Dataset Viewer
Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| 0
stringlengths 258
0 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9032\n\n### Instruction:\nWorkaround P1 incident\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'test\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
1 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9031\n\n### Instruction:\nCzesc\r\nProsba o zweryfikowanie wymiany danych miedzy DHP a Exchange.\r\nZdazają sie VT które nie przechodzą dalej przez co potem nie sa dostępne w systemie PCS\r\n \r\nDla przykładu VT : \r\nVT-8016\r\n\r\nVT-8022\r\n\r\nVT-8024\r\n\r\nVT-8025\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Any news ??\'", "Comment 3: \'{code:java}System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Serwer nie może przetworzyć żądania. ---> Nie można przypisać wartości zerowej do członka typu System.Decimal", \'Comment 4: który jest członkiem typu wartość niezerowalna. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message\', \'Comment 5: WebResponse response\', \'Comment 6: Stream responseStream\', \'Comment 7: Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName\', \'Comment 8: Object[] parameters) at PlantAgentService.PCSWSWebReference.PCSIntegrationWebService.GetPendingDeliveries(Int32 numbersOfTickets\', "Comment 9: Int32 pcsId) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHAPPS25-PCSIT182-JOB1\\\\\\\\DHPAgent\\\\\\\\Web References\\\\\\\\PCSWSWebReference\\\\\\\\Reference.cs:line 2434 at PlantAgentService.PendingDeliveriesService.ImportPendingDeliveries() in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHAPPS25-PCSIT182-JOB1\\\\\\\\DHPAgent\\\\\\\\Service\\\\\\\\ServicePendingDeliveries.cs:line 19{code}\'", \'Comment 10: "This VT was causing the problem\', \'Comment 11: the field for VtE_EstimatedWeight was null.We updated this field to zero\', \'Comment 12: VT\\\'s have been processed.!image-2023-04-25-19-19-51-287.png!"\', \'Comment 13: "{code:java}--update dbo.VehicleTicketElement--set VtE_EstimatedWeight = 0--where vte_id in (547641,--547642)SELECT top 100 * FROM [DH_Exchange].[dbo].[Log] order by 1 descselect * FROM [DH_Exchange].[dbo].[PendingDeliveryHeader] order by 1 descWiszące:select E.VtE_Id as PendingDeliveryElementId\', \'Comment 14: E.VtE_VtHId as PendingDeliveryHeaderId\', \'Comment 15: E.VtE_No as Number\', "Comment 16: isnull(dbo.VehicleTicketNumber(E.VtE_VtHId) + \'-\' + cast(E.VtE_No as nvarchar(5)),\'\') as PendingDeliveryElementDocumentNumber", \'Comment 17: E.VtE_DirectionType as DirectionType\', \'Comment 18: E.VtE_PackingForm as PackingForm\', \'Comment 19: isnull(A1.CtA_CstId\', \'Comment 20: E.VtE_CstId) as CustomerId\', \'Comment 21: isnull(C1.Cst_Code\', \'Comment 22: C.Cst_Code) as CustomerCode\', \'Comment 23: isnull(A1.CtA_Name1\', \'Comment 24: A.CtA_Name1) as CustomerName\', \'Comment 25: E.VtE_ArtId as ArticleId\', \'Comment 26: E.VtE_EstimatedWeight as EstimateWeight\', \'Comment 27: E.VtE_Weight as Weight\', \'Comment 28: E.VtE_UnloadingPlace as UnloadingPlace\', \'Comment 29: E.VtE_OdEId as OrderElementId\', "Comment 30: isnull(dbo.OrderNumber(OdE_OdHId) + \'-\' + cast(OdE_No as nvarchar(5))", "Comment 31: \'\') as OrderNumber", \'Comment 32: E.VtE_CorrectionId as CorrectionPendingDeliveryElementId\', "Comment 33: isnull(dbo.VehicleTicketNumber(E1.VtE_VtHId) + \'-\' + cast(E1.VtE_No as nvarchar(5))", "Comment 34: \'\') as CorrectionPendingDeliveryDocumentNumber", \'Comment 35: E.VtE_BagsCount as BagsCount\', \'Comment 36: E.VtE_BagSize as BagSize\', \'Comment 37: E.VtE_BagWeight as BagWeight\', \'Comment 38: E.VtE_QuantityPallet as QuantityPallet\', \'Comment 39: E.VtE_Description as Description\', \'Comment 40: E.VtE_Cancel as Cancel\', \'Comment 41: E.VtE_OtherWeight as OtherWeight\', \'Comment 42: E.VtE_Quantity as Quantity\', \'Comment 43: E.VtE_Description2 as Description2\', "Comment 44: E.VtE_ExpiryDate as ExpiryDatefrom dbo.VehicleTicketElement Ejoin dbo.MPCSPendingDeliveriesImport on E.VtE_VtHId = VtI_VtHNumerjoin dbo.CustomerCard C on E.VtE_CstId = C.Cst_Idjoin dbo.CustomerAdressCard A on C.Cst_CtAId = A.CtA_Idleft join dbo.OrderElement on E.VtE_OdEId = OdE_Idleft join dbo.OrderHeader on OdE_OdHId = OdH_Idleft join dbo.CustomerCard C1 on OdH_Cst2Id = C1.Cst_Idleft join dbo.CustomerAdressCard A1 on C1.Cst_CtAId = A1.CtA_Idleft join dbo.VehicleTicketElement E1 on E.VtE_Id = E1.VtE_CorrectionIdwhere --VtI_Ticket = \'25f67109-8c5b-46d0-9ce9-a648097a7e1d\'--andisnull(VtI_ConfirmDate,0) = 0 and e.VtE_EstimatedWeight is nullorder by E.VtE_VtHId", \'Comment 45: E.VtE_No{code}"\', "Comment 46: \'[[DHP 2.7] Brak VT w Exchange. Lack of VT in exchange database|onenote:§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{F3B54834-6A02-4FD8-B2D4-74ADCAEDC4E9}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{7DA7A8BA-842F-45C1-964A-31B80B3F243D}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|])\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
2 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9030\n\n### Instruction:\nSince March the 15e, we do not receive Warehouse movements in DHC (or those are not shown in the UI) can you please check what causes this?\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!\'", "Comment 2: \'That day we did the DHC release\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
3 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9029\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease remove (or disable) additional technology SN526402.\r\nIt isn\'t used yet and created "by accident".\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nRob.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Additional technology has been disabled.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
4 | {'prompt': "Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9028\n\n### Instruction:\nPersonal User setting disappear after shutdown.\n\n### Response:\n['Comment 1: []']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End"} |
5 | {'prompt': "Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9027\n\n### Instruction:\nMeeting about plan for Intense 2023.1 deployment on UAT and PROD environment.\n\n### Response:\n['Comment 1: []']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End"} |
6 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9026\n\n### Instruction:\nHello,\r\n\r\ncan you please set status back to \'In progress\' for lot number 87014124042324681? there are some missing batches, with cannot be resend due to status\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: "{code:java} FROM [DH_Exchange_NL_PROD].[dbo].[ProductionLotReportHeader] plr where PlH_LotNumber in(\\\'87014124042324681\\\') FROM [DHP_NL_PROD].[dbo].[ProductionLotReportHeader] plr where PlH_LotNumber in(\\\'87014124042324681\\\'){code}"\', "Comment 4: \'Status for PLR has been changed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
7 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9025\n\n### Instruction:\ni have this error for documents generated for johnson warehouse wheni try to generate them from DHC into ERP.\r\n\r\nError of type XLApiException has been thrown (XLNowyDokument:33).\r\nAPI Name - XLNowyDokument\r\nAPI Result - 33\r\nFlags - 16\r\nBŁĘDY:|Nie udało się wymusić numeru dokumentu/niepoprawny numer. (NowyDokument-33)\r\n\r\nDo we need to also cancel every manually generated document for johnson also to help fix this error?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 2: "SELECT vt.ExpectedElementsQuantity\', \'Comment 3: vee.DocumentNumber,vt.documentnumber\', \'Comment 4: vee.message,o.DocumentNumber as ordernumber\', \'Comment 5: as orderid\', \'Comment 6: d.*FROM [dbo].[VehicleTickets] vtjoin [dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] ve on vt.Id=ve.VehicleTicketIdjoin [dbo].[VehicleTicketElementERPDocuments] vee on vee.VehicleTicketElementId=ve.Idjoin [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] d on d.Id=ve.DocumentNumberIdjoin dbo. OrderElements oe on oe.Id=ve.OrderElementIdjoin dbo.orders o on– join [ERPXL_GHA_PROD] .cdn.TraNag erp on erp.trn_gidnumer=pt.XlIdwhere in (select id from [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] where DocumentYear=2023 and DocumentMonth=4 and o.DocumentNumerator_Series=\\\'jons\\\') and vee.DocumentNumber is null and vee.Message like \\\'%APi%\\\' order by d.DocumentNumber desc"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
8 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9024\n\n### Instruction:\nHello\r\nPlease help to check this stock unit: item 1101330 with serial number 240423PO805-070323V0. \r\nVT-1372/4/23 has already been closed, but the status of this stock unit is still in progress.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'!image-2023-04-25-13-24-07-554.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'!image-2023-04-25-13-24-52-324.png!!image-2023-04-25-13-25-15-883.png!!image-2023-04-25-13-25-38-473.png!\'", "Comment 5: \'!image-2023-04-25-13-47-29-267.png!\'", "Comment 6: \'!image-2023-04-25-14-06-04-705.png!!image-2023-04-25-14-05-19-113.png!\'", \'Comment 7: "{code:java}Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while saving the entity changes. See the inner exception for details. ---> Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot insert duplicate key row in object \\\'dbo.StockUnits\\\' with unique index \\\'IX_StockUnits_Barcode\\\'. The duplicate key value is (436-W0079E).The statement has been terminated. at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception\', \'Comment 8: Boolean breakConnection\', \'Comment 9: Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 10: Boolean callerHasConnectionLock\', \'Comment 11: Boolean asyncClose) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 12: SqlCommand cmdHandler\', \'Comment 13: SqlDataReader dataStream\', \'Comment 14: BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler\', \'Comment 15: TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 16: Boolean& dataReady) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds\', \'Comment 17: RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 18: String resetOptionsString\', \'Comment 19: Boolean isInternal\', \'Comment 20: Boolean forDescribeParameterEncryption\', \'Comment 21: Boolean shouldCacheForAlwaysEncrypted) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior\', \'Comment 22: RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 23: Boolean returnStream\', \'Comment 24: Boolean isAsync\', \'Comment 25: Int32 timeout\', \'Comment 26: Task& task\', \'Comment 27: Boolean asyncWrite\', \'Comment 28: Boolean inRetry\', \'Comment 29: SqlDataReader ds\', \'Comment 30: Boolean describeParameterEncryptionRequest) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior\', \'Comment 31: RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 32: Boolean returnStream\', \'Comment 33: TaskCompletionSource`1 completion\', \'Comment 34: Int32 timeout\', \'Comment 35: Task& task\', \'Comment 36: Boolean& usedCache\', \'Comment 37: Boolean asyncWrite\', \'Comment 38: Boolean inRetry\', \'Comment 39: String method) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalCommand.ExecuteReader(RelationalCommandParameterObject parameterObject) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Update.ReaderModificationCommandBatch.Execute(IRelationalConnection connection)ClientConnectionId:5304a8bd-c3cd-4e34-b8fe-db284c3d7fc8Error Number:2601,State:1,Class:14 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Update.ReaderModificationCommandBatch.Execute(IRelationalConnection connection) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Update.Internal.BatchExecutor.Execute(IEnumerable`1 commandBatches\', \'Comment 40: IRelationalConnection connection) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.StateManager.SaveChanges(IList`1 entriesToSave) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.StateManager.SaveChanges(StateManager stateManager\', \'Comment 41: Boolean acceptAllChangesOnSuccess) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Storage.Internal.SqlServerExecutionStrategy.Execute[TState,TResult](TState state\', \'Comment 42: Func`3 operation\', \'Comment 43: Func`3 verifySucceeded) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.StateManager.SaveChanges(Boolean acceptAllChangesOnSuccess) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext.SaveChanges(Boolean acceptAllChangesOnSuccess) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.EF.GenericRepositoryEf`1.Persist(TEntity entity) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.EF.GenericConcurrencyRepositoryEf`1.Persist(TEntity entity) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Persistence.Repositories.AggregateRootRepository`2.Persist(TAggregateRoot root) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Services.RegisterIntakeService.RegisterPackedIntake(RegisterPackedIntakeDataStructure dataStructure) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\RegisterIntakeService.cs:line 134 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.CommandHandlers.PackedIntake.RegisterPackedIntakeCommandHandler.Handle(RegisterPackedIntakeCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\PackedIntake\\\\\\\\RegisterIntakeCommandHandler.cs:line 34 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.Filters.CommandProcessFilter`1.Execute(CommandPipelineContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.PredefinedFilters.FilterDecorator`1.Execute(TContext input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.StandardGate.DispatchCommand[TCommand](TCommand command) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.IntercontextCommunication.WMS.PackedIntake.WarehouseIntakeUnitLoadRegisteredApplicationMessageHandler.Handle(WarehouseIntakeUnitLoadRegisteredApplicationEvent message) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\IntercontextCommunication\\\\\\\\WMS\\\\\\\\PackedIntake\\\\\\\\WarehouseIntakeUnitLoadRegisteredApplicationMessageHandler.cs:line 47 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessageHandlerFilter.Execute(InternalStorageProcessContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessagesProcessFilter.Execute(InternalStorageContext`1 input){code}"\', "Comment 44: \'{code:java}Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.AggregationNotes.Exceptions.AggregationNoteInvalidOperationException: Validation failed: -- AggregationStockUnitShouldBeIntakeOngoingMessage at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.Aggregation.Services.AggregationDomainService.RegisterIntakeAggregation(RegisterIntakeAggregationDomainDataStructure dataStructure) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\Aggregation\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\AggregationDomainService.cs:line 323 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.Aggregation.Services.AggregationDomainService.RegisterPackedIntakeAggregation(RegisterPackedIntakeAggregationDomainDataStructure dataStructure) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\Aggregation\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\AggregationDomainService.cs:line 238 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Services.RegisterIntakeService.RegisterPackedIntakeAggregation(RegisterPackedIntakeDataStructure data", \'Comment 45: StockUnit stockUnit\', "Comment 46: Delivery delivery) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\RegisterIntakeService.cs:line 649 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Services.RegisterIntakeService.RegisterPackedIntake(RegisterPackedIntakeDataStructure dataStructure) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\RegisterIntakeService.cs:line 134 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.CommandHandlers.PackedIntake.RegisterPackedIntakeCommandHandler.Handle(RegisterPackedIntakeCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\PackedIntake\\\\\\\\RegisterIntakeCommandHandler.cs:line 34 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.Filters.CommandProcessFilter`1.Execute(CommandPipelineContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.PredefinedFilters.FilterDecorator`1.Execute(TContext input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.StandardGate.DispatchCommand[TCommand](TCommand command) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.IntercontextCommunication.WMS.PackedIntake.WarehouseIntakeUnitLoadRegisteredApplicationMessageHandler.Handle(WarehouseIntakeUnitLoadRegisteredApplicationEvent message) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\IntercontextCommunication\\\\\\\\WMS\\\\\\\\PackedIntake\\\\\\\\WarehouseIntakeUnitLoadRegisteredApplicationMessageHandler.cs:line 47 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessageHandlerFilter.Execute(InternalStorageProcessContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessagesProcessFilter.Execute(InternalStorageContext`1 input){code}\'", "Comment 47: \'ID VTka52FB3FCE-4727-41B9-8E69-F44DF1137A6F!image-2023-04-25-14-18-57-328.png!!image-2023-04-25-17-04-21-380!\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
9 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9023\n\n### Instruction:\nIOs from Johnson and Mag some of them especially from the 13th are not generating automatically kindly assist in solving this issue.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
10 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9022\n\n### Instruction:\nFor order SO000105268 there are three orderlines, but only the one with item 088345 is coming through to DHP. The other two are in DHC but not synced with DHP. \n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'It looks like the recipe is in DHC but not in DHP\'", "Comment 3: \'Hi Theo,Recipes are now available in DHP system:!image-2023-04-24-22-43-03-529.png!!image-2023-04-24-22-43-16-017.png!Please resend the order to dhp. It should be complete.\'", "Comment 4: \'!image-2023-04-24-22-48-04-007.png!!image-2023-04-24-22-48-15-576.png!Please give us a feedback. Could we close this ticket ?\'", "Comment 5: \'In meantime the complete order is in DHP\'", "Comment 6: \'OK. Can we close this ticket ?\'", "Comment 7: \'Yes", "Comment 8: for my part please close the ticketI assume that with vertical integration the speed of accepting recipes will increase very much... \'", "Comment 9: \'{code:java}2023-04-24 20:52:49,639 [117] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.RecipeChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER546-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:42] - Receiving message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Recipes.RecipeChangedMessage) [Id:eb24713e-600b-4574-9904-ca832a8336f1]2023-04-24 20:52:49,702 [117] ERROR Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.RecipeChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER546-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:63] - Cannot handle message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Recipes.RecipeChangedMessage). Exception occured:2023-04-24 20:52:49,702 [117] ERROR Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.RecipeChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER546-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:64] - System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.Entity.Core.UpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.The statement has been terminated.{code}!image-2023-04-25-07-34-48-345.png!\'", "Comment 10: \'{code:java}2023-04-24 13:43:45,069 [14] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.RecipeChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER546-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:42] - Receiving message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Recipes.RecipeChangedMessage) [Id:603c13f4-ed0e-4de7-a2fe-283d9d1511f6]2023-04-24 13:43:45,100 [14] ERROR Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.RecipeChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER546-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:63] - Cannot handle message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Recipes.RecipeChangedMessage). Exception occured:2023-04-24 13:43:45,100 [14] ERROR Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.RecipeChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER546-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:64] - System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.Entity.Core.UpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.The statement has been terminated.{code}!image-2023-04-25-07-40-57-577.png!\'", "Comment 11: \'Pierwszy zarejestrowany w logach:!image-2023-04-25-10-58-18-871.png!Dla drugiego itemu:!image-2023-04-25-10-59-17-822.png!\'", "Comment 12: \'Upgrade był 19 kwietnia - potwierdzone z Przemkiem. Przemek mówi", \'Comment 13: ze communication log czyści się po miesiącu\', "Comment 14: więc pewnie jakaś staroć została\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
11 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9021\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe need to produce the item *PEP8147-T* and it\'s extension PEP8147-T-S25.\r\nHowever the Production Recipe is not in DHP.\r\n\r\nCould you please help us?\r\n\r\nThank you very much!\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: "{code:java}SELECT i2.code FROM [Evolution_DHCService].[dbo].[Items] i1 right join Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].[Items] i2 on where i2.code in(SELECT i.code FROM Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].[RecipeIngredients] ri inner join Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].DhhItems dh on ri.DhhItemId=dh.Id inner join Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].Items i on where RecipeId=\\\'6C8AED72-2897-4214-B6AA-E5F051659BFA\\\') and i1.Code is null{code}!image-2023-04-24-20-01-55-795.png!"\', "Comment 4: \'Missing items in DHCService218312183721838Incorrect linked items in DHC", \'Comment 5: for example!image-2023-04-24-20-03-04-246.png!Pleasefinish linking items\', "Comment 6: they will appear in dhcservice and you will be able to send the recipe to plant.\'", "Comment 7: \'Hi [[email protected]]How did you find this missing items?Is there any DHC screen", "Comment 8: report or SQL query where we can find this information by ourselfs?Thank you\'", \'Comment 9: "Hi Maicon\', \'Comment 10: we found this in sql database by sql query: SELECT i2.code FROM [Evolution_DHCService].[dbo].[Items] i1 right join Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].[Items] i2 on where i2.code in(SELECT i.code FROM Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].[RecipeIngredients] ri inner join Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].DhhItems dh on ri.DhhItemId=dh.Id inner join Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].Items i on where RecipeId=\\\'6C8AED72-2897-4214-B6AA-E5F051659BFA\\\') and i1.Code is nullCan we close this ticket? Thank you."\', "Comment 11: \'HI [[email protected]]Thanks for this SQL query.You can close this task.Thank you very much!\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
12 | {'prompt': "Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9020\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease create a new user for Agra-Matic. \r\n\r\nName: Jan Willem Meijer\r\n\r\nSame permissions as Freddy Westrik.\n\n### Response:\n['Comment 1: []']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End"} |
13 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9019\n\n### Instruction:\nThe following Lot reports are available in DHC (draft Lot reports) but do not seem to be send to Milas. \r\nExpected: all draft Lot reports and Lot reports available in DHC are available in Milas.\r\n\r\nCan you (re)send these Lot report from DHC to Milas?\r\n\r\n0021200423072\r\n0041030423013\r\n0071200423088\r\n0071200423096\r\n0081200423097\r\n0081200423106\r\n0081200423108\r\n0081200423109\r\n0081200423110\r\n0081200423111\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: "{code:java} select * FROM [Evolution_DHCERP_NL_AS400_Identities].[dbo].[ProductionLotReportMappings] p where dhcid in(SELECT id FROM DHCountry_NL_AS400_PROD.[dbo].[ProductionLotReports] where LotNumber in(\\\'0021200423072\\\',\\\'0041030423013\\\',\\\'0071200423088\\\',\\\'0071200423096\\\',\\\'0081200423097\\\',\\\'0081200423106\\\',\\\'0081200423108\\\',\\\'0081200423109\\\',\\\'0081200423110\\\',\\\'0081200423111\\\')){code}"\', "Comment 4: \'Please check lot reports have been sent again to Milas.\'", "Comment 5: \'Thank you", "Comment 6: we will check this\'", "Comment 7: \'We received the Lot reports in Milas now. This ticket can be closed.\'", "Comment 8: \'Thank you for confirmation.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
14 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9018\n\n### Instruction:\nThe following Lot reports are confirmed in DHP. In DHC we only have draft Lot report. We expect the Lot report in DHC (and in Milas).\r\n\r\n0021210323021\r\n0071210323022\r\n0071240123084\r\n0081270123068\r\n0111040123040\r\n0111160123014\r\n\r\nPlease (re)send these Lot reports from DHP to DHC (and export to Milas)\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: "{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicEvents].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where AggregateId=\\\'2BBEB7D7-A953-4648-882A-70178836C43A\\\' and EventType like \\\'%conf%\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicEvents].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where AggregateId=\\\'2BBEB7D7-A953-4648-882A-70178836C43A\\\' and EventType like \\\'%finish%\\\' SELECT [ProductionLotStatus],* FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where LotNumber=\\\'0071240123084\\\'{code}{code:java}SELECT * FROM [dbo].[ProductionLotReports] where LotNumber in(\\\'0071240123084\\\',\\\'0111040123040\\\',\\\'0111160123014\\\')0071210323022 utrecht0021210323021 sneek0081270123068 Veghel0011 maasb{code}!image-2023-04-25-13-49-05-697!"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
15 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9017\n\n### Instruction:\nSO-2061/23/UMR wont sync as item code RD37071-S7980-P created today, is not in DHP. Needed for production tonight.\r\n\r\nItem code seems to be in other plants.\r\nItem code is linked.\r\nTechnology generated\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 2: "Jak dla mnie wygląda na problem z paczką{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHCService_RSA_PROD].[dbo].[ItemExportInfoes] where (EntityId=\\\'359FD908-8E70-4BF1-9696-E73EF09160AA\\\' and ClientId=\\\'205268AF-8BE3-4344-BFA8-157AC266AAFC\\\') or PackageId=\\\'B988DCD7-0B46-4E21-A743-3E5B5DEC798C\\\' select * from CommunicationLogs where MessageDetails like \\\'%RD37071-S7980-P%\\\' select * from dbo.Items where id=\\\'359FD908-8E70-4BF1-9696-E73EF09160AA\\\'{code} !image-2023-04-24-13-57-08-885.png!DHP:!image-2023-04-24-13-58-18-650.png!W DHP jest sporo błędów dla towarów - nie wpadają do VC.Kotrak.Common.Application.Exceptions.CommandValidationException`1[Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Items.Commands.SynchronizeItemCommand]: Validation failed: -- WrongPackingFormMessage!image-2023-04-24-13-59-27-002.png!"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8999\']\n\n### End'} |
16 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9016\n\n### Instruction:\nHello,\r\n\r\nCan you please send the lotreports from attached document from DHC to MILAS? It contains missing lot reports in MILAS from 1/1/2023 till 31/3/2023.\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\nWijnand.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'[^Ontbrekende lots in AIS.xlsx] _(11 kB)_\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hi Wijnand,I have resent all lot reports from your file to Milas as requested. Please", "Comment 4: verify and let me know if everything is fine.Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
17 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9015\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease add the relation from column AA in the MAS NL for the guarantees.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Do zmiany relacja w sekcji gwarancji", "Comment 3: trzeba będzie teraz rozróżniać SI czy pochodzi z innego dokumentu - Doc_LeadingDocID czy nie.Do tej pory nie było rozróżniania. Do dodania nowa relacja z PI guarantees.!image-2023-04-25-12-04-07-849.png! \'", "Comment 4: \'Hi [[email protected]],we added new relation to Guarantees on Round (MAS NL) in Test Intense environment.You can verify it.Best regards,Grzegorz\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
18 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9014\n\n### Instruction:\nCześć\r\n\r\nTask from Paulina.\r\n\r\nRafał Boniecki\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'[^DGS-9014.docx]\'", "Comment 4: \'**Information in the attachment[^DGS-9014.docx]\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
19 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9013\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you give Steffen Driesens en Koen Huibers access to the mailboxes of:\r\n* Rick Reimerink AA\r\n* Erik de Groot AA\r\n* Oscar Visser AA\r\n* Arthur van der Linde\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'W międzyczasie dziś konto Rick Reimerink AA zmieniłem na Rick Reimerink", "Comment 2: a jego poprzednie konto jest jakoRick Reimerink_old i jest nieaktywne.Do zrobienia to samo z loginami Oscara i Erika\'", "Comment 3: \'Hi [[email protected]],we made changes on users and added access for Steffen and Koen.You can verify it.Best regards,Grzegorz\'", "Comment 4: \'Can be closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
20 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9012\n\n### Instruction:\nSometimes it\'s needed to choose round from Supplier on Purchase Invoice in MAS NL sector.\r\n\r\nIt should be added to list Rounds of Supplier.\r\n\r\nIt shoudln\'t be an issue when Rounds of Reference and Supplier will be shown always together because mainly only there are rounds for one of these (for Customer or for Supplier).\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\nExample from IBIP_DH database, ID\xa0118625,\xa0PI-RLM/2023/3331\r\n\r\n!image-2023-04-24-10-59-28-941.png!\n\n### Response:\n[\'Comment 1: [\\\'Hi [[email protected]],we\\\\\\\'ve added extra Rounds by Supplier in "Full number" lookup field in PI (MAS NL).Changes made on Test and Prod Intense enviornment.You can verify it.Best regards,Grzegorz\\\']\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8900\']\n\n### End'} |
21 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9011\n\n### Instruction:\nInternal server error on FHP with the ip\r\nPlease help\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Hi,Application Pools have been restarted. Please", "Comment 3: verify.Regards\'", "Comment 4: \'Working please close\'", "Comment 5: \'Thank you\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
22 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9010\n\n### Instruction:\nOd 14.04 do dziś nie wygenerowały się żadne MM z PMX do LECGS.\r\nPoproszę o pilną naprawę problemu ponieważ jutro mamy inwentaryzację\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Whether the problem is still present. If so", "Comment 3: can I ask the number of the order / orders for which the documents were not generated?\'", \'Comment 4: "all since the 18th of April\', \'Comment 5: looks like it\\\'s a problem after the update DHC/integrator!image!"\', "Comment 6: \'hello I have problem to log on to you environment. after log on - choosing 3 hour and rdp I got this window!image-2023-04-24-09-46-51-254.png!\'", "Comment 7: \'Try now\'", "Comment 8: \'The manager needs information What caused the problem and did the problem occur only in this one location?\'", "Comment 9: \'now it is working thank you\'", "Comment 10: \'!image-2023-04-24-12-58-01-575.png!\'", "Comment 11: \'select * from WMSInternalDocumentelements where wre_headerid in (SELECT idx_wrhid FROM [DHP_Leczyca].[dbo].[WMSInternalDocumentHeadersExport] where idx_date is null )\'", "Comment 12: \'!image-2023-04-24-14-28-48-704.png!\'", "Comment 13: \'we need to verify this with our developers\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
23 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9009\n\n### Instruction:\nwe are unable to confirm bags for PLR 0705240323001 because the system says the lot can no longer be found. this lot had to be force finished (stuck in progress). \r\nID details have been resent from the error logs but this has not solved the problem.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'select * from ProductionLots where lotnumber= 0705240323001select * from DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain.dbo.productionlots where LotNumber= 0705240323001brak lotu w wms!image-2023-04-21-16-53-02-416.png!\'", \'Comment 4: "brakuje też production orderaSELECT * FROM DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain.dbo.ProductionOrders WHERE ID=\\\'11D12F7C-4432-4A36-89FE-C6107C3E1B4B\\\'"\', \'Comment 5: "przy próbie wysylki2023-04-21 17:47:44 (/Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic/SAKDSRV04/5544/68) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessagesProcessFilter - Error during process inbound messageSystem.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter \\\'code\\\')"\', "Comment 6: \'Problem jest że wygląda jakby wms", "Comment 7: nie aktualizowały się cody itemów?Probowałam pro i prl przepchac rabitem i przez resend ale nic to nie dało.\'", "Comment 8: \'!klersdope.PNG|thumbnail!\'", "Comment 9: \'dzisiaj nie chodzi klersdope !klersdope.PNG!\'", \'Comment 10: "erory FROM [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicIntercontext].[dbo].[Errors]where message like \\\'%519FEB6C-BA10-44E6-9F29-25ABD107DBBB%\\\'at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.MappingProfiles.SynchronizeOrderCommandProfile.<>c.<.ctor>b__0_0(OrderChangedMessage message\', \'Comment 11: ResolutionContext context) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\SynchronizeOrderCommandProfile.cs:line 0 at lambda_method6663(Closure \', \'Comment 12: OrderChangedMessage \', \'Comment 13: SynchronizeOrderCommand \', \'Comment 14: ResolutionContext ) at AutoMapper.Mapper.AutoMapper.IMapper.Map[TSource,TDestination](TSource source) at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.IntercontextCommunication.BaseInboundMessageHandler`2.Handle(TMessage message) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\IntercontextCommunication\\\\\\\\BaseInboundMessageHandler.cs:line 26 at Kotrak.Integration.IntegrationPluginCommon.IntercontextCommunication.Inbound.IntercontextInboundHandler`2.Handle(InternalStorageDto message)"\', "Comment 15: \'dla samego plr w wms brak ewentu oi bledów !image-2023-04-25-14-30-39-149.png!\'", "Comment 16: \'!image-2023-04-25-14-31-02-249.png!\'", \'Comment 17: "FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicEvents].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where AggregateId=\\\'ED002A97-C84A-48D1-AD69-9318C8D1BE5F\\\'select* FROM [DHPlantwmsBusinessLogicEvents].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where AggregateId=\\\'ED002A97-C84A-48D1-AD69-9318C8D1BE5F\\\'"\', "Comment 18: \'dla stocku taka sama sytuacja jak dla wms\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
24 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9008\n\n### Instruction:\nHello,\r\n\r\nProduction helmond reports there is no communication to the pcs. Webservices are running, and are called by the pcs side, but no data is send. Please check and can you restart services on DHP side?\r\n\r\nthanks\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Just had contact with production", "Comment 3: communication seems to be running again\'", "Comment 4: \'Restart usług.\'", "Comment 5: \'!image-2023-04-24-12-42-13-226.png!\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
25 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9007\n\n### Instruction:\nWe are unable to use IPOR for the additional purchase cost. we using IPOR 204/23/JON and IPOR 205/23/JON.\r\n\r\nIt only works with PORs how do make it work\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: "Hi\', \'Comment 4: please be informed that the issue has held sales since yesterday; we can\\\'t sell the product without the total cost registered in the system. The product (KLC5) is also a raw material and would be used in production today. "\', "Comment 5: \'Koszty dodatkowe zakupu krajowego można przypisywać do założonych w Systemie dostaw za pomocą dokumentu: „Koszty Dodatkowe Zakupu – KDZ”. Koszty można dodać do dokumentów FZ", \'Comment 6: PZ\', \'Comment 7: FRR\', \'Comment 8: PW\', "Comment 9: PWK oraz ręcznych korekt ilościowych FKS/FKW/WKK.\'", "Comment 10: \'For documents of the PZI type the cost must be corrected by the SII - Internal document.First you need to issue an IMI - Import Invoice document from IPOR.Then SII Internal document from IMI.You will be able to enter costs on the Amounts tab.After confirmed SII document if fixed delivery value is selected for IPOR a correction from the SII level can be issued for this document.\'", "Comment 11: \'Please what is this SII document? how do correct with the SII\'", "Comment 12: \'Can i turn IPOR to POR if yes how do I do it\'", "Comment 13: \'Yes", "Comment 14: but it depends on the type of transaction on the order - only for Domestic transaction on PO can be process POR.We can change the transaction type for the order from the database but it will not be correct for Netherlands.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
26 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9006\n\n### Instruction:\nProblem z zaczytaniem listy płac I10/2023/03\r\nProszę o zdiagnozowanie i naprawienie problemu, jaki wystąpił podczas migracji listy nr I10/2023/03 z Optimy do CDn-a; poniżej screeny, lista utknęła i nie została pobrana.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Verification of the task is in progress\'", "Comment 4: \'If you changed something on this employee the last time (after made main payroll)?\'", "Comment 5: \'[^DGS-9006.docx]\'", "Comment 6: \'information in the attachment[^DGS-9006.docx]\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
27 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9005\n\n### Instruction:\ni need the definition for the following product form in ERP when creating a product ;\r\nC\r\nF\r\nL\r\nM\r\nPLT\r\nPWD\r\nW\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello. They are already defined in XL you should add them to the product when creating the product from the level of the product attribute (from the green plus option).!image-2023-04-24-15-35-31-706.png!We can also change the settings in XL so that they appear automatically.\'", "Comment 3: \'what i mean is if i select C in the list of attributes under product form", "Comment 4: what does it mean. is C standing for something? that is what i what i want to know.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
28 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9004\n\n### Instruction:\nThe name and financial details of Business Partner 0526 have been changed within CDN-XL from Ajinomoto to Metex.\r\n\r\nwhen we consult via DH CDN, the data is not changed !!\r\n\r\nHow is this possible?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Adress data for customers (business parners) can be translated in DH CDN depending on choosen language. If data for selected language is gray then it came from ERPXL. If this data for choosen language is black then translation was created in DH CDN and can be modified by user. So you can modify it by yourself.This is standard functionality provided by DH CDN.There is no translation data for customer (business partner) information in ERP XL.!image-2023-04-20-13-17-34-062.png!!image-2023-04-20-13-20-37-646.png!Data shown by DH CDN depends on Language you choose when log into application!image-2023-04-20-13-20-15-643.png!Similar issue was in taskDGS-8455Regards\'", "Comment 4: \'Ticket can be closed\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
29 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9003\n\n### Instruction:\nRecipe for 147475 was sent to DHC and accepted on 19-04-2023. It is missing in DHP/PCS for Maasbracht.\r\nItem seems to be linked correctly in DHC.\r\nIn DHP item is missing (and because of that I think recipe is not imported).\r\n\r\nCan you check why the item is missing in DHP, fix this and resent the recipe? It is needed in PCS for production.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Please check", "Comment 4: recipe should be in DHP already.\'", "Comment 5: \'Indeed", "Comment 6: item and recipe are now in DHP and recipe is delivered to PCS.What was the issue / how did you fix this?\'", "Comment 7: \'!image-2023-04-20-11-03-31-732.png!\'", \'Comment 8: "Hi Bob,this is a known issue that pops up every now and then\', \'Comment 9: should be fixed in a future release of DHC/DHP.Apparently the fix involves some database trickery that we can\\\'t do ourselves.Regards,Rob.PS there was a ticket for this case already: DGS-9002"\', "Comment 10: \'Bob", "Comment 11: see DGS-8986\'", "Comment 12: \'Missing DHHitem in DHCService", "Comment 13: ithas been resolved since dhc 3.0.60.The current version should not have the problem but for items after the upgrade date.\'", "Comment 14: \'This ticket can be closedOk", "Comment 15: we will check for inconsistencies for items in DHC and DHP\'", "Comment 16: \'Thank you.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-9002\']\n\n### End'} |
30 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9002\n\n### Instruction:\nItem/recipe/labels for 147475 are all present in DHH/DHC but don\'t arrive in DHP Maasbracht.\r\n\r\nSynchronize & resend didn\'t help.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'{code:java}select h1.*,h2.* from [DHCountry_NL_AS400_PROD].[dbo].[DhhItems] h1select h1.*,h2.* from [DHCountry_NL_AS400_PROD].[dbo].[DhhItems] h1 left join [DHCService_NL_AS400_PROD].[dbo].[DhhItems] h2 on where is null andh1.BaseItemId is not null{code}!image-2023-04-20-10-19-59-004.png!jeszcze temat z brakiem dhhitems.!image-2023-04-20-10-19-26-620.png!\'", "Comment 3: \'Resolved inDGS-9003.\'", "Comment 4: \'Technically speaking... I was first ;)This ticket can be closed. Thanks for the support.\'", "Comment 5: \'Thank you for confirmation.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-9003\']\n\n### End'} |
31 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9001\n\n### Instruction:\nZZ-305/04/23 nie można zmienić kraju pochodzenia na SK-Słovakia.\r\nJeśli wybierzemy kraj SK-Slovakia wtedy po zapisie i ponownym otwarciu ZZ pole jest puste.\r\nWszystkie inne kraje zostają zapamiętane podczas zapisu i ponownego otwarcia ZZ.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'\'", "Comment 3: \'Sprawdziłam", \'Comment 4: i faktycznie orirgin country nie wpada\', "Comment 5: sprawdziłam inne zz na słowacje z erp xl tj 381/12/2022 tez to pola jest puste w dhcdn!image-2023-04-20-13-34-09-562.png!\'", "Comment 6: \'na bazie kraj jest zapisany ale go nie widac widać go dla szwajcarii !image-2023-04-20-13-42-14-355.png!\'", "Comment 7: \'From what I verify the name of country it is visible in dhcdn gui database but not show in application.Did you have any example of order for that origin country (slovakia) when thi is visible?\'", \'Comment 8: "we don\\\'t\', \'Comment 9: we have such a contract first time"\', "Comment 10: \'[[email protected]]Ania będzie na to robić DCi.\'", "Comment 11: \'We ask developers ofr help with that issue.\'", "Comment 12: \'!image-2023-04-25-10-43-49-788.png!\'", \'Comment 13: "select * from cdn.krajecelne where kpc_nazwa=\\\'slovakia\\\'"\', \'Comment 14: "--update cdn.KrajeCelne --set kpc_nazwa=\\\'test\\\'\', \'Comment 15: kpc_nazwapl=\\\'test\\\' --where kpc_id=205"\', "Comment 16: \'pleae verify it seems it works now!image-2023-04-25-11-04-01-331.png!\'", "Comment 17: \'był; zdublowany wpis an bazie w erpxl na taebli cdn.kraje celne", "Comment 18: sprawdzalm od striony apki nie da sie tgeo dodac.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
32 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9000\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nCould you please enable and configure SSRS for DHC? Or maybe the Printout functionality in the DHC\r\nI think we could use it for a lot of purpose.\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.\'", "Comment 4: \'[[email protected]]to jest do zrobienia? Kolega z Amazonii pyta :)\'", \'Comment 5: "Hi [[email protected]]\', "Comment 6: DHC doesn\'t support SSRS", \'Comment 7: printout functionality in DHC is limited and it uses Crystal Reports to generate printouts."]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
33 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8999\n\n### Instruction:\nSO-2061/23/UMR wont sync as item code RD37071-S7980-P created today, is not in DHP. Needed for production tonight.\r\n\r\nItem code seems to be in other plants.\r\nItem code is linked.\r\nTechnology generated\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!!image-3!\'", \'Comment 2: "If you find the issue\', "Comment 3: please tell me what you did to resolve. I\'ve most of the normal solutIon. Checked for error", \'Comment 4: Restarted application pools ,and services. Modified the item code\', \'Comment 5: etc."\', "Comment 6: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 7: \'Any update?\'", \'Comment 8: "We\\\'re working on it"\', "Comment 9: \'!image-2023-04-19-23-46-24-523.png!\'", "Comment 10: \'Please verify. Now it should be ok.Please give us a feedback.\'", "Comment 11: \'The problem was on the side of an unknown change in the item RD37071-S7980-P. Updating this item and trying to restart the services. ErpIntegrator", \'Comment 12: Dhc Country\', "Comment 13: Dhc Service and integration services with DHC in side on DHP. Several times trying to restart services in that order solved the problem.Can we close this task ?\'", "Comment 14: \'Próba rozwiązania wg opisu w ON: [[DHC][DHC SERVICE] BRAK ITEMU", \'Comment 15: RECEPTUR I STANDARD SPECIAL W DHC SERVICE|onenote:§ion-id=7d50734f-49d8-4579-83b9-e51158168a8f&page-id=6b290e1b-fdf7-44cf-ae24-ff050bc32bff&end] ([Widok sieci Web|\\\\\\\\{03c87c92-bf92-4b3e-bfbe-d3ad2729eba6}&action=edit&])Dodatkowo:Kilkukrotny restart usług - erpintgratora\', \'Comment 16: dhc country\', \'Comment 17: dhcservice\', "Comment 18: i uslugi integracji z dhc w plant - w tej kolejności problem został rozwiązany.\'", "Comment 19: \'Thank you. You may close the ticket.\'", "Comment 20: \'Hello", "Comment 21: RCA DGS-9017 for issue has been created.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-9017\']\n\n### End'} |
34 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8998\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe found one weird situation in DHP about Expiry Date.\r\nOn the Executiuon tab of PLR, system is getting the right information about Expiry date: 365 days.\r\nHowever, without any manual intervention, the Delivery of it\'s PLR is being created with Expiry date 180 days.\r\n\r\nWhy is that?\r\nCould you please help us to understand and fix that?\r\n\r\nThank you very much!\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Ten sam kejs co tu\'", "Comment 4: \'Hi [[email protected]],We know what happend.This issue is already fixed in R8.5\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DAP-12931\']\n\n### End'} |
35 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8997\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe had a power issue 1 hour ago and now DHP is not working.\r\nThe following message are everywhere on DHP screens.\r\n\r\nHelps us, please\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'", "Comment 3: \'Please check now should be ok.\'", "Comment 4: \'Hi [[email protected]]Now everything is OK.Thank you very much!You can close this task\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
36 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8996\n\n### Instruction:\nRecipes exported from DHH are not arriving in DHC Compound anymore.\r\nSeveral recipes were sent, but none were imported after 11:12h.\r\n\r\nProbably a result of the upgrade.\r\n\r\nPlease check.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nRob\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Pytanie dlaczego usługa była nieuruchomiona to ktoś od nas się zagapil i co przekazac klientowi !image-2023-04-19-18-00-08-556.png!\'", "Comment 3: \'po logach tej uslugi wygląda że nie była uruchomiona miedzy 11:55 a 17.55 więc chyba nasz blad,dodatkowo do weryfikacji opis z ON.:[Brak komunikacji z DHH od strony kraju. Np. Pricelist nie przechodzą.|onenote:§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{9275FC89-DE25-4053-A935-0246B426C25C}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{6685194F-9937-437F-9A1A-43879F0C77BD}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|])\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8995\']\n\n### End'} |
37 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8995\n\n### Instruction:\nRecipes exported from DHH are not arriving in DHC Compound anymore.\r\nSeveral recipes were sent, but none were imported after 11:12h.\r\n\r\nProbably a result of the upgrade.\r\n\r\nPlease check.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nRob\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'", "Comment 2: \'!image-2023-04-19-16-53-11-208.png!\'", "Comment 3: \'!image-2023-04-19-16-54-16-305.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'a chwile pozniej!image-2023-04-19-16-55-42-145.png!\'", "Comment 5: \'logi dhh holdingu2023-04-19 17:06:45,868 [181] ERROR Evolution.DHHolding.Infrastructure.MessageHandlerBase`1 [(null)] - Error occurred when processing message of type Evolution.DHHolding.Interfaces.Stocks.StockChangedMessageSystem.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.Entity.Core.UpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception", \'Comment 6: Boolean breakConnection\', "Comment 7: Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)\'", "Comment 8: \'Could you provide example of recipe ( item version)", "Comment 9: that I may try to resend ?\'", "Comment 10: \'czy to nie powinno być odkomentowane!image-2023-04-19-17-39-20-795.png!\'", "Comment 11: \'307302 is a nice one to try... it is also the most urgent one.\'", "Comment 12: \'trzeba było kopnać jeszcze te kolejkę!image-2023-04-19-18-00-08-556.png!\'", "Comment 13: \'The recipes are now going from dhh to DHC. About 307302 there are recipes up to 213 now ", \'Comment 14: but in DHH I can see version 214 I resend it\', "Comment 15: but it may took a moment.\'", "Comment 16: \'Thank you Agniezka", "Comment 17: I see the recipes are being processed now.Can you think of a reason why the communication stopped (for future upgrades of DHC)?\'", "Comment 18: \'Please verify also version 214 for 307302", "Comment 19: should be in DHC in close future.\'", "Comment 20: \'Queue is filling up... still more recipes coming (see graph)!image!\'", "Comment 21: \' version 214 for 307302 has arrived :)\'", "Comment 22: \'May set this task too hold until you verify If everything comes to DHC or lower the priority?\'", "Comment 23: \'You may even close the ticket", \'Comment 24: but I still would like to know the reason why this happened\', "Comment 25: and how to avoid this in the future.\'", "Comment 26: \'Hello,In that case I will lower it to p2 until tomorrow morning", \'Comment 27: hope to give you quick answer. But If there is a need from your sideto investigate the reasonof the issue\', "Comment 28: we may raise RootCause Analysis (RCA)task for you.\'", "Comment 29: \'I think that is the plan. Close this task and raise a RCA please.For now... thank you for your invaluable support.Regards,Rob.\'", "Comment 30: \'RCA is underDGS-8995thank you\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8996\']\n\n### End'} |
38 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8994\n\n### Instruction:\nField Saldo on Financial Statement now is calculated with gross values from invoices and feed sales, but should be calculated with net values instad of gross values.\r\n\r\nIt should be changed in all sectors.\r\n\r\n\xa0 !image-2023-04-19-13-56-00-783.png!\r\n\r\n\xa0\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'zmieniona funkcja KR_FinancialStatementSaldo - dodatkowo dodana obsługa BV i EV z taska\'", "Comment 2: \'zmieniona funkcjaKR_FinancialStatementSaldo wrzucona już także na IBIP_DHzmieniona funkcjaKR_FinancialStatementSaldoMASBE na IBIP_DH_TEST.Do zmiany na TEST pozostałe sektory oprócz MAS NL i MAS BE\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8714\']\n\n### End'} |
39 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8993\n\n### Instruction:\nArticle is needed for dispatch today, so P1: \r\nArticle 088171 is an item with packing type = pcs. But in the WMO it\'s displayed as kg: therefore it cannot be taken in. Please check, see screenshots for 088171 compared to 088050\r\n\r\nVT-1131/4/23\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!!afbeelding-1!!afbeelding-2!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'088170 has the same issue...\'", "Comment 4: \'{code:java}SELECT count(*),BaseUnit FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where PackingForm=4 and SettlementType=3 group by BaseUnit{code}!image-2023-04-19-09-22-02-330.png!\'", "Comment 5: \'these two items have BaseUnit as KG", "Comment 6: for pcs should be changed.088171 088170!image-2023-04-19-09-33-08-841.png!\'", "Comment 7: \'This has to be changed in the ERP?\'", "Comment 8: \'Yes,please make the change and the data will be sent to plants.\'", \'Comment 9: "We\\\'re on it\', \'Comment 10: thanks for explaining. Ticket can be closed"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
40 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8992\n\n### Instruction:\nIn ASN overview, a calloff is normally filtered out when a VT is created and it is not possible to add a second VT.\r\nSee eg. call off CL000028804, VT-386/4/23 was created, but the line is not filtered and the user can add another VT, even when VT is already closed. \r\nFor Andel, I found approx 60 call offs in total with this behaviour (DHP ASN list, sort on linked document).\r\n\r\nCan you check when an ASN is not correctly filtered when the VT is created? How can we prevent this? For this user it is not clear what is the status of these ASN\'s and sending a second VT for the same call off to PCS will give issues.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'!image-2023-04-18-19-12-43-286.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'U nas na wersji 8.6 (.170)", "Comment 5: asn z utworzonymi vtkami są widoczne tylko przy opcji show all.!image-2023-04-18-19-41-09-786.png!!image-2023-04-18-19-22-12-811.png!\'", "Comment 6: \'From our annalist it is related toDGS-8837 and has the same cause,It is fix in 8,6 version.Are you able to cancel the wrong vt", "Comment 7: are this information sufficient for you ?\'", "Comment 8: \'Can you give me access to that ticket?\'", "Comment 9: \'please try now\'", "Comment 10: \'Ok", "Comment 11: I have access now. Indeed seems to be the same case. User did not create a second VT. He only asked about the filtering. So no cleanup is needed.This ticket can be closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
41 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8991\n\n### Instruction:\nSee DGS-8651 which you closed without our permission\r\n\r\nThe point is that SORC-218/09 must be clipped with SOR-155/09\r\n\r\nThe user asks what exactly to do. How should he execute the yellow shaded without making CDN difficult again.\r\n\r\nHe has no working method of this, can she also provide it?\r\n\r\nHe assumes that after a new clipp document the Sorc can be clipped, but how do we get a new document to be clipped that is accepted by SORC218?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'HelloUnfortunately", \'Comment 4: I have not received the information that the xl operator does not understand the previous instructions\', "Comment 5: can not operate ERP XL to the appropriate extent Also please let me know if you see my comment with the source task with this date :!image-2023-04-18-14-53-39-734.png! If yes please let me know what in this information the user did not understand .the solution was at the end :!image-2023-04-18-14-55-12-429.png!Did user try to cancell invoice 512/09/2022 and got some problems,Or user do not know how to cancell invoice?{color:#403294}*In this situation does the user need instructions or are we to perform these operations for the user ourselves?*{color}I would appreciate quick and precise answers.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
42 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8990\n\n### Instruction:\nAccording to our agreement on last retro and based on DGS-7272 please prepare and implemente similar solution in other factories, in Grodzisk and Mieścisko\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
43 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8989\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you give:\r\nMinnen, Matteo <[email protected]>; \r\nBroek, Hans van de <[email protected]>\r\n\r\nThe rights to create technical results?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Is it duplicated task to this one and we can close it?\'", "Comment 3: \'Yes this is a dublicate. I am sorry", "Comment 4: I get a error message when creating the last one.\'", "Comment 5: \'Ok", "Comment 6: so I close this task\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8988\']\n\n### End'} |
44 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8988\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you give:\r\nMinnen, Matteo <[email protected]>; \r\nBroek, Hans van de <[email protected]>\r\n\r\nThe rights to calculate technical results?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 2: "What do you mean about calculation technical results?There are no validations for this button on Financial statement. Do you have any example of document?Only when document is Archived it\\\'s not possible to edit anythin (also not possible to use this button) unless user has right to edit any document (we have a role for this and now few users have this rights like on screen. Users can edit any type of document in Archive)!image-2023-04-18-14-03-47-104.png!Should we add these users to this role?"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8989\']\n\n### End'} |
45 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8987\n\n### Instruction:\nIssue created on the basis of an e-mail notification.\r\n \r\nOn DHVD01AP09 there are a couple of services that will not start anymore. When trying to start the service, it states it cannot find the file specified.\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'[^Service issue on DHVD01AP09.msg] _(268 kB)_\'", "Comment 2: \'Powodem zgłoszenia był upgrade w ramach była dogadana z Thomasem", "Comment 3: w Premixie mieli nie pracować od 23\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
46 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8986\n\n### Instruction:\nEven after numerous resending of data from the ERP and synchronizing from DHH the items 506103* and recipes don\'t arrive in DHP.\r\nThere seems to be nothing wrong with them in DHC.\r\n\r\nCould you please have a look at it?\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nRob.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Hi,Shall I also resync967438?Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Please do. Is that something I can do myself in the future?\'", "Comment 4: \'Recipe 506103 in plant now!image-2023-04-18-10-09-37-269.png!\'", "Comment 5: \'Thank you Aleksandra", "Comment 6: I will inform the users about it.\'", "Comment 7: \'Recipe for Andel is also in plant:!image-2023-04-18-10-22-00-963.png|width=669,height=294!To be honest", \'Comment 8: part of processing is done under the db. This is known issue for Thomas and it is solved in DHC version 60 and highier.Please\', "Comment 9: let us know if we can close this task.Regards\'", \'Comment 10: "If you could do your magic for the two other variants of the item first.... then you can close the ticket.They are the 506103-BB and 506103-Z20\', \'Comment 11: I still can\\\'t get them to DHP myself apparently."\', "Comment 12: \'Sure\'", "Comment 13: \'Thank you Aleksandra!\'", "Comment 14: \'!image-2023-04-18-10-46-48-919.png!\'", "Comment 15: \'All three are in Utrecht plant now.So I am closing this task as mentioned before.Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
47 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8985\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have a Production recipe for GCN1392-T, version 1.0. However this version is not in DHP. Only version 0.0\r\n\r\nWhen we generate the subversion, then both version 1.0 and 1.1 goes to DHP.\r\nWe have another case too: GCN1390-T\r\n\r\nThis is happening to often. Could you please investigate why is this happening?\r\n\r\nThank you very much\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hi [[email protected]],For task DGS-8820 and DGS-8967 we have raised this RCA.Regards\'", \'Comment 2: "{code:java}select t.CreateDate,* from [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[Technologies] tleft join [Evolution_DHCService].[dbo].[Technologies] tson where is nullorder by t.CreateDate desc{code}Sprawdzając braki technologi!image-2023-04-21-13-24-03-376.png!Jest 8 towarów jakby nie skończone linkowanie w DHCServer:{code:java}select * from DhhItems where Code=\\\'21837\\\'select * from DhhItems where Code=\\\'21837\\\'select * from Items where Code like \\\'21837%\\\' select h1.*,i1.* from [dbo].[DhhItems] h1 left join [dbo].[Items] i1 on where i1.DhhItemId is null andh1.BaseItemId is not null{code}!image-2023-04-21-13-24-39-598.png!"\', "Comment 3: \'Hello,due to the manual linking of items the process as you can see below has not been completed by the operator:COB4421COB5051-T218382183121837COB5029For example item 21837:!image-2023-04-21-15-12-34-297.png!If the given raw material is not properly linked the production recipe and technologies will not be transferred to the plants.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8820\', \'DGS-8967\']\n\n### End'} |
48 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8984\n\n### Instruction:\nGood afternoon, we have problem wit synchronization of SO-537, it is not landing in DHC. The order is for foreign customer (export), and as far as I know it is first such case. Maybe there is an issue with county code (Burkina Faso)? \r\nAIS gives the the message (see the screen). \n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'order wysyłany 11.042023-04-11 16:06:11,961 [72] DEBUG Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW.Savers.DataContractSaver`2 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER400-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW\\\\\\\\Savers\\\\\\\\DataContractSaver.cs:39] - Saving SalesOrderDataContractDeHeusWoW2023-04-11 16:06:11,976 [72] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW.Savers.DataContractSaver`2 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER400-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW\\\\\\\\Savers\\\\\\\\DataContractSaver.cs:49] - Evolution.DHCERPService.IdentityMapping.IdentityNotMappedException: Key of entity CustomerMappingEntity was not mapped. Key value Id: CIPC00070\'", "Comment 4: \'Country code seems ok. I found in erpintegrator logs that there is no customer with codeCIPC00070Please try to send first the customer from ERP to DHC", "Comment 5: then verify if it is viisble here :!image-2023-04-17-19-18-52-590.png!Then when it appears please resend order and verify.\'", "Comment 6: \'!image-3!\'", "Comment 7: \'Please verify data in your ERP application", \'Comment 8: it seems that the the data in customer are incorrect. Please verify if the field country is not empty \', \'Comment 9: if yes\', "Comment 10: fill it with correct value.We do not support and do not have access to your ERP system.\'", \'Comment 11: "Plugin return message: ERROR sending datacontract to request: Exception of type \\\'Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.Interface.ExceptionHandling.DataValidationException\\\' was thrown.CustomerAddressObject Id: 5637192585 Country Is required"\', "Comment 12: \'This is the message I get from AIS when I exported the customer data to DHC. first it must be fixed before I resent the SO-537\'", "Comment 13: \'Yes but this address and customer is now only in YOUR ERP.Kotrak SA do not support this system. DO NOT HAVE access there", \'Comment 14: DO NOT HAVE permissions to make any changes there.ASK someone who is this ERP Operator to create or correct this address.OR as I asked You before\', \'Comment 15: if you verified in that system\', \'Comment 16: that address is correct in that ERP \', \'Comment 17: please send some screenshot to show us that in program \', "Comment 18: that the field named Country ( probably I do not know how this system looks) is completed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
49 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8983\n\n### Instruction:\nthe following production in pcs cannot be found as PLRs in DHP\r\nlot number : 202301130006 9004(6mm)-b20\r\n 202304150002 9004(6mm)-b20\r\nkindly help\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'!image-2023-04-17-18-04-58-117.png!\'", "Comment 3: \'Lot number 202301130006 is in DHP as 0722130123003 but for other item!image-2023-04-17-18-10-21-960.png|width=671,height=276!You do not precise for what plant you are missing that plr.\'", "Comment 4: \'sorry i made a mistake with the first lot numberit is 202304130006 and it is tema plant\'", "Comment 5: \'brak wpisów tu dla lot z 15i 13 kwietnia!image-2023-04-17-19-39-03-591.png!\'", \'Comment 6: "Please I didn\\\'t find nothing in errors or log files. Could you please may ask you pcs provider if the plr\\\'s were sent? Or ask them to try again and send us date and our of that operation."\', "Comment 7: \'okay i will do that\'", "Comment 8: \'Waiting for your feedback then.Regards\'", \'Comment 9: "I see in the database that those batches are finished in manual mode. Due to the manual mode exports won\\\'t run\', \'Comment 10: the export is triggered by the PLC when the batch has finished.It is not possible to export these 2 lotnumbers by hand. this is the response from the pcs provider"\', "Comment 11: \'Thank you response", \'Comment 12: we do not have access to this database\', \'Comment 13: it seems it is not DHP database.So could this person send a screenshot\', "Comment 14: so we can see date when it was send.Also could he verify LOGS in their application.Cause because it is not our we are not able to verify that,\'", "Comment 15: \'the pcs provider says that because the dosing was done manually", "Comment 16: data is not sent. what do we do in this case.\'", \'Comment 17: "Well\', \'Comment 18: we do not support your PCS. If PCS users and providers did sent it to DHP in correct in that case as a work around:You are able to add plr\\\'s for both items from DHP. Ask you PCS provider for data to create it to be correct.!image-2023-04-20-17-54-32-722.png!"\', "Comment 19: \'ok thank you. please close\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
50 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8982\n\n### Instruction:\nWe have a small request. The guarantees section is a bit out of line with the rest of the margins, as you can see on the screenshot. Could you put this in line with the rest of the document?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: "Hi Steffen,we\\\'ve made changes in TEST and PROD environment.You can verify it.Best regards,Grzegorz"\', "Comment 4: \'Hello", \'Comment 5: This looks good\', "Comment 6: thank you.\'", \'Comment 7: "Hi,I\\\'m closing the task.Best regards,Grzegorz"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
51 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8981\n\n### Instruction:\nplease i nee dan urgent answer to the following error in DHC and how to solve it. it is really causing issues for us.\r\n\r\nError of type XLApiException has been thrown (XLNowyDokument:33).\r\nAPI Name - XLNowyDokument\r\nAPI Result - 33\r\nFlags - 16\r\nBŁĘDY:|Nie udało się wymusić numeru dokumentu/niepoprawny numer. (NowyDokument-33)\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,Kindly approve lowering priority of this task to P2 as P1 issues are only those with a critical or a blocking impact on business processes . This seems not to be the case in this issue so we suggest decreasing the issue priority.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'okay approved\'", "Comment 3: \'Please provide me with impacted VT number. Direct translation of the error is:Error of type XLApiException has been thrown (XLNewDocument:33).API Name - XLNewDocumentAPI Result - 33Flags - 16BUGS:|Failed to force document number/invalid number. (NewDocument-33)\'", "Comment 4: \'VT 340/4/23/MAG\'", \'Comment 5: "{code:java}2023-04-17 00:33:21,881 [8] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketProcessor [(null)] - VehicleTicket - VT-340/2/2023/AC [Id: 2ac95ea4-c659-4b80-912e-4ff6d6d53b00]2023-04-17 00:33:21,881 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketProcessor [(null)] - VehicleTicket Validator started - Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.VTOrderValidator.VehicleTicketOrderValidator2023-04-17 00:33:21,928 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketProcessor [(null)] - VehicleTicket Validator finished - Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.VTOrderValidator.VehicleTicketOrderValidator2023-04-17 00:33:22,053 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt [(null)] - GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt execution started2023-04-17 00:33:22,116 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Transactions.XLTransaction [(null)] - XL transaction created\', \'Comment 6: token ID - A9;:>L8PO1G51lAK_JbP==5---.SH---2023-04-17 00:33:22,194 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt [(null)] - Creating WMR+ element for vte Id: 58046c96-a30a-4acd-ac42-68c418020ed4 (1003400 - 22500.000000)2023-04-17 00:33:22,256 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt [(null)] - Found 0 WMR- () for order IO-582/232023-04-17 00:33:22,287 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Transactions.XLTransaction [(null)] - XL transaction rollbacked\', "Comment 7: token ID - A9;:>L8PO1G51lAK_JbP==5---.SH---2023-04-17 00:33:22,287 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.DHC.DHC30.Database.DhcTransaction [(null)] - DHC transaction rollback staeted2023-04-17 00:33:22,287 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.DHC.DHC30.Database.DhcTransaction [(null)] - DHC transaction rollback finished2023-04-17 00:33:22,303 [12] ERROR Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt [(null)] - Can\'t find WMR- document to map to WMR+Evolution.ErpIntegrator.ERP.Interfaces.Exceptions.WarehouseMovementReleaseNotMappedException: Can\'t find WMR- document to map to WMR+ at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt.MapWarehouseMovementRelease(VehicleTicket vehicleTicket", \'Comment 8: InternalOrder internalOrder\', \'Comment 9: WarehouseMovementReceipt warehouseMovementReceipt) at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt.OnExecute(VehicleTicket vehicleTicket)2023-04-17 00:33:22,381 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt [(null)] - GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt execution finished{code}"\', "Comment 10: \'{code:java}2023-04-17 13:17:23,613 [14] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt [(null)] - GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt execution finished2023-04-17 13:17:23,910 [9] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketProcessor [(null)] - VehicleTicket - VT-340/4/2023/AC [Id: e4e59c58-ba22-4c83-9fce-2d64540747a2]2023-04-17 13:17:23,910 [9] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketProcessor [(null)] - VehicleTicket Validator started - Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.VTOrderValidator.VehicleTicketOrderValidator2023-04-17 13:17:23,910 [9] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketProcessor [(null)] - VehicleTicket Validator finished - Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.VTOrderValidator.VehicleTicketOrderValidator2023-04-17 13:17:24,270 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - GenerateSalesOrderRelease execution started2023-04-17 13:17:24,488 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - Forcing document number - 805/4/2023/MAG for vt element id - Id: 7a1e4ad0-e080-4b91-8abf-f96647fefdc22023-04-17 13:17:24,660 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - VehicleTicketElement Validator started - Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.VTOrderValidator.VehicleTicketOrderValidator2023-04-17 13:17:25,363 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - VehicleTicketElement Validator finished - Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.VTOrderValidator.VehicleTicketOrderValidator2023-04-17 13:17:25,379 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Transactions.XLTransaction [(null)] - XL transaction created", \'Comment 11: token ID - gEl.P/^14Q7<8M]H^h`7A-5----_C]--2023-04-17 13:17:25,379 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Documents.Ordes.CdnXL2020OrderRepository [(null)] - Found reservation 1\', \'Comment 12: 2960142023-04-17 13:17:25,395 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Documents.Ordes.CdnXL2020OrderRepository [(null)] - Found reservation 1\', \'Comment 13: 2960152023-04-17 13:17:25,395 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Documents.Ordes.CdnXL2020OrderRepository [(null)] - Found reservation 1\', \'Comment 14: 2960132023-04-17 13:17:25,410 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Documents.Ordes.CdnXL2020OrderRepository [(null)] - Found reservation 1\', \'Comment 15: 2960162023-04-17 13:17:25,410 [8] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - Prcision 22023-04-17 13:17:25,410 [8] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - Prcision 22023-04-17 13:17:25,410 [8] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - Prcision 22023-04-17 13:17:25,410 [8] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - Prcision 22023-04-17 13:17:25,426 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.Interfaces.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.XLAPIExternalOrderTransaction [(null)] - NB Flag - Class = Net\', "Comment 16: API = N2023-04-17 13:17:25,754 [8] ERROR Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2020ExternalOrderTransactionRepository [(null)] - Error of type Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.XLApiException has been thrown (XLNowyDokument:33).API Name - XLNowyDokumentAPI Result - 33Flags - 16B£ʄY:|Nie uda³o si꠷ymusi栮umeru dokumentu/niepoprawny numer. (NowyDokument-33) at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2020ExternalOrderTransactionRepository.CreateHeader(XLExternalOrderTransaction documentHeader) in C:\\\\\\\\TeamCity\\\\\\\\buildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\57a7e278b67a115c\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator\\\\\\\\CdnXL\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020\\\\\\\\Documents\\\\\\\\ExternalOrderTransactions\\\\\\\\CdnXL2020ExternalOrderTransactionRepository.cs:line 792023-04-17 13:17:25,754 [8] ERROR Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Transactions.XLTransaction [(null)] - XL rollback error - possibly no transactionError of type Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.XLApiException has been thrown (XLTransakcja - Rollback:-1).API Name - XLTransakcja - RollbackAPI Result - -1{code}\'", "Comment 17: \'zamowienie dla podanego vt[[DHC] generowanie dokumentów z VT|onenote:§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{A2F09CD6-A23A-42F3-92F5-ED66B521455B}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{AFD9446F-4C74-4FAE-9502-1F02911E382C}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|])\'", \'Comment 18: "SELECT vt.ExpectedElementsQuantity\', \'Comment 19: vee.DocumentNumber,vt.documentnumber,d.* FROM [dbo].[VehicleTickets] vt join [dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] ve on vt.Id=ve.VehicleTicketId join [dbo].[VehicleTicketElementERPDocuments] vee on vee.VehicleTicketElementId=ve.Id join [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] d on d.Id=ve.DocumentNumberId where = \\\'1D34D81C-0CEF-4B9A-B0B5-B957978A0EC7\\\' or in ( select id from [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] where DocumentYear=2023 and DocumentMonth=4 )order by d.DocumentNumber desc"\', "Comment 20: \'!image-2023-04-17-14-50-43-569.png!\'", "Comment 21: \'Good morningWhile reviewing the request", \'Comment 22: we noticed that there was a problem with the operation of erp xl on server is a bug which sometimes happens in ERPXL\', \'Comment 23: when the user mainly uses a language version other than Polish.This situation caused a problem with generation of documents - it has been fixed.As for the error itself\', \'Comment 24: it can be translated to" Failed to force document number/invalid number."It is due to the fact that in dhc is generated maximum document number predicted for VTwhich is already used in ERP XL ( it is about the full document number including series ).When such situation happened sometimes in other countries were single SOR documents generated manually by the operator then we suggest that you cancel the documents made manually\', \'Comment 25: then the number is released and you can generate an SOR document from DHC\', \'Comment 26: and the manual document from another order is then created again by the operator.I verified that recently for SOR documents with "mag" series from April\', \'Comment 27: the maximum number generated from dhc is SOR SOR-696/23/MAG with vt 34/4/2023/AC. However\', \'Comment 28: since then in erp xl for sales orders with MAG series\', \'Comment 29: there were manually generated SOR documents that block the indicated number.In addition\', \'Comment 30: after erp xl was repaired\', \'Comment 31: the message given appeared for some cases - so it is possible that some of the ungenerated SOs in dhc were generated manually.Like here :!image-2023-04-17-17-19-54-875.png!this message means that the source document\', \'Comment 32: i.e. SO is in the status not allowing executionSO for that vt is 811. This order is already executed in erp xl!image-2023-04-17-17-23-15-370.png!SOR documents with mag series for April generated by a non-erpint operator are currently 134.So numbers from 697 up tu 806 are blocked.In that case for the first one I am asking you to as users ( mainly Hdabi - who created all documents from that list) to stop creating manual SOR for SO for MAG series until we solve this,The second thing\', \'Comment 33: please review the given file in the first sheet is a list of vt for which there may be a problem with the generation. The second sheet is the number of SOR and orders. Please have them reviewed and decisions made or executed : their cancellation If any SOr on the list concerned an order related to "hanging vt"\', "Comment 34: please add in the file what about the document in the following columns. !image-2023-04-17-17-40-50-483.png![^sors.xlsx]I!image-2023-04-17-17-40-50-483!\'", \'Comment 35: "select trn_gidnumer,cdn.nazwaobiektu(TrN_GIDTyp,trn_gidnumer,1,2) as numberSOR,--TrN_OpeNumerW,cdn.NazwaObiektu(zan_gidtyp,zan_gidnumer,1,2) as Ordernumber from cdn.tranag left join cdn.zamnag on zan_gidnumer=TrN_ZaNNumerwhere trn_gidtyp in ( 2001) and TrN_RokMiesiac=202304 and trn_trnnumer >=697 and trn_openumerw<>2and trn_stan not in (6) and TrN_TrNSeria in (\\\'mag\\\')SELECT vt.ExpectedElementsQuantity\', \'Comment 36: vee.DocumentNumber,vt.documentnumber\', \'Comment 37: d.* FROM [dbo].[VehicleTickets] vt join [dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] ve on vt.Id=ve.VehicleTicketId join [dbo].[VehicleTicketElementERPDocuments] vee on vee.VehicleTicketElementId=ve.Id join [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] d on d.Id=ve.DocumentNumberId where = \\\'1D34D81C-0CEF-4B9A-B0B5-B957978A0EC7\\\' or in ( select id from [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] where DocumentYear=2023 and DocumentMonth=4 ) and vee. DocumentNumber is null order by d.DocumentNumber desc"\', "Comment 38: \'okay your submission is well noted", "Comment 39: is there a way we can see which document number an SOR is supposed to have?\'", "Comment 40: \'so if i should cancel all the SORs in the list will it resume automatic generation?\'", "Comment 41: \'Yes in cases where there is a connection to vt in DHC,For other cases the SO will be confirmed or in progress.You may verify them later.\'", "Comment 42: \'okay then \'", "Comment 43: \'Will you cancel the Sors? If yes I will wait until you did it. I\'", "Comment 44: \'i will speak to finance if i can cancel the SORs", "Comment 45: if not i will let you know\'", "Comment 46: \'we have identified SORs we want to cancel", \'Comment 47: we want to be sure if we should go ahead and cancel them\', "Comment 48: can we force the start of automatic document generation?\'", "Comment 49: \'And we also need the excel list for Johnson as well", "Comment 50: you only sent MAG\'", \'Comment 51: "Please ignore what i have said earlier.The main issue now is all the SORs on the list has to be reported to head quarters this week and from Finance they are advising that we don\\\'t cancel anything and if we do not cancel anything\', \'Comment 52: is it possible to force the automatic generation starting from the last available SOR number?"\', "Comment 53: \'I need to contact with developers with that - as I understand you want the SORs to be started with the first free number yes ?Automatic generation is still working", \'Comment 54: but for some documents where you have an error.I prepare second file with 2 sheets in first you have vt with existing document number ( api-33) and in second sheet you have few VT\', "Comment 55: that are related to orders that SOr documents generated manually as you can see.We may mapp this douments.For error api-33 we need to consult it with our developers.Also it looks that works willworks may exceed the 3 rbh.[^ghana_analisys2.xlsx]\'", \'Comment 56: "Przydatne selectySELECT vt.ExpectedElementsQuantity\', \'Comment 57: vee.DocumentNumber,vt.documentnumber\', \'Comment 58: vee.message,o.DocumentNumber as ordernumber\', \'Comment 59: as orderid\', \'Comment 60: d.*FROM [dbo].[VehicleTickets] vtjoin [dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] ve on vt.Id=ve.VehicleTicketIdjoin [dbo].[VehicleTicketElementERPDocuments] vee on vee.VehicleTicketElementId=ve.Idjoin [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] d on d.Id=ve.DocumentNumberIdjoin dbo. OrderElements oe on oe.Id=ve.OrderElementIdjoin dbo.orders o on join [ERPXL_GHA_PROD] .cdn.TraNag erp on erp.trn_gidnumer=pt.XlIdwhere in (select id from [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] where DocumentYear=2023 and DocumentMonth=4 ) and vee.DocumentNumber is null and vee.Message is not null order by d.DocumentNumber desci dla wyfiltrowanych błędów z api-158 czyli tam gdzie status zamowienia jest złyselect ERPXL_GHA_PROD.CDN.nazwaobiektu(zan_gidtyp,zan_gidnumer,1,2)\', \'Comment 61: ERPXL_GHA_PROD.CDN.nazwaobiektu(TrN_GIDTyp,TrN_GIDNumer,1,2),z.zan_stan\', \'Comment 62: TrN_OpeNumerW from DhcErpPlugin_GHA_Prod.dbo.OrderSyncs pojoin ERPXL_GHA_PROD.cdn.ZamNag z on z.zan_gidnumer=xlidjoin ERPXL_GHA_PROD.cdn.TraNag t on t.trn_zannumer=z.ZaN_GIDNumerwhere po.DhcId in (\\\'6DE29D59-8F78-4647-A4FB-D619E6E0F6FA\\\',\\\'7610DC71-A50A-4057-A2E5-D6EBEFD81A2E\\\',\\\'12F2ED3C-66A1-4C75-BE90-AE82A5B4C4B0\\\',\\\'A9776347-68EF-49CD-A720-EC8EE38DCB91\\\',\\\'28443909-7191-40BA-9B0C-F6AAF0CC29C4\\\',\\\'2E226F97-2A0C-496E-BEDF-E1E3D49842A3\\\',\\\'5247F3C3-A272-4D10-9D3D-172703B28924\\\')erpint ma gidnumer 2 więc ostatniej kolumnie jak nie ma 2 znaczy to że oni wystawili."\', "Comment 63: \'what do you mean by mapping these documents please?\'", \'Comment 64: "Hello,I clicked all documents vt in april with the error api-result=33It took about 1 rbh.AsAs I informed you\', \'Comment 65: the part with the error api-33 ( no number) turned into 158 - that is\', \'Comment 66: they are VTs connected to orders already completed in part or in full. Sometimes there are 2-3 such cases in other customers then we can map the SOR document in ERPXL and DHC. However\', \'Comment 67: currently - at 8 pm such cases are with you : 112 VT. Counting for each about 10-15 minutes for updates it is about 28- manhours.And there still be 36 vt blocked by numeration.And the last free number is also set in DHP\', \'Comment 68: so I guess it may be also 2-3 hours of our work.I understand that the finance department may not be pleased to have to cancel erroneously generated documents by document users. However\', \'Comment 69: cancellation is the simplest\', \'Comment 70: fastest\', \'Comment 71: and safest solution in this situation. I can prepare for you a filter on the SOR list in erp xl\', \'Comment 72: which will search for all documents from April\', "Comment 73: with the series \'mag\' created by an operator other than erp xl.You may then checked all filter documents and then just cancel it.Then maybe there will be need to press generate on hanging vt from april from Thema", \'Comment 74: but we or you may do it\', \'Comment 75: and it want take more then 1 or max 2 hours\', \'Comment 76: to verify or resynchronised that.ALSO ASK YOUR TEAM to stop generating SOR\', \'Comment 77: until we finished blocking function."\', "Comment 78: \'ookay i understand you.I have asked them to stop generating SORs but it is not only tema but johnson also\'", "Comment 79: \'i mean it is not only mag but johnson also\'", "Comment 80: \'please create the filter for the series mag and jons please\'", "Comment 81: \'I do not know If you understand", \'Comment 82: that this task is for problem with api-result-33 error message on vt.I do not see that VT with that error wich diffrent plant.If you see that VT for that plant are not generated for diffrent reason please create other task.For case I am trying to explain you I am asking for your decision,a. Do you agree to cancel incorrect SOR documents ?- and you will do It?b. Do you want other solution that could cost you about 30 man-hoursPlease send one clear response\', \'Comment 83: because\', \'Comment 84: every single comment\', \'Comment 85: which does not allow us to start any work\', \'Comment 86: it only disturbs the way SLa is calculated in this task. In addition\', \'Comment 87: if you would decide to second change suggest changing the type of request to Service Request because it is a large amount of work that is due to user errors or create new SR\', "Comment 88: for fixing about 150 VT.\'", "Comment 89: \'We agree to cancel incorrect SOR documents and we will do it\'", "Comment 90: \'Ok so as I mentioned I created a filter so you can find all documents on SOR listwith that criteria : type=SOR", \'Comment 91: created by user different then erp_integrator\', \'Comment 92: from april 042023\', "Comment 93: with mag series.!image-2023-04-21-16-00-23-278.png!If you need to have some information for future what will be cancell you may use export to excel after you filtered that!image-2023-04-21-16-01-35-999.png!Please verify.\'", "Comment 94: \'okay\'", "Comment 95: \'i cannot find the filter \'", "Comment 96: \'!image!\'", "Comment 97: \'use module sales !image-2023-04-21-18-14-22-014.png!\'", "Comment 98: \'that is what i used\'", \'Comment 99: "let\\\'s meet on teams on Monday"\', "Comment 100: \'Hellooo so i realised when i use the filter it only filters for MAG but not JOHNSON\'", \'Comment 101: "YESdid you read/see my previus comments - are all my comments visiblePlease read that and let me know if for vt that was matter for that task that were reason for THAT issue after cancellation it works fine.CAUSE AS I ALSO EXPLAINED YOU BEFORE\', \'Comment 102: for series different than mag there were no errors likeAPI Result - 33.So please if there are problem with Vt from Johnson CREATE A NEW TASK.And for VT\\\'s from Tema plant. Did you cancel them and they were generated successfully?!image-2023-04-25-10-11-40-462.png!"\', "Comment 103: \'okay understood\'", "Comment 104: \'the SORs have been cancelled what is the next steps\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
52 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8980\n\n### Instruction:\nProduct 329900 is available in DHC, but not in DHP Helmond. Can you resend it to DHP Helmond?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Item is in DHP now !screenshot-1! \'", \'Comment 3: "Thanks\', \'Comment 4: it\\\'s working now."\', "Comment 5: \'Thank you for confirmation.\\\\rFrom DHC version 3.0.60 problem should not occur.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
53 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8979\n\n### Instruction:\nHi, task from Paulina\r\n\r\nRafał Boniecki\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Trigger has been disabled. Immediately after making changes", "Comment 4: please let me know if it can be turned on.\'", "Comment 5: \'Please let me know if the trigger can be enabled\'", "Comment 6: \'No", "Comment 7: we will turn it on ourselves if we need.\'", "Comment 8: \'Task to close.\'", "Comment 9: \'ok", \'Comment 10: but we would like to inform you that the trigger was created to ensure the correctness of the provisions regarding fixed-term contracts\', \'Comment 11: its disabling may cause numerous irregularities in the system. The trigger should be constantly on\', \'Comment 12: only in exceptional situations (due to the layout of old data) it can be turned off for a while. If incorrect data is multiplied\', "Comment 13: turning it on this trigger will generate enormous number of error messages.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
54 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8978\n\n### Instruction:\nHi, \r\n\r\nThese item (883486200030, 883486500030, 883486900070) are zero quantity in Item screen. However, when I check with Administrator >>special function>> Restore Item stock, I do see transaction (please refer attached for more details). What kinds of these transactions are? Why cannot I restore it?\r\n\r\nBest Regards, \r\n\r\nClara\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!!image-3!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: "Hi Clara,On your screenshot I can see ERP XL version 2020\', \'Comment 4: however\', \'Comment 5: in our accesses I don\\\'t have information about server with 2020 versio. Could you please provide me with the ip address of the relevant server?Regards"\', "Comment 6: \'Hi,I do raise for Food Business. Please reach there\'", "Comment 7: \'Hi", \'Comment 8: Are you able to access it? Best Regards\', "Comment 9: Clara\'", "Comment 10: \'Hi", "Comment 11: Any update? \'", "Comment 12: \'We are working on this issue.Regards\'", "Comment 13: \'What database?!image-2023-04-20-11-41-07-633.png!I should start that password: Admin@123 does not work for none of above DB.!image-2023-04-20-11-41-55-278.png!Regards\'", "Comment 14: \'Please work on DHF_MM\'", "Comment 15: \'But the passwordAdmin@123 does not work\'", "Comment 16: \'Last time has no issue. Any way please try again.\'", "Comment 17: \'Item stock restoration in history mode allows you to determine what happened to the items historically.Analysis below: # Item 883486200030When you double-click on the item", "Comment 18: you can see that there is a difference for the stock quantity forIR+211/04/23/Y!image-2023-04-20-14-24-26-126.png!If there is a delivery document in the details!image-2023-04-20-14-25-03-536.png!you can go to History and find the differences!image-2023-04-20-14-26-06-810.png!!image-2023-04-20-14-27-08-126.png!you can find the reason for the differenceThis document need to be confirm - WR--936/04/232.883486500030!image-2023-04-20-14-34-51-009.png!Same document:!image-2023-04-20-14-36-14-736.png!3.883486900070!image-2023-04-20-14-37-28-084.png!Same document:!image-2023-04-20-14-38-28-903.png!!image-2023-04-20-14-41-26-871.png!\'", "Comment 19: \'This document must be confirmed WR--936/04/23 and created related trade document.Another way is to delete this WR--936/04/23 ( if it is incorrect).There will be differences if there is no complete set of documents.\'", "Comment 20: \'Hi", "Comment 21: I will check with user and proceed. You can close the ticket now. Thanks\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
55 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8977\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nPleas help to check this PLR 4361200323092 in Hai Phong 2 Plant ( 0436).\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'[^PLR - 4361200323092.docx] _(170 kB)_\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'View from App!image-2023-04-17-08-46-36-705.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'!image-2023-04-17-08-49-15-009.png!!image-2023-04-17-08-50-24-894.png!\'", \'Comment 5: "Hi,I tried to verify your issue but:>> there is no PLR: 4361200323092 visible in the app update: found it by PrO number>> I can see it under database but in PLR\\\'s elements I can see only one element: item1002010 Could you please explain that?"\', \'Comment 6: "{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where LotNumber = \\\'4361200323092\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[ProductionLotElements] where RecipeId = \\\'241D59C2-D7DB-4D0A-BDCB-809E5171D163\\\' --and ItemId = \\\'6166FA3D-93F8-4A21-962D-018997A344AF\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Recipes] where ItemId = \\\'87130F35-55F0-41D1-97C1-5C9141434D19\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[RecipeElements] where Id = \\\'241D59C2-D7DB-4D0A-BDCB-809E5171D163\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where code = \\\'2579\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where id in (\\\'6166FA3D-93F8-4A21-962D-018997A344AF\\\',\\\'EC557595-73C0-41DA-B98C-D827B824026C\\\',\\\'47266428-01DF-42AF-818C-6A326688E5CB\\\'){code}"\', "Comment 7: \'!image-2023-04-17-09-11-45-719.png!!image-2023-04-17-09-12-12-445.png!\'", "Comment 8: \'!image-2023-04-17-09-26-52-906.png!\'", "Comment 9: \'!image-2023-04-17-09-41-47-853.png!!image-2023-04-17-09-41-16-666.png!\'", "Comment 10: \'Cześć [[email protected]]Maciej,[[email protected]]sugerujena analize w Developmencie", "Comment 11: to też zostawiam ciekawy kejs :P :)\'", "Comment 12: \'Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.\'", "Comment 13: \'Hello,Is there any update on this issue?\'", "Comment 14: \'Hi [[email protected]],We have planned to work on this ticket tomorrow\'", "Comment 15: \'[[email protected]] będzie rozmawiał z Ericiem\'", "Comment 16: \'[[email protected]] [[email protected]]dziękuję <3\'", "Comment 17: \'hi Maciej", \'Comment 18: this is user mistake. please close this case. this bagging recipe should not be prepare by this way. Normally\', "Comment 19: bagging recipe will have 1 bulk and 1 empty bag.\'", "Comment 20: \'We are closing this task. Thank you.\'", "Comment 21: \'Hi [[email protected]]Thsnk you for the response\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
56 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8976\n\n### Instruction:\nHi,\r\nWe can not preview all printout\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'wydruki nie chodziły tez 16 i 15 mieli jakies bledy!image-2023-04-17-03-24-41-689.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'było przy wejsciu na serwer 503", \'Comment 5: usluga niby działa\', "Comment 6: teoretycznie,profilaktycznie restart usługi potem puli na iis !image-2023-04-17-04-09-06-849.png!teraz infow logach ndal o błedzie ale ze maszyna na ktorej jest ssrs odmawia dostępu !image-2023-04-17-04-06-48-230.png!!image-2023-04-17-04-08-11-895! !image-2023-04-17-04-09-06-849!\'", "Comment 7: \'bledy z uslugie srrs sprzed restartu: !image-2023-04-17-04-16-48-364.png!!image-2023-04-17-04-15-40-493.png!\'", "Comment 8: \'Widzę że ktoś u nas (?)coś zmieniał!image-2023-04-17-04-27-47-215.png!\'", "Comment 9: \'odnośnie daty licencji wyglada ze jest expired od 13.01ale to moze tez wskazywac na jakis blad w konfig ?!image-2023-04-17-04-35-19-217.png!\'", "Comment 10: \'Please let me know since when there are problems with Reporting Services", "Comment 11: have you done any work on it recently? Or on server10.84.162.71?The problems may indicate problems with the license for Reporting Services\'", "Comment 12: \'install that from Kotrak side and it have issue in this morning.what we have to do to solve thís?\'", "Comment 13: \'The situation requires verification and possible repair of the configuration of reporting services", \'Comment 14: it is necessary to support the development team because to make the correct configuration\', \'Comment 15: including in terms of DHP. I forward this information to our development team\', "Comment 16: assistance will be available in about 3 hours.\'", "Comment 17: \'in case continue issue", "Comment 18: please install SSRS in\'", "Comment 19: \'hi,you can close the ticket\'", "Comment 20: \'update tematu: powód DGS - licencje SSRS wygasły\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
57 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8975\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe created a STK-LO for location PRODUÇÃO which has 3 WMS locations.\r\nWhen we try to Confirm the WO(STK-LO), system shows an error message.\r\nCould you please confirm this WO document? Or cancel it.\r\nThere is only this 3 location to finish\r\n\r\nWe are stuck with no action.\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image-1!!image-2!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello,could you bring back a new password for my user for mubrasil domain. - AjanuszewskaI am not able to log on.!image-2023-04-14-22-23-59-601.png!\'", "Comment 4: \'Hi [[email protected]]Could you please help us with this access?Thank you\'", "Comment 5: \'Hi [[email protected]]You are using wrong domain.It must be LATAM.corp.deheus.comThank you\'", "Comment 6: \'!image-2023-04-14-22-40-12-802.png!\'", "Comment 7: \'it works thank You\'", \'Comment 8: "select *into dbo.StorageLocationsBack2from dbo.StorageLocationswhere ParentId = \\\'0b024a71-b586-49e3-a4c8-9237c088801b\\\'--update dbo.StorageLocations--set ParentId = null--where ParentId =\\\'0b024a71-b586-49e3-a4c8-9237c088801b\\\'"\', "Comment 9: \'Could you try to confirm WOSTK please?\'", "Comment 10: \'WO are procesable please verify!image-2023-04-14-23-23-55-621.png!\'", "Comment 11: \'[[DHP 3.0] Inwentaryzacja ", "Comment 12: Stocktaking Brazylia.|onenote:,%20Stocktaking%20Brazylia.§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{B3F3F0B8-ADEF-4142-8A6F-E63F7E114E16}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|])\'", \'Comment 13: "Hi AgnieszkaNow we can see WO on mobile scanners. Thank youI\\\'d like to ask your help to wait until we finish this coiunting and Settle this STK.So you can lower to P2Thank you"\', "Comment 14: \'HiThank you for the support.You can close this task\'", "Comment 15: \'Hi [[email protected]]@[email protected],Could you be so kind and reply my email?Regards\'", \'Comment 16: "Hi [[email protected]]I asked for [[email protected]]\\\'s help in the email.Thank you"\', "Comment 17: \'Thank you Maicon :)\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8246\']\n\n### End'} |
58 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8974\n\n### Instruction:\nUnable to run historical prices, when run they either time out or a blank screen appears with no indication as to whether it is running or not. \r\n\r\nServer stack trace: \r\n at System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)\r\n at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.RequestChannelBinder.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)\r\n at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)\r\n at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)\r\n at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)\r\n\r\nException rethrown at [0]: \r\n at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)\r\n at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)\r\n at DHCDNRMPriceService.Contracts.IDHCDNRMPriceService.GetHistoricPriceDocumentsWithPaging(PageRequest`1 request)\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure.WcfService.DHCDNRMPriceServiceClient.GetHistoricPriceDocumentsWithPaging(PageRequest`1 request) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure\\WcfService\\DHCDNRMPriceServiceClient.cs:line 81\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure.WcfService.Paging.<>c__DisplayClass2_0`2.<GetPaginated>b__0(String cursor) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure\\WcfService\\Paging.cs:line 33\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure.WcfService.Paging.GetPaginated[TResult](Func`2 serviceMethod, Func`3 aggregate, TResult initResult) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure\\WcfService\\Paging.cs:line 20\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure.WcfService.Paging.GetPaginated[TResult](Func`2 serviceMethod) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure\\WcfService\\Paging.cs:line 28\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure.WcfService.Paging.GetPaginated[TFilter,TResult](Func`2 serviceMethod, TFilter filter) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure\\WcfService\\Paging.cs:line 33\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation.Forms.ItemHistoricalPriceListModule.GetCalculatedHistoricalPrices(Filter filter) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation\\Forms\\ItemHistoricalPriceListModule.cs:line 767\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation.Forms.ItemHistoricalPriceListModule.RefreshList() in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation\\Forms\\ItemHistoricalPriceListModule.cs:line 411\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation.Commands.BarItemUICommand`1.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<.ctor>b__1(TArgument arg) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation\\Commands\\BarItemUICommand.cs:line 30\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation.Commands.BarItemUICommand`1.OnExecute() in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation\\Commands\\BarItemUICommand.cs:line 45\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation.Commands.UserInterfaceCommandBase.Execute() in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation\\Commands\\UserInterfaceCommandBase.cs:line 22\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Dear Thabile,It seems to be the same case as underDGS-8940.Please check RDS server and confirm if everything is fine on server side.Best regards\'", "Comment 4: \'During Teams conversation with Thabile I have checked DB sahosrv07:>> time proceesin was quite high!image-2023-04-14-17-10-45-620.png|width=995,height=205!>> 134 blocking sessions!image-2023-04-14-17-12-08-110.png!>> verified sahosrv04 and sahosrv024: for me it worked on sahosrv04", \'Comment 5: on 24 there was a timeout; for Thabile\', \'Comment 6: on 24 timeout\', "Comment 7: on 04 worked very slow.\'", "Comment 8: \'Hi,Per Teams conversation", \'Comment 9: please use sahosrv04 server as a workaround. What is more\', "Comment 10: please let us know if there is any possibility to restart 024 and chech if it helped.Best regards\'", "Comment 11: \'Hello", "Comment 12: Plugin is working now thank you. task can be closed\'", "Comment 13: \'Thank you\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
59 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8973\n\n### Instruction:\nThe item is linked to the wrong base item, but this can\'t be changed.\r\nSee attached image.\r\n\r\nCould you change it for me?\r\n\r\nThanks in advance,\r\nRob.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Rob", "Comment 4: what base item should be used?Regards\'", "Comment 5: \'Hi Aleksandra", "Comment 6: it should be the regular 967367 instead of the 100kg variant\'", "Comment 7: \'ok\'", "Comment 8: \'Please", \'Comment 9: verify now. In addition\', "Comment 10: pleae remember that new recipes for this item must be generated now!image-2023-04-14-14-33-15-016.png|width=929,height=306!Regards\'", \'Comment 11: "It\\\'s looking great now\', \'Comment 12: thanks.I will inform the user they must create a new recipe fr the item.The ticket can be closed."\', "Comment 13: \'Thank you\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
60 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8972\n\n### Instruction:\nFor Andel incorrect additional technologies were created for item 087001. \r\nThis code must only be used in Andel-Mest. Not in Andel-West.\r\n\r\nPlease remove \r\nAM087001 subversion 0 \r\nAW087001 subversion 0\r\nAW087001-BB\r\nAW087001-Z25\r\n\r\nIssue is that these versions are still available in recipe list when manually creating a lot report for these items. User often selects AW recipe or AM subversion 0 recipe. This last one, results in a Lot report without RM and the Lot report does not show in Lot report overview (e.g. 0052140423005)\r\n\r\nAM087001 subversion 1 is correct. It is ok if you remove this one as well and then I will create one new additional technology for this item.\r\n\r\nAttached: \r\nDHC Additional technologies for 087001 (archived subversion 0 is not shown here)\r\nDHP recipes for 087001, AM version 0 is the one that does not have RM\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image-4!!image-5!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello,incorrect additional technologies have been removed. Please verify.Regards\'", "Comment 4: \'Hello,can we close this issue?Regards\'", "Comment 5: \'Additional technology indeed was removed. This ticket can be closed.The goal of this request was to clean up recipes for the plant when creating a Lot report in DHP (plant agent now often select incorrect recipe version", \'Comment 6: e.g. Andel-West version instead of Andel-Mest version). However\', \'Comment 7: after removing /archiving of addtional technologies\', "Comment 8: the recipes still exist. But I understand that this is not fixed with this action.\'", "Comment 9: \'Hi Bob,I have processed archivisation of questioned recipes:AM087001 subversion 0AW087001 subversion 0AW087001-BBAW087001-Z25in PCS once again. Please", \'Comment 10: check. However\', "Comment 11: starting from DGS-8666 we do not delete from db anything.Please verify.Regards\'", "Comment 12: \'Hi Aleksandra", \'Comment 13: thank you. However when I create a Lot report for 08001\', \'Comment 14: line Andel-W is selected by default (there is a recipe) and after selecting line Andel-Mest\', "Comment 15: I still can choose from recipes 0.0 and 0.1.!image!!image-1!\'", "Comment 16: \'!image-2023-04-20-11-29-55-025.png!!image-2023-04-20-11-30-12-105.png!!image-2023-04-20-11-30-35-118.png!\'", "Comment 17: \'Jeśli chodzi o te dwie receptury: AM087001 subversion 0 AW087001 subversion 0 trzy razy puszczałam skrypt na bazie PCS i guzik", \'Comment 18: receptury nadal dostępne ...[[email protected]]\', "Comment 19: co mogło pójść nie tak?\'", "Comment 20: \'Dear Bob,Recipes are available because as I mentioned before", \'Comment 21: we block it in PCS so that they are not used in PCS. What I can propose is tochange their status to blocked and renamed them with arch.Please\', "Comment 22: let us know if this is fine for you.Regards\'", "Comment 23: \'Hi,Any feedback?Regards\'", "Comment 24: \'Yes", "Comment 25: this is fine with me. \'", "Comment 26: \'Dear Bob,I have archivedAM087001 subversion 0AW087001 subversion 0should I also archive:AW087001-BBAW087001-Z25the same way?Regards\'", "Comment 27: \'Hello Aleksandra", "Comment 28: yes please archive the AW087001-BB and -Z25 as well.\'", "Comment 29: \'AW087001-BBAW087001-Z25also archived. Please", "Comment 30: verify.Best regards\'", "Comment 31: \'Thank you. This is really helpful to prevent that the users create incorrect Lot reports.This ticket can be closed.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
61 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8971\n\n### Instruction:\nApplicable for all plants.\r\n\r\nWe found that draft Lot reports received in Milas in some cases contains incorrect itemcode. In DHC I found that for items without repcipe, code 999999 is shown in draft Production Lot reports. And the basecode 969587 of this item is sent to Milas...\r\nThe Production Lot report contains the correct (produced) item and correct data is sent to Milas.\r\n\r\nNote that Bestmix item 999999 is used for linking ERP items without own recipe. This code 999999 and its basecode must never be used in reports and the base code in this item\r\n\r\nIssue is that draft production Lot reports are sent with incorrect item to Milas and possible Starlims.\r\n\r\nExpected: item that was produced is registered in the draft production lot report and sent to Milas and Starlims. So, use the ERP item and no lookup of Bestmix / base item.\r\n\r\nExample:\r\nAndel-Mest Lot report 0052140423005\r\nItem produced: 087001\r\nThis item does not have its own recipe and therefore it is linked to 999999\r\ndraft Lot report contains 999999. Exported to Milas 969587 (not correct)\r\nProduction Lot report contains 087001 (correct)\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'For your information: we already had many draft Production Lot reports with code 999999 for Helmond (009)", "Comment 4: Andel-West (005) and Andel-Mest (098)!image-2!\'", \'Comment 5: \\\'{code:java}2023-04-14 09:19:22,260 [128] INFO WcfSendRequestLogger [C:\\\\\\\\Projects\\\\\\\\evolution.dhcerpservice\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\Logging\\\\\\\\LoggingInspectorBehavior.cs:53] - Request:<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Header> <Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="">unit01_dhc_adapter_ws_provider_wsd_webMethods_DHC_Provider_Binder_insertProductionLotReport</Action> </s:Header> <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <insertProductionLotReport xmlns=""> <input xmlns=""> <header> <ReceivingSystem>Milas</ReceivingSystem> <SendingSystem>DHC</SendingSystem> <CreateDate>2023-04-14T08:35:00</CreateDate> <CreateUser xsi:nil="true" /> <MessageID>1829561f-b0b0-46a0-bef7-d72ae569d507</MessageID> </header> <productionLotReport> <ProductionOrderReference>0052140423005</ProductionOrderReference> <ProducedItem>969587</ProducedItem> <ProducedQTY>1860</ProducedQTY> <ProducedQTYUOM>kg</ProducedQTYUOM> <Plant>98</Plant> <ProductionDateTime>2023-04-14T08:35:00</ProductionDateTime> <ProductionLotTypeIndicator>9</ProductionLotTypeIndicator> </productionLotReport> </input> </insertProductionLotReport> </s:Body></s:Envelope>{code}\\\'\', "Comment 6: \'Hello,a GDC change for the described issue was already resolved. In the DHC version 3.0.63 this change is already included.\'", "Comment 7: \'Ok", "Comment 8: that is great. Do you have the GDC number for me?\'", "Comment 9: \'Hello,GDC-886 this GDC exactly.\'", "Comment 10: \'I checked on DHC production today and I still find draft Lot reports for 999999see attachment. This draft Lot report should have reported 088521-Z25!image-3!!image-4!\'", \'Comment 11: \\\'005221042300100522104230020092210423002Są z 21.4 piątku bez zmian:{code:java}2023-04-21 10:35:45,517 [50] INFO WcfSendRequestLogger [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER412-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\Logging\\\\\\\\LoggingInspectorBehavior.cs:54] - Request:<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Header> <Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="">unit01_dhc_adapter_ws_provider_wsd_webMethods_DHC_Provider_Binder_insertProductionLotReport</Action> </s:Header> <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <insertProductionLotReport xmlns=""> <input xmlns=""> <header> <ReceivingSystem>Milas</ReceivingSystem> <SendingSystem>DHC</SendingSystem> <CreateDate>2023-04-21T10:35:44.74</CreateDate> <CreateUser xsi:nil="true" /> <MessageID>763d9979-40de-4531-b8bc-341c58e2bbcf</MessageID> </header> <productionLotReport> <ProductionOrderReference>0092210423002</ProductionOrderReference> <ProducedItem>969587</ProducedItem> <ProducedQTY>100</ProducedQTY> <ProducedQTYUOM>kg</ProducedQTYUOM> <Plant>9</Plant> <ProductionDateTime>2023-04-21T10:35:44.74</ProductionDateTime> <ProductionLotTypeIndicator>9</ProductionLotTypeIndicator> </productionLotReport> </input> </insertProductionLotReport> </s:Body></s:Envelope>{code}{code:java}2023-04-21 07:32:49,838 [45] INFO WcfSendRequestLogger [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER412-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\Logging\\\\\\\\LoggingInspectorBehavior.cs:54] - Request:<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Header> <Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="">unit01_dhc_adapter_ws_provider_wsd_webMethods_DHC_Provider_Binder_insertProductionLotReport</Action> </s:Header> <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <insertProductionLotReport xmlns=""> <input xmlns=""> <header> <ReceivingSystem>Milas</ReceivingSystem> <SendingSystem>DHC</SendingSystem> <CreateDate>2023-04-21T06:02:00</CreateDate> <CreateUser xsi:nil="true" /> <MessageID>91aa58f0-97e3-4f7f-972b-0eaede2fb702</MessageID> </header> <productionLotReport> <ProductionOrderReference>0052210423001</ProductionOrderReference> <ProducedItem>969587</ProducedItem> <ProducedQTY>1980</ProducedQTY> <ProducedQTYUOM>kg</ProducedQTYUOM> <Plant>5</Plant> <ProductionDateTime>2023-04-21T06:02:00</ProductionDateTime> <ProductionLotTypeIndicator>9</ProductionLotTypeIndicator> </productionLotReport> </input> </insertProductionLotReport> </s:Body></s:Envelope>{code}{code:java}2023-04-21 10:35:45,517 [50] INFO WcfSendRequestLogger [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER412-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\Logging\\\\\\\\LoggingInspectorBehavior.cs:54] - Request:<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Header> <Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="">unit01_dhc_adapter_ws_provider_wsd_webMethods_DHC_Provider_Binder_insertProductionLotReport</Action> </s:Header> <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <insertProductionLotReport xmlns=""> <input xmlns=""> <header> <ReceivingSystem>Milas</ReceivingSystem> <SendingSystem>DHC</SendingSystem> <CreateDate>2023-04-21T10:35:44.74</CreateDate> <CreateUser xsi:nil="true" /> <MessageID>763d9979-40de-4531-b8bc-341c58e2bbcf</MessageID> </header> <productionLotReport> <ProductionOrderReference>0092210423002</ProductionOrderReference> <ProducedItem>969587</ProducedItem> <ProducedQTY>100</ProducedQTY> <ProducedQTYUOM>kg</ProducedQTYUOM> <Plant>9</Plant> <ProductionDateTime>2023-04-21T10:35:44.74</ProductionDateTime> <ProductionLotTypeIndicator>9</ProductionLotTypeIndicator> </productionLotReport> </input> </insertProductionLotReport> </s:Body></s:Envelope>{code}\\\'\', "Comment 12: \'hej", \'Comment 13: podali kolejne z 21.4 piątku. Mógłbyś popatrzeć? \', "Comment 14: jest bez zmian.\\\\r\\\\rDzięki.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
62 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8970\n\n### Instruction:\nCześć,\r\n\r\nError id 6467308 start transfer.\r\n\r\nProszę o szybkie usunięcie problemu -brak raportowania i zaraz postój.\r\n\r\nPilne!!!!\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'Incorrect message has been canceled.\'", "Comment 3: \'Cześć ,Kolejny error id 6467379 – start transfer.\'", "Comment 4: \'StartTransferError 8: Production lot is already closed\'", "Comment 5: \'Mozliwe ze problemem jest raort produkcyjny ( z wczescniejszego bledu gdzie mimo produkcji workowanej do plr wpadly big bagi )!image!\'", "Comment 6: \'Kolejny errorId 6467407\'", \'Comment 7: "There were three PLR\\\'s already closed:230414003,230414004,230414005Messages have been canceled."\', \'Comment 8: "Now it\\\'s Ok ."\', "Comment 9: \' do zmiany statusu na ostatnia dla palety 27-6FDNG dla 915908-w25 lot 0272140423003\'", "Comment 10: \' !screenshot-1! \'", "Comment 11: \'Any news ?? \'", "Comment 12: \'But this barcode is a BigBag", "Comment 13: whether to make the change anyway? !screenshot-2! \'", "Comment 14: \'Please contact with business reporter\'", "Comment 15: \'Corrected.\'", "Comment 16: \'Confirmed with factory", "Comment 17: can we close?\'", "Comment 18: \'Yes\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
63 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8969\n\n### Instruction:\nIO-61/23/DKD and IO-62/23/DKD are not showing in DHP\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'!image-2023-04-14-09-04-29-819.png!\'", \'Comment 3: "{code:java}The \\\'TypeAs\\\' expression with an input of type \\\'System.Guid\\\' and a check of type \\\'System.Nullable`1[[System.Guid\', \'Comment 4: mscorlib\', \'Comment 5: Version=\', \'Comment 6: Culture=neutral\', \'Comment 7: PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]\\\' is not supported. Only entity types and complex types are supported in LINQ to Entities queries{code}"\', "Comment 8: \'We need to do one more fix for DHC. It will take 15minutes,there will be a downtime at DHC.\'", \'Comment 9: "Ustalone na 16\', \'Comment 10: Michał Kordys będzie wgrywał\', \'Comment 11: do sprawdzenia po - ponowne przesłanie zamówień z XL:IO-61/23/DKD and IO-62/23/DKD{code:java}--update z --set zan_stan=ZaN_Stan FROM [CDNXL_DHFU].[CDN].[ZamNag] z where ZaN_GIDNumer in(803632,803778){code}powiadomić Rey\\\'a iNosipho Basi po."\', "Comment 12: \'Hi,The fix has been deployed and ordersIO-61/23/DKD and IO-62/23/DKD have been resent.Please", "Comment 13: verify.Regards\'", "Comment 14: \'Hi,Can we close this task?Regards\'", "Comment 15: \'Yes you may\'", "Comment 16: \'Thank you.Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
64 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8968\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nPlease help to check this issue. VT-728/4/23 can not complete and close ticket.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hi,Could you please verify?!image-2023-04-13-19-13-36-840.png!Best regards\'", "Comment 4: \'HiPlease remote to\'", "Comment 5: \'we changed to new Servers!image-1!\'", "Comment 6: \'!image-2023-04-14-14-51-40-651.png!\'", \'Comment 7: \\\'{code:java}2023-04-14 19:51:24 (6465440b-b56d-4b96-b0a2-39607b64c782/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/20) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ "scheme": "http"\', \'Comment 8: "host": { "Value": ""\', \'Comment 9: "HasValue": true\', \'Comment 10: "Host": ""\', \'Comment 11: "Port": 92 }\', \'Comment 12: "path": "/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo"\', \'Comment 13: "queryString": []\', \'Comment 14: "requestBody": "{\\\\\\\\"elements\\\\\\\\":[{\\\\\\\\"sourceDocument\\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\\"id\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"77087023-2a75-494b-916e-febeada28666\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"no\\\\\\\\":1,\\\\\\\\"number\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"VT-728/4/23\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"type\\\\\\\\":100},\\\\\\\\"itemId\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"073b0b3b-f40f-442b-a646-f2ee64b26940\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"requestedQuantity\\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\\"unit\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"kg\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"value\\\\\\\\":0},\\\\\\\\"stockUnits\\\\\\\\":[{\\\\\\\\"stockUnitId\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"2254b5c5-ce2c-4bc6-939f-4e61bbbc7271\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"deliveryId\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"4c55ade3-1324-4d34-ad02-95584836cad7\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"stockUnitStatuses\\\\\\\\":[4,2048,1048576],\\\\\\\\"quantityOnHand\\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\\"unit\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"kg\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"value\\\\\\\\":239},\\\\\\\\"plannedReservedQuantity\\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\\"unit\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"kg\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"value\\\\\\\\":0}}]}]}"}.System.ApplicationException: \\\\\\\'2052\\\\\\\' is not a valid value in Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.StockUnits.Enumerations.LogisticStatus at Kotrak.Common.SharedKernel.Enumeration.Parse[T,K](K value\', \'Comment 15: String description\', \'Comment 16: Func`2 predicate) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.MappingProfiles.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.<>c.<.ctor>b__0_1(CompleteBulkDispatchStockUnitValidationInfo x) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.cs:line 21 at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.ToList() at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.ActionData.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure..ctor(IEnumerable`1 stockUnits\', \'Comment 17: SourceDocument sourceDocument\', \'Comment 18: AggregateId itemId\', \'Comment 19: Quantity requestedQuantity\', \'Comment 20: DocumentMissingStock missingStock\', \'Comment 21: IEnumerable`1 reservations) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\ActionData\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure.cs:line 17 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.MappingProfiles.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.<.ctor>b__0_0(CompleteBulkDispatchElementValidationInfo s\', \'Comment 22: ResolutionContext _) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.cs:line 21 at lambda_method8721(Closure \', \'Comment 23: CompleteBulkDispatchElementValidationInfo \', \'Comment 24: CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure \', \'Comment 25: ResolutionContext ) at lambda_method8722(Closure \', \'Comment 26: Object \', \'Comment 27: Object \', \'Comment 28: ResolutionContext ) at AutoMapper.Mapper.AutoMapper.IMapper.Map[TDestination](Object source) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.RegisterBulkDispatch.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryHandler.Handle(CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQuery query) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatch\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryHandler.cs:line 35 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers.RegisterBulkDispatchController.GetCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo(CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoFilterViewModel viewModel) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.Api\\\\\\\\Controllers\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatchController.cs:line 62 at lambda_method8714(Closure \', \'Comment 29: Object \', \'Comment 30: Object[] ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.SyncActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper\', \'Comment 31: ObjectMethodExecutor executor\', \'Comment 32: Object controller\', \'Comment 33: Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 34: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 35: Object& state\', \'Comment 36: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContextSealed context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 37: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 38: Object& state\', \'Comment 39: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeFilterPipelineAsync>g__Awaited|20_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 40: Task lastTask\', \'Comment 41: State next\', \'Comment 42: Scope scope\', \'Comment 43: Object state\', \'Comment 44: Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeAsync>g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 45: Task task\', \'Comment 46: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeAsync>g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 47: Task task\', \'Comment 48: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware.<Invoke>g__AwaitRequestTask|6_0(Endpoint endpoint\', \'Comment 49: Task requestTask\', \'Comment 50: ILogger logger) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext\', \'Comment 51: ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)2023-04-14 19:51:24 (7f6a931a-8d89-4aae-ac69-9c2d6ef00b36/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/41) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ "scheme": "http"\', \'Comment 52: "host": { "Value": ""\', \'Comment 53: "HasValue": true\', \'Comment 54: "Host": ""\', \'Comment 55: "Port": 92 }\', \'Comment 56: "path": "/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo"\', \'Comment 57: "queryString": []\', \'Comment 58: "requestBody": "{\\\\\\\\"elements\\\\\\\\":[{\\\\\\\\"sourceDocument\\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\\"id\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"77087023-2a75-494b-916e-febeada28666\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"no\\\\\\\\":2,\\\\\\\\"number\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"VT-728/4/23\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"type\\\\\\\\":100},\\\\\\\\"itemId\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"073b0b3b-f40f-442b-a646-f2ee64b26940\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"requestedQuantity\\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\\"unit\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"kg\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"value\\\\\\\\":0},\\\\\\\\"stockUnits\\\\\\\\":[{\\\\\\\\"stockUnitId\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"2254b5c5-ce2c-4bc6-939f-4e61bbbc7271\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"deliveryId\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"4c55ade3-1324-4d34-ad02-95584836cad7\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"stockUnitStatuses\\\\\\\\":[4,2048,1048576],\\\\\\\\"quantityOnHand\\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\\"unit\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"kg\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"value\\\\\\\\":239},\\\\\\\\"plannedReservedQuantity\\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\\"unit\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"kg\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"value\\\\\\\\":0}}]}]}"}.System.ApplicationException: \\\\\\\'2052\\\\\\\' is not a valid value in Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.StockUnits.Enumerations.LogisticStatus at Kotrak.Common.SharedKernel.Enumeration.Parse[T,K](K value\', \'Comment 59: String description\', \'Comment 60: Func`2 predicate) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.MappingProfiles.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.<>c.<.ctor>b__0_1(CompleteBulkDispatchStockUnitValidationInfo x) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.cs:line 21 at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.ToList() at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.ActionData.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure..ctor(IEnumerable`1 stockUnits\', \'Comment 61: SourceDocument sourceDocument\', \'Comment 62: AggregateId itemId\', \'Comment 63: Quantity requestedQuantity\', \'Comment 64: DocumentMissingStock missingStock\', \'Comment 65: IEnumerable`1 reservations) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\ActionData\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure.cs:line 17 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.MappingProfiles.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.<.ctor>b__0_0(CompleteBulkDispatchElementValidationInfo s\', \'Comment 66: ResolutionContext _) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.cs:line 21 at lambda_method8721(Closure \', \'Comment 67: CompleteBulkDispatchElementValidationInfo \', \'Comment 68: CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure \', \'Comment 69: ResolutionContext ) at lambda_method8722(Closure \', \'Comment 70: Object \', \'Comment 71: Object \', \'Comment 72: ResolutionContext ) at AutoMapper.Mapper.AutoMapper.IMapper.Map[TDestination](Object source) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.RegisterBulkDispatch.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryHandler.Handle(CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQuery query) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatch\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryHandler.cs:line 35 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers.RegisterBulkDispatchController.GetCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo(CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoFilterViewModel viewModel) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.Api\\\\\\\\Controllers\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatchController.cs:line 62 at lambda_method8714(Closure \', \'Comment 73: Object \', \'Comment 74: Object[] ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.SyncActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper\', \'Comment 75: ObjectMethodExecutor executor\', \'Comment 76: Object controller\', \'Comment 77: Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 78: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 79: Object& state\', \'Comment 80: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContextSealed context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 81: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 82: Object& state\', \'Comment 83: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeFilterPipelineAsync>g__Awaited|20_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 84: Task lastTask\', \'Comment 85: State next\', \'Comment 86: Scope scope\', \'Comment 87: Object state\', \'Comment 88: Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeAsync>g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 89: Task task\', \'Comment 90: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeAsync>g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 91: Task task\', \'Comment 92: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware.<Invoke>g__AwaitRequestTask|6_0(Endpoint endpoint\', \'Comment 93: Task requestTask\', \'Comment 94: ILogger logger) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext\', "Comment 95: ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext){code}\'", \'Comment 96: \\\'{code:java}023-04-14 19:51:24 (/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/20) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP "POST" "/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo" responded 500 in 10.7165 ms2023-04-14 19:51:24 (/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/41) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP "POST" "/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo" responded 500 in 6.9073 ms{code}\\\'\', \'Comment 97: \\\'{code:java}2023-04-14 23:08:09 (/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/34) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP "POST" "/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo" responded 500 in 10.1007 ms2023-04-14 23:08:09 (/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/90) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP "POST" "/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo" responded 500 in 15.3161 ms{code}{code:java}2023-04-14 23:08:09 (c6c51aae-ae3c-4c05-b7ac-93e7fb8f98c6/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/90) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ "scheme": "http"\', \'Comment 98: "host": { "Value": ""\', \'Comment 99: "HasValue": true\', \'Comment 100: "Host": ""\', \'Comment 101: "Port": 92 }\', \'Comment 102: "path": "/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo"\', \'Comment 103: "queryString": []\', \'Comment 104: "requestBody": "{\\\\\\\\"elements\\\\\\\\":[{\\\\\\\\"sourceDocument\\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\\"id\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"77087023-2a75-494b-916e-febeada28666\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"no\\\\\\\\":2,\\\\\\\\"number\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"VT-728/4/23\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"type\\\\\\\\":100},\\\\\\\\"itemId\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"073b0b3b-f40f-442b-a646-f2ee64b26940\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"requestedQuantity\\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\\"unit\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"kg\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"value\\\\\\\\":0},\\\\\\\\"stockUnits\\\\\\\\":[{\\\\\\\\"stockUnitId\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"2254b5c5-ce2c-4bc6-939f-4e61bbbc7271\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"deliveryId\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"4c55ade3-1324-4d34-ad02-95584836cad7\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"stockUnitStatuses\\\\\\\\":[4,2048,1048576],\\\\\\\\"quantityOnHand\\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\\"unit\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"kg\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"value\\\\\\\\":239},\\\\\\\\"plannedReservedQuantity\\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\\"unit\\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\\"kg\\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\\"value\\\\\\\\":0}}]}]}"}.System.ApplicationException: \\\\\\\'2052\\\\\\\' is not a valid value in Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.StockUnits.Enumerations.LogisticStatus at Kotrak.Common.SharedKernel.Enumeration.Parse[T,K](K value\', \'Comment 105: String description\', \'Comment 106: Func`2 predicate) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.MappingProfiles.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.<>c.<.ctor>b__0_1(CompleteBulkDispatchStockUnitValidationInfo x) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.cs:line 21 at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.ToList() at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.ActionData.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure..ctor(IEnumerable`1 stockUnits\', \'Comment 107: SourceDocument sourceDocument\', \'Comment 108: AggregateId itemId\', \'Comment 109: Quantity requestedQuantity\', \'Comment 110: DocumentMissingStock missingStock\', \'Comment 111: IEnumerable`1 reservations) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\ActionData\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure.cs:line 17 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.MappingProfiles.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.<.ctor>b__0_0(CompleteBulkDispatchElementValidationInfo s\', \'Comment 112: ResolutionContext _) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.cs:line 21 at lambda_method8721(Closure \', \'Comment 113: CompleteBulkDispatchElementValidationInfo \', \'Comment 114: CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure \', \'Comment 115: ResolutionContext ) at lambda_method8722(Closure \', \'Comment 116: Object \', \'Comment 117: Object \', \'Comment 118: ResolutionContext ) at AutoMapper.Mapper.AutoMapper.IMapper.Map[TDestination](Object source) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.RegisterBulkDispatch.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryHandler.Handle(CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQuery query) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatch\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryHandler.cs:line 35 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers.RegisterBulkDispatchController.GetCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo(CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoFilterViewModel viewModel) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.Api\\\\\\\\Controllers\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatchController.cs:line 62 at lambda_method8714(Closure \', \'Comment 119: Object \', \'Comment 120: Object[] ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.SyncActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper\', \'Comment 121: ObjectMethodExecutor executor\', \'Comment 122: Object controller\', \'Comment 123: Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 124: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 125: Object& state\', \'Comment 126: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContextSealed context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 127: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 128: Object& state\', \'Comment 129: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeFilterPipelineAsync>g__Awaited|20_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 130: Task lastTask\', \'Comment 131: State next\', \'Comment 132: Scope scope\', \'Comment 133: Object state\', \'Comment 134: Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeAsync>g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 135: Task task\', \'Comment 136: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.<InvokeAsync>g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 137: Task task\', \'Comment 138: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware.<Invoke>g__AwaitRequestTask|6_0(Endpoint endpoint\', \'Comment 139: Task requestTask\', \'Comment 140: ILogger logger) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext\', "Comment 141: ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext){code}\'", \'Comment 142: "Coś tu jest nie teges:!image-2023-04-14-18-36-06-348.png!{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[StockUnits] where id = \\\'2254b5c5-ce2c-4bc6-939f-4e61bbbc7271\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where code = \\\'FG00\\\' or id = \\\'073b0b3b-f40f-442b-a646-f2ee64b26940\\\'{code} !image-2023-04-14-18-48-31-748.png!"\', \'Comment 143: "{code:java}/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/SELECT * FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[VehicleTicketBulkDispatchElements] where ItemId = \\\'2C7C3E04-DC5C-4DCC-B685-3A02AC543AD7\\\' and id = \\\'77087023-2A75-494B-916E-FEBEADA28666\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[VehicleTicketBulkDispatchElements] where ItemId = \\\'073B0B3B-F40F-442B-A646-F2EE64B26940\\\' and id = \\\'77087023-2A75-494B-916E-FEBEADA28666\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[VehicleTickets] where Document = \\\'VT-728/4/23\\\'{code}!image-2023-04-14-18-50-45-656.png!"\', \'Comment 144: "Inna sprawa\', "Comment 145: że żadnego z tych barcodów nie ma w WMS....!image-2023-04-14-18-53-47-621.png!{code:java}/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/SELECT * FROM [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[UnitLoads] where barcode in( \'436-S00C5Y\'", \'Comment 146: \\\'VTBD-VC00KVT\\\',\\\'VTBD-VC00KVZ\\\'){code}"\', "Comment 147: \'Hi,There is some inaccuracy: on VT we can see one element = item FG00*!image-2023-04-14-18-55-51-629.png|width=879,height=486!*But when I recreated your error", "Comment 148: I have received information about item1599C. Could you please let me know what should be onVT-728/4/23 ?Regards\'", "Comment 149: \'Hi First", \'Comment 150: the user adds SO with element 1599C\', \'Comment 151: but system shows this error message when the user completes dispatching. Then\', "Comment 152: user cancels element 1599C and adds element FG00 to try to complete VT and the system also shows this error message.!image-2!\'", \'Comment 153: "On clipped\\\'SO-4437/23/HPG2\\\' there is item1599C. Please cancelVT-728/4/23\', \'Comment 154: create a new one with correct item and if error reoccurs\', \'Comment 155: please inform us."\', "Comment 156: \'HiVT-1116/4/23 was created to replace VT-728/4/23 and still facing this issue . Please help to check.!image-3!\'", "Comment 157: \'Hi,I am sorry for my delay. VT-1116 is already closed. Please", "Comment 158: let me know if we should do something more on our side.Regards!image-2023-04-24-07-58-11-589.png!\'", \'Comment 159: "HelloYes\', "Comment 160: that\'s right", \'Comment 161: Eric Quang has solved this issue. Thanks you,"]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
65 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8967\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have the Technology generated for:\r\n# POP5390-T-S30\r\n# SUN7835-T-S20\r\n\r\nThe technology for its base item isin the DHP, however for informed item, it\'s not.\r\nWe have DGS-8820 wih other cases.\r\nIf we resend it, they will get in DHP, however we need to understand what is happening. So I\'ll no resend until you check.\r\n\r\nCould you please help?\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 2: \'[[email protected]]we will analyse tracing more tomorrow morning with devs. For now", "Comment 3: recipes are in Plant now.Regards\'", "Comment 4: \'Hi [[email protected]]You can close this task and keep the tracing on DGS-8820Thank you very much!\'", "Comment 5: \'Thank you.Regards\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8820\', \'DGS-8985\']\n\n### End'} |
66 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8966\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease find enclosed review of the documents where the COGS seems to be unlogic. If we compare COGS of these products in some other weeks, it is easier to conclude that something went wrong in the calculation. What I noticed that some IRC documents were generated, and people whose names are on those documents cannot explain it. They claim that they not create it.\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Zgłoszenie założone na prośbę Piotra Łuczaka w imieniu dyrektora finansowego z Serbii.\'", "Comment 2: \'To kogo wrzucić w reportera?\'", "Comment 3: \'Piotr Łuczak tel 604 494 664[[email protected]]Piotr Ł prosi o kontakt", "Comment 4: jeśli byś miała pytania.\'", "Comment 5: \'Na razie mam wszystkie potrzebne informacje. Myślę", "Comment 6: że dzisiaj w godzinach późniejszych zaloguję się do Serbii i sprawdzę te dokumenty. \'", "Comment 7: \'I attached excel file with additional column with JO and other documents that are reason of higher costs on SORs.[^Wrong Historic COGS_with JO documents.xlsx]\'", "Comment 8: \' [^Wrong Historic COGS_with JO documents.xlsx] \'", \'Comment 9: "We are interested in root cause of this calculation\', \'Comment 10: and we must be sure it won\\\'t happen again"\', "Comment 11: \'If it was improper action of a user - we must instruct him/her what to avoid. If the additional documents have been generated in the different way - we must exclude such possibility. \'", \'Comment 12: "I found 3 reasons of incorrect COGS on sales documents:1. *value correction of IR+ document* like IRC+-4/02/23/SC for JO-326/02/23/S; IRC+3/02/23/SC for JO-248/02/23/S\', "Comment 13: IRC+1/03/23/SC for JO-208/03/23/S - those documents are made by user.Such documents should not be created because they have increased the cost of the product in relation to the materials used. The cost of the product is too high.2. *the number of used materials is too large* - for example on JO-518/12/22/S (3820-B2) - used materials: 250 kg - product quantity - 100 kgThe quantity of materials in technology is correct.It looks like the quantity of product was 250kg before and then was changed (for some reasons) to 100 kg but the number of materials were left without changes.3. *the number of used bags on JO is too large* - it looks like the technology wasn\'t correct at the time when JO was generated", \'Comment 14: The technology is correct now\', \'Comment 15: but the number of bags in JO wasn\\\'t corrected"\', "Comment 16: \'[^Wrong Historic COGS_with_column_The_cause.xlsx]\'", "Comment 17: \' [^Wrong Historic COGS_with_column_The_cause.xlsx] \'", \'Comment 18: \\\'HiI added report on the list of Job orders -> "Cost difference between IR+ and IR-" !screenshot-1! There are many documents where costs of materials doesn\\\\\\\'t match with product cost.These documents can be fixed but if we fix them - the cost of sales will also change.On the list of documents there is a filter like "Corrections"The filter shows correction documents like IRC+ !screenshot-2! We also can make report which will show IRC+ (value correction) that are created to Job Orders.Such documents should be verified and possibly removed.Please let us know if you want us to create such a reportAlso let me know if you want to correct wrong costs on documents? Best RegardsBeata\\\']\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
67 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8965\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\nVt tansfer didn\'t synchronized from Golub.\r\nHelp needed.\r\n\r\nRafał Boniecki \r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Please check VT is now in DHP.!image-2023-04-13-15-25-07-890.png!\'", \'Comment 4: "{code:java} select * --update v --set Status=Status FROM [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[VehicleTickets] v where-- DocumentNumber like \\\'4146/4/2023/D\\\' or DocumentNumber like \\\'4485/4/2023/D\\\' SELECT c.OrderElementId,s.OrderElementId,c.No --update s --set s.OrderElementId=c.OrderElementId FROM [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] c join [Evolution_DHCService].[dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] s on where c.[VehicleTicketId] in(select id FROM [dbo].[VehicleTickets] where DocumentNumber like \\\'4485/4/2023/D\\\')select * FROM [Evolution_DHCService].[dbo].[VehicleTicketExportInfoes] where EntityId=\\\'F96BD737-733F-47DA-BD29-D903E2BF74C7\\\'{code}"\', \'Comment 5: "yep\', \'Comment 6: it is. What\\\'s happen?How to resynchronize vt transfer?"\', "Comment 7: \'For this VT elements there was a difference between the data in DHCservice and DHCServer database in relation to orders elements.It is possible that the issue is related to the RCA DGS-8881 - it will be known if the problem will repeat when the RCA will be solved.\'", "Comment 8: \'ok", \'Comment 9: thanks\', "Comment 10: you can close it.\'", "Comment 11: \'Thank you\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8879\', \'DGS-8881\']\n\n### End'} |
68 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8964\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease remove/archive additional technology VE307617. Plant needs the recipe for an order for this item. Due to additional technology it is now blocked.\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hi Bob,Technology has been archived. Please", "Comment 4: verify.Reards\'", "Comment 5: \'Thank you for the quick response. I now see that the recipe is sent to PCS. This ticket can be closed.\'", "Comment 6: \'Thank you\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
69 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8963\n\n### Instruction:\nDear, \r\nI need to add new period for window "Frekvence a trvání léčby". I need to fill "7 -10 dnů / 7 - 10 dní" for CZ_SK templates and "7 - 10 dní / 7 - 10 napig" for SK_HU templates.\r\nfor templates in annex\r\n\r\nCould you do it till tomorrow pls?\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-2!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 3: \\\'New period for window "Frekvence a trvání léčby" has been added. Please verify and send a feedback.\\\'\', "Comment 4: \'Hi", "Comment 5: it is okay. thx\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
70 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8962\n\n### Instruction:\nDears,\r\n\r\nall list of attached VT is in DHC and not in ERP.\r\n\r\nplease check and advise?\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!image!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'", \'Comment 3: "2023-04-13 11:17:42,374 [169] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:86] - Message with command PurchaseOrderReceiptSave and object id a4c03943-08f2-44fe-bf8f-fdaf8183160f couldn\\\'t be processed. Exception occured:2023-04-13 11:17:42,374 [169] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:87] - System.Exception: Internal server error. Problems witch getting object from database. at Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.BaseQuery`2.GetById(Guid Id) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\BaseQuery.cs:line 89 at Evolution.DHCERPService.EGWebServiceClient.Commands.PurchaseOrderReceiptSaveCommand.Execute(Guid id) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.EGWebServiceClient\\\\\\\\Commands\\\\\\\\PurchaseOrderReceiptSaveCommand.cs:line 42 at Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor.CallClientService(ObjectChangedMessage message) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:line 592023-04-13 11:17:42,390 [157] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.BaseQuery`2 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\BaseQuery.cs:85] - System.Exception: Not all vehicle ticket elements are present."\', "Comment 4: \'!image-2023-04-13-13-59-11-862.png!\'", "Comment 5: \'!image-2023-04-13-14-01-24-456.png!\'", "Comment 6: \'We resend all vt for 1002010 ", \'Comment 7: there were problem with lacking end-dates for item nutrition levels.To other VT : 359\', \'Comment 8: 382\', "Comment 9: are under analisys.\'", "Comment 10: \'dla kolejnego itema znowu nachodzi : !image-2023-04-13-15-11-58-197.png!\'", "Comment 11: \'vt - 382 was also resend", "Comment 12: there were the same problem as for previous one.\'", \'Comment 13: "vt 359 same towary packing!image-2023-04-13-15-42-20-426.png!2023-04-14 00:40:00,847 [40] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:87] - System.Exception: Data were not found for vehicle ticket id 0a01c812-0877-4f0a-abdd-7e754122d8c3 at Evolution.DHCERPService.EGWebServiceClient.Commands.PurchaseOrderReceiptSaveCommand.Execute(Guid id) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.EGWebServiceClient\\\\\\\\Commands\\\\\\\\PurchaseOrderReceiptSaveCommand.cs:line 51 at Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor.CallClientService(ObjectChangedMessage message) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:line 592023-04-14 00:40:16,742 [78] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:86] - Message with command PurchaseOrderReceiptSave and object id 0a01c812-0877-4f0a-abdd-7e754122d8c3 couldn\\\'t be processed. Exception occured:2023-04-14 00:40:16,742 [78] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:87] - System.Exception: Data were not found for vehicle ticket id 0a01c812-0877-4f0a-abdd-7e754122d8c3"\', "Comment 14: \'!image-2023-04-13-16-03-29-390.png!\'", \'Comment 15: "po updatec na forced na 0 przeszło?update VehicleTicketForProcessings set forced=0 where VehicleTicketId=\\\'B979ED97-6D38-434C-BDF5-1E6EE6BF6F47\\\' and VehicleTicketElementId is null"\', "Comment 16: \'please check also 359/4\'", "Comment 17: \'Thanks!all is in ERP. you can close this ticket.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8788\', \'DGS-8936\']\n\n### End'} |
71 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8961\n\n### Instruction:\nProduction location Sneek reports that they have to cancel and recreate VT;s for intake on regular basis, because VT doesn\'t show up in pcs. I checked with the pcs supplier and reason is tha deliveryID is missing. example: 611/4/23\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", \'Comment 2: "VT z 12/4 - jest accepted. {code:java} FROM [DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[WebApiRequestLog] where Headers like \\\'%VT-611/4/23%\\\' or body like \\\'%VT-611/4/23%\\\'{code}!image-2023-04-14-12-43-27-534.png!{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[VehicleTickets] where DocumentNumber=\\\'vt-611/4/23\\\'SELECT * FROM [DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[ExportVehicleTickets] order by 1 desc -- where EntityId=\\\'20520\\\'{code} !screenshot-1! "\', "Comment 3: \'Czy to może być ten case? Mają już 8.5\\\\r\\\\r\'", \'Comment 4: \\\' !screenshot-2! {code:java}<VehicleTicketToPCS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <VehicleTickets> <VehicleTicket> <VehicleTicketNumber>VT-611/4/23</VehicleTicketNumber> <ASNNumber>CL000027027</ASNNumber> <Status>1</Status> <RealisationDate>2023-04-13T04:00:00</RealisationDate> <ForwarderCode>HEU</ForwarderCode> <ForwarderName>HEU</ForwarderName> <PlantId>2</PlantId> <VehiclePlateNumber>TRUCK</VehiclePlateNumber> <VehicleTicketLines> <VehicleTicketLine> <LoadLineNumber>1</LoadLineNumber> <ArticleCode>0642</ArticleCode> <ArticleName>KALKSTEENTJES (CACO3</ArticleName> <PackingForm>BLK</PackingForm> <ItemBaseWeight>0.000000</ItemBaseWeight> <ItemBaseWeightUnit>kg</ItemBaseWeightUnit> <SupplierCode>L002368</SupplierCode> <SupplierName>Cefetra Feed Service B.V.</SupplierName> <EstimatedQuantity>25000.000000</EstimatedQuantity> <EstimatedQuantityUnit>kg</EstimatedQuantityUnit> <DeliveryId xsi:nil="true" /> <LotNumber xsi:nil="true" /> <CountryOfOrigin>*</CountryOfOrigin> <Description xsi:nil="true" /> </VehicleTicketLine> </VehicleTicketLines> </VehicleTicket> </VehicleTickets></VehicleTicketToPCS>{code}{code:java}<ConfirmationMessage xmlns:xsi=""> <ListOfIds> <Id>VT-611/4/23</Id> </ListOfIds></ConfirmationMessage>{code}Oni dostali ten VT i go potwierdzili\\\'\', "Comment 5: \'jakby mieli uwagi przekazać do ponownej weryfikacji do PCS provider.\'", "Comment 6: \'Hi [[email protected]],According to our investigation", \'Comment 7: it looks like PCS did receive this VT on time (!pcsintergation!). VT-611/4/23 was sent to PCS on at 2023-04-12 at 19:05 and PCS confirmed this message on 2023-04-12 at 19:05.Please look at the response message:{code:java}<VehicleTicketToPCS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <VehicleTickets> <VehicleTicket> <VehicleTicketNumber>VT-611/4/23</VehicleTicketNumber> <ASNNumber>CL000027027</ASNNumber> <Status>1</Status> <RealisationDate>2023-04-13T04:00:00</RealisationDate> <ForwarderCode>HEU</ForwarderCode> <ForwarderName>HEU</ForwarderName> <PlantId>2</PlantId> <VehiclePlateNumber>TRUCK</VehiclePlateNumber> <VehicleTicketLines> <VehicleTicketLine> <LoadLineNumber>1</LoadLineNumber> <ArticleCode>0642</ArticleCode> <ArticleName>KALKSTEENTJES (CACO3</ArticleName> <PackingForm>BLK</PackingForm> <ItemBaseWeight>0.000000</ItemBaseWeight> <ItemBaseWeightUnit>kg</ItemBaseWeightUnit> <SupplierCode>L002368</SupplierCode> <SupplierName>Cefetra Feed Service B.V.</SupplierName> <EstimatedQuantity>25000.000000</EstimatedQuantity> <EstimatedQuantityUnit>kg</EstimatedQuantityUnit> <DeliveryId xsi:nil="true" /> <LotNumber xsi:nil="true" /> <CountryOfOrigin>*</CountryOfOrigin> <Description xsi:nil="true" /> </VehicleTicketLine> </VehicleTicketLines> </VehicleTicket> </VehicleTickets></VehicleTicketToPCS>{code}And also on confirmation from pcs:{code:java}<ConfirmationMessage xmlns:xsi=""> <ListOfIds> <Id>VT-611/4/23</Id> </ListOfIds></ConfirmationMessage>{code}Please contact the PCS supplier for further conclusionsRegards\\\'\', "Comment 8: \'Yes it is send and received", \'Comment 9: but as you can see in the response message\', "Comment 10: deliveryID is missing: DeliveryID is needed in the pcs to further process and send back intake weight!afbeelding!\'", "Comment 11: \'Hi [[email protected]],I have created a GDC-923. We will block sending VT to PCS where there will be no delivery yset\'", "Comment 12: \'this ticket can be closed\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8263\', \'DAP-13577\']\n\n### End'} |
72 | {'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8960\n\n### Instruction:\nRecipe 3220.150KAU does not appear in DHP, even though it has been properly created in ERP system, linked with DHC, and there was no problem with technology generation\n\n### Response:\n["Comment 1: [\'!1!!2!\'", "Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'", "Comment 3: \'Hello", \'Comment 4: recipes are now in DHP\', "Comment 5: please check and send a feedback. !image-2023-04-14-07-20-29-532.png!\'", "Comment 6: \'Can you tell me the reason? and will this problem be repeated in the future? thanks in advance\'", "Comment 7: \'Yes,this has been resolved in DHC 3.0.60.Isolated cases can unfortunately occur.\'", "Comment 8: \'thank you", "Comment 9: everything is ok now\'", "Comment 10: \'Thank you for confirmation.\']"]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'} |
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