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The landscape of business IT has changed beyond recognition in the past 10 years. We have seen a significant move away from a strict, corporately-mandated infrastructure to a borderless one, dominated by user-owned devices, consumer apps, social media and other forms of shadow IT. The paradigm shift from control to chaos came as consumer technology outstripped commercial in terms of usability and performance. Mobile and remote working became the norm, rather than the exception, thanks to ubiquitous wireless connectivity and improvements in connection speeds and bandwidth. As technology became the ultimate business enabler, every user became a stakeholder in IT decision making. The traditional model of IT specifying, purchasing and implementing technology is becoming increasingly irrelevant in a world where 70% of IT spend originates outside of the IT department and two thirds of organisations have embraced BYOD. Device management is a major challenge for IT since ownership moved outside of the organisation. Whilst the financial burden has been lifted, the resulting complexity is cause for concern. The average business user is accessing the corporate network via three different devices, which are frequently multi-vendor and multi OS. This situation is really not fair on IT professionals, as they are targeted with maintaining systems performance availability and security across a corporate network that they no longer have complete control over. The very ability to access anything, anywhere on any device that has made life so easy for users is creating issues in terms of complexity, compatibility and security. The IT landscape is further complicated by the consumerisation of business applications that can be purchased and deployed without involving the IT department, the rapid adoption of video-based services, social media for business and the inexorable growth of big data and the Internet of Things (IoT). While much of this innovation is driven by the shift towards user-centric technology, IT departments are challenged by too much, too quickly; and are faced with growing complexity, increased risk and a lack of control or oversight. Here are some worrying stats about the explosive growth of shadow IT that is infiltrating organisations. In a 2016 publication, Gartner estimated that 37% of global IT is now outside of CIO oversight. This shadow IT takes many forms, from systems access via personal devices to public cloud applications and unlicensed file sharing and collaboration tools. (According to ESG, 70% of organisations suspect employees are using personal online file-sharing accounts without corporate approval). A report published by Cisco earlier this year cited that the number of public cloud services used by an organisation is up to 25 times greater than the number estimated by the IT department. This trend looks set to continue into the next decade as user-experience dominates adoption and line-of-business budget holders continue to seek business outcomes for their IT spend. This will put IT under even more pressure to deliver performance improvements and cost savings within an environment that is literally out of control. Some might say that the answer to addressing the shadow IT challenge lies in the Cloud. That relocating all essential data and applications to a Cloud environment will deliver the flexibility, accessibility and security required to deliver on both organisational and user objectives. This is easier said than done for many organisations. Yes, the Cloud does offer the type of iterative environment where innovation can thrive. However, moving to the Cloud is not something that can be done overnight. There may be certain processes and data sets that need to remain on-premise. There will almost certainly be a fixed asset value for your legacy IT that will need to be offset. The real answer lies somewhere in between the Cloud and on-premise. Hybrid IT is about optimising your infrastructure to deliver the greatest business value, whether it be old or new, physically located in your premises or in the Cloud. Each element of your infrastructure has a role to play, but not in isolation. Hybrid IT is also about seamless integration; combining on-premise, public and private Cloud to maximise performance, agility and cost-effectiveness. Alternatively, you can contact us on 01582 211530 or email [email protected].
Rapperswil-Jona é uma comuna da Suíça, situada no distrito de See-Gaster, no cantão de São Galo. Tem de área e sua população em 2018 foi estimada em 26.995 habitantes. Foi criada em 1 de janeiro de 2007, a partir da fusão das antigas comunas de Rapperswil e Jona. Comunas de São Galo (cantão)
The goal of this educational garden is to highlight the traditional uses of plants found in the Mackenzie Delta region. Using traditional knowledge from both the Inuvialuit and Gwich'in, we see that the plants are not just a part of the scenery: they are food, fuel, tools, medicine, and more. They are critical to life on the land. Ethnobotany is the study of the traditional knowledge and customs of a people concerning plants and their uses. In this garden you will find traditional names and knowledge from the Gwich'in and Inuvialuit perspectives regarding plants which span the traditional territories of both groups, and which helped them survive for millennia. While the garden features plants from a variety of local habitats, it is not meant to be a comprehensive collection of local species, but a representation of those plants which are the most common and important to the people of this area. The goal of this garden is to highlight the traditional uses of plants found in the Mackenzie Delta region. The space is meant to be used by visitors and residents alike, from the very young to the very wise. For those with limited access to the land, the garden features plants from a variety of local habitats: wet spruce forests, shrubby tundra, dry birch stands, and rocky outcrops. The garden highlights the traditional names and uses of these plants, and underscores the important connection between plants and people in this region. This has been a collaborative effort, from preparing the space, gathering and caring for the plant materials, developing the interpretive materials, and guiding groups through the educational garden – various community organizations and college programs have contributed to its success. Guided tours and classes are offered to visitors as well as local organizations such as daycares, school groups, college classes, and elder programs.
Leonardo, like many other Italian scientists and artists of his age, was extremely interested in city planning and urban design. He aimed to model an ideal city: comfortable, spacious and rational in its usage of resources, far away from the narrow, claustrophobic cities of the Middle Ages. The city is made of N blocks placed on an infinite grid of cells. Each cell is identified by a pair of coordinates (row, column). Given a cell (i, j), the adjacent cells are: (i - 1, j), (i + 1, j), (i, j - 1), and (i, j + 1). Each block, when placed onto the grid, covers exactly one of the cells. A block can be placed onto the cell (i, j) if and only if 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 231 - 2. We will use the coordinates of the cells to also refer to the blocks on top of them. Two blocks are adjacent if they are placed in adjacent cells. In an ideal city, all of its blocks are connected in such a way that there are no "holes" inside its border, that is, the cells must satisfy both conditions below. For any two empty cells, there exists at least one sequence of adjacent empty cells connecting them. For any two non-empty cells, there exists at least one sequence of adjacent non-empty cells connecting them. None of the configurations of blocks below represent an ideal city: the first two on the left do not satisfy the first condition, the third one does not satisfy the second condition, and the fourth one does not satisfy either of the conditions. When traversing the city, a hop indicates going from one block to an adjacent one. Empty cells cannot be traversed. Let v0, v1, …, vN-1 be the coordinates of the N blocks placed on the grid. For any two distinct blocks at coordinates vi and vj, their distance d(vi, vj) is the smallest number of hops that are required to go from one of these blocks to the other one. The configuration below represents an ideal city made of N = 11 blocks at coordinates v0 = (2, 5), v1 = (2, 6), v2 = (3, 3), v3 = (3, 6), v4 = (4, 3), v5 = (4, 4), v6 = (4, 5), v7 = (4, 6), v8 = (5, 3), v9 = (5, 4), and v10 = (5, 6). For example, d(v1, v3) = 1, d(v1, v8) = 6, d(v6, v10) = 2, and d(v9, v10) = 4. Specifically, you have to write a program that, given N and two arrays X and Y that describe the city, calculates the formula above. Both X and Y are of size N; block i is at coordinates (X[i], Y[i]) for 0 ≤ i ≤ N - 1, and 1 ≤ X[i], Y[i] ≤ 231 - 2. Since the result may be too big to be represented using 32 bits, you should report it modulo 1 000 000 000 (one billion). In Example 2, there are 11 × 10 / 2 = 55 pairs of blocks. The sum of all the pairwise distances is 174. lines 2, …, N + 1: X[i], Y[i]. You may assume that N ≤ 200. You may assume that N ≤ 2 000. You may assume that N ≤ 100 000. Additionally, the following two conditions hold: given any two non-empty cells i and j such that X[i] = X[j], every cell between them is non-empty too; given any two non-empty cells i and j such that Y[i] = Y[j], every cell between them is non-empty too.
US Afghan Policy America the Egocentric Zhou Xiaoming, Former Deputy Permanent Representative of China's Mission to the UN Office in Geneva The world should thank Joe Biden for being straight about the aim of the America's intervention in Afghanistan. It's yet another wake-up call that reveals the truth about America's approach to foreign policy. Uncle Sam will always be for himself. U.S. Foreign PolicyUS Afghan PolicyU.S.-EU RelationsGeopolitics China, U.S. Must Meet Halfway Fu Xiaoqiang, Vice President, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations Everyone hopes to see the world's two major powers coordinate and support each other in guiding Afghanistan toward the future. They need to come to grips with issues that separate them and present a united front. Together, they should help Afghanistan move on from the chaos of war. China-Afghanistan RelationsUS Afghan PolicyRegional SecurityAfghanistan Terror and the Taliban Fawaz A. Gerges, Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics By hastily withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan, US President Joe Biden has made a grave mistake, or so many argue. US Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, for example, has called the Taliban's swift takeover of the country an "even worse sequel to the humiliating fall of Saigon in 1975." That sequel, top US generals, conservatives, and even some liberals predict, will be characterized by the resurgence of transnational terrorism. AfghanistanUS Afghan PolicyCounter-TerrorismRegional SecurityISISGeopolitics Understanding the U.S. Debacle Sun Chenghao, Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University Many challenges lie ahead in China-U.S. relations with regard to Afghanistan. The U.S. will most likely perceive any Chinese policies as an effort to gain the upper hand in geopolitical competition. Meanwhile, China is concerned that the chaos could spill over into Central Asia. AfghanistanUS Afghan PolicyU.S. Foreign PolicyChina-Afghanistan RelationsRegional SecurityCounter-TerrorismGeopolitics America's Ignoble Retreat Shen Yamei, Director, Department for American Studies, China Institute of International Studies The lack of self-reflection in the United States over the haphazard retreat from Afghanistan is nothing short of stunning. President Joe Biden's plummeting approval ratings, a fourth wave of the pandemic, inflation and southern border security could combine to wreak havoc for Democrats in the coming midterm elections. AfghanistanUS Afghan PolicyRegional SecurityGeopolitics Opportunity in Afghanistan? Zha Daojiong, Professor, Peking University The withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan is not as much of a game-changer for China as some may think. The Afghan people ferociously defend their sovereignty against foreign incursions, and future complications cannot be ruled out. AfghanistanRegional SecurityGeopoliticsCounter-TerrorismChina-Afghanistan RelationsUS Afghan Policy Strategic Failure in Afghanistan How to deal with the fast-moving political changes is a shared challenge for China and the United States. But the Biden administration needs to learn one obvious lesson, and quickly: The world does not work the way America thinks it does. AfghanistanChina-Afghanistan RelationsUS Afghan PolicyRegional SecurityCounter-Terrorism End of an American Mindset Zhang Yun, Associate Professor, National Niigata University in Japan Over the past 20 years, an over-reliance on military power has failed to bring the U.S. anywhere near resolving international conflicts. Now, with the U.S. defeat in Afghanistan, counterterrorism thinking has been defeated as well. Diplomacy must take its place. Counter-TerrorismAfghanistanChina-Afghanistan RelationsUS Afghan PolicyRegional Security As U.S. Prepares Exit from Afghanistan, China Seeks to Establish Stability and Secure Investments Sampson Oppedisano, Executive Assistant to the Dean, The Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy After two decades, the United States' war in Afghanistan is finally coming to an end in late August. Though he is defending his decision, President Joe Bi AfghanistanChina-Afghanistan RelationsUS Afghan PolicyRegional SecurityGeopolitics War and Peace in Afghanistan Su Jingxiang, Fellow, China Institutes for Contemporary International Relations How things turn out will be a reflection of the success or failure of the U.S. Eurasian strategy. America aims to benefit geopolitically from continued turmoil in Afghanistan, but a common commitment to regional stability and peace by China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran can counter it. China-Afghanistan RelationsUS Afghan PolicyRegional SecurityGeopolitics < 123 > Total 29 (10 / Page)
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Do you believe that feelings of abandonment are coming from others abandoning you – or do they come from self-abandonment? When we think about abandonment, we generally think about being left by someone. But abandonment is about leaving someone we are responsible for – a child or an old or sick person who cannot take care of themselves and whom we have agreed to take care of. As a healthy adult, another adult can leave you, but they cannot abandon you, since they likely have not agreed to be responsible for you. It might seem strange to you, but, as a healthy adult, when you feel abandoned by someone, it is not actually about them. It is about having abandoned yourself. Most people don't think about how they abandon themselves because they don't recognize that they are responsible for themselves – physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, relationally and organizationally. Sometimes we abandon ourselves in one area and take responsibility for ourselves in another area. For example, you might work hard to make a good living and have learned how to manage your money, which means that you are taking financial responsibility. But you might be abandoning yourself physically by eating poorly, not getting exercise and not getting enough sleep. When this is the case, you are physically abandoning yourself. Or perhaps you take organizational responsibility by being on time and keeping your environment neat and clean, but you abandon yourself relationally by giving yourself up and/or not speaking up for yourself. One of the most common ways that many people abandon themselves is emotionally. Most people don't realize that they are responsible for learning to lovingly manage their feelings. Few of us had good role models for managing our painful feelings in ways that support our highest good. Instead, we learned many dysfunctional ways of avoiding our feelings. How often are you aware of judging yourself? Do you tell yourself that you are not good enough, that you are a failure, that you are stupid, or ugly or bad? I don't think I've ever counseled a person who didn't judge their self in some ways. Do you spend most of your awake time thinking, being unaware of your feelings? Is thinking a way you've learned to avoid feeling your feelings? Have you learned to turn to various addictions to avoid feeling your feelings? Do you indulge in substances, activities or various forms of controlling behavior to avoid your feelings? Do you look to others for the attention and approval that you are not giving to yourself? Do you then try to control them with anger, judgment, compliance, withdrawal or resistance, in order to get them to give you want you want? The problem with emotionally abandoning yourself in any of these ways is that you are bypassing your entire inner guidance system. For example, do you know how you feel when you abandon yourself? Most people feel anxious, depressed, empty, alone, guilty, shamed and/or angry when they abandon themselves, but they rarely connect these feelings with their self-abandonment. Instead, they believe they feel this way due to something external. If you start to tune into how you feel when you judge yourself, or when you are in your head thinking rather than being present in your body, or you are acting out addictively or making others responsible for you, you will discover how awful you are making yourself feel. You will discover that your feelings of anxiety, depression, emptiness, aloneness, guilt, shame, abandonment or anger are letting you know that you are abandoning yourself. Do you want to know this? If you do, make a decision to start learning from your feelings, rather than avoiding them. You will discover that when you learn to take emotional responsibility, it becomes far easier to take personal responsibility in all other areas of your life. You will discover that when you start to learn from your feelings, rather than continue to avoid them, your entire life will change for the better.
Smart Home & Smart Device Reviews Home Theater Reviews Comic/Book Reviews App/Software Reviews Fitness & Health Reviews Furniture Reviews Gadget & Toy Reviews Smart Home & Smart Devices iOS Gaming As Seen On Newsweek Contact Us/Tips Techaeris YouTubers vs. record labels: How to stay creative and avoid a copystrike By Techaeris According to YouTube's Community Guidelines, creators are not allowed to feature music from other artists without their consent. This is a guest post, thoughts, and opinions expressed here are those of its authors and do not reflect on Techaeris or its staff. Back in the day before YouTube was an online entertainment giant, creating and uploading a video was a matter of pure, random, harmless fun. And while not all pre-Google YouTube videos aged well, veteran creators can agree that guidelines were much more flexible, and they could post almost everything they wanted. But, in time, the more the Internet changed, and YouTube evolved with it, they had to tighten their terms of service to avoid copyright violations and achieve a balance between user and brand-friendliness. On paper, all of these changes sound great, but in practice, many creators complain that YouTube's automated copystrike system favors record labels and takes down their videos unfairly. According to YouTube's Community Guidelines, creators are not allowed to feature music from other artists without their consent. If they do, they receive a warning the first time, but the penalties can get even harsher. YouTube also uses Content ID to match newly uploaded content against YouTube's existing library, and, if it finds a match, it sends an alert both to the owner of the original content and the one who uploaded it improperly. The actions that YouTube takes here can be even more harsh. In essence, they can take down the video without notice, mute the video, or also direct the revenue from the video to the original owner. As many online creators have complained, YouTube's system is far from accurate, and the claims are too aggressive. For example, MrBeast complained that he lost five figures on a video just because he said the lyric "livin' on a prayer," and James Charles said that one of his videos was claimed because he sang an a cappella parody of a song. Hundreds of other creators have complained that videos posted months back were also claimed because a small part of a song was caught on camera while they were vlogging, or because they simply hummed a tune. MrBeast and James Charles are big YouTubers who have lucrative businesses behind their channels. Still, for small content creators that are now trying to push through, repeated claims can have devastating financial consequences. It's also unfair because not everyone who gets a copystrike intended to break YouTube's guidelines. The general sentiment among the YouTube community is pretty negative, and there isn't too much hope that the platform will ever value individual creators over big companies. They have, however, found new ways to cope with the guidelines and avoid copyright claims as much as possible. YouTube's Audio Library vs. specialized music sites Music and sound effects are vital elements in a good YouTube video. They can help you make your video more compelling and express your ideas in a better way when simple words aren't enough. A sound effect or part of a song can make an awesome punchline and even serve as an educational tool. YouTube isn't just about vlogs and challenge videos. Many educators use music in YouTube videos to help people learn, and copyright claims can become problematic. For example, a creator who does guitar tutorials will inevitably use popular songs. When record labels claim all their revenue or the content gets blocked in some regions, that can be discouraging. YouTube does offer a solution via its Audio Library, which includes a wide variety of songs that creators can add when editing their videos. Now, these songs are free to use, but many creators complain that just a few of them are genuinely royalty-free and don't ask anything in return. Most of them require attribution or allow YouTube to place ads in the video. For small YouTubers, who may not know all the ins and outs of video editing and copyright law, these terms can be confusing and restricting. For obvious reasons, not using any sounds at all in a video isn't a good idea either. According to melodyloops.com, songs and sound effects can make a video more compelling, more comfortable to watch, and generate more likes and shares. You can't add sounds randomly either because the video can miss its mark and become awkward to watch. Another problem with YouTube's audio library is that too many people use it, and some songs, especially the royalty-free ones, are also ubiquitous. Have you ever recognized one YouTuber's intro music from another YouTuber's vlog? You probably did, and, unfortunately, this isn't a good thing for creators. As a small channel, you have to constantly try to stand out and make your unique content known to the Internet. And you may have a creative voice, but when the background music you use is featured on dozens of other channels, that weakens your personal brand. To avoid this problem, big YouTubers turn to music from specialized websites, which have huge libraries for every type of content. You can find everything from quirky sound effects and atmospheric tunes to epic trailer music, and once you buy a song, it's yours to use without restrictions. Another solution that YouTubers have found is to reach out to independent artists directly and get permission from them, supporting their work and not having to deal with greedy record labels. A surprising helping hand from AI We don't really associate AI with creativity, especially not with something as profoundly creative as songwriting, but this technology is more sophisticated than we thought. Ever since the mid-1990s, when David Bowie helped Apple create the Verbasizer, there were signs that artificial intelligence has music-making potential. And today, this is possible. Finding background music for a video shouldn't take longer than creating a video. Tired of this struggle, YouTuber Taryn Southern decided to experiment and use software to generate music for her weekly videos. And the results weren't as awkward as she expected. They were so good, in fact, that she continued to rely on this option for her YouTube channel, and, in 2018, she even released a music album produced entirely by AI. How is this possible? Well, artificial intelligence has come a long way, and software can use machine learning to understand the topic of a video and generate appropriate music for it. So, for example, if you're making a video on mindfulness and meditation, it will create something calm and soothing, whereas if you're reviewing gear for some outdoor activity, it might suggest something more dynamic and upbeat. The result won't always be a masterpiece, and in no way does it threaten the careers of human artists. It won't always rise to the occasion either because this AI software, like YouTube's Content ID, doesn't pick up sarcasm and other nuances in natural speech perfectly. However, the technology is definitely promising, and we'll most likely be seeing more YouTubers use it in the future to avoid copyright claims. What do you think of getting a copystrike? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter, or Facebook. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network. *We use revenue-generating affiliate links and may earn a commission for purchases made using them. Read more on our disclaimer page. Related Items:Copyright, copyright trolls, featured, technology, YouTube, YouTube Channel Emerging technologies for sustainable supply chains and greener manufacturing Best of CES 2021: Samsung 110″ MicroLED, Razer Blade Pro 17, LG 27GP950, and more [CES 2021] Samsung announces Galaxy S21 series Amazon Electronics Gift Guide Amazon Deals! Working from home unexpectedly? Startech.com has accessories to help How to keep your devices protected to prevent identity theft About Techaeris Techaeris was founded in 2013 by Alex Hernandez who is the Editor-In-Chief and Owner. Techaeris is fast becoming your new source for technology news, technology reviews and all things geek/nerd entertainment related. We cover movies, comics, books, gaming, tech and industry news all in one clean place. [CES 2021] ViewSonic debuts new monitors and projectors ViewSonic's latest displays were designed to perform with next-generation gaming, hardware and applications to... The new Denon Home Sound Bar 550 features Dolby Atmos, DTS:X and HEOS Listeners can also stream high-resolution music from their favorite music services or local music... These technologies will allow you to utilize green manufacturing and create more sustainable supply... [CES 2021] New LG Ultra monitors for gamers, creators, and professionals From immersive gaming to professional-level productivity and performance, LG's cutting-edge Ultra monitors have what... New on Netflix January 15-21: Anthony Mackie in Outside the Wire Set in the future, a drone pilot is sent into a deadly militarized zone... featured technology Android Mobile Xbox One Google Apple Business IOS Review tech Samsung Security Reviews iphone Playstation 4 Audio gaming Microsoft Netflix movies entertainment Lenovo Smartphone Marvel Games Amazon Headphones TV Windows 10 Privacy Kickstarter Forza Facebook Bluetooth Xbox auto music Sony Xbox 360 © 2013-2020 MagnaAquila Media. All Rights Reserved.
As you can probably tell, we really enjoy our avant-garde. We dedicated a whole week to it, and many of the writers here, this one included, have countless favorites. One of the bands that many of us really enjoy, however, is Norwegian blackjazz avant-garde specialists Shining. Their last album, 2010's Blackjazz, completely blew us away, and their live DVD that followed was every bit as good. However, it's been nearly three years since the band have put out a new studio record, and the question remained: how could they possibly top such a phenomenal record? One One One is every bit heavy as it is catchy. From track one, which became the first single, to the closer 'Paint The Sky Black', this record has everything you could ever want. At first, the appearance of songs around three to four minutes long may scare some of you. Gone are the tripped-out musical journeys, such as 'Blackjazz Deathtrance', and in its place there are catchy songs. If black metal went pop, this record would be definitive. However, the lack of long experimental songs is completely fine; each song on this record is just long enough to become imprinted in your memory. The sheer catchiness that is exemplified on this record is really a testament to how well these guys can run the gamut as far as style goes. It may seem as if these songs were fabricated as some sort of ruse to break into the mainstream, when it is actually quite the opposite, further solidifying them as one of the best, and most interesting, metal bands out there. Another thing to note is the overall sound from this record. Jørgen's voice cuts through the mix like a knife, but is well-placed in relation to everything else. You can definitely tell that this album is every bit as collective as before, perhaps even more. Whereas before it seemed that they just wanted to see how far they could take this shift in sound, on this record they kind of pulled back on the experimentation and went ahead with the hooks, which there are plenty of throughout this record. This record is hook city. Each song has one, and they're all fantastic. A personal favorite is the main riff of "Off The Hook', which is really fun and bouncy, and sounds like something that Shining would never write, but they did. The best part about this record? Each songs has a definitive chorus, and it's going to make their live shows that much better. Hopefully they tour stateside soon so that we can all go and bask in their Norwegian, blackjazz glory. It's not to say that this album is devoid of all forms of experimentation, however. There's a crazy sax solo in "I Won't Forget', sax on the opening part of 'How Your Story Ends', there's some off-time riffs here and there. This record is one giant experiment: to see whether or not the fans like their short and sweet route as much as the experimental, prog-laden route. Even the garish bright orange artwork is an experiment (it gets a bit much at times). They said they did it to reflect their experience with recording in California, which is all well and fun, but a smaller dose would have sufficed. However, the simplicity of the artwork is also captivating; it leaves a lot to the imagination for virgin ears that have yet to behold the magic of Shining, and gives them no reason to say no. One One One is going to end up on many different year-end lists, and for good reason. It's one of the best metal albums to come out this year, and it's also the most memorable. All of the hooks on this record are enough to last you another few years until they decide to release another great record. This record is not only a step forward, but also a step in the right direction. There's no telling what else this band is capable of in the future, and here's to hoping nothing but great things happen to them! Baroness Are Going Back On Tour!
Community Health Speaker Series: Featuring Dr. Louise Aronson Free Community Health Lecture, Thursday February 9th 2023 New York Times Bestselling author of "Elderhood" Dr. Louise Aronson is coming to Salem, Oregon on February 9th 2023 to talk about how to be an advocate through the life stage of Elderhood. Geriatrician and expert on aging, Dr. Aronson will illuminate how we look at aging, how we think and feel about medicine, and what it means to be a human being across this lifespan. Reserve your FREE TICKET for this event at https://communityhealthspeaker.eventbrite.com Doors Open at 6:15 pm. No Assigned Seating. Community Health Speaker Series: Feat... Thursday February 9th, 2023 7:00 - 8:30 pm Hudson Hall, Mary Stuart Rogers Music Center 900 State Street Salem, OR 97301 Free (Please reserve ticket in advance) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-health-speaker-series-featuring-dr-louise-aronson-tickets-432 Jill Munger Salem Health Foundation [email protected]
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The Consulate hosted on March 24th, the non-profit organization, K9s4COPS, for the donation of a 18 months-shepherd malinois to the number 2 of the RAID, Eric Heip and in the presence of Colonel Benoît Ferrand, member of the GIGN. After the death of the dog Diesel in the assault of Saint-Denis on 18th November, the K9s4COPS association decided to donate "Liberté", prepared and trained to participate in RAID interventions. Find all the pictures of the event on Flickr.
First Generic Naloxone Nasal Spray Gets FDA Approval Steve Duffy Naloxone nasal spray does not require assembly and delivers a measured dose. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted final approval for the first generic version of Narcan (naloxone hydrochloride nasal spray; Adapt Pharma) to Teva Pharmaceuticals. The Agency had granted tentative approval to the Company's Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) in June 2018. Naloxone hydrochloride reverses the effects of opioids, including respiratory depression, sedation, and hypotension. In a statement announcing today's approval, the FDA outlined steps to prioritize the review of additional generic applications "for products intended to treat opioid overdose." In addition, the agency is continuing to take action to facilitate the creation of an over-the-counter (OTC) naloxone product. Although approved naloxone formulations have instructions for use in the product labeling, they do not have a consumer-friendly Drug Facts label (DFL), a requirement for OTC products. Novel Treatment for Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder Gets Breakthrough Status From FDA New Tool Helps Alert the Public to Unlawfully Marketed Dietary Supplement Ingredients New-Onset Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy Linked to Gabapentin Use To expedite the approval of life-saving naloxone products, the FDA will grant priority review to all ANDAs for products indicated for the emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdoses. "All together, these efforts have the potential to put a vital tool for combating opioid overdose in the hands of those who need it most – friends and families of opioid users, as well as first responders and community-based organizations," said Douglas Throckmorton, MD, deputy center director for regulatory programs in the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. For more information visit FDA.gov. This article originally appeared on MPR Endocrine Society Supports European Parliament's Call for Endocrine-Disrupting Chemical Regulation Close more info about First Generic Naloxone Nasal Spray Gets FDA Approval
Tags CBS TAG: CBS D. Bevers - January 17, 2020 0 CBS Entertainment has released the Official Synopsis of FBI: Most Wanted episode "Caesar" (1.04) that will be aired on Tuesday, January 28 at 10:00-11:00... CBS Entertainment has released the Official Synopsis of FBI: Most Wanted episode "Hairtrigger" (1.03) that will be aired on Tuesday, January 21 at 10:00-11:00... CBS Entertainment has released the Official Synopsis of FBI episode "Studio Gangster" (2.14) that will be aired on Tuesday, January 28 at 09:00-10:00 PM. OFFICIAL... CBS reveals Official Synopsis of MacGyver episode Fire + Ashes + Legacy = Phoenix CBS Entertainment has released the Official Synopsis of MacGyver episode "Fire + Ashes + Legacy = Phoenix" (4.01) that will be aired on Friday,... CBS reveals Official Synopsis of Magnum P.I. episode A Game of Cat and Mouse CBS Entertainment has released the Official Synopsis of Magnum P.I. episode "A Game of Cat and Mouse" (2.14) that will be aired on Friday,... CBS released Promotional Photos of FBI: Most Wanted episode Hairtrigger CBS Entertainment has released six Promotional Photos of FBI: Most Wanted episode "Hairtrigger" (1.03) that will be aired on Tuesday, January 21 at 10:00-11:00... CBS reveals Official Synopsis of All Rise episode What the Bailiff Saw CBS Entertainment has released the Official Synopsis of All Rise episode "What the Bailiff Saw" (1.13) that will be aired on Monday, January 20... CBS released Promotional Photos of FBI episode Hard Decisions CBS Entertainment has released twenty-five Promotional Photos of FBI episode "Hard Decisions" (2.12) that will be aired on Tuesday, January 14 at 09:00-10:00 PM. Get... CBS reveals Official Synopsis of S.W.A.T. episode Ekitai Rashku CBS Entertainment has released the Official Synopsis of S.W.A.T. episode "Ekitai Rashku" (3.13) that will be aired on Wednesday, January 29 at 10:00-11:00 PM. Portions... CBS reveals Official Synopsis of FBI episode Payback CBS Entertainment has released the Official Synopsis of FBI episode "Payback" (2.13) that will be aired on Tuesday, January 21 at 09:00-10:00 PM. Guest Stars... CBS released Promotional Photos of God Friended Me episode BFF CBS Entertainment has released thirty-five Promotional Photos of God Friended Me episode "BFF" (2.12) that will be aired on Sunday, January 12 at 8:00-9:00... CBS released Promotional Photos of Hawaii Five-0 episode There was a Lull, and Then the Wind Began to Blow About CBS Entertainment has released nine Promotional Photos of Hawaii Five-0 episode "There was a Lull, and Then the Wind Began to Blow About" (10.14)... CBS reveals Official Synopsis of Hawaii Five-0 episode There was a Lull, and Then the Wind Began to Blow About CBS Entertainment has released the Official Synopsis of Hawaii Five-0 episode "There was a Lull, and Then the Wind Began to Blow About" (10.14)... CBS reveals Official Synopsis of NCIS episode Sound Off CBS Entertainment has released the Official Synopsis of NCIS episode "Sound Off" (17.13) that will be aired on Tuesday, January 21 at 08:00-09:00 PM. OFFICIAL...
[email protected] Madhukamal Lifestyle Creating a sense of distinction A new real estate company from Belagavi was about to come up with its signature project and called upon us to help them define their offering. The easy option was to do what was prevalent in the market, where a brand led approach was hard to find. But the vision differed and it called for a different approach. The founder through his offering wanted to build a legacy, one that would create a sense of distinction and generate preference amongst his audience. He had already developed the project keeping in mind the minutest of details and ensured that the product is better than what was offered in the market. Care was taken to bring in a sense of lifestyle into the design and amenities offered as he wanted to be synonymous with being the provider of 'lifestyle'. He had set his benchmark high and we had to represent his vision through our work. CONTEMPORARY YET EMOTIONAL The name 'Madhukamal' represented the first names of the founder's parents and therefore brought in a strong sense of emotion into it. We strongly believed that by retaining the value resonance we could surely create a contemporary rendition which could depict lifestyle. The form was created to replicate a solid 'M' that stood for confidence and determination, while the 'lotus' inspired motif brought in the values, emotions and the aspect of relationships. The design language was further created to bring in a sense of balance and design. 'Crafting legacies' was again a positioning that resonated with the higher objective and reinforced the vision this company wanted to pursue. It was more than commerce, it was about setting new benchmarks. The design language was carried forward across all the collaterals and brand touch points. It was subsequently extended to communication design and messaging across various platforms. 'New can also be different' is the objective that was achieved and this exercise gave the company the head start they needed to make the most of the opportunity.
Saturday, 16 January 2021 10:19:45 pm Пребарување за EuropeEurope.PortalSvet.Slajder Moscow to begin mass vaccinations against coronavirus within days Moscow will this weekend begin mass vaccinations against the novel coronavirus for at-risk individuals, particularly medical workers and teachers, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Thursday. Silvana Kochovska 4 December 2020 9:14 Moscow, 4 December 2020 (dpa/MIA) – Moscow will this weekend begin mass vaccinations against the novel coronavirus for at-risk individuals, particularly medical workers and teachers, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Thursday. "In the coming weeks, as large quantities of the vaccine arrive, this list will be expanded," Sobyanin said in a statement on his website. Individuals were to begin making appointments for the mass vaccination drive from Friday, according to the statement. The vaccinations will begin on Saturday. Russia's capital and largest city, Moscow, has been the epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak in the country. Russia has recorded more than 2.3 million cases of the virus, the world's fourth-largest caseload. Russia's state-developed Sputnik V vaccine, introduced in August, was the world's first to be approved by a government for widespread use against the coronavirus. The vaccine, endorsed by officials while it was still undergoing clinical trials, has courted controversy among the international scientific community amid questions of whether it was sufficiently tested. The vaccine's producer has said it has shown an efficacy rate above 90 per cent without significant side effects. About 40,000 people were said to be participating in the trial run. Russia reported on Thursday another single-day record of new coronavirus cases, 28,145, amid a surge in recent months, according to a federal monitoring service that provides daily statistics. Russia's two largest cities, Moscow and St Petersburg, have been toughening restrictions intended to prevent the spread of the virus during the holiday season. "We are lowering the city's attractiveness to tourists," St Petersburg Vice Governor Yevgeny Yelin said in comments carried by the Russian news agency Interfax on Thursday. St Petersburg's historic city centre with its picturesque canals have made it a popular domestic tourist destination for New Year, Russia's most widely celebrated holiday, a legacy of the secular Soviet Union. St Petersburg has ordered restaurants and bars to close by 7 pm from December 25 to 29, and close completely from December 30 to January 3, Interfax reported, citing the city's administration. Russia's largest city and capital, Moscow, has ordered restaurants and bars to close by 11 pm and advised residents to avoid going to large public events. Masks must be worn in all crowded public areas. Sobyanin announced on Wednesday that even outdoor ice-skating rinks in Moscow would have to comply with precautions on preventing large crowds. Indonesia's Semeru volcano spews gas; nearby residents on alert Trump retreats from his job, and Pence fills the void Armin Laschet to become Merkel's successor Interior watchdog to examine Jan. 6 Capitol riot, events before India begins world's biggest Covid-19 vaccination drive Pentagon: Goal met of cutting troop levels in Afghanistan and Iraq Провери го и ова Covid-19: 361 new cases, 14,461 active, 2,116 recoveries, 14 deaths nationwide Pendarovski: EU is the right direction as we need political experience and democratic values Our Action Plan contains no identity markers, Bulgarian response reiterates their old positions, Pendarovski tells MIA EXPLORE MIA MIA Featured Articles National Correspondents About MIA | Our Team | Terms of Use for www.mia.mk | Privacy policy | Marketing | Write Us This material may not be stored, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in any form, except with the prior express permission of Media Information Agency. Every intrusion and abuse of MIA website is penalized in line with Articles 251 and 251a of the Criminal Code of the Republic of North Macedonia. Legal consultant and representative: Lawyer Slagjana Serafimova. MIA © 2018, All Rights Reserved | UNET ISO Politics
Maine Politics Political Brew Jury awards $4.5M for sex abuse that happened in Maine 3 decades ago NEWS CENTER Maine Weather Forecast Portland, ME » Voice of the Voter Feed Maine Vaccine Info Maine's Changing Climate Tracking Ticks NCM Jobs WCSH Closing Registration WLBZ Closing Registration Project Heat Coats and Toys for Kids Dempsey Challenge Maine's electricity prices rank 11th-highest in the country Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration show that Maine customers pay an average of 13.02 cents per kilowatt hour. Author: Chris Costa Published: 1/9/2019 4:30:27 PM Updated: 9:57 AM EST January 10, 2019 Maine's average price for electricity ranks it 11th highest in the country, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. In New England, Maine's average price per kWh was the lowest: Connecticut: 17.55 cents per kWh Massachusetts: 17.12 Rhode Island: 16.42 New Hampshire: 16.17 Vermont: 14.60 Maine: 13.02 In Maine, electricity generation (supply) and transmission (delivery) are two different services. The major companies that handle delivery are Central Maine Power and Emera Maine. There are more than 70 options for suppliers, including well-known companies such as C.N. Brown Electric or Giroux Oil Service Company. Customers can buy electricity supply from one of these companies. If they do not choose one of these companies, they receive the "standard offer." The standard offer is the rate that the Public Utilities Commission puts out for bids by other big electricity companies, such as NextEra or New Brunswick Power. This year, the standard offer is about nine cents per kilowatt hour for Central Maine Power customers. It is about 8.4 cents for Emera Maine customers. Harry Lanphear with the PUC said that there is one common misconception: that CMP or Emera Maine is supplying the electricity, and getting paid for it. He said that is not true. It is simply a pass-through. The customers purchase the power through the larger companies, and CMP and Emera show that price on their bills. CMP and Emera are compensated for doing the billing on behalf of these companies, according to Lanphear. Jobs at WCSH Jobs at WLBZ © 2023 NEWS CENTER Maine. All Rights Reserved. WCSH would like to send you push notifications about the latest news and weather.
A few days after a viral infection, countless killer cells swarm out to track down and kill infected body cells. In this way, they are highly effective at preventing pathogens from being able to spread further. An international research team has now explained an important mechanism behind building this army. The work under the aegis of the University of Bonn is published in the journalImmunity. Killer cells — called cytotoxic T cells in the technical jargon — are somewhat like a well-trained police dog: as long as they don't know that an infection is currently spreading somewhere in the body, they behave peacefully. They only become active and multiply when forensics rubs a "piece of property" of the pathogen under their nose. Only then do they head out to destroy the intruder. The role of forensics is assumed by the dendritic cells. They patrol around the clock and keep a lookout for molecules that should not actually be inside the body. When they make a find, they present the foreign molecule on their surface. Then they wait for a killer cell, to which they can show their find. Could You Have a Fractured Bone? Any crack or break in a bone is considered to be a fractured bone. Although auto accidents are a common cause of fractured bones, most fractures actually occur inside the home. The most common fractured bone in children is an arm bone, because kids hold out their arms when they fall. For people over age 65 who fall, the most common fractures are hip, spine, arm, and leg fractures. Fractured bone symptoms depend on what bone is fractured and the type of break you experience, from a stress fracture in the shin or a compression fracture in the spine. The shin bone is the most commonly broken long bone in the body, but fractured leg symptoms from the shin bone can range from mild swelling to a bone actually sticking out through the skin. Onions Make Us Cry|Why ? For some people, slicing a raw onion is no big deal, but for others, it causes a stinging reaction that results in tears and mild discomfort. What's to blame for this teary reaction? Enzymes in the onion that release a pungent gas when you slice into it, and when the gas comes into contact with your eyes, it forms sulfuric acid, which is responsible for that telltale stinging sensation. "The more pungent the onion is, the more likely it will make you tear up," says Irwin Goldman, PhD, department chair and professor of horticulture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. That means that yellow onions popular in cooking are the biggest culprits, and sweet, mild Vidalia onions are the least likely to trigger tears. Luckily, onions are the only type of vegetable that cause this crying reaction, because of their unique sulfur compounds. Primary care doctors should be selective in offering lifestyle-change behavioral programs aimed at preventing cardiovascular disease (CVD) to healthy patients who have unhealthy habits, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended. "Although the correlation among healthful diet, physical activity, and the incidence of CVD is strong, existing evidence indicates that the health benefit of initiating behavioral counseling in the primary care setting to promote a healthful diet and physical activity is small," according to Virginia Moyer, MD, MPH, and other USPSTF members writing online in Annals of Internal Medicine. "Clinicians may choose to selectively counsel patients rather than incorporate counseling into the care of all adults in the general population," they concluded. The recommendations applied to what the task force called "medium- or high-intensity behavioral counseling interventions in the primary care setting," not to simple, brief advice to exercise more and cut back on ice cream. Medium-intensity programs were those that involved from 31 minutes to 6 hours of direct patient contact. Interventions with more than 6 hours of contact were considered high-intensity. Analysis of a large prospective study of more than 400,000 people found that men who drank four to five cups of coffee daily reduced their risk of death over a 13-year period by 12 percent, while women's risk dropped by 16 percent, according to Neal Freedman, PhD, of the National Cancer Institute, and colleagues. The inverse associations were seen for deaths due to heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, injuries and accidents, diabetes, and infections, but not for deaths due to cancer, the researchers found. On the other hand, a suite of other behaviors that often go hand-in-hand with coffee drinking – smoking, lack of exercise, and poor diet – usually combine to mask the benefit, the researchers noted in the May 17 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine. Freedman and colleagues cautioned that the study could not prove that coffee is good for you. "It may be that there's something that goes along with coffee-drinking that's affecting our results that we couldn't take into account in our analysis," Freedman toldMedPage Today. Zebras evolved from all black to striped in order to repel insects that distract them from feeding, a new study contends. Researchers from Hungary and Sweden said that zebras' black and white stripes are the least-attractive hide pattern to disease-carrying bloodsuckers known as tabanids or more commonly, horseflies. The researchers found that horseflies are drawn to horizontally polarized light resembling reflections from water. They explained that this is how insects find areas of water where they can lay their eggs. Female horseflies also use the light reflected from animals' hides, particularly black hides, to detect their victims, the study noted. The study, published online in the March issue of the Journal of Experimental Biology, pointed out that as embryos, zebras start out with dark skin. They go on to develop their white stripes before birth. The researchers suggested this was an evolutionary adaptation to help them avoid bug bites. A federal judge ruled Monday that the new U.S. health-care reform law is unconstitutional, saying the federal government has no authority to require citizens to buy health insurance. That provision is a cornerstone of the new legislation, signed into law in March by President Barack Obama. The judge's decision was not unexpected, and both supports and opponents of the legislation anticipate the validity of the new health law ultimately will be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. The ruling was handed down by U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson, a Republican appointed by President George W. Bush who had seemed sympathetic to the state of Virginia's case when oral arguments were heard in October, the Associated Press reported. Last week, White House officials said a negative ruling would not affect the implementation of the law because its major provisions don't take effect until 2014, the AP reported.
Download Audio SotJ_007_Hedonism_and_the_Flesh.mp3 As I finished my last program I was listing some of the characteristic that distinguish the arational, non-reflective animal mind from the rational, reflective human mind. Before proceeding with the rest of my analysis, let me review some key concepts that I have already established in previous talks. First, the word "sin', as used in the New Testament of the Bible, comes from a Greek word, used by Greek archers, which means, "to miss the target or mark". This implies that behavior has a rational, logical end and that when we miss that target or end, we sin. Therefore, sin was defined in the Baltimore catechism as " an offense against the will of God" meaning that God, as a rational being, made things with a purpose in mind and that when we ignore or violate that purpose, we sin against His Will. Second, Jesus, according to the teachings of the Church, is the Wisdom, mentioned in Proverbs 8 and other proverbs, who created the universe in accordance with the Will of His Father. As this Divine Wisdom, He is the source of all Natural Laws in the universe as well as the moral laws that govern human behavior. Because of this, His role is one of judgment since He must evaluate whether the universe in general and humans in particular are acting in accordance with these laws. Thus, in John 5:22 Jesus says "the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son." Later on, I will talk about the significance of this in light of modern psychological findings. Third, the role of Jesus, or Wisdom, is to lead human beings out of the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light. Therefore, His role is one of salvation, not condemnation. In the Bible, light and darkness are used to refer to mental states associated with ignorance and understanding. Thus, the Kingdom of Darkness is ruled by the devil who is pictured in art as half man and half animal possessing horns, a tail, and cloven feet, and he is also called "the Father of All Lies" The Kingdom of Light, on the other hand, is ruled by Jesus, the Incarnate Wisdom of God, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, which suggest that Truth is the Way out of Mental Darkness towards the "fullness of life." Fourth, Jesus is also referred to in John I as the Word that was used to create the universe. This Gospel was originally written in Greek and in Greek, Word is spelled LOGOS or logos. From this word we get the word Logic and all of the sciences are based on it. Thus, we have bioLOGY, anthropoLOGY, socioLOGY, pharmacoLOGY, etc.... . This implies that there is an intimate connection between the LOGOS of God, who is Jesus, and all of our sciences. Fifth, according to Proverbs I, sinners, who are "missing the target or mark" of wise behavior will "reap" the consequences of their stupidity because they would not listen to Wisdom attempt to instruct them. This implies that any punishment connected to sin is built into the consequences of the sin and not by any vindictive motive of God's. Stupid behavior leads to stupid results. Sixth, this suggests that Jesus, or Wisdom, saves people from the punishment due to sin by enlightening them and releasing the necessary graces to empower them to "repent and reform." As long as people continue in doing their sins, the consequences or punishment connected to the sin will continue to result. That is why the Bible says, "You will reap what you sow." Seventh, this being true, people who believe that they can continue sinning and then be saved by some magic formulae of faith without reform are deluding themselves. The only way to be saved from the punishment of sin is to stop doing it. Eighth, the Church talks about the "reparation of sin" because it realizes that "sin" is a disorder in our world that interferes with its proper functioning. Therefore, even though a sin is forgiven, one still has an obligation to make reparation or "to repair", as far as possible, the harm and disorder caused by the sin. Alcoholic Anonymous is well aware of this because they required the recovering alcoholic to make all reasonable attempts to repair the damage that his or her drinking has caused to other people. Ninth, the major influences that lead us into sin, according to the Bible, are "the world, the flesh, and the devil." The "world" refers to power structures in the world in which the strong abuse and dominate the weak. The "flesh" refers to our hedonistic nature that relates us to the animal kingdom that operates according to feelings. Do you remember the incident concerning my wife in which she read that feelings dont count.? Feelings are for animals, knowledge is for rational beings. However, knowledge carries its own danger. The devil refers to an intellectual spirit, who was once an Angel of Light, who fell from grace when his own Pride caused him to place his will before God's will. In Matthew 4 it describes how Jesus was tempted by the devil with all three temptations. The first temptation involved the "flesh" because after fasting for forty days, He was at the point of starvation and his "flesh" was obsessed with food and the Bible says:The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." Jesus answered, "It is written: `Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." In other words, man does not live by feeding his flesh bread but by feeding his spirit the Bread of Life, or Wisdom. Then the devil tempted Him with Pride. The scriptures say: Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written: "He will command His angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. Jesus answered him, "It is also written: `Do not put the Lord your God to the test. In other words, we are supposed to serve God's will not to require God to serve our will. The third temptation was with the "world" The scriptures continues: Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: `Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.' Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. When I ended my last program I was identifying the "basic difference between animals and human beings" by listing qualities that differed between them and us. The major difference, you might remember, was that animals had arational, non-reflective minds that were unable to dialogue with themselves and therefore they were inclined to follow their impulses. Second, they operated according to the principle of hedonism that says whatever give me pleasure is good and whatever gives me pain is bad. Obviously, this is not true because drugs will give you pleasure in the short term and destroy you in the long term while a needle that inoculates you against smallpox will give you pain in the short term and protect you in the long term. Young children, who are closer to our animal nature than most adults, have to be given medication that is heavily sugared and they live in fear of needles that inoculate them Therefore, it seems that one of the deficiencies of animal logic is that it is based on "immediate gratification" and has trouble dealing with "delayed gratification." If you want a dog to jump through a hoop, you better reward him immediately if you want him to learn the connection between his action and the reward. The same is true of little children and that is why elementary school teacher used gold stars and other emblems to paste on the homework and tests of their students. The final goal of promotion has to be interspersed with a lot of intermediary goals, like finishing home works and passing tests, and each step has to be rewarded immediately or the child will not stay on task. The third characteristic of the animal mind is that it was amoral in that, because it didn't even consider the moral goodness of an act was incapable of being held morally responsible. For example, a German shepherd can be trained to be either an "attack dog" or a "seeing eye dog" but in both cases his actions, according to the philosophers, has no moral significance. You can't blame him it he attack and maims a person, because that is what he was trained to do, and, for the same reason, you can't really give him personal credit for his humanitarian efforts as a "seeing eye dog." In both case, reward and punishment were used to teach him to do whatever he did and, in a sense, he was programmed and does not conscious reflect on the moral goodness or badness of what he does. I know that there are animal lovers out there who are going to challenge this because they impute human feelings and thoughts to their pets and maybe its more complex than what I have described. However, I think that they will agree that animals can be trained by humans to act in ways that serve human ends. However, we have to be careful when we interpret animal behavior in human terms. There are many things that they do which seem to have a rational intent which may not. For example, the beaver has a great reputation as an engineer because he builds dams that seem to indicate rational intent. However, experiments have shown that beavers will pile up sticks even if you play a record of running water even though there is no water present. Later on, when I get into the recent discoveries concerning the human brain as contrasted with the brain of animals, I hope to present a fuller explanation of this. Of course, human beings also respond to the principle of hedonism and can be trained to perform through the use of reward and punishment and this is, as I have already suggested, is the "flesh" part of us that the scriptures say "can not please God." In fact, according to the scriptures, if we follow the "flesh", it will lead us to damnation. Two of my best friends, a married couple, used to pray every day after dinner and both were blessed with extraordinary spiritual gifts. The wife often received spiritual visions during these prayer times and, on one occasion, she saw the Lord standing at the beginning of a road. He turned to her and asked her to follow Him. They hadn't gone very far, she said, when the road divided into two roads: one went left and the other went right. He turned to her and said, "Follow me down the left road, May." She said they started down the road and it was glorious. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and it was like a Walt Disney fantasy. After a short while, they came to the end of the road, where there was a door: Jesus instructed her to open the door and when she did, a terrifying, bone-chilling darkness came through it and frightened her near to death. Then Jesus closed the door and took her back to where the road split. This time, they took the road to the right and it was as difficult as the other was easy. They traveled over rocks, up mountains, down into valleys, through thorn bushes, and it seemed to her that the road would never end. Finally, they came to the end of the road and, once again, there was a door. When she opened it, a brilliant, warm light embraced her and gave her a sense of peace and contentment. Then she and Jesus returned to where the road split and Jesus turned to her and said, "May, I give every human being the choice of these two roads and they are free to travel either one. However, once they reach the end of the road, they must go through the door. Do you get the message? One road was the road of hedonistic pleasure and it led to darkness. The other was the road of struggle and sacrifice and it led to the light. And, of course, our "flesh" does not understand this and is repulsed by it. We believe that Jesus had come to show us the way to eternal life. And what He showed us, our "flesh" didn't want to see or understand. First He asked, "Do you want life and want it fully?" To which the obvious answer is "Yes!" Then He said, "Then pick up your cross and follow Me." And, in case we didn't understand what He meant, he showed us the way in His passion and death; which raises an interesting question. We are fond of saying that Jesus died for our sins, and no doubt this is true. However, was it just His death that mattered or was it the manner of his death. Suppose he had been hung, or poisoned, or decapitated, or strangled, or bludgeoned to death. Would His death have had the same significance? Or was the manner of his death just as important as the fact of His death? The "cross" in Western culture has become a symbol for all the difficulties of life and we have been taught that there is something redemptive in these difficulties. Crosses, we are told, are to be embraced rather than rejected because after the crucifixion comes the resurrection. The truth, of course, is that whether you want them or not, crosses will come so the only issue is what will you do when they arrive? Will you sit and curse your fate or use them in some productive way to deepen yourself? I know that, as the child of two alcoholic parents that I never would have chosen it and, as a youngster, I often questioned God as to why this should happen to me. For many years, I suffered from mental torment because of what was happening in my life. However, now that I look back from my present vantage point, I wouldn't give any of those difficulties back because they made me who I am today. I wonder if I am the only person who feels this way. I doubt it because I have heard many people say the same thing and I have witness the same effects in other people's lives. My neighbor was in a very bad automobile accident that left her with physical problems that will reoccur throughout her life. She has suffered greatly because of this yet, one day she said to me, "You know. That accident and the difficulties that I have had because of it have deepened my life in many ways." Our "flesh" has given God a bad rap throughout human history because we have blamed Him for creating a world filled with difficulties and problems. John Paul Sartre, an existentialist philosopher, declared himself to be atheist because he couldn't accept that there was an all-powerful God who would allow the Holocaust to happen. Helen Keller, on the other hand, who was blind and deaf, rightly observed that only people who were willing to surrender their freedom to a dictatorial God would accept a world in which human free will would be eliminated. The price of freedom is sin because without freedom we couldnt sin. Eliminate free will and not only does sin disappear but also the capacity to love and choose. God must think that freedom is worth the risk, even if we dont always like the results. Victor Frankl, a German, Jewish psychiatrist who was in a concentration camp himself said that the experience transformed the lives of many of the victims. Just prior to the rise of Hitler, German culture during the 1920's was going through its own version of the "The Roaring Twenties." There was widespread decadence and the Jews were as much a part of it as anyone else. This period was portrayed in the movie "Cabaret." Now, from the point of view of our "flesh" it was a wonderful time of fun and pleasure But, if the Jews are correct about their being two dimensions to every human being, the outside or flesh, which lived by bread alone, and the inside or spirit, that fed off of Wisdom, then from God's point of view, who was looking at the spirit, it was a terrible time because the people were laughing on the outside and dying on the inside. One might wonder if the same observation could not be made about our own culture at the turn of the century when so many of us were forging ahead with the rising wealth and record breaking stock market, only to be shocked back to reality by corporate scandals and a record declining stock market. When, Bill Clinton ran for a second term, the Catholic bishops warned us that it would be morally reprehensible for any Catholic to vote for any candidate or party that supported abortion or block any efforts to ban partial-birth abortion. Catholics, it appears, in large numbers ignored their bishops and voted for Clinton. It appears that they were more persuaded that the major issue was the economy and their reply to the bishops was "its the economy, stupid!" Later, we learned it was the economy and the stock market that were stupid, not the Catholic bishops. Mother Theresa of Calcutta, who visited our country during the period of rising wealth and soaring economy, saw it differently too. She declared that she never experienced in India and Third World countries the level of poverty that she found in the United States. And she wasn't talking about our ghettos. She was talking about the spiritual poverty among our affluent members and saw that, in large part, we were spiritually bankrupt. We had traded off people and relationships for "things". It appears, that Germany, during the 1920's, had done the same thing and eventually their "bubble burst" and the moral decadence and bankruptcy became personified in the person of Adolph Hitler, who rescued the economy and built the autobonn with one hand, as he imprisoned and eliminated the innocent with the other. The Jews and others were sacrificed on the altar as a Holocaust to personal ease and security. They say that those who dont learn from history are destined to repeat it. We certainly have learned that you dont sacrifice innocent human beings to protect and assure your material comfort. Or have we? The slaughter of innocent children versus the economy? Its the economy, stupid. Now, we would be wrong to think that God created the Holocaust or the economic woes of the Great Depression or any recent economic decline as a punishment for our sins. When we feed our animals natures, we have no one to blame but ourselves if inhuman, stupid or chaotic conditions result. We have simply "reaped what we have sown. As I often say to my students, "If don't want to live in a zoo, then don't feed the animal within you. If anything, according to the Bible, God's involvement in our difficulties is that He can create good even from great evil because when things begin to fall apart, then we are most open to repentance and reform. According to Dr. Frankl, the Holocaust brought out the best and the worst in people. Those who accepted the challenge, changed from frivolous, hedonistic, surface livers to serious, compassionate, saintly people who discovered inner resources deep that they didn't know existed. Others, who were defeated by the challenge, deteriorated into brutish animals that were willing to survive at any cost to their humanity. There is a record from the Nuremberg Trials of a Jewish man who survived by assisting the Nazis in the extermination of other inmates by holding them down while a death producing hypodermic needle was injected into their hearts. One of victims whom he held down was his own father. Fulton Ousler wrote a book called Modern Parables in which he collected true stories that, like Jesus parables, conveyed important lessons about life. According to the story, when the Allied forces entered Germany in 1945 and began to free the inmates of the concentration camps they were surprised when many of the inmates, who were living skeletons, instead of cheering when they saw our soldiers, seemed to be in a listless stupor, seemingly unaware of what was happening. However, in one camp, there were impressed by one inmate who, although he was as physically deteriorated as the other inmates, was psychologically alert and responsive to what was happening. Curious about his mental alertness compared to the other listless inmates, they asked him how he managed to maintain his psychological composure. He said that when he first arrived in camp, he and the other inmates were being treated like animals by the guards who beat and humiliated them. Throughout the day, they were worked to near exhaustion and were fed starvation rations of thin soup broth and a piece of bread. At night they nearly froze to death as two of them slept on a plank barely wide enough for them. They slept with their feet in each others face with a thin blanket barely large enough to cover them. As time passed, he and the others, faced with the meager rations and inadequate facilities, began to sink to an animalistic level in their desire to save their lives. They stole food from the weaker members; at night they fought with their bedmate for a larger share of the meager blanket in order to stay warm. When one of them died, they pounced on him like vultures and stripped him naked of everything he had. And they groveled before the guards for little favors. He said that he became depressed because of what was happening to him psychologically and he got on his knees one night and prayed to God to save him from the deterioration of his humanity. Suddenly and idea occurred to him as to what he should do. From that point on, he gave half of his food away to other inmates and shared with them whatever he had. He said, What the Nazis forced me to do made me feel like an animal; what I forced myself to do made me feel like a man. It reminds me of two scriptures. The first one says "Man does not live by bread alone". And the second one says, Whoever tries to save his life will lose it and whoever loses it for My sake, will save it. There were saints and sinners among both the inmates and the guards. What one became depended on how one reacted to the situation? We Christians have tried to get God off the hook by blaming all problems and difficulties on the devil because we too have trouble understanding why, if God is all powerful and good, didn't He make a world without any crosses. It does not occur to us that "crosses"- meaning problems and difficulties- might be an important and integral part of God's plan for creation. Is it possible that what we perceive as a punishment is really a gift? Is it possible that what we perceive as a curse is really a blessing? If not, why did Jesus say, "If you want life and want it fully, pick up your cross and follow Me?" If our "flesh" had it way, it would have created a world of ease and comfort, based on what we try to do with our own children. We protect them from every difficulty and give them everything to make their lives easy and then we can't understand why they don't have any character. I wonder if God knows something that our "flesh" doesn't know. He said my ways are not your ways and your thoughts are not my thoughts." In other words, there is some paradoxical difference about God's way of thinking and our way of thinking. For example, He says "the first shall be last and the last shall be first"; "He who tries to save his life will lose it and He who loses it for My sake will save it"; and "it is in giving that your receive and it is in dying that you gain eternal life." Statements like these contradict our perception of reality and challenge us to look at reality from a different point of view. And probably the most difficult point of view for our flesh to consider is that there might be value and redemptive power in pain and suffering. It contradicts the hedonistic principle upon which our flesh operates. Even as I say this to you, I can feel my own flesh being repulsed and rebelling against the thought and an unconscious prayer springs spontaneously from my flesh pleading that the truth of my statement might not be applied to me or to those I love. There is a song whose title is "Sing to the Lord a New Song" and whenever we sung it I used to wonder what the old song was. Now I think I know. The old song went something like this:"Please Lord, make my life easy. Take away all the difficulties. Optimize my pleasure and minimize my pain. Save me from all difficulties and suffering and give me a life filled with amusement and fun. And I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen." Now we have to understand that when we ask anything in Jesus' name that what we really are saying is "I ask this in the name of Wisdom" which means, "don't give me what my stupid flesh and limited knowledge wants but rather give me what Your Wisdom knows that I, or those that I pray for, need." The reason we have to end all our prayers this way because the flesh is always seeking the easy way and God's Wisdom knows that strength and character are built in the stress and storm of challenges. It has been said that "anything that doesn't kill me, strengthens me" and there is certainly a lot of evidence to support that. There is a prayer entitled "The Prayer of the Confederate Soldier" which demonstrates the large gap between the way we think and the way God thinks. It goes like this: I asked God for strength that I might achieve I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health that I might do greater things; I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for riches that I might be happy; I was give poverty that I might be wise. I asked for power that I might have the praise of men; I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life; I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything that I had hoped for. Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I am, among all men richly blessed. So, if the old song was about giving me pleasure and comfort, what is the new song about? John Garner, former head of HEW had this to say: "Despite almost universal belief to the contrary, self gratification, ease, comfort, diversion and a state of having achieved all one's goals do not constitute happiness for man. We are coming to a conception of happiness that differs fundamentally from the storybook version... The storybook conception tells of desires fulfilled; the truer version involves striving towards meaningful goals... goals that relate the individual to a larger context of purposes. Storybook happiness involves a bland idleness; the truer conception involves seeking and purposeful effort. Storybook happiness involves every form of pleasant thumb twiddling; true happiness involves the use of one's powers and talents. Both conceptions of happiness involve love, but the storybook version puts greater emphasis on being loved, the truer version more emphasis on the capacity to give love." Put into Gospel terms, the new song probably goes something like this: The Prayer of St. Francis... Make me a channel of you peace. Where there is hatred let me bring Your love Where there is injury, Your pardon, Lord. And where there's doubt, true faith in You. Make me a channel of Your peace Where there's despair in life, Let me bring hope. Where there is darkness, only light. And where there's sadness, ever joy. Oh, Master, grant that I may never seek So much to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand. To be loved as to love with all my soul. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. In giving to all men that we receive. And in dying that we're born to eternal life. (Refrain) Of course, this is the prayer of St. Francis and it illustrates that the animal heart has been replaced with a servants heart. Why, he didnt even ask for anything for himself. If there is any doubt remaining that there is a war going on between our flesh and spirit consider this. We reenact this conflict between the flesh and the spirit every year when, just before Lent, our animal nature demands one last fling. The Germans call it Fat Tuesday, because their idea of a wild time is eating donuts. The people of New Orleans call it the Mardi Gras and the people of South America call it Carnival. No matter what you call it, it is our hedonistic animal nature resisting the attempts of our spirit to bring it under control through self-denial. Well, I see that my time is up. Remember, "Sing a new song unto the Lord!" Heres Dom
Effects of controlled breathing exercises and respiratory muscle training in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: results from evaluating the quality of evidence in systematic reviews Christine Råheim Borge1,2, Kåre Birger Hagen1,3, Anne Marit Mengshoel1, Ernst Omenaas4, Torbjørn Moum5 & Astrid Klopstad Wahl1 This paper reviews evidence and quality of Systematic Reviews (SRs) on the effects of breathing control exercises (BCEs) and respiratory muscle training (RMT) on breathlessness/dyspnea and other symptoms, and quality of life (QOL) for individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A search for BCE and RMT literature in COPD published between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2013 was performed in the following databases: PubMed, Ovid, CINAHL, PsycINFO, AMED, Cochrane and PEDro. The AMSTAR criteria were used to evaluate quality. After reviewing 642 reports, seven SRs were identified on RMT and BCEs. Three SRs were of high quality, three were of moderate quality, and one was of low quality. Two high-quality SRs reported significantly beneficial effects of RMT on dyspnea, and one reported significant effects on disease-specific QOL and fatigue. In these SRs, pooled data analyses were performed with three to fourteen single randomised control trials (RCTs) included in the analysis. In one of the SRs the quality of the single RCTs were rated by the authors to be between 5–7 (with10 best) and in the other one the quality of the single RCTs were rated to be between 30-83% of the maximum score. One high-quality SR found a significant positive effect of BCE based on pooled data analysis with two single RCTs in regard to pursed-lip breathing (PLB) on breathlessness. In this SR, one single RCT on diaphragmatic breathing (DB) and another one on yoga breathing (YB) showed effect on disease-specific QOL. The single RCTs included in the SR were rated by the authors in the SRs to be of low and moderate quality. Based on three high-quality SRs performing pooled data analyses, there is evidence that RMT has effect on breathlessness, fatigue and disease-specific QOL and PLB on breathlessness. There is also evidence that single studies on DB and YB has effect on disease-specific QOL. Few RCTs are available and the variable quality of the single RCTs in the SRs, seem to require more RCTs in particular for BCEs, but also RMT before conclusions regarding effects and high quality SRs can be written. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is characterised by airflow limitation due to obstruction of airways. Due to peripheral airway obstruction, air volume may become trapped in the lungs (i.e. hyperinflation) [1]. The respiratory rate may increase because of inspiration, which is initiated before emptying the lungs of air. Adjustment of rapid shallow breathing may lead to respiratory muscles fatigue. Hyperinflation may lower the dome of the diaphragm, shorten respiratory muscle fibers, and impair the possibility of muscle contraction. In addition, gas exchange may be inefficient. Hence, patients with COPD might develop symptoms of breathlessness or dyspnea [1–3]. Previous research has found that breathlessness is associated with symptoms of depression, anxiety, fatigue, sleeping difficulties, pain [4], and reduced quality of life (QOL) [5]. The main goal of management and treatment in COPD is to improve symptoms and QOL [1]. Various breathing control exercises (BCEs) and respiratory muscle training (RMT) are being used [6–10] to improve breathlessness. For example, BCEs include diaphragmatic breathing (DB), pursed-lip breathing (PLB), relaxation techniques (RT), and body position exercises (BPEs). BCEs aim to decrease the effort required for breathing and assist relaxation by deeper breathing, which may result in an improved breathing pattern through decreased respiratory rate and reduced breathlessness [3, 6, 10]. Figure 1 provides a description of the differences for each exercise and training performance. In regard to RMT, the aim is to improve muscle strength and endurance where the respiratory muscles are impaired, hopefully resulting in greater effort to control breathing pattern and reduce breathlessness [9]. RMT requires a training program using an adjusted breathing resistance device [3, 10]. (See Figure 1 for further information.) Description of breathing control exercises and respiratory muscle training. The practice of evidence-based medicine and health care are often based on the results of knowledge extracted from systematic reviews [11, 12]. A systematic review is "a form of literature review that requires a documented search strategy and explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria for studies reviewed, reducing author bias toward or against particular methods or outcomes" [11], p. 483. Systematic reviews (SRs) report various beneficial improvements on BCEs and RMT [13, 14]. However, not all SRs are well conducted, e.g. not following the advice and criteria on how to prepare an SR [11], and biased knowledge may be a consequence. Although BCEs and RMT are often mentioned in the literature as common exercises and training for non-pharmacological treatments used for the management and improvement of breathlessness in COPD [6–10], the aims and the mechanisms of the two strategies are different. These differences have been discussed to a limited degree in previous literature; however, including articles that evaluate BCEs and RMT in the same review may clarify these differences. Therefore, in order to better understand and appreciate the evidence regarding the effects of BCEs and RMT on subjective factors (such as symptoms and quality of life) in the context of COPD, it is valuable to evaluate the quality of the SRs` examining the effect of these exercises and training procedures. Such an overview may reveal areas lacking high-quality studies and identify specific BCEs and RMT skills that might be of special benefit to patients with COPD. Our aim of the present paper is to summarise the results from SRs that evaluate the effect of breathing control exercises and respiratory muscle training on breathlessness, other symptoms, and quality of life in patients with COPD, taking into account the quality of the SRs. Overviews of reviews We conducted an overview of SRs, including both Cochrane SRs and non-Cochrane SRs [15], to summarize the evidence on the effects of breathing control exercises and respiratory muscle training. We included articles defined as SRs of the authors of the BCEs and RMT most commonly used and referred to in the literature [6–10]. These where; respiratory muscle training and BCEs of slow and deep breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, pursed lip breathing, relaxation techniques and body position exercises in humans evaluating the effects on breathlessness or dyspnea, other symptoms and quality of life in adult patients (>18 years) at all stages of COPD. We included SRs based on systematic literature search [11] in databases such as MEDLINE. We therefore included reviews that had performed a search in at least one database, along with SRs in all languages. The last written and updated SR of a previous SR and SRs that met at least one of the Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) criteria [16] were considered eligible. We excluded guidelines and lists of general management advice; other diseases than COPD; narrative reports (i.e. aiming to focus on an understanding of a concept) [11]; reviews titled as literature reviews or integrative reviews, evaluations of ventilator support (such as noninvasive ventilation); only evaluations of pulmonary rehabilitation/self-management courses in which a breathing control exercise was one of several treatments; evaluations of general muscle training and cardiovascular exercise programs, medication interventions, and mini-pep or active sputum mobilization; explanations of how the respiratory system works; not evaluating the outcomes on breathlessness, other symptoms and quality of life; and SRs that did not meet any of the AMSTAR criteria. Breathlessness and dyspnea are concepts that often are used interchangeably. Although they have been described as two distinct concepts [17], in this paper, we used them in the sense of a "subjective experience of breathing discomfort that is comprised of qualitatively distinct sensations that vary in intensity" [18], p.401, [19], p. 322. We considered SRs which included studies using measures of breathlessness or dyspnea as outcome variables. Symptoms are defined as "subjective experience reflecting changes in the biopsychosocial functioning, sensations, or cognition of an individual" [20]. In this overview, "symptoms" include those relating to diseases such as dyspnea, and those that could be a consequence of the disease or of other diseases. Such symptoms could for instance be fatigue, depression or anxiety. We considered SRs that included instruments measuring symptoms. Quality of life (QOL) is a concept involving several aspects of a subject's experience of life, including global QOL, health related QOL and disease-specific QOL [21]. In this overview of SRs, we have focused on instruments involving disease related QOL and health related QOL. Our search was performed in "PubMed", "Ovid", "CINAHL", "PsycINFO", "AMED", "Cochrane" and "PEDro" using the following Medical Subject Headings (MeSh) terms or key words/concepts: 1) "Lung disease", 2) "Lung disease, obstructive", 3) "Pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive", 4) "Pulmonary emphysema", 5) "Bronchitis chronic", 6) "Pharmacology", 7) "Oxygen therapy", 8) "Respiration", 9) "Breathing exercises", 10) "Yoga", 11) "Pranayama", 12) "Mind–body therapies",13) "Muscle stretching exercises", 14) "Relaxation" and 15) "Breathing control exercises", 16) "Diaphragmatic breathing" and 17) "Pursed lip breathing". Additional categories were: 18) combinations of search terms 1–5 using "OR", 19) combinations of search terms 6–7 using "NOT" (searched in PubMed only) and 30) combinations of search terms 20–29 using "OR".' When possible we used the limitations "human," "review" and publications from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2013 in the databases. For further details of the search, see Additional file 1. Data collection and analyses We used the Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) [16] method to evaluate the methodological quality of the different papers. The AMSTAR criteria are listed in Table 1. The 11 criteria of the AMSTAR were rated as "yes" (criteria were met), "no" (criteria were not met), "cannot answer" (unclear information) or "not applicable" (criteria could not be evaluated because of the design of background studies in the reviews). Ratings of "yes" were scored 1, and ratings of "no," "cannot answer" and "not applicable" were scored 0. The highest possible AMSTAR score is 11. Review quality was classified by AMSTAR score: 0–4 = low quality, 5–8 = moderate quality and 9–11 = high quality [22]. Table 1 AMSTAR score in the different reviews In order to identify SRs, one reviewer (CRB) extracted data regarding population, interventions, comparisons and outcomes (inclusion criteria) and evaluated the methodological quality of the included trials. After duplicated articles had been removed, the search was first evaluated based on their title. Potential abstract were then assessed for eligibility. After excluding articles that were not eligible full articles were read for further details. A second reviewer (AKW) independently verified the accuracy of numeric results and evaluated the methodological quality. The search strategy and findings were discussed with a third reviewer (KBH). Finally, three other co-authors (EO, AMM and TM) were brought in to discuss the method and the results together with CRB, AKW and KBH. Data synthesis The included SRs are organized and presented in three tables. The data from the SRs were directly extracted. Table 2 presents descriptive information of the SRs; author, year, aim and search parameters. Table 3 categorizes the effects found by the SRs; pooled statistics of main effect variable, intervention description and authors conclusions about the different breathing control exercises and respiratory muscle training.. Evaluations of quality of the SRs, according to the AMSTAR criteria, are presented in Table 1. Table 2 Descriptive information of included systematic reviews Table 3 Outcome measures and main effects in the included SR's Selection of SRs Figure 2 shows the SR inclusion process. The literature search identified 642 reviews. After checking titles and abstracts against the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we finally included seven relevant SRs on breathing control exercises. We found one SR evaluating relaxation exercises [23]. This SR was based on complex intervention on depression and anxiety and the authors had pooled their data on three different exercises (i.e. relaxation singing, yoga, thai-chi). In a sub-group analysis no effect was found on symptoms of depression and anxiety. Neither singing or thai-chi exercises were included as exercises in the present overview and we therefore excluded this SR. Further, we excluded one SR that was a previous version of an update [24]. We also excluded five reviews that had performed literature searches, but where the authors had defined their articles as integrative reviews or literature reviews [25–29]. These were therefore not considered to be SRs. Flow chart of inclusion and exclusion process. Description of Included SRs Table 2 shows the included SRs. With respect to BCE; one on pursed-lip breathing [30] and one SR on diaphragmatic breathing, pursed-lip breathing and yoga breathing [14] were included. Regarding RMT five SRs on inspiratory muscle training [13, 31–34] were identified. There were no SR evaluations of the effects on breathlessness/dyspnea, other symptoms or QOL, on relaxation techniques, body position exercises or expiratory muscle training in independent SRs of people with COPD during the search period. For further information, see Table 2. Effect and methodological quality of included SRs The effects on breathlessness/dyspnea, other symptoms and QOL are presented in Table 3, and the results of the quality assessment are presented in Table 1. Respiratory muscle training According to the AMSTAR criteria, the SRs of Gosselink et al. [31] and Thomas et al. [33] were of high quality (see Table 1 for details). Gosselink et al. [31] pooled data from 14 Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) comparing those who received inspiratory muscle training with a control group, and they found a significant effect (p <0.001) in favour of inspiratory muscle training on dyspnea, with a summary effect size of -0.45 (95% CI -0.66 to -0.24), corresponding to -0.9 on the Borg Scale, which ranges from 0 to 10 (Table 3). For the four RCTs using the Transition Dyspnea Index (range -9 to 9), a significant effect (p ≤0.001) of inspiratory muscle training of 2.8 was found, corresponding to a summary effect size of 1.58 (95% CI 0.86–2.3) (Table 3). When data from nine RCTs were pooled, a significant summary effect of 3.8 (p <0.007) on disease-specific QOL measured by the Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ) (range 0 to 7) was found, with a summary effect size of 0.34 (95% CI 0.09 to 0.6) (Table 3). For other symptoms, statistical pooling of ten RCTs revealed a significant effect (p = 0.024) on fatigue, with a summary effect size of 0.27 (95% CI 0.03–0.5) but no significant effect on emotion and mastery. All effects were in favour of inspiratory muscle training. The methodological quality was rated by the authors in the SR to range from 30–83% of the maximum score (median of 59%). Thomas et al. [33] pooled data from three RCTs that compared those who received respiratory muscle training (inspiratory muscle training and expiratory muscle training) at home with controls, and they found a significant effect (p = 0.004) on dyspnea with a mean difference of 2.36 (95% CI 0.76–3.96) on the Baseline and Transition Dyspnea Indexes( BDI/TDI) score (range -9 to +9). The PEDro score rated by the authors in the SR showed a methodological quality of 5 in one study and 7 in two studies (range 0–10, where10 is best quality). The SRs of Geddes et al. [13], O'Brien et al. [32] and Shoemaker et al. [34] were of moderate quality according to the AMSTAR criteria (details provided in Table 1). Geddes et al. [13] investigated the effect of inspiratory muscle training versus sham intervention, and concluded that inspiratory muscle training may improve QOL and decrease dyspnea in stable COPD. O'Brien et al. [32] investigated the effect of inspiratory muscle training versus exercise or a combination of exercises and inspiratory muscle training, and they concluded that the effect on dyspnea and QOL was unclear. Shoemaker et al. [34] did not perform any statistical pooling but concluded that inspiratory muscle training improved dyspnea and QOL in COPD patients, based on moderate- to high-quality trials included in the SR. No SRs were found on the use of expiratory muscle training alone. Breathing control exercises Holland et al. [14] performed an SR on diaphragmatic breathing, pursed-lip breathing and yoga breathing, which was assessed as being of high methodological quality. They performed eight pooled data analyses, including two RCTs in the pooled data analysis that compared pursed-lip breathing with no breathing practice. A significant effect (p = 0.0066) was only found on dyspnea in favour of pursed-lip breathing, with a mean difference of -12.94 (95% CI -22.29 to -3.60) on the Hiratsuka Scale, which ranges from 0 to 100 (Table 3). Further, regarding single trials, one showed an effect on shortness of breath and one on QOL when comparing pursed lip breathing with no BCEs. The evidence of single trials performed on pursed lip breathing was rated by the authors in the SR to be of low quality. Two trials on diaphragmatic breathing and four on yoga breathing showed effects only in one study in each exercise on disease related QOL when comparing with no BCEs. The evidence of single RCTs performed on diaphragmatic breathing rated by the authors in the SR to be of moderate quality and on yoga breathing of low to moderate quality. According to the authors one study yielded a small effect on pursed lip breathing compared with expiratory muscle training after a 12 weeks intervention. The authors concluded that breathing exercises on breathlessness and wellbeing showed variable effects. Roberts et al. [30] performed a review on pursed-lip breathing and included two RCTs and nine studies with pre–post design. They concluded that 40% of dyspnea was relieved when pursed-lip breathing was used [30]. The evidence in the included studies was rated to be of low to moderate quality. For further information, see Tables 3 and 1. We reviewed the quality of SRs on the effects of BCEs and RMT on breathlessness/dyspnea, other symptoms, and QOL in patients with COPD. Our main result shows that, in regard to inspiratory muscle training, two high-quality SRs have reported significant effects on the relief of dyspnea [31, 33] and fatigue, and improved QOL [31]. In addition, among eight pooled data analyses on pursed-lip breathing, only one analysis showed a positive effect on the reduction of dyspnea in a high-quality SR. In addition, significant effects on disease-specific QOL were found in one single study of diaphragmatic breathing and one single study of yoga breathing. The results in the SRs of BCEs and RMT were based on single RCTs of variable quality. Discussion of the methodological challenges in the SRs There are several methodological challenges both in the single studies included in the SRs and in the SRs on BCEs and respiratory RMT. Therefore, care should be taken when interpreting the findings in low- and moderate-quality SRs as well as in high-quality SRs. Some of the methodological challenges in the SRs are related to low scores on the AMSTAR criteria (Table 1) (i.e. criteria numbers 4, 8, 9, 10), but also on the quality of the included single studies in the SRs. Apart from two SRs [14, 31] (i.e. high quality) using no language restriction, the rest used only English-language articles in their reviews (i.e. Table 2) [13, 30, 32–34]. It has been found that journals using the English language tend to report interventions with positive results, whereas journals published in other languages also include studies with negative results [35]. There was also limited information in the SRs with regard to including grey literature (i.e. abstracts from international congresses, unpublished work, book chapters, and theses). The exclusion of grey literature has been found to increase intervention effects in meta-analyses [36]. However, we cannot be certain that results would have been different in the included SRs even if they had not included restrictions regarding languages or forms of literature, and therefore, a potential publication bias of under-reporting on lacking effects cannot be ruled out. Being able to include RCT design gives advantages of scoring higher on the AMSTAR criteria. The small number of RCT studies available are therefore one of the reasons for the low-quality score according to the AMSTAR criteria found in the SR by Roberts et al. [30] on pursed-lip breathing. In contrast, Holland et al. [14] scored high on the AMSTAR criteria, due in part to their performing pooled analysis in one of the exercises (i.e. pursed-lip breathing). However, in the same SR, few trials were available on diaphragmatic breathing and yoga breathing. This is not captured in the AMSTAR score. Although prospective pre- and post-design may be supplemental in studies, RCT design has been determined to be the ideal way of measuring intervention effects [37]. RCT design will, in turn, provide the possibility to do pooled data analyses. Although the AMSTAR criteria give higher quality in SRs on the background of including RCT designs, the quality of single RCTs included in the SRs is essential for the quality of the data material undergoing analysis. This is shown in the SR by Holland et. al. [14] where they performed eight pooled data analyses on pursed-lip breathing, but the two single trials included had low-quality evidence, and only one of the analyses showed effects on dyspnea. In Thomas et. al. [33] SR of inspiratory muscle training, the single studes included in the pooled analyses were mostly rated and interpreted to be of moderate to high quality and the author concluded that further research was needed. Gosselink et. al. [31], assessed also methodological quality of the single included studies, but the result was not discussed. Thus, an analysis of data from studies of poor quality may give readers misleading information about good evidence in regard to an exercise in spite of the quality of the SR being high based on the AMSTAR criteria. Based on the low AMSTAR score in Roberts et al. [30], few pooled analyses performed on other exercises than pursed-lip breathing in Holland et al. [14], and no SRs found on body position and relaxation exercises, additional RCT designs in BCEs are needed before conclusions on their efficacy can be made. In addition the variable results of the quality of the single studies included in the different SRs may be indicating a need for further research on BCEs and RMT. In our overview, we found that, among the five SRs performing pooled statistics [13, 14, 31–33], only the high-quality SRs [14, 31, 33] performed a publication-biased analysis or mentioned the limitation of not performing publication- biased analyses. Publication-biased analysis involves a statistical test, such as Egger's test, and/or a graphic aid, such as a funnel plot [16]. Egger's test is a statistical test for funnel plot asymmetry. A possible asymmetry in a funnel plot might be due to selection bias, such as language bias, or poor methodological quality of the studies included in the SRs [35, 38]. Therefore, not applying the publication-biased criteria in the SRs might result in presenting more positive effects from the studies included. Although this criterion was fulfilled, these tests were sparsely discussed in the SRs. BCEs and RMT are considered, used, and sometimes recommended as self-management techniques and training methods in the practice of pulmonary rehabilitation programs in the clinical care of patients with COPD [3, 10, 39, 40]. SRs on BCEs and RMT have become a popular and efficient way to summarise and synthesise research results as easily accessible knowledge for guiding clinical practitioners. This means that we need to ascertain how research results can best be organised and validated. When writing a SR, guided advice on how to perform a SR should be followed [11]. Our overview demonstrates that caution should be applied when interpreting the results of SRs. Authors of SRs should address and discuss the trustworthiness of information. In this way, authors and readers alike may arrive at a more-accurate picture of the evidence for BCEs and RMT. Discussion of the effect by performing breathing control exercises and respiratory muscle training RMT and the various BCEs differ with respect to the reasons why they may reduce breathlessness. For instance, pursed-lip breathing may help individuals to increase of exhalation time resulting in a decrease in the respiratory rate and breathing more deeply. The exercise is often used spontaneously in severe stages of COPD [3]. Yoga breathing also focuses on deeper breathing but often in combination with relaxation and body positions [41]. Further, diaphragmatic breathing focuses on activating the diaphragm during inspiration and, at the same time, minimizing the actions of accessory muscles [26]. The diaphragm muscle may be more shortened in severe stages of COPD due to hyperinflation. Poor movement of the diaphragm muscle may thus be the reason for diaphragmatic breathing failing to improve breathlessness [26]. The single studies included in the high-quality SR by Holland et al. [14] evaluated patients with lung functioning between severe and moderate stages of COPD (i.e. FEV1 % 30-51%); thus, more severe COPD may be a reason for a lack of efficacy in some of the studies. Although there are differences, all of them focus on improving the breathing pattern and reducing breathlessness. The sensory cortex may contribute to the improved sensation of breathlessness [42]. The principle of inspiratory muscle training is to improve the strength of the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles [3, 10]. Evidence shows that improvement of inspiratory muscle strength might be related to decreased effort in breathing and a positive change in the experience of breathlessness [43]. For instance, inspiratory muscle training may lead to a decrease of the inspiratory time, which leads to longer exhalation time, in turn leading to relaxation of the muscles [44]. The aim of this overview was to report subjective outcomes, but in relation to inspiratory muscle training. The improvement of inspiration muscle strength [31, 32, 34] and inspiratory muscle endurance [31, 34] shown in the different SRs (i.e. high and moderate quality) may explain the improvement in breathlessness. Higher training intensity and frequency were also reported or discussed as influencing a better outcome [32–34], but no clear concluding advice was given. Due to hyperinflation and a shortening of the diaphragm, the effects of inspiratory muscle training may differ with regard to the stages of COPD and different impairment of the respiratory muscles. Most of the SRs included studies with a mean predicted lung function <55% (Table 2), but few specified any differences in the severity of COPD when reporting improvement of breathlessness. The SR by Gosselink et al. [31] was the only one to evaluate the effects based on respiratory impairment at baseline (i.e. Pimax < 60 cm H2O), finding that these patients were more likely to have improved strength of the respiratory muscles. In the other SRs, there were no clear conclusions about which COPD patients might gain the most benefit from performing inspiratory muscle training [13, 32, 34]. Only one high-quality SR [34] combined inspiratory muscle training and expiratory muscle training in the meta-analysis. In fact, most of the studies included in the other SRs used only inspiratory muscle training. Furthermore, the studies in the pooled analysis used different inspiratory muscle-training techniques (see Figure 1 and Table 3). It is difficult, therefore, to provide detailed advice about which techniques are most beneficial in the practice of RMT. Hence, additional studies should focus on the effects of different methods of respiratory muscle-training techniques. Although BCEs and RMT differ in their therapeutic approach and focus, the SRs found in our overview demonstrate that they have the similar goal to reduce breathlessness. Furthermore, BCEs and RMT require guidance by a respiratory health care professional who has the skills [9]. BCEs may be considered applied to patients with COPD with the aim to manage and control breathing during for instance exertion. Inspiratory muscle training, however, requires a training program based on respiratory muscle strengthening before possible improvement in breathlessness. In the high-quality SRs of inspiratory muscle training, interventions lasted from 3 to12 months with training duration of approximately 15 to 60 minutes 1 to 2 times a day for 5 to 7 days per week [31, 33], and learning the breathing-control exercises lasted from 4 to 12 weeks [14]. However, compliance with the practices of BCEs and RMT in a home situation may be difficult and may be a reason for biased results in the variable effects found especially in breathing control exercises. It is not clear why there are effects of performing BCEs and RMT on other symptoms and QOL. We may hypothesise that an improvement in breathlessness may lead to improvement of other symptoms and QOL due to the close associations reported in the literature [5]. Most of the improvements in QOL were in disease-related QOL [13, 14, 31]. Disease-specific QOL often involves disease-related symptoms such as breathlessness [18] and may also be a reason for effects seen in the high-quality SRs on breathing control exercises [14] and respiratory muscle training [31, 33]. An overview of systematic reviews has several limitations. Detailed information from the single studies in the different SRs are, for instance, not presented and discussed. Furthermore, we have not been able to pool data from the different SRs. Because several of the same single studies were included in different SRs, we concluded that pooled data analyses and comparison of results between them would not be correct. Here we can mention that Gosselink et al. [31] and O'Brian et al. [32] include several of the same studies, using different concepts for the control groups (i.e. sham training alone). Another limitation is due to our focus on subjective outcome in this overview, which is the reason why we have not reported and discussed in detail physical outcomes or which of the RMTs are most efficient. Seven SRs have been conducted on breathing control exercises and respiratory muscle training in patients with COPD. According to the AMSTAR criteria, three were of high quality (two on respiratory muscle training and one on pursed-lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, yoga breathing), three were of moderate quality (respiratory muscle training), and one was of low quality (pursed-lip breathing). In the high-quality SRs, positive effects of performing inspiratory muscle training on breathlessness and QOL as well as on fatigue were found in one SR. Also one high-quality SR reported a positive effect on breathlessness of performing pursed-lip breathing. According to the authors of the SRs, the single RCTs included were of variable quality, indicating that more studies are needed. In the low-quality SR and the moderate-quality SRs, it has been difficult to fulfil the AMSTAR criteria, due partly, for instance, to the small number of RCT-based studies, not including all languages, and not performing publication-biased analysis. Recommended guidelines for writing an SR should be followed in order to provide high-quality SRs. Our overview demonstrates the need for more studies using the RCT design, especially on breathing control exercises but also on the different techniques of respiratory muscle training, before conclusive high-quality SRs can be performed. GOLD: Global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease. Global strategy for the diagnosis, managment, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. http://www.goldcopd.org 2014. 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Petrovic M, Reiter M, Zipko H, Pohl W, Wanke T: Effects of Inspiratory muscle training on dynamic hyperinflation in patients with COPD. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2012, 7: 797-805. We thank the authors who contributed to the writing of this overview and to the Library of the Medical Faculty of the University of Oslo for assisting with the search strategy. We also thank M. Barca who translated the SR of Rossie et al. [26] into Norwegian. A word of thanks also goes to A. Grongstad who has been helpful in commenting on the content of the paper. Department of Health Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Christine Råheim Borge , Kåre Birger Hagen , Anne Marit Mengshoel & Astrid Klopstad Wahl Department of Medicine, Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital, Oslo, Norway Department of Rheumatology, National Resource Centre for Rehabilitation in Rheumatology, Diakonhjemmet, Oslo, Norway Kåre Birger Hagen Centre for Clinical Research, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway Ernst Omenaas Department of Behavioral Sciences in Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Torbjørn Moum Search for Christine Råheim Borge in: Search for Kåre Birger Hagen in: Search for Anne Marit Mengshoel in: Search for Ernst Omenaas in: Search for Torbjørn Moum in: Search for Astrid Klopstad Wahl in: Correspondence to Christine Råheim Borge. The conception of the study and development of protocol was conducted by CRB and AKW. Search and data synthesis was performed by CRB and verified by AKW. Discussion of search and findings was performed by KBH. All authors; CRB, AKW, KBH, EO, AMM and TM discussed, drafted and approved the final manuscript. Additional File 1: Search strategy.(DOC 114 KB) Controlled breathing Diaphragmatic breathing Pursed lip breathing
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An arts expert from De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) has been picked to help judge university subjects under the Government's new ratings system. Rob Brannen, Head of DMU's School of Visual and Performing Arts, has been appointed by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to serve on the Arts subject panel for a pilot scheme which will see individual subjects being assessed under the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). This pilot is an expansion of the current TEF assessment scheme, which evaluates universities as a whole. Last year, DMU was awarded Gold in the first TEF, the highest possible rating. The TEF focuses on three main measures – quality of teaching, learning environment and student outcomes – and awards universities gold, silver or bronze status. The TEF panel judged that DMU delivers "consistently outstanding teaching, learning and outcomes for its students. It is of the highest quality found in the UK". The plan is to for HEFCE to now use the same assessment techniques to evaluate individual subject areas under the TEF framework. Mr Brannen will work with a team of other HE experts to devise the criteria under which Arts subjects will be judged. He said: "I am delighted to have been selected for this important national role and to be involved in the valuable work of shaping the Teaching Excellence Framework at Subject Level. This pilot aims to test two possible models for generating TEF ratings at subject level; the results will inform the direction of the second subject-level pilot in 2018-19. A spokesperson for HEFCE said the panel members were chosen "for their subject expertise, their standing in higher education, and evident commitment to teaching excellence and student outcomes.
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>> 2018 >> August Smoke rises from Pahrump residential fire By Selwyn Harris and David Jacobs Pahrump Valley Times August 22, 2018 - 1:42 pm August 22, 2018 - 1:42 pm Fire crews on Tuesday afternoon were at the scene of a residential fire near Wilson and Bolling roads in Pahrump. Initial reports were that a mobile home was burning near the area of West and Short streets. Dennis Myers: Paul Laxalt's unfulfilled promise as senator By Dennis Myers Special to the Pahrump Valley Times August 22, 2018 - 7:30 am August 22, 2018 - 7:30 am In 1981, President Ronald Reagan was facing jeopardy. The debt ceiling was reaching its limit, and some young Republican members of Congress were balking at raising it. (They tended to confuse the debt with the deficit.) It didn't help that this would be a symbolic benchmark, when the U.S. debt limit passed a trillion dollars for the first time. U.S. back-to-school spending in the tens of billions Many parents and college students reported they were waiting for the best deals to complete their shopping lists, according to the annual survey released by the National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights and Analytics. Letters to the editor of the Pahrump Valley Times Is the Energy Choice Bill right for Nevada? Victor Joecks: Right-to-work proxy vote on ballot in November By Victor Joecks Special to the Pahrump Valley Times The most important election this week didn't involve a candidate, and it didn't go Republicans' way. Pahrump's Tractor Supply to host Out Here With Animals event Animal lovers of the Pahrump Valley rejoice, for an event honoring the relationship between man and beast is right around the corner. List: Support meetings in Pahrump region List: community assistance in Pahrump area Fire destroys home in south end of Pahrump Two people were medically assessed for smoke inhalation following a structure fire on the south end of town. Pahrump Veterans Forum set to debut in community Area veterans take notice, the Nevada Department of Veterans Services is heading to town to host its first-ever Pahrump Veterans Forum from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 29 at the Bob Ruud Community Center, 150 N. Highway 160. Nevada Gov. Sandoval: gear up to fight Yucca Mountain in 2019 By Gary Martin Special to the Pahrump Valley Times Despite a stalemate in Congress that appears to have shelved action on the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste project for the year, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval urged state officials to be prepared, proactive and to take the battle to the federal government. Initiative launched to battle opioid addiction A group of more than a dozen organizations across Nevada and the nation launched an initiative to combat against opioid addiction and prescription drug abuse. Pahrump-based VEA issues warning about phone scam Officials at Valley Electric Association (VEA) are cautioning members of the co-op to be aware of telephone scammers operating in the Pahrump area. VCA upgrades may have effect on TV reception Some area residents may experience a few interruptions with their television reception due to maintenance and equipment upgrades by Valley Communications Association (VCA), on Thursday, Aug. 23. No one matched all five numbers and the mega number in Saturday's drawing of the California Super Lotto. The next jackpot will be at least $25 million. U.S. Forest Service seeks input on Lee Canyon expansion plans By Henry Brean Special to the Pahrump Valley Times An ambitious and long-delayed plan to expand Southern Nevada's only ski resort is now out for public review. Pahrump Valley tennis team makes varsity debut By Tom Rysinski Pahrump Valley Times Seven high school students were taking turns hitting tennis balls being fired at them by a machine. Pahrump Valley falls in opener despite 450 yards of offense Near perfection offensively. That's how Pahrump Valley High School football coach Joe Clayton described his team's performance Friday night against Lowry in Winnemucca. Small business nominations sought The U.S. Small Business Administration is now accepting nominations for its 2019 National Small Business Week Awards, including the annual Small Business Person of the Year. Retailer celebrates a decade in Pahrump The Home Depot celebrated its 10th year in the Pahrump area on Saturday.
If someone falls on a crack in a city sidewalk and is injured, can they sue the city? "Slip, Trip and Fall" injuries are some of the most common personal injury cases. They can happen on private or government property and it is important to be aware that different rules apply in each setting. One of the most important differences in suing a government entity (whether it is the city, county or state), the legal action must be brought within a very short period of time. These deadlines are called "statutes of limitations" and missing one of them can bar any legal action against the government entity. That is why if you have been injured on government property you should consult with a personal injury lawyer immediately as time is critical. In California, the general rule is that these actions must be filed within six months of the injury. The city has a legal duty to keep the sidewalk in good repair. However, it is now common in many California municipalities that the legal responsibility for maintaining the sidewalks is on neighboring or adjacent businesses. What should I do if I am injured after a trip and fall? The law requires that an injured person "mitigate" or minimize their damages. It is very important that you seek immediate medical attention so that you may receive the appropriate medical treatment for your injuries. It is also important that you document your injuries by taking photographs. Also, it is very common in these types of accidents that the location of the fall is quickly repaired by the city or property owner. The result is that critical evidence may be lost. By contacting an attorney immediately after the fall, steps can be taken to preserve any physical evidence that can be lost with the passage of time. What damages can I recover for my injuries in a slip, trip, and fall? Generally, a person is entitled to recover damages for past and any future medical expenses, past and any future wage loss, and for pain and suffering. When is it best to hire a personal injury attorney? If your injuries are minor and you quickly recover, there probably is no need to hire an attorney. There are good guides on the internet or resources at the county law library on how to present a small claim to an insurance company. However, if you have serious injuries or you feel you're not being treated fairly by the insurance adjuster, then it is a good idea to have a consultation with an injury attorney to discuss in detail your situation and learn what your options and rights are. The sooner you meet with an attorney, the sooner he or she will be able to protect your rights. In some cases, especially "trip and falls", critical evidence can be lost very quickly. Meeting with an attorney as soon as possible can prevent this from happening. It is rarely a good idea to conduct your own investigation or attempt to preserve important evidence. A good personal injury lawyer will use professional investigators and accident re-constructionists to protect your rights. Do I have to pay for the initial consultation? At the Phillips Law Offices, we do not charge for the initial consultation and there is no obligation to retain the firm. We gladly will meet with you in person at our office or if you prefer at your location. We also can answer initial questions by telephone or through video conference such as Skype or Facetime. We also can schedule appointments in the evenings and weekends.
I was recently retired from motorcycle riding by a distracted driver while on a road trip to the Southeast. The thing I loved most about biking was touring back roads of America with friends. I am hoping to establish new friendships with like minded people within this community. I have had roadsters in the past and feel it's time to return to my roots.
Activities. Inspiration. Book, Toy, and Game Reviews. My kids went to the science museum today and made these great pine cone animal sculptures. What a wonderful way to use found items for art! If you've read my blog before, you know I am interested in fine motor skills activities for older children. Well, holding a glue gun with one hand and attaching all of these little parts with the other is wonderful exercise for the small muscles of the hand. As with all of the best exercises, I'm sure making these cute pine cone animals didn't feel like exercise at all! Check out the acorn birds' nests the kids made the same day. Question: What fun crafts do you have in mind for the fall? Now THOSE are pretty AWESOME!!! I love them! The triceratops is well TOPS! Brilliant! Glad you like the triceratops. My son was pretty proud of that one. Hi. I'm Jeremy Seminoff, a homeschool dad and a teacher at New Hope International School in Tokyo, Japan. I strongly believe that learning should be fun! This blog exists to inspire parents and teachers to keep education playful. Feel free to contact me via email or twitter. Support MakeLearningFun by shopping at amazon through this link! Copyright Jeremy Seminoff. All rights reserved. This blog generates affiliate income. Simple theme. Powered by Blogger.
De duinworteluil (Agrotis ripae) is een nachtvlinder uit de familie van de uilen, de Noctuidae. Beschrijving De voorvleugellengte bedraagt tussen de 14 en 18 millimeter. De grondkleur van de voorvleugels is zandkleurig, soms wat grijziger. De achtervleugel is wit. Waardplanten De duinworteluil gebruikt allerlei halofyte planten als waardplanten, bijvoorbeeld zeeraket, stekend loogkruid schorrenkruid of gewone zoutmelde. De rups is te vinden van september tot maart. De soort overwintert als rups. Voorkomen De soort komt voor van de westkust van Noord-Afrika tot de Noordzee- en Oostzeekusten, noordelijk begrensd door het zuiden van Scandinavië. In Nederland en België De duinworteluil is in Nederland en België een zeer zeldzame soort, die in de duinen, op het strand en soms langs de grote rivieren kan worden gezien. De vlinder kent één generatie die vliegt van halverwege mei tot in augustus. Externe links Lepidoptera of Belgium Agrotis Dier uit het Palearctisch gebied
Once you centered the editor on a class, you have access to its basic text. If the class is compiled, the features tool shows the list of the features that are defined or redefined in this text. You can also view clickable, flat, flat contract and contract views of the class in the editor. The class tab in the context tool can display more information. If the context tool is independent, center it on the wanted class and select this tab. You can then see information about the features (routines, attributes, exported features, etc. ..) of the class, its ancestors and descendants or its clients and suppliers . The metric tool provides another kind of data. It allows you to compute a complete set of measures on your class.
Acer America Corporation is a subsidiary company of Acer Inc a Taiwanese hardware corporation. Acer America Corporation was founded in 1976 and has its headquarters is located in San Jose, California, United States. The products developed by the company are Desktops, laptops, notebooks, servers, smart phones, tablet computers, storage, handhelds, monitors, televisions, video projectors, and e-business. The company also provides accessories, upgrades and warranties to its products. The computer hardware electronics company sells product through its online website and through other retail outlets. Along with Acer America Corporation, Acer Computer Australia, Acer India, Gateway, Packard Bell, eMachines are subsidiaries of Acer Inc. There are currently 0 consumer reviews about Acer America Corporation available. Share your review. Please take a note that you are about to post a public review about Acer America Corporation corporate office on CorporateOffice.com. This review will be public, so please do not post any of your personal information on this website. If you would like to contact the corporate offices of Acer America Corporation, please use their contact information such as their phone number, website, and address listed above to contact them. However, sometimes staff from Acer America Corporation headquarters do read the reviews on this website.
Maybe it's mere coincidence. We suspect not. Earlier this year, Aston Martin released its uprated Rapide S, pushing the power of its V12 four-door from 500bhp to 550bhp. Which was just a few more horsepowers than the Porsche Panamera Turbo S. Now Porsche has announced the facelifted, even-more-powerful, even faster Panamera Turbo S. Power from its twin-turbo 4.2-litre V8 rises to 562bhp, 20bhp more than the current Turbo S and a dozen horses ahead of that pesky Rapide. Porsche has liberated that extra power through a new brace of turbochargers with larger compressors, and increased injection pressure by 20 bar. Torque also rises by 37lb ft to a meaty 553lb ft, with an overboost function raising it to 590lb ft for short bursts. All of which adds up to an indecently rapid machine. The upgraded Panamera will do 0-62mph in an official 3.8 seconds - though remember Porsche is notoriously conservative with its acceleration figures - and a top speed of 193mph. Enough to make the 190mph, 0-62mph-in-4.9-secs Rapide look pedestrian. Despite the power hike, Porsche claims economy of the Panamera Turbo S has risen 11 per cent to 27.7mpg. The facelifted Panamera Turbo S will officially debut at the Tokyo show later this month, and will land in the UK in January with prices starting at £131,049. That's £15k less than the Aston Rapide S. Which would you take?
My honest review is, I loved this book. I'm glad I choose to review because this is so worth it. I was hooked from page 1 and it continued to get better and better. It read like a true crime novel and I had to keep reminding myself this was not true crime over and over. It read like true crime because it talked about real things happening now in the world, corruption, illegals and money hungry politicians. The characters are well developed and some very likable. I really liked the doctor and the lawyer Devin Garner. The showdown in court was the best part. This book was so hard to put down. Move over John Grisham and Scott Turow. Everyone should know about this book. It will NOT disappoint. I highly recommend to anyone. Looking forward to reading more by this Author.
By including the following in your business case, you can increase chances of success in hiring more sales people. Simply stating that you want to hire more sales people to make more sales won't make your business case. Your proposal should include the big picture of why you want to hire more sales people and why this is necessary to your organization. Also showing what your sales team has done to fill in the gaps, and how this will gradually erode the ability to grow as your sales team gets caught in administrative or routine tasks without enough staff to handle the workload, will help you make your case. Working in sales, you know that two of the most important questions that someone asked to buy into a decision will have are "How much will it cost?" and "What does that get me?" When making a business case to hire more sales people, you need to show shared decision makers what the costs will be to hire more sales people. Many sales managers leave it at that, but you can do better and build a stronger case by also showing the costs of doing nothing. By including both direct and indirect costs in your estimates, you can also avoid the delay or denial that comes from incomplete information. How much does one person need to sell to cover the average costs of hiring? Assuming average performance, how long will it take to recoup the initial cost outlay to hire more sales people? Is there a cost savings for acting now vs. waiting until later to hire more sales people? If your business case to hire more sales people is thorough and numbers driven, you will convert decision makers into allies in your initiative to add to the sales team. Take the time to build a formal business case to show those whose support you need to hire more sales people why such a decision will benefit your organization.
Benetau 50.5 "Evangelia" sailing boat. Provides 5 cabins and 3 bathrooms. Integrated equipment for all needs. Comfortable and spacious for 10 people. It has an extra cabin for the captain. Autopilot, refrigerator, freezer, cooker, oven, outdoor shower, gpsploter radio, usb player, wi-fi, bow thruster, electric capstan, masks and flippers.
IISR Celebrates its 25th Institute Foundation Day The 25th Institute Foundation Day programmes of ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode were celebrated on 1 July 2020. The day-long celebrations were inaugurated by Dr. A. K. Singh, Deputy Director General (Hort. Sci.), ICAR, New Delhi. Dr. R. Ramakumar, Professor, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai and Member, Kerala State Planning Board, delivered a lecture on global and Indian challenges in agriculture sector in the post covid scenario. Dr Santhosh J. Eapen, Director, ICAR-IISR presided over the meeting. Dr. R. Dinesh, Head of Office, welcomed the gathering and Dr. T.E. Sheeja, Principal Scientist, thanked the audience. Adv. V S Sunil Kumar, Hon'ble Minister for Agriculture, Govt. of Kerala, who was the chief guest in the afternoon session, inaugurated two new facilities at the institute headquarters, Spice Processing Facility and Pesticide Residue Analytical Laboratory. Mr. K.V. Noushad, Agricultural Officer explained about the 'Subiksha Keralam' project of Kerala Government. Dr. C.K. Thankamani, Head, Crop Production & PHT welcomed the guests and Dr. K. Anees, Scientist, proposed the vote of thanks. As part of the foundation day celebrations, IISR in collaboration with Indian Society for Spices distributed television sets for enabling online school education programmes at Kattippara and Chakkittappara villages. Institute also distributed spice flavoured hand sanitizers, pedal operated hand sanitizer dispensers and facial masks to KSRTC Depot, Kozhikode. Five farmers were honoured for their significant contributions to the spice sector through innovative and scientific cultivation practices adopted in spice farming. The Institute also honoured its staff members from various categories for excellence in service. Several publications including annual report and extension pamphlets on spice cultivation were released on the day. More than 200 participants including former directors and employees joined the event organized on Cisco Webex virtual platform.
There once was a time that if a friendly-looking furry would friend me I'd automatically friend them back. These days I'm a lot more particular. Even so, it's not uncommon that I think to myself there's altogether too many people on my friends list. This sounds like I'm leading up to a purge and I admit it's on my mind. I've always been dissuaded in the past by my fear of stirring up drama among those who take defriending personally and I'm not saying that that won't be the case this time. If I do defriend anyone, I want them to understand that it's not because I hate them. Far from it. More likely I'm not getting anything from their LiveJournals and, judging from the lack of response to my own posts, they're not getting much from mine. It will just make it easier for me to keep up with those who are left. Of course, anyone's welcome to follow my LJ. Most of my posts are unlocked anyway so likely you won't miss out on much.
anybody else had the flu for the last three weeks? year, so decided to have the jab this time round. Did you have the vaccine? I've only had real flu once, when I was a child. Last 2 winters, I got vaccinated. bed to go to the loo? with it a day earlier! Anyone had flu this year after having the flue jab? I did just before xmas, a sore throat for a few hours, then a bad cold for 4-5 days, then a cough and a bit of sneezing for the following 3 weeks annoying but I was still able to do most things without a probem. Quite a few friends had it too but effected them differnty but all said they had something for about 1 month or so. I boldley flew where I had flu'd before is how I saw it. that's just recovery time not flu. quite get a handle on. sporadically for over 2 weeks. A cold as far as I am concerned. I have had a slight sniffle for the past three weeks, does that count? Just a little 'bunged up', a lot of sneezing, nothing else. Benefit of flu jabs I guess. quite a few people who had the same symptoms. I'll vouch for the severity of real flu. I was in bed with it when my young stepdaughter told me that a pikey was stealing a large radiator that I removed for a re-plastering job and left propped against the side wall of our house (not in full view). All I could do was tell her: get his reg number. I'd normally be well up for some argy-bargy with a scoundrel like that. I just could not rise from bed.
UW Health's pediatric rehabilitation specialists at American Family Children's Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, provide a multidisciplinary approach to your child's rehabilitation. The pediatric outpatient rehabilitation clinic is staffed by several senior therapists with 10-30 years of experience in pediatric therapy. Many physical therapy treatment programs are available in the pediatric rehabilitation clinic, including post-operative rehabilitation for orthopedic and neurosurgical patients.
A chrome extension written in Elm to add some statistics and sorting to tracks that are played in plug.dj. Admittedly, it was also an excuse for me to try out Elm. Something about Elm's tagline really caught my eye and I just had to try it out. Model, which contains the state of your application. It consists of all of your variables for each component. They can also be used in a similar fashion to 2-way binding, which is really just a change in state. Update, which defines how your state will be updated. You can use these as event handlers or other methods that will change the state of your component. View, which is reminiscent of Reactjs and others in that Elm acts as a DSL for generating HTML elements and binding attributes, events, and values to them. The only problem with Elm, is that it's super terse and haskell-like. It makes starting with Elm unusually difficult.
New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update Be Imitators of God 1 aTherefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; 2 and awalk in love, just as Christ also bloved 1you and cgave Himself up for us, an doffering and a sacrifice to God 2as a efragrant aroma. 3 But aimmorality 1or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among 2saints; 4 and there must be no afilthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which bare not fitting, but rather cgiving of thanks. 5 For this you know with certainty, that ano 1immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom bof Christ and God. 6 aLet no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things bthe wrath of God comes upon cthe sons of disobedience. 7 Therefore do not be apartakers with them; 8 for ayou were formerly bdarkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as cchildren of Light 9 (for athe fruit of the Light consists in all bgoodness and righteousness and truth), 10 1atrying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 aDo not participate in the unfruitful bdeeds of cdarkness, but instead even 1dexpose them; 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things become visible awhen they are 1exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light. 14 For this reason 1it says, "aAwake, sleeper, And arise from bthe dead, And Christ cwill shine on you." 15 Therefore 1be careful how you awalk, not bas unwise men but as wise, 16 1amaking the most of your time, because bthe days are evil. 17 So then do not be foolish, but aunderstand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And ado not get drunk with wine, 1for that is bdissipation, but be cfilled with the Spirit, 19 aspeaking to 1one another in bpsalms and chymns and spiritual dsongs, esinging and making melody with your heart to the Lord; 20 aalways giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to 1bGod, even the Father; 21 1aand be subject to one another in the 2bfear of Christ. Marriage Like Christ and the Church 22 aWives, bbe subject to your own husbands, cas to the Lord. 23 For athe husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the bhead of the church, He Himself cbeing the Savior of the body. 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything. 25 aHusbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and bgave Himself up for her, 26 aso that He might sanctify her, having bcleansed her by the cwashing of water with dthe word, 27 that He might apresent to Himself the church 1in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be bholy and blameless. 28 So husbands ought also to alove their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; 29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, 30 because we are amembers of His bbody. 31 aFor this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. 32 This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to alove his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she 1brespects her husband. About New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update The New American Standard Bible, long considered a favorite study Bible by serious students of the Scriptures, has been completely revised and updated in this new 1995 translation. Preserving the Lockman Foundation's standard of creating a literal translation of the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic manuscripts, the 1995 NASB provides a literal translation that is very readable. Formalized language and outdated words and phrases have been replaced with their contemporary counterparts. In short, the 1995 NASB is a Bible translation that is very conducive to word-by-word study and is also able to be read (and understood) by the whole family. Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. http://www.lockman.org NAS Cross References and Translator's Notes Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. http://www.lockman.org NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. The "NASB," "NAS," "New American Standard Bible," and "New American Standard" trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by The Lockman Foundation. Use of these trademarks requires the permission of The Lockman Foundation. PERMISSION TO QUOTE The text of the New American Standard Bible® may be quoted and/or reprinted up to and inclusive of five hundred (500) verses without express written permission of The Lockman Foundation, providing that the verses do not amount to a complete book of the Bible nor do the verses quoted account for more than 25% of the total work in which they are quoted. Notice of Copyright must appear on the title or copyright page of the work as follows: "Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, © Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission." When quotations from the NASB® text are used in not-for-sale media, such as church bulletins, orders of service, posters, transparencies or similar media, the abbreviation (NASB) may be used at the end of the quotation. This permission to quote is limited to material which is wholly manufactured in compliance with the provisions of the copyright laws of the United States of America and all applicable international conventions and treaties. Quotations and/or reprints in excess of the above limitations, or other permission requests, must be directed to and approved in writing by The Lockman Foundation, PO Box 2279, La Habra, CA 90632-2279, (714) 879-3055. http://www.lockman.org nasb95
J-Stars Victory Vs+ (preowned) Fighting, Video Games Preowned Buy 1 Get 1 Free! Mild violence and sexualised images, online interactivity More information For the 45th anniversary of the "Shonen JUMP" magazine and the 20th annivasary of the "V JUMP" magazine, a never before seen fighting game has been developed. The game invites fans and gamers to play their favourite manga/anime's characters and progress in the JUMP World through different environments recalling ONE PIECE, NARUTO, DRAGON BALL Z and others' memorable moments. For every Manga and Anime fans, J-Stars Vicoty Vs+ is without any doubt a must-have for long hours of nervous and amazing battles in a unique atmosphere. 1st time in Europe - A unique game combining licenses issued in the famous JUMP magazines is releasing for the first time outside of Japan. Incredible Roster - A huge choice of characters coming from the most famous original manga/anime issued in the JUMP Magazine JUMP World - The world where the adventure takes place offers 4 different scenarios in which players can travel in memorable places like "Planet Namek", "Alabasta", "Green Leaf"… Epic battles - With the 2 Vs 2 team battle system, fights are going to be tough, strategic and exciting. Each character possesses his own specifications and attacks coming from the original Manga/ anime. The ame also adds special moves called "Combination Attack" and "Voltage System" making battles even more aggressive! Arcade Mode - An Arcade Mode has been added to the game in the same vein as every fighting game Stunning graphics - With a PlayStation®4 version releasing for the first time, the game offers the best possible experiences and plunges players into an Anime. Freedom Wars World of Final Fantasy Tokyo Twilight: Ghost Hunters Toukiden Kiwami Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed Arcana Heart 3: Love Max Lumines: Electronic Symphony Deception IV: Blood Ties
Since the first edition of the CCA,Lagos newsletter was published in January 2008, CCA,Lagos has continued in its tradition of informing the widest audience possible about its vibrant activities but more importantly to give pride of place to documentation. The Newsletter has been suspended currently! Global Critique Clinic:Artist Professional Development Workshop|All We Ever Wanted|Where is There? On the Global and the Local|On the Move: Cotonou/Porto-Novo|Reflections on ARS 11|Collector's Focus: Femi Lijadu|Addis Foto Fest, A Successful Strategy|A Kilo of Hope in Collaboration|Images from Art-iculate|The Library.
Members of Staind, Extreme, Shinedown Perform Separate Acoustic Tributes to Scott Weiland Joe DiVita Joe DiVita Published: December 10, 2015 It's been one week since the passing of former Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver singer Scott Weiland. The adage of "the music will live on forever" continues to ring true as more and more musicians perform covers of some of Weiland's best-known songs. The performances posted here include Aaron Lewis of Staind and Extreme's Nuno Bettencourt each performing the Stone Temple Pilots classic "Creep," plus Brent Smith and Zach Myers of Shinedown covering "Big Empty." All three renditions are performed acoustically and are an emotional tribute to the late singer. Lewis performed the song one day after Weiland's death in Indianapolis, Ind., while on his acoustic tour. Opting for an a capella beginning, Bettencourt gets to the second verse before slinging his acoustic back around and finishing the song mirroring the original a little more closely. The Shinedown frontman and guitarist are currently on an acoustic tour together, promoting their 2014 EP Acoustic Sessions, which came out under the name Smith & Myers. The stripped down version works well as the song is rather moody and Smith's low croon lends itself well to a cross between the original and acoustic cover. Weiland was found dead on his tour bus late Dec. 3 while on tour with his solo act, Scott Weiland and the Wildabouts. Since his death, police have searched his tour bus and found a mix of substances and pills including cocaine, Xanax, synthetic opiates, sleeping pills, Viagra and medication used to treat Weiland's bipolar and schizophrenic diseases in the singer's bedroom. Cocaine was also found in bassist Tommy Black's room. He was brought into custody under possession charges and has since been released as police continue their investigation. 10 Unforgettable Scott Weiland Moments Watch Scott Weiland's Final Interview Source: Members of Staind, Extreme, Shinedown Perform Separate Acoustic Tributes to Scott Weiland Filed Under: scott weiland, shinedown, Staind, stone temple pilots
Being able to chew and speak comfortably and effectively is important, so, if your dentures or partial dentures aren't working, you have a problem. They don't last forever. Dentures need to be relined every two years, and after five to seven years, you'll need a new set. When you have dentures, your biting and chewing force is reduced by 80%. The fact that dentures are removable can cause problems as well. Dentures are held in place by suction. If they slip or move in your mouth they will often be less comfortable and work less effectively. Ill-fitting dentures can also contribute to an aged look and cause you to alter your food choices. While dentures can be an effective treatment when you are missing teeth, they are often only an alternative, not a replacement. If this is the case for you, you may want to consider a denture or partial denture that is rooted in place with dental implants. A dental implant consists of a titanium fixture that's surgically implanted into your jawbone. This effectively mimics the function of a tooth root and helps to keep your dentures more firmly in place. Once healed, the implant is capped with a dental crown or similar dental restoration to help it look and function like a natural tooth. A dental exam will allow Chestermere dentist Dr Lowry to investigate the issues that could be causing your dentures to not work as well as they could or should. After the exam, Dr Lowry will be able to discuss treatment options to improve the situation and help you regain a more comfortable fit.
About Lahore Massacre Shuhada-e-Inqilab LHC Order For Security Barriers Police Letter For Security Barriers FIR Lahore Massacre Justice Ali Baqar Najafi Judicial Commission Report Telephone Call Record APC Declaration Overseas Protests Public Condolence Photos Galleray Prominent faces of Gullu Butts Short News Report Oppressor gets encouraged only when the oppressed accepts cruelty: Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri PAT leader Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has said that when the oppressed accepts oppression, and falls prey to expediency, greed and fear, it allows oppressors to become even more audacious and fearless. He said that the families of the martyrs of Model Town have chronicled a new chapter of perseverance, and courage by standing their ground against the might of the powerful people. He said that these sacrifices that were rendered against the oppressive system will not go in vain. He said that the publication of Justice Najafi Commission represents a significant development towards the goal of justice in the Model Town case, adding that the report is the outcome of the family members of the martyrs being steadfast and determined. He said that together with the courageous families, we will make sure that the perpetrators of the massacre of innocent people are taken to their logical end. Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri stated these views in his meeting with the family members of martyrs, those injured and arrested in the police operations at the central secretariat yesterday. Speaking on the occasion, the family members of the martyrs said that every tactic in the playbook was used to browbeat them into silence and submission. Lucrative offers of money and settling them abroad were made. The police officers and other local influential were sent to their residences to win them over but they said no to all offers. They said that the movement and the leader they are associated with is matchless. They said that they are proud of their leader Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri and his struggle. He said that it was due to blessings of the association that they were able to reject all offers and stand up to the oppressive system. They said that complete justice is yet to be done. Senior PAT leaders Khurram Nawaz Gandapur, Rafique Najam, Syed Amjad Ali Shah, Hafiz Ghulam Farid, Ishtiaq Hanif Mughal, Naeem-ud-Din Chaudhry Advocate, and Tayyab Zia were also present on the occasion. The family members of the martyrs said that Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri looked after them like a father. He said that they are ready to offer their own lives for the noble cause of peaceful change and revolution. Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri gave away medals to the captives who suffered the rigours of imprisonment over their steadfastness and showed love and affection to the children of the martyrs. After the meeting, the PAT leader went to the Martyrs' Memorial along with the family members of the martyrs and laid the floral wreath there. He also made Dua for the departed souls. Rana Sanaullah misleading nation about Model Town tragedy: PAT Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri strongly reacts to handcuffing of Muhammad Sultan on hospital bed Handcuffed Muhammad Sultan suffering from a brain tumor Jawad Hamid submits his complete statement to the anti-terrorism court No bail for late Hamayon Bashir till he died: Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri Tweets by @StateTerrorPK © 2020 Minhaj-ul-Quran International. All rights reserved.
Home Resources Stairlift, home elevator or platform lift? How do you know which is the best option for you? If stairs have started to become a problem for you or a loved one, you may be looking for a solution. However, you've realized there are lots of different options to consider – so, which one do you choose? We're here to help. Although any of the three options would help you or your loved one get your freedom of movement back, they have different uses, and can be used in different situations. The mobility of the user, space constraints and price are all key factors to consider, so in this article, we'll talk about the main features of each one, as well as anything you might have to bear in mind if you decide to opt for one over the other. A stairlift is a lift that takes a person up and down the stairs while sitting on a chair. It's pretty straightforward really – it does what it says on the tin – carries you up the stairs comfortably and safely. One of the main perks of a stairlift is that it is the most cost-effective way of giving you freedom of movement in your home. As no building work has to be done to install one, and they can be installed on practically any staircase, they're a good solution for anyone who simply wants to get up their stairs, without having to make any significant alterations to their home. The look of a stairlift – is the stairlift designed to match your home décor? How it is controlled – is the hand control ergonomic? Safety features – how easy is the seatbelt to do up? What happens if there's something in the way of your stairlift? there are lots of things to consider before you choose the right stairlift for you. Do some research online and read customer reviews – see what other people are saying about each company to make sure you choose one you can trust. Who can use a stairlift? Like we said above, pretty much anyone. If you can hold yourself upright in a chair, you can use a stairlift (you need to be sure you're securely in the chair all the way to the other end). ou can even use a stairlift if you find it difficult to bend your knees and hips, as we have several different chairs in our range, each one built to meet different needs. The Sadler is the perfect blend between a perch seat and a chair, and if you find it difficult or painful to sit back into a chair, and get back up again, it's exactly what you need to carry you up the stairs. The seat of the Sadler tilts back, supporting your weight as you sit back into it, taking the pressure off your knees, as you glide up the stairs in near-standing position. Then, when you reach the other end of your stairs, it tilts back up, gently helping you out of the chair. You can even use a stairlift if you use a wheelchair, but if you want to use your stairlift independently, you need to be able to get in and out of your wheelchair, and in and out of your stairlift, by yourself. A stairlift also can't carry a wheelchair, so you may need to have another one waiting for you at the other end of the stairs. As long as you can hold yourself upright in the chair, the standard safety features of each one of our stairlifts – from our ergonomic seatbelt to a footrest fold button – make sure our stairlifts are safe and easy to use. Where can I have a stairlift installed? A stairlift is installed on your stairs. They can be installed on the vast majority of staircases, whether they're long or short, wide or narrow, indoors or outdoors, straight or curved. Stairlifts are fitted onto your stairs (whatever they're made of), not your walls. That means that installing a stairlift doesn't require any building work, and installations are quick (take less than a day) and clean. As long as you have a power outlet near your stairs, a stairlift can be installed easily – and can even be fitted to carry you up multiple staircases, and multiple floors. A home elevator could be the solution you immediately jump to when you think of making your home more accessible. After all, home elevators tend to increase property value, and are often seen as a smart investment – especially if you have reduced mobility and are finding it difficult to get around in your home. Where you'll install it – do you have room to build an elevator shaft and pit? Could you get a home elevator that doesn't need a shaft or pit? Do you have the space even a small elevator would require? How much it'll cost. Home elevators tend to be more expansive than stairlifts, and as well as the elevator itself, you need to consider the building work that must be done to accommodate the elevator. How long it will take to draw up the plans and actually install your home lift. Can you wait that long? Who can use a home elevator? Go up more than two floors? Carry more than one person? All of these variables could alter the price and type of elevator you're looking for. Where you'll place your home elevator to get the best use from it. Where the drive unit will be placed – will you be able to hear it when the elevator is being used? Home elevators often need yearly maintenance to make sure they're working as well as they can be. Where can I have a home elevator installed? Unlike when you buy a stairlift, when you buy a home lift you're not limited by where you can put it. Depending on what your home is like, you can maximize the use of your home lift by putting it exactly where you want it. You will probably need to get help from professionals in order to work out what's best / doable in your home, but buying a home lift gives you a lot of possibilities and choice in the matter. A platform lift is a platform that moves along a rail that's attached to your stairs, giving you access to your whole home. The platform can transport a person in a wheelchair, a person who is standing up or a person seated on a flip-down seat. It's the ideal solution for transporting people and / or cargo up and down stairs. A platform can be fitted for access up one or several flights of stairs, so could be the ideal solution for you to reach your whole house. Who can use a platform lift? Anyone can use a platform lift thanks to its convenient flip-down seat. Whether you use a wheelchair or not, a platform lift can carry you smoothly up your stairs. An added benefit of a platform lift is its capacity to carry heavy cargo, meaning you have an easy solution to carry heavy goods up and down your stairs, without putting yourself in danger. Where can I have a platform lift installed? Like a stairlift, a platform lift must be installed on steps. The good news is that whatever your steps are like – whether they're long or short, indoors or outdoors, straight or curved, and whatever they're made of, a platform lift can be installed on them. However, due to the size of a platform lift when it is unfolded for use, it can't be installed on very narrow staircases, as it needs space to be able to travel all the way up. However, when it's not in use, a platform lift folds up neatly, leaving plenty of room on the steps for anyone who wants to use them. All you need, is to have a power outlet by your staircase for a platform lift to be fitted, to get you moving on your stairs. Can you choose where it's installed? You can choose the side of the stairs you want to install it on, but that's about it. Yes (depending on the constraints of your house) You can choose the side of the stairs you want to install it on, but that's about it. How economical is it to run? Very. In fact, it's even cheaper than your coffee machine. Pretty economical, although it really depends on the lift you opt for. Very. In fact, it's even cheaper than your coffee machine.
The Fitocracy Member Spotlight highlights the exceptional people who make our site so great. Thanks to GalwayGirl for sharing her journey to a stronger self. I stumbled across Fitocracy during a Google search for online fitness trackers and my inner geek was instantly hooked by the "Level Up, Be More Awesome" gaming approach. Over the past two and a half years Fito and its' community of knowledgeable and experienced athletes has given me the insight to completely revamp my entire approach to fitness. After countless years of torturing myself with hour upon hour of cardio classes and 1200 calorie meal plans in a relentless battle to reclaim my size 0 jeans, I discovered Powerlifting and the beauty of strength. I now take classes when I want to, just for the fun of it, eat twice as many calories and rejoice that my glutes refuse to fit into a size 10. In September, I will begin my next strength cycle to prepare for my next competition (January 2017) which will hopefully qualify me to compete at the APA-WPA National competition late in 2017. After Nationals, I will switch focus and train my daughter to compete in her first competition in 2018. I will still train but it will be her time to shine. Nutrition is key to everything in life. It dictates your health, how you feel, how well you can train. It's taken quite a bit of trial and error to learn what macro splits and food combinations work best for me during all cycles of training (especially in a bulk. WHY can't I live on gelato???). I'd like to invest some time in the future in obtaining a Nutritional Certification to help women raise their metabolic floor with reverse dieting. Funny enough, my biggest weakness currently is my cardiovascular endurance (after all those years of cardio. :/) I'm not sure I excel anywhere just yet, I'm only 2 years into serious training and still have much to learn. Being able to add more weight to the bar of course. ;) Seriously though, I've noticed the past year or so that the stronger I grow physically in the gym, the stronger I become emotionally and mentally. There isn't a damn thing that I can't accomplish for myself. This newfound inner strength is just as, if not more so, important as the physical strength. Too many generations of women have been raised to be weak; physically, mentally, emotionally, never being taught to stand independent and strong. Strength training motivates me to pass this gift to other women. There is nothing I love more than the look on their face when they realize just how strong they are. Whether it's flipping a monster tire that they never considered even touching or pulling a heavy deadlift off the floor, when their eyes light up and they realize what they can do, it just makes me want to get stronger. So I can help them get stronger. Love yourself. You will stumble, don't let it stop you. Find a fitness journey that you will love. Love is what will get you going, it will keep you motivated until you have developed your dedication. If you Hate the treadmill, hours of running on it is not going to be a sustainable solution. Likewise, if you Hate the weight room, powerlifting is most likely not where you want to start. Fuel your body. If someone tries to put you on a 1200 calorie diet, punch them in the face and walk away. Seriously. Punch them in the face. As the Hulk says "That's my secret Cap, I'm always angry". There is a deep turbulent river of anger that runs in the deepest recesses of my veins; powerlifting has finally given it the outlet that it needs. Fitocracy has changed my life. It's helped me discover the athlete I've always wanted to be and is helping me help others find their path on their journeys. The community here is unlike any other social media community that I've seen. I've met some of the most incredible people here all trying to be their best and inspire others to be their best. A video from my last competition where I pulled the 320 deadlift.
Our company is called Longslice Brewery. We are a small craft brewing company based out of west-end Toronto. The company was founded by myself (Jimmy Peat), my brother John Peat, and longtime friend Sebastian Lesch. The three of us (plus my brother's wife) live together in a house which doubles as our company headquarters. We all kind of share responsibilities here at Longslice since there is only the three of us. That being said, I typically head up the marketing efforts, John generally takes on the daily operations, while Seb has the responsibility of managing the financial operations of the company. We're located in Toronto, Ontario. Seb comes from a web development background, so he's made a few little tools for the company that is wrapped up in a back end website that we can access. We use the tools every day. Basically, the app tracks our deliveries, tracks where our kegs are at any given time, monitors inventory levels at our cold storage facility... It's pretty sweet. Other than that we basically communicate through Facebook Messenger. Our office is in the basement of our house in west end Toronto. We have a couple of desks up against the wall where Seb and I work. We also have our 'living room' down here in the basement which is great because we use the television during our Monday planning meetings to pull up spreadsheets, and emails etc. The other half of the basement is where we store all of our empty kegs after we retrieve them from the bar. We are what is called a contract brewing company (for the time being). We produce our beer out of existing brewing facilities in Ontario. We have our own recipes which we essentially pass on to the brewers at the brewing facility, then we go in and work with them on the brew days to make sure everything is going to spec. They are very talented brewers that we work with, which is great! Currently, we're on track to be producing 200hL per month (or 20,000L). Our goal is to have our own brewing facility up and running in 2018. It would allow us to produce a wider variety of seasonal beers which we're all itching to brew! Originally we started brewing in high school to get around the 19-year-old drinking age. There is no legal minimum for buying malt or yeast as it would turn out so we started bootlegging to our friends in high school, haha. But over the years it became a much more serious hobby. Both John and I had produced medals for some home brew competitions. Finally, we decided to take the dive and make beer for a living and launched Longslice Brewery with our Hopsta La Vista IPA in 2014. Longslice was just a nickname that I had from way back. When I was home brewing at my apartment on College Street in Toronto a few years back, I jokingly labeled my beer 'Longslice Brewery". It was only really meant as a joke at first, but it stuck around. John and Seb both liked the ring of it so we went with it. We try not to take things too seriously as a company which can be reflected through our marketing efforts. I recommend checking out our Hopsta La Vista mini-series. Episode 1 and Episode 2 are up on YouTube and Episode 3 is coming out on Wednesday! Sales calls are definitely one of the bigger hurdles that we have as such a small company. There's only the three of us, so finding time to go out and do sales calls can be challenging. There are also limited venues to sell your beer in Ontario. There is the LCBO (similar to the SAQ in Quebec), The Brewers' Retail (which is owned by InBev, Molson's, and Sapporo), bars and restaurants, and as of this year select grocery stores. I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth... The LCBO is great! They sell a ton of our beer. It is just something to consider here in Ontario though, that there are no off-sales liquor stores. Jeez. We're kind of all over the map. Right now we have a Vaporwave playlist on, before that we were listening to Jethro Tull. Before that, we were listening to Skepta. Sometimes we put on the best Sega Genesis game soundtracks on (Streets of Rage II is pretty dope). I don't know. We listen to everything from hard rock to electronic, to hip hop, to jazz... It really just depends on the day, and what projects we're working on. John listens to CBC Radio One in the van while he does deliveries. They have some pretty good programming during the day. Well, every Monday we have our weekly planning meeting and go over any upcoming tasks. It helps us stay on track. Then we call the LCBO's if they are running low on our beer. Tuesday's is delivery day for LCBO's, Wednesday's are delivery days for bars, and the rest of the week we use to do other things like sales calls, or catching up on stuff we've been meaning on getting done. Seb is a certified Scrum master. Just breaking big jobs down into smaller manageable tasks is how we've managed to stay on track for so long. It different from week to week, we often have different side projects on the go. Like making tap handles, or putting together a short commercial series, or getting ready for an event. But, our usual week includes checking in with and restocking places that currently carry us... and bookkeeping, the paperwork never ends! The deep fryer we have here at the house. So many tasty trans-fats! Haha... seriously, though, there are so many good things out there right now! It's not all about brewing beer. There's a lot that goes into it that people don't see, and may not be ready for.
The meaning of the card and bottle is closely linked to what it is we are living through at the moment. The image of the Tarot card is of a tower struck by lightning and a body falling which is the exact image we saw on September 11, 2001. The meaning of the card and bottle is therefore very closely linked to what it is we are living through at the moment. We all seem to be on the path of the tower in some way or another. In our own situation it is the explosion of the structures we hold onto because we believe them to be our comfort zones even though they are no longer serving us. The colours, lilac and olive green, are a clear indication of this vibration – it is your spirit (lilac) that needs you to move for your greater good so that you might begin to function with love (green) rather than from fear (yellow). This says that your spirit will never let you down. You are now being taken seriously as a spiritual being having a human experience and wherever change takes you it will always be perfect.
Webinar: Leveraging Video Technology to Enhance Patient Safety and Deliver Concordant Care Zoom Platform Advance care planning conversations are the first step in ensuring that people communicate their preferences and goals of care, but how can we make sure that those wishes are understood and honored? TRIAD VIII was the first evidence-based study to evaluate how Scripted Patient To Clinician Video messaging can allow clinicians to hear what matters most to a patient straight from the patient's mouth, even when a medical crisis renders them unable to speak for themselves. MIDEO®, a state of… Innovative Community Health Workforce Strategies University of Southern California (USC) Andrus Gerontology Center Room 224, 3715 McClintock Avenue C-TAC is convening this Regional Research Forum at University of Southern California's (USC) Andrus Gerontology Center in collaboration with America's Physician Groups (APG) to present PCORI-funded research studies that have the potential to significantly improve workforce development and create actionable strategies. The Forum's aim is to place these PCORI projects in the hands of implementers – health system leaders, faith leaders, providers, payers, community and state organizations, and others – who can use the PCORI research findings to implement systemic… C-TAC Partner Event: 38th Annual Convention of the TX & NM Hospice Organization – Santa Fe, NM February 27 @ 8:00 am - March 1 @ 5:00 pm La Fonda on the Plaza, 100 E San Francisco St. Santa Fe, NM 87501 United States + Google Map The Texas & New Mexico Hospice Organization is excited to hold its Annual Convention at the La Fonda Hotel on the Plaza in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Feb. 27 - March 1, 2020. They invite you to join them in our celebration of our 38th Conference. They are expecting over 400 professionals in attendance again this year. The Evolution of Hope in Advanced Illness: A Key to Health System Transformation Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School, 23 Everett St., 3rd Floor Cambridge, MA 02138 United States + Google Map Despite most patients' preferences to die at home among their loved ones, many with end-stage cancer, heart failure and other advanced illnesses spend their last days in the hospital. Many clinicians resist telling patients that treatments are not working or that their prognosis is poor, fearful of destroying their hopes for cure. Difficult but honest and needed conversations about patients' prognosis can be blocked by an unrealistic view of hope focused solely on cure. But, as cure becomes less likely,… How to Communicate to Improve Advance Care Planning: Putting Research Into Practice InterContinental Cleveland, 9801 Carnegie Ave Cleveland, OH 44106 United States + Google Map With support from the Person-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) as part of their Eugene Washington Engagement Award for Capacity Building grant, C-TAC is convening this Forum in partnership with the Cleveland Clinic to highlight the findings of three pioneering research studies on communication, ACP, and decision-making. These three studies are led by distinguished PCORI-funded academic investigators. The purpose of this Forum is to place these person-centered, actionable PCORI studies in the hands of implementors – health system leaders, individual providers, payers, community and state coalitions, and advocacy groups – who can… National Summit on Advanced Illness Care Hyatt Regency, 300 Reunion Blvd. Dallas, TX 75207 United States + Google Map More information will be available soon!
Konstantine Kouzine is the head of the Firm's Real Estate & Construction Practice Group in Moscow. Since 2009 Konstantine Kouzine — "legend of the Moscow real estate market" — has constantly been recognized as a leading lawyer by Chambers, Legal 500 and PLC Which Lawyer. Mr. Kouzine's practice focus covers real estate-mergers and acquisitions as well as construction advisory and leasing matters. Representing Fleming Family & Partners, a major private equity real estate fund, in the preparation and negotiation of purchase agreements with respect to office and warehouse facilities in Moscow, the Moscow Region and St. Petersburg. Leasing and pre-leasing of office premises and buildings in Moscow (including preliminary agreements to lease with regard to developments under construction) by foreign companies, their Russian subsidiaries and international institutions. Advising office developers in Moscow on leasing and pre-leasing of office premises and buildings (including preliminary agreements to lease with regard to developments under construction). Advising clients in connection with acquisition of land plots for the development of offices and logistics parks in and around Moscow. Advising lender in connection with financing of construction of a power plant in St. Petersburg secured by mortgage of two hydro electric power stations. Advising clients on the establishment of joint ventures to develop Russian real estate. Advising international and local clients on the preparation and negotiation of real estate asset and company purchase agreements.
MANILA, Philippines – The United States this week committed around P320 million ($6.7 million) to boost law enforcement in the Philippines, an official of the US State Department told Rappler. William Brownfield, assistant secretary for international narcotics and law enforcement affairs of the US State Department, said he approved this contribution "for the support of rule of law and law enforcement." Brownfield said the US sent the Philippines a diplomatic note about this new commitment earlier this week. The exact amount involved is P323.304 million ($6.725 million), according to the US State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). "Wherever the funds eventually go, these will be used in strict compliance with US legal obligations, and basic international law enforcement and policing standards," Brownfield explained. Brownfield once served as US ambassador to Colombia, which is known for a decades-long war on drugs. Before this, he was US ambassador to Venezuela and Chile. He is married to former US ambassador to the Philippines Kristie Kenney, who is now counselor of the US State Department. On the US' P323.304-million contribution, Brownfield said: "The funding is now available for programs and support in the Philippines. 'Available' means the two governments can now discuss and reach agreement on where and how it would be spent." When is the soonest that the Philippines can get hold of this funding? It depends, for one, on "where we agree to put the funding," he said. If the funds will be used to improve courts or to boost maritime security, the funding "could move fairly swiftly, and we could find that by the end of this year, these programs are actually operational." He said that this is because "no one would criticize efforts to improve due process and access to justice in the Philippines." Brownfield said, too, that "there are no accusations that maritime security and maritime law enforcement are producing any abuses." "On the other hand, if we move into more complicated areas, it could take a very long time, because we obviously have to ensure that the government of the Philippines is comfortable with the program," the US official said. "Obviously, any program in the Philippines eventually must be decided by the government of the Philippines, but I also have to be assured that the program would not put us in violation of US law. And if the program is in any sensitive area, this could take a good period of time," he added. In his case as US Assistant Secretary of State, Brownfield said US law prohibits him "from providing assistance to any individual or any unit – security force, police, or military – that has engaged in human rights abuses." The US earlier said it is ready to give the Philippines around P1.54 billion ($32 million) for law enforcement training and services. The INL Bureau of the US State Department said that P224.46 million ($4.665 million) of this larger amount "is set to be transferred soon, via an Interagency Agreement, from INL to the US Coast Guard." This funding aims "to support maritime security in the Philippines." "There is additional money which was previously appropriated by Congress for use in the Philippines, but no decisions have to be made on that funding's use until next year," a spokesperson for the INL Bureau said. Duterte earlier said the US' pledge of $32 million for law enforcement was a way of making amends with the Philippines. The US reacted by saying that this "is not new funding, but rather cumulative funding previously appropriated." The US said this funding is subject to "rigorous vetting" as in the case of other forms of security assistance. The US said all of its security assistance, in turn, "promotes human rights." Duterte, however, has chastised the US over human rights. On a planned meeting with US President Barack Obama, which was later aborted, Duterte said that "nobody has the right to lecture" him on human rights.
How to Use HBO Go Offline Installing & Upgrading How To › Windows Get your movies and shows wherever you want Jeremy Laukkonen Jeremy Laukkonen is tech writer and the creator of a popular blog and video game startup. He also ghostwrites articles for numerous major trade publications. HBO Go is a great way to keep up with your favorite HBO shows without having to stay glued to your television. The service is free for HBO subscribers, and it allows you to stream all of HBO's hit shows and hot movies through a web browser on your computer, or an app on your phone. If you want to use HBO Go offline, and avoid paying big data charges on your cellphone, we'll walk you through your best options. Does HBO Go Allow Offline Viewing? HBO Go doesn't allow offline viewing through the website or any of the official apps. That means you have to stream shows and movies, as you watch them, over a Wi-Fi or cellular data connection. If you want to save some HBO Go shows and movies to watch later, when you're on a plane, or in any other situation where internet access isn't available, you'll have to resort to third party solutions. Here are the two solutions that work the best with HBO Go: PlayOn: This option requires a Windows PC, and you have to pay for the Windows version of the PlayOn app. It allows you to record shows on your PC and then transfer them to your phone. PlayOn Cloud: This option uses a standalone iPhone and Android app. It doesn't require the Windows app, but you do have to pay a small fee every time you record something. PlayOn Lets You Watch HBO Go Offline PlayOn is an app that essentially acts as a digital video recorder (DVR) that records shows and movies for offline viewing. You record the shows you want to watch offline, and then you transfer them to your phone. You can watch them on your phone through the PlayOn mobile app, or any other video player. The downside is that to use this option, you have to have a Windows PC. The app is free, but you have to upgrade to the paid version to use the recording feature. Unlike official offline viewing solutions from competitors like Netflix, there is no option to simply download the shows you want. PlayOn actually has to play each episode, in real time, and record it as it plays. So make sure to plan ahead if you want to have some HBO Go shows and movies available for offline viewing. PlayOn Cloud Lets You Watch HBO Go Offline on Mobile Another solution that works on both iPhones and Android phones is a related app called PlayOn Cloud. This app runs on your phone, doesn't require a PC, and records your shows to the cloud. The catch is that you have to pay a small fee every time you record something. Don't have an HBO subscription yet? iPhone users with iOS 12.3 and newer can sign up for HBO Now through iPhone TV App, which provides a download button that allows you to easily save and watch shows offline. This isn't available for HBO Go subscribers or Android users. How to Use HBO Go Offline Through PlayOn PlayOn is an app that's available for Windows computers, iPhones, and Android phones. The Windows app allows you to record shows through services like HBO Go, and then transfer those files you have recorded to other computers, your phone, or even stream them to your television. PlayOn is a free app, but some features, like recording and streaming, require an upgrade to the paid version of the software. Without upgrading, it allows you to stream media you have obtained elsewhere in a manner similar to Plex. Here's how to use HBO GO offline through PlayOn on a Windows computer: Navigate to PlayOn.com/download, and click Free Version. Click Save, and then install the app once it has finished downloading. Once you have finished installing PlayOn, launch the app. Then click Next until you have read the entire quick start guide, or simply close the quick start window and move on to the next step. Log in to PlayOn. You can log in using your Facebook credentials, or create a new PlayOn account if you prefer. You need to choose one of these two options, as you can't use PlayOn without logging in. Click Channels. Locate and click HBO Go. Click Open Settings. Locate HBO Go in the list of channels, on the channels tab, and click Login. This will open a new window, where you can enter your television provider information. Select your television provider, enter your username and password, and click Login again. HBO Go will open in the PlayOn browser. Verify that you can watch videos, and then click OK. Locate a show or movie that you want to watch offline, and click Record. Use the Send to iTunes button to copy your recorded shows to your iPhone or iPad, or Windows File Explorer to copy your recorded shows to your Android device. How to Use HBO Go Offline On a Phone or Tablet With PlayOn The PlayOn app is also available for Android and iOS, so you can use it on your iPhone, iPad, Android phone, or Android tablet. The app allows you to select shows and movies you want to record, which are recorded on your Windows PC. You can then transfer the shows to your mobile device to watch offline. You need to have PlayOn installed and running on your Windows computer to use this method. Here's how to use HBO Go offline on your phone or tablet with PlayOn: Download and install the PlayOn app on your desktop computer if you haven't already done so. The PlayOn app has to be running on your computer for the mobile app to work. You can initiate recordings from your phone, but only if the app is running on your computer. If you have transferred recordings from your computer to your phone, you can watch them on the PlayOn phone app even if the app isn't running on your computer. Download and install the PlayOn app on your phone. The app is free, and it's available on both Android and iOS: PlayOn on the App store PlayOn on Google Play Open the PlayOn app, and wait for it to connect to the app on your computer. Tap All. Tap HBO Go. Locate the show you want to watch offline, and tap Record. Once you have recorded some shows or movies, you can transfer them from your computer to your phone whenever you have access to a high speed Wi-Fi network. Media stored on your phone can be played at any time, without using your cellular date, from the Local Media tab in the PlayOn app. How to Use PlayOn Cloud to Watch HBO Go Offline PlayOn Cloud is an app that combines the functionality of the Windows app with the functionality of the mobile app. It doesn't require the Windows app, so this is the best option if you have an Android phone and no Windows computer. This method uses PlayOn's cloud servers to record your shows. Once your shows have been recorded, and you're connected to a high-speed Wi-Fi network, you can download them for offline viewing. This option doesn't require you to pay for the desktop version of PlayOn, but you do need to pay a small fee every time you record a show or movie. Here's how to use PlayOn Cloud to watch HBO Go offline. Download and install the PlayOn Cloud app. Launch the PlayOn Cloud app, and tap Skip. Select your TV provider, enter your username and password, and tap Sign In. Search for the show or movie you want to save for offline viewing, or use the genre navigation option to view all available options. Tap Record. Log in to your PlayOn account, log in with your Facebook credentials, or create a new account if you don't have one yet. Tap Got it. Please do it! Select a recording credit pack, click Continue, and complete your purchase. The PlayOn Cloud app can only record your shows and movies if you pay for recording credits. When you're at home, or have access to any other high speed Wi-Fi network, you can download your recorded shows to watch offline whenever you like. 3 Ways to Watch HBO Now Offline How to Watch Live TV on Hulu PlayOn - Add Flexibility to Your Internet Streaming Experience Get the Most Out of Amazon Prime Video HBO GO vs. HBO NOW: What's the Difference? Turn Your iPhone or iPad into a TV With These Apps How to Add YouTube TV to Amazon Fire Stick How to Watch Live Television Online With AT&T TV Now Watch Netflix on Your iPad or Mac Without an Internet Connection Find out Why You Should Upgrade to the Xfinity X1 Package From Comcast Watch Live Television Online On Sling TV How to Watch Live Television on YouTube TV 8 Premium Movie Streaming Services Must-Have Samsung Smart TV Apps That Aren't Netflix (2020) 10 Things You Need To Know When Using Your Smartphone And Apps Abroad Here's How to Cut the Cord and Dump Cable TV
Do you live in Legazpi? DCTV Cable Network Broadband Services, Inc. Reviewed by: Booby Pangit ng service. Wala masyadong magagandang channels like E!, MTV, 2nd Avenue and madami pa. Tsk sana madagdagan ang channels please! DCTV Cable Network Broadband Services, Inc. Reviewed by: Bill Perfect business model how NOT TO RUN A BUSINESS should be a term project at local university. The City of Legazpi (Bikol: Ciudad nin Legazpi; Spanish: Ciudad de Legazpi) is acomponent city and capital of the province of Albay in the Philippines. It is the largest city in terms of population in Bicol with a population of 182,201 people and is the regional and administrative center. Mayon Volcano, one of the Philippines' most popular icons and tourist destinations, is partly within the city's borders. Legazpi is located on the east or Pacific coast of Albay province, specifically on Albay Gulf. The city comprises two historically distinct districts: Legazpi Port, which was the original site of the pre-Hispanic settlement called Sawangan, and now the city's main business district, and Albay District, which was the administrative headquarters during the Spanish and American colonial periods, and where the city hall and provincial capitol are still located. Legazpi's nickname is the "City of Fun and Adventure". The Albay Park and Wildlife, located along Binitayan Road, is a picnic grove and a zoological park combined. Camp Simeon Ola is the seat of the Police Regional Office 5 for the Bicol Region. Named after the General Simeon Ola, a hero during the Philippine Revolution, the camp is open to the public as a culture and a heritage park. The Embarcadero is a major waterfront development in Legazpi fronting the main harbor of Legazpi with views towards Mayon Volcano. It consists of retail spaces, restaurants, markets, a major civic space and landmark lighthouse. The Japanese Tunnel is an L-shaped tunnel used as an arsenal by the Japanese Imperial Army during the World War II. It measures 40 metres (130 ft) long and around 7 feet (2.1 m) deep below the ground. The tunnel is located in Brgy. EM's Barrio South in the Albay District. Sleeping Lion / Kapuntukan Hill is located at the point south of the Port of Legazpi. A scenic view of the Embarcadero, the Legazpi Port District, Albay Gulf with Mayon in the backdrop can be viewed from the top of the hill. The Legazpi City Museum showcases the heritage and culture of the city. It is currently the only public museum in the Bicol Region. Ligñon Hill Nature Park (pron. /li-NYON/), located off Binitayan Rd behind Albay Park and Wildlife, is one of the best places to view Mayon Volcano and Legazpi City. This 143-metre (469 ft) high volcanic hill located 11 kilometres (6.8 mi)southeast of the volcano's summit is the highest location in the downtown area and towers over the adjacent Legazpi Airport. A winding road takes visitors to the observation station on top. The park includes nature trails, ziplines, view decks On the southwestern slope, located is the monitoring station of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) station where any activities of Mayon are monitored. Rizal Park is located in front of Saint Raphael Church on Peñaranda Street It's dominating features are the fountain located at the center of the park, and the monument of Jose Rizal, the country's national hero, sculpted by National Artist Napoleon Abueva in 1966. The Legazpi Blvd is one of the newest attractions in the city and is poised to become the new industrial commercial strip of the city as well as the site of the new urban district. The Legazpi Blvd is the second longest boulevard in the country, after Roxas Boulevard in Metro Manila. However, the present location of the ancient settlement of Ibalong is in Magallanes, Sorsogon.
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Dian Fossey Award Daria accepting the award The Dian Fossey Award is an annual award at Lawndale High, given to graduates with great academic achievement. It gets its first and only mention in Is It College Yet?. The award is a gorilla posed like Rodin's The Thinker. The origin of the award is a mystery. The name implies either that the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund are patrons of the school/award - which doesn't fit their work - or Fossey has some link to Lawndale High. Or we're overthinking it and the writers Angela Li thought the "Dian Fossey Award" would sound more impressive. Daria received the Dian Fossey Award at her graduation's commencement ceremonies, to the applause of her fellow students and the assorted relatives and guests. She was rather startled to get it. Upon presenting the award, Ms. Li made the following remarks: "And now, people, and now... and now, awards time! We'll do the sports and other good prizes after I get these academic jobbies is out of the way. Now, as you know, at Lawndale High we prefer to reward students for both their scholarship and contribution to student life. But, occasionally, a student does so well in one area that we are forced to recognize him or her despite crippling deficiencies in the other. And so, I give you the winner of this year's Lawndale High School Diane Fossey Award for dazzling academic achievement in the face of near-total misanthropy... Ms. Daria Morgendorffer!" Retrieved from "https://dariawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Dian_Fossey_Award&oldid=26868" Canon Miscellany
Home » Health » Health Conditions » Smallpox medicine 92% effective in monkeypox treatment, says research Smallpox medicine 92% effective in monkeypox treatment, says research 29 Aug 2022 16:09:PM Tecovirimat medicine (Photo Credit: AFP) Tecovirimat is an FDA-approved antiviral drug for the treatment of smallpox. Tecovirimat limits viral spread in the body by inhibiting the work of the protein involved in releasing the enveloped virus. The recent global outbreak of monkeypox has led to more than 45,500 cases as of August 22, 2022. Patients with skin lesions in multiple body parts or sensitive areas such as the face or genital region were offered oral tecovirimat treatment. Skin lesions and monkeypox could now be safely and effectively treated with the antiviral Tecovirimat, finds a new study. Lead author Angel Desai from the University of California, Davis said, "Only minimal clinical data is available on using Tecovirimat for monkeypox infection. There is much to learn about the natural progression of the disease and how Tecovirimat and other antivirals may affect it." Tecovirimat (TPOXX) is an FDA-approved antiviral drug for the treatment of smallpox. It limits viral spread in the body by inhibiting the work of the protein involved in releasing the enveloped virus. The recent global outbreak of monkeypox has led to more than 45,500 cases as of August 22, 2022. While symptoms usually resolve independently in two-four weeks, a recent study showed that 13 per cent of patients needed hospitalisation. For the new study, published in the journal JAMA, the team included 25 patients with monkeypox who were given Tecovirimat therapy. Patients with skin lesions in multiple body parts or sensitive areas like the face or genital region were offered oral tecovirimat treatment. The treatment was weight-based, given every eight or 12 hours, and was taken within 30 minutes of a high-fat meal. In total, 25 patients with confirmed monkeypox infection completed a course of tecovirimat therapy. All were male. Their age ranged from 27 and 76 years. Nine patients had HIV. Only one patient had the smallpox vaccine (taken more than 25 years ago), and four others received a dose of JYNNEOS vaccination after symptoms started. The study found that 92 per cent of patients had lesions in their genital or anal area. While all patients had painful lesions, around half had fewer than ten lesions over their entire body. On average, the patients had symptoms or lesions for 12 days before they started their antiviral treatment. All patients completed the tecovirimat therapy and tolerated their treatment well. They were treated for two weeks, except for one patient who was treated for 21 days. On day seven of therapy, 40 per cent of patients had healed from their lesions. By day 21, 92 per cent had recovered and were pain-free. Around 76 per cent of the patients had fever as a most common symptom, followed by fatigue 32 per cent, sore throat by 20 per cent and chills 20 per cent. Other symptoms included backache in 12 per cent, muscle pain accounted for eight per cent, nausea four per cent and diarrhoea in four per cent. Rahul Gandhi, on Tuesday, launched a scathing attack on the government in the Lok Sabha over the Adani-Hindenburg controversy, questioning ... US Navy releases first photos of Chinese balloon recovery Ashok Gehlot hits back at opposition, asks if it will order CBI probe into paper leak incidents in Madhya Pradesh Alec Baldwin seeks to disqualify prosecutor in 'Rust' shooting case SSC JE 2022: Final answer key released at ssc.nic.in
One of our tourism and catering students, Anna Bucsi, is spending an Erasmus+ exchange semester in Institut Paul Bocuse, France. She had an opportunity to participate on the prestigious event of Bocuse d'Or. You can read her experience here. Viktor Segal, as the team's coach. The teams are training for years to be one of 24 candidates in this competition. The jury is tasting for two days, however, each team has only 5 hours and 35 minutes to prepare and present their dishes. This year, for the tribute of Paul Bocuse and Joël Robuchon (first and latest Honorary President of the Bocuse d'Or) who passed away this year, the main theme was the famous French dish: "Chartreuse" which had to contain vegetables and shellfish. Besides that, they had to present the rack of suckling veal with five prime chops on a platter. During this contest, the participants had to use pre-assessed ingredients and the kitchens were examined by the kitchen jury to avoid any kind of cheating such as preparations in advance. The limited time factor (5 hours and 35 minutes) is also one of the challenges presented to the contestants. People were travelling from all over the world to see the amazing dishes, the exciting competition and who wins the Bocuse d'Or. The fans came to Sirha to see outstanding culinary stands to represent their countries and to encourage their teams. In the end, the young and enthusiast Hungarian team, who was preparing to this contest every day for months, performed very well. Being the 12th in the world is a great result at this prestigious contest, and I think the next time if they come back to the final, they'll be even better and more experienced.
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This page displays sold house prices for Sweet Ann in Salisbury. Sweet Ann in Winterbourne Earls, Salisbury consists predominantly of detached houses. Properties on Sweet Ann typically have values around £300,000 - £450,000, but larger detached houses can command upwards of £450,000. Map showing Sweet Ann in Salisbury.
QRxPharma and FDA Establish Path Forward for Resubmission Of MOXDUO® New Drug Application Successful NDA Review to Position Product for Approval and Subsequent Launch in Q3 of this Year QRxPharma Limited Jan 16, 2013, 08:00 ET SYDNEY and BEDMINSTER, N.J., Jan. 16 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- QRxPharma Limited (ASX: QRX andOTCQX: QRXPY) announced today that the steps necessary for approval of immediate release MOXDUO have been clarified with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). QRxPharma will resubmit its MOXDUO NDA this quarter, with an expected new PDUFA date to be set for Q3 2013. During the Company's most recent FDA review meeting, QRxPharma presented a position that although the Combination Rule does not require a demonstration of greater efficacy or safety, the data submitted to date indicate a safety advantage for MOXDUO compared to either morphine or oxycodone alone. Results from Study 022, which demonstrated that oxygen desaturation was less severe with MOXDUO than with oxycodone or morphine, were presented to the full review committee and noted with interest. The FDA recommended the Company provide a more extensive analysis of Study 022 when the revised MOXDUO New Drug Application (NDA) is resubmitted. "Throughout the last several years of FDA interactions on MOXDUO, we have followed the Agency's recommendations in designing and implementing clinical trials that demonstrated its effectiveness and safety in acute pain patients," said Dr. John Holaday, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, QRxPharma. "Recent feedback provided clarity as to the complete response action taken on 25 June, 2012 and, based on the FDA's advice and recommendations, we are now preparing our revised NDA for submission this quarter." The FDA also voiced for the first time that no precedent exists for their review of combination products where two drugs in the same category are combined (e.g. morphine and oxycodone as "opioids"). Therefore, despite the Agency previously confirming that there were no safety issues in any of the studies that were part of the original NDA, the resubmitted application, including new results from Study 022, will likely undergo review by an Advisory Committee in late Q2 2013. The Advisory Committee will evaluate the approvability of MOXDUO in the management of acute pain. The reliance on Advisory Committees has been made more common or compulsory since the FDA Amendments Act of 2007. "While US approval of MOXDUO remains our foremost priority and we are optimistic about next steps with the FDA, we also look forward to submitting regulatory filings in Canada, Europe and Australia before the end of the fiscal year that will further support the Company's strategies for commercialising the product around the world," concluded Holaday. Investor Conference Call An investor conference call will be held on Thursday 17 January 2013 at 10.30am Australian Eastern Daylight Time (United States: Wednesday 16 January 2013 at 6.30pm EST / 3.30pm PST) with Dr. John Holaday, Managing Director and CEO QRxPharma and Dr. Edward Rudnic COO. Conference participant ID 9025 3452 All other international locations call + 61 2 8314 8370. About QRxPharma QRxPharma Limited is an Australian based, commercial-stage specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialisation of new treatments for pain management. The Company's product portfolio includes both late and early stage clinical drug candidates with the potential for reduced risk, abbreviated development paths, and improved patient outcomes. The Company's lead product candidate, immediate release MOXDUO® for the treatment of acute pain, is presently under review at the US Food and Drug Administration. QRxPharma entered into strategic collaborations with Actavis Inc. in December 2011 and Paladin Labs Inc. in October 2012 for the commercialisation of immediate release MOXDUO® in the US and Canadian acute pain markets respectively. Additionally, the Company's clinical pipeline includes an intravenous (IV) and continuous release (CR) formulation of MOXDUO. For more information, visit www.qrxpharma.com. This release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts; they include statements about our beliefs and expectations. Any statement in this release that states our intentions, beliefs, expectations or predictions (and the assumptions underlying them) is a forward-looking statement. These statements are based on plans, estimates and projections as they are currently available to the management of QRxPharma. Forward-looking statements therefore speak only as of the date they are made, and we undertake no obligation to update publicly any of them in light of new information or future events. By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. A number of important factors could therefore cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Such factors include risks relating to the stage of products under development; uncertainties relating to clinical trials; dependence on third parties; future capital needs; and risks relating to the commercialisation of the Company's proposed products. SOURCE QRxPharma Limited
You are here: Home ∼ Who is Felix Jones? Who is Felix Jones? Felix Jones Former Munster coach Felix Jones was strongly linked with a job in the Irish national team set-up but instead heads to the World Cup as part of the Springbok coaching team. Ireland-based journalist JONATHAN BRADLEY reports. Bok players called for defence enhancement If there was an air of surprise in Ireland following the announcement that Jones, as well as his counterpart Jerry Flannery, would be leaving Munster at the end of last season, the sense of shock was larger still when it emerged earlier this week that the 32-year-old was on the brink of joining Rassie Erasmus and his Springbok set-up ahead of the World Cup. It was only a matter of months prior that Jones, who retired prematurely thanks to a neck injury four years ago, was being mooted as a possibility for a role on the post-Joe Schmidt Ireland staff. It was, it seemed then, the logical progression of his coaching career that began only in 2016. A Dublin native, Jones was a part of Ireland's famed U20s Six Nations Grand Slammers in 2007 – a side that also contained Sean O'Brien, Cian Healy, Keith Earls, Darren Cave and Ian Keatley – but after one appearance for his hometown team Leinster, made the move to Thomond Park and Munster. Despite injuries taking their toll, he'd make almost 100 appearances in the red jersey, winning the Pro12 with the side in 2011, and leave his mark on the international scene too. A largely quiet, yet intensely hard-working presence with an ability to play across the backline, he always seemed the archetypal Schmidt soldier and indeed won eight of his 13 Test caps under the Kiwi coach, a two-year international exile ending in the summer of 2013. He remained in Schmidt's plans right up until his forced retirement, when it was no surprise to see his services retained by Munster originally under the title of technical coach. Initially working underneath Anthony Foley, the Munster great who had named Jones team captain on a handful of occasions, Erasmus would arrive as director of rugby and ultimately took on a greater level of authority following Foley's shock passing in Paris on the eve of a Champions Cup clash with Racing 92. With Jones promoted to attack and backline specialist, the Seapoint man evidently wasn't carrying the can internally for Munster's failure to turn regular semi-final spots into silverware and, after reportedly rebuffing an earlier approach from Erasmus to join him in South Africa, it was believed he'd continue his development at Munster while a role with Ireland on the 2017 tour to Japan hinted at a Test future with the national side. 'The growing comes to you as a person as much as the place,' he said of a likely contract extension only back in April. 'But if you're hungry enough you'll try to keep learning. You'll be found out if you're not constantly driving or trying to be hungry. If you're not trying to absorb and learn then you probably won't last too long.' What followed was an unusually messy divorce in the hyper-controlled world of Irish Rugby. New contracts were on the table for both he and Flannery but, no sooner was the name Rob Howley floated in the national media as a possible addition to the ticket, and subsequent talk of a change of role and responsibility for Jones, that both were to depart. It was a surprising development and a disappointing one for many who believed the former players were to be part of the long-term strategy in Limerick. 'I am disappointed that Felix and Jerry are gone,' no less a figure than Paul O'Connell told Newstalk Radio at the time. 'I thought they were two fantastic coaches. '[They are] good guys who were well worth investing in and developing for the future. 'So from that point of view I am very disappointed.' Not out of work for long, the same week that his Munster replacement Stephen Larkham met the media for a first time, Jones' next move has been confirmed, a short-term pact with South Africa to act as a defence consultant rather than a like-for-like replacement for former attack coach Swys de Bruin. One thing is for sure … should that potential World Cup quarter-final between the Springboks and Schmidt's side come to pass, Erasmus and co should have no shortage of insider info. Posted in Making Headlines, News, Springboks, World Cup
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SHERIDAN — Clients of Easter Seals will perform the play "A Little Help From My Friends" on Friday at the WYO Performing Arts and Education Center. Donations will be accepted at the door and proceeds will benefit East Seals Wyoming. Performances will be offered at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. For more information, call Rob at 304-751-3466. SHERIDAN — Sheridan County Museum staff and board members have organized a public meeting for Wednesday from 6-7:30 p.m. The meeting, which will take place in the Inner Circle of Sheridan County Fulmer Public Library, will focus on the museum's future plans. The new floor plan and color palette for the museum will be on hand. Sheridan County Fulmer Public Library is located at 335 W. Alger St. SHERIDAN — Sheridan Firefighters Local 276 members have organized a fundraiser to begin at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at Luminous Brewhouse to help send students to college. All proceeds will go toward making a student's dreams come true despite his or her financial situation. For a $5 cover charge, attendees will hear music by JT Craft, have the opportunity to win a Big Horn River fly-fishing trip with guide Brett Smith, a Yeti 50 cooler and more. Hetty's Pizza will also be on site and the first 30 people that get to Luminous will receive a free drink token. Luminous Brewhouse is located at 504 Broadway St.
Savings: If you were to buy all these cuts individually, it would cost $12+/pound, so you save 20% 45%, an average of $380+ $850 for a whole pig! Additional processing fees will apply at the meat cutter of your choice. About 35 pounds of pork will fit in 1 cubic foot. A typical household freezer holds 5 cubic feet, so about 175 pounds, or all but the largest pigs. Of course, you'll want to use your freezer for more than just pork. Small chest freezers make it possible to save a lot of money over time. Home Depot sells a 5.2 cubic foot freezer for $170. Fill out the form below and Jack will get back to you right away about scheduling, payment, and pick up/delivery. The balance is due on delivery/pickup of whole or half pig. We bill through PayPal and we accept all major credit cards and cash. We take the pigs in for processing about twice a month. Your pig will go in with the next batch, so up to 4 weeks to start processing. We get the whole/half pig back 2-3 days later. Pickup date and time to be arranged by Jack. You can pick up the pig from us, no charge. If you can't make the scheduled time, we'll have to store it in the deep freeze for a fee. Gotta keep those piggies cold! We can store the pig in our deep freeze for a fee. We can store the pig in our deep freeze for a fee and deliver it to a meat cutter of your choice for an additional fee. You must arrange all transportation and processing with your meat cutter yourself in advance. Please note: We have not used these meat cutters ourselves, as we can only sell USDA certified cuts, however we have heard good things about them. Feel free to Google your own processors. You must contact a meat cutter yourself in advance. We are not responsible for how your whole or half pig is transported, stored, or processed. You are responsible for paying your meat cutter separately. If you want to cook an entire pig, please see our Whole Roasters page. Whole roasters can come in smaller sizes and are processed differently. Please allow at four to six weeks for us to complete your order. 1. Submit your order form and a copy will be emailed to the email address you provided. 2. Jack will contact you to confirm the details of your order. 3. Pay California Kurobuta a deposit of $700 for a whole pig, $400 for a half. Your order will only be filled after you have paid your deposit AND received confirmation from Jack.
Endodontics (root canal treatment) serves to preserve teeth when the corresponding dental nerves become infected or die. Infection can be caused by trauma to the tooth, deep decay, cracks and fractures, or repeated dental procedures. Symptoms of the infection may present as pain and/or swelling around a tooth. Various anesthetic methods can ensure that all steps in this treatment can be carried out completely pain-free. Following successful endodontic treatment, it is important to properly restore the tooth to prevent root canal failure or tooth fracture.
Explore the science of behavior and mental processes by taking psychology classes focusing on general psychology, psychological statistics, research methods, and other areas of study. Career options: After completing a bachelor's degree, seek employment in the mental health, counseling or personnel fields. Academic options: Transfer to a university bachelor's degree program in psychology or related social or behavioral science. This section lists general education requirements that are not fulfilled by core or support courses.* Also select courses to fulfill the I, C and G requirements from the categories below. A grade of C or better is required for graduation.
The all-female event will feature a line-up of experts who have "walked the talk" are: Patria-Kaye Aarons, Diana Samuels and Terri-Karelle Reid. JMMB Her Wealth Inspired Women seminar series will host the second seminar in its series for 2018; this time around, the event will give women in attendance, insight on achieving financial freedom. The event, which is open to the public, is carded for Saturday, September 22, starting at 2:30 p.m. in Kingston. The discussion is relevant against the backdrop that while Jamaica has the highest percentage of women in management (globally), with a score of 59.3 per cent, based on an International Labour Organization study, and over 46.4 per cent of households in Jamaica being female-headed, according to a study done by Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions; achieving financial freedom still remains an unrealized dream for many women. Research, done by the Mona Ageing & Wellness Centre, indicated women also tend to be less financially-secure for the future. Stephenie Lugg-Lawrence, senior corporate manager, marketing, at JMMB Group explained that "We have been deliberate in choosing this topic, as we realize that many women aspire to achieve financial freedom, but need to be empowered with the right tools and information, so that they can take action, and give birth to the many previously-shelved ideas that can be the stepping stone to them realizing their dreams. The all-female event will feature a line-up of experts who have "walked the talk" in the form of: communication specialist and entrepreneur, Patria-Kaye Aarons; CEO of D&L Apparel, who also balances a full-time job, Diana Samuels; and media personality and self-declared "Jamaican Girl," Terri-Karelle Reid. In keeping with this thrust, Aarons will share her journey to entrepreneurship, the challenges and the rewards; while Samuels will speak to the juggling act of being a full-time employee, while wearing the hat of "boss lady." Reid will use the occasion to engage in a discussion on unearthing one's talent for success and starting over. Participants will have the opportunity, during the session, to engage in lively conversation, gain practical pointers and network with other like-minded women, with the aim of being empowered to take charge of their future and chart a path towards financial freedom. This event forms a part of a series of all-women lifestyle events organized by JMMB Group to complement JMMB Her Wealth a complete financial packaged solution that includes: investments, loans, savings, insurance offerings and a rewards programme. This financial solution was developed in response to a perceived gap that had been identified in the market, by research, that suggested the need for financial institutions to deepen their relationship with women. The series is in keeping with the JMMB's objective to provide financial education to its clients and the wider public, on how to achieve their financial goals, by pairing lifestyle-related topics with financial issues. As such, the company has been deliberate in organizing these events, which addresses topics that it believes are relevant to women. Thus far, the series has addressed a range of issues including: personal safety, financial protection and security, one's reproductive journey and parenting and leading successful lives.
Zamakona Yards wins to build Voith Schneider tug for Haifa Port 2014 April 16 11:49 Zamakona Yards won in an international tender and has been awarded a contract to build new Voith Schneider tug for Haifa Port Company (HPC), the Spanish shipbuilder said Tuesday in a press release. HPC has tendered a tug which is a sister vessel of the ones already operating in the harbor. The tug has bollard pull of 70 tonne, length of 31,50 meters and breadth of 12,50 meters. The tugboat was designed by VOITH DESIGN with some modifications of the hull shape and some improvements required by the Client. The tug will be built to Lloyd's Register class and the notation includes also FIFI 1 with water spay. The tug is equipped with 2 VOITH 32R5 propulsion units coupled to 2 MAN main engines 8L27/38 developing each 2.670 kW. For towage purposes the aft deck is fitted with a towing hook and a towage winch from HATLAPA. Zamakona Yards is one of Spain's main shipbuilding and ship repair groups. With more than 40 years of experience in the industry both in the Cantabrian Sea and in the Canary Islands, our group brings together more than 1.000 professionals who strive to provide our clients with the best service.
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Real estate cold calling is a standard in any successful real estate sales office. However, maintaining a cold calling team in-house only adds up to your operational and infrastructural costs. So, the best option is to outsource it to a professional service provider like Outsource2india. We can help you with new methods to tap prospects and increase your customer base. Real estate cold calling services offered by us will enable you to reduce costs and improve profits. Our agents are skilled to tactfully pursue your prospects and are updated with all the cold calling guidelines. Therefore, once you outsource real estate cold calling to us you can be assured of services that precisely cater to your requirements. What Do Real Estate Cold Calling Services Cover? People wonder 'what is real estate cold calling script' and 'why the real estate cold calling script is so effective'. Real estate cold calling is a process in which agents contact prospects and make conversations about properties for sale, lease, or rent, using a genuine calling script that is specific to a client. The script prevents the agents from fumbling or sounding foolish to the prospects. What Are the Real Estate Cold Calling Services Offered by Outsource2india? Our agents will use the customer database to talk to the prospects. We use the provided real estate cold calling script and can even suggest few modifications based on your requirements. We will identify the leads from the database and pitch property listings to the customers. Our agents will follow a specific real estate cold calling script and successfully engage in meaningful conversations with them. We create a prospecting system for real estate cold calling to make genuine business connections and also find new opportunities. Mastering the technique of telephone prospecting, our resources are capable of establishing successful client connections. After identifying property leads, we will provide suggestions and recommendations for purchase, sale, rent, or lease. We leverage your market knowledge and assist prospects in making the correct choice while renting, purchasing, or leasing out a property. As the real estate cold calling needs of prospects are diverse, our agents are trained to quickly change the sales approach and modify it as per the requirements of the clients. Our agents understand the way to approach new people and will be sensitive to their requirements. Our scripts are tactful and will be created specifically to your real estate requirements. This ensures that the agents make sensible conversations with the prospects without sounding foolish. Besides, such scripts also help agents if they get confused for any reason during a call. As a part of Cold Calling Services, we also offer B2B cold calling and B2C Cold Calling Services. How Will Outsourcing Real Estate Cold Calling Services Benefit Me? Why Should I Outsource Real Estate Cold Calling to O2I? Outsource2india is an outsourcing company, offering a gamut of telemarketing services to global clients. Being in the industry for over 20 years now we carry rich industry-specific experience, which enables us to provide professional services of real estate cold calling. We also provide cold calling services for various other industry sectors including insurance. Our resources are highly experienced and well trained to provide services that precisely cater to your requirements. So, if you are looking out for reliable, efficient, and affordable services of real estate cold calling, then please feel free to reach us. We look forward to assisting you.
ID Community Fake News Exposed Gray Truth The Real Thanksgiving the Schools Refuse to Tell - Sunday, 24 November 2019 18:56 Daily Beast Hit-Piece On Candace Owens May Be Race-Related - Saturday, 28 September 2019 18:58 Project Veritas Censored For Exposing Pintrest Malfeasance - Friday, 28 June 2019 06:58 Former ISIS Militant Admits U.S. Mexican Border A Point of Entry for Terrorists! - Saturday, 08 June 2019 02:57 INSIDER: SHERIFF LACKED EXPERIENCE FOR SCALIA INVESTIGATION, DEPT. IGNORED PROPER PROTOCOL Deputy Rider Former deputy said dept. once tampered with evidence By: David Knight & Kit Daniels | Infowars.com - FEBRUARY 18, 2016 The sheriff who claimed there was no foul play involved in the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had little experience in homicide investigations and his department willfully ignored proper procedures, according to an insider. Former Presidio Co. Deputy Caesar Melendez, who said he was fired after attempting to turn in a fellow deputy for tampering with evidence, revealed that Sheriff Danny Dominguez was "not that well-experienced" in handling dead bodies. "I was usually the person he would look to to take care of issues like that," he said, adding that more should have been done during the Scalia investigation. "I wish I could have been there so I could it for myself, but I honestly don't think enough was done." "From what I understand, apparently [Scalia's] clothing had no wrinkles in them, so of course he lied still, and the pillow should have been taken in as evidence if it was used to smother him, I'm just speculating here, for any saliva, blood or anything like that on the pillow itself." "An autopsy would have actually shown minute bruising under a microscope around the lip area if force was applied to the face," the former deputy added. Melendez also said it was easy for him to get an autopsy done on a body when he requested one. "If I asked the judge for one, I would get it," he said. The former deputy also stated the department had a pattern of irregular procedures during investigations and that he was fired for speaking out about it. "Apparently I was terminated back in 2015 and that was due to the fact I was turning in one of the deputies for tampering with evidence," he revealed. "I was filing a case against a man for being in possession of a handgun while he was under a protective order and according to state law, he cannot be in possession of one, and this was in reference to family violence." The sheriff reportedly wanted to Melendez to turn the gun over to him so he could give it back to the suspect. "I refused to do so, so he asked me to log it in as evidence and as I was doing that, I took photos of all the log books and everything, and next thing I know Deputy Garcia is handing me some paperwork saying the District Attorney Rod Ponton dropped the charges, which he had no involvement in this case," Melendez said. "The weapon was returned to the suspect's son, who he himself was a felon, so the weapon should have never been given to him to begin with." Read 740 times Last modified on Friday, 19 February 2016 13:36 More in this category: « FEDS ROLL OUT "SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING" FOR THE INTERNET VIDEOS: INFOWARS UNRAVELS SCALIA MURDER MYSTERY » Latest from Deputy Rider Why Does David Hogg Say He Was NOT At School When The Shooting Started? Owen Opens up Russian Collusion Fake dossier ABC NEWS SCREWS UP BEYOND BELIEF The Billion Dollar CBD and RSO Blunder Real Men Stand Up For Our Country Subscribe our Email News Letter to get Instant Update at anytime Copyright © 2020 Internet Deputy. All Rights Reserved.
Lil Wayne Net Worth [2023]: Early Life, Career, Awards It's no surprise that Lil Wayne is one of the world's most successful rappers. Music and other business ventures have earned him a fortune over the years. How much is Lil Wayne worth? Keep reading to find out. Lil Wayne, one of the most successful and well-known rappers in the world, is also one of its richest. His net worth is estimated at $175 million, but how did he make his money and what does it all add up to? What is Lil Wayne's Net Worth? Lil Wayne Net Worth 2022 Who is Lil Wayne? Еаrlу Lіfе Реrѕоnаl Lіfе Аgе, Неіght, аnd Wеіght Саrееr Award and Achievements How Does Lil Wayne Spend His Money? Favorite Quotes from Lil Wayne FAQs of Lil Wayne A recent estimate puts Lil Wayne's net worth at $175 Million as of 2021. This includes his music sales, touring revenue, business ventures, and investments. Net Worth: $175 Million Born: September 27, 1982 Source of Wealth: Rapper/Producer Height: 5 ft 5 Inches Star Sign: Libra Religion: Christianity Last Update: 2022 Based on current estimates, Lil Wayne's net worth will reach $200 million by 2022. This includes his music sales, touring revenue, business ventures, and investments. From New Orleans, Louisiana, rapper Lil Wayne is a songwriter, a producer, and a record label owner. Known for his role in the hip hop group Hot Boys in the early 2000s, he rose to fame in the 1990s. He released The Block Is Hot, his solo debut album, in 1999 and it soon reached platinum status. Since then, he's released a string of successful albums, mixtapes, and EPs. He's sold over 100 million records worldwide and won multiple Grammy Awards. In addition to his musical career, Lil Wayne has also dabbled in acting and business. Young Money Entertainment, his own record label, was founded in 2005. The label has gone on to sign a number of successful artists, including Drake and Nicki Minaj. He's also launched a clothing line, Trukfit, and has endorsement deals with companies like Mountain Dew and Beats by Dre. You can visit – Celebrity net worth Lil Wayne was born on September 27, 1982. He was raised in the Hollygrove neighbourhood of New Orleans by his mother, a cook, and his father, a jazz trumpeter. He went to live with his father when he was two years old when both of his parents divorced. When he was a boy, his mother and her boyfriend raised him in the absence of his father. Lil Wayne began writing rap lyrics when he was eight years old. When he was nine, he joined the Hot Boys, a rap group in the area. was the group's debut album, in 1997. The debut solo album by Lil Wayne, Tha Block Is Hot, reached platinum status shortly after its release. Lil Wayne's success continued into the early 2000s with the release of his second album, Lights Out (2000). The album included the hit single "Get Off the Corner," which helped Lil Wayne gain a wider audience. Lil Wayne has four children from three different mothers. He has two sons, Dwayne Michael Carter III and Cameron Carter, and two daughters, Reginae Carter and Neal Carter. In 2015, Lil Wayne suffered a seizure and was hospitalized. He later revealed that he'd been diagnosed with epilepsy as a child. He's since become an advocate for epilepsy awareness and has spoken about his condition in interviews. In 2020, Lil Wayne sparked controversy when he voiced support for President Donald Trump. He later clarified that he does not endorse Trump's policies or beliefs, but believes in the power of voting. Lil Wayne is 38 years old. He's 5 feet 6 inches (1.68 m) tall and weighs 154 pounds (70 kg). Lil Wayne's career began in the early 1990s when he joined the hip hop group Hot Boys. A debut album was released by the group, Get It How U Live!Live!Live! that year. The debut album by American rapper Lil Wayne, Tha Block Is Hot, went platinum shortly after its release. In 2005, Lil Wayne founded his own record label, Young Money Entertainment. The label has gone on to sign a number of successful artists, including Drake and Nicki Minaj. Lil Wayne's other business ventures include a clothing line, Trukfit, and endorsement deals with companies like Mountain Dew and Beats by Dre. As of 2021, Lil Wayne's net worth is estimated to be $175 million. This includes his music sales, touring revenue, business ventures, and investments. Lil Wayne has won multiple Grammy Awards. He's also been nominated for several BET Awards and MTV Video Music Awards. Louisiana Music Hall of Fame inducted Lil Wayne in 2009. The Songwriters Hall of Fame inducted Lil Wayne in 2013. A number of other awards and honors have also been bestowed upon Lil Wayne. The magazine named him one of its "100 People Who Shape Our World" in 2006. In 2008, he was given the Key to the City of New Orleans. And in 2012, he was given the BET Hip Hop Icon Award. Lil Wayne is estimated to have earned over $175 million from his music sales alone. Besides touring and business ventures, he has made tens of millions of dollars. "I'm an addict, so that means I'm addicted to success." "You can put a thousand people in the room and 99 percent of them are gonna be trying to do what I'm doing, but there's that one percent that's gonna be different. And that's me." "I'm like a book. You can open me and read me from any page you want." "I try to treat everybody the same, whether you're the president or a homeless person. I believe we're all equal." "I'm blessed and highly favored. I thank God for everything that happens in my life, good and bad. I live by that." What is Lil Wayne sickness? Lil Wayne has epilepsy and has spoken about his condition in interviews. How much does Lil Wayne weigh? Weighs 154 pounds (70 kg). Who is Lil Waynes daughter? Lil Wayne has four children. His daughter, Reginae Carter, was born in 1998. Who is Lil Wayne's wife? Toya Johnson A recent estimate estimates Lil Wayne's net worth at $200 million by 2022. This includes his music sales, touring revenue, business ventures, and investments. Lil Wayne is a successful rapper, businessman, and entrepreneur. The Songwriters Hall of Fame has also inducted him, as well as multiple Grammy Awards. Categories Rappers John Madden Net Worth 2023 -Income, Salary, Career, Bio Jake Paul Net Worth [2023]: – Career, Income, Cars, House
Miss Dee STyle Geeky science fiction and fashion lover from Split, Croatia. Miss Dee Bags Etsy Shop She Wore Blue Velvet Posted on December 30, 2013 by Miss Dee STyle "Blue Velvet", film noir by David Lynch, is one of those movies that you love or hate – myself being in the first group. The film brought back long forgotten "noir" genre for a new film audience, with a very important role of its music soundtrack and fashion. Until main femme fatale Isabella Rosselini had appeared in her blue velvet robe, the velvet wasn't very popular material, but since then it has had its fashion revival. Every couple of years fashion designers give their hommage to blue velvet and the movie itself, with good or not so great results. Velvet is rather difficult fabric to work with, and not very easy to pull off when wearing – you certainly won't wear it in your ordinary everyday outings. It is perfect for evening wear, and even today stands as a symbol of flamboyance with a touch of mistery, for which we all yearn in our lives. H&M blue velvet heels Bite My Style by Zoran Aragović dress My husbands blue velvet jacket :), second hand by Kamensko Kitty stockings bought on E-bay Earrings by Piggy Tail Design with motive of my hometown Split – bought at Modni Alter Ego Blue Velvet is a 1986 American mystery film, written and directed by David Lynch. The movie exhibits elements of both film noir and surrealism and stars Kyle MacLachlan, Isabella Rossellini, Dennis Hopper and Laura Dern. The film is now widely acclaimed, and earned Lynch his second Academy Award nomination for Best Director. "Blue Velvet" opening scene Blue Velvet has achieved cult status and is widely regarded as one of Lynch's finest works. It is also seen by many critics as representing a modern-day version of film-noir. The film centers on eccentric college student Jeffrey Beaumont who, returning from visiting his ill father in the hospital, comes across a human ear in a field in his hometown of Lumberton. He proceeds to investigate the ear with help from a high school student, Sandy. Jeffrey Beaumont played by Kyle MacLahlan Jeffrey's investigation draws him deeper into his hometown's seedy underworld, and sees him forming a sexual relationship with the alluring torch singer Dorothy Vallens (Rossellini), and uncovering the psychotic criminal Frank Booth (Hopper), who engages in drug abuse, kidnapping, and sexual violence. Frank Booth played by Dennis Hopper The film owes a large debt to 1950s film noir, containing and exploring such conventions as the femme fatale, a seemingly unstoppable villain, and the questionable moral outlook of the hero, as well as its unusual use of shadowy, and introduces several common elements of Lynch's work, some of which would later become his trademarks, including distorted characters, a polarized world, and debilitating damage to the skull or brain. Perhaps the most significant "Lynchian" trademark in the film is the depiction of unearthing a dark underbelly in a seemingly idealized small town. Dorothy Vallens portrayed by Isabella Rossellini The most consistent symbolism in the film is an insect motif introduced at the end of the first scene, when the camera zooms in on a well-kept suburban lawn until it unearths a swarming underground nest of disgusting bugs. The soundtrack makes heavy usage of vintage pop songs, such as Bobby Vinton's "Blue Velvet" and Roy Orbison's "In Dreams", juxtaposed with an orchestral score inspired by Shostakovich. During filming, Lynch placed speakers on set and in streets and played Shostakovich to set the mood he wanted to convey. Although it initially gained a relatively small theatrical audience in North America and was met with controversy over its artistic merit, Blue Velvet soon became the center of a "national firestorm" in 1986, and over time achieved status as an American classic. In the late 1980s, and early 1990s, after its release on videotape, the film became a widely known cult film, well known for its dark depiction of a suburban America. Alberta Ferretti Fall 2013 Chanel Fall 2012 Julianne Moore in Tom Ford Versace Versus dress Jessica Biel in blue velvet Gucci Robin Roberts in Marc Bouwer's Fall 2013 Princess Diana dancing with John Travolta at a White House dinner in her blue velvet gown Oasap booties Romwe leggings Blue velvet turban London street style And who can forget Austin Powers played by Mike Myers Bobby Vinton – Blue Velvet Lana Del Rey – Blue Velvet Special Thanks to Miss Nina and Miss Stela 🙂 Happy New Year everyone :))!! This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged Alberta Ferretti, Arts, Austin Powers, Bite My Style, Blue Velvet, Bobby Vinton, Boots, Chanel, Croatia, David Lynch, Dennis Hopper, Design, e-bay shopping, Film noir, Gucci, H&M, Isabella Rossellini, Jessiva Biel, John Travolta, Julianne Moore, Katie Holmes, Kyle MacLahlan, Lana Del Ray, Laura Dern, London Style, Marc Bouwer, Mike Myers, Movie, Oasap, Penelope Cruz, Princess Charlene of Monaco, Princess Diana, Robin Roberts, Romwe, Sarah Jessica Parker, Split, stockings, Street style, Tom Ford, turban, Twin Peaks, Velvet dress, velvet jacket, Velvet shoes, Versace, Versus, Zoran Aragović by Miss Dee STyle. Bookmark the permalink. About Miss Dee STyle Geeky fashion blogger and a doctor with a passion for colorful and over-the-top outfits :) View all posts by Miss Dee STyle → 4 thoughts on "She Wore Blue Velvet" Matea on January 15, 2014 at 11:46 pm said: Pre odusevljena kitty hulahopkicama… i kupljene, thanks to you! 😀 :* missdeestyle on January 16, 2014 at 12:32 am said: Haha super, drago mi je da sam pomogla :)! i ja sam se oduševila kad sam ih prvi put ugledala! Kiss Pingback: Happy First Birthday "Miss Dee STyle" Blog :) ! | Miss Dee STyle Pingback: Shoe Gal | Miss Dee STyle
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Who I sat next to in school made a difference in my life. I grew up on Rochester's Northeast side in the 1950s. It was a working-class neighborhood of factories, homes, schools, stores, churches, and synagogues. My single-parent mom was able to walk to her assembly line job at Bausch + Lomb where she earned enough to own her own home and support her three children and mother. I went to school with kids from families that were more economically and emotionally stable than my own. Many of my friends were Jewish, second and third generation; their families stayed in the neighborhood to be able to walk to the synagogue. I sat next to Sandy Gordon in fourth grade. Sandy told me that his grandfather had operated a junkyard and how proud he was of his family's hard work. Another school friend showed me the tailor shop in the attic where her grandfather once had his business. These kids had pride in humble origins and were not biased toward others whose families had not accomplished the security they enjoyed. With my classmates, I never felt that I was "less than" because my parents were divorced and my mom supported us with a factory job. Today my old neighborhood is predominately African-American and Hispanic. Low wage service jobs have replaced many of the living wage industrial jobs; the kids are more impoverished and more likely to be in single-parent families. As Raj Chetty and colleagues from Harvard and Berkeley found, poor children in cities with less residential segregation, less income inequality, better primary schools, greater social capital, and greater family stability have a statistically better chance of achieving intergenerational mobility as I did. Mark Hare of Rochester's Great Schools for All says that school diversity is essential: suburban schools with middle-class white kids graduate most of them on time and send them on to college or prepared for work. In the city schools, a large portion of children live in poverty and are black, Hispanic, or a refugee; only half graduate on time, and many are unprepared for productive lives. In Hare's words, "One of the visceral arguments we sometimes encounter in our advocacy is that it shouldn't matter who a child sits next to in school." He supports this critical conclusion with substantial empirical evidence; I support it with my experience and my gratitude. Rochester native Linda L. Day is emeritus professor of city and regional planning at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo., Calif.
Tenders are prepared plain or in the sauce just like the wings. 3 Tenders served with fresh cut fries. Fresh ½ lb hand pressed black Angus beef patties served with our fresh cut fries. Substitute fries with a cup of soup or salad for .50 extra. 1/3 lb. black angus beef patty served on a basic cheese burger. 1/3 lb. 100% black angus beef served on a pretzel bun with lettuce, tomato, onion and pepper jack cheese. It's a grilled cheese stuffed in-between two of our patty melts. Sweet and savory marmalade made with diced bacon and caramelized sweet onions with cheddar cheese. Sauteed peppers and onions with Swiss cheese. Finely diced jalapeno and red bell peppers blended with tangy red wine vinegar with pepper jack cheese. Onion ring and BBQ Sauce. Portobello, button mushrooms and shallots sauteed in butter and finished with a burgundy wine reduction, topped with bleu cheese crumbles. Portobello, button mushrooms and shallots sauteed in butter and finished with a burgundy wine reduction, topped with Swiss cheese. A basic cheeseburger or build your own using the choices under. CADILLAC FINS Heaping plate of fresh cut fries loaded with chili and cheddar cheese. Joel's special chicken salad on toasted wheatberry bread. For you skinny types, this is also delicious served on a bed of mixed greens with tomato. 2 pieces of deep fried cod served on a brioche bun with lettuce, tomato and tartar sauce. Battered and fried breast smothered in buffalo served on a pretzel bun with lettuce, tomato, and your choice of bleu cheese or ranch dressing. Three pieces of deep fried cod served with and extra large order of fries, hush puppies, and tartar sauce. Tender sliced ham topped with tangy Swiss cheese on a pretzel bun. It is what it is; a grilled cheese sandwich. Marinated chicken breast served on a brioche bun with lettuce, tomato, onion and mayo on side. Applewood smoked bacon layered between our famous wheatberry bread with lettuce, tomato and mayo. Tender sliced ribeye, grilled onions, green peppers and provolone cheese and served on a hoagie roll. hand breaded butterfly shrimp deep fried and served with our fresh cut fries and cocktail sauce. Choice of grilled or crispy chicken atop a bed of greens with tomatoes, onions, shredded carrots and shredded cheese served with choice of dressing. Joel's special chicken salad served on a bed of mixed green beans with tomato! A bed of mixed greens tossed with red onion, blue cheese and tomato topped with fried buffalo chicken strips and ranch dressing. Includes fries and a soda.
The 2005 WPCA Outfit of Excellence Champion Left Hand Leader is Hughie Sinclair's Whispering Mirage. In 2005 the 12 year old son of former Belmont Stakes Champion Bet Twice has been a fixture on Hughie's outfit since 1998, winning numerous show victories, setting track records, and winning 2 Calgary Stampede Championships in that time. In 2005, "Mirage" as he is known, along with his Grey Partner Captain, led Hughie to 13 top 5 runs, including 5 day monies, as well as the Show Championship at the Strathmore Heritage Days Stampede.
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SkyBus provides airport transfers between Auckland International Airport and Auckland City all day, every day. For more information and to buy tickets, visit the SkyBus website. For information on Public Transport and the best route to take to get to The University of Auckland, please visit the Auckland Transport Journey Planner. Visit the fare finder website to estimate your taxi fare in and around the city Taxi Fare Finder. Parking is available directly beneath the Conference Venue (Owen G Glenn Building). Click here for parking information.
Government Technology: Pennsylvania County Project Seeks to Shape Best Possible Deals on Broadband Home/News/Government Technology: Pennsylvania County Project Seeks to Shape Best Possible Deals on Broadband Pennsylvania County Project Seeks to Shape Best Possible Deals on Broadband In a strategy known as broadband aggregation, municipalities, public-safety organizations and a university joined private businesses in an RFP seeking better broadband. BY THEO DOUGLAS / JUNE 8, 2017 Thanks to an "extraordinary" response to an RFP issued earlier this year, a Pennsylvania broadband aggregation group called the Monroe Gigabit Project, which unites more than three dozen public agencies and private companies, will continue through 2017. Four local and national providers submitted bids to 44 organizations across Monroe County, AcceleratePA — a statewide pro-business and technology organization — said after the close of business on Wednesday, June 7. As a result, the project, which likely would have wrapped before the end of the year, will instead continue through Dec. 31 so consultants can help participants — including the Monroe County 911 Call Center; a regional police force; several townships, boroughs and hospitals; East Stroudsburg University; and Pocono Raceway — shape the best possible deals on broadband. The companies are PenTeleData, the nation's oldest cable company and a longtime county provider; GoNetspeed, a telecommunications firm based in Rochester, N.Y.; NCN Data, a local firm headquartered in Stroudsburg, Pa.; and national provider Sprint Communications. The endeavor is one of "probably close to 50" similar broadband aggregations that Kelly Lewis, president of Mechanicsburg, Pa.-based Lewis Strategic, said he's worked on during the past 15 years, and he credited its collective buying power with helping generate a "profound" response. "Maybe 18 of the 20 largest organizations in the county were in the RFP, so for any of those companies with a presence in our county, it was a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win some contracts," Lewis, director of AcceleratePA, told Government Technology. He estimated some of the 44 companies behind the RFP could begin to sign contracts within 90 days. According to Lewis, along with others at Lewis Strategic and consultant Dellicker Strategies, which issued the RFP in April, broadband aggregations are a way for disparate entities to leverage their buying power. "Availability is less of a problem than value," Dellicker Strategies President Kevin Dellicker told Government Technology. "By injecting that competition and demand aggregation into the marketplace, we can usually succeed." The companies or agencies aren't linked indefinitely, and forge individual contracts with providers once bids are in — but at rates that are typically lower because the aggregation effectively creates a one-stop shop for providers. But Lewis and other officials said it's also common for contracts reached through aggregation to sustain lower rates even after their initial terms expire. The Monroe Gigabit Project's goals include tripling the number of organizations using gigabit-speed Internet, reducing broadband prices for the aggregate by 50 percent or more, and attracting private investment of more than $1 million in new broadband infrastructure countywide. Vendors have the option to submit bids to any or all of the 44 members, and to any or all of the 102 service locations they represent. Lewis, whose other aggregation projects have included a focus on Pennsylvania school districts, said responses to the RFP show organizations should see their gigabit-per-second prices drop by an average of 88 percent, with the steepest reduction reaching 94 percent. David Parker, director of sales and business development for Lewis Strategic, said one bid in response to this RFP offers a potential client Internet speeds of 1 gigabit for what it had paid for 100 megabit speed. Another bid, he said, offers another project member 1 gigabit speeds for "only 50 percent more" than it had paid for 10 megabit speeds. Much of Monroe County still operates on private septic systems and well water, and would greatly benefit from this and infrastructure updates, said Dr. Matt Connell, chairman of the Monroe 2030 Action Team, a group of volunteers working on an economic development plan for 2030. "I am aware second- and third-hand that the development of a broadband network throughout the county is something that would benefit not just businesses and those seeking employment but the whole community," said Connell, a dean at Northampton Community College, noting that he has attempted to establish an infrastructure taskforce. The county, in the Pocono Mountains, has long had reception compromised by its rugged topography, but being less than 100 miles from New York City makes it increasingly attractive to commuters. State Sen. Mario Scavello, whose district includes 17 of Monroe County's 20 municipalities, said improving broadband speeds and penetration will only further the area's commercial and residential growth. "First you need the business to help fund it, help pay for it. The advantage is it'll be there for the residents to use as well. It's almost like putting a guest line down the street. But if it was just for the homes, it wouldn't happen," Scavello, R-Monroe-Northampton, told Government Technology. The project, Dellicker said, will "make buyers into more effective consumers" and help them become "market shapers instead of price takers." "These organizations are not inclined to look to their neighbors before they go out and purchase their Internet access. However, what their neighbors buy and don't buy does impact access and price," he added. Theo Douglas is a staff writer for Government Technology. His reporting experience includes covering municipal, county and state governments, business and breaking news. He has a Bachelor's degree in Newspaper Journalism and a Master's in History, both from California State University, Long Beach. Original story By padmin| 2017-06-09T08:51:49-04:00 June 9th, 2017|News|0 Comments
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Hear, O God, my supplication: be attentive to my prayer, to thee have I cried from the ends of the earth: when my heart was in anguish…(Psalms. 61:1,2/Psalms 60:2,3 DRB). The word attentive really spoke to me. This prayer of David is a cry to God to attend, to give His attention, to David's prayer. And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven, as it were for half an hour. And I saw seven angels standing in the presence of God; and there were given to them seven trumpets. And another angel came, and stood before the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given to him much incense, that he should offer of the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar, which is before the throne of God. And the smoke of the incense of the prayers of the saints ascended up before God from the hand of the angel. (Revelation/Apocalypse 8: 1-4). What is happening during the half and hour of silence in Heaven? We see first of all that in this time of silence the seven angels who stand before God are handed seven trumpets. They are not sounding their trumpets just yet; they are just receiving them. Let's drop back down into the earth for a minute. Here are the beloved saints of the Lord offering up their earnest prayers… and possibly wondering....wondering, why the Silence? And it has been the heart cry of the saints of all ages to understand the silence of Heaven. Why, Lord, are you silent? Why do you not answer our prayers? The cries go up to The Silence. Is God angry against the prayer of His people? No! He has commissioned an angel who is given "much incense" to offer with the prayers of the saints. Where did the angel get this special incense? Where else but from the apothecary of God? For God Himself is burdened with the burdens of His people far, far more than we comprehend. And He has ordained that heavenly incense be added to our prayers—His way of saying Amen to our cries… His way of crying with us! His way of assuring us that our burden is His own burden! Let us never fail, in the silences of God, to read His heart right. Let us never interpret the silence of Heaven as a message that our loving God is careless about the prayers of His saints—the seekers, the humble, the broken, the destitute. He hath had regard to the prayer of the humble: and he hath not despised their petition. (Psalms 101:17/102:18 DRB). Have you ever unexpectedly felt pierced to the heart, and overwhelmed, with an awareness of God's great great love and concern for your concerns—the darkness of the hour, the overwhelming needs on every front, yet God seeming so silent? Have you ever been pierced by the awareness of His love so great, so deep: it's impossible that He could not be concerned. In those times it grieves me, that I seem to know so little concerning the God of love! Let me never misinterpret the silence of Heaven. It is a very pregnant silence. Something very momentous and very powerful is about to burst forth. Seven angels are given seven trumpets, and stand in expectant waiting. At the same time, another angel having a golden censer stands before the golden altar before the throne of God, and continually adds his incense to the prayers of the saints. How long will our God be inattentive to the prayers of His people? He never has been. Not for an instant. People of God who are in great trial, at the end of your earthly resources with heart overwhelmed, let us never take the silence of Heaven to mean that our loving God does not hear, does not care. He hears, and cares, and is giving my prayers, and yours, His loving attention!
I'm pleased to see that many of you are as curious about studios as I am. (Thanks to yesterday's Betsy Baker for sharing hers.) To continue the theme, here are a few pictures of Sandra McCaw's small workspace. Sandra's muse likes a comfy chair too. I like her combination of sage and turqouise wall colors. Is your studio in the middle of things or hidden away? Are you tidy or is chaos comforting? Do you prefer an open space or a cozy corner? If you'll send me pictures of your inner sanctum, I'll share them here from time to time. And in case you missed this a few months back, there's a demo of Sandra's signature cane (pictures taken a mere ten years ago). Oh, and don't miss her web page. Sandra will be at the Providence Fine Furnishing and Fine Craft show this weekend, along with Elise Winters, Rachel Carren,….and me. I had the pleasure of working next to (practically over top of) Sandra at Shrinemont this year. Never has there been such a contrast in work space "styles". Sandra is so precise and focused, me, not so much. She was so patient with me, what a delight. I like the picture on her wall. Hmmm, he looks familar. I recently completed a course with Sandra. It is great to see her work space and I think it's organization is a reflection of the great precision with which she works (of course in class she would occasionally wing it). Her work is fabulous. She is a great teacher and has a wonderful dry sense of humor. Everyone should have a chance to meet her. Her stories about her life are great and told with a wonderfully dry sense of humor. Great work Mom!!!!! that's awesome!! and yes, your work space is very tidy….unlike mine at the moment. Love you! I LOVE all of the peeks at others studios. It gives me great ideas. Please keep them coming!
SV Würzburg 05 are again German National Team Champions The German National Team Championships are an event for German swim clubs – each club must swim the Olympic program... Current photo via Daniela Kapser IHSAA 100 Breast Finalist Kabria Chapman Commits to Indiana Franklin Regional Swim Team's Kabria Chapman has verbally committed to Indiana University for the fall of 2021, the fifth to commit on the women's side. SwimSwam's Top 4 (Wildly Speculative) Candidates for USC Head Coaching Job Ray Looze has a good thing going at Indiana, but is the allure of the head coaching job at his alma mater USC enough to pull him away from Bloomington? 15-Year-Old EYOF Queen Katie Shanahan Shows Up On Day 1 Of Geneva Challenge Day 1 of the 2020 Geneva International saw 3-time European Youth Olympic Festival individual gold medalist Katie Shanahan show up big time. Arizona Dual Meet Championships Are Swimming's Best Mid-Season Meet Format The Phoenix Country Day School (above) is one of the hosts for this weekend's Arizona Senior and Age Group Dual Meet Championships. Jarod Arroyo Downs Own LCM 400 IM Puerto Rican National Record at PSS Knoxville Future ASU Sun Devil Jarod Arroyo took down his own 400 IM Puerto Rican national record during the prelims of the 2020 Pro Swim Series in Knoxville. by Daniela Kapser 0 February 04th, 2018 Europe, International, News Share SV Würzburg 05 are again German National Team Champions on Facebook Tweet SV Würzburg 05 are again German National Team Champions Submit SV Würzburg 05 are again German National Team Champions to Reddit Share SV Würzburg 05 are again German National Team Champions on Pinterest Share SV Würzburg 05 are again German National Team Champions on LinkedIn The German National Team Championships are an event for German swim clubs – each club must swim the Olympic program over three sessions (two on Saturday, one on Sunday) but there are no relays. Every swimmer is only allowed to swim in 5 different individual short course events. The achieved times are converted into points according to the FINA scoreboard, the women's and the men's team with the most points win the title. Many German elite swimmers competed in Essen, Germany, in the top league, the "1. Bundesliga" including names like Franziska Hentke, Sarah Köhler, Marco Koch, Christian Diener, Yannick Lebherz, Damian Wierling, Poul Zellmann and youngsters like Isabel Gose. The SV Würzburg 05 added again many Hungarian swimmers to the men's and women's team for the third year in a row, like Zsuzsanna Jacabos and Gabor Balog. Also the SV Nikar Heidelberg has with Julia Hassler and Nina Kost athletes in the team who start internationally for other countries, but have trained for many years in Heidelberg with coach Dr. Michael Spikermann. Top scorer over the two days was Sarah Köhler (her swim club: SG Frankfurt, but she trains in Heidelberg), she earned 902 FINA points for her team, posting 8:16,09 in the 800m freestyle and 4:01,34 in the 400m freestyle, worth 917 points. Also Leonie Beck (SV Würzburg 05) collected many points, she was clocked at 4:05,47 in the 400m freestyle (872 points) and 8:23,00 in the 800m freestyle (865 points). Isabel Gose, a 15-old from Potsdamer SV, earned 833 points for her team with her time of 4:09,22 in the 400m freestyle. Sören Meißner was one of the busiest points collectors for the champion SV Würzburg 05, he got 894 FINA points for a time of 14:40,01 on the 1500 m freestyle. Nina Kost (SV Heidelberg), who now starts internationally for Switzerland, got 843 points for her result on the 50 m freestyle (24,60). Germany's fastest sprint lady over the last 10 years, Dorothea Brandt, supported her team SG Essen after a long injury period, posting 25,00 in the 50m freestyle. Best scorers for the men's team of the SG Essen were Poul Zellmann and Damian Wierling. Zellmann picked 886 points for his perfomance in the 1500 m freestyle (14:42,71) and 874 points in the 400m freestyle (3:41,94). Damian Wierling is Germany's fastest sprinter at the moment and paid 840 points into his team's account, posting 21,47 in the 50m freestyle. European Champion and World Championships silver medalist Franziska Hentke (SV Magdeburg) took the top time in the 200m butterfly (2:08,05), worth 815 points. The German team championships are a challenge for every team because the Olympic program must be swum three times and it was up to Franziska Hentke to swim 200m breaststroke and she posted a time of 2:26,52, very fast for a butterfly specialist. Backstroke specialist Christian Diener (Potsdamer SV) reached 840 points with his performance in the 200 m (1:51,93). His teammate Yannick Lebherz collected 837 points in the 200m freestyle (1:45,44) and 831 points in the 400m IM (4:10,39) On the women's side, Annika Bruhn (SSG Saar Max Ritter) posted one of the fastest 200m freestyle times in 1:56,95 (849 points) Robin Backhaus (SG Neukölln e.V. Berlin) gained 826 points over the 200m freestyle in 1:45,88. 833 points worth was the performance of David Thomasberger on the 200m fly (1:55,34). Marco Koch is the SC World record holder in the 200m breaststroke, he was clocked at 2:06,42 yesterday and gained 864 points for the DSV Darmstadt. And the women's team of the SV Nikar Heidelberg had a special guest in their team, Petra Dallmann (born 1978) who won the bronze medal with the German 4x200m freestyle relay at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. She was between 2000 and 2010 one of the fastest German freestyle swimmers, she won many international medals. She set a 57,61 in the 50m freestyle yesterday. Women's results: 1. SV Würzburg 05 28250 2. SG Essen 27238 3. SV Nikar Heidelberg 26994 4. SG Frankfurt 26489 5. Wfr. Spandau 04 25864 6. SG Dortmund 25303 7. SSG Saar Max Ritter 25230 8. 1. Potsdamer SV 25134 9. SG Neukölln e.V. Berlin 25114 10. SC Magdeburg 24705 11. SV Halle / Saale 24189 12. W98 Hannover 21412 Men's results: 5. DSW 1912 Darmstadt 26534 7. SG Stadtwerke München 26049 8. SV Halle / Saale 25649 9. W98 Hannover 25586 11. SSG Saar Max Ritter 25241 12. SG EWR Rheinhessen-Mainz 25097 « DMS Männer 2018: SG Bayer, Neckarsulmer Sportunion steigen auf Uster Updates: Masse 58.54 1Back, Oleksiak 1:57.7 2Free, Proud 21.52 » Franziska Hentke Marco Koch Sarah Kohler More from Daniela Kapser 11 Dinge, die nur deine Teamkameraden verstehen Stimmen zum Tod von Olympiasieger Roland Matthes Sechs Motivationsmantras für 2020 von Aristoteles, Goethe und Steve Jobs Sechs Tricks, um 2020 zu deinem Erfolgsjahr zu machen. ISL ergänzt Teams in Tokio und Toronto für Saison 2020/2021
Jan 26, 2009 (LBO) – Tourist arrivals into Sri Lanka last year fell sharply from its main markets of India and Britain whose currencies also depreciated significantly against the dollar. Tourist industry analysts said that the downturn in tourism could worsen this year because of the weaker currencies and economic slowdown in key visitor generating markets. Total tourist arrivals in to Sri Lanka in 2008 were down 19.9 percent to 438,475 from a year ago, according to tourist board statistics. India was the biggest tourist generating market for the year, drawing 85,238 visitors although a sharp 19.6 percent drop from 2007. However, the visitor numbers include Indians coming to the island for trading purposes. Arrivals from the second biggest market, the UK which is now in recession, fell 13.5 percent to 81,331 in 2008 from a year ago. The downturn in arrivals was particularly marked in December 2008, the peak of the tourist season. Total tourist arrivals in December plunged 20 percent to 48,925 from the same month a year go.
Lauren Martinez Director of Development at Disney Junior Lauren Martinez is currently the Director of Development at Disney Junior who is always looking for unique, funny, visual storytellers that can bring "smart with heart." She started as a storyboard and character artist at Disneyland and made the leap into animation production on shows as Sanjay and Craig and Fairly Odd Parents at Nickelodeon and Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero at Disney. Most recently, she helped develop animated shows for Disney Channel such as The Owl House and The Curse of Molly McGee and most recently has been working on some exciting unannounced shows and movies for Disney Junior coming soon! She currently lives in Pasadena with her husband and twin toddler girls and loves to hang out with them as much as possible, and help create shows they will hopefully love.
Add me to the list for this one please. PM incoming. Oops — meant no-lock!! Such a blight on a perfectly safe firearm. I've had several 19/66's and always regret selling them. Time to get one back in the fold. Put me down on the SW 66 please. Phoning in my name right now.
In 1992 Company Director, Glenn Terry began planning for a professional theatre company that would present multiple artistic visions in collaboration with outstanding Australian theatre artists. To fund the initial development of Darlinghurst Theatre Company, Terry established Darlo Drama, a drama and performance school for adult amateurs. In 1993 the profits raised from Darlo Drama were used to renovate the rundown and inactive theatre in the Wayside Chapel, Kings Cross. The company was incorporated as a not for profit theatre company in 1996. Darlinghurst Theatre Company's time at the Wayside Chapel Theatre came to an abrupt end in 1999 after a severe storm damaged the venue's roof. A new home for the company was found in the form of the disused Reginald Murphy Hall in Potts Point, generously offered by the South Sydney Council. In 2000, Her Majesty's Theatre in Haymarket Sydney closed down and its equipment and fittings were sold off. Darlinghurst Theatre Company purchased many of these items for the new venue including theatre seats, dressing room mirrors, theatre lighting, and foyer furnishings. With support from Arts NSW, local businesses and over 100 individual donors upwards of $500,000 worth of internal renovations were completed and a new Sydney venue, Darlinghurst Theatre, opened its doors in 2001. Over the next 10 years Darlinghurst Theatre Company established itself as a popular Sydney theatre destination and creative platform for emerging ad professional artists. The company continued to grow its audiences, infrastructure and support, and by 2008 the theatre was running 48 weeks of the year and achieving annual attendances of over 20,000. During this period the company also grew and developed Australia's first theatre company for the homeless and disadvantaged, Milk Crate Theatre, and a leading touring organisation for independent artists' productions, Critical Stages. Sustainable arts practice was an important and long-term goal for Darlinghurst Theatre Company and its small 111 seat theatre proved limiting. In 2009, the City of Sydney invited the company to become the future tenant of a new 200 seat theatre in Darlinghurst. The former Burton Street Tabernacle and heritage listed building was being restored and renovated by the Council into a state-of-the-art theatre. This larger and more prominent home offered the company a much more sustainable and viable artist platform. A capital campaign in 2012 successfully raised over $200,000 in private donations toward Eternity Playhouse's equipment, furnishings, commissioning and launch. Darlinghurst Theatre Company's final production at its Potts Point theatre was in November 2012. In February 2013 the City of Sydney took tenders for new operators to take over the venue. Darlinghurst Theatre Company raised the curtain on its first production at Eternity Playhouse in November 2013.
grassland grass is unique worldwide. There is no other material which is similar to it in form and structure. Through our processing techniques and the material quality, individual customer requirements can be optimally implemented for vertical room greening. Our basic material is grass! The grass seeds grow under studio conditions. The 100% natural material grass is "harvested" after several weeks of growth. The letters, logos and images grow in specially designed forms. This is the only way to achieve the desired precision and quality. The complex production requires manual work, knowledge and many years of experience. The grass is dried, preserved and coloured green. The drying process preserves the grass, so no maintenance is required. Thanks to our unique process, the shape and colour of the grass changes only little over time. A B1 treatment is possible. Delivery for made-to-order letters and objects takes up to six weeks. Our grass objects are shipped worldwide – including positioning template and mounting description. With a little craftsmanship, the grass objects can be easily installed. On request, we are pleased to offer the installation. The grass itself weighs approximately 1.5 kg per square metre. Smaller letters and objects can be mounted directly on the wall with acrylic hardware, while larger letters, forms and objects can be mounted with nails. grassland objects are intended for display in interior spaces. They should be placed out of reach, as the objects can be damaged if handled. Our form of dried grass is unique worldwide. There is no other material which is similar in shape and structure. Through our processing techniques and the material quality, individual customer requirements can be optimally implemented. The objects are much more precise and more concise than, for example, moss logos or moss letters. grassland was established by Bernd Oette in 2006 following many years of experimenting with growing and drying grass under controlled conditions. In the meantime, we have become the world market leader due to our expertise in this technique. We have developed many tricks and secrets. The very first grass objects were created back in 1991.
AKA: "Lignacaine (Xylocaine) / Novocain (Procaine)" A class of many medications that "numb" nerves on contact. Local anesthesia describes the technique of numbing a region of the body by injecting local anesthetic into the tissues around an area to be operated on. Local anesthesia is often supplemented with intravenous sedation. An anesthetist injects local anesthetic into the skin of the back prior to placement of a spinal needle.
I Made Her From Clay: Broken Places & Outer Spaces by Nnedi Okorafor Lee Mandelo Tue Jun 18, 2019 2:00pm 1 comment Favorite This Following her compelling talk, "Scifi stories that imagine a future Africa" (2017), the TED Books series now presents Nnedi Okorafor's Broken Places & Outer Spaces. Part memoir, part craft text, the book is a personal narrative of the route Okorafor took to arrive at her career as a writer of science fiction. In the TED talk, she discusses the roots and influences of her science fiction as an Africanfuturist and reads selections from Binti and Lagoon; in this companion book her approach is more personal, focusing primarily on the life-changing experience of a scoliosis surgery that left her—a college athlete and track star—paralyzed. Confined to her hospital room and laboring under the emotional and physical pain of her recovery, Okorafor first experiences her creative awakening—a process that comes in fits and starts, as does her rehabilitation. As she reflects on this experience in intense, intimate detail over the course of the book, she also explores what it means to be broken and rebuilt, to be made into something greater than the original form: a cyborg, a futurist, an artist. As Okorafor says in the introduction, regarding kintsugi as an artform that repairs "the total object": …you transform what you have fixed into something more beautiful than it previously was. This is the philosophy that I came to understand was central to my life. Because in order to really live life, you must live life. And that is rarely achieved without cracks along the way. There is often a sentiment that we must remain new, unscathed, unscarred, but in order to do this, you must never leave home, never experience, never risk or be harmed, and thus never grow. This emphasis on repair and transformation after a breakage is the central conceit of Okorafor's argument in Broken Places & Outer Spaces. Her path to the writing career that has brought us, her audience, such amazing novels as Who Fears Death involved a great Breaking—the spinal surgery that left her temporarily paralyzed and with permanent damage to her proprioception—and a period of recovery. As she narrates her own story for the reader she also brings in examples of other artists and their traumas, how embracing the whole self, pain and all, was important to their creative processes. However, on that note, I do have reservations about the approach the text sometimes begins to lean toward regarding the relationship between pain and art. In discussions of Frida Kahlo and Mary Shelley, as well as her own journey through trauma to become a writer, Okorafor occasionally shifts the conversational frame to center pain as the progenitor and source of art (as opposed to art as the process that ameliorates and communicates through pain toward survival, for example). The implication that makes me uneasy is that suffering is a requirement for artists to produce their finest work—a concept that has, historically, done more harm than good particularly in the realm of mental health. But even within the discomfort I'm expressing there exists a delicate balance, since the statement that a person would not exist in their current state as their current self without their trauma is also accurate. The art that they've made as a result of their breaking would not exist without it. However: what about the art that might've been made in the absence of trauma? We'll never know what that might've been, either. Pain does not always equal growth—sometimes it's just pain, just breaking, and sometimes it's unfixable. Sometimes pain kills art. I'm thinking, in this particular moment, of folks like Joanna Russ whose careers did suffer as a result of physical ailment. On the level of memoir, though, that hint of discomfort is moot because Okorafor is speaking to her own lived experiences. This book is her personal story, and that's also important to the context. As a regular reader it's certainly meaningful to be gifted insight into her artistic development and her theories of creativity. Furthermore, the thesis statement of the book—offering "a philosophy that positions our toughest experiences not as barriers, but as doorways […] to us becoming our truest selves"—has a hopeful ring that I do appreciate, suggesting that our existence in this moment is a collection of opportunities we should do our best to embrace. Life experience, even or especially if it is painful, is indeed unique to each person. Centering the strength of healing over the valorization of pain—which is, by and large, what the book does do—also allows for that sense of fracture that lets the light in and so forth. That approach is in fact one of significant optimism. Okorafor experienced a terrible ordeal and, as she argues, without it would not have written her work as it stands. However, she also closes the book by emphasizing that her art is made of more than pain—it's also shaped and created by familial trips to Nigeria, her experiences there, and her shifting understanding of her family's stories as she became an adult. The final chapters create a more holistic sense of her argument regarding finding the creative catalyst in one's experiences, not just of pain but also family, time, magic, travel, and more. Overall, Broken Places & Outer Spaces contains a quietly effective power in its insistence on flexible strengths and the drive to create, on the mind and the body and the self as inextricably intertwined. Okorafor paints an emotional portrait of her paralysis as well as the slow process of her rehabilitation to a cyborg reality—while also offering intellectual and philosophical explorations of disability that emphasize futurity, not just surviving but thriving. The closing imagery, after all, is of her falling free into the water of the ocean. It's a striking close to a conversational and intimate piece of craft-memoir-oriented nonfiction that encourages the reader to, as the subtitle says, find "creativity in the unexpected" circumstances of their life. Broken Places & Outer Spaces is available from Simon & Schuster. Brit Mandelo is a writer, critic, and editor whose primary fields of interest are speculative fiction and queer literature, especially when the two coincide. They have two books out, Beyond Binary: Genderqueer and Sexually Fluid Speculative Fiction and We Wuz Pushed: On Joanna Russ and Radical Truth-telling, and in the past have edited for publications like Strange Horizons Magazine. Other work has been featured in magazines such as Stone Telling, Clarkesworld, Apex, and Ideomancer. book reviewsBroken Places & Outer SpacesmemoirNnedi OkorafornonfictionSimon & SchusterTED Talks AlanBrown on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Six Premiere: But He Looks Just Like Coulson! 5 mins ago wes on Creating a Cocktail Culture on the Moon 1 hour ago
This article appeared in the October/November 2016 issue of Marine Money International, and is reproduced with permission. Please click here to read the full publication (login required). With banks and borrowers alike feeling the prolonged and acute strain on traditional ship finance lending, the quest for any form of finance of shipping assets has been a significant challenge for many. Compounded by increasing financial regulation, reclassifications of shipping loans and stringent capital requirements it is little wonder that any positive reports for the ship finance market are few and far between. The record lows of the Baltic Dry Index are never far from the market's mind and falling rates and overcapacity issues have drained away much of the initial optimism over the tanker sector. Nevertheless, some deals are still being done – both publicly and privately – whether as restructurings or as packaged work-out transactions for new managers/borrowers. So despite the 'perfect storm' in which ship finance has found itself, are there any hidden gems and diamond opportunities for those willing to take on the search? The rough… Setting the (bleak) scene for ship finance has not been difficult over the last decade, with historic ship finance banks having exited shipping, others in the process of downsizing and others selling sizeable chunks of their portfolio in the secondary market to the 'highest' bidder. Opportunities to purchase both performing and non-performing loans at a discount are rife (especially in the Greek market). Combined with increased internal auditing, new lending business has taken a back seat in favour of wholesale restructurings – even for those lenders who were relatively new to the market. The question of how to fill the funding gap has become a common theme. Asian-Pacific banks have attempted to fill the void with those such as China Development Bank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, China EXIM, China Everbright and KEXIM reported as being amongst the fastest growing in ship finance in 2015 in terms of market exposure. Nevertheless, with European regulators threatening to reclassify whole shipping portfolios as 'high-risk' and financial institutions forced in some cases to recognise bad loans (where there is still value in the associated security) the optimists looking for financing opportunities have not had an easy ride. To some extent, alternative sources of finance looked set to assist those eager to acquire vessels at rock-bottom prices – with or without debt financing. Whilst collaborative financing and the emergence of the Asian export credit agencies helped weather some elements of the ship finance storm, other forms of alternative funding often fell out of favour as quickly as they emerged. The capital markets window proved short lived as freight rates remained anchored and the few success stories became marred by pricing issues, underwriting concerns and the increasing indifference of investors. Private equity also continued to form part of the mix – both in respect of the secondary market or through direct equity deals with owners/managers with a strong track record. The increasing numbers of non-performing shipping loans has seen lenders across the board becoming increasingly cautious when selecting their counterparties. However, for those owners/managers with long-standing banking relationships, a reliable and transparent record, strong chartering relationships and some level of equity to invest, opportunities have emerged to cooperate with their banks to the mutual benefit of both. The diamonds… The principle of 'extend and pretend' always had to come to an end at some point and innovative solutions to a mass problem had to be found. Even publicly, signs that banks and borrowers were starting to take a more proactive approach became apparent – especially in the absence of any burgeoning market recovery. For publicly listed owners looking to acquire vessels at historically low values, there were signs of attractive (albeit rare) opportunities. As 2015 drew to an end, HSH Nordbank's "Nautilus" financing model, saw the Navios Group complete its acquisition of fourteen vessels (with a total market value of US$225 million) from struggling debtors on the verge of insolvency1 – the second transaction of this nature with HSH Nordbank. Wolfgang Topp, Head of HSH Nordbank's Restructuring Unit noted the benefits of the transaction for both parties as "self-evident" with HSH Nordbank reducing their risks and Navios broadening its fleet to include complementary ships2. HSH Nordbank's exposure was substantially reduced and the fleet's capital structure strengthened owing to the discounted loan amount being financed by a new creditor. On the other hand, Navios was able to acquire a fleet of vessels with a new pre-packaged banking syndicate when most were struggling to find finance for a single ship. Diamonds of this size will perhaps only ever be available to those in a position to contribute eight-digits' worth of fresh capital and deliver sizeable economies of scale. However, when averaged over fourteen vessels, the level of new equity investment required could become far more attractive to a much wider audience. Even in the restructuring arena, transactions which primarily sought to address valuation and liquidity issues often showed positive support for actively maximising opportunities. In March 2016, Scorpio Tankers negotiated an increase in its credit facility with ING Bank from US$87 million to US$132.5 million in order to part finance the acquisition of a new product tanker and to refinance other existing indebtedness3. Another example saw Safe Bulkers repeatedly succeed in renegotiating several loan facilities with its lenders throughout the first half of 2016 including RBS, Danish Ship Finance, DVB Bank, ING Bank, Nordea Bank, Unicredit and DNB4. Again, restructurings and ship finance transactions on this scale might be considered out of reach for those without a public listing to their name. Nevertheless, the nature of these positive transactions and the opportunities which emerged (despite adverse market conditions) were a welcome alternative to the usual pessimistic reports. The slightest sparkle of innovation and ingenuity was certainly something that could be considered more widely and (if needed) on a smaller scale. The likelihood of new money, plain-vanilla ship finance transactions remains too good to be true in many cases, but positive elements in an otherwise gloomy market have started to emerge as another method of seizing opportunities and finding hidden value. Otherwise standard restructurings, with LTV and minimum liquidity adjustments could, in some circumstances, be tied to pre-packaged financing deals for additional vessels – again from beleaguered borrowers ready to hand assets back to their lenders (replicating some of the attractive attributes from the Nautilus model put forward by HSH Nordbank). Hovering for the most part below the radar, private financing transactions have started to show a necessity for the 'bells and whistles' historically incorporated as part of larger and more sophisticated financings. Back-end fees, equity kickers and profit sharing could form part of a structure where both banks and borrowers have 'skin in the game'. Increased transparency (or supervision) on the part of the borrower, together with equity support from the borrower if (more likely when) needed could be balanced by the lender (with an acceptance of market constraints and current freight rates)a willingness to move away from the more stressful repayment profile model. Previous attempts to 'kick the can down the road' have forced lenders and borrowers to be more creative, with more experience of large balloon repayments causing greater difficulties at a later date – as market conditions continued to deteriorate. Even the acceptance of financial covenant holidays has become a method for lenders to manage the burden of regular waiver requirements and breaches almost equivalent to the burden faced by borrowers seeking to comply with original covenant requirements. The slide in vessel earnings has naturally hit both lenders and borrowers hard. Operating and voyage expenses and G&A costs now frequently exceed a vessel's earning capabilities and the depressed state of the market means that even the most efficient borrowers and managers are forced to dig deeper into their own pockets to meet scheduled principal repayment obligations. As the problem becomes more widespread, the possibility for lenders to take hard and fast enforcement action against non-performing borrowers and loans seems less attractive to all parties. In the latest bid to salvage more from a potential wreck (and in order to avoid the expensive and often counter-productive alternative of judicial enforcement), a recent trend towards lenders offering their more trusted owners increasingly complex, yet flexible, repayment terms typically combined with detailed applications of earnings and/or 'waterfall provisions' could allow certain borrowers to move away from fixed repayment obligations and simply to apply all earnings (surplus or otherwise) periodically and in a manner which would be acceptable to their lenders. PAYE or DIY? Ordinarily, 'pay as you earn' forms of restructurings could allow for a reasonable level of operating expenses and a capped management fee to be applied first from the earnings of the vessel, with lender fees, costs, expenses, interest and principal repayments forming part of the waterfall at varying degrees. Potential for 'rolling-up' of interest in the form of PIK interest could also form part of an earnings waterfall in exchange for guaranteed equity support from the borrower. Suddenly a 'repayment buffer' starts to emerge where both banks and borrowers can look to agree the attributes of a repayment structure which suits each party's needs – the borrower commits to funding shortfalls by itself (or through shareholders) and the lender accepts (to some extent) that it might take slightly longer to pay down its debt. Cash sweeps and methodology to rebuild capital reserves remain relevant, but often become unrealistic or impractical when the fight for survival applies to everyone in the ship finance food chain. However, combining pre-packaged facilities and specific assets (typically from the lender's bad loan portfolio) – with or without 'soft-loan' attributes – could allow for much higher LTV percentages and much lower margins to be made available to borrowers than would otherwise be available in a plain-vanilla, new money scenario. Together with some level of equity injection (or shareholder loan) and a commitment to support the underlying asset, a lender's classification of certain loans could well be improved. A pre-agreed write-off for future sales at a loss could well be balanced against profit sharing of surplus sale proceeds in cases where vessel values do actually rebound. Potential opportunities will always have to be balanced against the price to be paid by both lenders and borrowers. What is commercially achievable will often depend on the strength of the lending relationship, the ability of the borrower to demonstrate a strong and transparent track record, evidence of prudent vessel management and (no doubt) a willingness to put some level of cash on the table. Differing goals and the wide variety of lender and borrower profiles will never allow a one size fits all ship finance model, but certainly the current state of the ship finance market has forced all parties to become more creative, to find solutions and seize even the smallest of opportunities that could provide benefits – and maybe even a profit (whether in the short term or the long term). For more information, please contact Jasel Chauhan, Partner, Piraeus, on +30 210 429 3978, or [email protected], or Holly Foster, Associate, London, on +44 20 7264 8059, or [email protected], or your usual contact at HFW. Navios Maritime Holding 'Press Release- Navios group closes second transaction with HSH Nordbank AG' (6 October 2015) HSH Nordbank 'Press Release – HSH Nordbank continues collaboration with Navios Group in second Nautilus transaction' (23 April 2015) Lloyd's List 'Scorpio Tankers secures fresh funding from ING' (14 January 2016) Safe Bulkers – Press Releases (published: 3 February 2016 and 23 May 2016 (DNB), 3 March 2016 (Unicredit), 19 April 2016 (Nordea), 31 May 2016 (ING), 5 July 2016 (DVB), 18 July 2016 (Danish Ship Finance) and 21 July 2016 (RBS)) Full profile of Holly Foster [email protected] Download VCard HFW Recognised For Maritime Excellence At Lloyd's List SAMEA Awards HFW To Boost Market-Leading Shipping Practice With Singapore Partner Hire Comprehensively Yachts - Industry Briefing
You'll enjoy our Apartment Helios firstly because of its size and comfiness, and secondly, its location – it is located just 20 meters from the entrance to the Old Town. This duplex apartment is set on two levels. It is large and comfortable enough to accommodate large groups and families with kids. In addition, everything that you need is stone throw away from the apartment – grocery store just in front of it, bakery, cafes, restaurants, post office, ATM, bank and other important things. – the first floor features a living room, dining room, equipped kitchen, balcony, and toilet. AC and cable TV are also provided. – the second floor consists out of two bedrooms with AC, one with three single beds, and one with a double bed with cable TV, a large bathroom with a shower. Wi-Fi, clean bed linen and towels, toilet paper, AC, soap, blankets, and duvet if you are coming in the winter time. You will have all the duplex apartment Helios just for you. If you need anything you can contact us by phone, Whatsapp or Viber. The neighborhood is friendly and you will definitely feel welcomed here. Everything important is so close to the apartment. A well-equipped grocery store is just in front of the apartment. The supermarket is 80 meters from the apartment. Entrance to the Old Town is just 20 meters away. There are great restaurants and cafes, and of course, the famous Old Bridge. Just next to the entrance there is a great cocktail bar called Oscar Summer Garden where you can relax and refresh yourself during hot summer days in Mostar. Just as close, but in a different direction, a great coffee bar called Niđe Veze is located, with very good food as well and amazing pancakes. The duplex apartment Helios is located just on the entrance to the Old Town. We don't have our own parking spot, but we will let you know places around the apartment where you can park your car.
Home Life After 117 Years, Rolls-Royce Sets the Most Sales Record Rolls-Royce announced its 2021 financial statements with record sales. Where, this British manufacturer managed to sell 5,586 units of vehicles, and became the highest during its 117 years of existence. Sales in 2021 increased 49 percent compared to the previous year, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Although it did not mention in detail, Rolls-Royce called the Cullinan and the latest Ghost the product with the most sales. In addition, the highest sales records also occurred in several regions, such as the China, North America and Asia Pacific markets. There has been an increase in customer demand for bespoke products, such as the Rolls-Royce Phantom Oribe involving the nam Herms, Phantom Tempus, Black Badge Wraith/Dawn Landspeed. Last year was significant for the Rolls Royce Coachbuild program, with the launch of the $28 million Boat Tail. Finally, Provence's pre-owned program is enjoying its rewards. Torsten Müller-Ötvös, CEO of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars said that 2021 was a revival for the company, and congratulated the team on their efforts. "Factors that contributed to this record were the first year of availability of the new generation Ghost, the launch of Black Badge Ghost, and the growing demand for Bespoke personalization. Last year we also announced the Specter's first fully electric model, which is slated to debut in 2023," said Torsten. For your information, there are more than 2,000 people currently employed by Rolls-Royce, at the Goodwood plant operating two shifts, and 37 new interns preparing to join the staff next year. Previous articlePeugeot Accelerates Passenger Vehicle Electrification Next articleGenesis GV80 Capacity 6 Passengers Coming to Australia Most Fun Cars To Drive 2020 2011 Chrysler Town And Country New Generations JdVintageCars - September 27, 2021 0 Roush Stage 3 Mustang First Contact JdVintageCars - May 15, 2021 0 Ford Mustang Mach 1 Life JdVintageCars - August 7, 2021 0 Fastest Production Car In The World 2021 Life JdVintageCars - June 25, 2021 0 How Much Is A Tesla Model 3 Hi-Tech JdVintageCars - March 28, 2021 0