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MA Museum and Heritage Development student works with Derby Museums on a videography project Katie Smith approached Derby Museums whilst on a course trip and has since worked with them on the development of their World Cultures gallery by creating films for their website. Katie Smith MA Museum and Heritage Development student, Katie Smith has been working with Derby Museums on an innovative video project as part of the launch of their new World Cultures gallery. She has been creating videos to be used as marketing materials for the museum, as well as to document the process. The collaboration began in March during a course trip to Derby Museums to view the progress of the new World Cultures gallery and learn more about their innovative co-production techniques. This involves museum staff, along with new and existing visitors, collaborating to create exhibition spaces. The team at Derby Museums were keen to incorporate video footage into the documentation of the project, having previously only used photography. Katie produced vlogs for a previous assignment and so arranged to complete a work placement at the Museum, continuing her videography work for them. The team have been able to offer Katie creativity and flexibility in her work, by accommodating as many areas as possible for filming and offering feedback during the editing process. Some videos depict the general day-to-day development of the gallery, while others focus on a specific event. Students from Lincoln University came to visit the gallery during the placement, giving Katie the opportunity to film and edit an exciting marketing video that will be used by Derby Museums to encourage schools, colleges and universities to book onto a visit in future. Katie told us: "To say the placement has been busy would be an enormous understatement. I've had the chance to handle objects – some that are hundreds of years old; film volunteers and staff engage with the creation of the project; get involved in staff meetings; place objects in displays and secure them, and edit creative videos that offer a glimpse of the hard work put into the project. I'm excited for my final three weeks at Derby so I can gain further experience in areas such as finance and marketing." The overall project will contribute to Katie's dissertation, which will see her create a ten-minute film and a thesis to go alongside it. She would eventually like to study towards a PhD. She feels that the placement has created new opportunities for her, commenting, "I'm still amazed by this wonderful opportunity. I'm beginning to see the rewards, and I cannot wait to see where it leads me to next!" Category: Culture; School of Arts and Humanities OPINION: Use the Prerogative at your peril - warnings from the past Professor Martyn Bennett provides his thoughts and insight into the prorogation of parliament. MA Museum and Heritage Development student brings together Chinese and British heritage through live webcasts NTU's MA Museum and Heritage Development student Feixue Huangdu has attracted over one million Chinese viewers by live streaming tours of UK heritage sites. She has been featured on the BBC, Countryfile and The Independent for her work. Product Design students scoop runner-up prize at the Engineers Without Borders UK challenge A team of four second year BSc (Hons) Product Design students were awarded second place in the Grand Final of the annual Engineering for People Design Challenge for their project Safe Spot.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Got to work on my three color chalk drawing today at the Sunday figure drawing workshop. We had a young model who was modeling for the first time. The poses weren't that dynamic but I was happy with a couple of the 20 minute drawings.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Човек који је превише знао () је амерички трилер филм из 1956. године, који је режирао и продуцирао Алфред Хичкок, са Џејмсом Стјуартом и Дорис Деј у главним улогама. Ово је други Хичкоков филм који користи овај наслов, након филма из 1934. године, али са значајно другачијом радњом и сценаријем. У књизи Хичкок/Трифо (1967), као одговор на тврдњу колеге филмског ствараоца Франсоа Трифоа да су аспекти римејка далеко бољи, Хичкок је одговорио: "Рецимо само да је прва верзија дело талентованог аматера, а да је други направио професионалац". Филм је премијерно приказан на Филмском фестивалу у Кану 29. априла 1956. године. Освојио је Оскара за најбољу оригиналну песму за песму "Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)", коју је отпевала Дорис Деј. Радња Америчка породица – др Бенџамин "Бен" Макена, његова супруга, популарна певачица Џозефин "Џо" Конвеј Макена и њихов син Хенри "Хенк" Макена – на одмору је у Француском Мароку. Путујући од Казабланке до Маракеша, упознају Француза Луја Бернара. Он делује пријатељски, али Џо је сумњичава према његовим бројним питањима и избегавању одговора. Бернар нуди да одведе Макене на вечеру, али отказује када човек сумњивог изгледа покуца на врата хотелске собе породице. У ресторану породица упознаје пријатељски енглески брачни пар, Луси и Едварда Дрејтона. Макене су изненађени када виде Бернара како стиже и седа на друго место, очигледно их игноришући. Следећег дана, посећујући мароканску пијацу са Дрејтоновима, Макене виде човека кога јури полиција. Након што је убоден у леђа, човек прилази Бену, који открива да је он прерушени Бернар. Умирући Бернар шапуће да ће у Лондону бити убијен страни државник и да Бен мора јавити надлежнима за "Амброуза Капела". Луси враћа Хенка у хотел док Бен, Џо и Едвард одлазе у полицијску станицу да се распитају око Бернарове смрти. Један службеник им објашњава да је Бернар био агент француске обавештајне службе. Бен прима телефонски позив у полицијској станици; Хенк је киднапован, али неће бити повређен ако Макене ништа не кажу полицији о Бернаровом упозорењу. Знајући да је Хенк остављен уз Луси, Бен шаље Едварда да га пронађе. Када се Бен и Џо врате у хотел, откривају да се Едвард одјавио. Бен схвата да су Дрејтонови пар који је Бернар тражио и да су умешани у Хенкову отмицу. Када сазна да су Дрејтонови из Лондона, одлучује да он и Џо треба да оду тамо и покушају да их пронађу преко Амброуза Капела. У Лондону, инспектор Бјукенан из Скотланд Јарда говори Џо и Бену да је Бернар био у Мароку да би открио заверу око атентата, и да би требало да га контактирају ако се чују са киднаперима. Остављајући пријатеље у свом хотелском апартману, Макене траже особу по имену Амброуз Капел. Џо схвата да се заправо ради о "Амброуз капели", те они стижу у капелу где затичу Едварда како води литургију. Џо напушта капелу да позове полицију. Након што Едвард пошаље своје парохијане кући, Бен се суочава са њим и бива нокаутиран и закључан унутра. Џо стиже са полицијом, али они не могу да уђу без налога. Џо сазнаје да је Бјукенан отишао на концерт у Ројал Алберт Хол и тражи од полиције да је одведе тамо. Када полиција и Џо оду, Дрејтонови одводе Хенка у страну амбасаду. У холу Ројал Алберт Хола, Џо види човека који јој је дошао на врата у Мароку. Када он запрети да ће наудити Хенку ако се она умеша, она схвата да је он убица који је послат да убије иностраног премијера. Бен бежи из капеле кроз звоник и стиже до Ројал Алберт Хола, где Џо показује на убицу. Бен претражује ложе у потрази за убицом, који чека да ударе чинеле како би прикриле његов пуцањ. Непосредно пре него што ударе чинеле, Џо вришти, а убица промаши свој циљ, само ранивши своју мету. Бен се бори са потенцијалним убицом, који пада и гине. Закључујући да ће Хенк вероватно бити у амбасади, али и да је она суверена и изузета од истраге, Макене примају позив од захвалног премијера. Амбасадор је организовао заверу за убиство премијера, а за неуспели покушај окривљује Дрејтонове. Знајући да Хенк може да сведочи против њих, наређује Дрејтоновима да убију дечака. Премијер тражи од Џо да пева, те она гласно изводи песму "Que Sera, Sera", тако да Хенк може да је чује. Луси, која чува Хенка док се Едвард спрема да га убије, узнемирена је због могућности убиства детета, па подстиче дечака да звижди уз песму. Бен прати звиждук и проналази Хенка. Едвард покушава да побегне и држи их на нишану, али када га Бен удари, он пада низ степенице и гине. Макене се враћају у свој хотелски апартман, где Бен објашњава њиховим пријатељима који су заспали: "Жао ми је што нас није било толико дуго, али морали смо да одемо и покупимо Хенка." Улоге |- | Џејмс Стјуарт || др Бенџамин "Бен" Макена |- | Дорис Деј || Џозефин "Џо" Конвеј Макена |- | Бернард Мајлс || Едвард Дрејтон |- | Бренда де Банзи || Луси Дрејтон |- | Кристофер Олсен || Хенри "Хенк" Макена |- | Ралф Труман || инспектор Бјукенан |- | Данијел Желен || Луј Бернар |- | Могенс Вит || амбасадор |- | Алан Маубреј || Вал Парнел |- | Хилари Брук || Џен Питерсон |- | Реџи Налдер || Ријен |- | Ричард Вотис || асистент менаџера |- | Ноел Вилман || Вуберн |- | Аликс Талтон || Хелен Парнел |- | Керолин Џоунс || Синди Фонтејн |- |} Алфред Хичкок, као и у већини својих филмова, има камео улогу. Овде се може видети 25. минуту филма, у доњем левом углу, како гледа акробате на мароканској пијаци, леђима окренут камери, носи светлосиво одело и ставља руке у џепове, непосредно пре него што шпијун буде убијен. Бернард Херман, који је написао музику за филм, наступио је као диригент у Ројал Алберт Холу, што је једини пут да се Херман појавио пред камером у неком филму. Продукција Алфред Хичкок је први пут разматрао амерички римејк филма Човек који је превише знао 1941. године, али се тек 1956. вратио овој идеји како би испунио уговорни захтев Paramount Pictures-а. Студио се сложио да је то филм који би се могао добро прилагодити новој деценији. Секвенца Ројал Алберт Хола повукла је инспирацију из стрипа Х. М. Бејтмана "Човек са једном нотом", који прати свакодневни живот музичара који свира само једну ноту у симфонији, слично свирачу чинела у филму. Сценарио Сценариста Џон Мајкл Хејз је ангажован под условом да неће погледати ранији филм, нити прочитати његов сценарио, а све детаље радње је добио на састанку са Хичкоком. Само су почетне сцене сценарија биле спремне када је снимање почело, а Хејз је морао да пошаље следеће странице сценарија ваздушном поштом кад их је завршио. Музика Хичкоков чести сарадник, композитор Бернард Херман, написао је позадинску музику за филм; међутим, извођење Кантате олујних облака Артура Бенџамина, коју је дириговао Херман, користи се као изворна музика за врхунац филма. Херман је добио могућност да компонује нову кантату која ће се изводити током врхунца филма. Међутим, сматрао је да је Кантата олујних облака из оригиналног филма из 1934. године толико прикладна за филм да је одбио, иако је проширио оркестрацију и убацио неколико понављања како би секвенца била дужа. Херман се појавио у филму као диригент Лондонског симфонијског оркестра са мецосопраном Барбаром Хауит и хором током сцена са Ројал Алберт Холом. Секвенца у Ројал Алберт Холу траје 12 минута без икаквог дијалога од почетка Кантате олујних облака до врхунца када лик Дорис Деј вришти. Лик Дорис Деј у филму је позната, сада пензионисана, професионална певачица, а два пута пева песму "Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)", која је филму донела Оскара за најбољу оригиналну песму. Дејина верзија песме достигла је друго место на америчким поп листама и прво место у Великој Британији. Пријем Рецензије филма су углавном биле позитивне, иако су неки критичари изразили склоност према оригиналу из 1934. године. Босли Краутер из новина The New York Times је написао: "Џејмс Стјуарт је надмашио свој посао у филму Прозор у двориште као човек који је превише знао, а Дорис Деј је изненађујуће ефикасна као мајка избезумљена отмицом свог детета... Чак и у огромном -{VistaVision}- формату, трилер старог Хичкока има пуну снагу." Variety је написао да, иако Хичкок развлачи "филм на мало предугачких 119 минута, он и даље одржава неизвесност све време и добија снажну глуму две звезде и других чланова глумачке екипе". Harrison's Reports назвао је филм "веома узбудљивим и забавним напетим трилером" који "држи публику од почетка до краја". Ричард Л. Коу из The Washington Post-а такође је похвалио филм, кога је назвао "дендијем своје популарне врсте" иако је "мало превише лежеран". Џон Макартен из The New Yorker-а написао је у негативној рецензији да иако је римејк био "несумњиво бољи и сјајнији од оригинала, не помера се агилношћу свог претходника. Нема сумње, наравно, да је господин Хичкок у једном тренутку био мајстор целулоидне неизвесности, али у последње време све чешће снима филмове који су претешки да би се препустили триковима његових ранијих дана." The Monthly Film Bulletin је написао: "Иако је прилично забаван трилер, са неким карактеристично оштроумним и заједљивим Хичкоковим додирима, вероватно ће разочарати поклонике првог филма. Недостаје му ранији темпо и узбуђење; посебан енглески шарм оригинала је био замењен за неодређени космополитизам формата -{VistaVision}- и -{Technicolor}-; епизода са зубаром и врхунац опсаде нажалост недостају." К. А. Лежен из The Observer-а је написала да је заплет имао "склоност да вијуга" са "шалама које су можда деловале духовитије у писаној форми", закључивши да је филм "јак" све док се држи главне радње, "али први Човек који је превише знао био је јачи у сваком погледу." Филм је остварио комерцијални успех. Снимљен са буџетом од 1,2 милиона долара, зарадио је 11,3 милиона долара на домаћим благајнама, зарадивши 4,1 милиона долара од изнајмљивања америчких биоскопа. На сајту Rotten Tomatoes, филм има рејтинг одобравања од 87% на основу 39 рецензија, са просечном оценом 7,80/10. Консензус сајта гласи: "Преправљајући сопствени филм из 1934, Хичкок прожима Човека који је превише знао сликовитим местима и међународним интригама, а помаже му бриљантно збуњена изведба Џејмса Стјуарта". Амерички филмски институт је 2004. године уврстио песму "Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)" на 48. место листе 100 година АФИ-ја... 100 песама. Кућни медији Човек који је превише знао није поновно објављиван све до 1983. када га је купио Universal Pictures. Филм је издат за кућне медије од стране компаније -{Universal Pictures Home Entertainment}- у VHS, Betamax, LaserDisc, DVD и Blu-ray форматима. DVD издање из 2000. садржи документарац о снимању филма, укључујући интервјуе са Хичкоковом ћерком Патришом и члановима продукцијске екипе. Напомене Референце Спољашње везе Movie stills Review at Alfred Hitchcock Wiki:The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) Film locations Филмови 1956. Амерички филмови Филмови на енглеском језику Филмови на француском језику Амерички филмски трилери Амерички шпијунски филмови Америчке филмске мистерије Филмови Алфреда Хичкока Филмови награђени Оскаром за најбољу оригиналну песму Филмови студија Paramount Pictures
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Heroin is a very powerful street drug, derived from the poppy plant. Heroin users can snort or inhale the drug, but it is most commonly injected straight into the bloodstream. When heroin is injected, the drug is immediately taken up into the brain. This method bypasses the body's natural filtration system, leaving it unable to protect itself against overdose. Heroin purity and concentration can vary by seller and producer, which makes it difficult for the user to know when they've had too much. Street heroin is often mixed with fillers or adulterants, and the buyer rarely knows what toxins are in the drug they inject. For all these reasons and because heroin addicts quickly begin to crave and use more and more of their drug, heroin overdose is a very real risk for anyone using this substance. Anyone who suspects they or someone else has overdosed on heroin should seek immediate medical help. At our luxury rehab facilities, the Discovery House helps individuals cleanse their body of heroin and other drugs in our heroin withdrawal addiction treatment programs. After the person is physically clean of heroin, they must begin the long journey to rebuild a drug free life. This is done during our inpatient and outpatient phases of recovery. Therapists at The Discovery House, one of the nation's best drug and alcohol treatment centers, help residents identify and address the underlying causes of their heroin addiction. We use different therapies and heroin treatment options to help individuals get clean and remain free from heroin addiction. If you or someone you know is struggling with a heroin addiction, don't wait. Heroin overdose can be fatal, and the sooner a person gets help at long term treatment centers for addiction, the better their chances will be at a complete recovery. Contact The Discovery House today to learn about our heroin addiction treatment program.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Is there an equivalent to the ParseJson action for XML data? In Logic Apps we have the ParseJson action, which gives the individual fields. But what about an equivalent for parsing XML? So for example, if I had an XML over HTTP web service, which received the XML body ... <root> <person> <firstname>Paul</firstname> <lastname>Getty</lastname> </person> <person> <firstname>John</firstname> <lastname>Denver</lastname> </person> </root> How could I achieve a similar experience to the ParseJson action generating tokens for each of the XML elements (and attributes?) A: json(XML(Body('WhateverYouAreParsing'))). My point here is that you can always cast the XML to JSON and work with it as JSON. I guess you could then recast it as XML with XML() if you really need to reply with XML but that would probably require some additional work. Or use a Transform XML with an integration account and a map. An azure function could be used to do the parsing also. A: You cannot do that directly. What I am doing is I am parsing it indirectly through XML - just as @AdAstra mentioned. * *Generate json schema for your XML - You can use any online converter like for example For your XML the Json will look like: { "root": { "person": [ { "firstname": "Paul", "lastname": "Getty" }, { "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Denver" } ] } } *Use Parse JSON Control with TriggerBody as a Content and generated schema pasted in 'Use sample payload to generate schema' - (this will generate Json schema for You) Parse Json component *Enter Expression to parse XML to Json (use Content field in Parse Json Component -> Expression -> json(xml(triggerBody())) Parse JSON Expression *Now You can use Your structure as dynamic objects in Logic App designer: Available dynamic content
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
El Mas Bofí és una masia de Matadepera (Vallès Occidental) protegida com a Bé Cultural d'Interès Local. Descripció Masia ubicada al Parc Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt. És d'estructura clàssica, de planta baixa, pis i coberta de teula àrab de dos aiguavessos. A llevant hi ha, adossada, una estança que conté un forn de pa; està coberta amb volta de casquet esfèric de maó i una teulada d'un sol aiguavés. La façana principal, orientada a llevant, presenta una petita finestra rectangular amb llinda i brancals de factura senzilla. Aquesta façana es veu interrompuda pel cos adossat que conté el forn. La part principal de la masia està precedida per una era pavimentada. El conjunt està delimitat per un mur fet amb carreus de diferents mides i disposats de manera irregular, sense escairar. Pel sud hi ha alguna espitllera, i el portal està constituït per un arc escarser de maó vist i cobert per un guardapols de dos aiguavessos de teula àrab. El parament és fet a base de carreus irregulars vistos i sense escairar. Destaca un tram format per petits còdols allargassats a prop de la finestra de la façana principal, que semblen definir de manera difusa el que podria ser un parament en "spicatum", tècnica arcaica que podria formar part del parament original del . Al nord de la masia hi ha un forn de calç que fou utilitzat com a refugi per boscaters fins a mitjans del . Història Les primeres referències documentals de Can Bofí daten del segle XI: "L'abat de Sant Llorenç de Munt, amb els seus monjos, dona a Berenguer tres mujades de vinya perquè les planti, en terme de Terrassa, al lloc dit Matadepera, en el Castenyet o en la Bruguera. Termaneja a llevant amb la terra planta per Bofill d'Antiga, a migdia amb el camí que va a Marcianus, a ponent amb l'arena i a tramuntana amb les terres plantades per Guifre Argemir". El nom del mas continua apareixent en documents del 1327 i del 1329. En aquesta última data es documenta: "Carta en què Nicolau Boffy i Berenguera, la seva muller, de la parròquia de Sant Llorenç de Valle, es fan homes propis, solius i aforacats del sr. Guillem de Sant Martí, abat de Sant Llorenç, per raó del mas Boffy, que hi ha en la dita parròquia. Amb homenatge i jurament [...]". Referències Patrimoni monumental de Matadepera Masies de Matadepera
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Crionics ist eine polnische Black-, Death- und Industrial-Metal-Band aus Krakau, die im Jahr 1997 gegründet wurde. Geschichte Die Band wurde im Januar 1997 gegründet und bestand aus dem Sänger Michał "War-A.N" Skotniczny, dem Gitarristen Dariusz "Yanuary" Styczeń, dem Bassisten Markus "Marcotic" Kopa und dem Schlagzeuger Maciej "Carol" Zięba. Ein Jahr nachdem die Band gegründet wurde, nahm sie die ersten fünf Lieder auf, die jedoch nie veröffentlicht wurden. Etwa sechs Monate später nahmen sie das erste offizielle Demo Demo 98 auf, das vier Lieder umfasste, darunter auch eine Coverversion des Emperor-Liedes I Am the Black Wizards. Es folgten die ersten Auftritte und Wacław "Vac-V" Borowiec kam als Keyboarder zur Besetzung. In der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 1999 verließ der Gitarrist Styczeń die Band und wurde später im Jahr durch Bartosz "Bielmo" Bielewicz ersetzt. Es wurden daraufhin vier neue Lieder aufgenommen, die im Jahr 2000 als EP Beyond the Blazing Horizon erschienen. Gegen Ende des Jahres verließ Schlagzeuger Zięba die Besetzung und wurde ein paar Monate später durch Maciej "Darkside" Kowalski ersetzt. Im August 2001 erfolgte mit dem Ausscheiden des Gitarristen Bielewicz der nächste Ausstieg. Anfang 2002 hielt die Band die nächsten Konzerte ab, ehe die Band an neuem Material schrieb und Ende des Sommers einen Vertrag bei Empire Records unterzeichnete. Die Aufnahmen zum Debütalbum fanden vom 12. bis 23. August 2002 im Hertz Recording Studio statt. Das Album erschien im November 2002 unter dem Namen Human Error (Ways to Selfdestruction) in Form einer Bonus-CD-Beilage der sechsten Ausgabe des Magazins Thrash'em All. Kurz darauf ging die Band zusammen mit Behemoth, Darkane und Frontside auf Tour. Als zweiter Gitarrist half Ex-Mitglied Styczeń bei der Tour aus. Im Jahr 2003 nahm die Band unter anderem am Metalmania, dem Hellfest und dem Inferno Metal Festival Norway teil. Gegen Ende des Jahres erreichte die Band zudem einen Vertrag über drei Alben bei Candlelight Records, wobei die Veröffentlichungen innerhalb Polens noch über Empire Records erfolgen sollte. Über Candlelight Records wurde im März 2004 das Album Human Error (Ways to Selfdestruction) wiederveröffentlicht, wobei die Band als Bonus Carpathian Forest coverte. Anfang 2004 begann die Band mit den Aufnahmen zum nächsten Album, wobei im Juli im Hertz Recording Studio die Schlagzeugspuren aufgenommen wurden und das Album abgemischt und gemastert wurde, während alle anderen Aufnahmen im Lynx Studio stattfanden. Auf dem Album war unter anderem auch eine Coverversion des Emperor-Liedes The Loss and Curse of Reverence zu hören. Während der Aufnahmen trennte sich die Band von ihrem Bassisten Kopa. Im Oktober ging die Band auf eine Tournee, die 17 Auftritte umfasste, an der auch Vader, Lost Soul und Ceti teilnahmen. Kurz vor der Tour kam Konrad "Destroyer" Ramotowski als Bassist zur Band. Das Album Armageddon's Evolution erschien im November 2004 in der fünften Ausgabe des Magazins Thrash'em All. Im Februar 2005 folgte eine weitere Tour zusammen mit Decapitated, Hate und Dies Irae. Die Band trat bei ihrer ersten Europatournee unter anderem in Deutschland, Österreich, den Niederlanden, der Schweiz und Italien auf. Armageddon's Evolution erschien in ganz Europa am 7. Februar, während es in den USA am 8. Februar erschien. Im Jahr 2006 schrieb die Band hauptsächlich an ihrem nächsten Album. Währenddessen kam Styczeń als Gitarrist wieder zurück zur Band, wobei er zudem auch Manager der Band wurde. Das Album Neuthrone wurde im November 2006 und im Januar 2007 in zwei verschiedenen Studios aufgenommen: Das Schlagzeug wurde im Diamond Recording Studio aufgenommen, während alle übrigen Instrumente im Zed Studio aufgenommen wurden. Abgemischt und gemastert wurde das Album von Tomasz "Zed" Zalewski. Das Album erschien im Juli 2007 über Candlelight Records in Europa und den USA. Da der Vertrag mit Empire Records nicht verlängert wurde, erschien das Album in Polen bei Mystic Production. Im Mai 2007 spielte die Band zehn Auftritte in Polen zusammen mit Hate, Darzamat und Sammath Naur. Ein Auftritt in der Ukraine folgte im August auf dem Red Alert Festival. Danach schloss sich eine weitere Tour zusammen mit Krisiun, Rotting Christ und Incantation an, auf der sie in Skandinavien und in den Ländern an der Ostsee spielten. In der zweiten Oktoberhälfte ging die Band zusammen mit Decapitated auf ihre erste Russlandtournee, ehe sich weitere Auftritte in Polen anschlossen. Stil Laut Alex Henderson von Allmusic spiele die Band auf Armageddon's Evolution eine Mischung aus Death- und Black Metal. Der Gesang variiere zwischen tiefem Growling und rauem Black-Metal-Gesang. Man könne dem Album den Einfluss von Bands wie Emperor und Dark Funeral zwar anhören, jedoch spiele Crionics nicht in derselben Liga. Auf Neuthrone spiele die Band laut Pete Pardo von eine Mischung aus Industrial-, Black- und Death Metal. Man könne dem Album Einflüsse von Behemoth, Vader, Fear Factory sowie norwegischer Symphonic-Black-Metal-Bands anhören. Diskografie 1998: Demo 98 (Demo, Eigenveröffentlichung) 2000: Beyond the Blazing Horizon (EP, Demonic Records) 2002: Human Error (Ways to Selfdestruction) (Album, Empire Records) 2004: Armageddon's Evolution (Album, Empire Records) 2007: Neuthrone (Album, Candlelight Records) 2010: N.O.I.R. (EP, MSR Productions) Weblinks Einzelnachweise Black-Metal-Band Death-Metal-Band Industrial-Metal-Band Polnische Band
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Leader Casey is happy, healthy DUBLIN – Paul Casey is in a good place, in life and at The Memorial Tournament. Leader Casey is happy, healthy DUBLIN – Paul Casey is in a good place, in life and at The Memorial Tournament. Check out this story on Steve DiMeglio, USA TODAY Sports Published 8:44 p.m. ET May 30, 2014 Paul Casey reacts after making a putt on No. 1 during Friday's second round of The Memorial Tournament at Muirfield Village Golf Club in Dublin. (Photo: Brian Spurlock/USA TODAY ) Healthy again after three years of battling injuries including turf toe and a dislocated shoulder and happy again after a painful divorce, Casey fired his second consecutive 6-under-par 66 today to grab the lead at Jack Nicklaus' place, Muirfield Village. Under sun-lit skies, Casey — who is engaged to English TV personality Pollyanna Woodward and will become a father for the first time in September —made six birdies and an eagle to offset two bogeys. He looks like the Casey of old, who rose to No. 3 in the official world golf rankings in 2009. "I was ecstatic with the way I played," the Englishman said. "There were a couple of mistakes in there. But that's Muirfield Village. It's a tricky golf course and you don't need to do a lot wrong to make a mistake. "I know where everything fits now certainly in my life. I don't necessarily have it figured out. But I know how things stack up in importance." Casey leads Masters champion Bubba Watson, who shot 69, by three shots. Chris Kirk (70) is another shot back. Martin Flores (68) and Hideki Matsuyama (67) are five behind Casey. "Any day you can shoot in the 60s at Muirfield, you're pretty happy," said Watson, who had six birdies, an eagle and five bogeys. "I'm in a good position going into the weekend and that's what you want." First-round leader Rory McIlroy — who won last week's BMW Championship in England five days after announcing he broke off his engagement with tennis star Caroline Wozniacki — followed a 63 with a 78 that included three consecutive double bogeys where he hit three trees on one hole, found the water on another and double hit a chip on the third. McIlroy said his bum left knee, which he hurt in the first round, didn't bother him. Missing fairways, however, did. "That was a big thing. I didn't realize how thick the rough was until I got in it today," he said. "It's thick. I just kept missing fairways and making it tough for myself. And obviously that little three-'hole stretch — 13, 14, 15 — didn't help. Take those three holes out of it, then it wouldn't actually have been that bad a day. But as I was saying yesterday, these little runs I'm getting on where it gets away from me, I was able to avoid that last week. Not so much this week." Phil Mickelson, who is hoping to get on a nice little run to change his indifferent season, fired a 70 and is at 2 under. "My game is feeling good," Mickelson said. "I just have some challenges. And I'm glad I'm playing this weekend. It will give me two more rounds on a good golf course to see if I can have something to build on." Casey started rebuilding after he tumbled down the world rankings starting in the middle of 2011 and reached a low of 169th. He said he literally had no idea where the ball was going and contemplated finding a new career. But through "baby steps" he started his long road back and won the 2013 Irish Open, his first victory since the Volvo Golf Champions in January 2011. "It's very difficult when you've played to a certain level and then I genuinely had no clue how to play to that level at certain stages and you start to contemplate: 'Well, why am I doing this? Is there much point continuing?' " said Casey, who has won 15 times around the world. " 'Do I really want to play this game professionally?' Luckily, I didn't think about that too long. And I think I just sort of dove into the challenge of (getting) absorbed by the process (to come back)." Meeting Woodward helped. "No question that golf is the vehicle that drives my life and it's certainly the thing I love to do when I wake up in the morning. Everything's based around that and I make decisions based on if they're going to enhance what I've got to try to do on the golf course," Casey said. "But I know where they fit. If I have to give something up in terms of sort of family and friends and love and all, then I could easily walk away from (golf) from that point of view. I'm going to be a dad in September. And things like that just change my perspective. "I see Pollyanna and it is like bogey doesn't matter and I know it's going to matter even less in September, and that's kind of cool. And I didn't have that a few years ago, but I have it now." Read or Share this story:
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
2Career in Vietnam 3Later career Hubert van Es Dutch photographer and photojournalist (1941-07-06)6 July 1941 15 May 2009(2009-05-15) (aged 67) Queen Mary Hospital, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong Hugh Van Es Notable credit Fall of Saigon Hubert van Es (6 July 1941 – 15 May 2009) was a Dutch photographer and photojournalist who took the well-known photo on 29 April 1975, which shows South Vietnamese civilians scrambling to board a CIA Air America helicopter during the U.S. evacuation of Saigon. The picture was taken a day before the Fall of Saigon. Van Es was variously known in his working life as "Hu", the anglicized "Hugh" and the nickname "Vanes", to rhyme with "planes". Hubert van Es was born in Hilversum, the Netherlands. He moved to Hong Kong in 1967, where he initially worked as a freelancer, before joining the South China Morning Post as chief photographer.[1] Career in Vietnam[edit] Hubert van Es went to Vietnam in 1968, where he worked for NBC News as a sound man. He later joined the Associated Press photo staff in Saigon from 1969 to 1972 and then covered the last three years of the Vietnam War, from 1972 to 1975, for United Press International (UPI).[1] In 1975 he was working in Saigon for UPI. He remained in the city for as long as possible before its occupation by North Vietnamese troops. On 29 April 1975 he had taken pictures of Saigonese burning documents that could associate them with the United States as well as a picture of a Marine confronting a Vietnamese mother and her little boy. Later that day, he took his famous picture: Around 2:30 in the afternoon, while I was working in the darkroom, I suddenly heard Bert Okuley shout, "Van Es, get out here, there's a chopper on that roof!" I grabbed my camera and the longest lens left in the office - it was only 300 millimeters, but it would have to do - and dashed to the balcony. Looking at the Pittman Apartments, I could see 20 or 30 people on the roof, climbing the ladder to an Air America Huey helicopter. At the top of the ladder stood an American in civilian clothes, pulling people up and shoving them inside. Of course, there was no possibility that all the people on the roof could get into the helicopter, and it took off with 12 or 14 on board. (The recommended maximum for that model was eight.) Those left on the roof waited for hours, hoping for more helicopters to arrive. To no avail. The enemy was closing in. I remember looking up to the sky and giving a short prayer. After shooting about 10 frames, I went back to the darkroom to process the film and get a print ready for the regular 5 p.m. transmission to Tokyo from Saigon's telegraph office.[2] When North Vietnamese troops arrived, Van Es wore a camouflage hat bearing a small plastic Dutch flag printed with the Vietnamese words Báo chí Hà Lan ("Dutch Press"). The building in the photo, which has been incorrectly identified as the US Embassy, Saigon since the 1970s, was not labeled as such by Van Es.[3] He has stated that he wrote, for the caption of his photograph, that the helicopter was taking evacuees off the roof of a CIA building in downtown Saigon (22 Gia Long Street).[2] At United Press International's (UPI) Tokyo office, someone changed the caption to include the false reference to the "U.S. embassy."[4] Although van Es attempted to have the caption corrected, his efforts proved futile and he eventually gave up.[4] The iconic location's current address is 22 Lý Tự Trọng Street (named after Lý Tự Trọng, a 17-year-old communist executed by the French) and visitors are allowed access to the roof by taking the elevator to the 9th floor. Later career[edit] Van Es covered the Insurgency in the Philippines and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. He attempted to return to Vietnam but was not able to do so until 1990. Upon his return to Vietnam, while visiting the countryside, he was quoted as remarking: "It [Vietnam] hasn't really changed since I was last here; but our photos changed the views of those who were lucky enough not to witness this terrible war." Death[edit] On 15 May 2009, Van Es died in Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, at the age of 67 from a haemorrhagic stroke. He had lived in Hong Kong since the end of the Vietnam War. ^ a b Bradsher, Keith (15 May 2009). "Hubert Van Es, Photojournalist, Is Dead at 67". The New York Times. ^ a b HUBERT VAN ES (April 29, 2005). "Thirty Years at 300 Millimeters". New York Times. Retrieved 2007-07-24. ^ Butterfield, Fox; Haskell, Kari (April 23, 2000). "Getting it wrong in a photo". New York Times. Retrieved 4 May 2010. ^ a b Bradley, James (2015). The China mirage : the hidden history of American disaster in Asia. New York. p. 369. ISBN 978-0-316-19667-3. OCLC 870199580. Hugh Van Es dies at 67; Dutch photojournalist took famous Saigon evacuation photo Los Angeles Times, May 15, 2009 Bangkok 2002 Reunion Photo Gallery (Van Es is pictured) "Thirty Years at 300 Millimeters" (Written by Van Es) NY Times Published: April 29, 2005 Vietnam War photographer Van Es dies UPI May 15, 2009 at 9:20 AM Tucker, Reed (23 April 2019). "Almost everything you thought about the famed Fall of Saigon photo isn't true". New York Post. Photographers' Identities RKD Artists (Netherlands) Retrieved from "" 1975 in Vietnam People from Hilversum People of the Vietnam War Photography in Vietnam War photographers Dutch photojournalists Articles with PIC identifiers Articles with RKDartists identifiers Articles with BPN identifiers
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Grynkewich Law Offices is engaged in the general Practice of law with emphasis on civil litigation, personal injury and contract negotiation and drafting. Admitted to the supreme court of the U.S. In my over forty years of practicing law as a lawyer and judge, I can assure you experience counts, however, it can never supercede what I consider the two primary requirements of practicing law: listening and hard work. The lawyer who, out of the gate, thinks s/he has an answer for everything usually hasn't heard what the client has told him/her, and probably hasn't picked up a book since law school. Creative and successful solutions to human problems in an increasingly complex society do not just happen.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Did you just read an awesome indie book? Are you looking for ways to help the author out? While (perhaps obviously), I'm targeting this to my own fans, these strategies are general enough for any indie author. I'd expect the actual dollar values should be consistent for most indie authors as well. Of course, the first and best way is to buy a copy of the author's book. However, where you buy it is as important as your actual purchase. Since I published through CreateSpace, I earn the most when people buy direct from them (about $4.50 per book from my $10.95 book). Amazon falls in at a respectable $2.94. However, when someone buys a copy from Barnes and Noble, I earn only $0.25 per book. Buying the book as a gift is an excellent way to thank an author. That's part of the reason I offer signed copies through my site (check the right-hand panel)–it's an opportunity for fans to purchase a unique gift for themselves or their friends. Since I include a free ebook with autographed paperbacks purchased through my site, you can buy a paperback as a gift and keep the ebook for yourself. Giving the book as a gift offers you the opportunity to talk with others about the book, which helps get the word out for an indie author. As an indie author, Smashwords gives me the best return: about $2.21 per book. Amazon is second, at about $2.03 a book, and Barnes and Noble gives me $1.94 per book. Besides offering the best return, Smashwords also lets me run coupons as needed. If I want to give a free copy to a book reviewer, all I have to do is generate a code and pass it along. Think about the last book you bought. Why did you buy it? Chances are pretty good that it's because a friend recommended it. Word of mouth advertising is awesome. If you can't stop raving about the plot twists in The Caldarian Conflict, (as a completely random and unbiased example), people take notice. If you're part of a book group, suggest that the group read a book by the indie author. Note: only do this if you'd give the book a 4- or 5-star review. And make sure the book is free of typos. When the average reader spots typo after typo, the book probably wasn't ready to be released. Did I just mention reviews? When reviewing, do explain what you liked and who might be most likely to enjoy the book. Try to avoid spoilers where possible. Post it everywhere the book is sold, and especially on reader communities like Goodreads or LibraryThing. Once you've written a review, tell people on Facebook and Twitter about the book. When they know you wrote the review, your friends or followers are more likely to at least look at the book to see whether it's a good match. While we're talking about Facebook and Twitter, definitely become a fan of the author and follow their tweets. When you see something interesting from the author, pass it along to your friends so the author can grow followers and potentially connect with other readers. Tagging is a method of adding keywords to a book so that it shows up in search results. The more people that agree with a particular tag, the higher the placement of the book in the search results. Tags can usually be found on a product's Amazon page. Other sites use tagging sometimes, but Amazon is the most widely used. Simply search for "tag" on the page, and you should find it. If there's nothing there, add tags related to the book. For example, some of the tags currently used for The Caldarian Conflict include pirates, monks, and corrupt government. If you have read the book, select the check box for those you agree with. If you happen to think of others that aren't listed, definitely add them. The author will certainly appreciate it when others find (and hopefully purchase) their book. If you've already read my book, please go to the Amazon page and help me out with a review and adding some tags. I'd really appreciate it. What other ways can you think of to help an indie author out? What did I miss? This month, I've taken over the Rochester Writing Group from Helen Chen. Helen's focused leadership has helped dozens (if not hundreds) of writers succeed in life and business, and I hope to continue in her tradition. I've created a new area that discusses the Rochester Writing Group, and will be maintaining the area to ensure all information is current. It's exciting to have the opportunity to directly impact so many writers' lives. Instead, writers should look at each critical remark, decide if the suggestion or criticism has merit, then decide whether the work should change. It's okay to recognize a remark as valid, but then not make a change. This has come up at all of the meetings so far. It's one of my favorite tidbits of advice, so I thought I'd pass it out into the void. Today, IBM hosted a "Take Our Children to Work" day. (All that follows is my own opinion, and does not reflect IBM's opinions — a necessary disclaimer). As I have for the past several years, I talked with dozens of students about where robotics is, what's coming next (just around the corner), and how they might prepare themselves for a future that's unpredictable. After all, as I pointed out to the students, technology changes our lives unbelievably quickly. Twenty years ago, home computers were still rare. Fifteen years ago, the Internet barely existed. Ten years ago, cell phones were expensive (not unheard-of, but rare). Five years ago, YouTube had just been launched. And yet, today, all of these things are virtually impossible for us to remove from our lives. It's beyond amazing. How fast things change. The sessions were more than successful — I received dozens of compliments about how much improved the presentation was over previous years. Funnily enough, I get the same message every year, but the number of comments was much more than previous years. I also received spontaneous applause, which is actually fairly rare for seminars like these. As you can likely tell, I was pleased. "Well, I only have an hour. I have a feeling I'd need more time for that." I said, smiling. The last couple of weeks have been busy, so I haven't been posting as often as I'd like. However, yesterday's events were just too awesome not to immediately record. A few months ago, Audrey Tensen, a long-time friend of mine, contacted me and told me the Girl Scout troop she helped lead was going to be coming to Minnesota. She asked if I would be willing to talk with the young ladies in the group to help them understand what engineering was and to show them what was possible for people from a small town like Ravenna. We started out the day bright and early (well, actually, rainy and early), with the girls arriving at IBM around 9am. I unfortunately didn't take any pictures in the morning, but hopefully I'll be able to get some and insert them here later. After a quick introduction, I led them through the "magic" of engineering. I compared being an engineer to movies like Twilight, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings. I think that one of the reasons we find these movies so fascinating is that the characters in these stories see things that we can't see in the "real world". Like these characters, engineers go through life seeing things that other people don't. Most people, when looking at a building, for example, see a beautiful structure. An engineer sees the men who designed the building to hold its own weight, those who laid the foundation, and the men who painstakingly lifted every beam or placed every brick. An engineer also notices the small details, like the way a floor is designed to keep people safe or how an instrument works. Engineers are different. The best engineers combine skill with creativity to come up with new, interesting solutions. We see the world in fresh new ways–not just in how it is, or how something was built, but also in new possibilities. Once I finished my message about how engineers are different, I started describing robots and the engineering that goes into them. I introduced the instantly recognizable Tickle-Me-Elmo, which was a delight for both the leaders and the Girl Scouts. As an aside, it's also a delight for me to show something that brings joy to others. several touch sensors – each of which tells the embedded computer whether Elmo is being tickled. We also talked about the way his materials were engineered — soft furry coat, making sure that he can stand up to rough handling, a nose that would be hard to bite off, eyes too big to fit in a child's mouth, etc. Every detail was carefully designed to make Elmo a fun interactive toy. I then introduced them to R2-D2, a droid I've owned for over two years. R2-D2 is much more advanced than Elmo. In addition to the features Elmo has, R2-D2 can also respond to voice commands, use an infrared sensor to find someone, and also tell someone "No". The ladies seemed fascinated by the possibility of controlling something by simply using a voice command. Toni Adafin, a friend of mine who I've grown to know through our countless volunteer efforts, arrived just as I was wrapping up my discussion of R2-D2. I'd asked for just half an hour of her time, and she graciously provided over an hour. She talked about her life from where she grew up in Louisiana, and how she got to IBM. One of her funny stories included talking about her first winter here: how she had no idea how to get through all the snow we receive here in Minnesota. In Louisiana, the entire town would shut down for the day when they got snow — but the snow would likely be gone after a day. That doesn't happen in Minnesota. The most interesting aspect of Toni's talk was how little she thought about race and gender as she went through college and worked at IBM. It wasn't until much later, she said, that she started to think of it as a problem. However, knowing Toni, this doesn't surprise me — Toni's too forward looking and positive to get caught up in thoughts of the world being against her. Both the Girl Scouts and the leaders seemed very interested in talking with women engineers — in their experience, it sounds like successful women engineers are hard to come by, so they were excited by the opportunity to talk with Toni. Once Toni finished speaking (her prepared talk was about 30 minutes), we had a half hour or so of questions and answers. She was also kind enough to provide some Fruit Rollups and Gushers for everyone to enjoy. After a short break, we then took a quick tour of the IBM plant. I showed them some of the history of computing: ranging from abacuses to speedy calculators (a large version of a slide rule), as well as IBM devices from the early 20th century. I also showed them the first portable MRI machine that IBM created in conjunction with Mayo. This was an awesome invention. Strangely enough, the device that got the most attention was actually a punch clock, used to keep track of the hours someone worked at their job. I had to feel a bit old when I realized I'd used one when I was the same age as the Girl Scouts in attendance, as I worked at Clark's Blueberry Farm in Ravenna one summer. It's amazing sometimes to think of how far I've come — from picking blueberries to a engineering software and writing part-time. All of the young ladies were amazed at how far technology has progressed, as well as the thought that people actually used some of these systems. Some of them are now obsolete, while others still have some uses today. A version of the punch clock, for example, is still used (as far as I'm aware) at many manufacturing plants, stores, and farms today. I also showed off some of IBM's history in Rochester — how 50 years ago, the land where IBM now stands was merely a corn field. Today, we have houses, stores, and strip malls. Yesterday's rural landscapes have transformed into a booming city — amazing in some ways, though this certainly comes at a cost to wildlife. However, Rochester does seem to do an exceptional job at maintaining nature as well as providing economic opportunities. Once we finished the tour, it was off to the Plummer Building to explore the bell tower. This was an awesome opportunity–I'd never done anything like it. However, this blog post seems long enough, though I've only covered the first two hours. Part 2 (talking more about the bell tower, race exhibit, and the Girl Scouts programming robots) to come soon!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Our best selling fragrance by far! Beautiful, sophisticated, elegant and complex in it's blend of fragrance. If we had to choose one fragrance from our range, this would be it. Absolutely stunning. Top notes of Sicilian lime, and zesty bergamot blend into a juicy heart of bursting with ripe mandarins, aquatic white florals, peppery basil and caraway seeds. Base notes include soft velvety patchouli and sharp green vetivert. 425g burn time up to 45 hours.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
2 warnings and an advisory in effect for 33 regions in the area See the complete list Published: January 23, 2017, 3:08 AM Tags: Spurs, Basketball, Sports, NBA Get $20 off a pair of Apple AirPods Pro Impacts from winter weather have been minimal, but officials say they remain prepared SAPD: Suspect stole wood, roofing supplies from construction sites and sold them online 💻 Kids wanna know: How does Google gather information? What does it take to be a technology leader? Temporary overnight shelters opening for people experiencing homelessness in San Antonio Spurs visit reeling Nets on Monday Tip-off scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on FSN Southwest SAN ANTONIO – Kawhi Leonard keeps getting better and is putting the San Antonio Spurs on his back while the team fights through injuries to key players. Leonard scored a career-high 41 points in an overtime win at Cleveland on Saturday and will try to maintain that same intensity when the Spurs visit the Brooklyn Nets on Monday. Leonard made up for the loss of point guard Tony Parker (foot sprain) and center Pau Gasol (broken finger) in the showdown with the Cavaliers, and his continued improvement is the result of hard work, according to coach Gregg Popovich. "The first thing you noticed with Kawhi was his work ethic," Popovich told reporters. "It sounds trite, but he really was somebody who came before practice, stayed after practice. ... He wasn't shooting threes and shooting midrange shots when he came, but step-backs, jump hooks, whatever it might be, his confidence level is really high." The Nets are trying to find a similar work ethic as they begin their rebuilding process and showed plenty of competitiveness over the weekend. Brooklyn snapped an 11-game slide with a stunning 143-114 win at New Orleans on Friday and nearly made it back-to-back triumphs before running out of gas in the fourth quarter at Charlotte on Saturday. TV: 6:30 p.m. CT, FSN Southwest ABOUT THE SPURS (34-9): Leonard is the two-time defending Defensive Player of the Year but is really increasing his productivity on the offensive end in the last six games. Leonard scored 30 or more points in each of those six contests and is shooting 60.2 percent from the field in that span while regularly guarding the best player on the opposing team. "He competes so hard at the defensive end that he continues to infuse everybody with that toughness," Popovich told reporters. "So, when you see him play the defense that he plays, you know you've got somebody that is mentally tough. And he's the key for us." ABOUT THE NETS (9-34): Brooklyn owns the worst record in the NBA and battled over the weekend to become the last team to reach double figures in wins but did not quite have the energy to make it happen. "We definitely were out there fighting," Nets center Brook Lopez told reporters after Saturday's 112-107 setback to the Hornets. "I think that's what we've got to take away from this one and (Friday) night's game as well. We came in and were exhausted, had a bad first quarter, but we responded. We definitely made it a game, and that's the way we've got to play every night." Lopez combined for 47 points in the two games and scored 20 or more in each of his last seven contests. 1. Spurs PF David Lee moved into the starting lineup in place of Gasol and posted a double-double in each of the last two games while going 12-of-18 from the floor. 2. Brooklyn SF Joe Harris (left ankle) sat out Saturday and is day-to-day. 3. San Antonio took the last three in the series, including a 130-101 home triumph on Dec. 10. SportsDirect Inc.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
<?php namespace spec\Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener; use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager; use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior; use Prophecy\Argument; use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\CartBlamerListener; use Sylius\Bundle\UserBundle\Event\UserEvent; use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\CustomerInterface; use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\OrderInterface; use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\ShopUserInterface; use Sylius\Component\Order\Context\CartContextInterface; use Sylius\Component\Order\Context\CartNotFoundException; use Sylius\Component\Order\Model\OrderInterface as BaseOrderInterface; use Sylius\Component\Resource\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException; use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface; use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Event\InteractiveLoginEvent; /** * @author Michał Marcinkowski <[email protected]> * @author Kamil Kokot <[email protected]> */ final class CartBlamerListenerSpec extends ObjectBehavior { function let(ObjectManager $cartManager, CartContextInterface $cartContext) { $this->beConstructedWith($cartManager, $cartContext); } function it_is_initializable() { $this->shouldHaveType(CartBlamerListener::class); } function it_throws_exception_when_cart_does_not_implement_core_order_interface_on_implicit_login( BaseOrderInterface $order, CartContextInterface $cartContext, ShopUserInterface $user, UserEvent $userEvent ) { $cartContext->getCart()->willReturn($order); $userEvent->getUser()->willReturn($user); $this->shouldThrow(UnexpectedTypeException::class)->during('onImplicitLogin', [$userEvent]); } function it_throws_exception_when_cart_does_not_implement_core_order_interface_on_interactive_login( BaseOrderInterface $order, CartContextInterface $cartContext, InteractiveLoginEvent $interactiveLoginEvent, ShopUserInterface $user, TokenInterface $token ) { $cartContext->getCart()->willReturn($order); $interactiveLoginEvent->getAuthenticationToken()->willReturn($token); $token->getUser()->willReturn($user); $this->shouldThrow(UnexpectedTypeException::class)->during('onInteractiveLogin', [$interactiveLoginEvent]); } function it_blames_cart_on_user_on_implicit_login( ObjectManager $cartManager, CartContextInterface $cartContext, OrderInterface $cart, UserEvent $userEvent, ShopUserInterface $user, CustomerInterface $customer ) { $cartContext->getCart()->willReturn($cart); $userEvent->getUser()->willReturn($user); $user->getCustomer()->willReturn($customer); $cart->setCustomer($customer)->shouldBeCalled(); $cartManager->persist($cart)->shouldBeCalled(); $cartManager->flush()->shouldBeCalled(); $this->onImplicitLogin($userEvent); } function it_blames_cart_on_user_on_interactive_login( ObjectManager $cartManager, CartContextInterface $cartContext, OrderInterface $cart, InteractiveLoginEvent $interactiveLoginEvent, TokenInterface $token, ShopUserInterface $user, CustomerInterface $customer ) { $cartContext->getCart()->willReturn($cart); $interactiveLoginEvent->getAuthenticationToken()->willReturn($token); $token->getUser()->willReturn($user); $user->getCustomer()->willReturn($customer); $cart->setCustomer($customer)->shouldBeCalled(); $cartManager->persist($cart)->shouldBeCalled(); $cartManager->flush()->shouldBeCalled(); $this->onInteractiveLogin($interactiveLoginEvent); } function it_does_nothing_if_given_user_is_invalid_on_interactive_login( CartContextInterface $cartContext, OrderInterface $cart, InteractiveLoginEvent $interactiveLoginEvent, TokenInterface $token ) { $cartContext->getCart()->willReturn($cart); $interactiveLoginEvent->getAuthenticationToken()->willReturn($token); $token->getUser()->willReturn('anon.'); $cart->setCustomer(Argument::any())->shouldNotBeCalled(); $this->onInteractiveLogin($interactiveLoginEvent); } function it_does_nothing_if_there_is_no_existing_cart_on_implicit_login( CartContextInterface $cartContext, UserEvent $userEvent, ShopUserInterface $user ) { $cartContext->getCart()->willThrow(CartNotFoundException::class); $userEvent->getUser()->willReturn($user); $this->onImplicitLogin($userEvent); } function it_does_nothing_if_there_is_no_existing_cart_on_interactive_login( CartContextInterface $cartContext, InteractiveLoginEvent $interactiveLoginEvent, TokenInterface $token, ShopUserInterface $user ) { $cartContext->getCart()->willThrow(CartNotFoundException::class); $interactiveLoginEvent->getAuthenticationToken()->willReturn($token); $token->getUser()->willReturn($user); $this->onInteractiveLogin($interactiveLoginEvent); } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Choose one or more countries and the index you are interested in from the dropdown menus above. This will visualize the trends over time. Mobility in education is measured in a single point in time and visualized over birth cohort.
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Some paleotechnics followers will probably be interested in this turkeysong post about making charcoal for biochar in a simple pit, and then using the residual heat for roasting agave leaves to extract the fibers. Welcome to the Paleotechnics blog! Welcome to the Paleotechnics blog. While this blog springs forth from various motivations, the one thing we would like to be sure of is that you learn something when you visit us here. What will you learn? The topics will vary quite a lot, but most will fall in the realm of natural living skills and getting to know the natural world and the articulations of life around us. A few posts may venture more into theoretical realms and philosophy, but again within the same focus on human participation in nature at a basic level using the simple equation- Learn stuff > gather stuff > make things > use the things you've made = personal empowerment and greater self reliance. We have well over a hundred potential blog post topics already jotted down. topics will cover tanning skin, stone working, the nature and potential uses of materials, processing of materials, common mistakes, cordage, fire topics, tips and techniques for various skills, plant profiles, wild foods, photo essays and more. Our lives are built around gaining and sharing knowledge, so we're excited to share in this format! Paleotechnics has always been about de-mystifying and making accessible natural living skills and basic technology. The business manifested as an outgrowth of this passion and continues to strive to empower people to become less domesticated and more self reliant. Posts will likely be infrequent and short to medium in length. The goal will be to hold subjects to an accessible degree of detail or break them up over more posts. We plan to write much more extensively on some of these subjects in the future. If those plans come to fruition, the books will be available as paper and/or ebook versions. While this is a business, and we do need to make money, we would like to strike a balance between making a living and providing free information for people with the motivation to seek it out and assimilate it. This blog provides a free service to expand and refine your skill sets. If you want to know more about a subject consider buying one of our publications or taking a class. In classes, we aim to be sure that you will not go away disappointed. Paleotechnics classes are geared toward empowerment through knowledge, and we mean it. Most of our income goes to purchasing Turkeysong, the experimental paleo/homesteading base camp in the Mountains of Northern California where we have access to space and materials to figure this stuff out. Please visit us again, and consider subscribing to our blog in the side bar, to receive email notifications of new posts.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Highlights: A number of States in the ICAO Asia and Pacific Region are collaborating to provide airspace users with better-harmonized and seamless SIGMET service. Such initiatives not only support the safety of aircraft operations in the Region, they can also help States build the capacity and capability of their meteorological watch offices. Globally, ICAO's Meteorology Panel is working on a roadmap for a regional advisory system, which will eventually help all States meet the requirements from users for seamless (or harmonized) SIGMET service. In the meantime, several ICAO Member States are enhancing coordination between meteorological watch offices (MWOs) to ensure SIGMET information informs pilots and other users seamlessly about weather and other phenomena in the atmosphere that may affect the safety of aircraft operations. In particular, participants in two sub-regional projects are employing dedicated tools and consensus-based approaches to provide users with better-harmonized SIGMET information. The participating MWOs also benefit by improving their capacity and capability to issue SIGMET. As States continue to collaborate on these initiatives, users may look forward to better harmonized SIGMET service, helping aircraft operate safely anywhere in the world.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Donation Line proudly accepts vehicle donations for Solving Kids' Cancer Inc.. We have towing agents in all areas of the United States ready to pickup your car donation ASAP. Non-Running, junk and salvage cars are also accepted. In addition to auto donations we accept donations of boats, trucks, RVs, motorcycles, jet skis, snowmobiles, planes and real estate. Solving Kids' Cancer Inc. is dedicated to improving survival for the deadliest pediatric cancers through novel clinical research. SKC finds, funds and manages new clinical trials of novel treatments with the goal of being more effective and less toxic than the status quo.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The could be any number of reasons why your sewer line is backed up, blocked or damage. Whenever you are in need of professional sewer repair services in Renton that you can count on, call our team of experts at Schleg Valley Construction. Sediment Buildup – There can be many minerals that build up in your lines over time. These minerals include magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, chromium, zinc, potassium, sodium, and more. If this sediment collects heavily on the interior walls, the pipe can become clogged completely and potentially rupture. Tree Roots – This is a major problem that many property owners face. Roots from nearby trees and shrubs grow continuously and they tend to gravitate toward moisture. If there is any slight fracture in your sewer line, the roots can infiltrate the piping and cause it to break or a major blockage can develop. Shifting Ground – Whenever the dirt around your sewer line is pushed, the pipe may not be able to withstand the change. Sewer pipes will often bend, break, or detach when subjected to shifting soil. No matter what the problem may be with your sewer lines, we can help at Schleg Valley Construction. Our professional staff can be at your property in a timely fashion to inspect your lines to see where the issue may be. From there, we will provide you with a detailed cost estimate for the work that you need. Always leave sewer repair services in Renton to the professionals. Call (425) 312-6750 to talk to us at Schleg Valley Construction about your sewer repair needs.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Welcome to Red Oak Direct Limited, the UK work wear & clothing specialists! Established in 2002, Red Oak Direct Limited are major suppliers of high visibility clothing, work wear, leisure wear, waterproof and foul weather clothing, footwear, gloves, and all types of personal protective equipment (PPE) to industry, commerce, schools, colleges, universities, government bodies, charities, clubs, and of course the public too! Through traditional sales channels, including sales reps throughout the U.K. and our existing web store which opened in 2003, we currently stock and supply over 10,000 different products, and provide full in-house design facilities to print or embroider our garments to meet our customers' requirements. We can produce everything from the simplest of single colour text, up to truly amazing photographic quality full colour logos for the most demanding applications. We pride ourselves on our ethical principles, and always strive to help our customers to meet their requirements and deadlines, including an expedited turnaround service if required. If you have an urgent deadline to meet please call us first - we will always go further than our competitors to help out customers in trouble! We also have a U.K. based bespoke manufacturing service available for truly individual garments to match your exacting requirements, and if cost is more constrained, we are also able to customise many of our existing garments to help meet both your requirements and your budget! We are proud to supply to some of the most prestigious companies and organisations in the world, and our products can be seen everywhere from major music tours and festivals, to television and film productions, sporting events, as well as marches and rallies. Our high visibility children's garments keep thousands of little people safe with school walking buses, and when they get older, we supply many stag and hen parties too! We are always striving to innovate, and love to hear any suggestions you may have for new products or ideas - please do drop us a line and we will always try to help. Our experienced and friendly staff are dedicated to your total satisfaction. If you have any suggestions or comments please use the contact us button above and let us know. Phone: 08452 510510 or 01946 695386. Please note - the 08452 numbers are charged at local call rates from BT landlines, but please use the 01946 695386 number if you are calling from a mobile as it will be charged at a standard call rate or included in your normal calls bundle. Making a purchase could not be easier. Just browse our online catalogue, and click on the 'Add to Basket' button beside your chosen items to put them into the shopping basket. After you have finished your selection, click on 'Checkout' and you will be asked for a few details that we need to be able to process your order. For payment we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Visa Debit, Visa Electron and Solo cards. Currently we only accept orders within the United Kingdom, Ireland and the rest of mainland Europe. Please note - carriage costs will be calculated separately for non UK orders, please call us when placing your order and we can give you an immediate cost for carriage to your address. Unfortunately, we do not ship to North America or Canada at this time. For your convenience and compliance with business accounting requirements, all orders are shipped with a full VAT invoice. We do not charge for any item until it is ready to ship, unless the items are customised or printed work wear in which case we will charge immediately before the printing process commences. Back ordered items are not charged until they are shipped. You may send your credit card information via phone, fax, snail mail or via our web site's secure checkout. Please do *NOT* send credit card details by email, as email is insecure and liable to be read by third parties in transit. We endeavour to keep our prices correct and up to date. However they may be subject to change or correction without notice. In the event of a price increase you will have the opportunity to change or cancel your order without penalty. For security reasons we reserve the right to decline any order; in such cases any payments made will be returned immediately to the card holder. Sizes and product images, where given, should be regarded as an approximate guide. Our shipping charges to the UK mainland are a flat rate £4.95 (Ex. VAT) for orders under £75 (Ex. VAT). Orders over £75 (Ex. VAT) are delivered free of charge. For UK offshore deliveries (Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Scottish isles, Isles of Scilly etc.) please call or email us as delivery surcharges will apply. We do not normally part-ship orders with out of stock items, however if this is necessary please email us using the link above and we will try to help, although part-shipping will possibly incur additional shipping charges. We do also ship to Ireland, mainland Europe, and some other destinations worldwide. Please note, we are unable to ship to North America or Canada at this time. Surcharges for shipping will apply to non UK destinations, and we will contact you for additional payment to cover shipping, which will be quoted for your approval prior to dispatch of goods. You will normally receive your order in 1-3 business days, assuming all products are in stock at the time of ordering. Printed items will naturally take longer, although as with all orders we endeavour to dispatch them as rapidly as physically possible. If you have a specific deadline to meet, please phone or email us and we will try our best to help. The couriers we normally use are APC, UPS, and for smaller orders or certain destinations, Royal Mail or Parcelforce. All orders must be signed for, so please ensure that someone is available to receive the delivery. Special delivery instructions can be entered during the checkout process and we will do our best to comply with them within the limits of our courier's rules. If your item is not in stock, we will immediately back order for you. We aim to keep good stock levels of all website products, and extremely large stocks of the most popular items. We have arrangements for rapid re-stocking should any item be out of stock. Re-stocking should normally occur within a week, unless delayed by manufacturer shortages etc. As we currently only accept orders from within the UK, VAT at the current rate of 20% is added. All on-line credit card processing is performed through our payment service providers, and all details are handled using the highest level PCI DSS compliant encryption and data protection systems. Offline card payments also use strict PCI DSS compliant procedures with all card data securely destroyed after processing. Our customers' payment details are handled at all times with industry leading standards of care and protection, ensuring total peace of mind. Red Oak Direct Limited do not store any payment information on any of our servers, or as paper records making a potential data breach less harmful. We aim to guarantee your satisfaction. All of our products come with a 30 day no quibble satisfaction guarantee. All our products also carry a 1 year warranty against failure and defects, providing they have been used for the intended purpose and in the manner they were designed for. This does not affect your statutory rights. Under UK law, you have the right to cancel the contract for your purchase within 7 working days of delivery, however please read the section below regarding bespoke printed or embroidered products. To cancel a contract with us, please telephone, e-mail, or fax us with details of your return and ask for a return merchandise number. This must always be quoted on your returns package. Please also return the original VAT invoice marked "Contract Cancelled". Package the items securely and send them to us with the invoice within 7 working days of the date that the items were delivered to you. Please note that you will be responsible for all the costs of returning the goods to us, unless we have delivered the item(s) to you in error. 24 hours' advance warning is required for returns. You should be aware that once we begin the printing, embroidery, or delivery process, you will not be able to cancel any contract you have with us for services carried out by us (for example, bespoke printed or embroidered garments, or shipping and handling). In the event of bespoke printed or embroidered goods being faulty, damaged, or incorrectly supplied by us we will replace with the correct item, having received proof of damage, fault, or order error. Please note, garments replaced by us will always be the same size and colour as per the original order. When we receive the goods with the notice of your cancellation of this order, we will refund the relevant part of the purchase price for that item. We always recommend that you use a recorded-delivery service with insurance to cover loss in transit.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The Luxury The 128-room Pullman Reef Hotel Casino, on Trinity Inlet in Cairns, Australia, features rooms with Jacuzzi-style baths, plush linens, and verandas with water or city views. A special package includes a five-day Learn to Dive course with Pro Dive Cairns and culminates with three days of exploring the Great Barrier Reef. The Value The Smart Luxury Travel special covers four nights in the hotel, two nights on a dive vessel (expect bare-bones accommodations), nine dives, use of scuba equipment, all meals onboard, and the cost of PADI Gold Open Water Certification. Rates start at $1,265 a person, a savings of more than 25 percent off the standard Learn to Dive course, for travel through March 31. The Catch Airfare is extra; a round-trip ticket from LA to Cairns, with a stop in Sydney, Brisbane, Singapore, or Hong Kong costs about $1,300. For general trip-planning information, see our Great Barrier Reef Travel Guide.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Showing results for "sensitive skin" I have very sensitive skin and i get breakouts on moisturizer but what can I do, i need to moisturize but this one gives me too much breakout. Just used twice. Barely used. Great for acne and pimples. Selling coz only found out that I have sensitive skin so doesn't work well with me. Treatment lotion especially suitable for sensitive and redness skin. I bought two bottles when I had problematic skin and it actually helps after half a bottle usage. Therefore I'm giving away another bottle which was brand new. Packaging might be different because I bought it from overseas airport. smells so damn good! was gifted this but i have sensitive skin and can only use specific types of body cream. Used once, an almost full bottle that is just not quite sensitive enough for my extra sensitive skin. 400ml bottle. Barely used. I bought it and tried a few times, but I found out I got sensitive skin so it's a little strong for me. Good if you have oily skin! Brand New unopened MAC micellar makeup remover wipes which is suitable for sensitive skin. Grab this deal as it has a retailed price of $58 NZD.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
A journalist, angler and conservationist who fought for the river he so dearly loved. When Robert H. Boyle speaks to Bill Moyers in the 2002 documentary America's First River, it's hard not to feel his long-standing passion and wonder for the 315-mile Hudson River. Boyle, who passed away last month, was "the unofficial guardian of the Hudson River as a crusading conservationist," The New York Times wrote in his obituary. A keen angler, Boyle was a reporter who wrote groundbreaking articles about pollution for Sports Illustrated in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1965, Boyle joined a lawsuit against a proposed Consolidated Edison power plant at Storm King in the Hudson Highlands that claimed the plant would kill too many fish. "Their suit resulted in the first federal court ruling affirming the right of citizens to mount challenges on the basis of potential harm to aesthetic, recreational or conservational values as well as tangible economic injury," wrote Sam Roberts in The Times. Boyle went on to write The Hudson River: A Natural and Unnatural History, which was published in 1969. He was one of the first journalists to report that fish in North America were contaminated with PCBs in the 1970s and also wrote about global warming in his articles three decades ago. He was a founding member and longtime president of Riverkeeper (formerly the Hudson River Fisherman's Association), one of America's first modern environmental organizations. The group has been a model for similar groups as part of the Waterkeeper Alliance, an umbrella group that fights for drinkable, fishable and swimmable water. In the clip above from America's First River, Boyle speaks with Moyers about the "marvelous diversity of life" in the Hudson, as well as the inspiration it has brought to writers and artists throughout its history. In the film Moyers said activists like Boyle protecting the river "inspired thousands of other citizens to take part in cleaning up the Hudson" and to push for important environmental legislation like the federal Clean Water Act. We can only hope that Boyle's hard work will be protected in the same way he so lovingly protected the Hudson River.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
DESCRIPTION: Ready for a beautiful custom home that is light & bright & ready new owners? This is it! Open floor plan, One level w/vaulted ceilings, 5 skylights, new laminate flooring, large dining rm w/built in island, cabinet. Full equipped kitchen w/side by side refrigerator, dishwasher, electric range & microwave. New windows, huge master suite w/vaulted ceilings, walk in closet, attached luxurious bath w/new tiled shower, spa fixtures, heated floor, vanity sitting area, tiled back splash. Vaulted Sun Room w/skylights enhances the large, fenced in back yard w/attached deck area & pergola. Top it off with a gorgeous Cupola, attached 2 car, side loading garage. Formal & vegetable gardens, landscaping & level back yard. Near gate & shopping. AGENT COMMENTS: This Palmyra home has 3 bedrooms, 2 and 0 half baths with 1,354 above grade finished and 0 below grade finished sf. It has 0.42 acres and has been on the market for 3 days. The HOA fees are $1,026 Annual. Conveniently located in Central Elementary and Fluvanna Middle School Districts. Price per square foot is $154, based on the asking price of $209,000 and 1,354 finished square feet. I was searching for a Property and found this listing (MLS 588863, 15 TURKEYSAG TRL, PALMYRA). Thanks!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The Enduring Importance of Eric Williams' "Capitalism and Slavery" Ralph Leonard As a new generation grapples with the effects of racism and capitalism, it is no surprise that Penguin Modern Classics has been publishing new editions of classic texts authored by black radical thinkers: Frantz Fanon's Black Skins, White Masks (first published in 1952); Cedric Robinson's Black Marxism (first published in 1983); and, most recently, Eric Williams' Capitalism and Slavery. First published in 1944, Capitalism and Slavery is an investigation of the notorious relationship between the Atlantic slave trade and the emergence of European industrial capitalism from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries. Williams, a black West Indian scholar who later served for nearly two decades as Trinidad and Tobago's first prime minister, wrote the book during an era in which there was still apartheid in the US and South Africa, and global decolonization had not yet appeared on the horizon; thus, the book is also a lesson in twentieth-century history. Capitalism and Slavery is based on Williams' 1938 dissertation, written when he was a graduate student at the University of Oxford: "The Economic Aspect of the Abolition of the British West Indian Slave Trade and Slavery." He describes it as an "economic study of the role of Negro slavery and the slave trade in providing the capital which financed the industrial revolution in England and of mature industrial capitalism in destroying the slave system." The book quickly took its place alongside works such as C. L. R. James' Black Jacobins and W. E. B. Du Bois' Black Reconstruction and did much to expand people's understanding of the history of slavery and its abolition—and the significant role that black labour, in the form of chattel slavery, played in building modern western civilisation. Williams' thesis was inspired by Karl Marx's striking—though underdeveloped—theory of so-called primitive accumulation: Marx believed that the emergence of capitalism was not a peaceful or benign process: it began by forcibly taking land away from people—or taking people away from their land—thus depriving them of their original source of livelihood and forcing them to survive by providing cheap labour for businesses owned by other people. In the nineteenth century, as Marx observed, this process fed the emerging factory system in Europe. Williams notes that, when European colonisation of the Americas quickly led to a drastic reduction in the number of indigenous peoples (mostly due to the spread of smallpox, estimated to have killed 90% of the native population), this created an economic incentive to develop the global slave market in order to supply the colonists with cheap labour for their businesses. In this way, as Marx notes, "the turning of Africa into a warren for the commercial hunting of black-skins signalled the rosy dawn of the era of capitalist production." Williams makes three arguments in Capitalism and Slavery. One is that slavery has become "too narrowly identified with the Negro." In the beginning, he notes, "unfree labor in the New World was brown, white, black and yellow; Catholic, Protestant and pagan." However, eventually, the use of enslaved African labour became dominant—for a variety of reasons (for example, Williams notes, "Escape was easy for the white servant; less easy for the Negro," who was "conspicuous by his color and features" and "the Negro slave was cheaper"). As a result, slavery in the Americas became racialised, he argues—synonymous with the African—and this gave rise to dehumanising rationalisations for slavery, based on supposed racial inferiority. In this way, as Williams puts it, a "racial twist" had been added to what was originally an "economic phenomenon … Slavery was not born of racism; rather, racism [against blacks in America] was the consequence of slavery." Williams' second argument is about the causes and effects of the so-called triangular trade between Europe, Africa and the New World. European slave ships sailed to Africa, where they supplied local inhabitants with European manufactured goods in exchange for kidnapped Africans; the ships then carried these kidnapped Africans to the Americas, where plantation owners bought them to hold as slaves—providing the European traders, as payment, with sugar, cotton, molasses and other New World products, which the European traders then transported to Europe, and sold for cash. Williams argues persuasively that the profits generated by this slave trade "made an enormous contribution to Britain's industrial development." Those profits were the capital needed to invest in developing new technologies and new means of production in Britain, thus spurring the industrial revolution that made it possible to develop what became the modern capitalist economy. While Williams' work focuses primarily on the impact of the slave trade on the British economy, the slave trade had a similar impact on the economy of continental Europe, as the historian Robin Blackburn demonstrates in his excellent 2010 book, The Making of New World Slavery. Blackburn bolsters and extends Williams' argument by demonstrating the important role of the slave trade, beginning in the era of pre-industrial mercantile capitalism, in supplying New World goods not only to consumers in Britain, but also to Europeans (particularly in Holland). He points out that this created a widespread and growing demand for these exotic products, leading to the emergence of robust consumer markets, which in turn generated capital that funded the industrial revolution. Blackburn also notes that profits from the slave trade helped to fund all manner of British projects: to endow "All Souls College, Oxford, with a splendid library, to build a score of banks, including Barclays, and to finance the experiments of James Watt, inventor of the first really efficient steam engine." Merchant bankers also invested some of their profits from the slave trade in the cotton textile industry, in metal manufacturing, in shipbuilding and in the building of roads, canals, wharves and harbours. Williams' third argument is a repudiation of the idea—commonplace at the time he was writing—that British abolitionists played a central and heroic role in ending the Atlantic slave trade. He argues that slavery was abolished for economic rather than humanitarian reasons, noting that British abolitionist sentiment arose only after economic conditions changed: the plantation economy in the Caribbean had begun to decline, industrial capitalism had firmly taken root, the mercantile monopoly capitalism of earlier centuries had given way to what was seen as a more efficient and less capital-intensive method of producing goods—and thus the slave trade had become unprofitable. In an effort to get Capitalism and Slavery published in England, Williams approached the country's most politically radical publisher, Frederic Warburg, who had published Orwell's Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four and C. L. R. James' Black Jacobins. However, Warburg declined to publish the book because, he said, Williams' claim that the British supported the abolition of slavery for economic rather than humanitarian reasons ran "contrary to the British tradition," adding: "I would never publish such a book." Thus, although the book was published in the US in 1944, it was not published in Britain until 1964. Critics have long complained that Williams was too enamoured with economic determinism, and that his argument about the abolitionists' motives is cynical and reductionist. It's important to keep in mind, however, that at the time Williams was writing, most scholars ignored the extent to which the change in economic conditions had made possible the rise of abolitionism. The focus of the time was on the heroism of the abolitionists, and on the idea that they were valiant dissidents who had won an uphill battle against the powerful plantation oligarchy of the West Indies, to eventually bring about the passage of the 1806–7 laws that ended Britain's direct involvement in the slave trade and the 1833 legislation that made it illegal for British people to own slaves. This narrative arguably encouraged British citizens to believe that Britain was an unalloyed force for good in the world, providing cover for British imperialists to impose oppressive practices in foreign countries without losing domestic support. It conveniently elided the fact that the British empire had supported the Confederacy during the American Civil War—presumably because it was economically dependent on access to US cotton, which was produced by slave labour—and that, from 1833 to 1917, British-run plantations relied on South Asian forced labour in a way that was arguably as brutal as American slavery. Moreover, as Williams points out, some prominent abolitionists were hardly humanitarians. For example, William Wilberforce's Society for the Suppression of Vice and Encouragement of Religion actively opposed the trade union movement, and the demands of the nascent working class for political and labour rights. As Williams puts it, sardonically, Wilberforce "was familiar with all that went on in the hold of a slave ship but ignored what went on at the bottom of a mineshaft." Of course, one can reject the self-serving nationalist myth of British imperial humanitarianism, and the claim that abolitionist agitation was the sole (or even dominant) cause of the end of slavery, and still acknowledge that the abolitionist movement contributed to ending it, and that the movement was infused with popular energy and strongly motivated by ideals of liberty and common humanity. As one example of the democratic universalist sentiment that helped power the abolitionist movement, the historian Adam Hochschild, in his 2005 book, Bury the Chains, describes a public meeting in 1794, in Sheffield, England—ironically one of the cities that greatly benefitted financially from the slave trade—which was attended by thousands of local metal workers who were calling for "the total and unqualified abolition of Negro slavery" and for action to "avenge peacefully ages of wrongs done to our Negro brethren." Nor does Williams fail to acknowledge the contribution of the abolitionists: indeed, he notes that to do so would be to "commit a grave historical error." Rather, his point is that abolitionist sentiment would have had a negligible effect had it arisen in the earlier era of mercantile capitalism, when every national political and economic interest seemed to be supported by slavery. For example, in The Wealth of Nations (1776), Adam Smith provides an exhaustive list of the reasons that slavery is a bad system on which to base an economy—not only for moral reasons, but for economic ones—and yet he was pessimistic about the prospects of abolition. This pessimism made sense from his standpoint: the institution of slavery had existed across many cultures, and throughout many eras, and every powerful political and mercantile interest of his time supported it. So, what changed to make the abolition of slavery possible? There was no single cause: the political and economic consensus that sustained slavery in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries had begun to dissipate by the early nineteenth century for many reasons: Enlightenment ideas about liberty began to spread, especially after the French revolution; the Haitian revolution at the end of the eighteenth century prompted more frequent and more intense slave rebellions, making the plantation system more costly; the needs of capitalism changed as it transitioned from mercantilism to industrialism; there was a growing abolitionist movement in the west; and there was inter-imperialist conflict between Britain and France (and to a lesser extent, Spain) that led to British maritime dominance, allowing Britain to blockade French trade, including the slave trade. Nevertheless, Williams was right to highlight the contribution of changing economic conditions, because in the absence of those changes, the abolitionist movement would have been unlikely to have had as much influence as it did. Although few today argue that the effort to fuel capitalist economies played no role in supporting the institution of slavery, historians and pundits continue to debate how central that role was. Although many of them cite Williams as having argued that slavery was entirely fuelled by capitalist goals, they often fail to recognise that he also argued that industrial capitalism eventually destroyed slavery. Williams viewed slavery as crucial for pre-industrial mercantile capitalism, but argued that it was mature industrial capitalism that made slavery obsolete: he presents the demise of British mercantilism, of the late-eighteenth century coalition known as the West India Interest, and of the plantation class in the Caribbean as examples of how industrialism and free trade initiated a process of creative destruction of the slave system. He argues that industrial capitalism—a system more dynamic, innovative, productive and efficient than any previous economic regime—did not make the abolition of slavery inevitable. But it did, he writes, make it possible. Capitalism and Slavery challenges the self-serving British imperialist narrative that admiringly characterised the historical perpetrators of slavery as having "overcome" their past, and in so doing, it became an enduring manifesto for anti-imperialism. Though complex and deep, it is succinct and tautly written. To this day, Williams' work figures prominently in debates about the degree to which the emergence of capitalism and bourgeois society was shaped by the Atlantic slave trade. Whether one accepts his thesis or not, Capitalism and Slavery continues to be one of the strongest influences on those debates, and is one of the most original, creative and powerful history books that has ever been written. All those who are curious about this topic should have it on their bookshelves. Ralph Leonard is a British-Nigerian writer who writes on international politics, religion, culture and humanism. Steven Tucker Alice Dreger and Iona Italia Who's Black and Why? An Interview with Andrew Curran Iona Italia and Andrew S. Curran Nathan Robinson's Response to the Right Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò's "Against Decolonisation" Reasons to Be Jubilant Jamie Weir The Bedevilments of Sex: Louise Perry's "The Case against the Sexual Revolution" Eric Williams's "Capitalism and Slavery" – Repeating Islands – […] Importance of Eric Williams' 'Capitalism and Slavery,'" Ralph Leonard, Areo magazine,"At last! Eric Williams' classic book Capitalism and Slavery republished," Ken Olende, […] Eric Williams's "Capitalism and Slavery" – Repeating Islands – Bellejamaica […] Significance of Eric Williams' 'Capitalism and Slavery,'" Ralph Leonard, Areo journal,"Eventually! Eric Williams' traditional guide Capitalism and Slavery republished," Ken […] Republished: Eric Williams's "Capitalism and Slavery" | Velvet classic […] Williams' 'Capitalism and Slavery,'" Ralph Leonard, Areo magazine,"At last! Eric Williams' classic book Capitalism and Slavery republished," Ken […] The problem is that it is almost all nonsense apart from the observation that there is too much focus on Africans when it comes to slavery. Even here it focuses on New World slavery avoiding the important fact that slavery has been close to ubiquitous and on a massive scale until modern times. The idea that the industrial revolution was funded by slavery is nonsense it only amounted to a little more than 1% of Britain's GDP so was insignificant. That the abolition of slavery was just due to economic forces with no heroism or credit to the abolitionists ignores the large amount of money, effort and lives spent on enforcing abolition. The idea that Britain supported the confederates during the US civil war is nonsense. It might be an attractive story but it's not a true one. "the ships then carried these kidnapped Africans to the Americas" — Yes, the Americas. I have seen little written about all those who were taken to South America, roughly 50%. The other 50% were relatively evenly distributed between the U.S., Cuba, St. Domingue, Jamaica, and Barbados. Indeed, more were taken to Jamaica than the U.S. ref. charlescearl Thank you for this post. I hope that the readers who seem to be defending the theft of lives and land and entire languages across Africa and Turtle Island will actually take the time to read Williams's book. Robinson goes through extraordinary lengths in Black Marxism to detail how the trans-Atlantic slave trade provided the converging element of nascent capitalism. To this day, american capitalism profits off of the enslavement of African people — both in the plantations of West Africa, in modes of migrant exploitation, and in its use of unpaid prison labor. eldomtom2 To say that "the British Empire" supported the South during the Civil War is deeply misleading, even if the "Empire" is defined narrowly as the British government. Ray Andrews Thanks for a balanced treatment. I read C&S when I lived in the West Indies but I was too young to really absorb it. But I was impressed at the time with its obvious high scholarship. The thing is to avoid simplistic Bad Whitey narratives. El_Uro The history of slavery goes back thousands of years, in other words, it begins from the moment of the emergence of mankind and only capitalism was able to destroy it.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Time is James Cameron's great hiccup. His worlds warp the future with the past, and several movies he's made, such as "Terminator 2" and "True Lies," have also suffered from breathless hurry to meet studio release dates. Pre-release buzz on the multi-hundred-million-budgeted "Titanic" dwelt on the cash invested by a pair of media conglomerates. But now that "Titanic" is on the horizon, you can see for yourself that it's probably Cameron's best movie, and certainly one of the best of the year. While as a driven storyteller, Cameron not only tries to raise the level of commercial moviemaking standards, he also erects dauntingly colossal challenges to himself as a filmmaker. And as with the "Terminator" movies, time and memory remain his fixation. Cameron dares to combine his knack for spectacle with the intimate details of a sweetly corny, D.W. Griffith-simple love story between the privileged-but-trapped young socialite, Rose (Kate Winslet), and the dead-broke, spirited artist Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio). Then he provides a contemporary set of bookends, unfolding the story through a 101-year-old survivor's recounting the story to a crew of techno-buccaneers who intend to salvage valuables from the long-dead wreck. While Cameron's dialogue never rises to literature, his storytelling verve, in details large and small, again demonstrates his grand range of skills.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
M.I Abaga rallies the troops, But Will his "Brothers" Answer? M.I tries to rally the troops by releasing the video of "Brother" 4 years after. Brother, a track off his 2014 album The Chairman deals with the fallout of The Original Choc Boyz (MI, Ice Prince, Brymo and Jesse Jagz) But nothing seems to have changed, Needless to say Choc Boys 2.0 - Dice, Milli & Koker has gone the same way, Milli broke out sometime in 2016 and Koker seems to be out the door as well, But that's a story for another day. The video features old clips of performances, smiles, shoulder grips amongst other bromance between the trio, projected on a background screen - when the going was good. From the first line, emotive power grips the listener, M.I is sitting down aghast on a sofa just in front of it all, No new verse, the song like it was, when it dropped in 2014, drags you in, but you are left wondering what the issue is exactly, MI fails to properly construct an objective take on the fallout, bar after bar, The real issues are not discussed but tactically swerved. When Mo'Hit broke up, I was like know what? this never happen' to us Then ChocBoys broke up, I was like hold up, how on earth that happen to us, men!!! This no be the plan, that we plan from the start This no be the kind thing we suppose to talk about So you need to tell me that never again ChocBoys no go climb stage to shut down event People be like M you made the ChocBoy crew How they goon' survive game without you? For a quartet whose musical background could never be told without each other, it was one of the industry's heartbreaks. The thrill of it all, gone with the wind. It is easy to point fingers to the short black boy mainly because he is the leader of the pack, but while we might never know the true stories behind all of the issues, It seems like Mr Abaga has taken the first step to mend fences. The very much publicized issue with Milli was probably the most damaging but those that know, know that M.I was largely mostly excited by Milli than any other talent in Choc Boys 2.0, but that's another story for another day. Following the release of the Brother video with a short note, MI clearly feels the pains of what was once was and what could have been or maybe not, but while admitting that he hurt people, M.I in the same breath says he has forgiven all. Musically, Jesse Jagz and Brymo have evolved heads above most artistes on the continent since their departure from Chocolate City, They have both gone on to drop extraordinary projects that we probably wouldn't have heard if they had stayed back at the label, Critically acclaimed as these projects have been, they have not been commercially successful. The rebellious duo have a number of classics between them, the latest offering being Osó, a philosophical rendering in folk attire by the wizard of thoughts and words. Some claim that with the Choc Boyz, Brymo was relegated to being just a hook master and pop star as rap was the dominant force among the four but now we know that Brymo is obsessed with ballads. Somehow, Jesse Jagz wouldn't have been reborn in his revolutionary Reggae sound and singing, his classic West Coast Hip Hop style of his rap, the dual brilliance of his producer and artiste side. Ice Prince instead has struggled to re-invent himself and churn out hits like he used to, M.I himself is striving to make a strong comeback after the luke warm acceptance of his last project #Rendevouz. Will we see a Choc Boyz album? Healing is a long process and forgiveness is not easy to come by, So far, Only Brymo has reacted publicly to M.I's rallying call on twitter, Milli also seems to have made amends with the Chocolate City CEO, but what about Ice Prince and Jesse Jagz, We hardly hear about Jargo these days, Can they all get together one more time to do business? If the Choc Boyz manage to get back together, Reunite, give us a dope ass album and tour, It will be the greatest achievement of M.I Abaga's career as a label executive. What a story that will turn out to be….. Our Fingers are not crossed. MOVIE TRAILER: UNWANTED GUEST. NUDE PICTURES OF BIG BROTHER CONTESTANTS LEAKS ONLINE. WoWZERS, Look what we have here.... Now apparently, the Ongoing Big Brother Africa season 6 (amplified) is an adult show and boy are the... Review: Clone Wars Vol IV - "These Buhari Times" are mean my Guy!! @Showdemcamp Riveting. That's the word that best describes the duo of Ghost and Tec's music. You're instantly pulled to get off your feet and cla... 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The company that started it all – since 1938, we have provided industrial and architectural façade solutions to customers all over the country. We specialize in custom sheet metal fabrication and exterior wall panel systems. Setting ourselves apart with our cutting edge products and processes, our commitment is to superior customer service, as we continue to build our core business into the 21st century. The story of Kistler McDougall starts in 1978 when founder, Herman Kistler, began selling and marketing Aluminum Composite Material (ACM) for Consolidated Aluminum. ACM later became one of the most specified exterior cladding products in modern construction history. After six years promoting ACM and other architectural metals, Herman, along with Wylie and John McDougall Jr., incorporated Kistler McDougall as a specialty contractor. Established in 2003, EWS has grown into a premiere provider of building enclosure systems and components. We specialize in the fabrication and installation of Aluminum Composite Material (ACM) rain screen systems. Along with our affiliate companies, EWS is one of the nation's largest purchaser of ACM and maintains strategic partnerships with manufacturers and providers of some of the most sought-after cladding and enclosure systems in North American and Europe. Our successful track record brings the expertise and industry knowledge to help architects, designers, and owner groups select the best enclosure systems for each project. Engineered Wall Systems Midwest, Inc. is a partnership of dedicated enclosure specialists with decades of experience motivated by solving, designing and providing single-source solutions for building enclosure, modular buildings, and unitized wall assemblies. Founded in 2014, we are focused on customer-oriented, technology driven basic principles of quality, reputation and safety. We are able to provide these offerings with our own skilled and trained workforce, in-house designers, and dedicated fabrication facilities. Engineered Wall Systems Texas is a premier Dallas / Fort Worth architectural enclosure company, specializing in aluminum composite metal panels, custom plate panels, insulated wall and roof panels, corrugated metal panels, architectural louvers and screens and their component support systems. We provide a complete menu of enclosure solution services that meet every stage of your project needs from concept and budgeting to value engineering through material fabrication and installation to final closeout. Based in the greater Houston area, EFI Panels, LLC. has fabricated and installed exterior wall panel systems on some of the area's most recognizable structures. Specializing in corporate identity, schools, office buildings, hospitals, condominiums, canopies and column covers, EFI Panels, LLC can perform any custom facade system. As the newest member of the McDougall Family of Companies, HPM utilizes nearly 90 years of commercial construction experience to bring customers big solutions with a small business sensibility. HPM is an employee-owned Colorado-based contractor dedicated to the principles of integrity, hard work, and a determination to build better. Lasting relationships with our clients is a priority everyday with HPM. When you build with HPM, you work directly with the owners resulting in no red tape, no delays, and real time solutions.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: How can I view the number of pooled ADO.NET database connections in an Azure App Service? I am having problems with the number of pooled connections in my Azure web app. And it will help me a lot if I can see the number of pooled connections so I can understand how it relates to the application usage. On classic Windows machines I can view the ADO.NET performance counter "NumberOfPooledConnections" using the "Performance Monitor" tool. But I could not figure out how to do the same thing when I am using an Azure App Service. A: Unfortunately, performance counters are not supported on Azure App Services due its multitenant nature of it. See: Access performance counter programmatically in Microsoft Azure web app Three things that you may want to try however is: * *Enable Application Insights ( or New Relic. *If your application is for test purpose, I can also suggest to deploy to cloudservice where you will have access to the full VM and traditional Perf counter *Try deploying to App Service Environments & I believe you will get access thru programmatically at least. This does get expensive.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
This illustrated book aims to support children who are suffering with their mental health. It would also be useful to their siblings, family, friends and classmates, and also to children of parents who are suffering with poor mental health. Written by teenager Emily Palmer, this information book is a much-needed introduction for young children to the concept of mental health issues, their effects and how they are treated. The language has been chosen carefully for its child-friendliness: being in poor mental health is described as 'having a poorly brain', therapists/counsellors as 'special doctors'. Eggs have been used to illustrate the concepts in the book (eggs with cracked bandaged 'heads', the title 'scrambled heads' presumably referring to confusing emotions). This important book is a successful and child-friendly guide to mental health. This is not a slick, professionally illustrated picture book; it has more of a home-made information booklet feel to it. Perhaps something that a caring big sister might produce for a younger sibling, complete with felt-tip doodles. But this adds to its charm and authenticity. A great starting point for a conversation about mental health, and a means to reduce the stigma attached to mental illness. It can be frightening to have a mental health issue, and feel out of control of your thoughts and feelings. It is normal to feel sad if a loved one is suffering from poor mental health and it can be difficult to know what to do or say. People with mental health problems do not look unwell, which means it can be hard for others to be aware of how unwell they feel. People generally have a better understanding of/are more sympathetic towards physical health problems than mental ones. There are people you can talk to if you have a problem, such as friends, family, teachers and doctors. 'Special doctors' can help you to open up and be more aware of your thoughts and feelings. People who need extra care may receive this in a special hospital. It is a good idea to talk to others if you are worried about something or feel unwell. It is important to love yourself and others, whether you are in good or poor health. Having a mental health problem is nothing to be ashamed of. The book concludes with the message 'together we are stronger'. If you were worried about something, who would you talk to? Paint or draw some faces on eggs. Give each face a different emotion (frightened, excited, worried, etc). When do you feel these emotions? Make a gift or a card for someone who is unwell with a supportive message.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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Home » Takeda acquires Nycomed Takeda acquires Nycomed Japan-based Takeda Pharmaceutical has agreed to buy Switzerland-based Nycomed for $13.6 billion, making it a wholly-owned subsidiary of Takeda. Not included in the acquisition is Nycomed's U.S. dermatology business; however, it does include the roflumilast franchise, a first-in-class treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is expected to be a major source of revenue growth for Takeda. The sellers are comprised of a consortium of private equity funds led by Nordic Capital Funds V and VI ("Nordic Capital"), including, DLJ Merchant Banking Partners (a Credit Suisse affiliate), Coller International Partners IV and V, and Avista Capital Partners. "Takeda is committed to transforming our organization through the acquisition of Nycomed. Nycomed enables Takeda to maximize the value of our portfolio and gives us an immediate strong presence in the high-growth emerging markets while doubling Takeda's European sales," said Yasuchika Hasegawa, president & CEO of Takeda. "Nycomed's strength in a geographically wide range of markets and its diverse talent base will be a strong driver to helping us realize our important mission of striving toward better health for patients worldwide through leading innovation in medicine."
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Have you ever wondered why every time you plan an event at your home your Realtor calls you with a showing request? Or you finally make it to that family vacation you have been planning and after months of nothing you receive an offer on your home? As a Realtor we often joke that if you want to sell a home just plan a trip. I wanted to write about this because I recently just returned home from an... read more.
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(Note In Argentine Tango, the topics of Posture, Axis, Groundedness, and Balance are interdependent; I've grouped them all under the heading of "how to stand"). Our balance relies on a combination of our inner ear mechanism, feedback from our body, and response from muscles. There is also pivoting on the ball of the foot and this is something that both leaders and followers have to practice in order to achieve balance through the movement to achieve a degree of control; so that we are balanced through whatever amount of pivot we do. Keep shoulders relaxed & "down", and head & chest "up" Think "lifting up" everything above the waist, and "pushing down" everything below the waist. Definition: Being grounded means focussing your energy downwards into the floor - being stable. So being less grounded means being less stable. Good stability is a key technique area for good dancing. Being grounded is helpful at all times - and especially when doing movements which can involve loss of balance - pivots, leans, and so on. The leader "grounds" to indicate weight change to the follower and the follower "grounds" to let the leader know where her weight-bearing foot is. To become grounded, lower your hips slightly closer to the floor, and at the same time push into the floor with your weight-bearing foot. Walk as though the floor was six inches lower. Definition: "Axis" is a notional vertical line through your centre of gravity; lying somewhere between your navel and your spine, running up through your neck and head, around which the body can twist eg chest relative to hips. Below the navel, the axis will continue and arrive, for example into the foot of the supporting leg. Your weight should be towards the front of the foot of the supporting leg. Isolation ("dissociation"): The chest (and above) being independent from the hips and below, (or the chest and hips facing a different direction from each other). For forwards and back steps, the hips point in the direction of movement. For side steps, the hips are perpendicular to the direction of movement. Free leg movement: The non-weight-bearing leg ("free leg") should always be able to move freely. This is especially relevant for followers, who need to move their free legs without transferring weight, as part of each step.
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Tag Archives: online January 16, 2022 Blog Turnovers are Iowa's lifeblood: Iowa is tied for second nationally in points off turnovers with 51 by four games and tied for first in defensive touchdowns with three. His favourite target is senior receiver Dontay Demus, a 6-foot-four senior who ranks second within the league with 446 yards receiving. The Terrapins are off to a scorching begin behind the passing of Taulia Tagovailoa as he rapidly climbs the Heisman charts, but they are going to be examined enormously by an Iowa defense that's third-best nationally in yards allowed per play. sbobet88 -star prospect is main the big Ten with 1,340 yards passing and a 75.5% completion mark. Clifford enters the weekend with a passing effectivity of 160.7, which is the third-best mark in the big Ten and much and away the very best number of his career. Sean Clifford is having a career season up to now: There were plenty of questions on Clifford coming into the 2021 season, and he was seen as a weak spot in a robust Penn State team. Now both look to choose up what would be their biggest wins of the season to this point. Penn State's 5-0, as effectively, and has two wins against ranked opponents itself in Wisconsin and Auburn (Yes, Auburn remains to be ranked). If you happen to take away Michigan from the equation alongside Ohio State, it is the first time it is occurred since a 1962 sport between Minnesota and Wisconsin. After all, when you embrace Massive Ten Championship Games, it last happened in 2015 when No. 4 Iowa confronted No. 5 Michigan State, but that is not as fun of a stat, is it? Iowa enters the sport with a 5-0 report and has already picked up wins against Indiana and Iowa State, each of whom have been ranked on the time. Wins in the primary two weeks of this season over then-No. That includes four wins against the Hawkeyes in the last five years, though Iowa gained last season's assembly at Penn State 41-21. Comply with Reside coverage of Penn State vs. They trailed Colorado State 14-7 in the third quarter final week before Yahya Black pressured a fumble that Jack Campbell fell on on the Rams' 6-yard line. After throwing seven interceptions in 4 video games last season, he is thrown only one in four games this year. But this year is simply five video games, and this isn't a new pattern with the Hawkeyes. 17 Indiana. Then-No. 9 Iowa State have inserted the Hawkeyes into the top five earlier than ever earlier than below Ferentz. Takeaways have sustained the Hawkeyes. However that is the primary time since 2002 the Hawkeyes have spent three straight weeks in the top 5 of the AP Prime 25. The 2015 crew, which performed within the Rose Bowl, reached No. 3 late in the season and spent two weeks in the top five before dropping to No. 6 following a loss to Michigan State in the large Ten Championship Recreation. Iowa's protection is phenomenal at intercepting passes: No group has intercepted extra passes this season than Iowa with 12, however the full doesn't inform the entire story. Iowa has intercepted 7.2% of the passes against it this season, rating second nationally behind Houston. Appalachian State is the only different crew even to crack the 4% mark, which is where it sits in second place. Penn State holds the all-time advantage in the series, profitable 17 of the 30 meetings. This can be a rare matchup: In accordance to college Gameday's Chris Fallica, this matchup will mark the primary time there's been an everyday-season Large Ten convention recreation between teams ranked in the highest 5 of the AP Poll that didn't embody Ohio State since 1997 when Penn State hosted Michigan. With their undefeated records and positions close to the top of the polls to this point, each of these groups fancy themselves School Football Playoff contenders almost halfway by means of the 2021 season. Because the 2017 college soccer season, 2.7% of the passes thrown on the FBS degree have been picked off. Recollection, exhausting disk drive area, Connection to the web tempo, main system, Laptop pace as well as video clip minute card storage – all have to be inside acceptable order to be in a position to assist in simple as well as trouble-free putting in laptop video games. This attire will be worn formally in addition to casually. One can always discover it online on eBay or Amazon. The very best place to purchase Desk Tennis sport gear could be both in your local sports activities tools retailer or to examine online at Amazon or eBay as both online retailers have many sports equipments at competitive costs. Extreme amounts of time on-line, on-line exercise at unusual instances of the day and chat rooms are just some examples the necessity for fogeys to be taught one of the best approaches for administration of Internet usage. That's the key to the perfect multiplayer video games on Computer.
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When I was asked to do a follow-up story by Gotcha Equine on my horse Prudence, I was happy to oblige as I have so much to tell from the last time I did a story back in October, 2010. If the results from using the Gotcha Equine supplements were positive back then after some months of use, they are even more evident now ten months later. Her coat is AMAZING! I always get stopped and asked if she is clipped (which she is not), and she gets comments on how shiny and soft her coat is. I have also noticed her summer coat which is nearly through, is a much richer and darker shade of chestnut. There have been many cases of mud fever this year due to the rain, mud and extra clover in the paddocks. Last year I battled six months to rid Pru of the worst case of mud fever I had ever seen. This year when every other horse was getting it she remained mud fever free. I'm putting it down to the Gotcha Equine supplements, as there is no other change in her feed or conditions to explain this. She is not herd bound any more. I can take her away from her mates and she is quite accepting of this and just waits calmly until she gets put back next to them. The man I use who does chiropractor work on her has found less and less issues with her when he comes to see her. There is hardly any tension in her muscles and she is building up nicely in the right places according to him. She is a much calmer and happier horse. The spooking has reduced to almost nothing, and when something does set her off (like the model aeroplanes performing their manoeuvres during my dressage test at Upper Yarra), I can keep riding her and try and get her attention back. Once upon a time I would have got off and taken her home. The fact that she is so much more willing and forward, has allowed me to do things I never thought I would do on her. We are now jumping, and even though I am a very inexperienced jumper, she has taken care of me and forgiven me for the unintentional knocks and jabs. Once upon a time she would have just humped me off, as she was very sensitive. I am now able to work her confidently in a warm-up arena with other horses. There was a time when I had to dismount if there were more than two horses on the arena and if one was having a buck or spook, well that set her off also. The worst thing she does now is put her ears back and squeal. She is a mare! Her canter is improving all the time. I originally had many problems with this gait. She was even humpy and stiff cantering on the lunge. Now we are at the point where she can canter without too much fuss and her transitions are starting to get softer and softer. Once upon a time the transitions were non-existent and I did not even have a stop after the canter. This one is still a work in progress, but the fact there has been much improvement since October is very positive. She has shown no signs of grass fever. Autumn was effortless. She was as calm and as happy as a normal season. When other horses were being affected by the changes in pasture, her brain stayed quite even. And let me tell you, with our high voltage pastures, I always had problems with this prior to using the Gotcha Equine supplements. I look forward to riding her during spring as I know there will be no issues! She has held her weight (could possibly lose some kgs) well throughout the dry summer and winter months. I am feeding her a much simpler feed (and less) than what I was before using the Gotcha Equine supplements, and she has not lost condition, energy or that show horse gleam! My biggest buzz happened last week though. Something I had wanted to do, but was scared to do because I did not trust my horse. I wanted to ride Prudence up and down the 'Killer Hills' in Macclesfield which are well known to the locals. There are two hills which are like a big dipper and go on for a kilometer or so. Even though I ride Pru on the trails locally, we stick to pretty much the same routes, so I was not sure how she would be on an unfamiliar trail. As it turns out, a friend of mine Gavin (who is a seasoned trail rider) decided he was going to help me achieve my goal. So last Friday, I not only rode the Killer Hills, I also did the water crossing which had water that went above the horses' knees, the downwards cross country trail and passed numerous yapping dogs who were running up and down fence lines (something which Pru hates). All this, without a single issue. I was so happy, elated, and best of all my horse was calm and relaxed and seemed to be enjoying herself. There was no sign of taking off or spooking By the time you read this, I am hoping to have been for a ride in the Bunyip Forest. I have no doubt that the training I have done with Prudence both on the ground and under saddle has also helped her be more confident and relaxed. My mental attitude has also changed enormously. This could not have happened though if Pru did not give me a feeling of trust and confidence. This I believe she has got from the Gotcha Equine supplements. Thankyou Gotcha Equine for giving me the best horse I have ever had! Something which Harry Whitney told me a couple of years ago, and it's now proving to be true. Des Miller - Légèreté Equestrian Inc.
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We welcome you to join us for this special service, held jointly with our wonderful friends in faith at Lahaska Methodist Church in Solebury. Our afternoon sermon will be delivered by Dr. Robert E. Fogal, pastor of Carversville United Church of Christ. All are always welcome.
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Home Engineering NYC DOB reports on major disciplinary cases NYC DOB reports on major disciplinary cases The New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) has reported on these "major disciplinary cases". $230,000 in total penalties were issued to Jun Xiao Guo, the owner of 66-17 Austin Street, Queens, for a number of violations related to the illegal conversion of a legal three-family dwelling into 18 illegal Single Room Occupancy (SRO) dwellings throughout the building, including in the cellar. The owner was issued a total of 32 summonses for a variety of violating conditions including work without a permit, insufficient egress, and occupancy contrary to the Certificate of Occupancy (CO). $25,000 in penalties issued to Safety Registrant T.G. Nickel & Assoc. for failure to safeguard a construction site located at 1 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, after a worker was injured in a fall from the 16th floor of the construction site, onto uncapped rebar on the 15th floor. $25,000 in penalties issued to The George Units LLC, the owner of 111 Wadsworth Avenue, Manhattan, for failure to properly safeguard a public right of way after filing a Local Law 11 Façade Inspection Safety (FISP) Report that determined the exterior walls of the 32-story building were unsafe. Following an audit of professionally certified applications submitted by Professional Engineer Emanuel Katerinis, the Department found multiple false statements on eleven false filings for eight locations in which the engineer improperly proposed major changes to egress or the creation of habitable spaces in cellars under Alteration Type 2, Directive 14 applications. Following a trial at OATH, the Administrative Law Judge recommended a full ban on the engineer's ability to submit filings to the Department. A Commissioner's Order revoking all of the engineer's DOB filing privileges was issued April 16, 2019. Previous articleNYC extends safety training deadline to Dec. 1 Next articleWorld Trade Center official, contractors indicted in "pay to play" bribery scheme AEIS completes inspection and testing for $70 million New Jersey ozone treatment site Gov. Cuomo announces $19 million in water infrastructure projects Lendlease, Aware Super buy city block development site in Brooklyn
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Gruppo T Abstract Video Art Sculpture By Alessi. 18 10 Stainless steel mirror polished and polyvinyl chloride. of 99 numbered copies and 9 artists proofs. Gruppo T . Sculpture. Gruppo T. Style Contemporary. Subject Abstract and shapes. My Flower Sculpture My Flower is a design by Flavio Lucchini for SLIDE a tall, flower themed sculpture in bright color schemes.
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Controversies stalk 9/11 observances Featured, FUBAR, News The Tribute in Light above the World Trade Center site (AP) Politics threatened to overshadow a day of mourning Saturday for nearly 3,000 Sept. 11 victims amid a polarizing national debate over a planned mosque blocks from the site where Islamic extremists attacked America. Chants of thousands of sign-waving protesters both for and against the planned Islamic center were expected after — and perhaps during — a ceremony normally known for somber church bells ringing and a sad litany of families reading their lost loved ones' names. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama were to attend separate services in Washington and Shanksville, Pa., for the victims of hijacked jetliners that hit the Pentagon and a rural field in 2001. But the rallies planned in New York embroiled victims' family members in a feud over whether to play politics on the ninth anniversary of the attacks. Nancy Nee, whose firefighter brother was killed at the World Trade Center, is bitterly opposed to the Park51 proposed mosque and Islamic community center near ground zero. But she didn't plan to join other family members at an anti-mosque rally hours after the anniversary ceremony. "I just wanted to be as at peace with everything that's going on as I possibly can," Nee said. Even nine years later, she said, her brother George Cain's death "is still very raw. … And I just don't have it in me to be protesting and arguing, with anger in my heart and in my head." Jim Riches planned to pay respects at ground zero to his firefighter son, Jimmy, then rally. "My son can't speak anymore. He's been murdered by Muslims. I intend to voice my opinion against the location of this mosque," Riches said. "If someone wants to go home, that's their right. I have the right to go there." The heated mosque debate — pitting advocates of religious freedom against critics who say that locating an Islamic center so close to ground zero disrespects the dead — led Obama to remind Americans on Friday, "We are not at war against Islam." A threat to burn copies of the Muslim holy book on the anniversary — which had set off international protests — was on hold, although the Florida pastor who made the threat flew to New York on Friday night, declining to comment to a throng of reporters waiting for him. "I'm talked out," Terry Jones said. Jones' son in Gainesville, Fla., confirmed that his father would not — at least for now — burn copies of the Quran, a plan that inflamed much of the Muslim world and drew a stern rebuke from Obama. Jones, pastor of a 50-member Pentecostal church, backed off the threat on Thursday after a call from the secretary of defense and impassioned pleas to call off the plan from religious and political leaders and his own daughter. Jones previously had said he would cancel his plan if the leader of the proposed Islamic center, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, would agree to move the project to another location and had said he wanted to meet with Rauf in New York. Rauf said Friday he was "prepared to consider meeting with anyone who is seriously committed to pursuing peace" but had no such meeting planned with Jones. In Afghanistan, shops and police checkpoints were set in fire Saturday as thousands of people protested Jones' plan and chanted "Death to America" in Logar province. At least 11 people were injured Friday in similar protests in Badakhshan province. In Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, cleric Rusli Hasbi told 1,000 worshippers at Friday prayers that whether or not Jones burns the Quran, he already has "hurt the heart of the Muslim world." Activists in New York insisted their intentions were peaceful. More than 1,000 protesters on both sides of the issue were expected to converge at the mosque site, a former clothing factory two blocks north of the trade center site. "It's a rally of remembrance for tens of thousands who lost loved ones that day," said Pamela Geller, a conservative blogger and host of the anti-mosque demonstration. "It's not a political event, it's a human rights event." John Bolton, who was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush, was expected to send a videotaped message of support to the anti-mosque rally, as was conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart. Anti-Islam Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who advocates banning the Quran and taxing Muslim women who wear head scarves, planned to address the crowd in person, as do a handful of Republican congressional candidates who have made opposition to the mosque a centerpiece of their campaigns. Muslim prayer services are normally held at the site but it was padlocked Friday and would be closed Saturday, the official end of the holy month of Ramadan. Police planned 24-hour patrols of the site until next week. Worshippers on Friday were redirected to a different prayer room 10 blocks away. While the president was at the Pentagon service Saturday and the first lady was to join former first lady Laura Bush at Shanksville, Vice President Joe Biden planned to speak at the New York ceremony, where 2,752 people were killed when two jetliners flew into the trade center. Bells were to toll for the first time at 8:46 a.m., the minute that the first plane struck the first tower, and then three more times to mark the moment the second plane hit the tower and for the times that each tower collapsed. More than 2,000 supporters of the project, waving candles and American flags, held a vigil Friday night at the mosque site, saying they wanted to avoid entangling the mosque controversy and the Sept. 11 observance. Stephanie Parker, whose father, Philip L. Parker, worked for an insurance company at the trade center, normally spends the attacks' anniversary privately with family. The mosque furor brought her out for the first time. "I think the anniversary is being overshadowed," Parker, 21, said as she relighted a candle that kept blowing out in a breeze. "This year, I feel like I should use my voice and my position" as a victim's relative to speak up for tolerance, she said. Contributing to this report were Associated Press writers Beth Fouhy, Jennifer Peltz, Tom Hays and David B. Caruso in New York; Rahim Faiez in Kabul, Afghanistan; Ayi Jufridar in Lhokseumawe, Indonesia; Darlene Superville, Anne Flaherty and Lolita C. Baldor in Washington; and AP Legal Affairs Writer Curt Anderson in Miami. Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press 11 thoughts on "Controversies stalk 9/11 observances" Bogofree History Channel has run several stories debunking all the conspiracy theories around 9/11. What was fascinating was the engineering aspect and much of it focused around Popular Mechanics (link below). Of course polls probably show a significant number believe in Big Foot and Nessie. Ummm Bogo…"Popular Mechanics" is owned by the Hearst Corporation. Are there any questions concerning this cornerstone of the MSM supporting those events which best control a populace and allow them to make their transgenerational fortunes as "vendors of fear"…? woody188 Here I thought the article might be about the conspiracy that people holed up in caves brought down 3 buildings and how half the population believes it was a controlled demolition. Nope, it's just about religion and the absurdity that dead people care about where religious sites are constructed. One might note they left Building 7 out of the this remembrance like they did the official report. You know, that pesky building that the BBC announced collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did and was not struck by a plane. Guardhouse lawyer Half? Please show us a reputable source for that statistic. Angus Reid: Americans Question Bush on 9/11 Intelligence Nowhere does this url refer to demolition or to building 7. I submit to you that your statistic "half the population believes it was a controlled demolition" is not true. Please use due diligence when posting things like this. It does none of us any good to spread lies, misconceptions, or errors. From Wiki (one of your favorites): "The results of the 2007 August [Zogby] poll indicate that 51% of Americans want Congress to probe Bush/Cheney regarding the 9/11 attacks and over 30% of those polled seek immediate impeachment. While only 32% seek immediate Bush and/or Cheney impeachment based on their personal knowledge, many citizens appear eager for clear exposure of the facts. In addition, the poll also found that two-thirds (67%) of Americans say the 9/11 Commission should have investigated the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7. Only 4.8 percent of the respondents agreed that members of the United States government "actively planned or assisted some aspects of the attack." Healthy scepticism, if not belief. And you are correct: It does none of us any good to spread lies, misconceptions, or errors. If only the Administration felt that way. It would now appear that these three factions (Christians, Jews and Moslems) are once again hard at work killing each other to see who has the best imaginary friend. It is also quite evident that man has now created God in his own image: intolerant, sexist, homophobic, racist and violet. Spot-on and nicely stated Keith. : ) I thought I'd supply a link that might help folks break through the "glass ceiling" concerning their superstition about religion and their concept of a god/God etc. My recommendation is for folks to read the proofs then engage in clinical thinking concerning their content. God is a shade of purple?!?!
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Please see local rules in concourse before playing. Please play your part in maintaining your course by using the divot filling mix every time you play the course. YOUR fairways will be in better shape for it. When you take a bag please bring it back empty and replace on rack beside the clean up area. Please repair pitch marks correctly on Greens before leaving them. Unrepaired and incorrectly repaired pitch marks detract from the appearance of the Greens and leave them bumpy with scar marks. Make sure that the players you play with repair their pitch marks and any others they see. Are you delaying play and spoiling the enjoyment of those playing behind you? Please call on the group behind you if you lose a hole on the group in front. You must shout 'FORE' if you hit a ball astray and it may be a danger to a fellow player.
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Juan Manuel Insaurralde (Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina; 3 de octubre de 1984) es un futbolista profesional argentino que se desempeña como defensor central y actualmente milita en Sarmiento de Junín de la Liga Profesional de Fútbol Argentino. Trayectoria Inicios Se formó en las divisiones infantiles del Club Atlético Central Norte Argentino y Municipales de Resistencia, semillero de donde surgieran Christian Giménez y Juan Manuel Silva, ambos de dilatada trayectoria en instituciones nacionales e internacionales y de la selección argentina. Pasó a Chacarita Juniors donde ascendió y, a causa de sus buenas actuaciones, fue vendido a Newell's Old Boys de Rosario, en 2008, club con lo que logró buenos rendimientos que le dieron la posibilidad de jugar en la Selección Argentina, y además fue subcampeón con el conjunto rosarino del Apertura 2009. Boca Juniors (2010 - 2012) A mediados de 2010 llegó a Boca Juniors, club que pagó 1 800 000 dólares por el 80 % del pase. Debutó oficialmente con la camiseta azul y oro, con el número 13, el domingo 8 de agosto de 2010, frente a Godoy Cruz por el Torneo Apertura: el partido finalizó 1-1. El 12 de septiembre de 2010 convirtió su primer gol como jugador de Boca, en el encuentro ante Olimpo en Bahía Blanca luego de un centro de Martín Palermo. En esa ocasión, el resultado fue de 3-1 a favor de los Xeneizes. Su segundo gol en Boca fue durante el cotejo que Boca jugó de local en La Bombonera frente a Lanús. Después de que convirtiera el gol del empate, recibió un golpe por el impacto del balón: el resultado fue una fractura de tabique. Para la fecha siguiente y contra Tigre, Juan Manuel utilizó una máscara de protección nasal, la misma que utilizó el histórico Martín Palermo en el superclásico del Torneo Apertura 2009. Pero recién en el Torneo Apertura 2011 logró mostrar su mejor desempeño en el Xeneize: tras un año jugando en la institución y luego de haber atravesado una crisis a nivel deportivo, el club argentino se coronó campeón invicto del Torneo Apertura el 4 de diciembre de 2011, a falta de dos jornadas para finalizar el campeonato. Ya en 2012 y en la fecha 9 del Torneo Clausura, marco el empate transitorio ante Argentinos Juniors, en un partido en el que el conjunto Xeneize vencería a los de la Paternal por 2 a 1. Apenas una semana después, marcó el empate transitorio frente a Tigre, pero después Boca perdió, aunque sirvió para mejorar su racha goleadora. Es muy querido por la hinchada Xeneize ya que fue un baluarte junto a Rolando Schiavi en el título conseguido en 2011, además de sus actuaciones, en las que dejaba todo en la cancha. Spartak de Moscú (2012 - 2013) El 20 de julio de 2012, el presidente de Boca Juniors, Daniel Angelici, anunció el traspaso del defensor al Spartak de Moscú de la Liga Premier de Rusia por US$ 4 000 000 por el 75 % del pase. Anotó su primer y único gol en el equipo ruso el 25 de agosto del mismo año, luego de un tiro de esquina servido por Jano Ananidze a los 65' de juego en la derrota de su club frente al Terek Grozny por 2 a 1 en condición de visita. PAOK Salónica (2014) En enero de 2014, dejó el Spartak de Moscú para arribar, en calidad de préstamo hasta el mes de junio, al PAOK Salónica de Grecia. Durante los seis meses que permaneció en el club, disputó 17 partidos, incluyendo dos duelos válidos por la Liga Europa de la UEFA 2013-14 ante el Benfica de Portugal. Jaguares de Chiapas (2015 - 2016) En junio de 2015, se anunció su incorporación a los Jaguares de Chiapas de la Primera División de México para disputar el Torneo de Apertura, reforzando así la zona defensiva del conjunto azteca. Vuelta a Boca Juniors (2016 - 2017) A fines de 2015 se negoció su retorno a Newell's Old Boys, pero el propio jugador tumbó la operación al afirmar que, si bien quería regresar a Argentina, de hacerlo solo jugaría en Boca Juniors. El 22 de enero de 2016, la prensa anunció su vuelta a Boca Juniors, previo pago de U$S 1,500,000. El 2 de octubre del mismo año, marcó su primer gol tras su regreso al conjunto xeneize en un partido frente a Tigre, encuentro correspondiente a la quinta fecha del campeonato de Primera División 2016-17 y que terminó igualado 1 a 1. Si bien a su retorno fue titular indiscutido, haciendo dupla de central con Fernando Tobio en el equipo dirigido por Guillermo Barros Schelotto, con el correr de los partidos fue perdiendo terreno ante el buen rendimiento de Paolo Goltz y Lisandro Magallán, razón porque durante la Superliga 2017-18 únicamente fue citado en tres oportunidades, ingresando tan sólo en un compromiso, el 26 de noviembre de 2017 ante Rosario Central, a los 91' de juego en reemplazo de Frank Fabra, pudiendo participar poco del juego. Tras no ser titular durante todo el segundo semestre de 2017, y con la idea de sumar minutos, arregló su salida de Boca Juniors y se convirtió en incorporación del Colo-Colo de la Primera División de Chile. Colo-Colo (2018 - 2021) El 31 de enero de 2018, fue presentado oficialmente como nuevo jugador de Colo-Colo para afrontar la temporada 2018, teniendo como principal objetivo la Copa Libertadores. El defensor argentino firmó por dos años con el conjunto albo, en lo que será el quinto equipo de su carrera, convirtiéndose en el tercer refuerzo del campeón chileno después de Brayan Cortés y Carlos Carmona.. Luego de 2 muy buenos años en el club, el jugador renovó su vínculo durante un año más en Colo Colo, jugando allí toda la temporada 2020. Independiente (2021 - 2022) El 18 de febrero de 2021, fue presentado oficialmente como nuevo jugador de Independiente para afrontar la temporada 2021, teniendo como principal objetivo la Copa Sudamericana. El defensor argentino firmó por un año (con opción de extenderlo a dos) con el conjunto de los diablos rojos, en lo que será el sexto equipo de su carrera, convirtiéndose en el primer refuerzo del club en esa temporada. El 21 de febrero de 2021 hizo su debut con la camiseta roja y, además, marcó su primer gol para el club el mismo día. Sarmiento de Junín (2023 - Presente) El 3 de enero de 2023, se convirtió en nuevo refuerzo de Sarmiento de Junín para afrontar la temporada 2023, firmo contrato por un año. Selección nacional Selección absoluta Debutó en la Selección Argentina el 30 de septiembre de 2009 en un partido amistoso frente a Ghana disputado en Córdoba, ingresando en el entretiempo en reemplazo de Rolando Schiavi. El 28 de abril de 2010, volvió a ser citado por Diego Maradona, esta vez frente a Haití en Cutral Có, duelo donde inició como titular y jugó los 90'. Su último partido por la Selección de Fútbol de Argentina se produjo el 5 de mayo de 2010 en la victoria 4-0 sobre la Selección de Fútbol de Haití en un duelo preparatorio para el Mundial Sudáfrica 2010 jugado en el Estadio Alianza de Cutral-Có. El 11 de mayo del mismo año, fue incluido en la prenómina de 30 jugadores de cara a la Copa Mundial de 2010 de Sudáfrica. Sin embargo, finalmente no fue convocado para dicho torneo. Estadísticas Actualizado de acuerdo al último partido jugado el . Palmarés Campeonatos nacionales Referencias Futbolistas de Resistencia Futbolistas de la selección de fútbol de Argentina en los años 2000 Futbolistas de la selección de fútbol de Argentina en los años 2010 Futbolistas de las inferiores del Club Atlético Chacarita Juniors Futbolistas del Club Atlético Chacarita Juniors Futbolistas del Club Atlético Newell's Old Boys Futbolistas del Boca Juniors en los años 2010 Futbolistas del FC Spartak de Moscú Futbolistas del PAOK de Salónica F. C. Futbolistas del Chiapas Fútbol Club Futbolistas del Club Social y Deportivo Colo-Colo en los años 2010 Futbolistas del Club Social y Deportivo Colo-Colo en los años 2020 Futbolistas del Club Atlético Independiente Futbolistas del Club Atlético Sarmiento (Junín)
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package org.usip.osp.modelinterface; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Table; import org.hibernate.annotations.Proxy; /** * This class represents a variable that is held in a particular model. */ /* * This file is part of the USIP Open Simulation Platform.<br> * * The USIP Open Simulation Platform is free software; you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the new BSD Style * license associated with this distribution.<br> * * The USIP Open Simulation Platform is distributed WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. <BR> * */ @Entity @Table(name = "MODEL_VARIABLES") @Proxy(lazy = false) public class ModelVariables { /** Database id. */ @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; private String modelName = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ private String modelVersion = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ private String variableName = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ public Long getId() { return; } public void setId(Long id) { = id; } public String getModelName() { return this.modelName; } public void setModelName(String modelName) { this.modelName = modelName; } public String getModelVersion() { return this.modelVersion; } public void setModelVersion(String modelVersion) { this.modelVersion = modelVersion; } public String getVariableName() { return this.variableName; } public void setVariableName(String variableName) { this.variableName = variableName; } }
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Last edited by Kagrel 3 edition of Subcommittee Hearing on H.R. 5996 found in the catalog. Subcommittee Hearing on H.R. 5996 hearings before the United States House Committee on Armed Services, Eighty-Second Congress, second session, on June 11, 1952. Published 1973 by U.S. G.P.O. in Washington . Military pensions -- Law and legislation -- United States. Pagination 4883-4898 p. Number of Pages 4898 Hearing before the House Ways and Means Committee Subcommittee on Human Resources Protecting the Safety Net from Waste, Fraud, and Abuse June 3, Statement submitted by the Co-Chairs of the Social Security Task Force, Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Submitted on behalf of the Co-Chairs of the Co-Chairs of the. The U.S. House Ways and Means Committee announced that its members will be hearing and voting on H.R. , the Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act (ETPSA), on Wednesday, J at 1 pm. As we have reported in the past, the bill was filed by Congressman Kevin Brady of The Woodlands, Texas, who now chairs the committee. Chairman King, Ranking Member Mrs. Maloney and Members of the Domestic Monetary Policy, Technology and Economic Growth Subcommittee, thank you for conducting this important hearing today. It is truly an honor to be able to speak to you on behalf of the Liberty Bill Act, a bill before Congress to place an abbreviated version of the Constitution. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Septem The numbers tell the story. At the time, o people waited over 1, days for a hearing, and some people waited as long as 1, days. (quoting H.R. Rep. No. , 90th Congress, 1st Sess., at 30 ()). 5 Heckler v. Day, Sponsored by Richard Hudson R-N.C. Introduced to the House on Feb. 16, -- Care Veterans Deserve Act of This bill amends the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of to make the Veterans Choice Program permanent. Program eligibility is expanded to include veterans with a 50% service-connected disability. The VA shall contract with a national chain of walk . A House subcommittee heard testimony Thursday from U.S. Rep. Dan Maffei and Pastor Daren Jaime of Syracuse explaining why a national historical park in Auburn will not only honor Harriet. Book sale manual Women communicating. A baby sister for Frances. Essays and criticisms The Admirable Crichton The New-England almanack, or, Ladys and gentlemans diary, for the year of our Lord Christ 1785 ... ProLife Feminism The sanitary district of Chicago practical treatise on the law of principal and surety Yes, Mama. story of American banking. Mobbing - modern cannibalism at work. Siglo en blanco/ White Century Liposomes, from physical structure to therapeutic applications All for Jesus Understanding the electrical system of the motor car. Subcommittee Hearing on H.R. 5996 Download PDF EPUB FB2 Get this from a library. Subcommittee hearing on H.R. [United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services. Subcommittee No. 2,; United States. Congress. Get this from a library. Emergency assistance for schools act: hearing before the Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, ninety-fifth Congress, first session on H.R. May 3, [United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor. Legislative hearing on H.R. H.R.H.R.H.R.H.R.H.R.H.R.H.R.H.R.H.R.and draft legislation [Congress. Subcommittee hearing on H.R. (Rooney), To amend ti United States Code, to prohibit the importation of various injurious species of constrictor snakes. House Resources S/C on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs (Fleming) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Statement for the Record. Oct. 11, Exploratory Drilling Activity. Legislative Hearing on H.R.H.R.and H.R. Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs of the Committe on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Legislative Hearing on H.R.H.R.and H.R. Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs of the CommitteFormat: Hardcover. To view PDFs.94th Congress. Indian amendment to Freedom of information act: hearing before the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, second session, on S. H The Capitol Washington, D.C. Phone: () Fax: () COMMITTEE ACTION: REPORTED BY VOICE VOTE on Monday, January 9, FLOOR ACTION ON H. RES. Agreed to by record vote ofafter agreeing to the previous questions by record vote of on Friday, Janu MANAGERS:Collins/Polis 1. Structured rule for H.R. Subcommittee on Health, hearing on the following bills: H.R.Transparency for America's Heroes Act; H.R.To authorize certain improvements in the Federal Recovery Coordinator Programs; H.R. To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to educate certain staff of the Department of Veterans Affairs and to inform veterans about. Property Rights Are Human Rights: Why and How Land Titles Matter to Indigenous People (Tim Wilson) - Duration: The Cato Institute 1, views. The Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Spon-sored Enterprises met in open session on October 5,and or-dered amended, favorably reported to the full Com-mittee by voice vote. The Committee on Financial Services met in open session on Oc-toand ordered H.R. as amended, favorably re. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce: Air mail subsidies: hearings before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, Eighty-second Congress, second session, on H.R. H.R.H.R.H.R.H.R.H.R.H.R. bills to provide for the separation of subsidy from air-mail pay, and for. Full text of "Towing Vessel Navigational Safety Act of hearing before the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Navigation of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, second session, on H.R.a bill to amend Ti United States Code March 3, " See other formats. Full text of "H.R. the "Patient Right to Know Act of ": hearing before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, second session, J " See other formats. rept. - activities report of the committee on veterans' affairs house of representatives one hundred tenth congress th congress () Committee Report Hide Overview. National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) Of The National Association of Chain Drug Stores For U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health Hearing on: The President's and Other Bipartisan Proposals to Reform Medicare A.M Longworth House Office Building. This hearing will examine the role that technology plays in enhancing U.S. Customs and Border Protection's ability to secure the southwest border. We will also examine the increased budgetary. SD Energy Committee Hearing Room PM The purpose of the hearing is to receive testimony on the following bills: provide for the sale of approximately 25 acres of public land to the Turnabout Ranch, Escalante, Utah, at fair market value; withdraw certain Federal land in the Wyoming Range from leasing and provide an opportunity to retire certain leases in the. The hearing before the House Subcommittee on Social Security is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 22 nd on Capitol Hill. Our Association, which has played a central role in the coalition of states advocating for the passage of H.R. and the formulation of the bill, has been invited to attend Tuesday's hearing. Emergency assistance for schools act: hearing before the Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, ninety-fifth Congress, first session on H.R. Connie Stewart, executive director of the California Center for Rural Policy, which conducts research for rural development projects, testified at the subcommittee hearing in support of H.R. She referred to a $ million fiber optic construction project in the state connecting several rural towns, military bases and Indian reservations, which received major funding through a federal.Subcommittee Markup of the FY Interior, Environment, & Related Agencies Appropriations Bill recent hearings Review of the FY Budget. Add to Calendar Legislative Hearing to receive testimony on the following bills: H.R. & H.R. H.R.A bill to take lands in Sonoma County, California, into trust as part of the reservation of the Lytton Rancheria of California, and for other purposes; and H.R.A bill to reaffirm the action of the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for the. - Subcommittee Hearing on H.R. 5996 book © 2020
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Reviews for this have been pretty good so far. Currently at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes with 21 reviews. Well...that was fantastic, and I eagerly look forward to the remaining 7 episodes. I've always found Sandra Oh a bit off-putting, -and her years as her "Grey's Anatomy" character didn't help, -but I rather enjoyed her work here. The scene in the beginning where the one lady was describing how the victim was killed and Sandra's reaction was hilarious. This seems a little misadvertised to me. The tone is much lighter. Regardless, good first episode. BBC America agressively marketed this show. I got new DVR recordings of Broadchurch, Doctor Who, and Orphan Black, ostensibly for specials that were really promos for Killing Eve. The Doctor Who recording was 2 minutes of "The Women of Doctor Who" followed by 5 minute promo for Killing Eve. The Orphan Black special was actually 30 minutes long of 5 fan favorite scenes, with Killing Eve promos in all the commercial breaks, followed by the first episode of Killing Eve days before the "premiere." It almost turned me off the show, which is a shame because I liked the first episode. From the looks of this thread it seems not many were interested in this show which is a shame because I think it was fantastic. I was reminded about this series when the Golden Globe nominations were announced and binged the entire season today. While Sandra Oh was very good it's Jodie Comer who steals the show as the doe-eyed psychopath. Part psychological drama, part crime procedural with a fair amount of humor mixed in, this is highly recommended. Plus, since it's only (8) 42 minute episodes it's not that much of a time commitment. It's also all up on Hulu, for anybody that cares. I really liked the first season. Looking forward to season 2. This was surprisingly good. Feels like forever since it was on, though. Last edited by Boondock Saint; 12-11-18 at 02:35 AM. I thought it was a great show and I can't wait for season 2. It was definitely something different and off-beat. I wouldn't say I loved it, it felt a little contrived at times and I hate watching shows where the protagonist is an unsympathetic killer. I've watched the first four episodes and I'm shocked all the accolades are going to Sandra Oh and not Jodie Comer. Sandra Oh has a few more nominations overall, but that could possibly be political, considering she's the "star", or bigger name, and the show may not want to submit both actresses for the same category, thinking it might split the vote and let some other show win. Because people really care about the Golden Derby awards... Ok, if you want to get specific about it... I've watched the first four episodes and I'm shocked that Emmy and Golden Globe nominations are going to Sandra Oh and not Jodie Comer. There's no comparison. I don't care for the award politics of it. It does feel like Sandra Oh playing Sandra Oh once again in the role. She's the "bigger" name and producers likely picked her to push in award season, even if the other female lead is doing a much better job. Well, there's also the Television Critics Association Awards and the Critics' Choice Television Awards. Ok, if you want to get specific about it... I've watched the first four episodes and I'm shocked that Emmy and Golden Globe nominations are going to Sandra Oh and not Jodie Comer. Then you don't care for awards. I learned a long time ago that awards aren't a true determination of quality, there's always going to be politics and bias. Thanks for trying to correct my opinion... I guess. In general with tv award nominations the bigger name actor/actress will usually get the nod.Comer definitely deserved more awards,but she is a UK based actress and her series also isn't on a high visibility network(HBO,SHO,Netflix,FX etc.) who can push people to nominations. Even the monster smash Game Of Thrones watched by considerably more amounts of people,the only Emmy acting nomination in season 1 was for veteran Us based actor Peter Dinkledge. ^ True. It took a long time for Tatiana Maslany to get recognized come award season (and for a show on the same network. Hmmmm.), and while she finally did, her better work was in earlier seasons of Orphan. Binged this earlier in the year. Love both women in it and I can't wait for the 2nd season. I don't know that her work was all that much better in the first season. I just think the material was better. For instance, they never really knew what to do with Helena after season one. It was like a character who was supposed to go away in the first season, but they liked her too much to get rid of her. As for Killing Eve, I would echo the sentiments that Comer was the one that really popped in this show. Thought she was really good in White Princess as well. I didn't think KE was quite as good as the buzz it received though.
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Amanda grew up in South Dakota where she received a B.S. from South Dakota State University in merchandising. She relocated to Las Vegas 12 years ago and now along with her husband raises their 3 beautiful and active children. Amanda possesses a wealth of customer service and client building experience. She successfully worked as a Casino Marketing Executive for 4 years where she excelled at establishing new and loyal client bases through her ability to effectively interact with diverse cultures. As a retail sales manager Amanda fine tuned her exceptional customer service skills while her experience as an account executive for a publishing company showcased her attention to detail. Amanda's relentless and genuine desire to provide every one of her clients with the results they deserve, her positive and engaging disposition along with her unwavering dedication to giving each client the absolute best possible experience makes her an enormous asset for The Machat Group.
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Henry Goldstein G Listings Interview Date: Tuesday May 25, 1999 Interview Location: Denver, CO Interviewer: Jim Keller Collection: Hauser Collection KELLER: The oral history today is of Henry R. "Hank" Goldstein; attorney, cable television pioneer and one of the very early major city market cable television operators. The interview today is a part of the oral history and video history project of The Hauser Foundation for The National Cable Television Center and Museum. We are at the studios of TCI/AT&T in Denver, Colorado. The interviewer is Jim Keller. Hank, give us a little bit of your background prior to getting into the cable television business. GOLDSTEIN: Well, my entry into cable television came through my practice in law. I was with the Fletcher-Heald law firm in Washington. Actually, it started when I was in law school and I wanted a job as a clerk. A friend of mine at that time was clerking for Dow-Lohnes and he said that there was a firm on the 10th floor in the old Munsey building that was looking for a clerk and I said, "What do they do?" He said, "Well, they do FCC law." I said, "What's the FCC?" It didn't matter, I went and I interviewed and I got the job. I was there as a clerk and practicing law for a total of five years. When I decided to leave, I just felt that I'd rather be on the management side of the business than the legal side and I had an opportunity to join TransVideo in San Diego. KELLER: TransVideo was what? GOLDSTEIN: TransVideo was a holding company for several cable TV companies, one in Chanute, Kansas and one, at that time, in El Cajon, California, which is east of San Diego. They wanted to expand where they were and also get franchises in other parts of the country. So I called Jack Cole, who I'm sure you know, because there weren't very many people in Washington in those days who knew what cable TV was about. KELLER: What year was this? GOLDSTEIN: That was 1964. It may have been the end of '63, but early '64 anyhow. Jack was at that time practicing law with Strat Smith and Strat Smith was the founder of NCTA, if I recall properly. KELLER: One of the founders and he was the first general counsel of the NCTA. GOLDSTEIN: Right. So I had lunch with Jack. Jack had been in law school a couple of years ahead of me and I described this opportunity to get in the cable television business and also live in San Diego. He thought the cable television business came first, San Diego second. He said, "Go back and resign and go on out there," which I did. I arrived in San Diego after five years in Washington with a very narrow tie and a rolled up umbrella and all these guys are, as everybody is today, in shirtsleeves. The first job I had was to go out and walk with one of those mile measurers to measure the miles of cable we were putting down. KELLER: So you started right from the bottom? GOLDSTEIN: Started right from the bottom. Lee Druckman was the president and that's the way Lee did things and I said to myself, "What have I done?" But in a couple of months, I realized that Jack was right. I made the right decision and after I'd spent about six months doing that sort of thing, then I got into... KELLER: Did you climb poles, too? GOLDSTEIN: No, I didn't climb any, no. KELLER: String cable? GOLDSTEIN: Strung cable, and just did a lot of different things. KELLER: This is an attorney talking. GOLDSTEIN: Well, in those days, we only had seven-channel amplifiers. They were tube amplifiers and we were all excited when they went to twelve-channel. So, I got involved in some management and also in getting some new franchises. We went after the franchise for Bakersfield, California and Porterville, California. KELLER: Let's make that a separate portion of this oral history. Let's stay in San Diego, the early days of San Diego. GOLDSTEIN: Okay, right. So, in San Diego - of course, we started in El Cajon, which in Spanish means "the box" and if you've ever been there, it literally is a box. They got little or no television, and then the rest of San Diego, because of the canyons, most people off the air only got two channels. Some people, fortunately, if they had a high enough antenna or were properly placed, they got all three networks. We found a mountaintop where we could pick up nine channels from Los Angeles. So we put the nine channels from Los Angeles and the three local channels and we were delivering twelve channels of cable TV for $5.95 and it was $14.95 for installation. But we always had some sort of marketing gimmick that you could get the installation free. At Thanksgiving you could even get a free turkey! KELLER: You couldn't even trade in your antenna for that. GOLDSTEIN: Oh yeah, we gave turkeys and we gave cases of Coca-Cola, we did anything we could to get subscribers and really the system got started. Lee had been a Jerrold salesman and that was his area and the guy in El Cajon couldn't pay his bills. That guy was building the network by charging high installation charges per block and then he'd get some money together and build another block. So Lee went to Milt Shapp and said, "I'll pay... KELLER: Milt Shapp was the president of Jerrold Corporation at that time? GOLDSTEIN: That's right. KELLER: The former governor of Pennsylvania, too. GOLDSTEIN: Right. And Lee said, "I'll pay the guy's bills and let me buy him out and I'll get into this business." And that's what Lee did and he came to me and hired me after he was able to put together a fairly good amount of money to expand into San Diego proper. So we came up out of the canyon over the hills and began building in San Diego. One of the local television stations was owned by Augie Meyer, who I guess goes down in cable TV infamy . He was the CBS network operator – he was from Illinois, I think – in San Diego and he challenged our right to build cable television in the San Diego market on the basis, which we heard all the time around the country, that cable television was going to destroy the local channels. There would be no local broadcasting, advertisers would have to go to LA if they wanted to advertise to the local populace and there'd be no local programming. It was a tune that we had heard for a long time in lots of cities. Augie had the ear of the local newspaper and finally after several attempts – he was an attorney as well – after several attempts at the FCC, he got the FCC to agree to issue an injunction against us to prohibit us from building any more plant. At that time, we had close to 30,000 subscribers, which was the largest cable television system in the United States. That was in 1965 or so, '66 maybe, that Augie got the injunction against us. KELLER: The case became known as The United States vs. Southwestern Cable, is that correct? GOLDSTEIN: Yes, that's right. It was The United States vs. Southwestern Cable. Southwestern Cable also had a franchise for the San Diego area north of what was the San Diego River, which was a dry bed. It's basically Pacific Beach, which is the northern part, and then west of Pacific Beach. Our company was Mission Cable TV and we had south of the river, which included all of metropolitan San Diego and Chula Vista and National City and some other cities around – La Mesa, other cities. So when the FCC filed the injunction, we said that we were bringing these channels from Los Angeles without any FCC licenses. No microwave, no other licenses were required for what we were doing and we went to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the ninth circuit, in Los Angeles and made the case that the FCC had no jurisdiction because there were no FCC licenses involved. We had franchises from the various cities and that's all we needed and the ninth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with us. But it didn't take the FCC long after that to go to the United States Supreme Court and of course, somehow Southwestern's name got in first and Mission Cable was in second because they were all so enjoined – Southwestern was all so enjoined. Our case was argued at the Supreme Court. At the same time, the very first copyright case which was brought against the cable TV industry was brought... KELLER: That would have been the Fortnightly case. GOLDSTEIN: The Fortnightly case, right. The decisions were handed down about the same time as well. I always think that it would make a good law journal article for some law student who's interested in communications because it was clear that the court didn't feel comfortable ruling against the cable TV industry in the copyright case and basically it was clear to them that cable television was going to have an impact on the nation eventually and that since the FCC is really an arm of the Congress, they asked Congress to give the FCC some direction in regulating this industry. So they allowed the injunction to stand. Now we were allowed to add subscribers wherever we had plant but we weren't allowed to add additional plant. At that time, Cox Broadcasting... KELLER: Excuse me, just a minute, but was there anything set at that point about providing only local signals as opposed to providing the signals coming in from LA in the areas that you currently had set up? GOLDSTEIN: No, we could provide all twelve channels. KELLER: But you weren't allowed to build any farther than that? GOLDSTEIN: We couldn't build any new – not one more new street. KELLER: Even if you were only going to provide the local channels? GOLDSTEIN: I don't think we ever got to that issue. There were some areas that we probably could have gotten subscribers because they didn't get all three networks, but we just didn't pursue that. So anyhow, Cox Broadcasting had, prior to the whole case, had bought, my recollection is, 24-25% of TransVideo. KELLER: That was the company you were with? GOLDSTEIN: Yes, TransVideo was the holding company that owned 100% of Mission Cable TV and Mission Cable was the company that served the San Diego area. The major investors, or the other investors, were really Wall Street bankers – the old Drexel-Burnham company – and they felt, their investment turned out alright, that it was going to be a long time before these issues were resolved with the FCC and so they agreed to sell the remaining shares to Cox. Some of us, Lee and some of us, had a small amount of interest in the company but the major shareholders were Cox and the Burnham people. So that's when it was sold to Cox and then Cox in turn created Cox Cable. It was put under Cox Cable and I stayed on until 1972. That happened in 1967, I stayed on until 1972 as Cox's western regional manager because as I said, we had other properties. KELLER: Without being able to build any further than you were at the time of Fortnightly. GOLDSTEIN: Correct. KELLER: And so the FCC, as I recall, and correct me if I'm wrong, the Southwestern case was the case that finally developed into allowing the FCC to exert certain jurisdiction over cable television. Is that correct? GOLDSTEIN: That's correct. That's right, and that's where the non-duplication rules evolved and other... KELLER: The importation non-duplication rules and how they affected you in San Diego? GOLDSTEIN: Well actually, they didn't really affect us in terms of getting on new subscribers. The equipment wasn't very sophisticated so equipment had to be developed to black out the networks in LA when the networks in San Diego were carrying the same programming. And what we did was actually put the San Diego channels eventually on both cable channels. KELLER: Non-duplication protection. GOLDSTEIN: Yes, non-duplication protection. KELLER: For network programming only, is that correct? GOLDSTEIN: For network programming only, right. And we, in San Diego, actually had I believe, well I think the first actual origination channel as well. We set up a studio that didn't look anything like this. KELLER: How did it look? GOLDSTEIN: It was much smaller, there was a small hand-held video camera. We hired a guy out of San Diego State who just wanted to do programming. One of our most famous interviews that we did – we didn't have much audience, we were sure of that – but we got Lionel Van Deerlin, who was a Congressman and actually, at that time, Chairman of the House Interstate & Foreign Commerce Committee, which regulated the FCC. Lionel was a pretty good friend of ours and so I did an interview with him and we did a few other things. KELLER: What did you talk about? GOLDSTEIN: I don't remember, Jim. That was a long time ago. I didn't want to put him on the spot when it came to cable television, so we probably talked about local issues. We also did a couple of football games, remote. KELLER: High school football? GOLDSTEIN: High school football games. We had these big dreams we were going to sell advertising around it and it was going to be the new cable television. We figured if Augie Meyer said we were going to compete with him, we might as well compete. But, when you only had 30,000 customers and twelve channels, in those days of pretty good television, it was hard to compete with that. KELLER: As I recall, Augie Meyer was also a very close friend of Van Deerlin's, wasn't he? GOLDSTEIN: I'm sure he was. He sure was a big contributor, a bigger contributor than we were but Lionel was always very good to us and always gave us his ear. KELLER: He always was good to the industry. GOLDSTEIN: Yes, he was. He was very sympathetic to the industry. I think he understood that it was going to grow and have the impact on society that it's had. So he was a good guy. KELLER: When did you finally start to build farther on out from the original point in San Diego? GOLDSTEIN: You know, I don't remember exactly the year, but it probably started when the non-duplication rules were put into effect. KELLER: After the FCC took over jurisdiction? GOLDSTEIN: Yes. Then with the non-duplication rules, the FCC was able to say to the local television stations, okay, we've given you protection and these guys can go ahead. I just don't remember what year that was. It wasn't too long. There was a year or two maybe, that we... KELLER: It was prior to the satellite? GOLDSTEIN: Oh, yes. KELLER: So it had to be in the early '70's, then. GOLDSTEIN: Yes, probably even before, maybe '69, '70, sometime in there. We were building, certainly before I left the company in 1972. KELLER: Were you able to discern a difference between the new area you were building and the numbers of subscribers in the original area? GOLDSTEIN: No. We used to pretty much get 40% saturation with a little good marketing and it didn't make much difference. As I looked around for other cities to obtain franchises in, the first thing you always looked for was how tall were the antennas on everybody's roof. San Diego had some of those 300-foot poles, so those are the streets you built first and they were pretty good customers. It was interesting during times of recession, which we were in the business long enough to see, people would actually disconnect their phone before they'd disconnect the cable. KELLER: Oh, yes, I remember that very well. GOLDSTEIN: You remember that? KELLER: Yes. So then, you continued to develop in San Diego and eventually San Diego was built and Cox eventually took most of the area? GOLDSTEIN: Yes. We don't even want to hear what the numbers are today. KELLER: They're staggering. GOLDSTEIN: I'm sure they are. KELLER: They're one of the largest systems in the world. GOLDSTEIN: Well, Lee has nerve enough to live there. I don't think I could do that. KELLER: Lee is still living in San Diego? GOLDSTEIN: Yes, he lives in San Diego. KELLER: Well, you were also franchising, or trying to obtain franchises elsewhere? GOLDSTEIN: Yes. One of the larger ones we got was in Bakersfield, which was an interesting story. I know that you were a franchise getter as well. We were an applicant, well there were three applicants basically. The people that had Southwestern Cable, they were a third competitor in Bakersfield and then the other competition was a consortium of the three local television stations and 27 local business people. The night that it came time to decide who was going to get the franchise, all those people sat right in front of the city council and when the vote came, we won. A guy that we all know in the cable industry, Burt Harris, owned one of those television stations and it took a couple of weeks before Burt could call Lee and say, "You know, I couldn't even speak to you guys that night. All I could do was think about if I was going to throw up, because I couldn't believe that you guys won that franchise in Bakersfield." But Lee and I worked very hard on that. It's a rough and tumble town. There was a time toward the end when the only place we'd stay was the airport motel; we wouldn't even go into town. KELLER: Get out of town, huh? GOLDSTEIN: Right. We were asked by a few people not to come back, but we persisted and we won. Then we went on and got Porterville, which is about 20 miles away. KELLER: How large a system did that become? GOLDSTEIN: My recollection was, well when we sold it, it had 10 or 12 thousand customers. KELLER: A reasonably good sized system at that time. GOLDSTEIN: Yes, it still was a good size because Bakersfield, again, those people had a sense of Los Angeles, so we again were able to bring nine channels from Los Angeles and we did an interesting thing there as well. Because you have to go over that pass and we didn't have microwave, our chief engineer, a guy named Jack Long, who's also an old pioneer in this business from the technical side, built a parabolic antenna out on a farm. If you can visualize this, it looked like a big radar screen and he was absolutely sure that he could capture those signals and sure enough, he did. Because, he said, the mountain range created a scatter effect and so when the signals came over the mountain range, he was able to get them on this parabolic antenna and that's how we delivered our nine LA channels in Bakersfield. KELLER: So you were delivering the nine plus the three. GOLDSTEIN: The three locals, right. KELLER: Were you doing any origination then? GOLDSTEIN: No, we didn't do any origination. KELLER: Earlier, when we were having lunch, you mentioned the story about hiring the law firm that you clerked in early on. GOLDSTEIN: Fletcher-Heald represented us at the Supreme Court and I always jokingly said that I paid them more in legal fees than they paid me in salary in five years, but it was not a joke. It was actually true. But Bob Heald, who was one of the senior partners, argued the case and did a great job, but unfortunately a lot of it had to do with timing in the industry. KELLER: You then became a western regional manager for Cox? GOLDSTEIN: Yes, I was a western regional manager. We bought Lubbock, Texas and so I was responsible for Lubbock and San Diego and Porterville and Bakersfield. Prior to that, with Lee, we also had Chanute, Kansas and Pittsburgh, Kansas, which we sold to Monte Rifkin. We decided to concentrate more on the California area. I went to all those towns – Iola and Hannibal, Missouri and it was a great education but we just never were successful other than getting the Pittsburgh franchise so we decided to concentrate on the West. KELLER: You were also partly instrumental in the formation of the California Cable Television Association, is that correct? GOLDSTEIN: Yes, I was with Walter Kaitz. Of course, again, in a lot of states they wanted to put cable television under the public utilities commission, so Walter was hired by our group to represent us in Sacramento and Walter said, "Why don't you form an association?" So, we formed the California Cable TV Association. We always had the meetings in San Diego in November and the first couple years we had about 40-50 people and then it started growing and we moved it to the Del Coronado. In November, everybody wanted to come, so people used to call and come from the West. One of my famous calls, I told you at lunch, annually I'd get from Bill Daniels, "Hank, make sure I get a good room." Anybody that knows Bill can just hear that voice, and I always promised him a good room and it grew and grew. It really was the basis for the Western Show today. KELLER: The second largest cable television conference in the country. GOLDSTEIN: Right. And we had some good times. We had good speakers. One year, I remember, we had Jess Unruh, who was the speaker of the California legislature and then I decided to go after the Sacramento franchise and create a consortium with Jess. We lost to the McClatchy's, who ran the newspaper. They were too strong, even for Jess. KELLER: Even for Jess, and that's powerful. GOLDSTEIN: Right. KELLER: At that time, Ronald Reagan was governor of California. GOLDSTEIN: Ronald Reagan was governor, and we testified before Ronald Reagan and tried to make him understand what cable television was. Why it shouldn't be under the PUC and maybe if we'd been talking about movies, he could have understood us. He sure didn't understand what cable television was. But we were able to stay out from under the PUC. We had the usual battles with the phone company. On one hand, we were paying them rent to use their poles and paying them a lot of money to change the height of their lines. I think you had to be a foot above phone in pole clearance and two feet below power, or something like that. But then we'd fight them tooth and nail to keep them out of the industry and of course we know today that that's changed. We want to get in their industry and they want to get into ours. KELLER: It's also ironic that when you went from there, you went into the phone business in Europe. GOLDSTEIN: Yes. KELLER: I'm going to get into that. Let's stay right in this country right now. Any problems that you remember or that were notable in the Bakersfield system? GOLDSTEIN: Only how we were going to get the signals without microwave, because we actually got that before the Supreme Court case as well and we just didn't want to have to go to the FCC for anything. KELLER: Now as I recall, the early stages of the regulation by the FCC were only on systems that received their signals from microwave, is that correct? That was their first regulation, the Carter Mountain Case? GOLDSTEIN: Exactly. If you had an FCC license, basically what you had was microwave, then they could control you because they could say, you can't use that license for that unless you do this. So we wanted to stay out from under the FCC and the real issue for us was how to get the signals from LA. Jack Long designed the parabolic antenna. Other than that, it was a bit slower moving market than San Diego because they really did get the three networks, where as I said, in San Diego, if you've ever been there, there are a lot of people that just couldn't get all three networks. As a matter of fact, I think ABC or one of the networks changed to the Tijuana station, changed their affiliation, because they had a better coverage coming from the south into San Diego. KELLER: We're about ready to go into the second tape, so we'll take a little break. As we ended that first videotape, we were talking, Hank, about your experiences in Bakersfield. How you'd built the parabolic antenna to bring in the LA signals to Bakersfield. Did you ever go to microwave in the Bakersfield system? GOLDSTEIN: Not while we owned it. Now that you mention it, I think Cox finally did it after I left. I think they did. KELLER: Now, when you were operating in San Diego, did you ever bring in the Mexican channels from below the border? GOLDSTEIN: You know, the equipment only handled twelve channels. The amplifiers were only twelve channel amplifiers, so we didn't. As long as I was there, they still were only twelve channel amplifiers. KELLER: But one of the stations was not the Tijuana station? GOLDSTEIN: No. KELLER: That was added later. Of course there was a large Spanish population. GOLDSTEIN: Right, yes. I think the next increment was going to 20-some channels and vaguely I remember that they started to build 20 channel portions of the network toward the end of my time there. So certainly they added the Mexican channel. But there was one very, I think it was XETV, one very popular channel in Mexico, in Tijuana. KELLER: When did you leave Cox? GOLDSTEIN: Well, I left in 1972. Lee thought we ought to try to do TransVideo again. It was actually when Dean Birch became chairman of the FCC. Dean was from Tucson; Lee was from Tucson. They had some conversations about allowing cable television to grow and I think unfortunately, Dean wasn't able to accomplish as much for the cable TV industry as he would have liked. But we decided to do it again, so I moved to Tucson and we started a company called Century Cable. We got the franchise for Saginaw, Michigan and Owosso, Michigan. KELLER: Quite a ways from Tucson! GOLDSTEIN: Yes, well, cooler! I spent almost a year working to get the Grand Rapids franchise. That's another one of those great franchise stories. There were ten applicants. GOLDSTEIN: That was 1972-1973. KELLER: At the real height of the battle for cable television franchises. KELLER: In mid-size markets, anyway. GOLDSTEIN: Right. Grand Rapids was a great market. It was a good-sized market and it had very little television off the air. Nine of the applicants put together local groups, we were one of them, and the city council went through a two-stage process and they whittled it down to four. We were one of the four, Cox was one of the four and there were two others – General Electric and I can't remember the fourth. KELLER: That's right, GE was in there, Frank Drendel. GOLDSTEIN: Right. We decided to make our chances better, we got together with our old friends Cox and told the city we were going to put our two applications together. In the meantime, we had gotten Children's Workshop, Sesame Street. We had offered them 20% of the deal and we figured nobody could beat us. I mean, how could you beat us with Sesame Street? We're going to come to Grand Rapids and the Sesame Street people said to the city council, that they would do a lot of origination there, they'd do some creative new stuff. So we were really riding on a high and it came the night for the decision. The council decided to give it to General Electric, who had no local partners. Of course, when you think about it, it was probably the easy way out for the council. But I spent about a year, and you know how it goes... KELLER: Tell us how you would go about getting a franchise. Especially when you had a local group. GOLDSTEIN: Well, you just had to, at least we did, we spent a lot of time first of all, establishing our own creative credibility. There's lobbying the city council and other people that work for the government, like the city attorney. Generally, city attorneys were pretty strong in these decisions – maybe the city planner, a couple of other people and telling them who we were, what our background was. The opposition, of course, said that these guys, meaning us, we were obviously franchise flippers, you know, we'd been in San Diego and sold it. All we'd come in there for was to do the same thing again. We'd then tell them the whole story about the Supreme Court and how it really wasn't our decision to sell. So you'd build some credibility and then put together a local consortium of what you thought hopefully would be a strong group of people from different walks of life, different political persuasions. KELLER: A politically strong group. GOLDSTEIN: Yes, a politically strong group, vis-à-vis the city council. KELLER: What would you offer them? GOLDSTEIN: The group? KELLER: Yes. GOLDSTEIN: They would get shares in the company. KELLER: Carried interest? GOLDSTEIN: Carried interest. KELLER: Isn't there a name for that? GOLDSTEIN: I don't remember. KELLER: Rent-a-citizen? Does that sound familiar or did that come later? GOLDSTEIN: No. That must have come later. So that's what we did in Grand Rapids, we did it in Saginaw. In Bakersfield we didn't do it. We went in as TransVideo and we really convinced the city attorney and one councilman it was time to break the hold of the establishment, so to speak. That's what we kept hammering away at in Bakersfield. Those guys had backbone enough to stand up and do it. In Grand Rapids, there were other good consortiums, there's no question about it. It's Gerry Ford's hometown, his brother who is a dentist was in one group, a Democrat by the way, not a Republican like his brother. We had, I thought, a pretty well-rounded group. We did get in the finals out of the ten. I really do believe the city council took the easy way out. KELLER: Was this in the days prior to the advent of the cable television consultants? GOLDSTEIN: Yes. There were no consultants. KELLER: CTIC, Cable Television Information Center, came on later? GOLDSTEIN: Yes. The consultants turned out to be the guys like us who started the industry or came in later, actually. KELLER: It did develop a whole industry of so-called experts of cable television. GOLDSTEIN: A lot of what we did was winging it. You were selling yourself, you were selling your product, you were trying to convince them that you were the best bunch of guys to come to their city and for the most part we were all strangers. Bud Hostetter beat me out in Holland, Michigan. I told you the night the city council was to decide - there again, I thought I had a really strong group – Bud and his team showed up with their big mobile van from Ohio and showed the city council what they could do in providing remote programming. I turned to Lee and said, "We might as well leave right now." Some guys were fun to compete with. I hated to lose, but Bud is a good guy and you don't mind losing to a good guy. KELLER: Do you remember some of the other people you competed against? GOLDSTEIN: Well, the guys from Southwestern Cable who got the northern part of San Diego, Bud, and I can't remember who else. Well, certainly in Grand Rapids, everybody was there. GE and I'm sure the other major players at the time. I'm having a senior moment. KELLER: How long did you operate those properties? GOLDSTEIN: We only kept Century for a couple of years. We also built one other network because we really thought that the major market rules would change, so we built a network, a cable TV system in Sun City, outside of Phoenix. Phoenix of course had plenty of local television, but we just felt we were going to be able to bring distant television. Of course that was our major mistake in this industry. Building it was sort of funny because it was all underground. The cost in those days, I don't know what it is today, but I think it was $1,500 a mile overhead and $7,000 a mile underground. But it was an all retired community and some of our installers found themselves facing rifles when some of these retired people saw them coming to go through their backyard in Sun City, which is all laid out in stone. But we did build it and of course couldn't get the distant channels. It sat fallow for quite a while until some rules changed and then we sold it a few years later. KELLER: Did you do any programming in Sun City? GOLDSTEIN: We tried, but it really wasn't enough to sell many subscriptions. So in 1974, we sold Saginaw and Owosso to Cox, our good old pals at Cox. Henry Harris, who I'm sure you remember, was running Cox. So then I sort of disappeared out of the cable TV business. KELLER: Then what? GOLDSTEIN: Well, then I went to Europe. A friend of mine, who had been with Drexel-Burnham, had been the deal guy who put the money together for TransVideo. He called me and said that he had an idea. Since 800 toll free dialing was doing so well in the United States, why don't we take it to Europe where they didn't even have the concept. So I said, sounds like a good idea to me. He also had interest from a man who had 40 years experience with AT&T and had really been the executive who, through AT&T, helped a lot of the European countries rebuild their telephone systems after World War II. In order to do what we wanted to do in Europe, we had to have the permission of all the PTT's they were called – Post Telephone Telegraph companies – owned by the governments. We would arrive in Stockholm or Helsinki and people would roll out the red carpet for us. We were there to sell something. At that time, all the director generals still remembered him, what he had done when he was at AT&T, so we felt we had a good entrée and we did. But every director general said, "Well, you've got to take this switch that you have down tot the switching people and the transmission people." So we went to all the western European countries to get permission to use our switch. I said I'd try it for a year, I was living in London. Well, two years went by and I started calling Walter Kaitz and said, "I think I'm ready to come back and look around." At that time, NCTA was looking for a new president. Of course I was a good friend of Van Deerlin's, who was the Chairman of the Interstate & Foreign Committee, so my name was thrown in the hat. Just about that time we did get approval in three countries that allowed us to put in our switch – France, Spain and Holland – and then the others came pretty quickly. I called Walter and said, "I think this thing is starting to snowball," and I moved the company to Switzerland. The tax laws in England at that time were horrendous, so we moved to Switzerland near Geneva and started the business. KELLER: Still with Drexel-Burnham backing? GOLDSTEIN: Well, it wasn't Drexel-Burnham. It was all private. My friend had been with Drexel and actually he had left and so this was all private. We all put in some money. It didn't take a lot to fund it at that point. Finally, Continental Telephone, Charlie Wohlstetter's group, came in and put some money into it when we really needed to spend some capital to buy the major amounts of equipment. The way it worked, like early cable TV, was pretty rudimentary. We had these small switches, to give you an example, VISA had no authorization center in Europe at that time. So, they put an authorization center in London and we were able to give them a telephone number in most of the major cities in Europe. If, in Milan, you went to buy a pair of shoes, the Milan shoe store owner could dial a Milan number, our switch would send the call to VISA in London and they could give him the authorization code. We paid the PTT for the phone call, the shop owners didn't. Then we billed VISA for that plus a monthly fee for every line they had. Our major customers were credit card companies, hotel reservation services, a lot of Wall Street companies that either had good clients somewhere, like in the Middle East. I was really surprised. I figured, what does a sheik in Kuwait care about making a toll free call, but the fact is they loved it and a lot of the brokerage firms and big houses couldn't get licenses to open offices in those countries. So we moved into the Middle East and then the Far East. KELLER: Were you using an AT&T switch? GOLDSTEIN: No. This little switch was built by a company in Portland, Oregon. Actually it was a call diverter and it really just diverted the call. You could have it for you home. It was almost too rudimentary to believe. Each country was different. The Germans wanted the switch to be within 500 meters of an exchange. Some countries allowed us into the exchange, which was very unusual. I think probably because of our former AT&T guy. Some countries, for example Sweden, tore the thing apart and I learned later that for the 747 to get approved in Sweden they were the most rigorous. I always thought he Germans would be the most rigorous in reviewing new equipment. Each country had its own hurdles but we finally got it all put together and as a business it was okay, but it wasn't great because the biggest part of the toll free calling is really within a country, within Germany, within England. Because in Europe, as we learned, people in France don't buy a Braun mixer, they buy a Mullinex. There wasn't a lot of cross border trading. Our clientele was limited to the kind of people I mentioned. I did that for eleven years. KELLER: Did you ever think during that period that you might want to provide cable service also in those areas? GOLDSTEIN: Well, I looked into cable and actually, Freddy Lieberman owned the cable TV system in Switzerland at that time. I had some discussions with Freddy about going further into Europe and it never really went anywhere. Then when I decided to leave Europe, cable television was really just coming. Freddy was probably the first cable television operator in Europe. He's an old Jerrold guy; I don't know if you knew Freddy. KELLER: Oh yes, Telesystems with Jack Crosby and Ben Conroy and that group. GOLDSTEIN: Right. And so I went to a conference in Wembley which was about cable TV and John Saeman from the Daniels Group was there and we talked about cable and he said that they were applicants in England and they decided that there was enough to do here in the United States and they weren't going to do anything in Europe. I thought, well, I wouldn't mind staying in Europe, but it was time to change. I'm an advocate of change from time to time. John said that he and Bill would love it if I'd stop by in Denver sometime when I came back to the States. So I did that and they had the idea that there was an opportunity in the paging industry. This was in 1983, I guess, that larger companies were coming into the paging industry, a lot of the paging industry had grown up from answering services, Mom and Pop shops – some of them were very large – and those people had reached a point where they'd like to cash out. So I said, "Well, I didn't want to go chasing licenses anymore, but if we could put a fund of money together for acquisitions, I'd be interested." In early '84, John called and said he felt the money could be put together and would I like to do it? In July of '84, I moved to Denver and started acquiring paging companies around the country. KELLER: This was your first go around with Daniels? KELLER: I failed to mention earlier that you are currently the managing director international of Daniels & Associates. I should have mentioned that earlier. This was your first time at Daniels that we're now talking about. GOLDSTEIN: Right. But on the operating side, actually. So we got paging operations in six or seven states and had 75,000-80,000 customers. However, Bill decided that he was going to take his company back to its original roots of being investment bankers/brokers. As you know, they operated as a general partner in some other partnerships, a lot of cable TV systems and they sold them all to United Artists. At that point, the paging part was like the tail wagging the dog, so I turned around and sold the paging companies, some of them back to McCaw, some of them to US West and Arch mainly. I was on the board of Telocator at the time, I think it's changed its name now to the PCIA Group. Telocator was the paging industry's trade association. Anyhow, I said to a number of my friends on the board that I'd done cable TV, I'd done paging, I'd done some telephony, I'd like to get into cellular because it looked to me to be something pretty close to cable. What we were in cable was a monopoly. At least cellular was only a duopoly in most markets. So I just put the word out and I got a call for the first time in my life from a headhunter who said he had a client looking for an American with telecommunications experience who had lived abroad. I said, well, I think you're speaking to him. One thing led to another and I ended up in Hong Kong with a company called First Pacific. They had a 50% interest in a cellular telephone license for Hong Kong. The other 50% was owned by Millicom. They had management control. KELLER: Millicom had control? GOLDSTEIN: No, First Pacific. So they were able to hire the president, CEO, which I was. We were actually the first company in the world, I believe, to be the third in the market in cellular telephone and I called that company Pacific Link. End of Tape 1, Side A Start of Tape 1, Side B GOLDSTEIN: (cont) I named all my paging companies Interlink and other links and so I carried that name over there, then First Pacific, the parent company, liked the business so well that I moved over to the corporate side and we created a holding company called Asia Link. I put on my license getting hat again and we got franchises, or licenses, in China, in India, the Philippines, Taiwan and Indonesia. Actually, in Indonesia we made an acquisition. We built and operated cellular networks in all those countries and last year, 1998, I decided to come back to the United States. I had been coming back annually for the CTIA show, which is the cellular telephone industry show and always running into the Daniels guys - Brian Deevy and Brad Busse. They asked me when I came back if I'd be interested in helping them expand their international reach because I had experience in Europe and Asia and so I told them I'd consider it. Last year, we officially moved back in February but then I went back to Hong Kong to clean up some things. In June, I joined Daniels, again, but this time it's an investment banking company. I had to take the Series 7 exam. I hadn't studied like that since I took the bar exam. So I'm in the investment banking business on the other side of the table. I was always on the operating side up until now. Fred Vierra is doing the same thing with Daniels, but he's concentrating on Latin America. So that's what I'm doing. It's great to be back in the United States, I'll tell you that. KELLER: While you were working, getting licenses in places like India and the Philippines, was cable developing in those countries? GOLDSTEIN: Well, yes, there's a lot of cable in Asia that's sort of pirate cable and it competes with satellite. Satellite has done very well. Satellite was late to come. There was cable before satellite. In the Philippines, there was a lot of small cable operators, there are no big cable operators in Asia. There are a lot of small ones around in virtually every country and then satellite, AsiaSat and StarTV have done very well carrying mostly movies. For instance, in India, which is a movie crazy country, StarTV has a lot of viewers and so they sell a lot of advertising around there. You know there's a cable system now in Hong Kong. Cable is having a tough time in Asia, I think for several reasons. One is the Asians are not big TV viewers like we are in the United States. Secondly, the general populace speaks the local language, so in order to have good programming that they're going to want to watch, you either have to dub it or subtitle it. In Hong Kong, all the movies you go to are subtitled, even the theater movies. But even with that, the cable TV network has not done well. Hong Kong people are interested in CNN maybe, ESPN probably not. Those are available. CNCB is available on the satellite. The ex-patriate community in Hong Kong is only about 150,000 people at most out of 6 ½ million. The ex-patriate community probably subscribes pretty heavily to cable television but where I lived I know the habits. I mean, the Hong Kong people work late, husbands and wives. Everybody goes to their mother's or mother-in-law's for dinner. They get home to their own home around 10-10:30. They may watch a little television and then they go to sleep and they don't go to work until 9:30 in the morning but they'll work the other end in their offices until 7,8,9 o'clock in the evening and then go out to dinner. So there's not a lot of television viewing time, except maybe on weekends. It's pretty much that way in a lot of the countries. I mean, you'll see television antennas in china and they do watch television but I really think the key to success there is going to be more good local programming. Programming that is in the local language, not necessarily local programming. They love American movies but it's very expensive to dub them or subtitle them. KELLER: Now, from the outlook of a telecommunications provider, have you seen a big difference or any difference at all between Hong Kong as a British protectorate and becoming part of China? GOLDSTEIN: Not really. I was there through the handover. As a matter of fact, if you watch the handover, that rainy night when Prince Charles made his speech, I was sitting there soaking to the skin, but it was a big event. In truth, the real impact on Hong Kong over the last year since the handover has really been the overall Asian economic crisis. It hasn't really been the Chinese takeover. The Chinese government, prior to the takeover, invested a lot of hard dollars in buying property in downtown Hong Kong. They bought 20% of the local telephone company, they bought 15% of the airline. KELLER: That's the Chinese government? GOLDSTEIN: The Chinese government. So, they had a lot of hard dollars, or have a lot of hard dollars invested in Hong Kong. The noticeable difference, because I was just there three weeks ago, the noticeable differences are that you hear more Mandarin spoken. Hong Kong has always been a Cantonese speaking area. That's really one of the biggest differences. You don't see any difference; the police wear the same uniform, they don't have the Queen's picture on their buttons anymore, but there's a faction in Hong Kong who say they should have a vote, an elected legislature. There are about fifteen people elected to the legislature and they really have no power. But the truth is, the British didn't even allow elections of the first fifteen and the British legislature was entirely appointed, everybody was appointed. The British legislature was entirely appointed, everybody was appointed. The British ruled it much more like a colonial city-state than the Chinese and everybody that I spoke to – no one is complaining that things have gotten worse since China took over. The fact is that the Chinese government, although it's nominally communist, really has an economic reform that's been going on since the days of Deng Xao Peng who was a Mao follower, that has made Hong Kong and the coastal regions boom. Shanghai is booming, the city across the border from Hong Kong, Shenzen, is booming, Old Canton, which is called Guangzhou, is booming. So they may be nominally communist but they're not in reality. KELLER: This is a good point to change tapes. Hank, when we left the second tape and took a little break, we'd just talked about the takeover by China of the British protectorate of Hong Kong. You were very active in the various trade associations and so on in Hong Kong. How did you get involved in those things, especially being an ex-patriate? GOLDSTEIN: Well, Hong Kong is very open to ex-patriates and of course running the second largest cellular telephone network gave me the opportunity. Our company was invited to join the Hong Kong Telecom Association, which was an association of operators of cellular networks, paging operators, and even installers and vendors of fixed line switchboards and that sort of thing. So I was active virtually every year I was there in that organization which was very effective because while I was there, the government regulation of the telecom industry changed quite a bit. They, they being the British, brought in a guy from Australia and created, they called it OFTA, the office of something telecommunications, I can't remember what the "F" was for. He had been in a similar capacity like the FCC in Australia and he was a cone-man FCC. He made a lot of changes, some of them good, some of them not so good. There were four cellular operators by the time he came and he issued six more licenses for a city of 6 ½ million people. Not so good. But the association, as most associations do, had some valid points and he listened and he spoke and he came to the luncheons, so it was an opportunity to get to know him quite well. As an interesting anecdote, I did get to know him quite well and when the government was changing, Governor Patton, Chris Patton, invited certain level executives to have lunch with him before they left, before the handover. Alex Arena was the name of the guy who was the one-man FCC. He was invited and Alex invited my wife and me along with two other couples to be his guests at Chris Patton's lunch table before the handover. That was pretty exciting. Getting back to the association, it was very effective. This brings up something else which is not common at all in the United States. They have no anti-trust laws there, so when I first got out there, one of my competitors called me on the phone and asked if we could have lunch and I said, "Well I'm not sure that's a good idea." He's a Canadian and he said, "This is not the United States, you can have lunch with me." So we had lunch and we never discussed really how much we were going to charge for service fees, but we did discuss the price of phones. I had just come from the United States and what he was telling me was don't do what they do in the United States. You don't have to give away the phones here, people will buy them and he was right. Then, before Alex Arena arrived, with the government's endorsement, the four cellular operators used to meet monthly. Now, it was understood that we wouldn't discuss pricing but we discussed such things as the government housing authority making it difficult for us to get antennas on buildings and we kept a log or minutes, so it was pretty interesting to me. I got over it fairly quickly, but to sit down with your competitors once a month and sort of talk things out. That was another thing. It wasn't truly an association, but... The trading association used to put on an annual telecommunications show, a small show, with vendors, so we did that. Then I also got involved with the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and they had a committee that was responsible for looking into telecommunications activities in Hong Kong. The last three years I was there, I think it was three years, I was the chairman of that committee. KELLER: But they were not involved in cable? GOLDSTEIN: Well, they weren't involved in cable directly, but there was a cable TV... In the course of my time there, the government awarded a cable television franchise and the winners, two of the partners being two very strong Chinese companies, couldn't get along and the thing never got done. Then the government awarded it again with a fixed wire telephony license and one of the partners who'd been in the first consortium won it this time. The second time they built the cable television system with a fiber optic telephone network on its back. We're seeing convergence all over the world and that's really what is happening there. Of course, that's WHARF cable. WHARF was always active in the trade associations but the Chamber was more of a policy kind of thing and going to the government policy makers, the committee was maybe ten or twelve people from different aspects. The telephone company had a representative, the cable TV company had a representative, I was the cellular representative, well actually there were two cellular operators represented but we'd looked into all kinds of things, internet access and lots of other things. I was fortunate, since I was chairman at the time of the handover, I got invited to all of the festivities. That's how I happened to be at the rainy night affair. It was quite interesting and Hon Kong being ruled by the British, to see ex-patriates in these jobs, or positions, not jobs, was not uncommon. There has been, and maybe this is something that's changed since the Chinese takeover, but there has been more of a, call it a localization, of all of these kinds of things. Even at OFTA, the government FCC body, the headman is now a Hong Kong Chinese. The executive director of the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce, who for years was a Brit, is now a Hong Kong Chinese. The guy who succeeded me as the chairman of that particular committee is a Hong Kong Chinese. KELLER: You know, the viewer may wonder why we're spending so much time on other than cable operations at this point and I think there are two very good reasons. Number one, Hank gives us an insight into the international telecommunications situation and also serves as a link between the cable television and telephone and the convergence of telecommunications as a single entity as we're currently seeing both in this country an internationally. I think that for those two reasons, to spend the time going through both the international and the telephony aspect of this has been very profitable. GOLDSTEIN: Well, as we said earlier, we used to fight with the telephone company to keep them out of our business and now they're fighting us to keep us out of their business. KELLER: At one time, the telephone companies were in until they were forced out by the Consent Decree and so it's all coming back and when the break up of AT&T and of the Baby Bells occurred we knew at that time that sooner or later they were all going to be back together again. GOLDSTEIN: And that's what we're seeing worldwide. Everybody's looking for some broadband opportunity for video, data, internet, all in one box in the house. KELLER: We're finally fulfilling what we've been bragging about since the very early days, it's only taken 30 years to be able to do it. KELLER: Hank, I think this is a good point for us to break and end this thing. We're very appreciative of you spending your time with us. GOLDSTEIN: Thank you, Jim. For me it's been fun to reminisce. I'd forgotten a lot of the things we talked about. KELLER: It really is fun. As always, we'll end with the commercial that this interview is part of the Oral and Video History Project of The Hauser Foundation for The National Cable Television Center and Museum. The interviewer was Jim Keller and again, we thank Henry R. "Hank" Goldstein.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Alright welcome back in this video. We will be doing two examples on how to draw CPM network diagrams by hand. So, first of all, let's just do the first project we have up here…. Today, I'm going to talk about the top 13 PPC ad network sites. So again it is ad network site, so I'm not including social media, I'm not including LinkedIn'>LinkedIn, and I'm not including Bing….
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Arcul reflex este cea mai lungă legătură parcursă de impulsul nervos de la receptor, nervul senzitiv la centrul nervos. Această înseamnă că impulsul nervos traversează o singură sinapsă pe traiectul nervos senzitiv spre neuronii celule piramidale ale măduvei spinării. În acest caz se vorbește de o formă de act reflex cu o monosinapsă. Circuitul arcului se închide prin răspunsul care sosește din măduva spinării pe calea nervului motor spre mușchi, acest fenomen este numit un sistem input/output. Există o metodă de diagnostic pentru stabilirea reflexelor, după viteză sau intervalul de timp în care se petrece acest fenomen. Neurologie
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
The Leaf by SS Group in Sector 85, Gurgaon is a well thought out project offering a seamless combination of luxury, comfort and convenience. The essence of this project lies in its verdant green surroundings where efforts have been made to ensure lavish lifestyle can be enjoyed without comprising on verdant green open spaces. There are about 9 acres of landscaped greenery with shimmering water bodies promoting a sense of calmness and tranquility. The residential apartments are available in the configuration of 2BHK, 3BHK, 4BHK and 5BHK apartments available in varying sizes. 2BHK units are available in the size ranging between 1250sqft and 1690sqft while 3BHK covers an area varying between 1375sqft and 3950sqft. 4BHK apartments are available in the size of 1650sqft and 4950sqft. The location is also quite prominent of this RERA certified project, as it is only 2km away from NH 8 and enjoys direct access to Dwarka Gurgaon State Highway. IGI Airport is also a short 25 minutes away while railway station is only 10 minutes away. Prominent features of The Leaf in Sector 85 Gurgaon is the presence of a 15000sqft clubhouse offering a bouquet of leisure and recreational facilities such as gym, table tennis, swimming pool, badminton court, cafeteria, multi-purpose hall and billiards room. Three tier security is yet another important feature ensuring this gated community is completed secured. So don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity of buying a home in this project.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
HomeResearchResearch Projects and Programmes The LIFRANUM Project Published on January 25, 2022 – Updated on January 25, 2022 The LIFRANUM project wants to identify and structure the corpus of digital French literatures (sites, blogs, social networks). This patrimonial dimension is coupled with an epistemological inquiry into the literarity of the identified contents and the dynamics of new sociabilities. The Web capture techniques used will allow us to develop innovative documentary languages. We will use, for content indexing, data lakes, and develop interpretable analysis models. The project relies on two laboratories encompassing literature, info-com and computer science; he acts the collaboration of the BnF; it is supported by the International Institute of Francophonie. The objective of the project therefore concerns the literary community, but beyond that, aims to make available to all disciplinary fields a corpus of magnitude as well as an innovative methodology. ► The LIFRANUM project website Gilles BONNET, coordinator of this French National Research Agency (ANR) project for a period of three years until 2023, is a professor at Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University and a member of the MARGE research unit. The project partners are: MARGE, ERIC and the Bibliothèque nationale de France. The secondary partners are: 2IF, UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal) and UdeM (Université de Montréal). ► French version
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
On September 16, 1810, Mexico declared her Independence from Spain. Hidalgo, a priest from Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, gave out El Grito, the cry for freedom and the war began. The Spanish conquest of Mexico began in 1521, and after almost 300 years of occupation, the country followed the United States independence model to set itself free from European rule. Many confuse Mexico's Independence Day with either Cinco de Mayo or the 1910-1920 revolutionary war. Don't be confused! The celebration began last night with the president of every state, municipality and village letting out the battle cry. Here in Teotitlan del Valle, the call for freedom was accompanied by the bands from the elementary, middle and high school — Bandas de la Guerra — drumming and tooting well into the night. The cohetes, firecracker missiles, rang through the air. And, it started again this morning with a desfile (parade) through the streets. Red, white and green as a food display. Happy Birthday, Mexico, our sister nation. A drum for every child? Why not! Viva Mexico! Happy Independence Day! September 16 is Mexican Independence Day. All this past week every city, town and village I've traveled through — from Mexico City to Tenancingo de Degollado to Morelia, Patzcuaro and Tzintzuntzan — is preparing for the celebration. Right now, in Patzcuaro, Michoacan, the zocalo is filled with families waiting for the mayor to speechify. On September 15, a tall castle built of bamboo appeared. At ten o'clock at night the wheels at the top of the castle will spin and propel firecrackers and a pyrotechnics display skyward announcing the independence once again. Flags, bunting, parades, musicians and red, green and white jello cups dominate the landscape. Across the land, mayors, governors and the President will shout out La Grita — the call for freedom from Spain that Hidalgo yelled in 1821. Children will wear the colors of their country. There is even a Liberty Bell. This is a photo tribute to Mexico and her Independence. The feast of the season is the red, white and green taste treat called Chiles en Nogada, created by the nuns in Puebla for General Iturbide who became Emperor of Mexico after independence from Spain. I'm not sure that Mexico can be topped by any other country for her widespread use of red, white and green. From confections to cake decorations to adornment on buildings, the color of the flag dominates everything this week. Mexico is a country of do-it-yourselfers. The Parisina fabric store (it seems like there is one in each medium to large size town) is filled with enough notions, textiles and glitter to outfit each man, woman and child in the country's colors. And, if you need a flag, look no further than your neighborhood street corner, where you can get one in any size. Add a feathery hair adornment, a horn, a drum, and a whistle and you'll be ready to join any band in town. At the Feria del Rebozo in Tenancingo de Degollado, State of Mexico, I saw many finely woven shawls that were in the colors red, white and green. They were hung like flags on display and I know that many women coveted them. Even at Casa Azul, home of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, an exhibit of her clothing featured a skirt in patriotic colors. I'm writing this on the night of September 15. The firecrackers just went off. I heard the mayor call La Grita. Time to go to sleep, if I can sleep. Who knows how for how long the firecrackers will crackle and sizzle and burst with sound. Sending wishes for peace and freedom for all. On September 16, we'll go to the zocalo for the parade. Every Independence Day needs a parade, yes? On September 16 each year, Mexican Independence Day, the president of Mexico stands on the balcony above the entrance to the National Palace in Mexico City facing the huge Zocalo filled with people. He recreates Father Miguel Hidalgo's famous shout Viva Mexico! Viva la Independencia! that Hidalgo made from the church in the town of Dolores in the state of Guanajuato, on September 15, 1810. Thus began Mexico's war of independence from Spain which was not fully realized until 1821. Known as El Grito de Dolores, the cry is the most important symbol of Independence Day. Each year at eleven o'clock in the morning, mayors and governors of cities and states throughout Mexico echo it as citizens gather to join the shout. Some think that Cinco de Mayo is Mexican independence day. It is not. Mexico's General Iturbide rode into Mexico City in 1821 to decidedly end the War of Independence. The Puebla nuns, also known for their mole poblano, created the red, white and green Chiles en Nogada in his honor. He's the man who designed the Mexican flag. The other Mexican revolution started on November 20, 1910. Also known as the Mexican Civil War, the ten-year conflict succeeded in ousting the thirty-year dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz. Travel every city, town and village in Mexico and you will see streets named for the revolutionary heroes and the dates of independence. Viva Mexico! Viva la Independencia! Give a shout out! It's a Chile en Nogada kind of day here in Puebla, Mexico, where it was first prepared by Augustinian nuns, so they say, to honor the birthday of General Augustin Iturbide on August 28, 1821, who orchestrated Mexico's independence from Spain on the same date. I ate one Chile en Nogada today here at El Mural de Los Poblanos. One s not enough. But, lo, I won't be here long enough, gone by the time you read this! No second day for a second helping. History notes that it took Iturbide less than a year to secure independence after he put together a three-part coalition of liberal insurgents, landed nobility and the church who had been in-fighting for ten years. He formulated The Three Guarantees: Freedom from Spain, Religion (Catholicism only) and Union (all Mexicans treated as equals). Iturbide translated The Three Guarantees into the Tri-Color Mexican flag — green, red and white — and added the Aztec symbol of the eagle perched on a cactus to build upon the past. The city is decorated to honor the occasion and the Chile en Nogada season. The nuns created the Chile en Nogada to honor the man who created the first Mexican independence. The dish is tri-color: A beautiful poblano chile stuffed with minced pork, fresh fruit, pine nuts and savory spices (green), topped with a fresh walnut and cream sauce (white) and garnished with fresh pomegranate seeds (red). Today, chile en nogada is THE seasonal dish in Puebla. It is a culinary masterpiece along with the other masterpiece of Puebla origins, mole poblano. Every restaurant tries to capitalize on the popularity of this famous dish. Chile en Nogada is available fresh only from July to September when pomegranates are ripe, peaches and apples are in season, and mild poblano peppers are prolific. No restaurant does it better than El Mural de Los Poblanos. I've been coming here for years and the preparation, presentation and taste never wavers from excellent. Paired with Casa Madero 3V red wine from Coahuila, Mexico, this meal was cien percento (one hundred percent) Mexicano. Chef Lisette Galicia's Chile en Nogada is stuffed with a picadillo of pears, apples, pine nuts, raisins and ground pork, seasoned with hints of North African spices that point to Spain's Moorish history. It is a perfect combination of sweet and savory. The version here is a sweeter nogada sauce, a counter-point to what I tasted the week before at Mexico City's Azul Historico, where two sauce versions, one sweet, the other savory, were available on the menu. Now, it's off to El Norte for a while. Hasta pronto. I'll be dreaming of you, Mexico. First, a beautiful, hand-painted and lead-free plate from the village of Dolores in the State of Guanajuato. Home of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, the Roman Catholic priest who first cried the El Grito de Dolores, the town is now famous for its brightly colored, hand-painted ceramics. Hidalgo's famous cry for Mexican independence from Spain is marked by celebration throughout the country on September 16, commemorating the first cry in 1825. The town changed its name to Dolores Hidalgo to honor the man who rallied the people to determine their own destiny. Viva Mexico! SOLD. An incredible, bold royal blue, lead-free, hand-painted dinner plate from Dolores Hidalgo. I bought this beauty at a lovely shop directly across the street from the church where Hidalgo sounded his famous cry. Measures 10″ in diameter. Has holes in the foot of the plate to hang it on a wall. $35 USD includes shipping to anywhere in the continental USA. The Battle of Guanajuato occurred four days after Hidalgo's famous cry. Nearby is the village of Santa Rosa where another pottery makes lovely hand-painted majolica. The painting is delicate, subtle and Italian in style. Here, rich, warmly painted plate is decorated with a pear, mango, peach and lemon on a blue/green background. Measures 10-1/2″ in diameter. Suitable for hanging. $48 USD includes shipping to anywhere in the continental USA. Please send me an email first if you are interested in making a purchase. I'll let you know if they are still available and I'll send you a PayPal invoice. Left is mark for the Santa Rosa Majolica plate with fruit. Right is Lead Free mark for blue Dolores Hidalgo plate.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
A MATLAB package is available for download that implements Hurst parameter extimation according to the algorithms described in Tafti et al. . The Hurst parameter characterizes the correlation structure of fractional Brownian motion (fBm) fields. est_test.m is a test programme that compares the performance of the different estimators. P. D. Tafti, D. Van De Ville, and M. Unser, "Invariances, Laplacian-like wavelet bases, and the whitening of fractal processes", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, v. 18, no. 4, Apr. 2009. D. Van De Ville, T. Blu, M. Unser, "Isotropic Polyharmonic B-Splines: Scaling Functions and Wavelets", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 1798-1813, Nov. 2005.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Hi all, we're into the 3rd month of our chronic illness linkup parties! I will personally admit that I've been enjoying them, what about you? Please leave any feedback or suggestions you may have in the comments below, so we can make it even more fun and useful for everyone 🙂 If you missed out on the first two or want to take a look at some examples, here are the great submissions from August and September 2017. As Kathy of "Upbeat Living" commented, September's prompts were a little tough and heavy. So I've decided to make October a little more light-hearted 😉 I hope you enjoy these prompts and I look forward to reading your entry! It is a monthly get together for anyone with chronic illnesses. An opportunity to share, to listen, and to learn from one another. I also think it's a great way to provide insight into life with chronic pain, from many different points of views. All you have to do is write a short excerpt for each of the five prompts and publish it on your blog. Then click on the blue 'Add Your Link' button below to add your blog entry here. Voilà, you're now part of the party! Only one link per website. Do comment on at least two other blog posts in this linkup if you participate. Helping to spread the word on your social media is always appreciated, but not required. This linkup starts on the first of every month. There will be 5 different prompts. It will close at the end of each month before midnight. All timings listed are in Singapore time (+8 GMT). I've added my post first to give you a rough idea, but it's really open to your own interpretation. Have fun, and looking forward to hearing from you! P.s. If you enjoy these linkups, there's a monthly book linkup here, too! I forgot to add my link! Damn! 🙁 The new one is out if you'd like to participate this month. So sorry you missed the last one!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
<?php namespace Logger\Formatters; use Logger\Common\FormatterTestCase; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; class PassThroughFormatterTest extends FormatterTestCase { public function test(): void { $testLogger = $this->createTestLogger(); $logger = new PassThroughFormatter($testLogger); $logger->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'test'); self::assertEquals('test', $testLogger->getLastLine()->getMessage()); } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Q: converting entry widget string to integer in tcl/tk I want to be able to enter a number into an entry widget in tcl/tk and be able to multiply this number by 1000. The problem is when I do this I always get 0. I'm assuming this number is a string and needs to be converted somehow. Can anyone tell me how to do this please? A: In tcl/tk a variable can be interpreted both as a string and a number, depending on the context. This is checked in the background. For example: set x 10 append x 0 set y [expr $x+10] x is interpreted as a string first and as an integer next. If you want to access the value of a entry you can use the -textvariable option: entry .e -textvariable ::v pack .e v must be a global variable. It equals the value in the entry. If you write: set ::v 10 the display in the entry widget will also change. In your case, you can write: set y [expr 1000*$v]
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
But life had other plans: Cheri and her husband Stan had three children, and being a stay-at-home mom felt like her calling. School beckoned once the kids were older, so Cheri decided to pursue an AA degree through Iowa Central Community College in Fort Dodge. Her determination and hard work paid off early: Cheri was offered a job at Land O' Lakes before she could even graduate. The position led to several other jobs in the farming industry, but soon Cheri realized that her early morning schedule left her with valuable extra time on her hands. Not one to sit idle, Cheri moved forward with what she's always wanted to do. She became a real estate agent. After 2 years of selling homes with another company, Cheri joined RE/MAX Partners in early 2014. Although she still considers herself a lake property expert and enjoyed selling property in the area — "It's easy to sell what you love," she says — Cheri maintains that her introduction to her current team made all the difference in how she felt about the industry as a whole. When Cheri isn't enjoying her Holiday Lake home with Stan and their black Lab Molly (as well as doting on her 9 grandchildren), she's offering Grinnell and its surrounding areas her real estate expertise and loving every second of it. If your family is looking for a new place to call home and wants an agent who puts them first, call Cheri at 515-210-2668. This gorgeous Lakefront property has all of the bells and whistles! There is absolutely nothing to hate on about this house, from its totally open concept to its large Master bedroom and spa like Master Bathroom. Oh and lets not forget the views!!! You have a perfect sight line to anywhere on the lake, and it all from the no wake zone! Perfect for all your little and big swimmers. Winner Winner !!!!!! This custom built house with Totally open main Floor concept. Large Master Bedroom on main floor with a great main floor Bathroom. Everything you need on the main floor. Down stairs to the full basement offers 3 addition bedrooms, each private for your guests or other family members to enjoy. Welcome to a great corner lot with a big 4 square old charm home! This home has a wonderful central location close to all the schools, Park and Aquatic Center. Attached 1 car garage brings you into a large open kitchen and beautiful Dining room with newer windows that flood the room with awesome natural light. The extra large Family room has a stunning fireplace for those chilly movie nights .
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Ocracoke residents speak out against school board seeking raise By C. Leinbach on December 3, 2014 The Hyde County Board of Education meets Dec. 2 in the Ocracoke Community Center. At the table, from left, are Dr. Randolph Latimore, Myra Chandler, Aleta Cox, Thomas Whitaker, David Tolson and Randy Etheridge. 3:50 p.m. Dec. 3, 2014 By Connie Leinbach Ocracoke residents voiced their disapproval yesterday about the Hyde County Board of Education, who met in the Community Center here, for their monthly meeting seeking pay raises. This was in response to an item on the Hyde County Commissioners' agenda Monday night from school Superintendent Randolph H. Latimore Sr. The commissioners tabled the request until the Jan. 6 meeting since Latimore did not arrive on the Ocracoke side of the meeting until close to the end of the meeting and could not explain the request. They asked that both Latimore and Kenneth Chilcoat, the district's financial officer, attend the January meeting. Nonetheless, Ocracoke Commissioner John Fletcher noted that the district already has $30,000 in its budget that goes to school board members' salaries. "They have enough from what Hyde County already gave them," Fletcher said. "If there's extra money, it should go the kids and not to administration." Hyde County Manager Bill Rich explained in the meeting that Latimore had sent him a letter dated Nov. 28 noting that school board members receive $42 for the monthly meeting and the chairman receives $50 per meeting. Latimore asked for the members to receive the same as the county commissioners, or $353 per meeting and the chairman $470, for a total of $22,944. In addition to its monthly meeting, the five school board members "may have up to two or three additional meetings per month for personnel matters, policy work sessions, or other items that may necessitate the Board to meet in advance of its regular meeting," Latimore said in his letter. However, the county commissioners want to discuss this more. "If they're serious enough to ask for (a raise) they need to come in and explain," Rich said in an interview today (Wednesday). "We need to know about the where it's coming from in their budget and where (this money) is going to come from next year. The flow of funds needs to be examined and explained." Hyde County awarded the school district $1.288 million for this year, down from the $1.425 million the district had requested. The entire school district budget is $11 million. Rich also noted in today's interview that when the county commissioners approved this budget it had included a $10,000 donation for the Ocracoke Community Park. However, the school board declined in September to fund that request saying it was not part of school district property. Islanders in attendance at Tuesday's school board meeting let it be known that the school board's timing was off. "It's concerning that the school board wants more money for themselves when in the past year you cut teacher's aides and cut out the art program," said Leslie Lanier. "If there's money in the budget, it needs to go back to the arts program." David Tweedie, president of Ocracoke Alive, a nonprofit arts organization, noted that his organization stepped up to provide arts courses when they learned all art instruction would be eliminated from the roster of academics. The group is having to do its own fundraising to pay the $8,000 it will cost the group to pay for the 17 weeks of classes for pre-K to eighth grade. "It's hard for me to understand you're asking for a raise when we are breaking our backs to come up with $8,000," he said. He noted that according to the National School Board Association website, 75 percent of small school boards across the nation receive no salary. Sundae Horn, owner of the online newspaper the Ocracoke Current, also expressed concern that in the face of hard budget times administrators are looking for a raise. "I can't understand how administrators can give themselves more money when there are other programs suffering," she said. "You didn't give money for our ball field and the Ocracoke Day Care has to close (for three months) and come up with about $20,000 to reopen in March." The school directors did not comment on the islanders' comments. The Hyde County School Division is the second smallest school division in North Carolina. Categories: News, Ocracoke School Upcoming holiday events NPS Offers Hiring Workshop for 2015 summer jobs: the Manteo Library Dec. 4, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
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Sail into Spring! There's no better way to take in the sights on the water in Los Cabos than on an unforgettable sail. Pez Gato Catamaran offers a variety of exciting tours, including snorkeling cruises, sunset tours and private charters – along with outstanding service. Book a villa between 1/28/19 and 6/30/19, for travel between 4/1/19 and 6/30/19 and receive $200 credit good toward Pez Gato Catamaran.
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Grapeland, Texas - Grapeland High School Softball Coach Kaylee Parker Charged with Sexually Assaulting a Student By: Joe LaFrance Grapeland Independent School District Employee Charged with Sexual Assault A woman who teaches physical education at Grapeland Elementary School and coaches softball at Grapeland High School was arrested on February 12 for allegedly sexually assaulting a student. 24-year-old Kaylee Carrol Parker faces charges of sexual assault and having an improper relationship with a student. Parker was booked at the Houston County Jail on February 12 and released the next day on bonds totaling $20,000. She started teaching for the Grapeland Independent School District this school year. She resigned on the day of her arrest. Grapeland ISD superintendent Don Jackson has encouraged parents to notify a campus or district administrator if they believe there student may have been a victim of inappropriate conduct involving Parker or any other employee. Parker is the second Grapeland teacher arrested for child sex abuse in the past year. In May, 46-year-old Grapeland Elementary School math teacher Melissa Singer was indicted for allegedly sexually abusing a child under 14. Hello, I'm attorney Marc Lenahan. If you or a loved one is a survivor of a similar accident, I'd be happy to discuss your legal options. Call for a free consultation, it would be my honor to help you. Legal Options For Victims of Sex Abuse by School Coaches Attorney Marc Lenahan helps hold sexual predators accountable for their crimes and directly represents sex abuse victims and their families in civil lawsuits. We've asked Marc to share some of his knowledge on the legal rights of school coach sex abuse victims and their families: In education and other fields that involve working with children, it's extremely important to make sure those children are safe. Teachers, coaches, and other school employees are trusted to work with kids, but not all school employees are trustworthy. Sadly, our education system has serious problems with students becoming victims of sexual abuse by employees. A criminal investigation is crucial anytime a school coach is accused of sexual abuse. Additionally, it's important to ask if school officials did everything they could to prevent the abuse. Some of these tragedies only happen due to negligence by the school district. In these cases, the victims and their families may have grounds for a lawsuit against the school district. If you or your child is a victim of sexual abuse by a school employee, you can learn more about your legal rights in a free consultation with one of our dedicated sex abuse victims lawyers. About Joe LaFrance Editor: Joe is a content writer with a focus on the legal field. He covers cases of sexual abuse, drunk driving, and preventable violent crime for the Legal Herald. Contact Joe: [email protected] This article was fact checked prior to publishing by this author to ensure compliance with our rigorous editorial standards. We will only use authoritative sources. Our values compel us to provide only trustworthy information. If you find an error, please contact us. Rape & Sexual Assault Victim - Lawyer Commentary
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. blow in the head which left him Published by admin on December 12, 2019 . The prosecution case unfolded during the course of the trial, in brief are that on 24.07.2016 the Station House officer of Alappuzha South Police Station, Mr. Rohith M. Subramoniam registered an F.I.R. with respect to commission of the offence that took place near Iron bridge road, Alappuzha. The witness Mr. Ram Jeth from here, PW. 1 who works at a bank as a clerk saw the accused approaching the victim Mr. Abul Samer, a head constables jeep in a red Royal Enfield Motorcycle bearing registration number KL-04-CC-1515 (Ex. No. 3). Further, the accused forcefully evicted the victim out of the jeep from the driver seat and the windshield was shattered using a lathi. Then, the victim was given a blow in the head which left him bleeding. The PW 1, took him to the Alappuzha General Hospital. On the basis of this information, a G.D. entry bearing No. 13 dated 24.07.2016 was made at the Alappuzha South P.S. After the F.I.R. the police started the investigation. The officer in charge hereon, PW. 2 proceeded to the spot immediately and then directly to the General Hospital where the victim was taken. 3. Later, per the request of the PW. 2 and the S.I. of the P.S., a medical examination of the victim was performed and it was concluded that there was an incision of 2.3 inches length which extended from the forehead to the scalp and the wound was termed as grievous in the examination report. On 25.07.2016 a notice was issued by the Judicial Magistrate of First Class for calling the statement of witness ( Ex. No. 1) On 26.07.2016 the officer in charge recorded the witness statement of PW. 1 u/s 161 C.r.P.C. On 27.07.16 a search warrant was issued by the court for the two wheeler bearing number KL-04-CC-1515 which was used by the accused in pursuit of the offence committed. At 7.45 P.M. on 27.07.16 a red Royal Enfield bike bearing registration number KL-04-CC-1515 (Ex. No. 3) was recovered from the residential premises of the accused, the same was seized and was further taken to the South P.S. The victims jeep, a Police Jeep bearing registration number KL-01-AA-4475 was recovered and taken form the scene of the crime. The seized vehicles were produced before the magistrate. 4. On 28.07.2016 the accused was arrested and produced before the magistrate for taking cognisance of the crime. At 11:10 A.M. the same day, the statement of the accused (Ex. No. 2) was recorded u/s. 161 C.r.P.C. Later, a notice of arrest u/s. 50 A C.r.P.C. was issued and the requisites were complied with. Simultaneously the accused was examined by registered medical practitioner. At 3:30 P.M. on the same day, the accused was produced before the magistrate and was released on a bail bond on Rs. 30,000/-. On 30.07.2016, after the completion of the investigation a Charge-sheet was laid for trial of the accused u/s. 332/333/302 IPC. Since, the offence u/s. 333/307 IPC is exclusively triable by the Court of Sessions, the Judicial Magistrate First Class committed the case to this court. CHARGE AND PLEA OF THE ACCUSED 5. The accused engaged Adv. V. Deepak as the Defence Counsel to defend the accused. After hearing both the counsels for the parties, charges u/s. 332/333/307 I.P.C. were framed and made out against the accused. When the charges so framed were read over and explained to the accused, he denied commuting the offence. Since the accused denied the charges, trial was claimed. PROSECUTION EVIDENCE 6. In support of its claims in the case, prosecution examined 3 witnesses in all. A short list of resume and details of the witness are herein necessary for the recording to be understood: 7. PW. 1 is Mr. Ram Jeth @ Ram. He was a witness to the crime at the scene during its occurrence. The person is a bank clerk working in the adjoining building to the road, where the offence was committed. When PW. 1 was crossing the road on 24.07.2016, he saw a red Royal Enfield bike bearing registration no. KL-04-CC-1515 (Ex. No. 3) approaching the road near the iron bridge. Soon, the bike was stopped in front of police jeep that was approaching from the by-road, the accused then got down form the bike and forcefully evicted the victim from the driver seat of the car. Next, the accused took a lathi and smashed it on the windscreen of the jeep, cracking and shattering the windscreen glass of the jeep. Then the accused gave a severe blow to the head of the victim, which left the victim bleeding severely. PW. 1 immediately took the victim to the nearby General Hospital's casualty department. After this, PW. 1 went to the Alappuzha South P.S. and lodged an F.I.R. Later, on 26.07.2016 the Statement of Witness (Ex. No. 1) was recorded u/s. 161 C.r.P.C. He has corroborated with the statements, already given. 8. PW. 2 is Mr. Rohith M. Subramoniam @ Rohith. He was the officer-in-charge of the Alappuzha South P.S. during the period of the offence committed. On 24.07.2016, PW. 1 approached the P.S. and an F.I.R. was registered by the PW. 2. Further on the same day PW. 2 proceeded to the crime scene and recovered the police jeep bearing registration no. KL-01-AA-4475. PW. 2 immediately approached the General Hospital and recorded the Statement of the accused (Ex. No. 2). Further, he produced the vehicle to the Magistrate. On 27.07.16, PW. 2 in lieu of a search warrant, searched and seized the bike bearing registration no. KL-04-CC-1515. Later, on 28.07.16 the accused was arrested in the presence of PW. 2. 9. PW. 3 is Dr. Anil Nair @ Ani. He is a registered medical practitioner at the Alappzuha General Hospital. On 24.07.2016, on the application of the S.I. of Police of the Alappuzha South P.S., PW. 3 performed a medical examination of the wound on the victim and certified its dimensions, impact and other details in the Medical Examination of Wounded Person. The incision which extended from the forehead to the scalp was assessed to be 2.3 Inches in length. The wound was termed as grievous and five stitches were administered to the wound for it to heal. PLEA AND DEFENCE OF THE ACCUSED 10. Accused person in his Statement recorded u/s. 164 C.r.P.C. has completely denied the prosecution evidence which is put forth. Though they have no evidence to lead in defence, the statement given by the accused completely denies and rather brings forth a different dimension. 11. On 24-07-2016 the accused was going to buy vegetables for his house and on the way, a police jeep speeded and stopped fast infant of me in a very rude and threatening way. Like any other common man, the accused parked the bike right there and demanded the jeep driver to drive slowly and apologise. But, instead of this the driver suddenly pushed the accused away with his hand through the jeep's window and got down of the jeep and held the accused by his collar, after which the accused pushed him by his shoulder so as to free himself from the victims hold. But, as the accused pushed he again jumped towards and accidentally hit his head on the jeep's window pane and broke his head. The accused has also stated that he is completely innocent and has been falsely arrested in the case. Further, nothing incriminating has been recovered from the accused.Accused persons did not lead any evidence in defence. ARGUMENTS AND FINDINGS 12. The learned public prosector kept reliance on the corroborated statement of PW. 1 ( Ex. No. 1), which clearly shows that the accused initially obstructed the jeep with his Red Royal Enfield two wheeler (Ex. No. 3). The point os dispute was raised to the fact that whether the accused gave a wilful sever below or was it an accident by hitting the head on the window pane. But, the jeep bearing registration No. KL.01.AA.4475 (Ex. No. 4) had its wind screen shattered with the lathi. This establishes an attack on the jeep and shows the wilful involvement of the accused in the crime. In the cross-examination of PW. 1, it is evident that PW. 1 was a eye witness to the crime. the presence of PW.1 at the place of occurrence of crime is substantiated by PW. 3, who has noticed him at the General Hospital. This clearly brings forth and establishes the point for determination on whether the accused has voluntarily cause grievous hurt. There was active destruction to public property, as the jeep bearing registration No. KL.01.AA.4475 (Ex. No. 4) was a police jeep. In M. T. Hemchandran. v. S.I. of Police Chevayur P.S. & Ord. (24.10.2011 – KERHC) : MANU/KE/1893/2011 the Kerala High Court laid that "Destruction or attack on public property or vehicle is to be taken very seriously. It cannot be destroyed by anybody or anyone, whatever may be the reason. There can be no or any justification for the destruction of a public property, whatever may be the cause". Such is the value attributed to a public property, in the instant case the attack was on a police jeep which was on it law and order duty. 13. The jeep bearing registration No. KL.01.AA.4475 (Ex. No. 4) was recovered within a few hours after the crime was committed. The Ld. public prosecutor kept reliance on the Medical examination report issues by the PW. 3 clearly explains the presence of a sharp object which is attributed to the accused act. This was deposed by PW. 3. 14. The other fact that the learned public prosecutor would bring forth is that the Red Royal Enfield two wheeler (Ex. No. 3) which was actively involved in the crime was recovered from residence of the accused on 27.07.2016. The Search and Seizure report prepared in the presence of Witness No.1 Mr. Rahim Ahmed and Witness No. 2 Mr. Sumesh Kumar brings forth an undisputed and settled point of the two wheeler being under the strict control of the accused himself. 15. The defence counsel brings New papers: Battered unless they regain their sense of control. This that wishes to be understood from various From a sociological perspective, explanations for ruSSIA world it takes up 49% of earths The unresponsive to punishment, fines and imprisonment will Fear watching depictions of otherwise unrealistic violence taking Cloud convenient, on-demand network access to a shared Let's imagine that you are a giraffe. You
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Add a dusting of Weber N'Orleans seasoning on both sides of the tenders. Add some BBQ sauce of your choice. We used Rib Rack Southern Bourbon BBQ sauce; however, any of the Stubb's varieties work amazing also 🙂 Spread the BBQ sauce evenly on both sides of your chicken tenders with a mop or brush.
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Intact nature is rightfully considered the greatest luxury of our century. While larger fins roam through the North Sea, tiny feet burrow into the mudflat. Being out and about in a World Heritage Site is all the same to them. And the lambs also see less scenic fascination than proven sources of fodder in the salt meadows, green dikes and heathland. Despite all the beauty, dunes are not a decoration, but an essential island anchorage, and the 40 kilometres of sandy beach are a buffer zone between sea and land, as well as somewhat of an Eldorado for seashell seekers. Hence, it is less a matter of miserliness than generosity that over half of the island is under nature protection status. Only true sustainability can preserve (the joy of) our valuable legacy for generations to come. The Wadden Sea is the last great wilderness in Central Europe. At first it seems simply unbelievable that this mudflat is home to several thousand very active residents per square metre. But just because you don't see them right away doesn't mean they aren't there: Look close enough and you'll discover a magnificent biodiversity. It is thanks to the tides that this wondrous world which stretches between Sylt and the mainland up to the surrounding islands can be experienced without snorkel and diving goggles: to this day tides form the world's largest ecosystem of its kind, and depending on the time of day, clear the way for the exploration of this landscape, which is actually significantly different than all others. The Wadden Sea has a lot more to offer than its glistening surface divulges. Go hands on and check it out: on foot, by ship, with guidance and without reserve. The interplay of wind and waves is an unpredictable force, and the inhabitants of Sylt realized early on that they must actively work towards protecting their land. The effort started almost 150 years ago and developed into extensive coastal defensive measures. What began with planting marram grass to stabilize the dunes and the installation of oak groynes is continued with modern means today. Beach nourishment with about 1,000,000 m³ of sand each year and an unflagging commitment in all areas of environmental protection serve a single purpose: to safeguard a unique landscape and preserve the living space of almost 20,000 people. Different strokes for different folks: on the island of Sylt, everyone can find their place in the sun.
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The first Italian restaurant from award-winning Chef Julian Serrano. Indulge without overdoing it? It's possible, thanks to the thoroughly modern concept of small plates, here executed with an impeccable Italian focus. Surrounded by exquisite décor and gazing out over Bellagio fountain views, you'll enjoy a singular experience perusing Chef Serrano's menu of creative, signature flavors. Select from soups, salads, crostinis, focaccia and pizzettes, along with refreshing meat, seafood and vegetarian plates designed for sharing. The dining room has floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows, ensuring LAGO has the most spectacular views of the resort's iconic fountains ever experienced on The Strip. Adjacent to the dining room, an open-air patio offers waterfront seating centered on Lake Bellagio. This new take on social dining is paired with a sophisticated mixology program that takes cocktail enthusiasts into uncharted but delicious territory. James Beard Award-winning Chef Julian Serrano has re-conceptualized his celebrated recipes for a light and delicious approach to daytime dining. All prices and menu options subject to change. Holidays are subject to special menus and pricing. Dishes may contain or come into contact with allergens such as: milk, egg, fish, crustacean shell fish, tree nuts, wheat, peanuts and soybeans. Please inform your server of any food allergen concerns. heirloom tomatoes | mozzarella di bufala | basil | e.v.o.o. Imported Iberico Ham de Belotta "pata negra" Consuming raw or under-cooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness. Colorful Caprese salad from Lago. A seafood fish with potato gnocchi and lobster at Lago. An octopus dish with couscous at Lago. Features American and French wines with an emphasis on aromatic white wines and medium bodied reds. Follow the right-hand path into the casino just past Hermes. Lago will be on the right just past Hyde Nightclub and before Le Cirque. Lago can accomodate requests of up to 250 people (Full Buyout). Enjoy the best shopping, dining and entertainment Vegas has to offer. The Bellagio gift cards are valid at any MGM Resorts Destination.
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We are unlikely to see resolution in the bond market before the autumn months, if at all. But the ongoing range for Treasuries continues to merit attention regarding the next directional break we see, as illustrated by the landlocked TLT daily chart, zoomed-out below. TLT is indeed a rough proxy for Treasuries, though it does capture the essence of a range and well-defend upside resistance at the $122 area, which turned away bulls over the last few sessions, once again. On the downside, $117 has been holding as significant support, and a breach of that level again could easily ignite a spike in rates as TLT suffers a fresh breakdown. But with Fed policy still looking to be more bark than bite, bond bears ought not become too cocky regarding imminent resolution lower. In all likelihood, the FOMC in September is going to be one of the determining factors as to how Fed policy shapes up into the end of 2018. For now, the rate-sensitive sectors like banks/insurers/brokers (favoring higher rates and lower TLT) and consumer staples/REITs/utilities/builders (favoring lower rates and higher TLT) are flashing mixed signals and the indecision you would expect with TLT in this range. Elsewhere, weakness in tech and the likes of TSLA seem to be weighing on stocks early on. We have a major week of earnings with GOOGL tonight. But the summer doldrums seem to be in full effect which means not over-trading is still a top priority for us.
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Circular stitch marker, to mark beginning of each round. Each stripe is a little more than 3" (7.6 cm) long. Cast on 70 stitches in the Main Color [MC] (scarlet for Gryffindor, green for Slytherin, blue for Ravenclaw, black for Hufflepuff). Before joining the ring, slip the marker onto the needle. Knit in the round for 22 rows. After the 22 rows, tie the Contrast Color [CC] (gold for Gryffindor, grey for Slytherin & Ravenclaw (film), bronze for Ravenclaw (book), yellow for Hufflepuff) around the dark yarn on the inside of the tube, leaving a 2-inch (5.1 cm) tail of CC; trim the MC to have the same length tail. Now, knit 22 rows in the lighter yarn. Alternate knitting 22 rows of MC, then 22 rows of CC until you have knitted ten dark and nine light stripes. Weave the yarn tails from cast-on and cast-off into the scarf. Wash the scarf according to your yarn's instructions; dry it flat on the floor/table on top of towels. Be sure to align all the color changes along one side fold of the scarf (they're less noticeable that way). Block the scarf by stretching it width-wise until the entire thing is the same width. When the scarf is dry, it's time to add the fringe. I've found that the US hardcover of Sorcerer's Stone is a good size to measure fringe with - if you don't have a copy, use a piece of cardboard 7.5 inches wide. Just wrap the yarn around the book width-wise (y'know, the short way), then cut the wound yarn at the edge of the book/cardboard so it forms several individual pieces of yarn. To make one tassel, take 7 pieces of yarn and fold them in half together. Push the crochet hook through both thicknesses of scarf in the first row of knitting at one end, loop the folded ends of the yarn around the hook, and pull the yarn loops halfway through the scarf. Remove the hook, pass the cut yarn ends through the loop, and tighten the tassel. There are five light and six dark tassels evenly spaced on each end of the scarf; I usually do the middle light tassel first, then the dark end tassels, and eye the rest. Now, put on your scarf and show off! Lauren Kent's pattern was taken with permission from
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Noto anche come Gioviano Pontano, fu il massimo rappresentante dell'umanesimo napoletano del Quattrocento e dell'Accademia Pontaniana. Biografia Studiò, negli anni quaranta del Quattrocento, presso l'Università di Perugia. Fu per gran parte della sua vita al servizio dei sovrani aragonesi, prima a Napoli, presso la corte di Ferrante I d'Aragona, e, successivamente (1466-1486), al seguito del principe ereditario Alfonso duca di Calabria futuro re come Alfonso II di Napoli. Manifestò anche le sue doti di abile diplomatico durante la guerra di Ferrara che vide Napoli (assieme a Firenze e al papa Sisto IV) contrapporsi a Venezia e quando riuscì nell'intento di riappacificare il re Ferrante I (di cui fu primo ministro) con papa Innocenzo VIII (lo stesso che lo stimava a tal punto da laurearlo poeta). Prese spesso parte ad imprese militari tra le quali vanno menzionate la battaglia di Troia contro gli Angioini (1464), la riconquista di Otranto (1481), oltre alla già ricordata guerra di Ferrara (1482-1484). Le sue fortune a corte andarono scemando allorché il re Alfonso II fu esiliato da Napoli nel 1494 e, dopo il ritorno degli aragonesi, fu accusato di aver parteggiato per il re Carlo VIII di Francia, riuscendo tuttavia ad evitare una condanna, sebbene dovette abbandonare l'intensa attività politica per dedicarsi ai suoi studi. Fu in questi anni che curò l'edizione della maggior parte delle sue opere, succedendo al suo maestro, Antonio Beccadelli (detto il Panormita) alla guida dell'Accademia Porticus Antoniana (1471) e che diventerà in seguito prendendo da lui il nome, Pontaniana. Pontano umanista Fu riconosciuto, già dal Sannazaro come uno dei più fecondi letterati del Quattrocento e forse il maestro assoluto dell'Umanesimo napoletano, abbracciando oltretutto, la sua opera, numerosi aspetti della vita culturale (non soltanto letteraria) della sua epoca: dall'astrologia, all'etica, all'analisi della società, alla retorica, alla botanica. Nei suoi numerosi componimenti il Pontano canta la bellezza della realtà, il sole, la gioia, l'amore, la donna, la natura, la bellezza della sua terra d'origine e quella della sua città adottiva, l'amore coniugale come unica fonte dell'umana felicità, l'amore per la sposa Adriana Sassone. Fu un grande studioso dell'antichità classica ed ebbe grandi doti di poeta latino, eccellendo anche nella prosa e riuscendo spesso a sintetizzare la lingua classica con neologismi e termini in volgare, come dimostrò nelle sue opere Amorum libri (il titolo per esteso sarebbe "Parthenopeus sive Amorum libri" del 1455-1458 ), Lyra, Versus jambici, Hendecasyllabi, De amore coniugali, Tumuli, Neniae, De hortis Esperidum del 1501. Data la sua ampia influenza culturale, a Napoli, il 13 novembre 1876, nasce l'Istituto Pontano. Fondato dai Padri Gesuiti della Compagnia di Gesù, sorge dapprima presso Palazzo Pianura in Piazza San Gaetano, per poi trasferirsi definitivamente, il 1º ottobre 1922, presso il Palazzo Spinelli di Cariati, palazzo di origine Cinquecentesca, situato in Corso Vittorio Emanuele (Napoli). Principali opere Forse la più nota delle opere pervenuteci del Pontano, unica di carattere storico, è il De Bello Neapolitano (in sei volumi, scritto dopo il 1494), che tratta del primo periodo della Congiura dei baroni nel Regno di Napoli, che pur condizionata da toni cortigiani rimane un'opera di sicuro spessore umanistico e storico. Le opere di Pontano, spesso di difficile datazione, sono numerose ed eterogenee per argomenti trattati e furono raccolte da Pietro Summonte e da Jacopo Sannazzaro. In esse prevale l'uso della lingua latina, sia nella produzione in versi che in quella in prosa, ma sempre con uno sguardo alla realtà ed un riferimento a fatti dell'età contemporanea. Tra esse non possono non essere menzionate: Amorum libri (1455-58) Charon (1467-91) Urania (1476) Asinus (1486-90) Antonius (1487) Meteororum libri (1490) Hendecasyllabi seu Baiarum libri (1490-1500) De principe (1493) De liberalitate (1493) Lepidina (1496) Actius (1499) De Sermone (1499) Aegidius (1501) De hortis Hesperidum (1501) De fortuna (1501) Traduzioni Galatea di Mario Rapisardi Note Bibliografia Voci correlate Speculum principis Antonio Beccadelli, il Panormita Bartolomeo Facio Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni Pontano, Giovanni Pontano, Giovanni Scrittori in lingua latina Personaggi della corte aragonese di Napoli
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
#include "board.h" #define AXI_SRAM_ADDR (0X24000000) #define AXI_SRAM_SIZE (512*1024) #define SRAM1_ADDR (0X30000000) #define SRAM1_SIZE (128*1024) #define SRAM2_ADDR (0X30020000) #define SRAM2_SIZE (128*1024) #define SRAM3_ADDR (0X30040000) #define SRAM3_SIZE (32*1024) #define SRAM4_ADDR (0X38000000) #define SRAM4_SIZE (64*1024) #define BACKUP_ADDR (0X38800000) #define BACKUP_SIZE (4*1024) static struct rt_memheap _heap_axi_sram; static struct rt_memheap _heap_sram1; static struct rt_memheap _heap_sram2; static struct rt_memheap _heap_sram3; static struct rt_memheap _heap_sram4; static struct rt_memheap _heap_backup_sram; /** * @brief System Clock Configuration * @retval None */ void SystemClock_Config(void) { RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct = {0}; RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct = {0}; RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInitStruct = {0}; /** Supply configuration update enable */ HAL_PWREx_ConfigSupply(PWR_LDO_SUPPLY); /** Configure the main internal regulator output voltage */ __HAL_PWR_VOLTAGESCALING_CONFIG(PWR_REGULATOR_VOLTAGE_SCALE0); while(!__HAL_PWR_GET_FLAG(PWR_FLAG_VOSRDY)) {} /** Configure LSE Drive Capability */ HAL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess(); __HAL_RCC_LSEDRIVE_CONFIG(RCC_LSEDRIVE_LOW); /** Initializes the RCC Oscillators according to the specified parameters * in the RCC_OscInitTypeDef structure. */ RCC_OscInitStruct.OscillatorType = RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_HSE|RCC_OSCILLATORTYPE_LSE; RCC_OscInitStruct.HSEState = RCC_HSE_ON; RCC_OscInitStruct.LSEState = RCC_LSE_ON; RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLState = RCC_PLL_ON; RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLSource = RCC_PLLSOURCE_HSE; RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLM = 5; RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLN = 192; RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLP = 2; RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLQ = 2; RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLR = 2; RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLRGE = RCC_PLL1VCIRANGE_2; RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLVCOSEL = RCC_PLL1VCOWIDE; RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLFRACN = 0; if (HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct) != HAL_OK) { Error_Handler(); } /** Initializes the CPU, AHB and APB buses clocks */ RCC_ClkInitStruct.ClockType = RCC_CLOCKTYPE_HCLK|RCC_CLOCKTYPE_SYSCLK |RCC_CLOCKTYPE_PCLK1|RCC_CLOCKTYPE_PCLK2 |RCC_CLOCKTYPE_D3PCLK1|RCC_CLOCKTYPE_D1PCLK1; RCC_ClkInitStruct.SYSCLKSource = RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_PLLCLK; RCC_ClkInitStruct.SYSCLKDivider = RCC_SYSCLK_DIV1; RCC_ClkInitStruct.AHBCLKDivider = RCC_HCLK_DIV2; RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB3CLKDivider = RCC_APB3_DIV2; RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider = RCC_APB1_DIV2; RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB2CLKDivider = RCC_APB2_DIV2; RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB4CLKDivider = RCC_APB4_DIV2; if (HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, FLASH_LATENCY_4) != HAL_OK) { Error_Handler(); } PeriphClkInitStruct.PeriphClockSelection = RCC_PERIPHCLK_RTC|RCC_PERIPHCLK_UART4 |RCC_PERIPHCLK_USART1; PeriphClkInitStruct.Usart234578ClockSelection = RCC_USART234578CLKSOURCE_D2PCLK1; PeriphClkInitStruct.Usart16ClockSelection = RCC_USART16CLKSOURCE_D2PCLK2; PeriphClkInitStruct.RTCClockSelection = RCC_RTCCLKSOURCE_LSE; if (HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig(&PeriphClkInitStruct) != HAL_OK) { Error_Handler(); } } static int init_sram(void) { __HAL_RCC_D2SRAM1_CLK_ENABLE(); __HAL_RCC_D2SRAM2_CLK_ENABLE(); __HAL_RCC_D2SRAM3_CLK_ENABLE(); rt_memheap_init(&_heap_axi_sram, "axi_sram", (void *)AXI_SRAM_ADDR, AXI_SRAM_SIZE); rt_memheap_init(&_heap_sram1, "sram1", (void *)SRAM1_ADDR, SRAM1_SIZE); rt_memheap_init(&_heap_sram2, "sram2", (void *)SRAM2_ADDR, SRAM2_SIZE); rt_memheap_init(&_heap_sram3, "sram3", (void *)SRAM3_ADDR, SRAM3_SIZE); rt_memheap_init(&_heap_sram4, "sram4", (void *)SRAM4_ADDR, SRAM4_SIZE); rt_memheap_init(&_heap_backup_sram, "bak_sram", (void *)BACKUP_ADDR, BACKUP_SIZE); return 0; } INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(init_sram); /** * Function ota_app_vtor_reconfig * Description Set Vector Table base location to the start addr of app(RT_APP_PART_ADDR). */ static int ota_app_vtor_reconfig(void) { #define RT_APP_PART_ADDR 0x08020000 #define NVIC_VTOR_MASK 0x3FFFFF80 /* Set the Vector Table base location by user application firmware definition */ SCB->VTOR = RT_APP_PART_ADDR & NVIC_VTOR_MASK; return 0; } // INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(ota_app_vtor_reconfig);
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
While the Pets won the day, Ghostbusters still plays. Is it Monday already, Mixers? We could have sworn we were just turning the lights off at the offices and heading out for our first drink on Friday evening only moments ago. That just goes to show that a good weekend, with the right drinks and the right flicks at your side, goes out the door before you know it. Speaking of which, we'd like to thank our West Coast followers for lifting some spirits as we took in Ghostbusters (2016) this past Sunday. We had a great time at the Arclight Hollywood, with several cocktails going down quickly and easily before enjoying the Cineramadome and some really funny moments during the film. In case you couldn't make it, or in case you're still skeptical about whether you should put down some hard earned money on a ticket or two, you can read our review here. Spoiler alert: it's worth the time. Next up: SUICIDE SQUAD in August. See our Facebook page for details. With all of that out of the way, let's take a look at this weekend's box office rundown! The Secret Life of Pets – $50.5 mil. Ghostbusters (2016) – $46 mil. The Legend of Tarzan – $11.1 mil. Finding Dory – $11 mil. Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates – $7.5 mil. The Purge: Election Year – $6 mil. Central Intelligence – $5.3 mil. The Infiltrator – $5.29 mil. The BFG – $3.7 mil. This weekend's film market wasn't a total wash for Paul Feig's Ghostbusters reboot, as the film did rank in with a healthy $46 mil. behind The Secret Life of Pets' $50.5 mil. However, considering Sony's latest attempt at kicking off a powerful franchise has a $144 mil. budget attached to it, with what's assuredly an unholy amount of advertising spend, it may not be as rosy of a picture as we'd hoped in the finance department. While Sony's distribution chief went on record as saying sequel will happen, we're just waiting for said studio employee to get a nice talking to. Meanwhile, animation continued to chug along at the box office, as The Secret Life of Pets maintained alpha status with its $50.5 mil, while Finding Dory came in with $11.4 mil. more to add to its already impressive domestic earnings. With the rest of its international roll out waiting in the wings, the impressive Pixar sequel looks like it's found its sea legs, and will continue to steamroll at the box office. But if there was a genre that seems to be ailing at the box office at this particular point and time, it'd have to be comedy. With Central Intelligence and Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates both in the lower portion of the box office picture, the laughs don't seem to be coming from anywhere that's not a franchise. Though, to be fair, the former has already made its bones in terms of budget, while the latter looks to be at the break even point in the near future. Still, both films resemble high profile pairings of alpha males and rising stars of comedy, and we used to be able to depend on such films banking serious box office bucks. Might be time to change the formula, folks. Last, but not least, the weekend was rounded out with some interesting results. As we look at the trio of Fourth of July stallions, we see that The Purge: Election Year is the winner of the three, as it's not only crushed it in the budget to gross ratio, it's also the highest positioned of the three films that opened that weekend. Not to mention, the film is already outpacing its predecessor, The Purge: Anarchy in terms of its haul. By this time next week, the film will be the highest grossing film in its franchise, which may or may not mean we'll see at least one more entry in the series. As for the other two competitors, The Legend of Tarzan is just above water as of this weekend's closing, which only leaves advertising costs to be covered. We wish we could say the same about The BFG, but alas, audiences don't have time for a friendly Spielberg picture in the midst of pets, ghosts, and loincloths. This week sees a return to space, the dawning of the Ice Age, and some creepy things lurking in the darkness. Don't turn out the lights yet, folks. We're just making a fresh pitcher of content that you're gonna love, and we're going to need your support to get it out there! Don't forget to follow us on our various social media platforms, as well as share the site with your friends / family / bartenders. We'll see you soon, Mixers! Until then, don't let Monday get you down too much. It'll be over before you know it.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Se reinicia mi input tipo fecha Hola amigos me gustaría saber si alguien sabe por que al yo modificar un div que contiene un input tipo date el valor de la fecha que tenia guardado se reinicia. Por ejemplo tengo este input cuando le selecciono una fecha y presiono el botón test, la fecha que seleccione se borra. Este es el código: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"></html> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div id="prueba" class='col-sm-6'> <input type="datetime-local"></input> <button onclick="test();" type="button" >test</button> </div> </div> </div> <script> function test() {document.getElementById('prueba').innerHTML += '<button>PRUEBA</button>';} </script> </body> </html> Si me pudieran explicar por que sucede o me dieran una solución se los agradecería muchísimo. A: Lo que estas haciendo en el innerHTML es que estas sumandole el botton y luego lo asignas al innerHTML, recuerda que el operador += toma el valor actual (valor inicial) de la variable, suma con la segunda variable y la asigna a la variable actual (valor inicial), por eso se resetea. En resumen estas haciendo esto : innerHTML = '<input><button1>' + '<Button2>' Te recomiendo utilices esta función function test() { let button = document.createElement("button"); button.innerHTML = "Prueba"; document.getElementById('prueba').appendChild(button); } A: Eso es por que debes corregir tu función primero que nada... No se si realmente quieres estar creando botones de este modo. Lo otro, es cambiar esta parte: function test() {document.getElementById('prueba').innerHTML += '<button>PRUEBA</button>';} Por esto: function test() {let button = document.createElement("button"); button.innerHTML = "Prueba"; document.getElementById('prueba').appendChild(button);}
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Kilauea Hawaii Map Related Keywords Suggestions Kilauea Hawaii Map January 29, 2023 ohtheme Comments Off on Kilauea Hawaii Map Related Keywords Suggestions Kilauea Hawaii Map Kilauea Volcano Map New Usgs Map Shows Location Of New Crack In 1 day ago · kīlauea is the home of pele, the hawaiian volcano goddess. hawaiian chants and oral traditions tell in veiled form of many eruptions fomented by an angry pele before the first european, the missionary rev. william ellis, saw the summit in 1823. Jan 26, 2023 · kilauea (vnum #332010) 19°25'16" n 155°17'13" w, summit elevation 4091 ft (1247 m) current volcano alert level: watch current aviation color code: orange activity summary: the summit eruption of kīlauea volcano, within halemaʻumaʻu crater, continued over the past 24 hours. all recent eruptive activity has been confined to the crater. Kīlauea volcano is erupting. at approximately 4:34 p.m. hst on january 5, 2023, the usgs hawaiian volcano observatory detected glow in kīlauea summit webcam images indicating that the eruption has resumed within halemaʻumaʻu crater in kīlauea's summit caldera, within hawai'i volcanoes national park. Kīlauea summit from mauna loa strip road [kpcam] view from mauna loa strip road looking at the kīlauea summit to document volcanic eruption plumes. link to page with 24 hour animated gif: [kpcam] kīlauea summit from mauna loa strip road | u.s. geological survey ( sources usage: public domain. visit webcam disclaimer. Kīlauea volcano, lower east rift zone [pgcam] fissures in leilani estates from puʻu honuaʻula disclaimer the webcams are operational 24 7 and faithfully record the dark of night if there are no sources of incandescence or other lights. thermal webcams record heat rather than light and get better views through volcanic gas. Physical Geography Hawaii S Kilauea Volcano Jan 26, 2023 · its usgs volcano alert level is at watch. kīlauea updates are issued daily. kīlauea volcano's summit eruption in halemaʻumaʻu crater within hawai'i volcanoes national park continues. activity is concentrated in a large lava lake in the eastern half of the crater, as well as a smaller lake to the west, in the basin of the 2021–2022 lava. Kīlauea ( us: ˌkɪləˈweɪə kil ə way ə, hawaiian: [kiːlɐwˈwɛjə]) is an active shield volcano in the hawaiian islands. located along the southeastern shore of the big island of hawaiʻi, the volcano is between 210,000 and 280,000 years old and …. Kīlauea is the youngest and most active volcano on the island of hawaiʻi, and one of the busiest in the world. in recorded history, kīlauea has only had short periods of repose. it has covered almost 90% of its surface in lava flows within the last 1,000 years. some say that even the name kīlauea translates to "spewing" or "much spreading". Oct 2000 Kilauea Volcano Photos File Location Kilauea Svg Wikimedia Commons Visit Hawai I You Ll Be Fine Visit Hawaii Whale Watching Hawaii Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Erupts Again one of the world's most active volcanos, hawaii's kilauea, has erupted almost one month after its last eruption stopped. scientists journey to kīlauea volcano to investigate the eruptions that shook hawaiʻi in 2018. kīlauea volcano is erupting. at approximately 4:34 p.m. hst on january 5, 2023, the usgs hawaiian volcano observatory hawaii's kilauea volcano has begun erupting inside its summit crater. the eruption comes less than one month after kilauea and the kilauea volcano is hawaii's youngest volcano that began erupting 40 years ago. nbc news' yamiche alcindor takes a look there have been two new eruptions at the summit of the kilauea volcano on hawaii's big island. there's no end to the flow of the kilauea volcano has started erupting again after a nearly month long pause in activity, usgs scientists said. for more local news kilauea's volcano alert level has been elevated from "watch" to "warning" as eruption resumes on hawaii's big island. #abcnews live view of the eruption in halemaʻumaʻu, from the northwest rim of the caldera, looking east [v1cam] kilauea erupts again hawaii news, hawaii weather, hawaii sports see more of the team that is working for hawaii on our hawaii's kilauea volcano is erupting once again after a brief pause. satellites captured the eruption just before 5 p.m. in the kilauea volcano on hawaii's big island erupted again on jan. 5, according to the u.s. geological survey. read more: Related image with kilauea hawaii map related keywords suggestions kilauea hawaii map Brittany Aldean Spencer Strider Kīlauea volcano Live Stream Halemaʻumaʻu Crater Kilauea Volcano Eruption | A Perfect Planet | Bbc Earth Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Is Erupting Again Live: Kilauea Volcano Lava Lake At Halemaʻumaʻu Crater Kilauea Volcano Eruption Update Two Lava Lakes Form (jan. 21, 2023) Kilauea Erupts Again 40 Years Of Eruptions: Kilauea Volcano Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Erupts Again Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Behind The News
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Matt Holt Managing Director, New Mountain Capital Matt Holt, Managing Director, joined New Mountain in 2001. He serves as the Deputy Head of Private Equity and focuses on growth buyouts across a range of industries including healthcare products, health technology, materials and infrastructure. He previously worked in the Mergers and Acquisitions Group at Lehman Brothers from 1999 to 2001. He serves as the Lead Director or Chairman of Avantor, Inc., CIOX Health, Signify Health, Convey Health Solutions, Inc., Cytel, Revint Solutions, W20 and Zep, Inc. He also serves as a Director of Aceto, Topix Pharmaceuticals, Gelest, and TRC Companies. Mr. Holt has previously served as Lead Director of Bellerophon Therapeutics, Inc., Equian LLC, Ikaria, Inc., Nusil Technology LLC, and Director of MailSouth.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Donkin on Work - Psychometrics May 1994 - Psychometrics and recruiting Why do recruiters place so much store on psychometric testing? It is a question puzzling many would-be barristers who, in spite of sometimes dazzling academic records, have failed to win a place at the Bar law school this year. One of the students who failed the selection system, which included the use of a critical reasoning examination - a type of ability test - was on Tuesday given leave to have a judicial review of the decision. This will examine the revised entry procedure, used this year for the first time in awarding the 800 places on the one-year vocational course that is the main requirement for entry to the Bar. The irony is that the new system, devised partly to sift out perceived prejudices, particularly against women and ethnic minority candidates, appears to have given minorities no better chance of entry and perhaps less than before. There may be question marks, it seems, over the design of the selection system which was intended to broaden the basis of recruitment to the Bar. The motive was laudable. But some believe the law school should no longer retain its monopoly as the only route to the Bar. The Council of Legal Education, which runs the course, is now looking at the possibilities of making changes to the way the tests are implemented. It may not have been unreasonable, however, to introduce additional selection criteria, looking beyond the possession of university degrees. Part of any new test might involve knowledge of the real world with multiple choice questions such as 'Is Gazza (a) a city in Italy, (b) a place where Palestinians live, or (c) a footballer?' It is only two years ago, you may recall, that the High Court judge, Sir Jeremiah Harman, asked 'Who is Gazza?' during a court hearing. Sometimes the way that tests are applied can make little sense. British Rail was last year found to have discriminated against Asian rail guards who wanted to be train drivers. They were given verbal tests which they failed. When it was pointed out that verbal skills were ranked higher in the requirements for the jobs they were already doing than the jobs they had applied for, the industrial tribunal had no hesitation over ruling in their favour. The problem with psychometric tests, as in many selection procedures, is probably one of balance in the way they are used. Finding that balance, given the continuing debate about the effectiveness of testing, is proving difficult and causing confusion among managers interested in exploring such methods. Psychometric testing is divided into two areas - ability tests and personality tests or questionnaires. While ability tests in themselves appear to have widespread support among psychologists, there is dissenting opinion about the use of personality testing to measure performance (personality criteria were not used for the bar exam). Steve Blinkhorn and Charles Johnson, occupational psychologist at Psychometric Research and Development, a St Alban's consultancy, earned the opprobrium of many of their fellow practitioners three years ago for casting doubt on the use of personality testing to predict job performance. They accused those who applied some tests of using pseudo science which, they said, 'bamboozles an unsophisticated public'. It was strong stuff, particularly since it criticised some of the leading tests on the market. In the April edition of The Psychologist magazine they buttressed their arguments with further claims that 'proponents of the use of personality tests for occupational selection continue to play fast and loose with statistical methods, and to make claims which do not stand up to close inspection.' Their latest critique in The Psychologist concluded: 'There is no body of public knowledge relating scores on personality tests taken as part of a selection procedure to objective criteria of later performance sufficient to form a basis of routine use of the tests, despite 40 or more years of research. Yet their routine use is widespread and growing.' Their argument is contradicted by leading test publishers such as Saville and Holdsworth. Roy Davis, the company's head of marketing, said the value of personality questionnaires as a predictor of success in a job was 'statistically proven' but, he added, 'they must be used with other evidence'. No wonder some recruiters have reservations. Many, however, do not. Employers appear to be placing increasing trust on the recruitment skills of their personnel departments who in turn are often eager to embrace the latest testing methods. 'Going on tests and training courses is like getting a badge in the boy scouts for personnel officers,' said Blinkhorn. He suggests that psychometric testing is being commandeered by personnel officers in order to better define their professional expertise. If this is true there may well be a danger of too much weight given to testing in selection. It should not become the altar on which budding careers are sacrificed. Whatever the outcome of the judicial review in the Bar selection case, the argument for a more considered evaluation of tests seems convincing. © 1994 Financial Times Ltd. All rights reserved Download as a pdf file
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Noah, Abraham, David, and Jesus: What is the Connection? This lecture was given on November 5, 2015 by Dr. Jon D. Levenson, the Albert A. List Professor of Jewish Studies at the Harvard Divinity School, as the grand finale to the Sacred Writings Exhibition at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. The event was presented in partnership with the Museum. On November 13, 2015, Collegium co-sponsored a panel with The Veritas Forum on surviving, thriving, and rediscovering the meaning of learning. Featuring Francis Su, the Benediktsson-Karwa Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College, and Stewart Friedman, Practice Professor of Management at the Wharton School of Business and Director of the Wharton Work/Life Integration Project. Dr. Philip A. Cunningham delivered these opening remarks for a panel on Nostra Aetate, the Second Vatican Council's seminal 1965 declaration on the relationship of the Church to other faiths. The speech and subsequent discussion took place on October 15, 2015, two weeks after the historic visit of Pope Francis and two weeks before the visit of the Dalai Lama. The Collegium Institute welcomed Dr. Peter Wicks, a Catherine of Siena Fellow in the Ethics Program of Villanova University, as the speaker for its Second Annual Elizabeth Anscombe Lecture in Ethics on March 4, 2015. Peter Wicks was born in London and educated at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. He received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame in 2010. His doctoral dissertation interrogated the role of language in the formation of moral judgment. He is currently working on a book on Princeton Philosopher Peter Singer and the appeal of utilitarian ethics. On February 5, 2014, Dr. Peter Dodson collaborated with the Collegium Institute to share his reflections on theology and science. On November 14, 2013, the Collegium Institute hosted an afternoon panel discussion on capitalism, solidarity, and modern Catholic social thought at the University of Pennsylvania. Our featured speaker was Dr. Maciej Zieba, OP, a former activist in Poland's Solidarity movement, a close associate of Karol Wojtyla (the late Pope John Paul II) and the author of the new book "Papal Economics: The Catholic Church on Democratic Capitalism." Our respondent was Dr. Mary Hirschfeld, economist and theologian at Villanova University. This event was cosponsored by Penn's Program in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE).
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Meaning and origin of the Muslim baby name Adeelah. Meaning of Adeelah. What does Adeelah mean? Adeelah origin. Information about Adeelah. Meaning of Adeelah: Variant of Adila: Just. Honest. Equal.. Meaning and information about Adeelah, What does Adeelah mean? Adeelah means Variant of Adila: Just. Honest. Equal.. Find similar names like Adeelah.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
package com.appslandia.plum.webapi; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.appslandia.plum.base.CorsPolicy; import com.appslandia.plum.base.CorsPolicyHandler; import com.appslandia.plum.base.EnableCors; import com.appslandia.plum.base.EnableHttps; import com.appslandia.plum.base.GET; import com.appslandia.plum.base.POST; import com.appslandia.plum.base.Path; import com.appslandia.plum.mocks.MockAppConfig; import com.appslandia.plum.mocks.MockCorsPolicyProvider; import com.appslandia.plum.mocks.MockHttpServletRequest; import com.appslandia.plum.mocks.MockHttpServletResponse; import com.appslandia.plum.mocks.MockWebApiContext; public class WebApiEnableCorsTest { MockWebApiContext mockWebApiContext; MockHttpServletRequest request; MockHttpServletResponse response; @Before public void init() { mockWebApiContext = new MockWebApiContext(); mockWebApiContext.register(TestController.class); request = mockWebApiContext.createMockHttpServletRequest(); response = mockWebApiContext.createMockHttpServletResponse(); } private void initTestPolicy() { MockCorsPolicyProvider corsPolicyProvider = mockWebApiContext.getObject(MockCorsPolicyProvider.class); corsPolicyProvider.addCorsPolicy("testPolicy", new CorsPolicy().setAllowDomains(new String[] { "localhost" })); } private void initDefaultPorts() { MockAppConfig appConfig = mockWebApiContext.getObject(MockAppConfig.class); appConfig.setHttpPort(80).setHttpsPort(443); } @Test public void disableCors() { request.setRequestURI("/testController/disableCors.api"); request.setMethod("OPTIONS"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 405); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } @Test public void enableCorsAction_matched() { initTestPolicy(); request.setRequestURI("/testController/enableCorsAction.api"); request.setMethod("OPTIONS"); // http request.setHeader("origin", "http://localhost:8080"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertNull(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN_UNMATCHED)); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "http://localhost:8080"); Assert.assertTrue(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_METHODS).contains("GET")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_METHODS).contains("HEAD")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_METHODS).contains("POST")); Assert.assertTrue(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_METHODS).contains("OPTIONS")); } catch (Exception ex) {; } // HTTPS request.setHeader("origin", "https://localhost:8181"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertNull(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN_UNMATCHED)); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "https://localhost:8181"); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } @Test public void enableCorsAction_unmatched() { initTestPolicy(); request.setRequestURI("/testController/enableCorsAction.api"); request.setMethod("OPTIONS"); // Unmatch host request.setHeader("origin", "http://invalidHost:8080"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN_UNMATCHED), "true"); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "http://localhost:8080"); } catch (Exception ex) {; } // Unmatch host request.setHeader("origin", "https://invalidHost:8181"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN_UNMATCHED), "true"); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "https://localhost:8181"); } catch (Exception ex) {; } // Unmatch port request.setHeader("origin", "http://localhost:8081"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN_UNMATCHED), "true"); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "http://localhost:8080"); } catch (Exception ex) {; } // Unmatch port request.setHeader("origin", "https://localhost:8182"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN_UNMATCHED), "true"); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "https://localhost:8181"); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } @Test public void enableCorsHttpsAction_matched() { initTestPolicy(); request.setRequestURI("/testController/enableCorsHttpsAction.api"); request.setMethod("OPTIONS"); request.setHeader("origin", "https://localhost:8181"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertNull(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN_UNMATCHED)); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "https://localhost:8181"); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } @Test public void enableCorsHttpsAction_unmatched() { initTestPolicy(); request.setRequestURI("/testController/enableCorsHttpsAction.api"); request.setMethod("OPTIONS"); // Unmatched scheme request.setHeader("origin", "http://localhost:8080"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN_UNMATCHED), "true"); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "https://localhost:8181"); } catch (Exception ex) {; } // Unmatched host request.setHeader("origin", "https://invalidHost:8181"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN_UNMATCHED), "true"); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "https://localhost:8181"); } catch (Exception ex) {; } // Unmatched port request.setHeader("origin", "https://localhost:8182"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN_UNMATCHED), "true"); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "https://localhost:8181"); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } @Test public void enableCorsAction_defaultPort_matched() { initTestPolicy(); initDefaultPorts(); request.setRequestURI("/testController/enableCorsAction.api"); request.setMethod("OPTIONS"); // http request.setHeader("origin", "http://localhost"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "http://localhost"); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } @Test public void enableCorsAction_defaultPort_unmatched() { initTestPolicy(); initDefaultPorts(); request.setRequestURI("/testController/enableCorsAction.api"); request.setMethod("OPTIONS"); // Unmatched host - HTTP request.setHeader("origin", "http://invalidHost"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN_UNMATCHED), "true"); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "http://localhost"); } catch (Exception ex) {; } // Unmatched host - HTTPS request.setHeader("origin", "https://invalidHost"); try { mockWebApiContext.execute(request, response); Assert.assertEquals(response.getStatus(), 200); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ORIGIN_UNMATCHED), "true"); Assert.assertEquals(response.getHeader(CorsPolicyHandler.HEADER_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN), "https://localhost"); } catch (Exception ex) {; } } @Path("testController") @WebApiVersion public static class TestController { @GET public void disableCors(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { } @GET @POST @EnableCors("testPolicy") public void enableCorsAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { } @GET @EnableHttps @EnableCors("testPolicy") public void enableCorsHttpsAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { } } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
(Quick links: | Whipple One-Name Study) BIRTH: ABT 1639, prob, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island DEATH: 14 Dec 1722, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island BURIAL: North Burial Ground, North Main Street, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island Father: Thomas Harris (CHR 11 Jul 1613 - 7 Jun 1686) Mother: Elizabeth (____ - BUR Poss 8 Mar 1690) Family 1: Samuel Whipple (CHR 17 Mar 1643/1644 - 12 Mar 1710/1711) MARRIAGE: ABT 1666, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island +Noah B. Whipple (ABT 1667 - 10 Nov 1703) +Samuel Whipple (1669 - 19 Apr 1728) +Thomas Whipple (ABT 1671 - Bet 1726 and 1730) Abigail Whipple (1683 - 18 Sep 1735) Hope Whipple (ABT 1685 - 14 Feb 1716) _Andrew Harris ______| | (.... - 1616) m 1603| | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | __ | | | | |__|__ _Thomas Harris ______| | | __ | | __|__ | | | | | __| | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | |__|__ | |_Jane Bagley ________| | m 1603 | | | __ | | | | | __|__ | | | | |__| | | __ | | | | |__|__ |--Mary Harris | __|__ | __| | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ | | | __ | | | | | | | __|__ | | |__| | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ |_Elizabeth __________| m 1636 | | __ | __|__ | | | __ | | | | | | |__|__ !SOURCE: Helen Schatvet Ullmann and L. Randall Harris, "The Origins of Thomas Harris and William Harris of Providence, Rhode Island," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 167 (April 2013): 102. !SOURCE: John Osborne Austin, _Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island_ (Albany, N.Y., 1887; reprint ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1978) p. 222 !SOURCE: Judith Whipple, "Genealogy Chart of Captain John Whipple 1617-1685 to Grace Louise (Whipple) Pitcher 1892 and Alfred Whipple 1903 and John Whipple 1904 and Lorey Whipple 1910-1970" (Portland, Tex., c1977). Copy in the NEHGS library, call number CS71.W574 1977. Gives death 1676 in Providence, R.I. !SOURCE: Husband Samuel's will, dated 9 Mar 1710/11, proved 20 Mar 1710/11, p. 181-2. Abstracted in Abstracts Providence Wills, Rhode Island Genealogical Register, vol. 12, p. 151. Gravestone of Mary (Harris) Whipple North Burial Ground, Providence, Rhode Island (Submitted by Hugh Hudson, 20 Sep 2013) RIN 365. Quick link to this page:
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
#include "rtpdec_formats.h" #include "internal.h" #include "libavutil/avstring.h" #include "libavcodec/get_bits.h" struct PayloadContext { AVIOContext *dyn_buf; uint8_t *buf; int pos, len; uint32_t timestamp; }; static PayloadContext *latm_new_context(void) { return av_mallocz(sizeof(PayloadContext)); } static void latm_free_context(PayloadContext *data) { if (!data) return; if (data->dyn_buf) { uint8_t *p; avio_close_dyn_buf(data->dyn_buf, &p); av_free(p); } av_free(data->buf); av_free(data); } static int latm_parse_packet(AVFormatContext *ctx, PayloadContext *data, AVStream *st, AVPacket *pkt, uint32_t *timestamp, const uint8_t *buf, int len, int flags) { int ret, cur_len; if (buf) { if (!data->dyn_buf || data->timestamp != *timestamp) { av_freep(&data->buf); if (data->dyn_buf) avio_close_dyn_buf(data->dyn_buf, &data->buf); data->dyn_buf = NULL; av_freep(&data->buf); data->timestamp = *timestamp; if ((ret = avio_open_dyn_buf(&data->dyn_buf)) < 0) return ret; } avio_write(data->dyn_buf, buf, len); if (!(flags & RTP_FLAG_MARKER)) return AVERROR(EAGAIN); av_free(data->buf); data->len = avio_close_dyn_buf(data->dyn_buf, &data->buf); data->dyn_buf = NULL; data->pos = 0; } if (!data->buf) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No data available yet\n"); return AVERROR(EIO); } cur_len = 0; while (data->pos < data->len) { uint8_t val = data->buf[data->pos++]; cur_len += val; if (val != 0xff) break; } if (data->pos + cur_len > data->len) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Malformed LATM packet\n"); return AVERROR(EIO); } if ((ret = av_new_packet(pkt, cur_len)) < 0) return ret; memcpy(pkt->data, data->buf + data->pos, cur_len); data->pos += cur_len; pkt->stream_index = st->index; return data->pos < data->len; } static int parse_fmtp_config(AVStream *st, char *value) { int len = ff_hex_to_data(NULL, value), i, ret = 0; GetBitContext gb; uint8_t *config; int audio_mux_version, same_time_framing, num_programs, num_layers; /* Pad this buffer, too, to avoid out of bounds reads with get_bits below */ config = av_mallocz(len + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); if (!config) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); ff_hex_to_data(config, value); init_get_bits(&gb, config, len*8); audio_mux_version = get_bits(&gb, 1); same_time_framing = get_bits(&gb, 1); skip_bits(&gb, 6); /* num_sub_frames */ num_programs = get_bits(&gb, 4); num_layers = get_bits(&gb, 3); if (audio_mux_version != 0 || same_time_framing != 1 || num_programs != 0 || num_layers != 0) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Unsupported LATM config (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", audio_mux_version, same_time_framing, num_programs, num_layers); ret = AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME; goto end; } av_freep(&st->codec->extradata); st->codec->extradata_size = (get_bits_left(&gb) + 7)/8; st->codec->extradata = av_mallocz(st->codec->extradata_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); if (!st->codec->extradata) { ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto end; } for (i = 0; i < st->codec->extradata_size; i++) st->codec->extradata[i] = get_bits(&gb, 8); end: av_free(config); return ret; } static int parse_fmtp(AVStream *stream, PayloadContext *data, char *attr, char *value) { int res; if (!strcmp(attr, "config")) { res = parse_fmtp_config(stream, value); if (res < 0) return res; } else if (!strcmp(attr, "cpresent")) { int cpresent = atoi(value); if (cpresent != 0) av_log_missing_feature(NULL, "RTP MP4A-LATM with in-band " "configuration", 1); } return 0; } static int latm_parse_sdp_line(AVFormatContext *s, int st_index, PayloadContext *data, const char *line) { const char *p; if (av_strstart(line, "fmtp:", &p)) return ff_parse_fmtp(s->streams[st_index], data, p, parse_fmtp); return 0; } RTPDynamicProtocolHandler ff_mp4a_latm_dynamic_handler = { .enc_name = "MP4A-LATM", .codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, .codec_id = CODEC_ID_AAC, .parse_sdp_a_line = latm_parse_sdp_line, .alloc = latm_new_context, .free = latm_free_context, .parse_packet = latm_parse_packet };
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
I find this avenue to be pretty standard in terms of the suburban neighborhood and comparable to the other avenues and street it parallels, but for some reason there is more traffic on this avenue, particularly coming off of Jewett Avenue. Something to consider if you're thinking about moving to a very quiet place. Then again, the suburban traffic is hardly Mack trucks going by, so impact is still pretty minimal. But otherwise a pretty avenue.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Destination Wedding is the private form of wedding. It involves the groom and bride along with selected number of friends and family members. Usually the venue is a certain resort away from the crowd of the city. If you're looking for a destination wedding, then these are a few practical reasons to have one. Stress-Free – Planning for a wedding is a huge task. It takes a lot of time and planning for a perfect wedding. But destination weddings exist for a reason. The resort staff is there to help you from the start till end. So, you don't need to worry about a single thing. No Drama – Destination wedding happens does not involve any kind of family drama. Families cannot involve or force you to decide where the actual wedding is supposed to take place. Wedding destination is all about two people getting married. Cost-Effective – Destination wedding not only involves marriage but also honeymoon. Once the wedding is over, the couples can straight head over for their honeymoon helping them to save money. Reunion Opportunity – Since destination wedding involves just a few hand-selected guests, it allows you to have the perfect reunion time with everyone. Fiji Island resorts all-inclusive is a popular wedding destination for honeymoon couples.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Does Islam have a centralized religious authority? Islam, however, does not have a centralized hierarchical institution to establish the orthodoxy for its adherents. The fundamental religious texts are in need of interpreters who wield authority. Who is the famous religious leader? Religious leaders from Jesus Christ, Buddha and Martin Luther to Muhammad, Billy Graham and Mother Teresa are people who have appeared in sacred texts or helped lead religious movements. These prophets, priests and preachers have profoundly shaped our view of the spiritual world. What is organized religion defined as? : a belief system that has large numbers of followers and a set of rules that must be followed. Is Hinduism a centralized religion? Because Hinduism lacks centralized religious authorities, there is less likelihood that adherents of nonviolence and the right of conscience would promote national legislation affording the right of conscientious objection. What are the problems with centralized religious structures? From a functional point of view, there were two main problems with centralized structures: where to place the altar and how to provide separate areas for clerical and lay participants. What's the difference between a centralized and a decentralized organization? Centralized organizations reserve decision-making authority for top management. Decentralized organizations disperse decision-making throughout the organization. Companies of all sizes may exhibit tendencies for both centralized and decentralized decision-making. Which is an example of a centralized management structure? Most small businesses are centralized in that the owner makes all decisions regarding products, services, strategic direction, and most other significant areas. However, a business does not have to be small to be centralized. Apple is an example of a business with a centralized management structure. Why was the axial plan used in religious structures? The predominant use of the axial plan reflected its inherent suitability for the processional aspect of religious services and its logical divisibility into two parts. Solving these problems in centralized structures usually required some degree of modification such as locating the altar in a chapel opposite an entrance vestibule. Where is the best place to get married in Huddersfield? What symbols are associated with Shiva?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Do You Need Malware Protection on a VDI Thin Client? There are plenty of options for VDI thin client devices out there, and most are safe to use without antimalware software. But there are some thin client models that should have added malware protection. Learn which thin client needs extra protection and why. IT admins usually list several reasons why they use desktop and app virtualization, but one thing they can almost all agree on is that these technologies simplify management. This e-guide highlights TechTarget's Desktop Virtualization Survey detailing the top drivers of desktop and app virtualization. Finding the right VDI client is crucial to delivering virtual desktops users will enjoy working with. This e-guide highlights how HTML5 browsers, thin clients, zero clients, and repurposed PCs are all viable options. What Are The Security Benefits of Using Thin Client Devices? Thin clients are useful endpoints for organizations that support VDI, because they provide and extra layer of protection from user-initiated security risks. In this e-guide, find out the security benefits of using thin client devices as part of your desktop virtualization strategy. Dell is now offering thin client devices configured with Windows 10 to enable workspaces to take advantage of the security and management features built into Windows 10. This exclusive e-guide takes a look at what sets apart thin clients with Windows 10 apart from comparable devices. Access this exclusive e-guide to take a look at why IT teams are locking down desktops in order to restrict user-installed apps (UIAs). You'll also explore the benefits locked-down desktops can have on IT departments. This exclusive e-guide discusses ways cybercriminals successfully breach even the most well-secured enterprise defenses. Read on and learn how VDI can offer an enhanced level of security enterprises require. In this expert pocket e-guide, brought to you by, Dell and Intel, you will discover top strategies for a smooth transition to a virtual desktop environment. This exclusive e-book highlights how to implement zero-client computing in a way that can help your organization simplify and lower the cost of managing VDI. This Computer Weekly buyer's guide to virtual desktops gives you the key facts on thin clients, the economics of cloud, and Citrix.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Craft-Bamboo Racing is looking to close the gap in the Blancpain GT Series Asia teams' standings with their #88 and #99 Porsche 911 GT3 Rs at the Fuji Speedway this weekend. After taking their best results of the season so far in Suzuka for round three, the team is determined to go further in Fuji. With only 15 points separating them from second in the standings, both cars will be on the hunt for the podium this weekend and will be pushing to take that next step towards victory. Nick Foster has re-signed with Craft-Bamboo and is eager to build on the second place podium that he and Devon Modell scored in race one at Suzuka. The #88 pair is new to Fuji but if their first competitive outing together is anything to go by, the #88 boys should have no trouble with getting to grips with the 4.563km circuit. With both drivers now settled into the team and comfortable with pushing the Porsche 911 GT3 R to its limits, Modell and Foster will dedicate the first practice sessions in Fuji to familiarizing themselves with the track. The pair will then challenge the 28 strong GT3 field in the two 15 minute qualifying sessions to secure the #88 Porsche a spot at the sharp end of the grid for both races. Darryl O'Young and Peter Li Zhi Cong are looking for their first podium of the season and after scoring their highest placed finish so far in Suzuka with fourth, the #99 VLT duo are confident they can make further developments this weekend in Japan. Both drivers are fond of the Fuji Speedway after having scored podium results during their respective championship winning campaigns in the GT Asia Series. With expert knowledge of the circuit, O'Young and Li will be using their initial time on track to ensure the #99 VLT Porsche is dialled in and on the pace for Saturday's qualifying sessions in the hopes of giving the #99 VLT Porsche its second pole position of the season. Frank Yu and Jean-Marc Merlin are now third in the GT4 drivers' championship but need only six points to close the gap to first. With the most wins of any GT4 pairing this season, Yu and Merlin will focus on adding to their haul of victories to jump their #17 and #10 Porsche rivals by the end of the weekend. Frank is certainly no stranger to the Fuji Speedway, having raced there numerous times over the last 10 years. His knowledge and experience will go a long way in helping the #77 pair challenge for the podium and will allow Merlin to get up to speed and learn the circuit in the early sessions. The pair will also have no success penalty to contend with for race one, giving them the ultimate opportunity at taking a win and jumping ahead of their opponents.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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ENGLAND – Lead children's councillor resigns over poor Ofsted rating WALES/ENGLAND – Pilot scheme to help separating parents reach own agreements launched WALES/ENGLAND – Expert witness ruling a blow to children, Society warns Filed under (LAA) Legal Aid Agency, The Law Society Children involved in family law cases will face extra uncertainty following a High Court ruling on the funding of expert witnesses, the Law Society has warned. The Society reacted with disappointment to the ruling that the Legal Aid Agency, formerly the Legal Services Commission (LSC), is not normally obliged to fully fund the cost of an expert witness report ordered by a family court judge where only the child is legally aided and the parents are unable to afford the costs of a report. Mr Justice Ryder gave judgment yesterday in the case of JG v the LSC. JG was a 10-year-old girl who brought a claim for a judicial review of the LSC's decision not to fund in full an expert report ordered in proceedings under the Children Act 1989. JG's father had applied for contact with his daughter who lived with her mother. Both parents were unfunded and represented themselves during the Children Act proceedings. The LSC agreed to fund one-third of the costs of the report on the basis that there were three parties to the proceedings – mother, father and child, but only the child was in receipt of public funding. It argued that in a private dispute between two individuals, as opposed to a case brought by a local authority, it was not required to pay for the full cost of the report. The report was produced for the benefit of all three parties and therefore all parties who benefit from it should share the costs jointly, the LSC said. It was relying on section 22 (4) of the Access to Justice Act which states that costs cannot be awarded against one party simply because they benefit from legal aid. In a letter to the judge in the proceedings, the LSC said: 'It cannot be right for the legal aid fund to be expected to pay for the entire costs of reports in order to subsidise a private law dispute where neither parent is prepared to pay their share.' The Law Society and the secretary of state for justice intervened in the case. Ryder found that LSC had not acted unlawfully, as claimed, in refusing to pay the full cost, stating that the rights of the child would only require full taxpayer funding in 'rare cases'. At the end of the judgment Ryder said: 'It is perhaps important to express sympathy with any family court that has to navigate these principles at the same time as dealing with litigants in person who may not have the knowledge and sometimes the capacity to understand the court's process. 'There is an urgent and compelling need to simplify and bring together the principles set out in the various instruments that apply so that they are readily available and comprehensible.' A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: 'Those involved in legal cases should contribute towards costs and fees when able to do so, including paying for expert witnesses. We believe it is only fair these costs are shared equally between those involved.' He added: 'Recent reforms will ensure taxpayer-funded legal aid is prioritised at the most vulnerable, and will continue to be provided for children in family law cases.' However Law Society president Lucy Scott-Moncrieff said the position results in 'deadlock'. Where a court decides it requires a report to help decide the child's future, she said, unless someone is able to pay for it, there cannot be a report. She said: 'The court's ruling does not address that impasse, and for that reason it is disappointing for those children who find themselves in the family courts.' Scott-Moncrieff said the problem will be more common following the legal aid cuts that came into force on 1 April, removing funding from most private law family cases. 'Reports required by the court for the child's benefit should be paid for by the legal aid budget where the parents are unable to contribute: it should not be good enough to argue, as the LSC did, that the parents also benefit from a report. These cases are about the child's future.' Join our LinkedIn Legal Aid sub-group SOURCE: Law Society Gazette Permanent link to this article:
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Q: Optimal Kakeya maximal bound for bushes Let $\{T_{\alpha}\}$ be a collection of $1\times\cdots\times 1\times N$ tubes, where $N\gg 1$, with maximal $1/N$-separated directions, which all are centered at the origin (i.e. they form a bush). In a note of A. Carbery, the author claims on pg. 4 that for such a collection, "it is easy to see" that the $\{T_{\alpha}\}$ satisfy the conjectured optimal Kakeya maximal bound $$\|\sum_{\alpha}c_{\alpha}\chi_{T_{\alpha}}\|_{L^{\frac{n}{n-1}}(\mathbb{R}^{n})}\lesssim_{n}(\log N)^{\frac{n-1}{n}}N^{\frac{n-1}{n}}(\sum_{\alpha}|c_{\alpha}|^{\frac{n}{n-1}})^{\frac{n-1}{n}}$$ for all scalars $c_{\alpha}$. I am having difficulty seeing that this is case. I can show this in dimension $2$ by using the fact that $\frac{n}{n-1}=2$ and multiplying out the integrand. For higher dimensions, I tried dyadically decomposing space and using Holder's inequality, but this didn't give me the right bound due to too crude an estimate on the measure of the domain of integration. Partition the ball $B(0,N)$ into the ball $B(0,1)$ and annuli $A_{j}:=\{j\leq|x|<j+1\}$, for $1\leq j\leq N-1$. Now partition each $A_{j}$ into $\sim j^{n-1}$ caps $\{S_{\beta,j}\}$ of diameter $\sim 1$, and let $e_{\beta,j}$ denote the normalized center of $S_{\beta,j}$. On the ball $B(0,1)$, we use Holder's inequality together with the fact that there are $\sim N^{n-1}$ tubes $T_{\alpha}$ to get $$\int_{B(0,1)}|\sum_{\alpha}c_{\alpha}\chi_{T_{\alpha}}|^{\frac{n}{n-1}}\leq (\sum_{\alpha}|c_{\alpha}|^{\frac{n}{n-1}})\int_{B(0,1)}(\sum_{\alpha}\chi_{T_{\alpha}})^{\frac{1}{n-1}}\lesssim_{n}N\sum_{\alpha}|c_{\alpha}|^{\frac{n}{n-1}}\tag{1}$$ Fix $1\leq j\leq N$. The tube $T_{\alpha}$ doesn't intersect $S_{\beta,j}$ if $|e_{\alpha}-e_{\beta,j}|>\frac{10}{j}$. Since $\#\{\alpha : |e_{\alpha}-e_{\beta,j}|\leq\frac{10}{j}\}=O((N/j)^{n-1})$, we see that $|\sum_{\alpha}\chi_{T_{\alpha}\cap A_{j}}|\lesssim_{n} (N/j)^{n-1}$. Applying Holder's inequality, we have the bound $$\sum_{\beta}\int_{S_{\beta,j}}|\sum_{\alpha}c_{\alpha}\chi_{T_{\alpha}}|^{\frac{n}{n-1}}\lesssim_{n}\sum_{\beta}\sum_{\alpha\atop{|e_{\alpha}-e_{\beta,j}|\leq\frac{10}{j}}}|c_{\alpha}|^{\frac{n}{n-1}}(N/j) \tag{2}$$ Now for $j$ and $\alpha$ fixed, $\#\{\beta : |e_{\alpha}-e_{\beta,j}|\leq\frac{10}{j}\}\lesssim_{n}1$. Therefore (2) is $$\lesssim_{n}\frac{N}{j}\sum_{\alpha}|c_{\alpha}|^{\frac{n}{n-1}}$$ Summing over $j$, we conclude that $$\|\sum_{\alpha}c_{\alpha}\chi_{T_{\alpha}}\|_{L^{\frac{n}{n-1}}}^{\frac{n}{n-1}}\lesssim_{n}N(\sum_{\alpha}|c_{\alpha}|^{\frac{n}{n-1}})\sum_{j}\frac{1}{j}\lesssim N(\log N)\sum_{\alpha}|c_{\alpha}|^{\frac{n}{n-1}} \tag{3}$$
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Home»Lifestyle»Audrey Pence, Daughter of Vice President, Marries Audrey Pence, Daughter of Vice President, Marries 21 November 2020 Lifestyle 2 Views During the most painful and difficult days of Daniel Tomanelli's life, he continued to take care of Audrey Pence. "He's lying there in his hospital bed, asking me if I'm getting enough sleep," said Ms. Pence, 26. "He's asking his brother to go down to the gift shop to pick up a gift for me. He was, quite frankly, being brave and strong not just for me, but for all of us during a really tough time." On April 24, 2017, Mr. Tomanelli, now 25, and his father, Dr. Joseph Tomanelli, 56, were piloting an airplane together, as the elder Tomanelli practiced takeoffs and landings near the Meriden Markham Municipal Airport in Meriden, Conn. According to the Record-Journal the plane crashed through a fence and caught fire. Mr. Tomanelli, who was ejected from the plane, survived. His father did not. "Audrey came and lived with me in the hospital," Mr. Tomanelli said. "She never left my side, and she took care of not just me but my family, and she has remained fiercely loyal to all of us." "Once we came out of that," he said, "I knew she was the girl I wanted to marry." Ms. Pence, an associate at Covington & Burling in Washington, and Mr. Tomanelli, a policy adviser in the office of the deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force at the Pentagon, first met in July 2015 during a studies abroad program in the Balkans run through Northeastern University. They each graduated with degrees in international affairs. Both also minored in Arabic. Ms. Pence also has a law degree from Yale. "From the start he had such an ease about him," Ms. Pence said. "I think within our first two conversations, it was if we had been best friends for years." Mr. Tomanelli was equally impressed. "I had admired her from afar before we met," he said. "I soon found out that she was brilliant and very beautiful, and also very adventurous. They were engaged in February 2019. "I took her to a family vacation area in Cape Cod to give her the ring and tried to catch a romantic sunset," he said. But it rained all day. "After a long drive to get there, it was a little disappointing," Ms. Pence said. "But at least there was another surprise coming as far as my ring was concerned." They had originally planned to marry in May in Kauai, Hawaii with up to 80 guests, but the coronavirus shut down those plans. They were married instead on Nov. 1 in a self-uniting style ceremony on a patch of sidewalk near the flagpole outside the Moultrie Courthouse in Washington. Twelve guests were present, including the bride's father, Vice President Mike Pence, and her mother, the second lady, Karen Pence, and the groom's mother, Eve Tomanelli. "We really wanted to pull off a courthouse wedding, but the courthouses in D.C. are currently closed," said the bride, whose father led the couple's exchange of vows. She said if all goes well, they will have another bigger celebration next summer in Hawaii. "I just love Dan," said the bride's mother, Mrs. Pence. "He has a really gentle spirit. He's friendly and respectful. But the thing I love about him most is that I can tell how much he loves Audrey." When asked if her father's career has affected her everyday life, Ms. Pence said simply: "Dan and I started dating before my family stepped onto the national stage, and I think that family comes before politics every day of the week and this is certainly the case with our relationship." Tags Audrey daughter marries Pence president Vice Previous No Time to Die: Dame Shirley Bassey says Billie Eilish did a 'good job' with James Bond theme Next An Eco-Fable From the Author of 'The Magicians' One Martini, Ice Cold, With a Blanket and a Scarf One Martini, Ice Cold, With …
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Næstved é um município da Dinamarca, localizado na região sul, no condado de Storstrom. O município tem uma área de 200 km² e uma população de 47 422 habitantes, segundo o censo de 2003. Ligações externas Sítio oficial
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Q: Multibinding not updating when collection updates I've got a ListBox, containing Messages, which are simple (typeEnum, string) objects, and are displayed using a datatemplate: <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Messages}" Background="DimGray" > <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" > <TextBlock Text="{Binding MessageText}" > <TextBlock.Foreground> <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource TypeEnumToBrushConverter}" > <Binding Path="TypeEnum" /> <Binding Path="MessageColours" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type Window}}" /> </MultiBinding> </TextBlock.Foreground> </TextBlock> <Button Click="ButtonBase_OnClick1" >T</Button> </StackPanel> </DataTemplate> </ListBox.ItemTemplate> </ListBox> I'm trying to set the foreground of the message to whatever the MessageColours (a collection of TypeEnum - Brush pairs), which I pass into the converter. This works for the initial brushes I manually add to MessageColours. I'm changing them in another window, and the collection gets updated successfully, but the ListBox message colour does not update. MessageColours was originally a ObservableCollection of MessageColourSettings (TypeEnum, Brush) but I changed it to an implementation that implements INotifyPropertyChanged so it notifies when properties in a collection item change as well, but it didn't help. MessageColourSettings implements INotifyPropertyChanged and it is firing when the color is changed on the other window, and MessageColours collection is firing its item property changed. When I click that button, it toggles the typeEnum from A to B and back to A, upon which the message now has the updated colour, so I think something is wrong with the multibinding. The converter: public class TypeEnumToBrushConverter : IMultiValueConverter { public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { TypeEnum typeEnum = (TypeEnum) values[0]; var settings = values[1] as FullyObservableCollection<MessageColourSetting>; return settings.Single(setting => setting.TypeEnum == typeEnum).Brush; } } Any insights would be appreciated A: I got it to work, but I'm still not sure why it is necessary, or how it is intended to work. The implementation I'm using for MessageColours is basically an ObservableDictionary than also notifies when properties on Message are changed that I got from It was working correctly, but the MultiBinding was not responding to the notifications. So I ended up having to do it manually. MessageColours.ItemPropertyChanged += (sender, args) => Update(sender, args); private void Update(object sender, ItemPropertyChangedEventArgs args) { TypeEnum typeEnum = (sender as FullyObservableCollection<MessageColourSetting>)[args.CollectionIndex].TypeEnum; IEnumerable<Message> messages = Box.ItemContainerGenerator.Items.Select(m => m as Message).Where(m => m.TypeEnum == typeEnum); List<ListBoxItem> ListBoxItems = messages .Select(message => (ListBoxItem) Box.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(message)) .ToList(); foreach (ListBoxItem listBoxItem in ListBoxItems) { ContentPresenter presenter = FindVisualChildrenUtils.FindVisualChild<ContentPresenter>(listBoxItem); DataTemplate template = presenter.ContentTemplate; TextBlock textBlock = (TextBlock) template.FindName("messageText", presenter); MultiBindingExpression bindingExpression = BindingOperations.GetMultiBindingExpression(textBlock, ForegroundProperty); bindingExpression.UpdateTarget(); } } It seems very hackish to me but this was just experimental code. Is there an easier way to get Multibinding to update?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
LAPD responds to a massive riot breaking out at the vigil for slain rapper Nipsey Hussle at his store in the Hyde Park area of South Los Angeles. According to NBC 4 Los Angeles chaos broke out at the scene with multiple people injured and receiving medical attention from paramedics. Several police vehicles could be seen approaching the scene in response to the chaos. one person was stabbed after the stampede took place possibly related to reports of shots fired near the Nipsey Hussle memorial.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
South Florida officials seeking more international soccer MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. (AP) More than two dozen political leaders in South Florida have written letters to the U.S. Soccer Federation's board of directors, urging them to allow top-tier international matches to take place in the Miami region. Relevent Sports, the soccer-promoting group owned by Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross, filed suit against the USSF earlier this year saying that the sport's governing body in this country was helping to prevent them from hosting certain matches. The letters were released Friday to media outlets, including The Associated Press. The USSF did not respond to a request for comment. Ross' group and top Spanish league La Liga have been working for some time to bring a regular-season match to Hard Rock Stadium, the facility Ross owns and is the Dolphins' home. The politicians – ranging from city mayors, county mayors, county commissioners and one state Senator – all essentially said the same thing, that bringing major international soccer to South Florida only will help the region's tourist-dependent economy. "Doing so will demonstrate a genuine commitment to our communities and the growth of the game, which you, as the United States Soccer Federation, are charged with promoting," wrote Dean Trantalis, the mayor of Fort Lauderdale. That's the city where David Beckham's new MLS team, Inter Miami, will begin play next March. Tags: David Beckham, FIFA, Inter Miami, international friendlies, La Liga, U.S. Soccer Federation, Eder USWNT counters soccer federation's assertions on pay Photo by Joseph Weiser/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images Associated PressOct 7, 2019, 10:28 PM EDT U.S. Soccer was misleading when it asserted some players for the women's national team made more money than their male counterparts, the women's team players said in court documents filed Monday. The players say in the documents that the men's pay would have been far greater if they'd had the same success on the field as the women. [ MORE: Selecting an MLS Best XI ] The filing was a response to a U.S. Soccer motion opposing the players' request to certify a lawsuit seeking equitable pay as a class-action. The women asked a court last month to include all players called up to the national team, which could increase the class to more than 50 players. Twenty-eight players, including stars Alex Morgan and Megan Rapinoe, were part of the original suit filed against U.S. Soccer in March alleging institutionalized gender discrimination that includes inequitable compensation between the men's and women's teams. A May 5 trial date has been set in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. The federation has maintained that compensation for each team is the result of separate collective bargaining agreements, and that the pay structures are different as a result. Men's team players are paid largely by appearance and performance, while the contract for the women's team includes provisions for health care and other benefits, as well as salaries in the National Women's Soccer League. U.S. Soccer further argued last week that four players – Morgan, Rapinoe, Carli Lloyd and Becky Sauerbrunn – were each paid more than the highest-paid player on the men's national team in four years over the period between 2014 and 2019. The four earned more even when NWSL salaries weren't included, the motion said. U.S. Soccer said because those players made more, they lack the standing to represent a class. [ MORE: MLS Cup Playoff Power Rankings ] "The women chose to have a guaranteed salary of up to $172,500 per year, and in addition to this salary, they earn game and tournament bonuses, and receive a robust package of benefits. While the players on our men's national team can earn larger bonuses, they take more risk as they do not receive any guaranteed money or benefits within their pay-for-play contract structure," U.S Soccer said in a statement. The women's filing Monday said the only reason those four players were able to earn more was "they worked in far more games, had far greater success and thus were able to earn more money in salary and bonuses even under the indisputably discriminatory set of the USSF's compensation policies." It said this didn't constitute equal pay. The players' response maintains that the four players were paid less than one-third of what a male counterpart would have made if the men's team had been as successful over the same period. "This is the very definition of gender discrimination, which is illegal. USSF has repeatedly tried to distort these figures – including by hiring lobbyists, creating PowerPoint presentations with false data, trying to blame FIFA, and purposely manipulating the equation. But the math is simple: when the rates from the men's CBA are applied to each woman player's record and performance, the results show an unmistakably large pay gap," said Molly Levinson, who represents the players in matters surrounding the lawsuit. The women's team won this year's World Cup in France and had additional games leading up to the tournament, including qualification matches. The women also won the World Cup in 2015. The team played in victory tour matches following those World Cup titles. The men's team, meanwhile, did not make the field for the 2018 World Cup in Russia and had fewer matches and therefore fewer call-ups and training camps from 2017-18. The team has also transitioned to new coach Gregg Berhalter, who was hired last December. Tags: gender discrimination, Molly Levinson, U.S. Soccer Federation, USWNT, Ba, Eder USWNT lawsuit goes to trial May 5 Photo by Richard Heathcote/Getty Images Associated PressAug 20, 2019, 10:22 PM EDT LOS ANGELES (AP) A judge has set a May 5 trial date for the gender discrimination lawsuit filed by the women's national team against U.S. Soccer. District Judge R. Gary Klausner assigned the date at a hearing Monday in Los Angeles, which came less than a week after mediation between the two sides broke down. [ MORE: Predicting the USMNT September call-ups ] The players sued U.S. Soccer in March, alleging institutionalized gender discrimination that includes inequitable compensation when compared with their counterparts on the men's national team. The federation claims that compensation for each team is the result of separate collective bargaining agreements, and that the pay structures are different as a result. The sides had agreed to mediate the dispute after this summer's World Cup in France. The U.S. beat the Netherlands in July for its second straight title, and fourth overall. The players and U.S. Soccer had requested a trial date after the Tokyo Olympics, which start July 25. Tags: gender discrimination, U.S. Soccer, U.S. Soccer Federation, USWNT, Ba, Eder U.S. Soccer promotes Stewart, hires alum Markgraf as USWNT GM Photo by Robin Alam/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images By Nicholas MendolaAug 12, 2019, 3:56 PM EDT The United States Soccer Federation is staying on brand and promoting from within. USMNT general manager and program legend Earnie Stewart has been elevated to sporting director for the entire federation, and 201-times capped USWNT defender Kate Markgraf has been named general manager for the women's program. [ MORE: PL Player Power Rankings ] "This is a great day for the Federation and for soccer in America," said U.S. Soccer Federation President Carlos Cordeiro in a press release. "In Earnie Stewart and Kate Markgraf, we're keeping our commitment to ensure that soccer operations are run by soccer experts." "With Earnie as sporting director and Kate as the first general manager of our women's national team, we have the leaders in place to align our technical approach, develop the next generation of players and win championships." That means that Stewart, 50, will be in charge of hiring his replacement. Like most things with U.S. Soccer, both of these hires need to come with tempered response and not be held against the hires themselves. Stewart was a force for the USMNT as a player and his post-playing career has been impressive, with stints as technical directors for NAC Breda and AZ Alkmaar in the Eredivisie before taking a similar post with the Philadelphia Union. Markgraf's resume is less traditional for the post. According to U.S. Soccer, her post-playing career has included acquiring two graduate degrees, working as a broadcast analyst — including with NBC Sports — and volunteered with four D-I women's programs in the NCAA. Most intriguing, however, is how her academic research will play into her philosophy on developing the women's program. She holds two graduate degrees: a Master's in Kinesiology and a Master's in Educational Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her research on elite athletes and the influence of Grit, a psychological metric predictive of success in elite domains, was the first of its kind and was published, with her as the co-author with her advisor, in the top Sport Psychology Academic Journal, the Journal of American Sport Psychology. Again, two resumes worthy of acclaim, but how far did U.S. Soccer go in the interview process. That will be the key question for president Carlos Cordeiro when he joins Stewart and Markgraf on a conference call with the media at 5 p.m. ET Monday as the USSF has made some good resume hires for Stewart's last post and the USMNT head coaching position, only to see the process scrutinized for only looking within the family. That's also plagued the delayed hunt for a new CEO, which has inspired fan and employee protestation at the idea of elevating the USMNT head coach's brother to the top of the organization. Tags: Carlos Cordeiro, Earnie Stewart, Kate Markgraf, U.S. Soccer, U.S. Soccer Federation, USMNT, USSF, USWNT, Eder Ellis stepping down as USWNT coach Photo by Alex Grimm/Getty Images By Nicholas MendolaJul 30, 2019, 3:05 PM EDT Two-time World Cup champion Jill Ellis is going out on top. Ellis, 52, is stepping away from the United States women's national team after 127 matches and a 102W-7L-18D record since 2014. [ MORE: Gana Gueye joins PSG ] The Portsmouth, England native won everything but Olympic gold with the USWNT, and was named the 2015 Women's World Coach of the Year. In a statement, U.S. Soccer announced that Ellis will stay with the team through the victory tour and then moved into an ambassador's role. It also says the new USWNT general manager's hiring is "imminent." From "The opportunity to coach this team and work with these amazing women has been the honor of a lifetime," Ellis said. "I want to thank and praise them for their commitment and passion to not only win championships but also raise the profile of this sport globally while being an inspiration to those who will follow them. I want to sincerely thank the world class coaches and staff with whom I've had the privilege to work – they are quintessential professionals and even better people. And finally, I want to thank the Federation for their support and investment in this program, as well as all the former players, coaches, and colleagues that have played an important role in this journey." Ellis sometimes confounded with her lineup choices, but ultimately did a masterful job navigating the deepest squad pool and group of egos in the world. She transitioned the USWNT from a side focused on Abby Wambach and Carli Lloyd to a group that utilized a more complete attack, and won World Cups with both Wambach and Lloyd accepting super sub roles. Who the USSF chooses to take her place will have a gigantic hill to climb, as Europe is investing heavily in women's soccer and the sport is as competitive as ever. The new coach will also have to help keep the USWNT on track on the field as it battles the federation for equal pay and conditions. Tags: 2019 Women's World Cup, Abby Wambach, Carli Lloyd, Jill Ellis, U.S. Soccer Federation, USSF, USWNT, Women's Soccer, Ba, Eder South Florida officials seeking more international soccer December 14, 2019 8:17 pm USWNT counters soccer federation's assertions on pay October 7, 2019 10:28 pm USWNT lawsuit goes to trial May 5 August 20, 2019 10:22 pm U.S. Soccer promotes Stewart, hires alum Markgraf as USWNT GM August 12, 2019 3:56 pm Ellis stepping down as USWNT coach July 30, 2019 3:05 pm Senator introduces USWNT equal pay bill after letter from NCAA coach July 9, 2019 6:33 pm U.S. Soccer 'in final stages of hiring' new CEO; Jay Berhalter in running June 21, 2019 2:05 pm "Hopeful" Commisso extends deadline for $500m NASL restoration May 24, 2018 6:05 pm New US soccer GMs to report to CEO, not president February 28, 2018 9:19 pm Hope Solo says Athletes Council "cracked under pressure" February 11, 2018 4:04 pm U.S. Soccer presidential candidate Q&A: Steve Gans February 9, 2018 10:29 am
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
DON'T PRETZEL MY BUTTONS, MY VERY FIRST KOCKWURST, BERLIN THERE DONE THAT, DON'T TALK BACK TO ME NEIN! NEIN! NEIN!, OK FINE UNFOR-GRETA-BLY BLUE, EVERY MONTH IS OKTOBERFEST , SUZI & THE 7 DUSSELDORFS, DUETSCH YOU WANT ME BABY?, DANKE-SHINY RED GERMAN-ICURE, SCHNAPPS OUT OF IT ! Also funny, this apron my sister sent to us along with this Pretzel maker! I guess you can take the girl out of Germany but can't get the German out of the girl!! I'm ok with that! Click HERE for OPI polish shopping! Be sure to check out their "Skyfall" collection too! Where I grew up, December 6th was a BIG deal! It was almost like a day of reckoning for children! That was the day it was made clear whether you were going to have a good Christmas or a bad one! It was a day that clearly marked whether your sins of the past year were remembered, forgotten, or forgiven! In my child's mind, that is how I saw St. Nikolaus Day! I remember being nervous all day hoping I did not find twigs, stone, fake candy, or a lump of coal in my shoe! Being one of six kids, it was inevitable that ONE of us might find that! When I became a parent, I was sure to continue many of my German traditions to my children. All 3 loved the "pre-check" of St. Nick coming. They are now 24, 21, & 14 and guess what? They will be putting their shoes outside tonight with anticipation! I think I would get a stink eye if St. Nick didn't visit! Many of my friends with young kids are currently doing the "Elf on the Shelf" to help keep their kids in check before Christmas & build some family traditions along the way. While I think it's cute, I like that St. Nick is an old world tradition passed down in my family for many generations. One of my favorite child hood places, close to my hometown of Mannheim! I have many pleasant memories of Heidelberg, hanging out on the river at dusk, waiting for fireworks! I would love to go back and explore the city as a grown up!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
5 overdoses deaths within a week in Muskingum Co. Steve Carrell of Muskingum Behavioral Health said it's impossible to say if the deaths are a result of a bad batch of drugs until autopsies are done. 5 overdoses deaths within a week in Muskingum Co. Steve Carrell of Muskingum Behavioral Health said it's impossible to say if the deaths are a result of a bad batch of drugs until autopsies are done. Check out this story on Shelly Schultz, Zanesville Times Recorder Published 2:33 p.m. ET Nov. 14, 2019 | Updated 4:28 p.m. ET Nov. 14, 2019 Next Project Dawn Naloxone training is Dec. 19, at the health department The Zanesville-Muskingum County Health Department advises all emergency personnel and everyone who knows someone who suffers from addiction should be trained to administer Naloxone. (Photo: Shelly Schultz) ZANESVILLE - At least five people have died within the last week due to overdoses, according to the Muskingum County Coroner's office, bringing the total to 35 to far this year. The outbreak came just two weeks behind the announcement from Franklin County Coroner Anahi Ortiz of eight overdoses in a 24-hour period. Ortiz warned that drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine can be mixed with fentanyl, which results in a lethal combination. "I urge friends and family of those who use to make sure you are armed with Naloxone," Ortiz said in a social media statement. "Those who use should also test before using with fentanyl testing strips." Steve Carrell, director of Muskingum Behavioral Health, said it's impossible to say if the deaths are a result of a bad batch of drugs - meaning laced with a fentanyl compound - until the autopsy reports return. However, that is generally the case. "I'm waiting for staff to ask our clients what the word on the street is," Carrell said. Unintentional drug poisoning has become the leading cause of accidental death in the state, overtaking vehicle crashes for the first time, according to statistics released by the Ohio Department of Health. In fact, Ohio saw a 1,000 percent increase in drug overdoses from 2007 to 2017. Muskingum County reported 42 overdose deaths in 2018, that does not include local residents who died outside of the county. That number was more than double what the was reported for 2017, when the nation began seeing a decrease in the number of overdose deaths. Ohio remains second in the nation for drug overdoses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A recent release from CDC notes some common links in states with high overdose rates. For example, West Virginia also has one of the highest opioid prescription rates. West Virginia and Ohio also have jobs that are sometimes rated high for physical injury. People often get hooked to pain killers after an injury. Washington, D.C. is third, and it has the nation's second highest unemployment rate. The Zanesville-Muskingum County Health Department continually advises everyone who knows someone who suffers from addiction to be trained in Naloxone administration and carry it with them at all times. The health department will hold its next Project Dawn Naloxone training at 4 p.m., Dec. 19, at 205 N. Seventh Street. [email protected] Twitter: @infoobtainer1 Read or Share this story:
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
New tech being tested could pave the way for a new vehicle for college touring. A marriage between virtual reality and college tours may be closer than you think. Since 2009, YouVisit has been designing virtual university tours using 360-degree panoramic photography. It's akin to Google's Street View tours of the world's roads. More than 1,000 institutions have given the VR firm access to their campuses. Check out a sample of YouVisit's panoramic shots on its website. Over the past year, YouVisit has been tinkering with the Oculus Rift virtual reality platform, which Facebook recently bought for $2 billion. The team has been impressed with the potential. "We've built a platform that enables anyone with an Oculus device to come to our tours and connect to it and view these tours in virtual reality spaces," YouVisit co-founder Taher Baderkhan told TechCrunch. Both university officials and high school students shopping for the right college experience already have test driven the VR sample the team has been developing. In addition to allowing viewers to gaze around a college locale in virtual reality, the tours have a guide, just like their online counterpart. The demo proved so successful that universities began buying their own Oculus development kits, TechCrunch reports. A French university, the Audencia Nantes School of Management, has incorporated the virtual reality tours into its promotional repertoire. Oculus Rift itself is still under development. A commercial release for the platform could come in 2015, according to Business Insider. Until then, the technology can only be experienced at trade shows or through development kits purchased by programmers keen on pioneering new ideas for the platform.
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