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'A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis' is the full name of A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis.
{'award': {'label': 'event date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'greekName': {'label': 'name in ancient Greek', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'hasAnnotation': {'label': 'acceleration (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'latinName': {'label': 'name in latin', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'longName': {'label': 'acceleration (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'name': {'label': 'scientific name', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'namedAfter': {'label': 'original danse competititon', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'namedByLanguage': {'label': 'maximum temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'notableIdea': {'label': 'mute character in play', 'description': 'Name of a mute character in play. DataTypeProperty'}, 'person': {'label': 'nfl code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'pseudonym': {'label': 'acceleration (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'scientificName': {'label': 'scientific name', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'tradeMark': {'label': 'maximum ELO rating', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis', 'name', 'A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis')]
'AIP Adv.' is the abbreviation of AIP Advances which is edited by A T Charlie Johnson and has the CODEN code AAIDBI.
{'Identifier': {'label': 'identifier', 'comment': '-'}, 'Software': {'label': 'software', 'comment': '-'}, 'Gene': {'label': 'gene', 'comment': '-'}, 'ArtificialSatellite': {'label': 'ArtificialSatellite', 'comment': 'In the context of spaceflight, an artificial satellite is an artificial object which has been intentionally placed into orbit.'}, 'InternationalOrganisation': {'label': 'international organisation', 'comment': 'An international organisation is either a private or a public organisation seeking to accomplish goals across country borders'}, 'Work': {'label': 'work', 'description': 'Item on which time has been spent for its realisation. Actor can be a human on not (machine, insects, nature...)'}}
{'abbreviation': {'label': 'INSEE code', 'description': 'numerical indexing code used by the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) to identify various entities DataTypeProperty'}, 'aitaCode': {'label': 'aita code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'architectualBureau': {'label': 'number of spans', 'description': 'Number of spans or arches. DataTypeProperty'}, 'associateEditor': {'label': 'full score', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'billed': {'label': 'end date and time', 'description': 'The end date and time of the event. DataTypeProperty'}, 'coden': {'label': 'CODEN', 'description': 'CODEN is a six character, alphanumeric bibliographic code, that provides concise, unique and unambiguous identification of the titles of serials and non-serial publications from all subject areas. DataTypeProperty'}, 'compiler': {'label': 'PersonsFirstDosesCumul', 'description': 'Number of persons received first vaccine doses DataTypeProperty'}, 'editor': {'label': 'number of islands', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'ekatteCode': {'label': 'EKATTE code', 'description': 'Indexing code used by the Bulgarian National Statistical Institute to identify populated places DataTypeProperty'}, 'hasAnnotation': {'label': 'acceleration (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'inchi': {'label': 'The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'inseeCode': {'label': 'INSEE code', 'description': 'numerical indexing code used by the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) to identify various entities DataTypeProperty'}, 'location': {'label': 'currency code', 'description': 'ISO 4217 currency designators. DataTypeProperty'}, 'managingEditor': {'label': 'country rank', 'description': 'Place of the building in the list of the highest buildings in the country DataTypeProperty'}, 'silCode': {'label': 'deme', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'subTribus': {'label': 'best wsop rank', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'terytCode': {'label': 'band', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'tradeMark': {'label': 'maximum ELO rating', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'translator': {'label': 'limit', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'version': {'label': 'discharge (m³/s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['AIP_Advances', 'editor', 'A.T._Charlie_Johnson'], ['A.T._Charlie_Johnson', 'doctoralAdvisor', 'Michael_Tinkham'], ['AIP_Advances', 'publisher', 'American_Institute_of_Physics']]
[('A', '.', 'T'), ('AIP_Advances', 'abbreviation', 'AIP_Advances'), ('AIP_Advances', 'coden', 'AAIDBI'), ('AIP_Advances', 'editor', 'A.T._Charlie_Johnson'), ('AIP_Advances', 'type', 'Work')]
(19255) 1994 VK8 has an escape velocity of 0.0925 km/s, a periapsis of 6155910000000.0, an orbital period of 8788850000.0 and an epoch date of 31 December 2006.
{'associatedRocket': {'label': 'OCLC', 'description': 'Online Computer Library Center number DataTypeProperty'}, 'astrologicalSign': {'label': 'minority floor leader', 'description': 'number of office holder DataTypeProperty'}, 'coemperor': {'label': 'bowl record', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'cultivatedVariety': {'label': 'PfizerCumulativeDoses', 'description': '辉瑞是源自美国的跨国制药、生物技术公司,营运总部位于纽约,研发总部位于康涅狄格州的格罗顿市 DataTypeProperty'}, 'depths': {'label': 'municipality code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'escapeVelocity': {'label': 'escape velocity (kmh)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'innervates': {'label': 'Active Cases', 'description': 'وبائی مرض میں فعال کیسوں کی تعداد DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'lastLaunchRocket': {'label': 'density (μ3)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'lunarEvaTime': {'label': 'lunar EVA time (ω)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'maidenFlightRocket': {'label': "a municipality's new name", 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mission': {'label': 'currently used for', 'description': 'Current use of the architectural structure, if it is currently being used as anything other than its original purpose. DataTypeProperty'}, 'orbitalPeriod': {'label': 'orbital period (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'periapsis': {'label': 'periapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'rocket': {'label': 'age', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'spacecraft': {'label': 'number of countries', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('(19255)_1994_VK8', 'epoch', '2006-12-31'), ('(19255)_1994_VK8', 'escapeVelocity', '0.0925_(kilometrePerSeconds)'), ('(19255)_1994_VK8', 'orbitalPeriod', '8788850000.0'), ('A', 'p', 's'), ('(19255)_1994_VK8', 'periapsis', '6155910000000.0')]
(410777) 2009 FD has an apoapsis of 259776702.47055 kilometres and a minimum temperature of 211.0 kelvins.
{'YearInSpaceflight': {'label': 'year in spaceflight', 'comment': '-'}, 'HotSpring': {'label': 'hot spring', 'comment': '-'}, 'SpaceShuttle': {'label': 'space shuttle', 'comment': '-'}, 'SolarEclipse': {'label': 'solar eclipse', 'comment': '-'}, 'NaturalRegion': {'label': 'natural region', 'comment': '-'}, 'Planet': {'label': 'planet', 'description': nan}}
{'apoapsis': {'label': 'apoapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'archipelago': {'label': 'project start date', 'description': 'The start date of the project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'lowestAltitude': {'label': 'area metro (km2)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'lowestMountain': {'label': 'population density (/sqkm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'lowestPlace': {'label': 'output history', 'description': 'Existence of multiple output dates. DataTypeProperty'}, 'lowestPoint': {'label': 'course (km)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'lowestPosition': {'label': 'distance (km)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'lowestRegion': {'label': 'length (km)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'lowestState': {'label': 'area of catchment (km2)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'minimumTemperature': {'label': 'minimum temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('(410777)_2009_FD', 'apoapsis', '259776702.47055_(kilometres)'), ('(410777)_2009_FD', 'minimumTemperature', '211.0_(kelvins)'), ('A', 'p', 's'), ('(410777)_2009_FD', 'type', 'Planet')]
(410777) 2009 FD has an apoapsis of 259776702.47055 kilometres.
{'agglomerationArea': {'label': 'issn', 'description': 'International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) DataTypeProperty'}, 'altitude': {'label': 'legislative period name', 'description': 'The term of the on-going session (e.g.: "40th Canadian Parliament"). DataTypeProperty'}, 'apoapsis': {'label': 'apoapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'archipelago': {'label': 'project start date', 'description': 'The start date of the project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'highestAltitude': {'label': 'height (mm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'highestPoint': {'label': 'length (mm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'highestRegion': {'label': 'piston stroke (mm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('(410777)_2009_FD', 'apoapsis', '259776702.47055_(kilometres)')]
(410777) 2009 FD, which was discovered by Spacewatch, has a periapsis of 88234300000.0.
{'YearInSpaceflight': {'label': 'year in spaceflight', 'comment': '-'}, 'SpaceStation': {'label': 'space station', 'comment': '-'}, 'SpaceShuttle': {'label': 'space shuttle', 'comment': '-'}, 'Galaxy': {'label': 'galaxy', 'comment': '-'}, 'Nebula': {'label': 'Nebula', 'comment': '-'}, 'Planet': {'label': 'planet', 'description': nan}}
{'bodyDiscovered': {'label': 'monument protection status', 'description': "The sort of status that is granted to a protected Building or Monument. This is not about being protected or not, this is about the nature of the protection regime. E.g., in the Netherlands the protection status 'rijksmonument' points to more elaborate protection than other statuses. DataTypeProperty"}, 'countryWithFirstSpaceflight': {'label': 'has natural bust', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'cultivatedVariety': {'label': 'PfizerCumulativeDoses', 'description': '辉瑞是源自美国的跨国制药、生物技术公司,营运总部位于纽约,研发总部位于康涅狄格州的格罗顿市 DataTypeProperty'}, 'dfE': {'label': 'geneReviewsId', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discoverer': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'explorer': {'label': 'contract award', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'periapsis': {'label': 'periapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'stellarClassification': {'label': 'Believers', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'targetSpaceStation': {'label': 'Blazon caption', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('(410777)_2009_FD', 'discoverer', 'Spacewatch'), ('A', 'p', 's'), ('(410777)_2009_FD', 'periapsis', '88234300000.0'), ('(410777)_2009_FD', 'type', 'Planet')]
(66063) 1998 RO1 has an epoch date of 2013-11-04 and an orbital period of 360.29 days. Its escape velocity is 0.0999 km/sec and it has an apoapsis of 254989570.60815 kilometres.
{'apoapsis': {'label': 'apoapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'archipelago': {'label': 'project start date', 'description': 'The start date of the project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'astrologicalSign': {'label': 'minority floor leader', 'description': 'number of office holder DataTypeProperty'}, 'coemperor': {'label': 'bowl record', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'depths': {'label': 'municipality code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'escapeVelocity': {'label': 'escape velocity (kmh)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'innervates': {'label': 'Active Cases', 'description': 'وبائی مرض میں فعال کیسوں کی تعداد DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'mission': {'label': 'currently used for', 'description': 'Current use of the architectural structure, if it is currently being used as anything other than its original purpose. DataTypeProperty'}, 'orbitalPeriod': {'label': 'orbital period (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'rocket': {'label': 'age', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'spacecraft': {'label': 'number of countries', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'timeZone': {'label': 'ONS ID (Office national des statistiques) Algeria', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'zodiacSign': {'label': 'final lost team', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('(66063)_1998_RO1', 'apoapsis', '254989570.60815_(kilometres)'), ('(66063)_1998_RO1', 'epoch', '2013-11-04'), ('(66063)_1998_RO1', 'escapeVelocity', '0.0999_(kilometrePerSeconds)'), ('(66063)_1998_RO1', 'orbitalPeriod', '360.29_(days)')]
(66063) 1998 RO1, with an average temperature of 265 kelvins and an epoch date of 4 November 2013, has an orbital period of 360.29 days and an apoapsis of 254989570.60815 kilometres.
{'apoapsis': {'label': 'apoapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'archipelago': {'label': 'project start date', 'description': 'The start date of the project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'astrologicalSign': {'label': 'minority floor leader', 'description': 'number of office holder DataTypeProperty'}, 'connotation': {'label': 'ICD9', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'countryWithFirstSatellite': {'label': 'handisport', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'daylightSavingTimeZone': {'label': 'continental tournament gold', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'meanTemperature': {'label': 'mean temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mission': {'label': 'currently used for', 'description': 'Current use of the architectural structure, if it is currently being used as anything other than its original purpose. DataTypeProperty'}, 'orbitalPeriod': {'label': 'orbital period (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'reffBourgmestre': {'label': 'abbey church blessing charge', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'rocket': {'label': 'age', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'spacecraft': {'label': 'number of countries', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'timeZone': {'label': 'ONS ID (Office national des statistiques) Algeria', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'usurper': {'label': 'capital coordinates', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('(66063)_1998_RO1', 'apoapsis', '254989570.60815_(kilometres)'), ('(66063)_1998_RO1', 'epoch', '2013-11-04'), ('(66063)_1998_RO1', 'meanTemperature', '265.0_(kelvins)'), ('(66063)_1998_RO1', 'orbitalPeriod', '360.29_(days)')]
1 Decembrie 1918 University is in Alba Iulia, Romania. Bucharest is the capital of Romania and Klaus Iohannis is the country's Prime Minister.
{'administrativeHeadCity': {'label': 'ICAO code', 'description': 'ICAO designation for airline companies DataTypeProperty'}, 'aircraftTransport': {'label': 'governorate', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'almaMater': {'label': 'end career', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'authorityTitle': {'label': 'authority title of a romanian settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capital': {'label': 'function end year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalCountry': {'label': 'speed limit (kmh)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalPlace': {'label': 'election date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalPosition': {'label': 'MeSH ID', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'city': {'label': 'illiteracy', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'collectionSize': {'label': 'diseasesDb', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'country': {'label': 'eye colour', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'europeanUnionEntranceDate': {'label': 'european union entrance date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'governmentCountry': {'label': 'boiling point (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leader': {'label': 'number of all MuscialArtist playing the style', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderName': {'label': 'original title', 'description': 'The original title of the work, most of the time in the original language as well DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderParty': {'label': 'election majority', 'description': 'number of votes the office holder attained DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderTitle': {'label': 'leader title', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'prefectMandate': {'label': 'mandate of a prefect of a romanian settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'rector': {'label': 'procedure', 'description': 'The name designating a formal collection of steps to be taken to complete the case DataTypeProperty'}, 'university': {'label': 'number of vehicles', 'description': 'Number of vehicles used in the transit system. DataTypeProperty'}, 'vicePrimeMinister': {'label': 'road end direction', 'description': 'End of the route. The opposite of OntologyProperty:routeStartDirection. DataTypeProperty'}, 'winsAtAlpg': {'label': 'internationally', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Klaus_Iohannis', 'birthPlace', 'Stalin_Region'], ['Bucharest', 'country', 'Romania'], ['Sibiu', 'country', 'Romania'], ['Senate_of_Romania', 'location', 'Bucharest'], ['Senate_of_Romania', 'isPartOf', 'Parliament_of_Romania'], ['Romania', 'house', 'Senate_of_Romania'], ['Alba_Iulia', 'timeZone', 'Eastern_European_Summer_Time'], ['Senate_of_Romania', 'location', 'Palace_of_the_Parliament'], ['Romania', 'house', 'Chamber_of_Deputies_(Romania)'], ['Klaus_Iohannis', 'birthPlace', 'Socialist_Republic_of_Romania'], ['Alba_Iulia', 'timeZone', 'Eastern_European_Time'], ['Alba_Iulia', 'country', 'Romania'], ['Chamber_of_Deputies_(Romania)', 'location', 'Bucharest'], ['Stalin_Region', 'country', 'Socialist_Republic_of_Romania'], ['Klaus_Iohannis', 'birthPlace', 'Sibiu'], ['Chamber_of_Deputies_(Romania)', 'location', 'Palace_of_the_Parliament']]
[('Romania', 'capital', 'Bucharest'), ('1_Decembrie_1918_University', 'city', 'Alba_Iulia'), ('Alba_Iulia', 'country', 'Romania'), ('Romania', 'leader', 'Klaus_Iohannis'), ('Romania', 'leaderTitle', 'Prime_Minister_of_Romania')]
1 Decembrie 1918 University is located in Romania. The country's Prime Minister is Klaus Iohannis.
{'almaMater': {'label': 'end career', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'authorityTitle': {'label': 'authority title of a romanian settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'collectionSize': {'label': 'diseasesDb', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'country': {'label': 'eye colour', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'europeanUnionEntranceDate': {'label': 'european union entrance date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'governmentCountry': {'label': 'boiling point (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'institution': {'label': 'setting of play', 'description': 'The places and time where the play takes place. DataTypeProperty'}, 'leader': {'label': 'number of all MuscialArtist playing the style', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderName': {'label': 'original title', 'description': 'The original title of the work, most of the time in the original language as well DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderParty': {'label': 'election majority', 'description': 'number of votes the office holder attained DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderTitle': {'label': 'leader title', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'parentheses': {'label': 'dec', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'prefectMandate': {'label': 'mandate of a prefect of a romanian settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'rector': {'label': 'procedure', 'description': 'The name designating a formal collection of steps to be taken to complete the case DataTypeProperty'}, 'unesco': {'label': 'cable car', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'university': {'label': 'number of vehicles', 'description': 'Number of vehicles used in the transit system. DataTypeProperty'}, 'winsAtAlpg': {'label': 'internationally', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Romania', 'house', 'Chamber_of_Deputies_(Romania)'], ['Stalin_Region', 'country', 'Socialist_Republic_of_Romania'], ['Romania', 'house', 'Senate_of_Romania'], ['Sibiu', 'country', 'Romania'], ['Klaus_Iohannis', 'birthPlace', 'Sibiu'], ['Senate_of_Romania', 'isPartOf', 'Parliament_of_Romania'], ['Senate_of_Romania', 'location', 'Palace_of_the_Parliament'], ['Chamber_of_Deputies_(Romania)', 'location', 'Palace_of_the_Parliament'], ['Chamber_of_Deputies_(Romania)', 'location', 'Bucharest'], ['Klaus_Iohannis', 'birthPlace', 'Stalin_Region'], ['Senate_of_Romania', 'location', 'Bucharest'], ['Klaus_Iohannis', 'birthPlace', 'Socialist_Republic_of_Romania']]
[('1_Decembrie_1918_University', 'country', 'Romania'), ('Romania', 'leader', 'Klaus_Iohannis'), ('Romania', 'leaderTitle', 'Prime_Minister_of_Romania')]
1 Decembrie 1918 University is located in the city of Alba Iulia, Romania. The country's capital is Bucharest and the leader (title Prime Minister of Romania) is Klaus Iohannis. An ethnic group of the country is The Germans of Romania and the country's national anthem is Deșteaptă-te, române!
{'University': {'label': 'university', 'comment': '-'}, 'HistoricalCountry': {'label': 'Historical country', 'comment': 'ایک ایسی جگہ جو ایک ملک ہوا کرتی تھی۔'}, 'EducationalInstitution': {'label': 'educational institution', 'comment': '-'}, 'Monument': {'label': 'monument', 'comment': 'A type of structure (a statue or an art object) created to commemorate a person or important event, not necessarily of a catastrophic nature.'}, 'NationalSoccerClub': {'label': 'national soccer club', 'comment': '-'}, 'Country': {'label': 'country', 'description': nan}}
{'administrativeHeadCity': {'label': 'ICAO code', 'description': 'ICAO designation for airline companies DataTypeProperty'}, 'almaMater': {'label': 'end career', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'anthem': {'label': 'gross domestic product (GDP)', 'description': 'The nominal gross domestic product of a country (not per capita). DataTypeProperty'}, 'authorityTitle': {'label': 'authority title of a romanian settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capital': {'label': 'function end year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalCountry': {'label': 'speed limit (kmh)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalPlace': {'label': 'election date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalPosition': {'label': 'MeSH ID', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'city': {'label': 'illiteracy', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'codeNationalMonument': {'label': 'monument code (national)', 'description': 'Code assigned to (Dutch) monuments at the national level, deemed to be of national value DataTypeProperty'}, 'collectionSize': {'label': 'diseasesDb', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'country': {'label': 'eye colour', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'ethnicGroup': {'label': 'election date leader', 'description': 'The date that leader was elected. DataTypeProperty'}, 'ethnicity': {'label': 'school number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'europeanAffiliation': {'label': 'number of seats', 'description': 'total number of seats/members in an assembly (legislative house or similar) DataTypeProperty'}, 'europeanUnionEntranceDate': {'label': 'european union entrance date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'governmentCountry': {'label': 'boiling point (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leader': {'label': 'number of all MuscialArtist playing the style', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderName': {'label': 'original title', 'description': 'The original title of the work, most of the time in the original language as well DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderParty': {'label': 'election majority', 'description': 'number of votes the office holder attained DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderTitle': {'label': 'leader title', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'musicBy': {'label': 'national championship', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'prefectMandate': {'label': 'mandate of a prefect of a romanian settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'race': {'label': 'displacement (g)', 'description': "A ship's displacement is its mass at any given time. DataTypeProperty"}, 'royalAnthem': {'label': 'egafd id', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'unesco': {'label': 'cable car', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'university': {'label': 'number of vehicles', 'description': 'Number of vehicles used in the transit system. DataTypeProperty'}, 'winsAtAlpg': {'label': 'internationally', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Klaus_Iohannis', 'birthPlace', 'Stalin_Region'], ['Senate_of_Romania', 'location', 'Bucharest'], ['Romania', 'house', 'Senate_of_Romania'], ['Alba_Iulia', 'timeZone', 'Eastern_European_Summer_Time'], ['Senate_of_Romania', 'location', 'Palace_of_the_Parliament'], ['Romania', 'house', 'Chamber_of_Deputies_(Romania)'], ['Klaus_Iohannis', 'birthPlace', 'Socialist_Republic_of_Romania'], ['Alba_Iulia', 'timeZone', 'Eastern_European_Time'], ['Alba_Iulia', 'country', 'Romania'], ['Chamber_of_Deputies_(Romania)', 'location', 'Bucharest'], ['Klaus_Iohannis', 'birthPlace', 'Sibiu'], ['Chamber_of_Deputies_(Romania)', 'location', 'Palace_of_the_Parliament']]
[('Romania', 'anthem', 'Deșteaptă-te,_române!'), ('Romania', 'capital', 'Bucharest'), ('1_Decembrie_1918_University', 'city', 'Alba_Iulia'), ('1_Decembrie_1918_University', 'country', 'Romania'), ('Romania', 'ethnicGroup', 'Germans_of_Romania'), ('Romania', 'leader', 'Klaus_Iohannis'), ('Romania', 'leaderTitle', 'Prime_Minister_of_Romania'), ('Romania', 'type', 'Country')]
1 FC Magdeburg played in the 2014 season.
{'FootballLeagueSeason': {'label': 'football league season', 'comment': '-'}, 'NationalFootballLeagueSeason': {'label': 'national football league season', 'comment': '-'}, 'SoccerClubSeason': {'label': 'soccer club season', 'comment': '-'}, 'SoccerLeagueSeason': {'label': 'soccer league season', 'comment': '-'}, 'SportsTeamSeason': {'label': 'sports team season', 'comment': 'A season for a particular sports team (as opposed to the season for the entire league that the team is in)'}, 'SoccerClub': {'label': 'soccer club', 'description': nan}}
{'appearancesInNationalTeam': {'label': 'appearances in national team', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'managerSeason': {'label': 'date construction', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'nationalTeam': {'label': 'peopleName', 'description': 'Name for the people inhabiting a place, eg Ankara->Ankariotes, Bulgaria->Bulgarians DataTypeProperty'}, 'nationalTeamYear': {'label': 'national team year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'nflSeason': {'label': 'nfl season', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfTeams': {'label': 'number of teams', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'playerSeason': {'label': 'decide date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'season': {'label': 'olympic games gold', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'seasonManager': {'label': 'season manager', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'soccerLeagueRelegated': {'label': 'amateur year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'soccerLeagueSeason': {'label': 'amgId', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'soccerTournamentThisSeason': {'label': 'architectural movement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Magdeburg', 'country', 'Germany'], ['Magdeburg', 'leaderParty', 'Independent_politician']]
[('1._FC_Magdeburg', 'season', '2014'), ('1._FC_Magdeburg', 'type', 'SoccerClub')]
1/19 is the runway name of Alpena County Regional Airport.
{'airportUsing': {'label': 'Different usage of an airport', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'areaDate': {'label': 'area date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalDistrict': {'label': 'UniProt', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'county': {'label': 'INSEE code', 'description': 'numerical indexing code used by the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) to identify various entities DataTypeProperty'}, 'countySeat': {'label': 'DosesFirst', 'description': 'Number of first vaccine doses. DataTypeProperty'}, 'designer': {'label': 'information name', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'faaLocationIdentifier': {'label': 'FAA Location Identifier', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'hubAirport': {'label': 'free', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'movement': {'label': 'reservations', 'description': 'Are reservations required for the establishment or event? DataTypeProperty'}, 'runwayDesignation': {'label': 'designation of runway', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'runwaySurface': {'label': 'surface of runway', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'significantDesign': {'label': 'Astrazenca', 'description': 'AstraZeneca plc is a British-Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company with its headquarters at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus in Cambridge, England. DataTypeProperty'}, 'targetAirport': {'label': 'mill code BE', 'description': 'mills code from the Belgian database on mills DataTypeProperty'}}
[('Alpena_County_Regional_Airport', 'runwayDesignation', 'January_19')]
10 Hygiea; has a surface area of 837080.744 square kilometres, an apoapsis of 523951582.33968 kilometres, and a temperature of 164.0 kelvins.
{'agglomerationArea': {'label': 'issn', 'description': 'International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) DataTypeProperty'}, 'altitude': {'label': 'legislative period name', 'description': 'The term of the on-going session (e.g.: "40th Canadian Parliament"). DataTypeProperty'}, 'apoapsis': {'label': 'apoapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'archipelago': {'label': 'project start date', 'description': 'The start date of the project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'boiler': {'label': 'MusicBrainz artist id', 'description': 'MusicBrainz artist. Applies to artists DataTypeProperty'}, 'climate': {'label': 'colorChart', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'continent': {'label': 'PersonsFullDosesCumul', 'description': 'Number of persons received full vaccine doses DataTypeProperty'}, 'coolingSystem': {'label': 'Wikipage page ID', 'description': 'Reserved for DBpedia. DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'highestRegion': {'label': 'piston stroke (mm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'land': {'label': 'height (mm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'lowestRegion': {'label': 'length (km)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'notableIdea': {'label': 'mute character in play', 'description': 'Name of a mute character in play. DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'principalArea': {'label': 'call sign meaning', 'description': 'The out written call sign. DataTypeProperty'}, 'surfaceArea': {'label': 'surface area (m2)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'temperature': {'label': 'temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('10_Hygiea', 'apoapsis', '523951582.33968_(kilometres)'), ('10_Hygiea', 'surfaceArea', '837080.744_(squareKilometres)'), ('10_Hygiea', 'temperature', '164.0_(kelvins)')]
101 Helena has a mass of 3.0 kilograms.
{'Island': {'label': 'island', 'comment': '-'}, 'Archipelago': {'label': 'archipelago', 'comment': '-'}, 'Volcano': {'label': 'volcano', 'comment': 'A volcano is currently subclass of naturalplace, but it might also be considered a mountain.'}, 'Atoll': {'label': 'atoll', 'comment': '-'}, 'UnitOfWork': {'label': 'unit of work', 'comment': 'This class is meant to convey the notion of an amount work to be done. It is different from Activity in that it has a definite end and is being measured.'}, 'Hyphen-minus': {'label': 'Hyphen-minus', 'description': 'No description available'}}
{'archipelago': {'label': 'project start date', 'description': 'The start date of the project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'island': {'label': 'fare zone', 'description': 'The fare zone in which station is located. DataTypeProperty'}, 'mainIsland': {'label': 'diameter (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'majorIsland': {'label': 'height (mm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mass': {'label': 'mass (g)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'massif': {'label': 'weight (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'supply': {'label': 'black ski piste number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'volumes': {'label': 'cargo fuel (g)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'weapon': {'label': 'cargo water (g)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('101_Helena', 'mass', '3.0_(kilograms)'), ('101_Helena', 'type', 'Hyphen-minus')]
101 Helena has an average speed of 18.44 kilometres per second and an apoapsis of 441092000.0 kilometres.
{'Island': {'label': 'island', 'comment': '-'}, 'Archipelago': {'label': 'archipelago', 'comment': '-'}, 'Atoll': {'label': 'atoll', 'comment': '-'}, 'SpeedSkater': {'label': 'speed skater', 'comment': '-'}, 'Arrondissement': {'label': 'arrondissement', 'comment': 'An administrative (France) or lawcourts (Netherlands) body governing a territorial unity on the intermediate level, between local and national level'}, 'Hyphen-minus': {'label': 'Hyphen-minus', 'description': 'No description available'}}
{'apoapsis': {'label': 'apoapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'archipelago': {'label': 'project start date', 'description': 'The start date of the project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'averageSpeed': {'label': 'average speed (kmh)', 'description': 'The average speed of a thing. DataTypeProperty'}, 'fastestDriver': {'label': 'date membership established', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'highwaySystem': {'label': 'number of students', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'island': {'label': 'fare zone', 'description': 'The fare zone in which station is located. DataTypeProperty'}, 'mainIsland': {'label': 'diameter (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'majorIsland': {'label': 'height (mm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'relatedMeanOfTransportation': {'label': 'number of bronze medals won', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'subdivisionName': {'label': 'best year wsop', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('101_Helena', 'apoapsis', '441092000.0_(kilometres)'), ('101_Helena', 'averageSpeed', '18.44_(kilometrePerSeconds)'), ('101_Helena', 'type', 'Hyphen-minus')]
101 Helena was discovered by Canadian, James Craig Watson, who died in Madison, Wisconsin.
{'bodyDiscovered': {'label': 'monument protection status', 'description': "The sort of status that is granted to a protected Building or Monument. This is not about being protected or not, this is about the nature of the protection regime. E.g., in the Netherlands the protection status 'rijksmonument' points to more elaborate protection than other statuses. DataTypeProperty"}, 'cemetery': {'label': 'canonized date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'chain': {'label': 'expedition', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'deathDate': {'label': 'death date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'deathPlace': {'label': 'dress code', 'description': 'The recommended dress code for an establishment or event. DataTypeProperty'}, 'discoverer': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovery': {'label': 'date when the island has been discovered', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'explorer': {'label': 'contract award', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'federalState': {'label': 'number of studio albums', 'description': 'the number of studio albums released by the musical artist DataTypeProperty'}, 'inCemetery': {'label': 'weight (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'livingPlace': {'label': 'temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'localization': {'label': 'localization of the island', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'noteOnPlaceOfBurial': {'label': 'note on place of burial', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'placeOfBurial': {'label': 'depth (μ)', 'description': 'Is a measure of the distance between a reference height and a point underneath. The exact meaning for a place is unclear. If possible, use or to be unambiguous. DataTypeProperty'}, 'state': {'label': 'historical name', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'stateOfOrigin': {'label': 'free prog competition', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Trois-Rivières'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Muizenberg'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'China'], ['Wisconsin', 'largestCity', 'Milwaukee'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Bunker_Hill'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'United_States'], ['United_Arab_Emirates', 'largestCity', 'Dubai'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Ticonderoga_(1777)'], ['China', 'largestCity', 'Shanghai'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'American_Revolutionary_War'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Italy'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Hong_Kong'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battles_of_Saratoga'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Quebec_(1775)'], ['United_States', 'largestCity', 'New_York_City'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Australia'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Southern_theater_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Pakistan'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Napoleonic_Wars'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'United_Kingdom'], ['Lebanon', 'largestCity', 'Beirut'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Lebanon'], ['Milwaukee', 'founder', 'George_H._Walker'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Canadian_diaspora'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'France'], ['Milwaukee', 'founder', 'Solomon_Juneau'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'United_Arab_Emirates'], ['Pakistan', 'largestCity', 'Karachi'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'militaryBranch', 'British_Army'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Saratoga_Campaign'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Penobscot_Expedition'], ['Milwaukee', 'founder', 'Byron_Kilbourn'], ['Australia', 'largestCity', 'Sydney'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Hubbardton'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'French_Revolutionary_Wars'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Anglo-Russian_invasion_of_Naples']]
[('James_Craig_Watson', 'deathPlace', 'Madison,_Wisconsin'), ('101_Helena', 'discoverer', 'James_Craig_Watson'), ('James_Craig_Watson', 'stateOfOrigin', 'Canada')]
101 Helena was discovered by James Craig Watson, a Canadian, whose Alma mater is the University of Michigan. He died of peritonitis in Madison, Wisconsin.
{'almaMater': {'label': 'end career', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'bodyDiscovered': {'label': 'monument protection status', 'description': "The sort of status that is granted to a protected Building or Monument. This is not about being protected or not, this is about the nature of the protection regime. E.g., in the Netherlands the protection status 'rijksmonument' points to more elaborate protection than other statuses. DataTypeProperty"}, 'cemetery': {'label': 'canonized date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'chain': {'label': 'expedition', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'coemperor': {'label': 'bowl record', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'countryOrigin': {'label': 'number of licensed', 'description': 'nombre de personnes ayant une license pour pratiquer cette activité DataTypeProperty'}, 'daira': {'label': 'id', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'deathCause': {'label': 'lah hof', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'deathDate': {'label': 'death date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'deathPlace': {'label': 'dress code', 'description': 'The recommended dress code for an establishment or event. DataTypeProperty'}, 'deaths': {'label': 'age range', 'description': 'Age range of students admitted in a School, MilitaryUnit, etc DataTypeProperty'}, 'discoverer': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovery': {'label': 'date when the island has been discovered', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'ethnicity': {'label': 'school number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'explorer': {'label': 'contract award', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'formerHighschool': {'label': 'relics', 'description': 'Physical remains or personal effects of a saint or venerated person, preserved in a religious building DataTypeProperty'}, 'inCemetery': {'label': 'weight (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'livingPlace': {'label': 'temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'nationality': {'label': 'national tournament bronze', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'notableStudent': {'label': 'Allocine ID', 'description': 'ID of a film on Allocine DataTypeProperty'}, 'pandemicDeaths': {'label': 'Deaths', 'description': 'Permanent, irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism ObjectTypeProperty'}, 'pendamicDeaths': {'label': 'Deaths', 'description': 'Permanent, irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism ObjectTypeProperty'}, 'placeOfBurial': {'label': 'depth (μ)', 'description': 'Is a measure of the distance between a reference height and a point underneath. The exact meaning for a place is unclear. If possible, use or to be unambiguous. DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Michigan', 'largestCity', 'Detroit'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Colonoscopy'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Irreligion_in_Canada'], ['Pancreatitis', 'medicalCause', 'Mumps'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'treatment', 'Surgical_emergency'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'United_Arab_Emirates'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Bunker_Hill'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Bowel_obstruction'], ['Wisconsin', 'largestCity', 'Milwaukee'], ['Australia', 'largestCity', 'Sydney'], ['Pancreatitis', 'medicalCause', 'Gallstone'], ['Milwaukee', 'founder', 'George_H._Walker'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'French_Revolutionary_Wars'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Australia'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Napoleonic_Wars'], ['Pancreatitis', 'medicalCause', 'Alcohol_(drug)'], ['Milwaukee', 'founder', 'Solomon_Juneau'], ['Milwaukee', 'founder', 'Byron_Kilbourn'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'United_Kingdom'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'American_Revolutionary_War'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Christianity_in_Canada'], ['Peritonitis', 'medicalCause', 'Pancreatitis'], ['Peritonitis', 'medicalCause', 'Pelvic_inflammatory_disease'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Religion_in_Canada'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battles_of_Saratoga'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Muizenberg'], ['Cirrhosis', 'medicalCause', 'Alcoholic_liver_disease'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Southern_theater_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Islam_in_Canada'], ['Appendicitis', 'treatment', 'Antibiotics'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Penobscot_Expedition'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Canadian_diaspora'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'France'], ['United_States', 'largestCity', 'New_York_City'], ['Cirrhosis', 'medicalCause', 'Non-alcoholic_steatohepatitis'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Anglo-Russian_invasion_of_Naples'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Diverticulitis'], ['Pelvic_inflammatory_disease', 'treatment', 'Antibiotic'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'treatment', 'Exploratory_laparotomy'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'United_States'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Hinduism_in_Canada'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Stomach_ulcer'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Lebanon'], ['Lebanon', 'largestCity', 'Beirut'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'History_of_the_Jews_in_Canada'], ['Peritonitis', 'medicalCause', 'Gastrointestinal_perforation'], ['Pakistan', 'largestCity', 'Karachi'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Italy'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Hong_Kong'], ['Cirrhosis', 'medicalCause', 'Hepatitis_B'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Ticonderoga_(1777)'], ['Pancreatitis', 'treatment', 'Intravenous_fluid'], ['Pancreatitis', 'treatment', 'Antibiotic'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Sikhism_in_Canada'], ['Peritonitis', 'medicalCause', 'Cirrhosis'], ['Cirrhosis', 'medicalCause', 'Hepatitis_C'], ['Appendicitis', 'treatment', 'Appendectomy'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Trois-Rivières'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Saratoga_Campaign'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'C._difficile_infection'], ['Pancreatitis', 'treatment', 'Pain_medication'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Colon_cancer'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Major_trauma'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Buddhism_in_Canada'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Quebec_(1775)'], ['Peritonitis', 'medicalCause', 'Appendicitis'], ['United_Arab_Emirates', 'largestCity', 'Dubai'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Mesenteric_ischemia'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Hubbardton'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'militaryBranch', 'British_Army'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'China'], ['China', 'largestCity', 'Shanghai'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Pakistan']]
[('James_Craig_Watson', 'almaMater', 'University_of_Michigan'), ('James_Craig_Watson', 'deathCause', 'Peritonitis'), ('James_Craig_Watson', 'deathPlace', 'Madison,_Wisconsin'), ('101_Helena', 'discoverer', 'James_Craig_Watson'), ('James_Craig_Watson', 'nationality', 'Canada')]
101 Helena was discovered by the Canadian James Craig Watson on August 15th 1868. Mr Watson, who studied at the University of Michigan, died in Madison, Wisconsin.
{'almaMater': {'label': 'end career', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'bodyDiscovered': {'label': 'monument protection status', 'description': "The sort of status that is granted to a protected Building or Monument. This is not about being protected or not, this is about the nature of the protection regime. E.g., in the Netherlands the protection status 'rijksmonument' points to more elaborate protection than other statuses. DataTypeProperty"}, 'chain': {'label': 'expedition', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'coemperor': {'label': 'bowl record', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'countryOrigin': {'label': 'number of licensed', 'description': 'nombre de personnes ayant une license pour pratiquer cette activité DataTypeProperty'}, 'daira': {'label': 'id', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'deathPlace': {'label': 'dress code', 'description': 'The recommended dress code for an establishment or event. DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovered': {'label': 'discovery date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discoverer': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovery': {'label': 'date when the island has been discovered', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'ethnicity': {'label': 'school number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'explorer': {'label': 'contract award', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'extinctionDate': {'label': 'extinction date', 'description': '!!! Do NOT use this property for non Species related dates!!! - Date when an Organization (eg PoliticalParty, Company) or Species ceased to exist DataTypeProperty'}, 'firstAscentPerson': {'label': 'size (MB)', 'description': 'size of a file or software DataTypeProperty'}, 'fossil': {'label': 'CO2 emission (g/km)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'inCemetery': {'label': 'weight (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'island': {'label': 'fare zone', 'description': 'The fare zone in which station is located. DataTypeProperty'}, 'livingPlace': {'label': 'temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'localization': {'label': 'localization of the island', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'nationality': {'label': 'national tournament bronze', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'placeOfBurial': {'label': 'depth (μ)', 'description': 'Is a measure of the distance between a reference height and a point underneath. The exact meaning for a place is unclear. If possible, use or to be unambiguous. DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Michigan', 'largestCity', 'Detroit'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'United_Arab_Emirates'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Bunker_Hill'], ['Wisconsin', 'largestCity', 'Milwaukee'], ['Australia', 'largestCity', 'Sydney'], ['Milwaukee', 'founder', 'George_H._Walker'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'French_Revolutionary_Wars'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Australia'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Napoleonic_Wars'], ['Milwaukee', 'founder', 'Solomon_Juneau'], ['Milwaukee', 'founder', 'Byron_Kilbourn'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'United_Kingdom'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'American_Revolutionary_War'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battles_of_Saratoga'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Muizenberg'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Southern_theater_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Canadian_diaspora'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Penobscot_Expedition'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'France'], ['United_States', 'largestCity', 'New_York_City'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Anglo-Russian_invasion_of_Naples'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'United_States'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Lebanon'], ['Lebanon', 'largestCity', 'Beirut'], ['Pakistan', 'largestCity', 'Karachi'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Italy'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Hong_Kong'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Ticonderoga_(1777)'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Trois-Rivières'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Saratoga_Campaign'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Quebec_(1775)'], ['United_Arab_Emirates', 'largestCity', 'Dubai'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Hubbardton'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'militaryBranch', 'British_Army'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'China'], ['China', 'largestCity', 'Shanghai'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Pakistan']]
[('James_Craig_Watson', 'almaMater', 'University_of_Michigan'), ('James_Craig_Watson', 'deathPlace', 'Madison,_Wisconsin'), ('101_Helena', 'discovered', '1868-08-15'), ('101_Helena', 'discoverer', 'James_Craig_Watson'), ('James_Craig_Watson', 'nationality', 'Canada')]
103 Colmore Row is located in Colmore Row.
{'RestArea': {'label': 'rest area', 'comment': 'A rest area is part of a Road, meant to stop and rest. More often than not, there is a filling station'}, 'HistoricalDistrict': {'label': 'Historical district', 'comment': 'a place which used to be a district.'}, 'District': {'label': 'district', 'comment': '-'}, 'DistrictWaterBoard': {'label': 'district water board', 'comment': 'Conservancy, governmental agency dedicated to surface water management'}, 'MetroStation': {'label': 'subway station', 'comment': '-'}, 'Building': {'label': 'building', 'description': 'Building is defined as a Civil Engineering structure such as a house, worship center, factory etc. that has a foundation, wall, roof etc. that protect human being and their properties from direct harsh effect of weather like rain, wind, sun etc. ('}}
{'atRowNumber': {'label': 'row number', 'description': 'Row number where the referenced resource is to be found in the source file DataTypeProperty'}, 'city': {'label': 'illiteracy', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'congressionalDistrict': {'label': 'reporting mark', 'description': 'A reporting mark is a two-, three-, or four-letter alphabetic code used to identify owners or lessees of rolling stock and other equipment used on the North American railroad network. DataTypeProperty'}, 'councilArea': {'label': 'eyes', 'description': 'The eye is called the sensory organ of sight in living organisms. DataTypeProperty'}, 'countySeat': {'label': 'DosesFirst', 'description': 'Number of first vaccine doses. DataTypeProperty'}, 'facilityId': {'label': 'facility id', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'hraState': {'label': 'hra state', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'locatedInArea': {'label': 'mount', 'description': 'creature ridden by the subject, for instance a horse DataTypeProperty'}, 'location': {'label': 'currency code', 'description': 'ISO 4217 currency designators. DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'medicalSpecialty': {'label': 'address', 'description': "Address of something as literal. Usually Building, but we also use it for the address of a Region's or Settlement's government DataTypeProperty"}, 'northWestPlace': {'label': 'speaker', 'description': 'number of office holder DataTypeProperty'}, 'wptFinalTable': {'label': 'wpt final table', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Colmore_Row', 'routeEnd', 'Victoria_Square,_Birmingham']]
[('103_Colmore_Row', 'location', 'Colmore_Row'), ('103_Colmore_Row', 'type', 'Building')]
103 Colmore Row was designed by the architect John Madin.
{'HistoricBuilding': {'label': 'historic building', 'comment': '-'}, 'Architect': {'label': 'architect', 'comment': '-'}, 'Building': {'label': 'building', 'description': 'Building is defined as a Civil Engineering structure such as a house, worship center, factory etc. that has a foundation, wall, roof etc. that protect human being and their properties from direct harsh effect of weather like rain, wind, sun etc. ('}, 'Skyscraper': {'label': 'skyscraper', 'comment': '-'}, 'WaterTower': {'label': 'Water tower', 'comment': 'a construction designed to store larger quantities of water at a place of some elevation in order to keep pressure on the water provision system'}}
{'architect': {'label': 'grave', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'architectualBureau': {'label': 'number of spans', 'description': 'Number of spans or arches. DataTypeProperty'}, 'architecturalStyle': {'label': 'area of a land (m2)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'atRowNumber': {'label': 'row number', 'description': 'Row number where the referenced resource is to be found in the source file DataTypeProperty'}, 'builder': {'label': 'austrian land tag mandate', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'building': {'label': 'BRIN code', 'description': 'The code used by the Dutch Ministry of Education to identify a school (as an organisation) DataTypeProperty'}, 'construction': {'label': 'consecration', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'designer': {'label': 'information name', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'hallOfFame': {'label': 'hall of fame', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberBuilt': {'label': 'number built', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfSeats': {'label': 'number of seats', 'description': 'total number of seats/members in an assembly (legislative house or similar) DataTypeProperty'}, 'wptFinalTable': {'label': 'wpt final table', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Colmore_Row', 'routeEnd', 'Victoria_Square,_Birmingham']]
[('103_Colmore_Row', 'architect', 'John_Madin'), ('103_Colmore_Row', 'type', 'Building')]
103 Hera has a periapsis of 371240000.0 kilometres, and the epoch is on the 31st of July 2016.
{'cultivatedVariety': {'label': 'PfizerCumulativeDoses', 'description': '辉瑞是源自美国的跨国制药、生物技术公司,营运总部位于纽约,研发总部位于康涅狄格州的格罗顿市 DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'highestRegion': {'label': 'piston stroke (mm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'notableIdea': {'label': 'mute character in play', 'description': 'Name of a mute character in play. DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'periapsis': {'label': 'periapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'timeZone': {'label': 'ONS ID (Office national des statistiques) Algeria', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('103_Hera', 'epoch', '2011-08-27'), ('103_Hera', 'periapsis', '371240000.0_(kilometres)')]
103 Hera was discovered by James Craig Watson. He was a Canadian national who died in Madison, Wisconsin of peritonitis.
{'Cemetery': {'label': 'cemetery', 'comment': 'A burial place'}, 'HistoricalEvent': {'label': 'historical event', 'comment': 'an event that is clearly different from strictly personal events and had historical impact'}, 'HistoricalSettlement': {'label': 'Historical settlement', 'comment': 'A place which used to be a city or town or village.'}, 'HistoricPlace': {'label': 'historic place', 'comment': '-'}, 'Memorial': {'label': 'memorial', 'comment': 'A monument erected to commemorate a person, an event and/or group. In the case of a person, this might be a grave or tomb.'}}
{'bodyDiscovered': {'label': 'monument protection status', 'description': "The sort of status that is granted to a protected Building or Monument. This is not about being protected or not, this is about the nature of the protection regime. E.g., in the Netherlands the protection status 'rijksmonument' points to more elaborate protection than other statuses. DataTypeProperty"}, 'countryOrigin': {'label': 'number of licensed', 'description': 'nombre de personnes ayant une license pour pratiquer cette activité DataTypeProperty'}, 'deathCause': {'label': 'lah hof', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'deathDate': {'label': 'death date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'deathPlace': {'label': 'dress code', 'description': 'The recommended dress code for an establishment or event. DataTypeProperty'}, 'deaths': {'label': 'age range', 'description': 'Age range of students admitted in a School, MilitaryUnit, etc DataTypeProperty'}, 'discoverer': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovery': {'label': 'date when the island has been discovered', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'ethnicity': {'label': 'school number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'explorer': {'label': 'contract award', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'inCemetery': {'label': 'weight (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'lastFamilyMember': {'label': 'width (mm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'livingPlace': {'label': 'temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'nationality': {'label': 'national tournament bronze', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfDeaths': {'label': 'number of deaths', 'description': 'total (cumulative) number of people who died since start as a direct result of an event or cause DataTypeProperty'}, 'pandemicDeaths': {'label': 'Deaths', 'description': 'Permanent, irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism ObjectTypeProperty'}, 'pendamicDeaths': {'label': 'Deaths', 'description': 'Permanent, irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism ObjectTypeProperty'}, 'placeOfBurial': {'label': 'depth (μ)', 'description': 'Is a measure of the distance between a reference height and a point underneath. The exact meaning for a place is unclear. If possible, use or to be unambiguous. DataTypeProperty'}, 'specialist': {'label': 'maximum elevation (μ)', 'description': 'maximum elevation above the sea level DataTypeProperty'}}
[['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Trois-Rivières'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Muizenberg'], ['Cirrhosis', 'medicalCause', 'Hepatitis_B'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Major_trauma'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'China'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Islam_in_Canada'], ['Cirrhosis', 'medicalCause', 'Hepatitis_C'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Buddhism_in_Canada'], ['Wisconsin', 'largestCity', 'Milwaukee'], ['Peritonitis', 'medicalCause', 'Pancreatitis'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Bunker_Hill'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'United_States'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Ticonderoga_(1777)'], ['United_Arab_Emirates', 'largestCity', 'Dubai'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Religion_in_Canada'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Colon_cancer'], ['Peritonitis', 'medicalCause', 'Gastrointestinal_perforation'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Sikhism_in_Canada'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'American_Revolutionary_War'], ['China', 'largestCity', 'Shanghai'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Italy'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Hong_Kong'], ['Peritonitis', 'medicalCause', 'Pelvic_inflammatory_disease'], ['Peritonitis', 'treatment', 'Surgery'], ['Peritonitis', 'treatment', 'Intravenous_fluids'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battles_of_Saratoga'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Hinduism_in_Canada'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Quebec_(1775)'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Irreligion_in_Canada'], ['United_States', 'largestCity', 'New_York_City'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'History_of_the_Jews_in_Canada'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Stomach_ulcer'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'C._difficile_infection'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Diverticulitis'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Australia'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Southern_theater_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Pakistan'], ['Peritonitis', 'medicalCause', 'Appendicitis'], ['James_Craig_Watson', 'birthPlace', 'Fingal,_Ontario'], ['Peritonitis', 'treatment', 'Pain_medication'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Napoleonic_Wars'], ['Canadians', 'religion', 'Christianity_in_Canada'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'United_Kingdom'], ['Lebanon', 'largestCity', 'Beirut'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Colonoscopy'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Lebanon'], ['Peritonitis', 'treatment', 'Antibiotics'], ['Peritonitis', 'medicalCause', 'Cirrhosis'], ['Pancreatitis', 'medicalCause', 'Gallstone'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Mesenteric_ischemia'], ['Gastrointestinal_perforation', 'medicalCause', 'Bowel_obstruction'], ['Milwaukee', 'founder', 'George_H._Walker'], ['103_Hera', 'discoverer', 'James_Craig_Watson'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'Canadian_diaspora'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'France'], ['Milwaukee', 'founder', 'Solomon_Juneau'], ['Canadians', 'populationPlace', 'United_Arab_Emirates'], ['Cirrhosis', 'medicalCause', 'Alcoholic_liver_disease'], ['Pakistan', 'largestCity', 'Karachi'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Saratoga_Campaign'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Penobscot_Expedition'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'militaryBranch', 'British_Army'], ['Milwaukee', 'founder', 'Byron_Kilbourn'], ['Cirrhosis', 'medicalCause', 'Non-alcoholic_steatohepatitis'], ['Pancreatitis', 'medicalCause', 'Alcohol_(drug)'], ['Australia', 'largestCity', 'Sydney'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Battle_of_Hubbardton'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'French_Revolutionary_Wars'], ['James_Henry_Craig', 'battle', 'Anglo-Russian_invasion_of_Naples'], ['Pancreatitis', 'medicalCause', 'Mumps']]
[('James_Craig_Watson', 'deathCause', 'Peritonitis'), ('James_Craig_Watson', 'deathPlace', 'Madison,_Wisconsin'), ('103_Hera', 'discoverer', 'James_Craig_Watson'), ('James_Craig_Watson', 'nationality', 'Canada')]
1036 Ganymed has a temperature of 160.0 kelvins.
{'StatedResolution': {'label': 'Stated Resolution', 'comment': 'A Resolution describes a formal statement adopted by a meeting or convention.'}, 'ChemicalElement': {'label': 'chemical element', 'comment': '-'}, 'Covid19': {'label': 'COVID-19 pandemic', 'comment': 'Ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019'}, 'Archaea': {'label': 'archaea', 'comment': '-'}, 'Biomolecule': {'label': 'Biomolecule', 'comment': 'equivalent to'}, 'Planet': {'label': 'planet', 'description': nan}}
{'blockAlloy': {'label': 'unknown outcomes', 'description': 'number of launches with unknown outcomes (or in progress) DataTypeProperty'}, 'boiler': {'label': 'MusicBrainz artist id', 'description': 'MusicBrainz artist. Applies to artists DataTypeProperty'}, 'boilerPressure': {'label': 'NDL id', 'description': 'National Diet Library of Japan identificator.$1 DataTypeProperty'}, 'climate': {'label': 'colorChart', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'coolingSystem': {'label': 'Wikipage page ID', 'description': 'Reserved for DBpedia. DataTypeProperty'}, 'currentProduction': {'label': 'Alps SOIUSA code', 'description': 'the Alps SOIUSA code corresponding to the mountain, according to the SOIUSA classification DataTypeProperty'}, 'engineType': {'label': 'UCI code', 'description': 'Official UCI code for cycling teams DataTypeProperty'}, 'maximumTemperature': {'label': 'maximum temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'temperature': {'label': 'temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('1036_Ganymed', 'temperature', '160.0_(kelvins)'), ('1036_Ganymed', 'type', 'Planet')]
1036 Ganymed has an average speed of 16.86 km per sec.
{'averageSpeed': {'label': 'average speed (kmh)', 'description': 'The average speed of a thing. DataTypeProperty'}, 'engine': {'label': 'measurements', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'engineType': {'label': 'UCI code', 'description': 'Official UCI code for cycling teams DataTypeProperty'}, 'fastestDriver': {'label': 'date membership established', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'fastestDriverCountry': {'label': 'merger date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'fastestDriverTeam': {'label': 'MeSH name', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'highwaySystem': {'label': 'number of students', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'relatedMeanOfTransportation': {'label': 'number of bronze medals won', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'topSpeed': {'label': 'top speed (kmh)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('1036_Ganymed', 'averageSpeed', '16.86_(kilometrePerSeconds)')]
1036 Ganymed was discovered by Walter Baade. Baade was born in Preußisch Oldendorf and attended the University of Gottingen where one of his doctoral students was Halton Arp.
{'NobelPrize': {'label': 'Nobel Prize', 'comment': '-'}, 'Archeologist': {'label': 'archeologist', 'comment': '-'}, 'Scientist': {'label': 'scientist', 'comment': '-'}, 'Egyptologist': {'label': 'egyptologist', 'comment': '-'}, 'HistoricalSettlement': {'label': 'Historical settlement', 'comment': 'A place which used to be a city or town or village.'}, 'Planet': {'label': 'planet', 'description': nan}, 'Animal': {'label': 'animal', 'description': nan}}
{'academicAdvisor': {'label': 'Dutch PPN code', 'description': "Dutch Winkel ID is a code for an underground publication, as attributed by Lydia Winkel's work on the underground WW II press in the Netherlands. DataTypeProperty"}, 'almaMater': {'label': 'end career', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'bgafdId': {'label': 'bgafd id', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'birthPlace': {'label': 'Bioavailability', 'description': '"The rate and extent to which the active ingredient or active moiety is absorbed from a drug product and becomes available at the site of action. For drug products that are not intended to be absorbed into the bloodstream, bioavailability may be assessed by measurements intended to reflect the rate and extent to which the active ingredient or active moiety becomes available at the site of action (21CFR320.1)." DataTypeProperty'}, 'bodyDiscovered': {'label': 'monument protection status', 'description': "The sort of status that is granted to a protected Building or Monument. This is not about being protected or not, this is about the nature of the protection regime. E.g., in the Netherlands the protection status 'rijksmonument' points to more elaborate protection than other statuses. DataTypeProperty"}, 'coemperor': {'label': 'bowl record', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'daira': {'label': 'id', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovered': {'label': 'discovery date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discoverer': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovery': {'label': 'date when the island has been discovered', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'doctoralAdvisor': {'label': 'galicianSpeakersDate', 'description': 'The last inquiry date about linguistics uses. DataTypeProperty'}, 'doctoralStudent': {'label': 'galicianSpeakersPercentage', 'description': 'Percentage of Galician speakers. DataTypeProperty'}, 'explorer': {'label': 'contract award', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'firstAscentPerson': {'label': 'size (MB)', 'description': 'size of a file or software DataTypeProperty'}, 'formerHighschool': {'label': 'relics', 'description': 'Physical remains or personal effects of a saint or venerated person, preserved in a religious building DataTypeProperty'}, 'iafdId': {'label': 'iafd id', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'location': {'label': 'currency code', 'description': 'ISO 4217 currency designators. DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'nobelLaureates': {'label': 'area code', 'description': 'Area code for telephone numbers. Use this not phonePrefix DataTypeProperty'}, 'pdb': {'label': 'PDB ID', 'description': 'gene entry for 3D structural data as per the PDB (Protein Data Bank) database DataTypeProperty'}}
[['1036_Ganymed', 'discoverer', 'Walter_Baade'], ['Walter_Baade', 'birthPlace', 'German_Empire'], ['Walter_Baade', 'birthPlace', 'Preußisch_Oldendorf']]
[('Walter_Baade', 'almaMater', 'University_of_Göttingen'), ('Walter_Baade', 'birthPlace', 'Preußisch_Oldendorf'), ('1036_Ganymed', 'discoverer', 'Walter_Baade'), ('Walter_Baade', 'doctoralStudent', 'Halton_Arp'), ('1036_Ganymed', 'type', 'Planet'), ('Walter_Baade', 'type', 'Animal')]
107 Camilla was discovered by E. Wells and has an epoch date of 31 December 2006. It has an apoapsis of 560937000.0 kilometres and a periapsis of 479343000.0 kilometres.
{'GeologicalPeriod': {'label': 'geological period', 'comment': '-'}, 'Nebula': {'label': 'Nebula', 'comment': '-'}, 'ProtohistoricalPeriod': {'label': 'protohistorical period', 'comment': '-'}, 'LunarCrater': {'label': 'lunar crater', 'comment': '-'}, 'CelestialBody': {'label': 'celestial body', 'comment': '-'}, 'Planet': {'label': 'planet', 'description': nan}}
{'apoapsis': {'label': 'apoapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'archipelago': {'label': 'project start date', 'description': 'The start date of the project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'bodyDiscovered': {'label': 'monument protection status', 'description': "The sort of status that is granted to a protected Building or Monument. This is not about being protected or not, this is about the nature of the protection regime. E.g., in the Netherlands the protection status 'rijksmonument' points to more elaborate protection than other statuses. DataTypeProperty"}, 'cultivatedVariety': {'label': 'PfizerCumulativeDoses', 'description': '辉瑞是源自美国的跨国制药、生物技术公司,营运总部位于纽约,研发总部位于康涅狄格州的格罗顿市 DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovered': {'label': 'discovery date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discoverer': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovery': {'label': 'date when the island has been discovered', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'eruptionYear': {'label': 'eruption date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'explorer': {'label': 'contract award', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'foalDate': {'label': 'foal date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'massif': {'label': 'weight (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'oldProvince': {'label': 'area total (km2)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'patronSaint': {'label': 'last air date', 'description': 'The date on which the broadcaster made its last broadcast. DataTypeProperty'}, 'periapsis': {'label': 'periapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('107_Camilla', 'apoapsis', '560937000.0_(kilometres)'), ('107_Camilla', 'discoverer', 'E._Wells'), ('107_Camilla', 'epoch', '2006-12-31'), ('107_Camilla', 'periapsis', '479343000.0_(kilometres)'), ('107_Camilla', 'type', 'Planet')]
107 Camilla was discovered by F. Vilas.
{'bishopric': {'label': 'date of approval by upper parliament', 'description': 'Date of approval by upper parliament (House of Lords, Sénat, Eerste Kamer etc.). DataTypeProperty'}, 'bodyDiscovered': {'label': 'monument protection status', 'description': "The sort of status that is granted to a protected Building or Monument. This is not about being protected or not, this is about the nature of the protection regime. E.g., in the Netherlands the protection status 'rijksmonument' points to more elaborate protection than other statuses. DataTypeProperty"}, 'discoverer': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovery': {'label': 'date when the island has been discovered', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'explorer': {'label': 'contract award', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'localization': {'label': 'localization of the island', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mainIslands': {'label': 'main islands', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfIsland': {'label': 'number of islands', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfIslands': {'label': 'number of islands', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'oldProvince': {'label': 'area total (km2)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'patronSaint': {'label': 'last air date', 'description': 'The date on which the broadcaster made its last broadcast. DataTypeProperty'}, 'regentOf': {'label': 'COSPAR id', 'description': 'Described at DataTypeProperty'}}
[['107_Camilla', 'discoverer', 'Norman_Robert_Pogson']]
[('107_Camilla', 'discoverer', 'F._Vilas')]
107 Camilla which has a periapsis of 479343000.0 kilometres was discovered by E Wells and has an epoch date of 31st December 2006.
{'Nebula': {'label': 'Nebula', 'comment': '-'}, 'LunarCrater': {'label': 'lunar crater', 'comment': '-'}, 'ProtohistoricalPeriod': {'label': 'protohistorical period', 'comment': '-'}, 'CelestialBody': {'label': 'celestial body', 'comment': '-'}, 'YearInSpaceflight': {'label': 'year in spaceflight', 'comment': '-'}}
{'archipelago': {'label': 'project start date', 'description': 'The start date of the project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'bodyDiscovered': {'label': 'monument protection status', 'description': "The sort of status that is granted to a protected Building or Monument. This is not about being protected or not, this is about the nature of the protection regime. E.g., in the Netherlands the protection status 'rijksmonument' points to more elaborate protection than other statuses. DataTypeProperty"}, 'creationYear': {'label': 'year of creation', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'cultivatedVariety': {'label': 'PfizerCumulativeDoses', 'description': '辉瑞是源自美国的跨国制药、生物技术公司,营运总部位于纽约,研发总部位于康涅狄格州的格罗顿市 DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovered': {'label': 'discovery date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discoverer': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovery': {'label': 'date when the island has been discovered', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'eruptionYear': {'label': 'eruption date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'explorer': {'label': 'contract award', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'massif': {'label': 'weight (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'patronSaint': {'label': 'last air date', 'description': 'The date on which the broadcaster made its last broadcast. DataTypeProperty'}, 'periapsis': {'label': 'periapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'significantProject': {'label': 'suppredded date', 'description': "Date when the Church forbade the veneration of this saint. \r\n(I hope that's what it means, I don't know why the original author didn't document it) DataTypeProperty"}}
[['107_Camilla', 'discoverer', 'Norman_Robert_Pogson']]
[('E', '.', '_'), ('107_Camilla', 'discoverer', 'E._Wells'), ('107_Camilla', 'epoch', '2006-12-31'), ('107_Camilla', 'periapsis', '479343000.0_(kilometres)')]
107 Camilla, discovered by N. R. Pogson, has the epoch 31st December 2006.
{'astrologicalSign': {'label': 'minority floor leader', 'description': 'number of office holder DataTypeProperty'}, 'bodyDiscovered': {'label': 'monument protection status', 'description': "The sort of status that is granted to a protected Building or Monument. This is not about being protected or not, this is about the nature of the protection regime. E.g., in the Netherlands the protection status 'rijksmonument' points to more elaborate protection than other statuses. DataTypeProperty"}, 'creationYear': {'label': 'year of creation', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'dateUnveiled': {'label': 'date unveiled', 'description': 'Designates the unveiling date DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovered': {'label': 'discovery date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discoverer': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovery': {'label': 'date when the island has been discovered', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'explorer': {'label': 'contract award', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'subGenus': {'label': 'arm', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'zodiacSign': {'label': 'final lost team', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('107_Camilla', 'discoverer', 'N._R._Pogson'), ('107_Camilla', 'epoch', '2006-12-31')]
107 Camilla, which was discovered by F Vilas and has the epoch date of 31 December 2006, has an orbital period of 2368.05 days. It has a periapsis of 479343000.0 kms and an apoapsis of 560937000.0 kms.
{'apoapsis': {'label': 'apoapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'archipelago': {'label': 'project start date', 'description': 'The start date of the project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'astrologicalSign': {'label': 'minority floor leader', 'description': 'number of office holder DataTypeProperty'}, 'bodyDiscovered': {'label': 'monument protection status', 'description': "The sort of status that is granted to a protected Building or Monument. This is not about being protected or not, this is about the nature of the protection regime. E.g., in the Netherlands the protection status 'rijksmonument' points to more elaborate protection than other statuses. DataTypeProperty"}, 'constellation': {'label': 'iso code of a community', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'cultivatedVariety': {'label': 'PfizerCumulativeDoses', 'description': '辉瑞是源自美国的跨国制药、生物技术公司,营运总部位于纽约,研发总部位于康涅狄格州的格罗顿市 DataTypeProperty'}, 'discoverer': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'explorer': {'label': 'contract award', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'mission': {'label': 'currently used for', 'description': 'Current use of the architectural structure, if it is currently being used as anything other than its original purpose. DataTypeProperty'}, 'orbitalPeriod': {'label': 'orbital period (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'periapsis': {'label': 'periapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'rocket': {'label': 'age', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'spacecraft': {'label': 'number of countries', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'stellarClassification': {'label': 'Believers', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'zodiacSign': {'label': 'final lost team', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['107_Camilla', 'discoverer', 'Norman_Robert_Pogson']]
[('F', '.', '_'), ('107_Camilla', 'apoapsis', '560937000.0_(kilometres)'), ('107_Camilla', 'discoverer', 'F._Vilas'), ('107_Camilla', 'epoch', '2006-12-31'), ('107_Camilla', 'orbitalPeriod', '2368.05_(days)'), ('107_Camilla', 'periapsis', '479343000.0_(kilometres)')]
109 Felicitas has a periapsis of 283326000000.0.
{'Moss': {'label': 'moss', 'comment': '-'}, 'Plant': {'label': 'plant', 'comment': '-'}, 'Species': {'label': 'species', 'comment': 'A category in the rating system'}, 'FloweringPlant': {'label': 'flowering plant', 'comment': '-'}, 'Taxon': {'label': 'taxonomic group', 'comment': 'a category within a classification system for Species'}, 'Planet': {'label': 'planet', 'description': nan}}
{'calculationNeeds': {'label': 'discontinued', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'cultivatedVariety': {'label': 'PfizerCumulativeDoses', 'description': '辉瑞是源自美国的跨国制药、生物技术公司,营运总部位于纽约,研发总部位于康涅狄格州的格罗顿市 DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'periapsis': {'label': 'periapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'silCode': {'label': 'deme', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'terytCode': {'label': 'band', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('109_Felicitas', 'periapsis', '283326000000.0'), ('109_Felicitas', 'type', 'Planet')]
109 Felicitas has a temperature of 170 kelvins.
{'boiler': {'label': 'MusicBrainz artist id', 'description': 'MusicBrainz artist. Applies to artists DataTypeProperty'}, 'boilerPressure': {'label': 'NDL id', 'description': 'National Diet Library of Japan identificator.$1 DataTypeProperty'}, 'climate': {'label': 'colorChart', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'coolingSystem': {'label': 'Wikipage page ID', 'description': 'Reserved for DBpedia. DataTypeProperty'}, 'fuelType': {'label': 'numberOfClassesWithResource', 'description': 'number of class in DBpedia with at least single resource (class entity) DataTypeProperty'}, 'primaryFuelType': {'label': 'demolition year', 'description': 'The year the building was demolished. DataTypeProperty'}, 'temperature': {'label': 'temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('109_Felicitas', 'temperature', '170.0_(kelvins)')]
1097 Vicia has a mass of 9.8 kgs and an epoch date of Dec. 31, 2016. It has an orbital period of 135589000. and a periapsis measurement of 279142000000.0.
{'astrologicalSign': {'label': 'minority floor leader', 'description': 'number of office holder DataTypeProperty'}, 'constellation': {'label': 'iso code of a community', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'cultivatedVariety': {'label': 'PfizerCumulativeDoses', 'description': '辉瑞是源自美国的跨国制药、生物技术公司,营运总部位于纽约,研发总部位于康涅狄格州的格罗顿市 DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'mass': {'label': 'mass (g)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mission': {'label': 'currently used for', 'description': 'Current use of the architectural structure, if it is currently being used as anything other than its original purpose. DataTypeProperty'}, 'orbitalPeriod': {'label': 'orbital period (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'periapsis': {'label': 'periapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'rocket': {'label': 'age', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'spacecraft': {'label': 'number of countries', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'stellarClassification': {'label': 'Believers', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'supply': {'label': 'black ski piste number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'termPeriod': {'label': 'number of rockets', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'volumes': {'label': 'cargo fuel (g)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'weapon': {'label': 'cargo water (g)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('1097_Vicia', 'epoch', '2006-12-31'), ('1097_Vicia', 'mass', '9.8_(kilograms)'), ('1097_Vicia', 'orbitalPeriod', '135589000.0'), ('1097_Vicia', 'periapsis', '279142000000.0')]
1099 Figneria has a mass of 2.7kg.
{'StatedResolution': {'label': 'Stated Resolution', 'comment': 'A Resolution describes a formal statement adopted by a meeting or convention.'}, 'Mineral': {'label': 'mineral', 'comment': 'A naturally occurring solid chemical substance.'}, 'Statistic': {'label': 'statistic', 'comment': '-'}, 'Asteroid': {'label': 'asteroid', 'comment': '-'}, 'Pyramid': {'label': 'Pyramid', 'comment': 'a structure whose shape is roughly that of a pyramid in the geometric sense.'}, 'Planet': {'label': 'planet', 'description': nan}}
{'calculationNeeds': {'label': 'discontinued', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mass': {'label': 'mass (g)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'millType': {'label': 'Date Last Updated', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'resolution': {'label': 'number of vineyards', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'significantProject': {'label': 'suppredded date', 'description': "Date when the Church forbade the veneration of this saint. \r\n(I hope that's what it means, I don't know why the original author didn't document it) DataTypeProperty"}, 'supply': {'label': 'black ski piste number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'volumes': {'label': 'cargo fuel (g)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'weapon': {'label': 'cargo water (g)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('1099_Figneria', 'mass', '2.7_(kilograms)'), ('1099_Figneria', 'type', 'Planet')]
1099 Figneria has an apoapsis of 605718000.0 kilometres and an average speed of 16.37 km per sec.
{'agglomerationArea': {'label': 'issn', 'description': 'International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) DataTypeProperty'}, 'altitude': {'label': 'legislative period name', 'description': 'The term of the on-going session (e.g.: "40th Canadian Parliament"). DataTypeProperty'}, 'apoapsis': {'label': 'apoapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'archipelago': {'label': 'project start date', 'description': 'The start date of the project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'averageSpeed': {'label': 'average speed (kmh)', 'description': 'The average speed of a thing. DataTypeProperty'}, 'constellation': {'label': 'iso code of a community', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'fastestDriver': {'label': 'date membership established', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'fastestDriverCountry': {'label': 'merger date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'highwaySystem': {'label': 'number of students', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'relatedMeanOfTransportation': {'label': 'number of bronze medals won', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'spacecraft': {'label': 'number of countries', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('1099_Figneria', 'apoapsis', '605718000.0_(kilometres)'), ('1099_Figneria', 'averageSpeed', '16.37_(kilometrePerSeconds)')]
11 Diagonal Street is in South Africa. One South African group is the Coloured.
{'Street': {'label': 'street', 'comment': 'A Street is different from a Road in as far as the infrastructure aspect is much less important here. A Street is a social and architectural ensemble much more than the connection between two geographic points.'}, 'EthnicGroup': {'label': 'ethnic group', 'comment': '-'}, 'Road': {'label': 'road', 'comment': '-'}, 'Colour': {'label': 'colour', 'comment': 'Color or colour is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, yellow, blue and others. Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light energy versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors.'}, 'CricketGround': {'label': 'cricket ground', 'comment': '-'}, 'Building': {'label': 'building', 'description': 'Building is defined as a Civil Engineering structure such as a house, worship center, factory etc. that has a foundation, wall, roof etc. that protect human being and their properties from direct harsh effect of weather like rain, wind, sun etc. ('}, 'Location': {'label': 'Location', 'description': 'No description available'}}
{'addressInRoad': {'label': 'average speed (km/s)', 'description': 'The average speed of a thing. DataTypeProperty'}, 'areaUrban': {'label': 'area urban (km2)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'city': {'label': 'illiteracy', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'colourName': {'label': 'colour name', 'description': 'A colour represented by a string holding its name (e.g.: red or green). DataTypeProperty'}, 'continent': {'label': 'PersonsFullDosesCumul', 'description': 'Number of persons received full vaccine doses DataTypeProperty'}, 'ethnicGroup': {'label': 'election date leader', 'description': 'The date that leader was elected. DataTypeProperty'}, 'ethnicity': {'label': 'school number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'location': {'label': 'currency code', 'description': 'ISO 4217 currency designators. DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'officialSchoolColour': {'label': 'official school colour', 'description': 'The official colour of the EducationalInstitution represented by the colour name (e.g.: red or green). DataTypeProperty'}, 'race': {'label': 'displacement (g)', 'description': "A ship's displacement is its mass at any given time. DataTypeProperty"}, 'races': {'label': 'school number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'southEastPlace': {'label': 'licensee', 'description': 'Identify which company or entity holds the licence (mostly string are used in Wikipedia, therefore range is xsd:sting). DataTypeProperty'}, 'southPlace': {'label': 'mascot', 'description': 'something, especially a person or animal, used to symbolize a sports team, company, organization or other group. DataTypeProperty'}, 'southWestPlace': {'label': 'military unit size', 'description': 'the size of the military unit DataTypeProperty'}, 'stateOfOriginTeam': {'label': 'barangays', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Namibia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Tswana_people'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Tabwa'], ['11_Diagonal_Street', 'location', 'South_Africa'], ['Namibia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Herero_people'], ['South_Africa', 'largestCity', 'Johannesburg'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Ngoni_people'], ['Zimbabwe', 'ethnicGroup', 'Asian_people'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Mambwe_people'], ['Namibia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Nama_people'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Ila_people'], ['Coloureds', 'populationPlace', 'South_Africa'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Mbunda_people'], ['Zimbabwe', 'ethnicGroup', 'White_people_in_Zimbabwe'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Nsenga_people'], ['South_Africa', 'ethnicGroup', 'Bantu_peoples_in_South_Africa'], ['Coloureds', 'populationPlace', 'Zimbabwe'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Kunda_people'], ['Johannesburg', 'country', 'South_Africa'], ['11_Diagonal_Street', 'location', 'Johannesburg'], ['South_Africa', 'ethnicGroup', 'Asian_(South_Africa)'], ['Coloureds', 'populationPlace', 'Zambia'], ['Zimbabwe', 'largestCity', 'Harare'], ['Namibia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Coloured_people_in_Namibia'], ['South_Africa', 'ethnicGroup', 'White_South_Africans'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Lozi_people'], ['Namibia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Lozi_people'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Senga_people'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Lamba_people'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Chokwe_people'], ['Botswana', 'ethnicGroup', 'San_people'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Tumbuka_people'], ['South_Africa', 'ethnicGroup', 'Coloureds'], ['Botswana', 'ethnicGroup', 'Tswana_people'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Chewa_people'], ['Namibia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Ovambo_people'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Lunda_people'], ['Zimbabwe', 'ethnicGroup', 'Coloured'], ['Namibia', 'ethnicGroup', 'White_Namibians'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Lungu_people'], ['Zimbabwe', 'ethnicGroup', 'Black_African'], ['Coloureds', 'populationPlace', 'Botswana'], ['Namibia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Kavango_people'], ['Zimbabwe', 'ethnicGroup', 'Northern_Ndebele_people'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Bemba_people'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Tonga_people_of_Zambia_and_Zimbabwe'], ['Zambia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Nkoya_people'], ['Botswana', 'ethnicGroup', 'Kalanga_people'], ['Namibia', 'ethnicGroup', 'Damara_(people)'], ['Namibia', 'ethnicGroup', 'San_people'], ['Coloureds', 'populationPlace', 'Namibia']]
[('South_Africa', 'ethnicGroup', 'Coloureds'), ('11_Diagonal_Street', 'location', 'South_Africa'), ('11_Diagonal_Street', 'type', 'Building'), ('South_Africa', 'type', 'Location')]
11 Diagonal Street is located in South Africa, of which Cape Town is the capital. Two ethnic groups within South Africa are the Asian South Africans, and white South Africans.
{'Cape': {'label': 'cape', 'comment': '-'}, 'Street': {'label': 'street', 'comment': 'A Street is different from a Road in as far as the infrastructure aspect is much less important here. A Street is a social and architectural ensemble much more than the connection between two geographic points.'}, 'CapitalOfRegion': {'label': 'Capital of region', 'comment': 'seat of a first order administration division.'}, 'Continent': {'label': 'continent', 'comment': '-'}, 'Capital': {'label': 'Capital', 'comment': 'A municipality enjoying primary status in a state, country, province, or other region as its seat of government.'}, 'Location': {'label': 'Location', 'description': 'No description available'}, 'Building': {'label': 'building', 'description': 'Building is defined as a Civil Engineering structure such as a house, worship center, factory etc. that has a foundation, wall, roof etc. that protect human being and their properties from direct harsh effect of weather like rain, wind, sun etc. ('}}
{'areaUrban': {'label': 'area urban (km2)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capital': {'label': 'function end year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalPlace': {'label': 'election date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalPosition': {'label': 'MeSH ID', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalRegion': {'label': 'service end year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'city': {'label': 'illiteracy', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'councilArea': {'label': 'eyes', 'description': 'The eye is called the sensory organ of sight in living organisms. DataTypeProperty'}, 'ethnicGroup': {'label': 'election date leader', 'description': 'The date that leader was elected. DataTypeProperty'}, 'ethnicity': {'label': 'school number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'location': {'label': 'currency code', 'description': 'ISO 4217 currency designators. DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'neighbourRegion': {'label': 'neighbour region', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'openingFilm': {'label': 'ncbhof', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'outskirts': {'label': 'displacement (g)', 'description': "A ship's displacement is its mass at any given time. DataTypeProperty"}, 'race': {'label': 'displacement (g)', 'description': "A ship's displacement is its mass at any given time. DataTypeProperty"}, 'southEastPlace': {'label': 'licensee', 'description': 'Identify which company or entity holds the licence (mostly string are used in Wikipedia, therefore range is xsd:sting). DataTypeProperty'}, 'southPlace': {'label': 'mascot', 'description': 'something, especially a person or animal, used to symbolize a sports team, company, organization or other group. DataTypeProperty'}, 'southWestPlace': {'label': 'military unit size', 'description': 'the size of the military unit DataTypeProperty'}, 'urbanArea': {'label': 'urban area', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Eastern_Cape', 'country', 'South_Africa'], ['Northern_Cape', 'country', 'South_Africa'], ['White_South_Africans', 'populationPlace', 'Mpumalanga'], ['White_South_Africans', 'populationPlace', 'Eastern_Cape'], ['White_South_Africans', 'populationPlace', 'Gauteng'], ['White_South_Africans', 'populationPlace', 'Free_State_(South_African_province)'], ['White_South_Africans', 'populationPlace', 'Limpopo'], ['Western_Cape', 'country', 'South_Africa'], ['North_West_(South_African_province)', 'country', 'South_Africa'], ['KwaZulu-Natal', 'country', 'South_Africa'], ['White_South_Africans', 'populationPlace', 'KwaZulu-Natal'], ['Durban', 'country', 'South_Africa'], ['Limpopo', 'country', 'South_Africa'], ['Mpumalanga', 'country', 'South_Africa'], ['11_Diagonal_Street', 'location', 'Johannesburg'], ['White_South_Africans', 'populationPlace', 'Northern_Cape'], ['Johannesburg', 'country', 'South_Africa'], ['11_Diagonal_Street', 'location', 'South_Africa'], ['White_South_Africans', 'populationPlace', 'North_West_(South_African_province)'], ['Indian_South_Africans', 'populationPlace', 'Durban'], ['South_Africa', 'largestCity', 'Johannesburg'], ['White_South_Africans', 'populationPlace', 'Western_Cape'], ['Gauteng', 'country', 'South_Africa'], ['Cape_Town', 'country', 'South_Africa']]
[('South_Africa', 'capital', 'Cape_Town'), ('South_Africa', 'ethnicGroup', 'White_South_Africans'), ('South_Africa', 'ethnicGroup', 'Indian_South_Africans'), ('11_Diagonal_Street', 'location', 'South_Africa'), ('South_Africa', 'type', 'Location'), ('11_Diagonal_Street', 'type', 'Building')]
11 Diagonal Street was completed in 1983.
{'Street': {'label': 'street', 'comment': 'A Street is different from a Road in as far as the infrastructure aspect is much less important here. A Street is a social and architectural ensemble much more than the connection between two geographic points.'}, 'Road': {'label': 'road', 'comment': '-'}, 'RoadJunction': {'label': 'road junction', 'comment': 'A road junction is a location where vehicular traffic going in different directions can proceed in a controlled manner designed to minimize accidents. In some cases, vehicles can change between different routes or directions of travel ('}, 'Skyscraper': {'label': 'skyscraper', 'comment': '-'}, 'HistoricBuilding': {'label': 'historic building', 'comment': '-'}, 'Building': {'label': 'building', 'description': 'Building is defined as a Civil Engineering structure such as a house, worship center, factory etc. that has a foundation, wall, roof etc. that protect human being and their properties from direct harsh effect of weather like rain, wind, sun etc. ('}}
{'addressInRoad': {'label': 'average speed (km/s)', 'description': 'The average speed of a thing. DataTypeProperty'}, 'beltwayCity': {'label': 'NIS code', 'description': 'Indexing code used by the Belgium National Statistical Institute to identify populated places. DataTypeProperty'}, 'buildingEndYear': {'label': 'building end year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'completionDate': {'label': 'completion date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'highestBuildingInYear': {'label': 'highest building in year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'highwaySystem': {'label': 'number of students', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'meetingRoad': {'label': 'launches', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'previousWorkDate': {'label': 'classification', 'description': 'Any string representing a class or category this thing is assigned to. DataTypeProperty'}, 'recentWinner': {'label': 'date unveiled', 'description': 'Designates the unveiling date DataTypeProperty'}, 'road': {'label': 'affiliate', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'routeEndDirection': {'label': 'road end direction', 'description': 'End of the route. The opposite of OntologyProperty:routeStartDirection. DataTypeProperty'}, 'routeStartDirection': {'label': 'road start direction', 'description': 'End of the route. For U.S. roads, this should be either "South" or "West" per the standards set by the U.S. Roads project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'subsequentWorkDate': {'label': 'registry', 'description': 'A registry recording entires with associated codes. DataTypeProperty'}, 'yearOfConstruction': {'label': 'year of construction', 'description': 'The year in which construction of the Place was finished. DataTypeProperty'}}
[['11_Diagonal_Street', 'architect', 'Helmut_Jahn']]
[('11_Diagonal_Street', 'completionDate', '1983'), ('11_Diagonal_Street', 'type', 'Building')]
110 Lydia has a periapsis of 377016000000.0.
{'FloweringPlant': {'label': 'flowering plant', 'comment': '-'}, 'BrownDwarf': {'label': 'brown dwarf', 'comment': '-'}, 'Constellation': {'label': 'constellation', 'comment': '-'}, 'StarCluster': {'label': 'Star сluster', 'comment': '-'}, 'Locality': {'label': 'locality', 'comment': '-'}, 'Planet': {'label': 'planet', 'description': nan}}
{'constellation': {'label': 'iso code of a community', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'cultivatedVariety': {'label': 'PfizerCumulativeDoses', 'description': '辉瑞是源自美国的跨国制药、生物技术公司,营运总部位于纽约,研发总部位于康涅狄格州的格罗顿市 DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'millType': {'label': 'Date Last Updated', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'periapsis': {'label': 'periapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'stellarClassification': {'label': 'Believers', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'terytCode': {'label': 'band', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'wilaya': {'label': 'first flight start date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('110_Lydia', 'periapsis', '377016000000.0'), ('110_Lydia', 'type', 'Planet')]
110 Lydia has a rotation period of 39332.9, and its epoch is 31st December 2006.
{'activeYears': {'label': 'active years', 'description': 'Also called "floruit". Use this if the active years are in one field that can\'t be split. Else use activeYearsStartYear and activeYearsEndYear DataTypeProperty'}, 'astrologicalSign': {'label': 'minority floor leader', 'description': 'number of office holder DataTypeProperty'}, 'birthYear': {'label': 'birth year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'cousurper': {'label': 'distance to Cardiff (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'eruptionYear': {'label': 'eruption date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'movement': {'label': 'reservations', 'description': 'Are reservations required for the establishment or event? DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'previousWorkDate': {'label': 'classification', 'description': 'Any string representing a class or category this thing is assigned to. DataTypeProperty'}, 'rotationPeriod': {'label': 'rotation period (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'stellarClassification': {'label': 'Believers', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'timeZone': {'label': 'ONS ID (Office national des statistiques) Algeria', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'usurper': {'label': 'capital coordinates', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('110_Lydia', 'epoch', '2006-12-31'), ('110_Lydia', 'rotationPeriod', '39332.9')]
110 Lydia has an epoch date of December 31st 2006.
{'activeYearsEndDate': {'label': 'active years end date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'birthYear': {'label': 'birth year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'date': {'label': 'ONS ID (Office national des statistiques) Algeria', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'discovered': {'label': 'discovery date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'geminiAward': {'label': 'fuel capacity (l)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'march': {'label': 'musical key', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'previousWorkDate': {'label': 'classification', 'description': 'Any string representing a class or category this thing is assigned to. DataTypeProperty'}, 'timeZone': {'label': 'ONS ID (Office national des statistiques) Algeria', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('110_Lydia', 'epoch', '2006-12-31')]
1101 Clematis has a periapsis of 445895000000.
{'cultivatedVariety': {'label': 'PfizerCumulativeDoses', 'description': '辉瑞是源自美国的跨国制药、生物技术公司,营运总部位于纽约,研发总部位于康涅狄格州的格罗顿市 DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'geneLocation': {'label': 'wheelbase (mm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'genus': {'label': 'lunar module', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'orthologousGene': {'label': 'lunar orbit time (ω)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'periapsis': {'label': 'periapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'phylum': {'label': 'map description', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'subGenus': {'label': 'arm', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('1101_Clematis', 'periapsis', '445895000000.0')]
1101 Clematis' epoch date is December 31, 2006. Its orbital period is 183309000.0 and its apoapsis is 520906000.0 (kilometres).
{'apoapsis': {'label': 'apoapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'archipelago': {'label': 'project start date', 'description': 'The start date of the project. DataTypeProperty'}, 'astrologicalSign': {'label': 'minority floor leader', 'description': 'number of office holder DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'mission': {'label': 'currently used for', 'description': 'Current use of the architectural structure, if it is currently being used as anything other than its original purpose. DataTypeProperty'}, 'orbitalPeriod': {'label': 'orbital period (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'rocket': {'label': 'age', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'spacecraft': {'label': 'number of countries', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'stellarClassification': {'label': 'Believers', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'timeZone': {'label': 'ONS ID (Office national des statistiques) Algeria', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('1101_Clematis', 'apoapsis', '520906000.0_(kilometres)'), ('1101_Clematis', 'epoch', '2006-12-31'), ('1101_Clematis', 'orbitalPeriod', '183309000.0')]
11264 Claudiomaccone has the epoch date of 26 November 2005 and its periapsis is 296521000.0 kilometres.
{'GeologicalPeriod': {'label': 'geological period', 'comment': '-'}, 'YearInSpaceflight': {'label': 'year in spaceflight', 'comment': '-'}, 'ProtohistoricalPeriod': {'label': 'protohistorical period', 'comment': '-'}, 'PrehistoricalPeriod': {'label': 'prehistorical period', 'comment': '-'}, 'Year': {'label': 'year', 'comment': '-'}, 'Planet': {'label': 'planet', 'description': nan}}
{'countryWithFirstSatelliteLaunched': {'label': 'Has KML data associated with it (usually because of KML overlays)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'cultivatedVariety': {'label': 'PfizerCumulativeDoses', 'description': '辉瑞是源自美国的跨国制药、生物技术公司,营运总部位于纽约,研发总部位于康涅狄格州的格罗顿市 DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'march': {'label': 'musical key', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'periapsis': {'label': 'periapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'timeZone': {'label': 'ONS ID (Office national des statistiques) Algeria', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('11264_Claudiomaccone', 'epoch', '2005-11-26'), ('11264_Claudiomaccone', 'periapsis', '296521000.0_(kilometres)'), ('11264_Claudiomaccone', 'type', 'Planet')]
14R/32L is the runway name of Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport.
{'SoccerClub': {'label': 'soccer club', 'comment': '-'}, 'CanadianFootballLeague': {'label': 'liga de fútbol canadiense', 'comment': 'A group of sports teams that compete against each other in canadian football league.'}, 'SoccerClubSeason': {'label': 'soccer club season', 'comment': '-'}, 'SoccerPlayer': {'label': 'soccer player', 'comment': '-'}, 'NationalSoccerClub': {'label': 'national soccer club', 'comment': '-'}, 'Infrastructure': {'label': 'infrastructure', 'description': nan}}
{'airportUsing': {'label': 'Different usage of an airport', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'border': {'label': 'BBR', 'description': "For NBA players, the text between the last slash and .html in the URL of the player's profile (linked at DataTypeProperty"}, 'clubsRecordGoalscorer': {'label': 'memorial ID number', 'description': 'Identifier for monuments of the Memorial type DataTypeProperty'}, 'designer': {'label': 'information name', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'hubAirport': {'label': 'free', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'movement': {'label': 'reservations', 'description': 'Are reservations required for the establishment or event? DataTypeProperty'}, 'runwayDesignation': {'label': 'designation of runway', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'runwayLength': {'label': 'length of runway (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'runwaySurface': {'label': 'surface of runway', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'runwayWidth': {'label': 'width of runway (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'significantDesign': {'label': 'Astrazenca', 'description': 'AstraZeneca plc is a British-Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company with its headquarters at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus in Cambridge, England. DataTypeProperty'}, 'stadium': {'label': 'number of players', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'targetAirport': {'label': 'mill code BE', 'description': 'mills code from the Belgian database on mills DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Adolfo_Camarillo', 'deathPlace', 'Camarillo,_California']]
[('Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport', 'runwayDesignation', '14R/32L'), ('Adolfo_Suárez_Madrid–Barajas_Airport', 'type', 'Infrastructure')]
1634: The Bavarian Crisis is preceded by The Grantville Gazettes.
{'alpsMainPart': {'label': 'JSTOR', 'description': 'JSTOR number (short for Journal Storage) is a United States-based online system number for archiving academic journals. DataTypeProperty'}, 'alpsSection': {'label': 'official school colour', 'description': 'The official colour of the EducationalInstitution represented by the colour name (e.g.: red or green). DataTypeProperty'}, 'alpsSubsection': {'label': 'eMedicine topic', 'description': 'Different from eMedicineSubject, which see DataTypeProperty'}, 'bourgmestre': {'label': 'premiere year', 'description': 'Year the play was first performed. DataTypeProperty'}, 'licenceLetter': {'label': 'licence letter of a german settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mayorTitle': {'label': 'mayor title of a hungarian settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'neighbourhood': {'label': 'neighbourhood of a hungarian settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'previousWork': {'label': 'NSSDC ID', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'previousWorkDate': {'label': 'classification', 'description': 'Any string representing a class or category this thing is assigned to. DataTypeProperty'}, 'reffBourgmestre': {'label': 'abbey church blessing charge', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'signName': {'label': 'sign name of a hungarian settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'subsequentWork': {'label': 'number of district', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'ward': {'label': 'ward of a liechtenstein settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['The_Grantville_Gazettes', 'subsequentWork', 'Grantville_Gazette_II'], ['Grantville_Gazette_II', 'subsequentWork', 'Grantville_Gazette_III'], ['The_Grantville_Gazettes', 'publisher', 'Baen_Books']]
[('1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'previousWork', 'The_Grantville_Gazettes')]
1634: The Bavarian Crisis was authored by Virginia DeMarce and Eric Flint and has an ISBN number of 978-1-4165-4253-7. The book is available in the shops.
{'author': {'label': 'green long distance piste number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'codeBook': {'label': 'code book', 'description': 'code book or statute book referred to in this legal case DataTypeProperty'}, 'documentNumber': {'label': 'document number', 'description': 'Identification a document within a particular registry DataTypeProperty'}, 'firstPublisher': {'label': 'population density rural (/sqkm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isbn': {'label': 'ISBN', 'description': 'The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric commercial book identifier based upon the 9-digit Standard Book Numbering (SBN) code. DataTypeProperty'}, 'licenceLetter': {'label': 'licence letter of a german settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'media': {'label': 'date extended', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mediaType': {'label': 'main building', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'musicType': {'label': 'main islands', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'narrator': {'label': 'national team year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'notableWork': {'label': 'number of piers in water', 'description': 'Number of piers standing in a river or other water in normal conditions. DataTypeProperty'}, 'novel': {'label': 'temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'oclc': {'label': 'OCLC', 'description': 'Online Computer Library Center number DataTypeProperty'}, 'prefaceBy': {'label': 'free flight time (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'publisher': {'label': 'lethal when given to rats', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'publisher', 'Baen_Books'], ['Virginia_DeMarce', 'notableWork', '1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis'], ['1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'author', 'Virginia_DeMarce'], ['Eric_Flint', 'deathPlace', 'East_Chicago,_Indiana'], ['1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'author', 'Eric_Flint'], ['Eric_Flint', 'notableWork', '1632_(novel)']]
[('1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'author', 'Virginia_DeMarce_and_Eric_Flint'), ('1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'isbn', '978-1-4165-4253-7'), ('1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'mediaType', 'Print')]
1634: The Bavarian Crisis was preceded by 1634: The Baltic War (author: David Weber) and followed by Ring of Fire II which is written in English.
{'academicDiscipline': {'label': 'fibahof', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'author': {'label': 'green long distance piste number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'deFactoLanguage': {'label': 'certification', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'doctoralAdvisor': {'label': 'galicianSpeakersDate', 'description': 'The last inquiry date about linguistics uses. DataTypeProperty'}, 'followedBy': {'label': 'distance to nearest city (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'follows': {'label': 'distance traveled (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'hasAnnotation': {'label': 'acceleration (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'historicalName': {'label': 'historical name', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'language': {'label': 'legend thumbnail localization', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'licenceLetter': {'label': 'licence letter of a german settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'linkedTo': {'label': 'surface area (km2)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'literaryGenre': {'label': 'lunar surface time (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'narrator': {'label': 'national team year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'notableWork': {'label': 'number of piers in water', 'description': 'Number of piers standing in a river or other water in normal conditions. DataTypeProperty'}, 'originalLanguage': {'label': 'lchf draft year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'polishFilmAward': {'label': 'docked time (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'prefaceBy': {'label': 'free flight time (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'previousWork': {'label': 'NSSDC ID', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'previousWorkDate': {'label': 'classification', 'description': 'Any string representing a class or category this thing is assigned to. DataTypeProperty'}, 'subsequentWork': {'label': 'number of district', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'winsAtKLPGA': {'label': 'ist', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Helsinki'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Turku'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Luleå'], ['David_Weber', 'birthPlace', 'Ohio'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Mariehamn'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Paldiski'], ['David_Weber', 'birthPlace', 'Cleveland'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Haapsalu'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Lübeck'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Kiel'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Klaipėda'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Kuressaare'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Gdynia'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Pärnu'], ['David_Weber', 'notableWork', 'Honor_Harrington'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Saint_Petersburg'], ['David_Weber', 'notableWork', 'Safehold'], ['English_language', 'soundRecording', 'English_language__Sound__1'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Rostock'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Jūrmala'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Oulu'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Kärdla'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Riga'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Kaliningrad'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Copenhagen'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Tallinn'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Ventspils'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Liepāja'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Stockholm'], ['Baltic_Sea', 'nearestCity', 'Gdańsk']]
[('1634:_The_Baltic_War', 'author', 'David_Weber'), ('1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'followedBy', 'Ring_of_Fire_II'), ('Ring_of_Fire_II', 'language', 'English_language'), ('1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'previousWork', '1634:_The_Baltic_War')]
1634: The Bavarian Crisis was written by Eric Flint.
{'author': {'label': 'green long distance piste number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'council': {'label': 'council of a liechtenstein settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'entrezgene': {'label': 'EntrezGene', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'hasAnnotation': {'label': 'acceleration (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'licenceLetter': {'label': 'licence letter of a german settlement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'narrator': {'label': 'national team year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'notableWork': {'label': 'number of piers in water', 'description': 'Number of piers standing in a river or other water in normal conditions. DataTypeProperty'}, 'oclc': {'label': 'OCLC', 'description': 'Online Computer Library Center number DataTypeProperty'}, 'prefaceBy': {'label': 'free flight time (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'sourceConfluenceState': {'label': 'australia open single', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'spacestation': {'label': 'notes', 'description': 'additional notes that better describe the entity. DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Eric_Flint', 'notableWork', '1632_(novel)'], ['Eric_Flint', 'deathPlace', 'East_Chicago,_Indiana']]
[('1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'author', 'Eric_Flint')]
1634: The Ram Rebellion available as an E-Book is written by Eric Flint.
{'author': {'label': 'green long distance piste number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'codeBook': {'label': 'code book', 'description': 'code book or statute book referred to in this legal case DataTypeProperty'}, 'firstPublisher': {'label': 'population density rural (/sqkm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'introductionDate': {'label': 'introduction date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isbn': {'label': 'ISBN', 'description': 'The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric commercial book identifier based upon the 9-digit Standard Book Numbering (SBN) code. DataTypeProperty'}, 'media': {'label': 'date extended', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mediaType': {'label': 'main building', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'musicType': {'label': 'main islands', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'narrator': {'label': 'national team year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'notableWork': {'label': 'number of piers in water', 'description': 'Number of piers standing in a river or other water in normal conditions. DataTypeProperty'}, 'novel': {'label': 'temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'oclc': {'label': 'OCLC', 'description': 'Online Computer Library Center number DataTypeProperty'}, 'prefaceBy': {'label': 'free flight time (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'publisher': {'label': 'lethal when given to rats', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'winsAtMajors': {'label': 'inscription', 'description': 'Text of an inscription on the object DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Eric_Flint', 'notableWork', '1632_(novel)'], ['Eric_Flint', 'deathPlace', 'East_Chicago,_Indiana']]
[('1634:_The_Ram_Rebellion', 'author', 'Eric_Flint'), ('1634:_The_Ram_Rebellion', 'mediaType', 'Ebook')]
1634: The Ram Rebellion, available in hardcover was written by Eric Flint.
{'author': {'label': 'green long distance piste number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'codeBook': {'label': 'code book', 'description': 'code book or statute book referred to in this legal case DataTypeProperty'}, 'firstPublisher': {'label': 'population density rural (/sqkm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'introductionDate': {'label': 'introduction date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isbn': {'label': 'ISBN', 'description': 'The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric commercial book identifier based upon the 9-digit Standard Book Numbering (SBN) code. DataTypeProperty'}, 'literaryGenre': {'label': 'lunar surface time (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'media': {'label': 'date extended', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mediaType': {'label': 'main building', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'musicType': {'label': 'main islands', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'narrator': {'label': 'national team year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'notableWork': {'label': 'number of piers in water', 'description': 'Number of piers standing in a river or other water in normal conditions. DataTypeProperty'}, 'novel': {'label': 'temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'oclc': {'label': 'OCLC', 'description': 'Online Computer Library Center number DataTypeProperty'}, 'prefaceBy': {'label': 'free flight time (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'winsAtMajors': {'label': 'inscription', 'description': 'Text of an inscription on the object DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Eric_Flint', 'notableWork', '1632_(novel)'], ['Eric_Flint', 'deathPlace', 'East_Chicago,_Indiana']]
[('1634:_The_Ram_Rebellion', 'author', 'Eric_Flint'), ('1634:_The_Ram_Rebellion', 'mediaType', 'Hardcover')]
1634: The Ram Rebellion, written by Eric Flint, Virginia DeMarce, et al., is 512 pages long and can be found as an E book.
{'Rebellion': {'label': 'rebellion', 'comment': '-'}, 'PeriodicalLiterature': {'label': 'periodical literature', 'comment': 'Periodical literature (also called a periodical publication or simply a periodical) is a published work that appears in a new edition on a regular schedule. The most familiar examples are the newspaper, often published daily, or weekly; or the magazine, typically published weekly, monthly or as a quarterly. Other examples would be a newsletter, a literary journal or learned journal, or a yearbook.'}, 'Book': {'label': 'book', 'comment': '-'}, 'Novel': {'label': 'novel', 'comment': 'A book of long narrative in literary prose'}, 'WrittenWork': {'label': 'written work', 'description': 'Written work is any text written to read it (e.g.: books, newspaper, articles)'}}
{'atPage': {'label': 'page number', 'description': 'Page # where the referenced resource is to be found in the source document DataTypeProperty'}, 'author': {'label': 'green long distance piste number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'codeBook': {'label': 'code book', 'description': 'code book or statute book referred to in this legal case DataTypeProperty'}, 'isbn': {'label': 'ISBN', 'description': 'The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric commercial book identifier based upon the 9-digit Standard Book Numbering (SBN) code. DataTypeProperty'}, 'layout': {'label': 'number of SoccerPlayers born in Place', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'literaryGenre': {'label': 'lunar surface time (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'media': {'label': 'date extended', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mediaType': {'label': 'main building', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'musicType': {'label': 'main islands', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'narrator': {'label': 'national team year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'notableWork': {'label': 'number of piers in water', 'description': 'Number of piers standing in a river or other water in normal conditions. DataTypeProperty'}, 'novel': {'label': 'temperature (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfPages': {'label': 'number of pages', 'description': 'The books number of pages. DataTypeProperty'}, 'oclc': {'label': 'OCLC', 'description': 'Online Computer Library Center number DataTypeProperty'}, 'prefaceBy': {'label': 'free flight time (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'wikiPageDisambiguates': {'label': 'row number', 'description': 'Row number where the referenced resource is to be found in the source file DataTypeProperty'}, 'wikiPageUsesTemplate': {'label': 'european union entrance date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'subsequentWork', '1635:_The_Dreeson_Incident'], ['Virginia_DeMarce', 'notableWork', '1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis'], ['1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'author', 'Virginia_DeMarce'], ['1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'subsequentWork', 'Ring_of_Fire_II'], ['Eric_Flint', 'genre', 'Alternate_history'], ['1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'author', 'Eric_Flint'], ['1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'subsequentWork', 'The_Anaconda_Project'], ['Eric_Flint', 'notableWork', '1632_(novel)'], ['Eric_Flint', 'genre', 'Fantasy']]
[('1634:_The_Ram_Rebellion', 'author', 'Eric_Flint,_Virginia_DeMarce,_et_al.'), ('1634:_The_Ram_Rebellion', 'mediaType', 'Ebook'), ('1634:_The_Ram_Rebellion', 'numberOfPages', '512'), ('E', 'r', 'i'), ('1634:_The_Ram_Rebellion', 'type', 'WrittenWork')]
1634: the Bavarian Crisis, authored by Virginia DeMarce and Eric Flint, was preceded by Grantville Gazette III.
{'author': {'label': 'green long distance piste number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'finalPublicationYear': {'label': 'final publication year', 'description': 'Year of the final publication. DataTypeProperty'}, 'firstPublicationDate': {'label': 'first publication date', 'description': 'Date of the first publication. DataTypeProperty'}, 'firstPublicationYear': {'label': 'first publication year', 'description': 'Year of the first publication. DataTypeProperty'}, 'firstPublisher': {'label': 'population density rural (/sqkm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'hasAnnotation': {'label': 'acceleration (s)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'introductionDate': {'label': 'introduction date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'narrator': {'label': 'national team year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'notableWork': {'label': 'number of piers in water', 'description': 'Number of piers standing in a river or other water in normal conditions. DataTypeProperty'}, 'oclc': {'label': 'OCLC', 'description': 'Online Computer Library Center number DataTypeProperty'}, 'prefaceBy': {'label': 'free flight time (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'previousWork': {'label': 'NSSDC ID', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'previousWorkDate': {'label': 'classification', 'description': 'Any string representing a class or category this thing is assigned to. DataTypeProperty'}, 'sourceConfluenceState': {'label': 'australia open single', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'subsequentWork': {'label': 'number of district', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'subsequentWork', 'Ring_of_Fire_II'], ['1634:_The_Baltic_War', 'subsequentWork', '1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis'], ['Eric_Flint', 'notableWork', '1632_(novel)'], ['Grantville_Gazette_III', 'subsequentWork', '1634:_The_Baltic_War'], ['Virginia_DeMarce', 'notableWork', '1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis'], ['Grantville_Gazette_III', 'author', 'Eric_Flint'], ['1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'subsequentWork', 'The_Anaconda_Project'], ['Grantville_Gazette_III', 'subsequentWork', 'Grantville_Gazette_IV'], ['1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'subsequentWork', '1635:_The_Dreeson_Incident']]
[('1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'author', 'Virginia_DeMarce_and_Eric_Flint'), ('1634:_The_Bavarian_Crisis', 'previousWork', 'Grantville_Gazette_III')]
1923 OAA907 XC is the original name of 1001 Gaussia, which was discovered by Sergey Belyavsky and has an epoch date of June 27th 2015. Its periapsis measures 419113394.55312 kilometres.
{'bodyDiscovered': {'label': 'monument protection status', 'description': "The sort of status that is granted to a protected Building or Monument. This is not about being protected or not, this is about the nature of the protection regime. E.g., in the Netherlands the protection status 'rijksmonument' points to more elaborate protection than other statuses. DataTypeProperty"}, 'countryWithFirstSatellite': {'label': 'handisport', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'countryWithFirstSatelliteLaunched': {'label': 'Has KML data associated with it (usually because of KML overlays)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'countryWithFirstSpaceflight': {'label': 'has natural bust', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'cultivatedVariety': {'label': 'PfizerCumulativeDoses', 'description': '辉瑞是源自美国的跨国制药、生物技术公司,营运总部位于纽约,研发总部位于康涅狄格州的格罗顿市 DataTypeProperty'}, 'discoverer': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'explorer': {'label': 'contract award', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'flower': {'label': 'missions', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'formerHighschool': {'label': 'relics', 'description': 'Physical remains or personal effects of a saint or venerated person, preserved in a religious building DataTypeProperty'}, 'formerName': {'label': 'former name', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'formerTeam': {'label': 'mill dissapeared code NL', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOfWineRegion': {'label': 'epoch', 'description': 'moment in time used as a referrence point for some time-vaying astronomical quantity DataTypeProperty'}, 'namedAfter': {'label': 'original danse competititon', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'orogeny': {'label': 'draft position', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'periapsis': {'label': 'periapsis (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'period': {'label': 'Dutch artwork code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'plant': {'label': 'cargo water (kg)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[('1001_Gaussia', 'discoverer', 'Sergey_Belyavsky'), ('1001_Gaussia', 'epoch', '2015-06-27'), ('1001_Gaussia', 'formerName', '1923_OAA907_XC'), ('1001_Gaussia', 'periapsis', '419113394.55312_(kilometres)')]
19238 members strong Livorno Calcio S.p.A., AKA A.S. Livorno Calcio, played season 2014-15 in Serie B from their home stadium Stadio Armando Picchi.
{'SoccerClubSeason': {'label': 'soccer club season', 'comment': '-'}, 'SportsTeamMember': {'label': 'Sports team member', 'comment': 'A member of an athletic team.'}, 'SoccerPlayer': {'label': 'soccer player', 'comment': '-'}, 'GridironFootballPlayer': {'label': 'gridiron football player', 'comment': 'Gradiron football, also called North American football, is a family of soccer team games played primarily in the United States and Canada.'}, 'NationalSoccerClub': {'label': 'national soccer club', 'comment': '-'}, 'Hyphen-minus': {'label': 'Hyphen-minus', 'description': 'No description available'}}
{'appearancesInNationalTeam': {'label': 'appearances in national team', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'award': {'label': 'event date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'bandMember': {'label': 'ensemble', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'clubsRecordGoalscorer': {'label': 'memorial ID number', 'description': 'Identifier for monuments of the Memorial type DataTypeProperty'}, 'currentMember': {'label': 'heisman', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'currentTeamMember': {'label': 'pictures Commons category', 'description': 'Wikimedia CommonsCategory for pictures of this resource DataTypeProperty'}, 'filmPolskiId': {'label': ' id', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'formationYear': {'label': 'formation year', 'description': 'equivalent / sub property of OntologyProperty:foundingYear? DataTypeProperty'}, 'formerTeam': {'label': 'mill dissapeared code NL', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'frazioni': {'label': 'average speed (km/s)', 'description': 'The average speed of a thing. DataTypeProperty'}, 'ground': {'label': 'minimum area quote', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'land': {'label': 'height (mm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'name': {'label': 'amgId', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'namedAfter': {'label': 'original danse competititon', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'nationalTeamYear': {'label': 'national team year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfMembers': {'label': 'number of members', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'organisationMember': {'label': 'area (m2)', 'description': 'The area of the thing in square meters. DataTypeProperty'}, 'person': {'label': 'nfl code', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'playerInTeam': {'label': 'capacity', 'description': 'Number of people who can be served by a Train or other service; or participate in a SoccerClub, CricketTeam, etc DataTypeProperty'}, 'road': {'label': 'affiliate', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'season': {'label': 'olympic games gold', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'soccerLeagueSeason': {'label': 'amgId', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'soccerTournamentThisSeason': {'label': 'architectural movement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'squadNumber': {'label': 'squad number', 'description': 'The number that an athlete wears in a team sport. DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Stadio_Armando_Picchi', 'owner', 'Livorno'], ['Stadio_Armando_Picchi', 'location', 'Livorno'], ['U.S._Livorno_1915', 'league', 'Serie_D'], ['Stadio_Armando_Picchi', 'location', 'Italy']]
[('U.S._Livorno_1915', 'ground', 'Stadio_Armando_Picchi'), ('U.S._Livorno_1915', 'name', 'Livorno_Calcio_S.p.A.'), ('U.S._Livorno_1915', 'numberOfMembers', '19238'), ('U.S._Livorno_1915', 'season', '2014–15_Serie_B'), ('U.S._Livorno_1915', 'type', 'Hyphen-minus')]
1963 was the beginning of Alison O'Donnell's active years.
{'TelevisionSeason': {'label': 'television season', 'comment': '-'}, 'Woman': {'label': 'woman', 'comment': '-'}, 'TelevisionHost': {'label': 'television host', 'comment': '-'}, 'PoliticianSpouse': {'label': 'politician spouse', 'comment': '-'}, 'TelevisionShow': {'label': 'television show', 'comment': '-'}, 'Hyphen-minus': {'label': 'Hyphen-minus', 'description': 'No description available'}}
{'activeYearsStartDate': {'label': 'active years start date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'activeYearsStartYear': {'label': 'active years start year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'associateStar': {'label': 'project budget funding ($)', 'description': 'The part of the project budget that is funded by the Organistaions given in the "FundedBy" property. DataTypeProperty'}, 'birthYear': {'label': 'birth year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'domain': {'label': 'DosesSecond', 'description': 'Number of second vaccine doses. DataTypeProperty'}, 'era': {'label': 'numberOfClasses', 'description': 'number of defined Classes DataTypeProperty'}, 'firstPublicationDate': {'label': 'first publication date', 'description': 'Date of the first publication. DataTypeProperty'}, 'firstPublicationYear': {'label': 'first publication year', 'description': 'Year of the first publication. DataTypeProperty'}, 'lastAppearance': {'label': 'fat (g)', 'description': 'Amount of fat per servingSize of a Food DataTypeProperty'}, 'predecessor': {'label': 'original maximum boat beam (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'summerAppearances': {'label': 'big pool record', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'televisionSeries': {'label': 'visitor percentage change', 'description': 'Percentage increase or decrease. DataTypeProperty'}, 'winterAppearances': {'label': 'first launch date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[("Alison_O'Donnell", 'activeYearsStartYear', '1963'), ("Alison_O'Donnell", 'type', 'Hyphen-minus')]
20 Fenchurch Street is located in London, which is currently led by the European Parliament.
{'Street': {'label': 'street', 'comment': 'A Street is different from a Road in as far as the infrastructure aspect is much less important here. A Street is a social and architectural ensemble much more than the connection between two geographic points.'}, 'Manor': {'label': 'Manor', 'comment': 'Estate and/or (cluster of) lands that are under the jurisdiction of a feudal lord. Hence it is also the shorthand expression for the physical estate itself: a manor is a stately house in the countryside with the surrounding grounds'}, 'Arrondissement': {'label': 'arrondissement', 'comment': 'An administrative (France) or lawcourts (Netherlands) body governing a territorial unity on the intermediate level, between local and national level'}, 'Diocese': {'label': 'diocese', 'comment': 'District or see under the supervision of a bishop.'}, 'Venue': {'label': 'venue', 'comment': '-'}, 'City': {'label': 'city', 'description': 'a relatively large and permanent settlement, particularly a large urban settlement'}}
{'addressInRoad': {'label': 'average speed (km/s)', 'description': 'The average speed of a thing. DataTypeProperty'}, 'arrondissement': {'label': 'number of the next track', 'description': 'number of the next track in the recorded work. DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalPlace': {'label': 'election date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'center': {'label': 'norwegian center', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'city': {'label': 'illiteracy', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'councilArea': {'label': 'eyes', 'description': 'The eye is called the sensory organ of sight in living organisms. DataTypeProperty'}, 'diocese': {'label': 'maiden flight', 'description': 'date of maiden flight DataTypeProperty'}, 'leader': {'label': 'number of all MuscialArtist playing the style', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderName': {'label': 'original title', 'description': 'The original title of the work, most of the time in the original language as well DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderParty': {'label': 'election majority', 'description': 'number of votes the office holder attained DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderTitle': {'label': 'leader title', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'legalArrondissement': {'label': 'legal arrondissement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'location': {'label': 'currency code', 'description': 'ISO 4217 currency designators. DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfArrondissement': {'label': 'number of arrondissement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfHouses': {'label': 'number of houses present)', 'description': 'Count of the houses in the Protected Area DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfLocations': {'label': 'number of locations', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['20_Fenchurch_Street', 'location', 'London'], ['European_Parliament', 'location', 'Seat_of_the_European_Parliament_in_Strasbourg'], ['Seat_of_the_European_Parliament_in_Strasbourg', 'location', 'France'], ['European_Parliament', 'location', 'France'], ['London', 'country', 'United_Kingdom'], ['Seat_of_the_European_Parliament_in_Strasbourg', 'location', 'Strasbourg'], ['European_Parliament', 'location', 'Strasbourg']]
[('London', 'leaderTitle', 'European_Parliament'), ('20_Fenchurch_Street', 'location', 'London'), ('London', 'type', 'City')]
20 Fenchurch Street is located in the United Kingdom.
{'Street': {'label': 'street', 'comment': 'A Street is different from a Road in as far as the infrastructure aspect is much less important here. A Street is a social and architectural ensemble much more than the connection between two geographic points.'}, 'Manor': {'label': 'Manor', 'comment': 'Estate and/or (cluster of) lands that are under the jurisdiction of a feudal lord. Hence it is also the shorthand expression for the physical estate itself: a manor is a stately house in the countryside with the surrounding grounds'}, 'Arrondissement': {'label': 'arrondissement', 'comment': 'An administrative (France) or lawcourts (Netherlands) body governing a territorial unity on the intermediate level, between local and national level'}, 'Diocese': {'label': 'diocese', 'comment': 'District or see under the supervision of a bishop.'}, 'Parish': {'label': 'parish', 'comment': 'The smallest unit of a clerical administrative body'}, 'Building': {'label': 'building', 'description': 'Building is defined as a Civil Engineering structure such as a house, worship center, factory etc. that has a foundation, wall, roof etc. that protect human being and their properties from direct harsh effect of weather like rain, wind, sun etc. ('}}
{'abbeychurchBlessing': {'label': 'abbey church blessing', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'addressInRoad': {'label': 'average speed (km/s)', 'description': 'The average speed of a thing. DataTypeProperty'}, 'arrondissement': {'label': 'number of the next track', 'description': 'number of the next track in the recorded work. DataTypeProperty'}, 'center': {'label': 'norwegian center', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'city': {'label': 'illiteracy', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'diocese': {'label': 'maiden flight', 'description': 'date of maiden flight DataTypeProperty'}, 'distanceToBelfast': {'label': 'distance to Belfast (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'distanceToLondon': {'label': 'distance to London (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'legalArrondissement': {'label': 'legal arrondissement', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'location': {'label': 'currency code', 'description': 'ISO 4217 currency designators. DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'managementPlace': {'label': 'city since', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'northPlace': {'label': 'area', 'description': 'Area of something. Use "value" for the value, "min" & "max" for a range (if uncertain) and "rank" (integer) for the rank of that thing amongst its siblings (eg regions ordered by area) DataTypeProperty'}}
[['House_of_Lords', 'isPartOf', 'Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom'], ['House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom', 'location', 'City_of_Westminster'], ['House_of_Lords', 'location', 'England'], ['House_of_Lords', 'location', 'London'], ['London', 'country', 'United_Kingdom'], ['United_Kingdom', 'house', 'House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom'], ['United_Kingdom', 'house', 'House_of_Lords'], ['House_of_Lords', 'location', 'Palace_of_Westminster'], ['House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom', 'isPartOf', 'Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom'], ['House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom', 'location', 'Palace_of_Westminster'], ['20_Fenchurch_Street', 'location', 'London'], ['House_of_Lords', 'location', 'City_of_Westminster']]
[('20_Fenchurch_Street', 'location', 'United_Kingdom'), ('20_Fenchurch_Street', 'type', 'Building')]
20 Fenchurch Street is located within the United Kingdom, where London is the capital, and the currency is pounds sterling. Boris Johnson is the leader in London, and one of the leaders of the United Kingdom is Elizabeth II.
{'Street': {'label': 'street', 'comment': 'A Street is different from a Road in as far as the infrastructure aspect is much less important here. A Street is a social and architectural ensemble much more than the connection between two geographic points.'}, 'Currency': {'label': 'currency', 'comment': '-'}, 'ChristianBishop': {'label': 'Christian Bishop', 'comment': '-'}, 'Road': {'label': 'road', 'comment': '-'}, 'Manor': {'label': 'Manor', 'comment': 'Estate and/or (cluster of) lands that are under the jurisdiction of a feudal lord. Hence it is also the shorthand expression for the physical estate itself: a manor is a stately house in the countryside with the surrounding grounds'}, 'City': {'label': 'city', 'description': 'a relatively large and permanent settlement, particularly a large urban settlement'}}
{'addressInRoad': {'label': 'average speed (km/s)', 'description': 'The average speed of a thing. DataTypeProperty'}, 'areaUrban': {'label': 'area urban (km2)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capital': {'label': 'function end year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalPlace': {'label': 'election date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'capitalPosition': {'label': 'MeSH ID', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'center': {'label': 'norwegian center', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'city': {'label': 'illiteracy', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'codeProvincialMonument': {'label': 'monument code (provinciall)', 'description': 'Code assigned to (Dutch) monuments at the provincial level, mostly for monuments in the countryside, or for waterworks DataTypeProperty'}, 'councilArea': {'label': 'eyes', 'description': 'The eye is called the sensory organ of sight in living organisms. DataTypeProperty'}, 'currency': {'label': 'SATCAT', 'description': 'satellite catalogue number, omit leading zeroes (e.g. 25544) DataTypeProperty'}, 'denomination': {'label': 'area (km2)', 'description': 'The area of the thing in square meters. DataTypeProperty'}, 'distanceToLondon': {'label': 'distance to London (μ)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'governmentPlace': {'label': 'melting point (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leader': {'label': 'number of all MuscialArtist playing the style', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderName': {'label': 'original title', 'description': 'The original title of the work, most of the time in the original language as well DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderParty': {'label': 'election majority', 'description': 'number of votes the office holder attained DataTypeProperty'}, 'location': {'label': 'currency code', 'description': 'ISO 4217 currency designators. DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'supply': {'label': 'black ski piste number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'touristicSite': {'label': 'britishOpen', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['United_Kingdom', 'ethnicGroup', 'British_Asian'], ['Pound_sterling', 'usingCountry', 'United_Kingdom'], ['United_Kingdom', 'ethnicGroup', 'Black_British'], ['House_of_Lords', 'location', 'Palace_of_Westminster'], ['United_Kingdom', 'ethnicGroup', 'Mixed_(United_Kingdom_ethnicity_category)'], ['Elizabeth_II', 'child', 'Prince_Edward,_Earl_of_Wessex_and_Forfar'], ['House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom', 'isPartOf', 'Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom'], ['New_York_City', 'country', 'United_States'], ['House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom', 'location', 'City_of_Westminster'], ['House_of_Lords', 'location', 'England'], ['United_Kingdom', 'ethnicGroup', 'White_people_in_the_United_Kingdom'], ['House_of_Lords', 'location', 'London'], ['Elizabeth_II', 'child', 'Charles_III'], ['House_of_Lords', 'isPartOf', 'Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom'], ['London', 'country', 'United_Kingdom'], ['House_of_Lords', 'location', 'City_of_Westminster'], ['Boris_Johnson', 'birthPlace', 'New_York_City'], ['House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom', 'location', 'Palace_of_Westminster'], ['United_Kingdom', 'house', 'House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom'], ['Elizabeth_II', 'child', 'Anne,_Princess_Royal'], ['Elizabeth_II', 'spouse', 'Prince_Philip,_Duke_of_Edinburgh'], ['United_Kingdom', 'house', 'House_of_Lords'], ['20_Fenchurch_Street', 'location', 'London'], ['Elizabeth_II', 'child', 'Prince_Andrew,_Duke_of_York']]
[('United_Kingdom', 'capital', 'London'), ('United_Kingdom', 'currency', 'Pound_sterling'), ('United_Kingdom', 'leader', 'Elizabeth_II'), ('London', 'leader', 'Boris_Johnson'), ('20_Fenchurch_Street', 'location', 'United_Kingdom'), ('London', 'type', 'City')]
200 Public Square is located in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio which is governed by the Cleveland City Council.
{'Square': {'label': 'square', 'comment': '-'}, 'Area': {'label': 'area', 'comment': 'Area of something. Use "value" for the value, "min" & "max" for a range (if uncertain) and "rank" (integer) for the rank of that thing amongst its siblings (eg regions ordered by area)'}, 'Stadium': {'label': 'stadium', 'comment': '-'}, 'Town': {'label': 'town', 'comment': 'a settlement ranging from a few hundred to several thousand (occasionally hundreds of thousands). The precise meaning varies between countries and is not always a matter of legal definition. Usually, a town is thought of as larger than a village but smaller than a city, though there are exceptions to this rule.'}, 'Monument': {'label': 'monument', 'comment': 'A type of structure (a statue or an art object) created to commemorate a person or important event, not necessarily of a catastrophic nature.'}, 'City': {'label': 'city', 'description': 'a relatively large and permanent settlement, particularly a large urban settlement'}}
{'administrativeCenter': {'label': 'musicFormat', 'description': 'The format of the album: EP, Single etc. DataTypeProperty'}, 'administrativeDistrict': {'label': 'Number of revision per month', 'description': 'used for DBpedia History > Subject must be a blank node containing a dc:date and a rdfs:value DataTypeProperty'}, 'announcedFrom': {'label': 'number of platform levels', 'description': 'Number of levels of platforms at the station. DataTypeProperty'}, 'areaUrban': {'label': 'area urban (km2)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'authority': {'label': 'numberOfProperties', 'description': 'number of defined properties in DBpedia ontology DataTypeProperty'}, 'city': {'label': 'illiteracy', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'codeMunicipalMonument': {'label': 'monument code (municipal)', 'description': 'Code assigned to (Dutch) monuments at the municipal level, deemed to be of local value DataTypeProperty'}, 'councilArea': {'label': 'eyes', 'description': 'The eye is called the sensory organ of sight in living organisms. DataTypeProperty'}, 'county': {'label': 'INSEE code', 'description': 'numerical indexing code used by the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) to identify various entities DataTypeProperty'}, 'countySeat': {'label': 'DosesFirst', 'description': 'Number of first vaccine doses. DataTypeProperty'}, 'governingBody': {'label': 'last pro match', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'isPartOf': {'label': 'orbital inclination', 'description': 'orbital inclination of a stable orbit DataTypeProperty'}, 'location': {'label': 'currency code', 'description': 'ISO 4217 currency designators. DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfCounties': {'label': 'number of counties', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'part': {'label': 'numberOfDisambiguates', 'description': 'number of disambiguation pages in DBpedia DataTypeProperty'}, 'populationDensity': {'label': 'population density (/sqkm)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'sportGoverningBody': {'label': 'numberOfOutdegree', 'description': 'number of all outdegrees in DBpedia (same ourdegrees are counting repeatedly). This number is equal to number of all links (every link is OutDegree link) DataTypeProperty'}, 'urbanArea': {'label': 'urban area', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Cleveland_City_Council', 'politicalPartyInLegislature', 'Democratic_Party_(United_States)'], ['Cleveland_City_Hall', 'location', 'Ohio'], ['Cleveland_City_Hall', 'location', 'Cleveland'], ['200_Public_Square', 'location', 'Cleveland'], ['Ohio', 'country', 'United_States'], ['Cleveland_City_Council', 'location', 'Cleveland_City_Hall'], ['200_Public_Square', 'location', 'Public_Square,_Cleveland']]
[('Cleveland', 'governingBody', 'Cleveland_City_Council'), ('Cleveland', 'isPartOf', 'Cuyahoga_County,_Ohio'), ('Cleveland', 'isPartOf', 'Ohio'), ('200_Public_Square', 'location', 'Cleveland'), ('Cleveland', 'type', 'City')]
200 Public Square is located in Cleveland, United States, where one of the leaders is Frank G Jackson.
{'Square': {'label': 'square', 'comment': '-'}, 'Monument': {'label': 'monument', 'comment': 'A type of structure (a statue or an art object) created to commemorate a person or important event, not necessarily of a catastrophic nature.'}, 'Memorial': {'label': 'memorial', 'comment': 'A monument erected to commemorate a person, an event and/or group. In the case of a person, this might be a grave or tomb.'}, 'HistoricBuilding': {'label': 'historic building', 'comment': '-'}, 'Stadium': {'label': 'stadium', 'comment': '-'}, 'City': {'label': 'city', 'description': 'a relatively large and permanent settlement, particularly a large urban settlement'}}
{'administrativeCenter': {'label': 'musicFormat', 'description': 'The format of the album: EP, Single etc. DataTypeProperty'}, 'administrativeDistrict': {'label': 'Number of revision per month', 'description': 'used for DBpedia History > Subject must be a blank node containing a dc:date and a rdfs:value DataTypeProperty'}, 'city': {'label': 'illiteracy', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'codeMunicipalMonument': {'label': 'monument code (municipal)', 'description': 'Code assigned to (Dutch) monuments at the municipal level, deemed to be of local value DataTypeProperty'}, 'codeNationalMonument': {'label': 'monument code (national)', 'description': 'Code assigned to (Dutch) monuments at the national level, deemed to be of national value DataTypeProperty'}, 'collectionSize': {'label': 'diseasesDb', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'country': {'label': 'eye colour', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'delegateMayor': {'label': 'ISO 639-2 code', 'description': '3-letter identifier for language, macro-language or language family, defined in ISO 639-2 standard DataTypeProperty'}, 'governmentCountry': {'label': 'boiling point (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'governmentPlace': {'label': 'melting point (K)', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leader': {'label': 'number of all MuscialArtist playing the style', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderName': {'label': 'original title', 'description': 'The original title of the work, most of the time in the original language as well DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderParty': {'label': 'election majority', 'description': 'number of votes the office holder attained DataTypeProperty'}, 'location': {'label': 'currency code', 'description': 'ISO 4217 currency designators. DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mainBuilding': {'label': 'main building', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mayor': {'label': 'Symbol', 'description': 'HUGO Gene Symbol DataTypeProperty'}, 'mayorArticle': {'label': 'mayor article', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfOffices': {'label': 'number of offices', 'description': "Number of the company's offices. DataTypeProperty"}}
[['Andrew_Jackson', 'birthPlace', 'British_America'], ['200_Public_Square', 'location', 'Cleveland'], ['200_Public_Square', 'location', 'Public_Square,_Cleveland'], ['New_York_City', 'country', 'United_States'], ['Andrew_Jackson', 'birthPlace', 'Waxhaws'], ['Andrew_Jackson', 'birthPlace', 'Province_of_South_Carolina'], ['Andrew_Jackson', 'deathPlace', 'Nashville,_Tennessee'], ['Andrew_Jackson', 'restingPlace', 'The_Hermitage_(Nashville,_Tennessee)'], ['United_States', 'largestCity', 'New_York_City']]
[('Cleveland', 'country', 'United_States'), ('Cleveland', 'leader', 'Frank_G._Jackson'), ('200_Public_Square', 'location', 'Cleveland'), ('Cleveland', 'type', 'City')]
200 Public Square was completed in 1985.
{'Square': {'label': 'square', 'comment': '-'}, 'HistoricBuilding': {'label': 'historic building', 'comment': '-'}, 'Skyscraper': {'label': 'skyscraper', 'comment': '-'}, 'Building': {'label': 'building', 'description': 'Building is defined as a Civil Engineering structure such as a house, worship center, factory etc. that has a foundation, wall, roof etc. that protect human being and their properties from direct harsh effect of weather like rain, wind, sun etc. ('}, 'PublicService': {'label': 'public service', 'comment': '-'}}
{'administrativeCenter': {'label': 'musicFormat', 'description': 'The format of the album: EP, Single etc. DataTypeProperty'}, 'administrativeDistrict': {'label': 'Number of revision per month', 'description': 'used for DBpedia History > Subject must be a blank node containing a dc:date and a rdfs:value DataTypeProperty'}, 'building': {'label': 'BRIN code', 'description': 'The code used by the Dutch Ministry of Education to identify a school (as an organisation) DataTypeProperty'}, 'codeMunicipalMonument': {'label': 'monument code (municipal)', 'description': 'Code assigned to (Dutch) monuments at the municipal level, deemed to be of local value DataTypeProperty'}, 'completionDate': {'label': 'completion date', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'highestBuildingInYear': {'label': 'highest building in year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'mainBuilding': {'label': 'main building', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfHouses': {'label': 'number of houses present)', 'description': 'Count of the houses in the Protected Area DataTypeProperty'}, 'numberOfOffices': {'label': 'number of offices', 'description': "Number of the company's offices. DataTypeProperty"}, 'previousWorkDate': {'label': 'classification', 'description': 'Any string representing a class or category this thing is assigned to. DataTypeProperty'}, 'principalArea': {'label': 'call sign meaning', 'description': 'The out written call sign. DataTypeProperty'}, 'recentWinner': {'label': 'date unveiled', 'description': 'Designates the unveiling date DataTypeProperty'}, 'significantBuilding': {'label': 'longtype', 'description': 'can be used to include more informations e.g. the name of the artist that a tribute album is in honor of DataTypeProperty'}, 'subsequentWorkDate': {'label': 'registry', 'description': 'A registry recording entires with associated codes. DataTypeProperty'}}
[['200_Public_Square', 'architect', 'Hellmuth,_Obata_and_Kassabaum']]
[('200_Public_Square', 'completionDate', '1985'), ('200_Public_Square', 'type', 'Building')]
250 Delaware Avenue is located in the United States, the leader of which was Barack Obama.
{'addressInRoad': {'label': 'average speed (km/s)', 'description': 'The average speed of a thing. DataTypeProperty'}, 'apcPresident': {'label': 'passengers used system', 'description': 'System the passengers are using (from which the passenger statistics are). DataTypeProperty'}, 'city': {'label': 'illiteracy', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'eastPlace': {'label': 'RID Id', 'description': 'An identifying system for scientific authors. The system was introduced in January 2008 by Thomson Reuters. The combined use of the Digital Object Identifier with the ResearcherID allows for a unique association of authors and scientific articles. DataTypeProperty'}, 'electionDateLeader': {'label': 'election date leader', 'description': 'The date that leader was elected. DataTypeProperty'}, 'faaLocationIdentifier': {'label': 'FAA Location Identifier', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leader': {'label': 'number of all MuscialArtist playing the style', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderName': {'label': 'original title', 'description': 'The original title of the work, most of the time in the original language as well DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderParty': {'label': 'election majority', 'description': 'number of votes the office holder attained DataTypeProperty'}, 'location': {'label': 'currency code', 'description': 'ISO 4217 currency designators. DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'medicalSpecialty': {'label': 'address', 'description': "Address of something as literal. Usually Building, but we also use it for the address of a Region's or Settlement's government DataTypeProperty"}, 'numberOfOffices': {'label': 'number of offices', 'description': "Number of the company's offices. DataTypeProperty"}, 'office': {'label': '(political) office', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'president': {'label': 'hopman cup', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'vicePresident': {'label': 'year of construction', 'description': 'The year in which construction of the Place was finished. DataTypeProperty'}}
[['Barack_Obama', 'birthPlace', 'Honolulu'], ['Delaware', 'largestCity', 'Wilmington,_Delaware'], ['New_York_City', 'country', 'United_States'], ['Delaware', 'country', 'United_States'], ['Barack_Obama', 'birthPlace', 'Hawaii'], ['United_States', 'largestCity', 'New_York_City']]
[('United_States', 'leader', 'Barack_Obama'), ('Delaware_North_Building', 'location', 'United_States')]
250 Delaware Avenue is located in the United States, where English is spoken. The President of the United States is the main leader, alongside Joe Biden, and an ethnic group in the country is White Americans.
{'AmericanLeader': {'label': 'American Leader', 'comment': '-'}, 'President': {'label': 'president', 'comment': '-'}, 'VicePresident': {'label': 'vice president', 'comment': '-'}, 'State': {'label': 'state', 'comment': '-'}, 'Congressman': {'label': 'congressman', 'comment': '-'}, 'Location': {'label': 'Location', 'description': 'No description available'}, 'Hyphen-minus': {'label': 'Hyphen-minus', 'description': 'No description available'}}
{'city': {'label': 'illiteracy', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'congressionalDistrict': {'label': 'reporting mark', 'description': 'A reporting mark is a two-, three-, or four-letter alphabetic code used to identify owners or lessees of rolling stock and other equipment used on the North American railroad network. DataTypeProperty'}, 'deFactoLanguage': {'label': 'certification', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'eastPlace': {'label': 'RID Id', 'description': 'An identifying system for scientific authors. The system was introduced in January 2008 by Thomson Reuters. The combined use of the Digital Object Identifier with the ResearcherID allows for a unique association of authors and scientific articles. DataTypeProperty'}, 'ethnicGroup': {'label': 'election date leader', 'description': 'The date that leader was elected. DataTypeProperty'}, 'ethnicity': {'label': 'school number', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'internationalPhonePrefix': {'label': 'international phone prefix', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'language': {'label': 'legend thumbnail localization', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leader': {'label': 'number of all MuscialArtist playing the style', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderName': {'label': 'original title', 'description': 'The original title of the work, most of the time in the original language as well DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderParty': {'label': 'election majority', 'description': 'number of votes the office holder attained DataTypeProperty'}, 'leaderTitle': {'label': 'leader title', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'location': {'label': 'currency code', 'description': 'ISO 4217 currency designators. DataTypeProperty'}, 'locationCity': {'label': 'date of latest election', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'medicalSpecialty': {'label': 'address', 'description': "Address of something as literal. Usually Building, but we also use it for the address of a Region's or Settlement's government DataTypeProperty"}, 'northEastPlace': {'label': 'Wiki page out degree', 'description': 'Reserved for DBpedia. DataTypeProperty'}, 'northWestPlace': {'label': 'speaker', 'description': 'number of office holder DataTypeProperty'}, 'office': {'label': '(political) office', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'originalLanguage': {'label': 'lchf draft year', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'politicalSeats': {'label': 'political seats', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'pronunciation': {'label': 'legend thumbnail localization', 'description': 'No description available DataTypeProperty'}, 'race': {'label': 'displacement (g)', 'description': "A ship's displacement is its mass at any given time. DataTypeProperty"}, 'southEastPlace': {'label': 'licensee', 'description': 'Identify which company or entity holds the licence (mostly string are used in Wikipedia, therefore range is xsd:sting). DataTypeProperty'}}
[['English_language', 'soundRecording', 'English_language__Sound__1'], ['White_Americans', 'religion', 'Mormonism'], ['English_language', 'languageFamily', 'North_Sea_Germanic'], ['White_Americans', 'religion', 'Judaism'], ['English_language', 'languageFamily', 'West_Germanic_languages'], ['English_language', 'languageFamily', 'Anglo-Frisian_languages'], ['White_Americans', 'religion', 'Irreligion'], ['White_Americans', 'religion', 'Catholic_Church'], ['Delaware', 'largestCity', 'Wilmington,_Delaware'], ['Joe_Biden', 'birthPlace', 'Scranton,_Pennsylvania'], ['English_language', 'languageFamily', 'Germanic_languages'], ['United_States', 'largestCity', 'New_York_City'], ['White_Americans', 'religion', 'Protestantism'], ['New_York_City', 'country', 'United_States'], ['Delaware', 'country', 'United_States'], ['White_Americans', 'populationPlace', 'List_of_regions_of_the_United_States']]
[('United_States', 'ethnicGroup', 'White_Americans'), ('United_States', 'language', 'English_language'), ('United_States', 'leader', 'Joe_Biden'), ('United_States', 'leaderTitle', 'President_of_the_United_States'), ('Delaware_North_Building', 'location', 'United_States'), ('United_States', 'type', 'Location'), ('Delaware_North_Building', 'type', 'Hyphen-minus')]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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