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Subject: dr . kaminski , on wednesday , june 14 th i attended your presentation entitled " the challenge of valuation of energy related derivatives " at the risk 2000 conference in boston . can you please e - mail me the slides you presented . also , you mentioned that the method you used to calculate volatility for energy prices was not the " normal " method . can you please tell me , or give me a reference to the method that you did use . thank you , aaron gould senior risk management analyst pseg services corporation aaron . gould @ pseg . com 1 - 973 - 456 - 3527 | 00
| 5,029 |
Subject: reviewer approval please note that your employees have suggested the following people to complete a feedback form on their behalf . you will need to access the performance management system ( pep ) to either approve or decline these suggested reviewers . once you have approved the suggested reviewers they will be notified and can begin completing the feedback form . your list of employees that have suggested reviewers are listed below : date suggested : may 19 , 2000 feedback due date : jun 16 , 2000 employee name : kollaros , alexios date suggested : may 22 , 2000 feedback due date : jun 16 , 2000 employee name : krishnarao , pinnamaneni v | 00
| 2,568 |
Subject: re : 1 . 00 pm tomorrow ? lauren , 1 : 00 p . m . is fine . 713 853 3848 vince lauren urquhart 05 / 15 / 2000 12 : 08 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : 1 . 00 pm tomorrow ? hi vince i have just spoken to john . he ' s requested we move your phone call to 1 . 00 pm houston time - 7 . 00 pm uk time . does this suit you ? lauren | 00
| 2,925 |
Subject: treasury memo kevin , the memo looks good . one suggestion i have is to emphasize what we can deliver by end of january since that was the initial deadline . although the memo indicates that a lot of work has been done , the reader might want to know what he can get in his hand in terms of models or quantitative results . you will of course describe everything in your presentation , but given that setting up presentations may take time , you should think about creating some template / model and send it with brief explanations . for example , a template for trs as it stands , and a template listing trigger events and how the results will be displayed . you can then expand on this in your presentations . vasant | 00
| 3,517 |
Subject: re : var model - some questions i know nothing about this . since neither research nor energydesk know about it , all we can do is collect their requirements and provide what they ' re looking for as a new project . this will require vince ' s input since we ' ll essentially be sending research models to the outside world . steve sharad agnihotri 27 / 02 / 2001 14 : 48 to : steven leppard / lon / ect @ ect cc : subject : var model - some questions steve , do you know anything about this ? sharad - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sharad agnihotri / lon / ect on 27 / 02 / 2001 14 : 48 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - andreas lorenz 27 / 02 / 2001 14 : 01 to : sharad agnihotri / lon / ect @ ect cc : subject : var model - some questions hi sharad , could you please have a look at below var model - the dll file should have been provided by research ( if some time back . . . ) can you provide any information re what and how it does it ? underlying assumptions ? shortfalls ? many thanks for your help ! cheers , | 00
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Subject: alp proposal carrie , i am sending you , as promised , the draft of my proposal . please , let me know if it meets your requirements . i shall be glad to revise it and send you the final version . vince kaminski * * * * * * * * * * one of the most important trends in the energy industry during the last year was proliferation of electronic , internet based , trading platforms for wholesale markets and for retail operations . websites such as www . houstonstreet . com and www . altranet . com provide facilities for matching buyers and sellers . the website operated by enron corp . ( enrononline ) represents an alternative solution under which enron acts as a principal in every transaction . on the retail ? side , many retail e - commerce companies offering auctions , reverse auctions and platforms for creation of buyers , clubs challenge incumbent utilities . the objective of this project is to evaluate the impact of e - commerce ( both at the wholesale and retail levels ) on the energy industry . the study will start with comparative analysis of different wholesale trading and retail e - commerce business models and evaluation of their long - term viability . the next step will be assessment of the impact of e - commerce on price dynamics , profit margins and the level of competition in different energy markets . a separate section will be devoted to analysis of reaction of companies and organizations affected by e - commerce ( incumbent utilities , organized exchanges , energy brokers ) to the new competitive threat , and different strategies they implement to meet the challenge . organized exchanges have accelerated in many cases the transition to screen - based trading that has been already replacing open outcry technology . power and natural gas marketers have created alliances ( with other industry players , software companies and electronic exchanges ) to create their own trading platforms . gas and electric utilities embarked on development of vertical and horizontal e - commerce platforms , offering services to households and other companies in the energy industry . the critical question is how quickly different companies should react to the competitive threats and how fast they should exploit opportunities created by the internet based economy . it ' s quite obvious that the internet revolution will change the energy industry ' s landscape during the next few years . the objective of the project is to provide answers to the questions posed above , based on the currently available information . additionally , the participants should come up with fallback strategies the energy companies should implement in case the currently ? expected trends fail to materialize . _ | 00
| 5,506 |
Subject: tage resume submittal i have no need at this time for external people . thanks for thinking of berney and me . regards , ed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ed mcmichael / hou / ect on 11 / 25 / 2000 08 : 47 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : berney c aucoin 11 / 21 / 2000 01 : 15 pm to : ed mcmichael / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : tage resume submittal let vince know if you ' re interested in this person . bern - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by berney c aucoin / hou / ect on 11 / 21 / 2000 01 : 13 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vince j kaminski 11 / 21 / 2000 11 : 43 am to : berney c aucoin / hou / ect @ ect , wanda curry / hou / ees @ ees cc : subject : tage resume submittal please , take a look at the lst resume and let me know what you think ( shelly wood ) . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 11 / 21 / 2000 11 : 50 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " pj " on 11 / 15 / 2000 01 : 58 : 46 pm to : " vince j kaminski " cc : subject : tage resume submittal vince , two candidates for your review . please call me . ? paul johnson , cpc president ( 281 ) 497 - 8595 ? please visit our website ? www . austingrp . com - wood , shelly . doc - jpbresume 2 . doc | 00
| 4,958 |
Subject: any software backups for lowest pricest . best software prices . i exist as i am , that is enough . envy is the ulcer of the soul . | 11
| 606 |
Subject: perfect visual solution for your business now working on your company ' s image ? start with a visual identity a key to the first good impression . we are here to help you ! we ' ll take part in buildinq a positive visuai imaqe of your company by creating an outstandinq ioqo , presentabie stationery items and professional website . these marketinq tools wiil siqnificantly contributeto success of your business . take a iook at our work samples , hot deai packages and see what we have to offer . we work for you ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 11
| 410 |
Subject: re : ( no subject ) jana , next week would work for me . i am flying to san antonio from florida . i shall be back on sunday . what about friday or saturday next week ? vince jlpnymex @ aol . com on 04 / 04 / 2000 09 : 59 : 01 am to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : re : ( no subject ) vince , nice to hear from you . we will miss you on thursday evening . would you still like to join us for a movie sometime ? jana | 00
| 1,733 |
Subject: http : / / www . foulston . com hello , i have visited www . foulston . com and noticed that your website is not listed on some search engines . i am sure that through our service the number of people who visit your website will definitely increase . seekercenter is a unique technology that instantly submits your website to over 500 , 000 search engines and directories - - a really low - cost and effective way to advertise your site . for more details please go to seekercenter . net . give your website maximum exposure today ! looking forward to hearing from you . best regards , vanessa lintner sales marketing www . seekercenter . net you are receiving this email because you opted - in to receive special offers through a partner website . if you feel that you received this email in error or do not wish to receive additional special offers , please enter your email address here and click the button of remove me : | 11
| 1,140 |
Subject: re : visit to houston and vince kaminski ' s research group vince - thanks for the note . i ' ll mention downtown for sure when making a reservation . shijie on fri , 30 jun 2000 , vince j kaminski wrote : > > > shijie , > > a note : in both cases makes a reservation explicitly at a downtown hotel . > there are hotels with the same names elsewhere in houston . > > vince > > > > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 06 / 30 / 2000 02 : 44 > pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > > > shirley crenshaw > 06 / 30 / 2000 02 : 25 pm > > to : shijie deng @ enron > cc : ( bcc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect ) > subject : re : visit to houston and vince kaminski ' s research group ( document > link : vince j kaminski ) > > shijie : > > i spoke with vince and he said friday the 28 th of july would be fine for > your visit to enron . > > please let me know your itinerary when you have it confirmed . there > are two hotels downtown houston , the doubletree and the hyatt regency > that are very close to the enron bldg . > > if you need help with anything , please let me know . > > look forward to having you at enron . > > regards , > > shirley crenshaw > > > > > > > > > shijie deng on 06 / 30 / 2000 10 : 15 : 43 am > > to : shirley crenshaw > cc : > subject : re : visit to houston and vince kaminski ' s research group > > > > shirley , > > thank you for your message . i ' m fine with 7 / 28 ( friday ) . i could fly in > to houston early evening on 7 / 27 . please let me know after you confirm > the date with vince . thanks ! > > shijie > > shi - jie deng > assistant professor > school of isye > georgia institute of technology > > office phone : ( 404 ) 894 - 6519 > e - mail : deng @ isye . gatech . edu > home page : http : / / www . isye . gatech . edu / ~ deng > > on fri , 30 jun 2000 , shirley crenshaw wrote : > > > > > > > good morning professor deng : > > > > i am vince kaminski ' s assistant and he has asked me to coordinate your > > visit to enron . the last week in july would be best for vince and his group . > > especially the 24 th , 26 th , 27 th , or 28 th . tuesday , the 25 th is already > filling > > up . please let me know which day would work for you . > > > > best regards , > > > > shirley crenshaw > > administrative coordinator > > enron corp . research group > > 713 / 853 - 5290 > > email : shirley . crenshaw . com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 00
| 3,870 |
Subject: chairman ' s award - supervisor announcement hello to each of you . i would like to let you know that i will be facilitating the 2000 chairman ' s award program , a vision & values initiative designed to recognize those employees who daily embody enron ' s values of respect , integrity , communication and excellence . this is an annual , employee - driven award which encourages employees to nominate their everyday heroes . a critical component of the award process , and one in which ken lay has given his full support , is the employee selection committee . this year ' s selection committee is made up of a diverse representation from our workforce both in the us and around the world . these individuals were chosen as last year ' s chairman ' s roundtable and have been invited to be part of this year ' s employee selection committee . their infallible enthusiasm for enron ' s vision & values will support the seamless transition from recognized winners to award decision - makers which is necessary to sustain the spirit of the award . you are being notified because one of your employees is on this important committee . the time commitment will be primarily during the first two weeks of october when we will meet either in person or via video / phone conferencing to review the nominations and select the winners . i hope you will congratulate and support them as this is a special honor to be asked to serve on the employee selection committee . if you have any questions at any time , please feel free to contact me via email or phone . warm regards , charla reese 713 . 853 . 5202 members of the 2000 employee selection committee : billi aherns - omaha , ne bobbye brown - portland , or karen campos - houston , tx jaiprakash desai - mumbai , india gary douthwaite - teeside , england donna johnson - portland , or janis hansen - portland , or gene lauritsen - beatrice , ne doug mcneilly - houston , tx kevin moore - houston , tx mason morris - jenkintown , pa craig sutter - houston , tx sue tihista - mandan , nd | 00
| 4,619 |
Subject: talon find attached the mc model for talon . a copy of this spreadsheet may be found on o : \ research \ custom \ projects \ talon \ paulo issler | 00
| 1,678 |
Subject: upcoming energy conference - kaminski requirements vince : i sent you itinerary to her , but did not send a photo or the handouts . thanks ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by shirley crenshaw / hou / ect on 03 / 09 / 2000 01 : 26 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " dawn scovill " on 02 / 29 / 2000 09 : 20 : 48 am to : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : upcoming energy conference - kaminski requirements good morning , shirley ! i ' m missing some things from mr . kaminski w / regard to his presentation in miami in a few weeks . at your earliest convenience , could you please forward the following : * pr photo - either electronic or i ' ll scan & return * handouts - either electronic or mail clean copy to the address below * copy of his flight itinerary , so we know when to expect him all the contact info you need is as follows : dawn scovill , conference coordinator " powerful new ideas 2000 " pmb # 216 , 2480 s . congress avenue west palm beach , fl 33406 phone ( 561 ) 439 - 7682 - fax ( 561 ) 439 - 7055 - email dawn @ perfectmeeting . com i would really appreciate your prompt attention - i ' m working toward getting the room set - ups & conference book finalized . thanks for your help . look forward to a great conference ! ! dawn from : dawn scovill , event coordinator designs event consulting dawn @ perfectmeeting . com | 00
| 5,301 |
Subject: re : contact information eric , thank you for your message . the only other message in my mailbox from you is dated 6 / 11 / 2000 and contains a reference to a resume i cannot locate . i checked the log of all the messages and could not find any other communication from you . please , send a message with a resume again and we shall go from there . vince kaminski eric hilton on 06 / 21 / 2000 08 : 37 : 58 pm to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : contact information dear mr . kaminski , i sent my resume to your well respected company a few weeks ago in regards to establishing a long - lasting career with them . i never received a response and was wondering if you knew who was in charge of the electric power disbatching / scheduling department or know of who i may contact to inquire this information ? i know you are a very busy professional and i apologize for the inconvenience . thank you for your valuable time . warmest regards , eric hilton | 00
| 2,527 |
Subject: re : march real options conference vince . thanks for getting back to me . i will have my secretary try to set up something among the three of us . gary , as vince cannot make a call on wednesday , i will have my assistant call you to try to find a suitable time . rachel , gary jackson ' s phone number is 423 751 2593 and vince kaminski ' s secretary ' s number is given below . at 03 : 34 pm 2 / 21 / 00 - 0600 , you wrote : > > > peter , > > i am in london till wednesday afternoon . i shall be back at the office on > thursday . > > please , feel free to call my secretary , shirley crenshaw 713 853 5290 , to > schedule > a conference call . i cannot access my calendar from london and don ' t know my > commitments for this day . > > vince > > > > > > peter tufano on 02 / 18 / 2000 03 : 56 : 33 pm > > to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , gljackson 2 @ tva . gov > cc : > subject : re : march real options conference > > > > dear vince and gary , > > we are all speaking at the march real options session in ny . my work in > real options in the energy field has come , to a large part , from my > casewriting in your two organizations , so i feel that we should probably > allocate more time toward your presentations and less to mine . while we > have a two hour block among the three of us , i think we can freely > re - arrange things to produce the best result . would you two like to > schedule a brief conference call to coordinate our talks ? i am free > virtually all of next wednesday 2 / 23 , perhaps we could talk at 10 am ( est ) > or 2 pm ( est ) ? i am happy to arrange the call , if you send me your phone > numbers . thanks . > > peter tufano > > > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > prof . peter tufano > harvard business school > morgan hall 377 > soldiers field > boston , massachusetts 02163 > phone : ( 617 ) 495 - 6855 > fax : ( 617 ) 496 - 6592 > email : ptufano @ hbs . edu > http : / / www . people . hbs . edu / ptufano > professor peter tufano harvard business school morgan 377 soldiers field boston , ma 02163 phone ( 617 ) 495 - 6855 fax ( 617 ) 496 - 6592 email ptufano @ hbs . edu http : / / www . people . hbs . edu / ptufano | 00
| 3,741 |
Subject: correction : interim report to gary hickerson for ag trading apologies . please note that i pasted the wrong graph in the previous version i sent . this is the correct version . thanks , kate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kate lucas / hou / ect on 12 / 22 / 2000 02 : 56 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kate lucas 12 / 22 / 2000 02 : 27 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : vasant shanbhogue / hou / ect @ ect , nelson neale / na / enron @ enron , mauricio mora / na / enron @ enron subject : interim report to gary hickerson for ag trading vince , please find attached the interim report on agricultural commodity trading for gary hickerson . your comments are welcome as we would like to send this to gary as soon as possible . regards , kate ext 3 - 9401 | 00
| 4,789 |
Subject: re : energy derivatives hi vince , hope all is well with you . i ' m looking forward to seeing you again next week and meeting with grant . can you guys do me favour ? i ' m sending out some sample chapters to the people who responded positively ( all of them ! ) to my request for some feedback on the book . chapter 1 has an ' overview ' of the book with just a couple of sentences on each chapter . could you please write a sentence or two for your chapter ? i ' m including what i have already written so that you can see the style . many thanks and best regards . chris . 2 overview of this book this book aims to provide an in - depth understanding of the pricing and risk management of energy derivatives . in the remainder of this chapter we give an overview of the fundamental principals needed to model and price energy assets , and which underlie the rest of the book . as well as introducing the techniques that underlie the black - scholes modelling framework we discuss the numerical techniques of trinomial trees and monte carlo simulation for derivative pricing which are used extensively later in the book . in chapter 2 we analyse spot energy prices . apart from describing empirical prices we propose a number of processes that can be used to model the prices . we look at the well - know process of gbm as well as mean reversion , stochastic volatility and jump processes , discussing each , and showing how they can be simulated and their parameters estimated . chapter 3 , written by vince kaminski and grant masson of enron capital and trade . chapter 4 examines forward curves in the energy markets . although such curves are well understood and straight forward in the world debt markets the difficulty of storage in many energy markets leads to less well defined curves . what we do in this chapter chapter 5 presents an overview of the common and not - so - common derivative structures in the energy markets and discusses their uses . examples of products analysed in this chapter include a variety of swaps , caps , floors and collars , as well as energy swaptions , compound options , asian ( or average rate ) options , barriers , lookbacks , and ladder options . chapter 6 investigates single and multi - factor models of the energy spot price and the pricing of some standard energy derivatives . closed form solutions for forward prices , forward volatilities , and european option prices are derived and presented for all the models in this chapter including a three factor stochastic convenience yield and interest rate model with jumps . chapter 7 shows how the prices of path dependent and american style options can be evaluated for the models in chapter 6 . simulation schemes are developed for the evaluation of european style options and applied to a variety of path dependent options . in order to price options which incorporate early exercise opportunities , a trinomial tree scheme is developed . this tree is built to be consistent with the observed forward curve and can be used to price exotic as well as standard american style options . chapter 8 develops a new methodology for valuing energy options based on modelling the market observed forward curve . the approach results in a multi - factor model that is able to capture realistically the evolution of a wide range of energy forward curves and where the user defined volatility structures can be of an extremely general form . closed - form solutions are developed for pricing standard european options and efficient monte carlo schemes for exotic options . the chapter finishes with a discussion of the valuation of american style options . chapter 9 focuses on the risk management of energy derivative positions . in this chapter we discuss the management of price risk for institutions that sell options or other derivatives to a client and who is then faced with the problem of managing the risk through time . we begin with delta hedging a portfolio containing derivatives and look at extensions to gamma hedging - using the models from chapters 5 and 7 . the general model of chapter 7 ideally suited to multi - factor hedging and this is also discussed . chapter 10 looks at the key risk - management concept of value at risk applied to portfolios containing energy derivative portfolios . after discussing the concept of the measure , we look at how the key inputs ( volatilities , covariances , correlations , etc ) can be estimated . we then compare the fours major methodologies for computing var ; delta , delta - gamma , historical simulation and monte - carlo simulation . finally , we look at testing the var estimates for various underlying energy market variables . finally , we finish with credit risk in energy markets in chapter 11 . | 00
| 4,509 |
Subject: interview with enron corp . good morning mr . parsons : the enron corp . research dept . would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience . the interviewers would be : vince kaminski managing director p . v . krishnarao director osman sezgen manager please give me some dates and times either this week or july 5 , 6 & 7 of next week that you would be available and i will coordinate the calendars . look forward to hearing from you . regards , shirley crenshaw administrative coordinator enron corp . research 713 / 853 - 5290 email : shirley . crenshaw @ enron . com | 00
| 3,896 |
Subject: f / up - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 12 / 22 / 2000 04 : 34 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - clayton vernon @ enron 12 / 21 / 2000 03 : 51 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : f / up vince - i got your message ( i was up on the roof of the building helping to fix the weather satellite dish - what a gorgeous view of houston ! ) . i appreciate your words . everything remains fine , vince . you are my " father " here at enron , and i admire and respect you greatly . i think i know the kind of person you are , in terms of your integrity , and i admire the high standards you set for all of us in your extended " group . " i want to let you know i am not the only one in the group who doesn ' t appreciate the way maureen disrespects you . you remain the key external factor in their success - it is not simply their own abilities that matter to their futures but your own - vince ' s - success with upper management that matters . we respect you , and we don ' t like it when you are disrespected . maureen didn ' t disrespect me today , vince , she disrespected you . it ' s time i told you something . last april , maureen , highly intoxicated following a work - related function at ninfa ' s , made an unsolicited predatory sexual advance on me at my desk on the 19 th floor . i was shocked and disgusted , but i didn ' t say one word about this , vince , because i played it out and didn ' t want to put you into the position of having a raving maureen in your midst as you perhaps had to fire her and then endure a litany of gender - bias crap lawsuits . i " took one for the team , " vince . i can ' rt say i would do it again - maureen is brazen to berate me after what she did , in public no less . i appreciate your bringing me into enron . i ' ve found a respectful and , indeed , a loving work environment . i remain willing to do whatever i can to help the group . clayton | 00
| 3,345 |
Subject: are you listed in major search engines ? submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . if you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website online otherwise it will be invisible virtually , which means efforts spent in vain . if you want people to know about your website and boost your revenues , the only way to do that is to make your site visible in places where people search for information , i . e . submit your website in multiple search engines . submit your website online and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best regards , ivan finch | 11
| 735 |
Subject: bob lee starting june 5 , 2000 bob lee ' s official starting date is june 5 , 2000 . shirley , bob will be reporting to zimin lu and primarily supporting ena . we will need to find a desk for him as well as set up his phone and pc ( can we use ravi ' s ? ) . elizabeth grant ( x 57583 ) has handled him on the hr recruiting side and has his contact information . thanks , stinson | 00
| 1,548 |
Subject: hello vince , i enjoyed talking with you this morning . per our conversation , here is norberto valdes ' resume . i will call you in about an hour to make sure you received it . thank you and let me know when you would like to meet him . sincerely , lisa ford 281 ) 913 - 2076 ( see attached file : resumen 4 . doc ) - resumen 4 . doc | 00
| 1,635 |
Subject: entrust your visual identity to us thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - endlogo and visualidentity . we offer creative custom design of iogos , stationery and web - sites . under our carefui hand thesepowerfui marketing toois wiil bring a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out amongthe competitors . you are just a ciick away from your future success . ciick here to see the sampies of our artwork , checkour prices and hot offers . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 11
| 677 |
Subject: adv oil and gas investment tgym how would you like a 100 % tax free investment in oil and gas wells ? make over 100 % annually and receive monthly tax free income with very low risk . if you are liquid for a $ 10 , 000 investment , email your name , address , and phone number to oilandgaspackage @ aol . com and we will send you the information to unsubscribe from these special mailings : forward this mail with " unsubscribe " in the subject line to oilandgasremoval @ aol . com | 11
| 571 |
Subject: confirmation of your order this is an automatic confirmation of the order you have placed using it central . request number : ecth - 4 s 5 sy 2 order for : amitava dhar 1 x ( compaq armada m 700 $ 3297 ) 1 x ( option : m 300 / m 700 convenience base $ 293 ) 1 x ( option : carry case for m 700 $ 72 ) 1 x ( option : m 300 / m 700 universal ac adapter with power cord $ 59 ) 1 x ( option : m 300 / m 700 universal battery charger $ 124 ) 1 x ( option : m 700 8 cell li - ion battery $ 149 ) enron it purchasing | 00
| 2,828 |
Subject: custom logos and identities from us thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - endlogo and visualidentity . we offer creative custom design of iogos , stationery and web - sites . under our carefui hand thesepowerfui marketinq tools wiii brinq a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out amongthe competitors . you are just a click away from your future success . ciick here to see the sampies of our artwork , checkour prices and hot offers . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 11
| 970 |
Subject: re : weather course joe , this is the most recent offer from lacima ( weather derivatives course ) . what do you think ? vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 02 / 19 / 2001 07 : 15 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " julie " on 02 / 19 / 2001 03 : 19 : 45 pm please respond to " julie " to : " vincejkaminski " cc : subject : re : weather course vince , enron is fine ( although i think we have to pay for the hyatt anyway ) . ? good discount ( i have a feeling that my idea of a good discount and the weather desk ' s idea is probably different ? ) : ? for the one day , $ 1100 per person . ? if you think that there will be ? around 10 people or more , then we can offer a day rate , regardless of the number of people . ? ? thanks vince ? julie ? ps - of course when i announced that we were cancelling , people started responding that they wished to attend . ? ugh ! ? - - - - - original message - - - - - from : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com to : julie cc : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com sent : friday , february 16 , 2001 4 : 05 pm subject : re : weather course julie , enron location makes more sense . no reason to pay for the hotel . also , i think that one day makes more sense . i contacted the weather desk about including other people at the training course . i think that they would be interested if they got a good discount . vince " julie " on 02 / 16 / 2001 09 : 39 : 37 am please respond to " julie " to : ? ? cc : subject : ? re : weather course vince , great . just to let you know , we decided not to wait on the indecisive ones , and postponed the open course . it ' s yours , whatever you want : ? 1 day ( specific to what you feel will be of the most benefit ) , 2 days , hyatt or ? enron , or not at all . i hope this doesn ' t cause problems for you . special deal , for sure . i owe my godfather . julie - - - - - original message - - - - - from : ? vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com to : julie cc : joseph . hrgovcic @ enron . com sent : thursday , february 15 , 2001 3 : 16 ? pm subject : re : weather course julie , that ' s definitely an option . we can ? provide the room . maybe we can cut with you a special deal for enron and ? increase the # of people attending . i am forwarding your message to our ? weather desk . vince joe , what do you think about ? it ? vince " julie " on ? 02 / 15 / 2001 08 : 20 : 24 am please respond to " julie " to : ? " vincejkaminski " cc : subject : ? weather course vince , we just wanted to let you know ? that we only have 3 people signed up for the weather derivatives course ? ( all from enron ) so far . we have a couple more that have expressed strong ? interest , but we are awaiting their final decision . if no one else signs ? up , chris and les thought that you guys could probably get through the ? first day pretty easily , and thus thought it may be an option to teach just ? the 2 nd day material ( pricing ) only at enron ( doing it at the hyatt is an ? option as well but the room might be on the large side ) ? we would ? obviously reimburse you for the day not taught . we can teach both days as ? well , but thought you may want to save some time . i just wanted to give ? you some time to think about it . we will know where we stand on final ? numbers by next ? wednesday . julie | 00
| 5,617 |
Subject: delivery status notification ( failure ) this is an automatically generated delivery status notification . delivery to the following recipients failed . magnus . hammar @ hes . hammars . com | 11
| 1,032 |
Subject: research support in london vince , steve leppard informed my today that he will be moving to enron metals . i think that leaves a leadership hole in research here . when that happens in a place like this , resources get diverted to the squeakiest wheel . do you have any advice ? i am concerned that london continues to lag behind in the implementation and analysis of var - most commodities are on spreadsheets and there is not a lot of attention on calibration , analyzing output , refining , improving etc . . pls advise ted | 00
| 4,319 |
Subject: enterprise wide risk management meeting , january 21 this is to confirm the meeting will take place on friday , january 21 at 12 : 00 - 5 : 00 p , at the doubletree hotel , 400 dallas street . the meeting room is suite 407 . those in attendance : rick buy ted murphy rick carson vince kaminski dave gorte kevin kindall grant masson lunch will begin at 12 : 00 noon and a snack will be served at 2 : 30 p . please give me a call with questions at x 31881 . | 00
| 5,308 |
Subject: naturally irresistible your corporate identity lt is really hard to recollect a company : the market is full of suqgestions and the information isoverwheiming ; but a good catchy logo , styllsh statlonery and outstandlng webslte wili make the task much easier . we do not promise that having ordered a ioqo your company will automatically become a worid leader : it isquite ciear that without good products , effective business organization and practicable aim it will be hotat nowadays market ; but we do promise that your marketing efforts will become much more effective . here is the list of clear benefits : creativeness : hand - made , original logos , specially done to reflect your distinctive company image . convenience : logo and stationery are provided in all formats ; easy - to - use content management system letsyou change your website content and even its structure . promptness : you will see logo drafts within three business days . affordability : your marketing break - through shouldn ' t make gaps in your budget . 100 % satisfaction guaranteed : we provide unlimited amount of changes with no extra fees for you to be surethat you will love the result of this collaboration . have a look at our portfolio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 11
| 207 |
Subject: valuation methodology we ' ve had a request from aa to provide them with some sort of write - up or documentation from our research group on the valuation methodology used on the contingent issuance instrument for 18 million shares that was a part of the raptor transaction completed at the end of march . apparently , this request has come from aa ' s expert in this area ( i believe that his name is dechundra , or something like that . i ' ve probably destroyed the spelling on that . you guys are probably very familiar with him . ) anyway , is there such documentation that we can provide them easily ? if so , let me know so that we can try to get aa finished with their review of the transaction . in talking to our contacts at aa , i believe that their expert will be wanting to talk to you after he reviews the methodology documentation . thanks , ron | 00
| 5,360 |
Subject: increases cardiac output and athletic performance no doctor visits required recapture your youth and feel the energy for many , this is a powerful second chance press here to read about http : / / yv . i 2 el . glowlineensured . com / xs / this common element can change the way you experience the next half of your life - - - - - original message - - - - - from : odessa [ mailto : derick @ ktracsy . com ] sent : tuesday , march 3 , 2005 5 : 42 am to : donnie ; rebbecca @ rixranxne . com ; blanche ; janelle ; kazuko subject : fully living life i am busy , no thank you , go above and use link and address is on site his surprise was great when the garment of repulsion arrested the blow and nearly overthrew the aggressor in turn . snatching a dagger from his sash , he bounded upon the boy so fiercely that the next instant the enraged turk found himself lying upon his back three yards away , while his dagger flew through the air and landed deep in the desert sands . keep it up ! cried rob , bitterly . but why destroy my friends ? asked the little wizard . | 11
| 1,248 |
Subject: contract summaries attached are the contract summaries for elba island term sheet , the heogh galleon and exmar charter parties and the option contract on the 3 rd and 4 th vessel . i hope to finish summaries on eco - electrica and jose soon . | 00
| 3,768 |
Subject: japanese power market another article i thought you might find interesting . regards , eugenio review of energy policies kicks off asahi shimbun april 25 , 2000 a government advisory panel on monday embarked on a comprehensive review of energy - related policies . ` ` we want to come up with feasible policies and at the same time clearly present reasons for those policies , ' ' yoichi kaya , a professor emeritus at the university of tokyo , told a meeting of the coordination subcommittee under the advisory committee for energy , an advisory panel to minister of international trade and industry takashi fukaya . kaya chairs the subcommittee . the nuclear development policy , including the government ' s goal for building new nuclear power plants , is expected to be a focus of the discussions . a spate of nuclear accidents have made construction of plants increasingly difficult , and the nation ' s power suppliers have reduced the number of new nuclear power plants expected to be in operation by fiscal 2010 from 20 to 13 . the subcommittee , set up for the first time in about 10 years , is made up of about 30 members , and members of anti - nuclear nongovernmental organizations have been included for the first time . some members told monday ' s meeting that the government must stop taking the nuclear development policy for granted and seriously look into the possibility of introducing renewable energy , such as wind and solar power . also on the agenda will be energy saving measures . energy consumption in the residential and commercial sector , made up of homes and offices , and in the transportation sector , which includes cars and trucks , has almost doubled over the past 25 years . at monday ' s meeting , many members stressed the need to change public consciousness toward the use of energy . miti plans to present studies on how life would be affected by compulsory energy saving measures such as automatically turning off air conditioners at certain temperatures or vehicle engines when they are idle . | 00
| 5,565 |
Subject: term paper dr . kaminski , attached please find a copy of our term paper . advise if you experience problems opening the attachment . best regards , ken jett - combo 2 [ 1 ] . v 2 . doc | 00
| 3,387 |
Subject: re : marketpoint license agreement dale , thanks for your message . in our phone conversation before the meeting you mentioned another contractual arrangement under which we could work with your company employees on a case - study . the cost of a weekly project would be $ 12 , 000 that would be applied to the purchase price should we go ahead and decide to acquire the software . this project would allow us to evaluate the model and come up with an estimate of the manpower necessary to support the model internally . please , let me know more about this option . we are primarily interested in a long - term natural gas model and the database for north america . unless a familiarity with the short term model is a prerequisite , we don ' t have resources to spend too much time on it . of course , a trading desk may be interested in the short term version of the model . i shall talk to them about it . vince " dale m . nesbitt " on 11 / 13 / 2000 06 : 00 : 05 pm to : , " vince . j . kaminski " cc : subject : marketpoint license agreement john / vince : i really enjoyed the meeting the other day with you and a broad cross section of your people . thank you very much for setting it up , and thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak with your people . as i mentioned to john , i am sending you the license paperwork for marketpoint . i have attached our standard license agreement for your consideration . as i mentioned , the license agreement covers the entire bundled product , which includes ? north american gas , short and long term ? north american electricity , short and long term ? world gas ? western european gas ? world oil we are just finishing porting the world oil , world gas , and western european gas models over from our old ( now obsolete ) software system into marketpoint , so they will not be fully tested and complete for a couple of months . however , the gas and electricity models for north america are presently complete and tested . that should allow us to give you an attractive price before the full worldwide toolkit is available throughout your worldwide business . as i understood it , you will want the gas modeling capability first and will want to defer decisions on electric or other capability . as i mentioned at the meeting , we are prepared to offer that for approximately the fully bundled price . as you read the license agreement , you will see that the software licenses for $ 100 , 000 annually , the gas data for $ 5 , 000 , and the electric data for $ 10 , 000 . marketpoint will agree to license you the gas model plus the data for the software license plus the data license for a total of $ 55 , 000 annually . this is just under the fully bundled price . i think that is consistent with the discussions at our meeting , and from marketpoint , s perspective would provide a great basis to move forward together with enron . if or when enron ever desires to & scale up 8 to another model or model ( s ) from the marketpoint portfolio , we will simply scale you up to the entire license agreement . this will allow you to decouple the gas decision from any other decisions you might make . ( i will be glad to put this additional pricing provision into the agreement if you decide to move forward . ) i felt i was able to communicate the philosophy , scope , and operation of our approach during the meeting and to deliver you much of the information you might need to evaluate whether marketpoint meets your needs . i thought you were able to see the depth and sophistication of the product yet at the same time its simplicity and effectiveness . i thought you were able to see the benefits of the marketpoint dimension of economic equilibrium as a complement and supplement to other approaches you will assuredly use . i would be interested in your impressions and those of your colleagues . i look forward to your response and to moving ahead together . we view you as a very important prospective customer and client and will work with you to earn and secure your business . if you decide to license marketpoint , we can arrange to transfer and mount marketpoint and the short term narg model ( which is the model we suggest you begin with ) and travel to houston to deliver our 1 day training seminar . our clients are usually very fluent after that 1 day training seminar . thereafter , we would want you to work with the short term narg model for a few weeks while you get up to speed , very fluent , and very comfortable before you take delivery of the longer term version of narg several weeks later . thanks again , and all the best . if there is some item from the meeting that i might have forgotten to send , please remind me . my notes don ' t show anything , but i was speaking a lot rather than writing notes during the meeting and might have overlooked something someone wanted . dale nesbitt president marketpoint inc . 27121 adonna ct . los altos hills , ca 94022 ( 650 ) 218 - 3069 dale . nesbitt @ marketpointinc . com - license . doc | 00
| 4,058 |
Subject: re : 1 . your thur . / fri . austin trip ; 2 . presentation of my risk - management optimization model ; 3 . enron on - line ehud , sorry i shall miss you on thursday . i shall definitely attend you presentation at power 2000 . i shall ask about a guest accounton eol . typically , such an account allows an outside user to take a look at the system , but i don ' t think the traders will allow systematic access to the price data over a long period of time by a third party . vince " ehud i . ronn " on 05 / 01 / 2000 05 : 54 : 50 pm to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : 1 . your thur . / fri . austin trip ; 2 . presentation of my risk - management optimization model ; 3 . enron on - line vince , greetings . i am following up at this time with respect to the above issues we discussed in san antonio . 1 . i am leaving thur . morn for philadelphia , and shall not be back until late fri . ( my etd is 9 : 40 a . m . , which i understand is less than an hour before your arrival . . . ) thus i shall regrettably miss your current ut visit , which we had hoped to also use as an opportunity to present / discuss my enterprise - wide risk management model . 2 . that said , i shall be presenting an abridged version of this model at power 2000 ' s first day , 5 / 9 4 : 15 - 4 : 55 p . m . while i realize you ' ll be very busy over power 2000 ' s two days , should your schedule permit , i should most welcome the opportunity for you to see the model . 3 . per your suggestion in san antonio , i would like to take this opportunity to inquire whether i might obtain an enron on - line account to obtain electricity prices quoted by enron . i look forward to seeing you at power 2000 . best regards , ehud ehud i . ronn department of finance college and graduate school of business university of texas at austin austin , tx . 78712 - 1179 voice : ( 512 ) 471 - 5853 fax : ( 512 ) 471 - 5073 internet : eronn @ mail . utexas . edu | 00
| 3,525 |
Subject: confidential information and securities trading to : kaminski , wincenty email : vkamins @ enron . com - 7138533848 ? enron wholesale services - office of the chairman ? from : ? ? mark frevert , chairman & ceo ? ? ? ? ? ? greg whalley , president & coo ? ? ? ? ? ? mark haedicke , managing director & general counsel ? subject : ? ? confidential information and securities trading ? enron wholesale services ( ' ews ' ) maintains official policies and procedures regarding confidential information and securities trading ( ' policies and procedures ' ) , which have been revised as of november 15 , 2000 to reflect the new ews structure . these policies and procedures are intended to allow us simultaneously to pursue our diverse businesses and to protect confidential information , our reputation for integrity , and ews and its employees from legal liability . ? you are required to become familiar with , and to comply with , the policies and procedures . the newly revised policies and procedures are available for your review on legalonline , the new intranet website maintained by the enron wholesale services legal department . please click on the attached link to access legalonline : ? ? you must certify your compliance with the policies and procedures within two weeks of your receipt of this message . the legalonline site will allow you to quickly and conveniently certify your compliance on - line with your sap personal id number . if you have any questions concerning the policies or procedures , please call lance schuler at extension 3 - 5419 , mark haedicke at extension 3 - 6544 , alan aronowitz at extension 3 - 3214 , bob bruce at extension 5 - 7780 or donna lowry at extension 3 - 1939 . | 00
| 3,779 |
Subject: eol presentation thank you for meeting with the students from rice university ' s jesse h . jones graduate school of management in april . the students greatly appreciated the opportunity to talk with you . your perspective and insights into eol and its competitors helped the students gain much more useful information in their interviews with enymex , houstonstreet . com , ice , dynegydirect , and other energy e - commerce platforms . the students will present the results of their research next monday ( may 7 ) at 4 : 00 p . m . in room 49 cl . we would be delighted if you can attend their presentation . if you cannot attend but would like a copy of their final report , please feel free to let me know and i will make sure you get it . thanks again for your help . | 00
| 1,414 |
Subject: making room for " summer interns " hello all : i have some " good " news and i have some " bad " news . the " good " news is that we are growing ! the " bad " news is that we are running out of space . therefore , just for the summer we need to use jose ' s and joe ' s offices on the 19 th floor for " summer " interns . i will have to remove the extensions from those offices so they won ' t be ringing all the time . however , we can put them back after the summer is over . i hope this is not too inconvenient for you , but with roman and jason needing spaces on the 19 th floor , and another new hire coming on board , we are left without any extra spaces . thanks ! shirley | 00
| 3,361 |
Subject: information shalesh , please , look into it . can we give them this information ? i see a remote possibility of a gain for enron : it ' s in our interest to support the growth of this market and part of the process is development of the infrastructure for this market and maintaining public interest . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 11 / 21 / 2000 09 : 18 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " yann d ' halluin " on 11 / 16 / 2000 01 : 18 : 39 pm to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : information dear sir : the scientific computation group at the university of waterloo , ontario , canada , has recently started to be very interested in the recent developments of the bandwidth market . we find that the specifics of the bandwidth market offer challenges from the modelling point of view . however , we have encountered difficulties when looking for data , and we were wondering if you could help us . specifically we would like to know for a given city pair for the different existing type of lines ( e . g . oc 3 , ocl 2 , oc 48 . . . . ) 1 . what has been the spot lease prices ( e . g . $ / line - type / mile ) for the past 12 months ? 2 . what is the price of the dark fiber for a given type of line ? 3 . what is the maintenance cost $ / month ? ( for the same lines , e . g . oc 3 , ocl 2 , oc 48 , . . . ) 4 . what is the upgrading cost for the different lines ? ( e . g . how much does it cost to upgrade ) oc 3 - - > ocl 2 oc 3 - - > oc 48 ocl 2 - - > oc 48 5 . how long does it take to upgrade a line from a certain capacity to another ( e . g . 1 month , 2 month , . . . ) ? we realize that some of these questions may ask for confidential data , in that case we would really appreciate if an order of magnitude was provided . i look forward to hearing from you . sincerely , yann d ' halluin p . s : here is a link to our web page : http : / / www . scicom . uwaterloo . ca - - this email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed . any unauthorized review , use , disclosure or distribution is prohibited . if you are not the intended recipient , please contact the sender by reply e - mail and destroy all copies of the original message . | 00
| 2,740 |
Subject: conference on risk management : the state of the art , january 13 - 14 , 2000 we confirm receipt of your registration for the above - mentioned conference . the conference will be held at new york university stern school of business , henry kaufman management center , 44 west 4 th street , new york city . registration and continental breakfast will begin at 8 : 30 a . m . , when you will receive the conference material and a name tag . meanwhile , if you have any questions regarding the conference , please do not hesitate to contact me . mary t . jaffier nyu salomon center stern school of business 44 west 4 th street , suite 9 - 160 new york , ny 10012 tel : 212 - 998 - 0706 fax : 212 - 995 - 4220 http : / / www . stern . nyu . edu / salomon | 00
| 1,955 |
Subject: does your business depend on the online success of your website ? submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . if you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website online otherwise it will be invisible virtually , which means efforts spent in vain . if you want people to know about your website and boost your revenues , the only way to do that is to make your site visible in places where people search for information , i . e . submit your website in multiple search engines . submit your website online and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best regards , myrtice melendez | 11
| 67 |
Subject: for your information this will be our closing notification we have made an effort to write to you on many occasions and this will be our last contact ! your present loan situation meets the requirements for you for up to a 3 . 70 % lower rate . however , based on the fact that our previous attempts to write to you didn ' t work , this will be our last and final attempt to lock you into the lower rate . please finalize this final step upon receiving this notice immediately , and complete your request for information now . apply here . if your decision is not to make use of this final offer going here will help you to do so . | 11
| 325 |
Subject: enron university affairs enron public affairs has launched a new initiative : enron university affairs . the overall mission of enron university affairs is to broaden the depth and scope of our relationships with targeted universities through building enron brand recognition on campuses , leveraging research exchanges between enron and the academic community , and identifying commercial opportunities for enron . this initiative should also further enron , s efforts to hire and retain the world , s most innovative employees . leading this initiative are christie patrick , vice president , mike rosen , director and cindy derecskey , in conjunction with her position as public affairs coordinator will also work with the university affairs team . please join me in congratulating christie , mike and cindy on their new responsibilities . | 00
| 2,523 |
Subject: logo , stationer , website design and so much more ! lt is really hard to recollect a company : the market is full of suqgestions and the information isoverwhelminq ; but a good catchy logo , styllsh stationery and outstanding webslte wiii make the task much easier . we do not promise that having ordered a iogo your company wiil automaticaily become a worid leader : it isguite clear that without good products , effective business organization and practicable aim it will be hotat nowadays market ; but we do promise that your marketing efforts will become much more effective . here is the list of clear benefits : creativeness : hand - made , original logos , specially done to reflect your distinctive company image . convenience : logo and stationery are provided in all formats ; easy - to - use content management system letsyou change your website content and even its structure . promptness : you will see logo drafts within three business days . affordability : your marketing break - through shouldn ' t make gaps in your budget . 100 % satisfaction guaranteed : we provide unlimited amount of changes with no extra fees for you to be surethat you will love the result of this collaboration . have a look at our portfolio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 11
| 1,236 |
Subject: lng meeting bjorn : the lng meeting will be held tomorrow the 17 th of may at 11 : 00 pm houston time . the phone number for the conference room is : 713 / 853 - 3135 thanks ! shirley | 00
| 3,913 |
Subject: re : p + spread options jeff , a short follow up on the p + options . attached is a chart showing historical correlations for calendar spreads between futures contracts . it shows correlation over four different time horizons up to the roll of the nearest contract in each pair . as you can see the level is usually higher than 0 . 98 and often near 0 . 99 . if our current book of " index p + " options were re - marked at a 98 % correlation , it would result in a reduction in m - t - m value of about $ 78 million according to my estimate . | 00
| 2,645 |
Subject: free two week ft - online trial - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by mike a roberts / hou / ect on 04 / 12 / 2000 12 : 34 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rita hartfield @ enron 04 / 12 / 2000 10 : 32 am to : mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect , mary solmonson / hou / ect @ ect , amy oberg / hou / ees @ ees , john a cote / hou / ect @ ect , elizabeth linnell / hou / ees @ ees , lynnette barnes / hou / ees @ ees , bruce ferrell / hou / ect @ ect , amr ibrahim / enron _ development @ enron _ development , fiona grant / lon / ect @ ect , michael grimes / enron _ development @ enron _ development , kyran hanks / lon / ect @ ect , julia kazibwe / enron _ development @ enron _ development , patrick keene / hou / ees @ ees , harry kingerski / hou / ees @ ees , valeria lima / enron _ development @ enron _ development , robert neustaedter / enron _ development @ enron _ development , carol north / enron _ development @ enron _ development , mike g cc : subject : free two week ft - online trial enron has been given a two week free trail [ until 4 / 25 / 00 ] for ft online . the free trial has unlimited users so please feel free to pass this along to anyone who may be interested . various persons within enron currently purchase selected hard copies of ft ' s newsletters for 18 , 331 british pounds . it would be much more efficient and cheaper if all eleven newsletters [ 13 , 617 british pounds for 2 users plus incremental costs for each additional user ] were purchased on - line and the cost shared amoung the users . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by rita hartfield / corp / enron on 04 / 12 / 2000 11 : 15 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vanessa . norton @ ft . com ( vanessa norton ) on 04 / 12 / 2000 03 : 54 : 04 am to : rhartfi @ enron . com cc : subject : dear rita following our conversation yesterday , i am pleased to offer you two weeks trial access to our 22 online energy newsletters . the prices for a years subscription to our online newsletters are as follows : product number of users price ( for all eleven newsletters together ) oil market report 2 o 9 , 530 . 00 aisa gas report 3 ol 1 , 120 . 00 uk gas report 4 ol 2 , 180 . 00 power in aisa 5 ol 3 , 240 . 00 ( o 900 . 00 per extra user ) international coal report 10 ol 7 , 740 . 00 ( o 734 . 00 per extra user ) power in latin america 25 o 28 , 750 . 00 ( o 544 . 00 per extra user ) middle east energy european energy report african energy global private power global water report the prices include a multiple product discount ( for example , 2 users for all eleven newsletters would normally be ol 3 , 617 . 00 ) and as you will see the price for extra users decreases by quantity of users to the publications . your trial will last until 25 / 4 / 00 . please find enclosed the access codes to ft energy online . go to www . online . ftenergy . com click on login and type in the following : iu enront password : enront the current functionality of the service includes a fully searchable archive that goes back to the first issue , an advanced full text search , acrobat pdf files of the printed newsletter that can be downloaded for personal use in its original printed version and the ability to download tables in csv format into excel files . please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions about the service or wish to have prices for individual publications sent . i look forward to your comments . yours sincerely vanessa norton ( + 44 207 896 2282 ) ft energy online * please visit the web site of the financial times at : * * http : / / www . ft . com * * * * this e - mail is intended for the use of the addressee only and may * * contain confidential information . if you are not the intended * * recipient , you are hereby notified that any use or dissemination * * of this communication is strictly prohibited . * * if you receive this transmission in error , please notify us * * immediately then delete this e - mail . * * * * * postmaster @ ft . com * | 00
| 4,891 |
Subject: reviewer approval please note that your employees have suggested the following people to complete a feedback form on their behalf . you will need to access the performance management system ( pep ) to either approve or decline these suggested reviewers . once you have approved the suggested reviewers they will be notified and can begin completing the feedback form . your list of employees that have suggested reviewers are listed below : date suggested : may 19 , 2000 feedback due date : jun 16 , 2000 employee name : kollaros , alexios | 00
| 4,036 |
Subject: re : security - after hours access tony , no problem . vince anthony _ mends @ enron . net on 04 / 24 / 2000 09 : 54 : 49 am to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com cc : subject : security - after hours access vince , thank you for honoring us at our home on saturday . it was a real pleasure to share an evening with you . we hope we shall be able to do it again with your family when the opportunity arises . i am forwarding to you a request from john young who works in my group as a documentation specialist . kindly review his request and let me know if you are able to grant it . tony enron broadband services 713 - 853 - 3939 - - - - - forwarded by anthony mends / enron communications on 04 / 24 / 00 08 : 37 am - - - - - | - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > | | john young | | | | | | 04 / 21 / 00 | | | 11 : 28 am | | | | | - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > | | | to : anthony mends / enron communications @ enron communications | | cc : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect , krista reed / contractor / enron | | communications @ enron communications | | subject : security - after hours access | tony , earl harvey and i are located on the 19 th floor inside the corporate research group ' s area , which is in a secured area . they are a very supportive and cooperative group , and conditions here are ideal for research , analysis , and writing . i don ' t want to jeopardize their security in any way , but , if possible , i would like to be added to the after hours and weekend access list for situations such as meeting deadlines and research and that if you did not concur with my request , then there would be no reason to copy him at all . thanks , jay 713 - 853 - 5941 | 00
| 5,328 |
Subject: work from home . free info we need help . we are a 14 year old fortune 500 company , and we have grown 1000 % ! we cannot keep up . we are looking for individuals who want to work at home , and make a good living . so if you are looking to be employed from home with a career that has vast opportunities , then go : http : / / www . lotsonet . com / opportunity and fill out our info form . no experience required , we will train you . no committment is required by filling out the form , it is for info only . http : / / www . lotsonet . com / opportunity you want to be independent ? then make it happen ! happen ! simply click on the link below for free , no obligated information ! guaranteed ! http : / / www . lotsonet . com / opportunity to be removed from our link simple go to : | 11
| 625 |
Subject: e - commerce seminar 3 / 22 hi donna ! i ' ll let you know asap about 3 / 22 . i believe vince will be in london on that date . more immediately , is there a conference call tomorrow ( thursday ) ? if so , is there a call in number established , or does melinda set this up ? ( she ' s out this afternoon ) . thanks ! - - christie . - - - - - forwarded by christie patrick / hou / ect on 03 / 14 / 2001 03 : 46 pm - - - - - fap 03 / 13 / 2001 02 : 09 pm to : " ' christie . patrick @ enron . com ' " cc : fap subject : e - commerce seminar 3 / 22 christie : professor ravi aron , wharton , has been a consultant to the student tiger team for the enron project . at his suggestion and invitation , tiger students have been invited to attend an e - commerce executive education seminar that is directly related to the project on which they are working . professor aron will be giving the session on pricing mechanisms and b 2 b market auctions . this will take place at the steinberg conference center on campus on thursday , march 22 from 8 : 30 a - 12 : 30 . we would also like to extend an invitation for a representative from enron to attend . please let me know if you or someone who has worked with the student teams will be able to attend the seminar . we look forward to seeing you and vince at the final presentation on april 3 from 4 : 30 - 7 : 30 pm in vance hall b 6 . regards , donna | 00
| 1,451 |
Subject: request submitted : access request for tony . harris @ enron . com you have received this email because you are listed as an alternate data approver . please click approval to review and act upon this request . request id : 000000000006452 approver : stinson . gibner @ enron . com request create date : 11 / 2 / 00 1 : 12 : 58 pm requested for : tony . harris @ enron . com resource name : \ \ enehou \ houston \ common \ research - [ read ] resource type : directory | 00
| 3,169 |
Subject: scrub the web confirmation required your confirmation is required by jul 28 , 2005 - see below ! thanks again for submitting your url at scrub the web . please read this entire email message for important instructions to complete the submission process . the following url was submitted to stw : http : / / www . datapest . net / the ip address of the person making this submission was : 216 . 219 . 253 . 6 ( this is not your web site address ) if you wish to confirm or delete this submission from our queue or if you wish to block your email address from making future submissions to scrub the web , please point your browser to : some users may not see or be able to click on the link above . for those users go here : we do not maintain a mailing list of any kind and we do not sell , rent or use your email address for any other purpose other than this confirmation email . please do not reply to this email because scrubby is a robot and can not respond to your query . if you need to contact us for any reason point your browser to : http : / / www . scrubtheweb . com / feedback / . thanks again for your submission , http : / / www . scrubtheweb . com / meta tag builder ! meta tag analyzer ! | 11
| 327 |
Subject: still wanna her ? : - ) you have not tried cialls yet ? than you cannot even imagine what it is like to be a real man in bed ! the thing is that a great errrectlon is provided for you exactly when you want . ciaiis has a iot of advantaqes over viaqra - the effect lasts 36 hours ! - you are ready to start within just 10 minutes ! - you can mix it with alcohol ! shipping to any country available ! get it right now ! . | 11
| 1,143 |
Subject: more vv want to know h furfur ow to save over 60 % on your piils ? http : / / w postillion ww . pledelo . com - successfull and proven uncurtained way to s warship ave your money . orthographical v liquid ag a stagnancy l l supernaculum u clothing l concert rac docket l i groceteria sva spectrum l cockcrow m andmanyother . best pyaemia prlces . high quaiit glazed y . worldw soldiership ide shlpplng . to invisible tal confidentiaiity . 2 underage 50 . 000 + satisfied customers . have a nice horoscope day ! | 11
| 1,037 |
Subject: re : uk rab multiples michael , thanks for the information . we shall have the results for you by tomorrow morning . vince michael anderson @ azurix 08 / 23 / 2000 07 : 48 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : keith . harris @ wessexwater . com subject : uk rab multiples i talked with keith harris , our cfo at wessex , about the rab multiple graph i gave you . he expressed that the wessex people had originated the data and that the graph was correct , to the best of their knowledge . the only ( but very important correction ) is that they started the graph at an index of 100 % , which does not imply a 100 % of rab multiple . rather , the initial rab multiple was around 80 % , implying that the entire line should be taken down by 20 percentile points . thus the all time hime in late 98 should be closer to the 1 . 3 x rab that i had targeted during our discussion . please call keith if he has not yet contact you . | 00
| 1,997 |
Subject: re : reschedule clayton , no problem . i asked shirley to reschedule . vince clayton vernon @ enron 01 / 29 / 2001 12 : 38 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect , tom barkley / na / enron @ enron subject : reschedule vince - i apologize , but something has come regarding this afternoon . my server ' s os is acting up , and is affecting all of my apps right now . can we think about later this week ? i promise it will be worth it to you . the eol stuff is nice . again , my apologies . clayton | 00
| 4,491 |
Subject: cal berkeley general presentation confirmation - 10 / 16 / 00 we have been able to secure rooms at the claremont hotel in berkeley . please note the confirmation numbers listed below . thanks ! claremont resort and spa - berkeley 41 tunnel road berkeley , ca 94705 510 - 843 - 3000 from oakland airport : go straight out of the airport on airport blvd . turn right on hegenberger road . from hegenberger follow signs for 880 north . follow hwy 880 north and follow signs for hwy 24 to walnut creek . take the claremont avenue exit , turning left at the bottom of the exit onto claremont . turn right on ashby avenue ( 5 th stoplight ) and the hotel ' s entrance is two blocks ahead on the left . from san francisco airport : follow signs for hwy 101 north to san francisco , take hwy 80 east to the bay bridge to oakland . cross bay bridge on hwy 80 , follow to 580 east , and exit onto hwy 24 to berkeley / walnut creek . follow hwy 880 north and follow signs for hwy 24 to walnut creek . take the claremont avenue exit , turning left at the bottom of the exit onto claremont . turn right on ashby avenue ( 5 th stoplight ) and the hotel ' s entrance is two blocks ahead on the left . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ashley baxter / corp / enron on 10 / 12 / 2000 07 : 15 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lara marie berry 10 / 10 / 2000 04 : 58 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , john pavetto / corp / enron @ enron , radu tutos / enron communications @ enron communications , denise rancour / corp / enron @ enron cc : ashley baxter / corp / enron @ enron , simone lewis / na / enron @ enron subject : cal berkeley general presentation confirmation - 10 / 16 / 00 cal berkeley general presentation monday , october 16 th this note is to confirm that you are scheduled to attend the cal berkeley general presentation on monday october 16 th . this e - mail should contain any information that you need to know pertaining to your trip . please print out a hard copy and bring with you in case of emergency . if you have any questions , there is a list of contacts listed below . once again , thank you for offering to help with technology recruiting at cal berkeley . see you on campus ! lara the general presentation will be held : monday , october 16 th the faculty club seaborg room - 2 nd floor 7 : 00 p . m . to 9 : 00 p . m . * * please plan on arriving at the general presentation by 6 : 00 p . m . the general presentation is designed to educate the students on enron and the global technology track . following the presentation we will invite the students to ask questions about enron and the global technology track . please plan to arrive at the general presentation by 6 : 00 p . m . it is business casual attire . flight arrangements : you are responsible for scheduling your own flight arrangements with your preferred airline provider . please schedule your flight to arrive to the san francisco airport on monday , october 16 th . please remember that there can be significant traffic over the bay bridge and to get into town at least an hour prior to the event . please make all flight arrangements through the travel agency in the park so that we are able to take advantage of discount fares . if you do not have a representative that you currently use at the travel agency in the park - feel free to contact liz mendiola at 713 - 860 - 1140 . rental car arrangements : once again , you are responsible for scheduling your own rental car arrangements with your preferred provider . your travel agency in the park representative should be able to assist you with rental car reservations . hotel arrangements : hotel reservations are currently being made by our representative at the travel agency in the park . as soon as we have confirmation numbers , i will let you know . san francisco airport to the faculty club take 101 northbound exit to san francisco / oakland bay bridge exit to 1 - 80 east exit on university ave . east on university avenue for 1 . 5 miles to oxford st . right on oxford st . , left on durant ave . , left on piedmont you will see parking on the right side once again , thank you so much for helping with the general presentation . below are some last minute tips to keep in mind : please remember to dress business casual . please remember to bring some business cards for students . i have attached a pdf version of the global technology track brochure . please forward all expense receipts to grace garcia . she will handle any expenses incurred for this recruiting trip including : flight costs , hotel , car , food , valet , etc . however , you must turn in some sort of receipt - so be sure and save them ! ashley baxter work : 713 - 853 - 3589 cell : 281 - 793 - 0567 lara berry work : 713 - 345 - 8320 cell : 713 - 857 - 1034 grace garcia work : 713 - 853 - 7252 simone lewis work : 713 - 853 - 1645 | 00
| 4,554 |
Subject: grant , would you take a look at the following correlation matrix ? does it make sense ? ps : this is an updated correlation matrix with gold and silver correlations . i used bloomberg ' s generic closest month gold and silver contract prices for the correlation analysis . | 00
| 3,906 |
Subject: associate & analyst prc update the prc process for the associate & analyst programs has been revised . the office of the chairman , in conjunction with the heads of each operating company , has established a prc committee for the associates and one for the analysts . each committee will oversee the respective prc meetings . details of the process are as follows : i . prc committee members associate prc committee sally beck don w . black dan catagnola paul chivers ed coats dave duran bob hayes sean homes fred kelly dick leibert sean long scott neal ozzie pagan kevin presto brad richter mark ruane jim steffes analyst prc committee dave bowers federico cerisoli ed coats david crews brenda herod rogers herndon ben jacoby steve jernigan william gehle jay lewis ( james w ) paul mead mike norris rockey storie jon thomsen emilio vicens ii . meeting logistics enron will hold eastern hemisphere associate and analyst prc meetings on july 17 th in london . the prc for the eastern hemisphere will include europe , india and asia and will be chaired by john sherriff . the western hemisphere associate and analyst prc meetings will be held on july 19 th in houston . the prc for the western hemisphere will include south america , calgary , portland , houston and australia ( houston administers it ) and will be chaired by joe sutton . the analyst prc will be conducted from 8 : 00 a . m . to 12 : 30 p . m . , and the associate prc will be conducted from 1 : 30 p . m . to 6 : 30 p . m . iii . process each prc representative has been randomly assigned 15 to 17 associates or analysts that they will represent in the prc meeting . please note the prc rep is not representing only those individuals who may work in his or her specific opco but individuals that work throughout the organization . the prc rep will continue to represent the assigned associates or analysts during their entire tenure with the program . the prc reps are expected to contact the prc supervisor and gather performance information ( including pre - ratings if available ) . the program will prepare a binder for each prc rep that includes consolidated feedback from the pep system for their assigned associates or analysts and will provide this to the prc representatives on july 7 th . associates and analysts will be pre - rated by their business unit supervisor using the six performance ratings ( superior - issues ) and the management professional feedback form as detailed in the pep system . the pre - ratings must be loaded into pep by july 6 th . the associate and analyst ratings will be cross - calibrated by tenure at the meeting as follows : associates : level 1 : 0 to 6 months level 2 : 7 to 12 months levels 3 & 4 will be reviewed together : 13 months + . analysts : level 1 : 0 to 6 months level 2 : 7 to 12 months level 3 : 13 to 24 months level 4 and 5 will be reviewed together : 25 months + the rating determined in the global cross calibration meeting is final , and cannot be changed once the meeting has ended . following the global associate and analyst prc , the associates , and the analysts , supervisors will obtain the final rating from the prc representative . the supervisors must ensure that an evaluation session is conducted and the final rating is communicated to each associate and analyst by september 15 th . the completed form must be signed by the associate or analyst and returned to terry bosien in human resources by 9 / 18 / 00 . iv . promotions all promotions must be recommended in the prc . associates are eligible for promotion to manager at their 18 and 24 month anniversary . timing . anniversaries that occur from april lst through september 30 th should be recommended in the july prc and those that occur from october lst through march 31 st should be recommended in the december prc . if the promotion is granted it would become effective on the lst of the month following the prc , or on the associate , s anniversary date , whichever is later . associates promoted after march 31 st for the july prc and after september 30 th for the december prc will be evaluated as associates for prc purposes , not as a manager ( i . e . an associate was promoted to manager effective april lst . in the july prc the individual should be evaluated as an associate not as a manager ) . 2 nd year analysts are to be recommended for promotion to 3 rd year analysts after completing the 2 nd year , utilizing the same timing criteria outlined above ( i . e . , an analyst who completes the 2 nd year on september 30 th should be recommended for promotion to 3 rd year analyst in the july prc ) . 3 rd year analysts may be recommended for promotion to associate after completing the 3 rd year , utilizing the same timing criteria outlined above ( i . e . , an analyst who completes the 3 rd year on september 30 th should be recommended for promotion to associate in the july prc ) . please call terry bosien at 713 / 853 - 5230 or celeste roberts at 713 / 853 - 0555 if you have any questions . | 00
| 1,717 |
Subject: major stock play amnis systems , inc . ( otcbb : amnm ) contract announcements and huge newsletter coverage this week = for = 20 amnm ! ! ! this thursday amnm will be profiled by some major newsletters . = = 20 there will be huge volume and a strong increase in price for severa = l = 20 days . these are the same newsletters that profiled clks two w = eeks = 20 ago . they brought clks from $ 1 . 50 to $ 4 . 35 in ten days . = we = 20 know for certain that the same groups are going to profile amnm sta = rting = 20 on thursday . we are very proud that we can share this information with you = so that = 20 you can make a profit out of it . it is highly advisable to ta = ke a = 20 position in amnm as soon as possible , today before the market = 20 closes , or tomorrow . the stock is trading near its 52 week low , and will start movi = ng up = 20 immediately . we believe the stock could easiely reach $ 4 in l = ess = 20 than a month . good luck and watch amnm fly this week ! ! = 09 = 09 = 09 = 09 = 09 = 09 = 09 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ incredimail - email has finally = = 20 evolved - click = 20 here | 11
| 1,230 |
Subject: short term private firm model : static historical snapshot + performance data for model development mike , scott , eric , after brainstorming and discussing further on data here , we think that our final specifications for modelling data requirement need to be as follows : we need bankrupt , default and nondefault ( which covers nonbankrupt ) accounts with 4 quarterly observation snapshots and 12 months performance following the latest snapshot . monthly performance indicator need to be available for the entire 12 months performance period . we will need all the bankrupt and default accounts and comparable sample of good accounts with weights . for the purpose of model validation , we will need data with above specs covering 16 months of performance . this means that we will need rolling ( 4 quarterly snapshots + 12 months performance ) data for 4 monthly shifts : input snapshots performance 1999 march end , 1999 june end , 1999 september end , 1999 december end 12 month end performance for jan 2000 through dec 2000 1999 feb end , 1999 may end , 1999 august end , 1999 november end 12 month end performance for dec 1999 through nov 2000 1999 jan end , 1999 apr end , 1999 july end , 1999 october end 12 month end performance for nov 1999 through oct 2000 1998 december end , 1999 mar end , 1999 june end , 1999 september end 12 month end performance for oct 1999 through sep 2000 we will need bankruptcy chapterwise indicator , if available during the performance period . our definition of default is either bankruptcy or 90 + days delinquency on any trade credit . we have also discussed the cost aspect and we think considering the big picture , it makes sense to spend the extra amount to get the right data for analysis . please let me know your thoughts . this will require d & b to give us a modified quote and we could possibly move forward quickly . regards , amitava | 00
| 4,386 |
Subject: interview on friday , may 5 th good morning norberto : enron corp . research would like you to come in for an informal interview friday , may 5 , beginning at 1 : 30 pm . following is a tentative schedule : vasant shanbhogue 1 : 30 pm vince kaminski 1 : 45 pm clayton vernon 2 : 00 pm stinson gibner 2 : 15 pm tanya tamarchenko 2 : 30 pm grant masson 2 : 45 pm please let me know if these times work for you . thank you ! shirley crenshaw 713 - 853 - 5290 | 00
| 2,859 |
Subject: re : li sun : important notice : year - end prc preparation stinson , i think it should be kevin kindall . vince stinson gibner 09 / 18 / 2000 08 : 08 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : li sun : important notice : year - end prc preparation vince , should i be responsible for li sun ( for prc ) or do you want grant since she is primarily working for kevin kindall ? - - stinson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by stinson gibner / hou / ect on 09 / 18 / 2000 08 : 06 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " the associate and analyst programs " @ enron . com > on 09 / 15 / 2000 06 : 13 : 49 pm to : " sgibner @ enron . com " cc : subject : important notice : year - end prc preparation good afternoon supervisors of associates and analysts : as you may be aware , the year - end prc for 2000 is quickly approaching and your assistance is needed in ensuring a smooth process . it is imperative that the performance management team obtains the correct reviewing supervisor for the associates and analysts in order to facilitate the prc process . the reviewing supervisor is the person that will provide the associate / analyst their year - end individual performance feedback . you will be considered the reviewing supervisor if you employ the individuals listed below as of october 1 , 2000 . a comprehensive list of the associates and / or analysts currently in our database indicates that you are the supervisor of the individuals listed below . please examine the list and reply with " no changes " if the data is correct . if analyst in your response . if you will not be the reviewing supervisor as of october lst , please let us know so that we may follow up with the associates and analysts . in order to meet the performance management team ' s deadline , your reply is needed by friday , september 22 , 2000 . we appreciate your assistance in this matter . our records show the following associates and analysts under your prc review . shalesh ganjoo , analyst li sun , associate martin lin , associate thanks in advance for your cooperation . please feel free to call shelly butler @ 713 - 853 - 4584 or jana giovannini @ 713 - 853 - 9233 with any questions you might have . | 00
| 2,804 |
Subject: save 70 % on laser toner and inkjet cartridges ! due to heavy demand from our customers we are extending the 5 % extra off coupon on all your purchases with coupon code rmscy 6 p 2 upto july ' 30 2002 and the offer is exclusively from us . you received this letter because you signed up to receive offers from one of our affiliate sites . to unsubscribe from our mailing list , online unsubscribe click here or by email click here | 11
| 786 |
Subject: softs information attached is the ubs summary . the ubs deal is confidential due to its large size and the summary is an informal overview . the deal structure has not been defined ; this sheet provides only rough details . call if you have any questions . erin ext 3 - 9677 | 00
| 5,275 |
Subject: re : natural gas storage item vince - something very interesting about natural gas storage ( from the class ) . the industry is rapidly adopting what are called " operational balancing agreements , " where the pipeline contracts with the producers and ldc ' s ( public utilities ) to handle all " imbalances " in shipping , namely all production shortfalls or overages or consumption likewise . shippers then always " book " what is scheduled to happen , and not what actually happens . the end result is that storage facillities associated with production regions are used to smooth out not only weekday - weekend seasonal patterns ( the well - known " parking " ) but to insure issues of wellhead output as well . cutting to the chase , storage facilities in producing regions are operated to insure the integrity of the pipeline system , and estimated marketed production is likely to be a better estimate of actual flow at the pipeline ' s receipt meter than is production less local storage . clayton | 00
| 5,358 |
Subject: re : impending visit vince : would friday morning july 7 at 9 : 00 am work for you ? give me an email shout if so . thanks . dale nesbitt - - - - - original message - - - - - from : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com [ mailto : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ] sent : june 28 , 2000 2 : 19 pm to : dale . nesbitt @ marketpointinc . com cc : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com subject : re : impending visit dale , sorry for a delay in responding to your message . i shall talk to the head of our b 2 b unit on friday this week and shall remind him about your visit . i hope he can make a decision at this time whether he is interested in pursuing this opportunity vince " dale nesbitt " on 06 / 27 / 2000 11 : 26 : 05 pm to : " vincent kaminski " , " vince . j . kaminski " cc : subject : impending visit vince : i sent you an email a couple of days ago to inquire if we might get together at your offices on july 5 or july 7 in houston to follow up our earlier discussions . i notice i have two email addresses for you , so i am sending this to both . i am not sure the earlier transmission got to you . would you be available the afternoon of the 5 th or the morning of the 7 th to continue our earlier discussions ? give me an email or phone shout at 650 . 218 . 3069 . thanks dale nesbitt | 00
| 1,608 |
Subject: grades pam , the last group . please , let me know if any name is missing . grade : a thanks a lot . it was a pleasure working with you . vince kaminski | 00
| 3,121 |
Subject: software for system builders , resellers , and hardware purchasers only . get latest softwares , 99 % savings . the two most abundant things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity . i know nothing except the fact of my ignorance . | 11
| 996 |
Subject: impending visit july 5 - 7 vince : i plan to be in houston on july 5 - 7 . i would like very much to get together with you and perhaps your investment guy on friday morning on the 7 th if you and / or he have the time or perhaps on the 5 th in the afternoon . i would like to continue the discussions about your using marketpoint and about your investment guy considering marketpoint if he is interested . when you see the progress we have made , i think you will agree that it merits consideration as a part of enrononline . com as well as a profitable investment in its own right . it is still in the situation where it can be provided exclusively to whomever i choose ; i have been very , very careful how i have promoted it so that i do not get committed to a second - rate partner . i also have what i think is a fundamentally new , general markovian forward optionality evaluator . i wrote my ph . d . dissertation at stanford in the 1970 s ( defended with honors ) in semi - markovian decision processes during the heyday of that research , and i have seen direct applications in optionality evaluation . i think you will be fascinated to see and review it . it is presently implemented in prototype form and it could be made available to the first large retainer client on an exclusive basis who is sufficiently interested . if you want to be that retainer client , that would be of interest to me . give me a shout via return email or by my cell phone at 650 . 218 . 3069 regarding schedule . i am out of town this week but available via email or phone at the above addresses . i really hope we can get together that week if we possibly can . thanks very much for considering my request , and thanks very much for being the go between with your investment guy . i deeply appreciate it . i hope to see you on the 5 th or 7 th . dale nesbitt | 00
| 5,154 |
Subject: resume - rabi de vince , thanks for returning my call . here ' s rabi ' s resume for your review . as i mentioned , i worked with rabi for a little over a year at shell and was very impressed with both his abilities and work ethic . if you would like any further info from me , please do not hesitate to give me a call . thanks . bill ( for human resources ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by bill berkeland / corp / enron on 06 / 26 / 2000 11 : 08 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rabi de on 06 / 25 / 2000 08 : 24 : 07 pm to : bill . berkeland @ enron . com cc : subject : resume dear bill : thank you very much for volunteering to circulate my resume within enron . as you know , i am interested in exploring career opportunities in financial engineering within enron . i am particularly interested in joining the research group headed by dr . vince kaminski . enron continues to innovate its way through the energy and telecom marketplace using its substantial intellectual capital . the enclosed resume details my experience , academic background , and contributions in the area of risk modeling and management . understanding risk is a core competency of enron and i am excited about the possibility of working , learning , and growing with the very best in the industry . please forward my resume within enron as you see fit . thank you in advance for any referrals or recommendations you may be able to provide . best regards , rabi s . de do you yahoo ! ? get yahoo ! mail - free email you can access from anywhere ! | 00
| 2,364 |
Subject: re : summer van , thanks for your message . we are taking a number of interns this summer , but the a & a program has closed the books for this year . we were able to reopen the list to add one candidate a few weeks ago , but cannot do it again . we promised it would be the last addition . vince van ngo on 04 / 23 / 2000 11 : 42 : 54 am to : vince kaminski cc : subject : summer dear vince , i ' m writing to let you know that i have been in touch with christy young from the a & a program and will be finding out my assignment for this summer soon . ? i am very excited to be back at enron , and i hope to see the research team again . i ' d also like to inquire about summer positions within research . ? will the research group be taking on another intern this summer ? ? since i know there is no busier place at enron than the research group , if there is a position available for this summer that you are looking to fill or that may be open for consideration , i would love to connect you to another rice student . please let me know if the group is considering receiving a new intern this summer . ? if so , i would be thrilled to put you in touch with brad aimone , a senior chemical engineering student here at rice who will be graduating with both his b . s . and his masters in chemical engineering next may . ? brad has gained extensive laboratory research experience over the past two years . ? his academic focus gives him a strong mathematical , quantitative background and excellent computer skills . ? i believe his skills are transferable and relevant to the group , and he is a deeply dedicated individual . ? if the research group is looking for a summer intern , i hope it will continue enron ' s strong support and recruit of rice university students . please feel free to contact brad directly to pursue this discussion . ( as i realize the summer months are not far off , if it is easier , an arrangement through prostaff may be made similar to my work extension at the end of last summer ) . ? i have attached a copy of his resume for your review . ? brad will be in houston this summer . ? his contact information is given below . james bradley ( brad ) aimone 6320 main , houston , tx ? 77005 713 - 630 - 8035 imaknee @ rice . edu ? also , please feel free to contact me if you have any questions . ? i sincerely hope that you will have the opportunity to discover the contributions brad can make to the research group . ? i certainly know that he would gain tremendously from the experience as i did last summer . thank you very much for your consideration . sincerely , van ph : 713 - 630 - 8038 - brad _ resume . doc | 00
| 3,686 |
Subject: we are need you tjuz s cif mercy advertising group presents for your attention : they need your help ! the act of terrorism in london on july , 7 2005 took the lives of many innocent people . it was directed not against one nation , but against all the nations . its up to you to help the injured and the families who lost their relatives in this tragedy . to help click here if you dont want to receive our advertising letters any more , click here | 11
| 1,223 |
Subject: thomas knudsen hi vince i met with thomas this morning ( i gave you his cv before , though i don ' t know if you had time to read it ) . he ' s extremely interested in moving to enron , and accepts that our work is far less academic than his postdoc research , although far broader than his investment banking quant experience . he remains interested , and emphasised he wants to stay close to the traders , but wants to look at new markets and products . i think we should seriously consider hiring him . he is ( understandably ) reluctant to move to houston , but there ' s no doubt that there is plenty of ( unnmet ) demand for derivatives pricing ( and thinking ) here in london . would you be interested in my setting up a videoconference in the next couple of weeks so you have a chance to chat with him ? i ' m meeting with him again on tuesday at an academic quant finance seminar organised by lane at king ' s college . i ' ve attached his cv for your reference . all the best , steve | 00
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Subject: re : telephone interview with the research group fyi : praveen will be available on thursday , may 4 at 10 : 00 am houston time . call him at 301 / 422 - 0889 . thanks ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by shirley crenshaw / hou / ect on 04 / 28 / 2000 08 : 05 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mellacheruvu venkata praveen on 04 / 27 / 2000 08 : 58 : 47 pm to : shirley . crenshaw @ enron . com cc : subject : re : telephone interview with the research group dear ms . crenshaw , the interviewers can call me at ( 301 ) 422 0889 . please do inform them accordingly . thank you for setting up the interview . regards , praveen mellacheruvu . on thu , 27 apr 2000 shirley . crenshaw @ enron . com wrote : > > praveen : > > i have scheduled the conference call for thursday , may 4 at 11 : 00 am ( est ) > 10 : 00 am ( central ) . it will be better if they can call you . please le me > know > what number you can be reached at . > > if this is not allright , please let me know . > > thanks and have a great day ! > > shirley crenshaw > > | 00
| 1,581 |
Subject: fyi - lacima run a 2 day course - uts on weather derivatives - first w / e sept - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by raymond yeow / enron _ development on 07 / 14 / 2000 08 : 23 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " chris strickland " on 07 / 14 / 2000 05 : 01 : 12 am please respond to " chris strickland " to : " shane dallmann " cc : " julie " , " les " , " raymond yeow " , " paul quilkey " subject : run a 2 day course - uts on weather derivatives - first w / e sept hi shane , thanks for your e - mail . we actually sent the 9 of the 11 chapters off to the typesetter today and i will forward you our word documents in the morning . i ' ve been travelling a lot to the uk at the moment and so haven ' t spent much time with the student myself . are you going to te energy confernece next week , perhaps we can meet up there ? good to hear about the weather . we are actually going to run a two day course thru uts on weather derivatives the first weekend of september . feel free to tell your potential clients about it if you think it will bring up the industry knowledge . maybe we can associate your name with the course somehow which might help both of us ? c . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : shane dallmann to : cc : paul quilkey ; raymond yeow sent : thursday , july 13 , 2000 1 : 56 pm > > > > chris , > > how are things going ? i see that you are presenting at australian energy risk > 2000 along with vince kaminski who will be out from the us > > i was wondering how the book is going and whether we ' re likely to get a copy > ( just notes would do ) any time soon . or are you still waiting on those slack > enron people to finish it ? ( maybe you can corner him while he ' s here ) . if i > remember correctly from when you were here , you were going to give us a copy of > the notes and then we were going to sit down and decide what exactly we wanted > you to cover in an in - house course . > > paul also told me about a student of yours that was going to get in touch with > me but i have not heard anything yet . > > enron australia is also going to launch weather in the next couple of weeks and > would like to invite you and les along , so can you send me an address we can > send invitations to if you ' re interested . > > regards , > > shane > > | 00
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Subject: energy futures contracts project please respond to hi vince and jason : please find attached a copy of our project . thank you for an enjoyable and informative class . sincerely , rishad patel neeraj hingorani duane maue eric van stone john ganguzza grant johnson paulo yoshiura - . doc | 00
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Subject: our mtg stinson , vince and vasant - i need to push our mtg back until this afternoon - i ' m just finishing a major manipulation i needed to make of the data , and i need to rest a few hours before running the first analysis . sorry . clayton | 00
| 1,466 |
Subject: telephone interview with enron corp . research good morning amyn : the enron corp . research group would like to conduct a telephone interview with you at your convenience . this will be as a " summer intern " with the research group . please let me know your availability on monday , may lst or thursday ; may 4 th . the persons who will be interviewing you are : vince kaminski managing director stinson gibner vice president krishna krishnarao director osman sezgen manager i look forward to hearing from you . thank you and have a great day shirley crenshaw administrative coordinator 713 - 852 - 5290 | 00
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Subject: new website for an exciting conference applications of physics in financial analysis 2 liege , belgium 13 to 15 july 2000 the website for this conference is now available at www . eps . org / apfa for further details on all eps conferences contact : christine bastian , conferences , european physical society , 34 rue marc seguin , bp 2136 , f - 68060 mulhouse cedex , france tel + 33 389 32 94 42 fax + 33 389 32 94 49 email eps . conf @ univ - mulhouse . fr this conference is a europhysics conference . it is organised by the european physical society and its division of statistical and non - linear physics . - attl . htm | 00
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Subject: day off tuesday stinson , i would like to take a day off tomorrow ( tuesday , april 10 ) . i need to register my son to elementary school and send my cars to service . my cell number is 713 - 858 - 2577 in case you need to reach me . zimin | 00
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Subject: change of role just a quick note to say that i have now left the eprm / risk conference division after two and a half very happy years . i am however still at risk waters group , where i am now working as a journalist on eprm magazine . future conference enquiries should go to paul bristow ( us - 212 925 6990 ) or frances tully ( europe - + 44 ( 0 ) 20 7484 9731 ) . many thanks for your work my events and i hope we can work together again in the future . if you have any ideas on the writing side then i would always appreciate a call or email - my contact details all remain the same . best regards , joel . joel hanley eprm magazine direct : + 44 ( 0 ) 20 7484 9885 www . riskwaters . com | 00
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Subject: re : sorry . chonawee , this was perfectly all right . as a matter of fact i expect and encourage the members of the group to disagree with me ( or anybody else ) on any subject . i am never offended by it and take it as a manifestation of ability to think independently and having the courage of one ' s convictions . nobody has the monopoly on truth and nobody knows everything . the only way we can learn and avoid costly errors ( to ourselves and the company ) is by having open communication . in enron , facts are friendly . by the way , it was an excellent presentation . vince chonawee supatgiat @ enron 01 / 04 / 2001 03 : 10 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : sorry . hi vince , i am sorry for correcting on the revenue of the different auctions . vickrey 1961 showed that all 4 kinds of auctions would yield the same expected revenue to the auctioneer . ( dutch , english , first price - sealed bid , and second - price sealed bid . ) in fact , the selling price is equal to the valuation of the second highest bidder . for example , in vickrey auction , everyone bids at his own valuation . hence , the winner pays the valuation of the second highest bidder . in english auction , the second highest valuation bidder will stop competing if the price is above his valuation . hence , the winner also gets the item at the price of the second highest valuation bidder . thank you for attending the meeting and giving many helpful contributions . - chonawee | 00
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Subject: james aimone james aimone is a canditate for a summer position supporting the ena option pricing and valuation team . he will be at enron , friday april 28 from 2 : 30 to 4 : 00 . schedule of interviews : stinson gibner 2 : 30 - 2 : 45 zimin lu 2 : 45 - 3 : 00 paulo issler 3 : 00 - 3 : 15 elizabeth grant 3 : 30 - 4 : 00 thanks , stinson | 00
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Subject: henwood power market symposium - april 2001 * we apologize for the previous message , we experienced an error in our system henwood power market symposium , april 29 th - may lst we are excited to offer you an invitation to attend the henwood power market symposium . this annual three - day event will take place from april 29 to may 1 , 2001 in atlanta , ga at the evergreen mountain resort . the goal of the symposium is to provide our guests a forum to conduct business across all energy markets through the sharing of experiences and innovations , and through numerous networking opportunities . participants will also gain access to henwood ' s software products , consulting services and e - business products , as a means to develop competitive strategies and unequalled value in restructured markets . the focus of the symposium is to provide relevant discussion topics , technologies and competitive strategies . this year ' s featured speakers include senior representatives from enron , conoco , electric power research institute , ferc , new england iso , and more . please register early because space is limited ! if you register prior to april lst , the symposium cost is only $ 875 . after april lst , the registration fee will be increased to $ 975 . your registration is inclusive of the following : * complete hotel accommodations for sunday april 29 th and monday april 30 th , 2001 * all meals and refreshments for april 29 th through may lst . a welcome reception is planned for sunday , april 29 th . this reception is an excellent opportunity to network with market participants and decision - makers of the electric power industry . * a river boat dinner cruise scheduled for monday , april 30 th on board the henry w . grady paddlewheel riverboat . spouses are welcome to attend the evening reception and dinner cruise . a captain and crew golf tournament is also planned for sunday , april 29 th for an additional fee . we invite golfers of all levels to participate in this event . for more information contact heather mason ( e - mail : hmason @ hesinet . com ) at 916 569 - 0985 . you can also learn more about the symposium by visiting our web site at www . hesinet . com . * make sure to ask about our special 2001 henwood client discount . | 00
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Subject: re : term project : brian , no problem . vince " brian corbett nelson " on 04 / 26 / 2001 08 : 15 : 14 pm please respond to to : cc : subject : re : term project : vince , i finally joined a team that only had two members . it looks like our paper will only be about 13 to 15 pages . we were wondering that since our team is less than half the size of some of the other teams , if you could possible relax the length requirement ? thanks , brian nelson - - - - - original message - - - - - from : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com [ mailto : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ] sent : wednesday , april 11 , 2001 3 : 54 pm to : nelsonb @ rice . edu subject : re : term project : brian , the last class + plus a few days ( depending on when i have to submit the grades ) . vince " brian corbett nelson " on 04 / 11 / 2001 03 : 35 : 14 pm please respond to to : cc : subject : re : term project : mr . kaminski , i had an interview last thusday in dallas and could not attend class . did you set a project deadline ? thanks , brian nelson - - - - - original message - - - - - from : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com [ mailto : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ] sent : wednesday , april 11 , 2001 3 : 22 pm to : isranir @ rice . edu ; demianen @ rice . edu ; tbal 93 @ yahoo . com ; maue @ rice . edu ; loughrid @ rice . edu ; jblantonjr @ yahoo . com ; gjohnson @ rice . edu ; emchombo @ rice . edu ; nazareth @ rice . edu ; vanstone @ rice . edu ; ganguzza @ rice . edu ; nelsonb @ rice . edu ; sssmith @ rice . edu ; wheelock @ rice . edu ; westmore @ rice . edu ; gaudette @ rice . edu ; otaylor @ rice . edu ; dikeman @ rice . edu ; jettke @ rice . edu ; litton @ rice . edu ; chilkina @ rice . edu ; helms @ rice . edu ; wankhade @ rice . edu ; monfan @ rice . edu ; kostya @ rice . edu ; pcp @ rice . edu ; yueguo @ rice . edu ; nlwbio @ rice . edu ; zhangn @ rice . edu ; rishad @ rice . edu ; yoshiura @ rice . edu ; howard @ rice . edu ; dayangd @ rice . edu ; wuwei @ rice . edu ; so @ rice . edu ; wooddy @ rice . edu ; lamas @ rice . edu ; tbalestrery @ houston . rr . com ; hingoran @ rice . edu ; planck @ rice . edu cc : vkaminski @ aol . com ; vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ; jason . sokolov @ enron . com subject : term project : this is the list of projects for the members of the " quant " team . if you are working on different project , please , ignore this message . please , develop in a spreadsheet solutions / examples for the following : 1 . black - scholes formula 2 . black ' s formula 3 . develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using : a . gbm b . gbm + jump ( formula 2 . 16 in the book , figure 2 . 7 ) c . mean reversion + jump ( formula 2 . 17 , figure 2 . 8 ) 4 . schwartz single factor model ( formula 6 . 12 ) 5 . develop models corresponding to the figures 7 . 1 , 7 . 3 , 7 . 5 , 7 . 6 , 7 . 8 vince | 00
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Subject: i know your company ! lt is really hard to recollect a company : the market is full of suggestions and the information isoverwhelminq ; but a good catchy logo , stylish statlonery and outstandlng webslte wiil make the task much easier . we do not promise that having ordered a iogo your company will automaticaiiy become a worid ieader : it isguite clear that without good products , effective business organization and practicable aim it will be hotat nowadays market ; but we do promise that your marketing efforts will become much more effective . here is the list of clear benefits : creativeness : hand - made , original logos , specially done to reflect your distinctive company image . convenience : logo and stationery are provided in all formats ; easy - to - use content management system letsyou change your website content and even its structure . promptness : you will see logo drafts within three business days . affordability : your marketing break - through shouldn ' t make gaps in your budget . 100 % satisfaction guaranteed : we provide unlimited amount of changes with no extra fees for you to be surethat you will love the result of this collaboration . have a look at our portfolio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | 11
| 74 |
Subject: please keep in touch hi , just like to say that it has been great meeting and working with you all . i will be leaving enron effective july 5 th to do investment banking in hong kong . i will initially be based in new york and will be moving to hong kong after a few months . do contact me when you are in the vicinity . i don ' t know my contact details yet and would let you know once i get it . in the meantime , i will always be checking my e - mail at royibasco @ yahoo . com . please let me know what your e - mail addresses are and keep in touch ! best regards , roy | 00
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Subject: new computer hello again , lyn i will like to add to the previous request another computer and flat screen . the location for the equipment will be eb 3130 c . the r . c . and company is below . any additional please call x 34710 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 02 / 03 / 2000 06 : 54 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kevin g moore 02 / 01 / 2000 11 : 47 am to : lyn malina / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : new computer hello lyn i am in need of another computer . i will also need a flat screen monitor . ( large ) the location is eb 3130 a . the co . # is 0011 . the r . c . # is 100038 . the computer is needed a . s . a . p . lyn , please give me a estimated time of arrival . thank you kevin moore x 34710 | 00
| 3,212 |
Subject: re : education opportunity we spoke about gf . u n i v e r s i t y . d i p l o m a s . do you want for a prosperous future , increased money earning power , and the respect of all ? we can assist with diplomas from prestigious non - accredited universities based on your present knowledge and life experience . no required tests , classes , books , or interviews . bachelors , masters , mba , and doctorate ( phd ) diplomas available in the field of your choice - that ' s right , you can become a doctor , lawyer or accountant and receive all the benefits and admiration that comes with it ! no one is turned down ! confidentiality assured - change your life today ! either click here or you can call us 24 hours a day , 7 days a week ! ( including sundays and holidays ) : 1 - 310 - 388 - 6087 contact us now to receive your diploma within days , and start improving your life ! did you receive an email advertisement in error ? our goal is to only target individuals who would like to take advantage of our offers . if you ' d like to be removed from our mailing list , please click on the link below . you will be removed immediately and automatically from all of our future mailings . we protect all email addresses from other third parties . thank you . please remove me . | 11
| 427 |
Subject: ion online security notification dear lasalle bank member , to prevent unauthorized access to your lasalle internet banking account , we have limited the number of failed login attempts . you have exceeded this number of attempts . as an additional security measure your access to online banking has been limited . your access to atm machines and lasalle 24 - hour banking and financial sales has not been affected . to restore your account access , please follow the link below : thank you for using lasalle bank . lasalle bank - online department . | 11
| 68 |
Subject: overview of hr associates / analyst project per david ' s request , attached is an overview of the hr associates / analysts project - creating a human resource value index . this document will provide a brief , top - line overview of the following : description of the challenges people involved positive outcomes high - level description of the process we suggest if you have any questions before our tuesday meeting please contact either myself or dan brown . thanks ! tana cashion david oxley @ ect 10 / 05 / 2000 10 : 20 am to : gerry gibson / corp / enron @ enron cc : andrea yowman / corp / enron @ enron , bob sparger / corp / enron @ enron , tim o ' rourke / corp / enron @ enron , ted c bland / hou / ect @ ect , daniel brown / na / enron @ enron , tana cashion / na / enron @ enron , rhonna palmer / hou / ect @ ect , cindy olson / corp / enron @ enron , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , kay chapman / hou / ect @ ect , sarah a davis / hou / ect @ ect , marla barnard / enron communications @ enron communications , pam butler / hr / corp / enron @ enron , michelle cash / hou / ect @ ect , brian schaffer / corp / enron @ enron , suzanne brown / hou / ect @ ect , robert jones / corp / enron @ enron , neil davies / corp / enron @ enron subject : re : mission impossible - hr associate groups recommendation and next steps i notice my calender doesn ' t yet seem to have this meeting scheduled . i will ask kay chapman ( since rhonna has now deserted me ! ) to help put a time together . drew / mary , fyi sorry i didn ' t get a chance to send you this before . let me know if you want to attend , happy to have you there . gerry , can you help me put an agenda together so that everyone knows what we are looking to achieve here . in broad terms i am looking to do the following : update all on project we set hr associate group and their recommendations discuss their recommendations and look at any refinements or ideas we think we should also incorporate ( see my thumb nail sketch notes inspired by associate group below ) . reaffirm commitment to take this project forward and agree : team for doing so resources and timimg methodology for agreeing final version . my ambition is that we ( but in particular andrea , bob , gerry , tim , tana , dan , neil , myself and possibly suzanne if she can given the work she had already done in this area ) all agree to contribute to this and get it done without the need for a formation of a new team or group . obviously everyone welcome to participate . tana / dan , can you cicruclate a summary of your teams proposals to this group so we they can review before meeting . could you also agree within your team who you would like to attend this meeting ( i would suggest 2 or 3 of you attend rather than all ) . thanks david david oxley 09 / 26 / 2000 11 : 38 am to : andrea yowman / corp / enron @ enron , bob sparger / corp / enron @ enron , gerry gibson / corp / enron @ enron , tim o ' rourke / corp / enron @ enron , ted c bland / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : daniel brown / na / enron @ enron , tana cashion / na / enron @ enron , rhonna palmer / hou / ect @ ect , cindy olson / corp / enron @ enron subject : mission impossible - hr associate groups recommendation and next steps rhonna , please arrange a meeting later this week for all of those addressed by this message ( vince , it would great if one of your team could attend since we will need some heavy statistical and analytical help to complete this project ) . the prupose of the meeting will be to discuss and delegate next steps required to implement the hr associate groups recommendations for the development of an hr " value index " at enron . i would anticipate we will need approx 45 minutes . david | 00
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Subject: re : power question steve , elena chilkina can give you historical data . historical fwd curves can be obtained from paulo or alex , among others . of course , our internal forward curves represent a very sensitive information . vince steven leppard 10 / 13 / 2000 10 : 34 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : didier magne / lon / ect @ ect subject : power question hi vince who should i contact for power queries now grant has gone ? a colleague here in london ( didier magne ) is giving a talk on power / gas arbitrage , and the consequent convergence of these markets . do you have any presentations on this area , or illustrative figures on the increase in power / gas correlation ? many thanks , steve | 00
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Subject: uk inflation presentation deal all , please find attached a copy from a presentation on uk inflation we gave this morning to john sherriff , president & coo enron europe . it summarizes the results of our work on inflation so far . as you know the long term models still remain to be approved . as today is quarter end and there is a significant p & l effect on a mtm basis john sherriff would like to proceed as soon as possible with the new curves . thank you all for all your help ! best regards , martina x 34327 | 00
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Subsets and Splits