stringlengths 14
| text
stringlengths 1
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d3e72eb87fdf-0 | There is a relationship between the maximum performance of your EBS volumes, the size and number of I/O operations, and the time it takes for each action to complete\. Each of these factors \(performance, I/O, and latency\) affects the others, and different applications are more sensitive to one factor or another\. For more information, see [Benchmark EBS volumes](\. | |
61365f200191-0 | There is a significant increase in latency when you first access each block of data on a new EBS volume that was created from a snapshot\. You can avoid this performance hit using one of the following options:
+ Access each block prior to putting the volume into production\. This process is called *initialization* \(formerly known as pre\-warming\)\. For more information, see [Initializing Amazon EBS volumes](\.
+ Enable fast snapshot restore on a snapshot to ensure that the EBS volumes created from it are fully\-initialized at creation and instantly deliver all of their provisioned performance\. For more information, see [Amazon EBS fast snapshot restore](\. | |
c17a688c76ef-0 | When you create a snapshot of a Throughput Optimized HDD \(`st1`\) or Cold HDD \(`sc1`\) volume, performance may drop as far as the volume's baseline value while the snapshot is in progress\. This behavior is specific to these volume types\. Other factors that can limit performance include driving more throughput than the instance can support, the performance penalty encountered while initializing volumes created from a snapshot, and excessive amounts of small, random I/O on the volume\. For more information about calculating throughput for HDD volumes, see [Amazon EBS volume types](\.
Your performance can also be impacted if your application isn’t sending enough I/O requests\. This can be monitored by looking at your volume’s queue length and I/O size\. The queue length is the number of pending I/O requests from your application to your volume\. For maximum consistency, HDD\-backed volumes must maintain a queue length \(rounded to the nearest whole number\) of 4 or more when performing 1 MiB sequential I/O\. For more information about ensuring consistent performance of your volumes, see [I/O characteristics and monitoring]( | |
fd640ae2b1ca-0 | Some workloads are read\-heavy and access the block device through the operating system page cache \(for example, from a file system\)\. In this case, to achieve the maximum throughput, we recommend that you configure the read\-ahead setting to 1 MiB\. This is a per\-block\-device setting that should only be applied to your HDD volumes\.
To examine the current value of read\-ahead for your block devices, use the following command:
[ec2-user ~]$ sudo blockdev --report /dev/<device>
Block device information is returned in the following format:
RO RA SSZ BSZ StartSec Size Device
rw 256 512 4096 4096 8587820544 /dev/<device>
The device shown reports a read\-ahead value of 256 \(the default\)\. Multiply this number by the sector size \(512 bytes\) to obtain the size of the read\-ahead buffer, which in this case is 128 KiB\. To set the buffer value to 1 MiB, use the following command:
[ec2-user ~]$ sudo blockdev --setra 2048 /dev/<device>
Verify that the read\-ahead setting now displays 2,048 by running the first command again\. | |
fd640ae2b1ca-1 | ```
Verify that the read\-ahead setting now displays 2,048 by running the first command again\.
Only use this setting when your workload consists of large, sequential I/Os\. If it consists mostly of small, random I/Os, this setting will actually degrade your performance\. In general, if your workload consists mostly of small or random I/Os, you should consider using a General Purpose SSD \(`gp2`\) volume rather than `st1` or `sc1`\. | |
ebf6669901c5-0 | Use a modern Linux kernel with support for indirect descriptors\. Any Linux kernel 3\.8 and above has this support, as well as any current\-generation EC2 instance\. If your average I/O size is at or near 44 KiB, you may be using an instance or kernel without support for indirect descriptors\. For information about deriving the average I/O size from Amazon CloudWatch metrics, see [I/O characteristics and monitoring](\.
To achieve maximum throughput on `st1` or `sc1` volumes, we recommend applying a value of 256 to the `xen_blkfront.max` parameter \(for Linux kernel versions below 4\.6\) or the `xen_blkfront.max_indirect_segments` parameter \(for Linux kernel version 4\.6 and above\)\. The appropriate parameter can be set in your OS boot command line\.
For example, in an Amazon Linux AMI with an earlier kernel, you can add it to the end of the kernel line in the GRUB configuration found in `/boot/grub/menu.lst`:
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.5-15.26.amzn1.x86_64 root=LABEL=/ console=ttyS0 xen_blkfront.max=256
For a later kernel, the command would be similar to the following:
``` | |
ebf6669901c5-1 | ```
For a later kernel, the command would be similar to the following:
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.20-11.31.amzn1.x86_64 root=LABEL=/ console=tty1 console=ttyS0 xen_blkfront.max_indirect_segments=256
Reboot your instance for this setting to take effect\.
For more information, see [Configuring GRUB for paravirtual AMIs](\. Other Linux distributions, especially those that do not use the GRUB boot loader, may require a different approach to adjusting the kernel parameters\.
For more information about EBS I/O characteristics, see the [Amazon EBS: Designing for Performance]( re:Invent presentation on this topic\. | |
846506eaa669-0 | Some instance types can drive more I/O throughput than what you can provision for a single EBS volume\. You can join multiple `gp2`, `io1`, `io2`, `st1`, or `sc1` volumes together in a RAID 0 configuration to use the available bandwidth for these instances\. For more information, see [RAID Configuration on Linux](\. | |
3bcd6c7fcfa0-0 | Amazon Web Services provides performance metrics for Amazon EBS that you can analyze and view with Amazon CloudWatch and status checks that you can use to monitor the health of your volumes\. For more information, see [Monitoring the status of your volumes](\. | |
7482d81fc443-0 | Spot Instance requests are subject to the following limits:
+ [Spot Instance request limits](#spot-limits-general)
+ [Spot Fleet limits](#spot-fleet-limitations)
+ [Burstable performance instances](#t3-spot-instances) | |
af19d9c2dc78-0 | Limits on Spot Instance requests are dynamic\. When your account is new, there is an initial default limit on Spot Instance requests per Region\. This limit can increase over time\. If you submit a Spot Instance request and you receive the error `Max spot instance count exceeded`, you can request a limit increase for Spot Instance requests\. For more information about viewing your current limits and requesting limit increases, see [Amazon EC2 service quotas](\.
If you terminate Spot Instances but do not cancel the Spot Instance requests, the requests count against your dynamic Spot Instance request limit until Amazon EC2 detects the Spot Instance terminations and closes the requests\. | |
88976e69cb0f-0 | The usual Amazon EC2 limits apply to instances launched by a Spot Fleet or an EC2 Fleet, such as Spot request price limits, instance limits, and volume limits\. In addition, the following limits apply:
+ The number of active Spot Fleets and EC2 Fleets per Region: 1,000\*
+ The number of Spot Instance pools \(unique combination of instance type and subnet\): 300\*
+ The size of the user data in a launch specification: 16 KB\*
+ The target capacity per Spot Fleet or EC2 Fleet: 10,000
+ The target capacity across all Spot Fleets and EC2 Fleets in a Region: 100,000
+ A Spot Fleet request or an EC2 Fleet request can't span Regions\.
+ A Spot Fleet request or an EC2 Fleet request can't span different subnets from the same Availability Zone\.
If you need more than the default limits for target capacity, complete the AWS Support Center [Create case]( form to request a limit increase\. For **Limit type**, choose **EC2 Fleet**, choose a Region, and then choose **Target Fleet Capacity per Fleet \(in units\)** or **Target Fleet Capacity per Region \(in units\)**, or both\.
\* These are hard limits\. You cannot request a limit increase for these limits\. | |
d3ea3c964a24-0 | If you plan to use your Spot Instances immediately and for a short duration, with no idle time for accruing CPU credits, we recommend that you launch your Spot Instances in [Standard mode]( to avoid paying higher costs\.
If you launch your Spot Instances in [Unlimited mode]( and burst CPU immediately, you'll spend surplus credits for bursting\. If you use the instance for a short duration, your instance doesn't have time to accrue CPU credits to pay down the surplus credits, and you are charged for the surplus credits when you terminate your instance\.
Unlimited mode is suitable for Spot Instances only if the instance runs long enough to accrue CPU credits for bursting\. Otherwise, paying for surplus credits makes burstable performance Spot Instances more expensive than using other instances\. For more information, see [When to use unlimited mode versus fixed CPU](\.
Launch credits are meant to provide a productive initial launch experience for T2 instances by providing sufficient compute resources to configure the instance\. Repeated launches of T2 instances to access new launch credits is not permitted\. If you require sustained CPU, you can earn credits \(by idling over some period\), use [Unlimited mode]( for T2 Spot Instances, or use an instance type with dedicated CPU\. | |
0c897f0e372c-0 | Amazon EC2 provides different *resources* that you can use\. These resources include images, instances, volumes, and snapshots\. When you create your AWS account, we set default quotas \(also referred to as limits\) on these resources on a per\-Region basis\. For example, there is a maximum number of instances that you can launch in a Region\. Therefore, when you launch an instance in the US West \(Oregon\) Region, the request must not cause your usage to exceed your the maximum number of instances in that Region\.
The Amazon EC2 console provides limit information for the resources managed by the Amazon EC2 and Amazon VPC consoles\. You can request an increase for many of these limits\. Use the limit information that we provide to manage your AWS infrastructure\. Plan to request any limit increases in advance of the time that you'll need them\.
For more information, see [Amazon EC2 endpoints and quotas]( in the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*\. | |
3acef4cdec9c-0 | Use the **Limits** page in the Amazon EC2 console to view the current limits for resources provided by Amazon EC2 and Amazon VPC, on a per\-Region basis\.
**To view your current limits**
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at [https://console\.aws\.amazon\.com/ec2/](\.
1. From the navigation bar, select a Region\.
![\[Select a Region\]](
1. From the navigation pane, choose **Limits**\.
1. Locate the resource in the list\. You can use the search fields to filter the list by resource name or resource group\. The **Current limit** column displays the current maximum for the resource for your account\. | |
5a2baadb529a-0 | Use the **Limits** page in the Amazon EC2 console to request an increase in your Amazon EC2 or Amazon VPC resources, on a per\-Region basis\.
Alternatively, request an increase using Service Quotas\. For more information, see [Requesting a quota increase]( in the *Service Quotas User Guide*\.
**To request an increase using the Amazon EC2 console**
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at [https://console\.aws\.amazon\.com/ec2/](\.
1. From the navigation bar, select a Region\.
1. From the navigation pane, choose **Limits**\.
1. Select the resource in the list, and choose **Request limit increase**\.
1. Complete the required fields on the limit increase form\. We'll respond to you using the contact method that you specified\. | |
5a44b4334257-0 | Amazon EC2 restricts traffic on port 25 of all instances by default\. You can request that this restriction be removed\. For more information, see [How do I remove the restriction on port 25 from my EC2 instance?]( in the AWS Knowledge Center\. | |
81d69b6ef521-0 | If you're new to Amazon EC2, see the following topics to get started:
+ [What is Amazon EC2?](
+ [Setting up with Amazon EC2](
+ [Tutorial: Getting started with Amazon EC2 Linux instances](
+ [Instance lifecycle](
Before you launch a production environment, you need to answer the following questions\.
**Q\. What instance type best meets my needs?**
Amazon EC2 provides different instance types to enable you to choose the CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity that you need to run your applications\. For more information, see [Instance types](\.
**Q\. What purchasing option best meets my needs?**
Amazon EC2 supports On\-Demand Instances \(the default\), Spot Instances, and Reserved Instances\. For more information, see [Instance purchasing options](\.
**Q\. Which type of root volume meets my needs?**
Each instance is backed by Amazon EBS or backed by instance store\. Select an AMI based on which type of root volume you need\. For more information, see [Storage for the root device](\.
**Q\. Can I remotely manage a fleet of EC2 instances *and* machines in my hybrid environment?** | |
81d69b6ef521-1 | **Q\. Can I remotely manage a fleet of EC2 instances *and* machines in my hybrid environment?**
AWS Systems Manager enables you to remotely and securely manage the configuration of your Amazon EC2 instances, and your on\-premises instances and virtual machines \(VMs\) in hybrid environments, including VMs from other cloud providers\. For more information, see the *[AWS Systems Manager User Guide](*\. | |
fe5e51f1088a-0 | Amazon EC2 enables you to share your AMIs with other AWS accounts\. You can allow all AWS accounts to launch the AMI \(make the AMI public\), or only allow a few specific accounts to launch the AMI \(see [Sharing an AMI with specific AWS accounts](\)\. You are not billed when your AMI is launched by other AWS accounts; only the accounts launching the AMI are billed\.
AMIs with encrypted volumes cannot be made public\.
AMIs are a regional resource\. Therefore, sharing an AMI makes it available in that region\. To make an AMI available in a different Region, copy the AMI to the Region and then share it\. For more information, see [Copying an AMI](\.
To avoid exposing sensitive data when you share an AMI, read the security considerations in [Guidelines for shared Linux AMIs]( and follow the recommended actions\.
If an AMI has a product code, or contains a snapshot of an encrypted volume, you can't make it public\. You can share the AMI only with specific AWS accounts\. | |
cb452b7c172a-0 | After you make an AMI public, it is available in **Community AMIs** when you launch an instance in the same Region using the console\. Note that it can take a short while for an AMI to appear in **Community AMIs** after you make it public\. It can also take a short while for an AMI to be removed from **Community AMIs** after you make it private again\.
**To share a public AMI using the console**
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at [https://console\.aws\.amazon\.com/ec2/](\.
1. In the navigation pane, choose **AMIs**\.
1. Select your AMI from the list, and then choose **Actions**, **Modify Image Permissions**\.
1. Choose **Public** and choose **Save**\. | |
b78ee630ae90-0 | Each AMI has a `launchPermission` property that controls which AWS accounts, besides the owner's, are allowed to use that AMI to launch instances\. By modifying the `launchPermission` property of an AMI, you can make the AMI public \(which grants launch permissions to all AWS accounts\) or share it with only the AWS accounts that you specify\.
You can add or remove account IDs from the list of accounts that have launch permissions for an AMI\. To make the AMI public, specify the `all` group\. You can specify both public and explicit launch permissions\.
**To make an AMI public**
1. Use the [modify\-image\-attribute]( command as follows to add the `all` group to the `launchPermission` list for the specified AMI\.
aws ec2 modify-image-attribute \
--image-id ami-0abcdef1234567890 \
--launch-permission "Add=[{Group=all}]"
1. To verify the launch permissions of the AMI, use the [describe\-image\-attribute]( command\.
aws ec2 describe-image-attribute \
--image-id ami-0abcdef1234567890 \ | |
b78ee630ae90-1 | aws ec2 describe-image-attribute \
--image-id ami-0abcdef1234567890 \
--attribute launchPermission
1. \(Optional\) To make the AMI private again, remove the `all` group from its launch permissions\. Note that the owner of the AMI always has launch permissions and is therefore unaffected by this command\.
aws ec2 modify-image-attribute \
--image-id ami-0abcdef1234567890 \
--launch-permission "Remove=[{Group=all}]"
``` | |
95732cf4b43f-0 | You can use the following features to monitor the performance of your Elastic Fabric Adapters\. | |
9e1f311850ed-0 | You can create an Amazon VPC Flow Log to capture information about the traffic going to and from an EFA\. Flow log data can be published to Amazon CloudWatch Logs and Amazon S3\. After you create a flow log, you can retrieve and view its data in the chosen destination\. For more information, see [VPC Flow Logs]( in the *Amazon VPC User Guide*\.
You create a flow log for an EFA in the same way that you create a flow log for an elastic network interface\. For more information, see [Creating a Flow Log]( in the *Amazon VPC User Guide*\.
In the flow log entries, EFA traffic is identified by the `srcAddress` and `destAddress`, which are both formatted as MAC addresses, as shown in the following example\.
version accountId eniId srcAddress destAddress sourcePort destPort protocol packets bytes start end action log-status
2 3794735123 eni-10000001 01:23:45:67:89:ab 05:23:45:67:89:ab - - - 9 5689 1521232534 1524512343 ACCEPT OK
``` | |
b3cd7254e953-0 | Amazon CloudWatch provides metrics that enable you to monitor your EFAs in real time\. You can collect and track metrics, create customized dashboards, and set alarms that notify you or take actions when a specified metric reaches a threshold that you specify\. For more information, see [Monitoring your instances using CloudWatch](\. | |
f7f565a27d6c-0 | Amazon EC2 provides you with flexible, cost effective, and easy\-to\-use data storage options for your instances\. Each option has a unique combination of performance and durability\. These storage options can be used independently or in combination to suit your requirements\.
After reading this section, you should have a good understanding about how you can use the data storage options supported by Amazon EC2 to meet your specific requirements\. These storage options include the following:
+ [Amazon Elastic Block Store \(Amazon EBS\)](
+ [Amazon EC2 instance store](
+ [Using Amazon EFS with Amazon EC2](
+ [Using Amazon S3 with Amazon EC2](
The following figure shows the relationship between these storage options and your instance\.
![\[Storage options for Amazon EC2\]](
**Amazon EBS**
Amazon EBS provides durable, block\-level storage volumes that you can attach to a running instance\. You can use Amazon EBS as a primary storage device for data that requires frequent and granular updates\. For example, Amazon EBS is the recommended storage option when you run a database on an instance\. | |
f7f565a27d6c-1 | An EBS volume behaves like a raw, unformatted, external block device that you can attach to a single instance\. The volume persists independently from the running life of an instance\. After an EBS volume is attached to an instance, you can use it like any other physical hard drive\. As illustrated in the previous figure, multiple volumes can be attached to an instance\. You can also detach an EBS volume from one instance and attach it to another instance\. You can dynamically change the configuration of a volume attached to an instance\. EBS volumes can also be created as encrypted volumes using the Amazon EBS encryption feature\. For more information, see [Amazon EBS encryption](\.
To keep a backup copy of your data, you can create a *snapshot* of an EBS volume, which is stored in Amazon S3\. You can create an EBS volume from a snapshot, and attach it to another instance\. For more information, see [Amazon Elastic Block Store \(Amazon EBS\)](\.
**Amazon EC2 instance store**
Many instances can access storage from disks that are physically attached to the host computer\. This disk storage is referred to as *instance store*\. Instance store provides temporary block\-level storage for instances\. The data on an instance store volume persists only during the life of the associated instance; if you stop or terminate an instance, any data on instance store volumes is lost\. For more information, see [Amazon EC2 instance store](\.
**Amazon EFS file system** | |
f7f565a27d6c-2 | **Amazon EFS file system**
Amazon EFS provides scalable file storage for use with Amazon EC2\. You can create an EFS file system and configure your instances to mount the file system\. You can use an EFS file system as a common data source for workloads and applications running on multiple instances\. For more information, see [Using Amazon EFS with Amazon EC2](\.
**Amazon S3**
Amazon S3 provides access to reliable and inexpensive data storage infrastructure\. It is designed to make web\-scale computing easier by enabling you to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from within Amazon EC2 or anywhere on the web\. For example, you can use Amazon S3 to store backup copies of your data and applications\. Amazon EC2 uses Amazon S3 to store EBS snapshots and instance store\-backed AMIs\. For more information, see [Using Amazon S3 with Amazon EC2](\.
**Adding storage**
Every time you launch an instance from an AMI, a root storage device is created for that instance\. The root storage device contains all the information necessary to boot the instance\. You can specify storage volumes in addition to the root device volume when you create an AMI or launch an instance using *block device mapping*\. For more information, see [Block device mapping](\.
You can also attach EBS volumes to a running instance\. For more information, see [Attaching an Amazon EBS volume to an instance](\.
**Storage pricing** | |
f7f565a27d6c-3 | **Storage pricing**
For information about storage pricing, open [AWS Pricing](, scroll down to **Services Pricing**, choose **Storage**, and then choose the storage option to open that storage option's pricing page\. For information about estimating the cost of storage, see the [AWS Pricing Calculator](\. | |
b5f8a04e7b76-0 | Amazon EBS provides the following data services\.
+ [Amazon EBS Elastic Volumes](
+ [Amazon EBS encryption](
+ [Amazon EBS fast snapshot restore]( | |
48defae94dd6-0 | The following table lists the categories of instance metadata\.
When Amazon EC2 releases a new instance metadata category, the instance metadata for the new category might not be available for existing instances\. To ensure that the instance metadata is available for an existing instance, you need to [stop and then start]( the instance\.
Some of the category names in the following table are placeholders for data that is unique to your instance\. For example, *mac* represents the MAC address for the network interface\. You must replace the placeholders with the actual values\.
| Data | Description | Release date |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ami\-id | The AMI ID used to launch the instance\. | Version 1\.0 |
| ami\-launch\-index | If you started more than one instance at the same time, this value indicates the order in which the instance was launched\. The value of the first instance launched is 0\. | Version 1\.0 |
| ami\-manifest\-path | The path to the AMI manifest file in Amazon S3\. If you used an Amazon EBS\-backed AMI to launch the instance, the returned result is unknown\. | Version 1\.0 |
| ancestor\-ami\-ids | The AMI IDs of any instances that were rebundled to create this AMI\. This value will only exist if the AMI manifest file contained an ancestor\-amis key\. | 2007\-10\-10 | | |
48defae94dd6-1 | | block\-device\-mapping/ami | The virtual device that contains the root/boot file system\. | 2007\-12\-15 |
| block\-device\-mapping/ebsN | The virtual devices associated with any Amazon EBS volumes\. Amazon EBS volumes are only available in metadata if they were present at launch time or when the instance was last started\. The N indicates the index of the Amazon EBS volume \(such as ebs1 or ebs2\)\. | 2007\-12\-15 |
| block\-device\-mapping/ephemeralN | The virtual devices for any non\-NVMe instance store volumes\. The N indicates the index of each volume\. The number of instance store volumes in the block device mapping might not match the actual number of instance store volumes for the instance\. The instance type determines the number of instance store volumes that are available to an instance\. If the number of instance store volumes in a block device mapping exceeds the number available to an instance, the additional instance store volumes are ignored\. | 2007\-12\-15 |
| block\-device\-mapping/root | The virtual devices or partitions associated with the root devices or partitions on the virtual device, where the root \(/ or C:\) file system is associated with the given instance\. | 2007\-12\-15 |
| block\-device\-mapping/swap | The virtual devices associated with swap\. Not always present\. | 2007\-12\-15 | | |
48defae94dd6-2 | | block\-device\-mapping/swap | The virtual devices associated with swap\. Not always present\. | 2007\-12\-15 |
| elastic\-gpus/associations/elastic\-gpu\-id | If there is an Elastic GPU attached to the instance, contains a JSON string with information about the Elastic GPU, including its ID and connection information\. | 2016\-11\-30 |
| elastic\-inference/associations/eia\-id | If there is an Elastic Inference accelerator attached to the instance, contains a JSON string with information about the Elastic Inference accelerator, including its ID and type\. | 2018\-11\-29 |
| events/maintenance/history | If there are completed or canceled maintenance events for the instance, contains a JSON string with information about the events\. For more information, see [To view event history about completed or canceled events](\. | 2018\-08\-17 |
| events/maintenance/scheduled | If there are active maintenance events for the instance, contains a JSON string with information about the events\. For more information, see [Viewing scheduled events](\. | 2018\-08\-17 |
| hostname | The private IPv4 DNS hostname of the instance\. In cases where multiple network interfaces are present, this refers to the eth0 device \(the device for which the device number is 0\)\. | Version 1\.0 | | |
48defae94dd6-3 | | iam/info | If there is an IAM role associated with the instance, contains information about the last time the instance profile was updated, including the instance's LastUpdated date, InstanceProfileArn, and InstanceProfileId\. Otherwise, not present\. | 2012\-01\-12 |
| iam/security\-credentials/role\-name | If there is an IAM role associated with the instance, role\-name is the name of the role, and role\-name contains the temporary security credentials associated with the role \(for more information, see [Retrieving security credentials from instance metadata](\)\. Otherwise, not present\. | 2012\-01\-12 |
| identity\-credentials/ec2/info | \[Reserved for internal use only\] Information about the credentials that AWS uses to identify an instance to the rest of the Amazon EC2 infrastructure\. | 2018\-05\-23 |
| identity\-credentials/ec2/security\-credentials/ec2\-instance | \[Reserved for internal use only\] The credentials that AWS uses to identify an instance to the rest of the Amazon EC2 infrastructure\. | 2018\-05\-23 |
| instance\-action | Notifies the instance that it should reboot in preparation for bundling\. Valid values: none \| shutdown \| bundle\-pending\. | 2008\-09\-01 |
| instance\-id | The ID of this instance\. | Version 1\.0 | | |
48defae94dd6-4 | | instance\-id | The ID of this instance\. | Version 1\.0 |
| instance\-life\-cycle | The purchasing option of this instance\. For more information, see [Instance purchasing options](\. | 2019\-10\-01 |
| instance\-type | The type of instance\. For more information, see [Instance types](\. | 2007\-08\-29 |
| kernel\-id | The ID of the kernel launched with this instance, if applicable\. | 2008\-02\-01 |
| local\-hostname | The private IPv4 DNS hostname of the instance\. In cases where multiple network interfaces are present, this refers to the eth0 device \(the device for which the device number is 0\)\. | 2007\-01\-19 |
| local\-ipv4 | The private IPv4 address of the instance\. In cases where multiple network interfaces are present, this refers to the eth0 device \(the device for which the device number is 0\)\. | Version 1\.0 |
| mac | The instance's media access control \(MAC\) address\. In cases where multiple network interfaces are present, this refers to the eth0 device \(the device for which the device number is 0\)\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| metrics/vhostmd | No longer available\. | 2011\-05\-01 | | |
48defae94dd6-5 | | metrics/vhostmd | No longer available\. | 2011\-05\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/device\-number | The unique device number associated with that interface\. The device number corresponds to the device name; for example, a device\-number of 2 is for the eth2 device\. This category corresponds to the DeviceIndex and device\-index fields that are used by the Amazon EC2 API and the EC2 commands for the AWS CLI\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/interface\-id | The ID of the network interface\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/ipv4\-associations/public\-ip | The private IPv4 addresses that are associated with each public IP address and assigned to that interface\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/ipv6s | The IPv6 addresses associated with the interface\. Returned only for instances launched into a VPC\. | 2016\-06\-30 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/local\-hostname | The interface's local hostname\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/local\-ipv4s | The private IPv4 addresses associated with the interface\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/mac | The instance's MAC address\. | 2011\-01\-01 | | |
48defae94dd6-6 | | network/interfaces/macs/mac/mac | The instance's MAC address\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/owner\-id | The ID of the owner of the network interface\. In multiple\-interface environments, an interface can be attached by a third party, such as Elastic Load Balancing\. Traffic on an interface is always billed to the interface owner\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/public\-hostname | The interface's public DNS \(IPv4\)\. This category is only returned if the enableDnsHostnames attribute is set to true\. For more information, see [Using DNS with Your VPC](\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/public\-ipv4s | The public IP address or Elastic IP addresses associated with the interface\. There may be multiple IPv4 addresses on an instance\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/security\-groups | Security groups to which the network interface belongs\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/security\-group\-ids | The IDs of the security groups to which the network interface belongs\. | 2011\-01\-01 | | |
48defae94dd6-7 | | network/interfaces/macs/mac/subnet\-id | The ID of the subnet in which the interface resides\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/subnet\-ipv4\-cidr\-block | The IPv4 CIDR block of the subnet in which the interface resides\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/subnet\-ipv6\-cidr\-blocks | The IPv6 CIDR block of the subnet in which the interface resides\. | 2016\-06\-30 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/vpc\-id | The ID of the VPC in which the interface resides\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/vpc\-ipv4\-cidr\-block | The primary IPv4 CIDR block of the VPC\. | 2011\-01\-01 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/vpc\-ipv4\-cidr\-blocks | The IPv4 CIDR blocks for the VPC\. | 2016\-06\-30 |
| network/interfaces/macs/mac/vpc\-ipv6\-cidr\-blocks | The IPv6 CIDR block of the VPC in which the interface resides\. | 2016\-06\-30 |
| placement/availability\-zone | The Availability Zone in which the instance launched\. | 2008\-02\-01 | | |
48defae94dd6-8 | | placement/availability\-zone | The Availability Zone in which the instance launched\. | 2008\-02\-01 |
| placement/availability\-zone\-id | The static Availability Zone ID in which the instance is launched\. The Availability Zone ID is consistent across accounts\. However, it might be different from the Availability Zone, which can vary by account\. | 2020\-08\-24 |
| placement/group\-name | The name of the placement group in which the instance is launched\. | 2020\-08\-24 |
| placement/host\-id | The ID of the host on which the instance is launched\. Applicable only to Dedicated Hosts\. | 2020\-08\-24 |
| placement/partition\-number | The number of the partition in which the instance is launched\. | 2020\-08\-24 |
| placement/region | The AWS Region in which the instance is launched\. | 2020\-08\-24 |
| product\-codes | AWS Marketplace product codes associated with the instance, if any\. | 2007\-03\-01 |
| public\-hostname | The instance's public DNS\. This category is only returned if the enableDnsHostnames attribute is set to true\. For more information, see [Using DNS with Your VPC]( in the Amazon VPC User Guide\. | 2007\-01\-19 | | |
48defae94dd6-9 | | public\-ipv4 | The public IPv4 address\. If an Elastic IP address is associated with the instance, the value returned is the Elastic IP address\. | 2007\-01\-19 |
| public\-keys/0/openssh\-key | Public key\. Only available if supplied at instance launch time\. | Version 1\.0 |
| ramdisk\-id | The ID of the RAM disk specified at launch time, if applicable\. | 2007\-10\-10 |
| reservation\-id | The ID of the reservation\. | Version 1\.0 |
| security\-groups | The names of the security groups applied to the instance\. After launch, you can change the security groups of the instances\. Such changes are reflected here and in network/interfaces/macs/**mac**/security\-groups\. | Version 1\.0 |
| services/domain | The domain for AWS resources for the Region\. | 2014\-02\-25 |
| services/partition | The partition that the resource is in\. For standard AWS Regions, the partition is `aws`\. If you have resources in other partitions, the partition is `aws-partitionname`\. For example, the partition for resources in the China \(Beijing\) Region is `aws-cn`\. | 2015\-10\-20 | | |
48defae94dd6-10 | | spot/instance\-action | The action \(hibernate, stop, or terminate\) and the approximate time, in UTC, when the action will occur\. This item is present only if the Spot Instance has been marked for hibernate, stop, or terminate\. For more information, see [instance\-action](\. | 2016\-11\-15 |
| spot/termination\-time | The approximate time, in UTC, that the operating system for your Spot Instance will receive the shutdown signal\. This item is present and contains a time value \(for example, 2015\-01\-05T18:02:00Z\) only if the Spot Instance has been marked for termination by Amazon EC2\. The termination\-time item is not set to a time if you terminated the Spot Instance yourself\. For more information, see [termination\-time](\. | 2014\-11\-05 | | |
5477c1d97714-0 | The following table lists the categories of dynamic data\.
| Data | Description | Release date |
| --- | --- | --- |
| fws/instance\-monitoring | Value showing whether the customer has enabled detailed one\-minute monitoring in CloudWatch\. Valid values: enabled \| disabled | 2009\-04\-04 |
| instance\-identity/document | JSON containing instance attributes, such as instance\-id, private IP address, etc\. See [Instance identity documents](\. | 2009\-04\-04 |
| instance\-identity/pkcs7 | Used to verify the document's authenticity and content against the signature\. See [Instance identity documents](\. | 2009\-04\-04 |
| instance\-identity/signature | Data that can be used by other parties to verify its origin and authenticity\. See [Instance identity documents](\. | 2009\-04\-04 | | |
098f7f84be19-0 | Each instance that you launch has an instance identity document that provides information about the instance itself\. You can use the instance identity document to validate the attributes of the instance\.
The instance identity document is generated when the instance is launched and it is exposed \(in plaintext JSON format\) through the Instance Metadata Service\. The IP address `` is a link\-local address and is valid only from the instance\. For more information, see [Link\-local address]( on Wikipedia\.
You can retrieve the instance identity document from a running instance at any time\. The instance identity document includes the following information:
| Data | Description |
| --- | --- |
| devpayProductCodes | Deprecated\. |
| marketplaceProductCodes | The AWS Marketplace product code of the AMI used to launch the instance\. |
| availabilityZone | The Availability Zone in which the instance is running\. |
| privateIp | The private IPv4 address of the instance\. |
| version | The version of the instance identity document format\. |
| instanceId | The ID of the instance\. |
| billingProducts | The billing product code of the AMI used to launch the instance\. |
| instanceType | The instance type of the instance\. |
| accountId | The ID of the AWS account that launched the instance\. |
| imageId | The ID of the AMI used to launch the instance\. | | |
098f7f84be19-1 | | imageId | The ID of the AMI used to launch the instance\. |
| pendingTime | The date and time that the instance was launched\. |
| architecture | The architecture of the AMI used to launch the instance \(i386 \| x86\_64 \| arm64\)\. |
| kernelId | The ID of the kernel associated with the instance, if applicable\. |
| ramdiskId | The ID of the RAM disk associated with the instance, if applicable\. |
| region | The Region in which the instance is running\. | | |
4ec0d5bae869-0 | **To retrieve the plaintext instance identity document**
Connect to the instance and run one of the following commands depending on the Instance Metadata Service \(IMDS\) version used by the instance\.
------ | |
1f00b7c607e3-0 | ```
$ TOKEN=`curl -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600"` \
&& curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" -v
------ | |
560937bd7b4e-0 | ```
$ curl
The following is example output\.
"devpayProductCodes" : null,
"marketplaceProductCodes" : [ "1abc2defghijklm3nopqrs4tu" ],
"availabilityZone" : "us-west-2b",
"privateIp" : "",
"version" : "2017-09-30",
"instanceId" : "i-1234567890abcdef0",
"billingProducts" : null,
"instanceType" : "t2.micro",
"accountId" : "123456789012",
"imageId" : "ami-5fb8c835",
"pendingTime" : "2016-11-19T16:32:11Z",
"architecture" : "x86_64",
"kernelId" : null,
"ramdiskId" : null,
"region" : "us-west-2"
``` | |
9083f39a9e57-0 | If you intend to use the contents of the instance identity document for an important purpose, you should verify its contents and authenticity before using it\.
The plaintext instance identity document is accompanied by three hashed and encrypted signatures\. You can use these signatures to verify the origin and authenticity of the instance identity document and the information that it includes\. The following signatures are provided:
+ Base64\-encoded signature—This is a base64\-encoded SHA256 hash of the instance identity document that is encrypted using an RSA key pair\.
+ PKCS7 signature—This is a SHA1 hash of the instance identity document that is encrypted using a DSA key pair\.
+ RSA\-2048 signature—This is a SHA256 hash of the instance identity document that is encrypted using an RSA\-2048 key pair\.
Each signature is available at a different endpoint in the instance metadata\. You can use any one of these signatures depending on your hashing and encryption requirements\. To verify the signatures, you must use the corresponding AWS public certificate\.
To validate the instance identity document using the base64\-encoded signature or RSA2048 signature, you must request the corresponding AWS public certificate from [ AWS Support](\.
The following topics provide detailed steps for validating the instance identity document using each signature\.
+ [Using the PKCS7 signature to verify the instance identity document]( | |
9083f39a9e57-1 | + [Using the PKCS7 signature to verify the instance identity document](
+ [Using the base64\-encoded signature to verify the instance identity document](
+ [Using the RSA\-2048 signature to verify the instance identity document]( | |
665bd44ac638-0 | You can use the Amazon EC2 console or the command line to find shared AMIs\.
AMIs are a regional resource\. Therefore, when searching for a shared AMI \(public or private\), you must search for it from within the Region from which it is being shared\. To make an AMI available in a different Region, copy the AMI to the Region and then share it\. For more information, see [Copying an AMI](\. | |
fa938c4caa51-0 | **To find a shared private AMI using the console**
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at [https://console\.aws\.amazon\.com/ec2/](\.
1. In the navigation pane, choose **AMIs**\.
1. In the first filter, choose **Private images**\. All AMIs that have been shared with you are listed\. To granulate your search, choose the Search bar and use the filter options provided in the menu\.
**To find a shared public AMI using the console**
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at [https://console\.aws\.amazon\.com/ec2/](\.
1. In the navigation pane, choose **AMIs**\.
1. In the first filter, choose **Public images**\. To granulate your search, choose the Search bar and use the filter options provided in the menu\.
1. Use filters to list only the types of AMIs that interest you\. For example, choose **Owner :** and then choose **Amazon images** to display only Amazon's public images\. | |
77af70d14b1b-0 | Use the [describe\-images]( command \(AWS CLI\) to list AMIs\. You can scope the list to the types of AMIs that interest you, as shown in the following examples\.
**Example: List all public AMIs**
The following command lists all public AMIs, including any public AMIs that you own\.
aws ec2 describe-images --executable-users all
**Example: List AMIs with explicit launch permissions**
The following command lists the AMIs for which you have explicit launch permissions\. This list does not include any AMIs that you own\.
aws ec2 describe-images --executable-users self
**Example: List AMIs owned by Amazon**
The following command lists the AMIs owned by Amazon\. Amazon's public AMIs have an aliased owner, which appears as `amazon` in the account field\. This enables you to find AMIs from Amazon easily\. Other users can't alias their AMIs\.
aws ec2 describe-images --owners amazon
**Example: List AMIs owned by an account**
The following command lists the AMIs owned by the specified AWS account\.
``` | |
77af70d14b1b-1 | The following command lists the AMIs owned by the specified AWS account\.
aws ec2 describe-images --owners 123456789012
**Example: Scope AMIs using a filter**
To reduce the number of displayed AMIs, use a filter to list only the types of AMIs that interest you\. For example, use the following filter to display only EBS\-backed AMIs\.
--filters "Name=root-device-type,Values=ebs"
``` | |
e4c68c44f85c-0 | Before you use a shared AMI, take the following steps to confirm that there are no pre\-installed credentials that would allow unwanted access to your instance by a third party and no pre\-configured remote logging that could transmit sensitive data to a third party\. Check the documentation for the Linux distribution used by the AMI for information about improving the security of the system\.
To ensure that you don't accidentally lose access to your instance, we recommend that you initiate two SSH sessions and keep the second session open until you've removed credentials that you don't recognize and confirmed that you can still log into your instance using SSH\.
1. Identify and disable any unauthorized public SSH keys\. The only key in the file should be the key you used to launch the AMI\. The following command locates `authorized_keys` files:
[ec2-user ~]$ sudo find / -name "authorized_keys" -print -exec cat {} \;
1. Disable password\-based authentication for the root user\. Open the `sshd_config` file and edit the `PermitRootLogin` line as follows:
PermitRootLogin without-password
Alternatively, you can disable the ability to log into the instance as the root user:
PermitRootLogin No
Restart the sshd service\. | |
e4c68c44f85c-1 | ```
PermitRootLogin No
Restart the sshd service\.
1. Check whether there are any other user accounts that are able to log in to your instance\. Accounts with superuser privileges are particularly dangerous\. Remove or lock the password of any unknown accounts\.
1. Check for open ports that you aren't using and running network services listening for incoming connections\.
1. To prevent preconfigured remote logging, you should delete the existing configuration file and restart the rsyslog service\. For example:
[ec2-user ~]$ sudo rm /etc/rsyslog.conf
[ec2-user ~]$ sudo service rsyslog restart
1. Verify that all cron jobs are legitimate\.
If you discover a public AMI that you feel presents a security risk, contact the AWS security team\. For more information, see the [AWS Security Center](\. | |
143fc6793313-0 | Amazon EC2 is hosted in multiple locations world\-wide\. These locations are composed of Regions, Availability Zones, Local Zones, and Wavelength Zones\. Each *Region* is a separate geographic area\.
+ Availability Zones are multiple, isolated locations within each Region\.
+ Local Zones provide you the ability to place resources, such as compute and storage, in multiple locations closer to your end users\.
+ AWS Outposts brings native AWS services, infrastructure, and operating models to virtually any data center, co\-location space, or on\-premises facility\.
+ Wavelength Zones allow developers to build applications that deliver ultra\-low latencies to 5G devices and end users\. Wavelength deploys standard AWS compute and storage services to the edge of telecommunication carriers' 5G networks\.
AWS operates state\-of\-the\-art, highly available data centers\. Although rare, failures can occur that affect the availability of instances that are in the same location\. If you host all of your instances in a single location that is affected by a failure, none of your instances would be available\.
To help you determine which deployment is best for you, see [AWS Wavelength FAQs](\.
+ [Regions](#concepts-regions)
+ [Availability Zones](#concepts-availability-zones)
+ [Local Zones](#concepts-local-zones)
+ [Wavelength Zones](#concepts-wavelength-zones)
+ [AWS Outposts](#concepts-outposts) | |
4be8fa042bb9-0 | Each Amazon EC2 Region is designed to be isolated from the other Amazon EC2 Regions\. This achieves the greatest possible fault tolerance and stability\.
The following diagram illustrates multiple AWS Regions\.
When you view your resources, you see only the resources that are tied to the Region that you specified\. This is because Regions are isolated from each other, and we don't automatically replicate resources across Regions\.
When you launch an instance, you must select an AMI that's in the same Region\. If the AMI is in another Region, you can copy the AMI to the Region you're using\. For more information, see [Copying an AMI](\.
Note that there is a charge for data transfer between Regions\. For more information, see [Amazon EC2 Pricing \- Data Transfer](\.
+ [Available Regions](#concepts-available-regions)
+ [Regions and endpoints](#using-regions-endpoints)
+ [Describing your Regions](#using-regions-availability-zones-describe)
+ [Getting the Region name](#region-name)
+ [Specifying the Region for a resource](#using-regions-availability-zones-setup) | |
3807b7a5bf40-0 | Your account determines the Regions that are available to you\. For example:
+ An AWS account provides multiple Regions so that you can launch Amazon EC2 instances in locations that meet your requirements\. For example, you might want to launch instances in Europe to be closer to your European customers or to meet legal requirements\.
+ An AWS GovCloud \(US\-West\) account provides access to the AWS GovCloud \(US\-West\) Region and the AWS GovCloud \(US\-East\) Region\. For more information, see [AWS GovCloud \(US\)](\.
+ An Amazon AWS \(China\) account provides access to the Beijing and Ningxia Regions only\. For more information, see [AWS in China](\.
The following table lists the Regions provided by an AWS account\. You can't describe or access additional Regions from an AWS account, such as AWS GovCloud \(US\) Region or the China Regions\. To use a Region introduced after March 20, 2019, you must enable the Region\. For more information, see [Managing AWS Regions]( in the *AWS General Reference*\. | |
3807b7a5bf40-1 | For information about available Wavelength Zones, see [Available Wavelength Zones]( in the *AWS Wavelength Developer Guide*\.
| Code | Name | Opt\-in Status | Local Zone |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| us\-east\-2 | US East \(Ohio\) | Not required | Not available |
| us\-east\-1 | US East \(N\. Virginia\) | Not required | Not available |
| us\-west\-1 | US West \(N\. California\) | Not required | Not available |
| us\-west\-2 | US West \(Oregon\) | Not required | us\-west\-2\-lax\-1a`us-west-2-lax-1b` |
| af\-south\-1 | Africa \(Cape Town\) | Required | Not available |
| ap\-east\-1 | Asia Pacific \(Hong Kong\) | Required | Not available |
| ap\-south\-1 | Asia Pacific \(Mumbai\) | Not required | Not available |
| ap\-northeast\-3 | Asia Pacific \(Osaka\-Local\) | Not required | Not available |
| ap\-northeast\-2 | Asia Pacific \(Seoul\) | Not required | Not available |
| ap\-southeast\-1 | Asia Pacific \(Singapore\) | Not required | Not available | | |
3807b7a5bf40-2 | | ap\-southeast\-1 | Asia Pacific \(Singapore\) | Not required | Not available |
| ap\-southeast\-2 | Asia Pacific \(Sydney\) | Not required | Not available |
| ap\-northeast\-1 | Asia Pacific \(Tokyo\) | Not required | Not available |
| ca\-central\-1 | Canada \(Central\) | Not required | Not available |
| eu\-central\-1 | Europe \(Frankfurt\) | Not required | Not available |
| eu\-west\-1 | Europe \(Ireland\) | Not required | Not available |
| eu\-west\-2 | Europe \(London\) | Not required | Not available |
| eu\-south\-1 | Europe \(Milan\) | Required | Not available |
| eu\-west\-3 | Europe \(Paris\) | Not required | Not available |
| eu\-north\-1 | Europe \(Stockholm\) | Not required | Not available |
| me\-south\-1 | Middle East \(Bahrain\) | Required | Not available |
| sa\-east\-1 | South America \(São Paulo\) | Not required | Not available |
For more information, see [AWS Global Infrastructure](\. | |
3807b7a5bf40-3 | For more information, see [AWS Global Infrastructure](\.
The number and mapping of Availability Zones per Region may vary between AWS accounts\. To get a list of the Availability Zones that are available to your account, you can use the Amazon EC2 console or the command line interface\. For more information, see [Describing your Regions](#using-regions-availability-zones-describe)\. | |
7d85282ca1c8-0 | When you work with an instance using the command line interface or API actions, you must specify its Regional endpoint\. For more information about the Regions and endpoints for Amazon EC2, see [Amazon EC2 endpoints and quotas]( in the *Amazon Web Services General Reference*\.
For more information about endpoints and protocols in AWS GovCloud \(US\-West\), see [AWS GovCloud \(US\-West\) Endpoints]( in the *AWS GovCloud \(US\) User Guide*\. | |
5cd158b59f09-0 | You can use the Amazon EC2 console or the command line interface to determine which Regions are available for your account\. For more information about these command line interfaces, see [Accessing Amazon EC2](\.
**To find your Regions using the console**
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at [https://console\.aws\.amazon\.com/ec2/](\.
1. From the navigation bar, view the options in the Region selector\.
![\[View your Regions\]](
1. Your EC2 resources for this Region are displayed on the **EC2 Dashboard** in the **Resources** section\.
**To find your Regions using the AWS CLI**
+ Use the [describe\-regions]( command as follows to describe the Regions that are enabled for your account\.
aws ec2 describe-regions
To describe all Regions, including any Regions that are disabled for your account, add the `--all-regions` option as follows\.
aws ec2 describe-regions --all-regions
``` | |
5cd158b59f09-1 | ```
aws ec2 describe-regions --all-regions
**To find your Regions using the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell**
+ Use the [Get\-EC2Region]( command as follows to describe the Regions for your account\.
PS C:\> Get-EC2Region
``` | |
3b13438350b9-0 | You can use the Amazon Lightsail API to view the name of a Region\.
**To view the Region name using the AWS CLI**
+ Use the [get\-regions]( command as follows to describe the name of the specified Region\.
aws lightsail get-regions --query "regions[?name=='region-name'].displayName" --output text
The following example returns the name of the `us-east-2` Region\.
aws lightsail get-regions --query "regions[?name=='us-east-2'].displayName" --output text
The following is the output:
``` | |
6042024ca060-0 | Every time you create an Amazon EC2 resource, you can specify the Region for the resource\. You can specify the Region for a resource using the AWS Management Console or the command line\.
Some AWS resources might not be available in all Regions\. Ensure that you can create the resources that you need in the desired Regions before you launch an instance\.
**To specify the Region for a resource using the console**
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at [https://console\.aws\.amazon\.com/ec2/](\.
1. Use the Region selector in the navigation bar\.
**To specify the default Region using the command line**
You can set the value of an environment variable to the desired Regional endpoint \(for example, ``\):
+ `Set-AWSDefaultRegion` \(AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell\)
Alternatively, you can use the `--region` \(AWS CLI\) or `-Region` \(AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell\) command line option with each individual command\. For example, `--region us-east-2`\. | |
6042024ca060-1 | For more information about the endpoints for Amazon EC2, see [Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Endpoints](\. | |
3d428ec18555-0 | Each Region has multiple, isolated locations known as *Availability Zones*\. When you launch an instance, you can select an Availability Zone or let us choose one for you\. If you distribute your instances across multiple Availability Zones and one instance fails, you can design your application so that an instance in another Availability Zone can handle requests\.
The following diagram illustrates multiple Availability Zones in an AWS Region\.
You can also use Elastic IP addresses to mask the failure of an instance in one Availability Zone by rapidly remapping the address to an instance in another Availability Zone\. For more information, see [Elastic IP addresses](\.
An Availability Zone is represented by a Region code followed by a letter identifier; for example, `us-east-1a`\. To ensure that resources are distributed across the Availability Zones for a Region, we independently map Availability Zones to names for each AWS account\. For example, the Availability Zone `us-east-1a` for your AWS account might not be the same location as `us-east-1a` for another AWS account\.
To coordinate Availability Zones across accounts, you must use the *AZ ID*, which is a unique and consistent identifier for an Availability Zone\. For example, `use1-az1` is an AZ ID for the `us-east-1` Region and it has the same location in every AWS account\. | |
3d428ec18555-1 | You can view AZ IDs to determine the location of resources in one account relative to the resources in another account\. For example, if you share a subnet in the Availability Zone with the AZ ID `use-az2` with another account, this subnet is available to that account in the Availability Zone whose AZ ID is also `use-az2`\. The AZ ID for each VPC and subnet is displayed in the Amazon VPC console\. For more information, see [Working with Shared VPCs]( in the *Amazon VPC User Guide*\.
As Availability Zones grow over time, our ability to expand them can become constrained\. If this happens, we might restrict you from launching an instance in a constrained Availability Zone unless you already have an instance in that Availability Zone\. Eventually, we might also remove the constrained Availability Zone from the list of Availability Zones for new accounts\. Therefore, your account might have a different number of available Availability Zones in a Region than another account\.
+ [Describing your Availability Zones](#availability-zones-describe)
+ [Launching instances in an Availability Zone](#using-regions-availability-zones-launching)
+ [Migrating an instance to another Availability Zone](#migrating-instance-availability-zone) | |
0d4d83635494-0 | You can use the Amazon EC2 console or the command line interface to determine which Availability Zones are available for your account\. For more information about these command line interfaces, see [Accessing Amazon EC2](\.
**To find your Availability Zones using the console**
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at [https://console\.aws\.amazon\.com/ec2/](\.
1. From the navigation bar, view the options in the Region selector\.
1. On the navigation pane, choose **EC2 Dashboard**\.
1. The Availability Zones are listed under **Service health**, **Zone status**\.
**To find your Availability Zones using the AWS CLI**
1. Use the [describe\-availability\-zones]( command as follows to describe the Availability Zones within the specified Region\.
aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --region region-name
1. Use the [describe\-availability\-zones]( command as follows to describe the Availability Zones regardless of the opt\-in status\.
``` | |
0d4d83635494-1 | ```
aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --all-availability-zones
**To find your Availability Zones using the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell**
Use the [Get\-EC2AvailabilityZone]( command as follows to describe the Availability Zones within the specified Region\.
PS C:\> Get-EC2AvailabilityZone -Region region-name
``` | |
01fd3d36d368-0 | When you launch an instance, select a Region that puts your instances closer to specific customers, or meets the legal or other requirements that you have\. By launching your instances in separate Availability Zones, you can protect your applications from the failure of a single location\.
When you launch an instance, you can optionally specify an Availability Zone in the Region that you are using\. If you do not specify an Availability Zone, we select an Availability Zone for you\. When you launch your initial instances, we recommend that you accept the default Availability Zone, because this allows us to select the best Availability Zone for you based on system health and available capacity\. If you launch additional instances, specify a Zone only if your new instances must be close to, or separated from, your running instances\. | |
44ab4ec2a928-0 | If necessary, you can migrate an instance from one Availability Zone to another\. For example, let's say you are trying to modify the instance type of your instance and we can't launch an instance of the new instance type in the current Availability Zone\. In this case, you can migrate the instance to an Availability Zone where we are able to launch an instance of that instance type\.
The migration process involves:
+ Creating an AMI from the original instance
+ Launching an instance in the new Availability Zone
+ Updating the configuration of the new instance, as shown in the following procedure
**To migrate an instance to another Availability Zone**
1. Create an AMI from the instance\. The procedure depends on your operating system and the type of root device volume for the instance\. For more information, see the documentation that corresponds to your operating system and root device volume:
+ [Creating an Amazon EBS\-backed Linux AMI](
+ [Creating an instance store\-backed Linux AMI](
+ [Creating an Amazon EBS\-Backed Windows AMI]( | |
44ab4ec2a928-1 | 1. If you need to preserve the private IPv4 address of the instance, you must delete the subnet in the current Availability Zone and then create a subnet in the new Availability Zone with the same IPv4 address range as the original subnet\. Note that you must terminate all instances in a subnet before you can delete it\. Therefore, you should create AMIs from all of the instances in your subnet so that you can move all instances from the current subnet to the new subnet\.
1. Launch an instance from the AMI that you just created, specifying the new Availability Zone or subnet\. You can use the same instance type as the original instance, or select a new instance type\. For more information, see [Launching instances in an Availability Zone](#using-regions-availability-zones-launching)\.
1. If the original instance has an associated Elastic IP address, associate it with the new instance\. For more information, see [Disassociating an Elastic IP address](\.
1. If the original instance is a Reserved Instance, change the Availability Zone for your reservation\. \(If you also changed the instance type, you can also change the instance type for your reservation\.\) For more information, see [Submitting modification requests](\.
1. \(Optional\) Terminate the original instance\. For more information, see [Terminating an instance](\. | |
f0be2da4f160-0 | A Local Zone is an extension of an AWS Region in geographic proximity to your users\. Local Zones have their own connections to the internet and support AWS Direct Connect, so resources created in a Local Zone can serve local users with low\-latency communications\. For more information, see [AWS Local Zones](\.
![\[Local Zones\]](
A Local Zone is represented by a Region code followed by an identifier that indicates the location, for example, `us-west-2-lax-1a`\.
To use a Local Zone, you must first enable it\. For more information, see [Enable Local Zones](#opt-in-local-zone)\. Next, create a subnet in the Local Zone\. Finally, launch any of the following resources in the Local Zone subnet, so that your applications are close to your end users:
+ Amazon EC2 instances
+ Amazon EBS volumes
+ Amazon FSx file servers
+ Application Load Balancers
+ Dedicated Hosts
For information about the available Local Zones, see [Available Regions](#concepts-available-regions)\.
+ [Describing your Local Zones](#local-zones-describe)
+ [Enable Local Zones](#opt-in-local-zone) | |
f0be2da4f160-1 | + [Describing your Local Zones](#local-zones-describe)
+ [Enable Local Zones](#opt-in-local-zone)
+ [Launching instances in a Local Zone](#local-zones-launching) | |
924fe8f10009-0 | You can use the Amazon EC2 console or the command line interface to determine which Local Zones are available for your account\. For more information about these command line interfaces, see [Accessing Amazon EC2](\.
**To find your Local Zones using the console**
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at [https://console\.aws\.amazon\.com/ec2/](\.
1. From the navigation bar, view the options in the Region selector\.
1. On the navigation pane, choose **EC2 Dashboard**\.
1. The Local Zones are listed under **Service health**, **Zone status**\.
**To find your Local Zones using the AWS CLI**
1. Use the [describe\-availability\-zones]( command as follows to describe the Local Zones in the specified Region\.
aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --region region-name
1. Use the [describe\-availability\-zones]( command as follows to describe the Local Zones regardless of whether they are enabled\.
``` | |
924fe8f10009-1 | ```
aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --all-availability-zones
**To find your Local Zones using the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell**
Use the [Get\-EC2AvailabilityZone]( command as follows to describe the Local Zones in the specified Region\.
PS C:\> Get-EC2AvailabilityZone -Region region-name
``` | |
7b69a4b94992-0 | Before you can specify a Local Zone for a resource or service, you must enable Local Zones\.
Some AWS resources might not be available in all Regions\. Make sure that you can create the resources that you need in the desired Regions or Local Zones before launching an instance in a specific Local Zone\.
**To enable Local Zones using the console**
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at [https://console\.aws\.amazon\.com/ec2/](\.
1. In the upper\-left corner of the page, select **New EC2 Experience**\. You cannot complete this task using the old console experience\.
1. From the Region selector in the navigation bar, select the Region for the Local Zone\.
1. On the navigation pane, choose **EC2 Dashboard**\.
1. In the upper\-right corner of the page, choose **Account attributes**, **Zones**\.
1. Choose **Manage**\.
1. For **Zone group**, choose **Enabled**\.
1. Choose **Update zone group**\.
**To enable Local Zones using the AWS CLI**
+ Use the [modify\-availability\-zone\-group]( command\. | |
08956f3fb19c-0 | When you launch an instance, you can specify a subnet which is in a Local Zone\. You also allocate an IP address from a network border group, which is a unique set of Availability Zones, Local Zones, or Wavelength Zones from which AWS advertises IP addresses, for example, `us-west-2-lax-1a`\.
You can allocate the following IP addresses from a network border group:
+ Elastic IPv4 addresses that Amazon provides
+ IPv6 Amazon\-provided VPC addresses
**To launch an instance in a Local Zone:**
1. Enable Local Zones\. For more information, see [Enable Local Zones](#opt-in-local-zone)\.
1. Create a VPC in a Region that supports the Local Zone\. For more information, see [Creating a VPC]( in the *Amazon VPC User Guide*\.
1. Create a subnet\. Select the Local Zone when you create the subnet\. For more information, see [Creating a subnet in your VPC]( in the *Amazon VPC User Guide*\.
1. Launch an instance, and select the subnet you created in the Local Zone\. For more information, see [Launch your instance](\. | |
71d1eaf4e8e7-0 | AWS Wavelength enables developers to build applications that deliver ultra\-low latencies to mobile devices and end users\. Wavelength deploys standard AWS compute and storage services to the edge of telecommunication carriers' 5G networks\. Developers can extend a virtual private cloud \(VPC\) to one or more Wavelength Zones, and then use AWS resources like Amazon EC2 instances to run applications that require ultra\-low latency and a connection to AWS services in the Region\.
A Wavelength Zone is an isolated zone in the carrier location where the Wavelength infrastructure is deployed\. Wavelength Zones are tied to a Region\. A Wavelength Zone is a logical extension of a Region, and is managed by the control plane in the Region\.
![\[Wavelength Zones\]](
A Wavelength Zone is represented by a Region code followed by an identifier that indicates the Wavelength Zone, for example, `us-east-1-wl1-bos-wlz-1`\.
To use a Wavelength Zone, you must first opt in to the Zone\. For more information, see [Enable Wavelength Zones](#opt-in-wavelength-zone)\. Next, create a subnet in the Wavelength Zone\. Finally, launch your resources in the Wavelength Zones subnet, so that your applications are closer to your end users\. | |
71d1eaf4e8e7-1 | Wavelength Zones are not available in every Region\. For information about the Regions that support Wavelength Zones, see [Available Wavelength Zones]( in the *AWS Wavelength Developer Guide*\.
+ [Describing your Wavelength Zones](#wavelength-zones-describe)
+ [Enable Wavelength Zones](#opt-in-wavelength-zone)
+ [Launching instances in a Wavelength Zone](#wavelength-zones-launching) | |
baa8f20d005e-0 | You can use the Amazon EC2 console or the command line interface to determine which Wavelength Zones are available for your account\. For more information about these command line interfaces, see [Accessing Amazon EC2](\.
**To find your Wavelength Zones using the console**
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at [https://console\.aws\.amazon\.com/ec2/](\.
1. From the navigation bar, view the options in the Region selector\.
1. On the navigation pane, choose **EC2 Dashboard**\.
1. The Wavelength Zones are listed under **Service health**, **Zone status**\.
**To find your Wavelength Zones using the AWS CLI**
1. Use the [describe\-availability\-zones]( command as follows to describe the Wavelength Zones within the specified Region\.
aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --region region-name
1. Use the [describe\-availability\-zones]( command as follows to describe the Wavelength Zones regardless of the opt\-in status\.
``` | |
baa8f20d005e-1 | ```
aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --all-availability-zones
**To find your Wavelength Zone using the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell**
Use the [Get\-EC2AvailabilityZone]( command as follows to describe the Wavelength Zone within the specified Region\.
PS C:\> Get-EC2AvailabilityZone -Region region-name
``` | |
1afccc193dd2-0 | Before you specify a Wavelength Zone for a resource or service, you must enable Wavelength Zones\.
+ You must request access in order to use Wavelength Zones\. For information about how to request Wavelength Zone access, see [AWS Wavelength](\.
+ Some AWS resources are not available in all Regions\. Make sure that you can create the resources that you need in the desired Region or Wavelength Zone before launching an instance in a specific Wavelength Zone\.
**To opt in to Wavelength Zone using the console**
1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at [https://console\.aws\.amazon\.com/ec2/](\.
1. In the upper\-left corner of the page, select **New EC2 Experience**\. You cannot complete this task using the old console experience\.
1. From the Region selector in the navigation bar, select the Region for the Wavelength Zone\.
1. On the navigation pane, choose **EC2 Dashboard**\.
1. In the upper\-right corner of the page, choose **Account attributes**, **Zones**\.
1. Under **Wavelength Zones**, turn on each Wavelength Zone\.
1. Enable the Wavelength Zone\.
**To enable Wavelength Zones using the AWS CLI** | |
1afccc193dd2-1 | 1. Enable the Wavelength Zone\.
**To enable Wavelength Zones using the AWS CLI**
Use the [modify\-availability\-zone\-group]( command\. | |
0b7cbf1a2ba2-0 | When you launch an instance, you can specify a subnet which is in a Wavelength Zone\. You also allocate a carrier IP address from a network border group, which is a unique set of Availability Zones, Local Zones, or Wavelength Zones from which AWS advertises IP addresses, for example, `us-east-1-wl1-bos-wlz-1`\.
For information about how to launch an instance in a Wavelength Zone, see [Get started with AWS Wavelength]( in the *AWS Wavelength Developer Guide*\. | |
572ba46dff83-0 | AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to customer premises\. By providing local access to AWS managed infrastructure, AWS Outposts enables customers to build and run applications on premises using the same programming interfaces as in AWS Regions, while using local compute and storage resources for lower latency and local data processing needs\.
An Outpost is a pool of AWS compute and storage capacity deployed at a customer site\. AWS operates, monitors, and manages this capacity as part of an AWS Region\. You can create subnets on your Outpost and specify them when you create AWS resources such as EC2 instances, EBS volumes, ECS clusters, and RDS instances\. Instances in Outpost subnets communicate with other instances in the AWS Region using private IP addresses, all within the same VPC\.
To begin using AWS Outposts, you must create an Outpost and order Outpost capacity\. For more information about Outposts configurations, see [our catalog](\. After your Outpost equipment is installed, the compute and storage capacity is available for you when you launch Amazon EC2 instances and create Amazon EBS volumes on your Outpost\. | |
86bd52ac9eed-0 | You can launch EC2 instances in the Outpost subnet that you created\. Security groups control inbound and outbound traffic for instances in an Outpost subnet, as they do for instances in an Availability Zone subnet\. To connect to an EC2 instance in an Outpost subnet, you can specify a key pair when you launch the instance, as you do for instances in an Availability Zone subnet\.
The root volume must be 30 GB or smaller\. You can specify data volumes in the block device mapping of the AMI or the instance to provide additional storage\. To trim unused blocks from the boot volume, see [How to Build Sparse EBS Volumes]( in the AWS Partner Network Blog\.
We recommend that you increase the NVMe timeout for the root volume\. For more information, see [I/O operation timeout](\.
For information about how to create an Outpost, see [Get started with AWS Outposts]( in the *AWS Outposts User Guide*\. | |
8c71948ddc39-0 | You can create EBS volumes in the Outpost subnet that you created\. When you create the volume, specify the Amazon Resource Name \(ARN\) of the Outpost\.
The following [create\-volume]( command creates an empty 50 GB volume on the specified Outpost\.
aws ec2 create-volume --availability-zone us-east-2a --outpost-arn arn:aws:outposts:us-east-2:123456789012:outpost/op-03e6fecad652a6138 --size 50
You must detach an Outpost volume before you can modify it\. For more information about detaching volumes, see [Detaching an Amazon EBS volume from a Linux instance](\. | |
7016c7285ac6-0 | An Amazon EBS volume is a durable, block\-level storage device that you can attach to your instances\. After you attach a volume to an instance, you can use it as you would use a physical hard drive\. EBS volumes are flexible\. For current\-generation volumes attached to current\-generation instance types, you can dynamically increase size, modify the provisioned IOPS capacity, and change volume type on live production volumes\.
You can use EBS volumes as primary storage for data that requires frequent updates, such as the system drive for an instance or storage for a database application\. You can also use them for throughput\-intensive applications that perform continuous disk scans\. EBS volumes persist independently from the running life of an EC2 instance\.
You can attach multiple EBS volumes to a single instance\. The volume and instance must be in the same Availability Zone\. Depending on the volume and instance types, you can use [Multi\-Attach]( to mount a volume to multiple instances at the same time\.
Amazon EBS provides the following volume types: General Purpose SSD \(`gp2`\), Provisioned IOPS SSD \(`io1` and `io2`\), Throughput Optimized HDD \(`st1`\), Cold HDD \(`sc1`\), and Magnetic \(`standard`, a previous\-generation type\)\. They differ in performance characteristics and price, allowing you to tailor your storage performance and cost to the needs of your applications\. For more information, see [Amazon EBS volume types](\. | |
7016c7285ac6-1 | Your account has a limit on the number of EBS volumes that you can use, and the total storage available to you\. For more information about these limits, and how to request an increase in your limits, see [Amazon EC2 service quotas](\.
For more information about pricing, see [Amazon EBS Pricing](\.
+ [Benefits of using EBS volumes](#EBSFeatures)
+ [Amazon EBS volume types](
+ [Constraints on the size and configuration of an EBS volume](
+ [Creating an Amazon EBS volume](
+ [Attaching an Amazon EBS volume to an instance](
+ [Attaching a volume to multiple instances with Amazon EBS Multi\-Attach](
+ [Making an Amazon EBS volume available for use on Linux](
+ [Viewing information about an Amazon EBS volume](
+ [Replacing an Amazon EBS volume using a previous snapshot](
+ [Monitoring the status of your volumes](
+ [Detaching an Amazon EBS volume from a Linux instance]( | |
7016c7285ac6-2 | + [Detaching an Amazon EBS volume from a Linux instance](
+ [Deleting an Amazon EBS volume]( | |
e4fc1278e271-0 | EBS volumes provide benefits that are not provided by instance store volumes\. | |
e58b608dc317-0 | When you create an EBS volume, it is automatically replicated within its Availability Zone to prevent data loss due to failure of any single hardware component\. You can attach an EBS volume to any EC2 instance in the same Availability Zone\. After you attach a volume, it appears as a native block device similar to a hard drive or other physical device\. At that point, the instance can interact with the volume just as it would with a local drive\. You can connect to the instance and format the EBS volume with a file system, such as ext3, and then install applications\.
If you attach multiple volumes to a device that you have named, you can stripe data across the volumes for increased I/O and throughput performance\.
You can attach an `io1` EBS volume to up to 16 Nitro\-based instances\. For more information, see [Attaching a volume to multiple instances with Amazon EBS Multi\-Attach](\. Otherwise, you can attach an EBS volume to a single instance\.
You can get monitoring data for your EBS volumes, including root device volumes for EBS\-backed instances, at no additional charge\. For more information about monitoring metrics, see [Amazon CloudWatch metrics for Amazon EBS](\. For information about tracking the status of your volumes, see [Amazon CloudWatch Events for Amazon EBS](\. | |
0e73a8e86819-0 | An EBS volume is off\-instance storage that can persist independently from the life of an instance\. You continue to pay for the volume usage as long as the data persists\.
EBS volumes that are attached to a running instance can automatically detach from the instance with their data intact when the instance is terminated if you uncheck the **Delete on Termination** check box when you configure EBS volumes for your instance on the EC2 console\. The volume can then be reattached to a new instance, enabling quick recovery\. If the check box for **Delete on Termination** is checked, the volume\(s\) will delete upon termination of the EC2 instance\. If you are using an EBS\-backed instance, you can stop and restart that instance without affecting the data stored in the attached volume\. The volume remains attached throughout the stop\-start cycle\. This enables you to process and store the data on your volume indefinitely, only using the processing and storage resources when required\. The data persists on the volume until the volume is deleted explicitly\. The physical block storage used by deleted EBS volumes is overwritten with zeroes before it is allocated to another account\. If you are dealing with sensitive data, you should consider encrypting your data manually or storing the data on a volume protected by Amazon EBS encryption\. For more information, see [Amazon EBS encryption](\. | |
0e73a8e86819-1 | By default, the root EBS volume that is created and attached to an instance at launch is deleted when that instance is terminated\. You can modify this behavior by changing the value of the flag `DeleteOnTermination` to `false` when you launch the instance\. This modified value causes the volume to persist even after the instance is terminated, and enables you to attach the volume to another instance\.
By default, additional EBS volumes that are created and attached to an instance at launch are not deleted when that instance is terminated\. You can modify this behavior by changing the value of the flag `DeleteOnTermination` to `true` when you launch the instance\. This modified value causes the volumes to be deleted when the instance is terminated\. | |
2c0c3f58d758-0 | For simplified data encryption, you can create encrypted EBS volumes with the Amazon EBS encryption feature\. All EBS volume types support encryption\. You can use encrypted EBS volumes to meet a wide range of data\-at\-rest encryption requirements for regulated/audited data and applications\. Amazon EBS encryption uses 256\-bit Advanced Encryption Standard algorithms \(AES\-256\) and an Amazon\-managed key infrastructure\. The encryption occurs on the server that hosts the EC2 instance, providing encryption of data\-in\-transit from the EC2 instance to Amazon EBS storage\. For more information, see [Amazon EBS encryption](\.
Amazon EBS encryption uses AWS Key Management Service \(AWS KMS\) master keys when creating encrypted volumes and any snapshots created from your encrypted volumes\. The first time you create an encrypted EBS volume in a region, a default master key is created for you automatically\. This key is used for Amazon EBS encryption unless you select a customer master key \(CMK\) that you created separately using AWS KMS\. Creating your own CMK gives you more flexibility, including the ability to create, rotate, disable, define access controls, and audit the encryption keys used to protect your data\. For more information, see the [AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide](\. | |
be7d3d39adf0-0 | Amazon EBS provides the ability to create snapshots \(backups\) of any EBS volume and write a copy of the data in the volume to Amazon S3, where it is stored redundantly in multiple Availability Zones\. The volume does not need to be attached to a running instance in order to take a snapshot\. As you continue to write data to a volume, you can periodically create a snapshot of the volume to use as a baseline for new volumes\. These snapshots can be used to create multiple new EBS volumes or move volumes across Availability Zones\. Snapshots of encrypted EBS volumes are automatically encrypted\.
When you create a new volume from a snapshot, it's an exact copy of the original volume at the time the snapshot was taken\. EBS volumes that are created from encrypted snapshots are automatically encrypted\. By optionally specifying a different Availability Zone, you can use this functionality to create a duplicate volume in that zone\. The snapshots can be shared with specific AWS accounts or made public\. When you create snapshots, you incur charges in Amazon S3 based on the volume's total size\. For a successive snapshot of the volume, you are only charged for any additional data beyond the volume's original size\. | |
Subsets and Splits