What is Sales Management: Key Principles Check out why sales management is important, its objectives, functions, and effective strategies Sales management is the process that entails developing new selling strategies, gathering and training sales teams, and coordinating the practices aimed at pursuing a company’s sales goals. It helps businesses create excellent sales teams, develop good relationships with their consumers, reduce costs, and reach sales targets. In the video below, Brian Tracy unveils three essential skills you need for your successful and effective sales management. Why is sales management important? Sales Management Objectives Functions of Sales Management Key Principles of Sales Management 5 Sales Management Strategies In this article, we’ll explain why sales management is essential and talk about its objectives, functions, and key principles. In addition, we’ll walk you through five sales management strategies. An effective sales management process is a must-have for any company. It helps reach your sales objectives, control sales processes, close deals faster, boost your sales performance, and thrive in a highly competitive environment. It also plays a significant role in the optimization of lead qualification. With planning, coordination, and control, a salesperson can ensure the quality of their selling process and make a company scale. With sales management, companies reduce costs on the distribution of their products and receive great profits. The process enables business owners to improve communication among their team members, build relationships with prospects and customers, effectively introduce new products, and increase the production of goods that are in great demand among consumers. Now that you know why sales management is important, let’s proceed to the next section with sales management objectives. Each company sets business aims it wants to achieve within a certain time. Although all businesses develop in their own way and, in theory, set different goals, most of them are often very similar. The objectives can be divided into short and long-term. In the group of short-term goals, we can single out retaining and capturing the market share and defining sales volume to make a business profitable. Objectives that need to be implemented over a long time include retaining a certain percentage of customers, assisting in training sales representatives, supporting sales teams with technical advice, and tracking, collecting, and analyzing any sales information. As you see, the sales objectives of all businesses are pretty similar. Now that you are acquainted with them, let’s walk you through their functions. Sales management isn’t only about managing sales and ensuring that customers are satisfied with the process. In general, it implies making sure that sales reps do a great job, planning and setting targets, and monitoring the efficiency of the sales process. Let’s take a look at its functions in more detail. Setting targets. Establishing unrealistic goals can have a negative influence on your company. That’s why to reap benefits from your business, you need to select the right and realistic targets to reach. Use the reports of your sales team to identify the target it’s possible to achieve. However, remember that the previous performance doesn’t necessarily predict the future actions of your customers. Identifying quality leads. At any time, there might be many potential customers who need information about your product. Your task is to make sure that salespeople can find a unique approach to each of them and act quickly. Make sure that your sales team can identify quality leads and make them convert. Improving the efficiency of your sales process. Identifying good leads is one of the ways to optimize your sales process. However, you should also be ready to improve the efficiency and speed of your sales process. You can use a software solution to be able to assign tasks to people who understand a particular process better. Say, if users land on your site and show interest in your product, it’s better to assign them to a sales representative who has a profound knowledge of your product, starting from the most basic information. By sending email campaigns to your leads and clients, you can build trusting relationships with them. You can consider using SendPulse to automate your email send-out. Monitoring the performance of your salespeople. To see the progress in your team’s work, you need to track your salespeople’s performance and the value they bring. It’s a good idea to encourage your team members with rewards for a well-done job. For underperformers, you can prepare some additional training to master their skills. Analyzing the reports. Reports are necessary to collect information and make decisions. Consider the received data when assigning tasks and defining short-term objectives for sales teams. Moreover, look for things that hinder attaining your company’s goals. Now that you are aware of the functions, we need to explore the fundamentals of sales management. Sales managers act according to the targets entrepreneurs set. To achieve these goals, your sales team should comply with the following principles. Consistency. The success of the sales process relies on several factors, and one of the most important of them is consistency. Although it’s difficult to achieve, it’s worth your time and effort. Consistency allows you to close deals faster, build better relationships with customers, and improve sales. Make sure to provide your salespeople with clear instructions about each stage of the sales funnel, teach them how to behave with consumers, and ask for reports to monitor the progress. A degree of independence. For sure, a sales manager can’t do everything alone. You can give your team a chance to do some tasks independently and track the results. As an option, consider giving some extra tasks to your top performers and rewarding them for closing the deals. This way, you will show trust in their work and encourage your team to bring good results. Equality among the members of your team. Remember to treat every member of your team equally and show respect. There is no need to put some salespeople above others or give preferential treatment. You should adjust your sales targets and expected standards instead. Conviction. Being a sales representative isn’t easy. It implies understanding customers from the way they communicate and finding arguments to make them buy your products. Salespeople often face criticism, counterarguments, and some negative feedback. If you aim to handle clients’ objections better and improve customer retention, your sales team needs to enhance their communication skills, be more confident, and have good product knowledge. The principles are clear, so let’s jump into sales management strategies. Set realistic targets Find the right people for your team Educate your salespeople and give feedback Reward your top performers Measure the progress of your team An effective strategy that involves modern techniques and a professional sales team can work wonders for your company’s ROI. Read on if you are interested in making your business grow and prosper. Set realistic targets. Sometimes sales managers focus on the numbers a company strives to achieve without considering the capabilities of its salespeople. After trying to reach the goal, sales teams often fail because of unrealistic objectives. As a result, you run the risk of demotivating your salespeople and missing your projections. Use your average sales reps’ performance to set achievable goals. Find the right people for your team. To continue to scale, you need to attract the right talents to join your sales team. With suitable candidates, you can build a successful sales team that will support your company’s growth. First of all, before creating a job description and interviewing your candidates, define your company’s specific needs. Different categories of salespeople are needed for different purposes. Explore the reasons why you need a new employee. Secondly, create a step-by-step interview process to select suitable applicants. Thirdly, consider involving your colleagues in the process to identify the kind of person they need. Educate your salespeople and give feedback. As a sales manager, you need to always be in touch with your sales team. Your new hires should work under your guidance to absorb the sales process, learn how to handle objections, and understand where to find prospective customers. With time, your new employees will be able to handle the necessary tools and obtain experience and knowledge in sales, sales tricks, and strategies. Ensure to provide an effective training process to turn people with potential into top performers. Remember to give feedback after your salespeople complete certain tasks. Reward your top performers. Salespeople who do their job perfectly want to receive cash incentives from the company and get praise. That’s why it’s worth creating a plan that involves specific targets and monetary compensations for them. As a sales manager, you need to ensure that you do everything possible to retain customers and lure new ones. Measure the progress of your team. It’s critical to monitor and evaluate the progress of your team. You need to determine whether your company succeeds in growing or if there is something that slows down this process. Identify the reasons and try to eliminate them by reviewing the work of your sales team and improving your strategies. Besides, you should ask your sales representatives to create manual lists and reports, so consider designing a reporting process in your CRM to simplify your work. With SendPulse, you can guide your sales process in one CRM. Congrats, now you’ve acquired knowledge of the objectives, functions, and principles of sales management. With all this comprehensive information, you can develop an effective strategy for your business. This article defines the term, uncovers its three main aspects, and the process in general. In this article, you’ll find the definition, primary objectives, and functions of sales management. This article uncovers the facts about creating a sales management strategy. Also searched with "Sales management" a User Agent? Brand mark Vertical marketing system Closed-loop marketing User story mapping Rate this article about "Sales management" If you are interested in sales management, you might be interested in our CRM
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Profil für asdfaas476 Homepage http://www.xzylathe.com/ Benutzer-Titel Neuling und Noob Biographie Advantages and Disadvantages of a Lathe Machine A lathe machine is a commonly used machine that works through removing the undesired material from a rotating workpiece with a cutting tool that is fed against the work either crosswise or longitudinally to give its desired shape and size. This is also known as the “mother of all machines” and due to its versatility, it can be used in a large variety of operations such as turning, tapered turning, shoulder turning, facing, thread cutting, parting, chamfering, knurling, drilling, boring, counter boring, countersinking, and reaming operation. Probably the oldest machine tool known to mankind, the first lathe invented worked with one person turning the wood workpiece using rope and the other person shaping the workpiece through a sharp tool, now called as a two-person lathe. The ancient Romans improved this design by adding the turning bow, and the development went on to the industrial revolution when steam engines and water wheels were attached to the lathe to make the turning easier and faster. This paved way for metalworking and heavier machines with thicker and more rigid parts. Then in the 1950s, the servo mechanism was added to be able to control the lathe machine and it became the easiest lathe machine to operate until a British engineer named Henry Maudslay invented the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) lathe which is the most advanced form of lathe machine. Some of the advantages in using a lathe machine are: 1:High Productivity – The industries that are using lathe machines can be sure that these produce high quality products with top-notch accuracy, especially the CNC lathe machines. As a result, the productivity will increase. 2:High Speed – The machining in the lathe can produce many products in a lesser time, especially with the use of CNC lathe and automatic lathe, because of its high-speed production. 3:Saves Time and Money – Due to the advantages mentioned above, using a lathe machine saves a lot of time. Aside from this, it also saves money because there is no need to have many operators or turners which will result to lesser machining and labor cost. Some of the disadvantages in using a lathe machine are: 1:Highly-skilled Operators/Turners – Although it only requires a few turners to operate the lathe machine, there is a need for them to be highly-skilled because they have to control the machine precisely and make sure it is given constant supervision. The preciseness of the job depends highly on the skills of the turners/operators. 2:Cost and Weight of the Machine – The initial cost of a lathe machine is high. It actually depends on the purpose and how big the production is but most lathe machines used in big companies cost up to $50,000. It also takes up a lot of space because it is a huge machine and sometimes, it requires extra fittings and attachments which makes it bigger and more expensive. The use of CNC lathe machine is also not advisable for small production. 3:Constant Maintenance – A lathe machine needs a proper and constant maintenance, in each of its important parts. Otherwise, this may damage some parts or the whole machine. Lawnmowers Advantages And Disadvantages All Types Included Every gardener needs one, but nobody really knows which one is the right one: we are talking about the lawn mower. Therefore the 4”basic" models and their advantages and disadvantages are presented here. Lawnmowers advantages and disadvantages Previously we had to choose between an electric and petrol lawn mower. With the advancement of modern technology, various lawn mower manufacturers are now offering a numerous types of mower makes it difficult to decide which type of lawnmower to use. In principle, when buying a lawnmower, you should differentiate between these variants: 1:Electric lawnmower 2:Petrol lawn mower 3:Battery Powered lawnmower 4:Tractor Lawn Mower Electric lawn mower: Advantages: The electric lawn mower is mostly traded at a very reasonable purchase price in specialist shops and in numerous hardware stores. This type of lawnmower is also considered to be environmentally friendly and, due to its consistently light weight, easy to maneuver. Disadvantages: However, it is considered a disadvantage that you always have to carry an electric cable with you when mowing, which of course involves dangers. Especially when the garden has many obstacles, such as trees and shrubs, sculptures, etc. And even tall grass can hardly be mowed satisfactorily with an electric grass mower that is often under performing. Top 15 Best Wood Lathes To Buy in 2022 Benefits Of Wood Lathe The wood lathe machine is an essential tool for professional carpenters and can be a creative and engaging activity for people who love crafting. Here are the reasons why you should invest in a wood lathe. Work Efficient Wood carving is one of the most laborious tasks to perform, and sometimes it may take many attempts for the perfection of work. The wood lathe is designed to provide efficiency of work with high-end production. Most of the professionals prefer having a wood lathe as it is very easy to use and can be operated by anyone who knows even very few about wood carving. Some wood lathe is also automatic. The operator has to provide it with some instructions, and they work on their own. The wood lathes are made up of cast-iron material. Unlike conventional wood carving tools, the wood lathe is much more durable to use. It provides work efficiency and accessibility to its operator. The wood lathe is a one-time investment for its consumer, and you do not have to worry too much about its maintenance. 4.3.2 – Types of Brush Cutter Engines 2 Stroke or 4 Stroke Engines and future Electric Motors First I will look at the two petrol powered motors and then get onto the electric motor. Electric power was the first power plant used in the very first weed eaters and will become the main power source for heavy duty weed wacker’s in the future as battery technology gets better. The genuine Honda engine comes with a three year domestic and commercial warranty, (at least here in Australia) so if Honda is confident enough to give it a three year commercial warranty, you can be sure you will get a long trouble free life from it in a domestic situation. Of cause no engine is totally trouble free and on the occasion there can be some parts that fail prematurely. I personally have never experience any problems with my genuine Honda engine brush cutters and if Husqvarna & Maruyama can use a Honda engine in their 4 stroke models then you have to know that these engines are good for the long hall. Personally, I think that this is the best small engine that you could fit to a Brush Cutter Engine. You have to give credit to Honda for designing such a beautiful engine, I is a shame Honda are so unless at marketing it. I have had feedback from customers, who have gone to buy a Honda brush cutter after reading through these pages and have been talked out of not only buying a Honda brush cutter, but have also been talked into buying a bicycle handle brush cutter, by dealers with little practicable experience. And this is from dealer who’s main brand is Honda, but also carry other brands. Difference Between 2 Stroke And 4 Stroke Brush Cutter Engine A 2 Stroke Brush Cutter Engine is a type of internal combustion engine which completes a power cycle with two strokes of the piston during only one crankshaft revolution.The two main functions of a two-stroke engine are compression and combustion, 2 stroke engines tend to be more powerful than 4 stroke engines. And since they have less moving parts, 2 stroke engines tend to be more reliable. In choosing between a two-stroke or a four-stroke, four-stroke engines tend to be better on fuel, quieter, and less emissions. At the time of this writing, four stroke engines are more expensive. Two-stroke engines are generally more powerful than four-stroke engines, thus two-stroke engines are worse on fuel economy, have worse emissions. What they lose in fuel economy and emissions, they make up for in price and more reliability because they have less moving parts. And speaking of less moving parts, the 4 stroke has a separate oil pan to lubricate the engine. Many lawnmowers are 2 stroke engines and generally cut grass flat on the ground. A brush cutter or a string trimmer often has to be tilted and held at odd angles in order to do its job. That tilt can result in oil moving out of where it needs to be, exposing the engine to greater wear or even damage.
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Electric car into a new fire hazard in Shanghai 28 reporters learned from the fire department in Shanghai, from last year and data analysis in recent years showed that electric bicycle charging cause fire hazards, is becoming one of the salient features of Shanghai fire. According to official data show that in 2016, Shanghai City, the fire situation is generally stable, there were 4464 fires, killed 44 people, injured 38 people, the direct economic loss of 78 million 851 thousand yuan (RMB, same below), down 3.1%, 15.4%, 5%, 47%, no major fire accidents and above. Electric bicycles have gradually become a new fire hazard in Shanghai. Shanghai Fire Department said, only one year, because the electric car fire occurred 92, resulting in 5 deaths, accounting for 11.4% of the total number of deaths. Therefore, the Shanghai Fire Department in particular will be "electric bicycle charging fire caused great harm", listed as one of the eight characteristics of fire safety in Shanghai last year. October 28, 2016, Pudong New Area Boshan District residential buildings due to 1 floor corridor electric bicycle charging fire, but fortunately timely disposal, evacuation of 47 people, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. In November 7th of the same year, Songjiang District Hui Bridge Village Chedun town residential floor for electric bicycle charging caused a fire, killing 1 people. Think Shanghai Fire Department, due to the lack of electric bicycle safety standards, product quality and safety when using uneven in quality; the public awareness is weak, often illegal parking, overload, long time charging, resulting in fire hazard rate and death toll rising.
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Home Uncategorized Santos’ Strongman In The Chief Prosecutor’s Office Santos’ Strongman In The Chief Prosecutor’s Office Chief Prosecutor Eduardo Montealegre. Columnist Adriaan Alsema points out that Attorney General Eduardo Montealegre is going after Uribe and his loyalists while turning a blind eye to the wrongdoing of the president and his allies Colombia’s chief prosecutor, the most important judicial official in the country, is applying justice arbitrarily and is effectively coercing political critics of President Juan Manuel Santos while intimidating opposition. According to former president Alvaro Uribe, Prosecutor General Eduardo Montealegre and his predecessor Viviane Morales have been “waging a war” against the ex-head-of-state’s political followers. Admittedly, the two latest chief prosecutors have been relatively successful in seeking justice in cases involving Uribe loyalists, while the former president himself is also under increasing judicial pressure over his alleged ties to right-wing paramilitary groups. Consequently, Uribe’s original support among politically powerful individuals, families and corporations has shrunk due to the abundance of criminal investigations against him and his political allies. Former intelligence chief Maria del Pilar Hurtado is wanted over illegal spying on political opponents, while former Peace Commissioner Luis Carlos Restrepo is wanted for a fake FARC demobilization in an apparent attempt to influence the 2006 elections. Former Interior Minister Sabas Pretelt and former Health Minister Diego Palacios are under investigation for the bribing of congressmen that proved key for Uribe’s 2006 re-election. Uribe himself is or has been investigated for a list of criminal charges longer than the Dead Sea scrolls. More than 40 Uribe-loyal ex-lawmakers and ex-governors are behind bars, or in at least one case, convicted in absentia. They include: former intelligence chief Jorge Noguera, former Agricultural Minister Andres Felipe Arias, and Uribe’s cousin and former Senator Mario Uribe. The ex-president’s former personal security chief, Mauricio Santoyo, is currently serving time in the Unites States. However, none of these convictions were really thanks to the work of the current prosecutor general. Noguera was convicted years before Montealegre took office. Santoyo wasn’t even under investigation in Colombia when the US requested his extradition over drug trafficking charges. Montealegre only had a role in the conviction of Arias for embezzling money from funds for poor farmers. The chief prosecutor also opened a criminal investigation against former Comptroller General Sandra Morelli. However, he only did this after she began investigating Montealegre’s prominent and suspicious role in the scandal surrounding health care provider SaludCoop that – with Montealegre on the payroll as legal adviser – was illegally embezzling millions of dollars. Meanwhile, only a handful of people have been arrested for election tampering following the March congressional elections which observers have called the most corrupt in recent history. According to NGO Paz y Reconciliacion, 69 of the 266 current members of Congress are suspiciously close to known criminal organizations. Nevertheless, in spite of the serious violation of Colombians’ democratic rights, no major investigations are under way. More importantly even, the practice of “false positives” – which has the armed forces accused of more than 4,000 extrajudicial executions to cook the war books – is hardly investigated accurately. While dodgy former Army commander General Mario Montoya has been an informal suspect since the scandal broke in 2008, he was not even investigated until last week. The prosecutor also fails to take seriously the fact that our current president “of peace” was defense minister between 2006 and 2009 when on average killed civilians made up more than 30 percent of reported combat kills. The problem is not that the prosecutor general is going after Uribe allies, he should. The problem also isn’t about him going after the comptroller who revealed his shady background. A court will be able to release her of suspicion if, as she has claimed, the charges are trumped up. The problem is that the prosecutor general is only investigating away from Santos, and his political and economic allies, virtually guaranteeing impunity as long as you stay loyal to the man in the Palace. Adriaan Alsema is the founder and editor-in-chief of Colombia Reports, South America’s largest news website in English. Born and raised a Dutchman, Alsema has been living in Colombia since 2008. The Opinion section is a space for your views and opinions. We’ve featured articles on all aspects of life in Colombia – from the free trade agreement to bull fighting. Whether you agree or disagree with anything we’ve written, we’d love to hear your thoughts – leave a comment below, tweet us at @bogotapost, post on our Facebook page /BogotaPost or email us at [email protected]. The articles in ‘Opinion’ are commentary, not news reporting. The views expressed in this section are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Bogota Post or its publishers. The publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of any information published in this section. Alvaro Uribe
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Ahhh... :o) Ahhh... :o), originally uploaded by flettemette.
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Are you a meat lover looking for an answer to the question, “How many ounces in a pound of beef?” If such is the case,… Posted by Lupe Abshire Posted on October 12, 2022 5 min to read If you eat a lot of meat on a regular basis, you’ve probably thought of using ground beef in your dishes. In general, ground beef… We use scissors as the only option to cut things, to tear clothes and papers. It is seen as an important household appliance even though… Posted by Bestie Food Posted on October 3, 2022 6 min to read
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Friday, Mar 17, 2023 08:37 Outside of the State Bank of Vietnam in downtown Ha Noi. — Photo SBV The State Bank of Viet Nam must step up efforts in the management of the country's banking sector and prepare for all possible scenarios for timely and effective interventions, according to the World Bank. Carolyn Turk, WB country director in Viet Nam, said the global economy will likely enter a period of turbulence while it's struggling with slow growth, decreased demand, high inflation and central banks around the world tightening credit. Turk's comment was made in the aftermath of an event in which three US banks: Silicon Valley Bank (US' 16th largest bank), Silvergate Bank and Signature Bank, one after another, collapsed in a week. She said the ramifications of such an event will likely follow within a short time and consequences be felt across the global financial market, which commands policymakers to pay attention and plan for necessary interventions. She said there are many similarities that can be observed between the above-mentioned US banks and the Vietnamese banking system, especially in smaller banks. It highlighted the importance of a strong grip on the financial sector to ensure the central Government stays up-to-date with current developments and relevant data, and is able to respond in a timely manner, Turk added. Viet Nam's economic growth is projected to ease to 6.3 per cent in 2023 from a robust 8 per cent last year, as services growth moderates and higher prices and interest rates weigh on households and investors, according to the World Bank's report released on March 13. Service has become the largest sector of Viet Nam's economy, increasing from 40.7 per cent of GDP in 2010 to 44.6 per cent in 2019. The employment share of the sector also rose from 29.6 per cent in 2010 to 35.3 per cent in 2019. As the largest source of employment, it has absorbed a significant portion of the workforce from the agriculture sector. However, labour productivity and efficiency in Viet Nam’s service sector remain low compared to other countries, reaching US$5,000 per worker in 2019 in comparison to $20,900 in Malaysia, $9,300 in the Philippines and $7,300 in Indonesia. — VNS Tags State Bank of Viet Nam WB Central bank makes first rate cut since 2020 to support economic growth Central bank inspects banks for compliance with bond regulations Credit growth slowing down, raising fear of business contraction VN’s foreign exchange reserves reach US$92.43 billion Viet Nam’s banks need more women leaders to promote inclusive and high-productivity growth Central bank grants first credit growth quota for banks in 2023 Banks cautious about profit targets for 2023 Citi completes sale of Viet Nam consumer banking business to UOB group Big four banks launch preferential interest rate loan packages SeABank completes capital raising Vietnam Airlines, Air France to resume codeshare flights CNY - 3381,57 3497 KRW - 16,94 21,24 KHR - - 5,89 SEK - - 2330,49
{"url": "http://bizhub.vn/banking/central-bank-must-keep-a-close-on-the-financial-market-wb_342497.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "bizhub.vn", "date_download": "2023-03-20T08:53:56Z", "digest": "sha1:HOGVHJ4JNQLVUVWC2XLH65MAZV6SGZ6R"}
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Last week we read in the paper about a greenhouse in Walthman, MA - about a fifteen-twenty minute drive from Boston. It's part of a larger property called the Lyman Estate, which we had never heard of. It's free to walk around (both the outside and the greenhouse - though you can make a small donation if you'd like). It was the perfect escape from the drab grey winter. There were lots of flowers and interesting plants, and of course an added plus was that it was warm! Back in Philly, one of the books I picked up was about conservatories. This one wasn't included, but it showed lots of them all over the US. I think it would be a fun goal, over time, to make a trip to each one of them. Conservatory road trip! Anyone? One of my favorite details was the little bits of moss and grass growing in between the sides of the stairs. I can imagine little Kodama sitting on it. Plus, it's so fuzzy looking! They seem to have a few plant sales through out the year, so if you live near by I'd check it out. Jesse left with two little air plants, which he claims he won't kill because he only has to mist them. Labels: new england, travel
{"url": "http://blog.rennes.us/2013/02/greenhouses.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "blog.rennes.us", "date_download": "2023-03-20T10:35:14Z", "digest": "sha1:ZLDNVBYRBRKMHBIRDJ3ED7YS57NQBAHH"}
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I accepted Jesus in my heart when I was two years old. Some of my earliest memories are my days spent at church. When I hear the lively praise songs that our church would sing, it carries me back in time. Sweet memories. But what truly shaped my heart was the faith that was lived in our home. My parents were sincere believers, and my older brothers were excellent examples of godly young men. I remember as a youngster, crawling behind the couch to pray, or dancing in the living room to praise music. There was no doubt in my mind that God was God. Jesus was Jesus, my Savior, my King. My mom kept a diary for me when I was too young to write yet, and when I read it I’m amazed at how God truly was my First Love. That was my childhood. But then, when I was ten years old, we moved from Florida to Alabama. Not long after the move, doubt started to attack my faith. It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly allowed this doubt to creep in. Perhaps it was the popular sci-fi TV show I watched that stretched my imagination in new ways, perhaps it was the fact that my older brother was turning his back on God, or perhaps it was the fact that I was eleven years old and could no longer have that “childlike faith.” I think it was all of those things and more. I was lonely. I had few friends. And even though I was surrounded by a loving family, my heart was aching for so much more. My diary from those years shows my discouragement and loneliness, even though I hid my spiritual struggles. People simply thought I was shy and reserved. I was. But that wasn’t the true me. My mind grappled with God. Who was He? I was pretty certain He was there, but I wasn’t so sure that He was good. And even though I knew all the Bible stories and did the “right things,” I didn’t know Him. There are some questions that we can’t have answers to on this side of heaven, and I grappled with some of those. Silently I wrestled in my soul, crying at night in my room when no one knew, or sobbing in the bathroom with the air vent on to drown out the noise. I’ll never forget those days and months that turned into two years. Besides the spiritual struggle, I was also at the age where a girl is adjusting to becoming a young lady. Even though I didn’t know it, hormones were only adding to the confusion within my body and soul. At one point I remember feeling as if the whole world was spinning and there was nothing holding me down. Another time I felt out of my mind. I kept my struggles to myself, until I finally couldn’t bear it any longer. That’s when I asked to speak with Mom in private. We sat on the bed in my parents room, and I poured out my heart, “How do I know that He is God? How do I even know who to pray to?” Mom must have been shocked. I can’t remember the moment clearly; it’s mostly a blur of tears. But after talking, Mom went downstairs to talk with Dad, and I was collapsed on her bed sobbing. Opening up didn’t come naturally, and the walls around my heart had just been smashed. I felt completely vulnerable. And that’s when a new work began. I continued to read the Bible. I wanted to believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But how could I overcome this crippling, numbing doubt? The day came when I declared to God that He was my God, even if I didn’t have all the answers. His grace carried me, even when I didn’t feel Him. In the middle of my struggle, I cried out to God and told Him that if He revealed Himself to me, I would spend the rest of my life declaring to the world that He is God. Since then, He has been revealing Himself in countless ways. He’s brought friends that have been His outstretched arms, showing me His love. He’s allowed me to visit Israel, and to walk where Jesus walked. He’s led me to conferences that have ignited the passion in my soul. And He’s spoken to my heart in the solitude of my room, in the calm of the evening air, or in the spray of sunshine that warms my skin. If I had never sunk so low, I wouldn’t appreciate the joy that overflows my soul today. Sometimes you have to lose something before you realize how much you need it. If I hadn’t gone through that spiritual breakdown, and almost emotional breakdown, I wouldn’t realize how deeply I need my Savior. So when you see my smile, don’t let it fool you into thinking that it’s always been there. It’s a testimony. Every time that someone tells me that my name suits my personality, it’s a praise to God. I’m nothing without Him. And I won’t settle for less than Him. Oh, I’ll fail. I have, and I know I will again. But the overarching hope of my heart and the vision of my soul is Him upon the cross, bringing redemption. And it’s there that I’m crucified with Him. And I’ve risen with Him. And now He has filled me with His spirit and I am born again. Like a child. I still don’t have all the answers. I still struggle at times. But I’ve been set free, to the point where I’m breaking down my walls once again to share this story that I haven’t shared in the past. He’s my Father. Yahweh. The One who loves the world so much that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. That’s the God I live for. That’s the God I’d die for. “We love Him because He first loved us” {1 John 4:19} Feel free to share my testimony with anyone that it will bless. 8 thoughts on “My Story” Len says: Many, many of us have a story similar to yours. We all had doubts and misgivings, and turned our back on Him. All the more astounding when we finally turn and bump right into Him! My unbelief lasted way longer than yours, but God can still use my past to work his will. Keep up your good work of writing, sister. He is definitely working through you! Thank you, Mr. Len! It’s encouraging to read this comment from you! Thank you for sharing some of your testimony as well. May you have a very blessed week, and thanks for stopping by! Chelsea Neuerburg says: Your story is so similar to mine and it touched my heart to read it! Dear Chelsea, I’m so glad that this could touch your heart! May God bless you! Melissa Holliday says: Your testimony touched me. You write so well also. I have struggled with the same thing. I’m so glad that the testimony could be a blessing to you…Love you, sister! ~ Joy Florence says: Thank you for your commitment! I don’t even need to read your story to know we are sisters in Christ. Your stand for Israel, for I-am-N, and your pro-life stance show who you are. Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Florence. It’s always wonderful to meet another sister in Christ! Keep standing for Him. :) God bless! ~ Joy
{"url": "http://blogofjoy.com/mystory/?replytocom=266525", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "blogofjoy.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T10:44:26Z", "digest": "sha1:DBFBZ23SASBKSSBK5DDQM423YZMEFNTO"}
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Wonder Woman Blogs Story "Do you know the three basic necessities of people today," asked an insurance company's CEO I met immediately after the Finance Minister P. Chidambaram presented the budget for 2013/14, which was highly skewed towards the middle class. I responded by saying: “It’s roti , kapda aur makaan." March 11, 2013 Posted by Anand Adhikari Tags: Wealth, Insurance, healthcare, Happiness, Budget, Basic needs
{"url": "http://blogs.intoday.in/wonderwoman/tag/Basic+needs.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "blogs.intoday.in", "date_download": "2023-03-20T10:49:28Z", "digest": "sha1:6ZKU4HVL5S6YKYFRKOZTVMZLA7UWCIUG"}
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What is an Initiative? An initiative is a proposal to amend state law that the people of this state invoke by petition. The initiative process is detailed in section 9 of article 2 of the state constitution of 1963, which provides, in part: Any law proposed by initiative petition shall be either enacted or rejected by the legislature without change or amendment within 40 session days from the time such petition is received by the legislature. If any law proposed by such petition shall be enacted by the legislature it shall be subject to referendum, as hereinafter provided. If the law so proposed is not enacted by the legislature within the 40 days, the state officer authorized by law shall submit such proposed law to the people for approval or rejection at the next general election. The legislature may reject any measure so proposed by initiative petition and propose a different measure upon the same subject by a yea and nay vote upon separate roll calls, and in such event both measures shall be submitted by such state officer to the electors for approval or rejection at the next general election. What is an Alternative Measure? (Not available for all Initiatives) If the Legislature rejects a law proposed by initiative petition, the Legislature may propose a different ("alternative") measure upon the same subject as provided in Article 2, Section 9, of the Michigan Constitution of 1963. An alternative measure shall be labeled "Alternative Measure No. ___ to a law proposed by Initiative Petition". An alternative measure shall not be considered for a second reading in either house unless a law proposed by initiative petition has been rejected by a house. An alternative measure shall require a majority vote of the members elected and serving in each house for adoption, and the vote shall be by record roll call. Measures proposed under Article 2, Section 9 of the Constitution of 1963: An initiative of legislation to ... 2021 ... repeal 1945 PA 302, entitled "An act authorizing the governor to proclaim a state of emergency, and to prescribe the powers and duties of the governor with respect thereto; and to prescribe penalties," (MCL 10.31 to 10.33).(PA 77; 2021) 2018 ... enact the Improved Workforce Opportunity Wage Act (PA 337; 2018) 2018 ... providers workers with the right to earn sick time for personal or family health needs... (PA 338; 2018) 2018 ... allow under state law the personal possession and use of marihuana by persons 21 years of age or older; (IL 1; 2018) 2018 ... repeal 1965 PA 166, entitled "An act to require prevailing wages and fringe benefits... (PA 171; 2018) 2014 ... enact the Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. (PA 281; 2014) 2013 ... to enact the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act. (PA 182; 2013) 2008 ... allow under State Law the medical use of marihuana. (IL 1; 2008) 2006 ... to amend 1979 PA 94, entitled "An act to make appropriations to aid in the support of the public schools... 2006 ... repeal 1975 PA 228 (PA 325; 2006)
{"url": "http://capitol.legislature.mi.gov/(S(rvsn5nqiwdxryrb3hubystfd))/mileg.aspx?page=initiative", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "capitol.legislature.mi.gov", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:30:34Z", "digest": "sha1:56HTPUWYJHZCE6SSQC3DOA4WUFPSKSHF"}
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Due to the enacting of Marlboro Township Ordinance #2006-13, the Marlboro Township Recreation & Parks Commission is hereby requesting compliance from all Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Board Members participating in Marlboro Township Recreation Sports and/or Other Recreational Programs. In compliance with Marlboro Township Ordinance #2006-13 amending and supplementing the code of The Township of Marlboro to create a new chapter entitled “Chapter 56”, Criminal Background Checks for Certain Volunteers and Employees of the Marlboro Township Recreation & Parks Commission the following has hereby been adopted: In order for the Township of Marlboro to ensure that it is providing the safest possible recreational programs for its youth and, Whereas pursuant to N.J.S.A. 53:1-20.6 and its implementing regulations located at N.J.A.C. 13:59-1.1, et seq., all government entities of this State, including municipalities, may obtain criminal history record information for any official government purpose, including, but not limited to employment; and Whereas, the Marlboro Township Recreation & Parks Commission recommends that all coaches, assistant coaches, board members, and seasonal employees with direct unsupervised access to minors be required to submit to a criminal history background check as it applies to Marlboro Township Youth Programs. This means any program offering services for persons younger than eighteen (18) years of age, including but not limited to sports leagues that are funded and/or administered, in whole or in part, by the Marlboro Township Recreation & Parks Commission. In order to further ensure that we have the safest recreation program as possible in protecting our youth participants, these Criminal Background Checks are a mandated necessity. Failure of an individual to submit to a required Criminal Background Check will result in the prohibiting of recreation program participation by that individual. In advance, we thank you for your understanding, cooperation and compliance All employees and volunteers over the age of 18 who are working with Marlboro Township youth programming are required to obtain a background check processed through the Recreation Department. See Marlboro Township Code HERE. Recreation Dept. Home Employee/Volunteer Background Check Community Pass Senior Citizens Information
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Catholic Shrines and Holy Places Shrines, Basilicas, Cathedrals, Monasteries, Home | Devotions | Books / Gifts | Links Your Parish, and our Seminaries Catholic Seminaries Shrines and Holy Places Dowd Memorial Chapel of the Boystown, Nebraska 68010 http://www.boystown.org/AboutUs/VisitorInfomation/Pages/Attractions2.aspx#chambers Visitors are welcome to attend Mass at Dowd Chapel. Rising from the landscape in the tradition of a 15th-century Gothic church, Dowd Chapel shines as a beacon of hope for thousands of children seeking comfort and consolation. Adjacent to the nave on the west side is the Father Flanagan Shrine. Boys Town's famous founder is entombed in a bronze vault that briefly tells his life story to thousands of visitors every year. Father Flanagan often said, "All boys need to learn how to pray, how they pray is up to them." Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Also know as St. Mary's Cathedral 207 South Elm Street Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 Work was begun on the present cathedral church in 1926 and finished in 1928. Cardinal Patrick Hayes of New York City presided at the dedication ceremonies on July 5 in the same year. When the new cathedral was finished the parishoners that it was too big. In a few years, the numbers of families attending St. Mary's had grown to more than 800, while the capacity of the cathedral was 900 persons. In the spring of 1949, it was decided to form a new parish, Blessed Sacrament, on the north side of the city. Cathedral of the Risen Lord Lincoln NE 68506 http://www.crchrist-parish.org/ The Cathedral of the Risen Christ Church, the mother church of the Diocese of Lincoln. "A cathedral is always known as the spiritual home of its diocese. The title of our Cathedral of the Risen Christ exemplifies the resurrection of Jesus in its art and furnishings, and in this cathedral the Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle is the focus of silent, perpetual adoration." Cathedral of St. Cecilia Begun in 1905 services were first held in 1916. The Cathedral was consecrated in 1959, historic Saint Cecilia Cathedral is the master work of renowned architect, Thomas Rogers Kimball. The building reflects Spanish Renaissance architecture in El Escorial, a monastery and palace complex some 50 miles north of Madrid. Ranked among the ten largest cathedrals in the United at the time of its completion, the structure is two hundred fifty-five feet in length, one hundred fifty-eight feet in width and two hundred twenty-two feet in height. It was designated Omaha Landmark: May 22, 1979 Visit Ignatius Press for the best in Catholic Reading! Publisher: Delphi Communications Phone: 914-725-8000 | e-mail: [email protected] | Copyright | Disclaimer | Privacy
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NameSir Edward North BUXTON 2nd Bt, 5524 FatherSir Thomas Fowell BUXTON 1st Bt , 1870 (1786-1845) MotherHannah GURNEY , 5526 (1783-1872) 1Catherine GURNEY, 5530 FatherSamuel GURNEY , 5714 (1786-1856) MotherElizabeth SHEPPARD , 5715 (1784-1855) Marriage1836, Trinity Church, Marylebone ChildrenCharles Louis , 5569 (1846-1906) Thomas Fowell , 5531 (1837-1915) Francis William , 5570 (1847-1911) Henry Edmund , 5568 (1844-1905) Samuel Gurney , 5567 (1838-1909) Edward North , 5564 (1840-1924) Sarah Evelyn “Eva” , 8660 (-1926) Laura Priscilla , 12107 (-1918) Notes for Sir Edward North BUXTON 2nd Bt 2nd Bt Sir Edward North Buxton, 2nd Baronet (16 September 1812 – 11 June 1858) was a British Liberal Party politician. He was the son of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton and his wife, Hannah Gurney. He married Catherine Gurney, daughter of Samuel Gurney, on 12 April 1836. He became of 2nd Baronet Buxton of Bellfield and Runton on 19 February 1845, on the death of his father. He served as Member of Parliament for Essex South from 1847 to 1852 and for East Norfolk from 1857 until his death in 1858. He was succeeded as Third Baronet by his son, Thomas Fowell Buxton, (January 26, 1837 – October 28, 1951). Another of his sons, with the same name as himself, lived September 1, 1840 – January 9, 1924 and was elected MP for Walthamstow in 1885. He died on 11 June 1858.
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Maria's Story My family have come from Mexico to the United States. From my mother's side, my great-grandfather was born here. But my grandfather was born in Mexico. My parents came to the United States, but after they got married, they both came here legally. My father first obtained his residence and my mother first had a visa. Eleven years ago, she got her residency. When my mother got pregnant with me, and I am their first child, they decided to have the rest of their kids here in the U.S. So, my family ended up here. I actually have a lot of family in Mexico. Maria, California
{"url": "http://crfimmigrationed.org/immigrant-stories/214-marias-story", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "crfimmigrationed.org", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:45:15Z", "digest": "sha1:4ZOZPY4YI53U7RX2DAO5GTAGB7DJ22A5"}
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An Unforgettable Day A few months ago, my husband and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary. During this special time, I thought about our beautiful wedding day. We were married in the church I’ve attended since I was a young child. In fact, my father has pastored this small, country church for the past twenty-nine years. On my wedding day, my dad had two jobs. He walked me down the aisle and officiated my wedding ceremony. I will never the look on my husband’s face when he saw me wearing my off-the-shoulder, satin wedding gown with a royal train for the first time. His smile was priceless. Even though I’ve had ten years to think about my wedding day, I still don’t think it could have been any more perfect than it was. On this blog, I hope you will learn some tips to make your upcoming wedding unforgettable. Unique And Creative Ways To Display Flowers At Your Wedding If you want to create the perfect look and feel for your wedding, consider your floral decorations. You can use them to add a unique splash of color, create a romantic atmosphere, and even subtly hint at the theme of your special day. But with so many types of wedding flower arrangements out there, how do you choose which one to go with? To help you decide, here are some unique and creative ways to display flowers at your wedding. Read More … ©2023 An Unforgettable Day
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Uncommon Infant and Newborn Problems—Cytomegalovirus Infections Also called: CMV Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus found around the world. It is related to the viruses that cause chickenpox and infectious mononucleosis (mono). Between 50 percent and 80 percent of adults in the United States have had a CMV infection by age 40. Once CMV is in a person’s body, it stays there for life. CMV is spread through close contact with body fluids. Most people with CMV don’t get sick and don’t know that they’ve been infected. But infection with the virus can be serious in babies and people with weak immune systems. If a woman gets CMV when she is pregnant, she can pass it on to her baby. Usually the babies do not have health problems. But some babies can develop lifelong disabilities. A blood test can tell whether a person has ever been infected with CMV. Most people with CMV don’t need treatment. If you have a weakened immune system, your doctor may prescribe antiviral medicine. Good hygiene, including proper hand washing, may help prevent infections. Acute cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection (Medical Encyclopedia) CMV – gastroenteritis/colitis (Medical Encyclopedia) CMV – pneumonia (Medical Encyclopedia) CMV serology test (Medical Encyclopedia) Cytomegalovirus retinitis (Medical Encyclopedia)
{"url": "http://diabetescaresolution.jet-col.com/health_topics/uncommon-infant-and-newborn-problems-cytomegalovirus-infections/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "diabetescaresolution.jet-col.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:59:34Z", "digest": "sha1:3QTLCEGHSODZ3EBCEZQZHFQDGZ3QXGYP"}
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Across My Desk: 401(k) Cash-Out Calculator One of the mysteries of life guaranteed to confuse anyone who has been able to amass a small fortune for their retirement years is trying to figure out how much to take from a 401(k) when you reach retirement age. Or, if you need to tap that account ahead of time. Below are bits and pieces from Money Management Executive and SourceMedia story, published on July 23, 2008, at mmexecutive.com, about a free calculator designed to help investors calculate how much taking money from your 401 (k) really amounts to: "To show workers the long-term impact of cashing out their 401(k) savings when they change jobs or retire, a firm that provides rollover services for plan sponsors now offers a free "Cash-Out Calculator." The Charlotte, N.C-based RolloverSystems Inc. makes the calculator available at rolloversystems.com. The calculator is able to demonstrate, for instance, that withdrawing a few thousand dollars today can diminish long-term savings by tens of thousands of dollars, as a result of taxes, penalties, and loss of compounding. "Our calculator helps 401(k) plan participants see into the future and decide whether it's really worth sacrificing retirement readiness for current cash," said Jim Langenwalter, the company's chief sales and marketing officer. After a person enters his or her current age, projected retirement age, expected rate of investment return, and current plan balance into the calculator, it shows how much of their withdrawal will be left after penalties and taxes and what the account might be worth at retirement had he or she not taken the withdrawal. Experts say as many as 45% of plan participants who leave their companies cash out their 401(k) accounts. The number of cash-outs has increased during the current economic downturn...Loans from 401(k) savings are also rising." Check it out. Tough times call for tough actions.
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Tag: seasons of life “What goes around, comes around.” I’ve repeated that phrase countless times. Maybe you have, too. I understand the basic meaning, but there’s something more significant to it. It reminds me of a boomerang. And it reminds me of the recurring seasons of life. I am going to call it the Law of Cycles. Think about your day … Elijah, law of cycles, seasons of life, sorrow into joy, what goes around
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Book a DJ DJ Blog Royce Yuen Production DJ Rowzroyce Author: DJ on August 3, 2020 February 6, 2021 by DJ What Does a Wedding DJ Actually Do? What exactly does a wedding DJ do? Many people who are not familiar with such professional wedding DJs are not entirely sure what they do. The typical definition of a DJ is someone who performs live music on a stage with his or her music equipment. It might sound like a lot, but in reality, this is only a small part of what a DJ does. Continue reading “What Does a Wedding DJ Actually Do?” → on June 29, 2020 June 29, 2020 by DJ Tips For Purchasing a DJ Stand For Your Deck When you choose a DJ stand for your deck, you will need to think about a few things. You will have to find out what kind of deck you own and the dimensions of the desk that it will be sitting on. Continue reading “Tips For Purchasing a DJ Stand For Your Deck” → Using DJ Lights For a Halloween Party Using a set of DJ lights is not just about shining light to help your party goers see what’s going on, but also enhance the mood of the gathering. Using them for a Halloween party can make for a good party, and can add a touch of spice to a dark Halloween party. Continue reading “Using DJ Lights For a Halloween Party” → Using the Numark DJ Controller The Numark DJ Controller is one of the most popular controllers that you can find. This is because of the great sound quality that this unit has and the many features that it comes with. Continue reading “Using the Numark DJ Controller” → on June 8, 2020 June 8, 2020 by DJ How to Get a Cheap DJ Keyboard Controller The DJ keyboard controller is a MIDI keyboard that will allow you to control many of the different elements that are on your DJ mixer. The controller should have basic buttons and knobs so that you can control all of the different knobs and buttons on your mixer without looking at your mixer. Continue reading “How to Get a Cheap DJ Keyboard Controller” → Finding a Pioneer DJ Headphones Pioneer DJ headphones have been around for a long time. The design is very simple and can accommodate a lot of features to offer the user a better listening experience. In this article, we will take a look at the different types of headphones available from Pioneer DJ. Continue reading “Finding a Pioneer DJ Headphones” → on May 26, 2020 May 27, 2020 by DJ Choosing a DJ Table A DJ table can be a crucial piece of equipment for any live music set. Many bands use tables to keep things organized and make it easier to perform at the right spot. Having a DJ table to play on is essential to any live music set and a DJ table is a very high end item. Not only will it keep things organized, but it will provide a perfect spot for your guitar or bass guitar to rest. Continue reading “Choosing a DJ Table” → An Explanation of DJ Desk Options People who purchase a DJ desk will notice a dramatic difference in the way their music studio looks and feels. Choosing the right DJ desk is one of the biggest decisions you will make when decorating your home office or recording studio. You want to choose a DJ desk that you can fully use and that will fit in well with your existing style. Continue reading “An Explanation of DJ Desk Options” → on May 4, 2020 May 4, 2020 by DJ The Most Important Thing to Know About Wedding DJs When you are planning a wedding, it is essential that you find a wedding DJ that you can get along with. You want to be able to enjoy your music and at the same time you want to be able to enjoy the event. If the DJ doesn’t enjoy the event then the rest of the party is going to suffer. A good DJ can really make the difference between having a great event and a dull one. Continue reading “The Most Important Thing to Know About Wedding DJs” → on April 27, 2020 April 28, 2020 by DJ Hercules JD Controller – the Best Choice For the Beginner DJ The Hercules DJ controller, much like most of the other popular DJ controllers available on the market, is a very well-known brand. It’s important to realize what this company stands for. It’s been said that the idea was started by one man in the 1970s who was searching for a way to mix and match his turntables, mixers, and CDJs together so that he could play them all simultaneously. While many of us will be familiar with the concept of CDJ and turntables, this was decades before they came into their own. Continue reading “Hercules JD Controller – the Best Choice For the Beginner DJ” → How to Choose a Good Type of DJ Speakers If you’re a fan of DJ speakers, you probably have a lot of designs in mind. There are many types of DJ speakers, so it’s easy to get confused. Below is a quick guide to help you understand the differences between them, and how they can improve your performances and add to your sound system’s quality. Continue reading “How to Choose a Good Type of DJ Speakers” → What to Look For in a Pioneer DJ Controller Pioneer DJ controllers are perfect for any style of music or DJ performance, and many models have plenty of features that are especially designed for the home use. They make a popular choice for DJs because they are incredibly convenient to use and their software is easy to learn and very intuitive. Continue reading “What to Look For in a Pioneer DJ Controller” → on April 6, 2020 April 7, 2020 by DJ The Importance of DJ Headphones DJ headphones are just as important to a DJ as they are to the rest of the club. DJ headphones may be uncomfortable and more expensive than traditional headphones, but they are essential if you want to be able to hear the music that you are playing in your party. To really enjoy yourself at a party, you need to have access to the music that is being played. You also need to be able to hear it and recognize what is happening in the music. Continue reading “The Importance of DJ Headphones” → on March 30, 2020 March 31, 2020 by DJ DJ Speakers How Do They Work? If you’re searching for a sound system, but are on a budget, then you need to check out the many DJ Speakers available today. They are a great way to enhance your home theater and are an important part of any DJ setup. If you are unsure how to purchase them, make sure you get a professional. Continue reading “DJ Speakers How Do They Work?” → Copyright © 2023 Royce Yuen Production - Musican theme by FilaThemes
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Bloomberg Business March 3, 2016 Poland Wind Farms Now Come With the Threat of Jail “Poland’s governing Law and Justice Party is proposing laws that would require new turbines to be situated away from homes, schools and natural reserves at a distance of more than 10-times their height.” Poland's proposed rules may cost industry $38 million a year Legislation would apply to existing renewable plants By Jessica Shankleman One of Europe’s most promising markets for renewable energy is being threatened by legislation that would impose new fees and potential jail terms for operators of wind farms, an industry lobby group said. Poland’s governing Law and Justice Party is proposing laws that would require new turbines to be situated away from homes, schools and natural reserves at a distance of more than 10-times their height. That would be about 1.5 kilometers (0.9 miles), according to data compiled by Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The law also would subject existing wind farms to audits every two years. The law would raise annual wind farm costs by as much as 150 million zloty ($37.6 million) even if no more turbines were built, according to the draft legislation. While the government is attempting to clamp down on rising electricity bills and empower communities concerned about the installations, the wind industry says the rules would choke off development and eliminate a clean source of electricity. Poland’s plans “will tie projects up in red tape and make life difficult for developers by imposing arbitrary rules that serve no other purpose than to prevent wind turbine deployment,” said Oliver Joy, a spokesman for the European Wind Energy Association. “This draft law is a clear statement of intent and should not be allowed to stand.” The government says it’s worried a surge in new installations is creating a conflict between communities and investors. It’s also seeking to curb subsidies for renewables and support its ailing coal industry, which has been undercut by falling commodity prices. While the country was among more than 195 nations that backed the Paris deal on climate change in December, it has sought a special status for coal and forecasts the fossil fuel will form a key component of its energy security for decades. Piotr Naimski, the Polish government official in charge of supervising gas and power grids, said Thursday the country needs to adopt a strategy of letting renewables compete with coal-fired plants without subsidies. He wants to change the current merit system that gives wind power priority over coal generation, according to an interview with Biznesalert.pl. Poland’s energy ministry declined to comment on the draft law. Poland, Europe’s top coal producer, notched up the continent’s second-highest number of wind-power installations last year. Developers rushed to install 1.26 gigawatts of new capacity ahead of expected changes to government subsidies, that will require developers to bid in auctions for support. The country now has 5.1 gigawatts of installed wind capacity, equivalent to about 9 percent of the installed base in neighboring Germany. “Poland has excellent wind resources and has the potential to be a European power house in wind energy,” The threat to imprison turbine operators for violating potential rules is “deeply concerning and misguided,” Joy said. Concerning for the wind lobby group are rules embedded in the legislation that would require wind farm owners to pay fees for operating plants and sign up for a new permit every two years. Those who fail to comply might face prison sentences, and the rules would be applied retroactively to existing plants, said Joy. Instead of imposing tough restrictions, the government may find ways to boost the benefits that communities enjoy from wind power, including opportunities to co-invest, said David Hostert, an analyst at Bloomberg New Energy Finance. “There are also a host of technical solutions available today to limit the impact of wind turbines, such as noise-reduction technology or automatically stopping the turbine at certain times of day to avoid flickering shadows on nearby properties,” he said. Article of Bloomberg Business | March 3, 2016
{"url": "http://en.friends-against-wind.org/news/wind-farms-now-come-with-the-threat-of-jail", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "en.friends-against-wind.org", "date_download": "2023-03-20T10:06:39Z", "digest": "sha1:VWIJDURNYJ76QHCTOD76NXRP3GV33332"}
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Leader hails Iranian nation as ‘great winner’ of 2021 election In a message addressed to the Iranian nation on Saturday, the Leader thanked the people for turning out en masse in the June 18 elections to choose a new president and representatives to the City and Village Councils and said their “epic, passionate participation” added “a new shining page to the [record] of their honors.” “Among the factors that could have each diminished participation in the elections, pleasant scenes of your gatherings at polling stations countrywide were a clear sign of your iron will, hopeful heart, and vigilant eyes,” the Leader said. “The great winner of the elections yesterday was the Iranian nation, which stood up once again in the face of the propaganda campaign waged by the enemy’s mercenary media and temptations of the ill-wishers and showed off its presence in the heart of the political field,” he added. Ayatollah Khamenei said nothing could break the Iranian nation’s will and hamper the election; neither complaints about livelihood issues, nor threats of the outbreak, nor the propagating opposition which had started from months before to frustrate the people, nor the irregularities that briefly disrupted voting in the early hours of Election Day. The Leader thanked the nation and the institutions in charge of holding, overseeing, and providing security to the elections. Ayatollah Khamenei offered congratulations to the nation for its victory in the elections besides those elected by the people. He also advised the president-elect and those elected to represent people at the City and Village Council to fully shoulder the responsibilities assigned to them by the country’s law. Iran held its 13th presidential election on Friday. In parallel, the participants also voted in City and Village Councils mid-term Assembly of Experts and parliamentary elections. According to the preliminary results, with around 90% of the votes counted, Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi garnered over 17.8 million votes, followed by Mohsen Rezaei who secured 3.3 million. Nasser Hemmati secured 2.4 million votes, and Amir-Hossein Ghazizadeh-Hashemi won almost one million votes. The results of the other elections are yet to be released.
{"url": "http://en.imam-khomeini.ir/en/n42423/Leader-hails-Iranian-nation-as-great-winner-of-2021-election", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "en.imam-khomeini.ir", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:47:33Z", "digest": "sha1:FWJQUXP5OYMEGT3TYMJWTVFWDQZIYMGW"}
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No More Places To Put Ebola Patients In Liberia But Cases Are Growing Exponentially September 9, 2014 September 9, 2014 by Michael There is not a single empty bed available for an Ebola patient in Liberia right now, but thousands more cases are expected in the coming weeks. Entire families have been driving around in taxis looking for some place that will take their sick family members, but every treatment facility is already full. According to the World Health Organization, many of those potential Ebola patients end up returning to their homes where there will inevitably spread the virus to even more people. What we are watching unfold is literally a nightmare scenario. According to the WHO, 4,293 cases of Ebola have now been recorded and 2,296 people have died from the disease. But what makes those numbers so alarming is that the spread of the virus appears to be accelerating. 47 percent of the deaths and 49 percent of the cases have come in the last 21 days. If Ebola continues to spread at an exponential pace like this, we could be looking at the greatest public health crisis in any of our lifetimes. Health officials are feverishly trying to open new treatment facilities in Liberia, but they can’t seem to keep up with the number of new cases. The moment a new facility opens, it is immediately filled… “As soon as a new Ebola treatment facility is opened, it immediately fills to overflowing with patients, pointing to a large but previously invisible caseload,” the agency said in a statement about the situation in Liberia. “Many thousands of new cases are expected in Liberia over the coming three weeks.” And as I mentioned above, some potential Ebola victims haven’t been able to find anywhere to go. The following comes from a recent NBC News report… “In Monrovia, taxis filled with entire families, of whom some members are thought to be infected with the Ebola virus, crisscross the city, searching for a treatment bed. There are none. As WHO staff in Liberia confirm, no free beds for Ebola treatment exist anywhere in the country.” And because Ebola victims have been using taxis to travel around in search of treatment, that has made those taxis “a hot source of potential Ebola virus transmission”… “According to a WHO staff member who has been in Liberia for the past several weeks, motorbike-taxis and regular taxis are a hot source of potential Ebola virus transmission, as these vehicles are not disinfected at all, much less before new passengers are taken on board,” WHO said. “When patients are turned away at Ebola treatment centers, they have no choice but to return to their communities and homes, where they inevitably infect others, perpetuating constantly higher flare-ups in the number of cases.” At this point there is no hope that Ebola will be defeated in Liberia any time soon. In fact, the WHO says that it is anticipating “thousands of new cases” in Liberia in the coming weeks. Things have gotten so bad that a door-to-door campaign has been organized to try to track down those who have the virus. Between September 19th and September 21st, volunteers will visit every single home in Liberia… Volunteers in Sierra Leone are to visit every home in the country of 6 million to track down people with Ebola and remove dead bodies. Steven Ngaoja, the head of the country’s Ebola Emergency Operations Centre, said more than 20,000 volunteers would go door-to-door as part of a three-day curfew. He said every house in the country would be visited from September 19 to 21. Hopefully all of those volunteers will be given proper protective equipment. Otherwise, such an endeavor could end up just accelerating the spread of the virus even more. And the truth is that there are probably far more people sick in Liberia than we are being told. In fact, even the WHO admits that the official numbers greatly underestimate the scope of this crisis… As well as struggling to contain the disease, the organization is having difficulty compiling data on the number of cases, said Sylvie Briand, the director of WHO’s department of pandemic and epidemic diseases. “We know that the numbers are under-estimated. We are currently working to estimate the under-estimation,” Briand told a news briefing in Geneva. “It’s a war against this virus. It’s a very difficult war. What we try now is to win some battles at least in some places.” One doctor says that the real numbers could be “double or triple” what we are being told. But nobody really knows. And as the numbers continue to grow, there won’t be places to treat all of the new victims. According to one report, there are only approximately 570 beds in Ebola treatment facilities in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia combined. Needless to say, that is not going to do the job, and it is now being reported that Ebola is surging back in places where it was thought that it had been beaten. Right now we are losing the battle to contain this virus, and this might just be the beginning of this plague. The other day my friend Mac Slavo shared a video that was produced by MIT and the New England Complex Systems Institute. This video uses a computer simulation to show what the spread of Ebola could look like if it goes worldwide… Like I said, we could potentially be facing the greatest health crisis that any of us have ever seen. So let us hope and pray that this virus does not get out of Africa. But all it takes is a single carrier. For example, it is being reported that a Nigerian woman is now being tested for the Ebola virus in Italy… A Nigerian woman resident in Italy has been hospitalised with symptoms that have led doctors to fear she may be the country’s first case of someone contracting the Ebola virus. The woman, who had recently returned from a visit to Nigeria, has been hospitalised in Ancona and was undergoing tests in a specialist unit to establish whether she has contracted the virus which has killed more than 2,000 people since the start of the year. “She is presenting with symptoms that could be those of Ebola,” a spokesman for the local authorities in the Le Marche region said. And if it gets to the United States, it could be worse than any Hollywood movie ever imagined that it could be. If you believe that the federal government is going to come swooping in to save you if Ebola does come here, you might want to think again. Just consider the following excerpt from a recent CNN article… A federal investigation has found that the DHS is totally “ill-prepared” for something like the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic — or something worse, such as a global Ebola outbreak or the 1918 flu pandemic that killed an estimated 21.5 million people, according to a report released by the Office of the Inspector General on Monday. In 2006, Congress gave DHS $47 million to prepare for such a national medical crisis. And the department did go shopping; it spent millions on this equipment that might now be completely worthless, missing or unnecessary. For example, the audit found more than 4,000 bottles of expired hand sanitizer in storage with the DHS. Many of those bottles have been expired for up to four years. The truth is that we are not prepared for something like this. If an outbreak erupts in major U.S. cities, there is the potential that it could start spreading like wildfire. So let us hope and pray for the best, but let us also get prepared for the worst. Pope Francis And Shimon Peres Discuss The Establishment Of A ‘United Nations Of Religions’ While Obama Snoozes, Russia Is Preparing For Nuclear War With The United States
{"url": "http://endoftheamericandream.com/no-more-places-to-put-ebola-patients-in-liberia-but-cases-are-growing-exponentially/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "endoftheamericandream.com", "date_download": "2023-03-20T09:29:45Z", "digest": "sha1:EXF6VUZOQ4DUDFWVIRJTYJCWL6JHHXYD"}
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