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108hconres400ih | That it is the sense of the Congress that the United States flag flown over the United States Capitol should be lowered to half-mast one day each month in honor of the brave men and women from the United States who have lost their lives in military conflicts. |
108hconres363ih | That Congress— (1) condemns the numerous violations of fundamental human rights by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic; (2) calls on the international community to adopt a resolution at the upcoming 60th Session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights which details the dismal human rights record of Syria and establishes a Special Rapporteur to further investigate these abuses; (3) expresses its support for the people of Syria in their daily struggle for freedom, respect for human rights and civil liberties, democratic self-governance, and the establishment of the rule of law; (4) encourages the President and the Secretary of State, |
108hconres363ih | acting through the Middle East Partnership Initiative (managed by the Department of State) and other avenues, to reach out to dissidents, human rights activists, and the pro-democracy opposition in Syria, and to assist them in their efforts; and (5) urges the adoption and pursuit of these and other policies to seek a democratic government in Syria that will— (A) restore freedom to the people of Syria; (B) cease the illegal occupation by Syria of the Lebanese Republic; (C) abandon support for terrorism by Syria; and (D) live in peace and security with the international community. |
108hconres441ih | That Congress— (1) recognizes the essential role of nuclear power in the national energy policy of the United States; and (2) supports the increased use of nuclear power and the construction and development of new and improved nuclear power generating plants as a means of contributing to national energy independence and maintaining a clean environment. |
108hconres395ih | That Congress recognizes and honors Donald J. Smith for his commitment to providing housing and economic assistance opportunities to Los Angeles-area low-income families. |
108hconres512ih | That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) the President should seek a commitment from the leaders of the European Union that the European Union will not lift its embargo on arms sales to the People’s Republic of China; and (2) the 2005 annual report by the Department of Defense on the military power of the People’s Republic of China required by section 1202 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 ( 10 U.S.C. |
108hconres512ih | 113 note) should include— (A) an analysis of the effect on United States interests in the Asia-Pacific region if the European Union lifts its embargo on arms sales to the People’s Republic of China; and (B) a review of the steps taken by the United States to address such action by the European Union. |
108hconres428ih | That Congress— (1) recommends that the amount of funds appropriated for ballistic missile defense programs for fiscal year 2005 should not be greater than the amount of funds appropriated for those programs for fiscal year 2004; (2) recommends that any funds appropriated for ballistic missile defense programs for fiscal year 2005 should not be used to deploy a ground-based, strategic, mid-course, ballistic missile defense system that has not met operational testing requirements that demonstrate the maturity of all of the critical technologies; |
108hconres428ih | and (3) recommends that funds appropriated for port security programs within the Department of Homeland Security for fiscal year 2005 should be increased by $500,000,000 over the amounts appropriated for those programs for fiscal year 2004. |
108hconres516ih | That Congress— (1) congratulates Jimmy Haywood and Kenny Roy for setting world records in civil aviation history; and (2) commends the Aerosquad After School Program at Tomorrow’s Aeronautical Museum in Compton, California, as well as other youth aviation programs that encourage young minorities to enter the field of civil aviation. |
108hconres364ih | That Congress recognizes as an historic achievement of friendship more than 5 decades of strategic partnership between the United States and the people of the Marshall Islands in pursuit of international peace and security, and recognizes with solemn regard for the cost of preserving peace, the importance of the nuclear weapon test code-named Bravo at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands on March 1, 1954. |
108hconres513ih | That the Congress— (1) commends the Poppenhusen Institute and the College Point community for establishing the first free kindergarten in the United States; and (2) supports the strong beginning provided by kindergartens across the United States to the Nation’s children. |
108hconres389ih | 1. Authorization of use of Capitol Grounds for D.C. Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run
On June 4, 2004, or on such other date as the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate may jointly designate, the 2004 District of Columbia Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run (in this resolution referred to as the event ) may be run through the Capitol Grounds as part of the journey of the Special Olympics torch to the District of Columbia Special Olympics summer games. 2. |
108hconres389ih | Responsibility of Capitol Police Board
The Capitol Police Board shall take such actions as may be necessary to carry out the event. 3. Conditions relating to physical preparations
The Architect of the Capitol may prescribe conditions for physical preparations for the event. 4. Enforcement of restrictions
The Capitol Police Board shall provide for enforcement of the restrictions contained in section 5104(c) of title 40, United States Code, concerning sales, advertisements, displays, and solicitations on the Capitol Grounds, as well as other restrictions applicable to the Capitol Grounds, in connection with the event. |
108hconres394ih | That the Congress— (1) congratulates the Citizens Savings Bank & Trust of Nashville, Tennessee, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the bank, for its dedication and service to the people of Tennessee; (2) recognizes the vital role the Nation’s minority-owned banks have played in providing financial services and resources to minority individuals and businesses, particularly in communities that have been underserved by other institutions; and (3) honors the Nation’s minority-owned banks for their historic and continuing contributions to the economic and social well-being of the communities they serve. |
108hconres483ih | That the Congress affirms its support for preserving Alexander Hamilton’s image on the face of $10 Federal reserve notes because of his standing as one of the United States’ most influential founding fathers. |
108hconres525ih | That Congress commends those individuals that have donated prepaid telephone cards to members of the United States Armed Forces participating in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. |
108hconres384ih | That all restrictions should be removed from the public, the press, and military families in mourning that would prohibit their presence at the arrival at military installations in the United States or overseas of the remains of the Nation’s fallen heroes, the members of the Armed Forces who have died in Iraq or Afghanistan, with the assurance that family requests for privacy will be respected. |
108hconres501ih | That Congress— (1) honors the life and work of Duke Ellington and his immortal contributions to American and world music; (2) recognizes the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, D.C., on the occasion of its 30th anniversary; and (3) supports the annual Duke Ellington Jazz Festival to be held in Washington, D.C., beginning in 2005. |
108hconres500ih | That the Congress— (1) honors the goals and ideals of National Nurse Practitioners Week; and (2) offers sincere support to nurse practitioners around the country as they continue to provide high-quality health care to many Americans. |
108hconres355ih | That the Congress— (1) congratulates the University of Delaware men’s football team for winning the 2003 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I–AA football national championship; (2) recognizes the achievements of all the team’s players, coaches, and support staff; (3) directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make available enrolled copies of this resolution to the University of Delaware for appropriate display and to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to each coach and member of the 2003 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I–AA men’s football national championship team. |
108hconres498ih | 1. Establishment of plan to implement recommendations of the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission
(a) Plan
The President is strongly urged to take immediate steps to establish a plan to implement the recommendations contained in the 2004 Report to the Congress of the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission in order to correct the current imbalance in the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. |
108hconres498ih | (b) Contents
Such plan should contain the following: (1) Actions to address China’s policy of undervaluing its currency, to encourage China to provide for a substantial upward revaluation of the Chinese yuan against the United States dollar and to re-peg the yuan to a trade-weighted basket of currencies, and to concurrently encourage United States trading partners with similar interests to join in these efforts. |
108hconres498ih | (2) Actions to make more use of the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement mechanism and applicable United States trade laws to redress unfair Chinese trade practices, including China’s exchange rate manipulation, denial of trading and distribution rights, lack of intellectual property rights protection, objectionable labor standards, subsidies to export industries, forced technology transfers used as a condition of doing business, and using the United States Trade Representative to consult with trading partners who have mutual interests at the outset of each new trade dispute with China. |
108hconres498ih | (3) Actions by the United States Trade Representative and other appropriate United States Government officials to ensure that the World Trade Organization’s Transitional Review Mechanism process is a meaningful multilateral review that measures China’s compliance with its WTO commitments and to work with the European Union, Japan, and other major trading partners to produce a separate, unified annual report that measures and reports on China’s progress toward compliance and coordinates a plan of action to address China’s shortcomings. |
108hconres498ih | (4)(A) Actions to address the governance and security concerns relating to China’s outreach to the global capital markets, including the need for the United States Trade Representative and the Department of Commerce to undertake immediately a comprehensive investigation of China's system of government subsidies for manufacturing, including tax incentives, preferential access to credit and capital from state-owned financial institutions, subsidized utilities, investment conditions requiring technology transfers, discriminatory consumption credits that shift demand toward Chinese goods, Chinese state-owned banks’ practice of noncommercial-based policy lending to state-owned and other enterprises, and China’s dual pricing system for coal and other energy sources. |
108hconres498ih | (B) A report to be submitted to Congress by the Department of Commerce not later than 90 days after the date of the adoption of this concurrent resolution that (i) will contain the results of the actions described in subparagraph (A), (ii) will assess whether any of China’s practices described in such subparagraph may be actionable subsidies under the World Trade Organization, and (iii) will describe specific steps that the United States will take to address these practices. |
108hconres498ih | (5) Actions to address China’s coordinated national strategy for technology development and to establish and publish a coordinated, comprehensive national policy and strategy designed to meet China’s challenge to the maintenance of United States scientific and technological leadership and competitiveness. (6) Any additional actions outlined by the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission in its 2004 Report to the Congress that affects the economic relationship between the United States and China. |
108hconres377ih | That Congress— (1) recognizes that teaching young people to have an appreciation of Western civilization is central to the development and maintenance of a vibrant, united, and enduring United States polity, culture, and society; and (2) encourages local school boards and State departments of education to ensure that these concepts and ideals are effectively taught, and that all young people who graduate from high schools do so with an understanding and appreciation of the values, contributions, and accomplishments of Western civilization. |
108hconres420ih | That the 108th Congress— (1) applauds the men and women who keep America moving; (2) recognizes National Transportation Week by supporting the goals of that Week; and (3) urges all Americans to become more aware of the benefits and contributions of transportation to the United States economy. |
108hconres497ih | That the Congress— (1) supports the designation, during spring 2005, of National Horticultural Therapy Week in order to improve the quality of life for all and increase opportunities for each individual to positively connect with the natural world; and (2) urges Federal and State governmental entities and the people of the United States to observe such Week with appropriate ceremonies and activities. |
108hconres476ih | That the Congress— (1) recognizes the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party and the Party’s accomplishments at the 1964 Democratic National Convention; and (2) encourages the people of the United States to recognize the accomplishments of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party by committing themselves to the fundamental principles of freedom, equality, and democracy. |
108hconres506ih | 1. Exhibit in Rotunda of the Capitol in Honor of Members of Armed Forces Killed in Iraq and Afghanistan
(a) Establishment of Temporary Exhibit
During the period beginning on October 1, 2004, and ending on November 30, 2004, the Architect of the Capitol shall display in the rotunda of the Capitol an exhibit to honor the memory of members of the United States Armed Forces who have lost their lives in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. |
108hconres506ih | (b) Form of Exhibit
The exhibit displayed under this section shall be in such form and contain such material as the Architect may select, so long as— (1) the exhibit displays the name, photograph, and biographical information with respect to each individual member of the United States Armed Forces who has lost his or her life in the Operations referred to in subsection (a); and (2) the exhibit provides an opportunity for visitors to write messages of support and sympathy to the families of the individuals represented in the exhibit and to have those messages transmitted to the families. |
108hconres454ih | That the Congress— (1) reaffirms the policies and principles of the McCarran Amendment that have been recognized by Supreme Court decisions and recognizes that, as a matter of practice, the United States should adhere and defer to State water law; and (2) commends Western States that maintain comprehensive systems for the quantification of rights to use water for all beneficial purposes, including environmental protection and enhancement. |
108hconres413ih | That Congress— (1) honors the extraordinary contributions of the women whose dedicated service on the homefront during World War II was instrumental in achieving an Allied victory; (2) recognizes the lasting legacy of equal employment opportunity and support for child care and health care that developed during the Rosie the Riveter era; and (3) calls on the people of the United States to take the opportunity to study, reflect on, and celebrate the stories and accomplishments of women who served the Nation as Rosies during World War II. |
108hconres448ih | That it is the sense of Congress that an artistic tribute to commemorate the speech given by President Ronald Reagan at the Brandenburg Gate on June 12, 1987, during which he uttered the immortal lines Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! , should be placed within the United States Capitol. |
108hconres375ih | That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the centennial anniversary of Rotary International and its effort to eradicate polio; (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued; and (3) the Rotary Clubs of the United States are to be commended for 100 years of volunteer service. |
108hconres416ih | That Congress— (1) supports the designation of a week as Extension Living Well Week ; (2) encourages the people of the United States to take advantage of the educational opportunities that Extension Family and Consumer Sciences educators provide, education that can help them in raising kids, eating right, spending smart, and living well; and (3) requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to conduct appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs to demonstrate support for Extension Family and Consumer Sciences educators as they teach adults and youth and promote optimum health and wellness of families in the United States through the Living Well campaign. |
108hconres362ih | That the Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideas of National Donor Day; (2) encourages all Americans to learn about the importance of organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation and to discuss such donation with their families and friends; and (3) requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to conduct appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs to demonstrate support for organ, tissue, bone marrow, and blood donation. |
108hconres489ih | That the Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideals of National Preparedness Month; (2) supports the designation of National Preparedness Month; and (3) urges the Federal Government, States, localities, schools, nonprofit organizations, businesses, other entities, and the people of the United States to observe National Preparedness Month with appropriate events and activities that promote citizen and community preparedness for terrorist attacks and other emergencies. |
108hconres383ih | That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) the well-being of the members of the Armed Forces deployed in defense of the Nation is of paramount importance; (2) the Department of Defense should do its utmost to see that deployed military personnel have the best force protection equipment the Nation can make available; (3) the Department of Defense and the military departments should, using all means at their disposal, increase the ability of currently unarmored vehicles that are deployed forward for operations in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom to resist improvised explosive devices, such means to include nontraditional production sources and technologies, field-installable kits, |
108hconres383ih | and reprogramming of funds; and (4) the Department of Defense should immediately release to the military departments all funds that have been authorized and appropriated for the purposes of defeating improvised explosive devices and mitigating their effect on vehicles and that have not previously been released. |
108hconres461ih | That the Congress— (1) recognizes and supports the goals and ideals of Life Insurance Awareness Month ; and (2) requests the President to issue a proclamation calling on the Federal Government, States, localities, schools, nonprofit organizations, businesses, other entities, and the people of the United States to observe Life Insurance Awareness Month with appropriate programs and activities. |
108hconres371ih | That Congress— (1) supports the construction by Israel of a security fence to prevent Palestinian terrorist attacks; and (2) condemns the decision by the United Nations General Assembly to request the International Court of Justice to render an opinion on the legality of the security fence. |
108hconres397ih | 1. Acceptance of Statue of Sarah Winnemucca, from the People of Nevada, for Placement in National Statuary Hall
(a) In General
The statue of Sarah Winnemucca, furnished by the people of Nevada for placement in National Statuary Hall in accordance with section 1814 of the Revised Statutes of the United States ( 2 U.S.C. 2061 ), is accepted in the name of the United States, and the thanks of the Congress are tendered to the people of Nevada for providing this commemoration of one of Nevada’s most eminent personages. |
108hconres397ih | (b) Presentation Ceremony
The State of Nevada is authorized to use the rotunda of the Capitol on a date mutually agreed to by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Majority Leader of the Senate, for a presentation ceremony for the statue. The Architect of the Capitol and the Capitol Police Board shall take such action as may be necessary with respect to physical preparations and security for the ceremony. |
108hconres397ih | (c) Display in Rotunda
The statue shall be displayed in the rotunda of the Capitol for a period of not more than 6 months, after which period the statue shall be moved to its permanent location in National Statuary Hall. 2. Transmittal to Governor of Nevada
The Clerk of the House of Representatives shall transmit a copy of this concurrent resolution to the Governor of Nevada. |
108hconres444ih | That in recognition of the long and distinguished service rendered to the Nation and the world by Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, the rotunda of the Capitol is authorized to be used for the lying in state of the remains of the late Honorable Ronald Reagan from June 9 until June 11, 2004. The Architect of the Capitol, under the direction of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate, shall take all steps necessary for carrying out this event. |
108hconres402ih | That the House of Representatives— (1) recognizes the involvement in or support for acts of international terrorism by senior officials of the Government of the Republic of the Sudan; (2) calls on the Government of Sudan to cease its involvement in or support for acts of international terrorism and to prosecute and punish any Sudanese officials who have been involved in or supported acts of international terrorism; (3) recommends that the Government of Sudan thoroughly revamp and restructure its security services and remove individuals who have been involved in acts of international terrorism as part of a final peace agreement in order to ensure lasting peace and stability in Sudan; |
108hconres402ih | and (4) requests that the Secretary of State investigate and submit a report to Congress documenting— (A) the involvement in or support of senior officials in the current Government of Sudan in support of acts of terrorism against the United States; (B) the nature and extent of the participation, if any, of senior Sudanese government officials in— (i) the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; (ii) the assassination attempt of President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt; and (iii) the bombings of the embassies of the United States in Kenya and Tanzania; |
108hconres402ih | (C) the nature and extent of support being provided to Hamas and Hezbollah by Sudan; (D) the presence of Sudanese volunteer fighters currently in Iraq who have been involved in terror attacks against United States Armed Forces, and the nature and extent of the participation, if any, of Sudan in the facilitation of the movement of these fighters from Sudan to Iraq; and (E) the nature and extent of the participation, if any, of particular Sudanese officials in support of acts of international terrorism, including— (i) Ali Osman Mohammed Taha, First Vice President; (ii) Dr. |
108hconres402ih | Nafee Ali Nafee, Minister of the Federal Government and former Minister of the Interior (External Intelligence); (iii) Dr. Ghazi Salahadin, Presidential Advisor and Senior Member of the National Islamic Front; (iv) Dr. Awad Ahmed El Jaz, Minister of Energy and Mining; (v) Dr. Mutref Sadig Nimeri, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and former Intelligence Chief during the assassination attempt against President Hosni Mubarak; (vi) Dr. |
108hconres402ih | Qutbi Al-Mahdi, former External Intelligence Chief; (vii) Major General Salah Abdallah, Director of the Internal Security Branch; (viii) Major General El Hadi El Nakasha, Minister of Cabinet Affairs; (ix) Dr. Abul Karim Abdalla, Director of the External Security Branch; (x) Major General Osama Abdalla, National Congress Party; (xi) Major General Jamal Zamgan; and (xii) Major General Emad El Din Hussein. |
108hconres409ih | That Congress recognizes with humble gratitude the more than 16,000,000 veterans who served in the United States Armed Forces during World War II and the Americans who supported the war effort on the home front and celebrates the completion of the National World War II Memorial on the National Mall in the District of Columbia. |
108hconres487ih | That Congress recognizes Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. |
108hconres396ih | That the Congress— (1) supports the goals and ideals of the Day of Silence; (2) requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the Day of Silence with appropriate ceremonies, programs, and activities; (3) encourages each unit of local government and State to adopt laws to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students, teachers, and school employees from discrimination and harassment; and (4) encourages each school district in the United States to adopt policies to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students, teachers, and school employees from discrimination and harassment. |
108hconres399ih | That the Congress— (1) urges the President to encourage the National Assembly of Cambodia to ratify the agreement between the United Nations and the Royal Government of Cambodia to establish a tribunal, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the Prosecution of Crimes Committed during the Period of Democratic Kampuchea, for the prosecution of surviving leaders of the Khmer Rouge regime of Democratic Kampuchea who committed genocide and other crimes against humanity between April 17, 1975, and January 7, 1979; and (2) urges the President, after such agreement is ratified, |
108hconres399ih | to provide support for the establishment and financing of the Extraordinary Chambers, consistent with the Cambodian Genocide Justice Act ( 22 U.S.C. 2656 note). |
108hconres459ih | That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) the United States Postal Service should issue a stamp honoring the Nation’s coal miners; and (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. |
108hconres439ih | That Congress honors the members of the Army Motor Transport Service that served during World War II and participated in the trucking operation known as the Red Ball Express for their service and contribution to the Allied advance following the D-Day invasion. |
108hconres415ih | That the Congress— (1) acknowledges and welcomes the strong relationship formed between the United States and Ukraine since the restoration of Ukraine’s independence in 1991; (2) recognizes that a precondition for the full integration of Ukraine into the Western community of nations, including as an equal member in institutions such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), is its establishment of a genuinely democratic political system; (3) expresses its strong and continuing support for the efforts of the Ukrainian people to establish a full democracy, the rule of law, and respect for human rights in Ukraine; |
108hconres415ih | (4) urges the Government of Ukraine to guarantee freedom of association and assembly, including the right of candidates, members of political parties, and others to freely assemble, to organize and conduct public events, and to exercise these and other rights free from intimidation or harassment by local or national officials or others acting at their behest; |
108hconres415ih | (5) urges the Government of Ukraine to meet its Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) commitments on democratic elections and to address issues previously identified by the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the OSCE in its final reports on the 2002 parliamentary elections and the 1999 presidential elections, such as illegal interference by public authorities in the campaign and a high degree of bias in the media; (6) urges the Ukrainian authorities to ensure— (A) the full transparency of election procedures before, during, and after the 2004 presidential elections; |
108hconres415ih | (B) free access for Ukrainian and international election observers; (C) multiparty representation on all election commissions; (D) unimpeded access by all parties and candidates to print, radio, television, and Internet media on a non-discriminatory basis; (E) freedom of candidates, members of opposition parties, and independent media organizations from intimidation or harassment by government officials at all levels via selective tax audits and other regulatory procedures, and in the case of media, license revocations and libel suits, among other measures; |
108hconres415ih | (F) a transparent process for complaint and appeals through electoral commissions and within the court system that provides timely and effective remedies; and (G) vigorous prosecution of any individual or organization responsible for violations of election laws or regulations, including the application of appropriate administrative or criminal penalties; (7) further calls upon the Government of Ukraine to guarantee election monitors from the ODIHR, other participating States of the OSCE, Ukrainian political parties, candidates’ representatives, nongovernmental organizations, and other private institutions and organizations, both foreign and domestic, unobstructed access to all aspects of the election process, |
108hconres415ih | including unimpeded access to public campaign events, candidates, news media, voting, and post-election tabulation of results and processing of election challenges and complaints; and (8) pledges its enduring support and assistance to the Ukrainian people’s establishment of a fully free and open democratic system, their creation of a prosperous free market economy, their establishment of a secure independence and freedom from coercion, and their country’s assumption of its rightful place as a full and equal member of the Western community of democracies. |
108hconres505ih | That Congress recognizes, commends, and supports the efforts of the Celebrate Freedom Foundation, a nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of South Carolina— (1) for educating the American public about the sacrifices made by members of the Armed Forces in defense of freedom and democracy; (2) for connecting members of the Armed Forces to the American public as active and admired members of the American family who answer the call to serve to protect the freedoms that are part of the American way of life; (3) for inspiring patriotism and motivating the American public toward service to their community, State, |
108hconres505ih | and Nation by involving the public in the military legacy of the United States; (4) for receiving serviceable air and ground equipment that is surplus to the needs of the Armed Forces; and (5) for preserving and operating the authentic examples of military aircraft and ground equipment in educational living history demonstrations and presentations so that the symbols of the American military legacy may remain in the skies and on the ground for future generations. |
108hconres517ih | That Congress— (1) recognizes the continuing legacy of the Buffalo Soldiers throughout the world; (2) supports the designation of a Buffalo Soldiers Heritage Month to recognize the contributions of the Buffalo Soldiers and for their bravery and service to the United States; and (3) urges the President to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such month each year with appropriate ceremonies and activities. |
108hconres418ih | That Congress— (1) recognizes the importance in history of the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the United States and Japan; and (2) calls for expanded political, economic, strategic, and cultural ties between the Japanese and American people and their respective governments. |
108hconres456ih | That the Congress— (1) recognizes that the need to increase awareness about and prevent suicide is a compelling national priority; (2) reaffirms Congress’s commitment to the priorities expressed in S. Res. 84 and H. Res. 212 of the 105th Congress to continue to recognize suicide prevention as a national priority; and (3) encourages Americans, communities, and the Nation to work to increase awareness about and prevent suicide. |
108hconres429ih | That Congress— (1) recognizes the sacrifices of individuals employed by entities carrying out work in Iraq under contracts with the United States Government for the reconstruction of Iraq; (2) expresses sympathy to those individuals injured or taken captive in Iraq; and (3) expresses condolences to the families of those individuals killed in Iraq, including— (A) to the families of Jerry Zovko, 32, of Euclid, Ohio; Wesley J. Batalona, 48, of Honokaa, Hawaii; Michael Teague, 38, of Clarksville, Tennessee; and Scott Helvenston, 38, |
108hconres429ih | of Oceanside, California, who were killed on March 31, 2004, in Fallujah, Iraq; and (B) to the families of Stephen Hulett, 48, of Manistee, Michigan; Jack Montague, 52, of Pittsburg, Illinois; Jeffery Parker, 45, of Lake Charles, Louisiana; and Tony Johnson, 47, of Riverside, California, who were killed on April 9, 2004, outside of Baghdad. |
108hconres522ih | That it is the sense of the Congress that the Department of Defense should continue to exercise its long-standing statutory authority to support the activities of the Boy Scouts of America, in particular the periodic national and world Boy Scout Jamborees. |
108hconres509ih | That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) the President should direct the United States Trade Representative to withdraw the United States from the Agreement on Government Support for Civil Aircraft that was entered into with the European Community in 1992; and (2) the President should direct the United States Trade Representative immediately to file a consultation request, under the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes of the World Trade Organization, on the matter of serious injury to the commercial aviation industry of the United States. |
108hconres369ih | That it is the sense of the Congress that— (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued by the United States Postal Service in honor of Matthew Lyon; and (2) the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. |
108hconres356ih | That it is the sense of the Congress that rates of compensation for civilian employees of the United States should be adjusted at the same time, and in the same proportion, as are rates of compensation for members of the uniformed services. |
108hconres491ih | That Congress recognizes the achievements of the National Captioning Institute in providing closed captioning services to Americans who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. |
108hconres446ih | That the Congress— (1) congratulates the LeMoyne College men's lacrosse team for winning the 2004 NCAA Division II National Championship; (2) recognizes the achievements of all the team's players, coaches, and support staff and invites them to the United States Capitol Building to be honored; (3) directs the Clerk of the House of Representatives to make available enrolled copies of this resolution to LeMoyne College for appropriate display and to transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to each coach and member of the 2004 NCAA Division II Men's Lacrosse National Championship team; |
108hconres446ih | and (4) requests that the President of the United States invite the members of the LeMoyne College men's lacrosse team to the White House to be honored and to recognize their achievements. |
108hconres387ih | That it is the sense of Congress that United States agricultural products should be prioritized during any consideration of food aid and commercial tenders to Iraq, and that this sentiment should be included in any upcoming Memorandum of Understanding or other policy decision regarding agricultural food tenders among the World Food Program, the Iraq Ministry of Trade, and/or the Coalition Provisional Authority. |
108hconres378ih | That— (1) Congress— (A) condemns and deplores the arbitrary detention of Father Thaddeus Nguyen Van Ly by the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and calls for his immediate and unconditional release; (B) condemns and deplores the violations of freedom of speech, religion, movement, association, and the lack of due process afforded to individuals in Vietnam; (C) strongly urges the Government of Vietnam to consider the implications of its actions for the broader relationship between the United States and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; |
108hconres378ih | and (D) strongly urges the Government of Vietnam to consider the implications of its actions in the context of the United States-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement under which Vietnam currently receives normal trade relations (NTR) treatment, subject to the provisions of chapter 1 of title IV of the Trade Act of 1974; and (2) it is the sense of Congress that the United States— (A) should make the immediate release of Father Ly a top concern; (B) should continue to urge the Government of Vietnam to comply with internationally recognized standards for basic freedoms and human rights; |
108hconres378ih | (C) should make it clear to the Government of Vietnam that the detention of Father Ly and other persons and the infliction of human rights violations on these individuals are not in the interest of Vietnam because they create obstacles to improved bilateral relations and cooperation with the United States; and (D) should reiterate the deep concern of the United States regarding the continued imprisonment of Father Ly, and other persons whose human rights are being violated, and discuss their legal status and immediate humanitarian needs with the Government of Vietnam. |
108hconres391ih | That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) the well-being of the members of the Armed Forces deployed in defense of the Nation is of paramount importance; (2) the Department of Defense should do its utmost to see that deployed military personnel have the best force protection equipment the Nation can make available; (3) the Department of Defense and the military departments should, using all means at their disposal, increase the ability of currently unarmored vehicles that are deployed forward for operations in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom to resist improvised explosive devices, such means to include nontraditional production sources and technologies, field-installable kits, |
108hconres391ih | and reprogramming of funds; and (4) the Department of Defense should immediately release to the military departments all funds that have been authorized and appropriated for the purposes of defeating improvised explosive devices and mitigating their effect on vehicles and that have not previously been released. |
108hconres390ih | That Congress— (1) condemns the adoption of United Nations General Assembly Resolution ES-10/14 (December 8, 2003) which requests the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to render an advisory opinion concerning the international legal consequences arising from Israel’s construction of a security fence in parts of the West Bank; (2) deplores the unhelpful and inappropriate use of the International Court of Justice by the United Nations General Assembly for narrow political purposes that only do harm to the credibility of the General Assembly and the Court, |
108hconres390ih | and threaten to impede international and United States efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; (3) commends the Administration for its leadership in opposing the gross manipulation of the International Court of Justice into a political forum for denunciation of Israel and its legitimate actions in self-defense; (4) expresses the continued and unshakeable commitment of the United States to Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish democratic state, its security and its right of self-defense, including the right to build a security fence as a direct consequence of more than three years of barbaric Palestinian terrorism; |
108hconres390ih | (5) condemns the ongoing failure of the Palestinian leadership to take action to unconditionally cease all violence and terrorism directed at Israel and to instead, irresponsibly, pursue misguided and sterile political alternatives to the Performance-Based Roadmap to a Permanent Two-State Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, democratic reform, and direct negotiations to achieve peace; and (6) reiterates support for the President’s June 2002 speech setting out the conditions necessary for progress in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and for the achievement of a negotiated two-state solution based on United Nations Security Council Resolutions 242 (1967), |
108hconres390ih | 338 (1973), and 1397 (2002) calling for the exchange of territory for peace, direct negotiations between the parties, and the immediate cessation of all acts of violence. |
108hconres450ih | That Congress— (1) recognizes the 40th anniversary of the day civil rights organizers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney, and Michael Schwerner gave their lives; and (2) encourages all Americans to observe the anniversary of the deaths of the 3 men by committing themselves to the fundamental principles of freedom, equality, and democracy. |
108hconres385ih | That it is the sense of Congress that— (1) the President should use all means at his disposal to negotiate a bilateral security agreement with the Iraqi Governing Council before June 30, 2004; and (2) any such agreement should— (A) maintain maximum freedom of action for United States commanders in Iraq to defeat insurgent elements in Iraq and to restore security throughout Iraq as quickly as possible; and (B) provide protections against local prosecution of members of the United States Armed Forces, consistent with other bilateral status-of-forces agreements. |
108hconres496ih | That Congress— (1) commends the governments of the countries of the Caribbean for their efforts to respond and assist the people of the region after the devastation caused by Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne from August to September 2004; (2) commends the efforts of the Caribbean-American community to provide relief to family and friends suffering in the region; (3) supports the efforts of the United States Government to assist in coordinating international efforts to help the people of the region, particularly in Grenada, Jamaica, Haiti, and the Bahamas, with assessing damage and providing relief to affected communities; |
108hconres496ih | (4) urges the international community to take all necessary steps to provide emergency relief and support reconstruction efforts; and (5) urges the President, acting through the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to— (A) make available to private volunteer organizations, United Nations agencies, and regional institutions the necessary funding to mitigate the effects of the recent natural disasters that have devastated the countries of the Caribbean; and (B) provide assistance with the promulgation and enforcement of housing and building codes in the countries of the Caribbean. |
108hconres453ih | That Congress— (1) celebrates the establishment of democracy in Iraq; (2) recognizes the importance of the freedoms that are being restored to the Iraqi people; (3) supports the five-step plan outlined by President Bush regarding the restoration of sovereignty to Iraq, including— (A) handing over authority to a sovereign Iraqi government; (B) helping establish the stability and security in Iraq that democracy requires; (C) continuing to rebuild the infrastructure of Iraq; (D) encouraging more international support for Iraq; and (E) moving toward free national elections that will bring forward new leaders empowered by the Iraqi people; |
108hconres453ih | (4) expresses gratitude to the brave members of the United States Armed Forces who are participating in Operation Iraqi Freedom to end the regime of Saddam Hussein and bring democracy and freedom to Iraq; (5) encourages all the people of Iraq to work together to create a new Iraq and respect the rights, freedoms, and liberties of all Iraqis; and (6) urges the people of the United States and of other countries in all communities and congregations to ring bells on June 30, 2004, in recognition of the establishment of democracy in Iraq and the restoration of freedom to the people of Iraq. |
108hconres421ih | That the Congress— (1) recognizes the Liberty Memorial Museum in Kansas City, Missouri, including the museum’s future and expanded exhibits, collections, library, archives, and educational programs, as America’s National World War I Museum ; (2) recognizes the continuing collection, preservation, and interpretation of the historical objects and other historical materials held by the Liberty Memorial Museum that enhance the knowledge and understanding of the Nation’s people of the American and allied experience during the World War I years (1914-1918), both on the battlefield and on the home front; |
108hconres421ih | (3) commends the ongoing development and visibility of Lessons of Liberty educational outreach programs for teachers and students throughout the Nation; and (4) encourages the need for present generations to understand the magnitude of World War I, how it shaped the Nation, other countries, and later world events, and how the sacrifices made then helped preserve liberty, democracy, and other founding principles for generations to come. |
108hconres515ih | That the Congress— (1) supports an increase in the allocation of funds to the Republic of Haiti because of the terrible destruction brought on by Hurricane Jeanne; and (2) for such reason, encourages the expedited delivery of emergency aid to Haiti. |
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