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| pull request
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v4.0.0-m5 | deprecated attribute | Mark declarations with `[deprecated]`. Warnings suggest the recommended replacement if given. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | LevelMVarId | New type `LevelMVarId` (aka `LMVarId`) for universe metavars, preventing confusion with expr metavars. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | calc improvements | Improvements to the `calc` syntax and tactics (issue #1342 references). | 1342 |
v4.0.0-m5 | Parser antiquotations | Relaxed parsing further reduces need for explicit `$x:p` in macros. | 1272 |
v4.0.0-m5 | Computed fields | Inductives can define `[computedField]` for constant-time field access (values stored in constructor). | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | GetElem notation | `a[i]` is now `getElem a i (by get_elem_tactic)`. Also introduced `a[i]!` and `a[i]?` for panic/Option indexing. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Qualified recursion | Better support for qualified names in recursive declarations, e.g. `Nat.fact` inside a `namespace Nat` block. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | #eval CommandElabM | `#eval` supports `CommandElabM` monad for on-the-fly commands in user code. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | do-notation | Try elaborating do-blocks even if the expected type is unknown, allowing `#eval do IO.println ...` forms. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Linux backtrace | Panics on Linux print a backtrace by default. Disable via `LEAN_BACKTRACE=0`. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Parser grouping | Auto-insert `group(·)` where needed in `(...)+` combinators to avoid grammar conflicts. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Typed Macros | Syntax antiquotations track syntax kinds, reducing ill-formed expansions. (#1251 references) | 1251 |
v4.0.0-m5 | protected aliases | Alias of a protected definition is also protected. E.g. `Nat.double` → `Ex.double` is protected. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | IO.rand | `IO.rand` seeds from `IO.getRandomBytes`, more secure random initialization (#2 references?). | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | dot-notation/aliases | Improve dot-notation with namespace exports/aliases. E.g. `FinSet.union` as alias of `Set.union`. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | conv ext/enter | `ext` and `enter` conv tactics can go inside let-declarations in `conv at h => ...` blocks. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | conv zeta | New `zeta` conv tactic expands local let-declarations in the goal. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Namespace resolution | Improve how `open Tactic` can open both `Lean.Parser.Tactic` and `Lean.Elab.Tactic` (#1224 references). | 1224 |
v4.0.0-m5 | opaque command | Rename `constant` command to `opaque` for truly opaque definitions. Zulip discussion linked for details. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | induction/cases syntax | Support multiple left-hand-sides in a single alternative. Example: `cases v with | mk1 x | mk2 x => ...` | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | do-block indentation | `let/if` indentation in do-blocks is supported (#1120 references). | 1120 |
v4.0.0-m5 | Unnamed antiquotation | New `$_` antiquotation for syntax patterns without naming a placeholder. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Unused variables linter | Warn about unused variables in tactics. (#1159 references). | 1159 |
v4.0.0-m5 | Universe param check | Error if a decl body references a universe param not in its type or not explicit. E.g. hidden `PUnit.{u}` usage. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | subst_vars tactic | New `subst_vars` tactic to systematically substitute variable equalities. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | autoParam structure fields | Fix for lost `autoParam` in multiple inherited structure fields (#1158). | 1158 |
v4.0.0-m5 | [eliminator] attribute | Allows specifying a default recursor for `induction`/`cases`. Alternative to `using <recursor>` syntax. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | casesOn for recursion | Add support for `casesOn` in structural & well-founded recursion modules. E.g. writing definitions with tactics. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Option monad | `Option` is once again a monad (removed `OptionM`). (#279761084 references). | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | split tactic | Improved: can handle `match h : e with` even if `e` not a free variable. No more failing generalization step. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | match h : e encoding | Preserve `h : e` discriminants so tools like `split` can benefit from them. E.g. `match h : foo x with...` | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | exists tactic | `exists term1, term2, ...` supports comma-separated values in one statement. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | dsimp/dsimp! | Add tactics `dsimp` & `dsimp!` applying only rfl-theorems, preserving definitional equality in the result. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | match pattern binder info | Fix binder info for patterns using `[matchPattern]`-tagged defs like `Nat.add` in match expressions. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | structure field defaults | Now can depend on structure parameters. E.g. `n2 : Nat := 1 + i` is allowed. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | dsimp in simp | `dsimp` method in `simp` can apply `rfl`-theorems. Allows inlined expansions for better rewriting. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Auto-bound refinement | Auto-bound no longer captures the declaration's own name for an unbound variable. (#f → (#f is a var)??). | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Syntax highlight fix | No longer highlights some recursive calls as variables in inductive or function definitions. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | simp autoUnfold | `simp!`, `simp_arith!`, `simp_all!`, and `simp_all_arith!` auto-unfold recursive or match-based definitions. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | save tactic | `save` is a shorter alias for `checkpoint ...` in tactic scripts. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Remove constructor `{}` | Removed support for `{}` annotation in inductive & structure commands. Use new parameter/indices promotion. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | LSP improvements | Several fixes for go-to-definition in mutually rec defs, match patterns, pattern variables, etc. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | macro comb patterns | `macro ... xs:p* ...` has `xs : Array Syntax`. This ensures correct type for repeated parser combinators. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Ignored macro scopes | Syntax patterns ignore macro scopes in identifiers, improving pattern matching reliability. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | constructor param names | Improve auto implicit param naming for constructor arguments in mutual inductives (ex: `α` instead of `x`). | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Error message | Better error if constructor parameter's universe is too large. More consistent with other checks. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | for h : i in [start:stop] | Support iteration with index proof in `[start:stop]`. Eases termination proofs in loops over arrays, etc. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | case' tactic | `case'` is a variant of `case` that fails outright if the case doesn't exist, skipping fallback admission. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | stop tactic | Add `macro stop s:tacticSeq => repeat sorry`. Debug/placeholder tactic macro on discussion at Zulip. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Display goals | Don't display inaccessible proposition names if no forward dependencies. Only their types are shown. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | by_cases | Hypothesis name is optional in `by_cases p`, e.g. `by_cases p => ...` just references it as `this` or `_`. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | syntax vs. kind names | Rename node kinds: `numLit`→`num`, `charLit`→`char`, `nameLit`→`name`, `strLit`→`str`, `scientificLit`→`scientific` (#1090). | 1090 |
v4.0.0-m5 | checkpoint tactic | Experimental `checkpoint <tactic-seq>` for partial proof steps in large scripts. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | rename nativeDecide | Renamed tactic `nativeDecide` to `native_decide` for naming consistency. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Antiquotations | Now accepted in any syntax context. Removed `incQuotDepth` parser. Simplifies macro dev. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Local context cleanup | Remove `_discr := ...` or `h✝` from match patterns/branches, simplifying the local context. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | let/have pattern macros | Expansion ensures the goal references the new bindings, e.g. `let (a,b) := x` yields `f (a,b)` not `f x`. | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | Releases for aarch64 | Add cross-compiled aarch64 Linux and macOS builds. (#1066, #1076 references) | none |
v4.0.0-m5 | doc/examples | Added tutorial-like examples using LeanInk+Alectryon for documentation. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | simp attributes | `simp` now supports user-defined simp-attributes. E.g. `register_simp_attr my_simp` for a custom set. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | Extended match syntax | Multiple LHS in single alternative, e.g. `| 0 | 1 => 1`. (#371 references). | 371 |
v4.0.0-m4 | #eval fallback | `#eval` tries to reduce the type further if no `Lean.MetaEval` is found initially. E.g. `def Foo := List Nat` now works. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | rw tactic eqn theorems | `rw` can apply auto-generated equation lemmas for a definition. E.g. `rw [List.length]` to step through eqns. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | Auto completion | Fuzzy matching for auto-completion (#1023). | 1023 |
v4.0.0-m4 | Function.field dot notation | `f.comp g` notation for function composition if `f : α→β`; done via `Function.field` arrow-type lookups. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | swift-like .<identifier> | Supports `.map .succ xs` etc. when a function type is expected (Zulip #944 references). | 944 |
v4.0.0-m4 | Folding | Added code folding support to language server (#1014). | 1014 |
v4.0.0-m4 | do-block let <pattern> := e | alt | Allow `let <pattern> := e | alt` in do-blocks for simple branching. Removes older partial expansions. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | Remove auto pure | No more 'auto' pure resolution. Must specify the monad or use type ascription if needed. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | congr theorems | No longer require all function args to be free vars on LHS. Partial argument usage is allowed. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | partially-applied congr | Allow partially applied congruence theorems for more general rewriting (#988 references). | 988 |
v4.0.0-m4 | Expected type heuristic | Reduce expected type if it's a metavariable before elaboration, to avoid incorrect postponement. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | Remove leanpkg | Deprecated `leanpkg` replaced by Lake as the package manager (#985). | 985 |
v4.0.0-m4 | Go-to-definition | Improve find-all-refs for newly introduced definitions. Also fix coverage for partial expansions. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | autoDecidable | Auto generated congr lemmas can cast proofs/`Decidable` instances (#988 references). | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | autoBoundImplicitLocal => autoImplicit | Renamed the option controlling auto-bound implicits to `autoImplicit`. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | contradiction tactic | `contradiction` closes the goal if `False.elim` is in the target or a local hypothesis. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | byCases => by_cases | Renamed tactic `byCases` to `by_cases` for naming convention consistency. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | Local instance in patterns | Typeclass resolution can use local instances from patterns, e.g. `(⟨_, inst⟩ :: as). | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | motive in match | Now `(motive := (args) → ...)` syntax instead of whitespace-based. E.g. `match (motive := ...) x, rfl with ...` | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | generalizing = true by default | `match` defaults to `(generalizing := true)` even if the result type is not a Prop. E.g. no extra annotation needed. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | PSum usage | Mutually recursive definitions use `PSum` instead of `Sum` for well-founded rec. (#??) no PR # here. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | Parametric well-founded | Better support for parametric well-founded relations (#1017). | 1017 |
v4.0.0-m4 | while/do-block | Add macros `while <cond>` / `repeat <do>` / `repeat <do> until <cond>` for partial/do usage only. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | arith in `simp` | New `arith` option in `Simp.Config`. `simp_arith` includes Nat linear arithmetic rewriting. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | fail tactic | `fail <message>` tactic that always fails with a user-provided error text. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | acyclicity in dep elim | Check acyclicity in dependent elimination, addressing #1022 potentially. | 1022 |
v4.0.0-m4 | trace tactic | Add `trace <string>` tactic for debugging messages within proofs. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | SizeOf for (Unit→α) | Add nontrivial `SizeOf` for function types `Unit→α` and in user-defined inductives with delayed fields. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | Guess simpler WF | Try simple well-founded relations automatically for recursion. E.g. no extra `termination_by` needed for array loops. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | for x in xs do | Add `for h : x in xs do ...` meaning `h : x ∈ xs`. Useful for termination of iteration-based definitions. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | Auto-implicit chaining | Unassigned metavariables in auto-implicit types become fresh auto-implicit locals. E.g. `HasType` example with `n`. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | promote prefix to parameters | Fixed prefix of inductive family indices is promoted to parameters if they do not vary. E.g. `Sublist`, `Lst` examples. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | Auto-implicit rec | Chaining unassigned meta in index types now fosters correct type injection for families (#??). | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | Eliminate autoParam/optParam in recursors | Recursor minor premises & structure projections no longer carry autoParam/optParam overhead. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | Overloaded notation in patterns | Allowed if each alternative has the same pattern variable set. E.g. `::` for List/Vector in different contexts. | none |
v4.0.0-m4 | Swift-like dot syntax | Introducing `.<ident>` notation. Infers namespace from expected type. E.g. `.ok x`, `.error "..."` | 944 |
Subsets and Splits