13 values
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*- // // (c) 2014 Bjoern Ricks <[email protected]> // // See LICENSE comming with the source of 'trex' for details. // 'use strict'; var trexServices = angular.module('', ['ngResource']); trexServices.factory('Conf', function($location) { function getRootUrl() { var rootUrl = $location.protocol() + '://' + $; if ($location.port()) rootUrl += ':' + $location.port(); return rootUrl; }; return { 'apiBase': '/api/1', 'rootUrl': getRootUrl() }; }); trexServices.factory('Project', ['$resource', 'Conf', function($resource, Conf) { return $resource(Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId', {projectId: '@id'}, {entries: {method: 'GET', isArray: true, url: Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId/entries', params: {projectId: '@id'} }, tags: {method: 'GET', isArray: true, url: Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId/tags', params: {projectId: '@id'} } } ); } ]); trexServices.factory('Entry', ['$resource', 'Conf', function($resource, Conf) { return $resource(Conf.apiBase + '/entries/:entryId', {entryId: '@id'}, { }); } ]);
// -*- coding: utf-8 -*- // // (c) 2014 Bjoern Ricks <[email protected]> // // See LICENSE comming with the source of 'trex' for details. // 'use strict'; var trexServices = angular.module('', ['ngResource']); trexServices.factory('Conf', function($location) { function getRootUrl() { var rootUrl = $location.protocol() + '://' + $; if ($location.port()) rootUrl += ':' + $location.port(); return rootUrl; }; return { 'apiBase': '/api/1', 'rootUrl': getRootUrl() }; }); trexServices.factory('Project', ['$resource', 'Conf', function($resource, Conf) { return $resource(Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId', {projectId: '@id'}, {entries: {method: 'GET', isArray: true, url: Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId/entries', params: {projectId: '@id'} }, tags: {method: 'GET', isArray: true, url: Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId/tags', params: {projectId: '@id'} }, users: {method: 'GET', isArray: true, url: Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId/users', params: {projectId: '@id'} } } ); } ]); trexServices.factory('Entry', ['$resource', 'Conf', function($resource, Conf) { return $resource(Conf.apiBase + '/entries/:entryId', {entryId: '@id'}, { }); } ]);
Add users to Project angular ressource
Add users to Project angular ressource
## Code Before: // -*- coding: utf-8 -*- // // (c) 2014 Bjoern Ricks <[email protected]> // // See LICENSE comming with the source of 'trex' for details. // 'use strict'; var trexServices = angular.module('', ['ngResource']); trexServices.factory('Conf', function($location) { function getRootUrl() { var rootUrl = $location.protocol() + '://' + $; if ($location.port()) rootUrl += ':' + $location.port(); return rootUrl; }; return { 'apiBase': '/api/1', 'rootUrl': getRootUrl() }; }); trexServices.factory('Project', ['$resource', 'Conf', function($resource, Conf) { return $resource(Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId', {projectId: '@id'}, {entries: {method: 'GET', isArray: true, url: Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId/entries', params: {projectId: '@id'} }, tags: {method: 'GET', isArray: true, url: Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId/tags', params: {projectId: '@id'} } } ); } ]); trexServices.factory('Entry', ['$resource', 'Conf', function($resource, Conf) { return $resource(Conf.apiBase + '/entries/:entryId', {entryId: '@id'}, { }); } ]); ## Instruction: Add users to Project angular ressource ## Code After: // -*- coding: utf-8 -*- // // (c) 2014 Bjoern Ricks <[email protected]> // // See LICENSE comming with the source of 'trex' for details. // 'use strict'; var trexServices = angular.module('', ['ngResource']); trexServices.factory('Conf', function($location) { function getRootUrl() { var rootUrl = $location.protocol() + '://' + $; if ($location.port()) rootUrl += ':' + $location.port(); return rootUrl; }; return { 'apiBase': '/api/1', 'rootUrl': getRootUrl() }; }); trexServices.factory('Project', ['$resource', 'Conf', function($resource, Conf) { return $resource(Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId', {projectId: '@id'}, {entries: {method: 'GET', isArray: true, url: Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId/entries', params: {projectId: '@id'} }, tags: {method: 'GET', isArray: true, url: Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId/tags', params: {projectId: '@id'} }, users: {method: 'GET', isArray: true, url: Conf.apiBase + '/projects/:projectId/users', params: {projectId: '@id'} } } ); } ]); trexServices.factory('Entry', ['$resource', 'Conf', function($resource, Conf) { return $resource(Conf.apiBase + '/entries/:entryId', {entryId: '@id'}, { }); } ]);
MAIN_TARGET=$1 LINES=$2 > $MAIN_TARGET.temp TARGETS=$(make print-$MAIN_TARGET | sed 's/HE_AN_LIST=//g') for T in $TARGETS do echo make $T >> $MAIN_TARGET.temp done split -l $LINES $MAIN_TARGET.temp for X in x?? do cat head.batch $X tail.batch > $X.qsub qsub $X.qsub rm $X.qsub $X done rm $MAIN_TARGET.temp
MAIN_TARGET=$1 LINES=$2 > $MAIN_TARGET.temp TARGETS=$(make print-$MAIN_TARGET | sed 's/.*=//g') for T in $TARGETS do echo make $T >> $MAIN_TARGET.temp done split -l $LINES $MAIN_TARGET.temp for X in x?? do cat head.batch $X tail.batch > $X.qsub qsub $X.qsub rm $X.qsub $X done rm $MAIN_TARGET.temp
Generalize to other types of targets
Generalize to other types of targets
## Code Before: MAIN_TARGET=$1 LINES=$2 > $MAIN_TARGET.temp TARGETS=$(make print-$MAIN_TARGET | sed 's/HE_AN_LIST=//g') for T in $TARGETS do echo make $T >> $MAIN_TARGET.temp done split -l $LINES $MAIN_TARGET.temp for X in x?? do cat head.batch $X tail.batch > $X.qsub qsub $X.qsub rm $X.qsub $X done rm $MAIN_TARGET.temp ## Instruction: Generalize to other types of targets ## Code After: MAIN_TARGET=$1 LINES=$2 > $MAIN_TARGET.temp TARGETS=$(make print-$MAIN_TARGET | sed 's/.*=//g') for T in $TARGETS do echo make $T >> $MAIN_TARGET.temp done split -l $LINES $MAIN_TARGET.temp for X in x?? do cat head.batch $X tail.batch > $X.qsub qsub $X.qsub rm $X.qsub $X done rm $MAIN_TARGET.temp
<?php /** * Raguvis CmsNavigation */ namespace Raguvis\CmsNavigation\Setup; use Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallSchemaInterface; use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface; use Magento\Framework\Setup\SchemaSetupInterface; class InstallSchema implements InstallSchemaInterface { /** * Add Include in navigation flag */ public function install(SchemaSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context) { $installer = $setup; $installer->startSetup(); $setup->getConnection()->addColumn( $setup->getTable('cms_page'), 'show_in_navigation', [ 'type' => \Magento\Framework\DB\Ddl\Table::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'nullable' => false, 'comment' => 'Flag whether or not CMS page should be included in top navigation' ] ); $installer->endSetup(); } }
<?php /** * Raguvis CmsNavigation */ namespace Raguvis\CmsNavigation\Setup; use Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallSchemaInterface; use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface; use Magento\Framework\Setup\SchemaSetupInterface; class InstallSchema implements InstallSchemaInterface { /** * Add Include in navigation flag */ public function install(SchemaSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context) { $installer = $setup; $installer->startSetup(); $setup->getConnection()->addColumn( $setup->getTable('cms_page'), 'show_in_navigation', [ 'type' => \Magento\Framework\DB\Ddl\Table::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'nullable' => false, 'comment' => 'Flag whether or not CMS page should be included in top navigation', 'default' => 0 ] ); $installer->endSetup(); } }
Fix cms_page field to have default value
Fix cms_page field to have default value Otherwise when cms page is added via code it will fail with error 'Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'show_in_navigation' cannot be null'
## Code Before: <?php /** * Raguvis CmsNavigation */ namespace Raguvis\CmsNavigation\Setup; use Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallSchemaInterface; use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface; use Magento\Framework\Setup\SchemaSetupInterface; class InstallSchema implements InstallSchemaInterface { /** * Add Include in navigation flag */ public function install(SchemaSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context) { $installer = $setup; $installer->startSetup(); $setup->getConnection()->addColumn( $setup->getTable('cms_page'), 'show_in_navigation', [ 'type' => \Magento\Framework\DB\Ddl\Table::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'nullable' => false, 'comment' => 'Flag whether or not CMS page should be included in top navigation' ] ); $installer->endSetup(); } } ## Instruction: Fix cms_page field to have default value Otherwise when cms page is added via code it will fail with error 'Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'show_in_navigation' cannot be null' ## Code After: <?php /** * Raguvis CmsNavigation */ namespace Raguvis\CmsNavigation\Setup; use Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallSchemaInterface; use Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface; use Magento\Framework\Setup\SchemaSetupInterface; class InstallSchema implements InstallSchemaInterface { /** * Add Include in navigation flag */ public function install(SchemaSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context) { $installer = $setup; $installer->startSetup(); $setup->getConnection()->addColumn( $setup->getTable('cms_page'), 'show_in_navigation', [ 'type' => \Magento\Framework\DB\Ddl\Table::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'nullable' => false, 'comment' => 'Flag whether or not CMS page should be included in top navigation', 'default' => 0 ] ); $installer->endSetup(); } }
app.views.Bookmarklet = Backbone.View.extend({ separator: ' - ', initialize: function(opts) { // init a standalone publisher app.publisher = new app.views.Publisher({standalone: true}); app.publisher.on('publisher:add', this._postSubmit, this); app.publisher.on('publisher:sync', this._postSuccess, this); app.publisher.on('publisher:error', this._postError, this); this.param_contents = opts; }, render: function() {; app.publisher.setText(this._publisherContent()); return this; }, _publisherContent: function() { var p = this.param_contents; if( p.content ) return p.content; var contents = p.title + this.separator + p.url; if( p.notes ) contents += this.separator + p.notes; return contents; }, _postSubmit: function(evt) { this.$('h4').text(Diaspora.I18n.t('bookmarklet.post_submit')); }, _postSuccess: function(evt) { this.$('h4').text(Diaspora.I18n.t('bookmarklet.post_success')); app.publisher.close(); _.delay(window.close, 2000); }, _postError: function(evt) { this.$('h4').text(Diaspora.I18n.t('bookmarklet.post_error')); } });
app.views.Bookmarklet = Backbone.View.extend({ separator: ' - ', initialize: function(opts) { // init a standalone publisher app.publisher = new app.views.Publisher({standalone: true}); app.publisher.on('publisher:add', this._postSubmit, this); app.publisher.on('publisher:sync', this._postSuccess, this); app.publisher.on('publisher:error', this._postError, this); this.param_contents = opts; }, render: function() {; app.publisher.setText(this._publisherContent()); return this; }, _publisherContent: function() { var p = this.param_contents; if( p.content ) return p.content; var contents = p.title + this.separator + p.url; if( p.notes ) contents += this.separator + p.notes; return contents; }, _postSubmit: function(evt) { this.$('h4').text(Diaspora.I18n.t('bookmarklet.post_submit')); }, _postSuccess: function(evt) { this.$('h4').text(Diaspora.I18n.t('bookmarklet.post_success')); app.publisher.close(); this.$("#publisher").addClass("hidden"); _.delay(window.close, 2000); }, _postError: function(evt) { this.$('h4').text(Diaspora.I18n.t('bookmarklet.post_error')); } });
Make sure publisher is totally hidden in bookmarklet after post success
Make sure publisher is totally hidden in bookmarklet after post success
## Code Before: app.views.Bookmarklet = Backbone.View.extend({ separator: ' - ', initialize: function(opts) { // init a standalone publisher app.publisher = new app.views.Publisher({standalone: true}); app.publisher.on('publisher:add', this._postSubmit, this); app.publisher.on('publisher:sync', this._postSuccess, this); app.publisher.on('publisher:error', this._postError, this); this.param_contents = opts; }, render: function() {; app.publisher.setText(this._publisherContent()); return this; }, _publisherContent: function() { var p = this.param_contents; if( p.content ) return p.content; var contents = p.title + this.separator + p.url; if( p.notes ) contents += this.separator + p.notes; return contents; }, _postSubmit: function(evt) { this.$('h4').text(Diaspora.I18n.t('bookmarklet.post_submit')); }, _postSuccess: function(evt) { this.$('h4').text(Diaspora.I18n.t('bookmarklet.post_success')); app.publisher.close(); _.delay(window.close, 2000); }, _postError: function(evt) { this.$('h4').text(Diaspora.I18n.t('bookmarklet.post_error')); } }); ## Instruction: Make sure publisher is totally hidden in bookmarklet after post success ## Code After: app.views.Bookmarklet = Backbone.View.extend({ separator: ' - ', initialize: function(opts) { // init a standalone publisher app.publisher = new app.views.Publisher({standalone: true}); app.publisher.on('publisher:add', this._postSubmit, this); app.publisher.on('publisher:sync', this._postSuccess, this); app.publisher.on('publisher:error', this._postError, this); this.param_contents = opts; }, render: function() {; app.publisher.setText(this._publisherContent()); return this; }, _publisherContent: function() { var p = this.param_contents; if( p.content ) return p.content; var contents = p.title + this.separator + p.url; if( p.notes ) contents += this.separator + p.notes; return contents; }, _postSubmit: function(evt) { this.$('h4').text(Diaspora.I18n.t('bookmarklet.post_submit')); }, _postSuccess: function(evt) { this.$('h4').text(Diaspora.I18n.t('bookmarklet.post_success')); app.publisher.close(); this.$("#publisher").addClass("hidden"); _.delay(window.close, 2000); }, _postError: function(evt) { this.$('h4').text(Diaspora.I18n.t('bookmarklet.post_error')); } });
module Relax module Helpers def relax_tag if defined?(@relax) && @relax "<script type='text/javascript'>Relax.replace(#{@relax});</script>".html_safe end end def relax_snippet if defined?(@relax) && @relax "Relax.replace(#{@relax});".html_safe end end def use_relax_html @_use_relax_html = true end def relax_silient? !!request.headers["X-SILENT"] end def relax_filter request.params[:_relax_filter] || (session && session[:relax_filter]) end end end
module Relax module Helpers def relax_tag if defined?(@relax) && @relax "<script type='text/javascript'>Relax.replace(#{@relax});</script>".html_safe end end def relax_snippet if defined?(@relax) && @relax snippet = @relax.gsub(/\;$/, '') "Relax.replace(#{snippet});".html_safe end end def use_relax_html @_use_relax_html = true end def relax_silient? !!request.headers["X-SILENT"] end def relax_filter request.params[:_relax_filter] || (session && session[:relax_filter]) end end end
Fix ie11 can't have semicolons inside parenthesis
Fix ie11 can't have semicolons inside parenthesis
## Code Before: module Relax module Helpers def relax_tag if defined?(@relax) && @relax "<script type='text/javascript'>Relax.replace(#{@relax});</script>".html_safe end end def relax_snippet if defined?(@relax) && @relax "Relax.replace(#{@relax});".html_safe end end def use_relax_html @_use_relax_html = true end def relax_silient? !!request.headers["X-SILENT"] end def relax_filter request.params[:_relax_filter] || (session && session[:relax_filter]) end end end ## Instruction: Fix ie11 can't have semicolons inside parenthesis ## Code After: module Relax module Helpers def relax_tag if defined?(@relax) && @relax "<script type='text/javascript'>Relax.replace(#{@relax});</script>".html_safe end end def relax_snippet if defined?(@relax) && @relax snippet = @relax.gsub(/\;$/, '') "Relax.replace(#{snippet});".html_safe end end def use_relax_html @_use_relax_html = true end def relax_silient? !!request.headers["X-SILENT"] end def relax_filter request.params[:_relax_filter] || (session && session[:relax_filter]) end end end
language: python python: - "3.6" cache: pip: true directories: - $HOME/.gimme - $HOME/.imageio before_install: - gimme 1.6 - export GOROOT="$HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64" - export GOPATH="$HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin:$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR" - $HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin/go get - $HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin/go get script: - cd Discord - python - $HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin/go run Harmonbot_Listener.go - python ../Telegram/
language: python # python: # - "3.7" # Workaround for Python 3.7 # matrix: include: - python: 3.7 dist: xenial sudo: true cache: pip: true directories: - $HOME/.gimme - $HOME/.imageio before_install: - gimme 1.6 - export GOROOT="$HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64" - export GOPATH="$HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin:$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR" - $HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin/go get - $HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin/go get script: - cd Discord - python - $HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin/go run Harmonbot_Listener.go - python ../Telegram/
Update Travis CI Python version to 3.7 using workaround
Update Travis CI Python version to 3.7 using workaround
## Code Before: language: python python: - "3.6" cache: pip: true directories: - $HOME/.gimme - $HOME/.imageio before_install: - gimme 1.6 - export GOROOT="$HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64" - export GOPATH="$HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin:$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR" - $HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin/go get - $HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin/go get script: - cd Discord - python - $HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin/go run Harmonbot_Listener.go - python ../Telegram/ ## Instruction: Update Travis CI Python version to 3.7 using workaround ## Code After: language: python # python: # - "3.7" # Workaround for Python 3.7 # matrix: include: - python: 3.7 dist: xenial sudo: true cache: pip: true directories: - $HOME/.gimme - $HOME/.imageio before_install: - gimme 1.6 - export GOROOT="$HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64" - export GOPATH="$HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin:$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR" - $HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin/go get - $HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin/go get script: - cd Discord - python - $HOME/.gimme/versions/go1.6.linux.amd64/bin/go run Harmonbot_Listener.go - python ../Telegram/
/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 PointSource, LLC. * MIT Licensed */ var server = require('../'); server.init({ appDir: process.cwd() }, function(err) { if (err) { console.warn('Startup failed', err); } else { console.log('started'); } });
/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 PointSource, LLC. * MIT Licensed */ var server = require('../'); server.init({ appDir: process.cwd() }, function(err) { if (err) { console.warn('Startup failed', err); } else { var logger ='logger');'Server started'); } });
Make server launcher use logger for server startup message
Make server launcher use logger for server startup message
## Code Before: /* * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 PointSource, LLC. * MIT Licensed */ var server = require('../'); server.init({ appDir: process.cwd() }, function(err) { if (err) { console.warn('Startup failed', err); } else { console.log('started'); } }); ## Instruction: Make server launcher use logger for server startup message ## Code After: /* * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 PointSource, LLC. * MIT Licensed */ var server = require('../'); server.init({ appDir: process.cwd() }, function(err) { if (err) { console.warn('Startup failed', err); } else { var logger ='logger');'Server started'); } });
<iframe src= {{}} width="300" height="480" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe> {{legend.legendName}} <ul> {{#each as |review|}} {{review-tile review=review}} <br> on {{moment-format review.createdAt 'LLL'}} {{/each}} </ul>
<iframe src= {{}} width="300" height="480" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe> {{legend.legendName}} <ul> {{#each as |review|}} {{review-tile review=review}} <small> on {{moment-format review.createdAt 'LLL'}} </small> {{/each}} </ul>
Add Tag for Timestamp Put Timestamp in Small Tag to match author of the review
Add Tag for Timestamp Put Timestamp in Small Tag to match author of the review
## Code Before: <iframe src= {{}} width="300" height="480" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe> {{legend.legendName}} <ul> {{#each as |review|}} {{review-tile review=review}} <br> on {{moment-format review.createdAt 'LLL'}} {{/each}} </ul> ## Instruction: Add Tag for Timestamp Put Timestamp in Small Tag to match author of the review ## Code After: <iframe src= {{}} width="300" height="480" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe> {{legend.legendName}} <ul> {{#each as |review|}} {{review-tile review=review}} <small> on {{moment-format review.createdAt 'LLL'}} </small> {{/each}} </ul>
<?php /** * Slim Framework ( * * @link * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Josh Lockhart * @license (MIT License) */ namespace Slim; use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface; /** * ResolveCallable * * This is an internal class that enables resolution of 'class:method' strings * into a closure. This class is an implementation detail and is used only inside * of the Slim application. */ trait ResolveCallable { /** * Resolve a string of the format 'class:method' into a closure that the * router can dispatch. * * @param string $callable * * @return \Closure */ protected function resolveCallable($callable) { if (is_string($callable) && strpos($callable, ':')) { if ($this instanceof ContainerInterface) { $container = $this; } elseif ($this->container instanceof ContainerInterface) { $container = $this->container; } else { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot resolve callable string'); } return new CallableResolver($callable, $container); } return $callable; } }
<?php /** * Slim Framework ( * * @link * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Josh Lockhart * @license (MIT License) */ namespace Slim; use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface; /** * ResolveCallable * * This is an internal class that enables resolution of 'class:method' strings * into a closure. This class is an implementation detail and is used only inside * of the Slim application. */ trait ResolveCallable { /** * Resolve a string of the format 'class:method' into a closure that the * router can dispatch. * * @param string $callable * * @return \Closure */ protected function resolveCallable($callable) { if (is_string($callable) && strpos($callable, ':')) { if ($this->container instanceof ContainerInterface) { $container = $this->container; } else { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot resolve callable string'); } return new CallableResolver($callable, $container); } return $callable; } }
Tidy up resolveCallable() as $this is never an instance of ContainerInterface
Tidy up resolveCallable() as $this is never an instance of ContainerInterface
## Code Before: <?php /** * Slim Framework ( * * @link * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Josh Lockhart * @license (MIT License) */ namespace Slim; use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface; /** * ResolveCallable * * This is an internal class that enables resolution of 'class:method' strings * into a closure. This class is an implementation detail and is used only inside * of the Slim application. */ trait ResolveCallable { /** * Resolve a string of the format 'class:method' into a closure that the * router can dispatch. * * @param string $callable * * @return \Closure */ protected function resolveCallable($callable) { if (is_string($callable) && strpos($callable, ':')) { if ($this instanceof ContainerInterface) { $container = $this; } elseif ($this->container instanceof ContainerInterface) { $container = $this->container; } else { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot resolve callable string'); } return new CallableResolver($callable, $container); } return $callable; } } ## Instruction: Tidy up resolveCallable() as $this is never an instance of ContainerInterface ## Code After: <?php /** * Slim Framework ( * * @link * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Josh Lockhart * @license (MIT License) */ namespace Slim; use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface; /** * ResolveCallable * * This is an internal class that enables resolution of 'class:method' strings * into a closure. This class is an implementation detail and is used only inside * of the Slim application. */ trait ResolveCallable { /** * Resolve a string of the format 'class:method' into a closure that the * router can dispatch. * * @param string $callable * * @return \Closure */ protected function resolveCallable($callable) { if (is_string($callable) && strpos($callable, ':')) { if ($this->container instanceof ContainerInterface) { $container = $this->container; } else { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot resolve callable string'); } return new CallableResolver($callable, $container); } return $callable; } }
html, body { height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; } #div1, #div2, #div3, #div4 { width: 50%; height: 50%; float: left; } #div1 { background: #DDD; } #div2 { background: #AAA; } #div3 { background: #777; } #div4 { background: #444; } .feature_info { padding: 6px 8px; font: 24px/28px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background: white; background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8); box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border-radius: 2px; }
html, body { height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; } #div1, #div2, #div3, #div4 { float: left; } #div1 { background: #DDD; width: 49.5%; height: 49.5%; } #div2 { background: #AAA; width: 49.5%; height: 49.5%; margin-left: 1%; } #div3 { background: #777; width: 49.5%; height: 49.5%; margin-top: 1%; } #div4 { background: #444; width: 49.5%; height: 49.5%; margin-left: 1%; margin-top: 1%; } .feature_info { padding: 6px 8px; font: 24px/28px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background: white; background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8); box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border-radius: 2px; }
Add small margin between maps
Add small margin between maps
## Code Before: html, body { height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; } #div1, #div2, #div3, #div4 { width: 50%; height: 50%; float: left; } #div1 { background: #DDD; } #div2 { background: #AAA; } #div3 { background: #777; } #div4 { background: #444; } .feature_info { padding: 6px 8px; font: 24px/28px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background: white; background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8); box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border-radius: 2px; } ## Instruction: Add small margin between maps ## Code After: html, body { height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; } #div1, #div2, #div3, #div4 { float: left; } #div1 { background: #DDD; width: 49.5%; height: 49.5%; } #div2 { background: #AAA; width: 49.5%; height: 49.5%; margin-left: 1%; } #div3 { background: #777; width: 49.5%; height: 49.5%; margin-top: 1%; } #div4 { background: #444; width: 49.5%; height: 49.5%; margin-left: 1%; margin-top: 1%; } .feature_info { padding: 6px 8px; font: 24px/28px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background: white; background: rgba(255,255,255,0.8); box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border-radius: 2px; }
package main import ( "log" "runtime" ) import ( "" ) func main() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(10) tasConfig := tas.NewDefaultTASConfig() svr, err := tas.NewTASServer(tasConfig) if err != nil { log.Println("Failed to start TAS: %s", err) return } svr.Run() }
package main import ( "log" ) import ( "" ) func main() { tasConfig := tas.NewDefaultTASConfig() svr, err := tas.NewTASServer(tasConfig) if err != nil { log.Println("Failed to start TAS:", err) return } svr.Run() }
Remove runtime GOMAXPROCS from example and fix error print if TAS server cannot be created
Remove runtime GOMAXPROCS from example and fix error print if TAS server cannot be created
## Code Before: package main import ( "log" "runtime" ) import ( "" ) func main() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(10) tasConfig := tas.NewDefaultTASConfig() svr, err := tas.NewTASServer(tasConfig) if err != nil { log.Println("Failed to start TAS: %s", err) return } svr.Run() } ## Instruction: Remove runtime GOMAXPROCS from example and fix error print if TAS server cannot be created ## Code After: package main import ( "log" ) import ( "" ) func main() { tasConfig := tas.NewDefaultTASConfig() svr, err := tas.NewTASServer(tasConfig) if err != nil { log.Println("Failed to start TAS:", err) return } svr.Run() }
--- platforms: centos7: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" ubuntu1604: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" ubuntu1804: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" macos: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" windows: build_flags: - "--copt=-w" - "--host_copt=-w" - "-c" - "opt" build_targets: - "//src:bazel.exe" - "//src:bazel_nojdk.exe"
--- platforms: centos7: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" ubuntu1604: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" ubuntu1804: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" ubuntu2004: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" macos: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" windows: build_flags: - "--copt=-w" - "--host_copt=-w" - "-c" - "opt" build_targets: - "//src:bazel.exe" - "//src:bazel_nojdk.exe"
Add Ubuntu 20.04 platform, but do not test it in CI yet
Add Ubuntu 20.04 platform, but do not test it in CI yet This seems like it might be a prerequisite for adding a ubuntu 20.04 platform to bazelci, based on this CI failure: Closes #11630. PiperOrigin-RevId: 333290900
## Code Before: --- platforms: centos7: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" ubuntu1604: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" ubuntu1804: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" macos: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" windows: build_flags: - "--copt=-w" - "--host_copt=-w" - "-c" - "opt" build_targets: - "//src:bazel.exe" - "//src:bazel_nojdk.exe" ## Instruction: Add Ubuntu 20.04 platform, but do not test it in CI yet This seems like it might be a prerequisite for adding a ubuntu 20.04 platform to bazelci, based on this CI failure: Closes #11630. PiperOrigin-RevId: 333290900 ## Code After: --- platforms: centos7: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" ubuntu1604: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" ubuntu1804: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" ubuntu2004: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" macos: build_targets: - "//src:bazel" - "//src:bazel_nojdk" build_flags: - "-c" - "opt" windows: build_flags: - "--copt=-w" - "--host_copt=-w" - "-c" - "opt" build_targets: - "//src:bazel.exe" - "//src:bazel_nojdk.exe"
.card .card-body = t(".services", count: services.count) - APP_CONFIG["sharing"].each do |service, service_options| - if service_options["enabled"] && services.none? { |x| x.provider == service.to_s } %p= button_to t(".connect", service: service.capitalize), "/auth/#{service}", method: :post, class: "btn btn-info" - if services.count.positive? %ul.list-group - services.each do |service| %li.list-group-item %i{ class: "fa fa-#{service.provider}" } %strong= service.provider.capitalize (#{service.nickname}) = button_to t(".disconnect"), service_path(service), data: { confirm: t(".confirm", service: service.provider.capitalize) }, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-link text-danger", form: { class: "d-inline" } = bootstrap_form_for(service, as: "service", url: update_service_path(service)) do |f| = f.text_field :post_tag, label_as_placeholder: true, append: f.submit(t("voc.update"), class: "btn btn-primary"), maxlength: 20, pattern: "^[^@]*$"
.card .card-body = t(".services", count: services.count) - APP_CONFIG["sharing"].each do |service, service_options| - if service_options["enabled"] && services.none? { |x| x.provider == service.to_s } %p= button_to t(".connect", service: service.capitalize), "/auth/#{service}", method: :post, class: "btn btn-info", form: { data: { turbo: false } } - if services.count.positive? %ul.list-group - services.each do |service| %li.list-group-item %i{ class: "fa fa-#{service.provider}" } %strong= service.provider.capitalize (#{service.nickname}) = button_to t(".disconnect"), service_path(service), data: { confirm: t(".confirm", service: service.provider.capitalize) }, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-link text-danger", form: { class: "d-inline", data: { turbo: false } } = bootstrap_form_for(service, as: "service", url: update_service_path(service), data: { turbo: false }) do |f| = f.text_field :post_tag, label_as_placeholder: true, append: f.submit(t("voc.update"), class: "btn btn-primary"), maxlength: 20, pattern: "^[^@]*$"
Disable Turbo on Service Settings
Disable Turbo on Service Settings
## Code Before: .card .card-body = t(".services", count: services.count) - APP_CONFIG["sharing"].each do |service, service_options| - if service_options["enabled"] && services.none? { |x| x.provider == service.to_s } %p= button_to t(".connect", service: service.capitalize), "/auth/#{service}", method: :post, class: "btn btn-info" - if services.count.positive? %ul.list-group - services.each do |service| %li.list-group-item %i{ class: "fa fa-#{service.provider}" } %strong= service.provider.capitalize (#{service.nickname}) = button_to t(".disconnect"), service_path(service), data: { confirm: t(".confirm", service: service.provider.capitalize) }, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-link text-danger", form: { class: "d-inline" } = bootstrap_form_for(service, as: "service", url: update_service_path(service)) do |f| = f.text_field :post_tag, label_as_placeholder: true, append: f.submit(t("voc.update"), class: "btn btn-primary"), maxlength: 20, pattern: "^[^@]*$" ## Instruction: Disable Turbo on Service Settings ## Code After: .card .card-body = t(".services", count: services.count) - APP_CONFIG["sharing"].each do |service, service_options| - if service_options["enabled"] && services.none? { |x| x.provider == service.to_s } %p= button_to t(".connect", service: service.capitalize), "/auth/#{service}", method: :post, class: "btn btn-info", form: { data: { turbo: false } } - if services.count.positive? %ul.list-group - services.each do |service| %li.list-group-item %i{ class: "fa fa-#{service.provider}" } %strong= service.provider.capitalize (#{service.nickname}) = button_to t(".disconnect"), service_path(service), data: { confirm: t(".confirm", service: service.provider.capitalize) }, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-link text-danger", form: { class: "d-inline", data: { turbo: false } } = bootstrap_form_for(service, as: "service", url: update_service_path(service), data: { turbo: false }) do |f| = f.text_field :post_tag, label_as_placeholder: true, append: f.submit(t("voc.update"), class: "btn btn-primary"), maxlength: 20, pattern: "^[^@]*$"
I volunteer my time Donation button Crowdfunding (one-time) Crowdfunding (recurring) Books & merchandise Advertising & sponsorships Industry support Consulting & services Grants SaaS Membership Dual license Open core Foundations & consortiums Venture capital Trademark licensing & franchising
I volunteer my time Donation button Crowdfunding (one-time) Crowdfunding (recurring) Books & merchandise Advertising & sponsorships Industry support Consulting & services Grants SaaS Membership Dual license Open core Foundations & consortiums Venture capital Trademark licensing & franchising Not applicable
Add NA based on fund4 change in question
Add NA based on fund4 change in question
## Code Before: I volunteer my time Donation button Crowdfunding (one-time) Crowdfunding (recurring) Books & merchandise Advertising & sponsorships Industry support Consulting & services Grants SaaS Membership Dual license Open core Foundations & consortiums Venture capital Trademark licensing & franchising ## Instruction: Add NA based on fund4 change in question ## Code After: I volunteer my time Donation button Crowdfunding (one-time) Crowdfunding (recurring) Books & merchandise Advertising & sponsorships Industry support Consulting & services Grants SaaS Membership Dual license Open core Foundations & consortiums Venture capital Trademark licensing & franchising Not applicable
name: Node.js Builds on: [push] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - node-version: 12.x - node-version: 14.x status: "LTS" - node-version: 16.x steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - name: Build run: | npm install npm run build - name: Package run: npm pack - name: Test run: npm run nyc-ci - name: Login to DockerHub uses: docker/login-action@v1 if: ${{ matrix.status == 'LTS' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Build and push to DockerHub id: docker_build uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 if: ${{ matrix.status == 'LTS' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} with: context: . push: true tags: rcjsuen/docker-langserver:latest - name: Coveralls uses: coverallsapp/github-action@master if: ${{ matrix.status == 'LTS' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
name: Node.js Builds on: [push] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - node-version: 12.x - node-version: 14.x - node-version: 16.x status: "LTS" steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - name: Build run: | npm install npm run build - name: Package run: npm pack - name: Test run: npm run nyc-ci - name: Login to DockerHub uses: docker/login-action@v1 if: ${{ matrix.status == 'LTS' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Build and push to DockerHub id: docker_build uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 if: ${{ matrix.status == 'LTS' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} with: context: . push: true tags: rcjsuen/docker-langserver:latest - name: Coveralls uses: coverallsapp/github-action@master if: ${{ matrix.status == 'LTS' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
Change LTS to Node.js 16.x
Change LTS to Node.js 16.x Signed-off-by: Remy Suen <[email protected]>
## Code Before: name: Node.js Builds on: [push] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - node-version: 12.x - node-version: 14.x status: "LTS" - node-version: 16.x steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - name: Build run: | npm install npm run build - name: Package run: npm pack - name: Test run: npm run nyc-ci - name: Login to DockerHub uses: docker/login-action@v1 if: ${{ matrix.status == 'LTS' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Build and push to DockerHub id: docker_build uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 if: ${{ matrix.status == 'LTS' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} with: context: . push: true tags: rcjsuen/docker-langserver:latest - name: Coveralls uses: coverallsapp/github-action@master if: ${{ matrix.status == 'LTS' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} ## Instruction: Change LTS to Node.js 16.x Signed-off-by: Remy Suen <[email protected]> ## Code After: name: Node.js Builds on: [push] jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - node-version: 12.x - node-version: 14.x - node-version: 16.x status: "LTS" steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }} uses: actions/setup-node@v1 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - name: Build run: | npm install npm run build - name: Package run: npm pack - name: Test run: npm run nyc-ci - name: Login to DockerHub uses: docker/login-action@v1 if: ${{ matrix.status == 'LTS' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Build and push to DockerHub id: docker_build uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 if: ${{ matrix.status == 'LTS' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} with: context: . push: true tags: rcjsuen/docker-langserver:latest - name: Coveralls uses: coverallsapp/github-action@master if: ${{ matrix.status == 'LTS' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
grep -r '^[^:][^:]*:[^:][^:]*:[[:space:]]*$' artifact_descriptors.sls > existing.order.txt grep -r '^[^:][^:]*:[^:][^:]*:[[:space:]]*$' artifact_descriptors.sls | sort > required.order.txt echo "Compare order of entries in the files using one of the command below:" 1>&2 echo " meld existing.order.txt required.order.txt" 1>&2 echo " diff existing.order.txt required.order.txt" 1>&2
set -e set -u # This is a helper script to generate required and existing order # of items inside `artifact_descriptors.sls` file. # Note that duplicates also cause error code in addition to unordered ones. # The search is done for strings (keys) containing GROUP_ID:ARTIFACT_ID. grep -r '^[^:][^:]*:[^:][^:]*:[[:space:]]*$' artifact_descriptors.sls > existing.order.txt grep -r '^[^:][^:]*:[^:][^:]*:[[:space:]]*$' artifact_descriptors.sls | sort -u > required.order.txt set -e diff existing.order.txt required.order.txt 1>&2 RET_VAL="$?" set +e if [ "${RET_VAL}" != "0" ] then echo "WARNING: The list of artifacts is not ordered or has duplicates." 1>&2 echo " The order is required to simplify merging of concurrent changes." 1>&2 echo "Compare order of entries in the files using one of the command below:" 1>&2 echo " meld existing.order.txt required.order.txt" 1>&2 echo " diff existing.order.txt required.order.txt" 1>&2 exit "${RET_VAL}" else echo "INFO: Files existing.order.txt required.order.txt are the same." 1>&2 fi
Add exit code if artifacts not ordered or dup-ed
Add exit code if artifacts not ordered or dup-ed
## Code Before: grep -r '^[^:][^:]*:[^:][^:]*:[[:space:]]*$' artifact_descriptors.sls > existing.order.txt grep -r '^[^:][^:]*:[^:][^:]*:[[:space:]]*$' artifact_descriptors.sls | sort > required.order.txt echo "Compare order of entries in the files using one of the command below:" 1>&2 echo " meld existing.order.txt required.order.txt" 1>&2 echo " diff existing.order.txt required.order.txt" 1>&2 ## Instruction: Add exit code if artifacts not ordered or dup-ed ## Code After: set -e set -u # This is a helper script to generate required and existing order # of items inside `artifact_descriptors.sls` file. # Note that duplicates also cause error code in addition to unordered ones. # The search is done for strings (keys) containing GROUP_ID:ARTIFACT_ID. grep -r '^[^:][^:]*:[^:][^:]*:[[:space:]]*$' artifact_descriptors.sls > existing.order.txt grep -r '^[^:][^:]*:[^:][^:]*:[[:space:]]*$' artifact_descriptors.sls | sort -u > required.order.txt set -e diff existing.order.txt required.order.txt 1>&2 RET_VAL="$?" set +e if [ "${RET_VAL}" != "0" ] then echo "WARNING: The list of artifacts is not ordered or has duplicates." 1>&2 echo " The order is required to simplify merging of concurrent changes." 1>&2 echo "Compare order of entries in the files using one of the command below:" 1>&2 echo " meld existing.order.txt required.order.txt" 1>&2 echo " diff existing.order.txt required.order.txt" 1>&2 exit "${RET_VAL}" else echo "INFO: Files existing.order.txt required.order.txt are the same." 1>&2 fi
Demo project: AngularJS component to manage tasks between multiple users [![Build Status](]( ## How to run this project You need git and NodeJS installed on your computer. ###1. Clone the git repository ```bash git clone ``` ###2. Install the project dependencies ```bash cd NgTeamTask npm install ``` ###3. Start project (local web server and browser) ```bash npm start ``` This project works out of the box with the NetBeans IDE 8.1.
Demo project: AngularJS component to manage tasks between multiple users<br /> [![Build Status](]( (Currently only checks if compilation of SASS file is sucessful) ## How to run this project You need git and NodeJS installed on your computer. ###1. Clone the git repository ```bash git clone ``` ###2. Install the project dependencies ```bash cd NgTeamTask npm install ``` ###3. Start project (local web server and browser) ```bash npm start ``` This project works out of the box with the NetBeans IDE 8.1.
Add description for travis build
Add description for travis build
## Code Before: Demo project: AngularJS component to manage tasks between multiple users [![Build Status](]( ## How to run this project You need git and NodeJS installed on your computer. ###1. Clone the git repository ```bash git clone ``` ###2. Install the project dependencies ```bash cd NgTeamTask npm install ``` ###3. Start project (local web server and browser) ```bash npm start ``` This project works out of the box with the NetBeans IDE 8.1. ## Instruction: Add description for travis build ## Code After: Demo project: AngularJS component to manage tasks between multiple users<br /> [![Build Status](]( (Currently only checks if compilation of SASS file is sucessful) ## How to run this project You need git and NodeJS installed on your computer. ###1. Clone the git repository ```bash git clone ``` ###2. Install the project dependencies ```bash cd NgTeamTask npm install ``` ###3. Start project (local web server and browser) ```bash npm start ``` This project works out of the box with the NetBeans IDE 8.1.
SDL2 Pong ========== Simple implementation of pong using SDL2.0 This is a single player game with the second paddle being controlled by an *extremely* simple AI. ![Pong on Kubuntu](img/sdl_pong2.png) Controls -------- * Up - move up * Down - move down * Escape - Exit Requirements ------------ You require the SDL2.0 development libraries along with the following extensions: * SDL_ttf * SDL_image Building -------- Simply Navigate to the src directory and type `make` Executing --------- Run `pong.exe` Notes ----- This was tested on a Linux machine (64bit) but should also work and compile on Windows and Mac OSX given the right development tools.
SDL2 Pong ========== Simple implementation of pong using SDL2.0 This is a single player game with the second paddle being controlled by an *extremely* simple AI. ![Pong on Kubuntu](img/sdl_pong2.png) Controls -------- * Up - move up * Down - move down * Escape - Exit Controller Support ------------------ The game has very basic controller support. You can use the up and down buttons to move your paddle. I also introduced some basic haptic feedback when the ball hits a paddle or one of the players score a point. Requirements ------------ You require the SDL2.0 development libraries along with the following extensions: * SDL_ttf * SDL_image Building -------- Simply Navigate to the src directory and type `make` Executing --------- Run `pong.exe` Notes ----- This was tested on a Linux machine (64bit) but should also work and compile on Windows and Mac OSX given the right development tools.
Add note about controller support
Add note about controller support Haptic feedback also included
## Code Before: SDL2 Pong ========== Simple implementation of pong using SDL2.0 This is a single player game with the second paddle being controlled by an *extremely* simple AI. ![Pong on Kubuntu](img/sdl_pong2.png) Controls -------- * Up - move up * Down - move down * Escape - Exit Requirements ------------ You require the SDL2.0 development libraries along with the following extensions: * SDL_ttf * SDL_image Building -------- Simply Navigate to the src directory and type `make` Executing --------- Run `pong.exe` Notes ----- This was tested on a Linux machine (64bit) but should also work and compile on Windows and Mac OSX given the right development tools. ## Instruction: Add note about controller support Haptic feedback also included ## Code After: SDL2 Pong ========== Simple implementation of pong using SDL2.0 This is a single player game with the second paddle being controlled by an *extremely* simple AI. ![Pong on Kubuntu](img/sdl_pong2.png) Controls -------- * Up - move up * Down - move down * Escape - Exit Controller Support ------------------ The game has very basic controller support. You can use the up and down buttons to move your paddle. I also introduced some basic haptic feedback when the ball hits a paddle or one of the players score a point. Requirements ------------ You require the SDL2.0 development libraries along with the following extensions: * SDL_ttf * SDL_image Building -------- Simply Navigate to the src directory and type `make` Executing --------- Run `pong.exe` Notes ----- This was tested on a Linux machine (64bit) but should also work and compile on Windows and Mac OSX given the right development tools.
language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 - 2.0.0 - 2.1.10 - 2.2.5 - 2.3.1 matrix: allow_failures: - rvm: 1.9.3 - rvm: 2.0.0 before_install: # this is a fix to get rng-tools to work in travis-ci - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install --yes rng-tools - sudo rm -f /dev/random - sudo mknod -m 0666 /dev/random c 1 9 - echo HRNGDEVICE=/dev/urandom | sudo tee /etc/default/rng-tools - sudo /etc/init.d/rng-tools restart script: travis_wait bundle exec rake TESTOPTS="-v" after_failure: "find tmp -name compile.log -exec cat {} \\;"
language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 - 2.0.0 - 2.1.10 - 2.2.9 - 2.3.6 - 2.4.3 - 2.5.0 matrix: allow_failures: - rvm: 1.9.3 - rvm: 2.0.0 before_install: # this is a fix to get rng-tools to work in travis-ci - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install --yes rng-tools - sudo rm -f /dev/random - sudo mknod -m 0666 /dev/random c 1 9 - echo HRNGDEVICE=/dev/urandom | sudo tee /etc/default/rng-tools - sudo /etc/init.d/rng-tools restart script: travis_wait bundle exec rake TESTOPTS="-v" after_failure: "find tmp -name compile.log -exec cat {} \\;"
Test against Ruby 2.4 and .5
[CI] Test against Ruby 2.4 and .5
## Code Before: language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 - 2.0.0 - 2.1.10 - 2.2.5 - 2.3.1 matrix: allow_failures: - rvm: 1.9.3 - rvm: 2.0.0 before_install: # this is a fix to get rng-tools to work in travis-ci - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install --yes rng-tools - sudo rm -f /dev/random - sudo mknod -m 0666 /dev/random c 1 9 - echo HRNGDEVICE=/dev/urandom | sudo tee /etc/default/rng-tools - sudo /etc/init.d/rng-tools restart script: travis_wait bundle exec rake TESTOPTS="-v" after_failure: "find tmp -name compile.log -exec cat {} \\;" ## Instruction: [CI] Test against Ruby 2.4 and .5 ## Code After: language: ruby rvm: - 1.9.3 - 2.0.0 - 2.1.10 - 2.2.9 - 2.3.6 - 2.4.3 - 2.5.0 matrix: allow_failures: - rvm: 1.9.3 - rvm: 2.0.0 before_install: # this is a fix to get rng-tools to work in travis-ci - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install --yes rng-tools - sudo rm -f /dev/random - sudo mknod -m 0666 /dev/random c 1 9 - echo HRNGDEVICE=/dev/urandom | sudo tee /etc/default/rng-tools - sudo /etc/init.d/rng-tools restart script: travis_wait bundle exec rake TESTOPTS="-v" after_failure: "find tmp -name compile.log -exec cat {} \\;"
<?php namespace DoctrineMigrations; /* update cc_files table to include to "directory" column as well as add foreign key relation to cc_music_dirs table. */ use Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\AbstractMigration, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema; class Version20110711161043 extends AbstractMigration { public function up(Schema $schema) { //CREATE the default value of "/srv/airtime/stor", this can be updated later in the upgrade script. $this->_addSql("INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (type, directory) VALUES ('stor', '/srv/airtime/stor');"); $this->_addSql("INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (type, directory) VALUES ('upgrade', '');"); } public function postUp(Schema $schema){ $cc_music_dirs = $schema->getTable('cc_music_dirs'); //start cc_files modifications $cc_files = $schema->getTable('cc_files'); $cc_files->addColumn('directory', 'integer', array('default'=> 2)); $cc_files->addNamedForeignKeyConstraint('cc_music_dirs_folder_fkey', $cc_music_dirs, array('directory'), array('id'), array('onDelete' => 'CASCADE')); //end cc_files modifications } public function down(Schema $schema) { } }
<?php namespace DoctrineMigrations; /* update cc_files table to include to "directory" column as well as add foreign key relation to cc_music_dirs table. */ use Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\AbstractMigration, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema; class Version20110711161043 extends AbstractMigration { public function up(Schema $schema) { //CREATE the default value of "/srv/airtime/stor", this can be updated later in the upgrade script. $this->_addSql("INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (type, directory) VALUES ('stor', '/srv/airtime/stor');"); $this->_addSql("INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (type, directory) VALUES ('upgrade', '');"); $cc_music_dirs = $schema->getTable('cc_music_dirs'); //start cc_files modifications $cc_files = $schema->getTable('cc_files'); $cc_files->addColumn('directory', 'integer', array('default'=> 2)); $cc_files->addNamedForeignKeyConstraint('cc_music_dirs_folder_fkey', $cc_music_dirs, array('directory'), array('id'), array('onDelete' => 'CASCADE')); //end cc_files modifications } public function down(Schema $schema) { } }
Upgrade script for converting stor directory to new format
CC-2279: Upgrade script for converting stor directory to new format -almost there...
## Code Before: <?php namespace DoctrineMigrations; /* update cc_files table to include to "directory" column as well as add foreign key relation to cc_music_dirs table. */ use Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\AbstractMigration, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema; class Version20110711161043 extends AbstractMigration { public function up(Schema $schema) { //CREATE the default value of "/srv/airtime/stor", this can be updated later in the upgrade script. $this->_addSql("INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (type, directory) VALUES ('stor', '/srv/airtime/stor');"); $this->_addSql("INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (type, directory) VALUES ('upgrade', '');"); } public function postUp(Schema $schema){ $cc_music_dirs = $schema->getTable('cc_music_dirs'); //start cc_files modifications $cc_files = $schema->getTable('cc_files'); $cc_files->addColumn('directory', 'integer', array('default'=> 2)); $cc_files->addNamedForeignKeyConstraint('cc_music_dirs_folder_fkey', $cc_music_dirs, array('directory'), array('id'), array('onDelete' => 'CASCADE')); //end cc_files modifications } public function down(Schema $schema) { } } ## Instruction: CC-2279: Upgrade script for converting stor directory to new format -almost there... ## Code After: <?php namespace DoctrineMigrations; /* update cc_files table to include to "directory" column as well as add foreign key relation to cc_music_dirs table. */ use Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\AbstractMigration, Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema; class Version20110711161043 extends AbstractMigration { public function up(Schema $schema) { //CREATE the default value of "/srv/airtime/stor", this can be updated later in the upgrade script. $this->_addSql("INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (type, directory) VALUES ('stor', '/srv/airtime/stor');"); $this->_addSql("INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (type, directory) VALUES ('upgrade', '');"); $cc_music_dirs = $schema->getTable('cc_music_dirs'); //start cc_files modifications $cc_files = $schema->getTable('cc_files'); $cc_files->addColumn('directory', 'integer', array('default'=> 2)); $cc_files->addNamedForeignKeyConstraint('cc_music_dirs_folder_fkey', $cc_music_dirs, array('directory'), array('id'), array('onDelete' => 'CASCADE')); //end cc_files modifications } public function down(Schema $schema) { } }
add_swift_library(swiftsimd SHARED IS_STDLIB simd.swift.gyb SWIFT_COMPILE_FLAGS -Xfrontend -sil-serialize-all SWIFT_MODULE_DEPENDS Darwin INSTALL_IN_COMPONENT stdlib)
add_swift_library(swiftsimd IS_SDK_OVERLAY simd.swift.gyb SWIFT_COMPILE_FLAGS -Xfrontend -sil-serialize-all SWIFT_MODULE_DEPENDS Darwin)
Make the 'simd' module build like the rest of the overlays.
Make the 'simd' module build like the rest of the overlays. At one point we were considering it to be a replacement rather than an overlay, but that's not where we are today. We can revisit that later. Necessary for next commit. Swift SVN r29438
## Code Before: add_swift_library(swiftsimd SHARED IS_STDLIB simd.swift.gyb SWIFT_COMPILE_FLAGS -Xfrontend -sil-serialize-all SWIFT_MODULE_DEPENDS Darwin INSTALL_IN_COMPONENT stdlib) ## Instruction: Make the 'simd' module build like the rest of the overlays. At one point we were considering it to be a replacement rather than an overlay, but that's not where we are today. We can revisit that later. Necessary for next commit. Swift SVN r29438 ## Code After: add_swift_library(swiftsimd IS_SDK_OVERLAY simd.swift.gyb SWIFT_COMPILE_FLAGS -Xfrontend -sil-serialize-all SWIFT_MODULE_DEPENDS Darwin)
<server description="<%= @description %>"> <!-- Enable features --> <featureManager> <% @features.each do |feature| -%> <feature><%= feature %></feature> <% end -%> </featureManager> <% @httpendpoints.each do |httpendpoint| -%> <httpEndpoint id="<%= httpendpoint["id"] %>" host="<%= httpendpoint["host"] %>" httpPort="<%= httpendpoint["httpport"] %>" httpsPort="<%= httpendpoint["httpsport"] %>" /> <% end -%> <% if @includes != nil && @includes.size > 0 -%> <% @includes.each do |include| -%> <include location="<%= include %>" /> <% end -%> <% end -%> </server>
<server description="<%= @description %>"> <!-- Enable features --> <% if @features != nil && @features.size > 0 -%> <featureManager> <% @features.each do |feature| -%> <feature><%= feature %></feature> <% end -%> </featureManager> <% end -%> <% if @httpendpoints != nil && @httpendpoints.size > 0 -%> <% @httpendpoints.each do |httpendpoint| -%> <httpEndpoint id="<%= httpendpoint["id"] -%>" <% if httpendpoint["host"] != nil -%> host="<%= httpendpoint["host"] %>" <% end -%> <% if httpendpoint["httpport"] != nil -%> httpPort="<%= httpendpoint["httpport"] %>" <% end -%> <% if httpendpoint["httpsport"] != nil -%> httpsPort="<%= httpendpoint["httpsport"] %>" <% end -%> /> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% if @includes != nil && @includes.size > 0 -%> <% @includes.each do |include| -%> <include location="<%= include %>" /> <% end -%> <% end -%> </server>
Update template to make elements and attributes optional.
Update template to make elements and attributes optional.
## Code Before: <server description="<%= @description %>"> <!-- Enable features --> <featureManager> <% @features.each do |feature| -%> <feature><%= feature %></feature> <% end -%> </featureManager> <% @httpendpoints.each do |httpendpoint| -%> <httpEndpoint id="<%= httpendpoint["id"] %>" host="<%= httpendpoint["host"] %>" httpPort="<%= httpendpoint["httpport"] %>" httpsPort="<%= httpendpoint["httpsport"] %>" /> <% end -%> <% if @includes != nil && @includes.size > 0 -%> <% @includes.each do |include| -%> <include location="<%= include %>" /> <% end -%> <% end -%> </server> ## Instruction: Update template to make elements and attributes optional. ## Code After: <server description="<%= @description %>"> <!-- Enable features --> <% if @features != nil && @features.size > 0 -%> <featureManager> <% @features.each do |feature| -%> <feature><%= feature %></feature> <% end -%> </featureManager> <% end -%> <% if @httpendpoints != nil && @httpendpoints.size > 0 -%> <% @httpendpoints.each do |httpendpoint| -%> <httpEndpoint id="<%= httpendpoint["id"] -%>" <% if httpendpoint["host"] != nil -%> host="<%= httpendpoint["host"] %>" <% end -%> <% if httpendpoint["httpport"] != nil -%> httpPort="<%= httpendpoint["httpport"] %>" <% end -%> <% if httpendpoint["httpsport"] != nil -%> httpsPort="<%= httpendpoint["httpsport"] %>" <% end -%> /> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% if @includes != nil && @includes.size > 0 -%> <% @includes.each do |include| -%> <include location="<%= include %>" /> <% end -%> <% end -%> </server>
--- layout: documentation title: Protect The Lounge with HTTPS --- In this guide, we will see how to easily configure The Lounge to be served over [HTTPS]( for better security and privacy. First, you need an HTTPS certificate. [Let's Encrypt]( is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority that provides completely free HTTPS certificates. Assuming you have a valid email address at `[email protected]`, and want to serve The Lounge at ``, run these commands on your server: ``` git clone cd letsencrypt/ ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone --email [email protected] -d ``` Follow the instructions on screen. This should generate a private key, as well as your HTTPS certificate that will expire after 90 days. Open your configuration file, located at `${THELOUNGE_HOME}/config.js` and look for the `https` key, and set the following values: - Change `enable` to `true` - Set `key` to the private key path that was generated, `privkey.pem` - Set `certificate` to the certificate path, `fullchain.pem` Let's Encrypt will create its `/etc/letsencrypt` folder as root user, so you might have to change the owner of these files to the user that runs The Lounge.
--- layout: documentation title: Protect The Lounge with HTTPS --- In this guide, we will see how to easily configure The Lounge to be served over [HTTPS]( for better security and privacy. {: .alert.alert-warning role="alert"} The Lounge only has basic HTTPS support, and will need to be manually to reload certificates on renewal. For advanced HTTPS support, consider [using a reverse proxy](/docs/guides/reverse-proxies.html). First, you need an HTTPS certificate. [Let's Encrypt]( is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority that provides completely free HTTPS certificates. Assuming you have a valid email address at `[email protected]`, and want to serve The Lounge at ``, run these commands on your server: ``` git clone cd letsencrypt/ ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone --email [email protected] -d ``` Follow the instructions on screen. This should generate a private key, as well as your HTTPS certificate that will expire after 90 days. Open your configuration file, located at `${THELOUNGE_HOME}/config.js` and look for the `https` key, and set the following values: - Change `enable` to `true` - Set `key` to the private key path that was generated, `privkey.pem` - Set `certificate` to the certificate path, `fullchain.pem` Let's Encrypt will create its `/etc/letsencrypt` folder as root user, so you might have to change the owner of these files to the user that runs The Lounge.
Add a note to recommend using a reverse proxy for advanced HTTPS support
Add a note to recommend using a reverse proxy for advanced HTTPS support
## Code Before: --- layout: documentation title: Protect The Lounge with HTTPS --- In this guide, we will see how to easily configure The Lounge to be served over [HTTPS]( for better security and privacy. First, you need an HTTPS certificate. [Let's Encrypt]( is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority that provides completely free HTTPS certificates. Assuming you have a valid email address at `[email protected]`, and want to serve The Lounge at ``, run these commands on your server: ``` git clone cd letsencrypt/ ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone --email [email protected] -d ``` Follow the instructions on screen. This should generate a private key, as well as your HTTPS certificate that will expire after 90 days. Open your configuration file, located at `${THELOUNGE_HOME}/config.js` and look for the `https` key, and set the following values: - Change `enable` to `true` - Set `key` to the private key path that was generated, `privkey.pem` - Set `certificate` to the certificate path, `fullchain.pem` Let's Encrypt will create its `/etc/letsencrypt` folder as root user, so you might have to change the owner of these files to the user that runs The Lounge. ## Instruction: Add a note to recommend using a reverse proxy for advanced HTTPS support ## Code After: --- layout: documentation title: Protect The Lounge with HTTPS --- In this guide, we will see how to easily configure The Lounge to be served over [HTTPS]( for better security and privacy. {: .alert.alert-warning role="alert"} The Lounge only has basic HTTPS support, and will need to be manually to reload certificates on renewal. For advanced HTTPS support, consider [using a reverse proxy](/docs/guides/reverse-proxies.html). First, you need an HTTPS certificate. [Let's Encrypt]( is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority that provides completely free HTTPS certificates. Assuming you have a valid email address at `[email protected]`, and want to serve The Lounge at ``, run these commands on your server: ``` git clone cd letsencrypt/ ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone --email [email protected] -d ``` Follow the instructions on screen. This should generate a private key, as well as your HTTPS certificate that will expire after 90 days. Open your configuration file, located at `${THELOUNGE_HOME}/config.js` and look for the `https` key, and set the following values: - Change `enable` to `true` - Set `key` to the private key path that was generated, `privkey.pem` - Set `certificate` to the certificate path, `fullchain.pem` Let's Encrypt will create its `/etc/letsencrypt` folder as root user, so you might have to change the owner of these files to the user that runs The Lounge.
/opt/omnibus-gcc/embedded/bin/gcc --version | grep "4.9.2"
version=$(cat VERSION) curl "${version}/el/6/omnibus-gcc-${version}-1.el6.x86_64.rpm" -O sudo yum install "omnibus-gcc-${version}-1.el6.x86_64.rpm" -y rm -f "omnibus-gcc-${version}-1.el6.x86_64.rpm" /opt/omnibus-gcc/embedded/bin/gcc --version | grep "4.9.2"
Fix test to pull rpm
Fix test to pull rpm Signed-off-by: Scott Hain <[email protected]>
## Code Before: /opt/omnibus-gcc/embedded/bin/gcc --version | grep "4.9.2" ## Instruction: Fix test to pull rpm Signed-off-by: Scott Hain <[email protected]> ## Code After: version=$(cat VERSION) curl "${version}/el/6/omnibus-gcc-${version}-1.el6.x86_64.rpm" -O sudo yum install "omnibus-gcc-${version}-1.el6.x86_64.rpm" -y rm -f "omnibus-gcc-${version}-1.el6.x86_64.rpm" /opt/omnibus-gcc/embedded/bin/gcc --version | grep "4.9.2"
<%- model_class = ApplicationGroup -%> <%t '.title', :default => model_class.model_name.human.pluralize.titleize %> <div class="page-header"> <%= render 'shared/breadcrumb', crumbs: ['Application Groups'] %> </div> <table class="table table-condensed"> <thead> <tr> <th>Primary Applicant</th> <th>No. Applicants</th> <th>No. Enrollments</th> <th>Submitted Date</th> </tr> </thead> <% @application_groups.each do |ag| %> <tbody> <tr> <td><%= link_to prepend_glyph_to_name(ag.primary_applicant_id), application_group_path(ag) %> </td> <td><%= ag.applicants.size %></td> <td><%= ag.hbx_enrollments.size %></td> <td><%= ag.submitted_date %></td> </tr> </tbody> <% end %> </table> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <%= paginate @application_groups, theme: "twitter-bootstrap", pagination_class: "pagination-plain" %> </div> <div class="rol-md-4"> <p><%= "#{number_with_delimiter(@application_groups.count)} / #{number_with_delimiter(ApplicationGroup.count)} " %><small>(Application Groups selected / total)</small></p> </div> </div>
<%- model_class = ApplicationGroup -%> <%t '.title', :default => model_class.model_name.human.pluralize.titleize %> <div class="page-header"> <%= render 'shared/breadcrumb', crumbs: ['Application Groups'] %> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-offset-8 col-md-4"> <%= render 'shared/search', url: people_path, q: @q, placeholder: "Name, HBX ID, SSN" %> </div> </div> </div> <%= render "application_group_list", application_groups: @application_groups %> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <%= paginate @application_groups, theme: "twitter-bootstrap", pagination_class: "pagination-plain" %> </div> <div class="rol-md-4"> <p><%= "#{number_with_delimiter(@application_groups.count)} / #{number_with_delimiter(ApplicationGroup.count)} " %><small>(Application Groups selected / total)</small></p> </div> </div>
Add search box. Move applicant list to partial
Add search box. Move applicant list to partial
## Code Before: <%- model_class = ApplicationGroup -%> <%t '.title', :default => model_class.model_name.human.pluralize.titleize %> <div class="page-header"> <%= render 'shared/breadcrumb', crumbs: ['Application Groups'] %> </div> <table class="table table-condensed"> <thead> <tr> <th>Primary Applicant</th> <th>No. Applicants</th> <th>No. Enrollments</th> <th>Submitted Date</th> </tr> </thead> <% @application_groups.each do |ag| %> <tbody> <tr> <td><%= link_to prepend_glyph_to_name(ag.primary_applicant_id), application_group_path(ag) %> </td> <td><%= ag.applicants.size %></td> <td><%= ag.hbx_enrollments.size %></td> <td><%= ag.submitted_date %></td> </tr> </tbody> <% end %> </table> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <%= paginate @application_groups, theme: "twitter-bootstrap", pagination_class: "pagination-plain" %> </div> <div class="rol-md-4"> <p><%= "#{number_with_delimiter(@application_groups.count)} / #{number_with_delimiter(ApplicationGroup.count)} " %><small>(Application Groups selected / total)</small></p> </div> </div> ## Instruction: Add search box. Move applicant list to partial ## Code After: <%- model_class = ApplicationGroup -%> <%t '.title', :default => model_class.model_name.human.pluralize.titleize %> <div class="page-header"> <%= render 'shared/breadcrumb', crumbs: ['Application Groups'] %> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-offset-8 col-md-4"> <%= render 'shared/search', url: people_path, q: @q, placeholder: "Name, HBX ID, SSN" %> </div> </div> </div> <%= render "application_group_list", application_groups: @application_groups %> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-8"> <%= paginate @application_groups, theme: "twitter-bootstrap", pagination_class: "pagination-plain" %> </div> <div class="rol-md-4"> <p><%= "#{number_with_delimiter(@application_groups.count)} / #{number_with_delimiter(ApplicationGroup.count)} " %><small>(Application Groups selected / total)</small></p> </div> </div>
Repo of the bits and pieces of filling your google spreadsheet using a html form and input tags
I have been trying to figure this out for a while, and after googling away for the last week and a half or so I think I've been able to put the pieces together on how you can successfully and _unseccurely_ collect **insensitive** user information from your website page and populate a google spreadsheet. #### Early warning: In all honestly it might be way easier to just set up a google form and direct users to the form link and have the form submit the results to a spreadsheet. Also tThis should not under any circumstances be treated as an alternative to a proper database. That being said, I think this is a very easy and highly customizable way to collect data from different sources and have it fill up a spreadsheet and from there the possibilities are endless. ### Step 1 ### Step 2 ### Step 3 ### Step 4 ### Step 5
Add initial wireframe of the readme
Add initial wireframe of the readme
## Code Before: Repo of the bits and pieces of filling your google spreadsheet using a html form and input tags ## Instruction: Add initial wireframe of the readme ## Code After: I have been trying to figure this out for a while, and after googling away for the last week and a half or so I think I've been able to put the pieces together on how you can successfully and _unseccurely_ collect **insensitive** user information from your website page and populate a google spreadsheet. #### Early warning: In all honestly it might be way easier to just set up a google form and direct users to the form link and have the form submit the results to a spreadsheet. Also tThis should not under any circumstances be treated as an alternative to a proper database. That being said, I think this is a very easy and highly customizable way to collect data from different sources and have it fill up a spreadsheet and from there the possibilities are endless. ### Step 1 ### Step 2 ### Step 3 ### Step 4 ### Step 5
'use strict'; define(['jquery'], function ($) { return { init: function () { var inIframe = window !== && typeof !== "undefined"; var tabId = inIframe ?'sf_tabId') : ''; var siteRoot = inIframe ?'sf_siteRoot') : ''; var antiForgeryToken = inIframe ?'__RequestVerificationToken')[0].value : ''; var config = $.extend({}, { tabId: tabId, siteRoot: siteRoot, antiForgeryToken: antiForgeryToken }, inIframe ? window.parent['personaBarSettings'] : {}); return config; } }; });
'use strict'; define(['jquery'], function ($) { return { init: function () { var inIframe = window.parent && typeof window.parent.dnn !== "undefined"; var tabId = inIframe ? window.parent.dnn.getVar('sf_tabId') : ''; var siteRoot = inIframe ? window.parent.dnn.getVar('sf_siteRoot') : ''; var antiForgeryToken = inIframe ? window.parent.document.getElementsByName('__RequestVerificationToken')[0].value : ''; var config = $.extend({}, { tabId: tabId, siteRoot: siteRoot, antiForgeryToken: antiForgeryToken }, inIframe ? window.parent['personaBarSettings'] : {}); return config; } }; });
Fix PersonaBar loading when within an iframe
Fix PersonaBar loading when within an iframe
## Code Before: 'use strict'; define(['jquery'], function ($) { return { init: function () { var inIframe = window !== && typeof !== "undefined"; var tabId = inIframe ?'sf_tabId') : ''; var siteRoot = inIframe ?'sf_siteRoot') : ''; var antiForgeryToken = inIframe ?'__RequestVerificationToken')[0].value : ''; var config = $.extend({}, { tabId: tabId, siteRoot: siteRoot, antiForgeryToken: antiForgeryToken }, inIframe ? window.parent['personaBarSettings'] : {}); return config; } }; }); ## Instruction: Fix PersonaBar loading when within an iframe ## Code After: 'use strict'; define(['jquery'], function ($) { return { init: function () { var inIframe = window.parent && typeof window.parent.dnn !== "undefined"; var tabId = inIframe ? window.parent.dnn.getVar('sf_tabId') : ''; var siteRoot = inIframe ? window.parent.dnn.getVar('sf_siteRoot') : ''; var antiForgeryToken = inIframe ? window.parent.document.getElementsByName('__RequestVerificationToken')[0].value : ''; var config = $.extend({}, { tabId: tabId, siteRoot: siteRoot, antiForgeryToken: antiForgeryToken }, inIframe ? window.parent['personaBarSettings'] : {}); return config; } }; });
package com.github.charbgr.cliffhanger.shared.extensions import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup fun ViewGroup.render(layoutId: Int, attachToRoot: Boolean = false): View { return LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(layoutId, this, attachToRoot) }
package com.github.charbgr.cliffhanger.shared.extensions import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup fun ViewGroup.render(layoutId: Int, attachToRoot: Boolean = false): View { return LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(layoutId, this, attachToRoot) } fun View.visibleOrGone(shouldBeVisible: Boolean) { if (shouldBeVisible) { this.visible() } else { this.gone() } } fun View.visible() { this.visibility = View.VISIBLE } fun View.gone() { this.visibility = View.GONE }
Add visible and gone view extensions
Add visible and gone view extensions
## Code Before: package com.github.charbgr.cliffhanger.shared.extensions import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup fun ViewGroup.render(layoutId: Int, attachToRoot: Boolean = false): View { return LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(layoutId, this, attachToRoot) } ## Instruction: Add visible and gone view extensions ## Code After: package com.github.charbgr.cliffhanger.shared.extensions import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup fun ViewGroup.render(layoutId: Int, attachToRoot: Boolean = false): View { return LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(layoutId, this, attachToRoot) } fun View.visibleOrGone(shouldBeVisible: Boolean) { if (shouldBeVisible) { this.visible() } else { this.gone() } } fun View.visible() { this.visibility = View.VISIBLE } fun View.gone() { this.visibility = View.GONE }
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" ) func main() { switch os.Args[1] { case "build": file := os.Args[2] p := pkg.Prepare(file) fmt.Println(p.Info.Name) case "add": fmt.Println("not implemented yet!") } }
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" ) func main() { switch os.Args[1] { default: fmt.Println("no operation specified") case "build": file := os.Args[2] p := pkg.Build(file) fmt.Println(p.Info.Name) case "add": fmt.Println("not implemented yet!") } }
Add default case to operation switch
Add default case to operation switch
## Code Before: package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" ) func main() { switch os.Args[1] { case "build": file := os.Args[2] p := pkg.Prepare(file) fmt.Println(p.Info.Name) case "add": fmt.Println("not implemented yet!") } } ## Instruction: Add default case to operation switch ## Code After: package main import ( "fmt" "os" "" ) func main() { switch os.Args[1] { default: fmt.Println("no operation specified") case "build": file := os.Args[2] p := pkg.Build(file) fmt.Println(p.Info.Name) case "add": fmt.Println("not implemented yet!") } }
before_script: - rm -rf /usr/local/go - apt-get update -qq - apt-get install -y curl unzip bzip2 - curl -O - echo '46eecd290d8803887dec718c691cc243f2175fe0 go1.5.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz' | shasum -c - - tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.5.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz - export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH test: script: make clean test
before_script: - rm -rf /usr/local/go - apt-get update -qq - apt-get install -y curl unzip bzip2 - curl -O - echo 'cae87ed095e8d94a81871281d35da7829bd1234e go1.5.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz' | shasum -c - - tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.5.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz - export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH test: script: make clean test
Use Go 1.5.2 for tests
Use Go 1.5.2 for tests
## Code Before: before_script: - rm -rf /usr/local/go - apt-get update -qq - apt-get install -y curl unzip bzip2 - curl -O - echo '46eecd290d8803887dec718c691cc243f2175fe0 go1.5.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz' | shasum -c - - tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.5.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz - export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH test: script: make clean test ## Instruction: Use Go 1.5.2 for tests ## Code After: before_script: - rm -rf /usr/local/go - apt-get update -qq - apt-get install -y curl unzip bzip2 - curl -O - echo 'cae87ed095e8d94a81871281d35da7829bd1234e go1.5.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz' | shasum -c - - tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.5.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz - export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH test: script: make clean test
Closes #[the issue number this PR is related to] <!-- Explain why this change is needed and the solution you propose. Provide context for others to understand it. --> #### What should we test? <!-- List which features should be tested and how. --> #### Release notes <!-- Write a one liner description of the change to be included in the release notes. Every PR is worth mentioning, because you did it for a reason. --> <!-- Please select one for your PR and delete the other. --> Changelog Category: User facing changes | Technical changes #### Dependencies <!-- Does this PR depend on another one? Add the link or remove this section. --> #### Documentation updates <!-- Are there any wiki pages that need updating after merging this PR? List them here or remove this section. -->
Closes # <!-- Insert issue number here. --> <!-- Explain why this change is needed and the solution you propose. Provide context for others to understand it. --> #### What should we test? <!-- List which features should be tested and how. This can be similar to the Steps to Reproduce in the issue. Also think of other parts of the app which could be affected by your change. --> - Visit ... page. - #### Release notes <!-- Please select one for your PR and delete the other. --> Changelog Category: User facing changes | Technical changes <!-- Choose a pull request title above which explains your change to a a user of the Open Food Network app. --> The title of the pull request will be included in the release notes. #### Dependencies <!-- Does this PR depend on another one? Add the link or remove this section. --> #### Documentation updates <!-- Are there any wiki pages that need updating after merging this PR? List them here or remove this section. -->
Move release notes to the title of the PR
Move release notes to the title of the PR Github can generate release notes from titles automatically. That's much easier than us copying the text from each pull request. Also changed: - Converted instructions for the issue number to a comment to make pasting the issue number easier. - More detail for testing instructions. Many people don't fill them out correctly. - Formatting of comments for better readability.
## Code Before: Closes #[the issue number this PR is related to] <!-- Explain why this change is needed and the solution you propose. Provide context for others to understand it. --> #### What should we test? <!-- List which features should be tested and how. --> #### Release notes <!-- Write a one liner description of the change to be included in the release notes. Every PR is worth mentioning, because you did it for a reason. --> <!-- Please select one for your PR and delete the other. --> Changelog Category: User facing changes | Technical changes #### Dependencies <!-- Does this PR depend on another one? Add the link or remove this section. --> #### Documentation updates <!-- Are there any wiki pages that need updating after merging this PR? List them here or remove this section. --> ## Instruction: Move release notes to the title of the PR Github can generate release notes from titles automatically. That's much easier than us copying the text from each pull request. Also changed: - Converted instructions for the issue number to a comment to make pasting the issue number easier. - More detail for testing instructions. Many people don't fill them out correctly. - Formatting of comments for better readability. ## Code After: Closes # <!-- Insert issue number here. --> <!-- Explain why this change is needed and the solution you propose. Provide context for others to understand it. --> #### What should we test? <!-- List which features should be tested and how. This can be similar to the Steps to Reproduce in the issue. Also think of other parts of the app which could be affected by your change. --> - Visit ... page. - #### Release notes <!-- Please select one for your PR and delete the other. --> Changelog Category: User facing changes | Technical changes <!-- Choose a pull request title above which explains your change to a a user of the Open Food Network app. --> The title of the pull request will be included in the release notes. #### Dependencies <!-- Does this PR depend on another one? Add the link or remove this section. --> #### Documentation updates <!-- Are there any wiki pages that need updating after merging this PR? List them here or remove this section. -->
var browserify = require('browserify') var cp = require('child_process') var envify = require('envify/custom') var fs = require('fs') var once = require('once') var path = require('path') var CHROME = process.env.CHROME || '/Applications/Google\\ Chrome\\\\ Chrome\\ Canary' var BUNDLE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'chrome-app/bundle.js') exports.browserify = function (filename, env, cb) { if (!env) env = {} if (!cb) cb = function () {} cb = once(cb) var b = browserify() b.add(path.join(__dirname, 'client', filename)) b.transform(envify(env)) b.bundle() .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(BUNDLE_PATH)) .on('close', cb) .on('error', cb) } exports.launchBrowser = function () { // chrome 40.0.2188.2 won't open extensions without absolute path. var app = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'test/chrome-app') var command = CHROME + ' --load-and-launch-app=' + app var env = { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '..') } return cp.exec(command, env, function () {}) }
var browserify = require('browserify') var cp = require('child_process') var envify = require('envify/custom') var fs = require('fs') var once = require('once') var path = require('path') var CHROME if (process.env.CHROME) { CHROME = process.env.CHROME } else if (process.platform === 'win32') { CHROME = '"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe"' } else { CHROME = '/Applications/Google\\ Chrome\\\\ Chrome\\ Canary' } var BUNDLE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'chrome-app/bundle.js') exports.browserify = function (filename, env, cb) { if (!env) env = {} if (!cb) cb = function () {} cb = once(cb) var b = browserify() b.add(path.join(__dirname, 'client', filename)) b.transform(envify(env)) b.bundle() .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(BUNDLE_PATH)) .on('close', cb) .on('error', cb) } exports.launchBrowser = function () { // chrome 40.0.2188.2 won't open extensions without absolute path. var app = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'test/chrome-app') var command = CHROME + ' --load-and-launch-app=' + app var env = { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '..') } return cp.exec(command, env, function () {}) }
Add Chrome path for Windows
tests: Add Chrome path for Windows
## Code Before: var browserify = require('browserify') var cp = require('child_process') var envify = require('envify/custom') var fs = require('fs') var once = require('once') var path = require('path') var CHROME = process.env.CHROME || '/Applications/Google\\ Chrome\\\\ Chrome\\ Canary' var BUNDLE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'chrome-app/bundle.js') exports.browserify = function (filename, env, cb) { if (!env) env = {} if (!cb) cb = function () {} cb = once(cb) var b = browserify() b.add(path.join(__dirname, 'client', filename)) b.transform(envify(env)) b.bundle() .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(BUNDLE_PATH)) .on('close', cb) .on('error', cb) } exports.launchBrowser = function () { // chrome 40.0.2188.2 won't open extensions without absolute path. var app = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'test/chrome-app') var command = CHROME + ' --load-and-launch-app=' + app var env = { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '..') } return cp.exec(command, env, function () {}) } ## Instruction: tests: Add Chrome path for Windows ## Code After: var browserify = require('browserify') var cp = require('child_process') var envify = require('envify/custom') var fs = require('fs') var once = require('once') var path = require('path') var CHROME if (process.env.CHROME) { CHROME = process.env.CHROME } else if (process.platform === 'win32') { CHROME = '"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe"' } else { CHROME = '/Applications/Google\\ Chrome\\\\ Chrome\\ Canary' } var BUNDLE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'chrome-app/bundle.js') exports.browserify = function (filename, env, cb) { if (!env) env = {} if (!cb) cb = function () {} cb = once(cb) var b = browserify() b.add(path.join(__dirname, 'client', filename)) b.transform(envify(env)) b.bundle() .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(BUNDLE_PATH)) .on('close', cb) .on('error', cb) } exports.launchBrowser = function () { // chrome 40.0.2188.2 won't open extensions without absolute path. var app = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'test/chrome-app') var command = CHROME + ' --load-and-launch-app=' + app var env = { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '..') } return cp.exec(command, env, function () {}) }
module ToyRobotSimulator class Simulator end end
module ToyRobotSimulator class Simulator attr_accessor :controller def initialize welcome_message while line = $stdin.gets do break if line.downcase.include? "quit" puts line end end def welcome_message puts %Q( This is the Toy Robot Simulator Code Challenge!\n Enter with #{available_commands}\n or type QUIT to end the simulator! Good game!\n ) end def available_commands ["PLACE", "MOVE", "LEFT", "RIGHT"].join(', ') end end end
Create Simulator with a finite loop that receives commands
Create Simulator with a finite loop that receives commands
## Code Before: module ToyRobotSimulator class Simulator end end ## Instruction: Create Simulator with a finite loop that receives commands ## Code After: module ToyRobotSimulator class Simulator attr_accessor :controller def initialize welcome_message while line = $stdin.gets do break if line.downcase.include? "quit" puts line end end def welcome_message puts %Q( This is the Toy Robot Simulator Code Challenge!\n Enter with #{available_commands}\n or type QUIT to end the simulator! Good game!\n ) end def available_commands ["PLACE", "MOVE", "LEFT", "RIGHT"].join(', ') end end end
MACHINE="-m cray" # Swift special setting for Titan export TITAN=true # Default PROJECT for CANDLE export PROJECT=${PROJECT:-CSC249ADOA01}
MACHINE="-m cray" # Swift special setting for Titan export TITAN=true # Default PROJECT for CANDLE #export PROJECT=${PROJECT:-CSC249ADOA01} export PROJECT=${PROJECT:-MED106}
Change default project to MED106 for titan
Change default project to MED106 for titan
## Code Before: MACHINE="-m cray" # Swift special setting for Titan export TITAN=true # Default PROJECT for CANDLE export PROJECT=${PROJECT:-CSC249ADOA01} ## Instruction: Change default project to MED106 for titan ## Code After: MACHINE="-m cray" # Swift special setting for Titan export TITAN=true # Default PROJECT for CANDLE #export PROJECT=${PROJECT:-CSC249ADOA01} export PROJECT=${PROJECT:-MED106}
The swap plugin collects system swap metrics. For a more information on what swap memory is, read [All about Linux swap space]( ### Configuration: ```toml # Read metrics about swap memory usage [[inputs.swap]] # no configuration ``` ### Metrics: - swap - fields: - free (int) - total (int) - used (int) - used_percent (float) - sin (int) - sout (int) ### Example Output: ``` swap total=20855394304i,used_percent=45.43883523785713,used=9476448256i,free=1715331072i 1511894782000000000 ```
The swap plugin collects system swap metrics. For a more information on what swap memory is, read [All about Linux swap space]( ### Configuration: ```toml # Read metrics about swap memory usage [[inputs.swap]] # no configuration ``` ### Metrics: - swap - fields: - free (int) - total (int) - used (int) - used_percent (float) - in (int) - out (int) ### Example Output: ``` swap total=20855394304i,used_percent=45.43883523785713,used=9476448256i,free=1715331072i 1511894782000000000 ```
Fix field name typo in swap documentation
Fix field name typo in swap documentation
## Code Before: The swap plugin collects system swap metrics. For a more information on what swap memory is, read [All about Linux swap space]( ### Configuration: ```toml # Read metrics about swap memory usage [[inputs.swap]] # no configuration ``` ### Metrics: - swap - fields: - free (int) - total (int) - used (int) - used_percent (float) - sin (int) - sout (int) ### Example Output: ``` swap total=20855394304i,used_percent=45.43883523785713,used=9476448256i,free=1715331072i 1511894782000000000 ``` ## Instruction: Fix field name typo in swap documentation ## Code After: The swap plugin collects system swap metrics. For a more information on what swap memory is, read [All about Linux swap space]( ### Configuration: ```toml # Read metrics about swap memory usage [[inputs.swap]] # no configuration ``` ### Metrics: - swap - fields: - free (int) - total (int) - used (int) - used_percent (float) - in (int) - out (int) ### Example Output: ``` swap total=20855394304i,used_percent=45.43883523785713,used=9476448256i,free=1715331072i 1511894782000000000 ```
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_ #pragma once #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_observer.h" class Profile; struct ExtensionHostMsg_DomMessage_Params; // Filters and dispatches extension-related IPC messages that arrive from // renderer/extension processes. This object is created for renderers and also // ExtensionHost/BackgroundContents. Contrast this with ExtensionTabHelper, // which is only created for TabContents. class ExtensionMessageHandler : public RenderViewHostObserver { public: // |sender| is guaranteed to outlive this object. explicit ExtensionMessageHandler(RenderViewHost* render_view_host); virtual ~ExtensionMessageHandler(); // RenderViewHostObserver overrides. virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message); private: // Message handlers. void OnPostMessage(int port_id, const std::string& message); void OnRequest(const ExtensionHostMsg_DomMessage_Params& params); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionMessageHandler); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_ #pragma once #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_observer.h" class Profile; struct ExtensionHostMsg_DomMessage_Params; // Filters and dispatches extension-related IPC messages that arrive from // renderers. There is one of these objects for each RenderViewHost in Chrome. // Contrast this with ExtensionTabHelper, which is only created for TabContents. class ExtensionMessageHandler : public RenderViewHostObserver { public: // |sender| is guaranteed to outlive this object. explicit ExtensionMessageHandler(RenderViewHost* render_view_host); virtual ~ExtensionMessageHandler(); // RenderViewHostObserver overrides. virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message); private: // Message handlers. void OnPostMessage(int port_id, const std::string& message); void OnRequest(const ExtensionHostMsg_DomMessage_Params& params); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionMessageHandler); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_
Clarify class comment for ExtensionMessageHandler.
Clarify class comment for ExtensionMessageHandler. [email protected] git-svn-id: de016e52bd170d2d4f2344f9bf92d50478b649e0@82674 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
## Code Before: // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_ #pragma once #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_observer.h" class Profile; struct ExtensionHostMsg_DomMessage_Params; // Filters and dispatches extension-related IPC messages that arrive from // renderer/extension processes. This object is created for renderers and also // ExtensionHost/BackgroundContents. Contrast this with ExtensionTabHelper, // which is only created for TabContents. class ExtensionMessageHandler : public RenderViewHostObserver { public: // |sender| is guaranteed to outlive this object. explicit ExtensionMessageHandler(RenderViewHost* render_view_host); virtual ~ExtensionMessageHandler(); // RenderViewHostObserver overrides. virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message); private: // Message handlers. void OnPostMessage(int port_id, const std::string& message); void OnRequest(const ExtensionHostMsg_DomMessage_Params& params); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionMessageHandler); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_ ## Instruction: Clarify class comment for ExtensionMessageHandler. [email protected] git-svn-id: de016e52bd170d2d4f2344f9bf92d50478b649e0@82674 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98 ## Code After: // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_ #pragma once #include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_observer.h" class Profile; struct ExtensionHostMsg_DomMessage_Params; // Filters and dispatches extension-related IPC messages that arrive from // renderers. There is one of these objects for each RenderViewHost in Chrome. // Contrast this with ExtensionTabHelper, which is only created for TabContents. class ExtensionMessageHandler : public RenderViewHostObserver { public: // |sender| is guaranteed to outlive this object. explicit ExtensionMessageHandler(RenderViewHost* render_view_host); virtual ~ExtensionMessageHandler(); // RenderViewHostObserver overrides. virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message); private: // Message handlers. void OnPostMessage(int port_id, const std::string& message); void OnRequest(const ExtensionHostMsg_DomMessage_Params& params); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ExtensionMessageHandler); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_EXTENSIONS_EXTENSION_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_
namespace ROOT { namespace ROOTX { //This string will be updated by external script, reading names from //The string has an internal linkage (it has a definition here, not in rootxx.cxx or files. //So this header can be included in different places (as soon as you know what you're doing). //Please, do not modify this file. //[STRINGTOREPLACE const char * gROOTCoreTeam = "Andrei Gheata, Axel Naumann, Bertrand Bellenot, Cristina Cristescu," " Danilo Piparo, Fons Rademakers, Gerardo Ganis, Ilka Antcheva," " Lorenzo Moneta, Matevz Tadel, Olivier Couet, Paul Russo, Pere Mato," " Philippe Canal, Rene Brun, Timur Pocheptsov, Valeri Onuchin," " Vassil Vassilev, Wim Lavrijsen, Wouter Verkerke\n\n"; //STRINGTOREPLACE] } } #endif
namespace ROOT { namespace ROOTX { //This string will be updated by external script, reading names from //The names are sorted in alphabetical order. //The string has an internal linkage (it has a definition here, not in rootxx.cxx or files. //So this header can be included in different places (as soon as you know what you're doing). //Please, do not modify this file. const char * gROOTCoreTeam = //[STRINGTOREPLACE "Andrei Gheata, Axel Naumann, Bertrand Bellenot, Cristina Cristescu," " Danilo Piparo, Fons Rademakers, Gerardo Ganis, Ilka Antcheva," " Lorenzo Moneta, Matevz Tadel, Olivier Couet, Paul Russo, Pere Mato," " Philippe Canal, Rene Brun, Timur Pocheptsov, Valeri Onuchin," " Vassil Vassilev, Wim Lavrijsen, Wouter Verkerke.\n\n"; //STRINGTOREPLACE] } } #endif
Make it even simpler for a script to replace.
Make it even simpler for a script to replace.
## Code Before: namespace ROOT { namespace ROOTX { //This string will be updated by external script, reading names from //The string has an internal linkage (it has a definition here, not in rootxx.cxx or files. //So this header can be included in different places (as soon as you know what you're doing). //Please, do not modify this file. //[STRINGTOREPLACE const char * gROOTCoreTeam = "Andrei Gheata, Axel Naumann, Bertrand Bellenot, Cristina Cristescu," " Danilo Piparo, Fons Rademakers, Gerardo Ganis, Ilka Antcheva," " Lorenzo Moneta, Matevz Tadel, Olivier Couet, Paul Russo, Pere Mato," " Philippe Canal, Rene Brun, Timur Pocheptsov, Valeri Onuchin," " Vassil Vassilev, Wim Lavrijsen, Wouter Verkerke\n\n"; //STRINGTOREPLACE] } } #endif ## Instruction: Make it even simpler for a script to replace. ## Code After: namespace ROOT { namespace ROOTX { //This string will be updated by external script, reading names from //The names are sorted in alphabetical order. //The string has an internal linkage (it has a definition here, not in rootxx.cxx or files. //So this header can be included in different places (as soon as you know what you're doing). //Please, do not modify this file. const char * gROOTCoreTeam = //[STRINGTOREPLACE "Andrei Gheata, Axel Naumann, Bertrand Bellenot, Cristina Cristescu," " Danilo Piparo, Fons Rademakers, Gerardo Ganis, Ilka Antcheva," " Lorenzo Moneta, Matevz Tadel, Olivier Couet, Paul Russo, Pere Mato," " Philippe Canal, Rene Brun, Timur Pocheptsov, Valeri Onuchin," " Vassil Vassilev, Wim Lavrijsen, Wouter Verkerke.\n\n"; //STRINGTOREPLACE] } } #endif
--- layout: main --- <h1>Key Dates for SR{{ }}</h1> <h2>Kickstart</h2> <p><a href="/events/kickstart">Kickstart</a> is when you will learn about the game, and receive the kit.</p> <p>For SR{{ }} the dates are as below. We expect to confirm the particulars of each event at the start of the academic year.</p> {% for branch in %} <h3>{{ branch }}</h3> {% events_list kickstart, branch, Not hosted here, true %} {% endfor %} <h2>Tech Days</h2> <p><a href="/events/tech_days">Tech Days</a> take place throughout the year to help you along with the design and development of your robot.</p> {% for branch in %} <h3>{{ branch }}</h3> {% events_list tech_day, branch, TBA, true %} {% endfor %} <h2>Competition</h2> {% events_list competition, all, Date TBC, true %}
--- layout: main title: Key Dates --- <h1>Key Dates for SR{{ }}</h1> <h2>Kickstart</h2> <p><a href="/events/kickstart">Kickstart</a> is when you will learn about the game, and receive the kit.</p> <p>For SR{{ }} the dates are as below. We expect to confirm the particulars of each event at the start of the academic year.</p> {% for branch in %} <h3>{{ branch }}</h3> {% events_list kickstart, branch, Not hosted here, true %} {% endfor %} <h2>Tech Days</h2> <p><a href="/events/tech_days">Tech Days</a> take place throughout the year to help you along with the design and development of your robot.</p> {% for branch in %} <h3>{{ branch }}</h3> {% events_list tech_day, branch, TBA, true %} {% endfor %} <h2>Competition</h2> {% events_list competition, all, Date TBC, true %}
Add a title to the key dates page
Add a title to the key dates page
## Code Before: --- layout: main --- <h1>Key Dates for SR{{ }}</h1> <h2>Kickstart</h2> <p><a href="/events/kickstart">Kickstart</a> is when you will learn about the game, and receive the kit.</p> <p>For SR{{ }} the dates are as below. We expect to confirm the particulars of each event at the start of the academic year.</p> {% for branch in %} <h3>{{ branch }}</h3> {% events_list kickstart, branch, Not hosted here, true %} {% endfor %} <h2>Tech Days</h2> <p><a href="/events/tech_days">Tech Days</a> take place throughout the year to help you along with the design and development of your robot.</p> {% for branch in %} <h3>{{ branch }}</h3> {% events_list tech_day, branch, TBA, true %} {% endfor %} <h2>Competition</h2> {% events_list competition, all, Date TBC, true %} ## Instruction: Add a title to the key dates page ## Code After: --- layout: main title: Key Dates --- <h1>Key Dates for SR{{ }}</h1> <h2>Kickstart</h2> <p><a href="/events/kickstart">Kickstart</a> is when you will learn about the game, and receive the kit.</p> <p>For SR{{ }} the dates are as below. We expect to confirm the particulars of each event at the start of the academic year.</p> {% for branch in %} <h3>{{ branch }}</h3> {% events_list kickstart, branch, Not hosted here, true %} {% endfor %} <h2>Tech Days</h2> <p><a href="/events/tech_days">Tech Days</a> take place throughout the year to help you along with the design and development of your robot.</p> {% for branch in %} <h3>{{ branch }}</h3> {% events_list tech_day, branch, TBA, true %} {% endfor %} <h2>Competition</h2> {% events_list competition, all, Date TBC, true %}
Wikipedia-based Explicit Semantic Analysis, as described by Gabrilovich and Markovich
Wikipedia-based Explicit Semantic Analysis, as described by Gabrilovich and Markovitch. ESA is well described in a scientific paper.
Update readme with links to more resources.
Update readme with links to more resources.
## Code Before: Wikipedia-based Explicit Semantic Analysis, as described by Gabrilovich and Markovich ## Instruction: Update readme with links to more resources. ## Code After: Wikipedia-based Explicit Semantic Analysis, as described by Gabrilovich and Markovitch. ESA is well described in a scientific paper.
"""This module exports the Hlint plugin class.""" from SublimeLinter.lint import Linter class Hlint(Linter): """Provides an interface to hlint.""" defaults = { 'selector': 'source.haskell' } cmd = 'hlint' regex = ( r'^.+:(?P<line>\d+):' '(?P<col>\d+):\s*' '(?:(?P<error>Error)|(?P<warning>Warning)):\s*' '(?P<message>.+)$' ) multiline = True tempfile_suffix = 'hs'
"""This module exports the Hlint plugin class.""" import json from SublimeLinter.lint import Linter, LintMatch class Hlint(Linter): """Provides an interface to hlint.""" cmd = 'hlint ${args} --json -' defaults = { 'selector': 'source.haskell' } def find_errors(self, output): # type: (str) -> Iterator[LintMatch] errors = json.loads(output) for error in errors: message = "{hint}. Found: {from}".format(**error) if error['to']: message += " Perhaps: {to}".format(**error) yield LintMatch( error_type=error['severity'].lower(), line=error['startLine'] - 1, col=error['startColumn'] - 1, message=message )
Use JSON to parse hlint output
Use JSON to parse hlint output
## Code Before: """This module exports the Hlint plugin class.""" from SublimeLinter.lint import Linter class Hlint(Linter): """Provides an interface to hlint.""" defaults = { 'selector': 'source.haskell' } cmd = 'hlint' regex = ( r'^.+:(?P<line>\d+):' '(?P<col>\d+):\s*' '(?:(?P<error>Error)|(?P<warning>Warning)):\s*' '(?P<message>.+)$' ) multiline = True tempfile_suffix = 'hs' ## Instruction: Use JSON to parse hlint output ## Code After: """This module exports the Hlint plugin class.""" import json from SublimeLinter.lint import Linter, LintMatch class Hlint(Linter): """Provides an interface to hlint.""" cmd = 'hlint ${args} --json -' defaults = { 'selector': 'source.haskell' } def find_errors(self, output): # type: (str) -> Iterator[LintMatch] errors = json.loads(output) for error in errors: message = "{hint}. Found: {from}".format(**error) if error['to']: message += " Perhaps: {to}".format(**error) yield LintMatch( error_type=error['severity'].lower(), line=error['startLine'] - 1, col=error['startColumn'] - 1, message=message )
require "git_trend/cli" require "git_trend/formatter" require "git_trend/formatters/text_formatter" require "git_trend/formatters/json_formatter" require "git_trend/project" require "git_trend/scraper" require "git_trend/version" module GitTrend # GitTrend.get # GitTrend.get('ruby') # GitTrend.get(:ruby) # # GitTrend.get(since: :weekly) # GitTrend.get(since: :week) # GitTrend.get(since: :w) # # GitTrend.get('ruby', 'weekly') # GitTrend.get(:ruby, :weekly) # GitTrend.get(language: :ruby, since: :weekly) def self.get(*opts) if opts[0].instance_of?(Hash) hash = opts[0] language = hash.key?(:language) ? hash[:language] : nil since = hash.key?(:since) ? hash[:since] : nil, since) else*opts) end end def self.languages end end
require "git_trend/cli" require "git_trend/formatter" require "git_trend/formatters/text_formatter" require "git_trend/formatters/json_formatter" require "git_trend/project" require "git_trend/scraper" require "git_trend/version" module GitTrend # GitTrend.get # GitTrend.get('ruby') # GitTrend.get(:ruby) # # GitTrend.get(since: :weekly) # GitTrend.get(since: :week) # GitTrend.get(since: :w) # # GitTrend.get('ruby', 'weekly') # GitTrend.get(:ruby, :weekly) # GitTrend.get(language: :ruby, since: :weekly) def self.get(*opts) if opts[0].instance_of?(Hash) opt = opts[0][:language], opt[:since]) else*opts) end end def self.languages end end
Refactor to simlify arguments handling
Refactor to simlify arguments handling
## Code Before: require "git_trend/cli" require "git_trend/formatter" require "git_trend/formatters/text_formatter" require "git_trend/formatters/json_formatter" require "git_trend/project" require "git_trend/scraper" require "git_trend/version" module GitTrend # GitTrend.get # GitTrend.get('ruby') # GitTrend.get(:ruby) # # GitTrend.get(since: :weekly) # GitTrend.get(since: :week) # GitTrend.get(since: :w) # # GitTrend.get('ruby', 'weekly') # GitTrend.get(:ruby, :weekly) # GitTrend.get(language: :ruby, since: :weekly) def self.get(*opts) if opts[0].instance_of?(Hash) hash = opts[0] language = hash.key?(:language) ? hash[:language] : nil since = hash.key?(:since) ? hash[:since] : nil, since) else*opts) end end def self.languages end end ## Instruction: Refactor to simlify arguments handling ## Code After: require "git_trend/cli" require "git_trend/formatter" require "git_trend/formatters/text_formatter" require "git_trend/formatters/json_formatter" require "git_trend/project" require "git_trend/scraper" require "git_trend/version" module GitTrend # GitTrend.get # GitTrend.get('ruby') # GitTrend.get(:ruby) # # GitTrend.get(since: :weekly) # GitTrend.get(since: :week) # GitTrend.get(since: :w) # # GitTrend.get('ruby', 'weekly') # GitTrend.get(:ruby, :weekly) # GitTrend.get(language: :ruby, since: :weekly) def self.get(*opts) if opts[0].instance_of?(Hash) opt = opts[0][:language], opt[:since]) else*opts) end end def self.languages end end
static void test_extract_subject (void) { char *subject; subject = mongoc_ssl_extract_subject (CERT_SERVER, NULL); ASSERT_CMPSTR (subject, "C=IS,ST=Reykjavik,L=Reykjavik,O=MongoDB,OU=Drivers,CN=server"); bson_free (subject); subject = mongoc_ssl_extract_subject (CERT_CLIENT, NULL); ASSERT_CMPSTR (subject, "C=IS,ST=Kopavogur,L=Kopavogur,O=MongoDB,OU=Drivers,CN=client"); bson_free (subject); } #endif void test_x509_install (TestSuite *suite) { #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_OPENSSL TestSuite_Add (suite, "/X509/extract_subject", test_extract_subject); #endif }
static void test_extract_subject (void) { char *subject; subject = mongoc_ssl_extract_subject (CERT_SERVER, NULL); ASSERT_CMPSTR (subject, "C=US,ST=California,L=Palo Alto,O=MongoDB,OU=Drivers,CN=server"); bson_free (subject); subject = mongoc_ssl_extract_subject (CERT_CLIENT, NULL); ASSERT_CMPSTR (subject, "C=NO,ST=Oslo,L=Oslo,O=MongoDB,OU=Drivers,CN=client"); bson_free (subject); } #endif void test_x509_install (TestSuite *suite) { #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_OPENSSL TestSuite_Add (suite, "/X509/extract_subject", test_extract_subject); #endif }
Fix last-minute certificate subject changes
Fix last-minute certificate subject changes
## Code Before: static void test_extract_subject (void) { char *subject; subject = mongoc_ssl_extract_subject (CERT_SERVER, NULL); ASSERT_CMPSTR (subject, "C=IS,ST=Reykjavik,L=Reykjavik,O=MongoDB,OU=Drivers,CN=server"); bson_free (subject); subject = mongoc_ssl_extract_subject (CERT_CLIENT, NULL); ASSERT_CMPSTR (subject, "C=IS,ST=Kopavogur,L=Kopavogur,O=MongoDB,OU=Drivers,CN=client"); bson_free (subject); } #endif void test_x509_install (TestSuite *suite) { #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_OPENSSL TestSuite_Add (suite, "/X509/extract_subject", test_extract_subject); #endif } ## Instruction: Fix last-minute certificate subject changes ## Code After: static void test_extract_subject (void) { char *subject; subject = mongoc_ssl_extract_subject (CERT_SERVER, NULL); ASSERT_CMPSTR (subject, "C=US,ST=California,L=Palo Alto,O=MongoDB,OU=Drivers,CN=server"); bson_free (subject); subject = mongoc_ssl_extract_subject (CERT_CLIENT, NULL); ASSERT_CMPSTR (subject, "C=NO,ST=Oslo,L=Oslo,O=MongoDB,OU=Drivers,CN=client"); bson_free (subject); } #endif void test_x509_install (TestSuite *suite) { #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_OPENSSL TestSuite_Add (suite, "/X509/extract_subject", test_extract_subject); #endif }
function! Cdfile() cd %:h pwd endfunction " cd to the root of the current file's git directory function! Cdroot() cd %:h exec "cd " . Trim(system("git rev-parse --show-toplevel")) pwd endfunction
function! Cdfile() if expand('%') != '' cd %:h else echom "Not currently in a file." endif endfunction " cd to the root of the current file's git directory function! Cdroot() call Cdfile() exec "cd " . Trim(system("git rev-parse --show-toplevel")) echom expand('.') endfunction
Make Cdf and Cdr no-ops when not in a file
Make Cdf and Cdr no-ops when not in a file
## Code Before: function! Cdfile() cd %:h pwd endfunction " cd to the root of the current file's git directory function! Cdroot() cd %:h exec "cd " . Trim(system("git rev-parse --show-toplevel")) pwd endfunction ## Instruction: Make Cdf and Cdr no-ops when not in a file ## Code After: function! Cdfile() if expand('%') != '' cd %:h else echom "Not currently in a file." endif endfunction " cd to the root of the current file's git directory function! Cdroot() call Cdfile() exec "cd " . Trim(system("git rev-parse --show-toplevel")) echom expand('.') endfunction
**go-metrics-prometheus** [![Build Status](]( This is a reporter for the go-metrics library which will post the metrics to the prometheus client registry . It just updates the registry, taking care of exporting the metrics is still your responsibility. Usage: ``` import "" import "" prometheusRegistry := prometheus.NewRegistry() metricsRegistry := metrics.NewRegistry() pClient := NewPrometheusProvider(metricsRegistry, "test", "subsys", prometheusRegistry, 1*time.Second) go pClient.UpdatePrometheusMetrics() ```
**go-metrics-prometheus** [![Build Status](]( This is a reporter for the go-metrics library which will post the metrics to the prometheus client registry . It just updates the registry, taking care of exporting the metrics is still your responsibility. Usage: ``` import "" import "" metricsRegistry := metrics.NewRegistry() prometheusClient := prometheusmetrics.NewPrometheusProvider( metrics.DefaultRegistry, "whatever","something",prometheus.DefaultRegisterer, 1*time.Second) go prometheusClient.UpdatePrometheusMetrics() ```
Add info about using DefaultRegisterer to readme
Add info about using DefaultRegisterer to readme Add info about using prometheus.DefaultRegisterer instead of prometheus.NewRegistry()
## Code Before: **go-metrics-prometheus** [![Build Status](]( This is a reporter for the go-metrics library which will post the metrics to the prometheus client registry . It just updates the registry, taking care of exporting the metrics is still your responsibility. Usage: ``` import "" import "" prometheusRegistry := prometheus.NewRegistry() metricsRegistry := metrics.NewRegistry() pClient := NewPrometheusProvider(metricsRegistry, "test", "subsys", prometheusRegistry, 1*time.Second) go pClient.UpdatePrometheusMetrics() ``` ## Instruction: Add info about using DefaultRegisterer to readme Add info about using prometheus.DefaultRegisterer instead of prometheus.NewRegistry() ## Code After: **go-metrics-prometheus** [![Build Status](]( This is a reporter for the go-metrics library which will post the metrics to the prometheus client registry . It just updates the registry, taking care of exporting the metrics is still your responsibility. Usage: ``` import "" import "" metricsRegistry := metrics.NewRegistry() prometheusClient := prometheusmetrics.NewPrometheusProvider( metrics.DefaultRegistry, "whatever","something",prometheus.DefaultRegisterer, 1*time.Second) go prometheusClient.UpdatePrometheusMetrics() ```
U radu će biti opisane osnove BPMN 2.0, te osnovne mogućnosti HTML Canvas elementa. Praktični dio rada obuhvaćati će Web aplikaciju za crtanje modela procesa, realizirana pomoću HTML 5 Canvas tehnologije. Aplikacija će također omogućavati analiziranje modela kroz tablični prikaz procesa i povezanih klasa. ## Sadržaj 1. [Uvod](## Uvod) 1. [Modeliranje procesa](## Modeliranje procesa) 1. [Povijest](### Povijest) 1. [Standardi](### Standardi) 1. [OMG](### OMG) ## Uvod ## Modeliranje procesa ### Povijest ### Standardi ### OMG ## Resursi [HTML 5 Canvas YouTube tutorial]( [PaperJS Docs]( [PaperJS Tuts](
U radu će biti opisane osnove BPMN 2.0, te osnovne mogućnosti HTML Canvas elementa. Praktični dio rada obuhvaćati će Web aplikaciju za crtanje modela procesa, realizirana pomoću HTML 5 Canvas tehnologije. Aplikacija će također omogućavati analiziranje modela kroz tablični prikaz procesa i povezanih klasa. ## Resursi [HTML 5 Canvas YouTube tutorial]( [PaperJS Docs]( [PaperJS Tuts](
Update Readme - removed table of contents
Update Readme - removed table of contents
## Code Before: U radu će biti opisane osnove BPMN 2.0, te osnovne mogućnosti HTML Canvas elementa. Praktični dio rada obuhvaćati će Web aplikaciju za crtanje modela procesa, realizirana pomoću HTML 5 Canvas tehnologije. Aplikacija će također omogućavati analiziranje modela kroz tablični prikaz procesa i povezanih klasa. ## Sadržaj 1. [Uvod](## Uvod) 1. [Modeliranje procesa](## Modeliranje procesa) 1. [Povijest](### Povijest) 1. [Standardi](### Standardi) 1. [OMG](### OMG) ## Uvod ## Modeliranje procesa ### Povijest ### Standardi ### OMG ## Resursi [HTML 5 Canvas YouTube tutorial]( [PaperJS Docs]( [PaperJS Tuts]( ## Instruction: Update Readme - removed table of contents ## Code After: U radu će biti opisane osnove BPMN 2.0, te osnovne mogućnosti HTML Canvas elementa. Praktični dio rada obuhvaćati će Web aplikaciju za crtanje modela procesa, realizirana pomoću HTML 5 Canvas tehnologije. Aplikacija će također omogućavati analiziranje modela kroz tablični prikaz procesa i povezanih klasa. ## Resursi [HTML 5 Canvas YouTube tutorial]( [PaperJS Docs]( [PaperJS Tuts](
from django.db import models from django.db.models import signals from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from core.mixins import AuditableMixin from .invoice import Invoice class Payment(AuditableMixin, models.Model): invoice = models.ForeignKey( Invoice, editable=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_("Invoice") ) description = models.TextField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_("Description") ) total = models.DecimalField( max_digits=12, decimal_places=2, verbose_name=_("Total") ) class Meta: ordering = ['-date_creation', ] verbose_name = _("Payment") verbose_name_plural = _("Payments") def __str__(self): return "%.2f" % def get_absolute_url(self): return self.parent.get_absolute_url() @property def company(self): return @property def parent(self): return self.invoice def post_save_payment(instance, sender, created, **kwargs): if instance.invoice.is_payed and not signals.post_save.connect(post_save_payment, sender=Payment)
from django.db import models from django.db.models import signals from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from core.mixins import AuditableMixin class Payment(AuditableMixin, models.Model): invoice = models.ForeignKey( 'core.Invoice', editable=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_("Invoice") ) description = models.TextField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_("Description") ) total = models.DecimalField( max_digits=12, decimal_places=2, verbose_name=_("Total") ) class Meta: ordering = ['-date_creation', ] verbose_name = _("Payment") verbose_name_plural = _("Payments") def __str__(self): return "%.2f" % def get_absolute_url(self): return self.parent.get_absolute_url() @property def company(self): return @property def parent(self): return self.invoice def post_save_payment(instance, sender, created, **kwargs): if instance.invoice.is_paid and not signals.post_save.connect(post_save_payment, sender=Payment)
Use string instead of class
Use string instead of class
## Code Before: from django.db import models from django.db.models import signals from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from core.mixins import AuditableMixin from .invoice import Invoice class Payment(AuditableMixin, models.Model): invoice = models.ForeignKey( Invoice, editable=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_("Invoice") ) description = models.TextField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_("Description") ) total = models.DecimalField( max_digits=12, decimal_places=2, verbose_name=_("Total") ) class Meta: ordering = ['-date_creation', ] verbose_name = _("Payment") verbose_name_plural = _("Payments") def __str__(self): return "%.2f" % def get_absolute_url(self): return self.parent.get_absolute_url() @property def company(self): return @property def parent(self): return self.invoice def post_save_payment(instance, sender, created, **kwargs): if instance.invoice.is_payed and not signals.post_save.connect(post_save_payment, sender=Payment) ## Instruction: Use string instead of class ## Code After: from django.db import models from django.db.models import signals from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from core.mixins import AuditableMixin class Payment(AuditableMixin, models.Model): invoice = models.ForeignKey( 'core.Invoice', editable=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_("Invoice") ) description = models.TextField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_("Description") ) total = models.DecimalField( max_digits=12, decimal_places=2, verbose_name=_("Total") ) class Meta: ordering = ['-date_creation', ] verbose_name = _("Payment") verbose_name_plural = _("Payments") def __str__(self): return "%.2f" % def get_absolute_url(self): return self.parent.get_absolute_url() @property def company(self): return @property def parent(self): return self.invoice def post_save_payment(instance, sender, created, **kwargs): if instance.invoice.is_paid and not signals.post_save.connect(post_save_payment, sender=Payment)
//@flow import { createStore, compose, applyMiddleware } from "redux"; import { routerMiddleware } from "react-router-redux"; import createHistory from "history/createBrowserHistory"; import reducers from "./data/reducers"; const defaultState = {}; export const history = createHistory(); const middlewares = [routerMiddleware(history)]; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === `development`) { const { logger } = require(`redux-logger`); middlewares.push(logger); } const enhancers = compose( window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f, applyMiddleware(...middlewares) ); const store = createStore(reducers, defaultState, enhancers); export default function configureStore() { const store = createStore(reducers, defaultState, enhancers); if ( {, () => { const nextRootReducer = require("./data/reducers").default; store.replaceReducer(nextRootReducer); }); } }
//@flow import { createStore, compose, applyMiddleware } from "redux"; import { routerMiddleware } from "react-router-redux"; import createHistory from "history/createBrowserHistory"; import reducers from "./data/reducers"; import cards from "./data/state/cards"; const defaultState = { cards }; export const history = createHistory(); const middlewares = [routerMiddleware(history)]; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === `development`) { const { logger } = require(`redux-logger`); middlewares.push(logger); } const enhancers = compose( window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f, applyMiddleware(...middlewares) ); const store = createStore(reducers, defaultState, enhancers); if ( {"./data/reducers", () => { store.replaceReducer(reducers); }); } export default store;
Add cards to default state and hot reload reducers
Add cards to default state and hot reload reducers
## Code Before: //@flow import { createStore, compose, applyMiddleware } from "redux"; import { routerMiddleware } from "react-router-redux"; import createHistory from "history/createBrowserHistory"; import reducers from "./data/reducers"; const defaultState = {}; export const history = createHistory(); const middlewares = [routerMiddleware(history)]; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === `development`) { const { logger } = require(`redux-logger`); middlewares.push(logger); } const enhancers = compose( window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f, applyMiddleware(...middlewares) ); const store = createStore(reducers, defaultState, enhancers); export default function configureStore() { const store = createStore(reducers, defaultState, enhancers); if ( {, () => { const nextRootReducer = require("./data/reducers").default; store.replaceReducer(nextRootReducer); }); } } ## Instruction: Add cards to default state and hot reload reducers ## Code After: //@flow import { createStore, compose, applyMiddleware } from "redux"; import { routerMiddleware } from "react-router-redux"; import createHistory from "history/createBrowserHistory"; import reducers from "./data/reducers"; import cards from "./data/state/cards"; const defaultState = { cards }; export const history = createHistory(); const middlewares = [routerMiddleware(history)]; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === `development`) { const { logger } = require(`redux-logger`); middlewares.push(logger); } const enhancers = compose( window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f, applyMiddleware(...middlewares) ); const store = createStore(reducers, defaultState, enhancers); if ( {"./data/reducers", () => { store.replaceReducer(reducers); }); } export default store;
name: tag on: push: tags: # this is a glob, not a regexp - '[0-9]*' jobs: release: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Clone repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Build release tarball # run as root; current Ubuntu podman breaks user networking ("could not find slirp4netns") run: sudo PUBLISH_TAR=1 tests/run-apt - name: Create GitHub release uses: docker://antonyurchenko/git-release:latest env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} CHANGELOG_FILE: "NEWS" with: args: umockdev-*.tar.xz
name: tag on: push: tags: # this is a glob, not a regexp - '[0-9]*' jobs: release: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Clone repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Workaround for run: git fetch --force origin $(git describe --tags):refs/tags/$(git describe --tags) - name: Build release tarball # run as root; current Ubuntu podman breaks user networking ("could not find slirp4netns") run: sudo PUBLISH_TAR=1 tests/run-apt - name: Create GitHub release uses: docker://antonyurchenko/git-release:latest env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} CHANGELOG_FILE: "NEWS" with: args: umockdev-*.tar.xz
Add workaround for actions/checkout tag breakage
workflows: Add workaround for actions/checkout tag breakage See
## Code Before: name: tag on: push: tags: # this is a glob, not a regexp - '[0-9]*' jobs: release: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Clone repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Build release tarball # run as root; current Ubuntu podman breaks user networking ("could not find slirp4netns") run: sudo PUBLISH_TAR=1 tests/run-apt - name: Create GitHub release uses: docker://antonyurchenko/git-release:latest env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} CHANGELOG_FILE: "NEWS" with: args: umockdev-*.tar.xz ## Instruction: workflows: Add workaround for actions/checkout tag breakage See ## Code After: name: tag on: push: tags: # this is a glob, not a regexp - '[0-9]*' jobs: release: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Clone repository uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Workaround for run: git fetch --force origin $(git describe --tags):refs/tags/$(git describe --tags) - name: Build release tarball # run as root; current Ubuntu podman breaks user networking ("could not find slirp4netns") run: sudo PUBLISH_TAR=1 tests/run-apt - name: Create GitHub release uses: docker://antonyurchenko/git-release:latest env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} CHANGELOG_FILE: "NEWS" with: args: umockdev-*.tar.xz

Multilingual version of


If you use our work, please cite our paper as such:

      title={Can It Edit? Evaluating the Ability of Large Language Models to Follow Code Editing Instructions}, 
      author={Federico Cassano and Luisa Li and Akul Sethi and Noah Shinn and Abby Brennan-Jones and Anton Lozhkov and Carolyn Jane Anderson and Arjun Guha},
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