1 value
Adding a Custom Account Tab to Account Window
7.6.12Adding a Custom Account Tab to Account Window Create a class named apps.refdata.CustomTabAccountPanel that implements com.calypso.apps.refdata.CustomTabAccount. CustomTabAccountPanel is invoked from com.calypso.apps.refdata.AccountFrame.
Applying Custom Validation to Account Attributes
7.6.13Applying Custom Validation to Account Attributes Create a class named apps.refdata.CustomAccountAttributeValidator that implements com.calypso.apps.refdata.AccountAttributeValidator. CustomAccountAttributeValidator is invoked from com.calypso.apps.refdata.AccountFrame prior to saving an account.
Applying Custom Validation to an Account
7.6.14Applying Custom Validation to an Account Create a class named apps.refdata.CustomAccountValidator that implements com.calypso.apps.refdata.AccountValidator. CustomAccountValidator is invoked from com.calypso.apps.refdata.AccountFrame.
Creating a Custom Closing Account Name
7.6.15Creating a Custom Closing Account Name Create a class named that implements the interface CustomClosingAccountName is invoked from when assigning a closing account.
Creating a Custom External Name for Automatic Accounts
7.6.16Creating a Custom External Name for Automatic Accounts Create a class named that implements CustomAccountExternalName is invoked from
Adding Custom Attributes to BOPosting
7.6.17Adding Custom Attributes to BOPosting Custom attributes are saved when the postings are created so that they are part of the matching. To generate the attributes, create a class named that implements The attributes are saved in the posting_attribute table. You can customize the save operation by creating a class named that implements
How to Customize the Posting Sender Engine
7.7 How to Customize the Posting Sender Engine The Posting Sender engine sends the postings generated by the Accounting engine. During the send, the status of a posting is updated (to SENT, RE_SENT or DELETED), and the PostingSenderFormater API is called to produce the output of a posting. You must implement PostingSenderFormater. Note that the scheduled task POSTING_SENDER also calls PostingSenderFormater for formatting postings. Creating a Custom Posting Formatter Create a class named engine.accounting.PostingSenderFormaterImpl that implements com.calypso.engine.accounting.PostingSenderFormater. PostingSenderFormaterImpl is invoked from when saving postings.
How to Customize the Position Engine
7.8 How to Customize the Position Engine
Creating a Custom Liquidation Method
7.8.1 Creating a Custom Liquidation Method Create a class named engine.position.Liquidation<liquidation_method> that extends the class com.calypso.engine.position.Liquidation. Liquidation methods are stored in the “liquidationMethod” domain. Liquidation<liquidation_method> is invoked from com.calypso.engine.position.LiquidationUtil.
Creating a Custom Sort Method
7.8.2 Creating a Custom Sort Method Create a class named<sort_method> that implements java.util.Comparator. Sort methods are stored in the “sortMethod” domain. Comparator<sort_method> is invoked from com.calypso.engine.position.LiquidationUtil for sorting open positions.
Creating a Custom Routine for Computing the Liquidation Date
7.8.3 Creating a Custom Routine for Computing the Liquidation Date Create a class named that implements the interface. LiquidationDateCalculator is invoked from Sample Code in calypsox/tk/mo/ 
Creating a Custom Logic to Load Trade Open Quantities
7.8.4 Creating a Custom Logic to Load Trade Open Quantities Create a class named that implements to load trade open quantities using a custom logic.
How to Customize the Inventory Engine
7.9 How to Customize the Inventory Engine Creating a Custom Inventory Position Selector For example, you want to customize the list of Positions classes handled by the Inventory Engine: INTERNAL, CLIENT, EXTERNAL. Create a class named engine.inventory.InventoryPositionSelector that implements the com.calypso.engine.inventory.PositionSelector interface. InventoryPositionSelector is invoked from com.calypso.engine.inventory.InventoryEngine.
How to Customize the CRE Engine
7.10 How to Customize the CRE Engine The CRE engine generates CREs (accounting events). The CRE engine calls a generic CreHandler to specify how to generate a CRE. CreHandler can call a specific CreHandler for a given product type, or a specific CreEventHandler for a given accounting event. CreHandler also allows adding custom attributes to the generated CREs.
Creating a Custom CRE Handler
7.10.1Creating a Custom CRE Handler Create a class named<product_type>CreHandler or<product_family>CreHandler that extends Implement a get<accounting event type>() method for each accounting event. For example, getCOT() for the COT accounting event. The Product CreHandler is invoked from to generate a CRE for a given product type of family type.
Creating a Custom Event CRE Handler
7.10.2Creating a Custom Event CRE Handler Create a class named<accouting_event_type>CreHandler that implements the interface. The Event CreHandler is invoked from to generate a CRE for a given type of accounting event.
Creating a Custom CRE Description
7.10.3Creating a Custom CRE Description Create a class named that implements CustomFillCreDescription is invoked from to add custom attributes to the generated CREs.
Creating a Custom Persistence Routine for CRE Attributes
7.10.4Creating a Custom Persistence Routine for CRE Attributes Create a class named that implements CreAttributeSQL includes methods for archiving custom attributes that must be implemented. To fully support archiving and restoring of custom attributes, you must define new history tables for any custom attribute tables you have added to the database. CustomCreAttributeSQL is invoked from when saving CREs.
How to Customize the CRE Sender Engine
7.11 How to Customize the CRE Sender Engine The CRE Sender engine sends the CREs generated by the CRE engine. During the send, the status of a CRE is updated (to SENT, RE_SENT or DELETED), and the CreSenderFormater API is called to produce the output of a CRE. You must implement CreSenderFormater. Note that the scheduled task CRE_SENDER also calls CreSenderFormater for formatting CREs. Creating a Custom CRE Formatter Create a class named engine.accounting.CreSenderFormaterImpl that implements com.calypso.engine.accounting.CreSenderFormater. CreSenderFormaterImpl is invoked from when saving CREs. If you are using multi-threading when running the CRE_SENDER the scheduled task, you need to make sure that CreSenderFormaterImpl is thread safe.
How to Customize the Hedge Relationship Engine
7.12 How to Customize the Hedge Relationship Engine The Hedge Relationship engine uses the following process to automatically generate Hedge Relationships using a saved Hedge Relationship Configuration as a template and for events (Trade, etc.) as applicable: • The Hedge Relationship engine selects the hedge relationship configuration to apply using a mapping mechanism between the events it subscribes to and the hedge relationship configuration configured in the system. It builds a list of new hedge relationships based on the selected configuration and on existing relationships also. The mapping mechanism can be customized. • For each hedge relationship configuration, the Hedge Relationship engine calls a generic HedgeRelationshipConfigHandler to specify how to generate the corresponding hedge relationships. The HedgeRelationshipConfigHandler can call a specific HedgeRelationshipConfigHandler for a given Trade and a specific HedgeRelationshipConfig. The Hedge Relationship engine also allows adding custom attributes to generate the Hedge Relationships. • Once all the new relationships have been built, a matching process occurs to compare a set of criteria (ratio, start date, end date, etc.) on the new hedge relationships and the old relationships. The matching mechanism cannot be customized. Creating a Custom Hedge Relationship Config Handler Create a class named The HedgeRelationshipConfigHandler should have a buildHedgingTradeRelationships() method to build hedge relationships for a hedging trade based on the configuration set up and a buildHedgedTradeRelationships() method to build hedge relationships for a hedged trade based on the configuration setup.
How to Customize the Diary Engine
7.13 How to Customize the Diary Engine The Diary Engine listens for trade creation and modification, and generates trade diary objects which stand for all the events related to the trade and to its lifecycle. The Diary Engine calls a generic trade diary handler to specify how to generate the list of diary objects, but it can call a specific handler for a given product. This handler implements the interface Creating a Custom Trade Diary Handler Create a class named tk.product.product_typeTradeDiaryHandler that implements the interface and create a getDiary() method exposed by the interface. If you wish to add a diary object to the generic list, your tk.product.product_typeTradeDiaryHandler custom class must extend the generic class and override the getDiary() method.
How to Customize the Billing Engine
7.14 How to Customize the Billing Engine The purpose of the Billing engine is to generate Billing Fees that must be charged to or delivered to a CounterParty, an Agent, or any Legal Entity involved in a Trade. These Fees are aggregated in a Billing Trade with this Legal Entity as a Counterparty. The Billing engine is able to react on PSEVentTrade(s), PSEventTransfer(s), PSEventMessage(s), PSEventAccountBilling(s), PSEventTask(s) and PSEventMaintenanceTrade(s). When processing an incoming event, the Billing engine first creates, and then processes a BillingEvent. The Billing engine is also able to translate any PSEvent, including Custom events, into a Custom Billing Event. Defining a Custom Billing Event A Billing Event is a Java Class that must implement a Java Interface called BillingEvent. The BillingEvent Interface is defined as follows: public interface BillingEvent extends Externalizable { static final long serialVersionUID = -2533362755239752335L; public void init(int accountId, int tradeId, int tradeVersion, int transferId, int transferVersion, int messageId, int messageVersion, int poId, int bookId, int leId, String leRole, JDate valueDate); public int getBookId(); public Book getBook() throws Exception; public int getProcessingOrgId(); public LegalEntity getProcessingOrg() throws Exception; public int getLegalEntityId(); public LegalEntity getLegalEntity() throws Exception; public String getLegalEntityRole(); public int getAccountId(); public List<Integer> getAccountIds(); public Account getAccount() throws Exception; public int getTradeId(); public Trade getTrade() throws Exception; public int getTradeVersion(); public int getTransferId(); public BOTransfer getTransfer() throws Exception; public int getTransferVersion(); public int getMessageId(); public BOMessage getMessage() throws Exception; public int getMessageVersion(); public long getTaskId(); public Task getTask() throws Exception; public int getTaskVersion(); public boolean matches(BillingEvent event); public String getObjectType(); public int getObjectId(); public Object getObject() throws Exception; public int getObjectVersion(); public JDate getDefaultValueDate(); public JDate getValueDate(String dateType) throws Exception; public boolean getUnderlyingObjectAmendedB(); public boolean getCancelB(); public void setPricingEnv(PricingEnv pricingEnv); public PricingEnv getPricingEnv(); public BillingEvent cloneEvent(); public Map<String, String> getTradeAttributes(); public long getOccurrenceTime(); } This CustomBillingEvent is created by a Custom BillingHandler. Defining a Custom BillingHandler The custom code placed in buildCustomEvent() must create an instance of a Custom implementation of the BillingEvent Interface. calypsox.engine.billing.BillingHandler extends com.calypso.engine.billing.BiilingHandle { public BillingEvent buildCustomEvent(PSEvent event) { // Custom code creating the BillingEvent BillingEvent billingEvent = ..... return billingEvent; } }
How to Customize the Balance Engine
7.15 How to Customize the Balance Engine While the Balance Engine itself cannot be customized, two items are available for customization: • Finding the closing account: Create a class named that implements The default behavior is to use the name of the account being closed, plus the year. • The behavior when Balance Positions have been archived. When balance positions are archived and a posting that falls into the archived range is detected, the default behavior is to not update the archived entries. An error will be logged. “Live” position total values should be correct but will not correspond to the sum of daily changes from archived positions. You can customize the behavior by creating a class named that implements BalanceHistoryHandler. If such a class exists, it will be called and may update archived balance positions. If that handler returns true, no error is logged.
How to Customize the Analysis Server
7.16 How to Customize the Analysis Server You can create a custom event filter named tk.event.AnalysisServerPostTradeEventFilter to filter out trade events. It is invoked from
Message Documents
Section 8. Message Documents Messages in Calypso are converted into documents prior to being physically sent out of the system. These documents may also be edited and stored in the database prior to being sent. By default, Calypso supports the following document formats: HTML, text, XML and SWIFT.
How to Create an HTML Template
8.1 How to Create an HTML Template Templates are supported for the HTML format. Calypso provides a standard set of document templates. You may wish to modify them or to create your own. Templates are associated with messages using Configuration > Messages & Matching > Message Set-up Configuration from the Calypso Navigator. HTML templates contain the text and the format of message documents such as confirmations, payment, or receipt advices or any other message document generated, based upon the Message Setup (refer to the Calypso Messages User Guide for details). Any information that is required from the trade, the message, or the transfer is marked as a keyword in the template. The MessageFormatter extracts the information from the trade and populates the template keywords. Conditional processing is also supported to allow for more flexibility in structuring templates. For example, common header and footer information may be kept in their own files and included in other templates. Sub-documents may also be included based upon conditions. Calypso templates are located under <calypso home>/client/resources/com/calypso/templates. Custom templates should be copied to <calypso home>/tools/calypso- templates/resources/com/calypso/templates. You will then need to deploy the files to your applications servers. Please refer to the Calypso Installation Guide for details. A list of the keywords available for building your own message templates can be seen in Help > Message Template Keywords from the Calypso Navigator. Keywords have the format |keyword name|.
Creating Custom Functions
8.1.1 Creating Custom Functions Although Conditions can retrieve properties for the most commonly used objects (Product, Trade, Transfer, etc.), it is sometimes necessary to use a custom function derive the value. Custom classes can be called directly from the FormatterParser if they are placed in the custom extensions and implementing the FormatterFunction interface. This interface defines one method: public Object call(DSConnection dsCon, BOMessage message, BOTransfer transfer, Trade trade, LEContact sender, LEContact receiver, Vector args); For example, a custom class named MyFunction is placed in the, and this new class implements FormatterFunction. The following code is inserted in the template file: <calypso> if ( MyFunction(“one”, 2) == true ) include “subdocument”; </calypso> FormatterParser will locate the class MyFunction and make a call to its call method as defined above. The args parameter will be a vector with 2 elements representing the arguments “one” and 2. In this case, the semantics suggest that the call() method should return a Boolean object since we’re comparing against a true value. Of course, there’s no real way to check usage so this cannot be enforced. [NOTE: In the event of an error when checking a Condition, the returned result is False. For example, if your condition is performing a Boolean comparison and the returns a String, the Condition will return a false. Therefore, best practice suggests that you should only perform branching based on True evaluation results. Using the NOT operator (!) can result in incorrect branching if an error is encountered during the comparison]
Creating a Custom Display in Document Manager
8.1.2 Creating a Custom Display in Document Manager To provide Document Security, a Document must setup regions. If a document declares no regions, then it defaults to read-only, meaning that it cannot be modified. Regions are defined using the following tags in the HTML template: <!--region:NAME--> ... <!--/region--> This would define a region named NAME. Once regions are defined, permissions can be set on the documents based on the region, using Configuration > Messages & Matching > Document Manager from the Calypso Navigator. Refer to the Calypso Messages User Guide for details. Calypso provides an API to customize HTML document display in the Document Manager. Create a class named that implements
How to Create SWIFT Messages
8.2 How to Create SWIFT Messages A standard set of SWIFT messages are provided by the Calypso system. SWIFT messages can be generated by product type and message type, and are selected using template names, or can be generated from XML templates.
How to use the Generic XML Formatter
8.3 How to use the Generic XML Formatter To use the generic XML message formatter, you must first define your message setup with the message type of your choice and use the message format, XML. Second, create a custom formatter named <Message Type>XMLFormatter (for example CONFIRMXMLFormatter for the message type CONFIRM) that extends AbstractXMLFormatter. Then add the desired keyword parse methods.
How to Create Custom Import of Message Documents
8.4 How to Create Custom Import of Message Documents Create a class named that implements CustomDocumentImporter is invoked from com.calypso.apps.reporting.MessageDocumentWindow. The default implementation is in
MX Messages (BO Messaging Module)
Section 9. MX Messages (BO Messaging Module) The BO Messaging module allows generating MX messages. It uses a Formatter class to generate the AdviceDocument but the formatters provided by this module do not use the standard formatter pattern with the parse<KEYWORD> method. They use ReportStyles instead.
Objects Involved
9.1 Objects Involved When the message type is a MX Message, the MXFormatter is used. This formatter is provided by the bo-messaging module. To generate an advice document, the MXFormatter uses a MessageContext and a MessageGenerator. The MXFormatter does the following: @Override public AdviceDocument generate(PricingEnv env, BOMessage message, boolean newDocument, DSConnection dsCon) throws MessageGenerationException { MessageContext context = buildContext(env, message, dsCon); MessageGenerator generator = getMessageGenerator(context); if (generator == null) { Log.error(this, "Could not find generator for message " + message); return null; } else { return generator.generate(context); } } You can customize the AdviceDocument generation by using your own context or generator. The purpose of the context is to hold necessary data to generate the AdviceDocument, while the MessageGenerator is supposed to create the AdviceDocument. To instantiate the MessageGenerator, the following algorithm is used:<product type>MXMessageGenerator<product family>MXMessageGenerator<product type><format type>MessageGenerator<product family><format type>MessageGenerator<format type>MessageGenerator<product type><format family>MessageGenerator<product family><format family>MessageGenerator<format family>MessageGenerator The class name is built in 3 steps: 1. context.getProductType(),context.getProductFamily(), EMPTY_STRING 2. context.getMessageFamily(), context.getFormatType(), context.getFormatFamily() 3. “MessageGenerator” The following classes are provided out-of-the-box: MXMessageGenerator, SPBMessageGenerator, XMLMessageGenerator, JSONMessageGenerator, CVSMessageGenerator, XHMTLMessageGenerator. You can also build your own MessageContext using the same algorithm with the following input: package: The class name is built in 3 steps: 1. message.getProductType(), message.getProductFamily(), EMPTY_STRING 2. message.getFormatType(), EMPTY_STRING 3. “MessageContext” The following classes are provided out-of-the-box: MXMessageContext and MessageContext. Usually, to generate an MX Message you do not need to define your own MessageGenerator nor any MessageContext. In this documentation we will assume that MXMessageGenerator and MXMessageContext are used.
9.2 MXMessageGenerator This MessageGenerator is based on templating definition. As MXMessageGenerator extends XMLMessageGenerator, it aims to generate an XML file. The XML to generate is based on templating (message template). This template must follow a specific xsd (see template.xsd for a detailed definition). Basically the template contains a list of Element that contains Content. A Content can be an Element, a Report, a Text or an Include. An Include is a link to another template file that needs to be located in the classpath. It is useful if you want to include the exact same piece of XML in different places. A Text is a hardcoded value A Report is a call to a ReportStyle (throuh the method getColumnValue). There will be more details below. An Element is another Element useful to created nested XML element. The rest of this document will provide more details through example. Template example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <template> <contents> <element name="MrgnCallReqId"> <contents> <text> <value>NONREF</value> </text> </contents> </element> <element name="MrgnCallReqValue"> <contents> <report> <column>AColumnName</column> </report> </contents> </element> <element> <contents> <include> <path>SecurityCollateral.xml</path> </include> </contents> </element> </contents> </template> This template will generate the following XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <MrgnCallReqId>NONREF</MrgnCallReqId> <MrgnCallReqValue>foo</MrgnCallReqValue> <.... all content coming from template SecurityCollateral.xml ...> where foo is the result of ReportStyle.getColumnValue(“AColumnName”).
Conditional Element
9.2.1 Conditional Element It is possible to define an element that will be displayed only if some conditions are met. A condition is defining an expression that will be analyzed and executed by the framework. The expression must return a boolean value. If true the element is kept otherwise this element will not be printed. Example: <element name="CodCliNatu"> <condition> <expression>!isEmpty(getReportValue("AColumnName"))</expression> </condition> <contents> <report> <column>Cntp_Attr.CodCliNatu</column> </report> </contents> </element> In this example, it will display the result of getColumnValue(“Cntp_Attr.CodCliNatu”) if ReportStyle.getColumnValue(“AColumnName”) is not empty. If it is, then whatever the value of getColumnValue(“Cntp_Attr.CodCliNatu”) is, the value of the element will be empty. You can add multiple condition as the <condition> element can contain a sequence of <expression>. In this case, this will be considered as AND condition. If you want to write OR condition it has to be in the same expression. Example: <element name="CodCliNatu"> <condition> <expression>!isEmpty(getReportValue("AColumnName")) || getReportValue("AColumnName") == "MySpecificValue" </expression> </condition> <contents> <report> <column>Cntp_Attr.CodCliNatu</column> </report> </contents> </element> Note that even if we test equality on Strings, we use the sign “==”
if then else simulation
9.2.2 if then else simulation It is possible to simulate if < > then <…> else behavior in a template. To do so you can obviously use the condition we just described above. There is another possibility that necessitate less writing. To do so we will introduce the usage of the max attribute that can be added to an element. Let’s imagine you want to display a value from a report style if it exists otherwise you want to add the text UNKNOWN. You can do it that way: <element name="OrgId"> <contents max="1"> <element name="AnyBIC"> <contents> <report> <column>PO_BENEFICIARY_BIC_CODE</column> </report> </contents> </element> <element name="Othr"> <contents> <text> <value>UNKNOWN</value> </text> </contents> </element> </contents> </element> As you can see, the first element contains a content with attribute max=”1”. That means that it could contains only one nested element. As soon as an element is non null the parser will stop evaluating the other elements. Here if ReportStyle.getColumnValue(“PO_BENEFICIARY_BIC_CODE”) returns a non empty String, the resulting XML is: <OrgId> <AnyBIC>MyBICCode</AnyBIC> </OrgId> otherwise it is: <OrgId> <Othr>UNKNOWN</Othr> </OrgId> In such situation we did not have to use any conditions which simplifies the way to write a template.
Attributes Element
9.2.3 Attributes Element It is possible to add attributes in an element as for example the case of an Amount / Currency Example: <element name="Amt"> <attributes> <attribute name="Ccy"> <value> <report> <column>SettleCurrency</column> </report> </value> </attribute> </attributes> <contents> <report> <column>Settle Amount</column> </report> </contents> </element> the resulting XML is: <Amt Ccy="USD">1000000</Amt>
Modifying the output
9.2.4 Modifying the output It is possible to use some built-in function that permits to modify the output before printing it. format attribute The report element supports an attribute named format. This attribute permit to format the result of a report. We can use it to format Date or Number. To format a Date, the SimpleDateFormat class is used and so format take a String that is manageable by SimpleDateFormat. Example: <element name="anElement"> <contents> <report format="EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z"> <column>Entered Date</column> </report> </contents> </element> Of course in such situation, the ReportStyle.getColumnValue must return Date, JDate or JDatetime object. See for more examples on the supported format. To format a number, NumberFormat from java is used. Example: <element name="Amount"> <contents> <report format="######.######"> <column>Settle Amount</column> </report> </contents> </element> See for more information on the supported format. transformation element It is also possible to use the element transformation in order to manipulate the result given by the report. Out of the box, few transformations are provided. You can add multiple transformation to same result. Provided transformations are: • regexp • substring • function When function is select, then you can use the function. You can write your own functions or use one of the provided ones. Provided functions are: • lower • capital • words • upper • trim • swiftISOCode • deaccent If you want to add your own function you will need to a new method in your formatter and you will have to annotate this method by the Function annotation. Some examples: <element name="Pmt"> <contents> <report> <column>Delivery Type</column> <transformations> <transformation> <from>DAP</from> <to>APMT</to> </transformation> <transformation> <from>DFP</from> <to>FREE</to> </transformation> </transformations> </report> </contents> </element> Note that transformations are used in the order they are written. When multiple transformations are used, the output of one transformation is the input of the next one. In the example above, we simply change the string in the <from> tag by the one in the <to> tag. If the from is not found nothing happens. <element name="atag"> <content> <report> <column>Payer.Agent.Identifier</column> <transformations> <transformation type="regexp"> <from>^.*/</from> <to></to> </transformation> </transformations> </report> </content> </element> In this case, the element that matches the regular expression will be replace by the content of the <to> tag, here nothing. <element name="Status"> <contents> <report> <column>TradeStatus</column> <transformations> <transformation type="function"> <to>words</to> </transformation> <transformation type="function"> <to>lower</to> </transformation> <transformation type="function"> <to>capital</to> </transformation> </transformations> </report> </contents> </element> <element> <contents> <report> <column>Swift</column> <transformations> <transformation type="substring"> <to>8</to> </transformation> <transformation type="function"> <to>lower</to> </transformation> </transformations> </report> </contents> </element>
9.3 ReportStyle The Formatter uses report style to get the different values. The formatter uses a MessageContextReportHandler. This class is looked up using the concatenation of these 3 strings: 1. context.getProductType(), context.getProductFamily(),EMPTY_STRING 2. context.getMessageFamily(), context.getFormatType(), context.getFormatFamily(), EMPTY_STRING 3. MessageContextReportHandler This lookup is done in package The MessageContextReportHandler is responsible of managing the retrieval of the data. It is also responsible of the function definition for feature you want to use in the condition tag. These functions need to be defined using the @Function annotation. It is recommended to always inherit from the class This class already provides the following functions that can be used (please note that the first argument of the function always needs to be MessageContext). This list is not exhaustive: • getReportType return the report type base on the object we are working on (ie Subject, this will be described later) • checkStaticDataFilter take as argument the name of a SDFilter and check it against the Trade, the BOTransfer and the BOMessage using the accept method • getTimeZone return the timezone store in the context • getCharacterEncoding returns the Charset stored in the context • getLocale returns the Locale stored in the context • currentJDatetime returns the current JDatetime • currentJDate returns the current JDate • isEmpty exists with 2 types of arguments, a String or an Object. Returns whether the String is null or empty or if the Object is null or if Object.toString is null or empty • length returns the length of the String passed as argument • isTrue returns Boolean.TRUE if the given String represent a value that is true • isFalse returns the opposite of isTrue • equalsIgnoreCase tests 2 String ignoring the case • contains checks whether the first String contains the second one • startsWith checks if the first String starts with the second one • endsWith checks if the first String ends with the second one • toString return a string value for any objects of type JDatetime, JDate, Date, Boolean, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, String MessageContextReportHandler is responsible of calling the report style. To select which report style needs to be called, for following algorithm to build the report style is used: 1. context.getProductType(),context.getProductFamily(), EMPTY_STRING 2. context.getMessageFamily(), context.getFormatType(), context.getFormatFamily(), EMPTY_STRING 3. Message (if the context subject is a BOMessage), Transfer (if the context subject is a BOTransfer), Fee (if the context subject is Fee), CashFlow (if the context subject is a CashFlow and not a Fee) or the context subject object class name. 4. ReportStyle If a value is found, it is returned, otherwise a check is done on the parent context handler. If you want to write your own ReportStyle, it is highly suggested that you extend the class When doing so you can implement the method public Object getColumnValue(ReportRow row, String columnName, Vector errors) In this method you can look for any column name and return a value if you want. If you do not manage the columnName in your method, it is recommended to call at the end of the method getColumnValue the method public Object callAfterColumnValue(ReportRow row, String columnName, Vector<String> errors). You can set the underlying report style of your own custom style by calling setUnderlyingReportStyle. This permits to have a hierarchy of report style.
context tag
9.4 context tag It is possible to switch the object you are working on by default when writing an element tag. To do so, you need to use the context tag. The object you are working on is defined by the method public List<Object> getReportObjects(MessageContext context, String relatedObjectType) from class MessageContextReportHandler. When you add the context tag to an element tag, then this method will be called, and based on the name of the context you are providing, the subject of the context can change.
Basic usage
9.4.1 Basic usage For example: <element name="TradgSdId"> <context> <to>ProcessingOrgContact</to> </context> <contents> <element name="SubmitgPty"> <contents> <element name="AnyBIC"> <contents> <element name="AnyBIC"> <contents> <report> <column>Swift</column> </report> </contents> </element> </contents> </element> </contents> </element> </contents> </element> As soon as we parse the element TradgSdId, we switch context. The method getReportObjects is called from the current MessageContextReportHandler and it returns a list of objects based on the value ProcessingOrgContact. Here it will return a LEContact object which is the sender contact. That means that until we get out of parsing TradegSdId and its inner element, the object we are working on is no more the BOMessage but the LEContact. So when the report column value is called on “Swift” column, as the object is a LEContact, the report style which is created is a LEContactReportStyle and its getColumnValue is called. This can simplify a lot the way to write template by making sure which object we are working on.
Iterator Usage
9.4.2 Iterator Usage As when you switch context you can return a new list of objects, it can be easily used to create iterators. If you have a trade keyword which is a String that represents a comma separated list of values that you want to display as: <keywords> <tradeKeyword>value1</tradeKeyword> <tradeKeyword>value2</tradeKeyword> <tradeKeyword>value3</tradeKeyword> </keywords> Then you need to create a template that looks like: <element name="keywords"> <context> <to>SplitKeywords</to> </context> <contents> <element name="tradeKeyword"> <contents> <report> <column>TRADE_KEYWORD.keywordsplitted</column> </report> </contents> </element> </contents> </element> you then need to provide your own MessageContextReportHandler by creating for instance a class named <ProductType><MessageFamily>MessageContextReportHandler This class has to extend MessageContextReportHandler and its method getObjects has to look like: @Override public List<Object> getReportObjects(MessageContext context, String relatedObjectType) throws MessageGenerationException { List<Object> newSubjects = new ArrayList<Object>(); if ("SplitKeywords".equals(relatedObjectType)) { if (context.getTrade() != null && !Util.isEmpty(context.getTrade().getKeywordValue(COD_CLAUS_ESPFCO_IF_ATTRIBUTE))) { String keyword = context.getTrade().getKeywordValue(COD_CLAUS_ESPFCO_IF_ATTRIBUTE); List<String> keywords = Util.stringToList(keyword); for (String k : keywords) { Trade t = context.getTrade().clone(); t.addKeyword("keywordsplitted",k); newSubjects.add(t); } } } else { newSubjects = super.getReportObjects(context, relatedObjectType); } return newSubjects; } As you can see, when the context is SplitKeywords a call to getReportObjects is done and the trade is retrieved from the context, a specific keyword is retrieved, and its value is split. Then Trades (cloned) are added as subjects with a new trade keyword for each of them. The part of the template will be called for each subject: <element name="tradeKeyword"> <contents> <report> <column>TRADE_KEYWORD.keywordsplitted</column> </report> </contents> </element>
9.5 MXMessageValidator The XML document generated by MXMessageGenerator can be validated against an XML Schema Definition (XSD). The MXMessageValidator checks if all the properties defined in the XSD are respected. For instance: in the below XSD the Element BICFI is a type of “BICFIDec2014Identifier” <xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="BICFI" type="BICFIDec2014Identifier"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation source="Name" xml:lang="EN">BICFI</xs:documentation> <xs:documentation source="Definition" xml:lang="EN">Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)".</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> And the definition of type “BICFIDec2014Identifier” is : <xs:simpleType name="BICFIDec2014Identifier"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation source="Name" xml:lang="EN">BICFIDec2014Identifier</xs:documentation> <xs:documentation source="Definition" xml:lang="EN">Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO 9362: 2014 - "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)".</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:pattern value="[A-Z0-9]{4,4}[A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{2,2}([A-Z0- 9]{3,3}){0,1}"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> Then if the MXMessageGenerator return a value of BICFI = BICINTRXXXXDDDDD, the MXMessageValidator will generate a warning message because it doesn’t respect the described rules. You should then face an error like this one: cvc-pattern-valid: Value 'BICINTRXXXXDDDDD' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern '[A-Z0-9]{4,4}[A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{2,2}([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}' for type 'BICFIDec2014Identifier'.
Specifying the Template to be used for a Custom Gateway
9.6 Specifying the Template to be used for a Custom Gateway To specify the template to be used for a custom gateway, you can create a class named bomsg.<gateway>GatewayResolver that implements the interface com.calypso.bomsg.GatewayResolver. The method getGatewayTemplateName() should return the template to be used: • SAA includes the DataPDU header • MX does not include the DataPDU header
Market Data
Section 10. Market Data Market Data 10.1 Quotes Quotes and How they are used in Calypso 10.1.1How to Use Quotes QuoteSet is a repository for quote values that are used for pricing and curve generation. Typically, you would obtain a QuoteSet object from a given PricingEnv. The following example illustrates how to use QuoteSet. Specifically, it shows how to obtain quote values for a given product and for the curve underlying instruments used by a given curve. Furthermore, it illustrates how to manipulate quote values (bumping the quotes by 1bp) and use the bumped quotes for curve generation. [NOTE: There are other methods in the QuoteSet class that are not used in the example. For example, there are methods specifically for getting FX quotes, rate index quotes, etc.] Sample Code  samples/cookbook/ 10.1.2How to Subscribe to Real-time Quotes The following example illustrates how to subscribe to real-time quotes. The sample program regenerates a given zero curve every few seconds using the latest real-time quotes. Create a class that implements the interface. The key method is the newQuote() method which is invoked whenever a real-time quote is available. Tip Before running the program, ensure that you have the proper real-time feed configuration in the system. Refer to Calypso Market Data Server documentation for information on setting up a real-time feed. 10.1.3How to Connect to a Custom Feed Source Calypso provides an API to extend the system to support any real-time feed source. The following example demonstrates how to connect to a real-time feed source. Overview of Steps • Step 1 — Create a FeedHandler • Step 2 — Register the new FeedHandler Step 1 — Creating a FeedHandler. Create a class named tk.marketdata.<feed_name>FeedHandler that extends The FeedHandler is responsible for creating a physical connection to the real-time feed and providing a mapping between Calypso quote names and feed quote names based on the Feed Address Config. <feed_name>FeedHandler is invoked from Step 2 — Registering the new FeedHandler. The feed must first be registered with the system before it can be used. To do so, add the feed name to the “feedType” domain. Then, you must configure the feed: » Specify connection parameters using Configuration > Market Data > Feed Configuration from the Calypso Navigator as shown in the example below. Check Is Default if you wish to use this feed as the default feed. » Map Calypso quote names to the feed’s quote names using Configuration > Market Data > Feed Address Mapping from the Calypso Navigator as shown in the example below. Refer to the Calypso Market Data Server documentation for information on setting up a real-time feed.
How to Use Quotes
10.1.1How to Use Quotes QuoteSet is a repository for quote values that are used for pricing and curve generation. Typically, you would obtain a QuoteSet object from a given PricingEnv. The following example illustrates how to use QuoteSet. Specifically, it shows how to obtain quote values for a given product and for the curve underlying instruments used by a given curve. Furthermore, it illustrates how to manipulate quote values (bumping the quotes by 1bp) and use the bumped quotes for curve generation. [NOTE: There are other methods in the QuoteSet class that are not used in the example. For example, there are methods specifically for getting FX quotes, rate index quotes, etc.] Sample Code  samples/cookbook/
How to Subscribe to Real-time Quotes
10.1.2How to Subscribe to Real-time Quotes The following example illustrates how to subscribe to real-time quotes. The sample program regenerates a given zero curve every few seconds using the latest real-time quotes. Create a class that implements the interface. The key method is the newQuote() method which is invoked whenever a real-time quote is available. Tip Before running the program, ensure that you have the proper real-time feed configuration in the system. Refer to Calypso Market Data Server documentation for information on setting up a real-time feed.
How to Connect to a Custom Feed Source
10.1.3How to Connect to a Custom Feed Source Calypso provides an API to extend the system to support any real-time feed source. The following example demonstrates how to connect to a real-time feed source. Overview of Steps • Step 1 — Create a FeedHandler • Step 2 — Register the new FeedHandler Step 1 — Creating a FeedHandler. Create a class named tk.marketdata.<feed_name>FeedHandler that extends The FeedHandler is responsible for creating a physical connection to the real-time feed and providing a mapping between Calypso quote names and feed quote names based on the Feed Address Config. <feed_name>FeedHandler is invoked from Step 2 — Registering the new FeedHandler. The feed must first be registered with the system before it can be used. To do so, add the feed name to the “feedType” domain. Then, you must configure the feed: » Specify connection parameters using Configuration > Market Data > Feed Configuration from the Calypso Navigator as shown in the example below. Check Is Default if you wish to use this feed as the default feed. » Map Calypso quote names to the feed’s quote names using Configuration > Market Data > Feed Address Mapping from the Calypso Navigator as shown in the example below. Refer to the Calypso Market Data Server documentation for information on setting up a real-time feed.
How to Customize Quotes from a Live Feed
10.1.4How to Customize Quotes from a Live Feed Calypso provides an API that allows clients to customize quotes sourced from a live feed, such as Reuters or Bloomberg. The API allows customization of quotes, for example, in cases where quotes are needed from a market in a different region of the world that hasn’t opened, for illiquid quotes (e.g., only Bid and no Ask instance is available), or quotes that are for one reason or another erroneous. Normally, the Market Data Server looks for a hard coded RTFeedImpl implementation of RTFeed. The environment property RT_FEED_IMPL allows for customization. Follow the steps below. Step 1 – Create a custom class name that extends RTFeedImpl. (e.g., "tk.risk.service.TESTRTFeedImpl") Step 2 – Regiser the class in the environment property RT_FEED_IMPL. (e.g., RT_FEED_IMPL = "tk.risk.service.TESTRTFeedImpl") The following example code sets the Bid and Ask quotes to the Last instance if null. public class TESTRTFeedImpl extends RTFeedImpl { @Override public void newQuote(FeedHandler handler, QuoteValue qv) { if (QuoteValue.isNull(qv.getBid()) && !QuoteValue.isNull(qv.getLast())){ qv.setBid(qv.getLast()); } if (QuoteValue.isNull(qv.getAsk()) && !QuoteValue.isNull(qv.getLast())){ qv.setAsk(qv.getLast()); } super.newQuote(handler, qv); } }
Market Data Items
10.2 Market Data Items
How to Create a Custom Curve
10.2.1How to Create a Custom Curve Do the following to create a custom curve: 1. Create a class named tk.marketdata.<curve_type> that extends the abstract base class The <curve_type> class is invoked from 2. To make the curve persistent, create a class named tk.marketdata.sql.<curve_type>SQL that extends the abstract base class <curve_type>SQL is invoked from 3. If the curve is persistent, create a database table and a corresponding stored procedure for storing the curve’s instances. 4. Register the curve in the “marketDataType” domain.
How to Populate a Curve with Quotes
10.2.2How to Populate a Curve with Quotes A sample program shows how to populate a curve with quotes: samples/
How to Create a Custom Volatility Surface
10.2.3How to Create a Custom Volatility Surface Do the following to create a custom volatility surface: 1. Create a class named tk.marketdata.<vol_surface_type> that extends the class, The <vol_surface_type> class is invoked from 2. To make the volatility surface persistent, create a class named tk.marketdata.sql.<vol_surface_type>SQL that extends the abstract base class <vol_surface_type>SQL is invoked from 3. If the volatility surface is persistent, create a database table and a corresponding stored procedure for storing the volatility surface’s instances. 4. Register the volatility surface into the “marketDataType” domain.
How to make a Custom Market Data Item Available for Selection
10.2.4How to make a Custom Market Data Item Available for Selection You can make your market data item available in the market data selector for loading, saving and deleting. Create a class named apps.marketdata.<market_data_type>Selector that implements the com.calypso.apps.marketdata.MarketDataItemSelector interface. <market_data_type>Selector is invoked by com.calypso.apps.marketdata.MarketDataUtil.
How to Display a Custom Market Data Item
10.2.5How to Display a Custom Market Data Item Create a class named apps.marketdata.<market_data_type>Window that implements the interface com.calypso.apps.marketdata.MarketDataItemViewer. <market_data_type>Window is invoked from com.calypso.apps.marketdata.MarketDataUtil.
How to add a Custom Menu Item to a Curve Window
10.2.6How to add a Custom Menu Item to a Curve Window Create a class named apps.marketdata.CustomCurveMenu<name> that implements the interface com.calypso.apps.marketdata.CustomCurveMenu. CustomCurveMenu<name> is invoked from the Curve windows.
How to add a Custom Menu Item to the VolatilitySurface3D Window
10.2.7How to add a Custom Menu Item to the VolatilitySurface3D Window Create a class named apps.marketdata.CustomVolSurfaceMenu<generator_name> that implements the interface com.calypso.apps.marketdata.CustomVolSurfaceMenu. CustomVolSurfaceMenu<generator_name> is invoked from com.calypso.apps.marketdata.VolatilitySurface3DWindow.
How to Create a Custom Volatility Surface Selector
10.2.8How to Create a Custom Volatility Surface Selector Create a class named apps.marketdata.VolatilitySurface3DSelector that implements com.calypso.apps.marketdata.VolatilitySurface3DSelector. It is invoked from com.calypso.apps.marketdata.VolatilitySurface3DWindow. 10.3 Curve Generation How Curves are used in Calypso 10.3.1How to Create a Custom Curve Interpolator Create a class named tk.core.<name> that extends the abstract base class The <name> class is invoked from
How to Create a Custom Curve Interpolator
10.3.1How to Create a Custom Curve Interpolator Create a class named tk.core.<name> that extends the abstract base class The <name> class is invoked from
How to Create a Custom Curve Generation Algorithm
10.3.2How to Create a Custom Curve Generation Algorithm The Calypso framework allows users to add new curve generation algorithms to the system. To allow for maximum flexibility, the framework allows additional input and output values to be added to the curve for curve generation. The system has built-in capabilities to save, retrieve, and display any new input and output value required. Specifically, the system can accommodate the following extensions for input and output values: • Input parameters • Adjustments to quote values • Adjustments to curve points There are various ways in which adjustments to curve points can be used. For example, a pricer can use the adjustment values in pricing or a new curve point interpolator can use the adjustment values when interpolating curve points. In this example we will create a generation algorithm for a zero curve which will make use of the input/output extensions. The curve generation algorithm will require alpha and beta for input parameters, correlation for quote value adjustment, and coefficient for curve point adjustment. The algorithm will create a curve point for each underlying instrument with value equals (1+alpha) multiplied by (1+beta) multipled by the quote value of underlying instrument. The coefficient for curve point is calculated by multiplying the quote value of underlying instrument by the correlation value for the quote. Overview of Steps • Step 1 — Create a CurveGenerator • Step 2 — Register the new CurveGenerator • Step 3 – Create a CurveGeneratorGuiUtil to display the custom curve parameters if any Step 1 — Creating a CurveGenerator. Create a class named tk.marketdata.CurveGenerator<name> which extends the abstract base class [NOTE: For zero curves, the CurveGenerator class should extend] The usesQuoteAdjustment() method allows a curve generator to specify whether or not to display adjustment columns. The curve window does not display adjustment columns if the method returns false. The method returns true by default. The notifyChange() method will regenerate the curve if the underlying has changed. CurveGenerator<name> is invoked from Step 2 — Registering the new CurveGenerator. To register the new CurveGenerator, click the button next to the Generation Alg field in the Curve window where you want this CurveGenerator, then add the CurveGenerator in the Add Domain window, as shown below. The new CurveGenerator will be available for selection. When the curve is generated, the output contains the point adjustment coefficient under the Points panel of the Curve Window as applicable. Step 3 – Create a CurveGeneratorGuiUtil. Create a class named apps.marketdata.CurveGenerator<name>GUIUtil that implements com.calypso.apps.marketdata.CurveGeneratorGuiUtil. The input parameters will appear under the Quotes panel of the Curve Window as applicable.
How to Make Generator Parameters Persistent
10.3.3How to Make Generator Parameters Persistent Create a class named tk.marketdata.sql.CurveGenerator<name>SQL that implements CurveGenerator<name>SQL is invoked from
How to Display Generator Parameters in a Popup Window
10.3.4How to Display Generator Parameters in a Popup Window [NOTE: This also applies to generator parameters for volatility surface] The user can launch a GeneratorParameter window by double-clicking in the Parameters table of the Curve window or Volatility Surface window under the Quotes panel. Create a class named apps.marketdata.GeneratorParameter<parameter_name> that implements the interface com.calypso.apps.marketdata.GeneratorParameter. GeneratorParameter<parameter_name> is invoked from com.calypso.apps.marketdata.GeneratorParameterUtil.
How to Create a Custom Curve Underlying Instrument
10.3.5How to Create a Custom Curve Underlying Instrument Do the following to create a custom curve underlying instrument: 1. Create a class named tk.marketdata.CurveUnderlying<instrument_type> that extends the abstract base class CurveUnderlying<instrument_type> is invoked from 2. To make the curve underlying instrument persistent, create a class named tk.marketdata.sql.CurveUnderlying<instrument_type>SQL that extends the class CurveUnderlying<instrument_type>SQL will be invoked from 3. Register the new curve underlying instrument in the “CustomCurveUnderlying” domain.
How to Display a Custom Curve Underlying Instrument
10.3.6How to Display a Custom Curve Underlying Instrument Create a class named apps.marketdata.CU<instrument_type>Panel which implements the interface com.calypso.apps.marketdata.CUPanel. CU<instrument_type>Panel is invoked from com.calypso.apps.marketdata.CUWindow, which displays a panel for the new curve underlying instrument.
How to use a Custom Curve Underlying Instrument
10.3.7How to use a Custom Curve Underlying Instrument Contact Help Desk for an example of using a custom curve underlying instrument for curve generation. 10.4 Volatility Surface Generation How Volatility Surfaces are used 10.4.1How to Create a Custom Volatility Surface Interpolator Create a class named tk.core.<interpolator_name> which extends the abstract base class The <interpolator_name> class is invoked from and
How to Create a Custom Volatility Surface Interpolator
10.4.1How to Create a Custom Volatility Surface Interpolator Create a class named tk.core.<interpolator_name> which extends the abstract base class The <interpolator_name> class is invoked from and
How to Create a Custom Volatility Surface Generation Algorithm
10.4.2How to Create a Custom Volatility Surface Generation Algorithm Overview of Steps • Step 1 — Create a VolSurfaceGenerator • Step 2 — Register the new VolSurfaceGenerator Step 1 — Creating a VolSurfaceGenerator. Create a class named tk.marketdata.VolSurfaceGen<name> that extends the abstract base class VolSurfaceGen<name> is invoked from and Step 2 — Registering the New VolSurfaceGenerator. To register the new VolSurfaceGenerator, click the ... button next to the Generation field in the Volatility Surface window where you want this VolSurfaceGenerator, and add the VolSurfaceGenerator in the Add Domain window as shown below. The new VolSurfaceGenerator will be available for selection. Note that for FX volatility surface generators, derived generators are registered in the domain “FXVolSurfaceGenerator,” and simple generators are registered in the domain “FXVolSurface.gensimple.”
How to Make Generator Parameters Persistent
10.4.3How to Make Generator Parameters Persistent Create a class named tk.marketdata.sql.VolSurfaceGenerator<name>SQL that implements VolSurfaceGenerator<name>SQL is invoked from Sample Code in calypsox/tk/marketdata/ 
How to Display Generator Parameters in a Popup Window
10.4.4How to Display Generator Parameters in a Popup Window See “How to Display Generator Parameters in a Popup Window."
How to Create a Custom Volatility Surface Underlying Instrument
10.4.5How to Create a Custom Volatility Surface Underlying Instrument Do the following for creating a custom volatility surface underlying instrument: 1. Create a class named tk.marketdata.VolSurfaceUnderlying<instrument_type> that extends the abstract base class VolSurfaceUnderlying<instrument_type> is invoked from 2. To make the volatility surface underlying instrument persistent, create a class named tk.marketdata.sql.VolSurfaceUnderlying<instrument_type>SQL that extends the class VolSurfaceUnderlying<instrument_type>SQL is invoked from 3. Register the new volatility surface underlying instrument in the “CustomVolSurfaceUnderlying” domain. Sample Code in calypsox/tk/marketdata/ VolSurfaceUnderlying sample: 
How to Display a Custom Volatility Surface Underlying Instrument
10.4.6How to Display a Custom Volatility Surface Underlying Instrument Create a class named apps.marketdata.VolUnderlying<instrument_type>Panel that implements the interface com.calypso.apps.marketdata.VolUnderlyingPanel. VolUnderlying<instrument_type>Panel is invoked from com.calypso.apps.marketdata.VolUnderlyingWindow, which displays a panel for the new volatility surface underlying instrument. Sample Code in calypsox/apps/marketdata/ 
How to Create a Custom Volatility Type
10.4.7How to Create a Custom Volatility Type Create a class named tk.marketdata.VolatilityType<name> that implements VolatilityType<name> is invoked from
How to Create a Custom Correlation Type
10.4.8How to Create a Custom Correlation Type Create a class named tk.marketdata.CorrelationType<name> that extends the abstract base class CorrelationType<name> is invoked from
How to Create Custom Selection Criteria for Filter Sets
10.4.9How to Create Custom Selection Criteria for Filter Sets Create a class named tk.marketdata.CustomFilter that implements the interface This class will be invoked from
How to Store Underlying Market Data with a Volatility Surface
10.4.10 How to Store Underlying Market Data with a Volatility Surface Write a custom generator which implements the methods getMDIParameterNames and getMDIParameterType(String s). Restart the Calypso Navigator and, in the Volatility Surface window, register the custom generator by clicking the ... button next to the Generation field in the Volatility Surface window where you want this generator, and add MDI in the Add Domain window:
Pricer Configuration
10.5 Pricer Configuration How to Extend the Pricer Config Custom Panel Create a class named tk.product.<product_type>MDataSelector that implements the interface <product_type>MDataSelector is invoked from com.calypso.apps.marketdata.PCProductSpecificMDPanel2.
Trade Object
11.1 Trade Object The trade object references five other objects: the trading book, the bundle the trade belongs to (if any), the counterparty to the trade, the exchange the product is traded on (if any), and the product being traded. There are some aspects to every trade and are common across all products, these details are left on the trade object itself. Details common to most trades, and which are also included on the trade object itself, are: ID, Status, Trade Date, Settle Date, Quantity, Negotiated Price, Negotiated Price Type, Trade Currency, Settle Currency, Trader Name, Salesperson Name, Comment, Keywords, and Fees. These common trade details make up the common components of a trade screen shared across products. The example below is of a CDS Index trade screen:
Product Object
11.2 Product Object A financial product is any instrument that can be traded. This includes contracts that are traded multiple times, such as bonds, futures contracts, and stocks, and it also includes one-off deals that are structured to meet client requirements and traded only once, like an interest rate swap or cap. Every product must extend the base abstract Product class and any subclass of the Product class must override its abstract methods.
Abstract Methods
11.2.1Abstract Methods The product object has four abstract methods to be overwritten: getPrincipal(), getProductClass(), getProductFamily(), and hasSecondaryMarket(). The first method returns the principal or notional of the product being traded. The second two methods getProductClass() and getProductFamily() simply return Strings of the type of product and product family this product belongs to. The last method returns a Boolean indicating whether or not this product is multiply traded or not. A return value of false would indicate that this instrument is a one-off deal like an interest rate swap or cap.
Public Methods
11.2.2Public Methods There are several methods already available to any product extending the Product class. Some should be overridden if such a method makes sense for your product and a few methods shouldn’t be overridden as it may interfere with the functionality of the system. In addition to these methods, there are several interfaces which when implemented will add functionality to certain categories of products. These interfaces are covered in the next section. The methods that shouldn’t be overridden in the Product class are the getName() and getType() methods. These methods are used internally for referring to this object. The getName() method will call the getDescription() method (which should be overridden) and the getType() returns the class name. The other methods in the Product class should be overridden only if it makes sense for your particular product. One method that should always be overridden is the getDescription() method. This returns a String that describes the product being traded along with its relevant details. A good description would contain the more salient details of the product. More methods that might make sense to override for a given product are: getCurrency(), getPutCall(), getStrike(), getMaturityDate(), getRateIndex(), getSubType(), and the cash flow generation methods generateFlows(), and calculate().
11.2.3Cashflows Some products can be realized as a series of cash flows between parties, such as bond coupon payments or simple interest payments. For those products that have cash flows, each product is responsible for generating its own cash flows. This is accomplished through the generateFlows(JDate) method and once the cash flow dates have been created all known data such as saved quotes will be filled in by the calculate(CashFlowSet, PricingEnv, JDate) method on the product.
Product Interfaces
11.3 Product Interfaces There are many public interfaces in the package available for use in the product objects. Each interface models a specific characteristic in a financial derivative. A sample of available interfaces is listed below. Product Interface Description CallablePuttable All products having optionality should implement this interface. CashFlowGenerationBased All products that require cash flow generation must implement this interface. This interface is used by the CashFlowGenerator for cash flow generation. CollateralBased All products that have collaterals must implement this interface. This interface is used by the reports. CreditEventBased All product classes that can be impacted by credit events, such as credit default swaps, should implement this interface. CreditRisky Credit risky products should implement this interface. EventTypeActionBased Any product that will maintain a schedule of EventTypeActions should implement this interface. Each EventTypeAction represents a change to the product’s parameters that is effective at a given time. Exercisable All options must implement this interface. FIRollOver This class defines how a product should implement RollOver. ForexRollOver This class defines how an FX product should implement RollOver. Option All option products must implement this interface. Product Interface Description RateResetBased All products that must handle special actions during a change in the rate reset must implement this interface. SpecificResetBased To handle specific resets, a product implements the SpecificResetBased interface. This interface requires the implementation of the method getSpecificResets(), which returns a vector of ProductReset. The pricers use the vector of ProductReset to calculate cashflows known interest amounts.
Writing a New Product
11.4 Writing a New Product Writing a new product amounts to extending the Product class, implementing any required interfaces, and defining any necessary variables specific to the product. Choose which methods to override from the Product class and create getters and setters for the new variables. [NOTE: This document only covers the creation of a new Product to allow trade capture. Please contact Calypso Professional Services for handling cross asset reporting and back office functions for custom products] Example: Weather Derivatives Weather derivatives are financial instruments that can be used by organizations or individuals as part of a risk management strategy to reduce risk associated with adverse or unexpected weather conditions. The difference from other derivatives is that the underlying asset (rain/temperature/snow) has no direct value to price the weather derivative. Farmers can use weather derivatives to hedge against poor harvests caused by drought or frost; theme parks may want to insure against rainy weekends during peak summer seasons; and gas and power companies may use heating degree days (HDD) or cooling degree days (CDD) contracts to smooth earnings. Heating Degree Days/Cooling Degree Days are one of the most common types of weather derivative. Typical terms for an HDD contract would be: for the November to March period, for each day where the temperature falls below 18 degrees Celsius (or 65 degrees Fahrenheit) keep a cumulative count. Depending upon whether the option is a put option or a call option, pay out a set amount per heating degree day that the actual count differs from the strike (usually $20 per unit). As an example, suppose we have purchased a thirty day HDD contract at 65 degrees Fahrenheit. During those thirty days each day average temperature is 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Then at the end of the thirty day term we are entitled to a payout of (15 * 30) $20 = $9,000. There is no Weather Derivative product currently in Calypso, so if we were to make one we would need the following variables: a Start Date, End Date, the strike Temperature, a toggle whether this temperature is in Celsius or Fahrenheit, also a toggle to indicate whether or not this is an HDD or CDD contract, and the location the temperature is to be measured from. In addition we will make the payout equal to the notional times the number heating or cooling units so we will need a variable for the notional and the currency of the notional. The following section contains an outline to create this product in Calypso. Write a New Product Create the necessary variables and methods. Step 1 - Extend the Product Class and create the following variables of the appropriate types: • startDate • maturityDate • notional • currency • temperature • fahrenheit_b (boolean) • hdd_b (boolean) • location Step 2 - Create public getters and setters for all of these variables. If you are using an IDE such as Eclipse, there are tools to automatically generate these methods. Step 3 - Override the abstract methods from the Product class: getPrincipal(), getProductClass(), getProductFamily(), and hasSecondaryMarket(). In the getPrincipal() method, return the notional variable. In the second two methods, return the static string HDDCDD for the product class and WEATHER_DERIVATIVE for the product family. Return the boolean false for the last method. Step 4 - Override the getDescription() method from the Product class. Create a custom String to return a descriptive combination of the variables on the product. Example: CDD.50 F.San Francisco.12/19/2006-01/08/2007 11.5 Persistence How persistence is used 11.5.1Extending the Data Model All products, whether they are multiply-traded or singly-traded, have their own table in the database with the prefix “product_”. You must create a new table to store the variables on the new product. Every product table must have a product_id column that is set to the primary key for this table. Example: Heating Degree Days/Cooling Degree Days In the case of our Heating Degree Days/Cooling Degree Days we created create a new product table and named it product_hdd_cdd. The new table stores the variables we created in our product, along with the Product ID to identify this product. Those variables are Product ID (always), Start Date, End Date, Notional, Currency, Temperature, Fahrenheit boolean, HDD boolean, and Location. These columns should have the appropriate type: int, datetime, double precision, char, bit, etc. and all should be NOT NULL. The following exercise is an SQL sample of adding this table to a Sybase database. Add a Product Table to the Database Use Execute SQL to Add a Table to Your Database. Step 1 – Run the Execute SQL window and paste the following text from the WeatherDer.sql file into the Query window. CREATE TABLE product_hdd_cdd (product_id int NOT NULL, start_date datetime NOT NULL, maturity_date datetime NOT NULL, notional double precision NOT NULL, currency char(3) NOT NULL, temperature double precision NOT NULL, fahrenheit_b bit NOT NULL, hdd_b bit NOT NULL, location varchar(32) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT ct_primarykey PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (product_id)) Step 2 – Click Execute. Step 3 - Verify that the table has been created by executing the following SQL statement: SELECT * FROM product_hdd_cdd
Extending the Data Model
11.5.1Extending the Data Model All products, whether they are multiply-traded or singly-traded, have their own table in the database with the prefix “product_”. You must create a new table to store the variables on the new product. Every product table must have a product_id column that is set to the primary key for this table. Example: Heating Degree Days/Cooling Degree Days In the case of our Heating Degree Days/Cooling Degree Days we created create a new product table and named it product_hdd_cdd. The new table stores the variables we created in our product, along with the Product ID to identify this product. Those variables are Product ID (always), Start Date, End Date, Notional, Currency, Temperature, Fahrenheit boolean, HDD boolean, and Location. These columns should have the appropriate type: int, datetime, double precision, char, bit, etc. and all should be NOT NULL. The following exercise is an SQL sample of adding this table to a Sybase database. Add a Product Table to the Database Use Execute SQL to Add a Table to Your Database. Step 1 – Run the Execute SQL window and paste the following text from the WeatherDer.sql file into the Query window. CREATE TABLE product_hdd_cdd (product_id int NOT NULL, start_date datetime NOT NULL, maturity_date datetime NOT NULL, notional double precision NOT NULL, currency char(3) NOT NULL, temperature double precision NOT NULL, fahrenheit_b bit NOT NULL, hdd_b bit NOT NULL, location varchar(32) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT ct_primarykey PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (product_id)) Step 2 – Click Execute. Step 3 - Verify that the table has been created by executing the following SQL statement: SELECT * FROM product_hdd_cdd
Writing a Persistence Class
11.5.2Writing a Persistence Class Each new product needs a matching SQL class to persist it into the database. The SQL class follows the naming convention of <product_name>SQL and extends the ProductSQL class. Any class that extends the SQL class must implement the insert(), remove(), save(), and getAll() methods in the ProductSQL class. Sample Code When saving the product details to the product table you must also save the product description in the product_desc table. There are methods built in to the ProductSQL class for performing this operation, updateDescription() and saveDescription(), but you must call the appropriate method on an update or insert. SQL Object Persistor To safely handle the task of persisting objects in the database, utility methods have been written to handle these tasks properly. This is achieved by creating a private class within the <product>SQL class that extends from the SQLObjectPersistor class. There are two methods which perform complementary functions: one creates a Calypso product from the database and the other sets database parameters from the Calypso product. The order of these parameters is dictated by a prepared SQL statement defined as a static String. Sample Code The SQLObjectPersistor has its own useful methods for reading, updating, and saving to the database: listFromDB(), saveTODB(), and updateDB() which all take a connection to the database and an SQL statement as parameters. Example: Heating Degree Days/Cooling Degree Days In the running example of the Heating Degree Days/Cooling Degree Days, we must write SQL statements to read from and write to the product_hdd_cdd database table. Making use of the SQLObjectPersistor class, we must complete the prepared statements SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Then, describe how to build the object from a result set or create a result set from the product object. Because we must also modify the product_desc table, we use the methods saveDescription() and updateDescription() of the ProductSQL class. After constructing the appropriate prepared SQL statement, call either listFromDB(), saveToDB(), or updateDB() methods. Write a Persistence Class Step 1 - Create the SQL SELECT statement which selects each column in the table but where the product_id is the last column selected. For example: SELECT product_hdd_cdd.start_date, … etc.… , product_hdd_cdd.product_id FROM product_hdd_cdd Step 2 – Create the prepared SQL INSERT statement using the exact same order of items as in the SELECT statement above. For example: INSERT INTO product_hdd_cdd (start_date, … etc. …, product_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) Step 3 – Create the prepared SQL UPDATE statement using the exact same order of items as in the SELECT statement above. For example: UPDATE product_hdd_cdd SET start_date=?, … etc. … WHERE product_id=? Step 4 – The buildObjectFromResultSet(JResultSet) method constructs the HDDCDD product from the result set. The items in the result set will be returned in the exact order of the SELECT statement in Step 1. The ResultSet has get methods for each Calypso data type to return the necessary data type for the product. For example: int j = 1; ref.setStartDate(rs.getJDate(j++)); ref.setMaturityDate(rs.getJDate(j++)); ref.setNotional(rs.getDouble(j++)); Step 5 – The setParametersFromObject(Object, PreparedStatement) method sets the parameters for the prepared statement from the variables of the product object. The setParameter() method is used to set each parameter one by one. It is overloaded to take multiple Java data types. For example int j = 1; setParameter(st, ref.getStartDate(), j++); setParameter(st, ref.getMaturityDate(), j++); setParameter(st, ref.getNotional(), j++);
Trade Window
11.6 Trade Window Product Panel The final step in adding a new product is to create a window to display the data. In the Calypso trade window, only one panel contains the product details and this component is the only class that must be written. Trade Product Panel, which is is invoked from the Trade Window, is for displays all the product details in the Trade Window. There are three steps to adding a new window: 1. First, create a class named<product_type>Window that extends the TradeWindowBase class. This new class calls the super-class’s constructor from its public constructor. 2. Second, add this class to the Calypso Navigator using Utilities > Main Entry Customizer and add a menu item for action trading.Trade<product_type>Window to the Trade sub- menu. 3. Finally, create a class named<product_type>TradeProductPanel that implements the TradeProductPanel interface. Public Methods The main methods in the TradeProductPanel are buildTrade(), newTrade(), setDefaults(), and showTrade(). These methods are responsible for creating new trade display, setting the default fields, synchronizing the trade object with what is displayed, and conversely synchronizing the display with a loaded trade and product object. The other responsibility of this class is to paint the necessary components displayed to the user. Example: Heating Degree Days/Cooling Degree Days In the Trade Window for the Heating Degree Days/Cooling Degree Days, we must write the GUI. Ensure that all of the variables created on our product can be set and displayed through the GUI. Once all the necessary components have been created: Buy/Sell, HDD/ CDD, Notional, Start Date, End Date, Strike, Fahrenheit/Celsius, and Location, the buildTrade() add showTrade() methods can then be used to synch the display with the product object. Add a Product Container to the Trade Window Create the necessary fields Step 1 - Create a CalypsoComboBox for Buy/Sell, HDD/CDD, temperature degree units, and the currency selection. Step 2 - Create a JLabel for the Notional, Start Date, End Date, Strike, and Location. Step 3 - Create a JTextField for the Notional, Start Date, End Date, Strike, and Location. Define the Layout Step 4 – Using the diagram above as a guide, make the components with the appropriate labels and bounds. Note that all of the JLabels and JTextFields should be right-justified (JTextField.RIGHT, SwingConstants.RIGHT). Step 5 –In the case of the Combo Boxes, one can use the utility methods in AppUtil to set the lists of the Combo Boxes. For example: AppUtil.set(CalypsoComboBox, Vector); AppUtil.setToDomain(CalypsoComboBox, DomainName); Step 6 –Add to this product container each of the components defined in the previous steps. Complete the Constructor and initDomains() Step 7 – Next, call initDomains() from within the Constructor. Step 8 – In the initDomains() method: Use the AppUtil to add Choice, Date, and Number listeners. For the End Date use the method addDateListener(JTextField, JTextField startDate) – This allows such keyboard shortcuts for the end date as “10d” or “3m” which will compute 10 days or 3 months from the start date, respectively. newTrade() and setDefaults() Step 9 – The newTrade() method is called when the window is opened for the first time and is used to create defaults for the screen. Once the defaults have been set we call the buildTrade() method. Step 10 – In the setDefaults() method, set the following defaults for the screen: − Buy/Sell Drop-Down: Buy − Heating/Cooling Days Drop-Down: HDD − Notional Text Box: 20. − Temperature Text Box: 65 − Temperature Degree Drop-Down: F − Currency: The user’s preferred currency Hint for the Currency selection: Obtain the UserDefaults from the Data Server connection, get the preferred currency, and use AppUtil.showFavoriteCcy() to set the currency choice. showTrade() and buildTrade() Step 11 – showTrade(Trade) and buildTrade(Trade) perform opposite actions. The showTrade() method synchronizes the Trade object with what is displayed in the window and the buildTrade() method synchronizes the display in the trade window with the Trade object. Step 12 – showTrade(trade) method: from the passed trade object we set the necessary components. Using the variables of the trade and product objects, set all of the combo boxes and text fields in the window. Hint: Buy/Sell is a trade detail and the rest are product details. Also, you can you the utility methods on the Util object to convert a Number or Date to a String. For example, Util.numberToString(). Step 13 – buildTrade(trade) method: from the selected items in the trade window, set the relevant trade and product details on the passed trade object. On the trade object: − Set the Settlement Date to the Start Date. − Set the Settlement Currency to the selected currency. − Set the Trade Currency to the selected currency. − Set the Quantity to be 1 if this derivative is purchased and -1 if it is sold. − On the product object (HDDCDD): − Set all the variables on the HDDCDD object. Hint: Again, you may make use of utility methods in the Util class to convert Strings to Numbers and JDates. Add the Trade Window to the Calypso Navigator Step 1 – Make sure that all the classes,,, have all been compiled into the correct directory and the product table has been added to the database. Step 2 – From the Calypso Navigator, navigate to Utilities > Main Entry Customizer to bring up the MainEntry Customizer window. Under the Trade menu, create a new menu “Weather Derivatives”. Then under the sub-menu “Weather Derivatives”, create a new menu item called HDD / CDD with the action trading.TradeHDDCDDWindow. This will launch the Heating Degree Days/Cooling Degree Days screen. Step 3 – Click Save and restart the Calypso Navigator. Select the new item from the menu and you should see something similar to the following. You should see a warning message similar to the one below as the window tries to find a default pricer for this product named PricerHDDCDD and cannot t find one. This warning will go away once a pricer is assigned.
How to Validate Security Codes for Custom Products
11.7 How to Validate Security Codes for Custom Products Call Product.checkSecConstraints() on the server side or RemoteProduct.checkSecConstraints() on the client side, to validate the security codes prior to saving. This will return a vector of error messages if any.
How to Customize Structured Products
11.8 How to Customize Structured Products
Creating a Custom Structured Product
11.8.1Creating a Custom Structured Product Structured Product allows new product types that are composed of individual products to be added to the system in a timely manner. A Structured Product is treated as a single trade by the system. For instance, a risk report will show a structured product trade as a single trade and the back office will produce a single confirmation. In this sample, we will add a butterfly cap, which is composed of one long cap at strike x, two short caps at strike y and one long cap at strike z with x < y < z. The notional of all the caps should be of the same amount. The trade entry validation sample code will check that the notional amount in all the component caps are equal and will issue a warning if the validation fails. The entry validation is performed before a structured product trade is saved. Do the following for creating a custom structured product: 1. Register the new Structured Product type in the “StructuredProduct.subtype” domain. 2. Structure the product using Trade > Structured Product from the Calypso Navigator. Select ButterflyCap from the Type field. Create a butterfly cap structure by adding two long caps and two short caps.
Customizing Validation by Product Subtype
11.8.2Customizing Validation by Product Subtype You can customize the structured product validation by product subtype. Create a class named tk.product.StructuredProduct<product_subtype>Constraint that implements Sample Code in calypsox/tk/product/ 
Adding Custom Exotic Functions to the Formula Editor
11.9 Adding Custom Exotic Functions to the Formula Editor To create a custom exotic function for use in the Formula Editor, create a class named tk.product.eXSP.functionI.XFX<function_name> (where <function_name> is the name of your choice) that implements, and extends At a minimum, your class should implement the following methods: performCompute(eXSPComputeEnvironment, Vector, CashFlowPeriod, CashFlowPeriod) and parse(eXSPComputeEnvironment, String). The name to be registered in the domain “ExoticFunction” is the name defined for the variable XFUNC_NAME. In the sample, it is "xtest". private static String XFUNC_NAME = "xtest";
Customizing Existing Products
11.10 Customizing Existing Products
Creating Custom Attributes
11.10.1 Creating Custom Attributes Do the following for creating custom attributes for a product: 1. Create a class named tk.product.<custom_data_class_name> which contains all of your additional attributes and which implements the interface 2. To make the custom attributes persistent, create a class named tk.product.sql.<custom_data_class_name>SQL which extends the abstract base class <custom_data_class_name>SQL is invoked from
Creating a Custom Trade Decomposition Routine
11.10.2 Creating a Custom Trade Decomposition Routine For example, you want to decompose a complex trade into more than one basic trade so that risk, positions, etc. can be computed on the basic trades. Create a class named<product_type>Explode which implements the interface Implement the explode() method. <product_type>Explode is invoked from
Creating a Custom Retrieval Routine for a Product
11.10.3 Creating a Custom Retrieval Routine for a Product For example, you may wish to import a bond from another system when a user enters its CUSIP in a trade. Create a class named tk.product.sql.CustomProductFinder which extends This class will be invoked from when retrieving a product.
Creating a Custom Product Code Provider
11.10.4 Creating a Custom Product Code Provider You can add a Product Code provider for a given product type and product sub-type as needed. Create a class that implements and provide an implementation of setSecCode(Product). Then register the custom class using SecCodeProviderFactory.registerSecCodeProvider(String productType, String productSubType, SecCodeProviderI provider).
Applying Custom Validation to a Product
11.10.5 Applying Custom Validation to a Product Create a class using one of the following names, tk.product.<product_type><product_subtype>ProductValidator, tk.product.<product_type>ProductValidator, tk.product.<product_family>ProductValidator, or tk.product.DefaultProductValidator, which extends the class The following methods should be implemented: • isValidInput() — Returns true or false depending upon whether validation succeeds or fails. • applyDefaults() — Sets default values for the product if not already set, for instance holidays. Method called before a Trade is saved if validation succeeds. product*.ProductValidator is invoked from to validate product information and to apply default values as applicable.
Creating a Custom Product Description
11.10.6 Creating a Custom Product Description Typically used in reports, the task station and blotters for product subtype(s) and quote names. Create a class named tk.product.<product_type>ProductDescriptionGenerator or tk.product.<product_family>ProductDescriptionGenerator which implements the interface product*ProductDescriptionGenerator is invoked from
Creating a Custom Spot Date Calculation
11.10.7 Creating a Custom Spot Date Calculation A custom spot date calculation is called from Trade windows by double-clicking the Settle Date and from pricers where the computation of a spot date is required. Create a class named tk.product.<product_type>SpotDateCalculator that extends the class <product_type>SpotDateCalculator is invoked from
Creating a Custom Basket Calculation
11.10.8 Creating a Custom Basket Calculation Create a class named tk.product.<basket_function_name> that implements the interface The <basket_function_name> class is invoked from