/** * Create a Cell that is larger than all other possible Cells for the given Cell's row. * @return Last possible Cell on passed Cell's row. */ public static Cell createLastOnRow(final Cell cell) { if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) { return new LastOnRowByteBufferExtendedCell(((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowByteBuffer(), ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowPosition(), cell.getRowLength()); } return new LastOnRowCell(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength()); }
/** * @returns true if metadata table has been created and is being used for this dataset, else returns false. */ public boolean isMetadataTableAvailable() { return isMetadataPartitionAvailable(MetadataPartitionType.FILES); }
/** * Build a set of unique values found in all namespaces. * * @param f Method reference of the appropriate FederationNamespaceInfo * getter function * @return Set of unique string values found in all discovered namespaces. * @throws IOException if the query could not be executed. */ private Collection<String> getNamespaceInfo( Function<FederationNamespaceInfo, String> f) throws IOException { if (membershipStore == null) { return new HashSet<>(); } GetNamespaceInfoRequest request = GetNamespaceInfoRequest.newInstance(); GetNamespaceInfoResponse response = membershipStore.getNamespaceInfo(request); return response.getNamespaceInfo().stream() .map(f) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); }
/** * Loads properties from hdfs-fedbalance-default.xml into configuration * object. * * @return Configuration which includes properties from * hdfs-fedbalance-default.xml and hdfs-fedbalance-site.xml */ @VisibleForTesting static Configuration getDefaultConf() { Configuration config = new HdfsConfiguration(); config.addResource(FED_BALANCE_DEFAULT_XML); config.addResource(FED_BALANCE_SITE_XML); return config; }
/** * Get the (host x switch) map. * @return a copy of the cached map of hosts to rack */ @Override public Map<String, String> getSwitchMap() { return new HashMap<>(cache); }
/** * Set the out date. As an argument it accept date string. * * @param outTime */ public void setOutTime(Date outTime) { set(OUT_TIME, outTime); }
/** * Initializes the authentication handler instance. * <p> * This method is invoked by the {@link AuthenticationFilter#init} method. * </p> * @param config * configuration properties to initialize the handler. * * @throws ServletException * thrown if the handler could not be initialized. */ @Override public void init(Properties config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); // setup the URL to redirect to for authentication authenticationProviderUrl = config .getProperty(AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER_URL); if (authenticationProviderUrl == null) { throw new ServletException( "Authentication provider URL must not be null - configure: " + AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER_URL); } // setup the public key of the token issuer for verification if (publicKey == null) { String pemPublicKey = config.getProperty(PUBLIC_KEY_PEM); if (pemPublicKey == null) { throw new ServletException( "Public key for signature validation must be provisioned."); } publicKey = CertificateUtil.parseRSAPublicKey(pemPublicKey); } // setup the list of valid audiences for token validation String auds = config.getProperty(EXPECTED_JWT_AUDIENCES); if (auds != null) { // parse into the list String[] audArray = auds.split(","); audiences = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String a : audArray) { audiences.add(a); } } // setup custom cookie name if configured String customCookieName = config.getProperty(JWT_COOKIE_NAME); if (customCookieName != null) { cookieName = customCookieName; } }
/** * Create a shallow copy of this Pointlist from from to end, excluding end. * * @param makeImmutable makes this PointList immutable. If you don't ensure the consistency it might happen that due to changes of this * object, the shallow copy might contain incorrect or corrupt data. */ public PointList shallowCopy(final int from, final int end, boolean makeImmutable) { if (makeImmutable) this.makeImmutable(); return new ShallowImmutablePointList(from, end, this); }
/** * Finds the Jar for a class or creates it if it doesn't exist. If the class is in a directory in * the classpath, it creates a Jar on the fly with the contents of the directory and returns the * path to that Jar. If a Jar is created, it is created in the system temporary directory. * Otherwise, returns an existing jar that contains a class of the same name. Maintains a mapping * from jar contents to the tmp jar created. * @param my_class the class to find. * @param fs the FileSystem with which to qualify the returned path. * @param packagedClasses a map of class name to path. * @return a jar file that contains the class. */ private static Path findOrCreateJar(Class<?> my_class, FileSystem fs, Map<String, String> packagedClasses) throws IOException { // attempt to locate an existing jar for the class. String jar = findContainingJar(my_class, packagedClasses); if (null == jar || jar.isEmpty()) { jar = getJar(my_class); updateMap(jar, packagedClasses); } if (null == jar || jar.isEmpty()) { return null; } LOG.debug(String.format("For class %s, using jar %s", my_class.getName(), jar)); return new Path(jar).makeQualified(fs.getUri(), fs.getWorkingDirectory()); }
/** * Creates a Rollback plan if there are files to be rolled back and stores them in instant file. * Rollback Plan contains absolute file paths. * * @param startRollbackTime Rollback Instant Time * @return Rollback Plan if generated */ protected Option<HoodieRollbackPlan> requestRollback(String startRollbackTime) { final HoodieInstant rollbackInstant = new HoodieInstant(HoodieInstant.State.REQUESTED, HoodieTimeline.ROLLBACK_ACTION, startRollbackTime); try { List<HoodieRollbackRequest> rollbackRequests = new ArrayList<>(); if (!instantToRollback.isRequested()) { rollbackRequests.addAll(getRollbackStrategy().getRollbackRequests(instantToRollback)); } HoodieRollbackPlan rollbackPlan = new HoodieRollbackPlan(new HoodieInstantInfo(instantToRollback.getTimestamp(), instantToRollback.getAction()), rollbackRequests, LATEST_ROLLBACK_PLAN_VERSION); if (!skipTimelinePublish) { if (table.getRollbackTimeline().filterInflightsAndRequested().containsInstant(rollbackInstant.getTimestamp())) { LOG.warn("Request Rollback found with instant time " + rollbackInstant + ", hence skipping scheduling rollback"); } else { table.getActiveTimeline().saveToRollbackRequested(rollbackInstant, TimelineMetadataUtils.serializeRollbackPlan(rollbackPlan)); table.getMetaClient().reloadActiveTimeline();"Requesting Rollback with instant time " + rollbackInstant); } } return Option.of(rollbackPlan); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Got exception when saving rollback requested file", e); throw new HoodieIOException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** * Event handler for the {@code dragover} event. * <p> * Override this method in case custom handling for the dragover event is * required. If the drop is allowed, the event should prevent default. * * @param event * browser event to be handled */ protected void onDragOver(Event event) { NativeEvent nativeEvent = (NativeEvent) event; if (isDropAllowed(nativeEvent)) { setDropEffect(nativeEvent); // Add drag over indicator in case the element doesn't have one addDragOverStyle(nativeEvent); // Prevent default to allow drop nativeEvent.preventDefault(); nativeEvent.stopPropagation(); } else { // Remove drop effect nativeEvent.getDataTransfer() .setDropEffect(DataTransfer.DropEffect.NONE); // Remove drag over indicator removeDragOverStyle(nativeEvent); } }
/** * Deep copy. * * @return null. */ @Override public Statement deepCopy() { return null; }
/** * Sets a converter for a property id. * <p> * The converter is used to format the the data for the given property id * before displaying it in the table. * </p> * * @param propertyId * The propertyId to format using the converter * @param converter * The converter to use for the property id */ public void setConverter(Object propertyId, Converter<String, ?> converter) { if (!getContainerPropertyIds().contains(propertyId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "PropertyId " + propertyId + " must be in the container"); } if (!typeIsCompatible(converter.getModelType(), getType(propertyId))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Property type (" + getType(propertyId) + ") must match converter source type (" + converter.getModelType() + ")"); } propertyValueConverters.put(propertyId, (Converter<String, Object>) converter); refreshRowCache(); }
/** * Convert from a JSON file. * @param resource input file * @return the parsed JSON * @throws IOException IO problems * @throws JsonParseException If the input is not well-formatted * @throws JsonMappingException failure to map from the JSON to this class */ @SuppressWarnings({"IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed"}) public synchronized T fromResource(String resource) throws IOException, JsonParseException, JsonMappingException { try (InputStream resStream = this.getClass() .getResourceAsStream(resource)) { if (resStream == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(resource); } return mapper.readValue(resStream, classType); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Exception while parsing json resource {}", resource, e); throw e; } }
/** * Returns selected item of the tree. In multiselect mode returns first * selected item. If there is no selected item returns empty string * * @return selected item of the tree */ public String getValue() { List<WebElement> selectedElements = findElements( By.className("v-tree-node-selected")); if (selectedElements.isEmpty()) { return ""; } else { return selectedElements.get(0).getText(); } }
/** * Builds a TableRecordReader. If no TableRecordReader was provided, uses the default. * @see InputFormat#getRecordReader(InputSplit, JobConf, Reporter) */ public RecordReader<ImmutableBytesWritable, Result> getRecordReader(InputSplit split, JobConf job, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // In case a subclass uses the deprecated approach or calls initializeTable directly if (table == null) { initialize(job); } // null check in case our child overrides getTable to not throw. try { if (getTable() == null) { // initialize() must not have been implemented in the subclass. throw new IOException(INITIALIZATION_ERROR); } } catch (IllegalStateException exception) { throw new IOException(INITIALIZATION_ERROR, exception); } TableSplit tSplit = (TableSplit) split; // if no table record reader was provided use default final TableRecordReader trr = this.tableRecordReader == null ? new TableRecordReader() : this.tableRecordReader; trr.setStartRow(tSplit.getStartRow()); trr.setEndRow(tSplit.getEndRow()); trr.setHTable(this.table); trr.setInputColumns(this.inputColumns); trr.setRowFilter(this.rowFilter); trr.init(); return new RecordReader<ImmutableBytesWritable, Result>() { @Override public void close() throws IOException { trr.close(); closeTable(); } @Override public ImmutableBytesWritable createKey() { return trr.createKey(); } @Override public Result createValue() { return trr.createValue(); } @Override public long getPos() throws IOException { return trr.getPos(); } @Override public float getProgress() throws IOException { return trr.getProgress(); } @Override public boolean next(ImmutableBytesWritable key, Result value) throws IOException { return, value); } }; }
/** * Update and get the max resource usage with weight of broker according to the service configuration. * * @param broker the broker name. * @param brokerData The broker load data. * @param conf The service configuration. * @return the max resource usage with weight of broker */ private double updateAndGetMaxResourceUsageWithWeight(String broker, BrokerData brokerData, ServiceConfiguration conf) { final double historyPercentage = conf.getLoadBalancerHistoryResourcePercentage(); Double historyUsage = brokerAvgResourceUsageWithWeight.get(broker); LocalBrokerData localData = brokerData.getLocalData(); // If the broker restarted or MsgRate is 0, should use current resourceUsage to cover the historyUsage if (localData.getBundles().size() == 0 || (localData.getMsgRateIn() == 0 && localData.getMsgRateOut() == 0)){ historyUsage = null; } double resourceUsage = brokerData.getLocalData().getMaxResourceUsageWithWeight( conf.getLoadBalancerCPUResourceWeight(), conf.getLoadBalancerDirectMemoryResourceWeight(), conf.getLoadBalancerBandwithInResourceWeight(), conf.getLoadBalancerBandwithOutResourceWeight()); historyUsage = historyUsage == null ? resourceUsage : historyUsage * historyPercentage + (1 - historyPercentage) * resourceUsage; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Broker {} get max resource usage with weight: {}, history resource percentage: {}%, CPU weight: " + "{}, MEMORY weight: {}, DIRECT MEMORY weight: {}, BANDWIDTH IN weight: {}, BANDWIDTH " + "OUT weight: {} ", broker, historyUsage, historyPercentage, conf.getLoadBalancerCPUResourceWeight(), conf.getLoadBalancerMemoryResourceWeight(), conf.getLoadBalancerDirectMemoryResourceWeight(), conf.getLoadBalancerBandwithInResourceWeight(), conf.getLoadBalancerBandwithOutResourceWeight()); } brokerAvgResourceUsageWithWeight.put(broker, historyUsage); return historyUsage; }
/** * Requests optional prefetching of the given block. * * @param blockNumber the id of the block to prefetch. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if blockNumber is negative. */ public void requestPrefetch(int blockNumber) { checkNotNegative(blockNumber, "blockNumber"); // Do nothing because we do not support prefetches. }
/** * Shutdown the instrumentation process. */ public void shutdown() { DefaultMetricsSystem.instance().unregisterSource(name); }
/** * Computes the Path of the HRegion * @param tabledir qualified path for table * @param name ENCODED region name * @return Path of HRegion directory * @deprecated For tests only; to be removed. */ @Deprecated public static Path getRegionDir(final Path tabledir, final String name) { return new Path(tabledir, name); }
/** * Shutdown the scheduler. */ public synchronized void shutDown() { if (!running.get()) { return; } running.set(false); readerThread.interrupt(); roosterThread.interrupt(); recoverThread.interrupt(); workersPool.shutdownNow(); }
/** * Get a CoprocessorClassLoader for a coprocessor jar path from cache. If not in cache, create * one. * @param path the path to the coprocessor jar file to load classes from * @param parent the parent class loader for exempted classes * @param pathPrefix a prefix used in temp path name to store the jar file locally * @param conf the configuration used to create the class loader, if needed * @return a CoprocessorClassLoader for the coprocessor jar path */ public static CoprocessorClassLoader getClassLoader(final Path path, final ClassLoader parent, final String pathPrefix, final Configuration conf) throws IOException { CoprocessorClassLoader cl = getIfCached(path); String pathStr = path.toString(); if (cl != null) { LOG.debug("Found classloader " + cl + " for " + pathStr); return cl; } if (path.getFileSystem(conf).isFile(path) && !pathStr.endsWith(".jar")) { throw new IOException(pathStr + ": not a jar file?"); } Lock lock = locker.acquireLock(pathStr); try { cl = getIfCached(path); if (cl != null) { LOG.debug("Found classloader " + cl + " for " + pathStr); return cl; } cl = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<CoprocessorClassLoader>() { @Override public CoprocessorClassLoader run() { return new CoprocessorClassLoader(parent); } }); cl.init(path, pathPrefix, conf); // Cache class loader as a weak value, will be GC'ed when no reference left CoprocessorClassLoader prev = classLoadersCache.putIfAbsent(path, cl); if (prev != null) { // Lost update race, use already added class loader LOG.warn("THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN, a class loader" + " is already cached for " + pathStr); cl = prev; } return cl; } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
/** * Checks whether the constraints of the given method are valid. * * @param element a method under investigation * @param aVoid */ @Override public Void visitExecutableAsMethod(ExecutableElement element, Void aVoid) { processClassChecks( element ); return null; }
/** Destroy is called after the produce or consume phase of a task finishes. */ @Override public void lazyDestroy() { // NOTE: if you change this logic, be sure to update recycle() as well! CompletableFuture<?> toNotify = null; synchronized (availableMemorySegments) { if (!isDestroyed) { MemorySegment segment; while ((segment = availableMemorySegments.poll()) != null) { returnMemorySegment(segment); } BufferListener listener; while ((listener = registeredListeners.poll()) != null) { listener.notifyBufferDestroyed(); } if (!isAvailable()) { toNotify = availabilityHelper.getAvailableFuture(); } isDestroyed = true; } } mayNotifyAvailable(toNotify); networkBufferPool.destroyBufferPool(this); }
/** * Sets write schema from last instant since deletes may not have schema set in the config. */ protected void setWriteSchemaForDeletes(HoodieTableMetaClient metaClient) { try { HoodieActiveTimeline activeTimeline = metaClient.getActiveTimeline(); Option<HoodieInstant> lastInstant = activeTimeline.filterCompletedInstants().filter(s -> s.getAction().equals(metaClient.getCommitActionType()) || s.getAction().equals(HoodieActiveTimeline.REPLACE_COMMIT_ACTION)) .lastInstant(); if (lastInstant.isPresent()) { HoodieCommitMetadata commitMetadata = HoodieCommitMetadata.fromBytes( activeTimeline.getInstantDetails(lastInstant.get()).get(), HoodieCommitMetadata.class); String extraSchema = commitMetadata.getExtraMetadata().get(SCHEMA_KEY); if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(extraSchema)) { config.setSchema(commitMetadata.getExtraMetadata().get(SCHEMA_KEY)); } else { throw new HoodieIOException("Latest commit does not have any schema in commit metadata"); } } else { LOG.warn("None rows are deleted because the table is empty"); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new HoodieIOException("IOException thrown while reading last commit metadata", e); } }
/** * Adds a suffix to the final name in the path. * * @param suffix The suffix to be added * @return the new path including the suffix */ public Path suffix(String suffix) { return new Path(getParent(), getName() + suffix); }
/** * Sets the path of the Flink distribution inside the container. Returns a reference to this * Builder enabling method chaining. * * @param flinkHome The {@code flinkHome} to set. * @return A reference to this Builder. */ public Builder flinkHome(String flinkHome) { this.flinkHome = flinkHome; return this; }
/** * Initiates a Project transformation on a {@link Tuple} {@link DataStream}.<br> * <b>Note: Only Tuple DataStreams can be projected.</b> * * <p>The transformation projects each Tuple of the DataSet onto a (sub)set of fields. * * @param fieldIndexes The field indexes of the input tuples that are retained. The order of * fields in the output tuple corresponds to the order of field indexes. * @return The projected DataStream * @see Tuple * @see DataStream */ @PublicEvolving public <R extends Tuple> SingleOutputStreamOperator<R> project(int... fieldIndexes) { return new StreamProjection<>(this, fieldIndexes).projectTupleX(); }
/** * Creates {@link GraphBasedUpgradeSchemaChangeVisitor} instance. * * @param sourceSchema schema prior to upgrade step * @param sqlDialect dialect to generate statements for the target database * @param idTable table for id generation * @param upgradeNodes all the {@link GraphBasedUpgradeNode} instances in the upgrade for * which the visitor will generate statements * @return new {@link GraphBasedUpgradeSchemaChangeVisitor} instance */ GraphBasedUpgradeSchemaChangeVisitor create(Schema sourceSchema, SqlDialect sqlDialect, Table idTable, Map<String, GraphBasedUpgradeNode> upgradeNodes) { return new GraphBasedUpgradeSchemaChangeVisitor(sourceSchema, sqlDialect, idTable, upgradeNodes); }
/** * Retrieves and removes the head request of the {@link #deque}, waiting if necessary until an * element becomes available. * * @return The head request, it can be null when the executor is closed. */ @Nullable private ChannelStateWriteRequest waitAndTakeUnsafe() throws InterruptedException { ChannelStateWriteRequest request; while (!wasClosed) { request = deque.pollFirst(); if (request == null) { lock.wait(); } else { return request; } } return null; }
/** * Start the component * * @param config component context */ @Override public void start(KeyValue config) { super.start(config); sinkConnector.validate(taskConfig); sinkConnector.initialize(new KafkaConnectorContext(connectorContext)); sinkConnector.start(taskConfig); }
/** * Stream access to a meta block.`` * * @param name * The name of the meta block. * @return The input stream. * @throws IOException * on I/O error. * @throws MetaBlockDoesNotExist * If the meta block with the name does not exist. */ public DataInputStream getMetaBlock(String name) throws IOException, MetaBlockDoesNotExist { return readerBCF.getMetaBlock(name); }
/** * Set the rate limiter on how many mark-delete calls per second are allowed. If the value is set to 0, the rate * limiter is disabled. Default is 0. * * @param throttleMarkDelete * the max number of mark-delete calls allowed per second */ public ManagedLedgerConfig setThrottleMarkDelete(double throttleMarkDelete) { checkArgument(throttleMarkDelete >= 0.0); this.throttleMarkDelete = throttleMarkDelete; return this; }
/** * Participant cancel object. * * @param hmilyParticipants the hmily participants * @param selfParticipantId the self participant id * @return the object */ public Object participantCancel(final List<HmilyParticipant> hmilyParticipants, final Long selfParticipantId) { LogUtil.debug(LOGGER, () -> "tcc cancel ...........start!"); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(hmilyParticipants)) { return null; } //if cc pattern,can not execute cancel //update cancel HmilyParticipant selfHmilyParticipant = filterSelfHmilyParticipant(hmilyParticipants); if (Objects.nonNull(selfHmilyParticipant)) { selfHmilyParticipant.setStatus(HmilyActionEnum.CANCELING.getCode()); HmilyRepositoryStorage.updateHmilyParticipantStatus(selfHmilyParticipant); } List<Object> results = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(hmilyParticipants.size()); for (HmilyParticipant hmilyParticipant : hmilyParticipants) { try { if (hmilyParticipant.getParticipantId().equals(selfParticipantId)) { final Object result = HmilyReflector.executor(HmilyActionEnum.CANCELING, ExecutorTypeEnum.LOCAL, hmilyParticipant); results.add(result); HmilyRepositoryStorage.removeHmilyParticipant(hmilyParticipant); } else { final Object result = HmilyReflector.executor(HmilyActionEnum.CANCELING, ExecutorTypeEnum.RPC, hmilyParticipant); results.add(result); } } catch (Throwable throwable) { throw new HmilyRuntimeException(" hmilyParticipant execute cancel exception:" + hmilyParticipant.toString()); } finally { HmilyContextHolder.remove(); } } HmilyParticipantCacheManager.getInstance().removeByKey(selfParticipantId); return results.get(0); }
/** * Restricted constructors to ensure v1 or v2, not both. * @param result v1 result * @return new list result container */ public static OSSListResult v1(ObjectListing result) { return new OSSListResult(result, null); }
/** * A helper api for creating an audit log for a successful event. */ static String createSuccessLog(String user, String operation, String target) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); start(Keys.USER, user, b); addRemoteIP(b); add(Keys.OPERATION, operation, b); add(Keys.TARGET, target, b); add(Keys.RESULT, AuditConstants.SUCCESS, b); return b.toString(); }
/** * Gets the table name from when this cell was written into a mob hfile as a string. * @param cell to extract tag from * @return table name as a string. empty if the tag is not found. */ public static Optional<String> getTableNameString(Cell cell) { Optional<Tag> tag = getTableNameTag(cell); Optional<String> name = Optional.empty(); if (tag.isPresent()) { name = Optional.of(Tag.getValueAsString(tag.get())); } return name; }
/** * Notifies the registry about an unregistered KvState instance. * * @param jobVertexId JobVertexID the KvState instance belongs to * @param keyGroupRange Key group index the KvState instance belongs to * @param registrationName Name under which the KvState has been registered * @throws IllegalArgumentException If another operator registered the state instance * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the registration name is not known */ public void notifyKvStateUnregistered( JobVertexID jobVertexId, KeyGroupRange keyGroupRange, String registrationName) { KvStateLocation location = lookupTable.get(registrationName); if (location != null) { // Duplicate name if vertex IDs don't match if (!location.getJobVertexId().equals(jobVertexId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Another operator (" + location.getJobVertexId() + ") registered the KvState " + "under '" + registrationName + "'."); } location.unregisterKvState(keyGroupRange); if (location.getNumRegisteredKeyGroups() == 0) { lookupTable.remove(registrationName); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown registration name '" + registrationName + "'. " + "Probably registration/unregistration race."); } }
/** * Note that this gets called asynchronously */ protected void applySession(String sessionId, Session session, CommandSender sender, String command, boolean load) { String missingMessage = magic.getMessages().get("commands.mconfig." + command + ".missing"); String type = session.getType(); if (type == null || type.isEmpty()) { missingMessage = missingMessage.replace("$field", "type");, sender, missingMessage); return; } boolean isMainConfiguration = type.equals("config"); boolean isMessagesConfiguration = type.equals("messages"); String key = session.getKey(); if (!isMainConfiguration && !isMessagesConfiguration && (key == null || key.isEmpty())) { missingMessage = missingMessage.replace("$field", "key");, sender, missingMessage); return; } if (key != null && !key.isEmpty()) { isMainConfiguration = false; isMessagesConfiguration = false; } String contents = session.getContents(); if (contents == null || contents.isEmpty()) { missingMessage = missingMessage.replace("$field", "contents");, sender, missingMessage); return; } YamlConfiguration testLoad = new YamlConfiguration(); try { testLoad.loadFromString(contents); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { String message = magic.getMessages().get("commands.mconfig." + command + ".invalid");, sender, message); return; } File file; if (isMainConfiguration || isMessagesConfiguration) { file = new File(magic.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), type + ".yml"); } else { String filename = key + ".yml"; filename = filename.replace("|", "_"); File typeFolder = new File(magic.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), type); if (!typeFolder.exists()) { typeFolder.mkdir(); } file = new File(typeFolder, filename); } if (file.exists()) { String message = magic.getMessages().get("commands.mconfig." + command + ".overwrote"); AsyncProcessor.success(controller, sender, message.replace("$file", file.getName())); } else { String message = magic.getMessages().get("commands.mconfig." + command + ".created"); AsyncProcessor.success(controller, sender, message.replace("$file", file.getName())); } try { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(file, "UTF-8"); out.print(contents); out.close(); if (load) { Plugin plugin = controller.getPlugin(); plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { controller.loadConfigurationQuietly(sender); } }); } else { AsyncProcessor.success(controller, sender, magic.getMessages().get("commands.mconfig." + command + ".load_prompt")); } final Plugin plugin = magic.getPlugin(); plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Mage mage = controller.getMage(sender); sessions.put(mage.getId(), sessionId); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { String message = magic.getMessages().get("commands.mconfig." + command + ".error_saving");, sender, message.replace("$file", file.getName()), "Error writing config file " + file.getAbsolutePath(), ex); } }
/** Get config tags from config 'metrics.reporter.dghttp.tags'. */ private List<String> getTagsFromConfig(String str) { return Arrays.asList(str.split(",")); }
/* * Must wait for Safari to focus before sending click and value change * events (see #6373, #6374) */ private void executeEventCommand(ScheduledCommand command) { if (BrowserInfo.get().isWebkit() && !treeHasFocus) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(command); } else { command.execute(); } }
/** * Checks whether event captions are rendered as HTML * <p> * The default is false, i.e. to render that caption as plain text. * * @return true if the captions are rendered as HTML, false if rendered as * plain text */ public boolean isEventCaptionAsHtml() { return eventCaptionAsHtml; }
/** * A simple version of batch put. It will fail if there are any failures. * @param puts The list of mutations to apply. * @return A {@link CompletableFuture} that always returns null when complete normally. */ default CompletableFuture<Void> putAll(List<Put> puts) { return allOf(put(puts)).thenApply(r -> null); }
/** * Implement rename file. * * @param owner OBS File System instance * @param srcKey source object key * @param dstKey destination object key * @param srcStatus source object status * @throws IOException any problem with rename operation */ private static void renameFile(final OBSFileSystem owner, final String srcKey, final String dstKey, final FileStatus srcStatus) throws IOException { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); copyFile(owner, srcKey, dstKey, srcStatus.getLen()); objectDelete(owner, srcStatus, false); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { long delay = System.nanoTime() - startTime; LOG.debug("OBSFileSystem rename: " + ", {src=" + srcKey + ", dst=" + dstKey + ", delay=" + delay + "}"); } }
/** * Writes the specified byte to this output stream. The general contract for <code>write * </code> is that one byte is written to the output stream. The byte to be written is the * eight low-order bits of the argument <code>b</code>. The 24 high-order bits of <code>b * </code> are ignored. */ @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { ensureCapacity(1); segment.put(cursor, (byte) b); cursor += 1; }
/** * Creates a new Invoker for the current ScopeClusterInvoker and exports it to the local JVM. */ private void createInjvmInvoker(Exporter<?> exporter) { if (injvmInvoker == null) { synchronized (createLock) { if (injvmInvoker == null) { URL url = new ServiceConfigURL( LOCAL_PROTOCOL, NetUtils.getLocalHost(), getUrl().getPort(), getInterface().getName(), getUrl().getParameters()); url = url.setScopeModel(getUrl().getScopeModel()); url = url.setServiceModel(getUrl().getServiceModel()); DubboServiceAddressURL consumerUrl = new DubboServiceAddressURL( url.getUrlAddress(), url.getUrlParam(), exporter.getInvoker().getUrl(), null); Invoker<?> invoker = protocolSPI.refer(getInterface(), consumerUrl); List<Invoker<?>> invokers = new ArrayList<>(); invokers.add(invoker); injvmInvoker = Cluster.getCluster(url.getScopeModel(), Cluster.DEFAULT, false) .join(new StaticDirectory(url, invokers), true); } } } }
/** * Tries to bind the given {@link Component} instance to a member field of * the bind target. The fields are matched based on localId, id and caption. * * @param instance * the instance to be bound to a field * @param localId * the localId used for mapping the field to an instance field * @return true on success * @throws FieldBindingException * if error occurs when trying to bind the instance to a field */ public boolean bindField(Component instance, String localId) { // check that the field exists, is correct type and is null boolean success = bindFieldByIdentifier(localId, instance); if (!success) { success = bindFieldByIdentifier(instance.getId(), instance); } if (!success) { success = bindFieldByIdentifier(instance.getCaption(), instance); } if (!success) { String idInfo = "localId: " + localId + " id: " + instance.getId() + " caption: " + instance.getCaption(); getLogger().finest("Could not bind component to a field " + instance.getClass().getName() + " " + idInfo); } return success; }
/** * Create a {@code this > right} expression * * @param right rhs of the comparison * @return this &gt; right * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(Object) */ public BooleanExpression gt(Expression<T> right) { return Expressions.booleanOperation(Ops.GT, mixin, right); }
/** * Generates bind addresses based on legacy configuration properties. */ private static List<BindAddress> migrateBindAddresses(ServiceConfiguration config) { List<BindAddress> addresses = new ArrayList<>(2); if (config.getBrokerServicePort().isPresent()) { addresses.add(new BindAddress(null, URI.create( ServiceConfigurationUtils.brokerUrl(config.getBindAddress(), config.getBrokerServicePort().get())))); } if (config.getBrokerServicePortTls().isPresent()) { addresses.add(new BindAddress(null, URI.create( ServiceConfigurationUtils.brokerUrlTls(config.getBindAddress(), config.getBrokerServicePortTls().get())))); } if (config.getWebServicePort().isPresent()) { addresses.add(new BindAddress(null, URI.create( ServiceConfigurationUtils.webServiceUrl(config.getBindAddress(), config.getWebServicePort().get())))); } if (config.getWebServicePortTls().isPresent()) { addresses.add(new BindAddress(null, URI.create( ServiceConfigurationUtils.webServiceUrlTls(config.getBindAddress(), config.getWebServicePortTls().get())))); } return addresses; }
/** * @return Convert the output to a String */ public String getXmlString() { return new String(testOutputStream.toByteArray()); }
/** * Creates a permanent snapshot directory for the given path, which will not delete the * underlying directory in {@link #cleanup()} after {@link #completeSnapshotAndGetHandle()} was * called. */ public static SnapshotDirectory permanent(@Nonnull Path directory) throws IOException { return new PermanentSnapshotDirectory(directory); }
/** * Creates a tumbling window {@link SliceAssigner} that assigns elements to slices of tumbling * windows. * * @param rowtimeIndex the index of rowtime field in the input row, {@code -1} if based on * processing time. * @param shiftTimeZone The shift timezone of the window, if the proctime or rowtime type is * TIMESTAMP_LTZ, the shift timezone is the timezone user configured in TableConfig, other * cases the timezone is UTC which means never shift when assigning windows. * @param size the size of the generated windows. */ public static TumblingSliceAssigner tumbling( int rowtimeIndex, ZoneId shiftTimeZone, Duration size) { return new TumblingSliceAssigner(rowtimeIndex, shiftTimeZone, size.toMillis(), 0); }
/** * Create a Cell that is larger than all other possible Cells for the given Cell's rk:cf:q. Used * in creating "fake keys" for the multi-column Bloom filter optimization to skip the row/column * we already know is not in the file. * @return Last possible Cell on passed Cell's rk:cf:q. */ public static Cell createLastOnRowCol(final Cell cell) { if (cell instanceof ByteBufferExtendedCell) { return new LastOnRowColByteBufferExtendedCell( ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowByteBuffer(), ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getRowPosition(), cell.getRowLength(), ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getFamilyByteBuffer(), ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getFamilyPosition(), cell.getFamilyLength(), ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getQualifierByteBuffer(), ((ByteBufferExtendedCell) cell).getQualifierPosition(), cell.getQualifierLength()); } return new LastOnRowColCell(cell.getRowArray(), cell.getRowOffset(), cell.getRowLength(), cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(), cell.getFamilyLength(), cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(), cell.getQualifierLength()); }
/** * Whether to include MVCC or not */ public CreateStoreFileWriterParams includeMVCCReadpoint(boolean includeMVCCReadpoint) { this.includeMVCCReadpoint = includeMVCCReadpoint; return this; }
/** * Add a query parameter if not null/empty * There's no need to escape here as it is done in the URI * constructor. * @param key query key * @param value query value */ private void addAttribute(String key, String value) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) { attributes.put(key, value); } }
/** * Add a table * @deprecated Since 3.0.0, will be removed in 4.0.0. The rsgroup information will be stored in * the configuration of a table so this will be removed. */ @Deprecated public void addTable(TableName table) { tables.add(table); }
/** * Repositions the iterator so is is at the beginning of the Database. */ public void seekToFirst() throws DBException { try { iter.seekToFirst(); } catch (DBException e) { throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new DBException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** * Add the audit record, writing out the SQL for the insert. * * @see org.alfasoftware.morf.upgrade.SchemaChangeVisitor#addAuditRecord(java.util.UUID, java.lang.String) * * @param visitor The schema change visitor adding the audit record. * @param schema The schema to add the audit record to. * @param uuid The UUID of the step which has been applied * @param description The description of the step. */ public static void addAuditRecord(SchemaChangeVisitor visitor, Schema schema, UUID uuid, String description) { // There's no point adding an UpgradeAudit row if the table isn't there. if (!schema.tableExists("UpgradeAudit")) return; InsertStatement auditRecord = createAuditInsertStatement(uuid, description); visitor.visit(new ExecuteStatement(auditRecord)); }
/** * Eviction method. Evict items in order of use, allowing delete items which haven't been used for * the longest amount of time. * @return how many bytes were freed */ long evict() { // Ensure only one eviction at a time if (!evictionLock.tryLock()) { return 0; } long bytesToFree = 0L; try { evictionInProgress = true; long currentSize = this.size.get(); bytesToFree = currentSize - minSize(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Block cache LRU eviction started; Attempting to free " + StringUtils.byteDesc(bytesToFree) + " of total=" + StringUtils.byteDesc(currentSize)); } if (bytesToFree <= 0) { return 0; } // Instantiate priority buckets BlockBucket bucketSingle = new BlockBucket("single", bytesToFree, blockSize, singleSize()); BlockBucket bucketMulti = new BlockBucket("multi", bytesToFree, blockSize, multiSize()); BlockBucket bucketMemory = new BlockBucket("memory", bytesToFree, blockSize, memorySize()); // Scan entire map putting into appropriate buckets for (LruCachedBlock cachedBlock : map.values()) { switch (cachedBlock.getPriority()) { case SINGLE: { bucketSingle.add(cachedBlock); break; } case MULTI: { bucketMulti.add(cachedBlock); break; } case MEMORY: { bucketMemory.add(cachedBlock); break; } } } long bytesFreed = 0; if (forceInMemory || memoryFactor > 0.999f) { long s = bucketSingle.totalSize(); long m = bucketMulti.totalSize(); if (bytesToFree > (s + m)) { // this means we need to evict blocks in memory bucket to make room, // so the single and multi buckets will be emptied bytesFreed =; bytesFreed +=; if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "freed " + StringUtils.byteDesc(bytesFreed) + " from single and multi buckets"); } bytesFreed += - bytesFreed); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "freed " + StringUtils.byteDesc(bytesFreed) + " total from all three buckets "); } } else { // this means no need to evict block in memory bucket, // and we try best to make the ratio between single-bucket and // multi-bucket is 1:2 long bytesRemain = s + m - bytesToFree; if (3 * s <= bytesRemain) { // single-bucket is small enough that no eviction happens for it // hence all eviction goes from multi-bucket bytesFreed =; } else if (3 * m <= 2 * bytesRemain) { // multi-bucket is small enough that no eviction happens for it // hence all eviction goes from single-bucket bytesFreed =; } else { // both buckets need to evict some blocks bytesFreed = - bytesRemain / 3); if (bytesFreed < bytesToFree) { bytesFreed += - bytesFreed); } } } } else { PriorityQueue<BlockBucket> bucketQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(3); bucketQueue.add(bucketSingle); bucketQueue.add(bucketMulti); bucketQueue.add(bucketMemory); int remainingBuckets = bucketQueue.size(); BlockBucket bucket; while ((bucket = bucketQueue.poll()) != null) { long overflow = bucket.overflow(); if (overflow > 0) { long bucketBytesToFree = Math.min(overflow, (bytesToFree - bytesFreed) / remainingBuckets); bytesFreed +=; } remainingBuckets--; } } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { long single = bucketSingle.totalSize(); long multi = bucketMulti.totalSize(); long memory = bucketMemory.totalSize(); LOG.trace( "Block cache LRU eviction completed; " + "freed=" + StringUtils.byteDesc(bytesFreed) + ", " + "total=" + StringUtils.byteDesc(this.size.get()) + ", " + "single=" + StringUtils.byteDesc(single) + ", " + "multi=" + StringUtils.byteDesc(multi) + ", " + "memory=" + StringUtils.byteDesc(memory)); } } finally { stats.evict(); evictionInProgress = false; evictionLock.unlock(); } return bytesToFree; }
/** * @return the operator */ public MathsOperator getOperator() { return operator; }
/** * The asynchronous version of {@link #acknowledge(MessageId)}. */ default CompletableFuture<Void> acknowledgeAsync(MessageId messageId) { return acknowledgeAsync(messageId, null); }
/** * Release locks.. * * @param hmilyLocks hmily locks */ public static void releaseHmilyLocks(final Collection<HmilyLock> hmilyLocks) { if (!hmilyLocks.isEmpty()) { PUBLISHER.syncPublishEvent(hmilyLocks, EventTypeEnum.RELEASE_HMILY_LOCKS.getCode()); } }
/** * Called by the connector when new data for the last requested filter * is received from the server. */ public void dataReceived() { if (initialData) {; performSelection(serverSelectedKey, true, true); updateSuggestionPopupMinWidth(); updateRootWidth(); initialData = false; return; }; if (!waitingForFilteringResponse && suggestionPopup.isAttached()) { showPopup = true; } // Don't show popup, if is not focused if (showPopup && focused) { suggestionPopup.showSuggestions(currentPage); } waitingForFilteringResponse = false; if (pendingUserInput != null) { boolean pendingHandled = == pendingUserInput; .actOnEnteredValueAfterFiltering(pendingUserInput); if (!allowNewItems || (pendingHandled && == null)) { pendingUserInput = null; } else { waitingForFilteringResponse = true; } } else if (popupOpenerClicked) { // make sure the current item is selected in the popup; } else { navigateItemAfterPageChange(); } if (!showPopup) { suggestionPopup.hide(); } popupOpenerClicked = false; showPopup = false; }
/** * Sets the total number of suggestions. * <p> * NOTE: this excluded the possible null selection item! * <p> * NOTE: this just updates the state, but doesn't update any UI. * * @since 8.0 * @param totalSuggestions * total number of suggestions */ public void setTotalSuggestions(int totalSuggestions) { this.totalSuggestions = totalSuggestions; }
/** * Gets the listener for listening to event clicks. * * @return */ public DateClickListener getDateClickListener() { return dateClickListener; }
/** * Specifies an full outer join to a subselect: * * <blockquote><pre> * TableReference sale = tableRef("Sale"); * TableReference customer = tableRef("Customer"); * * // Define the subselect - a group by showing total sales by age in the * // previous month. * SelectStatement amountsByAgeLastMonth = select(field("age"), sum(field("amount"))) * .from(sale) * .innerJoin(customer, sale.field("customerId").eq(customer.field("id"))) * .where(sale.field("month").eq(5)) * .groupBy(customer.field("age") * .alias("amountByAge"); * * // The outer select, showing each sale this month as a percentage of the sales * // to that age the previous month * SelectStatement outer = select( * sale.field("id"), * sale.field("amount") * // May cause division by zero (!) * .divideBy(isNull(amountsByAgeLastMonth.asTable().field("amount"), 0)) * .multiplyBy(literal(100)) * ) * .from(sale) * .innerJoin(customer, sale.field("customerId").eq(customer.field("id"))) * .fullOuterJoin(amountsByAgeLastMonth, amountsByAgeLastMonth.asTable().field("age").eq(customer.field("age"))); * </pre></blockquote> * * @param subSelect the sub select statement to join on to * @param criterion the criteria on which to join the tables * @return this, for method chaining. */ public T fullOuterJoin(SelectStatement subSelect, Criterion criterion) { joins.add(new Join(JoinType.FULL_OUTER_JOIN, subSelect, criterion)); return castToChild(this); }
/** * Set the configuration parameters for this client storage session with * Azure. * * @throws AzureException */ private void configureAzureStorageSession() throws AzureException { // Assertion: Target session URI already should have been captured. if (sessionUri == null) { throw new AssertionError( "Expected a non-null session URI when configuring storage session"); } // Assertion: A client session already should have been established with // Azure. if (storageInteractionLayer == null) { throw new AssertionError(String.format( "Cannot configure storage session for URI '%s' " + "if storage session has not been established.", sessionUri.toString())); } // Determine whether or not reads are allowed concurrent with OOB writes. tolerateOobAppends = sessionConfiguration.getBoolean( KEY_READ_TOLERATE_CONCURRENT_APPEND, DEFAULT_READ_TOLERATE_CONCURRENT_APPEND); // Retrieve configuration for the minimum stream read and write block size. // this.downloadBlockSizeBytes = sessionConfiguration.getInt( KEY_STREAM_MIN_READ_SIZE, DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_SIZE); this.uploadBlockSizeBytes = sessionConfiguration.getInt( KEY_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE, DEFAULT_UPLOAD_BLOCK_SIZE); this.hadoopBlockSize = sessionConfiguration.getLong( HADOOP_BLOCK_SIZE_PROPERTY_NAME, DEFAULT_HADOOP_BLOCK_SIZE); this.inputStreamVersion = sessionConfiguration.getInt( KEY_INPUT_STREAM_VERSION, DEFAULT_INPUT_STREAM_VERSION); // The job may want to specify a timeout to use when engaging the // storage service. The default is currently 90 seconds. It may // be necessary to increase this value for long latencies in larger // jobs. If the timeout specified is greater than zero seconds use // it, otherwise use the default service client timeout. int storageConnectionTimeout = sessionConfiguration.getInt( KEY_STORAGE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 0); if (0 < storageConnectionTimeout) { storageInteractionLayer.setTimeoutInMs(storageConnectionTimeout * 1000); } // Set the concurrency values equal to the that specified in the // configuration file. If it does not exist, set it to the default // value calculated as double the number of CPU cores on the client // machine. The concurrency value is minimum of double the cores and // the read/write property. int cpuCores = 2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); concurrentWrites = sessionConfiguration.getInt( KEY_CONCURRENT_CONNECTION_VALUE_OUT, Math.min(cpuCores, DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_WRITES)); // Set up the exponential retry policy. // minBackoff = sessionConfiguration.getInt( KEY_MIN_BACKOFF_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_MIN_BACKOFF_INTERVAL); maxBackoff = sessionConfiguration.getInt( KEY_MAX_BACKOFF_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_MAX_BACKOFF_INTERVAL); deltaBackoff = sessionConfiguration.getInt( KEY_BACKOFF_INTERVAL, DEFAULT_BACKOFF_INTERVAL); maxRetries = sessionConfiguration.getInt( KEY_MAX_IO_RETRIES, DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS); storageInteractionLayer.setRetryPolicyFactory( new RetryExponentialRetry(minBackoff, deltaBackoff, maxBackoff, maxRetries)); // read the self-throttling config. selfThrottlingEnabled = sessionConfiguration.getBoolean( KEY_SELF_THROTTLE_ENABLE, DEFAULT_SELF_THROTTLE_ENABLE); selfThrottlingReadFactor = sessionConfiguration.getFloat( KEY_SELF_THROTTLE_READ_FACTOR, DEFAULT_SELF_THROTTLE_READ_FACTOR); selfThrottlingWriteFactor = sessionConfiguration.getFloat( KEY_SELF_THROTTLE_WRITE_FACTOR, DEFAULT_SELF_THROTTLE_WRITE_FACTOR); if (!selfThrottlingEnabled) { autoThrottlingEnabled = sessionConfiguration.getBoolean( KEY_AUTO_THROTTLE_ENABLE, DEFAULT_AUTO_THROTTLE_ENABLE); if (autoThrottlingEnabled) { ClientThrottlingIntercept.initializeSingleton(); } } else { // cannot enable both self-throttling and client-throttling autoThrottlingEnabled = false; } OperationContext.setLoggingEnabledByDefault(sessionConfiguration. getBoolean(KEY_ENABLE_STORAGE_CLIENT_LOGGING, false)); LOG.debug( "AzureNativeFileSystemStore init. Settings={},{},{},{{},{},{},{}},{{},{},{}}", concurrentWrites, tolerateOobAppends, ((storageConnectionTimeout > 0) ? storageConnectionTimeout : STORAGE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT), minBackoff, deltaBackoff, maxBackoff, maxRetries, selfThrottlingEnabled, selfThrottlingReadFactor, selfThrottlingWriteFactor); }
/** * Used to give a unique name to {@link org.apache.flink.cep.nfa.NFA} states created during the * translation process. The name format will be {@code baseName:counter} , where the counter is * increasing for states with the same {@code baseName}. * * @param baseName The base of the name. * @return The (unique) name that is going to be used internally for the state. */ public String getUniqueInternalName(String baseName) { int counter = 0; String candidate = baseName; while (usedNames.contains(candidate)) { candidate = baseName + STATE_NAME_DELIM + counter++; } usedNames.add(candidate); return candidate; }
/** * Get prefixed {@link Properties} * * @param propertySources {@link PropertySources} * @param propertyResolver {@link PropertyResolver} to resolve the placeholder if present * @param prefix the prefix of property name * @return Map * @see Properties */ public static Map<String, Object> getSubProperties( PropertySources propertySources, PropertyResolver propertyResolver, String prefix) { Map<String, Object> subProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); String normalizedPrefix = normalizePrefix(prefix); Iterator<PropertySource<?>> iterator = propertySources.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { PropertySource<?> source =; for (String name : getPropertyNames(source)) { if (!subProperties.containsKey(name) && name.startsWith(normalizedPrefix)) { String subName = name.substring(normalizedPrefix.length()); if (!subProperties.containsKey(subName)) { // take first one Object value = source.getProperty(name); if (value instanceof String) { // Resolve placeholder value = propertyResolver.resolvePlaceholders((String) value); } subProperties.put(subName, value); } } } } return unmodifiableMap(subProperties); }
/** * Set TaskType for a Task. * @param type Simple or Composite Task */ public final void setTaskType(final TaskType type) { this.taskType = type; }
/** * Gets a list from an object for the given key, and verifies all entries are strings. If the key * is not present, this returns null. If the value is not a List or an entry is not a string, * throws an exception. */ @Override public List<String> getListOfStrings(Map<String, ?> obj, String key) { assert obj != null; List<?> list = getList(obj, key); if (list == null) { return null; } return checkStringList(list); }
/** * Validates that the given buffer is not null and has non-zero capacity. * @param <T> the type of iterable's elements. * @param iter the argument reference to validate. * @param argName the name of the argument being validated. */ public static <T> void checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(Iterable<T> iter, String argName) { checkNotNull(iter, argName); int minNumElements = iter.iterator().hasNext() ? 1 : 0; checkNotEmpty(minNumElements, argName); }
/** Returns the total compacting key values in currently running compaction */ public long getTotalCompactingKVs() { if (totalCompactingKVs < currentCompactedKVs) { LOG.debug("totalCompactingKVs={} less than currentCompactedKVs={}", totalCompactingKVs, currentCompactedKVs); return currentCompactedKVs; } return totalCompactingKVs; }
/** * Projects a pair of joined elements to a {@link Tuple} with the previously selected * fields. Requires the classes of the fields of the resulting tuples. * * @return The projected data set. * @see Tuple * @see DataSet */ public <T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17> ProjectJoin< I1, I2, Tuple18< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17>> projectTuple18() { TypeInformation<?>[] fTypes = extractFieldTypes(fieldIndexes); TupleTypeInfo< Tuple18< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17>> tType = new TupleTypeInfo< Tuple18< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17>>(fTypes); return new ProjectJoin< I1, I2, Tuple18< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17>>( this.ds1, this.ds2, this.keys1, this.keys2, this.hint, this.fieldIndexes, this.isFieldInFirst, tType, this); }
// while draining, count the releases until release(int) private void tryRelease(int permits) { pendingReleases.getAndAdd(permits); if (!draining.get()) { super.release(pendingReleases.getAndSet(0)); } }
/** * Start an activity. This method is defined to allow different methods of activity starting for * newer versions of Android and for compatibility library. * * @param intent Intent to start. * @param code Request code for the activity * @see Activity#startActivityForResult(Intent, int) * @see Fragment#startActivityForResult(Intent, int) */ protected void startActivityForResult(Intent intent, int code) { if (fragment == null) { activity.startActivityForResult(intent, code); } else { fragment.startActivityForResult(intent, code); } }
/** * Whether the cache contains block with specified cacheKey * @return true if contains the block */ @Override public boolean containsBlock(BlockCacheKey cacheKey) { return map.containsKey(cacheKey); }
/** * Selects an input identified by the given {@code inputId}. * * @param inputId the input id numbered starting from 1 to 64, and `1` indicates the first * input. Specially, `-1` indicates all inputs. * @return a reference to this object. */ public Builder select(int inputId) { if (inputId > 0 && inputId <= 64) { inputMask |= 1L << (inputId - 1); } else if (inputId == -1L) { inputMask = -1L; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The inputId must be in the range of 1 to 64, or be -1."); } return this; }
/** * Returns true if the given class has a superclass of given name. * * @param clazz class to be analyzed * @param superClassName class name of the super class */ public static boolean hasSuperclass(Class<?> clazz, String superClassName) { List<Type> hierarchy = new ArrayList<>(); getTypeHierarchy(hierarchy, clazz, Object.class); for (Type t : hierarchy) { if (isClassType(t) && typeToClass(t).getName().equals(superClassName)) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * Obtains basic file statistics containing only file size. If the input is a directory, then * the size is the sum of all contained files. * * @see * */ @Override public FileBaseStatistics getStatistics(BaseStatistics cachedStats) throws IOException { final FileBaseStatistics cachedFileStats = cachedStats instanceof FileBaseStatistics ? (FileBaseStatistics) cachedStats : null; try { return getFileStats( cachedFileStats, getFilePaths(), new ArrayList<>(getFilePaths().length)); } catch (IOException ioex) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn( "Could not determine statistics for paths '" + Arrays.toString(getFilePaths()) + "' due to an io error: " + ioex.getMessage()); } } catch (Throwable t) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error( "Unexpected problem while getting the file statistics for paths '" + Arrays.toString(getFilePaths()) + "': " + t.getMessage(), t); } } // no statistics available return null; }
/** * Ensure the component has a focus. * * TODO the current implementation simply always calls focus for the * component. In case the Table at some point implements focus/blur * listeners, this method needs to be evolved to conditionally call * focus only if not currently focused. */ protected void ensureFocus() { if (!hasFocus()) { scrollBodyPanel.setFocus(true); } }
/** * Acquires the optional {@link CheckpointBarrierHandler} associated with this stream task. The * {@code CheckpointBarrierHandler} should exist if the task has data inputs and requires to * align the barriers. */ protected Optional<CheckpointBarrierHandler> getCheckpointBarrierHandler() { return Optional.empty(); }
/** * Get a source name by given directory name. * * @param dirName directory name * @return the source name */ protected static String sourceName(String dirName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(; sb.append(",dir=").append(dirName); return sb.toString(); }
/** * Get the name of the group. * @return The name of the group */ public String getName() { return name; }
/** * Executions the run action. * * @param args Command line arguments for the run action. */ protected void run(String[] args) throws Exception {"Running 'run' command."); final Options commandOptions = CliFrontendParser.getRunCommandOptions(); final CommandLine commandLine = getCommandLine(commandOptions, args, true); // evaluate help flag if (commandLine.hasOption(HELP_OPTION.getOpt())) { CliFrontendParser.printHelpForRun(customCommandLines); return; } final CustomCommandLine activeCommandLine = validateAndGetActiveCommandLine(checkNotNull(commandLine)); final ProgramOptions programOptions = ProgramOptions.create(commandLine); final List<URL> jobJars = getJobJarAndDependencies(programOptions); final Configuration effectiveConfiguration = getEffectiveConfiguration(activeCommandLine, commandLine, programOptions, jobJars); LOG.debug("Effective executor configuration: {}", effectiveConfiguration); try (PackagedProgram program = getPackagedProgram(programOptions, effectiveConfiguration)) { executeProgram(effectiveConfiguration, program); } }
/** * send data to all workers * * @param key * @param value * @param callback */ @Override public void send(K key, V value, Callback callback) { try { Map.Entry<byte[], byte[]> encode = encode(key, value); byte[] body = encode.getValue(); if (body.length > MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) { log.error("Message size is greater than {} bytes, key: {}, value {}", MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, key, value); return; } String encodeKey = Base64Util.base64Encode(encode.getKey()); Message message = new Message(topicName, null, encodeKey, body); producer.send(message, new SelectMessageQueueByHash(), encodeKey, new SendCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(org.apache.rocketmq.client.producer.SendResult result) {"Send async message OK, msgId: {},topic:{}", result.getMsgId(), topicName); callback.onCompletion(null, value); } @Override public void onException(Throwable throwable) { if (null != throwable) { log.error("Send async message Failed, error: {}", throwable); // Keep sending until success send(key, value, callback); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("BrokerBaseLog send async message Failed.", e); } }
/** * Checks whether an explicit file/folder exists. * This is used by redo of atomic rename. * There was a bug(apache jira HADOOP-12780) during atomic rename if * process crashes after an inner directory has been renamed but still * there are file under that directory to be renamed then after the * process comes again it tries to redo the renames. It checks whether * the directory exists or not by calling filesystem.exist. * But filesystem.Exists will treat that directory as implicit directory * and return true as file exists under that directory. So It will try * try to rename that directory and will fail as the corresponding blob * does not exist. So this method explicitly checks for the blob. */ @Override public boolean explicitFileExists(String key) throws AzureException { CloudBlobWrapper blob; try { blob = getBlobReference(key); if (null != blob && blob.exists(getInstrumentedContext())) { return true; } return false; } catch (StorageException e) { throw new AzureException(e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new AzureException(e); } }
/** * Create an alias for the expression * * @param alias alias * @return this as alias */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public SimpleExpression<T> as(Path<?> alias) { return, (Path) alias); }
/** * If the given {@code pos} lies within the current buffer, updates the current position to * the specified value and returns true; otherwise returns false without changing the position. * * @param pos the absolute position to change the current position to if possible. * @return true if the given current position was updated, false otherwise. */ public boolean setAbsolute(long pos) { if (isValid() && isWithinCurrentBuffer(pos)) { int relativePos = (int) (pos - bufferStartOffset); buffer.position(relativePos); return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Sets the number of items to show per page, or 0 for showing all items. * * @param pageLength * new page length or 0 for all items */ public void setPageLength(int pageLength) { this.pageLength = pageLength; }
/** * Restores the object from the configuration. * * @param <K> the class of the item * @param conf the configuration to use * @param keyName the name of the key to use * @param itemClass the class of the item * @return restored object * @throws IOException : forwards Exceptions from the underlying * {@link Serialization} classes. */ public static <K> K load(Configuration conf, String keyName, Class<K> itemClass) throws IOException { DefaultStringifier<K> stringifier = new DefaultStringifier<K>(conf, itemClass); try { String itemStr = conf.get(keyName); return stringifier.fromString(itemStr); } finally { stringifier.close(); } }
/** * Execute the {@code CleanupJobStage} to remove the job attempt dir. * This does * @param jobContext Context of the job whose output is being written. * @throws IOException failure during cleanup */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void cleanupJob(final JobContext jobContext) throws IOException { ManifestCommitterConfig committerConfig = enterCommitter(false, jobContext); try { executeCleanup(OP_STAGE_JOB_CLEANUP, jobContext, committerConfig); } finally { logCommitterStatisticsAtDebug(); updateCommonContextOnCommitterExit(); } }
/** * Projects a {@link Tuple} {@link DataStream} to the previously selected fields. * * @return The projected DataStream. * @see Tuple * @see DataStream */ public <T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10> SingleOutputStreamOperator<Tuple11<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10>> projectTuple11() { TypeInformation<?>[] fTypes = extractFieldTypes(fieldIndexes, dataStream.getType()); TupleTypeInfo<Tuple11<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10>> tType = new TupleTypeInfo<Tuple11<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10>>(fTypes); return dataStream.transform( "Projection", tType, new StreamProject<IN, Tuple11<T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10>>( fieldIndexes, tType.createSerializer(dataStream.getExecutionConfig()))); }
// Delete a sub dir. private static int fsRemoveSubdir(final OBSFileSystem owner, final String subdirKey, final List<KeyAndVersion> subdirList) throws IOException { fsRecursivelyDeleteDir(owner, subdirKey, false); subdirList.add(new KeyAndVersion(subdirKey)); if (subdirList.size() == owner.getMaxEntriesToDelete()) { // batch delete subdirs. OBSCommonUtils.removeKeys(owner, subdirList, true, false); return owner.getMaxEntriesToDelete(); } return 0; }
/** * Returns whether the given column has been declared in a {@link SqlKind#DESCRIPTOR} next to a * {@link SqlKind#EXPLICIT_TABLE} within TVF operands. */ private static boolean declaredDescriptorColumn(SelectScope scope, Column column) { if (!(scope.getNode() instanceof ExplicitTableSqlSelect)) { return false; } final ExplicitTableSqlSelect select = (ExplicitTableSqlSelect) scope.getNode(); return .map(SqlIdentifier::getSimple) .anyMatch(id -> id.equals(column.getName())); }
/** * remove quota for the namespace * @param env MasterProcedureEnv * @param namespaceName name of the namespace in string format **/ private static void removeNamespaceQuota(final MasterProcedureEnv env, final String namespaceName) throws IOException { env.getMasterServices().getMasterQuotaManager().removeNamespaceQuota(namespaceName); }
/** * Remove the list partitions that the transaction acknowledges to. * * @param partitions the list of partitions that the txn acknowledges to * @return the transaction itself. * @throws InvalidTxnStatusException */ @Override public synchronized TxnMetaImpl addAckedPartitions(List<TransactionSubscription> partitions) throws InvalidTxnStatusException { checkTxnStatus(TxnStatus.OPEN); this.ackedPartitions.addAll(partitions); return this; }
/** * Sets the minimum split position to the given position and unit. If the * split position is reversed, maximum and minimum are also reversed. * * @param pos * the minimum position of the split * @param unit * the unit (from {@link Sizeable}) in which the size is given. * Allowed units are UNITS_PERCENTAGE and UNITS_PIXELS */ public void setMinSplitPosition(float pos, Unit unit) { setSplitPositionLimits(pos, unit, getSplitterState(false).maxPosition, posMaxUnit); }
/** * Gets the selections caption HTML widget. * * @return the selections caption widget */ protected HTML getSelectionsCaption() { if (selectionsCaption == null) { selectionsCaption = new HTML(); selectionsCaption.setStyleName(CLASSNAME + "-caption-right"); selectionsCaption.getElement().getStyle() .setFloat(; captionWrapper.add(selectionsCaption); } return selectionsCaption; }
/** * Retrieves a fully qualified table with a specific time. If the path is not yet fully * qualified, use {@link #qualifyIdentifier(UnresolvedIdentifier)} first. * * @param objectIdentifier full path of the table to retrieve * @param timestamp Timestamp of the table snapshot, which is milliseconds since 1970-01-01 * 00:00:00 UTC * @return table at a specific time that the path points to. */ public Optional<ContextResolvedTable> getTable( ObjectIdentifier objectIdentifier, long timestamp) { CatalogBaseTable temporaryTable = temporaryTables.get(objectIdentifier); if (temporaryTable != null) { final ResolvedCatalogBaseTable<?> resolvedTable = resolveCatalogBaseTable(temporaryTable); return Optional.of(ContextResolvedTable.temporary(objectIdentifier, resolvedTable)); } else { return getPermanentTable(objectIdentifier, timestamp); } }