Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "The bus itself trembled with nervous delight."?
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" that contains the following words: knows, friend, studying.
He knows his friend has been studying German for some months and he wants to find out what progress he is making.
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty and keywords: dilemmas, ireland, basis, races, island.
One of their dilemmas was whether to approach Ireland on the basis that there were two races on the island or only to admit to 'differences of degree'.
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "Schoenberg complained during his California years that the United States had not proven the haven he expected."?
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty and starts with: "' i 'm".
'I'm in no hurry.
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty that contains the following words: shoes, discarded, doorway.
Shoes discarded at a doorway, or children's playthings scrambled on a porch.
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: ""You've updated your resume and have a flattering new haircut."?
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and starts with: "if nothing went".
If nothing went wrong for him, he wasn't going to be easy to beat.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" that contains the following words: .
Perhaps it didn't even know it existed.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" and starts with: "that was her".
That was her best lesson to me, after all.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" and keywords: quality, level, average, exceptional.
Quality level Average to exceptional.
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty and starts with: "sometimes , the".
Sometimes, the meeting was put off by a very nice secretary who herself took the tape and promised to get back to me.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" and starts with: "no part of".
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" and starts with: "of course ,".
Of course, in an extrapulmonary metastasis one can more confidently identify the neoplastic type II alveolar cell.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" that contains the following words: finished, assessing, talents.
After you've finished assessing your talents, further instructions will tell you what to do next.
Given the following sentence: "Temple was still making no effort to get Swift an appointment in England, and Swift was apparently burning his Irish bridges in an effort to force Temple's hand.". What is its difficulty level?
What is the cefr level of sentence: "Word was sent through the Austrian Ambassador at Versailles to the Court of Vienna that the Austrian representative at the Vatican was to oppose the claims of any candidate supported by the Countess de Brionne, the Cardinal de Rohan, or the King of Sweden."?
Given this text: "The clouds were low and hairy in the skies, Like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1?
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: Railroad profits, world trade, and global progress were to go hand in hand.
What is the cefr level of sentence: "Usually not ripening fully in England; sharp, little flavour."?
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" and keywords: self.
Instead, you are giving from your self.
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: At the same time, it was hard to be angry with him.
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty and starts with: "scholastic opportunity brought".
Scholastic opportunity brought a family move to nearby Oxford, Georgia, site of the first incarnation of Emory College, where all five Odum children went to school.
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "These are filtering mechanisms that block access to certain sites on the Internet."?
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "When they started to make fun of me, I quit."?
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" and keywords: accurate, substantial, knowledge, stars, time.
Accurate and substantial knowledge of the stars was at that time extremely scanty.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" and starts with: "examples include instant".
Examples include instant messaging, streaming media, and other services.
Given the following sentence: "The Court argued that it is necessary on the one hand to prevent the government from gaining control over the limited number of channels, to prevent a repetition of the experience of the Third Reich.". What is its difficulty level?
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "The first part of the flight hadn't gone well, but I was determined to get something right."?
Given this text: "Everybody would like to be quit of this odious adjunct, which is precisely why in the East the ego is explained as illusion and why in the West it is offered up in sacrifice to the Christ figure.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1?
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "Unlike alginate, the plaster shell must not be embedded into the skin mold."?
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" that contains the following words: skills.
That's when your skills will improve quickly.
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty and starts with: "but kitchener 's".
But Kitchener's real moment of triumph was not at Fashoda but at Omdurman, to which he returned from Fashoda.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and starts with: "in jail ,".
In jail, he lamented, he was dying from hunger.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" and starts with: "this restored ,".
This restored, for a year, not only the sandbaggers and sandbagger sailing to New York harbour, but also generated a growing support base which ranged from local enthusiastic spectators and crews to helmsmen.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" that contains the following words: nose, sew, straight.
For the nose, sew a few straight lines in pink.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "c1" and keywords: years, original, hebrew, manuscripts, grateful.
After years studying original Hebrew manuscripts donated by grateful rabbis whom he had saved from persecution, he concluded that Kabbalah was a sublime expression of the universal truth at the heart of all religions.
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty and starts with: "the presentation had".
The presentation had all the outward appearances of a standard reasoning problem.
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty and starts with: "these sessions almost".
These sessions almost certainly began at Dike's apartment, however, before moving to the Record Plant.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" that contains the following words: major, accomplishment, sure.
After each major accomplishment, she felt empty, not sure what to set as her next goal.
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "That is suitable for noble women."?
Given the following sentence: "The room exploded.". What is its difficulty level?
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "Slide your fingers under the pile and lift and toss the sheets and chips of butter."?
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "Gender roles were similarly shaped under slavery."?
Given the following sentence: "Brynhild heard it and laughed when she heard Gudrun sobbing.". What is its difficulty level?
Given the following sentence: "Never mind that this behavior is just plain lazy and irresponsible.". What is its difficulty level?
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" and starts with: "historians , by".
Historians, by and large, are not metaphysical relativists who believe there is no independent reality back there outside our minds.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and starts with: "i laughed at".
I laughed at him and asked if I was being attacked because I was a political prisoner.
Given the following sentence: "But they could conceivably be used by saboteurs.". What is its difficulty level?
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty and keywords: silver, spoon, mouth, early, age.
However, the silver spoon had been yanked from his mouth at an early age.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and keywords: ability, broad, cultural, developments, fashion.
This requires an ability to holistically assess broad cultural developments, fashion trends, evolving customer needs, budgets, and the processes required for manufacture and delivery.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" that contains the following words: past, resources, people.
Limited resources have made people fight with one another in the past.
What is the cefr level of sentence: "Specifically, German PhD students are mainly employees who report to a professor."?
Given this text: "Most of these applications also offer the ability to make voice and video calls.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1?
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty and starts with: "in the hours".
In the hours that had passed since they'd first laid eyes on him, their shock had transformed into a hesitant curiosity.
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty and keywords: shirts.
And very few shirts.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" that contains the following words: lecture, path, fulfillment.
In this lecture I would like to discuss the path to the fulfillment of your deepest longings.
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty that contains the following words: nowicki, development, decided.
Chief Nowicki described why he subsequently decided to join the Economic Development Cabinet as well.
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty and starts with: "take cooking classes".
Take cooking classes, collect new recipes, experiment with new ingredients.
Generate a sentence with "a1" difficulty and keywords: conscious, effort.
Some say to make a conscious effort, to look for your will.
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty that contains the following words: sent, bread, shopping.
I remember being sent shopping with bread ration stamps.
Given this text: "One only had to look at the Germans and the English.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1?
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and starts with: "arguably the most".
Arguably the most interesting of all, surely the most deafeningly southern, Wade wasn't going anywhere.
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: But for us the task was simple.
Given the following sentence: "He was pleased he had done it without chipping or breaking the beautiful tile which bore Arabesque decorations in light blue.". What is its difficulty level?
What is the cefr level of this sentence: "I would still occasionally see May, whose record label office remained on Service Street, driving down the alley in his blue convertible BMW, when he wasn't DJing at some club in Tokyo or Rotterdam, which is how he still spent most weekends."?
What is the cefr level of sentence: "This is an involuntary process in which one sensory experience is accompanied by another."?
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "His partner, the financier of his earlier film, agreed, and we worked out a deal."?
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "The heat was on and the air beyond the windows was cool."?
Given this text: "He received no answer so he called louder, but still no one answered.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1?
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: The correspondence principle seemed dreadful, it was shaky and illdefined.
What is the cefr level of sentence: "Let me tell you briefly the outcome of the committee meetings, which unfortunately had to take place in your absence."?
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and keywords: pair, assessment, officers, washington.
He meant the pair of assessment officers from Washington.
Generate a sentence with "a2" difficulty that contains the following words: problems, stephanopoulos, clinton.
As these problems arose, Stephanopoulos carefully monitored Clinton's mood.
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "Some Citigroup executives took pleasure in archenemy Merrill's woes."?
Given this text: "I recently had a few lines from Mrs Strachey, whom you kindly referred to me.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1?
Given this text: "She was living rough, drinking, and taking drugs.". Which cefr level fits best: A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1?
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and starts with: "i love you".
I love you.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b2" and keywords: technique, rehearsing, stanislavski, dog, whisperer.
Her technique for rehearsing was less Stanislavski and more The Dog Whisperer.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" that contains the following words: wife.
His wife couldn't stand it.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" that contains the following words: heated, chicken, pieces.
When heated, brown the chicken pieces in batches.
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "I was clowning about, of course."?
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "Eventually, I succeeded in surrounding myself with assistants and associates who would not overstep the bounds of that delegated authority, and they were people I could trust."?
Given the following sentence: "The Great Feminine will manifest and solve our problems.". What is its difficulty level?
What is the cefr level of sentence: "'I smell it, chief,' said Bremner."?
Generate a sentence with "c1" difficulty that contains the following words: market, mushrooms, damp.
Once you get them home from the market, clean the mushrooms by wiping them with a damp cloth or using a mushroom brush.
Generate a sentence with "a2" difficulty and keywords: bavarian, brewers, amber, brown, bocks.
These Bavarian brewers were known for their amber and brown bocks, doppelbocks, and dunkel lagers.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "b1" and starts with: "negative views of".
Negative views of women are also represented here.
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: Bound to the natural world, Yerma goes out in her bare feet "to walk the earth, I don't know why," and carries jugs of water to her table to quench her thirst.
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which difficulty would you assign to: "Stood and collected himself."?
Generate a sentence with "b1" difficulty that contains the following words: reason, windshield, wipers.
For this reason, always keep windshield wipers clean and in good condition.
Generate a sentence with "b2" difficulty and starts with: "none of them".
None of them, either, seemed to miss Penelope.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and keywords: male, sports, anchor, builder.
Next would be the male sports anchor, a Builder.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a1" and keywords: metal, store, entrance, strobe, light.
The metal grill on the store entrance began to descend and a strobe light flashed over the door.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" and starts with: "not straight down".
Not straight down the line punk, we were jazzy wierdos.
What is the difficulty level of sentence: "One is filled with poignant regrets, and yet when one looks back over one's shoulder, into the recesses of one's brain where memories are lodged for easy access, one dusts them off, peers into them as though looking at one's reflection in the watery abyss and slowly acknowledges why one left."?
Given levels: A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Which cefr level would you assign to: "Immediately he headed for home, untied the sorghum from the poles, and hid it all under some mats in the forest behind his house."?
Which of the levels: A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 best describes the difficulty of text: At a very simple level, information sent back to the computer changes the representations on the screen such as in the movement of the protagonist through the spatial configuration of the gaming environment or in the killing of those who stand in the way of the protagonist's movement through this space.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" that contains the following words: door, input, details.
They offered input on details from shelving near the sinks, to a bathroom door designed like a barn door.
Produce a sentence which has a cefr level of "a2" and starts with: "months of lumber".
Months of lumber camp wood chopping and other hand exercises worked a cure.