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01c8f7a | today i will be writing an essay on this machine called FACS which stands for Facial Action Coding System it can read emotions from people in paintings and people that actually move it can tell you their emotions which i think is incredible in all but you can't just look at people's emotions without them knowing what your doing.
Most humans can already tell how our friends, family and other people are feeling just because we can look at them and tell how their feeling its as if we already knew hoow they felt just by the look on their face.
Everybody has an expression that shows how the feel each day a couple of genious's made an invention that changed the world it can tell you how a person is feeling in many different ways but they do it so everybody knows what they are feeling even though they might or might not know.
Everybody feels different emotions some might even be depressed because of maybe a loss of a family member or a best friend so might be angry because of many different things everybody have different emotions me i had depression for a long time and it took me a little bit to realize theres more to life than just sorrow or depression just move on and just try and find someone who makes me happy theres this girl that makes me happy we aren't dating but she gives me hope for the future as i said everybody is different.
So for my conclusion i think they should keep using the machine to study are feelings it may be helpful in the future so we know how to deal with it thank you for reading my essay. | 12
01cbe3d | Using details from the article, i can write an essay evaluating how well the author supports the idea, that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by, while yes there are many risks to exploring Venus and other planets but in the long run it could help out. The reason it could help out is if we found a planet near ours like venus that in some way shape or form could be inhabited by humans it could give society and its people more places to go so we dont have as many over populated areas. an other big reason we could benefit from figuring out if venus can be inhabited is if that planet has usefull resources we can stop using as many GMO'S as we do in our foods.
A place that has the biggest issue of having overpopulation and has to resort to using GMO'S in there foods is japan. some places in japan the overpopulation is so bad that it has created a very large increase in the amount of polution that is in the air, Its so bad in some areas that in the morning you can see the polution while just walking which has made it so the kids/adults of japan have to wear some sort of mask to not get sick/ get poisened by the air. If we do end up figuring out that venus and some other planets in our solar system can be inhabited we can decrease this issue by sending some of those people to Venus. It's not only in japan that this issue of overpopuation is occuring, you can see it occuring more and more in the USA with all the refugees and people from other parts of the world coming to live in the USA.
The reason i am making these claims and the information i am using to support my reasoning is, in the text it stated that. " Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. Today, Venus still has some of the features that are analogous to those of Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features suck as valleys, mountains, and craters. If scientist can conform that Venus was once inhabited by some sort of life form, they can possibly figure what type of life form this was and maybe figure out why they are no longer there. If they can figure out why that certain life form left or died off we can possibly reverse what had happened. which will lead us to being able to inhabite another planet and could reduce the amount of over population and further problems here on earth by splitting up our population. It could also help the human race live longer and help so that the human race does not die off. In the long run i do think that figuring out if the planet Venus can be inhabited, i also think that from my information and the information that the author gave you to can see the reason why this discovery is so crusual to our society and race. | 34
01d0836 | The challenge of Exploring Venus is that Venus sometimes called the Evening Star because is the one of the brightest points of the light in the night sky. Venus is the second planet from our sun. Sometimes people called the Earth twins because Venus is the cloest planet to Earth term of density and size. Between Venus and Mars is the sun because there sun goes in different speed. Venus can be a challenging because of the clouds and of the highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venu's atmosphere.
This shows that Venu's has a thick atmosphere of almos 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Venu's temperatures average is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what thet experiene on our own planet. The other thing is that Ven's has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our system. Beyond the high pressure and the heat Venusian geology and weather present additional impediment like erupting volcanoes, pwerful earthquakes.
Venus can be a chanllenging because in Venus it has powerful earthquakes and also erupting volcanoes it's dangerous to be there because the temperature has the hottest surface of any other planets. Venus can be sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus.
However Venus can be ship obriting or hovering safly far above the planet can provide only limited insight on the ground conditions because of the most forms of the light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. People cannot take samples of rock or gas or anything else from a distance. They are challenging many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to there knowledge if Venus.
Now NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. They are simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venu's surface and have lasted for three weeks i such conditions. There other project is called the mechanical computers. These devices were the first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940w during World War ll. All modern computers are enormously powerful flexible and quick, but they are tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions.
Venu's has been the challenge it has been a value, but not only becuase of the insight to be gained, but also that human curiosity will likely lead them into many equally intimidating endeavors. There travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited because by the dangers and doubts. It's really dangerous to be in Venu's because you never know what will happen in that planet. | 12
01d2df1 | The Future of Driverless Cars
Could you think about yourself not having to worry about driving your car anymore? This is becoming a possibility with all the new technology automobile companies are using to make this happen. But, there are some people that are opposed to this idea becasue of some problems that could come from this This idea also has a majority of supporters too which myself is one of them. There is some bad things about it dealing with traffic and accidents but there is stress relief for not having to drive and not worrying about the road. Also you would be able to do whatever you want while the car is driving to your destination.
I support the idea of the self driving car for many reasons that will soon help all drivers. "The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." With the cars technology ability to be able to mimic the human driver is a huge factor for self driving because it can do all the driving that a human does normally. Some people especially hate driving because it casues them stress and anger so I think if every car was self driving there would be no problems, no traffic, and no accidents to worry about. "As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars." This quote is talking about how only few states let companies test autonomous cars which hinders the developement of the cars and their safety for all of us because how can you make a better car if you cant test in in real situations. This is a problem with the testing becaus ethe car cant become better and solve the problems if there is not testing done.
On the other hand of the argument there is many things still wrong with the cars and their saftey. "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at faultthe driver or the manufacturer?" This is a big problem witht he cars because technology usually fails at some points in time and if this causes a big accident and people are hurt it will cause so much frustration and confusion on everyone invloved. Another point about the problems of the car is "This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." The quote has a big meaning because whats the point of having self driving cars that you need to worry about while its driving? "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." The whole point of the self driving cars is its ability to be able to do these things so it should be able to switch could be developed later on.
So in conclusion the self driving cars in my perspective are a good idea but it will come with soem complications as does everythign else. This would be a huge step for the human race and would benefit alot of people. The technology will grow and the problems will become less until we have reached the point where there is no problems with the cars and their abilities. | 34
01d6e7e | The 'Face' on Mars is just a hoax. It seems as though the mound on this planet is just a mesa. If you don't believe me, then listen to me very closely. The very similar face on the side of Mars can be very defining but not a single astronout have researched at the Mesa up close and personal. But even if it was made by aliens, it still wouldn't tally up right?
The 'Face' was first noticed in 1976 by Viking 1 spacecraft, circling around Mars, after trying to find its sistership, Viking 2. As Viking 1 was circling around, it spotted a likeness to the human face. And the mound was found in Cydonia, a very well-know area on the Red Planet to house mesas. As the years went by, they looked more into the mound and Scientists concluded that it was just another mesa, but this moutain-like hill had shadows that resemble the human face.
As you review this very peculiar picture, you can see that it just resembles Earth, mostly in Western America. That certain part of America are very popular for its mesas and buttles (which are the same as mesas). There may be more out in the solar system, mnaybe even more in the whole universe itself, but in the end of all the discoveries, they all end up being coincidences. Maybe one day, we'll find extre terrestrial life, but for now, we will just make more and more discoveries until we don't have anything else to find. | 23
01dabde | Work. School. Party. No matter what you have on your to do list you still have to get there, so why are car sales going down and how is it benificial to our society? Teens and young adults can often be heard discussing what brand of car they one day hope to buy and all the modifications they will make to 'trick it out'. Many people though end up being 20 or older before they actually get that car they always talked about, and despite parents claim of laziness there could be more to it then that. So what advantages could there be to a world with fewer cars on the road?
The first topic that is at the forfront of the minds of most people just starting out their new life is cost. The world revolves around money, thats just the way it is, so many people are finding themselves cutting out things that they don't really need. Now I know what your thinking but before you begin your argument that you really need that blue mercedes you saw in the magazine think about just how much that cost compared to your last paycheck, not so exiting anymore right? With public transportation becomingh more and more avalible many people are choosing to take the public bus rather then buy their own car. Another thought is all those taxes you pay. What you thought they went to police and teacher's wages and building nice little parks for the kiddies? Well acording the Environmantal Protection Agency 80% goes into making Highways and other transport, and why do they need that much money? Because we drive 100 tons over them every day. Many of the more polluted citys are even begining to put laws into place banning or restricting traffic in some areas and placing fines on those who violate them. Between the purchase price and matnence as well as gas and the money used to fund roads and highways theres a lot of dough pouring into your car drives.
Now heres the topic I know your all tired of hearing about but its still very important, the environment. Car emmisions are the second biggest source of polllution in the atmosphere, first place going to powerplants and third place being cows, yes cows. Is a world blanketed in smog and smoke where the very air that sustains you is poison the kind of place you want to live in or, for that matter, raise kids in? Its not the the planets health we're talking about here its the health of everything living on it including us. While we're on the topic of health one of the greatest health issues in America is obesity, now imagine if everyone left their cars at home and walked or biked instead, the whole country would be healthier then ever before. And you know how when you go into the country the air smells so nice and clean, well that could be the city too if we just cut back on emmisions, we could have nice fresh air as well. Now think of your children, or friends or even yourself, just outside playing football when a car comes by and almost hits you, dozens of people die every day in car crashes that wouldnt if there were less cars on the road. So think of the health of your familly, your friends, your pets, and yourself.
Finally we have the cultural shift, many Americans are already choosing to carpool take public transport or even just walk and less and less are buying cars. This trend is so noticibly prominent that car companys are trying to come up with new ideas and products to keep their customers coming. Citys are coming up with new systems of bike and car borrowing as well as a partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which "Pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and imporve safty". So for those of you that can't stand to be left behind by the times jump on the band wagon and you can do your part to bring about a new cleaner era in the world.
Cars, the parasprites of a modern age, keep multiplying and destroying more and more. The emmisions given of by these monstrosities will linger more many a milenia poisoning the air we breath and devastating the world out children will inherit. Unless we do something to stop it now this travesty will continue to ravange all life on the planet untill we are on the brink of extinction, so do us all a favor and help to push this new trend of a car free world. | 45
01e0bb8 | Have you ever wondered what someone is feeling? With this new technology called the Facial Action Coding System, it is truly possible. You can detect the emotions people are feeling through this technology advancement.
Using this new technology serves great purpose and value to us as consumers because it is created to help us understand our history and advance in other forms of technology.
To begin, the facial recognition technology serves great purpose and value because it unlocks new discoveries in our history. With this being said, new beginnings are coming about because we know more about how Mona Lisa was feeling while Da Vinci was painting this famous portrait that is spoken about all across America. It gives insight on the deeper meaning of this painting. For example, we now know that Da Vinci must have studied the human body in order to create such a wonderful piece of artwork. In the text it states,"Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions." Due to his great knowledge of the human body and muscles he was able to paint precise emotions and because he painted such precise emotions, people today were able to unlock how she felt during this time. A new discovery. After all, this advanced tech can now bring this history piece to life. In the text it states,"Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movementsin a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa." This creates a new perspective of how we view our history and it also could unlock mysteries in our histories past.
In addition,this technology advancement was created only to help people. As consumers, we always think about, what would this do for me? With that being said, the Facial Action Coding System could have a positive affect on our medicines, entertainment, and medical technology. In the text it states,"The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressivefor video games or video surgery." The one thing I think about when I hear America is sports, which is a form of entertainment. The new technology could benefit our use of televisions and radios or smartphoneswhich we watch sports on. Another thing I think about it when someone is speaking about this country is medical purposes. Our country has amazing medical advances and technology. The facial coding could help create a better understanding or a better alternative for complicated technology. Then again, as consumers we also spend alot of time on social media or looking at ads. Sometimes there are things we are not interested in at all but they annoyingly still pop up. With the facial coding, our faces can be detected if we like the ad and if we do not like the ad. This benefits us greatly because it shows what we do want to see and what we do not want to see. In the text it states,"For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown,the next ad will be different." Many might say this does not matter but ads are everywhere and our world is only going to rely on computers, or other forms of technology so why not embrace it and try to advance too?
In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System serves great purpose and value to us as consumers because it is created to help us understand our history and advance in other technology. | 34
01e64c4 | the author supports going to venus for further study bcause he wants to see if there might have had life on venus. He also thinks that venus might have been more like earth.
The reason why the author would want to go back to venus is to see what happend to it but the reason humans have not been back to venus in nearly 3 decades is because the rovers cant take the preassure and heat on the planet and break in 30 or less minutes.
Humans want to go so they are making prototypes of diffrent things like a blimp like vehicle that would stay 30 miles in the air that would study but the problem with tht vehicle is that no light can penetrate throw the clouds so they couldnt see anything. but they might you something called a mechinacal computer that dosnt need a battery it is operated with gears and levers so it could with stand harsh enviorments. the reason we we cant use a computer for example is because the elctronics would melt and imploud because of the emensece preassure on the surface of venus.
So the auther is for going back to venus but humans need to figure out how to get back to venus saftly and effectively so that humans ca acualy do reasarch on the planet and not just send a rover that will malfuction in 30 or less minustes and see if there was once life on venus. | 12
01e78c7 | Studying Venus isnt worthy puting peoples life in danger and taking dangers. There is many reasomns why studying Venus is such a good idea. Reason nyumber one is that it is to dangerous for humans or anyting to be going up to Venus. Reason number two is that they have all te equiment but are they ready do be risking a lot of things.
First, studying Venus can be so greatful and amzing but they would be puttin a lot of things in danger just to study Venus. Venus for humans is very dangers. Like the author said in paragrag three, '' Venus has the hottest surface temerature of any planet in our soloar system.'' Despite the fact that Mercury is closer to te sun than Venus is. " Besides the high pressure and te heat, Venus geology and weater present additional impediment like erupting volcanoes, very powerful earth quakes and frequuent ligtning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface."
There for i dont think is a great idea to study Venus. To many dangers and also to risky putting
peoples life in danger just to study a planet. | 12
01ec06b | Dear State Senator ,
The electoral college is not a good idea. Voters really dont get to vote for the President . A slate of electoral is the person to elect the President. This system is called a disaster factor , the U.S. should be lucky the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century. There are also people that want to stay with keeping electoral college . The electoral college restores most of the weight on the political balance that by population in large states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the constitution.
The electoral college is unfair to voters. The canidates dont spend time in the states they know theres nochance of winning. Its a winner takes all kinda thing. In the 2000 campaign about 17 states didn't get to see there canadidates at all . States like Rhode Island and South Carolina and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didnt get to see a campaign ad.
Here is some information on the electroral college ,Every 4 years the presidential election is held on the Tuesday after the first monday inNovember. You can help choose your state's electors when you vote for President . When you vote your actually voting for your candidate's electors. The electoral college has 538 electors. 270 electoral votes are required to elect the President. After the election your governor prepares a certificate of ascertinment listing all of the candidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of their respective electors. The certificate also declares the winning canidate in your state.
State legislatures are responsible for picking electors. In the 1960's segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the democratice electors with new who would oppose John F. Kennedy. in 1960 also Hawaii sent in 2 slates of electors to congress . Luckily , Vice President Richard Nixon was presiding over the senate validated his only opponet's electors.
The electoral congress should not be used it's unfair . It should be changed to be the popular vote for the president in the U.s. . It's unfair to the people there not really voting. | 23
01ec1a3 | "What's that thing on the moon dad?" "That is a land form, it's not on the moon but on Mars a planet far away from us." The landform on mars in natural, even if it looks like a face. You can see things closeer up in a digital image, there are many equivilent landforms on Earth that are natural, and lots of theories are exagerated.
The landform on Mars is a mesa, and there are many like it on Earth. As the text states, "It remids me most of Middle Buttein the Snake River Plain of Idaho..." Just because something that is here and it's known it is natural doesn't mean that on another planet it was made by or is extra terrestial.
Theories about the mesa on Mars being from other lifeforms was exagerated. As the text says, " The Face on Mars has become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, rado talk shows- even haunted grocery stores for 25 years!" Over time the face on Mars probably got twisted, just like a game of telephone. The truth probably got mushed with Sci-Fi.
A digital image in taken in 2001 showed nothing but rocks no tools, and the picture was very shap and discerning. The text states, ""Malin's team captured an extrodinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution." Each pixel in the photo covered 1.56 meters insteaf of 43 meters per pixel. As a rule of thumb you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size." This means that if there were tools, construction equipment, or anything
from "extra terrestrials" that they would be visible in the picture. There was nothing there but landforms and rocks.
In 1998 the best picture taken was when Mars was foggy and skeptics and theorists said that markings could be hidden. But in 2001 a new picture was taken and it showed that the landform only had the markings the rest of the planet. The red dust and rocks.
The landform on mars in natural, even if it looks like a face. You can see things closeer up in a digital image, there are many equivilent landforms on Earth that are natural, and lots of theories on the face are exagerated. Before you speculate, have your facts straight. | 34
01f5682 | Dear State Senate,
I feel that the way we, the people, vote today is very unfair. We should change the voting to popular vote for the president of the United States. The majority of people don't care about voting for the next United States prsident because they don't get to chose who will win. The people that get to vote for one's state might not think about what what the remaining others would want.
In source one, this section tells the reader what an electoral college is and how it works. Paragraph two sums up what this system is, "The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president, and the counting if the electoral votes by Congress." Basically what this paragraph was saying is that the people dont get to directly say who they want as president. The people of a state get to vote for who they want, but it is ultimately up to the state electors on who will get the vote from that particular state. There could be a ton of people voting for one president, and then there might be less votes for a president who may be even better. Ultimately what this system comes down to is the people don't vote for their next president. They are selecting a name that might not do anything to their country.
Source two talks about the electoral college and how the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong. In paragraph nine, the text says, "... according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore- thanks to the quirks of the electoral college- won the popular vote but lost presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." The electoral college is responsible for picking electors, who can go behind the peoples back and chose the president nobody wanted. This system or process is a total disaster. Paragraph thirteen states, "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the 'swing' states.
Paragrapgh twenty-three, "It can be argued that the electoral college method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state- Democrates in Texas, for example, or Republicans in California." If these people were to vote by the system we have now, their vote would have no effect. This leads to the people living in these states to not vote. They don't even pay attention to the campaign anymore. They know that they won't do anything to the votes or who will become president. They couldn't care less.
We should get rid of the electoral college all together. This system is not working for a lot of people and this is why many people dont care enough to vote anymore. There are people that vote for our state. Why should the people care? If we switched to popular vote, our country might participate in picking who the next president of the United States will be. When people have a voice, they will use it as much as they possibly can. | 45
0200fbc | The story " The Challenge Of Exploring Venus" was all about venuse. The story explained that Venus is
dangerous, it's not safe for people to go up to Venus and they are thinking about sending technology to Venus.
Venus is very dangerous. In the story it say that "venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system". That is not good imagine a (NASA) researcher going to venus to get information they would not even make it back because of how hot it is. Venus is something were people should not go. Also in the text it says that "Venus would not allow scientists to float above the fry". That quot from the text is very important because it is clealy warrning you that it is dangerous.
Venus is not very safe for humans/researchers. In the story it says that " beyond high pressure and heat, venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and frequent lightning strikes to probes seekinhg to land on its surface". Just reading that littke sentence you can tell Venus is no joke it is very dangerous. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration would not even send a human to study Venus.
In the story the author talked about sending mechanical computers to Venus to get the information they need. That would be very smart to send old technology
(Mechanical computers) insted of humans it would be way safer. In the story the author states that "These divices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during World War II".
So I belive that if these mechanical computers did the job back in 1940s then it can do the job now because we have better technology no then we did back then. Also it states in the story that "modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible and quick but tend to be more delicaye when it comes to extrem phisical condidtions". If they send these computers they can really get their information andit would save more human lives because then the humans would not have to go to Venus toget the information they need.
In conclusion Venus is dangerous, its not safe for humans to go up to venus and they are thinking about sending tecnology computers to get information. | 23
0210900 | That technology would not help in schools because the fact that students are sometimes not happy with how computer ads put up. Teacher can also see how their students are feeling on the computer but one flaw about this is that what if it didn't work. The technology would have to have many updates to get the system right and make the experiance better. Someone can hack that computer and can be watching you or the government might be trying to watch us. How much is schools going to be paying for these compter? Maybe around a million dollars in buying and fixing it. Most schools don't have good internet or they have bad students that might break these computers and the school or stduent would have to pay for it. The computers schools have now barely even work now so why buy a computer that most likely not going to work no better than the computers they already have. Why take away a ad and putting a new ad is going to make a student happy? What if they dont like ads at all? what is the point of the putting a computer that can read people emotions by scanning their face and the students are not going get any happier they are going be excited about at first and then get bored with it. Computers are not good for kids at a young age they will get addicted to being on a computer won't go outside and then they are going to gain weight and then be fat. | 12
0211cb6 | MONTH_DAY_YEAR
Goodmoring senator before I start , I would like to ask how are you doing and how's your family. I hope everybody health is great and family problems. Today I want to talk to you about some little problem that's not going as well as I thought it was going to go. Electoral College is not a good idea for us citizens. Because everybody in this country that works and come from another country , should be able to vote for their President. The Electoral College consists of 583 electors. A majority of 270 electoral vote is required to elect the President.
The presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Us citizens think that's a better idea. Don't you think? The presidential election most have a "winner-take-all" system that awards all electors to the winning presidental candidate. And after the presidential election, yout governor prepares a "Certificate of Ascertainment". Listing all of the candidates who ran for President in your state along with the names of their respective electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party.
According to Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole they agreed on abolishing the electoral college . The electoral college won the popular vote but lost the presidency over 60% of voters. What that means? 60% of the people didn't agree with the electoral college. The single best argument against the electoral college is what they might call the disaster factor. Us the American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century. The state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors , and that those electors could always defy the will of the people.
At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each states they know they have no chance of winning , focosing only on the tight races on the "swing" states. During the 2000 compaign seventeen states did not see the canditates at all. Including Rhode Island and South Carolina. Also voters in 25 of the lqrgest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad. The electoral college is unfair, outdated , and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertionw without much basis in reality. Bob Dole was right. Abolish the elctoral college!
In conclusion, The Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachronism , a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner. There are five reasons for retaining the Electoral College despite its lack of democratic pedigtee; all are practical reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons. This is all I wanted to tell you , I hope you listen to what I'm trying to tell you. I know I am not the only one that thinks like this. If you would like to contact me back you could email me at EMAIL_ADDRESS. Thankyou and have a great day!
021271e | In the article it states that a " Long time ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth today ." This shows that Venus wasonce probably just like how earth is today . You couldve probably lived there and made a whole new life there . Also the text says " The planet has a surfave of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." This shows how Venus is just alike to earth and that maybe we should consider exploring Venus more.
The idea in the article that they came up with is that they wanted us to imagine a "vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. At thirty-plus miles abover the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level om Earth." This is showing that humans can possibly live on Venus . Its not "eady conditions" to live in but they can. They should explore Venus some more and come up with a idea so people can possibly start a life there. This would benefit a lot of people because what if something really bad happened to earth then people could stay on another planet and we can have Venus as a back up plan if anything goes wrong .
In conclusion, NASA should consider exploring Venus because its would benefit a lot of people. Having another planet to live on would possibly lower the population on earth and would make it easier for everyone. It can also be a "backup planet" incase anything happened to the planet earth and lastly we can see how it is to live different as surive in a different planet . | 23
0220c9f | This article about the Facial Acting Coding System could be valuable. Though it may not be exactly needed it could be used when looking at a criminal and seeing what emotions they are hiding under the fake smile or crying face they have. This facial coding system could be used to help students who are struggling and what help but cant get the nerve to ask for it. Since technology is becoming a way of life this is just another step forward to becoming closer to computers and for them to understand us better.
In paragraph 1, It showed an example of Mona Lisa. In paragraph 5 it talks about how Da Vinci would study human anatomy to help him paint facial muscles precisely to show true emotions. For them to do Mona Lisa was brilliant because everyone knows who she is and Da Vinci studied human anatomy to show strong emotions. This could be valuable to schools because students make it hard for other students to show their true emotions. By using this facial coding systen teachers and administration could see what students are truly struggling with. It could be their math homework or maybe a problem with family. They could see their emotions in the computer while at home and at school to see how they act differently. This system could make school a more welcoming and fun to place to come to. In paragraph 6 it says this computer technology could make a boring lesson more interesting to the specific student. Every student has different like so this would be very valuable to schools.
Through this all it would be valuable for schools to invest in this product because it would make the school more fun for students and allowing them to learn more by the facial system allowing them to recognize what makes them happy and what makes them annoyed or bored. It would also be valuable to buy this because students could have fun learning about it and seeing how it works and may show them what they want to do in the future by showing what the future may turn out to be with new technology. | 23
0224c63 | Hey, I'm Luke. I'm here to tell you about the Seagoing Cowboys program. I was a Seagoing Cowboy myself. It was a very unique experience. On the plus side, I also had a lot of spare time. I got to see Europe and China. My friend and I got to help a lot of people during our time, too. There is also time to play around on the boats after you unload all the animals. I loved to play volleyball and baseball. Also, we played table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling.
The program helped open up my eyes. It made me more aware of people in other countries and their needs. It might be a little hard at first ,and rough, but you'll get the hang of it. After all that, just think of how good you'll feel after knowing you've helped people. Signing up for the Seagoing Cowboys is a great opportunity for you. If you like to have spare time, help people, and have a lot of fun, Seagoing Cowboys is the job for you. Participate today! | 12
0226250 | In this article Driverless Cars are coming i agree with them. It would be nice to have cars that can help us drive or even drive for us. First that would be really good for peoplewho drink and drive. Then it would be the same for
people who are tired from work or an type of activity and cant drive because there just so tired.Plus i feel its a good investment in our country, instead of getting a taxi.
First i think its a good idea because the people who drink and drive now have this driverless car to take them home. There friends dont have to worry if he or she made it home safetly cause there is this car that is
keeeping them safe from driving. They wont hurt anybody or themselves. Also if they do try to drive and put there hand on the wheel maybe they should have the car sense there is too much alchahol in there system.Like how paragraph 4 said that "they will needed a
whole lot of sensors" for the car so maybe then can put a sensor like that put in the car.
Then the people who are tired from work and from doing something very tiring or the people who cant see even at night
and they suufer from driving and they end up up a car crash so the car can help
them out a lot because many people suffer from not seeing in the dark when they drive. Or when you
go grocery shopping and your reallly tired and cant really much for yourself the car is there for you to take you home.
Last, its a good investment for our country in paragraph 1 they mention that
"the cars he foresees would use half the fuel of todays taxis and offer far more flexibllity than a bus." so i feel why not take up that offer when there is so many companies out there that offer a taxie system, so we can replace all of that and save more money in this counry and possibly other contries. having to pay for a ride from and back can burn your pockets when you can use half that with the driverless car. I feel you can save so much more money that way ecespically when you use the taxi sytem everyday. when you think about it thats thousands a year. So i say just invest in the car and it would be better for you and me
in the the end.
In conclusion i think that driving driverless cars are good with me im totally with it in the end. | 34
0226c11 | The face on Mars is a natrual landform created on the planet. Some people believe it was created by aliens or that's an alien artifact around the planet. The face that we see in the pictures is mostly not possible for aliens to create and for sure there are no tracks of any alien life around.
In the article it says There was no alien monument after all. This explains my answer by saying that the face was created naturally and not an alien artifact. Also in the article Unmasking the Face on Mars it explains another reason to show that the face on Mars is just a natural landform created by the planet in the article it says "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West". This also explains my answer by comparing the natural landforms on Earth and comparing it to the face on Mars. The third reason to explain why the face on Mars
is a natural landform is in the beginning a reason to why people think it's an alien creacted landform or artifact is because of the pictures where not made clear enough during 1976-1998. After getting the 2001 picture it's easier to see that it only creates a face when there are shadows.
The picture taken in 2001 can also make it clear that it has a natural form for example it's not perfectly shapped and it has a few cracks almost like a rock. In the article it says “As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size". This explains my answer by explaining how the image taken in 2001 was a better picture of the face on Mars and they could actually work on it better and discover it without any problems to stop them along the way. Also the image taken in 2001 can help explain to those who believe that it was formed by aliens that it was a natural landform created by the planet naturally. The landform that looks like a face on Mars is created naturally by the planet. | 23
0227e67 | Cars thery're every where, and people use cars to get from point A to point B. Cars are very important in the lives of many people all over the world. Cars are efficiant and help to get the job done. People often only seem to look at jus the postive sides of cars, but yet tend to oversee the down falls of how the use of cars can have in a persons life. the use of cars many have a few postive aspects but the negatives out way the good. The use of cars effect the enviorment negatively in a big way, also the use of cars tends to cause people stress that a person might not be aware their going through. The limting of the use of cars is something people must take upoon themselves to look at.
The envorement its all around us, it provides us with the basic nesscities we need to survive the envoirment provides us with oxygen that we need to breathe and food that we need to eat. The use of cars is threating the enviorment. Cars realse Co2 or carbondioxy into the enviorment causeing the air to be come polluted. Accoriding to an article tittled "paris bans driving due to smog" writen by Robert Duff. Duff writes about how Paris Frances air had become so polluted due to the realse of co2 admsions that the govenerment had to enforce a band on the use of cars until the smog in the air cleared up. The main casue of the smog in the air was the diesls found in the cars used in France, due the fact that France has a Tax policy that draws towards the use of diesles over gasoline. Accrording to Duffer "diesels makes up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to53.3 percent average of diesle engins in the rest of Western Europe, according to Reuters."
In the article Duffer explains how the most ppopulated cities are the ones with the the smog or air pollution. Cities like Beijing and China have alot of smog in the air is because of the use of cars. The use of cars have a very negative impact on the enviorment. Countries all over the world are taking a step foward towards limting their use on cars due to effcts its has. In an acrticle called In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars writen by Elisabeth Rosenthal talks about an upscaled coummunity in called Vauban Germany where people have given up theirs cars. In Vauban's 70 percent of the families that resided in vaubans don't own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move into the community. Even though alot of the resdients of Vauband dont use car some still due. Ownig a car is still allowed vauband uses large garages where people can store thier cars,but a person must first pruchase a parking space for $40,000 first. While some cars are still used in the comuntiy walk or bycicle as thier means of transportation. Vauband is a prime example of of a postive growing trend. Vauband helps to reduce the green house gas emissions cars give off.
While cars can cause harm to the enviorment, cars can also cause people stress that they themsleves don't know they're dealing with. Accoriding to a a qoute found in In german Suburb, Life goes on without Car. Heidrun Walter exprees how without casr lifes is happier "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." another qoute found in Car-free day is spinnig into a big hit in Bogota says "Its a good opportunity to take away stress an lower air pollution" said a businessman Carlos Arturo. Carlos was speaking about a day set aside where the use of cars is not permited in Colombia. Cars casue people to feel as if thier lifes revole around cars. Pepole didnt notice the effect that cars had on thier lives until they didnt have to undergo the use f cars. | 34
022a010 | I believe that the Facial Action Coding System would be slightly helpful, but other than that, not at all. While few would benefit from being taught by a computer, others, not so much.
Dr. Huang said that "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." I believe this is wrong, as there is no way of making a student less bored. If you were to add entertainment to the mix of the lesson, then how could the lesson be taken seriously? Teachers tend to add their own spice to lessons that, both, make the students laugh, and become more interested in the lesson. No computer could mimick a human's humor. A computer also would not be able to explain things as well as a teacher could. A computer could modify the lesson as many times as it could, but the student would still be confused. A teacher would be able to explain things better and make it simpler than a computer could. It would also be quicker.
It is proven that students learn better with paper and a physical learning environment. Sure, a computer would know more and be able to explain things more properly, but knowing this fact... Would it even be worth teaching the student if they won't even remember it? Technology would also completely replace the need to write down notes by hand. With a physical environment, you also learn life skills. For example, knowing when to speak and ask questions, manners, and getting along and working with others. These skills are often used in work environments.
And, what about those who have no access to technology? Poverty and homelessness are still big in the world. Sure, your child could participate in a physical environment at a school, but why would there be a need for schools if it is all on the computer? It would also be cheaper for school officials to have computers than to have teachers that require a weekly or monthly pay, and to not require supplies for the children as well. It would quickly spiral into a "be rich or be homeless" world in an instant. A lot of stress would be put on the backs of many people who wish for their child to get an education. We already give these people a hard time, why given them an even harder time, and even include their children?
In conclusion, a lot would be wrong with using the Facial Action Coding System in schools. Very few would benefit from having such advanced technology instead of teachers and a physical environment, but the rest would be disadvantaged. | 45
022b620 | Luke was going to China, because his friend asked him and he said he couldn't pass this up. In the text it says that Luke had no idea that his life would change once he graduated high school. He was working two part time jobs. He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. the United Nations Relief and rehabiliation Administartion hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and the Mule that were shipped overseas. Luke and Don helped and signed up for it. Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece. When he finally got there he helped on his Aunt Katie's farm. He went on a second trip. The cowboys all got along and began playing table tennis tournaments, baseball,volleyball games, and boxing and the games helped pass some time for the cowboys. The cowboy, also known as Luke Bomberger, lead his family to host a number of international students and exchanged visitors for many years. They arrivred in China August 14, the day the Pacific war ended. I bet his family was very proud of him. When he turned 18 I bet he was excited because he could be drafted for miltary service. Then when his board learned that he was on a cattle boat trip they told him to just keep doing that for service.
The reason you should join the Military is because you could save a life. Several of lives. Also because we probably need more people because we could always use more people to protect us. Luke made nine trips after 1947. | 12
022d72e | Have you ever wanted to become a hero? Have you wanted to help people through tough times? Well I know the job just for you! A Seagoing Cowboy. My name is Luke and I was a seagoing cowboy. One day my friend invited me to go to Europe on a cattle boat. I knew I couldn't resist the opportunity. It was 1945 and World War II was all over Europe leaving cities in ruins. Luckily, many nations came together to help support Europe. The UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were being shipped overseas. My friend and I both signed up.
We joined the group because we knew it would be an experience of a lifetime. We also wanted to help people and animals in need. It felt so good to be able to be called a hero. You also get to see many countries and their landmarks. They give you freetime to go and explore the city or town. You learn so much from the cultures and the different people who live there. Although it takes a lot of time, it is definitly worth the trip. You are so proud of yourself for helping people and animals. There is a lot of work involved and you have to be willing to do it. In the end though, it pays off.
Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy opened up a whole new world for me. It was definitly an adventure that I will never forget. It made me more aware of people and their needs. My family hosted a number of people from all over the world. It brought a new light into our eyes. We now know that not all people have what we have. We learned that we need to stay humble no matter how much we have. So go ahead, see what new adventure is waiting for you as a Seagoing Cowboy. | 23
0232d34 | What would it be like with no cars? with limiting car use there will be big advanteges. What do you think about the limit on car use?
Limitg car use has advantages."When I had a car I was always tense,I'm much happier this way"(Rosenthal). With a car life can be overpowering, but without a car thats one less thing you need to stress over. "Drastically reducing greenhouse gases"(Rosenthal). thats one way to reduce the greenhouse effects.
Limiting car uses has advantage. "After days of near record pollution, Paris enforces driving ban to clear the air"(Duffer). a car ban will help clean our cities from record bracking pollution."Pitted sidewalks had been replaced, rush hour was drastically cut, and restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up"(Selsky). since the effort without cars our cities can prosper.
In conclusion without cars will be our best advantage. without car no more stress,greenhouse gases reduced,stopping car pollution, and cities can prosper. this is the effects without car. | 12
0232fa2 | Dear State senator , You should keep the electoral college , beacuse For one theres alot of electors like around 538. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. Then after the presidental election , your governor prepares a 'Certificate of Ascertainment ' listing all of the candidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of their respective electors.
To begin with under the 23rd amendment of the constitution ,"The District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the electoral college" and for that saying , in the following discussion , the word state also refers to the district of columbia. Also Each and every candidate that is running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors."The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party , but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are."
Foremost , under the electoral college system , voters vote not for the persident , but for a slate of electors , who in turn elect the president."Who are the electors? They can be anyone not holding public office. Who picks the electors in the first place? it depends on the state. Now i understand sometimes at state conventions , Partys , central committee , sometimes the presidental candidates themselves , Also sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate."The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. Its Basically whenever theres a really good argument thats what its called.
Subconstantquintly , Sometimes most people worry about the prospect of a tie in the elections vote. "In That case , the election would be thrown to the house of representatives , where state delegations vote on the president." At the most basic level , the electoral college is unfair to voters. "because of the winner-take-all system in each state , candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning , focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. Then now its official " The electoral college is unfair , outdated , and irrational." The best arguments in favor of it in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality.
To end with , Thats why you should keep the electoral college because , You should keep the electoral college , beacuse For one theres alot of electors like around 538. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. Then after the presidental election , your governor prepares a 'Certificate of Ascertainment ' listing all of the candidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of their respective electors. | 01
0237cbd | I think people should join the program that way they or we can help people or other countries in need of help. If other countries need help or something like water or food or something like that like maybe more homes to build for the homeless.
Another good thing about it is that you can travel around the world and the states like if there are more animals do in need because they are in danger and almost extinct!
The best part is that you go out around the world and help out everything and if you are in the news for that and the people see that you were on the news with all of you friends then they might as well congratulat you.
Once they see that people can do that to world then they might want to join because they to. When you around the world that means you might go to Asia and a lot of places that were very good in need like China,Japan,Mexico,Australia, and the best for helping out animals is probably Antartica.
People might say wow that bad because it's really cold there and that Therese really nothing we can do there but there is. You can help the endanger Penguins and sea lions that are there and bring more food for them and ever since the globe warming went up Antartica is slowly melting but then getting more snow but the heat are killing penguins. Maybe go to the polar and save some Narwhals or some other animals like polar bears.
So go around the world helping Elaphants,Penguns and also rhinos or just a lot of animals and other counterinsurgency that are helping animals and build more thing for them like China and the pandas and make more cities or homes for the homeless.
And plus maybe going around in the snow helping animals in the Polar or Antartica Isent so bad and helping out others with water and food and re building things for countries and that means you are doing something good for the world to.
The End | 12
023ab53 | Venus is said to be the most earth-like planet in our solar system. There are however many things that Venus makes it challenging to be studied or understand. That is just one of many very well told reasons in the article that the author provided to state why we should keep studying Venus despite the dangers it presents. THe author provides information that pushes people to want to know more.
In the article the author provides us with information on the ways how humans have studied Venus. In the the article the author tells the reader how humans have sent a lot of spacecrafts to study Venus but no spacecraft survived for such a long time on just landing on Venus. The author expalins that that is the reason to why no furthur studies have been made in over three decades.
Another thing of information that the author provides the reader with is to why the atmosphere is challenging for us. In the article the author provided the reader with information like the degrees and pressures of the atmosphere. In the article it is said to be over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atomspheric pressure is 90 times greater than the pressure on earth. Also on the discovery on the thirty plus miles abover surface tempatures change to 170 degrees and the pressure changed close to the sea level on earth giving the impression that its survivable for humans. This discovery make scientists want to know more on why that is the case, leading them to keep making new discoveries no matter the challenges it brings them.
The last thing the author provides its readers is with imformation on what NASA is working on to know more about Venus. The author states how NASA is working on different approaches to studying Venus. They are working on simplified electronics which some have in fact worked and have lasted for three weeks. It has studied and has gathered more information.
The author states many information for the reader that supports to why the idea of studying Venus is worthy of pursuit, the more interesting information she provides the more the reader would want to know. The reader would think it is worthy to pursuit to get more discoveries and know the planet further more. | 34
023c138 | Limiting car usage has many advantages. The most important advantage is reducing pollution. Vehicles emit greenhouse gasses from their tailpipe. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse has emissions in Europe.... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States", as said in source one,
In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars.
One of the main reasons the pullution is so bad in Europe is because of the diesel fuels. According to Reuters, "Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to 53.3 percent average in the rest of Western Europe. Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter, Brussels had 114, and London had 79.7. The numbers show that there is a direct correlation between the percent of diesel used, and the amount of pollution in an area.
Limiting car usage also helps cities grow. In Bogota, 118 miles of bicycle paths were constructed. Along with parks and sports centers blooming up, side walks have been replaced. Even new restraunts and shopping districts have been built. And on top of all this, traffic has been majorly reduced. As said in the exerpt,
Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota , "These people are generating a revolutionary change."
Not only does reducing the amount of cars help the enviornment, it's better for your health. Pollution doesn't only affect the environment, it also damages the body. As the air gets polluted by greenhouse gas emissions, you breath in that air. And that contaminated air is the same contaminated air that is being cycled throughout our body. On top of that, reducing the usage of vehicles would force you to find a new way to get to your destination. You might resort to walking, jogging, bike riding, skating, or anything else you could think of. Limiting car usage would force you to excercise, which is obviously very beneficial to one's health.
Another advantage of limiting vehicle usage is the money that would be saved. Limiting vehicle usage would result in not buying gas as often. And as expensive as gas can get, that would would be a lot of money saved. If you went as far as selling your vehicle, there's even more money that you would benefit from.
So there are many advantages that result from limiting vehicle usage. For one, it reduces pollution, which is bad for the enviornment, as well as our health. Secondly, it would force us to excercise more. And lastly it would save us a lot of money. | 34
024873e | Many elections have gone bad in the United States. Just like wat it says in "The indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the systems are wong", there were many "disaster factors" in the system during elections. Also, delegates in the electoral college don't even vote for their own party's canditate, they just fool around and choose the other candidate. We should abolish the electoral college and change the election by popular vote.
To begin with, there were many "disaster factors" in the system for the electoral college. In "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why Even the Best-Laid Defenses of the Systems Are Wrong", it states that back in 1960, segregationists almost succeds in putting in new electors to oppose John F. Kennedy. Also, it states that there are "faithless" electors that refuse to vote for their party's candidate which is pretty sad. There are more reaons why we should bann the electoral college.
Furthermore, population is a big factor also in the electoral college. "In Defense of the electoral college: Five Reasons to Keep Our Despised Method of Choosing the President" It states that the electoral college restores some of the weight in the political balance of large states. It's wrong because the big states are the ones that need that population in order for the candidate to win. It's pretty fair to do it by popuation because it depends on that specific person on which candidate is gonna win, not by the state.
That leads to the fact that electoral votes are not the same as voters voting for the president. Many presidents lost the election just because of the electoral college. Personally, it's not fair that a candidate can't become president just because of the electoral college. it even says it in "The indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the systems are wong". It states that voters do not vote for the president, but for a slate of electors that will elect the president. Nobody knows if that person is loyal or not.
In conclusion, the electoral college should be banished from this country. It is a terrible system that had many "disaster factors" in it and also there are people that are elected that are not loyal to their party. If we don't stop it now, who knows what will happen to this magnificent country. If we keep the electoral college as our system, maybe our country will go downhill, so r you willing to abolish it for the greater good? | 23
024a3bb | I think this 3-D computer software that can recognize emotions can be used very good because we could tell if somone isnt happy and when there mad ,it can be used for students when they are confuse or bored in school.
This computer software can help kids that are falling into depression not fall into it how? You could use it on them and see if they are depresse and they could recive help from adults. This can also let you know when someone isnt in the mood such as being mad or sad.
This 3-D
software can also help kids in a classroom. It can be downloaded in your computer and you could be reading a passage and your confuse,it could make the lesson modify and make it less confusing on the student. It could also be used for video games or video surgery.
This is why i think its a good idea to have this computer software because it can help students in school if there confuse or bored ,and it can help kids when there depresse and mad or just not in the mood. | 12
025d46f | The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students is a good idea. Some students want there emtions to them selfs and want to know there emitons. ''She's 82 percent happy. 9 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." This new technology can calculate your emtions like math. Also using ''video imagery, the new emtion-recognition software tracks these facial movments - in a real face or in the painrted face of Mona Lisa.'' It can define the emotion of a real human and in a painting. There technology is very intresting they construct a 3-D computer model to the face. instead of humans trying to find out calculations them selfs they can use the new technology. Humans can perform the same way as the new technology even tho they are gonna have to estimate the percentigs. Also can tell when children or students are tired or bored or falling as sleep so then the technolgy '' could modity the lesson, like and effective human instructor. The same technology can make computers-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgery.'' so it can keep the students on track and still learn on there school lessons and wont get behind. Whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emtions. Students can change there face exprishions but the new technolgy can tell that not there real expertion. The new use of this technology to read the emtional expersions of students is a good idea. The technology will be a helpful thing in the near future for all of the school to keep the studetns on track and wont get lost on there lessons. this new technolgy wlll help students alot. | 12
0262618 | "Unmasking the face on Mars"
You will be wondering what theirs a face on Mars,well we do not know for sure. Some scienitst are saying that the "Face on Mars" are provided from aliens (Aliens are living in Mars?). They discover the face in 1976,that is when they took the photo they lastest image is from 2001. Also another scientist are saying (am one of them) that "It is just a rock". It has natural grow & its not a mask & just a rock. But who knows no one knows.
Did you know that 50% of scientist think that it is a mask from aliens & the other 50% of scientist think it is just a natural landform. "A few days later NASA unveilded the image for all to see. The caption noted a huge rock formation. . .which resembles a human head. . .formed by shadows giving the ilusion of eyes,nose & mouth." And i still think it just a rock,if it were an aliens face or an human face tell me how did it got their.
Do you still think that its still their (i do so) because it is a rock,rocks dont die,they are hard rocks we have & they never die. But am not that convience how can a rock change by its years,but also maybe because it is a different type of rock (its in the space) I thinking that the rock changes by the time.
Its just a rock that looks strange dont all rocks look strange they are all unique & some strange ones they are a lot of type of rocks in the life,dont think the the rocks are the same. Were different. | 12
026355a | I think that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because you may get to see new sights. You may also play fun and exiting games while your off shift or while going on the return trips. You can also help out with fun things like feeding the animals or be put on night shift.
The sights you get to see could be amazing. The thing you get to see could be amazing. When you are a Seagoing Cowboy you get to see all types of new things like new fish or new landscapes. Some off the landscapes you might not be used to, but that means that you could enjoys the veiw! As your out on the sea you can see fish that you might of never seen before. You could also see reefs that are colorful and bright!
When your on the ship it could get quite borning. You might want to do something fun. Well on the return trip you get to play all the games etc. you want. Some games for when your in the mood for somehting sporty you can play baseball and volleyball where their are empty holds where the animals were kept. You can also play table tennis, fencing, and boxing. After you played the sports you might be ready for a relaxing game such as board games or cards. If your not into those kinds of things then you can just read or whittle. There is always a fun option.
When there are tons of animals on the ship there is always work to be done. To help out you can feed the animals and/or clean their stalls. You could also pull up bales of hay and bags of oats from the lower holds of the ship. When you feed the animals you have to feed and water them 2 or 3 times a day. To be extra helpful you could help clean. It may not be the funnest job, but it helps a lot. When we get to our destination there are tons of animals to load off the ship. You coild help unload them or if we are back at our returning place you could help load the animals and all the supplies into the ship.
Those are only some of the reansons why you should become a Seagoing Cowboy. Its a lot of fun, but it can be hard sometimes. You may get hurt, but thats okay. Thanks for your time. | 34
0264158 | In the article,"Driverless Cars Are Coming," there is an abdunant amount of reasons why these cars with the idea of driveless cars is absolutly absurd. The idea for the car itself is a ton of money just to build it. Then to add "smart-roads system"(3) would add thousands of more dollars to go to waste. If the money issue is not a concern, then what about the idea of still having to assist a car that is suppose to be "driverless"?
The cars themsevles would cost a fortune to make but "smart-roads systems"(3) would cost too much money for anyone person to pay. Now the car itself would be too much money because of the need of so many sensors. With an estimated guess, there would have to at least 11 different types of sensors to be place in one car. Even with thousands of dollars going into the driverless cars, they still have not found a way to have a completely driverless vehicle. Different cars call for different driver's assistance. Some "make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel,"(7) while others will send a signal to the driver such as, vibrating the seat, announcing to driver that they "should be prepared to take over"(7), and others have flashing lights. Which means that in no way is this car driverless if it some how requires the drivers help with driving.
These cars would cost one person, a lot of money that they do not have. Even the safe-road system that has not even been made would cost even more then the car itself. If that was not enough, then what about the fact that these cars are not driverless... the driver still needs to help driving. These reasonings just help with the understanding that these cars is just something that is not needed in this world. | 23
0269b85 | The picture shows a face but how long ago was that picture taken, 1976 was when the first picture was taken. In 1976 they had a camera with pixels thats not so good. The picture was taken like there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the gound or Egyptian-style pyraminds or even small shacks, you could see what they were. It was taken 43 meters away.
In 1998 the picture was taken again and the camera was getting better and better. The 1998 picture looks more clear then the pitcure that was taken in 1976. Over time the picture got more clear. 2001 the picture was taken again and it was taken 2.5 km-wide stripes away. This time it didnt even look like a face. The Middle Butte looks like a snake from in the air but doesnt make it a snake. You saying aliens made that too the way the water moved made it like that .
So facts show that at one point it looked like a face but wasnt done by alien the way the picture was taken is the reason why. You could use the moon as an example. Everyone use to think there was a man in the moon just by the way it looks but clearly there isnt a man in the moon. The way the picture taken can make a shadow and can make you see things that arent really there. | 23
0273b7b | Venus is often referred to as the "twin" of earth. It is the second closest planet to the sun. Space crafts have been sent to Venus despite its extreme conditions. There has not been any humans sent to Venus. The last spacecraft was sent was three decades ago. Spacecrafts have not lasted more than a few hours after landing in Venus.
The author of this article suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Astronomers and scientists are fascinated by Venus because it is the most similar planet to Earth. In the article it states that long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today Venus has some features that are the same to those of Earth. Venus has valleys, mountains, and craters. Mars and Venus are the closest planets to earth and often times Mars is closer than Venus. Due to the speed, it changes which two planets is closest.
NASA is working on technology that would allow further studying on Venus. One of their solutions to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. This means that they would have something that could fly over the many storms to avoid the bad conditons. This idea is more thought out than the spacecrafts that would have to land and would only last a few hours. Another one of NASAs projects is simplified electronics made of silicon carbide that have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.
The author does have some convincing details in the article. Though the conditions of Venus do seem harsh and there has not been anymore attempts to send more projects down to Venus in three decades. It does seem like NASA is working hard to get things fixed and ready for a possiblity of sending projects down. The details presented were convincing and it makes a good article. The author is pursuading but the conditions that Venus holds are not convincing. | 23
0279487 | When cars where made by humans they put this device that is to have the car be more alarmed to the driver and everyone else that is in the car, but there are still some cars that are very old and don't have the same menufactors that are placed in the old cars that are like 1800s and 1900s. I think that the old cars should be put into some car meuseum or somthing to remind us how the very first engine car ever work without having a carage that has to have a horse to use as wheels even though that was a very very very very very very long time before even engine cars even excisted in time.
i think that we've impoved on the safety of everyone that is driving and that are still learning to drive and trying our hardest to keep people safe from harm but useally that doesn't happen, we would have some difficulties with the cars that we are using today still needs some work to be done with them. I think it's a good idea to put more control on the car and less for the driver that has to drive the car. The only reason why we build cars and buses and trains and etc is to make us get to things like a if your running late for something and you need to get there really fast you could take your car and get there as fast as you can so your not offically late and not get fired and have to lose your job cause you were late for work.
That's why we have cars to rely on and not our feet the whole time but most times if we dont want to use our car we can always walk there thats somewhere close and not far to walk like the gas station or the park or anything or if your just to dang "LAZY" to even walk that far then you would use a car or if you dont own a car you always use the bus to go where you want to go. It's not that hard to spend a little money on a bus toll to get to where you want to go and really it's not that hard at all but if it's for something really important then "GO BUY A CAR" i mean yeah cars are exspenive to even afford one but really if you save money then wouldn't have no problem at all on buying a car that has to fit your needs and get to places that you need to go. | 01
027a1f9 | The face was just a natural landform made by butte or mesa which were landforms common around around the American West. I know this because it says in the article " As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel, "So if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were.
Even though many scientists thought the Face was a alien artifact, photographing Cydonia became a priority for NASA when Mars Global Surveyor arrived at the Red Planet. People may have thought the Face was bona fide evidence of life on Mars evidence the NASA would rather hide.
The face was just a huge rock formation which looked as to be a human head. The head was formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth. Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa common enough around Cydonia.
An those are the many reasons why I think it was not created by aliens but created by natural landform. | 12
0281195 | There are many bad reasons why you shouldn't go Seagoing. One reason is you can get killed and be letf there like Luke almost died. Next reason is it's not fit for everyone such as not everyone would like to do this task. The last reason is you don't earn any money from Seagoing i know its a opportunity of a lifetime but think about it.
The places you can go such as Europe now thats kind of odd. Of why you you would go in a cattle boat fulled with people you dont know. I'm not saying I would turn down that opportunity but I would think about it for awhile. You dont know where you going to be next you may get a hint or something i wouldn't know but it would be scary if it where myself doing this.
When would you get home? I would always ask myself this quistion if it were me on a cattle boat going to Europe .
Also what was the main reason why I took this opportunity. Was the main reason because it was opportunity of a lifetime. Think it over and find 3 main reasons why you took this opportunity.
I understand why Luck did what he did. What im trying im trying to say here is why he crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected by World War II. What I dont unnderstand is what was his main reason.
To finish up my dissagrement of why someone like me or even you shouldent do this is, did he even help anybody becaue in the promt it didn't tell wither or not if he did. I would think that was that was the most important thing. | 12
0286af8 | If you could join the program would you? I would join the program because of site seeing, help many people and animals in need, and to interacte with different animals from across the world.
During your daring trips around the world you visit places like Europe and China or any where else. You may incounter many people living in that area and experience the culture and foods. Just like when luke marveled at the Panama Canal. There are many famous places around the world and you could see many of them that not a lot of people see in their life time.
Many people across the world need a lot of help due to disasters that has happened to theemor in their country. Also the animals and not just the humans need our help because they are important creatures to this world.
And when out in some country helping you could have to take care of many types of animals that live there, and that you may have never seen before.
In concluson you should join the program because of site seeing, help people from across the gloab, and the chance to interacte with many animals. So in the future if you have the chance to join i'm telling you to. | 12
028d00e | Should they avent a Driveless Cars Are Comeing? Yess because it can be used for a good reason. Because I would love to have a car to drive me any n everywhere if my car could just go when I say or get in OMG!!!! The inside would be so unbelievable. But that car would prolly coast a fortune because its gone be like a smart phone or t.v it can do anything . I would never wanna give that car a way.
But ever body not rich so I dont know a lot of people that would buy it some prolly thing its a waist of money spending on some like this. And a car is very expensive n parts are to. People wouldnt be able to find part the car would needif anything happen to it. I would want the person I bought it from to make sure I have insurance because I wouldnt wanna just leave it there in the drive way and not use it.
I also would like it because it have google modified in the car people would look up stuff while driveing at the same time. And alot of old people be driving know and days so a GPS is most deff some that people need they always geting lost or some. Know with the mimic thats a very good idea to have built in the car some people want to talk with out holding they phone. So people wont get into a car accident or nothing trying to keep it safe.
Smart road systems worked surprisingly well. But they required massive upgrades to existing roads. But other then that they car is very nice they was to accully made that car i would buy it. It sound like its a good use of a car. But also would be very expensive to buy but i like they car have real good uses to it. | 23
0293f31 | The Facial Action Coding System is a great achivement in science and technology, but should it be used in your computer at school? There are many reasons why using this coding systam could be a great thing in the class room, or a disaster. As stated in the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, if we could put this in our everyday school computers, it could calculate whether or not a student is having trouble with a lesson and change it for them to help them. What are the pros? What are the cons?
Some of the pros to using this coding system in students computers is as stated in the article, it could read the studens facial expresssions and determan if he or she is confused or having trouble understanding the lesson. If it could do this it could change the way the lesson it tought better helping the student understand.
But what if schools dont teach lessons online. For example, my school does not teach lessons online. Our teachers might give us website addresses to look up and use for studying, depending on the teacher. Unlike other schools around me that do E-learning. They either stay at home, or go to school and do a whole days work off of their school issued computers. This Facial Action Coding System would work greatly for those students that do E-Learning, but not so much for the ones that don't.
Secondly, does this system cost anything? If so how much? And do schools really need to spend extra money on a system to be installed in our computers? Schools have gotten along just fine without this for years. Schools did just fine before they were even using technology like computers in the first place. I don't think that we are really in need of something like this. Students using the internet to do assigments always ask questions if they have any. Those students also have internet acsess if they are working on online assignments, so they could also search for more websites to help them better understand.
Another topic listed in the article was using the coding systam to learn if that person was intrested in an add that showed up on their computer or not. I belive that adds are already annoying enough, I do not want a coding systam reading my face and giving me adds that I would be more intrested in. Doing so would distract that person from trying to get their work done. For example, if I was a student scrolling through a website I am using to fill out an assignment for school, I don't want a bunch of adds poping up distracting me from my work. Espesially when its and add that intrests me. If its something that intrestes me, then I'm more likely to click on it distracting me from my work. I sertanly wouldn't want that to happen, and I belive nobody else does either.
Really there are a lot of great points to both sides of the topic, but it is mainly up to the schools if they want to use The Facial Action Coding System or not. They only need to ask themselfs the right questions. Do our teachers teach offline alot? Do we have the money for technology like this? And do our students really want to use this or not? | 23
0296469 | In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" the aouthor presents two both possitive and negative aspects of driverless cars. In which i found that a driverless car would not be a good idea. I found this to not be a well thought out plan due to the technology could fail, the cars can't navigate through work zones or around accidents and human drivers would eventually get bored of sitting there and doing nothing and would want to eventually drive.
First, thing that would be on anyones mind about being in a car that you can not fully control is what if an accicdent was to accour or the car's systems began to fail? Who would be blamed the driver or the company that produced the car? In the article the author states that "...even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fualt- the driver or the manufacturer?" This proving that when the laws are changed the person whom is at fualt may not at all be fair since it could have been the manufacturer's fualt and not the driver.
Second, reason why driverless cars would not be all the great is because the cars can not navigate throught work zones and accidents, so what goood would a driverless car be when it can not even navigate around everyday issues. In the story it states "They can steer, accelerate, and break themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." This showing hwo the driverless cars won't be complettely driverless which would then compleicate things for certain drivers and, or the manufacturers in case of a navigation error.
Lastly, drivers would eventually get bored of just not doing anything and would want to drive but would not be able to because there cars would be self driven. Inthe article on paragraph 8 it states "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?..." This evoctaing how not only would you get bored while waiting since you can do other things while in the car if you have to drive and you are doing somthing which you can't automaticlly take over it could cause and accident and it would not be at all safe.
In conclusion, driverless cars are not a good idea due to the fact that the technology could fail and then who would be at fualt may be a problem or simple unfair. The cars can not go through work zones or accidents so why would you want a driverless car that you still have to drive in case of something like that. Thirdly, drivers would be bored waiting for there turn to drive and if they were to do something else and could not automaticlly take conrol that could cause issues for themselves and other drivers. So why would you want a self-driven car when driving so such so much more fun and better? | 23
02a059f | The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus"
belives that exploring Venus is a worthy challenge despite its challenges. Based on how they have written this article I can say the that the author succeeded at laying out his claim and evidence.
The author starts off by stating facts about the star in our sloar planet from nicknames, temperature, as well as atmoshpere. The text states " Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star" is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky". the author also states " on the planets surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmosheric pressure is 90 times greater that what we experience on our own planet".
Later on in the passage the author starts to ask the reader a
questions and provides answers to them. The text sates" If our sister planet is so inhospitable, then why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?". and answers with " Astronomers are facinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, moutains, and craters". This body paragraph is another eason why I believe that the author provided a good claim.
The author then continues to NASA's ideas on further exploring the harsh surfaces of Venus. The suthor states " NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray". Then gives more detail about the process. The text states" imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape".
The author then discusses the problems about the idea that NASA has come up with and the other possible solutions for exploring Venus's harsh surface. The passage states" peering at Venus from a ship or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limit insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffectve. More importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance". The author also states" NASA is working on other aproaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have laster for three weeks in such conditons. another project is looking back to an old technolgy called mechanical computers".
Based on the information that i have presented from the author's claim and passage, shows that this claim and evidence is correct and is a valid statement to be made by the author. | 34
02a1298 | The technology shows positives for human emotions. The Technology mesaures muscle movement, emotion, and how different emotions can be mixed with other emotions. Technology is changing the future to be exactly like a Human and be able to read a Human.
This Technology reads the Human body and muscle movements. the process happens when the Computer constructs a 3-d computer model of the Face and musle movements. The artical says this in paragrapgh 3 lines 2-3 "all 44 major muscles in the model must move like Human musles. The technology can sense six basic types of emotion. The technology will associate each movement of the muscles with the emotion that would match that certain muscle movement.
emotion is a big part of the human body and so are facial expressions. "Dr. Paul Eckman"and "Dr. Huang" have created a technology to read these emotions. These technology can read emotion from even people that show very low degree of emotion. The mona lisa created by Da Vinci was created to show human emotion. But the mona lisa isnt just happy because she is smiling. The mona lisa shows a whole bunch of emotions and this is saying is that any human can seem like they are happy or sad but really they can be the exact opposite.
Now the Doctors say that these techniology can read emotion but if we make a emotion does it really mean we have that emotion. The docotrs say that if you make a emotion it can even produce a real one. i think these technology would help todays society becuase it would help with seeing what other friends and family feel.
This technology can be very useful and i would like to see it used a lot. This technology tracks emotion,muscle movement, and change in emotion. emotion is a big part of life and the way people do there everyday life. In today's society emotion is a major difference to the way people act to one anither. | 12
02a1c3a | I honestly think driverless cars are an excellent idea. They could help drivers out a lot and possibly change transportation forever. There are a couple reasons why I believe driverless cars should happen. The first one is that driverless cars will make it easier to travel long distances. That reason is followed by the fact it'd be easier to drive if you have small children in the vehicle. And the last reason I have on why driverless cars should become popular is that there will be a lot less accidents.
The first reason I believe driverless cars should become popular is that it could make traveling long distances a lot easier than it always has been. With a driverless car, you wouldn't have to stop and take breaks due to you being tired. This would reduce the time it took to reach your destination. With the car being able to drive itself, you also wouldn't have to stop and sleep. The car could work on getting you to where you'd like to go and you could get back in control after you were well rested. I know these things seem dangerous and impossible, but I'm sure driverless car companies could come up with things to alert you if need be. Vibrating seats or a loud announcement would be good ideas on how to wake a driver if they are needed.
Another reason I'm convinced driverless cars are great is because it would be a lot easier to drive with small children. While the car is operating itself, you could look back and check on the kids a couple times. If the children were in absolute need of anything, you could take care of it while the car took care of all of you. If, by chance, you're needed to drive while your attention is focused on the children, the car could let you know. Like I said previously, vibrating seats or a loud announcement would work perfectly to get your attention but flashing lights or something like that could work as well.
The last reason I strongly believe that driverless cars are incredible is that there would be a huge decrease in traffic accidents. The driverless cars will always obey traffic laws, (proper steering, accleration, braking). People won't have to worry about drunk drivers as much either, with the car doing most of the work the driver won't be doing anything really. There's also no possible way for a car to be drunk. The last reason I have on why driverless cars would prevent accidents is that you wouldn't have to worry about bad weather unless the car needed you to navigate. Thick snow, rain, sleet or foggy windshields would no longer be an issue if cars could drive themselves.
I firmly believe in driverless cars changing the ways of transportation for good. Driverless cars can make it easier to travel long distances, uncomplicate driving with small children, and prevent vehicular accidents. Without the complications of driving when it isn't the best choice, transportation will be more simple for everyone. | 34
02a7530 | The Seagoing Cowboys is a unique job, and also a once in a lifetime oppurtunity. I think you should try it. Luke Bomberger said It opened up the world to him, "I'm gratful for the oportunity, it made me more aware of the people of other countries and thier needs." And that awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years."
'It was 1945, World War II was over in Europe, and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover thier food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration).' As stated in paragraph 2.
'UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas.' As stated in paragraph 2. Luke had made nine trips in two years of "service." Luke says in paragraph 5 that "Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water." Luke also toured am excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China
You have to be prepared for long, rocking, swaying trips. If just reading those words made you sick then I suggest you don't go. 'It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China.' Luke had slipped down a ladder and broke a couple ribs, so, he could not do very much heavy work.
'Luke also found time to have fun on board, especially on the return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and gmaes also helped pass the time.'
In conclusion I think that being a Seagoing Cowboy would be fun! It sounds like if I were one I would be pretty amazed and entertained. It opens up the world to you. Luke says in paragraph 9 "It made me more aware of people of other countries and thir needs." So give it a try. See if you like it. But remember this job requires much hard work and a lot of effort. Hope you enjoy it. | 23
02a7cff | Facial Action Coding System can be able to identify human emotions and how easy is for humans identify emotions from another person face to face.
Facial Action Coding System can be able to identify human emotions because is a new system that is been using with anatomical information to make it easy to identify every single people just looking at some exactly angles on their face. In the text it states, "...studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code." The text also states, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," notes Dr. Huang. So comouters need to understand that, too." The text finally states, "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive-for videogames or video surgery." Facial Action Coding System can be able to identify human emotion because humans uses nonverbal communication every single moment like, if they saw something that they don't like or they don't prefer there face use to make some gestures that even the person don't even know that make that face that had express his/her emotions. The coding that this new computers have his so amazing because demostrates how technology had been make and evolution in so many people and not only people also around the world. But this kind of techology also is not the best because it put your identity in danger because the emotions that you make the computer stores all the emotional expressions and maybe with the time another people will have or find access to this archives.
Facial Action Coding System can be able to identify human emotions because the face is something that reveals how humans feel just looking at your ayes or your mouth, the face cannot hide nothing. In the text it states, "It's allabout those muscular action units. They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one." The text also states." According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them." The text finally states, " To an expert, faces dont't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." Facial Action Coding System can be able to identify human expressions because sometimes people likes to be alone when they feel sad, so they likes like to text with other people but the only thing they are looking at is the computer. The computer may been seen how the person is feeling because looks at some exactly angles on their faces to identify they real emotinal expressions of that moment when nobody is looking at them and may stores them so the computer have and example how the person faces looks like when is sad, happy or angry and also when the person is smiling and the smile is force because when a smile is forces always will look like very diferent because the muscles are making other movement, very different when the smile is spontaneousand real.
In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System can be able to identify human emotions because have the carateristics that make it unique to identify emotionals expressions and that will be not possible if the help of science will not be there to support this new technology and give some advices to make this possible and valuable for the scientists and the people that are using it to take advantage or for something really helpful witch may be the case for some people that hide their emotions, this technology can be a treatment for them that can show they are not the only ones and with that problem and it is normal but they have to be happy with this new technology that can help them. | 12
02a9d14 | Hi, my name is Luke Bomberger and I'm a Seagoing Cowboy. My experiences have been great. I've visited many places, met new people, and got to see and learn about new things. It's great and I really recomend it to you. You should give it a shot and see how things go.
I got to see the Acropolis in Greece! They were made to honor the Greek gods and are on a big hill, above the whole city. It was wonderful. Although, the gongola ride in Venice, Italy was probably my favorite. It was like a mini cruise in the city streets!
I loved helping out with the animals on the ship. The slippery ladder scared me, but it was totally worth it. Don't break your ribs on the way down like I did. Ouch.
We got to play sports on our free time, which made it even better. There were many things to choose from, such as: baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, and boxing. We also read, which helped us pass time.
Again, I recomend this job for you. I am greatful for this opportunity. You will enjoy it if you like adventures. Oh, the places you'll see. The things you will do. They're great. So give it a try and tell me how it works out. Thanks! | 23
02ab5d2 | One car, one life, one big accident. That is all the future is asking to develope by continuing to try to improve and inspire people to use "driverless cars". I do not think driverless cars should ever become a new big thing for many reasons. They can malfunction on you. They still need assestence if they cant handle a road situation. They might not update any new laws or road changes nearby. There is so many negative reasons and thoughts that appear when thinking about the development of driverless cars.
My first reason to why I am against driverless cars is because they can always malfunction. What if it doesnt see an animal in the road and runs it over will it stop to help, would it starting loosing control? Who knows because your not the one behind the wheel. You could have stopped and saved that poor animal, instead you let your car take control. Also what if it just shuts down? Turns off completely in the middle of the road. All electronics have a point in time where they are slow and slowly begin to shut down. How long would you have the car to keep? Do you think a driverless car can last you up to 10 years? Maybe if your lucky. The weather and the technology cant keep up and hold its together as long as a gas opperated automobile is. What if it doesnt let you take control because it malfunctions and you end up hurting someone? Like it says in the text "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacture?
Also, what even is the point to have an automotive that still needs you in the car. If its not smart enough to drive without needing your assistence it would be useless. So say you are driving down the street and your texting and letting you car drive on its own. All of a sudden it crashes and hurts other including yourself. It would still be your fault even though you was not the one driving. In other words if you get in a car accident would the police put your car in jail or you? Well you offcorse if your even recovered from the crash your car has put you in anyways. Driverless cars allows drivers to think they can keep their eyes off the road when all reality they have to pay attention and be alert. If you have to have your eyes remained on the roads at all times then you might as well drive, atleast you will be secure and more alert.
Finally the car over all is just a big mimic. People are tying to develope objects with human like qualities. In the text it even says "The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." Personally I believe being human is special and an automobile can never be as special as a human life. Yes we may love our cars but never as much as one would love there children, friends, or family.
Driverless cars are just an overall bad idea and we should keep our state safe and the people in it. I'm not the only one who agrees. Driverless cars are illegal in most states. In the text it mentions "As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer driven cars." This shows that im not the only one who belives they are not safe and no matter what upgrades and assumptions that are made will not make a driverless car a good idea. Lets be original and stick to the safe way lets avoid the one car, one life, one accident. | 45
02b6da9 | i think that technology is valuable because you can tell when peoples expressions show they have a emotion like when their eyebrows go up their surprised or if their lips tighten up their angry so that's really cool because you can tell when their mad, sad,happy and thats how people can tell someone is having a bad day or just sad over something really bad so thats why i agree cause i always wanted to know what people are feeling.
this evidence i got it from the article saying that thieir having technology where you can tell what people are feeling inside of them or if their mad at you or other stuff so its really cool that they invented this technology cause now people can see peoples emotions and we could never do that.
the whole point of this article is about inventing a technology where everyone can tell what your emotions are and what your body expresses those are your emotions and thats how people know what your are expressing. | 01
02c0440 | The author suortts both ideas it the text he thinks that its smart that people whant to go visit Venus but at the same time he thinks that its very dangers to go too venus. Venus is like earths twin venus haves that same shape, and they even think that venus youse to look like earth. Venus just have diferint was of being its salf like the acid rain, hot temperatures, and even its crazy weathers. I still think that trying to learn about differient plants is not right becuses us as people doint even know adout are oun plant. I still think that we have a lots of time till earth becomes like Veunus.
In the text the author is trying to tail us that " Venus is the closest planet to Earth is terms of density and size,and occasionally the closest in destance too. Earth, Venus, and Mars, our other planetary neighbor, orbit the sun at different speeds." Are people in NASA havent even found a way to land in Venu. From the text
"Each preious mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship had touched down on Veunus in more than three decades." Even for a perion to be there is too dangrues the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fehrenheit. I even think that that we could not live there in Venus cuse of the climates. From the text shown that "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly surface acid in Venus's atmosphere."
Venus's is plant is formed just like earth But just with too much on it. strate from the" Beyon high pressure and heat, Venusian geologgy and weather present additional impedimments like eruoting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to prodes seking to land on its surface." Some scientist think that venus has youse to look eart and that it youse to support various forms of life,just like earth. From the text" The planie has a surface of rocky sediment familiar such as valleys, mountains, and craters." Thats how the scientist think that venus is just like earth.
If im still living when there finaly find a way to arive safly to venus I would love to go. NACA is working on a way to to git to venus and to land on that plant safly. | 23
02c1ebd | I believe that the possible use of FACS to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is indeed valuable because it can really change how teachers teach the lesson plan, by showing which students auctually know what they're doing and which students are confused. It can also show which students are board and lets teachers know that they need to make the lesson more interesting.
But I do believe that it can go farther than just the class room, the school counclers can use this to tell if someone is having issues or just a bad day. If the student is upset or angry, the counclers could help them by just knowing how they feel. It can also allow the resource room teachers to better understand how their students are feeling and how to help them.
This could help teachers ease up on the work load given to students by showing them how stressed some students are when given a lot of homework, and it can tell teachers when a student is not paying any attention. This can rebuild the relationship between students and teachers by allowing teachers to better know their students needs and limits, as in how much homework they can efficiently get done with out stressing about it. This can also help teachers push back tests by knowing who isn't getting it, or having less things on it because the students are understanding the materal.
I honnestly believe that FACS really is valuable when reading the emotional expressions of students in the class room by; telling the teacher who needs help, also telling the teacher who is board and how stressed the students are, by telling the resourceroom what their students are feeling today and how to adapt to that, and by helping the counclers by showing them who needs to get something off their chest.
I really do believe that this will auctually help students and teachers in the very near future. | 23
02cbcbc | There are many different negavtives and positives when it comes to driverless cars. Knowing the goods and bads about these special cars can be good for the future when investing in one some day. Having a car that can drive itself, communicate with you and your actions, interact with how you drive could be a good thing. What if something was to go wrong? Being able to know how these things works and whats good and not so good about them could, never know, save your life.
These new and improved cars have positive things about them. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a car. Half a million miles is quite a lot without anything going wrong. it goes to show they can be reliable when wanting to drive a greater distance. There is more about these self-driving cars many dont know. Gm had developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in a danger of backing into an object. Therefor, the Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over.
Today, we don't exacly know how or what these self-driving cars are going to have in them or how they may run in the future. There are many positive things that have come upon us when investigating in this new invention but what could possibly go wrong? During the making of these cars there is a lot of technology and a whole lot of sensors. While driving thses cars, lets say on the highway, and something was to go out or mountfunction. Yes, it could happen to any vehicle in the world. The only problem is if the car itself is driving and something was to happen would the driver be able to take control or would the car freeze everything up an something bad happen? Google, BMW, and anyone else involved in this think of all the good possible things but there could be so many negatives that could really be lifechanging.
My opinion on Diverless cars is good for the most part. Say you have to drive a long ways and you need a break from driving, the car could take over instead of having to stop at night and drive for you. Its crazy to think that in a few years these cars could become our lives. "Telsa has projectd 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." ( Driveless Cars are Coming.)
So, as you think more about it, most positive things could also be negative things when it comes to self-driving cars. In a few years havinng these cars could change our lives or make them harder. From the cars driving a half a million miles to having gadgits to help you focus on driving to not so much the technology problems that could cause bad news for a lot of people. Never know, one day we might have cars driving us around instead of us driving them. | 34
02cd88d | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how the new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions, that's a really smart idea right?. The software can see your emotions, six emotions, and facial muscles.
First, the person who made this software was Prof. Thomas Huang, the Beckman institute fro Advanced Science at the University of Illinois who started to find better ways for humans and computers to communicate. The first subject he wanted to do was Leonardo da Vinci's Renaissance painting, Mona Lisa. Your maybe thinking how do u use a software just to find out how someone is feeling well...
In fact, the computer takes the model of the picture or what ever is there,but it must have human muscles in the picture ir 3-D model the human muscles is called "acton unit". It only takes in the model if it see's it have forty-four major muscles like a human would have. Dr. Huang and Dr. Paul Eckman has classified for the software to have six emotions-happiness,surprise,anger,disgust,fear, and sadness.
Dr. Thomas Huang and his worjkers or friends that helped him with the software made six basic emotins that the human muscles have and made it to where it only workd if it have the 3-D effect with fourty-four human facial muscles witch is every smart. | 01
02cfa15 | Is it valuable to use a computer scanner to recognize human emotions. The Facial Action Coding System is a computer software creater of Prof. Thomas Huang of the Beckman Institute for Advanced science at the Unviersity of Illinois. That can calculate emotions based of all fortity four major muscles from the human face and classified them as six emotions Happiness, surprise , disgust, fear , and saddness.
For many students it'll be a great experience to open up to the science world to learn further more about the human emotions based of your facial muscle. "The facial experssions for each emotion are universal" from Dr. Huang.
It's been founded that the great picture of Mona Lisa painting of Lenardo da Vinci. That Mona Lisa in the art was eighty three percent happy, nine percent digusted , six fearful and 2 percent angry. It's interesting for people to know such little detail from a great iconic peice from old history, where the Mona Lisa was really intended to bring smile to us.
This reaches out for students for are open up in the science world learning about the functions of Prof. Thomas Huang computer software. The computer targets risorius and zygomatic if a smile isn't being truthful of ones smile.
genuinely working on your smiles that help you smile more in a better happy mood.
In concluison the Computer facial emotion scanner is a big vaulable learning for students to learn about the invention of Prof. Huang. Many will know more futher behind the laws of the muscles of facial emotions based of the FACS (Facial Action Coding Sytem) and learn to scan are emotions. | 12
02d0224 | You should join the Seagoing cowboys program overseas. I'f you join you will get to go to many places to help the states, or countries. You will take care animals day and night. To take care of the animals you will have to keep there stalls clean, and get their hay from the lower holds on the ship. Some places take about two weeks or even up to a few months to arrive. Once you loaded all the animals up and took care of them and the animals home is clean and provides food in the wild and in the safe areas, then you will unload the animals off the boat and take them back to where they belong. After all the animal are gone you get to have fun since there is no animals to take care of. Now that all the animals are gone you get to have fun and play games like baseball and volleyball in the empty holds that animals were in and been housed. There will also be table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. So for the rest of the few weeks or so after everything is done you get to play games and have fun until it's time to get off board. | 12
02d1c60 | Imagine a time in the future when no one buys cars anymore because no one needs them anymore. You can use a self-driving car, It can be a hard for transportation and assistance, it can be easier for the driver but hard on the road .
First , using a self-driving car
. Companies think that the cars will use half of fuel in today's cars .
They believes that they will fundamentally change the world. You would need to pay close attention to the road ,and even though it is self driving you would still need to keep in controll in the steering wheel.
Second , Self driving cars can be hard to handle . None of the cars are completely driverless. They can be steer , accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigation through work zones and around accidents.
The combinataion of all this input is necessary for thr driverless car to mimic the kill of a human at the wheel .
Third, Self driving cars are using a lot of safety skills . In case of bad traffic the car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. Manufacters are considering using cameras to watch the that drivers remaining foucused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver. Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. | 12
02d481d | Dear, Senator
Electoral college has been around for centuries and as time changes, things start to evolve and grow along with the time period.
Some things are meant to be changed according to the lifestyle of our people now. Hundreds of years back, the electoral college might have worked for the citizens living during that time. However, this is a new century and many people agree with the fact that the electoral college is out dated and we need to change to the election by popular vote. Firstly, because the people are putting their vote into the hands of a person whom they might not even consider the votes of their state's people . Also, the electoral college causes many issues duing the voting period.
To start off, The electoral college is a huge risk that the state's people must take each year.
You never know whether or not your electors will suddenly change their mind and vote for a candidate that you personally didn't want. In the article "The indefensible electoral college: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" Bradford Plumer states "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get cofused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes." (Plumer Paragraph 10) What the author is explaining is that during the presidential election, once you vote on your selection for the next president and you give your vote to the state electors you never know if they might change their mind or get scared and choose the incorrect candidate. For example, you choose on Barack Obama for president and you give your vote to the state electors and when it's time to vote... they decide to switch and choose
Many of the citizens who voted for Barack Obama are now outraged by the thought of their state electors doing such a thing.
If we had elections by popular vote we would be able to choose whom we specifically want for our President and there wouldn't be so much tension between people.
Furthermore, the article "The indefensible electoral college: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system ae wrong" Bradford explains "Back in 1960, Segregationists in the Louisinna legislaure nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors whoo would oppose John F. Kennedy." This quote from the article is saying that the electors could easily manipulate you and change their votes in order to get what they want, forgetting about all the other votes of the people back home waiting for the news that their selection has won the presidency.
The elecoral college completely demolishes the purpose of the people's vote.
Additionally, electoral colleges should be abolished because not everyone feels as strongly about it as they did hundreds of years ago when the process first came about. What had started out as a good idea has slowly turned into a unpredictable disaster. From time to time,
People would be let down when they find out that the candidate they had chosen didn't win the election, Why? because their state electors decided that it was okay for them to simply go against everyone else and be selfish by choosing their own candidate for presidency.
Bradford proves this by explaining "...'faithless' electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please..." (Plumer Paragraph 11) On multiple occasions voters have done exactly that, choosing someone completely different than whom they were supposed to. Many members of the party get angry with such childish behavior because it's selfish, uncalled for, and just disrespectful to go about ignoring the one major duty they had to cast a vote for their selected candidate. The article "In defense of the electoral college: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president" Richard A. Posner exclaims "The electoral college is widely regarded as a anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be [overruled] by declaring the candidate who recieves the most popular votes the winner." (Posner Paragraph 15) What the author is explaining is that the electoral college is an old custom and it's time that it was changed to something new like the election by popular vote.
Time has changed, an so has the political veiws. The election by popular vote is a better opportunity because the state's people get to vote on exactly who they want without any major risks to deal with later on. Also, the election by popular vote is a simple and easier way of electing president.
On the other hand, there are very few reasons that are pointing towards the electoral college being a good idea. For example,
The electoral college has a even number of votes which make it easier to have a more predictable outcome of who might win the election. Although, not everyone might get the candidate that they had hoped for originally. The electoral college also comes along with the "Winner-take-all" method in which the awarding electoral votes induces the candidates running for the presidency.
However, this is only based on the candidate that has the most popular votes.
There are various reasons to consider the electoral college but many of them are followed by an overload of reasons
to keep the electoral college in use.
Lastly, the election by popular vote should be used instead of the electoral college. The electoral college comes along with many complications and difficulties unlike the election by popular vote it has a simple and easier way of choosing who you want in the next presidency. Many people feel that you should change over to the election by popular vote to benefit all of the state's people so that they can have a more acurrate estimation of who they might have as their new president.
According to Bradford, the electoral college is "...Unfair, outdated, and irrational." (Plumer paragraph 14) It's about time we got rid of it and changed the way we elected our new president. | 56
02d8dd2 | The use of cars today in our modern world is crazy! Everywhere you look there's cars; going down the road, parked in a garage, or on TV. Now think of a world without would be different, wouldnt it? Yes, indeed it would be, the world would be less hectic and cleaner place to live.
First, Life without cars would make life much less hectic. In Vaunban,Germany there is an upscale community where there are no cars. People either walk, ride bikes or take the public tram. A servey shows "70 precent of Vanuban's families do not own cars, and 57 precent sold a car to move here". People move to Vauban to enjoy a "car-free"...stress free life. "Im much happier this way" said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor." (sorce 1 paragrah 3) The "car-free" world of not having to worry about car payemrnt, incerance, and gas money is a whole lot better than a car dependent world.
Second, Limiting our car use would help make this planet cleaner. Pollution issues have gotten so bad that "...Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city". (Source 2 paragraph 10) In paragraph 14 it states that "after five-days of intensive smog...the smog rivaled Beijing,China, which is one one of the most polluted cities in the world". France uses more diesel than gasoline, therefore making up 67 precent of all vehicles in France. The use of these harsh fossil feuls is a huge problem that can help be controlled by limiting our use of automobiles.
Third, Although some may argue that we need cars to fuction in our modern world, there are other options that we can choose. For example, If everyone took public transportation such as the subway we would be cutting back tremenously on the amout of feul consumed. Another advantage of using other forms of transportation other than a car would be that you wouldnt have to worry about your car not starting, or not having enough money too fill your tank. Other forms of transportation would always be reliable and convenent. You would also feel good about helping the enviornment by not adding extra gases to the ozone.
To finish up, Limiting our use of cars would make life easier and cleaner. In source 3 it states "Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. Many people are convinved that a "car-free" life would be much nicer than the hectic car-consumed life we've all grown so accustom too. Limiting our use of cars is a good idea for our stressful lives. | 34
02da02a | Being an Seagoing Cowboy is amazing. You can do and see many exciting things just going to your destination. You can help people in need when you get there, when on your way to help others you can visit places that you haven't visited before, and when your a Seagoing Cowboy you can have a varity of things you can do.
First off, you can help people in need. When you are a Seagoing Cowboy you help people that just came out of war, so they need help to get back on their feet. When you get there can be assigned a person you can help and hel them. The person your helping can be very nice, you might even become friends with them. Besides, they fought for your country, at lease helping them would be nice.
Secondly, you can visit many places you haven't seen. Have you ever wanted to go some where but didn't have the time to, well becoming a Seagoing Cowboy you can. For example, when I was helping people I got the benefit of seeing Europe and China. I also, visited Venice, Italy on my to China. One more place I visited was Panama Canal also on my way to China. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy gives you the once in a life time opportunity to see and go places where you might never get to go again.
Last but not least, becoming a Seagoing Cowboy you can have a varity of things to do. When I was on the boat I was assigned to help my aunt Katie on her farm. Then on my second trip I served as night watchman. I had to look after the animals make sure they were doing okay. I played many games to. Bsaedall, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, and reading, whittling just to name a few.
In summery, be an Seagoing Cowboy can be very fun. You can do fun stuff you like to do, you can visit places that you haven't seen, and you can help people in need. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy just might be the best thing you posibly can ever do. | 23
02dabc0 | Do you think theres a real alien artifact on mars? Well if you do, im sorry but there isn't. Even thoe "the Face on Mars" may look like an alien artifact, is just a natural land form. There are many of these in Cydonia and they're called Martian mesas. This Martian messa looks as if it's a face because of its unusual shadows that creat the illusion of eyes, a nose and a mouth.
In April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michale Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team took a picture, that is 10 times sharper than the orignal one tooken by Viking 1, of the face on mars. This picture finally revield that there was no face on mars, but a natural landform.
This didn't satisfi many people. They thought the alien markings where hidden by a haze, since that was the time of year where that part of mars gets clody. So on April 8, 2001, a cloudless summer day in Cydonia, Mars Global Surveyor took a final look. Then, when they finally found it Malins team captured an extraordinary photo using the cameras absolute maximum resolution. Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo.
What this thing actually is is " the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa" which are landforms common around the American West. This was simply a chance for NASA to get a little money. | 12
02ecf18 | Luke should join his program because he might learn something new when he goes or he might enjoy going to this program. This program might actullay help him with something.
Here are some detail from this article to support Luke's claim. Luke it all like well i kind a mightlike this program it might help me with something. All he cares about is Seagoing Cowboys he want to be one. Well maybe if he is one then he might actullay be happy. He wants to be a Seagoing Cowboy he wants to be a good person thats all he wants in his life. He likes to watch the seagoing Cowboys and he like to hear it he might want to be a helper.
Luke he is a good person he likes the Seagoing Cowboys which is nothing bad at all he likes what he likes so that what he does. Luke is an intelligent person he likes what he does so he can keep doing what he wants do do in his life. It's Luke's life he is in charge of it Luke is Luke aint nobody going to mess him up in life. Luke is doing what he wants to be and do so hes going to do it. This is Luke's choice this is his life he is going to do what he wants to do.
Lukehe graduated from high school adn his an adult and he is a good person . he is making hie iwn dissions and he is own his own in this point in life. His choice his rules i honestly think that when i graduate from high school clollege ill will do what ever i want to do in my life i eant ti ne a good person, intelligent a awsome person i eant to the best person i v an be in my life in my world . | 12
02f131c | This face on mars? Not exactly a sign of aleins. We can prove it. How you might ask? Well its simple if it were made by inteligent creaters would it probably still be ther. Well yes it would. Unless it were like a carnival and it travled around. But it was a giant rock. In this paper im going to prove to you that this face was not made by "aliens".
Twenty five years ago we found what looked like a face on mars. We didnt know if this were something caused by aliens or just something that was natural. Well that was untill we came back to take more pictures of this so called "face". We came back around twenty two years later. Just to find out we caught the face at the right time when we took the first picture. We found out the picture was takin in winter on the planet and it was a cloudy day.
But it has to be alein life form that created this. They can easely destroy what they make. us humans do it all the time. And why would you guys at NASA put something like this out in the world for people to see? If it wasnt real life on anouther planet. Do you like playing games with us.
So we also know that there is no life on mars because we have cameras that can capture the smallest of sheds. On camera so if we saw a little house on the camera we would think there is life on this plante for sure(11). at NASA we didnt know exactly what caused that face at the time. We realeased it so we could sow you guys we may have found something. Now we have proven that we didnt find anything. We can also tell you the "Aliens" didnt destroy anything because this rock is still there.
This artilcle was givin to you to prove that aliens didnt cause this "face". We know that there are no aliens on mars. Here in 2016 we have rovers up on mars we know nothing is up there. I was using the article to prove my theroy up above. and how could you think that a giant face is caused by aliens? People. I dont know what goes through there mind sometimes. So Thank you for reading and have a nice day.
02f14c6 | The face is just a natrual landform. In the article it says that NASA'S Viking 1spacecraft was just circleing around the planet, snapping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. "A few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption notedd a "huge rock formation... which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." The aunthors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars.
The so called 'Face on Mars" has since become a pop icon. Some people think the face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASSA budget with there was an ancient civilization on Mars. Although few sientists believed the Face was an alien artifact, photographing Cydonia became a priority for NASA when Mars Global Surveyor arrived at the Red Plant in Sept. 1997, eighteen long years after the viking missions ended. And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars
Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing. . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.
What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa landforms common around the American west. "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Iidaho," says Garvin. "Thats a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same heeight as the Face on Mars." With this imformation you can include that the monument was just a landform, not anything mind blowing. | 34
02f6c8a | Since the time of its discovery, the "Face on Mars" has baffled many people. Its resemblance to a face has caused it to gain much popularity, which has even led to a movie being made about it. Unfortunately though, there are people that would like to believe the Face is a sign of alien life on Mars. They have named and stated a number of arguments about why it is a sign, and even have claimed NASA is hiding it from the public. This is not true however, as the Face is simply just a peculiar looking landform. Yet, several counter-arguments and points must be made to drive home the fact that the face is just a landform.
Many theories that the Face is a sign of alien life on Mars have been spawned by the creation of books, magazines, and even movies that have been made about it. Almost all of the stories these things tell about the Face are science fiction, with a key emphasis on the "fiction" part. Sadly though, some people have chosen to accept these ideas made by an author or producer as the truth. Most of the theories about the Face were made for good stories to the people, so that their books and magazines would sell more. But, one must not forget the people who claim they have the scientifically correct reasoning behind why the Face is a sign of alien life on Mars.
The people who claim theories that aren't from commercialized stories regarding how the Face is a sign of alien life are a little more credible than the others, yet still can be easily proven wrong. This is because their main, and in many cases only, argument centers around a 1976 photograph of the Face. When another photograph was taken in 1998 however, the picture showed that it was simply just a landform. One counter-argument to this is that the camera must've malfunctioned or the picture wasn't clear enough, in which there is one fact that makes that counter-argument dissolve. The camera in 1998 reportedly "snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos.", which would lead to the assumption that the 1976 photo wasn't clear. If that's true, then the "Face on Mars" actually isn't a Face at all. Simply put, the Face is a natural Martian landform.
In conclusion, the "Face on Mars" is certainly an interesting landform, but is in no case a sign of alien life on Mars. All theories about how it's a sign of aliens have been swiftly and easily disproven, and has been further proven through updated pictures that it is just a landform. Even though finding a sign of alien life would have been more interesting, one must always stick to the facts to know the correct solution. | 45
0302537 | I am for the development of driverless cars. I think it would be cool if we had cars that did the work for us. They are just like smart phones in a way. However I don't think we should completely have no control over the car. People may start thinking that they can do whatever while the driving is in progress. That is not the case. Drivers should still pay attention to the road as if they were normally driving. Driverless cars will benefit us in a positive way.
One reason why i am for driverless cars is for the disabled people who can't drive like others can. Those people deserve a way to get around town too. Another reason why i think having driverless cars is a good idea is because of the simple fact that it is an option. People can buy a driverless car but still take over if they want to or need too. Another good reason for having driverless cars is for long distance drives. Sometimes flying a plane to a far destination is too expensive but if a car could take people long distance to where they need to go without themselves having to drive such a long way it would be more easier for themselves. The only concern with driverless car would be "Who is at fault" but that could be easily depicted i'm sure.
Driverless cars would benefit us greatly. It shows no harm to anybody who would like to have no driver. For all the reasons previously stated it is a good idea to have driverless cars. After all, it is our decision to make whether or not we want to have driverless cars. | 23
0305a15 | Driveless cars are being talked about more. They can be better on the economy and the polution in the air. The driverless car could save money on gas. Are the cars safe enough to drive on the highway.
I don't think the driverless cars are all that safe just yet. What if something goes bad on the driverless car, can u take it to a local car garage to be repaired? The sensors could go bad while your driving it some were and it breaks down on you. Wouldnt drivers get borewd waiting for there turn to drive?
If the driverless car comes out, what kind of different laws will be made for the car? What will the top speed be for the driverless cars? How much would it cost to replace the sensors? How will the car kno where to take you to your destination? How long will the car last be in driverless mode? Will it be operated off gas or electricity? | 01
0307ec7 | The electoral college may seem like its a good idea to keep thngs going,but I think America should get rid of it. Alote of people say its unfair. Mostly because of the winner-take-all system. If you were to vote for a presedent, you are in favor, everyone would like thier vote to be counted,right? and it is,but is it really counted towards the presedent we want to get voted for elections?
According to this article, you dont really vote for the presedent you want, what you are really voting on is a state of elector, and if he gets elected he is the one who really gets to vote for the precedent. And that is unfair, I think we should change it to popular vote. We should change it to polular vote because the elecoral college is really unfair to Americas citizens. Also alote of people argue about the winner takes all system because candidates dont spend time in states the know they have no chance of winning. Also it is unfair, outdated, and irrational.
Like I said it is unfair, outdated, and irrational,with all these things I dont think many people would like that .So I think we should change it to popular vote, i think it would be easyier and it would be more fair,and that is what our citizens want. And that is what we should give them. After all its thier vote that counts, so lets let them decide if we should keep it the same with the electoral college or change it to some way better like by popular vote.
so according to all this information I think we should change our way of voting and flip everything around to something fair and effective. We need somthing that would make our vote count. somthing that would be fair to all of our citizens. after all its what we choose then thats what we ned to be happening. only you can prevent unfairness. | 12
030b9ea | The face is a landform and it's not created aliens. It is a faceof a landform human face because first of all aliens are not real. Even thought alien are real the face that the scientists descrided was like a human face, "Which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth"(Paragraph 3). By the look of the face it already gives us a lot of information that it's a human face.
It also said that it looked like an Egyptian Pharaoh on paragraph 2, "Only this one had unsual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh". Almost every evidence showed that it was formed in a human face. Even thought some scientistic belived that the face was an alien artifact they can't prove it. What is the piont of saying it that it's a alien face with just some litlte bits of details. Are aliens even real? Also in the article of "Unmasking the Face on Mars" said that "There was no alien monument after all", (Paragraph 7) after the MOC team took a piceture ten ties then the original Viking photos it showed that is was revealing a natural landform.
It said in the acticle that "The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze", even thought they believe that it could be a alien, okay it could be hiding the details of alien marking, but in the article said that "What the picture actually is the Matian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West", that's a evidence that showed that it was from a human face. Also in this article of "Unmasking the Face on Mars" had more information on how it's a human face and how it isn't a alien face. | 12
030cf8b | In as small of a community as the Florida Keys, it is harder than it seems to unify us. yes we have sandbar sunday and woofstock but what else could we do on a daily basis that could unit us? As a community, if we were to limit car usage it would unit the community, decrease polution, and decrease the ammount of stress oon people. Making our community better is just one small step to making the world a better place.
Living in the keys, we all know that when the snowbirds come down traffic builds up to where it is not even moving. If we were to limit the car usage and say that on Mondays, Wensdays, and Fridays you had to either car pool or use public transportation it would unit us as a community. According to Andrew Selsky, from the Seattle Times Company,this year in Bogota, Colombia the city of 7 million went a day with out cars to promote alternative transportation(Selsky, paragraph20). Selsky also taked about how two other cities joined in, Cali and Valledupar,and how they helped generate a revolutionary change(25-26).Also according to Elisabeth Ronsenthal, a New York Times writer," ...The Internet makes telecomuting possible and allows people to feel more connected without driving to meet forends"(Ronsenthal, paragraph 35).This just goes to show that no matter how big or little your community is, a day without cars might just be what you need to unify your community.
Along with beautiful clear waters, we also have our share of polution lingering in our mangroves and in our bay. Polution can be anything from a peice of garbage to smog in our air that is slowly suffocating our native plants. Even though down here we dont have a lot of smog, we still have to be awear of it and what it is doing to our neighboring communities. According to Elisabeth Ronsenthal,from the New York Times, "...Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car intensive areas in the United States"(Ronsenthal, paragraph 5). Also according to Robert Duffer,from the Chicago Tribune,"After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the gobal city"(Duffer, Paragraph 10). If we want to keep our beautiful water clean we should consider going to a limited car use schedual.
Lastly, by chosing to inforce a limited car use day it would decrease the stress in our community making it even more like paradise. According to Andrew selsky,"'It's a dood opportunity to take away stress and lower air polution,' said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife(Selsky, paragraph 24). Also other sientist have proven that daily excersise can reduce stress levels caused when a hormone is relised while you excersise.
In conclusion, by reducing or limitincar use for a day you can unify your community, help decrease polution, and decrease your stress levels. | 23
0318358 | Driverless cars would be cool, but they're not safe enough to have around. The drivers have nothing to do, the driverless feature in the car could get messed up, or even the things that alert the driver that it's their turn to drive. There are so many dangers to having driverless cars, this is just a few.
For example when all the driver has to do is sit there, it will be takenadvantage of. People could fall asleep at the wheel and not be able to take over the driving when they're needed to. A lot more messing around would occur so the driver would not be focusing. Drivers need to stay focused on the road so everyone can safely arrive to their destination.
Never know when the driverless feature could have a glitch or break down. Cars break down all the time, what's any different about the cars systems? Nothing, these cars could have been manufactured incorrectly. The GPS could also stop working or hit a glitch and you could end up 20 miles away from where you want or need to be.
Imagine. You're in your driverless car, somethings coming up that you need to take over for, but you're just talking away and having a big jam session with all your friends. Your car means to alert you but the system is broken, the car keeps moving but it thinks you're driving, you hit a construction worker. Now you have a huge fine to pay plus you have to get your car fixed.
With these new driverless cars their drivers aren't going to be paying enough attention, your car glitches out, or you're to busy having a jam session with your friends. So many things could go wrong. These cars would be teaching the youth they don't need to pay attention, the car will do it for them. All in all driverless cars are not safe and should not be developed. | 23
03194a0 | This face has been the talk of NASA and the talk of headlines for quite sometime. The topic has been argued many times and there are many different opinions on whether or not its a face or a natural landform. What do you think?
The discussions of this being a face are all over the place, poeple believe that ailens have caused this "face" on Mars surface. There are three different pictures, one from 1976, one from 1998, and one from 2001. In the first pictuere you see a outline of a face and a mouth, but back in the 70's the quality of technology wasn't very advanced. In the first photo, due to poor quality, it is just a land mass that has trhe outline of a face. There is no form of life on Mars, otherwise, NASA would have detected in years ago. In the article it says that the camera that was used to capture the 1976 photo only had 43 meters per pixel, in other words meaning that there's almost no way in telling what the first picture was or resembled.
In 1998 and 2001, you can see the picture more clearly due to the advancement in technology you clean clearly see that there is no outline or resembalance of a face. The Face is nothing but a landmass, the scientific name: A mesa. In the '98 photo the picture is foggy and unclear because it was winter on Mars and they had to take a photo through a cloud. When the photographs began to be released online there was many observations but many realized it was infacr not a face.
After all the questions blew over, Directors began putting images and shots into movies which again started raising talk. In movies or films there are special effects people that are able to enchance photos and clips. So most of the photographs and clips are not actually NASA recorded and theres a good chance most of them had been edited to make more money on a film or movie because people want to know more about myterious things like this.
Concluding with what i said at the beginning, the pictures we see are nothing more than a mesa. Science it to greatly advanced now and if there was any form of life on any other planets NASA would atleast have an idea of it. I don't believe this is an alien artifact, because Mars cannot support life. | 34
031ab01 | If we had a facial action coding system in every classroom, Would the students have a higher chance of suceeding? Would they get more or less help? Would this gather more attention in class? I would think so. I mostly agree with having a facial Action Coding system in classrooms to tell how the students are feeling. I disagree with some aswell. If the teachers could tell exactly how each student is feeling in class, like bored or confused, I think that they would provide more help to those students, and there will be a higher percentage of people who pass there clases. In the passage making Mona Lisa Smile, they used the technology on the painting of Mona Lisa. I think that if they used it on the students, they would be more engaged and ready to learn.
I think that the students would find more things being taught to them in class interesting. In the passage it has an example that I think would be good for the use of this software to be in schools. "For example, if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different.""A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." If this were to happen, I know that I would do a lot better. I feel that many other students would do better too. When we get an ad that we like, and similar ads pop up, usually they are watched. If we were in class and we felt happy, or not happy with what we are learning, The teaching style or lesson might change to something that will keep more students engaged. But I feel like their are other things that aren't so good about the software.
If the softwared was installed in every class and you walked in feeling very upset for something that maybe happened outside of class or school, you will most likely feel that way the whole time during that class. The machine might pick that up as if you are not being interested in the topic. You wouldn't get anywhere. Now if you tell the teacher that you aren't happy for whatever reason, thats a different story. But, if you're shy and you don't tell people how you feel especially if something happened to make you feel sad, angry, etc... I don't think the machine would help to much in terms of education. But if you are more engaged in learning because of the software, I think their will be a way higher chance for more people to graduate.
If you are engaged, interested, or into whatever you're learning, You will most likely be paying attention and taking in the information. If you were in class, and the software picks up that you understand whats being taught, more people would focus in that class. If this happens, more people would pass tests, exams, and graduate. After you graduate, you will have learned all the education that you needed to learn to go to college. Sence more people have the education, more people would go to college.
If we had the facial action coding system software in classrooms I think that more people would have a higher chance of succeeding, getting help, paying attention, passing tests and exams. I also think that more people will go to college. I think that more people would pay attention, be interested in what they're learning, and I think it would be easier to more students. If the software were to mess up, I think that the teachers would have more problems to deal with like getting it fixed, or just simply teach without it. If their are no problems with it, I think that this would be a very helpful tool for teachers and students. | 34
031bbb0 | Do you think this "face" was created by aliens? I think not because this "face" was not created by aliens but created by a natural landform. Landforms happen all the time, just because it happend on another planet doesn't mean aliens did it.
In the article NASA unveiled the picture for all to see and THEY captioned it "huge rock formation" . Which basicly means even NASA doen't think it was aliens who created it. Also after the articles states what NASA captioned the picture, it says "formed by shadows giving the ALLUSION of eyes, nose, and mouth." Its just an allusion not even a face really.
Also, the aticle says "there was no alien monument arter all." if NASA really believed aliens did that I don't think NASA would release it to the world. I'm sure the government is strict on them on releasing things to the public. NASA probably wanted people to pay attention to them so they can have their one minute fame. Skeptics think alien marking were hidden by haze. Come on really, all the great technology NASA has and you think it was hidden behind clouds.
The technology they have is great. When they finally got a clear shot to take a picture, they took it. After they took it, they zoomed in three times bigger... nothing. NASA said if there were any small shacks or evidence of aircraft you would have seen what they were. Marvin, from NASA says it reminded him of landforms created on Earth, so if an expert that works at NASA
thinks that it was created by a landform, then why do we think it was an alien or aliens that created it?
In conclusion, the "face" was not created by an aliens or aliens, but was just created by a landform. | 23
031e4d6 | It's a once in a lifetime oppurtuninty. You can explore. You can lean. Not to mention you would be doing something for your country. So why not?
You dont get this anywere else. You can go expeirience things all over the world. Eat exotic foods. You can go to exploring all over the Earth, and learn about the places you go. Just like Luke from passage five. He went to China and Europe.
You are going to learn so much. You could rome around excavated castles like Luke in passage five. You would learn about other countries. Their goverment, economy, and lifestyle. Their past,present, and future. Could you imagine how fun that would be? Can you imagine all the good you would be for your country?
Unlike those people who sit at home doing nothing you could help out your country. Luke did this instead of going to battle. He states it in paragraph four,"When my draft board learned I was on a cattle-boat trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service." Not only are you helping your country but your also helping citizens of other countries all over the world. Which would make people look up to you. You would be a great American citizen. You will forever be remembered for doing a great deed. If you take a step back and look at what a chance this is. You will relize that you will want to take it. | 23
03205e9 | Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. It is the second planet from the Sun. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author talks about the dangers of exploring Venus. The author describes the temperature of Venus, the danger of its light, and the overall danger. Besides explains what Venus, a planet and not a star, looks like, the author also states that "Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents."
Venus is often referred to as Earth's "Twin". Both planets are close in size and density. One difference is that Venus is over 200 times hotter in temperature than Earth is. The average temperature on Venus is over 800 degrees in Fahrenheit. That is hotter than Earth will ever be. In In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author states, "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such as environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." The author also states, "Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury in closer to the sun." In that example from the story, the author is trying to explain that Venus is so hot that it would melt anything in less then a minute.
Besides being so hot, Venus is also very bright. Venus's light is brighter than our eyes could ever see. It is so bright on Venus that not even researches can take a photo or a video of the planet. This must mean that research have to keep their distance. If they get close, they will have the risk of becoming blind or dying from the hot temperature. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author states, "Most importantly, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance." The author also states, "Many researches are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus." The auther is trying to explain that since researchers have to keep their distance, they can't take a sample with them to Earth. Samples from Venus would help them gain knowledge of Venus.
Venus has many dangers and risks of exploring the planet. Researches can't go to the planet because it is so hot and the light is very bright. Their machines keep melting from the hot temperature. The author in "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" explains the dangers but the author also states, "Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents." | 34
032153a | Put on the brakes!! In this life we must sit back and think about the breath taking beauty of Earth, and I don't know about you but I want to make it last for a long time. So for us to be able to do that we must do what some countrys are already doing..... Limit the amount we drive our cars.
In Vauban, Germany they have given up their cars. Vauban's streets are clear of cars, even clear of parking spaces. There are only two places to park, a large grage at the end of the development, where you have to pay $40,000, along with the price of your house. Experts say that this is one of the first real major ways peopl are trying to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions for cars. In the United States, in car-intensive areas, cars casue up to 50% of all greenhouse emissions.
Also, in Paris they had to ban driving because of the smog. Because of the amounts of pollution there was Paris inforced a partial driving ban in attempt to clear the air of the global city, there was a 22 fine($31). In Paris, close to 4,000 drivers were fined, and 27 cars were impounded for over reacting to the fine. Bogota, Colombia, has "No car day", whic millions of Colombians found other ways of transportation such as hiking, walking, riding bikes, or public transpot vechials. The goal of their "No car day" is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violators faces a $25 fine. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said Carlos Arturo Plaza. Also, two other colombian cities joined "No car day" Cali, and Valledpar. "These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders," said Enrique Riera, the mayor of AsunciÓn, Paraguay.
The number of miles driven peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily after, according to research as of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was near 9% below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995. Just shows the we as a group are starting to relize what effect we have on our enviroment.
iDeas such as theses lead me to belive our beauitful Earth will live on if we all agree to drive less and use other ways of transport. its not that much to ask of you, if its a beauitful day out grab your bike not only well it be good for you but also for your enviroment. | 23
03237a6 | "Resent studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by". Not having a car is such a great opportunity! It allows you to get a great excercise on your way to work, And everyone is wanting to participate in so many events that lead to Car-free day and many more.
Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota, Columbia. Millions of Civilions were in on this exciting event that started in the 1990's. All Colombians either hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work. The streets of Bogota was a traffic free place for a whole day! "The rain hasn't stopped people from participating" Said Antanas Mockus, the mayor of Bogota. People are still riding there bikes and more to work because they feel like everyone should participate and don't think that alittle rain should stop it. But after, for the first time more colombian cities joined in on this day to start a new tradition. According to the Mayor, the day without cars has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any latin city. I think more countries should participate in this event, just because you are limiting yourself to how much you use your car and it seems like it would be alot of fun and is honestly such a great opportunity for you and everyone around you trying to make a diffrence.
"Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses". This is actually very surprising knowing that America is and has been one of the world's prime car cultures. "They are not interested", Said a mom of two children that are 19 and 21. She said, "even though they both live in places where one could come in handy....but it's not a priority. They organize their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take a public transportation or car-pool with friends." To me I think these adults are making a statment. That you do not always have to have a car, and you most definatly do not have to have a licence to get you places. These teenagers are saving their money not having to worry about gas prices and car payments. Instead they are not wasting their money by walking and car-pooling to their jobs. It might take some time walking but you still get there.
In conclucion, I feel like getting to places with cars is fast, and I know most people agree with me...but why not just once in a couple of days just drop your keys and ride your bike or walk to work. Limit how much you use your car. I promise you you will see a difference in your life. | 23
0329d02 | I am against driverless cars because I think the electrical components and computer software are more likely to fail than a human driver. The idea of a driverless or smart car was actually a really dumb idea if the smart car was really 'smart' then it could navigate its way through roadwork but people just keep getting lazier and lazier their always looking for much easier ways of doing stuff, my personal opinion is that we need to go back to making vehicles like we did in the 1970s they were simple, easy to fix, and were real nice looking vehicles. The human drivers of a driverless car can easily be distracted by all this technology the car manufacturers have put in and on these vehicles that they could be driving and end up in a fatal crash just because they was distracted by some 3-D lazer mapping or a camera on the inside of the car.
These kind of cars would change the world but people would regret it later on in the years when more and more people get killed because of them. If it ever happens I do not care what people say or do I am still going to have a completly human driven vehicle i would not buy one of those junk driverless ones. | 12
032a3bf | "Here we go again, sirens." "How many accidents is that now, three in less than a week?" Car accidents are increasing by the minute as decades pass. Drivers are losing their lives each and everyday, familes are greiving over loses, friends, siblings, relatives are being lost due to drunk drivers and young teens just now starting to drive. The air pollution is also getting worse because of vehicles that are used everyday to get from point A to point B, gas prices are rising and sometimes you cant even get to places sometimes because theres so much traffic in the street! We can prevent many of these problems by simply limiting the use of time people spend driving .
U.S. citizens should have a right in the dispute people are having over this topic. Should the U.S. limit the use of vehicles being used everyday? Yes. Millions of dollars are wasted everyday for people need gas in their vehicles to get to where they're going. Money that could be used to feed their familes or money that also can be used to buy clothes and other necessary things. There are Amercian citizens that live on the streets or in alleys that are in desperate need of clothes, food or even a home & here we are spending it on something that can be replaced by something as simple as walking or riding a bike to where you need to go.
Every year there are more and more car accidents being reported and the number keeps increasing. Teens that are in highschool and are just now driving on the roads are one of the top main causes on car accidents, another main cause of accidents are drunk drivers. Americans like to go to parties or gatherings or even just bonfires with friends sometimes and they drink recklessly. Then when time comes for them to leave, they get in their cars intoxicated, driving to wherever they need to go and boom! Their reactions just werent quick enough or they werent paying as much attention as they would driving sober and they crash into anything that came their way. Injuries were made, a life or maybe more than one was lost all because of a mistake that was made earlier that day.
Another reason why cars should be limited is air pollution. If cars are needed to be used on and everyday basis they should make them more "enviornmentally friendly". Some gases in gasoline are toxic and/or flamable. Gasoline can drip on something without you knowing and the tinest spark could ignite something so simple, that could turn into a burning fire. Your belongings could be burned to ashes or your car could even blow up into flames. Then money is needed to repair the damage or valuables that couldnt be replaced could be gone. The burning of everything could also release toxins into the air and cause sicknesses in some or could damage our ozone layer more then it already is.
Im not saying people should be banned from every using vehicles again, but it would help greatly if the usage is limited up to a certain point or instead of destroying, it could be used to benefit our enviornment; even leave it neutral.
Americans need to understand that there is more to life then sitting and letting things happen for you. Go for walks, take hikes, rollerblade, plan a bike ride through the park with the family, theres more to life than cars and vehicles. Sure its nice to go somewhere without having to walk but sometimes its good to have family outings and its also refreshing and fullfilling to feel the crisp, cold air hit your skin, walking outside the house on a cold day. | 12
032db9e | A relevant topic in today's society that many people often discuss is the reduction of motor vehicle use. Limited use of vehicles such as cars, buses, and trucks can have great effects on the environment. Most of the effects are beneficial to the environment such as the reduction of smog which can ameliorate the horrible impact we have already had on the environment.
According to source 1, limited use of of motor vehicles will be less harmful to the environment. Twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe come from passenger cars. This may not sound like much, but it adds up, especially when you factor in the gas emission from the United States which is more than four times what it is in Europe. Source 1 also claims that less use of motor vehicles will lower people's stress and will make children more social because they will be able to play near the streets without having to worry about being hit by a car.
All of these sources claim that motor vehicle reduction will also reduce smog and greenhouse gas emissions. One source that supports this claim is source 2, not only does Paris emit more greenhouse gases than any other city in Europe, they now have two days in which people who drive their cars are subject to a 22 euro (31 U.S. dollar) fine.
Bogota, Colombia is proving to be the most successful in attempting to lower greenhouse gas emission. According to source 3 car-free day has been started in which citizens may not drive their vehicles without being subject to a twenty-five dollar fine. Most citizens obey this law and the amount of traffic jams is reduced to empty streets other than public buses. The increase in amount of people riding their bikes caused sidewalks to be repaired and replaced which improves the aesthetics of the city. Several small restaurants and various other businesses saw an increased income. Along with sources 1 and 2, source 3 claims that citizens are less stressed when not driving a motor vehicle. Along with this statement. source 3 also claims that people will begin to be more socially active when they are carpooled to school and other places.
Source 4 takes place not in Europe, not in South America, but in our own country, the United States of America. In the last few years, the United States has seen a decrease in the amount of people driving motor vehicles. We have not, however seen a decrease on our impact on the emission of greenhouse gases. This is because though people are driving less, many people in this country drive large, gas guzzling Hummers and trucks which emit more gases than any other vehicle. If people stopped driving those vehicles, we would definately see a decrease in greenhouse gases. We've seen it happen in Europe because large personal transport trucks are seldom driven in Europe.
Many advantages will be seen when the act of driving a motor vehicle becomes rarer. These advantages include our emission of greenhouse gases, improved social interactions, people who are less stressed, and an overall more cheerful environment. Multiple sources make these claims, and many countries in Europe such as France and countries in South America have placed certain days in which citizens don't drive cars. These days have proven many of these claims that support the assertion that there are multiple advantages to limited car usage. | 34
03314fd | After reading this article, "Making Mona Lisa Smile" I believe that being able to detect and know how to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable and could be useful for many. Using technology to know whether an individual is upset, happy, mad, etc. could be used as an improvement on our daily lives. According to the article, they tested this new technology on the famous Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa painting and defined that "she was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." The outcomes from this new technology system could actually be legit and can tell us what people feel. This new sofware can also help the people that are to afriad to express their feelings or don't know how to .
Sense there are some individuals who hid their feelings and aren't that easy to read their emotions by just looking at their facial expressions, by using this system you could read and even track their face movments and even their mixed emotions also. For instance, as stated in the passage "Even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression"."Using imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa." This new software can help those who have a "neutral face" and show no emotion.
Facial expressions aren't always going to reveal how an individual is actually feeling or what emotions he is going through inside. For example, in the article it indicates that the Mona Lisa is "9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry", even though in the painting she looks 100 percent happy. This software will read off your emotions no matter what face expression you are making. Many of us can use this software to figure out what others are feeling when they are to scared to tell others how they feel. For instance, if someone is feeling really upset and has a neutral face and you can't tell that they are upset, you can't help them unless you know how they are feeling.
In conculsion, I believe that This new software "Facial Action Coding" that helps reveal human emotions by using technology cn be valuable and useful for certain people. | 23
0331f55 | Driverless cars are a thing of the future, or are they? The Article ¨Driverless Cars Are Coming¨ allows us to believe that maybe thery´re not a thing of the future, but actually a right now present day modification to our way of living.. Now is this a good thing regarding the safety of the common people, I believe so. Does it help or economy, lets discuss and see.
First off the article points out that google has been doing thier test runs since 2009. ¨Their cars have driven more then half a million miles without a crash.¨ No one has been killed in these test runs, and how many have been killed in regular driving since 2009, the number is sad. Driving these cars arent as dangerous as people make them out to be. I would also like ot point out that these cars may be able to dive themselve's, but Google cars arent entirely driverless. They're unable to back out , and navigate through roadworks and accident, so they allert the driver in those situations. The car knows when its unsafe for it to be the one in control of driving so, its going to alert you to take over and get through this. Some of the ways engineers have allowed this is with vibrating seats, and flashing lights in the car. Some have even suggested getting a camera installed inside the car, that way the car knows if your paying attention while you are driving. Next these cars are not made so people can daze off, and text on their phones, or just not do anything in the car. Special sensors in the sterring wheel allow the car to know if you have your hands on the wheel. The cars are designed so that the driver must stay alert while drivig, and ready to jump in when roads require human skills. With all of these necessary precautions in store, and the history of how well Google has managed so far, it´s very safe for the right driver to be behind the wheel of one of these cars.
Its the best option we have economically wise, of changing the world, and advancing the world. Smart roads were investigated, in the 1950's general motors created a consept car that could run on a special test track embedded with an electrical cable that sent radio signals to a reciever at the front end of a car. Again Berkley tried the same thing using magnets and alternating polarity. The smart roads worked very well, but the cost of upgrading all of our roads to fit the criteria was to much of a hit to the economy, the smartest choice was to modify cars so that they could become smart enough to be dirverless. To be safe the cars have a lot of sensors installed into them. The most important sensor having to be LIDAR on the roof of the car. This sensor shootss out a laser beam to form a constantly 3-D model of the cars surroundings. To help the economy its safer to update the cars with these, then to fully update the road systems we have now.
Driverless cars are not a thing of the future, ther're a present day modification to our way of living. They're not anymore dangerous then driving a normal car, and may even be a bit safer. Also they're the best choice econoimcally that our country can provide, to improve our way of living and advance us that much further. So why not get with the new era and drive a driverless car. | 34
0338170 | Luke is trying to get other people/friends to join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
He asks his brother John to join.
"It's a lot of fun," I said.
"You get to explore and go around the world to see places that you've never seen before.
The best part is that you get to go and help others who don't have a lot of supplies."
"I don't know." says John quietly.
"I just don't want to be away from home, and something bad could happen to Mom and Dad.
I'm just not sure about this one," says John.
"You're right," I said.
"You're just not willing enough to help others in need.
Who am I kidding.
You would never want to actually go exploring with your brother.
You would never want to leave your job for awhile.
You juat can't handle it."
"Hey, who said that I couldn't handle it?
I just don't want something bad to happen while I'm gone.
You never know what could happen.
Mom and Dad are getting older you know.
They don't know what's best for themselves."
"Hey Luke, John,"says Mom.
"Why are you kids fighting?
You could have just asked me what you wanted, instead of fighting all the time."
"It's nothing, Mom." says John.
"We can handle this one."
"Come on, John.
Just tell me.
I can give you an answer."
John is silent.
"Ok fine." He says quietly.
"You know that Seagoing Cowboys program Luke goes to?"
"Ya I've heard of that wonderful program," replies Mom.
"Well, Luke wants me to go with him on his next trip.
I'm just not ready to leave you guys yet.
You will need help around the house, and you'll probably miss me."
"John, your 18.
You can leave your dad and I, I promise you that we will be okay.
We have eachother, and we have our wonderful neighbors to help us with any task." Replies Mom.
"I told John that it is a trip of a lifetime," I exclaimed.
You will never forget the moments that we have together.
If you come with me, it will make me feel stronger.
I'll have you by my side the whole time.
We can help others in need together.
John, just please agree and come join me for this one.
We will never forget the experience."
"Well, I suppose so." said John, trying to hide his grin.
Mom clapped her hands together.
"I've never seen you two actually come to an agreement.
I'm very proud of you John, and
I'm also very proud of you too, Luke."
"Thanks Mom," We said in unison.
We both gave her a big hug.
"I'm going to miss you Mom," said John.
"I'm going to miss you more!" said Mom in reply. | 01
033a27e | According to the passage of "Driverless Cars Are Coming" The are many pro's and Con's of the idea of having driverless cars. One of the pro's of Driverless cars would be it takes up less money, which means it saves yourself more money and you really wont have to spend all of your investments. Another pro about Driverless cars is that it will most likely fundementally change the world as we know it because if the manufactuers develop Driverless cars then you won't see pedestrians using the bus, train, or the regular automotive vehicle.
According to the passage "Driverless Cars Are Coming", there are also many con's or negative conotations concerning Driverless Cars. One of those con's are a individual might have to take control over the car if needed because if the car won't stop when it is suppoed to yield then that individual has to stop the car . Another "con" or negative connotation about Driverless Cars is that the Driverless car is not fully safe. To elaborate about what not safe means, it means it does not have the safety requirements a regular automotive vehicle has such as an emergency brake or turning signals. | 12
033aa4b | Venus is a planet in space, that is the second planet from the sun and the closest plant to Earth density and size wise. Venus has a "thick atmosphere of almost 97 carbon dioxide" which makes it a very toxic place and top of the "clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere." Other dangerous conditions are such as the temperatures that "average 800 degrees Fahrenheit."
The author suggets that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents. It is a worthy pursuit because researchers can explore new types of rocks, gas, and etc. Because Venus is such as harsh planet, it makes everything on the planet that much rare. Despite the conditions, when things on the planet are discovered it can make a huge impact on the history of space and scientists.
"NASA's possible soultion to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float ablove fray." The author presents an idea that would allow humans to be able to observe the planet despite the dangers it presents. | 12
03448b6 | It is a good idea to explore and is worthy pursuit to explore the planet Venus, despite the dangers it presents. If NASA decides to explore Venus, then there could be many benifits from it.
One reason why it´s a good to explore the Planet Venus is because of data. If we explore Venus, despite the dangers, then it could bring us information about the planet. Then possibly, with that information it could bring innovation based on what NASA discovered.
The second reason why it´s a good reason to explore Venus it because of the future. If NASA finds a way to explore Venus (because of the extremely harsh weather condition) then we could possibly explore other planets in the soloar system without being worried of other weather relate obstacles. According to the acticle on paragraph 7, it says that NASA made some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide that has lasted on Venus´s conditions for 3 weeks.
Even though exploring Venus will take a long time, it will worth waiting. If NASA explores Venus and goes succesfully, then it could cause a scientific break through, leading science into a new world of innovation, new technology, and a more sophisicated world. All-in-all, exploring Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it represent. | 23
0345980 | Driverless cars are going to be amazing when they are released to the public.
They are very intelligent machines that can make better or faster decisions than humans can on the road. Even though they are just testing them now, they still haven't caused any accidents. Think about it, everyone who drives a driverless car will have the option to steer, so it's their choice whether their life is at risk.
Driverless cars haven't caused car-on-car accidents. The text states that driverless cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. There have been a few cases where the driverless cars were involved in accidents, but that was because other people wrecked into them. They usually don't make road errors, but other people mess them up because of their bad driving habits.
Drivers still have the option to take the wheel if they feel, or if the car feels, like
something is wrong. The text states that driverless cars require some human skill so they would have to take the wheel at some point, but the rest of the driving is optional. The text also states that the driverless cars are also being programmed to warn the driver when they need to take control. The only drawback to this is that drivers will still have to be alert at all times incase the car needs their help.
It may take some time before they are fully safe. The text states that there are some situations where humans would have to take control of the car like pulling out of driveways or moving around construction zones. This implies that the cars can't deal with humans very well. They can still manage to get in accidents with pedestrians if those people aren't dong what they are supposed to like J-walking. It will take awhile before driverless cars are upgraded with more reliable sensors that can detect pedestrians and even animals too.
Driverless cars are going to be a huge innovation that changes the way everyone travels. Driverless cars are safe, fast decision makers, and help people get from place to place without driving the whole time. I wouldn't turn down a trip in something that has all of those great qualities. Driverless cars will truely be amazing when they are released. | 34
0347bb4 | The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions for students in a classroom can be valuable. When students are having trouble with their assignments it will show the teacher what they are struggling with. Although, some students would not feel comfortable sharing their emotions it can help them with their assignments.
Some people will think that someone is happy when they're really just putting a fake smle on their face."For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." With this new technology you can see how their really feeling.
How you use this technology can show if it's valuable or not. Using it to see if a student is having trouble is valuable, but if you use it just for the fun of it, it's not valuable. "To an expert, faces dont lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a smiling politician or celebrity isnt being truthful." The Facial Action Coding System can also be used for criminals. When officers are not sure wether some man is a criminal, he can use this technology to see if the criminal is lying. I think this techonolgy will be useful with students and many other people. I believe reading the emotions of the students in a classroom is valuable. | 23
034dbcf | First off I don't think there are a such thing as aliens so i don't think that would be the case. Im here to tell you guys and ladies that this is a natural landform built from rocks piled up and all around each other. If you think the aliens did it how could they have done it if it's sticking outside the ground instead of inside. As you see in the pictures when the years go by the cameras and pictures get better asthe face structure starts to disappear and it makes it look like a bunch of rocks. They don't know if they actually seen a face they said it was winter on that side when this picture was tooken. So there were clouds and just a lot of stuff covering the cameras when they took the picture. This is a natural landform from rocks and other stuff but i would see why you would think that. It is kind of weird to see other things like this on other planets that don't even have human life or something close to it for this to happen. You should have already known it wasn't a face when JPL web site said it wasn't and it was just a natural landform like all the other craters. | 12
035a4d2 | the colleg now has votes for vice presidant and there are 538 electors but 270 electors are what we are suppos to have 3 were picked by the state they have a presadent election for evry for years if you run for president you get your own group and you get alot of responsibilities and it is held evry tuseday and first monday and the winner takes it all and they have other cannidates to worrie about and the govener prepares for the presidans election and there are about 60% of voters if your the presidant you need to defened your titel back in 1960's in lousiana we almost succeeded but then they hired other electors to go agianst John F Kennedy and then evrybody was faithlessand now their are 500,000 voters and it has increased drasticly and we half to make a congress if your presidant 35,000,000 go to just pick a presidant 41,971 are in deadlock in 1976 there were about 5,559 elections back then there are 25,000 media markets texas hade the most voters in 1987 and all of are presadents have at least 2,000 or more canadates bush hade the least votes sence 1888 61.5% of votes was compared to a voteing persentage of 51.3% and that was in the north and south 2012 they have boosted their companie and their attinstion by ads and some build boards 29 elctoral votes 3 were passed through their were 301 votes now there are 370 votes and this all happened in 1992 and there are more dimacrats in texas than there are in florida there are 20 in florida and 33 in texas and all of the elections are nation wide and voters do half of the work for just voteing and the pepole are going through the votes to see hew there new presidant is for the new year and all the votes came from Electrol colleg and all of the campains are in the small states and in texas they have turned off votes in texas and now there is less attenstion in the compainey and they do politicl votes and the pepole think that the voters should be the ones to decid the election and up state voters pay close attention to see hew wins. | 01
035e3c7 | Dear state senator,
As a law abiding citizen, I feel that the American public should have a say-so in the elections of the President, or any other government party leader, and to do so, should be a direct vote. While our Founding Fathers, with all due respect, chose the Electoral College to pick and choose our leaders, this is the 21st centuary. A centuary in which the government upholds too much power.
The government has been critized quite intensely over the last few years over one topic - lying. Lying to the citizens in which it - should - be serving. Although, it doesn't. The government serves itself. So why should we elect a panel of people to elect for us? After all, when we vote, we - I speak for the entire American republic here - imagine us submitting our vote to count directly for our selected representative. Not for some unknown nit-wit to chose a government agent for us. What if said nit-wit lies, miscounts, or purposely puts his own imput into the system instead of the American voting population?
Direct voting is, perhaps, inevitably more efficient. Our votes could run through a machine, much like a state test such as FCAT, anf the total vote could be directed for either candidate. The chances of a tied poll is rather extremely unlikely due to the masses of the American republic. Plus, it singles out the chance of lying in a government of liars.
Swing states wouldn't exist. Instead of singling out a particular area of the country, they'd be, more so, targeting the country as a whole, because then would every individual vote mattered. No one would be left out, and the more honest, obviously more chosen, president would win out, and almost everyone would be happy.
We live in a system at which the government lies, quite fairly, a lot. A direct vote would whip them out of that in the voting process, as the votes, singularly, would matter. Every last one of them. It would also nip the idea that only certain areas, certain states, mattered, because again, every vote would matter. Directing voting is obviously the way to go.
Law Abiding Citizen. | 23
035e589 | Have you ever gtten your hopes up for something special, but you secretly knew you wouldn't get what you wanted? That is how some felt once they discovered the "Face on Mars" wasn't actually a face. Many convincing facts led NASA's employees to believe this natural landform was actually a human face. However, there just so happened to be a few more facts and pieces of evidence to tell otherwise.
In September of 1997, Cydonia became NASA's number one priority when Mars Global Surveyor arrived to the Red Planet. The article says this was eighteen long years after the Vikings missions ended. Jim Garvin explaines how they felt this landform was important to taxpayers and they photographed the Face as soon as they could get a good shot at it. Beacause this mysterious form exsited and NASA payed so much attention to it, it shows that they only used solid facts to explain how this landform was created naturally and not by aliens.
It was not until Apri 5, 1998, a year after Cydonia became their priority, the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, as stated in the article. It also says Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture which was ten time sharper than the original Viking photos. This comes to show that NASA did not just go off one photo taken eighteen years before hand. Eager web surfers were anxious to find out something juicy, such as alien life form on Mars, but to their surprise the Face had occured naturally.
The web surfers and many other people were not satisfied with the outcome and were not going to give up on their hopes, but neither was NASA. The critics said how the "Face on Mars" is located 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was cloudy on Mars when the photo was taken. NASA then prepared to look again. Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001 Mars Global Surveyor drew in closer for a second time. Garvin stated, "We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of veiw." The pixels in the most recent pictures taken spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixels in the best 1976 Viking photo. Garvin also adds how you can discern things in a digital image three times bigger than the pixel size. This means that it is the clearest image you could take and if there just so happened to be things such as airplanes on the ground, Egyptian-style pyramids, or even small shacks the picture could have clearly captured them.
Although many wanted to believe the Face was anything but a natural landform, NASA used strong facts and evidence to fight the arguement and convince people otherwise. I strongly believe The Face on Mars is natural and was not created otherwise because they used all facts and has three different pictures one of which could have spotted things other than the landform, but did not. Nothing but the truth was caught on camera and that is that the "Face on Mars" is nothing but a natural landform, and nothing more. | 34
035fd2d | I belive it is just a landform because it looks like the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Do you really belive that a face would be on Mars, it is really hard to belive? It would not make sense that a face would be on Mars. I belive it is just a landform because it looks like the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.
On April 5, 1998 Mars Globel Surveyor flow over Cydonia and took a picture and it was a natural landform. The pectures this time were ten times sharper then the ones from the original Viving picture. There was no alien monument after all. Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa.
On April 8,2001 Mars Global Surveyor took another picture on a cloudless summer day in Cydonia. Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, caompared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. With this images if there are any objects there you are going to see it.
What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. These landforms are common to the ones in the American West. They remind us most of the Middle Burre in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.
I know that the second picture was taken on a cloudy day and it was not all clear. The origanal picure did have a differnt shadow also. There was however, a third picture taken and that was on a clear day and it showed that it was just a lanform. The origanal picture only had 43 meters compared to the one in 2001 that had 1.56 meters.
In counclusion the face on Mars was just a moon. There were two pictures taken after the origanal picture and they both show that in is just landforms. I belive it is just a landform because it looks like the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. | 23
03630c7 | Have you ever heard of the Seagoing Cowboys program?
The Seagoing Cowboys program is a thing alot of people should do. We help out with alot of stuff such as animals, and problems that where hard to solve after World War 2. You could also see amazing sights. I'm going to tell you all about the Seagoing Cowboys program.
In 1945 we had to help with horses in New Orleans. We had to make sure they had enough hay and oats to be fed with. Although there was 335 horses to feed we still helped out. For instance we crossed the alantic ocean for 2 weeks, just to get to China to help out. First,We fed them, bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled up from the lower parts of the ship. Then all the stalls had to be cleaned.
If you joined this program you would get to see amazing sights. Its a once in a lifetime chance to travel to China, Europe, Venice,and Italy. I got to explore the castel in Crete and marvel at the Panama Canal on my way to China. There is so many sights to be marveled at or explored. You should try this out.
There is so much more than helping animals and seeing amazing monuments and sights. You would also get to help people. There are lots of people out there who dont have much food or any shelter. World War 2 is the cause of this harm to people. First of all, helping people could give you a good reputation. Secondly, its nice to help people who are poor and don't have shelter or food. Lastly, I think it is a good thing to do for those people.
People fought in World War 2 and now its your turn to step up and lend a helping hand. This program is possibly the most helpfullest program in the U.S.A. | 23
0364075 | Dear mister senator,
The Electoral College is a very organized way of handling the Presidential election. It makes certain that tthere is usually a landslide victory. The locations of the states help the canidates and the Electoral Colloege states that you have to have transregional appeal.
The swing states such as Florida, are the states presidental canidates pay attention to. The votes there are the ones thats can decide the election. The lager states, due to there large population, also get more Electoral votes.
The Electoral Colloege has helped avioded run-off elections by reducing the complication of it all. The Electoral College is made up of five-hundred thirty-eight electors and all that is need to elect a president is two-hundred seventy electoral votes. The electoral College is the easier and less complicated way of electing a president.
Though whether the Electoral College is democratic, it is not true in a modern sense. It is still very practical and less complicated. The people instead would vote for slates of electors but, they still would be voting towards you canidate. The Electoral College is the method that we should keep. | 12
036e19b | A argument Luke is dealing with from his point of view is how much things he has to do and if he does the commands wrong there will be horrible consequences for them.
When Luke heard about the job he was so excited about it. He heard that being a Seagoing Cowboy was a amazing job. He has been dreaming about being a Seagoing Cowboy because of all the animals you take care of and all the traveling they do. That's why right away when Luke heard that they are hiring Seagoing Cowboys, he couldn't say no. It was a opportunity of a lifetime!
As soon as Luke got hired, he was so excited to start working. He worked and worked all the time. He wanted to be the best Seagoing cowboy there has ever been. Sometimes he would work more than he was soppost to. He enjoyed taking care of the horses, young cows, and mules.
Luke worked very hard and sometimes got tired. He went to alot of places. He went to New Orleans and Greece and other places. As soon as he was done with all the traveling he made nine trips all together! He made more trips than any Seagoing Cowboy!
Later on Luke kept working with all the animals. All the taking care of made Luke very busy, beside with the traveling. Luke also had to clean.
On Lukes second trip he served his night as a watchman. He had to check on all the animals every hour. But then a horrible thing happened. After making his hourly report to the captain, Luke slid down a slippery ladder on his backside. He landed feet first toward an opening on the side of the ship. A small strip of metel along the edge stopped his slide, that kept him from going overboard into the dark Alantic Ocean. But luckly for him he was still alive.
As soon as that insedant happened to Luke, he got his ribs cracked. Luke couldn't work for a couple of days. So while Luke was not going to work he managed his time to have fun on board. He played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals have been housed. He played alot more games aswell.
Later on being a Seagoing Cowboy he thought of how amazing it feels to help people. He helped lots of people during his trips. So Luke had a great idea. He wanted people to help other people. He started to convince people to be a Seagoing Cowboy. But most of people thought he was crazy. He told people how amazing it is to be traveling and amazing it is to be helping others.
People called his job dangerouse. It sure was. Luke got very annoyed and angry because people thought he was crazy and they did not like that kind of job. Luke stopped persuading people to be a Seagoing Cowboy. But He didn't give up on his job though. He liked his job the way it is and he wouldn't change it for anything. He got awards for being a very helpful, admiring, and amazing person in his job. | 12
036f820 | Having fellow citizens limiting car usage can have many advantages. Even though there are many reasons, a big topic would be because of the gas getting in the air creating "smog" or pollution. Keeping the earth clean but banning cars can make the enviornment a better place.
To being with, limiting the use of cars can be very good for our enviornment because it would make the air less polluted. As stated in source 2 paragraph 5,"congestion was down 60 percent in the capitol of France, after five days of intensifying smog..." thats a big percent and with that we are making the earth green. France even tried to ban cars even and odd to reduce the pollution as being talked about in paragraph 2 and 3. They were being fined if they drove, that is atleast until the air cleared up.
On the other hand, banning cars or not driving is a silly decision. It may be good for our earth and our health, but if you need to leave three hours before hand to reach your destination on time, then you need to buckle up and step on the gas. If gas so so bad for the enviornment, then why dont we ban gas cars? There are many indrustries and or companys that have created electronic cars. Charging our cars many be difficlut for long road trips but there could be a slot for gas for when our battery level is running low we can get some gas to reach a destination and charge it.
Having fellow citizens limiting car usage can have many advantages, but also a few disadvanteages. Cars can clean up the air but also make us gasp for it. Having a car should be a choice we get to make. Having events and days where "no cars can be driven or you get a fine" is not needed in anybodys lives. What decision would you decide, having a car, or joining in on being green? | 23
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