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201 | அரககதத அனன சநநலப பரவழ, கயஞசமமல தஅய பல உடன ஈயல மதய வரபபப பவளமட மண மடநதனன கனறம கவஇய அம கடட ஆர இட, மடப பண தழஇத 5 தர மரபப இரல பல அரநத உகள, மலல வயன பலம பரபபக கவலர கறமபற மரஙகன நறமப அயரப, பதவ மயல அரநத மதவ நட நல ஆன வஙக மண சரததல, தம பல பலறற 10 கனற பயர கரல மனற நற பகதரம மலயம உளளர ஆயன, கல யஙக ஆகவம கல பண? எனற மனயள சல எதர சலலல சலலன, சவவழ நல யழ இசயனன, பயனக 15 கடவள வழததப பயள மயநநறதத, அவர தறம சலவன கணடனன யன, வட வசக கதர வலஙக பர மடகக கல பரத இரஙகம பல ஆர நமக கர மழ மழகக இச கடககம, 20 மன நல ஊரன பன நடநதர. 21 | She asked me, Oh bard! What will happen to me in the morning, if he does not think about me in the evenings, when, on the large path on the red land that appears like wax, wilted kāyā flowers are strewn and rows of pattupoochis crawl, the mountains appear like coral set with sapphire, a stag embraces its doe, grazes on grass and romps around on a beautiful forest path, mullai vines have spread on the vast land, and near the hills cattle herders adorn themselves with fragrant flowers, cows of fine walk graze on arukam grass and go towards the towns common grounds, their swollen udders secreting sweet milk, as they call out for their calves? I was unable to respond to her words with my words. I played music on my lute in mullai tune, praised god slowly and had sorrow in my body. And then I saw the man from the fine town arrive on his decorated, tall chariot with wheels with many spokes, his fast horses riding swiftly avoiding hindrances, hitting the stones on the path, with sounds like roaring monsoon rains. | akananooru |
202 | எம வஙகமம இயவத ஆயன, மயமமல பரமபண சமமல கசர கமமயம பசஙகயக கடம வளநத பகல ஆரகப பறக கண பலத தகக கவன தள நடட அனன, 5 வறஙக வமபலர தஙகம பணபன சறநத சரச சமமல மதர அறநத மககடட ஆகக தலல, தழமரம யனம பலமபச, சழ யனச சடரப பண நனனன 10 பழ அனன கட உட வயன நகரச சறநத கபப இகநத, அவனட பக, அதத இரபப ஆர கழல பதபபத தயதத வய தகள நலம பரகக, கனற அம சனக கழல பழம கழத, 15 வனக எணகன வய நர பரககம இனதணப படரநத களகயட ஒரஙகக கனற வயன தரணட என மனதள அஞஞ சனற ஆற. 19 | Causing her friends and me to struggle with agony, my daughter left with the principle of going with her sweet partner, despite the strict protection in our house which is like that of Pāzhi town belonging to Nannan wearing bright jewels and owning elephants with ornaments. She with delicate arms that are rounded like the bamboo in the mountains, has gone to the wasteland where fresh iruppai flowers drop off their stems, and bears eat them and crush kondrai fruits that they pluck from beautiful branches as dust spreads on the land, and move away with their strong herds with mighty hands. If our great love for her will work, may the old towns with streets that are on her path be filled with people who take care of those who travel who own nothing, like the hospitable people in Thulu country of the ornamentwearing, truthful and noble Kōsars, where peacocks with drumlike eyes on their plumes, eat mature, plump, beautiful, fresh bittermelons with tufts. | akananooru |
203 | நயட மதநரக கலதத தமரத ததன அலல அவர இதழ பரயம, மச இல அஙக மண மரள அவவய, நவட நவல நகபட தஞசல, யவரம வழயம பலநதடப பதலவனத 5 தர வழஙக தரவல தமயன கணட, கர எயறற அரவ கறகனள, யவரம கணநர இனமயன சததனள, பணப பலஙகலம சமநத பண தஙக இளமல வரக மள என உயர எனப பரத உவநத 10 கணடனள, நனறள கணட நலச சலலன, மச இல கறமகள! எவன பதறறன? நயம தய இவறக என யன தற கரய வநத வரவனன கவஇ, களவ உடமபடநரன கவழநத, நலம களய 15 நண நனறள நல கணட, யனம பணனன அலலன மகழந, வனதத அணஙக அரஙகடவள அனனள நன மகன தய ஆதல பரவத ஆஙக எனவ? 19 | On seeing our son who is loved by everybody, playing alone on the street with his toy chariot, wearing gold bracelets, his perfect palms bright like the petals next to the inner petals that are near the pollen of lotus blossoms flourishing in old ponds where otters live, his pretty mouth red like coral, and delightful childish prattle with sweet words that his tongue does not utter clearly, the young woman with sharp teeth approached him, and since there was nobody to see her, she thought about it a little and took him to her young breasts adorned with heavy gold jewels and said, Come my life, thinking about his resemblance to you. I saw her standing there. I did not move away. O faultless woman! Why are you embarrassed? You are his mother too! I said, and went toward her quickly and embraced her. She stood there ashamed, and looked down like a thief who accepted the crime when caught, scratching the ground with her toe. It was as if she was aware that I knew about her love affair with you. Lord! How could I not love her, the woman who is like a mother to your son? She was like precious Arundathi in the sky! | akananooru |
204 | akananooru |
205 | நர நறம கரபப, ஊழறப உதரநத, ப மலர கஞலய கடவரல கனயறற, கரஅம தஞசம கல உயர மற சழ, மரஅ யன மதம தப ஒறற, உரஅ ஈரககம உடகவர நததம, 5 கடஙகண பனறயன நடஙகத தணநத, நம அரநதறப பரதநத, யமதத ஈஙகம வரபவ, ஓஙகல வறப? ஒர நள வழமம உறனம, வழநள வழகவள அலலள என தழ, யவதம 10 ஊற இல வழகளம பயல வழஙகநர நட இனற ஆக இழககவர அதனல உலமரல வரததம உறதம எம படபபக கடநதன இழதத கட உயர நடவர பழம தஙக நளபபன கநதள அம பதமபல 15 பகல ந வரனம பணரகவ அகல மல வஙக அமக கண இட கடபப யய ஓமபனள எடதத தட மனதள. 18 | Abundant spent flowers drop down, changing the color of the fierce forest stream, in which crocodiles lie, that rushes with swirls and crashes on tall rocks. The rapid flood waters drag a lonely, roaming elephant in rut. Oh lord of the tall mountains! You are bold and unafraid like a fierce boar, and you cross the difficult shore at night. If something bad happens to you one day my friend will not live the next day. Even those who come regularly on that path, which does not have hindrances, could suffer sometimes. We will be distressed and worried thinking about your night visits. If you come during the day, you can unite with my friend with curved, delicate arms that are like bamboo pieces between nodes, protected by our mother, in the vast mountain range, in our fruitfilled orchard near the huge mountain with honeycombs and soaring peaks, under dense trees near beautiful kānthal bushes. | akananooru |
206 | அனற அவண ஒழநதனறம இலய, வநத நன வரநதன, வழ என நஞச, பரநத இரநத உய வள பயறறம ய உயர நனநதல உரள தட மகளயன பரள தரநத இசககம கடஙகரல கடஞய நடம பரஙகனறம, 5 எமமட இறததலம சலலய, பன நனற ஒழயச சழநதன ஆயன, தவரத சல இன, சறகக நன உளளம, வலல மறவல ஓமபமத, எமம நறவன சயதழ அனய ஆகக கவள 10 ம இதழ பரயம மலர கள ஈர இம, உளளகம கனல உளளதற உலற, பழஙகண கணட கலழநத வழ அவர அறல வயய உகதர, வரஇப பயன சல வள சரநத மல இற மன க 15 ப வழ கடயன பலலனப பக, அடர சய ஆய அகல சடர தண ஆக, இயஙகத வதநத நம கதல | You did not stay back with her. Now you have come here with me to be sorry. May you live long, my heart! You are not considering going with me to the soaring, huge mountains where, on the wide top of yā trees kites sit and call pitifully, owls hoot harshly like thudi drums, sounding like they know the meanings of their hoots. You wanted to stand back and return. Go away quickly without hesitation. May your mind flourish! Do not forget me! Her dark, wet eyelids that used to be like the petals of blue waterlilies, have become like the red leaves of naravam. Whenever she thinks of me, her insides burn, she is sad, and tears roll down her eyes. She, with a few slipping bangles on her forearms, is like a lusterless vine whose flowers have dropped. She lives in the light of a bright, beautiful lamp made with metal, depressed and lonely. Remove the sorrow of my lover, by embracing her suffering, slim, small back! | akananooru |
207 | பரநர அழவதத எநத தநத கழ மன உணஙகல படபள ஓபப, எககரப பனன இன நழல அசஇ சககர ஞணடன கணட அள கணட, ஞழல ஓஙக சனத தடதத கடஙகழத 5 தழ வழ கயறற ஊசல தஙகக, கணடல இட மணல கரவ மனயன வணதலப பணர ஆயமட ஆட, மணபபம பநதழ தஇ, அணததகப பல பஙகனல அலகனம வரதல 10 கவவ நல அணஙக உறற இவவர கடத அற பணடர சல கணட, அனன கட கணடனள தழ, பரநதற எலலயம இரவம எனனத, கலலன வலவன ஆயநத வண பர 15 நலவ மணல கடகம ஓர தர உணட எனவ. 16 | Our father gave us fatty fish, that he had caught in the huge ocean, to dry. We rested in the sweet shade of a of a punnai tree growing in the sand, and chased away the marauding birds. We hung rope swings, made from roots of thāzhai trees that grow near the curved backwaters on tall gnāzhal trees and swayed, and dug into the deep holes of red crabs on the shores where the eastern winds have created sand dunes. We performed kuravai dances. Hating it we played on the waves with white tops, and wore beautiful skirts made from many flowers and fresh leaves. We were slandered by cruel women in town who were affected by evil spirits, since we came here. Mother heard their harsh words and has imposed restrictions, afraid that your lover will ride his chariot with lovely horses, analyzed and tied well by his charioteer, on the moonlike, white beach sand of the big shore at any time of day or night. What are we to do now? | akananooru |
208 | மணகண களரபப வச தண பயல பட உலநதனற பறக கரல எழல, பதல மசத தளவன இதல மள சநநன நரஙக கலப படவமட ஒரஙக பண அவழக கட கமமனறனற, அவல 5 கட உடநதனன கடல பமபயர, பதவன பவ மனஇ மதவ நட அணணல இரல அமர பண தழஇத தண அறல பரகத தழநத படடனவ, அனய கல வழ தழ, மனய 10 தழவன நசச சழவன மலரம மவல மசசன கடட அவவளவ எனறர, ஆணடச சய பரள. 13 | May you live long, my friend! Clouds roared like drums, cold rain fell on the earth and removed heat. On the bushes, red buds of thalavam bloomed, appearing like claws of quails and they opened their petals along with clusters of dense pidavam, making the forest fragrant. White glory lilies were strewn in the pits and they appeared like broken conch shells. Hating arukam tubers, a noble stag with arrogant walk embraced its female and moved away after drinking cool, flowing water. Before he left, he pointed to the huge branches of the short nochi tree in our house and told me that he would return after earning wealth when the jasmine vine that twines on it blooms. Has that time arrived? | akananooru |
209 | வளப பரபபன வள அரம தமதத வள களநத ஒழநத கழநதன அனன, தல பண அவழ சர மகப பகனற, சதரல அம தவல தவலன மலரம தஇ நனற தண பயல கட நள, 5 வயஙக கதர கரநத வட வகற, வசமப உரவத பல வயல இடதத ஒழக, மஙகல ம மழ தனபலம படரம பன இரஙகஙகலம தமயள நநத, தம ஊரள நனனதல, யம, 10 கட மதல கதவம பயதலன தட பளநத நத மகம மழகய மணண வணகடடச சறகண யன நடந ஒணமண, கழப பணக கறத தல பழ கண உதபப, தழஙக கரல மரசமட மழஙகம யமதத, 15 கழதத உற சறய வளட எறழததள, இரவ தயல மடநத தன, உரவசசன வநதன பசறயம. 18 | They bloom when the cool rain falls, the tight pakandrai buds with swirls that look like the remaining top parts of conch shells, left over after a Brahmin who does not perform rituals cuts with his sharp saw, to make bangles. In the cold dawn hours, the bright rays of the sun hide on the last day of rain in the month of Thai. Huge, dark rainclouds pour in vast areas as though the sky is peeled before they move to the south. The brightbrowed woman is alone in the cold winter nights. I am in the battle camp of the brave, angry king, his strong arms with a sword that he removed from its sheath and did not put back. The sounds are heard, of bright bells with long clappers tied on a smalleyed elephant whose white tusks are blunted and the ends broken, when it leapt and attacked the wellprotected fortress gates. Sounds of volleys of arrows attacking black shields that are tied to rods are heard along with the roars of drums | akananooru |
210 | கடவர இரமபல தயஙக நடவர ஆட கழ இர வதர கடகக ஒலகம கனம கடய எனனர, நம அழ, நனறத இல பரடபணச சனற இவண தரமர, சலப எனப, எனபய, நலல 5 மடவ மனற நய, வட வயன வஙகடம பயநத வணகடட யன மறப பரப பணடயர அறததன கககம கறக அம பரநதற மததன அனன நகப பலநத இலஙகம எயற கழ தவரவய 10 தகபபத தஙகலர ஆயனம, இகபப யஙஙனம வடம மறற, தமபடத தள நரகக ஏறற தரள கல கவளப பரநதக சதததம அமய பரநத பட, வதத அமரக கடநத வனற நல வல 15 கரதயட தயலவநதனன நன அர வய உணகண அமரதத நகக? 17 | My friend! You tell me, They say he will leave us desiring to earn wealth, letting us cry, to the harsh forest, where big bamboos sway and bend in the westerly winds on the tall mountains and reveal lurking tigers with curved stripes. You are a fine, delicate woman! His leaving will be blocked by your smile with bright teeth in your coralcolored mouth, resembling pearls from the wide shores of Korkai town that is protected well by brave battling Pandiyans who got whitetusked elephants from the northern Vēnkadam Hills. How will they let him go? Your kohllined eyes, that have ruined the beauty of blue waterlily flowers with honey growing with thick stems in clear water, with joyous looks and red lines, appearing like the fine spears with blood of a king who won a battle in a battlefield where kites soar. | akananooru |
211 | மயயன தர மவர கமமட எயயய ஆயனம உரபபல தழ கயய மனனம கரல வரப தனய அரவ ஆனற பஙகல தறம இரவ தனறன பலவ நய 5 மரக மரண களளம தமபய கணண பரயல நயட பனமலப படரம வடடவற பறலட அமநதன யழ நன பககழ தடல நடஙக எழநத எழநத களளத தள வள இட இட பயறற 10 ஆஙகஙக ஒழகய ஆயன அனன சற கள கடதல தறறள இவள எனப பறரத தநத நறககவள ஆயன உறறக அரத ஆகம அவன மலரநத மரப. 14 | You dont understand the situation because of your passionate love. My friend! Let me tell you! The water flow to the field has been stopped. Even before the mature, long clusters of millet have been plucked, stubble has appeared among many green stalks. You wait for your lover who wears a honey dripping flower garland with many fragrances and crosses many mountains with his fast dogs. You should rise up regularly and make loud noises to chase the parrots, causing your flower garland to sway. Otherwise, your mother will say, She does know to chase parrots, and will send someone else instead. Then it will become difficult for you to embrace the wide chest of your man. | akananooru |
212 | தடஙக வன தவர அசவல நன தள, கடநத உயர மறகவத ஆயனம, இடமபடன வழ களற மசயப பலயனம சறநத தழவ இல உளளம தலததலச சறபபச, சய வனகக அகனற கல, எஃக உறற 5 இர வற ஆகய தரதக வனபபன மவன நறவட பலக, கணதறம மவல தணட மகழ நகக உணகண நனயத கழநத வகல, எனயதஉம, வழலன யன எனத தறறப பல மண 10 தழக கறய தகசல நனமழ மறநதனர பறர எம, எனச சறநத நன எயற கழ தவர வய இனனக அழஙக வனவல ஆனப பனயழ! கள இன! வமம தணட எர உக பறநதல, 15 கமம வடய இயவள யன நர மரஙக அறயத தர மரஙக ஓட, அற நர அமபயன நற மதல உணஙகம உளளநரப பனககம ஊகக அரஙகடததட, எளளல நனப பரளதரல வரபபட 20 நணத தள ஆக வக, மண வனகக உடமப ஆணட ஒழநதம அலலத, மடஙகழ நஞசம நன உழயதவ! 24 | Oh woman with fine teeth in a coral colored mouth! You ask me, your smile ruined, continuously, Not abandoning what you started, without any slack and with great effort when you went to do your work without a base mind, .superior to that of a tiger that .will not eat his prey elephant if .he falls on his left, even if his .life would be pathetic, and told me that the days that you spent without seeing my kohlrimmed eyes that bring happiness when seen, .beautiful like the two pieces of a .fragrant tiny mango cut with a knife, were days that you have not lived. You explained to me with esteem and uttered many humble words. It seems that you forgot your fine words! Listen to me, oh young woman wearing beautiful jewels! I went to the wasteland which had been ruined by excess heat, where an elephant that became thin, not knowing where to find water to drink, runs to a mirage only to find no water and lies down with sorrow, looking like a boat on land without water, and difficult paths make people tremble in distress. With a desire to earn wealth, with bashfulness as a restraint, and unable to bear disrespect, my body left to perform esteemed work, but my naive heart stayed here with you. | akananooru |
213 | நடஙகயற வலநத கறஙகண அவவல கடல பட அழய இன மன மகநத, தண பணர உவகயர பரத மககள, இளயரம மதயரம களயடன தவனற, உபப ஒய உமணர அரநதற பககம 5 ஒழக நன பகட ஒபபக கழஇ, அயர தண அடகர ஒலபப வஙகப பரஙகளம தகதத உழவர பல, இரநதர வறஙகலம மலக வச பட பல அமததக களள சறறக, 10 கட உயர தண மணல தஞசம தறவ! பரம எனபத கடம, ஒர நள மணண மததம அரமபய பனனத தண நறஙகனல வநத, நம வணணம எவன எனறனர சலன? 15 | Oh man from the shore where happy fishermen who unite with their partners catch loads of fish with pretty, closely woven nets made with long ropes, join their youngsters and elders on the beach, pull the nets with uproar to the sandy shore, gathering together like the strong bulls of salt merchants that are yoked to wagons, give generously like charitable farmers, and fill the bowls of those in need with fish, splitting the rest of their catch into sections, calling out prices, and sleeping on the shore with tall and firm sand dunes! Will your pride be ruined if you come to the fragrant seashore grove where punnai tree buds look like unwashed pearls and ask us about our beauty and then leave? | akananooru |
214 | நரபப எனச சவநத உரபப அவர மணடலம பலஙகட மடஙக தறதலன, ஞளக, நலம பட பயரவத அனற கல இனற என, மன உயர மடநத மழ மற அமயதத, இல இல ஓஙகய நல உயர யஅதத 5 மல கவடட இரநத பரபப இனஙகடகக கலலடக கறமபன வயவர வல இட, நண வரக கறநத நறதத அதரதறம, கணவர மல இடஉக கழநதனன பண உமழ கரத பரபபக கடநதர 10 கண உமழ கழகன கனம நநதச சனறர எனப இலர தழ, வனறயட வல அலதத உணணம வல ஆண வழககத தமழ கழ மவர கககம மழபயர தஎதத பனமல இறநத. 15 | There is nobody to blame him for leaving, oh friend! I am being blamed for not being able to bear the separation! He crossed many mountains, in a land with a different language, protected together by the Chera, Chozha and Pandiya kings who nurture Thamizh, who are manly in strength and victorious with battle arrows that bring tributes from enemies, and went past the forest where the bright sun is red and hot as flame, fertile lands are ruined, the land has lost its stability, rains failed and it appears like the end of time when people die, and on the tall split branch of a yā tree on the path are eagle chicks who are fed by their parents the eyes of those lying around wounded, who appear like corpses on the path dull in color with stripes of fat, and the oozing blood from the wounds caused by the arrows of bandits who live in the rockfilled villages, makes the wounded appear as though they are wearing red oleander garlands! | akananooru |
215 | நரநல எலல ஏனல தனறச தர மண ஒளரவரம பணன வநத, பரவலன பலம தறறம உறழ கள இரவல மககளன பண மழ பயறறச, சறதனப படகள கடஇயர, பன மண 5 களர கள தடட மதன இல படயச சரர மகளரன நனற ந மறற யரய எம அணஙகயய? உணக எனச சறபறம கவயனனக, அதறகணட, இக பயல மணணன ஞகழப அஞர உறற என 10 உள அவன அறதல அஞச, உள இல கடய கற க பண வடஅ, வரஉம மன பணயன ஒரஇ, நனற என உரத தகமயன பயரதத, பறத என வயன சலல வலலறறம இலன, அலலநத 15 இனம தர களறறன பயரநதன இனறம தலவற இலல தழ, நம சனம, சய இறப பணததள கழம தனகக மச இனறதலம அறயன, ஏசறற என கறப பறனல மயலம 20 அஙகணளன, நககம யம. 21 | Yesterday during the daytime, a man wearing jewels with gleaming gems came to our millet field. He appeared like a king, but spoke to us humble words like that of a person who lives on charity. He said, You who chase marauding parrots that come to eat your tiny millet using kulir and thattai gadgets, striking them without strength, you stand there like a fierce goddess. Who are you? You terrorize me. Let me enjoy you, and he embraced me, hugging my back. After that, my mind became soft like mud after heavy rains. Afraid that he would know about it, I uttered harsh words which were not from my mind and pulled myself like a scared doe, away from his tight embrace, with strength. Not having the strength to utter anything after that, he was sad, and moved away like a bull elephant separated from his herd. He will not go without failing, my friend! He does not know that he alone without fault has the right to my curved, thick arms. He will try to stand behind me with sorrow Let us go and laugh at the man who came near us? | akananooru |
216 | நடவள மரபன ஆரம பலச சவவய வனம தணட, மன அரநதம பஙகல ககக இனம நர பற உகபப, எலல பபபய கழபபக கடவயன கல சரநதனற பல கதர ஞயற, 5 மதர எழல மழக கண கலழ, இவள, பர நண அணநத நறமன சயல மண நலம சதய ஏஙக, ஆனத அழல தடஙகனள பரம, அதனல கழச சற எறநத பண தள அததர 10 நடநர இரஙகழ பர மலநத அசஇ, வல வல இளயரட எலலச சலலத சரநதன சலன சதகவத உணட, பணண ஓஙகய வணமணல படபப அனறல அகவம ஆஙகண, 15 சற கரல நயதல எம பரஙகழ நடட? | Greenlegged storks that eat fish fly high in a row in the red sky looking like a garland on the chest of Murukan, and daytime ends little by little. The sun with many rays reaches the mountains in the west. Lord, she with delicate nature and great shyness cries without stopping, her beautiful, moist eyes shed tears, and her esteemed beauty is ruined! Instead of leaving with your servants with strong bows and your mule with sore legs that was attacked by a shark in the backwaters, and is slow to walk, if you stay here without leaving at night, is there any harm? Our land with vast backwaters is nearby, where clusters of waterlilies blossom and ibis cry from tall palmyra trees on the white sands near the groves. | akananooru |
217 | வழ ஆதன! வழ அவன! நல பல பலக, பன பரத சறகக, என வடடள யய, யம, நனய கஞசச சனய சற மன யணர ஊரன வழக, பணனம வழக, என வடடம. | Long live Āthan! Long live Avini! May paddy fields yield rich harvest! May the country flourish! So desired my friend! We desired that the man from the rich town with budding kānji trees and pregnant small fish, live a long life along with his bard! | ainkurunooru |
218 | வழ ஆதன! வழ அவன! வளக வயல, வரக இரவலர, என வடடள யய, யம, பலலதழ நலமட நயதல நகரககம தணதற ஊரன கணம, வழவழச சறகக, என வடடம. | Long live Āthan! Long live Avini! May fields yield harvest! May those in need come for alms! So desired my friend! We desired that her friendship with the man from the cool shore, where manypetaled, blue waterlily blossoms are like the white waterlily flowers, will flourish forever. | ainkurunooru |
219 | வழ ஆதன! வழ அவன! பல பல ஊறக, பகட பல சறகக, என வடடள யய, யம, வததய உழவர நலலட பயரம பககஞல ஊரன, தன மன வழகக பலக என வடடம. | Long live Āthan! Long live Avini! May milk flow abundantly! May bulls thrive! So desired my friend! We desired for the family life of the man from the town with abundant flowers, where farmers who seed return with rice paddy, to flourish. | ainkurunooru |
220 | வழ ஆதன! வழ அவன! பகவர பல ஆரக, பரபபர ஓதக, என வடடள யய, யம, பதத கரமபன, கயதத நலலன கழன ஊரன மரப பழனம ஆகறக, என வடடம. | Long live Āthan! Long live Avini! May enemies eat grass! May Brahmins chant! So desired my friend! We desired that the chest of the man, from the town where sugarcane blooms and paddy mature, not become common property. | ainkurunooru |
221 | வழ ஆதன! வழ அவன! பசயல ஆகக, பண சண நஙகக, என வடடள யய, யம, மதல பதத மழ மன ஆரம தணதற ஊரன தர, எம மனகட நறக, என வடடம. | ong live Āthan! Long live Avini! May there be no hunger! May diseases go far away! So desired my friend! We desired that the man from the cool shore, where male crocodiles swallow huge fish, come in his chariot and wait in our front yard. | ainkurunooru |
222 | வழ ஆதன! வழ அவன! வநத பக தணக, யணட பல நநதக, என வடடள யய, யம, மலரநத பயக மகநத தமரத தணதற ஊரன வரக, எநதயம கடகக, என வடடம. | Long live Āthan! Long live Avini! May the kings enemies go away! May he thrive for many years! So desired my friend! We desired that the man from the cool shore, where lotus plants put out buds in large ponds, come and marry her, with the consent of our father. | ainkurunooru |
223 | வழ ஆதன! வழ அவன! அறன நன சறகக, அலலத கடக, என வடடள யய, யம, உளபப மரதததக களக கரக இரககம தணதற ஊரன, தனனரக கணடனன சலக, என வடடம. | Long live Āthan! Long live Avini! May virtue flourish abundantly! May evil be destroyed! So desired my friend! We desired that the man from the town with a cool shore with marutham trees, with tufted flowers, on which flocks of heron sit, | ainkurunooru |
224 | வழ ஆதன! வழ அவன! அரச மற சயக, களவ இல ஆகக, என வடடள யய, யம, அலஙக சன மஅதத அண மயல இரககம பககஞல ஊரன, சள இவண வயபபதக, என வடடம. | Long live Āthan! Long live Avini! May the king rule with justice! May there be no stealing! So desired my friend! We desired that the man from the town with abundant flowers, where a beautiful peacock rests on a swaying branch of a mango tree, make his promises become truths. | ainkurunooru |
225 | வழ ஆதன! வழ அவன! நனற பரத சறகக, தத இல ஆகக, என வடடள யய, யம, கயல ஆர நர பரவல சககம தணதற ஊரன கணம, அமபல ஆகறக, என வடடம. | Long live Āthan! Long live Avini! May goodness flourish abundantly! May there be no evil! So desired my friend! We desired that the love of the man from the cool shore town, where a stork gorges on carp fish and rests on a haystack, not be slandered. | ainkurunooru |
226 | வழ ஆதன! வழ அவன! மர வயகக, வளம நன சறகக, என வடடள யய, யம, பதத மஅததப பலல அம சறமன தணதற ஊரன, தனனட கணடனன சலக, என வடடம. | Long live Āthan! Long live Avini! May rains shower! May there be flourishing abundance! So desired my friend! We desired that the man from the cool shore town with flowering mango trees and tiny, stinking fish, take her along with him when he goes. | ainkurunooru |
227 | மன நட வயல வழம சறறம தற கழ ஊரன கடம நண, நலலன எனறம யம, அலலன எனனம என தட மனதள. | Hes from a fine shore town where a vayalai vine planted in the house coils around a reed. I say that he is good, despite being ashamed of his cruelty my thick, delicate arms say that he is not good. | ainkurunooru |
228 | கர சர வழம கரமபன பககம தற கழ ஊரன கடம நனறம ஆறறக தலல யம, தறக தலல, என தட மன தள. | Hes from a town with shores, where reeds on the riverbank blossom like sugarcanes. May I be able to tolerate his cruelty! My curved, thick, delicate arms have become thin. May they be ruined! | ainkurunooru |
229 | பரயட நனமன பஙகளயனன அடகர வழம வணபப பகரம, தணதற ஊரன பணடர, தஞச ஊர யமததம, தயல அறயலர. | Hes from a cool port town where reeds on the sandy shores put out white blossoms resembling head ornaments of fine, trotting horses. Even when the town is sleeping at midnight, his women do not sleep. | ainkurunooru |
230 | கடப ப வழம தணட அயல வடககண மஅதத வண தளர நடஙகம அணததற ஊரன மரப, பனத தயல சயயம இன சயறற | Hes from a beautiful shore town where reeds with long flowers rub against the nearby delicate, lush shoots of mango trees with tiny, green fruits, causing them to sway. His chest is tender and sweet for cool sleep. | ainkurunooru |
231 | மணலட மலரநற வரமபய ஒண தழப பனல ஆட மகளரககப பணர தண உதவம, வழ மதர ஊரன, ஊரன ஆயனம, ஊரன அலலனன. | The man from the old town with reeds plays with women wearing bright leaf garments, in the full river waters that crash on the shores and move sand. Hes a float that they desire. Even though hes from this town, he is not of our town. | ainkurunooru |
232 | ஓஙகப வழததத தமப உடத தரளகல சற தழ மகளர அஞசனம பயயம பககஞல ஊரன உளளப, பப பல உணகண பன பரததனவ. | Hes from a town with abundant flowers, where servant maids save kohl in the hollow stems of reeds with rising blossoms. Thinking about him, her flowerlike, kohlrimmed eyes have become golden yellow. | ainkurunooru |
233 | மளள நடய மதநர அடகரப பளளக களவன ஆமபல அறககம, தணதற ஊரன தளபபவம, உணகண பசபபத, எவன கல அனனய? | The man from a cool shore town, where speckled crabs on the sandy shores of old ponds with mulli bushes cut off stems of white waterlilies, told you clearly to end your doubts. Why are your kohllined eyes pale, my friend? | ainkurunooru |
234 | அளளல ஆடய பளளக களவன, மளள வரளச சலலம ஊரன, நலல சலல மணநத, இன நயன எனறத, எவன கல அனனய? | The man from a town, where spotted crabs playing in mud hide between roots of mulli bushes, said fine words and married me. He said to me that he will not leave me. What happened to his words? | ainkurunooru |
235 | அமம வழ தழ! மகழநன கடன அனற எனனம கலல, நம ஊர மட மதர மரதததப பரநதற உடனட ஆயமட உறற சள? | May you live long, oh friend! Will my man, who promised in the presence of our friends when we played on the big shore with an old, bent marutham tree, consider his word as a promise that he cannot honor? | ainkurunooru |
236 | அமம வழ தழ! மகழநன ஒர நள நம இல வநததறக, எழ நள அழப எனப அவன பணடர, த உற மழகன ஞகழவனர வரநத. | May you live long, oh friend! They say that his women melted swiftly like wax placed on fire, and wailed for seven days, just because he came to our house for a single day. | ainkurunooru |
237 | தன பரபபத தனனம அனப இல மதலயட வணபம பயகதத அவன ஊர எனப, அதனல தன சல உணரநதர மன பன பல சயயம ஊர கழவன. | They say, that in his town, there are ponds teeming with white flowers where crocodiles with no kindness eat their own young. He causes the bodies of women who trust his words to change to gold color. | ainkurunooru |
238 | மகழ மகச சறபப மயஙகனள கலல யணர ஊர, நன மண இழ அரவ? கவர மலர நற அனன நன மரப நன வலககல தடஙகயள. | Did she get confused when she drank a lot? Oh man from a prosperous town! Your woman with fine jewels has started to avoid your chest that is like the Kaviri River in full spate. | ainkurunooru |
239 | அமபணதத அனன யம ஏறச, சமபன அனன பரபபப பல தஞசம யணர ஊர! நனனனம பணன பயயன, பல சளனன. | Oh man from a prosperous town where coppercolored young turtles climb and sleep on their mother who is humped like a measuring bowl! Your bard who promises a lot is a better liar than you. | ainkurunooru |
240 | தம பரம பயக யம இளம பரபபத, தய மகம நகக வளரநதசனஅஙக, அதவ ஐய நன மரப, அறநதன ஒழகமத, அறனமர அதவ. | Lord, she lives looking at your chest, like tortoise hatchings that grow up looking at the faces of their mothers in the sweet huge ponds. Know this and behave well. That is the just thing to do. | ainkurunooru |
241 | கதர ஆயன தண கலழ தநத, வனல ஆயன மண நறம களளம யற அணநதனற நன ஊர! பசபப அணநதனவல மகழந என கணண. | Lord, your town is made beautiful by a river that gets cold and muddied during the cold season and becomes sapphire colored in summer. But my eyes are always adorned with yellow color. | ainkurunooru |
242 | நர உற கழ நலச சவல கர உகரப பட வயஅம ஊர! பளஙகய வடகததனற நன மலரநத மரப, இவள வயஅ நயகக | Oh man from a town where a pregnant female waterfowl with sharp claws, yearns greatly for her blue colored mate. Her desire for your broad chest used to be like craving for tamarind. It is not like that any longer. | ainkurunooru |
243 | ainkurunooru |
244 | வயலச சஙகடப பணயல தஇச, சவவரல சவநத, சய அர மழககண, சவவயக கறமகள இனய, எவவய மனனனற மகழந, நன தர? | Causing this woman with a red mouth, fingers that got redder stringing red vayalai vines as garlands, and moist eyes with red lines, to grieve, where, oh lord, has your chariot decided to go? | ainkurunooru |
Subsets and Splits