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license: other
  - tabular-regression
  - name: symbol
    dtype: string
  - name: date
    dtype: string
  - name: reportedCurrency
    dtype: string
  - name: operatingCashflow
    dtype: float64
  - name: paymentsForOperatingActivities
    dtype: float64
  - name: proceedsFromOperatingActivities
    dtype: float64
  - name: changeInOperatingLiabilities
    dtype: float64
  - name: changeInOperatingAssets
    dtype: float64
  - name: depreciationDepletionAndAmortization
    dtype: float64
  - name: capitalExpenditures
    dtype: float64
  - name: changeInReceivables
    dtype: float64
  - name: changeInInventory
    dtype: float64
  - name: profitLoss
    dtype: float64
  - name: cashflowFromInvestment
    dtype: float64
  - name: cashflowFromFinancing
    dtype: float64
  - name: proceedsFromRepaymentsOfShortTermDebt
    dtype: float64
  - name: paymentsForRepurchaseOfCommonStock
    dtype: float64
  - name: paymentsForRepurchaseOfEquity
    dtype: float64
  - name: paymentsForRepurchaseOfPreferredStock
    dtype: float64
  - name: dividendPayout
    dtype: float64
  - name: dividendPayoutCommonStock
    dtype: float64
  - name: dividendPayoutPreferredStock
    dtype: float64
  - name: proceedsFromIssuanceOfCommonStock
    dtype: float64
  - name: proceedsFromIssuanceOfLongTermDebtAndCapitalSecuritiesNet
    dtype: float64
  - name: proceedsFromIssuanceOfPreferredStock
    dtype: float64
  - name: proceedsFromRepurchaseOfEquity
    dtype: float64
  - name: proceedsFromSaleOfTreasuryStock
    dtype: float64
  - name: changeInCashAndCashEquivalents
    dtype: float64
  - name: changeInExchangeRate
    dtype: float64
  - name: netIncome
    dtype: float64
extra_gated_prompt: >-
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Dataset Information

This dataset includes quarterly cash flow reports for various US stocks.

Instruments Included

  • 7000+ US Stocks

Dataset Columns

  • symbol: The stock ticker or financial instrument identifier associated with the data.
  • date: The end date of the fiscal period for which the financial data is reported.
  • reported_currency: The currency in which the financial data is reported, typically reflecting the company's primary operating currency.
  • operating_cashflow: The total cash generated by the company's core business operations during the fiscal period.
  • payments_for_operating_activities: The cash payments made by the company for operating activities during the fiscal period.
  • proceeds_from_operating_activities: The cash received by the company from operating activities during the fiscal period.
  • change_in_operating_liabilities: The change in the company's operating liabilities over the fiscal period.
  • change_in_operating_assets: The change in the company's operating assets over the fiscal period.
  • depreciation_depletion_and_amortization: The combined allocation of the cost of tangible and intangible assets, including natural resources, over their useful lives.
  • capital_expenditures: The cash used by the company to acquire, maintain, or upgrade physical assets such as property, industrial buildings, or equipment.
  • change_in_receivables: The change in the amount of money owed to the company by its customers over the fiscal period.
  • change_in_inventory: The change in the company's inventory levels over the fiscal period.
  • profit_loss: The overall profit or loss reported by the company during the fiscal period.
  • cashflow_from_investment: The net cash generated or used by the company’s investment activities during the fiscal period.
  • cashflow_from_financing: The net cash generated or used by the company’s financing activities during the fiscal period.
  • proceeds_from_repayments_of_short_term_debt: The cash received or repaid by the company for short-term debt during the fiscal period.
  • payments_for_repurchase_of_common_stock: The cash used by the company to buy back its common stock from shareholders during the fiscal period.
  • payments_for_repurchase_of_equity: The cash used by the company to repurchase equity, which could include common or preferred stock, during the fiscal period.
  • payments_for_repurchase_of_preferred_stock: The cash used by the company to repurchase its preferred stock from shareholders during the fiscal period.
  • dividend_payout: The total amount of cash distributed to shareholders in the form of dividends during the fiscal period.
  • dividend_payout_common_stock: The cash distributed to common stock shareholders as dividends during the fiscal period.
  • dividend_payout_preferred_stock: The cash distributed to preferred stock shareholders as dividends during the fiscal period.
  • proceeds_from_issuance_of_common_stock: The cash received by the company from issuing new shares of common stock during the fiscal period.
  • proceeds_from_issuance_of_long_term_debt_and_capital_securities_net: The net cash received by the company from issuing long-term debt and capital securities during the fiscal period.
  • proceeds_from_issuance_of_preferred_stock: The cash received by the company from issuing new shares of preferred stock during the fiscal period.
  • proceeds_from_repurchase_of_equity: The cash received by the company from repurchasing equity during the fiscal period.
  • proceeds_from_sale_of_treasury_stock: The cash received by the company from selling its treasury stock during the fiscal period.
  • change_in_cash_and_cash_equivalents: The net change in the company's cash and cash equivalents during the fiscal period.
  • change_in_exchange_rate: The effect of exchange rate changes on the company's cash and cash equivalents.
  • net_income: The total profit or loss of the company after all expenses, including taxes and interest, have been deducted.

Data Splits

The data is split into a training set.

Dataset Maintenance

The dataset is updated on a monthly basis by Papers With Backtest.