stringclasses 4
values | project_name
stringclasses 1
value | uuid
stringlengths 36
| name
stringlengths 0
| imports
stringlengths 0
| structs
stringclasses 761
values | interfaces
stringclasses 22
values | file_location
stringclasses 545
values | code
stringlengths 26
| global_vars
stringclasses 7
values | package
stringclasses 124
values | tags
stringclasses 1
value |
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | b515ae74-5b13-426d-8a08-42f55eb4dee5 | Author:dpunia-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-PreChkUpgrade-NonPreRelease-High-54745-Bug clusterResourceQuota objects check | ['"fmt"', '"strconv"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:dpunia-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-PreChkUpgrade-NonPreRelease-High-54745-Bug clusterResourceQuota objects check", func() {
var (
caseID = "ocp-54745"
namespace = caseID + "-quota-test"
clusterQuotaName = caseID + "-crq-test"
crqLimits = map[string]string{
"pods": "4",
"secrets": "10",
"cpu": "7",
"memory": "5Gi",
"requests.cpu": "6",
"requests.memory": "6Gi",
"limits.cpu": "6",
"limits.memory": "6Gi",
"configmaps": "5",
"count/deployments.apps": "1",
"count/templates.template.openshift.io": "3",
"count/servicemonitors.monitoring.coreos.com": "1",
exutil.By("1) Create custom project for Pre & Post Upgrade ClusterResourceQuota test.")
nsError := oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("ns", namespace).Execute()
exutil.By("2) Create resource ClusterResourceQuota")
err := oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", getTestDataFilePath("clusterresourcequota.yaml")).Execute()
params := []string{"-n", namespace, "clusterresourequotaremplate", "-p",
"NAME=" + clusterQuotaName,
"LABEL=" + namespace,
"PODS_LIMIT=" + crqLimits["pods"],
"SECRETS_LIMIT=" + crqLimits["secrets"],
"CPU_LIMIT=" + crqLimits["cpu"],
"MEMORY_LIMIT=" + crqLimits["memory"],
"REQUESTS_CPU=" + crqLimits["requests.cpu"],
"REQUEST_MEMORY=" + crqLimits["requests.memory"],
"LIMITS_CPU=" + crqLimits["limits.cpu"],
"LIMITS_MEMORY=" + crqLimits["limits.memory"],
"CONFIGMAPS_LIMIT=" + crqLimits["configmaps"],
"TEMPLATE_COUNT=" + crqLimits["count/templates.template.openshift.io"],
"SERVICE_MONITOR=" + crqLimits["count/servicemonitors.monitoring.coreos.com"],
"DEPLOYMENT=" + crqLimits["count/deployments.apps"]}
quotaConfigFile := exutil.ProcessTemplate(oc, params...)
err = oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", quotaConfigFile).Execute()
exutil.By("3) Create multiple secrets to test created ClusterResourceQuota, expect failure for secrets creations that exceed quota limit")
// Run the function to create secrets
createSecretsWithQuotaValidation(oc, namespace, clusterQuotaName, crqLimits, caseID)
exutil.By("4) Create few pods before upgrade to check ClusterResourceQuota, Remaining Quota pod will create after upgrade.")
podsCount, err := oc.Run("get").Args("-n", namespace, "clusterresourcequota", clusterQuotaName, "-o", `jsonpath={.status.namespaces[*].status.used.pods}`).Output()
existingPodCount, _ := strconv.Atoi(podsCount)
limits, _ := strconv.Atoi(crqLimits["pods"])
podTemplate := getTestDataFilePath("ocp54745-pod.yaml")
for i := existingPodCount; i < limits-2; i++ {
podname := fmt.Sprintf("%v-pod-%d", caseID, i)
params := []string{"-n", namespace, "-f", podTemplate, "-p", "NAME=" + podname, "REQUEST_MEMORY=1Gi", "REQUEST_CPU=1", "LIMITS_MEMORY=1Gi", "LIMITS_CPU=1"}
podConfigFile := exutil.ProcessTemplate(oc, params...)
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("-n", namespace, "create").Args("-f", podConfigFile).Execute()
exutil.By("5) Create new app & Service Monitor to check quota exceeded")
err = oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", getTestDataFilePath("service-monitor.yaml")).Execute()
for count := 1; count < 3; count++ {
appName := fmt.Sprintf("%v-app-%v", caseID, count)
image := "quay.io/openshifttest/hello-openshift@sha256:4200f438cf2e9446f6bcff9d67ceea1f69ed07a2f83363b7fb52529f7ddd8a83"
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("new-app").Args(fmt.Sprintf("--name=%v", appName), image, "-n", namespace).Output()
if count <= limits {
} else {
o.Expect(output).To(o.MatchRegexp("deployments.apps.*forbidden: exceeded quota"))
params = []string{"-n", namespace, "servicemonitortemplate", "-p",
fmt.Sprintf("NAME=%v-service-monitor-%v", caseID, count),
"DEPLOYMENT=" + crqLimits["count/deployments.apps"],
serviceMonitor := exutil.ProcessTemplate(oc, params...)
output, err = oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", serviceMonitor).Output()
limits, _ = strconv.Atoi(crqLimits["count/servicemonitors.monitoring.coreos.com"])
if count <= limits {
} else {
o.Expect(output).To(o.MatchRegexp("servicemonitors.*forbidden: exceeded quota"))
exutil.By("6) Compare applied ClusterResourceQuota")
for resourceName, limit := range crqLimits {
resource, err := oc.Run("get").Args("-n", namespace, "clusterresourcequota", clusterQuotaName, "-o", fmt.Sprintf(`jsonpath={.status.namespaces[*].status.used.%v}`, strings.ReplaceAll(resourceName, ".", "\\."))).Output()
usedResource, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(resource, "Gi"))
limits, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(limit, "Gi"))
if 0 < usedResource && usedResource <= limits {
e2e.Logf("Test Passed: ClusterResourceQuota for Resource %v is in applied limit", resourceName)
} else {
e2e.Failf("Test Failed: ClusterResourceQuota for Resource %v is not in applied limit", resourceName)
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 17fe55c4-2107-49e0-b12a-f78b1e5b63d9 | Author:dpunia-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-PstChkUpgrade-NonPreRelease-High-54745-Bug clusterResourceQuota objects check | ['"fmt"', '"strconv"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:dpunia-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-PstChkUpgrade-NonPreRelease-High-54745-Bug clusterResourceQuota objects check", func() {
var (
caseID = "ocp-54745"
namespace = caseID + "-quota-test"
clusterQuotaName = caseID + "-crq-test"
crqLimits = map[string]string{
"pods": "4",
"secrets": "10",
"cpu": "7",
"memory": "5Gi",
"requestsCpu": "6",
"requestsMemory": "6Gi",
"limitsCpu": "6",
"limitsMemory": "6Gi",
"configmaps": "5",
// Cleanup resources after this test, created in PreChkUpgrade
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete", "project").Args(namespace).Execute()
defer oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("delete").Args("-n", namespace, "clusterresourcequota", clusterQuotaName).Execute()
exutil.By("6) Create pods after upgrade to check ClusterResourceQuota")
podsCount, err := oc.Run("get").Args("-n", namespace, "clusterresourcequota", clusterQuotaName, "-o", `jsonpath={.status.namespaces[*].status.used.pods}`).Output()
existingPodCount, _ := strconv.Atoi(podsCount)
limits, _ := strconv.Atoi(crqLimits["pods"])
podTemplate := getTestDataFilePath("ocp54745-pod.yaml")
for i := existingPodCount; i <= limits; i++ {
podname := fmt.Sprintf("%v-pod-%d", caseID, i)
params := []string{"-n", namespace, "-f", podTemplate, "-p", "NAME=" + podname, "REQUEST_MEMORY=1Gi", "REQUEST_CPU=1", "LIMITS_MEMORY=1Gi", "LIMITS_CPU=1"}
podConfigFile := exutil.ProcessTemplate(oc, params...)
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("-n", namespace, "create").Args("-f", podConfigFile).Output()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("5.%d) creating pod %s", i, podname))
if i < limits {
} else {
o.Expect(output).To(o.MatchRegexp("pods.*forbidden: exceeded quota"))
exutil.By("7) Create multiple configmap to test created ClusterResourceQuota, expect failure for configmap creations that exceed quota limit")
cmCount, err := oc.Run("get").Args("-n", namespace, "clusterresourcequota", clusterQuotaName, "-o", `jsonpath={.status.namespaces[*].status.used.configmaps}`).Output()
cmUsedCount, _ := strconv.Atoi(cmCount)
limits, _ = strconv.Atoi(crqLimits["configmaps"])
for i := cmUsedCount; i <= limits; i++ {
configmapName := fmt.Sprintf("%v-configmap-%d", caseID, i)
output, err := oc.Run("create").Args("-n", namespace, "configmap", configmapName).Output()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("7.%d) creating configmap %s", i, configmapName))
if i < limits {
} else {
o.Expect(output).To(o.MatchRegexp("configmaps.*forbidden: exceeded quota"))
exutil.By("8) Compare applied ClusterResourceQuota")
for _, resourceName := range []string{"pods", "secrets", "cpu", "memory", "configmaps"} {
resource, err := oc.Run("get").Args("-n", namespace, "clusterresourcequota", clusterQuotaName, "-o", fmt.Sprintf(`jsonpath={.status.namespaces[*].status.used.%v}`, resourceName)).Output()
usedResource, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(resource, "mGi"))
limits, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(crqLimits[resourceName], "mGi"))
if 0 < usedResource && usedResource <= limits {
e2e.Logf("Test Passed: ClusterResourceQuota for Resource %v is in applied limit", resourceName)
} else {
e2e.Failf("Test Failed: ClusterResourceQuota for Resource %v is not in applied limit", resourceName)
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 351606a9-36f5-4268-b89e-8e3869a82671 | Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-Medium-10350-[Apiserver] compensate for raft/cache delay in namespace admission | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-Medium-10350-[Apiserver] compensate for raft/cache delay in namespace admission", func() {
tmpnamespace := "ocp-10350" + exutil.GetRandomString()
defer oc.AsAdmin().Run("delete").Args("ns", tmpnamespace, "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
exutil.By("1.) Create new namespace")
// Description of case: detail see PR https://github.com/openshift/cucushift/pull/9495
// We observe how long it takes to delete one Terminating namespace that has Terminating pod when cluster is under some load.
// Thus wait up to 200 seconds and also calculate the actual time so that when it FIRST hits > 200 seconds, we fail it IMMEDIATELY.
// Through this way we know the actual time DIRECTLY from the test logs, useful to file a performance bug with PRESENT evidence already, meanwhile the scenario will not cost really long time.
// Temporarily increase the assertion to 200 seconds to make it not often fail and to reduce debugging effort. Once the bug (Ref:2038780) is fixed, we will revert to 90.
expectedOutageTime := 90
for i := 0; i < 15; i++ {
var namespaceErr error
projectSuccTime := time.Now()
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
namespaceOutput, namespaceErr := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("ns", tmpnamespace).Output()
if namespaceErr == nil {
e2e.Logf("oc create ns %v created successfully", tmpnamespace)
projectSuccTime = time.Now()
o.Expect(namespaceOutput).Should(o.ContainSubstring(fmt.Sprintf("namespace/%v created", tmpnamespace)), fmt.Sprintf("namespace/%v not created", tmpnamespace))
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("oc create ns %v failed :: %v", tmpnamespace, namespaceErr))
exutil.By("2.) Create new app")
var apperr error
errApp := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
apperr := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("new-app").Args("quay.io/openshifttest/hello-openshift@sha256:4200f438cf2e9446f6bcff9d67ceea1f69ed07a2f83363b7fb52529f7ddd8a83", "-n", tmpnamespace, "--import-mode=PreserveOriginal").Execute()
if apperr != nil {
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("oc new app succeeded")
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errApp, fmt.Sprintf("oc new app failed :: %v", apperr))
var poderr error
errPod := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
podOutput, poderr := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("pod", "-n", tmpnamespace, "--no-headers").Output()
if poderr == nil && strings.Contains(podOutput, "Running") {
e2e.Logf("Pod %v succesfully", podOutput)
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errPod, fmt.Sprintf("Pod not running :: %v", poderr))
exutil.By("3.) Delete new namespace")
var delerr error
projectdelerr := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
delerr = oc.Run("delete").Args("namespace", tmpnamespace).Execute()
if delerr != nil {
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("oc delete namespace succeeded")
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(projectdelerr, fmt.Sprintf("oc delete namespace failed :: %v", delerr))
var chkNamespaceErr error
errDel := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
chkNamespaceOutput, chkNamespaceErr := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("namespace", tmpnamespace, "--ignore-not-found").Output()
if chkNamespaceErr == nil && strings.Contains(chkNamespaceOutput, "") {
e2e.Logf("Namespace deleted %v successfully", tmpnamespace)
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errDel, fmt.Sprintf("Namespace %v not deleted successfully, still visible after delete :: %v", tmpnamespace, chkNamespaceErr))
projectDelTime := time.Now()
diff := projectDelTime.Sub(projectSuccTime)
e2e.Logf("#### Namespace success and delete time(s) :: %f ####\n", diff.Seconds())
if int(diff.Seconds()) > expectedOutageTime {
e2e.Failf("#### Test case Failed in %d run :: The Namespace success and deletion outage time lasted %d longer than we expected %d", i, int(diff.Seconds()), expectedOutageTime)
e2e.Logf("#### Test case passed in %d run :: Namespace success and delete time(s) :: %f ####\n", i, diff.Seconds())
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 15be0bef-2bda-4bf6-b75e-ad9885fba0e2 | Author:kewang-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-NonPreRelease-High-56693-[Apiserver] Make SAR traffic from oauth and openshift apiserver exempt with API Priority and Fairness feature [Slow][Disruptive] | ['"encoding/json"', '"fmt"', '"os"', '"os/exec"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:kewang-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-NonPreRelease-High-56693-[Apiserver] Make SAR traffic from oauth and openshift apiserver exempt with API Priority and Fairness feature [Slow][Disruptive]", func() {
// The case is from customer bug 1888309
var (
patchJSON = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/logLevel", "value": "TraceAll"}]`
restorePatchJSON = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/logLevel", "value": "Normal"}]`
expectedStatus = map[string]string{"Progressing": "True"}
kubeApiserverCoStatus = map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"}
caseID = "OCP-56693"
dirname = "/tmp/-" + caseID
defer os.RemoveAll(dirname)
defer func() {
exutil.By("4)Restoring the loglevel to the default setting ...")
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("kubeapiserver/cluster", "--type=json", "-p", restorePatchJSON).Output()
if strings.Contains(output, "patched (no change)") {
e2e.Logf("kubeapiserver/cluster logLevel is not changed to the default values")
} else {
e2e.Logf("kubeapiserver/cluster logLevel is changed to the default values")
exutil.By("4) Checking KAS operator should be in Progressing and Available after rollout and recovery")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be in Progressing in 100 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 100, expectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not start progressing in 100 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be Available in 1500 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 1500, kubeApiserverCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not becomes available in 1500 seconds")
logLevel, err1 := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("kubeapiserver/cluster", "-o", `jsonpath={.spec.logLevel}`).Output()
err := os.MkdirAll(dirname, 0o755)
exutil.By("1) Checking if oauth and openshift apiserver exempt with API Priority and Fairness feature")
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("FlowSchema").Output()
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("kubeapiserver/cluster", "--type=json", "-p", patchJSON).Execute()
exutil.By("2) Checking KAS operator should be in Progressing and Available after rollout and recovery")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be in Progressing in 100 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 100, expectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not start progressing in 100 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be Available in 1500 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 1500, kubeApiserverCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not becomes available in 1500 seconds")
logLevel, logLevelErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("kubeapiserver/cluster", "-o", `jsonpath={.spec.logLevel}`).Output()
exutil.By("3) Checking if SAR traffics from flowschema openshift-apiserver and oauth-apiserver found in KAS logs")
kasPods, err := exutil.GetAllPodsWithLabel(oc, "openshift-kube-apiserver", "app=openshift-kube-apiserver")
for _, kasPod := range kasPods {
e2e.Logf("pod name:%s", kasPod)
_, errlog := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("logs").Args("-n", "openshift-kube-apiserver", kasPod).OutputToFile(caseID + "/kas.log." + kasPod)
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`grep 'startRequest' %v | grep 'system:serviceaccount:openshift-apiserver:openshift-apiserver-sa' | grep -iE 'immediate|exempt' | head -1`, dirname+"/kas.log.*")
noOASLogs, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
cmd = fmt.Sprintf(`grep 'startRequest' %v | grep 'system:serviceaccount:openshift-oauth-apiserver:oauth-apiserver-sa' | grep -iE 'immediate|exempt' | head -1`, dirname+"/kas.log.*")
noOAUTHLogs, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
if len(noOASLogs) > 0 && len(noOAUTHLogs) > 0 {
e2e.Logf("Found SAR traffics from flowschema openshift-apiserver:%s", noOASLogs)
e2e.Logf("Found SAR traffics from flowschema oauth-apiserver: %s", noOAUTHLogs)
e2e.Logf("Test Passed!")
} else {
e2e.Failf("Test Failed: No SAR traffics from flowschema openshift-apiserver and oauth-apiserver found in KAS logs")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 4f555251-2f38-401c-93c1-40da07144acf | Author:kewang-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-ARO-Medium-57243-V-BR.33-V-BR.39-[Apiserver] Viewing audit logs | ['"fmt"', '"os"', '"os/exec"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:kewang-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-ARO-Medium-57243-V-BR.33-V-BR.39-[Apiserver] Viewing audit logs", func() {
var (
apiservers = []string{"openshift-apiserver", "kube-apiserver", "oauth-apiserver"}
caseID = "OCP-57243"
dirname = "/tmp/-" + caseID
mustgatherDir = dirname + "/must-gather.ocp-57243"
defer os.RemoveAll(dirname)
err := os.MkdirAll(dirname, 0o755)
err = os.MkdirAll(mustgatherDir, 0o755)
masterNode, masterErr := exutil.GetFirstMasterNode(oc)
e2e.Logf("Master node is %v : ", masterNode)
for i, apiserver := range apiservers {
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%d.1)View the %s audit logs are available for each control plane node:", i+1, apiserver))
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("node-logs", "--role=master", "--path="+apiserver+"/").Output()
e2e.Logf("The OpenShift API server audit logs are available for each control plane node:\n%s", output)
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%d.2) View a specific %s audit log by providing the node name and the log name:", i+1, apiserver))
auditLogFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s-audit.log", caseID, apiserver)
_, err1 := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("node-logs", masterNode, "--path="+apiserver+"/audit.log").OutputToFile(auditLogFile)
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`tail -1 %v`, "/tmp/-"+auditLogFile)
cmdOut, cmdErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
e2e.Logf("An example of %s audit log:\n%s", apiserver, cmdOut)
exutil.By("4) Gathering audit logs to run the oc adm must-gather command and view the audit log files:")
_, mgErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("must-gather", "--dest-dir="+mustgatherDir, "--", "/usr/bin/gather_audit_logs").Output()
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`du -h %v`, mustgatherDir)
cmdOut, cmdErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
e2e.Logf("View the audit log files for running the oc adm must-gather command:\n%s", cmdOut)
// Empty audit log file is not expected.
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 553fd83c-6eaa-4b5e-acc4-a3f3326c3d55 | Author:dpunia-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-PstChkUpgrade-NonPreRelease-Medium-56934-[Apiserver] bug Ensure unique CA serial numbers, after enable automated service CA rotation | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"net/http"', '"os"', '"os/exec"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:dpunia-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-PstChkUpgrade-NonPreRelease-Medium-56934-[Apiserver] bug Ensure unique CA serial numbers, after enable automated service CA rotation", func() {
var (
dirname = "/tmp/-OCP-56934/"
exutil.By("Check if it's a proxy cluster")
httpProxy, httpsProxy, _ := getGlobalProxy(oc)
if strings.Contains(httpProxy, "http") || strings.Contains(httpsProxy, "https") {
g.Skip("Skip for proxy platform")
defer os.RemoveAll(dirname)
err := os.MkdirAll(dirname, 0755)
e2e.Logf("Cluster should be healthy before running case.")
err = clusterHealthcheck(oc, "OCP-56934/log")
if err == nil {
e2e.Logf("Cluster health check passed before running case")
} else {
g.Skip(fmt.Sprintf("Cluster health check failed before running case :: %s ", err))
exutil.By("1. Get openshift-apiserver pods and endpoints ip & port")
podName, podGetErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("-n", "openshift-apiserver", "pod", "--field-selector=status.phase=Running", "-o", "jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.name}").Output()
endpointIP, epGetErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("-n", "openshift-apiserver", "endpoints", "api", "-o", fmt.Sprintf(`jsonpath={.subsets[*].addresses[?(@.targetRef.name=="%v")].ip}`, podName)).Output()
exutil.By("2. Check openshift-apiserver https api metrics endpoint URL")
err = wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 60*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
metricsUrl := fmt.Sprintf(`https://%v:8443/metrics`, string(endpointIP))
metricsOut, metricsErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("exec").Args("-n", "openshift-apiserver", podName, "-c", "openshift-apiserver", "--", "curl", "-k", "--connect-timeout", "5", "--retry", "2", "-N", "-s", metricsUrl).Output()
if metricsErr == nil {
o.Expect(metricsOut).ShouldNot(o.ContainSubstring("You are attempting to import a cert with the same issuer/serial as an existing cert, but that is not the same cert"))
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "Test Failed")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | be494ea1-bd9d-42f3-b52f-4d24b214ddb9 | Author:dpunia-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-High-53229-[Apiserver] Test Arbitrary path injection via type field in CNI configuration | ['"context"', '"regexp"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:dpunia-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-High-53229-[Apiserver] Test Arbitrary path injection via type field in CNI configuration", func() {
exutil.By("1) Create new project")
namespace := oc.Namespace()
exutil.By("2) Create NetworkAttachmentDefinition with name nefarious-conf using nefarious.yaml")
nefariousConfTemplate := getTestDataFilePath("ocp53229-nefarious.yaml")
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", nefariousConfTemplate).Execute()
nefariousConfErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", nefariousConfTemplate).Execute()
exutil.By("3) Create Pod by using created NetworkAttachmentDefinition in annotations")
nefariousPodTemplate := getTestDataFilePath("ocp53229-nefarious-pod.yaml")
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", nefariousPodTemplate).Execute()
nefariousPodErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", nefariousPodTemplate).Execute()
exutil.By("4) Check pod should be in creating or failed status and event should show error message invalid plugin")
podStatus, podErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", nefariousPodTemplate, "-o", "jsonpath={.status.phase}").Output()
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second, 2*time.Minute, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
podEvent, podEventErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("describe").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", nefariousPodTemplate).Output()
matched, _ := regexp.MatchString("error adding pod.*to CNI network.*invalid plugin name: ../../../../usr/sbin/reboot", podEvent)
if matched {
e2e.Logf("Step 4. Test Passed")
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "Detected event CNI network invalid plugin")
exutil.By("5) Check pod created on node should not be rebooting and appear offline")
nodeName, nodeErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", nefariousPodTemplate, "-o", "jsonpath={.spec.nodeName}").Output()
nodeStatus, nodeStatusErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("node", nodeName, "--no-headers").Output()
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 3eec969c-9f02-478c-b862-455d3b7769cb | Author:rgangwar-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-High-43261-V-BR.33-V-BR.39-[Apiserver] APIServer Support None audit policy [Disruptive][Slow] | ['"context"', '"encoding/json"', '"fmt"', '"strings"', '"time"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-High-43261-V-BR.33-V-BR.39-[Apiserver] APIServer Support None audit policy [Disruptive][Slow]", func() {
var (
patch = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/audit", "value":{"profile":"None"}}]`
patchToRecover = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/audit", "value":{"profile":"Default"}}]`
expectedProgCoStatus = map[string]string{"Progressing": "True"}
expectedCoStatus = map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"}
coOps = []string{"authentication", "openshift-apiserver"}
defer func() {
contextErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("config").Args("use-context", "admin").Execute()
contextOutput, contextErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("whoami").Args("--show-context").Output()
e2e.Logf("Context after rollack :: %v", contextOutput)
defer func() {
exutil.By("Restoring apiserver/cluster's profile")
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("apiserver/cluster", "--type=json", "-p", patchToRecover).Output()
if strings.Contains(output, "patched (no change)") {
e2e.Logf("Apiserver/cluster's audit profile not changed from the default values")
} else {
exutil.By("Checking KAS, OAS, Auththentication operators should be in Progressing and Available after rollout and recovery")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be in Progressing in 100 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 100, expectedProgCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not start progressing in 100 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be Available in 1500 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 1500, expectedCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not becomes available in 1500 seconds")
// Using 60s because KAS takes long time, when KAS finished rotation, OAS and Auth should have already finished.
for _, ops := range coOps {
e2e.Logf("Checking %s should be Available in 60 seconds", ops)
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, ops, 60, expectedCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("%v operator is not becomes available in 60 seconds", ops))
exutil.By("1. Set None profile to audit log")
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("apiserver/cluster", "--type=json", "-p", patch).Output()
o.Expect(output).Should(o.ContainSubstring("patched"), "apiserver/cluster not patched")
exutil.By("2. Checking KAS, OAS, Auththentication operators should be in Progressing and Available after rollout and recovery")
exutil.By("2.1 Checking kube-apiserver operator should be in Progressing in 100 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 100, expectedProgCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not start progressing in 100 seconds")
exutil.By("2.2 Checking kube-apiserver operator should be Available in 1500 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 1500, expectedCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not becomes available in 1500 seconds")
// Using 60s because KAS takes long time, when KAS finished rotation, OAS and Auth should have already finished.
i := 3
for _, ops := range coOps {
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("2.%d Checking %s should be Available in 60 seconds", i, ops))
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, ops, 60, expectedCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("%v operator is not becomes available in 60 seconds", ops))
i = i + 1
e2e.Logf("KAS, OAS and Auth operator are available after rollout")
// Must-gather for audit logs
// Related bug 2008223
// Due to bug 2040654, exit code is unable to get failure exit code from executed script, so the step will succeed here.
exutil.By("3. Get must-gather audit logs")
msg, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("must-gather", "--dest-dir=/"+tmpdir+"/audit_must_gather_OCP-43261", "--", "/usr/bin/gather_audit_logs").Output()
o.Expect(strings.Contains(msg, "ERROR: To raise a Red Hat support request")).Should(o.BeTrue())
o.Expect(strings.Contains(msg, "spec.audit.profile")).Should(o.BeTrue())
exutil.By("4. Check if there is no new audit logs are generated after None profile setting.")
errUser := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("login").Args("-u", "system:admin", "-n", "default").Execute()
// Define the command to run on each node
now := time.Now().UTC().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
script := fmt.Sprintf(`for logpath in kube-apiserver oauth-apiserver openshift-apiserver; do grep -h system:authenticated:oauth /var/log/${logpath}/audit*.log | jq -c 'select (.requestReceivedTimestamp | .[0:19] + "Z" | fromdateiso8601 > "%s")' >> /tmp/OCP-43261-$logpath.json; done; cat /tmp/OCP-43261-*.json`, now)
exutil.By("4.1 Get all master nodes.")
masterNodes, getAllMasterNodesErr := exutil.GetClusterNodesBy(oc, "master")
counter := 0
for _, masterNode := range masterNodes {
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("4.2 Get audit log file from %s", masterNode))
masterNodeLogs, checkLogFileErr := exutil.DebugNodeRetryWithOptionsAndChroot(oc, masterNode, []string{"--quiet=true", "--to-namespace=openshift-kube-apiserver"}, "bash", "-c", script)
errCount := strings.Count(strings.TrimSpace(masterNodeLogs), "\n")
if errCount > 0 {
e2e.Logf("Error logs on master node %v :: %v", masterNode, masterNodeLogs)
counter = errCount + counter
if counter > 0 {
e2e.Failf("Audit logs counts increased :: %d", counter)
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 9cce0c11-eabc-458d-90a9-f33ea8704335 | Author:rgangwar-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-High-33427-V-BR.33-V-BR.39-[Apiserver] customize audit config of apiservers [Disruptive][Slow] | ['"fmt"', '"strconv"', '"strings"', '"time"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-High-33427-V-BR.33-V-BR.39-[Apiserver] customize audit config of apiservers [Disruptive][Slow]", func() {
var (
patchAllRequestBodies = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/audit", "value":{"profile":"AllRequestBodies"}}]`
patchWriteRequestBodies = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/audit", "value":{"profile":"WriteRequestBodies"}}]`
patchToRecover = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/audit", "value":{"profile":"Default"}}]`
podScript = "grep -r '\"managedFields\":{' /var/log/kube-apiserver | wc -l"
now = time.Now().UTC()
unixTimestamp = now.Unix()
defer func() {
exutil.By("Restoring apiserver/cluster's profile")
output := setAuditProfile(oc, "apiserver/cluster", patchToRecover)
if strings.Contains(output, "patched (no change)") {
e2e.Logf("Apiserver/cluster's audit profile not changed from the default values")
exutil.By("1. Checking the current default audit policy of cluster")
checkApiserversAuditPolicies(oc, "Default")
exutil.By("2. Get all master nodes.")
masterNodes, getAllMasterNodesErr := exutil.GetClusterNodesBy(oc, "master")
exutil.By("3. Checking verbs in kube-apiserver audit logs")
script := fmt.Sprintf(`grep -hE "\"verb\":\"(create|delete|patch|update)\",\"user\":.*(requestObject|responseObject)|\"verb\":\"(get|list|watch)\",\"user\":.*(requestObject|responseObject)" /var/log/kube-apiserver/audit.log | jq -r "select (.requestReceivedTimestamp | .[0:19] + \"Z\" | fromdateiso8601 > %v)" | tail -n 1`, unixTimestamp)
masterNodeLogs, errCount := checkAuditLogs(oc, script, masterNodes[0], "openshift-kube-apiserver")
if errCount > 0 {
e2e.Failf("Verbs in kube-apiserver audit logs on master node %v :: %v", masterNodes[0], masterNodeLogs)
e2e.Logf("No verbs logs in kube-apiserver audit logs on master node %v", masterNodes[0])
exutil.By("4. Set audit profile to WriteRequestBodies")
setAuditProfile(oc, "apiserver/cluster", patchWriteRequestBodies)
exutil.By("5. Checking the current WriteRequestBodies audit policy of cluster.")
checkApiserversAuditPolicies(oc, "WriteRequestBodies")
exutil.By("6. Checking verbs and managedFields in kube-apiserver audit logs after audit profile to WriteRequestBodies")
masterNodeLogs, errCount = checkAuditLogs(oc, script, masterNodes[0], "openshift-kube-apiserver")
if errCount == 0 {
e2e.Failf("Post audit profile to WriteRequestBodies, No Verbs in kube-apiserver audit logs on master node %v :: %v :: %v", masterNodes[0], masterNodeLogs, errCount)
podsList := getPodsListByLabel(oc.AsAdmin(), "openshift-kube-apiserver", "app=openshift-kube-apiserver")
execKasOuptut := ExecCommandOnPod(oc, podsList[0], "openshift-kube-apiserver", podScript)
trimOutput := strings.TrimSpace(execKasOuptut)
count, _ := strconv.Atoi(trimOutput)
if count == 0 {
e2e.Logf("The step succeeded and the managedFields count is zero in KAS logs.")
} else {
e2e.Failf("The step Failed and the managedFields count is not zero in KAS logs :: %d.", count)
e2e.Logf("Post audit profile to WriteRequestBodies, verbs captured in kube-apiserver audit logs on master node %v", masterNodes[0])
exutil.By("7. Set audit profile to AllRequestBodies")
setAuditProfile(oc, "apiserver/cluster", patchAllRequestBodies)
exutil.By("8. Checking the current AllRequestBodies audit policy of cluster.")
checkApiserversAuditPolicies(oc, "AllRequestBodies")
exutil.By("9. Checking verbs and managedFields in kube-apiserver audit logs after audit profile to AllRequestBodies")
masterNodeLogs, errCount = checkAuditLogs(oc, script, masterNodes[0], "openshift-kube-apiserver")
if errCount == 0 {
e2e.Failf("Post audit profile to AllRequestBodies, No Verbs in kube-apiserver audit logs on master node %v :: %v", masterNodes[0], masterNodeLogs)
execKasOuptut = ExecCommandOnPod(oc, podsList[0], "openshift-kube-apiserver", podScript)
trimOutput = strings.TrimSpace(execKasOuptut)
count, _ = strconv.Atoi(trimOutput)
if count == 0 {
e2e.Logf("The step succeeded and the managedFields count is zero in KAS logs.")
} else {
e2e.Failf("The step Failed and the managedFields count is not zero in KAS logs :: %d.", count)
e2e.Logf("Post audit profile to AllRequestBodies, Verbs captured in kube-apiserver audit logs on master node %v", masterNodes[0])
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | d60dbb97-96a4-4ec6-800c-fb89bcd81261 | Author:kewang-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-11289-[Apiserver] Check the imagestreams of quota in the project after build image [Serial] | ['"bufio"', '"context"', '"fmt"', '"os"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:kewang-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-11289-[Apiserver] Check the imagestreams of quota in the project after build image [Serial]", func() {
if isBaselineCapsSet(oc) && !(isEnabledCapability(oc, "Build") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "DeploymentConfig")) {
g.Skip("Skipping the test as baselinecaps have been set and some of API capabilities are not enabled!")
var (
caseID = "ocp-11289"
dirname = "/tmp/-" + caseID
ocpObjectCountsYamlFile = dirname + "openshift-object-counts.yaml"
expectedQuota = "openshift.io/imagestreams:2"
exutil.By("1) Create a new project required for this test execution")
namespace := oc.Namespace()
exutil.By("2) Create a ResourceQuota count of image stream")
ocpObjectCountsYaml := `apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: openshift-object-counts
openshift.io/imagestreams: "10"
f, err := os.Create(ocpObjectCountsYamlFile)
defer f.Close()
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", ocpObjectCountsYaml)
defer oc.AsAdmin().Run("delete").Args("-f", ocpObjectCountsYamlFile, "-n", namespace).Execute()
quotaErr := oc.AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("-f", ocpObjectCountsYamlFile, "-n", namespace).Execute()
exutil.By("3. Checking the created Resource Quota of the Image Stream")
quota := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "quota", "openshift-object-counts", `--template={{.status.used}}`, "-n", namespace)
o.Expect(quota).Should(o.ContainSubstring("openshift.io/imagestreams:0"), "openshift-object-counts")
checkImageStreamQuota := func(buildName string, step string) {
buildErr := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 90*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
bs := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "builds", buildName, "-ojsonpath={.status.phase}", "-n", namespace)
if strings.Contains(bs, "Complete") {
e2e.Logf("Building of %s status:%v", buildName, bs)
return true, nil
e2e.Logf("Building of %s is still not complete, continue to monitor ...", buildName)
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(buildErr, fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: Build status of %s is not complete!", buildName))
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%s.1 Checking the created Resource Quota of the Image Stream", step))
quota := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "quota", "openshift-object-counts", `--template={{.status.used}}`, "-n", namespace)
if !strings.Contains(quota, expectedQuota) {
out, _ := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "imagestream", "-n", namespace)
e2e.Logf("imagestream are used: %s", out)
e2e.Failf("expected quota openshift-object-counts %s doesn't match the reality %s! Please check!", expectedQuota, quota)
exutil.By("4. Create a source build using source code and check the build info")
imgErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("new-build").Args(`quay.io/openshifttest/ruby-27:1.2.0~https://github.com/sclorg/ruby-ex.git`, "-n", namespace, "--import-mode=PreserveOriginal").Execute()
if imgErr != nil {
if !isConnectedInternet(oc) {
e2e.Failf("Failed to access to the internet, something wrong with the connectivity of the cluster! Please check!")
checkImageStreamQuota("ruby-ex-1", "4")
exutil.By("5. Starts a new build for the provided build config")
sbErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("start-build").Args("ruby-ex", "-n", namespace).Execute()
checkImageStreamQuota("ruby-ex-2", "5")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 868fa2db-ae6f-403a-89aa-7acb5af83668 | Author:dpunia-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-High-43336-V-BR.33-V-BR.39-Support customRules list for by-group profiles to the audit configuration [Disruptive][Slow] | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:dpunia-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-High-43336-V-BR.33-V-BR.39-Support customRules list for by-group profiles to the audit configuration [Disruptive][Slow]", func() {
var (
patchCustomRules string
auditEventCount int
users []User
usersHTpassFile string
htPassSecret string
defer func() {
contextErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("config").Args("use-context", "admin").Execute()
contextOutput, contextErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("whoami").Args("--show-context").Output()
e2e.Logf("Context after rollback :: %v", contextOutput)
//Reset customRules profile to default one.
output := setAuditProfile(oc, "apiserver/cluster", `[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/audit"}]`)
if strings.Contains(output, "patched (no change)") {
e2e.Logf("Apiserver/cluster's audit profile not changed from the default values")
userCleanup(oc, users, usersHTpassFile, htPassSecret)
// Get user detail used by the test and cleanup after execution.
users, usersHTpassFile, htPassSecret = getNewUser(oc, 2)
exutil.By("1. Configure audit config for customRules system:authenticated:oauth profile as Default and audit profile as None")
patchCustomRules = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/audit", "value": {"customRules": [ {"group": "system:authenticated:oauth","profile": "Default"}],"profile": "None"}}]`
setAuditProfile(oc, "apiserver/cluster", patchCustomRules)
exutil.By("2. Check audit events should be greater than zero after login operation")
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 120*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
_, auditEventCount = checkUserAuditLog(oc, "system:authenticated:oauth", users[0].Username, users[0].Password)
if auditEventCount > 0 {
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("Test Case failed :: Audit events count is not greater than zero after login operation :: %v", auditEventCount))
exutil.By("3. Configure audit config for customRules system:authenticated:oauth profile as Default & system:serviceaccounts:openshift-console-operator as WriteRequestBodies and audit profile as None")
patchCustomRules = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/audit", "value": {"customRules": [ {"group": "system:authenticated:oauth","profile": "Default"}, {"group": "system:serviceaccounts:openshift-console-operator","profile": "WriteRequestBodies"}],"profile": "None"}}]`
setAuditProfile(oc, "apiserver/cluster", patchCustomRules)
exutil.By("4. Check audit events should be greater than zero after login operation")
err1 := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 20*time.Second, 180*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
_, auditEventCount = checkUserAuditLog(oc, "system:authenticated:oauth", users[1].Username, users[1].Password)
if auditEventCount > 0 {
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err1, fmt.Sprintf("Test Case failed :: Audit events count is not greater than zero after login operation :: %v", auditEventCount))
_, auditEventCount = checkUserAuditLog(oc, "system:serviceaccounts:openshift-console-operator", users[1].Username, users[1].Password)
o.Expect(auditEventCount).To(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 170d1947-52d8-4bad-abf6-f8f3ad55fdd6 | Author:dpunia-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-High-11887-Could delete all the resource when deleting the project [Serial] | ['"context"', '"regexp"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:dpunia-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-High-11887-Could delete all the resource when deleting the project [Serial]", func() {
if isBaselineCapsSet(oc) && !(isEnabledCapability(oc, "Build") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "DeploymentConfig")) {
g.Skip("Skipping the test as baselinecaps have been set and some of API capabilities are not enabled!")
origContxt, contxtErr := oc.Run("config").Args("current-context").Output()
defer func() {
useContxtErr := oc.Run("config").Args("use-context", origContxt).Execute()
exutil.By("1) Create a project")
projectName := "project-11887"
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("project", projectName, "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("new-project").Args(projectName).Execute()
exutil.By("2) Create new app")
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("new-app").Args("--name=hello-openshift", "quay.io/openshifttest/hello-openshift@sha256:4200f438cf2e9446f6bcff9d67ceea1f69ed07a2f83363b7fb52529f7ddd8a83", "-n", projectName, "--import-mode=PreserveOriginal").Execute()
exutil.By("3) Build hello-world from external source")
helloWorldSource := "quay.io/openshifttest/ruby-27:1.2.0~https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world"
imageError := oc.Run("new-build").Args(helloWorldSource, "--name=ocp-11887-test-"+strings.ToLower(exutil.RandStr(5)), "-n", projectName, "--import-mode=PreserveOriginal").Execute()
if imageError != nil {
if !isConnectedInternet(oc) {
e2e.Failf("Failed to access to the internet, something wrong with the connectivity of the cluster! Please check!")
exutil.By("4) Get project resource")
for _, resource := range []string{"buildConfig", "deployments", "pods", "services"} {
out := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, resource, "-n", projectName, "-o=jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name}")
o.Expect(len(out)).To(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
exutil.By("5) Delete the project")
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("project", projectName).Execute()
exutil.By("5.1) Check project is deleted")
err = wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 20*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
out, _ := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("project", projectName).Output()
if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString("namespaces .* not found", out); matched {
e2e.Logf("Step 5.1. Test Passed, project is deleted")
return true, nil
// Adding logging for debug
e2e.Logf("Project delete is in progress :: %s", out)
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "Step 5.1. Test Failed, Project is not deleted")
exutil.By("6) Get project resource after project is deleted")
out, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("-n", projectName, "all", "--no-headers").Output()
o.Expect(out).Should(o.ContainSubstring("No resources found"))
exutil.By("7) Create a project with same name, no context for this new one")
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("new-project").Args(projectName).Execute()
out, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("status").Args("-n", projectName).Output()
o.Expect(out).Should(o.ContainSubstring("no services, deployment"))
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 05feeb06-137f-4fb9-93b2-91ba723be0bb | Author:dpunia-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-NonPreRelease-High-63273-V-CM.03-V-CM.04-Test etcd encryption migration [Slow][Disruptive] | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"strconv"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:dpunia-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-NonPreRelease-High-63273-V-CM.03-V-CM.04-Test etcd encryption migration [Slow][Disruptive]", func() {
// only run this case in Etcd Encryption On cluster
exutil.By("1) Check if cluster is Etcd Encryption On")
encryptionType, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("apiserver/cluster", "-o=jsonpath={.spec.encryption.type}").Output()
if encryptionType != "aescbc" && encryptionType != "aesgcm" {
g.Skip("The cluster is Etcd Encryption Off, this case intentionally runs nothing")
e2e.Logf("Etcd Encryption with type %s is on!", encryptionType)
exutil.By("2) Check encryption-config and key secrets before Migration")
encSecretOut, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("secret", "-n", "openshift-config-managed", "-l", "encryption.apiserver.operator.openshift.io/component", "-o", `jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name}`).Output()
encSecretCount := strings.Count(encSecretOut, "encryption")
o.Expect(encSecretCount).To(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
exutil.By("3) Create Secret & Check in etcd database before Migration")
defer oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("-n", "default", "secret", "secret-63273").Execute()
err = oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("-n", "default", "secret", "generic", "secret-63273", "--from-literal", "pass=secret123").Execute()
etcdPods := getPodsListByLabel(oc, "openshift-etcd", "etcd=true")
execCmdOutput := ExecCommandOnPod(oc, etcdPods[0], "openshift-etcd", "etcdctl get /kubernetes.io/secrets/default/secret-63273")
exutil.By("4) Migrate encryption if current encryption is aescbc to aesgcm or vice versa")
migrateEncTo := "aesgcm"
if encryptionType == "aesgcm" {
migrateEncTo = "aescbc"
oasEncNumber, err := GetEncryptionKeyNumber(oc, `encryption-key-openshift-apiserver-[^ ]*`)
kasEncNumber, err1 := GetEncryptionKeyNumber(oc, `encryption-key-openshift-kube-apiserver-[^ ]*`)
e2e.Logf("Starting Etcd Encryption migration to %v", migrateEncTo)
patchArg := fmt.Sprintf(`{"spec":{"encryption": {"type":"%v"}}}`, migrateEncTo)
encMigrateOut, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("apiserver/cluster", "--type=merge", "-p", patchArg).Output()
exutil.By("5.) Check the new encryption key secrets appear")
newOASEncSecretName := "encryption-key-openshift-apiserver-" + strconv.Itoa(oasEncNumber+1)
newKASEncSecretName := "encryption-key-openshift-kube-apiserver-" + strconv.Itoa(kasEncNumber+1)
err = wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("secrets", newOASEncSecretName, newKASEncSecretName, "-n", "openshift-config-managed").Output()
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Fail to get new encryption-key-* secrets, error: %s. Trying again", err)
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("Got new encryption-key-* secrets:\n%s", output)
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("new encryption key secrets %s, %s not found", newOASEncSecretName, newKASEncSecretName))
completed, errOAS := WaitEncryptionKeyMigration(oc, newOASEncSecretName)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errOAS, fmt.Sprintf("saw all migrated-resources for %s", newOASEncSecretName))
completed, errKas := WaitEncryptionKeyMigration(oc, newKASEncSecretName)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errKas, fmt.Sprintf("saw all migrated-resources for %s", newKASEncSecretName))
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be Available")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 1500, map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"})
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not becomes available")
exutil.By("6) Check secret in etcd after Migration")
etcdPods = getPodsListByLabel(oc, "openshift-etcd", "etcd=true")
execCmdOutput = ExecCommandOnPod(oc, etcdPods[0], "openshift-etcd", "etcdctl get /kubernetes.io/secrets/default/secret-63273")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | b8836f3e-1186-4877-99d2-83001c93f064 | Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Low-12036-APIServer User can pull a private image from a registry when a pull secret is defined [Serial] | ['"fmt"', '"net/http"', '"strings"', '"github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/util/architecture"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Low-12036-APIServer User can pull a private image from a registry when a pull secret is defined [Serial]", func() {
if isBaselineCapsSet(oc) && !(isEnabledCapability(oc, "Build") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "DeploymentConfig")) {
g.Skip("Skipping the test as baselinecaps have been set and some of API capabilities are not enabled!")
exutil.By("Check if it's a proxy cluster")
httpProxy, httpsProxy, _ := getGlobalProxy(oc)
if strings.Contains(httpProxy, "http") || strings.Contains(httpsProxy, "https") {
g.Skip("Skip for proxy platform")
architecture.SkipArchitectures(oc, architecture.MULTI)
exutil.By("1) Create a new project required for this test execution")
namespace := oc.Namespace()
exutil.By("2) Build hello-world from external source")
helloWorldSource := "quay.io/openshifttest/ruby-27:1.2.0~https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world"
buildName := fmt.Sprintf("ocp12036-test-%s", strings.ToLower(exutil.RandStr(5)))
err := oc.Run("new-build").Args(helloWorldSource, "--name="+buildName, "-n", namespace, "--import-mode=PreserveOriginal").Execute()
exutil.By("3) Wait for hello-world build to success")
buildClient := oc.BuildClient().BuildV1().Builds(oc.Namespace())
err = exutil.WaitForABuild(buildClient, buildName+"-1", nil, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
exutil.DumpBuildLogs(buildName, oc)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "build is not complete")
exutil.By("4) Get dockerImageRepository value from imagestreams test")
dockerImageRepository1, err := oc.Run("get").Args("imagestreams", buildName, "-o=jsonpath={.status.dockerImageRepository}").Output()
dockerServer := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(dockerImageRepository1), "/")
exutil.By("5) Create another project with the second user")
exutil.By("6) Get access token")
token, err := oc.Run("whoami").Args("-t").Output()
exutil.By("7) Give user admin permission")
username := oc.Username()
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("policy", "add-cluster-role-to-user", "cluster-admin", username).Execute()
exutil.By("8) Create secret for private image under project")
err = oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("secret", "docker-registry", "user1-dockercfg", "[email protected]", "--docker-server="+dockerServer[0], "--docker-username="+username, "--docker-password="+token, "-n", oc.Namespace()).NotShowInfo().Execute()
exutil.By("9) Create new deploymentconfig from the dockerImageRepository fetched in step 4")
deploymentConfigYaml, err := oc.Run("create").Args("deploymentconfig", "frontend", "--image="+dockerImageRepository1, "--dry-run=client", "-o=yaml").OutputToFile("ocp12036-dc.yaml")
exutil.By("10) Modify the deploymentconfig and create a new deployment.")
exutil.ModifyYamlFileContent(deploymentConfigYaml, []exutil.YamlReplace{
Path: "spec.template.spec.containers.0.imagePullPolicy",
Value: "Always",
Path: "spec.template.spec.imagePullSecrets",
Value: "- name: user1-dockercfg",
err = oc.Run("create").Args("-f", deploymentConfigYaml).Execute()
exutil.By("11) Check if pod is properly running with expected status.")
podsList := getPodsListByLabel(oc.AsAdmin(), oc.Namespace(), "deploymentconfig=frontend")
exutil.AssertPodToBeReady(oc, podsList[0], oc.Namespace())
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 62abf72f-a93e-49df-8c0a-54b4c9443230 | Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-11905-APIServer Use well-formed pull secret with incorrect credentials will fail to build and deploy [Serial] | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"net/http"', '"regexp"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/util/architecture"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-11905-APIServer Use well-formed pull secret with incorrect credentials will fail to build and deploy [Serial]", func() {
if isBaselineCapsSet(oc) && !(isEnabledCapability(oc, "Build") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "DeploymentConfig")) {
g.Skip("Skipping the test as baselinecaps have been set and some of API capabilities are not enabled!")
architecture.SkipArchitectures(oc, architecture.MULTI)
exutil.By("Check if it's a proxy cluster")
httpProxy, httpsProxy, _ := getGlobalProxy(oc)
if strings.Contains(httpProxy, "http") || strings.Contains(httpsProxy, "https") {
g.Skip("Skip for proxy platform")
exutil.By("1) Create a new project required for this test execution")
namespace := oc.Namespace()
exutil.By("2) Build hello-world from external source")
helloWorldSource := "quay.io/openshifttest/ruby-27:1.2.0~https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world"
buildName := fmt.Sprintf("ocp11905-test-%s", strings.ToLower(exutil.RandStr(5)))
err := oc.Run("new-build").Args(helloWorldSource, "--name="+buildName, "-n", namespace, "--import-mode=PreserveOriginal").Execute()
exutil.By("3) Wait for hello-world build to success")
buildClient := oc.BuildClient().BuildV1().Builds(oc.Namespace())
err = exutil.WaitForABuild(buildClient, buildName+"-1", nil, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
exutil.DumpBuildLogs(buildName, oc)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "build is not complete")
exutil.By("4) Get dockerImageRepository value from imagestreams test")
dockerImageRepository1, err := oc.Run("get").Args("imagestreams", buildName, "-o=jsonpath={.status.dockerImageRepository}").Output()
dockerServer := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(dockerImageRepository1), "/")
exutil.By("5) Create another project with the second user")
exutil.By("6) Give user admin permission")
username := oc.Username()
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("policy", "add-cluster-role-to-user", "cluster-admin", username).Execute()
exutil.By("7) Create secret for private image under project with wrong password")
err = oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("secret", "docker-registry", "user1-dockercfg", "[email protected]", "--docker-server="+dockerServer[0], "--docker-username="+username, "--docker-password=password", "-n", oc.Namespace()).NotShowInfo().Execute()
exutil.By("8) Create new deploymentconfig from the dockerImageRepository fetched in step 4")
deploymentConfigYaml, err := oc.Run("create").Args("deploymentconfig", "frontend", "--image="+dockerImageRepository1, "--dry-run=client", "-o=yaml").OutputToFile("ocp12036-dc.yaml")
exutil.By("9) Modify the deploymentconfig and create a new deployment.")
exutil.ModifyYamlFileContent(deploymentConfigYaml, []exutil.YamlReplace{
Path: "spec.template.spec.containers.0.imagePullPolicy",
Value: "Always",
Path: "spec.template.spec.imagePullSecrets",
Value: "- name: user1-dockercfg",
err = oc.Run("create").Args("-f", deploymentConfigYaml).Execute()
exutil.By("10) Check if pod is running with the expected status.")
err = wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
podOutput, err := oc.Run("get").Args("pod").Output()
if err == nil {
matched, _ := regexp.MatchString("frontend-1-.*(ImagePullBackOff|ErrImagePull)", podOutput)
if matched {
e2e.Logf("Pod is running with expected status\n%s", podOutput)
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "pod did not showed up with the expected status")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 9960df5b-baf6-4ed1-b29c-5e346f9cc150 | Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-11531-APIServer Can access both http and https pods and services via the API proxy [Serial] | ['"fmt"', '"net/http"', '"os/exec"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-11531-APIServer Can access both http and https pods and services via the API proxy [Serial]", func() {
exutil.By("Check if it's a proxy cluster")
httpProxy, httpsProxy, _ := getGlobalProxy(oc)
if strings.Contains(httpProxy, "http") || strings.Contains(httpsProxy, "https") {
g.Skip("Skip for proxy platform")
// Case is failing on which cluster dns is not resolvable ...
apiServerFQDN, _ := getApiServerFQDNandPort(oc, false)
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`nslookup %s`, apiServerFQDN)
nsOutput, nsErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
if nsErr != nil {
g.Skip(fmt.Sprintf("DNS resolution failed, case is not suitable for environment %s :: %s", nsOutput, nsErr))
exutil.By("1) Create a new project required for this test execution")
projectNs := oc.Namespace()
exutil.By("2. Get the clustername")
clusterName, clusterErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("config").Args("view", "-o", `jsonpath={.clusters[0].name}`).Output()
e2e.Logf("Cluster Name :: %v", clusterName)
exutil.By("3. Point to the API server referring the cluster name")
apiserverName, apiErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("config").Args("view", "-o", `jsonpath={.clusters[?(@.name=="`+clusterName+`")].cluster.server}`).Output()
e2e.Logf("Server Name :: %v", apiserverName)
exutil.By("4) Get access token")
token, err := oc.Run("whoami").Args("-t").Output()
// Define the URL values
urls := []struct {
URL string
Target string
ExpectStr string
URL: "quay.io/openshifttest/hello-openshift@sha256:4200f438cf2e9446f6bcff9d67ceea1f69ed07a2f83363b7fb52529f7ddd8a83",
Target: "hello-openshift",
ExpectStr: "Hello OpenShift!",
URL: "quay.io/openshifttest/nginx-alpine@sha256:f78c5a93df8690a5a937a6803ef4554f5b6b1ef7af4f19a441383b8976304b4c",
Target: "nginx-alpine",
ExpectStr: "Hello-OpenShift nginx",
for i, u := range urls {
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%d.1) Build "+u.Target+" from external source", i+5))
appErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("new-app").Args(u.URL, "-n", projectNs, "--import-mode=PreserveOriginal").Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%d.2) Check if pod is properly running with expected status.", i+5))
podsList := getPodsListByLabel(oc.AsAdmin(), projectNs, "deployment="+u.Target)
exutil.AssertPodToBeReady(oc, podsList[0], projectNs)
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%d.3) Perform the proxy GET request to resource REST endpoint with service", i+5))
curlUrl := fmt.Sprintf(`%s/api/v1/namespaces/%s/services/http:%s:8080-tcp/proxy/`, apiserverName, projectNs, u.Target)
output := clientCurl(token, curlUrl)
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%d.4) Perform the proxy GET request to resource REST endpoint with pod", i+5))
curlUrl = fmt.Sprintf(`%s/api/v1/namespaces/%s/pods/http:%s:8080/proxy`, apiserverName, projectNs, podsList[0])
output = clientCurl(token, curlUrl)
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 189cab93-76f9-4581-a82b-8b99fb61b597 | Author:dpunia-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-High-12193-APIServer User can get node selector from a project | ['"context"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:dpunia-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-High-12193-APIServer User can get node selector from a project", func() {
var (
caseID = "ocp-12193"
firstProject = "e2e-apiserver-first" + caseID + "-" + exutil.GetRandomString()
secondProject = "e2e-apiserver-second" + caseID + "-" + exutil.GetRandomString()
labelValue = "qa" + exutil.GetRandomString()
userName := oc.Username()
exutil.By("Pre-requisities, capturing current-context from cluster.")
origContxt, contxtErr := oc.Run("config").Args("current-context").Output()
defer func() {
useContxtErr := oc.Run("config").Args("use-context", origContxt).Execute()
exutil.By("1) Create a project without node selector")
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("project", firstProject).Execute()
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("new-project", firstProject, "--admin="+userName).Execute()
exutil.By("2) Create a project with node selector")
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("project", secondProject).Execute()
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("new-project", secondProject, "--node-selector=env="+labelValue, "--description=testnodeselector", "--admin="+userName).Execute()
exutil.By("3) Check node selector field for above 2 projects")
firstProjectOut, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("describe").Args("project", firstProject, "--as="+userName).Output()
o.Expect(firstProjectOut).Should(o.MatchRegexp("Node Selector:.*<none>"))
secondProjectOut, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("describe").Args("project", secondProject, "--as="+userName).Output()
o.Expect(secondProjectOut).Should(o.MatchRegexp("Node Selector:.*env=" + labelValue))
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 30a27e8b-42e6-4903-b883-576be60d3b3a | Author:kewang-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-HyperShiftMGMT-High-65924-Specifying non-existen secret for API namedCertificates renders inconsistent config [Disruptive] | ['"encoding/json"', '"fmt"', '"strconv"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:kewang-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-HyperShiftMGMT-High-65924-Specifying non-existen secret for API namedCertificates renders inconsistent config [Disruptive]", func() {
// Currently, there is one bug OCPBUGS-15853 on 4.13, after the related PRs are merged, consider back-porting the case to 4.13
var (
apiserver = "apiserver/cluster"
kas = "openshift-kube-apiserver"
kasOpExpectedStatus = map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"}
kasOpNewStatus = map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "True"}
apiServerFQDN, _ = getApiServerFQDNandPort(oc, false)
patch = fmt.Sprintf(`{"spec":{"servingCerts": {"namedCertificates": [{"names": ["%s"], "servingCertificate": {"name": "client-ca-cusom"}}]}}}`, apiServerFQDN)
patchToRecover = `[{ "op": "remove", "path": "/spec/servingCerts" }]`
defer func() {
exutil.By(" Last) Check the kube-apiserver cluster operator after removed the non-existen secret for API namedCertificates .")
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args(apiserver, "-p", patchToRecover, "--type=json").Execute()
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 300, kasOpExpectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not becomes available")
exutil.By("1) Get the current revision of openshift-kube-apiserver.")
out, revisionChkErr := oc.AsAdmin().Run("get").Args("po", "-n", kas, "-l=apiserver", "-o", "jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.labels.revision}").Output()
s := strings.Split(out, " ")
preRevisionSum := 0
for _, valueStr := range s {
valueInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(valueStr)
preRevisionSum += valueInt
e2e.Logf("Current revisions of kube-apiservers: %v", out)
exutil.By("2) Apply non-existen secret for API namedCertificates.")
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args(apiserver, "-p", patch, "--type=merge").Execute()
exutil.By("3) Wait for a while and check the status of kube-apiserver cluster operator.")
errCo := waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 300, kasOpNewStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errCo, "kube-apiserver operator is not becomes degraded")
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("co", "kube-apiserver").Output()
exutil.By("4) Check that cluster does nothing and no kube-server pod crash-looping.")
out, revisionChkErr = oc.AsAdmin().Run("get").Args("po", "-n", kas, "-l=apiserver", "-o", "jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.labels.revision}").Output()
s1 := strings.Split(out, " ")
postRevisionSum := 0
for _, valueStr := range s1 {
valueInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(valueStr)
postRevisionSum += valueInt
e2e.Logf("Revisions of kube-apiservers after patching: %v", out)
o.Expect(postRevisionSum).Should(o.BeNumerically("==", preRevisionSum), "Validation failed as PostRevision value not equal to PreRevision")
e2e.Logf("No changes on revisions of kube-apiservers.")
kasPodsOutput := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "pods", "-l apiserver", "--no-headers", "-n", kas)
e2e.Logf("Kube-apiservers didn't roll out as expected.")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | e4d7cc8d-489b-4d35-8074-4f941e134f51 | Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-Longduration-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Medium-66921-1-APIServer LatencySensitive featureset must be removed [Slow][Disruptive] | ['"encoding/json"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-Longduration-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Medium-66921-1-APIServer LatencySensitive featureset must be removed [Slow][Disruptive]", func() {
const (
featurePatch = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/featureSet", "value": "LatencySensitive"}]`
invalidFeatureGate = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/featureSet", "value": "unknown"}]`
exutil.By("Checking feature gate")
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("featuregates", "-o", `jsonpath={.items[0].spec.featureSet}`).Output()
if output != "" {
g.Skip("Skipping case as feature gate is already enabled, can't modify or undo feature gate.")
exutil.By("1. Set Invalid featuregate")
output, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("featuregate", "cluster", "--type=json", "-p", invalidFeatureGate).Output()
o.Expect(output).Should(o.ContainSubstring(`The FeatureGate "cluster" is invalid`))
e2e.Logf("Error message :: %s", output)
// It is removed in 4.17, detail see https://github.com/openshift/cluster-config-operator/pull/324
exutil.By("2. Set featuregate to LatencySensitive")
output, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("featuregate", "cluster", "--type=json", "-p", featurePatch).Output()
o.Expect(output).Should(o.ContainSubstring(`The FeatureGate "cluster" is invalid`))
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 33cf6489-747d-431d-8241-3dfb098319c6 | Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-Longduration-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Medium-66921-2-APIServer TechPreviewNoUpgrade featureset blocks upgrade [Slow][Disruptive] | ['"encoding/json"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-Longduration-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Medium-66921-2-APIServer TechPreviewNoUpgrade featureset blocks upgrade [Slow][Disruptive]", func() {
const (
featureTechPreview = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/featureSet", "value": "TechPreviewNoUpgrade"}]`
featureCustomNoUpgrade = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/featureSet", "value": "CustomNoUpgrade"}]`
exutil.By("1. Checking feature gate")
g.By("Check if the cluster is TechPreviewNoUpgrade")
if !isTechPreviewNoUpgrade(oc) {
g.Skip("Skip for featuregate set as TechPreviewNoUpgrade")
exutil.By("2. Set featuregate to TechPreviewNoUpgrade again")
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("featuregate", "cluster", "--type=json", "-p", featureTechPreview).Output()
o.Expect(output).Should(o.ContainSubstring(`featuregate.config.openshift.io/cluster patched (no change)`))
kasOpExpectedStatus := map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"}
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 300, kasOpExpectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "changes of status have occurred to the kube-apiserver operator")
exutil.By("3. Check featuregate after set to CustomNoUpgrade")
output, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("featuregate", "cluster", "--type=json", "-p", featureCustomNoUpgrade).Output()
o.Expect(output).Should(o.ContainSubstring(`The FeatureGate "cluster" is invalid: spec.featureSet: Invalid value: "string": TechPreviewNoUpgrade may not be changed`))
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 1078e8e5-18d9-4d24-94fd-a702eb06d35f | Author:kewang-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-11797-[Apiserver] Image with single or multiple layer(s) sumed up size slightly exceed the openshift.io/image-size will push failed | ['"bufio"', '"context"', '"fmt"', '"net/http"', '"os"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:kewang-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-11797-[Apiserver] Image with single or multiple layer(s) sumed up size slightly exceed the openshift.io/image-size will push failed", func() {
if isBaselineCapsSet(oc) && !(isEnabledCapability(oc, "Build") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "DeploymentConfig") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "ImageRegistry")) {
g.Skip("Skipping the test as baselinecaps have been set and some of API capabilities are not enabled!")
exutil.By("Check if it's a proxy cluster")
httpProxy, httpsProxy, _ := getGlobalProxy(oc)
if strings.Contains(httpProxy, "http") || strings.Contains(httpsProxy, "https") {
g.Skip("Skip for proxy platform")
var (
imageLimitRangeYamlFile = tmpdir + "image-limit-range.yaml"
imageLimitRangeYaml = fmt.Sprintf(`apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
name: openshift-resource-limits
- type: openshift.io/Image
storage: %s
- type: openshift.io/ImageStream
openshift.io/image-tags: 20
openshift.io/images: 30
`, "100Mi")
exutil.By("1) Create new project required for this test execution")
namespace := oc.Namespace()
exutil.By("2) Create a resource quota limit of the image")
f, err := os.Create(imageLimitRangeYamlFile)
defer f.Close()
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
_, err = w.WriteString(imageLimitRangeYaml)
defer oc.AsAdmin().Run("delete").Args("-f", imageLimitRangeYamlFile, "-n", namespace).Execute()
quotaErr := oc.AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("-f", imageLimitRangeYamlFile, "-n", namespace).Execute()
exutil.By(`3) Using "skopeo" tool to copy image from quay registry to the default internal registry of the cluster`)
destRegistry := "docker://" + defaultRegistryServiceURL + "/" + namespace + "/mystream:latest"
exutil.By(`3.1) Try copying multiple layers image to the default internal registry of the cluster`)
publicImageUrl := "docker://" + "quay.io/openshifttest/mysql:1.2.0"
var output string
errPoll := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 200*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err = copyImageToInternelRegistry(oc, namespace, publicImageUrl, destRegistry)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(output, "denied") {
o.Expect(strings.Contains(output, "denied")).Should(o.BeTrue(), "Should deny copying"+publicImageUrl)
return true, nil
return false, nil
if errPoll != nil {
e2e.Logf("Failed to retrieve %v", output)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errPoll, "Failed to retrieve")
exutil.By(`3.2) Try copying single layer image to the default internal registry of the cluster`)
publicImageUrl = "docker://" + "quay.io/openshifttest/singlelayer:latest"
errPoll = wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 200*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err = copyImageToInternelRegistry(oc, namespace, publicImageUrl, destRegistry)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(output, "denied") {
o.Expect(strings.Contains(output, "denied")).Should(o.BeTrue(), "Should deny copying"+publicImageUrl)
return true, nil
return false, nil
if errPoll != nil {
e2e.Logf("Failed to retrieve %v", output)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errPoll, "Failed to retrieve")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 721a19de-3b0d-4465-b282-7049c2388ccd | Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-10865-[Apiserver] After Image Size Limit increment can push the image which previously over the limit | ['"bufio"', '"context"', '"fmt"', '"net/http"', '"os"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-10865-[Apiserver] After Image Size Limit increment can push the image which previously over the limit", func() {
if isBaselineCapsSet(oc) && !(isEnabledCapability(oc, "Build") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "DeploymentConfig") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "ImageRegistry")) {
g.Skip("Skipping the test as baselinecaps have been set and some of API capabilities are not enabled!")
exutil.By("Check if it's a proxy cluster")
httpProxy, httpsProxy, _ := getGlobalProxy(oc)
if strings.Contains(httpProxy, "http") || strings.Contains(httpsProxy, "https") {
g.Skip("Skip for proxy platform")
imageLimitRangeYamlFile := tmpdir + "image-limit-range.yaml"
exutil.By("1) Create new project required for this test execution")
namespace := oc.Namespace()
defer oc.AsAdmin().Run("delete").Args("-f", imageLimitRangeYamlFile, "-n", namespace).Execute()
for i, storage := range []string{"16Mi", "1Gi"} {
// Use fmt.Sprintf to update the storage value dynamically
imageLimitRangeYaml := fmt.Sprintf(`apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
name: openshift-resource-limits
- type: openshift.io/Image
storage: %s
- type: openshift.io/ImageStream
openshift.io/image-tags: 20
openshift.io/images: 30
`, storage)
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%d.1) Create a resource quota limit of the image with storage limit %s", i+1, storage))
f, err := os.Create(imageLimitRangeYamlFile)
defer f.Close()
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
_, err = w.WriteString(imageLimitRangeYaml)
// Define the action (create or replace) based on the storage value
var action string
if storage == "16Mi" {
action = "create"
} else if storage == "1Gi" {
action = "replace"
quotaErr := oc.AsAdmin().Run(action).Args("-f", imageLimitRangeYamlFile, "-n", namespace).Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf(`%d.2) Using "skopeo" tool to copy image from quay registry to the default internal registry of the cluster`, i+1))
destRegistry := "docker://" + defaultRegistryServiceURL + "/" + namespace + "/mystream:latest"
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf(`%d.3) Try copying image to the default internal registry of the cluster`, i+1))
publicImageUrl := "docker://quay.io/openshifttest/base-alpine@sha256:3126e4eed4a3ebd8bf972b2453fa838200988ee07c01b2251e3ea47e4b1f245c"
var output string
errPoll := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 120*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err = copyImageToInternelRegistry(oc, namespace, publicImageUrl, destRegistry)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(output, "denied") {
o.Expect(strings.Contains(output, "denied")).Should(o.BeTrue(), "Should deny copying"+publicImageUrl)
return true, nil
} else if err == nil {
return true, nil
return false, nil
if errPoll != nil {
e2e.Logf("Failed to retrieve %v", output)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errPoll, "Failed to retrieve")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | d299e177-7815-4002-9232-4096d653fb04 | Author:dpunia-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-Longduration-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Low-24389-Verify the CR admission of the APIServer CRD [Slow][Disruptive] | ['"crypto/tls"', '"net/http"', '"net/url"', '"os"', '"strings"', '"time"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:dpunia-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-Longduration-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Low-24389-Verify the CR admission of the APIServer CRD [Slow][Disruptive]", func() {
var (
patchOut string
patchJsonRevert = `{"spec": {"additionalCORSAllowedOrigins": null}}`
patchJson = `{
"spec": {
"additionalCORSAllowedOrigins": [
exutil.By("Check if it's a proxy cluster")
httpProxy, httpsProxy, _ := getGlobalProxy(oc)
if strings.Contains(httpProxy, "http") || strings.Contains(httpsProxy, "https") {
g.Skip("Skip for proxy platform")
apiServerRecover := func() {
errKASO := waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 100, map[string]string{"Progressing": "True"})
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errKASO, "kube-apiserver operator is not start progressing in 100 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be Available in 1500 seconds")
errKASO = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 1500, map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"})
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errKASO, "openshift-kube-apiserver pods revisions recovery not completed")
defer func() {
if strings.Contains(patchOut, "patched") {
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("apiserver", "cluster", "--type=merge", "-p", patchJsonRevert).Execute()
// Wait for kube-apiserver recover
exutil.By("1) Update apiserver config(additionalCORSAllowedOrigins) with invalid config `no closing (parentheses`")
patch := `{"spec": {"additionalCORSAllowedOrigins": ["no closing (parentheses"]}}`
patchOut, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("apiserver", "cluster", "--type=merge", "-p", patch).Output()
o.Expect(patchOut).Should(o.ContainSubstring(`"no closing (parentheses": not a valid regular expression`))
exutil.By("2) Update apiserver config(additionalCORSAllowedOrigins) with invalid string type")
patch = `{"spec": {"additionalCORSAllowedOrigins": "some string"}}`
patchOut, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("apiserver", "cluster", "--type=merge", "-p", patch).Output()
o.Expect(patchOut).Should(o.ContainSubstring(`body must be of type array: "string"`))
exutil.By("3) Update apiserver config(additionalCORSAllowedOrigins) with valid config")
patchOut, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("apiserver", "cluster", "--type=merge", "-p", patchJson).Output()
// Wait for kube-apiserver recover
exutil.By("4) Verifying the additionalCORSAllowedOrigins by inspecting the HTTP response headers")
urlStr, err := oc.Run("whoami").Args("--show-server").Output()
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlStr, nil)
req.Header.Set("Origin", "http://localhost")
tr := &http.Transport{}
if os.Getenv("HTTPS_PROXY") != "" || os.Getenv("https_proxy") != "" {
httpsProxy, err := url.Parse(os.Getenv("https_proxy"))
tr.Proxy = http.ProxyURL(httpsProxy)
tr.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
client := &http.Client{
Transport: tr,
Timeout: time.Second * 30, // Set a timeout for the entire request
resp, err := client.Do(req)
defer resp.Body.Close()
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 011f5b09-a8a0-4192-b0cc-ba7d8984b707 | Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-12263-[Apiserver] When exceed openshift.io/images will ban to create image reference or push image to project | ['"bufio"', '"context"', '"fmt"', '"net/http"', '"os"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"', 'g "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-12263-[Apiserver] When exceed openshift.io/images will ban to create image reference or push image to project", func() {
if isBaselineCapsSet(oc) && !(isEnabledCapability(oc, "Build") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "DeploymentConfig") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "ImageRegistry")) {
g.Skip("Skipping the test as baselinecaps have been set and some of API capabilities are not enabled!")
exutil.By("Check if it's a proxy cluster")
httpProxy, httpsProxy, _ := getGlobalProxy(oc)
if strings.Contains(httpProxy, "http") || strings.Contains(httpsProxy, "https") {
g.Skip("Skip for proxy platform")
var (
imageLimitRangeYamlFile = tmpdir + "image-limit-range.yaml"
imageName1 = `quay.io/openshifttest/base-alpine@sha256:3126e4eed4a3ebd8bf972b2453fa838200988ee07c01b2251e3ea47e4b1f245c`
imageName2 = `quay.io/openshifttest/hello-openshift:1.2.0`
imageName3 = `quay.io/openshifttest/hello-openshift@sha256:4200f438cf2e9446f6bcff9d67ceea1f69ed07a2f83363b7fb52529f7ddd8a83`
imageStreamErr error
exutil.By("1) Create new project required for this test execution")
namespace := oc.Namespace()
defer oc.AsAdmin().Run("delete").Args("-f", imageLimitRangeYamlFile, "-n", namespace).Execute()
imageLimitRangeYaml := `apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
name: openshift-resource-limits
- type: openshift.io/Image
storage: 1Gi
- type: openshift.io/ImageStream
openshift.io/image-tags: 20
openshift.io/images: 1
exutil.By("2) Create a resource quota limit of the image with images limit 1")
f, err := os.Create(imageLimitRangeYamlFile)
defer f.Close()
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
_, err = w.WriteString(imageLimitRangeYaml)
quotaErr := oc.AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("-f", imageLimitRangeYamlFile, "-n", namespace).Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("3.) Applying a mystream:v1 image tag to %s in an image stream should succeed", imageName1))
tagErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("tag").Args(imageName1, "--source=docker", "mystream:v1", "-n", namespace).Execute()
// Inline steps will wait for tag 1 to get it imported successfully before adding tag 2 and this helps to avoid race-caused failure.Ref:OCPQE-7679.
errImage := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
imageStreamOutput, imageStreamErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("describe").Args("imagestream", "mystream", "-n", namespace).Output()
if imageStreamErr == nil {
if strings.Contains(imageStreamOutput, imageName1) {
e2e.Logf("Image is tag with v1 successfully\n%s", imageStreamOutput)
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errImage, fmt.Sprintf("Image is tag with v1 is not successfull %s", imageStreamErr))
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("4.) Applying the mystream:v2 image tag to another %s in an image stream should fail due to the ImageStream max images limit", imageName2))
tagErr = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("tag").Args(imageName2, "--source=docker", "mystream:v2", "-n", namespace).Execute()
var imageStreamv2Err error
errImageV2 := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
imageStreamv2Output, imageStreamv2Err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("describe").Args("imagestream", "mystream", "-n", namespace).Output()
if imageStreamv2Err == nil {
if strings.Contains(imageStreamv2Output, "Import failed") {
e2e.Logf("Image is tag with v2 not successfull\n%s", imageStreamv2Output)
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errImageV2, fmt.Sprintf("Image is tag with v2 is successfull %s", imageStreamv2Err))
exutil.By(`5.) Copying an image to the default internal registry of the cluster should be denied due to the max storage size limit for images`)
destRegistry := "docker://" + defaultRegistryServiceURL + "/" + namespace + "/mystream:latest"
publicImageUrl := "docker://" + imageName3
var output string
errPoll := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 120*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err = copyImageToInternelRegistry(oc, namespace, publicImageUrl, destRegistry)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(output, "denied") {
o.Expect(strings.Contains(output, "denied")).Should(o.BeTrue(), "Should deny copying"+publicImageUrl)
return true, nil
return false, nil
if errPoll != nil {
e2e.Logf("Failed to retrieve %v", output)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errPoll, "Failed to retrieve")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 2d73efc4-a623-40c9-859d-e181f376a667 | Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-10970-[Apiserver] Create service with multiports | ['"encoding/json"', '"fmt"', '"math/rand"', '"net/http"', '"strconv"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-10970-[Apiserver] Create service with multiports", func() {
var (
filename = "pod_with_multi_ports.json"
filename1 = "pod-for-ping.json"
podName1 = "hello-openshift"
podName2 = "pod-for-ping"
exutil.By("Check if it's a proxy cluster")
httpProxy, httpsProxy, _ := getGlobalProxy(oc)
if strings.Contains(httpProxy, "http") || strings.Contains(httpsProxy, "https") {
g.Skip("Skip for proxy platform")
exutil.By("1) Create new project required for this test execution")
namespace := oc.Namespace()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("2) Create pod with resource file %s", filename))
template := getTestDataFilePath(filename)
err := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", template, "-n", namespace).Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("3) Wait for pod with name %s to be ready", podName1))
exutil.AssertPodToBeReady(oc, podName1, namespace)
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("4) Check host ip for pod %s", podName1))
hostIP, err := oc.Run("get").Args("pods", podName1, "-o=jsonpath={.status.hostIP}", "-n", namespace).Output()
e2e.Logf("Get host ip %s", hostIP)
exutil.By("5) Create nodeport service with random service port")
servicePort1 := rand.Intn(3000) + 6000
servicePort2 := rand.Intn(6001) + 9000
serviceErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("service", "nodeport", podName1, fmt.Sprintf("--tcp=%d:8080,%d:8443", servicePort1, servicePort2), "-n", namespace).Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("6) Check the service with the node port %s", podName1))
nodePort1, err := oc.Run("get").Args("services", podName1, fmt.Sprintf("-o=jsonpath={.spec.ports[?(@.port==%d)].nodePort}", servicePort1)).Output()
nodePort2, err := oc.Run("get").Args("services", podName1, fmt.Sprintf("-o=jsonpath={.spec.ports[?(@.port==%d)].nodePort}", servicePort2)).Output()
e2e.Logf("Get node port %s :: %s", nodePort1, nodePort2)
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("6.1) Create pod with resource file %s for checking network access", filename1))
template = getTestDataFilePath(filename1)
err = oc.Run("create").Args("-f", template, "-n", namespace).Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("6.2) Wait for pod with name %s to be ready", podName2))
exutil.AssertPodToBeReady(oc, podName2, namespace)
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("6.3) Check URL endpoint access"))
checkURLEndpointAccess(oc, hostIP, nodePort1, podName2, "http", "hello-openshift http-8080")
checkURLEndpointAccess(oc, hostIP, nodePort2, podName2, "https", "hello-openshift https-8443")
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("6.4) Delete service %s", podName1))
err = oc.Run("delete").Args("service", podName1).Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("7) Create another service with random target ports %d :: %d", servicePort1, servicePort2))
err1 := oc.Run("create").Args("service", "clusterip", podName1, fmt.Sprintf("--tcp=%d:8080,%d:8443", servicePort1, servicePort2)).Execute()
defer oc.Run("delete").Args("service", podName1).Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("7.1) Check cluster ip for pod %s", podName1))
clusterIP, serviceErr := oc.Run("get").Args("services", podName1, "-o=jsonpath={.spec.clusterIP}", "-n", namespace).Output()
e2e.Logf("Get node clusterIP :: %s", clusterIP)
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("7.2) Check URL endpoint access again"))
checkURLEndpointAccess(oc, clusterIP, strconv.Itoa(servicePort1), podName2, "http", "hello-openshift http-8080")
checkURLEndpointAccess(oc, clusterIP, strconv.Itoa(servicePort2), podName2, "https", "hello-openshift https-8443")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 52f11ff2-bc7a-41b7-a67a-8b662cc9ee79 | Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-12158-[Apiserver] Specify ResourceQuota on project | ['"bufio"', '"context"', '"fmt"', '"net/http"', '"os"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Medium-12158-[Apiserver] Specify ResourceQuota on project", func() {
if isBaselineCapsSet(oc) && !(isEnabledCapability(oc, "Build") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "DeploymentConfig") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "ImageRegistry")) {
g.Skip("Skipping the test as baselinecaps have been set and some of API capabilities are not enabled!")
exutil.By("Check if it's a proxy cluster")
httpProxy, httpsProxy, _ := getGlobalProxy(oc)
if strings.Contains(httpProxy, "http") || strings.Contains(httpsProxy, "https") {
g.Skip("Skip for proxy platform")
var (
imageLimitRangeYamlFile = tmpdir + "image-limit-range.yaml"
imageName1 = `quay.io/openshifttest/base-alpine@sha256:3126e4eed4a3ebd8bf972b2453fa838200988ee07c01b2251e3ea47e4b1f245c`
imageName2 = `quay.io/openshifttest/hello-openshift:1.2.0`
imageName3 = `quay.io/openshifttest/hello-openshift@sha256:4200f438cf2e9446f6bcff9d67ceea1f69ed07a2f83363b7fb52529f7ddd8a83`
imageStreamErr error
exutil.By("1) Create new project required for this test execution")
namespace := oc.Namespace()
defer oc.AsAdmin().Run("delete").Args("-f", imageLimitRangeYamlFile, "-n", namespace).Execute()
imageLimitRangeYaml := `apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: openshift-object-counts
openshift.io/imagestreams: "1"
exutil.By("2) Create a resource quota limit of the imagestream with limit 1")
f, err := os.Create(imageLimitRangeYamlFile)
defer f.Close()
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
_, err = w.WriteString(imageLimitRangeYaml)
quotaErr := oc.AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("-f", imageLimitRangeYamlFile, "-n", namespace).Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("3.) Applying a mystream:v1 image tag to %s in an image stream should succeed", imageName1))
tagErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("tag").Args(imageName1, "--source=docker", "mystream:v1", "-n", namespace).Execute()
// Inline steps will wait for tag 1 to get it imported successfully before adding tag 2 and this helps to avoid race-caused failure.Ref:OCPQE-7679.
errImage := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
imageStreamOutput, imageStreamErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("describe").Args("imagestream", "mystream", "-n", namespace).Output()
if imageStreamErr == nil {
if strings.Contains(imageStreamOutput, imageName1) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errImage, fmt.Sprintf("Image tagging with v1 is not successful %s", imageStreamErr))
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("4.) Applying the mystream2:v1 image tag to another %s in an image stream should fail due to the ImageStream max limit", imageName2))
output, tagErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("tag").Args(imageName2, "--source=docker", "mystream2:v1", "-n", namespace).Output()
o.Expect(string(output)).To(o.MatchRegexp("forbidden: [Ee]xceeded quota"))
exutil.By(`5.) Copying an image to the default internal registry of the cluster should be denied due to the max imagestream limit for images`)
destRegistry := "docker://" + defaultRegistryServiceURL + "/" + namespace + "/mystream3"
publicImageUrl := "docker://" + imageName3
errPoll := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 120*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err = copyImageToInternelRegistry(oc, namespace, publicImageUrl, destRegistry)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(output, "denied") {
o.Expect(strings.Contains(output, "denied")).Should(o.BeTrue(), "Should deny copying"+publicImageUrl)
return true, nil
return false, nil
if errPoll != nil {
e2e.Logf("Failed to retrieve %v", output)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errPoll, "Failed to retrieve")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 3d0e704f-2a68-48ea-8319-6e732492613f | Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Medium-68629-[Apiserver] Audit log files of apiservers should not have too permissive mode | ['"fmt"', '"os/exec"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Medium-68629-[Apiserver] Audit log files of apiservers should not have too permissive mode", func() {
directories := []string{
exutil.By("Get all master nodes.")
masterNodes, getAllMasterNodesErr := exutil.GetClusterNodesBy(oc, "master")
for i, directory := range directories {
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%v) Checking permissions for directory: %s\n", i+1, directory))
// Skip checking of hidden files
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`find %s -type f ! -perm 600 ! -name ".*" -exec ls -l {} +`, directory)
for _, masterNode := range masterNodes {
e2e.Logf("Checking permissions for directory: %s on node %s", directory, masterNode)
masterNodeOutput, checkFileErr := exutil.DebugNodeRetryWithOptionsAndChroot(oc, masterNode, []string{"--quiet=true", "--to-namespace=openshift-kube-apiserver"}, "bash", "-c", cmd)
// Filter out the specific warning from the output
lines := strings.Split(string(masterNodeOutput), "\n")
cleanedLines := make([]string, 0, len(lines))
for _, line := range lines {
if !strings.Contains(line, "Warning: metadata.name: this is used in the Pod's hostname") {
cleanedLine := strings.TrimSpace(line)
if cleanedLine != "" {
cleanedLines = append(cleanedLines, cleanedLine)
// Iterate through the cleaned lines to check file permissions
for _, line := range cleanedLines {
if strings.Contains(line, "-rw-------.") {
e2e.Logf("Node %s has a file with valid permissions 600 in %s:\n %s\n", masterNode, directory, line)
} else {
e2e.Failf("Node %s has a file with invalid permissions in %s:\n %v", masterNode, directory, line)
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 130c2fa6-7a7d-4c45-aab1-84384f97762a | Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-NonPreRelease-ConnectedOnly-Medium-68400-[Apiserver] Do not generate image pull secrets for internal registry when internal registry is disabled[Slow][Disruptive] | ['"fmt"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-NonPreRelease-ConnectedOnly-Medium-68400-[Apiserver] Do not generate image pull secrets for internal registry when internal registry is disabled[Slow][Disruptive]", func() {
var (
namespace = "ocp-68400"
secretOutput string
dockerOutput string
currentStep = 2
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("ns", namespace).Execute()
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("ns", namespace, "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
exutil.By("1. Check Image registry's enabled")
output, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("get").Args("configs.imageregistry.operator.openshift.io/cluster", "-o", `jsonpath='{.spec.managementState}'`).Output()
if strings.Contains(output, "Managed") {
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%v. Create serviceAccount test-a", currentStep))
err = oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("sa", "test-a", "-n", namespace).Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%v. Check if Token and Dockercfg Secrets of SA test-a are created.", currentStep+1))
secretOutput = getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "secrets", "-n", namespace, "-o", "jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{\" \"}'")
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%v. Disable the Internal Image Registry", currentStep+2))
defer func() {
exutil.By("Recovering Internal image registry")
output, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("patch").Args("configs.imageregistry/cluster", "-p", `{"spec":{"managementState":"Managed"}}`, "--type=merge").Output()
if strings.Contains(output, "patched (no change)") {
e2e.Logf("No changes to the internal image registry.")
} else {
exutil.By("Waiting KAS and Image registry reboot after the Internal Image Registry was enabled")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be in Progressing in 100 seconds")
expectedStatus := map[string]string{"Progressing": "True"}
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 100, expectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not start progressing in 100 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be Available in 1500 seconds")
expectedStatus = map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"}
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 1500, expectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not becomes available in 1500 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "image-registry", 100, expectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "image-registry operator is not becomes available in 100 seconds")
err = oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("patch").Args("configs.imageregistry/cluster", "-p", `{"spec":{"managementState":"Removed"}}`, "--type=merge").Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%v. Waiting KAS and Image registry reboot after the Internal Image Registry was disabled", currentStep+3))
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be in Progressing in 100 seconds")
expectedStatus := map[string]string{"Progressing": "True"}
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 100, expectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not start progressing in 100 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be Available in 1500 seconds")
expectedStatus = map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"}
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 1500, expectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not becomes available in 1500 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "image-registry", 100, expectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "image-registry operator is not becomes available in 100 seconds")
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%v. Check if Token and Dockercfg Secrets of SA test-a are removed", currentStep+4))
secretOutput, err = getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "secrets", "-n", namespace, "-o", `jsonpath={range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}`)
dockerOutput, err = getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "sa", "test-a", "-n", namespace, "-o", `jsonpath='{.secrets[*].name}'`)
currentStep = currentStep + 5
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%v. Create serviceAccount test-b", currentStep))
err = oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("sa", "test-b", "-n", namespace).Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%v. Check if Token and Dockercfg Secrets of SA test-b are created.", currentStep+1))
secretOutput, err = getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "secrets", "-n", namespace, "-o", `jsonpath={range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}`)
dockerOutput, err = getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "sa", "test-b", "-n", namespace, "-o", `jsonpath='{.secrets[*].name}'`)
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%v. Create new token and dockercfg secrets from any content for SA test-b", currentStep+2))
newSecretErr := oc.Run("create").Args("-n", namespace, "secret", "generic", "test-b-dockercfg-ocp68400", "--from-literal=username=myuser", "--from-literal=password=mypassword").NotShowInfo().Execute()
newSecretErr = oc.Run("create").Args("-n", namespace, "secret", "generic", "test-b-token-ocp68400", "--from-literal=username=myuser", "--from-literal=password=mypassword").NotShowInfo().Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%v. Check if Token and Dockercfg Secrets of SA test-b are not removed", currentStep+3))
secretOutput = getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "secrets", "-n", namespace, "-o", "jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}'")
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%v. Check if Token and Dockercfg Secrets of SA test-b should not have serviceAccount references", currentStep+4))
secretOutput, err = getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "secret", "test-b-token-ocp68400", "-n", namespace, "-o", `jsonpath={.metadata.annotations.kubernetes\.io/service-account\.name}`)
secretOutput, err = getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "secret", "test-b-dockercfg-ocp68400", "-n", namespace, "-o", `jsonpath={.metadata.annotations.kubernetes\.io/service-account\.name}`)
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("%v. Pull image from public registry after disabling internal registry", currentStep+5))
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("new-app").Args("registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/httpd-24", "-n", namespace).Execute()
podName := getPodsList(oc.AsAdmin(), namespace)
exutil.AssertPodToBeReady(oc, podName[0], namespace)
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 92023f81-28a5-4166-b6ea-dd1676ed2d99 | Author:rgangwar-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-High-70020-V-CM.02-Add new custom certificate for the cluster API [Disruptive] [Slow] | ['"crypto/tls"', '"encoding/base64"', '"fmt"', '"io/ioutil"', '"os"', '"os/exec"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-High-70020-V-CM.02-Add new custom certificate for the cluster API [Disruptive] [Slow]", func() {
var (
patchToRecover = `{"spec":{"servingCerts": {"namedCertificates": null}}}`
originKubeconfigBkp = "kubeconfig.origin"
originKubeconfig = os.Getenv("KUBECONFIG")
originCA = tmpdir + "certificate-authority-data-origin.crt"
newCA = tmpdir + "certificate-authority-data-origin-new.crt"
CN_BASE = "kas-test-cert"
caKeypem = tmpdir + "/caKey.pem"
caCertpem = tmpdir + "/caCert.pem"
serverKeypem = tmpdir + "/serverKey.pem"
serverconf = tmpdir + "/server.conf"
serverWithSANcsr = tmpdir + "/serverWithSAN.csr"
serverCertWithSAN = tmpdir + "/serverCertWithSAN.pem"
originKubeconfPath string
restoreCluster := func(oc *exutil.CLI) {
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("wait-for-stable-cluster").Execute()
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("secret", "-n", "openshift-config").Output()
if strings.Contains(output, "custom-api-cert") {
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("secret", "custom-api-cert", "-n", "openshift-config", "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
e2e.Logf("Cluster openshift-config secret reset to default values")
updateKubeconfigWithConcatenatedCert := func(caCertPath, originCertPath, kubeconfigPath string, newCertPath string) error {
caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(caCertPath)
originCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(originCertPath)
concatenatedCert := append(caCert, originCert...)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(newCertPath, concatenatedCert, 0644)
base64EncodedCert := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(concatenatedCert)
updateCmdKubeconfg := fmt.Sprintf(`sed -i "s/certificate-authority-data: .*/certificate-authority-data: %s/" %s`, base64EncodedCert, kubeconfigPath)
_, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", updateCmdKubeconfg).Output()
e2e.Logf("Kubeconfig file updated successfully.")
return nil
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("secret", "custom-api-cert", "-n", "openshift-config", "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
defer func() {
exutil.By("Restoring cluster")
_, _ = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("apiserver/cluster", "--type=merge", "-p", patchToRecover).Output()
e2e.Logf("Restore original kubeconfig")
bkpCmdKubeConf := fmt.Sprintf(`cp %s %s`, originKubeconfPath, originKubeconfig)
_, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", bkpCmdKubeConf).Output()
e2e.Logf("Cluster recovered")
fqdnName, port := getApiServerFQDNandPort(oc, false)
//Taking backup of old kubeconfig to restore old kubeconfig
exutil.By("1. Get the original kubeconfig backup")
originKubeconfPath = CopyToFile(originKubeconfig, originKubeconfigBkp)
exutil.By("2. Get the original CA")
caCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`grep certificate-authority-data %s | grep -Eo "[^ ]+$" | base64 -d > %s`, originKubeconfig, originCA)
_, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", caCmd).Output()
exutil.By("3. Create certificates with SAN.")
opensslCMD := fmt.Sprintf("openssl genrsa -out %v 2048", caKeypem)
_, caKeyErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslCMD).Output()
opensslCMD = fmt.Sprintf(`openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key %v -days 100000 -out %v -subj "/CN=%s_ca"`, caKeypem, caCertpem, CN_BASE)
_, caCertErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslCMD).Output()
opensslCMD = fmt.Sprintf("openssl genrsa -out %v 2048", serverKeypem)
_, serverKeyErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslCMD).Output()
serverconfCMD := fmt.Sprintf(`cat > %v << EOF
req_extensions = v3_req
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
[ v3_req ]
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth, serverAuth
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = %s
EOF`, serverconf, fqdnName)
_, serverconfErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", serverconfCMD).Output()
serverWithSANCMD := fmt.Sprintf(`openssl req -new -key %v -out %v -subj "/CN=%s_server" -config %v`, serverKeypem, serverWithSANcsr, CN_BASE, serverconf)
_, serverWithSANErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", serverWithSANCMD).Output()
serverCertWithSANCMD := fmt.Sprintf(`openssl x509 -req -in %v -CA %v -CAkey %v -CAcreateserial -out %v -days 100000 -extensions v3_req -extfile %s`, serverWithSANcsr, caCertpem, caKeypem, serverCertWithSAN, serverconf)
_, serverCertWithSANErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", serverCertWithSANCMD).Output()
exutil.By("4. Creating custom secret using server certificate")
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("secret", "tls", "custom-api-cert", "--cert="+serverCertWithSAN, "--key="+serverKeypem, "-n", "openshift-config").Execute()
exutil.By("5. Add new certificate to apiserver")
patchCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`{"spec":{"servingCerts": {"namedCertificates": [{"names": ["%s"], "servingCertificate": {"name": "custom-api-cert"}}]}}}`, fqdnName)
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("apiserver/cluster", "--type=merge", "-p", patchCmd).Execute()
exutil.By("6. Add new certificates to kubeconfig")
// To avoid error "Unable to connect to the server: tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority." updating kubeconfig
err = updateKubeconfigWithConcatenatedCert(caCertpem, originCA, originKubeconfig, newCA)
exutil.By("7. Checking KAS operator should be in Progressing in 300 seconds")
expectedStatus := map[string]string{"Progressing": "True"}
// Increasing wait time for prow ci failures
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 300, expectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not start progressing in 300 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be Available in 1500 seconds")
expectedStatus = map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"}
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 1500, expectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not becomes available in 1500 seconds")
exutil.By("8. Validate new certificates")
returnValues := []string{"Subject", "Issuer"}
certDetails, err := urlHealthCheck(fqdnName, port, caCertpem, returnValues)
exutil.By("9. Validate old certificates should not work")
certDetails, err = urlHealthCheck(fqdnName, port, originCA, returnValues)
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 6f109dcd-babf-46af-b3e1-39ee81095996 | Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-PstChkUpgrade-Medium-34223-[Apiserver] kube-apiserver and openshift-apiserver should have zero-disruption upgrade | ['"regexp"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-PstChkUpgrade-Medium-34223-[Apiserver] kube-apiserver and openshift-apiserver should have zero-disruption upgrade", func() {
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("ns").Args("project", "ocp-34223-proj", "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
cmExistsCmd, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("cm", "log", "-n", "ocp-34223-proj").Output()
if strings.Contains(cmExistsCmd, "No resources found") || err != nil {
g.Skip("Skipping case as ConfigMap ocp-34223 does not exist")
result, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("cm/log", "-n", "ocp-34223-proj", "-o", "yaml").Output()
// Check if the result contains any failure messages
failures := regexp.MustCompile(`failed`).FindAllString(result, -1)
// Verify if there are less than or equal to 1 failure message
if len(failures) <= 1 {
e2e.Logf("Test case paased: Zero-disruption upgrade")
} else {
e2e.Failf("Test case failed: Upgrade disruption detected::\n %v", failures)
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | e92fd849-4cb4-423e-ad52-43a1e8ee7efb | Author:kewang-LEVEL0-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-ConnectedOnly-Critical-10873-Access app througth secure service and regenerate service serving certs if it about to expire [Slow] | ['"bytes"', '"crypto/tls"', '"encoding/json"', '"fmt"', '"net/url"', '"os"', '"path/filepath"', '"time"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:kewang-LEVEL0-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-ConnectedOnly-Critical-10873-Access app througth secure service and regenerate service serving certs if it about to expire [Slow]", func() {
var (
filename = "aosqe-pod-for-ping.json"
podName = "hello-pod"
caseID = "ocp10873"
stepExecTime time.Time
exutil.By("1) Create new project for the test case.")
testNamespace := oc.Namespace()
exutil.By("2) The appropriate pod security labels are applied to the new project.")
applyLabel(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "ns", testNamespace, "security.openshift.io/scc.podSecurityLabelSync=false", "--overwrite")
applyLabel(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "ns", testNamespace, "pod-security.kubernetes.io/warn=privileged", "--overwrite")
applyLabel(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "ns", testNamespace, "pod-security.kubernetes.io/audit=privileged", "--overwrite")
applyLabel(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "ns", testNamespace, "pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce=privileged", "--overwrite")
exutil.By("3) Add SCC privileged to the project.")
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("policy", "add-scc-to-group", "privileged", "system:serviceaccounts:"+testNamespace).Execute()
exutil.By("4) Create a service.")
template := getTestDataFilePath(caseID + "-svc.json")
svcErr := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", template).Execute()
stepExecTime = time.Now()
exutil.By("5) Create a nginx webserver app with deploymnet.")
template = getTestDataFilePath(caseID + "-dc.yaml")
dcErr := oc.Run("create").Args("-f", template).Execute()
appPodName := getPodsListByLabel(oc.AsAdmin(), testNamespace, "name=web-server-rc")[0]
exutil.AssertPodToBeReady(oc, appPodName, testNamespace)
cmName, err := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "configmaps", "nginx-config", "-n", testNamespace, "-o=jsonpath={.metadata.name}")
o.Expect(cmName).ShouldNot(o.BeEmpty(), "The ConfigMap 'nginx-config' name should not be empty")
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("6.1) Create pod with resource file %s.", filename))
template = getTestDataFilePath(filename)
err = oc.Run("create").Args("-f", template).Execute()
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("6.2) Wait for pod with name %s to be ready.", podName))
exutil.AssertPodToBeReady(oc, podName, testNamespace)
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://hello.%s.svc:443", testNamespace)
execCmd := fmt.Sprintf("curl --cacert /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/service-ca.crt %s", url)
curlCmdOutput := ExecCommandOnPod(oc, podName, testNamespace, execCmd)
exutil.By("7) Extract the cert and key from secret ssl-key.")
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("extract").Args("-n", testNamespace, "secret/ssl-key", "--to", tmpdir).Execute()
tlsCrtFile := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "tls.crt")
tlsCrt, err := os.ReadFile(tlsCrtFile)
// Set the new expiry(1 hour + 1 minute) after the time of the secret ssl-key was created
exutil.By("8) Set the new expiry annotations to the secret ssl-key.")
tlsCrtCreation, err := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "secret", "ssl-key", "-n", testNamespace, "-o=jsonpath={.metadata.creationTimestamp}")
e2e.Logf("created time:%s", tlsCrtCreation)
tlsCrtCreationTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, tlsCrtCreation)
newExpiry := tlsCrtCreationTime.Add(time.Since(stepExecTime) + 1*time.Hour + 60*time.Second)
newExpiryStr := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, newExpiry.Format(time.RFC3339))
logger.Debugf("The new expiry of the secret ssl-key is %s", newExpiryStr)
annotationPatch := fmt.Sprintf(`{"metadata":{"annotations": {"service.alpha.openshift.io/expiry": %s, "service.beta.openshift.io/expiry": %s}}}`, newExpiryStr, newExpiryStr)
errPatch := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("secret", "ssl-key", "-n", testNamespace, "--type=merge", "-p", annotationPatch).Execute()
exutil.By("9) Check secret ssl-key again and shouldn't change When the expiry time is great than 1h.")
o.Eventually(func() bool {
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("extract").Args("-n", testNamespace, "secret/ssl-key", "--to", tmpdir, "--confirm=true").Execute()
tlsCrt1, err := os.ReadFile(tlsCrtFile)
if !bytes.Equal(tlsCrt, tlsCrt1) {
logger.Infof("When the expiry time has less than 1h left, the cert has been regenerated")
return true
logger.Infof("When the expiry time has more than 1h left, the cert will not regenerate")
return false
}, "25m", "60s").Should(o.Equal(true),
"Failed to regenerate the new secret ssl-key When the expiry time is greater than 1h")
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("10) Using the regenerated secret ssl-key to access web app in pod %s without error.", podName))
exutil.AssertPodToBeReady(oc, podName, testNamespace)
curlCmdOutput = ExecCommandOnPod(oc, podName, testNamespace, execCmd)
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 1b00ea45-fd73-4819-a0e2-91b0fd083651 | Author:kewang-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-High-73410-V-BR.22-V-BR.33-V-BR.39-Support customRules list for by-group with none profile to the audit configuration [Disruptive][Slow] | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:kewang-WRS-NonHyperShiftHOST-NonPreRelease-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-Longduration-High-73410-V-BR.22-V-BR.33-V-BR.39-Support customRules list for by-group with none profile to the audit configuration [Disruptive][Slow]", func() {
var (
patchCustomRules string
auditEventCount int
users []User
usersHTpassFile string
htPassSecret string
defer func() {
contextErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("config").Args("use-context", "admin").Execute()
contextOutput, contextErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("whoami").Args("--show-context").Output()
e2e.Logf("Context after rollback :: %v", contextOutput)
//Reset customRules profile to default one.
output := setAuditProfile(oc, "apiserver/cluster", `[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/audit"}]`)
if strings.Contains(output, "patched (no change)") {
e2e.Logf("Apiserver/cluster's audit profile not changed from the default values")
userCleanup(oc, users, usersHTpassFile, htPassSecret)
// Get user detail used by the test and cleanup after execution.
users, usersHTpassFile, htPassSecret = getNewUser(oc, 2)
exutil.By("1. Configure audit config for customRules system:authenticated:oauth profile as None and audit profile as Default")
patchCustomRules = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/audit", "value": {"customRules": [ {"group": "system:authenticated:oauth","profile": "None"}],"profile": "Default"}}]`
setAuditProfile(oc, "apiserver/cluster", patchCustomRules)
exutil.By("2. Check audit events should be zero after login operation")
auditEventLog, auditEventCount := checkUserAuditLog(oc, "system:authenticated:oauth", users[0].Username, users[0].Password)
if auditEventCount > 0 {
e2e.Logf("Event Logs :: %v", auditEventLog)
o.Expect(auditEventCount).To(o.BeNumerically("==", 0))
exutil.By("3. Configure audit config for customRules system:authenticated:oauth profile as Default and audit profile as Default")
patchCustomRules = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/audit", "value": {"customRules": [ {"group": "system:authenticated:oauth","profile": "Default"}],"profile": "Default"}}]`
setAuditProfile(oc, "apiserver/cluster", patchCustomRules)
exutil.By("4. Check audit events should be greater than zero after login operation")
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 120*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
_, auditEventCount = checkUserAuditLog(oc, "system:authenticated:oauth", users[1].Username, users[1].Password)
if auditEventCount > 0 {
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("Test Case failed :: Audit events count is not greater than zero after login operation :: %v", auditEventCount))
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | bf56e1aa-b774-4150-814b-4fc048776d3b | Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-ConnectedOnly-Medium-70369-[Apiserver] Use bound service account tokens when generating pull secrets. | ['"fmt"', '"strings"', '"time"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-ConnectedOnly-Medium-70369-[Apiserver] Use bound service account tokens when generating pull secrets.", func() {
var (
secretOutput string
randomSaAcc = "test-" + exutil.GetRandomString()
namespace := oc.Namespace()
exutil.By("1. Check if Image registry is enabled")
output, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("get").Args("configs.imageregistry.operator.openshift.io/cluster", "-o", `jsonpath='{.spec.managementState}'`).Output()
if !strings.Contains(output, "Managed") {
g.Skip("Skipping case as registry is not enabled")
exutil.By("2. Create serviceAccount " + randomSaAcc)
err = oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("sa", randomSaAcc, "-n", namespace).Execute()
exutil.By("3. Check if Token Secrets of SA " + randomSaAcc + " are created.")
secretOutput = getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "secrets", "-n", namespace, "-o", `jsonpath={range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{" "}{end}`)
exutil.By("4. Create a deployment that uses an image from the internal registry")
podTemplate := getTestDataFilePath("ocp-70369.yaml")
params := []string{"-n", namespace, "-f", podTemplate, "-p", fmt.Sprintf("NAMESPACE=%s", namespace), "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=" + randomSaAcc}
configFile := exutil.ProcessTemplate(oc, params...)
err = oc.AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("-f", configFile, "-n", namespace).Execute()
podName := getPodsList(oc.AsAdmin(), namespace)
exutil.AssertPodToBeReady(oc, podName[0], namespace)
exutil.By("5. Verify the `openshift.io/internal-registry-pull-secret-ref` annotation in the ServiceAccount")
serviceCaOutput := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "pod", podName[0], "-n", namespace, "-o", `jsonpath={.spec.serviceAccount}`)
imageSecretOutput := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "pod", podName[0], "-n", namespace, "-o", `jsonpath={.spec.imagePullSecrets[*].name}`)
o.Expect(imageSecretOutput).Should(o.ContainSubstring(randomSaAcc + "-dockercfg"))
imageSaOutput := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "sa", randomSaAcc, "-n", namespace, "-o", `jsonpath={.metadata.annotations.openshift\.io/internal-registry-pull-secret-ref}`)
o.Expect(imageSaOutput).Should(o.ContainSubstring(randomSaAcc + "-dockercfg"))
// Adding this step related to bug https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-36833
exutil.By("6. Verify no reconciliation loops cause unbounded dockercfg secret creation")
saName := "my-test-sa"
// Define the ServiceAccount in YAML format
saYAML := fmt.Sprintf(`apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: %s
`, saName)
// Create or replace the ServiceAccount multiple times
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
output, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", "-").InputString(saYAML).Output()
if err != nil {
if !strings.Contains(output, "AlreadyExists") {
e2e.Failf("Failed to create ServiceAccount: %v", err.Error())
} else {
// Replace the ServiceAccount if it already exists
err = oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("replace").Args("-n", namespace, "-f", "-").InputString(saYAML).Execute()
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("Failed to replace ServiceAccount: %v", err)
e2e.Logf("ServiceAccount %s replaced\n", saName)
} else {
e2e.Logf("ServiceAccount %s created\n", saName)
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // Sleep to ensure secrets generation
// List ServiceAccounts and secrets
saList := getResourceToBeReady(oc, true, true, "-n", namespace, "sa", saName, "-o=jsonpath={.metadata.name}")
if saList == "" {
e2e.Failf("ServiceAccount %s not found", saName)
e2e.Logf("ServiceAccount found: %s", saName)
saNameSecretTypes, err := getResource(oc, true, true, "-n", namespace, "secrets", `-o`, `jsonpath={range .items[?(@.metadata.ownerReferences[0].name=="`+saName+`")]}{.type}{"\n"}{end}`)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("Failed to get secrets: %v", err)
secretTypes := strings.Split(saNameSecretTypes, "\n")
// Count the values
dockerCfgCount := 0
serviceAccountTokenCount := 0
for _, secretType := range secretTypes {
switch secretType {
case "kubernetes.io/dockercfg":
case "kubernetes.io/service-account-token":
if dockerCfgCount != 1 || serviceAccountTokenCount != 0 {
e2e.Failf("Expected 1 dockercfg secret and 0 token secret, but found %d dockercfg secrets and %d token secrets", dockerCfgCount, serviceAccountTokenCount)
e2e.Logf("Correct number of secrets found, there is no reconciliation loops causing unbounded dockercfg secret creation")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | fbb36662-0b8c-4847-a7ac-b991515d5c02 | Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-High-73853-[Apiserver] Update existing alert KubeAPIErrorBudgetBurn [Slow] [Disruptive] | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"net/url"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"', '"github.com/tidwall/gjson"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-High-73853-[Apiserver] Update existing alert KubeAPIErrorBudgetBurn [Slow] [Disruptive]", func() {
if isSNOCluster(oc) {
g.Skip("This is a SNO cluster, skip.")
var (
alertBudget = "KubeAPIErrorBudgetBurn"
runbookBudgetURL = "https://github.com/openshift/runbooks/blob/master/alerts/cluster-kube-apiserver-operator/KubeAPIErrorBudgetBurn.md"
alertTimeWarning = "2m"
alertTimeCritical = "15m"
alertTimeWarningExt = "1h"
alertTimeCriticalExt = "3h"
severity = []string{"critical", "critical"}
severityExtended = []string{"warning", "warning"}
timeSleep = 900
exutil.By("1. Check cluster with the following changes for existing alerts " + alertBudget + " have been applied.")
output, alertBasicErr := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "prometheusrule/kube-apiserver-slos-basic", "-n", "openshift-kube-apiserver", "-o", `jsonpath='{.spec.groups[?(@.name=="kube-apiserver-slos-basic")].rules[?(@.alert=="`+alertBudget+`")].labels.severity}'`)
chkStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", severity[0], severity[1])
o.Expect(output).Should(o.ContainSubstring(chkStr), fmt.Sprintf("Not have new alert %s with severity :: %s : %s", alertBudget, severity[0], severity[1]))
e2e.Logf("Have new alert %s with severity :: %s : %s", alertBudget, severity[0], severity[1])
outputExt, alertExtErr := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "prometheusrule/kube-apiserver-slos-extended", "-n", "openshift-kube-apiserver", "-o", `jsonpath='{.spec.groups[?(@.name=="kube-apiserver-slos-extended")].rules[?(@.alert=="`+alertBudget+`")].labels.severity}'`)
chkExtStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", severityExtended[0], severityExtended[1])
o.Expect(outputExt).Should(o.ContainSubstring(chkExtStr), fmt.Sprintf("Not have new alert %s with severity :: %s : %s", alertBudget, severityExtended[0], severityExtended[1]))
e2e.Logf("Have new alert %s with severity :: %s : %s", alertBudget, severityExtended[0], severityExtended[1])
e2e.Logf("Check reduce severity to %s and %s for :: %s : %s", severity[0], severity[1], alertTimeWarning, alertTimeCritical)
output, sevBasicErr := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "prometheusrule/kube-apiserver-slos-basic", "-n", "openshift-kube-apiserver", "-o", `jsonpath='{.spec.groups[?(@.name=="kube-apiserver-slos-basic")].rules[?(@.alert=="`+alertBudget+`")].for}'`)
chkStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", alertTimeWarning, alertTimeCritical)
o.Expect(output).Should(o.ContainSubstring(chkStr), fmt.Sprintf("Not Have reduce severity to %s and %s for :: %s : %s", severity[0], severity[1], alertTimeWarning, alertTimeCritical))
e2e.Logf("Have reduce severity to %s and %s for :: %s : %s", severity[0], severity[1], alertTimeWarning, alertTimeCritical)
e2e.Logf("Check reduce severity to %s and %s for :: %s : %s", severityExtended[0], severityExtended[1], alertTimeWarningExt, alertTimeCriticalExt)
outputExtn, sevExtErr := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "prometheusrule/kube-apiserver-slos-extended", "-n", "openshift-kube-apiserver", "-o", `jsonpath='{.spec.groups[?(@.name=="kube-apiserver-slos-extended")].rules[?(@.alert=="`+alertBudget+`")].for}'`)
chkStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", alertTimeWarningExt, alertTimeCriticalExt)
o.Expect(outputExtn).Should(o.ContainSubstring(chkStr), fmt.Sprintf("Not Have reduce severity to %s and %s for :: %s : %s", severityExtended[0], severityExtended[1], alertTimeWarningExt, alertTimeCriticalExt))
e2e.Logf("Have reduce severity to %s and %s for :: %s : %s", severityExtended[0], severityExtended[1], alertTimeWarningExt, alertTimeCriticalExt)
e2e.Logf("Check a run book url for %s", alertBudget)
output = getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "prometheusrule/kube-apiserver-slos-basic", "-n", "openshift-kube-apiserver", "-o", `jsonpath='{.spec.groups[?(@.name=="kube-apiserver-slos-basic")].rules[?(@.alert=="`+alertBudget+`")].annotations.runbook_url}'`)
o.Expect(output).Should(o.ContainSubstring(runbookBudgetURL), fmt.Sprintf("%s Runbook url not found :: %s", alertBudget, runbookBudgetURL))
e2e.Logf("Have a run book url for %s :: %s", alertBudget, runbookBudgetURL)
exutil.By("2. Test the " + alertBudget + "alert firing/pending")
e2e.Logf("Checking for available network interfaces on the master node")
masterNode, masterErr := exutil.GetFirstMasterNode(oc)
e2e.Logf("Master node is %v : ", masterNode)
cmd := `for iface in $(ls /sys/class/net | grep -oP '^(env|ens|eth|enp)\w+'); do ip link show $iface | grep -q 'master' && echo "$iface" || true; done`
ethName, ethErr := exutil.DebugNodeRetryWithOptionsAndChroot(oc, masterNode, []string{"--quiet=true", "--to-namespace=openshift-kube-apiserver"}, "bash", "-c", cmd)
ethName = strings.TrimSpace(ethName)
e2e.Logf("Found Ethernet :: %v", ethName)
e2e.Logf(`Simulating network conditions: "50%% packet loss on the master node"`)
channel := make(chan string)
go func() {
defer g.GinkgoRecover()
cmdStr := fmt.Sprintf(`tc qdisc add dev %s root netem loss 50%%; sleep %v; tc qdisc del dev %s root`, ethName, timeSleep, ethName)
output, _ := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("debug").Args("-n", "default", fmt.Sprintf("nodes/%s", masterNode), "--", "chroot", "/host", "/bin/bash", "-c", cmdStr).Output()
e2e.Logf("Output:%s", output)
channel <- output
defer func() {
receivedMsg := <-channel
e2e.Logf("ReceivedMsg:%s", receivedMsg)
e2e.Logf("Check alert " + alertBudget + " firing/pending")
errWatcher := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second, time.Duration(timeSleep)*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
alertOutput, _ := GetAlertsByName(oc, alertBudget)
alertName := gjson.Parse(alertOutput).String()
alertOutputWarning1 := gjson.Get(alertName, `data.alerts.#(labels.alertname=="`+alertBudget+`")#`).String()
alertOutputWarning2 := gjson.Get(alertOutputWarning1, `#(labels.severity=="`+severityExtended[0]+`").state`).String()
if strings.Contains(string(alertOutputWarning2), "pending") || strings.Contains(string(alertOutputWarning2), "firing") {
e2e.Logf("%s with %s is pending/firing", alertBudget, severityExtended[0])
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errWatcher, fmt.Sprintf("%s with %s is not firing or pending", alertBudget, severityExtended[0]))
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 0e7fae02-8a56-4972-91ba-5c0ea70dc4dd | Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-High-73949-[Apiserver] Update existing alert AuditLogError [Slow] [Disruptive] | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"', '"github.com/tidwall/gjson"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-High-73949-[Apiserver] Update existing alert AuditLogError [Slow] [Disruptive]", func() {
var (
alertBudget = "AuditLogError"
alertTimeWarning = "1m"
severity = "warning"
namespace = "openshift-kube-apiserver"
lockCmd = `sudo chattr +i /var/log/audit; \
sudo chattr +i /var/log/audit/*; \
sudo chattr +i /var/log/openshift-apiserver; \
sudo chattr +i /var/log/openshift-apiserver/*; \
sudo chattr +i /var/log/kube-apiserver; \
sudo chattr +i /var/log/kube-apiserver/*`
unlockCmd = `sudo chattr -i /var/log/audit; \
sudo chattr -i /var/log/audit/*; \
sudo chattr -i /var/log/openshift-apiserver; \
sudo chattr -i /var/log/openshift-apiserver/*; \
sudo chattr -i /var/log/kube-apiserver; \
sudo chattr -i /var/log/kube-apiserver/*`
exutil.By("1. Check if the following changes for existing alerts " + alertBudget + " have been applied to the cluster.")
output, alertBasicErr := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "prometheusrule/audit-errors", "-n", namespace, "-o", `jsonpath='{.spec.groups[?(@.name=="apiserver-audit")].rules[?(@.alert=="`+alertBudget+`")].labels.severity}'`)
o.Expect(output).Should(o.ContainSubstring(severity), fmt.Sprintf("New alert %s with severity :: %s does not exist", alertBudget, severity))
e2e.Logf("Have new alert %s with severity :: %s", alertBudget, severity)
e2e.Logf("Check reduce severity to %s for :: %s", severity, alertTimeWarning)
output, sevBasicErr := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "prometheusrule/audit-errors", "-n", namespace, "-o", `jsonpath='{.spec.groups[?(@.name=="apiserver-audit")].rules[?(@.alert=="`+alertBudget+`")].for}'`)
o.Expect(output).Should(o.ContainSubstring(alertTimeWarning), fmt.Sprintf("Not Have reduce severity to %s for :: %s", severity, alertTimeWarning))
e2e.Logf("Have reduce severity to %s for :: %s", severity, alertTimeWarning)
exutil.By("2. Test the " + alertBudget + "alert firing/pending")
masterNodes, getAllMasterNodesErr := exutil.GetClusterNodesBy(oc, "master")
defer func() {
for _, masterNode := range masterNodes {
e2e.Logf("Rollback permissions of auditLogs on the node :: %s", masterNode)
_, debugErr := exutil.DebugNodeRetryWithOptionsAndChroot(oc, masterNode, []string{"--quiet=true", "--to-namespace=" + namespace}, "bash", "-c", unlockCmd)
errWatcher := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second, 600*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
alertOutput, _ := GetAlertsByName(oc, alertBudget)
alertName := gjson.Parse(alertOutput).String()
alertOutputWarning1 := gjson.Get(alertName, `data.alerts.#(labels.alertname=="`+alertBudget+`")#`).String()
alertOutputWarning2 := gjson.Get(alertOutputWarning1, `#(labels.severity=="`+severity+`").state`).String()
if !strings.Contains(string(alertOutputWarning2), "pending") && !strings.Contains(string(alertOutputWarning2), "firing") {
e2e.Logf("Alert %s is resolved and it is not pending/firing", alertBudget)
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errWatcher, fmt.Sprintf("%s with %s is still firing or pending after issue resolved", alertBudget, severity))
for _, masterNode := range masterNodes {
e2e.Logf("Changing permissions of auditLogs on the node :: %s", masterNode)
_, debugErr := exutil.DebugNodeRetryWithOptionsAndChroot(oc, masterNode, []string{"--quiet=true", "--to-namespace=" + namespace}, "bash", "-c", lockCmd)
e2e.Logf("Check if alert " + alertBudget + " is firing/pending")
errWatcher := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second, 1500*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("new-project").Args("test-profile-cm-ocp73949", "--skip-config-write").Execute()
oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("project", "test-profile-cm-ocp73949", "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
for _, masterNode := range masterNodes {
exutil.DebugNodeRetryWithOptionsAndChroot(oc, masterNode, []string{"--quiet=true", "--to-namespace=" + namespace}, "bash", "-c", `for i in {0..20}; do sudo echo 'test' >> /var/log/audit/audit.log;echo 'test';done`)
alertOutput, _ := GetAlertsByName(oc, alertBudget)
alertName := gjson.Parse(alertOutput).String()
alertOutputWarning1 := gjson.Get(alertName, `data.alerts.#(labels.alertname=="`+alertBudget+`")#`).String()
alertOutputWarning2 := gjson.Get(alertOutputWarning1, `#(labels.severity=="`+severity+`").state`).String()
if strings.Contains(string(alertOutputWarning2), "pending") || strings.Contains(string(alertOutputWarning2), "firing") {
e2e.Logf("%s with %s is pending/firing", alertBudget, severity)
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errWatcher, fmt.Sprintf("%s with %s is not firing or pending", alertBudget, severity))
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | c592e603-d6cd-4315-b7a7-ad979dd9007e | Author:kewang-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-High-73880-[Apiserver] Alert KubeAggregatedAPIErrors [Slow] [Disruptive] | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"', '"github.com/tidwall/gjson"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:kewang-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-High-73880-[Apiserver] Alert KubeAggregatedAPIErrors [Slow] [Disruptive]", func() {
var (
kubeAlert1 = "KubeAggregatedAPIErrors"
kubeAlert2 = "KubeAggregatedAPIDown"
alertSeverity = "warning"
timeSleep = 720
isAlert1Firing bool
isAlert1Pending bool
isAlert2Firing bool
isAlert2Pending bool
exutil.By("1. Set network latency to simulate network failure in one master node")
e2e.Logf("Checking one available network interface on the master node")
masterNode, masterErr := exutil.GetFirstMasterNode(oc)
e2e.Logf("Master node is %v : ", masterNode)
cmd := `for iface in $(ls /sys/class/net | grep -oP '^(env|ens|eth|enp)\w+'); do ip link show $iface | grep -q 'master' && echo "$iface" || true; done`
ethName, ethErr := exutil.DebugNodeRetryWithOptionsAndChroot(oc, masterNode, []string{"--quiet=true", "--to-namespace=openshift-kube-apiserver"}, "bash", "-c", cmd)
ethName = strings.TrimSpace(ethName)
e2e.Logf("Found Ethernet :: %v", ethName)
e2e.Logf("Add latency to network on the master node")
channel := make(chan string)
go func() {
defer g.GinkgoRecover()
cmdStr := fmt.Sprintf(`tc qdisc add dev %s root netem delay 2000ms; sleep %v; tc qdisc del dev %s root`, ethName, timeSleep, ethName)
output, _ := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("debug").Args("-n", "default", fmt.Sprintf("nodes/%s", masterNode), "--", "chroot", "/host", "/bin/bash", "-c", cmdStr).Output()
e2e.Logf("Output:%s", output)
channel <- output
defer func() {
receivedMsg := <-channel
e2e.Logf("ReceivedMsg:%s", receivedMsg)
exutil.By("2. Check if alerts " + kubeAlert1 + " and " + kubeAlert2 + " are firing/pending")
checkAlert := func(alertData, alertName, alertState string) bool {
alertPath := `data.alerts.#(labels.alertname=="` + alertName + `" and .state =="` + alertState + `")#`
return gjson.Get(alertData, alertPath).Exists()
watchAlerts := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second, time.Duration(timeSleep)*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
alertOutput, _ := GetAlertsByName(oc, kubeAlert1)
if alertOutput == "" {
return false, nil
alertData := gjson.Parse(alertOutput).String()
if !isAlert1Pending && checkAlert(alertData, kubeAlert1, "pending") {
isAlert1Pending = true
e2e.Logf("%s with %s is pending", kubeAlert1, alertSeverity)
if checkAlert(alertData, kubeAlert1, "firing") {
isAlert1Firing = true
e2e.Logf("%s with %s is firing", kubeAlert1, alertSeverity)
if !isAlert2Pending && checkAlert(alertData, kubeAlert2, "pending") {
isAlert2Pending = true
e2e.Logf("%s with %s is pending", kubeAlert2, alertSeverity)
if checkAlert(alertData, kubeAlert2, "firing") {
isAlert2Firing = true
e2e.Logf("%s with %s is firing", kubeAlert2, alertSeverity)
if isAlert1Firing && isAlert2Firing {
e2e.Logf("%s and %s with %s both are firing", kubeAlert1, kubeAlert2, alertSeverity)
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(watchAlerts, fmt.Sprintf("%s and %s with %s are not firing or pending", kubeAlert1, kubeAlert2, alertSeverity))
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 58260221-fe62-4611-a2b1-35869c6bde27 | Author:kewang-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-High-73879-[Apiserver] Alert KubeAPIDown [Slow] [Disruptive] | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"', '"github.com/tidwall/gjson"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:kewang-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-Longduration-High-73879-[Apiserver] Alert KubeAPIDown [Slow] [Disruptive]", func() {
if isSNOCluster(oc) {
g.Skip("This is a SNO cluster, skip.")
var (
kubeAlert = "KubeAPIDown"
alertSeverity = "critical"
timeSleep = 300
exutil.By("1. Drop tcp packet to 6443 port to simulate network failure in all master nodes")
masterNodes, getAllMasterNodesErr := exutil.GetClusterNodesBy(oc, "master")
cmdStr := fmt.Sprintf(
`iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 6443 -j DROP;
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6443 -j DROP;
sleep %v;
iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport 6443 -j DROP;
iptables -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 6443 -j DROP`,
for _, masterNode := range masterNodes {
cmdDump, _, _, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("debug").Args("-n", "default", fmt.Sprintf("nodes/%s", masterNode), "--", "chroot", "/host", "/bin/bash", "-c", cmdStr).Background()
defer cmdDump.Process.Kill()
exutil.By("2. Check if the alert " + kubeAlert + " is pending")
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
watchAlert := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 6*time.Second, 300*time.Second, true, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
alertOutput, err := GetAlertsByName(oc, kubeAlert)
if err != nil || len(alertOutput) == 0 {
return false, nil
alertData := gjson.Parse(alertOutput).String()
alertItem := gjson.Get(alertData, `data.alerts.#(labels.alertname=="`+kubeAlert+`")#`).String()
if len(alertItem) == 0 {
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("Alert %s info::%s", kubeAlert, alertItem)
alertState := gjson.Get(alertItem, `#(labels.severity=="`+alertSeverity+`").state`).String()
if alertState == "pending" {
e2e.Logf("State of the alert %s with Severity %s::%s", kubeAlert, alertSeverity, alertState)
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(watchAlert, fmt.Sprintf("%s with %s is not firing or pending", kubeAlert, alertSeverity))
// Wait for the cluster to automatically recover and do health check
err := clusterOperatorHealthcheck(oc, 360, tmpdir)
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Cluster operators health check failed. Abnormality found in cluster operators.")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 8ba10797-3d82-4e84-ba59-1b13d0715162 | Author:kewang-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-High-74460-[Apiserver] Enabling TechPreviewNoUpgrade featureset cannot be undone | ['"encoding/json"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:kewang-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-High-74460-[Apiserver] Enabling TechPreviewNoUpgrade featureset cannot be undone", func() {
const (
featurePatch1 = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/featureSet", "value": "TechPreviewNoUpgrade"}]`
featurePatch2 = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/featureSet", "value": "CustomNoUpgrade"}]`
invalidFeatureGate = `[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/featureSet"}]`
exutil.By("1. Check if the TechPreviewNoUpgrade feature set is already enabled")
featureTech, err := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "featuregate/cluster", "-o", `jsonpath='{.spec.featureSet}'`)
if featureTech != `'TechPreviewNoUpgrade'` {
g.Skip("The TechPreviewNoUpgrade feature set of the cluster is not enabled, skip execution!")
e2e.Logf("The %s feature set has been enabled!", featureTech)
exutil.By("2. Try to change the feature set value, it should cannot be changed")
out, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("featuregate", "cluster", "--type=json", "-p", featurePatch1).Output()
o.Expect(out).Should(o.ContainSubstring(`no change`), "Expected no change when patching with TechPreviewNoUpgrade")
out, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("featuregate", "cluster", "--type=json", "-p", featurePatch2).Output()
o.Expect(out).Should(o.ContainSubstring("invalid"), "Expected 'invalid' in output when patching with CustomNoUpgrade")
out, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("featuregate", "cluster", "--type=json", "-p", invalidFeatureGate).Output()
o.Expect(out).Should(o.ContainSubstring("invalid"), "Expected 'invalid' in output when removing the featuregate")
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | b775e4cb-52a2-4939-a16f-cbb4fe9b759f | Author:dpunia-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-ConnectedOnly-High-53230-[Apiserver] CVE Security Test Kubernetes Validating Admission Webhook Bypass [Serial] | ['"encoding/base64"', '"fmt"', '"net/http"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:dpunia-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-ConnectedOnly-High-53230-[Apiserver] CVE Security Test Kubernetes Validating Admission Webhook Bypass [Serial]", func() {
exutil.By("Check if it's a proxy cluster")
httpProxy, httpsProxy, _ := getGlobalProxy(oc)
if strings.Contains(httpProxy, "http") || strings.Contains(httpsProxy, "https") {
g.Skip("Skip for proxy platform")
exutil.By("Get a node name required by test")
nodeName, getNodeErr := exutil.GetFirstMasterNode(oc)
exutil.By("1. Create custom webhook & service")
webhookDeployTemplate := getTestDataFilePath("webhook-deploy.yaml")
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("-f", webhookDeployTemplate).Execute()
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("-f", webhookDeployTemplate).Execute()
podName := getPodsList(oc.AsAdmin(), "validationwebhook")
exutil.AssertPodToBeReady(oc, podName[0], "validationwebhook")
//Get caBundle used by register webhook.
caBundle := ExecCommandOnPod(oc, podName[0], "validationwebhook", `cat /usr/src/app/ca.crt | base64 | tr -d "\n"`)
exutil.By("2. Register the above created webhook")
webhookRegistrationTemplate := getTestDataFilePath("webhook-registration.yaml")
params := []string{"-n", "validationwebhook", "-f", webhookRegistrationTemplate, "-p", "NAME=validationwebhook.validationwebhook.svc", "NAMESPACE=validationwebhook", "CABUNDLE=" + caBundle}
webhookRegistrationConfigFile := exutil.ProcessTemplate(oc, params...)
defer func() {
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("-f", webhookRegistrationConfigFile).Execute()
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("-f", webhookRegistrationConfigFile).Execute()
parameters := []string{
`{"changeAllowed": "false"}`,
`{"changeAllowed": "true"}`,
for index, param := range parameters {
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("3.%v Node Label Addition Fails Due to Validation Webhook Denial", index+1))
out, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("node", nodeName, "-p", fmt.Sprintf(`{"metadata": {"labels": %s}}`, param)).Output()
o.Expect(out).Should(o.ContainSubstring("denied the request: Validation failed"), fmt.Sprintf("admission webhook \"validationwebhook.validationwebhook.svc\" denied the request: Validation failed with changeAllowed: %s", param))
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 56e71ef7-5b50-44f5-a8f0-c1d90db40c39 | Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-High-70396-[Apiserver] Add users with different client certificates to access the API Server as cluster-admin [Disruptive] | ['"context"', '"encoding/base64"', '"encoding/json"', '"fmt"', '"io/ioutil"', '"os"', '"os/exec"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-NonHyperShiftHOST-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-NonPreRelease-High-70396-[Apiserver] Add users with different client certificates to access the API Server as cluster-admin [Disruptive]", func() {
var (
dirname = "/tmp/-OCP-70396-ca/"
csrNameDev = "ocpdev-access"
fqdnName, port = getApiServerFQDNandPort(oc, false)
apiserverCrt = dirname + "ocp-apiserver-cert.crt"
customerCustomCas = dirname + "customer-custom-cas.crt"
patch = `[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/clientCA", "value":{"name":"customer-cas-custom"}}]`
patchToRecover = `[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/clientCA", "value":}]`
users = map[string]struct {
username string
cert string
key string
csr string
customerKey string
customerCrt string
newKubeconfig string
"dev": {"ocpdev", dirname + "ocpdev.crt", dirname + "ocpdev.key", dirname + "ocpdev.csr", "", "", dirname + "ocpdev"},
"tw": {"ocptw", dirname + "ocptw.crt", dirname + "ocptw.key", dirname + "ocptw.csr", dirname + "customer-ca-ocptw.key", dirname + "customer-ca-ocptw.crt", dirname + "ocptw"},
"qe": {"ocpqe", dirname + "ocpqe.crt", dirname + "ocpqe.key", dirname + "ocpqe.csr", dirname + "customer-ca-ocpqe.key", dirname + "customer-ca-ocpqe.crt", dirname + "ocpqe"},
defer os.RemoveAll(dirname)
err := os.MkdirAll(dirname, 0755)
exutil.By("1. Creating the client certificate for ocpdev using the internal OpenShift CA")
exutil.By("1.1 Creating a CSR for the client certificate using the openssl client")
userDetails, _ := users["dev"]
opensslCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout %s -subj "/O=system:admin/CN=%s" -out %s`, userDetails.key, userDetails.username, userDetails.csr)
_, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslCmd).Output()
exutil.By("1.2 Read the CSR file and encode it in base64")
csrData, err := os.ReadFile(userDetails.csr)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("Failed to read CSR file: %v", err)
csrBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(csrData)
exutil.By("1.3 Submit the CSR to OpenShift in order to sign it with the internal CA")
csrYAML := fmt.Sprintf(`apiVersion: certificates.k8s.io/v1
kind: CertificateSigningRequest
name: ocpdev-access
signerName: kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client
- system:authenticated
request: %s
- client auth
`, csrBase64)
defer oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("delete").Args("-n", "default", "-f", "-").InputString(csrYAML).Output()
_, submitCsrErr := oc.WithoutNamespace().NotShowInfo().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("-n", "default", "-f", "-").InputString(csrYAML).Output()
exutil.By("1.4 Approve the certificate pending request")
getCsr, getCsrErr := getPendingCSRs(oc)
appCsrErr := oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("adm").Args("certificate", "approve", getCsr[0]).Execute()
exutil.By("1.5 Get CSR certificate after approved")
certBase := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "csr", csrNameDev, `-o=jsonpath={.status.certificate}`)
// Decode the base64 encoded certificate
certDecoded, certDecodedErr := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(certBase))
// Write the decoded certificate to a file
csrDevCrtErr := os.WriteFile(userDetails.cert, certDecoded, 0644)
e2e.Logf("Certificate saved to %s\n", userDetails.cert)
exutil.By("2. Creating the client certificate for user ocptw using the customer-signer-custom self-signed CA")
exutil.By("2.1 Create one self-signed CA using the openssl client")
userDetails, _ = users["tw"]
opensslOcptwCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`openssl genrsa -out %s 4096`, userDetails.customerKey)
_, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslOcptwCmd).Output()
opensslOcptwCmd = fmt.Sprintf(`openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key %s -sha256 -days 9999 -out %s -subj "/OU=openshift/CN=customer-signer-custom"`, userDetails.customerKey, userDetails.customerCrt)
_, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslOcptwCmd).Output()
exutil.By("2.2 Create CSR for ocptw's client cert")
opensslOcptwCmd = fmt.Sprintf(`openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout %s -subj "/O=system:admin/CN=%s" -out %s`, userDetails.key, userDetails.username, userDetails.csr)
_, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslOcptwCmd).Output()
exutil.By("2.3 Sign CSR for ocptw")
opensslOcptwCmd = fmt.Sprintf(`openssl x509 -extfile <(printf "extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth") -req -in %s -CA %s -CAkey %s -CAcreateserial -out %s -days 9999 -sha256`, userDetails.csr, userDetails.customerCrt, userDetails.customerKey, userDetails.cert)
_, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslOcptwCmd).Output()
exutil.By(`3. Creating the client certificate for ocpqe using the customer-signer-custom-2 self-signed CA and using group “system:admin” for username “ocpqe”.`)
exutil.By("3.1 Create one self-signed CA using the openssl client for user ocpqe")
userDetails, _ = users["qe"]
opensslOcpqeCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`openssl genrsa -out %s 4096`, userDetails.customerKey)
_, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslOcpqeCmd).Output()
opensslOcpqeCmd = fmt.Sprintf(`openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key %s -sha256 -days 9999 -out %s -subj "/OU=openshift/CN=customer-signer-custom-2"`, userDetails.customerKey, userDetails.customerCrt)
_, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslOcpqeCmd).Output()
exutil.By("3.2 Create CSR for ocpqe's client cert")
opensslOcpqeCmd = fmt.Sprintf(`openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout %s -subj "/O=system:admin/CN=ocpqe" -out %s`, userDetails.key, userDetails.csr)
_, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslOcpqeCmd).Output()
exutil.By("3.3 Sign CSR for ocpqe")
opensslOcpqeCmd = fmt.Sprintf(`openssl x509 -extfile <(printf "extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth") -req -in %s -CA %s -CAkey %s -CAcreateserial -out %s -days 9999 -sha256`, userDetails.csr, userDetails.customerCrt, userDetails.customerKey, userDetails.cert)
_, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslOcpqeCmd).Output()
exutil.By("4. Creating the kubeconfig files for ocpdev, ocptw and ocpqe")
endpointUrl := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:%s", fqdnName, port)
pemCert, err := fetchOpenShiftAPIServerCert(endpointUrl)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("Failed to fetch certificate: %v", err)
} else {
// Write the PEM-encoded certificate to the output file
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(apiserverCrt, pemCert, 0644); err != nil {
e2e.Failf("Error writing certificate to file: %v", err)
} else {
e2e.Logf("Certificate written to %s\n", apiserverCrt)
i := 1
for _, userDetails := range users {
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("4.%d Create kubeconfig for user %s", i, userDetails.username))
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().WithoutKubeconf().Run("--kubeconfig").Args(userDetails.newKubeconfig, "config", "set-credentials", userDetails.username, "--client-certificate="+userDetails.cert, "--client-key="+userDetails.key, "--embed-certs=true").Execute()
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().WithoutKubeconf().Run("--kubeconfig").Args(userDetails.newKubeconfig, "config", "set-cluster", "openshift-cluster-dev", "--certificate-authority="+apiserverCrt, "--embed-certs=true", "--server=https://"+fqdnName+":"+port).Execute()
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().WithoutKubeconf().Run("--kubeconfig").Args(userDetails.newKubeconfig, "config", "set-context", "openshift-dev", "--cluster=openshift-cluster-dev", "--namespace=default", "--user="+userDetails.username).Execute()
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().WithoutKubeconf().Run("--kubeconfig").Args(userDetails.newKubeconfig, "config", "use-context", "openshift-dev").Execute()
i = i + 1
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("4.%d Accessing the cluster with the new kubeconfig files for user %s", i, userDetails.username))
if userDetails.username == "ocpdev" {
_, err = getResourceWithKubeconfig(oc, userDetails.newKubeconfig, true, "whoami")
} else {
_, err = getResourceWithKubeconfig(oc, userDetails.newKubeconfig, false, "whoami")
i = i + 1
exutil.By("5. Create the client-ca ConfigMap")
caCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %s %s > %s`, users["tw"].customerCrt, users["qe"].customerCrt, customerCustomCas)
_, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", caCmd).Output()
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("configmap", "customer-cas-custom", "-n", "openshift-config").Execute()
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("configmap", "customer-cas-custom", "-n", "openshift-config", fmt.Sprintf(`--from-file=ca-bundle.crt=%s`, customerCustomCas)).Execute()
exutil.By("6. Patching apiserver")
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("apiserver/cluster", "--type=json", "-p", patchToRecover).Execute()
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("apiserver/cluster", "--type=json", "-p", patch).Execute()
i = 1
for _, userDetails := range users {
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("7.%d Accessing the cluster again with the new kubeconfig files for user %s", i, userDetails.username))
output, err := getResourceWithKubeconfig(oc, userDetails.newKubeconfig, true, "whoami")
i = i + 1
//Try to do other stuff like listing pods, nodes, etc. we will see that we don’t have access to that. That’s expected since in a default OCP installation we don’t have RBAC rules for the system:admin group.
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("7.%d, Try to do other stuff like listing pods, nodes before applying RBAC policy", i))
_, err = getResourceWithKubeconfig(oc, userDetails.newKubeconfig, false, "get", "pods")
_, err = getResourceWithKubeconfig(oc, userDetails.newKubeconfig, false, "get", "nodes")
i = i + 1
exutil.By("8. Configure users in the system:admin group as cluster admins")
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("policy", "remove-cluster-role-from-group", "cluster-admin", "system:admin").Execute()
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("policy", "add-cluster-role-to-group", "cluster-admin", "system:admin").Execute()
i = 1
for _, userDetails := range users {
exutil.By(fmt.Sprintf("8.%d, Try again stuff like listing pods, nodes after applying RBAC policy", i))
_, err = getResourceWithKubeconfig(oc, userDetails.newKubeconfig, true, "get", "pod", "-n", "openshift-apiserver")
_, err = getResourceWithKubeconfig(oc, userDetails.newKubeconfig, true, "get", "nodes")
i = i + 1
}) | |||||
test case | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 772b6ab5-223a-4930-bd80-8eae38cacc08 | Author:rgangwar-LEVEL0-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Critical-77919-[Apiserver] HPA/oc scale and DeploymenConfig Should be working [Disruptive] | ['"context"', '"crypto/tls"', '"encoding/base64"', '"fmt"', '"net/http"', '"os/exec"', '"regexp"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/util/architecture"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver.go | g.It("Author:rgangwar-LEVEL0-ROSA-ARO-OSD_CCS-ConnectedOnly-Critical-77919-[Apiserver] HPA/oc scale and DeploymenConfig Should be working [Disruptive]", func() {
if isBaselineCapsSet(oc) && !(isEnabledCapability(oc, "Build") && isEnabledCapability(oc, "DeploymentConfig")) {
g.Skip("Skipping the test as baselinecaps have been set and some of API capabilities are not enabled!")
errNS := oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("delete").Args("ns", "opa", "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
var (
caKeypem = tmpdir + "/caKey.pem"
caCertpem = tmpdir + "/caCert.pem"
serverKeypem = tmpdir + "/serverKey.pem"
serverconf = tmpdir + "/server.conf"
serverWithSANcsr = tmpdir + "/serverWithSAN.csr"
serverCertWithSAN = tmpdir + "/serverCertWithSAN.pem"
randomStr = exutil.GetRandomString()
defer oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("delete").Args("ns", "opa", "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
defer oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("delete").Args("ns", "test-ns"+randomStr, "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("ValidatingWebhookConfiguration", "opa-validating-webhook", "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
defer oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/opa-viewer", "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
// Skipped case on arm64 and proxy cluster with techpreview
exutil.By("Check if it's a proxy cluster with techpreview")
featureTech, err := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "featuregate", "cluster", "-o=jsonpath={.spec.featureSet}")
httpProxy, _, _ := getGlobalProxy(oc)
if (strings.Contains(httpProxy, "http") && strings.Contains(featureTech, "TechPreview")) || checkDisconnect(oc) {
g.Skip("Skip for proxy platform with techpreview or disconnected env")
exutil.By("1. Create certificates with SAN.")
opensslCMD := fmt.Sprintf("openssl genrsa -out %v 2048", caKeypem)
_, caKeyErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslCMD).Output()
opensslCMD = fmt.Sprintf(`openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key %v -days 100000 -out %v -subj "/CN=wb_ca"`, caKeypem, caCertpem)
_, caCertErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslCMD).Output()
opensslCMD = fmt.Sprintf("openssl genrsa -out %v 2048", serverKeypem)
_, serverKeyErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", opensslCMD).Output()
serverconfCMD := fmt.Sprintf(`cat > %v << EOF
req_extensions = v3_req
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
[ v3_req ]
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth, serverAuth
subjectAltName = @alt_names
IP.1 =
DNS.1 = opa.opa.svc
EOF`, serverconf)
_, serverconfErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", serverconfCMD).Output()
serverWithSANCMD := fmt.Sprintf(`openssl req -new -key %v -out %v -subj "/CN=opa.opa.svc" -config %v`, serverKeypem, serverWithSANcsr, serverconf)
_, serverWithSANErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", serverWithSANCMD).Output()
serverCertWithSANCMD := fmt.Sprintf(`openssl x509 -req -in %v -CA %v -CAkey %v -CAcreateserial -out %v -days 100000 -extensions v3_req -extfile %s`, serverWithSANcsr, caCertpem, caKeypem, serverCertWithSAN, serverconf)
_, serverCertWithSANErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", serverCertWithSANCMD).Output()
e2e.Logf("1. Step passed: SAN certificate has been generated")
exutil.By("2. Create new secret with SAN cert.")
opaOutput, opaerr := oc.Run("create").Args("namespace", "opa").Output()
o.Expect(opaOutput).Should(o.ContainSubstring("namespace/opa created"), "namespace/opa not created...")
opasecretOutput, opaerr := oc.Run("create").Args("secret", "tls", "opa-server", "--cert="+serverCertWithSAN, "--key="+serverKeypem, "-n", "opa").Output()
o.Expect(opasecretOutput).Should(o.ContainSubstring("secret/opa-server created"), "secret/opa-server not created...")
e2e.Logf("2. Step passed: %v with SAN certificate", opasecretOutput)
exutil.By("3. Create admission webhook")
policyOutput, policyerr := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("policy", "add-scc-to-user", "privileged", "-z", "default", "-n", "opa").Output()
o.Expect(policyOutput).Should(o.ContainSubstring(`clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/system:openshift:scc:privileged added: "default"`), "Policy scc privileged not default")
admissionTemplate := getTestDataFilePath("ocp55494-admission-controller.yaml")
admissionOutput, admissionerr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("apply").Args("-f", admissionTemplate).Output()
admissionOutput1 := regexp.MustCompile(`\n`).ReplaceAllString(string(admissionOutput), "")
admissionOutput2 := `clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/opa-viewer.*role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/configmap-modifier.*rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/opa-configmap-modifier.*service/opa.*deployment.apps/opa.*configmap/opa-default-system-main`
o.Expect(admissionOutput1).Should(o.MatchRegexp(admissionOutput2), "3. Step failed: Admission controller not created as expected")
e2e.Logf("3. Step passed: Admission controller webhook ::\n %v", admissionOutput)
exutil.By("4. Create webhook with certificates with SAN.")
csrpemcmd := `cat ` + serverCertWithSAN + ` | base64 | tr -d '\n'`
csrpemcert, csrpemErr := exec.Command("bash", "-c", csrpemcmd).Output()
webhookTemplate := getTestDataFilePath("ocp77919-webhook-configuration.yaml")
exutil.CreateClusterResourceFromTemplate(oc.NotShowInfo(), "--ignore-unknown-parameters=true", "-f", webhookTemplate, "-n", "opa", "-p", `SERVERCERT=`+string(csrpemcert))
e2e.Logf("4. Step passed: opa-validating-webhook created with SAN certificate")
exutil.By("5. Check rollout latest deploymentconfig.")
tmpnsOutput, tmpnserr := oc.Run("create").Args("ns", "test-ns"+randomStr).Output()
o.Expect(tmpnsOutput).Should(o.ContainSubstring(fmt.Sprintf("namespace/test-ns%v created", randomStr)), fmt.Sprintf("namespace/test-ns%v not created", randomStr))
e2e.Logf("namespace/test-ns%v created", randomStr)
tmplabelOutput, tmplabelErr := oc.Run("label").Args("ns", "test-ns"+randomStr, "openpolicyagent.org/webhook=ignore").Output()
o.Expect(tmplabelOutput).Should(o.ContainSubstring(fmt.Sprintf("namespace/test-ns%v labeled", randomStr)), fmt.Sprintf("namespace/test-ns%v not labeled", randomStr))
e2e.Logf("namespace/test-ns%v labeled", randomStr)
var (
deployErr error
deployOutput string
deployConfigErr := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
deployOutput, deployErr = oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("create").Args("deploymentconfig", "mydc", "--image", "quay.io/openshifttest/hello-openshift@sha256:4200f438cf2e9446f6bcff9d67ceea1f69ed07a2f83363b7fb52529f7ddd8a83", "-n", "test-ns"+randomStr).Output()
if deployErr != nil {
return false, nil
o.Expect(deployOutput).Should(o.ContainSubstring("deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io/mydc created"), "deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io/mydc not created")
e2e.Logf("deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io/mydc created")
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(deployConfigErr, fmt.Sprintf("Not able to create mydc deploymentconfig :: %v", deployErr))
waiterrRollout := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
rollOutput, _ := oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("rollout").Args("latest", "dc/mydc", "-n", "test-ns"+randomStr).Output()
if strings.Contains(rollOutput, "rolled out") {
o.Expect(rollOutput).Should(o.ContainSubstring("deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io/mydc rolled out"))
e2e.Logf("5. Step passed: deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io/mydc rolled out latest deploymentconfig.")
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(waiterrRollout, "5. Step failed: deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io/mydc not rolled out")
exutil.By("6. Try to scale deployment config, oc scale should work without error")
waitScaleErr := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second, 120*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
scaleErr := oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("scale").Args("dc/mydc", "--replicas=10", "-n", "test-ns"+randomStr).Execute()
if scaleErr == nil {
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(waitScaleErr, "5. Step failed: deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io/mydc not scaled out")
}) | |||||
file | openshift/openshift-tests-private | f21f7fb1-a7a1-4aab-8bdc-f18863397d3f | apiserver_util | import (
g "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
o "github.com/onsi/gomega"
configv1 "github.com/openshift/api/config/v1"
exutil "github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/util"
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
e2e "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework"
) | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | package apiserverauth
import (
g "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
o "github.com/onsi/gomega"
configv1 "github.com/openshift/api/config/v1"
exutil "github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/util"
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
e2e "k8s.io/kubernetes/test/e2e/framework"
// fixturePathCache to store fixture path mapping, key: dir name under testdata, value: fixture path
var fixturePathCache = make(map[string]string)
type admissionWebhook struct {
name string
webhookname string
servicenamespace string
servicename string
namespace string
apigroups string
apiversions string
operations string
resources string
version string
pluralname string
singularname string
kind string
shortname string
template string
type service struct {
name string
clusterip string
namespace string
template string
const (
asAdmin = true
withoutNamespace = true
contain = false
ok = true
defaultRegistryServiceURL = "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000"
type User struct {
Username string
Password string
// createAdmissionWebhookFromTemplate : Used for creating different admission hooks from pre-existing template.
func (admissionHook *admissionWebhook) createAdmissionWebhookFromTemplate(oc *exutil.CLI) {
exutil.CreateClusterResourceFromTemplate(oc, "--ignore-unknown-parameters=true", "-f", admissionHook.template, "-p", "NAME="+admissionHook.name, "WEBHOOKNAME="+admissionHook.webhookname,
"SERVICENAMESPACE="+admissionHook.servicenamespace, "SERVICENAME="+admissionHook.servicename, "NAMESPACE="+admissionHook.namespace, "APIGROUPS="+admissionHook.apigroups, "APIVERSIONS="+admissionHook.apiversions,
"OPERATIONS="+admissionHook.operations, "RESOURCES="+admissionHook.resources, "KIND="+admissionHook.kind, "SHORTNAME="+admissionHook.shortname,
"SINGULARNAME="+admissionHook.singularname, "PLURALNAME="+admissionHook.pluralname, "VERSION="+admissionHook.version)
func (service *service) createServiceFromTemplate(oc *exutil.CLI) {
exutil.CreateClusterResourceFromTemplate(oc, "--ignore-unknown-parameters=true", "-f", service.template, "-p", "NAME="+service.name, "CLUSTERIP="+service.clusterip, "NAMESPACE="+service.namespace)
func compareAPIServerWebhookConditions(oc *exutil.CLI, conditionReason interface{}, conditionStatus string, conditionTypes []string) {
for _, webHookErrorConditionType := range conditionTypes {
// increase wait time for prow ci failures
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 20*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
webhookError, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("kubeapiserver/cluster", "-o", `jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="`+webHookErrorConditionType+`")]}'`).Output()
//Inline conditional statement for evaluating 1) reason and status together,2) only status.
webhookConditionStatus := gjson.Get(webhookError, `status`).String()
// If webhook errors from the created flowcollectorconversionwebhook by case OCP-73539,
// the webhook condition status will be "True", not the expected "False"
if strings.Contains(webhookError, "flows.netobserv.io: dial tcp") {
conditionStatus = "True"
isWebhookConditionMet := containsAnyWebHookReason(webhookError, conditionReason) && webhookConditionStatus == conditionStatus
if isWebhookConditionMet {
e2e.Logf("kube-apiserver admission webhook errors as \n %s ::: %s ::: %s ::: %s", conditionStatus, webhookError, webHookErrorConditionType, conditionReason)
o.Expect(webhookError).Should(o.MatchRegexp(`"type":"%s"`, webHookErrorConditionType), "Mismatch in 'type' of admission errors reported")
o.Expect(webhookError).Should(o.MatchRegexp(`"status":"%s"`, conditionStatus), "Mismatch in 'status' of admission errors reported")
return true, nil
// Adding logging for more debug
e2e.Logf("Retrying for expected kube-apiserver admission webhook error ::: %s ::: %s ::: %s ::: %s", conditionStatus, webhookError, webHookErrorConditionType, conditionReason)
return false, nil
if err != nil {
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("ValidatingWebhookConfiguration").Output()
e2e.Logf("#### Debug #### List all ValidatingWebhookConfiguration when the case runs into failures:%s\n", output)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "Test Fail: Expected Kube-apiserver admissionwebhook errors not present.")
// GetEncryptionPrefix :
func GetEncryptionPrefix(oc *exutil.CLI, key string) (string, error) {
var etcdPodName string
encryptionType, err1 := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("apiserver/cluster", "-o=jsonpath={.spec.encryption.type}").Output()
if encryptionType != "aesabc" && encryptionType != "aesgcm" {
e2e.Logf("The etcd is not encrypted on!")
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 60*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
podName, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("pods", "-n", "openshift-etcd", "-l=etcd", "-o=jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.name}").Output()
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Fail to get etcd pod, error: %s. Trying again", err)
return false, nil
etcdPodName = podName
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return "", err
var encryptionPrefix string
err = wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 60*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
prefix, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("rsh").Args("-n", "openshift-etcd", "-c", "etcd", etcdPodName, "bash", "-c", `etcdctl get `+key+` --prefix -w fields | grep -e "Value" | grep -o k8s:enc:`+encryptionType+`:v1:[^:]*: | head -n 1`).Output()
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Fail to rsh into etcd pod, error: %s. Trying again", err)
return false, nil
encryptionPrefix = prefix
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return "", err
return encryptionPrefix, nil
// GetEncryptionKeyNumber :
func GetEncryptionKeyNumber(oc *exutil.CLI, patten string) (int, error) {
secretNames, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("secrets", "-n", "openshift-config-managed", `-o=jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name}`, "--sort-by=metadata.creationTimestamp").Output()
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Fail to get secret, error: %s", err)
return 0, nil
rePattern := regexp.MustCompile(patten)
locs := rePattern.FindAllStringIndex(secretNames, -1)
i, j := locs[len(locs)-1][0], locs[len(locs)-1][1]
maxSecretName := secretNames[i:j]
strSlice := strings.Split(maxSecretName, "-")
var number int
number, err = strconv.Atoi(strSlice[len(strSlice)-1])
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Fail to get secret, error: %s", err)
return 0, nil
return number, nil
// WaitEncryptionKeyMigration :
func WaitEncryptionKeyMigration(oc *exutil.CLI, secret string) (bool, error) {
var pattern string
var waitTime time.Duration
if strings.Contains(secret, "openshift-apiserver") {
pattern = `migrated-resources: .*route.openshift.io.*routes`
waitTime = 15 * time.Minute
} else if strings.Contains(secret, "openshift-kube-apiserver") {
pattern = `migrated-resources: .*configmaps.*secrets.*`
waitTime = 30 * time.Minute // see below explanation
} else {
return false, errors.New("Unknown key " + secret)
rePattern := regexp.MustCompile(pattern)
// In observation, the waiting time in max can take 25 mins if it is kube-apiserver,
// and 12 mins if it is openshift-apiserver, so the Poll parameters are long.
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Minute, waitTime, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("secrets", secret, "-n", "openshift-config-managed", "-o=yaml").Output()
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Fail to get the encryption key secret %s, error: %s. Trying again", secret, err)
return false, nil
matchedStr := rePattern.FindString(output)
if matchedStr == "" {
e2e.Logf("Not yet see migrated-resources. Trying again")
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("Saw all migrated-resources:\n%s", matchedStr)
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
// CheckIfResourceAvailable :
func CheckIfResourceAvailable(oc *exutil.CLI, resource string, resourceNames []string, namespace ...string) (string, bool) {
args := append([]string{resource}, resourceNames...)
if len(namespace) == 1 {
args = append(args, "-n", namespace[0]) // HACK: implement no namespace input
out, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args(args...).Output()
if err == nil {
for _, resourceName := range resourceNames {
return out, true
} else {
e2e.Logf("Debug logs :: Resource '%s' not found :: %s :: %s\n", resource, out, err.Error())
return out, false
return "", true
func waitCoBecomes(oc *exutil.CLI, coName string, waitTime int, expectedStatus map[string]string) error {
errCo := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 20*time.Second, time.Duration(waitTime)*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
gottenStatus := getCoStatus(oc, coName, expectedStatus)
eq := reflect.DeepEqual(expectedStatus, gottenStatus)
if eq {
eq := reflect.DeepEqual(expectedStatus, map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"})
if eq {
// For True False False, we want to wait some bit more time and double check, to ensure it is stably healthy
time.Sleep(100 * time.Second)
gottenStatus := getCoStatus(oc, coName, expectedStatus)
eq := reflect.DeepEqual(expectedStatus, gottenStatus)
if eq {
e2e.Logf("Given operator %s becomes available/non-progressing/non-degraded", coName)
return true, nil
} else {
e2e.Logf("Given operator %s becomes %s", coName, gottenStatus)
return true, nil
return false, nil
if errCo != nil {
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("co").Execute()
return errCo
func getCoStatus(oc *exutil.CLI, coName string, statusToCompare map[string]string) map[string]string {
newStatusToCompare := make(map[string]string)
for key := range statusToCompare {
args := fmt.Sprintf(`-o=jsonpath={.status.conditions[?(.type == '%s')].status}`, key)
status, _ := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "co", coName, args)
newStatusToCompare[key] = status
return newStatusToCompare
// Check ciphers for authentication operator cliconfig, openshiftapiservers.operator.openshift.io and kubeapiservers.operator.openshift.io:
func verifyCiphers(oc *exutil.CLI, expectedCipher string, operator string) error {
return wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
switch operator {
case "openshift-authentication":
e2e.Logf("Get the ciphers for openshift-authentication:")
getadminoutput, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("cm", "-n", "openshift-authentication", "v4-0-config-system-cliconfig", "-o=jsonpath='{.data.v4-0-config-system-cliconfig}'").Output()
if err == nil {
// Use jqCMD to call jq because .servingInfo part JSON comming in string format
jqCMD := fmt.Sprintf(`echo %s | jq -cr '.servingInfo | "\(.cipherSuites) \(.minTLSVersion)"'|tr -d '\n'`, getadminoutput)
output, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", jqCMD).Output()
gottenCipher := string(output)
e2e.Logf("Comparing the ciphers: %s with %s", expectedCipher, gottenCipher)
if expectedCipher == gottenCipher {
e2e.Logf("Ciphers are matched: %s", gottenCipher)
return true, nil
e2e.Logf("Ciphers are not matched: %s", gottenCipher)
return false, nil
return false, nil
case "openshiftapiservers.operator", "kubeapiservers.operator":
e2e.Logf("Get the ciphers for %s:", operator)
getadminoutput, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args(operator, "cluster", "-o=jsonpath={.spec.observedConfig.servingInfo['cipherSuites', 'minTLSVersion']}").Output()
if err == nil {
e2e.Logf("Comparing the ciphers: %s with %s", expectedCipher, getadminoutput)
if expectedCipher == getadminoutput {
e2e.Logf("Ciphers are matched: %s", getadminoutput)
return true, nil
e2e.Logf("Ciphers are not matched: %s", getadminoutput)
return false, nil
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("Operators parameters not correct..")
return false, nil
func restoreClusterOcp41899(oc *exutil.CLI) {
e2e.Logf("Checking openshift-controller-manager operator should be Available")
expectedStatus := map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"}
err := waitCoBecomes(oc, "openshift-controller-manager", 500, expectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "openshift-controller-manager operator is not becomes available")
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("configmap", "-n", "openshift-config").Output()
if strings.Contains(output, "client-ca-custom") {
configmapErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("configmap", "client-ca-custom", "-n", "openshift-config").Execute()
e2e.Logf("Cluster configmap reset to default values")
} else {
e2e.Logf("Cluster configmap not changed from default values")
func checkClusterLoad(oc *exutil.CLI, nodeType, dirname string) (int, int) {
var tmpPath string
var errAdm error
errAdmNode := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
tmpPath, errAdm = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("top", "nodes", "-l", "node-role.kubernetes.io/"+nodeType, "--no-headers").OutputToFile(dirname)
if errAdm != nil {
return false, nil
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errAdmNode, fmt.Sprintf("Not able to run adm top command :: %v", errAdm))
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | grep -v 'protocol-buffers' | awk '{print $3}'|awk -F '%%' '{ sum += $1 } END { print(sum / NR) }'|cut -d "." -f1`, tmpPath)
cpuAvg, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
cmd = fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | grep -v 'protocol-buffers' | awk '{print $5}'|awk -F'%%' '{ sum += $1 } END { print(sum / NR) }'|cut -d "." -f1`, tmpPath)
memAvg, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`[^\w]`)
cpuAvgs := string(cpuAvg)
memAvgs := string(memAvg)
cpuAvgs = re.ReplaceAllString(cpuAvgs, "")
memAvgs = re.ReplaceAllString(memAvgs, "")
cpuAvgVal, _ := strconv.Atoi(cpuAvgs)
memAvgVal, _ := strconv.Atoi(memAvgs)
return cpuAvgVal, memAvgVal
func checkResources(oc *exutil.CLI, dirname string) map[string]string {
resUsedDet := make(map[string]string)
resUsed := []string{"secrets", "deployments", "namespaces", "pods"}
for _, key := range resUsed {
tmpPath, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args(key, "-A", "--no-headers").OutputToFile(dirname)
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'`, tmpPath)
output, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
resUsedDet[key] = string(output)
return resUsedDet
func getTestDataFilePath(filename string) string {
// returns the file path of the testdata files with respect to apiserverauth subteam.
apiDirName := "apiserverauth"
apiBaseDir := ""
if apiBaseDir = fixturePathCache[apiDirName]; len(apiBaseDir) == 0 {
e2e.Logf("apiserver fixture dir is not initialized, start to create")
apiBaseDir = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", apiDirName)
fixturePathCache[apiDirName] = apiBaseDir
e2e.Logf("apiserver fixture dir is initialized: %s", apiBaseDir)
} else {
apiBaseDir = fixturePathCache[apiDirName]
e2e.Logf("apiserver fixture dir found in cache: %s", apiBaseDir)
return filepath.Join(apiBaseDir, filename)
func checkCoStatus(oc *exutil.CLI, coName string, statusToCompare map[string]string) {
// Check ,compare and assert the current cluster operator status against the expected status given.
currentCoStatus := getCoStatus(oc, coName, statusToCompare)
o.Expect(reflect.DeepEqual(currentCoStatus, statusToCompare)).To(o.Equal(true), "Wrong %s CO status reported, actual status : %s", coName, currentCoStatus)
func getNodePortRange(oc *exutil.CLI) (int, int) {
// Follow the steps in https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.11/networking/configuring-node-port-service-range.html
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().Run("get").Args("configmaps", "-n", "openshift-kube-apiserver", "config", `-o=jsonpath="{.data['config\.yaml']}"`).Output()
rgx := regexp.MustCompile(`"service-node-port-range":\["([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)"\]`)
rs := rgx.FindSubmatch([]byte(output))
leftBound, err := strconv.Atoi(string(rs[1]))
rightBound, err := strconv.Atoi(string(rs[2]))
return leftBound, rightBound
// Get a random number of int32 type [m,n], n > m
func getRandomNum(m int32, n int32) int32 {
return rand.Int31n(n-m+1) + m
func countResource(oc *exutil.CLI, resource string, namespace string) (int, error) {
output, err := oc.Run("get").Args(resource, "-n", namespace, "-o", "jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'").Output()
output = strings.Trim(strings.Trim(output, " "), "'")
if output == "" {
return 0, err
resources := strings.Split(output, " ")
return len(resources), err
// GetAlertsByName get all the alerts
func GetAlertsByName(oc *exutil.CLI, alertName string) (string, error) {
mon, monErr := exutil.NewPrometheusMonitor(oc.AsAdmin())
if monErr != nil {
return "", monErr
allAlerts, allAlertErr := mon.GetAlerts()
if allAlertErr != nil {
return "", allAlertErr
return allAlerts, nil
func isSNOCluster(oc *exutil.CLI) bool {
//Only 1 master, 1 worker node and with the same hostname.
masterNodes, _ := exutil.GetClusterNodesBy(oc, "master")
workerNodes, _ := exutil.GetClusterNodesBy(oc, "worker")
if len(masterNodes) == 1 && len(workerNodes) == 1 && masterNodes[0] == workerNodes[0] {
return true
return false
// LoadCPUMemWorkload load cpu and memory workload
func LoadCPUMemWorkload(oc *exutil.CLI, workLoadtime int) {
var (
workerCPUtopstr string
workerCPUtopint int
workerMEMtopstr string
workerMEMtopint int
n int
m int
r int
dn int
cpuMetric = 800
memMetric = 700
reserveCPUP = 50
reserveMemP = 50
snoPodCapacity = 250
reservePodCapacity = 120
workerCPUtopall := []int{}
workerMEMtopall := []int{}
randomStr := exutil.GetRandomString()
dirname := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/-load-cpu-mem_%s/", randomStr)
defer os.RemoveAll(dirname)
os.MkdirAll(dirname, 0755)
workerNode, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("node", "-l", "node-role.kubernetes.io/master", "--no-headers").OutputToFile("load-cpu-mem_" + randomStr + "-log")
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v |head -1 | awk '{print $1}'`, workerNode)
cmdOut, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
worker1 := strings.Replace(string(cmdOut), "\n", "", 1)
// Check if there is an node.metrics on node
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("nodemetrics", worker1).Execute()
var workerTop string
if err == nil {
workerTop, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("top", "node", worker1, "--no-headers=true").Output()
cpuUsageCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`echo "%v" | awk '{print $2}'`, workerTop)
cpuUsage, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cpuUsageCmd).Output()
cpu1 := regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(cpuUsage), "")
cpu, _ := strconv.Atoi(cpu1)
cpuUsageCmdP := fmt.Sprintf(`echo "%v" | awk '{print $3}'`, workerTop)
cpuUsageP, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cpuUsageCmdP).Output()
cpuP1 := regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(cpuUsageP), "")
cpuP, _ := strconv.Atoi(cpuP1)
totalCPU := int(float64(cpu) / (float64(cpuP) / 100))
cmd = fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | awk '{print $1}'`, workerNode)
workerCPU1, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
workerCPU := strings.Fields(string(workerCPU1))
workerNodeCount := len(workerCPU)
for i := 0; i < len(workerCPU); i++ {
// Check if there is node.metrics on node
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("nodemetrics", workerCPU[i]).Execute()
var workerCPUtop string
if err == nil {
workerCPUtop, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("top", "node", workerCPU[i], "--no-headers=true").OutputToFile("load-cpu-mem_" + randomStr + "-log")
workerCPUtopcmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | awk '{print $3}'`, workerCPUtop)
workerCPUUsage, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", workerCPUtopcmd).Output()
workerCPUtopstr = regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(workerCPUUsage), "")
workerCPUtopint, _ = strconv.Atoi(workerCPUtopstr)
workerCPUtopall = append(workerCPUtopall, workerCPUtopint)
for j := 1; j < len(workerCPU); j++ {
if workerCPUtopall[0] < workerCPUtopall[j] {
workerCPUtopall[0] = workerCPUtopall[j]
cpuMax := workerCPUtopall[0]
availableCPU := int(float64(totalCPU) * (100 - float64(reserveCPUP) - float64(cpuMax)) / 100)
e2e.Logf("----> Cluster has total CPU, Reserved CPU percentage, Max CPU of node :%v,%v,%v", totalCPU, reserveCPUP, cpuMax)
n = int(availableCPU / int(cpuMetric))
if n <= 0 {
e2e.Logf("No more CPU resource is available, no load will be added!")
} else {
if workerNodeCount == 1 {
dn = 1
r = 2
} else {
dn = 2
if n > workerNodeCount {
r = 3
} else {
r = workerNodeCount
// Get the available pods of worker nodes, based on this, the upper limit for a namespace is calculated
cmd1 := fmt.Sprintf(`oc describe node/%s | grep 'Non-terminated Pods' | grep -oP "[0-9]+"`, worker1)
cmdOut1, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd1).Output()
usedPods, err := strconv.Atoi(regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(cmdOut1), ""))
availablePods := snoPodCapacity - usedPods - reservePodCapacity
if workerNodeCount > 1 {
availablePods = availablePods * workerNodeCount
nsMax := int(availablePods / dn / r)
if nsMax > 0 {
if n > nsMax {
n = nsMax
} else {
n = 1
r = 1
dn = 1
e2e.Logf("Start CPU load ...")
cpuloadCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`clusterbuster --basename=cpuload --workload=cpusoaker --namespaces=%v --processes=1 --deployments=%v --node-selector=node-role.kubernetes.io/master --tolerate=node-role.kubernetes.io/master:Equal:NoSchedule --workloadruntime=7200 --report=none > %v &`, n, dn, dirname+"clusterbuster-cpu-log")
e2e.Logf("%v", cpuloadCmd)
cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cpuloadCmd)
cmdErr := cmd.Start()
// Wait for 3 mins(this time is based on many tests), when the load starts, it will reach a peak within a few minutes, then falls back.
time.Sleep(180 * time.Second)
e2e.Logf("----> Created cpuload related pods: %v", n*r*dn)
memUsageCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`echo "%v" | awk '{print $4}'`, workerTop)
memUsage, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", memUsageCmd).Output()
mem1 := regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(memUsage), "")
mem, _ := strconv.Atoi(mem1)
memUsageCmdP := fmt.Sprintf(`echo "%v" | awk '{print $5}'`, workerTop)
memUsageP, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", memUsageCmdP).Output()
memP1 := regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(memUsageP), "")
memP, _ := strconv.Atoi(memP1)
totalMem := int(float64(mem) / (float64(memP) / 100))
for i := 0; i < len(workerCPU); i++ {
// Check if there is node.metrics on node
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("nodemetrics", workerCPU[i]).Execute()
var workerMEMtop string
if err == nil {
workerMEMtop, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("top", "node", workerCPU[i], "--no-headers=true").OutputToFile("load-cpu-mem_" + randomStr + "-log")
workerMEMtopcmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | awk '{print $5}'`, workerMEMtop)
workerMEMUsage, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", workerMEMtopcmd).Output()
workerMEMtopstr = regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(workerMEMUsage), "")
workerMEMtopint, _ = strconv.Atoi(workerMEMtopstr)
workerMEMtopall = append(workerMEMtopall, workerMEMtopint)
for j := 1; j < len(workerCPU); j++ {
if workerMEMtopall[0] < workerMEMtopall[j] {
workerMEMtopall[0] = workerMEMtopall[j]
memMax := workerMEMtopall[0]
availableMem := int(float64(totalMem) * (100 - float64(reserveMemP) - float64(memMax)) / 100)
m = int(availableMem / int(memMetric))
e2e.Logf("----> Cluster has total Mem, Reserved Mem percentage, Max memory of node :%v,%v,%v", totalMem, reserveMemP, memMax)
if m <= 0 {
e2e.Logf("No more memory resource is available, no load will be added!")
} else {
if workerNodeCount == 1 {
dn = 1
r = 2
} else {
r = workerNodeCount
if m > workerNodeCount {
dn = m
} else {
dn = workerNodeCount
// Get the available pods of worker nodes, based on this, the upper limit for a namespace is calculated
cmd1 := fmt.Sprintf(`oc describe node/%v | grep 'Non-terminated Pods' | grep -oP "[0-9]+"`, worker1)
cmdOut1, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd1).Output()
usedPods, err := strconv.Atoi(regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(cmdOut1), ""))
availablePods := snoPodCapacity - usedPods - reservePodCapacity
if workerNodeCount > 1 {
availablePods = availablePods * workerNodeCount
// Reduce the number pods in which workers create memory loads concurrently, avoid kubelet crash
if availablePods > 200 {
availablePods = int(availablePods / 2)
nsMax := int(availablePods / dn / r)
if nsMax > 0 {
if m > nsMax {
m = nsMax
} else {
m = 1
r = 1
dn = 1
e2e.Logf("Start Memory load ...")
memloadCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`clusterbuster --basename=memload --workload=memory --namespaces=%v --processes=1 --deployments=%v --node-selector=node-role.kubernetes.io/master --tolerate=node-role.kubernetes.io/master:Equal:NoSchedule --workloadruntime=7200 --report=none> %v &`, m, dn, dirname+"clusterbuster-mem-log")
e2e.Logf("%v", memloadCmd)
cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", memloadCmd)
cmdErr := cmd.Start()
// Wait for 5 mins, ensure that all load pods are strated up.
time.Sleep(300 * time.Second)
e2e.Logf("----> Created memload related pods: %v", m*r*dn)
// If load are landed, will do some checking with logs
if n > 0 || m > 0 {
keywords := "body: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout|panic"
bustercmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | grep -iE '%s' || true`, dirname+"clusterbuster*", keywords)
busterLogs, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", bustercmd).Output()
if len(busterLogs) > 0 {
e2e.Logf("%s", busterLogs)
e2e.Logf("Found some panic or timeout errors, if errors are potential bug then file a bug.")
} else {
e2e.Logf("No errors found in clusterbuster logs")
} else {
e2e.Logf("No more CPU and memory resource, no any load is added.")
// CopyToFile copy a given file into a temp folder with given file name
func CopyToFile(fromPath string, toFilename string) string {
// check if source file is regular file
srcFileStat, err := os.Stat(fromPath)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("get source file %s stat failed: %v", fromPath, err)
if !srcFileStat.Mode().IsRegular() {
e2e.Failf("source file %s is not a regular file", fromPath)
// open source file
source, err := os.Open(fromPath)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("open source file %s failed: %v", fromPath, err)
defer source.Close()
// open dest file
saveTo := filepath.Join(e2e.TestContext.OutputDir, toFilename)
dest, err := os.Create(saveTo)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("open destination file %s failed: %v", saveTo, err)
defer dest.Close()
// copy from source to dest
_, err = io.Copy(dest, source)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("copy file from %s to %s failed: %v", fromPath, saveTo, err)
return saveTo
func ExecCommandOnPod(oc *exutil.CLI, podname string, namespace string, command string) string {
var podOutput string
var execpodErr error
errExec := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
podOutput, execpodErr = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("exec").Args("-n", namespace, podname, "--", "/bin/sh", "-c", command).Output()
podOutput = strings.TrimSpace(podOutput)
e2e.Logf("Attempting to execute command on pod %v. Output: %v, Error: %v", podname, podOutput, execpodErr)
if execpodErr != nil {
// Check for TLS internal error and handle CSR approval if detected, https://access.redhat.com/solutions/4307511
matchTLS, _ := regexp.MatchString(`(?i)tls.*internal error`, podOutput)
if matchTLS {
e2e.Logf("Detected TLS error in output for pod %v: %v", podname, podOutput)
// Attempt to approve any pending CSRs
getCsr, getCsrErr := getPendingCSRs(oc)
if getCsrErr != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error retrieving pending CSRs: %v", getCsrErr)
return false, nil
for _, csr := range getCsr {
e2e.Logf("Approving CSR: %v", csr)
appCsrErr := oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("adm").Args("certificate", "approve", csr).Execute()
if appCsrErr != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error approving CSR %v: %v", csr, appCsrErr)
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("Pending CSRs approved. Retrying command on pod %v...", podname)
return false, nil
} else {
e2e.Logf("Command execution error on pod %v: %v", podname, execpodErr)
return false, nil
} else if podOutput != "" {
e2e.Logf("Successfully retrieved non-empty output from pod %v: %v", podname, podOutput)
return true, nil
} else {
e2e.Logf("Received empty output from pod %v. Retrying...", podname)
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errExec, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to run command on pod %v :: %v :: Output: %v :: Error: %v", podname, command, podOutput, execpodErr))
return podOutput
// clusterHealthcheck do cluster health check like pod, node and operators
func clusterHealthcheck(oc *exutil.CLI, dirname string) error {
err := clusterNodesHealthcheck(oc, 600, dirname)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cluster nodes health check failed. Abnormality found in nodes.")
err = clusterOperatorHealthcheck(oc, 1500, dirname)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cluster operators health check failed. Abnormality found in cluster operators.")
err = clusterPodsHealthcheck(oc, 600, dirname)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cluster pods health check failed. Abnormality found in pods.")
return nil
// clusterOperatorHealthcheck check abnormal operators
func clusterOperatorHealthcheck(oc *exutil.CLI, waitTime int, dirname string) error {
e2e.Logf("Check the abnormal operators")
errCo := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, time.Duration(waitTime)*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
coLogFile, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("co", "--no-headers").OutputToFile(dirname)
if err == nil {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | grep -v '.True.*False.*False' || true`, coLogFile)
coLogs, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
if len(coLogs) > 0 {
return false, nil
} else {
return false, nil
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("co").Execute()
e2e.Logf("No abnormality found in cluster operators...")
return true, nil
if errCo != nil {
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("co").Execute()
return errCo
// clusterPodsHealthcheck check abnormal pods.
func clusterPodsHealthcheck(oc *exutil.CLI, waitTime int, dirname string) error {
e2e.Logf("Check the abnormal pods")
var podLogs []byte
errPod := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, time.Duration(waitTime)*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
podLogFile, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("pods", "-A").OutputToFile(dirname)
if err == nil {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | grep -ivE 'Running|Completed|namespace|installer' || true`, podLogFile)
podLogs, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
if len(podLogs) > 0 {
return false, nil
} else {
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("No abnormality found in pods...")
return true, nil
if errPod != nil {
e2e.Logf("%s", podLogs)
return errPod
// clusterNodesHealthcheck check abnormal nodes
func clusterNodesHealthcheck(oc *exutil.CLI, waitTime int, dirname string) error {
errNode := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, time.Duration(waitTime)*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("node").Output()
if err == nil {
if strings.Contains(output, "NotReady") || strings.Contains(output, "SchedulingDisabled") {
return false, nil
} else {
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("Nodes are normal...")
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("nodes").Execute()
return true, nil
if errNode != nil {
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("node").Execute()
return errNode
// apiserverReadinessProbe use for microshift to check apiserver readiness
func apiserverReadinessProbe(tokenValue string, apiserverName string) string {
timeoutDuration := 3 * time.Second
var bodyString string
url := fmt.Sprintf(`%s/apis`, apiserverName)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("error creating request: %v", err)
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+tokenValue)
req.Header.Set("X-OpenShift-Internal-If-Not-Ready", "reject")
transport := &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
client := &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
Timeout: timeoutDuration,
errCurl := wait.PollImmediate(1*time.Second, 300*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error while making curl request :: %v", err)
return false, nil
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode == 429 {
bodyBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
bodyString = string(bodyBytes)
return strings.Contains(bodyString, "The apiserver hasn't been fully initialized yet, please try again later"), nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errCurl, fmt.Sprintf("error waiting for API server readiness: %v", errCurl))
return bodyString
// Get one available service IP, retry 30 times
func getServiceIP(oc *exutil.CLI, clusterIP string) net.IP {
var serviceIP net.IP
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second, 60*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
randomServiceIP := net.ParseIP(clusterIP).To4()
if randomServiceIP != nil {
randomServiceIP[3] += byte(rand.Intn(254 - 1))
} else {
randomServiceIP = net.ParseIP(clusterIP).To16()
randomServiceIP[len(randomServiceIP)-1] = byte(rand.Intn(254 - 1))
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("service", "-A", `-o=jsonpath={.items[*].spec.clusterIP}`).Output()
if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(randomServiceIP.String(), output); matched {
e2e.Logf("IP %v has been used!", randomServiceIP)
return false, nil
serviceIP = randomServiceIP
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "Failed to get one available service IP!")
return serviceIP
// the method is to do something with oc.
func doAction(oc *exutil.CLI, action string, asAdmin bool, withoutNamespace bool, parameters ...string) (string, error) {
if asAdmin && withoutNamespace {
return oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run(action).Args(parameters...).Output()
if asAdmin && !withoutNamespace {
return oc.AsAdmin().Run(action).Args(parameters...).Output()
if !asAdmin && withoutNamespace {
return oc.WithoutNamespace().Run(action).Args(parameters...).Output()
if !asAdmin && !withoutNamespace {
return oc.Run(action).Args(parameters...).Output()
return "", nil
// Get something existing resource
func getResource(oc *exutil.CLI, asAdmin bool, withoutNamespace bool, parameters ...string) (string, error) {
return doAction(oc, "get", asAdmin, withoutNamespace, parameters...)
// Get something resource to be ready
func getResourceToBeReady(oc *exutil.CLI, asAdmin bool, withoutNamespace bool, parameters ...string) string {
var result string
var err error
errPoll := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 6*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
result, err = doAction(oc, "get", asAdmin, withoutNamespace, parameters...)
if err != nil || len(result) == 0 {
e2e.Logf("Unable to retrieve the expected resource, retrying...")
return false, nil
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errPoll, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to retrieve %v", parameters))
e2e.Logf("The resource returned:\n%v", result)
return result
func getGlobalProxy(oc *exutil.CLI) (string, string, string) {
httpProxy, err := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "proxy", "cluster", "-o=jsonpath={.status.httpProxy}")
httpsProxy, err := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "proxy", "cluster", "-o=jsonpath={.status.httpsProxy}")
noProxy, err := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "proxy", "cluster", "-o=jsonpath={.status.noProxy}")
return httpProxy, httpsProxy, noProxy
// Get the pods List by label
func getPodsListByLabel(oc *exutil.CLI, namespace string, selectorLabel string) []string {
podsOp := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "pod", "-n", namespace, "-l", selectorLabel, "-o=jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name}")
return strings.Split(podsOp, " ")
func checkApiserversAuditPolicies(oc *exutil.CLI, auditPolicyName string) {
e2e.Logf("Checking the current " + auditPolicyName + " audit policy of cluster")
defaultProfile := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "apiserver/cluster", `-o=jsonpath={.spec.audit.profile}`)
o.Expect(defaultProfile).Should(o.ContainSubstring(auditPolicyName), "current audit policy of cluster is not default :: "+defaultProfile)
e2e.Logf("Checking the audit config file of kube-apiserver currently in use.")
podsList := getPodsListByLabel(oc.AsAdmin(), "openshift-kube-apiserver", "app=openshift-kube-apiserver")
execKasOuptut := ExecCommandOnPod(oc, podsList[0], "openshift-kube-apiserver", "ls /etc/kubernetes/static-pod-resources/configmaps/kube-apiserver-audit-policies/")
re := regexp.MustCompile(`policy.yaml`)
matches := re.FindAllString(execKasOuptut, -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
e2e.Failf("Audit config file of kube-apiserver is wrong :: %s", execKasOuptut)
e2e.Logf("Audit config file of kube-apiserver :: %s", execKasOuptut)
e2e.Logf("Checking the audit config file of openshif-apiserver currently in use.")
podsList = getPodsListByLabel(oc.AsAdmin(), "openshift-apiserver", "app=openshift-apiserver-a")
execOasOuptut := ExecCommandOnPod(oc, podsList[0], "openshift-apiserver", "cat /var/run/configmaps/config/config.yaml")
re = regexp.MustCompile(`/var/run/configmaps/audit/policy.yaml`)
matches = re.FindAllString(execOasOuptut, -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
e2e.Failf("Audit config file of openshift-apiserver is wrong :: %s", execOasOuptut)
e2e.Logf("Audit config file of openshift-apiserver :: %v", matches)
e2e.Logf("Checking the audit config file of openshif-oauth-apiserver currently in use.")
podsList = getPodsListByLabel(oc.AsAdmin(), "openshift-oauth-apiserver", "app=openshift-oauth-apiserver")
execAuthOuptut := ExecCommandOnPod(oc, podsList[0], "openshift-oauth-apiserver", "ls /var/run/configmaps/audit/")
re = regexp.MustCompile(`policy.yaml`)
matches = re.FindAllString(execAuthOuptut, -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
e2e.Failf("Audit config file of openshift-oauth-apiserver is wrong :: %s", execAuthOuptut)
e2e.Logf("Audit config file of openshift-oauth-apiserver :: %v", execAuthOuptut)
func checkAuditLogs(oc *exutil.CLI, script string, masterNode string, namespace string) (string, int) {
g.By(fmt.Sprintf("Get audit log file from %s", masterNode))
masterNodeLogs, checkLogFileErr := exutil.DebugNodeRetryWithOptionsAndChroot(oc, masterNode, []string{"--quiet=true", "--to-namespace=" + namespace}, "bash", "-c", script)
errCount := len(strings.TrimSpace(masterNodeLogs))
return masterNodeLogs, errCount
func setAuditProfile(oc *exutil.CLI, patchNamespace string, patch string) string {
expectedProgCoStatus := map[string]string{"Progressing": "True"}
expectedCoStatus := map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"}
coOps := []string{"authentication", "openshift-apiserver"}
patchOutput, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args(patchNamespace, "--type=json", "-p", patch).Output()
if strings.Contains(patchOutput, "patched") {
e2e.Logf("Checking KAS, OAS, Auththentication operators should be in Progressing and Available after audit profile change")
g.By("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be in Progressing in 100 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 100, expectedProgCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not start progressing in 100 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be Available in 1500 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 1500, expectedCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not becomes available in 1500 seconds")
// Using 60s because KAS takes long time, when KAS finished rotation, OAS and Auth should have already finished.
for _, ops := range coOps {
e2e.Logf("Checking %s should be Available in 60 seconds", ops)
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, ops, 60, expectedCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("%v operator is not becomes available in 60 seconds", ops))
e2e.Logf("Post audit profile set. KAS, OAS and Auth operator are available after rollout")
return patchOutput
return patchOutput
func getNewUser(oc *exutil.CLI, count int) ([]User, string, string) {
command := "htpasswd"
_, err := exec.LookPath("command")
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("Command '%s' not found in PATH, exit execution!", command)
usersDirPath := "/tmp/" + exutil.GetRandomString()
usersHTpassFile := usersDirPath + "/htpasswd"
err = os.MkdirAll(usersDirPath, 0o755)
htPassSecret, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("oauth/cluster", "-o", "jsonpath={.spec.identityProviders[0].htpasswd.fileData.name}").Output()
if htPassSecret == "" {
htPassSecret = "htpass-secret"
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("-n", "openshift-config", "secret", "generic", htPassSecret, "--from-file", "htpasswd="+usersHTpassFile).Execute()
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("--type=json", "-p", `[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/identityProviders", "value": [{"htpasswd": {"fileData": {"name": "htpass-secret"}}, "mappingMethod": "claim", "name": "htpasswd", "type": "HTPasswd"}]}]`, "oauth/cluster").Execute()
} else {
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("extract").Args("-n", "openshift-config", "secret/"+htPassSecret, "--to", usersDirPath, "--confirm").Execute()
users := make([]User, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
// Generate new username and password
users[i].Username = fmt.Sprintf("testuser-%v-%v", i, exutil.GetRandomString())
users[i].Password = exutil.GetRandomString()
// Add new user to htpasswd file in the temp directory
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("htpasswd -b %v %v %v", usersHTpassFile, users[i].Username, users[i].Password)
err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Run()
// Update htpass-secret with the modified htpasswd file
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("set").Args("-n", "openshift-config", "data", "secret/"+htPassSecret, "--from-file", "htpasswd="+usersHTpassFile).Execute()
g.By("Checking authentication operator should be in Progressing in 180 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "authentication", 180, map[string]string{"Progressing": "True"})
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "authentication operator is not start progressing in 180 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking authentication operator should be Available in 600 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "authentication", 600, map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"})
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "authentication operator is not becomes available in 600 seconds")
return users, usersHTpassFile, htPassSecret
func userCleanup(oc *exutil.CLI, users []User, usersHTpassFile string, htPassSecret string) {
defer os.RemoveAll(usersHTpassFile)
for _, user := range users {
// Add new user to htpasswd file in the temp directory
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("htpasswd -D %v %v", usersHTpassFile, user.Username)
err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Run()
// Update htpass-secret with the modified htpasswd file
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("set").Args("-n", "openshift-config", "data", "secret/"+htPassSecret, "--from-file", "htpasswd="+usersHTpassFile).Execute()
g.By("Checking authentication operator should be in Progressing in 180 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "authentication", 180, map[string]string{"Progressing": "True"})
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "authentication operator is not start progressing in 180 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking authentication operator should be Available in 600 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "authentication", 600, map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"})
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "authentication operator is not becomes available in 600 seconds")
func isConnectedInternet(oc *exutil.CLI) bool {
masterNode, masterErr := exutil.GetFirstMasterNode(oc)
cmd := `timeout 9 curl -k https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world/ > /dev/null;[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "connected"`
output, _ := exutil.DebugNodeWithChroot(oc, masterNode, "bash", "-c", cmd)
if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString("connected", output); !matched {
// Failed to access to the internet in the cluster.
return false
return true
func restartMicroshift(nodename string) error {
// Try restarting microshift three times
var restartErr error
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
// Execute the command
_, restartErr = runSSHCommand(nodename, "redhat", "sudo systemctl restart microshift")
if restartErr != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error restarting microshift :: %v", restartErr)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) // Wait for 5 seconds before retrying
// If successful, break out of the loop
if restartErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to restart Microshift server: %v", restartErr)
var output string
var err error
pollErr := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 60*time.Second, true, func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err = runSSHCommand(nodename, "redhat", "sudo systemctl is-active microshift")
if err != nil {
return false, nil // Retry
return strings.TrimSpace(output) == "active", nil
if pollErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to perform action: %v", pollErr)
e2e.Logf("Microshift restarted successfully")
return nil
func replacePatternInfile(microshiftFilePathYaml string, oldPattern string, newPattern string) {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(microshiftFilePathYaml)
re := regexp.MustCompile(oldPattern)
newContent := re.ReplaceAll(content, []byte(newPattern))
err = ioutil.WriteFile(microshiftFilePathYaml, newContent, 0644)
// Get the pods List by label
func getPodsList(oc *exutil.CLI, namespace string) []string {
podsOp := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "pod", "-n", namespace, "-o=jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name}")
podNames := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(podsOp), " ")
e2e.Logf("Namespace %s pods are: %s", namespace, string(podsOp))
return podNames
func changeMicroshiftConfig(configStr string, nodeName string, configPath string) {
etcConfigCMD := fmt.Sprintf(`'
cat > $configfile << EOF
EOF'`, configPath, configStr)
_, mchgConfigErr := runSSHCommand(nodeName, "redhat", "sudo bash -c", etcConfigCMD)
func addKustomizationToMicroshift(nodeName string, kustomizationFiles map[string][]string) {
for key, file := range kustomizationFiles {
tmpFileName := getTestDataFilePath(file[0])
replacePatternInfile(tmpFileName, file[2], file[3])
fileOutput, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf(`cat %s`, tmpFileName)).Output()
destFile := filepath.Join(file[1], strings.Split(key, ".")[0]+".yaml")
fileCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`'cat > %s << EOF
EOF'`, destFile, string(fileOutput))
_, mchgConfigErr := runSSHCommand(nodeName, "redhat", "sudo bash -c", fileCmd)
// Check ciphers of configmap of kube-apiservers, openshift-apiservers and oauth-openshift-apiservers are using.
func verifyHypershiftCiphers(oc *exutil.CLI, expectedCipher string, ns string) error {
var (
cipherStr string
randomStr = exutil.GetRandomString()
tmpDir = fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/-api-%s/", randomStr)
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
os.MkdirAll(tmpDir, 0755)
for _, item := range []string{"kube-apiserver", "openshift-apiserver", "oauth-openshift"} {
e2e.Logf("#### Checking the ciphers of %s:", item)
if item == "kube-apiserver" {
out, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("cm", "-n", ns, "kas-config", `-o=jsonpath='{.data.config\.json}'`).Output()
// Use jq command line to extrack .servingInfo part JSON comming in string format
jqCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`echo %s | jq -cr '.servingInfo | "\(.cipherSuites) \(.minTLSVersion)"'|tr -d '\n'`, out)
outJQ, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", jqCmd).Output()
cipherStr = string(outJQ)
} else {
jsonOut, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("cm", "-n", ns, item, `-ojson`).OutputToFile("api-" + randomStr + "." + item)
jqCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | jq -r '.data."config.yaml"'`, jsonOut)
yamlConfig, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", jqCmd).Output()
jsonConfig, errJson := util.Yaml2Json(string(yamlConfig))
jsonFile := tmpDir + item + "config.json"
f, err := os.Create(jsonFile)
defer f.Close()
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", jsonConfig)
jqCmd1 := fmt.Sprintf(`jq -cr '.servingInfo | "\(.cipherSuites) \(.minTLSVersion)"' %s |tr -d '\n'`, jsonFile)
jsonOut1, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", jqCmd1).Output()
cipherStr = string(jsonOut1)
e2e.Logf("#### Checking if the ciphers has been changed as the expected: %s", expectedCipher)
if expectedCipher != cipherStr {
e2e.Logf("#### Ciphers of %s are: %s", item, cipherStr)
return fmt.Errorf("Ciphers not matched")
e2e.Logf("#### Ciphers are matched.")
return nil
// Waiting for apiservers restart
func waitApiserverRestartOfHypershift(oc *exutil.CLI, appLabel string, ns string, waitTime int) error {
re, err := regexp.Compile(`(0/[0-9]|Pending|Terminating|Init)`)
errKas := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, time.Duration(waitTime)*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
out, _ := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "pods", "-l", "app="+appLabel, "--no-headers", "-n", ns)
if matched := re.MatchString(out); matched {
e2e.Logf("#### %s was restarting ...", appLabel)
return false, nil
// Recheck status of pods and to do further confirm , avoid false restarts
for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
out, _ = getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "pods", "-l", "app="+appLabel, "--no-headers", "-n", ns)
if matchedAgain := re.MatchString(out); matchedAgain {
e2e.Logf("#### %s was restarting ...", appLabel)
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("#### %s have been restarted!", appLabel)
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errKas, "Failed to complete the restart within the expected time, please check the cluster status!")
return errKas
func containsAnyWebHookReason(webhookError string, conditionReasons interface{}) bool {
switch reasons := conditionReasons.(type) {
case string:
return strings.Contains(webhookError, reasons)
case []string:
for _, reason := range reasons {
if strings.Contains(webhookError, reason) {
return true
return false
return false
func clientCurl(tokenValue string, url string) string {
timeoutDuration := 3 * time.Second
var bodyString string
proxyURL := getProxyURL()
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("error creating request: %v", err)
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+tokenValue)
transport := &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyURL(proxyURL),
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
client := &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
Timeout: timeoutDuration,
errCurl := wait.PollImmediate(10*time.Second, 300*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return false, nil
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode == 200 {
bodyBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
bodyString = string(bodyBytes)
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errCurl, fmt.Sprintf("error waiting for curl request output: %v", errCurl))
return bodyString
// Return the API server FQDN and port. format is like api.$clustername.$basedomain
func getApiServerFQDNandPort(oc *exutil.CLI, hypershiftCluster bool) (string, string) {
var (
apiServerURL string
configErr error
if !hypershiftCluster {
apiServerURL, configErr = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("config").Args("view", "-ojsonpath={.clusters[0].cluster.server}").Output()
} else {
apiServerURL, configErr = oc.AsGuestKubeconf().AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("config").Args("view", "-ojsonpath={.clusters[0].cluster.server}").Output()
fqdnName, parseErr := url.Parse(apiServerURL)
return fqdnName.Hostname(), fqdnName.Port()
// isTechPreviewNoUpgrade checks if a cluster is a TechPreviewNoUpgrade cluster
func isTechPreviewNoUpgrade(oc *exutil.CLI) bool {
featureGate, err := oc.AdminConfigClient().ConfigV1().FeatureGates().Get(context.Background(), "cluster", metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return false
e2e.Failf("could not retrieve feature-gate: %v", err)
return featureGate.Spec.FeatureSet == configv1.TechPreviewNoUpgrade
// IsIPv4 check if the string is an IPv4 address.
func isIPv4(str string) bool {
ip := net.ParseIP(str)
return ip != nil && strings.Contains(str, ".")
// IsIPv6 check if the string is an IPv6 address.
func isIPv6(str string) bool {
ip := net.ParseIP(str)
return ip != nil && strings.Contains(str, ":")
// Copy one public image to the internel image registry of OCP cluster
func copyImageToInternelRegistry(oc *exutil.CLI, namespace string, source string, dest string) (string, error) {
var (
podName string
appName = "skopeo"
err error
podName, _ = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("pod", "-n", namespace, "-l", "name="+appName, "-o", `jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name}`).Output()
// If the skopeo pod doesn't exist, create it
if len(podName) == 0 {
template := getTestDataFilePath("skopeo-deployment.json")
err = oc.Run("create").Args("-f", template, "-n", namespace).Execute()
podName = getPodsListByLabel(oc.AsAdmin(), namespace, "name="+appName)[0]
exutil.AssertPodToBeReady(oc, podName, namespace)
} else {
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().Run("get").Args("pod", podName, "-n", namespace, "-o", "jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type==\"Ready\")].status}'").Output()
o.Expect(output).Should(o.ContainSubstring("True"), appName+" pod is not ready!")
token, err := getSAToken(oc, "builder", namespace)
command := []string{podName, "-n", namespace, "--", appName, "--insecure-policy", "--src-tls-verify=false", "--dest-tls-verify=false", "copy", "--dcreds", "dnm:" + token, source, dest}
results, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("exec").Args(command...).Output()
return results, err
// Check if BaselineCapabilities have been set
func isBaselineCapsSet(oc *exutil.CLI) bool {
baselineCapabilitySet, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("clusterversion", "version", "-o=jsonpath={.spec.capabilities.baselineCapabilitySet}").Output()
e2e.Logf("baselineCapabilitySet parameters: %v\n", baselineCapabilitySet)
return len(baselineCapabilitySet) != 0
// Check if component is listed in clusterversion.status.capabilities.enabledCapabilities
func isEnabledCapability(oc *exutil.CLI, component string) bool {
enabledCapabilities, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("clusterversion", "-o=jsonpath={.items[*].status.capabilities.enabledCapabilities}").Output()
e2e.Logf("Cluster enabled capability parameters: %v\n", enabledCapabilities)
return strings.Contains(enabledCapabilities, component)
func checkURLEndpointAccess(oc *exutil.CLI, hostIP, nodePort, podName, portCommand, status string) {
var url string
var curlOutput string
var curlErr error
if isIPv6(hostIP) {
url = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%s", hostIP, nodePort)
} else {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", hostIP, nodePort)
// Construct the full command with the specified command and URL
var fullCommand string
if portCommand == "https" {
fullCommand = fmt.Sprintf("curl -k https://%s", url)
} else {
fullCommand = fmt.Sprintf("curl %s", url)
e2e.Logf("Command: %v", fullCommand)
e2e.Logf("Checking if the specified URL endpoint %s is accessible", url)
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second, 6*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
curlOutput, curlErr = oc.Run("exec").Args(podName, "-i", "--", "sh", "-c", fullCommand).Output()
if curlErr != nil {
return false, nil
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to access %s", url))
type CertificateDetails struct {
CurlResponse string
Subject string
Issuer string
NotBefore string
NotAfter string
SubjectAltName []string
SerialNumber string
// urlHealthCheck performs a health check on the given FQDN name and port
func urlHealthCheck(fqdnName string, port string, certPath string, returnValues []string) (*CertificateDetails, error) {
proxyURL := getProxyURL()
caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(certPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading CA certificate: %s", err)
// Create a CertPool and add the CA certificate
caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
if !caCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCert) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to append CA certificate")
// Create a custom transport with the CA certificate
transport := &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyURL(proxyURL),
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
RootCAs: caCertPool,
client := &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:%s/healthz", fqdnName, port)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
var certDetails *CertificateDetails
err = wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second, 30*time.Second, true, func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
resp, err := client.Get(url)
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error performing HTTP request: %s, retrying...\n", err)
return false, nil
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Error reading response body: %s", err)
certDetails = &CertificateDetails{}
if resp.TLS != nil && len(resp.TLS.PeerCertificates) > 0 {
cert := resp.TLS.PeerCertificates[0]
for _, value := range returnValues {
switch value {
case "CurlResponse":
certDetails.CurlResponse = string(body)
case "Subject":
certDetails.Subject = cert.Subject.String()
case "Issuer":
certDetails.Issuer = cert.Issuer.String()
case "NotBefore":
certDetails.NotBefore = cert.NotBefore.Format(time.RFC3339)
case "NotAfter":
certDetails.NotAfter = cert.NotAfter.Format(time.RFC3339)
case "SubjectAltName":
certDetails.SubjectAltName = cert.DNSNames
case "SerialNumber":
certDetails.SerialNumber = cert.SerialNumber.String()
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error performing HTTP request: %s", err)
return certDetails, nil
func runSSHCommand(server, user string, commands ...string) (string, error) {
// Combine commands into a single string
fullCommand := strings.Join(commands, " ")
sshkey, err := exutil.GetPrivateKey()
sshClient := exutil.SshClient{User: user, Host: server, Port: 22, PrivateKey: sshkey}
return sshClient.RunOutput(fullCommand)
func getProxyURL() *url.URL {
// Prefer https_proxy, fallback to http_proxy
proxyURLString := os.Getenv("https_proxy")
if proxyURLString == "" {
proxyURLString = os.Getenv("http_proxy")
if proxyURLString == "" {
return nil
proxyURL, err := url.Parse(proxyURLString)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("error parsing proxy URL: %v", err)
return proxyURL
func getMicroshiftHostname(oc *exutil.CLI) string {
microShiftURL, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("config").Args("view", "-ojsonpath={.clusters[0].cluster.server}").Output()
fqdnName, err := url.Parse(microShiftURL)
return fqdnName.Hostname()
func applyLabel(oc *exutil.CLI, asAdmin bool, withoutNamespace bool, parameters ...string) {
_, err := doAction(oc, "label", asAdmin, withoutNamespace, parameters...)
o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred(), "Adding label to the namespace failed")
// Function to get audit event logs for user login.
func checkUserAuditLog(oc *exutil.CLI, logGroup string, user string, pass string) (string, int) {
var (
eventLogs string
eventCount = 0
n int
now = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
errUser := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("login").Args("-u", user, "-p", pass).NotShowInfo().Execute()
whoami, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("whoami").Args("").Output()
e2e.Logf("whoami: %s", whoami)
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutKubeconf().WithoutNamespace().Run("logout").Args().Execute()
e2e.Logf("The user %s logged out successfully", user)
script := fmt.Sprintf(`rm -if /tmp/audit-test-*.json;
for logpath in kube-apiserver oauth-apiserver openshift-apiserver;do
grep -h "%s" /var/log/${logpath}/audit*.log | jq -c 'select (.requestReceivedTimestamp | .[0:19] + "Z" | fromdateiso8601 > %v)' >> /tmp/audit-test-$logpath.json;
cat /tmp/audit-test-*.json`, logGroup, now)
contextErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("config").Args("use-context", "admin").Execute()
e2e.Logf("Get all master nodes.")
masterNodes, getAllMasterNodesErr := exutil.GetClusterNodesBy(oc, "master")
for _, masterNode := range masterNodes {
eventLogs, n = checkAuditLogs(oc, script, masterNode, "openshift-kube-apiserver")
e2e.Logf("event logs count:%v", n)
eventCount += n
return eventLogs, eventCount
func verifyMicroshiftLogs(nodename string, cmd string, cmp string) (string, int, error) {
var (
output string
err error
mstatusErr := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 6*time.Second, 200*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err = runSSHCommand(nodename, "redhat", cmd)
if err != nil {
return false, err
count := len(strings.TrimSpace(output))
switch cmp {
case "==":
if count == 0 {
return true, nil
case ">":
if count > 0 {
return true, nil
case "<":
if count < 0 {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("invalid comparison operator")
return false, nil
return output, len(strings.TrimSpace(output)), mstatusErr
func getMicroshiftConfig(nodeName string, cmd string, keyValue string) (string, error) {
var strValue string
mstatusErr := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
// Run SSH command to get the YAML configuration
yamlData, err := runSSHCommand(nodeName, "redhat", cmd)
if err == nil && yamlData != "" {
yamlToJson, yamlErr := exutil.Yaml2Json(yamlData)
if yamlErr == nil && yamlToJson != "" {
// Parse YAML data
yamlJson := gjson.Parse(yamlToJson).String()
if yamlJson != "" {
// Get value from JSON using provided key
strValue = gjson.Get(yamlJson, keyValue).String()
if strValue != "" {
e2e.Logf("Config values : %s", strValue)
return true, nil
return false, nil
return strValue, mstatusErr
func gatherSosreports(fqdnName string, user string, sosReportCmd string, tmpdir string) string {
sosreportStatus, sosErr := runSSHCommand(fqdnName, user, sosReportCmd)
e2e.Logf("SOS Report :: %v", sosreportStatus)
o.Expect(strings.Contains(sosreportStatus, "Your sos report has been generated and saved in")).To(o.BeTrue())
o.Expect(strings.Contains(sosreportStatus, tmpdir+"/sosreport")).To(o.BeTrue())
return sosreportStatus
func clusterSanityCheck(oc *exutil.CLI) error {
var (
project_ns = exutil.GetRandomString()
errCreateProj error
statusNode, errNode := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "node")
if errNode != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error fetching Node Status: %s :: %s", statusNode, errNode.Error())
if strings.ContainsAny(errNode.Error(), "Unable to connect to the server: net/http: TLS handshake timeout") {
e2e.Failf("Cluster Not accessible, may be env issue issue or network disruption")
statusCO, errCO := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "co")
if errCO != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error fetching Cluster Operators Status: %s :: %s", statusCO, errCO.Error())
if strings.ContainsAny(errCO.Error(), "Unable to connect to the server: tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority") {
status, _ := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "co", "--insecure-skip-tls-verify")
e2e.Logf("cluster Operators Status :: %s", status)
statusKAS, _ := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "co", "kube-apiserver", "-o", "yaml", "--insecure-skip-tls-verify")
e2e.Logf("KAS Operators Status :: %s", statusKAS)
// retry to create new project to avoid transient ServiceUnavailable of openshift-apiserver
o.Eventually(func() bool {
errCreateProj = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("new-project").Args(project_ns, "--skip-config-write").Execute()
return errCreateProj == nil
}, 9*time.Second, 3*time.Second).Should(o.BeTrue(), fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create project %s with error %v", project_ns, errCreateProj))
if errCreateProj != nil && strings.ContainsAny(errCreateProj.Error(), "the server is currently unable to handle the request") {
status, _ := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "co")
e2e.Logf("cluster Operators Status :: %s", status)
errDeleteProj := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("project", project_ns, "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
if errDeleteProj != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error deleting project %s: %s", project_ns, errDeleteProj.Error())
if errCO != nil || errCreateProj != nil || errDeleteProj != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cluster sanity check failed")
e2e.Logf("Cluster sanity check passed")
return nil
func clusterSanityCheckMicroShift(oc *exutil.CLI) error {
statusNode, errNode := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "node")
if errNode != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error fetching Node Status: %s :: %s", statusNode, errNode.Error())
if strings.ContainsAny(errNode.Error(), "Unable to connect to the server: net/http: TLS handshake timeout") {
e2e.Failf("Cluster Not accessible, may be env issue issue or network disruption")
project_ns := exutil.GetRandomString()
errCreateNs := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("ns", project_ns).Execute()
if errCreateNs != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error creating project %s: %s", project_ns, errCreateNs.Error())
errDeleteNs := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("ns", project_ns, "--ignore-not-found").Execute()
if errDeleteNs != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error deleting project %s: %s", project_ns, errDeleteNs.Error())
if errCreateNs != nil || errDeleteNs != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cluster sanity check failed")
e2e.Logf("Cluster sanity check passed")
return nil
// getPendingCSRs retrieves all pending CSRs and returns a list of their names
func getPendingCSRs(oc *exutil.CLI) ([]string, error) {
output := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "csr")
// Convert the output to a string and split it into lines
outputStr := string(output)
lines := strings.Split(outputStr, "\n")
var pendingCSRs []string
// Filter for CSRs with status "Pending" and extract the CSR name
for _, line := range lines {
if strings.Contains(line, "Pending") {
fields := strings.Fields(line)
if len(fields) > 0 {
pendingCSRs = append(pendingCSRs, fields[0]) // Append CSR name to the list
// If no pending CSRs were found, return an empty list and no error
return pendingCSRs, nil
func getResourceWithKubeconfig(oc *exutil.CLI, newKubeconfig string, waitForError bool, getResource ...string) (string, error) {
var output string
var err error
args := append([]string{newKubeconfig}, getResource...)
pollErr := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 120*time.Second, false, func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().WithoutKubeconf().Run("--kubeconfig").Args(args...).Output()
if err != nil {
if waitForError {
return false, nil
return true, err
return true, nil // Success
if pollErr != nil {
if waitForError {
return "", fmt.Errorf("timed out waiting for `%v` command to succeed: %w :: and error is `%v`", getResource, pollErr, err)
return "", pollErr
return output, err
func kasOperatorCheckForStep(oc *exutil.CLI, preConfigKasStatus map[string]string, step string, msg string) {
var (
coName = "kube-apiserver"
kubeApiserverCoStatus = map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"}
e2e.Logf("Pre-configuration with %s operator status before %s: %s", coName, msg, preConfigKasStatus)
// It takes about 30 seconds for KAS rolling out from deployment to progress
// wait some bit more time and double check, to ensure it is stably healthy
time.Sleep(45 * time.Second)
postConfigKasStatus := getCoStatus(oc, coName, kubeApiserverCoStatus)
e2e.Logf("Post-configuration with %s operator status after %s %s", coName, msg, postConfigKasStatus)
// Check if KAS operator status is changed after ValidatingWebhook configration creation
if !reflect.DeepEqual(preConfigKasStatus, postConfigKasStatus) {
if reflect.DeepEqual(preConfigKasStatus, kubeApiserverCoStatus) {
// preConfigKasStatus has the same status of kubeApiserverCoStatus, means KAS operator is changed from stable to unstable
e2e.Failf("Test step-%s failed: %s operator are abnormal after %s!", step, coName, msg)
// createSecretsWithQuotaValidation creates secrets until the quota is reached
func createSecretsWithQuotaValidation(oc *exutil.CLI, namespace, clusterQuotaName string, crqLimits map[string]string, caseID string) {
// Step 1: Retrieve current secret count
secretCount, err := oc.Run("get").Args("-n", namespace, "clusterresourcequota", clusterQuotaName, "-o", `jsonpath={.status.namespaces[*].status.used.secrets}`).Output()
usedCount, _ := strconv.Atoi(secretCount)
limits, _ := strconv.Atoi(crqLimits["secrets"])
steps := 1
// Step 2: Create secrets and check if quota limit is reached
for i := usedCount; i <= limits; i++ {
secretName := fmt.Sprintf("%v-secret-%d", caseID, steps)
e2e.Logf("Creating secret %s", secretName)
// Attempt to create the secret
output, err := oc.Run("create").Args("-n", namespace, "secret", "generic", secretName).Output()
// Step 3: Expect failure when reaching the quota limit
if i < limits {
output1, _ := oc.Run("get").Args("-n", namespace, "secret").Output()
e2e.Logf("Get total secrets created to debug :: %s", output1)
o.Expect(err).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred()) // Expect success before quota is reached
} else {
// Expect the specific "exceeded quota" error message
if err != nil && strings.Contains(output, "secrets.*forbidden: exceeded quota") {
e2e.Logf("Quota limit reached, as expected.")
} else {
o.Expect(err).To(o.HaveOccurred()) // Fail if any other error occurs
func checkDisconnect(oc *exutil.CLI) bool {
workNode, err := exutil.GetFirstWorkerNode(oc)
curlCMD := "curl -I ifconfig.me --connect-timeout 5"
output, err := exutil.DebugNode(oc, workNode, "bash", "-c", curlCMD)
if !strings.Contains(output, "HTTP") || err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Unable to access the public Internet from the cluster.")
return true
e2e.Logf("Successfully connected to the public Internet from the cluster.")
return false
// Validate MicroShift Config
func validateMicroshiftConfig(fqdnName string, user string, patternToMatch string) {
e2e.Logf("Check manifest config")
chkConfigCmd := `sudo /usr/bin/microshift show-config --mode effective 2>/dev/null`
re := regexp.MustCompile(patternToMatch)
mchkConfig, mchkConfigErr := runSSHCommand(fqdnName, user, chkConfigCmd)
match := re.MatchString(mchkConfig)
if !match {
e2e.Failf("Config not matched :: \n" + mchkConfig)
// fetchOpenShiftAPIServerCert fetches the server's certificate and returns it as a PEM-encoded string.
func fetchOpenShiftAPIServerCert(apiServerEndpoint string) ([]byte, error) {
timeout := 120 * time.Second
retryInterval := 20 * time.Second
// Create a cancellable context for polling
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
transport := &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
proxyURL := getProxyURL()
transport.Proxy = http.ProxyURL(proxyURL)
// Set up TLS configuration and DialContext
transport.DialContext = func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
return (&net.Dialer{}).DialContext(ctx, network, addr)
client := &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
var pemCert []byte
pollFunc := func(ctx context.Context) (done bool, err error) {
// Attempt to send a GET request to the OpenShift API server
resp, err := client.Get(apiServerEndpoint)
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error connecting to the OpenShift API server: %v. Retrying...\n", err)
return false, nil
defer resp.Body.Close()
// Check TLS connection state
tlsConnectionState := resp.TLS
if tlsConnectionState == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("No TLS connection established")
// Encode the server's certificate to PEM format
cert := tlsConnectionState.PeerCertificates[0]
pemCert = pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: cert.Raw})
if pemCert == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Error encoding certificate to PEM")
fmt.Println("Certificate fetched successfully")
return true, nil
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(ctx, retryInterval, timeout, true, pollFunc)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch certificate within timeout: %w", err)
return pemCert, nil
// Generate a random string with given number of digits
func getRandomString(digit int) string {
chars := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
seed := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
buffer := make([]byte, digit)
for index := range buffer {
buffer[index] = chars[seed.Intn(len(chars))]
return string(buffer)
func getSAToken(oc *exutil.CLI, sa, ns string) (string, error) {
e2e.Logf("Getting a token assgined to specific serviceaccount from %s namespace...", ns)
token, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("token", sa, "-n", ns).Output()
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(token, "unknown command") { // oc client is old version, create token is not supported
e2e.Logf("oc create token is not supported by current client, use oc sa get-token instead")
token, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("sa").Args("get-token", sa, "-n", ns).Output()
} else {
return "", err
return token, err
| package apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | ac1aecfc-edaf-480f-9a24-85764949a090 | createAdmissionWebhookFromTemplate | ['admissionWebhook'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func (admissionHook *admissionWebhook) createAdmissionWebhookFromTemplate(oc *exutil.CLI) {
exutil.CreateClusterResourceFromTemplate(oc, "--ignore-unknown-parameters=true", "-f", admissionHook.template, "-p", "NAME="+admissionHook.name, "WEBHOOKNAME="+admissionHook.webhookname,
"SERVICENAMESPACE="+admissionHook.servicenamespace, "SERVICENAME="+admissionHook.servicename, "NAMESPACE="+admissionHook.namespace, "APIGROUPS="+admissionHook.apigroups, "APIVERSIONS="+admissionHook.apiversions,
"OPERATIONS="+admissionHook.operations, "RESOURCES="+admissionHook.resources, "KIND="+admissionHook.kind, "SHORTNAME="+admissionHook.shortname,
"SINGULARNAME="+admissionHook.singularname, "PLURALNAME="+admissionHook.pluralname, "VERSION="+admissionHook.version)
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 3ef6b976-5798-4dc3-942b-2e5d35f63dd7 | createServiceFromTemplate | ['service'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func (service *service) createServiceFromTemplate(oc *exutil.CLI) {
exutil.CreateClusterResourceFromTemplate(oc, "--ignore-unknown-parameters=true", "-f", service.template, "-p", "NAME="+service.name, "CLUSTERIP="+service.clusterip, "NAMESPACE="+service.namespace)
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 24e19507-392b-46c9-a7da-da10044595b4 | compareAPIServerWebhookConditions | ['"context"', '"errors"', '"io"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"', '"github.com/tidwall/gjson"', 'apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func compareAPIServerWebhookConditions(oc *exutil.CLI, conditionReason interface{}, conditionStatus string, conditionTypes []string) {
for _, webHookErrorConditionType := range conditionTypes {
// increase wait time for prow ci failures
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 20*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
webhookError, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("kubeapiserver/cluster", "-o", `jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type=="`+webHookErrorConditionType+`")]}'`).Output()
//Inline conditional statement for evaluating 1) reason and status together,2) only status.
webhookConditionStatus := gjson.Get(webhookError, `status`).String()
// If webhook errors from the created flowcollectorconversionwebhook by case OCP-73539,
// the webhook condition status will be "True", not the expected "False"
if strings.Contains(webhookError, "flows.netobserv.io: dial tcp") {
conditionStatus = "True"
isWebhookConditionMet := containsAnyWebHookReason(webhookError, conditionReason) && webhookConditionStatus == conditionStatus
if isWebhookConditionMet {
e2e.Logf("kube-apiserver admission webhook errors as \n %s ::: %s ::: %s ::: %s", conditionStatus, webhookError, webHookErrorConditionType, conditionReason)
o.Expect(webhookError).Should(o.MatchRegexp(`"type":"%s"`, webHookErrorConditionType), "Mismatch in 'type' of admission errors reported")
o.Expect(webhookError).Should(o.MatchRegexp(`"status":"%s"`, conditionStatus), "Mismatch in 'status' of admission errors reported")
return true, nil
// Adding logging for more debug
e2e.Logf("Retrying for expected kube-apiserver admission webhook error ::: %s ::: %s ::: %s ::: %s", conditionStatus, webhookError, webHookErrorConditionType, conditionReason)
return false, nil
if err != nil {
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("ValidatingWebhookConfiguration").Output()
e2e.Logf("#### Debug #### List all ValidatingWebhookConfiguration when the case runs into failures:%s\n", output)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "Test Fail: Expected Kube-apiserver admissionwebhook errors not present.")
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 87903867-9c68-4f0c-a924-20d2d28a2ff7 | GetEncryptionPrefix | ['"context"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"', 'configv1 "github.com/openshift/api/config/v1"', 'metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func GetEncryptionPrefix(oc *exutil.CLI, key string) (string, error) {
var etcdPodName string
encryptionType, err1 := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("apiserver/cluster", "-o=jsonpath={.spec.encryption.type}").Output()
if encryptionType != "aesabc" && encryptionType != "aesgcm" {
e2e.Logf("The etcd is not encrypted on!")
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 60*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
podName, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("pods", "-n", "openshift-etcd", "-l=etcd", "-o=jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.name}").Output()
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Fail to get etcd pod, error: %s. Trying again", err)
return false, nil
etcdPodName = podName
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return "", err
var encryptionPrefix string
err = wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 60*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
prefix, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("rsh").Args("-n", "openshift-etcd", "-c", "etcd", etcdPodName, "bash", "-c", `etcdctl get `+key+` --prefix -w fields | grep -e "Value" | grep -o k8s:enc:`+encryptionType+`:v1:[^:]*: | head -n 1`).Output()
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Fail to rsh into etcd pod, error: %s. Trying again", err)
return false, nil
encryptionPrefix = prefix
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return "", err
return encryptionPrefix, nil
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 866ed514-31f1-4fe1-b42e-4694c9d17fba | GetEncryptionKeyNumber | ['"regexp"', '"strconv"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func GetEncryptionKeyNumber(oc *exutil.CLI, patten string) (int, error) {
secretNames, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("secrets", "-n", "openshift-config-managed", `-o=jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name}`, "--sort-by=metadata.creationTimestamp").Output()
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Fail to get secret, error: %s", err)
return 0, nil
rePattern := regexp.MustCompile(patten)
locs := rePattern.FindAllStringIndex(secretNames, -1)
i, j := locs[len(locs)-1][0], locs[len(locs)-1][1]
maxSecretName := secretNames[i:j]
strSlice := strings.Split(maxSecretName, "-")
var number int
number, err = strconv.Atoi(strSlice[len(strSlice)-1])
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Fail to get secret, error: %s", err)
return 0, nil
return number, nil
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | a25bf5a8-7b2a-4f1e-8827-37be7b782db4 | WaitEncryptionKeyMigration | ['"context"', '"errors"', '"io"', '"regexp"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"', 'apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func WaitEncryptionKeyMigration(oc *exutil.CLI, secret string) (bool, error) {
var pattern string
var waitTime time.Duration
if strings.Contains(secret, "openshift-apiserver") {
pattern = `migrated-resources: .*route.openshift.io.*routes`
waitTime = 15 * time.Minute
} else if strings.Contains(secret, "openshift-kube-apiserver") {
pattern = `migrated-resources: .*configmaps.*secrets.*`
waitTime = 30 * time.Minute // see below explanation
} else {
return false, errors.New("Unknown key " + secret)
rePattern := regexp.MustCompile(pattern)
// In observation, the waiting time in max can take 25 mins if it is kube-apiserver,
// and 12 mins if it is openshift-apiserver, so the Poll parameters are long.
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Minute, waitTime, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err := oc.WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("secrets", secret, "-n", "openshift-config-managed", "-o=yaml").Output()
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Fail to get the encryption key secret %s, error: %s. Trying again", secret, err)
return false, nil
matchedStr := rePattern.FindString(output)
if matchedStr == "" {
e2e.Logf("Not yet see migrated-resources. Trying again")
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("Saw all migrated-resources:\n%s", matchedStr)
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | cf5bd0f4-5e2d-4b88-b9d8-1d93a254b2bf | CheckIfResourceAvailable | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func CheckIfResourceAvailable(oc *exutil.CLI, resource string, resourceNames []string, namespace ...string) (string, bool) {
args := append([]string{resource}, resourceNames...)
if len(namespace) == 1 {
args = append(args, "-n", namespace[0]) // HACK: implement no namespace input
out, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args(args...).Output()
if err == nil {
for _, resourceName := range resourceNames {
return out, true
} else {
e2e.Logf("Debug logs :: Resource '%s' not found :: %s :: %s\n", resource, out, err.Error())
return out, false
return "", true
} | apiserverauth | |||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 009080c4-df65-4f7f-aeaa-43b72f98d91e | waitCoBecomes | ['"context"', '"reflect"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func waitCoBecomes(oc *exutil.CLI, coName string, waitTime int, expectedStatus map[string]string) error {
errCo := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 20*time.Second, time.Duration(waitTime)*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
gottenStatus := getCoStatus(oc, coName, expectedStatus)
eq := reflect.DeepEqual(expectedStatus, gottenStatus)
if eq {
eq := reflect.DeepEqual(expectedStatus, map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"})
if eq {
// For True False False, we want to wait some bit more time and double check, to ensure it is stably healthy
time.Sleep(100 * time.Second)
gottenStatus := getCoStatus(oc, coName, expectedStatus)
eq := reflect.DeepEqual(expectedStatus, gottenStatus)
if eq {
e2e.Logf("Given operator %s becomes available/non-progressing/non-degraded", coName)
return true, nil
} else {
e2e.Logf("Given operator %s becomes %s", coName, gottenStatus)
return true, nil
return false, nil
if errCo != nil {
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("co").Execute()
return errCo
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | b9f23852-6a0f-4a95-a27c-d7c5d6c8aaec | getCoStatus | ['"fmt"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func getCoStatus(oc *exutil.CLI, coName string, statusToCompare map[string]string) map[string]string {
newStatusToCompare := make(map[string]string)
for key := range statusToCompare {
args := fmt.Sprintf(`-o=jsonpath={.status.conditions[?(.type == '%s')].status}`, key)
status, _ := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "co", coName, args)
newStatusToCompare[key] = status
return newStatusToCompare
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 70d483ee-d3ba-413b-a62e-85a8f92c17d0 | verifyCiphers | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"os/exec"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func verifyCiphers(oc *exutil.CLI, expectedCipher string, operator string) error {
return wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
switch operator {
case "openshift-authentication":
e2e.Logf("Get the ciphers for openshift-authentication:")
getadminoutput, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("cm", "-n", "openshift-authentication", "v4-0-config-system-cliconfig", "-o=jsonpath='{.data.v4-0-config-system-cliconfig}'").Output()
if err == nil {
// Use jqCMD to call jq because .servingInfo part JSON comming in string format
jqCMD := fmt.Sprintf(`echo %s | jq -cr '.servingInfo | "\(.cipherSuites) \(.minTLSVersion)"'|tr -d '\n'`, getadminoutput)
output, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", jqCMD).Output()
gottenCipher := string(output)
e2e.Logf("Comparing the ciphers: %s with %s", expectedCipher, gottenCipher)
if expectedCipher == gottenCipher {
e2e.Logf("Ciphers are matched: %s", gottenCipher)
return true, nil
e2e.Logf("Ciphers are not matched: %s", gottenCipher)
return false, nil
return false, nil
case "openshiftapiservers.operator", "kubeapiservers.operator":
e2e.Logf("Get the ciphers for %s:", operator)
getadminoutput, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args(operator, "cluster", "-o=jsonpath={.spec.observedConfig.servingInfo['cipherSuites', 'minTLSVersion']}").Output()
if err == nil {
e2e.Logf("Comparing the ciphers: %s with %s", expectedCipher, getadminoutput)
if expectedCipher == getadminoutput {
e2e.Logf("Ciphers are matched: %s", getadminoutput)
return true, nil
e2e.Logf("Ciphers are not matched: %s", getadminoutput)
return false, nil
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("Operators parameters not correct..")
return false, nil
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 385d8398-8818-4c6a-ba6b-519c0428e26c | restoreClusterOcp41899 | ['"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func restoreClusterOcp41899(oc *exutil.CLI) {
e2e.Logf("Checking openshift-controller-manager operator should be Available")
expectedStatus := map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"}
err := waitCoBecomes(oc, "openshift-controller-manager", 500, expectedStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "openshift-controller-manager operator is not becomes available")
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("configmap", "-n", "openshift-config").Output()
if strings.Contains(output, "client-ca-custom") {
configmapErr := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("delete").Args("configmap", "client-ca-custom", "-n", "openshift-config").Execute()
e2e.Logf("Cluster configmap reset to default values")
} else {
e2e.Logf("Cluster configmap not changed from default values")
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 06cca9ed-2a09-4865-b789-bdb241ddb9ac | checkClusterLoad | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"io"', '"os/exec"', '"regexp"', '"strconv"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func checkClusterLoad(oc *exutil.CLI, nodeType, dirname string) (int, int) {
var tmpPath string
var errAdm error
errAdmNode := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
tmpPath, errAdm = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("top", "nodes", "-l", "node-role.kubernetes.io/"+nodeType, "--no-headers").OutputToFile(dirname)
if errAdm != nil {
return false, nil
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errAdmNode, fmt.Sprintf("Not able to run adm top command :: %v", errAdm))
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | grep -v 'protocol-buffers' | awk '{print $3}'|awk -F '%%' '{ sum += $1 } END { print(sum / NR) }'|cut -d "." -f1`, tmpPath)
cpuAvg, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
cmd = fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | grep -v 'protocol-buffers' | awk '{print $5}'|awk -F'%%' '{ sum += $1 } END { print(sum / NR) }'|cut -d "." -f1`, tmpPath)
memAvg, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`[^\w]`)
cpuAvgs := string(cpuAvg)
memAvgs := string(memAvg)
cpuAvgs = re.ReplaceAllString(cpuAvgs, "")
memAvgs = re.ReplaceAllString(memAvgs, "")
cpuAvgVal, _ := strconv.Atoi(cpuAvgs)
memAvgVal, _ := strconv.Atoi(memAvgs)
return cpuAvgVal, memAvgVal
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 515b6a08-e6da-4bdd-96d2-dcdba15f6538 | checkResources | ['"fmt"', '"os/exec"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func checkResources(oc *exutil.CLI, dirname string) map[string]string {
resUsedDet := make(map[string]string)
resUsed := []string{"secrets", "deployments", "namespaces", "pods"}
for _, key := range resUsed {
tmpPath, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args(key, "-A", "--no-headers").OutputToFile(dirname)
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'`, tmpPath)
output, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
resUsedDet[key] = string(output)
return resUsedDet
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 40f34256-953e-4634-ac60-8e4bc4e92e36 | getTestDataFilePath | ['"path/filepath"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func getTestDataFilePath(filename string) string {
// returns the file path of the testdata files with respect to apiserverauth subteam.
apiDirName := "apiserverauth"
apiBaseDir := ""
if apiBaseDir = fixturePathCache[apiDirName]; len(apiBaseDir) == 0 {
e2e.Logf("apiserver fixture dir is not initialized, start to create")
apiBaseDir = exutil.FixturePath("testdata", apiDirName)
fixturePathCache[apiDirName] = apiBaseDir
e2e.Logf("apiserver fixture dir is initialized: %s", apiBaseDir)
} else {
apiBaseDir = fixturePathCache[apiDirName]
e2e.Logf("apiserver fixture dir found in cache: %s", apiBaseDir)
return filepath.Join(apiBaseDir, filename)
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 7f63287e-a5eb-4c81-9122-31f5f2b22080 | checkCoStatus | ['"reflect"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func checkCoStatus(oc *exutil.CLI, coName string, statusToCompare map[string]string) {
// Check ,compare and assert the current cluster operator status against the expected status given.
currentCoStatus := getCoStatus(oc, coName, statusToCompare)
o.Expect(reflect.DeepEqual(currentCoStatus, statusToCompare)).To(o.Equal(true), "Wrong %s CO status reported, actual status : %s", coName, currentCoStatus)
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | b68c6594-2f57-44bd-9260-aae69511822f | getNodePortRange | ['"regexp"', '"strconv"'] | ['service'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func getNodePortRange(oc *exutil.CLI) (int, int) {
// Follow the steps in https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.11/networking/configuring-node-port-service-range.html
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().Run("get").Args("configmaps", "-n", "openshift-kube-apiserver", "config", `-o=jsonpath="{.data['config\.yaml']}"`).Output()
rgx := regexp.MustCompile(`"service-node-port-range":\["([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)"\]`)
rs := rgx.FindSubmatch([]byte(output))
leftBound, err := strconv.Atoi(string(rs[1]))
rightBound, err := strconv.Atoi(string(rs[2]))
return leftBound, rightBound
} | apiserverauth | |||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | d02ae947-6d5f-4cd1-88e4-c347b359ed47 | getRandomNum | ['"math/rand"', '"time"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func getRandomNum(m int32, n int32) int32 {
return rand.Int31n(n-m+1) + m
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 3fb86262-2174-449e-bcea-9a8bb06267e1 | countResource | ['"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func countResource(oc *exutil.CLI, resource string, namespace string) (int, error) {
output, err := oc.Run("get").Args(resource, "-n", namespace, "-o", "jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'").Output()
output = strings.Trim(strings.Trim(output, " "), "'")
if output == "" {
return 0, err
resources := strings.Split(output, " ")
return len(resources), err
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 433e5bf1-70d3-460f-b68c-8ed467772fc2 | GetAlertsByName | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func GetAlertsByName(oc *exutil.CLI, alertName string) (string, error) {
mon, monErr := exutil.NewPrometheusMonitor(oc.AsAdmin())
if monErr != nil {
return "", monErr
allAlerts, allAlertErr := mon.GetAlerts()
if allAlertErr != nil {
return "", allAlertErr
return allAlerts, nil
} | apiserverauth | |||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | f42187c6-8e40-40d2-b06d-af1abab38612 | isSNOCluster | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func isSNOCluster(oc *exutil.CLI) bool {
//Only 1 master, 1 worker node and with the same hostname.
masterNodes, _ := exutil.GetClusterNodesBy(oc, "master")
workerNodes, _ := exutil.GetClusterNodesBy(oc, "worker")
if len(masterNodes) == 1 && len(workerNodes) == 1 && masterNodes[0] == workerNodes[0] {
return true
return false
} | apiserverauth | |||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 1e5c30ff-c876-4b90-bc7f-1c0270210b0b | LoadCPUMemWorkload | ['"errors"', '"fmt"', '"io"', '"net"', '"net/http"', '"os"', '"os/exec"', '"regexp"', '"strconv"', '"strings"', '"time"', 'apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func LoadCPUMemWorkload(oc *exutil.CLI, workLoadtime int) {
var (
workerCPUtopstr string
workerCPUtopint int
workerMEMtopstr string
workerMEMtopint int
n int
m int
r int
dn int
cpuMetric = 800
memMetric = 700
reserveCPUP = 50
reserveMemP = 50
snoPodCapacity = 250
reservePodCapacity = 120
workerCPUtopall := []int{}
workerMEMtopall := []int{}
randomStr := exutil.GetRandomString()
dirname := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/-load-cpu-mem_%s/", randomStr)
defer os.RemoveAll(dirname)
os.MkdirAll(dirname, 0755)
workerNode, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("node", "-l", "node-role.kubernetes.io/master", "--no-headers").OutputToFile("load-cpu-mem_" + randomStr + "-log")
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v |head -1 | awk '{print $1}'`, workerNode)
cmdOut, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
worker1 := strings.Replace(string(cmdOut), "\n", "", 1)
// Check if there is an node.metrics on node
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("nodemetrics", worker1).Execute()
var workerTop string
if err == nil {
workerTop, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("top", "node", worker1, "--no-headers=true").Output()
cpuUsageCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`echo "%v" | awk '{print $2}'`, workerTop)
cpuUsage, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cpuUsageCmd).Output()
cpu1 := regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(cpuUsage), "")
cpu, _ := strconv.Atoi(cpu1)
cpuUsageCmdP := fmt.Sprintf(`echo "%v" | awk '{print $3}'`, workerTop)
cpuUsageP, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cpuUsageCmdP).Output()
cpuP1 := regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(cpuUsageP), "")
cpuP, _ := strconv.Atoi(cpuP1)
totalCPU := int(float64(cpu) / (float64(cpuP) / 100))
cmd = fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | awk '{print $1}'`, workerNode)
workerCPU1, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
workerCPU := strings.Fields(string(workerCPU1))
workerNodeCount := len(workerCPU)
for i := 0; i < len(workerCPU); i++ {
// Check if there is node.metrics on node
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("nodemetrics", workerCPU[i]).Execute()
var workerCPUtop string
if err == nil {
workerCPUtop, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("top", "node", workerCPU[i], "--no-headers=true").OutputToFile("load-cpu-mem_" + randomStr + "-log")
workerCPUtopcmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | awk '{print $3}'`, workerCPUtop)
workerCPUUsage, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", workerCPUtopcmd).Output()
workerCPUtopstr = regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(workerCPUUsage), "")
workerCPUtopint, _ = strconv.Atoi(workerCPUtopstr)
workerCPUtopall = append(workerCPUtopall, workerCPUtopint)
for j := 1; j < len(workerCPU); j++ {
if workerCPUtopall[0] < workerCPUtopall[j] {
workerCPUtopall[0] = workerCPUtopall[j]
cpuMax := workerCPUtopall[0]
availableCPU := int(float64(totalCPU) * (100 - float64(reserveCPUP) - float64(cpuMax)) / 100)
e2e.Logf("----> Cluster has total CPU, Reserved CPU percentage, Max CPU of node :%v,%v,%v", totalCPU, reserveCPUP, cpuMax)
n = int(availableCPU / int(cpuMetric))
if n <= 0 {
e2e.Logf("No more CPU resource is available, no load will be added!")
} else {
if workerNodeCount == 1 {
dn = 1
r = 2
} else {
dn = 2
if n > workerNodeCount {
r = 3
} else {
r = workerNodeCount
// Get the available pods of worker nodes, based on this, the upper limit for a namespace is calculated
cmd1 := fmt.Sprintf(`oc describe node/%s | grep 'Non-terminated Pods' | grep -oP "[0-9]+"`, worker1)
cmdOut1, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd1).Output()
usedPods, err := strconv.Atoi(regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(cmdOut1), ""))
availablePods := snoPodCapacity - usedPods - reservePodCapacity
if workerNodeCount > 1 {
availablePods = availablePods * workerNodeCount
nsMax := int(availablePods / dn / r)
if nsMax > 0 {
if n > nsMax {
n = nsMax
} else {
n = 1
r = 1
dn = 1
e2e.Logf("Start CPU load ...")
cpuloadCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`clusterbuster --basename=cpuload --workload=cpusoaker --namespaces=%v --processes=1 --deployments=%v --node-selector=node-role.kubernetes.io/master --tolerate=node-role.kubernetes.io/master:Equal:NoSchedule --workloadruntime=7200 --report=none > %v &`, n, dn, dirname+"clusterbuster-cpu-log")
e2e.Logf("%v", cpuloadCmd)
cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cpuloadCmd)
cmdErr := cmd.Start()
// Wait for 3 mins(this time is based on many tests), when the load starts, it will reach a peak within a few minutes, then falls back.
time.Sleep(180 * time.Second)
e2e.Logf("----> Created cpuload related pods: %v", n*r*dn)
memUsageCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`echo "%v" | awk '{print $4}'`, workerTop)
memUsage, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", memUsageCmd).Output()
mem1 := regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(memUsage), "")
mem, _ := strconv.Atoi(mem1)
memUsageCmdP := fmt.Sprintf(`echo "%v" | awk '{print $5}'`, workerTop)
memUsageP, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", memUsageCmdP).Output()
memP1 := regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(memUsageP), "")
memP, _ := strconv.Atoi(memP1)
totalMem := int(float64(mem) / (float64(memP) / 100))
for i := 0; i < len(workerCPU); i++ {
// Check if there is node.metrics on node
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("nodemetrics", workerCPU[i]).Execute()
var workerMEMtop string
if err == nil {
workerMEMtop, err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("adm").Args("top", "node", workerCPU[i], "--no-headers=true").OutputToFile("load-cpu-mem_" + randomStr + "-log")
workerMEMtopcmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | awk '{print $5}'`, workerMEMtop)
workerMEMUsage, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", workerMEMtopcmd).Output()
workerMEMtopstr = regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(workerMEMUsage), "")
workerMEMtopint, _ = strconv.Atoi(workerMEMtopstr)
workerMEMtopall = append(workerMEMtopall, workerMEMtopint)
for j := 1; j < len(workerCPU); j++ {
if workerMEMtopall[0] < workerMEMtopall[j] {
workerMEMtopall[0] = workerMEMtopall[j]
memMax := workerMEMtopall[0]
availableMem := int(float64(totalMem) * (100 - float64(reserveMemP) - float64(memMax)) / 100)
m = int(availableMem / int(memMetric))
e2e.Logf("----> Cluster has total Mem, Reserved Mem percentage, Max memory of node :%v,%v,%v", totalMem, reserveMemP, memMax)
if m <= 0 {
e2e.Logf("No more memory resource is available, no load will be added!")
} else {
if workerNodeCount == 1 {
dn = 1
r = 2
} else {
r = workerNodeCount
if m > workerNodeCount {
dn = m
} else {
dn = workerNodeCount
// Get the available pods of worker nodes, based on this, the upper limit for a namespace is calculated
cmd1 := fmt.Sprintf(`oc describe node/%v | grep 'Non-terminated Pods' | grep -oP "[0-9]+"`, worker1)
cmdOut1, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd1).Output()
usedPods, err := strconv.Atoi(regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9 ]+`).ReplaceAllString(string(cmdOut1), ""))
availablePods := snoPodCapacity - usedPods - reservePodCapacity
if workerNodeCount > 1 {
availablePods = availablePods * workerNodeCount
// Reduce the number pods in which workers create memory loads concurrently, avoid kubelet crash
if availablePods > 200 {
availablePods = int(availablePods / 2)
nsMax := int(availablePods / dn / r)
if nsMax > 0 {
if m > nsMax {
m = nsMax
} else {
m = 1
r = 1
dn = 1
e2e.Logf("Start Memory load ...")
memloadCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`clusterbuster --basename=memload --workload=memory --namespaces=%v --processes=1 --deployments=%v --node-selector=node-role.kubernetes.io/master --tolerate=node-role.kubernetes.io/master:Equal:NoSchedule --workloadruntime=7200 --report=none> %v &`, m, dn, dirname+"clusterbuster-mem-log")
e2e.Logf("%v", memloadCmd)
cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", memloadCmd)
cmdErr := cmd.Start()
// Wait for 5 mins, ensure that all load pods are strated up.
time.Sleep(300 * time.Second)
e2e.Logf("----> Created memload related pods: %v", m*r*dn)
// If load are landed, will do some checking with logs
if n > 0 || m > 0 {
keywords := "body: net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout|panic"
bustercmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | grep -iE '%s' || true`, dirname+"clusterbuster*", keywords)
busterLogs, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", bustercmd).Output()
if len(busterLogs) > 0 {
e2e.Logf("%s", busterLogs)
e2e.Logf("Found some panic or timeout errors, if errors are potential bug then file a bug.")
} else {
e2e.Logf("No errors found in clusterbuster logs")
} else {
e2e.Logf("No more CPU and memory resource, no any load is added.")
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | fe50f6f6-dc2d-4009-9c56-ba04bb89e010 | CopyToFile | ['"io"', '"os"', '"path/filepath"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func CopyToFile(fromPath string, toFilename string) string {
// check if source file is regular file
srcFileStat, err := os.Stat(fromPath)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("get source file %s stat failed: %v", fromPath, err)
if !srcFileStat.Mode().IsRegular() {
e2e.Failf("source file %s is not a regular file", fromPath)
// open source file
source, err := os.Open(fromPath)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("open source file %s failed: %v", fromPath, err)
defer source.Close()
// open dest file
saveTo := filepath.Join(e2e.TestContext.OutputDir, toFilename)
dest, err := os.Create(saveTo)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("open destination file %s failed: %v", saveTo, err)
defer dest.Close()
// copy from source to dest
_, err = io.Copy(dest, source)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("copy file from %s to %s failed: %v", fromPath, saveTo, err)
return saveTo
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 4ef73d14-661d-4fbc-a36e-49ded7c9b675 | ExecCommandOnPod | ['"context"', '"crypto/tls"', '"fmt"', '"os/exec"', '"regexp"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func ExecCommandOnPod(oc *exutil.CLI, podname string, namespace string, command string) string {
var podOutput string
var execpodErr error
errExec := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
podOutput, execpodErr = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("exec").Args("-n", namespace, podname, "--", "/bin/sh", "-c", command).Output()
podOutput = strings.TrimSpace(podOutput)
e2e.Logf("Attempting to execute command on pod %v. Output: %v, Error: %v", podname, podOutput, execpodErr)
if execpodErr != nil {
// Check for TLS internal error and handle CSR approval if detected, https://access.redhat.com/solutions/4307511
matchTLS, _ := regexp.MatchString(`(?i)tls.*internal error`, podOutput)
if matchTLS {
e2e.Logf("Detected TLS error in output for pod %v: %v", podname, podOutput)
// Attempt to approve any pending CSRs
getCsr, getCsrErr := getPendingCSRs(oc)
if getCsrErr != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error retrieving pending CSRs: %v", getCsrErr)
return false, nil
for _, csr := range getCsr {
e2e.Logf("Approving CSR: %v", csr)
appCsrErr := oc.WithoutNamespace().AsAdmin().Run("adm").Args("certificate", "approve", csr).Execute()
if appCsrErr != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error approving CSR %v: %v", csr, appCsrErr)
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("Pending CSRs approved. Retrying command on pod %v...", podname)
return false, nil
} else {
e2e.Logf("Command execution error on pod %v: %v", podname, execpodErr)
return false, nil
} else if podOutput != "" {
e2e.Logf("Successfully retrieved non-empty output from pod %v: %v", podname, podOutput)
return true, nil
} else {
e2e.Logf("Received empty output from pod %v. Retrying...", podname)
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errExec, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to run command on pod %v :: %v :: Output: %v :: Error: %v", podname, command, podOutput, execpodErr))
return podOutput
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 98489ece-462b-4c52-9304-9126d7ea880d | clusterHealthcheck | ['"fmt"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func clusterHealthcheck(oc *exutil.CLI, dirname string) error {
err := clusterNodesHealthcheck(oc, 600, dirname)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cluster nodes health check failed. Abnormality found in nodes.")
err = clusterOperatorHealthcheck(oc, 1500, dirname)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cluster operators health check failed. Abnormality found in cluster operators.")
err = clusterPodsHealthcheck(oc, 600, dirname)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cluster pods health check failed. Abnormality found in pods.")
return nil
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | f761551e-88d0-40a8-a3d5-f2410f24968f | clusterOperatorHealthcheck | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"os/exec"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func clusterOperatorHealthcheck(oc *exutil.CLI, waitTime int, dirname string) error {
e2e.Logf("Check the abnormal operators")
errCo := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, time.Duration(waitTime)*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
coLogFile, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("co", "--no-headers").OutputToFile(dirname)
if err == nil {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | grep -v '.True.*False.*False' || true`, coLogFile)
coLogs, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
if len(coLogs) > 0 {
return false, nil
} else {
return false, nil
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("co").Execute()
e2e.Logf("No abnormality found in cluster operators...")
return true, nil
if errCo != nil {
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("co").Execute()
return errCo
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 4660802f-0e28-4250-9567-463832960882 | clusterPodsHealthcheck | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"os/exec"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func clusterPodsHealthcheck(oc *exutil.CLI, waitTime int, dirname string) error {
e2e.Logf("Check the abnormal pods")
var podLogs []byte
errPod := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, time.Duration(waitTime)*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
podLogFile, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("pods", "-A").OutputToFile(dirname)
if err == nil {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | grep -ivE 'Running|Completed|namespace|installer' || true`, podLogFile)
podLogs, err = exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output()
if len(podLogs) > 0 {
return false, nil
} else {
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("No abnormality found in pods...")
return true, nil
if errPod != nil {
e2e.Logf("%s", podLogs)
return errPod
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | ce7c0b30-ddab-4d03-ac0c-7134dece6592 | clusterNodesHealthcheck | ['"context"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func clusterNodesHealthcheck(oc *exutil.CLI, waitTime int, dirname string) error {
errNode := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, time.Duration(waitTime)*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("node").Output()
if err == nil {
if strings.Contains(output, "NotReady") || strings.Contains(output, "SchedulingDisabled") {
return false, nil
} else {
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("Nodes are normal...")
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("nodes").Execute()
return true, nil
if errNode != nil {
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("node").Execute()
return errNode
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 740cb1f6-3e1c-4f4e-a879-33a5a5c6ca80 | apiserverReadinessProbe | ['"crypto/tls"', '"fmt"', '"io/ioutil"', '"net/http"', '"net/url"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func apiserverReadinessProbe(tokenValue string, apiserverName string) string {
timeoutDuration := 3 * time.Second
var bodyString string
url := fmt.Sprintf(`%s/apis`, apiserverName)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("error creating request: %v", err)
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+tokenValue)
req.Header.Set("X-OpenShift-Internal-If-Not-Ready", "reject")
transport := &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
client := &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
Timeout: timeoutDuration,
errCurl := wait.PollImmediate(1*time.Second, 300*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error while making curl request :: %v", err)
return false, nil
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode == 429 {
bodyBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
bodyString = string(bodyBytes)
return strings.Contains(bodyString, "The apiserver hasn't been fully initialized yet, please try again later"), nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errCurl, fmt.Sprintf("error waiting for API server readiness: %v", errCurl))
return bodyString
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | d5499aa9-603c-4890-b45c-74d7ee16bd09 | getServiceIP | ['"context"', '"math/rand"', '"net"', '"regexp"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | ['service'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func getServiceIP(oc *exutil.CLI, clusterIP string) net.IP {
var serviceIP net.IP
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second, 60*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
randomServiceIP := net.ParseIP(clusterIP).To4()
if randomServiceIP != nil {
randomServiceIP[3] += byte(rand.Intn(254 - 1))
} else {
randomServiceIP = net.ParseIP(clusterIP).To16()
randomServiceIP[len(randomServiceIP)-1] = byte(rand.Intn(254 - 1))
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("service", "-A", `-o=jsonpath={.items[*].spec.clusterIP}`).Output()
if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(randomServiceIP.String(), output); matched {
e2e.Logf("IP %v has been used!", randomServiceIP)
return false, nil
serviceIP = randomServiceIP
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "Failed to get one available service IP!")
return serviceIP
} | apiserverauth | |||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | b558d000-2459-423e-a196-8cc2e8feef4b | doAction | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func doAction(oc *exutil.CLI, action string, asAdmin bool, withoutNamespace bool, parameters ...string) (string, error) {
if asAdmin && withoutNamespace {
return oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run(action).Args(parameters...).Output()
if asAdmin && !withoutNamespace {
return oc.AsAdmin().Run(action).Args(parameters...).Output()
if !asAdmin && withoutNamespace {
return oc.WithoutNamespace().Run(action).Args(parameters...).Output()
if !asAdmin && !withoutNamespace {
return oc.Run(action).Args(parameters...).Output()
return "", nil
} | apiserverauth | |||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 981e74ee-d638-448a-b464-76f5ecb8e5ab | getResource | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func getResource(oc *exutil.CLI, asAdmin bool, withoutNamespace bool, parameters ...string) (string, error) {
return doAction(oc, "get", asAdmin, withoutNamespace, parameters...)
} | apiserverauth | |||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 846b3c36-e965-456d-8d8e-9045fcd1ad3e | getResourceToBeReady | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func getResourceToBeReady(oc *exutil.CLI, asAdmin bool, withoutNamespace bool, parameters ...string) string {
var result string
var err error
errPoll := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 6*time.Second, 300*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
result, err = doAction(oc, "get", asAdmin, withoutNamespace, parameters...)
if err != nil || len(result) == 0 {
e2e.Logf("Unable to retrieve the expected resource, retrying...")
return false, nil
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errPoll, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to retrieve %v", parameters))
e2e.Logf("The resource returned:\n%v", result)
return result
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 6e889f1e-66f6-4ea1-aa60-f7e4efde3dc5 | getGlobalProxy | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func getGlobalProxy(oc *exutil.CLI) (string, string, string) {
httpProxy, err := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "proxy", "cluster", "-o=jsonpath={.status.httpProxy}")
httpsProxy, err := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "proxy", "cluster", "-o=jsonpath={.status.httpsProxy}")
noProxy, err := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "proxy", "cluster", "-o=jsonpath={.status.noProxy}")
return httpProxy, httpsProxy, noProxy
} | apiserverauth | |||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 1bd78d91-79c8-4220-91a9-f5c367b74f7b | getPodsListByLabel | ['"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func getPodsListByLabel(oc *exutil.CLI, namespace string, selectorLabel string) []string {
podsOp := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "pod", "-n", namespace, "-l", selectorLabel, "-o=jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name}")
return strings.Split(podsOp, " ")
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 6514d285-1cce-4ee7-84a4-1bf1dcd22866 | checkApiserversAuditPolicies | ['"regexp"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func checkApiserversAuditPolicies(oc *exutil.CLI, auditPolicyName string) {
e2e.Logf("Checking the current " + auditPolicyName + " audit policy of cluster")
defaultProfile := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "apiserver/cluster", `-o=jsonpath={.spec.audit.profile}`)
o.Expect(defaultProfile).Should(o.ContainSubstring(auditPolicyName), "current audit policy of cluster is not default :: "+defaultProfile)
e2e.Logf("Checking the audit config file of kube-apiserver currently in use.")
podsList := getPodsListByLabel(oc.AsAdmin(), "openshift-kube-apiserver", "app=openshift-kube-apiserver")
execKasOuptut := ExecCommandOnPod(oc, podsList[0], "openshift-kube-apiserver", "ls /etc/kubernetes/static-pod-resources/configmaps/kube-apiserver-audit-policies/")
re := regexp.MustCompile(`policy.yaml`)
matches := re.FindAllString(execKasOuptut, -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
e2e.Failf("Audit config file of kube-apiserver is wrong :: %s", execKasOuptut)
e2e.Logf("Audit config file of kube-apiserver :: %s", execKasOuptut)
e2e.Logf("Checking the audit config file of openshif-apiserver currently in use.")
podsList = getPodsListByLabel(oc.AsAdmin(), "openshift-apiserver", "app=openshift-apiserver-a")
execOasOuptut := ExecCommandOnPod(oc, podsList[0], "openshift-apiserver", "cat /var/run/configmaps/config/config.yaml")
re = regexp.MustCompile(`/var/run/configmaps/audit/policy.yaml`)
matches = re.FindAllString(execOasOuptut, -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
e2e.Failf("Audit config file of openshift-apiserver is wrong :: %s", execOasOuptut)
e2e.Logf("Audit config file of openshift-apiserver :: %v", matches)
e2e.Logf("Checking the audit config file of openshif-oauth-apiserver currently in use.")
podsList = getPodsListByLabel(oc.AsAdmin(), "openshift-oauth-apiserver", "app=openshift-oauth-apiserver")
execAuthOuptut := ExecCommandOnPod(oc, podsList[0], "openshift-oauth-apiserver", "ls /var/run/configmaps/audit/")
re = regexp.MustCompile(`policy.yaml`)
matches = re.FindAllString(execAuthOuptut, -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
e2e.Failf("Audit config file of openshift-oauth-apiserver is wrong :: %s", execAuthOuptut)
e2e.Logf("Audit config file of openshift-oauth-apiserver :: %v", execAuthOuptut)
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 60a5eef5-919d-41df-90cc-e5ba0d4276cf | checkAuditLogs | ['"fmt"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func checkAuditLogs(oc *exutil.CLI, script string, masterNode string, namespace string) (string, int) {
g.By(fmt.Sprintf("Get audit log file from %s", masterNode))
masterNodeLogs, checkLogFileErr := exutil.DebugNodeRetryWithOptionsAndChroot(oc, masterNode, []string{"--quiet=true", "--to-namespace=" + namespace}, "bash", "-c", script)
errCount := len(strings.TrimSpace(masterNodeLogs))
return masterNodeLogs, errCount
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | c2ac1a9b-b9cd-422b-8616-6bac2f072eb4 | setAuditProfile | ['"fmt"', '"strings"', '"time"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func setAuditProfile(oc *exutil.CLI, patchNamespace string, patch string) string {
expectedProgCoStatus := map[string]string{"Progressing": "True"}
expectedCoStatus := map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"}
coOps := []string{"authentication", "openshift-apiserver"}
patchOutput, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args(patchNamespace, "--type=json", "-p", patch).Output()
if strings.Contains(patchOutput, "patched") {
e2e.Logf("Checking KAS, OAS, Auththentication operators should be in Progressing and Available after audit profile change")
g.By("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be in Progressing in 100 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 100, expectedProgCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not start progressing in 100 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking kube-apiserver operator should be Available in 1500 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "kube-apiserver", 1500, expectedCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "kube-apiserver operator is not becomes available in 1500 seconds")
// Using 60s because KAS takes long time, when KAS finished rotation, OAS and Auth should have already finished.
for _, ops := range coOps {
e2e.Logf("Checking %s should be Available in 60 seconds", ops)
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, ops, 60, expectedCoStatus)
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("%v operator is not becomes available in 60 seconds", ops))
e2e.Logf("Post audit profile set. KAS, OAS and Auth operator are available after rollout")
return patchOutput
return patchOutput
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | b3aa5e74-76fb-4fa9-a222-1372b42ccf35 | getNewUser | ['"fmt"', '"os"', '"os/exec"'] | ['User'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func getNewUser(oc *exutil.CLI, count int) ([]User, string, string) {
command := "htpasswd"
_, err := exec.LookPath("command")
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("Command '%s' not found in PATH, exit execution!", command)
usersDirPath := "/tmp/" + exutil.GetRandomString()
usersHTpassFile := usersDirPath + "/htpasswd"
err = os.MkdirAll(usersDirPath, 0o755)
htPassSecret, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("oauth/cluster", "-o", "jsonpath={.spec.identityProviders[0].htpasswd.fileData.name}").Output()
if htPassSecret == "" {
htPassSecret = "htpass-secret"
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("create").Args("-n", "openshift-config", "secret", "generic", htPassSecret, "--from-file", "htpasswd="+usersHTpassFile).Execute()
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("patch").Args("--type=json", "-p", `[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/identityProviders", "value": [{"htpasswd": {"fileData": {"name": "htpass-secret"}}, "mappingMethod": "claim", "name": "htpasswd", "type": "HTPasswd"}]}]`, "oauth/cluster").Execute()
} else {
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("extract").Args("-n", "openshift-config", "secret/"+htPassSecret, "--to", usersDirPath, "--confirm").Execute()
users := make([]User, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
// Generate new username and password
users[i].Username = fmt.Sprintf("testuser-%v-%v", i, exutil.GetRandomString())
users[i].Password = exutil.GetRandomString()
// Add new user to htpasswd file in the temp directory
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("htpasswd -b %v %v %v", usersHTpassFile, users[i].Username, users[i].Password)
err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Run()
// Update htpass-secret with the modified htpasswd file
err = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("set").Args("-n", "openshift-config", "data", "secret/"+htPassSecret, "--from-file", "htpasswd="+usersHTpassFile).Execute()
g.By("Checking authentication operator should be in Progressing in 180 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "authentication", 180, map[string]string{"Progressing": "True"})
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "authentication operator is not start progressing in 180 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking authentication operator should be Available in 600 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "authentication", 600, map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"})
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "authentication operator is not becomes available in 600 seconds")
return users, usersHTpassFile, htPassSecret
} | apiserverauth | |||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 937d353c-61d5-41ea-a784-045d6c2bad29 | userCleanup | ['"fmt"', '"os"', '"os/exec"'] | ['User'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func userCleanup(oc *exutil.CLI, users []User, usersHTpassFile string, htPassSecret string) {
defer os.RemoveAll(usersHTpassFile)
for _, user := range users {
// Add new user to htpasswd file in the temp directory
cmd := fmt.Sprintf("htpasswd -D %v %v", usersHTpassFile, user.Username)
err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Run()
// Update htpass-secret with the modified htpasswd file
err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("set").Args("-n", "openshift-config", "data", "secret/"+htPassSecret, "--from-file", "htpasswd="+usersHTpassFile).Execute()
g.By("Checking authentication operator should be in Progressing in 180 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "authentication", 180, map[string]string{"Progressing": "True"})
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "authentication operator is not start progressing in 180 seconds")
e2e.Logf("Checking authentication operator should be Available in 600 seconds")
err = waitCoBecomes(oc, "authentication", 600, map[string]string{"Available": "True", "Progressing": "False", "Degraded": "False"})
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, "authentication operator is not becomes available in 600 seconds")
} | apiserverauth | |||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | c666bd63-ab47-4ee6-af10-7e9959bd4600 | isConnectedInternet | ['"regexp"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func isConnectedInternet(oc *exutil.CLI) bool {
masterNode, masterErr := exutil.GetFirstMasterNode(oc)
cmd := `timeout 9 curl -k https://github.com/openshift/ruby-hello-world/ > /dev/null;[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "connected"`
output, _ := exutil.DebugNodeWithChroot(oc, masterNode, "bash", "-c", cmd)
if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString("connected", output); !matched {
// Failed to access to the internet in the cluster.
return false
return true
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | d7793afa-106b-4b10-a296-e22246c910cc | restartMicroshift | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"strings"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func restartMicroshift(nodename string) error {
// Try restarting microshift three times
var restartErr error
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
// Execute the command
_, restartErr = runSSHCommand(nodename, "redhat", "sudo systemctl restart microshift")
if restartErr != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error restarting microshift :: %v", restartErr)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) // Wait for 5 seconds before retrying
// If successful, break out of the loop
if restartErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to restart Microshift server: %v", restartErr)
var output string
var err error
pollErr := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second, 60*time.Second, true, func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
output, err = runSSHCommand(nodename, "redhat", "sudo systemctl is-active microshift")
if err != nil {
return false, nil // Retry
return strings.TrimSpace(output) == "active", nil
if pollErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to perform action: %v", pollErr)
e2e.Logf("Microshift restarted successfully")
return nil
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 5e79cb9f-bab4-4ede-8652-4687c6bf94be | replacePatternInfile | ['"io/ioutil"', '"regexp"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func replacePatternInfile(microshiftFilePathYaml string, oldPattern string, newPattern string) {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(microshiftFilePathYaml)
re := regexp.MustCompile(oldPattern)
newContent := re.ReplaceAll(content, []byte(newPattern))
err = ioutil.WriteFile(microshiftFilePathYaml, newContent, 0644)
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 0dbe0abe-af0f-4d3f-be57-d5468b23db48 | getPodsList | ['"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func getPodsList(oc *exutil.CLI, namespace string) []string {
podsOp := getResourceToBeReady(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "pod", "-n", namespace, "-o=jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name}")
podNames := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(podsOp), " ")
e2e.Logf("Namespace %s pods are: %s", namespace, string(podsOp))
return podNames
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 06652b56-71cc-4a1e-aee6-a549b6803eeb | changeMicroshiftConfig | ['"fmt"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func changeMicroshiftConfig(configStr string, nodeName string, configPath string) {
etcConfigCMD := fmt.Sprintf(`'
cat > $configfile << EOF
EOF'`, configPath, configStr)
_, mchgConfigErr := runSSHCommand(nodeName, "redhat", "sudo bash -c", etcConfigCMD)
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 269c3b86-5af0-4e18-a7c6-a91023a8e59a | addKustomizationToMicroshift | ['"fmt"', '"os/exec"', '"path/filepath"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func addKustomizationToMicroshift(nodeName string, kustomizationFiles map[string][]string) {
for key, file := range kustomizationFiles {
tmpFileName := getTestDataFilePath(file[0])
replacePatternInfile(tmpFileName, file[2], file[3])
fileOutput, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf(`cat %s`, tmpFileName)).Output()
destFile := filepath.Join(file[1], strings.Split(key, ".")[0]+".yaml")
fileCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`'cat > %s << EOF
EOF'`, destFile, string(fileOutput))
_, mchgConfigErr := runSSHCommand(nodeName, "redhat", "sudo bash -c", fileCmd)
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 018bb3ff-010d-49ac-abd7-65a4f778c790 | verifyHypershiftCiphers | ['"bufio"', '"fmt"', '"os"', '"os/exec"', '"github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/util"', 'exutil "github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/util"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func verifyHypershiftCiphers(oc *exutil.CLI, expectedCipher string, ns string) error {
var (
cipherStr string
randomStr = exutil.GetRandomString()
tmpDir = fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/-api-%s/", randomStr)
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
os.MkdirAll(tmpDir, 0755)
for _, item := range []string{"kube-apiserver", "openshift-apiserver", "oauth-openshift"} {
e2e.Logf("#### Checking the ciphers of %s:", item)
if item == "kube-apiserver" {
out, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("cm", "-n", ns, "kas-config", `-o=jsonpath='{.data.config\.json}'`).Output()
// Use jq command line to extrack .servingInfo part JSON comming in string format
jqCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`echo %s | jq -cr '.servingInfo | "\(.cipherSuites) \(.minTLSVersion)"'|tr -d '\n'`, out)
outJQ, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", jqCmd).Output()
cipherStr = string(outJQ)
} else {
jsonOut, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("cm", "-n", ns, item, `-ojson`).OutputToFile("api-" + randomStr + "." + item)
jqCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`cat %v | jq -r '.data."config.yaml"'`, jsonOut)
yamlConfig, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", jqCmd).Output()
jsonConfig, errJson := util.Yaml2Json(string(yamlConfig))
jsonFile := tmpDir + item + "config.json"
f, err := os.Create(jsonFile)
defer f.Close()
w := bufio.NewWriter(f)
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", jsonConfig)
jqCmd1 := fmt.Sprintf(`jq -cr '.servingInfo | "\(.cipherSuites) \(.minTLSVersion)"' %s |tr -d '\n'`, jsonFile)
jsonOut1, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", jqCmd1).Output()
cipherStr = string(jsonOut1)
e2e.Logf("#### Checking if the ciphers has been changed as the expected: %s", expectedCipher)
if expectedCipher != cipherStr {
e2e.Logf("#### Ciphers of %s are: %s", item, cipherStr)
return fmt.Errorf("Ciphers not matched")
e2e.Logf("#### Ciphers are matched.")
return nil
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | c41007c3-ff2d-4bc1-9313-5c58a12dea0c | waitApiserverRestartOfHypershift | ['"context"', '"regexp"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func waitApiserverRestartOfHypershift(oc *exutil.CLI, appLabel string, ns string, waitTime int) error {
re, err := regexp.Compile(`(0/[0-9]|Pending|Terminating|Init)`)
errKas := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second, time.Duration(waitTime)*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
out, _ := getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "pods", "-l", "app="+appLabel, "--no-headers", "-n", ns)
if matched := re.MatchString(out); matched {
e2e.Logf("#### %s was restarting ...", appLabel)
return false, nil
// Recheck status of pods and to do further confirm , avoid false restarts
for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
out, _ = getResource(oc, asAdmin, withoutNamespace, "pods", "-l", "app="+appLabel, "--no-headers", "-n", ns)
if matchedAgain := re.MatchString(out); matchedAgain {
e2e.Logf("#### %s was restarting ...", appLabel)
return false, nil
e2e.Logf("#### %s have been restarted!", appLabel)
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errKas, "Failed to complete the restart within the expected time, please check the cluster status!")
return errKas
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | af7884ca-8fb0-4aef-8ab9-fc623bab2f4e | containsAnyWebHookReason | ['"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func containsAnyWebHookReason(webhookError string, conditionReasons interface{}) bool {
switch reasons := conditionReasons.(type) {
case string:
return strings.Contains(webhookError, reasons)
case []string:
for _, reason := range reasons {
if strings.Contains(webhookError, reason) {
return true
return false
return false
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 32866dc9-db24-4c92-b3d9-e4b877e4d6d1 | clientCurl | ['"crypto/tls"', '"fmt"', '"io/ioutil"', '"net/http"', '"net/url"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func clientCurl(tokenValue string, url string) string {
timeoutDuration := 3 * time.Second
var bodyString string
proxyURL := getProxyURL()
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
e2e.Failf("error creating request: %v", err)
req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+tokenValue)
transport := &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyURL(proxyURL),
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
client := &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
Timeout: timeoutDuration,
errCurl := wait.PollImmediate(10*time.Second, 300*time.Second, func() (bool, error) {
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return false, nil
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode == 200 {
bodyBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
bodyString = string(bodyBytes)
return true, nil
return false, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(errCurl, fmt.Sprintf("error waiting for curl request output: %v", errCurl))
return bodyString
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | e269507a-8ed5-4e98-9937-71d3542a11e3 | getApiServerFQDNandPort | ['"net/url"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func getApiServerFQDNandPort(oc *exutil.CLI, hypershiftCluster bool) (string, string) {
var (
apiServerURL string
configErr error
if !hypershiftCluster {
apiServerURL, configErr = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("config").Args("view", "-ojsonpath={.clusters[0].cluster.server}").Output()
} else {
apiServerURL, configErr = oc.AsGuestKubeconf().AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("config").Args("view", "-ojsonpath={.clusters[0].cluster.server}").Output()
fqdnName, parseErr := url.Parse(apiServerURL)
return fqdnName.Hostname(), fqdnName.Port()
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 73554eb7-d4df-4ba9-a0f0-e748353f88d5 | isTechPreviewNoUpgrade | ['"context"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func isTechPreviewNoUpgrade(oc *exutil.CLI) bool {
featureGate, err := oc.AdminConfigClient().ConfigV1().FeatureGates().Get(context.Background(), "cluster", metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return false
e2e.Failf("could not retrieve feature-gate: %v", err)
return featureGate.Spec.FeatureSet == configv1.TechPreviewNoUpgrade
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 7877e492-edac-4aed-88e4-c04c6620d03b | isIPv4 | ['"net"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func isIPv4(str string) bool {
ip := net.ParseIP(str)
return ip != nil && strings.Contains(str, ".")
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 03ac8f3e-543d-4f4d-9e03-59c6e56c6706 | isIPv6 | ['"net"', '"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func isIPv6(str string) bool {
ip := net.ParseIP(str)
return ip != nil && strings.Contains(str, ":")
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 9fb3c34f-16f7-4eeb-8d28-a5f53d64aec8 | copyImageToInternelRegistry | ['"crypto/tls"', '"os/exec"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func copyImageToInternelRegistry(oc *exutil.CLI, namespace string, source string, dest string) (string, error) {
var (
podName string
appName = "skopeo"
err error
podName, _ = oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("pod", "-n", namespace, "-l", "name="+appName, "-o", `jsonpath={.items[*].metadata.name}`).Output()
// If the skopeo pod doesn't exist, create it
if len(podName) == 0 {
template := getTestDataFilePath("skopeo-deployment.json")
err = oc.Run("create").Args("-f", template, "-n", namespace).Execute()
podName = getPodsListByLabel(oc.AsAdmin(), namespace, "name="+appName)[0]
exutil.AssertPodToBeReady(oc, podName, namespace)
} else {
output, err := oc.AsAdmin().Run("get").Args("pod", podName, "-n", namespace, "-o", "jsonpath='{.status.conditions[?(@.type==\"Ready\")].status}'").Output()
o.Expect(output).Should(o.ContainSubstring("True"), appName+" pod is not ready!")
token, err := getSAToken(oc, "builder", namespace)
command := []string{podName, "-n", namespace, "--", appName, "--insecure-policy", "--src-tls-verify=false", "--dest-tls-verify=false", "copy", "--dcreds", "dnm:" + token, source, dest}
results, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("exec").Args(command...).Output()
return results, err
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | ad1932ad-86f7-4851-889b-702a4dc7b296 | isBaselineCapsSet | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func isBaselineCapsSet(oc *exutil.CLI) bool {
baselineCapabilitySet, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("clusterversion", "version", "-o=jsonpath={.spec.capabilities.baselineCapabilitySet}").Output()
e2e.Logf("baselineCapabilitySet parameters: %v\n", baselineCapabilitySet)
return len(baselineCapabilitySet) != 0
} | apiserverauth | |||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 379d7011-0f35-4921-947f-c606ed8f41d8 | isEnabledCapability | ['"strings"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func isEnabledCapability(oc *exutil.CLI, component string) bool {
enabledCapabilities, err := oc.AsAdmin().WithoutNamespace().Run("get").Args("clusterversion", "-o=jsonpath={.items[*].status.capabilities.enabledCapabilities}").Output()
e2e.Logf("Cluster enabled capability parameters: %v\n", enabledCapabilities)
return strings.Contains(enabledCapabilities, component)
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | 893d1138-d178-44b9-9ce5-26a9160ffb8d | checkURLEndpointAccess | ['"context"', '"fmt"', '"net/url"', '"os/exec"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func checkURLEndpointAccess(oc *exutil.CLI, hostIP, nodePort, podName, portCommand, status string) {
var url string
var curlOutput string
var curlErr error
if isIPv6(hostIP) {
url = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%s", hostIP, nodePort)
} else {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", hostIP, nodePort)
// Construct the full command with the specified command and URL
var fullCommand string
if portCommand == "https" {
fullCommand = fmt.Sprintf("curl -k https://%s", url)
} else {
fullCommand = fmt.Sprintf("curl %s", url)
e2e.Logf("Command: %v", fullCommand)
e2e.Logf("Checking if the specified URL endpoint %s is accessible", url)
err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second, 6*time.Second, false, func(cxt context.Context) (bool, error) {
curlOutput, curlErr = oc.Run("exec").Args(podName, "-i", "--", "sh", "-c", fullCommand).Output()
if curlErr != nil {
return false, nil
return true, nil
exutil.AssertWaitPollNoErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to access %s", url))
} | apiserverauth | ||||
function | openshift/openshift-tests-private | ff82d995-f77a-4b39-9312-9685ab828593 | urlHealthCheck | ['"context"', '"crypto/tls"', '"crypto/x509"', '"fmt"', '"io/ioutil"', '"net/http"', '"net/url"', '"time"', '"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait"'] | ['CertificateDetails'] | github.com/openshift/openshift-tests-private/test/extended/apiserverauth/apiserver_util.go | func urlHealthCheck(fqdnName string, port string, certPath string, returnValues []string) (*CertificateDetails, error) {
proxyURL := getProxyURL()
caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(certPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading CA certificate: %s", err)
// Create a CertPool and add the CA certificate
caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool()
if !caCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCert) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to append CA certificate")
// Create a custom transport with the CA certificate
transport := &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyURL(proxyURL),
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
RootCAs: caCertPool,
client := &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:%s/healthz", fqdnName, port)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
var certDetails *CertificateDetails
err = wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second, 30*time.Second, true, func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
resp, err := client.Get(url)
if err != nil {
e2e.Logf("Error performing HTTP request: %s, retrying...\n", err)
return false, nil
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Error reading response body: %s", err)
certDetails = &CertificateDetails{}
if resp.TLS != nil && len(resp.TLS.PeerCertificates) > 0 {
cert := resp.TLS.PeerCertificates[0]
for _, value := range returnValues {
switch value {
case "CurlResponse":
certDetails.CurlResponse = string(body)
case "Subject":
certDetails.Subject = cert.Subject.String()
case "Issuer":
certDetails.Issuer = cert.Issuer.String()
case "NotBefore":
certDetails.NotBefore = cert.NotBefore.Format(time.RFC3339)
case "NotAfter":
certDetails.NotAfter = cert.NotAfter.Format(time.RFC3339)
case "SubjectAltName":
certDetails.SubjectAltName = cert.DNSNames
case "SerialNumber":
certDetails.SerialNumber = cert.SerialNumber.String()
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error performing HTTP request: %s", err)
return certDetails, nil
} | apiserverauth |
Subsets and Splits