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Given this text: "Rorschach's costume has a further meaning here.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1? | b1 |
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty and keywords: sure. | Not that I am sure there is one. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" that contains the following words: answered, course, questions. | Of course there were questions that had to be answered, and answered yes; Callahan had mentioned that and Roland had confirmed it. |
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "They love shopping, of course, but they also love the food courts and video arcades and all that stuff, too."? | a2 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and starts with: "officers , especially". | Officers, especially those who hated the Germans, tried anyway. |
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: Western states with high elevations, clear skies, and high percent sunshine are more apt to be used for solar home design examples. | b2 |
Given the following sentence: "Clay made a short, final address to the newspapermen.". What is its difficulty level? | a1 |
Given this text: "Scott out.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1? | b2 |
Generate a sentence with "a2" difficulty that contains the following words: attackers, minute. | They didn't know where the attackers had gone, but they expected them back at any minute. |
Given the following sentence: "It had a profound effect on him.". What is its difficulty level? | b2 |
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty and starts with: "the sights ,". | The sights, sounds, and meanings of everyday experience are not always all bundled up together into a single package. |
What is the cefr level of sentence: "The fight was over."? | b1 |
Generate a sentence with "a2" difficulty and keywords: things, evident, abdulmalik. | They understood things not evident to Abdulmalik and me. |
What is the cefr level of sentence: "We will make the land of the Persians as extensive as the heavens."? | a1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and keywords: panic, attack, session, years, graduation. | The panic attack that occurred during the session was her last; and, over the next two years, until her graduation from graduate school, her chronic fatigue, migraines, and premenstrual symptoms improved dramatically. |
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "He was the straightest arrow you ever saw."? | a1 |
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty and keywords: rest. | What you need to do is to identify with the part of you that is observing and not the rest that you observe. |
Given the following sentence: "At first Rimini thought he was going to give him money, as he always used to do every Friday fifteen years earlier when they were saying goodbye.". What is its difficulty level? | b2 |
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty that contains the following words: trustworthy, deceitful. | If he is trustworthy, he will not be deceitful. |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "At the same time as Ascot, the Cambridge May Week and Boat Club balls were in full swing, while the Guards had combined the two into a Boat Club Ascot ball at Maidenhead."? | a1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" and keywords: mind, incapable, expressions, movement, paralytic. | For a mind incapable of expressions is like the movement of a paralytic. |
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty and keywords: intraworldly, vocation. | Our intraworldly vocation might have been destroyed by this. |
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: 'I don't personally,' said John, 'but it seems things have come up on his police check. | b2 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" and keywords: . | 'You next. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" that contains the following words: turned, money, bought. | I was delighted for him that things turned out well for me at Palace because I was in Southend's reserves when he bought me, so for him to spend that money on me was a gamble. |
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty and keywords: importance, unintended, consequences, different, ways. | The importance of unintended consequences has been emphasized in different ways by Adam Smith, Carl Menger and Friedrich Hayek, among others. |
Given the following sentence: "She awoke with tears on her cheeks and a feeling of loss even though he was still beside her.". What is its difficulty level? | b2 |
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty and keywords: value. | Otherwise, the value is retrieved and returned. |
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "If you don't intend to serve the quail within an hour or two, cover tightly and refrigerate."? | c1 |
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: It sat on the floor in the middle of his rug while his four assistants eyed it suspiciously. | a2 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" that contains the following words: card, worked, needed. | There was a vanity table with a locked drawer, which he worked on for a while, but he needed fingernails or a credit card. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" and starts with: "look through the". | Look through the popular books on business and you find similar discussions. |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "He sat on the porch with Chessor drinking morning coffee and trying to think what to do."? | a1 |
Generate a sentence with "a2" difficulty and starts with: "" because there". | "Because there aren't any grays and blacks in the crayon cup," I said. |
What is the cefr level of sentence: "For example, they let in too much sunlight during the summer, which can cause overheating."? | b1 |
Generate a sentence with "a2" difficulty and keywords: rifles, ready, creek. | They were dismounted, and had brought their rifles up, ready to shoot any Creek who tried to cross. |
Given this text: "But never for long.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1? | b1 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "They paid a visit to Dieppe, staying with Nellie, to whom Lady Blanche had bequeathed the St Antoines."? | a1 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "'It doesn't seem right."? | b1 |
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty and keywords: emperor, minamoto, gates, plans, child. | With the retired emperor gone, with the Minamoto almost at the gates, plans were made to evacuate the child emperor Antoku. |
Generate a sentence with "a2" difficulty that contains the following words: unobtainable, kill, desires. | Unobtainable desires can do nothing but kill you. |
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty and keywords: palestinian, essays, maps, photographs, statistical. | The essays are accompanied by maps, photographs and statistical data that reveal in detail the complicity of architectural practice in the occupation, from the strategic placement of settlements on hilltops that act as fortresses to survey the Palestinian villages below, to the role of infrastructure such as bypass roads in fragmenting Palestinian territory. |
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty and starts with: "but let 's". | But let's look first at the common ideas about nobility. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" and starts with: "we also wondered". | We also wondered whether having a broader range of professions involved in the initial assessments might impact upon abuse disclosure rates. |
What is the difficulty level of sentence: ""I understand that Bugs Bunny was also involved in the patients' escape," said Ray."? | b2 |
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "Upon a page fault, the fault handler uses the behavior setting to determine which, if any, of the active pages are uninteresting enough to be deactivated."? | a1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" that contains the following words: social, cognitive, standpoint. | From a social and cognitive standpoint, we must consider the possible meanings of these different cycles of human action in the landscape. |
Given the following sentence: "The impossible does happen in Trebekistan, it seems.". What is its difficulty level? | a2 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and starts with: "my wife and". | My wife and I have been thinking of moving out in that direction. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" and keywords: example, world, music. | Another example comes from the world of music. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and keywords: presence, absence, adaptive, reaction, potentialities. | The presence or absence of adaptive reaction potentialities, ready to discharge into motor patterns, makes the difference between perceiving and not perceiving. |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "After running, wash your face again before reapplying makeup."? | b1 |
What is the cefr level of sentence: "So the next day, Cocteau went around to see Philippe and complain that he really didn't think it was fair to make him pay the Rothschild taxi fares."? | a1 |
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "He shrugs."? | b2 |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "Peg stood up, saying nothing."? | b1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" and keywords: lesson. | "That taught me a lesson," he later acknowledged. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" that contains the following words: piyari, jumped, followed. | Piyari jumped up and followed. |
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "What's done can't be undone."? | a1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and keywords: best, worst, tourism, governments, center. | The best and the worst of tourism have governments at the center. |
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty and keywords: conversation, happy, disconsolate. | We should stay in the conversation whether we are happy or disconsolate. |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "In those early days, however, this new psychic vision would, more often than not, leave me confused."? | c1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" and starts with: "the watch towers". | The watch towers, soaring over the high fences, gave a privileged view of the men who, at that moment, were speaking animatedly and, at intervals, looking inside the dwelling as if they were expecting something. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" that contains the following words: buddhist, perception, societies. | Buddhist Perception for Desirable Societies in the Future. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and starts with: "outside italy the". | Outside Italy the question was different. |
Given the following sentence: "But it does.". What is its difficulty level? | a2 |
Given this text: "Bella Darvi was stunning both in Egyptian haute couture and out.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1? | a2 |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "Further divisions of the peripheral ANS are the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems."? | a1 |
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty and starts with: "" i must". | "I must have my wish first," she said. |
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: The disease consequence of an agricultural diet was only mitigated by the backbreaking physical effort it took to maintain it. | c1 |
Given the following sentence: "I hope that by then my state of health will have extinguished this impulse, but it is quite certain that I shall not be able to read a paper or attend the meal.". What is its difficulty level? | a1 |
Generate a sentence with "a2" difficulty that contains the following words: proposed, cross, straits. | Then he proposed that they should cross the Straits. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" that contains the following words: tour, dutch, bad. | The Dutch tour had been bad, but the opening date of the English tour was worse. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" that contains the following words: athenians, request, demosthenes. | The Athenians also complied with a request by Demosthenes, a private citizen after his return from Akarnania, telling him to use these ships around the Peloponnesos if he wished. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" that contains the following words: germany, japan, atavistic. | Germany and Japan were not atavistic; they were just different. |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "Miguel wrote a beautiful poem to Delia called 'Tale Which I Dedicate to My Friend Delia'."? | a1 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "The edges chafed against my skin through the wet clothes but I was in."? | c1 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "Conversely, laser or coherent light is highly focused, with all light waves travelling in step, similar to soldiers marching in a parade."? | c1 |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "We will investigate each of these claims in turn."? | c1 |
What is the cefr level of sentence: "It also wasn't much of a house, by most standards."? | b2 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" that contains the following words: went, ran, got. | He went to Ran and got her net. |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "'It helped me get rid of a lot of things."? | c1 |
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: America was so strong that any debilitating war seemed out of the question. | c1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and starts with: "thomas 's wife". | Thomas's wife was Elizabeth Howard, a member of the greatest aristocratic family in the land and the daughter of the Earl of Surrey, the victor of Flodden. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" and starts with: "i 'm leaving". | I'm leaving. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" that contains the following words: sure, need, tremendous. | But for sure we need tremendous encouragement and some practical advice for how to stay right here and open ourselves to life. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" that contains the following words: australia, form, invented. | Having invented this newfangled form of the game in the first place, we finally seemed to be getting the hang of it, with only Australia standing between us and glory. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and starts with: "karlen , who". | Karlen, who had met us at the airport, was in her middle to late twenties and was studying law at university. |
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty and keywords: straight, line, square, space, rectilinear. | The straight line, square space, and rectilinear time are the last conventions of thinking to be exploded by science, following the explosion of the myth of the flat earth. |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and keywords: . | Then you might say, "Well, there must be something that's not right here. |
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty and starts with: "well , not". | Well, not at first. |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "He said, 'There's this kid who is at Everton and has the full package."? | b2 |
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "The war was actually caused by a 'tragedy of miscalculation'."? | b2 |
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "He'd told her his parents had died when he was young."? | b2 |
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty and starts with: "he took little". | He took little time to read from his notes. |
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "For even moderate numbers of nodes, this growth makes it impossible to calculate the likelihoods of the given network for all possible partitions."? | b2 |
Given this text: "We use rotations to move specific nodes through a tree and to keep the trees from becoming unbalanced.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1? | a1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" and keywords: face, close, shirt, wet, lips. | Her face was close to his and her shirt completely wet, and her lips were already clinging to his, her tears pouring down his cheeks and her hand grasping at him and running up and down, and a moment later she took all her clothes off and he got up and laid on the cold bathroom floor and she was on top of him. |
Given this text: "For two days, a pitched battle flared between rival Soviet units fighting over the former German foodstores on the Sternstrasse.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1? | c1 |
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" and starts with: "ads and fads". | Ads and fads. |
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty and starts with: "it 's used". | It's used on farms, golf courses, home lawns, roadway berms, and railway corridors. |
Subsets and Splits