then. This function is also called if the form has been submitted. user_input contains a dict with the user entered values then. """ if user_input is None: return self._async_show_form() # received input from form or configuration.yaml try: # try to start server to check whether port is in use server = WiffiTcpServer(user_input[CONF_PORT]) await server.start_server() await server.close_server() return self.async_create_entry( title=f"Port {user_input[CONF_PORT]}", data=user_input ) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE: return self.async_abort(reason="addr_in_use") return self.async_abort(reason="start_server_failed") @callback def _async_show_form(self, errors=None): """Show the config flow form to the user.""" data_schema = {vol.Required(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): int} return self.async_show_form( step_id="user", data_schema=vol.Schema(data_schema), errors=errors or {} ) class OptionsFlowHandler(config_entries.OptionsFlow): """Wiffi server setup option flow.""" def __init__(self, config_entry): """Initialize options flow.""" self.config_entry = config_entry async def async_step_init(self, user_input=None): """Manage the options.""" if user_input is not None: return self.async_create_entry(title="", data=user_input) return self.async_show_form( step_id="init", data_schema=vol.Schema( { vol.Optional( CONF_TIMEOUT, default=self.config_entry.options.get( CONF_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ), ): int, } ), )
from __future__ import division import unittest import numpy as np import PIL.Image from chainer.backends import cuda from chainer import testing from chainer.testing import attr from chainercv.transforms import resize from chainercv.utils import generate_random_bbox from chainercv.utils import mask_to_bbox from chainercv.utils import scale_mask @testing.parameterize( {'mask': np.array( [[[False, False], [False, True]]]), 'expected': np.array( [[[False, False, False, False], [False, False, False, False], [False, False, True, True], [False, False, True, True]]]) } ) class TestScaleMaskSimple(unittest.TestCase): def check(self, mask, expected): in_type = type(mask) bbox = mask_to_bbox(mask) size = 4 out_mask = scale_mask(mask, bbox, size) self.assertIsInstance(out_mask, in_type) self.assertEqual(out_mask.dtype, np.bool) np.testing.assert_equal( cuda.to_cpu(out_mask), cuda.to_cpu(expected)) def test_scale_mask_simple_cpu(self): self.check(self.mask, self.expected) @attr.gpu def test_scale_mask_simple_gpu(self): self.check(cuda.to_gpu(self.mask), cuda.to_gpu(self.expected)) class TestScaleMaskCompareResize(unittest.TestCase): def test(self): H = 80 W = 90 n_inst = 10 mask = np.zeros((n_inst, H, W), dtype=np.bool) bbox = generate_random_bbox(n_inst, (H, W), 10, 30).astype(np.int32) for i, bb in enumerate(bbox): y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = bb m = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(y_max - y_min, x_max - x_min)) m[5, 5] = 1 # At least one element is one mask[i, y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] = m bbox = mask_to_bbox(mask) size = H * 2 out_H = size out_W = W * 2 out_mask = scale_mask(mask, bbox, size) expected = resize( mask.astype(np.float32), (out_H, out_W), interpolation=PIL.Image.NEAREST).astype(np.bool) np.testing.assert_equal(out_mask, expected) testing.run_module(__name__, __file__)
import numpy as np import unittest import chainer from chainer.backends import cuda from chainer import testing from chainer.testing import attr from chainercv.links.model.faster_rcnn import RegionProposalNetwork @testing.parameterize(*(testing.product({ 'B': [1], 'train': [True, False], 'scales': [None, 1.0, 2.0, [1.0]], }) + testing.product({ 'B': [2], 'train': [True, False], 'scales': [None, 1.0, 2.0, [1.0, 2.0]], }))) class TestRegionProposalNetwork(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): feat_stride = 4 C = 16 H = 8 W = 12 self.proposal_creator_params = { 'n_train_post_nms': 10, 'n_test_post_nms': 5} self.ratios = [0.25, 4] self.anchor_scales = [2, 4] self.link = RegionProposalNetwork( in_channels=C, mid_channels=24, ratios=self.ratios, anchor_scales=self.anchor_scales, feat_stride=feat_stride, proposal_creator_params=self.proposal_creator_params ) self.x = np.random.uniform(size=(self.B, C, H, W)).astype(np.float32) self.img_size = (H * feat_stride, W * feat_stride) def _check_call(self, x, img_size, scales): _, _, H, W = x.shape with chainer.using_config('train', self.train): rpn_locs, rpn_scores, rois, roi_indices, anchor = self.link( chainer.Variable(x), img_size, scales) self.assertIsInstance(rpn_locs, chainer.Variable) self.assertIsInstance(rpn_locs.array, type(x)) self.assertIsInstance(rpn_scores, chainer.Variable) self.assertIsInstance(rpn_scores.array, type(x)) A = len(self.ratios) * len(self.anchor_scales) self.assertEqual(rpn_locs.shape, (self.B, H * W * A, 4)) self.assertEqual(rpn_scores.shape, (self.B, H * W * A, 2)) if self.train: roi_size = self.proposal_creator_params[ 'n_train_post_nms'] else: roi_size = self.proposal_creator_params[ 'n_test_post_nms'] self.assertIsInstance(rois, type(x)) self.assertIsInstance(roi_indices, type(x)) self.assertLessEqual(rois.shape[0], self.B * roi_size) self.assertLessEqual(roi_indices.shape[0], self.B * roi_size) # Depending randomly generated bounding boxes, this is not true. if roi_indices.shape[0] == self.B * roi_size: for i in range(self.B): s = slice(i * roi_size, (i + 1) * roi_size) np.testing.assert_equal( cuda.to_cpu(roi_indices[s]), i * np.ones((roi_size,), dtype=np.int32)) self.assertIsInstance(anchor, type(x)) self.assertEqual(anchor.shape, (A * H * W, 4)) def test_call_cpu(self): self._check_call(self.x, self.img_size, self.scales) @attr.gpu def test_call_gpu(self): self.link.to_gpu() self._check_call( chainer.backends.cuda.to_gpu(self.x), self.img_size, self.scales) testing.run_module(__name__, __file__)
from django.conf import settings from django.db import models class ContributorAgreementManager(models.Manager): def has_agreed(self, user, component): cache_key = (user.pk, component.pk) if cache_key not in user.cla_cache: user.cla_cache[cache_key] = self.filter( component=component, user=user ).exists() return user.cla_cache[cache_key] def create(self, user, component, **kwargs): user.cla_cache[(user.pk, component.pk)] = True return super().create(user=user, component=component, **kwargs) def order(self): return self.order_by("component__project__name", "component__name") class ContributorAgreement(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey( settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.deletion.CASCADE ) component = models.ForeignKey("Component", on_delete=models.deletion.CASCADE) timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = ContributorAgreementManager() class Meta: unique_together = [("user", "component")] verbose_name = "contributor agreement" verbose_name_plural = "contributor agreements" def __str__(self): return f"{self.user.username}:{self.component}"
from datetime import timedelta import logging from pyaftership.tracker import Tracking import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, CONF_API_KEY, CONF_NAME, HTTP_OK from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.util import Throttle from .const import DOMAIN _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTRIBUTION = "Information provided by AfterShip" ATTR_TRACKINGS = "trackings" BASE = "https://track.aftership.com/" CONF_SLUG = "slug" CONF_TITLE = "title" CONF_TRACKING_NUMBER = "tracking_number" DEFAULT_NAME = "aftership" UPDATE_TOPIC = f"{DOMAIN}_update" ICON = "mdi:package-variant-closed" MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES = timedelta(minutes=15) SERVICE_ADD_TRACKING = "add_tracking" SERVICE_REMOVE_TRACKING = "remove_tracking" ADD_TRACKING_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_TRACKING_NUMBER): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_TITLE): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_SLUG): cv.string, } ) REMOVE_TRACKING_SERVICE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {vol.Required(CONF_SLUG): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_TRACKING_NUMBER): cv.string} ) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_API_KEY): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, } ) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the AfterShip sensor platform.""" apikey = config[CONF_API_KEY] name = config[CONF_NAME] session = async_get_clientsession(hass) aftership = Tracking(hass.loop, session, apikey) await aftership.get_trackings() if not aftership.meta or aftership.meta["code"] != HTTP_OK: _LOGGER.error( "No tracking data found. Check API key is correct: %s", aftership.meta ) return instance = AfterShipSensor(aftership, name) async_add_entities([instance], True) async def handle_add_tracking(call): """Call when a user adds a new Aftership tracking from Home Assistant.""" title = call.data.get(CONF_TITLE) slug = call.data.get(CONF_SLUG) tracking_number = call.data[CONF_TRACKING_NUMBER] await aftership.add_package_tracking(tracking_number, title, slug) async_dispatcher_send(hass, UPDATE_TOPIC) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_ADD_TRACKING, handle_add_tracking, schema=ADD_TRACKING_SERVICE_SCHEMA, ) async def handle_remove_tracking(call): """Call when a user removes an Aftership tracking from Home Assistant.""" slug = call.data[CONF_SLUG] tracking_number = call.data[CONF_TRACKING_NUMBER] await aftership.remove_package_tracking(slug, tracking_number) async_dispatcher_send(hass, UPDATE_TOPIC) hass.services.async_register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_REMOVE_TRACKING, handle_remove_tracking, schema=REMOVE_TRACKING_SERVICE_SCHEMA, ) class AfterShipSensor(Entity): """Representation of a AfterShip sensor.""" def __init__(self, aftership, name): """Initialize the sensor.""" self._attributes = {} self._name = name self._state = None self.aftership = aftership @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit of measurement of this entity, if any.""" return "packages" @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return attributes for the sensor.""" return self._attributes @property def icon(self): """Icon to use in the frontend.""" return ICON async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Register callbacks.""" self.async_on_remove( self.hass.helpers.dispatcher.async_dispatcher_connect( UPDATE_TOPIC, self._force_update ) ) async def _force_update(self): """Force update of data.""" await self.async_update(no_throttle=True) self.async_write_ha_state() @Throttle(MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_UPDATES) async def async_update(self, **kwargs): """Get the latest data from the AfterShip API.""" await self.aftership.get_trackings() if not self.aftership.meta: _LOGGER.error("Unknown errors when querying") return if self.aftership.meta["code"] != HTTP_OK: _LOGGER.error( "Errors when querying AfterShip. %s", str(self.aftership.meta) ) return status_to_ignore = {"delivered"} status_counts = {} trackings = [] not_delivered_count = 0 for track in self.aftership.trackings["trackings"]: status = track["tag"].lower() name = ( track["tracking_number"] if track["title"] is None else track["title"] ) last_checkpoint = ( "Shipment pending" if track["tag"] == "Pending" else track["checkpoints"][-1] ) status_counts[status] = status_counts.get(status, 0) + 1 trackings.append( { "name": name, "tracking_number": track["tracking_number"], "slug": track["slug"], "link": f"{BASE}{track['slug']}/{track['tracking_number']}", "last_update": track["updated_at"], "expected_delivery": track["expected_delivery"], "status": track["tag"], "last_checkpoint": last_checkpoint, } ) if status not in status_to_ignore: not_delivered_count += 1 else: _LOGGER.debug("Ignoring %s as it has status: %s", name, status) self._attributes = { ATTR_ATTRIBUTION: ATTRIBUTION, **status_counts, ATTR_TRACKINGS: trackings, } self._state = not_delivered_count
from ast import literal_eval from nikola.plugin_categories import ShortcodePlugin from nikola.utils import req_missing, load_data try: import pygal except ImportError: pygal = None _site = None class ChartShortcode(ShortcodePlugin): """Plugin for chart shortcode.""" name = "chart" def handler(self, chart_type, **_options): """Generate chart using Pygal.""" if pygal is None: msg = req_missing( ['pygal'], 'use the Chart directive', optional=True) return '<div class="text-error">{0}</div>'.format(msg) options = {} chart_data = [] _options.pop('post', None) _options.pop('site') data = _options.pop('data') for line in data.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line: chart_data.append(literal_eval('({0})'.format(line))) if 'data_file' in _options: options = load_data(_options['data_file']) _options.pop('data_file') if not chart_data: # If there is data in the document, it wins for k, v in options.pop('data', {}).items(): chart_data.append((k, v)) options.update(_options) style_name = options.pop('style', 'BlueStyle') if '(' in style_name: # Parametric style style = eval('pygal.style.' + style_name) else: style = getattr(pygal.style, style_name) for k, v in options.items(): try: options[k] = literal_eval(v) except Exception: options[k] = v chart = pygal for o in chart_type.split('.'): chart = getattr(chart, o) chart = chart(style=style) if _site and _site.invariant: chart.no_prefix = True chart.config(**options) for label, series in chart_data: chart.add(label, series) return chart.render().decode('utf8')
import pytest import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.ecobee.util import ecobee_date, ecobee_time def test_ecobee_date_with_valid_input(): """Test that the date function returns the expected result.""" test_input = "2019-09-27" assert ecobee_date(test_input) == test_input def test_ecobee_date_with_invalid_input(): """Test that the date function raises the expected exception.""" test_input = "20190927" with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid): ecobee_date(test_input) def test_ecobee_time_with_valid_input(): """Test that the time function returns the expected result.""" test_input = "20:55:15" assert ecobee_time(test_input) == test_input def test_ecobee_time_with_invalid_input(): """Test that the time function raises the expected exception.""" test_input = "20:55" with pytest.raises(vol.Invalid): ecobee_time(test_input)
import copy import datetime import tempfile from absl import flags from perfkitbenchmarker import configs from perfkitbenchmarker import dpb_service from perfkitbenchmarker import errors from perfkitbenchmarker import sample from perfkitbenchmarker.dpb_service import BaseDpbService from perfkitbenchmarker.providers.aws import aws_dpb_emr from perfkitbenchmarker.providers.gcp import gcp_dpb_dataflow from perfkitbenchmarker.providers.gcp import gcp_dpb_dataproc BENCHMARK_NAME = 'dpb_wordcount_benchmark' BENCHMARK_CONFIG = """ dpb_wordcount_benchmark: description: Run word count on dataflow and dataproc dpb_service: service_type: dataproc worker_group: vm_spec: GCP: machine_type: n1-standard-1 boot_disk_size: 500 AWS: machine_type: m3.medium disk_spec: GCP: disk_type: nodisk AWS: disk_size: 500 disk_type: gp2 worker_count: 2 """ WORD_COUNT_CONFIGURATION = dict( [ (dpb_service.DATAPROC, (gcp_dpb_dataproc.SPARK_SAMPLE_LOCATION, 'org.apache.spark.examples.JavaWordCount', BaseDpbService.SPARK_JOB_TYPE)), (dpb_service.DATAFLOW, (None, 'org.example.WordCount', BaseDpbService.DATAFLOW_JOB_TYPE)), (dpb_service.EMR, (aws_dpb_emr.SPARK_SAMPLE_LOCATION, 'org.apache.spark.examples.JavaWordCount', BaseDpbService.SPARK_JOB_TYPE)) ] ) flags.DEFINE_string('dpb_wordcount_input', None, 'Input for word count') flags.DEFINE_enum('dpb_wordcount_fs', BaseDpbService.GCS_FS, [BaseDpbService.GCS_FS, BaseDpbService.S3_FS], 'File System to use for the job output') flags.DEFINE_string('dpb_wordcount_out_base', None, 'Base directory for word count output') FLAGS = flags.FLAGS def GetConfig(user_config): return configs.LoadConfig(BENCHMARK_CONFIG, user_config, BENCHMARK_NAME) def CheckPrerequisites(benchmark_config): """Verifies that the required resources are present. Raises: perfkitbenchmarker.data.ResourceNotFound: On missing resource. """ if (FLAGS.dpb_wordcount_input is None and FLAGS.dpb_wordcount_fs != BaseDpbService.GCS_FS): raise errors.Config.InvalidValue('Invalid default input directory.') # Get handle to the dpb service dpb_service_class = dpb_service.GetDpbServiceClass( benchmark_config.dpb_service.service_type) dpb_service_class.CheckPrerequisites(benchmark_config) def Prepare(benchmark_spec): pass def Run(benchmark_spec): # Configuring input location for the word count job if FLAGS.dpb_wordcount_input is None: input_location = gcp_dpb_dataflow.DATAFLOW_WC_INPUT else: input_location = '{}://{}'.format(FLAGS.dpb_wordcount_fs, FLAGS.dpb_wordcount_input) # Get handle to the dpb service dpb_service_instance = benchmark_spec.dpb_service # Create a file handle to contain the response from running the job on # the dpb service stdout_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.stdout', prefix='dpb_wordcount_benchmark', delete=False) stdout_file.close() # Switch the parameters for submit job function of specific dpb service job_arguments = [] jarfile, classname, job_type = _GetJobArguments( dpb_service_instance.SERVICE_TYPE) if FLAGS.dpb_job_classname: classname = FLAGS.dpb_job_classname if dpb_service_instance.SERVICE_TYPE == dpb_service.DATAFLOW: jarfile = FLAGS.dpb_job_jarfile job_arguments.append('--stagingLocation={}'.format( FLAGS.dpb_dataflow_staging_location)) job_arguments.append('--runner={}'.format(FLAGS.dpb_dataflow_runner)) job_arguments.append('--inputFile={}'.format(input_location)) if not FLAGS.dpb_wordcount_out_base: base_out = FLAGS.dpb_dataflow_staging_location else: base_out = 'gs://{}'.format(FLAGS.dpb_wordcount_out_base) job_arguments.append('--output={}/output/'.format(base_out)) else: job_arguments = [input_location] # TODO (saksena): Finalize more stats to gather results = [] metadata = copy.copy(dpb_service_instance.GetMetadata()) metadata.update({'input_location': input_location}) start = datetime.datetime.now() dpb_service_instance.SubmitJob( jarfile=jarfile, classname=classname, job_arguments=job_arguments, job_stdout_file=stdout_file, job_type=job_type) end_time = datetime.datetime.now() run_time = (end_time - start).total_seconds() results.append(sample.Sample('run_time', run_time, 'seconds', metadata)) return results def Cleanup(benchmark_spec): pass def _GetJobArguments(dpb_service_type): """Returns the arguments for word count job based on runtime service.""" if dpb_service_type not in WORD_COUNT_CONFIGURATION: raise NotImplementedError else: return WORD_COUNT_CONFIGURATION[dpb_service_type]
from pylatex.base_classes import Environment, CommandBase, Arguments from pylatex.package import Package from pylatex import Document, Section, UnsafeCommand from pylatex.utils import NoEscape class ExampleEnvironment(Environment): """ A class representing a custom LaTeX environment. This class represents a custom LaTeX environment named ``exampleEnvironment``. """ _latex_name = 'exampleEnvironment' packages = [Package('mdframed')] class ExampleCommand(CommandBase): """ A class representing a custom LaTeX command. This class represents a custom LaTeX command named ``exampleCommand``. """ _latex_name = 'exampleCommand' packages = [Package('color')] # Create a new document doc = Document() with doc.create(Section('Custom commands')): doc.append(NoEscape( r""" The following is a demonstration of a custom \LaTeX{} command with a couple of parameters. """)) # Define the new command new_comm = UnsafeCommand('newcommand', '\exampleCommand', options=3, extra_arguments=r'\color{#1} #2 #3 \color{black}') doc.append(new_comm) # Use our newly created command with different arguments doc.append(ExampleCommand(arguments=Arguments('blue', 'Hello', 'World!'))) doc.append(ExampleCommand(arguments=Arguments('green', 'Hello', 'World!'))) doc.append(ExampleCommand(arguments=Arguments('red', 'Hello', 'World!'))) with doc.create(Section('Custom environments')): doc.append(NoEscape( r""" The following is a demonstration of a custom \LaTeX{} environment using the mdframed package. """)) # Define a style for our box mdf_style_definition = UnsafeCommand('mdfdefinestyle', arguments=['my_style', ('linecolor=#1,' 'linewidth=#2,' 'leftmargin=1cm,' 'leftmargin=1cm')]) # Define the new environment using the style definition above new_env = UnsafeCommand('newenvironment', 'exampleEnvironment', options=2, extra_arguments=[ mdf_style_definition.dumps() + r'\begin{mdframed}[style=my_style]', r'\end{mdframed}']) doc.append(new_env) # Usage of the newly created environment with doc.create( ExampleEnvironment(arguments=Arguments('red', 3))) as environment: environment.append('This is the actual content') # Generate pdf doc.generate_pdf('own_commands_ex', clean_tex=False)
import pytest import homeassistant.components.automation as automation from homeassistant.components.vacuum import DOMAIN, STATE_CLEANING, STATE_DOCKED from homeassistant.helpers import device_registry from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import ( MockConfigEntry, assert_lists_same, async_get_device_automations, async_mock_service, mock_device_registry, mock_registry, ) @pytest.fixture def device_reg(hass): """Return an empty, loaded, registry.""" return mock_device_registry(hass) @pytest.fixture def entity_reg(hass): """Return an empty, loaded, registry.""" return mock_registry(hass) @pytest.fixture def calls(hass): """Track calls to a mock service.""" return async_mock_service(hass, "test", "automation") async def test_get_triggers(hass, device_reg, entity_reg): """Test we get the expected triggers from a vacuum.""" config_entry = MockConfigEntry(domain="test", data={}) config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) device_entry = device_reg.async_get_or_create( config_entry_id=config_entry.entry_id, connections={(device_registry.CONNECTION_NETWORK_MAC, "12:34:56:AB:CD:EF")}, ) entity_reg.async_get_or_create(DOMAIN, "test", "5678", device_id=device_entry.id) expected_triggers = [ { "platform": "device", "domain": DOMAIN, "type": "cleaning", "device_id": device_entry.id, "entity_id": f"{DOMAIN}.test_5678", }, { "platform": "device", "domain": DOMAIN, "type": "docked", "device_id": device_entry.id, "entity_id": f"{DOMAIN}.test_5678", }, ] triggers = await async_get_device_automations(hass, "trigger", device_entry.id) assert_lists_same(triggers, expected_triggers) async def test_if_fires_on_state_change(hass, calls): """Test for turn_on and turn_off triggers firing.""" hass.states.async_set("vacuum.entity", STATE_DOCKED) assert await async_setup_component( hass, automation.DOMAIN, { automation.DOMAIN: [ { "trigger": { "platform": "device", "domain": DOMAIN, "device_id": "", "entity_id": "vacuum.entity", "type": "cleaning", }, "action": { "service": "test.automation", "data_template": { "some": ( "cleaning - {{ trigger.platform}} - " "{{ trigger.entity_id}} - {{ trigger.from_state.state}} - " "{{ trigger.to_state.state}}" ) }, }, }, { "trigger": { "platform": "device", "domain": DOMAIN, "device_id": "", "entity_id": "vacuum.entity", "type": "docked", }, "action": { "service": "test.automation", "data_template": { "some": ( "docked - {{ trigger.platform}} - " "{{ trigger.entity_id}} - {{ trigger.from_state.state}} - " "{{ trigger.to_state.state}}" ) }, }, }, ] }, ) # Fake that the entity is cleaning hass.states.async_set("vacuum.entity", STATE_CLEANING) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 1 assert ( calls[0].data["some"] == "cleaning - device - vacuum.entity - docked - cleaning" ) # Fake that the entity is docked hass.states.async_set("vacuum.entity", STATE_DOCKED) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(calls) == 2 assert ( calls[1].data["some"] == "docked - device - vacuum.entity - cleaning - docked" )
import pytest import cerberus from cerberus.base import UnconcernedValidator from cerberus.tests import assert_fail, assert_success from cerberus.tests.conftest import sample_schema def test_contextual_data_preservation(): class InheritedValidator(cerberus.Validator): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'working_dir' in kwargs: self.working_dir = kwargs['working_dir'] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _check_with_test(self, field, value): if self.working_dir: return True assert 'test' in InheritedValidator.checkers v = InheritedValidator( {'test': {'type': 'list', 'itemsrules': {'check_with': 'test'}}}, working_dir='/tmp', ) assert_success({'test': ['foo']}, validator=v) def test_docstring_parsing(): class CustomValidator(cerberus.Validator): def _validate_foo(self, argument, field, value): """ {'type': 'zap'} """ pass def _validate_bar(self, value): """ Test the barreness of a value. The rule's arguments are validated against this schema: {'type': 'boolean'} """ pass assert 'foo' in CustomValidator.validation_rules assert 'bar' in CustomValidator.validation_rules def test_check_with_method(): # https://github.com/pyeve/cerberus/issues/265 class MyValidator(cerberus.Validator): def _check_with_oddity(self, field, value): if not value & 1: self._error(field, "Must be an odd number") v = MyValidator(schema={'amount': {'check_with': 'oddity'}}) assert_success(document={'amount': 1}, validator=v) assert_fail( document={'amount': 2}, validator=v, error=('amount', (), cerberus.errors.CUSTOM, None, ('Must be an odd number',)), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'cls', ( UnconcernedValidator, cerberus.validator_factory('NonvalidatingValidator', validated_schema=False), ), ) def test_schema_validation_can_be_disabled(cls): v = cls(schema=sample_schema) assert v.validate(document={'an_integer': 1}) assert not v.validate(document={'an_integer': 'a'}) v.schema['an_integer']['tüpe'] = 'int' with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): v.validate(document={'an_integer': 1}) v.schema['an_integer'].pop('tüpe') def test_custom_datatype_rule(): class MyValidator(cerberus.Validator): types_mapping = cerberus.Validator.types_mapping.copy() types_mapping['number'] = cerberus.TypeDefinition('number', (int,), ()) def _validate_min_number(self, min_number, field, value): """ {'type': 'number'} """ if value < min_number: self._error(field, 'Below the min') schema = {'test_field': {'min_number': 1, 'type': 'number'}} validator = MyValidator(schema) assert_fail( {'test_field': 0.0}, validator=validator, error=('test_field', ('test_field', 'type'), cerberus.errors.TYPE, ('number',)), ) assert_fail( {'test_field': 0}, validator=validator, error=('test_field', (), cerberus.errors.CUSTOM, None, ('Below the min',)), ) assert validator.errors == {'test_field': ['Below the min']}
import hmac from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, cast import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from . import AUTH_PROVIDER_SCHEMA, AUTH_PROVIDERS, AuthProvider, LoginFlow from .. import AuthManager from ..models import Credentials, User, UserMeta AUTH_PROVIDER_TYPE = "legacy_api_password" CONF_API_PASSWORD = "api_password" CONFIG_SCHEMA = AUTH_PROVIDER_SCHEMA.extend( {vol.Required(CONF_API_PASSWORD): cv.string}, extra=vol.PREVENT_EXTRA ) LEGACY_USER_NAME = "Legacy API password user" class InvalidAuthError(HomeAssistantError): """Raised when submitting invalid authentication.""" async def async_validate_password(hass: HomeAssistant, password: str) -> Optional[User]: """Return a user if password is valid. None if not.""" auth = cast(AuthManager, hass.auth) # type: ignore providers = auth.get_auth_providers(AUTH_PROVIDER_TYPE) if not providers: raise ValueError("Legacy API password provider not found") try: provider = cast(LegacyApiPasswordAuthProvider, providers[0]) provider.async_validate_login(password) return await auth.async_get_or_create_user( await provider.async_get_or_create_credentials({}) ) except InvalidAuthError: return None @AUTH_PROVIDERS.register(AUTH_PROVIDER_TYPE) class LegacyApiPasswordAuthProvider(AuthProvider): """An auth provider support legacy api_password.""" DEFAULT_TITLE = "Legacy API Password" @property def api_password(self) -> str: """Return api_password.""" return str(self.config[CONF_API_PASSWORD]) async def async_login_flow(self, context: Optional[Dict]) -> LoginFlow: """Return a flow to login.""" return LegacyLoginFlow(self) @callback def async_validate_login(self, password: str) -> None: """Validate password.""" api_password = str(self.config[CONF_API_PASSWORD]) if not hmac.compare_digest( api_password.encode("utf-8"), password.encode("utf-8") ): raise InvalidAuthError async def async_get_or_create_credentials( self, flow_result: Dict[str, str] ) -> Credentials: """Return credentials for this login.""" credentials = await self.async_credentials() if credentials: return credentials[0] return self.async_create_credentials({}) async def async_user_meta_for_credentials( self, credentials: Credentials ) -> UserMeta: """ Return info for the user. Will be used to populate info when creating a new user. """ return UserMeta(name=LEGACY_USER_NAME, is_active=True) class LegacyLoginFlow(LoginFlow): """Handler for the login flow.""" async def async_step_init( self, user_input: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Handle the step of the form.""" errors = {} if user_input is not None: try: cast( LegacyApiPasswordAuthProvider, self._auth_provider ).async_validate_login(user_input["password"]) except InvalidAuthError: errors["base"] = "invalid_auth" if not errors: return await self.async_finish({}) return self.async_show_form( step_id="init", data_schema=vol.Schema({"password": str}), errors=errors )
from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv4Network, IPv6Address, IPv6Network, ip_network from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.exceptions import HomeAssistantError import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from . import AUTH_PROVIDER_SCHEMA, AUTH_PROVIDERS, AuthProvider, LoginFlow from ..models import Credentials, UserMeta IPAddress = Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address] IPNetwork = Union[IPv4Network, IPv6Network] CONF_TRUSTED_NETWORKS = "trusted_networks" CONF_TRUSTED_USERS = "trusted_users" CONF_GROUP = "group" CONF_ALLOW_BYPASS_LOGIN = "allow_bypass_login" CONFIG_SCHEMA = AUTH_PROVIDER_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_TRUSTED_NETWORKS): vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [ip_network]), vol.Optional(CONF_TRUSTED_USERS, default={}): vol.Schema( # we only validate the format of user_id or group_id { ip_network: vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [ vol.Or( cv.uuid4_hex, vol.Schema({vol.Required(CONF_GROUP): cv.uuid4_hex}), ) ], ) } ), vol.Optional(CONF_ALLOW_BYPASS_LOGIN, default=False): cv.boolean, }, extra=vol.PREVENT_EXTRA, ) class InvalidAuthError(HomeAssistantError): """Raised when try to access from untrusted networks.""" class InvalidUserError(HomeAssistantError): """Raised when try to login as invalid user.""" @AUTH_PROVIDERS.register("trusted_networks") class TrustedNetworksAuthProvider(AuthProvider): """Trusted Networks auth provider. Allow passwordless access from trusted network. """ DEFAULT_TITLE = "Trusted Networks" @property def trusted_networks(self) -> List[IPNetwork]: """Return trusted networks.""" return cast(List[IPNetwork], self.config[CONF_TRUSTED_NETWORKS]) @property def trusted_users(self) -> Dict[IPNetwork, Any]: """Return trusted users per network.""" return cast(Dict[IPNetwork, Any], self.config[CONF_TRUSTED_USERS]) @property def support_mfa(self) -> bool: """Trusted Networks auth provider does not support MFA.""" return False async def async_login_flow(self, context: Optional[Dict]) -> LoginFlow: """Return a flow to login.""" assert context is not None ip_addr = cast(IPAddress, context.get("ip_address")) users = await self.store.async_get_users() available_users = [ user for user in users if not user.system_generated and user.is_active ] for ip_net, user_or_group_list in self.trusted_users.items(): if ip_addr in ip_net: user_list = [ user_id for user_id in user_or_group_list if isinstance(user_id, str) ] group_list = [ group[CONF_GROUP] for group in user_or_group_list if isinstance(group, dict) ] flattened_group_list = [ group for sublist in group_list for group in sublist ] available_users = [ user for user in available_users if ( user.id in user_list or any( [group.id in flattened_group_list for group in user.groups] ) ) ] break return TrustedNetworksLoginFlow( self, ip_addr, {user.id: user.name for user in available_users}, self.config[CONF_ALLOW_BYPASS_LOGIN], ) async def async_get_or_create_credentials( self, flow_result: Dict[str, str] ) -> Credentials: """Get credentials based on the flow result.""" user_id = flow_result["user"] users = await self.store.async_get_users() for user in users: if not user.system_generated and user.is_active and user.id == user_id: for credential in await self.async_credentials(): if credential.data["user_id"] == user_id: return credential cred = self.async_create_credentials({"user_id": user_id}) await self.store.async_link_user(user, cred) return cred # We only allow login as exist user raise InvalidUserError async def async_user_meta_for_credentials( self, credentials: Credentials ) -> UserMeta: """Return extra user metadata for credentials. Trusted network auth provider should never create new user. """ raise NotImplementedError @callback def async_validate_access(self, ip_addr: IPAddress) -> None: """Make sure the access from trusted networks. Raise InvalidAuthError if not. Raise InvalidAuthError if trusted_networks is not configured. """ if not self.trusted_networks: raise InvalidAuthError("trusted_networks is not configured") if not any( ip_addr in trusted_network for trusted_network in self.trusted_networks ): raise InvalidAuthError("Not in trusted_networks") class TrustedNetworksLoginFlow(LoginFlow): """Handler for the login flow.""" def __init__( self, auth_provider: TrustedNetworksAuthProvider, ip_addr: IPAddress, available_users: Dict[str, Optional[str]], allow_bypass_login: bool, ) -> None: """Initialize the login flow.""" super().__init__(auth_provider) self._available_users = available_users self._ip_address = ip_addr self._allow_bypass_login = allow_bypass_login async def async_step_init( self, user_input: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Handle the step of the form.""" try: cast( TrustedNetworksAuthProvider, self._auth_provider ).async_validate_access(self._ip_address) except InvalidAuthError: return self.async_abort(reason="not_allowed") if user_input is not None: return await self.async_finish(user_input) if self._allow_bypass_login and len(self._available_users) == 1: return await self.async_finish( {"user": next(iter(self._available_users.keys()))} ) return self.async_show_form( step_id="init", data_schema=vol.Schema({"user": vol.In(self._available_users)}), )
import os import unittest import platform import urwid from urwid.compat import PYTHON3 class EventLoopTestMixin(object): def test_event_loop(self): rd, wr = os.pipe() evl = self.evl out = [] def step1(): out.append("writing") os.write(wr, "hi".encode('ascii')) def step2(): out.append(os.read(rd, 2).decode('ascii')) raise urwid.ExitMainLoop handle = evl.alarm(0, step1) handle = evl.watch_file(rd, step2) evl.run() self.assertEqual(out, ["writing", "hi"]) def test_remove_alarm(self): evl = self.evl handle = evl.alarm(50, lambda: None) def step1(): self.assertTrue(evl.remove_alarm(handle)) self.assertFalse(evl.remove_alarm(handle)) raise urwid.ExitMainLoop evl.alarm(0, step1) evl.run() def test_remove_watch_file(self): evl = self.evl fd_r, fd_w = os.pipe() try: handle = evl.watch_file(fd_r, lambda: None) def step1(): self.assertTrue(evl.remove_watch_file(handle)) self.assertFalse(evl.remove_watch_file(handle)) raise urwid.ExitMainLoop evl.alarm(0, step1) evl.run() finally: os.close(fd_r) os.close(fd_w) _expected_idle_handle = 1 def test_run(self): evl = self.evl out = [] rd, wr = os.pipe() self.assertEqual(os.write(wr, "data".encode('ascii')), 4) def say_hello(): out.append("hello") def say_waiting(): out.append("waiting") def exit_clean(): out.append("clean exit") raise urwid.ExitMainLoop def exit_error(): 1/0 handle = evl.alarm(0.01, exit_clean) handle = evl.alarm(0.005, say_hello) idle_handle = evl.enter_idle(say_waiting) if self._expected_idle_handle is not None: self.assertEqual(idle_handle, 1) evl.run() self.assertTrue("hello" in out, out) self.assertTrue("clean exit" in out, out) handle = evl.watch_file(rd, exit_clean) del out[:] evl.run() self.assertEqual(out, ["clean exit"]) self.assertTrue(evl.remove_watch_file(handle)) handle = evl.alarm(0, exit_error) self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, evl.run) handle = evl.watch_file(rd, exit_error) self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, evl.run) class SelectEventLoopTest(unittest.TestCase, EventLoopTestMixin): def setUp(self): self.evl = urwid.SelectEventLoop() try: import gi.repository except ImportError: pass else: class GLibEventLoopTest(unittest.TestCase, EventLoopTestMixin): def setUp(self): self.evl = urwid.GLibEventLoop() def test_error(self): evl = self.evl evl.alarm(0.5, lambda: 1 / 0) # Simulate error in event loop self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, evl.run) try: import tornado except ImportError: pass else: class TornadoEventLoopTest(unittest.TestCase, EventLoopTestMixin): def setUp(self): from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop self.evl = urwid.TornadoEventLoop(IOLoop()) try: import twisted except ImportError: pass else: class TwistedEventLoopTest(unittest.TestCase, EventLoopTestMixin): def setUp(self): self.evl = urwid.TwistedEventLoop() # can't restart twisted reactor, so use shortened tests def test_event_loop(self): pass def test_remove_alarm(self): pass def test_remove_watch_file(self): pass def test_run(self): evl = self.evl out = [] rd, wr = os.pipe() self.assertEqual(os.write(wr, "data".encode('ascii')), 4) def step2(): out.append(os.read(rd, 2).decode('ascii')) def say_hello(): out.append("hello") def say_waiting(): out.append("waiting") def test_remove_alarm(): handle = evl.alarm(50, lambda: None) self.assertTrue(evl.remove_alarm(handle)) self.assertFalse(evl.remove_alarm(handle)) out.append("remove_alarm ok") def test_remove_watch_file(): fd_r, fd_w = os.pipe() try: handle = evl.watch_file(fd_r, lambda: None) self.assertTrue(evl.remove_watch_file(handle)) self.assertFalse(evl.remove_watch_file(handle)) finally: os.close(fd_r) os.close(fd_w) out.append("remove_watch_file ok") def exit_clean(): out.append("clean exit") raise urwid.ExitMainLoop def exit_error(): 1/0 handle = evl.watch_file(rd, step2) handle = evl.alarm(0.1, exit_clean) handle = evl.alarm(0.05, say_hello) handle = evl.alarm(0.06, test_remove_alarm) handle = evl.alarm(0.07, test_remove_watch_file) self.assertEqual(evl.enter_idle(say_waiting), 1) evl.run() self.assertTrue("da" in out, out) self.assertTrue("ta" in out, out) self.assertTrue("hello" in out, out) self.assertTrue("remove_alarm ok" in out, out) self.assertTrue("clean exit" in out, out) def test_error(self): evl = self.evl evl.alarm(0.5, lambda: 1 / 0) # Simulate error in event loop self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, evl.run) try: import asyncio except ImportError: pass else: if not hasattr(asyncio, 'ensure_future'): #-- Python < 3.4.4 (e.g. Debian Jessie) asyncio.ensure_future = getattr(asyncio, 'async') class AsyncioEventLoopTest(unittest.TestCase, EventLoopTestMixin): def setUp(self): self.evl = urwid.AsyncioEventLoop() _expected_idle_handle = None def test_error(self): evl = self.evl evl.alarm(0.5, lambda: 1 / 0) # Simulate error in event loop self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, evl.run) def test_coroutine_error(self): evl = self.evl @asyncio.coroutine def error_coro(): result = 1 / 0 # Simulate error in coroutine yield result asyncio.ensure_future(error_coro()) self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, evl.run) try: import trio except ImportError: pass else: class TrioEventLoopTest(unittest.TestCase, EventLoopTestMixin): def setUp(self): self.evl = urwid.TrioEventLoop() _expected_idle_handle = None def test_error(self): evl = self.evl evl.alarm(0.5, lambda: 1 / 0) # Simulate error in event loop self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, evl.run)
from __future__ import print_function from test import CollectorTestCase from test import get_collector_config from test import unittest from mock import patch from diamond.collector import Collector from netstat import NetstatCollector ################################################################################ class TestNetstatCollector(CollectorTestCase): def setUp(self): config = get_collector_config('NetstatCollector', { }) self.collector = NetstatCollector(config, None) @patch.object(Collector, 'publish') def test(self, publish_mock): NetstatCollector.PROC_TCP = self.getFixturePath('proc_net_tcp') self.collector.collect() metrics = { 'LISTEN': 9 } self.setDocExample(collector=self.collector.__class__.__name__, metrics=metrics, defaultpath=self.collector.config['path']) print(publish_mock) self.assertPublishedMany(publish_mock, metrics) ################################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
import secrets from typing import Dict from aiohttp.web import Request, Response import emoji from nacl.secret import SecretBox import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.http import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.components.http.data_validator import RequestDataValidator from homeassistant.const import CONF_WEBHOOK_ID, HTTP_CREATED from homeassistant.helpers import config_validation as cv from homeassistant.util import slugify from .const import ( ATTR_APP_DATA, ATTR_APP_ID, ATTR_APP_NAME, ATTR_APP_VERSION, ATTR_DEVICE_ID, ATTR_DEVICE_NAME, ATTR_MANUFACTURER, ATTR_MODEL, ATTR_OS_NAME, ATTR_OS_VERSION, ATTR_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPTION, CONF_CLOUDHOOK_URL, CONF_REMOTE_UI_URL, CONF_SECRET, CONF_USER_ID, DOMAIN, ) from .helpers import supports_encryption class RegistrationsView(HomeAssistantView): """A view that accepts registration requests.""" url = "/api/mobile_app/registrations" name = "api:mobile_app:register" @RequestDataValidator( vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(ATTR_APP_DATA, default={}): dict, vol.Required(ATTR_APP_ID): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_APP_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_APP_VERSION): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_DEVICE_NAME): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_MANUFACTURER): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_MODEL): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_DEVICE_ID): cv.string, # Added in 0.104 vol.Required(ATTR_OS_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_OS_VERSION): cv.string, vol.Required(ATTR_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPTION, default=False): cv.boolean, }, # To allow future apps to send more data extra=vol.REMOVE_EXTRA, ) ) async def post(self, request: Request, data: Dict) -> Response: """Handle the POST request for registration.""" hass = request.app["hass"] webhook_id = secrets.token_hex() if hass.components.cloud.async_active_subscription(): data[ CONF_CLOUDHOOK_URL ] = await hass.components.cloud.async_create_cloudhook(webhook_id) data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID] = webhook_id if data[ATTR_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPTION] and supports_encryption(): data[CONF_SECRET] = secrets.token_hex(SecretBox.KEY_SIZE) data[CONF_USER_ID] = request["hass_user"].id if slugify(data[ATTR_DEVICE_NAME], separator=""): # if slug is not empty and would not only be underscores # use DEVICE_NAME pass elif emoji.emoji_count(data[ATTR_DEVICE_NAME]): # If otherwise empty string contains emoji # use descriptive name of the first emoji data[ATTR_DEVICE_NAME] = emoji.demojize( emoji.emoji_lis(data[ATTR_DEVICE_NAME])[0]["emoji"] ).replace(":", "") else: # Fallback to DEVICE_ID data[ATTR_DEVICE_NAME] = data[ATTR_DEVICE_ID] await hass.async_create_task( hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, data=data, context={"source": "registration"} ) ) remote_ui_url = None try: remote_ui_url = hass.components.cloud.async_remote_ui_url() except hass.components.cloud.CloudNotAvailable: pass return self.json( { CONF_CLOUDHOOK_URL: data.get(CONF_CLOUDHOOK_URL), CONF_REMOTE_UI_URL: remote_ui_url, CONF_SECRET: data.get(CONF_SECRET), CONF_WEBHOOK_ID: data[CONF_WEBHOOK_ID], }, status_code=HTTP_CREATED, )
from __future__ import print_function import logging import optparse import pymongo from .utils import do_db_auth, setup_logging from ..arctic import Arctic from ..hooks import get_mongodb_uri logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def main(): usage = """usage: %prog [options] Deletes the named library from a user's database. Example: %prog --host=hostname --library=arctic_jblackburn.my_library """ setup_logging() parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--host", default='localhost', help="Hostname, or clustername. Default: localhost") parser.add_option("--library", help="The name of the library. e.g. 'arctic_jblackburn.lib'") (opts, _) = parser.parse_args() if not opts.library: parser.error('Must specify the full path of the library e.g. arctic_jblackburn.lib!') print("Deleting: %s on mongo %s" % (opts.library, opts.host)) c = pymongo.MongoClient(get_mongodb_uri(opts.host)) db_name = opts.library[:opts.library.index('.')] if '.' in opts.library else None do_db_auth(opts.host, c, db_name) store = Arctic(c) store.delete_library(opts.library) logger.info("Library %s deleted" % opts.library) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import homeassistant.components.notify as notify_comp from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import assert_setup_component async def test_setup_full(hass): """Test valid configuration.""" await async_setup_component( hass, "homematic", {"homematic": {"hosts": {"ccu2": {"host": ""}}}}, ) with assert_setup_component(1) as handle_config: assert await async_setup_component( hass, "notify", { "notify": { "name": "test", "platform": "homematic", "address": "NEQXXXXXXX", "channel": 2, "param": "SUBMIT", "value": "1,1,108000,2", "interface": "my-interface", } }, ) assert handle_config[notify_comp.DOMAIN] async def test_setup_without_optional(hass): """Test valid configuration without optional.""" await async_setup_component( hass, "homematic", {"homematic": {"hosts": {"ccu2": {"host": ""}}}}, ) with assert_setup_component(1) as handle_config: assert await async_setup_component( hass, "notify", { "notify": { "name": "test", "platform": "homematic", "address": "NEQXXXXXXX", "channel": 2, "param": "SUBMIT", "value": "1,1,108000,2", } }, ) assert handle_config[notify_comp.DOMAIN] async def test_bad_config(hass): """Test invalid configuration.""" config = {notify_comp.DOMAIN: {"name": "test", "platform": "homematic"}} with assert_setup_component(0) as handle_config: assert await async_setup_component(hass, notify_comp.DOMAIN, config) assert not handle_config[notify_comp.DOMAIN]
import json from io import StringIO from django.conf import settings from django.core.management import call_command from django.core.management.base import CommandError from django.urls import reverse from jsonschema import validate from weblate_schemas import load_schema from weblate.lang.models import Language from weblate.memory.machine import WeblateMemory from weblate.memory.models import Memory from weblate.memory.tasks import handle_unit_translation_change, import_memory from weblate.memory.utils import CATEGORY_FILE from weblate.trans.tests.test_views import FixtureTestCase from weblate.trans.tests.utils import get_test_file def add_document(): Memory.objects.create( source_language=Language.objects.get(code="en"), target_language=Language.objects.get(code="cs"), source="Hello", target="Ahoj", origin="test", from_file=True, shared=False, ) class MemoryModelTest(FixtureTestCase): @classmethod def _databases_support_transactions(cls): # This is workaroud for MySQL as FULL TEXT index does not work # well inside a transaction, so we avoid using transactions for # tests. Otherwise we end up with no matches for the query. # See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/innodb-fulltext-index.html if settings.DATABASES["default"]["ENGINE"] == "django.db.backends.mysql": return False return super()._databases_support_transactions() def test_machine(self): add_document() unit = self.get_unit() machine_translation = WeblateMemory() self.assertEqual( machine_translation.translate(unit, search="Hello"), [ { "quality": 100, "service": "Weblate Translation Memory", "origin": "File: test", "source": "Hello", "text": "Ahoj", } ], ) def test_machine_batch(self): add_document() unit = self.get_unit() machine_translation = WeblateMemory() unit.source = "Hello" machine_translation.batch_translate([unit]) self.assertEqual(unit.machinery, {"best": 100, "translation": "Ahoj"}) def test_import_tmx_command(self): call_command("import_memory", get_test_file("memory.tmx")) self.assertEqual(Memory.objects.count(), 2) def test_import_tmx2_command(self): call_command("import_memory", get_test_file("memory2.tmx")) self.assertEqual(Memory.objects.count(), 1) def test_import_map(self): call_command( "import_memory", get_test_file("memory.tmx"), language_map="en_US:en" ) self.assertEqual(Memory.objects.count(), 2) def test_dump_command(self): add_document() output = StringIO() call_command("dump_memory", stdout=output) data = json.loads(output.getvalue()) validate(data, load_schema("weblate-memory.schema.json")) self.assertEqual( data, [ { "source_language": "en", "target_language": "cs", "source": "Hello", "target": "Ahoj", "origin": "test", "category": CATEGORY_FILE, } ], ) def test_import_invalid_command(self): with self.assertRaises(CommandError): call_command("import_memory", get_test_file("cs.po")) self.assertEqual(Memory.objects.count(), 0) def test_import_json_command(self): call_command("import_memory", get_test_file("memory.json")) self.assertEqual(Memory.objects.count(), 1) def test_import_broken_json_command(self): with self.assertRaises(CommandError): call_command("import_memory", get_test_file("memory-broken.json")) self.assertEqual(Memory.objects.count(), 0) def test_import_empty_json_command(self): with self.assertRaises(CommandError): call_command("import_memory", get_test_file("memory-empty.json")) self.assertEqual(Memory.objects.count(), 0) def test_import_project(self): import_memory(self.project.id) self.assertEqual(Memory.objects.count(), 4) import_memory(self.project.id) self.assertEqual(Memory.objects.count(), 4) def test_import_unit(self): unit = self.get_unit() handle_unit_translation_change(unit.id, self.user.id) self.assertEqual(Memory.objects.count(), 3) handle_unit_translation_change(unit.id, self.user.id) self.assertEqual(Memory.objects.count(), 3) class MemoryViewTest(FixtureTestCase): def upload_file(self, name, prefix: str = "", **kwargs): with open(get_test_file(name), "rb") as handle: return self.client.post( reverse(f"{prefix}memory-upload", **kwargs), {"file": handle}, follow=True, ) def test_memory( self, match="Number of your entries", fail=False, prefix: str = "", **kwargs ): # Test wipe without confirmation response = self.client.get(reverse(f"{prefix}memory-delete", **kwargs)) self.assertRedirects(response, reverse(f"{prefix}memory", **kwargs)) response = self.client.post(reverse(f"{prefix}memory-delete", **kwargs)) self.assertRedirects(response, reverse(f"{prefix}memory", **kwargs)) # Test list response = self.client.get(reverse(f"{prefix}memory", **kwargs)) self.assertContains(response, match) # Test upload response = self.upload_file("memory.tmx", prefix=prefix, **kwargs) if fail: self.assertContains(response, "Permission Denied", status_code=403) else: self.assertContains(response, "File processed") # Test download response = self.client.get(reverse(f"{prefix}memory-download", **kwargs)) validate(response.json(), load_schema("weblate-memory.schema.json")) # Test download response = self.client.get( reverse(f"{prefix}memory-download", **kwargs), {"format": "tmx"} ) self.assertContains(response, "<tmx") response = self.client.get( reverse(f"{prefix}memory-download", **kwargs), {"format": "tmx", "origin": "memory.tmx"}, ) self.assertContains(response, "<tmx") response = self.client.get( reverse(f"{prefix}memory-download", **kwargs), {"format": "json"} ) validate(response.json(), load_schema("weblate-memory.schema.json")) # Test wipe count = Memory.objects.count() response = self.client.post( reverse(f"{prefix}memory-delete", **kwargs), {"confirm": "1", "origin": "invalid"}, follow=True, ) if fail: self.assertContains(response, "Permission Denied", status_code=403) else: self.assertContains(response, "Entries deleted") self.assertEqual(count, Memory.objects.count()) response = self.client.post( reverse(f"{prefix}memory-delete", **kwargs), {"confirm": "1"}, follow=True, ) self.assertContains(response, "Entries deleted") self.assertGreater(count, Memory.objects.count()) # Test invalid upload response = self.upload_file("cs.json", **kwargs) if fail: self.assertContains(response, "Permission Denied", status_code=403) else: self.assertContains(response, "Failed to parse JSON file") # Test invalid upload response = self.upload_file("memory-broken.json", **kwargs) if fail: self.assertContains(response, "Permission Denied", status_code=403) else: self.assertContains(response, "Failed to parse JSON file") # Test invalid upload response = self.upload_file("memory-invalid.json", **kwargs) if fail: self.assertContains(response, "Permission Denied", status_code=403) else: self.assertContains(response, "Failed to parse JSON file") def test_memory_project(self): self.test_memory("Number of entries for Test", True, kwargs=self.kw_project) def test_memory_project_superuser(self): self.user.is_superuser = True self.user.save() self.test_memory("Number of entries for Test", False, kwargs=self.kw_project) def test_global_memory_superuser(self): self.user.is_superuser = True self.user.save() self.test_memory("Number of uploaded shared entries", False, prefix="manage-") # Download all entries response = self.client.get( reverse("manage-memory-download"), {"format": "json", "kind": "all"}, ) validate(response.json(), load_schema("weblate-memory.schema.json")) # Download shared entries response = self.client.get( reverse("manage-memory-download"), {"format": "json", "kind": "shared"}, ) validate(response.json(), load_schema("weblate-memory.schema.json"))
from datetime import timedelta import logging import threading import aiohttp from amcrest import AmcrestError, Http, LoginError import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.auth.permissions.const import POLICY_CONTROL from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import DOMAIN as BINARY_SENSOR from homeassistant.components.camera import DOMAIN as CAMERA from homeassistant.components.sensor import DOMAIN as SENSOR from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, CONF_AUTHENTICATION, CONF_BINARY_SENSORS, CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, CONF_SENSORS, CONF_USERNAME, ENTITY_MATCH_ALL, ENTITY_MATCH_NONE, HTTP_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION, ) from homeassistant.exceptions import Unauthorized, UnknownUser from homeassistant.helpers import discovery import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_send, dispatcher_send from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_time_interval from homeassistant.helpers.service import async_extract_entity_ids from .binary_sensor import BINARY_POLLED_SENSORS, BINARY_SENSORS, check_binary_sensors from .camera import CAMERA_SERVICES, STREAM_SOURCE_LIST from .const import ( CAMERAS, COMM_RETRIES, COMM_TIMEOUT, DATA_AMCREST, DEVICES, DOMAIN, SENSOR_EVENT_CODE, SERVICE_EVENT, SERVICE_UPDATE, ) from .helpers import service_signal from .sensor import SENSORS _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_RESOLUTION = "resolution" CONF_STREAM_SOURCE = "stream_source" CONF_FFMPEG_ARGUMENTS = "ffmpeg_arguments" CONF_CONTROL_LIGHT = "control_light" DEFAULT_NAME = "Amcrest Camera" DEFAULT_PORT = 80 DEFAULT_RESOLUTION = "high" DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS = "-pred 1" MAX_ERRORS = 5 RECHECK_INTERVAL = timedelta(minutes=1) NOTIFICATION_ID = "amcrest_notification" NOTIFICATION_TITLE = "Amcrest Camera Setup" RESOLUTION_LIST = {"high": 0, "low": 1} SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=10) AUTHENTICATION_LIST = {"basic": "basic"} def _has_unique_names(devices): names = [device[CONF_NAME] for device in devices] vol.Schema(vol.Unique())(names) return devices AMCREST_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_USERNAME): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_PASSWORD): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_AUTHENTICATION, default=HTTP_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION): vol.All( vol.In(AUTHENTICATION_LIST) ), vol.Optional(CONF_RESOLUTION, default=DEFAULT_RESOLUTION): vol.All( vol.In(RESOLUTION_LIST) ), vol.Optional(CONF_STREAM_SOURCE, default=STREAM_SOURCE_LIST[0]): vol.All( vol.In(STREAM_SOURCE_LIST) ), vol.Optional(CONF_FFMPEG_ARGUMENTS, default=DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_SCAN_INTERVAL, default=SCAN_INTERVAL): cv.time_period, vol.Optional(CONF_BINARY_SENSORS): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [vol.In(BINARY_SENSORS)], vol.Unique(), check_binary_sensors ), vol.Optional(CONF_SENSORS): vol.All( cv.ensure_list, [vol.In(SENSORS)], vol.Unique() ), vol.Optional(CONF_CONTROL_LIGHT, default=True): cv.boolean, } ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {DOMAIN: vol.All(cv.ensure_list, [AMCREST_SCHEMA], _has_unique_names)}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) class AmcrestChecker(Http): """amcrest.Http wrapper for catching errors.""" def __init__(self, hass, name, host, port, user, password): """Initialize.""" self._hass = hass self._wrap_name = name self._wrap_errors = 0 self._wrap_lock = threading.Lock() self._wrap_login_err = False self._wrap_event_flag = threading.Event() self._wrap_event_flag.set() self._unsub_recheck = None super().__init__( host, port, user, password, retries_connection=COMM_RETRIES, timeout_protocol=COMM_TIMEOUT, ) @property def available(self): """Return if camera's API is responding.""" return self._wrap_errors <= MAX_ERRORS and not self._wrap_login_err @property def available_flag(self): """Return threading event flag that indicates if camera's API is responding.""" return self._wrap_event_flag def _start_recovery(self): self._wrap_event_flag.clear() dispatcher_send(self._hass, service_signal(SERVICE_UPDATE, self._wrap_name)) self._unsub_recheck = track_time_interval( self._hass, self._wrap_test_online, RECHECK_INTERVAL ) def command(self, *args, **kwargs): """amcrest.Http.command wrapper to catch errors.""" try: ret = super().command(*args, **kwargs) except LoginError as ex: with self._wrap_lock: was_online = self.available was_login_err = self._wrap_login_err self._wrap_login_err = True if not was_login_err: _LOGGER.error("%s camera offline: Login error: %s", self._wrap_name, ex) if was_online: self._start_recovery() raise except AmcrestError: with self._wrap_lock: was_online = self.available errs = self._wrap_errors = self._wrap_errors + 1 offline = not self.available _LOGGER.debug("%s camera errs: %i", self._wrap_name, errs) if was_online and offline: _LOGGER.error("%s camera offline: Too many errors", self._wrap_name) self._start_recovery() raise with self._wrap_lock: was_offline = not self.available self._wrap_errors = 0 self._wrap_login_err = False if was_offline: self._unsub_recheck() self._unsub_recheck = None _LOGGER.error("%s camera back online", self._wrap_name) self._wrap_event_flag.set() dispatcher_send(self._hass, service_signal(SERVICE_UPDATE, self._wrap_name)) return ret def _wrap_test_online(self, now): """Test if camera is back online.""" _LOGGER.debug("Testing if %s back online", self._wrap_name) try: self.current_time except AmcrestError: pass def _monitor_events(hass, name, api, event_codes): event_codes = ",".join(event_codes) while True: api.available_flag.wait() try: for code, start in api.event_actions(event_codes, retries=5): signal = service_signal(SERVICE_EVENT, name, code) _LOGGER.debug("Sending signal: '%s': %s", signal, start) dispatcher_send(hass, signal, start) except AmcrestError as error: _LOGGER.warning( "Error while processing events from %s camera: %r", name, error ) def _start_event_monitor(hass, name, api, event_codes): thread = threading.Thread( target=_monitor_events, name=f"Amcrest {name}", args=(hass, name, api, event_codes), daemon=True, ) thread.start() def setup(hass, config): """Set up the Amcrest IP Camera component.""" hass.data.setdefault(DATA_AMCREST, {DEVICES: {}, CAMERAS: []}) for device in config[DOMAIN]: name = device[CONF_NAME] username = device[CONF_USERNAME] password = device[CONF_PASSWORD] api = AmcrestChecker( hass, name, device[CONF_HOST], device[CONF_PORT], username, password ) ffmpeg_arguments = device[CONF_FFMPEG_ARGUMENTS] resolution = RESOLUTION_LIST[device[CONF_RESOLUTION]] binary_sensors = device.get(CONF_BINARY_SENSORS) sensors = device.get(CONF_SENSORS) stream_source = device[CONF_STREAM_SOURCE] control_light = device.get(CONF_CONTROL_LIGHT) # currently aiohttp only works with basic authentication # only valid for mjpeg streaming if device[CONF_AUTHENTICATION] == HTTP_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION: authentication = aiohttp.BasicAuth(username, password) else: authentication = None hass.data[DATA_AMCREST][DEVICES][name] = AmcrestDevice( api, authentication, ffmpeg_arguments, stream_source, resolution, control_light, ) discovery.load_platform(hass, CAMERA, DOMAIN, {CONF_NAME: name}, config) if binary_sensors: discovery.load_platform( hass, BINARY_SENSOR, DOMAIN, {CONF_NAME: name, CONF_BINARY_SENSORS: binary_sensors}, config, ) event_codes = [ BINARY_SENSORS[sensor_type][SENSOR_EVENT_CODE] for sensor_type in binary_sensors if sensor_type not in BINARY_POLLED_SENSORS ] if event_codes: _start_event_monitor(hass, name, api, event_codes) if sensors: discovery.load_platform( hass, SENSOR, DOMAIN, {CONF_NAME: name, CONF_SENSORS: sensors}, config ) if not hass.data[DATA_AMCREST][DEVICES]: return False def have_permission(user, entity_id): return not user or user.permissions.check_entity(entity_id, POLICY_CONTROL) async def async_extract_from_service(call): if call.context.user_id: user = await hass.auth.async_get_user(call.context.user_id) if user is None: raise UnknownUser(context=call.context) else: user = None if call.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) == ENTITY_MATCH_ALL: # Return all entity_ids user has permission to control. return [ entity_id for entity_id in hass.data[DATA_AMCREST][CAMERAS] if have_permission(user, entity_id) ] if call.data.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) == ENTITY_MATCH_NONE: return [] call_ids = await async_extract_entity_ids(hass, call) entity_ids = [] for entity_id in hass.data[DATA_AMCREST][CAMERAS]: if entity_id not in call_ids: continue if not have_permission(user, entity_id): raise Unauthorized( context=call.context, entity_id=entity_id, permission=POLICY_CONTROL ) entity_ids.append(entity_id) return entity_ids async def async_service_handler(call): args = [] for arg in CAMERA_SERVICES[call.service][2]: args.append(call.data[arg]) for entity_id in await async_extract_from_service(call): async_dispatcher_send(hass, service_signal(call.service, entity_id), *args) for service, params in CAMERA_SERVICES.items(): hass.services.register(DOMAIN, service, async_service_handler, params[0]) return True class AmcrestDevice: """Representation of a base Amcrest discovery device.""" def __init__( self, api, authentication, ffmpeg_arguments, stream_source, resolution, control_light, ): """Initialize the entity.""" self.api = api self.authentication = authentication self.ffmpeg_arguments = ffmpeg_arguments self.stream_source = stream_source self.resolution = resolution self.control_light = control_light
import asyncio import json import logging from serial import SerialException import serial_asyncio import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import CONF_NAME, CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE, EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP from homeassistant.core import callback import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF_SERIAL_PORT = "serial_port" CONF_BAUDRATE = "baudrate" CONF_BYTESIZE = "bytesize" CONF_PARITY = "parity" CONF_STOPBITS = "stopbits" CONF_XONXOFF = "xonxoff" CONF_RTSCTS = "rtscts" CONF_DSRDTR = "dsrdtr" DEFAULT_NAME = "Serial Sensor" DEFAULT_BAUDRATE = 9600 DEFAULT_BYTESIZE = serial_asyncio.serial.EIGHTBITS DEFAULT_PARITY = serial_asyncio.serial.PARITY_NONE DEFAULT_STOPBITS = serial_asyncio.serial.STOPBITS_ONE DEFAULT_XONXOFF = False DEFAULT_RTSCTS = False DEFAULT_DSRDTR = False PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_SERIAL_PORT): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_BAUDRATE, default=DEFAULT_BAUDRATE): cv.positive_int, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE): cv.template, vol.Optional(CONF_BYTESIZE, default=DEFAULT_BYTESIZE): vol.In( [ serial_asyncio.serial.FIVEBITS, serial_asyncio.serial.SIXBITS, serial_asyncio.serial.SEVENBITS, serial_asyncio.serial.EIGHTBITS, ] ), vol.Optional(CONF_PARITY, default=DEFAULT_PARITY): vol.In( [ serial_asyncio.serial.PARITY_NONE, serial_asyncio.serial.PARITY_EVEN, serial_asyncio.serial.PARITY_ODD, serial_asyncio.serial.PARITY_MARK, serial_asyncio.serial.PARITY_SPACE, ] ), vol.Optional(CONF_STOPBITS, default=DEFAULT_STOPBITS): vol.In( [ serial_asyncio.serial.STOPBITS_ONE, serial_asyncio.serial.STOPBITS_ONE_POINT_FIVE, serial_asyncio.serial.STOPBITS_TWO, ] ), vol.Optional(CONF_XONXOFF, default=DEFAULT_XONXOFF): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_RTSCTS, default=DEFAULT_RTSCTS): cv.boolean, vol.Optional(CONF_DSRDTR, default=DEFAULT_DSRDTR): cv.boolean, } ) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Serial sensor platform.""" name = config.get(CONF_NAME) port = config.get(CONF_SERIAL_PORT) baudrate = config.get(CONF_BAUDRATE) bytesize = config.get(CONF_BYTESIZE) parity = config.get(CONF_PARITY) stopbits = config.get(CONF_STOPBITS) xonxoff = config.get(CONF_XONXOFF) rtscts = config.get(CONF_RTSCTS) dsrdtr = config.get(CONF_DSRDTR) value_template = config.get(CONF_VALUE_TEMPLATE) if value_template is not None: value_template.hass = hass sensor = SerialSensor( name, port, baudrate, bytesize, parity, stopbits, xonxoff, rtscts, dsrdtr, value_template, ) hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, sensor.stop_serial_read) async_add_entities([sensor], True) class SerialSensor(Entity): """Representation of a Serial sensor.""" def __init__( self, name, port, baudrate, bytesize, parity, stopbits, xonxoff, rtscts, dsrdtr, value_template, ): """Initialize the Serial sensor.""" self._name = name self._state = None self._port = port self._baudrate = baudrate self._bytesize = bytesize self._parity = parity self._stopbits = stopbits self._xonxoff = xonxoff self._rtscts = rtscts self._dsrdtr = dsrdtr self._serial_loop_task = None self._template = value_template self._attributes = None async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Handle when an entity is about to be added to Home Assistant.""" self._serial_loop_task = self.hass.loop.create_task( self.serial_read( self._port, self._baudrate, self._bytesize, self._parity, self._stopbits, self._xonxoff, self._rtscts, self._dsrdtr, ) ) async def serial_read( self, device, baudrate, bytesize, parity, stopbits, xonxoff, rtscts, dsrdtr, **kwargs, ): """Read the data from the port.""" logged_error = False while True: try: reader, _ = await serial_asyncio.open_serial_connection( url=device, baudrate=baudrate, bytesize=bytesize, parity=parity, stopbits=stopbits, xonxoff=xonxoff, rtscts=rtscts, dsrdtr=dsrdtr, **kwargs, ) except SerialException as exc: if not logged_error: _LOGGER.exception( "Unable to connect to the serial device %s: %s. Will retry", device, exc, ) logged_error = True await self._handle_error() else: _LOGGER.info("Serial device %s connected", device) while True: try: line = await reader.readline() except SerialException as exc: _LOGGER.exception( "Error while reading serial device %s: %s", device, exc ) await self._handle_error() break else: line = line.decode("utf-8").strip() try: data = json.loads(line) except ValueError: pass else: if isinstance(data, dict): self._attributes = data if self._template is not None: line = self._template.async_render_with_possible_json_value( line ) _LOGGER.debug("Received: %s", line) self._state = line self.async_write_ha_state() async def _handle_error(self): """Handle error for serial connection.""" self._state = None self._attributes = None self.async_write_ha_state() await asyncio.sleep(5) @callback def stop_serial_read(self, event): """Close resources.""" if self._serial_loop_task: self._serial_loop_task.cancel() @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def should_poll(self): """No polling needed.""" return False @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return the attributes of the entity (if any JSON present).""" return self._attributes @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state
from typing import List from typing import Mapping from typing import Optional import service_configuration_lib from paasta_tools.kubernetes_tools import sanitised_cr_name from paasta_tools.long_running_service_tools import LongRunningServiceConfig from paasta_tools.long_running_service_tools import LongRunningServiceConfigDict from paasta_tools.utils import BranchDictV2 from paasta_tools.utils import deep_merge_dictionaries from paasta_tools.utils import DEFAULT_SOA_DIR from paasta_tools.utils import load_service_instance_config from paasta_tools.utils import load_v2_deployments_json class KafkaClusterDeploymentConfigDict(LongRunningServiceConfigDict, total=False): replicas: int class KafkaClusterDeploymentConfig(LongRunningServiceConfig): config_dict: KafkaClusterDeploymentConfigDict config_filename_prefix = "kafkacluster" def __init__( self, service: str, cluster: str, instance: str, config_dict: KafkaClusterDeploymentConfigDict, branch_dict: Optional[BranchDictV2], soa_dir: str = DEFAULT_SOA_DIR, ) -> None: super().__init__( cluster=cluster, instance=instance, service=service, soa_dir=soa_dir, config_dict=config_dict, branch_dict=branch_dict, ) def get_instances(self, with_limit: bool = True) -> int: return self.config_dict.get("replicas", 1) def validate( self, params: List[str] = [ "cpus", "security", "dependencies_reference", "deploy_group", ], ) -> List[str]: # Use InstanceConfig to validate shared config keys like cpus and mem # TODO: add mem back to this list once we fix PAASTA-15582 and # move to using the same units as flink/marathon etc. error_msgs = super().validate(params=params) if error_msgs: name = self.get_instance() return [f"{name}: {msg}" for msg in error_msgs] else: return [] def load_kafkacluster_instance_config( service: str, instance: str, cluster: str, load_deployments: bool = True, soa_dir: str = DEFAULT_SOA_DIR, ) -> KafkaClusterDeploymentConfig: """Read a service instance's configuration for KafkaCluster. If a branch isn't specified for a config, the 'branch' key defaults to paasta-${cluster}.${instance}. :param service: The service name :param instance: The instance of the service to retrieve :param cluster: The cluster to read the configuration for :param load_deployments: A boolean indicating if the corresponding deployments.json for this service should also be loaded :param soa_dir: The SOA configuration directory to read from :returns: A dictionary of whatever was in the config for the service instance""" general_config = service_configuration_lib.read_service_configuration( service, soa_dir=soa_dir ) instance_config = load_service_instance_config( service, instance, "kafkacluster", cluster, soa_dir=soa_dir ) general_config = deep_merge_dictionaries( overrides=instance_config, defaults=general_config ) branch_dict: Optional[BranchDictV2] = None if load_deployments: deployments_json = load_v2_deployments_json(service, soa_dir=soa_dir) temp_instance_config = KafkaClusterDeploymentConfig( service=service, cluster=cluster, instance=instance, config_dict=general_config, branch_dict=None, soa_dir=soa_dir, ) branch = temp_instance_config.get_branch() deploy_group = temp_instance_config.get_deploy_group() branch_dict = deployments_json.get_branch_dict(service, branch, deploy_group) return KafkaClusterDeploymentConfig( service=service, cluster=cluster, instance=instance, config_dict=general_config, branch_dict=branch_dict, soa_dir=soa_dir, ) # TODO: read this from CRD in service configs def cr_id(service: str, instance: str) -> Mapping[str, str]: return dict( group="yelp.com", version="v1alpha1", namespace="paasta-kafkaclusters", plural="kafkaclusters", name=sanitised_cr_name(service, instance), )
from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS, LightEntity, ) from . import ElkEntity, create_elk_entities from .const import DOMAIN async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up the Elk light platform.""" elk_data = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id] entities = [] elk = elk_data["elk"] create_elk_entities(elk_data, elk.lights, "plc", ElkLight, entities) async_add_entities(entities, True) class ElkLight(ElkEntity, LightEntity): """Representation of an Elk lighting device.""" def __init__(self, element, elk, elk_data): """Initialize the Elk light.""" super().__init__(element, elk, elk_data) self._brightness = self._element.status @property def brightness(self): """Get the brightness.""" return self._brightness @property def supported_features(self): """Flag supported features.""" return SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Get the current brightness.""" return self._brightness != 0 def _element_changed(self, element, changeset): status = self._element.status if self._element.status != 1 else 100 self._brightness = round(status * 2.55) async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Turn on the light.""" self._element.level(round(kwargs.get(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, 255) / 2.55)) async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Turn off the light.""" self._element.level(0)
import unittest import numpy as np from pgmpy.factors.discrete import DiscreteFactor from pgmpy.models import JunctionTree from pgmpy.tests import help_functions as hf class TestJunctionTreeCreation(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.graph = JunctionTree() def test_add_single_node(self): self.graph.add_node(("a", "b")) self.assertListEqual(list(self.graph.nodes()), [("a", "b")]) def test_add_single_node_raises_error(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.graph.add_node, "a") def test_add_multiple_nodes(self): self.graph.add_nodes_from([("a", "b"), ("b", "c")]) self.assertListEqual( hf.recursive_sorted(self.graph.nodes()), [["a", "b"], ["b", "c"]] ) def test_add_single_edge(self): self.graph.add_edge(("a", "b"), ("b", "c")) self.assertListEqual( hf.recursive_sorted(self.graph.nodes()), [["a", "b"], ["b", "c"]] ) self.assertListEqual( sorted([node for edge in self.graph.edges() for node in edge]), [("a", "b"), ("b", "c")], ) def test_add_single_edge_raises_error(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph.add_edge, ("a", "b"), ("c", "d")) def test_add_cyclic_path_raises_error(self): self.graph.add_edge(("a", "b"), ("b", "c")) self.graph.add_edge(("b", "c"), ("c", "d")) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph.add_edge, ("c", "d"), ("a", "b")) def tearDown(self): del self.graph class TestJunctionTreeMethods(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.factor1 = DiscreteFactor(["a", "b"], [2, 2], np.random.rand(4)) self.factor2 = DiscreteFactor(["b", "c"], [2, 2], np.random.rand(4)) self.factor3 = DiscreteFactor(["d", "e"], [2, 2], np.random.rand(4)) self.factor4 = DiscreteFactor(["e", "f"], [2, 2], np.random.rand(4)) self.factor5 = DiscreteFactor(["a", "b", "e"], [2, 2, 2], np.random.rand(8)) self.graph1 = JunctionTree() self.graph1.add_edge(("a", "b"), ("b", "c")) self.graph1.add_factors(self.factor1, self.factor2) self.graph2 = JunctionTree() self.graph2.add_nodes_from([("a", "b"), ("b", "c"), ("d", "e")]) self.graph2.add_edge(("a", "b"), ("b", "c")) self.graph2.add_factors(self.factor1, self.factor2, self.factor3) self.graph3 = JunctionTree() self.graph3.add_edges_from([(("a", "b"), ("b", "c")), (("d", "e"), ("e", "f"))]) self.graph3.add_factors(self.factor1, self.factor2, self.factor3, self.factor4) self.graph4 = JunctionTree() self.graph4.add_edges_from( [ (("a", "b", "e"), ("b", "c")), (("a", "b", "e"), ("e", "f")), (("d", "e"), ("e", "f")), ] ) self.graph4.add_factors(self.factor5, self.factor2, self.factor3, self.factor4) def test_check_model(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph2.check_model) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.graph3.check_model) self.assertTrue(self.graph1.check_model()) self.assertTrue(self.graph4.check_model()) def tearDown(self): del self.factor1 del self.factor2 del self.factor3 del self.factor4 del self.factor5 del self.graph1 del self.graph2 del self.graph3 del self.graph4 class TestJunctionTreeCopy(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.graph = JunctionTree() def test_copy_with_nodes(self): self.graph.add_nodes_from([("a", "b", "c"), ("a", "b"), ("a", "c")]) self.graph.add_edges_from( [(("a", "b", "c"), ("a", "b")), (("a", "b", "c"), ("a", "c"))] ) graph_copy = self.graph.copy() self.graph.remove_edge(("a", "b", "c"), ("a", "c")) self.assertFalse(self.graph.has_edge(("a", "b", "c"), ("a", "c"))) self.assertTrue(graph_copy.has_edge(("a", "b", "c"), ("a", "c"))) self.graph.remove_node(("a", "c")) self.assertFalse(self.graph.has_node(("a", "c"))) self.assertTrue(graph_copy.has_node(("a", "c"))) self.graph.add_node(("c", "d")) self.assertTrue(self.graph.has_node(("c", "d"))) self.assertFalse(graph_copy.has_node(("c", "d"))) def test_copy_with_factors(self): self.graph.add_edges_from([[("a", "b"), ("b", "c")]]) phi1 = DiscreteFactor(["a", "b"], [2, 2], np.random.rand(4)) phi2 = DiscreteFactor(["b", "c"], [2, 2], np.random.rand(4)) self.graph.add_factors(phi1, phi2) graph_copy = self.graph.copy() self.assertIsInstance(graph_copy, JunctionTree) self.assertIsNot(self.graph, graph_copy) self.assertEqual( hf.recursive_sorted(self.graph.nodes()), hf.recursive_sorted(graph_copy.nodes()), ) self.assertEqual( hf.recursive_sorted(self.graph.edges()), hf.recursive_sorted(graph_copy.edges()), ) self.assertTrue(graph_copy.check_model()) self.assertEqual(self.graph.get_factors(), graph_copy.get_factors()) self.graph.remove_factors(phi1, phi2) self.assertTrue( phi1 not in self.graph.factors and phi2 not in self.graph.factors ) self.assertTrue(phi1 in graph_copy.factors and phi2 in graph_copy.factors) self.graph.add_factors(phi1, phi2) self.graph.factors[0] = DiscreteFactor(["a", "b"], [2, 2], np.random.rand(4)) self.assertNotEqual(self.graph.get_factors()[0], graph_copy.get_factors()[0]) self.assertNotEqual(self.graph.factors, graph_copy.factors) def test_copy_with_factorchanges(self): self.graph.add_edges_from([[("a", "b"), ("b", "c")]]) phi1 = DiscreteFactor(["a", "b"], [2, 2], np.random.rand(4)) phi2 = DiscreteFactor(["b", "c"], [2, 2], np.random.rand(4)) self.graph.add_factors(phi1, phi2) graph_copy = self.graph.copy() self.graph.factors[0].reduce([("a", 0)]) self.assertNotEqual( self.graph.factors[0].scope(), graph_copy.factors[0].scope() ) self.assertNotEqual(self.graph, graph_copy) self.graph.factors[1].marginalize(["b"]) self.assertNotEqual( self.graph.factors[1].scope(), graph_copy.factors[1].scope() ) self.assertNotEqual(self.graph, graph_copy) def tearDown(self): del self.graph
import logging import lw12 import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_EFFECT, ATTR_HS_COLOR, ATTR_TRANSITION, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS, SUPPORT_COLOR, SUPPORT_EFFECT, SUPPORT_TRANSITION, LightEntity, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME, CONF_PORT import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv import homeassistant.util.color as color_util _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_NAME = "LW-12 FC" DEFAULT_PORT = 5000 PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_PORT, default=DEFAULT_PORT): cv.port, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, } ) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up LW-12 WiFi LED Controller platform.""" # Assign configuration variables. name = config.get(CONF_NAME) host = config.get(CONF_HOST) port = config.get(CONF_PORT) # Add devices lw12_light = lw12.LW12Controller(host, port) add_entities([LW12WiFi(name, lw12_light)]) class LW12WiFi(LightEntity): """LW-12 WiFi LED Controller.""" def __init__(self, name, lw12_light): """Initialise LW-12 WiFi LED Controller. :param name: Friendly name for this platform to use. :param lw12_light: Instance of the LW12 controller. """ self._light = lw12_light self._name = name self._state = None self._effect = None self._rgb_color = [255, 255, 255] self._brightness = 255 # Setup feature list self._supported_features = ( SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS | SUPPORT_EFFECT | SUPPORT_COLOR | SUPPORT_TRANSITION ) @property def name(self): """Return the display name of the controlled light.""" return self._name @property def brightness(self): """Return the brightness of the light.""" return self._brightness @property def hs_color(self): """Read back the hue-saturation of the light.""" return color_util.color_RGB_to_hs(*self._rgb_color) @property def effect(self): """Return current light effect.""" if self._effect is None: return None return self._effect.replace("_", " ").title() @property def is_on(self): """Return true if light is on.""" return self._state @property def supported_features(self): """Return a list of supported features.""" return self._supported_features @property def effect_list(self): """Return a list of available effects. Use the Enum element name for display. """ return [effect.name.replace("_", " ").title() for effect in lw12.LW12_EFFECT] @property def assumed_state(self) -> bool: """Return True if unable to access real state of the entity.""" return True @property def shoud_poll(self) -> bool: """Return False to not poll the state of this entity.""" return False def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Instruct the light to turn on.""" self._light.light_on() if ATTR_HS_COLOR in kwargs: self._rgb_color = color_util.color_hs_to_RGB(*kwargs[ATTR_HS_COLOR]) self._light.set_color(*self._rgb_color) self._effect = None if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs: self._brightness = kwargs.get(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS) brightness = int(self._brightness / 255 * 100) self._light.set_light_option(lw12.LW12_LIGHT.BRIGHTNESS, brightness) if ATTR_EFFECT in kwargs: self._effect = kwargs[ATTR_EFFECT].replace(" ", "_").upper() # Check if a known and supported effect was selected. if self._effect in [eff.name for eff in lw12.LW12_EFFECT]: # Selected effect is supported and will be applied. self._light.set_effect(lw12.LW12_EFFECT[self._effect]) else: # Unknown effect was set, recover by disabling the effect # mode and log an error. _LOGGER.error("Unknown effect selected: %s", self._effect) self._effect = None if ATTR_TRANSITION in kwargs: transition_speed = int(kwargs[ATTR_TRANSITION]) self._light.set_light_option(lw12.LW12_LIGHT.FLASH, transition_speed) self._state = True def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Instruct the light to turn off.""" self._light.light_off() self._state = False
import struct import time import io import cherrypy from cherrypy._cpcompat import text_or_bytes from cherrypy.lib import file_generator from cherrypy.lib import is_closable_iterator from cherrypy.lib import set_vary_header _COMPRESSION_LEVEL_FAST = 1 _COMPRESSION_LEVEL_BEST = 9 def decode(encoding=None, default_encoding='utf-8'): """Replace or extend the list of charsets used to decode a request entity. Either argument may be a single string or a list of strings. encoding If not None, restricts the set of charsets attempted while decoding a request entity to the given set (even if a different charset is given in the Content-Type request header). default_encoding Only in effect if the 'encoding' argument is not given. If given, the set of charsets attempted while decoding a request entity is *extended* with the given value(s). """ body = cherrypy.request.body if encoding is not None: if not isinstance(encoding, list): encoding = [encoding] body.attempt_charsets = encoding elif default_encoding: if not isinstance(default_encoding, list): default_encoding = [default_encoding] body.attempt_charsets = body.attempt_charsets + default_encoding class UTF8StreamEncoder: def __init__(self, iterator): self._iterator = iterator def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): return self.__next__() def __next__(self): res = next(self._iterator) if isinstance(res, str): res = res.encode('utf-8') return res def close(self): if is_closable_iterator(self._iterator): self._iterator.close() def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError(self, attr) return getattr(self._iterator, attr) class ResponseEncoder: default_encoding = 'utf-8' failmsg = 'Response body could not be encoded with %r.' encoding = None errors = 'strict' text_only = True add_charset = True debug = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self.attempted_charsets = set() request = cherrypy.serving.request if request.handler is not None: # Replace request.handler with self if self.debug: cherrypy.log('Replacing request.handler', 'TOOLS.ENCODE') self.oldhandler = request.handler request.handler = self def encode_stream(self, encoding): """Encode a streaming response body. Use a generator wrapper, and just pray it works as the stream is being written out. """ if encoding in self.attempted_charsets: return False self.attempted_charsets.add(encoding) def encoder(body): for chunk in body: if isinstance(chunk, str): chunk = chunk.encode(encoding, self.errors) yield chunk self.body = encoder(self.body) return True def encode_string(self, encoding): """Encode a buffered response body.""" if encoding in self.attempted_charsets: return False self.attempted_charsets.add(encoding) body = [] for chunk in self.body: if isinstance(chunk, str): try: chunk = chunk.encode(encoding, self.errors) except (LookupError, UnicodeError): return False body.append(chunk) self.body = body return True def find_acceptable_charset(self): request = cherrypy.serving.request response = cherrypy.serving.response if self.debug: cherrypy.log('response.stream %r' % response.stream, 'TOOLS.ENCODE') if response.stream: encoder = self.encode_stream else: encoder = self.encode_string if 'Content-Length' in response.headers: # Delete Content-Length header so finalize() recalcs it. # Encoded strings may be of different lengths from their # unicode equivalents, and even from each other. For example: # >>> t = u"\u7007\u3040" # >>> len(t) # 2 # >>> len(t.encode("UTF-8")) # 6 # >>> len(t.encode("utf7")) # 8 del response.headers['Content-Length'] # Parse the Accept-Charset request header, and try to provide one # of the requested charsets (in order of user preference). encs = request.headers.elements('Accept-Charset') charsets = [enc.value.lower() for enc in encs] if self.debug: cherrypy.log('charsets %s' % repr(charsets), 'TOOLS.ENCODE') if self.encoding is not None: # If specified, force this encoding to be used, or fail. encoding = self.encoding.lower() if self.debug: cherrypy.log('Specified encoding %r' % encoding, 'TOOLS.ENCODE') if (not charsets) or '*' in charsets or encoding in charsets: if self.debug: cherrypy.log('Attempting encoding %r' % encoding, 'TOOLS.ENCODE') if encoder(encoding): return encoding else: if not encs: if self.debug: cherrypy.log('Attempting default encoding %r' % self.default_encoding, 'TOOLS.ENCODE') # Any character-set is acceptable. if encoder(self.default_encoding): return self.default_encoding else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(500, self.failmsg % self.default_encoding) else: for element in encs: if element.qvalue > 0: if element.value == '*': # Matches any charset. Try our default. if self.debug: cherrypy.log('Attempting default encoding due ' 'to %r' % element, 'TOOLS.ENCODE') if encoder(self.default_encoding): return self.default_encoding else: encoding = element.value if self.debug: cherrypy.log('Attempting encoding %s (qvalue >' '0)' % element, 'TOOLS.ENCODE') if encoder(encoding): return encoding if '*' not in charsets: # If no "*" is present in an Accept-Charset field, then all # character sets not explicitly mentioned get a quality # value of 0, except for ISO-8859-1, which gets a quality # value of 1 if not explicitly mentioned. iso = 'iso-8859-1' if iso not in charsets: if self.debug: cherrypy.log('Attempting ISO-8859-1 encoding', 'TOOLS.ENCODE') if encoder(iso): return iso # No suitable encoding found. ac = request.headers.get('Accept-Charset') if ac is None: msg = 'Your client did not send an Accept-Charset header.' else: msg = 'Your client sent this Accept-Charset header: %s.' % ac _charsets = ', '.join(sorted(self.attempted_charsets)) msg += ' We tried these charsets: %s.' % (_charsets,) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(406, msg) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): response = cherrypy.serving.response self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs) self.body = prepare_iter(self.body) ct = response.headers.elements('Content-Type') if self.debug: cherrypy.log('Content-Type: %r' % [str(h) for h in ct], 'TOOLS.ENCODE') if ct and self.add_charset: ct = ct[0] if self.text_only: if ct.value.lower().startswith('text/'): if self.debug: cherrypy.log( 'Content-Type %s starts with "text/"' % ct, 'TOOLS.ENCODE') do_find = True else: if self.debug: cherrypy.log('Not finding because Content-Type %s ' 'does not start with "text/"' % ct, 'TOOLS.ENCODE') do_find = False else: if self.debug: cherrypy.log('Finding because not text_only', 'TOOLS.ENCODE') do_find = True if do_find: # Set "charset=..." param on response Content-Type header ct.params['charset'] = self.find_acceptable_charset() if self.debug: cherrypy.log('Setting Content-Type %s' % ct, 'TOOLS.ENCODE') response.headers['Content-Type'] = str(ct) return self.body def prepare_iter(value): """ Ensure response body is iterable and resolves to False when empty. """ if isinstance(value, text_or_bytes): # strings get wrapped in a list because iterating over a single # item list is much faster than iterating over every character # in a long string. if value: value = [value] else: # [''] doesn't evaluate to False, so replace it with []. value = [] # Don't use isinstance here; io.IOBase which has an ABC takes # 1000 times as long as, say, isinstance(value, str) elif hasattr(value, 'read'): value = file_generator(value) elif value is None: value = [] return value # GZIP def compress(body, compress_level): """Compress 'body' at the given compress_level.""" import zlib # See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1952 yield b'\x1f\x8b' # ID1 and ID2: gzip marker yield b'\x08' # CM: compression method yield b'\x00' # FLG: none set # MTIME: 4 bytes yield struct.pack('<L', int(time.time()) & int('FFFFFFFF', 16)) # RFC 1952, section 2.3.1: # # XFL (eXtra FLags) # These flags are available for use by specific compression # methods. The "deflate" method (CM = 8) sets these flags as # follows: # # XFL = 2 - compressor used maximum compression, # slowest algorithm # XFL = 4 - compressor used fastest algorithm if compress_level == _COMPRESSION_LEVEL_BEST: yield b'\x02' # XFL: max compression, slowest algo elif compress_level == _COMPRESSION_LEVEL_FAST: yield b'\x04' # XFL: min compression, fastest algo else: yield b'\x00' # XFL: compression unset/tradeoff yield b'\xff' # OS: unknown crc = zlib.crc32(b'') size = 0 zobj = zlib.compressobj(compress_level, zlib.DEFLATED, -zlib.MAX_WBITS, zlib.DEF_MEM_LEVEL, 0) for line in body: size += len(line) crc = zlib.crc32(line, crc) yield zobj.compress(line) yield zobj.flush() # CRC32: 4 bytes yield struct.pack('<L', crc & int('FFFFFFFF', 16)) # ISIZE: 4 bytes yield struct.pack('<L', size & int('FFFFFFFF', 16)) def decompress(body): import gzip zbuf = io.BytesIO() zbuf.write(body) zbuf.seek(0) zfile = gzip.GzipFile(mode='rb', fileobj=zbuf) data = zfile.read() zfile.close() return data def gzip(compress_level=5, mime_types=['text/html', 'text/plain'], debug=False): """Try to gzip the response body if Content-Type in mime_types. cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] must be set to one of the values in the mime_types arg before calling this function. The provided list of mime-types must be of one of the following form: * `type/subtype` * `type/*` * `type/*+subtype` No compression is performed if any of the following hold: * The client sends no Accept-Encoding request header * No 'gzip' or 'x-gzip' is present in the Accept-Encoding header * No 'gzip' or 'x-gzip' with a qvalue > 0 is present * The 'identity' value is given with a qvalue > 0. """ request = cherrypy.serving.request response = cherrypy.serving.response set_vary_header(response, 'Accept-Encoding') if not response.body: # Response body is empty (might be a 304 for instance) if debug: cherrypy.log('No response body', context='TOOLS.GZIP') return # If returning cached content (which should already have been gzipped), # don't re-zip. if getattr(request, 'cached', False): if debug: cherrypy.log('Not gzipping cached response', context='TOOLS.GZIP') return acceptable = request.headers.elements('Accept-Encoding') if not acceptable: # If no Accept-Encoding field is present in a request, # the server MAY assume that the client will accept any # content coding. In this case, if "identity" is one of # the available content-codings, then the server SHOULD use # the "identity" content-coding, unless it has additional # information that a different content-coding is meaningful # to the client. if debug: cherrypy.log('No Accept-Encoding', context='TOOLS.GZIP') return ct = response.headers.get('Content-Type', '').split(';')[0] for coding in acceptable: if coding.value == 'identity' and coding.qvalue != 0: if debug: cherrypy.log('Non-zero identity qvalue: %s' % coding, context='TOOLS.GZIP') return if coding.value in ('gzip', 'x-gzip'): if coding.qvalue == 0: if debug: cherrypy.log('Zero gzip qvalue: %s' % coding, context='TOOLS.GZIP') return if ct not in mime_types: # If the list of provided mime-types contains tokens # such as 'text/*' or 'application/*+xml', # we go through them and find the most appropriate one # based on the given content-type. # The pattern matching is only caring about the most # common cases, as stated above, and doesn't support # for extra parameters. found = False if '/' in ct: ct_media_type, ct_sub_type = ct.split('/') for mime_type in mime_types: if '/' in mime_type: media_type, sub_type = mime_type.split('/') if ct_media_type == media_type: if sub_type == '*': found = True break elif '+' in sub_type and '+' in ct_sub_type: ct_left, ct_right = ct_sub_type.split('+') left, right = sub_type.split('+') if left == '*' and ct_right == right: found = True break if not found: if debug: cherrypy.log('Content-Type %s not in mime_types %r' % (ct, mime_types), context='TOOLS.GZIP') return if debug: cherrypy.log('Gzipping', context='TOOLS.GZIP') # Return a generator that compresses the page response.headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' response.body = compress(response.body, compress_level) if 'Content-Length' in response.headers: # Delete Content-Length header so finalize() recalcs it. del response.headers['Content-Length'] return if debug: cherrypy.log('No acceptable encoding found.', context='GZIP') cherrypy.HTTPError(406, 'identity, gzip').set_response()
from typing import Dict from synology_dsm.api.surveillance_station import SynoSurveillanceStation from synology_dsm.api.surveillance_station.camera import SynoCamera from homeassistant.components.camera import SUPPORT_STREAM, Camera from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType from . import SynoApi, SynologyDSMEntity from .const import ( DOMAIN, ENTITY_CLASS, ENTITY_ENABLE, ENTITY_ICON, ENTITY_NAME, ENTITY_UNIT, SYNO_API, ) async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistantType, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities ) -> None: """Set up the Synology NAS binary sensor.""" api = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.unique_id][SYNO_API] if SynoSurveillanceStation.CAMERA_API_KEY not in api.dsm.apis: return surveillance_station = api.surveillance_station await hass.async_add_executor_job(surveillance_station.update) cameras = surveillance_station.get_all_cameras() entities = [SynoDSMCamera(api, camera) for camera in cameras] async_add_entities(entities) class SynoDSMCamera(SynologyDSMEntity, Camera): """Representation a Synology camera.""" def __init__(self, api: SynoApi, camera: SynoCamera): """Initialize a Synology camera.""" super().__init__( api, f"{SynoSurveillanceStation.CAMERA_API_KEY}:{camera.id}", { ENTITY_NAME: camera.name, ENTITY_CLASS: None, ENTITY_ICON: None, ENTITY_ENABLE: True, ENTITY_UNIT: None, }, ) self._camera = camera @property def device_info(self) -> Dict[str, any]: """Return the device information.""" return { "identifiers": {(DOMAIN, self._api.information.serial, self._camera.id)}, "name": self._camera.name, "model": self._camera.model, "via_device": ( DOMAIN, self._api.information.serial, SynoSurveillanceStation.INFO_API_KEY, ), } @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return the availability of the camera.""" return self._camera.is_enabled @property def supported_features(self) -> int: """Return supported features of this camera.""" return SUPPORT_STREAM @property def is_recording(self): """Return true if the device is recording.""" return self._camera.is_recording @property def motion_detection_enabled(self): """Return the camera motion detection status.""" return self._camera.is_motion_detection_enabled def camera_image(self) -> bytes: """Return bytes of camera image.""" if not self.available: return None return self._api.surveillance_station.get_camera_image(self._camera.id) async def stream_source(self) -> str: """Return the source of the stream.""" if not self.available: return None return self._camera.live_view.rtsp def enable_motion_detection(self): """Enable motion detection in the camera.""" self._api.surveillance_station.enable_motion_detection(self._camera.id) def disable_motion_detection(self): """Disable motion detection in camera.""" self._api.surveillance_station.disable_motion_detection(self._camera.id)
import pytest import requests import requests_mock import homeassistant.components.facebox.image_processing as fb import homeassistant.components.image_processing as ip from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_NAME, CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME, CONF_IP_ADDRESS, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_USERNAME, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_OK, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, STATE_UNKNOWN, ) from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.async_mock import Mock, mock_open, patch MOCK_IP = "" MOCK_PORT = "8080" # Mock data returned by the facebox API. MOCK_BOX_ID = "b893cc4f7fd6" MOCK_ERROR_NO_FACE = "No face found" MOCK_FACE = { "confidence": 0.5812028911604818, "id": "john.jpg", "matched": True, "name": "John Lennon", "rect": {"height": 75, "left": 63, "top": 262, "width": 74}, } MOCK_FILE_PATH = "/images/mock.jpg" MOCK_HEALTH = { "success": True, "hostname": "b893cc4f7fd6", "metadata": {"boxname": "facebox", "build": "development"}, "errors": [], } MOCK_JSON = {"facesCount": 1, "success": True, "faces": [MOCK_FACE]} MOCK_NAME = "mock_name" MOCK_USERNAME = "mock_username" MOCK_PASSWORD = "mock_password" # Faces data after parsing. PARSED_FACES = [ { fb.FACEBOX_NAME: "John Lennon", fb.ATTR_IMAGE_ID: "john.jpg", fb.ATTR_CONFIDENCE: 58.12, fb.ATTR_MATCHED: True, fb.ATTR_BOUNDING_BOX: {"height": 75, "left": 63, "top": 262, "width": 74}, } ] MATCHED_FACES = {"John Lennon": 58.12} VALID_ENTITY_ID = "image_processing.facebox_demo_camera" VALID_CONFIG = { ip.DOMAIN: { "platform": "facebox", CONF_IP_ADDRESS: MOCK_IP, CONF_PORT: MOCK_PORT, ip.CONF_SOURCE: {ip.CONF_ENTITY_ID: "camera.demo_camera"}, }, "camera": {"platform": "demo"}, } @pytest.fixture def mock_healthybox(): """Mock fb.check_box_health.""" check_box_health = ( "homeassistant.components.facebox.image_processing.check_box_health" ) with patch(check_box_health, return_value=MOCK_BOX_ID) as _mock_healthybox: yield _mock_healthybox @pytest.fixture def mock_isfile(): """Mock os.path.isfile.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.facebox.image_processing.cv.isfile", return_value=True ) as _mock_isfile: yield _mock_isfile @pytest.fixture def mock_image(): """Return a mock camera image.""" with patch( "homeassistant.components.demo.camera.DemoCamera.camera_image", return_value=b"Test", ) as image: yield image @pytest.fixture def mock_open_file(): """Mock open.""" mopen = mock_open() with patch( "homeassistant.components.facebox.image_processing.open", mopen, create=True ) as _mock_open: yield _mock_open def test_check_box_health(caplog): """Test check box health.""" with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock_req: url = f"http://{MOCK_IP}:{MOCK_PORT}/healthz" mock_req.get(url, status_code=HTTP_OK, json=MOCK_HEALTH) assert fb.check_box_health(url, "user", "pass") == MOCK_BOX_ID mock_req.get(url, status_code=HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) assert fb.check_box_health(url, None, None) is None assert "AuthenticationError on facebox" in caplog.text mock_req.get(url, exc=requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout) fb.check_box_health(url, None, None) assert "ConnectionError: Is facebox running?" in caplog.text def test_encode_image(): """Test that binary data is encoded correctly.""" assert fb.encode_image(b"test") == "dGVzdA==" def test_get_matched_faces(): """Test that matched_faces are parsed correctly.""" assert fb.get_matched_faces(PARSED_FACES) == MATCHED_FACES def test_parse_faces(): """Test parsing of raw face data, and generation of matched_faces.""" assert fb.parse_faces(MOCK_JSON["faces"]) == PARSED_FACES @patch("os.access", Mock(return_value=False)) def test_valid_file_path(): """Test that an invalid file_path is caught.""" assert not fb.valid_file_path("test_path") async def test_setup_platform(hass, mock_healthybox): """Set up platform with one entity.""" await async_setup_component(hass, ip.DOMAIN, VALID_CONFIG) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(VALID_ENTITY_ID) async def test_setup_platform_with_auth(hass, mock_healthybox): """Set up platform with one entity and auth.""" valid_config_auth = VALID_CONFIG.copy() valid_config_auth[ip.DOMAIN][CONF_USERNAME] = MOCK_USERNAME valid_config_auth[ip.DOMAIN][CONF_PASSWORD] = MOCK_PASSWORD await async_setup_component(hass, ip.DOMAIN, valid_config_auth) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(VALID_ENTITY_ID) async def test_process_image(hass, mock_healthybox, mock_image): """Test successful processing of an image.""" await async_setup_component(hass, ip.DOMAIN, VALID_CONFIG) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(VALID_ENTITY_ID) face_events = [] @callback def mock_face_event(event): """Mock event.""" face_events.append(event) hass.bus.async_listen("image_processing.detect_face", mock_face_event) with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock_req: url = f"http://{MOCK_IP}:{MOCK_PORT}/facebox/check" mock_req.post(url, json=MOCK_JSON) data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: VALID_ENTITY_ID} await hass.services.async_call(ip.DOMAIN, ip.SERVICE_SCAN, service_data=data) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get(VALID_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == "1" assert state.attributes.get("matched_faces") == MATCHED_FACES assert state.attributes.get("total_matched_faces") == 1 PARSED_FACES[0][ATTR_ENTITY_ID] = VALID_ENTITY_ID # Update. assert state.attributes.get("faces") == PARSED_FACES assert state.attributes.get(CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME) == "facebox demo_camera" assert len(face_events) == 1 assert face_events[0].data[ATTR_NAME] == PARSED_FACES[0][ATTR_NAME] assert ( face_events[0].data[fb.ATTR_CONFIDENCE] == PARSED_FACES[0][fb.ATTR_CONFIDENCE] ) assert face_events[0].data[ATTR_ENTITY_ID] == VALID_ENTITY_ID assert face_events[0].data[fb.ATTR_IMAGE_ID] == PARSED_FACES[0][fb.ATTR_IMAGE_ID] assert ( face_events[0].data[fb.ATTR_BOUNDING_BOX] == PARSED_FACES[0][fb.ATTR_BOUNDING_BOX] ) async def test_process_image_errors(hass, mock_healthybox, mock_image, caplog): """Test process_image errors.""" await async_setup_component(hass, ip.DOMAIN, VALID_CONFIG) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(VALID_ENTITY_ID) # Test connection error. with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock_req: url = f"http://{MOCK_IP}:{MOCK_PORT}/facebox/check" mock_req.register_uri("POST", url, exc=requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout) data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: VALID_ENTITY_ID} await hass.services.async_call(ip.DOMAIN, ip.SERVICE_SCAN, service_data=data) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "ConnectionError: Is facebox running?" in caplog.text state = hass.states.get(VALID_ENTITY_ID) assert state.state == STATE_UNKNOWN assert state.attributes.get("faces") == [] assert state.attributes.get("matched_faces") == {} # Now test with bad auth. with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock_req: url = f"http://{MOCK_IP}:{MOCK_PORT}/facebox/check" mock_req.register_uri("POST", url, status_code=HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: VALID_ENTITY_ID} await hass.services.async_call(ip.DOMAIN, ip.SERVICE_SCAN, service_data=data) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "AuthenticationError on facebox" in caplog.text async def test_teach_service( hass, mock_healthybox, mock_image, mock_isfile, mock_open_file, caplog ): """Test teaching of facebox.""" await async_setup_component(hass, ip.DOMAIN, VALID_CONFIG) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(VALID_ENTITY_ID) # Patch out 'is_allowed_path' as the mock files aren't allowed hass.config.is_allowed_path = Mock(return_value=True) # Test successful teach. with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock_req: url = f"http://{MOCK_IP}:{MOCK_PORT}/facebox/teach" mock_req.post(url, status_code=HTTP_OK) data = { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: VALID_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_NAME: MOCK_NAME, fb.FILE_PATH: MOCK_FILE_PATH, } await hass.services.async_call( fb.DOMAIN, fb.SERVICE_TEACH_FACE, service_data=data ) await hass.async_block_till_done() # Now test with bad auth. with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock_req: url = f"http://{MOCK_IP}:{MOCK_PORT}/facebox/teach" mock_req.post(url, status_code=HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) data = { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: VALID_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_NAME: MOCK_NAME, fb.FILE_PATH: MOCK_FILE_PATH, } await hass.services.async_call( fb.DOMAIN, fb.SERVICE_TEACH_FACE, service_data=data ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "AuthenticationError on facebox" in caplog.text # Now test the failed teaching. with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock_req: url = f"http://{MOCK_IP}:{MOCK_PORT}/facebox/teach" mock_req.post(url, status_code=HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, text=MOCK_ERROR_NO_FACE) data = { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: VALID_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_NAME: MOCK_NAME, fb.FILE_PATH: MOCK_FILE_PATH, } await hass.services.async_call( fb.DOMAIN, fb.SERVICE_TEACH_FACE, service_data=data ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert MOCK_ERROR_NO_FACE in caplog.text # Now test connection error. with requests_mock.Mocker() as mock_req: url = f"http://{MOCK_IP}:{MOCK_PORT}/facebox/teach" mock_req.post(url, exc=requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout) data = { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: VALID_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_NAME: MOCK_NAME, fb.FILE_PATH: MOCK_FILE_PATH, } await hass.services.async_call( fb.DOMAIN, fb.SERVICE_TEACH_FACE, service_data=data ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert "ConnectionError: Is facebox running?" in caplog.text async def test_setup_platform_with_name(hass, mock_healthybox): """Set up platform with one entity and a name.""" named_entity_id = f"image_processing.{MOCK_NAME}" valid_config_named = VALID_CONFIG.copy() valid_config_named[ip.DOMAIN][ip.CONF_SOURCE][ip.CONF_NAME] = MOCK_NAME await async_setup_component(hass, ip.DOMAIN, valid_config_named) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get(named_entity_id) state = hass.states.get(named_entity_id) assert state.attributes.get(CONF_FRIENDLY_NAME) == MOCK_NAME
from typing import Dict from .model import Config, Integration BASE = """ # This file is generated by script/hassfest/codeowners.py # People marked here will be automatically requested for a review # when the code that they own is touched. # https://github.com/blog/2392-introducing-code-owners # Home Assistant Core setup.py @home-assistant/core homeassistant/*.py @home-assistant/core homeassistant/helpers/* @home-assistant/core homeassistant/util/* @home-assistant/core # Other code homeassistant/scripts/check_config.py @kellerza # Integrations """.strip() INDIVIDUAL_FILES = """ # Individual files homeassistant/components/demo/weather @fabaff """ def generate_and_validate(integrations: Dict[str, Integration]): """Generate CODEOWNERS.""" parts = [BASE] for domain in sorted(integrations): integration = integrations[domain] if not integration.manifest: continue codeowners = integration.manifest["codeowners"] if not codeowners: continue for owner in codeowners: if not owner.startswith("@"): integration.add_error( "codeowners", "Code owners need to be valid GitHub handles." ) parts.append(f"homeassistant/components/{domain}/* {' '.join(codeowners)}") parts.append(f"\n{INDIVIDUAL_FILES.strip()}") return "\n".join(parts) def validate(integrations: Dict[str, Integration], config: Config): """Validate CODEOWNERS.""" codeowners_path = config.root / "CODEOWNERS" config.cache["codeowners"] = content = generate_and_validate(integrations) if config.specific_integrations: return with open(str(codeowners_path)) as fp: if fp.read().strip() != content: config.add_error( "codeowners", "File CODEOWNERS is not up to date. Run python3 -m script.hassfest", fixable=True, ) return def generate(integrations: Dict[str, Integration], config: Config): """Generate CODEOWNERS.""" codeowners_path = config.root / "CODEOWNERS" with open(str(codeowners_path), "w") as fp: fp.write(f"{config.cache['codeowners']}\n")
import logging from kalliope import Utils, BrainLoader from kalliope.core import NeuronModule from kalliope.core.NeuronModule import MissingParameterException logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger("kalliope") class Brain(NeuronModule): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Brain, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.synapse_name = kwargs.get('synapse_name', None) self.enabled = kwargs.get('enabled', None) if self._is_parameters_ok(): self.say(self._update_brain()) def _is_parameters_ok(self): """ Check if received parameters are ok to perform operations in the neuron :return: true if parameters are ok, raise an exception otherwise .. raises:: MissingParameterException """ if self.synapse_name is None or self.synapse_name == "": raise MissingParameterException("[Brain neuron] You must specify a 'synapse_name'") if self.enabled is None or self.enabled == "": raise MissingParameterException("[Brain neuron] You must specify a 'enabled' boolean") self.enabled = Utils.str_to_bool(self.enabled) return True def _update_brain(self): new_status = "unknown" brain = BrainLoader().brain if self.enabled: if brain.enable_synapse_by_name(self.synapse_name): new_status = "enabled" else: if brain.disable_synapse_by_name(self.synapse_name): new_status = "disabled" message = { "synapse_name": self.synapse_name, "status": new_status } return message
import logging from pyoppleio.OppleLightDevice import OppleLightDevice import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.light import ( ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_COLOR_TEMP, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS, SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP, LightEntity, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.util.color import ( color_temperature_kelvin_to_mired as kelvin_to_mired, color_temperature_mired_to_kelvin as mired_to_kelvin, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_NAME = "opple light" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_HOST): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NAME, default=DEFAULT_NAME): cv.string, } ) def setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up the Opple light platform.""" name = config[CONF_NAME] host = config[CONF_HOST] entity = OppleLight(name, host) add_entities([entity]) _LOGGER.debug("Init light %s %s", host, entity.unique_id) class OppleLight(LightEntity): """Opple light device.""" def __init__(self, name, host): """Initialize an Opple light.""" self._device = OppleLightDevice(host) self._name = name self._is_on = None self._brightness = None self._color_temp = None @property def available(self): """Return True if light is available.""" return self._device.is_online @property def unique_id(self): """Return unique ID for light.""" return self._device.mac @property def name(self): """Return the display name of this light.""" return self._name @property def is_on(self): """Return true if light is on.""" return self._is_on @property def brightness(self): """Return the brightness of the light.""" return self._brightness @property def color_temp(self): """Return the color temperature of this light.""" return kelvin_to_mired(self._color_temp) @property def min_mireds(self): """Return minimum supported color temperature.""" return 175 @property def max_mireds(self): """Return maximum supported color temperature.""" return 333 @property def supported_features(self): """Flag supported features.""" return SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS | SUPPORT_COLOR_TEMP def turn_on(self, **kwargs): """Instruct the light to turn on.""" _LOGGER.debug("Turn on light %s %s", self._device.ip, kwargs) if not self.is_on: self._device.power_on = True if ATTR_BRIGHTNESS in kwargs and self.brightness != kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS]: self._device.brightness = kwargs[ATTR_BRIGHTNESS] if ATTR_COLOR_TEMP in kwargs and self.color_temp != kwargs[ATTR_COLOR_TEMP]: color_temp = mired_to_kelvin(kwargs[ATTR_COLOR_TEMP]) self._device.color_temperature = color_temp def turn_off(self, **kwargs): """Instruct the light to turn off.""" self._device.power_on = False _LOGGER.debug("Turn off light %s", self._device.ip) def update(self): """Synchronize state with light.""" prev_available = self.available self._device.update() if ( prev_available == self.available and self._is_on == self._device.power_on and self._brightness == self._device.brightness and self._color_temp == self._device.color_temperature ): return if not self.available: _LOGGER.debug("Light %s is offline", self._device.ip) return self._is_on = self._device.power_on self._brightness = self._device.brightness self._color_temp = self._device.color_temperature if not self.is_on: _LOGGER.debug("Update light %s success: power off", self._device.ip) else: _LOGGER.debug( "Update light %s success: power on brightness %s " "color temperature %s", self._device.ip, self._brightness, self._color_temp, )
from homeassistant import config_entries, setup from homeassistant.components.profiler.const import DOMAIN from tests.async_mock import patch from tests.common import MockConfigEntry async def test_form_user(hass): """Test we can setup by the user.""" await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER} ) assert result["type"] == "form" assert result["errors"] is None with patch( "homeassistant.components.profiler.async_setup", return_value=True ) as mock_setup, patch( "homeassistant.components.profiler.async_setup_entry", return_value=True, ) as mock_setup_entry: result2 = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_configure( result["flow_id"], {}, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert result2["type"] == "create_entry" assert result2["title"] == "Profiler" assert result2["data"] == {} assert len(mock_setup.mock_calls) == 1 assert len(mock_setup_entry.mock_calls) == 1 async def test_form_user_only_once(hass): """Test we can setup by the user only once.""" MockConfigEntry(domain=DOMAIN).add_to_hass(hass) await setup.async_setup_component(hass, "persistent_notification", {}) result = await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": config_entries.SOURCE_USER} ) assert result["type"] == "abort" assert result["reason"] == "single_instance_allowed"
import asyncio import logging from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ENTITY_ID from homeassistant.core import Context, State from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from . import ( ATTR_DATE, ATTR_DATETIME, ATTR_TIME, CONF_HAS_DATE, CONF_HAS_TIME, DOMAIN, SERVICE_SET_DATETIME, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def is_valid_datetime(string: str) -> bool: """Test if string dt is a valid datetime.""" try: return dt_util.parse_datetime(string) is not None except ValueError: return False def is_valid_date(string: str) -> bool: """Test if string dt is a valid date.""" return dt_util.parse_date(string) is not None def is_valid_time(string: str) -> bool: """Test if string dt is a valid time.""" return dt_util.parse_time(string) is not None async def _async_reproduce_state( hass: HomeAssistantType, state: State, *, context: Optional[Context] = None, reproduce_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """Reproduce a single state.""" cur_state = hass.states.get(state.entity_id) if cur_state is None: _LOGGER.warning("Unable to find entity %s", state.entity_id) return if not ( ( is_valid_datetime(state.state) and cur_state.attributes.get(CONF_HAS_DATE) and cur_state.attributes.get(CONF_HAS_TIME) ) or ( is_valid_date(state.state) and cur_state.attributes.get(CONF_HAS_DATE) and not cur_state.attributes.get(CONF_HAS_TIME) ) or ( is_valid_time(state.state) and cur_state.attributes.get(CONF_HAS_TIME) and not cur_state.attributes.get(CONF_HAS_DATE) ) ): _LOGGER.warning( "Invalid state specified for %s: %s", state.entity_id, state.state ) return # Return if we are already at the right state. if cur_state.state == state.state: return service = SERVICE_SET_DATETIME service_data = {ATTR_ENTITY_ID: state.entity_id} has_time = cur_state.attributes.get(CONF_HAS_TIME) has_date = cur_state.attributes.get(CONF_HAS_DATE) if has_time and has_date: service_data[ATTR_DATETIME] = state.state elif has_time: service_data[ATTR_TIME] = state.state elif has_date: service_data[ATTR_DATE] = state.state else: _LOGGER.warning("input_datetime needs either has_date or has_time or both") return await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, service, service_data, context=context, blocking=True ) async def async_reproduce_states( hass: HomeAssistantType, states: Iterable[State], *, context: Optional[Context] = None, reproduce_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """Reproduce Input datetime states.""" await asyncio.gather( *( _async_reproduce_state( hass, state, context=context, reproduce_options=reproduce_options ) for state in states ) )
from __future__ import division import numpy as np import random import six from chainercv import utils def random_distort( img, brightness_delta=32, contrast_low=0.5, contrast_high=1.5, saturation_low=0.5, saturation_high=1.5, hue_delta=18): """A color related data augmentation used in SSD. This function is a combination of four augmentation methods: brightness, contrast, saturation and hue. * brightness: Adding a random offset to the intensity of the image. * contrast: Multiplying the intensity of the image by a random scale. * saturation: Multiplying the saturation of the image by a random scale. * hue: Adding a random offset to the hue of the image randomly. This data augmentation is used in training of Single Shot Multibox Detector [#]_. Note that this function requires :mod:`cv2`. .. [#] Wei Liu, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Christian Szegedy, Scott Reed, Cheng-Yang Fu, Alexander C. Berg. SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector. ECCV 2016. Args: img (~numpy.ndarray): An image array to be augmented. This is in CHW and RGB format. brightness_delta (float): The offset for saturation will be drawn from :math:`[-brightness\_delta, brightness\_delta]`. The default value is :obj:`32`. contrast_low (float): The scale for contrast will be drawn from :math:`[contrast\_low, contrast\_high]`. The default value is :obj:`0.5`. contrast_high (float): See :obj:`contrast_low`. The default value is :obj:`1.5`. saturation_low (float): The scale for saturation will be drawn from :math:`[saturation\_low, saturation\_high]`. The default value is :obj:`0.5`. saturation_high (float): See :obj:`saturation_low`. The default value is :obj:`1.5`. hue_delta (float): The offset for hue will be drawn from :math:`[-hue\_delta, hue\_delta]`. The default value is :obj:`18`. Returns: An image in CHW and RGB format. """ import cv2 cv_img = img[::-1].transpose((1, 2, 0)).astype(np.uint8) def convert(img, alpha=1, beta=0): img = img.astype(float) * alpha + beta img[img < 0] = 0 img[img > 255] = 255 return img.astype(np.uint8) def brightness(cv_img, delta): if random.randrange(2): return convert( cv_img, beta=random.uniform(-delta, delta)) else: return cv_img def contrast(cv_img, low, high): if random.randrange(2): return convert( cv_img, alpha=random.uniform(low, high)) else: return cv_img def saturation(cv_img, low, high): if random.randrange(2): cv_img = cv2.cvtColor(cv_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) cv_img[:, :, 1] = convert( cv_img[:, :, 1], alpha=random.uniform(low, high)) return cv2.cvtColor(cv_img, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR) else: return cv_img def hue(cv_img, delta): if random.randrange(2): cv_img = cv2.cvtColor(cv_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) cv_img[:, :, 0] = ( cv_img[:, :, 0].astype(int) + random.randint(-delta, delta)) % 180 return cv2.cvtColor(cv_img, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR) else: return cv_img cv_img = brightness(cv_img, brightness_delta) if random.randrange(2): cv_img = contrast(cv_img, contrast_low, contrast_high) cv_img = saturation(cv_img, saturation_low, saturation_high) cv_img = hue(cv_img, hue_delta) else: cv_img = saturation(cv_img, saturation_low, saturation_high) cv_img = hue(cv_img, hue_delta) cv_img = contrast(cv_img, contrast_low, contrast_high) return cv_img.astype(np.float32).transpose((2, 0, 1))[::-1] def random_crop_with_bbox_constraints( img, bbox, min_scale=0.3, max_scale=1, max_aspect_ratio=2, constraints=None, max_trial=50, return_param=False): """Crop an image randomly with bounding box constraints. This data augmentation is used in training of Single Shot Multibox Detector [#]_. More details can be found in data augmentation section of the original paper. .. [#] Wei Liu, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Christian Szegedy, Scott Reed, Cheng-Yang Fu, Alexander C. Berg. SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector. ECCV 2016. Args: img (~numpy.ndarray): An image array to be cropped. This is in CHW format. bbox (~numpy.ndarray): Bounding boxes used for constraints. The shape is :math:`(R, 4)`. :math:`R` is the number of bounding boxes. min_scale (float): The minimum ratio between a cropped region and the original image. The default value is :obj:`0.3`. max_scale (float): The maximum ratio between a cropped region and the original image. The default value is :obj:`1`. max_aspect_ratio (float): The maximum aspect ratio of cropped region. The default value is :obj:`2`. constaraints (iterable of tuples): An iterable of constraints. Each constraint should be :obj:`(min_iou, max_iou)` format. If you set :obj:`min_iou` or :obj:`max_iou` to :obj:`None`, it means not limited. If this argument is not specified, :obj:`((0.1, None), (0.3, None), (0.5, None), (0.7, None), (0.9, None), (None, 1))` will be used. max_trial (int): The maximum number of trials to be conducted for each constraint. If this function can not find any region that satisfies the constraint in :math:`max\_trial` trials, this function skips the constraint. The default value is :obj:`50`. return_param (bool): If :obj:`True`, this function returns information of intermediate values. Returns: ~numpy.ndarray or (~numpy.ndarray, dict): If :obj:`return_param = False`, returns an array :obj:`img` that is cropped from the input array. If :obj:`return_param = True`, returns a tuple whose elements are :obj:`img, param`. :obj:`param` is a dictionary of intermediate parameters whose contents are listed below with key, value-type and the description of the value. * **constraint** (*tuple*): The chosen constraint. * **y_slice** (*slice*): A slice in vertical direction used to crop \ the input image. * **x_slice** (*slice*): A slice in horizontal direction used to crop \ the input image. """ if constraints is None: constraints = ( (0.1, None), (0.3, None), (0.5, None), (0.7, None), (0.9, None), (None, 1), ) _, H, W = img.shape params = [{ 'constraint': None, 'y_slice': slice(0, H), 'x_slice': slice(0, W)}] if len(bbox) == 0: constraints = [] for min_iou, max_iou in constraints: if min_iou is None: min_iou = 0 if max_iou is None: max_iou = 1 for _ in six.moves.range(max_trial): scale = random.uniform(min_scale, max_scale) aspect_ratio = random.uniform( max(1 / max_aspect_ratio, scale * scale), min(max_aspect_ratio, 1 / (scale * scale))) crop_h = int(H * scale / np.sqrt(aspect_ratio)) crop_w = int(W * scale * np.sqrt(aspect_ratio)) crop_t = random.randrange(H - crop_h) crop_l = random.randrange(W - crop_w) crop_bb = np.array(( crop_t, crop_l, crop_t + crop_h, crop_l + crop_w)) iou = utils.bbox_iou(bbox, crop_bb[np.newaxis]) if min_iou <= iou.min() and iou.max() <= max_iou: params.append({ 'constraint': (min_iou, max_iou), 'y_slice': slice(crop_t, crop_t + crop_h), 'x_slice': slice(crop_l, crop_l + crop_w)}) break param = random.choice(params) img = img[:, param['y_slice'], param['x_slice']] if return_param: return img, param else: return img def resize_with_random_interpolation(img, size, return_param=False): """Resize an image with a randomly selected interpolation method. This function is similar to :func:`chainercv.transforms.resize`, but this chooses the interpolation method randomly. This data augmentation is used in training of Single Shot Multibox Detector [#]_. Note that this function requires :mod:`cv2`. .. [#] Wei Liu, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Christian Szegedy, Scott Reed, Cheng-Yang Fu, Alexander C. Berg. SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector. ECCV 2016. Args: img (~numpy.ndarray): An array to be transformed. This is in CHW format and the type should be :obj:`numpy.float32`. size (tuple): This is a tuple of length 2. Its elements are ordered as (height, width). return_param (bool): Returns information of interpolation. Returns: ~numpy.ndarray or (~numpy.ndarray, dict): If :obj:`return_param = False`, returns an array :obj:`img` that is the result of rotation. If :obj:`return_param = True`, returns a tuple whose elements are :obj:`img, param`. :obj:`param` is a dictionary of intermediate parameters whose contents are listed below with key, value-type and the description of the value. * **interpolatation**: The chosen interpolation method. """ import cv2 cv_img = img.transpose((1, 2, 0)) inters = ( cv2.INTER_LINEAR, cv2.INTER_AREA, cv2.INTER_NEAREST, cv2.INTER_CUBIC, cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, ) inter = random.choice(inters) H, W = size cv_img = cv2.resize(cv_img, (W, H), interpolation=inter) # If input is a grayscale image, cv2 returns a two-dimentional array. if len(cv_img.shape) == 2: cv_img = cv_img[:, :, np.newaxis] img = cv_img.astype(np.float32).transpose((2, 0, 1)) if return_param: return img, {'interpolation': inter} else: return img
_DEV_NOTES = """ Overview of classes: * PyComponent and JsComponent: the base class for creating Python/JS component. * JSModule: represents a module in JS that corresponds to a Python module. * Asset: represents an asset. * Bundle: an Asset subclass to represent a collecton of JSModule's in one asset. * AssetStore: one instance of this class is used to provide all client assets in this process (JS, CSS, images, etc.). It also keeps track of modules. * SessionAssets: base class for Session that implements the assets/data part. * Session: object that handles connection between Python and JS. Has a websocket, and optionally a reference to the runtime. * WebSocket: tornado WS handler. * AppManager: keeps track of what apps are registered. Has functionality to instantiate apps and connect the websocket to them. * Server: handles http requests. Uses manager to create new app instances or get the page for a pending session. Hosts assets by using the global asset store. * Flexx class (in _clientcore.py): more or less the JS side of a session. """ import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) del logging # flake8: noqa from ._app import App, manager from ._asset import Asset, Bundle from ._component2 import BaseAppComponent, LocalComponent, ProxyComponent from ._component2 import PyComponent, JsComponent, StubComponent from ._component2 import get_component_classes, LocalProperty from ._funcs import run, start, stop from ._funcs import init_notebook, serve, launch, export from ._server import create_server, current_server from ._session import Session from ._modules import JSModule from ._assetstore import assets from ._clientcore import serializer # Resolve cyclic dependencies, and explicit exports to help cx_Freeze # from . import _tornadoserver -- no, we don't want Tornado unless really needed from . import _component2 _component2.manager = manager
import pandas as pd import xarray as xr from . import randn, requires_dask try: import dask # noqa: F401 except ImportError: pass def make_bench_data(shape, frac_nan, chunks): vals = randn(shape, frac_nan) coords = {"time": pd.date_range("2000-01-01", freq="D", periods=shape[0])} da = xr.DataArray(vals, dims=("time", "x", "y"), coords=coords) if chunks is not None: da = da.chunk(chunks) return da def time_interpolate_na(shape, chunks, method, limit): if chunks is not None: requires_dask() da = make_bench_data(shape, 0.1, chunks=chunks) actual = da.interpolate_na(dim="time", method="linear", limit=limit) if chunks is not None: actual = actual.compute() time_interpolate_na.param_names = ["shape", "chunks", "method", "limit"] time_interpolate_na.params = ( [(3650, 200, 400), (100, 25, 25)], [None, {"x": 25, "y": 25}], ["linear", "spline", "quadratic", "cubic"], [None, 3], ) def time_ffill(shape, chunks, limit): da = make_bench_data(shape, 0.1, chunks=chunks) actual = da.ffill(dim="time", limit=limit) if chunks is not None: actual = actual.compute() time_ffill.param_names = ["shape", "chunks", "limit"] time_ffill.params = ( [(3650, 200, 400), (100, 25, 25)], [None, {"x": 25, "y": 25}], [None, 3], ) def time_bfill(shape, chunks, limit): da = make_bench_data(shape, 0.1, chunks=chunks) actual = da.bfill(dim="time", limit=limit) if chunks is not None: actual = actual.compute() time_bfill.param_names = ["shape", "chunks", "limit"] time_bfill.params = ( [(3650, 200, 400), (100, 25, 25)], [None, {"x": 25, "y": 25}], [None, 3], )
import os import pytest from homeassistant import config as hass_config from homeassistant.components.filesize import DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.filesize.sensor import CONF_FILE_PATHS from homeassistant.const import SERVICE_RELOAD from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.async_mock import patch TEST_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)) TEST_FILE = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, "mock_file_test_filesize.txt") def create_file(path): """Create a test file.""" with open(path, "w") as test_file: test_file.write("test") @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def remove_file(): """Remove test file.""" yield if os.path.isfile(TEST_FILE): os.remove(TEST_FILE) async def test_invalid_path(hass): """Test that an invalid path is caught.""" config = {"sensor": {"platform": "filesize", CONF_FILE_PATHS: ["invalid_path"]}} assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(hass.states.async_entity_ids()) == 0 async def test_valid_path(hass): """Test for a valid path.""" create_file(TEST_FILE) config = {"sensor": {"platform": "filesize", CONF_FILE_PATHS: [TEST_FILE]}} hass.config.allowlist_external_dirs = {TEST_DIR} assert await async_setup_component(hass, "sensor", config) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(hass.states.async_entity_ids()) == 1 state = hass.states.get("sensor.mock_file_test_filesize_txt") assert state.state == "0.0" assert state.attributes.get("bytes") == 4 async def test_reload(hass, tmpdir): """Verify we can reload filesize sensors.""" testfile = f"{tmpdir}/file" await hass.async_add_executor_job(create_file, testfile) with patch.object(hass.config, "is_allowed_path", return_value=True): await async_setup_component( hass, "sensor", { "sensor": { "platform": "filesize", "file_paths": [testfile], } }, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert len(hass.states.async_all()) == 1 assert hass.states.get("sensor.file") yaml_path = os.path.join( _get_fixtures_base_path(), "fixtures", "filesize/configuration.yaml", ) with patch.object(hass_config, "YAML_CONFIG_FILE", yaml_path), patch.object( hass.config, "is_allowed_path", return_value=True ): await hass.services.async_call( DOMAIN, SERVICE_RELOAD, {}, blocking=True, ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert hass.states.get("sensor.file") is None def _get_fixtures_base_path(): return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
from datetime import datetime as dt from sqlalchemy import ( Integer, ForeignKey, String, DefaultClause, func, Column, Text, Boolean, ) from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from sqlalchemy_utils import JSONType from sqlalchemy_utils.types.arrow import ArrowType from lemur.certificates.models import get_sequence from lemur.common import defaults, utils from lemur.database import db from lemur.models import ( pending_cert_source_associations, pending_cert_destination_associations, pending_cert_notification_associations, pending_cert_replacement_associations, pending_cert_role_associations, ) from lemur.utils import Vault def get_or_increase_name(name, serial): certificates = PendingCertificate.query.filter( PendingCertificate.name.ilike("{0}%".format(name)) ).all() if not certificates: return name serial_name = "{0}-{1}".format(name, hex(int(serial))[2:].upper()) certificates = PendingCertificate.query.filter( PendingCertificate.name.ilike("{0}%".format(serial_name)) ).all() if not certificates: return serial_name ends = [0] root, end = get_sequence(serial_name) for cert in certificates: root, end = get_sequence(cert.name) if end: ends.append(end) return "{0}-{1}".format(root, max(ends) + 1) class PendingCertificate(db.Model): __tablename__ = "pending_certs" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) external_id = Column(String(128)) owner = Column(String(128), nullable=False) name = Column(String(256), unique=True) description = Column(String(1024)) notify = Column(Boolean, default=True) number_attempts = Column(Integer) rename = Column(Boolean, default=True) resolved = Column(Boolean, default=False) resolved_cert_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True) cn = Column(String(128)) csr = Column(Text(), nullable=False) chain = Column(Text()) private_key = Column(Vault, nullable=True) date_created = Column(ArrowType, DefaultClause(func.now()), nullable=False) dns_provider_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("dns_providers.id", ondelete="CASCADE") ) status = Column(Text(), nullable=True) last_updated = Column( ArrowType, DefaultClause(func.now()), onupdate=func.now(), nullable=False ) rotation = Column(Boolean, default=False) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("users.id")) authority_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("authorities.id", ondelete="CASCADE")) root_authority_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey("authorities.id", ondelete="CASCADE") ) rotation_policy_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("rotation_policies.id")) notifications = relationship( "Notification", secondary=pending_cert_notification_associations, backref="pending_cert", passive_deletes=True, ) destinations = relationship( "Destination", secondary=pending_cert_destination_associations, backref="pending_cert", passive_deletes=True, ) sources = relationship( "Source", secondary=pending_cert_source_associations, backref="pending_cert", passive_deletes=True, ) roles = relationship( "Role", secondary=pending_cert_role_associations, backref="pending_cert", passive_deletes=True, ) replaces = relationship( "Certificate", secondary=pending_cert_replacement_associations, backref="pending_cert", passive_deletes=True, ) options = Column(JSONType) rotation_policy = relationship("RotationPolicy") sensitive_fields = ("private_key",) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.csr = kwargs.get("csr") self.private_key = kwargs.get("private_key", "") if self.private_key: # If the request does not send private key, the key exists but the value is None self.private_key = self.private_key.strip() self.external_id = kwargs.get("external_id") # when destinations are appended they require a valid name. if kwargs.get("name"): self.name = get_or_increase_name(defaults.text_to_slug(kwargs["name"]), 0) self.rename = False else: # TODO: Fix auto-generated name, it should be renamed on creation self.name = get_or_increase_name( defaults.certificate_name( kwargs["common_name"], kwargs["authority"].name, dt.now(), dt.now(), False, ), self.external_id, ) self.rename = True self.cn = defaults.common_name(utils.parse_csr(self.csr)) self.owner = kwargs["owner"] self.number_attempts = 0 if kwargs.get("chain"): self.chain = kwargs["chain"].strip() self.notify = kwargs.get("notify", True) self.destinations = kwargs.get("destinations", []) self.notifications = kwargs.get("notifications", []) self.description = kwargs.get("description") self.roles = list(set(kwargs.get("roles", []))) self.replaces = kwargs.get("replaces", []) self.rotation = kwargs.get("rotation") self.rotation_policy = kwargs.get("rotation_policy") try: self.dns_provider_id = kwargs.get("dns_provider").id except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError, Exception): pass
from lemur.plugins.bases import NotificationPlugin class TestNotificationPlugin(NotificationPlugin): title = "Test" slug = "test-notification" description = "Enables testing" author = "Kevin Glisson" author_url = "https://github.com/netflix/lemur.git" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestNotificationPlugin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def send(notification_type, message, targets, options, **kwargs): return
from __future__ import division from itertools import chain from pygal import colors from pygal.colors import darken, is_foreground_light, lighten class Style(object): """Styling class containing colors for the css generation""" plot_background = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)' background = 'rgba(249, 249, 249, 1)' value_background = 'rgba(229, 229, 229, 1)' foreground = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .87)' foreground_strong = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)' foreground_subtle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .54)' # Monospaced font is highly encouraged font_family = ('Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace') label_font_family = None major_label_font_family = None value_font_family = None value_label_font_family = None tooltip_font_family = None title_font_family = None legend_font_family = None no_data_font_family = None label_font_size = 10 major_label_font_size = 10 value_font_size = 16 value_label_font_size = 10 tooltip_font_size = 14 title_font_size = 16 legend_font_size = 14 no_data_font_size = 64 # Guide line dash array style guide_stroke_dasharray = '4,4' major_guide_stroke_dasharray = '6,6' guide_stroke_color = 'black' major_guide_stroke_color = 'black' opacity = '.7' opacity_hover = '.8' stroke_opacity = '.8' stroke_width = '1' stroke_opacity_hover = '.9' stroke_width_hover = '4' dot_opacity = '1' transition = '150ms' colors = ( '#F44336', # 0 '#3F51B5', # 4 '#009688', # 8 '#FFC107', # 13 '#FF5722', # 15 '#9C27B0', # 2 '#03A9F4', # 6 '#8BC34A', # 10 '#FF9800', # 14 '#E91E63', # 1 '#2196F3', # 5 '#4CAF50', # 9 '#FFEB3B', # 12 '#673AB7', # 3 '#00BCD4', # 7 '#CDDC39', # 11b '#9E9E9E', # 17 '#607D8B', # 18 ) value_colors = () ci_colors = () def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Create the style""" self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self._google_fonts = set() if self.font_family.startswith('googlefont:'): self.font_family = self.font_family.replace('googlefont:', '') self._google_fonts.add(self.font_family.split(',')[0].strip()) for name in dir(self): if name.endswith('_font_family'): fn = getattr(self, name) if fn is None: setattr(self, name, self.font_family) elif fn.startswith('googlefont:'): setattr(self, name, fn.replace('googlefont:', '')) self._google_fonts.add( getattr(self, name).split(',')[0].strip() ) def get_colors(self, prefix, len_): """Get the css color list""" def color(tupl): """Make a color css""" return (( '%s.color-{0}, %s.color-{0} a:visited {{\n' ' stroke: {1};\n' ' fill: {1};\n' '}}\n' ) % (prefix, prefix)).format(*tupl) def value_color(tupl): """Make a value color css""" return (( '%s .text-overlay .color-{0} text {{\n' ' fill: {1};\n' '}}\n' ) % (prefix, )).format(*tupl) def ci_color(tupl): """Make a value color css""" if not tupl[1]: return '' return (('%s .color-{0} .ci {{\n' ' stroke: {1};\n' '}}\n') % (prefix, )).format(*tupl) if len(self.colors) < len_: missing = len_ - len(self.colors) cycles = 1 + missing // len(self.colors) colors = [] for i in range(0, cycles + 1): for color_ in self.colors: colors.append(darken(color_, 33 * i / cycles)) if len(colors) >= len_: break else: continue break else: colors = self.colors[:len_] # Auto compute foreground value color when color is missing value_colors = [] for i in range(len_): if i < len(self.value_colors) and self.value_colors[i] is not None: value_colors.append(self.value_colors[i]) else: value_colors.append( 'white' if is_foreground_light(colors[i]) else 'black' ) return '\n'.join( chain( map(color, enumerate(colors)), map(value_color, enumerate(value_colors)), map(ci_color, enumerate(self.ci_colors)) ) ) def to_dict(self): """Convert instance to a serializable mapping.""" config = {} for attr in dir(self): if not attr.startswith('_'): value = getattr(self, attr) if not hasattr(value, '__call__'): config[attr] = value return config DefaultStyle = Style class DarkStyle(Style): """A dark style (old default)""" background = 'black' plot_background = '#111' foreground = '#999' foreground_strong = '#eee' foreground_subtle = '#555' opacity = '.8' opacity_hover = '.4' transition = '250ms' colors = ( '#ff5995', '#b6e354', '#feed6c', '#8cedff', '#9e6ffe', '#899ca1', '#f8f8f2', '#bf4646', '#516083', '#f92672', '#82b414', '#fd971f', '#56c2d6', '#808384', '#8c54fe', '#465457' ) class LightStyle(Style): """A light style""" background = 'white' plot_background = 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1)' foreground = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)' foreground_strong = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)' foreground_subtle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' colors = ( '#242424', '#9f6767', '#92ac68', '#d0d293', '#9aacc3', '#bb77a4', '#77bbb5', '#777777' ) class NeonStyle(DarkStyle): """Similar to DarkStyle but with more opacity and effects""" opacity = '.1' opacity_hover = '.75' transition = '1s ease-out' class CleanStyle(Style): """A rather clean style""" background = 'transparent' plot_background = 'rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.7)' foreground = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)' foreground_strong = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)' foreground_subtle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' colors = ( 'rgb(12,55,149)', 'rgb(117,38,65)', 'rgb(228,127,0)', 'rgb(159,170,0)', 'rgb(149,12,12)' ) class DarkSolarizedStyle(Style): """Dark solarized popular theme""" background = '#073642' plot_background = '#002b36' foreground = '#839496' foreground_strong = '#fdf6e3' foreground_subtle = '#657b83' opacity = '.66' opacity_hover = '.9' transition = '500ms ease-in' colors = ( '#b58900', '#cb4b16', '#dc322f', '#d33682', '#6c71c4', '#268bd2', '#2aa198', '#859900' ) class LightSolarizedStyle(DarkSolarizedStyle): """Light solarized popular theme""" background = '#fdf6e3' plot_background = '#eee8d5' foreground = '#657b83' foreground_strong = '#073642' foreground_subtle = '#073642' class RedBlueStyle(Style): """A red and blue theme""" background = lighten('#e6e7e9', 7) plot_background = lighten('#e6e7e9', 10) foreground = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)' foreground_strong = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)' foreground_subtle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' opacity = '.6' opacity_hover = '.9' colors = ( '#d94e4c', '#e5884f', '#39929a', lighten('#d94e4c', 10), darken('#39929a', 15), lighten('#e5884f', 17), darken('#d94e4c', 10), '#234547' ) class LightColorizedStyle(Style): """A light colorized style""" background = '#f8f8f8' plot_background = lighten('#f8f8f8', 3) foreground = '#333' foreground_strong = '#666' foreground_subtle = 'rgba(0, 0 , 0, 0.5)' opacity = '.5' opacity_hover = '.9' transition = '250ms ease-in' colors = ( '#fe9592', '#534f4c', '#3ac2c0', '#a2a7a1', darken('#fe9592', 15), lighten('#534f4c', 15), lighten('#3ac2c0', 15), lighten('#a2a7a1', 15), lighten('#fe9592', 15), darken('#3ac2c0', 10) ) class DarkColorizedStyle(Style): """A dark colorized style""" background = darken('#3a2d3f', 5) plot_background = lighten('#3a2d3f', 2) foreground = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)' foreground_strong = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)' foreground_subtle = 'rgba(255, 255 , 255, 0.5)' opacity = '.2' opacity_hover = '.7' transition = '250ms ease-in' colors = ( '#c900fe', '#01b8fe', '#59f500', '#ff00e4', '#f9fa00', darken('#c900fe', 20), darken('#01b8fe', 15), darken('#59f500', 20), darken('#ff00e4', 15), lighten('#f9fa00', 20) ) class TurquoiseStyle(Style): """A turquoise style""" background = darken('#1b8088', 15) plot_background = darken('#1b8088', 17) foreground = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)' foreground_strong = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)' foreground_subtle = 'rgba(255, 255 , 255, 0.5)' opacity = '.5' opacity_hover = '.9' transition = '250ms ease-in' colors = ( '#93d2d9', '#ef940f', '#8C6243', '#fff', darken('#93d2d9', 20), lighten('#ef940f', 15), lighten('#8c6243', 15), '#1b8088' ) class LightGreenStyle(Style): """A light green style""" background = lighten('#f3f3f3', 3) plot_background = '#fff' foreground = '#333333' foreground_strong = '#666' foreground_subtle = '#222222' opacity = '.5' opacity_hover = '.9' transition = '250ms ease-in' colors = ( '#7dcf30', '#247fab', lighten('#7dcf30', 10), '#ccc', darken('#7dcf30', 15), '#ddd', lighten('#247fab', 10), darken('#247fab', 15) ) class DarkGreenStyle(Style): """A dark green style""" background = darken('#251e01', 3) plot_background = darken('#251e01', 1) foreground = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)' foreground_strong = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)' foreground_subtle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)' opacity = '.6' opacity_hover = '.9' transition = '250ms ease-in' colors = ( '#adde09', '#6e8c06', '#4a5e04', '#fcd202', '#C1E34D', lighten('#fcd202', 25) ) class DarkGreenBlueStyle(Style): """A dark green and blue style""" background = '#000' plot_background = lighten('#000', 8) foreground = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)' foreground_strong = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)' foreground_subtle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)' opacity = '.55' opacity_hover = '.9' transition = '250ms ease-in' colors = ( lighten('#34B8F7', 15), '#7dcf30', '#247fab', darken('#7dcf30', 10), lighten('#247fab', 10), lighten('#7dcf30', 10), darken('#247fab', 10), '#fff' ) class BlueStyle(Style): """A blue style""" background = darken('#f8f8f8', 3) plot_background = '#f8f8f8' foreground = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)' foreground_strong = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)' foreground_subtle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)' opacity = '.5' opacity_hover = '.9' transition = '250ms ease-in' colors = ( '#00b2f0', '#43d9be', '#0662ab', darken('#00b2f0', 20), lighten('#43d9be', 20), lighten('#7dcf30', 10), darken('#0662ab', 15), '#ffd541', '#7dcf30', lighten('#00b2f0', 15), darken('#ffd541', 20) ) class SolidColorStyle(Style): """A light style with strong colors""" background = '#FFFFFF' plot_background = '#FFFFFF' foreground = '#000000' foreground_strong = '#000000' foreground_subtle = '#828282' opacity = '.8' opacity_hover = '.9' transition = '400ms ease-in' colors = ( '#FF9900', '#DC3912', '#4674D1', '#109618', '#990099', '#0099C6', '#DD4477', '#74B217', '#B82E2E', '#316395', '#994499' ) styles = { 'default': DefaultStyle, 'dark': DarkStyle, 'light': LightStyle, 'neon': NeonStyle, 'clean': CleanStyle, 'light_red_blue': RedBlueStyle, 'dark_solarized': DarkSolarizedStyle, 'light_solarized': LightSolarizedStyle, 'dark_colorized': DarkColorizedStyle, 'light_colorized': LightColorizedStyle, 'turquoise': TurquoiseStyle, 'green': LightGreenStyle, 'dark_green': DarkGreenStyle, 'dark_green_blue': DarkGreenBlueStyle, 'blue': BlueStyle, 'solid_color': SolidColorStyle } class ParametricStyleBase(Style): """Parametric Style base class for all the parametric operations""" _op = None def __init__(self, color, step=10, max_=None, base_style=None, **kwargs): """ Initialization of the parametric style. This takes several parameters: * a `step` which correspond on how many colors will be needed * a `max_` which defines the maximum amplitude of the color effect * a `base_style` which will be taken as default for everything except colors * any keyword arguments setting other style parameters """ if self._op is None: raise RuntimeError('ParametricStyle is not instanciable') defaults = {} if base_style is not None: if isinstance(base_style, type): base_style = base_style() defaults.update(base_style.to_dict()) defaults.update(kwargs) super(ParametricStyleBase, self).__init__(**defaults) if max_ is None: violency = { 'darken': 50, 'lighten': 50, 'saturate': 100, 'desaturate': 100, 'rotate': 360 } max_ = violency[self._op] def modifier(index): percent = max_ * index / (step - 1) return getattr(colors, self._op)(color, percent) self.colors = list(map(modifier, range(0, max(2, step)))) class LightenStyle(ParametricStyleBase): """Create a style by lightening the given color""" _op = 'lighten' class DarkenStyle(ParametricStyleBase): """Create a style by darkening the given color""" _op = 'darken' class SaturateStyle(ParametricStyleBase): """Create a style by saturating the given color""" _op = 'saturate' class DesaturateStyle(ParametricStyleBase): """Create a style by desaturating the given color""" _op = 'desaturate' class RotateStyle(ParametricStyleBase): """Create a style by rotating the given color""" _op = 'rotate' parametric_styles = { 'lighten': LightenStyle, 'darken': DarkenStyle, 'saturate': SaturateStyle, 'desaturate': DesaturateStyle, 'rotate': RotateStyle }
import numpy as np import six from chainercv.utils.testing.assertions.assert_is_bbox import assert_is_bbox def assert_is_detection_link(link, n_fg_class): """Checks if a link satisfies detection link APIs. This function checks if a given link satisfies detection link APIs or not. If the link does not satifiy the APIs, this function raises an :class:`AssertionError`. Args: link: A link to be checked. n_fg_class (int): The number of foreground classes. """ imgs = [ np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(3, 480, 640)).astype(np.float32), np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(3, 480, 320)).astype(np.float32)] result = link.predict(imgs) assert len(result) == 3, \ 'Link must return three elements: bboxes, labels and scores.' bboxes, labels, scores = result assert len(bboxes) == len(imgs), \ 'The length of bboxes must be same as that of imgs.' assert len(labels) == len(imgs), \ 'The length of labels must be same as that of imgs.' assert len(scores) == len(imgs), \ 'The length of scores must be same as that of imgs.' for bbox, label, score in six.moves.zip(bboxes, labels, scores): assert_is_bbox(bbox) assert isinstance(label, np.ndarray), \ 'label must be a numpy.ndarray.' assert label.dtype == np.int32, \ 'The type of label must be numpy.int32.' assert label.shape[1:] == (), \ 'The shape of label must be (*,).' assert len(label) == len(bbox), \ 'The length of label must be same as that of bbox.' if len(label) > 0: assert label.min() >= 0 and label.max() < n_fg_class, \ 'The value of label must be in [0, n_fg_class - 1].' assert isinstance(score, np.ndarray), \ 'score must be a numpy.ndarray.' assert score.dtype == np.float32, \ 'The type of score must be numpy.float32.' assert score.shape[1:] == (), \ 'The shape of score must be (*,).' assert len(score) == len(bbox), \ 'The length of score must be same as that of bbox.'
from typing import Any from typing import Mapping from kazoo.client import KazooClient from pyramid.view import view_config from paasta_tools.api import settings from paasta_tools.deployd.queue import ZKDelayDeadlineQueue @view_config(route_name="deploy_queue.list", request_method="GET", renderer="json") def list_deploy_queue(request) -> Mapping[str, Any]: zk_client = KazooClient(hosts=settings.system_paasta_config.get_zk_hosts()) zk_client.start() queue = ZKDelayDeadlineQueue(client=zk_client) available_service_instances = queue.get_available_service_instances( fetch_service_instances=True ) unavailable_service_instances = queue.get_unavailable_service_instances( fetch_service_instances=True ) available_service_instance_dicts = [ service_instance._asdict() for _, service_instance in available_service_instances ] unavailable_service_instance_dicts = [ service_instance._asdict() for _, __, service_instance in unavailable_service_instances ] return { "available_service_instances": available_service_instance_dicts, "unavailable_service_instances": unavailable_service_instance_dicts, }
from flask import Flask from flask import jsonify from flasgger import Swagger from flasgger import swag_from app = Flask(__name__) swag = Swagger(app) @app.route("/example") @swag_from({ "responses": { 400: { "description": "Invalid action" }, 401: { "description": "Login required" } }, "tags": ["Tag 1", "Tag 2"] }) def view(): """ A test view --- responses: 200: description: OK tags: [Tag 3, Tag 4] """ return jsonify(hello="world") def test_swag(client, specs_data): example_spec = specs_data["/apispec_1.json"]["paths"]["/example"]["get"] assert "400" in example_spec["responses"] assert "401" in example_spec["responses"] assert "200" in example_spec["responses"] assert "Tag 1" in example_spec["tags"] assert "Tag 2" in example_spec["tags"] assert "Tag 3" in example_spec["tags"] assert "Tag 4" in example_spec["tags"] if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(debug=True)
def boot(application, config): if config and config['origins']: try: from flask.ext.cors import CORS for i in config.keys(): application.config['CORS_%s' % i.upper()] = config[i] CORS(application) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Failed to init cors support %s' % e)
from itertools import groupby import numpy as np import pandas as pd def aggregate_returns(returns, convert_to): """ Aggregates returns by day, week, month, or year. """ def cumulate_returns(x): return np.exp(np.log(1 + x).cumsum())[-1] - 1 if convert_to == 'weekly': return returns.groupby( [lambda x: x.year, lambda x: x.month, lambda x: x.isocalendar()[1]]).apply(cumulate_returns) elif convert_to == 'monthly': return returns.groupby( [lambda x: x.year, lambda x: x.month]).apply(cumulate_returns) elif convert_to == 'yearly': return returns.groupby( [lambda x: x.year]).apply(cumulate_returns) else: ValueError('convert_to must be weekly, monthly or yearly') def create_cagr(equity, periods=252): """ Calculates the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for the portfolio, by determining the number of years and then creating a compound annualised rate based on the total return. Parameters: equity - A pandas Series representing the equity curve. periods - Daily (252), Hourly (252*6.5), Minutely(252*6.5*60) etc. """ years = len(equity) / float(periods) return (equity[-1] ** (1.0 / years)) - 1.0 def create_sharpe_ratio(returns, periods=252): """ Create the Sharpe ratio for the strategy, based on a benchmark of zero (i.e. no risk-free rate information). Parameters: returns - A pandas Series representing period percentage returns. periods - Daily (252), Hourly (252*6.5), Minutely(252*6.5*60) etc. """ return np.sqrt(periods) * (np.mean(returns)) / np.std(returns) def create_sortino_ratio(returns, periods=252): """ Create the Sortino ratio for the strategy, based on a benchmark of zero (i.e. no risk-free rate information). Parameters: returns - A pandas Series representing period percentage returns. periods - Daily (252), Hourly (252*6.5), Minutely(252*6.5*60) etc. """ return np.sqrt(periods) * (np.mean(returns)) / np.std(returns[returns < 0]) def create_drawdowns(returns): """ Calculate the largest peak-to-trough drawdown of the equity curve as well as the duration of the drawdown. Requires that the pnl_returns is a pandas Series. Parameters: equity - A pandas Series representing period percentage returns. Returns: drawdown, drawdown_max, duration """ # Calculate the cumulative returns curve # and set up the High Water Mark idx = returns.index hwm = np.zeros(len(idx)) # Create the high water mark for t in range(1, len(idx)): hwm[t] = max(hwm[t - 1], returns.iloc[t]) # Calculate the drawdown and duration statistics perf = pd.DataFrame(index=idx) perf["Drawdown"] = (hwm - returns) / hwm perf["Drawdown"].iloc[0] = 0.0 perf["DurationCheck"] = np.where(perf["Drawdown"] == 0, 0, 1) duration = max( sum(1 for i in g if i == 1) for k, g in groupby(perf["DurationCheck"]) ) return perf["Drawdown"], np.max(perf["Drawdown"]), duration
from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Hashable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union, cast, ) import pandas as pd from . import formatting, indexing from .indexes import Indexes from .merge import merge_coordinates_without_align, merge_coords from .utils import Frozen, ReprObject, either_dict_or_kwargs from .variable import Variable if TYPE_CHECKING: from .dataarray import DataArray from .dataset import Dataset # Used as the key corresponding to a DataArray's variable when converting # arbitrary DataArray objects to datasets _THIS_ARRAY = ReprObject("<this-array>") class Coordinates(Mapping[Hashable, "DataArray"]): __slots__ = () def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> "DataArray": raise NotImplementedError() def __setitem__(self, key: Hashable, value: Any) -> None: self.update({key: value}) @property def _names(self) -> Set[Hashable]: raise NotImplementedError() @property def dims(self) -> Union[Mapping[Hashable, int], Tuple[Hashable, ...]]: raise NotImplementedError() @property def indexes(self) -> Indexes: return self._data.indexes # type: ignore @property def variables(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _update_coords(self, coords, indexes): raise NotImplementedError() def __iter__(self) -> Iterator["Hashable"]: # needs to be in the same order as the dataset variables for k in self.variables: if k in self._names: yield k def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._names) def __contains__(self, key: Hashable) -> bool: return key in self._names def __repr__(self) -> str: return formatting.coords_repr(self) def to_dataset(self) -> "Dataset": raise NotImplementedError() def to_index(self, ordered_dims: Sequence[Hashable] = None) -> pd.Index: """Convert all index coordinates into a :py:class:`pandas.Index`. Parameters ---------- ordered_dims : sequence of hashable, optional Possibly reordered version of this object's dimensions indicating the order in which dimensions should appear on the result. Returns ------- pandas.Index Index subclass corresponding to the outer-product of all dimension coordinates. This will be a MultiIndex if this object is has more than more dimension. """ if ordered_dims is None: ordered_dims = list(self.dims) elif set(ordered_dims) != set(self.dims): raise ValueError( "ordered_dims must match dims, but does not: " "{} vs {}".format(ordered_dims, self.dims) ) if len(ordered_dims) == 0: raise ValueError("no valid index for a 0-dimensional object") elif len(ordered_dims) == 1: (dim,) = ordered_dims return self._data.get_index(dim) # type: ignore else: indexes = [self._data.get_index(k) for k in ordered_dims] # type: ignore names = list(ordered_dims) return pd.MultiIndex.from_product(indexes, names=names) def update(self, other: Mapping[Hashable, Any]) -> None: other_vars = getattr(other, "variables", other) coords, indexes = merge_coords( [self.variables, other_vars], priority_arg=1, indexes=self.indexes ) self._update_coords(coords, indexes) def _merge_raw(self, other): """For use with binary arithmetic.""" if other is None: variables = dict(self.variables) indexes = dict(self.indexes) else: variables, indexes = merge_coordinates_without_align([self, other]) return variables, indexes @contextmanager def _merge_inplace(self, other): """For use with in-place binary arithmetic.""" if other is None: yield else: # don't include indexes in prioritized, because we didn't align # first and we want indexes to be checked prioritized = { k: (v, None) for k, v in self.variables.items() if k not in self.indexes } variables, indexes = merge_coordinates_without_align( [self, other], prioritized ) yield self._update_coords(variables, indexes) def merge(self, other: "Coordinates") -> "Dataset": """Merge two sets of coordinates to create a new Dataset The method implements the logic used for joining coordinates in the result of a binary operation performed on xarray objects: - If two index coordinates conflict (are not equal), an exception is raised. You must align your data before passing it to this method. - If an index coordinate and a non-index coordinate conflict, the non- index coordinate is dropped. - If two non-index coordinates conflict, both are dropped. Parameters ---------- other : DatasetCoordinates or DataArrayCoordinates The coordinates from another dataset or data array. Returns ------- merged : Dataset A new Dataset with merged coordinates. """ from .dataset import Dataset if other is None: return self.to_dataset() if not isinstance(other, Coordinates): other = Dataset(coords=other).coords coords, indexes = merge_coordinates_without_align([self, other]) coord_names = set(coords) merged = Dataset._construct_direct( variables=coords, coord_names=coord_names, indexes=indexes ) return merged class DatasetCoordinates(Coordinates): """Dictionary like container for Dataset coordinates. Essentially an immutable dictionary with keys given by the array's dimensions and the values given by the corresponding xarray.Coordinate objects. """ __slots__ = ("_data",) def __init__(self, dataset: "Dataset"): self._data = dataset @property def _names(self) -> Set[Hashable]: return self._data._coord_names @property def dims(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, int]: return self._data.dims @property def variables(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, Variable]: return Frozen( {k: v for k, v in self._data.variables.items() if k in self._names} ) def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> "DataArray": if key in self._data.data_vars: raise KeyError(key) return cast("DataArray", self._data[key]) def to_dataset(self) -> "Dataset": """Convert these coordinates into a new Dataset""" names = [name for name in self._data._variables if name in self._names] return self._data._copy_listed(names) def _update_coords( self, coords: Dict[Hashable, Variable], indexes: Mapping[Hashable, pd.Index] ) -> None: from .dataset import calculate_dimensions variables = self._data._variables.copy() variables.update(coords) # check for inconsistent state *before* modifying anything in-place dims = calculate_dimensions(variables) new_coord_names = set(coords) for dim, size in dims.items(): if dim in variables: new_coord_names.add(dim) self._data._variables = variables self._data._coord_names.update(new_coord_names) self._data._dims = dims # TODO(shoyer): once ._indexes is always populated by a dict, modify # it to update inplace instead. original_indexes = dict(self._data.indexes) original_indexes.update(indexes) self._data._indexes = original_indexes def __delitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> None: if key in self: del self._data[key] else: raise KeyError(f"{key!r} is not a coordinate variable.") def _ipython_key_completions_(self): """Provide method for the key-autocompletions in IPython. """ return [ key for key in self._data._ipython_key_completions_() if key not in self._data.data_vars ] class DataArrayCoordinates(Coordinates): """Dictionary like container for DataArray coordinates. Essentially a dict with keys given by the array's dimensions and the values given by corresponding DataArray objects. """ __slots__ = ("_data",) def __init__(self, dataarray: "DataArray"): self._data = dataarray @property def dims(self) -> Tuple[Hashable, ...]: return self._data.dims @property def _names(self) -> Set[Hashable]: return set(self._data._coords) def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> "DataArray": return self._data._getitem_coord(key) def _update_coords( self, coords: Dict[Hashable, Variable], indexes: Mapping[Hashable, pd.Index] ) -> None: from .dataset import calculate_dimensions coords_plus_data = coords.copy() coords_plus_data[_THIS_ARRAY] = self._data.variable dims = calculate_dimensions(coords_plus_data) if not set(dims) <= set(self.dims): raise ValueError( "cannot add coordinates with new dimensions to a DataArray" ) self._data._coords = coords # TODO(shoyer): once ._indexes is always populated by a dict, modify # it to update inplace instead. original_indexes = dict(self._data.indexes) original_indexes.update(indexes) self._data._indexes = original_indexes @property def variables(self): return Frozen(self._data._coords) def to_dataset(self) -> "Dataset": from .dataset import Dataset coords = {k: v.copy(deep=False) for k, v in self._data._coords.items()} return Dataset._construct_direct(coords, set(coords)) def __delitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> None: if key in self: del self._data._coords[key] if self._data._indexes is not None and key in self._data._indexes: del self._data._indexes[key] else: raise KeyError(f"{key!r} is not a coordinate variable.") def _ipython_key_completions_(self): """Provide method for the key-autocompletions in IPython. """ return self._data._ipython_key_completions_() class LevelCoordinatesSource(Mapping[Hashable, Any]): """Iterator for MultiIndex level coordinates. Used for attribute style lookup with AttrAccessMixin. Not returned directly by any public methods. """ __slots__ = ("_data",) def __init__(self, data_object: "Union[DataArray, Dataset]"): self._data = data_object def __getitem__(self, key): # not necessary -- everything here can already be found in coords. raise KeyError() def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Hashable]: return iter(self._data._level_coords) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._data._level_coords) def assert_coordinate_consistent( obj: Union["DataArray", "Dataset"], coords: Mapping[Hashable, Variable] ) -> None: """Make sure the dimension coordinate of obj is consistent with coords. obj: DataArray or Dataset coords: Dict-like of variables """ for k in obj.dims: # make sure there are no conflict in dimension coordinates if k in coords and k in obj.coords: if not coords[k].equals(obj[k].variable): raise IndexError( "dimension coordinate {!r} conflicts between " "indexed and indexing objects:\n{}\nvs.\n{}".format( k, obj[k], coords[k] ) ) def remap_label_indexers( obj: Union["DataArray", "Dataset"], indexers: Mapping[Hashable, Any] = None, method: str = None, tolerance=None, **indexers_kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: # TODO more precise return type after annotations in indexing """Remap indexers from obj.coords. If indexer is an instance of DataArray and it has coordinate, then this coordinate will be attached to pos_indexers. Returns ------- pos_indexers: Same type of indexers. np.ndarray or Variable or DataArray new_indexes: mapping of new dimensional-coordinate. """ from .dataarray import DataArray indexers = either_dict_or_kwargs(indexers, indexers_kwargs, "remap_label_indexers") v_indexers = { k: v.variable.data if isinstance(v, DataArray) else v for k, v in indexers.items() } pos_indexers, new_indexes = indexing.remap_label_indexers( obj, v_indexers, method=method, tolerance=tolerance ) # attach indexer's coordinate to pos_indexers for k, v in indexers.items(): if isinstance(v, Variable): pos_indexers[k] = Variable(v.dims, pos_indexers[k]) elif isinstance(v, DataArray): # drop coordinates found in indexers since .sel() already # ensures alignments coords = {k: var for k, var in v._coords.items() if k not in indexers} pos_indexers[k] = DataArray(pos_indexers[k], coords=coords, dims=v.dims) return pos_indexers, new_indexes
import os import pytest from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from qutebrowser.mainwindow import prompt as promptmod from qutebrowser.utils import usertypes class TestFileCompletion: @pytest.fixture def get_prompt(self, qtbot, config_stub, key_config_stub): """Get a function to display a prompt with a path.""" config_stub.val.bindings.default = {} def _get_prompt_func(path): question = usertypes.Question() question.title = "test" question.default = path prompt = promptmod.DownloadFilenamePrompt(question) qtbot.add_widget(prompt) with qtbot.wait_signal(prompt._file_model.directoryLoaded): pass assert prompt._lineedit.text() == path return prompt return _get_prompt_func @pytest.mark.parametrize('steps, where, subfolder', [ (1, 'next', '..'), (1, 'prev', 'c'), (2, 'next', 'a'), (2, 'prev', 'b'), ]) def test_simple_completion(self, tmpdir, get_prompt, steps, where, subfolder): """Simply trying to tab through items.""" testdir = tmpdir / 'test' for directory in 'abc': (testdir / directory).ensure(dir=True) prompt = get_prompt(str(testdir) + os.sep) for _ in range(steps): prompt.item_focus(where) assert prompt._lineedit.text() == str(testdir / subfolder) def test_backspacing_path(self, qtbot, tmpdir, get_prompt): """When we start deleting a path we want to see the subdir.""" testdir = tmpdir / 'test' for directory in ['bar', 'foo']: (testdir / directory).ensure(dir=True) prompt = get_prompt(str(testdir / 'foo') + os.sep) # Deleting /f[oo/] with qtbot.wait_signal(prompt._file_model.directoryLoaded): for _ in range(3): qtbot.keyPress(prompt._lineedit, Qt.Key_Backspace) # foo should get completed from f prompt.item_focus('next') assert prompt._lineedit.text() == str(testdir / 'foo') # Deleting /[foo] for _ in range(3): qtbot.keyPress(prompt._lineedit, Qt.Key_Backspace) # We should now show / again, so tabbing twice gives us .. -> bar prompt.item_focus('next') prompt.item_focus('next') assert prompt._lineedit.text() == str(testdir / 'bar') @pytest.mark.linux def test_root_path(self, get_prompt): """With / as path, show root contents.""" prompt = get_prompt('/') assert prompt._file_model.rootPath() == '/'
import logging import os.path from gensim import interfaces, matutils import dictionary # for constructing word->id mappings logger = logging.getLogger('gensim.corpora.dmlcorpus') class DmlConfig: """ DmlConfig contains parameters necessary for the abstraction of a 'corpus of articles' (see the `DmlCorpus` class). Articles may come from different sources (=different locations on disk/network, different file formats etc.), so the main purpose of DmlConfig is to keep all sources in one place. Apart from glueing sources together, DmlConfig also decides where to store output files and which articles to accept for the corpus (= an additional filter over the sources). """ def __init__(self, configId, resultDir, acceptLangs=None): self.resultDir = resultDir # output files will be stored in this directory self.configId = configId self.sources = {} # all article sources; see sources.DmlSource class for an example of source if acceptLangs is None: # which languages to accept acceptLangs = {'any'} # if not specified, accept all languages (including unknown/unspecified) self.acceptLangs = set(acceptLangs) logger.info('initialized %s', self) def resultFile(self, fname): return os.path.join(self.resultDir, self.configId + '_' + fname) def acceptArticle(self, metadata): lang = metadata.get('language', 'unk') if 'any' not in self.acceptLangs and lang not in self.acceptLangs: return False return True def addSource(self, source): sourceId = str(source) assert sourceId not in self.sources, "source %s already present in the config!" % sourceId self.sources[sourceId] = source def __str__(self): return ("DmlConfig(id=%s, sources=[%s], acceptLangs=[%s])" % (self.configId, ', '.join(self.sources.iterkeys()), ', '.join(self.acceptLangs))) # endclass DmlConfig class DmlCorpus(interfaces.CorpusABC): """ DmlCorpus implements a collection of articles. It is initialized via a DmlConfig object, which holds information about where to look for the articles and how to process them. Apart from being a regular corpus (bag-of-words iterable with a `len()` method), DmlCorpus has methods for building a dictionary (mapping between words and their ids). """ def __init__(self): self.documents = [] self.config = None self.dictionary = dictionary.Dictionary() def __len__(self): return len(self.documents) def __iter__(self): """ The function that defines a corpus -- iterating over the corpus yields bag-of-words vectors, one for each document. A bag-of-words vector is simply a list of ``(tokenId, tokenCount)`` 2-tuples. """ for docNo, (sourceId, docUri) in enumerate(self.documents): source = self.config.sources[sourceId] contents = source.getContent(docUri) words = [source.normalizeWord(word) for word in source.tokenize(contents)] yield self.dictionary.doc2bow(words, allowUpdate=False) def buildDictionary(self): """ Populate dictionary mapping and statistics. This is done by sequentially retrieving the article fulltexts, splitting them into tokens and converting tokens to their ids (creating new ids as necessary). """ logger.info("creating dictionary from %i articles", len(self.documents)) self.dictionary = dictionary.Dictionary() numPositions = 0 for docNo, (sourceId, docUri) in enumerate(self.documents): if docNo % 1000 == 0: logger.info("PROGRESS: at document #%i/%i (%s, %s)", docNo, len(self.documents), sourceId, docUri) source = self.config.sources[sourceId] contents = source.getContent(docUri) words = [source.normalizeWord(word) for word in source.tokenize(contents)] numPositions += len(words) # convert to bag-of-words, but ignore the result -- here we only care about updating token ids _ = self.dictionary.doc2bow(words, allowUpdate=True) # noqa:F841 logger.info( "built %s from %i documents (total %i corpus positions)", self.dictionary, len(self.documents), numPositions ) def processConfig(self, config, shuffle=False): """ Parse the directories specified in the config, looking for suitable articles. This updates the self.documents var, which keeps a list of (source id, article uri) 2-tuples. Each tuple is a unique identifier of one article. Note that some articles are ignored based on config settings (for example if the article's language doesn't match any language specified in the config etc.). """ self.config = config self.documents = [] logger.info("processing config %s", config) for sourceId, source in config.sources.iteritems(): logger.info("processing source '%s'", sourceId) accepted = [] for articleUri in source.findArticles(): meta = source.getMeta(articleUri) # retrieve metadata (= dictionary of key->value) if config.acceptArticle(meta): # do additional filtering on articles, based on the article's metadata accepted.append((sourceId, articleUri)) logger.info("accepted %i articles for source '%s'", len(accepted), sourceId) self.documents.extend(accepted) if not self.documents: logger.warning('no articles at all found from the config; something went wrong!') if shuffle: logger.info("shuffling %i documents for random order", len(self.documents)) import random random.shuffle(self.documents) logger.info("accepted total of %i articles for %s", len(self.documents), str(config)) def saveDictionary(self, fname): logger.info("saving dictionary mapping to %s", fname) fout = open(fname, 'w') for tokenId, token in self.dictionary.id2token.iteritems(): fout.write("%i\t%s\n" % (tokenId, token)) fout.close() @staticmethod def loadDictionary(fname): result = {} for lineNo, line in enumerate(open(fname)): pair = line[:-1].split('\t') if len(pair) != 2: continue wordId, word = pair result[int(wordId)] = word return result def saveDocuments(self, fname): logger.info("saving documents mapping to %s", fname) fout = open(fname, 'w') for docNo, docId in enumerate(self.documents): sourceId, docUri = docId intId, pathId = docUri fout.write("%i\t%s\n" % (docNo, repr(docId))) fout.close() def saveAsText(self): """ Store the corpus to disk, in a human-readable text format. This actually saves multiple files: 1. Pure document-term co-occurence frequency counts, as a Matrix Market file. 2. Token to integer mapping, as a text file. 3. Document to document URI mapping, as a text file. The exact filesystem paths and filenames are determined from the config. """ self.saveDictionary(self.config.resultFile('wordids.txt')) self.saveDocuments(self.config.resultFile('docids.txt')) matutils.MmWriter.writeCorpus(self.config.resultFile('bow.mm'), self) def articleDir(self, docNo): """ Return absolute normalized path on filesystem to article no. `docNo`. """ sourceId, (_, outPath) = self.documents[docNo] source = self.config.sources[sourceId] return os.path.join(source.baseDir, outPath) def getMeta(self, docNo): """ Return metadata for article no. `docNo`. """ sourceId, uri = self.documents[docNo] source = self.config.sources[sourceId] return source.getMeta(uri) # endclass DmlCorpus
import logging from http.client import ( HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection, HTTPResponse, ) from io import BytesIO from vcr.request import Request from vcr.errors import CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException from . import compat log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VCRFakeSocket: """ A socket that doesn't do anything! Used when playing back cassettes, when there is no actual open socket. """ def close(self): pass def settimeout(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def fileno(self): """ This is kinda crappy. requests will watch this descriptor and make sure it's not closed. Return file descriptor 0 since that's stdin. """ return 0 # wonder how bad this is.... def parse_headers(header_list): """ Convert headers from our serialized dict with lists for keys to a HTTPMessage """ header_string = b"" for key, values in header_list.items(): for v in values: header_string += key.encode("utf-8") + b":" + v.encode("utf-8") + b"\r\n" return compat.get_httpmessage(header_string) def serialize_headers(response): out = {} for key, values in compat.get_headers(response.msg): out.setdefault(key, []) out[key].extend(values) return out class VCRHTTPResponse(HTTPResponse): """ Stub response class that gets returned instead of a HTTPResponse """ def __init__(self, recorded_response): self.fp = None self.recorded_response = recorded_response self.reason = recorded_response["status"]["message"] self.status = self.code = recorded_response["status"]["code"] self.version = None self._content = BytesIO(self.recorded_response["body"]["string"]) self._closed = False headers = self.recorded_response["headers"] # Since we are loading a response that has already been serialized, our # response is no longer chunked. That means we don't want any # libraries trying to process a chunked response. By removing the # transfer-encoding: chunked header, this should cause the downstream # libraries to process this as a non-chunked response. te_key = [h for h in headers.keys() if h.upper() == "TRANSFER-ENCODING"] if te_key: del headers[te_key[0]] self.headers = self.msg = parse_headers(headers) self.length = compat.get_header(self.msg, "content-length") or None @property def closed(self): # in python3, I can't change the value of self.closed. So I' # twiddling self._closed and using this property to shadow the real # self.closed from the superclas return self._closed def read(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._content.read(*args, **kwargs) def readall(self): return self._content.readall() def readinto(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._content.readinto(*args, **kwargs) def readline(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._content.readline(*args, **kwargs) def readlines(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._content.readlines(*args, **kwargs) def seekable(self): return self._content.seekable() def tell(self): return self._content.tell() def isatty(self): return self._content.isatty() def seek(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._content.seek(*args, **kwargs) def close(self): self._closed = True return True def getcode(self): return self.status def isclosed(self): return self.closed def info(self): return parse_headers(self.recorded_response["headers"]) def getheaders(self): message = parse_headers(self.recorded_response["headers"]) return list(compat.get_header_items(message)) def getheader(self, header, default=None): values = [v for (k, v) in self.getheaders() if k.lower() == header.lower()] if values: return ", ".join(values) else: return default def readable(self): return self._content.readable() class VCRConnection: # A reference to the cassette that's currently being patched in cassette = None def _port_postfix(self): """ Returns empty string for the default port and ':port' otherwise """ port = self.real_connection.port default_port = {"https": 443, "http": 80}[self._protocol] return ":{}".format(port) if port != default_port else "" def _uri(self, url): """Returns request absolute URI""" if url and not url.startswith("/"): # Then this must be a proxy request. return url uri = "{}://{}{}{}".format(self._protocol, self.real_connection.host, self._port_postfix(), url) log.debug("Absolute URI: %s", uri) return uri def _url(self, uri): """Returns request selector url from absolute URI""" prefix = "{}://{}{}".format(self._protocol, self.real_connection.host, self._port_postfix()) return uri.replace(prefix, "", 1) def request(self, method, url, body=None, headers=None, *args, **kwargs): """Persist the request metadata in self._vcr_request""" self._vcr_request = Request(method=method, uri=self._uri(url), body=body, headers=headers or {}) log.debug("Got {}".format(self._vcr_request)) # Note: The request may not actually be finished at this point, so # I'm not sending the actual request until getresponse(). This # allows me to compare the entire length of the response to see if it # exists in the cassette. self._sock = VCRFakeSocket() def putrequest(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs): """ httplib gives you more than one way to do it. This is a way to start building up a request. Usually followed by a bunch of putheader() calls. """ self._vcr_request = Request(method=method, uri=self._uri(url), body="", headers={}) log.debug("Got {}".format(self._vcr_request)) def putheader(self, header, *values): self._vcr_request.headers[header] = values def send(self, data): """ This method is called after request(), to add additional data to the body of the request. So if that happens, let's just append the data onto the most recent request in the cassette. """ self._vcr_request.body = self._vcr_request.body + data if self._vcr_request.body else data def close(self): # Note: the real connection will only close if it's open, so # no need to check that here. self.real_connection.close() def endheaders(self, message_body=None): """ Normally, this would actually send the request to the server. We are not sending the request until getting the response, so bypass this part and just append the message body, if any. """ if message_body is not None: self._vcr_request.body = message_body def getresponse(self, _=False, **kwargs): """Retrieve the response""" # Check to see if the cassette has a response for this request. If so, # then return it if self.cassette.can_play_response_for(self._vcr_request): log.info("Playing response for {} from cassette".format(self._vcr_request)) response = self.cassette.play_response(self._vcr_request) return VCRHTTPResponse(response) else: if self.cassette.write_protected and self.cassette.filter_request(self._vcr_request): raise CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException( cassette=self.cassette, failed_request=self._vcr_request ) # Otherwise, we should send the request, then get the response # and return it. log.info("{} not in cassette, sending to real server".format(self._vcr_request)) # This is imported here to avoid circular import. # TODO(@IvanMalison): Refactor to allow normal import. from vcr.patch import force_reset with force_reset(): self.real_connection.request( method=self._vcr_request.method, url=self._url(self._vcr_request.uri), body=self._vcr_request.body, headers=self._vcr_request.headers, ) # get the response response = self.real_connection.getresponse() # put the response into the cassette response = { "status": {"code": response.status, "message": response.reason}, "headers": serialize_headers(response), "body": {"string": response.read()}, } self.cassette.append(self._vcr_request, response) return VCRHTTPResponse(response) def set_debuglevel(self, *args, **kwargs): self.real_connection.set_debuglevel(*args, **kwargs) def connect(self, *args, **kwargs): """ httplib2 uses this. Connects to the server I'm assuming. Only pass to the baseclass if we don't have a recorded response and are not write-protected. """ if hasattr(self, "_vcr_request") and self.cassette.can_play_response_for(self._vcr_request): # We already have a response we are going to play, don't # actually connect return if self.cassette.write_protected: # Cassette is write-protected, don't actually connect return from vcr.patch import force_reset with force_reset(): return self.real_connection.connect(*args, **kwargs) self._sock = VCRFakeSocket() @property def sock(self): if self.real_connection.sock: return self.real_connection.sock return self._sock @sock.setter def sock(self, value): if self.real_connection.sock: self.real_connection.sock = value def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.pop("strict", None) # apparently this is gone in py3 # need to temporarily reset here because the real connection # inherits from the thing that we are mocking out. Take out # the reset if you want to see what I mean :) from vcr.patch import force_reset with force_reset(): self.real_connection = self._baseclass(*args, **kwargs) self._sock = None def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ We need to define this because any attributes that are set on the VCRConnection need to be propogated to the real connection. For example, urllib3 will set certain attributes on the connection, such as 'ssl_version'. These attributes need to get set on the real connection to have the correct and expected behavior. TODO: Separately setting the attribute on the two instances is not ideal. We should switch to a proxying implementation. """ try: setattr(self.real_connection, name, value) except AttributeError: # raised if real_connection has not been set yet, such as when # we're setting the real_connection itself for the first time pass super().__setattr__(name, value) def __getattr__(self, name): """ Send requests for weird attributes up to the real connection (counterpart to __setattr above) """ if self.__dict__.get("real_connection"): # check in case real_connection has not been set yet, such as when # we're setting the real_connection itself for the first time return getattr(self.real_connection, name) return super().__getattr__(name) for k, v in HTTPConnection.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(v, staticmethod): setattr(VCRConnection, k, v) class VCRHTTPConnection(VCRConnection): """A Mocked class for HTTP requests""" _baseclass = HTTPConnection _protocol = "http" class VCRHTTPSConnection(VCRConnection): """A Mocked class for HTTPS requests""" _baseclass = HTTPSConnection _protocol = "https" is_verified = True
import logging import os import re import threading import requests import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import HTTP_OK import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.util import sanitize_filename _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTR_FILENAME = "filename" ATTR_SUBDIR = "subdir" ATTR_URL = "url" ATTR_OVERWRITE = "overwrite" CONF_DOWNLOAD_DIR = "download_dir" DOMAIN = "downloader" DOWNLOAD_FAILED_EVENT = "download_failed" DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_EVENT = "download_completed" SERVICE_DOWNLOAD_FILE = "download_file" SERVICE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Required(ATTR_URL): cv.url, vol.Optional(ATTR_SUBDIR): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_FILENAME): cv.string, vol.Optional(ATTR_OVERWRITE, default=False): cv.boolean, } ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {DOMAIN: vol.Schema({vol.Required(CONF_DOWNLOAD_DIR): cv.string})}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA, ) def setup(hass, config): """Listen for download events to download files.""" download_path = config[DOMAIN][CONF_DOWNLOAD_DIR] # If path is relative, we assume relative to Home Assistant config dir if not os.path.isabs(download_path): download_path = hass.config.path(download_path) if not os.path.isdir(download_path): _LOGGER.error( "Download path %s does not exist. File Downloader not active", download_path ) return False def download_file(service): """Start thread to download file specified in the URL.""" def do_download(): """Download the file.""" try: url = service.data[ATTR_URL] subdir = service.data.get(ATTR_SUBDIR) filename = service.data.get(ATTR_FILENAME) overwrite = service.data.get(ATTR_OVERWRITE) if subdir: subdir = sanitize_filename(subdir) final_path = None req = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=10) if req.status_code != HTTP_OK: _LOGGER.warning( "downloading '%s' failed, status_code=%d", url, req.status_code ) hass.bus.fire( f"{DOMAIN}_{DOWNLOAD_FAILED_EVENT}", {"url": url, "filename": filename}, ) else: if filename is None and "content-disposition" in req.headers: match = re.findall( r"filename=(\S+)", req.headers["content-disposition"] ) if match: filename = match[0].strip("'\" ") if not filename: filename = os.path.basename(url).strip() if not filename: filename = "ha_download" # Remove stuff to ruin paths filename = sanitize_filename(filename) # Do we want to download to subdir, create if needed if subdir: subdir_path = os.path.join(download_path, subdir) # Ensure subdir exist if not os.path.isdir(subdir_path): os.makedirs(subdir_path) final_path = os.path.join(subdir_path, filename) else: final_path = os.path.join(download_path, filename) path, ext = os.path.splitext(final_path) # If file exist append a number. # We test filename, filename_2.. if not overwrite: tries = 1 final_path = path + ext while os.path.isfile(final_path): tries += 1 final_path = f"{path}_{tries}.{ext}" _LOGGER.debug("%s -> %s", url, final_path) with open(final_path, "wb") as fil: for chunk in req.iter_content(1024): fil.write(chunk) _LOGGER.debug("Downloading of %s done", url) hass.bus.fire( f"{DOMAIN}_{DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_EVENT}", {"url": url, "filename": filename}, ) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: _LOGGER.exception("ConnectionError occurred for %s", url) hass.bus.fire( f"{DOMAIN}_{DOWNLOAD_FAILED_EVENT}", {"url": url, "filename": filename}, ) # Remove file if we started downloading but failed if final_path and os.path.isfile(final_path): os.remove(final_path) threading.Thread(target=do_download).start() hass.services.register( DOMAIN, SERVICE_DOWNLOAD_FILE, download_file, schema=SERVICE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_SCHEMA, ) return True
from homeassistant.components import google_assistant as ga from homeassistant.core import Context from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from .test_http import DUMMY_CONFIG async def test_request_sync_service(aioclient_mock, hass): """Test that it posts to the request_sync url.""" aioclient_mock.post( ga.const.HOMEGRAPH_TOKEN_URL, status=200, json={"access_token": "1234", "expires_in": 3600}, ) aioclient_mock.post(ga.const.REQUEST_SYNC_BASE_URL, status=200) await async_setup_component( hass, "google_assistant", {"google_assistant": DUMMY_CONFIG}, ) assert aioclient_mock.call_count == 0 await hass.services.async_call( ga.const.DOMAIN, ga.const.SERVICE_REQUEST_SYNC, blocking=True, context=Context(user_id="123"), ) assert aioclient_mock.call_count == 2 # token + request
.encode('idna') import gevent.monkey gevent.monkey.patch_all() import docker_registry.core.boto as coreboto from docker_registry.core import compat from docker_registry.core import exceptions from docker_registry.core import lru import logging import os import re import time import boto.exception import boto.s3 import boto.s3.connection import boto.s3.key logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Cloudfront(object): def __init__(self, awsaccess, awssecret, base, keyid, privatekey): boto.connect_cloudfront( awsaccess, awssecret ) host = re.compile('^https?://([^/]+)').findall(base) self.dist = boto.cloudfront.distribution.Distribution(domain_name=host) self.base = base self.keyid = keyid self.privatekey = privatekey try: self.privatekey = open(privatekey).read() except Exception: logger.debug('Passed private key is not readable. Assume string.') def sign(self, url, expire_time=0): path = os.path.join(self.base, url) if expire_time: expire_time = time.time() + expire_time return self.dist.create_signed_url( path, self.keyid, private_key_string=self.privatekey, expire_time=int(expire_time) ) def pub(self, path): return os.path.join(self.base, path) class Storage(coreboto.Base): def __init__(self, path, config): super(Storage, self).__init__(path, config) def _build_connection_params(self): kwargs = super(Storage, self)._build_connection_params() if self._config.s3_secure is not None: kwargs['is_secure'] = (self._config.s3_secure is True) return kwargs def makeConnection(self): kwargs = self._build_connection_params() # Connect cloudfront if we are required to if self._config.cloudfront: self.signer = Cloudfront( self._config.s3_access_key, self._config.s3_secret_key, self._config.cloudfront['base'], self._config.cloudfront['keyid'], self._config.cloudfront['keysecret'] ).sign else: self.signer = None if self._config.s3_use_sigv4 is True: if self._config.boto_host is None: logger.warn("No S3 Host specified, Boto won't use SIGV4!") boto.config.add_section('s3') boto.config.set('s3', 'use-sigv4', 'True') if self._config.s3_region is not None: return boto.s3.connect_to_region( region_name=self._config.s3_region, aws_access_key_id=self._config.s3_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=self._config.s3_secret_key, **kwargs) logger.warn("No S3 region specified, using boto default region, " + "this may affect performance and stability.") return boto.s3.connection.S3Connection( self._config.s3_access_key, self._config.s3_secret_key, **kwargs) def makeKey(self, path): return boto.s3.key.Key(self._boto_bucket, path) @lru.set def put_content(self, path, content): path = self._init_path(path) key = self.makeKey(path) key.set_contents_from_string( content, encrypt_key=(self._config.s3_encrypt is True)) return path def stream_write(self, path, fp): # Minimum size of upload part size on S3 is 5MB buffer_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024 if self.buffer_size > buffer_size: buffer_size = self.buffer_size path = self._init_path(path) mp = self._boto_bucket.initiate_multipart_upload( path, encrypt_key=(self._config.s3_encrypt is True)) num_part = 1 try: while True: buf = fp.read(buffer_size) if not buf: break io = compat.StringIO(buf) mp.upload_part_from_file(io, num_part) num_part += 1 io.close() except IOError as e: raise e mp.complete_upload() def content_redirect_url(self, path): path = self._init_path(path) key = self.makeKey(path) if not key.exists(): raise IOError('No such key: \'{0}\''.format(path)) # No cloudfront? Sign to the bucket if not self.signer: return key.generate_url( expires_in=1200, method='GET', query_auth=True) # Have cloudfront? Sign it return self.signer(path, expire_time=60) def get_content(self, path, tries=0): try: return super(Storage, self).get_content(path) except exceptions.FileNotFoundError as e: if tries <= 3: time.sleep(.1) return self.get_content(path, tries + 1) else: raise e
import asyncio from datetime import timedelta import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.media_player import DEVICE_CLASS_TV, MediaPlayerEntity from homeassistant.components.media_player.const import ( MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL, SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK, SUPPORT_PAUSE, SUPPORT_PLAY, SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA, SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK, SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE, SUPPORT_TURN_OFF, SUPPORT_TURN_ON, SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE, SUPPORT_VOLUME_STEP, ) from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_ID, CONF_IP_ADDRESS, CONF_METHOD, CONF_NAME, CONF_PORT, CONF_TOKEN, STATE_OFF, STATE_ON, ) import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.script import Script from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from .bridge import SamsungTVBridge from .const import ( CONF_MANUFACTURER, CONF_MODEL, CONF_ON_ACTION, DEFAULT_NAME, DOMAIN, LOGGER, ) KEY_PRESS_TIMEOUT = 1.2 SOURCES = {"TV": "KEY_TV", "HDMI": "KEY_HDMI"} SUPPORT_SAMSUNGTV = ( SUPPORT_PAUSE | SUPPORT_VOLUME_STEP | SUPPORT_VOLUME_MUTE | SUPPORT_PREVIOUS_TRACK | SUPPORT_SELECT_SOURCE | SUPPORT_NEXT_TRACK | SUPPORT_TURN_OFF | SUPPORT_PLAY | SUPPORT_PLAY_MEDIA ) async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up the Samsung TV from a config entry.""" ip_address = config_entry.data[CONF_IP_ADDRESS] on_script = None if ( DOMAIN in hass.data and ip_address in hass.data[DOMAIN] and CONF_ON_ACTION in hass.data[DOMAIN][ip_address] and hass.data[DOMAIN][ip_address][CONF_ON_ACTION] ): turn_on_action = hass.data[DOMAIN][ip_address][CONF_ON_ACTION] on_script = Script( hass, turn_on_action, config_entry.data.get(CONF_NAME, DEFAULT_NAME), DOMAIN ) # Initialize bridge data = config_entry.data.copy() bridge = SamsungTVBridge.get_bridge( data[CONF_METHOD], data[CONF_HOST], data[CONF_PORT], data.get(CONF_TOKEN), ) if bridge.port is None and bridge.default_port is not None: # For backward compat, set default port for websocket tv data[CONF_PORT] = bridge.default_port hass.config_entries.async_update_entry(config_entry, data=data) bridge = SamsungTVBridge.get_bridge( data[CONF_METHOD], data[CONF_HOST], data[CONF_PORT], data.get(CONF_TOKEN), ) async_add_entities([SamsungTVDevice(bridge, config_entry, on_script)]) class SamsungTVDevice(MediaPlayerEntity): """Representation of a Samsung TV.""" def __init__(self, bridge, config_entry, on_script): """Initialize the Samsung device.""" self._config_entry = config_entry self._manufacturer = config_entry.data.get(CONF_MANUFACTURER) self._model = config_entry.data.get(CONF_MODEL) self._name = config_entry.data.get(CONF_NAME) self._on_script = on_script self._uuid = config_entry.data.get(CONF_ID) # Assume that the TV is not muted self._muted = False # Assume that the TV is in Play mode self._playing = True self._state = None # Mark the end of a shutdown command (need to wait 15 seconds before # sending the next command to avoid turning the TV back ON). self._end_of_power_off = None self._bridge = bridge self._bridge.register_reauth_callback(self.access_denied) def access_denied(self): """Access denied callback.""" LOGGER.debug("Access denied in getting remote object") self.hass.add_job( self.hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( DOMAIN, context={"source": "reauth"}, data=self._config_entry.data, ) ) def update(self): """Update state of device.""" if self._power_off_in_progress(): self._state = STATE_OFF else: self._state = STATE_ON if self._bridge.is_on() else STATE_OFF def send_key(self, key): """Send a key to the tv and handles exceptions.""" if self._power_off_in_progress() and key != "KEY_POWEROFF": LOGGER.info("TV is powering off, not sending command: %s", key) return self._bridge.send_key(key) def _power_off_in_progress(self): return ( self._end_of_power_off is not None and self._end_of_power_off > dt_util.utcnow() ) @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return the unique ID of the device.""" return self._uuid @property def name(self): """Return the name of the device.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the device.""" return self._state @property def device_info(self): """Return device specific attributes.""" return { "name": self.name, "identifiers": {(DOMAIN, self.unique_id)}, "manufacturer": self._manufacturer, "model": self._model, } @property def is_volume_muted(self): """Boolean if volume is currently muted.""" return self._muted @property def source_list(self): """List of available input sources.""" return list(SOURCES) @property def supported_features(self): """Flag media player features that are supported.""" if self._on_script: return SUPPORT_SAMSUNGTV | SUPPORT_TURN_ON return SUPPORT_SAMSUNGTV @property def device_class(self): """Set the device class to TV.""" return DEVICE_CLASS_TV def turn_off(self): """Turn off media player.""" self._end_of_power_off = dt_util.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=15) self.send_key("KEY_POWEROFF") # Force closing of remote session to provide instant UI feedback self._bridge.close_remote() def volume_up(self): """Volume up the media player.""" self.send_key("KEY_VOLUP") def volume_down(self): """Volume down media player.""" self.send_key("KEY_VOLDOWN") def mute_volume(self, mute): """Send mute command.""" self.send_key("KEY_MUTE") def media_play_pause(self): """Simulate play pause media player.""" if self._playing: self.media_pause() else: self.media_play() def media_play(self): """Send play command.""" self._playing = True self.send_key("KEY_PLAY") def media_pause(self): """Send media pause command to media player.""" self._playing = False self.send_key("KEY_PAUSE") def media_next_track(self): """Send next track command.""" self.send_key("KEY_CHUP") def media_previous_track(self): """Send the previous track command.""" self.send_key("KEY_CHDOWN") async def async_play_media(self, media_type, media_id, **kwargs): """Support changing a channel.""" if media_type != MEDIA_TYPE_CHANNEL: LOGGER.error("Unsupported media type") return # media_id should only be a channel number try: cv.positive_int(media_id) except vol.Invalid: LOGGER.error("Media ID must be positive integer") return for digit in media_id: await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.send_key, f"KEY_{digit}") await asyncio.sleep(KEY_PRESS_TIMEOUT, self.hass.loop) await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.send_key, "KEY_ENTER") async def async_turn_on(self): """Turn the media player on.""" if self._on_script: await self._on_script.async_run(context=self._context) def select_source(self, source): """Select input source.""" if source not in SOURCES: LOGGER.error("Unsupported source") return self.send_key(SOURCES[source])
import errno import glob import os import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree from meld.conf import _ from . import _vc #: Simple enum constants for differentiating conflict cases. CONFLICT_TYPE_MERGE, CONFLICT_TYPE_UPDATE = 1, 2 class Vc(_vc.Vc): CMD = "svn" NAME = "Subversion" VC_DIR = ".svn" state_map = { "unversioned": _vc.STATE_NONE, "added": _vc.STATE_NEW, "normal": _vc.STATE_NORMAL, "missing": _vc.STATE_MISSING, "ignored": _vc.STATE_IGNORED, "modified": _vc.STATE_MODIFIED, "deleted": _vc.STATE_REMOVED, "conflicted": _vc.STATE_CONFLICT, } def commit(self, runner, files, message): command = [self.CMD, 'commit', '-m', message] runner(command, files, refresh=True, working_dir=self.root) def update(self, runner): command = [self.CMD, 'update'] runner(command, [], refresh=True, working_dir=self.root) def remove(self, runner, files): command = [self.CMD, 'rm', '--force'] runner(command, files, refresh=True, working_dir=self.root) def revert(self, runner, files): command = [self.CMD, 'revert'] runner(command, files, refresh=True, working_dir=self.root) def resolve(self, runner, files): command = [self.CMD, 'resolve', '--accept=working'] runner(command, files, refresh=True, working_dir=self.root) def get_path_for_repo_file(self, path, commit=None): if commit is None: commit = "BASE" else: raise NotImplementedError() if not path.startswith(self.root + os.path.sep): raise _vc.InvalidVCPath(self, path, "Path not in repository") path = path[len(self.root) + 1:] args = [self.CMD, "cat", "-r", commit, path] return _vc.call_temp_output(args, cwd=self.root) def get_path_for_conflict(self, path, conflict=None): """ SVN has two types of conflicts: Merge conflicts, which give 3 files: .left.r* (THIS) .working (BASE... although this is a bit debatable) .right.r* (OTHER) Update conflicts which give 3 files: .mine (THIS) .r* (lower - BASE) .r* (higher - OTHER) """ if not path.startswith(self.root + os.path.sep): raise _vc.InvalidVCPath(self, path, "Path not in repository") # If this is merged, we just return the merged output if conflict == _vc.CONFLICT_MERGED: return path, False # First fine what type of conflict this is by looking at the base # we can possibly return straight away! conflict_type = None base = glob.glob('%s.working' % path) if len(base) == 1: # We have a merge conflict conflict_type = CONFLICT_TYPE_MERGE else: base = glob.glob('%s.mine' % path) if len(base) == 1: # We have an update conflict conflict_type = CONFLICT_TYPE_UPDATE if conflict_type is None: raise _vc.InvalidVCPath(self, path, "No known conflict type found") if conflict == _vc.CONFLICT_BASE: return base[0], False elif conflict == _vc.CONFLICT_THIS: if conflict_type == CONFLICT_TYPE_MERGE: return glob.glob('%s.merge-left.r*' % path)[0], False else: return glob.glob('%s.r*' % path)[0], False elif conflict == _vc.CONFLICT_OTHER: if conflict_type == CONFLICT_TYPE_MERGE: return glob.glob('%s.merge-right.r*' % path)[0], False else: return glob.glob('%s.r*' % path)[-1], False raise KeyError("Conflict file does not exist") def add(self, runner, files): # SVN < 1.7 needs to add folders from their immediate parent dirs = [s for s in files if os.path.isdir(s)] files = [s for s in files if os.path.isfile(s)] command = [self.CMD, 'add'] for path in dirs: runner(command, [path], refresh=True, working_dir=os.path.dirname(path)) if files: runner(command, files, refresh=True, working_dir=self.location) @classmethod def _repo_version_support(cls, version): return version >= 12 @classmethod def valid_repo(cls, path): if _vc.call([cls.CMD, "info"], cwd=path): return False root, location = cls.is_in_repo(path) vc_dir = os.path.join(root, cls.VC_DIR) # Check for repository version, trusting format file then entries file repo_version = None for filename in ("format", "entries"): path = os.path.join(vc_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as f: repo_version = int(f.readline().strip()) break if not repo_version and os.path.exists(os.path.join(vc_dir, "wc.db")): repo_version = 12 return cls._repo_version_support(repo_version) def _update_tree_state_cache(self, path): while 1: try: # "svn --xml" outputs utf8, even with Windows non-utf8 locale proc = _vc.popen( [self.CMD, "status", "-v", "--xml", path], cwd=self.location, use_locale_encoding=False) tree = ElementTree.parse(proc) break except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EAGAIN: raise for target in tree.findall("target") + tree.findall("changelist"): for entry in (t for t in target.getchildren() if t.tag == "entry"): path = entry.attrib["path"] if not path: continue if not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.location, path)) for status in (e for e in entry.getchildren() if e.tag == "wc-status"): item = status.attrib["item"] if item == "": continue state = self.state_map.get(item, _vc.STATE_NONE) self._tree_cache[path] = state rev = status.attrib.get("revision") rev_label = _("Rev %s") % rev if rev is not None else '' self._tree_meta_cache[path] = rev_label self._add_missing_cache_entry(path, state)
import os import tempfile from uuid import uuid4 from django.core.cache import cache from django.core.files.base import ContentFile from django.core.files.storage import default_storage class BaseStorage: def __init__(self, name=None): self.name = name def save(self, data, mode='w'): raise NotImplementedError def read(self, read_mode='r'): raise NotImplementedError def remove(self): raise NotImplementedError class TempFolderStorage(BaseStorage): def open(self, mode='r'): if self.name: return open(self.get_full_path(), mode) else: tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) self.name = tmp_file.name return tmp_file def save(self, data, mode='w'): with self.open(mode=mode) as file: file.write(data) def read(self, mode='r'): with self.open(mode=mode) as file: return file.read() def remove(self): os.remove(self.get_full_path()) def get_full_path(self): return os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), self.name ) class CacheStorage(BaseStorage): """ By default memcache maximum size per key is 1MB, be careful with large files. """ CACHE_LIFETIME = 86400 CACHE_PREFIX = 'django-import-export-' def save(self, data, mode=None): if not self.name: self.name = uuid4().hex cache.set(self.CACHE_PREFIX + self.name, data, self.CACHE_LIFETIME) def read(self, read_mode='r'): return cache.get(self.CACHE_PREFIX + self.name) def remove(self): cache.delete(self.name) class MediaStorage(BaseStorage): MEDIA_FOLDER = 'django-import-export' def save(self, data, mode=None): if not self.name: self.name = uuid4().hex default_storage.save(self.get_full_path(), ContentFile(data)) def read(self, read_mode='rb'): with default_storage.open(self.get_full_path(), mode=read_mode) as f: return f.read() def remove(self): default_storage.delete(self.get_full_path()) def get_full_path(self): return os.path.join( self.MEDIA_FOLDER, self.name )
import argparse import sys from paasta_tools import tron_tools def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Cleans up stale Tron namespaces.") parser.add_argument( "-d", "--soa-dir", dest="soa_dir", metavar="SOA_DIR", default=tron_tools.DEFAULT_SOA_DIR, help="Use a different soa config directory", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", dest="dry_run", action="store_true", help="Print namespaces to be deleted, instead of deleting them", ) args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): args = parse_args() cluster = tron_tools.load_tron_config().get_cluster_name() client = tron_tools.get_tron_client() namespaces = client.list_namespaces() expected_namespaces = tron_tools.get_tron_namespaces( cluster=cluster, soa_dir=args.soa_dir ) to_delete = set(namespaces) - set(expected_namespaces) - {"MASTER"} if not to_delete: print("No Tron namespaces to remove") sys.exit(0) if args.dry_run: print("Dry run, would have removed namespaces:\n " + "\n ".join(to_delete)) sys.exit(0) successes = [] errors = [] for namespace in to_delete: try: client.update_namespace(namespace, "") successes.append(namespace) except Exception as e: errors.append((namespace, e)) if successes: print("Successfully removed namespaces:\n", "\n ".join(successes)) if errors: print( "Failed to remove namespaces:\n " + "\n ".join( [ "{namespace}: {error}".format(namespace=namespace, error=str(error)) for namespace, error in errors ] ) ) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from homeassistant.core import State from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component VALID_TEXT1 = "Test text" VALID_TEXT2 = "LoremIpsum" INVALID_TEXT1 = "This text is too long!" INVALID_TEXT2 = "Short" async def test_reproducing_states(hass, caplog): """Test reproducing Input text states.""" # Setup entity for testing assert await async_setup_component( hass, "input_text", { "input_text": { "test_text": {"min": "6", "max": "10", "initial": VALID_TEXT1} } }, ) # These calls should do nothing as entities already in desired state await hass.helpers.state.async_reproduce_state( [ State("input_text.test_text", VALID_TEXT1), # Should not raise State("input_text.non_existing", VALID_TEXT1), ], ) # Test that entity is in desired state assert hass.states.get("input_text.test_text").state == VALID_TEXT1 # Try reproducing with different state await hass.helpers.state.async_reproduce_state( [ State("input_text.test_text", VALID_TEXT2), # Should not raise State("input_text.non_existing", VALID_TEXT2), ], ) # Test that the state was changed assert hass.states.get("input_text.test_text").state == VALID_TEXT2 # Test setting state to invalid state (length too long) await hass.helpers.state.async_reproduce_state( [State("input_text.test_text", INVALID_TEXT1)] ) # The entity state should be unchanged assert hass.states.get("input_text.test_text").state == VALID_TEXT2 # Test setting state to invalid state (length too short) await hass.helpers.state.async_reproduce_state( [State("input_text.test_text", INVALID_TEXT2)] ) # The entity state should be unchanged assert hass.states.get("input_text.test_text").state == VALID_TEXT2
from django.contrib.messages import add_message, constants def get_request(request): """Return Django request object even for DRF requests.""" return getattr(request, "_request", request) def debug(request, message, extra_tags=""): """Add a message with the ``DEBUG`` level.""" if request is not None: add_message(get_request(request), constants.DEBUG, message, extra_tags) def info(request, message, extra_tags=""): """Add a message with the ``INFO`` level.""" if request is not None: add_message(get_request(request), constants.INFO, message, extra_tags) def success(request, message, extra_tags=""): """Add a message with the ``SUCCESS`` level.""" if request is not None: add_message(get_request(request), constants.SUCCESS, message, extra_tags) def warning(request, message, extra_tags=""): """Add a message with the ``WARNING`` level.""" if request is not None: add_message(get_request(request), constants.WARNING, message, extra_tags) def error(request, message, extra_tags=""): """Add a message with the ``ERROR`` level.""" if request is not None: add_message(get_request(request), constants.ERROR, message, extra_tags)
import logging from homeassistant.components.binary_sensor import BinarySensorEntity from homeassistant.const import STATE_OFF, STATE_ON from homeassistant.core import callback from .const import ( COORDINATOR, DOMAIN, FLAME_ICON, FLOW_OFF_ICON, FLOW_ON_ICON, IDLE_ICON, ) from .sensor import SmileSensor BINARY_SENSOR_MAP = { "dhw_state": ["Domestic Hot Water State", None], "slave_boiler_state": ["Secondary Heater Device State", None], } _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up the Smile binary_sensors from a config entry.""" api = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id]["api"] coordinator = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id][COORDINATOR] entities = [] all_devices = api.get_all_devices() for dev_id, device_properties in all_devices.items(): if device_properties["class"] != "heater_central": continue data = api.get_device_data(dev_id) for binary_sensor, dummy in BINARY_SENSOR_MAP.items(): if binary_sensor not in data: continue entities.append( PwBinarySensor( api, coordinator, device_properties["name"], binary_sensor, dev_id, device_properties["class"], ) ) async_add_entities(entities, True) class PwBinarySensor(SmileSensor, BinarySensorEntity): """Representation of a Plugwise binary_sensor.""" def __init__(self, api, coordinator, name, binary_sensor, dev_id, model): """Set up the Plugwise API.""" super().__init__(api, coordinator, name, dev_id, binary_sensor) self._binary_sensor = binary_sensor self._is_on = False self._icon = None self._unique_id = f"{dev_id}-{binary_sensor}" @property def is_on(self): """Return true if the binary sensor is on.""" return self._is_on @property def icon(self): """Return the icon to use in the frontend.""" return self._icon @callback def _async_process_data(self): """Update the entity.""" data = self._api.get_device_data(self._dev_id) if not data: _LOGGER.error("Received no data for device %s", self._binary_sensor) self.async_write_ha_state() return if self._binary_sensor not in data: self.async_write_ha_state() return self._is_on = data[self._binary_sensor] self._state = STATE_OFF if self._binary_sensor == "dhw_state": self._icon = FLOW_OFF_ICON if self._binary_sensor == "slave_boiler_state": self._icon = IDLE_ICON if self._is_on: self._state = STATE_ON if self._binary_sensor == "dhw_state": self._icon = FLOW_ON_ICON if self._binary_sensor == "slave_boiler_state": self._icon = FLAME_ICON self.async_write_ha_state()
import os.path import subprocess import perfkitbenchmarker import pkg_resources _STATIC_VERSION_FILE = 'version.txt' def _GetVersion(): """Gets the version from git or the static version file.""" # Try to pull the version from git. root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) git_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, '.git') try: version = subprocess.check_output(['git', '--git-dir', git_dir, 'describe', '--always'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): # Could not get the version from git. Resort to contents of the static # version file. try: version = pkg_resources.resource_string(perfkitbenchmarker.__name__, _STATIC_VERSION_FILE) except IOError: # Could not determine version. return 'unknown' return version.rstrip('\n') VERSION = _GetVersion()
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional from homeassistant.components.switch import SwitchEntity from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType from . import WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator, WLEDDeviceEntity, wled_exception_handler from .const import ( ATTR_DURATION, ATTR_FADE, ATTR_TARGET_BRIGHTNESS, ATTR_UDP_PORT, DOMAIN, ) PARALLEL_UPDATES = 1 async def async_setup_entry( hass: HomeAssistantType, entry: ConfigEntry, async_add_entities: Callable[[List[Entity], bool], None], ) -> None: """Set up WLED switch based on a config entry.""" coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator = hass.data[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id] switches = [ WLEDNightlightSwitch(entry.entry_id, coordinator), WLEDSyncSendSwitch(entry.entry_id, coordinator), WLEDSyncReceiveSwitch(entry.entry_id, coordinator), ] async_add_entities(switches, True) class WLEDSwitch(WLEDDeviceEntity, SwitchEntity): """Defines a WLED switch.""" def __init__( self, *, entry_id: str, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator, name: str, icon: str, key: str, ) -> None: """Initialize WLED switch.""" self._key = key super().__init__( entry_id=entry_id, coordinator=coordinator, name=name, icon=icon ) @property def unique_id(self) -> str: """Return the unique ID for this sensor.""" return f"{self.coordinator.data.info.mac_address}_{self._key}" class WLEDNightlightSwitch(WLEDSwitch): """Defines a WLED nightlight switch.""" def __init__(self, entry_id: str, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator) -> None: """Initialize WLED nightlight switch.""" super().__init__( coordinator=coordinator, entry_id=entry_id, icon="mdi:weather-night", key="nightlight", name=f"{coordinator.data.info.name} Nightlight", ) @property def device_state_attributes(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Return the state attributes of the entity.""" return { ATTR_DURATION: self.coordinator.data.state.nightlight.duration, ATTR_FADE: self.coordinator.data.state.nightlight.fade, ATTR_TARGET_BRIGHTNESS: self.coordinator.data.state.nightlight.target_brightness, } @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return the state of the switch.""" return bool(self.coordinator.data.state.nightlight.on) @wled_exception_handler async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn off the WLED nightlight switch.""" await self.coordinator.wled.nightlight(on=False) @wled_exception_handler async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn on the WLED nightlight switch.""" await self.coordinator.wled.nightlight(on=True) class WLEDSyncSendSwitch(WLEDSwitch): """Defines a WLED sync send switch.""" def __init__(self, entry_id: str, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator) -> None: """Initialize WLED sync send switch.""" super().__init__( coordinator=coordinator, entry_id=entry_id, icon="mdi:upload-network-outline", key="sync_send", name=f"{coordinator.data.info.name} Sync Send", ) @property def device_state_attributes(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Return the state attributes of the entity.""" return {ATTR_UDP_PORT: self.coordinator.data.info.udp_port} @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return the state of the switch.""" return bool(self.coordinator.data.state.sync.send) @wled_exception_handler async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn off the WLED sync send switch.""" await self.coordinator.wled.sync(send=False) @wled_exception_handler async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn on the WLED sync send switch.""" await self.coordinator.wled.sync(send=True) class WLEDSyncReceiveSwitch(WLEDSwitch): """Defines a WLED sync receive switch.""" def __init__(self, entry_id: str, coordinator: WLEDDataUpdateCoordinator): """Initialize WLED sync receive switch.""" super().__init__( coordinator=coordinator, entry_id=entry_id, icon="mdi:download-network-outline", key="sync_receive", name=f"{coordinator.data.info.name} Sync Receive", ) @property def device_state_attributes(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Return the state attributes of the entity.""" return {ATTR_UDP_PORT: self.coordinator.data.info.udp_port} @property def is_on(self) -> bool: """Return the state of the switch.""" return bool(self.coordinator.data.state.sync.receive) @wled_exception_handler async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn off the WLED sync receive switch.""" await self.coordinator.wled.sync(receive=False) @wled_exception_handler async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Turn on the WLED sync receive switch.""" await self.coordinator.wled.sync(receive=True)
import logging import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.mqtt import ATTR_DISCOVERY_HASH from homeassistant.components.mqtt.discovery import ( MQTT_DISCOVERY_NEW, clear_discovery_hash, ) from homeassistant.components.vacuum import DOMAIN from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import async_dispatcher_connect from homeassistant.helpers.reload import async_setup_reload_service from .. import DOMAIN as MQTT_DOMAIN, PLATFORMS from .schema import CONF_SCHEMA, LEGACY, MQTT_VACUUM_SCHEMA, STATE from .schema_legacy import PLATFORM_SCHEMA_LEGACY, async_setup_entity_legacy from .schema_state import PLATFORM_SCHEMA_STATE, async_setup_entity_state _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def validate_mqtt_vacuum(value): """Validate MQTT vacuum schema.""" schemas = {LEGACY: PLATFORM_SCHEMA_LEGACY, STATE: PLATFORM_SCHEMA_STATE} return schemas[value[CONF_SCHEMA]](value) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = vol.All( MQTT_VACUUM_SCHEMA.extend({}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA), validate_mqtt_vacuum ) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up MQTT vacuum through configuration.yaml.""" await async_setup_reload_service(hass, MQTT_DOMAIN, PLATFORMS) await _async_setup_entity(config, async_add_entities, discovery_info) async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_entities): """Set up MQTT vacuum dynamically through MQTT discovery.""" async def async_discover(discovery_payload): """Discover and add a MQTT vacuum.""" discovery_data = discovery_payload.discovery_data try: config = PLATFORM_SCHEMA(discovery_payload) await _async_setup_entity( config, async_add_entities, config_entry, discovery_data ) except Exception: clear_discovery_hash(hass, discovery_data[ATTR_DISCOVERY_HASH]) raise async_dispatcher_connect( hass, MQTT_DISCOVERY_NEW.format(DOMAIN, "mqtt"), async_discover ) async def _async_setup_entity( config, async_add_entities, config_entry, discovery_data=None ): """Set up the MQTT vacuum.""" setup_entity = {LEGACY: async_setup_entity_legacy, STATE: async_setup_entity_state} await setup_entity[config[CONF_SCHEMA]]( config, async_add_entities, config_entry, discovery_data )
import os.path as op import gc import pytest import numpy as np from numpy.testing import (assert_array_almost_equal, assert_equal, assert_array_equal, assert_allclose) from mne.datasets import testing from mne import (read_forward_solution, apply_forward, apply_forward_raw, average_forward_solutions, write_forward_solution, convert_forward_solution, SourceEstimate, pick_types_forward, read_evokeds, VectorSourceEstimate) from mne.io import read_info from mne.label import read_label from mne.utils import (requires_mne, run_subprocess, run_tests_if_main) from mne.forward import (restrict_forward_to_stc, restrict_forward_to_label, Forward, is_fixed_orient, compute_orient_prior, compute_depth_prior) from mne.channels import equalize_channels data_path = testing.data_path(download=False) fname_meeg = op.join(data_path, 'MEG', 'sample', 'sample_audvis_trunc-meg-eeg-oct-4-fwd.fif') fname_meeg_grad = op.join(data_path, 'MEG', 'sample', 'sample_audvis_trunc-meg-eeg-oct-2-grad-fwd.fif') fname_evoked = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'io', 'tests', 'data', 'test-ave.fif') def assert_forward_allclose(f1, f2, rtol=1e-7): """Compare two potentially converted forward solutions.""" assert_allclose(f1['sol']['data'], f2['sol']['data'], rtol=rtol) assert f1['sol']['ncol'] == f2['sol']['ncol'] assert f1['sol']['ncol'] == f1['sol']['data'].shape[1] assert_allclose(f1['source_nn'], f2['source_nn'], rtol=rtol) if f1['sol_grad'] is not None: assert (f2['sol_grad'] is not None) assert_allclose(f1['sol_grad']['data'], f2['sol_grad']['data']) assert f1['sol_grad']['ncol'] == f2['sol_grad']['ncol'] assert f1['sol_grad']['ncol'] == f1['sol_grad']['data'].shape[1] else: assert (f2['sol_grad'] is None) assert f1['source_ori'] == f2['source_ori'] assert f1['surf_ori'] == f2['surf_ori'] assert f1['src'][0]['coord_frame'] == f1['src'][0]['coord_frame'] @testing.requires_testing_data def test_convert_forward(): """Test converting forward solution between different representations.""" fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg_grad) fwd_repr = repr(fwd) assert ('306' in fwd_repr) assert ('60' in fwd_repr) assert (fwd_repr) assert (isinstance(fwd, Forward)) # look at surface orientation fwd_surf = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True) # go back fwd_new = convert_forward_solution(fwd_surf, surf_ori=False) assert (repr(fwd_new)) assert (isinstance(fwd_new, Forward)) assert_forward_allclose(fwd, fwd_new) del fwd_new gc.collect() # now go to fixed fwd_fixed = convert_forward_solution(fwd_surf, surf_ori=True, force_fixed=True, use_cps=False) del fwd_surf gc.collect() assert (repr(fwd_fixed)) assert (isinstance(fwd_fixed, Forward)) assert (is_fixed_orient(fwd_fixed)) # now go back to cartesian (original condition) fwd_new = convert_forward_solution(fwd_fixed, surf_ori=False, force_fixed=False) assert (repr(fwd_new)) assert (isinstance(fwd_new, Forward)) assert_forward_allclose(fwd, fwd_new) del fwd, fwd_new, fwd_fixed gc.collect() @pytest.mark.slowtest @testing.requires_testing_data def test_io_forward(tmpdir): """Test IO for forward solutions.""" # do extensive tests with MEEG + grad n_channels, n_src = 366, 108 fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg_grad) assert (isinstance(fwd, Forward)) fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg_grad) fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True) leadfield = fwd['sol']['data'] assert_equal(leadfield.shape, (n_channels, n_src)) assert_equal(len(fwd['sol']['row_names']), n_channels) fname_temp = tmpdir.join('test-fwd.fif') with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='stored on disk'): write_forward_solution(fname_temp, fwd, overwrite=True) fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg_grad) fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True) fwd_read = read_forward_solution(fname_temp) fwd_read = convert_forward_solution(fwd_read, surf_ori=True) leadfield = fwd_read['sol']['data'] assert_equal(leadfield.shape, (n_channels, n_src)) assert_equal(len(fwd_read['sol']['row_names']), n_channels) assert_equal(len(fwd_read['info']['chs']), n_channels) assert ('dev_head_t' in fwd_read['info']) assert ('mri_head_t' in fwd_read) assert_array_almost_equal(fwd['sol']['data'], fwd_read['sol']['data']) fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg) fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True, force_fixed=True, use_cps=False) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='stored on disk'): write_forward_solution(fname_temp, fwd, overwrite=True) fwd_read = read_forward_solution(fname_temp) fwd_read = convert_forward_solution(fwd_read, surf_ori=True, force_fixed=True, use_cps=False) assert (repr(fwd_read)) assert (isinstance(fwd_read, Forward)) assert (is_fixed_orient(fwd_read)) assert_forward_allclose(fwd, fwd_read) fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True, force_fixed=True, use_cps=True) leadfield = fwd['sol']['data'] assert_equal(leadfield.shape, (n_channels, 1494 / 3)) assert_equal(len(fwd['sol']['row_names']), n_channels) assert_equal(len(fwd['info']['chs']), n_channels) assert ('dev_head_t' in fwd['info']) assert ('mri_head_t' in fwd) assert (fwd['surf_ori']) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='stored on disk'): write_forward_solution(fname_temp, fwd, overwrite=True) fwd_read = read_forward_solution(fname_temp) fwd_read = convert_forward_solution(fwd_read, surf_ori=True, force_fixed=True, use_cps=True) assert (repr(fwd_read)) assert (isinstance(fwd_read, Forward)) assert (is_fixed_orient(fwd_read)) assert_forward_allclose(fwd, fwd_read) fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg_grad) fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True, force_fixed=True, use_cps=True) leadfield = fwd['sol']['data'] assert_equal(leadfield.shape, (n_channels, n_src / 3)) assert_equal(len(fwd['sol']['row_names']), n_channels) assert_equal(len(fwd['info']['chs']), n_channels) assert ('dev_head_t' in fwd['info']) assert ('mri_head_t' in fwd) assert (fwd['surf_ori']) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='stored on disk'): write_forward_solution(fname_temp, fwd, overwrite=True) fwd_read = read_forward_solution(fname_temp) fwd_read = convert_forward_solution(fwd_read, surf_ori=True, force_fixed=True, use_cps=True) assert (repr(fwd_read)) assert (isinstance(fwd_read, Forward)) assert (is_fixed_orient(fwd_read)) assert_forward_allclose(fwd, fwd_read) # test warnings on bad filenames fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg_grad) fwd_badname = tmpdir.join('test-bad-name.fif.gz') with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='end with'): write_forward_solution(fwd_badname, fwd) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='end with'): read_forward_solution(fwd_badname) fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg) write_forward_solution(fname_temp, fwd, overwrite=True) fwd_read = read_forward_solution(fname_temp) assert_forward_allclose(fwd, fwd_read) @testing.requires_testing_data def test_apply_forward(): """Test projection of source space data to sensor space.""" start = 0 stop = 5 n_times = stop - start - 1 sfreq = 10.0 t_start = 0.123 fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg) fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True, force_fixed=True, use_cps=True) fwd = pick_types_forward(fwd, meg=True) assert isinstance(fwd, Forward) vertno = [fwd['src'][0]['vertno'], fwd['src'][1]['vertno']] stc_data = np.ones((len(vertno[0]) + len(vertno[1]), n_times)) stc = SourceEstimate(stc_data, vertno, tmin=t_start, tstep=1.0 / sfreq) gain_sum = np.sum(fwd['sol']['data'], axis=1) # Evoked evoked = read_evokeds(fname_evoked, condition=0) evoked.pick_types(meg=True) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='only .* positive values'): evoked = apply_forward(fwd, stc, evoked.info, start=start, stop=stop) data = evoked.data times = evoked.times # do some tests assert_array_almost_equal(evoked.info['sfreq'], sfreq) assert_array_almost_equal(np.sum(data, axis=1), n_times * gain_sum) assert_array_almost_equal(times[0], t_start) assert_array_almost_equal(times[-1], t_start + (n_times - 1) / sfreq) # vector stc_vec = VectorSourceEstimate( fwd['source_nn'][:, :, np.newaxis] * stc.data[:, np.newaxis], stc.vertices, stc.tmin, stc.tstep) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='very large'): evoked_2 = apply_forward(fwd, stc_vec, evoked.info) assert np.abs(evoked_2.data).mean() > 1e-5 assert_allclose(evoked.data, evoked_2.data, atol=1e-10) # Raw with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='only .* positive values'): raw_proj = apply_forward_raw(fwd, stc, evoked.info, start=start, stop=stop) data, times = raw_proj[:, :] # do some tests assert_array_almost_equal(raw_proj.info['sfreq'], sfreq) assert_array_almost_equal(np.sum(data, axis=1), n_times * gain_sum) atol = 1. / sfreq assert_allclose(raw_proj.first_samp / sfreq, t_start, atol=atol) assert_allclose(raw_proj.last_samp / sfreq, t_start + (n_times - 1) / sfreq, atol=atol) @testing.requires_testing_data def test_restrict_forward_to_stc(tmpdir): """Test restriction of source space to source SourceEstimate.""" start = 0 stop = 5 n_times = stop - start - 1 sfreq = 10.0 t_start = 0.123 fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg) fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True, force_fixed=True, use_cps=True) fwd = pick_types_forward(fwd, meg=True) vertno = [fwd['src'][0]['vertno'][0:15], fwd['src'][1]['vertno'][0:5]] stc_data = np.ones((len(vertno[0]) + len(vertno[1]), n_times)) stc = SourceEstimate(stc_data, vertno, tmin=t_start, tstep=1.0 / sfreq) fwd_out = restrict_forward_to_stc(fwd, stc) assert (isinstance(fwd_out, Forward)) assert_equal(fwd_out['sol']['ncol'], 20) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][0]['nuse'], 15) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][1]['nuse'], 5) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][0]['vertno'], fwd['src'][0]['vertno'][0:15]) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][1]['vertno'], fwd['src'][1]['vertno'][0:5]) fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg) fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True, force_fixed=False) fwd = pick_types_forward(fwd, meg=True) vertno = [fwd['src'][0]['vertno'][0:15], fwd['src'][1]['vertno'][0:5]] stc_data = np.ones((len(vertno[0]) + len(vertno[1]), n_times)) stc = SourceEstimate(stc_data, vertno, tmin=t_start, tstep=1.0 / sfreq) fwd_out = restrict_forward_to_stc(fwd, stc) assert_equal(fwd_out['sol']['ncol'], 60) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][0]['nuse'], 15) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][1]['nuse'], 5) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][0]['vertno'], fwd['src'][0]['vertno'][0:15]) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][1]['vertno'], fwd['src'][1]['vertno'][0:5]) # Test saving the restricted forward object. This only works if all fields # are properly accounted for. fname_copy = tmpdir.join('copy-fwd.fif') with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='stored on disk'): write_forward_solution(fname_copy, fwd_out, overwrite=True) fwd_out_read = read_forward_solution(fname_copy) fwd_out_read = convert_forward_solution(fwd_out_read, surf_ori=True, force_fixed=False) assert_forward_allclose(fwd_out, fwd_out_read) @testing.requires_testing_data def test_restrict_forward_to_label(tmpdir): """Test restriction of source space to label.""" fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg) fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True, force_fixed=True, use_cps=True) fwd = pick_types_forward(fwd, meg=True) label_path = op.join(data_path, 'MEG', 'sample', 'labels') labels = ['Aud-lh', 'Vis-rh'] label_lh = read_label(op.join(label_path, labels[0] + '.label')) label_rh = read_label(op.join(label_path, labels[1] + '.label')) fwd_out = restrict_forward_to_label(fwd, [label_lh, label_rh]) src_sel_lh = np.intersect1d(fwd['src'][0]['vertno'], label_lh.vertices) src_sel_lh = np.searchsorted(fwd['src'][0]['vertno'], src_sel_lh) vertno_lh = fwd['src'][0]['vertno'][src_sel_lh] nuse_lh = fwd['src'][0]['nuse'] src_sel_rh = np.intersect1d(fwd['src'][1]['vertno'], label_rh.vertices) src_sel_rh = np.searchsorted(fwd['src'][1]['vertno'], src_sel_rh) vertno_rh = fwd['src'][1]['vertno'][src_sel_rh] src_sel_rh += nuse_lh assert_equal(fwd_out['sol']['ncol'], len(src_sel_lh) + len(src_sel_rh)) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][0]['nuse'], len(src_sel_lh)) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][1]['nuse'], len(src_sel_rh)) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][0]['vertno'], vertno_lh) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][1]['vertno'], vertno_rh) fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg) fwd = pick_types_forward(fwd, meg=True) label_path = op.join(data_path, 'MEG', 'sample', 'labels') labels = ['Aud-lh', 'Vis-rh'] label_lh = read_label(op.join(label_path, labels[0] + '.label')) label_rh = read_label(op.join(label_path, labels[1] + '.label')) fwd_out = restrict_forward_to_label(fwd, [label_lh, label_rh]) src_sel_lh = np.intersect1d(fwd['src'][0]['vertno'], label_lh.vertices) src_sel_lh = np.searchsorted(fwd['src'][0]['vertno'], src_sel_lh) vertno_lh = fwd['src'][0]['vertno'][src_sel_lh] nuse_lh = fwd['src'][0]['nuse'] src_sel_rh = np.intersect1d(fwd['src'][1]['vertno'], label_rh.vertices) src_sel_rh = np.searchsorted(fwd['src'][1]['vertno'], src_sel_rh) vertno_rh = fwd['src'][1]['vertno'][src_sel_rh] src_sel_rh += nuse_lh assert_equal(fwd_out['sol']['ncol'], 3 * (len(src_sel_lh) + len(src_sel_rh))) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][0]['nuse'], len(src_sel_lh)) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][1]['nuse'], len(src_sel_rh)) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][0]['vertno'], vertno_lh) assert_equal(fwd_out['src'][1]['vertno'], vertno_rh) # Test saving the restricted forward object. This only works if all fields # are properly accounted for. fname_copy = tmpdir.join('copy-fwd.fif') write_forward_solution(fname_copy, fwd_out, overwrite=True) fwd_out_read = read_forward_solution(fname_copy) assert_forward_allclose(fwd_out, fwd_out_read) @testing.requires_testing_data @requires_mne def test_average_forward_solution(tmpdir): """Test averaging forward solutions.""" fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg) # input not a list pytest.raises(TypeError, average_forward_solutions, 1) # list is too short pytest.raises(ValueError, average_forward_solutions, []) # negative weights pytest.raises(ValueError, average_forward_solutions, [fwd, fwd], [-1, 0]) # all zero weights pytest.raises(ValueError, average_forward_solutions, [fwd, fwd], [0, 0]) # weights not same length pytest.raises(ValueError, average_forward_solutions, [fwd, fwd], [0, 0, 0]) # list does not only have all dict() pytest.raises(TypeError, average_forward_solutions, [1, fwd]) # try an easy case fwd_copy = average_forward_solutions([fwd]) assert (isinstance(fwd_copy, Forward)) assert_array_equal(fwd['sol']['data'], fwd_copy['sol']['data']) # modify a fwd solution, save it, use MNE to average with old one fwd_copy['sol']['data'] *= 0.5 fname_copy = str(tmpdir.join('copy-fwd.fif')) write_forward_solution(fname_copy, fwd_copy, overwrite=True) cmd = ('mne_average_forward_solutions', '--fwd', fname_meeg, '--fwd', fname_copy, '--out', fname_copy) run_subprocess(cmd) # now let's actually do it, with one filename and one fwd fwd_ave = average_forward_solutions([fwd, fwd_copy]) assert_array_equal(0.75 * fwd['sol']['data'], fwd_ave['sol']['data']) # fwd_ave_mne = read_forward_solution(fname_copy) # assert_array_equal(fwd_ave_mne['sol']['data'], fwd_ave['sol']['data']) # with gradient fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg_grad) fwd_ave = average_forward_solutions([fwd, fwd]) assert_forward_allclose(fwd, fwd_ave) @testing.requires_testing_data def test_priors(): """Test prior computations.""" # Depth prior fwd = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg) assert not is_fixed_orient(fwd) n_sources = fwd['nsource'] info = read_info(fname_evoked) depth_prior = compute_depth_prior(fwd, info, exp=0.8) assert depth_prior.shape == (3 * n_sources,) depth_prior = compute_depth_prior(fwd, info, exp=0.) assert_array_equal(depth_prior, 1.) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='must be "whiten"'): compute_depth_prior(fwd, info, limit_depth_chs='foo') with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='noise_cov must be a Covariance'): compute_depth_prior(fwd, info, limit_depth_chs='whiten') fwd_fixed = convert_forward_solution(fwd, force_fixed=True) depth_prior = compute_depth_prior(fwd_fixed, info=info) assert depth_prior.shape == (n_sources,) # Orientation prior orient_prior = compute_orient_prior(fwd, 1.) assert_array_equal(orient_prior, 1.) orient_prior = compute_orient_prior(fwd_fixed, 0.) assert_array_equal(orient_prior, 1.) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='oriented in surface coordinates'): compute_orient_prior(fwd, 0.5) fwd_surf_ori = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True) orient_prior = compute_orient_prior(fwd_surf_ori, 0.5) assert all(np.in1d(orient_prior, (0.5, 1.))) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='between 0 and 1'): compute_orient_prior(fwd_surf_ori, -0.5) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='with fixed orientation'): compute_orient_prior(fwd_fixed, 0.5) @testing.requires_testing_data def test_equalize_channels(): """Test equalization of channels for instances of Forward.""" fwd1 = read_forward_solution(fname_meeg) fwd1.pick_channels(['EEG 001', 'EEG 002', 'EEG 003']) fwd2 = fwd1.copy().pick_channels(['EEG 002', 'EEG 001'], ordered=True) fwd1, fwd2 = equalize_channels([fwd1, fwd2]) assert fwd1.ch_names == ['EEG 001', 'EEG 002'] assert fwd2.ch_names == ['EEG 001', 'EEG 002'] run_tests_if_main()
import logging from typing import Dict, List from homeassistant.core import CALLBACK_TYPE, callback from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from .const import DOMAIN, MANUFACTURER, MODELS, SIGNAL_NAME from .data_handler import NetatmoDataHandler _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NetatmoBase(Entity): """Netatmo entity base class.""" def __init__(self, data_handler: NetatmoDataHandler) -> None: """Set up Netatmo entity base.""" self.data_handler = data_handler self._data_classes: List[Dict] = [] self._listeners: List[CALLBACK_TYPE] = [] self._device_name = None self._id = None self._model = None self._name = None self._unique_id = None async def async_added_to_hass(self) -> None: """Entity created.""" _LOGGER.debug("New client %s", self.entity_id) for data_class in self._data_classes: signal_name = data_class[SIGNAL_NAME] if "home_id" in data_class: await self.data_handler.register_data_class( data_class["name"], signal_name, self.async_update_callback, home_id=data_class["home_id"], ) elif data_class["name"] == "PublicData": await self.data_handler.register_data_class( data_class["name"], signal_name, self.async_update_callback, LAT_NE=data_class["LAT_NE"], LON_NE=data_class["LON_NE"], LAT_SW=data_class["LAT_SW"], LON_SW=data_class["LON_SW"], ) else: await self.data_handler.register_data_class( data_class["name"], signal_name, self.async_update_callback ) await self.data_handler.unregister_data_class(signal_name, None) self.async_update_callback() async def async_will_remove_from_hass(self): """Run when entity will be removed from hass.""" await super().async_will_remove_from_hass() for listener in self._listeners: listener() for data_class in self._data_classes: await self.data_handler.unregister_data_class( data_class[SIGNAL_NAME], self.async_update_callback ) async def async_remove(self): """Clean up when removing entity.""" entity_registry = await self.hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_get_registry() entity_entry = entity_registry.async_get(self.entity_id) if not entity_entry: await super().async_remove() return entity_registry.async_remove(self.entity_id) @callback def async_update_callback(self): """Update the entity's state.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def _data(self): """Return data for this entity.""" return self.data_handler.data[self._data_classes[0]["name"]] @property def unique_id(self): """Return the unique ID of this entity.""" return self._unique_id @property def name(self): """Return the name of this entity.""" return self._name @property def device_info(self): """Return the device info for the sensor.""" return { "identifiers": {(DOMAIN, self._id)}, "name": self._device_name, "manufacturer": MANUFACTURER, "model": MODELS[self._model], }
import pytest from homeassistant import core from homeassistant.components import switch from homeassistant.const import CONF_PLATFORM from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.components.switch import common @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def entities(hass): """Initialize the test switch.""" platform = getattr(hass.components, "test.switch") platform.init() yield platform.ENTITIES async def test_methods(hass, entities): """Test is_on, turn_on, turn_off methods.""" switch_1, switch_2, switch_3 = entities assert await async_setup_component( hass, switch.DOMAIN, {switch.DOMAIN: {CONF_PLATFORM: "test"}} ) await hass.async_block_till_done() assert switch.is_on(hass, switch_1.entity_id) assert not switch.is_on(hass, switch_2.entity_id) assert not switch.is_on(hass, switch_3.entity_id) await common.async_turn_off(hass, switch_1.entity_id) await common.async_turn_on(hass, switch_2.entity_id) assert not switch.is_on(hass, switch_1.entity_id) assert switch.is_on(hass, switch_2.entity_id) # Turn all off await common.async_turn_off(hass) assert not switch.is_on(hass, switch_1.entity_id) assert not switch.is_on(hass, switch_2.entity_id) assert not switch.is_on(hass, switch_3.entity_id) # Turn all on await common.async_turn_on(hass) assert switch.is_on(hass, switch_1.entity_id) assert switch.is_on(hass, switch_2.entity_id) assert switch.is_on(hass, switch_3.entity_id) async def test_switch_context(hass, entities, hass_admin_user): """Test that switch context works.""" assert await async_setup_component(hass, "switch", {"switch": {"platform": "test"}}) await hass.async_block_till_done() state = hass.states.get("switch.ac") assert state is not None await hass.services.async_call( "switch", "toggle", {"entity_id": state.entity_id}, True, core.Context(user_id=hass_admin_user.id), ) state2 = hass.states.get("switch.ac") assert state2 is not None assert state.state != state2.state assert state2.context.user_id == hass_admin_user.id def test_deprecated_base_class(caplog): """Test deprecated base class.""" class CustomSwitch(switch.SwitchDevice): pass CustomSwitch() assert "SwitchDevice is deprecated, modify CustomSwitch" in caplog.text
__version__ = '0.7.4' import imp as pyimp # rename to avoid name conflict with objc_util import logging import logging.handlers import os import platform import sys from io import IOBase import six from six import BytesIO, StringIO from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser # noinspection PyPep8Naming from .system.shcommon import (_EXTERNAL_DIRS, _STASH_CONFIG_FILES, _STASH_ROOT, _SYS_STDOUT, IN_PYTHONISTA, ON_IPAD) from .system.shcommon import Control as ctrl from .system.shcommon import Escape as esc from .system.shcommon import Graphics as graphics from .system.shio import ShIO from .system.shiowrapper import disable as disable_io_wrapper from .system.shiowrapper import enable as enable_io_wrapper from .system.shparsers import ShCompleter, ShExpander, ShParser from .system.shruntime import ShRuntime from .system.shscreens import ShSequentialScreen from .system.shstreams import ShMiniBuffer, ShStream from .system.shui import get_ui_implementation from .system.shuseractionproxy import ShUserActionProxy # Setup logging LOGGER = logging.getLogger('StaSh') # Debugging constants _DEBUG_STREAM = 200 _DEBUG_RENDERER = 201 _DEBUG_MAIN_SCREEN = 202 _DEBUG_MINI_BUFFER = 203 _DEBUG_IO = 204 _DEBUG_UI = 300 _DEBUG_TERMINAL = 301 _DEBUG_TV_DELEGATE = 302 _DEBUG_RUNTIME = 400 _DEBUG_PARSER = 401 _DEBUG_EXPANDER = 402 _DEBUG_COMPLETER = 403 # Default configuration (can be overridden by external configuration file) _DEFAULT_CONFIG = """[system] rcfile=.stashrc py_traceback=0 py_pdb=0 input_encoding_utf8=1 thread_type=ctypes [display] TEXT_FONT_SIZE={font_size} BUTTON_FONT_SIZE=14 BACKGROUND_COLOR=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) TEXT_COLOR=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) TINT_COLOR=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) INDICATOR_STYLE=white BUFFER_MAX=150 AUTO_COMPLETION_MAX=50 VK_SYMBOLS=~/.-*|>$'=!&_"\\?` [style] enable_styles=1 colored_errors=1 [history] ipython_style_history_search=1 allow_double_lines=0 hide_whitespace_lines=1 maxsize=50 """.format( font_size=(14 if ON_IPAD else 12), ) # create directories outside STASH_ROOT # we should do this each time StaSh because some commands may require # this directories for p in _EXTERNAL_DIRS: if not os.path.exists(p): try: os.mkdir(p) except: pass class StaSh(object): """ Main application class. It initialize and wires the components and provide utility interfaces to running scripts. """ PY3 = six.PY3 def __init__(self, debug=(), log_setting=None, no_cfgfile=False, no_rcfile=False, no_historyfile=False, command=None): self.__version__ = __version__ # Intercept IO enable_io_wrapper() self.config = self._load_config(no_cfgfile=no_cfgfile) self.logger = self._config_logging(log_setting) self.enable_styles = self.config.getboolean("style", "enable_styles") self.user_action_proxy = ShUserActionProxy(self) # Tab handler for running scripts self.external_tab_handler = None # Wire the components self.main_screen = ShSequentialScreen( self, nlines_max=self.config.getint('display', 'BUFFER_MAX'), debug=_DEBUG_MAIN_SCREEN in debug ) self.mini_buffer = ShMiniBuffer(self, self.main_screen, debug=_DEBUG_MINI_BUFFER in debug) self.stream = ShStream(self, self.main_screen, debug=_DEBUG_STREAM in debug) self.io = ShIO(self, debug=_DEBUG_IO in debug) ShUI, ShSequentialRenderer = get_ui_implementation() self.terminal = None # will be set during UI initialisation self.ui = ShUI(self, debug=(_DEBUG_UI in debug), debug_terminal=(_DEBUG_TERMINAL in debug)) self.renderer = ShSequentialRenderer(self, self.main_screen, self.terminal, debug=_DEBUG_RENDERER in debug) parser = ShParser(debug=_DEBUG_PARSER in debug) expander = ShExpander(self, debug=_DEBUG_EXPANDER in debug) self.runtime = ShRuntime(self, parser, expander, no_historyfile=no_historyfile, debug=_DEBUG_RUNTIME in debug) self.completer = ShCompleter(self, debug=_DEBUG_COMPLETER in debug) # Navigate to the startup folder if IN_PYTHONISTA: os.chdir(self.runtime.state.environ_get('HOME2')) self.runtime.load_rcfile(no_rcfile=no_rcfile) self.io.write( self.text_style( 'StaSh v%s on python %s\n' % ( self.__version__, platform.python_version(), ), { 'color': 'blue', 'traits': ['bold'] }, always=True, ), ) # warn on py3 if self.PY3: self.io.write( self.text_style( 'Warning: you are running StaSh in python3. Some commands may not work correctly in python3.\n', {'color': 'red'}, always=True, ), ) self.io.write( self.text_style( 'Please help us improving StaSh by reporting bugs on github.\n', { 'color': 'yellow', 'traits': ['italic'] }, always=True, ), ) # Load shared libraries self._load_lib() # run command (this calls script_will_end) if command is None: # show tip of the day command = '$STASH_ROOT/bin/totd.py' if command: # do not run command if command is False (but not None) if self.runtime.debug: self.logger.debug("Running command: {!r}".format(command)) self(command, add_to_history=False, persistent_level=0) def __call__(self, input_, persistent_level=2, *args, **kwargs): """ This function is to be called by external script for executing shell commands """ worker = self.runtime.run(input_, persistent_level=persistent_level, *args, **kwargs) worker.join() return worker @staticmethod def _load_config(no_cfgfile=False): config = ConfigParser() config.optionxform = str # make it preserve case # defaults if not six.PY3: config.readfp(BytesIO(_DEFAULT_CONFIG)) else: config.read_file(StringIO(_DEFAULT_CONFIG)) # update from config file if not no_cfgfile: config.read(os.path.join(_STASH_ROOT, f) for f in _STASH_CONFIG_FILES) return config @staticmethod def _config_logging(log_setting): logger = logging.getLogger('StaSh') _log_setting = { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'stdout': True, } _log_setting.update(log_setting or {}) level = { 'CRITICAL': logging.CRITICAL, 'ERROR': logging.ERROR, 'WARNING': logging.WARNING, 'INFO': logging.INFO, 'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG, 'NOTEST': logging.NOTSET, }.get(_log_setting['level'], logging.DEBUG) logger.setLevel(level) if not logger.handlers: if _log_setting['stdout']: _log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(_SYS_STDOUT) else: _log_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler('stash.log', mode='w') _log_handler.setLevel(level) _log_handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( '[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] [%(threadName)s] [%(name)s] [%(funcName)s] [%(lineno)d] - %(message)s' ) ) logger.addHandler(_log_handler) return logger def _load_lib(self): """ Load library files as modules and save each of them as attributes """ lib_path = os.path.join(_STASH_ROOT, 'lib') os.environ['STASH_ROOT'] = _STASH_ROOT # libcompleter needs this value try: for f in os.listdir(lib_path): fp = os.path.join(lib_path, f) if f.startswith('lib') and f.endswith('.py') and os.path.isfile(fp): name, _ = os.path.splitext(f) if self.runtime.debug: self.logger.debug("Attempting to load library '{}'...".format(name)) try: self.__dict__[name] = pyimp.load_source(name, fp) except Exception as e: self.write_message('%s: failed to load library file (%s)' % (f, repr(e)), error=True) finally: # do not modify environ permanently os.environ.pop('STASH_ROOT') def write_message(self, s, error=False, prefix="stash: "): """ Write a message to the output. :param s: message to write :type w: str :param error: whether this is an error message :type error: bool """ s = '%s%s\n' % (prefix, s) if error: if self.runtime.debug: self.logger.error(s) if self.runtime.colored_errors: s = self.text_color(s, "red") else: if self.runtime.debug: self.logger.info(s) self.io.write(s) def launch(self, command=None): """ Launch StaSh, presenting the UI. """ self.ui.show() # self.terminal.set_focus() def close(self): """ Quit StaSh. StaSh is based arround the UI, so we delegate this task to the UI, which in turn will call self.on_exit(). """ self.ui.close() def on_exit(self): """ This method will be called when StaSh is about the be closed. """ self.runtime.save_history() self.cleanup() # Clear the stack or the stdout becomes unusable for interactive prompt self.runtime.worker_registry.purge() def cleanup(self): """ Perform cleanup here. """ disable_io_wrapper() def get_workers(self): """ Return a list of all workers.. :return: a list of all workers :rtype: list of [stash.system.shtreads.BaseThread] """ return [worker for worker in self.runtime.worker_registry] # noinspection PyProtectedMember # @staticmethod def text_style(self, s, style, always=False): """ Style the given string with ASCII escapes. :param str s: String to decorate :param dict style: A dictionary of styles :param bool always: If true, style will be applied even for pipes. :return: """ # No color for pipes, files and Pythonista console if not self.enable_styles or (not always and (isinstance(sys.stdout, (StringIO, IOBase)) # or sys.stdout.write.im_self is _SYS_STDOUT or sys.stdout is _SYS_STDOUT)): return s fmt_string = u'%s%%d%s%%s%s%%d%s' % (ctrl.CSI, esc.SGR, ctrl.CSI, esc.SGR) for style_name, style_value in style.items(): if style_name == 'color': color_id = graphics._SGR.get(style_value.lower()) if color_id is not None: s = fmt_string % (color_id, s, graphics._SGR['default']) elif style_name == 'bgcolor': color_id = graphics._SGR.get('bg-' + style_value.lower()) if color_id is not None: s = fmt_string % (color_id, s, graphics._SGR['default']) elif style_name == 'traits': for val in style_value: val = val.lower() if val == 'bold': s = fmt_string % (graphics._SGR['+bold'], s, graphics._SGR['-bold']) elif val == 'italic': s = fmt_string % (graphics._SGR['+italics'], s, graphics._SGR['-italics']) elif val == 'underline': s = fmt_string % (graphics._SGR['+underscore'], s, graphics._SGR['-underscore']) elif val == 'strikethrough': s = fmt_string % (graphics._SGR['+strikethrough'], s, graphics._SGR['-strikethrough']) return s def text_color(self, s, color_name='default', **kwargs): return self.text_style(s, {'color': color_name}, **kwargs) def text_bgcolor(self, s, color_name='default', **kwargs): return self.text_style(s, {'bgcolor': color_name}, **kwargs) def text_bold(self, s, **kwargs): return self.text_style(s, {'traits': ['bold']}, **kwargs) def text_italic(self, s, **kwargs): return self.text_style(s, {'traits': ['italic']}, **kwargs) def text_bold_italic(self, s, **kwargs): return self.text_style(s, {'traits': ['bold', 'italic']}, **kwargs) def text_underline(self, s, **kwargs): return self.text_style(s, {'traits': ['underline']}, **kwargs) def text_strikethrough(self, s, **kwargs): return self.text_style(s, {'traits': ['strikethrough']}, **kwargs)
from django.core.management.base import CommandError from weblate.auth.models import User from weblate.machinery import MACHINE_TRANSLATION_SERVICES from weblate.trans.autotranslate import AutoTranslate from weblate.trans.management.commands import WeblateTranslationCommand from weblate.trans.models import Component class Command(WeblateTranslationCommand): """Command for mass automatic translation.""" help = "performs automatic translation based on other components" def add_arguments(self, parser): super().add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( "--user", default="anonymous", help=("User performing the change") ) parser.add_argument( "--source", default="", help=("Source component <project/component>") ) parser.add_argument( "--add", default=False, action="store_true", help=("Add translations if they do not exist"), ) parser.add_argument( "--overwrite", default=False, action="store_true", help=("Overwrite existing translations in target component"), ) parser.add_argument( "--inconsistent", default=False, action="store_true", help=("Process only inconsistent translations"), ) parser.add_argument( "--mt", action="append", default=[], help=("Add machine translation source") ) parser.add_argument( "--threshold", default=80, type=int, help=("Set machine translation threshold"), ) def handle(self, *args, **options): # Get translation object translation = self.get_translation(**options) # Get user try: user = User.objects.get(username=options["user"]) except User.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError("User does not exist!") if options["source"]: parts = options["source"].split("/") if len(parts) != 2: raise CommandError("Invalid source component specified!") try: component = Component.objects.get(project__slug=parts[0], slug=parts[1]) except Component.DoesNotExist: raise CommandError("No matching source component found!") source = component.id else: source = "" if options["mt"]: for translator in options["mt"]: if translator not in MACHINE_TRANSLATION_SERVICES.keys(): raise CommandError( f"Machine translation {translator} is not available" ) if options["inconsistent"]: filter_type = "check:inconsistent" elif options["overwrite"]: filter_type = "all" else: filter_type = "todo" auto = AutoTranslate(user, translation, filter_type, "translate") if options["mt"]: auto.process_mt(options["mt"], options["threshold"]) else: auto.process_others(source) self.stdout.write(f"Updated {auto.updated} units")
import pytest from qstrader.utils.console import GREEN, BLUE, CYAN, string_colour @pytest.mark.parametrize( "text,colour,expected", [ ('green colour', GREEN, "\x1b[1;32mgreen colour\x1b[0m"), ('blue colour', BLUE, "\x1b[1;34mblue colour\x1b[0m"), ('cyan colour', CYAN, "\x1b[1;36mcyan colour\x1b[0m"), ] ) def test_string_colour(text, colour, expected): """ Tests that the string colourisation for the terminal console produces the correct values. """ assert string_colour(text, colour=colour) == expected
import asyncio import logging import aiohttp import async_timeout import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.tts import CONF_LANG, PLATFORM_SCHEMA, Provider from homeassistant.const import CONF_API_KEY, HTTP_OK from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) YANDEX_API_URL = "https://tts.voicetech.yandex.net/generate?" SUPPORT_LANGUAGES = ["ru-RU", "en-US", "tr-TR", "uk-UK"] SUPPORT_CODECS = ["mp3", "wav", "opus"] SUPPORT_VOICES = [ "jane", "oksana", "alyss", "omazh", "zahar", "ermil", "levitan", "ermilov", "silaerkan", "kolya", "kostya", "nastya", "sasha", "nick", "erkanyavas", "zhenya", "tanya", "anton_samokhvalov", "tatyana_abramova", "voicesearch", "ermil_with_tuning", "robot", "dude", "zombie", "smoky", ] SUPPORTED_EMOTION = ["good", "evil", "neutral"] MIN_SPEED = 0.1 MAX_SPEED = 3 CONF_CODEC = "codec" CONF_VOICE = "voice" CONF_EMOTION = "emotion" CONF_SPEED = "speed" DEFAULT_LANG = "en-US" DEFAULT_CODEC = "mp3" DEFAULT_VOICE = "zahar" DEFAULT_EMOTION = "neutral" DEFAULT_SPEED = 1 PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_API_KEY): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_LANG, default=DEFAULT_LANG): vol.In(SUPPORT_LANGUAGES), vol.Optional(CONF_CODEC, default=DEFAULT_CODEC): vol.In(SUPPORT_CODECS), vol.Optional(CONF_VOICE, default=DEFAULT_VOICE): vol.In(SUPPORT_VOICES), vol.Optional(CONF_EMOTION, default=DEFAULT_EMOTION): vol.In(SUPPORTED_EMOTION), vol.Optional(CONF_SPEED, default=DEFAULT_SPEED): vol.Range( min=MIN_SPEED, max=MAX_SPEED ), } ) SUPPORTED_OPTIONS = [CONF_CODEC, CONF_VOICE, CONF_EMOTION, CONF_SPEED] async def async_get_engine(hass, config, discovery_info=None): """Set up VoiceRSS speech component.""" return YandexSpeechKitProvider(hass, config) class YandexSpeechKitProvider(Provider): """VoiceRSS speech api provider.""" def __init__(self, hass, conf): """Init VoiceRSS TTS service.""" self.hass = hass self._codec = conf.get(CONF_CODEC) self._key = conf.get(CONF_API_KEY) self._speaker = conf.get(CONF_VOICE) self._language = conf.get(CONF_LANG) self._emotion = conf.get(CONF_EMOTION) self._speed = str(conf.get(CONF_SPEED)) self.name = "YandexTTS" @property def default_language(self): """Return the default language.""" return self._language @property def supported_languages(self): """Return list of supported languages.""" return SUPPORT_LANGUAGES @property def supported_options(self): """Return list of supported options.""" return SUPPORTED_OPTIONS async def async_get_tts_audio(self, message, language, options=None): """Load TTS from yandex.""" websession = async_get_clientsession(self.hass) actual_language = language options = options or {} try: with async_timeout.timeout(10): url_param = { "text": message, "lang": actual_language, "key": self._key, "speaker": options.get(CONF_VOICE, self._speaker), "format": options.get(CONF_CODEC, self._codec), "emotion": options.get(CONF_EMOTION, self._emotion), "speed": options.get(CONF_SPEED, self._speed), } request = await websession.get(YANDEX_API_URL, params=url_param) if request.status != HTTP_OK: _LOGGER.error( "Error %d on load URL %s", request.status, request.url ) return (None, None) data = await request.read() except (asyncio.TimeoutError, aiohttp.ClientError): _LOGGER.error("Timeout for yandex speech kit API") return (None, None) return (self._codec, data)
from homeassistant.components import mqtt from homeassistant.core import callback from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity from homeassistant.util import slugify from .definitions import DEFINITIONS DOMAIN = "dsmr_reader" async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Set up DSMR Reader sensors.""" sensors = [] for topic in DEFINITIONS: sensors.append(DSMRSensor(topic)) async_add_entities(sensors) class DSMRSensor(Entity): """Representation of a DSMR sensor that is updated via MQTT.""" def __init__(self, topic): """Initialize the sensor.""" self._definition = DEFINITIONS[topic] self._entity_id = slugify(topic.replace("/", "_")) self._topic = topic self._name = self._definition.get("name", topic.split("/")[-1]) self._unit_of_measurement = self._definition.get("unit") self._icon = self._definition.get("icon") self._transform = self._definition.get("transform") self._state = None async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Subscribe to MQTT events.""" @callback def message_received(message): """Handle new MQTT messages.""" if self._transform is not None: self._state = self._transform(message.payload) else: self._state = message.payload self.async_write_ha_state() await mqtt.async_subscribe(self.hass, self._topic, message_received, 1) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor supplied in constructor.""" return self._name @property def entity_id(self): """Return the entity ID for this sensor.""" return f"sensor.{self._entity_id}" @property def state(self): """Return the current state of the entity.""" return self._state @property def unit_of_measurement(self): """Return the unit_of_measurement of this sensor.""" return self._unit_of_measurement @property def icon(self): """Return the icon of this sensor.""" return self._icon
from pgmpy.estimators import StructureScore class ScoreCache(StructureScore): def __init__(self, base_scorer, data, max_size=10000, **kwargs): """ A wrapper class for StructureScore instances, which implement a decomposable score, that caches local scores. Based on the global decomposition property of Bayesian networks for decomposable scores. Parameters ---------- base_scorer: StructureScore instance Has to be a decomposable score. data: pandas DataFrame instance DataFrame instance where each column represents one variable. (If some values in the data are missing the data cells should be set to `numpy.NaN`. Note that pandas converts each column containing `numpy.NaN`s to dtype `float`.) max_size: int (optional, default 10_000) The maximum number of elements allowed in the cache. When the limit is reached, the least recently used entries will be discarded. **kwargs Additional arguments that will be handed to the super constructor. Reference --------- Koller & Friedman, Probabilistic Graphical Models - Principles and Techniques, 2009 Section 18.3 """ assert isinstance( base_scorer, StructureScore ), "Base scorer has to be of type StructureScore." self.base_scorer = base_scorer self.cache = LRUCache( original_function=self._wrapped_original, max_size=int(max_size) ) super(ScoreCache, self).__init__(data, **kwargs) def local_score(self, variable, parents): hashable = tuple(parents) return self.cache(variable, hashable) def _wrapped_original(self, variable, parents): expected = list(parents) return self.base_scorer.local_score(variable, expected) # link fields _PREV, _NEXT, _KEY, _VALUE = 0, 1, 2, 3 class LRUCache: def __init__(self, original_function, max_size=10000): """ Least-Recently-Used cache. Acts as a wrapper around a arbitrary function and caches the return values. Based on the implementation of Raymond Hettinger (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2437617/limiting-the-size-of-a-python-dictionary) Parameters ---------- original_function: callable The original function that will be wrapped. Return values will be cached. The function parameters have to be hashable. max_size: int (optional, default 10_000) The maximum number of elements allowed within the cache. If the size would be exceeded, the least recently used element will be removed from the cache. """ self.original_function = original_function self.max_size = max_size self.mapping = {} # oldest self.head = [None, None, None, None] # newest self.tail = [self.head, None, None, None] self.head[_NEXT] = self.tail def __call__(self, *key): mapping, head, tail = self.mapping, self.head, self.tail link = mapping.get(key, head) if link is head: # Not yet in map value = self.original_function(*key) if len(mapping) >= self.max_size: # Unlink the least recently used element old_prev, old_next, old_key, old_value = head[_NEXT] head[_NEXT] = old_next old_next[_PREV] = head del mapping[old_key] # Add new value as most recently used element last = tail[_PREV] link = [last, tail, key, value] mapping[key] = last[_NEXT] = tail[_PREV] = link else: # Unlink element from current position link_prev, link_next, key, value = link link_prev[_NEXT] = link_next link_next[_PREV] = link_prev # Add as most recently used element last = tail[_PREV] last[_NEXT] = tail[_PREV] = link link[_PREV] = last link[_NEXT] = tail return value
import os import unittest class RoslibPackagesTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_find_node(self): import roslib.packages d = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('roslib') p = os.path.join(d, 'test', 'fake_node.py') self.assertEquals([p], roslib.packages.find_node('roslib', 'fake_node.py')) self.assertEquals([], roslib.packages.find_node('roslib', 'not_a_node')) def test_get_pkg_dir(self): import roslib.packages import roslib.rospack path = os.path.normpath(roslib.rospack.rospackexec(['find', 'roslib'])) self.assertEquals(path, roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('roslib')) try: self.assertEquals(path, roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir('fake_roslib')) self.fail('should have raised') except roslib.packages.InvalidROSPkgException: pass def test_get_dir_pkg(self): import roslib.packages path = get_roslib_path() res = roslib.packages.get_dir_pkg(path) res = (os.path.realpath(res[0]), res[1]) self.assertEquals((path, 'roslib'), res) res = roslib.packages.get_dir_pkg(os.path.join(path, 'test')) res = (os.path.realpath(res[0]), res[1]) self.assertEquals((path, 'roslib'), res) # must fail on parent of roslib self.assertEquals((None, None), roslib.packages.get_dir_pkg(os.path.dirname(path))) def get_roslib_path(): return os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(get_test_path(), '..'))) def get_test_path(): return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
import sys import textwrap import pytest from tests.helpers import utils try: from scripts.dev import run_vulture except ImportError: if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): # Tests aren't going to run anyways because of the mark pass else: raise pytestmark = [pytest.mark.not_frozen] class VultureDir: """Fixture similar to pytest's testdir fixture for vulture. Attributes: _tmp_path: The pytest tmp_path fixture. """ def __init__(self, tmp_path): self._tmp_path = tmp_path def run(self): """Run vulture over all generated files and return the output.""" names = [p.name for p in self._tmp_path.glob('*')] assert names with utils.change_cwd(self._tmp_path): return run_vulture.run(names) def makepyfile(self, **kwargs): """Create a python file, similar to TestDir.makepyfile.""" for filename, data in kwargs.items(): text = textwrap.dedent(data) (self._tmp_path / (filename + '.py')).write_text(text, 'utf-8') @pytest.fixture def vultdir(tmp_path): return VultureDir(tmp_path) def test_used(vultdir): vultdir.makepyfile(foo=""" def foo(): pass foo() """) assert not vultdir.run() def test_unused_func(vultdir): vultdir.makepyfile(foo=""" def foo(): pass """) msg = "foo.py:2: unused function 'foo' (60% confidence)" assert vultdir.run() == [msg] def test_unused_method_camelcase(vultdir): """Should be ignored because those are Qt methods.""" vultdir.makepyfile(foo=""" class Foo(): def fooBar(self): pass Foo() """) assert not vultdir.run()
from typing import cast from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, QObject, QEvent from PyQt5.QtGui import QKeyEvent, QWindow from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication from qutebrowser.keyinput import modeman from qutebrowser.misc import quitter from qutebrowser.utils import objreg class EventFilter(QObject): """Global Qt event filter. Attributes: _activated: Whether the EventFilter is currently active. _handlers; A {QEvent.Type: callable} dict with the handlers for an event. """ def __init__(self, parent: QObject = None) -> None: super().__init__(parent) self._activated = True self._handlers = { QEvent.KeyPress: self._handle_key_event, QEvent.KeyRelease: self._handle_key_event, QEvent.ShortcutOverride: self._handle_key_event, } def install(self) -> None: QApplication.instance().installEventFilter(self) @pyqtSlot() def shutdown(self) -> None: QApplication.instance().removeEventFilter(self) def _handle_key_event(self, event: QKeyEvent) -> bool: """Handle a key press/release event. Args: event: The QEvent which is about to be delivered. Return: True if the event should be filtered, False if it's passed through. """ active_window = QApplication.instance().activeWindow() if active_window not in objreg.window_registry.values(): # Some other window (print dialog, etc.) is focused so we pass the # event through. return False try: man = modeman.instance('current') return man.handle_event(event) except objreg.RegistryUnavailableError: # No window available yet, or not a MainWindow return False def eventFilter(self, obj: QObject, event: QEvent) -> bool: """Handle an event. Args: obj: The object which will get the event. event: The QEvent which is about to be delivered. Return: True if the event should be filtered, False if it's passed through. """ if not isinstance(obj, QWindow): # We already handled this same event at some point earlier, so # we're not interested in it anymore. return False typ = event.type() if typ not in self._handlers: return False if not self._activated: return False handler = self._handlers[typ] try: return handler(cast(QKeyEvent, event)) except: # If there is an exception in here and we leave the eventfilter # activated, we'll get an infinite loop and a stack overflow. self._activated = False raise def init() -> None: """Initialize the global EventFilter instance.""" event_filter = EventFilter(parent=QApplication.instance()) event_filter.install() quitter.instance.shutting_down.connect(event_filter.shutdown)
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from absl import flags from absl.testing import parameterized from compare_gan import datasets from compare_gan import test_utils from compare_gan.gans import consts as c from compare_gan.gans.modular_gan import ModularGAN import tensorflow as tf FLAGS = flags.FLAGS class ModularGanTpuTest(parameterized.TestCase, test_utils.CompareGanTestCase): def setUp(self): super(ModularGanTpuTest, self).setUp() self.model_dir = self._get_empty_model_dir() self.run_config = tf.contrib.tpu.RunConfig( model_dir=self.model_dir, tpu_config=tf.contrib.tpu.TPUConfig(iterations_per_loop=1)) @parameterized.parameters([1, 2, 5]) def testBatchSize(self, disc_iters, use_tpu=True): parameters = { "architecture": c.DUMMY_ARCH, "lambda": 1, "z_dim": 128, "disc_iters": disc_iters, } batch_size = 16 dataset = datasets.get_dataset("cifar10") gan = ModularGAN( dataset=dataset, parameters=parameters, model_dir=self.model_dir) estimator = gan.as_estimator(self.run_config, batch_size=batch_size, use_tpu=True) estimator.train(gan.input_fn, steps=1) gen_args = gan.generator.call_arg_list disc_args = gan.discriminator.call_arg_list self.assertLen(gen_args, disc_iters + 1) # D steps, G step. self.assertLen(disc_args, disc_iters + 1) # D steps, G step. for args in gen_args: self.assertAllEqual(args["z"].shape.as_list(), [8, 128]) for args in disc_args: self.assertAllEqual(args["x"].shape.as_list(), [16, 32, 32, 3]) @parameterized.parameters([1, 2, 5]) def testBatchSizeSplitDiscCalls(self, disc_iters): parameters = { "architecture": c.DUMMY_ARCH, "lambda": 1, "z_dim": 128, "disc_iters": disc_iters, } batch_size = 16 dataset = datasets.get_dataset("cifar10") gan = ModularGAN( dataset=dataset, parameters=parameters, deprecated_split_disc_calls=True, model_dir=self.model_dir) estimator = gan.as_estimator(self.run_config, batch_size=batch_size, use_tpu=True) estimator.train(gan.input_fn, steps=1) gen_args = gan.generator.call_arg_list disc_args = gan.discriminator.call_arg_list self.assertLen(gen_args, disc_iters + 1) # D steps, G step. # Each D and G step calls discriminator twice: for real and fake images. self.assertLen(disc_args, 2 * (disc_iters + 1)) for args in gen_args: self.assertAllEqual(args["z"].shape.as_list(), [8, 128]) for args in disc_args: self.assertAllEqual(args["x"].shape.as_list(), [8, 32, 32, 3]) @parameterized.parameters([1, 2, 5]) def testBatchSizeExperimentalJointGenForDisc(self, disc_iters): parameters = { "architecture": c.DUMMY_ARCH, "lambda": 1, "z_dim": 128, "disc_iters": disc_iters, } batch_size = 16 dataset = datasets.get_dataset("cifar10") gan = ModularGAN( dataset=dataset, parameters=parameters, experimental_joint_gen_for_disc=True, model_dir=self.model_dir) estimator = gan.as_estimator(self.run_config, batch_size=batch_size, use_tpu=True) estimator.train(gan.input_fn, steps=1) gen_args = gan.generator.call_arg_list disc_args = gan.discriminator.call_arg_list self.assertLen(gen_args, 2) self.assertLen(disc_args, disc_iters + 1) self.assertAllEqual(gen_args[0]["z"].shape.as_list(), [8 * disc_iters, 128]) self.assertAllEqual(gen_args[1]["z"].shape.as_list(), [8, 128]) for args in disc_args: self.assertAllEqual(args["x"].shape.as_list(), [16, 32, 32, 3]) if __name__ == "__main__": tf.test.main()
import datetime from decimal import Decimal # Third-party imports from sqlalchemy.inspection import inspect from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base db = SQLAlchemy() class Model(object): """The sandman2 Model class is the base class for all RESTful resources. There is a one-to-one mapping between a table in the database and a :class:`sandman2.model.Model`. """ #: The relative URL this resource should live at. __url__ = None #: The API version of this resource (not yet used). __version__ = '1' #: The HTTP methods this resource supports (default=all). __methods__ = { 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS' } @classmethod def required(cls): """Return a list of all columns required by the database to create the resource. :param cls: The Model class to gather attributes from :rtype: list """ columns = [] for column in cls.__table__.columns: # pylint: disable=no-member is_autoincrement = 'int' in str(column.type).lower() and column.autoincrement if (not column.nullable and not column.primary_key) or (column.primary_key and not is_autoincrement): columns.append(column.name) return columns @classmethod def optional(cls): """Return a list of all nullable columns for the resource's table. :rtype: list """ columns = [] for column in cls.__table__.columns: # pylint: disable=no-member if column.nullable: columns.append(column.name) return columns @classmethod def primary_key(cls): """Return the key of the model's primary key field. :rtype: string """ return list( cls.__table__.primary_key.columns)[ # pylint: disable=no-member 0].key def to_dict(self): """Return the resource as a dictionary. :rtype: dict """ result_dict = {} for column in self.__table__.columns.keys(): # pylint: disable=no-member value = result_dict[column] = getattr(self, column, None) if isinstance(value, Decimal): result_dict[column] = float(result_dict[column]) elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): result_dict[column] = value.isoformat() elif isinstance(value, datetime.time): result_dict[column] = value.strftime("%H:%M:%S") return result_dict def links(self): """Return a dictionary of links to related resources that should be included in the *Link* header of an HTTP response. :rtype: dict """ link_dict = {'self': self.resource_uri()} for relationship in inspect( # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member self.__class__).relationships: if 'collection' not in relationship.key: instance = getattr(self, relationship.key) if instance: link_dict[str(relationship.key)] = instance.resource_uri() return link_dict def resource_uri(self): """Return the URI to this specific resource. :rtype: str """ return self.__url__ + '/' + str(getattr(self, self.primary_key())) def update(self, attributes): """Update the current instance based on attribute->value items in *attributes*. :param dict attributes: Dictionary of attributes to be updated :rtype: :class:`sandman2.model.Model` """ for attribute in attributes: setattr(self, attribute, attributes[attribute]) return self @classmethod def description(cls): """Return a field->data type dictionary describing this model as reported by the database. :rtype: dict """ description = {} for column in cls.__table__.columns: # pylint: disable=no-member column_description = str(column.type) if not column.nullable: column_description += ' (required)' description[column.name] = column_description return description DeclarativeModel = declarative_base(cls=(db.Model, Model)) AutomapModel = automap_base(DeclarativeModel)
from kombu.asynchronous import get_event_loop from .base import Request, Headers, Response __all__ = ('Client', 'Headers', 'Response', 'Request') def Client(hub=None, **kwargs): """Create new HTTP client.""" from .curl import CurlClient return CurlClient(hub, **kwargs) def get_client(hub=None, **kwargs): """Get or create HTTP client bound to the current event loop.""" hub = hub or get_event_loop() try: return hub._current_http_client except AttributeError: client = hub._current_http_client = Client(hub, **kwargs) return client
from __future__ import unicode_literals import sys import os import inspect import codecs import argparse import tempfile import warnings from collections import Counter from multiprocessing import cpu_count #hack to get imports working if running this as a script, or within a package if __name__ == '__main__': import learn_bpe import apply_bpe else: from . import learn_bpe from . import apply_bpe # hack for python2/3 compatibility from io import open argparse.open = open def create_parser(subparsers=None): if subparsers: parser = subparsers.add_parser('learn-joint-bpe-and-vocab', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description="learn BPE-based word segmentation") else: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description="learn BPE-based word segmentation") parser.add_argument( '--input', '-i', type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True, nargs = '+', metavar='PATH', help="Input texts (multiple allowed).") parser.add_argument( '--output', '-o', type=argparse.FileType('w'), required=True, metavar='PATH', help="Output file for BPE codes.") parser.add_argument( '--symbols', '-s', type=int, default=10000, help="Create this many new symbols (each representing a character n-gram) (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument( '--separator', type=str, default='@@', metavar='STR', help="Separator between non-final subword units (default: '%(default)s')") parser.add_argument( '--write-vocabulary', type=argparse.FileType('w'), required=True, nargs = '+', default=None, metavar='PATH', dest='vocab', help='Write to these vocabulary files after applying BPE. One per input text. Used for filtering in apply_bpe.py') parser.add_argument( '--min-frequency', type=int, default=2, metavar='FREQ', help='Stop if no symbol pair has frequency >= FREQ (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument( '--total-symbols', '-t', action="store_true", help="subtract number of characters from the symbols to be generated (so that '--symbols' becomes an estimate for the total number of symbols needed to encode text).") parser.add_argument( '--num-workers', type=int, default=1, help="Number of processors to process texts, only supported in Python3. If -1, set `multiprocessing.cpu_count()`. (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument( '--verbose', '-v', action="store_true", help="verbose mode.") return parser def learn_joint_bpe_and_vocab(args): if args.vocab and len(args.input) != len(args.vocab): sys.stderr.write('Error: number of input files and vocabulary files must match\n') sys.exit(1) # read/write files as UTF-8 args.input = [codecs.open(f.name, encoding='UTF-8') for f in args.input] args.vocab = [codecs.open(f.name, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') for f in args.vocab] # get combined vocabulary of all input texts full_vocab = Counter() for f in args.input: full_vocab += learn_bpe.get_vocabulary(f, num_workers=args.num_workers) f.seek(0) vocab_list = ['{0} {1}'.format(key, freq) for (key, freq) in full_vocab.items()] # learn BPE on combined vocabulary with codecs.open(args.output.name, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as output: learn_bpe.learn_bpe(vocab_list, output, args.symbols, args.min_frequency, args.verbose, is_dict=True, total_symbols=args.total_symbols) with codecs.open(args.output.name, encoding='UTF-8') as codes: bpe = apply_bpe.BPE(codes, separator=args.separator) # apply BPE to each training corpus and get vocabulary for train_file, vocab_file in zip(args.input, args.vocab): tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tmp.close() tmpout = codecs.open(tmp.name, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') train_file.seek(0) bpe.process_lines(train_file.name, tmpout, num_workers=args.num_workers) tmpout.close() tmpin = codecs.open(tmp.name, encoding='UTF-8') vocab = learn_bpe.get_vocabulary(tmpin, num_workers=args.num_workers) tmpin.close() os.remove(tmp.name) for key, freq in sorted(vocab.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True): vocab_file.write("{0} {1}\n".format(key, freq)) vocab_file.close() if __name__ == '__main__': currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) newdir = os.path.join(currentdir, 'subword_nmt') if os.path.isdir(newdir): warnings.simplefilter('default') warnings.warn( "this script's location has moved to {0}. This symbolic link will be removed in a future version. Please point to the new location, or install the package and use the command 'subword-nmt'".format(newdir), DeprecationWarning ) # python 2/3 compatibility if sys.version_info < (3, 0): sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter('UTF-8')(sys.stderr) sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('UTF-8')(sys.stdout) sys.stdin = codecs.getreader('UTF-8')(sys.stdin) else: sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter('UTF-8')(sys.stderr.buffer) sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('UTF-8')(sys.stdout.buffer) sys.stdin = codecs.getreader('UTF-8')(sys.stdin.buffer) parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if args.num_workers <= 0: args.num_workers = cpu_count() if sys.version_info < (3, 0): args.separator = args.separator.decode('UTF-8') if args.num_workers > 1: args.num_workers = 1 warnings.warn("Parallel mode is only supported in Python3. Using 1 processor instead.") assert(len(args.input) == len(args.vocab)) learn_joint_bpe_and_vocab(args)
from flask import Flask from flask_restful import Api, Resource, abort, reqparse from flasgger import Swagger, swag_from app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) app.config['SWAGGER'] = { 'title': 'Flasgger RESTful', 'uiversion': 2 } swag = Swagger(app) TODOS = { 'todo1': {'task': 'build an API'}, 'todo2': {'task': '?????'}, 'todo3': {'task': 'profit!'}, '42': {'task': 'Use Flasgger'} } def abort_if_todo_doesnt_exist(todo_id): if todo_id not in TODOS: abort(404, message="Todo {} doesn't exist".format(todo_id)) parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('task') # Todo # shows a single todo item and lets you delete a todo item class Todo(Resource): def get(self, todo_id): """ This is an example --- tags: - restful parameters: - in: path name: todo_id required: true description: The ID of the task, try 42! type: string responses: 200: description: The task data schema: id: Task properties: task: type: string default: My Task """ abort_if_todo_doesnt_exist(todo_id) return TODOS[todo_id] def delete(self, todo_id): """ This is an example --- tags: - restful parameters: - in: path name: todo_id required: true description: The ID of the task, try 42! type: string responses: 204: description: Task deleted """ abort_if_todo_doesnt_exist(todo_id) del TODOS[todo_id] return '', 204 def put(self, todo_id): """ This is an example --- tags: - restful parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Task' - in: path name: todo_id required: true description: The ID of the task, try 42! type: string responses: 201: description: The task has been updated schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Task' """ args = parser.parse_args() task = {'task': args['task']} TODOS[todo_id] = task return task, 201 # TodoList # shows a list of all todos, and lets you POST to add new tasks class TodoList(Resource): def get(self): """ This is an example --- tags: - restful responses: 200: description: The task data schema: id: Tasks properties: task_id: type: object schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Task' """ return TODOS def post(self): """ This is an example --- tags: - restful parameters: - in: body name: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Task' responses: 201: description: The task has been created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Task' """ args = parser.parse_args() todo_id = int(max(TODOS.keys()).lstrip('todo')) + 1 todo_id = 'todo%i' % todo_id TODOS[todo_id] = {'task': args['task']} return TODOS[todo_id], 201 class Username(Resource): @swag_from('username_specs.yml', methods=['GET']) def get(self, username): return {'username': username}, 200 api.add_resource(TodoList, '/todos') api.add_resource(Todo, '/todos/<todo_id>') api.add_resource(Username, '/username/<username>') if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(debug=True)
from aiohttp import web # Relic from the past. Kept here so we can run negative tests. HTTP_HEADER_HA_AUTH = "X-HA-access" def mock_real_ip(app): """Inject middleware to mock real IP. Returns a function to set the real IP. """ ip_to_mock = None def set_ip_to_mock(value): nonlocal ip_to_mock ip_to_mock = value @web.middleware async def mock_real_ip(request, handler): """Mock Real IP middleware.""" nonlocal ip_to_mock request = request.clone(remote=ip_to_mock) return await handler(request) async def real_ip_startup(app): """Startup of real ip.""" app.middlewares.insert(0, mock_real_ip) app.on_startup.append(real_ip_startup) return set_ip_to_mock
import voluptuous as vol CONF_SCHEMA = "schema" LEGACY = "legacy" STATE = "state" MQTT_VACUUM_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional(CONF_SCHEMA, default=LEGACY): vol.All( vol.Lower, vol.Any(LEGACY, STATE) ) } ) def services_to_strings(services, service_to_string): """Convert SUPPORT_* service bitmask to list of service strings.""" strings = [] for service in service_to_string: if service & services: strings.append(service_to_string[service]) return strings def strings_to_services(strings, string_to_service): """Convert service strings to SUPPORT_* service bitmask.""" services = 0 for string in strings: services |= string_to_service[string] return services
import logging from pydelijn.api import Passages from pydelijn.common import HttpException import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.components.sensor import PLATFORM_SCHEMA from homeassistant.const import ATTR_ATTRIBUTION, DEVICE_CLASS_TIMESTAMP from homeassistant.helpers.aiohttp_client import async_get_clientsession import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ATTRIBUTION = "Data provided by data.delijn.be" CONF_NEXT_DEPARTURE = "next_departure" CONF_STOP_ID = "stop_id" CONF_API_KEY = "api_key" CONF_NUMBER_OF_DEPARTURES = "number_of_departures" DEFAULT_NAME = "De Lijn" PLATFORM_SCHEMA = PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend( { vol.Required(CONF_API_KEY): cv.string, vol.Required(CONF_NEXT_DEPARTURE): [ { vol.Required(CONF_STOP_ID): cv.string, vol.Optional(CONF_NUMBER_OF_DEPARTURES, default=5): cv.positive_int, } ], } ) async def async_setup_platform(hass, config, async_add_entities, discovery_info=None): """Create the sensor.""" api_key = config[CONF_API_KEY] session = async_get_clientsession(hass) sensors = [] for nextpassage in config[CONF_NEXT_DEPARTURE]: sensors.append( DeLijnPublicTransportSensor( Passages( hass.loop, nextpassage[CONF_STOP_ID], nextpassage[CONF_NUMBER_OF_DEPARTURES], api_key, session, True, ) ) ) async_add_entities(sensors, True) class DeLijnPublicTransportSensor(Entity): """Representation of a Ruter sensor.""" def __init__(self, line): """Initialize the sensor.""" self.line = line self._attributes = {ATTR_ATTRIBUTION: ATTRIBUTION} self._name = None self._state = None self._available = True async def async_update(self): """Get the latest data from the De Lijn API.""" try: await self.line.get_passages() self._name = await self.line.get_stopname() except HttpException: self._available = False _LOGGER.error("De Lijn http error") return self._attributes["stopname"] = self._name try: first = self.line.passages[0] if first["due_at_realtime"] is not None: first_passage = first["due_at_realtime"] else: first_passage = first["due_at_schedule"] self._state = first_passage self._attributes["line_number_public"] = first["line_number_public"] self._attributes["line_transport_type"] = first["line_transport_type"] self._attributes["final_destination"] = first["final_destination"] self._attributes["due_at_schedule"] = first["due_at_schedule"] self._attributes["due_at_realtime"] = first["due_at_realtime"] self._attributes["is_realtime"] = first["is_realtime"] self._attributes["next_passages"] = self.line.passages self._available = True except (KeyError, IndexError): _LOGGER.error("Invalid data received from De Lijn") self._available = False @property def available(self): """Return True if entity is available.""" return self._available @property def device_class(self): """Return the device class.""" return DEVICE_CLASS_TIMESTAMP @property def name(self): """Return the name of the sensor.""" return self._name @property def state(self): """Return the state of the sensor.""" return self._state @property def icon(self): """Return the icon of the sensor.""" return "mdi:bus" @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return attributes for the sensor.""" return self._attributes
import logging from urllib.parse import urlparse import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant import config_entries, exceptions from homeassistant.components import ssdp from homeassistant.components.remote import ( ATTR_ACTIVITY, ATTR_DELAY_SECS, DEFAULT_DELAY_SECS, ) from homeassistant.const import CONF_HOST, CONF_NAME from homeassistant.core import callback from .const import DOMAIN, PREVIOUS_ACTIVE_ACTIVITY, UNIQUE_ID from .util import ( find_best_name_for_remote, find_unique_id_for_remote, get_harmony_client_if_available, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DATA_SCHEMA = vol.Schema( {vol.Required(CONF_HOST): str, vol.Required(CONF_NAME): str}, extra=vol.ALLOW_EXTRA ) async def validate_input(data): """Validate the user input allows us to connect. Data has the keys from DATA_SCHEMA with values provided by the user. """ harmony = await get_harmony_client_if_available(data[CONF_HOST]) if not harmony: raise CannotConnect return { CONF_NAME: find_best_name_for_remote(data, harmony), CONF_HOST: data[CONF_HOST], UNIQUE_ID: find_unique_id_for_remote(harmony), } class ConfigFlow(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN): """Handle a config flow for Logitech Harmony Hub.""" VERSION = 1 CONNECTION_CLASS = config_entries.CONN_CLASS_LOCAL_PUSH def __init__(self): """Initialize the Harmony config flow.""" self.harmony_config = {} async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None): """Handle the initial step.""" errors = {} if user_input is not None: try: validated = await validate_input(user_input) except CannotConnect: errors["base"] = "cannot_connect" except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.exception("Unexpected exception") errors["base"] = "unknown" if "base" not in errors: await self.async_set_unique_id(validated[UNIQUE_ID]) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() return await self._async_create_entry_from_valid_input( validated, user_input ) # Return form return self.async_show_form( step_id="user", data_schema=DATA_SCHEMA, errors=errors ) async def async_step_ssdp(self, discovery_info): """Handle a discovered Harmony device.""" _LOGGER.debug("SSDP discovery_info: %s", discovery_info) parsed_url = urlparse(discovery_info[ssdp.ATTR_SSDP_LOCATION]) friendly_name = discovery_info[ssdp.ATTR_UPNP_FRIENDLY_NAME] if self._host_already_configured(parsed_url.hostname): return self.async_abort(reason="already_configured") # pylint: disable=no-member self.context["title_placeholders"] = {"name": friendly_name} self.harmony_config = { CONF_HOST: parsed_url.hostname, CONF_NAME: friendly_name, } harmony = await get_harmony_client_if_available(parsed_url.hostname) if harmony: unique_id = find_unique_id_for_remote(harmony) await self.async_set_unique_id(unique_id) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured( updates={CONF_HOST: self.harmony_config[CONF_HOST]} ) self.harmony_config[UNIQUE_ID] = unique_id return await self.async_step_link() async def async_step_link(self, user_input=None): """Attempt to link with the Harmony.""" errors = {} if user_input is not None: # Everything was validated in async_step_ssdp # all we do now is create. return await self._async_create_entry_from_valid_input( self.harmony_config, {} ) return self.async_show_form( step_id="link", errors=errors, description_placeholders={ CONF_HOST: self.harmony_config[CONF_NAME], CONF_NAME: self.harmony_config[CONF_HOST], }, ) async def async_step_import(self, validated_input): """Handle import.""" await self.async_set_unique_id( validated_input[UNIQUE_ID], raise_on_progress=False ) self._abort_if_unique_id_configured() # Everything was validated in remote async_setup_platform # all we do now is create. return await self._async_create_entry_from_valid_input( validated_input, validated_input ) @staticmethod @callback def async_get_options_flow(config_entry): """Get the options flow for this handler.""" return OptionsFlowHandler(config_entry) async def _async_create_entry_from_valid_input(self, validated, user_input): """Single path to create the config entry from validated input.""" data = { CONF_NAME: validated[CONF_NAME], CONF_HOST: validated[CONF_HOST], } # Options from yaml are preserved, we will pull them out when # we setup the config entry data.update(_options_from_user_input(user_input)) return self.async_create_entry(title=validated[CONF_NAME], data=data) def _host_already_configured(self, host): """See if we already have a harmony entry matching the host.""" for entry in self._async_current_entries(): if CONF_HOST not in entry.data: continue if entry.data[CONF_HOST] == host: return True return False def _options_from_user_input(user_input): options = {} if ATTR_ACTIVITY in user_input: options[ATTR_ACTIVITY] = user_input[ATTR_ACTIVITY] if ATTR_DELAY_SECS in user_input: options[ATTR_DELAY_SECS] = user_input[ATTR_DELAY_SECS] return options class OptionsFlowHandler(config_entries.OptionsFlow): """Handle a option flow for Harmony.""" def __init__(self, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry): """Initialize options flow.""" self.config_entry = config_entry async def async_step_init(self, user_input=None): """Handle options flow.""" if user_input is not None: return self.async_create_entry(title="", data=user_input) remote = self.hass.data[DOMAIN][self.config_entry.entry_id] data_schema = vol.Schema( { vol.Optional( ATTR_DELAY_SECS, default=self.config_entry.options.get( ATTR_DELAY_SECS, DEFAULT_DELAY_SECS ), ): vol.Coerce(float), vol.Optional( ATTR_ACTIVITY, default=self.config_entry.options.get( ATTR_ACTIVITY, PREVIOUS_ACTIVE_ACTIVITY ), ): vol.In([PREVIOUS_ACTIVE_ACTIVITY, *remote.activity_names]), } ) return self.async_show_form(step_id="init", data_schema=data_schema) class CannotConnect(exceptions.HomeAssistantError): """Error to indicate we cannot connect."""
import time import mock import pytest from pysensu_yelp import Status from paasta_tools.check_oom_events import compose_sensu_status from paasta_tools.check_oom_events import latest_oom_events from paasta_tools.check_oom_events import main from paasta_tools.check_oom_events import read_oom_events_from_scribe @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mock_scribereader(): with mock.patch("paasta_tools.check_oom_events.scribereader", autospec=True,) as m: yield m @pytest.fixture def scribereader_output(): time_now = int(time.time()) return ( ( '{"timestamp": %d, "hostname": "hostname1", "container_id": "baaab5a3a9fa",' ' "cluster": "fake_cluster", "service": "fake_service1", ' '"instance": "fake_instance1", "process_name": "uwsgi"}' % (time_now - 20) ), # Same container, different process ( '{"timestamp": %d, "hostname": "hostname1", "container_id": "baaab5a3a9fa",' ' "cluster": "fake_cluster", "service": "fake_service1", ' '"instance": "fake_instance1", "process_name": "python"}' % (time_now - 20) ), ( '{"timestamp": %d, "hostname": "hostname2", "container_id": "8dc8b9aeebbe",' ' "cluster": "fake_cluster", "service": "fake_service2", ' '"instance": "fake_instance2", "process_name": "uwsgi"}' % (time_now - 15) ), ( '{"timestamp": %d, "hostname": "hostname2", "container_id": "7dc8b9ffffff",' ' "cluster": "fake_cluster", "service": "fake_service2", ' '"instance": "fake_instance2", "process_name": "uwsgi"}' % (time_now - 14) ), ("Non-JSON lines must be ignored."), ) @pytest.fixture def instance_config(): config = mock.Mock() config.instance = "fake_instance" config.service = "fake_service" return config @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mock_load_system_paasta_config(): with mock.patch( "paasta_tools.check_oom_events.load_system_paasta_config", autospec=True, ) as mock_load: mock_load.return_value.get_cluster.return_value = "fake_cluster" mock_load.return_value.get_log_reader.return_value = { "options": {"cluster_map": {"fake_cluster": "fake_scribe_env"}}, } yield mock_load @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mock_scribe_env_to_locations(): with mock.patch( "paasta_tools.check_oom_events.scribe_env_to_locations", autospec=True, ) as m: m.return_value = { "ecosystem": "an_ecosystem", "region": "a_region", "superregion": "a_superregion", } yield m def test_compose_sensu_status_ok(instance_config): assert compose_sensu_status( instance=instance_config, oom_events=[], is_check_enabled=True, alert_threshold=1, check_interval=1, ) == ( Status.OK, "No oom events for fake_service.fake_instance in the last 1 minute(s).", ) def test_compose_sensu_status_unknown(instance_config): assert compose_sensu_status( instance=instance_config, oom_events=[], is_check_enabled=False, alert_threshold=1, check_interval=1, ) == (Status.OK, "This check is disabled for fake_service.fake_instance.") def test_compose_sensu_status_not_ok(instance_config): assert compose_sensu_status( instance=instance_config, oom_events={"container_id1", "container_id2", "container_id3"}, is_check_enabled=True, alert_threshold=2, check_interval=1, ) == ( Status.CRITICAL, "The Out Of Memory killer killed processes for fake_service.fake_instance" " in the last 1 minute(s).", ) def test_compose_sensu_status_below_threshold(instance_config): assert ( compose_sensu_status( instance=instance_config, oom_events={"container_id1", "container_id2", "container_id3"}, is_check_enabled=True, alert_threshold=5, check_interval=1, ) is None ) def test_read_oom_events_from_scribe( mock_scribereader, scribereader_output, mock_scribe_env_to_locations, ): mock_scribereader.get_tail_host_and_port.return_value = "localhost", 12345 mock_scribereader.get_stream_tailer.return_value = scribereader_output assert ( len( [x for x in read_oom_events_from_scribe("fake_cluster", "fake_superregion")] ) == 4 ) assert mock_scribe_env_to_locations.call_args_list == [ mock.call("fake_scribe_env"), ] def test_latest_oom_events(mock_scribereader, scribereader_output): mock_scribereader.get_tail_host_and_port.return_value = "localhost", 12345 mock_scribereader.get_stream_tailer.return_value = scribereader_output events = latest_oom_events("fake_cluster", "fake_superregion") # Events from the same container count as one assert len(events.get(("fake_service1", "fake_instance1"), [])) == 1 assert len(events.get(("fake_service2", "fake_instance2"), [])) == 2 assert len(events.get(("fake_service3", "fake_instance3"), [])) == 0 def test_latest_oom_events_interval(mock_scribereader, scribereader_output): mock_scribereader.get_tail_host_and_port.return_value = "localhost", 12345 mock_scribereader.get_stream_tailer.return_value = scribereader_output events = latest_oom_events("fake_cluster", "fake_superregion", interval=10) # Scribereader mocks are more than 10 seconds ago, so no events should be returned assert len(events) == 0 @mock.patch("paasta_tools.check_oom_events.latest_oom_events", autospec=True) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.check_oom_events.get_services_for_cluster", autospec=True) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.check_oom_events.send_sensu_event", autospec=True) @mock.patch("paasta_tools.check_oom_events.get_instance_config", autospec=True) def test_main( mock_get_instance_config, mock_send_sensu_event, mock_get_services_for_cluster, mock_latest_oom_events, scribereader_output, ): mock_get_services_for_cluster.return_value = [ ("fake_service1", "fake_instance1"), ("fake_service2", "fake_instance2"), ("fake_service3", "fake_instance3"), ] main(["", "-s", "some_superregion", "-d", "soa_dir", "--check-interval", "3"]) assert mock_send_sensu_event.call_count == 3 mock_latest_oom_events.assert_called_once_with( cluster="fake_cluster", superregion="some_superregion", interval=180, )
from __future__ import print_function # by Siddharth Duahantha # 28 July 2017 import sys import argparse COW = r""" \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\\ ||----w | || || """ def get_cow(text): """create a string of a cow saying things.""" lines = text.split("\n") nlines = len(lines) longest_line = max([len(l) for l in lines]) lenght_of_lines = longest_line + 2 ret = (' ' + '_' * lenght_of_lines + "\n") if nlines == 1: formated = text.center(longest_line + 2) ret += formated.join('<>') + "\n" else: t = "" for i in range(nlines): line = lines[i].center(longest_line + 2) if i == 0: t += ("/" + line + "\\\n") elif i == (nlines - 1): t += ("\\" + line + "/\n") else: t += ("|" + line + "|\n") ret += t ret += (' ' + '-' * lenght_of_lines + "\n") ret += COW return ret def main(): """main function""" # todo: lookuo real description parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Let a cow speak for you") parser.add_argument("text", nargs="*", default=None, help="text to say") ns = parser.parse_args() if (ns.text is None) or (len(ns.text) == 0): text = "" while True: inp = sys.stdin.read(4096) if inp.endswith("\n"): inp = inp[:-1] if not inp: break text += inp else: text = " ".join(ns.text) cow = get_cow(text) print(cow) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from datetime import timedelta from functools import partial, wraps from inspect import getmodule import logging from pyhap.accessory import Accessory, Bridge from pyhap.accessory_driver import AccessoryDriver from pyhap.const import CATEGORY_OTHER from homeassistant.components import cover, vacuum from homeassistant.components.cover import ( DEVICE_CLASS_GARAGE, DEVICE_CLASS_GATE, DEVICE_CLASS_WINDOW, ) from homeassistant.components.media_player import DEVICE_CLASS_TV from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING, ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL, ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS, ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_SERVICE, ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, CONF_NAME, CONF_TYPE, DEVICE_CLASS_HUMIDITY, DEVICE_CLASS_ILLUMINANCE, DEVICE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE, LIGHT_LUX, PERCENTAGE, STATE_ON, STATE_UNAVAILABLE, TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, __version__, ) from homeassistant.core import Context, callback as ha_callback, split_entity_id from homeassistant.helpers.event import ( async_track_state_change_event, track_point_in_utc_time, ) from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from homeassistant.util.decorator import Registry from .const import ( ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME, ATTR_INTERGRATION, ATTR_MANUFACTURER, ATTR_MODEL, ATTR_SOFTWARE_VERSION, ATTR_VALUE, BRIDGE_MODEL, BRIDGE_SERIAL_NUMBER, CHAR_BATTERY_LEVEL, CHAR_CHARGING_STATE, CHAR_STATUS_LOW_BATTERY, CONF_FEATURE_LIST, CONF_LINKED_BATTERY_CHARGING_SENSOR, CONF_LINKED_BATTERY_SENSOR, CONF_LOW_BATTERY_THRESHOLD, DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_LOW_BATTERY_THRESHOLD, DEVICE_CLASS_CO, DEVICE_CLASS_CO2, DEVICE_CLASS_PM25, EVENT_HOMEKIT_CHANGED, HK_CHARGING, HK_NOT_CHARGABLE, HK_NOT_CHARGING, MANUFACTURER, SERV_BATTERY_SERVICE, TYPE_FAUCET, TYPE_OUTLET, TYPE_SHOWER, TYPE_SPRINKLER, TYPE_SWITCH, TYPE_VALVE, ) from .util import ( convert_to_float, dismiss_setup_message, format_sw_version, show_setup_message, validate_media_player_features, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SWITCH_TYPES = { TYPE_FAUCET: "Valve", TYPE_OUTLET: "Outlet", TYPE_SHOWER: "Valve", TYPE_SPRINKLER: "Valve", TYPE_SWITCH: "Switch", TYPE_VALVE: "Valve", } TYPES = Registry() def debounce(func): """Decorate function to debounce callbacks from HomeKit.""" @ha_callback def call_later_listener(self, *args): """Handle call_later callback.""" debounce_params = self.debounce.pop(func.__name__, None) if debounce_params: self.hass.async_add_executor_job(func, self, *debounce_params[1:]) @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args): """Start async timer.""" debounce_params = self.debounce.pop(func.__name__, None) if debounce_params: debounce_params[0]() # remove listener remove_listener = track_point_in_utc_time( self.hass, partial(call_later_listener, self), dt_util.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT), ) self.debounce[func.__name__] = (remove_listener, *args) logger.debug( "%s: Start %s timeout", self.entity_id, func.__name__.replace("set_", "") ) name = getmodule(func).__name__ logger = logging.getLogger(name) return wrapper def get_accessory(hass, driver, state, aid, config): """Take state and return an accessory object if supported.""" if not aid: _LOGGER.warning( 'The entity "%s" is not supported, since it ' "generates an invalid aid, please change it", state.entity_id, ) return None a_type = None name = config.get(CONF_NAME, state.name) if state.domain == "alarm_control_panel": a_type = "SecuritySystem" elif state.domain in ("binary_sensor", "device_tracker", "person"): a_type = "BinarySensor" elif state.domain == "climate": a_type = "Thermostat" elif state.domain == "cover": device_class = state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) features = state.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) if device_class in (DEVICE_CLASS_GARAGE, DEVICE_CLASS_GATE) and features & ( cover.SUPPORT_OPEN | cover.SUPPORT_CLOSE ): a_type = "GarageDoorOpener" elif ( device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_WINDOW and features & cover.SUPPORT_SET_POSITION ): a_type = "Window" elif features & cover.SUPPORT_SET_POSITION: a_type = "WindowCovering" elif features & (cover.SUPPORT_OPEN | cover.SUPPORT_CLOSE): a_type = "WindowCoveringBasic" elif state.domain == "fan": a_type = "Fan" elif state.domain == "humidifier": a_type = "HumidifierDehumidifier" elif state.domain == "light": a_type = "Light" elif state.domain == "lock": a_type = "Lock" elif state.domain == "media_player": device_class = state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) feature_list = config.get(CONF_FEATURE_LIST, []) if device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_TV: a_type = "TelevisionMediaPlayer" elif validate_media_player_features(state, feature_list): a_type = "MediaPlayer" elif state.domain == "sensor": device_class = state.attributes.get(ATTR_DEVICE_CLASS) unit = state.attributes.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) if device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_TEMPERATURE or unit in ( TEMP_CELSIUS, TEMP_FAHRENHEIT, ): a_type = "TemperatureSensor" elif device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_HUMIDITY and unit == PERCENTAGE: a_type = "HumiditySensor" elif device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_PM25 or DEVICE_CLASS_PM25 in state.entity_id: a_type = "AirQualitySensor" elif device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_CO: a_type = "CarbonMonoxideSensor" elif device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_CO2 or DEVICE_CLASS_CO2 in state.entity_id: a_type = "CarbonDioxideSensor" elif device_class == DEVICE_CLASS_ILLUMINANCE or unit in ("lm", LIGHT_LUX): a_type = "LightSensor" elif state.domain == "switch": switch_type = config.get(CONF_TYPE, TYPE_SWITCH) a_type = SWITCH_TYPES[switch_type] elif state.domain == "vacuum": features = state.attributes.get(ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, 0) if features & (vacuum.SUPPORT_START | vacuum.SUPPORT_RETURN_HOME): a_type = "DockVacuum" else: a_type = "Switch" elif state.domain in ("automation", "input_boolean", "remote", "scene", "script"): a_type = "Switch" elif state.domain == "water_heater": a_type = "WaterHeater" elif state.domain == "camera": a_type = "Camera" if a_type is None: return None _LOGGER.debug('Add "%s" as "%s"', state.entity_id, a_type) return TYPES[a_type](hass, driver, name, state.entity_id, aid, config) class HomeAccessory(Accessory): """Adapter class for Accessory.""" def __init__( self, hass, driver, name, entity_id, aid, config, *args, category=CATEGORY_OTHER, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a Accessory object.""" super().__init__(driver=driver, display_name=name, aid=aid, *args, **kwargs) self.config = config or {} domain = split_entity_id(entity_id)[0].replace("_", " ") if ATTR_MANUFACTURER in self.config: manufacturer = self.config[ATTR_MANUFACTURER] elif ATTR_INTERGRATION in self.config: manufacturer = self.config[ATTR_INTERGRATION].replace("_", " ").title() else: manufacturer = f"{MANUFACTURER} {domain}".title() if ATTR_MODEL in self.config: model = self.config[ATTR_MODEL] else: model = domain.title() if ATTR_SOFTWARE_VERSION in self.config: sw_version = format_sw_version(self.config[ATTR_SOFTWARE_VERSION]) else: sw_version = __version__ self.set_info_service( manufacturer=manufacturer, model=model, serial_number=entity_id, firmware_revision=sw_version, ) self.category = category self.entity_id = entity_id self.hass = hass self.debounce = {} self._subscriptions = [] self._char_battery = None self._char_charging = None self._char_low_battery = None self.linked_battery_sensor = self.config.get(CONF_LINKED_BATTERY_SENSOR) self.linked_battery_charging_sensor = self.config.get( CONF_LINKED_BATTERY_CHARGING_SENSOR ) self.low_battery_threshold = self.config.get( CONF_LOW_BATTERY_THRESHOLD, DEFAULT_LOW_BATTERY_THRESHOLD ) """Add battery service if available""" entity_attributes = self.hass.states.get(self.entity_id).attributes battery_found = entity_attributes.get(ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL) if self.linked_battery_sensor: state = self.hass.states.get(self.linked_battery_sensor) if state is not None: battery_found = state.state else: self.linked_battery_sensor = None _LOGGER.warning( "%s: Battery sensor state missing: %s", self.entity_id, self.linked_battery_sensor, ) if not battery_found: return _LOGGER.debug("%s: Found battery level", self.entity_id) if self.linked_battery_charging_sensor: state = self.hass.states.get(self.linked_battery_charging_sensor) if state is None: self.linked_battery_charging_sensor = None _LOGGER.warning( "%s: Battery charging binary_sensor state missing: %s", self.entity_id, self.linked_battery_charging_sensor, ) else: _LOGGER.debug("%s: Found battery charging", self.entity_id) serv_battery = self.add_preload_service(SERV_BATTERY_SERVICE) self._char_battery = serv_battery.configure_char(CHAR_BATTERY_LEVEL, value=0) self._char_charging = serv_battery.configure_char( CHAR_CHARGING_STATE, value=HK_NOT_CHARGABLE ) self._char_low_battery = serv_battery.configure_char( CHAR_STATUS_LOW_BATTERY, value=0 ) @property def available(self): """Return if accessory is available.""" state = self.hass.states.get(self.entity_id) return state is not None and state.state != STATE_UNAVAILABLE async def run(self): """Handle accessory driver started event. Run inside the HAP-python event loop. """ self.hass.add_job(self.run_handler) async def run_handler(self): """Handle accessory driver started event. Run inside the Home Assistant event loop. """ state = self.hass.states.get(self.entity_id) self.async_update_state_callback(state) self._subscriptions.append( async_track_state_change_event( self.hass, [self.entity_id], self.async_update_event_state_callback ) ) battery_charging_state = None battery_state = None if self.linked_battery_sensor: linked_battery_sensor_state = self.hass.states.get( self.linked_battery_sensor ) battery_state = linked_battery_sensor_state.state battery_charging_state = linked_battery_sensor_state.attributes.get( ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING ) self._subscriptions.append( async_track_state_change_event( self.hass, [self.linked_battery_sensor], self.async_update_linked_battery_callback, ) ) elif state is not None: battery_state = state.attributes.get(ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL) if self.linked_battery_charging_sensor: state = self.hass.states.get(self.linked_battery_charging_sensor) battery_charging_state = state and state.state == STATE_ON self._subscriptions.append( async_track_state_change_event( self.hass, [self.linked_battery_charging_sensor], self.async_update_linked_battery_charging_callback, ) ) elif battery_charging_state is None and state is not None: battery_charging_state = state.attributes.get(ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING) if battery_state is not None or battery_charging_state is not None: self.async_update_battery(battery_state, battery_charging_state) @ha_callback def async_update_event_state_callback(self, event): """Handle state change event listener callback.""" self.async_update_state_callback(event.data.get("new_state")) @ha_callback def async_update_state_callback(self, new_state): """Handle state change listener callback.""" _LOGGER.debug("New_state: %s", new_state) if new_state is None: return battery_state = None battery_charging_state = None if ( not self.linked_battery_sensor and ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL in new_state.attributes ): battery_state = new_state.attributes.get(ATTR_BATTERY_LEVEL) if ( not self.linked_battery_charging_sensor and ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING in new_state.attributes ): battery_charging_state = new_state.attributes.get(ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING) if battery_state is not None or battery_charging_state is not None: self.async_update_battery(battery_state, battery_charging_state) self.async_update_state(new_state) @ha_callback def async_update_linked_battery_callback(self, event): """Handle linked battery sensor state change listener callback.""" new_state = event.data.get("new_state") if new_state is None: return if self.linked_battery_charging_sensor: battery_charging_state = None else: battery_charging_state = new_state.attributes.get(ATTR_BATTERY_CHARGING) self.async_update_battery(new_state.state, battery_charging_state) @ha_callback def async_update_linked_battery_charging_callback(self, event): """Handle linked battery charging sensor state change listener callback.""" new_state = event.data.get("new_state") if new_state is None: return self.async_update_battery(None, new_state.state == STATE_ON) @ha_callback def async_update_battery(self, battery_level, battery_charging): """Update battery service if available. Only call this function if self._support_battery_level is True. """ if not self._char_battery: # Battery appeared after homekit was started return battery_level = convert_to_float(battery_level) if battery_level is not None: if self._char_battery.value != battery_level: self._char_battery.set_value(battery_level) is_low_battery = 1 if battery_level < self.low_battery_threshold else 0 if self._char_low_battery.value != is_low_battery: self._char_low_battery.set_value(is_low_battery) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Updated battery level to %d", self.entity_id, battery_level ) # Charging state can appear after homekit was started if battery_charging is None or not self._char_charging: return hk_charging = HK_CHARGING if battery_charging else HK_NOT_CHARGING if self._char_charging.value != hk_charging: self._char_charging.set_value(hk_charging) _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Updated battery charging to %d", self.entity_id, hk_charging ) @ha_callback def async_update_state(self, new_state): """Handle state change to update HomeKit value. Overridden by accessory types. """ raise NotImplementedError() def call_service(self, domain, service, service_data, value=None): """Fire event and call service for changes from HomeKit.""" self.hass.add_job(self.async_call_service, domain, service, service_data, value) async def async_call_service(self, domain, service, service_data, value=None): """Fire event and call service for changes from HomeKit. This method must be run in the event loop. """ event_data = { ATTR_ENTITY_ID: self.entity_id, ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME: self.display_name, ATTR_SERVICE: service, ATTR_VALUE: value, } context = Context() self.hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_HOMEKIT_CHANGED, event_data, context=context) await self.hass.services.async_call( domain, service, service_data, context=context ) @ha_callback def async_stop(self): """Cancel any subscriptions when the bridge is stopped.""" while self._subscriptions: self._subscriptions.pop(0)() class HomeBridge(Bridge): """Adapter class for Bridge.""" def __init__(self, hass, driver, name): """Initialize a Bridge object.""" super().__init__(driver, name) self.set_info_service( firmware_revision=__version__, manufacturer=MANUFACTURER, model=BRIDGE_MODEL, serial_number=BRIDGE_SERIAL_NUMBER, ) self.hass = hass def setup_message(self): """Prevent print of pyhap setup message to terminal.""" def get_snapshot(self, info): """Get snapshot from accessory if supported.""" acc = self.accessories.get(info["aid"]) if acc is None: raise ValueError("Requested snapshot for missing accessory") if not hasattr(acc, "get_snapshot"): raise ValueError( "Got a request for snapshot, but the Accessory " 'does not define a "get_snapshot" method' ) return acc.get_snapshot(info) class HomeDriver(AccessoryDriver): """Adapter class for AccessoryDriver.""" def __init__(self, hass, entry_id, bridge_name, **kwargs): """Initialize a AccessoryDriver object.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) self.hass = hass self._entry_id = entry_id self._bridge_name = bridge_name def pair(self, client_uuid, client_public): """Override super function to dismiss setup message if paired.""" success = super().pair(client_uuid, client_public) if success: dismiss_setup_message(self.hass, self._entry_id) return success def unpair(self, client_uuid): """Override super function to show setup message if unpaired.""" super().unpair(client_uuid) show_setup_message( self.hass, self._entry_id, self._bridge_name, self.state.pincode, self.accessory.xhm_uri(), )
import asyncio import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.auth.const import GROUP_ID_ADMIN from homeassistant.components.auth import indieauth from homeassistant.components.http.data_validator import RequestDataValidator from homeassistant.components.http.view import HomeAssistantView from homeassistant.const import HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_FORBIDDEN from homeassistant.core import callback from .const import ( DEFAULT_AREAS, DOMAIN, STEP_CORE_CONFIG, STEP_INTEGRATION, STEP_USER, STEPS, ) async def async_setup(hass, data, store): """Set up the onboarding view.""" hass.http.register_view(OnboardingView(data, store)) hass.http.register_view(UserOnboardingView(data, store)) hass.http.register_view(CoreConfigOnboardingView(data, store)) hass.http.register_view(IntegrationOnboardingView(data, store)) class OnboardingView(HomeAssistantView): """Return the onboarding status.""" requires_auth = False url = "/api/onboarding" name = "api:onboarding" def __init__(self, data, store): """Initialize the onboarding view.""" self._store = store self._data = data async def get(self, request): """Return the onboarding status.""" return self.json( [{"step": key, "done": key in self._data["done"]} for key in STEPS] ) class _BaseOnboardingView(HomeAssistantView): """Base class for onboarding.""" step = None def __init__(self, data, store): """Initialize the onboarding view.""" self._store = store self._data = data self._lock = asyncio.Lock() @callback def _async_is_done(self): """Return if this step is done.""" return self.step in self._data["done"] async def _async_mark_done(self, hass): """Mark step as done.""" self._data["done"].append(self.step) await self._store.async_save(self._data) if set(self._data["done"]) == set(STEPS): hass.data[DOMAIN] = True class UserOnboardingView(_BaseOnboardingView): """View to handle create user onboarding step.""" url = "/api/onboarding/users" name = "api:onboarding:users" requires_auth = False step = STEP_USER @RequestDataValidator( vol.Schema( { vol.Required("name"): str, vol.Required("username"): str, vol.Required("password"): str, vol.Required("client_id"): str, vol.Required("language"): str, } ) ) async def post(self, request, data): """Handle user creation, area creation.""" hass = request.app["hass"] async with self._lock: if self._async_is_done(): return self.json_message("User step already done", HTTP_FORBIDDEN) provider = _async_get_hass_provider(hass) await provider.async_initialize() user = await hass.auth.async_create_user(data["name"], [GROUP_ID_ADMIN]) await hass.async_add_executor_job( provider.data.add_auth, data["username"], data["password"] ) credentials = await provider.async_get_or_create_credentials( {"username": data["username"]} ) await provider.data.async_save() await hass.auth.async_link_user(user, credentials) if "person" in hass.config.components: await hass.components.person.async_create_person( data["name"], user_id=user.id ) # Create default areas using the users supplied language. translations = await hass.helpers.translation.async_get_translations( data["language"], "area", DOMAIN ) area_registry = await hass.helpers.area_registry.async_get_registry() for area in DEFAULT_AREAS: area_registry.async_create( translations[f"component.onboarding.area.{area}"] ) await self._async_mark_done(hass) # Return authorization code for fetching tokens and connect # during onboarding. auth_code = hass.components.auth.create_auth_code(data["client_id"], user) return self.json({"auth_code": auth_code}) class CoreConfigOnboardingView(_BaseOnboardingView): """View to finish core config onboarding step.""" url = "/api/onboarding/core_config" name = "api:onboarding:core_config" step = STEP_CORE_CONFIG async def post(self, request): """Handle finishing core config step.""" hass = request.app["hass"] async with self._lock: if self._async_is_done(): return self.json_message( "Core config step already done", HTTP_FORBIDDEN ) await self._async_mark_done(hass) await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( "met", context={"source": "onboarding"} ) if ( hass.components.hassio.is_hassio() and "raspberrypi" in hass.components.hassio.get_core_info()["machine"] ): await hass.config_entries.flow.async_init( "rpi_power", context={"source": "onboarding"} ) return self.json({}) class IntegrationOnboardingView(_BaseOnboardingView): """View to finish integration onboarding step.""" url = "/api/onboarding/integration" name = "api:onboarding:integration" step = STEP_INTEGRATION @RequestDataValidator( vol.Schema({vol.Required("client_id"): str, vol.Required("redirect_uri"): str}) ) async def post(self, request, data): """Handle token creation.""" hass = request.app["hass"] user = request["hass_user"] async with self._lock: if self._async_is_done(): return self.json_message( "Integration step already done", HTTP_FORBIDDEN ) await self._async_mark_done(hass) # Validate client ID and redirect uri if not await indieauth.verify_redirect_uri( request.app["hass"], data["client_id"], data["redirect_uri"] ): return self.json_message( "invalid client id or redirect uri", HTTP_BAD_REQUEST ) # Return authorization code so we can redirect user and log them in auth_code = hass.components.auth.create_auth_code(data["client_id"], user) return self.json({"auth_code": auth_code}) @callback def _async_get_hass_provider(hass): """Get the Home Assistant auth provider.""" for prv in hass.auth.auth_providers: if prv.type == "homeassistant": return prv raise RuntimeError("No Home Assistant provider found")
import unittest import pandas as pd from pgmpy.models import BayesianModel from pgmpy.estimators import K2Score class TestK2Score(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.d1 = pd.DataFrame( data={"A": [0, 0, 1], "B": [0, 1, 0], "C": [1, 1, 0], "D": ["X", "Y", "Z"]} ) self.m1 = BayesianModel([("A", "C"), ("B", "C"), ("D", "B")]) self.m2 = BayesianModel([("C", "A"), ("C", "B"), ("A", "D")]) # data_link - "https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic/download/train.csv" self.titanic_data = pd.read_csv( "pgmpy/tests/test_estimators/testdata/titanic_train.csv" ) self.titanic_data2 = self.titanic_data[["Survived", "Sex", "Pclass"]] def test_score(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(K2Score(self.d1).score(self.m1), -10.73813429536977) self.assertEqual(K2Score(self.d1).score(BayesianModel()), 0) def test_score_titanic(self): scorer = K2Score(self.titanic_data2) titanic = BayesianModel([("Sex", "Survived"), ("Pclass", "Survived")]) self.assertAlmostEqual(scorer.score(titanic), -1891.0630673606006) titanic2 = BayesianModel([("Pclass", "Sex")]) titanic2.add_nodes_from(["Sex", "Survived", "Pclass"]) self.assertLess(scorer.score(titanic2), scorer.score(titanic)) def tearDown(self): del self.d1 del self.m1 del self.m2 del self.titanic_data del self.titanic_data2