stringlengths 76
// Mul performs a scalar multiplcation of the matrix. This is equivalent to iterating
// over every element of the matrix and multiply it by c.
func (m1 Mat4x2) Mul(c float64) Mat4x2 {
return Mat4x2{m1[0] * c, m1[1] * c, m1[2] * c, m1[3] * c, m1[4] * c, m1[5] * c, m1[6] * c, m1[7] * c}
} |
// At returns the matrix element at the given row and column.
// This is equivalent to mat[col * numRow + row] where numRow is constant
// (E.G. for a Mat3x2 it's equal to 3)
// This method is garbage-in garbage-out. For instance, on a Mat4 asking for
// At(5,0) will work just like At(1,1). Or it may panic if it's out of bounds.
func (m Mat4x2) At(row, col int) float64 {
return m[col*4+row]
} |
// Set sets the corresponding matrix element at the given row and column.
// This has a pointer receiver because it mutates the matrix.
// This method is garbage-in garbage-out. For instance, on a Mat4 asking for
// Set(5,0,val) will work just like Set(1,1,val). Or it may panic if it's out of bounds.
func (m *Mat4x2) Set(row, col int, value float64) {
m[col*4+row] = value
} |
// Mul performs a scalar multiplcation of the matrix. This is equivalent to iterating
// over every element of the matrix and multiply it by c.
func (m1 Mat4x3) Mul(c float64) Mat4x3 {
return Mat4x3{m1[0] * c, m1[1] * c, m1[2] * c, m1[3] * c, m1[4] * c, m1[5] * c, m1[6] * c, m1[7] * c, m1[8] * c, m1[9] * c, m1[10] * c, m1[11] * c}
} |
// At returns the matrix element at the given row and column.
// This is equivalent to mat[col * numRow + row] where numRow is constant
// (E.G. for a Mat3x2 it's equal to 3)
// This method is garbage-in garbage-out. For instance, on a Mat4 asking for
// At(5,0) will work just like At(1,1). Or it may panic if it's out of bounds.
func (m Mat4x3) At(row, col int) float64 {
return m[col*4+row]
} |
// Set sets the corresponding matrix element at the given row and column.
// This has a pointer receiver because it mutates the matrix.
// This method is garbage-in garbage-out. For instance, on a Mat4 asking for
// Set(5,0,val) will work just like Set(1,1,val). Or it may panic if it's out of bounds.
func (m *Mat4x3) Set(row, col int, value float64) {
m[col*4+row] = value
} |
// Mul performs a scalar multiplcation of the matrix. This is equivalent to iterating
// over every element of the matrix and multiply it by c.
func (m1 Mat4) Mul(c float64) Mat4 {
return Mat4{m1[0] * c, m1[1] * c, m1[2] * c, m1[3] * c, m1[4] * c, m1[5] * c, m1[6] * c, m1[7] * c, m1[8] * c, m1[9] * c, m1[10] * c, m1[11] * c, m1[12] * c, m1[13] * c, m1[14] * c, m1[15] * c}
} |
// Det returns the determinant of a matrix. It is a measure of a square matrix's
// singularity and invertability, among other things. In this library, the
// determinant is hard coded based on pre-computed cofactor expansion, and uses
// no loops. Of course, the addition and multiplication must still be done.
func (m Mat4) Det() float64 {
return m[0]*m[5]*m[10]*m[15] - m[0]*m[5]*m[11]*m[14] - m[0]*m[6]*m[9]*m[15] + m[0]*m[6]*m[11]*m[13] + m[0]*m[7]*m[9]*m[14] - m[0]*m[7]*m[10]*m[13] - m[1]*m[4]*m[10]*m[15] + m[1]*m[4]*m[11]*m[14] + m[1]*m[6]*m[8]*m[15] - m[1]*m[6]*m[11]*m[12] - m[1]*m[7]*m[8]*m[14] + m[1]*m[7]*m[10]*m[12] + m[2]*m[4]*m[9]*m[15] - m[2]*m[4]*m[11]*m[13] - m[2]*m[5]*m[8]*m[15] + m[2]*m[5]*m[11]*m[12] + m[2]*m[7]*m[8]*m[13] - m[2]*m[7]*m[9]*m[12] - m[3]*m[4]*m[9]*m[14] + m[3]*m[4]*m[10]*m[13] + m[3]*m[5]*m[8]*m[14] - m[3]*m[5]*m[10]*m[12] - m[3]*m[6]*m[8]*m[13] + m[3]*m[6]*m[9]*m[12]
} |
// Inv computes the inverse of a square matrix. An inverse is a square matrix such that when multiplied by the
// original, yields the identity.
// M_inv * M = M * M_inv = I
// In this library, the math is precomputed, and uses no loops, though the multiplications, additions, determinant calculation, and scaling
// are still done. This can still be (relatively) expensive for a 4x4.
// This function checks the determinant to see if the matrix is invertible.
// If the determinant is 0.0, this function returns the zero matrix. However, due to floating point errors, it is
// entirely plausible to get a false positive or negative.
// In the future, an alternate function may be written which takes in a pre-computed determinant.
func (m Mat4) Inv() Mat4 {
det := m.Det()
if FloatEqual(det, float64(0.0)) {
return Mat4{}
retMat := Mat4{
-m[7]*m[10]*m[13] + m[6]*m[11]*m[13] + m[7]*m[9]*m[14] - m[5]*m[11]*m[14] - m[6]*m[9]*m[15] + m[5]*m[10]*m[15],
m[3]*m[10]*m[13] - m[2]*m[11]*m[13] - m[3]*m[9]*m[14] + m[1]*m[11]*m[14] + m[2]*m[9]*m[15] - m[1]*m[10]*m[15],
-m[3]*m[6]*m[13] + m[2]*m[7]*m[13] + m[3]*m[5]*m[14] - m[1]*m[7]*m[14] - m[2]*m[5]*m[15] + m[1]*m[6]*m[15],
m[3]*m[6]*m[9] - m[2]*m[7]*m[9] - m[3]*m[5]*m[10] + m[1]*m[7]*m[10] + m[2]*m[5]*m[11] - m[1]*m[6]*m[11],
m[7]*m[10]*m[12] - m[6]*m[11]*m[12] - m[7]*m[8]*m[14] + m[4]*m[11]*m[14] + m[6]*m[8]*m[15] - m[4]*m[10]*m[15],
-m[3]*m[10]*m[12] + m[2]*m[11]*m[12] + m[3]*m[8]*m[14] - m[0]*m[11]*m[14] - m[2]*m[8]*m[15] + m[0]*m[10]*m[15],
m[3]*m[6]*m[12] - m[2]*m[7]*m[12] - m[3]*m[4]*m[14] + m[0]*m[7]*m[14] + m[2]*m[4]*m[15] - m[0]*m[6]*m[15],
-m[3]*m[6]*m[8] + m[2]*m[7]*m[8] + m[3]*m[4]*m[10] - m[0]*m[7]*m[10] - m[2]*m[4]*m[11] + m[0]*m[6]*m[11],
-m[7]*m[9]*m[12] + m[5]*m[11]*m[12] + m[7]*m[8]*m[13] - m[4]*m[11]*m[13] - m[5]*m[8]*m[15] + m[4]*m[9]*m[15],
m[3]*m[9]*m[12] - m[1]*m[11]*m[12] - m[3]*m[8]*m[13] + m[0]*m[11]*m[13] + m[1]*m[8]*m[15] - m[0]*m[9]*m[15],
-m[3]*m[5]*m[12] + m[1]*m[7]*m[12] + m[3]*m[4]*m[13] - m[0]*m[7]*m[13] - m[1]*m[4]*m[15] + m[0]*m[5]*m[15],
m[3]*m[5]*m[8] - m[1]*m[7]*m[8] - m[3]*m[4]*m[9] + m[0]*m[7]*m[9] + m[1]*m[4]*m[11] - m[0]*m[5]*m[11],
m[6]*m[9]*m[12] - m[5]*m[10]*m[12] - m[6]*m[8]*m[13] + m[4]*m[10]*m[13] + m[5]*m[8]*m[14] - m[4]*m[9]*m[14],
-m[2]*m[9]*m[12] + m[1]*m[10]*m[12] + m[2]*m[8]*m[13] - m[0]*m[10]*m[13] - m[1]*m[8]*m[14] + m[0]*m[9]*m[14],
m[2]*m[5]*m[12] - m[1]*m[6]*m[12] - m[2]*m[4]*m[13] + m[0]*m[6]*m[13] + m[1]*m[4]*m[14] - m[0]*m[5]*m[14],
-m[2]*m[5]*m[8] + m[1]*m[6]*m[8] + m[2]*m[4]*m[9] - m[0]*m[6]*m[9] - m[1]*m[4]*m[10] + m[0]*m[5]*m[10],
return retMat.Mul(1 / det)
} |
// At returns the matrix element at the given row and column.
// This is equivalent to mat[col * numRow + row] where numRow is constant
// (E.G. for a Mat3x2 it's equal to 3)
// This method is garbage-in garbage-out. For instance, on a Mat4 asking for
// At(5,0) will work just like At(1,1). Or it may panic if it's out of bounds.
func (m Mat4) At(row, col int) float64 {
return m[col*4+row]
} |
// Set sets the corresponding matrix element at the given row and column.
// This has a pointer receiver because it mutates the matrix.
// This method is garbage-in garbage-out. For instance, on a Mat4 asking for
// Set(5,0,val) will work just like Set(1,1,val). Or it may panic if it's out of bounds.
func (m *Mat4) Set(row, col int, value float64) {
m[col*4+row] = value
} |
// Implementation of http.File
func (f *File) Close() error {
f.buf = nil
f.dirIndex = 0
return nil
} |
// Implementation of http.FileSystem
func (f *FileSystem) Open(p string) (http.File, error) {
p = path.Clean(p)
if len(f.LocalPath)!= 0 {
return http.Dir(f.LocalPath).Open(p)
if fi, ok := f.Files[p]; ok {
if!fi.IsDir() {
// Make a copy for reading
ret := fi
ret.buf = bytes.NewReader(ret.Data)
return ret, nil
return fi, nil
return nil, os.ErrNotExist
} |
// Add a file or directory asset to the generator. Added directories will be
// recursed automatically.
func (x *Generator) Add(p string) error {
if x.fsFilesMap == nil {
x.fsFilesMap = make(map[string]file)
if x.fsDirsMap == nil {
x.fsDirsMap = make(map[string][]string)
p = path.Clean(p)
info, err := os.Stat(p)
if err!= nil {
return err
prefix, p := x.splitRelPrefix(p)
if err := x.addParents(p, prefix); err!= nil {
return err
return x.addPath(path.Dir(p), prefix, info)
} |
// Write the asset tree specified in the generator to the given writer. The
// written asset tree is a valid, standalone go file with the assets
// embedded into it.
func (x *Generator) Write(wr io.Writer) error {
p := x.PackageName
if len(p) == 0 {
p = "main"
variableName := x.VariableName
if len(variableName) == 0 {
variableName = "Assets"
writer := &bytes.Buffer{}
// Write package and import
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "package %s\n\n", p)
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "import (")
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "\t\"time\"")
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "\t\"github.com/jessevdk/go-assets\"")
fmt.Fprintln(writer, ")")
vnames := make(map[string]string)
// Write file contents as const strings
if x.fsFilesMap!= nil {
// Create mapping from full file path to asset variable name.
// This also reads the file and writes the contents as a const
// string
for k, v := range x.fsFilesMap {
if v.info.IsDir() {
f, err := os.Open(v.path)
if err!= nil {
return err
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
if err!= nil {
return err
s := sha1.New()
io.WriteString(s, k)
vname := fmt.Sprintf("_%s%x", variableName, s.Sum(nil))
vnames[k] = vname
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "var %s = %#v\n", vname, string(data))
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "// %s returns go-assets FileSystem\n", variableName)
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "var %s = assets.NewFileSystem(", variableName)
if x.fsDirsMap == nil {
x.fsDirsMap = make(map[string][]string)
if x.fsFilesMap == nil {
x.fsFilesMap = make(map[string]file)
dirmap := make(map[string][]string)
for k, v := range x.fsDirsMap {
if kk, ok := x.stripPrefix(k); ok {
if len(kk) == 0 {
kk = "/"
dirmap[kk] = v
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%#v, ", dirmap)
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "map[string]*assets.File{\n")
// Write files
for k, v := range x.fsFilesMap {
kk, ok := x.stripPrefix(k)
if!ok {
if len(kk) == 0 {
kk = "/"
mt := v.info.ModTime()
var dt string
if!v.info.IsDir() {
dt = "[]byte(" + vnames[k] + ")"
} else {
dt = "nil"
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\t\t%#v: &assets.File{\n", kk)
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\t\t\tPath: %#v,\n", kk)
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\t\t\tFileMode: %#v,\n", v.info.Mode())
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\t\t\tMtime: time.Unix(%#v, %#v),\n", mt.Unix(), mt.UnixNano())
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\t\t\tData: %s,\n", dt)
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\t\t},")
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "\t}, \"\")")
ret, err := format.Source(writer.Bytes())
if err!= nil {
return err
return nil
} |
// Attempts to extract a possible number from the string passed in.
// This currently strips all leading characters that cannot be used to
// start a phone number. Characters that can be used to start a phone
// number are defined in the VALID_START_CHAR_PATTERN. If none of these
// characters are found in the number passed in, an empty string is
// returned. This function also attempts to strip off any alternative
// extensions or endings if two or more are present, such as in the case
// of: (530) 583-6985 x302/x2303. The second extension here makes this
// actually two phone numbers, (530) 583-6985 x302 and (530) 583-6985 x2303.
// We remove the second extension so that the first number is parsed correctly.
func extractPossibleNumber(number string) string {
if VALID_START_CHAR_PATTERN.MatchString(number) {
start := VALID_START_CHAR_PATTERN.FindIndex([]byte(number))[0]
number = number[start:]
// Remove trailing non-alpha non-numerical characters.
indices := UNWANTED_END_CHAR_PATTERN.FindIndex([]byte(number))
if len(indices) > 0 {
number = number[0:indices[0]]
// Check for extra numbers at the end.
indices = SECOND_NUMBER_START_PATTERN.FindIndex([]byte(number))
if len(indices) > 0 {
number = number[0:indices[0]]
return number
return ""
} |
// Checks to see if the string of characters could possibly be a phone
// number at all. At the moment, checks to see that the string begins
// with at least 2 digits, ignoring any punctuation commonly found in
// phone numbers. This method does not require the number to be
// normalized in advance - but does assume that leading non-number symbols
// have been removed, such as by the method extractPossibleNumber.
// @VisibleForTesting
func isViablePhoneNumber(number string) bool {
if len(number) < MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN {
return false
return VALID_PHONE_NUMBER_PATTERN.MatchString(number)
} |
// Normalizes a string of characters representing a phone number. This
// performs the following conversions:
// - Punctuation is stripped.
// - For ALPHA/VANITY numbers:
// - Letters are converted to their numeric representation on a telephone
// keypad. The keypad used here is the one defined in ITU Recommendation
// E.161. This is only done if there are 3 or more letters in the
// number, to lessen the risk that such letters are typos.
// - For other numbers:
// - Wide-ascii digits are converted to normal ASCII (European) digits.
// - Arabic-Indic numerals are converted to European numerals.
// - Spurious alpha characters are stripped.
func normalize(number string) string {
if VALID_ALPHA_PHONE_PATTERN.MatchString(number) {
return normalizeHelper(number, ALPHA_PHONE_MAPPINGS, true)
return NormalizeDigitsOnly(number)
} |
// Normalizes a string of characters representing a phone number. This is
// a wrapper for normalize(String number) but does in-place normalization
// of the StringBuilder provided.
func normalizeBytes(number *builder.Builder) *builder.Builder {
normalizedNumber := normalize(number.String())
b := number.Bytes()
copy(b[0:len(normalizedNumber)], []byte(normalizedNumber))
return builder.NewBuilder(b)
} |
// Gets the length of the geographical area code from the PhoneNumber
// object passed in, so that clients could use it to split a national
// significant number into geographical area code and subscriber number. It
// works in such a way that the resultant subscriber number should be
// diallable, at least on some devices. An example of how this could be used:
// number, err := Parse("16502530000", "US");
// //... deal with err appropriately...
// nationalSignificantNumber := GetNationalSignificantNumber(number);
// var areaCode, subscriberNumber;
// int areaCodeLength = GetLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode(number);
// if (areaCodeLength > 0) {
// areaCode = nationalSignificantNumber[0:areaCodeLength];
// subscriberNumber = nationalSignificantNumber[areaCodeLength:];
// } else {
// areaCode = "";
// subscriberNumber = nationalSignificantNumber;
// }
// N.B.: area code is a very ambiguous concept, so the I18N team generally
// recommends against using it for most purposes, but recommends using the
// more general national_number instead. Read the following carefully before
// deciding to use this method:
// - geographical area codes change over time, and this method honors those changes;
// therefore, it doesn't guarantee the stability of the result it produces.
// - subscriber numbers may not be diallable from all devices (notably mobile
// devices, which typically requires the full national_number to be dialled
// in most regions).
// - most non-geographical numbers have no area codes, including numbers from
// non-geographical entities
// - some geographical numbers have no area codes.
func GetLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode(number *PhoneNumber) int {
metadata := getMetadataForRegion(GetRegionCodeForNumber(number))
if metadata == nil {
return 0
// If a country doesn't use a national prefix, and this number
// doesn't have an Italian leading zero, we assume it is a closed
// dialling plan with no area codes.
if len(metadata.GetNationalPrefix()) == 0 &&!number.GetItalianLeadingZero() {
return 0
if!isNumberGeographical(number) {
return 0
return GetLengthOfNationalDestinationCode(number)
} |
// Gets the length of the national destination code (NDC) from the
// PhoneNumber object passed in, so that clients could use it to split a
// national significant number into NDC and subscriber number. The NDC of
// a phone number is normally the first group of digit(s) right after the
// country calling code when the number is formatted in the international
// format, if there is a subscriber number part that follows. An example
// of how this could be used:
// PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();
// PhoneNumber number = phoneUtil.parse("18002530000", "US");
// String nationalSignificantNumber = phoneUtil.GetNationalSignificantNumber(number);
// String nationalDestinationCode;
// String subscriberNumber;
// int nationalDestinationCodeLength =
// phoneUtil.GetLengthOfNationalDestinationCode(number);
// if nationalDestinationCodeLength > 0 {
// nationalDestinationCode = nationalSignificantNumber.substring(0,
// nationalDestinationCodeLength);
// subscriberNumber = nationalSignificantNumber.substring(
// nationalDestinationCodeLength);
// } else {
// nationalDestinationCode = "";
// subscriberNumber = nationalSignificantNumber;
// }
// Refer to the unittests to see the difference between this function and
// GetLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode().
func GetLengthOfNationalDestinationCode(number *PhoneNumber) int {
var copiedProto *PhoneNumber
if len(number.GetExtension()) > 0 {
// We don't want to alter the proto given to us, but we don't
// want to include the extension when we format it, so we copy
// it and clear the extension here.
copiedProto = &PhoneNumber{}
proto.Merge(copiedProto, number)
copiedProto.Extension = nil
} else {
copiedProto = number
nationalSignificantNumber := Format(copiedProto, INTERNATIONAL)
numberGroups := DIGITS_PATTERN.FindAllString(nationalSignificantNumber, -1)
// The pattern will start with "+COUNTRY_CODE " so the first group
// will always be the empty string (before the + symbol) and the
// second group will be the country calling code. The third group
// will be area code if it is not the last group.
if len(numberGroups) <= 3 {
return 0
if GetNumberType(number) == MOBILE {
// For example Argentinian mobile numbers, when formatted in
// the international format, are in the form of +54 9 NDC XXXX....
// As a result, we take the length of the third group (NDC) and
// add the length of the second group (which is the mobile token),
// which also forms part of the national significant number. This
// assumes that the mobile token is always formatted separately
// from the rest of the phone number.
mobileToken := GetCountryMobileToken(int(number.GetCountryCode()))
if mobileToken!= "" {
return len(numberGroups[1]) + len(numberGroups[2])
return len(numberGroups[1])
} |
// Returns the mobile token for the provided country calling code if it
// has one, otherwise returns an empty string. A mobile token is a number
// inserted before the area code when dialing a mobile number from that
// country from abroad.
func GetCountryMobileToken(countryCallingCode int) string {
if val, ok := MOBILE_TOKEN_MAPPINGS[countryCallingCode]; ok {
return val
return ""
} |
// Normalizes a string of characters representing a phone number by replacing
// all characters found in the accompanying map with the values therein,
// and stripping all other characters if removeNonMatches is true.
func normalizeHelper(number string,
normalizationReplacements map[rune]rune,
removeNonMatches bool) string {
var normalizedNumber = builder.NewBuilder(nil)
for _, character := range number {
newDigit, ok := normalizationReplacements[unicode.ToUpper(character)]
if ok {
} else if!removeNonMatches {
// If neither of the above are true, we remove this character.
return normalizedNumber.String()
} |
// Tests whether a phone number has a geographical association. It checks
// if the number is associated to a certain region in the country where it
// belongs to. Note that this doesn't verify if the number is actually in use.
// A similar method is implemented as PhoneNumberOfflineGeocoder.canBeGeocoded,
// which performs a looser check, since it only prevents cases where prefixes
// overlap for geocodable and non-geocodable numbers. Also, if new phone
// number types were added, we should check if this other method should be
// updated too.
func isNumberGeographical(phoneNumber *PhoneNumber) bool {
numberType := GetNumberType(phoneNumber)
// TODO: Include mobile phone numbers from countries like Indonesia,
// which has some mobile numbers that are geographical.
return numberType == FIXED_LINE ||
} |
// Helper function to check region code is not unknown or null.
func isValidRegionCode(regionCode string) bool {
_, contains := readFromSupportedRegions(regionCode)
return len(regionCode)!= 0 && contains
} |
// Formats a phone number in the specified format using default rules. Note
// that this does not promise to produce a phone number that the user can
// dial from where they are - although we do format in either 'national' or
// 'international' format depending on what the client asks for, we do not
// currently support a more abbreviated format, such as for users in the
// same "area" who could potentially dial the number without area code.
// Note that if the phone number has a country calling code of 0 or an
// otherwise invalid country calling code, we cannot work out which
// formatting rules to apply so we return the national significant number
// with no formatting applied.
func Format(number *PhoneNumber, numberFormat PhoneNumberFormat) string {
if number.GetNationalNumber() == 0 && len(number.GetRawInput()) > 0 {
// Unparseable numbers that kept their raw input just use that.
// This is the only case where a number can be formatted as E164
// without a leading '+' symbol (but the original number wasn't
// parseable anyway).
// TODO: Consider removing the 'if' above so that unparseable
// strings without raw input format to the empty string instead of "+00"
rawInput := number.GetRawInput()
if len(rawInput) > 0 {
return rawInput
var formattedNumber = builder.NewBuilder(nil)
FormatWithBuf(number, numberFormat, formattedNumber)
return formattedNumber.String()
} |
// Same as Format(PhoneNumber, PhoneNumberFormat), but accepts a mutable
// StringBuilder as a parameter to decrease object creation when invoked
// many times.
func FormatWithBuf(
number *PhoneNumber,
numberFormat PhoneNumberFormat,
formattedNumber *builder.Builder) {
// Clear the StringBuilder first.
countryCallingCode := int(number.GetCountryCode())
nationalSignificantNumber := GetNationalSignificantNumber(number)
if numberFormat == E164 {
// Early exit for E164 case (even if the country calling code
// is invalid) since no formatting of the national number needs
// to be applied. Extensions are not formatted.
} else if!hasValidCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode) {
// Note GetRegionCodeForCountryCode() is used because formatting
// information for regions which share a country calling code is
// contained by only one region for performance reasons. For
// example, for NANPA regions it will be contained in the metadata for US.
regionCode := GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCallingCode)
// Metadata cannot be null because the country calling code is
// valid (which means that the region code cannot be ZZ and must
// be one of our supported region codes).
metadata := getMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(
countryCallingCode, regionCode)
formatNsn(nationalSignificantNumber, metadata, numberFormat))
maybeAppendFormattedExtension(number, metadata, numberFormat, formattedNumber)
countryCallingCode, numberFormat, formattedNumber)
} |
// Formats a phone number in the specified format using client-defined
// formatting rules. Note that if the phone number has a country calling
// code of zero or an otherwise invalid country calling code, we cannot
// work out things like whether there should be a national prefix applied,
// or how to format extensions, so we return the national significant
// number with no formatting applied.
func FormatByPattern(number *PhoneNumber,
numberFormat PhoneNumberFormat,
userDefinedFormats []*NumberFormat) string {
countryCallingCode := int(number.GetCountryCode())
nationalSignificantNumber := GetNationalSignificantNumber(number)
if!hasValidCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode) {
return nationalSignificantNumber
// Note GetRegionCodeForCountryCode() is used because formatting
// information for regions which share a country calling code is
// contained by only one region for performance reasons. For example,
// for NANPA regions it will be contained in the metadata for US.
regionCode := GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCallingCode)
// Metadata cannot be null because the country calling code is valid
metadata := getMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(countryCallingCode, regionCode)
formattedNumber := builder.NewBuilder(nil)
formattingPattern := chooseFormattingPatternForNumber(
userDefinedFormats, nationalSignificantNumber)
if formattingPattern == nil {
// If no pattern above is matched, we format the number as a whole.
} else {
var numFormatCopy *NumberFormat
// Before we do a replacement of the national prefix pattern
// $NP with the national prefix, we need to copy the rule so
// that subsequent replacements for different numbers have the
// appropriate national prefix.
proto.Merge(numFormatCopy, formattingPattern)
nationalPrefixFormattingRule := formattingPattern.GetNationalPrefixFormattingRule()
if len(nationalPrefixFormattingRule) > 0 {
nationalPrefix := metadata.GetNationalPrefix()
if len(nationalPrefix) > 0 {
// Replace $NP with national prefix and $FG with the
// first group ($1).
nationalPrefixFormattingRule =
nationalPrefixFormattingRule, nationalPrefix)
nationalPrefixFormattingRule =
nationalPrefixFormattingRule, "\\$1")
numFormatCopy.NationalPrefixFormattingRule =
} else {
// We don't want to have a rule for how to format the
// national prefix if there isn't one.
numFormatCopy.NationalPrefixFormattingRule = nil
nationalSignificantNumber, numFormatCopy, numberFormat))
maybeAppendFormattedExtension(number, metadata, numberFormat, formattedNumber)
prefixNumberWithCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode, numberFormat, formattedNumber)
return formattedNumber.String()
} |
// Formats a phone number in national format for dialing using the carrier
// as specified in the carrierCode. The carrierCode will always be used
// regardless of whether the phone number already has a preferred domestic
// carrier code stored. If carrierCode contains an empty string, returns
// the number in national format without any carrier code.
func FormatNationalNumberWithCarrierCode(number *PhoneNumber, carrierCode string) string {
countryCallingCode := int(number.GetCountryCode())
nationalSignificantNumber := GetNationalSignificantNumber(number)
if!hasValidCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode) {
return nationalSignificantNumber
// Note GetRegionCodeForCountryCode() is used because formatting
// information for regions which share a country calling code is
// contained by only one region for performance reasons. For
// example, for NANPA regions it will be contained in the metadata for US.
regionCode := GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCallingCode)
// Metadata cannot be null because the country calling code is valid.
metadata := getMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(countryCallingCode, regionCode)
formattedNumber := builder.NewBuilder(nil)
maybeAppendFormattedExtension(number, metadata, NATIONAL, formattedNumber)
return formattedNumber.String()
} |
// Formats a phone number in national format for dialing using the carrier
// as specified in the preferredDomesticCarrierCode field of the PhoneNumber
// object passed in. If that is missing, use the fallbackCarrierCode passed
// in instead. If there is no preferredDomesticCarrierCode, and the
// fallbackCarrierCode contains an empty string, return the number in
// national format without any carrier code.
// Use formatNationalNumberWithCarrierCode instead if the carrier code
// passed in should take precedence over the number's
// preferredDomesticCarrierCode when formatting.
func FormatNationalNumberWithPreferredCarrierCode(
number *PhoneNumber,
fallbackCarrierCode string) string {
pref := number.GetPreferredDomesticCarrierCode()
if number.GetPreferredDomesticCarrierCode() == "" {
pref = fallbackCarrierCode
return FormatNationalNumberWithCarrierCode(number, pref)
} |
// Returns a number formatted in such a way that it can be dialed from a
// mobile phone in a specific region. If the number cannot be reached from
// the region (e.g. some countries block toll-free numbers from being
// called outside of the country), the method returns an empty string.
func FormatNumberForMobileDialing(
number *PhoneNumber,
regionCallingFrom string,
withFormatting bool) string {
countryCallingCode := int(number.GetCountryCode())
if!hasValidCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode) {
return number.GetRawInput() // go impl defaults to ""
formattedNumber := ""
// Clear the extension, as that part cannot normally be dialed
// together with the main number.
var numberNoExt = &PhoneNumber{}
proto.Merge(numberNoExt, number)
numberNoExt.Extension = nil // can we assume this is safe? (no nil-pointer?)
regionCode := GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCallingCode)
numberType := GetNumberType(numberNoExt)
isValidNumber := numberType!= UNKNOWN
if regionCallingFrom == regionCode {
isFixedLineOrMobile :=
numberType == FIXED_LINE ||
numberType == MOBILE ||
// Carrier codes may be needed in some countries. We handle this here.
if regionCode == "CO" && numberType == FIXED_LINE {
formattedNumber =
} else if regionCode == "BR" && isFixedLineOrMobile {
if numberNoExt.GetPreferredDomesticCarrierCode()!= "" {
formattedNumber =
FormatNationalNumberWithPreferredCarrierCode(numberNoExt, "")
} else {
// Brazilian fixed line and mobile numbers need to be dialed
// with a carrier code when called within Brazil. Without
// that, most of the carriers won't connect the call.
// Because of that, we return an empty string here.
formattedNumber = ""
} else if isValidNumber && regionCode == "HU" {
// The national format for HU numbers doesn't contain the
// national prefix, because that is how numbers are normally
// written down. However, the national prefix is obligatory when
// dialing from a mobile phone, except for short numbers. As a
// result, we add it back here
// if it is a valid regular length phone number.
formattedNumber =
GetNddPrefixForRegion(regionCode, true /* strip non-digits */) +
" " + Format(numberNoExt, NATIONAL)
} else if countryCallingCode == NANPA_COUNTRY_CODE {
// For NANPA countries, we output international format for
// numbers that can be dialed internationally, since that
// always works, except for numbers which might potentially be
// short numbers, which are always dialled in national format.
regionMetadata := getMetadataForRegion(regionCallingFrom)
if canBeInternationallyDialled(numberNoExt) &&
GetNationalSignificantNumber(numberNoExt)) {
formattedNumber = Format(numberNoExt, INTERNATIONAL)
} else {
formattedNumber = Format(numberNoExt, NATIONAL)
} else {
// For non-geographical countries, and Mexican and Chilean fixed
// line and mobile numbers, we output international format for
// numbers that can be dialed internationally as that always
// works.
// MX fixed line and mobile numbers should always be formatted
// in international format, even when dialed within MX. For
// national format to work, a carrier code needs to be used,
// and the correct carrier code depends on if the caller and
// callee are from the same local area. It is trickier to get
// that to work correctly than using international format, which
// is tested to work fine on all carriers. CL fixed line
// numbers need the national prefix when dialing in the national
// format, but don't have it when used for display. The reverse
// is true for mobile numbers. As a result, we output them in
// the international format to make it work.
((regionCode == "MX" ||
regionCode == "CL") &&
isFixedLineOrMobile) &&
canBeInternationallyDialled(numberNoExt) {
formattedNumber = Format(numberNoExt, INTERNATIONAL)
} else {
formattedNumber = Format(numberNoExt, NATIONAL)
} else if isValidNumber && canBeInternationallyDialled(numberNoExt) {
// We assume that short numbers are not diallable from outside
// their region, so if a number is not a valid regular length
// phone number, we treat it as if it cannot be internationally
// dialled.
if withFormatting {
return Format(numberNoExt, INTERNATIONAL)
return Format(numberNoExt, E164)
if withFormatting {
return formattedNumber
return normalizeDiallableCharsOnly(formattedNumber)
} |
// Formats a phone number for out-of-country dialing purposes. If no
// regionCallingFrom is supplied, we format the number in its
// INTERNATIONAL format. If the country calling code is the same as that
// of the region where the number is from, then NATIONAL formatting will
// be applied.
// If the number itself has a country calling code of zero or an otherwise
// invalid country calling code, then we return the number with no
// formatting applied.
// Note this function takes care of the case for calling inside of NANPA and
// between Russia and Kazakhstan (who share the same country calling code).
// In those cases, no international prefix is used. For regions which have
// multiple international prefixes, the number in its INTERNATIONAL format
// will be returned instead.
func FormatOutOfCountryCallingNumber(
number *PhoneNumber,
regionCallingFrom string) string {
if!isValidRegionCode(regionCallingFrom) {
return Format(number, INTERNATIONAL)
countryCallingCode := int(number.GetCountryCode())
nationalSignificantNumber := GetNationalSignificantNumber(number)
if!hasValidCountryCallingCode(countryCallingCode) {
return nationalSignificantNumber
if countryCallingCode == NANPA_COUNTRY_CODE {
if IsNANPACountry(regionCallingFrom) {
// For NANPA regions, return the national format for these
// regions but prefix it with the country calling code.
return strconv.Itoa(countryCallingCode) + " " + Format(number, NATIONAL)
} else if countryCallingCode == getCountryCodeForValidRegion(regionCallingFrom) {
// If regions share a country calling code, the country calling
// code need not be dialled. This also applies when dialling
// within a region, so this if clause covers both these cases.
// Technically this is the case for dialling from La Reunion to
// other overseas departments of France (French Guiana, Martinique,
// Guadeloupe), but not vice versa - so we don't cover this edge
// case for now and for those cases return the version including
// country calling code.
// Details here: http://www.petitfute.com/voyage/225-info-pratiques-reunion
return Format(number, NATIONAL)
// Metadata cannot be null because we checked 'isValidRegionCode()' above.
metadataForRegionCallingFrom := getMetadataForRegion(regionCallingFrom)
internationalPrefix := metadataForRegionCallingFrom.GetInternationalPrefix()
// For regions that have multiple international prefixes, the
// international format of the number is returned, unless there is
// a preferred international prefix.
internationalPrefixForFormatting := ""
metPref := metadataForRegionCallingFrom.GetPreferredInternationalPrefix()
if UNIQUE_INTERNATIONAL_PREFIX.MatchString(internationalPrefix) {
internationalPrefixForFormatting = internationalPrefix
} else if metPref!= "" {
internationalPrefixForFormatting = metPref
regionCode := GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCallingCode)
// Metadata cannot be null because the country calling code is valid.
metadataForRegion :=
getMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(countryCallingCode, regionCode)
formattedNationalNumber :=
nationalSignificantNumber, metadataForRegion, INTERNATIONAL)
formattedNumber := builder.NewBuilder([]byte(formattedNationalNumber))
maybeAppendFormattedExtension(number, metadataForRegion, INTERNATIONAL,
if len(internationalPrefixForFormatting) > 0 {
formattedBytes := formattedNumber.Bytes()
formattedBytes = append([]byte(" "), formattedBytes...)
// we know countryCallingCode is really an int32
intBuf := []byte{
byte(countryCallingCode >> 24),
byte(countryCallingCode >> 16),
byte(countryCallingCode >> 8),
formattedBytes = append(intBuf, formattedBytes...)
formattedBytes = append([]byte(" "), formattedBytes...)
formattedBytes = append(
[]byte(internationalPrefixForFormatting), formattedBytes...)
return string(formattedBytes)
} else {
countryCallingCode, INTERNATIONAL, formattedNumber)
return formattedNumber.String()
} |
// Formats a phone number using the original phone number format that the
// number is parsed from. The original format is embedded in the
// country_code_source field of the PhoneNumber object passed in. If such
// information is missing, the number will be formatted into the NATIONAL
// format by default. When the number contains a leading zero and this is
// unexpected for this country, or we don't have a formatting pattern for
// the number, the method returns the raw input when it is available.
// Note this method guarantees no digit will be inserted, removed or
// modified as a result of formatting.
func FormatInOriginalFormat(number *PhoneNumber, regionCallingFrom string) string {
rawInput := number.GetRawInput()
if len(rawInput) == 0 &&
(hasUnexpectedItalianLeadingZero(number) ||
!hasFormattingPatternForNumber(number)) {
// We check if we have the formatting pattern because without that, we might format the number
// as a group without national prefix.
return rawInput
if number.GetCountryCodeSource() == 0 {
return Format(number, NATIONAL)
var formattedNumber string
switch number.GetCountryCodeSource() {
formattedNumber = Format(number, INTERNATIONAL)
case PhoneNumber_FROM_NUMBER_WITH_IDD:
formattedNumber = FormatOutOfCountryCallingNumber(number, regionCallingFrom)
formattedNumber = Format(number, INTERNATIONAL)[1:]
// Fall-through to default case.
regionCode := GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(int(number.GetCountryCode()))
// We strip non-digits from the NDD here, and from the raw
// input later, so that we can compare them easily.
nationalPrefix := GetNddPrefixForRegion(
regionCode, true /* strip non-digits */)
nationalFormat := Format(number, NATIONAL)
if len(nationalPrefix) == 0 {
// If the region doesn't have a national prefix at all,
// we can safely return the national format without worrying
// about a national prefix being added.
formattedNumber = nationalFormat
// Otherwise, we check if the original number was entered with
// a national prefix.
if rawInputContainsNationalPrefix(rawInput, nationalPrefix, regionCode) {
// If so, we can safely return the national format.
formattedNumber = nationalFormat
// Metadata cannot be null here because GetNddPrefixForRegion()
// (above) returns null if there is no metadata for the region.
metadata := getMetadataForRegion(regionCode)
nationalNumber := GetNationalSignificantNumber(number)
formatRule :=
chooseFormattingPatternForNumber(metadata.GetNumberFormat(), nationalNumber)
// The format rule could still be null here if the national
// number was 0 and there was no raw input (this should not
// be possible for numbers generated by the phonenumber library
// as they would also not have a country calling code and we
// would have exited earlier).
if formatRule == nil {
formattedNumber = nationalFormat
// When the format we apply to this number doesn't contain
// national prefix, we can just return the national format.
// TODO: Refactor the code below with the code in
// isNationalPrefixPresentIfRequired.
candidateNationalPrefixRule := formatRule.GetNationalPrefixFormattingRule()
// We assume that the first-group symbol will never be _before_
// the national prefix.
indexOfFirstGroup := strings.Index(candidateNationalPrefixRule, "$1")
if indexOfFirstGroup <= 0 {
formattedNumber = nationalFormat
candidateNationalPrefixRule =
candidateNationalPrefixRule = NormalizeDigitsOnly(candidateNationalPrefixRule)
if len(candidateNationalPrefixRule) == 0 {
// National prefix not used when formatting this number.
formattedNumber = nationalFormat
// Otherwise, we need to remove the national prefix from our output.
var numFormatCopy *NumberFormat
proto.Merge(numFormatCopy, formatRule)
numFormatCopy.NationalPrefixFormattingRule = nil
var numberFormats = []*NumberFormat{numFormatCopy}
formattedNumber = FormatByPattern(number, NATIONAL, numberFormats)
rawInput = number.GetRawInput()
// If no digit is inserted/removed/modified as a result of our
// formatting, we return the formatted phone number; otherwise we
// return the raw input the user entered.
if len(formattedNumber)!= 0 && len(rawInput) > 0 {
normalizedFormattedNumber := normalizeDiallableCharsOnly(formattedNumber)
normalizedRawInput := normalizeDiallableCharsOnly(rawInput)
if normalizedFormattedNumber!= normalizedRawInput {
formattedNumber = rawInput
return formattedNumber
} |
// Check if rawInput, which is assumed to be in the national format, has
// a national prefix. The national prefix is assumed to be in digits-only
// form.
func rawInputContainsNationalPrefix(rawInput, nationalPrefix, regionCode string) bool {
normalizedNationalNumber := NormalizeDigitsOnly(rawInput)
if strings.HasPrefix(normalizedNationalNumber, nationalPrefix) {
// Some Japanese numbers (e.g. 00777123) might be mistaken to
// contain the national prefix when written without it
// (e.g. 0777123) if we just do prefix matching. To tackle that,
// we check the validity of the number if the assumed national
// prefix is removed (777123 won't be valid in Japan).
num, err := Parse(normalizedNationalNumber[len(nationalPrefix):], regionCode)
if err!= nil {
return false
return IsValidNumber(num)
return false
} |
// Returns true if a number is from a region whose national significant
// number couldn't contain a leading zero, but has the italian_leading_zero
// field set to true.
func hasUnexpectedItalianLeadingZero(number *PhoneNumber) bool {
return number.GetItalianLeadingZero() &&
} |
// Formats a phone number for out-of-country dialing purposes.
// Note that in this version, if the number was entered originally using
// alpha characters and this version of the number is stored in raw_input,
// this representation of the number will be used rather than the digit
// representation. Grouping information, as specified by characters
// such as "-" and " ", will be retained.
// Caveats:
// - This will not produce good results if the country calling code is
// both present in the raw input _and_ is the start of the national
// number. This is not a problem in the regions which typically use
// alpha numbers.
// - This will also not produce good results if the raw input has any
// grouping information within the first three digits of the national
// number, and if the function needs to strip preceding digits/words
// in the raw input before these digits. Normally people group the
// first three digits together so this is not a huge problem - and will
// be fixed if it proves to be so.
func FormatOutOfCountryKeepingAlphaChars(
number *PhoneNumber,
regionCallingFrom string) string {
rawInput := number.GetRawInput()
// If there is no raw input, then we can't keep alpha characters
// because there aren't any. In this case, we return
// formatOutOfCountryCallingNumber.
if len(rawInput) == 0 {
return FormatOutOfCountryCallingNumber(number, regionCallingFrom)
countryCode := int(number.GetCountryCode())
if!hasValidCountryCallingCode(countryCode) {
return rawInput
// Strip any prefix such as country calling code, IDD, that was
// present. We do this by comparing the number in raw_input with
// the parsed number. To do this, first we normalize punctuation.
// We retain number grouping symbols such as " " only.
rawInput = normalizeHelper(rawInput, ALL_PLUS_NUMBER_GROUPING_SYMBOLS, true)
// Now we trim everything before the first three digits in the
// parsed number. We choose three because all valid alpha numbers
// have 3 digits at the start - if it does not, then we don't trim
// anything at all. Similarly, if the national number was less than
// three digits, we don't trim anything at all.
nationalNumber := GetNationalSignificantNumber(number)
if len(nationalNumber) > 3 {
firstNationalNumberDigit := strings.Index(rawInput, nationalNumber[0:3])
if firstNationalNumberDigit > -1 {
rawInput = rawInput[firstNationalNumberDigit:]
metadataForRegionCallingFrom := getMetadataForRegion(regionCallingFrom)
if countryCode == NANPA_COUNTRY_CODE {
if IsNANPACountry(regionCallingFrom) {
return strconv.Itoa(countryCode) + " " + rawInput
} else if metadataForRegionCallingFrom!= nil &&
countryCode == getCountryCodeForValidRegion(regionCallingFrom) {
formattingPattern :=
if formattingPattern == nil {
// If no pattern above is matched, we format the original input.
return rawInput
var newFormat *NumberFormat
proto.Merge(newFormat, formattingPattern)
// The first group is the first group of digits that the user
// wrote together.
newFormat.Pattern = proto.String("(\\d+)(.*)")
// Here we just concatenate them back together after the national
// prefix has been fixed.
newFormat.Format = proto.String("$1$2")
// Now we format using this pattern instead of the default pattern,
// but with the national prefix prefixed if necessary. This will not
// work in the cases where the pattern (and not the leading digits)
// decide whether a national prefix needs to be used, since we
// have overridden the pattern to match anything, but that is not
// the case in the metadata to date.
return formatNsnUsingPattern(rawInput, newFormat, NATIONAL)
var internationalPrefixForFormatting = ""
// If an unsupported region-calling-from is entered, or a country
// with multiple international prefixes, the international format
// of the number is returned, unless there is a preferred international
// prefix.
if metadataForRegionCallingFrom!= nil {
internationalPrefix := metadataForRegionCallingFrom.GetInternationalPrefix()
internationalPrefixForFormatting = internationalPrefix
if!UNIQUE_INTERNATIONAL_PREFIX.MatchString(internationalPrefix) {
internationalPrefixForFormatting =
var formattedNumber = builder.NewBuilder([]byte(rawInput))
regionCode := GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCode)
// Metadata cannot be null because the country calling code is valid.
var metadataForRegion *PhoneMetadata = getMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(countryCode, regionCode)
maybeAppendFormattedExtension(number, metadataForRegion,
INTERNATIONAL, formattedNumber)
if len(internationalPrefixForFormatting) > 0 {
formattedBytes := append([]byte(" "), formattedNumber.Bytes()...)
// we know countryCode is really an int32
intBuf := []byte{
byte(countryCode >> 24),
byte(countryCode >> 16),
byte(countryCode >> 8),
formattedBytes = append(intBuf, formattedBytes...)
formattedBytes = append([]byte(" "), formattedBytes...)
formattedBytes = append(
[]byte(internationalPrefixForFormatting), formattedBytes...)
formattedNumber = builder.NewBuilder(formattedBytes)
} else {
// Invalid region entered as country-calling-from (so no metadata
// was found for it) or the region chosen has multiple international
// dialling prefixes.
return formattedNumber.String()
} |
// Gets the national significant number of the a phone number. Note a
// national significant number doesn't contain a national prefix or
// any formatting.
func GetNationalSignificantNumber(number *PhoneNumber) string {
// If leading zero(s) have been set, we prefix this now. Note this
// is not a national prefix.
nationalNumber := builder.NewBuilder(nil)
if number.GetItalianLeadingZero() {
zeros := make([]byte, number.GetNumberOfLeadingZeros())
for i := range zeros {
zeros[i] = '0'
asStr := strconv.FormatUint(number.GetNationalNumber(), 10)
return nationalNumber.String()
} |
// A helper function that is used by format and formatByPattern.
func prefixNumberWithCountryCallingCode(
countryCallingCode int,
numberFormat PhoneNumberFormat,
formattedNumber *builder.Builder) {
// TODO(ttacon): add some sort of BulkWrite builder to builder.Builder
// also that name isn't too awesome...:)
newBuf := builder.NewBuilder(nil)
switch numberFormat {
case E164:
newBuf.Write(strconv.AppendInt([]byte{}, int64(countryCallingCode), 10))
newBuf.Write(strconv.AppendInt([]byte{}, int64(countryCallingCode), 10))
newBuf.WriteString(" ")
case RFC3966:
newBuf.Write(strconv.AppendInt([]byte{}, int64(countryCallingCode), 10))
} |
// Simple wrapper of formatNsn for the common case of no carrier code.
func formatNsn(
number string, metadata *PhoneMetadata, numberFormat PhoneNumberFormat) string {
return formatNsnWithCarrier(number, metadata, numberFormat, "")
} |
// Note in some regions, the national number can be written in two
// completely different ways depending on whether it forms part of the
// NATIONAL format or INTERNATIONAL format. The numberFormat parameter
// here is used to specify which format to use for those cases. If a
// carrierCode is specified, this will be inserted into the formatted
// string to replace $CC.
func formatNsnWithCarrier(
number string,
metadata *PhoneMetadata,
numberFormat PhoneNumberFormat,
carrierCode string) string {
var intlNumberFormats []*NumberFormat = metadata.GetIntlNumberFormat()
// When the intlNumberFormats exists, we use that to format national
// number for the INTERNATIONAL format instead of using the
// numberDesc.numberFormats.
var availableFormats []*NumberFormat = metadata.GetIntlNumberFormat()
if len(intlNumberFormats) == 0 || numberFormat == NATIONAL {
availableFormats = metadata.GetNumberFormat()
var formattingPattern *NumberFormat = chooseFormattingPatternForNumber(
availableFormats, number)
if formattingPattern == nil {
return number
return formatNsnUsingPatternWithCarrier(
number, formattingPattern, numberFormat, carrierCode)
} |
// Simple wrapper of formatNsnUsingPattern for the common case of no carrier code.
func formatNsnUsingPattern(
nationalNumber string,
formattingPattern *NumberFormat,
numberFormat PhoneNumberFormat) string {
return formatNsnUsingPatternWithCarrier(
nationalNumber, formattingPattern, numberFormat, "")
} |
// Note that carrierCode is optional - if null or an empty string, no
// carrier code replacement will take place.
func formatNsnUsingPatternWithCarrier(
nationalNumber string,
formattingPattern *NumberFormat,
numberFormat PhoneNumberFormat,
carrierCode string) string {
numberFormatRule := formattingPattern.GetFormat()
m, ok := readFromRegexCache(formattingPattern.GetPattern())
if!ok {
pat := formattingPattern.GetPattern()
m = regexp.MustCompile(pat)
writeToRegexCache(pat, m)
formattedNationalNumber := ""
if numberFormat == NATIONAL &&
len(carrierCode) > 0 &&
len(formattingPattern.GetDomesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule()) > 0 {
// Replace the $CC in the formatting rule with the desired carrier code.
carrierCodeFormattingRule := formattingPattern.GetDomesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule()
i := 1
carrierCodeFormattingRule =
func(s string) string {
if i > 0 {
i -= 1
return carrierCode
return s
// Now replace the $FG in the formatting rule with the first group
// and the carrier code combined in the appropriate way.
i = 1
numberFormatRule = FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN.ReplaceAllStringFunc(
func(s string) string {
if i > 0 {
i -= 1
return carrierCodeFormattingRule
return s
formattedNationalNumber = m.ReplaceAllString(numberFormatRule, nationalNumber)
} else {
// Use the national prefix formatting rule instead.
nationalPrefixFormattingRule :=
if numberFormat == NATIONAL &&
len(nationalPrefixFormattingRule) > 0 {
i := 1
fgp := FIRST_GROUP_PATTERN.ReplaceAllStringFunc(numberFormatRule,
func(s string) string {
if i > 0 {
i -= 1
return nationalPrefixFormattingRule
return s
formattedNationalNumber = m.ReplaceAllString(nationalNumber, fgp)
} else {
formattedNationalNumber = m.ReplaceAllString(
if numberFormat == RFC3966 {
// Strip any leading punctuation.
inds := SEPARATOR_PATTERN.FindStringIndex(formattedNationalNumber)
if len(inds) > 0 && inds[0] == 0 {
formattedNationalNumber = formattedNationalNumber[inds[1]:]
allStr := NOT_SEPARATOR_PATTERN.FindAllString(formattedNationalNumber, -1)
formattedNationalNumber = strings.Join(allStr, "-")
return formattedNationalNumber
} |
// Gets a valid number for the specified region and number type.
func GetExampleNumberForType(regionCode string, typ PhoneNumberType) *PhoneNumber {
// Check the region code is valid.
if!isValidRegionCode(regionCode) {
return nil
//PhoneNumberDesc (pointer?)
var desc = getNumberDescByType(getMetadataForRegion(regionCode), typ)
exNum := desc.GetExampleNumber()
if len(exNum) > 0 {
num, err := Parse(exNum, regionCode)
if err!= nil {
return nil
return num
return nil
} |
// Gets a valid number for the specified country calling code for a
// non-geographical entity.
func GetExampleNumberForNonGeoEntity(countryCallingCode int) *PhoneNumber {
var metadata *PhoneMetadata = getMetadataForNonGeographicalRegion(countryCallingCode)
if metadata == nil {
return nil
var desc *PhoneNumberDesc = metadata.GetTollFree()
if countryCallingCode == 979 {
desc = metadata.GetPremiumRate()
exNum := desc.GetExampleNumber()
if len(exNum) > 0 {
num, err := Parse("+"+strconv.Itoa(countryCallingCode)+exNum, "ZZ")
if err!= nil {
return nil
return num
return nil
} |
// Appends the formatted extension of a phone number to formattedNumber,
// if the phone number had an extension specified.
func maybeAppendFormattedExtension(
number *PhoneNumber,
metadata *PhoneMetadata,
numberFormat PhoneNumberFormat,
formattedNumber *builder.Builder) {
extension := number.GetExtension()
if len(extension) == 0 {
prefExtn := metadata.GetPreferredExtnPrefix()
if numberFormat == RFC3966 {
} else if len(prefExtn) > 0 {
} else {
} |
// Gets the type of a phone number.
func GetNumberType(number *PhoneNumber) PhoneNumberType {
var regionCode string = GetRegionCodeForNumber(number)
var metadata *PhoneMetadata = getMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(
int(number.GetCountryCode()), regionCode)
if metadata == nil {
return UNKNOWN
var nationalSignificantNumber = GetNationalSignificantNumber(number)
return getNumberTypeHelper(nationalSignificantNumber, metadata)
} |
// Returns the metadata for the given region code or nil if the region
// code is invalid or unknown.
func getMetadataForRegion(regionCode string) *PhoneMetadata {
if!isValidRegionCode(regionCode) {
return nil
val, _ := readFromRegionToMetadataMap(regionCode)
return val
} |
// Tests whether a phone number matches a valid pattern. Note this doesn't
// verify the number is actually in use, which is impossible to tell by
// just looking at a number itself.
func IsValidNumber(number *PhoneNumber) bool {
var regionCode string = GetRegionCodeForNumber(number)
return IsValidNumberForRegion(number, regionCode)
} |
// Tests whether a phone number is valid for a certain region. Note this
// doesn't verify the number is actually in use, which is impossible to
// tell by just looking at a number itself. If the country calling code is
// not the same as the country calling code for the region, this immediately
// exits with false. After this, the specific number pattern rules for the
// region are examined. This is useful for determining for example whether
// a particular number is valid for Canada, rather than just a valid NANPA
// number.
// Warning: In most cases, you want to use IsValidNumber() instead. For
// example, this method will mark numbers from British Crown dependencies
// such as the Isle of Man as invalid for the region "GB" (United Kingdom),
// since it has its own region code, "IM", which may be undesirable.
func IsValidNumberForRegion(number *PhoneNumber, regionCode string) bool {
var countryCode int = int(number.GetCountryCode())
var metadata *PhoneMetadata = getMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(
countryCode, regionCode)
if metadata == nil ||
countryCode!= getCountryCodeForValidRegion(regionCode)) {
// Either the region code was invalid, or the country calling
// code for this number does not match that of the region code.
return false
var generalNumDesc *PhoneNumberDesc = metadata.GetGeneralDesc()
var nationalSignificantNumber string = GetNationalSignificantNumber(number)
// For regions where we don't have metadata for PhoneNumberDesc, we
// treat any number passed in as a valid number if its national
// significant number is between the minimum and maximum lengths
// defined by ITU for a national significant number.
if len(generalNumDesc.GetNationalNumberPattern()) == 0 {
var numberLength int = len(nationalSignificantNumber)
return numberLength > MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN &&
numberLength <= MAX_LENGTH_FOR_NSN
return getNumberTypeHelper(nationalSignificantNumber, metadata)!= UNKNOWN
} |
// Returns the region where a phone number is from. This could be used for
// geocoding at the region level.
func GetRegionCodeForNumber(number *PhoneNumber) string {
var countryCode int = int(number.GetCountryCode())
var regions []string = CountryCodeToRegion[countryCode]
if len(regions) == 0 {
return ""
if len(regions) == 1 {
return regions[0]
return getRegionCodeForNumberFromRegionList(number, regions)
} |
// Returns the region code that matches the specific country calling code.
// In the case of no region code being found, ZZ will be returned. In the
// case of multiple regions, the one designated in the metadata as the
// "main" region for this calling code will be returned. If the
// countryCallingCode entered is valid but doesn't match a specific region
// (such as in the case of non-geographical calling codes like 800) the
// value "001" will be returned (corresponding to the value for World in
// the UN M.49 schema).
func GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCallingCode int) string {
var regionCodes []string = CountryCodeToRegion[countryCallingCode]
if len(regionCodes) == 0 {
return regionCodes[0]
} |
// Returns the country calling code for a specific region. For example,
// this would be 1 for the United States, and 64 for New Zealand. Assumes
// the region is already valid.
func getCountryCodeForValidRegion(regionCode string) int {
var metadata *PhoneMetadata = getMetadataForRegion(regionCode)
return int(metadata.GetCountryCode())
} |
// Returns the national dialling prefix for a specific region. For example,
// this would be 1 for the United States, and 0 for New Zealand. Set
// stripNonDigits to true to strip symbols like "~" (which indicates a
// wait for a dialling tone) from the prefix returned. If no national prefix
// is present, we return null.
// Warning: Do not use this method for do-your-own formatting - for some
// regions, the national dialling prefix is used only for certain types
// of numbers. Use the library's formatting functions to prefix the
// national prefix when required.
func GetNddPrefixForRegion(regionCode string, stripNonDigits bool) string {
var metadata *PhoneMetadata = getMetadataForRegion(regionCode)
if metadata == nil {
return ""
var nationalPrefix string = metadata.GetNationalPrefix()
// If no national prefix was found, we return an empty string.
if len(nationalPrefix) == 0 {
return ""
if stripNonDigits {
// Note: if any other non-numeric symbols are ever used in
// national prefixes, these would have to be removed here as well.
nationalPrefix = strings.Replace(nationalPrefix, "~", "", -1)
return nationalPrefix
} |
// Checks whether the country calling code is from a region whose national
// significant number could contain a leading zero. An example of such a
// region is Italy. Returns false if no metadata for the country is found.
func isLeadingZeroPossible(countryCallingCode int) bool {
var mainMetadataForCallingCode *PhoneMetadata = getMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(
return mainMetadataForCallingCode.GetLeadingZeroPossible()
} |
// Checks if the number is a valid vanity (alpha) number such as 800
// MICROSOFT. A valid vanity number will start with at least 3 digits and
// will have three or more alpha characters. This does not do
// region-specific checks - to work out if this number is actually valid
// for a region, it should be parsed and methods such as
// IsPossibleNumberWithReason() and IsValidNumber() should be used.
func IsAlphaNumber(number string) bool {
if!isViablePhoneNumber(number) {
// Number is too short, or doesn't match the basic phone
// number pattern.
return false
strippedNumber := builder.NewBuilderString(number)
return VALID_ALPHA_PHONE_PATTERN.MatchString(strippedNumber.String())
} |
// Helper method to check whether a number is too short to be a regular
// length phone number in a region.
func isShorterThanPossibleNormalNumber(
regionMetadata *PhoneMetadata,
number string) bool {
pat, ok := readFromRegexCache(regionMetadata.GetGeneralDesc().GetNationalNumberPattern())
if!ok {
patP := regionMetadata.GetGeneralDesc().GetNationalNumberPattern()
pat = regexp.MustCompile(patP)
writeToRegexCache(patP, pat)
return testNumberLengthAgainstPattern(pat, number) == TOO_SHORT
} |
// Check whether a phone number is a possible number. It provides a more
// lenient check than IsValidNumber() in the following sense:
// - It only checks the length of phone numbers. In particular, it
// doesn't check starting digits of the number.
// - It doesn't attempt to figure out the type of the number, but uses
// general rules which applies to all types of phone numbers in a
// region. Therefore, it is much faster than isValidNumber.
// - For fixed line numbers, many regions have the concept of area code,
// which together with subscriber number constitute the national
// significant number. It is sometimes okay to dial the subscriber number
// only when dialing in the same area. This function will return true
// if the subscriber-number-only version is passed in. On the other hand,
// because isValidNumber validates using information on both starting
// digits (for fixed line numbers, that would most likely be area codes)
// and length (obviously includes the length of area codes for fixed
// line numbers), it will return false for the subscriber-number-only
// version.
func IsPossibleNumberWithReason(number *PhoneNumber) ValidationResult {
nationalNumber := GetNationalSignificantNumber(number)
countryCode := int(number.GetCountryCode())
// Note: For Russian Fed and NANPA numbers, we just use the rules
// from the default region (US or Russia) since the
// getRegionCodeForNumber will not work if the number is possible
// but not valid. This would need to be revisited if the possible
// number pattern ever differed between various regions within
// those plans.
if!hasValidCountryCallingCode(countryCode) {
regionCode := GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCode)
// Metadata cannot be null because the country calling code is valid.
var metadata *PhoneMetadata = getMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(
countryCode, regionCode)
var generalNumDesc *PhoneNumberDesc = metadata.GetGeneralDesc()
// Handling case of numbers with no metadata.
if len(generalNumDesc.GetNationalNumberPattern()) == 0 {
numberLength := len(nationalNumber)
if numberLength < MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN {
return TOO_SHORT
} else if numberLength > MAX_LENGTH_FOR_NSN {
return TOO_LONG
} else {
pat, ok := readFromRegexCache(generalNumDesc.GetNationalNumberPattern())
if!ok {
patP := generalNumDesc.GetNationalNumberPattern()
pat = regexp.MustCompile(patP)
writeToRegexCache(patP, pat)
return testNumberLengthAgainstPattern(pat, nationalNumber)
} |
// Check whether a phone number is a possible number given a number in the
// form of a string, and the region where the number could be dialed from.
// It provides a more lenient check than IsValidNumber(). See
// IsPossibleNumber(PhoneNumber) for details.
// This method first parses the number, then invokes
// IsPossibleNumber(PhoneNumber) with the resultant PhoneNumber object.
func isPossibleNumberWithRegion(number, regionDialingFrom string) bool {
num, err := Parse(number, regionDialingFrom)
if err!= nil {
return false
return IsPossibleNumber(num)
} |
// Attempts to extract a valid number from a phone number that is too long
// to be valid, and resets the PhoneNumber object passed in to that valid
// version. If no valid number could be extracted, the PhoneNumber object
// passed in will not be modified.
func TruncateTooLongNumber(number *PhoneNumber) bool {
if IsValidNumber(number) {
return true
var numberCopy *PhoneNumber
proto.Merge(numberCopy, number)
nationalNumber := number.GetNationalNumber()
nationalNumber /= 10
numberCopy.NationalNumber = proto.Uint64(nationalNumber)
if IsPossibleNumberWithReason(numberCopy) == TOO_SHORT || nationalNumber == 0 {
return false
for!IsValidNumber(numberCopy) {
nationalNumber /= 10
numberCopy.NationalNumber = proto.Uint64(nationalNumber)
if IsPossibleNumberWithReason(numberCopy) == TOO_SHORT ||
nationalNumber == 0 {
return false
number.NationalNumber = proto.Uint64(nationalNumber)
return true
} |
// Gets an AsYouTypeFormatter for the specific region.
// TODO(ttacon): uncomment once we do asyoutypeformatter.go
//public AsYouTypeFormatter getAsYouTypeFormatter(String regionCode) {
// return new AsYouTypeFormatter(regionCode);
// Extracts country calling code from fullNumber, returns it and places
// the remaining number in nationalNumber. It assumes that the leading plus
// sign or IDD has already been removed. Returns 0 if fullNumber doesn't
// start with a valid country calling code, and leaves nationalNumber
// unmodified.
func extractCountryCode(fullNumber, nationalNumber *builder.Builder) int {
fullNumBytes := fullNumber.Bytes()
if len(fullNumBytes) == 0 || fullNumBytes[0] == '0' {
// Country codes do not begin with a '0'.
return 0
var (
potentialCountryCode int
numberLength = len(fullNumBytes)
for i := 1; i <= MAX_LENGTH_COUNTRY_CODE && i <= numberLength; i++ {
potentialCountryCode, _ = strconv.Atoi(string(fullNumBytes[0:i]))
if _, ok := CountryCodeToRegion[potentialCountryCode]; ok {
return potentialCountryCode
return 0
} |
// Tries to extract a country calling code from a number. This method will
// return zero if no country calling code is considered to be present.
// Country calling codes are extracted in the following ways:
// - by stripping the international dialing prefix of the region the
// person is dialing from, if this is present in the number, and looking
// at the next digits
// - by stripping the '+' sign if present and then looking at the next digits
// - by comparing the start of the number and the country calling code of
// the default region. If the number is not considered possible for the
// numbering plan of the default region initially, but starts with the
// country calling code of this region, validation will be reattempted
// after stripping this country calling code. If this number is considered a
// possible number, then the first digits will be considered the country
// calling code and removed as such.
// It will throw a NumberParseException if the number starts with a '+' but
// the country calling code supplied after this does not match that of any
// known region.
func maybeExtractCountryCode(
number string,
defaultRegionMetadata *PhoneMetadata,
nationalNumber *builder.Builder,
keepRawInput bool,
phoneNumber *PhoneNumber) (int, error) {
if len(number) == 0 {
return 0, nil
fullNumber := builder.NewBuilderString(number)
// Set the default prefix to be something that will never match.
possibleCountryIddPrefix := "NonMatch"
if defaultRegionMetadata!= nil {
possibleCountryIddPrefix = defaultRegionMetadata.GetInternationalPrefix()
countryCodeSource :=
maybeStripInternationalPrefixAndNormalize(fullNumber, possibleCountryIddPrefix)
if keepRawInput {
phoneNumber.CountryCodeSource = &countryCodeSource
if countryCodeSource!= PhoneNumber_FROM_DEFAULT_COUNTRY {
if len(fullNumber.String()) <= MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN {
return 0, ErrTooShortAfterIDD
potentialCountryCode := extractCountryCode(fullNumber, nationalNumber)
if potentialCountryCode!= 0 {
phoneNumber.CountryCode = proto.Int(potentialCountryCode)
return potentialCountryCode, nil
// If this fails, they must be using a strange country calling code
// that we don't recognize, or that doesn't exist.
return 0, ErrInvalidCountryCode
} else if defaultRegionMetadata!= nil {
// Check to see if the number starts with the country calling code
// for the default region. If so, we remove the country calling
// code, and do some checks on the validity of the number before
// and after.
defaultCountryCode := int(defaultRegionMetadata.GetCountryCode())
defaultCountryCodeString := strconv.Itoa(defaultCountryCode)
normalizedNumber := fullNumber.String()
if strings.HasPrefix(normalizedNumber, defaultCountryCodeString) {
var (
potentialNationalNumber = builder.NewBuilderString(
generalDesc = defaultRegionMetadata.GetGeneralDesc()
patP = `^(?:` + generalDesc.GetNationalNumberPattern() + `)$` // Strictly match
validNumberPattern, ok = readFromRegexCache(patP)
if!ok {
validNumberPattern = regexp.MustCompile(patP)
writeToRegexCache(patP, validNumberPattern)
builder.NewBuilder(nil) /* Don't need the carrier code */)
nationalNumberPattern, ok := readFromRegexCache(generalDesc.GetNationalNumberPattern())
if!ok {
pat := generalDesc.GetNationalNumberPattern()
nationalNumberPattern = regexp.MustCompile(pat)
writeToRegexCache(pat, nationalNumberPattern)
// If the number was not valid before but is valid now, or
// if it was too long before, we consider the number with
// the country calling code stripped to be a better result and
// keep that instead.
if (!validNumberPattern.MatchString(fullNumber.String()) &&
validNumberPattern.MatchString(potentialNationalNumber.String())) ||
nationalNumberPattern, fullNumber.String()) == TOO_LONG {
if keepRawInput {
phoneNumber.CountryCodeSource = &val
phoneNumber.CountryCode = proto.Int(defaultCountryCode)
return defaultCountryCode, nil
// No country calling code present.
phoneNumber.CountryCode = proto.Int(0)
return 0, nil
} |
// Strips the IDD from the start of the number if present. Helper function
// used by maybeStripInternationalPrefixAndNormalize.
func parsePrefixAsIdd(iddPattern *regexp.Regexp, number *builder.Builder) bool {
numStr := number.String()
ind := iddPattern.FindStringIndex(numStr)
if len(ind) == 0 || ind[0]!= 0 {
return false
matchEnd := ind[1] // ind is a two element slice
// Only strip this if the first digit after the match is not
// a 0, since country calling codes cannot begin with 0.
find := CAPTURING_DIGIT_PATTERN.FindAllString(numStr[matchEnd:], -1)
if len(find) > 0 {
if NormalizeDigitsOnly(find[0]) == "0" {
return false
numBytes := []byte(numStr)
return true
} |
// Strips any international prefix (such as +, 00, 011) present in the
// number provided, normalizes the resulting number, and indicates if
// an international prefix was present.
func maybeStripInternationalPrefixAndNormalize(
number *builder.Builder,
possibleIddPrefix string) PhoneNumber_CountryCodeSource {
numBytes := number.Bytes()
if len(numBytes) == 0 {
// Check to see if the number begins with one or more plus signs.
ind := PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN.FindIndex(numBytes) // Return is an int pair [start,end]
if len(ind) > 0 && ind[0] == 0 { // Strictly match from string start
// Can now normalize the rest of the number since we've consumed
// the "+" sign at the start.
// Attempt to parse the first digits as an international prefix.
iddPattern, ok := readFromRegexCache(possibleIddPrefix)
if!ok {
pat := possibleIddPrefix
iddPattern = regexp.MustCompile(pat)
writeToRegexCache(pat, iddPattern)
if parsePrefixAsIdd(iddPattern, number) {
return PhoneNumber_FROM_NUMBER_WITH_IDD
} |
// Strips any national prefix (such as 0, 1) present in the number provided.
// @VisibleForTesting
func maybeStripNationalPrefixAndCarrierCode(
number *builder.Builder,
metadata *PhoneMetadata,
carrierCode *builder.Builder) bool {
numberLength := len(number.String())
possibleNationalPrefix := metadata.GetNationalPrefixForParsing()
if numberLength == 0 || len(possibleNationalPrefix) == 0 {
// Early return for numbers of zero length.
return false
possibleNationalPrefix = "^(?:" + possibleNationalPrefix + ")" // Strictly match from string start
// Attempt to parse the first digits as a national prefix.
prefixMatcher, ok := readFromRegexCache(possibleNationalPrefix)
if!ok {
pat := possibleNationalPrefix
prefixMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(pat)
writeToRegexCache(pat, prefixMatcher)
if prefixMatcher.MatchString(number.String()) {
natRulePattern := "^(?:" + metadata.GetGeneralDesc().GetNationalNumberPattern() + ")$" // Strictly match
nationalNumberRule, ok :=
if!ok {
nationalNumberRule = regexp.MustCompile(natRulePattern)
writeToRegexCache(natRulePattern, nationalNumberRule)
// Check if the original number is viable.
isViableOriginalNumber := nationalNumberRule.Match(number.Bytes())
// prefixMatcher.group(numOfGroups) == null implies nothing was
// captured by the capturing groups in possibleNationalPrefix;
// therefore, no transformation is necessary, and we just
// remove the national prefix.
groups := prefixMatcher.FindSubmatchIndex(number.Bytes())
numOfGroups := len(groups)/2 - 1 // groups is a list of index pairs, idx0,idx1 defines the whole match, idx2+ submatches.
// Subtract one to ignore group(0) in count
transformRule := metadata.GetNationalPrefixTransformRule()
if len(transformRule) == 0 || groups[numOfGroups*2] < 0 { // Negative idx means subgroup did not match
// If the original number was viable, and the resultant number
// is not, we return.
if isViableOriginalNumber &&
number.String()[groups[1]:]) { // groups[1] == last match idx
return false
if len(carrierCode.Bytes())!= 0 &&
numOfGroups > 0 &&
groups[numOfGroups*2] > 0 { // Negative idx means subgroup did not match
return true
} else {
// Check that the resultant number is still viable. If not,
// return. Check this by copying the string buffer and
// making the transformation on the copy first.
numString := number.String()
transformedNumBytes := []byte(prefixMatcher.ReplaceAllString(numString, transformRule))
if isViableOriginalNumber &&
!nationalNumberRule.Match(transformedNumBytes) {
return false
if len(carrierCode.Bytes())!= 0 && numOfGroups > 1 && groups[2]!= -1 { // Check group(1) got a submatch
carrC := numString[groups[2]:groups[3]] // group(1) idxs
return true
return false
} |
// Strips any extension (as in, the part of the number dialled after the
// call is connected, usually indicated with extn, ext, x or similar) from
// the end of the number, and returns it.
// @VisibleForTesting
func maybeStripExtension(number *builder.Builder) string {
// If we find a potential extension, and the number preceding this is
// a viable number, we assume it is an extension.
numStr := number.String()
ind := EXTN_PATTERN.FindStringIndex(numStr)
if len(ind) > 0 && isViablePhoneNumber(numStr[0:ind[0]]) {
// The numbers are captured into groups in the regular expression.
for _, extensionGroup := range EXTN_PATTERN.FindAllStringIndex(numStr, -1) {
if len(extensionGroup) == 0 {
// We go through the capturing groups until we find one
// that captured some digits. If none did, then we will
// return the empty string.
extension := numStr[extensionGroup[0]:extensionGroup[1]]
return extension
return ""
} |
// Checks to see that the region code used is valid, or if it is not valid,
// that the number to parse starts with a + symbol so that we can attempt
// to infer the region from the number. Returns false if it cannot use the
// region provided and the region cannot be inferred.
func checkRegionForParsing(numberToParse, defaultRegion string) bool {
if!isValidRegionCode(defaultRegion) {
// If the number is null or empty, we can't infer the region.
if len(numberToParse) == 0 ||
!PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN.MatchString(numberToParse) {
return false
return true
} |
// Parses a string and returns it in proto buffer format. This method will
// throw a NumberParseException if the number is not considered to be a
// possible number. Note that validation of whether the number is actually
// a valid number for a particular region is not performed. This can be
// done separately with IsValidNumber().
func Parse(numberToParse, defaultRegion string) (*PhoneNumber, error) {
var phoneNumber *PhoneNumber = &PhoneNumber{}
err := ParseToNumber(numberToParse, defaultRegion, phoneNumber)
return phoneNumber, err
} |
// Same as Parse(string, string), but accepts mutable PhoneNumber as a
// parameter to decrease object creation when invoked many times.
func ParseToNumber(numberToParse, defaultRegion string, phoneNumber *PhoneNumber) error {
return parseHelper(numberToParse, defaultRegion, false, true, phoneNumber)
} |
// Parses a string and returns it in proto buffer format. This method
// differs from Parse() in that it always populates the raw_input field of
// the protocol buffer with numberToParse as well as the country_code_source
// field.
func ParseAndKeepRawInput(
numberToParse, defaultRegion string) (*PhoneNumber, error) {
var phoneNumber *PhoneNumber = &PhoneNumber{}
return phoneNumber, ParseAndKeepRawInputToNumber(
numberToParse, defaultRegion, phoneNumber)
} |
// Same as ParseAndKeepRawInput(String, String), but accepts a mutable
// PhoneNumber as a parameter to decrease object creation when invoked many
// times.
func ParseAndKeepRawInputToNumber(
numberToParse, defaultRegion string,
phoneNumber *PhoneNumber) error {
return parseHelper(numberToParse, defaultRegion, true, true, phoneNumber)
} |
// Returns an iterable over all PhoneNumberMatch PhoneNumberMatches in text.
// This is a shortcut for findNumbers(CharSequence, String, Leniency, long)
// getMatcher(text, defaultRegion, Leniency.VALID, Long.MAX_VALUE)}.
//public Iterable<PhoneNumberMatch> findNumbers(CharSequence text, String defaultRegion) {
// return findNumbers(text, defaultRegion, Leniency.VALID, Long.MAX_VALUE);
// Returns an iterable over all PhoneNumberMatch PhoneNumberMatches in text.
//public Iterable<PhoneNumberMatch> findNumbers(
// final CharSequence text, final String defaultRegion, final Leniency leniency,
// final long maxTries) {
// return new Iterable<PhoneNumberMatch>() {
// public Iterator<PhoneNumberMatch> iterator() {
// return new PhoneNumberMatcher(
// PhoneNumberUtil.this, text, defaultRegion, leniency, maxTries);
// }
// };
// }
// A helper function to set the values related to leading zeros in a
// PhoneNumber.
func setItalianLeadingZerosForPhoneNumber(
nationalNum string, phoneNumber *PhoneNumber) {
if len(nationalNum) < 2 || nationalNum[0]!= '0' {
phoneNumber.ItalianLeadingZero = proto.Bool(true)
numLeadZeros := 1
// Note that if the national number is all "0"s, the last "0"
// is not counted as a leading zero.
for numLeadZeros < len(nationalNum)-1 && nationalNum[numLeadZeros] == '0' {
if numLeadZeros!= 1 {
phoneNumber.NumberOfLeadingZeros = proto.Int(numLeadZeros)
} |
// Parses a string and fills up the phoneNumber. This method is the same
// as the public Parse() method, with the exception that it allows the
// default region to be null, for use by IsNumberMatch(). checkRegion should
// be set to false if it is permitted for the default region to be null or
// unknown ("ZZ").
func parseHelper(
numberToParse, defaultRegion string,
keepRawInput, checkRegion bool,
phoneNumber *PhoneNumber) error {
if len(numberToParse) == 0 {
return ErrNotANumber
} else if len(numberToParse) > MAX_INPUT_STRING_LENGTH {
return ErrNumTooLong
nationalNumber := builder.NewBuilder(nil)
buildNationalNumberForParsing(numberToParse, nationalNumber)
if!isViablePhoneNumber(nationalNumber.String()) {
return ErrNotANumber
// Check the region supplied is valid, or that the extracted number
// starts with some sort of + sign so the number's region can be determined.
if checkRegion &&
!checkRegionForParsing(nationalNumber.String(), defaultRegion) {
return ErrInvalidCountryCode
if keepRawInput {
phoneNumber.RawInput = proto.String(numberToParse)
// Attempt to parse extension first, since it doesn't require
// region-specific data and we want to have the non-normalised
// number here.
extension := maybeStripExtension(nationalNumber)
if len(extension) > 0 {
phoneNumber.Extension = proto.String(extension)
var regionMetadata *PhoneMetadata = getMetadataForRegion(defaultRegion)
// Check to see if the number is given in international format so we
// know whether this number is from the default region or not.
normalizedNationalNumber := builder.NewBuilder(nil)
// TODO: This method should really just take in the string buffer that
// has already been created, and just remove the prefix, rather than
// taking in a string and then outputting a string buffer.
countryCode, err := maybeExtractCountryCode(
nationalNumber.String(), regionMetadata,
normalizedNationalNumber, keepRawInput, phoneNumber)
if err!= nil {
// There might be a plus at the beginning
inds := PLUS_CHARS_PATTERN.FindStringIndex(nationalNumber.String())
if err == ErrInvalidCountryCode && len(inds) > 0 {
// Strip the plus-char, and try again.
countryCode, err = maybeExtractCountryCode(
nationalNumber.String()[inds[1]:], regionMetadata,
normalizedNationalNumber, keepRawInput, phoneNumber)
if err!= nil {
return err
} else if countryCode == 0 {
return ErrInvalidCountryCode
} else {
return err
if countryCode!= 0 {
phoneNumberRegion := GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(countryCode)
if phoneNumberRegion!= defaultRegion {
// Metadata cannot be null because the country calling
// code is valid.
regionMetadata = getMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(
countryCode, phoneNumberRegion)
} else {
// If no extracted country calling code, use the region supplied
// instead. The national number is just the normalized version of
// the number we were given to parse.
if len(defaultRegion)!= 0 {
countryCode = int(regionMetadata.GetCountryCode())
phoneNumber.CountryCode = proto.Int(countryCode)
} else if keepRawInput {
phoneNumber.CountryCodeSource = nil
if len(normalizedNationalNumber.String()) < MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN {
return ErrTooShortNSN
if regionMetadata!= nil {
carrierCode := builder.NewBuilder(nil)
bufferCopy := make([]byte, normalizedNationalNumber.Len())
copy(bufferCopy, normalizedNationalNumber.Bytes())
potentialNationalNumber := builder.NewBuilder(bufferCopy)
potentialNationalNumber, regionMetadata, carrierCode)
// We require that the NSN remaining after stripping the national
// prefix and carrier code be of a possible length for the region.
// Otherwise, we don't do the stripping, since the original number
// could be a valid short number.
regionMetadata, potentialNationalNumber.String()) {
normalizedNationalNumber = potentialNationalNumber
if keepRawInput {
phoneNumber.PreferredDomesticCarrierCode =
lengthOfNationalNumber := len(normalizedNationalNumber.String())
if lengthOfNationalNumber < MIN_LENGTH_FOR_NSN {
return ErrTooShortNSN
if lengthOfNationalNumber > MAX_LENGTH_FOR_NSN {
return ErrNumTooLong
normalizedNationalNumber.String(), phoneNumber)
val, _ := strconv.ParseUint(normalizedNationalNumber.String(), 10, 64)
phoneNumber.NationalNumber = proto.Uint64(val)
return nil
} |
// Converts numberToParse to a form that we can parse and write it to
// nationalNumber if it is written in RFC3966; otherwise extract a possible
// number out of it and write to nationalNumber.
func buildNationalNumberForParsing(
numberToParse string,
nationalNumber *builder.Builder) {
indexOfPhoneContext := strings.Index(numberToParse, RFC3966_PHONE_CONTEXT)
if indexOfPhoneContext > 0 {
phoneContextStart := indexOfPhoneContext + len(RFC3966_PHONE_CONTEXT)
// If the phone context contains a phone number prefix, we need
// to capture it, whereas domains will be ignored.
if numberToParse[phoneContextStart] == PLUS_SIGN {
// Additional parameters might follow the phone context. If so,
// we will remove them here because the parameters after phone
// context are not important for parsing the phone number.
phoneContextEnd := strings.Index(numberToParse[phoneContextStart:], ";")
if phoneContextEnd > 0 {
} else {
// Now append everything between the "tel:" prefix and the
// phone-context. This should include the national number, an
// optional extension or isdn-subaddress component. Note we also
// handle the case when "tel:" is missing, as we have seen in some
// of the phone number inputs. In that case, we append everything
// from the beginning.
indexOfRfc3966Prefix := strings.Index(numberToParse, RFC3966_PREFIX)
indexOfNationalNumber := 0
if indexOfRfc3966Prefix >= 0 {
indexOfNationalNumber = indexOfRfc3966Prefix + len(RFC3966_PREFIX)
} else {
// Extract a possible number from the string passed in (this
// strips leading characters that could not be the start of a
// phone number.)
// Delete the isdn-subaddress and everything after it if it is present.
// Note extension won't appear at the same time with isdn-subaddress
// according to paragraph 5.3 of the RFC3966 spec,
indexOfIsdn := strings.Index(nationalNumber.String(), RFC3966_ISDN_SUBADDRESS)
if indexOfIsdn > 0 {
natNumBytes := nationalNumber.Bytes()
// If both phone context and isdn-subaddress are absent but other
// parameters are present, the parameters are left in nationalNumber.
// This is because we are concerned about deleting content from a
// potential number string when there is no strong evidence that the
// number is actually written in RFC3966.
} |
// Takes two phone numbers and compares them for equality.
// Returns EXACT_MATCH if the country_code, NSN, presence of a leading zero
// for Italian numbers and any extension present are the same.
// Returns NSN_MATCH if either or both has no region specified, and the NSNs
// and extensions are the same.
// Returns SHORT_NSN_MATCH if either or both has no region specified, or the
// region specified is the same, and one NSN could be a shorter version of
// the other number. This includes the case where one has an extension
// specified, and the other does not.
// Returns NO_MATCH otherwise.
// For example, the numbers +1 345 657 1234 and 657 1234 are a SHORT_NSN_MATCH.
// The numbers +1 345 657 1234 and 345 657 are a NO_MATCH.
func isNumberMatchWithNumbers(firstNumberIn, secondNumberIn *PhoneNumber) MatchType {
// Make copies of the phone number so that the numbers passed in are not edited.
var firstNumber, secondNumber *PhoneNumber
firstNumber = &PhoneNumber{}
secondNumber = &PhoneNumber{}
proto.Merge(firstNumber, firstNumberIn)
proto.Merge(secondNumber, secondNumberIn)
// First clear raw_input, country_code_source and
// preferred_domestic_carrier_code fields and any empty-string
// extensions so that we can use the proto-buffer equality method.
firstNumber.RawInput = nil
firstNumber.CountryCodeSource = nil
firstNumber.PreferredDomesticCarrierCode = nil
secondNumber.RawInput = nil
secondNumber.CountryCodeSource = nil
secondNumber.PreferredDomesticCarrierCode = nil
firstNumExt := firstNumber.GetExtension()
secondNumExt := secondNumber.GetExtension()
// NOTE(ttacon): don't think we need this in go land...
if len(firstNumExt) == 0 {
firstNumber.Extension = nil
if len(secondNumExt) == 0 {
secondNumber.Extension = nil
// Early exit if both had extensions and these are different.
if len(firstNumExt) > 0 && len(secondNumExt) > 0 &&
firstNumExt!= secondNumExt {
return NO_MATCH
var (
firstNumberCountryCode = firstNumber.GetCountryCode()
secondNumberCountryCode = secondNumber.GetCountryCode()
// Both had country_code specified.
if firstNumberCountryCode!= 0 && secondNumberCountryCode!= 0 {
// TODO(ttacon): remove when make gen-equals
if reflect.DeepEqual(firstNumber, secondNumber) {
} else if firstNumberCountryCode == secondNumberCountryCode &&
isNationalNumberSuffixOfTheOther(firstNumber, secondNumber) {
// A SHORT_NSN_MATCH occurs if there is a difference because of
// the presence or absence of an 'Italian leading zero', the
// presence or absence of an extension, or one NSN being a
// shorter variant of the other.
// This is not a match.
return NO_MATCH
// Checks cases where one or both country_code fields were not
// specified. To make equality checks easier, we first set the
// country_code fields to be equal.
firstNumber.CountryCode = proto.Int(int(secondNumberCountryCode))
// If all else was the same, then this is an NSN_MATCH.
// TODO(ttacon): remove when make gen-equals
if reflect.DeepEqual(firstNumber, secondNumber) {
return NSN_MATCH
if isNationalNumberSuffixOfTheOther(firstNumber, secondNumber) {
return NO_MATCH
} |
// Returns true when one national number is the suffix of the other or both
// are the same.
func isNationalNumberSuffixOfTheOther(firstNumber, secondNumber *PhoneNumber) bool {
var (
firstNumberNationalNumber = strconv.FormatUint(
firstNumber.GetNationalNumber(), 10)
secondNumberNationalNumber = strconv.FormatUint(
secondNumber.GetNationalNumber(), 10)
// Note that endsWith returns true if the numbers are equal.
return strings.HasSuffix(firstNumberNationalNumber, secondNumberNationalNumber) ||
strings.HasSuffix(secondNumberNationalNumber, firstNumberNationalNumber)
} |
// Takes two phone numbers as strings and compares them for equality. This is
// a convenience wrapper for IsNumberMatch(PhoneNumber, PhoneNumber). No
// default region is known.
func IsNumberMatch(firstNumber, secondNumber string) MatchType {
firstNumberAsProto, err := Parse(firstNumber, UNKNOWN_REGION)
if err == nil {
return isNumberMatchWithOneNumber(firstNumberAsProto, secondNumber)
} else if err!= ErrInvalidCountryCode {
secondNumberAsProto, err := Parse(secondNumber, UNKNOWN_REGION)
if err == nil {
return isNumberMatchWithOneNumber(secondNumberAsProto, firstNumber)
} else if err!= ErrInvalidCountryCode {
var firstNumberProto, secondNumberProto *PhoneNumber
err = parseHelper(firstNumber, "", false, false, firstNumberProto)
if err!= nil {
err = parseHelper(secondNumber, "", false, false, secondNumberProto)
if err!= nil {
return isNumberMatchWithNumbers(firstNumberProto, secondNumberProto)
} |
// Takes two phone numbers and compares them for equality. This is a
// convenience wrapper for IsNumberMatch(PhoneNumber, PhoneNumber). No
// default region is known.
func isNumberMatchWithOneNumber(
firstNumber *PhoneNumber, secondNumber string) MatchType {
// First see if the second number has an implicit country calling
// code, by attempting to parse it.
secondNumberAsProto, err := Parse(secondNumber, UNKNOWN_REGION)
if err == nil {
return isNumberMatchWithNumbers(firstNumber, secondNumberAsProto)
if err!= ErrInvalidCountryCode {
// The second number has no country calling code. EXACT_MATCH is no
// longer possible. We parse it as if the region was the same as that
// for the first number, and if EXACT_MATCH is returned, we replace
// this with NSN_MATCH.
firstNumberRegion := GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(int(firstNumber.GetCountryCode()))
if firstNumberRegion!= UNKNOWN_REGION {
secondNumberWithFirstNumberRegion, err :=
Parse(secondNumber, firstNumberRegion)
if err!= nil {
match := isNumberMatchWithNumbers(
firstNumber, secondNumberWithFirstNumberRegion)
if match == EXACT_MATCH {
return NSN_MATCH
return match
} else {
// If the first number didn't have a valid country calling
// code, then we parse the second number without one as well.
var secondNumberProto *PhoneNumber
err := parseHelper(secondNumber, "", false, false, secondNumberProto)
if err!= nil {
return isNumberMatchWithNumbers(firstNumber, secondNumberProto)
} |
// Returns true if the number can be dialled from outside the region, or
// unknown. If the number can only be dialled from within the region,
// returns false. Does not check the number is a valid number. Note that,
// at the moment, this method does not handle short numbers.
// TODO: Make this method public when we have enough metadata to make it worthwhile.
func canBeInternationallyDialled(number *PhoneNumber) bool {
metadata := getMetadataForRegion(GetRegionCodeForNumber(number))
if metadata == nil {
// Note numbers belonging to non-geographical entities
// (e.g. +800 numbers) are always internationally diallable,
// and will be caught here.
return true
nationalSignificantNumber := GetNationalSignificantNumber(number)
nationalSignificantNumber, metadata.GetNoInternationalDialling())
} |
// Returns true if the supplied region supports mobile number portability.
// Returns false for invalid, unknown or regions that don't support mobile
// number portability.
func IsMobileNumberPortableRegion(regionCode string) bool {
metadata := getMetadataForRegion(regionCode)
if metadata == nil {
return false
return metadata.GetMobileNumberPortableRegion()
} |
// Returns a slice of Timezones corresponding to the number passed
// or error when it is impossible to convert the string to int
// The algorythm tries to match the timezones starting from the maximum
// number of phone number digits and decreasing until it finds one or reaches 0
func GetTimeZonesForRegion(number string) ([]string, error) {
for i := MAX_REGION_CODE_LENGTH; i > 0; i-- {
index, err := strconv.Atoi(number[0:i])
if err!= nil {
return nil, err
if CountryCodeToTimeZones[index]!= nil {
return CountryCodeToTimeZones[index], nil
return []string{UNKNOWN_TIMEZONE}, nil
} |
// Read is io.Reader's Read.
func (d *Decoder) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
for len(d.buf) == 0 {
if err := d.readFrame(); err!= nil {
return 0, err
n := copy(buf, d.buf)
d.buf = d.buf[n:]
d.pos += int64(n)
return n, nil
} |
// Seek is io.Seeker's Seek.
// Seek panics when the underlying source is not io.Seeker.
func (d *Decoder) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
npos := int64(0)
switch whence {
case io.SeekStart:
npos = offset
case io.SeekCurrent:
npos = d.pos + offset
case io.SeekEnd:
npos = d.Length() + offset
panic(fmt.Sprintf("mp3: invalid whence: %v", whence))
d.pos = npos
d.buf = nil
d.frame = nil
f := d.pos / consts.BytesPerFrame
// If the frame is not first, read the previous ahead of reading that
// because the previous frame can affect the targeted frame.
if f > 0 {
if _, err := d.source.Seek(d.frameStarts[f], 0); err!= nil {
return 0, err
if err := d.readFrame(); err!= nil {
return 0, err
if err := d.readFrame(); err!= nil {
return 0, err
d.buf = d.buf[consts.BytesPerFrame+(d.pos%consts.BytesPerFrame):]
} else {
if _, err := d.source.Seek(d.frameStarts[f], 0); err!= nil {
return 0, err
if err := d.readFrame(); err!= nil {
return 0, err
d.buf = d.buf[d.pos:]
return npos, nil
} |
// NewDecoder decodes the given io.Reader and returns a decoded stream.
// The stream is always formatted as 16bit (little endian) 2 channels
// even if the source is single channel MP3.
// Thus, a sample always consists of 4 bytes.
func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) (*Decoder, error) {
s := &source{
reader: r,
d := &Decoder{
source: s,
length: invalidLength,
if err := s.skipTags(); err!= nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: Is readFrame here really needed?
if err := d.readFrame(); err!= nil {
return nil, err
d.sampleRate = d.frame.SamplingFrequency()
if err := d.ensureFrameStartsAndLength(); err!= nil {
return nil, err
return d, nil
} |
// UseMSStereo returns a boolean value indicating whether the frame uses middle/side stereo.
func (f FrameHeader) UseMSStereo() bool {
if f.Mode()!= consts.ModeJointStereo {
return false
return f.modeExtension()&0x2!= 0
} |
// IsValid returns a boolean value indicating whether the header is valid or not.
func (f FrameHeader) IsValid() bool {
const sync = 0xffe00000
if (f & sync)!= sync {
return false
if f.ID() == consts.VersionReserved {
return false
if f.BitrateIndex() == 15 {
return false
if f.SamplingFrequency() == consts.SamplingFrequencyReserved {
return false
if f.Layer() == consts.LayerReserved {
return false
if f.Emphasis() == 2 {
return false
return true
} |
// NewFilter returns a new cuckoofilter with a given capacity.
// A capacity of 1000000 is a normal default, which allocates
// about ~1MB on 64-bit machines.
func NewFilter(capacity uint) *Filter {
capacity = getNextPow2(uint64(capacity)) / bucketSize
if capacity == 0 {
capacity = 1
buckets := make([]bucket, capacity)
for i := range buckets {
buckets[i] = [bucketSize]byte{}
return &Filter{buckets, 0}
} |
// Lookup returns true if data is in the counter
func (cf *Filter) Lookup(data []byte) bool {
i1, i2, fp := getIndicesAndFingerprint(data, uint(len(cf.buckets)))
b1, b2 := cf.buckets[i1], cf.buckets[i2]
return b1.getFingerprintIndex(fp) > -1 || b2.getFingerprintIndex(fp) > -1
} |
// Insert inserts data into the counter and returns true upon success
func (cf *Filter) Insert(data []byte) bool {
i1, i2, fp := getIndicesAndFingerprint(data, uint(len(cf.buckets)))
if cf.insert(fp, i1) || cf.insert(fp, i2) {
return true
return cf.reinsert(fp, randi(i1, i2))
} |
// InsertUnique inserts data into the counter if not exists and returns true upon success
func (cf *Filter) InsertUnique(data []byte) bool {
if cf.Lookup(data) {
return false
return cf.Insert(data)
} |
// Delete data from counter if exists and return if deleted or not
func (cf *Filter) Delete(data []byte) bool {
i1, i2, fp := getIndicesAndFingerprint(data, uint(len(cf.buckets)))
return cf.delete(fp, i1) || cf.delete(fp, i2)
} |
// Encode returns a byte slice representing a Cuckoofilter
func (cf *Filter) Encode() []byte {
bytes := make([]byte, len(cf.buckets)*bucketSize)
for i, b := range cf.buckets {
for j, f := range b {
index := (i * len(b)) + j
bytes[index] = f
return bytes
} |
// Decode returns a Cuckoofilter from a byte slice
func Decode(bytes []byte) (*Filter, error) {
var count uint
if len(bytes)%bucketSize!= 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected bytes to be multiple of %d, got %d", bucketSize, len(bytes))
buckets := make([]bucket, len(bytes)/4)
for i, b := range buckets {
for j := range b {
index := (i * len(b)) + j
if bytes[index]!= 0 {
buckets[i][j] = bytes[index]
return &Filter{
buckets: buckets,
count: count,
}, nil
} |
// getIndicesAndFingerprint returns the 2 bucket indices and fingerprint to be used
func getIndicesAndFingerprint(data []byte, numBuckets uint) (uint, uint, byte) {
hash := metro.Hash64(data, 1337)
f := getFingerprint(data)
i1 := uint(hash) % numBuckets
i2 := getAltIndex(f, i1, numBuckets)
return i1, i2, f
} |
// Namespace will place all tasks within the given prefix.
func Namespace(name string, s func()) error {
defer func() {
namespace = ""
namespace = applyNamespace(name)
return nil
} |
// Add a grift. If there is already a grift
// with the given name the two grifts will
// be bundled together.
func Add(name string, grift Grift) error {
defer lock.Unlock()
name = applyNamespace(name)
if griftList[name]!= nil {
fn := griftList[name]
griftList[name] = func(c *Context) error {
err := fn(c)
if err!= nil {
return err
return grift(c)
} else {
griftList[name] = grift
return nil
} |
// Set a grift. This is similar to `Add` but it will
// overwrite an existing grift with the same name.
func Set(name string, grift Grift) error {
defer lock.Unlock()
name = applyNamespace(name)
griftList[name] = grift
return nil
} |
// Rename a grift. Useful if you want to re-define
// an existing grift, but don't want to write over
// the original.
func Rename(oldName string, newName string) error {
defer lock.Unlock()
oldName = applyNamespace(oldName)
newName = applyNamespace(newName)
if griftList[oldName] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("No task named %s defined!", oldName)
griftList[newName] = griftList[oldName]
delete(griftList, oldName)
return nil
} |
// Remove a grift. Not incredibly useful, but here for
// completeness.
func Remove(name string) error {
defer lock.Unlock()
name = applyNamespace(name)
delete(griftList, name)
delete(descriptions, name)
return nil
} |
// Desc sets a helpful descriptive text for a grift.
// This description will be shown when `grift list`
// is run.
func Desc(name string, description string) error {
defer lock.Unlock()
name = applyNamespace(name)
descriptions[name] = description
return nil
} |
// Run a grift. This allows for the chaining for grifts.
// One grift can Run another grift and so on.
func Run(name string, c *Context) error {
name = applyNamespace(name)
if griftList[name] == nil {
if name == "list" {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("No task named '%s' defined!", name)
if c.Verbose {
defer func(start time.Time) {
log.Printf("Completed task %s in %s\n", name, time.Now().Sub(start))
log.Printf("Starting task %s\n", name)
return griftList[name](c)
} |
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