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义行动所涉所有活动都被视为人道主义援助相关活动。3 所有其他业务活动均相应地被视为发展相关活动。 | assistance-related.3 Accordingly, all other operational activities are treated as being development-related. |
3. 本报告陈述和分析所基于的统计数据载于一份详细的统计附件中,可登陆四年度全面政策审查网站查阅(www.un.org/ecosoc/en/oas-qcpr)。这些资料大部分来自联合国系统行政首长协调理事会(行政首长协调会)的财务统计数据库和报告系统。4 除行政首长协调会的数据之外,还有联合国各实体编制的财务报告和联合国开发计划署(开发署)多伙伴信托基金办公室经管的机构间集合供资数据库。本报告的在线技术说明中有对资料来源的进一步详细说明,可登陆四年度全面政策审查网站查阅。 | 3. The statistical data used as the basis for the presentations and analyses in the present report are contained in a detailed statistical annex, which is available on the quadrennial comprehensive policy review website (www.un.org/ecosoc/en/oas-qcpr). Most of that information was obtained from the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) financial statistics database and reporting system.4 The CEB data are supplemented by financial reports produced by individual United Nations entities and the inter-agency pooled funding database managed by the Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The online technical note to the present report contains further details on the sources of information and is available on the quadrennial comprehensive policy review website. |
4. 如下文图一所示,2015 年发展方面业务活动的供资额几乎占了联合国全系统活动供资总额(446 亿美元)的 60%(267 亿美元)。维持和平行动供资占了 20%(88亿美元),联合国系统用于全球规范和标准制定、政策和宣传职能的供资也占了20%(91 亿美元)。本报告只涉及用于发展方面业务活动的那部分供资。 | 4. As reflected in figure I, funding for operational activities for development in 2015 accounted for almost 60 per cent ($26.7 billion) of total funding for United Nations system-wide activities ($44.6 billion). Peacekeeping operations accounted for 20 per cent ($8.8 billion), and the global norm and standard-setting, policy and advocacy functions of the United Nations system accounted for the remaining 20 per cent ($9.1 billion). The present report concerns only the portion of funding used for operational activities for development. |
图一2015 年联合国全系统活动供资 | Figure I Funding of United Nations system-wide activities: 2015 |
二. 导言 | II. Introduction |
5. 发展方面业务活动供资的长期趋势显示,此类供资不仅流量有显著增加,而且性质也有变化。自 2000 年以来,供资总量按实际值计算增加了一倍以上。不过,资源的性质发生了根本变化。过去 15 年中,非核心资源类捐助以 6 倍于核心捐助的速度增长。就此造成非核心资源占比上升,而此类资源大部分被严格指定用于具体项目和活动。 | 5. The longer-term trend in the funding of operational activities for development shows significant growth in the volume of flows but also a change in the character of those flows. The volume of funding has more than doubled since 2000 in real terms. The nature of those resources, however, has fundamentally changed. Contributions in the form of non-core resources have grown six times faster than core contributions during the past 15 years. This has resulted in an increasing share of non-core resources, with most of the resources earmarked strictly for specific projects and activities. |
6. 核心资源与非核心资源之间失衡日益加剧,对联合国发展系统的多边性质产生了影响,包括导致联合国实体在使用资源时原有的灵活性和酌处权减少。由于核心供资被用于补贴非核心项目的非方案费用,致使可供用于核心方案活动的核心资源更少,进而使得核心供资增长相对缓慢所产生的影响更行深远。 | 6. The growing imbalance between core and non-core resources has consequences for the multilateral nature of the United Nations development system, including a decrease in the flexibility and discretion that United Nations entities have in the use of their resources. The implications stemming from relatively slow growth in core funding are magnified, given that such funding is being spent to subsidize the non-programme costs of non-core projects, leaving fewer core resources available for core programme activities. |
7. 尽管大会关于四年度全面政策审查的决议一再发出呼吁,要求联合国各实体和捐助国解决核心资源与非核心资源之间失衡的问题,但考虑到多方对增加摊款的保留意见和剩余捐款的自愿性质,核心资源所占份额不大会提高。造成该份额难以提高的另一个原因是,支助部门目标的遗留传统限定了目前的发展格局,导致捐助方对更多捐助指定用途。 | 7. Notwithstanding repeated calls from the General Assembly in resolutions on the quadrennial comprehensive policy review for United Nations entities and contributing countries to address the imbalance between core and non-core Peacekeeping 20% Global norms, standards, policy and advocacy 20% Development focus 59% Humanitarian assistance focus 41% Operational activities for development 60% $44.6 billion resources, reservations about increasing assessed contributions and the voluntary nature of remaining contributions make it unlikely that the core share will increase. Another factor making such an increase difficult is the legacy of supporting sectoral goals that shaped the current development landscape and led to more earmarking of contributions by donors. |
8. 鉴于核心供资增长受到以上制约,因此联合国发展系统和捐助方必须提高非核心供资的质量。联合国发展系统还应充分利用自身的绝对优势,通过开拓新机制等方式,调动更多国际和国内资金,投向推进《2030 年可持续发展议程》的努力。 | 8. Given the constraints to increasing core funding, it will be crucial for the United Nations development system and donors to improve the quality of non -core flows. The United Nations development system should also make full use of its absolute advantage to leverage additional international and national financial resources, including from innovative mechanisms, to be directed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. |
9. 迄今为止,创新筹资办法产生的新增资源数额有限,且大多严格限定于针对卫生和气候等部门的具体挑战,并进一步集中在这些部门内部的具体项目上。然而,还是有可能大幅增加此类资源流量的,进而能补充传统机制,帮助满足对更多更灵活资金的需求,以实现可持续发展目标。 | 9. To date, innovative financing solutions have generated limited additional resources and have been, for the most part, narrowly targeted towards specific challenges, such as in the health and climate sectors, and further concentrated in specific projects within those sectors. The potential exists, however, to scale up such resource flows significantly so as to complement traditional mechanisms and help to address the need for additional and more flexible funding to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. |
10. 联合国发展系统有责任、有能力来应对一系列日益相互关联的全球挑战,支持实施综合性的 2030 年发展议程,为此必须作出改变,将工作方式从供资办法变为综合筹资战略。综合筹资战略可通过联合国国家工作队实施,由它们来确定最能补充和利用各自所在国其他发展资金来源的适当金融工具组合,包括可能不经由联合国发展系统流动的私营、公共、外部和国内资源。各国家工作队将协助各国政府更深入地了解本国各种形式的发展融资,并就如何提高各国发展融资效率和效益的问题向各国政府和发展伙伴提出建议。 | 10. The relevance and ability of the United Nations development system to respond to an increasingly interconnected set of global challenges and to support the implementation of an integrated 2030 development agenda require it to shift its approach from funding to an integrated financing strategy. The financing strategy would involve United Nations country teams identifying an appropriate mix of financial instruments that best complement and leverage other sources of development finance in the country, including private, public, external and national resources that may not flow through the United Nations development system. The country teams would assist Governments in enhancing their understanding of the various forms of development finance in the country and make recommendations to the Government and development partners on options for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the country’s development finance. |
11. 通过鼓励向设计良好的机构间集合基金捐款和提供不严格指定用途(针对具体机构)的专题资金,可提高非核心供资的质量。实践证明,机构间集合基金十分适宜于支持采用综合办法来开展发展方面的业务活动,如实施 2030 年议程所需的活动,因为这可改进援助的协调和连贯性,并消减发展援助、人道主义援助和建设和平援助各自为政的状况。针对具体机构的专题基金不但从定义上来说与战略计划产出是一致的,而且和机构间集合基金一样,可使各实体得以灵活、动态地重新分配资源,在更广泛的方案框架内为供资不足的优先事项供资。 | 11. The quality of non-core funding can be improved by encouraging contributions to well-designed inter-agency pooled funds and loosely earmarked (agency-specific) thematic funds. Inter-agency pooled funds have proved to be well suited to support integrated approaches to the delivery of operational activities for development, such as those expected for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, by improving aid coordination and coherence and bridging the silos between development, humanitarian and peacebuilding assistance. Agency-specific thematic funds are not only, by definition, aligned to the strategic plan outcomes of entities but, like inter-agency pooled funds, also enable the flexibility to dynamically reallocate resources to underfunded priorities within a broader programmatic framework. |
12. 本报告所述办法是要补充正在进行的努力,以确保有足够的核心资金。提高使用核心资源的透明度,加强成果问责制,在联合国发展系统与会员国之间建立信任,能鼓励捐助方提供充足的核心资金。还需要根据大会第 67/226 号决议规定的全额费用回收原则,进行更合乎逻辑的费用分配,确保核心资源不被用于补贴非核心项目。 | 12. The approaches described in the present report are meant to complement ongoing efforts to secure an adequate level of core funding. Enhanced transparency on the use of core resources in order to strengthen accountability for results and to build trust between the United Nations development system and Member States could encourage contributors to provide adequate core funds. There will also be a need for a more logical attribution of costs in accordance with the principle of full cost recovery, as defined in General Assembly resolution 67/226, so that core resources are not used to subsidize non-core projects. |
三. 供资的数量和质量 | III. Quantity and quality of funding |
A. 发展方面业务活动供资情况 | A. Context of funding for operational activities for development |
13. 2015 年各方为发展方面业务活动提供的资金总额为 267 亿美元,按实际值计算比 2014 年减少 6.8%。然而,这部分名义减少的原因是数个主要货币相对于美元贬值。按实际值计算,考虑到通货膨胀和汇率差异,2015 年捐款总额比 2014年增加了 3.9%。 | 13. Funding for operational activities for development amounted to $26.7 billion in 2015, representing a decrease of 6.8 per cent in nominal terms compared with 2014. That nominal decrease, however, can be attributed to the weakening of several major currencies relative to the United States dollar. In real terms, taking into account inflation and exchange rate differences, total contributions in 2015 increased by 3.9 per cent compared with 2014. |
14. 2015 年发展方面业务活动供资占经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)发展援助委员会捐助方所提供官方发展援助总额的 19%。5 | 14. Funding for operational activities for development in 2015 accounted for 19 per cent of total official development assistance (ODA) provided by the donors of the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).5 |
15. 图二显示了联合国发展系统供资的趋势,并分别显示了发展供资和人道主义供资相对于官方发展援助总额的情况。过去 15 年中,联合国发展相关活动的供资增长与官方发展援助增长趋势相似。发展方面业务活动供资的增长速度超过官方发展援助的增长速度,原因是有两个时期,联合国人道主义援助活动的供资有了增长。2008 年,由于燃料和粮食费用上涨,导致全球出现更多粮食不足,进而导致人道主义供资增长。后来,主要由于伊拉克、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和也门出现危机,人道主义供资再次激增。 | 15. Figure II shows the trend in funding for the United Nations development system, with development and humanitarian funding also shown separately, relative to total ODA. Over the past 15 years, the growth in funding for United Nations development-related activities followed a similar trend to the growth in total ODA. Funding for operational activities for development increased more rapidly than ODA owing to two periods of increased funding for United Nations humanitarian assistance activities. In 2008, humanitarian funding grew as a result of increased global hunger in the face of rising fuel and food costs. More recently, humanitarian funding surged again owing primarily to the crises in Iraq, the Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen. |
图二 | Figure II |
2000-2015 年官方发展援助与联合国系统发展方面业务活动供资的增长情况16. 2007 年至 2014 年,援助资金通过多边系统提供的核心和非核心援助在全球 | Growth in official development assistance and funding for operational activities for development of the United Nations system: 2000-2015 |
16. 2007 年至 2014 年,援助资金通过多边系统提供的核心和非核心援助在全球官方发展援助中所占比例从 36%上升到 45%,主要原因是非核心供资的增长。 | 16. Aid flows channelled through the multilateral system, both core and non -core, rose from a 36 per cent share of global ODA to a 45 per cent share between 2007 and 2014, owing primarily to an increase in non-core funding. |
17. 据发展援助委员会报告,发展方面业务活动供资占了多边官方发展援助总额的 31%,使之成为直接多边官方发展援助最大的单一渠道(见图三)。6 该比例高于 2011 年的 29%。7 | 17. Funding for operational activities for development accounts for 31 per cent of multilateral ODA, as reported by the Development Assistance Committee, making it the largest single channel of direct multilateral ODA (see figure III). 6 This represents an increase from the 29 per cent share in 2011. 7 |
图三 | Figure III |
2014 年多边援助渠道8 | Channels of multilateral aid: 20148 |
18. 尽管发展方面业务活动供资和全球官方发展援助的总量自 2000 年以来都有了切实的增长,但援助资金在全球流入发展中国家的资金总量中只占很小的份额。所占份额最大的是以外国直接投资形式出现的国际私人资金,其总量在过去 10年中增加了一倍以上,2015 年达 7 650 亿美元。9 另一个主要的流入渠道是移徙者汇款。2015 年,移徙者向其原籍国个人汇款 5 820 亿美元,几乎是 10 年前的两倍。10 | 18. Notwithstanding solid growth in both the volume of funding for operational activities for development and global ODA since 2000, the aid flows represent only a small share of overall global financial flows to developing countries. The largest of those flows is international private finance in the form of foreign direct investments, which have more than doubled over the past 10 years to reach $765 billion in 2015.9 Migrant remittances are another major flow. In 2015, $582 billion was sent by migrants to individuals in their home countries, which is almost double the amount 10 years ago. 10 |
19. 但是,在将援助导向最贫穷和最易受伤害的人方面,官方发展援助和发展方面业务活动供资能发挥重大影响,因为此类供资在着重关注不让任何人掉队和消除贫穷方面具有相对优势。例如,2000 年之后增长的国际资源只有不到 7%流入了最不发达国家。11 2015 年外国直接投资总额达 7 650 亿美元,但只有 350 亿或 5%流入了最不发达国家。相比之下,2015 年有 44%的官方发展援助付款和 47%的发展方面业务活动支出用于最不发达国家。 | 19. In terms of directing aid to the poorest and most vulnerable people, however, ODA and funding for operational activities for development can have a significant impact, given that such flows have a comparative advantage in focusing on leaving no one behind and ending poverty. For example, less than 7 per cent of the growth of international resource flows since 2000 went to the least developed countries. 11 Of the $765 billion in foreign direct investment flows in 2015, only $35 billion, or 5 per cent, went to those countries. By contrast, 44 per cent of ODA disbursements and 47 per cent of operational activities for development expenditures were for those countries in 2015. |
20. 考虑到发展方面业务活动供资在流入发展中国家的国际资金中日益占据较小比例,越来越需要联合国国家工作队从供资办法转向综合战略。该战略必须着眼于一国发展、人道主义和建设和平融资的互补性,以支持各国政府确定和汇集不同来源的国际和国内融资,包括通过伙伴关系安排获得的融资,其中大部分不通过联合国发展系统流动。作为一个汇集多利益攸关方发展行为体的全球平台,联合国发展系统具有普适性和相对优势,更适于领导在国家一级为该战略提供支持。必须强调指出,该综合筹资战略的重点是确定一国发展议程供资的最佳组合,应当补充而非取代本组织的联合资源调动战略,例如寻找联合国活动的潜在捐助方,并协调联合国各实体的筹资活动。 | 20. Given that funding for operational activities for development increasingly represents a small proportion of international financial flows to developing countries, there is an increasing need for United Nations country teams to shift from a funding to an integrated financing strategy. Such a strategy would need to look in a complementary manner at the development, humanitarian and peacebuilding financing needs in a given country, with a view to supporting Governments in identifying and bringing together diverse sources of international and national finance, including financing from partnership arrangements, most of which will not pass through the United Nations development system. The universal nature and comparative advantage of the United Nations development system as a global convener of multi-stakeholder development actors make it ideally suited to lead country-level support for such a strategy. It is important to stress that such an integrated financing strategy, focusing on determining the optimal mix of financing resources for a country’s development agenda, should be undertaken to complement, not replace, the Organization’s joint resource mobilization strategies, such as identifying potential donors for United Nations activities and coordinating fundraising activities among United Nations entities. |
B. 捐助方基数 | B. Contributor base |
21. 2015 年,各国政府所作直接捐助占了捐助总额的 80%(见图四),其中包括对由一个联合国实体代表联合国发展系统管理的机构间集合基金作出的捐助。其余25%的捐助来自欧洲联盟委员会、非政府组织、公私伙伴关系和其他多边机构,包括全球基金。 | 21. A total of 80 per cent of total contributions in 2015 were made by Governments directly (see figure IV), including contributions made to inter-agency pooled funds that are administered by a United Nations entity on behalf of the United Nations development system. The remaining 20 per cent is accounted for by the European Commission and by non-governmental organizations, public-private partnerships and other multilateral institutions, including global funds. |
图四 | Figure IV |
2015 年主要供资群体 | Main groups of funding sources: 2015 |
22. 图五显示了提供核心和非核心捐助最多的前 10 个政府捐助方和主要捐助方群体,它们的供资总共占了 2015 年供资总额的 95%。关于单个捐助方的信息未计入对机构间集合基金的捐助,这部分捐助以单独的圆形图标显示。图五还显示,在捐助最多的前 10 个政府捐助方中,只有瑞典提供的核心捐助多于非核心捐助(因此其图标部分位于阴影区域内)。在其他 18 个发展援助委员会捐助方提供的合并捐助中,核心捐助的占比为 52%。图五2015 年主要捐助方欧洲联盟委员会6%全球基金5%非政府组织、私人和其他方面9%机构间集合基金6%经合组织/发展援助委员会63%各国政府80%非经合组织/发展援助委员会11%2015年捐助总额:267亿美元大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国日本德国瑞典加拿大挪威儿基会国家委员会欧洲联盟委员会当地资源机构间集合基金全球基金荷兰澳大利亚瑞士其他18个发援会成员05001 0001 5002 000- 100 100 300 500 700 900 1 100非核心资源(百万美元)核心资源(百万美元)捐助总额:267亿美元非核心 > 核心注:圆形图标的大小与捐助总额的多少成正比 | 22. Figure V shows the core and non-core contributions by the top10 government donors and groups of main contributors. Together, the sources of funding presented therein accounted for 95 per cent of total funding in 2015. Contributions to inter-agency pooled funds are excluded from information on individual contributors and shown as a separate bubble. Figure V also shows that, of the top 10 government donors, only Sweden provided more core contributions than non-core (illustrated by being inside the shaded region). The combined contributions received from the 18 other Development Assistance Committee contributors had a core share of 52 per cent. Figure V Main contributors: 2015 Note: Size of bubbles is proportional to total contributions. |
23. 2015 年,方案国12 对发展方面业务活动的捐助超过 15 亿美元,其中不包括按名义值计算比 2014 年减少 12%的当地资源。减少的主要原因是 2014 年沙特阿拉伯所作捐助极多。2015 年来自方案国的捐助比 2013 年高出 16%。70%以上的方案国捐助为非核心捐助。15 亿美元的捐助相当于 2014 年南南发展合作资金总估计数的 8%。13 各方案国还提供了 14 亿美元的当地资源,用以资助联合国在其本国开展的活动。 | 23. Programme countries12 contributed more than $1.5 billion to operational activities for development in 2015, excluding local resources, which represents a 12 per cent decrease compared with 2014 in nominal terms. The decrease can be attributed primarily to exceptionally high contributions in 2014 by Saudi Arabia. Compared with 2013, contributions from programme countries were 16 per cent higher in 2015. More than 70 per cent of programme country contributions were non-core. The $1.5 billion in contributions is equivalent to 8 per cent of total estimated South-South development cooperation flows in 2014.13 Programme countries also provided $1.4 billion in local resources to finance United Nations activities in their own countries. |
24. 联合国发展系统上下各实体一直都在努力扩大其捐助方基数,包括为此定期在联合国理事机构内部举行的结构性供资对话中提出该问题进行讨论。在 2015 年经济和社会事务部联合国实体调查14 中,作出答复的 25 个实体中有 23 个表示它们每年都报告自己为扩大捐助方基数而采取的具体措施,作为其定期报告的一部分。 | 24. Entities throughout the United Nations development system have made efforts to try to broaden their donor base, including by raising the issue regularly for discussion during the structured financing dialogues held within United Nations governing bodies. In the 2015 survey by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of United Nations entities,14 23 of the 25 that responded indicated that their organization reported annually on concrete measures to broaden the donor base as part of its regular reporting. |
25. 尽管有这些努力,但在 2015 年各国政府的捐助总额中,3 个捐助国的捐助占了 47%,而捐助最多的 10 个国家的捐助占了 73%。15 | 25. Notwithstanding those efforts, in 2015, three government donors accounted for 47 per cent of all contributions made by Governments, while the top 10 accounted for 73 per cent.15 |
26. 图六显示,尽管第 67/226 号决议和先前关于三年度全面政策审查的决议都强烈呼吁扩大捐助方基数,但对少数几个捐助方的依赖仍未见减少。事实上,过去十年来对 3 个最大捐助方的依赖程度反而越来越大。 | 26. Figure VI shows that there has been no easing of the reliance on the top few donors, notwithstanding strong calls to broaden the donor base in resolution 67/226 and in earlier resolutions on the triennial comprehensive policy review. In fact, reliance on the top three donors has increased over the past decade. |
图六2005-2015 年对捐助最多的政府捐助方的依赖程度 | Figure VI Dependency on top government donors: 2005-2015 |
27. 为增加供资的可预期性和稳定性,联合国发展系统必须将其筹资对象多元化,从而减少对几个最大捐助方的依赖。为此还必须找到办法,鼓励有能力作 | 27. In order to enhance the predictability and stability of funding, it will be important for the United Nations development system to diversify its funding base, thereby reducing its reliance on a few top donors. Doing so will also require finding 0 5 15 20 25 30 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 Development core Development non-core Humanitarian core Humanitarian non-core Development-related +85% Billions of constant 2014 United Sates dollars Humanitarian assistance-related +207% +17% +229% +118% +146% Total + 122% ways to encourage non-traditional partners that are in a position to do so to contribute more. |
C. 核心和非核心资源的流动趋势 | C. Trends in core and non-core flows |
28. 发展方面业务活动的供资来自所谓核心和非核心资源(几乎完全自筹资金的联合国项目事务厅的活动除外)。核心资源是指未指定用途、可无限制混用的资源。此类资源的分配和使用与各实体经其理事机构核定的多边任务和战略计划重点有直接关联。 | 28. Operational activities for development are funded by a combination of so - called core and non-core resources (except for the United Nations Office for Project Services, which is almost entirely self-financed). Core resources are those that are not earmarked and that are commingled without restrictions. Their allocation and use are directly linked to the multilateral mandates and strategic plan priorities of entities as legislated by their governing bodies. |
29. 相比之下,非核心资源则按捐助方决定属于专用资源,其分配和用途因而受到限制。为此,非核心资源资助的活动不一定与各实体理事机构核定的多边任务和战略计划有直接关联。在有些情况下,理事机构正式核准核心资源的使用,但只是“表示注意到”非核心资源的使用。非核心捐助也会专门按照捐助方的具体需要提出更高的报告要求,进而会提高交易成本。 | 29. By contrast, and as determined by the contributors, non-core resources are earmarked and thus restricted with regard to their allocation and application. Accordingly, there is not necessarily a direct link between activities financed by non-core resources and the multilateral mandates and strategic plan priorities legislated by governing bodies. In some instances, governing bodies formally approve the use of core resources while only “taking note” of the use of non-core resources. Non-core contributions can also have a high level of reporting requirements tailored to the specific needs of donors, which can increase transaction costs. |
30. 图七显示,过去 15 年来供资的一般趋势一直相当积极,其中发展相关活动供资按实际值计算增长了 85%,而人道主义活动供资增长了三倍以上。但是,供资的增长绝大多数以非核心资源的形式出现。发展相关活动非核心供资的增长速度是核心供资增长速度的 8 倍多。这样一来,核心供资在发展相关活动供资中的占比在 15 年间从 47%降至 29%。 | 30. Figure VII shows that the general trend in funding has been quite positive over the past 15 years, with funding for development-related activities increasing by 85 per cent in real terms, while funding for humanitarian activities has more than tripled. The vast majority of the growth, however, has been in the form of non -core resources. Non-core funding for development-related activities has grown more than eight times faster than core funding. As a result, the core share of development-related funding dropped from 47 per cent to 29 per cent during the 15 -year period. |
图七 | Figure VII |
2000-2015 年联合国发展方面业务活动供资情况的实际变化 | Real change over time in funding for United Nations operational activities for development: 2000-2015 |
(与 2000 年相比的百分比变化) | (Percentage change relative to 2000) |
31. 过去几年中,发展相关活动总体供资的增长已然放缓。自 2010 年以来,这部分供资只增加了 7%,而人道主义援助活动供资增加了 59%。最近的这一趋势可能继续下去,因为目前为全球人道主义活动提供的资金跟不上人道主义需求日益增长的步伐。今后的一项挑战是,要充分协助需要紧急人道主义援助的国家, | 31. The growth in overall funding for development-related activities has slowed in the past few years. Since 2010, such funding has increased by only 7 per cent, while funding for humanitarian assistance activities has grown by 59 per cent. This more recent trend may continue, given that current funding provided to global humanitarian activities cannot keep pace with the growing humanitarian demands. 16 |
益增长的步伐。今后的一项挑战是,要充分协助需要紧急人道主义援助的国家,0510152025302000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015发展核心 发展非核心 人道主义核心 人道主义非核心发展相关+85%十亿2014年定值美元人道主义相关+207%+17%+229%+118%+146%共计+ 122%同时也要致力于保护发展成果,支持所有方案国,特别是最脆弱的国家应对长期的可持续发展挑战,包括建设复原力,并发挥发展努力与人道主义干预之间的协同增效作用。 | A challenge moving forward will be to adequately assist countries requiring urgent humanitarian assistance while also committing to protecting development gains and supporting the longer-term sustainable development challenges of all programme countries, in particular those that are most vulnerable, including building resilience and synergies among development efforts and humanitarian interventions. |
32. 上述问题说明,联合国发展系统需要像催化剂一样,聚拢关键的发展行为体,并找到办法来发掘和调动力量,以支持汇集公共和私有资源的创新融资机制,如绿色债券、疫苗债券、碳定价制度和能对可持续发展融资起到补充作用的新型税费模式。 | 32. Linked to the issue is the need for the United Nations development system to play a catalytic role in bringing key development actors together and explore ways to identify and mobilize support for innovative financing mechanisms based on models that combine public and private resources, such as green bonds, vaccine bonds and carbon pricing mechanisms, as well as new forms of taxes and levies that can complement financing for sustainable development. |
33. 在此过程中,能让各国通过制定减灾计划等手段,对减少灾害风险努力加以管理并为之筹措资金,从而使发展和人道主义融资之间步调更加一致的创新机制,也不可或缺。 | 33. Doing so would include innovative mechanisms that allow countries to manage and finance disaster risk reduction, including by developing mitigation plans, in an effort to bring better alignment between development and humanitarian finance. |
34. 为此,秘书长于 2016 年 10 月推出一个新的金融创新平台,帮助发现并尝试运用创新融资工具,以促进投资并协助实施为达到可持续发展目标而精心制定的干预措施。受此带动,已着手打造新型创新融资机制的政府和非国家行为体将广泛参与。 | 34. To that end, in October 2016, the Secretary-General launched a new financial innovation platform to support the identification and piloting of innovative financing instruments that can drive investment and support well-thought-out Sustainable Development Goal interventions. The initiative will engage a broad range of government and non-State actors that already have new and innovative financing mechanisms under development. |
35. 联合国发展系统在摸索新的途径来借助创新融资机制利用额外资源的同时,还应与其他多边组织、国际金融机构和全球资金结成合作伙伴关系,借鉴其与此类机制打交道的经验。这将有助于增强创新融资的资金效益,并减少创新融资附带的风险。 | 35. While exploring new ways to leverage additional resources through innovative financing mechanisms, the United Nations development system should partner with other multilateral organizations, international financial institutions and global funds that have experience engaging in such mechanisms. Doing so would facilitate the effort to enhance value for money and mitigate risks associated with innovative financing. |
D. 非核心供资方式与趋势 | D. Non-core funding modalities and trends |
36. 非核心供资可大体归为以下四类:面向特定实体的专题基金、机构间集合基金(包括联合方案)、针对特定方案和项目的专项资金(包括当地资源)以及不由联合国发展系统管理的全球基金。 | 36. Non-core funding can, in general, be grouped into four types: entity-specific thematic funds; inter-agency pooled funds, which include joint programmes; funding earmarked to specific programmes and projects, which includes local resources; and global funds administered outside the United Nations development system. |
37. 图八所示的几类主要非核心资源,按照各自在联合国实体眼中的灵活程度从左到右排列。矩形的相对面积与 2015 年通过各个不同方式获得的资源数量成比例。未严格指定用途的供资安排,即专题基金和机构间集合基金收到的捐助占非核心资源总量的 11%。 | 37. Figure VIII shows the main types of non-core resources organized from left to right according to the degree of flexibility from the perspective of United Nations entities. The relative sizes of the rectangles are proportional to the quantity of resources received through each of the different modalities in 2015. Contributions to loosely earmarked funding arrangements, namely thematic funds and inter-agency pooled funds, accounted for 11 per cent of overall non-core flows. |
38. 非核心资源大多数(89%)仍被指定用于特定项目。2015 年非核心供资占到供资总额的 77%,说明在共计 267 亿美元捐助中,有三分之二以上都被严格指定用于特定项目。 | 38. The vast majority, or 89 per cent, of non-core flows continued to be earmarked to specific projects. Considering that 77 per cent of funding was non-core in 2015, it means that more than two thirds of the $26.7 billion in total contributions received were tightly earmarked for specific projects. |
来源:首协会金融统计数据库和多伙伴信托基金办公室机构间集合基金数据库。 | Figure VIII Non-core funding modalities for United Nations operational activities for development: 2015 Source: CEB financial statistics database and Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office database on inter-agency pooled funds. |
39. 按专为联合国发展相关活动提供的资金(不含人道主义资金)计算,91%的非核心资源专供特定项目使用(见图九)。 | 39. In terms of funding for development-related activities specifically, excluding humanitarian funding, 91 per cent of all non-core flows were earmarked for specific projects (see figure IX). |
来源:首协会金融统计数据库和多伙伴信托基金办公室机构间集合基金数据库。 | Figure IX Non-core funding modalities for United Nations development-related activities: 2015 Source: CEB financial statistics database and Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office database on inter-agency pooled funds. |
40. 经济及社会理事会关于联合国发展系统长期定位的对话中的讨论突出显示,严格指定用途、由捐助方驱动的资金占主导地位已导致报告系统复杂程度高、资源消耗量大,无论对实体还是对方案国皆是如此;报告负担对于小方案国政府来说尤其繁重。现行供资架构在本质上受捐助方驱动且会引发碎片化问题的情况似已发展到极限。2030 年议程的统筹性质将进一步凸显需要用灵活的非核心供资作为核心资源的补充,以实现预期成果。 | 40. Discussions in the context of the Economic and Social Council dialogue on the longer-term positioning of the United Nations development system highlighted that the dominance of strictly earmarked, donor-driven funding had resulted in a highly complex and resource-consuming reporting system for both entities and programme countries alike; the reporting burden was particularly heavy on Governments in small programme countries. It would appear that the donor-driven and fragmentation-inducing nature of the current funding architecture has reached its limits. The integrated nature of the 2030 Agenda will further amplify the need for core resources to be complemented with flexible non-core funding in order to deliver the expected results. |
面向特定实体的专题基金 | Entity-specific thematic funds |
41. 对专题基金的捐助较为宽松地被指定用于达到相应实体的战略计划成果。此类供资机制具有灵活性,有助于作长期规划,能有效地通过内部凑集的捐助方资“联合国一体化”( 1 % ) 当地资源 (12%)其他机构间集合基金(4%)机构间集合基金(6%)专题基金(3%) 仅限用于特定项目 (91%) 专题基金 (3%)全球/纵向基金(13%) 多边-双边资源 (66%)联合方案(2%)资金灵活程度较高 资金灵活程度较低资金灵活程度较高 资金灵活程度较低金吸引大规模非核心资源,进而节省交易费用。因此,2014 年至 2015 年间专题基金所收捐助减少 41%(从 8.93 亿美元减至 5.29 亿美元)的情况令人担忧。 | 41. Contributions to thematic funds are softly earmarked for outcomes of an entity’s strategic plan. Such a funding mechanism offers long-term planning and flexibility and is an effective way to attract large-scale non-core resources through internally pooled donor funds, which, in turn, saves on transaction costs. It is therefore concerning that, between 2014 and 2015, contributions to thematic funds declined by 41 per cent, from $893 million to $529 million. |
42. 经济及社会理事会关于联合国发展系统长期定位的对话中的讨论显示,要吸引更多在用途指定上更宽泛的捐助,会员国就必须对实体的战略计划拿出更多主人翁精神,并对其注重成果的管理、评价和报告系统展现更多信心。 | 42. The discussions during the Economic and Social Council dialogue on the longer-term positioning of the United Nations development system indicated that attracting more contributions that were earmarked more broadly would require stronger ownership by Member States of the strategic plans of entities and a higher degree of confidence in the quality of their results-based management, evaluation and reporting systems. |
机构间集合基金 | Inter-agency pooled funds |
43. 机构间集合基金旨在利用可混用、不供任何特定联合国实体专用、且由联合国基金管理人负责管理的捐款为界定明确的方案范围和成果框架提供支持。就此类基金而言,有关方案拨款的决定由联合国主导的治理机构作出,基金目的与成果框架也由该机制确定。因此,这是一种灵活的非核心供资形式,有助于加强全系统的协调和一致性。 | 43. Inter-agency pooled funds are designed to support a clearly defined broad programmatic scope and results framework through contributions that are commingled, without earmarking for a specific United Nations entity, and managed by a United Nations fund administrator. With regard to such funds, decisions on programmatic allocations are made by a United Nations-led governance mechanism, which is responsible for defining the purpose and results framework of the fund, resulting in a flexible form of non-core flows, which help to strengthen system-wide coordination and coherence. |
44. 2015 年,对机构间集合基金的捐助共计 15 亿美元(见图十),其中有近三分之二是人道主义资金。与 2014 年相比,总额整体减少了 33%。但是,2014 年情况特殊,因为沙特阿拉伯向沙特伊拉克人道主义基金提供了一次性捐款。若排除2014 年不计,可以看出机构间集合基金收到的捐助自 2010 年以来略有增加。 | 44. Contributions to inter-agency pooled funds totalled $1.5 billion in 2015 (see figure X), of which close to two thirds were to humanitarian funds, representing an overall 33 per cent decrease compared with 2014, which was an exceptional year owing to the one-time contribution from Saudi Arabia to the Saudi Humanitarian Fund for Iraq. If 2014 were excluded, then a modest increase could be observed in contributions to inter-agency pooled funds since 2010. |
图十 | Figure X |
2009-2015 年按资金类别分列的存入机构间集合基金的款项 | Deposits made to inter-agency pooled funds, by fund category: 2009-2015 |
45. 联合方案供资虽然并不是一种单独的第三方集合供资方式,却仍被计入图十的供资流量中,原因是它可被视为联合国实体在国家一级凑集资源的一种形式,可借以提高联合国发展系统的一致性、效益和效率。联合方案属于一种合作伙伴关系,通常由二至五家联合国实体、其各自的国家或国家以下各级政府合作伙伴和其他利益攸关方组成。2015 年,用于联合方案的供资共计 2.04 亿美元。 | 45. While not a separate type of third-party pooled funding modality, funding for joint programmes is included in the volume of flows shown in figure X, given that it can be regarded as a form of pooling of resources by United Nations entities at the country level to make the United Nations development system more coherent, effective and efficient. A joint programme consists of a partnership involving, in general, two to five United Nations entities, their national or subnational governmental partners and other stakeholders. Total funding for joint programmes in 2015 was $204 million. |
46. 为享受规模经济带来的好处,也为使机构间集合基金成为在国家一级加强全系统一致性的重心,根据以往经验估计,15-20%的非核心支出应导向机构间集合基金。16 2015 年,仅有 16 个方案国达到 20%的门槛,另有 6 个国家达到 15%的门槛。在大多数方案国,流经机构间集合基金的非核心支出不到 5%(见图十一)。多数方案国未达到目标份额的一个主要原因是,此类捐助的捐助方基数小。2015年,机构间集合基金收到的捐助中有 63%来自荷兰、挪威、瑞典与联合王国这四个捐助国。 | 46. In order to reap the benefits of economies of scale and for inter-agency pooled funds to act as gravity centres for strengthening system-wide coherence at the country level, based on past experience it is estimated that at least 15-20 per cent of non-core expenditures should be channelled to inter-agency pooled funds.17 In 2015, only 16 programme countries reached the 20 per cent threshold, and in anothe r 6 countries the 15 per cent threshold was obtained. In the majority of programme countries, less than 5 per cent of non-core expenditures were channelled through inter-agency pooled funds (see figure XI). One of the main reasons for the target share not being achieved in more programme countries is the narrow donor base for such contributions. Just four donors, namely the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom, accounted for 63 per cent of all contributions to inter-agency pooled funds in 2015. |
图十一2015 年流经机构间集合基金的国家一级非核心支出估计份额 | Figure XI |
2015 年流经机构间集合基金的国家一级非核心支出估计份额 | Estimated share of country-level non-core expenditures channelled through inter-agency pooled funds: 2015 |
47. 设计合理的机构间集合基金若是引来数量可观的资源,就能化解严格指定用途的非核心捐款产生的许多负面效应,即灵活性差、可预见性低、援助碎片化程度加重、交易费用高。错误!未定义书签。 | 47. When well-designed inter-agency pooled funds attract a significant volume of resources, they can counteract many of the negative effects of tightly earmarked non-core contributions, namely a lack of flexibility and predictability, increased fragmentation of aid and high transaction costs. 17 |
48. 然而,设立并管理机构间集合基金本身也会造成额外的交易费用。因此,如果此类基金过多,却又无法吸引足够的资源以产生充分的规模经济,就会导致效率下降、资源碎片化程度加重。 | 48. The set-up and administration of inter-agency pooled funds, however, come with additional transaction costs. Consequently, if there are too many such funds and they do not attract sufficient resources to generate adequate economies of scale, they can lead to decreased efficiency and the further fragmentation of resources. |
49. 联合国发展系统近期设计了一些新的集合供资安排,例如联合国发展集团主持建立的联合政策基金。该基金旨在协助会员国推进 2030 年议程,为之提供综合政策支持,视需要根据联合国国家工作队的指示,针对特定的复杂、多维政策挑战,给予方案国具有推动作用的支持。该基金将利用联合国发展系统上下多部门的政策专长,改善用于国家和国家以下各级决策的跨部门政府手段,确保提供的资金在规模与时限上都能满足深度政策参与和创新决策手段的需求。 | 49. The United Nations development system has recently designed a number of new pooled funding arrangements, such as the joint policy fund under the aegis of the United Nations Development Group. The fund is aimed at supporting the efforts of Member States to advance the 2030 Agenda through integrated policy support, providing programme countries with catalytic support where needed and as identified by United Nations country teams and in response to specific complex and multidimensional policy challenges. It will draw on the multisectoral policy expertise that exists across the United Nations development system to enhance cross-sectoral government approaches to national and subnational policymaking, providing funding at a scale and duration that allow for deeper policy engagement and innovative approaches to policymaking. |
全球专题基金和纵向基金 | Global thematic and vertical funds |
50. 全球专题基金有时也称纵向基金,是联合国发展系统中作用越来越大的一条供资渠道。此类基金与全球各地受联合国管理的机构间集合基金类似,重点“纵向”关注特定问题或主题,但不受联合国实体直接管理,且不要求联合国主导拨款过程。它们通常都有自己的受托人、供资、治理、政策和方案拟订安排。因此,虽然全球基金是一种集合供资形式,但如上文图八和图九所示,从联合国角度来说,这些基金常常被严格指定用于特定项目,而联合国只起着执行组织的作用。 | 50. An increasingly significant channel of funding for the United Nations development system is global thematic funds, which are sometimes referred to as vertical funds. Global thematic funds, like global United Nations-administered inter-agency pooled funds, focus “vertically” on specific issues or themes but are not administered directly by a United Nations entity and do not demand a United Nations lead role in the fund allocation process. They usually have their own trustee, funding, governance, policy and programming arrangements. Consequently, while global funds are a form of pooled funding, from the perspective of the United Nations the funds are often tightly earmarked for specific projects, as shown in figures VIII and IX above, with the United Nations serving uniquely as an implementing organization. |
51. 虽然纵向基金常被认为是一种创新发展融资机制,不少大型纵向基金却多由传统供资来源供资,而非通过额外的创新发展融资来补充传统的官方发展援助。2015 年,通过纵向基金向联合国发展系统输送的资金额略超 14 亿美元,几乎是2010 年的两倍。与政府捐助方的直接捐款相比,纵向基金分配的资源波动更大,这有可能对发展方面业务活动供资的可预见性产生显著影响,因为纵向基金作为一条资源渠道还将变得更加重要。 | 51. While vertical funds are often considered a mechanism of innovative development finance, many large vertical funds are financed largely by traditional funding sources rather than through the leveraging of additional innovative development finance to complement traditional ODA. In 2015, resources amounting to a little more than $1.4 billion were channelled to the United Nations development system through vertical funds, nearly double the volume compared with 2010. The distribution of resources from vertical funds tends to fluctuate more significantly than direct contributions from government donors, which could have a notable impact on the level of predictability of funding for operational activities for development as vertical funds continue to become a more prominent channel of resources. |
当地资源 | Local resources |
52. 2015 年,以当地资源形式提供给联合国发展系统各实体用于在捐助方本国开展方案活动的捐助共计 14.1 亿美元,占发展系统非核心资源总额的 6.8%。如图十二所示,这一模式在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区最常使用,五个最大的当地资源捐助方中有四个(阿根廷、巴西、哥伦比亚和秘鲁)位于这一地区。巴基斯坦是第二大当地资源捐款方,也是拉丁美洲和加勒比地区以外的唯一一个排名前五的国家。 | 52. Contributions to entities in the form of local resources for programming in the contributors’ own countries amounted to $1.41 billion in 2015, or 6.8 per cent of total non-core resources to the United Nations development system. As shown in figure XII, that modality is used most commonly in the Latin America and Caribbean region, where four of the five largest local resource contributors, namely Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Peru, are located. Pakistan was the second -largest contributor of local resources and the only one among the top five countries outside the Latin America and Caribbean region. |
图十二2015 年按区域分列的当地资源来源 | Figure XII |
2015 年按区域分列的当地资源来源非洲18%亚太13%美洲54% | Source of local resources by region: 2015 |
四. 资金分配 | IV. Allocation of funds |
A. 支出概览 | A. Overview of expenditures |
53. 2015 年,发展方面业务活动支出共计 284 亿美元,其中 76%用于国家一级的方案活动。因此,支出总额中有 24%用于区域和全球一级的方案活动、方案支助和管理以及无法归入上述任一类别的活动。虽然有些实体在四年度综合政策审查关于费用回收的讨论中,把方案支助称作“发展实效”,但是方案支助和管理费用均被称作“非方案费用”。 | 53. In 2015, expenditures for operational activities for development totalled $28.4 billion, of which 76 per cent was spent on programme activities at the country level. Accordingly, 24 per cent of total expenditures related to programme activities at the regional and global levels, programme support and management, and activities that could not be attributed to any of the above-mentioned categories. While some entities refer to programme support as “development effectiveness”, in discussions under the quadrennial comprehensive policy review on cost recovery, both programme support and management costs were referred to as non-programme costs. |
54. 2015 年,国家一级支出为 215 亿美元,其中有 99 亿美元也即 46%用于非洲区域(见图十三),比 2014 年增加了 10 亿美元。近年,西亚所占支出份额迅速增长,原因主要是伊拉克与阿拉伯叙利亚共和国境内人道主义危机不断。2015 年,该区域支出占国家一级支出的 25%,是三年前的两倍。与之相反,亚太区域和拉丁美洲及加勒比区域的支出规模与份额近年已经降低。 | 54. Of the $21.5 billion in expenditures at the country level in 2015, $9.9 billion, or 46 per cent, was spent in the Africa region (see figure XIII), representing an increase of $1 billion compared with 2014. The share of expenditures in the Western Asia region has increased rapidly in recent years, owing primarily to the continuing humanitarian crises in Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic. In 2015, the region represented 25 per cent of country-level expenditures, more than double the share just three years ago. Conversely, both the volume and the share of expenditures in the Asia-Pacific region and the Latin America and Caribbean region have decreased in recent years. |
图十三2015 年按区域分列的国家一级支出分配情况 | Figure XIII |
2015 年按区域分列的国家一级支出分配情况 | Allocation of country-level expenditures by region: 2015 |
55. 2015 年,国家一级支出中有近一半用于人道主义援助活动。这与三年前大不相同,那时人道主义支出还不到国家一级支出总额的 40%。 | 55. Nearly half of the expenditures at the country level were directed towards humanitarian assistance activities in 2015. This is a notable departure from just three years ago, when humanitarian expenditures constituted fewer than 40 per cent of all country-level expenditures. |
56. 图十四显示了 2015 年国家一级发展相关支出和人道主义援助相关支出在排名前 50 的方案国的分布情况和集中程度。这些国家的支出占了国家一级支出总额的 85%。排名前十的国家所占份额就有 40%之多。 | 56. Figure XIV shows the distribution and degree of concentration of 2015 country-level expenditures, both development-related and humanitarian assistance-related, among the top 50 programme countries. Those expenditures accounted for 85 per cent of total country-level expenditures. The top 10 countries alone accounted for 40 per cent. |
出( 十亿美元)非洲 亚太 美洲 西亚 欧洲46%25% 18%28%46%8% 12%25%12% 11%3%3% 2%2%3% 3%11% 18%24%9%12% 11% 9%27% 22% 20%47% 49% 48% 45%45% 47% 47%46% 44%27% 24% 24%23% 16% 18% 27%16%15%11%6%11%12%12%12%3%3%3%4%3%图十四 | Figure XIV |
2015 年排名前 50 的方案国的支出情况 | Expenditures in the top 50 programme countries: 2015 |
57. 图十四还显示,在排名前九的方案国中,除最大的方案国阿富汗以外,有八个所涉活动以人道主义援助为主。这八个国家占了人道主义活动总支出的一半以上。 | 57. Figure XIV also shows that humanitarian assistance dominated the activities in eight of the nine largest programme countries, with Afghanistan, the largest programme country, being the exception. Those countries accounted for more than half of the total expenditure on humanitarian activities. |
58. 2015 年,149 个方案国中有 100 个国家的联合国支出不足 1 亿美元,这其中又有 79 个国家的联合国支出不足 5 000 万美元。最小的 100 个方案国(如图十五所示)仅占国家一级支出的 15%。尽管这些国家在联合国总支出中所占份额相对较小,但是在此处实地工作的联合国实体平均为 10 个,收到的资金被严格指定了用途,主要供特定项目使用。17 这使供资碎片化的情况更加严重,对联合国发展系统的总体效率造成影响。 | 58. In 100 of the 149 programme countries, United Nations expenditures amounted to less than $100 million in 2015. In 79 of those countries, those expenditures amounted to less than $50 million. The 100 smallest programme countries (shown in figure XV) accounted for just 15 per cent of total country-level expenditures. Although they make up a relatively small share of overall United Nations expenditures, in those countries an average of 10 United Nations entities o n the ground receive funding that is tightly earmarked primarily for specific projects.18 This has led to the growing fragmentation of fundingflows, with implications for the overall efficiency of the United Nations development system. |
图十五2015 年最小的 100 个方案国的支出情况 | Figure XV |
2015 年最小的 100 个方案国的支出情况 | Expenditures in the smallest 100 programme countries: 2015 |
59. 图十六说明了联合国发展系统在国家一级的供资作用。它比较分析了发展方面业务活动支出总额和国家一级官方发展援助付款总额。从中可以看出,在接收官方发展援助的 145 个方案国中有 49 个,也即三分之一强,2015 年发展方面业务活动支出不到官方发展援助总额的 10%。这 49 个国家占国家一级发展方面业务活动支出总额的 11%。在另外 39 个方案国,该项支出占官方发展援助的 10%到 20%不等。 | 59. Figure XVI illustrates the financial relevance of the United Nations development system at the country level. It presents a comparative analysis of total expenditures for operational activities for development and total ODA disbursements at the country level, showing that those expenditures accounted for less than 10 per cent of total ODA in 49, or more than one third, of the 145 programme countries that received ODA in 2015. Those 49 countries accounted for 11 per cent of all country-level expenditures for operational activities for development. In a further 39 programme countries, the expenditures accounted for between 10 and 20 per cent of ODA. |
图十六 | Figure XVI |
2015 年国家一级发展方面业务活动支出占官方发展援助的份额0%20%40%60%80%100%01020304050 | Country-level expenditures for operational activities for development as a share of ODA: 2015 |
60. 根据世界银行的脆弱国家列表,在 27 个最不发达国家,联合国支出占官方发展援助的 20%以上,在脆弱的冲突后国家,该比重则达到 60%。这说明联合国发展系统在最不发达国家和冲突后国家的供资作用大于在方案国的总体水平。 | 60. United Nations expenditures account for more than 20 per cent of ODA in 27 of the least developed countries and 60 per cent of fragile, post-conflict countries, according to the World Bank list of countries in fragile situations, indicating that the United Nations development system tends to have a higher financial relevance in the least developed countries and post-conflict countries than in programme countries in general. |
B. 按国家组分列的资金分配情况 | B. Allocation of funds by country group |
Subsets and Splits