resident evil
president evil
upon further reflection
up on further erections
mighty morphing power rangers
whitey morphine glower strangers
beating around the bush
eating around the bush
e-z pass
e-z gas
living single
living shingles
publicly-funded elections
publicly-funded erections
a scanner darkly
a scanner barkley
the importance of being earnest
the importance of peeing kermit’s
go ballistic
go ball piss dicks
lady in red
lady inbred
pontiac grand am
pontiac van damme
lethal injection
lethal erection
jack nicholson
crack nickel bag
waiting to exhale
waiting til eggs fail
no holds barred
no, woke holds barred
dying of the light
dying to be white
writ large
tit large
the art of the deal
the art of the biehl
war and peace
war and piss
high fidelity
high piddle-ty
fist of the north star
fist in the porn star
spontaneous combustion
spontaneous cum-bustin’
its all in the wrist
its all in, the fist
wheat gluten
skeet gluten
the great gatsby
the gape fat pee
immaculate conception
immaculate deception
boot loader
poop loader
j edgar hoover
dj ed groover
lawrence of arabia
martin lawrence of saudi arabia
whore emporium
et phone home
et drone homes
married with children
buried with children
puss in boots
pussy n boobs
hugh laurie
huge dowry
road head
car blowed
gut biome
butt biome
reparations for slavery
preparations for slavery
daniel craig
daniel pegged
fire department
liar department
dennis the menace
denise the man-ish
speedy gonzales
seed me gonzales
don lemon
dom lemon
blood diamonds
crud diamonds
young sheldon
dung sheldon
emancipation proclamation
a masturbation ejaculation
getting off scot free
getting off scott key
catch me if you can
watch me nuke japan
george foreman grill
george foreskin grill
tears in the rain
queers giving brain
jerk when it stands
date rape
tate rape
lil wayne
lil wang
im with her
im in her
pull request
bull request
miley cyrus
my liege cyrus
the wolf of wall street
the wolf of balls feet
apollo kids
apollo skids
klu klux culture club
vietnam veterans
viet nambla veterans
the running man
the cumming man
hard house music
hard german housewife music
elf on a shelf
elf on a welfare program
space invaders
space in bader
petty cash
petty gash
tickle me elmo
trickle down elmo
deck the halls
lick the balls
dragon ball z
cerebral pall z
king midas
the golden fool
tampa bay rays
tampon bay gays
federal reserve
federer reserve
zombies ate my neighbors
zombies ate my pussy out
sea shanty
pee shanty
deep blue sea
deep blue pee
use the force, luke
choose divorce, luke
everybody loves raymond
everybody tugs raymond
clear and present danger
queer and pleasant wanker
nicotine patch
lick a teen snatch
fordham university
boredom university
know your customer
blow your customers
system of a down
syndrome of a downs
horatio hornblower
fellatio hornblower
the last dance
the last bull semen fritter
back propagation algorithm
crack propagation algorithm
illusion of gaia
delusions of guys-a
dead poets society
head poets society
world cup group stage
world cup poop stage
flow state
hoe state
tears on my pillow
queers biting pillows
crouching tiger, hidden dragon
crouching tiger, hidden wagon
let me clear my throat
let me bleed my goat
slot machines
slut machines
guns and roses
buns and hoses
cain and abel
pimp cane enable
more cushion for the pushing
more torsion for the portion
toot ones own horn
shoot ones own porn
curl commands
jerry curl commands