The five vows are everything in the world.,
सव्वं पंचव्रतं हवे लोके।
He knows life, non-violence, and the five vows.,
जीवं अहिंसा पंचव्रतं जाणइ।
In the world, the observer of five great vows knows Dharma.,
लोके पंचमहाव्रतं धम्मं जाणइ।
The follower of five vows knows everything through Dharma.,
धम्मे पंचव्रती सव्वं जाणइ।
In the world, the observer of five great vows knows Dharma.,
लोके पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ धम्मं।
The follower of five vows knows non-violence through Dharma.,
अहिंसा पंचव्रती जाणइ धम्मं।
He knows everything through the five vows.,
सव्वं पंचव्रतं जाणइ।
He knows life and non-violence through the five great vows.,
जीवं अहिंसा जाणइ पंचमहाव्रतं।
In the world, the observer of five great vows knows everything.,
लोके पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ सव्वं।
Everything is known in Dharma through the five great vows.,
सव्वं धम्मे पंचमहाव्रतं जाणइ।
Non-violence is known through the five vows in Dharma.,
धम्मे अहिंसा जाणइ पंचव्रतं।
In the world, the observer of five great vows knows Dharma.,
लोए पंचमहाव्रती धम्मं जाणइ।
He knows all life through the five vows.,
जीवं सव्वं जाणइ पंचव्रतं।
The observer of five great vows knows everything through Dharma.,
धम्मे पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ सव्वं।
In the world, everything is known through the five vows.,
लोए सव्वं जाणइ पंचव्रतं।
The follower of five vows knows non-violence in Dharma.,
अहिंसा पंचव्रती जाणइ धम्मं।
Everything is known through the five great vows in Dharma.,
धम्मे पंचमहाव्रतं जाणइ सव्वं।
In the world, the follower of five vows knows Dharma.,
लोए पंचव्रती धम्मं जाणइ।
He knows life and non-violence through the five great vows.,
जीवं अहिंसा पंचमहाव्रतं जाणइ।
The observer of five great vows knows everything in Dharma.,
धम्मे पंचमहाव्रती जाणइ सव्वं।
He knows everything through the five vows in the world.,
सव्वं पंचव्रतं जाणइ लोए।
We are all equal as human beings, but our actions are diverse.,
अम्हे सव्वे मणुस्सा समाणा, किं तु अम्हाणं कम्माइं विविहाइं।
Life has many sorrows, but there are also experiences of happiness.,
जीवणे बहुइं दुक्खाइं होंति, परं सुक्खस्स अणुहवो वि होइ।
Nature is our mother, and we must always protect her.,
पयडी अम्हाणं माया, तीए रक्खणं कायव्वं सदा।
Knowledge is the supreme wealth that can never be lost.,
विज्जा धणं सव्वुत्तमं, जं कयावि ण णस्सइ।
Speaking truth is the highest pleasure, false speech is the cause of sorrow.,
सच्चं वयणं परमं सुहं, मिच्छा वयणं दुक्खस्स कारणं।
Whatever action is begun with whatever intention, it surely bears that fruit.,
जेण जेण संजोएण जं जं कम्मं समारद्धं, तं तं पावेइ णियमा।
Non-violence is the supreme dharma, it should be practiced by all.,
अहिंसा परमो धम्मो, तस्स पालणं कायव्वं सव्वेहिं।
Protection should be given to all living beings, not just humans.,
सव्वेसिं जीवाणं रक्खणं कायव्वं, ण केवलं मणुस्साणं।
When the mind is peaceful, actions become more joyful.,
जेण चित्तं पसण्णं, तेण कम्माइं सुहयराइं होंति।
Both knowledge and action are important, life is meaningless without them.,
णाणं च कम्मं च दोण्णि वि महत्तराइं, एएहिं विणा जीवणं णिरत्थयं।
May all people be happy, may all be free from illness.,
सव्वे जणा सुहिणो होंतु, सव्वे संतु णिरामया।
As the seed, so the fruit; as the action, so the result.,
जहा बीयं तहा फलं, जहा कम्मं तहा फलं।
One who gives also receives, helping others is the highest happiness.,
दाणं देंतो वि लहेइ, परोवयारो परमं सुहं।
Everything is impermanent, but knowledge is eternal.,
सव्वं अणिच्चं, परं णाणं णिच्चं।
Friendship is the essence of life, one can live without wealth.,
जीवणस्स सारो मित्तया, धणेण विणा वि जीविदुं सक्कं।
Anger is the root of sorrow, forgiveness is the cause of happiness.,
कोहो दुक्खस्स मूलं, खमा सुहस्स कारणं।
The whole world is one family, we should protect each other.,
सव्वं लोयं वसुहा कुडुंबयं, परस्परं रक्खणं कायव्वं।
Whatever we do, may it all be in harmony with nature.,
जं किंचि करेमो, तं सव्वं पयडीए अणुकूलं होउ।
We wish happiness for all, thus we too become happy.,
सव्वेसिं सुहं इच्छामो, तेण अम्हे वि सुहिणो होमो।
One doesn't become wise just by reading books, behavior is more important.,
पुत्थयाइं पढंतो वि णाणी ण होइ, आयरणं महत्तरं।
Life is extremely uncertain, therefore always practice truth.,
जीवणं अच्चंतं चंचलं, तेण सदा सच्चं आयरियव्वं।
Where there is truth, there is dharma; where there is dharma, there is victory.,
जहिं सच्चं तहिं धम्मो, जहिं धम्मो तहिं जओ।
May there be welfare for all, may there be peace for all.,
सव्वेसिं कल्लाणं होउ, सव्वेसिं संति होउ।
One who knows oneself knows everything, when the self is known, all is known.,
अप्पाणं जाणंतो जाणइ सव्वं, अप्पाणं णायं सव्वं णायं।
Whatever is seen perishes, what is unseen is eternal.,
जं किंचि दिस्सइ तं णस्सइ, जं ण दिस्सइ तं सस्सयं।
Life is dear to all beings, therefore violence should not be committed.,
सव्वेसिं जीवाणं पाणा पिया, तेण हिंसा ण कायव्वा।
All sorrow should be endured, all happiness should be wished for.,
सव्वं दुक्खं सहियव्वं, सव्वं सुक्खं पत्थियव्वं।
One who falls by oneself gets up by oneself, one shouldn't expect help from others.,
जो सयं पडइ सो सयं उट्ठेइ, परस्स सहाओ ण अपेक्खियव्वो।
As the mind, so the speech; as the speech, so the action.,
जहा चित्तं तहा वाया, जहा वाया तहा किया।
Always be vigilant, never be negligent anywhere.,
अप्पमत्तो सया होही, मा पमायं करे क्वचि।
Compassion should be shown to all beings, this is the eternal dharma.,
सव्वेसु भूएसु दया कायव्वा, एसो धम्मो सणंतणो।
What's in the mind should be in speech, what's in speech should be in action.,
जं मणे तं वाए, जं वाए तं कम्मे।
May all people be happy, may all be free from illness.,
सव्वे जणा सुहिणो होंतु, सव्वे संतु णिरामया।
Whatever people lack, that they desire.,
जेण जेण विहीणा तं तं इच्छंति मणुया।
Criticize yourself, not others; this is the path to purity.,
अप्पाणं णिंदसु मा परं, एसो मग्गो विसुद्धीए।
One who protects dharma is protected by dharma.,
जो धम्मं रक्खइ सो धम्मेण रक्खिज्जइ।
Everything dependent on others is sorrow, everything under one's control is happiness.,
सव्वं परवसं दुक्खं, सव्वं अत्तवसं सुहं।
As the seed is sown, so is the fruit obtained.,
जहा बीयं वुत्तं तहा फलं लब्भइ।
Truth is nectar-like speech, falsehood is poison-like speech.,
सच्चं अमया वाणी, अलियं विसमया वाणी।
One who knows oneself knows the world.,
जो अप्पाणं जाणइ सो लोयं जाणइ।
May all have friends, may no one have enemies.,
सव्वेसिं मित्ताइं होंतु, वेराइं केणइ ण होंतु।
Whatever is difficult for me, I shall do.,
जं किंचि मे दुक्करं तं करेमि।
May all people be happy, may no one be sorrowful.,
सव्वे जणा सुहिणो होंतु, दुक्खिणो मा होंतु केइ।
Listen much, speak little, think deeply.,
सुणसु बहुं भासु अप्पं, चिंतेहि गंभीरं।
Where there is truth, there is non-violence; where there is non-violence, there is truth.,
जहिं सच्चं तहिं अहिंसा, जहिं अहिंसा तहिं सच्चं।
May there be well-being for all, may there be prosperity for all.,
सव्वेसिं कल्लाणं भवतु, सव्वेसिं स्वस्ति भवतु।
One who observes dharma is protected.,
जो धम्मं पालेइ सो रक्खिज्जइ।
Non-violence is the supreme gain, violence is the supreme loss.
अहिंसा परमो लाभो, हिंसा परमं अलाभं।
Whatever you do, do it all with love; this is the essence of life.,
जं किंचि करेसि तं सव्वं पेम्मेण कुणसु, एसो जीवणस्स सारो।
Protection of all living beings should be done; this is the highest dharma.,
सव्वेसिं जीवाणं रक्खणं कायव्वं, एसो परमो धम्मो।
With little learning one knows much, with much learning one knows little.,
अप्पसुएण बहुं जाणइ, बहुसुएण अप्पं जाणइ।
One who conquers oneself conquers all; this is the supreme victory.,
जो अप्पाणं जिणइ सो सव्वं जिणइ, एसो परमो विजओ।
All sorrow should be endured, all happiness should be welcomed.,
सव्वं दुक्खं सहियव्वं, सव्वं सुक्खं वंदियव्वं।
Where there is truth, there is dharma; where there is dharma, there is truth.,
जहिं सच्चं तहिं धम्मो, जहिं धम्मो तहिं सच्चं।
We desire friendship with all, we make enmity with none.,
सव्वेसिं मित्तत्तं इच्छामो, केणइ सह वेरं ण कुणमो।
What's in mind should be in speech, what's in speech should be in action; this is the virtue of good people.,
जं मणे तं वाए, जं वाए तं कम्मे, एसो सुजणाणं गुणो।
The whole world is one family, mutual love should be practiced.,
सव्वं लोयं वसुहा कुडुंबयं, परस्परं पेम्मं कायव्वं।
One who is a friend of nature is a friend of humans; this is true environmentalism.,
जो पयडीए मित्तं सो मणुस्साणं मित्तं, एसो सच्चो पयडीवाओ।
One who wishes happiness for all attains happiness oneself; this is the law of karma.,
सव्वेसिं सुहं इच्छंतो सयं सुहं लहइ, एसो कम्मस्स णियमो।
Whatever is seen perishes, what is unseen is eternal.,
जं किंचि दिस्सइ तं णस्सइ, जं ण दिस्सइ तं सस्सयं।
Compassion should be shown to all beings; this is the eternal dharma.,
सव्वेसु भूएसु दया कायव्वा, एसो धम्मो सणंतणो।
One who knows oneself knows the world; the self is indeed the supreme self.,
जो अप्पाणं जाणइ सो लोयं जाणइ, अप्पा चेव परमप्पा।
May there be welfare for all, may there be peace for all, may there be virtue for all.,
सव्वेसिं कल्लाणं होउ, सव्वेसिं संति होउ, सव्वेसिं पुण्णं होउ।
As the seed, so the tree; as the tree, so the fruit.,
जहा बीयं तहा रुक्खो, जहा रुक्खो तहा फलं।
Everything is impermanent, but knowledge is eternal; this is the supreme principle.,
सव्वं अणिच्चं, परं णाणं णिच्चं, एसो परमो सिद्धंतो।
One who falls by oneself rises by oneself; don't expect help from others.,
जो सयं पडइ सो सयं उट्ठेइ, परोवयारं मा अपेक्खसु।
Life is dear to all beings, therefore violence should not be committed by anyone.,
सव्वेसिं जीवाणं पाणा पिया, तेण हिंसा ण कायव्वा केणावि।
Whatever action is begun with whatever intention, it surely bears that fruit.,
जेण जेण संजोएण जं जं कम्मं समारद्धं, तं तं पावेइ णियमा।
Everything dependent on others is sorrow, everything under one's control is happiness; this is the essence of life.,
सव्वं परवसं दुक्खं, सव्वं अत्तवसं सुहं, एसो जीवणस्स सारो।
One who protects dharma is protected by dharma; this is the glory of dharma.,
जो धम्मं रक्खइ सो धम्मेण रक्खिज्जइ, एसो धम्मस्स महिमा।
Truth is nectar-like speech, falsehood is poison-like speech; truth alone triumphs.,
सच्चं अमया वाणी, अलियं विसमया वाणी, सच्चमेव जयइ।
What's in mind should be in speech, what's in speech should be in action; this is the best conduct.,
जं मणे तं वाए, जं वाए तं कम्मे, एसो उत्तमो आयारो।
May all have friends, may no one have enemies; this is an auspicious saying.,
सव्वेसिं मित्ताइं होंतु, वेराइं केणइ ण होंतु, एसो मंगलवाओ।
Whatever is difficult for me, I shall do; this is the characteristic of a brave person.,
जं किंचि मे दुक्करं तं करेमि, एसो वीरस्स लक्खणं।
May all people be happy, may no one be sorrowful; this is the feeling of compassion.,
सव्वे जणा सुहिणो होंतु, दुक्खिणो मा होंतु केइ, एसो करुणाभावो।
Listen much, speak little, think deeply; this is the characteristic of a wise person.,
सुणसु बहुं भासु अप्पं, चिंतेहि गंभीरं, एसो बुद्धिमंतस्स लक्खणं।
Where there is truth, there is non-violence; where there is non-violence, there is truth; this is the supreme dharma.,
जहिं सच्चं तहिं अहिंसा, जहिं अहिंसा तहिं सच्चं, एसो परमो धम्मो।
May there be well-being for all, may there be prosperity for all; this is for the benefit of all.,
सव्वेसिं कल्लाणं भवतु, सव्वेसिं स्वस्ति भवतु, एसो सव्वहियत्थो।
One who observes dharma is protected; this is the fruit of dharma.,
जो धम्मं पालेइ सो रक्खिज्जइ, एसो धम्मस्स फलं।