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73. In the first decades of the 20th century in Europe, totalitarian governments emerged, which originated after the First World War and are generally known by their leaders: Stalin in the Soviet Union, Hitler in Germany, and Mussolini in Italy. These three regimes presented some common characteristics, highlighting | history/2017 | ['A) the class struggle as a basic principle of their ideology. ', 'B) the persecution of ethnic minorities like the Jews. ', 'C) the rejection of political and economic liberalism. ', 'D) the existence of multiparty elections. ', 'E) the lack of a Political Constitution. '] | C | World History |
74. In the 1930s, the United States government, to address the effects of the economic crisis caused by the Great Depression, implemented a new economic-social plan called the "New Deal," which had as its central axis, the | history/2017 | ['A) reduction of economic investments abroad. ', 'B) application of strong state interventionism. ', 'C) promotion of bilateral agreements with countries in the region. ', 'D) lowering of prices in the domestic market. ', 'E) deepening of a free-trade commercial policy. '] | B | History America |
75. ―More memorable, however, was wearing the full uniform and participating in the grand spectacle that had become synonymous with Nazism: the choreography of vast marching columns, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of helmeted men in perfect formation, like a tidal wave of anonymous faces. For someone who had spent his life intoxicated by the paraphernalia of military power, it was exhausting, yet wonderful. Boots, helmet, shiny leather, a powerful emblem of the mobilized strength of the legendary assault troops‖. (Martin Davison, The Perfect Nazi, the discovery of my grandfather's secret and how Hitler seduced a generation ). German National Socialism constituted a movement capable of attracting through various strategies, a significant part of the German population who became involved with the movement, even in times of crisis. In this context and considering the previous quote, it is correct to state that such adherence was possible due to | history/2017 | ['A) the democratic nature of the institutions designed by the Nazi leadership. ', 'B) the propaganda and coercion effort deployed by National Socialism. ', 'C) the exploitation of the German people's lack of political experience. ', 'D) the proposal for social inclusion of the entire population during the Third Reich. ', 'E) the attraction exerted by the nationalist discourse of the regime on social democracy and socialism. '] | B | World History |
76. In the first half of the 20th century, Germany under Hitler's government and the Soviet Union under Stalin's government developed totalitarian systems of government. However, one of the following elements differentiated both systems: | history/2017 | ['A) the ideological foundations of the societal model. ', 'B) the importance given to the armed forces. ', 'C) the central position of the State in society. ', 'D) the use they made of the media. ', 'E) the use of force as a form of political control. '] | A | World History |
77. After the end of World War II, the proponents of liberalism and socialism turned the defense of their ideology into a true crusade on a global scale, which led them to clashes, direct or indirect, in different parts of the world. In Latin America, this confrontation manifested, for example, in I) the U.S. ideological influence over the Armed Forces of the continent. II) the enactment of political exclusion laws that banned the existence of parties of communist origin. III) the so-called Cuban Missile Crisis in the early 1960s. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only I and II ', 'D) Only II and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | E | History America |
78. ―There is no historical period in the contemporary era in which, as since World War II, domestic and international politics intermingle so closely and influence each other so much as to almost become indistinguishable‖. (Giuseppe Mammarella, History of Contemporary Europe from 1945 to Today). The previous text mainly describes the period known as the Cold War. Among the reasons that may explain the scenario described by the author, it is correct to point out | history/2017 | ['A) the participation of some countries in the world in military alliances led by the superpowers.', 'B) the strengthening of decolonization processes.', 'C) the exchange of military technology between the two superpowers.', 'D) the prohibition of socialist parties in Western countries.', 'E) the implementation of a highly disconnected economic system.'] | A | World History |
79. One of the characteristics of the 1960s was the increasing prominence of young people in the societal changes of the time, which had among its icons the "flower revolution," the "French May," and the feminist movement. Among the common elements of these movements was (were)
I) the rejection of established social structures.
II) the support for territorial claims by indigenous groups.
III) the use of violence as a political strategy. | history/2017 | ['A) Only I ', 'B) Only II ', 'C) Only III ', 'D) Only I and III ', 'E) I, II and III '] | A | World History |
80. ―The ideas and skills that the United States imparted to Peruvian officers during the 80s were very influential, as they responded to a strategic conception that entailed major transformations in the countries where the battles against the communist subversion were fought. […] The basic contents of the counterinsurgency courses at the School of the Americas are known through the seven manuals that were declassified by the Pentagon‖. (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Peru, cited in Herbert Morote, Everyone Against the Truth!). The quoted text is a fragment from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Peru, referring to an aspect of the period of violence that the country experienced during the 1980s and 1990s. According to the information provided, what characteristic of the Cold War is observed in the text? | history/2017 | ['A) The increase of the arms race. ', 'B) The fear of the public towards armed violence. ', 'C) The existence of areas of ideological influence. ', 'D) The collaboration between Latin American dictatorships. ', 'E) The direct confrontation of ideological blocs. '] | C | History America |
3. “The global information society in formation will only gain its true meaning if it becomes a means to a higher and more desirable end: the worldwide construction of knowledge societies that serve as sources of development for all, and especially for the less developed countries.” (UNESCO, Towards Knowledge Societies, 2005). The above text refers to the knowledge society as an aspiration of international organizations. In relation to the consolidation of this process worldwide, it is correct to mention that this historical phenomenon presents the following challenge(s) for the States: I) guarantee the free flow of information. II) reduce educational inequalities. III) promote freedom of expression. | history/2016 | [' A)Only I ', ' B)Only III ', ' C)Only I and II ', ' D)Only II and III ', ' E)I, II and III '] | E | Citizen education |
4. The world's population is distributed unevenly, while some areas are densely populated, others are referred to as anecumenes, meaning they have demographic voids. Among the fundamental characteristics of the anecumenes zones, the following can be identified: | history/2016 | [' A) they constitute biosphere reserve areas. ', ' B) they lack natural resources for economic development. ', ' C) they are areas that remain unexplored by humans. ', ' D) they present conditions that make permanent habitation difficult. ', ' E) they are particularly found in less developed countries. '] | D | World History |
7. CHILE: PERMANENT RESIDENCE BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN, 2011 Peru 8,117 | Colombia 1,699 | Bolivia 1,580 | Argentina 1,338 | Ecuador 902 | People's Republic of China 665 | Brazil 475 | Venezuela 367 | United States 366 | Uruguay 335 (Department of Immigration and Migration, Ministry of the Interior) The table above presents the countries that contributed the largest population of immigrants with permanent residence in Chile in the year 2011. Considering this information related to the characteristics of migration processes that have occurred over the last thirty years, it is correct to state that Chile I) has become an attractive destination for immigrants. II) receives a significant percentage of foreign population from countries with which it has greater geographical proximity. III) receives a significant number of immigrants coming from the Pacific coast countries. | history/2016 | [' A)Only I ', ' B)Only II ', ' C)Only I and II ', ' D)Only II and III ', ' E)I, II, and III '] | E | History Chile |
10. The population growth in major Latin American cities, in recent decades, has brought a series of problems related to different economic and social aspects. In this regard, one of the main problems faced by most of these cities is | history/2016 | [' A)low coverage in primary education. ', ' B)difficult access to drinking water. ', ' C)the high illiteracy rate. ', ' D)high socio-spatial segregation. ', ' E)shortage of basic food supplies. '] | D | American History |
11. In Chile, the prevailing economic development model promotes exports to international markets. In this context, to achieve greater territorial efficiency, road infrastructure needs to be developed from productive centers towards | history/2016 | [' A)the main ports and airports in the country. ', ' B)the natural resource reserves. ', ' C)the areas with the highest availability of labor. ', ' D)the regional capital cities. ', ' E)the national marketing centers. '] | A | History Chile |
12. Inflation can be defined as the sustained increase in the general price level in the market. In an economy like Chile's, efforts are made to keep inflation controlled because its rise, combined with stagnant wages, has as a direct consequence | history/2016 | [' A)the increase in unemployment. ', ' B)the fall in imports. ', ' C)the decrease in bank loans. ', ' D)the loss of purchasing power. ', ' E)the paralysis of production. '] | D | Economic system |
13. In Chile, most exports correspond to raw materials, both mining and agricultural. This economic specialization has allowed the country to maintain active international trade which, in the case of agricultural exports, is mainly explained by | history/2016 | [' A)the exclusivity of agricultural products exported by the country. ', ' B)the diversity of crops produced due to the climatic variety of the country. ', ' C)the subsidies granted by the State to agricultural producers. ', ' D)the high investment in environmental protection required by law for agricultural production. ', ' E)the tariff protection imposed by developed countries on imports. '] | B | Chile History |
16. Chile, by participating in the process of regional interdependence in the Asia-Pacific area, has established cooperative relations with the respective States. This type of relationship is characterized mainly by | history/2016 | [' A)free economic aid to less developed countries. ', ' B)the establishment of common political systems. ', ' C)the creation of military defense programs. ', ' D)the development of economic integration policies. ', ' E)the elimination of customs inspection. '] | D | History Chile |
17. In 1970, April 22 was established as "Earth Day." One of the mottos coined within the framework of this celebration to refer to sustainable development stated that the Earth "we do not inherit from our parents, but we borrow from our children." This statement posed a challenge to current generations consisting of that | history/2016 | [' A)it is necessary to exploit natural resources to their maximum capacity to ensure their productivity. ', ' B)it is essential to carry out environmentally responsible exploitation of natural resources. ', ' C)economic development should primarily be oriented towards meeting present needs. ', ' D)it is necessary to reduce environmental regulations to achieve industrialization. ', ' E)it is necessary to achieve environmental sustainability to ensure social equity. '] | B | Citizenship education |
19. The taxes applied in Chile fall into the category of direct and indirect, depending on how, to whom, and what is taxed. In this | history/2016 | ['sense, the Value Added Tax (VAT) is an indirect tax because A)it is collected through the sale of goods and services. ', ' B)it is applied on the income received during a year by a dependent worker. ', ' C)it corresponds to the sales made by companies during a year. ', ' D)it is applied on the products exported within the framework of bilateral agreements. ', ' E)it forms part of the mandatory deductions made from workers’ salaries. '] | A | Economic system |
20. Labor outsourcing constitutes a form of work relationship, whose use has spread in the current world. One of the characteristics of this form of work is the following: | history/2016 | [' A)the company hires all the workforce for its operation. ', ' B)part of the workforce directly hired by the company is replaced by another dependent on a third party. ', ' C)workers remain in companies as independent contractors. ', ' D)it is generally associated with the existence of a serial production model. ', ' E)workers are governed by an informal service provision agreement. '] | B | Economic system |
21. According to the current legislation in Chile, unions are organizations whose one of the functions is to defend the rights of workers within companies. In this regard, among the main purposes of unions, the following stands out: | history/2016 | [' A)promote the career advancement of its affiliates. ', ' B)negotiate the working conditions of its members. ', ' C)define the productive priorities of the company. ', ' D)unilaterally determine the duration of the working day. ', ' E)directly participate in the company's investment decisions. '] | B | Civic education |
22. In 2014, the UN made various recommendations to Chile to improve policies on Human Rights, and while pointing out the pending tasks, it also recognized the progress the country had made in this area. In this regard, one of the issues that has advanced in recent years is | history/2016 | ['A) the end of violence against women.', 'B) the eradication of child labor.', 'C) the enactment of the anti-discrimination law.', 'D) the elimination of overcrowding in prisons.', 'E) the constitutional recognition of indigenous nations.'] | C | Chilean History |
23. The conventional consecration of the principle of sovereign equality of states was established with the Charter of the United Nations signed in 1945 in San Francisco, United States. Precisely, in one of its paragraphs, the text states, "the Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its members." This declaration implies that | history/2016 | [' A) the states have equivalent legal systems. ', ' B) the states are free to respect the sovereignty of another state. ', ' C) the territorial integrity of a state depends on the decisions of other countries. ', ' D) the states are free to self-determine their political and social system. ', ' E) the political independence of the state is subject to the authority of the United Nations. '] | D | World History |
24. The right to information "is an indispensable tool for acquiring the knowledge that allows us to control the actions of governments, and to prevent and fight against corruption as well as counteract the violation of our rights. In other words, from these principles it follows that the right of access to information should be highlighted as an intrinsic value of the concept of democracy." (, 2010). According to the quoted text, it is correct to infer that the right to information I) encourages transparency in public administration. II) is an instrument against illegality. III) tends to guarantee equality before the law. | history/2016 | [' A)Only I ', ' B)Only II ', ' C)Only I and II ', ' D)Only I and III ', ' E)I, II and III '] | E | Civic education |
25. "Article 7. The State recognizes the right of indigenous people to maintain and develop their own cultural expressions, provided that they do not contradict morality, good customs, and public order. The State has the duty to promote indigenous cultures, which are part of the heritage of the Chilean Nation." (Law 19253, September 28, 1993). In relation to article 7 of the so-called Chilean Indigenous Law, it is correct to establish that I) the culture of the country is constituted by contributions from diverse origins. II) the State recognizes the indigenous peoples as part of the nation. III) there are mechanisms for the integration of the indigenous population. | history/2016 | [' A)Only I ', ' B)Only III ', ' C)Only I and III ', ' D)Only II and III ', ' E)I, II and III '] | E | Civic education |
26. In Chile, considering the diversity of existing party organizations, it is concluded that political parties as a whole are characterized, among other aspects, by I) being a means of citizen expression. II) channeling the opinions of their members. III) depending on the directions of the Executive. | history/2016 | [' A)Only I ', ' B)Only II ', ' C)Only I and II ', ' D)Only II and III ', ' E)I, II, and III '] | C | Civic education |
27. According to the forms of government practiced in democratic systems, certain characteristics are distinguished that differentiate the attributions and powers of different political authorities. In Chile, the form of government follows a Presidential System, since | history/2016 | ['A) the Executive Power has attributions conferred by the other two branches of the State. ', 'B) the National Congress and the Ministerial Cabinet have the power to act above the authority of the Head of State. ', 'C) the President of the Republic is at the same time Head of State and Head of Government. ', 'D) the President of the Republic has autonomy to determine the national budget. ', 'E) the Head of State becomes President of the Republic through elections within the National Congress. '] | C | History Chile |
28. Under the law that regulates the principle of transparency in public service, the right of access to information from state administration bodies, and the procedures for exercising this right and its protection, it is correct to point out that, in general terms, I) every public official has the legal right to freely dispose of any type of information from another person. II) all information generated by public bodies is restricted access. III) State documents officially published must be permanently available to the public. | history/2016 | [' A)Only I ', ' B)Only III ', ' C)Only I and II ', ' D)Only I and III ', ' E)Only II and III '] | B | Civic education |
29. The Spanish conquest of the southern territories of Chile initiated in the 16th century was characterized by the conflict between the Mapuches and Spaniards. An expression of this conflict was the Battle of Curalaba, after which the Biobío River was established as the stable border between the area inhabited by the Spaniards and Mapuche territories. Regarding the latter, what mechanism did the Spanish Crown use to support the establishment of the border limit? | history/2016 | [' A)The implementation of a permanent professional army funded by the Real Situado. ', ' B)The creation of ecclesiastical organizations aimed at promoting the pacification of the territory. ', ' C)The drafting of laws that defined the political-administrative relationship between the two nations. ', ' D)The establishment of encomienda as an institution overseeing labor relations between Spaniards and indigenous people. ', ' E)The creation of formal instances of economic exchange. '] | A | History Chile |
30. The economic policy that the Spanish Empire applied to America was mercantilism. This policy was aimed at the accumulation of wealth constituted by precious metals, which were to be obtained by exploiting gold and silver minerals. In addition, it was necessary to maintain | history/2016 | [' A)an agricultural production in America to promote the export of wheat to Spain. ', ' B)an economic system that promoted the sending of all kinds of minerals from America. ', ' C)a trade balance in favor of the Metropolis based on an active monopolistic trade. ', ' D)an open trade system with the aim of taxing the import and export of goods. ', ' E)a commercial traffic of slaves to Europe paid with gold and silver coins. '] | C | History America |
32. The encomienda was a benefit granted by the King to a conqueror so that he could collect, in his name, tributes from the indigenous people. In Chile, the encomienda quickly took the form of personal service rather than tribute in products. This situation is explained, in part, because the indigenous people of the central-south region of the territory | history/2016 | [' A)had lands with limited productive potential. ', ' B)constituted a very small population contingent. ', ' C)had an economy oriented towards a production without surpluses. ', ' D)formed a society primarily dedicated to livestock. ', ' E)were under the strict control of a centralized power. '] | C | History Chile |
33. “A league from our barracks, more than eight hundred enemy Indians arrived, and at a narrow passage of the estuary called las Cangrejeras, they awaited us resolutely and encouraged, where we had the encounter and pitched battle […]. Deploying the few people that governed the infantry, the enemy did not wait for us to finish getting ready for battle, as they charged us in the form of a half-moon, the infantry in the middle flanked by their cavalry on the sides, they approached our small squadron, sometimes leaping upwards, and other times, to dodge the bullets shot at them, they flattened to the ground. The weather was favorable to them as it was rainy with a hurried and strong north wind, which rendered our firearms ineffective, so that more than one shot couldn't be fired, and that without time or occasion. Instantly, their infantry and cavalry charged us with such strength and fury, that the eighty men who found ourselves on foot were surrounded by the rabble, and with our cavalry having abandoned us, we were caught in the middle, and although few against such a large opposing number, without abandoning their positions, most died as good and encouraged soldiers fighting valiantly.” (Francisco Núñez de Pineda, Cautiverio Feliz. And Individual Account of the Prolonged Wars of the Kingdom of Chile, 1673). Francisco Núñez de Pineda, a Spanish descendant, faced the Mapuches and later became their prisoner, an experience that allowed him to describe the relations between them in the seventeenth century in Chile. According to the analysis of this source, it is correct to affirm that the Mapuches, in said period, I) had incorporated war elements from the Spaniards. II) knew the operation of the Spanish weapons. III) had numerical superiority over their enemies. | history/2016 | [' A)Only II ', ' B)Only III ', ' C)Only I and II ', ' D)Only II and III ', ' E)I, II and III '] | E | History Chile |
34. The periods of peaceful coexistence between Spaniards and Mapuches in the area near the frontier during the 17th and 18th centuries allowed for the emergence of economic activities that could be carried out jointly. One of the most common activities was | history/2016 | [' A) the exchange of products between both groups. ', ' B) the joint cultivation of the region's land. ', ' C) the shared exploitation of gold washings. ', ' D) the association for livestock breeding. ', ' E) the collective manufacture of leather goods. '] | A | History Chile |
35. Chilean society remained with few modifications throughout the entire colonial period. In this context, one of the characteristic features of colonial society was | history/2016 | [' A)the limited social mobility of the population. ', ' B)the slight economic differentiation between social groups. ', ' C)the gradual decline of the mestizo population. ', ' D)the cultural homogeneity of the society's members. ', ' E)the limited connection between the various ethnic groups. '] | A | Chile History |
36. The Latin American Wars of Independence meant both modifications and continuities for the lives of its inhabitants, in relation to the colonial past. Regarding the political-administrative aspects that changed, it stands out | history/2016 | [' A)the establishment of constitutional monarchies. ', ' B)the suppression of federal models of political administration. ', ' C)the secularization of political institutions. ', ' D)the recognition of citizen rights to all inhabitants. ', ' E)the implementation of a republican system of government. '] | E | History America |
37. "For more than three hundred years, force has been the supreme reason that has compelled the new world to revere the usurpation of its rights as a dogma and to seek in it the origin of its greatest duties. It was necessary that one day the end of this violent submission would come; but in the meantime, it was impossible to anticipate it; the resistance of the weak against the strong imprints a sacrilegious character to their claims, and only discredits the justice on which they are founded. It was reserved for the 19th century to hear America reclaim its rights without being criminal and to show that the period of its suffering could not last longer than that of its weakness. The revolution of September 18, 1810, was the first effort that Chile made to fulfill those high destinies to which time and nature called it; its inhabitants have since proven the energy and firmness of their will, facing the vicissitudes of a war." (The Supreme Director of the State, Proclamation of Independence of Chile, February 12, 1818). The above quote corresponds to an extract from the Declaration of Independence of Chile. In it, to reinforce the emancipatory position, Bernardo O'Higgins emphasized the following idea(s) supported by a group of the elite: I) establish a State free from Spanish tutelage. II) end a submission imposed by the use of force. III) define a political regime with wide citizen participation. | history/2016 | [' A) Only I ', ' B) Only II ', ' C) Only I and II ', ' D) Only I and III ', ' E) Only II and III '] | C | Chile History |
38. During the period of the Constitutional Trials in Chile, various systems of government were implemented that highlight the opposing views of liberals and conservatives. For conservatives, it was fundamental | history/2016 | [' A)to establish a federal system. ', ' B)to strengthen the authority of the ruler. ', ' C)to broaden political participation of the citizenry. ', ' D)to establish a parliamentary regime. ', ' E)to separate the Church from the State. '] | B | History Chile |
39. Since the mid-19th century in Chile, political parties were formed that, with different emphases, supported or criticized the government and the conservative order of the time. Among the main ideas that the debate focused on, is found | history/2016 | [' A)the economic growth model. ', ' B)the secularization of society. ', ' C)the level of organization of the labor sectors. ', ' D)foreign immigration. ', ' E)foreign policy with neighboring countries. '] | B | History Chile |
40. Starting from the Civil War of 1859, the conservative hegemony that had been established in the government since the Battle of Lircay (1829) tended to weaken, thanks to which a liberal reformism began to permeate the Chilean political system, which during the following decade led to significant constitutional reforms. Among these modifications, it is correct to mention I) the end of immediate reelection for a new presidential term. II) the recognition of the rights of assembly and association. III) the restrictions on citizenship due to the reform of the electoral law. | history/2016 | [' A)Only I ', ' B)Only II ', ' C)Only III ', ' D)Only I and II ', ' E)Only II and III '] | D | Chilean History |
41. In the second half of the 19th century in Chile, there was a significant flow of population from the countryside to the city. This movement was associated with various phenomena occurring both in rural and urban areas. In general terms, it can be stated that this migration was associated with the effects of | history/2016 | [' A)the scarcity of habitable spaces in the rural environment. ', ' B)the better job prospects in the cities. ', ' C)the unionization of rural workers. ', ' D)the demographic growth of the cities. ', ' E)the intense mechanization of agriculture. '] | B | Chilean History |
42. The effective incorporation of the Araucanía into the Chilean State was consolidated in the second half of the 19th century and was associated with a series of processes, of which it is correct to mention | history/2016 | [' A)the concentration of large agricultural properties in the hands of the Mapuche population. ', ' B)the arrival of numerous foreign settlers and national population to the area. ', ' C)the creation of agricultural and livestock farms of state ownership. ', ' D)the depopulation of the cities in the area due to migrations to the rural sector. ', ' E)the implementation of a land reform program that limited the extension of properties. '] | B | Chilean History |
43. During the 19th century, multiple avenues were pursued by the Chilean State to achieve its nearly definitive territorial configuration. Among these avenues were participation in military conflicts, the implementation of diplomatic negotiations, and other strategies derived from public policies of territorial expansion. Based on these and according to the examples provided, which alternative presents a correct classification of the results of these strategies? Military Diplomatic Derived from Public Policies | history/2016 | ['A) Incorporation of Tarapacá and Antofagasta Incorporation of Magallanes Incorporation of Patagonia ', 'B) Incorporation of Easter Island and Magallanes Occupation of Araucania Colonization of Valdivia and Llanquihue ', 'C) Colonization of Valdivia and Llanquihue Return of Tacna Occupation of Araucania ', 'D) Annexation of Tarapacá and Antofagasta Loss of Eastern Patagonia Incorporation of Easter Island and Magallanes ', 'E) Return of Tacna Annexation of Easter Island and Magallanes Incorporation of Tarapacá and Antofagasta '] | D | History Chile |
44. After the construction of the railway between Santiago and Valparaíso, in 1875, the railway was extended towards the south, which connected the capital with the city of Concepción. From an economic point of view, this railway network mainly facilitated the movement of labor and | history/2016 | [' A)industrial production. ', ' B)copper shipments. ', ' C)cattle transportation. ', ' D)the shipment of nitrate. ', ' E)wheat exports. '] | E | History Chile |
45. Since the 1850s, cities such as Santiago and Valparaíso grew notably, resulting, at the same time, in profound social transformations and changes in how these urban spaces were inhabited and worked in. In relation to these changes, it is correct to affirm that | history/2016 | [' A)urban growth ensured employment for popular sectors. ', ' B)there was a marked intensification of spatial segregation of the population based on social sectors. ', ' C)the State efficiently addressed the housing and service demands of the entire population. ', ' D)the elites and the popular sectors coexisted in the same areas due to the absence of social conflicts. ', ' E)the popular sectors from the rural world were quickly integrated into the benefits of urban life. '] | B | Chile History |
46. During the second half of the 19th century in Chile, artisans formed an important social movement, which was organizationally gathered around the Societies of Mutual Aid. These organizations were characterized by | history/2016 | [' A) blocking the establishment of modern industries. ', ' B) promoting technological transfer within the country. ', ' C) encouraging confrontation between the Church and the State. ', ' D) collectively facing the challenges of workers. ', ' E) promoting the political association of workers. '] | D | Chilean History |
47. During the last two decades of the 19th century, Chile experienced strong growth in its Gross Domestic Product. This growth can be mainly explained by | history/2016 | [' A)the incorporation of the provinces of Tarapacá and Antofagasta into the national territory. ', ' B)the establishment of foreign trading houses in the port of Valparaíso. ', ' C)the creation of the first banks and financial houses in the country. ', ' D)the exploitation of large silver mines in the area near the city of Copiapó. ', ' E)the incorporation into the country of the Magellanic territories near the Strait. '] | A | Chilean History |
48. At the end of the 19th century, Chilean society began to experience a series of economic and social transformations associated with productive growth. Among these transformations was the progressive | history/2016 | [' A) laicization of the landowning oligarchy. ', ' B) reduction of the middle sectors. ', ' C) proletarianization of the workforce. ', ' D) unionization of agricultural workers. ', ' E) reduction of independent artisans. '] | C | History Chile |
49. The Social Question was a process that affected Chilean society, between the late 19th century and the early decades of the 20th century. The lack of housing, wage deterioration, labor issues, and unemployment were some of the difficulties the working class had to face. Among the main demographic effects produced by this situation, it stands out | history/2016 | [' A) the increase in urban-rural emigration. ', ' B) the overpopulation of rural areas. ', ' C) the decrease in urban population. ', ' D) the high infant mortality rate in cities. ', ' E) the decrease in birth rate. '] | D | History Chile |
50. As the celebrations for the first Centennial of the Republic of Chile approached, public works that were either starting or being inaugurated increased in Santiago. Large constructions, such as the Museum of Fine Arts or the Mapocho Station, were the visible face of a profound transformation, marked by the update of public lighting, the paving of numerous streets and avenues, and more importantly, the necessary constructions to provide the city with drinking water and sewer systems. The recently characterized activity, among other aspects, allows for the acknowledgment of I) the modernization process experienced by Chilean society, and particularly in Santiago, during the nitrate cycle. II) the efforts made by the ruling elite around 1910 to project a victorious image of national history. III) the social criticism that had developed in broad intellectual sectors during Parliamentarism. | history/2016 | [' A)Only I ', ' B)Only II ', ' C)Only III ', ' D)Only I and II ', ' E)Only I and III '] | D | History Chile |
51. "Alessandri will make even the humblest of cries that pain or misery wring from the working people in this remote province reverberate within the Senate [...] Alessandri will complete our work of social and political regeneration by throwing the government's condemnation against the corruptors and exploiters of Tarapacá right back in their face. Thus, he will be the true representative of the people." (Editorial from the newspaper La Provincia, Iquique, January 10, 1915). Based on the text related to Arturo Alessandri Palma's senatorial campaign for Tarapacá in 1915, it is possible to distinguish some aspects that characterized his political leadership as President of the Republic in the 1920s, among which stands | history/2016 | [' A)the rejection of foreign dominance over the nitrate mines. ', ' B)the constant struggle to industrialize the remote areas of the country. ', ' C)the appeal to popular sectors as the foundation of his administration. ', ' D)the defense of the provinces against the authoritarianism of the capital. ', ' E)the permanent opposition to the use of force against workers. '] | C | History Chile |
52. The Great Depression that began in the U.S. in 1929 had a worldwide impact and in Chile caused a series of disruptions in various areas of national life. Which of the following statements indicates a demographic consequence of this crisis? | history/2016 | [' A)Increase in the population in large urban centers. ', ' B)Depopulation of colonization fronts in the south of the country. ', ' C)Decrease in population volume in the young-adult segment. ', ' D)Migration to large nitrate production centers. ', ' E)Increase in the rate of foreign immigration. '] | A | History Chile |
53. “Nitrate, more justifiably than any other industry, and perhaps with more national convenience than others, must necessarily employ maximum machinery and concentration to provoke the economy required by its global competition. [...] The countryside sends healthy and vigorous youth to the north periodically, and receives them two or three years later sick, decrepit, with a noticeable deficiency in capacity, which does not allow giving a strong impulse to agriculture, which is forced to resort to the elderly, children, and workers with already weakened capacity, to inferior labor.” (Pedro Aguirre Cerda, The Industrial Problem). In the previous quote, the radical politician Pedro Aguirre Cerda analyzes the state of mining and agricultural production in the first third of the 20th century. Based on it and said context, it is correct to infer that the development of these productive activities was characterized by I) the high productivity of agricultural labor. II) the high demand for labor from the mining provinces. III) the high levels of labor exploitation in nitrate production. | history/2016 | [' A)Only III ', ' B)Only I and II ', ' C)Only I and III ', ' D)Only II and III ', ' E)I, II, and III '] | D | Chilean History |
54. In 1936 the Popular Front was created in Chile as a coalition led by the Radical Party, which also included the Communist and Socialist parties; the Central Workers' Union of Chile and other organizations. The Popular Front won the presidential election in 1938 presenting a government program that can be defined, in general terms, as | history/2016 | [' A)a strategy to transform the Chilean political-institutional system through a new Constitution. ', ' B)a revolutionary proposal monopolized by the Marxist-oriented parties. ', ' C)a conciliatory policy guided by reformism and social integration. ', ' D)a strategy to promote economic-social development supported by the United States. ', ' E)a tactic to curb the economic transformation policies driven by industrialization. '] | C | History Chile |
56. The Permanent Defense of Democracy Law was passed during the government of President Gabriel González Videla (1946 - 1952). This legislation meant for the members of the Communist Party that | history/2016 | [' A) they were authorized to hold positions in trade union organizations. ', ' B) they could participate in elected positions. ', ' C) they were completely excluded from political life. ', ' D) their sphere of influence was limited to rural areas. ', ' E) they committed to respecting the current legal order. '] | C | History Chile |
57. By the mid-20th century, Chilean society exhibited some characteristics that constituted an important difference compared to the early years of the 20th century. Among these differences is highlighted | history/2016 | [' A)the decrease in school coverage in technical and university education. ', ' B)the intensification of the political and economic prominence of the middle class. ', ' C)the reduction of the population due to the increase in infant mortality. ', ' D)the emergence of the labor movement in the main cities. ', ' E)the weakening of migratory movements within the country. '] | B | History Chile |
58. During the second half of the 20th century, Latin America was influenced by U.S. actions in various areas, with an emphasis on the struggle that the United States maintained to stop the expansion of communism in the region. Among the actions related to this context it is correct to mention I) the nationalization of large companies that produce raw materials. II) collaboration in the development of economic reforms implemented in various countries. III) training of officers as a way of supporting the armed forces of some countries. | history/2016 | [' A) Only I ', ' B) Only III ', ' C) Only I and II ', ' D) Only I and III ', ' E) Only II and III '] | E | History America |
59. “What has the bourgeoisie said about the Agrarian Reform? Some lands have been expropriated and handed over as individual property to the peasants, that is the system; an estate is expropriated, it stays for a year or two in settlements, it is distributed, and each person ends up with their plot. [...] The division of land in a country like Chile into a large number of small properties makes it very difficult for agriculture to progress, the incorporation of new techniques, mechanization, large-scale production, industrialization, a series of issues that are what allow it to develop.” (Jaime Gazmuri, Popular Government Agrarian Reform, 1971). During the presidential periods of the Christian Democracy and the Popular Unity, the Agrarian Reform was the focus of various criticisms. Some of these criticisms are expressed in the previous text, highlighting that | history/2016 | [' A)the excessive fragmentation of agrarian property hinders the modernization of agriculture. ', ' B)the emergence of small landowners perpetuates structures of labor exploitation. ', ' C)the partition of large estates into individual properties strengthens the peasant movement. ', ' D)the subdivision of property facilitates agricultural production. ', ' E)the formation of settlements encourages peasant migration. '] | A | History Chile |
60. In Chile, with the Coup d'état of September 11, 1973, a Military Junta took power, which almost immediately imposed States of Exception, suspending constitutional guarantees such as the following: I) public freedoms, banning the right to assembly and freedom of the press. II) political freedoms, prohibiting the parties of the Popular Unity and forcing other parties to go into recess. III) economic freedom, limiting private property and free enterprise. | history/2016 | [' A)Only I ', ' B)Only II ', ' C)Only I and II ', ' D)Only II and III ', ' E)I, II and III '] | C | History Chile |
61. “Respect for the principle of subsidiarity represents the key to the validity of an authentically libertarian society. [...] It is in the possibility of having a sphere of life and independent activity from the State and only subject to its superior control from the angle of the common good, that resides the source of a social life in which freedom offers creativity and personal effort a margin of alternatives and sufficient variety. Statism, on the other hand, generates a gray, uniform, subdued society without horizons.” (Declaration of Principles of the Government of Chile, Santiago, March 1974). The Military Government undertook the task of refounding the entire Chilean society under new principles. One of the bases of this process was the principle of subsidiarity regarding which, considering the previous paragraph, it is correct to affirm that | history/2016 | [' A)aimed to strengthen the presence of the State in various areas of society. ', ' B)constituted a transitory norm that remained in force while institutional normalization was achieved. ', ' C)was based on philosophical elements that acquired only an economic manifestation. ', ' D)established a redefinition of the relationship between the individual and the State in society. ', ' E)was manifested as a principle implemented exclusively in the field of education. '] | D | History Chile |
62. In Chile, the 1990s had various particularities linked to the end of the Military Government. In this sense, the new authorities elected by popular vote fundamentally oriented their actions to | history/2016 | [' A)promote the transition process towards a democratic system. ', ' B)establish restrictions on external private investment. ', ' C)develop a new Political Constitution. ', ' D)replace the neoliberal economic model. ', ' E)enact amnesty laws for political crimes. '] | A | History Chile |
63. Since the 1990s, Chile has signed free trade agreements with international actors such as the United States, the European Union, and other countries and economic blocks. In this context, the signing of these agreements was made possible by a Chilean economic strategy characterized by | history/2016 | [' A)privileging heavy industry such as steel and metallurgy. ', ' B)promoting high tariff barriers. ', ' C)encouraging the production of capital goods and high technology. ', ' D)fostering the export of primary and food goods. ', ' E)orienting foreign investment preferably towards local manufacturing. '] | D | Economic System |
64. According to the current economic model in Chile, the State as an economic agent must promote certain initiatives that contribute to the functioning of this model. These initiatives are directly related to I) the collection of various taxes. II) the production of essential goods. III) the supervision of economic regulations. | history/2016 | [' A)Only I ', ' B)Only II ', ' C)Only I and II ', ' D)Only I and III ', ' E)Only II and III '] | D | Economic system |
65. The increasing incorporation of women into the workforce is one of the significant transformations of 21st-century society. While it is true that there is still a deficit in this area, important advances have nonetheless been made. This progressive entry of women into paid work is explained, among other causes, by | history/2016 | ['A) the action of religious movements that promote the defense of traditional roles of women.', 'B) the formation of political parties that promote gender equality.', 'C) the enactment of laws that have harmonized the roles of women.', 'D) the equitable distribution of representation in the National Congress.', 'E) the establishment of equal pay between the sexes.'] | C | Civic education |
66. "Every improvement in production methods, every concentration of ownership [...], seems to reinforce the tendency towards imperialist expansion. As one nation after another enters the machine era and adopts the most advanced industrial methods, it becomes harder for their entrepreneurs, traders, and financiers to allocate their economic reserves, and they are progressively tempted to leverage their governments to conquer distant and underdeveloped countries for particular purposes through annexation and protectorates [...]. This state of the economy is the root of imperialism. If the consumers of this country could raise their consumption level so much that they could keep pace with the forces of production, there would be no surplus of goods and capital capable of demanding imperialism to discover new markets [...]. Imperialism is the effort of the large industry owners to facilitate the outlet of their surplus wealth, seeking to sell or place abroad the goods or capital that the domestic market cannot absorb." (John A. Hobson, Study of Imperialism, 1902). According to the previous text by the English economist and the European context of the early 20th century, it is correct to assert that I) the cited author establishes a direct relationship between the narrowness of the internal market and imperialist expansion. II) imperialist practices constituted a form of expansion for European states and large capitals. III) the rivalry among industrialized nations to expand their markets through imperialism was one of the main antecedents of the First World War. | history/2016 | [' A)Only I ', ' B)Only II ', ' C)Only I and II ', ' D)Only II and III ', ' E)I, II and III - 42 - '] | E | World History |
68. The end of World War I brought significant consequences in the geopolitical order, particularly concerning the modification of international hegemony. In this sense, it can be noted that the main consequence of this armed conflict, in the short term, was | history/2016 | [' A)the consolidation of the United States as a world power. ', ' B)the dispute between France and Germany for the Middle East. ', ' C)the rise of China as the first communist country in the East. ', ' D)the definitive fall of the British Empire and its main possessions. ', ' E)the strengthening of the Soviet-German alliance in the European world. '] | A | World History |
69. "The Party is nothing more than a civil and voluntary force at the service of the State, just as the Voluntary Militia for National Security is an armed force at the service of the State. The party is the capillary organization of the regime. Its importance is fundamental. It reaches everywhere. Rather than exercising authority, it exercises an apostolate and, with the mere presence of the mass framed within it, represents the defined, characterized, controlled element amidst the people." (Benito Mussolini, "Speech at the National Fascist Party Assembly", 1928. In Giovanni Gentile, The Italian Way to Totalitarianism. Party and State in the Fascist regime). The attached text allows for a synthesis of some constitutive aspects of the theory and practice of fascist movements that developed in Europe during the Interwar period. Among the aspects of Fascism, the one contained in the quote is | history/2016 | [' A)the supremacy of the leader in the conduct of the government. ', ' B)the pursuit of totalitarian control of society through political action. ', ' C)the need to suppress political enemies in public life. ', ' D)the primacy of the individual included in a political party over the State. ', ' E)the hierarchical structuring of social classes from the State. '] | B | World History |
71. The Great Economic Depression that began in 1929 in the United States had worldwide repercussions. Regarding this process, it is correct to affirm that, I) it initially occurred in an economy lacking regulatory mechanisms. II) it produced in Europe an intensification of social and political tensions that favored the establishment of ultranationalist authoritarian regimes. III) the subsequent economic recovery was linked to greater state intervention. | history/2016 | [' A)Only II ', ' B)Only III ', ' C)Only I and II ', ' D)Only II and III ', ' E)I, II and III '] | E | World History |
72. "Barely two or three minutes pass when I hear in German, stand up!, a few seconds delay in getting up when I shout to my two friends to lie down, the Germans begin to fire bursts with a prior signal. I hear the screams, the moans, and I am immediately covered by several already dead bodies. I feel the blood running down my face, I do not feel pain,[…] Bandy!, Bandy!, can you hear me? […] again I felt the desire to live. Then I replied, how are you guys? we are fine, both had survived, we got up and seeing such a massacre, we felt we were born at that moment. Many innocents died unnecessarily, if the Red Cross had cared for us, if they had quarantined us if the pacifist machinery of the world had gotten going, [...], instead of three survivors we would be eight thousand." (Samuel Akinín Levy, Testimony of Bertalan 'Bandy' Steiner Berger). - 46 - The previous fragment of the testimony of a survivor of Auschwitz refers to events that took place during World War II, a war in which the Hitler government besides engaging other powers, I) practiced the systematic extermination of the Jewish population both from Germany and other countries. II) implemented detention and forced labor centers for Jews and other groups. III) exercised physical and mental torture of its prisoners. | history/2016 | [' A) Only I ', ' B) Only II ', ' C) Only I and III ', ' D) Only II and III ', ' E) I, II and III '] | E | World History |
73. In May 1945, Germany unconditionally surrendered. Three months later, Japan did the same, thus ending World War II, the most costly and deadly conflict of the 20th century, which marked the end of an era characterized by global conflicts, revolutions, and a deep economic crisis of the capitalist system. Considering the above and in a comparison between the end of the Great War and the end of World War II, it is correct to state that | history/2016 | [' A)in the final process of both conflicts, Great Britain, after intervening decisively, adopted an isolationist stance. ', ' B)at the end of the Great War, an international organization was created with all the countries involved, which did not occur in 1945. ', ' C)unlike 1918, in 1945 the United States openly became involved in the new world order, as the leader of the capitalist world. ', ' D)unlike the end of the Great War, in 1945 the Soviet Union had no expansionist intentions towards Europe. ', ' E)after the defeat of the Axis, the political context was strongly influenced by the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, unlike what happened in 1918. '] | C | World History |
74. The human costs of the Second World War were staggering in the history of military conflicts, reaching, according to estimates, 50 million fatalities. One of the reasons that explains the high number of victims was that | history/2016 | [' A)the confrontations had a fundamentalist religious nature. ', ' B)cities and the civilian population were attacked as military targets. ', ' C)nuclear weapons were repeatedly used against several countries. ', ' D)the group of belligerent countries used chemical weapons. ', ' E)the stalemate of the war fronts delayed the end of the confrontations. '] | B | World History |
76. | Construction of the Berlin Wall | Formation of the Warsaw Pact and NATO | End of World War II | Korean War | The previous boxes correspond to events of the 20th century. The process that encompasses all these events is | history/2016 | [' A) the territorial disintegration of Germany due to its defeat in the world wars. ', ' B) the decolonization of Africa and Asia due to the fall of European colonial empires. ', ' C) the political effects derived from the Great World Economic Crisis. ', ' D) the rise of Europe as a world power due to its unification. ', ' E) the global political polarization due to the confrontation between two superpowers. '] | E | World History |
77. The process of decolonization developed in the second half of the 20th century not only changed the political map of the world but also contributed to complicating international relations between the existing states and those that emerged after this process. Within the multiple issues that developed in most of these latter states, it is correct to consider I) the sustained indebtedness that hindered the overcoming of poverty. II) the political instability caused by internal conflicts between the indigenous ethnic groups and the social groups that emerged during the colonization process. III) the difficulty in adapting to the requirements of the international market. | history/2016 | [' A) Only I ', ' B) Only I and II ', ' C) Only I and III ', ' D) Only II and III ', ' E) I, II, and III '] | E | World History |
78. "The post-war history of Japan is very similar to that of Germany. To begin with, the American occupation had been very chaotic and Japan, like Germany, suffered two years of terrible hardships. Then, just as in West Germany, administrative common sense, combined with a communist victory, led to a reassessment of the situation. In 1949, the communists won the Chinese civil war, and the defeated Kuomintang troops, under the leadership of Chiang Kai-shek, retreated to the island of Formosa, Taiwan. Then the Americans presented a plan to revive the Japanese economy, which became a splendid success, as had occurred in West Germany." (Norman Stone, Brief History of the Second World War, 2013). - 50 - The previous text illustrates the policies followed by the United States after the Second World War. The comparison made between the cases of West Germany and Japan highlights the American interest, within the framework of the Cold War, in | history/2016 | [' A) curbing the advance of communism in strategic areas of Europe and Asia. ', ' B) facilitating exchange between countries in the non-communist sphere. ', ' C) keeping the Asian economy away from trade with the West. ', ' D) fostering the Sino-Soviet conflict in disputed territories. ', ' E) strengthening autonomous economies in their zone of influence. '] | A | World History |
79. "Compañeros: For some time now I have been saying that the time of the people is coming. And I am immensely happy in front of this grand assembly because I observe that these people are worthy of that time [...]. The men who, like me, live only for the people, need that solidarity. That is why whenever I have spoken to the people, more than orders, I have given advice. A president who advises, more than a president, is a friend, and that is precisely what I want to be to my people: a friend. Always fulfilling the first truth established in our Peronist catechism, which says that true democracy consists in the government doing only what the people want and defending only one interest: that of the people." (Juan Domingo Perón, Speech in Plaza de Mayo, April 15, 1953). The previous quote corresponds to a speech given by the President of Argentina in 1953. Based on its analysis, which of the following characteristics of 20th-century Latin American populism is it correct to infer? | history/2016 | ['A) The discredit of the functions of political parties.', 'B) The marked nationalism in economic reforms.', 'C) The direct appeal to the masses.', 'D) The rejection of foreign investment.', 'E) The diversity of ideological influences.'] | C | History America |
80. "General Ratko Mladic appeared yesterday on the first day of his trial for genocide and crimes against humanity, for the Srebrenica massacre, considered the worst ethnic crime in Europe since World War II. He is accused not only of orchestrating the massacre of 8,000 unarmed Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica but also of the siege of Sarajevo during which 10,000 people were killed by snipers and heavy artillery fire. 'The prosecution will demonstrate that Mladic's hand was behind each of the crimes for no other reason than the ethnicity of the victims,' said the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague. 'He still thinks it has nothing to do with the crimes. He is convinced that he will not be found guilty,' said his lawyer." (Adapted from El Mercurio, May 17, 2012). The previous news accounts for the ethnic discrimination that occurred in the former Yugoslavia during the last decade of the 20th century. Regarding it and the historical context, it is correct to state that I) the events are related to the process of disintegration of the area of influence of the Soviet Union. II) the international community has created courts whose jurisprudence is of global reach. III) the violence described responds to the conflict between right and left-wing forces characteristic of the Cold War. | history/2016 | [' A)Only I ', ' B)Only I and II ', ' C)Only I and III ', ' D)Only II and III ', ' E)I, II, and III'] | B | World History |
1. It is currently possible to evaluate the quality of modern democracies by considering various characteristics that affect their functioning. In relation to this, what is a necessary condition to sustain a democratic system? | history/2025 | ['A) The presence of political parties to ensure socio-cultural development. ', 'B) The existence of legal guarantees for the respect of citizens' rights. ', 'C) The superiority of individual freedoms as a priority to protect the common good. ', 'D) The independence of government authorities to act without political checks and balances. '] | B | Citizenship education |
3. Political participation constitutes a fundamental dimension of democracy that helps to build a link between individuals and the state. Within the framework of the Chilean democratic system, what is a state guarantee that safeguards the political participation of citizens? | History/2025 | ['A) The ideological representativeness of the National Congress. ', 'B) The existence of various mass media outlets. ', 'C) The constitutional establishment of freedom of association. ', 'D) The population's access to private information. '] | C | Citizen formation |
4. Read the following text related to the functioning of the democratic system: "If governments strengthen but do not hold themselves accountable to the population, the process could lose its democratic character and benefit a few and not the majority." United Nations Development Program (2008). Annual Report 2008. Capacity Building: Empowerment of People and Institutions. What feature of the current democracy is highlighted in the previous text? | history/2025 | ['A) The transparency of public administration.', 'B) The representativeness of elected authorities.', 'C) The ideological pluralism of the party system.', 'D) The exercise of the principle of popular sovereignty.'] | A | Civic education |
5. The mass media play a fundamental role in the current democratic system, as they place relevant topics for the public in the public opinion. In Chile, there is a significant concentration of media ownership. In this regard, how does this concentration affect the functioning of democracy? | history/2025 | ['A) Increases the mechanisms of electoral propaganda. ', 'B) Decreases plurality in citizen political debate. ', 'C) Increases agreement among antagonistic political groups. ', 'D) Reduces forms of political participation by citizens. '] | B | History Chile |
6. Read the following article from the current Political Constitution of Chile: "Article 52. - The exclusive powers of the Chamber of Deputies are: 1) To oversee the acts of the Government. To exercise this power the Chamber may: a) Adopt agreements or suggest observations, with the vote of the majority of the deputies present, which will be transmitted in writing to the President of the Republic, who must provide a substantiated response through the corresponding Minister of State, within thirty days." Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile [Const]. Art. 52. August 23, 2022 (Chile). What is a feature of the democratic political system related to the cited constitutional text? | history/2025 | ['A) The establishment of transparency norms in the institutions.', 'B) The functioning of an electoral system based on competition.', 'C) The application of legal guarantees respecting civil rights.', 'D) The implementation of a system of checks and balances of public powers. - 7 - '] | D | Civic education |
8. A group of students must carry out a project on the functions of the institutions that organize and control elections in Chile. In this context, what information should be included in the report of this research? | history/2025 | ['A) The attributions of the table members. ', 'B) The proposed program of the candidacies. ', 'C) The configuration of the political party system. ', 'D) The characteristics of the population of voting age. '] | A | History Chile |
9. During much of the republican history of Chile, the person holding the office of President of the Republic has conducted the annual account ceremony or presidential message before the National Congress with the presence of various authorities. In the context of the functioning of the Chilean democratic system, what is the purpose of this ceremony? | history/2025 | ['A) Allow the Legislative Power to question the Executive Power. ', 'B) Require support from both chambers for the government program. ', 'C) Announce to the public the new laws that will be approved. ', 'D) Strengthen public understanding of the government's management. '] | D | History Chile |
10. The Electoral Service (SERVEL) is a Chilean state agency that ensures the proper functioning of elections and compliance with regulations related to political activity. Considering the above, which of the following functions does SERVEL perform? | history/2025 | ['A) Conducting opinion polls during the campaign period. ', 'B) Evaluating the compliance with proposed programmatic goals. ', 'C) Monitoring the financing of candidates’ campaigns. ', 'D) Designing the statutes that regulate the functioning of parties. '] | C | Chilean History |
11. In a political system, the opposition is composed of groups of people or political parties that advocate for ideas and purposes different from those who are in charge of the Executive Power. In the context of a democratic society, why is it important for the opposition to exist? | history/2025 | ['A) Because it ensures the proper functioning of alliances. ', 'B) Because it guarantees the periodicity of electoral processes. ', 'C) Because it contributes to supervising the government's management. ', 'D) Because it operates independently of economic powers. '] | C | Civic Education |
12. Read the following interpretation of the legitimacy of power in a democracy: "Democracy means that power is legitimate only if it is vested from below, only if it is an emanation of the popular will, that is, concretely, to the extent that it is freely consented […] We speak of democracy to broadly refer to a free society, not oppressed by a discretionary and uncontrolled political power." Sartori, G. (2012). What is Democracy? On what element inherent to democratic systems is the idea presented in the text based? | history/2025 | ['A) On the respect for equality before the law. ', 'B) On the development of periodic elections. ', 'C) On the existence of a multi-party system. ', 'D) On probity in the exercise of public function. '] | B | Civic education |
13. In the functioning of Chilean democracy, the full validity of the rule of law is constituted as a guarantee of fundamental rights. In this sense, what situation is essential to prevent the deterioration of the rule of law? | history/2025 | ['A) Centralization of judicial administration. ', 'B) Concentration of powers in the president. ', 'C) Limitation of the exercise of power through law. ', 'D) Ideological independence of public administration. '] | C | History Chile |
14. In current democratic societies, it is important to verify the accuracy and truthfulness of data, facts, or information that is disseminated through the media, to avoid the negative impact of fake news. Regarding data verification, how does this practice contribute to the proper functioning of the democratic system? | history/2025 | ['A) Prevents prior censorship of information in the press. ', 'B) Validates the information that supports public debate. ', 'C) Prevents the emergence of alternative channels of information. ', 'D) Guarantees the citizen's right to access information. '] | B | Civic education |
15. The institutional framework of the State of Chile recognizes the participation of citizens in instances where they can exercise control over the public administration. In this regard, in which of the following situations is this participation evidenced? | history/2025 | ['A) A request to form a new political party was accepted by the Electoral Service. ', 'B) An independent candidacy has received the majority of votes cast in the elections. ', 'C) A person received the data they requested from the Ministry of Housing through the transparency law. ', 'D) A group of environmental defenders held a demonstration in front of the La Moneda palace. '] | C | Citizen education |
16. During the first half of the 19th century, liberal ideas, such as individual freedom or equality before the law, were fundamental in promoting the transformations that developed in Europe. In this context, what was a political process that allowed the establishment of the liberal ideology? | history/2025 | ['A) The end of parliamentary monarchies. ', 'B) The weakening of nationalist movements. ', 'C) The development of waves of revolutionary conflicts. ', 'D) The establishment of direct democratic systems. '] | C | World History |
17. Read the following text about the formation of national states in Latin America during the 19th century: "Although the new republics of the region defended their territories against foreign powers and neighbors, they also became embroiled in long disputes within their borders about who was the sovereign: ‘the’ people or ‘the’ peoples? the universality of citizens or the corporations? [...] The weight of custom and the community remained decisive in the gradual construction of a liberal culture. It was not surprising, then, to find that the ability to decide who was or was not a citizen rested with the 'social bodies' and traditional authorities (honorable neighbors, parish priests, or municipal officials)." Herrera, S. (2007). The formation of national states in Hispanic America: from the colony to the 19th century. According to the text, what was one of the political phenomena that occurred in Latin America in the context of the emergence of the nation-state? | history/2025 | ['A) The immediate functioning of representative political parties. ', 'B) The slow exercise of people's political participation rights. ', 'C) The delayed use of constitutions that guaranteed political rights. ', 'D) The rapid end of political-territorial conflicts between the new countries. '] | B | Latin American History |
18. During the 19th century in various parts of the world began the progressive rejection of slavery which until then was an accepted situation. In this context, the incorporation of liberal ideas in the state system served as a foundation for abolitionist movements. Based on the above, which liberal principle promoted this type of movements? | history/2025 | ['A) Popular sovereignty. ', 'B) Political participation. ', 'C) Freedom of expression. ', 'D) Equality of rights. '] | D | World History |
19. During the 19th century in Latin America, nation-states were configured which, after emancipation from the Spanish Empire, had to seek ways to legally organize the nation and organize the national territory. In this context, what was a feature of the process of formation of Latin American nation-states? | history/2025 | ['A) The ruling classes endeavored to achieve unity at the continental level over the sovereignty of the state. ', 'B) The institutionalization of the state took time to consolidate due to the existing difficulties in reaching political agreements. ', 'C) The state authorities prioritized establishing legislation focused on the transformation of social classes. ', 'D) The political organization of the state was oriented towards establishing mechanisms for the political participation of the popular sectors. '] | B | History America |
20. Liberalism is a political, economic, and social doctrine that emerged in late 18th-century Europe and gained strength during the 19th century, influencing the transformations that took place in Europe and America. Considering the Latin American context of the first half of the 19th century, what was a feature of the liberal influence in the organization of the new republics? | history/2025 | ['A) The separation of public powers. ', 'B) The persistence of noble titles. ', 'C) The secularization of state administration. ', 'D) The expansion of voting to popular sectors. '] | A | History America |
21. Between 1818 and 1833, various constitutional charters were approved in Chile, each of which required qualifications for granting political rights to the population. In this regard, what political impact did these types of constitutional provisions have for the republican system? | history/2025 | ['A) Ended the political dominance of military leaders. ', 'B) Promoted the establishment of a democratic political system. ', 'C) Ended political disputes among elite members. ', 'D) Ensured the political power of the Creole aristocratic groups. '] | D | History Chile |
23. Read the following article from the Political Constitution of Chile of 1833: «Art. 5º The religion of the Republic of Chile is the Catholic, Apostolic, Roman; with the exclusion of the public exercise of any other». Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile [Const]. Art. 5. May 25, 1833 (Chile). In the first half of the 19th century, what was a social impact of the cited constitutional regulation? | history/2025 | ['A) Strengthened the influence of conservative thought in daily life. ', 'B) Stimulated a governmental alliance of the industrial bourgeoisie with the clergy. ', 'C) Promoted a liberal legislative offensive towards the secularization of the State. ', 'D) Allowed freedom of worship to Protestant faiths in official acts. '] | A | History Chile |
24. Read the following text about Chile's integration into the capitalist economy of the mid-19th century:
"None of the main interest groups that dominated Chilean economic activity during that century (mining exporters, agricultural exporters, and wholesale traders) found it beneficial to risk a secure source of wealth in exchange for hypothetical advantages of development based on industrialization. There was also the need to maintain harmonious relationships with representatives of the new economic powers, who were strongly interested in trade openness and were almost the sole source of demand, capital, and technology that Chile did not seem capable of generating on its own during those years."
Salazar, G. and Pinto, J. (2012). Contemporary History of Chile (Vol. 3: The economy: markets, entrepreneurs, and workers).
Based on the text, what was one of the factors that favored a model based on the export of raw materials? | history/2025 | ['A) The prominence assigned to the manufacturing sector.', 'B) The advantages generated by liberal-type regulations.', 'C) The State's efforts to weaken external dependence.', 'D) The apathy of the business sector towards the traditional form of production.'] | B | History Chile |
25. In Chile, during the first decades of the 19th century, two political factions predominated, the pipiolos (liberals) and the pelucones (conservatives), who had political views that differed in various aspects. However, they also shared some ideas. During this period, what was one of the ideas that these political groups shared? | history/2025 | ['A) The territorial decentralization of political power. ', 'B) The establishment of a republican political system. ', 'C) The consecration of the political leadership of the Church. ', 'D) The expansion of political rights. '] | B | History Chile |
26. Read the following excerpt from a Chilean newspaper from the second half of the 19th century: "Bear in mind that saltpeter and guano are transient riches, and if by the end of them we have not strengthened Chile's economy with reproductive and spontaneous industries, we will suffer a dreadful setback that will make us lose the high level obtained along with our respectable position among civilized nations." The Twenty-First of May of Iquique. (January 26, 1883). Quoted in Salazar, G. & Pinto, J. (2010). Contemporary History of Chile (Vol. 3: The economy, markets, entrepreneurs, and workers). Considering the organization of production in Chile, what feature of the economy of the time was used as a basis for the criticism contained in the text? | history/2025 | ['A) The diversification of investments in manufacturing production.', 'B) The deepening of the inward economic growth model.', 'C) The consolidation of the process of nationalizing natural resources.', 'D) The hegemony of exporting low value-added products.'] | D | History Chile |
27. In Chile, during the 19th century, the elite faced a series of challenges to advance the process of establishing the nation-state. In this scenario, what strategy was applied by the State to strengthen national identity? | history/2025 | ['A) The use of war as a resource for social cohesion was avoided. ', 'B) Immigrants were prevented from using their national symbols. ', 'C) The educational system was used to build a sense of belonging. ', 'D) Legislation was passed to prevent indigenous peoples from being considered Chilean. '] | C | Chilean History |
28. During the 19th century, Chile began a process of integrating into various world markets, taking advantage of its comparative advantages over other Latin American countries. In this regard, what was an advantage Chile leveraged to carry out this process? | history/2025 | ['A) The purchasing power of its domestic market.', 'B) The nationalization of the heavy industry sector.', 'C) The geographical location of the maritime ports.', 'D) The productive autonomy of traditional agriculture.'] | C | History Chile |
29. The following source refers to the changes experienced by the capital of Chile during the second half of the 19th century: «The countryside still reached the city: in the early 1840s, just one block from La Moneda, there was a dairy where thirty or forty cows arrived daily. […] The flow of new wealth quickly altered this image. The first gas lanterns in the city began to burn in 1857; horse-drawn trams also started running that year, adding to the roughly 4,500 cars and carriages already in circulation. By the end of the 1860s, part of the city center had potable water pipes». Collier, S. and Sater, W. (1999). History of Chile 1808 -1994. In the context of the insertion of the Chilean economy into international markets and considering the information provided by the source, with which socioeconomic process of the period is it correct to relate these urban changes? | history/2025 | ['A) With the explosive increase in demand for labor from the rural sector. ', 'B) With the development of local industrialization led by a State agency. ', 'C) With the implementation of a Welfare State that guaranteed basic services. ', 'D) With the import of products and implementation of services for national development. '] | D | History Chile |
Subsets and Splits