translation |
"en": "Then those excellent consorts of the lord of earth, having separately partaken of that choice Pāyasa, shortly bore offspring, resembling fire or the Sun.",
"sn": "ततस्तु ताः प्राश्य तमुत्तमस्त्रियो महीपतेरुत्तमपायसं पृथक्। ऽचिरेण गर्भान् प्रतिपेदिरे तदा॥"
} |
"en": "The king, beholding those wives of his bearing children, obtained his desire and became delighted; Vişnu, while being worshipped by the Siddhas and the ascetics. even as",
"sn": "ततस्तु राजा प्रतिवीक्ष्य ताः स्त्रियः प्ररूढगर्भाः प्रतिलब्धमानसः। बभूव हृष्टिस्त्रिदिवे यथा हरिः सुरेन्द्रसिद्धर्षिगणाभिपूजितः॥"
} |
"en": "When Vişņu had accepted the sonship of that high-souled king, the self-create Lord addressed the celestials, saying,",
"sn": "पुत्रत्वं तु गते विष्णौ राज्ञस्तस्य महात्मनः। उवाच देवताः सर्वाः स्वयंभूर्भगवानिदम्॥"
} |
"en": "For assisting the heroic Vişnu firm in promise, always seeking the welfare of us all, do you create powerful beings, assuming shapes at will, cognizant of illusions, heroic, furnished with the celerity of the wind, versed in morality, possessing intelligence, like to Vişņu in prowess, unslayable, knowing the ways and means (of war and peace), gifted with excellent bodies, capable of resisting all weapons, and resembling immortals.",
"sn": "सत्यसंधस्य वीरस्य सर्वेषां नो हितैषिणः। तनूषु च। : सहायान् बलिनः सृजध्वं कामरूपिणः॥ मायाविदश्च शूरांश्च वायुवेगसमान् जवे। नयज्ञान् बुद्धिसम्पन्नान् विष्णुतुल्यपराक्रमान्॥ असंहार्यानुपायज्ञान् दिव्यसंहननान्वितान्। सर्वास्त्रगुणसम्पन्नानमृतप्राशनानिव॥"
} |
"en": "And from forth the bodies of the foremost Apsaras, Gandharvis, Yaksis, and Pannagis, Rks is (She-bears) and Vidhyādharis, Kinnaris and Vānaris (She-monkeys) do you produce sons wearing the shapes of monkeys.",
"sn": "अप्सरःसु च मुख्यासु गन्धर्वीणां यक्षपन्नगकन्यासु ऋक्षविद्याधरीषु च ॥ किन्नरीषां च गात्रेषु वानरीणां तनूषु च। सृजध्वं हरिरूपेण पुत्रांस्तुल्यपराक्रमान्॥"
} |
"en": "Formerly I had created that foremost of bears, Jāmbavān, who suddenly came out of my mouth as I was yawning.",
"sn": "पूर्वमेव मया सृष्टो जाम्बवानृक्षपुङ्गवः। जृम्भमाणस्य सहसा मम वक्त्रादजायत।७।।"
} |
"en": "Hearing this mandate of Him possessed of the six attributes, they began to produce sons endowed with monkey's forms.",
"sn": "ते तथोक्ता भगवता तत् प्रतिश्रुत्य शासनम्। जनयामासुरेवं ते पुत्रान् वानररूपिणः॥"
} |
"en": "And high-souled ascetics, and Siddhas, and Vidyādharas, and Uragas, and Caranas, generated heroic sons, rangers of woods.",
"sn": "ऋषयश्च महात्मानः सिद्धविद्याधरोरगाः। चारणाश्च सुतान् वीरान् ससृजुर्वनचारिणः॥"
} |
"en": "And Indra beget as his son that foremost of monkeys, Vāli, resembling the Mahendra hill, and that best of those imparting heat, the Sun, Sugriva.",
"sn": "वानरेन्द्र महेन्द्राभमिन्द्रो वालिनमात्मजम्। सुग्रीवं जनयामास तपनस्तपतां वरः॥"
} |
"en": "Brhaspati beget the mighty ape named Tāra, who was the most excellent and intelligent of the prime monkeys.",
"sn": "बृहस्पतिस्त्वजनयत् तारं नाम महाकपिम्। सर्ववानरमुख्यानां बुद्धिमन्तमनुत्तमम्॥"
} |
"en": "The Bestower of riches beget as his son the graceful ape Gandhamādana. And Viśvakarman beget that mighty monkey named Nala.",
"sn": "धनदस्य सुतः श्रीमान् वानरो गन्धमादनः। विश्वकर्मा त्वजनयन्त्रलं नाम महाकपिम्।।१२"
} |
"en": "Agni beget as his son the powerful and graceful Nīla in effulgence like to the fire, who surpassed even his sire in energy, prowess, and renown.",
"sn": "पावकस्य सुतः श्रीमान् नीलोऽग्निसदृशप्रभः। तेजसा यशसा वीर्यादत्यरिच्यत वीर्यवान्॥"
} |
"en": "And the beautiful Asvins, endowed with the wealth of loveliness, beget Mainda and Dvivida.",
"sn": "रूपद्रविणसंपन्नावश्विनौ रूपसंमतौ। मैन्दं च द्विविदं चैव जनयामासतुः स्वयम्॥"
} |
"en": "Varuņa beget the monkey named Sușeņa; and Parjanya beget Sarabha, possessed of great strength.",
"sn": "वरुणो जनयामास सुषेणं नाम वानरम्। शरभं जनयामास पर्जन्यस्तु महाबलः॥"
} |
"en": "And the Wind-god beget the graceful monkey named Hanumān, endued with a frame hard as adamant; in fleetness like to Vinatā's offspring.",
"sn": "मारुतस्यौरसः श्रीमान् हनूमान् नाम वानरः। वज्रसंहननोपेतो वैनतेयसमो जवे॥"
} |
"en": "And the most intelligent as well as the most powerful amongst all the principal monkeys. Thus produced, there suddenly came into being by thousands, mighty bears, and monkeys, and Gopucchas, (Cow-tailed monkeys.) and of immeasurable strength, and heroic, and powerful, assuming shapes at will, endowed with bodies resembling elephants or hills, even those who would engage in compassing the destruction of the Ten-headed Rāvana.",
"sn": "सर्ववानरमुख्येषु बुद्धिमान् बलवानपि। ते सृष्टा बहुसाहस्रा दशग्रीववधोद्यताः॥ अप्रमेयबला वीरा विक्रान्ताः कामरूपिणः। ते गजाचलसंकाशा वपुष्मन्तो महाबलाः॥ ऋक्षवानरगोपुच्छाः क्षिप्रमेवाभिजज्ञिरे।"
} |
"en": "The sons of the deities retained distinctly the respective hues, forins, and prowess, that characterized their several sires. And those that sprang from the Golāngulas, possessed even more than the might of the gods.",
"sn": "यस्य देवस्य यद्रूपं वेषो यश्च पराक्रमः॥ अजायत समं तेन तस्य तस्य पृथक् पृथक् । गोलाङ्गुलेषु चोत्पन्नाः किंचिदुनतविक्रमाः॥"
} |
"en": "Likewise, on Rksis and Kinnaris were gladly begot thousands upon thousands of monkeys, by the gods, Maharsis, Gandharvas, Tarksyas, and famous Yaksas, Nagas, and Kimpurusas (beings half-man and half-beast) Siddhas, Vidyadharas, and Uragas.",
"sn": "ऋक्षीषु च तथा जाता वानराः किन्नरीषु च। देवा महर्षिगन्धर्वास्तार्क्ष्ययक्षा यशस्विनः॥ नागाः किंपुरुषाश्चैव सिद्धविद्याधरोरगाः। बहवो जनयामासुहृष्टास्तत्र सहस्रशः॥"
} |
"en": "Upon the principal Apsaris, and the Vidyadharis, and the daughters of the Nāgas, and the Gandharvis were begot by the Cāraņas as sons, heroic monkeys of gigantic bodies, ranging the forests and living on fruits and roots.",
"sn": "चारणाश्च सुतान् वीरान् ससृजुर्वनचारिणः। वानरान् सुमहाकायान् सर्वान् वै वनचारिणः॥ अप्सरःसु च मुख्यासु तथा विद्याधरीषु च। नागकन्यासु च तदा गन्धर्वीणां तनूषु च। कामरूपबलोपेता यथाकामविचारिणः॥"
} |
"en": "All these monkeys were endowed with strength; and could assume shapes and repair everywhere, at will. And they were like to lions and tigers, both in pride and in prowess. And they fought with crags and hurled hills.",
"sn": "सिंहशार्दूलसदृशा दर्पण च बलेन च। शिलाप्रहरणाः सर्वे सर्वे पर्वतयोधिनः॥"
} |
"en": "And they fought with nails and teeth, and were accomplished in all weapons. And they could move the largest hills, and crush the fixed trees,",
"sn": "मखदंष्ट्रायुधाः सर्वे सर्वे सर्वास्त्रकोविदाः। विचालयेयुः शैलेन्द्रान् भेदयेयुः स्थिरान् द्रुमान्॥"
} |
"en": "With their impetus, vex that lord of rivers, the Ocean. And they could with their kicks rend the Earth, and swim over the mighty main.",
"sn": "क्षोभयेयुश्च वेगेन समुद्र सरितां पतिम्। दारयेयुः क्षितिं पद्भ्यामाप्लवेयुर्महार्णवान्॥"
} |
"en": "They could penetrate into the welkin, and capture the clouds. And they could subdue mad elephants ranging the forest.",
"sn": "नभस्तलं विशेयुश्च गृह्णीयुरपि तोयदान्। गृह्णीयुरपि मातङ्गान् मत्तान् प्रव्रजतो वने॥"
} |
"en": "And with their roars, they could bring down birds singing. Thus came into being Koțis of high-souled leaders of monkey-herds, assuming forms at will.",
"sn": "नर्दमानांश्च नादेन पातयेयुर्विहङ्गमान्। ईदृशानां प्रसूतानि हरीणां कामरूपिणाम्॥ शतं शतसहस्राणि यूथपानां महात्मनाम्।"
} |
"en": "And these became the leaders of the principal monkey-herds; and they, in their turn, generated heroic monkeys, the foremost of the leaders of herds.",
"sn": "ते प्रधानेषु यथेषु हरीणां हरियूथपाः॥ बभूवुर्मूथपश्रेष्ठान् वीरांश्चाजनयन् हरीन्।"
} |
"en": "Some of these monkeys began to dwell on the top of the Rkşavān mountain; while others inhabited various other mountains and forests.",
"sn": "अन्ये ऋक्षवतः प्रस्थानुपतस्थुः सहस्रशः॥ अन्ये नानाविधाञ्छैलान् काननानि च भेजिरे।"
} |
"en": "All the leaders of monkey-herds stayed with those brothers, Sugriva, the son of the Sun-god and Vali, that of Sakra, and also with Nala, and Nila, and Hanuman, and other leaders of monkey-herds. And endowed with the might of Garuda, and accomplished in fight, they ranged around, pounding lions, and tigers, and mighty Uragas.",
"sn": "सूर्यपुत्रं च सुग्रीवं शक्रपुत्रं च वालिनम्॥ भ्रातरावुपतस्थुस्ते सर्वे च हरियूथपाः। नलं नीलं हनूमन्तमन्यांश्च हरियूथपान्॥ ते तार्क्ष्यबलसम्पन्नः सर्वे युद्धविशारदाः। विचरन्तोऽर्दयन् सर्वान् सिंहव्याघ्रमहोरगान्॥"
} |
"en": "And the mighty-armed Vālī of great prowess and redoubtable strength protected by virtue of the energy of his arms Ķkşas, and Gopucchas, and monkeys.",
"sn": "महाबलो महाबाहुर्वाली विपुलविक्रमः। जुगोप भुजवीर्येण ऋक्षगोपुच्छवानरान् ॥"
} |
"en": "This earth, furnished with mountains, and forests, and oceans, began to teem with those heroic lords of leaders of monkey-herds, inhabiting different places, bearing characteristic marks, resembling masses of clouds, mountain-peaks, possessed of mighty strength, and of terrible bodies and visages, in order that they might assist Rāma. or",
"sn": "तैरियं पृथिवी शूरैः सपर्वतवनार्णवा। कीर्णा विविधसंस्थानैर्नानाव्यञ्जनलक्षणैः॥ तैर्मेघवृन्दाचलकूटसंनिभैर्महाबलैर्वानरयूथपाधिपैः। बभूव भूर्भीमशरीररूपैः समावृता रामसहायहेतोः॥"
} |
"en": "When the horse-sacrifice of the high-souled Dasaratha had been completed, the immortals, accepting each his share, returned whence they had come.",
"sn": "निर्वृत्ते तु क्रतौ तस्मिन् हयमेधे महात्मनः। प्रतिगृह्यामरा भागान् प्रतिजग्मुर्यथागतम्॥"
} |
"en": "And the monarch, having observed all the rules of initiation, entered the palace with his equipage and retinue.",
"sn": "समाप्तदीक्षानियमः पत्नीगणसमन्वितः। प्रविवेश पुरी राजा सभृत्यबलवाहनः॥"
} |
"en": "And the lords of the earth, having been received suitably by the king, with glad hearts set out for their own countries, saluting that foremost of ascetics (Rsyaśặnga).",
"sn": "यथार्ह पूजितास्तेन राज्ञा च पृथिवीश्वराः। मुदिताः प्रययुर्देशान् प्रणम्य मुनिपुङ्गवम्॥"
} |
"en": "And clad in bright apparel, the delighted Own forces belonging to those graceful kings repairing to their homes, looked exceedingly beautiful.",
"sn": "श्रीमतां गच्छतां तेषां स्वगृहाणि पुरात्ततः। बलानि राज्ञां शुभ्राणि प्रहृष्टानि चकाशिरे॥"
} |
"en": "When the lords of the earth had gone away, the graceful king Dasaratha re-entered his palace, with the foremost of regenerate ones at his head.",
"sn": "गतेषु पृथिवीशेषु राजा दशरथः पुनः। प्रविवेश पुरीं श्रीमान् पुरस्कृत्य द्विजोत्तमान्॥"
} |
"en": "Followed by the intelligent monarch with his retinue, Rsyasrnga, having been duly honoured, set out with śāntā. Having thus dismissed them all, the king, his object attained, began to dwell there happily, expecting sons.",
"sn": "शान्तया प्रययौ सार्धमृष्यशृङ्गः सुपूजितः। अनुगम्यमानो राज्ञा च सानुयात्रेण धीमता॥ एवं विसृज्य तान् सर्वान् राजा सम्पूर्णमानसः। उवास सुखितस्तत्र पुत्रोत्पत्तिं विचिन्तयन्।७।।"
} |
"en": "And then when the six seasons had rolled away after the completion of the sacrifice, in the twelfth month, on the ninth lunar day, under the influence of the Punarvasu asterism presided by Aditi devatā, when the Sun, the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus were at Arius, Capricorn, Libra, Cancer, And Pisces, and when Jupiter had arisen with the Moon at Cancer, Kausalyā gave birth to that lord of the universe, bowed to by all the worlds, Rāma, the descendant of Iksvaku, furnished with excellent marks, the one half of Vişnu,-exceedingly righteous, with rosy eyes, and mighty arms, and crimson nether lip, and endowed with a voice like the sound of a kettledrum. Then on having given birth to that son of immeasurable prowess, Kausalyā looked resplendent, like Aditi on having brought forth that foremost of celestials the wielder of the thunder-bolt.",
"sn": "ततो यज्ञे समाप्ते तु ऋतूनां षट् समत्ययुः। ततश्च द्वादशे मासे चैत्रे नावमिके तिथौ॥ नक्षत्रेऽदितिदैवत्ये स्वोच्चसंस्थेषु पञ्चसु। ग्रहेषु कर्कटे लग्ने वाक्पताविन्दुना सह॥ प्रोद्यमाने जगन्नाथं सर्वलोकनमस्कृतम्। कौसल्याजनयद् रामं दिव्यलक्षणसंयुतम्॥ विष्णोरर्धं महाभागं पुत्रमैक्ष्वाकुनन्दनम्। लोहिताक्षं महाबाहुं रक्तोष्ठं दुन्दुभिस्वनम् ॥ कौसल्या शुशुभे तेन पुत्रेणामिततेजसा। यथा वरेण देवानामदितिर्वज्रपाणिना॥"
} |
"en": "Then was born of Kaikeyī, named Bharata, having truth for prowess, endowed with all the virtues, and representing the very fourth part of Visnu.",
"sn": "भरतो नाम कैकेय्यां जज्ञे सत्यपराक्रमः। साक्षाद् विष्णोश्चतुर्भागः सर्वैः समुदितो गुणैः॥"
} |
"en": "Then Sumitrā gave birth to Lakşmaņa and Satrughna, heroic, and skilled in all weapons, and endowed with the half of Vişnu.",
"sn": "अथ लक्ष्मणशत्रुघ्नौ सुमित्राजनयत्सुतौ। वीरौ सर्वास्त्रकुशलौ विष्णोरर्धसमन्वितौ॥"
} |
"en": "And Bharata of purged intelligence was born under the asterism Pușya, when the Sun had entered Pisces; while the two sons of Sumitrā were born when the Sun arose in Cancer, under the asterism of Aslesa. (The ninth lunar mansion)",
"sn": "पुष्ये जातस्तु भरतो मीनलग्ने प्रसन्नधीः। सार्पे जातौ तु सौमित्री कुलीरेऽभ्युदिते रवौ॥"
} |
"en": "Thus were separately born four high-souled sons to the king, crowned with qualities, and graceful, and in loveliness resembling the constellations Prosthapada.* Thereat the Gandharvas began to chaunt sweetly, and the Apsaras to dance. And the celestial kettledrums sounded; and there showered down blossoms from the sky. *Otherwise called Uttarabhadrapada and Purvabhādrapada.",
"sn": "राज्ञः पुत्रा महात्मानश्चत्वारो जज्ञिरे पृथक् । गुणवन्तोऽनुरूपाश्च रुच्या प्रोष्ठपदोपमाः॥ जगुः कलं च गन्धर्वा ननृतुश्चाप्सरोगणाः। देवदुन्दुभयो नेदुः पुष्पवृष्टिश्च खात् पतत्॥"
} |
"en": "And high festivities were commenced by the multitude in Ayodhyā. And the spacious highways became filled with players and dancers, glittering with all kinds of gems, and resounding with the music of singers and performers on instruments. And the king bestowed gifts upon bards and genealogists and panegyrists, and he also gave kine by thousands to Brāhmaṇas.",
"sn": "उत्सवश्च महानासीदयोध्यायां जनाकुलः। रथ्याश्च जनसम्बाधा नटनर्तकसंकुलाः॥ गायनैश्च विराविण्यो वादनैश्च तथापरैः। विरेजुर्विपुलास्तत्र सर्वरत्नसमन्विनाम्॥ प्रदेयांश्च ददौ राजा सूतमागधबन्दिनाम्। ब्राह्मणेभ्यो ददौ वित्तं गोधनानि सहस्रशः॥"
} |
"en": "When the eleventh day had gone by, the king performed the Naming ceremony of his sons. And experiencing great delight, Vasistha conferred the names. And the high-souled eldest one was called Rāma; and Kaikeyi's son was called Bharata; and Sumitrā's son was called Laksmana, and the last was named Satrughna.",
"sn": "अतीत्यैकादशाहं तु नामकर्म तथाकरोत्। ज्येष्ठं रामं महात्मानं भरतं कैकयीसुतम्॥ सौमित्रिं लक्ष्मणमिति शत्रुघ्नमपरं तथा। वसिष्ठः परमप्रीतो नामानि कुरुते तदा॥"
} |
"en": "And the king fed the Brāhmaṇas as well as the inhabitants rural and urban; and he bestowed heaps of jewels upon Brāhmaṇas.",
"sn": "ब्राह्मणान् भोजयामास पौरजानपदानपि। अददद् ब्राह्मणानां च रत्नौघममलं बहु॥"
} |
"en": "Thus did he celebrate the natal rites of the princes. And among all those princes, the eldest, Rāma, like that of Ketu, (The ninth of the planets.) and the special delight of his father, became the object of general regard, even as the self-create Himself. And all of them were versed in the Vedas, and heroic, and intent upon the welfare of others.",
"sn": "तेषां जन्मक्रियादीनि सर्वकर्माण्यकारयत्। तेषां केतुरिव ज्येष्ठो रामो रतिकरः पितुः॥ बभूव भूयो भूतानां स्वयम्भूरिव सम्मतः। सर्वे वेदविदः शूराः सर्वे लोकहिते रताः॥"
} |
"en": "And all were accomplished in knowledge; and endowed with virtues. And among them all, the exceedingly puissant Rāma, having true for prowess, was the desire of every one, and spotless like to the Moon himself. He could ride on elephants and horses, and was an adept in managing cars. And he was ever engaged in the study of arms, and aye occupied in ministering to his sire.",
"sn": "सर्वे ज्ञानोपसम्पन्ना सर्वे समुदिता गुणैः। तेषामपि महातेजा रामः सत्यपराक्रमः॥ इष्टः सर्वस्य लोकस्य शशाङ्क इव निर्गलः। गजस्कन्धेऽश्वपृष्ठे च रथचर्यासु सम्मतः॥ धनुर्वेदे च निरतः पितुः शुश्रूषणे रतः।"
} |
"en": "And even from early youth, that enhancer of auspiciousness Laksmana was ever attached to his eldest brother Rāma, that delight of all. And like to another life of Rāma, Lakşmaņa furnished with auspiciousness was in everything attentive to Rāma's wishes, even at the neglect of his own person. And that foremost of persons did not even attain sleep without Rāma's company, nor did he partake any sweetmeat that was offered, unless Rāma partook it with him.",
"sn": "बाल्यात् प्रभृति सुस्निग्धो लक्ष्मणो लक्ष्मिवर्धनः॥ रामस्य लोकरामस्य भ्रातुर्येष्ठस्य नित्यशः। सर्वप्रियकरस्तस्य रामस्यापि शरीरतः॥ लक्ष्मणो लक्ष्मिसंपन्नो बहिःप्राण इवापरः। न च तेन विना निद्रां लभते पुरुषोत्तमः॥ मृष्टमन्त्रमुपानीतमश्नाति न हि तं विना।"
} |
"en": "When mounted on horse-back, Rāghava went a-hunting, Lakṣmaṇa went at his back bow in hand, protecting him. And that younger brother of Laksmana, Satrughna, likewise became ever dearer to Bharata than life itself.",
"sn": "यदा हि हयमारूढो मृगयां याति राघवः॥ अथैनं पृष्ठतोऽभ्येति सधनुः परिपालयन्। भरतस्यापि शत्रुघ्नो लक्ष्मणावरजो हि सः॥ प्राणैः प्रियतरो नित्यं तस्य चासीत् तथा प्रियः।"
} |
"en": "On account of those exalted and well-beloved sons of his, Dasaratha experienced the excess of joy, like to the Grand-sire on account of the gods.",
"sn": "स चतुर्भिर्महाभागैः पुत्रैर्दशरथः प्रियैः॥ बभूव परमप्रीतो देवैरिव पितामहः।"
} |
"en": "And when they came to be furnished with knowledge, and crowned with virtues, and endowed with bashfulness and fame, and to attain wisdom in everything, and to be farsighted, Dasaratha, the father of such powerful and flamingly effulgent sons, became delighted even like that lord of worlds-Brahmā.",
"sn": "ते यदा ज्ञानसम्पन्नाः सर्वे समुतदिता गुणैः॥ ह्रीमन्तः कीर्तिमन्तश्च सर्वज्ञा दीर्घदर्शिनः। तेषामेवंप्रभावाणां सर्वेषां दीप्ततेजसाम्॥ पिता दशरथो हृष्टो ब्रह्मा लोकाधिपो यथा।"
} |
"en": "Those tigers among men, ever engaged in the study of the Vedas, were accomplished in the art of archery, and always intent upon ministering to their father.",
"sn": "ते चापि मनुजव्याघ्रा वैदिकाध्ययने रताः॥ पितृशुश्रूषणरता धनुर्वेदे च निष्ठिताः।"
} |
"en": "Once upon a time, when the virtuous king Dasaratha, surrounded by his priests and friends, was reflecting about the nuptials of his sons, to that high-souled one engaged in thought in the midst of his counsellors came the mighty ascetic Visvamitra.",
"sn": "अथ राजा दशरथस्तेषां दारक्रियां प्रति॥ चिन्तयामास धर्मात्मा सोपाध्यायः सबान्धवः। तस्य चिन्तयमानस्य मन्त्रिमध्ये महात्मनः॥ अभ्यागच्छन्महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः।"
} |
"en": "Desirous of seeing the king, he said to the warders,-Do you speedily announce that I, Gadhi's son, sprung in the Kusika line, have come!",
"sn": "स राज्ञो दर्शनाकानी द्वाराध्यक्षानुवाच ह॥ शीघ्रमाख्यात मां प्राप्तं कौशिकं गाधिनः सुतम्।"
} |
"en": "Hearing those words of his, they, urged on by them, all hurriedly began to run towards the royal chambers. And coming to the royal apartments, they communicated to Ikşváku's descendant the arrival of the ascetic Viśvāmitra.",
"sn": "तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य राज्ञो वेश्म प्रदुद्रुवुः॥ सम्भ्रान्तमनसः सर्वे तेन वाक्येन चोदिताः। ते गत्वा राजभवनं विश्वामित्रमृषिं तदा॥ प्राप्तमावेदयामासुपायेक्ष्वाकवे तदा।"
} |
"en": "Hearing those words of theirs, Dasaratha surrounded by his priests, went out delightedly to meet him, like Indra going out to meet Brhaspati. According to Śruti BỊhaspati is the Brahmă of the gods-Brhaspatir devānām Brahmā.",
"sn": "तेषां तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा सपुरोधाः समाहितः।॥ प्रत्युज्जगाम संहृष्टो ब्रह्माणमिव वासवः।"
} |
"en": "And having come to that ascetic observing vows and of flaming energy, the monarch with a cheerful countenance offered him the Arghya.",
"sn": "स दृष्ट्वा ज्वलितं दीप्त्या तापसं संशितव्रतम्॥ प्रहृष्टवदनो राजा ततोऽर्घ्यमुपहारयत्।"
} |
"en": "There upon, having accepted the king's Arghya in accordance with the ordinance he enquired of the lord of men as to his continued prosperity and peace.",
"sn": "स राज्ञः प्रतिगृह्याऱ्या शास्त्रदृष्टेन कर्मणा॥ कुशलं चाव्ययं चैव पर्यपृच्छन्नराधिपम्।"
} |
"en": "And the exceedingly virtuous descendant of Kusika asked the king concerning the welfare of the exchequer, and the provinces; and the peace of his friends and acquaintances.",
"sn": "कोशे जनपदे बान्धवेषु सुहृत्सु च ॥ कुशलं कौशिको राज्ञः पर्यपृच्छत् सुधार्मिकः।"
} |
"en": "And are they captains submissive: and have you vanquished your foes? And have you performed well the human and the divine rites?",
"sn": "अपि ते संनताः सर्वे सामन्तरिपवो जिताः॥ दैवं च मानुषं चैव कर्म ते साध्वनुष्ठितम्।"
} |
"en": "And approaching Vasiştha and the other anchorites, that foremost of ascetics of exalted piety duly asked them regarding their welfare.",
"sn": "वसिष्ठं च समागम्य कुशलं मुनिपुङ्गवः॥ ऋषींश्च तान् यथान्यायं महाभाग उवाच ह।"
} |
"en": "And having been properly received by the monarch, they with glad hearts entered the royal residence, and sat them down according to precedence.",
"sn": "ते सर्वे हृष्टमनसस्तस्य राज्ञो निवेशनम्॥ विविशुः पूजितास्तेन निषेदुश्च यथार्हतः।"
} |
"en": "Then gladly worshipping the mighty ascetic, Visvāmitra, the exceedingly generous king, wellpleased, addressed him saying.",
"sn": "अथ हृष्टमना राजा विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्॥ उवाच परमोदारो हृष्टस्तमभिपूजयन्।"
} |
"en": "Like that of the obtaining of ambrosia, like to a shower in a land suffering from drought, like to the birth of sons of worthy wives to him without issue, like that of the recovery of a lost thing, yea, like to the dawning of a mighty joy, I consider this your arrival. O illustrious ascetic, are you well come? What is even that which is nearest to your heart?",
"sn": "यथामृतस्य सम्प्राप्तिर्यथा वर्षमनूदके॥ वै यथा सदृशदारेषु पुत्रजन्माप्रजस्य प्रणष्टस्य यथा लाभो यथा हर्षों महोदयः॥ तथैवागमनं मन्ये स्वागतं ते महामुने। कं च ते परमं कामं करोमि किमु हर्षितः॥"
} |
"en": "You, O Brahmana, are worthy of my best services. By luck it is that, O bestower of honour, I have gained you. To-day my birth has been crowned with fruit to-day has my life attained its object.",
"sn": "पात्रभूतोऽसि मे ब्रह्मन् दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोऽसि मानद। अद्य मे सफलं जन्म जीवितं च सुजीवितम्॥"
} |
"en": "And truly yesterday night has been succeeded by an auspicious morning, since I have beheld you. Having first attained exceeding effulgence by virtue of austerities performed for obtaining the title of Rājarşi, you have afterwards obtained the status of a Brahmarși. You are worthy of manifold homage from me. This your exceedingly holy arrival appear wonderful.",
"sn": "यस्माद् विप्रेन्द्रमद्राक्षं सुप्रभाता निशा मम। पूर्वं राजर्षिशब्देन तपसा द्योतितप्रभः॥ ब्रह्मर्षित्वमनुप्राप्तः पूज्योऽसि बहुधा मया। तदद्भुतमभूद्विप्र पवित्रं परमं मम॥"
} |
"en": "O lord, by beholding you, surely my body has been rendered pure. Tell me, what is it that you would have, and what is the purpose of your coming?",
"sn": "शुभक्षेत्रगतश्चाहं तव संदर्शनात् प्रभो। ब्रूहि यत् प्रार्थितं तुभ्यं कार्यमागमनं प्रति ॥"
} |
"en": "I wish that I may be obliged by doing your will. And, ( you of excellent vows, you ought not to hesitate. I will every way accomplish your will; for you are my god. O regenerate one, surely great prosperity come to me in consequence of your coming, inasmuch as it shall be the means of bringing me entire and excellent merit, O Brāhmaṇa!",
"sn": "इच्छाम्यनुगृहीतोऽहं त्वदर्थं परिवृद्धये। कार्यस्य न विमर्श च गन्तुमर्हसि सुव्रत॥ कर्ता चाहमशेषेण दैवतं हि भवान् मम। मम चायमनुप्राप्तो महानभ्युदयो द्विज। तवागमनजः कृत्स्नो धर्मश्चानुत्तमो द्विज ॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing this soul-soothing, ear-charming, and free-humble speech that was uttered, the illustrious prime of ascetics crowned with virtues, and furnished with all perfections, experienced exceeding delight.",
"sn": "इति हृदयसुखं निशम्य वाक्यं श्रुतिसुखमात्मवता विनीतमुक्तम्। प्रथितगुणयशा गुणैर्विशिष्टः परमऋषिः परमं जगाम हर्षम्॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing those astonishing words of that lionlike king, the highly-energetic Viśvāmitra with his down standing on end, said.",
"sn": "तच्छ्रुत्वा राजसिंहस्य वाक्यमद्भुतविस्तरम्। हृष्टरोमा महातेजा विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत ॥"
} |
"en": "O tiger of a king, sprung from an illustrious line, and having Vasistha, for your guide, these words become you alone on earth and no one else.",
"sn": "सदृशं राजशार्दूल तवैव भुवि नान्यतः। महावंशप्रसूतस्य वसिष्ठव्यपदेशिनः॥"
} |
"en": "Do you, O tiger of a king, ascertain your course in respect of the matter I bear in my heart; and do you prove firm in promise!",
"sn": "यत् तु मे हृद्गतं वाक्यं तस्य कार्यस्य निश्चयम्। कुरुष्व राजशार्दूल भव सत्यव्रतिश्रवः॥"
} |
"en": "For celebrating a sacrifice, I, O foremost of men, abide by some prescribed course. And it comes to pass that two Rākşasas assuming shapes at will, have become bent upon disturbing the ceremony.",
"sn": "अहं नियममातिष्ठे सिद्ध्यर्थं पुरुषर्षभ। तस्य विघ्नकरौ द्वौ तु राक्षसौ कामरूपिणौ॥"
} |
"en": "And in that sacrifice which I have determined to bring to a completion, and which is on the eve of being completed, both these Rākşasas, Mārica and Subāhu, accomplished in arms and possessed of prowess, shower flesh and gore upon the altar. And on that ceremony being thus disturbed and by purpose thus frustrated, I considered my labours as all lost, and, therefore, have left my country in dejection. And, O monarch, I cannot bring myself to vent my wrath.",
"sn": "व्रते तु बहुशश्चीर्णे समाप्त्यां राक्षसाविमौ। मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च वीर्यवन्तौ सुशिक्षितौ ॥ तौ मांसरुधिरौघेण वेदि तामभ्यवर्षताम्। अवधूते तथाभूते तस्मिन् नियमनिश्चये॥ कृतश्रमो निरुत्साहस्तस्माद् देशादपाक्रमे। न च मक्रोधमुत्स्रष्टुं बुद्धिर्भवति पार्थिव॥"
} |
"en": "For such is the nature of that business, that it is not proper for one engaged in it to utter a curse. Therefore, O tiger of a monarch, it behoves you to grant me your eldest son, the heroic Rāma of genuine prowess, with the sidelocks.",
"sn": "तथाभूता हि सा चर्या न शापस्तत्र मुच्यते। स्वपुत्रं राजशार्दूलरामं सत्यपराक्रमम्॥ काकपक्षधरं वीरं ज्येष्ठं मे दातुमर्हसि।"
} |
"en": "By virtue of his own divine energy, he, being protected by me, is capable of even destroying those Rākşasas disturbing the ceremony. And I will, without doubt, confer upon him manifold blessings, by means of which he will secure the golden opinions of the three worlds. And encountering Rāma, they will by no means be able to stand him, nor is there any other who dares to slay them. And puffed up with energy, they have become ensnared at the hands of Käla, (Yama, the god of death.) and, O tiger of a monarch, they are no match for Rāma.",
"sn": "शक्तो ह्येष मया गुप्तो दिव्येन स्वेन तेजसा ॥ राक्षसा ये विकारस्तेषामपि विनाशने। श्रेयश्चास्मै प्रदास्यामि बहुरूपं न संशयः॥ त्रयाणामपि लोकानां येन ख्यातिं गमिष्यति। न च तौ राममासाद्य शक्तौ स्थातुं कथंचन॥ न च तौ राघवादन्यो हन्तुमुत्सहते पुमान्। वीर्योत्सितौ हि तौ पापौ कालपाशवशं गतौ॥ रामस्य राजशार्दूल न पर्याप्तो महात्मनः।"
} |
"en": "Nor, o king, ought you to indulge in paternal affection. For ten nights only Rāma is to remain there, with the object of slaying those foes to my sacrifice, those Raksasas disturbing the rites. I tell you, do you consider the Raksasas as already slain. I know full well Rāma of sterling prowess, as also the highly-energetic Vasistha and the other ascetics present here. And if you, O king, set your heart upon acquiring religious merit and high fame on earth, do you then grant me Rāma!",
"sn": "न च पुत्रगतं स्नेहं कर्तुमर्हसि पार्थिव॥ अहं ते प्रतिजानामि हतौ तौ विद्धि राक्षसौ। अहं वेनि महात्मानं रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्॥ वसिष्ठोऽपि महातेजा ये चेमे तपसि स्थिताः। यदि ते धर्मलाभं तु यशश्च परमं भुवि॥ स्थिरमिच्छसि राजेन्द्र रामं मे दातुमर्हसि।"
} |
"en": "And, O Kākutstha, * if your counsellors together with the Brāhmaṇas having Vasistha at their head, consent, do you then dismiss Rāma! *From Kakud, an emblem of royalty, and Stha, residing, meaning a prince, the grandson of Iksvāku.",
"sn": "यद्यभ्यनुज्ञां काकुत्स्थ ददते तव मन्त्रिणः॥ वसिष्ठप्रमुखाः सर्वे ततो रोमं विसर्जय।"
} |
"en": "Even this is my wish, and he also has come of age. Do you, therefore, part with your son, the lotus-eyed Rāma, for the ten days of the sacrifice! Do you act so, O descendant of Raghu, that the time appointed for the ceremony may not be overpassed. Good betide you! Let not your mind indulge in grief!",
"sn": "अभिप्रेतमसंसक्तमात्मजं दातुमर्हसि॥ दशरात्रं हि यज्ञस्य रामं राजीवलोचनम्। नात्येति कालो यज्ञस्य यथायं मम राघव॥ तथा कुरुष्व भद्रं ते मा च शोके मनः कृथाः।"
} |
"en": "Having said these words consistent with virtue and interest, the mighty-minded and highlypowerful Viśvāmitra paused.",
"sn": "इत्येवमुक्त्वा धर्मात्मा धर्मार्थसहितं वचः॥ विरराम महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामतिः।"
} |
"en": "And hearing the auspicious words of Viśvāmitra, that foremost of kings shook with a mighty sorrow, and became bewildered.",
"sn": "स तन्निशम्य राजेन्द्रो विश्वामित्रवचः शुभम्॥ शोकेन महताविष्टश्चचाल च मुमोह च।"
} |
"en": "Then, having regained his senses, he rose up, and became cast down through apprehension. Having heard the words of the ascetic, capable of rending the mind and heart, the high-souled king of men became stricken with grief and shook on his seat.",
"sn": "लब्धसंज्ञस्ततोत्थाय व्यषीदत भयान्वितः॥ इति हृदयमनोविदारणं मुनिवचनं तदतीव शुश्रुवान्। नरपतिरभवन्महान् महात्मा व्यथितमनाः प्रचचाल चासनात्॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing the words of Viśvāmitra, that tiger of a monarch remained insensible for a time, and then regaining his senses, spoke thus.",
"sn": "तच्छ्रुत्वा राजशार्दूलो विश्वामित्रस्य भाषितम्। मुहूर्तमिव नि:संज्ञः संज्ञावानिदमब्रवीत्॥"
} |
"en": "My lotus-eyed Ráma is not yet turned of sixteen; and I do not perceive his fitness to cope with Raksasas in battle.",
"sn": "ऊनषोडशवर्षों मे रामो राजीवलोचनः। न युद्धयोग्यतामस्य पश्यामि सह राक्षसैः॥"
} |
"en": "I am the lord of this Akşauhiņi (A complete army consisting of 1,09,350 foot, 65,610 horse, 21,870 chariots, and 21,870 elephants.) of forces. Marching with this, will I engage with the night-rangers.",
"sn": "इयमक्षौहिणी सेना यस्याहं पतिरीश्वरः। अनया सहितो गत्वा योद्धाहं तैर्निशाचरैः॥"
} |
"en": "And these servants of mine are Valiant, and warlike, and accomplished in weapons, and capable of fighting the Rākşasas,-therefore, it behove you not to take Rāma.",
"sn": "इमे शूराश्च विक्रान्ता भृत्या मेऽस्त्रविशारदाः। योग्या रक्षोगणैर्योद्धं न रामं नेतुमर्हसि॥"
} |
"en": "And myself bow in hand, stationed at the van of the array, will battle with the rangers of the night as long as life is spared to me.",
"sn": "अहमेव धनुष्पाणिर्गोप्ता समरमूर्धनि। यावत् प्राणान् धरिष्यामि तावद् योत्स्ये निशाचरैः॥"
} |
"en": "Then well protected, your sacrifice will hold an unimpeded course. Therefore, I will repair thither, and it behoves you not to take Rāma.",
"sn": "निर्विघ्ना व्रतचार्या सा भविष्यति सुरक्षिता। अहं तत्र गमिष्यामि न रामं नेतुमर्हसि॥"
} |
"en": "Youthful, and unaccomplished, and not knowing what constitutes strength and what not, and not equipped with the science of missiles, and unskilful in fight.",
"sn": "बालो ह्यकृतविद्यश्च न च वेत्ति बलाबलम्। न चास्त्रबलसंयुक्तो न च युद्धविशारदः॥"
} |
"en": "He is not a match for Räkşasas,-they being deceitful warriors. Bereft of Rāma, O tiger among ascetics, I cannot live for a moment. Therefore, it behove you not to take him. If, O Brahman, it is your intention to take Rāma, then O you of excellent vows, do you also take me along with the Caturanga forces! (An army consisting of foot, horse, elephants, and cars.)",
"sn": "न चासौ रक्षसां योग्यः कूटयुद्धा हि राक्षसाः। विप्रयुक्तो हि रामेण मुहूर्तमपि नोत्सहे॥ जीवितुं मुनिशार्दूल न रामं नेतुमर्हसि। यदि वा राघवं ब्रह्मन् नेतुमिच्छसि सुव्रत॥ चतुरङ्गसमायुक्तं मया सह च तं नय।"
} |
"en": "O Kusika's son, I am sixty thousand years old; and (at this age) I have obtained Rāma after undergoing extreme troubles, it therefore, become you not to take Rāma.",
"sn": "षष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि जातस्य मम कौशिक॥ कृच्छ्रेणोत्पादितश्चायं न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।"
} |
"en": "And among the four sons of mine, I find my highest delight in Rāma, my first-born, and the most virtuous of them all, therefore, it behoves you not to take Rāma.",
"sn": "चतुर्णामात्मजानां हि प्रीतिः परमिका मम॥ ज्येष्ठे धर्मप्रधाने च न रामं नेतुमर्हसि।"
} |
"en": "What is the prowess of the Rākşasas? And whose sons are they? And who, pray are they? And what are the proportions of their bodies? And who protects them O foremost of ascetics? And by what means shall either Rāma, or my forces, or, O Brahman, I myself be able to slay in fight those deceitful warriors—the Rākṣasas? Do you tell me, O adorable ore, inflated as they are by virtue of their prowess, how can I stand them in fight?",
"sn": "किंवीर्या राक्षसास्ते च कस्य पुत्राश्च के च ते॥ कथंप्रमाणाः के चैतान् रक्षन्ति मुनिपुङ्गव। कथं च प्रतिकर्तव्यं तेषां रामेण रक्षसाम्॥ मामकैर्वा बलैर्ब्रह्मन् मया वा कूटयोधिनाम्। सर्वं मे शंस भगवन् कथं तेषां मया रणे॥ स्थातव्यं दुष्टभावानां वीर्योत्सित्ता हि राक्षसाः।"
} |
"en": "Hearing that speech of his, Viśvāmitra said, There is a Rākşasa named Rāvana, sprung from the line of Pulastya. Having obtained a boon from Brahmā, he boldly opposes himself to three worlds, being possessed of great strength and prowess, and backed by innumerable Räksasas. And, O mighty monarch, I also hear that that lord of the Rākṣasas is the very brother of Vaisravana and the son of the ascetic Viśravaņa.",
"sn": "तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत॥ पौलस्त्यवंशप्रभवो रावणो नाम राक्षसः। स ब्रह्मणा दत्तवरस्त्रैलोक्यं बाधते भृशम्॥ महाबलो महावीर्यो राक्षसैर्बहुभिर्वृतः। श्रूयते च महाराज रावणो राक्षसाधिपः॥ साक्षाद्वैश्रवणभ्राता पुत्रो विश्रवसो मुनेः।"
} |
"en": "When that one possessed of mighty strength does not stoop to disturb the sacrifice himself, those powerful Raksasas, Marica and Subāhu, being incited by him, disturb the rites.",
"sn": "यदा न खलु यज्ञस्य विघ्नकर्ता महाबलौ॥ तेन संचोदितौ तौ तु राक्षसौ च महाबलौ। मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च यज्ञविघ्नं करिष्यतः॥"
} |
"en": "The ascetic having spoken thus, the king then answered him, I am incapable of standing that wicked-souled one in fight.",
"sn": "इत्युक्तो मुनिना तेन राजोवाच मुनिं तदा। नहि शक्तोऽस्मि संग्रामे स्थातुं तस्य दुरात्मनः॥"
} |
"en": "Therefore, do you, O you versed in morality, extend your favour to my son! Of slender fortune as I am, you are my guide and my god.",
"sn": "स त्वं प्रसादं धर्मज्ञ कुरुष्व मम पुत्रके। मम चैवाल्पभाग्यस्य दैवतं हि भवान् गुरुः॥"
} |
"en": "Even the celestials and the Dānavas and the Gandharvas and the Birds and the Snakes are incapable of bearing Rāvana in battle, what then is man?",
"sn": "देवदानवगन्धर्वा यक्षाः पतगपन्नगाः। न शक्ता रावणं सोढुं किं पुनर्मानवा युधि ॥"
} |
"en": "O foremost of ascetics, whether you are accompanied with my son or my forces, you will not be able to stand him. And how can I, O Brāhmaṇa, make over to you my son, of tender years, resembling an immortal, who is ignorant of warfare? I will not part with my son.",
"sn": "स तु वीर्यवतां वीर्यमादत्ते युधि रावणः। तेन चाहं न शक्तोऽस्मि संयोद्धं तस्य वा बलैः॥ सबलो वा मुनिश्रेष्ठ सहितो वा ममात्मजैः। कथमप्यमरप्रख्यं संग्रामाणामकोविदम्॥ बालं मे तनयं ब्रह्मन् नैव दास्यामि पुत्रकम्।"
} |
"en": "The sons of Sunda and Upasunda resemble Kāla himself in battle, and it is they who are disturbing your sacrifice. Therefore I will not part with my son. And Mārīca and Subāhu are possessed of prowess, and accomplished in weapons.",
"sn": "अथ कालोपमौ युद्धे सुतौ सुन्दोपसुन्दयोः॥ यज्ञविघ्नकरौ तौ ते नैव दास्यामि पुत्रकम्। मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च वीर्यवन्तौ सुशिक्षितौ॥"
} |
"en": "But with my friends I will repair to encounter one of them. If you do not consent to this, I beseech you with my friends, (do you desist! 27",
"sn": "तयोरन्यतरं योद्धं यास्यामि ससुहृद्गणः। अन्यथा त्वनुनेष्यामि भवन्तं सहबान्धवः॥"
} |
"en": "Hearing these words of the lord of men, a mighty ire took possession of that foremost of regenerate ones, Kusika's son; and the fire of the Maharși's wrath flamed up even like to a fire fed by fuel and clarified butter.",
"sn": "इति नरपतिजल्पनाद् द्विजेन्द्र कुशिकसुतं सुमहान् विवेश मन्युः। सुहुत इव मखेऽग्निराज्यसिक्तः समभवदुज्ज्वलितौ महर्षिवह्निः॥"
} |
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