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The Deep Space Nine - Fascination
Original Airdate: 28 Nov, 1994
(Jake is lying on the settee in the dark.)
[SISKO] I didn't expect to find you here. I thought you'd be down on the
Promenade, helping Mardah put up the decorations for the Bajoran
Gratitude Festival.
[JAKE] That was the plan, but it turns out I don't have much to be
grateful for.
[SISKO] Isn't that the earring you
[JAKE] Bought for Mardah. Yeah, you want it? Maybe you can give it to
Major Kira for her next birthday or something.
[SISKO] All right, tell me about it.
[JAKE] Mardah's gone, Dad. She got accepted to the Science Academy on
Regulus Three.
[SISKO] That's a good school.
[JAKE] It's three hundred light years away.
[SISKO] Jake, you're sixteen. Take my word for it, you'll survive.
Sooner or later you'll find someone else. Who knows, maybe you'll find
someone tonight at the Gratitude Festival.
[JAKE] Yeah, sure.
[SISKO] Jake, the whole point of the Festival is to put all your
troubles behind you and make a new start.
[JAKE] I could use one. Okay, I'll go.
[SISKO] Good. That's the spirit.
[JAKE] But I'm not going to have any fun.
[BASHIR] Nervous, Chief?
[BRIEN] What are you talking about?
[BASHIR] That's your fifth cup of coffee in twenty minutes.
[BRIEN] I didn't realise you were keeping track.
[BASHIR] Nervous and irascible.
[BRIEN] If you hadn't seen your wife and child for two months, you'd
be irascible too.
[BASHIR] Believe me, I'm looking forward to Keiko and Molly's visit just
as much as you are.
[BRIEN] I doubt that.
[BASHIR] How many games of racquetball have we played in the last two
[BRIEN] I don't know. Fifteen, maybe twenty.
[BASHIR] No, try seventy. I've been keeping track of that, too. And you
know what all those games have proved to me? That I'm a poor substitute
for your wife.
[BRIEN] I could've told you that sixty games ago. Thing is, they're
only going to be here for two days. That's barely enough time to say
hello. Then they're back to Bajor again for four more months.
[BASHIR] Four months. Why that's another hundred and fifty games of
racquetball. I don't think my elbow can take that kind of abuse. Maybe
you can try and convince her to stay.
[BRIEN] Oh, no. I can't do that. I'm the one who suggested she go on
this agrobiology expedition in the first place. No, we're just going to
have to make the best of the little time we have. Which means we can't
waste a second of the next two days.
[KIRA] Peldor joi, Odo.
[ODO] Peldor joi to you too, Major. Well, it's, er, it's hard to believe
the Promenade is this empty at midday.
[KIRA] Calm before the storm. In a few hours, this place will be packed
with Bajorans celebrating the Festival.
[ODO] Actually, I was thinking of joining you this year.
[KIRA] Really?
[ODO] I don't see why not. None of my Bajoran deputies work during the
Gratitude Festival. Why should I? Besides, if I'm going to live here
with you humanoids, I may as well immerse myself in your rituals.
[KIRA] Well then, we'll see each other later.
[ODO] I'd like that, if you're not too busy being the Presider at the
[KIRA] For you, I will make time, Odo. Just look for me. I'll be with
[ODO] Oh. I thought he'd be celebrating the Festival on Bajor.
[KIRA] So did I. I'm glad I was wrong. He's arriving on the next
[ODO] Well, you'd better go. It'll be here soon.
[KIRA] You're right. I'll see you at the Festival.
(O'Brien is pacing outside the airlock.)
[KIRA] Chief?
[BRIEN] Major. Keiko.
[KIRA] Ah. Bareil.
[BRIEN] Good luck.
[KIRA] You too.
(The airlock opens and Bareil enters)
[BAREIL] Nerys. I am so glad to see you.
[KIRA] I've missed you.
[BAREIL] I've missed you, too.
(Kira and Bareil kiss then leave)
[KEIKO] Miles? Miles?
[BRIEN] Keiko, I'm so glad to see you.
(Keiko and Molly sit on the step.)
[KEIKO] I have had the worst trip.
[BRIEN] Oh really? I'm sorry to hear that. Now that you're here,
everything's going to be great. Hello, sweetie. You ready to have a
great time with your Dad?
[BRIEN] Why not?
[MOLLY] I don't feel so good.
[BRIEN] Really? Oh. Tell Daddy what's wrong.
(We don't see it, but she throws up in his lap.)
[LWAXANA] Oh, you poor dear. I should never have given you all that
(Security office)
(Odo is briefing his Starfleet stand-in for the
[ODO] I usually make it a point to drop by Quark's three or four times a
day at random intervals, just to let him know that I'm thinking about
him. But seeing today is a holiday, he'll be busier than usual. I
suggest you station a man there full time. I think that about covers
it. If you need me, I'll be on the Promenade.
[LWAXANA] But don't call unless it's an emergency. The Constable will be
[ODO] Madame Ambassador.
[LWAXANA] Oh, do we have to be so formal?
(She hugs Odo)
[LWAXANA] Didn't they teach you any manners in Starfleet Academy? Be a
dear, run along. The Constable and I have a lot of catching up to do.
[ODO] Come back in five minutes.
[LWAXANA] Make that half an hour.
(The Security Officer leaves with a grin.)
[ODO] So, what brings you to the station.
[LWAXANA] Officially I'm here as the Betazoid representative to the
Gratitude Festival. But the truth is, I came to see you, you poor sweet
tortured man.
[ODO] Excuse me?
[LWAXANA] I know the torment you must be going through. To spend your
whole life searching for your people only to discover that they're the
leaders of that awful Dominion.
[ODO] You heard about that?
[LWAXANA] Odo, don't worry. I'm here to help you.
[ODO] What kind of help do you mean?
[LWAXANA] A sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry on. A lap to melt in.
[ODO] Well, that's very considerate of you, but unnecessary. My people
are who they are, and I am who I am. I've learned to accept that.
[LWAXANA] You brave soul. Why don't we go someplace quiet, and you can
tell me all about it.
[ODO] Actually, I was planning to attend the opening of the Gratitude
Festival this afternoon.
[LWAXANA] Oh, well, even better. First a little fun and relaxation, and
then we can delve into the depths of your pain. I'll freshen up, and
meet you in front of the Bajoran Temple for the Presider's opening
address. I promise you, Odo, you'll never be alone again.
[LWAXANA] Level twenty three, section eight.
(She gets a sudden stabbing headache.)
(Kira's quarters)
(Kira stretches out on the chaise-longue.)
[KIRA] We need to see each other more often.
[BAREIL] I wish we both weren't so busy. I never expected Kai Winn to
make me one of her principal advisors.
[KIRA] I think she asks your advice just so that she can do the exact
opposite of what you recommend.
[BAREIL] I know you don't like Winn, but the office has changed her. The
Prophets chose well. So why don't we leave spiritual matters in their
capable hands and concentrate on enjoying ourselves?
[KIRA] I have to go.
[BAREIL] The Festival doesn't start for an hour.
[KIRA] But I have to set up the Renewal scrolls along the Promenade. But
it won't take long. Jadzia's promised to help me.
[BAREIL] Jadzia, of course. I've never understood how the two of you
could be such good friends. She's so unpredictable and you're so
[KIRA] Predictable?
[BAREIL] I didn't mean it like that. It's just that she gets to spend so
much more time with you than I do.
[KIRA] Jadzia and I have been doing this for the past two years. It's
becoming a tradition.
[BAREIL] I was hoping we could start a few traditions of our own.
[KIRA] We will. Later tonight.
(O'Brien's quarters)
[BRIEN] Is she asleep?
[KEIKO] It looks like the medicine Doctor Bashir prescribed is working.
[BRIEN] That's a relief. Rough trip?
[KEIKO] It was a disaster. I thought it would never end.
[BRIEN] Well, I'm glad you're home.
[KEIKO] Me too.
[BRIEN] We should get ready for the Festival. The babysitter'll be
here any minute.
[KEIKO] Ah. The Festival.
[BRIEN] On the other hand, we could spend the rest of day locked away
in our quarters.
[KEIKO] Miles, what I really want to do is sleep.
[BRIEN] Then maybe you should.
[KEIKO] Miles, I didn't say I was going to. I just meant I could use
[BRIEN] That's okay. If you need to sleep, go ahead. I'll understand.
[KEIKO] No, you won't. You'll be disappointed and you'll start brooding
and stomping around like an Andorian Bull.
[BRIEN] Look, go or stay, sleep or don't, it's all the same to me.
Just tell me what you want to do and we'll do it.
[KEIKO] Miles, I've been making decisions all day long. You decide.
[BRIEN] Okay. We'll go to the Festival. But we don't have to go right
away. I mean, you can take some time to relax and change into something
[KEIKO] Nice?
[BRIEN] Yeah, like your red dress.
[KEIKO] My red dress? Really?
[BRIEN] Is there something wrong with your red dress?
[KEIKO] No, it's just a little tight, that's all.
[BRIEN] That's the way I like it.
[KEIKO] All right. If it'll make you happy, I'll wear the red dress.
[BRIEN] Forget the red dress, okay? Just wear whatever you want.
[KEIKO] Look, let's just try to enjoy the next two days. I'll change
into something nice and we'll go to the Festival, okay?
[BRIEN] Fine.
(Keiko goes into the bedroom.)
[BRIEN] I can hardly wait.
(Outside the Shrine)
(A child strikes a gong to summon the people. Kira
stands on a dais.)
[KIRA] Tesra Peldor impatri bren.
(She puts a clear and a blue liquid into a glass tube. They mix and run
down to a brazier.)
[KIRA] Bentel vetan ullon sten.
(The brazier bursts into flames.)
[KIRA] And now, I have the honour of placing the first Renewal Scroll
into the fire. As the scrolls burn, may our troubles turn to ashes with
them. And now, for the next twenty-six hours, I expect you all to enjoy
yourselves. I know I will. May the Prophets walk with us.
(Lwaxana gets a headache. So do Bareil and Jake)
[SISKO] Jake, are you all right?
[JAKE] Just felt funny there for a second.
[SISKO] You sure you're all right?
[JAKE] Yeah, Dad. Never felt better.
[KIRA] Bareil? What are you looking for?
[BAREIL] Oh, nothing. Just looking.
[JAKE] Peldor joi.
(Jake gives Kira a jumja stick. Bareil starts to wander off.)
[KIRA] Oh Jake, how thoughtful. Thank you.
[JAKE] I know you're busy, but can I talk to you for a second?
[KIRA] Sure.
[JAKE] In private. It's kind of personal.
[KIRA] I'll be right back. Now, Jake, what can I do for you?
[JAKE] I need some advice. You see, there's this older woman and I think
we're perfect for each other.
[KIRA] Ah. And she doesn't.
[JAKE] I don't know what she thinks.
[KIRA] Well, Jake, my advice to you is to tell Mardah how you feel. That
way you'll know
[JAKE] Mardah and I broke up.
[KIRA] You broke up? Well then who?
[JAKE] You.
[KIRA] Me?
[JAKE] I love you, Nerys. Want to go out with me?
(Outside the Shrine)
(Dax is reading Morn's scroll.)
[DAX] Morn, I can't believe a handsome, fun-loving guy like you could
have so many problems. My advice to you is to burn this as quickly as
possible and don't look back.
(So he does)
[BAREIL] Sage advice.
[DAX] Vedek Bareil, it's good to see you.
[BAREIL] You have such a wise, generous spirit. I only wish I had a
friend like you.
[DAX] I think of you as a friend.
[BAREIL] You mean that?
[DAX] Of course.
[BAREIL] I'm glad. Because I was hoping that you and I could get to know
each other better. A lot better.
(Bareil puts him hand on Dax's knee.)
[DAX] Excuse me.
(Promenade - upper level)
(Odo is enjoying the live music when he is grabbed
by Lwaxana.)
[LWAXANA] I love Bajoran music. It's so intelligent, so vital. It
reminds me of you. Dance with me, Odo.
[ODO] I'm sorry, I don't dance.
[LWAXANA] Nonsense. I saw you moving to the music.
[ODO] That wasn't dancing. That was swaying.
[LWAXANA] Then sway with me, Odo. Sway with me.
[ODO] I just remembered, I'm needed in Security.
[LWAXANA] I'll come with you.
[ODO] Hello, Lieutenant. Having a good time?
[DAX] No.
(Lwaxana's head aches, and so does Dax's)
[QUARK] That's right genuine latinum-plated Renewal
Scroll inscription pens. Blessed by Vedek Redab himself shortly before
he passed away. Each pen is engraved with the words Deep Space Nine's
Third Annual Gratitude Festival, today's date, and a lovely portrait of
the station by Ermat Zimm. So get them while you can. They're sure to
become collector's items.
(Ermat Zimm will be Herman Zimmerman, I presume. Odo and Lwaxana are
sitting at a table. She is entranced by the jugglers and acrobats.
Upstairs - )
(Quark's cafe)
[BRIEN] So, what do you say we take a walk around
the Promenade for a little while?
[KEIKO] I'd rather stay here. I never thought I'd say this, but I kind
of miss Quark's. The noise, the excitement, our table.
[BRIEN] You know, I haven't sat here since you've been gone.
[KEIKO] That's so sweet.
[BRIEN] So, how's the survey been going?
[KEIKO] The terrain's rougher than we expected, and the ecosystem's a
lot more diverse than it looked from the orbital scans. All in all,
it's been pretty gruelling.
[BRIEN] Really?
[KEIKO] Don't get me wrong, I'm having a wonderful time.
[BRIEN] That's good.
[KEIKO] There is one problem I have to talk to you about. It looks like
the project's taking longer than we hoped.
[BRIEN] What do you mean, longer?
[KEIKO] You have to understand, Miles. Every valley has an entirely
different ecosystem. There's a lot of work to be done.
[BRIEN] How much longer is it going to take?
[KEIKO] I'm not sure.
[BRIEN] Try a guess. An extra couple of days, a week, two?
[KEIKO] More like two or three months.
[BRIEN] You're telling me you're going to be on Bajor for another
seven months?
[KEIKO] It's either that or ask them to find another botanist.
[BRIEN] Maybe that's something worth considering.
[KEIKO] Are you asking me to resign?
[BRIEN] No. But another seven months?
[KEIKO] I don't like this any more than you do.
[BRIEN] You just said you were having a great time.
[KEIKO] Oh, I'm sorry. I suppose you'd be happier if I was miserable?
[BRIEN] I didn't say that.
[KEIKO] Sebarr was right. I never should have mentioned it.
[BRIEN] Who's Sebarr?
[KEIKO] He's one of the zoologists I'm working with. He warned me not to
talk to you about this until after the Gratitude Festival.
[BRIEN] And who's he to be giving you advice?
[KEIKO] He's a friend.
[BRIEN] A friend? I thought you were down there working.
[KEIKO] We are working.
[BRIEN] Yeah, with time out for intimate little chats about our
relationship. What else did you tell him about us?
[KEIKO] Miles, you're behaving like a child. What do you want me to say?
[BRIEN] I want you to say that you're not going back, that you're
going to stay here with me.
[KEIKO] Miles, right now I don't even want to sit at the same table with
[BRIEN] Fine. Go on, leave. Go back to Bajor and your plants and
Sebarr. See if I care.
(Promenade - upper level)
[SISKO] Whoa, slow down.
[JAKE] Hi, Dad.
[SISKO] I've been looking all over for you. In case you've forgotten,
we're hosting a Gratitude Dinner tonight in the wardroom. I could use
your help in getting ready.
[JAKE] I'm kind of busy right now, Dad. I have to find someone.
[SISKO] Major Kira?
[JAKE] How'd you know?
[SISKO] I just spoke to her.
[JAKE] Really? Where is she?
[SISKO] Just hold on.
[JAKE] But I have to talk to her. You know, you were right about me
meeting someone at the Festival.
[SISKO] I did not mean Major Kira.
[JAKE] You like her, don't you?
[SISKO] Of course I like her.
[JAKE] Well so do I.
[SISKO] Jake, what you're feeling now is just a crush. Look, Jake, right
now you're confused, vulnerable, hurt. You miss Mardah
[JAKE] Mardah was a mistake. She was too young, too immature for me.
Major Kira is a woman.
[SISKO] Major Kira is in love with Vedek Bareil.
[JAKE] It won't last. He's always on Bajor. She needs someone who can be
with her all the time. Like me.
[SISKO] Jake, I don't want to see you hurt again.
[JAKE] I appreciate that, but this is between Nerys and me. Don't worry.
Everything's going to be fine. Thanks.
(Having purchased a souvenir pen)
[ODO] I really can't accept this.
[LWAXANA] But I want you to have it. It's my gift to you.
[ODO] That's very thoughtful but I have nothing to give you in return.
[LWAXANA] Being with you is the only present I need. Now, come on. Let's
go write our Renewal Scrolls.
[QUARK] Peldor joi, Chief. You look terrible.
[BRIEN] Just a little headache, that's all.
[QUARK] Here, have a free pen.
[BRIEN] What for?
[QUARK] To write down your problems on a Renewal Scroll.
[BRIEN] There isn't a scroll long enough to hold all my problems.
[QUARK] Really? I thought you could sum them up with one word. Keiko.
Tell me I'm wrong. If you ask me, it's your own fault. You never should
have let her go to Bajor in the first place.
[BRIEN] What was I supposed to do? Force her to stay here with me?
[QUARK] That would've been a good start. You humans, you never learn.
You let your women go out in public, hold jobs, wear clothing, and you
wonder why your marriages fall apart.
[BRIEN] That's your solution, Quark, huh? Treat women like property?
[QUARK] Criticise it all you want. But on the Ferengi homeworld,
husbands and wives never argue. There's no divorce, no broken homes,
nothing but peaceful conjugal bliss.
[BRIEN] If Ferengi marriages are so wonderful, why are you still
[QUARK] I haven't met the right woman yet.
[BRIEN] Well, I have. She just walked out that door.
[QUARK] And out of your life.
[BRIEN] Not if I can help it.
[KIRA] Bareil. I was wondering where you disappeared
(He avoids her kiss.)
[KIRA] Come on. You can do better than that.
[BAREIL] Someone might see us.
[KIRA] We are the only people here. Everyone else is on the Promenade.
We have two hours before we're supposed to join Commander Sisko for
dinner. That gives us some time to be alone together.
[BAREIL] I can't.
[KIRA] Why not?
[BAREIL] I have to find Jadzia.
[KIRA] Jadzia? Is something wrong?
[BAREIL] No, not at all. Do you know where she is?
[KIRA] She's probably on the Promenade.
[BAREIL] She wasn't there the last time I looked.
[KIRA] Why is it so important for you to see Jadzia?
[BAREIL] I'll explain everything later. Thank you, Nerys.
[KIRA] For what?
[BAREIL] For being such a good friend.
[KIRA] Friend?
(Or the Forest, if you've spotted the Shakespearian
derivation by now...)
[SISKO] Dax, what are you doing here?
[DAX] I thought you might need some help getting ready for the party.
[SISKO] Thanks, but that won't be necessary. Wouldn't you rather be
celebrating on the Promenade?
[DAX] No, thanks. I don't want to run into Vedek Bareil.
[SISKO] Is there a problem between you?
[DAX] He can't keep his hands off me.
[SISKO] That doesn't sound like Vedek Bareil.
[DAX] I couldn't believe it myself, but he wouldn't leave me alone. He's
probably still out there looking for me.
[SISKO] Have you told Kira?
[DAX] I don't know how. It's going to break her heart.
[SISKO] Someone has to tell her. Do you want me to do it?
[DAX] Would you?
[SISKO] Well, if you think that's the best way to handle it.
[DAX] I'd really appreciate it, Benjamin. I mean, this whole thing is
ridiculous. How could I be interested in Bareil? We both know it's
always been you.
(Dax snuggles up on Sisko's lap.)
[SISKO] Dax?
[DAX] Mmm?
[SISKO] What are you doing?
[DAX] Making myself comfortable. Have I ever told you that you smell
[SISKO] You know, old man, I have to admit you had me going there for a
[DAX] Benjamin, stop acting so coy. There's no one around. I have an
idea. You cancel the party, and then that way we can spend the evening
alone together. What do you say?
[SISKO] Sisko to Bashir.
[BASHIR (OC)] Go ahead, Commander.
[SISKO] Meet me in the Infirmary immediately.
[BASHIR (OC)] Aye, sir.
[BASHIR] Her vital signs are normal. Her brain
activity is normal. No sign of infection or intoxication of any kind.
She's the picture of health.
[DAX] I told you.
[SISKO] Then why did you put your head on my chest?
[DAX] Oh, Julian, you should've seen his face. Admit it, you were this
far away from total panic.
[BASHIR] I think we've both been victims of a practical joke.
[DAX] At least someone around here has a sense of humour. See you at the
party, Julian.
[DAX] I've never been so embarrassed in my life,
making me go through all those tests
[SISKO] It's your fault, Dax. You took this one too far.
[DAX] If I didn't love you so much, I'd be angry with you. See you at
the party.
(Kira pulls apart a decoration from my favourite
bud vase. Honest, they're identical.)
[JAKE] You look like you could use a little cheering up.
[KIRA] Jake, do me a favour.
[JAKE] Anything.
[KIRA] Leave me alone.
(O'Brien's quarters)
(Molly is playing with her stuffed alien animals.)
[BRIEN] Hi, sweetie.
[BRIEN] Feeling better?
[MOLLY] Lots better.
[BRIEN] Ah, that's what I wanted to hear. Where's Mommy?
[MOLLY] In her room, sad.
[BRIEN] Well, listen. Why don't you go and play with Piggy in your
room for a while and we'll see if Daddy can cheer Mommy up?
(Molly leaves)
[BRIEN] Keiko? It's me. Can I come in?
[KEIKO (OC)] Not now, Miles.
[BRIEN] You're right. I'm an idiot, sometimes. When I don't get my
way, I can be selfish and childish and pigheaded. I said some things to
you that were pretty stupid. I wish I could take them back. But even if
it's too late for that, there's one thing I want you to know, Keiko. I
love you. I always have, and I always will. I want you to know I've
left a letter of resignation on Commander Sisko's desk. I'm ready to
move down to Bajor with you tomorrow, if you'll have me. And after that
if you want to move back to Earth, that's okay too. I'll do whatever it
takes. I just don't want to lose you. Honey, did you hear what I said?
[KEIKO (OC)] Yes.
[BRIEN] And?
[KEIKO (OC)] And I need time to think. Why don't you go to Commander
Sisko's party? We can talk when you get back.
[BRIEN] If that's what you want.
(Lwaxana has Odo on one arm and Bashir on the
[ODO] Major. Aren't you headed in the wrong direction?
[BASHIR] Commander Sisko's party?
[KIRA] Oh, I'm not going.
[LWAXANA] Why ever not?
[KIRA] Because Bareil will be there.
[ODO] I thought the two of you were very happy together.
[KIRA] So did I. But it turns out he'd rather be with Dax than me. And
to make matters worse, I have Jake Sisko chasing me around the station,
professing his undying love.
[BASHIR] That's strange. A little while ago, Jadzia had Commander Sisko
convinced that she was in love with him. He even had me examine her to
make sure she was all right. Apparently it was only a joke.
[KIRA] Are you sure? People are acting very strangely today.
[BASHIR] Maybe I should take another look at Jadzia's test results.
Excuse me. Constable, Would you tell Commander Sisko that I'll be a
little late?
(Lwaxana gets an ache. and so do Bashir and Kira.)
[BASHIR] I should be getting to the Infirmary.
[KIRA] I'll join you. Maybe you should examine Bareil and Jake while
you're at it.
[BASHIR] That wouldn't be a bad idea.
[BASHIR] This won't take long.
(Kira and Bashir fall into each others arms.)
[LWAXANA] What is it, Odo? I may not be able to read
your emotions, but I can read your expression. Something's wrong.
[ODO] I'm fine.
[LWAXANA] I wish you'd tell me what's bothering you. Maybe it would help
[ODO] As soon as something bothers me, I'll let you know. I promise.
[LWAXANA] Why do I find stubborn men so attractive?
(Bareil is resting his chin on Dax's shoulder.)
[DAX] Would you please stop following me?
[BAREIL] Gladly, if you'll stop running away. I have something important
to talk to you about.
[DAX] Discuss it with Major Kira. I'm not interested.
[JAKE] But Dad, you promised that Nerys would be here.
[SISKO] She will. And stop calling her Nerys.
(Sisko gets his bottom pinched.)
[DAX] Peldor joi.
[LWAXANA] Oh, Commander, I didn't realise that you and Lieutenant Dax
were that close.
[SISKO] We're not. Sisko to Bashir. Computer, locate Doctor Bashir.
[COMPUTER] Doctor Bashir is in the Infirmary.
[SISKO] Constable, go get Doctor Bashir and bring him here immediately.
[ODO] I'll be right back.
[LWAXANA] I'll go with you.
[ODO] Yes, of course you will.
(The hot date continues)
[BASHIR] I wonder what Commander Sisko wanted?
[KIRA] It can wait.
[BASHIR] This is very embarrassing.
[KIRA] We have to stop.
[BASHIR] Definitely.
(Odo and Lwaxana enter.)
[ODO] Doctor. Commander Sisko needs to see you in the Wardroom.
[BASHIR] Tell him. Oh, tell him I'll be there shortly.
[ODO] Now, Doctor!
[KIRA] You'd better go.
[BASHIR] Right.
[KIRA] Peldor joi.
(Dax is using Sisko as a shield)
[BAREIL] Please step aside, Commander. I need to talk to Jadzia.
[SISKO] I don't think she wants to speak with you.
[DAX] You tell him, Benjamin.
[BAREIL] I only want to give her this.
[SISKO] A Bajoran betrothal bracelet?
[BAREIL] It's been in my family for generations.
[DAX] Can I see that?
(Dax snatches the bracelet. Bashir and Kira enter, still entwined and
[JAKE] Nerys, am I glad to see you.
[SISKO] Doctor, I need your help.
[BASHIR] I need yours too. You've got to get me away from Kira. I can't
keep my hands off her.
[KIRA] And what's worse, I can't keep my hands off him.
[ODO] I can't explain it either.
(Lwaxana enters and puts Odo's arms around herself.)
[JAKE] She doesn't love me.
[BRIEN] Who?
[JAKE] Nerys.
[BRIEN] You're better off. In the end, they only break your heart.
(Keiko enters, in the red dress)
[BRIEN] Although sometimes it's worth it.
[KEIKO] What do you think?
[BRIEN] You look beautiful.
[KEIKO] Did you really mean it about turning in your resignation?
[BRIEN] Mmm hmm.
[KEIKO] You'd better get it back before Commander Sisko sees it. It was
nice of you to offer. (they kiss) I love you so much.
(Quark enters with food.)
[QUARK] Hey! Commander, here's that I'danian spice pudding you ordered.
[DAX] I want to give this to you as a token of my affection.
(Bareil's bracelet.)
[BAREIL] Oh no you don't.
(Bareil punches Sisko.)
[SISKO] Bareil, listen to me.
[BAREIL] I'll fight for her if I have to.
(Bareil's punches make no impact on Sisko, then Dax intervenes and
knocks Bareil down.)
[DAX] I'm sorry, Benjamin. He was just starting to annoy me.
[QUARK] Commander, you throw one hell of a party. Pudding, anyone? I've
got I'danian spice pudding.
[KEIKO] Are you all right?
[QUARK] Pudding anyone? Doctor. Pudding any one?
[LWAXANA] No, thank you.
(Lwaxana has a headache, and so does Quark.)
[DAX] I'll take one.
[QUARK] Help yourself.
(Quark gives Dax the tray.)
[BAREIL] Why did she hit me?
[QUARK] Forget about him. What about me? I need you, Keiko. My ears
tingle at the sight of you. Marry me.
[BRIEN] (grabbing his lobes) She's taken, Quark.
[SISKO] Easy, Chief. He doesn't know what he's doing.
[LWAXANA] What are you looking at me for?
[LWAXANA] Zanthi fever? That's ridiculous, that's
impossible. That only effects older Betazoids.
[BASHIR] That may be, but according to my tests you show all the
symptoms. Zanthi Fever is a virus which effects the empathic abilities
of mature Betazoids. It causes them to project their own emotions onto
[SISKO] Then Mrs Troi's amorous feelings for someone on the station were
being passed along to the people around her.
[BASHIR] Not everyone. Only those within close proximity to her when she
had an attack. And even then there would have to have been some
pre-existing latent attraction.
[SISKO] You're saying Dax?
[BASHIR] Only on a subconscious level. Best not think about it too much,
if you ask me.
[LWAXANA] I'm terribly sorry, Commander. I hope I haven't caused too
much trouble.
[SISKO] I'm sure no permanent harm was done. Right, Doctor?
[BASHIR] A simple wide spectrum antiviral agent should cure Mrs Troi,
and as for everyone else, well they'll be back to normal in a day or
two. Excuse me. I promised Nerys that I'd meet her in her quarters this
[SISKO] I think you ought to postpone that visit for a day or two.
Commander's log, supplemental. I'm happy to report
that Doctor Bashir's diagnosis has been proven correct. My son and all
the other's affected by Mrs Troi's condition have made full recoveries.
(Promenade - upper level)
[LWAXANA] This is one Gratitude Festival they'll be
talking about for a long time.
[ODO] I know I'll never forget it.
[LWAXANA] I hope everything works out for you, Odo, with Major Kira.
[ODO] I don't know what you mean.
[LWAXANA] Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. After all, I know
what it's like to be attracted to someone who doesn't necessarily feel
the same way. If you get tired of waiting for her (she kisses him) you
know where to find me.
[ODO] I'll keep that in mind.
[KEIKO] So you're sure Doctor Bashir said your test
results were negative?
[BRIEN] That's right. My headache was just a headache. I never was
affected by Mrs Troi.
[KEIKO] Oh. I guess that means you don't have a latent attraction to me
after all.
[BRIEN] Nothing latent about it. Weren't you paying attention last
[KEIKO] I was paying attention. You've still have the touch, O'Brien.
[BRIEN] So do you. Take good care of Mommy, honey, okay?
[MOLLY] I will.
[KEIKO] See you in a few months.
[BRIEN] I'll be here.
(Keiko and Molly leave. O'Brien catches a racquet.)
[BASHIR] Chief? | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e54", "title": "Fascination"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Past Tense part 1
Tense, part 1
Original Airdate: 2 Jan, 1995
Commander's log, stardate 48481.2. My senior staff and I have been
asked to address the annual Starfleet symposium on the current
situation in the Gamma Quadrant. I'm looking forward to the opportunity
and to visiting my sister in Portland.
[DAX] Entering Earth orbit.
[SISKO] Now there's something I never get tired of looking at.
[DAX] If you ask me, the seas could be a little more purple.
[KIRA] That's funny, I was just thinking they weren't green enough.
[BASHIR] I guess it's true what they say. There is no place like home.
No matter what colour the water is.
[DAX] We'd better get ready, Benjamin. Dinner tonight with Admiral
[BRIEN] Not Droner Drazman? The commander of the Proxima maintenance
[BASHIR] You're more than welcome to come along. The entire senior staff
was invited.
[BRIEN] Full dress uniform, fine table linens, a different fork for
every course? Thanks but no thanks. That's why I stayed an enlisted
man. They don't expect me to show up for these formal dinners.
[DAX] Major, Constable, would you care to join us?
[KIRA] No, thank you.
[ODO] I'd say this is strictly a Starfleet occasion.
[BRIEN] Commander, I'm receiving an incoming emergency message. It's
from DS Nine.
[SISKO] On screen.
[on viewscreen] Commander, am I glad to see you.
[KIRA] This better be good, Quark. You're on an emergency channel.
[on viewscreen] I just received a message from the Grand Nagus.
He wanted me to remind you of the critical role he played in
establishing contact with the Dominion.
[SISKO] You can assure the Nagus I will mention his assistance
prominently in my report to Starfleet.
[on viewscreen] There is one more thing, Commander. It seems the
Nagus's nephew Belongo is currently being held by Starfleet authorities
Aldebaran Three. A slight misunderstanding, I'm sure.
[SISKO] A misunderstanding the Nagus no doubt wants to be cleared up. I
do owe him a favour.
[QUARK] He thinks so too. And to quote the one hundred and eleventh Rule
of Acquisition
[SISKO] Treat people in your debt like family. Exploit them. I have been
reading up. You can tell the Nagus I will do everything I can, but also
remind him of the two hundred seventeenth Rule of Acquisition.
[QUARK] You can't free a fish from water. I'll be sure the Nagus gets
the message.
(Transporter room)
[SISKO] She's all yours, Major. Energise, Mister
[BRIEN] Aye, sir.
(Sisko, Dax and Bashir are beamed out)
[BRIEN] That's strange.
[KIRA] What's wrong?
[BRIEN] Oh, nothing serious. Just a power fluctuation in the annular
confinement beam. Hold on, that's impossible.
[KIRA] What happened?
[BRIEN] I stabilised the beam, but according to our sensors they never
materialised at their destination. They're just gone.
(Sisko is lying on the floor being prodded with a
[VIN] Okay buddy, come on, rise and shine. Come on. Well, look what we
have here.
[SISKO] Who are you?
[VIN] Who am I? Do you believe this? Sleeping Beauty's asking me
questions. Up.
[BERNARDO] Hey Vin, we've been working all night why don't we forget
these guys? I just want to go home and see Sonya and the kids and get
some sleep.
[VIN] What are you, an anarchist? There's a law against sleeping in the
streets. Though I do like the matching pajamas. All right, let's see
some logo.
[SISKO] Logo?
[VIN] ID. Identification. UHC Card? Transit pass?
[BASHIR] Where are we? What happened to Starfleet Headquarters?
[VIN] Oh, perfect. Just what we need. Two more dims.
[SISKO] Those shotguns and uniforms. There's something very familiar
about this.
[VIN] Yeah, probably from the last time you were in a Sanctuary
[SISKO] Sanctuary District? What year is this?
[BERNARDO] Same year as it was yesterday. Twenty twenty four. Let's go.
[VIN] How do they find us?
(We pan down the Trans Bay tube 2 subway steps to an unconscious Dax,
who still has her comm. badge unlike Sisko and Bashir. After the
opening titles, she is woken by a passerby.)
[CHRIS] Are you okay?
[DAX] Oh, my head.
[CHRIS] What happened? Did you get jacked or something?
[DAX] Jacked?
[CHRIS] You know, robbed? Did they get your credit chips, your ID?
[DAX] It looks like they got everything, except my brooch.
[CHRIS] Do you live near here? Can you get home?
[DAX] I was travelling with some friends and I guess we got separated.
[CHRIS] Well, you shouldn't be walking around without ID. You'd better
order some replacements. You can use my Interface terminal if you wish.
My office is just round the corner.
[DAX] That's very kind of you.
[CHRIS] Chris. Chris Brynner.
[DAX] Jadzia.
[CHRIS] That's a pretty name. What is that, Dutch?
[DAX] Something like that. It's very kind of you to help me.
[CHRIS] Oh, don't mention it. It's not everyday that I get to rescue a
damsel in distress. Let me help you.
[CHRIS] It's just this way.
(Up the steps to 599 wherever, just across from Candystick something.)
(Transporter room)
[BRIEN] Check the Heisenberg compensators. I'll
run a level one diagnostic of the pattern buffers, see if there's any
kind of field imbalance.
[KIRA] Chief.
[BRIEN] Any news from Starfleet?
[KIRA] Nothing good. As far as they can tell, Commander Sisko and the
others never materialised in San Francisco.
According to their sensors, our transporter signal disintegrated
immediately after we began the beam out sequence.
[BRIEN] That doesn't agree with our records. The system log shows the
transport was completed successfully. They definitely materialised
[KIRA] That's good news, anyway. But the question is, where?
[BRIEN] I wish I knew. Whatever the answer is, it's not in the log.
The only thing unusual it recorded was the variance in the annular
confinement beam.
[KIRA] But you corrected for that.
[BRIEN] It was a simple adjustment. The beam was just reacting to the
accumulation of chroniton particles in the ship's hull.
[KIRA] Chroniton particles?
[BRIEN] They're emitted by the cloaking device. They sometimes become
lodged in the ship's ablative armour matrix.
[KIRA] But we've used the transporter many times since the cloaking
device was installed. There's never been a problem before.
[BRIEN] And I don't know why there should be one now. Wait a minute.
It looks like there was a surge in temporal energy seconds before the
initiation of the transporter sequence.
[KIRA] Tell me that's a clue.
[BRIEN] Oh, it's a clue all right. I just don't know what it means
(Sanctuary District main gate)
(There's a big wall with a gate in it. Inside are
tenements with washing hanging on the fire escapes.)
[BASHIR] How do you feel?
[SISKO] Better.
[BASHIR] Me too. Probably transporter shock. Disorienting, but it wears
off quickly. I know one thing. We're definitely in San Francisco. I
caught a glimpse of the Golden Gate Bridge a few blocks back.
[SISKO] I saw it too.
[BASHIR] Do you know what happened to our comm. badges?
[SISKO] They were probably stolen while we were unconscious. This is not
the Earth we're used to, Doctor. That's still at least a century away.
I wonder what happened to Dax?
[BASHIR] She was caught in the transporter beam with us. Whatever
affected us must have affected her too.
[SISKO] That means she's probably somewhere nearby. The first chance we
get, we've got to find her.
[BASHIR] And then what?
[SISKO] And then we find our way home.
[VIN] All right, let's go. Bring them.
[BERNARDO] Okay, let's go. Hurry it up. Sonya's going to kill me.
(Sanctuary District Street)
(Basically, it's a slum.)
[BASHIR] What is this place?
[SISKO] A Sanctuary District.
[BASHIR] Twenty first century history is not one of my strong points.
Too depressing.
[SISKO] It's been a hobby of mine. They made some ugly mistakes, but
they also paved the way for a lot of the things we take now for
[BASHIR] I assume this is one of those mistakes.
[SISKO] A bad one. By the early twenty twenties there was a place like
this in every major city in the United States.
[BASHIR] Why are these people in here? Are they criminals?
[SISKO] No. People with criminal records weren't allowed in the
Sanctuary Districts.
[BASHIR] Then what did they do to deserve this?
[SISKO] Nothing. They're just people without jobs or places to live.
[BASHIR] So they get put in here?
[SISKO] Welcome to the twenty first century, Doctor.
[VIN] Hold it right there. (to Bernardo) If you want to go home, go
home. What do I care?
[BERNARDO] Thanks, Vin.
[VIN] Shall we?
(Chris's office)
(Meanwhile, Dax is seeing how the other half live,
using a pointer on a touchscreen.)
[CHRIS] Hi. Sorry to keep you waiting. Were you able to order new ID?
[DAX] Just finished. It took me a while to convince them I was who I
said I was. They'll be expressing a transit pass and a couple of credit
chips in a few hours. I asked them to send it here. I hope you don't
[CHRIS] No problem.
[DAX] Thanks for letting me use your terminal and your account.
[CHRIS] Glad I could help. You know, those are very unusual.
[DAX] Oh, you mean my tattoos.
[CHRIS] It's amazing work. Where did you have them done, Japan?
[DAX] How did you guess?
[CHRIS] Well, I used to have one myself. A Maori tribal pattern used to
go all the way down my arm. Got it in high school back in the nineties
just like everybody else. Of course, I had to have it removed. Well,
you know how it is. To get the government contracts, you have to look
like all the rest of the drones. So I guess that makes me a sell-out.
[DAX] Not necessarily. What kind of business do you do?
[CHRIS] You don't know? Well, I guess I'll have to have a talk to my
public relations people. I'm Chris Brynner. Brynner Information
Systems? You know, Interface Operations, Net Access, Channel Ninety.
[DAX] That Chris Brynner!
[CHRIS] So what do you think? Does that make me a sell-out or not?
[DAX] Probably, but I won't hold it against you.
[CHRIS] These friends of yours that you told me about. Is there any way
for you to get a hold of them?
[DAX] I wish I could.
(Processing Centre)
(Sisko is having his palm prints scanned and
picture taken.)
[VIN] Left hand. Other hand. Look straight ahead. Now stand over here.
[INTERFACE] Welcome to SafeTech's fingerprint database. your government
discount has been accepted. Remember our new retinal scan services, now
accessible on channel one seventy eight.
[VIN] Yeah, yeah. Save the commercial.
[INTERFACE] We are sorry but the fingerprints you have provided are not
on record.
[VIN] No ID, no fingerprint record, no Interface account. It's like you
two don't exist.
[BASHIR] Since we don't exist, why not let us go?
[VIN] Yeah, well, let's see. You don't have any ID, you don't have any
money, and you're both dressed like clowns. You figure it out.
(Vin gives them clipboards with forms)
[VIN] Please fill out these forms. Answer all questions to the best of
your ability. If you cannot speak English an interpreter will be
provided. If you cannot read, questions will be given to you verbally.
If there is any part of this form you do not understand, ask one of our
staff for assistance. Now sit down, shut up, and fill out the forms.
And if you've got any problems, don't come to me with them.
[BASHIR] Thank you very much.
[KIRA] Tell Admiral Ngomo I appreciate her offer,
but I don't want anyone beaming onto this ship until we know what's
going on. If they want to come up by shuttle, that's fine.
[BRIEN] Major, I think I know what happened to Commander Sisko and the
others. The temporal surge we detected was caused by an explosion of a
microscopic singularity passing through this solar system. Somehow, the
energy emitted by the singularity shifted the chroniton particles in
our hull into a high state of temporal polarisation.
[KIRA] Which means what?
[BRIEN] Which means the transporter beam was redirected as it passed
through the polarised particles.
[KIRA] Redirected where?
[BRIEN] Not where, when. The beam was redirected through time, not
space. They arrived in San Francisco, just like they were supposed to.
[KIRA] But not when they were supposed to. How much time are we talking
about? Days? Weeks?
[BRIEN] More like centuries.
(Processing Centre)
(A man is doodling on Sisko's trouser leg. When
Sisko stops him, he turns to the hand of the woman on the other side.)
[BASHIR] This is ridiculous. I mean, we've been here three hours and the
line has barely moved at all.
[VIN] I got one word for you, pal. Plenty of overtime.
[BASHIR] That's three words.
[VIN] Hey, for a dim, you're pretty smart. Now go back and take a seat.
Oh boy.
(A calendar on the wall says today is Friday 8/30/24, temperature 15
degrees, and Sisko is thinking.)
[BASHIR] Some of these people are mentally ill. They need proper medical
[SISKO] I know, but they're not going to get it. Not now anyway.
[BASHIR] What? What is it?
[SISKO] That calendar over there. It says August thirtieth, twenty
twenty four.
[BASHIR] I'm not sure I understand.
[SISKO] You ever hear of the Bell Riots?
[BASHIR] Vaguely.
[SISKO] It was one of the most violent civil disturbances in American
history, and it happened right here. San Francisco, Sanctuary District
A, the first week of September, twenty twenty four.
[BASHIR] That's only a few days from now.
[SISKO] Which means if we don't get out of here soon, we'll be caught
right in the middle of it.
[BASHIR] Just how bad are these riots going to be, Commander?
[SISKO] Bad. The Sanctuary residents will take over the District. Some
of the guards will be taken hostage. The government will send in troops
to restore order. Hundreds of Sanctuary residents will be killed.
[BASHIR] Hundreds? And there's nothing we can do to prevent it.
Starfleet's temporal displacement policy may sound good in the
classroom, but to know that hundreds of people are going to die and to
not be able to do a thing to save them
[SISKO] I sympathise, Doctor, but if it will make you feel any better,
the Riots will be one of the watershed events of the twenty first
century. Gabriel Bell will see to that.
[BASHIR] Bell?
[SISKO] The man they named the Riots after. He is one of the Sanctuary
residents who will be guarding the hostages. The government troops will
storm this place based on rumours that the hostages have been killed.
It turns out that the hostages were never harmed, because of Gabriel
Bell. In the end, Bell sacrifices his own life to save them. He'll
become a national hero. Outrage over his death, and the death of the
other residents, will change public opinion about the Sanctuaries.
They'll be torn down and the United States will finally begin
correcting the social problems it had struggled with for over a hundred
[BASHIR] And all of this is going to happen in the next few days.
[SISKO] Which means if we warn these people about what's coming, if we
try to help them in any way, we risk altering a pivotal moment in
history. And we can't let that happen.
[VIN] Hey, I hate to break up your intimate conversation, but you're
(Processing Centre - Cubicle)
[SISKO] Is there something wrong?
[LEE] (a woman) Well, according to these forms, you're supposed to be
dims. But you're not, are you?
[SISKO] I hope you're not disappointed.
[LEE] Pleasantly surprised is more like it. I guess I owe you an
apology. If I'd known you were gimmies, I could've processed your
application much sooner.
[BASHIR] Gimmies?
[SISKO] They're American slang terms.
[LEE] I try not to use them, but it's a bad habit. Gimmies are people
like you. People who are looking for help, a job, a place to live.
[BASHIR] And what about the dims? Don't they need help?
[LEE] The dims should be in hospitals, but the government can't afford
to keep them there, so we get them instead. I hate it, but that's the
way it is. I see here that you both have just arrived in San Francisco.
Do you have any jobs lined up?
[BASHIR] No. Actually we weren't planning on staying here very long.
[LEE] Have you got a place to stay or anyone who can vouch for you?
[SISKO] No. We were travelling with a friend but we were separated right
after we arrived.
[LEE] Do you have any way of contacting this friend of yours?
[SISKO] Not at the moment.
[LEE] Well, in that case, I'm afraid you're going have to stay here in
the Sanctuary for the time being.
[BASHIR] You mean we can't leave?
[LEE] It's for your own safety.
[SISKO] Really.
[LEE] And it's the law.
[SISKO] What about jobs? How are we supposed to find a place to work and
somewhere to live if we're stuck in here?
[LEE] One of the services we provide is job placement.
[SISKO] And how long's that usually take?
[LEE] I wish I could give you a definite answer, but jobs are hard to
come by right now, what with the economy and all. My advice is to be
patient. In the meantime, take these. (cards) They're your ration
cards. You can use them to get food and water at any of the
distribution points in the district. Hang on to them.
[BASHIR] Where are we supposed to stay while we're here?
[LEE] Anywhere you like. The buildings in the district are there for
everyone to use.
[SISKO] Thanks for your help.
[LEE] One more thing. A little advice. Stay away from District Security.
They've had their budget cut again. They're overworked and underpaid.
Just give them a lot of space. And watch out for ghosts.
[BASHIR] Ghosts?
[LEE] That's what we call people who haven't integrated well into the
Sanctuary. They can be dangerous, and they tend to prey on other
[SISKO] Thanks for the warning. We'll stay away from them.
(Chris's office)
[DAX] Dax to Sisko. Dax to Bashir. If you can hear
me, please respond.
[CHRIS] Okay, my assistant was able to get you a room at the Clift for
the next five nights.
[DAX] You didn't have to do that.
[CHRIS] I know that, but I wanted to. So, what are your plans?
[DAX] I still have to find my friends.
[CHRIS] Well, I hope you don't mind, but I had Britt do some checking.
No one matching their descriptions has been admitted into any of the
city hospitals or trauma wards.
[DAX] That's good news.
[CHRIS] Look, I would like to know how this turns out. I'm having a
little get-together here tomorrow, in the office. I'd like you to come
if you want. You and your friends.
[DAX] I'd like that.
[CHRIS] Well, good luck.
[DAX] Thanks. I could use it.
(Sanctuary District street)
(At the steps to an apartment building.)
[GUARD] Whoa, you guys can't come in here.
[BASHIR] We're just looking for someplace to sleep.
[GUARD] Well you're going to have to look someplace else.
[BASHIR] Let me guess. This building is full.
[GUARD] Sorry.
[BASHIR] Every building we go to, it's the same story. They can't all be
[SISKO] Don't be so sure. One of the main complaints against the
Sanctuary Districts was overcrowding. It got to the point where they
didn't care how many people were in here. They just wanted to keep them
out of sight.
[BASHIR] And once they were out of sight, what then? I mean, look at
this man. There's no need for that man to live like that. With the
right medication, he could lead a full and normal life.
[SISKO] Maybe in our time.
[BASHIR] Not just in our time. There are any number of effective
treatments for schizophrenia, even in this day and age. They could cure
that man now, today, if they gave a damn.
[SISKO] It's not that they don't give a damn, Doctor. It's that they've
given up. The social problems they face seem too enormous to deal with.
[BASHIR] That only makes things worse. Causing people to suffer because
you hate them is terrible, but causing people to suffer because you
have forgotten how to care? That's really hard to understand.
[SISKO] They'll remember. It'll take some time and it won't be easy, but
eventually people in this century will remember how to care.
[BASHIR] But it makes you wonder, doesn't it? Are humans really any
different than Cardassians or Romulans? If push comes to shove, if
something disastrous happens to the Federation, if we are frightened
enough, or desperate enough, how would we react? Would we stay true to
our ideals or would we just stay up here, right back where we started?
[SISKO] I don't know. But as a Starfleet officer, it's my job to make
sure we never have to find out.
(A man is being beaten up by a gang who wear hats.)
[BC] Get his food card.
[SISKO] Remember, Doctor, we can't interfere.
[BC] You got a problem?
[SISKO] No problem.
[BC] You look upset. If we've done anything to offend you, please let us
know so that we can be sure not to do it again.
[SISKO] Don't worry about us. We're new here.
[BC] Really? I never would've guessed. But let me be the first to
welcome you. Would you like a piece of this?
[BASHIR] No, thanks.
[BC] Gimmies. No sense of fun.
[SISKO] We're just looking for a place to sleep.
[BC] In that case, you'd better look somewhere else, new boy.
[SISKO] You heard what he said. Let's go.
[BC] Enjoy your stay. And in a few days I know you're going to feel
right at home. Bye
[ODO] So, in theory, we should be able to travel
into the past by focusing the transporter beam through the polarised
chroniton particles?
[BRIEN] The problem is, we don't know where in time Sisko and the
others are. I've narrowed it down to a dozen different possibilities.
But we only have enough polarised chronitons to make five or six
[KIRA] We'll have to take our chances. Pick the most likely time periods
and send a team down with tricorders to find them. The hard part will
be to find a couple of volunteers crazy enough to risk getting lost in
time to do the job.
[BRIEN] I think I know a few likely candidates.
(Sanctuary District alley)
(Next morning. Our heroes have been sleeping in an
alley by the basement of a building.)
[SISKO] Here you go, Julian.
[BASHIR] If we ever get home, I promise never to complain about the
station's Cardassian beds ever again. Where is everybody?
[SISKO] In the food lines, waiting for breakfast. It's not much to look
at, but it's better than nothing.
(Scrambled eggs and a slice of bread by the looks of it.)
[SISKO] I'm sorry. They ran out of utensils and napkins.
[BASHIR] Why am I not surprised?
[SISKO] When you're finished eating, I think we should get up on the
roof of one of these buildings. I want to get a better look at the
[BASHIR] Do you think there's a way out of here?
[SISKO] If there is, we'll find it.
(Sanctuary District street)
(Plenty of people live on the streets, with
[GUARD] Not you two guys again. Look, I told you, we don't have any
[SISKO] We're not here to stay. All we want is to do is get up on the
roof and take a look around.
[GUARD] It doesn't matter what you want. You can't come in. We've got to
protect what's ours around here.
[BASHIR] Look, maybe we can make a deal. Isn't there something we could
exchange in order to get access to the roof?
[GUARD] I don't know. What have you got to offer? That's what I thought.
Look, maybe you guys should try another building.
(Sisko and Bashir start to walk away and a man whispers in the guard's
[GUARD] Hey, wait a minute. Maybe we can make a deal after all.
(Sanctuary District Apartment building)
(They've swapped their clothes.)
[SISKO] Well at least now we look like we belong here.
[BASHIR] Yeah, and we smell just as bad as everyone else too.
(A boy is being tended by an older man. As he hears their footsteps he
grabs a knife.)
[WEBB] Stay away from him.
[SISKO] Whatever you say. Just put the knife down.
[WEBB] Step into the light so I can see you.
[SISKO] We're new here. We're just trying to get up to the roof, get a
better look at the place.
[WEBB] Believe me, it doesn't look any better from up there.
[DANNY] Dad.
[WEBB] It's going to be okay, Danny.
[BASHIR] What happened?
[WEBB] He was beaten up by some ghosts. My wife went to get help, but
there's only one doctor on duty at the Processing Centre.
[BASHIR] Well, why don't you let me take a look? I know a little bit
about medicine.
[SISKO] Julian.
[BASHIR] It can't hurt to just look.
(Bashir sits next to the boy.)
[BASHIR] Hey, I'm just going to take a quick look here, okay?
(He opens the shirt and checks the ribcage.)
[BASHIR] Does that hurt? Here? Looks like you've been lucky. No broken
ribs and these cuts are mostly superficial. You're going to be okay.
You're going to need some clean rags and something to disinfect these
wounds. Alcohol should do.
[WEBB] I think I can get some.
[BASHIR] Okay, here we go.
[SISKO] Looks like we made a new friend.
(Sanctuary District street)
[WEBB] Hey. You know, the District could use another
[BASHIR] I don't really practice anymore.
[WEBB] But there are people here who need you.
[BASHIR] I'm sorry, but they'll have to get along without me.
[WEBB] You two are new here, so let me explain something to you. You can
forget about getting out of here any time soon. This is your home now.
The only help we're going to get is from each other, and if we don't
start pulling together, we're finished.
[SISKO] All we want is to be left alone.
[WEBB] My mistake. I thought you wanted to get out of here.
[BASHIR] We do.
[WEBB] Well the only way that's going to happen is if we get organised
and let people on the outside know what's going on in here.
[SISKO] Do whatever you want. Just leave us out of it.
[WEBB] If you want to be left alone, that's fine with me. But if you
want to help us, and help yourselves, you know where to find me.
(Chris's office)
(It's party time and Dax has been shopping. The
place looks very like Ten Forward, right down to the steps and
[MAN] Our sea floor mining project is almost ready to go into operation.
The Pan-Caribbean government did have some misgivings, but I think
we've won them over. I hear you just came back from Christchurch?
[CHRIS] Yes. Did a little skiing on Mount Cook.
[WOMAN] You're lucky. We had to cancel our trip to the Alps this year
because of the student protests in France.
[CHRIS] I thought the Neo-Trotskyists were going to put a stop to that.
[WOMAN] They're not having any more luck that the Gaullists did.
[MAN] Europe is falling apart.
[WOMAN] Well, at least we don't have to worry about that kind of thing
[DAX] Don't count on it.
[CHRIS] You'll have to excuse Jadzia's cynicism. She was just mugged
yesterday. That kind of thing's bound to give a negative impression of
the future.
[WOMAN] So, who mugged you? Did you see them?
[DAX] It doesn't really matter. I'm just glad that I wasn't hurt.
[CHRIS] Well, whoever it was did a very thorough job. They took
everything she had, even her ID.
[DAX] Chris rescued me and let me use his computer to get my replacement
[MAN] You're lucky the police didn't find you first. If they'd caught
you on the street without ID, you might have ended up in a Sanctuary
[WOMAN] I thought they stopped doing that.
[MAN] Why would they? It's the only way to keep those people off the
[DAX] Excuse us a minute.
(Dax and Chris move away.)
[DAX] Is that true?
[CHRIS] Is what true?
[DAX] About taking people without ID to a Sanctuary District.
[CHRIS] Yes, it is. Why?
[DAX] I still haven't found my friends.
[CHRIS] And you think they might be in a Sanctuary District?
[DAX] It's possible. If you hadn't found me, I might've wound up in one.
Can we check and see if they're inside?
[CHRIS] Well, that might take some doing. The Sanctuary District records
are not posted on the Net. But I might be able to pull in some favours.
(Sanctuary District)
(In the line for the evening meal.)
[BASHIR] And I thought the replimat lines were bad. By the time we get
dinner, it'll be time for breakfast. You'd think that before they lock
thousands of people into a twenty square block area, they'd give some
thought to how those people are going to get fed.
[SISKO] I'm go see how much longer this is going to take.
[BC] Hey, gimmie. I'm talking to you. Let me see your food card.
[BASHIR] What for?
[BC] Because I said so.
[SISKO] Let him go.
[BC] What?
[SISKO] I said, let him go.
[BC] Oh, well, when you put it like that.
(BC swings at Sisko, Bashir takes on another man. Then a bystander
decides to do something.)
[BELL] Leave him alone.
(Bell knocks BC down.)
[BELL] Are you all right?
(BC gets up and stabs Bell.)
[BC] Get his card. Get his food card. Come on, let's get out of here.
Come on, let's go.
[SISKO] Help him. He never would have gotten hurt if it wasn't for us.
[BASHIR] Breathe, damn you. Breathe. He's gone.
(The helicopter is overhead and alarms are sounding.)
[SISKO] Come on. We've got to get out of here.
(Police arrive and chase them.)
(Sanctuary District Alley)
(The pair dive to their sleeping quarters and get
under some blankets.)
[SISKO] Cover!
(The police run past the pile of rubbish.)
[BASHIR] They're gone.
[SISKO] For now, but they're the least of our worries. That man who just
got killed trying to help us?
(Sisko shows Bashir the food card)
[SISKO] That man was Gabriel Bell.
[BASHIR] If only I'd had my medkit. If only I'd got him to a hospital I
might've been able to save him.
[SISKO] You did all you could, Doctor.
[BASHIR] But it wasn't enough, was it? A good man died because of us.
And what about the hostages? What's going to happen to them?
[SISKO] Without Bell, there's a good chance those hostages are going to
[BASHIR] And if that happens, how is it going to affect the future?
[SISKO] We have to save them. Whatever it takes, we have to make sure
those hostages survive.
(Kira and O'Brien are in civilian clothing.)
[KIRA] All right, Chief, let's get over to the transporter room before
we change our minds.
[BRIEN] Too late, Major. It looks like Starfleet's changed our minds
for us. Headquarters thinks our plan's too risky. They're afraid that
while we're searching for Sisko and the others, we may contaminate the
[KIRA] Get me Admiral Wright.
[BRIEN] I had a feeling you'd say that. That's odd.
[KIRA] What is it?
[BRIEN] I'm not getting any response from Starfleet.
[ODO] Is there something wrong with our communications array? I was just
talking to Starfleet Security when my comm. line went dead.
[BRIEN] There's nothing wrong on our end. Everything checks out fine.
[KIRA] Could be interference on the comm. channels. Try a wide band
subspace signal.
[BRIEN] Still nothing. Maybe if I direct it toward one of the
Federation communications satellites in Earth orbit.
[ODO] What is it, Chief?
[BRIEN] They're not there. The entire Earth satellite network is gone.
[KIRA] The spacedocks? The orbital habitats?
[BRIEN] All of it. The Utopia Planitia yards on Mars, the terraforming
stations on Venus, Starfleet Headquarters. I'm not detecting a single
sign of Starfleet activity anywhere in this sector.
[KIRA] Try a non-Federation frequency.
[BRIEN] The only subspace signals I'm detecting are coming from the
vicinity of Alpha Centauri. And they're Romulan.
[KIRA] That's impossible.
[ODO] Do you think Sisko and the others might have somehow altered the
[BRIEN] They must have.
[KIRA] Then why weren't we affected?
[BRIEN] I'm not sure. Maybe, maybe when it exploded, the singularity
that polarised the chroniton particles created some kind of subspace
bubble around the ship, isolated it from the changes in the timeline.
I'm not sure, I'd have to run some tests. One thing's for certain,
right now this ship is all that's left of Starfleet.
(Sanctuary District Apartment Building)
[WEBB] I thought you didn't want to get involved.
[SISKO] We've changed our minds.
[WEBB] Glad to hear it. We can use all the help we can get. This place
is about to explode. Most of us agreed to live here because they
promised us jobs. I don't know about you, but I haven't been on any job
interviews lately, and neither has anyone else. They've forgotten about
[SISKO] So what do we do?
[WEBB] We make them remember. The day after tomorrow, we're going to
hold a rally outside the Processing Centre. I want everyone to be
there. Gimmies, ghosts, even the dims. I want to remind the people
outside that we haven't done anything wrong, that we're not criminals,
and that we don't deserve to live like this.
[SISKO] We'll spread the word.
[WEBB] Good. One more thing. Tell people when they come to the rally to
bring their families, their kids, and try to look their best. We're not
derelicts, no matter what they say about us.
[SISKO] I could probably use a shave.
[BASHIR] Not to mention a bath.
(Chris's office)
(Chris is finishing a phone call.)
[CHRIS] Yes. Yes, thank you. You were right. Your friends are in
Sanctuary District A.
[DAX] When can we get them out?
[CHRIS] Well, it might not be that easy. The Sanctuary personnel first
have to find them. There are something like ten thousand people in
[DAX] Did they say how long it would take?
[CHRIS] They're not sure. But don't worry, your friends are fine. That's
the whole point of the Sanctuary. To give people in trouble food and a
place to stay.
[DAX] If that's all it's for, then why is there a wall around it?
(Sanctuary District Street)
[BASHIR] In two days, in front of the Processing
Centre. Will you spread the word?
[SISKO] Okay, you got it? The day after tomorrow. Try to be there and
tell everyone you know.
[BASHIR] That's five hundred people we've talked to today.
[SISKO] That only leaves about nine thousand to go. Whoa. Slow down.
What's going on?
[DANNY] One of the guards got into a fight with a dim down at
Processing. Everyone's going crazy. I have got to find my dad.
(Outside the Processing Centre)
(Firebombs are being thrown, people are lying
injured in the street. Three people beat up
Bernardo for his gun.)
[SISKO] Give me that. Get back.
(Sisko fires into a brazier. Bashir goes to help Bernardo.)
[BASHIR] Get away. Get away from him.
[SISKO] Come on. We have to get him off the street.
(Processing Centre)
(BC and others have taken it over.)
[BC] Everybody put your hands on your head and face the wall.
[LEE] You can't do this.
[BC] I can do anything I want. Now, against the wall.
[SISKO] That's enough.
[BC] Well look who we've got here. Way to show initiative, new boy. Take
him and throw him back there along with the rest of our guests.
[BASHIR] What the hell do you think you're doing?
[BC] I think I am a making a political statement. Maybe if we're lucky,
I might even be able to stage a nice little photo op. I hope that meets
with your approval.
[SISKO] Do as he says.
[BC] All right! I've waited a long time for this. And I know I won't be
disappointed. Ain't that right, new boy?
[SISKO] The name is Bell. Gabriel Bell.
To be continued... | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e55", "title": "Past Tense part 1"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Past Tense part 2
Tense, part 2
Original Airdate: 9 Jan, 1995
time on Star Trek Deep Space Nine
[BRIEN] I think I know what happened to Commander
Sisko and the others. The transporter beam was redirected as it passed
through the polarised particles.
[KIRA] Redirected where?
[BRIEN] Not where, when.
[SISKO] You ever hear of the Bell Riots? It was one of the most violent
civil disturbances in American history, and it happened right here. San
Francisco, Sanctuary District A, the first week of September, twenty
twenty four.
[BASHIR] That's only a few days from now.
[SISKO] The Riots will be one of the watershed events of the twenty
first century. Gabriel Bell will see to that.
[DAX] I still haven't found my friends.
[CHRIS] And you think they might be in a Sanctuary District?
[DAX] It's possible. If you hadn't found me, I might've wound up in one.
[WEBB] This place is about to explode. Most of us agreed to live here
because they promised us jobs. I don't know about you, but I haven't
been on any job interviews lately.
[SISKO] That man who just got killed trying to help us? That man was
Gabriel Bell.
(The riot starts.)
[SISKO] Give me that. Get back.
(Sisko fires into a brazier. Bashir goes to help Bernardo.)
[BASHIR] Get away. Get away from him.
[SISKO] Come on. We have to get him off the street.
[BC] I've waited a long time for this. And I know I won't be
disappointed. Ain't that right, new boy?
[SISKO] The name is Bell. Gabriel Bell.
And now the conclusion.
(Processing Centre)
(Sirens and helicopters can be heard outside)
[BC] Hey, what are you looking at?
[BERNARDO] Nothing.
[BC] If you're trying to find a way out, forget it Bernardo. You ain't
going anywhere. None of you are.
[LEE] What are you going to do with us?
[BC] I was going to let you think about that for a little bit. Now,
everybody, against the wall. Sit down over there. Move! Move it! If any
of them moves, shoot'em.
[SISKO] No one's shooting anyone.
[BC] Maybe, maybe not.
[SISKO] We need them alive. They're the only thing we have to bargain
[BC] You think I didn't know that?
[SISKO] Just making sure. We need to get these blinds closed.
[BASHIR] The police will drop snipers on the roofs across the street,
pick us off one by one.
[BC] All right, let's use the benches as barricades. We'll stack them up
against the windows. It's too bad. I kind of like watching this place
(Vin points his gun at BC.)
[VIN] Drop your weapons. What's so funny?
[BC] You. You're dead.
(Sisko knocks Vin out of the way as the shot is fired, Lee screams, BC
aims his weapon at her)
[BC] Shut up! That's enough! I said shut up!
[BASHIR] Leave her alone. She's just scared. Listen, calm down. No one's
going to hurt you.
[SISKO] Get over there with the others.
[VIN] I know you. I picked you up the other day.
[SISKO] I know. It's my way of saying thank you. Now get over there with
the others!
[BC] Hey, nice tackle, Bell. You ever play any football?
[SISKO] Baseball, actually.
[BC] Really, I'd hate to be a catcher and seeing you barreling towards
home plate. Hey, you, get up.
[VIN] Leave her alone.
[BC] Oh, nice mouth. All right, you get up. I said get up.
[SISKO] What are you doing?
[BC] Relax. I just want to see what they're saying about us on the Net.
I need his access code to log on. Don't make me ask you again.
[VIN] Get lost.
[BC] After you.
[BERNARDO] Wait. I'll do it.
[VIN] What are you doing? Sit down.
[BERNARDO] Hey, Vin, we're not on duty now so don't give me orders. I
just want to make it home in one piece.
[BC] Smart boy. Move. Get back there.
[SISKO] I know what you're thinking. It's not going to be easy keeping
the hostages safe.
[BASHIR] It's not just them I'm worried about, it's you. Didn't you say
Gabriel Bell died when the police stormed the building?
[SISKO] Right. But I'm not Bell.
[BASHIR] No, but we're the only one's who know that.
(They're watching a streamed news report.)
[NEWSCASTER (OC)] National Guard units are mobilising now and should
reach Sanctuary District A within the hour.
Governor Chen has issued a statement saying the uprising will be
quelled and District secured. It's still not clear how this riot began,
though rumours of mounting tensions have been filtering out of the
district for weeks.
[BC] This is great. We're on every channel. I bet they're even watching
this in China. Why do they sound so surprised? When you treat people
like animals, you're gonna get bit.
[WEBB] Let me through.
[MAN] Stop right there.
[BC] Hey, who said you could come in here?
[SISKO] It's okay. Let him in.
[BC] You know this gimmie?
[SISKO] He's a friend.
[BC] Go join your friends.
[SISKO] Glad to see you're all right.
[WEBB] So much for our peaceful demonstration.
[SISKO] I know it's not what we talked about, but it's what happened and
now we have to deal with it.
[WEBB] How? It's a madhouse out there and this building is crawling with
[SISKO] I know. That's the first thing we have to fix. I want you to go
out and find gimmies, people you know, people who can be trusted to
guard the hostages.
[BASHIR] If we leave it to the ghosts, there's no telling what could
[WEBB] I think I know just the people you're looking for.
[SISKO] Good. We're going to need them.
[BC] Hey, Bell. You're really missing something over here.
(Chris's office)
[NEWSCASTER (OC)] Many of the district employees
fleeing the riot have been reported injured and several have yet to be
accounted for. There's been no official count of injuries among
Sanctuary residents, however satellite pictures show a number of
possible casualties. We'll have more on this story as information
becomes available.
[CHRIS] This is terrible.
[DAX] I've got to get down there.
[CHRIS] What are you talking about?
[DAX] My friends are in there.
[CHRIS] I know they are, but there's nothing you can do for them.
[DAX] I have to try.
[CHRIS] Jadzia, it is too dangerous. You could get hurt.
[DAX] I just can't stay here and watching that place burn, knowing my
friends are inside.
[CHRIS] Look, I have friends in the police department. When things
settle down a little bit, I'll talk to them.
[DAX] I can't wait that long. By the time things settle down, my friends
could be hurt or even killed. They don't belong in there. None of those
people do.
First officer's log, supplemental. Somehow Sisko,
Dax, and Bashir have altered Earth's history. We have no choice but to
send an away team into the past, to try to find them and to correct the
changes to the timeline. The only problem is, we're not exactly sure
where to look or when.
(Transporter room)
(O'Brien is recapping the tech solution to Odo for
our benefit.)
[BRIEN] According to our computer simulations, the degree of temporal
displacement is directly proportional to the number of chroniton
particles interacting with the transporter beam. Unfortunately, there's
no way to know the exact concentration of particles at the time of the
accident, but I've narrowed it down to ten possibilities, each one
corresponding with a different time frame. One of them has to be right.
We just hope we find the right one before we run out of chroniton
(Kira enters with a plaster over her nose and no earring)
[KIRA] I feel ridiculous.
[ODO] Well, it does effectively disguise your Bajoran heritage.
[BRIEN] Just say you broke your nose. On the other hand, maybe you'd
better say nothing. I'll do the talking.
[KIRA] That's fine with me.
[ODO] Good luck.
[KIRA] Energise.
(San Francisco - 1930s)
[BRIEN] If this is where Commander Sisko and the
others materialized, there should be a residual electrostatic charge.
[KIRA] Kira to Sisko. Kira to Dax. Kira to Bashir.
(There's a car parked nearby)
[BRIEN] Judging from this vehicle, I'd say we were somewhere in the
mid-twentieth century.
[KIRA] No one's responding to my hails.
[BRIEN] I'm not reading any electrostatic variance or any distress
signals. They're definitely not here.
[KIRA] How long before the transporter re-engages?
[BRIEN] About thirty seconds.
(A couple come out of a Speakeasy)
[BRIEN] Evening.
[KIRA] I broke my nose.
(The couple leave, laughing.)
[BRIEN] I told you not to say anything.
(Processing Centre - Lee's cubicle)
[BC] I've got one question for you two. What are all
these gimmies doing here?
[WEBB] I asked them to help.
[BC] And who invited you?
[SISKO] I did.
[BC] Look, last time I checked this was my party. That means I get to
decide who's on the guest list and who isn't.
[SISKO] We needed people we could trust in here.
[BC] What's that supposed to mean?
[SISKO] How many ghosts do you know who you can really trust?
[BC] One. Me. And that's enough.
[SISKO] No, it isn't. Not here. Not now.
[WEBB] We need people to guard the building, watch the exits, keep an
eye on the hostages when we need to sleep.
[BC] All right, all right, you made your point. Just keep them out of my
[SISKO] The important thing we have to decide is what we're going to do
with those hostages.
[BC] Don't have to worry about that. I've got it all figured out.
[WEBB] I bet you do.
[BC] And just to prove I'm not such a bad guy, I'm going to let you two
in on it. It's simple. We trade the hostages for our freedom. We get
amnesty, a handful of credit chips, and a flight to anywhere we want.
Personally, I'm thinking Tasmania.
[SISKO] Tasmania.
[BC] Errol Flynn was born in Tasmania. Look, you guys go where you want
and I'll go where I want, all right?
[WEBB] Yeah, and as soon as we step off the plane, they lock us up.
[SISKO] Besides, we can't just think about ourselves. There are ten
thousand people living in here.
[BC] Well let them get their own hostages.
[WEBB] No, Gabe is right. This is an opportunity for us to be heard. To
let people on the outside know exactly what's going on in here.
[SISKO] You want to make demands, I'll give you some demands. We tell
them if they want the hostages back, they've got to shut down the
[WEBB] And reinstate the Federal Employment Act.
[BC] Why don't you have them throw in a couple of silk shirts, maybe a
penthouse in Singapore. Jobs? You guys want jobs? When are you going to
get it? There are no jobs. Not for us, anyway.
[SISKO] They'll find jobs. They'll have to. After tonight, they won't be
able to ignore us anymore.
[BC] All right. All right, we'll do it your way. I'll log onto the
Interface and I'll tell them that we want the District closed.
[SISKO] Not you. Him.
[WEBB] Funny, I would have nominated you.
[BC] What? Is there something wrong with me? I can be as eloquent as the
next guy.
[SISKO] I'm sure you can. But they can't dismiss Webb as easily as you
or me. He's got the face. He's got the family. He's the guy next door.
And that's what they need to see.
(Processing Centre)
(At the terminal)
[WEBB] My name is Michael Webb. I used to be a Plant Manager at ChemTech
Industries. I'm speaking for the residents of Sanctuary District A.
We're holding six hostages. We don't want to hurt them. All we want is
[BASHIR] What happened?
[SISKO] Someone cut off our access to the Interface.
[BC] I knew it! I knew this was a waste of time. They don't care. No one
cares about us.
[VIN] Why should they? You're all a bunch of losers.
[BC] What did you say?
[BERNARDO] He didn't say anything.
[VIN] You heard me. I called you a loser because that's what you are.
And this time, you're going to lose big.
[SISKO] That's enough!
[VIN] Check your e-mail, buddy. You're a loser, too.
[BASHIR] If you want to get out of here, you'd better hope you're wrong.
[BERNARDO] Quiet down, Vin. You'll only make things worse.
[VIN] I just want these guys to know what they're in for. I bet the
National Guard's already has this place surrounded. Sooner or later
they'll come rolling right in here, and you people aren't even going to
slow them down.
[BC] I really think we should kill this guy.
(A woman's voice comes from the terminal.)
[PRESTON (on monitor)] Mister Webb, I'm Detective Preston from the SFPD.
It's urgent that I speak with you.
[WEBB] Did you shut off our access to the Interface?
[PRESTON (on monitor)] I'm afraid it's department policy in these types
of situations, but it does give us a chance to talk one-on-one
[WEBB] All right, let's talk.
[PRESTON (on monitor)] First, I want to see the hostages.
[WEBB] What for?
[PRESTON (on monitor)] I need to make sure they're okay. You said you
weren't going to hurt them. I need to know I can count on that.
[BC] Get up. Let's go. They want to see a hostage, let's show them a
(It's Lee.)
[BC] Take a good look, lady. I've got five more just like her. And if we
don't get what we want, they're going to get hurt.
[SISKO] I think you've made your point.
[BC] Have I, Detective?
[PRESTON (on monitor)] I'd say so.
[BC] Good.
[PRESTON (on monitor)] Look, if you don't mind, I'd like to speak with
Mister Webb again.
[BC] Why would I mind?
[WEBB] All right, Detective, I'm here.
[PRESTON (on monitor)] Your friend has quite a temper.
[WEBB] That's because he's angry. We all are.
(meanwhile, walking away)
[SISKO] BC, let me ask you something.
[BC] Go ahead.
[SISKO] Why do I get the feeling that you're not going to be happy until
you've hurt one of those hostages?
[BC] I have to admit, the thought has crossed my mind. It might
alleviate some of the stress I'm feeling.
[SISKO] I think you'd better find a way to deal with that stress. It's
sure to be a lot healthier for you in the long run.
[BC] No kidding. Let me ask you something. You think it looks better
like this or like this?
(BC turns down the brim of his hat.)
[SISKO] It's your head. and your decision.
[WEBB] Hey, Gabe .Detective Preston wants to meet with me.
[SISKO] When?
[WEBB] Now, by the main gate.
[SISKO] May I join you?
[WEBB] I was hoping you'd say that.
[SISKO] Keep an eye on the hostages
[BASHIR] Got it. Good luck.
(Sanctuary District Main Gate)
[PRESTON] It's been a long night for all of us. You
guys must be exhausted.
[WEBB] We're okay. We could use some breakfast come morning.
[PRESTON] Breakfast for ten thousand? That's a lot of take-out. But in
the interest of friendship, I'll do what I can. Now, how about
returning the favour and letting me have one of the hostages?
[WEBB] No hostage, no food. Is that what you're saying?
[PRESTON] Not at all. You'll get the food either way. Giving up one of
the hostages would show good faith. Besides, you'd still have five
[SISKO] Those hostages aren't going anywhere until we get what we want.
[PRESTON] Which is what?
[SISKO] We want the Sanctuaries closed and the Federal Employment Act
[PRESTON] That's asking a lot.
[SISKO] I don't think so. What we want is to get out from behind these
walls, to stop having to depend on handouts.
[WEBB] That's right. All we're asking for is a chance to get back on our
feet again. We don't deserve to be locked up in here.
[PRESTON] Obviously I can't make any promises, but I will see to it the
Governor hears your demands.
[SISKO] You do that.
(Processing Centre)
[BASHIR] Are you all right?
[VIN] Hey, leave her alone.
[BASHIR] I'm a doctor.
[BERNARDO] Sure you are.
[LEE] You were here the other day, weren't you?
[BASHIR] That's right. Are you hypoglycemic?
[LEE] You really are a doctor.
[BASHIR] Why didn't you tell someone?
[LEE] I was afraid to.
[BASHIR] I'll see about getting you some medicine. In the meantime I'll
try and find you a chocolate bar or something.
(Sisko has come back.)
[MAN] I'm going to get some sleep.
[LEE] Wasn't he here with you?
[BASHIR] Bell? We came in together.
[LEE] He gave me a false name, didn't he?
[BASHIR] Well, yes. He got himself into a little trouble a while back
and he didn't want you to put his real name on the computer.
[LEE] When I first started working here, I processed a woman who had a
warrant out on her for abandoning her kid. She couldn't take care of
him, so she left him with a family that she worked for over in the
Marina. I felt so sorry for her I didn't log her in. I just let her
disappear into the Sanctuary.
[BASHIR] Well, that was very kind of you.
[LEE] Almost got me fired when my supervisor found out.
[BASHIR] What happened to this woman?
[LEE] I don't know, but I think about her all the time. Ever since then
I've just done my job, you know? Tried not to let it get to me.
[BASHIR] It's not your fault that things are the way they are.
[LEE] Everybody tells themselves that, and nothing ever changes.
(Processing Centre)
(BC is asleep and Sisko is yawning. Vin tries to
get to the main door.)
[SISKO] Hold it!
(BC wakes up and pumps his shotgun.)
[SISKO] Don't. Don't do it, BC.
[BC] Give me one reason why not.
[SISKO] All right.
(Sisko pumps a round into his shotgun)
[BC] You really going to shoot me, Bell? I don't think so.
[SISKO] Think again.
[BC] I thought we were on the same side here.
[SISKO] We are, but you get on my nerves and I don't like your hat. Now
put the gun down.
[VIN] Yeah, then you and I can see how tough you really are.
[SISKO] Shut up! Now put it down.
(Webb walks up to BC.)
[WEBB] You heard the man.
[BC] You gimmies. No sense of fun.
[SISKO] Come here.
[VIN] Hey!
(Processing Centre - Lee's cubicle)
[SISKO] Now you listen to me closely because I'm not
going to say this again. The next time you try something stupid I will
make you regret it.
[VIN] You trying to scare me?
[SISKO] I'm trying to save your life, and the lives of every hostage in
that room. And mister, you are not making it easy.
[VIN] If you're so concerned about our welfare, why don't you let us go?
[SISKO] You don't know what any of this is about, do you? You work here,
you see these people every day, how they live, and you just don't get
[VIN] What do you want me to say? That I feel for them? That they got a
bad break? What good would it do?
[SISKO] It'd be a start. You get back in that room, and you shut up.
(San Francisco - late 1960's)
(Flower power, VW camper van and Hendrix. The
Speakeasy is now a disco, man.)
[KIRA] Kira to Sisko. Kira to Dax. Kira to Bashir.
[BRIEN] I'm not picking up any residual electrostatic charge.
[KIRA] What?
[BRIEN] I said I'm not picking up any residual electrostatic charge.
[KIRA] What?
[BRIEN] They're not here!
(The music stops, a girl and man get out of the VW. The girl gives Kira
a flower.)
[KIRA] Thank you
(She gives one to O'Brien and they all make the V peace sign.)
[BRIEN] Uh-oh.
(Kira and O'Brien are beamed out)
(Processing Centre)
(Breakfast has arrived, along with junior.)
[WEBB] Danny.
[DANNY] Dad.
[BASHIR] He was outside looking for you.
[WEBB] Your mother and Jeannie, are they okay?
[DANNY] They're fine. They're with the Petersons.
[WEBB] So what are you doing here?
[DANNY] I wanted to be with you.
[WEBB] All right. All right, you can stay for a while but when I tell
you to go, I don't want any arguments.
(Bashir gives Lee an injection.)
[BASHIR] Now that didn't hurt a bit, did it. I managed to find some
glucajen in what was left of the clinic. You should be feeling better
[LEE] Thank you.
[BASHIR] Is that your family?
[VIN] Let him see it. (Bernardo hands over the photo.) Nice looking
bunch, huh?
[BASHIR] Absolutely.
[BERNARDO] Right now those two kids are sitting at home wondering if
they'll ever see their dad again.
[BASHIR] Look, I realise this won't make what you're going through any
easier, but something good will come from all this.
[BERNARDO] You think they're just going to close down the Sanctuary and
let you walk out of here?
[BASHIR] No, but I do know that someday there won't be a need for places
like this.
[LEE] I hope you're right. Even though it'll mean I'll be out of a job,
I hope you're right.
[BERNARDO] I just want to get home, you know?
[BASHIR] I know. So do I.
(Sanctuary District Main Gate)
[PRESTON] The Governor assures me that if you let
the hostages go, he'll reduce the charges against you to incitement to
[WEBB] That's it? What about closing the Sanctuary, what about jobs?
[PRESTON] The Governor intends to form a committee to look into the
problems facing the District residents.
[SISKO] So what you're telling us is that nothing is going to change.
[PRESTON] I wouldn't say that. But change takes time.
[SISKO] You've run out of time.
[PRESTON] Gentlemen, if I were you I would seriously consider taking
this offer.
[SISKO] Or else what?
[PRESTON] The Governor is not going to let this situation continue
[WEBB] You tell him if he wants to see those hostages again, he's going
to have to do better.
(Sanctuary District barricade)
[SISKO] Tough talk.
[WEBB] I was bluffing.
[SISKO] I couldn't tell.
[WEBB] I hope she couldn't either.
(Sanctuary District Street)
(A manhole cover lifts, and Dax climbs out. She is
followed by a dim.)
(Processing Centre)
[SISKO] Try opening that menu.
[BASHIR] It just brings me back to the same screen. There doesn't seem
to be any way of getting past the lockout and logging onto the Net.
[SISKO] There has to be.
[BASHIR] How can you be certain?
[SISKO] Because according to history, the residents were able to get
onto the Net and tell their side of the story. Millions of people
[BASHIR] Well no one here's been able to get past the lockout.
[SISKO] Maybe it was Bell. And if he did it, we have to also.
[BC] Listen up, everybody. A couple of dims just brought us a little
(Dax is brought in, minus comm. badge)
[BC] I don't know about you fellas, but I'm in love.
[BASHIR] Jadzia.
[BC] You know her?
[DAX] Julian.
[BC] Can you believe it? It's the story of my life. All the good ones
are taken.
[BASHIR] You remember my friend Gabe?
[SISKO] Gabriel Bell. It's good to see you again.
[DAX] Good to see you.
[BC] Allow me to introduce myself. Biddle Coleridge.
[VIN] Biddle?
[BC] Hey.
[VIN] I didn't say a word.
[DAX] I've been looking all over for you.
[WEBB] Excuse me. You obviously don't live here, so how did you get in?
[DAX] I managed to recode my ID card so that I could get past the
Sanitation Department checkpoint.
[BC] You crawled in through the sewers? You must really like these guys.
[BASHIR] You should sit down. You must be exhausted.
[BC] It's too bad. I really think me and her could've had something
(Processing Centre - Lee's cubicle)
[DAX] So what you're saying is that even if I could
get you out, you wouldn't leave.
[SISKO] Those hostages have to be protected whatever the cost.
[BASHIR] You said that one of the men who brought you here took your
comm. badge.
[DAX] That's right. And it's set to emit a subspace distress signal.
[SISKO] Julian, I want you to help Dax find the men who took her comm.
badge and then I want you both to get away from this place.
[DAX] But if the Defiant locks on to my distress signal and we're not
[SISKO] As soon as the hostages are in police custody, I'll try to make
it back to the beam-in site. If for some reason I can't make it, you'll
have to leave without me.
[BASHIR] Sir, obviously Jadzia has got to leave. If something were to
happen to her, it wouldn't take a doctor long to figure out she wasn't
human. But you're still going to need help to keep those hostages
alive, and if it's all the same to you, I'll stay.
[SISKO] All right. See if you can get her comm. badge back. I'll keep
trying to log onto the Net.
[BASHIR] The police cut off our access.
[DAX] That's one problem I might be able to help you with.
(Sanctuary District Street)
[BASHIR] Do you really think you can convince your
friend to put us on the Net?
[DAX] It'll take some persuading but I think he'll do what's right. This
is it. The men who took my comm. badge brought me here before they took
me to the Processing Centre.
(Sanctuary District Building)
[BASHIR] Hello? Hello?
[GRADY (OC)] There's nobody here.
[BASHIR] We just want to talk.
[GRADY] Woosh! I'm invisible.
[DAX] If you say so.
[GRADY] You can see me?
[BASHIR] Just barely.
[GRADY] That's okay. As long as they can't see me.
[DAX] Who?
[GRADY] The aliens. They'll suck your brains out right through your
[DAX] I know. You see, I'm an alien.
[GRADY] I thought so, but you're a good alien.
[DAX] Right. I'm here to protect the Earth from its enemies. But I need
that piece of jewellry you're holding to do it.
[GRADY] I understand. Here, you take it. Good luck.
[DAX] Thank you. Shh. Don't tell anyone.
[GRADY] I won't. I won't.
(Sanctuary District Street)
[DAX] I came in there. Take care of yourself.
[BASHIR] We'll see you at the beam-in site.
(Chris's office)
[CHRIS] Let me see if I understand what you're
asking me to do. You want me to override a government block, violate my
Interface operating license, and turn over my channels to a bunch of
[DAX] They're not criminals.
[CHRIS] I know that, but they're acting like criminals. They have guns,
they have taken hostages.
[DAX] So why do you think they're doing it? Don't you want to know?
Don't you think that the public deserves to know?
[CHRIS] You are asking me to break the law.
[DAX] I am asking you to give those people a voice. Chris, sooner or
later, the government is going to retake the Sanctuary District. And
when they do, a lot of people are going to die. And unless the public
learns why the Sanctuary residents did what they did, all those deaths
will be for nothing.
[CHRIS] You know I'll lose my license. But I'll get great ratings.
(Processing Centre)
(A queue of gimmies are waiting to tell their
stories to the world.)
[HENRY] My name is Henry Garcia. I've been living here two years now. I
came to San Francisco to work in a brewery but they laid a bunch of us
off because they got some new equipment. So I ended up here. I've never
been in trouble with the law or anything. I don't want to hurt anybody.
I just want a chance to work and live like regular people.
[JULIE] My name is Julie Hess
(Outside the Sanctuary District)
(Detective Preston is on the phone)
[PRESTON] Governor, I understand your concern, but I think the use of
force would be premature at this time. I am aware that there have been
disturbances in other Sanctuary Districts, but we have to think about
the hostages. I know I've heard the rumours too, but that's all they
are, rumours. If you just give me another chance to talk with Webb and
Bell, I. Yes, sir. Of course. We'll do our best.
(She puts down the phone.)
[PRESTON] The Governor's made up his mind. We move in at oh five
(Transporter room)
[ODO] No luck?
[KIRA] Afraid not.
[BRIEN] Well, we know one thing. They arrived before the year twenty
forty eight.
[ODO] How can you be sure?
[BRIEN] Because we were just there. And that wasn't the mid-twenty
first century I read about in school. It's been changed. I mean, Earth
history has been through its rough patches, but never that rough.
[KIRA] If we limit our search to dates before twenty forty eight, how
many possibilities does that leave us with?
[BRIEN] According to my calculations, three. But we've only have
enough chroniton particles for one more try.
[KIRA] Well, pick one, Chief. Let's hope you get lucky.
[BRIEN] That's my best guess.
[KIRA] That's good enough for me. Energise.
(San Francisco street)
[KIRA] Kira to Sisko. Kira to
[BRIEN] I'm picking up a comm. badge distress signal. It's Dax.
[KIRA] Kira to Dax.
(Chris's office)
[KIRA (OC)] Dax, do you hear me?
[DAX] Kira.
[KIRA (OC)] Dax, am I glad to hear your voice.
[DAX] Where are you?
[BRIEN (OC)] We're at the corner of Polk and California.
[DAX] I'll meet you there.
[KIRA (OC)] Are Sisko and Bashir with you?
[DAX] No. I'll explain everything when I see you.
[KIRA (OC)] The transporter's
(San Francisco Street)
[KIRA] Set to automatically retrieve us in about a
minute. You'd better deactivate your comm. badge.
[DAX (OC)] Acknowledged.
[BRIEN] We can reactivate them tomorrow in time for the next beam out.
[KIRA] Should be interesting.
(Processing Centre)
[VIN] Best ball club I ever saw? The ninety nine
Yankees, no doubt about it.
[BERNARDO] Get out of here. The fifteen Kings could've taken them any
[VIN] Come on.
[BERNARDO] Am I right?
[BASHIR] I wouldn't know. I prefer tennis.
[VIN] Tennis?
[LEE] Soccer.
[VIN] It's up to you, Bell.
[SISKO] I don't think there's any question. The Kings. Fifteen was Buck
Bokai's rookie year.
[VIN] That's all they had going for them.
[BC] I've been up on the roof. It looks like another National Guard unit
arrived. There's something's going on out there.
[SISKO] Everybody on your feet.
[WEBB] What are you doing?
[SISKO] They'll be safer in there. Let's go. I want you in there with
them. Make sure they keep their heads down.
[BASHIR] I'll see if I can find something to block the door.
[WEBB] Danny. Danny, wake up. Come on, it's time for you to go.
[DANNY] I want to be here with you.
[WEBB] I'll meet up with you later. Tell your mom I love her and give
your sister a kiss for me. Go on, now. Go on.
[BC] Hey, kid.
(Gives him his hat)
[BC] Yeah, I thought so. Looks good on you. Now get lost.
(Danny leaves.)
[BC] What the hell. It's probably raining in Tasmania, anyway.
[WEBB] I'm going to talk to Preston and find out what's going on.
(There's the thrum of helicopter rotors overhead, then a boom.)
[WEBB] Oh my god.
(BOOM! as the doors are blown in and riot police enter, firing at
everyone. BC goes down, then Webb)
[VIN] Stop shooting, damn it! We're okay!
(There's a red dot on Vin's chest, so Sisko steps forward.)
[SISKO] Hold it! No!
(Sisko gets shot.)
[POLICE] Don't move. Clear. Damage control. Freeze!
[VIN] I'm a hostage, you idiot!
[POLICE] Blue leader, this is team one. The Processing Centre is secure.
[VIN] What's wrong with you people? You could've gotten us all killed.
[POLICE] There were rumours you were dead.
[VIN] Do I look dead to you?
[POLICE] Our orders were to pacify the building
[VIN] Yeah? Well you certainly did a good job.
(Bashir goes to tend to Sisko)
[BASHIR] I'm a doctor.
[VIN] Leave him alone.
[POLICE] I copy. All right, listen up. There's trouble on Second Street.
[VIN] You go pacify Second Street. Officer Calvera and I can handle
things in here. Give me that.
(A gun for Bernardo.)
[POLICE] All right, men. Let's move.
[VIN] How is he?
[BASHIR] Lucky. He'll live.
[SISKO] The next time I tell you to stay down, you
[VIN] Gotcha.
[SISKO] Yeah. What about Webb?
(Sanctuary District - outside the
Processing Centre)
(Full daylight reveals the full carnage)
[MEDIC] Keep the pressure on.
[MEDIC 2] Over here, quick.
[BOY] Mommy? Mommy?
[VIN] How could we have let this happen?
[BASHIR] The question is, how do we stop it from happening again.
[BERNARDO] So what do we do with them?
[VIN] I don't know.
[SISKO] You could let us go.
[VIN] All right.
[VIN] They saved our lives back there.
[BERNARDO] How can we explain what happened to them?
[VIN] Give me your ID cards.
[SISKO] It's in my pocket.
[VIN] We'll switch these with two of the casualties. As far as anybody
knows, you both died here. Is that okay with you, Bell?
[SISKO] Thanks.
[VIN] My pleasure.
[BERNARDO] Come on, let's get you out of here.
[VIN] Anything else we can do for you?
[SISKO] There is one more thing.
[VIN] Name it.
[SISKO] Tell people the truth about what happened here.
[VIN] I would've done that anyway.
First officer's log, supplemental. Upon returning
to the present with our missing crewmembers, we were relieved to
discover that the timeline had been restored.
(Sisko's cabin)
[SISKO] Come in.
[BASHIR] How do you feel?
[SISKO] Better.
[BASHIR] I thought you might like to see this. I found it in the
historical database.
(On the PADD, Sisko is captioned as Gabriel Bell.)
[SISKO] I'm not looking forward to explaining this to Starfleet Command.
[BASHIR] Well, at least it's a good picture. You know, Commander, having
seen a little of the twenty first century there is one thing I don't
understand. How could they have let things get so bad?
[SISKO] That's a good question. I wish I had an answer. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e56", "title": "Past Tense part 2"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Life Support
Original Airdate: 30 Jan, 1995
[LEANNE] Jake! Hi!
[JAKE] Leanne. I thought you were on Bajor.
[LEANNE] I came back early. You know, I was just thinking about you.
[JAKE] Really?
[LEANNE] Yeah. I passed by the Klingon restaurant and I was thinking
about the time you and I and Orak were eating dinner
[JAKE] And you ordered the gagh. How is Orak? I haven't talked to him in
a while.
[LEANNE] We stopped seeing each other a few weeks ago.
[JAKE] Oh.
[LEANNE] Yeah. So, are you doing anything tomorrow night?
[JAKE] I'm supposed to play dom-jot with Nog.
[JAKE] But they're not really firm plans. In fact, I was thinking of
cancelling them.
[LEANNE] Really? If you do cancel, would you be interested in dinner?
[JAKE] Sure.
[LEANNE] Great. How about eighteen hundred at the Klingon restaurant?
[JAKE] I'll be there. But this time we'll skip the gagh.
[LEANNE] Definitely. I'll see you then.
[JAKE] Okay.
(Leanne walks away, the security office doors open and O'Brien, Odo and
security run out)
[ODO] Move aside! Look out! Move! Move!
(The runners arrive about the same time as Bashir
and a nurse.)
[BASHIR] What have we got?
[BRIEN] Bajoran transport coming in. They had some kind of accident on
board. They've got casualties.
[ODO] They're docking.
[BASHIR] We should have beamed the wounded directly to the Infirmary.
[BRIEN] They have a loose plasma coil. We couldn't beam through the
[ODO] Docking clamps secure. I'm opening the airlock. Stand back.
(The ship's doors open to a scene of smoke.)
[BRIEN] Come on.
[ODO] This way, this way. It's all right.
(A Bajoran woman comes out.)
[NURSE] Here, I've got you.
[ODO] It's all right. Come along now.
[BAJORAN] This way, Eminence.
[BASHIR] Kai Winn?
[WINN] The Vedek. Take care of the Vedek.
(Bareil is carried out with a nasty wound to his chest.)
[ODO] Odo to Kira.
[KIRA (OC)] Kira here.
[ODO] I think you should meet us in the Infirmary, Major.
[ODO (OC)] Vedek Bareil was on the transport. He's
been injured.
[BRIEN] The report from the transport, sir.
[SISKO] Give me the short version.
[BRIEN] There was a molecular fracture in one of the warp plasma
conduits. It was only a matter of time before it gave way. Once it
collapsed the entire relay system exploded.
[WINN] Was it sabotage?
[BRIEN] I don't think so.
[KIRA] Why would you suspect sabotage?
[WINN] I would prefer to discuss that with the Emissary in private.
(Operating theatre)
(Bashir is operating on Bareil's head, or brain?)
[BASHIR] Put a pressor field on that artery.
[NURSE] The arterial disruption is too severe the pressor can't stop the
[BASHIR] All right. Clamp off the artery and then increase the plasma
level to maximum.
[NURSE] Cardiac arrest.
[BASHIR] Clear.
[BASHIR] Clear.
[BASHIR] He can't take much more of that.
[NURSE] The arterial pressure is falling.
[BASHIR] I see it.
[NURSE] The neurotransmitter levels are falling too.
[BASHIR] Two cc's cordrazine.
[NURSE] Doctor?
[BASHIR] Do it.
(She does.)
[BASHIR] Synaptic failure. Apply direct neuro-stimulation to the
(Commander's office)
(Sisko brings Winn a drink.)
[WINN] Thank you. Vedek Bareil and I were on our way to a secret meeting
with a member of the Cardassian Central Command. It was my intention to
open talks between Bajor and Cardassia that would lead to a treaty and
to a final peace settlement.
[SISKO] You have been negotiating peace with Cardassia?
[WINN] The Prophets teach us that while violence may keep an enemy at
bay, only peace can make him a friend.
[SISKO] How long has this been going on?
[WINN] Vedek Bareil has been working to set up this meeting with Legate
Turrel for the past five months. They've discussed issues ranging from
war reparations to the exchange of ambassadors. There's even the
possibility that the Cardassians will issue a formal apology for the
pain and suffering inflicted on the Bajoran people during the
occupation. I was on my way to our first face-to-face meeting when we
had the accident.
[SISKO] Please, don't take this the wrong way, but I never would've
guessed that you would be the one to bring such a bold vision of peace
to Bajor.
[WINN] A large share of the credit goes to Vedek Bareil. Without him,
the talks could have never come this far.
[SISKO] It sounds like you've developed a deeper appreciation for Vedek
[WINN] I must admit he has been a loyal and trustworthy aide since the
election. I'm not sure I could have been as forgiving if I'd been in
his place. These talks were Bareil's idea. He's guided me through them,
and without him in the future, these talks may never resume.
[BASHIR] I'm sorry. The radiation severely damaged
his neural pathways. I did everything I could.
[KIRA] I know you did. Did he ever regain consciousness?
[BASHIR] No. I don't think he suffered.
[KIRA] Thank you, Doctor. I'm on duty in Ops. Excuse me.
[BASHIR] Kira. I think they can get along without you in Ops today.
[KIRA] Maybe, but I need to be there. I appreciate your concern but I'll
grieve in my own way in my own time.
(Operating theatre)
[NURSE] We're ready to begin the autopsy, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Release the stasis field. Let's begin with a neural scan. I
want to map his central axonal pathways, find out where the breakdown
[NURSE] Shall I begin taking neural tissue samples?
[BASHIR] Looks like the damage began in the parietal lobe, spread
through the rest of the brain in a retrograde manner.
(Something flashes on the screen)
[BASHIR] Wait a minute. A neuron just fired in his cerebral cortex.
There it is again. His nerves. His nerves are still transmitting
electrical impulses to his brain
[NURSE] How can that be? His brain activity level is zero. His nervous
system should be completely inactive.
[BASHIR] I don't know but it means his body's still capable of sending
messages to the brain, even though the brain can't process them. The
radiation he was exposed to might have fortified his peripheral cell
membranes. If we can regenerate his pathways with his own neuron cells,
we might be able to revive him.
[NURSE] What about brain damage? There's been no oxygen to his brain for
almost forty minutes.
[BASHIR] But he's been in stasis for most of that time. That, combined
with the strengthening of his cell membranes might buy us the time we
[BASHIR] We'll have to direct a burst of electrical energy into his
cerebral cortex. If the burst is the proper intensity, it should create
a cascade effect within the brain and the neurons might resume their
normal firing pattern. Okay. Let's close up the cranial cavity.
[BASHIR] The neurogenic stimulator is in place. Let's try a fifty
millivolt burst.
[BASHIR] Increase it to sixty.
[BASHIR] Seventy.
[NURSE] That's five millivolts above what normal tissue can withstand.
It'll burn out his cerebral cortex.
[BASHIR] If I'm right, the inaprovaline drug I gave him should provide
additional resistance against the excess electro-stimulation. Seventy.
(Jerk, gasp.)
[NURSE] Doctor!
(Bareil opens his eyes.)
(Later, Winn, Sisko and Kira are by Bareil's bed.)
[BASHIR] Well, it's a little early to tell, but I'm hoping he'll make a
full recovery. He should be back on his feet again in a few weeks.
[SISKO] You say that so calmly, but it's not every doctor that can lose
a patient and then has him back on his feet in a few weeks.
[WINN] Indeed, you are too modest. You've performed nothing less than a
miracle here. The Prophets must walk with you, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Well, I and the Prophets, were lucky that the ionising
radiation left a residual signature on Bareil's axonal pathways. That's
what really made this possible.
[BAREIL] Whoever deserves the credit, Doctor, I am grateful.
[WINN] And I am grateful you were not taken from us, Vedek Bareil.
[BAREIL] My work here is not yet finished.
[WINN] No, it is not. We must resume the negotiations immediately. We
can't risk losing the momentum we've established. I would like to send
a coded message to Legate Turrel and invite him to come to DS Nine to
continue the talks.
[BASHIR] Wait a minute. Bareil's in no condition to conduct
[WINN] Bareil will simply be advising me. I will conduct the actual
[BASHIR] I'll allow it as long as your visits don't tire him.
[WINN] Agreed. Vedek, we will talk again soon.
[BAREIL] Eminence.
(Winn and Sisko leave.)
[BAREIL] So, are we going to be playing springball next month?
[KIRA] You bet, although I'm afraid I'll have an unfair advantage.
[BAREIL] You mean playing against a dead man?
[KIRA] No. I've been practicing.
(Sisko's quarters)
[NOG] My Dad said that you were looking for me.
[JAKE] Yeah. It's about tomorrow night
[NOG] Don't worry, I've already taken care of that. I met these three
Terrellians who were bragging about how great they are at dom-jot. So I
arranged a game, us against them.
[JAKE] Nog, we have a little problem.
[NOG] No, we don't. I guarantee we'll beat them.
[JAKE] It's not that. I just can't make it tomorrow night.
[NOG] But it has to be tomorrow night. They're leaving the next day.
[JAKE] I, I made other plans.
[NOG] What could be more important than dom-jot?
[JAKE] I have a date.
[NOG] Oh. Well, that's different.
[JAKE] It is?
[NOG] Yeah. Money is money, but women are better.
[JAKE] Is that a Rule of Acquisition?
[NOG] It's a personal rule. So, who is she?
[JAKE] Leanne.
[NOG] Leanne! Way to go, Jake. So, what is the name of my date? I hope
she's as cute as Leanne.
[JAKE] Your date?
[NOG] She has a friend, right?
[JAKE] I'm sure she does.
[NOG] Then tell her to bring her along.
[JAKE] Nog, that's not what I had in mind.
[NOG] That's because you were confused. Would you rather the three of us
go out?
[JAKE] When you put it that way.
[NOG] Exactly. Just one thing, Jake. You're still pretty new at this
dating business. Just promise me you won't do anything to embarrass me.
[JAKE] I'll do my best.
[NOG] Ah, this'll be great. Maybe I'll even wash my lobes.
(Operating theatre)
[BAREIL] I suggest that we put off discussion of the
Cardassians returning the Orbs
until diplomatic relations have been established.
[WINN] That would only delay an inevitable argument.
[BAREIL] But it will give the peace process a chance to grow. Once the
Cardassians are invested in the process, it may be easier to discuss
these matters.
[WINN] Very well.
[BAREIL] A wise decision, Eminence.
[WINN] I hope so, Vedek Bareil. The first meeting with Turrel is
scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. I will see you again before then.
(Winn leaves)
[BAREIL] I take it you're not here to deliver a good report, Doctor?
[BASHIR] In order to revive you, I had to flood your nervous system with
neurogenic radiation. Unfortunately, this has caused some kind of
selective vaso-constriction of your arteries. The result is an
inadequate blood flow to your internal organs.
[BAREIL] So what do we do?
[BASHIR] We'd like to place you back into stasis, do some research on
your condition.
[BAREIL] For how long?
[BASHIR] I don't know yet. Days, weeks even months.
[BAREIL] Maybe even years?
[BASHIR] Maybe.
[BAREIL] I'm sorry, Doctor, that's not acceptable. I can't allow myself
to be put in storage when my people need me. I don't want to wake to a
Bajor still haunted by the memory of the occupation.
[BASHIR] I realize how important these talks are to Bajor, but as your
physician my duty is to you first.
[BAREIL] And I have a duty to Bajor. Please, help me heal my people.
It's the only thing that matters to me.
[BASHIR] There is an experimental drug called Vasokin which would
increase the blood flow to your organs and might enable you to function
normally for a while. But there is a great deal of risk attached.
[BAREIL] What sort of risk?
[BASHIR] In twenty two percent of cases, Vasokin has severely damaged
the patient's lungs, kidneys, even heart. Sometimes the brain. In your
condition, it could even be fatal.
[BAREIL] But it would allow me to function normally for the next few
[BASHIR] Yes. But why risk your life for a few days?
[BAREIL] I have no great desire to die, Doctor, but I am determined to
carry out the will of the Prophets as long as I am able, and I cannot
carry out their will if I am unconscious in some stasis tube. Please,
begin the Vasokin treatment.
[BASHIR] All right. We'll start this afternoon. I only hope we don't
regret this.
[BAREIL] So do I.
Station log, stardate 48498.4. Legate Turrel has
arrived aboard the station to resume the negotiations. Vedek Bareil
suggested that I sit in on the talks as an impartial observer, and Kai
Winn has agreed.
[TURREL] Perhaps you didn't hear me. There are no
Bajoran prisoners left in Cardassian hands.
[SISKO] Maybe we should redefine our terms. Perhaps there are no
official prisoners but are there be a number of, shall we say,
[TURREL] There are, of course, people being detained at the Justice
Ministry for crimes against the state, but that is a discussion for
another time. Now, I would like to discuss what you've called war
reparations. We would be willing to pay for the destruction of all
Bajoran property incurred during the occupation as long as you would be
willing to return to us all Cardassian property and equipment left
behind on Bajor.
[WINN] What sort of property?
[TURREL] I can provide you with lists of material, equipment, as long as
we have an agreement in principle that anything of Cardassian origin
does still belong to the Cardassian people.
[WINN] I will consider your offer.
[TURREL] Good. Shall we take a recess?
(Turrel leaves.)
[WINN] He's up to something.
[SISKO] That much seems clear.
[WINN] But what? Why is he insisting on this principle of his? I need
Bareil. He's the only one who knows the entire negotiating record.
Bareil has been talking with Turrel for months. He understands him,
respects him. I think he even likes him.
[SISKO] I'm afraid you may have to face the possibility that Bareil may
not be able to help you much longer.
[WINN] I was chosen by the Prophets to lead our people into a new era. I
know that. But I was not meant to be in a room with a Cardassian
debating legalisms and diplomatic nuances. I can't do this without
Bareil. If he dies, then peace with Cardassia dies with him.
(Quark's cafe)
(The double date is in full swing)
[LEANNE] My father used to take me to the wilderness preserves on
Vulcan, so for years I thought their planet was like, animals and
plants everywhere. I had no idea there were people on Vulcan.
[NOG] Boy, Jake, she talks a lot for a female.
[LEANNE] Excuse me?
[JAKE] Riska ,weren't you telling me your uncle runs a bar on Osinar
Six? You know, Nog's uncle runs this bar.
[RISKA] Is that right?
[NOG] Let's not make foolish conversation. Just sit there and look
[JAKE] Nog, what do you think you're doing?
[NOG] I think I know how to handle females. Jake, you know, I've been
thinking. After we're done eating, we could take the females to the
holosuites. I borrowed one of my uncle's private programmes, The
Massacre on Ferris Six. We could spend an hour pillaging and looting
the frightened townspeople.
[RISKA] I don't think so.
[NOG] No one's asking you to think, my dear. Here, make yourself useful.
Cut up my food for me.
[RISKA] You must be joking.
(Nog laughs so they all join in.)
[NOG] She's so dumb. She's perfect.
[RISKA] That's it.
(Riska gets up and Leanne follows.)
[JAKE] Wait, you're not leaving?
[LEANNE] I suppose you want me to sit here and cut your food for you,
[JAKE] I never said anything about cutting
[LEANNE] I hope you and your friend enjoy your holosuite. Come on.
(Leanne and Riska leave.)
[JAKE] Nog!
[NOG] Don't say another word, Jake. I think you've done enough damage
for one night.
[JAKE] Me?
[NOG] Yeah, you. You were treating my female as if she was an equal.
[JAKE] And you were behaving like an idiot. This is the last time I'll
ever do a favour for you. From now on you get your own dates.
[NOG] And you can find someone else to play dom-jot with.
[JAKE] Fine!
[NOG] Good!
[BAREIL] Turrel is trying to get a concession from
you that I already rejected. Tell him that the question of Cardassian
property on Bajor was already dealt with in the Armistice talks four
years ago. Don't worry, he'll still pay the reparations.
[WINN] What about this question of mining rights? His attention has been
wandering. He's in pain. Give him more of the drug.
[BASHIR] He's had enough.
[WINN] Then you'll need to give him something else. The negotiations
resume in less than six hours and we still have forty pages.
[BASHIR] Listen to me. I don't care about your negotiations, and I don't
care about your treaty. All I care about is my patient, and at the
moment he needs more medical care and less politics. Now, you can
either leave here willingly or I'll call security and have you thrown
[KIRA] You won't need to call them. I'll do it myself.
[WINN] Put yourself in the hands of the Prophets, Bareil. They will not
forsake you.
[BAREIL] Yes, Eminence.
(Winn leaves)
[KIRA] Is there anything I can do?
[BAREIL] Just be here. I'm beginning to dislike seeing that look on your
face, Doctor.
[BASHIR] As I feared, the Vasokin has already damaged your internal
[KIRA] What happens now?
[BASHIR] I can replace the damaged organs with artificial implants, but
as long as you're taking the drug I can't guarantee that the damage
won't spread. I think you should reconsider letting me put you in
[BAREIL] I'm afraid my mind's made up. Just get me through the
negotiations. I must carry out the will of the Prophets. Please.
Whatever it takes, just do it.
(Winn is studying PADDs.)
[WINN] Are you going to call security and have me removed from this room
now, Doctor?
[BASHIR] It hadn't occurred to me. Yet.
[WINN] How is Bareil?
[BASHIR] The organ replacement surgery went well. He's still
unconscious, but he should be awake within the hour.
[WINN] Oh, good. There are still several points I have to discuss with
him before the next negotiating session.
[BASHIR] That's why I'm here. When you see Bareil, I want you to tell
him that you don't need him, that you can complete these negotiations
without him.
[WINN] But I do need him, Doctor.
[BASHIR] I realise that. But I want you to tell him that you don't.
[WINN] You seem to be asking me to lie.
[BASHIR] I'm asking you to free Bareil of his obligations to you. The
only way he'll accept that is if you tell him he's no longer needed,
that you can go on without him. Now, if that's a lie, then so be it.
[WINN] That doesn't sound like a Starfleet officer.
[BASHIR] I'm a doctor first. And right now, I'm trying to give my
patient his best chance to live. The only way to do that is to put him
in stasis. Bareil knows that, but his desire to complete these
negotiations is so strong that he's forcing me to keep him conscious
and mentally alert, even though it may kill him.
[WINN] None of us wants that to happen, Doctor. But if I'm not mistaken,
the decision regarding Bareil's treatment is up to him.
[BASHIR] Yes. As the patient, it is his right to make that choice. But
I'm asking you to help me change his mind. Eminence, you're the Kai.
These are your negotiations. Let this be your moment in history. Finish
the talks on your own and you won't have to share the credit with
[WINN] You say that as though success is guaranteed, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Of course. If the talks fail, you'll need someone to accept the
blame. A scapegoat. You're a coward. You're afraid to stand alone.
[WINN] Bareil's already made his decision, Doctor. I won't interfere.
And Doctor? I won't forget what you've said here.
[BASHIR] Neither will I.
(Sisko's quarters)
[SISKO] So, you never told me about your double-date.
[JAKE] Not much to tell
[SISKO] That's not what I hear. Quark tells me that you and Nog aren't
speaking to each other.
[JAKE] You should've seen the way he acted, Dad. He was acting like a
spoiled brat. I've never been so embarrassed. I don't think Leanne will
ever speak to me again.
[SISKO] So what did he do?
[JAKE] All kinds of stupid things. Riska couldn't even say two words
without him telling her to be quiet. And he insisted that she cut up
his food for him. He was treating her like she was some kind of slave.
[SISKO] Sounds like he's acting like a Ferengi to me. You can't blame
him for that.
[JAKE] Well, in that case, maybe you were right all along.
[SISKO] About what?
[JAKE] You once said that Humans and Ferengis are too different to ever
really be friends.
[SISKO] I remember saying that. And you know what? I was wrong. You and
Nog proved that. Sure, you have your cultural differences, but there's
a real bond between you.
[JAKE] Well, I know one thing. I'm never going to set him up on a date
[SISKO] I think you two should talk this over before it becomes too big
a problem.
[JAKE] I'm not sure Nog is going to be willing to talk to me so soon.
[SISKO] Well, I guess you'll have to do something to get his attention.
(Winn is there and Bareil is in agony as Bashir
runs in.)
[BASHIR] What happened?
[NURSE] I don't know.
[BASHIR] Two cc's morphenolog. It's all right, it's all right. You're
getting help. You're getting help. I thought I made it clear there were
to be no visitors for the next three hours.
[WINN] It's not her fault, Doctor. Bareil called me himself. He said he
had some ideas on the treaty.
[BASHIR] And you just couldn't wait to hear them, could you. His left
temporal lobe is showing signs of massive synaptic failure. Well, I
hope you got all the advice you needed, Eminence, because the Vasokin
has damaged his brain and that damage is irreversible.
(Commander's office)
[SISKO] Will he regain consciousness?
[BASHIR] Not in his present condition.
[WINN] You were able to replace some of his internal organs with
artificial implants. Could you do something similar with the damaged
parts of his brain?
[BASHIR] It's hard to say with any certainty. There's still a great deal
about the way the brain operates we don't understand. One of my
professors at medical school used to say that the brain had a spark of
life that can't be replicated. If we begin to replace parts of Bareil's
brain with artificial implants, that spark may be lost.
[KIRA] But you're saying if we don't do it, Bareil will never regain
consciousness and he'll die.
[SISKO] I think we need to consider what Bareil would want us to do.
[WINN] Vedek Bareil wanted these negotiations to be completed, no matter
what the cost.
[BASHIR] With all due respect, your Eminence, you're hardly an impartial
observer here. You have a personal interest in these talks.
[WINN] There is more at stake than one man's life.
[BASHIR] One man's life is all I'm concerned with at the moment.
[KIRA] I think she's right, Julian. I think Bareil would want the
positronic implants.
[BASHIR] Kira, if I go through with this, the man who wakes up may not
be the man you used to know.
[KIRA] I realise that, but I know how important this is to him, and I
know he wouldn't want to just be put into stasis indefinitely, waiting
for some medical solution that may never come. Do the surgery, Julian.
Let him finish what he started.
[ODO] Mister Sisko.
[JAKE] Odo, I'd like you to do me a favour. I want to be arrested.
(Holding area)
(Jake is already in a cell when Nog is hauled in.)
[NOG] Argh! This is outrageous! I didn't steal anything from a Tholian
[ODO] Just another innocent man arrested for a crime he didn't commit.
[NOG] What is he doing here?
[ODO] As if you didn't know. Your accomplice here has also denied
involvement, but I have an eyewitness who saw both of you breaking into
the Tholian Ambassador's quarters last night.
[NOG] I don't even know what a Tholian looks like!
[ODO] Tell it to the Magistrate.
[NOG] At least put me in my own cell.
[ODO] I'm sorry the quarters aren't to your liking. Please feel free to
submit a complaint to the management.
[BASHIR] The positronic implant is functioning
normally. The mid-brain interface is online and he's awake.
(Operating theatre)
[KIRA] Bareil?
[BAREIL] Yes, Major.
[KIRA] How are you feeling?
[BAREIL] Awake. Everything is different.
[KIRA] Different? In what way?
[BAREIL] It's hard to explain, but when you touch me, it doesn't seem
real. It's more like the distant memory of a touch.
[WINN] Vedek, do you remember the negotiations? I have some questions
for you.
[BAREIL] Of course, Eminence. I will do all I can.
(Holding area)
[NOG] Something's wrong.
[JAKE] No kidding.
[NOG] That's not what I mean. My father told me that if I got caught
stealing again, he would send me back to live on the Ferengi homeworld
with my grandmother. So where is he? Why isn't he here yelling and
threatening me? And where's Uncle Quark? I'm late for work. And come to
think of it, what are you doing here?
[JAKE] Ask Odo.
[NOG] No, no, no. Throwing you in here wasn't Odo's idea. You don't just
arrest the station commander's son without some really strong evidence.
And I know there is no evidence because I know we didn't do anything.
So why are we in here, Jake?
[JAKE] All right. I put Odo up to this because I wanted to talk to you.
[NOG] In here?
[JAKE] I didn't think you'd listen to me otherwise.
[NOG] Well, this better be good.
[JAKE] I wanted to say I'm sorry. I guess I just forgot you're a
[NOG] You forgot? To most people, the lobes are a dead giveaway.
[JAKE] What I mean is, we spend so much time together and we seem so
much alike, I sometimes forget we're different.
[NOG] I know we're different. I mean, anyone who talks to a female with
fawning respect is no Ferengi. It made me sick.
[JAKE] You want to talk about sick? Sick is making Riska cut up your
food for you.
[NOG] At least I didn't have her chew.
[JAKE] Chew it?
[NOG] That's right. In traditional Ferengi homes, the females soften the
food with her teeth before they give it to the males.
[JAKE] That is disgusting.
[NOG] I knew you would react that way, which is why I didn't have her do
[JAKE] Well, do you have any other disgusting Ferengi customs I should
know about?
[NOG] Plenty. And I know plenty of human customs that disgust me.
[JAKE] Great. So we both disgust each other. You know, as we get older,
this is just going to get worse. But I know one thing. I don't want to
lose you as a friend.
[NOG] Well, in that case, double-dating is definitely out.
[JAKE] Agreed. And I guess we'll just have to deal with the rest of our
disgusting habits as they come up.
[NOG] I guess so. You feel better?
[JAKE] Yeah.
[NOG] Good. Now can we get out of here?
[JAKE] Sure. Odo? Odo? He's just playing around. Odo!
Station log, supplemental. Kai Winn has announced
that Legate Turrel has signed the peace treaty. The news has sent a
shockwave throughout the quadrant. And although there is still some
opposition from hard-line elements on both Bajor and Cardassia, it
looks as though they're finally willing to put their long conflict
behind them.
(It's party time, but one guest is very down.)
[DAX] Remind me not to invite you to my next party.
[BASHIR] I'm sorry. I guess I'm sort of casting a pall over this
[DAX] Julian, no one's expecting you to provide entertainment. But you
should try to enjoy yourself. After all, this celebration is for you,
[BASHIR] Frankly, I can't imagine what I've done deserves a celebration.
[DAX] You kept him alive against incredible odds. No matter what
happens, you should always be proud of that.
(Quark leads in a waiter carrying a large dessert on a tray.)
[QUARK] Excuse me, your Eminence.
[WINN] Yes?
[QUARK] Kai Winn, allow me to introduce Kai Winn.
[WINN] I don't understand.
[QUARK] In honour of the occasion, I've named my latest creation after
you. It's a chocolate
soufflé with Haligian tongue sauce.
[WINN] Well, I'm very honoured.
[QUARK] And you're also very popular. Believe me, I can't keep up with
the orders so far.
[NURSE (OC)] Medical emergency. Doctor Bashir to the Infirmary.
[WINN] Please, excuse me.
[KIRA] It's the other half of his brain, isn't it?
But you can still help him can't you? You can replace the other half of
his brain with a positronic matrix.
[BASHIR] I'm sorry, Nerys, but this is where it ends.
[KIRA] What do you mean?
[BASHIR] I won't remove whatever last shred of humanity Bareil has left.
[KIRA] But you can do it.
[WINN] Perhaps, child, it is time to listen to Doctor Bashir.
[KIRA] Sure. You've got your peace treaty, your place in history. You
don't need Bareil anymore.
[WINN] Believe me child, I share your pain. But I think the Prophets are
calling to Bareil. I will see to it that Bajor never forgets him.
(Winn puts her hand on Bareil's chest for a moment, then leaves.)
[KIRA] Julian, you can't give up now. You have to keep going.
[BASHIR] Nerys, if I remove the rest of his brain and replace it with a
machine, he may look like Bareil, he may even talk like Bareil, but he
won't be Bareil. The spark of life will be gone. He'll be dead. And
I'll be the one who killed him.
[KIRA] But if we do nothing he'll die.
[BASHIR] That's right, he will. But he'll die like a man, not a machine.
Please, don't make me fight you on this one. Just let him go.
[KIRA] How much time?
[BASHIR] All brain activity should cease within the next three hours.
[KIRA] I'd like to stay with him until then.
[BASHIR] Of course.
(Bashir and the nurse leave.)
[KIRA] You got your treaty. I just wish we'd had more time for us.
There's so much I never told you, but this is the time we have left so
I'd better say it now. I'll never forget the first time I saw you, the
day you came to the station. You had such a serenity about you. I
thought you had all the answers. It really got on my nerves for a
while. But then I got to know you and I realised you were just as
confused as the rest of us. You just accepted your confusion better
than anyone I've ever known. That's when I realised I loved you. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e57", "title": "Life Support"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Heart of Stone
of Stone
Original Airdate: 6 Feb, 1995
Officer's log, stardate 48521.5. Odo and I are returning to Deep Space
Nine after reviewing security procedures at Prophet's Landing, the
Bajoran Colony closest to the Cardassian Border.
(Runabout Mekong)
[KIRA] Those orbital sensor platforms should give
the colonists plenty of advanced warning in case the Cardassians ever
decide to violate the new treaty.
[ODO] Hopefully.
[KIRA] How did your meeting with Security Chief Bemar go?
[ODO] Fine.
[KIRA] Was he properly impressed by the depth of your expertise?
[ODO] Huh.
[KIRA] Odo, is something bothering you?
[ODO] What makes you say that?
[KIRA] Well for one thing, you haven't said five words to me since we
left Prophet's Landing.
[ODO] Huh.
[KIRA] Look, if I've done something to offend you, I wish you'd tell me
what it is.
[ODO] It's not important.
[KIRA] Whatever you say.
[ODO] It's certainly not worth making an issue about.
[KIRA] Well, glad to hear it.
[ODO] It's just (pause) When Governor Avesta invited us to dinner at his
[KIRA] Go on.
[ODO] You said no.
[KIRA] And?
[ODO] You never bothered to ask me if I wanted to go.
[KIRA] You wanted to go to the governor's house for dinner?
[ODO] Not particularly.
[KIRA] Well then, what's the problem?
[ODO] The problem is you never asked what I wanted.
[KIRA] Odo, you don't eat. Besides, you hate socialising with people you
don't know.
[ODO] Well that's beside the point. I would have liked to have been
consulted, that's all.
[KIRA] You're right. Next time we are invited out for dinner, I'll make
sure you are the one to say no.
[ODO] I'd appreciate that.
[KIRA] Hold on. I'm picking up a wide band subspace transmission from a
Lissepian supply ship. They've just been attacked by a Maquis
[ODO] Long range sensors are detecting a modified Peregrine class
courier ship, lightly armed, one man crew, bearing two six eight mark
three oh one.
[KIRA] The Maquis use Peregrine class courier ships. The Lissepians
didn't sustain any serious damage. I'm going after him.
[ODO] Right.
(After the opening titles.)
[KIRA] I don't know what the Maquis have done to that ship's engines,
but it's fast.
[ODO] Not fast enough. We're closing on him.
[KIRA] We'd better catch him soon. We're entering the Badlands.
[ODO] Wait a minute, I've lost him. The Badlands' plasma fields are
disrupting our sensors.
[KIRA] Increase the sensor bandwidth. That should compensate for the
[ODO] I hope you're right.
[KIRA] He can't have gotten far. He's got to somewhere in this solar
[ODO] There he is. It looks like he's trying to land on one of the moons
orbiting that gas giant.
[KIRA] I'm following him in.
[ODO] Something's wrong with his ship. It looks like his attitude
stabilisers have failed.
[KIRA] Can you get a transporter lock on him?
[ODO] Too much interference. He's trying to land on that moon. We've
lost him.
[KIRA] Did he make it?
[ODO] I don't know. Something in the moon's atmosphere is jamming our
[KIRA] Then I guess we'll have to land and see for ourselves.
(Commander's office)
[BRIEN (OC)] O'Brien to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[BRIEN (OC)] Commander
[BRIEN] There's someone here to see you.
[SISKO] Who is it?
[BRIEN] It's Nog.
(Commander's office)
[SISKO] Nog?
[NOG] Tell him it's urgent.
[BRIEN] He says it's urgent.
(Commander's office)
[SISKO] Send him in.
[NOG] I told you he'd see me.
(Commander's office)
(Nog is carrying a bundle of something.)
[NOG] Commander, first let me express my most sincere thanks for
allowing me to speak with you.
[SISKO] You're welcome. Now, what is this all about?
[NOG] I wanted to give you this.
(Nog puts the bundle on the desk, and it clinks.)
[NOG] Open it.
(Bars of metal.)
[SISKO] What's this?
[NOG] It's latinum.
[SISKO] I know it's latinum, but why are you giving it to me?
[NOG] Yesterday I completed the Ferengi Attainment Ceremony. I'm an
[SISKO] Congratulations.
[NOG] Thank you.
[SISKO] But that doesn't explain this.
[NOG] According to Ferengi by-laws, section one oh five, subparagraph
ten, upon reaching adulthood, Ferengi males must purchase an
apprenticeship from a suitable role model. I choose you.
[SISKO] You want to be my apprentice?
[NOG] That's right. I want to be the first Ferengi in Starfleet. Now,
who do I see about getting a uniform?
[SISKO] Nog, if you want to become a Starfleet Officer, you have to
attend the Academy.
[NOG] All right. Where do I sign up?
[SISKO] It's not that simple. As a non-Federation citizen, you need a
letter of reference from a command level officer before you can even
take the entrance exam.
[NOG] A command level officer? You mean, like you?
[SISKO] Well, yes. Like me.
[NOG] Then you'll write the letter.
[SISKO] I'll think about it.
[NOG] Thank you, Commander. I know you'll make the right decision.
[SISKO] Aren't you forgetting something?
[NOG] Keep it. Consider it a token of my appreciation.
(Lunar caverns)
[ODO] The tricorders are useless. The atmospheric
ionisation is jamming their transponders.
[KIRA] You're sure he's in these caverns?
[ODO] Well, he wasn't in the wreckage of his ship. And given the weather
conditions on the surface, there's no way anyone could survive out
there for very long, so that leaves
[KIRA] That's the third quake since we got here. This moon must be
seismically unstable.
[ODO] The sooner we find our fugitive, the better off we'll be.
[KIRA] Finding him isn't going to be easy. These caverns could go on
forever. With all this seismic activity, I don't want to stay here any
longer than we have to. I say we split up. We meet back here in twenty
minutes, and if we haven't found him by then, we may have to leave
without him.
[ODO] If he's smart, he'll let us find him. A Federation prison would be
paradise compared to this place.
[KIRA] Let's hope he's smart.
[ODO] I'll see you in twenty minutes.
[KIRA (OC)] Kira to Odo. Odo, can you hear me?
[ODO] This is Odo. I can barely hear you.
[KIRA] Odo, I'm trapped. I need your help. Come quickly. Odo, do you
read me?
[ODO] Stay where you are, Major. I'm on my way.
[KIRA (OC)] Odo, is that you?
[ODO] I'm right here, Major.
[KIRA (OC)] Odo, am I glad to see you.
(He spins round to see Kira sitting on a boulder.)
[ODO] What's wrong?
[KIRA] You're not going to believe this. My foot is stuck.
[ODO] Stuck? How?
[KIRA] I don't know. I must've stepped in a fissure or something. I
can't get it loose.
[ODO] Let me take a look.
(Kira's foot is covered in a rock that expands as Odo reaches for it.)
[ODO] It's not a fissure.
[KIRA] Then what is it?
[ODO] Your foot's been encased in some kind of crystal. And from the
look of things the crystal is spreading.
[ODO] Now you're sure you can't pull it loose?
[KIRA] Oh, believe me, I've tried.
[ODO] Maybe if you slip your foot out of your boot.
[KIRA] I can barely feel my foot. The crystal is pressing against it so
hard, there's no way I can get my boot off.
[ODO] Hold on a minute.
(Odo picks up a rock)
[ODO] This might hurt a bit.
[KIRA] Go ahead.
(Odo hammers at the crystal, and the rock shatters in his hand.)
[ODO] I fail to see the humour in this situation.
[KIRA] Come on, Odo, it's pretty ridiculous, don't you think? The two of
us being outsmarted by a chunk of crystal.
[ODO] I'm not giving up just yet.
[KIRA] Neither am I. Hand me my phaser.
[ODO] Are you sure this is a good idea? If you're not careful
[KIRA] I may blow off my foot and Julian the have a chance to prove what
a wonderful doctor he is? Don't worry, I have no intention of giving
him the opportunity. Stand back.
(The energy makes the crystal grow to her knee.)
[KIRA] I guess that wasn't such a good idea after all.
[ODO] The crystal formation seems to have somehow fed off the energy
from your phaser.
[ODO] Odo to Mekong. Two to beam out. Energise. Odo to Mekong. I can't
contact the runabout. There's too much interference. I'll have to walk
back to the landing site and try to transport you from there.
[KIRA] Are you worried about leaving me here?
[ODO] Now that you mention it, yes.
[KIRA] I'll be fine, Odo. I promise not to go anywhere.
(The bar is closed and Rom is trying to repair the
[ROM] Nog, hand me that phase matrix recalibrator.
[NOG] Here you are, Father.
[QUARK] Is it fixed yet?
[ROM] Not yet, brother.
[QUARK] What's taking so long?
[NOG] We're working as fast as we can. The replicators' entire power
supply grid has been shorted out.
[ROM] I told you, brother, if you don't shut down your replicators at
least once a week for routine maintenance, you risk system overloads
like this one.
[QUARK] You said it might overload the system. Might.
[NOG] He tried to warn you, Uncle Quark. You should've listened to him.
[ROM] No. It's my fault. I should have explained it better.
[QUARK] Of course it's your fault. Everything that goes wrong here is
your fault. It says so in your contract. Now, this mess had better be
cleaned up before lunchtime or I'm taking the losses out of your pay.
[ROM] Of course, brother.
(Quark leaves)
[ROM] I need to get a replacement power coupling from the storage room.
I'll be right back.
(Rom leaves, Jake enters)
[JAKE] Hey, Nog. What's going on?
[NOG] If you're here to order lunch, you'll have to come back in an
[JAKE] Actually, I just ate. Hey, that was a pretty funny joke you
pulled on my Dad this morning.
[NOG] What?
[JAKE] You know, about wanting to join Starfleet?
[NOG] I wasn't joking.
[JAKE] Come on, Nog. You don't really expect me to fall for that one.
[NOG] Did you tell your father I was joking?
[JAKE] Yeah. Kind of.
[NOG] How could you do that to me? I want you to go back to your father
and tell him that you were wrong.
[JAKE] All right. Calm down. I mean, how was I supposed to know you were
serious? You never said you wanted to join Starfleet before.
[NOG] I'm saying it now.
[JAKE] So what brought this on?
[NOG] I have my reasons.
[JAKE] Okay, name one.
[NOG] Why should I?
[JAKE] Because I'm your friend. And friends don't have secrets from one
[NOG] It's not a secret. I just don't feel like talking about it.
[JAKE] Why?
[NOG] Because it's personal. Now stop asking me.
[JAKE] All right. But my father's a pretty smart guy, and if this is
some kind of trick, he's going to figure it out.
[NOG] There's nothing to figure out. I'm joining Starfleet, and that's
that. Now, if you don't mind, I have a lot of work to do.
(Runabout Mekong)
[ODO] Computer, lock onto these coordinates and
initiate transport sequence.
[COMPUTER] Unable to comply.
[ODO] Explain.
[COMPUTER] The high level of atmospheric ionisation is inhibiting
transporter lock.
[ODO] Can you compensate for the interference by using pattern
[COMPUTER] Negative. Pattern enhancers will not function in a polarised
ionisation field.
[ODO] Is there any way to achieve a transporter lock in this kind of
ionisation field?
[COMPUTER] Negative.
[ODO] Computer, send out a priority one distress signal to Deep Space
[COMPUTER] Unable to comply. Communications systems are inoperable due
to atmospheric interference.
[ODO] In that case, launch a communications probe and instruct it to
begin a continuous broadcast of our whereabouts as soon as it clears
the atmosphere.
[COMPUTER] Working.
[COMPUTER] Probe launch confirmed.
[ODO] Computer, given ideal conditions, how soon can we expect help from
Deep Space Nine?
[COMPUTER] Deep Space Nine should receive the probe's distress signal in
approximately two days.
(From the passageway, Odo hears phaser fire. He
runs in.)
(The crystal is up past her knee.)
[ODO] Kira, I heard phaser fire.
[KIRA] You just missed our friend. He came out of that tunnel. I think
he was as surprised as I was. He fired at me from over there, and when
I shot back he ran off down the tunnel.
(Odo checks the rock face behind her.)
[KIRA] Don't worry, his aim wasn't any better than mine was.
[ODO] He didn't miss by much.
[KIRA] My lucky day.
(Promenade - upper level)
[SISKO] I see you've put in a request to reassign
Ensign Vilix'pran from cargo inspection.
[BASHIR] I think that would be best. Given his condition, I don't want
him coming in contact with any hazardous materials.
[SISKO] His condition?
[BASHIR] Vilix'pran is budding. His buds are undergoing individuation in
just over a month.
[SISKO] You mean he's pregnant?
[BASHIR] Twins.
[SISKO] Reassignment granted. I'll have make sure I offer my
congratulations to the ensign next time I see him.
[BASHIR] O'Brien and I are throwing him a baby shower in a couple of
days. I think it would mean a lot to him if you were there.
[SISKO] Are you getting him anything?
[BASHIR] O'Brien's building him a hatchling pond and I've put an order
in with Garak for some new baby clothes.
[SISKO] Count me in.
[BASHIR] Aye, sir.
(Sisko leaves Bashir.)
[SISKO] Ensign Pran.
(Nog leaves his customer in the cafe.)
[NOG] Commander Sisko, have you made up your mind yet about my letter?
[SISKO] Not exactly.
[NOG] What does that mean, not exactly?
[SISKO] Look, Nog, I have to be honest with you. When I think of
candidates for Starfleet Academy, yours is not the first name that
comes to mind.
[NOG] Why not? Because I'm a Ferengi?
[SISKO] Not at all. The fact is, your reputation on this station leaves
a lot to be desired. Your school grades are mediocre at best, and
you've had more than a few run-ins with Constable Odo.
[NOG] Okay, okay, so I've made some mistakes. I admit that. But I can do
better. Just give me a chance.
(Commander's office)
[DAX] You wanted to see me, Benjamin?
[SISKO] Lieutenant, I need a complete inventory on the contents of Cargo
bay twelve.
[DAX] Didn't we inventory twelve last week?
[SISKO] I'd like it done again.
[DAX] All right. I'll assign a crew to it immediately.
[SISKO] Actually, I already have someone in mind for the job.
[DAX] Really? Who?
[SISKO] Nog.
[DAX] Nog.
[SISKO] He's asked for a recommendation to Starfleet Academy.
[DAX] Nog?
[SISKO] My reaction exactly.
[DAX] I always thought it would be interesting to have a Ferengi in
Starfleet, but Nog?
[SISKO] I know it seems unlikely, but before I make up my mind I want to
give him a chance to prove himself.
[DAX] Commander, there's a lot of valuable equipment in Cargo bay
[SISKO] I know.
[DAX] Maybe I should assign a couple of crewmembers to assist him.
[SISKO] No. I want him to do it alone. No help, no interference, no one
looking over his shoulder.
(Kira is encased up to her waist.)
[ODO] I wish I could analyse this material.
[KIRA] Too bad our tricorders don't work.
[ODO] Or our communicators or the transporter. Our fugitive couldn't
have chosen a better place to hide. Very convenient, don't you think?
[KIRA] You make it sound like he planned on trapping us.
[ODO] Well maybe he did, but it's not going to work. I'm going to get
you out of here.
[KIRA] How long do you think I have, Odo?
[ODO] Long enough.
[KIRA] I figure at the rate the crystal's been growing, I'm going to be
completely covered in less than twelve hours.
[KIRA] Unless this cave collapses first.
[ODO] There has got to be a way to shatter this crystal.
[KIRA] I'm sure there is. But that doesn't mean that we're going to find
it in less than twelve hours.
[ODO] We'll find it. Major, do you ever look at the Criminal Activity
Reports we get from Starfleet Security?
[KIRA] Not often.
[ODO] You should. They make fascinating reading. A few months ago we got
a report on a theft on Remmil Six. It seems the natives there spin a
kind of crystalline webbing that they use to construct their buildings.
A band of Nausicaan raiders broke into their central museum by using a
high frequency ultrasonic generator to create a sympathetic vibration
inside the webbing and shatter it.
[KIRA] So all we need to do is find a band of Nausicaan raiders and ask
them to give us a hand?
[ODO] No, I might be able to put together a makeshift generator using
the covariant oscillator on the runabout. The trick will be finding the
right frequency to create a sympathetic vibration inside this crystal.
I'm going to have to go back to the runabout and start assembling the
generator. Keep your phaser handy in case our friend decides to comes
[KIRA] I will.
[ODO] I'll be back as soon as I can.
[KIRA] Constable. When we get back to the station, I'm going to start
reading those Criminal Activity Reports.
[ODO] I'll make sure you get them.
(Cargo bay)
[DAX] Due to a computer error, we lost the manifest
on this entire cargo bay. Commander Sisko would like you to
re-inventory the contents.
[NOG] The entire cargo bay?
[DAX] That's right.
[NOG] By myself?
[DAX] Look, Nog, Starfleet isn't just about diplomacy, exploration. A
lot of the time, it's just hard work.
[NOG] When does Commander Sisko want it done?
[DAX] He'd like the manifest on his desk first thing in the morning.
[NOG] He'll have it tonight, before he goes off duty.
[DAX] Tomorrow morning will be fine, Nog.
[NOG] Now if you don't mind, Lieutenant, I'd like to get started.
(Odo's brought in lights and a generator. The
crystal is up to her breast bone and she's holding up her arms.)
[KIRA] How long do you think it's going to be before the generator finds
the right frequency?
[ODO] It's hard to say. It could take hours.
[KIRA] I don't suppose there's any way to speed things up? I didn't
think so.
[ODO] Don't worry, Major. I have every intention of getting us back to
the station by tomorrow night. Chief O'Brien is counting on it.
[KIRA] What does O'Brien have to do with it?
[ODO] We have an appointment.
[KIRA] What kind of appointment? Talk to me, Odo. It helps pass the
[ODO] The Chief and I are supposed to go kayaking together in a
[KIRA] You're kidding. How did he talk you into that one?
[ODO] He didn't talk me into anything. It's really quite enjoyable.
[KIRA] You mean you've done it before?
[ODO] Twice. He invited me one evening and, seeing I had no plans, I
[KIRA] I'm sorry. I'm just having trouble imagining the two of you
together in a boat.
[ODO] Well if it helps any, he's the one who does all the singing.
[KIRA] He sings?
[ODO] He says it's necessary to establish a smooth paddling rhythm.
[KIRA] This gets better and better. What kind of songs does he sing?
[ODO] Ancient human sea chanties, mostly. He's particularly fond of one
called 'Louie, Louie'.
[KIRA] I never pictured O'Brien as a nautical type.
[ODO] Next to his work and his family, shooting the rapids is his
favourite activity. He's had the
holoprogram since he was on the Enterprise.
[KIRA] How long do these boat trips usually take?
[ODO] That depends.
[KIRA] On what?
[ODO] On how many times we capsize.
[KIRA] It must be a very difficult programme.
[ODO] It's extremely difficult. According to him, he's dislocated his
shoulder a half dozen times trying to make it down those rapids.
[KIRA] Then why does he keep doing it?
[ODO] Because he loves it. And it's been my observation that you
humanoids have a hard time giving up the things you love, no matter how
much they might hurt you.
[KIRA] I'm glad you're here, Odo.
[ODO] I'm glad I'm here, too.
(big moonquake)
[KIRA] Odo!
(Rubble starts to fall. Kira tries to shield her head but Odo becomes
an arc and protects her instead. The rock stops falling.)
[ODO] Major?
[KIRA] I'm all right. What about the generator?
[ODO] It's fine. It still hasn't found the right frequency to shatter
the crystal.
[KIRA] Tell it to hurry. A couple more tremors like that last one and
this whole cave is going to collapse.
[ODO] We'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen. After all, we've
been in worse situations than this one and come out all right.
[KIRA] Name three. I can't think of any either.
[ODO] No, it's not that. It's just that that wasn't the response I
[KIRA] What do you mean?
[ODO] In the detective novels Chief O'Brien gives me to read, when the
hero says, we've been in tougher situations than this one, his friends
always agree.
[KIRA] I never read any of those books.
[ODO] There must be some humanoid platitude I can use to cheer you up.
[KIRA] I don't have much use for platitudes, Odo. I'd rather face the
truth of a situation and go on from there.
[ODO] I feel the same way.
[KIRA] I know you do. That's why you and I get along so well.
[ODO] I suppose it is. But in this case, the truth is we're going to get
you out of here, Major. And that's no platitude.
[SISKO] I must admit, this is impressive work.
[DAX] Incredible is more like it. He inventoried the whole cargo bay in
under five hours.
[SISKO] You're sure he didn't have any help?
[DAX] According to the internal sensors, no one else entered that cargo
bay the entire time he was there.
[SISKO] I guess he did learn something working in his uncle's storeroom.
I assume that all our equipment is where it's supposed to be?
[DAX] If you're asking if he stole anything, the answer is no. He even
found some things we missed on our last inventory.
[SISKO] Okay, so now we know he's a hard worker. The question remains.
Why does he want to join Starfleet?
[DAX] I have no idea.
(Just Kira's head and fingers are sticking out of
the crystal now. She can barely breath.)
[ODO] I don't understand it. I've run through the entire harmonic
spectrum and none of the frequencies have had any effect on the
crystal. It's almost as if the structure of the crystal is mutating to
keep us from finding the right frequency.
[KIRA] Odo.
[ODO] Yes, Major. I wish there was something else I could do.
[KIRA] Just keep talking to me.
[ODO] What do you want me to say?
[KIRA] Anything. Tell me a story.
[ODO] A story?
[KIRA] I know. Tell me how you got your name.
[ODO] My name? Now that you mention it, that is an amusing story.
[KIRA] Tell it to me.
[ODO] Well, as you know, when Doctor Mora first brought me to his
laboratory, it was under Cardassian supervision. All specimens had to
be clearly labelled in Cardassian, so the overseers would always know
what the scientists were working on. Since no one was exactly sure what
I was, Mora labelled me Unknown Sample, which the overseer translated
into Cardassian as Odo'ital.
[KIRA] So, your name is Unknown Sample?
[ODO] No, no. Odo'ital literally means the word 'nothing'. Even after it
became clear that I was sentient, the Bajoran scientists kept calling
me that. As a joke, they split it into two words like a Bajoran name,
Odo Ital, which eventually got shortened.
[KIRA] To Odo.
[ODO] But the thing is, for the longest time, whenever anyone would use
my name, the first thing I'd think of was what it meant. Nothing. What
better way to describe me? I had no family, no friends, no place where
I belonged. I thought it was the most appropriate name anyone could
give me. And then I met you. And the others. Sisko, Dax, even Quark.
And now, when I hear one of you call me Odo, I no longer think of
myself as nothing. I think of myself as me. I'm sorry, Major. I guess
that story wasn't as amusing as I'd hoped it would be.
[KIRA] No. I liked it very much. The ultrasonic generator isn't going to
work, is it?
[ODO] No, I'm afraid it's not.
[KIRA] I don't suppose you have any other ideas.
[ODO] I wish I had.
[KIRA] Neither do I.
[ODO] It doesn't make sense. The ultrasonic generator should have
worked. Something's not right here.
[KIRA] Odo, you've done your best. It's time for you to go.
[ODO] Go?
[KIRA] This place is going to collapse at any minute. That Maquis is
probably dead from one of the cave-ins. There's nothing more you can do
for me.
[ODO] If you're asking me to leave?
[KIRA] As your superior officer, I'm telling you to take the runabout
and get the hell off this moon. That's an order.
(After the break.)
[KIRA] Odo, why are you still standing there? I told you to get out of
[ODO] I'm not leaving.
[KIRA] Constable, I gave you a direct order.
[ODO] You can order me all you want. As of now, I'm resigning my
[KIRA] Odo, if you stay here, you'll die.
[ODO] You don't know that for certain. And even if it were true, I'm not
going to abandon you.
[KIRA] I want you to get out of here.
[ODO] Don't you understand? I can't.
[KIRA] You have to. Odo, please.
[ODO] No. I won't leave you.
[KIRA] Why?
[ODO] Because! Because I'm in love with you. So, now you know.
[KIRA] Odo, I'm in love with you too.
(Commander's office)
[NOG] You wanted to see me, Commander?
[SISKO] Nog, I've given your request a lot of thought.
[NOG] I appreciate that, Commander.
[SISKO] But I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn you down.
[NOG] Turn me down? Why? Did I do something wrong?
[SISKO] It's not anything you did, Nog. You're just not Academy
material. Here. (the latinum) This belongs to you.
[NOG] Commander, can't we talk about this?
[SISKO] There's nothing to talk about. We both know you'd never make it
through the Academy. You couldn't handle the workload or the
discipline. You wouldn't last two weeks.
[NOG] That's not true. I'm a hard worker. I proved that to you.
[SISKO] It doesn't matter. And I'm not going to put my reputation on the
line just to satisfy some whim of yours.
[NOG] It's not just a whim. I'm serious about joining Starfleet.
[SISKO] I don't have time for this, Nog. Now whatever little scheme you
had, you can forget it. I'm not giving you that letter.
[NOG] It's not a joke or a scheme. I want to join Starfleet. I want it
more than anything I've ever wanted anything in my life.
[SISKO] You're a Ferengi. Why would you want to be in Starfleet? Where's
the profit in it?
[NOG] I don't care about profit.
[SISKO] Then what do you care about? Come on, Nog, tell me. Why is it so
damned important for you to get into Starfleet? Why are you doing this?
[NOG] Because I don't want to end up like my father.
[SISKO] Your father.
[NOG] That's right. My father. He's been chasing profit his whole life,
and what has it gotten him? Nothing. And you know why? Because he
doesn't have the lobes. And neither do I.
[SISKO] And a Ferengi without profit
[NOG] Is no Ferengi at all.
[SISKO] The eighteenth Rule of Acquisition.
[NOG] My father is a mechanical genius. He could've been Chief Engineer
of a starship if he'd had the opportunity. But he went into business,
like a good Ferengi. The only thing is, he's not a good Ferengi, not
when it comes to acquiring profit. So now all he has to live for is the
slim chance that someday, somehow, he might be able to take over my
uncle's bar. Well, I'm not going to make the same mistake. I want to do
something with my life. Something worthwhile.
[SISKO] Like joining Starfleet.
[NOG] I may not have an instinct for business, but I have my father's
hands and my uncle's tenacity. I know I've got something to offer, I
just need the chance to prove it.
[SISKO] All right. I'll see that you get that chance.
[NOG] You're going to recommend me to Starfleet Academy?
[SISKO] I'll send the letter the first thing tomorrow morning.
[NOG] Commander, I don't know how to thank you.
[SISKO] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't thank me yet. You still have
a lot of work ahead of you.
[NOG] Don't worry. You're never going to regret this.
(It's up to her chin. Odo is checking the scorch
marks on the wall behind her.)
[KIRA] Odo?
[ODO] Yes, Major.
[KIRA] You haven't said a word to me in over an hour.
[ODO] I've just been going over a few things in my mind.
[KIRA] I'm sorry I waited so long to tell you how I feel about you. If
I'd told you earlier, maybe things would've been different.
[ODO] Ah.
[KIRA] What are you smiling about?
[ODO] I think I've finally figured out what's going on here. This whole
situation hasn't seemed right since the beginning. There've been too
many coincidences, too many unanswered questions.
[KIRA] Are you still trying to prove that this is all some kind of
[ODO] You said the Maquis was standing here when he shot at you?
[KIRA] That's right.
[ODO] How tall was he? My height?
[KIRA] No. Maybe shorter.
[ODO] Like this?
[KIRA] More or less. Why does it matter anyway?
[ODO] It matters because from this position, you're blocking those
phaser hits. There's no way someone standing here could hit those rocks
without hitting you first.
[KIRA] Maybe he was standing somewhere else.
[ODO] Maybe. Or maybe you were lying to me. Which makes two times you've
lied to me today.
[KIRA] What are you talking about?
[ODO] You lied when you said you were shot at by the Maquis. And you
lied when you said you loved me.
[KIRA] I do love you.
[ODO] I wish you did, but you don't. Remember Major, I pride myself on
my ability to observe human nature, and I've watched you for the past
three years. In all that time I never saw any indication that you had
those kinds of feelings for me. You like me. You think of me as a close
friend. But love? I'm afraid not.
[KIRA] Maybe I told I loved you because I thought it would make you feel
better. Because I thought that's what you wanted to hear.
[ODO] You're lying again. The Kira I know has far too much regard for
our friendship to lie to me, even for the best of reasons.
[KIRA] Odo, I can explain.
[ODO] Good. And you can start by telling me who you are and what you've
done with Kira.
(Odo aims the phaser at Kira so she morphs into the female changeling.)
[FOUNDER] Well done, Odo. You really are quite a skilful investigator.
[ODO] And you're quite a skilful changeling.
[FOUNDER] You still have much to learn.
[ODO] If you want to share your wisdom, tell me where Major Kira is.
[FOUNDER] Close by.
[ODO] You were the fugitive we were chasing, weren't you?
[FOUNDER] That's correct.
[ODO] How did you get your hands on a Maquis ship?
[FOUNDER] Now, Odo, you really can't expect me to give you all the
[ODO] But why did you lead us here? Why replace Kira?
[FOUNDER] I needed to understand why you chose to live with the Solids
rather than your own people. I suspected it had something to do with
Major Kira. Now I'm certain of it.
[ODO] So your plan was to let me think she died. You thought that would
take away my link to the Solids.
[FOUNDER] Then you would return to us.
[ODO] I assure you, nothing will ever make me do that.
[FOUNDER] I wouldn't be so sure.
[ODO] Tell me where she is.
[FOUNDER] And if I don't, then what? You'll shoot me? No changeling has
ever harmed another.
[ODO] There's always a first time.
[FOUNDER] Major Kira is down that tunnel, two hundred metres south of
here. Save her, if it suits you, but it won't make any difference. She
is never going to love you. How could she? You are a changeling.
(The founder beams out)
(Side chamber)
(Kira is in a stasis box or similar)
[ODO] Major, wake up.
[KIRA] Odo, what happened? What am I doing here?
[ODO] It's a long story. Right now we have to get you back to the
[KIRA] There's one thing I still don't understand.
If that Founder was trying to test your allegiance to the Solids, why
did she impersonate me?
[ODO] I suppose it's because you happened to be with me in the runabout.
It could have just as easily have been Commander Sisko or Doctor
[KIRA] What finally made you realise the truth?
[ODO] She made eventually a mistake. She said something I know you would
never say.
[KIRA] What was that?
[ODO] Just a slip of the tongue. Nothing important.
[QUARK] I tell you, I won't stand for it. No nephew
of mine is going to disgrace our family name by joining Starfleet.
[NOG] But Uncle Quark
[QUARK] My mind is made up. I forbid it.
[ROM] No, you don't.
[QUARK] Rom, stay out of this.
[ROM] I will not. When it comes to the bar you may be in charge, but
when it comes to my son, I make the decisions.
[QUARK] Fine. You tell him he can't go.
[ROM] Nog. Good luck. I would be proud to have a son in Starfleet.
[QUARK] You're both insane.
[NOG] Like father, like son. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e58", "title": "Heart of Stone"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Destiny
Original Airdate: 13 Feb, 1995
log, stardate 48543.2. A team of Cardassian scientists is coming to the
station to assist us in deploying a subspace relay in the Gamma
Quadrant. If successful, it will allow communication through the
wormhole for the first time.
(Guest quarters)
[ODO] I've assigned these quarters to the senior
Cardassian scientist. Her name is Ulani. Her colleague Gilora has the
adjacent room.
[SISKO] It's warm in here. I take it you've reset the environmental
[ODO] I also had Chief O'Brien reprogramme the replicators to provide
Cardassian food.
[SISKO] Security measures?
[ODO] I've assigned two of my people to follow the Cardassians at all
[SISKO] Fine. Have them keep their distance. I want the Cardassians to
feel like guests, not prisoners.
[ODO] Commander, there are still elements opposed to the peace treaty
between Cardassia and Bajor on both sides.
We have to be prepared for trouble.
[SISKO] I realise that. But while the Cardassians are here, I want the
Bajorans to get used to seeing them walking on the Promenade, buying
from their shops, eating from their restaurants, getting to know them
as something other than brutal overseers.
(Dax enters)
[DAX] I just received the final update from the Cardassians on the
transceiver they designed for the communications relay.
[SISKO] How does it look?
[DAX] I'm still not convinced it's going to work.
[SISKO] The Cardassians seem sure that it will.
[DAX] I hope they're right.
(Enter Quark, carrying a tray with bottles of Kanar and a small vase of
[QUARK] Whose quarters are these? Gilora's or Ulani's?
[ODO] Ulani's. And how do you know their names? I was just informed an
hour ago.
[QUARK] Odo, please. I have a bottle of Kanar for each of them, along
with a personal invitation to Quark's.
[DAX] Where did you get real Kanar?
[QUARK] I've had three cases in my storeroom since the occupation. There
hasn't been much call for it the past few years, but that's about to
[SISKO] There are only two Cardassians coming to the station. How much
Kanar do you think they can drink?
[QUARK] There may only be two for now, but there'll be more, thanks to
the peace treaty.
[DAX] And as the thirty fourth Rule of Acquisition states, peace is good
for business.
[QUARK] That's the thirty fifth Rule.
[DAX] Oh, you're right. What's the thirty fourth?
[QUARK] War is good for business. It's easy to get them confused. The
way I see it, it won't be long before there's a permanent Cardassian
presence on the station. Scientists, diplomats, spies.
[ODO] And they'll all be welcome at Quark's.
[QUARK] As long as they can pay. Rumour has it that the shop next door
to mine is going out of business. I'm thinking of renting it and
setting up a few Cardassian gaming concessions.
[ODO] There'll be no live vole fights on the Promenade, Quark.
[QUARK] I would never be party to anything so cruel and inhumane. But,
of course, if some Cardassians happened to bring their voles along and
they happened to get into a fight, I could hardly be held responsible
[ODO] Oh, yes you could.
[SISKO] And you will be.
[QUARK] Fine. Forget the vole fights. But I'll tell you this. Good Kanar
is hard to find and I have three cases of it.
(Dax uncorks a bottle and sniffs it.)
[QUARK] But that's just the beginning. Soon, Quark's will become known
as the best place for Cardassian food and drink in this sector. I'll
probably set up daily shipments from Cardassia. I may even need to buy
my own transport ship.
(Dax tastes the Kanar and pulls a face.)
[DAX] Quark, this Kanar has gone bad.
[QUARK] What?
(Quark tastes it too)
[ODO] I suggest you take your bottles and leave, Quark, before I have
you arrested for attempting to poison our guests.
(Commander's office)
[KIRA] Excuse me, Commander. There's a Vedek Yarka
here to see you. He says it's urgent.
[YARKA] Thank you for seeing me, Emissary.
[SISKO] What can I do for you?
[YARKA] I am here with a warning from the Prophets. They don't want you
to let the Cardassians come aboard the station. If you do, you will
bring destruction on us all.
[SISKO] Are you making some sort of threat, Vedek?
[YARKA] Not at all. I'm simply telling you what was foretold in the
ancient texts.
[KIRA] Ancient texts? You mean a prophecy?
[YARKA] Trakor's third, when he first encountered the Orb of Change.
[KIRA] I'm afraid I don't know it.
[YARKA] Perhaps you should make more time to study the texts, child.
[SISKO] Are you saying that the arrival of the Cardassian scientists was
foretold in a Bajoran prophecy?
[YARKA] Exactly. Trakor's words are clear. When the river wakes, stirred
once more to Janir's side, three vipers will return to their nest in
the sky. The river has awoken, Emissary.
[KIRA] The Qui'al dam was just put back into operation to divert water
to the city.
[YARKA] Just as Trakor prophesied over three thousand years ago. And
even now, the vipers are making their way here.
[SISKO] I take it you think the vipers are a reference to the Cardassian
[YARKA] Yes, and this station is their nest in the sky.
[SISKO] And how exactly is their presence here going to bring
destruction on us all?
[YARKA] Trakor said when the vipers try to peer through the temple
gates, a sword of stars will appear in the heavens, the temple will
burn and the gates will be cast open. You must not let the Cardassians
come here. You must not let them violate the Celestial Temple or they
will destroy it and Bajor will be cut off from the Prophets forever.
[SISKO] Slow down. Now let me get this straight. You're saying that the
vipers, the Cardassians, are going to destroy the wormhole?
[YARKA] Don't you see? This communications relay you hope to create is
part of the prophecy. It will allow the vipers to peer through the
temple gates. The wormhole, as you call it. And if they do, the temple
will be destroyed.
[KIRA] Even if we accept that the Cardassians are the vipers, there are
only two of them coming, not three. Isn't it possible that there are
other mistakes in your interpretation of the prophecy as well?
[YARKA] There will be three vipers. You will see.
[SISKO] Do you understand what this communications relay could mean for
Bajor? If it works, we'll be able to stay in contact with ships in the
Gamma Quadrant.
[KIRA] It'll facilitate exploration, help us monitor Dominion activity,
give us warning in case of an attack.
[YARKA] None of that matters. You must listen to me. I know it is
difficult for you to accept because you are not Bajoran. I have studied
the prophecies all my life. We are on the verge of a great disaster.
[SISKO] Is the Bajoran Assembly aware of this prophecy?
[YARKA] Yes. As is the Kai herself.
[SISKO] Yet they still want us to proceed with the establishment of the
communications relay.
[YARKA] They have chosen to ignore the signs. That is why I came to you,
Emissary. Because I have faith in you. I know that you will do what
must be done.
[SISKO] Vedek, I have the utmost respect for your beliefs, but I have no
intention of calling this project off.
[YARKA] I hope that you will reconsider, Emissary. My followers and I
will remain on the station and pray that you change your mind.
[SISKO] You're free to do that, of course.
(Yarka leaves)
[SISKO] Major, have Odo find out everything he can about Vedek Yarka and
his followers. I don't want them making any trouble while the
Cardassians are here.
[SISKO] I'm Commander Benjamin Sisko and on behalf
of the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet Command, I'd like to
welcome you to Deep Space Nine.
[ULANI] Thank you, Commander. I'm Doctor Ulani Belor.
[GILORA] Gilora Rejal.
(Yes, that is Tracy Scoggins under the latex,
before Babylon 5.)
[ULANI] The Cardassian Government wishes to express its gratitude to the
Federation for agreeing to work together on this project.
[GILORA] It is our hope that it will be the first of many such projects
between our peoples.
[SISKO] That's a hope that I can assure you we share. This is my First
Officer, Major Kira.
[KIRA] And on behalf of the Bajoran Provisional Government, I'd like to
welcome you. It's our belief that this project will mark the beginning
of a new era of peace for Bajor and Cardassia.
[ULANI] Thank you, Major.
[SISKO] Well, now that we've gotten the formalities out of the way, how
was your trip?
[ULANI] Exhausting. We spent most of it rehearsing what we were going to
say when we got here.
[GILORA] We're scientists, not diplomats.
[SISKO] You did very well.
[ULANI] Please feel free to let the Central Command know that. In the
past few days I've been contacted by Guls I haven't even heard of, all
of them wanting to emphasise how important this mission is.
[SISKO] I know what you mean. I've gotten three calls from Starfleet
Command just this morning.
[ULANI] Major Kira, I want to thank you personally for allowing us to
come here.
[KIRA] Me?
[ULANI] You're the ranking Bajoran officer on this station. I'm sure we
wouldn't be here if you had been opposed to working with us.
[KIRA] I'll work with anyone who's interested in peace.
[ULANI] I'm glad we already have so much in common.
[SISKO] Well, why don't I show you to your quarters.
[SISKO] The signalling platform we've designed is
intended to be positioned in the Gamma Quadrant at this point, two
kilometres from the far mouth of the wormhole.
[ULANI] Our transceiver has been configured to fit inside it, and use
its existing power grid.
[GILORA] A similar transceiver will be put in place here on Terok Nor,
on Deep Space Nine.
[DAX] Ulani, I've looked over your design specifications. I'm not clear
on what sort of carrier wave you're planning on using to cut through
the interference on the inside of the wormhole.
[ULANI] We're planning to test various types of soliton pulses. One of
them should maintain the required signal integrity.
[BRIEN] We tried something similar about a year ago without much
[GILORA] Yes. The Bajoran Government made your data available to us. I
believe the problem had to do with a phase variance in your transceiver
[BRIEN] I configured those coils myself. The variance was less than
point zero one percent.
[GILORA] Which as you saw, was unacceptably high. Our new design has
less than half that variance.
[BRIEN] You don't mind if I look at the specs?
[GILORA] If you think it's necessary.
[ULANI] Commander, we'll need to make a few adjustments to the station's
signalling array so that it can accommodate the type of transmissions
we're planning to use.
[SISKO] Chief O'Brien's people can assist you with that. And when you're
ready, we'll take the Defiant to the Gamma Quadrant, deploy the
communications relay, and start running tests.
[ULANI] Excellent. Well, it's been a long day. We'd like to get some
rest so we can start fresh tomorrow.
[SISKO] I'll have someone show you to your quarters.
[GILORA] Thank you, but that won't be necessary.
[ULANI] Thank you.
(Ulani and Gilora leave.)
[SISKO] Now those are about the two friendliest vipers I've ever met.
I'll explain later.
(Ulani enters again.)
[ULANI] Commander, I almost forgot to tell you. Another colleague of
ours, Dejar, will be arriving later today.
[SISKO] I'll arrange quarters.
[ULANI] Thank you.
(Ulani leaves.)
[SISKO] So we need to discuss what we're going to do about. (spots
Kira's expression) What is it, Major?
[KIRA] There are going to be three of them.
[SISKO] Yes.
[KIRA] Three vipers, just like in the prophecy.
(Security office)
[ODO] It turns out that Vedek Yarka is no longer a
Vedek at all. He was stripped of his title two months ago.
[SISKO] Why?
[ODO] Officially, for teachings not in keeping with the Bajoran faith.
But according to my sources, he was defrocked because he led a series
of protests against the Vedek Assembly when they endorsed the peace
treaty with Cardassia.
[SISKO] So Yarka may be using this prophecy as a way to scuttle the
peace treaty.
[ODO] That would seem to be his agenda. And it's probably colouring his
view of the prophecy, just as your agenda colours how you see it.
[SISKO] I don't have an agenda, Odo. I want this project to succeed
because I want the peace treaty to succeed. If I thought for a moment
there was any possibility that this communications relay could cause
damage to the wormhole, I'd put a stop to it right now.
[ODO] That's not the agenda I was referring to, Commander.
[ODO] I was referring to your desire to distance yourself from the title
of Emissary. It's just an observation, of course, but it's always
seemed to me that you've never been comfortable with it.
[SISKO] I can't deny that. Are you suggesting that I'm dismissing this
prophecy too easily because I don't want to be the Emissary?
[ODO] I'm not suggesting anything. But it's been my experience that all
humanoids have an agenda of some sort, and that their agendas can
influence them without their even realising it.
[BASHIR] Morn came by the Infirmary this afternoon.
He had an acute case of food poisoning.
[KIRA] Morn? I didn't think anything could make him sick.
[BASHIR] Well he said he had a bad glass of Kanar at Quark's.
[KIRA] He should ask for a refund.
[BASHIR] Apparently it was on the house.
[YARKA] Major, may I have a word with you?
[BASHIR] I'll see you later.
[KIRA] What can I do for you, Vedek?
[YARKA] Have you been able to convince the Emissary to reconsider his
[KIRA] I haven't tried and I'm not planning to.
[YARKA] But you must. If not, the Celestial Temple will be destroyed.
[KIRA] I'm not convinced that's going to happen.
[YARKA] Don't you believe in the Prophecies?
[KIRA] Yes.
[YARKA] And don't you believe that Commander Sisko is the Emissary?
[KIRA] Vedek, you have to understand my position here. Commander Sisko
is my superior officer. I have to deal with him on that basis first.
[YARKA] So you do believe he's the Emissary. You just don't want him to
know that. I understand. You want him to know that he can count on you
as an officer under his command. You want to keep your work and your
faith separate.
[KIRA] Yes, and for three years now I have.
[YARKA] I'm afraid that's no longer possible. The Prophets have chosen
you to help the Emissary make this decision. A decision that has
profound implications for all of Bajor. You must convince him to make
the Cardassians leave before the Sword of Stars appears.
[KIRA] Vedek, if you're asking me to
[YARKA] It is not I who is asking, it is the Prophets. If you turn your
back on them now, you're abandoning your faith. And without your faith,
Nerys, what do you have left?
[DAX] I prefer the serialist poets from the First
Republic, like Iloja of Prim. He's easily my favourite Cardassian
[ULANI] It is so rare to meet a non-Cardassian who appreciates our
[DAX] I took an interest because I had the chance to meet Iloja.
[GILORA] You knew him?
[DAX] One of my previous hosts, Tobin, met him when he was in exile on
Vulcan. As I recall, he had quite a temper.
[ULANI] Really?
[QUARK] I believe this is the party you're looking for.
[ULANI] Dejar.
[GILORA] May I introduce Jadzia Dax and Miles O'Brien. Our colleague,
[ULANI] We weren't expecting you so soon.
(That's three female Cardassian scientists on the same project.)
[DEJAR] I was able to arrange special transportation.
[GILORA] I'm sure you were.
[QUARK] I took the liberty of preparing a few of our special Cardassian
[ULANI] Tojal in yamok sauce.
[GILORA] (unenthusiastic) Regova eggs.
[QUARK] All fresh, not replicated. Well, enjoy.
[DAX] Is something wrong?
[ULANI] It's just, I don't really care for Cardassian cuisine.
[GILORA] We try to avoid it whenever possible.
[ULANI] Fortunately, those of us in the Science Ministry are provided
with a wide variety of offworld foods.
[DEJAR] Yes, we're actually quite spoiled. Some of us even think of
ourselves as better than the average Cardassian.
(Down in the pit.)
[BRIEN] The main switching relays are in here. I think we should hook
your transceiver to the ODN interface through the
[GILORA] What happened to these couplings?
[BRIEN] What? Oh, I made some modifications.
[GILORA] But these relays don't have nearly as much carrying capacity as
before. They won't be able to handle the signal load from the
[BRIEN] Well, in order to bring the system up to Starfleet code, I had
to take out the couplings to make room for a secondary backup.
[GILORA] Starfleet code requires a second backup?
[BRIEN] In case the first backup fails.
[GILORA] What are the chances that both a primary system and its backup
would fail at the same time?
[BRIEN] It's very unlikely, but in a crunch I wouldn't like to be
caught without a second backup.
[GILORA] Well, what's done is done. I'll try to figure out what we
should do next.
[BRIEN] Well, I think our best bet would be to go
[GILORA] Please, please. Just give me a moment to think.
[BRIEN] Fine. I'll just sit here quietly.
[GILORA] Ah. In that case, could you get me a cup of red leaf tea?
[BRIEN] Why not.
(Kira and Ulani enter.)
[KIRA] We've loaded the communications relay into the Defiant's cargo
[SISKO] Good. How're Chief O'Brien and Gilora coming along?
[KIRA] They've run into some kind of problem, but the Chief says the
transceiver should be online in about four hours.
[SISKO] We won't be ready much before that anyway.
[DAX] We've received clearance from Ops, Commander.
[SISKO] Release docking clamps, and set course a for the wormhole.
(WHOOSH! into the Gamma Quadrant.)
[SISKO] Full scan.
[DAX] No sign of Dominion activity. No other ships in the area.
[SISKO] All right, take us into position. Stand by to deploy the relay
[DAX] Wait a minute.
[SISKO] What is it?
[DAX] Reading a large mass of ice and ionised gas entering sensor range,
bearing two one five mark three. It looks like a rogue comet.
[SISKO] Let's have a look. Put it on screen.
[ULANI] It's beautiful.
[DAX] Its core contains unusually high concentrations of silithium.
That's why its tail is so bright.
[KIRA] The Sword of Stars.
[ULANI] That's a very colourful way to describe a comet, Major.
[KIRA] It's just a figure of speech.
[ULANI] Well, your Sword of Stars is going to pass very near the
wormhole, but not close enough to interfere with our plans.
[DAX] We're in position, Benjamin.
[SISKO] Begin a final systems check on the relay station. I want to
deploy it within the hour. Major, can I have a word with you?
[SISKO] The Sword of Stars?
[KIRA] It certainly looked like that to me.
[SISKO] That's open to debate. But what is not debatable is that this
prophecy has no place on the Bridge of the Defiant, especially in front
of the Cardassians. At the moment they are not even aware of it, and I
want to keep it that way.
[KIRA] You're right. It won't happen again.
[SISKO] I take it, Major, that you believe the prophecy is coming true?
[KIRA] Yes, I do.
[SISKO] So you think I should call this mission off?
[KIRA] Look at what's happened already. The river has returned to Janir,
the three vipers, now the Sword of Stars. Each of them predicted by
Trakor's prophecy. And then there's you, the Emissary. You're here. You
have a decision to make just like in the prophecy.
[SISKO] Do you really believe that I'm the Emissary?
[KIRA] I guess I always have. I never wanted to admit it to myself. It's
hard to work for someone who's a religious icon.
[SISKO] I hope I don't offend your beliefs, but I don't see myself as an
icon, religious or otherwise. I'm a Starfleet Officer, and I have a
mission to accomplish. If I call it off, it has to be for some concrete
reason, something solid, something Starfleet.
[KIRA] All right, how about this? The Prophets, the aliens who live in
the wormhole as you call them, exist outside of linear time. They know
the past, present, and the future.
[SISKO] Agreed.
[KIRA] It seems perfectly reasonable that they could've communicated
knowledge of the future to a Bajoran named Trakor. He wrote down that
knowledge in the form of a prophecy and now, three thousand years
later, we are seeing those events unfold. To me, that reasoning sounds
concrete, solid, I'd even call it Starfleet.
[SISKO] But that all hinges on how you interpret an ancient text that's
been translated and re-translated over the centuries. Words that were
couched in metaphor to begin with. I'm sorry, Major, but where you see
a Sword of Stars, I see a comet. Where you see vipers, I see three
scientists. And where you see the Emissary, I see a Starfleet Officer.
[DAX (OC)] Dax to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[DAX (OC)] We're ready to deploy the relay.
[SISKO] On my way.
[GILORA] All right, now we just have to shunt the
ODN line through the secondary field coils.
[BRIEN] We can't do that.
[GILORA] Why not?
[BRIEN] Because those coils aren't configured to handle ODN output.
[GILORA] Why not? Did you modify them too?
[BRIEN] Actually, I replaced them. They were always shorting out on
us. Frankly I don't see how this station kept running during the
[GILORA] Why didn't you tell me you'd replaced the secondary field
[BRIEN] If you had told me know what you were planning to do, I would
[GILORA] I don't have time to explain everything.
[BRIEN] What, you think I won't be able to understand?
[GILORA] It's been my experience that
[BRIEN] What? That humans aren't good engineers?
[GILORA] No, not humans. Males.
[BRIEN] I beg your pardon?
[GILORA] Men just don't seem to have a head for this sort of thing.
That's why women dominate the sciences.
[BRIEN] Maybe on Cardassia. But on this station, this man is Chief of
Operations, and I know more about these systems anyone, including you.
I think I know what the problem is, so if you want to get that
transceiver online, hand me the laser-torch and give me some room.
(The satellite is hanging in space.)
[SISKO] Are we ready on this end?
[DAX] Almost. I'm just about to activate the relay's transmission array.
[DEJAR] Standing by. I'm receiving the relay's test signal.
[ULANI] Target the signalling array toward the wormhole and initiate a
carrier wave in the delta band frequency.
[DAX] Initiating carrier wave.
[ULANI] If they receive it on the station, they'll send an acknowledging
signal on the same frequency.
[DAX] I'm not receiving anything.
[ULANI] Then we have to assume it didn't work. Let's try the theta band
[DAX] Initiating carrier wave. Something's wrong. I'm picking up a
neutrino surge from the wormhole.
(WHOOSH and a big wind.)
[SISKO] Report.
[DAX] Somehow the carrier wave caused the wormhole to open.
[KIRA] The wormhole's gravity well has increased by a factor of three.
[SISKO] Terminate the carrier wave and maintain our position.
(The beam stops and the wormhole closes. The ship stops shaking.)
[KIRA] Gravimetric fields have returned to normal.
[SISKO] What happened?
[ULANI] I'm not sure. The carrier wave shouldn't have affected the
wormhole at all.
[SISKO] Was there any damage to the relay?
[DEJAR] None. I'm still receiving the test signal.
[DAX] Benjamin, the gravitational surge altered the course of the comet.
It's now heading directly toward the wormhole.
[ULANI] If the comet enters the wormhole, the silithium in its core will
cause a cascade reaction.
[DAX] And collapse the wormhole permanently.
Commander's log, supplemental. With less than five
hours before the comet reaches the wormhole, I've brought the Defiant
back to the station and convened a meeting of the entire science team.
[DAX] Apparently the carrier wave we sent created
some sort of subspace inversion inside the wormhole.
[BRIEN] That's what caused the gravity well to form.
[ULANI] The possibility of subspace inversion was predicted in one of
our computer models.
[BRIEN] That wasn't included in the data you sent us.
[GILORA] The probability of such an occurrence was less than two
percent. Well within safety limitations. So we saw no reason to include
it in the data we sent you.
[SISKO] It would seem that our scientific methodologies differ slightly.
It is our practice to examine all possibilities, no matter how
unlikely, before we proceed with field tests.
[ULANI] We would, of course, prefer to operate that way as well.
However, since the Science Ministry falls under the jurisdiction of the
military, we have to follow certain rules. One of them is not to make
any project look unnecessarily dangerous.
[SISKO] We'll have to keep that in mind when we resume work on the
communications relay.
[DEJAR] That is an extremely unlikely possibility, Commander. The
Science Ministry will undoubtedly wish to assemble a new team before
proceeding further.
[SISKO] That is, of course, an internal Cardassian matter. Chief, Dax
feels that we can't risk using tractor beams to deflect the comet.
[DAX] It would probably into smaller pieces and we'd have a bigger mess
on our hands.
[GILORA] The same thing would happen if you tried to destroy it with a
phaser beam.
[BRIEN] Not necessarily. I could modify the Defiant's phaser array to
generate a beam wide enough to encompass the entire comet.
[ULANI] Vaporising it evenly so it won't break up.
[SISKO] How long would the modifications take?
[BRIEN] Three hours.
[SISKO] Get on it. We'll be cutting this one pretty close.
(Jefferies tube)
[BRIEN] I've accessed the Defiant's primary phaser
relay. I'm going to try shunting it through the warp drive.
[GILORA] Won't that overload the relay?
[BRIEN] Not if we bypass the plasma emitter.
[GILORA] I hadn't thought of that.
(She moves very close to him.)
[BRIEN] The emitter coupling is over there.
[GILORA] What are you doing now?
[BRIEN] I'm decoupling the servos so they don't lock up.
[GILORA] You have very steady hands.
[BRIEN] Well they get the job done, I guess. And right now, the most
important job is bypassing the plasma emitter.
[GILORA] I assure you I'm quite fertile.
(O'Brien bumps his head.)
[GILORA] I could provide you with many healthy children, if that's your
concern, but quite frankly I think you're getting a little ahead of
[BRIEN] Children? What are you talking about? I already have a child,
and a wife.
[GILORA] You're married?
[BRIEN] Yes, happily.
[GILORA] Then why have you been leading me to believe that you wanted
[BRIEN] I haven't. All we've done since we met is argue.
[GILORA] I took your overt irritability toward me as a signal that you
wished to pursue some physical relationship.
[BRIEN] Of course. That's how Cardassians, er, do things.
[GILORA] Oh, my. I'm afraid this is a case of cross-cultural
[BRIEN] I think so. I'm not remotely interested in you. That's not
what I meant. No, you are very attractive, and I'm flattered of course
[GILORA] Please, Mister O'Brien, there's no need to continue. You've
made your feelings clear.
(Gilora starts to crawl away along the tube.)
[BRIEN] Gilora, we have to finish this.
[GILORA] I'm sure you can complete the job on your own.
(Commander's office)
[DAX] Chief O'Brien said the modifications to the
Defiant's phasers will be ready within half an hour.
[SISKO] Half an hour ahead of schedule.
[DAX] The Chief's a born engineer. He always gives himself a comfortable
margin with his repair estimates. Let me guess. You're reading up on
Bajoran prophecies concerning the Emissary.
[SISKO] There are hundreds of them. Most of them are vague, some are
contradictory, but just enough truth in a few of them to make me
[DAX] You mean some of them have come true?
[SISKO] If you interpret them a certain way, yes.
[DAX] And so now you're wondering if Trakor's prophecy is going to come
true as well
[SISKO] I have to admit it's getting harder to ignore.
[DAX] But Benjamin, there's every reason to believe we'll be able to
destroy the comet.
[SISKO] I know, but I'm becoming more and more concerned that if I don't
send the Cardassians home, something else will go wrong.
[DAX] The gates of heaven will burn and be cast open. Let me ask you
something. If you'd never heard Trakor's prophecy, what would you do?
[SISKO] I'd continue working on the communications relay.
[DAX] Then it seems to me you have a choice. You can either make your
own decisions or you can let these prophecies make them for you.
[SISKO] As soon as the Defiant is ready, have the Cardassians meet us on
[DAX] Yes, sir.
[DAX] The comet is directly ahead. Distance, two
hundred kilometres.
[SISKO] Bring us to within ten kilometres. Chief, are your phaser
modifications online?
[BRIEN] Aye, sir. Phasers are locked on target.
[DAX] Holding position at ten kilometres.
[SISKO] Shields up. Go to Red Alert. Fire.
(Bang on the Bridge!)
[SISKO] Chief, what the hell happened?
[BRIEN] I don't know, sir. The entire weapons relay just blew. All
defensive systems are down.
[DAX] Benjamin, sensors show that the modified phasers never came
online. We fired a standard burst and it shattered the comet instead of
vapourising it.
[BRIEN] There's no way they should have misfired like that. I modified
the systems myself.
[KIRA] Commander, the three fragments are still on course for the
[SISKO] How long until they reach the entrance?
[KIRA] Twenty six minutes.
[SISKO] Without weapons we have no way of stopping them.
(After the break, everyone is watching O'Brien working.)
[BRIEN] The main emitter coupling has been depolarised. I must have
accidentally inverted the power flow when I tried to modify the phaser
array. I can't believe it. A first year Engineering student wouldn't
make a mistake like that.
[GILORA] This wasn't your fault, Mister O'Brien. And it wasn't an
[ULANI] Gilora.
[GILORA] Dejar is a member of the Obsidian Order. She was assigned to
our team for security reasons. I believe she sabotaged this coupling.
[SISKO] The Order has always been opposed to the peace treaty with
Bajor. They sent you here to sabotage the relay because if the first
joint venture between Cardassia and Bajor was a failure, it would
probably be the last.
[DEJAR] This is all speculation, Commander. You have no proof.
[KIRA] If it was sabotage, a DNA scan on the coupling will probably
reveal who was responsible.
[SISKO] Take her to quarters and detain her there.
(Security remove Dejar.)
[SISKO] Now that the comet's been fractured into smaller pieces, can we
use the tractor beams to deflect them?
[ULANI] They'd just disintegrate further, releasing more silithium.
[SISKO] If we can't stop the fragments, is there any way that we can
prevent the silithium from interacting with the wormhole?
[DAX] Maybe if we could contain it, somehow.
[ULANI] If you can generate a subspace field around the fragments, that
might contain the silithium.
[BRIEN] The warp drive. It could create a subspace bubble around the
[DAX] But we'd have to maneuver the Defiant between the fragments.
They're too close together. There's not enough room.
[SISKO] A shuttlepod could manoeuvre between them and its warp drive
should be able to create a large enough subspace field.
[BRIEN] Maybe, but it could overload the engines.
[SISKO] That's the chance I'll have to take. Major, you have the Bridge.
I want you to take the Defiant back into the Alpha Quadrant as soon as
I've cleared the shuttlebay.
[KIRA] Commander, I want to go with you. Not just because I'm your first
officer, but because I believe I'm here to help the Emissary.
[SISKO] Dax, the Bridge is yours.
[SISKO] We've cleared the shuttlebay. Signal the
Defiant that they can leave.
[KIRA] They're heading for the wormhole.
[SISKO] I'm going to take us in behind the comet fragments. It'll be
easier to manoeuvre into position.
(WHOOSH! In the Alpha Quadrant.)
[DAX] Hold position here. They could be in for a rough ride. Stand by
transporters in case we need to beam them off the shuttlepod when they
clear the wormhole.
[SISKO] We're in position. Activate the subspace
[KIRA] Field engaged.
[SISKO] We'll reach the entrance to the wormhole in five seconds.
(WHOOSH! and in they go.)
[KIRA] The subspace field is losing integrity. Some of the silithium is
starting to leak through/
[SISKO] Divert power from the engines to the subspace field coils. We'll
let our own inertia carry us the rest of the way.
[KIRA] That helped. We're still losing silithium.
[BRIEN] I'm picking up a neutrino surge.
Something's coming through.
(WHOOSH! Three comet pieces and a shuttlepod.)
[DAX (OC)] Dax to Sisko.
[SISKO] Sisko here.
[DAX (OC)] Are you all right, Benjamin?
[SISKO] There was some silithium leakage inside the wormhole, but we're
[BRIEN] I don't believe it.
[DAX] What is it, Chief?
[BRIEN] I'm picking up the test signal from the communications relay.
[SISKO (OC)] How is that possible?
[DAX] I'm not sure. We're reading a subspace filament leading back
through the wormhole. It's acting like some kind of a carrier wave.
[BRIEN] The comet fragments. They must left a silithium trail in the
[SISKO] It's almost like the wormhole was wedged
open just a crack. Just enough to let subspace signals through.
[KIRA] The prophecy came true. All of it. We just misinterpreted
Trakor's words. The three vipers. He wasn't talking about the
Cardassians. He meant the three comet fragments.
[SISKO] The communications relay. In a sense we've been trying to peer
through the temple gates.
[KIRA] The silithium ignited the wormhole, burning the temple gates.
[SISKO] So that they never close again.
[KIRA] And it's all because the Emissary used the Sword of Stars.
[SISKO] And Trakor saw it all three thousand years ago.
[BRIEN] I just wanted to say that I appreciate
what you did on the Defiant. I hope it won't cause you too much trouble
when you get back to Cardassia.
[GILORA] My superiors in the Science Ministry will protect me. Frankly,
I think Dejar is in much more trouble than I am. The Order doesn't
reward failure.
[BRIEN] Still, it was a very brave thing to do.
[GILORA] I didn't want you to take the blame for something that wasn't
your fault. I know how proud you are of your work.
[BRIEN] Too proud, sometimes. It's gotten me into trouble now and
[GILORA] What's your wife's name?
[BRIEN] Keiko.
[GILORA] A lucky woman.
(She gives him a peck on the cheek and goes into the airlock.)
[YARKA] Emissary, I'm sorry I doubted you. I realise now I let my
distrust of the Cardassians blind me to the Prophets' words.
[SISKO] It seems that the Prophets want peace between your two peoples
after all.
[YARKA] Perhaps so. There are signs that Trakor's fourth prophecy will
soon come to pass as well.
[SISKO] Don't tell me that has something to do with me?
[YARKA] You, Commander? Well, it is a prophecy about the Emissary.
[SISKO] Tell me about it.
[YARKA] The fourth prophecy says that the Emissary will face a fiery
trial and he'll be forced to choose | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e59", "title": "Destiny"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Prophet Motive
Original Airdate: 20 Feb, 1995
(Quark is getting oo-mox from an alien lady.)
[EMI] Am I doing it right?
[QUARK] You don't have to be quite so gentle.
[EMI] Tell me again.
[QUARK] Tell you about what?
[EMI] About the stem bolts.
[QUARK] I have one hundred gross of self-sealing stem bolts sitting in
Cargo bay eleven.
[EMI] And they're all mine?
[QUARK] For only ten bars of gold-pressed latinum.
[EMI] Quark, you don't know how much this means to me.
[QUARK] You don't know how much this means to me.
[EMI] With those stem bolts, my family will be able to triple production
of our reverse-ratcheting routing planers.
[QUARK] Glad to be of help.
[EMI] Quark, I can't wait any longer. Why don't you and I go down to
Cargo bay eleven and sign the contract?
[QUARK] No need to rush. Your family's ship won't be here for a week.
We'll have plenty of time to finalise the deal before then.
[EMI] That's an unusual attitude for a Ferengi.
[QUARK] I'm a very unusual Ferengi.
[QUARK] That must be the Saurian brandy I ordered. Enter.
(Rom enters)
[QUARK] Rom? Where's my brandy?
[ROM] Forget the brandy, brother. You must leave here immediately. And
that goes for the female as well.
[EMI] Is something wrong?
[QUARK] There's nothing wrong. Have you lost your mind? She's willing,
she's wealthy, and she's wants to buy our stem bolts.
[ROM] It's going to have to wait. Something important has come up.
[QUARK] Right now, nothing is more important than this.
(Enter a staff with a gold Ferengi head on it)
[QUARK] Grand Nagus Zek.
[ROM] As big as life.
(Maihar'du points at Emi and gestures.)
[QUARK] (to Emi) Go. Go!
(Emi leaves and the cloaked Zek enters)
[QUARK] What does Zek want with me?
[ROM] Looks like he's moving in with you, brother.
[SISKO (OC)] Sisko to Bashir.
[BASHIR] This is Bashir.
[SISKO (OC)] Doctor, please report to the wardroom immediately.
[BASHIR] On my way.
(Bashir enters to cheers and applause.)
[BASHIR] What's this?
[DAX] Champagne.
[SISKO] Congratulations, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Well thank you. Now will someone please tell me what's going
[SISKO] The Federation Medical Council has announced the nominees for
this year's Carrington Award. And the nominees are, Doctor April Wade
of the University of Nairobi, Healer Senva of the Vulcan Medical
Institute, Doctor Henri Roget of the Central Hospital of Altair Four,
Chirurgeon Ghee P'Trell of Andoria, and Doctor Julian Bashir, Chief
Medical Officer of Starbase Deep Space Nine. Good luck.
[BASHIR] There must be some mistake. As far as I know, my name wasn't
even up for consideration.
[DAX] Oh, it was up for consideration. I submitted it myself through an
old friend of Curzon's.
[KIRA] You deserve the nomination, Doctor. Your work on biomolecular
replication was both audacious and groundbreaking. According to Dax,
anyway. She's the only one who understands it.
[BRIEN] So, how does it feel to be the youngest nominee in the history
of the Carrington award?
[BASHIR] It feels good. Excuse me, I've got to finish some work.
[BASHIR] What exactly is it you want me to say?
[DAX] I want you to say that you are thrilled beyond belief to be
nominated for the Federation's most prestigious medical award.
[BASHIR] Believe me, I'm honoured to have been nominated.
(Promenade - upper level)
[DAX] Well you're not acting like it.
[BASHIR] It's just that I don't want everyone to make a big deal out of
[DAX] It is a big deal. We're all proud of you.
[BASHIR] I'm glad, but before you agonise over the next few days over
the board's decision, I want to assure you that I'm not going to win.
[DAX] You don't know that. The work you've been doing deserves to be
[BASHIR] This isn't about my work. Do you know what the life expectancy
of a Carrington Award winner is? Five years. Ten at the very best. And
do you know why? Because the Carrington Award is intended to be the
crowning achievement for a lifetime in medicine. April Wade is a
hundred and six. The last time she was nominated, three years ago,
people said it was premature.
[DAX] You're exaggerating.
[BASHIR] Maybe, a little. But the undeniable truth is I am way too young
to be a serious contender for the Carrington. Now, put my name up for
nomination in seventy years, and I promise you I will get very excited.
But until then, I don't plan on giving it much thought.
[DAX] That's a very mature attitude.
[BASHIR] You sound surprised.
[DAX] I'm actually astonished, but impressed.
[BASHIR] So then we don't have to dwell on it for the next three days.
[DAX] I won't mention it again.
[BASHIR] I appreciate that, Jadzia.
[DAX] So who do you think is going to win? Wade or P'Trell?
(Rom's quarters)
(Rom lives in a mess, and Quark is having to share)
[QUARK] A cup of millipede juice, hold the shells.
(The drink arrives)
[QUARK] Rom! Rom! Rom!
(Rom comes out of the bathroom, using an electric toothbrush device but
for his ear.)
[ROM] Did you call me, brother?
[QUARK] Would it be too much trouble for you to put these empty bottles
in the replicator?
[ROM] Keeping my quarters clean is Nog's job.
[QUARK] Except Nog is on the Homeworld visiting his grandmother.
[ROM] Then cleaning will just have to wait until he gets back.
[QUARK] No it won't. Until the Nagus gives me back my own quarters this
is my home too, and I've had enough of this mess. Clean it up. Now.
[ROM] I won't.
[QUARK] Yes, you will. It's bad enough I've to put up with your constant
teeth grinding every night, and your incessant ear-picking. But I will
not tolerate living like some Pakled refuse merchant for another. Wait
a minute. This is a bottle of Aldeberan whiskey.
[ROM] Let me, brother.
[QUARK] I recognise this label. This is from my private stock.
[ROM] No, it's not.
[QUARK] It most certainly is. Wait a minute. What's that over there?
[ROM] Trixian bubble juice?
[QUARK] Nog's favourite. This came from my stockroom, didn't it?
[ROM] Are you accusing my son of being a thief?
[QUARK] No, I'm accusing you of being a thief. These table linens, this
chair, that table, everything in here comes from my bar.
[ROM] Not everything.
[QUARK] As soon as you're done cleaning up, I'm going to conduct a
complete inventory and find out exactly what you've stolen from me. Now
get to work.
[ROM] No. I refuse. I work for you all day, brother, but here I'm the
boss. You want this place cleaned up, do it yourself.
[QUARK] What I want is my own quarters back.
[ROM] That makes two of us. Living with you was bad enough when we were
[QUARK] What do I do?
[ROM] You think.
[QUARK] What do you mean, I think?
[ROM] You stay up late every night, plotting and scheming. And when you
think, you mumble. And if there's anything I can't stand, it's
listening to you mumble.
[QUARK] That does it. I've been accommodating long enough. If the Nagus
wants to stay on the station, he's going to have to find someplace else
to live.
(Quark storms three steps across to the door
[ROM] Are you sure this is a good idea? No one's seen the Nagus since he
got here. He must be working on something important. If you disturb
him, he might get very angry.
[QUARK] I'm not going to disturb him. You are.
[ROM] Me? Why not you?
[QUARK] Zek likes me, so I can't afford to get on his bad side. On the
other hand, he barely acknowledges your existence, so you have nothing
to lose. Now get in there and tell the Nagus he'll have to leave. And
whatever happens, don't let Maihar'du intimidate you.
[ROM] Where are you going?
[QUARK] Don't worry. If you need me, I'll be close by.
[ZEK] Rom! What can I do for you, my boy?
[ROM] Grand Nagus, forgive me for disturbing you.
[ZEK] Who's disturbed? I've been hoping someone would drop by. Now come
right in.
[QUARK] Why thank you. We'd be delighted.
[ZEK] Quark. I knew you'd be lurking around here someplace. Well, what
are we standing out here for? I've got something very exciting to show
you both.
(Quark's quarters)
(The place is bare)
[QUARK] What happened to my furniture?
[ZEK] I got rid of it. It was getting in the way of my work.
[QUARK] And what work was that, Grand Nagus? If I my be so bold?
[ZEK] I'm glad you asked. Maihar'du, the book.
(Maihar'du is sitting in a corner, looking rather worried.)
[ZEK] You are about to read the shining triumph of my life. The one
thing I'll always be remembered for.
[QUARK] May I?
[ZEK] By all means.
[QUARK] (reading) The Rules of Acquisition, Revised for the Modern
Ferengi. You rewrote the Rules of Acquisition?
[ZEK] I hope you like them. Absorb, enjoy.
(Zek goes into the bedroom)
[QUARK] Rom, you know what this means?
[ROM] Yes. It means we're going to have to memorise a whole new set of
[QUARK] No, you idiot. It means we'll be the first Ferengi to benefit
from Zek's wisdom. The knowledge contained in this book could make us
both rich beyond our wildest dreams.
[ROM] I'll be able to go into business for myself. Turn the page,
brother. Turn the page.
[QUARK] The first Rule of Acquisition is
[ROM] Go on.
[QUARK] If they want their money back
[ROM] Yes, yes?
[QUARK] Give it to them.
[ROM] If they want their money back give it to them?
(In the corner, Maihar'du cries.)
[ROM] Rule number twenty one. Never place profit before friendship. Rule
number twenty tour. Latinum tarnishes, but family is forever. Rule
twenty three. Money can never replace dignity.
[QUARK] Oh, skip to the end. Well, what is it?
[ROM] You're not going to like it, Brother.
[QUARK] I can take it. Tell me.
[ROM] Rule number two hundred and eighty five. A good deed is its own
(Quark starts to swoon.)
[ROM] Brother, are you all right?
[QUARK] I just have to sit down.
(Rom fans him with the book.)
[QUARK] No, take it away.
[ROM] Sorry.
[QUARK] Got to think. Got to think. There has to be some explanation, a
reason for why he's doing this.
[ROM] Maybe we should ask him.
[QUARK] No. Don't you see? He's testing us. Yes, that must be it. It's
some kind of test. The book, the book.
[ROM] You want to hear more?
[QUARK] No, but it must be some kind of code. Read me the first word of
every Rule.
[ROM] If. Never. Keep. Profit. A. Good. Smile. Honesty.
[QUARK] If never keep profit a good smile honesty.
[ROM] What does it mean, brother?
[QUARK] It means absolutely nothing. Maybe if we hold the pages up to
the light. No, no.
(Quark taps the cover, sniffs it, tastes the edges of the pages.)
[QUARK] No, that's not it. The answer must be right in front of us.
[ROM] I know. Maybe the Nagus has gone insane.
[QUARK] Nonsense. The Nagus is the most brilliant Ferengi alive. I've
modelled my life after him. Don't ever let me hear you speak that way
about him again.
[ROM] But what if he really believes all this?
[QUARK] How could he believe this insanity? No. It has to be part of
some brilliant, twisted, devious plan. The Nagus isn't like you and me,
Rom. He thinks ten, sometimes twenty, steps ahead. These Rules are
probably the key component in some vast plot to seize financial control
of the entire quadrant.
[ROM] So what do we do?
[QUARK] The only thing we can do. We put down this book and we walk
away. And when the Nagus feels ready, he'll inform us of his plans. But
until then, we have to act as if we know nothing.
[ROM] I can do that.
(Enter Zek and Maihar'du while Rom and Quark are
not watching.)
[QUARK] If never keep profit a good smile honesty. Nah.
[ZEK] Quark, my boy. What say we buy everyone a drink? Put it on my tab.
[QUARK] But why?
[ZEK] It will make everyone happy. And that will make me happy.
[ROM] It must all be part of his plan. Wheels within wheels, brother.
[QUARK] Drinks for everyone, compliments of the Grand Nagus. Is there
anything else I get you, Nagus? We just got in a shipment of quality
Hupyrian beetle snuff.
[ZEK] Actually, I've lost my taste for beetle snuff. It might be fun for
you and me, but it's no fun for the beetles. Oh, and by the way, Quark,
I just met the most lovely young female. She came by your quarters
looking for you.
[QUARK] Was her name Emi, by any chance?
[ZEK] She wanted me to tell you that her family's ship has arrived with
the latinum.
[QUARK] It's about time. Rom, watch the bar. We're finally going to get
rid of those stem bolts.
[ZEK] I don't think so.
[QUARK] But we have a contract.
[ZEK] Which was never signed. And frankly, Quark, you were charging an
outrageous price for those stem bolts.
[QUARK] She didn't seem to think so.
[ZEK] Well, she did once I explained it to her.
[QUARK] You what?
[ZEK] Well, I couldn't allow you take advantage of an innocent young
female like that, Quark. So I told her where she could get all the stem
bolts she needed at wholesale.
[QUARK] Wholesale? He told her where to get them at wholesale. What am I
going to do with a hundred gross of stem bolts?
(Quark wanders off)
[ROM] My poor brother.
[ZEK] Oh, don't worry about him. Eventually, he'll sell those stem bolts
at a fair price.
[ROM] A fair price? I'm very confused.
[ZEK] That's understandable. It'll take some time to get used to the new
[ROM] New ways?
[ZEK] Walk with me, Rom.
(Maihar'du pours alcohol into a pint jug.)
(Cargo bay)
(There's a dart board with flashing lights on the
wall and someone's just thrown 13, 19, 14)
[BRIEN] Your turn.
[BASHIR] I don't know about this.
[BRIEN] Would you rather play a game of racquetball?
[BASHIR] Chief, since Keiko's been on Bajor we've played one hundred and
six games of racquetball.
[BRIEN] Right. So throw a dart.
(Bashir misses the 6)
[BASHIR] I'm a bit rusty.
[BRIEN] So am I. I guess the smart money's on Wade or P'Trell.
(The dart bounces off.)
[BASHIR] That seems to be the general consensus.
[BRIEN] I mean, Doctor Wade is very popular but P'Trell is doing some
amazing work in gerontological research. Which one do you think will
[BASHIR] Either of them would be a worthy recipient of the Carrington.
[BRIEN] Of course, if I had my druthers, the award'd go to you.
[BASHIR] Thank you.
[BRIEN] But let's face it. You don't stand a chance.
[BASHIR] You don't say.
[BRIEN] I mean, I know you're talented, but I bet there're doctors all
over the Federation saying, Julian Bashir? Who the hell is he?
(And Bashir's dart bounces off again.)
[BASHIR] Chief, you are absolutely right.
[BRIEN] I'm glad you agree.
[BASHIR] So, how much longer is Keiko going to be on Bajor?
(O'Brien misses this time.)
(Quark's quarters)
(Now it's a hi-tech office and the waiters are
scurrying around with PADDs.)
[ROM] Make sure the relief shipment is sent by high warp courier, and
don't worry about the cost.
[QUARK] Rom, what's all this?
[ROM] You're looking at the sector headquarters for the Ferengi
Benevolent Association.
(Rom's quarters)
[ROM] Brother, I don't have time to talk to you. I
have work to do. I'm the new Senior Administrator of the Ferengi
Benevolent Association. You know, brother, I never realised how many
people there are who could use a little help.
[QUARK] If you don't get down to the bar right now, you're the one going
to need a little help.
[ROM] The Nagus said you'd react like this.
[QUARK] The Nagus is a very smart man.
[ROM] Oh, he's more than that, he's a visionary. He has plans, brother,
and I'm going to be a part of them.
[QUARK] What could the Nagus possibly want with you?
[ROM] He says I'm malleable. And that he's going to mold me into a new
kind of Ferengi. An evolved Ferengi.
[QUARK] Evolved? Into what?
[ROM] I'm not sure, exactly. The Nagus says that the answers lie in his
new Rules of Acquisition. He told me, Rom, it's time for the Ferengi to
move beyond greed.
[QUARK] Beyond greed? There's nothing beyond greed. Greed is the purest,
most noble of emotions.
[ROM] Greed is dead. That's the tenth Rule of Acquisition.
[QUARK] No, it's not. The tenth Rule of Acquisition is, Greed is
[ROM] Not anymore. The Nagus is going to shake the very foundation of
Ferengi society, and we're going to be at his side every step of the
[QUARK] What do you mean, we?
[ROM] The Nagus has made you co-chairman of the Benevolent Association.
Your name will figure prominently on all our correspondence.
[QUARK] He never mentioned anything about that to me.
[ROM] The Nagus wouldn't dream of excluding you, brother. As soon as we
get the Benevolent Association established here, the Nagus plans on
returning to the homeworld, and we'll go with him. Think of it. You and
I will be there when Zek personally announces the New Rules of
Acquisition on the Grand Steps of the Sacred Marketplace.
[QUARK] We'll be there, all right. And we'll probably be right alongside
of him when they throw him from the spire of the Tower of Commerce.
[ROM] The Tower of Commerce? But that's the tallest building in the
Ferengi Alliance. A fall from that height could, could, could
[QUARK] Exactly. Don't you see, Rom. There's something terribly wrong
with the Nagus, and we have to help him before he gets us all killed.
(Bashir is checking Zek's ear.)
[ZEK] That tickles.
[BASHIR] Well, I must say, for a Ferengi your age, you're in excellent
health. That is, aside from some vascular damage to your mucus
membranes. You really should stop using beetle snuff.
[ZEK] As a matter of fact, I already have.
[BASHIR] I am glad to hear it.
[QUARK] Does this mean you'll going to have to go in for some
exploratory surgery?
[BASHIR] Why would I do that?
[QUARK] To find out what's wrong with him.
[BASHIR] There's nothing wrong with him, Quark.
[QUARK] That's not true. There's something deeply wrong with him, and
you have to find out what it is.
[BASHIR] I've done every test I can think of. There's no trauma, brain
damage, mental illness. His central nervous system's working within
normal parameters, and his endocrine system's in terrific shape.
[ZEK] You see, I told you. They're like a couple of nervous investors
always looking for trouble. Oh, well, I suppose I should be flattered.
Thank you, Doctor. You've been very helpful.
[QUARK] No. He's sick, I tell you. You have to perform more tests.
[BASHIR] Quark, if you don't get out of here, I'll perform some tests on
[QUARK] You have to do something.
[BASHIR] Like what?
[QUARK] Put him in stasis. Keep him from hurting himself until you can
figure out what is wrong with him.
[BASHIR] I don't think that's necessary.
[QUARK] I can't believe you're supposed to be one of the five best
doctors in the Federation. If you ask me, you're a quack. No wonder
everyone says you don't have a chance to win the Carrington. Let's go.
Maybe we can make an appointment for you to see Doctor Wade.
[BASHIR] Good luck. If I remember correctly, Nairobi is beautiful this
time of year.
(Zek offers Bashir a piece of latinum.)
[ZEK] Here, Doctor. For your trouble.
[BASHIR] I can't accept that.
[ZEK] Why not? It's only money. Donate it to charity if you'd like.
[QUARK] And you say he's not sick.
[ZEK] Oh, and Doctor, I do hope you'll attend tomorrow night's ceremony.
[BASHIR] Ceremony?
[ZEK] At the Bajoran shrine on the Promenade. I intend to give a gift to
the Bajoran people.
[QUARK] A gift. What kind of gift?
[ZEK] It's a surprise. You'll find out tomorrow night like everyone
else. Come along. We have a lot of work to do before then. So many
needy people, so little time.
[QUARK] Aren't you done yet?
[ROM] Breaking into the Nagus's personal shuttle somehow seems wrong,
[QUARK] I don't care. I have to know what he intends to give the
[ROM] But the Nagus wants it to be a surprise.
[QUARK] I hate surprises. Now hurry it up, before some
(Footsteps approach.)
[QUARK] Maihar'du. As you can see, my brother and I were repairing the
door locks on the Nagus's
(Maihar'du unlocks the shuttle and beckons them in.)
(The Nagus' shuttle)
[QUARK] This is the gift?
[ROM] What is it?
[QUARK] It's one of the missing Bajoran Orbs, Rom. An Orb of the
Prophets. I tell you, this Orb explains everything. Zek's behaviour,
the new Rules, the Ferengi Benevolent Association, everything.
[ROM] It does? How?
[QUARK] I'm not sure, but I'm going to find out. Don't just stand there.
Talk to me. I know how you feel. What are you doing?
[ROM] I thought we should look inside. I mean, we don't know for certain
that there's an Orb in here. Maybe Zek's just giving them the box.
[QUARK] Don't be ridiculous.
[ROM] But how will we know unless we look?
[QUARK] Rom, it's too dangerous. Leave it alone.
[ROM] But brother
[QUARK] I said, leave it alone.
(The two struggle for it and the box opens.)
(Entering the vision, Quark is sitting on his
spinning dabo wheel.)
[QUARK] Rom? Maihar'du? Morn? Anybody?
[ZEK] What's the matter, Quark? Spinning out of control, are we?
[QUARK] Grand Nagus?
[ZEK] Maybe. Maybe not.
(Quark's upstairs at a cafe table with the box in front of him. He
opens it to reveal Zek's head.)
[ZEK] Looking for answers? You couldn't find them if they were dangling
from your lobes.
(He's on the ground floor looking up at Zek.)
[ZEK] Where's that old Quark cleverness I've heard so much about? Or are
you so paralysed with fear that you can't think straight?
(Zek changes position to the second floor.)
[ZEK] Answer me, Quark. What are you so nervous about? Don't you think
change is worth dying for? All I want is a little leap of faith.
(Zek jumps over the railing, and Quark catches the orb box.)
[ZEK] Nice catch. That's the wonderful thing about mysteries. Sometimes
the answers just fall from the sky. What do you have to lose? Open it.
(It's the Rules of Acquisition. His regular customers including Morn
all applaud.)
[ZEK] Consider it a gift.
[QUARK] Yes. Yes!
(The Nagus' shuttle)
(Rom shuts the box and the vision is finished.)
[ROM] Are you all right?
[QUARK] A gift.
[ROM] A gift?
[QUARK] Zek said the new rules were a gift.
[ROM] A gift from Zek to the Ferengi people.
[QUARK] No. A gift to Zek from them. Don't you see? They did it. They
put the idea for the New Rules in Zek's head. They changed him somehow.
[ROM] They did? How dare they? Who are we talking about, brother?
[QUARK] The Prophets. The aliens that live inside the wormhole. They did
this to him, didn't they?
(Maihar'du nods.)
[QUARK] Tell me everything.
[ROM] Easy, brother. You know Hupyrian servants take a vow only to speak
to their masters.
[QUARK] You're right. Give him a handkerchief or something. I'm going to
try to break into Zek's personal logs.
[QUARK] According to Zek's logs, he obtained the Orb
from one of his contacts on Cardassia Three. From there, he headed
straight for the wormhole. His ship's log shows that he entered the
wormhole, stayed inside for only a few minutes, then reversed course
and came here.
[ROM] You think he went in there to talk to the Prophets?
[QUARK] In his personal logs, Zek said that the future was looking very
bright indeed. Don't you get it? According to Dax, the wormhole aliens
can see through time. The Nagus must've thought he could convince them
to let him see the future. That way he could anticipate economic
changes throughout the galaxy.
[ROM] The opportunity for profit would have been enormous. But instead
he created the New Rules of Acquisition. Why?
[QUARK] Something must've gone terribly wrong. But I intend to set it
[ROM] How, brother?
[QUARK] I have an idea.
[ROM] Does it involve me?
[QUARK] Not really.
[ROM] I like it.
[ODO] May I join you, Doctor?
[BASHIR] By all means. And what can I do for you?
[ODO] It's what I can do for you. I have a friend at Starfleet
Intelligence and she has a friend who has a cousin who's married to the
assistant of one of the members of the Federation Medical Council.
[BASHIR] Really?
[ODO] And according to my friend, her friend heard something from his
cousin that his wife heard from the council member that I thought you
might find interesting.
[BASHIR] Which is?
[ODO] Doctor Wade is not going to win the Carrington.
[BASHIR] Oh, not you too.
[ODO] Doctor, I thought you'd be delighted.
[BASHIR] Even if that's true, and mind you, I'm not saying it is, the
only one who has reason to celebrate is Ghee P'Trell.
[ODO] Perhaps. But P'Trell is by no means as popular as Doctor Wade.
[BASHIR] According to your friend.
[ODO] Actually, according to my friend's friend's
[BASHIR] I get the picture.
[ODO] The point is, if it's not going to be Wade, it could be anyone.
P'Trell, Senva, Roget, even you.
[BASHIR] I didn't think I was going to win before. And I don't think I'm
going to win now.
[ODO] Is that a fact? Then why have you been working on your acceptance
[BASHIR] How did you know?
[ODO] Just a guess.
(Quark's quarters)
(Zek is talking to someone on a monitor.)
[ZEK] My goodness, I never knew solar flares could be so devastating to
a planet's agriculture. Now let me see. At current market rates two
thousand tons of Kohlanese barley would cost me a hundred and eighty
nine bars of gold press latinum but it's worth it. I can have the first
shipment of barley on the way to you in (looks up) Oh, hold on. I'll be
right back.
(Ends transmission.)
[ZEK] How can I help you, boys?
(Maihar'du puts a sack over Zek's head)
(Zek is humming to himself in the sack over
Maihar'du's shoulder.)
[QUARK] Wait. I have to be sure that he's all right. Grand Nagus, can
you hear me? Are you okay?
[ZEK] Don't worry, Quark. I forgive you.
[QUARK] You hear that? We have to help him.
(The Nagus' shuttle)
[ROM] Brother, this is a very brave thing you're
doing, taking the Nagus back to the wormhole. I wish I could come with
you but I can't. Goodbye.
(Rom leaves quickly)
[QUARK] Go on. Get out of here before you have me crying too. Get out of
(Maihar'du leaves and Zek is still humming happily in his sack.)
[QUARK] Don't worry. Everything's going to be okay.
(WHOOSH. Inside the wormhole, Quark lets Zek out of the sack. The
shuttle is shaking.)
[ZEK] You know, my boy, I should be very angry with you.
[QUARK] Are you?
[ZEK] Not in the slightest. I can't help myself. I like you. Now, where
have you taken me?
[QUARK] Into the wormhole. What's going on?
[ZEK] This is exactly what happened the last time I was in here. The
wormhole aliens are delightful people, but they like their privacy.
[QUARK] So you did meet them. How did you make contact?
[ZEK] Well, I see you've brought the Orb of Wisdom with you. That should
do the trick. Now, if you really want to get their attention, open the
box. That's what I did.
[QUARK] Sounds simple enough.
[ZEK] You'd better hurry. I got the dampening field on this ship for a
substantial discount.
(Sisko holding out the Nagus's staff.)
(Kira giving Quark a PADD.)
(Emi stroking Quark's ears in his quarters)
(Dax and Quark playing tongo in Quark's)
[QUARK] Hello?
(Rom and Quark studying the new Rules of Acquisition in Quark's barren
(Bashir and the Quark in the Infirmary)
(Maihar'du carrying the Nagus in a sack)
[QUARK] Hello? Anyone there?
[BASHIR] (in the Infirmary) It is corporeal.
[QUARK] Doctor? What are you doing in here?
[DAX] (in Quark's) A physical entity
[KIRA] (Promenade) Not another one.
[QUARK] I get it. You're the wormhole aliens. Or would you rather be
called the Prophets? I never could figure that one out.
[ROM] (quarters) Did the Sisko send you?
[QUARK] What? Sisko? What does he have to do with anything?
[SISKO] (office) The Sisko taught us about corporeal lifeforms.
[KIRA] (Promenade) About linguistic communication.
[BASHIR] (Infirmary) And linear time.
[QUARK] I know all about it. He's quite a guy. But I'm not here to talk
about Sisko.
[DU] (corridor) Then why are you here?
[QUARK] I'm here to talk about the Nagus.
[EMI] (quarters) The Nagus?
[QUARK] The other Ferengi who visited you. The one who brought the Orb.
[EMI] We are aware of the Zek.
[QUARK] He came to see you, to ask for help. He wanted to learn about
the future.
[SISKO] (office) The Zek wanted to know the outcome of the game before
it was played.
[QUARK] That's right. So what went wrong?
[ROM] (quarters) At first we did not understand the Zek's request. The
Sisko said that corporeal beings value their linear existence.
[DAX] (Quark's) The Zek wanted to understand events outside the
restrictions of linear time.
[QUARK] He wanted to see the future so he could gain by it.
[BASHIR] (Infirmary) Yes. The Zek explained the value of gain. How more
is preferable to less.
[QUARK] He taught you about profit.
[KIRA] (Promenade) We found the concept aggressive.
[SISKO] (office) Adversarial.
[EMI] (quarters) Dangerous. We could not comprehend how any species
could lead such a barren existence.
[QUARK] It has its advantages.
[DU] (corridor) We don't agree. We found the Zek's adversarial
nature invasive, threatening.
[SISKO] (office) We examined your species' history, the totality of your
existence. We discovered that you have not always been as you are now.
[QUARK] We haven't?
[KIRA] (Promenade) There was a time when your peoples' acquiring nature
was not so pronounced.
[QUARK] Wait a second. Are you telling me that you somehow de-evolved
the Nagus?
[BASHIR] We restored the Zek to an earlier, less adversarial state of
[QUARK] You can't do that. The Nagus is the financial leader of billions
of Ferengi. I demand that you re-evolve him immediately.
[DAX] (Quark's) This one is adversarial too.
[BASHIR] Aggressive. Intrusive.
[SISKO] We should do to this one what we did with the other. Restore it
to a purer existence.
[ROM] Counteract its adversarial nature.
[QUARK] Wait. Let's not be hasty. There's nothing wrong with acquiring
[DU] That is what the Zek said.
[QUARK] And he was right. Look, I don't know how you people live, but
all of us corporeal, linear whatevers have certain things in common,
and one of those things is the need to improve ourselves. Our ambition
to improve ourselves motivates everything we do. Without ambition,
without, dare I say it, greed, people would lie around all day doing
nothing. They wouldn't work, they wouldn't bathe, they wouldn't even
eat. They'd starve to death. Is that what you want? Are you so isolated
and detached that you would sit back and allow the extinction of every
corporeal being in the galaxy?
[SISKO] Your argument is specious. Changing you will not result in the
termination of all corporeal existence.
[QUARK] All right, so maybe I exaggerated a little.
[EMI] We should alter this one and return it to its own people.
[ROM] Agreed. It is best to avoid contact with this species.
[QUARK] Wait. If you don't want to have any more contact with the
Ferengi, that's fine with me. But by altering me, you won't be avoiding
contact, you'll be encouraging it. My people are very inquisitive, and
if you change me, they're going to want to know what happened. And
they're going to come here to find out. Just as I came to find out what
happened to Zek.
[DAX] That is linear.
[QUARK] And potentially very annoying to you. But on the other hand, if
you leave me alone, and you put the Nagus back the way he was when you
met him, I guarantee you you'll never have to talk with another Ferengi
again. So what do you say?
[KIRA] Linguistic communication is tiresome.
[QUARK] My point exactly. Which is why I think you should send me back
(The Nagus' shuttle)
[ZEK] Quark. Quark! Quark, are you all right?
[QUARK] I think so. What about you?
[ZEK] Oh stop toadying up to me, Quark. It's revolting. Just get me out
of here. I have an Orb to sell to the Bajorans.
[QUARK] Did you say sell?
[ZEK] I'm going to make them pay through the nose. And speaking of
noses, where's my beetle snuff?
[QUARK] Oh, Nagus. You're back. I'm so happy.
(Quark hugs Zek.)
[ZEK] You're wrinkling my suit.
[QUARK] Whatever you say.
[MAN (on wall monitor)] And now it is with great
pride that I present the nominees for this year's Carrington Award.
They are, Doctor April Wade, Senva of Vulcan, Doctor Henri Roget,
Chirurgeon Ghee P'Trell, and Doctor Julian Bashir.
[MAN (on wall monitor)] And the winner is, Doctor Henri Roget.
[SISKO] Roget?
[BRIEN] How could they give it to Roget?
[KIRA] Better luck next time.
[BASHIR] Maybe, in forty or fifty years.
[SISKO] Julian.
[BRIEN] Sorry.
[BAJORAN] You should have won.
[STARFLEET] Next time.
[DAX] You seem to be handling this very well.
[BASHIR] Believe me, I'm not.
[DAX] I didn't think so.
[ZEK] Remember what I said, Quark. If anyone asks,
you have no idea what happened to the charity money.
[QUARK] You can count on me.
[ZEK] And you're sure you've destroyed every last copy of the revised
Rules of Acquisition?
[ROM] The only place the new Rules exist is inside my head.
[ZEK] Head?
[QUARK] Don't worry. Within a week, he'll have forgotten them all.
[ZEK] He'd better.
(Zek sneezes on Quark and leaves. Maihar'du gives Quark his
handkerchief and pats him on the head.)
[ROM] I don't believe it, brother. After all you did for the Nagus, he
never even thanked you.
[QUARK] He doesn't have to thank me. He's the Nagus. There's only one
thing that bothers me. Don't get me wrong, I was honoured to help the
Nagus, but it would've been nice if I'd been able to make a little
profit for my troubles.
[ROM] That's all right. I made enough profit for the both of us.
[QUARK] What are you talking about?
[ROM] I'm talking about the Ferengi Benevolent Association. Did you know
it was funded with Zek's personal fortune? I was the senior
administrator, brother.
[QUARK] You embezzled money from the Nagus?
[ROM] Surprise.
[QUARK] Father would be proud. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e60", "title": "Prophet Motive"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Visionary
Original Airdate: 27 Feb, 1995
(O'Brien is on the floor of the pit, in pain.)
[BASHIR] It's all right, Chief. You're going to be just fine.
[BRIEN] What happened?
[SISKO] You were re-routing a phase inducer when one of the plasma
conduits blew out.
[BASHIR] Easy there, Chief. You have a mild case of radiation poisoning.
I've given you some hyronalin, which should counteract the affects. But
I think he should be restricted to light duty for the next few days.
[SISKO] Agreed.
[KIRA] Commander, the transport's arrived and they're requesting
permission to dock.
[SISKO] Route them to docking bay twelve. Inform the Romulan delegation
we'll meet them there. And Chief? Light duty means light. I don't want
to see you crawling around the Jefferies tube tonight looking for power
[BRIEN] You won't get any arguments today, Commander.
[SISKO] Ready, Major?
(Kira and Sisko go to the turbolift.)
[SISKO] Promenade.
(Security dragging a drunk Klingon)
[RAK] Du'cha Kovah! Estah!
[SISKO] Constable, I wasn't aware there were any Klingons on the
[ODO] They just arrived a few hours ago. It seems the main computer on
their freighter was damaged and they need a complete overhaul before
they can continue back to the Klingon Empire.
[KIRA] How long is this overhaul going to take?
[ODO] Two days, at least.
[SISKO] The Romulan delegation has just arrived and they're going to be
here for at least two days while they study our intelligence reports on
the Dominion. I want you to keep a close eye on the Klingons. We don't
need any trouble right now.
[ODO] Understood. Let's go. Come on.
(Starfleet security open the airlock doors and four
Romulans enter, one female.)
[SISKO] Welcome to Deep Space Nine. I'm Commander Sisko, and this is my
first officer, Major Kira.
[RUWON] (heavy-set male) I am Ruwon. This is Karina. We're ready for
your report on the Dominion.
[SISKO] We have arranged quarters for you. I know it's been a long trip,
so perhaps you'd like to
[RUWON] We are not interested in your accommodations, Commander. We are
here for your intelligence briefing. Nothing else.
[SISKO] Very well. If you'll come this way.
(Quark hangs the dart board and Miles paces off the
[BRIEN] This'll be the foul line. We need to put a marker here on the
[QUARK] I still don't see how this is going to help my business, Chief.
[BRIEN] No, that's not right. The number twenty needs to be at the
top. Trust me, Quark. Darts and bars go together like bacon and eggs.
[QUARK] At least people order bacon and eggs. In all the years I've been
here, no one has ever come in and asked to see the dart board.
[BRIEN] Trust me. They will.
[QUARK] I just don't see the appeal of this game. No lasers, no
holograms, just steel tips and feathers.
[BRIEN] It's a game of skill, Quark. And it's not easy. Go ahead. Try
and get one in the bullseye.
(Quark throws all the darts at once.)
(Two of the darts land in Morn's padded jacket.)
[QUARK] Now what if one of those darts had gotten into his eye? Do you
realise I'd be liable for that? Do you know how much money an eye
[BRIEN] You're not supposed to throw them like that. You throw them
gently, one at a time. Like this.
(Promenade - upper level)
(Mid-throw but he's moved location.)
[QUARK (OC)] Chief O'Brien?
[BRIEN (OC)] What is it, Quark?
(Quark is talking to another O'Brien outside his cafe.)
[QUARK] The Klingons just destroyed two of my holosuites. I need a
maintenance crew immediately.
[BRIEN 2] Quark, this happens every time the Klingons come aboard the
station. Why don't you just keep them out of the holosuites?
[QUARK] Did you ever said no to a Klingon? Besides, they're paying me
(Quark goes back inside and O'Brien 2 sees O'Brien 1 across the way.)
(The dart hits the bullseye and O'Brien collapses)
[QUARK] Chief? Chief!
[BASHIR] Well, the pain you experienced appears to
be a muscle spasm caused by a sudden decrease in your serum calcium
levels. It's a common side effect of radiation poisoning. I'm giving
you some asinolyathin for the pain.
[BRIEN] What about the vision I had?
[BASHIR] Well, mild hallucinations are also a fairly common side-effect
of radiation poisoning.
[BRIEN] It was anything but mild. I really felt I was standing on the
Promenade watching myself talking to Quark.
[BASHIR] What was the conversation about?
[BRIEN] He was complaining about some Klingons. He said they'd damaged
two of his holosuites.
[BASHIR] Well, you do have one problem. If all you can hallucinate about
is Quark's maintenance problems, you have a sadly deficient fantasy
[BRIEN] Oh. Well, thank you for your professional opinion.
[BASHIR] Any time. My doors are always open to you, Chief.
[RUWON] The Dominion represents the greatest threats
to the Alpha Quadrant in the last century. We need more information on
its military capabilities. How many ships do they have? Where are they
deployed? What are their plans for the future? Are they planning an
[SISKO] We don't know any of that yet.
[KARINA] You have one of the Founders of the Dominion on this very
station. He should be able to tell us everything we need to know about
their intentions.
[KIRA] Odo is not one of the Founders.
[KARINA] Your own reports indicate that a group of changelings are the
real source of power behind the Dominion.
[KIRA] Yes.
[RUWON] And Odo is a changeling.
[KIRA] But he's not one of the Founder.
[RUWON] I fail to see the distinction.
[KIRA] Odo made a conscious choice to stay here with us. He has no
loyalties to the Dominion and he has no information about their plans.
[RUWON] We find that hard to believe.
[SISKO] It's the truth, whether you choose to believe it or not.
[RUWON] Commander, we allowed you to place one of our cloaking devices
on the Defiant in exchange for information regarding the Dominion. Now
you have the cloaking device and we have very little.
[KARINA] We shouldn't have to remind you of the importance both our
governments place on continuing to carry out this agreement. It's the
first treaty between Romulus and the Federation in many years.
[SISKO] I'm aware of that and I'm willing to cooperate with you in any
way I can.
[RUWON] Very well then. We want to see every piece of information
Starfleet has on the Dominion, no matter how insignificant.
[KARINA] That includes any classified reports you may have made to
Starfleet Command.
[SISKO] I'll have to clear that with Starfleet.
[RUWON] Then do it.
(Promenade - upper level)
[QUARK] Chief O'Brien.
[BRIEN] What is it, Quark?
[QUARK] The Klingons just destroyed two of my holosuites. I need a
maintenance crew immediately.
[BRIEN] Quark, we go through this every time Klingons come aboard the
station. Why don't you just
(O'Brien and Quark looks across at the earlier O'Brien.)
[QUARK] I think my holosuites can wait. It looks like you have bigger
(Commander's office)
[DAX] I went over the internal sensor logs and I did
find evidence of a minor temporal disturbance in Quark's and another
one later on the Promenade. Both disturbances happened at about the
same time as the Chief's experiences.
[SISKO] So it would seem that you did travel into the future and then
returned to the same moment that you left.
[BRIEN] Have you any idea what might have caused this time shift?
[DAX] Not yet. I want to go over the medical scans Julian took of you
earlier. That dose of ionising radiation you received might have
something to do with it.
[BRIEN] How?
[DAX] I'm not sure, but it's a good place to start. I have heard of a
couple of theories that ambient low level radiation could have a
(The Klingons and the Romulans and Starfleet are
fighting. O'Brien 2 has been beaten up at the bar and a Klingon draws a
dagger when our O'Brien intervenes and disarms him.)
[BRIEN 2] Look out!
(O'Brien dodges a flying chair)
(Commander's office)
[DAX] Effect on radioactive isotopes
(O'Brien falls over.)
[DAX] Chief!
[SISKO] Mister O'Brien?
[BASHIR] I ran a microcellular scan and detected
minute damage to his cerebrospinal nerve cells which might have been
caused by the time shifting.
[BRIEN] Can you repair it?
[BASHIR] Yes, but the effect is cumulative. If you keep time shifting,
there may come a point where the damage becomes irreparable.
Eventually, it might even kill you.
[SISKO] Don't worry, Chief. Dax is using every scanner on the station to
hunt for any temporal abnormalities.
[BRIEN] Well, if anyone can find the cause of the time shifts, it's
[SISKO] Chief, do you have any idea of how far into the future you
[BRIEN] No, sir. There was nothing to indicate that it was today,
tomorrow, next week.
[SISKO] Well, this conference with the Romulans is not supposed to last
longer than three days. In the meantime I'll have Odo tighten security
around Quark's.
(Kira enters.)
[KIRA] How are you feeling, Chief?
[BRIEN] Better.
[KIRA] Good. Commander, may I speak with you for a minute?
[SISKO] Of course.
[KIRA] The Romulans want to debrief everyone who was
on the Defiant when it was captured by the Founders. They're also still
not happy with the sensor information collected by the Defiant, so they
want unrestricted access to the Defiant. And they also want complete
access to all our personal logs.
[SISKO] Personal logs are out of the question, but they can have limited
access to the Defiant. I'll let them debrief us as well. I know they're
pushing us, Major, but consider their position. There have never been
any Romulan ships in the Gamma Quadrant, so they've never encountered
the Dominion. So they're completely dependent on us for information.
[KIRA] Well then maybe they should send their own ships through the
wormhole and find out for themselves.
[SISKO] The Romulans generally prefer to sit back and pull the strings
from a distance if they can.
[KIRA] This is one puppet who doesn't like her strings pulled.
[SISKO] I know. But like Ruwon said, they've lived up to their part of
the bargain. We have to do everything we can to live up to ours.
[KIRA] All right. I'll draw up a schedule of interviews and I'll tell
everyone to cooperate.
[SISKO] And Major, when you're in with the Romulans, try to be
[KIRA] I'm always diplomatic.
[KIRA] That is the most ridiculous thing I ever
heard, and I resent the implication!
[RUWON] You seem very agitated for someone who's proclaiming her
[KARINA] Indeed, your emotional state would seem to indicate that our
theory is correct and you did abandon the Defiant prematurely when it
was attacked by the Jem'Hadar.
[KIRA] When the Defiant was attacked, Odo and I were trapped below
decks. There was a hand-to-hand fight in the corridor. I was wounded
and I lost consciousness. When I came to, Odo had already put me aboard
the shuttle and we had escaped. I did not abandon the ship prematurely.
[RUWON] Why didn't Odo try to help the rest of the Defiant's crew?
[KIRA] well I'm sure he wanted to. But there was no way to get to the
Bridge and
[KARINA] Why were you in Odo's Quarters when the ship was attacked?
[KIRA] We were talking.
[KARINA] About what?
[KIRA] It's personal.
[RUWON] Do you often have personal talks with the changeling?
[KIRA] What business is that of yours?
[RUWON] We're trying to determine the nature of your relationship.
[KARINA] You are the only member of the Defiant's crew who was not taken
prisoner. Why? Did the Founders believe Odo would react badly if you
were harmed? Did they think you held some kind of attraction to him?
[RUWON] Has Odo ever shown some kind of physical interest in you, Major?
[KIRA] That's it. You rip the cloaking device out of the Defiant right
now. I am not answering any more questions. And I suggest you avoid
asking Odo those questions or you just might find yourselves on the
other side of that bulkhead floating home.
[BASHIR] There. That's the game. Had enough?
[BRIEN] One more.
[BASHIR] Chief, that's the tenth game we've played in a row. Nothing's
happening here and I don't think anything is going to happen. By
telling us about the fight, you've changed the future. Security's here
and Quark said he won't let the Klingons back in the bar. There is not
going to be a fight.
[BRIEN] I know, I know. But I've seen it and I can't shake the feeling
that it's going to happen despite our precautions. There's something
about the way things look, the number of people. There's something a
little too familiar about everything.
[BASHIR] All right. If it makes you feel any better, I'll beat you at
another ten games. But I can't help getting the feeling
(Three Klingons come out down the stairs.)
[RAK] Ach'cho korvak batah!
[MORKA] Karagh, abeh!
[BRIEN] You said you weren't going to let the Klingons back in the
[QUARK] I didn't. They were in the holosuites. Besides, now they're
paying me triple.
(The Klingons go over to a table where the Romulan security are
[MORKA] Who let these filthy pahtak in here?
[RAK] Maybe someone should show them the way out
(Security office)
[KIRA] And then what's his name?
[ODO] Ruwon?
[KIRA] Ruwon started to insinuate that you were
[ODO] That I was what?
[KIRA] Interested in me.
[ODO] He said that?
[KIRA] Have you ever heard anything more
[ODO] Ridiculous.
[KIRA] Exactly.
[QUARK (OC)] Quark to Security! I've got a fight on my hands! They're
tearing my place apart!
(Déjà vu as Quark adds up the costs each time
something breaks. But O'Brien doesn't get knocked down before his past
self tackles the man with the dagger)
[BRIEN] Watch the Romulan!
(Past O'Brien ducks as the chair flies and vanishes.)
[ODO] That's enough! Get back. Come on. Hold it. Let's go. Come on now.
(Another O'Brien is opening a wall panel)
[BRIEN] Miles?
(As the panel is opened O'Brien is shot by a booby trap. He's dead,
[BASHIR] Chief, it's all right. You collapsed
outside Quark's about an hour ago. You're going to be fine.
[BRIEN] No, I'm not. In a few hours I'm going to be dead.
[BRIEN] This is the panel I saw myself open. It
looked like a phaser or a high-energy laser came out of the bulkhead.
[ODO] Nothing on the tricorder. Just the standard conduits and power
juncture ports.
[SISKO] If there is something dangerous in there, it could be cloaked or
have some dampening field around it.
[ODO] If you gentlemen will step down the corridor, I'll open the panel
and take a look. Don't worry, I'll be careful.
(He does so from the side and waves his tricorder in front of it.)
[ODO] It's all right. Nothing.
[SISKO] You're sure this is the right panel?
[BRIEN] Absolutely. Believe me, I have a pretty vivid memory of the
whole thing.
[SISKO] Well, since it appears that your first two time jumps each moved
you to about five hours into the future, we could also assume that the
incident you saw in this corridor moved you to about five hours into
the future.
[ODO] That means someone will place a device in this panel in the next
few hours.
[SISKO] All of these quarters are vacant at the moment. There are no
vital power conduits in this area, no crucial defence systems. Why
would someone want to booby-trap a wall panel here?
[ODO] I suggest we place a surveillance device in this corridor. If
anyone attempts to tamper with the panel, we'll be able to detect it.
[DAX (OC)] Dax to Sisko.
[SISKO] Sisko here. Go ahead, Lieutenant.
[DAX (OC)] Benjamin, can you come to Ops? I think I found a clue to
Chief O'Brien's time shifting.
[SISKO] We're on our way. Keep me informed.
[DAX] I've been scanning the area around the station
out to a radius of two kilometres, and I didn't find anything at first.
Then I started to
scan some of the lower subspace bandwidths. I found traces of low-level
tetryon emissions.
[BRIEN] I've never seen an emission pattern like that outside of a
neutron star.
[DAX] Or a quantum singularity. And singularities are known to send out
waves of temporal displacement.
[BRIEN] But if there is a singularity nearby why can't we find it? It
should also be affecting the gravimetric field signatures.
[DAX] I don't know. Maybe it's buried so far down in the subspace layers
that we can't detect it.
[SISKO] Assuming for the moment that a singularity is responsible, how
do we combat its effects on the Chief?
[BASHIR] The temporal displacement caused by a quantum singularity most
commonly affects delta series radioisotopes, which is exactly what the
Chief absorbed during the conduit breach.
[SISKO] So you're saying that it could be pulling O'Brien's body like a
[BASHIR] Exactly. I think I may know a way to neutralise the remaining
radioisotopes in your body.
[DAX] Without the radiation, the temporal displacement might stop.
[BASHIR] It's going to take time. He may experience one or two more time
shifts before I can complete the process.
[BRIEN] When can we start?
[BASHIR] Right away.
(O'Brien and Bashir leave.)
[SISKO] Keep trying to pinpoint the singularity. If it is out there, we
need to locate it and find a way to get rid of it.
[DAX] Right.
[KIRA] I wanted to let you know I moved the Romulans to different
[KIRA] It's the replicators again. I assigned a maintenance crew, but in
the meantime I moved the entire Romulan delegation to section forty
seven, level two in the Habitat ring.
[SISKO] Section forty seven?
[KIRA] Yes. Is something wrong?
[SISKO] The wall panel where O'Brien saw himself being killed is right
outside those quarters. Which means either the Romulans are going to
put a device in the bulkhead themselves or someone else will, possibly
to be used against the Romulans.
[KIRA] Should I move them to other quarters?
[SISKO] No. That'll warn whoever's responsible. But inform Odo of the
change in quarters. He already has that corridor under surveillance.
Let's see how this thing plays out before we make any further moves.
(Security office)
[SISKO] You have something, Constable?
[ODO] Someone has planted a class three surveillance device behind the
wall panel we've been monitoring.
[SISKO] Were you able to see who it was?
[ODO] No. We've been monitoring the corridor constantly for the past
three hours. No one's come anywhere near the panel. However, sensors
did detect a low energy transporter beam a short time ago. They beamed
the device directly into the wall.
[SISKO] That's a delicate piece of transporter work.
[ODO] Yes, it is. We haven't been able to trace the beam to its point of
origin, but since there aren't any ships nearby, I believe it
originated on the station.
[SISKO] Any suspects?
[ODO] Since it appears to be a device intended to conduct covert
surveillance of the Romulans, my leading suspects would be the
[SISKO] Do you have any evidence besides the fact that Klingons hate
[ODO] Not yet. But don't worry, I plan on investigating the Klingons,
the Bajorans, Quark, the visiting Terrelians.
[SISKO] You think Quark had something to do with this?
[ODO] I always investigate Quark.
(Quark's cafe)
[BASHIR] It looks like you're going to cheat death
after all. Round about this time you saw yourself being killed.
[BRIEN] I feel like someone just walked over my grave. I mean, I've
had a few brushes with death in my career, but there was something
about watching myself being killed, feeling my own neck for a pulse
that wasn't there.
[BASHIR] Well, it could've been worse. It could've been me.
[QUARK] (bringing drinks) Here you are, gentlemen. And how is DS Nine's
most famous fortune teller?
[BRIEN] Don't call me that. I haven't told anyone's fortune.
[QUARK] Just a figure of speech. On the other hand, if you should find
yourself in the future again and you find yourself passing by the dabo
table, would it really hurt to take a look at the numbers coming up on
the wheel? I could make it worth your while.
[BRIEN] Let's get out of here.
[QUARK] Just a thought.
[BRIEN] Can you believe that? I'm being pulled into the future and all
he can think about is
(There's no one around except a shrouded body on a
bed. O'Brien draws back the sheet to look at himself.)
[BASHIR] Chief! Oh, am I glad to see you.
[BRIEN] What the hell happened to me, Julian?
[BASHIR] It was the radiation. I didn't realise it had damaged the
basilar arteries in your brain stem until it was too late.
[BRIEN] Well why not?
[BASHIR] It didn't show up on any of the diagnostics. I couldn't tell
what had happened until I was doing the autopsy.
[BRIEN] Autopsy?
[BASHIR] Yes. I just finished doing it a few moments ago. Do you want me
to show you the results?
[BRIEN] No, no, that's all right.
[BASHIR] Now look. When you go back to the past, ask me to perform a
basilar arterial scan. Now since you're going five hours back into the
past, I should have enough time to find the damage and repair it before
this happens.
[BRIEN] Right. How could you just let me die?
[BASHIR] I didn't just let you die. I did everything I could to keep you
alive for over an hour, but your body just gave up.
[BRIEN] Gave up?
[BASHIR] I'm sorry, Chief, but there comes a point when the human body
just gives up.
[BRIEN] Yeah? Well, maybe my doctor wasn't
(Promenade upper level)
(O'Brien keels over.)
[BASHIR] Bashir to Infirmary. I need a nurse and an emergency medkit
here immediately.
(Guest quarters)
[ODO] We finally were able to localise the
transporter beam and trace it back to this location.
[SISKO] These quarters have been vacant for weeks.
[ODO] Somehow, they overrode the security lock on the door to gain
[SISKO] So what did they do? Bring in a portable transporter and beam
the surveillance equipment into the bulkhead?
[ODO] That was my first thought. But then I realised that a portable
transporter is a rather large and bulky piece of equipment to be
carrying around the halls.
[SISKO] That's true.
[ODO] So, then I began thinking about the replicator.
[SISKO] Ah. They realigned the matter-energy conversion matrix.
[ODO] Turning it into a small transporter. A very sophisticated, very
professional job.
[SISKO] So now we know how they did it, the next question is who?
[ODO] I think I have an answer to that as well. This device is
manufactured on Davlos Three, a planet on the Klingon border. In fact,
Davlos does over ninety percent of its trade with the Klingon Empire.
[SISKO] That's still very little evidence to make an arrest.
[ODO] Yes, it is. But then I contacted a friend at Starfleet
Intelligence who used to be assigned to the Federation Embassy on the
Klingon Homeworld. He put me in contact with a former Klingon operative
who's out of favour with the current administration. This former
operative sent me a series of reports
[SISKO] Odo, cut to the chase.
[ODO] The three Klingons now on the station are part of a covert strike
force that reports directly to the Klingon High Council.
[SISKO] Why didn't you just say so?
[ODO] Sometimes I have to remind you just how good I am.
[SISKO] So Gowron sent our three friends here and they're conducting
surveillance on the Romulan delegation. Why? Are they here to kill
[ODO] Possibly. It's also possible that this is just a routine
intelligence-gathering operation. The high-energy laser that killed
O'Brien is simply a booby trap to prevent someone from tampering with
the device. It's not meant for assassination.
[SISKO] Well in either case I think we have enough evidence to at least
hold the Klingons for questioning, don't you?
[ODO] Absolutely. And I think I can question them until the Romulan
delegation leaves the station.
[SISKO] Just be careful.
[ODO] Commander, there is no careful way to question a Klingon.
[BRIEN] I, I haven't given up. I won't give up.
[BASHIR] It's all right, Chief. You're okay.
[BRIEN] No, I'm not. You need to run a basilar arterial scan.
[BRIEN] Because if you don't, I'm going to die in less than five
[BASHIR] Who told you that?
[BRIEN] You did. In the future.
[BASHIR] Oh. Well, who am I to argue with me?
(Holding cell)
(The third Klingon is thrown into a cell with the
other two.)
[ATUL] Let me go!
[MORKA] This is an outrage! We've done nothing!
[RAK] We will have our vengeance on all of you for this!
[MORKA] We are being treated with dishonour. We have done nothing wrong.
[ODO] We take a very dim view of spies and saboteurs on this station.
[MORKA] Now you slander us. When my family finds out what you have done,
they will come here and kill you!
[ODO] I doubt that very much. The only people who will be coming here
are your friends in Klingon Intelligence. And from what I understand,
they don't like being embarrassed by operatives who fail in their
missions. However, should you suddenly feel like cooperating, I may be
persuaded to let you go without contacting your friends in
Intelligence. Maybe.
[SISKO] So, how are you feeling, Chief?
[BRIEN] Better, sir.
[BASHIR] I've eliminated almost all the radioisotopes from his body. I
have to wait a couple more hours before I give him the last treatment
but after that there should be no more time shifting.
[SISKO] What about the quantum singularity?
[DAX] We've been able to track it by using its tetryon emissions as a
guide. It seems to be orbiting Deep Space Nine in a roughly elliptical
[BRIEN] At certain points in its orbit, the singularity radiates
temporal energy at a specific wavelength. That seems to be what
triggers my
time shifts.
[SISKO] Is there any way to break it out of its orbit and send it on its
[BRIEN] Well, we were hoping to station
(A lot of people are crowding into the vessel along
with our O'Brien.)
[BRIEN 2] Come on, come on! Hurry up! We don't have much time! Prepare
to seal the hatch and release the docking clamps. Initiating emergency
escape protocol. Hang on. I'm going to full impulse.
(DS9 has lots of explosions happening.)
[BRIEN] Now what?
[BRIEN 2] You're here! Look, I don't know what happened. I was asleep
in bed, and the whole station was rocked by an explosion. Before I
could get to Ops, the evacuation alarm sounded and the comm. systems
were down. I got as many people as I could in here. I don't know what
happened to the others. When you go back, you have to find out what
happened and stop it.
(DS9 goes KaBOOM! The wormhole WHOOSHes and implodes in white light.)
[BRIEN] Oh, my God.
[SISKO] Chief? What's wrong?
[BRIEN] We've got a new problem, sir.
(after the adverts)
[SISKO] Did you see anything from the runabout that would indicate how
the station was destroyed?
[BRIEN] There were a series of explosions that rippled across the
Habitat ring, but it all happened so fast I couldn't get a clear sense
of exactly what was going on.
[KIRA] Could you tell if you were looking at internal explosions, which
might indicate some kind of sabotage or accident, or external
explosions which might indicate we were under attack?
[BRIEN] No. No, I'm not sure.
[DAX] Do you remember seeing any other ships nearby?
[BRIEN] No, but I had a very limited view of the area.
[KIRA] At this point we can't rule anything out.
[SISKO] Agreed. Make preparations to evacuate the station, but do it
quietly. If the destruction of the station is the result of an attack
or sabotage, we don't want to alarm our enemy and make him trigger
events we're trying to avoid. Begin a complete systems check of
everything on the station that could potentially cause this kind of
[DAX] Right.
[BRIEN] Commander, there might be another way to find out what's going
on. If I could travel into the future again, this time just before the
destruction of DS Nine, I might be able to find out what's going to
happen and then return to the present in time for us to prevent it from
happening. If you could flood my body with high concentrations of delta
series radioisotopes, it might trigger a
time shift into the future.
[BASHIR] Possibly, but those isotopes are toxic. It could cause
permanent damage to your nervous system. It might even kill you.
[BRIEN] Oh. Well, if the future happens the way I saw it happen, a lot
of people are going to get killed when the station explodes. It's a
risk I'm willing to take.
[SISKO] Even if you're able to initiate a time jump, each time you
travelled into the future, you've always gone five hours. How do you
propose to shorten the length of the jump?
[BRIEN] There might be a link between the temporal frequency of the
singularity and the length of the
time shift.
[BASHIR] We might be able to calibrate the decay constant of the isotope
that we inject you with to match the frequency of the singularity. And
with a few minor adjustments we can control how far you jump into the
[BRIEN] Exactly.
[SISKO] All right. But if you can't do it within two hours, I'm going to
begin to evacuate the station.
[BRIEN] Understood.
(Bashir puts a device on O'Brien's arm.)
[BASHIR] Now, when you activate this device it'll inject you with a two
rad dose of delta isotopes. Now, if our calculations are right, that
should put you about three hours into the future.
[BRIEN] What's the margin of error?
[BASHIR] Plus or minus a half hour I'd say, but that's the best we could
do. Now, it's already set for the return trip, so all you have to do is
activate it again to return to the present.
[BRIEN] Right.
[BASHIR] And remember, don't wait too long. Your body will be
experiencing symptoms of severe radiation poisoning. If you don't get
treatment it will kill you.
[BRIEN] I won't forget.
[BASHIR] Good.
[BRIEN] Julian, there's a message in my quarters for Keiko if
[BASHIR] I understand, Miles.
(O'Brien's bedroom)
(O'Brien sits up and looks at the clock.)
[BRIEN] Zero two hundred. That's three and half hours into the future.
Miles. Miles, wake up!
[BRIEN 2] What? Computer, lights. Oh no, not you again. What is it
[BRIEN] Listen to me. I've jumped ahead and seen your future. Don't
ask me how, it'll take too long to explain. There's going to be a
disaster. DS Nine will be destroyed.
[BRIEN 2] Destroyed? How?
[BRIEN] I don't know. That's why I'm here. I have to find out what's
going to happen and then travel back into the past and prevent it.
[BRIEN 2] You look pretty bad.
[BRIEN] It's the radiation.
[BRIEN 2] But if you feel bad and you're my past self, shouldn't I
feel bad too?
(Shouldn't you also know that he was going to be here and what he saw
[BOTH] I hate temporal mechanics.
[BRIEN] Let's get down to Ops and see what's going on. Help me up.
[BRIEN] Run a sensor sweep of the entire station.
Look for anything that might indicate a
[KIRA] Report!
[DAX] A Romulan warbird just decloaked off of lower pylon two. They've
taken out our shield generators.
[KIRA] On screen. Lock phasers and return fire.
[BRIEN 2] They've hit the fusion reactor. Main power's down. Defence
systems are offline.
(Our O'Brien collapses in agony.)
[KIRA] Try to re-route phasers through the emergency power couplings.
[BRIEN 2] Miles, you've got your answer. The quantum singularity
that's been orbiting the station. It's the Romulans.
Are you listening? The Romulans use a confined singularity to power
their warp core. That's what we've been detecting. That's what's
causing the time shifts. You must go back and tell them to put up the
shields and stand by for an attack.
[BRIEN] I can't. I can't get through another shift. It's the radiation
(He gives the armband to his future self)
[BRIEN] You go. Just activate it. It's set for the return trip.
[BRIEN 2] Me? I don't belong there.
[BRIEN] I'm you, you're me, it doesn't matter. Just go. Go!
[BASHIR] Chief, what happened?
[BRIEN 2] It worked. O'Brien to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead, Chief.
[BRIEN 2] I've been to the future, Commander. The quantum singularity
off the station is actually in the warp core of a cloaked
[BRIEN 2 (OC)] Romulan warbird. They're going to
decloak and fire on us in a matter of hours.
[SISKO] Understood, Chief. Raise shields. Stand by weapons systems.
[BASHIR] I don't understand it. Your body should be
flooded with delta series radiation but there's only a tiny amount in
your tissues. Your metabolic readings are different. What happened?
[BRIEN 2] There's been a change.
[QUARK] I really have nothing else to say.
[RUWON] I think you're lying, Quark.
[QUARK] About what part?
[RUWON] All of it.
[QUARK] Well, at least I'm consistent.
(Sisko, Kira, Odo and Security enter)
[SISKO] Quark, you can leave.
[QUARK] Thank you.
(Quark leaves.)
[SISKO] I know you have a cloaked warbird orbiting the station, and I
know you're planning an attack. At first, I couldn't understand why,
and then I remembered what you said about the Dominion. How they were
the greatest threat to the Alpha Quadrant in the last century. If you
really believed that, then the only way you could ever be truly safe
from the Dominion would be to collapse the wormhole.
[KIRA] But you knew we wouldn't just sit by and watch while you did it,
so you had to destroy the station too. That way, there'd be no
[ODO] Everyone would assume that Deep Space Nine was destroyed by what
appeared to be the accidental collapse of the wormhole.
[KARINA] An interesting theory, Commander. But that's all it is. A
[SISKO] That's right. But I'll tell you what's not a theory. We tracked
the tetryon
emissions back to your warbird and I have about fifty photon torpedoes
locked on to it right now.
[RUWON] I think it's time we left.
[SISKO] I couldn't agree more. Constable, will you please escort our
guests to the nearest transporter room.
[ODO] If you'll come with me.
[BASHIR] So you're telling me that you remember
playing this game with me in the future?
[BRIEN] Right.
[BASHIR] All right, what am I going to hit?
[BRIEN] Twenty, outer ring.
(You mean double top, Miles. Bashir closes his eyes and throws.)
[BASHIR] But that's remarkable.
[BRIEN] It's also a little disturbing. I have this nagging feeling
that I don't really belong here. This isn't really my life. Maybe this
life belongs to that other Miles O'Brien.
[BASHIR] Listen, Chief, whether you're living in the past or in the
present, you are Miles O'Brien. The only difference is, you have a few
memories the other one didn't have.
[BRIEN] Well, I think I'll go to bed. I'm still kind of tired.
[BASHIR] Now that sounds like a good idea.
(O'Brien goes to the bar.)
[BRIEN] Quark. Dabo.
[QUARK] Dabo?
[CROWD (OC)] Dabo!
[QUARK] Wait! Chief, wait! | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e61", "title": "Visionary"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Distant Voices
Original Airdate: 10 Apr, 1995
[BASHIR] Can I interest you in some more Yigrish cream pie?
[GARAK] No, thank you, Doctor. I'm quite full.
[BASHIR] But you've hardly touched your food.
[GARAK] The truth is, I'm trying to lose a little weight. Hemming
women's dresses may provide me with a modest income, but it offers very
little in the way of exercise.
[BASHIR] Well if you like, I can help you set up an exercise programme
in one of the holosuites here.
[GARAK] I might just take you up on that. And speaking of holosuites
(Garak takes out an isolinear rod with a ribbon around it and hands it
to Bashir.)
[GARAK] Happy birthday. I know it's a few days off, but I wanted to give
you your present early. It's a Cardassian holosuite programme. An
adaptation of one of Shoggoth's enigma tales.
[BASHIR] Is it? I see.
[GARAK] You sound disappointed. I thought you enjoyed mystery novels.
[BASHIR] I do. Human mystery novels. The problem with Cardassian enigma
tales is that they all end the same way. All the suspects are always
[GARAK] Yes, but the challenge is determining exactly who is guilty of
what. Is Lieutenant Dax throwing one of her surprise parties for you
this year?
[BASHIR] Oh, so I'm told.
[GARAK] You don't sound enthusiastic about that either.
[BASHIR] It's not that I don't appreciate all the trouble she goes to
and everything. It's just that this year is a little different.
[GARAK] How so?
[BASHIR] This will be my thirtieth birthday.
[GARAK] And?
[BASHIR] Well, in many human cultures, the thirtieth birthday is
considered a sort of landmark. It marks the end of youth and the
beginning of the slow march into middle age.
[GARAK] And that's considered bad?
[BASHIR] No. It's just that when you hit thirty, it becomes harder and
harder to ignore the passage of time.
[GARAK] I wasn't aware that humans saw growing old as a negative
experience. On Cardassia, advanced age is seen as a sign of power and
[BASHIR] Well I am aware that aging is part of the natural process of
life. It's just that I don't want to be reminded of it, that's all.
Look, Garak, in two days I turn thirty. If I choose to be grumpy about
it, that's my prerogative.
[GARAK] By all means, Doctor, be as grumpy as you like.
[BASHIR] Thank you for the support.
[QUARK] Excuse me, Doctor.
[BASHIR] What? Oh, Quark. I'm sorry. How can I help you?
(Quark approaches, accompanied by a large reptilian with red eyes and
horns or teeth sticking out of his face.)
[QUARK] Er, my friend Altovar here is looking to purchase a small
quantity of er, biomemetic gel. And I was wondering if you might be
able to tell him where he can find, let's say, a few hundred
[BASHIR] Biomemetic gel is a restricted substance. Its sale is strictly
prohibited by Federation law.
[QUARK] I thought so. You see, I told you.
[ALTOVAR] I'm willing to pay whatever's necessary. Name your price.
[BASHIR] Why do you need it?
[ALTOVAR] That's my business.
[BASHIR] Oh. I am sorry, but biomemetic gel can be hazardous if handled
incorrectly. It's not for sale. At any price.
[QUARK] Well, we tried. Thank you, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Quark, you might want to warn your friend that even attempting
to obtain biomemetic gel is a felony under Federation law.
[QUARK] I know. I told him that. But he insisted that I ask you anyway.
Letheans can be incredibly stubborn. I hope you'll forgive the
[GARAK] Of course.
[QUARK] You know, we just introduced a new lunch menu at the bar.
[BASHIR] Goodbye, Quark.
[GARAK] Don't take it personally. He's turning thirty.
[BASHIR] Lights.
(Altovar is ransacking the shelves)
[BASHIR] What do you think you're doing?
(Altovar grabs Bashir's head and there's a prolonged electric
discharge. Bashir collapses)
(After the opening credits, Bashir wakes among flickering lights,
static ridden monitors and the mess. He starts tidying up.)
[BASHIR] Bashir to Security. Bashir to Ops. This is Doctor Bashir. Can
anyone read me? Computer, locate Commander Sisko. Computer, respond.
(Noises that might be voices.)
[BASHIR] Hello? Is somebody there? Hello?
(Dark and deserted. Some of the noises are clearly
words in familiar voices.)
[BASHIR] Hello? Is there anybody there? Where is everybody?
(In the mirror on the kiosk next door he catches sight of grey hair at
his temples. There's a crash and breaking glass in Quark's across the
(Again dark, with sounds of objects and glass being
[BASHIR] Who's there?
(Quark is cowering behind the bar)
[BASHIR] Quark? It's all right. It's me, Bashir. What is it? What's
going on? Tell me.
[QUARK] He's going to kill us. He's going to kill us all.
[BASHIR] Who? Who are you so afraid of? Where's Sisko? What happened to
the rest of the crew? Why don't you come with me? We'll go and try to
find them.
[QUARK] No. Don't you see? If we move, he'll find us. If we stay here,
we might be safe.
[BASHIR] Safe? From whom? Quark, you have got to tell me.
[QUARK] He's here.
[BASHIR] We've got to find a way to put these lights back on.
[QUARK] It's too late. He's found us. We've got to get out.
[BASHIR] Wait.
(Quark runs out.)
[BASHIR] Who's there? Show yourself!
(A table flies at him. Bashir leaves to the sound of smashing
[BASHIR] Quark? Quark!
(A replicator is pouring out a constant stream of
liquid but no mug.)
[BASHIR] Tarkalean Tea. Constable?
(Security office)
(Someone grabs him and pushes him against the
[BASHIR] Garak?
[GARAK] Doctor, what are you doing here?
[BASHIR] I was about to ask you the same question.
[GARAK] I was looking for Constable Odo. Everyone on the station seems
to have disappeared.
[BASHIR] Not everyone. I just saw Quark cowering behind his bar. He
believes that someone is terrorising the station, and I'm not sure I
disagree with him.
[GARAK] What do you mean? Tell me, what's going on.
[BASHIR] There's some thing in Quark's tearing up the place. I didn't
get a really good look at it, but believe me, it was not friendly.
[GARAK] It's no use. As far as I can tell, the station has suffered a
massive systems failure. Aside from life support and simple functions
like turbolifts and doors, nothing seems to work. It's been like that
for hours. I was up late programming some replicator patterns for a
suit I'm designing when everything went dead.
[BASHIR] I can't believe that you, Quark and I are the only people left
on this station. Sisko and the others must be around somewhere.
[GARAK] Maybe. Or maybe they've fallen victim to some kind of rampant
virus, or space anomaly, or Dominion plot.
[BASHIR] All the more reason to try and locate them.
(The whispers start again)
[BASHIR] Wait. Do you hear that?
[GARAK] Hear what?
[BASHIR] That sound. It's like voices whispering.
[GARAK] I don't hear anything. But then Cardassian hearing is not quite
as acute as human's. Doctor, are you feeling all right? You look
different somehow.
(There's more grey in his hair)
[BASHIR] What is it?
[GARAK] Your hair. It seems to be turning grey.
[BASHIR] So I've noticed.
[GARAK] I guess you had reason to worry about turning thirty after all.
Either that or your job is even more stressful than I thought.
[BASHIR] Look, Garak, we haven't got time for this. We have to find out
what's going on here.
[GARAK] I agree. Perhaps we should split up. I can search the docking
ring while you look around the habitat ring and the central core.
(Bashir gets a pair of phasers and two hand beacons.)
[BASHIR] I'll meet you back on the Promenade in an hour. Be careful.
[GARAK] Hey, you too. And Doctor, try to relax.
(Bashir walks along, opening each door and looking
inside. The lights start to go out behind him and his hand beacon does
not penetrate the approaching darkness. He backs into a forcefield.
Just before the dark arrives he gets into a)
[BASHIR] Level H one, section A.
(Hands stop the doors from closing. Bashir's grey is very pronounced
now. Bashir kicks at Altovar's hands and the doors close. The turbolift
starts to move. Then there's thumping on the roof and it starts to cave
in. The turbolift stops.)
(Now we can start to make out the words more
[DAX (OC)] Look, what are we doing standing around here?
[BRIEN (OC)] What do you want to do? Rush out and get us all killed?
[DAX (OC)] It's better than doing nothing. Let's go.
[ODO (OC)] Of course. And follow you right into a trap. Is that what you
[KIRA (OC)] You're all crazy. None of this is helping us deal with the
[DAX (OC)] Well I don't see you coming up with anything.
[KIRA (OC)] If you'd stop talking and gave me some time to think, maybe
I would.
(Bashir is completely gray by now.)
[BRIEN] I say we do nothing until we get reinforcements from Bajor.
DAX Julian, there you are. Where have you been?
[KIRA] Bajor? Bajor doesn't even know we're in trouble.
[BASHIR] Looking for you.
[ODO] And we can't tell them unless you get the communications system
back online.
[DAX] Well, I'm glad you're here.
[BRIEN] It'll take hours. Too many system's have been sabotaged. All
my work crews are missing, and I cannot make new parts until we get the
replicators fixed.
[DAX] The first thing we need to do is neutralise the Lethean.
[BASHIR] The Lethean? You mean Altovar?
[KIRA] You know him?
[BASHIR] We've met. He attacked me in the Infirmary.
[BRIEN] Oh well, now he's trying to kill us all by destroying the
[DAX] What are we waiting for? Let's get some phasers and hunt him down.
If you ask me, none of us are safe until he is dead.
[BRIEN] If we go out looking for the Lethean, we're the ones who'll
end up dead.
[KIRA] Tell you what. If we find the Lethean, maybe we can find you a
[ODO] Maybe he doesn't want us to find the Lethean. Maybe he's in league
with him.
[BASHIR] Computer, scan the occupants of this room for any anomalies.
[KIRA] Doctor, what are you doing?
[BASHIR] You're all acting very strangely and I intend to find out why.
[ODO] Don't bother, Doctor. For some reason, the computer isn't working.
[BRIEN] Don't go blaming me for that, Constable. None of this would be
happening if Security had done its job.
[BASHIR] That's enough. Where's Sisko? Where are O'Brien's work crews?
I've been wandering around this station for hours and the only two
people I've seen are Quark and Garak. Where is everybody else? There's
something very wrong here.
[DAX] I'll say there is. Have you looked in the mirror lately?
[BASHIR] Hold on. Does anybody else hear that?
[KIRA] What?
[ODO] I don't hear anything.
[BASHIR] Garak didn't either.
[DAX] Julian, what are you talking about?
[BASHIR] I know, I know it sounds odd, but I keep hearing voices.
[BRIEN] And he says we're acting peculiar?
[ODO] So what are these so-called voices saying?
[BASHIR] That's the problem. I can't make out the words.
[KIRA] Well I think you're the one who needs help, Doctor. Not us.
[DAX] Maybe you should lie down.
[BASHIR] I'm fine.
[BRIEN] Except you're hearing voices and you've aged about thirty
years in the last few hours.
[BASHIR] There must be some logical explanation. Maybe there's a virus
or a subspace anomaly. A neural inversion field, an anaphasic parasite.
[DAX] You keep thinking, Julian, and while you try to figure it out,
I'll find the Lethean and stop him from sabotaging any of the other
[BRIEN] And what good will that do? You have no idea where he is. We
don't know what we're up against, how strong he is, if he can be hurt
by phaser fire.
[DAX] Don't worry Chief. I wasn't asking for any of your help. If he's
here, I'll find him. Even if I have to do it all by myself.
[BASHIR] Calm down, Dax. You're not going anywhere. No one is. There are
too many strange things going on on this station. My aging, O'Brien's
missing crewmembers, the sabotage to the station, your abnormal
[ODO] You think it's all connected somehow?
[BASHIR] I think we should find out. Is there any way of getting the
internal sensors online?
[BRIEN] There's a computer processing junction near here. I might be
able to repair the internal sensors from there. But I'm not going
[KIRA] Oh, what a surprise.
[ODO] Don't worry. I'm not letting you out of my sight.
[BASHIR] We'll all go together. Let's move.
(Cargo bay)
[BRIEN] It's even worse than I thought. The entire
sensor array is burnt out and there's extensive damage to the
computer's central processor. The only system that looks salvageable is
the subspace communication relay.
[BASHIR] Well, that would at least let us contact Bajor.
[DAX] See what you can do, Chief.
[KIRA] Constable, would you stop doing that?
[ODO] Doing what?
[KIRA] Looking around like that. It's getting on my nerves.
[BASHIR] There's no harm in keeping both eyes open.
[KIRA] I don't remember asking your opinion.
[ODO] If the Lethean's around, I want to know it.
[BASHIR] The last time I saw him, he was in the central core.
[DAX] The central core? What level were you on?
[BASHIR] Level five. But I doubt he's still there. I think I lost him.
[BRIEN] You think?
[BASHIR] Just keep working, Chief.
[BRIEN] For all we know, he could be right outside the door.
[ODO] And if he is, then you'll have led him here.
[BRIEN] Hold on, Lieutenant, I think I've got the communications relay
[BASHIR] Open hailing frequencies. Try to contact Bajor.
[BRIEN] Hold on. It's not working. But I'm receiving a signal. Audio
[KIRA] Well let's hear it.
[BRIEN] Patching it through.
[DAX (OC)] Four cc's of cordrazine, but there was no response.
[ODO] That sounds like you, Lieutenant.
[SISKO (OC)] There has to be something we can do.
[KIRA] That's Sisko's voice.
[NURSE (OC)] We've tried everything we can think of, but we haven't been
able to counteract the telepathic damage. His motor functions are
minimal. His blood pressure's dangerously low. I'm afraid
[BASHIR] Where's this signal coming from?
[BRIEN] I don't know. Somewhere outside the station.
[SISKO (OC)] Give me the bottom line.
[DAX (OC)] The bottom line is that Julian's in some kind of
telepathically induced coma. And unless we can get him out of it he'll
be dead in less than three hours.
[SISKO (OC)] I'll be in my office. Keep me informed.
[BRIEN] What the hell's going on here?
(Bashir checks a tricorder.)
[BASHIR] Delta waves. When I scan myself for brain activity, all I get
are low frequency delta waves.
[BRIEN] And what's that supposed to mean?
[DAX] It means that the voices were telling the truth.
[BASHIR] I'm in a coma.
[KIRA] How can you stand there and say that you're in a coma? That's
[BASHIR] Not necessarily, Major.
[DAX] I suppose the next thing you're going to tell us is that we're
[BASHIR] Not according to these readings.
[BRIEN] I'm glad to hear it.
[BASHIR] Actually, I'm not picking up any life signs from you at all.
[BRIEN] Let me see that. You want to know what this means? This
tricorder is broken, that's what it means.
[BASHIR] I don't think so.
[ODO] Well what are you saying, Doctor? That we don't exist?
[KIRA] I've had enough of this. I am not some figment of your
[BASHIR] But don't you see? That is why you're all behaving so
[BRIEN] I'm not behaving strangely. Am I?
[BASHIR] You all are. Dax, you're not usually the sort of person to
solve her problems by running around with a phaser. And Chief, you're
not usually so pessimistic.
[KIRA] Look, we are wasting time. The Lethean could be here any minute.
[DAX] So if you're in a coma, and we're not real, then what are we doing
[ODO] Maybe we're just here to give him someone to talk to.
[KIRA] A paranoid, a coward, a hothead, and me? Oh, you'd think he'd
pick some better company.
[BASHIR] I haven't picked any of you. I'm in a coma. I'm the only one
who's really here. Which means when I'm talk to you, I'm really only
talking to myself.
[BRIEN] I wish you wouldn't say that.
[BASHIR] It's the only possible explanation.
[KIRA] So, you're saying I'm you?
[BASHIR] In a manner of speaking.
[KIRA] And I suppose he's you too?
[BASHIR] All of you are. You all embody different aspects of my
personality, different voices inside my head.
[BRIEN] I don't believe we're having this discussion.
[BASHIR] If I were to guess, Chief, I would say that you represent my
doubt and my disbelief.
[BRIEN] No I don't.
[BASHIR] I knew you were going to say that. Major, you're the perfect
choice for my aggression. And Odo, you represent my sense of suspicion
and fear. Dax, to me you've always represented my confidence and sense
of adventure.
[ODO] Ha!
[DAX] Thank you, Julian.
[ODO] You're forgetting something, Doctor. What about the Lethean? What
is he supposed to represent?
[BASHIR] I suppose he represents the telepathic damage that the real
Lethean did to my mind.
[KIRA] So why is this Lethean running around sabotaging the station?
[BASHIR] It's not the station he's sabotaging. It's my mind. The station
represents my mind just as you represent aspects of my personality.
Think about it. When Chief O'Brien fixed the communications relay, we
could hear what was happening in the real world.
[DAX] It's like he restored your hearing.
[BASHIR] Exactly. So if we could repair the station
[ODO] You'd wake up.
[BRIEN] But if you wake up, what happens to us?
(Altovar grabs Dax and takes her outside.)
[DAX] Julian! Julian!
[BASHIR] Jadzia!
[DAX (OC)] Help me, Julian!
(The doors close)
[BASHIR] Jadzia! Jadzia!
(Bashir is playing tennis with Garak.)
[BASHIR] How did I get here?
[GARAK] Oh, don't ask me. After all, we're inside your mind. It's a pity
about Lieutenant Dax.
[BASHIR] How do you know about her?
[GARAK] I'm a part of you, remember? I know what you know. Well, maybe a
little more.
[BASHIR] Still the man of mystery?
[GARAK] Oh, you wouldn't have me any other way.
[BASHIR] I'm getting a little too old for this game.
[GARAK] yes, apparently so. You, or should I say we, are running out of
time. Your service, Doctor.
[BASHIR] I can't stay here. I have to get the main computer back online.
[GARAK] Then you'd better get to Ops. If there are repairs are to be
done, that's the place to do them.
[BASHIR] You're right. Try to find Kira, Odo and O'Brien Kira. Tell them
to meet me in Ops.
[GARAK] I'd be delighted. I wonder if any of them plays tennis.
(There are lots of people slumped on the floor)
[WOMAN] Help me.
[MAN] Doctor, help us.
[SISKO] I'll handle this, Doctor. She's suffering cranial trauma. Treat
the fracture with an osteogenic stimulator and then follow it up with
[SISKO] With two cc's of inpedrezine.
[BASHIR] How did you know that?
[SISKO] I'm just doing my job.
[BASHIR] No, you're not. You're doing my job. And what's more you're
doing it as well as I could.
[SISKO] Give him a coagulation activator to stop the bleeding.
[BASHIR] You represent my professionalism and my skill.
[SISKO] I'm flattered.
[BASHIR] Come on. You've got to come with me to Ops.
[SISKO] But I'm needed here.
[BASHIR] I can't repair the station without your help.
[SISKO] I suppose you're right. Look after things here. I won't be long.
[NURSE] Yes, sir.
(An arm grabs Sisko and pulls him through the bulkhead. Bashir runs
back along the corridor into
[ALTOVAR] You're not going anywhere, Doctor.
(Bashir shoots him with his phaser. No effect.)
[ALTOVAR] You're staying right here, trapped on this station, watching
while I destroy you piece by piece. And when all the best parts of you
are gone, when there's nothing left but the withered shell, then, and
only then, will I put you out of your misery.
(Bashir runs)
[ALTOVAR] You can't escape, Doctor. You can run if you want to, but you
can't outrun death.
(Wrinkly Bashir finds Kira's body)
[BASHIR] Major.
[ODO] Doctor.
(Odo is slowly turning into goo.)
[BASHIR] Odo, what happened?
[ODO] The Lethean. He came out of nowhere.
[BASHIR] He's trying to rob me of my confidence, my intelligence, my
strength. I have to get to Ops.
[ODO] Use the conduits. They're your best chance.
[BASHIR] I have to get there while I still can.
(Bashir climbs down a ladder and finds O'Brien at a
[BASHIR] Chief.
[BRIEN] Julian, what the hell are you doing here?
[BASHIR] I've got to get to Ops.
[BRIEN] You'll never make it.
[BASHIR] I've got to do something. I can't just let the Lethean kill me.
[BRIEN] The Lethean's too strong, too fast. He's going to kill us all.
[BASHIR] You sound awfully sure of that.
[BRIEN] I know you're not going to stop him. Look at you. You look
like you've got one foot in the grave already.
[BASHIR] I'll tell you something. I like the real Chief better than you.
[BRIEN] Where are you going?
[BASHIR] I'm going to try and find a way out of these conduits. It's
hard enough for me to walk, let alone crawl.
[BRIEN] Mind if I come along?
[BASHIR] I thought you said I didn't have a chance.
[BRIEN] Well, I'm hoping I was wrong.
[BASHIR] So am I.
[BRIEN] But somehow I doubt it.
(Out through a panel, then an airlock to)
[BASHIR] How did we get back here?
[BRIEN] You tell me. It's your mind.
(There are medical graphics on the monitors now.)
[BASHIR] This monitor. It's displaying my vital signs.
[BRIEN] What's the prognosis?
[BASHIR] Pulse is thready, blood pressure is dropping steadily. I'm
[BRIEN] I could've told you that just by looking at you.
[CROWD (OC)] Dabo!
(There's a crowd shouting their bets.)
[BASHIR] Excuse me.
(Bashir is lying on a table where the dabo wheel should be.)
[QUARK] Can I offer you gentlemen a drink?
[BASHIR] Quark, where did all these people come from?
[QUARK] Just goes to show. Give the people what they want, and they'll
show up in droves. Now, care to place a wager?
[BASHIR] A wager? On what?
[QUARK] You name it. On how much longer you have to live. What organ
will fail first. Ultimate cause of death. The house is covering all
[BASHIR] What if I want to bet that I will survive?
[QUARK] It's a long shot, but if you want to throw your money away, who
am I to stop you?
[CROWD] Dabo!
(O'Brien's body is on the table.)
[QUARK] Uh-oh. It looks like all bets are off.
(Someone grabs Quark by the throat. Altovar sits up from the table.)
[ALTOVAR] Everyone loses.
(Bashir falls. There's a hand on his shoulder.)
[BASHIR] Garak. The Lethean. He's in Quark's.
[GARAK] Well he hasn't caught you yet, Doctor. Let's get you out of
[BASHIR] I've got to get to Ops.
[GARAK] What's wrong?
[BASHIR] I don't believe it. I've broken my hip. I can't walk.
[GARAK] Well, Doctor, it was a good game while it lasted.
[BASHIR] I've got to keep moving.
[GARAK] And how do you propose doing that, hmm?
[BASHIR] You're going to help me.
[GARAK] I admire your tenacity, Doctor, but it's over. Look at yourself.
Your bones are as brittle as twigs, you can't catch your breath. You
can't even stand, let alone walk.
[BASHIR] But other than that, I feel wonderful. Now, are you going to
give me a hand or not?
[GARAK] It would be my privilege. Now what would you like me to do?
[BASHIR] Get me up.
[GARAK] Of course. Come on. All right? Let's go.
(Garak cuts into Ops with a phaser.)
[GARAK] Anybody home? (silence) All right, Doctor, here we go. Easy now.
That's it. Good.
(Methuselah shuffles painfully into Ops. The place is decorated for
Bashir's birthday party.)
[DABO GIRL] Surprise!
[BASHIR] What is this?
[DABO GIRL] (sings a la Monroe) Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to
[DABO GIRL] Happy birthday dear Julian. Happy birthday to you.
(She puts a little party hat on his head and gives him a kiss.)
[GARAK] And many more. I really must congratulate you, Doctor. You have
a fascinating mind.
[BASHIR] I'm sorry, but I really haven't got time for this.
DABO GIRL But it's a party and it's all for you.
[GARAK] You must try to enjoy yourself. It's your birthday.
[BASHIR] Garak, get me over to the engineering station. Now.
[GARAK] Sorry, dear. Come along, Doctor. That's it. Good.
[BASHIR] There must be a way to reactivate the central computer network.
[GARAK] Any ideas on how to go about doing that?
[BASHIR] My engineering extension classes at Starfleet Medical focused
mainly on starship operations, but I think if I can re-route the
primary command processor I might be able to bypass the disabled
systems and get it operational.
[GARAK] So, what panel accesses the computer?
[BASHIR] If you were really Garak, you could tell me. In fact, you could
fix this computer without my help.
[GARAK] But I'm not really Garak, am I? I'm just another part of you.
[BASHIR] Help me get this panel off.
(It's above head height.)
(Tennis balls fall on them and knock Bashir down.)
[BASHIR] My tennis balls.
[GARAK] This station is in worse condition than we thought.
[BASHIR] Garak, the computer controls are behind one of these panels. I
just have to find the right ones.
[GARAK] Face it, Doctor, there's no way to repair the damage. It's much
too extensive.
[BASHIR] If you won't help me, I'll do it myself.
[GARAK] I'd be more than willing to help you, if I thought it would
accomplish anything, but you're only delaying the inevitable.
(Bashir hauls himself up to another overhead panel.)
[BASHIR] That doesn't sound like the Garak I know.
[GARAK] We've been through this, Doctor. I'm not Garak. I'm you.
[BASHIR] Well it doesn't sound like me either.
(More tennis balls from this panel too)
[BASHIR] I've been thinking. Why did the Lethean let you live? He killed
everyone else who could've helped me. Exactly what part of me do you
represent? Is it my conscience? My curiosity? Hmm, is it? Is it my
sense of humour?
[GARAK] You tell me.
[BASHIR] I don't think that you are any part of me. In fact, I don't
even think you belong here (his head) at all. Which leaves me with just
one question. Who are you?
(Garak transforms)
[ALTOVAR] You've put up an entertaining struggle, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.
[ALTOVAR] Now it's time to make things easy on yourself.
[BASHIR] Oh, you mean just give up? I don't think so.
[ALTOVAR] Why not? Isn't that what you've always done? Remember, Doctor,
I'm inside your head. I know all about you. When you were younger, you
wanted to be a tennis player, didn't you.
[BASHIR] I wasn't good enough to play professionally.
[ALTOVAR] Don't lie to me. Not in here. You were good enough. But you
knew your parents wouldn't approve of it. So you gave up and you became
a doctor instead.
[BASHIR] I love medicine.
[ALTOVAR] But you loved tennis more. And what about medical school? You
should've been first in your class. What went wrong?
[BASHIR] I made a mistake in the final exam.
[ALTOVAR] You mistook a pre-ganglionic fibre for a post-ganglionic
[BASHIR] That's right.
[ALTOVAR] But pre-ganglionic fibres and post-ganglionic nerves aren't
anything alike. Any first year medical student could tell them apart.
You purposely answered the question wrong.
[BASHIR] That's ridiculous.
[ALTOVAR] You didn't want to be first in your class. You couldn't take
the pressure.
[BASHIR] That's not true.
[ALTOVAR] Isn't it? Then let's talk about Lieutenant Dax. You like her,
don't you?
[BASHIR] She's my friend.
[ALTOVAR] But she could've been a lot more if you'd tried a little
harder. But you'd rather give up than fight, wouldn't you?
[BASHIR] We'll see about that.
(Bashir totters into the turbolift.)
[ALTOVAR] Wait. Where are you going?
[ALTOVAR] What do you think you're doing?
[BASHIR] The mistake I made was trying to repair the station from Ops.
It may be the nerve centre of the real world, but this is the centre of
my world.
[ALTOVAR] Get away from that panel.
[BASHIR] Or what? You'll kill me? Go ahead. What's stopping you? You've
had plenty of opportunities so far. I don't think that it is as easy
for you as you say it is.
(The lights stop flickering)
[BASHIR] Ah. You know, you don't look half as threatening in normal
(The monitors show Bashir on a biobed.)
[ALTOVAR] Take a close look, Doctor. You're dying. Why can't you just
accept it?
[BASHIR] Because that's what you want me to do. You may be inside my
head, but you don't know me half as well as you think you do. Take Dax.
I do have feelings for her, but the important thing is she's my friend.
You know? Friend? And I wouldn't exchange that friendship for anything.
As far as my career is concerned, I may have been a good tennis player,
but I'm a great doctor. Maybe I could've been first in my class, but it
wouldn't have changed anything in my life. I still would've chosen this
assignment. This is where I belong. Computer, activate quarantine field
three J.
(Altovar is behind a forcefield.)
[ALTOVAR] You can't do this.
[BASHIR] I can do anything I want. It is my mind. Begin sterilisation.
(And Altovar evaporates)
[DAX] Julian. He's awake.
[NURSE] Vital signs have stabilised. His brain wave activity's normal.
[SISKO] Welcome back, Doctor.
[BASHIR] You will never believe where I've been.
[BASHIR] As for the real Altovar, he tripped a
security alert when he broke into the Infirmary. He barely got two
metres before Odo arrested him.
[GARAK] Well, it sounds as if he were more dangerous in your mind than
he was in the real world.
[BASHIR] Actually, I did some checking on Letheans. Their telepathic
attacks are almost always fatal. I guess I was lucky.
[GARAK] Cardassians don't believe in luck, Doctor. You survived because
you're strong.
[BASHIR] One thing's for sure, you know. After experiencing life at a
hundred plus, turning thirty doesn't seem that bad anymore.
[GARAK] In that case, happy birthday. You know, Doctor, what I find most
fascinating about this entire incident is how your unconscious mind
chose people you know to represent the various parts of your
[BASHIR] Well, it did make things interesting.
[GARAK] And what I find interesting is how your mind ended up casting me
in the role of the villain.
[BASHIR] Oh, I wouldn't read too much into that, Garak.
[GARAK] Oh how can I not? To think, after all this time, all our lunches
together, you still don't trust me. There's hope for you yet, Doctor. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e62", "title": "Distant Voices"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Through The Looking
The Looking Glass
Original Airdate: 17 Apr, 1995
[ODO] I found twenty seven voles in his storeroom.
[QUARK] Vole infestations are not uncommon on this station. If you don't
believe me, ask Chief O'Brien.
[ODO] When I came in, he and Morn were painting numbers on the voles'
[QUARK] We were just counting them to see how many we'd caught.
[SISKO] You were getting ready to stage a vole fight.
[QUARK] A vole fight? I'm appalled. Do you really think that was what
Morn was up to?
[SISKO] Constable, I want the voles confiscated and removed from the
[QUARK] You can't confiscate Morn's voles. They're like his pets.
[SISKO] I'll see if I can get him some goldfish. Now, gentlemen, if you
will excuse me, it's late.
[QUARK] Poor Morn. This is going to break his hearts.
[SISKO] Ops is yours, Lieutenant.
(O'Brien enters in casual clothes.)
[SISKO] You going somewhere, Chief?
[BRIEN] Sir, I need to talk to you. It's kind of private.
[ODO] We were just leaving. Come on, let's go break the news to Morn.
[SISKO] Do you want to talk in my office?
[BRIEN] Actually, I thought we might go to my place.
(O'Brien sticks a weapon in Sisko's back.)
[SECURITY] Commander.
[SISKO] Stand down.
[BRIEN] Get on the transporter pad. Move.
(O'Brien runs a device over Dax's console.)
[BRIEN] Computer, energise on my command.
(O'Brien joins Sisko on the pad)
[BRIEN] Energise.
(This is not a standard federation ship.)
[SISKO] Where are we?
[BRIEN] I guess you could say we just stepped through the looking
(Raider - quarters)
[BRIEN] Sit down. Make yourself comfortable.
[SISKO] Right now I'm not feeling very comfortable.
(Sisko disarms O'Brien.)
[SISKO] There. That's better.
[BRIEN] That was a pretty nice move.
[SISKO] I'm glad you liked it.
[BRIEN] Of course, it doesn't change anything. You can't go home
unless I reconfigure the transporter, and I'm not about to do that. I
guess you've got a lot of questions.
[SISKO] Not as many as you think.
[BRIEN] You know where we are?
[SISKO] If I had to guess, I'd say that this is the same parallel
universe that two of my crewmembers visited a year ago.
[BRIEN] You're quick. Just like our Sisko. That saves me having to
give you a history lesson. But I'd better update you on current events.
Since your officers left here, we've started a rebellion against the
Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. We're fighting for our lives.
[SISKO] I wish you luck, but I don't see what that has to do with me.
[BRIEN] It has everything to do with you. You were the leader of the
Terran Rebellion. At least, our Benjamin Sisko was.
[SISKO] Was?
[BRIEN] Captain Sisko's dead. The Cardassians blew up his ship.
[SISKO] Ah. So you want me to take his place.
[BRIEN] Like I said, you're quick.
[SISKO] Well, I've got a better idea. We're going to walk back to the
transporter pad and you're going to send me home.
[BRIEN] Wait. Hear me out. I'm not asking for a lifetime commitment.
All I need is for you to finish the mission Sisko was on when he was
[SISKO] I'm sorry, but you're going to have to find someone else. I
don't belong here and I'm not about to interfere with events going on
in this universe.
[BRIEN] At least let me tell you about the mission. And then if you
decide not to help, I'll send you home. There's a Terran scientist
working for the Alliance. Our sources tell us she's close to completing
a new transpectral sensor array that will allow the Alliance to locate
our bases in the Badlands. Without a safe place to hide, the Alliance
will be able to track us down and kill us all.
[SISKO] So, you want me to prevent this scientist from finishing her
[BRIEN] Captain Sisko was convinced he could change her mind, get her
to work for us instead.
[SISKO] How did he plan to do that?
[BRIEN] She was his wife.
(O'Brien gives him a picture.)
[SISKO] Jennifer.
[BRIEN] You know her?
[SISKO] She was my wife too. But in my universe, she's dead.
[BRIEN] Not here she isn't. Not yet, anyway.
[SISKO] What do you mean not yet?
[BRIEN] Unless you can persuade Professor Sisko to join our cause,
we'll have no choice but to kill her.
[SISKO] Kill her?
[BRIEN] We cannot let her finish the sensor array. It'd mean the end
of the rebellion.
[SISKO] I can't let her die. Not again.
[BRIEN] You're the only one who can save her.
(Intendant's quarters)
(A scene of decadence with slaves and eunuchs)
[KIRA] Delectable. (to female) And so are you.
[KIRA] Enter.
[JENNIFER] Mister Garak said you wanted to see me.
[KIRA] Yes. Come. Join us.
[JENNIFER] If you're wondering when the new sensor array will be
finished, the answer is
[KIRA] As soon as possible. I know.
[JENNIFER] Will that be all? I have to get back to work.
[KIRA] I have news of your husband.
[JENNIFER] Nothing you could tell me about Ben would interest me. I
haven't even seen him in five years.
[KIRA] I know that. And I hope that will make this easier for you. You
see, Benjamin is dead.
[JENNIFER] Can I go now?
[KIRA] You must've loved him very much to be so angry with him. To have
become so cold.
[JENNIFER] Were other Terrans killed with him?
[KIRA] A whole ship full.
[JENNIFER] All this killing, it has to stop.
[KIRA] And it will. As soon as you complete your transpectral sensors
we'll be able to locate the rebel bases, disarm them and put an end to
all this bloodshed. And I will be able to resume pressing the Alliance
to become more reasonable to its Terran population. You do believe me,
don't you?
(Raider corridor)
(Sisko is in civilian clothes)
[SISKO] So it's agreed. I help you get Jennifer away from the Alliance,
and then you get me home.
[BRIEN] You get us Jennifer, you can have anything you want. I just
hope you can convince her to leave Terok Nor.
[SISKO] I don't understand what Jennifer's doing helping the Alliance in
the first place. I mean, didn't she know that Sisko was leading the
[BRIEN] Oh, she knew. The truth is, she and Captain Sisko didn't get
along too well. Then again, the captain didn't really get along with
anyone. In some ways the rebellion's better off without him. Don't get
me wrong, the captain knew how to fight but that's about all he knew.
(Transporter alcove)
[BRIEN] Ready?
[SISKO] You don't look very confident, Chief.
[BRIEN] You'd better start calling me Smiley. That's what the Captain
called me.
[SISKO] All right, Smiley.
[BRIEN] I just wish we had more time to get you ready. I probably
haven't told you half of what you need to know. I hope you don't run up
against too many surprises.
[SISKO] If I do, I guess I'll just have to improvise.
(Rebel HQ)
(In the underground complex are familiar faces with
mostly different personalities - Tuvok from Voyager for a start, Rom
and others)
[BASHIR] I told Sisko he'd never get close to Terok Nor, and I was
[ROM] I say we teach the Alliance a lesson. Throw everything we've got
at Terok Nor and rip it to pieces.
[TUVOK] I disagree. Following your suggestion would do nothing to
enhance our goals and would result in a significant loss of life.
[ROM] That's easy for you to say. Those Cardassian pigs didn't kill your
[TUVOK] We have all suffered losses at the hands of the Alliance.
Nonetheless, logic dictates caution in the face of a superior enemy.
[ROM] Logic isn't going to win us our freedom. We have to take action.
[BASHIR] And we will. But this time we do it my way.
[TUVOK] And what do you propose we do?
[BASHIR] We smuggle explosives aboard the station, plant them in her
quarters, and detonate them.
[TUVOK] You realise it is highly unlikely that anyone assigned to such a
mission would survive.
[BASHIR] I say it's worth the risk.
[SISKO] Does that mean you're volunteering for the job?
[ROM] Captain, you're alive.
[BRIEN] Of course he's alive. You can't kill the Captain. He's too
[SISKO] I hope that doesn't disappoint anyone.
[BASHIR] We're glad you're all right.
[SISKO] I'm sure you are.
[TUVOK] We heard your fighter was destroyed. The Alliance said you were
[SISKO] Just their propaganda machine working overtime. But you know
what all that tells me? They're scared. And we're going to give them
plenty of reasons to stay scared.
[DAX] Well, well, well. It's about time you came back.
(Dax kisses Sisko long and hard.)
[DAX] That's to let you know I missed you.
(She slaps him.)
[DAX] And that's for letting me think you were dead.
[SISKO] I'm glad to see you still care.
[DAX] You coming or not?
[SISKO] I thought you told me I was married.
[BRIEN] You are, technically. She's your mistress.
[SISKO] I see what you meant by surprises.
(Rebel HQ - bedroom)
[DAX] I'm really glad you're alive. And I'm going to
make you glad you're alive, too.
(Sisko stops her from undressing him.)
[SISKO] We have a lot of planning to do.
[DAX] It can wait.
[SISKO] I suppose it can at that.
(Intendant's office)
[KIRA] Well these progress reports are unacceptable.
Productivity in the ore processing centre is down fifteen percent. You
have got to do better. Or are you purposely trying to make me look bad
to Sector Command?
[GARAK] Not at all. I've done everything I can think of to motivate the
[KIRA] Such as?
[GARAK] Bribes, torture. I've even given overseers permission to execute
any worker not meeting the quota.
[KIRA] I'm sure that pleases the overseers, but it is not getting the
job done. Follow me.
(Ore processing)
[KIRA] Lets start with him, him, and her.
[GARAK] And do what?
[KIRA] Execute them. I think you'll find that random and unprovoked
executions will keep your entire workforce alert and motivated.
[GARAK] I bow to your brilliance.
[GUARD] Let's go. You too.
[GARAK] Though I do hope your mood improves before we run out of
[KIRA] What does my mood have to do with anything?
[GARAK] If you don't mind my saying, I have noticed a certain amount of
ill-humour on your part lately.
[KIRA] I don't know what you're talking about.
[GARAK] As I recall, it began about the time you learned of Captain
Sisko's death.
[KIRA] Now why would I be upset by such delightful news?
[GARAK] Well, I was under the impression that you were rather fond of
[KIRA] Well then, you were mistaken.
[GARAK] Well I will say this for him. He did had spirit.
[KIRA] Too much spirit can be a dangerous thing. It tends to infect
[GARAK] Well that's something we won't have to worry at least. With
Sisko's death, and the imminent completion of the transpectral sensor
array, the Rebellion is certain to collapse.
[KIRA] You seem very sure of yourself.
[GARAK] I am.
[KIRA] I'll remember that. If the Rebellion continues, I'll know who to
(Rebel HQ - bedroom)
[SISKO] Are you sure these Alliance patrol patterns
are accurate?
[DAX] You tell me. You gathered the information.
[SISKO] Hmm? Oh, that's right.
[DAX] Are you okay? You seem a little distracted.
[SISKO] Just thinking.
[DAX] I've been thinking too. You know, we've been fighting against the
Alliance for almost a year now. And what has it gotten us? Nothing.
Sometimes I think we were better off when we were collecting tribute
for the Intendant.
[SISKO] Those days are gone.
[DAX] Maybe, but I'm tired of living like this. The rebellion's a lost
cause and we both know it.
[SISKO] Don't you want to see the Terrans gain their freedom?
[DAX] Have you taken a good look at your troops lately? They're nothing
but ex-slaves with delusions of grandeur. They'll never overthrow the
Alliance. Let's just get a ship and go. Forget all about the rebellion.
[SISKO] I'm not ready to give up just yet.
[DAX] It's not like you're going to have much choice. Once that witch
you married finishes her new sensor array, Alliance ships are going to
be all over these Badlands. We're going to have no place to hide.
[SISKO] Then I suppose we'll just have to make sure she doesn't finish.
(Rebel HQ)
[SISKO] Trying to reach Terok Nor using small
fighters didn't work. But we need to get Jennifer off that station, and
we need to get her off there soon.
[BASHIR] We've been meaning to talk to you about that.
[TUVOK] Mister Bashir is not convinced that you can persuade your former
mate to join our cause.
[SISKO] I can be very persuasive.
[BASHIR] Look, I don't even know why we're bothering to discuss this.
The Cardassians destroyed your ship way before it got even close to
Terok Nor. And even if you had made it there, there was no guarantee
you could've convinced your wife of anything.
[BRIEN] (sotto to Sisko) Hit him. That's what the Captain would do. Go
on, hit him.
[BASHIR] Let's face it, Captain, the woman hates you.
(Sisko knocks Bashir down.)
[SISKO] What my wife thinks of me is no concern of yours.
[DAX] (with weapon) Anyone else want to disagree with the captain?
[SISKO] Put it away, Dax. Go on, put it away.
[BASHIR] No one is questioning your authority, Captain. But we have got
to stop her before she finishes that sensor array.
[ROM] And there's only one sure way to do that.
[BASHIR] We have to kill her.
[BRIEN] You've been saying that all along.
[BASHIR] Well maybe it's time he listened.
[DAX] Killing her would be a lot easier than trying to get her away from
the Alliance.
[BRIEN] Easier, but not smarter. If she's that important to the
Alliance, think how important she could be to us. We could use a
scientist on our side.
[SISKO] You tell them, Smiley. At least someone here is using his brain.
[BRIEN] Think about it. Who knows what other weapons the Alliance is
developing. Someone like Professor Sisko could counteract anything they
come up with.
[SISKO] She's valuable. We need her. All right. Does anyone disagree?
Good. Now let's get to work.
(Intendant's quarters)
(Kira is getting a gentle, sensuous massage.)
[GARAK] Tell the Intendant what you told me.
[ROM] It's about Captain Sisko.
[KIRA] Sisko?
[ROM] He's alive. He was able to get off his ship before it exploded.
[GARAK] I suppose it's possible.
[ROM] It's more than possible. It's true. But I can tell you how to get
your hands on him. If you're interested.
(Raider cockpit)
(O'Brien is scratching behind his ear.)
[SISKO] Don't do that.
[BRIEN] I can't help it. It itches. I hope this works.
[SISKO] It'll work. Just stop scratching.
[BRIEN] You did pretty good back there. I don't think anyone suspected
you weren't Captain Sisko. At least not once you hit Bashir.
[SISKO] But you and I both know that was just a warm up. Jennifer's the
one I really have to convince.
[BRIEN] I guess seeing her isn't going to be easy for you. How long's
it been since your wife died?
[SISKO] Five years.
[BRIEN] Well just remember, Jennifer may look like her, but she's not.
She's a completely different person.
[SISKO] I'll try to remember that. Do you have any idea what went wrong
between her and Captain Sisko?
[BRIEN] From what I heard, they never should've been together in the
first place. She came from one of the few privileged Terran families,
people who cooperated with the Alliance. The captain he fought his way
up from the mines.
[SISKO] What is she like, this Jennifer?
[BRIEN] I don't know. They'd separated by the time I got to know the
captain. What was your Jennifer like?
[SISKO] She was the kindest, most caring person I ever knew.
[BRIEN] I wouldn't get my hopes up. Hold on. I'm reading a slight
energy distortion in subspace.
[SISKO] What are the coordinates?
[BRIEN] It's coming from all around us.
(A Cardassian and a Klingon ship uncloak.)
[BRIEN] You know, Captain Sisko would try to fight his way out of
[SISKO] Be glad I'm not him.
[KIRA] Well, if it isn't the notorious Captain Sisko
and his friend the Tinkerer.
(Sisko kisses Kira.)
[SISKO] I'm glad to see you too, Intendant.
[KIRA] Still the same old Benjamin.
[SISKO] You wouldn't have it any other way.
[KIRA] Perhaps not, but I'm still going to kill you.
[SISKO] Maybe, but not right away.
[KIRA] You flatter yourself.
[SISKO] Not unjustly, I hope.
[GARAK] Intendant, please, let me teach him some manners.
[KIRA] All in good time. But first, whatever shall we do about O'Brien?
I remember the first time I saw you, Tinkerer. You were fixing
something. You were always fixing things, making things better. And
everyone loved you for it. Even me. But that just wasn't enough for
you, was it. You couldn't be happy, staying here, being loved. You had
to lash out and betray everyone who was ever good to you. Why?
[BRIEN] I wanted to be free.
[KIRA] Free? You're a Terran. You were born a slave and you'll die a
slave. Take him to ore processing. Remind him where he belongs.
[GUARD] Let's go.
[GARAK] What about Sisko?
[SISKO] Take me to the Intendant's quarters. Then she'll decide what to
do with me.
[GARAK] Of all the impudent
[KIRA] Do as he says.
[GARAK] Intendant. I demand that this man be
[KIRA] You demand?
[GARAK] But you promised me he'd die.
[KIRA] And he will. When I say, and not a moment before.
[SISKO] Shall we?
[GARAK] After you.
(Intendant's quarters)
[KIRA] I really don't know what to do with you.
[SISKO] I sympathise. It's a difficult decision. But I'm sure you'll
come up with something.
[KIRA] The only reason I can think of to keep you alive is to infuriate
[SISKO] What better reason do you need?
[KIRA] Well, suppose I let you live. What will I get in return?
[SISKO] What do you want?
[KIRA] Your loyalty. That's all I've ever wanted. For you to be at my
side, my strong right hand. But I'm afraid I can never trust you again.
Which means that I will have to dispose of you eventually. The question
is, should it be sooner, or later?
[SISKO] Do I get a vote?
[KIRA] Of course you do. It just doesn't count. No, I've got to think
about this.
[SISKO] You will let me know what you decide?
[KIRA] I wouldn't dream of keeping it a secret.
(Guest quarters)
(Jennifer enters with Garak.)
[SISKO] Jennifer.
[JENNIFER] Hello, Ben. Please leave us.
[GARAK] What, and miss this touching reunion?
[SISKO] You heard her.
[GARAK] If you need anyone to beat him into submission for you, don't
hesitate to call me.
(Garak leaves.)
[JENNIFER] All right, I'm here. What did you want to see me about?
[SISKO] I was hoping we could talk.
[JENNIFER] Really? You never seemed interested in talking to me while we
were married.
[SISKO] I made a lot of mistakes back then.
[JENNIFER] Save the apologies, Ben. They're not going to work. You are
without a doubt, the most insensitive, self-absorbed, egotistical
[SISKO] You've made your point.
[JENNIFER] I doubt it. You never listened to me before. You were always
too busy trying to impress every woman who crossed your path.
[SISKO] Where there really that many?
[JENNIFER] There were enough. And if it wasn't women, then it was that
ship of yours. Sometimes I think it was the only thing you ever loved.
[SISKO] Maybe I loved you both.
[JENNIFER] Then why did you leave me to go run and play pirate for the
[SISKO] That's a good question.
[JENNIFER] And now this Rebellion of yours. Do you know how many deaths
you've caused? How much destruction?
[SISKO] I'm fighting to help free our people.
[JENNIFER] You're fighting because you like to fight, Benjamin. The only
thing you've accomplished is to give the Alliance an excuse to treat
the Terrans worse than before. I just hope that with your capture, this
rebellion can be ended peacefully.
[SISKO] Who said I'd been captured?
[JENNIFER] Oh, I suppose you came here just to see me?
[SISKO] Actually, I came here to rescue you.
[JENNIFER] Rescue me?
[SISKO] That's what I said.
[JENNIFER] I'm not going anywhere with you.
[SISKO] You can't stay here.
[JENNIFER] I have a job to finish.
[SISKO] You mean the sensor array?
[JENNIFER] That's right.
[SISKO] If you finish the array you'll destroy any hope our people have
for a better future. I don't think you want that.
[JENNIFER] All I want to do is to put an end to all this fighting. To
force the rebels to seek a peaceful settlement with the Alliance.
[SISKO] It's not that simple. The Alliance isn't interested in a
peaceful settlement. If we lay down our arms, we'll all be killed.
[JENNIFER] The rebellion is killing people every day. It has to stop.
[SISKO] Not this way. Not while the Terrans are still at the mercy of
the Alliance. They're your own people, Jennifer.
[JENNIFER] You have no right to talk to me like that. Since when do you
care about what happens to our people? You've never cared about anyone
but yourself.
[SISKO] Maybe I've changed in the past few years.
[JENNIFER] How many times have I heard you say that?
[SISKO] I guess I was a pretty lousy husband.
[JENNIFER] You guess?
[SISKO] Look, I know it's too late for an apology.
[JENNIFER] You're right about that.
[SISKO] But for what it's worth, I'm sorry. What is it?
[JENNIFER] For a second, I almost believed you. You know what I wish? I
wish I'd never met you.
[SISKO] And I wish things could've been better between us. But this
isn't about us. Or is it? Why are you working for the Alliance? Is it
because you believe in what they're doing or is it something else?
[JENNIFER] I don't know what you're talking about.
[SISKO] I think the two of us have been fighting each other for so long
that you've gotten used to us being on opposite sides. But I'm not the
enemy this time, Jennifer. The Alliance is.
[JENNIFER] The Alliance is your enemy, not mine.
[SISKO] That's where you're wrong. Don't you see, you're no different
than the slaves working in the ore processing centre. In fact, you may
even be worse off. At least they know they're prisoners.
[JENNIFER] What if I am a prisoner?
[SISKO] You don't have to be. Fight back. Come with me.
[JENNIFER] You want me to join the rebellion?
[SISKO] The way I see it, freedom is a lot better than slavery. Think
about it.
(Sisko taps three times behind his ear)
(Ore processing)
(O'Brien touches behind his ear.)
[BRIEN] It took him long enough.
(Guest quarters)
[JENNIFER] What are you doing?
[SISKO] Sending a message.
[JENNIFER] You have a subdermal communicator?
[SISKO] Courtesy of the Ferengi.
(Ore processing)
(O'Brien sneaks away from the main work, opens a
panel and starts adjusting things)
(Outside his quarters, Sisko knocks out the first
Klingon guard and then shoots the second with a disrupter)
[SISKO] Jennifer, I need an answer. Are you coming with me or not?
[JENNIFER] Do I have a choice?
[SISKO] Of course you do. If you want, you can go back to your quarters
and forget we ever spoke. It's up to you.
[JENNIFER] All right. But lets get one thing clear.
[SISKO] What's that?
[JENNIFER] I still hate you.
[SISKO] I know.
(Ore Processing)
[CARDASSIAN] Terran, what are you doing down there?
[BRIEN] Re-routing the central ODN processor. The Intendant's orders.
[CARDASSIAN] I don't recall receiving clearance for any repairs.
(O'Brien knocks him out.)
[BRIEN] You don't say?
(There are bangs, the lights flicker and the doors open. O'Brien grabs
the Cardassian's phaser and shoots another guard while the workers take
care of another.)
[BRIEN] All right, anyone who wants to get out of here, follow me.
Come on.
[JENNIFER] You still haven't told me where we're
[SISKO] Airlock seven. There should be a ship waiting there for us.
Providing we can get there before the security systems reactivate.
[VOICE (OC)] You two look in there.
[SISKO] Get back.
(Sisko shoots a Cardassian and they run. Another catches up to them and
shoots the bulkhead. They are trapped by a porthole.)
[JENNIFER] Now what?
[SISKO] I'll think of something.
(Reinforcements arrive.)
[BRIEN] Hey!
(The Cardassians are killed in the crossfire.
[SISKO] Good work, Smiley.
[BRIEN] Yeah. The only problem is there's thirty more of them behind
[SISKO] Then we'd better get to the airlock.
[BRIEN] Come on.
(Rom's body is fixed across the airlock)
[JENNIFER] Something tells me that's not part of your plan.
[BRIEN] We've got to find another way out of here.
[SISKO] Got any suggestions?
(Phaser fire around the corner.)
[SISKO] Fall back.
(A worker gets shot as they retreat.)
[KIRA] That was very clever, Benjamin, having one of your own men betray
you so you could get aboard the station. I was completely fooled.
Fortunately Mister Garak is somewhat more cynical than I am.
[GARAK] Your Ferengi friend told us of your entire plan, with a little
persuasion of course.
[KIRA] I'm afraid there's no escape. Your ship's locked down, your
pilot's dead. There's no way out. You might as well surrender.
[BRIEN] If we surrender, she'll kill us.
[SISKO] Maybe us, but not Jennifer.
[JENNIFER] What if we offer a trade? I stay here and she lets you live.
[KIRA] Benjamin, you know how I hate to be kept waiting.
[SISKO] I came a long way to get you out of here, and I'm not going to
leave without you. What is it?
[JENNIFER] Nothing.
[SISKO] Smiley, how far is the ore processing centre?
[BRIEN] Only a couple of levels.
[KIRA] Time's up, Benjamin. Benjamin!
[GARAK] Pursue!
[KIRA] He always has to make things difficult.
[GARAK] It's one of his least endearing qualities.
(Outside ore processing)
[SISKO] Smiley, seal the doors.
[BRIEN] Sure. It's easy for you to say.
(O'Brien dashes forward under fire, pulls the levers and gets back
before the doors shut tight)
(Ore processing)
[SISKO] I'm going to get you out of here, I promise.
[JENNIFER] I believe you.
(Sisko starts working a console.)
[BRIEN] I don't know what you're up to, Captain, but there's no way
out of this room except through that door.
[SISKO] Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. I just hope your Terok Nor
was designed by the same Cardassian that built my Terok Nor.
[KIRA] Are you sure they're in there?
(Security nods.)
[KIRA] Good. Then we've got them. Use the manual override to open the
[GARAK] This time, Intendant, I trust you're not going to be so lenient
with our dear Mister Sisko.
[KIRA] Don't worry. He's disappointed me for the last time.
(Ore processing)
(The Alliance forces rush in to no resistance.
Sisko, Jennifer and O'Brien are just standing there.)
[KIRA] Jennifer. Oh, I was so worried about you. But you're safe now. In
fact, I can assure you that your husband will never annoy you again.
[JENNIFER] Actually, for the first time since I've met him, he's not
annoying me. In fact, he's been making a lot of sense.
[KIRA] Well, he can be very persuasive when he wants to be. I suppose
this means you won't be finishing the sensor array.
[JENNIFER] I'm a Terran.
[KIRA] Keep her alive. Kill the others.
[SISKO] Oh, I wouldn't. You'd be making a mistake.
[KIRA] The only mistake I made was not executing you in the first place.
[SISKO] You don't know how right you are. I have activated the station's
self-destruct sequence. Unless I disarm it, this whole place will blow
up in nine minutes.
(Garak laughs.)
[KIRA] That's impossible. There's no way you could know the station's
command access code.
[SISKO] Alpha nine one seven five blue.
[KIRA] Computer, disengage self-destruct sequence. Authorisation Kira
alpha nine one seven five blue.
[COMPUTER] Authorisation denied.
[SISKO] I changed it. You have eight minutes and thirty seconds to let
us go. Otherwise we all die.
[GARAK] Don't listen to him. He's bluffing.
[KIRA] He's not bluffing.
[GARAK] How do you know?
[KIRA] I know. Give me the new access code and I'll let you go.
[SISKO] I will give you the access code once my friends and I are safely
away from the station. Do we have a deal?
[KIRA] This isn't over Benjamin. I'll hunt you down. I swear it.
[SISKO] You're welcome to try.
(Rebel HQ)
(Jennifer and Dax are sitting together.)
[SISKO] Well, I'm glad to see the two of you are getting along.
[DAX] We have a lot in common. He's all yours.
(Dax leaves.)
[JENNIFER] Dax tells me you're leaving.
[SISKO] I thought I'd pay the Romulans a visit. See if I can convince
them to help us.
[JENNIFER] Then I guess this is goodbye.
[SISKO] Jennifer, there's so much I want to tell you. I just don't know
where to start.
[JENNIFER] Why don't you start by telling me what happened to my
husband? He's dead, isn't he?
[SISKO] I'm sorry.
[JENNIFER] Don't be. Who are you, really?
[SISKO] It's a long story. But ask Smiley. He can fill you in on the
[JENNIFER] He seems like a good man.
[SISKO] He does at that. So, what are you going to do now?
[JENNIFER] Oh, I'm sure Smiley'll find something to keep me busy. You're
not really going to visit the Romulans, are you.
[SISKO] The deal was that I get you off the station, and then I go home.
[JENNIFER] Will I see you again?
[SISKO] I don't know.
[JENNIFER] Thank you for rescuing me.
[SISKO] It was my pleasure.
[BRIEN] Ready, Captain?
[JENNIFER] You'd better go.
[SISKO] Take me home, Smiley. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e63", "title": "Through The Looking"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Improbable Cause
Original Airdate: 24 Apr, 1995
[GARAK] But I'm sorry, Doctor, I just don't see the
value of this man's work.
[BASHIR] Garak, Shakespeare is one of the giants of human literature.
[GARAK] I knew Brutus was going to kill Caesar in the first act, but
Caesar didn't figure it out until the knife is in his back.
[BASHIR] That's what makes it a tragedy. Caesar couldn't conceive that
his best friend would plot to kill him.
[GARAK] Tragedy is not the word I'd use. Farce would be more
appropriate. Supposedly, this man is supposed to be the leader of a
great empire, a brilliant military tactician, and yet he can't see
what's going on under his own nose. Doctor, are you in a hurry?
[BASHIR] I've to get to the Infirmary. I've a lot of work to do this
[GARAK] Oh, you're fortunate. I have more time on my hands than I know
what to do with.
[BASHIR] Maybe you could finish those trousers I dropped off last week.
[GARAK] Tomorrow.
[BASHIR] Tomorrow.
[GARAK] You're going to give yourself indigestion.
[BASHIR] Well I only have you to thank for that. If you hadn't been so
late, I could have enjoyed my lunch.
[GARAK] This isn't the first time I've seen you rush through a meal. You
never take the time to savour your food. It seems to be a human
characteristic. Look over there. That Talarian is barely halfway
through his meal, but his human companion's plate is empty.
[BASHIR] Well maybe he and I can have dessert while you and the Talarian
to wile away the afternoon.
[GARAK] But it is a very interesting sociological phenomenon, don't you
think? For generations now, humankind has had more than enough food and
yet you go about your eating as if you were afraid someone was going to
come along and snatch away your plate.
[BASHIR] Garak, why don't you eat for a while and let me talk?
[GARAK] Fear of starvation amid plenty. It points to some dark secret
hidden in the human soul. A gnawing hunger. perhaps someone should do a
[BASHIR] Why don't you do? You appear to have plenty of time on your
[GARAK] Doctor, if you want to have your dessert, please go ahead. I
won't be offended.
[BASHIR] I have to go. And I'm sorry to leave while you're still eating.
[GARAK] No, no, I'm done as well.
[BASHIR] But you've hardly touched your plate.
[GARAK] If you really must know, I've been nibbling on Delavian
chocolates all morning.
(Promenade - upper level)
[BASHIR] How did you get Delavian chocolates?
[GARAK] I promised my supplier I wouldn't tell, but since I deprived you
of your dessert, I'd be more than happy to bring some by the Infirmary
later this afternoon.
[BASHIR] Why thank you, I'd like that.
[GARAK] Until then, Doctor.
[KIRA] Julian.
[BASHIR] Major.
[KIRA] Garak.
(Garak leaves.)
[KIRA] About those atmospheric specifications you requested for the
Yalosian Ambassador?
[BASHIR] Sixty percent nitrogen, ten percent benzene, and the rest
hydrogen fluoride, as I recall
[KIRA] Well we ran a test in one of the guest quarters. The mixture is
so corrosive it dissolved the carpet.
[BASHIR] Don't look at me. It's what they breathe.
[KIRA] Then I guess we'll just have to rip out the carpets.
[BASHIR] Be sure not to replace it with anything red or orange
[KIRA] Why not?
[BASHIR] They don't see that part of the colour spectrum.
[KIRA] Is there anything else I should know about the Yalosians?
[BASHIR] As a matter of fact
[BASHIR] Bashir to Infirmary. Medical emergency on the Promenade. It's
Garak's shop!
(Garak's shop)
(Lots of flames and debris. Garak is on the floor,
[BASHIR] Are you all right?
[GARAK] As well as could be expected. But I'm afraid your pants won't be
ready tomorrow after all.
(After the opening titles, CSI DS9 aka O'Brien and his tricorder is at
[SISKO] Report.
[BRIEN] The explosion was caused by a rupture in the power conduit
behind that wall.
[SISKO] What caused the rupture?
[BRIEN] Probably an overload in the ODN juncture.
[ODO] Ha.
[SISKO] I take it you don't agree.
[ODO] Well, let's just say I find it odd that a conduit running behind
Garak's shop should just happen to overload.
[SISKO] So you think someone ruptured it deliberately?
[ODO] I wouldn't be surprised. It stands to reason that a man with
Garak's past would have enemies.
[BRIEN] I'm detecting traces of nitrilin.
[ODO] Nitrilin is extremely unstable.
[BRIEN] And very rare. It couldn't have come from the power conduit.
[ODO] This could be the residue from a micro-explosive device planted on
the conduit and rigged to cause a rupture.
[SISKO] Making the explosion look like an accident.
[ODO] Exactly.
[SISKO] Sisko to Ops.
[KIRA (OC)] Go ahead, Commander.
[SISKO] Delay the departure of all vessels until further notice. I have
reason to believe that someone may have tried to kill Mister Garak.
[GARAK] But who would want to kill me, a simple
[ODO] A simple tailor? A simple tailor who used to be an agent of the
Obsidian Order.
[GARAK] The Obsidian Order? Constable, you shouldn't put too much stock
in the good doctor's flights of fancy. Are you sure this explosion
wasn't an accident, because I can't think of anyone who would wish me
[SISKO] Someone tried to kill you, Garak. Whoever it was may try again,
so if I were you I would give this matter some serious thought.
[GARAK] Well, let me see. I mean, there's the Nausicaan whose wedding
suit I misplaced, and that Yridian I owe money to. And of course,
there's always Major Kira.
[BASHIR] This is serious, Garak.
[GARAK] I'm being serious. I don't think she likes me.
[ODO] She doesn't. But if she wanted you dead, you would be.
[GARAK] You do have a point.
[SISKO] Could this attempt on your life have anything to do with the
reason you were exiled from Cardassia?
[GARAK] I seriously doubt the Finance Ministry would try to have me
killed for failure to pay my taxes.
[ODO] You expect us to believe that's the reason you were exiled?
[GARAK] Do you think I would lie about a thing like that? It's not
something I'm proud of.
[SISKO] I don't like explosions going off on my station, Garak. Innocent
people could've been hurt. You could've been killed. Now if there's
anything you know you're not telling us, I suggest you start talking.
[GARAK] I've told you everything I can think of.
[ODO] All right, then. I'll investigate the leads you've given us. If
there's anyone else you think I should talk to, let me know.
[GARAK] I certainly will.
[SISKO] We've assigned a security detail to you. I suggest you stay as
close to them as possible.
(Sisko and Odo leave.)
[BASHIR] Someone should do a study
[GARAK] A study?
[BASHIR] To try and figure out why some people can't bring themselves to
trust anyone, even if it's in their own best interest.
[GARAK] Why is it no one ever believes me, even when I'm telling the
[BASHIR] Have you ever heard the story about the boy who cried wolf?
[BASHIR] It's a children's story about a young shepherd boy who gets
lonely while tending his flock. So he cries out to the villagers that a
wolf is attacking the sheep. The people come running, but of course
there's no wolf. He claims that it's run away, and the villagers praise
him for his vigilance.
[GARAK] Clever lad. A charming story.
[BASHIR] I'm not finished. The next day the boy does it again, and the
next day, too, and on the fourth day a wolf really comes. The boy cries
out at the top of his lungs, but the villagers ignore him and the boy
and his flock are gobbled up.
[GARAK] Well that's a little graphic for children, wouldn't you say?
[BASHIR] But the point is, if you lie all the time, nobody's going to
believe you even when you're telling the truth.
[GARAK] Are you sure that's the point, Doctor?
[BASHIR] Of course. What else could it be?
[GARAK] That you should never tell the same lie twice.
(Security office)
[GARAK] You wanted to see me?
[ODO] I have bad news for you. Major Kira has an airtight alibi. I
thought you might want to look over the passenger manifests of ships
that recently came to the station.
[GARAK] To see if I recognise anyone who might wish me harm?
[ODO] Exactly. I suggest you start with the most recent arrivals and
work your way backwards.
(Garak sits at Odo's console.)
[GARAK] Don't worry about me, Constable. I can manage on my own.
[ODO] I'm not about to leave you alone in here so you can look through
my security files.
[GARAK] What makes you think I haven't already looked through them? I'm
joking, of course.
[ODO] Of course.
[GARAK] No, I'm afraid I don't recognise any of these names.
[ODO] The bomb could've been planted days ago, even weeks. I suggest you
keep going back just to be sure.
[GARAK] This could take forever.
[ODO] I should think you'd have plenty of time on your hands, now that
your shop is no longer open for business.
[BRIEN] Odo, I. (sotto) I finished running the biomolecular scan you
asked me for. I found traces of living tissue on the bulkhead around
the blast site.
[ODO] This looks like the remains of a pheromonic sensor.
[BRIEN] A what?
[ODO] It's triggered when a person of a particular species gets within
[GARAK] In this case a Cardassian. Me.
[ODO] They're known to be favoured by Flaxian assassins, and it just so
happens a Flaxian came aboard the station just this morning.
[ODO] So, Mister Retaya, your papers indicate that
you're a merchant.
[RETAYA] I deal in fine wares, mostly fabrics and fragrances.
[ODO] According to my information, you were a suspect in the murder of
Dekora Assan, on Japori Two.
[RETAYA] I was cleared of those charges. It was a case of mistaken
[ODO] This is your sample case, I take it.
(He opens the pyramidical case and Odo scans the contents.)
[ODO] Ah. How fortunate. As it happens, I'm looking for a gift for a
[RETAYA] A lady friend?
[ODO] Exactly. Unfortunately, I don't have a sense of smell. Perhaps you
could describe this fragrance for me?
[RETAYA] It has a somewhat floral bouquet.
[ODO] We have a Cardassian tailor here on the station named Garak. There
was an explosion in his shop not long after you arrived.
[RETAYA] I felt the blast. Was he hurt?
[ODO] Not seriously.
[RETAYA] That one is more musky than the first.
[ODO] Tell me, where were you when the explosion occurred?
[RETAYA] The Ferengi's bar. I went there as soon as I arrived this
morning. I suppose I'd have to describe that one as spicy.
[ODO] I see. And how long were you at Quark's?
[RETAYA] The rest of the day. Right up until your deputy came and
brought me here. So, have you found something for your lady friend?
[ODO] Almost. I think she would like something both floral and musky.
Perhaps if we mixed these two?
[RETAYA] Why not? (Odo puts a couple of drops onto a small dish and
waves it under Retaya's nose.) Very nice.
[ODO] But on the other hand, she's also quite fond of spicy things.
Maybe we could add a drop of this as well?
[RETAYA] I really don't think they would go well together.
[ODO] Let's find out.
(Retaya puts his hand over the dish.)
[RETAYA] I really don't think your lady friend will like the aroma.
[ODO] Much less the fact that when these three fragrances are combined,
they produce a gaseous mixture that can trigger a fatal heart attack
when inhaled.
[RETAYA] I had no idea.
[ODO] Then why did you stop me from mixing them?
[RETAYA] As I said, I simply didn't think your friend would like the
aroma. Unless you have any more questions, I'd like to go now. I have
deliveries to make on Cardassia.
[ODO] I'll let you know when you can leave the station.
(Promenade - upper level)
[BRIEN] Everything's set. The transponder is on
board the Flaxian's ship.
[ODO] You're sure he won't find it?
[BRIEN] Not a chance, I've hidden it inside the ship's magneton relay.
You'll be able to track him as long as you stay within half a light
year. Who do you think he's going to lead you to?
[ODO] If I knew that, I wouldn't have to follow him.
(Runabout Rio Grande)
(Odo enters to find Garak in the co-pilot's seat
with a duffle bag on his lap.)
[GARAK] I was wondering when you'd get here. The Flaxian left two
minutes ago. If we're going to follow him, we'd better get moving.
[ODO] What makes you think I'm going to follow him?
[GARAK] I happen to know that you're too dogged an investigator to allow
the only witness in this case to simply disappear.
[ODO] Congratulations. Your powers of deduction are truly astonishing.
Now, if you will kindly disembark, I will get on with my dogged
[GARAK] I intend to go with you.
[ODO] Forgive me, but are you making a joke? Cardassian humour escapes
[GARAK] I'm quite serious. Believe me, when someone tries to kill you
it's no laughing matter.
[ODO] Perhaps, but I don't require your company on this trip.
[GARAK] My presence could be most helpful, especially if the Flaxian
goes into Cardassian space.
[ODO] I am not interested in debating your usefulness to me
[GARAK] I hate to interrupt you, but the Flaxian is getting farther
away. Now I assume you've placed a tracking device on his ship, but if
we don't get started soon he's going to get out of range.
[ODO] Rio Grande to Ops. Request permission to depart.
[KIRA (OC)] Permission granted.
[GARAK] Trust me, Constable. I can be a most pleasant travelling
companion. And this promises to be an interesting trip.
(The runabout leaves the station.)
[ODO] The tracking device is working perfectly.
[GARAK] If I'm reading this correctly, and I'm no expert, it looks like
the Flaxian ship is about to go into warp.
[ODO] Well. It seems that our interesting trip has just been cut short.
[BRIEN] According to our sensor logs, the Flaxian
ship exploded the moment its warp drive was engaged.
[DAX] Was there a malfunction?
[BRIEN] That's what I thought at first. Then I analysed the telemetry
from the transponder I planted aboard the Flaxian ship. Just before the
explosion, there was an interference pattern in the transponder's
[DAX] This interference could have been caused by a forced neutrino
[ODO] The Romulans. They use neutrino inverters in their explosive
[SISKO] Why would the Romulans want to destroy the Flaxian's ship?
[ODO] One possibility is that the Romulans hired the Flaxian to kill
Garak and then killed the Flaxian when he failed in his mission.
[DAX] Do you have any evidence to support that?
[ODO] It's only a supposition, but it fits the available facts.
[SISKO] All right, Mister Garak. Do you know why the Romulans might hire
someone to kill you?
[GARAK] I have no idea.
[SISKO] I'm getting tired of hearing you say that. How long do you
expect us to believe
[ODO] He's telling the truth, Commander. He doesn't know why the
Romulans would try to kill him.
[SISKO] What makes you so sure?
[ODO] Because if he did know, he'd already be spinning out an elaborate
web of lies to cover up the truth.
[GARAK] The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination.
[ODO] Is it.
[GARAK] If you want to know what the Romulans have against me, you'll
have to ask them.
[SISKO] I intend to. But I don't expect them to be entirely forthcoming.
(Commander's office)
(A youngish Romulan woman is on the office
[ROMULAN (on viewscreen)] Yes, we destroyed the Flaxian's ship.
[SISKO] I have to say I'm a little surprised to hear you admit it so
[ROMULAN (on viewscreen)] Why should we hide it? Retaya was wanted for
crimes against the Romulan Empire. His execution was perfectly legal.
[SISKO] We have information that he may have worked as an assassin.
[ROMULAN (on viewscreen)] I have nothing to corroborate that, though it
wouldn't surprise me.
[SISKO] Shortly after he came here, someone tried to kill a Cardassian
who lives aboard the station.
[ROMULAN (on viewscreen)] That would be Mister Garak. A cobbler, I
[SISKO] A tailor, actually.
[ROMULAN (on viewscreen)] I'll correct our records. That is, if he's
still alive.
[SISKO] He is.
[ROMULAN (on viewscreen)] Well, is there anything else?
[ODO] One more thing. How long had the Tal Shiar been looking for
[ROMULAN (on viewscreen)] Nearly a year. Why?
[ODO] Isn't it curious that you finally caught up with him here, just
hours after he attempted to kill Mister Garak?
[ROMULAN (on viewscreen)] We're just grateful to have found him at all.
Now, if you're finished, Commander, I have other matters to attend to.
(transmission ends.)
[SISKO] I take it you don't believe her either.
[ODO] No.
[SISKO] But the question still remains. Why would the Romulans want to
have Garak killed?
[ODO] I don't know. Considering those uniforms of theirs, you'd think
they'd appreciate a decent tailor.
[SISKO] So, where does this leave your investigation?
[ODO] At a standstill. We don't know that the Romulans hired the
Flaxian. We don't even know that it was Retaya who tried to kill Garak.
All we do know is that a bomb went off in Garak's shop.
[SISKO] All right, then let's start with him. What do we know about
Garak? He was exiled from Cardassia. For what reason, we're not sure.
He never leaves the station. He avoids contact with other Cardassians.
And it's possible he was once an intelligence agent of the Obsidian
[ODO] A very strong possibility, Commander.
[SISKO] Agreed. So we can assume that this attempt on his life had
something to do with the Order?
[ODO] Unfortunately, he's rather uncooperative when it comes to
answering questions about his past.
[SISKO] And the Obsidian Order is uncooperative when it comes to
answering questions about their former agents.
[ODO] Ordinarily, yes.
[SISKO] What do you mean?
[ODO] I have certain resources in the Cardassian Government.
[SISKO] I take it you don't want to elaborate on that?
[ODO] I'd rather not. But I would like to request the use of a runabout.
[SISKO] Granted.
[ODO] Thank you, sir.
(Don't you just love the way all tunnels are tall
enough for a person to walk along easily? A shadowy figure stands on an
upper ledge.)
[INFORMANT] Stop there.
[ODO] Where are you?
[INFORMANT] Nearby. I've changed my appearance since we last saw each
other. I don't want you to see me.
[ODO] I need some information.
[INFORMANT] Is this about the tailor's shop?
[ODO] Yes.
[INFORMANT] I didn't do it.
[ODO] I wasn't going to ask you that. I think the Romulans tried to kill
[INFORMANT] Very good, Odo. I see working for the Bajorans hasn't
entirely dulled your instincts.
[ODO] My question is why.
[INFORMANT] You'd have to ask the Romulans. But I do know that you are
investigating a very insignificant piece of a much larger puzzle.
[ODO] What do you mean?
[INFORMANT] There's been a great deal of unusual Romulan activity these
past weeks. Cloaked ships believed to be warbirds have been detected
near the Cardassian border. Troop movements. Communication activity.
[ODO] Sounds like they're preparing for an invasion.
[INFORMANT] It has occurred to us. And we're ready for it if it should
happen. But it doesn't make any sense.
[ODO] Does war ever make sense?
[INFORMANT] Still the wry observer of humanoid folly. Tell me, do you
still do the Cardassian neck trick?
[ODO] No, I don't.
[INFORMANT] Pity. You were so good at it. Garak isn't the only former
operative in the Order who had an unfortunate incident yesterday. But
he's the luckiest. The other five didn't survive.
[ODO] Five operatives were killed yesterday?
[INFORMANT] Killed? No. Three died from natural causes. The other two
perished in accidents.
[ODO] Quite a coincidence.
[INFORMANT] If you believe in coincidence.
[ODO] I take it you think the Romulans had something to do with their
[INFORMANT] There were certain indications of their involvement.
[ODO] That still leaves us with the question why?
(The Cardassian throws down a PADD.)
[INFORMANT] Those are the names of the five dead operatives. I suggest
you show that to Garak then ask him that question.
[ODO] I'll do that.
[INFORMANT] I trust you'll agree that this information satisfies my debt
to you.
[ODO] Agreed.
[INFORMANT] However, if you do learn something from your tailor and wish
to share it with me, I would be indebted to you again.
[ODO] I'll consider it.
(Security office)
[GARAK] They're all dead?
[ODO] I take it you're not going to mourn their passing.
[GARAK] Oh, quite the contrary. In fact, if these were different
circumstances I'd be celebrating tonight.
[ODO] So you did know them?
[GARAK] Oh, yes. We were quite well acquainted.
[ODO] In the Obsidian Order.
[GARAK] Oh, Constable, we've been down this road before. I don't see why
[ODO] I've had enough of your dissembling, Garak! I am not Doctor Bashir
and we are not sparring amiably over lunch. Now, you dragged me into
this investigation and you are now going to cooperate with me.
[GARAK] Dragged you in? I don't know what you're talking
[ODO] You blew up your own shop, Garak! Well, I don't think I've ever
seen that particular expression on your face. Is it surprise?
[GARAK] Yes, Constable, it is. I'm surprised that you could come this
unlikely conclusion.
[ODO] Drop the pretence. I knew as soon as I spoke with the Flaxian.
Assassins don't like varying their methods. He planned to poison you. I
think you spotted him on the station and then blew up your own shop so
that I'd begin an investigation.
[GARAK] That seems like a very elaborate way to get you involved. If I
needed your help I could have just asked.
[ODO] But you couldn't be sure that I'd take you seriously. Or that I'd
help you. Besides, I think you secretly enjoyed destroying your own
[GARAK] Well, I admit watching it burn wasn't exactly tragic.
[ODO] Whether or not you want to admit it, you pulled me into this case
and now you're stuck with me. I want to know who those men were and
what your connection was to them.
[GARAK] We were all associates of Enabran Tain.
[ODO] Enabran Tain. The former head of the Obsidian Order.
[GARAK] He retired some years ago. He was, I might add, the only head of
the agency ever to live long enough to do so. For some time, we were
his most trusted advisors.
[ODO] Do you have any idea why the Romulans would want you all dead?
[GARAK] I don't know. But Tain might.
[ODO] That is, unless he suffered an unfortunate accident as well.
[GARAK] That is a distinct possibility. May I use your communications
[ODO] By all means.
(Garak starts tapping at the console.)
[ODO] That's an interesting way of scrambling a signal.
[GARAK] Yes, I thought you might appreciate it on an aesthetic level.
Ah, here we are.
(An old Cardassian woman appears on the wall monitor.)
[GARAK] Mila.
[MILA (on monitor)] Elim. I never thought I'd see your face again.
[GARAK] I need to speak to Tain. It's urgent.
[MILA (on monitor)] You can't. He isn't here.
[GARAK] Where is he?
[MILA (on monitor)] I don't know. He left yesterday in a great hurry. He
wouldn't tell me where.
[ODO] Maybe he realised someone was coming after him.
[MILA (on monitor)] He's in trouble, isn't he? You have to help him,
Elim. I know you're still bitter because of what happened between the
two of you, but you must help him, Elim.
[GARAK] If you speak to him, tell him to contact me.
[MILA (on monitor)] Promise me you'll help him.
[GARAK] I promise.
(Transmission ends.)
[GARAK] I'll need a runabout, Constable.
[ODO] We'll need a runabout. I'm coming with you.
[BASHIR] I hope you know what you're doing, Garak.
[GARAK] So do I.
[BASHIR] Is there anything you need me to do while you're gone?
[GARAK] Like what?
[BASHIR] I don't know. Any unfinished business?
[GARAK] Actually, Doctor, there is something.
[BASHIR] What?
[GARAK] If you go into my quarters and examine the bulkhead next to the
replicator, you'll notice there's a false panel. Behind that panel is a
compartment containing an isolinear rod. If I'm not back within seventy
eight hours, I want you to take that rod and eat it.
[BASHIR] Eat it? You're joking.
[GARAK] Yes, Doctor, I am.
[BASHIR] Very funny.
[GARAK] I thought so. The answer to your question, Doctor, is no.
There's nothing you can do for me while I'm away.
[BASHIR] Then these are for you.
[GARAK] Delavian chocolates. But these were meant for you.
[BASHIR] I know. I thought you might need them more than I do.
[GARAK] Thank you.
[BASHIR] Good luck.
(Runabout Rio Grande)
[ODO] We've cleared the station. Now if you'll be
kind enough to let me know where we're going, I'll set a course.
[GARAK] Head for the Cardassian border. We're going to the third planet
of the Unefra system.
[ODO] How do you know that's where Tain has gone?
[GARAK] I don't, but he has a safe house there that no one's supposed to
know about it. Especially me.
[ODO] That woman, Mila. Who is she?
[GARAK] She's been Tain's housekeeper and confidant for over thirty
[ODO] She seemed almost fond of you.
[GARAK] Is it so hard to believe that there's one person in this galaxy
who could regard me with a certain affection?
[ODO] I could believe there's one but I wouldn't expect it to be someone
who worked for Enabran Tain. As I understand it, the two of you didn't
part on the best of terms.
[GARAK] You could say that. Tain was directly responsible for my exile
from Cardassia.
[ODO] Then I don't understand
[GARAK] Why I would be risking my life to help him?
[ODO] Exactly.
[GARAK] Yes, I can see how that would be puzzling.
[ODO] All right. You owe him something.
[GARAK] A logical deduction. I see why you're the constable.
[ODO] But it's more than that. He means something to you. Something
[GARAK] Ah, now you've just moved from deduction to supposition.
[ODO] You're not the kind of man who would go to such lengths simply to
repay a debt.
[GARAK] Are you trying to say that I have no sense of honour?
[ODO] That remains to be seen.
[GARAK] Yes.
[ODO] You wouldn't risk going into Cardassian space for just anyone. It
would have to be someone important to you, someone you cared about. I
think you were more than Tain's advisor. I think you were his protégé
and he was your mentor. That is, until he sent you into exile. And yet,
despite that, you care enough about him to risk your life for him. Or
is all that just supposition?
[GARAK] A very interesting analysis. Very interesting. Particularly
coming from you.
[ODO] Oh?
[GARAK] It's been my observation that you always act from a sense of
justice, or at least what you consider justice. There's no feeling
behind what you do, no emotion beyond a certain distaste for loose ends
and disorder. You don't know what it means to care about someone, do
you? People are just interesting creatures to be studied and analysed.
[ODO] Is there any point to this?
[GARAK] Only that I find it interesting that you ascribe feelings and
motivations to me that you know nothing about. Or am I wrong? Tell me,
is there one person in this universe you do care for? One person who's
more than just an interesting puzzle to be solved. Is there, Odo?
[ODO] If there were, I certainly wouldn't tell you.
[GARAK] And that would be a wise decision.
(Garak heads into the back. Time has passed and he's back with a drink
from the replicator.)
[ODO] I'm taking us out of warp. We're approaching the Unefra system.
[GARAK] What's that?
[ODO] I'm detecting a subspace energy surge directly above us. A vessel
of some kind is decloaking.
(A big green meanie appears.)
[ODO] It's a Romulan warbird.
[GARAK] In Cardassian space?
[ODO] They've locked onto us with a tractor beam. Take the helm. I'm
going to try to send out a distress signal.
[GARAK] I can't pull away. The tractor lock is too strong.
[ODO] They're jamming our transmission.
[GARAK] Do you think you got through?
[ODO] I don't know. I'm going to hail them, see what they want.
(Two armed Romulans beam in.)
[GARAK] I think we're about to find out.
(Warbird Ready room)
[GARAK] Tain.
[TAIN] Ah, Garak. It's good of you to come. It spares me the trouble of
having to send someone else to kill you. Come in, come in. It's been a
long time, Elim. So, you're a tailor now. Is this one of your
[GARAK] A minor example of my work, yes.
[TAIN] I don't think I like the neckline.
[GARAK] Well you always did have a keen sense of fashion, but you seem
to have let it go along with your once trim figure.
[TAIN] Constable Odo, I've always wanted to meet you.
[ODO] I wish I could say the same.
[TAIN] Oh come now. Haven't you ever been the least bit curious about
me, about my relationship with Garak, or our work in the Obsidian
[ODO] I seldom waste time speculating about retired spymasters and their
[TAIN] He's good. He hides his true feelings almost as well as you do,
Elim. He'd have made a good operative in the old days.
[GARAK] I had the same thought myself. But then, those days are long
gone. At least they are for me. You, on the other hand, seem to have
left your retirement far behind. Unless you're simply on a pleasure
cruise with your pointed-eared friends.
[TAIN] Cunning, isn't he? He makes a racial slur within earshot of two
Romulans, putting me in the position of either defending them, thus
giving away my allegiance to them, or letting the comment pass, in
which case he's managed to plant a seed of discord between us.
[ODO] Frankly, I don't find any of this interesting. You both go to such
lengths to hide the true meaning of your words you end up saying
[TAIN] I think you'll find when I have something to say, you won't have
any trouble understanding it. To answer your question, Garak, no I'm
not on a pleasure cruise. This ship is part of a fleet of Romulan and
Cardassian vessels. A fleet that will very soon be travelling through
the wormhole into the Gamma Quadrant.
[ODO] I take it you're not on a mission of peaceful exploration.
[TAIN] Not exactly.
[ODO] You're going to attack the Dominion, aren't you. You're going to
stage a first strike against them before they can come into the Alpha
[TAIN] A clear and precise analysis. Commander Sisko must find you a
valuable advisor.
[GARAK] A daring plan. I didn't think there was anyone in the Central
Command bold enough to take on the Dominion.
[TAIN] Who said anything about the Central Command? This is a joint
operation between the Obsidian Order and the Tal Shiar. We've been
building a fleet of ships in the Orias System for months now.
[ODO] If you attack the Dominion they'll certainly strike back. You'll
be taking Romulus and Cardassia into war. A war you may not win.
[TAIN] I don't think they'll be striking back. Our intention is to wipe
out the Dominion in one single blow by eliminating the Founders.
Without them, the Dominion will collapse. You seem disturbed by this,
changeling. Why? After all, didn't you turn your back on your people.
[ODO] You seem to know a great deal about me and my people.
[TAIN] We know everything you know, including the location of their
[ODO] Starfleet has shared their intelligence on the Dominion with the
[TAIN] And the Romulans have shared it with me.
[GARAK] You'll forgive me if I reduce the scope of this conversation to
something a little more personal, but why was it necessary to kill me
and the rest of our former colleagues, in order to embark on this
excursion into the Gamma Quadrant?
[TAIN] Because, Garak, I don't plan on going back into retirement when
this is over. I plan on going back to my old job and my old life.
[GARAK] And you were afraid we knew things, things that could be used
against you, and so you decided to have us eliminated.
[TAIN] Like I used to say. Always burn your bridges behind you. You
never know who might be trying to follow.
[GARAK] You always used to say as well that the Tal Shiar was sloppy.
You never should have relied on them to burn your bridges.
[TAIN] True. They should never have hired the Flaxian to blow up your
[GARAK] Actually, I blew up my shop. It was a way of piquing the
interest of the good constable.
[TAIN] You blew up your own shop? You, my friend, are a true original.
If you hadn't betrayed me, things would have been very different.
[GARAK] I never betrayed you! At least, not in my heart. Why do you
think I'm here? I came because I thought the Romulans were trying to
kill you. I came here to save you.
[TAIN] I never thought I'd hear myself say this, Garak, but I believe
you. You can go.
[GARAK] Excuse me?
[TAIN] The changeling of course will have to stay, but you're free to
go. Your runabout is in launching bay three.
[GARAK] Just like that?
[TAIN] Just like that.
[GARAK] Aren't you concerned that I might warn Central Command and
Starfleet about your plans?
[TAIN] It's too late. Central Command will have a war on its hands,
whether it wants one or not. And as for Starfleet, this isn't their
fight. They won't interfere.
[ODO] It's a trick, Garak. After all this, he won't let you just walk
[TAIN] It's not a trick, it's a choice. You can walk out that door, or
join me.
[GARAK] Join you?
[TAIN] That is what you've been waiting for, isn't it? To end your
exile, to come back into the fold. I'm asking you to serve Cardassia
again, by my side.
[GARAK] Well you'll pardon me if I appear a little startled, but are you
saying that all is forgiven?
[TAIN] I can't forgive what you did but I can try to forget, to put it
aside as if it never happened. So, do you want to go back to your shop
and hem pants or shall we pick up where we left off?
[ODO] Garak, this is the man who put you into exile. This is the man who
just two days ago tried to have you killed.
[GARAK] Yes, he is. But it doesn't matter. I'm back.
(Garak and Tain shake hands.)
To be continued... | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e64", "title": "Improbable Cause"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Die Is Cast
Die Is Cast
Original Airdate: 1 May, 1995
time on Deep Space Nine.
[BASHIR] Bashir to Infirmary. Medical emergency on
the Promenade.
[ODO] I find it odd that a conduit running behind Garak's shop should
just happen to overload.
[SISKO] Why would the Romulans want to destroy the Flaxian's ship?
[ODO] One possibility is that the Romulans hired the Flaxian to kill
Garak and then killed the Flaxian when he failed in his mission.
[SISKO] Do you know why the Romulans might hire someone to kill you?
[GARAK] I have no idea.
[INFORMANT] You are investigating a very insignificant piece of a much
larger puzzle.
[ODO] What do you mean?
[INFORMANT] There's been a great deal of unusual Romulan activity these
past weeks.
[ODO] Now, you dragged me into this investigation and you are now going
to cooperate with me.
[GARAK] Dragged you in? I don't know what you're talking
[ODO] You blew up your own shop, Garak!
[ODO] It's a Romulan warbird.
[GARAK] In Cardassian space?
[ODO] You're going to attack the Dominion, aren't you. You're going to
stage a first strike against them before they can come into the Alpha
[TAIN] I'm asking you to serve Cardassia again, by my side.
[ODO] Garak, this is the man who put you into exile. This is the man who
just two days ago tried to have you killed.
[GARAK] Yes, he is. But it doesn't matter. I'm back.
(Garak and Tain shake hands.)
And now the conclusion.
(O'Brien is eating his soup heartily whilst Bashir
holds forth on a topic of 'conversation'.)
BASHIR I mean, if you ask me, modern theatre has been on the decline
since the late twenty third century. Just look at the plays to have
come out of Earth in the last fifty years and compare them to the works
of Willemheld, or Barton or Chow-yun.
(O'Brien points at something on Bashir's untouched plate.)
[BASHIR] Yes, yes.
(O'Brien takes the bread and keeps eating.)
[BASHIR] Modern playwrights have become obsessed with writing human
interpretations of alien theatrical works while ignoring completely our
own unique cultural heritage in hopes of. Chief, are you listening to
[BRIEN] What?
[BASHIR] I thought so.
[BRIEN] I heard every word you said.
[BASHIR] And what do you think?
[BRIEN] About what?
[BASHIR] Any of it.
[BRIEN] I don't know. Look, what do you want me to say?
[BASHIR] Say you agree. Say you disagree. Say you hate theatre. Just say
[BRIEN] Look, Julian, you said you wanted to have lunch. We're having
[BASHIR] Yes, but I was hoping for a little more conversation with my
plomeek soup.
[BRIEN] Ah. My mother taught me if you combine eating and talking,
you'll end up doing neither very well.
[BASHIR] Well, I suppose Garak taught me to think of lunch as a sort of
arena for philosophical debate. I take it there's still no word about
Garak and Odo?
[BRIEN] The starship Portland and a Cardassian cruiser are still
searching the Algira Sector for the runabout. That's not entirely bad
news. If the runabout had been destroyed they would have found debris
by now, or something to
[KIRA (OC)] Kira to O'Brien.
[BRIEN] Go ahead, Major.
[KIRA (OC)] Report to Ops, Chief. There's something here we'd like you
to take a look at.
[BRIEN] I'm on my way.
[SISKO] About ten minutes ago, our sensors picked up
high concentrations of tetryon particles moving toward the station.
[DAX] I've never seen readings like these. What do you think?
[BRIEN] Subspace energy fluctuations, quantum fractures in the
electrodynamic field, EM spikes across the spectrum? You've got me.
[KIRA] Whatever it is, it's getting closer.
[DAX] And larger. The tetryon concentrations have increased ten percent
in the last thirty seconds. There's an energy surge bearing two one
zero mark three one five. A ship is decloaking. It's a Romulan warbird.
[SISKO] Romulans? Open a channel
[DAX] Another warbird decloaking at zero one zero. No. It's a Cardassian
[KIRA] A Cardassian ship with a cloaking device?
[DAX] Definitely Cardassian, Keldon class. Benjamin, there's an entire
fleet decloaking out there.
[SISKO] Red alert. All hands to battle stations. Shields up, stand by
weapons. Try to hail them, Lieutenant.
[BRIEN] Their weapons are charged but they haven't locked onto us yet.
[KIRA] The lead ship's heading for the wormhole, Commander.
[DAX] No response to our hails.
[KIRA] The fleet's following the lead ship. They're headed for the Gamma
[SISKO] Lieutenant, open a priority channel to Starfleet Command now.
(Warbird Ready room)
[TAIN] you should have seen the look on Legate
Porania's face when I told him I was going into retirement three years
ago. He was literally speechless. A rare event.
[GARAK] I remember wanting to invent charges of treason against him just
so I wouldn't have to hear his voice again.
[TAIN] And you would have, too, if I hadn't held you back. You had quite
a vicious streak in those days.
[GARAK] Oh, I learned from the best.
[TAIN] No, no. You had a gift. I never met anyone else who relished a
good interrogation as much as you did. Do you remember getting that
confession out of Doctor Parmak?
[GARAK] I never even touched him.
[TAIN] That was the beauty of it. You just sat there for what, three
[GARAK] Four.
[TAIN] And after four hours of watching you stare at him, he confessed.
[GARAK] I was good, wasn't I?
[TAIN] You were brilliant. Afterwards, he just kept saying, 'His eyes
his eyes.' I've missed you, Elim. Things just haven't been the same
since you left.
[GARAK] I've missed you too, Enabran.
[TAIN] We're both getting sentimental in our old age. Next thing you
know, we'll be crying over our lost youth.
[GARAK] So whatever happened to Doctor Parmak?
[TAIN] He spent three years in a labour camp, then returned to Cardassia
Prime. I think he's practicing medicine again. When we get back, you
should look him up.
[GARAK] Oh, there are a number of people I intend to look up when we get
back. For instance, do you remember a Gul named Dukat?
[TAIN] Dukat? Oh, yes. The business with the arms merchant. I take it
you'd like to have him eliminated?
[GARAK] The thought had crossed my mind.
[TAIN] When this mission is completed, you'll be in a position to
eliminate anyone you want.
[GARAK] I'll make up a list and give it to Mila.
[TAIN] Perhaps you'd better give it to me personally. Mila may not be
around much longer. She knows a great deal about me. Too much for her
own good.
[GARAK] Still, it would be a shame to have her killed. She's proven that
she can be trusted on numerous occasions, and you'd be hard put to find
a better housekeeper.
[TAIN] Is this a request I hear?
[GARAK] Not at all. Just an observation.
[TAIN] No reason to pretend, Garak. You're fond of Mila. You don't want
her hurt, right?
[GARAK] If you're looking for an excuse to spare the life of your own
housekeeper, you don't need me to provide you with one. You can do it
out of the kindness of your heart.
[TAIN] Mila always believed you were innocent of betraying Cardassia,
and me.
[GARAK] I was.
[TAIN] Of course. (they drink) No wonder the Romulans can't conquered
the galaxy. No one can stomach their cuisine.
(A Tal Shiar officer enters.)
[TAIN] Ah. Colonel Lovok. Allow me to introduce my associate, Elim
[LOVOK] And what is his role to be in this operation?
[TAIN] He will do whatever I require of him. Elim is a cherished
colleague of long standing.
[LOVOK] You will not enter the bridge or any other secured space aboard
this ship unescorted. If you do so, you will be killed.
[GARAK] Direct, isn't he?
[TAIN] I'm afraid the Colonel believes in wasting little time with
pleasantries or idle conversation.
[LOVOK] The fleet has recloaked and is about to set course for the
Founders' homeworld at warp six.
[GARAK] Warp six? That's a bit slow, isn't it? Something wrong with your
[LOVOK] If we travel any faster, our warp signatures may be detected by
the Jem'Hadar, even through the cloaking devices.
[GARAK] Very clever.
[LOVOK] The changeling is in quarters on C deck. There are forcefields
in place to prevent his escape.
[TAIN] Good. Which brings us to your first assignment, Garak. I want you
to explain to Odo that it would be in everyone's best interest,
especially his, if he were to provide us with all the information he
has on his people.
[GARAK] That may prove difficult. He can be quite stubborn.
[TAIN] Then you'll have to find a way of convincing him.
(Warbird - Odo's quarters)
[GARAK] Well, Odo. I trust the accommodations meet
with your approval? You have to admit, it's certainly better than a
prison cell.
[ODO] There are forcefields around the bulkheads and a guard outside the
door. Feels like a prison cell to me.
[GARAK] I see your point. And believe me, if it were my decision, things
would be
[ODO] I don't believe you, Garak, and I doubt I'll believe much of what
you have to say from now on, so save us both some trouble and leave me
[GARAK] Why, Constable, you seem positively disappointed in me. Well, I
suppose it's understandable. After all, I did pledge my undying
devotion and eternal allegiance to both you and the Federation. And you
and I have been through so much together, shared many experiences, and
I know you considered me a close friend. No wonder you feel betrayed.
[ODO] You're wasting your time, Garak. I don't care about the
rationalisations you come up with to justify your actions.
[GARAK] Justify? I don't need to justify anything to you.
[ODO] Living on Deep Space Nine has made you a little rusty. Your lies
are becoming more transparent. You should be careful. You don't want
Tain to know that you're feeling guilty about what you've done.
[GARAK] You are imaginative, Constable, I'll grant you that. But I would
suggest that you put those creative powers to better use. We would like
you to share your unique insights on the Founders.
[ODO] Would you?
[GARAK] We would be grateful, most grateful, for any information you
could provide.
[ODO] And if I refuse?
[GARAK] Oh, really, Odo. You really must stop reading those human crime
novels Chief O'Brien gives you. It's poisoning your thinking. I'm not
here to threaten you. I just want to talk.
[ODO] I don't feel like talking.
[GARAK] Surely you can see that we share a common enemy, the Founders.
By cooperating, you'll be helping us provide security for the entire
Alpha Quadrant.
[ODO] The only common enemy you and I share is Enabran Tain. The
difference between you and I is that you don't know it.
[GARAK] I suggest that you think over what I've said, Constable.
[ODO] Funny. I was about to make the same suggestion.
[TAIN (on monitor)] Since the Jem'Hadar are
genetically addicted to a drug that only the Founders can provide, we
expect the Jem'Hadar to weaken and die once their supplies of the drug
run out. A matter of days by our estimates. However, that will give
them enough time to stage some kind of counterattack against the Alpha
Quadrant, so I suggest you place the Cardassian fleet on alert. I take
this action not in defiance of the Cardassian state, but in defence of
it. You in the Central Command have neglected the security of our
people and allowed peace with Bajor and the Federation to blind you to
the real threat, the Dominion. I intend to remove that threat. Let
history be my judge.
[TODDMAN (on monitor)] That message was intercepted by a Federation
outpost earlier today. A similar message was sent to the Romulan
Senate. Now, both governments are denying any prior knowledge of Tain's
plans and calling this a rogue operation.
[BASHIR] Are they going to do anything to stop Tain?
[TODDMAN (on monitor)] Both the Romulans and the Cardassians claim to be
studying ways to stop Tain, but we believe that they'll just sit back
and wait to see if he succeeds or not.
[DAX] But sir, that could plunge Romulus and Cardassia into war with the
[TODDMAN (on monitor)] Only if he fails, Lieutenant. His plan looks like
it has a fair chance of success. He's commanding a fleet of twenty
ships manned by combat veterans. They know the location of the
Founders' homeworld and they've modified their cloaks so the Jem'Hadar
can't detect their approach.
[KIRA] It sounds like you're hoping Tain will succeed.
[TODDMAN (on monitor)] I never hope for war, Major. But if it comes, I'd
rather see the Dominion on the losing side. However, we have to plan
for the worst. Ben, I want you to evacuate DS Nine of all non-essential
personnel and put the Defiant on standby alert. Even if Tain succeeds,
the Jem'Hadar are going to come screaming out of the wormhole looking
for revenge and they may not be too particular who their targets are.
[SISKO] Admiral, we believe Security Chief Odo is aboard one of the
Romulan ships.
[EDDINGTON] Odo's message said the runabout had been caught in a tractor
beam. That suggests he was captured and taken aboard one of their
[SISKO] I'd like permission to take the Defiant into the Gamma Quadrant
and try to determine if he's still alive.
[TODDMAN (on monitor)] I'm sorry about your officer, but there's nothing
we can do. I want the Defiant guarding Bajor. That's your top priority.
Toddman out.
(transmission ends)
[SISKO] Commander Eddington, am I correct in assuming that Starfleet is
planning to send substantial reinforcements to this sector?
[EDDINGTON] Yes, sir. A task force of nine starships is due to arrive
[SISKO] Nine starships. I want the Defiant prepared to leave for the
Gamma Quadrant in two hours.
[EDDINGTON] Sir, Admiral Toddman's orders were quite clear and
[SISKO] I am not going to just abandon one of my officers. Toddman's
concerned about the defence of Bajor, and so am I. If we detect a
Jem'Hadar strike force heading for the Alpha Quadrant, we'll use the
communications relay to warn DS Nine, and we'll do everything we can to
stop them before they reach the wormhole. I consider this a volunteer
mission, but don't volunteer yet. There's a good chance you won't be
coming back from this mission. And even if you do, you'll probably be
facing a general court martial. If you do decide to go, be aboard the
Defiant at fifteen thirty hours. Dismissed.
[SISKO] All stations report.
[KIRA] Tactical ready.
[BRIEN] Warp and impulse engines online, cloaking device standing by.
[DAX] Helm ready.
[EDDINGTON] The Security detachment is aboard and phaser rifles have
been issued to every fire team.
[SISKO] Release docking clamps.
[KIRA] Commander, there's an incoming priority message from Starfleet
Command. It's Admiral Toddman. He's repeating his order not to enter
the Gamma Quadrant.
[SISKO] That's what you think it says. How can you be sure when a
transmission is as badly garbled as that one?
[KIRA] You're right. There's an awful lot of subspace interference on
this channel. Must be an ion storm or something.
[SISKO] Must be.
(Eddington looks worried)
[SISKO] Aft thrusters back one quarter, port and starboard at station
(WHOOSH. Into the Gamma Quadrant and under cloak)
[DAX] The cloaking device is operating within normal parameters.
[SISKO] Set course for the Founders' homeworld, warp eight.
(Warbird Bridge)
[LOVOK] We know that the Founders' planet lies at
approximately these coordinates within the Omarion nebula. As you can
see, there are no Jem'Hadar bases nearby. This means that even if the
Founders did send out a distress call, it would take at least seven
hours for any help to arrive.
[TAIN] Our plan is to wait until we've entered orbit of the Founders'
planet, then decloak and begin massive bombardment.
[LOVOK] Computer analysis indicates that the planet's crust will be
destroyed within one hour, and the mantle within five.
[GARAK] That should more than take care of the Founders.
[TAIN] Yes, it should. Unless they have some planetary defences we don't
know about. There is one person here who might answer that question.
Mister Odo.
[GARAK] Anything he knows about the Founders and their planet was
undoubtedly included in his report to Starfleet. The constable is
remarkably thorough in these matters.
[TAIN] There was a time when you were eager to begin an interrogation,
Elim. In fact, I remember having to restrain your enthusiasm on several
[GARAK] Then you should also remember the pride I took in my work. I
don't think that interrogating someone who can alter their form at will
is likely to provide either amusement or information.
[TAIN] I wouldn't worry about Mister Odo's shape-shifting if I were you.
The Obsidian Order has developed a device which should prove quite
effective in neutralising him.
[LOVOK] I was not informed about this device.
[TAIN] It's only a prototype. We've never had a chance to test it, until
now. Perhaps the Tal Shiar should take over the interrogation of the
[TAIN] It's all right, Garak. It's my fault. I should've known you'd
develop feelings for these people you've been living with for the past
few years. But I just never expected that you would become friends with
someone who worked for the Bajorans.
[GARAK] This has nothing to do with my friends or my feelings. I simply
don't believe he has the information you want.
[TAIN] Possibly. Colonel Lovok will find out.
[GARAK] No. I brought Odo here. He's my prisoner and my responsibility.
[TAIN] You don't have to do this.
[GARAK] Yes, I do. And I think we both know that you won't trust me
until I do.
[TAIN] All right. I look forward to hearing your results.
[DAX] Commander, I'm reading some kind of power
fluctuation in the cloaking device.
[SISKO] What kind of fluctuation?
[DAX] I don't know. I can't locate the source of the problem but it is
getting worse.
(Lights up)
[KIRA] We're decloaking!
[SISKO] All stop. Full scan, Lieutenant. Are there any other ships in
the area?
[DAX] No, nothing in sensor range.
[KIRA] Commander, if the Jem'Hadar show up while we're decloaked
[SISKO] We'll have to fight our way out of here.
(After the break.)
[BRIEN] Everything looks fine. The power converters are online. The
projection matrix looks normal. The cloaking device should be working.
[KIRA] Maybe there's some kind of spatial anomaly nearby that's
interfering with the cloak's power systems.
[EDDINGTON] This isn't the result of a spatial anomaly, Major. The
tetryon compositor on the cloaking device has been sabotaged.
[KIRA] How do you know that?
[EDDINGTON] Because I sabotaged it.
[SISKO] Why?
[EDDINGTON] I was under orders from Admiral Toddman to stop you from
pursuing the Romulan-Cardassian fleet.
[BRIEN] You've turned us into sitting ducks for the Jem'Hadar!
[EDDINGTON] We can still defend ourselves. I didn't damage any of the
ship's weapon systems or the engines. But without the cloak, we'll have
to return to DS Nine. I'm sorry Commander, I didn't want to do this.
Odo's my friend too but I report directly to Admiral Toddman and he
gave me an explicit order. I couldn't disobey it.
[SISKO] I don't suppose you could. Chief, now that we know the problem
is in the tetryon compositor, how long until you can fix it?
[BRIEN] About ten hours.
[SISKO] You've got two. On your way.
(O'Brien leaves.)
[SISKO] I'm afraid I'm going to have to confine you to quarters, Mister
[EDDINGTON] Sir, if we run into the Jem'Hadar, you're still going to
need a chief security officer.
[KIRA] What makes you think we'll trust you again?
[EDDINGTON] Because I give you my word.
[SISKO] I make it a policy to never question the word of anyone who
wears that uniform. Don't make me change that policy. Man your station,
Commander. But I'd stay out of the Chief's way if I were you.
(Warbird - Odo's quarters)
(Garak enters with a bucket and two Romulans
carrying pieces of a Contraption.)
[GARAK] I realise it must be nearly time for you to return to your
liquid state, so I thought I'd bring you something to relax in.
[ODO] How kind.
[GARAK] But before you go for a swim, I have a few questions I'd like to
ask you.
[ODO] I have nothing to say.
(The Romulans assemble the Contraption on a table.)
[GARAK] Well I had hoped a few hours alone might jog your memory but I
can see I'm going to have to take some steps I'd hoped to avoid.
[ODO] Oh, no. You're going to torture me, aren't you? How I've been
dreading this. Please have mercy, Garak.
[GARAK] You do have a certain flair for sarcasm. It's one of the things
I like about you.
(Garak switches the Contraption on.)
[GARAK] You can go now.
(The Romulans leave.)
[ODO] I'd bring those guards back if I were you. I'm not in a very good
[GARAK] Yes, under normal circumstances, you would pose quite a threat
to me. You could turn yourself into a Vicarian razorback or stretch out
your arms and strangle me from across the room. But not this time.
[ODO] Oh? And why is that?
[GARAK] Because that device is emitting a quantum stasis field designed
to prevent any changeling from altering his biomolecular structure.
(Odo checks this statement by flexing his hands and flinging them as if
they should stretch.)
[GARAK] Yes, it must be very disconcerting for you to be locked into a
humanoid form. Especially now. I'm sure you were looking forward to
returning to your liquid state. Tell me, what will happen if you can't
revert to a liquid?
[ODO] I don't know.
[GARAK] An honest answer. But it's probably safe to say that it won't be
[ODO] Garak, this is pointless. There's nothing I can tell you about the
Founders that you don't already know.
[GARAK] I wish I could believe that.
[ODO] Then why don't you?
[GARAK] Because you and I are so alike. We both value our privacy, our
secrets. That's why I know there's something about the Founders you
haven't told anyone. Something you didn't even share with Starfleet and
Commander Sisko, hmm? But you are going to tell me, Odo.
[ODO] There's nothing to tell.
[GARAK] Well, perhaps something will come to you. I can wait. The
question is, can you?
(Kira gets up and starts to head for the door.)
[SISKO] Major, leave the chief alone.
[KIRA] What makes you think I'm going to see O'Brien?
(Sisko Looks at her.)
[KIRA] It's been three hours. I just wanted to see if he needed some
[SISKO] If he needed help he would ask for it. For now, the best thing
we can do is to stay out of his way.
(Warbird - Odo's quarters)
(Odo is shaking, cracking and flaking badly.)
[ODO] What's the matter, Garak? You don't look very happy. Aren't you
enjoying yourself?
[GARAK] There's no pleasure in this for me, Constable, I assure you. I
am simply doing my job.
[ODO] Your job. Yes, this is the job you've been waiting for. All these
years of exile and here you are interrogating a prisoner again. It must
fill you with pride.
[GARAK] Odo, just tell me what I need to know and this will end.
[ODO] But you don't want it to end, do you, Garak? Isn't this what
you've been dreaming of? Back at work serving Cardassia.
[GARAK] That's right. And you have information that I need. Information
that it's my duty to extract from you. It's not personal. Odo, talk to
me. Tell me something. Anything! Lie if you have to, but say it now.
[ODO] Home. I want to go home.
[GARAK] And you will, I promise. As soon as this is all over, I promise
I'll take you back to Deep Space Nine.
[ODO] No, not the station. Home with my people.
[GARAK] The Founders? You want to return to the Founders? I thought you
turned your back on them.
[ODO] I did, but they're still my people. I tried to deny it, I tried to
forget, but I can't. They're my people and I want to be with them in
the Great Link.
[GARAK] I knew there was something, a secret you were holding back.
[ODO] And now you've found it. I hope it's useful.
(Garak turns off the Contraption and Odo swooshes into the bucket, with
all his little flakes joining him. Garak puts his head in his hands.)
[BRIEN] Repairs are complete, sir. The cloaking
device is online. A souvenir of your handiwork.
(O'Brien throws a circuit board at Eddington.)
[SISKO] Engage cloak.
[DAX] The cloak is operating normally.
[SISKO] Resume course to the Founders' planet, maximum warp.
(Warbird - Ready room)
[TAIN] Did you get anything out of him at all?
[GARAK] Nothing. He never broke.
[TAIN] Well, that's unfortunate. I see no further use for Mister Odo.
Terminate him.
[GARAK] On the other hand, he is a member of the Bajoran militia and an
officer on Deep Space Nine. We may not wish to provoke the Federation
by killing him.
[LOVOK] I agree with Garak.
[TAIN] Do you?
[LOVOK] Yes. There is no way to be certain that all of the Founders will
be on the planet when we attack. We should be prepared to encounter
other changelings in the future and we could use more information on
their capabilities. I want to take Odo back to Romulus for further
[TAIN] All right, in the interest of cooperation.
[ROMULAN (OC)] Bridge to Colonel Lovok.
[LOVOK] This is Lovok.
[ROMULAN (OC)] We've entered the Omarion Nebula and dropped out of warp.
We should be in orbit of the planet in fifteen minutes.
[LOVOK] Acknowledged.
[TAIN] Well, seems the moment is nearly at hand. Gentleman.
(Warbird corridor)
(Tain walks on ahead as Lovok stops Garak in the
[GARAK] Can I do something for you, Colonel?
[LOVOK] Why were you trying to protect the changeling?
[GARAK] I wasn't trying to protect him. And as I recall, you thought it
was a good idea to keep him alive as well.
[LOVOK] My interest in the changeling is based on what I believe to be
the strategic interests of the Romulan Empire. But you, you seem to
have a personal interest in him.
[GARAK] Tell me, what else am I feeling? I've never been psychoanalysed
by a Romulan before. This is a fascinating experience.
[LOVOK] You are a practiced liar, Mister Garak, but I am a practiced
observer. And I can assure you, I am going to be observing you very
(Warbird Bridge)
[PILOT] We are within disruptor range.
[LOVOK] Scan the planet for life-signs.
[PILOT] Sensors show multiple lifeforms on the surface. They appear to
be in a liquid state.
[GARAK] The Founders.
[TAIN] Signal the fleet to charge weapons and lock onto their targets.
We will open fire the moment we drop our cloaks.
[PILOT] All ships report ready. All weapons charged.
[TAIN] So much for the Dominion. Open fire.
[PILOT] The first barrage is complete.
[TAIN] Effect?
[PILOT] Thirty percent of the planetary crust destroyed on opening
volley. No change in lifeform readings.
[TAIN] What? That's impossible. Some of them had to be killed.
[PILOT] Our sensor readings have been confirmed by three other warbirds.
There has been no change in the number of life-signs on the surface.
[GARAK] They're using an automated transponder to send back false sensor
readings. The planet's deserted.
[TAIN] Colonel, signal the fleet to
[PILOT] Colonel, there are ships coming out of the nebula.
[LOVOK] What type of ships?
[PILOT] Jem'Hadar fighters.
[TAIN] How many? I asked you a question.
[PILOT] One hundred fifty.
[TAIN] Tactical display on screen.
[GARAK] It's a trap. They've been waiting for us all along.
(Battle is joined. A Cardassian ship goes KaBOOM!)
[PILOT] Cardassian cruiser Koranak has been destroyed. Romulan warbirds
Makar and Belak have lost main power.
[LOVOK] Bring us about to three one eight mark two one five. Concentrate
fire on ships attacking on the port quarter.
[GARAK] The Jem'Hadar will destroy every ship if we stay. Our only hope
is to return to the Alpha Quadrant.
[LOVOK] There's no way out of here, Garak. The Jem'Hadar have cut us
off. We need to consolidate the fleet and make our stand here.
[TAIN] How could this be? What have happened?
[GARAK] I'm afraid
the fault, dear Tain, is not in our stars but in
[TAIN] What?
[GARAK] Just something I learned from Doctor Bashir.
[PILOT] Main power's out. Switching to emergency backups.
[LOVOK] Bridge to Engineering. We need power to the weapons. Bridge to
Engineering, respond. I'll be in Engineering. Tain, take command of the
[PILOT] Four more Jem'Hadar vessels are closing on our position.
(BOOM and fire breaks out. Garak leaves.)
(Warbird Odo's quarters)
(Garak knocks out the guard, takes his weapon and
[ODO] I take it that the attack on the Founders is not proceeding
according to plan.
[GARAK] No, it's not, but I suggest we make our way to the runabout.
[ODO] For once, Garak, I agree with you.
[LOVOK] You will need this in order to gain access to your runabout.
[ODO] Why are you doing this?
[LOVOK] Because no changeling has ever harmed another.
[GARAK] You are one of the Founders?
[ODO] Of course. This whole plan was the Founders' idea in the first
place. You wanted the Tal Shiar and the Obsidian Order to combine
forces and come into the Gamma Quadrant so you could wipe them out.
[LOVOK] Not exactly. Tain originated the plan, and when we learned of it
we did everything we could to carry it forward. The Tal Shiar and the
Obsidian Order are both ruthless, efficient organisations. A definite
threat to us.
[ODO] But not after today.
[LOVOK] After today the only real threat to us from the Alpha Quadrant
are the Klingons and the Federation. And I doubt that either of them
will be a threat for much longer. It is not too late for you, Odo. Come
with me. You can still become one with the Great Link if you wish.
[ODO] Thank you. But my answer is still no.
(Lovok beams out)
[ODO] Come on. I don't think we have much time.
(Warbird corridor)
[GARAK] The runabout is that way. Two decks down.
Section twenty five. Wait for me there.
[ODO] Where are you going?
[GARAK] To the Bridge, to get Tain.
[ODO] What?
[GARAK] I know it's difficult for you to understand, Constable, but I
still owe him a personal debt and I have to try to repay it. Wait for
us as long as you can.
(Warbird Bridge)
(It's a total wreck.)
[GARAK] Tain, we have to go!
[TAIN] There must have been an informant. That's the only explanation.
[GARAK] Yes, there was an informant. You're right. Colonel Lovok is a
[TAIN] Lovok.
[GARAK] Yes, but that's something we can discuss it at another time.
Right now we have to
[TAIN] It appears I have underestimated the Founders. I should have seen
it coming. There was a time when nothing got past me. You remember,
don't you, Elim?
[GARAK] Yes, I do. But now we have to go!
[TAIN] Go where? Back to Mila and my quiet retirement? I don't think so.
I must be getting old. I let my pride override my instinct. Wouldn't
have played it that way in the old days. In the old days I would've
kept Lovok at arms length. He was too cagey, too smart.
[GARAK] I can't just leave you here.
[TAIN] I always did have a soft spot for you, Garak. Another of my
[GARAK] Enabran!
(Odo knocks Garak out)
[TAIN] These Founders, Elim. They're very good. Next time we should be
more careful.
[GARAK] You can be very persuasive on occasion,
Constable. But in the future I hope you'll consider using gentler
[ODO] I'll keep that in mind. A Jem'Hadar ship is following us. Raise
shields and charge the weapons.
[GARAK] Aft shields down to fifty percent. More speed would be
[ODO] The warp drive is offline.
(Boom, bang.)
[GARAK] Shields down to thirty percent.
[ODO] Another Jem'Hadar ship is approaching to starboard. Hang on!
[GARAK] Shields down to fifteen percent.
[ODO] Main power's failing. We're losing speed.
[GARAK] The shields are gone. Odo, I hope that you will accept my
sincere apologies for all this.
[ODO] A little late, isn't it?
[GARAK] Nevertheless.
[ODO] I may not agree with what you did, but I can certainly understand
your desire to return home.
[GARAK] Thank you.
[ODO] What?
(The Defiant decloaks and blows the Jem'Hadar to atoms.)
[KIRA] Three more coming in off the port bow.
[SISKO] Fire on the lead ship, then bring us back to the runabout.
[DAX] Two life-signs on the runabout, Commander.
[SISKO] Drop shields. Bridge to Transporter room. Beam them aboard,
[BRIEN (OC)] Aye, sir.
[EDDINGTON] Four more Jem'Hadar ships closing to starboard.
[BRIEN (OC)] O'Brien to Bridge. I've got them.
[SISKO] Raise shields.
(Transporter room)
[BRIEN] Welcome back.
[ODO] Thank you.
[BASHIR] Oh, that looks painful.
[GARAK] It is. But it did save my life.
(Consoles exploding.)
[EDDINGTON] Shields at eighty percent.
[SISKO] Attack pattern omega four. Full impulse power. Hold your fire
until we're within five hundred metres.
[KIRA] We might get pretty singed at that range.
[SISKO] Not as singed as they're going to get. Engage.
[DAX] Fifty thousand metres and closing. Two thousand metres. Five
[SISKO] Fire!
(KaBOOM, KaBOOM. O'Brien enters with Garak and Odo.)
[KIRA] The third Jem'Hadar fighter is still pursuing.
[SISKO] Aft torpedoes fire.
[KIRA] Direct hit on their port nacelle. They're losing speed. We're out
of their weapons' range.
[SISKO] Any other signs of pursuit?
[DAX] Negative. The other fighters are still concentrating on the
remaining Romulan and Cardassian ships.
[SISKO] Let's not wait around for them to change their minds. Set course
for the wormhole, Lieutenant. Warp eight.
[KIRA] It's good to see you again, Constable.
[ODO] Likewise, Major.
[DAX] Course laid in.
[SISKO] Engage.
(Commander's office)
[SISKO] There is still no indication that any
Romulan or Cardassian vessels survived the attack.
[TODDMAN (on monitor)] Sounds like Wolf three five nine all over again.
[SISKO] I had the same thought.
[TODDMAN (on monitor)] You may be interested to know I've decided not to
file charges against anyone aboard the Defiant.
[SISKO] Thank you, sir.
[TODDMAN (on monitor)] But if you pull a stunt like that again I'll
court martial you or I'll promote you. Either way you'll be in a lot of
[SISKO] I'll keep that in mind, sir.
(Garak's shop)
(Still a big mess. Garak cleans the remains of a
mirror and sees Odo standing in the doorway.)
[ODO] I just read the report that you wrote and I wanted to thank you.
[GARAK] Me? For what?
[ODO] For not mentioning my desire to return to my people.
[GARAK] I consider the entire conversation as something best forgotten.
[ODO] As do I. Quark has expressed an interest in renting this space if
you're not going to be using it.
[ODO] He mentioned something about an
Argelian massage facility.
[GARAK] Unfortunately I don't think Commander Sisko will approve of such
an interesting facility on the Promenade.
[ODO] I tend to agree. But do I think he would approve of a tailor's
[GARAK] Do you know what the sad part is, Odo? I'm a very good tailor.
[ODO] Garak, I was thinking that you and I should have breakfast
together sometime.
[GARAK] Why, Constable, I thought you didn't eat.
[ODO] I don't. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e65", "title": "The Die Is Cast"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Explorers
Original Airdate: 8 May, 1995
(A buxom young Bajoran woman comes over to Bashir's
[LEETA] Excuse me. You're Doctor Bashir, aren't you?
[BASHIR] That's right.
[LEETA] I'm Leeta. I've been meaning to come by the Infirmary to see
you. (cough, cough.)
[BASHIR] Oh, dear. How long have you had that cough?
[LEETA] A few days now.
[BASHIR] May I? (puts his hand on her back) Cough for me.
(Leeta forces a couple more fake coughs.)
[LEETA] Is it serious, Doctor?
[BASHIR] No, but it's a good thing you came to me when you did. We need
to start your treatment immediately. (to waiter) Bring me a Fanalian
toddy, very hot. Make that two. I'm feeling a bit of a cough coming on
[LEETA] I'm sorry to hear that, Doctor.
[BASHIR] No, please, call me
[DAX] Julian.
[DAX] I'm Jadzia.
[LEETA] Leeta
[BASHIR] Before I forget, here's the immunological data you asked for.
(Bashir hands Dax a PADD which says Go Away.)
[DAX] How nice of you to put it together for me so quickly. I think I'll
go over it right now. Oh, by the way, I hear the Lexington's docking
here for a few days.
[BASHIR] The Lexington?
(Dax leaves.)
[BASHIR] Excuse me for just one second. Stay there.
[BASHIR] Jadzia. Do you happen to know when the
Lexington is coming in?
[DAX] Three weeks. Don't you have a friend aboard?
[DAX] The medical officer. Elizabeth Lense?
[BASHIR] Elizabeth Lense. You know, I think she may have been in my
class at Starfleet Medical.
[DAX] Wasn't she valedictorian?
[BASHIR] That's right.
[DAX] And you were salutatorian?
[BASHIR] Second in my class. But if I hadn't mistaken that
pre-ganglionic fibre
[DAX] For a post-ganglionic nerve. I know.
[BASHIR] I would've been valedictorian.
[DAX] You must be looking forward to seeing her.
[BASHIR] I can hardly wait.
(Sisko's quarters)
(Sisko enters with bag and beard)
[SISKO] Hey, Jake-o!
[JAKE] Hey, Dad.
(Sisko drops off his bag in his bedroom and comes back.)
[SISKO] Hey.
[JAKE] What is this?
[SISKO] I just thought it was time for a change. What do you think?
[JAKE] I like it. How was Bajor?
[SISKO] Beautiful. You should've come with me.
[JAKE] The re-opening of some old library isn't exactly my idea of a
good time.
[SISKO] This wasn't just some old library. We're talking about the most
extensive collection of Bajoran antiquities on the planet. I saw
manuscripts that date back to before the fall of the First Republic.
[JAKE] Great.
[SISKO] Here. Look at this.
(Sisko shows Jake a PADD with a blueprint on it.)
[JAKE] What is this, some kind of ship?
[SISKO] According to legend, the ancient Bajorans used ships like these
to explore their star system eight hundred years ago
[JAKE] You mean that when humans were first sailing across the oceans,
Bajorans were already going to other planets?
[SISKO] Some scholars say they made it all the way to Cardassia.
[JAKE] That seems hard to believe. What are these?
[SISKO] Solar sails. These ships were propelled by light pressure.
[JAKE] Like a sailboat catching the wind.
[SISKO] Exactly.
[JAKE] I wonder if a ship like that could really fly?
[SISKO] I don't know. That's why I'm going to build one.
(Cargo bay)
[SISKO] I'm expecting a lumber shipment from Bajor
this afternoon.
[BRIEN] Okay.
[SISKO] Which reminds me. I'll need a sabre saw.
[BRIEN] A sabre saw?
[SISKO] You know, to cut wood.
[BRIEN] Why not use a laser cutter?
[SISKO] Oh, no. I want to use the same types of tools the Bajorans had.
This will do fine, Major. As soon as these cargo containers are out of
the way, I'll start construction.
[BRIEN] Sir, I've looked over the specifications you brought back from
Bajor. I'm not sure this design is spaceworthy, and I'm positive a ship
like this could never have made it from Bajor to Cardassia.
[KIRA] Now why would you say that?
[BRIEN] At sublight speeds, the trip would've taken them years, and
that's assuming ideal conditions. One unexpected ion storm in the
Denorias Belt would've torn the sails to pieces and left them stranded.
[KIRA] Well, maybe they were lucky and they didn't go into any storms.
[BRIEN] I just don't see how this ship could've made the trip. They
didn't even have replicators back then. They would've had to store
their air supply and there's only enough room on board for a few weeks
[KIRA] Well maybe they recycled it somehow, used some kind of
photosynthetic plant.
[BRIEN] Yeah, maybe.
[KIRA] Oh, you sound just like a Cardassian.
[BRIEN] I beg your pardon?
[KIRA] They've denied the possibility of ancient contact for decades
because they cannot stand the idea of Bajor having interstellar flight
before they did.
[BRIEN] With all due respect, Major, you're beginning to sound like a
[KIRA] A Romulan?
[BRIEN] There is no piece of technology in existence they don't claim
they invented before everyone else.
[SISKO] Look, I don't plan to spend the next few years sailing to
Cardassia. All I want is to build one of these ships and prove that
it's spaceworthy.
[BRIEN] A computer model could do that. And why go to all that
[SISKO] Why? Because it'll be fun.
(After vignettes of Sisko welding, Sisko moving solar panels, pouring
over the blueprints, putting heavy components into place, testing the
iris opening for the porthole, more welding.)
[SISKO] Oh, yes.
(Sisko's quarters)
(At a meal.)
[SISKO] You know, I've been thinking. According to the star charts, the
most difficult part of the trip between Bajor and Cardassia would be
getting through the Denorias Belt. After that, it would be smooth
sailing the rest of the way.
[JAKE] Really.
[SISKO] Just making that part of the trip would go a long way towards
demonstrating that the Bajorans could have made the journey to
[JAKE] Seems reasonable.
[SISKO] It should only take about four, five days.
[JAKE] That's not so long.
[JAKE] What?
[SISKO] So what do you say you come with me? We'll have a great time.
The ship will be ready to go in another week.
[JAKE] That's when Leanne is supposed to get back from Bajor. I really
want to see her, and I don't know how long she's going to be here.
[SISKO] Oh, well. If you can't do it, you can't do it.
[JAKE] I'd like to, but it's just not good timing, you know?
[SISKO] Sure. I understand.
(Bajoran ship)
(Still in the cargo bay, Sisko is welding. Jules
Verne would love this spaceship.)
[DAX] Hi.
[SISKO] Hello Jadzia.
[DAX] I brought you something to eat.
[SISKO] Oh, thank you. Let me just finish this welding and I'll take a
[DAX] Benjamin, I can't believe the work you've put into this.
[SISKO] I'm just following the blueprints.
[DAX] But you didn't have to bother with detail like this to prove the
ship is spaceworthy.
[SISKO] Oh, I suppose not, but I want everything to be just right. It's
an exact replica, you know, except for the gravity net I installed in
the floor. Weightlessness makes me queasy.
[DAX] I haven't seen you like this for a long time.
[SISKO] Like what?
[DAX] So caught up in something, so excited. Not since, not since you
and Jennifer decided to have a baby.
[SISKO] The nursery.
[DAX] I don't think anyone's ever put such effort into making a room for
their child.
[SISKO] Well, you have to admit it turned out pretty well.
[DAX] Especially the starscape on the ceiling.
[SISKO] Jake loved that ceiling. In fact, when we moved out of the
house, he couldn't understand why we couldn't bring it with us.
[DAX] You're disappointed he's not going with you on this trip, aren't
[SISKO] Oh, he has other things he'd rather be doing, friends he'd
rather be with. It's funny. A year or two ago, nothing would've stopped
him from coming with me on an adventure like this. I guess I waited too
[DAX] You'll have other adventures, Benjamin. They'll just be different.
Believe me, I know. I've been a father a couple of times, myself. Oh, I
could tell you stories.
[SISKO] You already have.
[DAX] That's right. I have, haven't I? Then you know I'm right.
(Sisko's quarters)
[JAKE] Computer, are there any messages for me?
[COMPUTER] One. A communication from Wellington, New Zealand.
[JAKE] Display it on screen.
(Whatever it says makes Jake happy.)
(Bajoran ship)
[JAKE] Hello.
[SISKO] Welcome aboard, sir.
[JAKE] Hey, Dad.
[SISKO] So, what do you think?
[JAKE] Well, it's wonderful. Maybe a bit small for two people but I
think I could get used to it. That is, if you still want me along.
(Bashir is at a table, reading medical PADDs. Dax
looks over his shoulder.)
[DAX] A Survey of Cygnian Respiratory Diseases? Fascinating.
[BASHIR] Yeah, I'm reading just about everything I can get my hands on.
I don't want to be caught flat-footed by our intrepid Doctor Lense.
It's useless, of course. She's probably discovered the cure to aging by
[DAX] I take it the two of you are competitive?
[BASHIR] Absolutely. We were neck and neck right until the final exam.
Then I blew it. That's how she wound up on the Lexington, a post which
virtually everyone in our graduating class was hoping for.
[DAX] Including you?
[BASHIR] No. This is the assignment I wanted.
[DAX] Then what does it matter?
[BASHIR] Well don't you see? She could have had this post, she could
have taken it from me. No matter what I accomplish while I'm here,
somehow that'll always make me feel second best.
(Commander's office)
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] I understand you're planning
a trip.
[SISKO] Word gets around.
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] I can't believe that a man of your intelligence
would take stock in Bajoran fairy tales about ancient contact.
[SISKO] If you recall, you thought the Celestial Temple was a Bajoran
fairy tale, until we discovered the wormhole.
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] I suggest you reconsider your plans. Solar
vessels are very fragile, and it's a long way to the Denorias Belt at
sublight speeds.
[SISKO] Don't worry. I'll have emergency equipment on board. If
something goes wrong, Major Kira can have a runabout to me within an
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] An hour can be a long time, especially if you
happen to encounter something unexpected.
[SISKO] Like what?
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] Oh, I don't know. A Maquis ship perhaps.
[SISKO] Why would the Maquis have any quarrel with an unarmed ship
sailing toward the Denorias Belt. They have nothing at stake here.
Nothing to prove, or should I say, disprove.
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] Commander, I contacted you out of concern for
your safety, but you seem to be intimating that I've made some sort of
[SISKO] Ah. Then I'm glad I was wrong. For a moment there I thought that
you had been put in charge of the Cardassian Ministry for the
Refutation of Bajoran Fairy Tales.
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] Since I don't seem to be able to dissuade you
from undertaking this little voyage of yours, I'll wish you luck
instead. Let's hope you don't need it.
(Bajoran ship)
(The bizarre little ship leaves DS9 - don't ask
[SISKO] All right. First we have to deploy the mainsails. I want you to
take that winch right there. Release brakes. All right. When I give you
the word, crank it with all you've got. And now.
(Two huge graceful wings unfurl.)
[JAKE] That's as far as they'll go.
[SISKO] Lock it off. All right, let's work on the spritsails.
(The same procedure at two winches further aft.)
[JAKE] It's just. Oh.
[SISKO] All right. Now get your back into it, eh?
[JAKE] All right.
[SISKO] That's right. We'll make a sailor out of you yet.
(More huge sails catching the solar wind.)
[SISKO] These will trim the spritsails.
(A couple of big levers.)
[JAKE] Now I get it.
[SISKO] What?
[JAKE] Why you wanted to build this ship.
[SISKO] It is beautiful, isn't it.
(Later, Sisko is taking bearings through a porthole with his sextant.)
[SISKO] Jake-o, trim the starboard sprit about six degrees.
[JAKE] Okay. How's that?
[SISKO] That should do it. We'll start to pick up speed as the pressure
on the sails builds.
[JAKE] Hey, Dad, where do we sleep?
[SISKO] We have hammocks we can string up later.
[JAKE] Is this the bathroom?
[SISKO] Yes. It was designed for a zero-gravity environment.
[JAKE] How am I suppose to? How are you supposed to, er?
[SISKO] You'll get the hang of it. We'll be tacking against the light
most of the way, and then we'll run like this for about ninety minutes
or so, then come about and I'll calculate the next leg of our trip. How
about something to drink?
[JAKE] Yeah, sure. (Sisko throws him a plastic bag.) Don't tell me we
only have zero-gravity rations.
[SISKO] That's all the ancient Bajorans had. Listen.
[JAKE] I don't hear anything.
[SISKO] Exactly. Not even the hum of an engine. It's almost like being
on the deck of an old sailing ship, except the stars are not just up in
the sky, they're all around us. Imagine how the ancient Bajorans must
have felt, heading into space in a ship like this one, not knowing what
they were going to find or who they were going to meet. Jake, I know
that you really didn't want to come on this trip. I just want to say
I'm glad you're here.
[JAKE] Dad, there's something I need to talk to you about.
[SISKO] What is it?
[JAKE] First you should read this. It's a story I wrote.
[SISKO] Ah. A story. That's why you kept putting this away every time I
walked into the room, huh? Well if you'll keep an eye on the rigging,
I'll read it right now.
[JAKE] Deal.
(The Lexington is docked at a lower pylon and
Bashir is spring cleaning.)
[ODO] It looked better where it was before. I thought you might want to
know the Lexington docked a few minutes ago
[BASHIR] Already? Oh. I thought it wasn't coming for another day or two.
[ODO] She's in Quark's.
[BASHIR] Phew. Okay.
[BRIEN] Are you going to go talk to her or not?
[BASHIR] She's busy.
[QUARK] You never mentioned she was beautiful.
[BASHIR] I never mentioned her at all, not to you anyway.
[QUARK] Morn gave me three to one odds that you'll exchange awkward
pleasantries for a few minutes then say goodbye. I'm betting that your
charm will take you further.
[LENSE] Okay then. In the ship?
[BRIEN] She's getting up.
(Bashir stands, does the Picard manoeuvre with his uniform.)
[LENSE] See you there. Bye.
(Elizabeth Lense walks straight past Julian as if she never even saw
(Bajoran ship)
[JAKE] So, what do you think?
[SISKO] I liked it.
[JAKE] You're not just saying that?
[SISKO] No, no, no. It's good.
[JAKE] What did you think about the part where Jared thinks he's been
[SISKO] I don't think that he'd confront him with it, not right away.
[JAKE] Yeah, I guess he could wait until he gets back from the
Demilitarised zone.
[SISKO] Yeah, that'd make it more believable.
[JAKE] So you really think it was good, huh?
[SISKO] I think it shows a lot of promise.
[JAKE] What? Promise?
[SISKO] In a few places you're writing about things you haven't actually
experienced. At least, I hope you haven't experienced. Unless you've
joined the Maquis without telling me.
[JAKE] I can't talk about it. (pause) I had you going there.
[SISKO] Jake, I really am impressed. I think you should keep writing.
[JAKE] I'm thinking about it.
[SISKO] Don't think about it, just do it.
[JAKE] What I mean is, yesterday I got a communication from the
Pennington School in New Zealand, and they offered me a writing
[SISKO] Jake, that's terrific. I didn't realise you had applied
[JAKE] I didn't really. What happened is, I showed a story I wrote to
Mrs O'Brien. I guess she liked it because she showed it to a friend of
hers who knows someone at the school and
(Bang. A winch uncranks and a sail goes awry.)
[SISKO] (looking out the porthole) A mast support gave way. The
starboard sprit is fouling one of the mainsails.
[JAKE] Can we fix it?
[SISKO] I don't think so. We're going to have to jettison the sprit.
Let's fall off a little, take some pressure off the sails. Lock that
down and give me a hand. One more turn. Lock it. Good work. I'm going
to jettison the sprit.
(A small explosion sends the sail away from the ship.)
[SISKO] That's better, but we're still getting a lot of spill off the
sails. We won't be able to make much headway with each tack. I don't
think we'll be able to get to the Denorias Belt like this.
[JAKE] The ancient Bajorans probably ran into these kinds of problems.
[SISKO] I suppose they did.
[JAKE] Well, did they give up and go home?
[SISKO] Seems to me we're here to prove that they didn't.
[JAKE] What are we waiting for?
[SISKO] Let's get to work. Lay out the port sprit. Coming about.
(O'Brien's quarters)
(The bonsai tree is a dead giveaway. Jerusalem is
being slaughtered by a pair of drunks.)
[BASHIR] (singing) Bring me my chariots of fire! I will not
cease from mental fight, Nor shall my sword sleep in hand Till we have
built Jerusalem In England's green and pleasant land.
[BASHIR] That was really beautiful, Chief. You know what we should do?
[BRIEN] What?
[BASHIR] We should go to Quark's and sing it for everybody.
[BRIEN] I think we should switch to synthale.
[BASHIR] No! No, this isn't a synthale kind of night. She walked right
past me, Chief. Acted like I wasn't even there.
[BRIEN] Do you know what I think?
[BASHIR] What?
[BRIEN] I think she's in love with you.
[BASHIR] I don't think so.
[BRIEN] It's the only explanation. Unless, unless she really ignored
you because she can't stand you.
[BASHIR] Isn't there some explanation in between?
[BRIEN] Well, you're not an in-between kind of guy.
[BASHIR] What do you mean?
[BRIEN] Well, people either love you or hate you.
[BASHIR] Really?
[BRIEN] I hated you when we first met.
[BASHIR] I remember.
[BRIEN] But now.
[BASHIR] But now?
[BRIEN] Well, now I don't.
[BASHIR] That means a lot to me, Chief. It really does.
[BRIEN] Really. Now that is from the heart. I really do, not hate you
anymore. Hey, do you know what I think? If you want to know why she
ignored you, you have got to confront her.
[BASHIR] You're right. I'm going to go right up to her and ask her flat
out where she gets off walking past me like that.
[BRIEN] Better wait until tomorrow.
[BASHIR] Why? Why not right now?
[BRIEN] Because you can barely stand up right now.
[BASHIR] Good point. Good point. Good point. And did those feet
[BASHIR] In ancient time, Walk upon England's mountains
(Bajoran ship)
[SISKO] Lock it. Coming about. Now. Good. Solid job.
Let's take a break. String up the hammock. Hammock time.
[JAKE] Yo.
[SISKO] Hop in. Phew. Oh, man.
[JAKE] Nice.
(And nearly falls out the other side.)
[JAKE] I'm okay.
[SISKO] Comfortable, isn't it?
[JAKE] I'm fine. Yes.
[SISKO] We'll make a sailor of you yet. I suppose congratulations are in
order. Pennington is a good school, and very competitive.
[JAKE] Dad, before you say anything. I'm turning down the Fellowship.
[SISKO] Turning it down? Why?
[JAKE] I'm just not ready to go.
[SISKO] Jake, an opportunity like this doesn't come along every day/
[JAKE] I can defer admission for a year. If I want to go then, I still
[SISKO] Well, that's fine, but why will things be different in a year?
[JAKE] I don't know. They just might be, that's all.
[SISKO] I remember, Jake, I wasn't much older than you when I left for
San Francisco to go to Starfleet Academy. For the first few days, I was
so homesick that I'd go back to my house in New Orleans every night for
dinner. I'd materialise in my living room at six thirty every night and
take my seat at the table just like I had come down the stairs.
[JAKE] You must have used up a month's worth of transporter credits.
[SISKO] My parents, they never said anything about it. Just 'how you
doing, son, how was school today? They knew that I would get over being
homesick soon enough. And after about the fifth, sixth day, you could
pry me from that campus. Of course now, if you go to Pennington, you
won't be able to beam back to the station to have dinner with your old
man. After about a week or so, you'll get over it.
[JAKE] It's not me I'm worried about. It's you.
[JAKE] If I go, you'll be all alone.
[SISKO] Oh, I appreciate you thinking about me, Jake, but please don't
turn down this opportunity on my account. I'll have plenty of people to
keep me company. I can always eat dinner with Dax, or Doctor Bashir, or
even Quark.
[JAKE] I guess, but I'd feel a lot better if you had someone. You know,
someone special, like a girlfriend.
[SISKO] I see.
[JAKE] Let's face it. It's been over a year since your last date. A
year, Dad. You've got to make time for these things.
[SISKO] I cannot believe that I'm getting advice about women from my
[JAKE] Don't think of me as your son right now. Just think of me as
another guy. Another guy who happens to know a very attractive lady who
wants to meet you.
[SISKO] You are trying to set me up?
[JAKE] Well why not?
(Big crash.)
[JAKE] What was that?
[SISKO] I'm not sure, but whatever hit us almost tore off the port
(The stars start streaking by in a familiar way.)
[SISKO] Main power's offline. We're moving at warp.
[JAKE] How can that be?
[SISKO] I don't know.
(And it stops)
[JAKE] What happened?
[SISKO] That's a good question. (checks the star chart) There's no
record of any spatial anomalies in this region.
[JAKE] What are these?
[SISKO] Tachyon eddies. They run all through this area.
[JAKE] Could we have gotten caught up in one?
[SISKO] No, tachyons don't have enough mass to affect a ship of. This
isn't an ordinary ship. It has a lot more surface area relative to its
[JAKE] Because of the sails.
[SISKO] And since tachyons travel faster than light, it could be that
their impact on the sails somehow accelerated us to warp speeds. We
could be light years off course.
[JAKE] The question is, where did we end up?
[SISKO] You check the rigging. I'll try to figure that out.
[JAKE] We lost the jib and port mainsail.
(And the sextant is broken.)
[SISKO] Damn.
[JAKE] What?
[SISKO] It's useless. Now we can't figure out where we are or where
we're going. Guess we'll have to contact the station, let them know
they have to come and get us.
[JAKE] We were so close. Another day and we would have made it to the
Denorias Belt.
[SISKO] Hey, we did pretty well getting as far as we did.
[JAKE] Is something wrong?
[SISKO] The station's not responding.
[JAKE] Is the comm. unit damaged?
[SISKO] Not as far as I can see. Maybe they haven't received our message
[JAKE] You think we could have been carried that far away from the
[SISKO] I suppose it's possible.
[JAKE] Well, they'll find us eventually, right?
[SISKO] Sure.
(Bashir finally works up his nerve and enters,
going straight to Elizabeth's table.)
[BASHIR] Excuse me.
[LENSE] Yes?
[BASHIR] We were to medical school together. Julian Bashir.
[LENSE] You're Bashir?
[BASHIR] You sound surprised.
[LENSE] Well, I thought you were Andorian.
[BASHIR] Andorian?
[LENSE] Someone pointed out an Andorian to me at a party and said that
that was Julian Bashir. It was New Year's Eve at Bruce Lucier's, four
years ago.
[BASHIR] I did go to that party. May I?
[LENSE] Yes.
(Bashir sits.)
[BASHIR] With my friend, Erit. He's Andorian. (to waiter) No, thank you.
[LENSE] I must've gotten you mixed up. All these years, I thought you
were someone else.
[BASHIR] Didn't you see me give my speech at graduation?
[LENSE] No, I was backstage waiting to give my speech. I was so nervous
I almost passed out.
[BASHIR] I know the feeling.
[LENSE] So. You gave me quite a run for my money. If it hadn't been for
that pre-ganglionic fibre
[BASHIR] You know about that?
[LENSE] I know that if you hadn't got that wrong you would be
[BASHIR] Well, I never got a chance to congratulate you.
[LENSE] Seems like a long time ago, doesn't it?
[BASHIR] Not so long. So, you got the Lexington. You must have had quite
an adventure, exploring uncharted space, meeting fascinating new races
with fascinating new diseases.
[LENSE] Actually, it ended up being more of a charting expedition.
Sometimes it would be months between planetary systems. You wouldn't
believe how excited I would get if we actually found something living,
even if it was just moss under a rock. Don't take this the wrong way
but, there were times when I regretted not taking your assignment.
[BASHIR] Really.
[LENSE] I read your paper on the immuno-therapy project you've been
doing on Bajor. It was brilliant.
[BASHIR] Thank you.
[LENSE] I really envy the opportunity you have to work on that kind of
long-term project. On the Lexington, it was collect your samples and
then on to the next system.
[BASHIR] I suppose I was lucky.
[LENSE] What's happening on Bajor? Were you able to get the T-cell
anomalies under control?
[BASHIR] If you're really that interested, we should go to the Infirmary
and I can show you my latest results.
[LENSE] I'd love it.
(So they leave together, smiling. Leaning over the upper rail - )
[QUARK] Morn, about that bet. I believe the odds were three to one.
(Bajoran ship)
(Sisko is repairing something, probably the
[JAKE] So, Dad, we're not going to run out of air or anything, are we?
[SISKO] Don't worry, somebody'll find us before that happens. So, tell
me about this woman you want me to meet?
[JAKE] Well, she's a freighter captain.
[SISKO] A freighter captain?
[JAKE] Dad, trust me, you'll like her.
[SISKO] All right, I'll agree to meet her on one condition.
[JAKE] What?
[SISKO] That you agree not to base your decision about going to
Pennington on how our date turns out.
[JAKE] Don't worry, I won't. I've already decided to wait at least a
[SISKO] Why?
[JAKE] Well, I've heard that you can only write about what you've
experienced. And you've got to admit, Deep Space Nine is a pretty good
place to get experience.
(Jake looks out of the porthole.)
[JAKE] Dad!
(Three Cardassian warships.)
[SISKO] It appears we've got company.
[JAKE] What do you think they want?
(Comm. beep)
[SISKO] Looks like we're about to find out. What can I do for you,
[DUKAT (on screen)] Well, I wanted to be the first one to congratulate
[SISKO] Congratulate me?
[DUKAT (on screen)] On managing to make it all the way here.
[SISKO] All the way where?
[DUKAT (on screen)] Don't you know? You've just entered the Cardassian
[JAKE] The tachyon eddy. It must've taken us past the Denorias Belt and
brought us here.
[SISKO] The same thing must've happened to the ancient Bajorans.
[JAKE] We did it! We proved the trip was possible.
[DUKAT (on screen)] I hate to interrupt your celebration, Commander, but
I've been asked to convey a message from the Cardassian Government.
(reads) Your voyage is a testament to the spirit of the ancient
Bajorans who first ventured out into space. It could not be more
appropriate that your arrival coincides with the discovery here on
Cardassia of an ancient crash site, a site that our archaeologists
believe contains the remnants of one of the Bajoran vessels whose
journey you have just recreated.
[SISKO] What an amazing coincidence.
[DUKAT (on screen)] Yes, isn't it. Welcome.
(The Cardassians put on a 'fireworks' display for them.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e66", "title": "Explorers"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Family Business
Original Airdate: 15 May, 1995
(Dinner is being prepared the old-fashioned way,
while Sisko hums a contented tune.)
[JAKE] Hey, Dad.
[SISKO] Jake-o. Take your seat. Dinner's almost ready.
[JAKE] Let me guess, you've convinced the Peljenites to exchange
ambassadors with the Federation.
[SISKO] How did you know that?
[JAKE] You're cooking chicken paprikish.
[SISKO] Paprikash.
[JAKE] You only cook Hungarian food when you're in a really good mood.
[SISKO] You know, I always said that you are a smart child.
[JAKE] Runs in the family. You know, I've got some good news, too.
Captain Yates is back on the station. Kasidy Yates.
[SISKO] Who?
[JAKE] The freighter captain I told you about.
[SISKO] The one you want me to meet?
[JAKE] I could invite her over for dinner. How about tomorrow night?
[SISKO] Jake, I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here. I
know you want me to meet her, and I will. Just let me handle it my way.
[JAKE] You're going to like her, Dad.
[SISKO] You never know.
[QUARK] The place is packed. Where's Nog?
[ROM] I gave him the night off.
[QUARK] You what?
[ROM] He's studying for his Starfleet exams. He's a very dedicated
[QUARK] He's a disgrace to his family and to Ferengi everywhere. He
should be here, helping us earn profit, not in his room, learning how
to be more like a human.
[ROM] He doesn't want to be human, brother. He just wants to join
[QUARK] It's the same thing. Don't you see? That's is how it begins. All
it takes is for one impressionable youngster to join Starfleet, and the
next thing you know, a whole generation of Ferengi will be quoting the
Prime Directive and abandoning the pursuit of latinum. It's the end of
Ferengi civilisation as we know it and it's all your fault.
[ROM] Relax, brother. Nog isn't going to destroy the Ferengi way of
life. He just wants a job with better hours.
(A well-dressed Ferengi enters. Everyone say Hi! to Jeffrey
Combs again.)
[BRUNT] You must be Quark.
[QUARK] That's me. What can I do for you?
[BRUNT] Brunt. FCA.
[ROM] The Ferengi Commerce Authority.
(Brunt puts a notice up by the door.)
[QUARK] (stunned) A Writ of Accountability.
[ROM] We're in trouble. All right, everyone. The bar is closed.
Everybody out. Go, go, go. Now, everybody. This way. Out. Everybody
(After the opening titles, Brunt is going over ledgers)
[ROM] So, how do you get to be an FCA liquidator anyway?
[BRUNT] Hard work, bribes, sucking up to the boss. Just like any other
job. Are these all your assets?
[ROM] Yes. No.
[QUARK] Down to the last slip of latinum.
[BRUNT] You realise concealing financial information from the FCA could
result in severe fines?
[QUARK] I would never dream of trying to hide anything from the FCA.
[BRUNT] We'll see.
[QUARK] Could I look over those figures again?
[BRUNT] Yes.
[QUARK] Wait a minute. That can't be right. Rom, you forgot to include
the profit figures for the tulaberry wine franchise.
[ROM] But you told me
(A thump as Quark kicks Rom.)
[QUARK] Go get them. Now.
[ROM] Yes, brother.
[QUARK] You'll have to excuse Rom. He means well, but he can be a
lobeless idiot sometimes.
[BRUNT] Please provide a dermal imprint for FCA records.
[QUARK] But you haven't even told me what I'm being charged with.
[BRUNT] No. I haven't.
[QUARK] Oh. How rude of me. (hands over a slip) For your trouble.
[BRUNT] You're being charged with violating Ferengi Trade Bylaws
subsection one thousand twenty seven, paragraph three.
[QUARK] Subsection one thousand twenty seven, paragraph three? I'm not
sure I'm familiar with that one.
[BRUNT] Well in that case you need a copy of the Bylaws.
[QUARK] Which you just happen to have.
(Quark buys one.)
[QUARK] Subsection one thousand twenty seven, paragraph three. Improper
supervision of a family member?
[BRUNT] You are being held accountable for the criminal activities of
one Ishka, daughter of Adred, wife of Keldar.
[QUARK] Ishka? You mean our mother. What's she done?
(Another payment.)
[BRUNT] She's charged with earning profit.
[ROM] Earning profit? Our Moogie?
(Security office)
[QUARK] Odo, I'm holding you personally responsible
for the safety of my bar and my personal possessions for as long as I'm
off the station. And make sure my thieving brother doesn't touch
[ODO] Going somewhere?
[QUARK] Back to the homeworld to take care of some business.
[ODO] A little trouble with the FCA?
[QUARK] How'd you know? I won't be gone long. All I've got to do is get
my mother to confess to her crimes and I'll be on the next transport
back to the station.
[ODO] Your mother? What's she done?
[QUARK] It doesn't matter. The important thing is I'm required by law to
get her to admit her wrongdoing, make reparations and reveal her
accomplices. And that's what I'm going to do.
[ODO] Assuming she cooperates.
[QUARK] Well, she'd better. I have no intention of spending my latinum
to make restitution for her crimes. I will wring that confession out of
her if I have to.
[ODO] This is your mother you're talking about?
[QUARK] Don't remind me.
[KIRA] Chief O'Brien wants to know when you can stop
by and inspect the new runabout.
[SISKO] I will be available at fourteen hundred hours. Tell him I want
to name it the Rubicon.
[KIRA] The Rubicon it is. You know, the rate we go through runabouts,
it's a good thing the Earth has so many rivers.
[DAX] Have you met her yet?
[SISKO] Met who?
[DAX] Captain Yates.
[SISKO] How did you know about her?
[DAX] Jake introduced us. So are you going to ask her to dinner?
[SISKO] I'm considering it. What did you think about her?
[DAX] Let me just put it this way. If I were Curzon, I'd have stolen her
from you by now.
[SISKO] That's one of the reasons I'm glad you're not Curzon anymore.
[ROM] Brother, wait. I'm coming with you.
[QUARK] No, you're not.
[ROM] Yes, I am.
[QUARK] What did I tell you about contradicting me?
[ROM] You told me not to do it.
[QUARK] That's right. So you're going to stay here and watch over the
bar while I'm gone.
[ROM] No, I'm not. The bar's closed. There's no reason why I can't come
[QUARK] You want a reason? I'll give you a reason. I don't want you to.
And you know why? Because you'll just take her side.
[ROM] You mean Moogie?
[QUARK] Yes, I mean Moogie. Stop calling her by that infantile nickname.
[ROM] But she likes it.
[QUARK] Well, I don't.
[ROM] Well, she does.
[QUARK] You see? You always take her side.
[ROM] Somebody has to. After all, she is our mother. Now, I'm coming
with you and that's final.
[QUARK] All right. Fine. Come if you want. Just remember one thing. This
is between Moogie, I mean Mother, and me. So if you know what's good
for you, you'll stay out of the way.
(Ishka's house)
(Thunder, lightning, a downpour. Quark, Brunt and
Rom duck into the curved entrance hall and then the main room.)
[QUARK] Welcome to our home.
(Brunt hands over a slip of latinum, which Quark finally remembers to
put in a money box by the door.)
[QUARK] Please place your imprint on the legal waivers and deposit your
admission fee in the box by the door. Remember, my house is my house.
[BRUNT] As are its contents.
(They finish towelling off.)
[ROM] It's good to be back, isn't it, brother?
[QUARK] Now that you mention it, no.
[ROM] But you haven't been here in twenty years.
[QUARK] And if I had my way, I would have been gone another twenty.
[ROM] Mother certainly has been acquiring quite a few new things.
Doubtlessly with the generous stipend you give her. Look, brother. The
latinum tooth-sharpener I used when we were children.
[QUARK] All I had was a cheap wooden chewstick.
[BRUNT] Excuse me for interrupting, but we do have business to attend
to. As a registered liquidator, it's my duty to present a formal list
of the infractions committed by your mother. You have three days to
obtain an admission of guilt from the accused.
[QUARK] Three days? Is that all?
[BRUNT] If you're not able to obtain a confession, your mother will be
placed in indentured servitude and you will be required to make
restitution for her crimes. Do you understand everything I've said to
[ISHKA] He understands, all right. Not that it matters. I'm not
confessing to anything.
(This older Ferengi female is confident and dressed!)
[ROM] Moogie!
[ISHKA] It's good to see you, son. You look well.
[ROM] And you look dressed.
[ISHKA] Oh, now, now, now.
[BRUNT] Your mother is wearing clothes.
[QUARK] Mother, get undressed this instant.
[ISHKA] Hello, Quark. You haven't changed a bit.
[BRUNT] Perhaps I should leave.
[ISHKA] Perhaps you should.
[BRUNT] Was she addressing me?
[QUARK] No, no, no, not at all.
[ISHKA] Of course I was. This is my home and I'll speak to whomever I
[ROM] But Moogie, he's a stranger, and you're a female.
[ISHKA] It's all right, Rom. I know what I'm doing.
[BRUNT] Perhaps you do, but I will not stand here and be spoken to by a
[QUARK] Wait. I'm sure there's an explanation.
[BRUNT] You have three days to get your house in order.
(Brunt leaves.)
[QUARK] Now, see what you've done?
[ISHKA] Quark, you're upsetting your brother.
[QUARK] He's not the only one who's upset. Not that anyone cares how I
[ISHKA] That's not true. I care.
[QUARK] Then imprint this and take off those clothes.
[ISHKA] I'm not doing anything of the kind.
[QUARK] Yes you are. You're going to make a full confession, so that I
can go back to my bar and pretend none of this has ever happened.
[ROM] You mean we're leaving so soon?
[ISHKA] Rom, this is your home. You can stay as long as you like. Or
leave whenever you like. It's up to you.
(Ishka goes down the passageway.)
[ROM] Same old Moogie.
[QUARK] Yeah.
(Outside Quark's, where O'Brien is picking the
[ODO] Are you sure this is absolutely necessary?
[BASHIR] Well, I don't know if I would call it necessary.
[BRIEN] Constable, there's no telling how long Quark will be away. All
we want is our dartboard.
[ODO] Can't you just replicate another one?
[BASHIR] We could
[BRIEN] But we're not going to. That's our dartboard and we want it
back. If Quark was going to run off, the least he could do is give us
some warning so we could retrieve our property.
[BASHIR] It's the principle of the thing.
[ODO] Well, getting it back might not be as simple as you think. This is
one of Rom's special security locks. I've never seen anything so
[SISKO] Gentlemen, is there a problem?
[ODO] Ah. Well, it seems Quark has locked some of Chief O'Brien and
Doctor Bashir's personal property inside the bar.
[SISKO] Ah. Let me guess. Your lucky dartboard?
[BRIEN] We never said it was a lucky dartboard.
[BASHIR] We're just used to playing on it, that's all.
[SISKO] A little defensive, aren't they? Ah well, it looks like it's a
tripartite microsealing mechanism. It's going to take you a long time
to get through that one. If you want any suggestions, I'll be in cargo
[BRIEN] Four.
[SISKO] Seven.
[BRIEN] Oh, I just thought
[SISKO] Thought what?
[BRIEN] I thought you were going to talk to the freighter captain.
[BASHIR] You know. Jake's friend.
[SISKO] How do you two know about her?
[BASHIR] The Chief told me.
[SISKO] Exactly how many people has Jake told about this woman?
[BRIEN] Everyone.
(Ishka's house)
[ROM] Tube grubs, extra juicy, just the way you like
[QUARK] What are you doing?
[ROM] Serving dinner.
[QUARK] That's mother's job.
[ROM] She's not feeling well.
[QUARK] Not feeling well? Wait a minute, that's not bad. We could say
she's having emotional problems. We might even be able to get the FCA
to drop the charges in light of her illness.
[ROM] Actually, all she has is a slight rash. Her skin's still a little
sensitive to clothing.
[QUARK] That's hardly an excuse not to serve her sons dinner. Look at
this. She hasn't even softened these grubs for us.
[ROM] You know Moogie. She never liked chewing our food for us.
[QUARK] Not even when we were children.
[ROM] She always had her own way of doing things.
[QUARK] Remember how the other children used to tease us about her. Your
mother won't chew your food. Your mother talks to strangers. It's like
she went out of her way to embarrass us. Not to mention Father. Oh, I
remember. There were nights when I would find him sitting, slumped in
this chair. He'd say to me, 'Quark, I don't know what I'm going to do
about that female.' No wonder he never earned much profit. He was too
busy worrying about her.
[ROM] I thought Father did all right.
[QUARK] He could've done a lot better if she'd just behaved herself,
showed him the respect he deserved. Well, she may have dragged Father
down, but she's not doing the same to me. It's time someone put her in
her place.
(Ishka enters)
[ISHKA] Have anyone in mind for the job? (sniffs the grubs) Mmm, dank
and musty.
[ROM] I hand picked them from the cellar.
[QUARK] Mother, we need to talk.
[ISHKA] Forget it, Quark. I am not imprinting the confession.
[QUARK] Why not? Imprinting the confession doesn't take away your
achievement. Just admit to what you did and tell the FCA the name of
any male who might have helped you.
[ROM] What exactly did she do, brother?
[QUARK] Never mind what she did.
[ISHKA] Why don't you tell him? Or would you prefer I did?
[QUARK] All right. She took a part of the monthly stipend I send her and
invested it in a Hupyrian beetle farm.
[ISHKA] High quality beetles. The best.
[ROM] Really? How much did you make, Moogie?
[ISHKA] Three bars of gold-pressed latinum.
[ROM] Three bars of latinum? Isn't the FCA overreacting a little?
[QUARK] It doesn't matter whether it's one slip or a hundred thousand
bars. Females are not allowed to earn profit.
[ISHKA] Why not?
[QUARK] Because it's the law. And without law, society would descend
into chaos.
[ISHKA] If you ask me, this society could use a little chaos.
[QUARK] Not if I have anything to say about it.
[ROM] Gee, I wish Father were alive. Then it'd be just like old times.
Sitting around the family table, eating tube grubs, discussing
important issues of the day.
(Ishka and Quark stare at Rom, each other and then us.)
[QUARK] Mother, I know you're not like other females. You like to think
about things. You have opinions.
[ISHKA] Is that a compliment, or an accusation?
[QUARK] It's a fact. But what's also a fact is, if you don't imprint
this confession, you'll be sold into indentured servitude, and I'll be
forced to make restitution.
[ROM] But Brother, it's only three bars of latinum.
[QUARK] And I'm not going to let those three bars to destroy this
family. If our disgrace is made known, do you think we could ever do
business with another Ferengi again? I wouldn't do business with me.
Mother, please, for our family's reputation, for your sons' financial
future, please imprint the confession.
[ISHKA] I can't. I wish you could understand, Quark.
[QUARK] I understand perfectly. You're a selfish female who never cared
about this family, about Father, or about me.
(Ishka's bedroom)
[ROM] I see you haven't changed your bedroom,
Moogie. It's still very traditional.
[ISHKA] I keep it this way to remind myself how idiotic Ferengi
tradition can be when it comes to females.
[ROM] Oh.
[ISHKA] Rom, is something wrong?
[ROM] Wrong? No. Not really. Except your clothes.
[ISHKA] Would you feel more comfortable if I took them off?
[ROM] Well, maybe just a little.
[ISHKA] All right, if it will make you feel better. But only for you.
(So she does)
[ISHKA] Better?
[ROM] Much. You know, Moogie, it really would mean a lot to Quark if you
imprint that confession.
[ISHKA] He's made that quite clear.
[ROM] I know he can be headstrong and overbearing, not to mention mean
and insulting and rude, but he's not all bad. He works hard. You should
see the bar. It's thriving.
[ISHKA] I'd like to, but Ferengi tradition doesn't allow females to
[ROM] Quark doesn't make the rules.
[ISHKA] He just lives by them.
[ROM] Like a good Ferengi.
[ISHKA] Like an unenlightened Ferengi.
(Rom puts his head on Ishka's lap.)
[ROM] Moogie, can't you give back the three bars of latinum? If you
don't, you're going to destroy everything Quark's worked for.
[ISHKA] You always were a good boy. I don't think Quark knows how lucky
he is to have a brother as loyal as you.
[ROM] He knows. He just doesn't like showing it. If you cooperate with
the FCA, I bet I can convince him to increase your stipend.
[ISHKA] This isn't about money, Rom. Quark has always been more than
generous with my stipend. I have more than enough to live on.
[ROM] If it's not about money, then what is it about?
[ISHKA] It's about pride. And knowing that I'm just as capable of
earning profit as any male. Don't you see? If I imprint that
confession, I'll be admitting that what I did was wrong. I'm not going
to do that. I'd rather be sold into servitude.
[ROM] But what about Quark?
[ISHKA] He's a smart boy. He can take care of himself. Enough about your
brother. Let me see your teeth.
[ROM] My teeth? Why?
[ISHKA] They're looking a little dull. Why don't you sit here and I'll
sharpen them for you. Here we are.
[ROM] Oh, Moogie, you're the best.
(Cargo bay)
(A civilian crew are loading heavy cargo boxes
manually until one of them drops his load.)
[KASIDY] Pardshay, don't be an idiot. Go get an anti-grav sled before
you hurt yourself.
(Pardshay leaves.)
[SISKO] Why don't you just beam it to your cargo hold?
[KASIDY] Well I wish I could, but it's unstable biomatter.
[SISKO] The transporter should still be able to handle it, as long as
you adjust your phase transition inhibitor.
[KASIDY] Provided I had a mark seven transporter.
[SISKO] You're still using a mark six?
[KASIDY] A mark five.
[SISKO] A mark Five? I thought they stopped making those things
[KASIDY] Fifteen years ago. But when you're working for the Petarians,
you have to make do with what they give you. Oh, let me guess.
Commander Sisko.
[SISKO] Benjamin.
[KASIDY] Kasidy. Kasidy Yates.
[SISKO] Yes, I know. My son has told me a lot about you.
[KASIDY] Well I think Jake fancies himself something of a matchmaker.
[SISKO] He means well. He does get a little too enthusiastic now and
[KASIDY] Oh, damn. That sounds like the inertium ore. I'd better go see
what's going on.
[SISKO] I'll give you a hand.
[KASIDY] I can take care of it.
[SISKO] Of course. Sorry about Jake.
[KASIDY] How about coffee? Say tomorrow evening, eighteen hundred hours?
[SISKO] Sounds good.
[KASIDY] I'll see you tomorrow.
(Ishka's house)
(Morning, and Quark is already at the computer when
Rom gets up.)
[ROM] There's nothing like sleeping in your old room. So, how was your
[QUARK] Mother's been busy.
[ROM] Really? I didn't even know she was up yet.
[QUARK] I mean she's been busy. I've been doing some checking. This
isn't about three bars of latinum.
[ROM] You mean she earned more?
[QUARK] A lot more. So much that I haven't been able to track it all
down. She's been operating under dozens of different aliases,
conducting transactions all over the Ferengi Alliance. Do you know what
this means?
[ROM] It means Moogie's got the lobes for business.
[QUARK] Even if I sold everything I have, I couldn't come close to
paying back what she's earned. I'm ruined.
(Later, Quark is sitting, staring straight ahead, when Rom brings him a
[ROM] Brother? Is everything all right? I'm so proud of you, Quark. I
mean, other people in your situation might overreact and lose their
temper, make a bad situation worse. But not my brother. You're too
smart for that. You're going to sit there and study the problem, and
then come up with a clear, simple solution.
[QUARK] I already have.
[ROM] You see? I told you. What is it?
[QUARK] I'm going to kill her.
[ROM] Moogie!
(Ishka's bedroom)
(Ishka working on a PADD when Quark enters.)
[QUARK] A-ha. Caught you. Give me that.
[ISHKA] Give you what?
[QUARK] That PADD you just hid.
[ISHKA] It's a letter to your cousin Stol.
[QUARK] A likely story.
(Rom enters.)
[QUARK] I knew it. You were trying to hide more profits. Well, it won't
work. I know all about your little financial empire.
[ISHKA] It's not so little.
[QUARK] Then you admit it?
[ROM] Brother, calm down. I'm sure Moogie has a perfectly good
explanation for what she's done. Don't you, Moogie?
[ISHKA] Since when does a Ferengi have to make excuses for making
[QUARK] You're a female.
[ISHKA] And when it comes to profit, this female is a better Ferengi
than you'll ever be.
[QUARK] You expect me to believe you did all this on your own? You had
help. Admit it. Tell me his name. I'll see to it the FCA hangs him by
his lobes in the Sacred Marketplace.
[ISHKA] Quark, sometimes you can be so thick-headed.
[ROM] Now, Moogie, there's no need to be insulting.
[ISHKA] Of course there is. Insults are the only thing he understands.
He's so blind with jealousy, he can't even think straight.
[QUARK] Me? Jealous of you? Hah.
[ISHKA] You're just like your father.
[QUARK] Why would Father be jealous of you?
[ISHKA] Because he knew I had the lobes for business and he didn't. I
tried to help him, give him financial advice, but he wouldn't listen to
me because I was a female.
[QUARK] What other reason did he need? Females don't belong in business.
[ISHKA] Give me one reason why not.
[QUARK] Because it's wrong.
[ISHKA] You're going to have to do better than that.
[QUARK] No, I'm not. It's the law. That was good enough for Father, and
it's good enough for me.
[ISHKA] A lot of things were good enough for your father. He was a
lobeless failure and if you're not careful, you're going to end up just
like him.
[QUARK] That does it.
[ROM] Brother, where are you going?
[QUARK] To the FCA. Let's see what they have to say about your financial
(Ishka's house)
[ROM] Brother, wait.
[QUARK] Out of my way, Rom.
[ROM] No. I'm not going to let you hurt Mother.
[QUARK] She's no mother of mine.
[ROM] Why? Because of what she said about Father? Did it ever occur to
you that she might be right?
[QUARK] How dare you take her side against Father's?
[ROM] Oh, don't tell me about Father. I knew him a lot better than you
did. You went off as soon as you reached the Age of Ascension, but I
stayed here for ten more years. And you know what I learned in those
ten years? I learned that Father was no financial genius.
[QUARK] Take that back.
[ROM] It's the truth. He went from one bad deal to the next, one failure
after another. He couldn't hold onto latinum if you sewed it into his
[QUARK] Take that back!
[ROM] No!
(They try to strangle each other, knocking over the furniture and
nearly braining the cameraman with flying fruit - nice one Rene.)
[ISHKA] Quark! Rom! That's enough! Let him go!
[ROM] But Moogie
[ISHKA] Stop it! Stop it, both of you.
(She twists their lobes.)
[ISHKA] If your brother wants to go to the FCA, let him.
[ROM] But you'll get in trouble.
[ISHKA] I'll worry about that. Go on. What are you waiting for?
(Brunt's office)
(Quark totters out of the stairwell, gasping.)
[QUARK] That's the steepest forty flights of stairs I've ever climbed.
Seven slips of latinum to use the elevator. Talk about inflation.
(reads wall monitor) Refined dilithium down ten percent?
(He goes over to the receptionist.)
[QUARK] The name's Quark. I'm here to see Liquidator Brunt.
(The receptionist taps the money box.)
[QUARK] Of course.
(Money in the slot)
[RECEPTIONIST] I'll tell Liquidator Brunt that you're here. Have a seat.
[QUARK] How much?
[RECEPTIONIST] Three slips.
[QUARK] I'll stand.
[RECEPTIONIST] That'll be one slip.
[QUARK] I'll give you two for the chair.
[RECEPTIONIST] If you're here to deliver an imprinted confession, you
can leave it with me. I'll see that Liquidator Brunt gets it.
[QUARK] Tell Brunt I need to talk to him now. I have information that
could shake the very foundation of the Ferengi Alliance.
(Rom enters, gasping)
[ROM] Brother. Wait. I have to sit down.
[RECEPTIONIST] That'll be three slips of latinum.
[ROM] Brother, can you loan me?
[QUARK] Yeah, yeah. Here. Now what do you want?
[ROM] I have a message from Moogie.
[QUARK] There's nothing she could say that would interest me.
[ROM] She'll share it with you.
[QUARK] What was that?
[ROM] Her profits. Fifty-fifty.
[QUARK] Tell Brunt I'll talk to him later. Come on. Let's try out that
[ROM] But it's so expensive.
[QUARK] I can afford it. (gives the receptionist a slip) For your
(Ishka's house)
[QUARK] Mother, I want to apologise for all the
terrible things I said. I was angry, and I got carried away. I'm sorry.
[ISHKA] Apology accepted. I'm just glad that Rom was able to catch you
before you made a horrible mistake.
[QUARK] It would've been a shame to waste all of that profit.
[ISHKA] I'm glad we agree.
[QUARK] So, how much latinum have you made?
[ISHKA] Does it matter?
[QUARK] I just want to make sure that everything is divided fairly.
[ISHKA] Divided?
[QUARK] Fifty-fifty. Just like you said.
[ISHKA] I never said that. You said he'd let me keep all the profit for
[QUARK] I said no such thing.
[ROM] So I lied to both of you. I had no choice. It was the only way to
get the two of you talking again.
[QUARK] There's nothing to say.
[ISHKA] Don't get your lobes caught in the door on your way out.
[ROM] That's enough bickering. You're both acting like children. I will
not stand by and let this family fall apart. Quark, you should be
ashamed of yourself. I've seen you treat Cardassians with more respect
than you show your own mother. And Moogie, if Quark can uncover your
hidden investments, eventually the FCA will too. And then all that
profit will be lost. Think about that for a moment. Now, neither of you
is going to leave this room until you've settled things. Is that clear?
And no shouting! I'm going to take a nap.
(Rom leaves.)
[ISHKA] He's a sweet boy.
[QUARK] That's easy for you to say. He doesn't live next door to you.
[ISHKA] You're too hard on him. You always have been.
[QUARK] I had to be. You were always too easy on him. Maybe if you'd
pushed him a little harder, he would've amounted to something.
[ISHKA] I doubt it. When it comes to business, he's a lot like your
[QUARK] You enjoy insulting Father, don't you?
[ISHKA] I'm not insulting anyone. I'm just being honest. Rom's a lot
like his father. And you, I suppose, are a lot like me.
[QUARK] I never knew you felt like that.
[ISHKA] Your father might have bought you your first copy of the Rules
of Acquisition, but who helped you memorise them?
[QUARK] You did.
[ISHKA] I don't think I've ever been prouder than the first time you
made it through all two hundred and eighty five rules without a
[QUARK] Rom knows them just as well as I do.
[ISHKA] But you understand them. Rom never did. And neither did his
father. But even if Keldar didn't know the first thing about profit, he
knew everything about family. He was a good husband and a wonderful
father. And I loved him for that. The way I love Rom, and the way I
love you.
[QUARK] You mean that?
[ISHKA] Yes, I suppose I do. If it'll make you happy, I'll give back the
[QUARK] You'll imprint the confession?
[ISHKA] You're my son, Quark. How can I refuse you?
[QUARK] You don't know how much this means to me.
[ISHKA] I know exactly how much this means to you.
[QUARK] Oh, Moogie. I love you.
(The last two customers are still talking.)
[SISKO] There's no place like New Orleans for simple pleasures. Good
food, great music.
[KASIDY] Sounds like a great place to grow up.
[SISKO] The best. Can I get you another raktajino?
[KASIDY] No, I'm fine.
[SISKO] You seem a little preoccupied.
[KASIDY] It's just when we made our plans I forgot I had a previous
[SISKO] I see.
[KASIDY] It's not what you think. It's kind of a family obligation. You
see, my youngest brother, he's a colonist on
Cestus Three.
[SISKO] That's on the other side of the Federation.
[KASIDY] It's so far away, it takes two weeks for a subspace
transmission to get here and I'm expecting one tonight. I promised my
brother I'd listen to it as it came in.
[SISKO] I hope nothing's wrong.
[KASIDY] Not unless he hurt himself again. Last time he tore some
ligaments in his knee.
[SISKO] How'd that happen?
[KASIDY] He was doing something called sliding into second.
[SISKO] Sliding into second?
[SISKO] That sounds like baseball.
[KASIDY] You know about baseball?
[SISKO] It's my favourite sport. But no one has played it for two
hundred years.
[KASIDY] Well, they're playing it on Cestus Three, At least they have
been for the past six months.
[SISKO] I had no idea. That's fantastic. How many teams are there?
[KASIDY] Six, but they're trying to organise a couple more. I didn't
know you liked baseball.
[SISKO] I didn't know anyone else liked baseball, except me and Jake.
[KASIDY] Look, this transmission I mentioned, it's an audio recording of
a game between my brother's team, the Pike City Pioneers and the Cestus
Comets. Well, if you'd like you're welcome to listen to it with me.
[SISKO] I'd love to.
[KASIDY] Oh, great.
[SISKO] Tell me, does your brother's league use a designated hitter
[KASIDY] Oh no. They thought about it, but decided against it.
[SISKO] Wood bats or polyduranide?
[KIRA] Wood, of course.
[SISKO] Do you think your brother could use a right handed pitcher?
(On the upper level, Jake watches them head off. He's a happy boy.)
(Ishka's house)
(Ishka is playing the naked dumb female, with
strategically placed props for our benefit.)
[BRUNT] Everything seems to be in order. I'm glad we can finally put an
end to this matter. And I certainly hope you've learned your lesson.
[ISHKA] And what would that be?
[BRUNT] She's speaking to me again.
[ROM] No, she wasn't.
[QUARK] She's speaking to me. Now, what were you saying about a lesson?
[BRUNT] Ah, the lesson is, no one can outsmart the FCA.
[QUARK] I think she's certainly learned that.
[BRUNT] Your mother's confession will serve as a warning to females all
over the Alliance.
[QUARK] Oh, I don't think anyone has to know about this. After all, what
would people say if they knew a female had earned that much latinum?
[BRUNT] I shudder to think. Goodbye. I sincerely hope I never see any of
you again.
[QUARK] The feeling is mutual.
(Brunt leaves with a small pouch of money.)
[ISHKA] I thought he'd never leave.
(She gets dressed again.)
[QUARK] Mother, must you?
[ISHKA] Quark, I've just given up a sizable fortune. I'm in no mood for
your nagging.
[QUARK] You're absolutely right. If you want to wear clothes, go ahead.
What do I care? I'm leaving anyway.
[ISHKA] So soon?
[QUARK] I have to reopen the bar. It's supporting all of us now.
[ISHKA] Well, you know you could call your mother every once in a while.
Maybe even visit.
[QUARK] I will. I promise. Let's go, Rom.
[ROM] I'll be along in a moment, brother.
(Quark leaves)
[ROM] I'm glad to see you two are finally getting along.
[ISHKA] I think things will be a lot better between us from now on.
[ROM] As long as he doesn't find out you only gave the FCA a third of
your profits.
[ISHKA] If you ask me, a third was too much. But it's my own fault for
not hiding it better.
[ROM] You sure the FCA won't find the rest?
[ISHKA] I've got it hidden so well, I'll be lucky if I can find it.
[ROM] Oh, Moogie.
[ISHKA] Now, Rom, don't start crying. You'll get me doing it. Go on. Go
on. Quark's waiting for you. Take care of your brother. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e67", "title": "Family Business"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Shakaar
Original Airdate: 22 May, 1995
(It's game on in front of the dart board)
[SISKO] Got you this time, Chief.
(But O'Brien's third dart is a bulls-eye!)
[BRIEN] Sorry, Commander.
[SISKO] Don't apologise. That just makes it worse.
[BRIEN] I guess I'm just in the zone today.
[SISKO] In the zone?
[BRIEN] The feeling that I can't lose. That I can put the dart exactly
where I want it. You know the feeling.
[SISKO] Not today.
[DAX (OC)] Dax to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[DAX (OC)] Benjamin, there's a priority message for you from the Bajoran
Provisional government.
[SISKO] On my way. Fortunately, duty calls. You'll have to find yourself
another victim.
(Sisko leaves as Bashir enters)
[SISKO] Doctor.
[BASHIR] Commander. Is Chief O'Brien in here?
[SISKO] He's back there, in the zone.
(Kira's quarters)
(Kira is performing her devotions in front of a
[KIRA] Raka ja ut. Shala morala. Ema bo roo kana. Uranak. Ralanon
Bareil. Propeh va nara ehsuk. Shala kan vunek.
[KIRA] Enter.
[SISKO] I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
[KIRA] It's all right. It's called a duranja. It's a lamp for the dead.
I was just praying for Bareil. What can I do for you?
[SISKO] This may come as somewhat of a shock, but I wanted you to hear
it from me. The First Minister of the Provisional government has died.
[KIRA] Kalem Apren? How?
[SISKO] Heart failure. He died in his sleep.
[KIRA] Well, I just met him once, but he seemed like he was a good man.
How soon will they appoint someone to replace him?
[SISKO] They have already appointed someone. The new head of the
Provisional government is Kai Winn.
[ODO] So as a result, I've transferred Ensign
Palmers back to the night watch and reassigned Crewman Donark to the
Defiant as a member of the security detachment. Starfleet is sending a
series of upgrades for our tactical computer modules next week. I've
drawn up a plan to phase in the upgrades over the course of three days.
Major. Is something wrong?
[KIRA] Yes. Oh, it's this whole thing with Kai Winn. I was just trying
to get used to her as spiritual leader of Bajor and now she's running
the government, Odo?
[ODO] Not an ideal situation.
[KIRA] Well I'm beginning to think that you and I are the only ones who
feel that way. No one's is opposing her in next month's elections. She
is going to be elected the First Minister for the next six years and no
one seems to care.
[ODO] You and I have a different perspective than most Bajorans. There's
a personal element to our feelings about her. I know that you still
blame Winn for Bareil's death.
[KIRA] That's part of it. This is about the future of Bajor. I can't
shake the feeling that giving Winn control of the government is a
mistake and she should be stopped.
[ODO] Stopped from doing what?
[KIRA] I don't know. Maybe, maybe I'm afraid that if she's given power,
she's never going to let go.
[ODO] Unfortunately that suspicion is not shared by the people of Bajor.
They still admire her as the woman who made peace with Cardassia.
[KIRA] Bareil made peace with Cardassia.
[ODO] I know that, Major. But to the rest of Bajor, Winn is the real
hero. In their eyes it took courage for her to conclude a treaty with a
race that she herself had so bitterly condemned and fought against.
[KIRA] I don't care what her popular image is. She is no hero. The only
thing that she cares about is her own power. Why can't people see that?
We spent so many years fighting the Cardassians. We spent so much time
hoping and praying for a Bajor that was free. Now that we won, how can
people just hand their freedom over to someone like Winn?
[ODO] It has been my observation that one of the prices of giving people
freedom of choice is that sometimes they make the wrong choice.
(Kira's quarters)
[KIRA] Bo roo kana uranak. Ralanon Bareil. Propeh va
nara ehsuk. Shala kan.
[KIRA] Yes?
[WINN] Hello, child.
[KIRA] Eminence.
[WINN] May I come in?
[KIRA] Yes.
[WINN] Please forgive this intrusion. I know the hour is late.
[KIRA] Does Commander Sisko know you're aboard the station?
[WINN] I'm not here to see the Emissary. I'm here to see you.
[KIRA] Me?
[WINN] Yes, child. Have you suffered a recent loss? Or are you still
mourning the death of Minister Kalem?
[KIRA] It's for Vedek Bareil, actually.
[WINN] It's been three months since Bareil left us to walk with the
Prophets. You must have cared for him deeply.
[KIRA] I loved him.
[WINN] As did I.
[KIRA] Is that why you never mention Bareil's name when you talk about
your peace treaty with Cardassia? As I recall, he's the one who
negotiated it.
[WINN] Bareil saw himself as simply carrying out the will of the
Prophets. To him, achieving peace with Cardassia was its own reward. He
never wanted fame or glory for what he did. As someone who loved him,
I'm surprised you didn't know that.
[KIRA] What is it you want, Eminence?
[WINN] Are you familiar with Rakantha Province?
[KIRA] It's a farming community.
[WINN] And it used to be one of the most productive agricultural regions
on Bajor. But as you know, the Cardassians poisoned much of our
farmlands before they left, and Rakantha has been mostly barren
wasteland ever since. After years of research, the agricultural
ministry has finally developed reclamators which can detoxify the soil
and make it fertile again.
[KIRA] It's very interesting, but what does it have to do with me?
[WINN] Patience, child. In six months, it will be planting season in
Rakantha. By this time next year, we can be producing boton, moreka and
salam grass. All valuable commodities for export. If we can attract
interstellar commerce to Bajor, it will only enhance our application
for membership in the Federation.
[KIRA] I understand.
[WINN] Unfortunately, a group of farmers who were allowed to use the
reclamators in another province are now refusing to return them. And
this is why I've come to you, Kira. The farmers who seized the
equipment are in Dahkur Province. Your home. And they're led by a man
with whom you're acquainted. His name is Shakaar.
[KIRA] Shakaar?
[WINN] And if I'm not mistaken, he was the leader of your resistance
cell during the occupation.
[KIRA] That's right.
[WINN] I want you to convince him to return the equipment he's stolen.
[KIRA] You want me to go up against a man who saved my life countless
times for you?
[WINN] Not for me, child. For Bajor. I know we've had our differences in
the past, but I'm asking you to put those feelings aside and think of
what is best for our people. We're on the verge of a new era. The
Occupation is over, we've achieved peace with Cardassia, Federation
membership is only a few years away. This is an exciting time to be a
Bajoran. But our future depends on each of us acting for the common
good of all Bajor. Shakaar has lost sight of this. By stealing the
reclamators, he's acting in his own self-interest at the expense of the
rest of our people.
[KIRA] I know Shakaar. He's one of the most selfless people I have ever
met. He must have a good reason for what he's done.
[WINN] Perhaps. Perhaps he is just misguided. That's why I've come to
you, Kira. You know him, you can talk to him. I don't want this to
become a scandal. I want this settled peacefully, quietly. Surely we
can both agree that that's a worthy goal.
[KIRA] I'll talk to him, but I can't guarantee that he'll listen to me.
[WINN] Vedek Bareil used to tell me that you could be quite persuasive
when you put your mind to it, child. I hope he wasn't mistaken. Walk
with the Prophets.
(Shakaar's farm)
(Kira beams onto a slope of dry sandy soil. If this
is a farm, it is not prosperous. She goes over to the farmhouse door,
then Ronan from Sub Rosa,
puts his hand on her shoulder, making her jump.)
[SHAKAAR] You cut your hair.
[KIRA] You let yours grow.
[SHAKAAR] I liked you the old way.
[KIRA] I was thinking the same thing about you.
[SHAKAAR] It's good to see you, Nerys.
[KIRA] It's good to see you, too.
[SHAKAAR] Come on in.
(Shakaar's house)
[SHAKAAR] So, Major Kira Nerys, Deep Space Nine's
first officer. You've made quite a name for yourself.
[KIRA] Not really.
[SHAKAAR] You've accomplished a great deal. You should be proud. Furel
and Lupaza are so proud of you they actually stand a little taller
every time your name comes up.
[KIRA] Furel and Lupaza? You still see them?
[SHAKAAR] Of course. They both have farms less than ten kilometres from
[KIRA] Those two are farmers? Now you, yes, that's all you ever talked
about. But Lupaza? How did that happen?
[SHAKAAR] You can ask her yourself. They'll be here in a couple of
hours. I can hardly wait to see the look on their faces when they walk
through that door and see you standing there.
[KIRA] Shakaar, before they get here we should talk. I'm here on
[SHAKAAR] I know why you're here, Nerys. I need time to think about it,
all right?
[KIRA] All right.
(A darts match is finishing with O'Brien getting
another bull.)
[DAX] I think I'll stick to tongo from now on.
[BRIEN] Sorry, Lieutenant.
[QUARK] Thank you. Thank you all for your gaming business. The House
will start taking bets on the next challenger at ten to one. That's ten
to one without even knowing who the next challenger will be.
[BRIEN] Quark, I have to go.
[QUARK] No problem. Ladies and gentlemen, Chief of Operations Miles
Edward O'Brien has to leave to resume his duties on board the station.
Now, everyone, make way. I trust we'll be seeing you again tomorrow,
Chief, for your forty seventh straight victory?
[BRIEN] I don't know. I was actually thinking about getting some time
in the holosuites tomorrow.
[QUARK] The holosuites? You weren't thinking of going kayaking by any
[BRIEN] As a matter of fact, I was.
[QUARK] Didn't I tell you? I misplaced the kayaking programme. Haven't
seen it in days.
[BRIEN] Quark.
[QUARK] All right, look. You're on a streak. An epic streak. If you go
kayaking tomorrow and something happens and you damage that golden
shoulder, this streak will be over and you'll never know just how far
it might have taken you. Could you really live with that?
[BRIEN] You're offering ten to one to anyone betting against me
[QUARK] That's right.
[BRIEN] I'd make it fifteen if I were you.
[QUARK] Yes!
(Shakaar's house)
(Later that evening, after the meal)
[LUPAZA] (another red-headed woman) You never would've found your way
out of there if I hadn't left that marker on that rock.
[FUREL] (a stout one-armed man) I have a fine sense of direction. I knew
exactly where I was that night. Exactly.
[KIRA] I found your tracks the next day. You'd been walking in circles.
[FUREL] I was throwing the Cardassians off my trail. Again, please.
(Kira fills his clay mug.)
[KIRA] Furel, if you don't mind my asking, why haven't you?
[FUREL] Had my arm replaced? Well, I thought about it. I even saw a
Federation doctor about it. She said, no problem, Furel. You can have a
new arm in less than a week. It'll have full range of motion and feel
just like your own.
[KIRA] So why didn't you do it?
[FUREL] Before I went into that interrogation centre, I asked the
Prophets to give me the strength to get the rest of you out of there.
And in exchange, I said I'd give up my life. As it turned out, I was
able to rescue you, Shakaar and Lupaza. It only cost me an arm. I felt
the Prophets were generous. Somehow replacing the arm seems ungrateful.
[LUPAZA] I think you're just afraid that with two arms you'd actually
have to do some real work for a change.
[FUREL] I've done more work in three months on my farm than you've done
in three years. I have seen better weeds than the crops you grow.
[LUPAZA] You know good and well that my soil's more toxic than any other
tract within a hundred kilometres.
[LUPAZA] It's true. Once I get a chance to use one of the reclamators
things'll change, I can promise you that.
[SHAKAAR] You may not get that chance, Lupaza. Nerys was sent here by
the Kai with orders to convince us to return the reclamators to the
[FUREL] And you said no.
[SHAKAAR] I said I'd have to think about it.
[LUPAZA] There's not much to think about, Shakaar, you know that. Tell
the Kai or the First Minister or whatever she wants to be called these
days, that the answer's no. We need the reclamators and that's the end
of it. Now, who wants tuwaly pie?
(Shakaar's farm)
[KIRA] You know this business with the reclamators
isn't going to just go away, Shakaar.
[SHAKAAR] Maybe not.
[KIRA] Definitely not. I think you should reconsider. I know what you're
trying to do here, and I know how difficult it's been. We have to think
about what's best for Bajor.
[SHAKAAR] If you think giving the reclamators back to the government is
the best thing for Bajor, then you've been out on that space station
for too long. We waited three years to get the reclamators. We finally
got them two months ago and we were told that they were ours for at
least a year. The Provisional government actually did something right
for a change. Then Minister Kalem died, and the next thing we know we
get an order to return the reclamators immediately to the Rakantha
farming project.
[KIRA] The Rakantha project is important. If they can get it underway,
Bajor could start exporting goods again. It could start to change the
way the rest of the galaxy looks at us. They'll stop seeing us as poor
refugees and start seeing us as equals.
[SHAKAAR] I don't give a damn how the rest of the galaxy looks at us.
We're trying to feed our own people here and you're talking about
[KIRA] There must be a way to reach some kind of compromise here
[KIRA] I don't know, but maybe if you and the Kai would sit down and
talk together, maybe you can reach some kind of agreement. Some way of
sharing the equipment more fairly. If I could arrange a meeting between
the two of you, would you at least agree to sit down talk with her
about it?
[SHAKAAR] I don't know if it'll accomplish anything.
[KIRA] It might not, but it's a place to start.
[SHAKAAR] All right. For you. It's good to have you home, Nerys. You
should come back more often.
[KIRA] I might do that.
[SHAKAAR] Good. Because we've all missed you. Especially me.
(Winn's office)
[WINN] Am I to assume, my child, that you've met
with Shakaar?
[KIRA] We talked.
[WINN] And have you convinced him to return the soil reclamators?
[KIRA] He's not ready to return them yet.
[WINN] I see. When can we expect the return of the equipment?
[KIRA] When the topsoil in Dahkur Province has been restored and readied
for planting. Another six months.
[WINN] In six months, the planting season in Rakantha will be over.
[KIRA] I realise that, and I know how important the Rakantha project is,
which is why I've arranged a meeting between the two of you.
[WINN] A meeting?
[KIRA] Yes. To work out a compromise. If you just hear him out and look
at the work they've been able to accomplish in Dahkur in just two
months, you'll see how important this is to them. I'm sure there's a
way to resolve this situation so that both Rakantha and Dahkur can
[WINN] Did you explain to Shakaar that you were there on the direct
authority of the First Minister?
[KIRA] Yes, but it wouldn't have mattered if I were there on behalf of
the Prophets themselves. He wasn't about to just give up the equipment.
[WINN] A pity. Shakaar sounds like a prideful and arrogant man. It also
seems there's no reasoning with him.
[KIRA] Shakaar is not an unreasonable man. He's desperate. They all are.
You should see what they're up against. The condition of the soil, the
harsh weather. I'm sure if you talk to him, you'll be able to work out
a compromise.
[WINN] It would seem that I have little choice.
[KIRA] So I can tell him that you'll discuss it with him?
[WINN] You can tell him that. And then you can return to Deep Space
[KIRA] But I can still serve as an intermediary between you and Shakaar.
[WINN] That won't be necessary. You've already done enough. And please
give my best regards to Commander Sisko. That will be all, my child.
(Shakaar's house)
[SHAKAAR] I'll be interested to hear what she has to
say, but she's not getting those reclamators back till we're finished
with them.
[KIRA] Shakaar, you have to be flexible. I'm not sure this is a fight
you can win.
[SHAKAAR] That's what the Cardassians used to say.
[SHAKAAR] Come in.
(Enter Bajoran security)
[SECURITY] Are you Shakaar?
[SECURITY] You're under arrest.
[KIRA] Wait a minute. On whose authority?
[SECURITY] Our orders came directly from the office of the First
[KIRA] She lied to me.
[SHAKAAR] She's good at it, Nerys. Don't feel bad.
[SECURITY] If you'll come with us.
[SHAKAAR] Yeah, all right. I just want to make one thing clear.
(He punches the officer and Kira disarms the other.)
[SHAKAAR] I'm glad to see that living on a space station hasn't slowed
you down.
[KIRA] We have to get out of here.
[SHAKAAR] This can still be explained away. It was a tense situation,
you acted on instinct. They'll understand that. But they won't
understand you coming with me. This isn't your fight, Nerys. Go home.
[KIRA] I am home, Shakaar, and I have been lied to by Kai Winn for the
last time. She wants a fight, I'll give her one.
(The gang are opening their cache of weapons.)
[FUREL] The civil police have issued a province-wide alert for you and
Kira. They've also requested that the surrounding towns send more
troops and equipment to help in the search for the fugitives.
[SHAKAAR] Now there's a familiar word. Haven't been called that in a
while. I kind of missed it.
[LUPAZA] The authorities have seized your farm and they've brought in a
scanning machine to hunt for the reclamators.
[SHAKAAR] Let them scan. There's nothing there to find.
[LUPAZA] They've also detained some of the other members of our
resistance cell for questioning.
[KIRA] Who?
[LUPAZA] Mobara, Klin and Ornak were taken away before I could reach
them. The others are heading for the Kola Mountain stronghold. I said
we'd meet them there and go over our plan.
[FUREL] Well, what is our plan?
[SHAKAAR] For now, the plan is to keep moving. We'll let the civil
police run themselves ragged chasing us through the mountains.
[FUREL] Just like old times.
[SHAKAAR] That's the general idea. The Cardassians spent ten years
searching for us in these mountains. The civil police will probably
give up in ten days.
[KIRA] I'm not so sure about that. Some of them were in the Resistance
too. They might not give up so easily.
[SHAKAAR] Maybe. But I really don't think they want to hunt down a group
of fellow Bajorans who are just trying to defend their homes. We head
for Kola Mountain, pick up anyone who's there, and move further into
the hill country. Let's go.
(The 47th darts match is in session and Miles is
still in the Zone.)
[SYVAR] (a Starfleet Vulcan) A most auspicious shot.
[BASHIR] You've got him, Chief. One in the bull and you win.
[DAX] I think he knows that, Julian.
[BRIEN] Don't worry, coach. I won't let you down.
[SYVAR] I see no need for delay. Throw the dart.
[BRIEN] I will throw the dart when I'm ready to throw the dart.
[QUARK] Did I miss anything?
[DAX] Shhh.
[BRIEN] Is that my synthale?
[QUARK] Extra-stout, just the way you like it.
[BRIEN] Excuse me.
[QUARK] There you go.
(O'Brien reaches behind himself and..)
[BRIEN] Argh!
[QUARK] What is it?
[BASHIR] It's his shoulder. It's popped out of its socket. Get me the
[QUARK] What did I do? I just handed him a drink.
[BRIEN] It's all right. Just pop it back in, Julian. I'll be all
[BASHIR] Oh, no. I'm afraid it's not that simple this time, Chief.
You've got a rotator cuff tear and severe degenerative damage. We'd
better him to the Infirmary.
[SYVAR] If he leaves the line, he forfeits the game.
[QUARK] Forfeit?
[BASHIR] This man needs surgery.
[BRIEN] Surgery?
[BASHIR] That's right, Chief. I may have to replace the entire humeral
socket. It's not a complicated procedure. We can postpone the
conclusion of this competition until tomorrow, at which time he will be
good as new.
[SYVAR] I do not make the rules, I merely follow them.
[BRIEN] Wait, wait, wait. Look, I'm in the zone. I just need
(He tries to raise his throwing arm and )
[BRIEN] Argh! I just need surgery.
[SYVAR] I believe the House is paying fifteen to one.
[QUARK] All I did was hand him a drink.
(Winn's office)
[WINN] Emissary, I'm so happy you came to consult
with me.
[SISKO] Frankly, I'm surprised you wanted my advice.
[WINN] The advice of the Emissary is always welcome. But what I need is
your help.
[SISKO] What kind of help?
[WINN] It's been two weeks since I was forced to send the militia into
Dahkur Province.
[SISKO] And?
[WINN] And they've yet to catch sight of Shakaar or any of his
followers, let alone take them into custody.
[SISKO] I guess now you know how the Cardassians must have felt.
[WINN] The point is, I can't let this go on much longer. It embarrasses
me to say this, but Shakaar's defiance seems to be catching on in some
of the other Provinces, and I've had to take certain unfortunate
actions to maintain order.
[SISKO] You mean declaring martial law and suspending local government
in the hill provinces?
[WINN] I wasn't aware that you kept such close watch on the Bajoran
political situation.
[SISKO] From what I understand, Shakaar is gaining support all over
[WINN] Is that what Major Kira's been telling you?
[SISKO] I haven't spoken with Major Kira in quite some time.
[WINN] Emissary, I don't want this issue to divide my people.
[SISKO] Then I advise withdrawing your troops from Dahkur.
[WINN] I'm more than willing to do that, on one condition.
[SISKO] And what might that be?
[WINN] I'd like you to provide a Federation security force to take their
[SISKO] You want me to bring in Shakaar for you.
[WINN] Such an act would do much to solidify the relations between the
Federation and Bajor.
[SISKO] I wasn't aware that our relationship needed solidifying.
[WINN] Nevertheless, this would be an opportunity for the Federation to
once again show it's friendship for Bajor.
[SISKO] I'm sorry, but I'm afraid Federation law prevents me from
interfering in Bajoran internal affairs.
[WINN] So, you're refusing my request for aid?
[SISKO] I suppose I am.
[WINN] If Bajor cannot depend on the Federation, we'll withdraw our
application for membership.
[SISKO] That would be an unfortunate overreaction on your part. If I may
say so, your entire response to this crisis has been an overreaction.
By using the militia against your own people, you're risking civil war
over a couple of soil reclamators.
[WINN] I'm afraid you can't see what's really going on here. This isn't
about soil reclamators. This is about the future of our society. When
someone like Shakaar can defy the law and escape punishment, we risk
descending into anarchy and chaos. This is a test, a test by the
Prophets. They want to see if I'm worthy of the role they've given me
as First Minister and Kai. I will not fail them. I will stop Shakaar by
any means necessary.
(The group is on the run down a slope.)
[SHAKAAR] Move, move, move!
[FUREL] They're closing. Seventy five metres.
[SHAKAAR] Come on, Kira.
[KIRA] I've almost got it.
(Kira keeps working a piece of machinery.)
[LUPAZA] They're on the ridge.
(A Bajoran troop is coming down towards them, scanning as they go.)
[SHAKAAR] Kira, if you can't do it, tell me now.
[KIRA] I got it.
(She plants the device in the ground.)
[TROOP] New reading. Seven hundred metres that way.
[TROOP 2] Yes, sir.
[LEADER] Let's go.
[SHAKAAR] How long do we have?
[KIRA] I've projected the false life signs about seven hundred metres
past that ravine. It'll take them about an hour to cover that distance,
and another fifteen to realise what's happened.
[FUREL] Either I'm getting older or these mountains are getting higher.
[LUPAZA] The next time I start getting nostalgic for the old days, shoot
[FUREL] If you insist.
(The troop disappear over the ridge again.)
[SHAKAAR] They're good.
[KIRA] Half of them are from Dahkur Province. They know this terrain
almost as well as we do.
[SHAKAAR] I think you're right. We need to leave Dahkur. They'll box us
in if we stay much longer.
[KIRA] We could take Serpent's Ridge up to Ratosha Pass, head for Lonar
[SHAKAAR] Serpent's Ridge is pretty rugged territory.
[KIRA] I don't think we have much choice.
[FUREL] Yes, we do. We can turn and fight.
[LUPAZA] He's right, Shakaar. It's just like in the old days. Every once
in a while the Cardassians would get too close and we'd turn around and
give them a bloody nose.
[SHAKAAR] Sometimes it was our nose that got bloodied.
[FUREL] We were willing to take the chance. I'll follow whatever orders
you give, but I am tired of running.
[KIRA] I'm not sure we can keep up this pace.
[SHAKAAR] All right. We head for Tanis Canyon. Kira's on point, column
of twos behind her. Lupaza, you take up the rear.
[FUREL] There is no way out of Tanis Canyon
[SHAKAAR] And that's why we're going to lead those militia troops in
there. Because we're going to be waiting for them. Let's move.
(Tanis Canyon)
(The rebels are on the ridge as the troops enter
the box canyon.)
[SHAKAAR] I don't think they've picked us up on their tricorders.
[KIRA] They won't, either. Not with that dampening field in place. I
think I recognise that man.
[SHAKAAR] Which one?
[KIRA] The colonel. That's Lenaris Holem.
[SHAKAAR] Lenaris? From the Ornathia resistance cell.
[KIRA] I met him at a reception in the Capital about a year ago.
[SHAKAAR] He's good. No wonder we haven't lost them. We have to get him
with the first volley. You take the Lieutenant on the right. I'll take
(They take aim, but neither can squeeze the trigger.)
[KIRA] I can't. I'm sorry.
[SHAKAAR] Don't be. I can't either.
(Kira and Shakaar stand up.)
(Kira and Shakaar walk down the slope.)
[LENARIS] Set a perimeter and watch the hills. Nobody fires until I give
the order.
[TROOP] Aye, sir. Firing positions, hold.
[LENARIS] That's far enough. Shakaar?
[KIRA] Kira Nerys.
[LENARIS] We've met. I've wanted to thank you for a long time. I had a
brother at Gallitep when you liberated the camp.
[SHAKAAR] A lot of people did. I just wish we'd gotten there sooner.
[LENARIS] Well. I take it from your calm demeanour that I've walked into
an ambush. I should have stayed up on the ridge line, never come down
into the valley.
[SHAKAAR] It's an easy mistake to make. You thought we were another two
kilometres ahead so you tried to make up time. I might have done the
same thing.
[LENARIS] I think I should tell you I've been in worse situations.
[SHAKAAR] The Pullock Five raid.
[LENARIS] You know about that?
[SHAKAAR] The first offworld raid against the Cardassians? Of course. It
was a bold move.
[LENARIS] If you know about Pullock Five, then you should also know I
won't give up without a fight. If you're here to ask me to surrender,
you're wasting your time.
[SHAKAAR] That's not why I'm here. I want to take my people and walk out
of here. I want to take them home.
(One of the troopers fires at Furel.)
[KIRA] Stop! No one shoot! No one shoot!
[LENARIS] Cease fire! Cease fire!
[TROOPER] Sir, I saw someone. I thought they were going to open fire.
[LENARIS] Lieutenant. Take this man's weapon and get him off the
perimeter. Now, I believe you were saying something about wanting to
walk out of here?
[SHAKAAR] That's right.
[LENARIS] You know that's impossible.
[KIRA] Well we'd better find a way to make it possible, because the next
time someone starts shooting, we won't be able to stop it. And I'm not
talking about today. I'm talking about tomorrow and the next day and
the next. I am talking about the beginning of a civil war.
[SHAKAAR] I didn't fight the Cardassians for twenty five years just so I
could start shooting other Bajorans.
[LENARIS] Neither did I. So, what do we do about it?
(Winn's office)
[WINN] What is it?
[AIDE (OC)] Colonel Lenaris is here to see you.
[WINN] Send him in.
(Lenaris enters with Kira and Shakaar.)
[WINN] I see you've brought me a pair of gifts. How thoughtful of you.
[LENARIS] They're not my prisoners.
[WINN] What do you mean, they're not your prisoners? What's going on?
[SHAKAAR] I'm here to enter the election as a candidate for the office
of First Minister.
[WINN] You have an interesting sense of humour.
[KIRA] It's no joke. Shakaar is going to enter the election and you are
going to lose.
[LENARIS] I've consulted with the other army commands, and he has their
full support.
[WINN] So this is a coup?
[KIRA] No, it's a free election. If you want to run, go ahead. But if
you do, this entire incident is going to be made public. And when the
people know the real facts, when they know you risked a civil war over
a couple of pieces of farm equipment, they're never going to trust you
again. You'll still be Kai, the spiritual leader of Bajor. But your
days in this office are numbered. So if I were you, I'd start packing.
(O'Brien is testing his arm at the dart board.)
[BASHIR] How's it feel?
[BRIEN] Good so far. Let's see.
(The dart lands outside the six.)
[BASHIR] Well try it again, Chief.
[BRIEN] No. I can feel it. I'm out of the zone. You know, I've played
sports all my life and I've never been in the zone like that before.
Probably never will again, but it felt good while it lasted.
[BASHIR] Well, look on the bright side. Now you have a new shoulder, you
might finally finish that kayaking programme.
[BRIEN] Hey. You may be right. Quark, I need a holosuite.
(Bashir casually throws a dart - and it's a bullseye!)
[QUARK] Doctor. Welcome to the zone. Let me tell you about a little
thing I've
(Kira's quarters)
[SISKO] Have any other candidates entered the
[KIRA] One or two, but Shakaar's popularity is growing so fast I don't
think anyone can catch him at this point.
[SISKO] What about the Kai?
[KIRA] She's trying to make the best of it. She even put out a statement
of support for Shakaar. Ow. You know, I used to enjoy sleeping on the
[SISKO] It's good to have you back, Major.
[KIRA] It's good to be back, sir.
[SISKO] I'll see you in Ops.
(Sisko leaves. Kira goes to Bareil's memorial lamp and blows it out.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e68", "title": "Shakaar"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Facets
Original Airdate: 12 Jun, 1995
(Nog is alone, at the helm.)
[COMPUTER] The Cardassians are still closing. They have powered their
weapons systems. (swerve) They have established weapons lock.
(Big swerve.)
[COMPUTER] Weapons lock broken.
[NOG] Going to warp.
(Jake is knocking on the runabout window.)
[NOG] Get out of here, Jake. I'm in the middle of a simulation.
[JAKE] (mouths) What?
[NOG] I said, get out of here. Computer, end programme.
(Nog falls backwards.)
[JAKE] Oh, you okay?
[NOG] Look what you made me do.
[JAKE] Well you should know not to end a programme sitting down.
[NOG] Why did you come in here?
[JAKE] You were supposed to meet me half an hour ago.
[NOG] I didn't realise it'd gotten so late. Sorry.
[JAKE] Don't worry about it. How's it going, anyway?
[NOG] Pretty good. I've improved my reaction time by almost twenty
percent, but I've got to get it up another five.
[JAKE] Is that the cutoff point for getting into the Academy preparatory
[NOG] Exactly.
[JAKE] Don't worry about it, Nog. You'll get there.
[NOG] I'd better.
(Quark's cafe)
[NOG] If I don't get into the programme, I'll never
be admitted to the Academy next year.
[JAKE] You think six weeks of summer classes'll make the difference?
[NOG] If I do well. I have to show the admissions committee how
determined I am to become a cadet.
[JAKE] Don't worry so much, Nog. You'll be a great cadet.
[QUARK] In the meantime, you make a lousy stock boy. Why can't you take
after your friend here? He knows enough to stay out of Starfleet. Even
a human can see that there are a lot more profitable opportunities out
there for a young man with ambition.
[NOG] Uncle, he wants to be a writer. There's no profit in that.
[QUARK] On the contrary. Writing holosuite programmes, especially the
more intimate variety, is very profitable.
[JAKE] I'll bet.
[QUARK] I'll tell you what. The two of you come up with a proposal, and
I'll put up the latinum for your first programme.
[NOG] I don't think so, Uncle.
[QUARK] All right, fine. Join Starfleet. I don't know why I bother
trying to help you, anyway. Go down to the storeroom and get your
father. Tell him to get behind the bar. Lieutenant Dax has asked me to
join the senior staff for a very important meeting in the wardroom.
[BASHIR] Do you have any idea what Dax wants to talk
to us about?
[ODO] No.
[BASHIR] Apparently she asked Leeta to come as well.
[ODO] I've noticed they've been spending quite a bit of time together.
[BASHIR] Do you keep tabs on everybody, Constable?
[ODO] Not everyone. But really, Doctor, two Delvin fluff pastries for
breakfast this morning? You of all people should know better than to
start your day like that.
(General small talk going on.)
[BASHIR] Major. Chief. Hello, Leeta.
[LEETA] Oh, hello.
[BASHIR] How are you doing?
[ODO] And what does that mean, exactly?
[DAX] Thank you all for coming.
[BASHIR] No problem.
[DAX] I'll get right to the point. You are the seven people on this
station that I feel closest to, and I want you all to be a part of my
[QUARK] Zhian'tara? What's that?
[LEETA] It's the Trill Rite of Closure. I've read about it.
[DAX] The zhian'tara is a ritual where joined Trills get a chance to
actually meet their previous hosts.
[KIRA] Meet them? How?
[DAX] That's where you come in. If you don't mind, I'd like to borrow
your bodies for a few hours.
[BRIEN] What do you mean borrow our bodies?
[DAX] If you agree to participate, the memories of one of my previous
hosts will be temporarily removed from the symbiont and imprinted onto
you. You essentially become one of my hosts for the duration of the
[BASHIR] And how is this accomplished?
[DAX] The memories are transferred telepathically by a Guardian.
[ODO] A Guardian?
[LEETA] They take care of the symbionts. Usually they're unjoined Trill.
[BASHIR] Leeta is sort of an amateur sociologist.
[LEETA] It comes in handy in my line of work. You never know who you'll
meet at the dabo table.
[QUARK] You're asking me to hand my body over to some dead person?
[DAX] Oh, only for a few hours.
[QUARK] What happens to me in the meantime?
[DAX] You'll remain conscious of everything that's going on around you,
and at any time you can reassert yourself and regain control of your
[SISKO] But it's best to you relax and let the host's memories emerge.
The point is to give Jadzia the chance to interact with her previous
hosts. Curzon spoke very fondly of his zhian'tara. He said it was one
of the most powerful experiences of his life.
[BASHIR] I do have one question. What about Joran?
[QUARK] Joran? Was he the crazy host of yours? The musician who killed
[DAX] Commander Sisko has volunteered to embody Joran.
[SISKO] We've already discussed taking certain precautions during the
[BASHIR] Well, count me in.
[LEETA] Me, too.
[KIRA] Yes.
[ODO] Agreed.
[DAX] Chief?
[BRIEN] Oh. Yes. Yeah, I'm in.
[QUARK] Why is everybody looking at me?
[ODO] Because you're the only one who hasn't agreed to participate.
[QUARK] I'm sorry, Lieutenant. You're going to have to find someone
(Dax resorts to lobe stroking.)
[DAX] I really want you to be a part of this, Quark. I was hoping that
you'd embody Audrid for me.
[QUARK] Well.
[DAX] I think it'll make us closer.
[QUARK] When you put it that way.
[DAX] I knew I could count on you. Kira, I would like you to embody
Lela, my first host. We'll start tomorrow, after the Guardian arrives.
It means a lot to me that all of you all willing to do this. Thank you.
(Everyone leaves except Dax and Sisko.)
[SISKO] Correct me if I'm wrong, but did Quark just agree to embody one
of your female hosts?
[DAX] Yes, he did.
[BRIEN] After that comes the deductive reasoning
portion of the exam, and then the spatial orientation test. The whole
thing should take about four days. Now I know it must sound
overwhelming to you. Just try to take it one day at a time.
[NOG] One day at a time. Right.
[BRIEN] And today, all you have to worry about is the stress reaction
test. Computer, run programme delta five nine.
(Holosuite Ops)
[NOG] I thought this was going to be a runabout
[NOG] But that's what I practised.
[BRIEN] If we tested you where you practised it wouldn't exactly be
stressful, now would it? Man your post. You're the Operations Officer
on duty.
(Nog sits at a console and shudder! An alarm sounds.)
[NOG] What was that?
[BRIEN] You tell me.
[GUARDIAN] We've been trying to get Dax back to the
homeworld to perform the zhian'tara for some time now. She kept putting
us off, so the Symbiosis Commission decided to force the issue and send
me here.
[DAX] I just haven't had time to get away.
[SISKO] You could've made the time.
[GUARDIAN] Where is the zhian'tara to take place? I have preparations to
[DAX] This way.
(Guest quarters)
(There's a flame burning in a cauldron.)
[GUARDIAN] I'nora, ja'kala Dax. Ahian'shee Lela tanus rem. Gon'dar
Jadzia tor. Jadzia, zhian'tara vok. Tu Dax, zhian'tani ress. Zhian'par,
Lela garu'koj.
(He places his hands behind Kira and Dax's heads, and something flows
from Dax through him to Kira.)
[DAX] Kira?
(Kira sounds more middle-aged, and carries her head forward.)
[LELA] No, Lela. You must be Dax's new host.
[DAX] I'm Jadzia.
[LELA] What a beautiful name.
[GUARDIAN] I have a few questions for both of you. I need to make sure
the memory transference is complete.
[LELA] Go ahead
[GUARDIAN] What is the last thing you remember?
[LELA] Talking to Curzon at his zhian'tara.
[GUARDIAN] Can you tell me the name of the person who supervised Lela
when she was an Initiate?
[DAX] No. I can't remember.
[GUARDIAN] That's perfectly all right. It just means Lela's memories
have been temporarily removed from your mind.
[DAX] It's a little disorienting, like part of me is suddenly missing.
[LELA] Not missing, right here. (her head) And the name of my Initiate
supervisor was Jobel.
[GUARDIAN] Excellent. The transference seems to be complete. Unless
either of you has any questions, I'll leave you alone for a few hours.
[LELA] Thank you.
(Guardian leaves)
[LELA] Such odd fellows, these Guardians, huh?
[DAX] I know.
[LELA] Well, it's understandable, I suppose. They spend most of their
time underground tending symbiont pools full of this stuff. I love the
smell of it, don't you? It looks like you've ended up a long way from
home, Jadzia. What is it?
[DAX] It's just, I hold my hands behind my back the same way you do.
[LELA] It's a habit I picked up when I was a Legislator. I was one of
the first women to serve as a council member. When I started out, I
talked with my hands a lot. Lots of emphatic gesturing. I discovered
some of my male colleagues were imitating of me, so I started to do
[DAX] I thought it was just an unconscious habit. I never realised why I
did it.
[LELA] That's the point of the zhian'tara, to discover these kinds of
things about yourself.
[DAX] It's so strange. It's like you really are Lela.
[LELA] Well in a sense, I am. After all, what is a person but a sum of
their memories? I have a feeling that these next few days are going to
be extraordinary for you.
[DAX] Tobin, I don't think Chief O'Brien is going to appreciate you
biting his nails.
[TOBIN] (nasal voice, American twang) Sorry. I guess I'm a little
[DAX] That's all right. I get that way sometimes myself.
[TOBIN] Now you know who you have to thank for it. Sorry.
[DAX] Will you please stop saying you're sorry?
[TOBIN] Sorry.
[DAX] I've been working on finishing your proof of Fermat's last
[TOBIN] You have?
[DAX] It's the most original approach to the proof since Wiles
over three hundred years ago.
[TOBIN] Thanks.
[DAX] I guess I tend to look for original approaches myself. I guess I
have you to thank for that, as well.
(We switch to Leeta doing acrobatics.)
[DAX] Very nice.
[EMONY] This is an excellent body you've managed to get for me.
[DAX] I'll be sure to pass that on.
[EMONY] I remember when I first got the Dax symbiont, I was worried that
it might affect my coordination in some way.
[DAX] And hurt your gymnastics career?
[EMONY] As it turned out, being joined improved my concentration.
[DAX] Really? I found that as well.
[EMONY] You're a gymnast?
[DAX] No, but I'm an expert in Klingon martial arts.
[EMONY] Ah. Did you take it up before or after you were joined?
[DAX] After.
[EMONY] Why am I not surprised?
[AUDRID] Sit right here and I'll tell you all about it.
(Quark starts brushing Dax's hair)
[AUDRID] The day I was named head of the Symbiosis Commission was one of
the happiest of my life. Right behind the day I gave birth to my first
child. Are you a mother, Jadzia?
[DAX] No.
[AUDRID] Oh, I hope you will be someday. There's nothing quite like
holding a baby to your breast, nursing it. The entity that lent me this
body wishes to speak.
[QUARK] How much longer am I going to have to do this?
[DAX] Another hour at most. And the sooner we get back to it, the sooner
it'll be over.
[QUARK] Just remember, not a word about this to anyone.
[DAX] I promise.
(Dax reaches for another treat and someone takes a handful.)
[DAX] Maybe you should go easy on those, Torias. Julian was just telling
me the other day he's started to watch what he eats.
(Brash, loud, sort of mid-west accent but not quite.)
[TORIAS] Well, you should tell your friend to live a little. Life's too
short to deprive yourself of the simple pleasures. I should know.
[DAX] You didn't exactly deprive yourself.
[TORIAS] No, but my life was too short.
[DAX] The accident.
[TORIAS] Still, I'm lucky. I continue to exist as part of you. Just as
Jadzia will go on existing when the symbiont is passed on to a new
host. We're part of something bigger than any one of us. I just feel
lucky to have been chosen.
[DAX] So do I.
[TORIAS] Come in.
[GUARDIAN] It's late. I think it's time we returned Doctor Bashir's body
to him.
[DAX] It was nice meeting you.
(Security office)
[SISKO] I'm ready.
[ODO] Are you sure about this, Commander?
[SISKO] Don't worry, Odo. Joran isn't going to be able to hurt anyone
from inside a holding cell.
[ODO] There's just one problem. You're going to be in there with him.
(Holding cell)
(The guardian and Dax creep out of the cell while
Sisko has his head lowered.)
[GUARDIAN] Activate the forcefield.
[DAX] Joran.
[JORAN] Hello, Jadzia.
(Creepy Hannibal Lector character.)
[ODO] If you need me, I'll be right outside.
[GUARDIAN] As will I.
[JORAN] It's good to see you again, Jadzia. Tell me, have you been
practising your music?
[DAX] Yes, when I have the time.
[JORAN] Good. Do you think of me when you play?
[DAX] Sometimes.
[JORAN] I'm glad. You're a very pretty girl, Jadzia. Very pretty. But
unfortunately that's all you are. You're nothing compared to Lela,
Torias or myself. A pretender. You must realise that by now.
[DAX] You don't know anything about me.
[JORAN] Only what I can see. A little girl not worthy of the noble
creature nestled inside her. You're overwhelmed by it. You're in over
your head. And they said it was a mistake choosing me for joining. But
there is one hope for you, Jadzia, and that's me. My strength is within
you. You don't have to be afraid of it.
[DAX] I'm not.
[JORAN] Then use it let me show you how to use it. Lower the forcefield,
Jadzia. Lower it, and you will never be afraid of anything ever again.
[DAX] No.
(Joran pushes against the forcefield with his hands, then starts
thumping his head against it.)
[DAX] Joran! Stop it, you're hurting him. Benjamin, take control!
[SISKO] I think that's enough of Joran for now.
(Dax lowers the forcefield.)
[DAX] Are you all right?
(Sisko grabs her throat.)
[JORAN] Surprise.
(Dax fights him off, twice.)
[SISKO] It's all right, old man, it's me. Thanks.
[DAX] For what?
[SISKO] For not breaking any bones.
(Rom keeps looking up at the holosuites.)
[QUARK] Will you stop that. It's very distracting. I'm trying to do the
[ROM] I can't help it. My son's future is being decided at this very
[QUARK] Well, pacing around like some Alvanian cave sloth isn't going to
help him.
(Rom takes a box from under the bar and checks the contents.)
[QUARK] What's that?
[ROM] A cadet's uniform. I got it for Nog. I had Garak make it to order.
It cost five strips of latinum.
[QUARK] Well you wasted your money. He's not going to need it.
[ROM] Why not?
[QUARK] Because he'll be issued a uniform if and when he gets to the
[ROM] Well, now he'll have two.
(Promenade, upper level)
[DAX] I keep thinking about Joran.
[SISKO] I heard what he told you.
[DAX] I can't seem to get it out of my head.
[SISKO] Jadzia, did you put off having your zhian'tara because you were
afraid you wouldn't measure up to the other hosts?
[DAX] I don't know. Maybe I did.
[SISKO] Now that it's almost over, I hope you realise you were wrong.
[DAX] I'm not so sure I was.
[SISKO] I don't understand how you could say that. You were chosen for
joining because you deserved it, just as much as any of the others.
[DAX] If that's true, then why did Curzon wash me out of the Initiate
[SISKO] You tell me.
[DAX] I've always believed it was because he wanted to challenge me so
that I would reapply and try harder, but now I'm not so sure.
[SISKO] Why not? That's exactly what you did.
[DAX] Maybe Curzon just didn't think I was good enough.
[SISKO] I find that hard to believe. But if that's what you're afraid
of, why don't you ask him when you see him?
[DAX] I will. But what happens if he tells me something I don't want to
hear? I have to go.
(Guest quarters)
[GUARDIAN] Jadzia, zhian'tara vok. Tu Dax,
zhian'tani ress. Zhian'par, Odo garu'koj.
(The energy crosses and Odo's face and hair transform into a Trill.)
(Sisko's quarters)
[SISKO] I'm going to my office for a while.
(The door opens.)
[CURZON] Benjamin! You do recognise me, don't you?
[SISKO] Curzon?
[CURZON] Don't tell me. The nose gave me away. What's the matter? Aren't
you happy to see me?
[SISKO] Of course, of course. So where's Jadzia?
[CURZON] It's all right. I told her I wanted to come see you, that we'd
meet up later at Quark's. I'm going to give that little toad the scare
of his life.
[SISKO] You sound like Odo.
[CURZON] I am Odo.
[SISKO] I don't understand. I thought you were Curzon.
[CURZON] I'm both. The Guardian thinks it has something to do with my
shape-shifting nature. It's as if Odo and Curzon have been joined. It's
proving to be quite interesting experience for both of us. In any case,
the Guardian says it's nothing to worry about. I like the beard, by the
(And 'Curzon' pours himself a drink.)
[SISKO] Yeah?
[CURZON] Absolutely. So, when is Kasidy Yates coming back?
[SISKO] Not you, too.
[CURZON] She's a fine looking woman, Ben. Kind of reminds me of the girl
you took up with on Pelios Station.
[SISKO] Why don't we go join Jadzia in Quark's and let Jake finish his
[CURZON] I'll tell you all about it later.
[JAKE] Okay.
[SISKO] Curzon, remember?
[CURZON] Quark!
[QUARK] Odo? What happened to your face?
[CURZON] Never mind my face.
(And kisses Quark on the forehead)
[CURZON] Did I ever mention you're a magnificent scoundrel. Two Tranyas please, very
[QUARK] Right away.
[SISKO] It's going to take Quark a little while to get over that.
(Dax enters)
[CURZON] Jadzia!
[DAX] Looks like the two of you are having a good time.
[CURZON] Well, as good a time as two gentlemen can have without the
company of a lady. Please, join us. Excuse me while I slip into
something more appropriate.
(And morphs into a colourful new outfit.)
[CURZON] I love being a changeling.
[SISKO] Well, if you two don't mind, I think I'll be pushing off
[CURZON] Benjamin, don't go.
[SISKO] I need to finish evaluating Nog's test results. He's waiting to
hear how he did. Thanks for stopping by, old man. It was good to see
(Sisko leaves)
[CURZON] Well, there goes the best friend I ever had. Well?
(Curzon takes the drinks off stunned Quark.)
[CURZON] So, are you been enjoying your zhian'tara?
[DAX] For the most part.
[CURZON] What about that Tobin, eh? Did he tell you that I got him drunk
for the first time during my zhian'tara?
[DAX] No, but I can see why you did. Curzon, there's something I want to
talk to you about.
[DAX] Do you remember when I was an Initiate?
[CURZON] Do you see that Ferengi over there? A bulletin came in on him
last week. He's a tongo hustler. I'd love to clean him out. We should
get a game going.
(It's now late, and the tongo game is still going)
[CURZON] Tongo!
[NOG] I just don't understand how I could have failed, Father.
[ROM] You've always been so good with spatial orientation. Remember the
time we redid the floors, and you managed to stack all the chairs so
they fit behind the bar?
[NOG] Now I won't qualify to take the Academy entrance exam. My
Starfleet career is over before it even started.
[QUARK] He's right, you know. And it's not fair. Starfleet has no idea
who it's passing up. Nog, you would have made a good officer. I want
you to know something. There will always be a place for you here, at
[CURZON] Sorry, Lonzo.
[QUARK] Excuse me, folks, but the bar has been closed for over an hour
now. I asked you nicely before, but if you don't leave, I'm going to
have to call security.
[CURZON] I am security.
[DAX] Don't worry, Quark. We're going.
(Security office)
(Curzon picks up a tall slim bottle.)
[CURZON] I confiscated this from a Yridian smuggler.
[DAX] Don't you need it for evidence?
[DAX] I still want to talk to you about what happened when I was an
[CURZON] I know you do. So, what is it you want to ask me?
[DAX] Why didn't you object when you heard I was reinstated into the
[CURZON] I don't know, Jadzia. Maybe I decided I'd been too hard on you.
[DAX] It was your job to be hard on Initiates.
[CURZON] Yes, but the truth is, I felt sorry for you. Well, you wanted
to be joined so badly. You were so young, so lovely.
[DAX] I guess I've always had this nagging feeling I didn't have your
complete confidence. I tried to push it aside, but now it turns out I
was right. You never thought I was good enough to be a host.
[CURZON] Whatever I may have thought doesn't matter. You are a host.
Isn't that enough?
[DAX] No. I feel like I don't have your respect. And I'm afraid when
your memories are restored to me, I'm going to feel like I don't
respect myself.
[CURZON] In that case, you'll be happy to know that I've come to a
decision that's going to benefit both of us.
[DAX] What do you mean?
[CURZON] I've decided to stay where I am, in this body. And I'm not just
speaking as Curzon. This is Odo's decision as well. We like what we've
become and neither of us wants to go back to the way things were.
(Commander's office)
[GUARDIAN] There's no way to remove Curzon's
memories from Odo without his cooperation. He has to give them up
[SISKO] What'll happen to Jadzia if we can't persuade him?
[GUARDIAN] It'll take some time for her to adjust to the new balance,
but she'll be fine.
[SISKO] Do you want me to talk to Curzon? I know him better than anyone.
I might be able to get him to cooperate.
[DAX] I don't think so. I don't think I want to do anything.
[SISKO] What do you mean?
[DAX] I mean I'm fine, and obviously Odo and Curzon are well suited to
each other. Maybe it's better this way.
[SISKO] I'd like to speak to Jadzia alone for a moment.
(The Guardian leaves.)
[SISKO] Do you really want to leave things as they are? Or are you just
trying to avoid a confrontation with Curzon? You once told me that
Curzon intimidated you when you were an Initiate.
[DAX] I looked up to him. I still do. Maybe that's why I find it hard to
challenge his decisions.
[SISKO] Let me tell you something about Curzon. He was my friend, he was
my confidant. In a way, he was my teacher as well. But he was also be
manipulative, selfish and arrogant. Most people let him get away with
it because he was so charming. Sometimes I let him get away with it
too. But from time to time he'd push me too far and I'd have to stand
up to him, tell him he'd crossed the line.
[DAX] And how would he react?
[SISKO] Sometimes he'd just laugh and admit it, sometimes he'd get
furious. But either way he'd back off, because he knew he was wrong.
And he is wrong now. He's being selfish and he's manipulated you to get
you to go along with what he wants. Now, are you can confront him or
let him get away with it? It's up to you.
(Rom grabs Quark.)
[ROM] I know what you did.
[QUARK] Take it easy. What's wrong with you?
[ROM] You know what's wrong. You reconfigured the holosuite so that Nog
would fail the spatial orientation test.
[QUARK] I did it for his own good, Rom. I couldn't just stand by and
watch my nephew throw his life away.
[ROM] You had no right to interfere. I've already told Commander Sisko
what you did and he's going to let Nog retake the test.
[QUARK] You what?
[ROM] You heard me. And if you ever do anything to hurt Nog again, I'll
burn the bar to the ground.
[QUARK] You wouldn't dare.
[ROM] Oh yes I would. My son's happiness is more important to me than
anything, even latinum. Remember that, brother.
(Odo's quarters)
[CURZON] Jadzia, come in, come in. I was just oozing
around the room. You have no idea what a liberating experience it is to
be in a liquid state.
[DAX] We need to talk.
[CURZON] All right. What is it you want to talk about?
[DAX] I want my memories back.
[CURZON] I'm sorry. I realise this is difficult for you, but you'll get
over it. Trust me, it's better this way.
[DAX] For you, maybe. You're both living out a life you never could have
had otherwise. But it's my life you're living. Those should be my
[CURZON] Not anymore. Maybe they never should've been.
[DAX] That's where you're wrong. I earned the right to be joined. I am
the only person in our planet's history who was ever readmitted to the
Initiate programme after being washed out.
[CURZON] The only reason you got back in was because I felt sorry for
[DAX] Curzon Dax famous for rejecting Initiates. Why feel sorry for me?
[CURZON] Now don't you use that tone of voice with me, little girl.
[DAX] You can't intimidate me, Curzon. And I'm not a little girl
[CURZON] No, I suppose you're not. The truth is, you weren't a little
girl back when you were an Initiate. You were a brilliant and beautiful
young woman. Very beautiful.
[DAX] You were in love with me?
[CURZON] At first I thought it was just an old man's passing
infatuation. After all, I'd always had an eye for the ladies. But as we
spent more time together, I started to realise it was something deeper.
[DAX] Then why were you so hard on me?
[CURZON] I couldn't let you know the truth. You were an Initiate, I was
your supervisor.
[DAX] So you washed me out of the programme.
[CURZON] Later I realised that I'd robbed you of something you'd wanted
all your life. I felt so guilty I nearly retired from the Symbiosis
[DAX] So when I reapplied, you didn't object.
[CURZON] On the contrary. I was grateful when you'd reapplied. It let me
off the hook. So now that you know, you can see that it's best for both
of us that I stay here, in this body.
[DAX] Why? Because you loved me?
[CURZON] Because I still love you.
[DAX] There's no shame in that, Curzon.
[CURZON] Yes, there is, and if we rejoined, you'll feel it too.
[DAX] No, I won't, because I love you. You're a part of me and I want
you back. That way, Jadzia and Curzon can be together the way they
should be, through Dax.
[ROM] He's coming! He's coming.
(Rom brings in Nog, wearing the Starfleet uniform.)
[ROM] Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce Starfleet's future. My
son Nog.
[SISKO] Congratulations, Nog.
[NOG] Thank you, sir.
[JAKE] Yeah, way to go.
[SISKO] I'm afraid you jumped the gun putting on that uniform.
[NOG] I know I haven't earned the right to wear it yet, but my father
got it for me.
[SISKO] Hopefully, you'll get to put on the real one next year.
[JAKE] When you ace the Academy entrance exam.
[NOG] Yeah.
[BASHIR] What's the matter, Chief?
[BRIEN] It just occurred to me. As soon as that kid graduates from the
Academy, I'm going to have to call him sir.
[NOG] Okay.
[QUARK] What can I get you, Nog?
[NOG] A root beer. It's an Earth drink. Something they serve at the
[QUARK] A root beer. This is the end of Ferengi civilization.
(Quark's cafe)
[ODO] May I join you, Lieutenant?
[DAX] Of course.
[ODO] I'd just like to apologise for my behaviour while I was joined
with Curzon.
[DAX] There's no need to apologise. In a way I'm glad it happened. It
forced me to deal with some things about myself I've never really
faced. Besides, you've given me a special gift.
[ODO] Oh?
[DAX] You see, now I have Curzon's memories of what it felt like to be a
changeling. I never realised how much joy it gives you.
[ODO] And I never understood how much joy you humanoids experience in
things like eating, drinking, staying up all night playing tongo.
Frankly, I don't see how Curzon ever managed to get any work done.
[DAX] He always seemed to, somehow.
[ODO] Well, he must have been a remarkable man.
[DAX] Yes, he is. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e69", "title": "Facets"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Adversary
Original Airdate: 19 Jun, 1995
Commander's log, stardate 48959.1. It is with mixed emotions that I
record this, my final Commander's log. The last three years have been
the most demanding and rewarding of my career. I can only hope that the
future will hold even greater challenges.
[JAKE] Dad, there's something I've been wanting to
say to you for a long time. And now that I finally have the chance, I'm
going to make it short and simple.
(Jake puts another pip onto Sisko's collar)
[JAKE] Congratulations, Captain Sisko.
[KIRA] Now that you have another pip on your collar, does that mean I
can't disagree with you anymore?
[SISKO] No. It just means I'm never wrong.
[KIRA] We'll see about that.
[DAX] Curzon would've been proud of you, but not as proud as I am.
[SISKO] That means a lot to me, Dax.
[ODO] Though I don't fully understand this humanoid obsession with rank
and title, if anyone deserves to be promoted, it's you.
[SISKO] Thank you, Constable.
[EDDINGTON] Well, as someone who is obsessed with rank and title,
congratulations, Captain.
[BRIEN] That goes for me too, Captain.
[QUARK] This calls for a toast.
[BASHIR] That better not be from a replicator, Quark.
[QUARK] Chateau Cleon, twenty three oh three. I already put it on your
[JAKE] Can I?
[SISKO] I guess a sip wouldn't hurt. Well.
[BRIEN] Here's to the newest and best captain in Starfleet. And all I
can say is, it's about time.
[ALL] Hear, hear. Cheers.
(Sisko takes Jake's champagne glass from him.)
[SISKO] That's enough. Thank you for coming, Ambassador.
[KRAJENSKY] Those pips look good on you, Captain. Though to be honest,
I'm not really here for the ceremony.
[SISKO] I had that feeling. What can I do for you?
[KRAJENSKY] Our intelligence reports indicate there's been a coup d'état
on the Tzenkethi homeworld.
[SISKO] I doubt anyone is going to miss the Autarch.
[KRAJENSKY] I know I won't. Unfortunately, it's too early to tell who's
in control, but we don't want to take any chances. We need to remind
the Tzenkethi that the Federation is committed to protecting our
colonies near their border.
[SISKO] You want to show the flag.
[KRAJENSKY] Exactly. The Defiant will leave in two days on a week-long
patrol. I'll be coming along as an observer. I've heard a lot about the
Defiant. I'm looking forward to seeing her in operation.
[SISKO] I don't think you'll be disappointed. She's a fine ship.
[KRAJENSKY] With a fine crew. Now what do you say we get back to the
[SISKO] Of course.
[BRIEN et al] For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good
fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny!
[BRIEN] Hip hip.
[ALL] Hooray!
[BRIEN] Hip hip.
[ALL] Hooray!
[BRIEN] Hip hip.
[ALL] Hooray!
(Engine room)
[SISKO] I want a complete overhaul of the deflector
shield generators and targeting sensors. Oh, yes, take on a full
complement of photon torpedoes.
[BRIEN] Don't worry, Captain. If the Tzenkethi try to start any
trouble, we'll be ready for them.
[SISKO] I don't doubt it, Chief.
(Sisko leaves. O'Brien starts his work then hears a noise.)
[BRIEN] Captain?
(Nothing and no one.)
[BRIEN] Getting jumpy in your old age, O'Brien.
My son, the writer, thinks I should say something
profound on his occasion. He even offered to write me a brief
statement. I told him I'd take care of it myself, but as it turns out
the only think I can think of is, Begin Captain's log, stardate
[DAX] So, have you told her yet?
[SISKO] Told who?
[DAX] Captain Yates. About your promotion.
[SISKO] Yeah. I barely had time to send my father a transmission. In
fact, I don't even know where Kasidy is.
[DAX] She's hauling a load of duridium ore to Solais Five. You could
probably contact her on subspace.
[SISKO] I'd rather tell her in person.
[DAX] When's she due back on the station?
[SISKO] About a month.
[DAX] A month!
[DAX] There's nothing worse than a long-distance
[SISKO] I wouldn't call it a relationship, Dax. I've only taken her out
once. Okay, twice.
[DAX] I think the exact figure is three times.
[SISKO] She's quite an interesting woman. She's very independent, a
little opinionated, but she has a nice sense of humour.
[DAX] And?
[SISKO] And? What do you want me to tell you, Dax?
[DAX] That you miss her. That you can't wait to see her. I don't know.
Anything. Kira, O'Brien, Bashir, they're all dying of curiosity and,
well, I have to tell them something.
[SISKO] Fine. You tell them when she gets back, I'm going to taking her
to the holosuite and we're going to watch the seventh game of the
nineteen sixty four World Series.
[DAX] You do like her.
[EDDINGTON] Captain on the bridge.
[SISKO] Ambassador.
[KRAJENSKY] Captain.
[SISKO] All stations report.
[DAX] Helm ready.
[KIRA] Weapons ready.
[ODO] Communications systems standing by.
[BRIEN] Warp and impulse engines are online.
[SISKO] Seal the airlock. Release docking clamps.
[DAX] Docking clamps released.
[SISKO] Engage thrusters.
[DAX] Clearing the station.
[SISKO] Lay in a course for the Tzenkethi border, warp eight.
[DAX] Aye, aye, Captain.
[SISKO] Engage.
(Jefferies tube)
(O'Brien is working when he hears a thud.)
[BRIEN] Hello. Who's there?
(No reply, so he goes to look. There's another thud. O'Brien looks
behind him then)
[BRIEN] Julian!
[BASHIR] You called me, Chief?
[BRIEN] Why didn't you answer me?
[BASHIR] I had this spanner in my mouth.
[BRIEN] What are you doing here, anyway?
[BASHIR] I was connecting my new diagnostic console to the medical bay's
power grid.
[BRIEN] I could have done that for you.
[BASHIR] Oh, just putting my engineering extension courses to work.
Besides, I know you have your hands full.
[BRIEN] Oh. Where are you going now?
[BASHIR] I'm done.
(Bashir crawls away, and O'Brien goes to check his handiwork)
[BRIEN] Not bad for an extension course.
(Mess hall)
[EDDINGTON] You wanted to see me, sir?
[SISKO] Yes, Commander. It's about Ambassador Krajensky. Please. (they
sit) I know Starfleet doesn't intend for this to be a combat mission,
but just in case the Tzenkethi have other ideas, I want to make sure
the Ambassador is kept out of harm's way.
[EDDINGTON] Yes, sir. I'll see to it that if hostilities do occur, the
Ambassador is escorted off the bridge.
[SISKO] He won't like it.
[EDDINGTON] I won't let that bother me.
[SISKO] Very good, Commander. That'll be all.
[EDDINGTON] Captain, I just want to say that I agree with what Chief
O'Brien said. About your promotion. It's about time.
[SISKO] I appreciate the sentiment, Commander, but it doesn't really
change anything. I have the assignment I want, I have the crew that I
want. The rank doesn't make much difference.
[EDDINGTON] You'd be surprised. People don't enter Starfleet to become
commanders, or admirals for that matter. It's the captain's chair that
everyone has their eye on. That's what I wanted when I joined up, but
you don't get to be a Captain wearing a gold uniform.
[SISKO] You could always transfer from Security to Command.
[EDDINGTON] Then who would protect the Ambassador?
[SISKO] Dismissed, Mister Eddington.
[EDDINGTON] Thank you, sir.
Captain's log, stardate 48962.5. We are twelve
hours from the border. I haven't been in this area since the last
Federation-Tzenkethi war. Being here brings back a lot of memories,
most of them bad.
[ODO] Captain, we're receiving a priority one
distress signal from Barisa Prime. Audio only.
[SISKO] Put it through.
[MAN (OC)] under heavy fire from Tzenkethi warships. I don't know how
much longer we can hold out. Can anyone hear me, This is
[SISKO] Constable?
[ODO] We've lost contact.
[SISKO] Try to re-establish.
[ODO] It's no use, Captain. They're gone.
Captain's log, supplemental. We've been unable to
re-establish contact with Barisa Prime. Therefore I've no choice but to
assume we are at war with the Tzenkethi.
[SISKO] Lieutenant, set a course for Barisa Prime,
maximum warp. I want continual scans for Tzenkethi ships. Constable,
contact Starfleet Command. Let them know what happened.
[SISKO] Major, what other starships are in this sector?
[KIRA] The closest one is the Ulysses. They're studying protoplanetary
masses in the Helaspont Nebula.
[SISKO] That puts them twenty hours away at maximum warp. Lieutenant,
transmit a message to Captain Entebe on the Ulysses. Tell her
[ODO] Captain. I'm having trouble getting through to Starfleet Command.
There seems to be a power fluctuation in the communications system.
[DAX] I can't get a message out either.
[BRIEN] The console's functioning normally. The problem must be in the
transceiver assembly.
[SISKO] I need that system back online, Chief.
[BRIEN] I'll get on it right away. Lieutenant, I could use some help.
[SISKO] Major, take the helm.
[KIRA] Yes, sir.
(Jefferies tube)
(There are a load of extra cables behind a panel.
One is growing to make a new connection as they look at it.)
[BRIEN] What do you make of this, Lieutenant? I've never seen anything
like it.
[DAX] It's spreading through the system like some kind of parasite.
[BRIEN] It seems to be linked to key points within the transceiver
assembly. We'd better get it out of there.
[BRIEN] Argh!
[DAX] A forcefield.
[BRIEN] Come on.
[DAX] Where are we going?
[BRIEN] I want to check the other command systems. I have a bad
feeling about this.
(Engine room)
(And another one does the growing thing.)
[SISKO] You say these things are all over the ship?
[BRIEN] They've attached themselves to the command and communication
relays, the internal sensors, the transporter, the deflector shield
grid, almost every critical system.
[SISKO] Is there any way to get past the forcefields?
[BRIEN] None that we've found yet. We're still working on it.
[SISKO] Well I guess the question is, how did they get aboard? Or should
I say, who placed them here?
[BRIEN] I don't know who did it, but I know it definitely happened
after we left the station. I ran a systems check before our departure.
They weren't there then.
[SISKO] Which means someone aboard this ship is a saboteur.
[DAX] We've got forty seven people on board. Theoretically, anyone of
them could've planted those devices.
[SISKO] Chief?
[BRIEN] It's nothing, sir. It's not even worth mentioning.
[SISKO] It doesn't sound like you're too sure about that.
[BRIEN] Well, I did see someone crawling about in one of the Jefferies
Tubes the other day.
[SISKO] Who?
[BRIEN] It was Julian. He was connecting a medical console to the
power grid.
[SISKO] Which is right next to the communications relay.
[DAX] Are you accusing Julian of sabotage?
[SISKO] No one's accusing anyone of anything. But I want to talk to
[DAX] Wait. I think I have a better idea.
[SISKO] This crew has been through a lot together.
In fact I would trust any one of you with my life. But after looking at
the evidence, there's only one conclusion I can draw. Someone on this
ship is guilty of sabotage.
[EDDINGTON] With your permission, Captain, the Constable and I can begin
questioning the crew immediately.
[SISKO] That won't be necessary. Lieutenant.
[DAX] We found one of the devices planted in the warp plasma conduit.
Which means whoever put it there would've been exposed to trace amounts
of tetryon particles.
[KRAJENSKY] And those particles would still be detectable on the
[BRIEN] Yes, but not for much longer. They dissipate quickly.
[ODO] So you're going to scan all the members of the crew for tetryon
[SISKO] Starting with the senior staff.
[DAX] O'Brien and I already scanned positive, since we opened up the
warp core controls during our investigation.
[EDDINGTON] You realise, of course, that if no one else tests positive
[BRIEN] We'll be the prime suspects. Yes, we know that.
[SISKO] We might as well get started.
(Dax scans Sisko.)
[DAX] You're clean.
[SISKO] I'm glad to hear it.
[KIRA] Might as well do me next.
[DAX] You're okay, too. Julian.
[BASHIR] Oh, of course.
(Eddington puts his hand on his phaser, just in case.)
[BRIEN] Nothing.
[BASHIR] You sound relieved.
[BRIEN] Well I am. After all, you were in that conduit the other day.
[BASHIR] I don't know what you're talking about.
[DAX] Ambassador, if you please.
[KRAJENSKY] Certainly.
[BASHIR] I was never in any conduit.
[BRIEN] Of course you were. I saw you.
(Beep! And the Admiral morphs into a whirl of goo, and escapes through
the ceiling.)
[KIRA] It's a changeling.
[SISKO] We've cloaked. Lieutenant, bring us out of warp. Full stop. Now.
Constable, Commander, deploy security teams immediately. I want that
changeling found before he can do any more damage.
[EDDINGTON] Yes, sir.
(Odo and Eddington leave)
[DAX] Captain. The helm isn't responding. We're still at warp.
[BRIEN] I can't deactivate the cloaking device.
[KIRA] The weapons array has activated. The phaser banks are charging
and we've got photon torpedoes online and ready to launch.
[DAX] The ship's no longer under our control.
(Mess hall)
[EDDINGTON] Our security teams have gone over every
centimetre of the ship, checked every piece of cargo, questioned every
crewmember. We still haven't been able to find the changeling.
[SISKO] Is there any way he could've been transported off the ship?
[EDDINGTON] At warp? It's unlikely. But with Dominion technology, I
suppose it's possible.
[ODO] He's still here. He won't leave until he's completed his mission.
[BASHIR] Which is?
[SISKO] It looks like the Dominion is hoping to start a war between the
Federation and the Tzenkethi.
[KIRA] If you ask me, the Tzenkethi are doing a pretty good job of that
all by themselves.
[SISKO] Not necessarily. The transmission we received from Barisa Prime
could've been faked using that device we found implanted in the
communications relay. In fact, our entire mission could have been
engineered by the Dominion. Think about it. We've been all over this
ship, and we have not seen a trace of the real Ambassador Krajensky nor
his remains.
[EDDINGTON] Which means he was probably replaced before we left the
[ODO] Maybe the real Ambassador never came to Deep Space Nine at all.
[BASHIR] So anything Ambassador Krajensky told us could have been a lie.
The Tzenkethi coup
d'état, increased tension along the border, the threat of an attack.
[SISKO] And now here we are, cloaked, armed for battle, and headed into
Tzenkethi space. If we can't stop this ship before we cross the border,
we may wind up causing a war rather of preventing one.
[ODO] Which is no doubt what my people are hoping for. A war between the
Tzenkethi and the Federation would destabilise the Alpha Quadrant,
making it that much easier for the Dominion to move in.
[EDDINGTON] I wish the internal sensors were online. It'd make it a lot
easier to track down the changeling.
[ODO] I'm not sure the sensors would help. If you scan me when I'm a
rock, you'd detect a rock. I may not be able to duplicate a humanoid
perfectly, but I'm guessing he can.
[BASHIR] We scanned Ambassador Krajensky for tetryon particles. He
registered as human.
[KIRA] Well then right now the changeling could be anything or anyone on
this ship.
[SISKO] Then we have to narrow his options. Confine all nonessential
personnel to their quarters and seal them in with forcefields. Doctor,
I want you to review those tricorder readings. See if you can find
anything that will help us find the changeling. And take some security
with you. From here on, no one is to be left alone.
(Bashir and Odo leave.)
[SISKO] We have seven hours before we enter Tzenkethi space. I want that
changeling found before then.
[EDDINGTON] That won't be easy. Let's face it, no matter how many
precautions we take, he could replace any one of us and we won't know
it until it's too late.
(Three crew members are escorted into a cabin.
[ODO] Thank you for your cooperation. Hopefully this will be over soon
and you'll be able to return to duty.
(Forcefield is in place.)
[ODO] All right, let's go.
[BASHIR] (to his escort) This may take a while.
(Weapons locker)
[EDDINGTON] Keep your phasers on stun. And stay
calm. I don't want anyone getting nervous and shooting one of us by
mistake. You sure I can't interest you in one of these?
[ODO] I don't use them. Besides, in the history of my people, no
changeling has ever harmed another. I'd hate to be the first.
[EDDINGTON] Apparently that changeling doesn't feel the same way. If we
don't stop him, no one on board will escape unharmed. Including you.
[ODO] You may be right. But I've been a security officer most of my
humanoid existence. And in all that time, I've never found it necessary
to fire a weapon or take a life. I don't intend to start now.
[BRIEN (OC)] This is O'Brien. I need a security team in the engine
room immediately.
(Engine room)
(Dax is out cold and Bashir is examining her.)
[BRIEN] It must've been the changeling. I went down the hall to get an
interphasic compensator. I heard a noise and when I came back
[BASHIR] She's got a severe concussion. Give me a hand. We've got to get
her back to the medical bay immediately.
(Odo holds back one security officer.)
[ODO] Stay here with the Chief.
[BRIEN] Damage control team, report to the engine room.
[CREWMAN (OC)] Aye, sir.
[BASHIR] Dax is still unconscious. I've given her
cortical analeptics to stabilise her condition. She should be all right
in a day or two, but until then
[SISKO] Is there any way to speed up the process?
[BASHIR] I could use a neural stimulator but that might cause
irreversible brain damage. I don't recommend it.
[SISKO] Then Chief O'Brien is going to have to regain control of the
ship without her.
[BASHIR] I'm afraid so. I should get back to my patient.
(Bashir and his shadow leave.)
[KIRA] The changeling's very clever. Taking out Dax makes O'Brien's job
a lot harder.
[SISKO] One thing's for sure, we're not going to start a war with the
Tzenkethi. If O'Brien can't regain control before we cross the border
I'll have no choice but to destroy the Defiant.
(Later, the crew are assembled, including a Bolian.)
[SISKO] Our objective is simple. Find the changeling and stop him before
he can do any more damage. We'll break into two-person teams. Each team
will be armed with phaser rifles.
[EDDINGTON] We've reconfigured the rifles to fire an expanding energy
[ODO] Phasers have been set low enough to avoid damaging equipment, but
high enough to affect the changeling.
[SISKO] The changeling could be hiding anywhere. He could look like
anything. So we're going to have to systematically sweep the ship with
phaser fire. Every conduit, every corridor. If he's out there, we'll
find him. Any questions?
[BOLIAN] What if the changeling's not out there? What if he's one of us?
[SISKO] That's why everyone will be in teams. Keep your partner in sight
at all times.
[KIRA] And if we see anyone without a partner?
[SISKO] Escort them to the brig. We don't want to take any chances.
Let's go.
(Phaser pulses are sent down a Jefferies tube.)
[KIRA] All right. Let's go.
[BOLIAN] After you.
[KIRA] Don't you trust me?
[BOLIAN] No, I don't.
[KIRA] I know exactly how you feel. Follow me.
(Jefferies tube)
(Eddington fires a shot along the tube ahead.)
[EDDINGTON] Don't you ever sweat?
[ODO] No, I don't. It's the modified phaser beam. It's heating up the
[EDDINGTON] You know, this'd be a lot easier if we knew where he was
hiding. Where would you be if you were him?
[ODO] I wouldn't know. I'm not him.
[EDDINGTON] He is one of your people. Can't you put yourself in his
position, try to anticipate his next move?
[ODO] I've thought about it, but the truth is I don't understand my
people all that well.
[EDDINGTON] That's too bad.
[ODO] Yes, it is.
[EDDINGTON] For all of us.
(Jefferies tube ladder)
[SISKO] Watch my back.
(They climb down to a junction.)
[SISKO] Over there. On three. One, two
(Security gets taken out by a tentacle and Sisko is knocked down as it
[SISKO] This is Sisko. The changeling is in Jefferies tube seven A
heading to the lower deck. I'm in pursuit.
(The teams are converging. Sisko comes out of the
tube and a phaser shot just misses his shoulder.)
[BOLIAN] The changeling. He's right over there.
(Kira walks round the corner.)
[KIRA] Put your phaser down. It's me, Kira. We were on our way to meet
you and we got separated for a second. The next thing I know, he opens
[BOLIAN] You can't fool me. You're the changeling. I saw you come out of
that hatch and go around the corner.
[KIRA] I didn't see anyone. Maybe he morphed into the ventilation
system. Or maybe he didn't. For all we know, you may be the changeling.
[BOLIAN] Keep back!
[SISKO] Both of you put your weapons down now.
[BOLIAN] I can't do that, Captain.
[KIRA] You heard him.
(Odo disarms the Bolian and hits him.)
[EDDINGTON] (comes in behind Kira) What happened?
[SISKO] How long have the two of you been apart?
[ODO] At least a minute.
[SISKO] Then we've got a problem. Any of us could be the changeling.
You, Kira, Eddington, even me.
[ODO] Not you.
[SISKO] What do you mean?
[ODO] You're bleeding.
[SISKO] I cut my hand when the changeling attacked me.
[EDDINGTON] What are you getting at?
[ODO] When blood leaves a humanoid body it's still blood. But when any
part of me separates from my body
[KIRA] It reverts back to a gelatinous state.
[SISKO] Sisko to Bashir.
[BASHIR (OC)] This is Bashir.
[SISKO] Doctor, meet us in the mess hall immediately.
(Mess hall)
[BASHIR] This shouldn't take long.
(Bashir takes a blood sample from the Bolian.)
[BOLIAN] Satisfied?
[SISKO] So far.
[BASHIR] Who's next?
[KIRA] I'll go.
[BASHIR] I'd say the Major is exactly who she appears to be.
[KIRA] Try not to look so surprised.
[BASHIR] There doesn't seem to be any point obtaining a sample from the
Constable. I guess that leaves the three of us.
[EDDINGTON] Let's get this over with.
(Bashir takes the sample, and we're shown it morphing into goo. But he
had two vials in his hand when he unplugged it from the hypo, so?)
[KIRA] You'd better come with us.
[EDDINGTON] This is ridiculous. I'm not the
changeling. If I were, don't you think I'd put up a little more of a
[ODO] Inside.
[EDDINGTON] You're making a mistake.
[KIRA] Do as he says.
(Bang! The door opposite opens and the occupant shouts through the
[BASHIR] Would someone please get me out of here?
(Fake Bashir morphs away into the ceiling. Sisko fires then gives the
nod and Odo follows his countryman.)
[CREWMAN (OC)] Bridge to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Sisko here.
[CREWMAN (OC)] Sir, we're entering Tzenkethi space.
[SISKO] Any sign of Tzenkethi ships?
[EDDINGTON] Sensors aren't picking up any warp signatures.
[KIRA] We've altered course. Our new heading is zero one five mark four
seven. We're headed directly for the Tzenkethi settlement on M'kemas
[SISKO] How long before we're in weapons range of the settlement?
[KIRA] Twelve minutes.
[SISKO] Computer, this is Captain Benjamin Sisko. Initiate auto-destruct
sequence. Authorisation Sisko alpha one alpha.
[COMPUTER] Identity confirmed. Additional authorisation required.
[KIRA] This is First Officer Kira Nerys. Auto-destruct authorisation
Kira beta two beta.
[COMPUTER] Identity confirmed. Auto-destruct sequence armed.
[SISKO] Set the countdown for ten minutes from my mark. Authorisation
Sisko one five destruct. Mark.
(Red alert comes on.)
[COMPUTER] Sequence initiated. Auto-destruct in nine minutes, fifty five
[SISKO] Sisko to O'Brien.
[BRIEN (OC)] O'Brien here.
[SISKO] I could use some good news right now, Chief.
[BRIEN (OC)] How about this?
(Engine room)
[BRIEN] I think I may be able to shut down the
changeling's forcefields and gain access to the sabotaged systems. The
only problem is we may lose our
[BRIEN (OC)] Forcefields too.
[COMPUTER] Auto-destruct in seven minutes.
[SISKO (OC)] Just tell me how long it will take.
(Engine room)
[BRIEN] Well, I guess it'll have to be less than
seven minutes, won't it.
[SISKO] That'd be my suggestion. Sisko out.
[EDDINGTON] Doctor, how's Lieutenant Dax?
[BASHIR] Still unconscious. The changeling gave her enough sedative to
keep her under for days. I've managed to filter most of it out of her
system, but she'll be out for another few hours. I wish I could do
[SISKO] You've done all you can, Doctor. Now it's up to Chief O'Brien.
(Engine room)
(O'Brien and an engineer are working on consoles.)
[COMPUTER] Auto-destruct in six minutes.
[BRIEN] All right, we're almost there. Look, when we set off this
device there's a possibility we may lose the protective field around
the warp core. If that happens, this room is going to heat up real fast
so give the warp core a wide berth or you'll get a dose of radiation
poisoning even Bashir can't cure.
(Odo morphs in from a grating.)
[ODO] Where's the changeling? I lost him in the conduits.
[BRIEN] We haven't seen him.
(Then a second one morphs in from another grating.)
[ODO 2] Wait. It's me, Odo.
[BRIEN] You don't say.
[ODO 2] Chief, remember the last time we went kayaking in the
holosuites. You had lamb stew for lunch.
[BRIEN] That's right.
[ODO] But you forgot to bring a fork. Anyone could have gotten that
[COMPUTER] Auto-destruct in five minutes.
[ODO 2] You'd better make a decision. We're running out of time.
[BRIEN] I've got more important things to do than play choose the
changeling. Keep the phaser on both of them.
[KIRA] The shuttlebay doors are sealed. The
evacuation pods are locked down. We have no way out.
[EDDINGTON] Weapons are fully charged and ready to fire. Tactical
systems are programming an attack run on the Tzenkethi settlement.
(Engine room)
[ODO 2] Chief, what are you doing?
[COMPUTER] Auto-destruct in four minutes.
[BRIEN] You'll see. Now.
[COMPUTER] Warning. Warp core field breach. Engine room will be sealed
in ten seconds. Evacuate immediately.
(The alien forcefields go off too.)
[BRIEN] Shut down the main power grid.
(Odo 2 morphs into Krajensky-founder and hits the engineer.)
[ODO] No!
(The Founder knocks out O'Brien as the blast doors come down. Odo grabs
[COMPUTER] Engine room sealed. (The founder morphs his arm into Odo's
abdomen, and Odo starts to ripple.)
[FOUNDER] Why are you protecting these solids? You don't belong with
them. You belong with us.
[COMPUTER] Auto-destruct in three minutes.
[FOUNDER] Let go. Don't you see? You've lost. It's too late for you to
help them but it's not too late to help yourself. Link with me, Odo. We
can escape together.
[ODO] I don't think so.
(Odo morphs his hands into the founder as his body becomes solid again.
The founder goes gooey and Odo picks him up and pushes him against the
warp core. The energy discharge throws Odo off as the founder fries.)
[COMPUTER] Auto-destruct in two minutes.
[ODO] (to dazed O'Brien) You have to regain control of the ship.
(The founder part reforms, looking very desiccated.)
[ODO] I never wanted to harm you.
(The changeling whispers something to Odo then turns to dark green
[BRIEN (OC)] O'Brien to Bridge.
[SISKO] Go ahead, Chief.
[BRIEN (OC)] I've restored
(Engine room)
[BRIEN] Control to the helm. She's all yours
[BRIEN (OC)] Captain.
[SISKO] Hard aport, Major. Take us away from the settlement. Computer,
end auto-destruct sequence. Authorisation Sisko omega one seven abort.
[KIRA] This is Kira Nerys, First Officer. I concur.
[COMPUTER] Auto-destruct sequence aborted.
[EDDINGTON] The phaser banks are powering down.
[SISKO] Take us home, Major.
Captain's log, supplemental. We've returned to the
station without further incident. However, I'm concerned about my Chief
of Security, who hasn't said a word since we left Tzenkethi space.
[SISKO] The real Ambassador Krajensky was supposed
to be on his way to Risa for an extended vacation, but he never
[EDDINGTON] Starfleet Security believes he's been kidnapped or possibly
[BASHIR] What about the coup on the Tzenkethi homeworld?
[SISKO] It never happened. Starfleet Command wants a detailed report
from each of us.
(Odo enters.)
[KIRA] Odo, are you all right?
[ODO] I'm fine. I hope I'm not interrupting.
[DAX] Not at all.
[BRIEN] Have a seat.
[ODO] Captain, there's something you need to know. The changeling,
before he died, he whispered something to me.
[SISKO] Go on.
[ODO] He said, you're too late. We are everywhere. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e70", "title": "The Adversary"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Way of the Warrior
Way of the Warrior
Original Airdate: 2 Oct, 1995
memory of
Gregg Duffy Long
Ronald W. Smith
(Sisko and Kira are armed with phaser rifles. Sisko
- who now has Avery's preferred look of shaven head and beard - does a
silent countdown and they burst into)
(Guest quarters)
(and fire the phasers, sweeping the entire room.)
[BRIEN (OC)] O'Brien to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[BRIEN (OC)] We've swept all of level seventeen. No sign of the
[SISKO] Move down to eighteen. We'll meet you there after we finish
checking the guest quarters.
[KIRA] Watch yourself, Chief. This changeling knows the station as well
as we do. He could be anywhere or anything.
[BRIEN (OC)] Aye, Major.
(Guest bedroom)
(A chair cover morphs into a bird and flies off
down the corridor.)
[SISKO] We've found him. He's headed to the Promenade.
(Security are running around in pairs. Bashir
splits off from his companion.)
[BASHIR] Just there. All right, I want phaser sweeps of everything in
the Promenade. He's here somewhere. Let's find him. On three. One, two
(Odo stops being the multi-lingual shop directory and puts his hand on
Bashir's shoulder)
[BRIEN] Bang. You're dead.
[ODO] And so is Doctor Bashir.
(Sisko and Kira arrive on the turbolift.)
[KIRA] Computer, elapsed time?
[COMPUTER] Three hours, twenty-seven minutes.
[ODO] That's not good enough. If one of my people were loose on the
station for that long, there's no telling how much damage they could
[SISKO] Schedule another surprise drill. If the Dominion tries to
infiltrate the station, I want to be ready for them.
[ODO] And remind everyone that next time they'd better sweep everything.
A changeling can be anything. A post, a pillar, even a patch of
reflective surfacing.
[BRIEN] We get the message, Constable.
[ODO] I hope so, Chief. Just remember that the Founders are even better
shape-shifters than I am.
[QUARK] Excuse me. If you're done scaring my customers away, I'd like to
open the bar.
[KIRA] Go right ahead.
[QUARK] Thank you. Constable, it just occurred to me that if I knew in
advance how just long it'll take them for to catch you during the next
drill? Well, let's just say you and I could share a substantial profit.
(Odo stalks off)
[QUARK] Think about it.
(Quark leaves)
[KIRA] Performance reviews will be held starting at oh eight hundred
hours tomorrow in the wardroom. Check your team leaders for the
schedule. Dismissed.
(Kira and Sisko walk off together.)
[KIRA] How about some dinner?
[SISKO] Not tonight. I have a previous engagement.
[KIRA] Oh, that's right. Captain Yates got in this morning. Give her my
[SISKO] I will.
(Sisko's quarters)
(A candle-lit dinner for two is planned.)
[SISKO] Come in.
[KASIDY] Hello, Ben. I hope I'm not too late.
[SISKO] Some things are worth waiting for.
(She strokes his 'bald' head)
[KASIDY] Nice.
[SISKO] I'm glad you like it. (he gives her a box) For you.
[KASIDY] Isn't that a coincidence? I have something for you, too. Oh,
where did you find Tholian silk?
[SISKO] The Tholian ambassador owed me a favour. May I?
[KASIDY] It's not silk, but I think you'll like it.
(A baseball cap.)
[KASIDY] It's from my brother's team.
[SISKO] The Pike City Pioneers.
[KASIDY] My brother says if you're ever on Cestus Three, he'll get you
seats in the dugout.
[SISKO] How far is Cestus Three?
[KASIDY] Eight weeks at maximum warp.
[SISKO] To see a real baseball game, it might be worth the trip.
[KASIDY] If you ever decide to go, I'll take you there myself. As long
as you don't mind travelling by freighter.
[SISKO] I just might take you up on that.
[KASIDY] (sees the table) Did you do this all yourself?
[SISKO] My father always says the way to a woman's heart is through her
[KASIDY] So it's my heart you're after.
[SISKO] I never could keep a secret.
[KASIDY] In that case, maybe you could tell me what all those
maintenance crews are doing in the docking ring.
[SISKO] Just some retrofitting.
[KASIDY] Now you are keeping a secret.
[SISKO] Let's just say we're preparing a few surprises just in case the
Dominion comes through the wormhole.
[KASIDY] Seems like everyone's got the Dominion on their minds these
days. I hear the Cardassians have even sealed their borders.
[SISKO] What do you say we forget about business for a while?
[KASIDY] I'd say that's a good idea.
[DAX (OC)] Dax to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[DAX (OC)] I think you'd better get up here.
[SISKO] On my way. I'll be back as soon as I can.
[KASIDY] I know you will.
[DAX] Benjamin, take a look at this. We've got some
unexpected company. (There's a Klingon ship on the viewscreen)
[DAX] It's just decloaked.
[SISKO] Ah. The new Klingon flagship.
[DAX] The Negh'Var. There's a General Martok on board asking to speak
with you.
[SISKO] Put him through.
[MARTOK (on viewscreen)] Captain Sisko. I bring greetings from your
allies in the Klingon Empire.
(Everyone say Hi! to J G
[SISKO] Welcome to Deep Space Nine, General. Is there something I can do
for you?
[MARTOK (on viewscreen)] It has been a long journey. My men require
shore leave.
[SISKO] Certainly. They can come aboard any time they like.
[MARTOK (on viewscreen)] Good. Sowee tah.
(And an entire Klingon fleet shimmers into view, and we get to see
there are three pips on Dax's collar.)
(There are lots of Klingons in the bar, and Miles
is demonstrating catching sand peas in his mouth.)
[BASHIR] Chief, I'm beginning to think there's no limit to the wonders
you can perform.
[BRIEN] That's what I like about you, Julian. You're easily impressed.
[BASHIR] Thank you, Quark. Can we get a little yamok sauce for these
sand peas? Quark?
[QUARK] Listen, do you hear that?
[BASHIR] I don't hear a thing.
[QUARK] Exactly. The ambient noise level in this room is less than
thirty decibels. On an average day it's sixty five. When there're
Klingons in the room, it can go as high as eighty-five.
[BRIEN] So what you're saying is, it's quiet in here.
[QUARK] Too quiet. Something is terribly wrong.
[BASHIR] Like what?
[QUARK] I don't know. But have you ever met a quiet Klingon before? Look
how they're watching the room. It's like they're picking out targets.
Where are you going?
[BRIEN] I thought I'd ask the Klingons what they're up to.
[QUARK] Don't do that.
[BRIEN] Why not?
[QUARK] I don't want them to know we're on to them.
[BRIEN] Well, suit yourself.
(O'Brien sits down again. Bashir tries the sand pea flip trick and
[BRIEN] The secret is positioning the pea correctly on the hand.
[BASHIR] But I thought I had that.
[QUARK] What are you two doing? I'm telling you, the Klingons are up to
[BASHIR] Calm down, Quark. The Klingons are our allies.
[QUARK] They might be your allies, but they're not mine.
[BRIEN] Relax. If something's up with the Klingons, Captain Sisko will
find out about it.
[QUARK] Yeah. But will he tell me?
[SISKO] So, what brings you here, General?
[MARTOK] A valid question. But first, let us be sure we are all who we
say we are.
(Martok cuts the palm of his hand with his dagger, and lets the blood
drip onto the table)
[KIRA] You think we're changelings?
[MARTOK] What I think doesn't matter. The blood will tell.
(Sisko cuts his hand and lets the blood drip. Kira does the same.)
[SISKO] Now that that's over with.
[MARTOK] We have been sent here to fight alongside our Federation allies
against the Dominion.
[SISKO] I appreciate your gesture, but I'm not sure it's necessary.
[MARTOK] The Klingon High Council thinks it is.
[SISKO] Our communications relay in the Gamma Quadrant hasn't detected
any signs of Jem'Hadar activity for quite some time. They seem to be
giving the wormhole a wide berth.
[MARTOK] They will come. And when they do, we will be ready for them.
(Holosuite - Trill public baths)
(Kira is in the steam room when Dax enters with to
muscular male escorts.)
[DAX] Oh, there you are. We've been looking all over for you. Malko here
just gave me the most amazing massage, and I'm sure if you ask nicely
he'll do the same for you.
[KIRA] No, thanks.
[DAX] Why?
[KIRA] Because Malko's not real. He's a puppet made out of holographic
light and replicated matter.
[DAX] Boys, can you wait outside?
[KIRA] Are you afraid I hurt their feelings?
[DAX] You really should try to get into the spirit of things. People
come from all over Trill to visit the Hoobishan Baths.
[KIRA] And if I'm ever on Trill I'll visit them too. But we're not on
Trill and this isn't the Hoobishan Baths. It's a holosuite and none of
it is real.
[DAX] And?
[KIRA] And? I'm sorry. I feel silly.
[DAX] Good. That's what a holosuite's for. To have a good time. All you
have to do is relax and use your imagination.
[KIRA] I guess I don't have much of an imagination.
[DAX] Of course you do. Everyone does. Didn't you play make-believe when
you were a child?
[KIRA] Yeah. I used to make-believe that the Cardassians would stop
killing the Bajorans and just go away.
[DAX] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to
[KIRA] No. I'm sorry. I guess I never had much use for my imagination. I
mean, look at me. You plan a fun evening for us and all I can do is sit
here and worry about Klingons.
[DAX] You can worry about the Klingons tomorrow. From what I hear,
they're not going anywhere. And as for your underdeveloped imagination,
I prescribe a strict regimen of exercise starting immediately.
[KIRA] All right. I'll give it a try.
[DAX] That's all I ask. Come on. Malko couldn't have gone far.
(Breakfast, as the Promenade starts to come to
[GARAK] Fascinating. So both the cup and the liquid are merely
extensions of your body.
[ODO] That is correct. And if I want to, I can even drink the liquid,
reabsorb it, and produce new coffee in the cup. (he demonstrates) This
way I can give the illusion that I'm sharing in the dining experience.
[GARAK] Very thoughtful. Tell me, Odo, have you heard any news from
Cardassia lately?
[ODO] Not since they sealed their borders.
[GARAK] Well I have, and frankly I don't like what I've heard. Rumours
of uprisings, civil disturbance. It's all very alarming.
[ODO] I didn't know you still had friends inside the Empire.
[GARAK] One or two, but I can't even get through to them now. That's
what worries me. With the destruction of the Obsidian Order and the
threat of the Dominion, these are unsettling times for Cardassia.
[ODO] They're unsettling for everyone.
[DREX (OC)] Stop. What are you doing here? Let me see that.
(Some Klingons on the Promenade search Morn's bag.)
[DREX (OC)] Two bottles of
[ODO] But if I hear anything, I'll let you know.
[GARAK] I'd appreciate that, Constable.
[ODO] Excuse me for a moment.
[DREX] So far away from the Hyundite nebula. So what
is it that you do on this station?
[ODO] Can I help you?
[DREX] Lohd Zoss-lee chaw-KU sohk jaTAL?
[GARAK] Actually, I'm not sure Constable Odo has a mother.
[ODO] Morn, I believe Ensign Sanders was looking for you. Gentlemen, if
you have business on this Promenade, I suggest you get on with it.
[GARAK] I'd listen to him if I were you.
[DREX] I don't take orders from shape-shifters, or their Cardassian
[ODO] I may be a shape-shifter, but I am also Chief of Security of this
station. So either move along, or you'll be continuing this
conversation from inside a holding cell.
[DREX] As long as you wear that Bajoran uniform, we're allies. Make sure
you never take it off.
[ODO] I didn't know you spoke Klingon.
[GARAK] Oh, you'd be surprised at the things you can learn while you're
doing alterations.
(Garak's shop)
(Garak enters and hears a noise. Two Klingons come
out of the back of his shop, then three more follow him in and the
doors close behind them.)
[GARAK] Let me guess. You're either lost or desperately searching for a
good tailor.
[DREX] Guess again.
(And five Klingons honourably beat up one Cardassian.)
[BASHIR] I can't believe you're not pressing
[GARAK] Constable Odo and Captain Sisko expressed similar concern. But
really, Doctor, there was no harm done.
[BASHIR] They broke seven of your transverse ribs and fractured your
[GARAK] Ah, but I got off several cutting remarks which no doubt did
serious damage to their egos.
[BASHIR] Garak, this isn't funny.
[GARAK] I'm serious, Doctor. Thanks to your ministrations, I am almost
completely healed. But the damage I did to them will last a lifetime.
What I can't understand is their inexplicable hostility toward me.
Maligning Constable Odo is one thing. After all, he's a changeling. The
Klingons don't know him as well as we do. But relations between the
Klingon and Cardassian Empires have never been anything but amicable.
[BASHIR] With the exception of the Betreka Nebula incident.
[GARAK] A minor skirmish.
[BASHIR] That lasted eighteen years.
[GARAK] That was ages ago. Perhaps they decided they just didn't like
[BASHIR] Not like you? Impossible.
[GARAK] You're right, as always, Doctor. They must have mistaken me for
someone else.
(Captain's office)
[KIRA] The Klingon ships keep cloaking and
decloaking, so it's impossible to get an exact count, but so far we've
been able to identify at least twenty different warships in the
vicinity of the station.
[DAX (OC)] Captain, we're receiving a priority one distress call from
the freighter Xhosa.
[KIRA] Kasidy's ship?
[SISKO] She left the station an hour ago. Put her through.
[KASIDY (on monitor)] This is the freighter Xhosa to Deep Space Nine.
We're under attack by
[DAX] Her signal's been jammed.
[SISKO] Get a fix on her location. Tell the crew on the Defiant to man
their stations. We'll meet you on the bridge. (to turbolift) Defiant.
[DAX] Forward scanners are detecting the Xhosa at
bearing zero one seven mark three four six.
[KIRA] I'm picking up another ship. It's got a tractor beam on the
[SISKO] On screen.
[KIRA] A Klingon ship.
[DAX] I can't get through to Kasidy. They're still jamming her
[SISKO] Hail the Klingon vessel.
[KAYBOK (on viewscreen)] This is Commander Kaybok of the M'Char. What is
it you want?
[SISKO] I want to know why you stopped that ship.
[KAYBOK (on viewscreen)] We have orders to search all vessels attempting
to leave Bajoran space.
[KIRA] Search them for what?
[KAYBOK (on viewscreen)] For shape-shifters. Each ship will be scanned,
its cargo searched, and its crewmembers and passengers subjected to
genetic testing.
[SISKO] On whose authority?
[KAYBOK (on viewscreen)] On the authority of Gowron and the Klingon High
[KIRA] The Klingon High Council has no jurisdiction over ships in
Bajoran space.
[KAYBOK (on viewscreen)] We assumed you would welcome our assistance.
[SISKO] Do you have any evidence that there are changelings aboard this
particular ship?
[KAYBOK (on viewscreen)] How can we have evidence until we conduct our
[KIRA] Commander, Bajoran law strictly prohibits any unwarranted search
and seizure of vessels in our territory.
[KAYBOK (on viewscreen)] I have my orders.
(transmission ends)
[DAX] The Klingon ship has increased power to its tractor beam. It looks
like they're preparing to board the Xhosa.
[SISKO] Major, raise shields. Power up the forward phasers. See if that
gets their attention.
[KIRA] Shields up. Forward phasers standing by.
[DAX] They're still not releasing the tractor beam.
[SISKO] Fire a warning shot two hundred metres off their starboard bow.
[KIRA] Yes, sir.
[DAX] Commander Kaybok would like to speak with you.
[SISKO] Let's hear what he has to say.
[KAYBOK (on viewscreen)] Captain, this is outrageous.
[SISKO] I agree, but you leave me no choice. You're violating Bajoran
law. Now, I will ask you one last time. Release that ship immediately.
[KAYBOK (on viewscreen)] We are your allies.
[SISKO] Major, lock phasers on M'Char's engines. Prepare to fire on my
[KIRA] Phasers ready.
[KAYBOK (on viewscreen)] Kltrek im stram. Gowron will hear of this.
[DAX] I'm receiving a hail from the Xhosa. It's Captain Yates.
[SISKO] Put her through.
[KASIDY (on viewscreen)] Captain, I don't know what you said to those
Klingons, but it must have been good.
[SISKO] Is everyone all right?
[KASIDY (on viewscreen)] Everyone is fine.
[SISKO] I'm glad to hear it. We'll keep you on sensors as long as we
can, but I doubt the Klingons will give you any more trouble.
[KASIDY (on viewscreen)] I appreciate that, Captain. I'll see you in
about two weeks.
[SISKO] You know where to find me.
(Captain's office)
[DAX] According to our long-range sensors, the
Klingon task force has withdrawn to just outside Bajoran territory.
[SISKO] So now they're in unclaimed space. And if they decide to
continue searching ships
[DAX] There's nothing we can do about it unless they try to stop a
Federation or Bajoran vessel.
[SISKO] Which, so far, they haven't done.
[BRIEN (OC)] Captain, General Martok is here to see you.
[SISKO] Send him in. Ah, General, we need to talk.
(Martok thumps a dagger onto the desk.)
[MARTOK] Sohk vad.
(Martok leaves. Dax picks up the daggar.)
[DAX] It's Commander Kaybok's.
[SISKO] Why did he give it to me?
[DAX] He's letting you know Kaybok's dead. Martok probably had him
executed for disobeying orders.
[SISKO] Which means our next confrontation with the Klingons won't be
resolved so easily. Any suggestions, old man?
[DAX] The longer the Klingons are here, the worse things are going to
get. Whatever you decide to do, you'd better do it soon.
[SISKO] Curzon told me once that in the long run, the only people who
can really handle the Klingons are Klingons. Get me Starfleet Command.
(A pair of shiny boots steps out of the airlock. We
pan up to a baldrick crossing a gold TNG uniform, and a familiar
non-human face.)
[BRIEN] Commander Worf.
[WORF] Chief. It has been a long time.
[BRIEN] Too long. Welcome aboard.
[QUARK] Just what the station needs. Another Klingon.
(Captain's office)
[WORF] Lieutenant Commander Worf reporting for duty,
[SISKO] It's good to have you aboard, Commander.
[WORF] Thank you, sir.
[SISKO] At ease, Mister Worf.
I was sorry to hear about the Enterprise. She was a good ship.
[WORF] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] I understand you've been on extended leave.
[WORF] Yes. I have been visiting the Klingon monastery on Boreth. I
found my discussions with the clerics to be there most enlightening.
[SISKO] Well, I hope you'll forgive me for pulling you away from your
studies, but I doubt that this assignment will take very long.
[WORF] My leave was almost over, sir.
[SISKO] Do you have any idea where you'll be stationed next?
[WORF] I am considering resigning my commission.
[SISKO] Really? May I ask why?
[WORF] I have spent most of my life among humans. It has not always been
easy for me. And since the destruction of the Enterprise, it has become
even more difficult. I am no longer sure I belong in this uniform.
[SISKO] Mister Worf, if I told you we didn't need you here, I'd be
lying. But if you don't want to take this assignment, I'd understand.
[WORF] Thank you, sir. But until I make my decision, I intend to do my
[SISKO] I'm glad to hear that. I assume you've read my situation report.
[WORF] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] I can't help but feel that General Martok isn't telling the
whole truth about this Klingon task force. There are too many
unanswered questions.
[WORF] Then I will find you some answers.
[SISKO] Good. If you need any help, let me know.
[WORF] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] Commander. I once thought about resigning from Starfleet too. I
know if I had, I would've regretted it. Don't make any quick decisions.
[WORF] I will keep that in mind.
[QUARK] Let me guess. Klingon bloodwine.
[WORF] Prune juice, chilled.
[QUARK] Prune juice? (gets a Look.) If you say so.
[BRIEN] Commander, over here.
(By the dart board.)
[BRIEN] Doctor Julian Bashir, Lieutenant Commander Worf.
[BASHIR] Care for a game of darts?
[WORF] I do not play games.
[BRIEN] It's like poker, but with pointed tips. All right then, think
of it as target practice.
[BASHIR] The object is to throw this dart and hit that board over there.
[BRIEN] Aim for the dot in the middle.
(Worf misses the bull, but the dart is half-buried in the eleven.)
[KIRA (OC)] Well, you saw how he was acting.
[DAX (OC)] I can't believe you did that.
(Kira and Dax come down the stairs dressed as medieval ladies.)
[KIRA] He didn't leave me any choice.
[BASHIR] Wait, wait, wait. What did she do?
[DAX] She knocked out Lancelot.
[KIRA] He kissed me.
[DAX] He's supposed to kiss you.
[KIRA] But I was playing a married woman.
[BASHIR] Lieutenant Commander Worf, this is Lieutenant Commander Jadzia
Dax, and Major Kira Nerys, our first officer.
[WORF] Nice hat.
[KIRA] (pulling the wimple off) I don't usually dress like this. We were
in the holosuite.
[WORF] So I gathered. You used to be Curzon Dax.
[DAX] That's right. And I don't usually dress like this either.
[WORF] Curzon's name is an honoured one among my people.
[DAX] Louk, a jeek cHim talaw.
[WORF] I suppose so.
[DREX] Bloodwine! And hurry!
(Morn makes a discreet exit.)
[WORF] Excuse me.
[KIRA] What did you say to him?
[DAX] It loses something in the translation.
[DREX] This bloodwine is cold! Get me another one!
[WORF] You are Drex, son of Martok.
[DREX] That's right.
[WORF] I am Worf, son of Mogh.
(And punches Drex in the face. Drex draws his dagger but misses every
thrust and ends up on his back. Worf takes Drex's dagger and snarls at
his companions, who back off.)
[DAX] He's good.
[BRIEN] What did I tell you?
(Guest quarters)
(Worf is unpacking a few personal items - a weapon,
a picture of him and Alexander - when the doorbell rings.)
[WORF] Enter.
[MARTOK] I have come for my son's d'k tahg. Give it to me or I will take
it from you.
[WORF] Now that you are here, I have no further need of it.
[MARTOK] You robbed my son of his honour just to get my attention?
[WORF] You can't take away what someone does not have.
[MARTOK] Are you saying my son is without honour?
[WORF] I am saying your son is a coward and a liar.
[MARTOK] And what of his father?
[WORF] That remains to be seen.
[MARTOK] Tell me, what have I done to earn your disrespect?
[WORF] The misdeeds your troops have committed speak for themselves.
Attacking a Cardassian tailor. Detaining and searching ships in neutral
space without warning or provocation. And you, executing one of your
commanders because he refused to fire on a Federation ship,
[MARTOK] Whatever we have done is in the best interests of the Alpha
[WORF] You must think me a fool to make your lies so transparent.
[MARTOK] I do not wish to quarrel with you, Worf.
[WORF] Nor I with you. The House of Martok is an honoured one, with a
proud tradition. But I must know why you are here.
[MARTOK] I am here under the authority of Gowron himself. I am carrying
out his orders. That should be all the explanation a Klingon warrior
[WORF] You forget. I am not only a Klingon warrior, I am a Starfleet
officer. And Starfleet deserves an explanation.
[MARTOK] They will get one soon enough. Until then, know this. My
mission will determine the fate of the Klingon Empire. Interfere, and
you risk destroying us all.
(Holosuite - cave)
(Worf is exercising by fighting skull-headed
monsters. Dax enters and he is distracted for the moment. The monster
gets some good blows in.)
[DAX] You shouldn't drop your left arm like that.
[WORF] I do not remember asking you for advice.
[DAX] Just trying to help.
(Worf beats his opponent.)
[DAX] So, how did you like the programme?
[WORF] I found it adequate. Though I was surprised to find a Klingon
exercise programme on the holosuite.
[DAX] It's mine.
[WORF] You mean Curzon's.
[DAX] No, I mean it's mine. Computer, bat'leth. I thought you might be
tired of fighting holograms.
[WORF] It would not be a fair match.
[DAX] I'll go easy on you.
[WORF] Very well. Defend yourself.
(They exchange blows.)
[DAX] I hope you're not holding back because I'm a woman. If it makes
things any easier, think of me as a man. I've been one several times.
(Worf disarms Dax, then knocks her legs out from under her so she ends
up on her back.)
[DAX] Feel better? I take it your conversation with General Martok
didn't go all that well.
[WORF] He was not forthcoming. And he is not the only one. I tried to
contact Gowron, Emperor Kahless, even my brother who sits on the High
Council. No one will speak with me.
[DAX] Maybe you're going about this the wrong way. With so many Klingons
around, there must be someone who owes your family a favour.
(Guest quarters)
(WOrf has found an older Klingon to get drunk.)
[HURAGA] (singing) Ej IM-ta fey DE-ja i. Ejdahk-so-TAS ghos va
Skral byteek. Empa jaj law-moch jaj-push. Jaj Kayless Molor migh
hohk-chew koo.
[HURAGA] Your father and I used to sing that song when you were just a
small boy. Did I ever tell you how your father saved my family's honour
during our bloodfeud with the House of Duras?
[WORF] Many times.
[HURAGA] It is a good story!
[WORF] Yes, an you tell it well.
[HURAGA] Your father was a great warrior. My family owes him everything
we have. I wish there was some way I could repay him.
[WORF] There is. Tell me why the task force is here. The real reason,
not the one Martok gave the Federation.
[HURAGA] The real reason? I suppose you have the right to know. You are
a Klingon warrior and it would be wrong to keep you away from battle.
And it's going to be a glorious battle!
(Promenade - upper level)
[ODO] It all seems simpler from up here, doesn't it?
[WORF] If you are looking to start a conversation, look somewhere else.
I would prefer to be left alone.
[ODO] That may be, but you can't stay up here forever. Sooner or later
you're going to have to talk to Captain Sisko. Whatever it is you've
found out about the Klingons, he should be the first to know.
[WORF] You have been spying on me.
[ODO] As Chief of Security, it's my duty to observe the inhabitants of
this station. Since your arrival, you've transmitted an average of five
messages a day to the Klingon Homeworld, none of which has gotten a
response. Then last night you met with a Klingon officer in your
quarters. Since then, you haven't sent a single message. In fact,
you've done nothing to further your investigation of the Klingon task
[WORF] None of which is your business.
[ODO] The security of this station is my business. Your behaviour leads
me to conclude that either you've given up your investigation, in which
case it's my duty to take over, or you've found something. Something so
disturbing that you're hesitant to inform Captain Sisko.
[WORF] I am not interested in your conclusions.
[ODO] Commander. I just wanted to say that I understand what you're
going through. I've also had to choose between duty and loyalty to my
[WORF] Yes, I have read your Starfleet security file.
[ODO] Frankly, Mister Worf, I don't care which choice you make. But you
owe it to Captain Sisko to let him know which side you're on, before
it's too late. Enjoy the view.
[BRIEN] Mister Worf, what can I do for you?
[WORF] Where is Captain Sisko?
[BRIEN] I think he's in a briefing session with
[WORF] I need to talk to him. Now.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Cardassia? Why would the Klingons want to
invade Cardassia?
[WORF] According to my source, there has been an uprising on the
Cardassian homeworld. The Central Command has been overthrown and power
transferred to civilian authorities.
[SISKO] Even if your source is correct, what does that have to do with
the Klingons?
[WORF] Gowron and the High Council believe the coup was engineered by
the Dominion.
[SISKO] Do they have any proof?
[WORF] None that I know of, but they are convinced that civilians could
not have overthrown the Central Command without help.
[SISKO] So, by attacking Cardassia they think they're protecting the
Alpha Quadrant from the Dominion? Sisko to Dax. Contact General Martok.
Tell him I need to meet with him immediately.
[DAX (OC)] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] Mister Worf, I know this hasn't been an easy assignment for you.
[WORF] No, it has not. But I knew this day would come again when I'd be
forced to choose between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.
[SISKO] Maybe you don't have to make that choice just yet. I don't think
there's any need for you to be there when I meet with Martok.
[WORF] I would prefer to be there. I cannot avoid responsibility for
what I have done today.
[MARTOK] I must compliment you on your intelligence
network, Captain. One day you must tell me how you learned of our
[WORF] General
[SISKO] How I got the information isn't important.
[MARTOK] I think it is. And so will Gowron.
[SISKO] General, I want you to call off this attack.
[MARTOK] And what do you propose we do instead? Stand by and let the
Dominion take over the Alpha Quadrant?
[SISKO] You have no proof that there are any Founders on Cardassia.
[MARTOK] The change in government is all the proof we need.
[WORF] And what if you are wrong?
[MARTOK] That would be unfortunate for the Cardassians.
[SISKO] General, the Federation council has made it clear to me that
they cannot support your plans to attack Cardassia.
[MARTOK] Are you saying the Federation will sit back and do nothing
while Klingon soldiers give their lives to protect the Alpha Quadrant?
[WORF] Starfleet will not participate in an unprovoked invasion.
[MARTOK] Then the victory will be ours alone.
[SISKO] General, I would advise you to reconsider. The Federation
Council has informed Gowron that if the attack goes forward, it will
jeopardise our treaty with the Klingon Empire.
[MARTOK] Believe me, Captain, we have no wish to antagonise your people.
[SISKO] Then call off the attack.
[MARTOK] I will consult with Gowron. You will have his decision within
the hour.
[DAX] Captain, I think you'd better take a look at
(Klingon ships are cloaking and leaving.)
[SISKO] Report.
[DAX] As soon as General Martok beamed back to his ship, he sent a
message to the Klingon fleet. It was just one word. In'Cha.
[WORF] Begin.
[BRIEN] I'm picking up a huge distortion wave in subspace. The Klingon
ships are going to warp.
[KIRA] Can you plot their course?
[BRIEN] Judging from the vector of the subspace disturbance I'd say
their heading is two six nine mark zero three two.
[SISKO] Straight to the Cardassian Empire.
[SISKO] The Federation Council has been trying to
contact Gowron. So far, they've had no response. So until they've had a
chance to speak with him, we've been ordered not to get involved.
[KIRA] The Bajoran government has agreed to abide by the decisions of
the Federation Council.
[BASHIR] So that means we're not going to warn the Cardassians?
[DAX] The Klingons are still our allies. If we warn the Cardassians,
we'd be betraying them.
[BRIEN] Besides, what if the Klingons are right? What if the Dominion
has taken over the Cardassian government?
[ODO] If my people wanted to seize control of Cardassia, that is how
they would do it.
[KIRA] The coup could have happened just as easily without the Founders.
The Cardassian dissident movement has been gathering strength for
years. With the Obsidian Order out of the way, they might have finally
[WORF] The issue is not if there are any Founders on Cardassia. There
are many Klingons who say we have been at peace too long, that the
Empire must expand in order to survive. Fear of the Dominion has given
my people an excuse to do what they were born to do. To fight and to
[SISKO] If they're so eager to fight, who's to say they'll stop with the
[KIRA] Their next target could be anyone. Even the Federation.
[DAX] If I were you, I'd be more worried about Bajor. Think about it.
What good would it do for the Klingons to defeat Cardassia, if they
don't control the wormhole?
[WORF] Agreed. If my people return to the old ways, no one will be safe.
[SISKO] Then we'll have to make sure that doesn't happen.
[BRIEN] But how? The way I see it, we only have got two choices, both
of them bad. If we stand by and do nothing, we run the risk of being
the Klingons' next target. But if we disobey Starfleet orders and warn
the Cardassians, we may end up starting a war with the Klingons.
[SISKO] Which means we need a third option.
(Garak's shop)
(Morn is buying clothes.)
[GARAK] Trust me, you won't regret this. When it comes to keeping warm,
nothing beats Vitarian wool undergarments. And in case you change your
mind about the earmuffs, I'll keep them on hold for you.
(Morn leaves)
[SISKO (OC)] Mister Garak, I'd like to see you in the wardroom
immediately. Bring your tailor's kit.
[DAX] All together we're talking about well over a
hundred ships, just in the first wave.
[GARAK] Excuse me. I hope I'm not interrupting.
[SISKO] I'd like to be measured for a new suit.
[GARAK] Now?
[SISKO] Right now.
[GARAK] But Captain, I do have your measurements.
[SISKO] Take them again. You were saying, Commander?
[DAX] I was saying that between ground forces and warships, the Klingons
have committed almost a third of their military to this invasion.
[SISKO] How long before they reach their target?
[WORF] According to our estimates, the task force should enter
Cardassian space within the hour.
[SISKO] Don't forget the waist. I think I've lost a little weight.
[GARAK] Thank you, Captain. I believe I have everything I need.
(Garak's shop)
[DUKAT (on monitor)] The Klingons? Why would the
Klingons invade us?
[GARAK] According to my sources, the Klingon High Council believes that
Cardassia has been taken over by the Founders.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] That's ridiculous.
[GARAK] Is it?
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Garak, you have got to talk to Sisko. Tell him he
has to find a way to stop the Klingons. Cardassia has enough problems
right now.
[GARAK] You're having trouble keeping the civilians in line?
[DUKAT] How do you know about that?
[GARAK (on monitor)] I'm afraid that since the fall of the Obsidian
Order, Cardassian security isn't what it used to be.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Yes. Shame about the Order. I suppose there won't
be much of a demand for your services anymore. Looks like you'll be
hemming women's dresses for the rest of your life.
[GARAK] We can stand here all day reminding ourselves just how much we
hate each other, but you don't have the time. The Klingon fleet will
reach Cardassian territory in less than one hour. I suggest you prepare
for them.
(The War Game is being monitored on the big table)
[KIRA] Based on Klingon transmissions we've intercepted, the outlying
Cardassian colonies were overrun almost immediately. But, now that the
Cardassian fleet has mobilised, the Klingons are meeting stronger
[DAX] You'd almost think somebody warned the Cardassians they were
[KIRA] Hopefully it'll make the Klingons think twice about what they're
[WORF] Unlikely, Major. Now that the battle has begun, Martok and his
troops will settle for nothing less than victory.
(Sisko enters from his office.)
[BRIEN] Well, what did the Federation Council say?
[SISKO] They've decided to condemn the Klingon invasion. In response,
Gowron has expelled all Federation citizens from the Klingon Empire and
recalled his ambassadors from the Federation.
[KIRA] You're saying he cut off diplomatic relations?
[SISKO] He's done more than that. The Klingons have withdrawn from the
Khitomer Accords. The peace treaty between the Federation and the
Klingon Empire has ended.
[BRIEN] Captain, you're never going to believe this. A Klingon ship
just decloaked off upper pylon three and is requesting permission to
dock. They claim they have Chancellor Gowron on board and he is
demanding to speak with Mister Worf, personally.
(Klingon Bridge)
[WORF] Chancellor Gowron. You wished to speak with
[GOWRON] Worf. Worf! It is good to see you. I always said that uniform
would get you into trouble one day.
[WORF] It seems you were right. But I do not apologise for my actions
[GOWRON] Yes, yes. I know. you did what you thought was right. And even
though you may have made some enemies, I assure you I am not one of
[WORF] I am glad. Your friendship means much to me.
[GOWRON] And yours to me. It has been too long since you last fought at
my side. But now the time has come again. We will do great deeds in the
coming days. Deeds worthy of song.
[WORF] You want me to go to Cardassia with you?
[GOWRON] What better way to redeem yourself in the eyes of your people.
Come with me, Worf. Glory awaits you on Cardassia. Worf, why do you
stand there like a mute d'blok. I have offered you a chance for glory.
All you have to do is take it.
[WORF] If there's any glory to be won, Gowron, it'll have to be yours
alone. I cannot come with you.
[GOWRON] Of course you can. It is where you belong.
[WORF] I cannot abandon my post.
[GOWRON] You no longer have a post. You have no place on that station,
and no business wearing that uniform.
[WORF] I have sworn an oath of allegiance.
[GOWRON] To the Federation.
[WORF] You would have me break my word?
[GOWRON] Your word? What good is your word when you give it to people
who care nothing for honour, who refuse to lift a finger while Klingon
warriors shed blood for their protection. I tell you, they are without
honour. You do not owe them anything.
[WORF] It is not what I owe them that matters. It is what I owe myself.
Worf, son of Mogh, does not break his word.
[GOWRON] And what of your debt to me? Are you saying you owe me nothing?
I gave you back your name, restored your house, gave your family a seat
on the High Council. And this is how you repay me?
[WORF] It is true I owe you a great debt. I would give up my life for
you. But invading Cardassia is wrong, and I cannot support it.
[GOWRON] Worf, I have always considered you a friend and an ally. And
because you are my friend, I am giving you this one last chance to
redeem yourself. Come with me.
[WORF] I cannot.
[GOWRON] Think about what you are doing. If you turn your back on me
now, for as long as I live, you will not be welcome anywhere in the
Klingon Empire. Your family will be removed from the High Council, your
lands seized, and your House stripped of its titles. You will have
[WORF] Except my honour.
[GOWRON] So be it.
(Quark's cafe)
(As happy gamblers play below, Worf sits alone at a
table and stare at nothing.)
[BRIEN] You look like you could use some company.
[WORF] Chief, do you remember the time we rescued Captain Picard from
the Borg?
[BRIEN] How could I forget? It was touch and go there for a while.
There were a couple of moments when I thought we were all going to wind
up being assimilated.
[WORF] I never doubted the outcome. We were like warriors from the
ancient sagas. There was nothing we could not do.
[BRIEN] Except keep the holodecks working right.
[WORF] I have decided to resign from Starfleet.
[BRIEN] Resign? What are you talking about?
[WORF] I have made up my mind. It is for the best.
[BRIEN] Look, I know how much you miss the Enterprise, but I'm sure
they'll be building a new one soon.
[WORF] It will not be the same. The Enterprise I knew is gone. Those
were good years, but now it is time for me to move on.
[BRIEN] And do what?
[WORF] I do not know. I thought I would be returning to Boreth, but now
that is impossible. I have made an enemy of Gowron, and every other
Klingon in the Empire.
[BRIEN] All the more reason to stay in Starfleet.
[WORF] This uniform will only serve to remind me of how I have disgraced
myself in the eyes of my people. I suppose I could get a berth on a
Nyberrite Alliance Cruiser. They are always eager to hire experienced
[BRIEN] The Nyberrite Alliance? That's a long way. What about your
[WORF] Alexander is much happier living with his grandparents on Earth
than he ever was staying with me. One thing is certain. The sooner I
leave here, the better. My continued presence on Deep Space Nine would
only be a liability to Captain Sisko in his dealings with the Klingons.
[QUARK] Do you hear that, Chief? Seventy two decibels. Music to my ears.
[BRIEN] I think I liked it better when it was quiet.
[QUARK] You want quiet, go to the Replimat. This is Quark's the way
Quark's should be. The way it was meant to be. Am I glad we finally got
rid of all those Klingons. Present company excepted, of course.
(Worf leaves.)
[BRIEN] I got to hand it to you, Quark. You really know how to make
your customers feel welcome.
[QUARK] What do I care? All he ever drinks is prune juice.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] I'm sorry, Mister Worf, but I can't accept
your resignation at this time.
[WORF] I do not understand. What further use could I be here?
[SISKO] I'm not sure yet. But as long as the fighting continues between
the Klingons and the Cardassians, I need you here on the station.
[WORF] If you think that is wise.
[SISKO] I don't know if it's wise or not. But I do know that you're a
good officer, and right now I need every good officer I can get.
(Kira enters)
[KIRA] Captain, we just got word from Bajoran Intelligence. The Klingons
have broken through the Cardassian fleet.
[SISKO] How long before they reach Cardassia Prime?
[KIRA] Fifty two hours.
[WORF] If the Klingon Empire has reverted to the old practices, they
will occupy the Cardassian homeworld, execute all government officials,
and install an imperial overseer to put down any further resistance.
[SISKO] I think it's about time we had a talk with the Cardassians.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Captain, I'm a little busy at the moment, so
whatever you have to say, make it brief.
[SISKO] Dukat? I was trying to reach someone in the civilian government.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] And you have succeeded. You are speaking to the new
Chief Military Advisor to the Detapa Council.
[SISKO] Does this mean you've turned your back on the Central Command?
[DUKAT (on monitor)] It means that as a loyal officer of the Cardassian
Military, I am pledged to serve the legitimate ruling body of the
Empire. Whoever that may be.
[SISKO] In other words, you saw which way the wind was blowing and
switched sides.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] It seemed like a good idea at the time.
[SISKO] Dukat, you have got to get those council members to safety
before the Klingons reach Cardassia Prime.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] I am open to suggestions, Captain.
[SISKO] If you can get a ship and meet me at these coordinates, I'll do
what I can to escort you out of the war zone.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] That is a very generous offer. I must say I am
touched. By saving the members of the Detapa Council, you will be
saving some very
[SISKO] Forget the speech, Dukat. Just meet me at the rendezvous point.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] And if the Klingons try to stop us?
[SISKO] Then I'll be there to reason with them. I doubt the Klingons
will fire on a Federation ship.
[DUKAT] I'm not sure I share your optimism, but then I don't have much
choice, do I? We'll meet you there.
(Transmission ends)
[WORF] Sir, if the Klingons are right, if the Cardassian government has
been taken over by the Founders
[SISKO] Then we'll be helping them to escape. That's the chance we'll
have to take. I know you want to be out of that uniform but right now I
need you with me.
[WORF] I understand.
[SISKO] Make sure the chief double checks all our
new systems. We may need them.
[KIRA] I'll tell him. But knowing the chief, he's probably doing it
[SISKO] Keep the station on yellow alert. And just to be on the safe
side, I'd recommend that you send some of the civilian population down
to Bajor.
[KIRA] I was planning to. I wish I was going with you.
[SISKO] So do I, but I need you here.
[KASIDY] Ben. I'm glad I caught you before you left.
[SISKO] So am I. When'd you get back?
[KASIDY] Less than an hour ago. Jake told me you were about to go off on
some kind of mission.
[SISKO] The Defiant leaves in a few minutes.
[KASIDY] And you can't tell me about it.
[SISKO] I'll be back in four or five days.
[KASIDY] I'm leaving tomorrow.
[SISKO] I guess our timing hasn't been too good.
[KASIDY] No. No, it's been terrible. I'm not even sure when I'll be
[SISKO] Make it soon.
(They kiss)
[KASIDY] Don't get killed.
[SISKO] I'll do my best.
[SISKO] Activate the cloaking device.
[WEAPONS] Cloaking device is functioning within normal parameters.
(It's Pat Tallman, everybody.)
[SISKO] Set a course for the rendezvous point. Maximum warp.
[DAX] Course laid in.
[SISKO] Engage. Mister Worf, keep an eye out for Klingon ships, cloaked
or otherwise.
[WORF] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] Something wrong, Mister Worf?
[WORF] No, sir. Yes, sir. It is just I have never been on a Federation
ship that had a cloaking device. It is a little strange.
[SISKO] You'll get used to it.
[BASHIR] Sir, I hate to bring this up, but our agreement with the
Romulans expressly prohibits use of the cloaking device in the Alpha
[SISKO] You're right. It does. But there are hundreds of Klingon ships
between us and Dukat, and I intend to make that rendezvous in one
[BASHIR] Well, I won't tell the Romulans if you don't.
[BRIEN] I never thought I'd say this, but right
now I'm glad the Dominion's around. Otherwise we never would've started
these upgrades, let alone have them almost finished by now.
[KIRA] There's something to be said for incentive.
[BRIEN] I just hope everything works okay.
[KIRA] You're saying you're not sure?
[BRIEN] The way I see it, there are two possibilities. Either
everything'll be fine or
[KIRA] Or?
[BRIEN] Or we'll end up blowing the station to pieces.
[KIRA] Oh. Well, let's hope we don't have to find out.
[WORF] Captain, I'm detecting some debris, bearing
zero two five mark three one nine.
[SISKO] Commander, drop is to one quarter impulse.
[DAX] Aye, Captain.
[WORF] It appears to be the wreckage of a number of Cardassian vessels.
[SISKO] On screen.
[BASHIR] Are there any signs of survivors?
[DAX] I suppose it's possible, but there's no way to know without
decloaking and using our primary sensor array.
[WORF] Sir, I strongly recommend against that. It is likely there are
cloaked Klingon warships in the vicinity, lying in wait.
[BASHIR] Well that doesn't sound very honourable to me.
[WORF] In war, there is nothing more honourable than victory.
[SISKO] Commander, keep us at one quarter impulse until we clear the
wreckage, then take us to warp.
[BASHIR] But sir, if there are survivors
[SISKO] I'm sorry, Doctor. We can't risk it. We have to reach Dukat.
(Engine room)
[SISKO] And double check the secondary power grid.
It's still not performing as well as it should.
[CREWWOMAN] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] What's our status?
[DAX] We're approaching the rendezvous point.
[WORF] Captain, I am detecting weapons fire ahead. It appear to be three
Birds of Prey attacking a Cardassian vessel. The vessel is badly
[DAX] Captain, I'm picking up a distress signal from Dukat. Audio only.
[SISKO] Put it through.
[DUKAT (OC)] This is Gul Dukat of the cruiser Prakesh. We're under heavy
fire. Our shields are failing. I don't know how much longer we can hold
out. Send reinforcements immediately. I repeat, this is
[DAX] We're in visual range.
[SISKO] On screen. Maximum magnification.
[BASHIR] Two decades of peace with the Klingons, and it all comes down
to this.
[WORF] Orders, Captain?
[DAX] Benjamin, Dukat's ship isn't going to last much longer.
[SISKO] Arm quantum torpedoes, drop the cloak, and raise shields. We're
going in. Red alert. Doctor.
(Bashir leaves.)
[SISKO] Commander Worf, transmit a priority one signal to the Klingon
ship. Tell them to break off their attack and stand down immediately.
[WORF] Message sent. Captain, I find it highly unlikely that the
Klingons will heed your
[DAX] We've been fired upon by the lead bird of prey. Shields are
[SISKO] I see your point, Mister Worf. Let's show them what they're up
against. Attack pattern omega. Target their engines.
(One Klingon ship goes arse over tip.)
[WORF] Incoming message from the Cardassian ship.
[SISKO] Put it through.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] I must compliment you, Captain. You're nearly
Cardassian in your punctuality.
[DAX] Fire phasers.
[SISKO] Dukat, power up your engines and prepare to follow us back to DS
[DUKAT (on monitor)] An excellent suggestion, Captain, assuming we had
any engines left.
[SISKO] What's your status?
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Our engines are gone, our shields are down, and we
have no weapons to speak of.
[SISKO] Prepare to evacuate. We'll start to beam you over as soon as
[DUKAT (on monitor)] You'll have to drop your shields to use your
[SISKO] Let me worry about that. Sisko out.
(Bang! The weapons officer is down and Worf takes over.)
[WORF] Sir, restricting our fire to their engines has not proven
[SISKO] Very well. Target at your discretion.
[WORF] Aye, aye, sir.
[DAX] Dukat's ship is under fire. I don't know how much longer they can
hold out.
[WORF] Another Klingon ship has just decloaked. It's a Vor'cha class
attack cruiser.
[SISKO] Sisko to transporter bay. Stand by to beam aboard survivors.
[SISKO] Sisko to Bashir. Prepare to receive casualties. And Doctor, have
security standing by. I want our guests to undergo blood screenings.
[BASHIR (OC)] Understood.
[WORF] Blood screenings?
[SISKO] Just in case Martok was right.
[DAX] Benjamin, it's going to take at least two minutes to evacuate
Dukat's ship. Even with the Defiant's new armour, I don't think we can
last that long with our shields down.
[WORF] Sir, I have a suggestion.
(Defiant puts a tractor beam on an attacking ship.)
[DAX] You were right, Mister Worf. The modulated tractor beam's
deflecting some of the Klingons' disruptor fire.
[WORF] Disruptor's effectiveness at fifty percent.
[SISKO] Well done, Mister Worf. Lower shields. Sisko to transporter bay.
Begin emergency transports.
[CREWWOMAN (OC)] Transports underway.
(Big Bang.)
[DAX] The ablative armour is holding.
[WORF] Klingon ships are closing. Armour on the port side is losing
[SISKO] Transporter bay, what's our status?
(Transporter bay)
[DUKAT] Captain, this is Dukat. Almost half the
council members are still aboard my ship. We need at least another
[SISKO] Looks like we're going to find out just how
much of a pounding this ship can take.
[WORF] The Klingons have closed to point-blank range.
[DAX] Ablative armour has failed. We've got plasma leaks on decks two,
three and five, and we've lost our aft torpedo launchers.
[DUKAT (OC)] Dukat to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
(Transporter bay)
[DUKAT] The council members are aboard.
[SISKO] Raise shields. Activate the cloak.
[WORF] Shields up.
[DAX] I'm not getting any response from the cloaking device. It's not
[SISKO] Well, that should make the trip home a little more interesting.
Set a course for DS Nine. Maximum warp.
(Dukat's ship goes kaBOOM)
(Mess hall)
[DUKAT] Thank you, Doctor, but if you don't mind, I
would like to go to the bridge now.
[BASHIR] This will only take a minute. Your arm please.
[DUKAT] What is the meaning of this?
[BASHIR] Just a simple blood screening.
[DUKAT] I assure you, Doctor, I am not a changeling.
[BASHIR] Then you have nothing to worry about.
[DUKAT] I find this whole procedure offensive.
[BASHIR] And I find you offensive. Now hold out your arm, or I'll have a
security officer do it for you.
[DUKAT] Captain, would you kindly inform this
security guard that he does not have to monitor my every move? It makes
me feel unwelcome.
[DAX] Looks like I won, Benjamin. You owe me dinner.
[DUKAT] And what is that supposed to mean?
[DAX] Captain Sisko bet me that you would thank him for the rescue
before you started complaining.
[SISKO] I lost.
[DUKAT] Captain, are you aware that there's a Klingon on your bridge?
[SISKO] He's not the Klingon you should be worried about. Switch to aft
view, maximum magnification.
(The final Klingon ship is still chasing them.)
[DUKAT] I'd suggest you cloak immediately.
[WORF] We lost our cloaking device rescuing you.
[GARAK] Might I trouble you for a glass of kanar?
[QUARK] Help yourself. It's on the house.
[GARAK] How uncharacteristically generous of you.
[QUARK] I'm in an uncharacteristic mood. Besides, I've got eighty cases
of this stuff sitting in my stockroom. And the way things are going,
I'll never unload another bottle unless it's to you.
[GARAK] How thoughtless of me not to consider the effect the destruction
of my homeworld would have on your business. These must be trying times
for you. Be brave.
[QUARK] I should've listened to my cousin Gaila. He said to me, Quark,
I've got one word for you. Weapons. No one ever went broke selling
weapons. But did I take his advice? No. And why not? Because I'm a
people person. I like interacting with my customers. Like you and I are
doing right now. Talking to each other, getting to know one another
[GARAK] I can see the attraction for you.
[QUARK] But when you're dealing in weapons, buyers aren't interested in
casual conversation. They just want their merchandise, no questions
asked. It's so impersonal.
[GARAK] Your charms would be wasted.
[QUARK] Exactly. So now Gaila owns his own moon, and I'm staring into
the abyss. And the worst part is, my only hope for salvation is the
[GARAK] I know precisely how you feel.
[QUARK] I want you to try something for me.
(He pours a glass of foamy brown stuff.)
[QUARK] Take a sip of this.
[GARAK] What is it?
[QUARK] A human drink. It's called root beer.
[GARAK] I don't know.
[QUARK] Come on. Aren't you just a little bit curious?
(Garak sips)
[QUARK] What do you think?
[GARAK] It's vile.
[QUARK] I know. It's so bubbly and cloying and happy.
[GARAK] Just like the Federation.
[QUARK] But you know what's really frightening? If you drink enough of
it, you begin to like it.
[GARAK] It's insidious.
[QUARK] Just like the Federation.
[GARAK] Do you think they'll be able to save us?
[QUARK] I hope so.
[KIRA] Any luck?
[BRIEN] Not yet. Hold on. I'm picking up something on long-range
scanners. It's the Defiant.
[KIRA] They made it.
[BRIEN] Yeah, but they've got two Klingon ships on their tail. The
Captain's hailing us.
[KIRA] On screen.
[SISKO (on viewscreen)] Chief, our ETA is in five minutes. Are the new
systems online?
[BRIEN] Yes, sir.
[SISKO (on viewscreen)] I think we're going to need them.
[BRIEN] I wish we could've tested them first.
[SISKO (on viewscreen)] No time like the present.
[KIRA] Raise shields. Red alert.
(Alarms sound and the customers start to leave.)
[QUARK] Now what?
[GARAK] Well, I can't be sure, of course, but my guess would be
[QUARK] The Klingons! First it was the Cardassians, then it was the
Dominion, and now it's the Klingons. How's a Ferengi supposed to make
an honest living in a place like this?
[SISKO] Drop out of warp. Reverse thrusters at
maximum. Prepare for docking.
[DAX] Aye, sir.
[DUKAT] Well, it looks like the Klingons chased us all this way for
[WORF] That remains to be seen. Klingons do not give up easily.
[DUKAT] Two ships against the station? I don't think they'd risk it.
[DAX] It may not be much of a risk.
[DUKAT] Why do you say that?
[DAX] They've got friends.
(There's a whole fleet sitting out there.)
[SISKO] Status report, Major.
[KIRA] I'm detecting several dozen Klingon ships, including the
Negh'Var. They're in an attack formation.
[BRIEN] While you were gone, we spoke to Starfleet command. They sent
a relief force under Admiral Hastur.
[SISKO] When will they get here?
[BRIEN] Not soon enough.
[DAX] The Klingon ships have raised their shields and charged their
[WORF] What are your orders, Captain?
[SISKO] Battle stations.
(Bashir is briefing his medics.)
[BASHIR] The thing to remember is that the Klingons prefer to use their
knives and bat'leths in close combat. So if we get boarded, you can
expect severe lacerations, broken bones, and blunt force traumas. All I
can say is, keep calm, remember your training and do the best that you
can. Report to your posts.
[ODO] Doctor.
[BASHIR] Constable. What can I do for you?
[ODO] I just want you to know I'll be assigning a security team to the
Infirmary for your protection.
[BASHIR] Thanks, but I'd rather you didn't. I'm going to have wounded
people in here. The last thing I need is a team of deputies having a
firefight in my doorway.
[ODO] I understand. Just do me a favour. Don't count on that blue
uniform to protect you. In the heat of battle, Klingons aren't very
choosy about their targets. Doctor or no doctor, you might end up
having to defend yourself.
[BASHIR] Well, hopefully it won't come to that. But if it does, I
promise you I'll be ready.
[ODO] That's all I ask.
[BASHIR] And while we're on the subject, Constable. I'm sure there's
more than one Klingon who thinks that slaying a changeling would be
worthy of a song or two.
[ODO] Doctor, if a Klingon were to kill me, I'd expect nothing less than
an entire opera on the subject.
[BASHIR] Maybe. I just don't want to have to listen to it. Watch your
[ODO] Come on, Quark. Move along. You should be in
an emergency shelter by now.
[QUARK] I'm not going to any emergency shelter. This is my bar and I'm
going to defend it.
[ODO] Really? And how do you plan to do that?
[QUARK] With this.
[ODO] You're going to hit them with a box?
[QUARK] No, this is my disruptor pistol. The one I used to carry in the
old days when I was serving on that Ferengi freighter.
[ODO] I thought you were the ship's cook.
[QUARK] That's right, and every member of that crew thought he was a
food critic. If the Klingons try to get through these doors, I'll be
ready for them.
(Quark opens the box. There's a note inside which Odo takes and reads.)
[ODO] Dear Quark. I used parts of your disruptor to fix the replicators.
Will return them soon. Rom.
[QUARK] I will kill him.
[ODO] With what?
(The Promenade airlock is sealed and Security is stationed all around.)
(Dukat and two Starfleet are standing guard on a
door at the end.)
[DUKAT] That's close enough, Garak.
[GARAK] I wanted to make sure the council members were safe.
[DUKAT] Hoping, no doubt, that your concern would curry some political
[GARAK] Oh, and I take it your concern is motivated strictly by
[DUKAT] Oh, the council members are well aware of my patriotism and the
sacrifices I was willing to make in order to save them. Now, why don't
you go back to your tailor shop and sew something?
[GARAK] Because if the Klingons do invade this station, you just may
need my help.
(Garak has a disruptor.)
[GARAK] Who would've thought that the two of us would be fighting side
by side?
[DUKAT] Just remember when you fire that thing you're aiming it at a
[GARAK] I'll try to keep that in mind.
(Everyone is given a weapon.)
[DAX] We're receiving a transmission from General Martok.
[SISKO] Put him through.
[MARTOK (on viewscreen)] Captain, I demand you surrender the Cardassian
council members to us immediately.
[SISKO] They're not Founders, Martok. We tested them. You were wrong.
[GOWRON (on viewscreen)] It is of no consequence. All that matters is
that the Alpha Quadrant will be safer with the Klingon Empire in
control of Cardassia. Now, surrender the council members or we will
have no choice but to take them by force.
[SISKO] And risk an all-out war with the Federation?
[GOWRON (on viewscreen)] If a war starts here, the blame will be yours.
[SISKO] I doubt very much history will agree.
[GOWRON (on viewscreen)] History is written by the victors.
[MARTOK (on viewscreen)] Consider what you're doing, Captain. The lives
of everyone on your station are at risk.
[SISKO] I am aware of that. But maybe you're not aware of what you're
risking. We've had a year to prepare this station for a Dominion attack
and we're more than ready.
[GOWRON (on viewscreen)] You are like a toothless old grishnar cat,
trying to frighten us with your roar.
[SISKO] I can assure you, this old cat may not be as toothless as you
think. Right now, I've got five thousand photon torpedoes armed and
ready to launch. If you don't believe me, feel free to scan the
(Klingon Bridge)
[MARTOK] It's a trick. An illusion created by thoron
fields and duranium shadows.
[SISKO] It's no illusion.
[GOWRON (on viewscreen)] We shall see. Chech chew jaj-Vam jaj-kak!
[WORF] He said, today is a good day to die.
(And so it begins. Boom. Bang)
[SISKO] Target the lead ships. Ready even-numbered photon launchers.
[WORF] Aye, sir.
(Weapons turrets come out of the station, the rings and the pylons.)
[SISKO] Fire on my mark. Fire!
[SISKO] Ready odd numbered launchers. Fire!
[KIRA] They're still closing.
[SISKO] Ready phasers.
[WORF] Standing by.
[SISKO] Fire!
(KaBOOM, KaBOOM. Still the station shakes.)
[KIRA] Eight Klingon ships destroyed. Several heavily damaged.
[SISKO] Contact Gowron. Maybe we can put an end to this before it gets
any farther.
[DAX] They're not responding.
[WORF] They have given you your answer, Captain.
[SISKO] Weapons stations, fire at will.
(And more ships go kaBOOM!)
(Klingon Bridge)
[MARTOK] A klingon kaogh.
[GOWRON] Zo a klingon Hegh-lah. Yod-wee kaW. Tig mang rup.
[MARTOK] Jee yaJ. Duj-va, Yod wee kaW.
(Consoles start blowing up.)
[DAX] They've disabled two of our shield generators.
(A boarding party beams in and gets shot, then another. And a third.)
(Fights are breaking out all over the place with
the defenders having the upper hand for the most part. Odo is hand to
hand until Bashir shoots a second Klingon in the back.)
[ODO] Thank you, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Any time.
(Garak is using his disruptor while Dukat is having
to use a bat'leth.)
[GARAK] I find this hand-to-hand combat really quite distasteful.
[DUKAT] I suppose you prefer the simplicity of an interrogation chamber.
[GARAK] You have to admit, it's much more civilised.
(More fighting. Kira is honourably stabbed in the
back but still manages to disarm her attacker before collapsing. Worf
saves O'Brien when he is down. Sisko and Dax are proving expert with
bat'leths too. Then there are no more to fight.)
[SISKO] Mister O'Brien?
[BRIEN] Yeah.
[SISKO] Get those shields back online. Major?
[KIRA] I'll be okay. It's not as bad as it looks.
[SISKO] Sisko to Odo.
[ODO (OC)] Odo here.
[SISKO] Status report.
[ODO (OC)] We have Klingon troops on the Promenade
[ODO] The habitat ring, and lower pylon three. They
seem to be contained for the moment, but I can't guarantee it'll stay
[ODO (OC)] That way.
[SISKO] Keep me informed.
[WORF] There is another wave of Klingon ships coming in.
[BRIEN] I've got the shields back up, but I don't know how long
they'll hold.
[DAX] I'm reading a cluster of warp signatures approaching, bearing one
eight seven mark zero two five. It's Starfleet, Benjamin. Six
starships, led by the Venture. They'll be here in fifteen minutes.
[SISKO] Contact the Negh'Var again. Maybe now Gowron will be in the mood
to talk.
[DAX] I've got him.
[GOWRON (on viewscreen)] Captain, your shields have been weakened, your
station boarded, and more Klingon ships are on their way. Surrender
while you can.
[SISKO] I don't think so. My shields are holding, your boarding parties
are contained, and my reinforcements are closer than yours. You're
facing a war on two fronts. Is that what you really want?
[WORF] The Empire is not strong enough to fight the Federation and the
Cardassians. End this now, Gowron, before you lead the Empire to its
worst defeat in history.
[MARTOK (on viewscreen)] We will not surrender!
[SISKO] This is exactly what the Founders want. Klingon against
Cardassian, Federation against Klingon. The more we fight each other,
the weaker we'll get, and the less chance we have against the Dominion.
[WORF] Consider what you do here, Gowron. Kahless himself said,
destroying an Empire to win a war is no victory.
(Klingon Bridge)
[GOWRON] And ending a battle to save an Empire is no
[MARTOK] We can still win!
[SISKO (on viewscreen)] Not before those starships get here. Now, what
do I tell them? To stand down or to come in firing?
[GOWRON] It is we who shall stand down.
[MARTOK] Ach Gowron, yay chol.
[GOWRON] Enough. Cease fire. Order our ships in Cardassian territory to
halt their advance. I do not intend to hand victory to the Dominion.
But let your
[GOWRON (on viewscreen)] People know, the Klingon
Empire will remember what has happened here. You have sided against us
in battle, and this we do not forgive or forget.
(Transmission ends)
[DAX] The Klingon ships have powered down their weapons.
[BRIEN] It's over.
[WORF] For now.
Captain's log, stardate 49011.4. Gowron has
returned to the Klingon home world and his task force has withdrawn
from Bajoran space. I don't know if I can fully express the pride I
felt at seeing how well Deep Space Nine and it's crew weathered this
latest crisis. While the station suffered heavy damage during the
Klingon attack, repairs are well ahead of schedule and life on the
station is beginning to return to normal, leaving me with one final
piece of unfinished business.
(Morn is the first customer back in Quark's before
the doors are fully open.)
(Worf's quarters)
(Worf is packing his uniform.)
[WORF] Enter.
[SISKO] I brought your discharge papers. I thought you might want to
take a look at them before I send them off to Starfleet.
[WORF] Thank you, sir.
[SISKO] I understand you're headed for the Nyberrite Alliance.
[WORF] Yes. I leave this afternoon.
[SISKO] For me, it was a job on Earth, directing construction of orbital
[WORF] Why did you change your mind?
[SISKO] I finally realised that it wasn't Starfleet I wanted to get away
from. I was trying to escape the pain I felt after my wife's death. I
thought I could take the uniform, wrap it around that pain and toss
them both away. But it doesn't work like that. Running may help for a
little while, but sooner or later the pain catches up with you, and the
only way to get rid of it is to stand your ground and face it.
[WORF] But wearing that uniform must remind you of what you have lost.
[SISKO] Sometimes. But it also reminds me of what I've gained, and who I
am. Oh, I can throw away the uniform, resign my commission, run all the
way to the Nyberrite Alliance, but it really wouldn't matter. A
Starfleet officer. That's what I am, and that's what I'll always be.
[WORF] And you think that is true of me as well.
[SISKO] What's important, Mister Worf, is what you think.
[WORF] I think Starfleet has been my home for many years. Perhaps it
still is.
[SISKO] There are starships out there that are in need of good officers.
In fact, the captain of the Venture is a friend of mine. If you'd like,
I can talk to him, see if he has an opening for a lieutenant commander.
[WORF] Perhaps that will not be necessary.
(Worf enters in red shouldered DS9 uniform and his
[WORF] Lieutenant Commander Worf reporting for duty.
[SISKO] Well, you all know our new strategic operations officer.
[ODO] Commander.
[WORF] Thank you. Thank you.
[BRIEN] Congratulations.
[SISKO] Assume your post, Mister Worf.
[WORF] Yes, sir.
[BRIEN] You look good in red.
[WORF] It feels good. But I have a lot to learn about Command.
[BRIEN] Well, you couldn't ask for a better teacher.
[SISKO] Now that everyone is here, I wanted you to know I've spoken to
Dukat and several members of the Detapa Council. They've returned to
Cardassia Prime without incident and wanted me to convey to you their
personal thanks.
[KIRA] Who'd have thought I'd help save the Cardassian government?
[ODO] Don't worry. I'm sure Dukat will take all the credit.
[BASHIR] Poor Garak. Dukat's a hero, and Garak's still stuck in his
tailor shop hemming trousers.
[DAX] Captain, I'm receiving a priority one message from Starfleet
Intelligence. The Klingons are refusing to give up several of the
Cardassian colonies they seized during the invasion. They're fortifying
their positions and deploying orbital defence systems.
[KIRA] Looks like the Klingons are here to stay.
[SISKO] Maybe they are. But so are we. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e71", "title": "The Way of the Warrior"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Visitor
Original Airdate: 9 Oct, 1995
(It is dark and stormy in the bayou, and the camera
is looking around the room. There is a picture of Ben and Jake Sisko in
a frame, a baseball on a stand. A hand reaches into a box, takes out a
hypo and Tony Todd gives himself an
injection. The doorbell rings. There's a soaking wet young woman
[JAKE SR] May I help you?
[MELANIE] I'm sorry to bother you. I just er been
[JAKE SR] You're hurt.
[MELANIE] Yeah, I must have scraped myself on a branch.
[JAKE SR] That's what happens when you go tromping around the bayou in
the middle of the night. Come, warm yourself up by the fire. Now, I
have a first aid kit around here somewhere. Where is it? So, what are
you doing out here, anyway?
[MELANIE] I'm a writer. At least, I want to be. And the truth is I was
looking for you.
[MELANIE] You are Jake Sisko the writer?
[JAKE SR] Yes.
[MELANIE] I can't believe I'm really here talking to you. You are my
favourite author of all time.
[JAKE SR] You should read more.
[MELANIE] I mean it. Your books, they're so insightful.
[JAKE SR] I'm glad you like them.
(He regenerates the graze away)
[JAKE SR] There. Good as new.
[MELANIE] Thank you.
[JAKE SR] I didn't realise people still read my books.
[MELANIE] Of course they do. A friend recommended Anslem to me and I
read it straight through twice in one night.
[JAKE SR] Twice in one night?
[MELANIE] It made me want to read everything you'd ever written, but
when I looked, all I could find was your Collected Stories. I couldn't
believe it. I'd finally found someone whose writing I really admired,
and he'd only published two books.
[JAKE SR] Not much to show for a life's work, is it? I'm going to go get
us some tea.
[MELANIE] I savoured those stories. I read them slowly, one each day,
and when I was done I wished I hadn't read them at all. So I could read
them again like it was the first time.
[JAKE SR] There's only one first time for everything, isn't there? And
only one last time too. You think about that such things when you get
to be my age. That today might be the last time you sit in your
favourite chair, or watch the rain fall, or enjoy a cup of tea by a
warm fire.
[MELANIE] Can I ask you something?
[JAKE SR] Of course.
[MELANIE] Why did you stop writing?
[JAKE SR] I lost my favourite pen and I couldn't get any work done
without it.
[MELANIE] You're joking. You weren't even forty when you stopped
writing. I've never understood why you gave it up.
[JAKE SR] It's a long story.
[MELANIE] I have time. Tell me. Please.
[JAKE SR] If you had shown up yesterday or the day before, or a week
ago, I would have said no and sent you on your way. But here you are,
today of all days, and somehow it seems like the right time for me to
finally tell this story. It begins many years ago. I was eighteen and
the worst thing that could happen to a young man happened to me. My
father died. We were very close, my father and I, partly because we'd
lost my mother several years earlier.
[MELANIE] I know. I read a biography about you. It said that you stopped
writing so you could conduct scientific research?
[JAKE SR] It's not quite that simple. You see, just before my father
died, I was working on a short story. I don't remember what it was
about but I do know that I was taking it very seriously. I worked on it
night and day for weeks, and I wasn't making any headway and it was
making me miserable. I suppose my father saw that I needed a break.
(Jake's room)
(Jake is reading file 4747 on his PADD - The
Commodore by C S Forster.)
[JAKE SR (OC)] Because he insisted I come with him to the Gamma Quadrant
to watch the wormhole undergo what they call a subspace inversion.
[SISKO] Jake-o, let's go.
[JAKE SR (OC)] Of course what he didn't realise was that I could hide
away on the Defiant just as easily as I could on the station.
(Jake's cabin)
[JAKE] Yeah.
[SISKO] Jake, this only happens once every fifty years. You will never
forgive yourself if you miss it.
[JAKE] Yeah, I'll be right there.
[SISKO] That's what you said ten minutes ago.
[JAKE] I just want to get this last paragraph right.
[SISKO] I thought you were going to put that aside for a while.
[JAKE] I tried, but it's all I can think about.
[SISKO] Well, I'm no writer, but if I were, it seems to me I'd want to
poke my head up once in a while and take a look around, see what's
going on. It's life, Jake. You can miss it if you don't open your eyes.
Now, what do you say you come up to the bridge with me and we'll watch
the wormhole do its thing, and then I'll read what you've got and we'll
talk about it. Deal?
[JAKE] Deal.
(Tilt, red alert)
[SISKO] Sisko to Bridge.
[SISKO (OC)] What happened?
[DAX] The wormhole's gravimetric field is surging.
[SISKO (OC)] Pull us to a safe distance.
[DAX] I'm on it, Benjamin, but we've got another problem. The power
output from the warp core just jumped off the scale.
(Jake's cabin)
[SISKO] Sisko to Engineering. Engineering, report.
Dax, I'm going to find out what's happening down there. Stay here,
[JAKE SR (OC)] Most of the time, I knew enough to do what my father told
me. But that day, for some reason, I didn't.
(Engine room)
[SISKO] Sisko to Sickbay, I need a medical team down
here right away.
[DAX (OC)] Dax to Sisko.
[DAX] The warp coils are locked into a feedback
loop. You've got to realign them or the core's going to blow.
(Engine room)
[SISKO] I'm on it. (spots his son) Jake, I need an
interphasic compensator.
[COMPUTER] Warning. Warp core breach in forty seconds.
[SISKO] Dax, better stand by to eject the core.
[DAX (OC)] We can't.
[DAX] The ejection system's offline.
(Engine room)
(Jake is frantically going through boxes.)
[SISKO] Jake, where's that compensator?
[JAKE] It's not here.
[COMPUTER] Warning. Warp core breach in thirty seconds.
(Jake finds the tool in the hand of an unconscious engineer)
[JAKE] Got it.
[SISKO] I'm going to try shunting the excess power out through the
deflector array.
[COMPUTER] Warning. Warp core breach in twenty seconds.
[SISKO] Just a little more. There.
(Sisko takes the compensator off and hands it to Jake. As they are both
holding it, a shock knocks Jake down, energy wraps around Sisko and he
[JAKE] No!
[JAKE SR] He was gone.
[MELANIE] I'm not sure I could ever get over losing somebody like that,
right in front of my eyes.
[JAKE SR] People do. Time passes, they realise that the person they lost
is really gone, and they heal.
[MELANIE] Is that what happened to you?
[JAKE SR] No. I suppose not. There was a memorial service aboard the
(All the levels are crowded)
[JAKE SR (OC)] People came forward and talked about my father, what they
remembered most about him why and they would miss him.
[KIRA] Benjamin Sisko was more than my commanding officer. He was the
Emissary to my people, sent by the Prophets. But most importantly, he
was my friend.
[JAKE SR (OC)] I didn't step forward. I couldn't. I felt that no matter
what I said about him, I'd be leaving so much more out and that didn't
seem right.
(Sisko's quarters)
[JAKE SR (OC)] I'd never felt more alone in all my
life. Everyone went out of their way to look after me, especially Dax.
She was my father's closest friend, and I guess she felt responsible
for me.
[JAKE SR (OC)] After a few months things started
returning to normal, for everyone else, that is.
[NOG] Jake, I'm almost done. We have holosuite three for half an hour.
[JAKE] Great.
[QUARK] Nog, get down to the storeroom and bring up five kegs of
Takarian mead.
[NOG] Yes, Uncle. Sorry, looks like we're going to lose our holosuite
[QUARK] You know, Nog, things seem to be slowing down a bit. I'll get
someone else to bring up those kegs. You and Jake go and have some fun.
[NOG] Are you sure?
[QUARK] Go, now, before I change my mind.
[NOG] Next time we go ion surfing, remind me to keep
clear of those whip curls.
[JAKE] I don't know if I really want to try it again.
[NOG] You know, Jake I'm going to be gone soon. We probably won't see
each other for a while.
[JAKE] I know.
[NOG] So, what are your plans?
[JAKE] Well, I was thinking about taking that deferred admission and
going to Pennington in the fall.
[NOG] That'd be great. We'd both be on Earth together.
[JAKE] But maybe I'll just stick around here. I don't know. I haven't
decided yet. It's late. I think I'll turn in.
[NOG] Okay.
(Jake's bedroom)
(Jake is tossing and turning when there's a blue
light. Jake wakes up to see - Sisko lying against a chair.)
[SISKO] Jake?
[JAKE] Dad?
[SISKO] What happened?
(Sisko disappears again)
[JAKE SR] I told Dax about what had happened. How it
felt so real, not like a dream at all and she very kindly obliged me
and did a very thorough scan of my room. I felt vaguely ridiculous,
like a child insisting his parents check under his bed for monsters.
She tried to tell me it was probably just a nightmare and I did my best
to put the entire episode out of my mind. I puttered around the station
for the next eight or nine months. Nog was off at Starfleet. My stories
stubbornly refused to write themselves. I filled my time playing
dom-jot and tried not to think about how alone I felt. Dax and the
others were worried about me.
[JAKE SR (OC)] But before long, they had bigger
things to worry about. Tensions with the Klingons were continuing to
rise. My father was a kind of religious figure to the Bajoran people,
and when he died they took it as a sign from the Prophets that the
Federation wouldn't be able to protect them from the Klingons.
Eventually Bajor entered into a mutual defence pact with the
Cardassians, and the Klingons didn't like that at all. The station's
civilian population was leaving en masse. They knew that if war broke
out against the Klingons, Deep Space Nine was going to be on the front
(Promenade - upper level)
[KIRA] Jake, where are you going ?
[JAKE] I thought I'd watch the ships leave from one of the upper pylons.
[WORF] You should be on one of those ships.
[JAKE] I don't have to go, do I?
[KIRA] No. It's a voluntary resettlement, not an evacuation.
[WORF] But it would be prudent that you leave at this time.
[JAKE SR (OC)] I suppose I wasn't feeling very prudent that day, because
I ignored their advice.
(Upper pylon)
[KIRA] Jake. I wanted to talk to you about
something. I spoke with your grandfather and he told me that he asked
you to go live with him. Even if this sector weren't on the brink of
war, I would like to see you leave the station.
[JAKE] I'm not going anywhere.
[KIRA] Oh, Jake. I could order you to go if I wanted to.
[JAKE] Please don't make me leave. Not yet. This is my home. When my Dad
and I came here this place was just an abandoned shell. He turned it
into something. Everywhere I look it's like I see a part of him. If I
leave I won't have anything left of him.
[KIRA] All right. You stay a while longer if you want to. But you have
to promise me when the time comes and I tell you to go, you'll do it.
(A blue light flickers back round the corner. Sisko
is there.)
[JAKE] Dad?
[JAKE SR (OC)] It wasn't until I actually touched him that I knew this
wasn't a dream.
(Sisko is on a biobed)
[JAKE SR (OC)] But something was wrong. I didn't understand everything
they were saying, but Dax and the others seemed to think that the
accident had somehow knocked my father's temporal signature out of
[DAX] Benjamin, what's the last thing you remember?
[SISKO] I was in Engineering on the Defiant. It feels like a few minutes
[JAKE] Dad, it's been over a year since the accident.
[SISKO] A year? How could that be?
[BRIEN] We think the warp core discharge pulled you into subspace. If
we're right, that would explain why you didn't experience the passage
of time.
[BASHIR] According to these readings, unless we can realign your
temporal signature, you'll be pulled back into subspace again within
the next few minutes.
[BRIEN] Maybe we can set up some sort of containment field.
[DAX] We're going to have to reconfigure the field parameters.
[SISKO] Jake, they'll have me fixed up in no time. How are you doing?
(Jake nearly bursts into tears.)
[SISKO] It's all right. Everything's going to be all right.
[JAKE] I thought it was a dream.
[SISKO] What was?
[JAKE] When I saw you in my quarters I should have felt you were alive.
I should have known it.
[SISKO] It's not your fault, Jake. I'm here now. That's what matters.
(Sisko fades out and back.)
[DAX] We're losing him.
[SISKO] Look at me. I need to know you're going to be all right.
[BRIEN] His temporal signature is fluctuating.
[BASHIR] I need that containment field now, Chief.
[BRIEN] Right away. Field active.
(Sisko flickers again. Dax holds Jake back.)
[BASHIR] It's not working.
[SISKO] Jake.
[JAKE] Dad!
[BRIEN] I'm going to try locking onto him with the transporter beam.
[JAKE] Don't leave me.
(But he does)
[JAKE] Don't leave me.
[JAKE SR] I didn't think anything could be worse
than losing him that first time on the Defiant, until I was standing
there staring down at his empty bed, knowing he was alive yet trapped
somewhere that existed outside of time.
[MELANIE] I can't imagine what that must have been like for you.
(Jake struggles to breath.)
[MELANIE] Can I get you something?
[JAKE SR] No, nothing.
[MELANIE] Telling me all this is hard for you. Maybe I should come back
some other time?
[JAKE SR] No. There won't be any another time. You see, I'm dying. You
must understand, when person my age says he's dying, he's only
admitting to the inevitable. Besides, we old people need to remind
everyone to pay special attention to us.
[MELANIE] If that's what you're up to you shouldn't have bothered. You
have my attention already.
[JAKE SR] You're a good listener. That's important in a writer.
[MELANIE] I'm not a writer yet.
[JAKE SR] Sound like you're waiting for something to happen that's going
to turn you into one.
[MELANIE] I'm not waiting. I'm doing a lot of reading. You know, to see
how it's done. And I'm still trying to figure out what it is I want to
write about.
[JAKE SR] I see.
[MELANIE] So what happened? With your father, I mean. Did you ever see
him again?
[JAKE SR] For the next few months Dax and O'Brien tried to find a way to
locate him. They even considered recreating the accident, but that was
impossible since the wormhole wasn't going to undergo an inversion for
decades. Eventually the situation with the Klingons came to a head, and
the Federation decided to turn over control of the station to the
Klingon Empire.
[JAKE SR (OC)] There was nothing I could do. I had
to leave my home of five years
and give up whatever hope there was of seeing my father again.
[MELANIE] Did the Klingons ever contact Starfleet to
say that your father had reappeared?
[JAKE SR] No. I was left with no choice but to try to get on with my
life. I went to Earth, drifted around and eventually ended up studying
writing at the Pennington school. After graduation, I settled here in
Louisiana so I could be near my grandfather. He had a restaurant in the
French Quarter, you know.
[MELANIE] I've been there. It's still called Sisko's. And on the wall
there's a copy of the letter your publisher sent you when he accepted
your first novel.
[JAKE SR] Grandpa was always showing off his famous grandson. He was
just as proud of me as my father would've been.
[MELANIE] You wrote Anslem in this house, didn't you?
[JAKE SR] At that desk, right over there. It came out to generally
favourable reviews, and little by little I began to think less and less
about the past. After a while I met a woman, fell in love, we got
married, and for a while this house was a happy one.
[KORENA (OC)] I'm back.
(Not quite as far in the future. Korena is an artist and Nog is in red
TNG uniform and Tony is out of the age makeup.)
[KORENA] Nog. I didn't realise you were here already. I was trying to
finish a painting before the light changed and I guess the time got
away from me.
[NOG] It's good to see you.
[KORENA] You too. Did you start the grill?
[NOG] What are we having?
[KORENA] Blackened redfish fresh from the bayou.
[NOG] Fish? When these woods are crawling with perfectly good slugs?
[KORENA] I suppose you're going to ask me to chew your food for you?
[NOG] I have to admit I've been more popular with women since I stopped
asking them to do that.
[JAKE SR] I tried to tell you that twenty years ago.
[NOG] I'm a slow learner.
[KORENA] I'm going to get some champagne.
[JAKE SR] I'm glad you're here, Nog.
[KORENA] I see you've got another pip on your collar. You keep that up
you're going to make captain by the time you're forty.
[JAKE SR] Last time we talked you mentioned you might be heading to the
Bajoran Sector.
[NOG] The Klingons agreed to let Starfleet send an expedition through
the wormhole. They said it was in the spirit of scientific exchange,
but I think they were happy to have us test the waters in the Gamma
Quadrant after all these years. Find out how the Dominion would react
to ships coming through.
[JAKE SR] Did you see the station?
[NOG] I'm sorry to say it's looking a little run down these days. But
you'll never guess who's still there.
[JAKE SR] Not your father?
[NOG] No, no. He and my Uncle left years ago. Quark finally got that
little moon he was always talking about, and my father, as usual, is
making sure it doesn't fall out of orbit. But Morn is still there,
running the bar!
[JAKE SR] Talking his customers' ears off and drinking himself out of
business, I'll bet.
[KORENA] Well, why don't we get to the point of today's little
[NOG] To my dear friend Jake Sisko, winner of this year's Betar prize
for his Collected Stories. May the years continue to be good to you,
may your muse continue to inspire you, and may someone make a
holoprogram out of one of your stories so you can start raking in the
(A tea cup smashes and we're back to the future again. Jake's breathing
is getting more difficult.)
[MELANIE] Are you all right? Do you want me to call a doctor?
[JAKE SR] No. I'll be fine.
[MELANIE] You should rest.
[JAKE SR] No. You came a long way to find out why I had stopped writing
and you deserve an answer.
(Back to the near future again)
[JAKE SR (OC)] Later that night, after Nog had left, I stayed up
working. My new novel was going well, and when it's going well you
don't want to stop.
[KORENA] Coming to bed?
[JAKE SR] I'm not tired.
[KORENA] (taking the pen from his hand.) Neither am I.
[JAKE SR] You know, I wanted to ask you something. How would you feel
about designing the cover to my new book?
[KORENA] Do you mean it?
(There's a blue light.)
[KORENA] What was that?
(Sisko is lying behind the couch.)
[SISKO] Jake?
(After the break)
[JAKE SR] Did you get through?
[KORENA] I talked to someone at Starfleet Science. They're going to get
a team here as soon as they can.
[JAKE SR] This is Korena, my wife.
[SISKO] Your wife?
[KORENA] I never thought I'd have the pleasure of meeting you.
[SISKO] The pleasure is mine. How long have you two been married?
[JAKE SR] Seven years.
[SISKO] Do I have any grandchildren?
[JAKE SR] Not yet.
[KORENA] We were married in New Orleans, in your father's restaurant.
[JAKE SR] He insisted. Just about everyone came. Dax, Kira, O'Brien.
[SISKO] That must've been something.
[JAKE SR] I got to go call Starfleet.
[SISKO] Whoa. They'll get here as soon as they can. Talk to me. I've
missed so much. Let's not waste what little time we have.
[KORENA] I have a feeling you might want to see these. They're Jake's.
(Korena takes two books from a shelf - Anselm and Collected Stories.)
[SISKO] You did it. I always knew you would.
(Jake is crying.)
[SISKO] Oh, Jake.
(Korena leaves them alone.)
[JAKE SR] I'm sorry.
[SISKO] What for?
[JAKE SR] For giving up on you.
[SISKO] No one could be expected to hold out hope for this long.
[JAKE SR] I should have just kept trying to find you. I just went on
with my life.
[SISKO] And I'm proud of what you've accomplished.
[JAKE SR] None of it matters now that I know you're still out there,
lost somewhere.
[SISKO] Of course it matters. You have a wife, a career. And don't think
because I'm not around much that I don't want grandchildren.
(Blue flicker and fast forward)
[JAKE SR] Within a few seconds, he was gone again.
[MELANIE] I don't know what to say.
[JAKE SR] You don't need to say anything. Just listen, because there
isn't much time and there's so much more for me to tell you. I
consulted with Dax and we realised that the accident must have created
some sort of subspace link between my father and myself.
[MELANIE] That's why he always appeared somewhere near you even if you
were hundreds of light years away from where the accident happened.
[JAKE SR] We also realised that there was a pattern to his appearances.
They were governed by fluctuations in the wormhole's subspace field.
Dax's calculations also showed that the next time he appeared, I'd be
an old man. And so I decided to put aside my novel and try to find a
way to help him. At the age of thirty seven, I went back to school and
started studying subspace mechanics. At first, Korena was very patient.
She supported what I was trying to do. But I got so caught up in my
work I didn't notice I was losing her. By the time I became a graduate
student, we were no longer living together. By the time I had entered
my doctoral programme, it was over between us. But I pressed on with
what I was doing, and one day, years later, it hit me. I figured out a
way to recreate the accident. It had been almost fifty years, and the
wormhole would soon be undergoing another inversion. There was only one
other thing I needed.
[JAKE SR (OC)] The Defiant. Nog was a Captain by
then, and he helped me round up the old crew and get the ship pulled
out of mothballs. Worf threw his weight around with the Klingon High
Council, and they gave us permission to enter the Bajoran system.
(Everyone is in Future uniform as seen in All Good Things, and plenty
of wrinkle
[NOG] Take us out of warp.
[DAX] I think I remember how to do that.
[BASHIR] I haven't worked a two-dimensional control panel in a long
time. How did we manage?
[DAX] We always seemed to muddle through somehow.
[NOG] Look.
(DS9 floats onto the viewscreen)
[BASHIR] Maybe after we've got Captain Sisko back, we can all stop by
Morn's for a drink for old time's sake.
(Engine room)
[JAKE SR (OC)] I'd designed a subspace flux isolator
and we set it up in Engineering.
[JAKE SR] Are you ready over there, Dax?
[DAX] As ready as I'll ever be, considering the replicators were just
about the only things still working when we came aboard.
[BASHIR] It's a lucky thing too. Dax isn't any good to anybody these
days without a cup of coffee in her hand.
[DAX] It's the only thing that's kept me awake while you prattled on
about your latest paper, or your new backhand, or your kid's science
[NOG] We're picking up temporal distortions in the subspace field.
[JAKE SR] The wormhole's beginning to invert.
[NOG] According to our readings, it's going to kick out a gravimetric
wave like the one that almost destroyed the Defiant last time.
[JAKE SR] Don't worry. I've modulated the shields to channel the wave's
energy into this apparatus.
[DAX] Once subspace begins to fragment, we'll try to locate the captain.
[BASHIR] Since the accident created a subspace link between him and
Jake, there'll be a path of bread crumbs to follow.
[NOG] I'd better get back to the bridge. Good luck.
[JAKE SR (OC)] The wormhole wouldn't undergo another inversion for
decades, so this was my only chance.
[DAX] Subspace field fragmentation is beginning.
[BASHIR] It's working.
(Jake's device is making a hole in the air.)
[DAX] I think I've got the captain's signature.
(Sisko's faint image appears.)
[DAX] Something's happening. I'm losing him.
(Jake becomes faint too)
[BASHIR] We're losing them both. They're being pulled into subspace.
(Sisko and Jake go into)
[SISKO] Jake. How long has it been?
[JAKE SR] Fourteen years. What is this place?
[SISKO] I don't know
[JAKE SR] We could be inside some sort of subspace fragment. Sisko to
Dax. Can you read me? I brought the Defiant back to the wormhole. We're
trying to rescue you. Dax, if you can hear me, try to lock onto my
[SISKO] Look at you. You're older than I am.
[JAKE SR] Damn it. Why can't they lock on to us?
[SISKO] Jake, they're doing the best they can. There's nothing we can do
from here. It's been so long. I need to know what I've missed. What
about those grandchildren we talked about?
[JAKE SR] Korena and I, we're no longer together. She left me.
[SISKO] I'm sorry.
[JAKE SR] I shouldn't have let her go, but there was so much I had to
do. This has taken years of planning.
[SISKO] What about your writing?
[JAKE SR] Dax, try boosting the carrier amplitude. Maybe you can
[SISKO] Jake, what's happened to you?
[JAKE SR] This is the last chance I'm ever going to have to help you.
(Jake flickers)
[SISKO] Jake, it's over. It's not going to work.
[JAKE SR] It has to.
[SISKO] Let go, Jake. If not for yourself, then for me. You still have
time to make a better life for yourself. Promise me you'll do that.
Promise me!
(Engine room)
(And Jake comes back alone, crying. Dax goes to
comfort him.)
(The sun is out, the rain has stopped and the birds
are singing.)
[JAKE SR] I want you to see something. Go over to my desk. Go ahead.
(There's a pile of paper with a pen on top)
[JAKE SR] It's a collection of new stories. I decided to honour my
father's request and try to rebuild my life. Writing these stories was
the best way I knew to do that. I'd like you to have a copy. Let me get
you one.
[MELANIE] Can I have these instead?
[JAKE SR] Well, if you'd like, but those have handwritten notes all over
[MELANIE] I know. I want to study them so I can see the changes you
[JAKE SR] Because you want to be a writer someday.
[MELANIE] Can I ask why you haven't published these?
[JAKE SR] Well, I was tinkering with the last story just this morning.
Besides, if you publish posthumously no body can ask you for rewrites.
I was hoping to finish another two stories, but there isn't enough
[MELANIE] You keep on saying there's no more time.
[JAKE SR] You see, Melanie, after the last attempt to rescue my father
failed, I spent months trying to figure out what went wrong.
Eventually, I came to understand the nature of what was happening to
him. It was as if he was frozen in time at the moment of the accident,
and the link between us was like an elastic cord. Every so often the
cord would go taut enough to yank him forward into my time. But only
for a few minutes. I realised that if my motion through time came to a
stop, the cord would go slack and he'd be lost in subspace forever. But
if I could cut the cord when the link was at its strongest, while we
were together, he'd return to the moment of the accident.
[MELANIE] Your father's coming here, isn't he? Soon.
[JAKE SR] Yes.
[MELANIE] You're going to cut the cord, aren't you?
[JAKE SR] I want you to promise me something.
[MELANIE] Anything.
[JAKE SR] While you're studying my stories, poke your head up every once
in a while. Take a look around. See what's going on. It's life,
[MELANIE] And you can miss it if you don't open your eyes.
(Jake sits down.)
[MELANIE] Thank you. For everything.
[JAKE SR] It was a pleasure meeting you, young lady.
(Melanie gathers up her things and leaves. Jake gets up, takes a
manuscript from a shelf and the baseball from it's stand, and sits
again. He dozes until)
[SISKO] Jake.
[JAKE SR] I've been expecting you.
[SISKO] I'm glad to see you're still in this house. You seemed happy
here. And this. I can't tell you how good it makes me feel you got back
to writing.
(Jake wheezes.)
[SISKO] Jake, what is it?
[JAKE SR] Read at the dedication.
[SISKO] To my father, who's coming home. Thank you, but I don't
[JAKE SR] It was me. It was me all along. I've been dragging you through
time like an anchor and now it's time to cut you loose.
[SISKO] Jake, what are you saying?
(Jake looks over at the desk. Sisko goes and picks up the hypo.)
[JAKE SR] It won't be long now.
[SISKO] Jake! No!
[JAKE SR] When I die, you'll go back to where this all began. Just
remember to dodge the energy discharge from the warp core.
[SISKO] Jake, you could still have so many years left.
[JAKE SR] No. We have to be together when I die.
[SISKO] Jake, you didn't have to do this. Not for me.
[JAKE SR] For you and for the boy that I was. He needs you more than you
know. Don't you see? We're going to get a second chance.
[SISKO] Jake. My sweet boy.
(Engine room)
(Sisko is about to take the tool out of the device.
Instead, he dives to the side taking Jake with him. The discharge hits
the wall.)
[SISKO] You okay?
[JAKE] How'd you know that was coming?
[SISKO] I guess we were just lucky this time.
[JAKE] You okay, Dad?
[SISKO] I am now, Jake. I am now. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e72", "title": "The Visitor"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Hippocratic Oath
Original Airdate: 16 Oct, 1995
(Worf is comparing a customer file 4747 on his PADD
- a wanted notice.)
[QUARK] That is the worst mugshot I've ever seen. I've never understood
why law enforcement agencies don't keep better visual records. You'd
think they'd be concerned about little things like making an accurate
[WORF] This picture is accurate enough to establish that your customer
is Regana Tosh, who is known to be associated with a Markalian
smuggling operation.
[QUARK] Really? Well, everyone is welcome at Quark's. I don't
discriminate. Just like Starfleet. They have a non-discrimination
policy too, don't they, Commander? I guess we have something in common.
[KIRA] You have more in common with a Rakonian swamp rat, Quark.
[QUARK] Major. Always a delight to see you here. What can I get for you?
[KIRA] Tarkalean tea. But not too sweet this time. Catching up on some
[WORF] Not exactly. That man arrived on the station this afternoon and
came directly here. I believe the Ferengi bartender is plotting
something with him.
[KIRA] I wouldn't be surprised. Quark's always up to something.
[WORF] If he is a known criminal, why does your security chief not do
anything about him?
[KIRA] Odo keeps him in check.
[WORF] Yes. But not in prison.
Medical Officer's log, stardate 49066.5 Chief
O'Brien and I have concluded our bio-survey of Merik Three in the Gamma
Quadrant. We're on course back to the wormhole and should arrive at the
station two days ahead of schedule.
(Runabout Rubicon)
[BRIEN] Keiko only spends a few days at a time on
the station. I'm the one living in those quarters, and if I want to set
up a little workshop in the bedroom
[BASHIR] You set up a workshop in the bedroom?
[BRIEN] Yeah. I don't use it when she's visiting.
[BASHIR] Of course not.
O'BRIEN She says I'm trying to live like a bachelor again, that I'm
expressing a subconscious desire to push her out of our quarters.
[BASHIR] Now that is ridiculous.
[BRIEN] That's what I said.
[BASHIR] I mean, if anything, by spending your free time in the bedroom,
a place you intimately associate with Keiko, you are actually
expressing a desire to be closer to her during her absence. It's quite
touching, really.
[BRIEN] Exactly. Exactly. See, you understand. Now, why can't she see
that? Why can't she be more like
[BASHIR] More like?
[BRIEN] Well, a man. More like a man.
[BASHIR] So you wish Keiko was a man?
[BRIEN] I wish I was on this trip with someone else, that's what I
[BRIEN] We're picking up a subspace magneton pulse, bearing zero nine
zero mark one one five. The Bopak system.
[BASHIR] What's a magneton pulse?
[BRIEN] It's a burst of polarised magnetic energy. It's usually
produced by a damaged warp core.
[BASHIR] So there could be a ship in trouble?
[BRIEN] Possibly. Let's take a look.
(At the planet)
[BRIEN] I'm having trouble pinpointing the source of the plasma surge.
Too much EM interference in the atmosphere. But it's definitely down
there somewhere.
[BASHIR] According to our records, Bopak Three is uninhabited. The
nearest Dominion outpost is six weeks away and this system is well off
the established trade routes in the Gamma Quadrant.
[BRIEN] Strange place for a ship to set down even if it was having
engine trouble. Of course it could be an anomalous reading, but I'd
feel a lot better if we could. Hold on. There's some kind of energy
surge on
(Bang, red alert)
[BASHIR] What the hell?
[BRIEN] We've been hit by a plasma field. We're losing main power.
Switching to auxiliary units. The field's draining our power. I can't
break free.
[BASHIR] We're losing altitude.
[BRIEN] Send out a distress call. I'll try and get us down in one
[BASHIR] And the comm. system's jammed.
[BRIEN] I'm reading a clearing up ahead. I think we can make it. Hold
(They career through the tree tops and make it down safely)
(It's lush and gloomy, with insect sounds.)
[BASHIR] What a lovely place. Smells like a garbage dump.
[BRIEN] I'm sorry I couldn't find a nicer place to crash-land. Should
we try again?
(Six Jem'Hadar shimmer into view)
[AGAR] Do not move. You are prisoners of the Jem'Hadar.
(After the opening titles.)
[AGAR] Are there other Starfleet ships with you? Tell me.
[BASHIR] There are no other ships with us. But if we don't return,
Starfleet will begin looking for us.
[AGAR] When?
[BASHIR] Soon.
[AGAR] You're lying.
[TARAL] No other crew. Standard Danube-class runabout. Some
modification to the phaser array and shield generators.
[AGAR] Why were you in this star system?
[BASHIR] We picked up a magneton pulse. We thought there might be a ship
in trouble, so we altered our course to
[AGAR] Return to the ship. Put a damping field on our warp engine.
Human. Gold uniform indicates specialty in Security or Engineering.
Rank, chief petty officer. You are what Starfleet refers to as a
[BRIEN] That's right.
[AGAR] You must have a great deal of experience.
[BRIEN] I've been around.
[AGAR] That makes you a priority target. We will kill you first.
Human, rank of lieutenant with a specialty in the sciences.
[BASHIR] Doctor, actually.
[TARAL] Science and medical officers are low priority targets. I
submit we execute this one and use the other in a tactical exercise.
[AGAR] No. Bring them both back to camp.
[TARAL] Move.
(Captain's office)
[WORF] We cannot allow him to continue these
criminal activities.
[ODO] I am fully aware of Quark's activities and I'm conducting a
thorough investigation of his connection with the smuggler. If you'll
excuse me, Captain.
[SISKO] Of course.
(Odo leaves.)
[SISKO] I know Odo may do things a little differently than you're used
to, but he really is very good at his job.
[WORF] I'm not questioning his competence.
[SISKO] How many years were you in security, Commander?
[WORF] Seven.
[SISKO] Must be a hard habit to break.
[WORF] I have remained vigilant.
[SISKO] And I do encourage vigilance in my officers. But remember, Odo
is chief of security on this station, and you're the strategic
operations officer. Your primary duty is to coordinate all Starfleet
activity in this sector, not to catch smugglers.
[WORF] Understood. I will not let this matter interfere with my duties.
[SISKO] Very well. Dismissed.
(Bashir and O'Brien are in one of those cylindrical
[BASHIR] Does he look nervous to you?
[BRIEN] A bit distracted, yeah.
[BASHIR] And at the runabout, they seemed concerned about being found
here. Something's going on.
[BRIEN] I'd hate to think what would make the Jem'Hadar jumpy.
[BASHIR] They need a doctor. Someone's injured, or sick.
[BRIEN] If that's true, Julian, don't help them. Anything that weakens
them increases our chances of getting out of here.
(Goran'Agar enters and turns off the forcefield.)
[AGAR] Come with me. He stays.
(Outside in the daylight, Bashir is taken to a
bamboo and palm leaf canopy over a metal grid floor and some pieces of
[AGAR] You will work here.
[BASHIR] Where are the patients?
[AGAR] There are no patients. You are here to carry out scientific
research for us. If you refuse, I will have to kill you. Do you
[BASHIR] And you need to understand that I'm a Starfleet officer, and I
won't do any work for you that might potentially be used against the
Federation or any other race for that matter. Now, if that's what you
want, you'll have to kill me.
[AGAR] Fortunately for you, weapons research is not what I need.
There is a drug that all Jem'Hadar must have in order to live. We call
it ketracel-white.
[BASHIR] An isogenic enzyme.
[AGAR] You know about it?
[BASHIR] I know that the Jem'Hadar have been genetically engineered by
the Dominion to be addicted to what you call ketracel-white. And that
by controlling the supply of the drug, the Founders maintain control
over you.
[AGAR] The Vorta. They are the ones who control the drug. They are
the ones we came here to escape.
[BASHIR] Escape? You're trying to leave the Dominion?
[AGAR] Yes. You disapprove.
[BASHIR] No, I, I'm just surprised.
[AGAR] Surprised because a Jem'Hadar soldier might want something
more than the life of a slave? You know nothing about the Jem'Hadar
except that you fear us. But you will make our final escape from the
Dominion possible. We have only enough white to last another five days.
[BASHIR] And you want me to try and synthesise the drug?
[AGAR] No. We do not want more of the drug. We want to be free of
it. To break the addiction.
[BASHIR] I'm not sure that that's possible.
[AGAR] It is possible. I know because I am free of the drug.
(Goran'Agar pulls down the roll neck of his uniform to reveal no tube
going into his neck.)
[BASHIR] No supply tube. I don't understand. Your entire genetic
structure was designed to collapse without the ketracel. Why did you
stop taking the drug?
[AGAR] It was not by choice. Three years ago, I was on a ship that
crashed on this world. The rest of the crew died and I was left with
only enough white to sustain me for three days. I rationed my supply
and managed to stretch out the drug for eight days, and then it was
gone, and I was ready to die. But death never came. I lived here for
thirty five days without a single drop of White. Being here, on this
planet, cured me.
[BASHIR] And that's why you returned here. To cure the rest of your men
as well. But it hasn't worked, has it? They still need the drug.
[AGAR] We have come to the same place, breathed the same air,
eaten the same food. It should have cured them as well.
[BASHIR] That may be over simplifying the situation. There may be many
[AGAR] I want you to see this.
(Jungle clearing)
(The four soldiers are lined up, twitching.)
[TARAL] Take the pain. Show Goran'Agar we're still Jem'Hadar.
(Goran'Agar prods one soldier, who winces in pain.)
[AGAR] You did not fall. Feel pride in that. As a Federation
Doctor, I know you are trained to feel sympathy and compassion for
those in pain. These men are suffering now, but it is nothing compared
to what will happen if they are not freed from the drug before our
supply runs out.
[BASHIR] I can't promise anything.
[AGAR] Will you try?
[BASHIR] I'll need Chief O'Brien's help. Yes, I'll try. Now give those
men what they need, please.
[AGAR] Second.
(Vials are handed out and slotted into the uniforms. White runs up the
tubes to their necks. It reminds me of Blakes 7 mutoid soldiers.)
[AGAR] I've told them we have enough white to last twenty seven
days. That is a lie. There's only enough to last five days. You have
that long, Doctor. After that they will die, but not before they kill
me for betraying them and you for not saving them.
[DAX] The Klingons have also attacked three more
outposts along the Romulan border. In short, they're reasserting
themselves all over the quadrant.
[KIRA] You'd think they'd be a little less aggressive after failing to
conquer Cardassia.
[WORF] If the invasion was seen as a failure, Gowron would have been
assassinated by now. He simply declared victory and returned home.
[SISKO] Now he's looking for his next victory.
[ODO] Bajoran Intelligence believes the Klingons are searching for
weaknesses in the star systems along their borders.
[KIRA] And when they find an appropriately weak system, they invade.
It's the same old story. The strong survive and the weak perish.
[SISKO] We'll save that particular debate for another time. I want a
complete briefing every day about the Klingon situation. Dismissed.
(Kira, Sisko and Dax leave.)
[WORF] May I speak with you for a moment?
[ODO] I assume this is about Quark.
[WORF] He has made arrangements to acquire a type four Tallonian
[ODO] Has he?
[WORF] The type four is primarily used to determine the purity of
Tallonian crystals.
[ODO] Which are illegal anywhere but on the Tallonian homeworld.
Interesting. I appreciate you bringing me this information, Commander.
[WORF] I expect him to be meeting with the smuggler again this evening.
[ODO] That would seem likely.
[WORF] Then you will arrest him when
[ODO] Thank you, Mister Worf. Rest assured I'll take care of this
(It is evening now. Bashir has rock samples on a
table. A guard walks by.)
[BASHIR] How long until that scanner's ready, Chief?
[BRIEN] About thirty minutes. I'm having trouble with the transtater
interface. Maybe you should take a look, sir.
(Bashir goes over to O'Brien.)
[BRIEN] (sotto) The plasma charge should have an effective range of
about fifteen metres.
[BASHIR] (sotto) That's pretty close.
[BRIEN] (sotto) Well, it's enough to take care of the guard. Once he's
down, I'll get his weapon and we run like hell for the runabout.
[BASHIR] Good work, Chief. Keep this up. You may make a fine officer
some day.
[BRIEN] Thank you Lieutenant. Coming from you that means a lot to me.
[BASHIR] I know. Carry on.
[AGAR] What have you found?
[BASHIR] Well, so far, nothing I've tested matches the molecular
structure of the enzyme receptors in your bodies. But I did find
something promising in one of the native plants here. Take a look at
this. As you can see, there is a high content of chlorophyll in these
plants, which you wouldn't expect on a planet orbiting a red giant.
[AGAR] When will you have the cure?
[BASHIR] I'm not really sure, yet.
[AGAR] (sotto) Three days left, Doctor.
[TARAL] What is this?
[BRIEN] That is something I put together to enhance the resolution on
that scanner.
(Arak'Taral flips the switch. A burst of energy hits Meso'Clan.
Arak'Taral grabs O'Brien by the throat and throws him onto a table.
Goran'Agar puts his weapon to Bashir's head.)
[AGAR] Stay where you are. Release him. I said release him. Let
him go. You know the penalty for disobedience.
(Arak'Taral stops strangling O'Brien.)
[BASHIR] You have a bruised trachea but there's no permanent damage.
[AGAR] Return him to the holding cell.
(Arak'Taral leads O'Brien away.)
[ZUMA] He cannot stand.
[AGAR] Heal his wound.
[BASHIR] It missed the femoral artery but the knee joint's been
destroyed. I can give you something for the pain, but I'll need a
surgical unit to replace this joint. He'll have to stay off this leg
until you can get him to a medical facility.
[CLAN] If I cannot stand, I am useless.
[BASHIR] You are not going to kill him.
[ZUMA] This has nothing to do with you, human.
[CLAN] When I am dead, there'll be more white for the rest of the
[AGAR] No. Take him back to the ship.
[CLAN] You know the rule. If the death of one will make the rest
stronger, then he dies.
[AGAR] We came here to be free of the Vorta. It is time to stop
living by their rules. Get back to work.
(Quark's cafe)
(It is after closing time. Worf breaks into Quark's
top floor and watches Quark clearing up. Later, Quark is sitting and
stretching and waiting. There is a knock on the main door. Quark lets
in Tosh.)
[QUARK] Come in. Do you have it?
Of course.
(Quark examines the contents of a small pouch with an eye piece. Worf
(Security office)
[WORF] You are supposed to be watching the Ferengi.
[ODO] I don't need you to tell me what I'm supposed to be doing.
[WORF] I saw him inspecting the crystals. You had an opportunity to
arrest him.
[ODO] I perform my duties as I see fit.
[WORF] You do not seem to be performing them at all.
[ODO] Frankly, Commander, I'm not interested in your opinion of my job
performance. Now I suggest you attend to your own duties and stop
interfering in mine.
(Daylight. Bashir is giving Goran'Agar a full
[BASHIR] Remarkable. Your body is producing the exact amount of
ketracel-white you need to survive. But I can't find where it's coming
from. There don't appear to be any glands or cell clusters producing
the enzyme. Mind you, your entire metabolism defies belief. The growth
rate of the Jem'Hadar children is extraordinary.
[AGAR] You have seen our children?
[BASHIR] We found a newborn on the station once. He was fully grown in
three days.
[AGAR] I would have like to have seen a group of humans try to
control a Jem'Hadar child.
[BASHIR] We couldn't. All he wanted to do was fight and kill. If it
weren't for Odo, I don't know what we would've done.
[AGAR] Odo is the Founder on your space station?
[BASHIR] That's right.
[AGAR] I have never seen a Founder.
[BASHIR] Never?
[AGAR] To us, they are almost a myth. But everyone in the
Dominion, even the Vorta, serve the Founders. I have fought against
races that believe in mythical beings who guide their destinies and
await them after death. They call them gods. The Founders are like gods
to the Jem'Hadar, but our gods never talk to us and they don't wait for
us after death. They only want us to fight for them and to die for
(Back inside the forcefield)
[BASHIR] He's beginning to question everything he's been taught. Blind
obedience to the Founders, killing without remorse and the devaluation
of other sentient lifeforms. He's developing his own moral structure.
It's incredible.
[BRIEN] Or maybe that's what he wants you to believe. Think about it,
Julian. What did he say to you? Federation doctors are trained to feel
compassion and sympathy. He's manipulating you. He wants you to work
hard and stop trying to escape.
[BASHIR] What about saving the life of the wounded Jem'Hadar? I saw the
look on their faces. They were shocked at his behaviour. I'm telling
you, he's changing.
[BRIEN] All right. Let's say you're right and he's turning into a nice
guy. What are you getting at?
[BASHIR] I think we should cooperate with him, help him in what he's
[BRIEN] What?
[BASHIR] What makes Goran'Agar different from the others? He's not
addicted to the drug. Now if we can get the other Jem'Hadar soldiers
off the drug, they may go through a similar change. And with the
Jem'Hadar soldiers thinking for themselves, the Founders may suddenly
find themselves without an army to give orders to.
[BRIEN] You're just guessing. You don't know how the other Jem'Hadar
will react when they're off the drug. They may go marauding through the
galaxy on their own. At least now the Dominion keeps them on a short
[BASHIR] They're not animals. They're people being used as slaves. And
this is their one chance at freedom.
[BRIEN] And what are they going to do with that freedom? Stop being so
naive, Julian, and look at them for what they are. They're killers.
That's all they know how to do. That's all they want to do.
[BASHIR] But they have the potential to be so much more. Goran'Agar has
shown them that. They just need our help.
[BRIEN] Well then they should have asked for our help instead of
shooting us down and threatening to kill us.
[BASHIR] But they didn't know why we were coming. They probably thought
we were trying to attack.
[BRIEN] I can't believe you're making excuses for them.
[BASHIR] I'm trying to make you understand there are larger issues here.
We're dealing with a complex situation.
[BRIEN] No, it is not complex. It is simple. Those men out there are
Dominion soldiers. We help them, we may end up unleashing the Jem'Hadar
against the Federation, and that is a risk I am not willing to take. So
we do not help them and that's the end of it!
[BASHIR] No, that is not the end of it. I am the senior officer here and
I have decided what we're going to do. Now, I need the bio-spectral
phase discriminator from the runabout's sensor array. I haven't got the
technical skills to remove it, so I'm ordering you to do it. Now is
that clear?
[BRIEN] Yes, sir.
(Runabout Rubicon)
(O'Brien is working in a cavity below the
[TARAL] How long will this take?
[BRIEN] A few minutes.
[TARAL] Your escape plan was flawed.
[BRIEN] Obviously. I got caught.
[TARAL] Even if you had killed the guard, you never would have
reached the runabout.
[BRIEN] I guess we'll never know that.
[TARAL] I know.
[BRIEN] I'm sure you do.
[TARAL] You're not like the other human.
[BRIEN] We have our differences.
[TARAL] You don't like helping us.
(A little sign lights up in the cavity - transporter power on line.)
[BRIEN] No, I don't.
[TARAL] Good. I don't like it either.
[BRIEN] Well I'm glad we understand each other.
(O'Brien pulls a cylinder from the cavity.)
[TARAL] Slowly. Now put it down.
(Arak'Taral bends down to check the cylinder and O'Brien jams a power
cable into the cylinder's former connection. Bang! Arak'Taral turns
round and O'Brien beams out. A weapons shot scorches the bulkhead.)
(O'Brien uses his tricorder and runs off.)
(Late evening or night.)
[BASHIR] Nothing. I can find nothing in the atmosphere, the soil, the
water, the plant or the animal life that is remotely compatible to your
cellular structure or your DNA. Maybe you were exposed to some
anomalous conditions four years ago that no longer exist. A magnetic
storm, solar radiation, volcanic gases.
[AGAR] No. Everything is as it was four years ago. The planet is
the same. The conditions are the same. The answer must be here. There
is no other explanation for what happened to me.
[BASHIR] Maybe there is an explanation. Maybe nothing happened to you on
this planet. Maybe you were never addicted to this drug at all?
[AGAR] But I took white all my life.
[BASHIR] But maybe you didn't need it. It's possible that your DNA
structure underwent a random mutation that
[TARAL] He's escaped.
[AGAR] How?
[TARAL] Using their ship's transporter. They planned this together.
[AGAR] Do you know where O'Brien is?
[AGAR] Deploy the men in a standard
[TARAL] He's lying. He's been lying for days. There is no cure
here. Even if there was, he wouldn't give it to you.
[AGAR] There is a cure. I am the proof. Now, deploy the men in a
standard search pattern. Find O'Brien and return him to the holding
area alive.
[TARAL] Alive?
[AGAR] Are you questioning me?
[TARAL] I knew you once. Trusted you. Obeyed you without question.
But now you're like this human, weak, soft, inferior. If being free of
white means becoming like you, I don't want to be cured.
(Arak'Taral leaves)
[BASHIR] What'll happen to O'Brien?
[AGAR] There is nothing we can do for him. My men will no longer
obey me.
[BASHIR] You have to find him first and keep him alive until I can find
a cure.
[AGAR] If I go, there will be no one here to guard you.
[BASHIR] I will not try to escape. I give you my word.
[AGAR] I will do what I can.
(Another after hours meeting with Tosh.)
[QUARK] I've been saving this for a special occasion. Tonight certainly
qualifies. How did you manage to get these out of the Tallonian system?
[TOSH] I have my resources.
(Quark scans the huge gemstone.)
[QUARK] A hundred percent pure.
[TOSH] Well worth twice the price I'm asking.
[QUARK] I don't know if I'd go that far.
(Quark puts a bag of latinum on the table. Then Worf walks in on them.)
[WORF] Trafficking in illegal merchandise is a felony under Federation
[QUARK] What's he doing here?
(Worf drops the bag as it morphs into Odo.)
[ODO] A very good question.
[WORF] I was just about to arrest these criminals.
[ODO] I should arrest you for interfering in my investigation.
[TOSH] Will someone tell me what is going on here?
[WORF] Odo, why did you not tell me what you were doing?
[ODO] I don't report to you, Commander. And I don't spread the word when
I'm conducting an undercover investigation. I also thought that your
surveillance would make the setup more convincing. I'm not interested
in this man. He was supposed to complete the transaction and take the
latinum back to his ship, so that I could infiltrate the entire
Markalian smuggling operation. Now I suppose I'll have to settle for
the middleman.
[QUARK] If you gentlemen are finished with this little fiasco, I'd like
to tidy up.
[ODO] Quark.
(Quark gives Odo gem stone and walks away.)
[ODO] On your feet. Let's go.
(Jungle clearing)
(O'Brien does something clever with his tricorder
by a tree then covers it with leaves and hides from the search party.)
[ZUMA] I've lost his signal.
[TARAL] Spread out.
(One kills the tricorder and get thumped by a branch which flies out at
(Bashir is doing an experiment when O'Brien bursts
[BASHIR] Chief!
[BRIEN] Where's the guard?
[BASHIR] Everyone's out looking for you.
[BRIEN] Good. Anything else around we can use as a weapon? No? Let's
get moving. It's only three hundred metres to the runabout, but those
guys move fast.
[BASHIR] Chief, I'm not going.
[BRIEN] What the hell do you mean, you're not going?
[BASHIR] I'm onto something here, Chief. With a little more time, I
[BRIEN] I don't care what you think. This is our one chance to get out
of here and we've got to take it.
[BASHIR] It's also our one chance to break their addiction.
[BRIEN] Julian, even if you find a cure, they're going to kill you
[BASHIR] That's not true, Goran'Agar
[BRIEN] Forget about him. What about all the others? They're still a
bunch of bloodthirsty
[BASHIR] Look, we haven't got enough time to argue about this. If you
want to go, go.
[BRIEN] All right. I will. But you're coming with me.
(O'Brien destroys the equipment.)
[BRIEN] There. You can bring me up on charges when we get back, but
there's nothing to keep you here now. So let's get going.
(Goran'Agar shimmers in and knocks O'Brien down.)
[AGAR] You did this?
[BRIEN] Yes, I did.
[AGAR] Move. Both of you.
[BASHIR] This won't
[AGAR] No discussion. Move.
(Jungle )
[BASHIR] There still might be a way. If I had
another sample of your blood.
[AGAR] There is no more time. The supply of white will run out
(They arrive at the runabout. Arak'Taral has been searching it.)
[TARAL] You caught him. I shouldn't have doubted you. Should we
kill them ourselves or let the others?
[AGAR] I will do the killing.
(He shoots Arak'Taral.)
[AGAR] Take your ship and go.
[BASHIR] Goran'Agar, if you stay here, they'll kill you.
[AGAR] Unless I kill them first. It would be better for them to
die quickly in battle, than slowly as the drug runs out.
[BASHIR] You don't have to do this. Even if we can't save their lives,
there's no need to sacrifice yourself.
[AGAR] You are a soldier?
[BRIEN] I have been.
[AGAR] Then you explain.
(Goran'Agar shimmers away)
[BRIEN] He's their commander. They trusted him. He can't leave them.
(Captain's office)
(Sisko is working on his alien clock.)
[SISKO] Come in.
[WORF] Captain, there is some information I would like to add to
Security Chief Odo's last report. He did not feel it was necessary to
include the details of my involvement, but I think you should know that
I hindered his investigation.
[SISKO] Yes, I heard about what happened. Please, sit. Word gets around
in a place like this. It's one of the things you have to get used to.
[WORF] One of many things, it seems.
[SISKO] Starfleet officers often have trouble learning the unofficial
rules of the station. There's no manual to study. You have to learn
things as you go. A little different than life on a starship.
[WORF] When I served on the Enterprise, I always knew who were my allies
and who were my enemies.
[SISKO] Let's just say DS Nine has more shades of grey. And Quark
definitely is a shade of grey. He has his own set of rules and he
follows them diligently. Once you understand them, you understand
Quark. I'd say that's true for everyone here. You'll fit in, Commander.
Just give it time.
(Runabout Rubicon)
(WHOOSH! Back through the wormhole)
[KIRA (OC)] Kira to Rubicon. Docking platform two is open. Welcome back,
[BRIEN] Thanks, Major. You can bring me up on charges, you know.
[BASHIR] No, that's not really my style.
[BRIEN] I wish things could have been different, Julian.
[BASHIR] So do I.
[BRIEN] And I'm sorry I had to destroy your work.
[BASHIR] You didn't have to, Chief. You had a choice and you chose to
disobey orders, override my judgment, and condemn those men to death.
[BRIEN] Yes, I did, because I thought it was the only way to save your
life. Whatever else you may think of who I am and what I did, at least
try to understand that.
[BASHIR] Tonight's supposed to be our weekly dart game.
[BRIEN] Don't worry. I don't feel much like playing either.
[BASHIR] Maybe in a few days. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e73", "title": "Hippocratic Oath"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Indiscretion
Original Airdate: 23 Oct, 1995
(KIRA is meditating)
[WORF (OC)] Worf to Major Kira.
[KIRA] This is Kira.
[WORF] Major, you've got an incoming transmission
from a Razka Karn. He claims to be an old friend.
(Kira's quarters)
[KIRA] Put him through. Razka. It's been a while.
How's business?
[RAZKA (on monitor)] Oh, let's just say I miss the old days on Bajor.
Smuggling might not have been the safest line of work, but it was a lot
more exciting than selling scrap metal.
(Everyone say Hi! to Roy
Brocksmith, previously seen as Kolrami in Peak
[KIRA] What's on your mind, Razka?
[RAZKA (on monitor)] I picked up a lead on the Ravinok.
[KIRA] Like the last time?
[RAZKA (on monitor)] Last time it was just a rumour. This time I have
evidence, a fragment of metal. Looks like it's part of the forward
sensor array.
[KIRA] Can you bring it to Deep Space Nine for analysis?
[RAZKA (on monitor)] Sorry. I'm afraid I can't leave the Badlands right
now. Important business. You understand.
[KIRA] Tholians are after you again?
[RAZKA (on monitor)] Let's just say it'd be better if you came to me.
[KIRA] It's been six years. Even if you have found a piece of the
Ravinok, it doesn't mean there are any survivors.
[RAZKA (on monitor)] There's only one way for you to find out. I'll be
(Security office)
[ODO] And item number seventeen, Trelos Vren was
arrested on the Promenade outside of the Klingon restaurant. He's being
held on four counts of petty theft.
[KIRA] Trelos Vren? Where have I heard that name?
[ODO] We arrested him once for attempting to break into the assay
[KIRA] And now he's taken up pickpocketing?
[ODO] Without much success. Still, I suppose you should admire him for
his persistence. That was a joke.
[KIRA] I'm sorry, Odo. I may have a lead on the Ravinok. I know what
you're going to say. It's been six years since the Ravinok disappeared.
Odds are everyone on board is dead.
[ODO] That all may be true, but that is not what I was going to say. I
was going to say good luck.
[KIRA] Good luck?
[ODO] You had a friend aboard the Ravinok, correct?
[KIRA] Lorit Akrem.
[ODO] Which means it doesn't matter if I think there are any survivors,
or even if you think there are any survivors. You are going to go
looking for that ship, and all I can say is good luck. And I hope you
find them.
(Kira's quarters)
(Kira is packing when the doorbell rings.)
[KIRA] Come in. Captain. You here to see me off?
[SISKO] I'm afraid not. I'd like you to postpone your trip for at least
for a day or two.
[KIRA] What's wrong?
[SISKO] Somehow the Cardassian government got wind of your plan to
search for the Ravinok. They've asked permission to send someone with
[KIRA] And you said yes?
[SISKO] I said I'd talk to you about it. The Ravinok was a Cardassian
[KIRA] Carrying Bajoran prisoners. I'm not stopping anyone else from
looking. I just don't see why they have to come with me.
[SISKO] The request came directly from the leader of the new civilian
government. Nerys, I know this isn't what you had in mind, but Bajor
and Cardassia must to learn to work together and that means cooperating
on missions like these.
[KIRA] All right. Just tell them I'm not going to wait forever. If their
representative isn't here within fifty two hours, I'm going alone.
[SISKO] I'll be sure they get the message.
[DAX] So did you and Kasidy have a nice time last
[SISKO] I just wish she wasn't leaving tomorrow.
[DAX] It sounds like the two of you are getting serious.
[SISKO] I don't know about that. I don't think Kasidy is looking to get
[SISKO] Kasidy.
[DAX] We were just talking about you.
[KASIDY] I don't mean to interrupt. I wanted you to know I won't be
leaving tomorrow after all.
[SISKO] That's good news. I mean, that's great. How long are you going
to be here?
[KASIDY] That depends on whether I get this new job or not. I've applied
for a position with the Bajoran Ministry of Commerce to captain one of
their freighters.
[SISKO] You're going to work for the Bajorans?
[KASIDY] If we can hammer out an agreement. It's a terrific opportunity.
I get to use my own ship, pick my own crew, and the best part is, I
never have to leave this sector.
[DAX] Where're you going to live?
[KASIDY] On my ship, I suppose.
[DAX] Well, why don't you stay here? I'm sure that Benjamin could
arrange for some quarters.
[KASIDY] That's not a bad idea.
[SISKO] Yeah.
[KASIDY] Well, I have a meeting on Bajor and the shuttle leaves in a few
minutes. I'll see you tonight?
(Sisko kisses Kasidy and she leaves.)
[DAX] That answers that. She's serious.
[WORF] Captain, the Cardassian transport Rabol is
approaching the station. They're requesting permission to beam their
representative directly to Ops.
[KIRA] Someone's in a big hurry.
[SISKO] Permission granted.
[WORF] Aye, sir.
(Dukat beams in, carrying a bag)
[DUKAT] Ah, Major Kira. I'm ready to leave whenever you are.
[KIRA] We'll be crossing into the Badlands in
approximately six hours.
[DUKAT] Very good, Major.
[KIRA] Dukat, let's get one thing straight. This is my mission. The only
reason you're here is because I agreed to let you come along. When I
give an order, I expect you to follow it. No questions asked.
[DUKAT] Believe me, Major, I want nothing more than for this mission to
be concluded as quickly and as efficiently as possible. I leave the
details in your capable hands.
[KIRA] Good, then we shouldn't have any problems. There's one thing I
don't understand. Why did the Cardassian government send you?
[DUKAT] The Ravinok was under my general command. Those were my troops
and it is my duty to try to find them. The question is, what are you
doing here, Major?
[KIRA] I knew someone aboard the Ravinok.
[DUKAT] One of the prisoners, I assume?
[KIRA] Lorit Akrem.
[DUKAT] I see. So you're on this mission for personal reasons.
[KIRA] Is there something wrong with that?
[DUKAT] Not at all. I've found that when one is trying to do a difficult
job, personal reasons can be quite an incentive. So who was he? A
family member, a compatriot, a lover?
[KIRA] Lorit recruited me into the Shakaar resistance cell.
[DUKAT] Ah. The infamous Shakaar resistance. We never could eliminate
that little group of yours. And it was not from lack of trying, I
assure you. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, Major, but I've
always admired you. You are the embodiment of the new Bajor. A Bajoran
born out of the ashes of the occupation, a Bajoran tempered with
Cardassian steel.
[KIRA] Captain Sisko's right. You are in love with the sound of your own
[DUKAT] I know you find this to accept, but I believe that in some ways
the Occupation actually helped Bajor.
[KIRA] Which part? The massacres or the strip mining?
[DUKAT] I have no desire to debate the merits of the Occupation with
you. I'm even willing to admit that perhaps we were a little harsh in
our methods. But the fact is, the Bajoran people are stronger now than
they have been in centuries. When we arrived, you were a weak,
contemplative race, choking on your isolation. And now you have a new
confidence, a whole new sense of purpose, not to mention a key role in
the future of this entire quadrant.
[KIRA] All of which Bajor achieved in spite of the Cardassians, not
because of them.
[DUKAT] Think what you must, But I believe the time will come when
Cardassia and Bajor will grow to be not only allies but also close
[KIRA] Cardassia and Bajor, maybe. You and me? I doubt it.
[DUKAT] All I ask is that you have an open mind.
[KIRA] All right, Dukat, that's enough. Now, if you don't mind, I would
like to spend the next six hours in silent meditation.
[DUKAT] Is that a request, or an order?
[KIRA] Whatever it takes.
[DUKAT] Well, in that case, as much as it pains me.
(Dukat shuts his mouth and leans back in his seat.)
[KIRA] We both might survive this trip after all.
(Sisko's quarters)
(At candle-lit dinner.)
[KASIDY] They didn't even wait for the interview to be over. After
twenty minutes, Minister Azin said she'd heard enough, and if I wanted
the job, it was mine.
[SISKO] So what did you tell them?
[KASIDY] What do you think I told them? I said yes.
[SISKO] Congratulations.
[KASIDY] That's it?
[SISKO] Oh. (kisses her)
[KASIDY] That's not what I meant. I want to know how you feel about it.
[SISKO] I think it's great. We'll see a lot more of each other.
[KASIDY] You know, I was thinking about what Dax said. Maybe I should
get quarters on the station.
[SISKO] That's a big step.
[KASIDY] What does that mean?
[SISKO] I just meant it's a big step.
[KASIDY] A bad big step, or a good big step?
[SISKO] A good one.
[KASIDY] Could you muster a little more enthusiasm?
[SISKO] I am enthusiastic. I'm proud of you. This job
[KASIDY] Forget about the job. I'm talking about us. I tell you I'm
thinking about living on the station and all you can say is, it's a big
[SISKO] Oh, I don't think you took it the way I meant it.
[KASIDY] I don't think you know what you meant. But I do. You're afraid
of commitment.
[SISKO] Who said anything about commitment?
[KASIDY] Obviously not you. You know what? Forget the whole thing. I'm
not going to take the job. If you don't want me to stay here, that's
fine with me.
[SISKO] Phew.
(Sisko starts tucking into his food, but Kasidy thinks about pouring
the wine then puts the bottle down and leaves.)
(In the badlands, having rendezvoused with another
[KIRA] How'd you get a hold of this, Razka?
[RAZKA] I bought it off a Ferengi scrap metal merchant.
(Dukat scans it)
[DUKAT] It appears to be composed of uridium alloy. It's definitely
[KIRA] Can you tell if it's from the Ravinok?
[RAZKA] Why didn't you tell me you were bringing him along?
[KIRA] Because when we talked, I didn't know I would be.
[RAZKA] Too bad. The Maquis would've paid handsomely to get their hands
on him.
[DUKAT] And my government would be very happy to get their hands on you.
Razka Karn, if I'm not mistaken. Smuggler, thief, black marketeer.
There are at least twelve outstanding warrants for your arrest on
Cardassia right now. But I suggest we ignore all that and try to
cooperate with one another.
[RAZKA] The voice of the new Cardassia, so compassionate, so
understanding. Almost makes you forget that five years ago he was
working Bajorans to death in forced labour camps and shooting anybody
who tried to stop him. Almost makes you forget.
[DUKAT] It's from the Ravinok. No doubt about it.
[KIRA] Did the Ferengi tell you where he found it?
[RAZKA] No, but I was curious so I bribed one of his crewmembers. Turns
out his last trip was to the Dozaria system.
[DUKAT] Dozaria. I believe there is one class M planet in that system.
[RAZKA] Barely class M. He found that in orbit.
[KIRA] Dozaria it is then. Thanks, Razka. I owe you one.
[RAZKA] Just let me know what you find out. Lorit was my friend too.
(Later, en route.)
[KIRA] I just don't understand how the Ravinok could've gotten so far
off course. Dozaria is light years from where they should have been.
[DUKAT] The Central Command always believed that the ship was destroyed
in some kind of escape attempt by the Bajoran prisoners.
[KIRA] Maybe. Or they could've had a problem with their navigational
array or run into some kind of subspace anomaly.
[DUKAT] Hopefully we'll find the truth.
[KIRA] We're entering orbit.
[DUKAT] I'm reading severe ionic interference in the planet's
atmosphere. Sensors will be limited, to say the least.
[KIRA] I'm picking up a faint magneton signature. It could be residual
radiation from a damaged warp nacelle.
[DUKAT] Shall we beam down?
[KIRA] I wouldn't advise it. All this ionic interference will scatter
our molecules halfway around the planet. We're going to have to do this
the old fashioned way.
[DUKAT] It's going to be a difficult landing. I'll take the controls if
you like.
[KIRA] That'll be the day. Going in.
(In Soledad Canyon, at 100 degrees plus)
[DUKAT] Invigorating, isn't it. A bit sunny, perhaps, but this heat
feels wonderful.
[KIRA] Only a Cardassian would call this hellhole invigorating.
[DUKAT] Oh, I forgot. Compared to us, you Bajorans are a bit fragile,
physiologically speaking, of course.
[KIRA] Don't worry about me.
(They come over a crest)
[KIRA] The Ravinok.
(The wreck of the space ship is mostly buried inside the slope they've
just come down.)
(Quark's cafe)
[DAX] It's a big step. That's all you said?
[SISKO] That's all.
[BASHIR] You're sure?
[SISKO] Positive.
[DAX] What do you think, Julian?
[BASHIR] It's ambiguous. Definitely open to interpretation. But it
could've been worse. He could have said it's a very big step.
[DAX] You didn't say that, did you?
[SISKO] I don't think so.
[BASHIR] Oh, that's good, anyway. So, what does he do now?
[DAX] It's simple. He goes to Kasidy, admits that everything was his
fault, and pledges his undying love.
[BASHIR] That sounds a little extreme to me. What if he just tells her
he made a mistake, there had been a misunderstanding, and that he
really would like her to live on the station?
[DAX] Could work. Assuming that's what you want.
[QUARK] Captain, I would think long and hard before answering.
[SISKO] I don't recall asking your opinion, Quark.
[QUARK] Well maybe you should. I mean, who knows more about women than
[BASHIR] Everyone.
[QUARK] You humans. All you want to do is please your women. You want
them to be your friends. But we Ferengi know better. Women are the
enemy and we treat them accordingly. The key is to never let them get
the upper hand. If she says she doesn't see you enough, threaten to see
her even less. If she wants more gifts, take back the ones you've
already given her. It's all about control.
[DAX] What if your woman leaves you?
[QUARK] That's what holosuites are for.
(Quark leaves)
[BASHIR] It's a wonder the Ferengi reproduce at all.
[DAX] So, you never answered the question. Do you want her to stay or
[SISKO] I appreciate all the advice. I'll let you know how it turns out.
(Sisko leaves)
[BASHIR] So, just between you and me, what do you think about Kasidy
moving onto the station?
[DAX] It's a big step.
[BASHIR] A very big step.
(Crash site)
[KIRA] She didn't just crash. These are phaser hits.
[DUKAT] Looks like she put up quite a fight.
[KIRA] And paid for it.
(Next to the ship is a circular arrangement of stone cairns, looking
like the petals of a flower.)
[KIRA] Twelve graves.
[DUKAT] There were eighteen crewmembers and thirty two prisoners aboard.
[KIRA] So where's everybody else?
[DUKAT] First things first.
[KIRA] What are you doing?
[DUKAT] We need to identify these bodies.
[KIRA] I'll help.
[DUKAT] No. Our funeral rites are very strict. It would dishonour the
dead for a non-Cardassian to view the remains.
[KIRA] There could be Bajorans buried here too.
[DUKAT] No doubt. But if memory's correct, Bajorans are much more
concerned with the souls of the dead than they are with the physical
remains. How did Kai Meressa put it? What remains after death is but a
shell, a sign that the pagh has begun its final journey to the
Prophets. Please, Major, don't make this any more difficult for me than
it already is.
[KIRA] I have a list of the missing Bajorans. I should be able to
identify them from the family imprints on their earrings. I'll work on
the Ravinok. I should be able to get something from the ship's
[DUKAT] You'll need the command codes.
[KIRA] Standard Cardassian military codes from six years ago, right?
[DUKAT] Yes.
[KIRA] I got them from Bajoran intelligence before we left.
[DUKAT] Very good, Major. Very good.
(The ship is a mess. Kira gets the computer
(Crash site)
(Dukat has opened several graves. He takes out an
earring, then a bracelet and sits down to stare at them. Kira comes out
of the wreck.)
[KIRA] Dukat, I was able to reactivate the (sees him sitting) Dukat.
What was her name? I recognise a Bajoran pledge bracelet when I see
[DUKAT] Her name was Tora Naprem. You see, Major, you're not the only
one who had a friend aboard that ship.
[KIRA] Friend? Is that all she was? I see. Don't worry, Dukat. You're
not the only Cardassian officer who kept a Bajoran mistress.
[DUKAT] It wasn't like that. Naprem and I loved each other.
[KIRA] The head of the Occupation in love with a Bajoran?
[DUKAT] Ironic, isn't it?
[KIRA] Did your wife know?
[DUKAT] No. And she's never going to find out. Now if you don't mind,
Major, I'd rather not talk about this right now. Here are the earrings
you wanted.
[KIRA] If Lorit's dead, he's not buried here. According to the ship's
computers, the Ravinok was attacked by two unidentified warships. The
attackers chased the Ravinok here and must have forced her to
[DUKAT] Then the survivors could have been captured and taken away.
[KIRA] Or they could still be here somewhere on this planet.
[DUKAT] We should go up in the runabout and scan for them from orbit.
[KIRA] Too much ionic interference. The sensors would never be able to
pick up their
life signs. There may be another way. In these conditions, tricorder
readings will only be about twelve metres, but that should be enough.
[DUKAT] Enough for what?
[KIRA] During the occupation, Bajoran resistance fighters carried
subdermal implants of tritonium isotopes. The idea was that if they
were captured, they could activate the implant which would leave a
trail of isotopes so they could be tracked and rescued. I think I have
something. That way.
[DUKAT] Let's go.
(Night has fallen.)
[DUKAT] I don't know why we have to stop.
[KIRA] For one thing, I can't see two metres ahead of us. And anyway we
could both use the rest. So stop pacing and sit down.
(Dukat sits, then cries in pain)
[KIRA] What is it?
[DUKAT] I don't know. I sat on something. I sat on something!
[KIRA] Let me see.
[DUKAT] Ooo, get it out.
[KIRA] Well keep still and let me see what I can do.
[DUKAT] Get it out!
[KIRA] Oh. This is going to hurt.
[DUKAT] It already hurts. Just take it out.
[KIRA] If you say so.
(She pulls out a big plant spine.)
[KIRA] Ouch. Run this dermal regenerator over the wound.
[DUKAT] This isn't funny.
[KIRA] It is from this angle.
[DUKAT] You know what's even funnier? This doesn't work.
[KIRA] You have to activate it.
[DUKAT] Ah. Ah, yes. Oh, much better.
[KIRA] You probably should eat one of these.
[DUKAT] Ah, I haven't had field rations in a very long time. I'm sure
they haven't improved a bit.
[KIRA] Actually, they've gotten a little worse. Tell me something.
[DUKAT] What?
[KIRA] Who's Tora Ziyal? When I reactivated the Ravinok's computer, I
downloaded the manifest. There were two civilians on board in addition
to the prisoners and crew. One was your friend, Tora Naprem, and the
other was Tora Ziyal, a thirteen year-old girl.
[DUKAT] I suppose you wouldn't believe me if I told you she was Naprem's
[KIRA] Ziyal's a Cardassian name. The way I see it, there's only one
explanation. Ziyal was Naprem's daughter, and you
[DUKAT] I was her father.
[KIRA] Now I know why you're in such a hurry to find the survivors.
You're hoping that she's still alive and you can rescue her.
[DUKAT] Not quite. You see, if my daughter is still alive, I'll have no
choice but to kill her.
(Next day, on the march.)
[KIRA] You know I'm not going to let you do it. I mean it, Dukat. You
are not going to kill that girl.
[DUKAT] Major, why don't you worry about the other survivors and let me
worry about Ziyal. After all, she is my daughter.
[KIRA] That's right. She's your daughter. And there is nothing more
important to Cardassians than family. At least that's what your people
are always saying.
[DUKAT] I have a wife and seven children. They are my family. They are
the ones I must protect.
[KIRA] Well, you should have thought of that before you got involved
with Naprem.
[DUKAT] You're right. I should have. But I made a mistake. A mistake I
intend to correct.
[KIRA] You don't have to take her back to Cardassia with you. Let me
take her to Bajor. No one has to know that you're her father.
[DUKAT] What kind of life would that be for her? Your people have never
exactly welcomed half-Cardassian children into your society. That's why
I sent her and her mother away in the first place. I knew the
Occupation was coming to an end, and that there'd be no place for them
on Bajor or Cardassia.
[KIRA] So you sent them to a prison camp.
[DUKAT] They were not on their way to a prison camp. The Ravinok was
supposed to rendezvous with a freighter which would take Naprem and
Ziyal to Lissepia, where they could live out their lives in some sort
of peace.
[KIRA] I don't understand. If you cared enough to help Ziyal then, how
can you be thinking about killing her now? Why not send her away again?
[DUKAT] Because my position isn't nearly as stable as it once was. By
aligning myself with the new civilian government, I've made many
enemies. Enemies that wouldn't hesitate to use Ziyal against me.
[KIRA] Listen to you. It's not your wife or your seven children you're
protecting, it's you.
[DUKAT] By protecting myself, I am protecting them.
[KIRA] And the only one who suffers is Ziyal. You would kill your own
daughter to save your career. I don't understand you. You said you
loved Naprem. I saw you crying at her grave.
[DUKAT] I did love her. And when I bury Ziyal, I'll weep over her grave
just as I wept over her mother's. But that will not stop me from doing
what I have to do. Do you understand? And when the time comes, I
suggest you stay out of my way.
(Sisko's quarters)
(Jake is having breakfast.)
[SISKO] Good morning, Jake-o.
[JAKE] Morning, dad.
[SISKO] So, what's new?
[JAKE] Nog and I ran into Kasidy last night over at the Vulcan
restaurant. I guess she's not going to take that job after all.
[SISKO] She told you? Did she say why?
[JAKE] She said you didn't want her to take it.
[SISKO] Look, Jake, sometimes things between men and women can get a
little complicated.
[JAKE] Yeah, maybe, but I don't think this is one of those times. It's
pretty simple, Dad. You're scared.
[SISKO] What do I have to be afraid of?
[JAKE] A lot. Kasidy's willing to make a major change in her life just
to be close to you. If things don't work out, you're going to feel
responsible, and that's scary.
[SISKO] You figured out all this by yourself?
[JAKE] Actually, I talked with Nog about it.
[SISKO] You talked to Nog about my relationship with Kasidy?
[JAKE] And we think you have nothing to worry about. If Kasidy wants to
change jobs, that's her decision, not yours. Same thing if she wants to
live on the station. If things don't work out, they don't work out.
[SISKO] Have you told any of this to Kasidy?
[JAKE] No. Nog and I thought about it, but we thought it would be better
if you told her yourself.
[SISKO] I see.
[JAKE] So, what's new with you?
[KIRA] Take a look.
(A mineshaft is guarded by humanoids wearing complete body armour and
workers are pushing a wagon inside.)
[DUKAT] Breen? What are they doing here?
[KIRA] My tricorder's picking up a large concentration of dilithium in
the area. They must be using the survivors of the Ravinok to mine the
[DUKAT] It makes perfect sense. The Breen homeworld is a frozen
wasteland. This place is about fifty degrees too hot for them.
[KIRA] You approve of what they're doing?
[DUKAT] No, not at all. I do admire their ingenuity.
[KIRA] What is it?
(Kira snatches the binoculars from Dukat to see a teenage
Cardassian/Bajoran girl ladling out water to other workers.)
[KIRA] It's her.
[DUKAT] My daughter.
[KIRA] All right. We're going to need some help. I'm going to stay here
and keep an eye on things while you go back to DS Nine for
[DUKAT] I have a better idea. You go back to the station. I'll stay
[KIRA] I'm sending you back, Dukat. That's an order.
[DUKAT] And I hate to refuse it, but I'm afraid I must. You're welcome
to file an official protest with the Cardassian military when we get
[KIRA] There's no way I'm leaving you alone here.
[DUKAT] Well, then I suggest we devise a plan to rescue these prisoners
together. You need me, Major.
[KIRA] Maybe I do. But if you hurt that girl, I promise I'll kill you.
(Two Breen walk along then attack another Breen.
One opens their helmet.)
[KIRA] Don't make any noise. We're here to help.
[HELER] You're Bajoran.
[DUKAT] (keeping his helmet closed) Gather as many prisoners as you can.
Tell them to meet us here.
[KIRA] How many Breen guards are there?
[HELER] I'm not sure. There are always at least eight in the mines.
[KIRA] How many prisoners?
[HELER] There're only thirty one of us left.
[KIRA] What about Lorit Akrem? Did he make it?
[HELER] He died in a cave-in two years ago. You knew him?
[KIRA] He was a friend.
[DUKAT] (opens his helmet) My condolences, Major, but we don't have time
for this. Tell me where I can find Tora Ziyal.
[KIRA] Don't tell him anything.
[HELER] He's a Cardassian. I don't understand.
[KIRA] There's a peace treaty.
[HELER] You mean the Occupation is over?
[DUKAT] I need to find the girl. Where is she?
(They get shot at. Everyone ducks and Dukat gives his gun to Heler
before running off. Kira shoots a Breen.)
[KIRA] Dukat!
(The other Breen surrenders.)
[KIRA] Go get the rest of the prisoners. Meet me at the entrance to the
(Mine passage)
(Dukat knocks down a Breen.)
[DUKAT] Where is Tora Ziyal?
(Kira goes hunting for Dukat.)
(Ziyal is filling a container from a well.)
[DUKAT] Ziyal.
[ZIYAL] Father? It's really you. Mother said you'd
(Dukat is pointing a weapon at her)
[ZIYAL] Father, what's wrong?
[KIRA] Dukat, no. I'm warning you, Dukat. Don't do it.
[DUKAT] I have no choice.
[KIRA] There's always a choice. You don't want to do this. If you did,
you never would've told me about Ziyal. Now, put the rifle down.
[ZIYAL] The Cardassian prisoners, they told me this would happen. That
you'd never let me go home. But I didn't believe them.
[KIRA] Ziyal, run!
[ZIYAL] I used to dream about you coming to save me. It's what kept me
[DUKAT] Ziyal.
[ZIYAL] If I can't be with you, then I'd rather die.
(Dukat drops his weapon and embraces Ziyal.)
[DUKAT] Let's go home.
(Cargo bay)
[SISKO] Kasidy Yates.
[KASIDY] Hello, Ben. Hold this a second.
[SISKO] About that job with the Bajoran Commerce Ministry.
[KASIDY] You know someone who's qualified for it?
[SISKO] I know someone who would be perfect for it. You. I think you
should take the job. I want you to take the job.
[KASIDY] You've been talking to Jake.
[SISKO] How'd you know?
[KASIDY] Oh, he's a smart boy. Must take after his mother.
[SISKO] I owe you an apology. You came to tell me all this wonderful
news, and all I could say was, it's a big step. I don't know what I was
[KASIDY] Take a guess.
[SISKO] I wanted to tell you how happy I was for you, for us. But it
didn't come out that way. I was uncomfortable, and a little nervous.
[KASIDY] A little nervous?
[SISKO] All right, a lot nervous. I haven't been in a serious
relationship for a long time, and I didn't expect to be in one anytime
soon. Until I met you. This life I lead, the job I do, that's what got
Jennifer killed. If anything ever happened to you
[KASIDY] Why not let me worry about that?
[SISKO] That's what Jake said.
[KASIDY] You see? Smart boy. Look, I could stay here and listen to you
apologise all day, but I've got to get to Bajor.
[SISKO] Bajor? I thought
[KASIDY] Oh, I know what you thought, but I took the job. Do you think
I'd give up a great opportunity just because you got cold feet? You're
a good man, Benjamin Sisko, but you've got a lot to learn about women.
Especially this one. I'll see you when I get back. You can help me pick
out quarters.
[SISKO] I'll be here.
(Promenade - upper level)
[DAX] What was it like, all that time alone with
[KIRA] I've had better weeks. But I'll never forget the look on his face
when he sat on that sand spine.
[DAX] I wish I'd been there.
[DUKAT] Major.
[KIRA] Dukat. Where's Ziyal?
[DUKAT] Waiting for me aboard my ship. We'll be leaving for Cardassia
[DAX] I think I'll leave the two of you alone.
(Dax leaves.)
[DUKAT] I just wanted to say thank you, Major, for a most interesting
[KIRA] You're taking Ziyal back to Cardassia with you.
[DUKAT] After six years, she deserves a home and a father.
[KIRA] Won't that make things difficult for you?
[DUKAT] I'll let you know. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e74", "title": "Indiscretion"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Rejoined
Original Airdate: 30 Oct, 1995
(Nothing in the hands, nothing up the tight-fitting
sleeves, then Dax takes an egg from her mouth.)
[QUARK] It's a trick.
[BASHIR] Of course it's a trick. But how she did it?
[QUARK] She probably beamed the egg directly into her mouth from one of
the transporters.
[DAX] Actually, one of my previous hosts used to dabble in the sleight
of hand.
[BASHIR] Was it Tobin?
[DAX] That's right.
[BASHIR] Ah, he sounds like the right type. Painfully shy, introverted,
a slight lack of confidence, just the kind of person who might want to
dazzle the world with his magical abilities.
[QUARK] She swallowed the egg before she came into the bar and then
regurgitated it on cue. Quite disgusting, actually.
[DAX] Wrong again.
[SISKO (OC)] Sisko to Dax. I'd like to see you in my office, Commander.
[DAX] On my way, Benjamin. Don't worry, Quark. You'll figure it out
(She stares at Quark)
[QUARK] What?
[DAX] No wonder you can't figure it out.
(Dax pulls a strip of latinum out of Quark's ear)
[DAX] Your head's full of latinum.
[BASHIR] Ladies and gentlemen, the amazing Jadzia Dax!
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Have a seat. A Trill science team is coming
to the station to conduct field tests on experimental techniques for
creating artificial wormholes.
[DAX] It sounds interesting.
[SISKO] It's an important project and I've agreed to let them use the
Defiant for their experiments. But I thought you would want to know
that the leader of the science team is Doctor Lenara Kahn.
[DAX] Lenara Kahn?
[SISKO] That's right. Look, you've got about three months of leave
accumulated. Why don't you take some of it? We can afford to do without
you for a while.
[DAX] Am I that dispensable around here?
[SISKO] We'll never notice you're gone.
[DAX] No. I'll stay. I can handle it.
[SISKO] You're sure?
[DAX] I'm sure. I've never let my past lives interfere with my job and
I'm not going to start now. I'll be fine.
[SISKO] Okay.
[DAX] But thank you for giving me the option.
[SISKO] Any time, old man.
(Dax is already there when Kira and Worf arrive.
The airlock opens and a man steps out)
[PREN] I'm Doctor Hanor Pren of the Trill science ministry.
[KIRA] I'm Major Kira Nerys, and I'd like to welcome you to Deep Space
Nine. This is our strategic operations officer, Commander Worf, and
this is our science officer, Commander Dax.
[PREN] Allow me to introduce you our team leader, Doctor Lenara Kahn,
and her brother, Doctor Bejal Otner. Major Kira, Commander Worf,
Commander Dax.
[DAX] It's been a long time.
[LENARA] Yes, it has.
(Everyone say Hi! to
Susanna Thompson)
[WORF] If you will come with me, I will show you to your quarters.
(Worf and the Trill party leave)
[KIRA] You know that woman?
[DAX] I know her. She used to be my wife.
[QUARK] So let me get this straight. Dax's first
host was named Lela. Right?
[BASHIR] I think so.
[KIRA] Lela Dax, that's right.
[QUARK] Then Lela dies and the Dax symbiont goes on to a man named
Tobin. And after Tobin dies, then it's on to Emony, then Torias, Audrid
[KIRA] No, no. Audrid, then Torias.
[QUARK] Sorry. Audrid, Torias, Joran, Curzon and then eventually Jadzia.
[KIRA] Right.
[QUARK] And this Doctor Lenara Kahn person was once married to?
[BASHIR] Torias. But of course in those days she wasn't Lenara.
[QUARK] I knew it couldn't be that simple.
[BASHIR] The Kahn symbiont which is now joined to Lenara used to be
joined to a woman named Nilani, and it was Nilani who married Torias
[KIRA] But Torias was killed in a shuttle accident.
[BASHIR] And Nilani became a widow. Years later, when Nilani died, the
Kahn symbiont was joined to Lenara.
[QUARK] And now Nilani is Lenara, and Torias is Jadzia. So that makes
Lenara Jadzia's ex-wife.
[KIRA] It's a little more complicated than that, Quark.
[QUARK] I'm sure it is. But to be honest, I'm sorry I brought the whole
thing up. It's giving me a headache.
[BASHIR] It must be all the latinum rattling around in there.
(Bashir takes a strip from Quark's ear)
[BASHIR] I thought so. You really should have that looked at.
[QUARK] (to a waiter staring in his ear) Get back to work. If you'll
excuse me.
(Quark leaves)
[KIRA] Did Dax teach you that?
[BASHIR] Next time I'm going to pull a rabbit out of his ear.
(They walk to a doorway.)
[KIRA] One thing I don't understand is why Dax and Lenara can't just
pick up where they left off. I mean, if they're still in love with each
[BASHIR] Ah, now there's the rub. Even if they do harbour feelings for
each other, it's strictly against the rules of Trill society for them
to acknowledge it in any way.
[KIRA] Rules?
[BASHIR] Well, it's more of a taboo, really. Having a relationship with
a lover from a past life is called reassociation, and the Trill feel
very strongly that it's unnatural.
[KIRA] Unnatural? How can it be unnatural for a married couple to resume
their marriage?
[BASHIR] Well, the whole point of joining is for the symbiont to
accumulate experiences from the span of many lifetimes. In order to
move on from host to host, the symbiont has to learn to let go of the
past, let go of parents, siblings, children, even spouses.
[KIRA] I don't understand how two people who've fallen in love, and made
a life together, can be forced to just walk away from each other
because of a taboo. There must be some Trill who have reassociated with
people from their past lives.
[BASHIR] I asked Dax the same question, and it seems there have been a
[KIRA] And what happened?
[BASHIR] They were exiled from the Trill homeworld.
[KIRA] That means the symbionts would never be joined to a new host.
[BASHIR] Exactly. So when the hosts die, the symbionts die with them. So
you see, even if Dax does harbour feelings for Lenara, she
can't take that risk. For a joined Trill, nothing is more important
than to protect the life of the symbiont. Nothing.
(Dax's quarters)
(Dax is brushing her hair when the doorbell rings)
[DAX] Come in.
[SISKO] I had a feeling you weren't going to be ready. Curzon was never
on time in his life. He was even late for his hundredth birthday party.
[DAX] You're never going to let me forget that, are you?
[SISKO] Do you know how long it took me to plan that party?
[DAX] Three months. I know.
[SISKO] You still have time to back out of the reception, you know.
[DAX] You know how I hate to miss a party.
[SISKO] I'm serious.
[DAX] I know. And I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I'm going
to be working with Lenara for the next week. I have to get used to
being around her. Stop worrying about me, Benjamin. I'll be fine.
(Dax puts her comm. badge onto her dress uniform, and Sisko turns it
the right way up.)
(It's time for the toasts.)
[SISKO] So, in the spirit of friendship, we welcome you to Deep Space
Nine and wish you success in the creation of the galaxy's first
artificial wormhole.
[ALL] Hear, hear.
[LENARA] I understand you'll be commanding the Defiant during our
[WORF] Yes.
[BEJAL] You must be very excited. I mean, to be a part of a potentially
history-making project.
[WORF] I am looking forward to it.
[LENARA] I think Mister Worf is less than enthusiastic about heading a
research mission. It's not exactly what every Klingon dreams about.
[KIRA] What do Klingons dream about?
[WORF] Things that would send cold chills down your spine and wake you
in the middle of the night. It is better you do not know. Excuse me.
(Worf leaves)
[KIRA] I can never tell when he's joking.
[LENARA] Maybe it is better that we do not know.
(Dax goes to the buffet table, and Lenara walks over, casually.)
[LENARA] Well, this looks wonderful.
[DAX] Mmm-hmm.
[LENARA] I take it most of this is Bajoran.
[DAX] Hasperat. No, hasperat. Moba fruit and veklava.
[LENARA] Of course, I'm not the least bit hungry.
[DAX] Neither am I.
[LENARA] But I suppose we should load our plates anyway since the whole
room is watching us.
[DAX] Quite an audience.
[LENARA] Seems a shame to disappoint them. Maybe we should do something.
[DAX] We could get into a screaming match and start throwing things at
each other.
[LENARA] Not bad. Or I suppose we could throw ourselves at each other,
profess our undying love for each other and complete disregard for
Trill society.
[DAX] Doctor Pren would probably have a heart attack.
[LENARA] Forget about him, my brother's head would explode. He's been a
nervous wreck ever since we arrived.
[DAX] I know the feeling.
[LENARA] Well, I'll tell you what I told him. We're both mature adults
and we can handle this.
[DAX] I agree completely. It'll be fine.
[LENARA] They're watching us again.
[DAX] I know. I guess we'll probably have to get used to it.
[LENARA] Well, thank you, Commander Dax. I appreciate your insightful
commentary on Bajoran cuisine.
[DAX] My pleasure, Doctor Kahn.
(Lenara walks away, then they both turn and their eyes meet...)
(Engine room)
[BEJAL] After we launch our target drone, the
Defiant will have to generate a subspace tensor matrix in the twenty
five to thirty thousand Cochrane range. Then the drone will send out a
magneton pulse which should react with the matrix to create an opening
in the space-time continuum.
[EDDINGTON] How long will we have to keep generating the matrix?
[PREN] Two minutes, maybe less. Once the wormhole forms, we can shut
down the tensor matrix.
[BRIEN] We'll have to reroute the pre-ignition plasma from the impulse
deck down to the auxiliary intake to get that much power. But I think
we can do it.
[BEJAL] Excellent.
[PREN] We'll also need to download our parameters for the matrix into
one of your computers.
[DAX] I think we'd better use the main computer, Chief. I don't think
the engineering computer can handle it.
[BRIEN] I agree.
[DAX] If you'll follow me, I'll take you up to the bridge and we can
begin downloading the data.
[PREN] All right.
[LENARA] Everything looks good here. Dax?
[DAX] The backup navigation programme is still showing some calibration
drift. I think some data may have been lost in the startup routine.
[LENARA] Possibly.
[PREN] Well, that explains the seven percent falloff in AFR ratios I
keep seeing. Must be a problem with diagnostic sub-routines. I have a
recalibration unit in my quarters that might solve the problem.
[DAX] I'll have someone bring it here.
[PREN] Oh, no, no. I need a break anyway.
(Pren leaves. Dax and Lenara are alone together.)
[LENARA] Now I'm getting a drop-off in the triple-R output. We might
have a bigger problem than the diagnostic subroutines.
(Dax comes over to view her monitor.)
[DAX] Don't panic yet. It could just be transtater failure. It happens
all the time.
[LENARA] I wasn't panicking.
[DAX] It's just an expression. Sorry.
[LENARA] No, I'm sorry. Forget it. It's just that you always used to, I
mean Torias always used to tell Nilani that she was panicking about
things, making a big fuss about nothing.
[DAX] Well, Torias used to be insensitive at times. But you have to
admit, Nilani did do her share of overreacting.
[LENARA] That's because you were a pilot and it made me nervous. Made
her nervous. Torias being a pilot made Nilani nervous. I've never had
quite this much trouble sorting out my feelings from those of a past
[DAX] I know what you mean.
[LENARA] Probably another good reason why we're not supposed to spend
much time together. We'd probably just get lost in the past.
[DAX] Let's try running the transtater diagnostic again.
[LENARA] Okay.
[DAX] Nilani wasn't panicking the day before Torias died.
[DAX] No. Torias should have listened to her. The shuttle was not ready
for a full impulse test, but Torias had to do it anyway. And he was
wrong. And whatever part of me is still Torias is very sorry and wishes
he'd listened to you. Well, we have a lot of work to do.
[LENARA] Right. Right.
[DAX] Would you be interested in dinner? I mean, I'm having dinner with
some friends and I thought you might like to go along.
[LENARA] I wouldn't want to intrude on your friends.
[DAX] It's actually not that big of a group. It's just me and Julian.
[LENARA] Doctor Bashir? Sure. That sounds great.
[DAX] Great.
[LENARA] Okay. Dinner. Tonight.
[DAX] At Quark's.
[LENARA] Great.
(Promenade - upper level)
[BASHIR] Tonight? I can't. I have plans.
[DAX] Cancel them. I mean, if you can cancel them that would be really
[BASHIR] Nice. Because?
[DAX] Because I invited Lenara out for dinner and
[BASHIR] And it would be less awkward if you had a chaperone.
[DAX] Exactly. Will you do it?
[BASHIR] Something tells me that I should say no, but I won't. What
[DAX] Twenty two hundred at Quark's. Thank you. I owe you one.
(Quark's cafe)
(Dax and Lenara are talking and not eating, Bashir
is bored rigid and has finished his meal.)
[DAX] No, it didn't have a red awning. It had a big ratana tree or
something out front.
[LENARA] Well, you don't mean the Barros Inn?
[DAX] Yes! That's it.
[LENARA] Curzon was kicked out of the Barros Inn? That's one of the
wildest bars in the whole Rigel system. What did he do?
[DAX] He sort of set fire to it.
[LENARA] Sort of?
[DAX] All right, he set fire to it. But it wasn't deliberate. It was
part of a bet. But that's another story.
[LENARA] Curzon was certainly different from most joined Trills.
[DAX] He liked to do things his own way. He used to say there was an
exception to every rule, and he usually went out of his way to find it.
[LENARA] I'm actually glad we never met. We probably wouldn't have liked
each other very much.
[DAX] No, he wasn't that bad really. I tend to exaggerate his rebellious
qualities. But you may have a point. Curzon never had much use for
[LENARA] Well, that's interesting considering what you do now.
[DAX] Curzon would be horrified to know that I'm a scientist. The very
idea of doing research made him ill.
[LENARA] Torias wasn't much different. I can remember talking to him
about my wanting to study theoretical quantum physics and his eyes
glazing over.
[DAX] The irony is, you and I have more in common than Torias and Nilani
ever did.
[LENARA] That's right.
[NURSE (OC)] Infirmary to Doctor Bashir.
[BASHIR] Doctor Bashir here. Go ahead.
[NURSE (OC)] I'm sorry to interrupt you, Doctor, but Ensign Tyler's
broken his leg and I think you'd
[BASHIR] I'm on my way. I'm sorry. I must go. Duty calls.
[DAX] That's all right. Thanks for coming.
[LENARA] It was nice to see you again.
(Bashir leaves)
[LENARA] Now that's a good friend. He sat here all night listening to us
trade stories of our former hosts and never once complained.
[DAX] I think he enjoyed himself. Maybe not. I'll make it up to him.
[LENARA] Yeah.
[DAX] (re earrings) Those are Klingon, aren't they?
[LENARA] How did you know? Oh, Curzon.
[DAX] They're beautiful.
[LENARA] They were given to me by a Klingon scientist. He wanted to give
me one of the swords they carry around, but I refused.
(Lenara gives the earrings to Dax.)
[LENARA] Keep them. Really. I'm not very Klingon.
[DAX] Thanks.
(Dax holds one up to her ear.)
[DAX] Well?
[LENARA] They suit you. It's really good to see you again, Dax. That
sounds so strange. I mean, I'm looking at a different face, hearing a
different voice, but somehow it's still you.
[DAX] I know. Every time I start to think of you as just Lenara, you'll
smile or laugh and suddenly it's you.
(They hold hands)
[DAX] I'm really glad you're here.
[LENARA] Me too.
(Pren sees them from the top level)
Defiant log, stardate 49195.5. Lieutenant Commander
Worf reporting. We have arrived at the coordinates to begin preliminary
tests for the artificial wormhole project.
[BEJAL] Target drone is in position, Commander.
[WORF] Full scan.
[DAX] No ships in sensor range.
[WORF] Bridge to Engineering. Are you ready, Mister Eddington?
[EDDINGTON (OC)] We're ready, Commander.
[WORF] Doctor Kahn, you may proceed.
[LENARA] Energise the focal array and stand by to initiate the subspace
tensor matrix.
(Dax goes over to Lenara's console.)
[DAX] This AQF sequencer, it's always causing me problems.
(We switch to the other side of the Bridge and see Dax and Lenara
flirting but can't make out their words.)
[BEJAL] The plasma coil interlocks are in place. Deflector grid is
charged and standing by.
[PREN] They're very friendly today.
[BEJAL] Hmm?
[PREN] They had dinner last night. Alone.
[BEJAL] What are you trying to say?
[PREN] I shouldn't have to say anything.
[BEJAL] Then don't. We're ready to generate the tensor matrix.
(Lenara and Dax swap places.)
[DAX] The drone is standing by.
[LENARA] Initialise the focal array.
(Defiant sends out a beam.)
[BEJAL] The tensor matrix is forming.
[LENARA] Activate the drone.
[DAX] The drone is sending out the magneton pulse. It's reached the
[PREN] I'm picking up a subspace distortion.
[BEJAL] The distortion's becoming coherent. It's working.
[DAX] The magneton pulse is causing a feedback loop. It'll destroy the
drone in a few seconds.
[LENARA] A few seconds is all we need.
(A triangular orange wormhole appears, then disappears a few moments
[DAX] The drone's been destroyed. But you did it.
[WORF] Congratulations, Doctor.
[LENARA] Thank you. That was only the first step, but what a step.
(Dax puts her arm around Lenara.)
[DAX] I'm so proud.
[LENARA] Thank you.
[DAX] I'm so proud.
[LENARA] The subspace field data, quantum readings,
all the telemetry checks out. The wormhole was open twenty three point
four seconds and during that time it was completely coherent.
[BEJAL] You couldn't ask for a better beginning. But it all comes down
to the next test. We have to be able to send an object through the
wormhole to prove that it's stable for space travel.
[LENARA] Oh, that reminds me. Dax thinks we should use a class four
probe to make the actual run. She says that the class four shielding
will give us a better idea of how the wormhole will affect a real ship.
[BEJAL] I didn't know you'd talked to Dax since we got back.
[LENARA] I saw her last night.
[BEJAL] Where?
[LENARA] She came by my quarters.
[BEJAL] How long did she stay?
[LENARA] Is there something you want to ask me?
[BEJAL] I don't want to ask you anything, but I'm beginning to wonder if
I should.
[LENARA] I don't believe this.
[BEJAL] Believe it. People are starting to notice.
[LENARA] People?
[BEJAL] Doctor Pren saw you holding hands at dinner the other night. I
thought he was overreacting, but then I saw the way the two of you were
acting on the Defiant.
(Lenara walks off)
[BEJAL] Lenara!
[BEJAL] Lenara. Lenara! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Look,
I'm your brother. You tell me nothing's going on, then nothing's going
on. I just want to hear you say it.
[LENARA] There is nothing going on. All right?
[BEJAL] All right.
(Dax's quarters)
(Dax is doing slow sit-ups when the doorbell
[DAX] Come in. What's wrong?
[LENARA] I just had the most unpleasant conversation with my brother. He
thinks that there's something going on between us.
[DAX] Oh. And what did you tell him?
[LENARA] Well I told him that that was ridiculous, that there's nothing
going on between us. That you and I are just friends.
[DAX] Well then, that should settle that. Maybe we shouldn't see each
other. It'll just give people the wrong idea.
[LENARA] Or give them the right idea.
[DAX] I don't think we should have this conversation.
[LENARA] Would it do any good? Would it change how either of us feels?
[DAX] No, but it would be easier.
[LENARA] You've never been one for the easy way out.
[DAX] That's true. But in this case, I'm not the only one involved. I
don't want to do anything to hurt you. I did that before. I climbed
into a shuttlecraft and I made you a widow.
[LENARA] I knew you were a pilot when I married you. I knew the risks. I
went into it with my eyes wide open.
[DAX] And what about now? Are your eyes open? Do you know what the risks
[LENARA] I thought I'd, thought I'd gotten over you. It's been so long
and so much has happened. And now I know I haven't.
[DAX] Shh. I've missed you. I've missed you so much.
(Finally, they kiss.)
[LENARA] I'd better go.
[DAX] Yeah.
(Captain's office)
[DAX] I don't know what to do, Benjamin.
[SISKO] What do you want to do?
[DAX] Throw myself at her. Profess my undying love and my complete
disregard for Trill society. A joke Lenara made at the reception.
Doesn't sound so funny anymore, does it?
[SISKO] Not really.
[DAX] You don't think I should pursue this, do you.
[DAX] Okay. Why?
[SISKO] Because I remember what Curzon used to say about reassociation.
That it didn't matter whether he agreed with the taboo or not, because
the price for violating it was too high. Exile.
[DAX] I know what Curzon used to say, and I'm not Curzon.
[SISKO] And you're not Torias either. You're Jadzia Dax and you have a
responsibility as a joined Trill to never
[DAX] I didn't come here to hear a lecture about my responsibilities.
[SISKO] You came here for advice from a friend, and that's exactly what
you're getting.
[DAX] You're right. I'm sorry.
[SISKO] I know this is difficult for you. I know how you feel about
Lenara. But I want you to think about what will happen if you pursue
this. If you're exiled from Trill, there will be no further hosts for
your symbiont. When Jadzia dies, Dax dies.
That goes against everything you were taught during your initiate
training. You've told me again and again that each host is only a link
in a chain and that the life of the symbiont, no matter what happens,
must go on.
[DAX] I know that and I believe in that. But I also know I love her,
[SISKO] I know you do. If I were in your position I'd probably be just
as ready to throw everything away for the person I love. But I would
also want to be sure that I was ready to pay the price.
[DAX] You're right. I need to be sure.
[SISKO] But if you're sure, if this is what you really want, I will back
you all the way.
[DAX] I've lived seven lifetimes and I have never had a friend quite
like you.
[EDDINGTON (OC)] Eddington to Bridge. We're ready to
generate the tensor matrix.
[WORF] Understood. Stand by.
[EDDINGTON (OC)] Aye, sir.
[WORF] Commander Dax?
[DAX] Subspace field stress is within normal parameters.
[PREN] Probe's ready for launch.
[BEJAL] Target drone is in position.
[WORF] Bridge to Engine Room. Initialise subspace matrix, Mister
(Engine room)
(Lenara is here.)
[WORF (OC)] On my mark.
[EDDINGTON] Acknowledged.
[BEJAL] The tensor matrix is starting to form.
[PREN] Activate the drone.
(A wormhole opens)
[BEJAL] Wormhole neutrino readings are stable.
[DAX] Subspace field stress is up by fifteen percent. but still within
safety margins.
[WORF] Launch the probe.
(As soon as the probe enters the wormhole, the whole thing goes KaBOOM
and the shock wave hits the Defiant.)
[WORF] Report.
[DAX] No helm control. There's a hull breach on deck five. Emergency
forcefields are in place.
[BEJAL] I'm reading a massive plasma leak in the Engine room.
[WORF] Bridge to Engine room. Mister Eddington, Doctor Kahn, can you
hear me?
[DAX] Have a damage control team meet me down there.
(Two people with fire extinguishers are with Dax as
they reach the sealed blast door.)
[DAX] Stand back.
(Engine room - upper level)
(There's a green plasma fire in front of the warp
core, and Lenora is on the far side of it.)
[EDDINGTON] It's out of control. We can't put it out with those. We'll
have to vent the entire compartment out into space.
[DAX] No. Lenara might still be alive.
[EDDINGTON] There's no way to get to her.
[DAX] How long will a level eight forcefield last in here?
[EDDINGTON] Not long with that plasma fire. Ten, twenty seconds at most.
[DAX] I think I can get to her.
[EDDINGTON] Dax, if we don't contain this thing now, it's going to set
off the warp core.
[DAX] I know. Just give me ten seconds after the forcefield goes off and
then vent the compartment. I need to reconfigure the field geometry.
[EDDINGTON] I'll try to keep the field stable as long as I can.
(A forcefield comes on over the top of the fire. Dax walks down the hot
slope to the lower deck and gets to Lenara just before it gives out.
The alarm sounds and Eddington evacuates the upper level as the blast
door comes down. Dax gets Lenara and helps her into a nearby Jefferies
(Jefferies tube)
[LENARA] Oh, Dax.
[DAX] I thought I'd lost you.
[LENARA] So did I. I don't want to lose you, not again.
[DAX] Not again. Never again. Never again. Never.
(Lenara's quarters)
(Bejal pours a cup of tea for Lenara as the
doorbell rings.)
[LENARA] Come in.
[DAX] How are you feeling?
[BEJAL] Much better. She's almost fully recovered.
[LENARA] My brother the nurse.
[BEJAL] I want to thank you for what you did. Lenara means a lot to me.
[DAX] To both of us.
[BEJAL] Yes. I'll leave you two alone.
(Bejal leaves. Dax opens her hand to reveal a small gift.)
[DAX] Risian perfume.
[LENARA] Do they know what happened to the wormhole yet?
[DAX] Our best guess is that the tetryon field reacted to the probe's
shielding, producing a massive graviton wave. The important thing is no
one was killed and we brought the ship back in one piece.
[LENARA] Oh, the ship. How badly was it damaged?
[DAX] Chief O'Brien says he'll have it good as new in two weeks. Now
stop torturing yourself. It wasn't your fault.
[LENARA] It was my project, my theories.
[DAX] And you shouldn't forget that your project and your theories
produced the first artificially created wormhole in history. It's a
huge achievement.
[LENARA] You're right. I am being a little self-indulgent, aren't I?
[DAX] Yes, you are.
[LENARA] Well, I guess I'll have a lot of work to do when I get back to
Trill. Analysing the telemetry from the probe alone will probably take
[DAX] Probably. Why not do the work here with me.
[LENARA] With you? The two of us together. You know what that would
[DAX] I know exactly what that would mean. But I think it's worth the
[LENARA] That's funny. Bejal just spent the last half hour trying to
convince me that it wouldn't be worth it. He wants me to go back to
Trill with him tomorrow, try to forget about you.
[DAX] Well, at least he's consistent.
[LENARA] Don't be too hard on him. He's only trying to look out for his
big sister.
[DAX] Everyone is trying to look out for us. Protect us from ourselves.
But in the end, all that matters is how we feel and what we do about
it. Because either way, we're the ones who have to live with the
[LENARA] That's the tricky part though, isn't it? Living with the
consequences. When you're not with me, when you're not around, it's
like a part of me is missing. I want to be with you more than anything,
but I don't think that I can do this. Dax, I am not like you. I don't
have a little Curzon inside me telling me to be impulsive, to ignore
the rules, to give up everything I've worked for.
[DAX] Can you really walk away from me, from us? After all this time,
we're together. Don't throw that away.
[LENARA] I don't want to! Maybe I need more time. Maybe if I go back to
Trill for a while, think it over. I can always come back later.
[DAX] I wish I could believe you. But ultimately, it comes down to this.
If you feel about me the way I feel about you, you won't go on that
transport tomorrow. And if you do leave, I think we both know you're
never coming back again.
(Promenade - upper level)
(Dax watches as Worf escorts the two men to the
airlock below and bids them farewell. Then Lenara arrives, looks around
and is about to step through when she finally spots Dax up above. They
look at each other for a long time, then Lenara leaves.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e75", "title": "Rejoined"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Starship Down
Original Airdate: 6 Nov, 1995
Captain's log, stardate 49263.5. At the request of the Karemma Commerce
Ministry, we've brought the Defiant to a remote system in the Gamma
Quadrant to discuss problems that have surfaced regarding our recent
trade agreement.
(Mess hall)
[HANOK] When we first agreed to use the Ferengi as
intermediaries, we did it because we knew the Dominion would never
tolerate direct trade between us and the Federation.
(Everyone say Hi! to James Cromwell under the latex
[QUARK] And we're glad to be of service. I'm happy to say that not a
single Ferengi vessel has been stopped by the Jem'Hadar.
[HANOK] Unfortunately, we have found there is little profit in doing
business with the Federation. In order to comply with your all commerce
laws, we have had to pay a series of taxes and fees that have made the
costs too high.
[SISKO] What sort of taxes and fees are you referring to?
[HANOK] For example, on a recent shipment of Karemman Fleece, a four
percent surcharge was added to inspect the cargo for changeling
[SISKO] What?
[QUARK] You never know where they might be hiding.
[HANOK] And a six percent tariff was imposed to help offset the lost
income of Tarkalian sheep herders.
[QUARK] Hardworking people. You have to feel for them.
[HANOK] Need I go on, Captain?
[SISKO] No. I think you've made your point.
(And Quark gets a very stern Look.)
[CARSON] (a crewwoman) These are the results of the
last weapons drill, sir.
[WORF] These response times are unacceptable, Ensign.
[CARSON] They are a little high, sir, but not if you take into account
[WORF] I want these response times reduced by fifteen percent. Schedule
another drill.
[CARSON] Yes, sir.
(Dax sips a drink and proffers a plate of bon-bons.)
[DAX] Want one?
[KIRA] I'm fasting. Today is Ha'mara.
[DAX] Ha'mara?
[KIRA] It's the anniversary of the Emissary's arrival. We fast to show
our gratitude to the Prophets for sending him to us. Last night, there
was a Festival of Lights in the Capital.
[DAX] Sounds beautiful. Sorry we missed it.
[KIRA] Something tells me the Captain scheduled these negotiations so he
wouldn't have to attend.
[DAX] Benjamin's never been one for ceremonies, especially where he's
the centre of attention.
[KIRA] Oh, I understand how the Captain feels. Still, it would have
meant a lot if the Emissary had been there.
[DAX] After being stuck in the mess hall all morning with Quark and
Hanok, I bet he wishes he had gone.
[CARSON] Two ships have just entered sensor range. They're Jem'Hadar
[WORF] Red alert. Captain Sisko to the Bridge. All hands battle
(Sisko and Hanok enter after the opening titles)
[WORF] The Jem'Hadar are powering their weapons systems. They are
targeting the Karemma ship.
[HANOK] They're here to punish us for meeting with you. If I give myself
up and assume full responsibility, they may spare my ship.
[SISKO] I'm not about to turn you over to them. Open a channel. This is
Captain Benjamin Sisko of the USS Defiant. Stand down or we'll be
forced to
[SISKO] Return fire.
[DAX] The Karemma ship is coming about. They're moving away, Captain.
[SISKO] Tell your people to hold position. We can't protect them if they
[KIRA] The Karemma aren't responding to our hails.
[WORF] The Jem'Hadar are changing course. They're going after the
Karemma ship.
[SISKO] Move to intercept.
(The Karemma ship dives for the planet)
[DAX] What are they doing?
[HANOK] They're hoping that the Jem'Hadar won't follow them into the
[KIRA] They'd be smart not to. That's a class J gas giant. I'm reading
wind speeds of over ten thousand kilometres per hour.
[HANOK] Twenty three of my people are on that ship and they're going to
die because I was foolish enough to defy the Dominion.
[SISKO] They're not going to die, Minister. Not if I can help it. Sisko
to O'Brien.
(Engine room)
[BRIEN] Go ahead, sir.
[SISKO (OC)] I'm taking the ship into the atmosphere.
[SISKO] I know she wasn't built for it, but I think
the ship can handle it.
[BRIEN (OC)] Aye, sir.
(Engine room)
[BRIEN] I'll see if we can get more power to the
structural integrity field.
[KIRA] Adjusting shield geometry for atmospheric
[WORF] Transferring auxiliary power to forward shields.
[SISKO] Take us in.
[DAX] Five seconds to atmosphere.
(In they go and the viewscreen fills with static.)
[KIRA] There's so much interference our imaging systems are practically
[DAX] We've hit a cross-current.
[SISKO] Head into it.
[KIRA] We've slipped between two thermal layers. Wind velocities are a
little more manageable here.
[SISKO] Hold this altitude. Any sign of the Karemma or the Jem'Hadar?
[WORF] No, but sensor range is less than two kilometres.
[DAX] There might be a way we can increase it.
[SISKO] Let's do it. Mister Hanok, I think it'd be best if you returned
to the mess hall.
[HANOK] As you wish, Captain.
(Hanok is escorted off)
[SISKO] Mister Worf?
[WORF] Sir.
[SISKO] What's the status of our weapons systems?
[WORF] The cloak is not effective in this atmosphere, and the
interference will jam our torpedo guidance systems.
[SISKO] What about phasers?
[WORF] We'll have to target them manually.
[DAX] Benjamin, we have an idea.
[KIRA] It's a little trick I learned during the occupation. Sometimes
we'd evade the Cardassian ships by hiding in the Badlands. Sensor range
was limited, so we learned to use an old active-scan system to
[DAX] It works by echo-location. We send out a modulated tetryon pulse,
and if it reflects off the hull of a ship we can approximate its
[SISKO] But won't these pulses give away our position as well?
[KIRA] We'd have to alter course and speed after every one.
(Sisko gives the nod.)
(Mess hall)
[QUARK] Good news, Minister.
[HANOK] Really?
[QUARK] I think I've found the problem. I made the mistake of letting my
brother Rom execute these contracts.
[HANOK] Your brother?
[QUARK] Yes. I'm ashamed to say it, but he's an idiot. You see, the
Federation and the Karemma have very different laws governing commerce,
and I think poor Rom must've gotten confused by all the legalisms. Now,
I will be more than willing to make up any losses you might have
encountered. In fact, I will pay them back with interest.
[HANOK] You cheated me, Quark, and you haven't even have the courage to
admit it. If we survive this, I'll see that you never work in the Gamma
Quadrant again,
(Sonar is online)
[KIRA] Nothing within ten thousand kilometres.
[SISKO] Ahead at one quarter impulse. Try again, Major.
[KIRA] There's something four hundred kilometres below us. It could be
the Karemma. I can't tell at this range.
[SISKO] Close to ten kilometres.
[DAX] We're crossing into another thermal layer.
[CARSON] Holding position at ten kilometres.
[SISKO] Major?
[KIRA] Well, from the size of it I'd say it's the Karemma.
(Two blips whizz in from astern)
[KIRA] I'm picking up two more ships.
(Who fire on the Defiant.)
[WORF] Shields at sixty percent.
[SISKO] Return fire!
[KIRA] The Jem'Hadar are breaking off their attack.
[SISKO] Are they going after the Karemma?
[KIRA] I don't think they've spotted them.
[CARSON] Captain, impulse power is offline. We're losing altitude.
[SISKO] Try using thrusters to stabilise.
[CARSON] It's no use.
[WORF] Hull pressure is at two million GSC and rising.
[SISKO] Sisko to Engine room.
(Engine room)
[SISKO (OC)] We need impulse power.
[BRIEN] The primary ODN lines have overloaded, Captain. It'll be a few
[DAX] Chief, if you can spare someone to meet me in
Jefferies tube four, I'll try to re-route the power through the
secondary couplings.
(Engine room)
[BRIEN] Muniz, you go.
[MUNIZ] Yes, sir.
(Meanwhile, Quark and Hanok are very concerned about the noises.)
[CARSON] Hull pressure at nine million GSC and still
[KIRA] If we keep losing altitude at this rate, the hull will collapse
in less than six minutes.
[WORF] Sir, the phaser couplings were overloaded during the attack.
It'll take at least two hours to repair them.
[SISKO] The Jem'Hadar aren't going to let us tractor the Karemma out of
here without a fight.
[KIRA] Right now it seems like we're the ones who need to be tractored
out of here.
[SISKO] One thing at a time, Major. Sisko to O'Brien.
(Engine room)
[BRIEN] O'Brien, here.
[SISKO (OC)] How many atmospheric probes do we have on board?
[BRIEN] Two.
[SISKO] Could they be rigged with warheads from
(Engine room)
[SISKO (OC)] Quantum torpedoes?
[BRIEN] Well, we'd have to pull the imaging systems out to make room
in the casings, but I don't see
[BRIEN (OC)] Why not.
[SISKO] How long?
[BRIEN (OC)] Twenty minutes.
[SISKO] You've got ten.
(Engine room)
(O'Brien's assistant is nervous at the creaking
[BRIEN] You okay?
[STEVENS] I'm all right.
[BRIEN] The Captain's gotten us out of tougher spots than this. Last
year, when the Romulans tried to invade the Founder's homeworld, we
went up against a dozen Jem'Hadar ships
[STEVENS] I know, Chief. You've told me the story.
[BRIEN] Oh, yeah? Well unless you want to hear it again, you'd better
get down to the torpedo bay and start working on those probes.
[STEVENS] I'm going.
[BRIEN] Janklow, I'm going to need a dualitic inverter. There's one in
the cargo bay.
[JANKLOW] Right, Chief.
(But as he heads down the corridor, a bulkhead blows in.)
[WORF] Hull breach on deck two.
[KIRA] An emergency forcefield is in place, but it won't hold up long
against this pressure.
[SISKO] How many people are down there?
[WORF] Half a dozen in Sickbay. Dax and Muniz in Jefferies tube four.
[SISKO] We've got to get them out of there.
[KIRA] If we don't seal off that deck now, we'll lose the entire ship.
(Sickbay is being evacuated right next to the
[BASHIR] Easy now.
[SISKO (OC)] Sisko to Bashir.
[BASHIR] Go ahead.
[SISKO (OC)] The emergency forcefield won't
[SISKO] Hold much longer. We've got to evacuate
[SISKO (OC)] That deck so we can seal it off.
[BASHIR] Aye, sir. Let's get everybody past that bulkhead.
[SISKO] Dax, are you finished?
(Jefferies tube)
[DAX] Not quite.
[SISKO (OC)] Get out of there as soon as you're done. In about
[SISKO] Thirty seconds we're going to have to seal
that deck.
(Bashir frees a crewman from the turbolift)
[BASHIR] Bashir to Bridge, I'm sealing the bulkhead now.
(Dax comes out of the Jefferies tube.)
[BASHIR] Dax! Hurry!
(She sends Muniz ahead of her as the forcefield gets very noisy. Then
it fails and the poisonous atmosphere floods in.)
[BASHIR] Jadzia!
[KIRA] The forcefield is down.
[SISKO] Doctor, close that bulkhead.
[BASHIR (OC)] But Jadzia's still in there.
[SISKO] Now, Doctor. That's an order.
(Muniz makes it to safety.)
[DAX] Julian.
(Bashir hits the close button and steps through with his medkit.)
(Bashir pulls the unconscious Dax into the
turbolift, manually closes the door and gives her a hypo.)
[BASHIR] Bridge.
(It doesn't move)
[BASHIR] Bridge.
(Power returns)
[KIRA] She did it.
[SISKO] Helm, take us to a higher altitude.
[BRIEN (OC)] O'Brien to Bridge. One of the atmospheric probes is armed
and standing by. We'll have the second one ready in a few minutes.
[SISKO] Very good, Chief. All right, Major. Now that we've got something
to defend ourselves with, let's start looking for the Karemma.
(Mess hall)
[QUARK] We're gaining altitude.
[HANOK] How can you tell?
[QUARK] I've got the lobes. You've got them, too. It's an old Ferengi
expression. Usually when we say that someone has the lobes, we mean
that they have a keen business sense. That's you. I'll admit it. You
fooled me. I thought you were just another easy mark. But you saw right
through my little scam, and taught me a thing or two about doing
business in the Gamma Quadrant. I guess I've gotten lazy. I'm used to
dealing with the Federation. If you thought I was cheating you, oh, you
have no idea what I was doing to them and they still haven't caught on.
If someone like me can put one over on them, think what someone like
you could do.
[HANOK] Someone with my lobes?
[QUARK] Exactly. And I'm just the man to help you do it. we could become
rich, rich beyond our dreams.
[HANOK] You are despicable.
[QUARK] I hate the Gamma Quadrant.
[KIRA] Sir, I have something. It's a Jem'Hadar ship.
[SISKO] Just one?
[WORF] They must have split up to search for the Karemma.
[KIRA] It's about seventy kilometres above us on a roughly perpendicular
[SISKO] Helm, come about to course zero seven five mark four. Let's fall
in behind them.
[KIRA] Do you think they've detected us?
[SISKO] I don't know, but let's make it harder for them. Shut down all
non-essential systems. It'll minimise our power signature.
(In other words, rig the submarine for silent running.)
[SISKO] All stop. Programme the probe to home in on the first metallic
signature it finds.
[WORF] Sir, if it does not locate anything within fifty kilometres, the
probe might turn back and home in on the Defiant.
[KIRA] What if they changed course or moved out of range?
[SISKO] Something tells me they may be closer than you think.
[WORF] The probe is ready, sir.
[SISKO] Fire.
(The probe streaks away but the Jem'Hadar come up behind the Defiant.
BOOM! Bridge crew are thrown about and knocked out. Bits of scaffolding
fall down. The probe acquires its target. KaBOOM!)
(Engine room)
[BRIEN] O'Brien to Bridge. (nothing) Try the
[MUNIZ] Engine Room to Bridge. Bridge, please respond.
[BRIEN] Save your breath. I don't think there's anybody left alive up
(In near dark, apart from spluttering cables)
[WORF] Are you all right?
[KIRA] I think so. Captain?
[WORF] Computer, lights. (stays dark) Bridge to Engine Room.
[CARSON] Boyce and Peterson are dead, sir.
(Kira tends to Sisko.)
[KIRA] Try not to move. You took a bad blow. Get me a medkit.
[WORF] Bridge systems are completely offline. We're not getting any
power to these consoles.
[KIRA] There, the bleeding's stopped. He's got a concussion, sub-cranial
bleeding. We need a medic!
[CARSON] The comm. system's down. I'll go below and try and find one.
It's stuck.
[WORF] We will have to force it open.
(Worf does so.)
[KIRA] I'm afraid if he loses consciousness he may slip into a coma, but
I don't think I can risk using a stimulant on him.
[WORF] You have to keep him awake. Talk to him. Give him something to
focus on.
[KIRA] All right.
[WORF] I will attempt to reach to the Engine Room and take over the ship
from there.
[KIRA] Good luck.
(Worf leaves)
[KIRA] Captain. Everything's going to be all right but you have to try
to stay awake for me. I'm just to keep talking, all right, but you have
to listen. It's very important that you listen to me, because there's
going to be a test later.
[BASHIR] How do you feel?
[DAX] Terrible
[BASHIR] That's not surprising considering that you took in a few
lungfuls of fluorine.
[DAX] Remind me to hold my breath next time. I take it we're stuck in
[BASHIR] I thought of trying to climb up the turbolift shaft, but it's
flooded with gas.
[DAX] I've had enough fluorine for one day. Maybe we should just stay
put and wait for someone to come get us.
[BASHIR] They probably don't even know we're in here. Our comm. signals
can't cut through the interference.
[DAX] Is there anything else I should know?
[BASHIR] We only have a few hours of breathable air.
[DAX] Thanks, anyway. For trying to rescuing me.
[BASHIR] Lot of good it did you.
[DAX] I mean it. It's funny. A year ago if you'd have done something
like this, I would've thought you were just trying to be a hero.
[BASHIR] And now?
[DAX] Now that I know you better I realise it was just a really stupid
thing to do.
[BASHIR] You're welcome.
(Mess hall)
[QUARK] You're taking this too personally. Okay, I
cheated you. I cheat everyone. It's business. You see what you can get
away with, and you've got to figure the other guy's doing the same to
[HANOK] That's not the way the Karemma conduct business.
[QUARK] Oh, come on. You can't tell me you never padded an inventory, or
pawned off a load of substandard merchandise.
[HANOK] No, I haven't. The Karemma believe that merchandise has a set
value, determined by the raw materials and the labour involved in
creating it. Factor in transportation costs and a reasonable profit
margin, and you arrive at a fair price.
[QUARK] You make it sound so antiseptic. Where's the bargaining, where's
the scheming, where's the greed?
[HANOK] Greed leads to misjudgment, and that can result in a loss of
[QUARK] If there's no risk, there's no thrill. Your way is just barter.
If you want to win big, you've got to be willing to play the odds. It's
like gambling.
[HANOK] Gambling is the last recourse of the desperate. Only a fool
would risk losing what he has to chance.
(Engine room)
(Worf enters through the Jefferies tube.)
[BRIEN] Commander, am I glad to see you.
[WORF] The Captain is injured and all bridge functions are offline.
[BRIEN] We're trying to route command functions to these consoles.
[WORF] All right. I will take command from here. Who configured these
helm controls?
[MUNIZ] I did, sir.
[WORF] They are not laid out properly.
[MUNIZ] I realise they're not the same as on the Bridge, but I had to
make some changes because
[WORF] I need to be able to ascertain our status at a glance.
Reconfigure these controls to their standard layout.
[MUNIZ] Aye, sir.
[WORF] Mister Stevens, you will operate the echo-location system we've
been using to track the Jem'Hadar.
[STEVENS] I'll do my best.
[WORF] I expect nothing less.
[BRIEN] Let's get to work.
[KIRA] So I was thinking we could go on a four shift
rotation, because that would give people a little more flexibility with
their time. There is a downside because that would mean that every
shift would have to. What am I doing? I'm supposed to keep you awake,
not bore you to tears. I'm sorry. I don't know why this is so hard for
me. All I have to do is talk to you. I mean, what do we usually talk
[SISKO] (painful whisper) We talk about work.
[KIRA] You're right. That is what we usually talk about. Even when we're
not working. I get the feeling it's not that way between you and Dax,
or you and Chief O'Brien. But then, you're not a revered figure in
their religions. I know you don't like it when I talk about you as the
Emissary, but that's how I think of you. And maybe that's why sometimes
it's hard for me to relax around you.
[SISKO] Nerys?
[KIRA] Yes, sir?
[SISKO] Tell me a story.
[KIRA] All right. All right. Do you know the one about the three
brothers who go to Jo'kala?
[KIRA] They were kava farmers, and one day they go into their field and
they see the biggest kava root they'd ever seen. It's as big as a
house. That's going to make us rich, said the oldest. So they decided
to sell it in the city.
(Engine room)
[STEVENS] Sir, I have something.
[WORF] They're too small to be ships.
[STEVENS] They're closing fast.
[BRIEN] Torpedoes.
[WORF] Hard a-port!
[BRIEN] I'm modulating the deflectors. It might confuse their guidance
(One near miss.)
[STEVENS] The second one's still closing. Range, one hundred metres.
Seventy five. Fifty. (Thud)
(Mess hall)
(The unexploded torpedo is sticking through the
bulkhead, steaming gently and glowing.)
[HANOK] I suggest we leave this room immediately.
[QUARK] And go where? If that thing explodes, the entire ship will be
destroyed. No. Maybe we should try and defuse it.
[HANOK] I think we should wait for help.
[QUARK] All right, but what if no one can get to us?
(There's a throbbing noise from the torpedo.)
[QUARK] I don't like the sound of that. It's up to us. There must be an
emergency tool kit around here somewhere.
(It's on the wall. Hanok gets it.)
[QUARK] The arming mechanism must be somewhere in here. I'm going to
have to remove this casing.
[HANOK] How?
[QUARK] There's no lock that can't be picked.
(Engine room)
[BRIEN] It looks like the torpedo hit somewhere in
[MUNIZ] Problem is, we're cut off from that part of the ship.
[BRIEN] But we'll have to think of something.
[WORF] Mister Stevens, recalibrate the structural integrity field to
minimise the strain caused by the torpedo.
[STEVENS] The field generators are already at their limit compensating
for the hull breach on deck two.
[WORF] I am aware of the situation. If you cannot carry out my orders, I
will find someone who can.
[STEVENS] That won't be necessary, sir.
[BRIEN] Can I have a word with you, sir?
[WORF] Of course.
[BRIEN] With all due respect, I think you're riding the men a bit
hard. You have to understand, they're out of their element. They're not
bridge officers, they haven't been to Starfleet Academy. They're
engineers. They're used to being given a problem to solve, then going
out and figuring out how to do it.
[WORF] What are you suggesting?
[BRIEN] Give them a little slack. Ease up on the reins. Let them do
what they're good at, and give them a little encouragement now and
[WORF] I will take it under consideration.
[DAX] I'm so cold.
[BASHIR] These walls aren't that well insulated. It's going to get even
colder. Come here. (he cuddles her) Better?
[DAX] What?
[BASHIR] Just remembering something.
[DAX] Tell me.
[BASHIR] When I first got to the station, I used to have this fantasy
that you and I went off on a runabout together on some mission.
Something went wrong with the ship and we ended up drifting around for
a few days until they sent someone to rescue us.
[DAX] If you don't mind my saying, Julian, that's a very strange
[BASHIR] It seemed the only way you and I could spend time alone
together. You were always avoiding me.
[DAX] It's just you came on so strong. You never really gave me a chance
to get to know you.
[BASHIR] You're right, I didn't. Well, don't worry, Jadzia. It's been a
long time
since I had that particular fantasy.
[DAX] Oh?
[BASHIR] You sound disappointed.
[DAX] Julian!
[BASHIR] That's right. You enjoyed being chased and now you miss it.
[DAX] That's preposterous. And if you start chasing after me again
[BASHIR] Don't worry, Jadzia. Now I know you liked it, I don't need to,
do I?
(Engine room)
[WORF] I require your assistance. I need a weapon.
[MUNIZ] We still have one atmospheric probe.
[WORF] If my plan is going to work, the probe will not be available. I
need something else.
[STEVENS] The phasers are out of the question. The emitters are
completely fused.
[MUNIZ] But the phaser generator's working fine.
[STEVENS] The deflector array.
[MUNIZ] With a few modifications, we could use it as a phaser emitter.
[STEVENS] It might not be what you had in mind, sir.
[MUNIZ] And there is one problem. It will overload after the first shot.
[WORF] I only need one shot. How long will it take you to make the
[MUNIZ] Twenty minutes?
[STEVENS] Ten if we can bypass the safeties.
[WORF] Proceed.
[STEVENS] I think we should route the generator output through the
secondary power grid.
[MUNIZ] We'll have to recalibrate the ODN manifold.
[STEVENS] That'll overload the whole system. What a mess.
[MUNIZ] We'll worry about that tomorrow.
[STEVENS] Yeah, it's easy for you to say. It's your day off.
[BRIEN] Don't count on it.
[KIRA] So the three brothers started arguing about
how to divide the money for the kava root. The oldest said that he
should get more because it was his idea to sell it in the city, and the
youngest objected, saying he was the one to till the. This can't
happen. You can't die. You're the Emissary. There's still so much for
you to do. I don't know if this is the right thing to do or not but I'm
going to give you a stimulant. Captain, I know my beliefs make you
uncomfortable around me sometimes, and that maybe that's why you keep
me at arm's length. But I don't care about that right now and I am
going pray, because I don't know what else to do. I'm losing you and I
can't let that happen. Jia kaja, tre nu tola rem lapor. Ilani kor. Inar
tanatali nor.
(Engine room)
[MUNIZ] Everything's ready, sir.
[STEVENS] You can target the deflector from here.
[WORF] Good work. Take your posts.
[WORF] Mister O'Brien.
[BRIEN] Nothing within scanning range, sir.
[WORF] The Jem'Hadar are out there. You can be certain of that.
(A Jem'Hadar ship homes in on their sonar.)
(Mess hall)
[QUARK] Gently.
(They get a panel off the torpedo.)
[QUARK] All right. Now what?
[HANOK] One of these diodes connects the warhead to the power source.
The other one is the firing mechanism.
[QUARK] How do you know that?
[HANOK] I saw a design schematic once.
[QUARK] Where?
[HANOK] At the Ministry of Trade on Karemma. We sell these torpedoes to
the Jem'Hadar.
[QUARK] I thought you said you never sold substandard merchandise. This
was supposed to explode on impact, wasn't it?
[HANOK] Maybe I should offer them a refund.
(They both laugh until the torpedo changes its note.)
[QUARK] We'd better do something about this torpedo of yours.
[HANOK] We have to remove the firing diode only I don't know which one
it is.
[QUARK] And if we pick the wrong one we die. It's not funny. We just
have to pick the right one. It's fifty-fifty, better odds than you get
at the dabo table.
[HANOK] Dabo?
[QUARK] Yes, it's a game. If we get out of this, I'll teach it to you.
Choose one.
[HANOK] How?
[QUARK] It's a gamble. Go with your instinct.
(Hanok hesitates.)
[QUARK] You're thinking too much. You just have to reach in and pick
(So saying, Quark does. The hum stops and the glow fades.)
[QUARK] I think we have a winner.
[HANOK] That was exciting.
[QUARK] Feels good, doesn't it?
[HANOK] Yes.
[QUARK] That's how it works. The bigger the risk, the bigger the win.
You know, there's another risk you could take. Staying in business with
[HANOK] You never give up, do you?
[QUARK] No. I tried to cheat you, and I lost, but that doesn't mean I'm
going to give up the game. Come on, Hanok. What do you say? You want to
keep playing?
[HANOK] Let's talk about these Bolian currency fluctuations.
[KIRA] Jiakaja, tre nutola rem. Lapor ilani kos.
Inar jiakaja tre
[SISKO] Major?
[KIRA] Yes, Captain?
[SISKO] What happened?
[KIRA] The Jem'Hadar hit us pretty bad and Worf went down to the Engine
[SISKO] No, no. What happened to the three brothers?
[KIRA] They gave all the money away and went back to the farm where they
[SISKO] It's good. Major?
[KIRA] Sir?
[SISKO] Tell me another story.
[KIRA] I'd love to, sir.
(Engine room)
[BRIEN] I've got something, sir. It's the
Jem'Hadar. They've locked onto the tetryon pulse.
[WORF] Stand by, Mister Stevens.
(But it's the probe that's sending the pulse, not the Defiant.)
(Engine room)
[WORF] Now.
(Defiant comes up behind the Jem'Hadar with a sustained phaser beam.
[BRIEN] What do you say we find the Karemma and get out of here?
Defiant log, supplemental. Damage control teams are
repairing the ship's systems and medics are tending to injured
crewmembers. We have located the Karemma ship deep in the atmosphere
and are moving to assist. It appears that it will have to be abandoned
and its crew brought back to Deep Space Nine until transportation can
be arranged to the Karemma homeworld.
(Mess hall)
(During the above, Bashir and Dax are rescued,
Sisko gets professional treatment on the Bridge, and Muniz enters to
see -)
[QUARK] It's going to be a levy.
[HANOK] A levy?
[QUARK] A levy.
[HANOK] Where? I don't see that.
[QUARK] Right here. Put the levy right here.
(At the dabo table.)
[QUARK] Oh! Pass five. Too bad. You lose half your stake. You can either
quit now, or try to double it.
[ODO] My advice is to take what latinum you have left and walk away.
[HANOK] Just because one loses a bet, doesn't mean one gives up the
[QUARK] Exactly. May I suggest placing your next wager on double down.
[HANOK] Put it all on triple over.
[QUARK] I think that's a big mistake.
[HANOK] Triple over. Nothing personal, Quark.
[QUARK] Of course not.
[ALL] Dabo!
[QUARK] You're really catching on.
(Odo moves on past the bar, where Morn is boring Bashir rigid.)
[BASHIR] Oh. Seventeen brothers and sisters? Well, that's quite a
[DAX] Excuse me, Morn. It's your turn.
[BASHIR] For what?
[DAX] Darts.
[BASHIR] That's right. I'm sorry, Morn. It's been nice talking to you.
(As Bashir and Dax walk away.)
[BASHIR] Thank you for rescuing me.
[DAX] Now we're even.
(Past Worf and O'Brien's table.)
[STEVENS] Excuse me, sir. Here's the repair schedule we drew up for the
Defiant. With your approval, we thought we'd start by tearing out the
ODN lines. They're shot. It'll be easier to get to the manifolds that
way. And then we figured we'd
[WORF] Proceed at your discretion, Mister Stevens.
[STEVENS] Thank you, sir.
[WORF] How long will the repairs take?
[STEVENS] Sixteen hours.
[BRIEN] Oh, you can do it in twelve.
[STEVENS] Twelve. Sure. No problem.
(Stevens leaves, looking slightly worried.)
[BRIEN] See? You can give them a little of slack, but you can't take
your hands off the reins.
(Captain's office)
[KIRA] The Karemma transport will be here at
eighteen hundred hours tomorrow, and the Defiant should be ready to
escort them back to the Gamma Quadrant.
[SISKO] Good. Major, it occurred to me that we might consider going to a
four shift rotation. I think the crew might appreciate more flexibility
in their schedules.
[KIRA] I'll look in to it first thing in the morning.
[SISKO] Major, what are you doing for the next few hours?
[KIRA] I'm going off duty, so I thought I'd just relax.
[SISKO] Would you like to go to a baseball game?
[KIRA] I'd love to, sir.
[SISKO] Good. Meet me at holosuite three in half an hour.
[KIRA] I'll see you there.
[SISKO] Nerys.
Sisko tosses her a baseball cap with a G on it. He puts on the Pike
City Pioneers cap.)
[SISKO] You'll need one of those. You can get the hot dogs from Quark.
[KIRA] Hot dogs?
[SISKO] He'll know. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e76", "title": "Starship Down"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Little Green Men
Green Men
Original Airdate: 13 Nov, 1995
(It looks like a boot fair is going on)
[ROM] All right, everyone. Gather around. We're about to start. When a
young Ferengi goes out on his own, he traditionally raises capital by
selling his boyhood treasures. As you know, my son Nog will be leaving
shortly for Earth and Starfleet Academy. I'm going to miss him, and I
know you will too. And what better way to remember him than to purchase
one of his very own personal belongings? I don't know about you, but
I'm buying these pajamas.
[NOG] That'll be three strips of latinum.
[ROM] Two.
[NOG] Sold. Let the buying commence. No reasonable offer will be
[BRIEN] I didn't expect to see you here, Mister Worf.
[WORF] Captain Sisko made it a personal request that I attend. He seems
to have taken some interest in the young Ferengi.
[BRIEN] The Captain sponsored Nog's application to the Academy.
[WORF] A Ferengi at the Academy? I am not sure that is wise.
[BRIEN] Oh, I don't know about that. Not so long ago someone might
have said the same thing about you.
[SISKO] You two'd better hurry or there won't be anything left to buy.
[BASHIR] Nog, what is this?
[NOG] My favourite holosuite programme. A Visit with the Pleasure
Goddess of Rixx. Yours for a mere ten strips of latinum.
[DAX] He'll take it. Consider it a gift.
[BASHIR] You're too kind.
[KIRA] Nog, where did you get this springball racket?
[NOG] Out of a replicator?
[KIRA] Try out of my quarters. This is mine. I've been looking for it
for two years.
[NOG] And it was sitting here on the bar all along. That's incredible.
[JAKE] It's a Ferengi tooth sharpener.
(Worf tries it)
[WORF] How much?
[QUARK] Rom.
[ROM] Brother, you're here. If you hurry, there still might be some
choice items left for you to buy.
[QUARK] I'm not here for the sale. Nog has no business going to
Starfleet Academy and I'm not doing anything to encourage him. Now,
come with me.
[ROM] But the sale
[QUARK] It's over as far as you're concerned. The ship. It's here.
[ROM] What ship?
[QUARK] The ship. Our ship. My ship. The shuttle cousin Gaila owed me.
[ROM] He's owed you that shuttle for ten years.
[QUARK] Ever since I loaned him the latinum to start up his munitions
consortium. He always said that if he became a success, he'd buy me my
own ship. Now it's here.
[ROM] But why do you need me?
[QUARK] Because knowing our cousin, it's probably defective merchandise.
[ROM] I'd better have a look at it.
[QUARK] What a wonderful idea. Now get going.
(Quark snatches the pajamas from Rom.)
[QUARK] And leave the clothes here.
(Ferengi shuttle)
[ROM] Brother?
[QUARK] All right. Tel1 me what's wrong with it.
[ROM] Nothing. The ship is perfect. Gaila must've paid a fortune for it.
[QUARK] You mean it'll actually fly?
[ROM] This ship could outrun a Romulan interceptor. We could take it
halfway across the galaxy before it would even need a maintenance
[QUARK] You don't say? And it's all mine. I can go any place I want.
[ROM] Maybe it's time you considered that early retirement we talked
about. I could take over the bar, and you could fly off into the great
unknown never to return. Unless you wanted to.
[QUARK] Don't get your hopes up. The first thing we need to do is take
this thing for a test flight. Someplace reasonably far away, but safe.
Someplace like
[ROM] Earth?
[QUARK] Exactly. If the boy wants to go to Starfleet Academy, he might
as well do it in style.
[ROM] Yes, brother. Thank you, brother. I'll go tell Nog. A trip to
Earth. This is going to be fun.
(Rom leaves)
[QUARK] Not to mention profitable.
All I ask is a tall ship and a load of contraband to fill her
(Morn is being briefed on how to run the bar.)
[QUARK] Here are the codes to operate the holosuites. Now remember,
don't extend any lines of credit, don't touch the dabo girls, and make
sure you keep your eyes on him. (points at Odo) Because he'll be
keeping his eyes on you.
[ODO] Good choice, Quark. I'm sure Morn'll do an excellent job, as long
as he doesn't drink up all your profits.
(Morn backs away)
[QUARK] Better him than one of my Ferengi waiters. They'd rob me blind.
[ODO] Very generous of you, taking Nog to Earth.
[QUARK] I'm a generous person.
[ODO] So I've noticed.
[QUARK] Try not to miss me too much while I'm gone.
[ODO] I'll be counting the days until you get back.
[QUARK] Yeah.
(Promenade - upper level)
(Leaning on the railing)
[JAKE] I wonder how many hours you and I spent hanging around up here.
[NOG] Two thousand, one hundred and forty seven. Just kidding. But it
was a lot.
[JAKE] You know, aside from playing dom-jot and watching the Bajoran
transports dock, it seems like we spent most of our time doing nothing.
[NOG] Maybe so, but I can't think of anyone I'd rather do nothing with
than you.
[JAKE] Same here.
(Bashir is holding a packet)
[NOG] Doctor, if you're trying to return something from the sale
[BRIEN] It's a going-away present.
[BASHIR] To help you get around easier on Earth.
(It's a PADD - visitor's guide to sector 001 - Earth)
[NOG] A guidebook?
[BRIEN] It's not just a guidebook. It's a completely interactive
program detailing Earth's customs, culture, history, geography.
[BASHIR] Everything you ever wanted to know about Earth is right in that
[NOG] You mean it'll teach me how to attract human females?
[BRIEN] Well, almost everything.
[NOG] I'm sure it'll come in handy. Thank you. Well, I'd better get
going. My father and Uncle Quark are waiting for me.
[BRIEN] Good luck, Nog.
[BASHIR] Make us proud.
(Bashir and O'Brien leave)
[JAKE] I'll walk you over to the airlock. It was a good spot.
[NOG] The best.
[DAX] The Ferengi shuttle 'Quark's Treasure' has
just departed the station.
[KIRA] Quark, Rom and Nog together on that ship all the way to Earth?
I'm glad I'm not going with them.
[SISKO] Only thing that worries me, no one warned Earth that they're
(Ferengi shuttle)
[NOG] It says here that humans didn't even have
currency until five thousand years ago. Let alone banking, speculative
investments or a unified global economy.
[QUARK] They're a primitive, backward people, Nog. Pity them.
[NOG] But think about it, uncle. That means they went from being savages
with a simple barter system to leaders of a vast interstellar
Federation in only five thousand years It took us twice as long to
establish the Ferengi Alliance, and we had to buy warp technology from
[QUARK] Five thousand, ten thousand, what's the difference? The speed of
technological advancement isn't nearly as important as short-term
quarterly gains. Can't this thing go any faster?
[ROM] We're already exceeding the safe maximum cruising speed by two
tenths of a warp factor.
[QUARK] Push it another tenth. This trip is taking long enough as it is.
[ROM] Relax, brother. I know kemacite is unstable, but another day or
two won't make any difference.
[QUARK] What are you talking about?
[ROM] The shipment of kemacite that you're smuggling in the cargo hold.
[NOG] Uncle, are you smuggling kemacite? Isn't that dangerous?
[ROM] Dangerous and highly profitable. Especially if we make a side trip
to Orion on the way home from Earth.
[QUARK] What tipped you off?
[ROM] When I engaged the impulse engines, I noticed the ship's weight
distribution was a little off. So the last time you went to waste
extraction, I snuck back to the cargo bay and took a look around.
[QUARK] When did you get so smart?
[ROM] I've always been smart, brother. I've just lacked self-confidence.
Of course, I could forget everything I saw.
[QUARK] How much?
[ROM] Twenty percent of the profits.
[QUARK] I suppose you'll want a cut too?
[NOG] As a Starfleet cadet, it's my duty to report any violation of
Federation law to my superiors immediately. But then again, I haven't
been sworn in yet. I'll take ten percent.
[QUARK] It's a deal. I thought I told you to go faster.
[ROM] Faster it is.
[ROM] Brother, wake up. We're approaching Earth's star system.
[QUARK] Take her out of warp.
[NOG] Father, have you ever heard of the Bell
[ROM] Don't bother me now.
[NOG] But doesn't this Gabriel Bell human look just like Captain Sisko?
[QUARK] All humans look alike. thought I told you to take us out of
[ROM] I'm trying, brother, but the warp core isn't responding. It looks
like the command sequencer has been disabled. I don't understand. I
tested everything. The only way this could've happened is if the
command sequencer was designed to fail.
[NOG] You mean sabotage?
[QUARK] Cousin Gaila.
[NOG] He never did like you very much, Uncle.
[QUARK] Okay, okay. No need to panic. So the warp drive won't shut down.
What's the worst thing that could happen?
[ROM] The ship could continue accelerating until it tears itself apart
and scatters our remains halfway across the quadrant.
[QUARK] There must be something we can do?
[ROM] Jettison the warp core. No, I tried that already. Emergency
overrides are frozen.
[QUARK] Then we'll have to try something else, won't we?
[ROM] The kemacite! If we vent plasma from the warp core into the cargo
hold, we may be able to start a cascade reaction in the kemacite. Then
we can modulate the reaction to create an inversion wave in the warp
field and force the ship back into normal space! If I time it just
right, I should be able to get us close enough to Earth to make an
emergency landing.
[QUARK] Rom, you're a genius!
[ROM] You think so?
[QUARK] How should I know? I have no idea what you're talking about.
Just do it.
[ROM] Hold on.
(The little shuttle shakes violently, Quark starts screaming, and then
the ship disappears)
(Examination room)
(Quark wakes up. He is covered in a white sheet and
lying on a hard surface. The other two are also lying down.)
[QUARK] Rom? Nog?
(Observation room)
(On the other side of a one way mirror, a man in
uniform lights a cigarette then picks up a proper telephone.)
[WAINWRIGHT] Get me General Denning. Tell him one of the Martians is
(We pan over to a calendar with a picture of Rita Hayworth for July
(Later, USAF brass and civilians have assembled)
[WAINWRIGHT] We've got the farmer who found their ship. He's locked up
in the BOQ, but I don't know how much longer we can keep him there.
[DENNING] You keep him there until I tell you to let him go. Did you
take care of that idiot in Roswell who told the press we captured a
flying saucer?
(Say Hi! to Charles
Napier, who played Adam in Way to
[WAINWRIGHT] We've convinced him to issue a retraction. Turns out it was
just a weather balloon.
[DENNING] Weather balloon?
[WAINWRIGHT] We had to come up with something quick. The last thing we
need is a bunch of reporters snooping around.
(Professor Carlson gives a cigarette to Nurse Garland, and lights both)
[CARLSON] (in a suit) You can't keep this from the public forever,
General. Beings from another planet have landed on Earth. This is one
of the most important events in human history.
[DENNING] Maybe, but we can't risk causing a panic. I'm not telling the
public anything until we find out exactly what we're up against.
(Denning turns on speaker.)
[QUARK] Pip im gren tovat. Yop bree gren skin law po far.
[ROM] Yop im too, yoba. Yop sko ta yop ma.
(Quark goes to a door and hits a tile on the wall next to the knob.
Then he tries pulling the knob sideways.)
(Examination room)
[QUARK] It's locked. What is this place? Where are
[ROM] I wish you'd stop asking that. I told you I don't know.
[NOG] The last thing I remember was father taking the shuttle in for an
emergency landing.
[QUARK] Well we must be on Earth. But where?
(The speculum and specimen tray give him no clue.)
[NOG] One thing's for sure, this isn't Starfleet Academy.
[ROM] I wonder what happened to the ship?
[QUARK] My ship. Where's my ship? Hey! Is anybody out there? What did
you do with my ship? I want my ship back.
(Observation room)
(Quark is banging on the door)
[QUARK] Goss uff wok ton. Goss uff wok ton.
[WAINWRIGHT] He's trying to break out.
(Weapons are produced and the alsatian dog looks interested.)
[GARLAND] Don't let them hurt him. He's just scared.
[CARLSON] General, these creatures come from a race far more advanced
than our own. There's no telling what they can teach us. We have to try
to communicate with them.
[DENNING] Well, you're in luck. The President agrees with you and he
wants us to try and talk to them. So that's just what you're going to
[DENNING] Look, Professor, we didn't ask you here just because you're
Nurse Garland's
fiancée. I need someone to talk to these Martians. You're elected.
(Examination room)
[QUARK] I knew Earth was a bad idea. Ferengis and
humans have no business being together. But you had to go to Starfleet
[ROM] Don't blame my son. It was your idea to use Gaila's shuttle.
[QUARK] And you were the one who said it was safe.
[NOG] Leave him alone. If it wasn't for my father, we'd all be dead.
[ROM] Maybe we are dead.
[QUARK] What are you talking about?
[ROM] Maybe this is the Divine Treasury.
[QUARK] Oh, don't be ridiculous. The Divine Treasury is made of pure
latinum. Besides, where's the Blessed Exchequer? Where are the
Celestial Auctioneers? And why aren't we bidding for our new lives?
[ROM] You don't think we're in the other place?
[NOG] The Vault of Eternal Destitution?
[QUARK] Don't be ridiculous. The bar was showing a profit.
(Enter two MPs followed by Wainwright, Nurse Garland and Professor
[CARLSON] (carefully and with gestures) Welcome to Earth. We mean you no
(The next is distorted, just as the Ferengi hear it.)
[CARLSON] We're sorry we had to separate you from your ship, but I'm
sure you can understand that we have lots of questions for you.
[QUARK] Did you understand a word of that?
[ROM] Our universal translators must be malfunctioning.
(Rom begins hitting his head behind his right ear. Quark and Nog follow
[WAINWRIGHT] What are they doing?
[GARLAND] Maybe it's some kind of greeting.
(She imitates them)
[CARLSON] She may be onto something.
(So everybody hits their heads. The Ferengi stare.)
[QUARK] What are they doing?
[ROM] Maybe their universal translators are broken too.
[NOG] No. They don't have universal translators. I recognise those
uniforms from my guidebook. They're from the twentieth century.
[ROM] The twentieth century? You mean we travelled back through time?
[NOG] More than four hundred years. Those are military uniforms from one
of the old nation states. Australia or something.
[ROM] So if they don't have universal translators, then why are they
banging their heads?
(Quark stops, and the humans stop)
[QUARK] They're just mimicking us.
(Quark walks forward and tweaks his nose. Wainwright copies him.
[QUARK] Brik yop tal hopdrew, ki los hoem bog?
[GARLAND] (something)
[QUARK] I'd always heard primitive humans lacked intelligence but I had
no idea they were this stupid.
[NOG] They weren't just stupid. They were violent, petty, bigoted and
[ROM] And we're stuck here with them, maybe for the rest of our lives.
[QUARK] The three of us and millions of primitive humans. I like those
(And later, Quark is sitting on one of the examination tables while
Nurse Garland takes his blood pressure.)
[GARLAND] (distorted) Two fifty over one sixty seven. If you were human,
I'd say you were due for a heart attack.
[QUARK] Gran fat ari oo-mox? Ya ta fa.
[GARLAND] I've given them every medical test I can think of, but the
only thing I can tell you for sure is they're not human.
[CARLSON] Well, that's a start. I think these two are involved in some
kind of grooming ritual. Look how the older one is taking care of the
younger one.
(Rom is checking in Nog's ear.)
[GARLAND] It's sweet. Maybe they're father and son? Wouldn't that be
something? They've come from so far away, but they still have the same
basic family structure that we do.
[CARLSON] I wonder if the third one's related too.
[GARLAND] For all we know, it could be the mother.
[QUARK] Gren fa hoe loth pex pil.
[CARLSON] If she is the mother, she's quite a shrew.
[ROM] I'm working as fast as I can, brother, but there must be some kind
of interference disrupting our translators.
[QUARK] What kind of interference?
[ROM] I'm not sure. Could be solar flares, or maybe ionic interference.
Or I suppose it could be beta radiation, but that's only produced by
nuclear fission.
[QUARK] Don't be an idiot. Nuclear fission doesn't happen within
planetary atmospheres.
[NOG] It does here. In the twentieth century humans used crude nuclear
reactors as weapons. They called them atom bombs. They used to blow
them up all the time.
[QUARK] They irradiated their own planet?
[ROM] If Nog says so, they did. He knows all about Earth history.
[QUARK] You'd better fix those translators fast. The sooner we start
talking to these savages, the better off we'll be.
(Nurse Garland is replacing one of her hairpins.)
[ROM] Vo yop toe pah?
[CARLSON] He seems to want something from you.
[GARLAND] You'd better tell him I'm your girl.
[ROM] Yop triska gleep dosta grenla. (and points at her hair)
[CARLSON] I think he wants your hairpin.
[GARLAND] If you say so, Professor. Here you go.
[ROM] Neep gren. Now where's that reset button?
(And Rom prods around in Nog's ear with the hairpin.)
[GARLAND] Ouch. That looks like it hurts.
[CARLSON] He doesn't seem to mind.
[CARLSON] I wish I could get some help. I don't know why we can't bring
in a few more experts.
[GARLAND] Let's face it, Jeff, when it comes to beings from another
planet, we don't have any experts. You'll find a way to communicate
with them, darling. I know you will.
(Carlson lights two cigarettes and gives one to Garland.)
[GARLAND] Imagine the possibilities. Who knows what they could teach us.
A few years from now, mankind could have rocket ships of our own. We
could travel the galaxy, exploring new worlds and new civilisations.
(Groan or cheer, your choice.)
[CARLSON] Always the dreamer.
[GARLAND] That's why you love me.
[CARLSON] It's funny, isn't it? Here we are in the middle of one of the
greatest discoveries in human history, and all I can think about is
what you're going to look like in your wedding dress.
[GARLAND] My mother keeps asking where we're going on our honeymoon. She
thinks we should go to Niagara Falls.
[CARLSON] Who knows? Maybe we'll go to Mars.
(Quark sniffs and pulls a face.)
[QUARK] What is that disgusting smell?
[NOG] I think it's called tobacco. It's a deadly drug. When used
frequently, it destroys the internal organs.
[QUARK] If it's so deadly, then why do they use it?
[NOG] It's also highly addictive.
[ROM] How do they get their hands on it?
[NOG] They buy it in stores.
[QUARK] They buy it? If they'll buy poison, they'll buy anything. I
think I'm going to like it here.
[NOG] Uncle, I hope you're not thinking of doing anything that would
disrupt the timeline.
[QUARK] Perish the thought.
[NOG] Changing the history of Earth could effect the entire galaxy. The
Federation, Deep Space Nine, your bar could all cease to exist.
[QUARK] Wouldn't that be a shame. Rom, hurry up with those translators.
(Outside the building)
(The men are having a smoke and looking at
photographs of the shuttle.)
[WAINWRIGHT] The alien ship has a small control area in the front and
rudimentary sleeping quarters in the back. So far, we can't even figure
out what drives the engines, let alone how they work.
[CARLSON] (to the alsatian) Hey, how you doing, big fella.
[DENNING] You making any headway, Professor?
[CARLSON] It's fascinating. I would've expected creatures of their
technological sophistication to communicate telepathically, but they
seem to have a structured verbal language just like we do. Given enough
time, a good team of linguists could probably decipher it.
[WAINWRIGHT] We're not bringing in anyone else. Too many people know
about this as it is.
[DENNING] Besides, we don't have the time. President Truman is an
impatient man. He wants answers, and he wants 'em now.
[GARLAND] Jeff, General Denning. I think you'd better come inside right
(Examination room)
[QUARK] My name is Quark, Chief Financial Officer of
the Ferengi Alliance. And I've got a business proposition for you.
(Observation room)
(Denning is peering into Quark's ear.)
[DENNING] I don't see any universal translator.
[QUARK] Trust me, it's in there.
[DENNING] So this gadget of yours is what makes it possible for us to
understand each other? How's it work?
[QUARK] It's simple, if you know how. You'd be surprised at the kind of
things you can do with the right technology. Which brings me to why I'm
[DENNING] I was wondering about that.
[QUARK] I've been sent by my people to open up a market for advanced
Ferengi technology.
[DENNING] What kind of technology you talking about?
[QUARK] How would you like to travel beyond the stars at speeds you
never even dreamt were possible? Or to transport yourselves from one
place to another in the blink of an eye?
[DENNING] You know how to do that?
[QUARK] That's only the beginning. We can give you the medical knowledge
to cure your deadliest diseases. We have machines that can produce food
and clothing out of thin air.
[DENNING] What about weapons?
[QUARK] Weapons? If you want weapons, I'm the man to see. We can teach
you to make phasers, disruptors, photon torpedoes or even quantum
torpedoes. A little more expensive, but worth it.
[DENNING] What do you want in return?
[QUARK] That depends. What do you use for currency around here? Latinum?
[DENNING] We use dollars.
[QUARK] Dollars? Never heard of them. Don't you have any gemstones or
precious minerals?
[DENNING] You mean like gold?
[QUARK] Gold? Gold is good.
[DENNING] How much gold are we talking about?
[QUARK] Seeing how we're going to be advancing your culture about four
hundred years overnight, I'd say a couple of million bars would be
about right as a good faith deposit.
[DENNING] You know, Quark, you might be some kind of Martian
[QUARK] Ferengi.
[DENNING] Whatever. But the more we talk, the more you remind me of my
[QUARK] Is he a businessman?
[DENNING] He's a car salesman, and not a very good one.
[QUARK] Then he's nothing like me.
[DENNING] The bottom line is, I don't trust him and I don't trust you.
So before we sit down and sign any contracts, you are going to tell me
just what the hell you people are really doing here.
[QUARK] I just told you. We're here to open up trade negotiations. If
you're not interested, just say so. I'm sure I can do business with one
of your planet's other nation states.
[DENNING] In other words, if we don't play ball, you're going to sell
those advanced weapons of yours to the Russians.
[QUARK] I'd rather it didn't come to that. To be honest, I'd much rather
work with you Australians.
[DENNING] Americans.
[QUARK] Whatever. But if you won't do business with me, and the Russians
will, who am I to say no?
[DENNING] I'm not saying we can't do business, but I don't have the
authority to make this kind of decision. I'll have to er, well, I'll
have to get clearance from the President.
[QUARK] I can wait. (coughs on the cigar smoke) In the meantime, let me
give you some free advice, just to show I'm on your side. You people
should take better care of yourselves. Stop poisoning your bodies with
tobacco and atom bombs. Sooner or later, that kind of stuff will kill
[DENNING] What do you know about atom bombs?
[QUARK] My people have been watching your world for years. We know all
about you. Baseball, root beer, darts, atom bombs. It's quite a
fascinating culture you humans have here. And with a little Ferengi
technology, it could be even better. Now, why don't you go talk to that
president of yours?
(Examination room)
(Night time. Carlson and Garland are there, with
the alsatian lying on a table.)
[CARLSON] Let me get this straight, Rom. Are you saying that all the
women on your world walk around naked?
[ROM] It's the law.
[CARLSON] You don't say?
[GARLAND] Well I guess I'm never going to visit your world. And neither
are you.
[NOG] Nurse Garland, I'm having trouble with my ear again. Could you
massage it some more?
[GARLAND] Are you sure you don't want a doctor to look at that?
[NOG] No. I feel more comfortable with you.
(So he gets some oo-mox.)
[NOG] Ah! Much better.
[ROM] You know, come to think of it, my ear's bothering me too.
(Quark enters with MPs.)
[ROM] Brother, how did your meeting with the general go?
(Quark nearly answers, then looks at Carlson.)
[CARLSON] It's late. We should let you get some rest.
[NOG] I'm not tired.
[GARLAND] We'll visit some more tomorrow.
(Garland and Carlson leave with the MPs, but the dog stays.)
[QUARK] There's something about that female that I don't like. She's so
[ROM] What about the general?
[NOG] Is he going to let us leave?
[QUARK] Don't worry. Everything's under control.
(The alsasian barks)
[QUARK] Oh. They forgot to take that thing with them.
(The alsatian comes over to Quark and jumps up at him.)
[ROM] It seems to like you, brother.
[QUARK] Get away from me.
(The dog morphs into)
[ODO] Hello, Quark.
[QUARK] Odo? What are you doing here?
[ODO] Placing you under arrest for attempting to smuggle kemacite. Did
you really expect me to believe that you were travelling all the way to
Earth just to be nice to your nephew?
[ROM] You hid on board the ship.
[ODO] That's right. And now I'm stuck here with you. Now listen
carefully, because we don't have much time. Someone could come in any
minute. Your ship is in a hangar on the other side of the base. It
sustained some damage in the crash, but the engines are still
functioning. If we're lucky, we should be able to use it to get away
from here.
[NOG] And go where? Even if we get out of here, we're still going be
trapped four hundred years in the past.
[ROM] Actually, I've been thinking. If there's enough kemacite left,
there might be a way to get back to our own time.
[ODO] How?
[ROM] If we find a sufficiently powerful energy source, we should be
able to trigger a temporal surge in the subspace continuum and recreate
the same kind of time warp that brought us here in the first place.
[ODO] What do you mean by a sufficiently powerful energy source?
[QUARK] We're not going anywhere. We're staying right here.
[ROM] But brother, what about the bar?
[QUARK] Who cares about the bar? I'm telling you, Rom, we stay here and
inside a year, we'll be running this place.
[ROM] You mean the military base?
[QUARK] I mean the whole planet. Harumph all you want. But these humans,
they're nothing like the ones from the Federation. They're crude,
gullible and greedy.
[ODO] You mean like you.
[QUARK] Yeah. These are humans I can understand and manipulate.
[NOG] But Uncle, what about the timeline?
[QUARK] Forget this timeline. The one we're going to create will be
better. Once we get things in order here, we'll contact the Ferengi
homeworld and sell them our ship. The Ferengi will have warp drive
technology centuries before humans or Klingons or even the Vulcans.
We'll establish an economic empire beyond even Grand Nagus Zek's
wildest dreams. And I'll control it all.
[ODO] You do have a vivid imagination. But the only place we're going is
back to our own time. I'll have the ship ready to go in six hours. And
you're all going to be on it.
[QUARK] I'm not going back, and neither is my ship.
[ODO] We'll see about that.
(Odo morphs back into the dog.)
(Outside the building)
(Denning arrives in a jeep)
[WAINWRIGHT] What's the word, General?
[DENNING] That little piano-playing Democrat's not as dumb as he looks.
He's not about to make a deal with these aliens until we learn more
about them.
[WAINWRIGHT] And how does the President propose we do that?
[DENNING] He said he'd leave that in our capable hands.
[WAINWRIGHT] Don't worry, General. I'll find out what those Martians are
up to.
[DENNING] See that you do.
(Examination room)
[QUARK] This is the opportunity of a lifetime.
[ROM] I don't know, brother. It seems awfully risky to me.
[QUARK] The riskier the road, the greater the profit.
[ROM] What about Rule of Acquisition two hundred and three? New
customers are like razor-toothed gree worms. They can be succulent, but
sometimes they bite back.
[QUARK] No. If there's any biting to be done, we're the one's who are
going to do it.
(MPs burst in and put bags over their heads)
(Interrogation room)
[QUARK] Get this off me! Get this off me! I can't
(Quark's bag is removed.)
[QUARK] This is an outrage. I demand to see General Denning. If I don't
get satisfaction, I'm taking my business to the Russians.
[WAINWRIGHT] The Russians. That's a good place to start. Why don't you
tell me everything you know about the Russians?
(Nurse Garland approaches with a loaded hypodermic syringe)
(After the break, Quark is screaming)
[QUARK] Would you please stop doing that?
[GARLAND] That's the fifth injection of sodium pentathol I've given him.
It's not working.
[CARLSON] Their biochemistry is obviously nothing like ours.
[QUARK] Then stop sticking me with those needles!
[GARLAND] Captain, this is wrong. These people are our guests.
[WAINWRIGHT] They're not people, they're things. Invaders from another
world. And it's up to us to put an end to whatever they're planning.
Now, if you don't tell me what I want to know, needles are going to be
the least of your worries. You know, Doc, I've always wanted to see
what a Martian looked like from the inside.
(Wainwright holds a scalpel to Quark's neck.)
[NOG] Don't you people have laws against this kind of thing?
[WAINWRIGHT] Not when it comes to National Security. Now, which one
should we start with. The loud one? The little one? Or the quiet one?
Now, why don't you tell us why you're really here?
[ROM] It was an accident. We're from the future. The warp core was
sabotaged. It's all Cousin Gaila's fault. I want to go home! I want my
[NOG] You want the truth, I'll tell you the truth. We're advance scouts
for the Ferengi invasion fleet.
[WAINWRIGHT] I knew it.
[QUARK] Nog, what are you talking about?
[NOG] We've been studying you puny Earthlings for centuries and you're
ripe for conquest.
[QUARK] It's not true.
[ROM] Moogie!
[NOG] It's no use, Supreme Commander. They've seen through our cover.
But knowing our plans won't do them any good. Even now three hundred
Marauder-class attack cruisers are orbiting your planet preparing for
the attack.
[ROM] Moogie!
[QUARK] I'm telling you, this is crazy. Nog, tell him the truth. We're
helpless. We're harmless. We just want to sell you things.
[CARLSON] Captain, I'm not sure I believe this invasion story.
[WAINWRIGHT] You scientists, you're like children. Always walking around
with your heads in the clouds. Keep talking.
[NOG] When the appointed hour arrives, the Marauders will deactivate
their cloaking devices and begin transporting Klingon shock troops
directly to the landing zone.
[WAINWRIGHT] Landing zone? Where? Tell me.
[NOG] Why not? Your feeble weapons will be useless against us. We will
kill all your males, and take your females to mate with.
[WAINWRIGHT] Where's the landing zone?
[NOG] Untie me and I will show you on that map.
[WAINWRIGHT] (to MPs) You heard him. Go get General Denning. Tell him he
was right about the Martians all along. Now show me.
[NOG] The first landing parties will arrive here.
(Nog gestures vaguely towards the great lakes.)
[NOG] Here. Right by that blue blob.
[WAINWRIGHT] You mean your people are going to invade Cleveland?
[NOG] No, not Cleveland. Right here.
(Nog elbows Wainwright and goes for his gun, but the remaining MP aims
weapon at Nog.)
[MP] Hold it!
[GARLAND] Don't hurt him.
[NOG] It was an accident. I tripped. I didn't mean to do it. I'm really,
really, sorry.
[WAINWRIGHT] Shoot him.
(Carlson hits the MP and Garland slams Wainwright over the head with a
metal tray.)
[NOG] Thank you.
[QUARK] We're all grateful, but couldn't you have done that an hour ago?
[CARLSON] We've got to get you out of here.
[ROM] Won't you get in trouble for this?
[QUARK] Why should they? We forced them to help us by using our er
[GARLAND] Your insidious mind control powers.
[QUARK] That's not bad.
[NOG] For a primitive female, she's pretty smart.
[CARLSON] Come on. Your ship's in hangar eighteen.
[GARLAND] Come on.
(Outside the building)
[GARLAND] (to MPs) Captain Wainwright needs to see
you in examination room three.
(The MPs go inside, and Carlson and the Ferengis run for it.)
[DENNING] Hold it right there.
[QUARK] Stay back, or I'll disintegrate this hostage.
[DENNING] With your finger?
[QUARK] With my death ray.
[DENNING] Looks a lot like a finger to me.
(The spare wheel on the jeep morphs into Odo, who knocks out the two
MPs and then Denning.)
[CARLSON] Who's he?
[QUARK] My hero.
[ODO] Can we please leave now?
(Outside Hangar 18)
[NOG] You're sure they're going to be detonating an
atomic bomb today?
[GARLAND] That's what it said in the paper. Five a.m. at the proving
grounds in Nevada. But I don't see how an atomic bomb is going to help
you get home.
[ROM] It's simple. We need to harness the beta radiation to trigger a
[QUARK] Save your breath. It's much too complicated for them to grasp.
[CARLSON] Five a.m. That's seven minutes from now.
[ROM] Don't worry. We'll get there.
[QUARK] Thanks for your help. You may be humans, but you're okay by me.
[GARLAND] You don't have to thank us. I only hope that one day mankind
will travel to the stars, and take its place in a vast alliance of
[ROM] Federation of Planets.
[GARLAND] Excuse me?
[QUARK] Don't pay any attention to him. He's an idiot. Trust me, the
galaxy is a pretty rough place. You people are much better off staying
right here on Earth.
[ODO] Let's go, Quark.
(The aliens leave.)
[CARLSON] A vast alliance of planets. You get the craziest ideas.
(They kiss, then drive off as shuttle crashes through the hangar roof
and flies off.)
(Outside the building)
[WAINWRIGHT] What do we do now, General?
[DENNING] About what, Captain? All we ever found was a crashed weather
(Ferengi shuttle)
[ODO] Tell me again. What's going to happen when we
get there?
[ROM] We fly straight into the atomic explosion, expose the kemacite to
the beta radiation and engage the warp engines. If we have enough
kemacite, we should be able to create a reverse time warp and ride it
[NOG] My dad. Always thinking.
[ODO] If this doesn't work, I'm holding you personally responsible.
[QUARK] I don't remember inviting you on this trip.
[ROM] We're at the target site. Hold on!
(There's a flash and the mushroom cloud rises.)
[QUARK] I don't like this.
[ODO] Rom, tell your brother it's going to be all right.
[ROM] It's going to be all right, brother. I hope.
(And the shuttle appears in space. The occupants wake up.)
[NOG] Did we make it?
[ROM] This doesn't look like the Divine Treasury.
[QUARK] What year is this?
[ROM] Good question.
[ODO] What's that flashing indicator?
[ROM] We're being hailed!
[QUARK] Answer them, answer them!
[HUMAN (OC)] This is Earth Orbital Control to the unidentified Ferengi
vessel. Do you need assistance?
[NOG] Yes. Definitely.
[HUMAN (OC)] We'll send a ship to tractor you to a docking facility.
[ROM] We'll be waiting. Well, son, it looks like you're going to get to
Starfleet Academy after all.
[QUARK] Just remember. Under that placid Federation veneer, humans are
still a bunch of violent savages.
[NOG] Maybe. But I like 'em.
[ROM] Oh, it's good to be home. I bet you can't wait
to see the bar again.
[QUARK] The bar? I could've ruled the galaxy, but now I have nothing. I
don't even have my ship anymore.
[ROM] Look on the bright side, brother. You may've had to sell your
shuttle for salvage, but at least you got enough for our passage home.
[QUARK] Wait 'til I get my hands on Cousin Gaila.
[ODO] You're going to have to wait longer than you think. Let's go.
[QUARK] What are you doing?
[ODO] Taking you to a holding cell. Kemacite smuggling is a serious
[QUARK] But you have no evidence. We used all the rest of the kemacite
to get back to the twenty fourth century.
[ODO] Tell it to the Arbiter.
[QUARK] I'm innocent, I tell you. This is all a misunderstanding. Rom,
get me a lawyer
[ROM] I'll contact Cousin Gaila. I'm sure he'll know a good one.
[QUARK] Rom, you idiot!
[ROM] See you in a few weeks, brother. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e77", "title": "Little Green Men"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Sword of Kahless
Sword of Kahless
Original Airdate: 20 Nov, 1995
(Our favourite classic series Klingon is holding
his audience spell-bound by his oratory.)
[KOR] Walls of fire on one side, rivers of lava on the other. We snaked
our way through the hot, smoldering canyon, our skin so parched and
blistered it was thick as armour. Kang and Koloth and I had set out
with forty legions and now only we three remained to take on T'nag's
[QUARK] You know what I like about Klingon stories, Commander? Nothing.
Lots of people die and nobody makes any profit.
[KOR] Chanting a battle cry Koloth attacked their flank his eyes bulging
with hate and revenge. It was a magnificent sight. A disruptor in one
hand and his bat'leth in the other, I saw him kill two dozen men. I'll
never forget
[BASHIR] Do you believe a word of this?
[ODO] Walking along rivers of lava, past walls of fire? Not likely.
[KIRA] And three against an army? Even more unlikely.
[BRIEN] Yeah, but who cares? He tells it well.
[KOR] Kang took the high ground and, keeping the three suns to his back,
he forced the enemy to fight him against the blinding light.
[DAX] When Kang told this story, you took the high ground.
[KOR] Who gets the credit is of no important. What matters is this, in
the end the mountainside was covered with dead so that not a square
metre of ground could be seen. We found T'nag's body by the river, its
waters red with blood. Which of us had slain him, no one could say for
certain. So we cut out his heart and all three of us feasted on it
[DAX] Big heart.
[KOR] You need more bloodwine.
[DAX] Thanks but I've had enough for a year. What I need is tea.
(Dax goes over to Worf at the bar.)
[DAX] Mister Worf. I didn't see you come in.
[WORF] I was just about to leave.
[DAX] Join us. I'll introduce you to Kor.
[WORF] No. It might make the Dahar Master uncomfortable. I am considered
an outcast by most Klingons.
[DAX] Kor isn't like most Klingons. Kor! I have someone I'd like you to
[KOR] Oh?
[DAX] I'd like you to meet our strategic operations officer, Commander
[KOR] Ah, Worf the traitor, the pariah, the lowest of the low. (big
pause then a grin) It's a pleasure to meet you. Any enemy of Gowron and
the High Council is a friend of mine.
[WORF] This is a great honour.
[KOR] No doubt.
[DAX] Worf is a great admirer of yours.
[WORF] Yes. Please. (they sit) I have heard stories about you since I
was a child. Your confrontation with
Kirk on Organia, your attack on Romulus, your defence of the
Korama Pass
[KOR] Everything I have done pales in comparison to what I am about to
achieve. I am on a quest. A quest for the most revered icon in Klingon
[DAX] Kor.
[KOR] An icon that predates the Klingon Empire, an icon more sacred than
the Torch of G'boj
[DAX] Kor.
[KOR] More revered than Sabak's armour, and more coveted than the
Emperor's crown!
[WORF] The Sword of Kahless.
[DAX] You told me not to tell anybody.
[KOR] He guessed. I know where the Sword rests. Think of the glory, the
honour of finding the bat'leth of the first Warrior King
[WORF] Lost for a millennium. It's return would change Klingon history.
If you know where it is, we must bring it back to the Emperor.
[KOR] We?
[WORF] It would be an honour to accompany you, if you will have me.
[DAX] We could use another strong arm.
[KOR] And a stout heart. Besides, it will annoy Gowron.
[WORF] To return the Sword to our people. I would give my life for that
[KOR] Children will sing our names for a thousand years. They'll erect
statues of us in the Hall of Heroes.
[DAX] Before you decide on a pose for that statue, we need to find the
Sword. What makes you so sure you know where it is?
[KOR] This.
(He pulls out an old cloth)
[KOR] You see?
[DAX] See what?
[KOR] The imprint on the cloth.
[WORF] Yes! Yes! This held the Sword of Kahless.
[DAX] Don't be so sure. You could carpet this station with all the
authentic Shrouds of the Sword that people have tried to peddle.
[KOR] No one tried to peddle this. It was given to me.
[DAX] By whom?
[KOR] I'll tell you everything later. Now I need you to confirm its
[DAX] I'll look this over in the lab first thing in the morning.
[WORF] Why not right now?
[DAX] Right now my head is swimming in bloodwine and I'm going to bed.
And so should you.
[KOR] Absolutely. As soon as I finish what's left in my cup. Maj ram,
blood brother.
[DAX] Maj ram.
(Dax leaves, Kor refills his cup from another glass.)
[KOR] Imagine the look on Gowron's face when we present the sword to the
(Kor's quarters)
(The drunken Klingon gets his head zapped by the electrical charge.)
[LETHEAN] Open your mind.
(Next day, after the titles, the doorbell wakes the warrior)
[KOR] What?
[DAX] Couldn't find the bed?
[KOR] Damn that Ferengi and his replicated bloodwine.
[DAX] Worf looked a little bleary-eyed in Ops this morning. How late did
you keep him up?
[KOR] Until that toad-faced Ferengi threw us out of his bar.
[DAX] And then where did you go?
[KOR] Worf's quarters, I think. That's right. He had a bottle of Yridian
brandy he was saving for a special occasion.
[DAX] Like meeting you.
[KOR] He was honoured to join our quest. That is, if there's going to be
a quest. What did you find?
[DAX] I found both Klingon and Hur'q DNA on the cloth. And traces of
metallic compounds that could only have been left by a Klingon
bat'leth. A bat'leth fourteen hundred years old.
[KOR] The time of Kahless! I never doubted it. When do we leave?
[DAX] After I talk to Captain Sisko, and after you answer a few
questions. Now, where did you get this?
(Sisko's quarters)
(Sisko is shaving, C24 style.)
[SISKO] The Gamma Quadrant.
[DAX] A Vulcan geological survey team was mining bakrinium on an
uncharted planet when they accidentally unearthed some ancient ruins.
They brought back several artefacts to study, including the cloth.
[WORF] Kor was the Klingon ambassador to Vulcan.
[DAX] When he saw the cloth, Kor recognised the markings and got them to
give it to him as a gift. They didn't realise it, but the markings were
[SISKO] Hur'q? That's the Klingon word for outsiders, isn't it?
[WORF] Yes. The Hur'q invaded our homeworld over one thousand years ago.
Whatever they could not pillage, they destroyed. They took the Sword
and my people have been searching for it ever since. It is said its
return will bring back a new era of glory for the Klingon Empire. With
the Sword, the Emperor will be able to unite my people again.
[SISKO] And if two Starfleet officers were involved in recovering the
Sword, that might go a long way toward patching things up between the
Klingons and us.
[WORF] That is my hope as well, Captain.
[SISKO] What about you, old man? You want to go along for the adventure?
[DAX] Hard to pass up a good quest.
[SISKO] I suppose you'll want a runabout?
[WORF] The Rio Grande is available.
[SISKO] Try to bring it back in one piece.
[DAX] We'll do our best. Benjamin, thanks.
(Runabout Rio Grande)
[DAX] Mister Worf, lay in a course for the wormhole.
[WORF] Course laid in.
[DAX] Ahead half
[KOR] Wait. Let this moment be remembered. For on this day, we three,
Kor, Dahar Master of the Klingons, Jadzia Dax, a joined Trill of seven
lives, and Worf, son of Mogh and thorn in Gowron's side, together
stepped forth into the eye of destiny.
[DAX] Now?
[KOR] Now.
[DAX] Ahead half thrusters.
(Kor gestures and the wormhole goes WHOOSH on his cue.)
[KOR] Glorious.
(Much later, Worf is practising mok'bara forms in the cockpit.)
[DAX] Hey.
[WORF] Forgive me, Commander.
[DAX] It's a little crowded in here.
[WORF] I would have used the aft quarters for my exercise, but the Dahar
Master is resting.
[DAX] I know. I heard him snoring through the bulkhead.
[WORF] Commander, I wish to thank you for introducing me to Kor. It is
an honour to be here.
[DAX] And I'm glad he invited you, even if it does make things a little
(Kor enters, gargling)
[KOR] Ahh. I slept like an Alvanian cave sloth. But I had the most
magnificent dream. I dreamt that the three of us were in the Hall of
Heroes presenting the bat'leth to the Emperor. We stood near the
statues of Kang and Koloth and as the crowd sang our names, the most
astonishing thing happened. Their statues came to life. Kang and Koloth
were flesh and blood again, and we held the Sword high. Kang, Koloth
and Kor. Together again.
(They arrive at a planet.)
[WORF] We have assumed a standard orbit.
[DAX] I'm reading a series of interconnected structures and tunnels
several kilometres beneath the surface.
[KOR] And that is all that remains of the Hur'q, the great plunderers of
the galaxy. And now it is time for us to reclaim what is ours.
[DAX] Assuming we can find where to look. It's a big planet.
[KOR] The Vulcan survey team was meticulous. They mapped the entire area
during their mining operation. Now the Sword should be in the chamber
that once was the Central Museum, along with all the other great
treasures looted by the Hur'q. It's the structure furthest north.
[WORF] There is a forcefield around that chamber.
[KOR] The Vulcans told me they couldn't get through it. We'll be the
first inside.
[DAX] Why didn't you mention this forcefield before?
[KOR] Oh, it's not important. I know you'll get past it.
(Cave passage)
[DAX] We should be just outside the forcefield.
(Dax reaches out, and there it is.)
[WORF] The main chamber must be back there.
[DAX] Let's get to work. First we need to modulate the field
destabilisers to create an interference pattern.
(Two devices like miniature pattern enhancers.)
[DAX] It's not working.
[WORF] Try reversing the polarity.
(of the neutron flow, Doctor? Sorry, Whovian joke.)
[DAX] That helped. Now if we can just increase the amplitude of the
interference field.
(The forcefield is down)
[KOR] Well done, my friends.
[WORF] The air.
[KOR] Foul, isn't it? This place has been undisturbed for hundreds of
years. Come.
(Hur'q chamber)
(A proper room with smooth walls, lighting and
empty display plinths with a few broken shards.)
[DAX] It's been ransacked.
[WORF] The Vulcans may not have gotten in here, but someone did.
[DAX] Whoever did this has taken everything. I'm sorry, Kor.
[KOR] Don't be sorry for me, be sorry for the Empire.
[WORF] If we could find out who did this, we might be able to track them
[KOR] For all we know, the Sword is halfway across the galaxy by now.
[DAX] Sounds like a worthy quest.
[KOR] For you and Worf, perhaps, but not for me. My last chance for
glory dies here.
[WORF] Commander. Take a look at this.
(Over by a plaque on the wall.)
[WORF] The dust. It does not reach the wall.
[DAX.] Something must be repelling it. I'm getting a faint electrostatic
charge along this section.
[KOR] Another forcefield?
[WORF] Masked by a holographic projection.
[KOR] Are you saying there may be another chamber behind it?
[DAX] If there is, I don't know how we can get to it. This shield has
completely different harmonics than the one at the entrance.
[WORF] This, (the plaque) this is a sensor focused on the area directly
in front of the forcefield.
[DAX] It must be keyed to read lifesigns.
[KOR] Why?
[WORF] So only Hur'q can enter.
[DAX] If you're right we're going to need a Hur'q tour guide to get us
[WORF] We may be able to fool the sensor into thinking that we are
[DAX] We can reconfigure the tricorder to emit Hur'q lifesigns.
[WORF] Exactly.
[DAX] I still have the DNA readings we got from the cloth.
(Dax holds up the tricorder to the sensor then reaches for the wall.
Her hand passes through)
[DAX] I feel like a Hur'q already.
(Hur'q secret chamber)
(Dax goes through first, then Worf, finally Kor.)
[WORF] I cannot believe it.
(The old pointy bat'leth is on display in the centre of the room.)
[KOR] For a thousand years, our people have dreamed of this moment.
[DAX] The age, the composition, the design, everything's right.
[KOR] How can you doubt it? Look at it.
[WORF] It is more beautiful than I imagined. You should be the first to
hold it.
(Kor lifts the bat'leth.)
[DAX] How does it feel?
[KOR] Good. Very, very good. To think Kahless himself once held this
(Kor hands it to Worf.)
[WORF] With it he slew Molor, conquered the Fek'Ihri and forged the
first Empire. And now I hold it in my hands.
(Worf gives it back to Kor.)
[DAX] We should go. The field destabilisers won't hold for long.
(Hur'q chamber)
[KLINGON] Stop where you are.
[TORAL] Well, Kor, it seems you were right. You did find the Sword.
[KOR] Who are you?
[TORAL] Ask your friend.
[WORF] This is Toral, from the House of Duras.
[TORAL] It is good to see you too, Worf. Seems you were too drunk to
remember me or the tavern on Torna Four? You held us all spellbound
with a tale of a Hur'q cloth and how it was going to lead you to the
Sword. I was so intrigued that I sent my friend here to see what else
you knew.
(It's the Lethean.)
[DAX] What do you want?
[TORAL] What we all want. The Sword.
[WORF] The Sword is for the Emperor.
[TORAL] Who will be so grateful he'll give Kor his statue and perhaps
even forgive your dishonour? I'm afraid I have different plans for the
[WORF] You think that if you give the Emperor the Sword, he will restore
your family's seat on the High Council.
[TORAL] I'm not giving the Emperor anything. With the Sword in my hand,
I'll be leading the Empire! I can see from your face, Worf, that you
regret having spared my life. Now give it to me.
[KOR] No.
[TORAL] Then I'm afraid we'll have to take it.
[WORF] If he wants it, give it to him.
(Kor holds the blade out then hits Toral with it. The fight is joined.
Kor kills Toral's aide and Worf gets stabbed in the shoulder but kills
his attacker with the blade. Dax knocks out the Lethean.)
[DAX] Let's go!
(The Lethean and Toral get up and chase them.)
(Cave tunnel)
(Worf knocks over a field disruptor, restoring the
forcefield to the chamber. Their pursuers are trapped. Further on, Dax
tends to Worf's wound.)
[DAX] We need to stop the bleeding. We'd better get you up to the ship.
Dax to Rio Grande.
[WORF] That is a Klingon jamming signal.
[DAX] Can we override it?
[WORF] Maybe from the surface.
[DAX] Kor, go make sure no one's following us.
[KOR] Did you see the face of that Klingon that I killed? It was as if
he understood the honour bestowed upon him. The first man in a thousand
years to be killed by the Sword of Kahless.
[DAX] I'm sure he was very proud.
[WORF] We should keep moving. Toral will find a way past the forcefield.
(Further on, past an armoured lizard.)
[KOR] Why did Toral say you had spared his life?
[WORF] When it was discovered that the House of Duras had conspired to
destroy my father's honour, Gowron offered me Toral's life.
[KOR] Under the Right of Vengeance.
[WORF] I declined.
[KOR] Why?
[WORF] He was a boy. He had done nothing.
[KOR] That's beside the point. It was a matter of honour.
[DAX] It was Worf's right to decline.
[KOR] It was a mistake! Perhaps what they say about you is true. You've
been around humans too long.
[DAX] Kor!
[KOR] If he hadn't spared Toral's life, we'd be on the way to Kronos.
[WORF] And if you had not been drunk and told a tavernfull of people
what you were planning, Toral would not have followed us here in the
first place.
[KOR] I told them nothing of consequence. How could I know Toral was
going to send a Lethean to steal my thoughts.
[WORF] You should have been more discreet.
[KOR] And you should have been more of a Klingon!
(Worf goes on ahead.)
[DAX] Kor, what was that all about? Worf admires you. You have no idea
how much it meant for him to be invited on this journey.
[KOR] Tell me, Dax, how well do you know him?
[DAX] Well enough. Why?
[KOR] I'm beginning to think I was too lenient in my judgment of him.
Any Klingon who denies himself the Right of Vengeance is no Klingon at
all. He dishonours the Sword with his presence. I don't trust him. I
should have let him stay on that space station where he belongs.
[DAX] (sotto) Worf.
(They move forward carefully, weapons ready.)
[KOR] HoH!
(Dax shoots something. Kor picks it up by the tail. An armoured
[DAX] What is it?
[KOR] Lunch!
(The animal is cooked over red-hot stones.)
[KOR] Delicious, isn't it?
[WORF] A hunt builds the appetite.
[DAX] It's disgusting.
[KOR] Ah, but it'll make a good part of the story. How we slew the
beast. Remember? It attacked us from the dark, five metres long.
[DAX] Oh, ten, at least.
[KOR] Eyes ablaze, fangs like daggers.
[DAX] Breathing great plumes of fire.
[KOR] It seems the son of Mogh is not amused.
[WORF] A true warrior has no need to exaggerate his feats.
[KOR] You'd better hope that I exaggerate or when they start singing
songs about this quest, they'll come to your verse and it will be, and
Worf came along.
(Kor uses the Sword to skewer a piece of meat, and Worf rips it from
his hand)
[WORF] This is the Sword of Kahless. It is not something to shovel food
into your mouth! It must be treated with honour.
(Worf props the Sword up against the rock.)
[KOR] Look at him. He's like the Hur'q. He thinks it's a museum piece.
Why, Kahless himself used it to skin the serpent of Xol, to harvest his
father's field, to carve a statue of his own beloved. It's a sword! But
Worf doesn't know what to do with it, except bow before front of it and
then hand it over to his precious Emperor.
[WORF] And when we do, you will get your precious statue. And after they
have sung songs about you and you have passed out from too much drink,
the Emperor will use the Sword to unite our people.
[KOR] If Gowron allows him. The Emperor is merely his puppet.
[WORF] The Emperor is no one's puppet. He condemned Gowron's invasion of
[KOR] And the invasion went ahead despite his objection.
[WORF] That is why the Emperor needs the Sword. It will allow him to
unify the Houses against Gowron.
[KOR] The Emperor is a pretender, a clone of the original Kahless cooked
up in a vat by ambitious clerics. And if you hadn't supported him, he'd
be right back in that vat where he came from.
[WORF] I supported him because we need him. He can unite us.
[KOR] The Sword will unite us, if it's held by a true Klingon. Not a
politician like Gowron or some toothless figurehead like the Emperor.
The Sword must rest in the hands of someone who has been hardened by
battle, pure of heart, who understands loyalty and honour. A warrior
like Kang and Koloth!
[WORF] Someone like you?
[KOR] The Empire could do far worse.
[DAX] We should get moving.
[WORF] Are you saying it is your intention to lead the Empire?
[KOR] I'm saying it's my intention to lead us to the surface.
(And on they go, Dax with her tricorder, Kor with the bat'leth leading
the way.)
[DAX] We have to change your bandage.
[WORF] No. We must keep moving.
[DAX] You're haemorrhaging. We have to stop the bleeding.
[KOR] That cave-rat was all bones. I need another one.
[DAX] Find a nice fat one. We all could use something to eat.
(Kor leaves)
[WORF] He never answered my question about his plans for the Sword.
[DAX] I noticed.
[WORF] He is a hero to many. If he brings it back with him to Kronos and
decides to seize power, many will follow him.
[DAX] But you wouldn't?
[WORF] He is not all I thought he was.
[DAX] Maybe not. Sorry. But I've known him a long time, and his heart's
in the right place.
[WORF] He drinks too much. He exaggerates his feats. He blames others
for his own mistakes. But he could be right about one thing. The
Emperor may be too weak to stand against Gowron, even with the Sword.
[DAX] I thought you believed in the Emperor.
[WORF] I do not know what I believe anymore. All I know is when Kor
asked me to help find the Sword, I knew we would succeed. I knew we
would find it!
[DAX] I can't say I felt the same way.
[WORF] I had no doubt. I felt as if my life was finally coming into
[DAX] What do you mean?
[WORF] For as long as I can remember, I have always been an outsider. I
was raised by humans, but I was too Klingon to be one of them. I did
not belong. I begged my foster parents to allow me to visit the Klingon
homeworld. They arranged for me to stay with my cousin's family. When I
first set eyes on the Great Domes of Kronos, I felt that I had finally
come home. But my own cousins wanted nothing to do with me.
[DAX] You were too human to be one of them.
[WORF] I ran away into the mountains. I was without food or water for
three days. But there, in the caves of No'Mat, Kahless appeared to me
in a vision and told me I would do something no other Klingon had ever
done. After I returned to Earth, I pondered the meaning of his words
and wondered what lay ahead for me. When I was old enough, I joined
[DAX] Something no Klingon had ever done.
[WORF] And for a time, I thought that I had fulfilled my destiny, but I
now see that Kahless had something else in mind for me. Something,
something greater. That is why I had to endure so much pain, why I was
forced to choose between the Federation and my own people. I was being
tested, prepared for some greater purpose.
[DAX] Like finding the Sword
[WORF] More than that. When I held the Sword in my hands, I felt the
spirit of Kahless himself had guided me to it. Don't you see? He wants
me to have it. He wants me to lead his people!
[DAX] You sound like Kor.
[WORF] Kor is an old man. His greatest days are behind him. Mine are
still ahead.
(Kor is listening.)
[DAX] Then we have a bit of a problem. There's only one Sword and you
both want it.
(And later still)
[KOR] How much further?
[DAX] The way these caves wind around, this could take forever.
(They come out onto a ledge by a chasm.)
[DAX] Or longer.
[KOR] We can't get across. We'll go back and find another way up.
[WORF] Wait. There
(Worf sees another path past a narrow ledge. Dax goes first, Worf
second, Kor and the sword last. Kor slips, Worf grabs the sword and Kor
is dangling from the other end of it. Dax hangs onto Worf.)
[WORF] Kor, there is a ledge right below you.
[KOR] I don't see it.
[WORF] It is less than one metre down. Let go and you'll land on it.
[KOR] Dax, can you see it?
[DAX] I can't see anything.
[WORF] I can't hold you! You'll have to let go.
[KOR] There is no ledge.
[WORF] It is there.
[KOR] Then you let go.
[WORF] No! We cannot risk losing the Sword. Let go!
[KOR] I'll take the Sword to my grave before I give it to you.
[DAX] Just hold on. We'll pull you up.
(She hauls on Worf, and Kor is pulled to safety. Worf has the Sword.
Kor looks down, then Dax.)
[KOR] You call that a ledge?
[WORF] It would've been sufficient.
[KOR] For a Degebian mountain goat, not a Klingon warrior. You were
going to let me fall. You wanted me to die so you could keep the Sword
for yourself.
[WORF] And you were willing to take the Sword to your death and rob our
people of their future.
[KOR] Give it to me!
(They threaten each other with weapons.)
[DAX] That's enough, both of you.
[WORF] I will not give him the Sword.
[DAX] Then give it to me. I'll carry it. Kor, put away your dagger.
[KOR] Are you siding with him?
[DAX] Put away your dagger so he can give me the bat'leth.
(Kor does, but Worf does not easily let go of the Sword.)
[KOR] You see. I was right. He's not to be trusted.
(Kor moves on.)
[WORF] His mind has been poisoned by bloodwine and age.
[DAX] He was right about one thing. You wanted him to fall. That ledge
would have never supported him and you knew it.
[WORF] I did not force him off that cliff. He is old and clumsy. If he'd
have fallen, it would have been his own fault.
[DAX] I'm exhausted.
[WORF] Commander. We can rest in here for a few hours.
[DAX] I'm so tired I think I might be able to sleep.
[WORF] I will take the first watch.
[KOR] How generous of you. And we'll just curl up like trusting children
under your vigilant gaze.
[WORF] Sleep or do not sleep. It makes no difference to me.
[KOR] You're wounded. I should take the first watch. You get some rest.
You close your eyes.
[WORF] I'm not tired.
[KOR] I understand. It's hard to sleep in the presence of something so
magnificent. Someone might try to steal it.
[WORF] You reveal your own intentions.
[DAX] Enough! I have the Sword and it's not going anywhere.
(Dax has her phaser in her hand and lies on the Sword.)
[KOR] What was that?
[WORF] I heard nothing.
[KOR] A voice. I hear it again. It's the Spirit of Kahless. He is
talking to you, Worf. He's telling you to bide your time. Let them
sleep and then slit their throats and claim your destiny.
[WORF] I have had enough of your drunken ramblings, old man.
[DAX] And I have had enough of both of you. I don't care if you sleep or
not, but I'm going to. So be quiet.
[KOR] Go ahead and sleep, Dax. I'll keep an eye on him.
(Dax has finally fallen asleep.)
[WORF] I have had enough!
[DAX] What?
[WORF] His eyes. He has been staring at me for three hours.
[KOR] And what have you seen reflected in my eyes? Your own guilt,
gnawing at you.
[DAX] All right, if you're not going to sleep, then let's walk.
[KOR] I'm not going anywhere with this traitorous p'tak.
[WORF] This ends here.
[KOR] Agreed.
[DAX] I'm not going to stand here and watch
[WORF] You stay out of this!
[KOR] This is between us. We'll settle it in our own way.
(As soon as they clash metal, there's a disrupter blast. There's a
whole bunch of Klingons here now.)
[DAX] Let's get out of here.
(Kor picks up the Sword.)
[KOR] MaH HIv DaH!
(And attacks all the Klingons.)
[DAX] He's going to get himself killed.
[WORF] No, no. He has the Sword. HIv DaH!
(Worf and Dax join in. Once again the Lethean is about to get his hands
on Dax's head so Kor throws Sword into his back. Worf finishes off his
opponent, pulls it out of the Lethean's back and kills the last
[KOR] It's mine!
(Kor attacks Worf and they wrestle on the floor.)
[DAX] Kor! Commander! Worf! Stop!
(Worf is throttling Kor up against the rock wall, so Dax shoots him.)
[KOR] Dax, I knew in the end you'd choose me. We're blood brothers
[DAX] Be quiet.
(She shoots Kor and goes to Toral.)
[DAX] Now, about that jamming device you're using to block our
(Runabout Rio Grande)
(The Sword is placed on a pedestal)
[KOR] Are you sure of this, Worf?
[WORF] Yes. Yes, it is the only way.
[KOR] Do we have the right? This Sword belongs to all Klingons.
[WORF] But are we ready for it? The Sword turned you and me against each
other. Imagine how it would divide the Empire.
[KOR] Just let me hold it one last time.
[WORF] The Sword is not meant for us. It was never our destiny to find
[KOR] You're wrong. It was our destiny to find it. It just wasn't our
destiny to keep it.
(Worf beams the Sword away.)
[WORF] It is done.
[DAX] Good. It's for the best.
[KOR] I hope you're right. It could be lost for another thousand years.
[WORF] When it is destined to be found, it will be.
(And the Sword floats on through the vastness of space, a small but
sharp hazard to navigation.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e78", "title": "The Sword of Kahless"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Our Man Bashir
Man Bashir
Original Airdate: 27 Nov, 1995
- Paris nightclub)
(A man with an eye-patch goes flying backwards
through a large decorative window. Apparently he's just been thrown
through by Julian, wearing a tuxedo and an air of nonchalance. A blonde
in a red dress offers him a bottle of champagne. In it's dark glass he
sees the reflection of his assailant approaching from behind. Bashir
turns and fires the champagne cork at him, knocking the man out cold.)
[BASHIR] Lot of kick for a forty five Dom.
[CAPRICE] Thank you, Mister. Mister?
[BASHIR] Bashir. Julian Bashir.
(Well, it's the right initials, and he does get a round of applause as
he kisses the woman.)
[CAPRICE] Who's that?
[BASHIR] An uninvited guest. Excuse me.
(Bashir goes over to )
[BASHIR] Nice tux.
[GARAK] Thank you.
[BASHIR] Now get out.
[GARAK] But Doctor, I've only just arrived.
[BASHIR] Breaking into a holosuite during someone's programme is not
only rude, it's illegal. I should call Odo and have you arrested.
[GARAK] What an extreme reaction that would be. You must be very
embarrassed by this programme.
[BASHIR] I'm not embarrassed. I'm annoyed that you have intruded into my
[GARAK] Privacy, indeed. I think it goes far deeper than that, Doctor.
Ever since you received this new programme, you've spent virtually
every free hour in the holosuite. But you haven't told anyone what the
programme is.
[BASHIR] Am I supposed to?
[GARAK] No, no, no. But you're such a, forgive me, a talkative man and
it's so unusual for you to have secrets.
[BASHIR] I must have picked up that habit from you. Now, if you will
excuse me.
[GARAK] Is this fantasy of yours really truly revealing of your inner
[BASHIR] What?
[GARAK] Is that why you're so protective? Are you afraid that I'll find
out some humiliating secrets about the real Julian Bashir?
[BASHIR] This is a fantasy. I'm not hiding anything.
[GARAK] Well, if you've nothing to hide, then why not let me stay?
[BASHIR] All right. Now I have to be at work in two hours and I'd like
to enjoy myself, so keep quiet and don't rain on my parade.
[GARAK] Your parade?
[BASHIR] Never mind.
[GARAK] Don't worry, Doctor. I can be quite discreet. You'll barely know
I'm here.
[BASHIR] Good.
[GARAK] But if I may make one observation.
[BASHIR] Garak.
[GARAK] I only want to point out that your lovely companion is leaving.
Odd. She seemed so interested in your advances just a moment ago. I
wonder what scared her away? Oh, no. I do apologise. You must be
incensed. In fact, if I were in your shoes, I would grab a bottle of
champagne and shoot me.
[BASHIR] I can see I'm going to regret this.
[GARAK] Don't worry, Doctor. We're going to have a wonderful time. After
all, what could possibly go wrong?
(It's a holo-programme and we've gone to the opening titles, so those
have to be famous last words....)
(Holosuite - Bashir's apartment)
(A luxury penthouse.)
[GARAK] You live here?
[BASHIR] That's right.
[GARAK] Decorate it yourself?
[BASHIR] The decor is appropriate for the period. Nineteen sixty-four.
[GARAK] How did you pronounce the name of this city?
[BASHIR] Kowloon it's part of Hong Kong.
[GARAK] And the nightclub was in Paris, which, if I remember correctly,
was on the other side of the planet.
(Enter the obligatory Bond Girl with the deeply suggestive name, deep
cleavage and mini miniskirt.)
[LUVSITT] Mister Bashir, I didn't expect you home so soon.
[BASHIR] I decided to leave Paris a little early. Allow me to introduce
my friend, Mister Garak. Garak, this is my personal valet, Mona
[LUVSITT] Pleased to make your acquaintance. Would you like to change
into something more comfortable?
[BASHIR] That would be perfect. See if we can find Mister Garak
something as well.
[LUVSITT] I'll see what I can do. Would you like me to put this away? (a
[BASHIR] Please. Care for a drink?
[GARAK] Not just yet.
(Mona goes to a big mirror and presses a button. It rotates to reveal
an arsenal of weapons.)
[GARAK] Is she your valet or your personal assassin?
[BASHIR] Valet. Mona is very capable. She speaks seven languages, has
degrees in biology, chemistry, physics, can fly anything from a jet to
a helicopter and makes an excellent martini.
[MONA] Is there anything else I can do for you?
[BASHIR] I'll let you know.
[GARAK] I take it your character is some kind of rich dilettante with a
fascination for women and weapons.
[BASHIR] Actually, my character is far more disreputable. I'm a spy.
[GARAK] A spy? And you live here?
[BASHIR] Yes. I work for one of the nation states of this era, Great
Britain, which is battling various other nations in what is called the
Cold War. This apartment, my clothes, weapons, even my valet were
provided to me by my government.
[GARAK] I think I joined the wrong intelligence service.
(Runabout Orinoco)
[SISKO] Orinoco to Deep Space Nine. This is Captain
Sisko requesting landing clearance.
[EDDINGTON (OC)] Welcome back, Captain.
[EDDINGTON] You're cleared to set down on landing
pad three. How was the conference?
(Runabout Orinoco)
[SISKO] Informative, but I've got a ship full of
tired officers here. I think we'll all be happy to be in our own beds
[EDDINGTON (OC)] I can imagine.
[EDDINGTON] There's some message traffic from
Starfleet Command for you to look at
(Runabout Orinoco)
[EDDINGTON (OC)] But nothing
[BRIEN] Captain, there's some kind of power surge in the warp core.
[SISKO] Looks like a fluctuation in the plasma coils. We'd better take
the warp core offline.
[BRIEN] I can't. There's something wrong with the command control
systems. I'm completely locked out.
[WORF] Magnetic interlocks are failing. Warp core breach is imminent.
[SISKO] Eject the warp core.
[KIRA] The ejection system isn't responding.
[BRIEN] Correction. The ejection system is missing. We've been
[WORF] Ten seconds to warp core breach.
[EDDINGTON] Orinoco, cut your impulse engines and
drop your deflectors. We're going to try to beam you out of there.
(Runabout Orinoco)
[SISKO] Acknowledged. Cut main power.
[EDDINGTON] I've locked on. Energising.
(Sisko, Kira, O'Brien, Worf, and Dax are just beaming in when KaBOOM!
goes the Orinoco and BANG goes the transporter pad. Red alert goes off.
Eddington goes down into the pit.)
[ODO] What happened?
[EDDINGTON] Captain Sisko's runabout exploded while I was trying to beam
them back. Some of the energy travelled back along the transporter beam
and blew up the primary energising coils.
[ODO] Do we still have their patterns?
[EDDINGTON] Yes. They're in the buffer. But the patterns will start to
degrade if not used immediately. We need to store the patterns
[ODO] This is more complicated than just an ordinary transporter
pattern. We're going to have to preserve all the neural signatures of
everyone on that runabout. Do you know how much memory it would take to
save just one person's neural signature, much less five?
[EDDINGTON] I don't think we have any choice. Computer, I need to store
all data currently in the transporter pattern buffer. Where can I save
[COMPUTER] There is insufficient computer memory to save the data.
[ODO] The pattern buffer's beginning to lose coherence. The patterns
will start to degrade any second now.
[EDDINGTON] Computer, what if we wiped all computer memory in every
system on the station and then stored the patterns?
[COMPUTER] That procedure has not been tested. It cannot be predicted.
[ODO] The buffer is depolarising.
[EDDINGTON] Computer, this is a command priority override. Wipe all
computer memory necessary in order to save the patterns from the
buffer. Authorisation Eddington zero six five alpha enable.
[COMPUTER] Executing command override.
(The lights go out. Monitors display streams of numbers.)
[ODO] Tricorder. The buffer's lost coherence. The patterns are gone. Did
the computer save them in time?
[EDDINGTON] I think so, but I'm not sure where.
(Holosuite - Bashir's apartment)
(Mona helps Garak into a casual jacket over a polo
neck jumper.)
[GARAK] Thank you, my dear. Yes, this should do nicely, although I'm not
too sure about the collar.
[BASHIR] It's perfect.
[LUVSITT] I'll have these cleaned right away.
[BASHIR] Thank you.
(Mona leaves)
[GARAK] Isn't this a rather ostentatious life for a spy?
[BASHIR] It's all part of my cover. I'm posing as a wealthy jet-setter,
so I have to act like one.
[GARAK] Jet-setter?
[BASHIR] People of this era used to travel in
(There's a thump off-screen. Bashir draws his gun then presses a
button. The bar rotates to reveal a bed. Kira is on the bed, in a
nightgown and speaking with a russian accent.)
[KIRA] Julian. I must have fallen asleep.
[BASHIR] Very funny. Who else did you invite along with you today?
[GARAK] This wasn't my idea. Major?
[KIRA] Colonel, actually. Colonel Anastasia Komananov, KGB. Oh, Julian,
I never thought I'd see you alive again. Not after you fell out of that
dirigible over Iceland.
[BASHIR] I had a parachute, and there was a submarine there waiting for
me. But how do you know about that? Have you been downloading my
holosuite programmes?
[KIRA] Oh Julian, you are not well. Let's lie down.
[GARAK] I must say, Major Kira's certainly throwing herself into the
role, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Nerys, please.
[KIRA] Who is this Major Nerys Kira?
[BASHIR] Kira Nerys, actually.
[GARAK] Perhaps this isn't Major Kira after all.
[BASHIR] I'm beginning to think you're right. Computer restore the image
of Colonel Komananov back to its original parameters.
[COMPUTER] Unable to comply. The character parameters of Colonel
Komananov are correct.
[GARAK] I'd say someone's been tampering with your programme, Doctor.
[KIRA] Julian, we don't have time for games. There is much to talk
[BASHIR] Excuse me. Computer freeze programme.
[COMPUTER] Unable to comply. Computer control has been disrupted due to
[GARAK] Emergency?
[BASHIR] Bashir to Ops. What's going on?
(It is still dark.)
[ODO] We've got our hands full right now, Doctor. Stand by.
[EDDINGTON] Odo, wait. Doctor, where are you? And do you have access to
a working computer console?
[BASHIR (OC)] I'm in holosuite three.
(Holosuite - Bashir's apartment)
[BASHIR] The program's running but it won't comply
with my commands.
[EDDINGTON] The programme is still running?
(Holosuite - Bashir's apartment)
[KIRA] I demand to know who you are talking to!
[KIRA (OC)] Julian, tell me.
[ODO] That sounded like Kira.
[BASHIR (OC)] Not exactly.
(Holosuite - Bashir's apartment)
[BASHIR] Someone has replaced one of the characters
with the image of Major Kira. What's going on?
[EDDINGTON (OC)] Stay where you are
[EDDINGTON] Doctor. Keep the programme running for
now. We'll get right back to you.
(Holosuite - Bashir's apartment)
[KIRA] Julian, talk to me. Tell me what is
[BASHIR] I'm not sure myself.
[EDDINGTON (OC)] Ops to Bashir.
[EDDINGTON] Doctor, whatever you do, don't end that
(Holosuite - Bashir's apartment)
[BASHIR] Why not?
[EDDINGTON (OC)] There's been a transporter accident.
[EDDINGTON] We believe the holosuite memory core is
holding the transporter patterns of five crewmembers. If you stop the
programme, their patterns
(Holosuite - Bashir's apartment)
[EDDINGTON (OC)] Might be lost.
[BASHIR] How could that happen?
[EDDINGTON (OC)] It's a long story.
[EDDINGTON] But at this moment the patterns of
Captain Sisko, Kira, Worf, Dax and O'Brien exist only in the holosuite
[ODO] Don't leave the holosuite. If you do, it might disrupt the
holo-imaging array and right now we can't take any chances. You'll have
to stay in there and keep the programme running for now.
(Holosuite - Bashir's apartment)
[BASHIR] Understood.
[ODO (OC)] We'll get back to you, Doctor.
[KIRA] Oh, Julian, you are so tense.
[BASHIR] It's been one of those days
[KIRA] I wish I could relax you but I am here on business.
(She hands him a manila file)
[KIRA] In the last twenty-four hours, a series of earthquakes have
struck cities from Vladivostok to New York. Our seismologists have
analysed the earthquakes and come to the conclusion that they are
[GARAK] So? That's not so difficult. One only has to
[BASHIR] Garak.
[KIRA] Your friend seems to know something.
[BASHIR] Believe me, he knows nothing.
[KIRA] If you say so. Because of the global nature of this crisis, my
government and yours have decided to cooperate. We will be working very
[BASHIR] I'm sure we will.
[KIRA] Our assignment is to find out who caused the earthquakes and what
they want.
[GARAK] A rather vague assignment.
[KIRA] We do have one clue. One of the world's leading seismologists,
Professor Honey Bare, has vanished. We believe she has been kidnapped.
(Bashir stares at the photograph.)
[KIRA] I didn't think she was your type.
[BASHIR] You said she's been kidnapped.
[KIRA] We think so. She disappeared only a few hours before the first
quake struck New York City.
[GARAK] Doctor, we're in the middle of an emergency. Is this really the
time to be playing games?
(Bashir shows him the photo of Honey Bare.)
[BASHIR] Look.
[GARAK] Interesting.
(The photo is Dax in lab coat, classes and bun.)
[BASHIR] If Honey Bare is killed, the computer will erase her character
from its programme. Now since the programme thinks that Dax is Honey
[GARAK] The computer would actually be erasing Commander Dax's pattern.
[BASHIR] Kira, erm, Ana. Do you have any idea where Professor Bare is?
[KIRA] She was last seen
(The doors open to reveal Mona, holding the tuxedoes)
[BASHIR] I'll be right with you, Mona.
(Mona falls forward with a knife in her back. Two thugs with guns enter
followed by O'Brien wearing an
[GARAK] Chief.
[BASHIR] No. It's Falcon.
[BRIEN] Nice to see you, Mister Bashir. Now I think we have a little
unfinished business.
(O'Brien points his big revolver at Bashir.)
[BRIEN] Surprised to see me, Mister Bashir?
[BASHIR] You could say that.
[BRIEN] Well, you should use something a little more lethal than a
champagne cork. Something like this.
[KIRA] Wait! Wait, please. Let us have one last kiss.
[BRIEN] Why not? I've always been a romantic at heart.
(Kira stands lip to lip with Bashir.)
[KIRA] (sotto) Earring.
(Falcon turns his back as they kiss and Bashir removes the large pearl
[BRIEN] All right, Bashir. That's enough.
(Bashir tosses the earring at Falcon and it goes Bang! Bashir takes on
one thug and Garak the other as Kira kicks Falcon out cold. )
[GARAK] Interesting jewellry.
[BASHIR] I bought those for Anastasia last Christmas. You're bleeding.
[GARAK] The holosuite safeties must be off.
[KIRA] Time to clip this bird's wings.
(She makes to shoot O'Brien.)
[KIRA] Niet! What are you doing?
[BASHIR] We can't kill him.
[KIRA] Julian, what are you saying? He's been trying to kill you for
nine years.
[GARAK] I wouldn't dismiss her idea so quickly, Doctor.
[BASHIR] But that's Miles.
[GARAK] No. As you pointed out, he's Falcon, a hired assassin who's
going to do everything he can to kill you. And without the holosuite
safeties in place, he may do just that.
[BASHIR] What do you want me to do? Kill him?
[GARAK] I want you to stop treating this like a game where everything's
going to turn out all right in the end. Real spies have to make hard
choices. You want to save Dax? Fine. But you may not have the luxury of
saving everyone.
[KIRA] Who is Dax?
[GARAK] Eventually you may have to let someone die.
[BASHIR] I'll deal with that situation if and when it happens. In the
meantime, we have to find Dax.
[KIRA] Who is Dax?
[BASHIR] Ana, I promise I'll explain everything later. Now, you said
Professor Bare had been kidnapped. Do you have any suspects?
[KIRA] We believe that Doctor Noah is behind the abductions. During the
past two years, he has kidnapped an elite group of sixty artisans and
scientists from around the world. No one knows why or where he has
taken them, but our sources tell us that each of the missing people was
invited to meet Doctor Noah at a club in Paris shortly before they
[BASHIR] The Club Ingénue?
[KIRA] Da.
[BASHIR] I had a feeling. (goes to Mona's body) Sorry, my dear. I hope
you remember how to tie a bow-tie. We're going to Paris.
[KIRA] Who is Dax?
(Holosuite corridor)
(Rom and Eddington take of a panel to get at the
[ROM] I've had to make a few modifications to this holosuite over the
[EDDINGTON] A few? It's like a junkyard in here.
[ROM] My brother won't let me buy new components so I've had to scavenge
for what I need.
[QUARK] I'm barely breaking even on the holosuites as it is. If I had to
buy new equipment every time there was a glitch.
[EDDINGTON] Where's the core memory interface?
[ROM] Oh it's right behind the spatula.
[EDDINGTON] The spatula?
[ROM] It's made of a copper-ytterbium composite, the perfect plasma
(Eddington scans the innards with a tricorder.)
[EDDINGTON] I've found them. All five of their physical patterns are in
here and they're stable.
[ODO] Why here?
[EDDINGTON] The holosuite is specifically designed to store highly
complex energy patterns. The computer's processing their physical
patterns as if they were holosuite characters. Trouble is, I'm not
reading any neural energy.
[ROM] Neural energy has to be stored at the quantum level. The holosuite
can't handle that.
[ODO] So if their physical bodies are stored here, where are their brain
[QUARK] Everywhere else. Their brain patterns are so large that they're
taking up every bit of computer memory on the station. Replicator
memory, weapons, life supports.
[ODO] He may be right. So what do we do about it? How do we get them
(Holosuite - Paris nightclub)
(The joint is jumping with go-go dancers in cages.)
[BASHIR] I'd like to see Doctor Noah. I have an invitation.
(The flunky goes behind the decorative glass window - as previously
broken - then gestures for them to come over. A large figure in a white
jacket is playing baccarat.)
[WORF] May I see your invitation?
[BASHIR] Doctor Noah?
[WORF] I am Duchamps. I am Doctor Noah's associate.
(Bashir joins the game.)
[BASHIR] My name's Merriweather. Patrick Merriweather. And this is my
wife Anastasia. And my friend Mister Garak.
(Worf kisses Kira's hand.)
[WORF] Charmed. Your invitation, Mister Merriweather?
[BASHIR] I don't have one.
[WORF] The Doctor does not like unexpected guests.
[KIRA] I believe Doctor Noah would be very interested in meeting my
husband. He's one of the leading geologists in the world.
[WORF] Now why would that interest Doctor Noah?
[GARAK] We believe he's taken quite an interest in the sciences. After
all, he has invited several of the world's top scientists to this club.
Isn't that true?
[BASHIR] I must say I feel a little insulted by being left out of such
an illustrious group.
[WORF] How unfortunate. Of course, a meeting still can be arranged. For
a price.
[WORF] Five million francs.
[BASHIR] No problem.
(Bashir puts a note on the table.)
[WORF] I do not understand. Where's the rest of your money?
[BASHIR] Right in front of you. Shall we begin?
[ODO] A Cardassian separatist group calling
themselves The True Way has claimed responsibility for sabotaging the
[EDDINGTON] Ever heard of them before?
[ODO] They're opposed to the peace treaty, they blame the Federation for
Cardassia's economic and political troubles, et cetera, et cetera.
Until now, they've never committed any terrorist action to support
their beliefs. What have you found?
[EDDINGTON] From what we can tell, Quark was right. The computer has
stored the neural energy patterns of everyone on the runabout
throughout the entire station.
[QUARK] Don't everyone thank me at once.
[ROM] What we need to do is re-integrate their neural patterns with
their physical patterns from the holosuite and rematerialise them.
[EDDINGTON] I say we use the Defiant. Its power systems and computers
are independent of the station and it has its own transporter.
[ROM] Sounds good. Except
[EDDINGTON] Except what?
[ROM] Well, my equipment isn't designed to interface with Starfleet
systems. I may have to make some modifications.
(Holosuite - Paris nightclub)
(There is a big pile of money on the table, and
Bashir is holding five.)
[BASHIR] Card.
(It's a four.)
[BASHIR] Nine. Five million francs.
[WORF] You're quite a baccarat player, Mister Merriweather.
[BASHIR] Baccarat and geology are my life. Now then, Mister Duchamps, I
believe we've met your conditions.
(Worf takes a red banded cigar from his case.)
[BASHIR] When do we leave?
[WORF] Right now.
(And blows a powder into their faces. They all pass out)
(Holosuite - Sitting room)
(A fire in the grate, a bejewelled brass vase and
snowcapped mountains visible through the picture windows.)
[KIRA] что случилось? (Shto chort sloo-chee-luhs?)
[GARAK] Another decorator's nightmare. This era has a distinct lack of
[BASHIR] Where are we?
[SISKO] Welcome to Paradise, Mister Merriweather. I believe you've been
looking for me. My name is Hippocrates Noah.
(After the break, handing round cigars - Kira takes one)
[SISKO] Mister Merriweather, I understand your field is geology.
[BASHIR] That's right.
[SISKO] Then I'm sure you can appreciate these stones in my most recent
(The vase on the table.)
[BASHIR] A most striking display of rubies, tourmaline, sapphire, topaz.
Judging by the high chromium content in the rubies, I'd say they come
from the hydrothermal deposits on the Tibetan plateau. Which isn't
surprising, considering we're on the south eastern slope of Mount
Everest at about twenty two thousand feet, I should say.
[SISKO] Twenty five actually.
[BASHIR] You must not get many tourists.
[SISKO] My guests and I place a premium on our privacy. We don't want
any unwelcomed guests, such as men sent by governments who disagree
with my political philosophy.
[KIRA] And what is your philosophy? Are you some kind of anarchist?
[SISKO] Quite the opposite. I believe in an orderly world. A far cry
from the chaos we find ourselves in today. We are building a new future
here. A new beginning for mankind. A new chapter in human history will
open right here on my island.
[BASHIR] Island?
[SISKO] Forgive me. Sometimes I do get ahead of myself. Allow me to
(Sisko pushes a button and the oak-panelled wall raises to reveal a
control centre with an illuminated world map on the wall.)
[DAX] We're almost ready. I've programmed the laser sequence and I'm
making some last minute adjustments to a South American Site.
[SISKO] I do have every confidence in you, my dear.
[KIRA] She's working with him.
[SISKO] You see, Mister Merriweather, I intend not only to create a new
future, I intend to create a new world. At each one of these points, I
have hidden a new form of laser. One that can penetrate the Earth's
crust down into the mantle itself.
[BASHIR] The global earthquakes.
[SISKO] Those were only tests. Soon I will activate all of these lasers
together, and when I do, they will produce worldwide earthquakes the
likes of which we have never been felt before.
[GARAK] Killing everyone on the planet.
[SISKO] More than that. There comes a time when a house has been so
damaged by termites that you must not only kill the termites but
demolish the house and build again. The quakes are only a minor side
effect. The real goal of this project is to have these lasers of mine
produce massive fissures in the Earth's crust, releasing millions of
tons of molten lava. Now, Mister Merriweather, you're the geologist.
Tell me what happens next.
[BASHIR] Once that much lava is released, the tectonic plates would
begin to settle.
[SISKO] And the surface of the planet will shrink, just like letting air
out of a balloon.
[KIRA] But if the surface of the Earth shrinks, the oceans
[BASHIR] Will cover the Earth. Diabolical.
[SISKO] Visionary. I am going to let mankind begin anew, here on this
island paradise, the only place that will remain above water on my
brave new world. And that is why I have gathered the finest minds, the
very best that mankind has to offer. We will repopulate and start a new
human race. Pity you won't be able to join us.
[BASHIR] Are you revoking my invitation?
[SISKO] I intend to do more than that, Mister Bashir. Not only have I
brought the greatest minds to my mountain retreat, but I have also
hired the greatest protection that money can buy. I believe you already
know my newest employee.
(It's O'Brien as Falcon of course.)
(Defiant transporter room)
(There are cables running into here.)
[EDDINGTON] Is all this really necessary?
[ROM] It's the best I can do.
[EDDINGTON] How long until we're ready to try retrieving their patterns?
[ROM] I'd say another hour.
[EDDINGTON] O'Brien's going to kill me when he gets back.
(Holosuite - Cavern)
(Garak and Bashir are fastened to the support
struts of a laser.)
[SISKO] This is one of a seventy four lasers I've deployed around the
world. When I throw that switch, it'll begin a five minute countdown
that even I can't stop. Once the laser fires, the whole cave will be
filled with molten lava.
[BASHIR] Where's Colonel Komananov?
[SISKO] She's a spirited individual. Young, healthy. We'll need women
like her to help propagate the second human race.
[4] 59 4:58 4:57)
[SISKO] Try to stay cool, Mister Bashir.
[Brien leave. We skip a couple of minutes. 3] 44 3:43)
[GARAK] So what do we do now?
[BASHIR] I'm thinking.
[GARAK] Think faster. I don't know if I've made this explicit to you or
not, Doctor, but I really don't want to die chained to a twentieth
century laser. I think it's time to end this programme.
[BASHIR] We can't do that. We'd wipe out the patterns of Sisko and the
[GARAK] Then may I suggest calling Commander Eddington and having him
send someone in here to remove these handcuffs?
[BASHIR] You heard what Odo said. We don't know what'll happen if we
interrupt the holo-imaging array by calling for the doors. The entire
programme might collapse and kill them all.
[GARAK] Well I only know one thing for sure, Doctor, that when the
molten lava begins pouring into this cave, you and I are going to be
very uncomfortable.
[GARAK] Who's that?
[BASHIR] It's our ticket out of here.
(It's Dax, making some last minute checks.)
[BASHIR] What a waste. That no one can see what a beautiful woman you
[GARAK] Is that your plan?
[BASHIR] Shut up. Noah only wants you for your mind. He can't appreciate
the woman inside you. Honey, would you grant me one last request and
take off those glasses?
(Garak groans and rolls his eyes.)
[DAX] Like this?
[BASHIR] You know, your hair would look so much better if it were free.
[GARAK] I must say, Doctor, this is more than I ever wanted to know
about your fantasy life.
(Dax unpins her bun.)
[BASHIR] There. That's the last thing I want to remember before I die.
[DAX] Thank you.
(Dax starts to leave, turns back and kisses Bashir passionately.)
[GARAK] I'd give you both some privacy if I could.
(Dax leaves)
[GARAK] Great plan. Now can we call Eddington?
[BASHIR] That will not be necessary. (he unlocks his handcuffs) Honey
has given me all we need.
[GARAK] Kiss the girl, get the key. They never taught me that in the
Obsidian Order.
(8, 7, 6)
[BASHIR] Come on!
(The laser lights up.
(Holosuite - tunnel)
(Rocks fall from the roof.)
[BASHIR] We have to get to the control room.
[GARAK] What?
(Bashir opens the heel of his shoe and takes out part of a tiny pistol.
He adds a fountain pen cap for the barrel and his garters have the
[BASHIR] If this programme ends like the others, either Komananov or
Honey Bare will be killed by Doctor Noah. The other's supposed to end
up with me. In either case, we have to make sure that both of them
[GARAK] You expect to take on Noah and his men with that?
[BASHIR] It's my fantasy. Trust me.
[GARAK] No! This has gone far enough. It's time to cut our losses.
[BASHIR] We can't do that. Kira or Dax might
[GARAK] Yes, they might be killed, and that is unfortunate. But there
comes a point when the odds are against you and the only reasonable
course of action is to quit!
[BASHIR] Quit?
[BASHIR] Is that what they taught you in the Obsidian Order? To give up
when things get tough?
[GARAK] As a matter of fact, they did. That's why I've managed to stay
alive while most of my colleagues are dead. Because I know when to walk
away. And that time is now. And you'd know that, Doctor, if you were a
real intelligence agent.
[BASHIR] Oh, so that's what this is all about. The fact that my fantasy
happens to step on what you consider to be your private domain. Well
what's the matter, Garak? Have I bruised your ego by play-acting at
something you take so very seriously?
[GARAK] That's something else you've yet to learn, Doctor. A real
intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense
of professionalism. And mine is telling me that it's time to go.
[BASHIR] Don't.
[GARAK] Or what? You'll kill me?
[BASHIR] If you call for the exit, you might kill Sisko and the others,
and I'm not prepared to risk that.
[GARAK] I'm afraid I don't believe you'll pull that trigger.
[BASHIR] I wouldn't be so sure about that.
[GARAK] It's time to face reality, Doctor. You're a man who dreams of
being a hero because you know, deep down, that you're not. I'm no hero
either, but I do know how to make a choice, and I'm choosing to save
myself. Computer, show me the mechanism
(BANG! The bullet grazes Garak's neck)
[BASHIR] You'll be fine. It's just a flesh wound.
[GARAK] That was awfully close. What if you'd killed me?
[BASHIR] What makes you think I wasn't trying?
[GARAK] Doctor, I do believe there's hope for you yet.
[BASHIR] I'm so relieved. Now, we have to get to the control room. Are
you coming or not?
[GARAK] Well, who am I to question Julian Bashir, secret agent? Lead on.
(Holosuite - Sitting room)
(O'Brien is sitting on a settee opposite handcuffed
Kira. Sisko is admiring Dax's new look.)
[BASHIR] Everybody stay where you are.
[DAX] Julian.
(Garak tackles O'Brien and gets his gun.)
[BASHIR] Your weapon, Doctor Noah.
[SISKO] This is your doing. You let them go.
[DAX] I'm sorry, Doctor.
(Bashir frees Kira)
[KIRA] Julian, you are just in time. He was about to activate the final
sequence of the lasers. Kill him, Julian.
[BASHIR] Not this time, Ana.
[KIRA] Well then, I will.
(Kira goes for his gun)
[KIRA] What are you doing?
[WORF] Making a mistake.
(Worf's gun is at Garak's head.)
[SISKO] Thank you, Mister Duchamps.
(Sisko retrieves his gun.)
[EDDINGTON (OC)] Eddington to Bashir. We're going to try rematerialising
their patterns in about two minutes.
[BASHIR] Understood.
[SISKO] What is it you understand, Mister Bashir? That you should've
killed me when you had the chance? I agree. But then again, I suppose
it wouldn't be very heroic. I, on the other hand, have no pretensions
about the idea of being a hero.
(Sisko levels his gun at Bashir.)
[BASHIR] Wait! Maybe I'm tired of being a hero. Maybe I've thought over
what you said and decided that you're absolutely right.
[SISKO] About what?
[BASHIR] Everything. The decadence of the world, the need for order. The
more I think about it, the more I realise that your way may be the only
(Sisko goes to press the big red button, then hesitates.)
[SISKO] You expect me to believe that? You are Julian Bashir. A man who
has spent his entire life dedicated to fighting against
[BASHIR] Yes, but all that's about to end now, isn't it? You're going to
destroy this world and start a new one. What's the use of me continuing
to defend a doomed planet? Can you see the sense in that?
[BASHIR] No. I'm an intelligence agent, and if there's any one thing
I've learnt, it is that there comes a point when the odds are against
you and there is no reasonable course of action but to quit. How do you
think I've managed to stay alive so long when all of my compatriots are
dead? It is because I have known when to walk away.
(Defiant transporter room)
[ROM] Rom to Ops. I'm ready. You can start
transferring the neural energy to the Defiant.
[ODO (OC)] Acknowledged.
[ODO] Beginning data transfer.
(Holosuite - Sitting room)
[SISKO] You make a very interesting argument, Mister
Bashir. But I'm afraid I've been looking forward to killing you for a
long time.
[BASHIR] You need to move beyond that. You need to start thinking about
your new world order. You may even need someone like me.
(Bashir has moved near the control console)
[SISKO] If you think that by going over there you are going to destroy
my control console, you're wasting your time.
[BASHIR] I don't intend to destroy your console, Doctor. I intend to use
(Bashir presses the large red button.)
[DAX] You've just activated the final laser sequence.
[KIRA] You've destroyed the Earth.
[ODO] Data transfer complete. I am re-establishing
computer control over the station.
(Lights up.)
(Holosuite - Sitting room)
(On Doctor Noah's map, the landmasses are
[BRIEN] It's working just as you planned. You've done it, Doctor.
[SISKO] Yes. But somehow, I didn't expect to win. I suppose the only
thing left to do now is to kill you.
(Sisko, O'Brien, Worf, Dax and Kira are beamed out)
(Defiant transporter room)
(Sisko, O'Brien, Worf, Dax and Kira are beamed in)
[SISKO] What happened, Commander?
[BRIEN] What did you do to my ship?
[EDDINGTON] It's going to take some explaining. Eddington to Bashir.
We've got them, Doctor. You can leave
(Holosuite - Sitting room)
(Only Everest is above sea level on the map.)
[EDDINGTON (OC)] The holosuite now.
[BASHIR] Thank you.
[GARAK] Interesting. You saved the day by destroying the world.
[BASHIR] I bet they didn't teach you that at the Obsidian Order.
[GARAK] No, no. There was a great deal they didn't teach me. Like the
value of a good game of chance, or how indulging in fantasy keeps the
mind creative.
[BASHIR] Lunch tomorrow?
[GARAK] Of course. But why don't we have it at your place, in Hong Kong.
Unless, of course, this was your last mission.
[BASHIR] Oh, I think it's safe to say that Julian Bashir, secret agent,
will return. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e79", "title": "Our Man Bashir"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Homefront
Original Airdate: 1 Jan, 1996
- upper level)
(A crowd are watching the wormhole open and close
without any ships coming through)
[DAX] There it goes again. That's the seventh time in the last two
[SISKO] Still no idea what's causing it?
[DAX] It seems to be opening and closing completely at random. No
unusual readings, no ships coming through. For all we know, the
Bajorans are right. Maybe it is a message from the Prophets.
[PRIEST] Emissary.
[SISKO] If it is, they didn't tell me.
[DAX] Maybe the Prophets don't recognise you with the new beard.
[SISKO] There must to be a scientific explanation for this.
(Odo steps through the Promenade airlock.)
[DAX] Here we go.
[SISKO] Something funny, old man?
[DAX] Hmm? No, nothing.
[WORF (OC)] Ops to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Sisko here.
[WORF (OC)] Captain, we are receiving a priority one message from
Starfleet Security.
[SISKO] On my way.
[QUARK] So then, the Andorian says 'That's not my
(Morn does not laugh)
[QUARK] Why do I bother?
[ODO] Quark!
[QUARK] What can I do for you, Constable?
[ODO] Dax. Where is she?
[QUARK] She's not here. Is there anything else I can do for you?
[ODO] You find all this very funny, don't you? You and Dax probably
planned it together.
[QUARK] Planned what?
[ODO] Moving my furniture.
[QUARK] Is that what this is all about? Someone moved your furniture?
[ODO] Not someone. Commander Dax. It's the fourth time she's done it
this past year. She breaks into my quarters while I'm regenerating, and
moves all my furniture out of alignment. Shifts one piece three
centimetres to the left, the next four centimetres to the right. Not
one object in my quarters is where it's supposed to be.
[QUARK] And is that a bad thing?
[ODO] Everything I own is carefully and painstakingly arranged. Dax
knows this, and yet she takes a perverse delight in throwing my
quarters into chaos.
[QUARK] I'd hardly call three centimetres chaos.
[ODO] Maybe you wouldn't, but I do. You humanoids are all alike. You
have no sense of order. And Dax is the most humanoid person I know.
[SISKO (OC)] Sisko to Constable Odo.
[ODO] Odo here.
[SISKO (OC)] Please report to Ops immediately.
[ODO] Acknowledged.
[QUARK] When you see Dax, say hello to her for me.
[KIRA] How many people were at the conference?
[SISKO] Twenty seven, including the Tholian observer.
[BRIEN] Twenty-seven. It's unbelievable.
[SISKO] Federation President Jaresh-Inyo has declared a planet-wide day
of mourning.
(Odo enters)
[SISKO] Constable, take a seat.
[ODO] Of course.
[WORF] Ten minutes ago we received a recording of a high level
diplomatic conference that took place between the Federation and the
Romulan Empire on Earth a few days ago. Computer, begin replay at time
index five nine eleven.
(The viewscreen shows a bunch of aliens milling around an oval table on
stardate 49170.65, then there's a bang and static.)
[ODO] A bomb.
[WORF] Of unknown composition.
[SISKO] A crime like this hasn't been committed on Earth in over a
hundred years.
[KIRA] Go back, and show him what you showed us.
[WORF] Computer, restart recording at time index five nine one six, one
tenth normal speed. Freeze picture. Enlarge section F three and
(A decorative vase on a pedestal.)
[WORF] Keep your eye on the piece of pottery. Computer, resume at one
tenth speed.
(The vase starts to morph then the bang.)
[ODO] That's a changeling.
[WORF] No sign of a changeling was found in the aftermath. We must
assume that it escaped unharmed.
[SISKO] I was hoping that this would never happen. But it finally has.
The changelings have reached Earth.
(Odo's quarters)
(Dax is arranging Odo's sculptural furniture under
his supervision.)
[DAX] How's that?
[ODO] Another centimetre to the left.
[DAX] Shouldn't you be on the Lakota?
[ODO] The Lakota won't depart for another hour. Which gives us plenty of
time to repair the damage you've done to my room. And while I'm gone, I
want your solemn word that you'll stay out of my quarters.
[DAX] You've got it. So how long do you think you and Captain Sisko will
be on Earth?
[ODO] I've no idea. I just hope this trip isn't a waste of time. I'm not
sure what Captain Sisko and I can tell Starfleet about my people that
hasn't already been in our reports.
[DAX] Believe me, Odo, with changelings on Earth, Starfleet's going to
need all the help it can get. There. How's that?
[ODO] A little more to the left.
[DAX] Whatever you say, Constable.
(Sisko's quarters)
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] Wait until you see the size of
the eggplant I'm getting out of my garden this year. As big as
Crenshaw melons and twice as heavy.
(Everyone say Hi! to Brock Peters, previously seen as
Admiral Cartwright.)
[SISKO] So, how is Judith? She still helping out in the restaurant?
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] I sent her home to Portland. Your sister's got her
own life to worry about. Besides, she never puts enough cayenne pepper
in the jambalaya.
[SISKO] Just like mom.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] Which means she has no business in the kitchen.
It'll be good to have you home again, Benjamin. Jake too.
[SISKO] Dad, you know that this isn't exactly a vacation. I'll be
spending most of my time in San Francisco at Starfleet Headquarters.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] Whatever you do during the day is your business.
But at dinner time, you better get yourself down to New Orleans. No son
of mine is going to eat that replicated slop Starfleet calls food. Not
if I have anything to say about it.
[SISKO] You won't get any argument from me. So, Dad, you feeling okay?
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] Oh, let's not start that again.
[SISKO] It's just a question. You look a little tired. How's the new
aorta holding up?
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] The doctors say I am a medical marvel. At the rate
things are going in another year or two I won't have an original organ
left in my body. They'll write me up in the medical books.
[SISKO] But you're feeling okay?
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] Just point me in the direction of a party and a
pretty girl and I'll show you how good I feel. Make sure you call me as
soon as you and Jake get here. Your rooms are always waiting and ready
for you.
[SISKO] I know that, Dad. We'll be there before you know it.
(Transmission ends. Jake enters, wearing a baseball mitt.)
[SISKO] Jake-o.
[JAKE] Dad.
[SISKO] You just missed Grandpa Joe.
[JAKE] Did you tell him we're staying in San Francisco?
[SISKO] I didn't quite get around to it.
[JAKE] Dad! You know if we stay with Grandpa he's going to put me to
work in the kitchen.
[SISKO] Is that so bad?
[JAKE] Chopping vegetables for nine hours a day isn't exactly my idea of
a vacation.
[SISKO] Jake, you're not a child anymore. Grandpa will not expect you to
chop vegetables. He'll want you to wait tables.
(Bashir and O'Brien come down from the holosuites
as WW2 RAF pilots)
[BRIEN] (cockney accent) Barkeep.
[QUARK] So, what can I get you two flyboys.
[BASHIR] A Scotch, neat, and a pint of your finest bitter for my mate.
[BRIEN] And make it quick. The cabbage crates'll be coming back over
the briny any minute now.
[QUARK] All right, all right. I'd hate to let the Jerries strafe that
green and pleasant land of yours while the two of you were taking time
out to get a drink.
[BASHIR] No choice, man. Ritual, you know.
[BRIEN] To Clive. The best bloke ever to prang his kite into the
[BASHIR] Got to keep a stiff upper lip.
[BRIEN] Hear, hear.
[BASHIR] Down the hatch.
(They drain their glasses in one - that was not a full pint anyway -
and make to smash them.)
[QUARK] Ah! Ah! Ah! Now remember what I said about throwing glasses.
[BRIEN] So, you want to go back up have another crack at the Jerries?
[BASHIR] I don't know. To tell you the truth, my heart isn't in it.
[QUARK] Aren't you taking Clive's death a little seriously? After all,
he was just a holosuite character.
[BRIEN] (normal voice) It's not Clive. It's Earth. You probably
wouldn't understand this, Quark, but when you care about a place and
it's in trouble, and you want to do something about it and you can't,
it's very frustrating.
[QUARK] I know exactly what you mean. When the Great Monetary Collapse
hit Ferenginar, I was hundreds of light years away, serving as a ship's
cook on a long haul freighter. I can't tell you the heartbreak I
suffered, knowing that rampant inflation and currency devaluation were
burning like wildfires through the lush financial landscapes of my
home. It still depresses me even today. I remember thinking my accounts
needed me, and there was nothing I could do. I felt so, so helpless. So
you see, I do understand.
[BRIEN] Somehow, you telling me that doesn't make me feel the least
bit better.
[QUARK] Humans. All you care about is yourselves.
[BRIEN] Odo, hang on a minute.
[ODO] Well, I take it the Battle of Britain has been
won yet again.
[BASHIR] There's a Spitfire with your name on it waiting in the hangar.
When you get back from Earth, you can take Clive's place in the
[ODO] Somehow I doubt it.
[BRIEN] Look, Odo, do me a favour. If you get a chance, stop by and
visit my folks in Dublin. Just make sure they're okay, you know?
[ODO] I'll try to find the time.
[BRIEN] Good. I'll let them know you might drop by.
[ODO] Anyone I can look up for you, Doctor?
[BASHIR] No, no, that's perfectly fine. I just wish I was coming with
[ODO] To be perfectly honest, Doctor, I wish you were both going with
me. I could use the company. I doubt that a shape-shifter is will be
welcome on Earth at the moment.
[BRIEN] No one can hold you responsible for what your people are
[ODO] Oh really? Well, I'd better get over to the Lakota. We'll be
leaving shortly.
[BASHIR] Good luck.
[ODO] I don't believe in luck. But I appreciate the sentiment.
(Odo goes through the airlock.)
[BASHIR] Well, we'd better get out of these uniforms.
[BRIEN] The Lakota's gone to warp.
[WORF] When was the last time the wormhole opened?
[KIRA] Twelve hours ago.
[WORF] Perhaps it has returned to normal.
[KIRA] I suppose so.
[BRIEN] You sound disappointed, Major.
[KIRA] I guess I am. Part of me was hoping that the Prophets were behind
it. That they were finally going to show themselves to the Bajoran
[WORF] I prefer Klingon beliefs.
[KIRA] I suppose your gods aren't as cryptic as ours.
[WORF] Our gods are dead. Ancient Klingon warriors slew them a millennia
ago. They were more trouble than they were worth.
[KIRA] I don't think I'll ever understand Klingons.
[BRIEN] Don't worry about it, Major. Nobody does. That's the way they
like it.
(Starfleet HQ)
(A composite of a model and the Tillman Water
Reclamation Plant at Van Nuys, California. Outside one of the
[SISKO] Admiral Leyton. Good to see you again, sir.
[LEYTON] Captain Sisko. This is my adjutant, Commander Benteen. Benjamin
was my executive officer aboard the Okinawa. And a damn fine one too.
[SISKO] I did all right.
[BENTEEN] Ah, don't be modest. Admiral Leyton has had his share of
executive officers and you're the only one he ever speaks fondly of.
(Everyone say Hi! to Susan Gibney, previously seen as Leah
[LEYTON] Present company excluded.
[SISKO] Admiral Leyton is the one who recommended me for the job on Deep
Space Nine.
[LEYTON] One of my better ideas. You must be Odo.
[ODO] That's right.
[LEYTON] Forgive me for staring, but you're the first changeling I've
ever met.
[BENTEEN] That you know of.
[ODO] I sympathise with your problem. Uncovering changeling infiltrators
is no easy task.
[LEYTON] Well, with the help of the two of you, I trust it'll be a
little easier.
[SISKO] What exactly do you want us to do?
[BENTEEN] We'd like to confer with you and Odo, see if there's anything
about the Founders you left out of your official reports.
[ODO] I'll help any way I can, but I think you'll find my reports were
quite thorough.
[SISKO] Admiral, I doubt you brought us all this way just for a
[LEYTON] Of course not. Ben, Earth is in danger. Maybe the greatest
danger it's faced since the last world war. Something has to be done
about these shape-shifters. Which is why you're here. You know more
about the Dominion than anyone in Starfleet. And so, effective
immediately, I'm making you acting head of Starfleet Security here on
[BENTEEN] Congratulations, Captain.
(Sisko's restaurant)
(A cosy, friendly dining place with baseball photos
and a stuffed alligator hanging from the ceiling. The kitchen is in
full view of the patrons.)
[JOSEPH] This is one beautiful fish. Seems a shame to eat a trout this
pretty. Why, you should thank me for the privilege of simply looking at
it. Well, go on, take a bite. It won't bite you back. Now, I don't want
to see anybody studying the dessert menu. If you order anything but the
bread pudding soufflé, you'll be making a mistake you will regret the
rest of your lives.
[SISKO] You should listen to him. The man knows his bread pudding.
[JOSEPH] Benjamin!
[SISKO] Dad.
[JOSEPH] Jake-o.
[JAKE] Hey.
(Hugs all round.)
[JOSEPH] When are you going to stop growing? If you keep this up, you'll
be bumping your head on that alligator before too long.
[JAKE] I remember when you used to tell me that alligator was just in
stasis, and you let it out at night to guard the restaurant.
[JOSEPH] I had to stop doing that. It got to be too much trouble
wrestling it back up to the ceiling every morning. Come on. I'll get
Nathan to bring you both something to eat and we can catch up. Nathan,
some gumbo for these fine young men.
[NATHAN] Yes, sah.
[JOSEPH] So, where's this shape-shifting fellow you were coming with?
[SISKO] With things the way they are, Odo thought it would be better if
he stayed at Starfleet Headquarters.
[JOSEPH] I don't blame him. I haven't seen people so nervous since the
Borg scare. Me, personally, I'd like to meet him. Though I have to
admit, I'm a little suspicious about anyone who doesn't eat.
[JAKE] Grandpa.
[SISKO] Well, aren't you going to eat anything?
[JOSEPH] I ate before you got here. Son, don't look at me that way.
[SISKO] You've lost weight.
[JOSEPH] You think so?
[JAKE] The doctors said you have to keep your weight up.
[JOSEPH] Don't you start, too. I have a vat of crayfish in the back that
needs cleaning and it's got your name on it. Now I'm going to say this
one time and one time only. I am fine. I'm happy, I'm healthy, and I'm
planning on celebrating at least fifty more birthdays. Satisfied?
[SISKO] Gumbo's as good as I remember.
[JOSEPH] Starfleet must be taking the shape-shifters pretty seriously to
have you come all the way back here.
[SISKO] It is serious, Dad.
[JOSEPH] Twenty seven people murdered right here on Earth. Never thought
I'd see the day. But now that my son's on the case, I feel a lot
[NOG] Jake!
(Nog is in a grey Starfleet cadet's uniform)
[JAKE] Nog?
[NOG] Captain Sisko. What do you think?
[SISKO] You look good, Cadet.
[NOG] You think so?
[JAKE] Nog, I thought I was going to see you tomorrow at the Academy.
[NOG] You are. I'm just here for dinner. Nathan, the usual.
[SISKO] I didn't know you liked Creole food.
[NOG] I don't. I like tube grubs, and your father is the only person on
this planet who can get me live ones.
[JOSEPH] I've been thinking of adding them to our menu. Of course I'll
have to cook them for my human customers, serve them with a nice
[NOG] Cook them? What good are tube grubs if they don't wriggle on the
way down?
[JAKE] So how's everything at the Academy?
[NOG] Jake, they call it the Academy, but what it really is is school.
[JAKE] I want to hear about it.
[NOG] It's a lot of work. Lots of classes, lots of studying. I'm doing
okay. Now where are those tube grubs?
(Later, the last of the satisfied customers are leaving.)
[JOSEPH] Good night. You come back soon. Come on, Ben. I've got a nice
bottle of cognac I've been saving for a special occasion, and I think
this qualifies.
[SISKO] I think you're right.
(Sisko and Joseph leave)
[NOG] Ah. There's nothing like a full stomach to make life worth living.
[JAKE] So, you going to tell me what's on your mind or not?
[NOG] What do you mean?
[JAKE] I mean you didn't stay here until closing just to get one more
root beer. Something's up.
[NOG] My friend the writer. Always looking for a good story.
[JAKE] If you don't want to tell me, fine. Don't tell me.
[NOG] It's nothing. It's stupid.
[JAKE] All right. Forget about it.
[NOG] It's just the Academy is different than I thought it would be.
[JAKE] Different how?
[NOG] Some of the cadets. They're kind of standoffish, especially the
[JAKE] Because you're a Ferengi?
[NOG] That's what I thought at first. But then I heard some of the other
freshmen complaining about the same thing.
[JAKE] Complaining about what?
[NOG] Little things. For instance, there's this group called Red Squad
made up of all the top students. They're always going off on trips,
getting special training. None of them will even talk to me.
[JAKE] You've only been in the Academy for a month. You can't expect to
fit in right away. Who knows, one of these days you might even be in
Red Squad. I'm sure if you let them get to know you, show them you're a
good guy to be around, everything'll work out.
[NOG] I am a good guy to be around, aren't I?
[JAKE] I always thought so.
(President's office)
(Paris, with Le Tour Eiffel visible through the
[LEYTON] Mister President, I'd like to introduce Captain Sisko.
[INYO] Captain. I've seen your record. Most exemplary.
[SISKO] Thank you, sir.
[LEYTON] Captain Sisko has several suggestions on how to combat Dominion
infiltration. I think you'll find them very interesting.
[INYO] (reads the PADD) Hmm. I understand the need for increased
security, but blood screenings? Phaser sweeps?
[SISKO] They've proven very effective on Deep Space Nine.
[INYO] I'm sure they have. But I hope you'll keep in mind that
this is Earth, and not a military installation.
[LEYTON] Which means it's a lot more vulnerable. We have to take
[INYO] Precautions may be advisable, but I will not disrupt the
lives of the population. Despite what happened at Antwerp, I believe
the changeling threat to be somewhat less serious than Starfleet does.
[LEYTON] Mister President, I assure you the threat is real.
[INYO] For all we know, there was only one changeling on Earth,
and he may not even be here anymore.
[SISKO] But if he is here, we have a problem. There's no telling how
much damage one changeling could do.
[INYO] Forgive me for saying so, Captain, but you sound a little
(Sisko's briefcase morphs into Odo)
[ODO] Forgive the intrusion, Mister President, but as you can see,
Starfleet has every right to be concerned.
[SISKO] Allow me to introduce Odo, my Chief of Security.
[INYO] A very effective entrance, Mister Odo.
[ODO] One that never should have been allowed to take place. Admiral
Leyton and Captain Sisko walked in here without being searched, without
being blood-tested, and without having their possessions subjected to
phaser sweeps.
[SISKO] If Odo was a Dominion infiltrator, he could have killed you.
[LEYTON] Or replaced you. The way security is now, a changeling could
get anywhere on Earth, replace anyone, even you.
[SISKO] Mister President, all we want is your permission to increase
security at Federation and Starfleet installations here on Earth. Blood
tests will be limited to high-ranking Federation officials, Starfleet
officers and their families. The average citizen won't even notice the
difference. I wish these security measures were not necessary, but the
safety of Earth and the entire Federation depends on them.
[INYO] You present a convincing argument, Captain. It seems I
have no choice but to accept your proposals.
[SISKO] Thank you, sir.
[INY0] Don't thank me. If I could think of another solution, I
would use it. It took centuries for Earth to evolve into the peaceful
haven it is today. I would hate to be remembered as the Federation
President who destroyed paradise.
[SISKO] We're not looking to destroy paradise, Mister President. We're
looking to save it.
(Sisko's SF office)
[SISKO] Activate the phaser.
(A device above the door sweeps the room for several seconds.
Eventually the swiss cheese plant surrenders.)
[SISKO] That's enough. How do you feel?
[ODO] That time I definitely experienced discomfort.
[SISKO] What was the setting?
[BENTEEN] Three point one. If we set the phasers at three point four, we
should be able to stun any changeling we hit and force them back into a
gelatinous state.
[ODO] I'd push it to three point five just to be on the safe side. But
if you want to do any more tests, you'll have to get another guinea
pig. I've been shot quite enough for one day.
[SISKO] Three point five it is. I want these units installed in every
room at Starfleet and Federation Headquarters, then start working on
the orbital stations.
[BENTEEN] We'll have them in place by tomorrow night. I want to thank
you, Captain.
[SISKO] Thank me? For what?
[BENTEEN] For convincing the President to implement these security
measures. It feels like we're finally on the right track.
(Benteen leaves.)
[ODO] Huh. You'd think she would have thanked me as well. I'm the one
who got shot thirteen times today.
(Nog enters.)
[NOG] Captain Sisko. I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
[SISKO] We were just about finished.
[NOG] Can I speak to you for a minute? In private.
(Odo leaves.)
[NOG] Captain, I just want to say I appreciate everything you've done
for me so far, and
[SISKO] Jake says you're having difficulty in school.
[NOG] He told you that?
[SISKO] He tells me everything.
[NOG] I don't want you to get the wrong idea.
[SISKO] Nog, you and I both knew that it was going to take a while for
you to adjust to the Academy and for the Academy to adjust to you.
[NOG] I know, but it turned out to be even more difficult than I
[SISKO] You're just going to have to stick with it.
[NOG] And I intend to. In fact, I think I've come up with something to
help me make some new friends.
[SISKO] Good.
[NOG] But I need your help. I want to join Red Squad.
[SISKO] Red Squad?
[NOG] What do you think?
[SISKO] I don't know what to think. I've never heard of it.
[NOG] It's an elite squad of cadets at the Academy. You know, the best
of the best. They get special classes, simulated missions, off-campus
training sessions, all kinds of things.
[SISKO] A group of elite cadets? They never had anything like that when
I was at the Academy.
[NOG] It's pretty new. It's a way of rewarding excellence among the
cadets. I have the grades to qualify, but I need to be sponsored by a
high-ranking officer.
[SISKO] And you want me to put your name in for consideration?
[NOG] All I'm asking for is a chance to prove myself.
[SISKO] I'm kind of busy right now, Nog. But if I get the chance, I'll
see what I can do.
[NOG] Thank you, sir. This means a lot to me.
[SISKO] I can see that. Dismissed, Cadet.
[NOG] Yes, sir.
(Sisko's restaurant)
(Joseph is folding napkins.)
[JOSEPH] Well, look who's here. Come in, stranger.
[SISKO] Sorry. I haven't been around much lately. Things have gotten a
little busy.
[JOSEPH] You want to tell me about it?
[SISKO] I'm afraid I can't.
[JOSEPH] You'd think that Admiral could spare you for a few hours a day
to visit your father. With you in San Francisco and Jake off visiting
that school in New Zealand, it's like the two of you aren't even here.
[SISKO] You know, Dad, you could come and visit us at the station once
in a while.
[JOSEPH] Don't start that again. Earth's my home. It's where I belong.
Besides, what would happen to the restaurant if I went gallivanting
around the galaxy? You think Nathan can handle this place on his own?
[SISKO] Nathan will be running things around here sooner than you think
if you don't take better care of yourself. I had a talk with your
doctor and he tells me that you haven't been in to see him for eight
[JOSEPH] The man's an idiot. He's lived in New Orleans twenty years and
can't tell the difference between Creole food and Cajun food.
[SISKO] Maybe not, but he can tell the difference between a healthy body
and one with progressive atherosclerosis. He says that if you don't
come in for vascular regeneration therapy, that this restaurant will be
looking for a new owner.
[JOSEPH] Ben, at my age, staying healthy is a full time job, and I am
too old to work two jobs. Now, how long until you're due back at
Starfleet Headquarters?
[SISKO] I've got about an hour.
[JOSEPH] Just enough time to take a walk to Audubon Park. You up for a
stroll with your old man?
[SISKO] I can't think of anything I'd rather do.
[JOSEPH] Nathan, don't forget to stir the gumbo.
(Starfleet HQ)
(A seagull lands and morphs into Odo)
[BENTEEN] Odo. That was really something. I've never seen you imitate a
lifeform before.
[ODO] Well, I was just taking a little aerial tour of San Francisco.
It's quite nice. Not as ancient as the cities on Bajor but almost as
[BENTEEN] It makes me wonder how many other changelings might be flying
around up there.
[ODO] If all they're doing is flying around imitating seagulls, we don't
have much to worry about.
[LEYTON] I doubt that other changelings are wasting their time imitating
birds. They don't all share Odo's lack of skill when it comes to
mimicking humans.
[ODO] That's right, they don't. I'm glad you're keeping that in mind.
[BENTEEN] Well, if you ask me, that was a pretty convincing seagull.
[ODO] Thank you. Though I'm not sure the gulls would agree.
[LEYTON] Commander, I think we've taken up enough of Mister Odo's time.
Keep practicing. You'll have those birds fooled in no time.
[ODO] Admiral.
[ODO] I know that Starfleet Command has always been a little uneasy
about a changeling working in their midst. I just wanted to say how
much I appreciate the trust you've shown in me. Thank you.
(Leyton ignores Odo's outstretched hand)
[LEYTON] You're welcome.
(So Odo grabs Leyton's arm and starts a Link)
[LEYTON] Well done, Odo.
(Leyton throws Odo off.)
[BENTEEN] Are you all right?
[ODO] I'm fine.
(Leyton morphs into a seagull and flies off.)
(Sisko's SF office)
[LEYTON] How did you know he wasn't me?
[ODO] I'm not sure exactly. It's as if I could feel the changeling's
hostility toward me.
[SISKO] You're the only changeling who's ever harmed one of his own
people. I'm sure that hasn't made you many friends.
[LEYTON] What I'd like to know is, why was he imitating me?
[BENTEEN] You have access to all our security procedures, all our
protocols. That makes you a logical target.
[LEYTON] I suppose so.
[BENTEEN] The bottom line is a changeling infiltrated the grounds of
Starfleet Headquarters, imitated the Admiral, and got away scot-free.
Our security measures aren't working.
[SISKO] We're doing everything the President will let us do.
[BENTEEN] Maybe that's not enough.
[ODO] We could talk to the President again.
[LEYTON] I'm afraid that would be a waste of time. Jaresh-Inyo would be
a fine president in peacetime, but we have a war on our hands. He
doesn't seem to understand that. All he cares about is not upsetting
people. But humans are tougher than he thinks. We've created a paradise
here and we're willing to fight to protect it.
[SISKO] And you think the President isn't willing to fight?
[LEYTON] I think the President is a long way from home. This isn't his
world. We can't expect him to care about it the way we do.
(Comm. beep)
[SISKO] Sisko here.
[CREWMAN (OC)] Captain, your son's trying to contact you. He says it's
[SISKO] Put him through.
[JAKE (on monitor)] Dad, you'd better get down here right away.
[SISKO] What's wrong?
[on monitor] It's Grandpa. He's been arrested.
(Sisko's restaurant)
[SISKO] What's going on here?
[OFFICER] Captain, we never meant for things to get out of hand.
[JOSEPH] (in the kitchen area) What did you think would happen? Storming
in here and accusing me and my grandson of being a couple of
[OFFICER] We never accused you of being a shape-shifter, Mister Sisko.
We were just carrying out our orders. All family members of Starfleet
personnel are required to submit to blood screenings. No exceptions.
[JOSEPH] That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard of. Do you
believe that?
[SISKO] I should. I signed the orders myself.
[JOSEPH] Now why would you go and do a stupid thing like that?
[SISKO] Dad, it has to be done.
[JAKE] Grandpa, look, I'll take the test first. Go ahead.
(So the young officer takes his blood. It's okay.)
[SISKO] Now me.
[OFFICER] Sir, that's not necessary.
[SISKO] Do it anyway.
(He's okay too.)
[SISKO] it's your turn.
[JOSEPH] Jake, do you think I'm a shape-shifter?
[JAKE] Come on, Grandpa.
[JOSEPH] Answer the question.
[JAKE] No, I don't think you're a shape-shifter.
[JOSEPH] At least somebody in my family has some sense.
[SISKO] Dad!
[JOSEPH] I don't want to hear about it. You take these two vampires and
tell them to either sit down and grab a menu or get out of my
[SISKO] Jake, get them a menu.
[OFFICER] But sir.
[SISKO] I would recommend the shrimp Creole. Look, Dad
[JOSEPH] I don't want to hear it.
(Sisko joins Joseph in the kitchen.)
[SISKO] Listen to me. You have got to take the test.
[JOSEPH] Why should I? If I were an enemy spy looking to replace
someone, I think I could come up with better choices than an old chef.
[SISKO] Yeah, you're probably right. But this isn't about you. We've got
families living on starships and Starfleet installations all over the
Federation. The only way we can secure those facilities is to test
everyone there, whether they wear a uniform or not.
[JOSEPH] I'm not living on a Starfleet installation.
[SISKO] Dad, if we're going to test the family members of one Starfleet
officer, we must to test them all.
[JOSEPH] You may want to test everyone, but that doesn't mean we all
have to cooperate. I didn't take an oath to Starfleet. Neither did Jake
or your sister or anyone in your family. We have rights, Ben, including
the right to be as stubborn or thickheaded as we want.
[SISKO] Damn it, Dad. Can't you cooperate just one time? You don't take
your medication, you don't go to the doctor, you won't let Judith help
you in the restaurant. Just one time, please do what you're asked.
[JOSEPH] I wish I could, but what you're asking me to do is wrong. You
can't go around making people prove they are who they say they are.
That's no way to live and I'm not going to go along with it. Now, if
you want to make yourself useful, start some water boiling for the
[SISKO] Come on, Dad. Don't be this way. If I have to, I will get a
[JOSEPH] And what? Hold me down and force me to give you my blood?
Because that's the only way you'll get. Damn it. Now look what I've
(Joseph has cut his finger with his chopping knife. He puts it under
the tap as Sisko stares at the blood left on the knife.)
[JOSEPH] Jake?
[JAKE] Yeah?
[JOSEPH] I've got a dermal regenerator under the. Benjamin Lafayette
Sisko. What the hell has gotten into your head? You actually thought I
was one of them, didn't you?
[SISKO] I don't know. I wasn't sure.
[JOSEPH] This business has got you so twisted around you can't think
straight. You're seeing shape-shifters everywhere. Maybe you ought to
think about something for a minute. If I was a smart shape-shifter, a
really good one, the first thing I would do would be to grab some poor
soul off the street, absorb every ounce of his blood, and let it out on
cue whenever someone like you tried to test me. Don't you see? There
isn't a test that's been created a smart man can't find his way around.
You aren't going to catch shape-shifters using some gadget. The only
thing you can count on in this life is
(Joseph gasps in pain.)
[JAKE] Grandpa!
(Sisko catches Joseph in his arms.)
(Sisko's SF office)
[SISKO] The EMT's said he'd be okay and they were
right. It turns out it was just a mild stroke brought on by his
[ODO] How's Jake handling it?
[SISKO] He is very upset. He knows as well as I do that if my father
doesn't take better care of himself
[ODO] I've found that when it comes to doing what's best for you, you
humanoids have the distressing habit of doing the exact opposite.
[SISKO] I can't argue with that. But what bothers me is that for a few
minutes there, I really believed that my own father was a changeling.
[ODO] A reasonable assumption, considering the circumstances.
[SISKO] I don't care if it's reasonable or not. But when a son can't
trust his own father?
[ODO] That's why my people came here. To undermine the trust and mutual
understanding the Federation is built on.
[SISKO] But what if my father's right? What if all our precautions turn
out to be useless?
[ODO] Maybe they will. But that doesn't mean you should give up. My
people are here and you've got to fight them with whatever you've got.
[SISKO] I hope you don't take this the wrong way, Constable, but there
are times I wish you'd never found your people.
[ODO] Believe me, Captain, sometimes I feel the same way.
(Sisko's restaurant)
(Joseph is back serving the customers)
[JAKE] Grandpa, would you please sit down?
[JOSEPH] Enjoy your meal. Your food'll be right out.
(Then Joseph sits down at Jake's table.)
[JOSEPH] What's that look supposed to mean?
[JAKE] You sat down.
[JOSEPH] You're damn right I sat down. I feel terrible.
[JAKE] You should be in bed.
[JOSEPH] Jake, the only time you should be in bed is if you're sleeping,
dying, or making love to a beautiful woman. I'm not tired, I'm not
dying, and the truth is I'm too old for beautiful women, so I might as
well be here. Your father's the one you should be worried about.
[JAKE] Dad? Why?
[JOSEPH] I've never seen him so tense. It's like he's carrying the
weight of the world on his shoulders.
[JAKE] He is.
[JOSEPH] I suppose he is at that.
(The lights go out.)
[JOSEPH] What happened?
[JAKE] I don't know. The whole block's dark.
(Sisko's SF office)
(Power's out in SFHQ too. The office door is forced
[ODO] You all right?
[SISKO] I'm fine. Admiral, what's going on?
[LEYTON] From what we can tell, Earth's entire power relay system's been
knocked offline. Even Starfleet's emergency backup's been affected.
[SISKO] How could that happen?
[LEYTON] I don't know, but if you ask me, there's only one possible
[ODO] Sabotage.
[SISKO] The changelings.
[ODO] Take down the power relays, and you neutralise sensors,
transporters, surface-based defence installations.
[SISKO] In other words, Earth is defenceless.
[LEYTON] If the Dominion attacks now, we don't stand a chance.
(President's office)
(Dawn or sunset - the sun is just over the horizon)
[INYO] I'm not interested in excuses. It is imperative we get the
power relay system functioning again.
(Sisko, Odo, Leyton and two Security Officers beam in)
[LEYTON] Mister President.
[INYO] How did you people get here?
[SISKO] We contacted the Lakota and used their transporters. Mister
President, as acting head of Earth Security, I must advise you to
declare a State of Emergency.
[INYO] You're serious. With the exception of the Borg incident,
there hasn't been a State of Emergency declared on Earth in a century.
[SISKO] I am aware of that, but I have reason to believe that a Dominion
warfleet may be in the Alpha Quadrant headed for Earth.
[INYO] Do you have evidence to back this up?
[SISKO] Just before we left Deep Space Nine, the wormhole was exhibiting
some unusual behaviour, opening and closing for no apparent reason.
[ODO] We didn't detect any ships coming through at the time, but the
Dominion might have been using some kind of cloaking technology.
[INYO] I wasn't aware the Dominion had cloaking technology.
[ODO] The combined Cardassian and Romulan fleet that the Dominion
destroyed in the Gamma Quadrant was equipped with cloaking devices. Who
knows what my people might have taken from the wreckage?
[INYO] How long until the power relays are fixed?
[LEYTON] From what we can tell, the changelings infected the system with
some kind of self-replicating computer
protocol. It jumped from one power relay to the next, disrupting every
system it came in contact with.
[ODO] The only way to correct the problem is to shut down the entire
grid, purge all the operating systems, and restart the relays.
[LEYTON] And that could take days.
[SISKO] Which is why it is imperative that you declare a State of
[INYO] What good will that do when we have no way to defend
[LEYTON] Mister President, we can use the Lakota's transporters and
communications system to mobilise every Starfleet officer on Earth in
less than twelve hours. We've been preparing for something like this
for a long time. We have stockpiles of phaser rifles, personal
forcefields, photon grenades, enough to equip an entire army. I can
start getting men on the streets immediately.
[INYO] What you're asking me to do is declare martial law.
[LEYTON] What I'm asking you to do is let us defend this planet. We
don't know what the changelings will do next, but we have to be ready
for them. Ben, tell him.
[SISKO] Sir, the thought of filling the streets with armed troops is as
disturbing to me as it is to you, but not as disturbing as the thought
of a Jem'Hadar army landing on Earth without opposition. The Jem'Hadar
are the most brutal and efficient soldiers I've ever encountered. They
don't care about the conventions of war or protecting civilians. They
will not limit themselves to military targets. They'll be waging the
kind of war that Earth hasn't seen since the founding of the
[ODO] At the same time, my people will continue to undermine Earth's
defences in any way they can. This power outage is only the beginning.
[INYO] I never sought this job. I was content to simply represent
my people on the Federation Council. When they asked me to submit my
name for election, I almost said no. Today I wish I had.
[LEYTON] We appreciate your feelings, Mister President, but we don't
have time for regrets. You accepted the job and now it's yours.
[ODO] Mister President, there are people all over this planet right now
huddled in the dark, terrified about what might happen next. They're
waiting for a sign, something to reassure them that everything will be
all right. But they won't wait long. Fear is a powerful and dangerous
thing. And if you don't act, if you don't show them that they're not
alone, then fear will surely take over.
[SISKO] Give us the authority we need, Mister President, and we will
take care of the rest.
(There's a long pause, then Jaresh-Inyo taps his PADD - 4567 security
[INYO] Earth is in your hands, gentlemen. Do what needs to be
[LEYTON] Thank you, sir. You've made the right decision.
[INYO] I hope you're right, for all our sakes.
(Sisko's restaurant)
(Jake is sitting at a candlelit table when he hears
voices outside.)
[JAKE] Grandpa! Grandpa, wake up.
[JOSEPH] I'm not sleeping. I'm checking my eyelids for holes.
[JAKE] You'd better come take a look at this.
[JOSEPH] Take a look at what?
[JAKE] Come on.
(They move aside the curtain at the door, and see Starfleet security
beaming in, armed.)
To Be Continued... | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e80", "title": "Homefront"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Paradise Lost
Original Airdate: 8 Jan, 1996
time on Star Trek Deep Space Nine.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] It'll be good to have you
home again, Benjamin.
[SISKO] Dad, you know that this isn't exactly a vacation. I'll be
spending most of my time in San Francisco at Starfleet Headquarters.
[LEYTON] Ben, Earth is in danger. Something has to be done about these
shape-shifters. You know more about the Dominion than anyone in
Starfleet. And so, effective immediately, I'm making you acting head of
Starfleet Security here on Earth.
(A briefcase morphs into Odo in the Federation President's office.)
[ODO] Forgive the intrusion, Mister President, but as you can see,
Starfleet has every right to be concerned.
[SISKO] If Odo was a Dominion infiltrator, he could have killed you.
[JOSEPH] You actually thought I was one of them, didn't you?
[SISKO] I don't know. I wasn't sure.
[JOSEPH] This business has got you so twisted around you can't think
[BENTEEN] A changeling infiltrated the grounds of Starfleet
Headquarters, imitated the Admiral, and got away scot-free. Our
security measures aren't working.
[SISKO] We're doing everything the President will let us do.
[BENTEEN] Maybe that's not enough.
[LEYTON] Earth's entire power relay system's been knocked offline.
[SISKO] In other words, Earth is defenceless.
[INYO] What you're asking me to do is declare martial law.
[LEYTON] What I'm asking you to do is let us defend this planet.
[JAKE] You'd better come take a look at this.
[JOSEPH] Take a look at what?
[JAKE] Come on.
(They move aside the curtain at the door, and see Starfleet security
beaming in, armed.)
And now, the conclusion.
(Sisko's SF office)
[SISKO] I don't like this. The more I read
Starfleet's reports on the sabotage of the power relays, the more
unanswered questions I have. How were the changelings able to
infiltrate the Division of Planetary operations? Where did they get the
codes for the Division's computer control network? And how did they
even manage to disable every power relay on Earth at the same time?
[ODO] Captain, have you ever heard of a group called Red Squad?
[SISKO] They're an elite team of Starfleet cadets. According to Nog,
every student at the Academy wants to be a part of it.
[ODO] That explains it.
[SISKO] Explains what?
[ODO] Well, according to this transporter log, a group called Red Squad
was beamed back to Starfleet Academy twenty six minutes after the State
of Emergency was declared.
[SISKO] That's strange. During the blackout, Starfleet mobilised
hundreds of units. Why would they demobilise Red Squad?
[ODO] That's why I brought it up. But if they're cadets I suppose
Starfleet wanted to get them out of harm's way.
[SISKO] If that's true, how do you explain this?
(Sisko calls up a file on his wall monitor. It reads as follows - From
Commander, Starfleet to OIC Training Squadron 47, stardate 49334.53.
Trans code 4747-23 routing Paris/satcom 5/Luna 6017/San Francisco.
Message begins. Effective immediately. All members of CTS-47
designation Red Squad are hereby assigned to field duty patrolling Sol
sector, Terra 1. Mission specific orders will be transmitted once all
squadron personnel are on station. Message ends.)
[SISKO] Three hours later Starfleet Command issued an order assigning
the entire Corps of Cadets to field duty.
[ODO] Which means they weren't bringing Red Squad home for their
[SISKO] So the question is, why would they demobilise Red Squad only to
mobilise them again three hours later?
(Sisko's restaurant)
(Joseph and Jake return with bags of shopping.)
[JOSEPH] Lights.
[JAKE] Are you sure re-opening the restaurant is a good idea?
[JOSEPH] Jake, it's been four days since the power outage. Have you seen
any Dominion invasion fleet?
[JAKE] No.
[JOSEPH] Neither have I. Besides, at my age, I don't have time to waste
sitting at home being bored.
[JAKE] You know, there's hardly anyone on the streets. You're not going
to have any customers.
[JOSEPH] Oh, I've got plenty of customers. Just look outside.
[JAKE] All I see are security officers.
[JOSEPH] And I bet not one of them has had a good meal in four days. Now
you do your grandfather a favour and start chopping up the okra.
(Sisko's office)
(Later, the Bolian Academy Commandant is on the
wall monitor. Odo is keeping out of sight.)
[COMMANDANT] Captain Sisko, is there something I can do for you?
[SISKO] I need to talk to you about Red Squad.
[SISKO] Are you aware that there's a transporter record of Red Squad
being returned to the Academy not long after the power outage?
[COMMANDANT] Are you saying that's in the official records?
[SISKO] That's right.
[COMMANDANT] Is this a secure line?
[SISKO] It is at my end.
[COMMANDANT] One moment.
(The Academy logo pops up then the Commandant is back.)
[COMMANDANT] Sorry, Captain, but I think you'll agree that this is a
time for caution.
[SISKO] Absolutely.
[COMMANDANT] Does Admiral Leyton know about this report?
[SISKO] He hasn't mentioned it to me.
[COMMANDANT] Listen to me, Captain. I want that record erased before
anyone else can see it. Is that understood?
[SISKO] I'll take care of it immediately.
[COMMANDANT] Good. That report could cause us a lot of trouble. I'm glad
you spotted it.
[SISKO] So am I. I'd hate to see the members of Red Squad get into any
[COMMANDANT] They're fine young men and women. When Leyton talked to me
about using them I thought it was a mistake, but I must to admit they
performed their mission admirably. I appreciate your call, Captain. I'm
in your debt.
(Transmission ends)
[ODO] Well, that certainly raised more questions than it answered.
(Sisko's restaurant)
(Joseph's having his regular security blood test
done by a young blonde.)
[JOSEPH] What did I tell you? As human as I ever was.
(Joseph goes off to the patio area where Sisko is having his meal.)
[SISKO] You seem pretty jovial today.
[JOSEPH] Is there a problem with that?
[SISKO] It's just, well, you didn't seem too happy about being tested a
few days ago.
[JOSEPH] That was before the changelings sabotaged the power grid.
[SISKO] I know, but you have to admit you were pretty adamant about it.
[JOSEPH] I don't understand you. When I didn't want to be tested, you
made it an issue. Now that I'm cooperating, you're still not satisfied.
[SISKO] It's not you, Dad.
[JOSEPH] Then what is it?
[SISKO] I'm not sure. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
(Nog enters)
[NOG] Captain, Jake said you wanted to see me.
[SISKO] Yes, I do.
[JOSEPH] You two talk. I'll go chill some tube grubs.
(Joseph leaves)
[NOG] What can I do for you, sir?
[SISKO] It's about Red Squad.
[NOG] Red Squad? Did you get me in?
[SISKO] Not just yet.
[NOG] Too bad. Those guys are the best. They're the only people I know
who aren't afraid of the Dominion.
[SISKO] Why is that?
[NOG] I don't know. They're not scared of anything, I guess.
[SISKO] You seem to know them pretty well.
[NOG] Jake told I should try to get to know them better, show them I'm a
good guy. And so far it seems to be working. The truth is, I think they
only like me because I know you.
[SISKO] Is that so?
[NOG] You're kind of their hero. The man at the front line in the war
with the Dominion.
[SISKO] I'd like to meet some of these cadets. You think you could
introduce me to one of them?
[NOG] I'm sorry. I can't do that, sir. The names of Red Squad members
are supposed to be secret.
[SISKO] But you know who they are.
[NOG] It's not easy keeping secrets from a Ferengi. But I feel funny
about telling anyone else. Besides, if they found out I told you who
they were, I'd never get in.
[SISKO] Cadet, you are obviously under the mistaken impression that I'm
asking a favour. I want a name, and I want it now. And that is an
order. Understood, Mister Nog?
[NOG] Yes, sir.
(Sisko's office)
[SHEPARD] Cadet Shepard reporting as ordered,
[SISKO] Riley Aldrin Shepard, Starfleet Service number C nine five three
oh four six nine nine four two seven. A third year student at Starfleet
Academy with a specialty in tactical operations.
(Named for Buzz Aldrin, James Reilly and Alan Shepard, at a guess.)
[SHEPARD] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] Cadet, I have been reviewing a record of Red Squad activities on
the night of the twenty third. The night of the power outage.
[SHEPARD] Record, sir? We were told that there was not going to be any
written record.
[SISKO] Are you contradicting me, Cadet?
[SHEPARD] No, sir.
[SISKO] Good. Now who told you there wasn't to be a written record?
[SHEPARD] The briefing officer, sir.
[SISKO] I want that officer's name.
[SHEPARD] She didn't give us her name, sir, but she did say there would
be no record of our actions and that our role would have to go
unrecognised, at least for now.
[SISKO] Maybe if you'd done your job better, it would have. But you
fouled it up, didn't you? You cadets did some sloppy work. Some damn
sloppy work.
[SHEPARD] With all due respect, sir, that's not true, sir. The mission
went perfectly. If anything, it was easier than the simulations.
[SISKO] Now son, if you think by lying to me you're going to save your
own hide, you'd better forget it. Mistakes were made, and I will find
out who's responsible.
[SHEPARD] I'm not lying to you, sir. I was there. I was at Planetary
Operations the whole time. If anything had gone wrong, I would have
known about it.
[SISKO] Is that so? All right, Cadet. Let's go over this step by step,
from the time of your mission deployment until your return to base at
nineteen hundred forty seven hours PST on the twenty third.
[SHEPARD] Yes, sir. We assembled on the Eastern Quad at seventeen
hundred hours on the evening of the twenty third.
[SISKO] I assume by we you mean Red Squad?
[SHEPARD] Yes, sir. After assembly we were beamed aboard the Lakota.
Once aboard we received our equipment and the necessary codes, and were
transported directly to the Division of Planetary Operations in Lisbon.
[SISKO] At what time?
[SHEPARD] Oh four hundred hours exactly, local time of course.
[SISKO] Go on, Cadet.
[SHEPARD] Our contact inside the DPO gave us access to their computer
control network. From there we used the access codes we were given,
bypassed the security lockouts, and downloaded the disordering
protocols into the network.
[SISKO] And from there the protocols spread to every power relay on the
[SHEPARD] It was a pretty impressive sight, sir, watching those relays
wink out one after another.
[SISKO] Sorry I missed it.
[SHEPARD] After that, all we had to do was sabotage the restart
sequencers and get out. Like I said, sir, it was all by the numbers.
(Sisko's restaurant)
[ODO] And are you sure that this cadet is telling the truth?
[SISKO] He admitted to committing acts of treason against the
Federation. If he was going to lie, I think he would have made up a
better story.
[ODO] I take it that you gave him a blood screening.
[SISKO] I tested him myself. He's human.
[ODO] Well then, let's say he is telling the truth, that his superior
officers ordered him to sabotage the power relays. That still doesn't
rule out Dominion involvement. For all we know, his superiors have been
replaced by changelings.
[SISKO] I thought about that. But if it were changelings, what have they
accomplished? There's been no invasion and power's been restored.
[ODO] And Starfleet has fortified Earth. I see your point, Captain. So
let's say you're right. Starfleet officers have sabotaged the power
grid. What are you going to do about it?
[SISKO] That is the bottom line, isn't it? What am I going to do? These
aren't evil people, Odo. These are people I've worked with. They're my
friends, people I respect. How can I turn against them?
[ODO] It seems to me, if they have committed treason against the
Federation, the Federation that you swore to protect, you won't be
turning against them. They will have turned against you.
(President's office)
[INYO] Captain, I've been in politics for
seventy years. I'm no stranger to overstatement and exaggeration. But
the idea that Starfleet would plot to overthrow the Federation
government is the single most astonishing accusation I have ever heard.
[SISKO] Sir, if you'll hear us out.
[INYO] As I intend to. But you'll forgive me if I remain somewhat
sceptical. Now, you should start at the beginning.
[ODO] Several months ago, I learned from one of my people that
changelings had infiltrated the Federation. Not long after I gave this
information to Starfleet, reports indicate that Admiral Leyton led a
contingent of high ranking officers to meet with you and recommend
implementation of sweeping security measures meant to protect Earth.
[INYO] And I rejected their suggestions as extreme.
[ODO] It's no secret that Leyton disagreed with you, and despite your
calls for calm, his concern about the Dominion threat continued to
[SISKO] When the Antwerp Conference was bombed, Leyton became convinced
that the changelings posed a greater threat to Earth than you were
prepared to admit.
[INYO] And so Admiral Leyton approached me again, this time with
you two at his side. And I agreed to his proposals.
[SISKO] To some of his proposals.
[ODO] We believe that Admiral Leyton and his supporters weren't
satisfied with the limited security procedures you authorised. They
were convinced that extraordinary measures were necessary to counter
the changeling threat.
[SISKO] More than that, they were determined to prove to you and to
everyone else how vulnerable Earth was to a Dominion takeover. So they
sabotaged the global power grid.
[INYO] Starfleet officers committing sabotage?
[SISKO] I know exactly how you feel, but it's the truth.
[INYO] I find that difficult to believe. Admiral Leyton may be
somewhat grating and inflexible at times, but for a man of his
accomplishments, a man of his distinguished record to commit treason?
[SISKO] I'm sure the Admiral doesn't see it as treason. He would
probably defend it as a desperate act of patriotism. He and his
supporters think that their actions are both necessary and justified.
[ODO] Not to mention effective. Think about it. The power grid fails,
and the next thing you know Starfleet security officers are on the
streets of every city, armed with phaser rifles, blood testing citizens
at random.
[INYO] Your story has a certain logic to it, gentlemen, but what
it lacks is proof.
[SISKO] You want proof? Order Admiral Leyton to withdraw his troops from
the streets. See what he does.
[INYO] You think he would refuse a direct order from his
[SISKO] If he orders his troops to stand down, then I'm wrong and I'll
offer my resignation. But I don't think that's going to happen. With
those troops in place, Admiral Leyton controls Earth. And he's not
going to give up that control until he's convinced that he has ended
the Dominion threat.
[INYO] He may not have to give up anything. If what you say is
true, if the power outage was part of Leyton's plan, then it's worked
perfectly. Right now the public overwhelmingly supports the increased
security. If I tried to remove those troops over Leyton's objections,
I'll have a planetwide riot on my hands.
[SISKO] What if we bring you the proof? Hard evidence linking Leyton to
the sabotage of the power grid?
[ODO] With that, you could force Leyton to stand down, make him withdraw
the troops.
[INYO] If what you say is true, I'll have his resignation. Bring
me the evidence, I promise I'll use it.
(Sisko's restaurant)
[NOG] Sorry I'm late.
[SISKO] Where's Cadet Shepherd?
[NOG] That's a good question. I couldn't find him anywhere.
[ODO] What do you mean you couldn't find him?
[NOG] I mean he's gone. And as far as I can tell so is every other
member of Red Squad. The rumour is they've all been sent on some kind
of training exercise.
[LEYTON] I'm afraid Cadet Shepherd won't be returning to Earth anytime
[NOG] Admiral Leyton, it's
[LEYTON] Return to your quarters, Cadet.
(Nog leaves)
[LEYTON] Ben, I think you and I have to talk, in private.
[ODO] I'll be in the next room if you need me.
(Odo leaves)
[LEYTON] Mind if I get a cup of coffee?
[SISKO] Help yourself.
[LEYTON] I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately. Too much to do.
[SISKO] Maybe you need a vacation.
[LEYTON] Mmm. Somehow replicated coffee never tastes this good. I'm
afraid I owe you an apology, Ben.
[SISKO] The way I see it, you owe a lot of people an apology.
[LEYTON] I wish I could have told you the truth from the beginning, but
somehow I suspected we wouldn't see eye to eye on this thing.
[SISKO] Then why did you bring me here?
[LEYTON] Because I needed someone who knew how to fight shape-shifters,
and that's you. And I suppose on some level I hoped that when you saw
what we were accomplishing, you'd join us. You've always had a strong
sense of duty.
[SISKO] My duty is to protect the Federation.
[LEYTON] That's what we're trying to do.
[SISKO] What you're trying to do is to seize control of Earth and place
it under military rule.
[LEYTON] If that's what it takes to stop the Dominion.
[SISKO] So you're willing to destroy paradise in order to save it.
[LEYTON] Remember when we were on the Okinawa fighting the Tzenkethi?
That time when I wanted to take the ship into an asteroid belt to chase
down those three raiders.
[SISKO] And I said it was an unnecessary risk.
[LEYTON] You spoke your mind. Which is exactly what a good executive
officer is supposed to do. But I overruled you. After the staff meeting
you followed me into my ready room and tried to argue your point again.
[SISKO] That's right, I did.
[LEYTON] And remember what I told you?
[SISKO] That a good officer must respect the chain of command. There
comes a time when you must to accept the orders of a superior officer,
and carry out those orders whether you agree with them or not.
[LEYTON] I also told you when you became a CO, you'd feel the same way.
[SISKO] And you were right. About going after the Tzenkethi, and about
[LEYTON] Without the chain of command, Starfleet would cease to function
and we wouldn't stand a chance against our enemies. I'm still your
commanding officer, and now more than ever I need you to respect my
[SISKO] And I cannot do that! Not this time.
[LEYTON] Then as of now, I'm relieving you of your post as temporary
head of Earth Security and sending you back to Deep Space Nine. Go
home, Ben. You don't belong here.
(Starfleet HQ)
[BRIEN] Beautiful evening, isn't it?
[SISKO] Chief, how'd you get here?
[BRIEN] You don't look so good. You've got a lot on your mind, I bet.
How is your father?
[SISKO] There's no way the Defiant could get here so soon.
[BRIEN] I didn't say I came on the Defiant. Tell me the truth. Do you
really believe that phaser rifles will do any good against
[SISKO] You're not O'Brien.
[BRIEN] Luckily, no. The thought of being locked in the one shape all
the time. (shudders) It's unnatural. Don't bother calling for help.
It'll only cut short our conversation, and I do enjoy your company.
[SISKO] If you have something to say to me, say it.
[BRIEN] You solids. You are so impatient. I thought we could sit here
for a while, maybe go to a bar, have a pint, throw some darts.
[SISKO] I don't think so.
[BRIEN] Let me ask you a question. How many changelings do you think
are here on Earth right at this moment?
[SISKO] I'm not going to play any guessing games with you.
[BRIEN] Ah. What if I were to tell you that there are only four on
this entire planet. Not counting Constable Odo of course. Think of it.
Just four of us, and look at the havoc we've wrought.
[SISKO] How do I know you're telling me the truth?
[BRIEN] Four is more than enough. We're smarter than solids. We're
better than you. And most importantly, we do not fear you the way you
fear us. In the end, it's your fear that will destroy you.
[SISKO] Are you finished?
[BRIEN] Finished? We've barely begun. I'll be seeing you.
(Sisko's restaurant)
[JOSEPH] I recognise that look.
[SISKO] What look?
[JOSEPH] The one you're wearing. The one that says, something's
bothering me and I don't know what to do about it.
[SISKO] Oh, that look.
[JOSEPH] You want to tell me about it?
[SISKO] I wish I could.
[JOSEPH] Oh, I see. It's a Neffie Beumont kind of thing.
[SISKO] Neffie Beumont? What a crush I had on her.
[JOSEPH] Not that you'd admit it. You just sat around for weeks,
brooding and pining away, trying to sort it all out, until your old man
finally sat you down one day and gave you some advice.
[SISKO] There comes a time in every man's life when he must stop
thinking and start doing.
[JOSEPH] And the next day, you finally went over to young Neffie's house
and asked her out.
[SISKO] And she turned me down.
[JOSEPH] But at least you weren't brooding anymore. And when Zoey
Phillips moved into the neighbourhood a few weeks later, you asked her
out before her parents were done beaming in the furniture.
[SISKO] And dated her for three years. I guess what you're telling me is
that I must stop brooding and make a decision.
[JOSEPH] Exactly.
[SISKO] Thank you, Dad.
[JOSEPH] Don't mention it. Make sure you turn out the lights on your way
out. I wonder what ever happened to Zoey Phillips?
[SISKO] Zoey Phillips.
(Later, Sisko is talking to DS9)
[KIRA (on monitor)] Captain, why are you transmitting on a Bajoran
[SISKO] We have things we need to discuss that I don't want anyone else
to hear. What's your status?
[KIRA (on monitor)] Everything here is fine. There's been no sign of
Dominion activity.
[SISKO] What about the wormhole?
[KIRA (on monitor)] It's acting normally again. It stopped opening and
closing at random not long after you left. If any Dominion ships did
sneak through, they're not giving us any trouble.
[SISKO] Listen closely. There's something I need for you to do.
(Sisko's SF office)
[ODO] It's all yours. I suggest you hurry. I doubt
it'll take them very long to discover that we're here.
[SISKO] I never knew it was so easy to break into classified Starfleet
[ODO] Everything I know I learned from Quark.
(Leyton's code is Leyton 1 Omega 47)
[SISKO] Looks like Leyton's been a busy man. He's personally reassigned
over four hundred officers in the past three weeks.
[ODO] Do you recognise any of these names?
[SISKO] A lot of them. Daneeka, McWatt, Snowden, Orr, Moodus. All of
them were officers on the Okinawa when I was Leyton's XO. As far as I
can tell, every officer on this list served under Leyton at one time or
[ODO] And now they're all in key positions here on Earth.
[SISKO] Or commanding ships somewhere in this sector. It says here he's
ordered another set of transfers. Take a look at these dates.
[ODO] They all take effect on the fourteenth.
[SISKO] The day before the President's speech.
[ODO] Do you think there's any connection?
[SISKO] Maybe Admiral Leyton doesn't intend for the President to make
his speech. I'd better get a copy of this.
(Sisko downloads the files to his PADD)
[SISKO] Odo, if Admiral Leyton is planning some kind of takeover on the
fourteenth, I want to make sure that Jake and my father are safe.
[ODO] We should get them off Earth as soon as possible.
(Download complete. Doorbell.)
[SISKO] Come in.
[BENTEEN] Captain. I'm surprised to find you here.
[SISKO] Just cleaning out some of my files. I'll see you later,
[ODO] Good night, Captain.
(Odo leaves)
[SISKO] I hear congratulations are in order. Your promotion. Captain of
the Lakota.
[BENTEEN] Thanks, but it's still a few days away. The Lakota won't be
done with its refit until the fourteenth.
[SISKO] I guess that'll make the fourteenth a special day.
[BENTEEN] I'm looking forward to it. Too bad you won't be around for the
[SISKO] Who knows? I might be able to fit it in.
[BENTEEN] I thought Admiral Leyton ordered you back to Deep Space Nine.
[SISKO] He did, but I've got some leave coming and I've decided to take
it. After all, I don't get much time to spend on Earth, and it is so
pleasant here. With a Starfleet officer on every corner, paradise has
never seemed so well-armed.
[BENTEEN] You're a very interesting man, Captain. I'm sorry we didn't
get to work together longer.
(President's office)
(Leyton, Benteen, and four armed security officers
also present.)
[SISKO] Admiral. I didn't expect to see you here.
[LEYTON] I'm sure you didn't.
[BENTEEN] Captain, your arm please?
[INYO] Do as she asks.
(The blood goes orange.)
[LEYTON] Just as I said, Mister President. He's a shape-shifter.
(Starfleet HQ Brig)
[SISKO] Are you going to tell me how you faked the
blood test?
[LEYTON] Does it matter?
[SISKO] I suppose not.
[LEYTON] You know, Ben, I stand here looking at you, the best officer
who ever served under me, trapped in this holding cell, and I think
life can be damned cruel.
[SISKO] Let me out. Maybe life'll look a little better.
[LEYTON] I don't think I can do that just now.
[SISKO] So what are you going to do? Keep me here forever?
[LEYTON] No. You'll be free to go in a few days.
[SISKO] Let me guess. After the President's speech.
[LEYTON] The President won't be making a speech. I will.
[SISKO] I assume you'll be explaining to the public why it's necessary
for Starfleet to seize control of Earth.
[LEYTON] Temporarily, of course. Until the changeling threat has been
[SISKO] And how long will that be? Months? Years? Decades?
[LEYTON] However long it takes. The people deserve strong leadership.
Someone who can protect them.
[SISKO] In other words, you.
[LEYTON] If you need anything, food, something to read, just tell the
(Later, the routine blood screening trolley is wheeled in by a woman
security officer.)
[CHIEF] Well, if it isn't my favourite vampire.
[SECURITY] Vampires come out at night. I've been pushing this cart all
[CHIEF] Look, I'm getting a little tired of all these blood screenings.
[SECURITY] Believe me, I'm as tired of giving them as you are of taking
[SISKO] Why don't you give me one of those while you're at it?
[SECURITY] You don't really expect me to let down that forcefield and go
in there with you?
(Whumph, thump. Odo has morphed and disposed of the other guard.)
[ODO] Sisko's not the one you should be worried about. I am. Come here.
Odo disarms the Chief and neck-pinches the Security woman unconscious.)
[SISKO] Nicely done, Constable.
[ODO] Well, it wasn't that difficult, considering I helped you revise
the security measures for this building.
[SISKO] Lucky for me. Have you contacted Major Kira?
[ODO] The Defiant is on its way to Earth.
[SISKO] That must mean they found what we were looking for.
[ODO] It was just as you suspected. They even found the officer
responsible. Lieutenant Arriaga. They've put him on the Defiant.
(The forcefield comes down)
[SISKO] You have to get to the President. Tell him everything we know
and warn him that Leyton is going to make his move some time today.
[ODO] What about you?
[SISKO] I've got some business to take care of.
[ODO] Right.
(Leyton's office)
[BENTEEN (OC)] I understand the situation, Admiral.
I'll do my best.
[LEYTON] Good luck, Captain Benteen. Leyton out.
(Sisko enters, armed.)
[LEYTON] Are you planning on using that?
[SISKO] Against a fellow officer? I hope not. But I will have to ask for
your resignation.
(Sisko takes Leyton's comm. badge.)
[LEYTON] You'll forgive me if I don't leap at the opportunity.
[SISKO] I have enough evidence to convict you of treason.
[LEYTON] Do you?
[SISKO] We have Lieutenant Arriaga in custody. He is prepared to admit
that under your orders he attached a subspace modulator to the relay
satellite on the far side of the wormhole. That is why it was opening
and closing at random.
[LEYTON] Why would anyone want to do that?
[SISKO] To make it look like a cloaked Dominion fleet was entering
Federation space so that when the Earth's power relays were sabotaged,
the people would think that an invasion was imminent.
[LEYTON] That's a very interesting theory, but it's not going to do you
much good. Lieutenant Arriaga isn't going to get to Earth. I've sent
the Lakota to intercept the Defiant.
[SISKO] You think that one Starfleet ship is going to fire on another?
[LEYTON] As far as Captain Benteen's crew is concerned, the Defiant
isn't a Starfleet ship. They've been told everyone on the Defiant has
been replaced by shape-shifters.
[DAX] Commander, we're being hailed by the Lakota.
They're ordering us to drop out of warp, and prepare to be boarded.
[KIRA] They've raised their shields and powered up their phasers. Looks
like they won't take no for an answer.
(Leyton's office)
[SISKO] Admiral, do you realise what's going on
here? Even if you win, even if you do manage to oust Jaresh-Inyo, you
still lose. We all lose.
[LEYTON] I can't say I agree with you.
[SISKO] Do you think other Federation worlds are going to sit back and
let their President be replaced by a military dictatorship?
[LEYTON] Hardly a dictatorship, Ben.
[SISKO] Overthrowing a legitimately elected President and giving
Starfleet direct control over the government? It sounds like a
dictatorship to me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks so.
[LEYTON] There will be some dissenters at first, but they'll fall in
line once they realise that strengthening Earth is the first step
toward strengthening the Federation.
[SISKO] And what if they don't agree? What then? Are you willing to risk
a civil war? If the Lakota fires on the Defiant, you will be opening up
a Pandora's box that may never be closed.
[LEYTON] Then contact the Defiant and tell them to stand down.
[SISKO] I won't do that.
[LEYTON] I didn't think so. But don't kid yourself, Ben. This Pandora's
box of yours, we're opening it together.
[KIRA] The Lakota's targeting their weapons on our
warp engines.
[BRIEN] They're bluffing. That's a Federation ship. They're not going
to fire on us.
[BASHIR] I hope you're right about that, Chief.
[WORF] Continue on course.
[KIRA] We're in weapons range.
[WORF] Raise shields.
[WORF] Damage report.
[DAX] Port shields are at sixty percent.
[BRIEN] Someone's been upgrading the Lakota's weapons. That's a lot of
firepower for an Excelsior-class ship.
[KIRA] Can we cloak?
[WORF] We would have to lower shields.
[BASHIR] I wouldn't advise it.
[DAX] Do we make a run for it?
[BRIEN] If they've been tinkering with the weapons, who knows what
they've done to the warp drive.
[WORF] Hail them.
[DAX] No answer.
(Boom, and a crewman is down.)
[KIRA] They're trying to disable our engines.
[BASHIR] Let's go. We've got to get you to the Medical Bay.
(Bashir and crewman leave)
[BRIEN] What do we do, Commander?
[WORF] We fight.
[WORF] Target their weapons. Fire phasers.
(The little ship runs rings around the big Lakota.)
(Leyton's office)
[LEYTON] Want some? It's Bolian tonic water. Calms
the nerves.
[SISKO] No, thank you.
[LEYTON] Ironic, isn't it? When you came on board the Okinawa, you were
more interested in engineering and ship design than command. But I
promoted you to lieutenant commander, gave you the post of executive
officer, and taught you everything I knew about being a leader.
[SISKO] You were a good teacher.
[LEYTON] I only wish I'd taught you more about the importance of
[SISKO] You want to talk to me about loyalty? After you broke your oath
with the Federation, lied to the people of Earth, ordered one of our
own starships to fire on another! You don't have the right.
[LEYTON] You don't understand me at all, do you?
[SISKO] I used to think I did. I used to think that you were a man of
principles, a man of honour. I see that I was mistaken.
[LEYTON] I'm sorry you feel that way.
[SISKO] So am I.
[CREWMAN (OC)] Admiral, we're receiving a message from the Lakota.
[LEYTON] Put it through.
[BENTEEN (on viewscreen)] We've been unable to stop the Defiant. Someone
has equipped her with ablative armour and neglected to inform Starfleet
[LEYTON] Under no circumstances is that ship to reach Earth. The
Lakota's carrying quantum torpedoes, isn't she?
[BENTEEN (on viewscreen)] Yes, sir.
[LEYTON] Then use them.
[BENTEEN (on viewscreen)] Admiral, my orders were to disable the
Defiant, not destroy her.
[LEYTON] Your orders are to keep the Defiant from reaching Earth by any
means necessary. Is that understood?
[BENTEEN (on viewscreen)] Yes, it is.
[SISKO] Captain, you know as well as I do that there aren't any
shape-shifters on the Defiant. Use those quantum torpedoes and you will
be killing fifty Starfleet officers.
[LEYTON] Captain Benteen knows where her duty lies. You have your
[BENTEEN (on viewscreen)] Yes, sir.
(Transmission ends)
[DAX] Shields are almost gone. We have major systems
failures on decks one, three and four.
[WORF] What about the Lakota?
[KIRA] They're in worse shape. One good hit will probably finish them.
[BRIEN] And kill everyone on board.
[WORF] That is not an option.
[KIRA] It's either them or us.
[BRIEN] Mister Worf, I think you should look at this.
[WORF] They have powered down their weapons. Hold your fire.
[DAX] Commander, they're hailing us.
[WORF] On screen.
(Leyton's office)
[CREWMAN (OC)] Admiral Leyton, we are receiving a
message for Captain Sisko from the Defiant.
[SISKO] Put him through.
[LEYTON] Do as he says.
[CREWMAN (OC)] Patching it in, sir.
[WORF (on viewscreen)] I apologise for the delay, Captain.
[SISKO] What's your status, Mister Worf?
[WORF (on viewscreen)] The Lakota has powered down its weapons and is
allowing us to proceed to Earth.
[SISKO] Casualties?
[WORF (on viewscreen)] Bartlett and Ramsey are dead, sir. Seven others
seriously injured. Captain Benteen thinks there may be as many as
twenty four casualties on the Lakota.
[SISKO] Get here as soon as you can. The President's expecting you.
[WORF (on viewscreen)] Aye, sir.
(Transmission ends.)
[LEYTON] That was a mistake, Ben, talking to your ship from my office.
Now that security knows you're here, you'll never make it past that
[SISKO] It doesn't matter whether I get out of here or not. By now, Odo
is talking to Jaresh-Inyo. The President will have all the evidence he
needs to stop you. It's over.
[LEYTON] It's not over! I have enough loyal officers to make a fight of
[SISKO] Who will you fight? Starfleet? The Federation? Don't you see,
Admiral? You're fighting the wrong war. And as for your loyal officers,
Benteen's already abandoned you. And she was closer to you than anyone.
You've lost. Don't make anyone else pay for your mistakes.
(Leyton takes off his rank insignia.)
[LEYTON] I hope you're not the one making the mistake.
(Sisko's restaurant)
(Sunshine. The last security units are beaming
[JOSEPH] The streets are going to seem emptier with them gone.
[ODO] Would you be happier if they'd stayed?
[JOSEPH] oh, if they'd stayed, it wouldn't be Earth anymore, would it?
It didn't seem right, all those phasers everywhere.
[JAKE] Something wrong, Odo?
[ODO] Am I the only one who's worried that there are still changelings
here on Earth?
[JOSEPH] Worried? I'm scared to death. But I'll be damned if I'm going
to let them change the way I live my life.
[SISKO] If the changelings want to destroy what we've built here,
they're going to have to do it themselves. We will not do it for them.
[JOSEPH] I'm going to miss you, son. You too, Jake-o. Feels like you
just got here.
[SISKO] You sure we can't convince you to come back to the station with
[JAKE] A Creole restaurant would be a big hit on the Promenade.
[JOSEPH] Then you'll just have to open one. This is my home.
[SISKO] Well, we'd better get going. Now don't forget
[JOSEPH] Take my medicine. I know. Is he always such a mother hen?
[ODO] He means well.
[JOSEPH] Take care of yourself.
[SISKO] I'll do my best.
[JOSEPH] That's all I can ask.
[SISKO] Three to beam up.
(Sisko, Odo, and Jake beam out, and Joseph lets his queuing customers
[JOSEPH] Well, what are you waiting for? Come in, have a seat. Today I'm
recommending the pasta boudin. It's got a bit of a kick, but it will
make you smile. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e81", "title": "Paradise Lost"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Crossfire
Original Airdate: 29 Jan, 1996
(Odo is arranging the furniture to the millimetre.)
[ODO] One raktajino, extra hot, two measures of kava. Time?
[COMPUTER] Oh seven fifty nine hours.
(Odo places the mug precisely, with the handle towards the chair, and
waits a few moments. Kira enters.)
[KIRA] Good morning.
[ODO] Major.
(Kira sits and takes a sip of her drink)
[KIRA] So. Ahh. How many have we got?
[ODO] Sixteen items.
[KIRA] The station's criminal element has been busy this week.
[ODO] Nothing out of the ordinary. Three petty thefts, two incidents of
disorderly conduct, one assault.
[KIRA] Ijarna's wife hit him again? Why does he stay with her?
[ODO] Skip to item twelve.
[KIRA] Public lewdness.
[ODO] The same night Ijarna reported the assault, I found him and his
wife (gesture) behind the information kiosk on the second level.
[KIRA] That answers my question. What about item seven?
[ODO] Ah. One of my deputies caught Ojuy Gel scrawling political
graffiti on a wall in section four.
[KIRA] He's always riled up about something, isn't he? What is it this
[ODO] He was protesting First Minister Shakaar's upcoming visit to the
[KIRA] He's been handing out leaflets saying Shakaar should drop the
petition to join the Federation.
[ODO] Well, leaflets are one thing, vandalism is quite another. Ojuy
spent a night in a holding cell for his trouble, and I understand the
Arbiter has sentenced him to three weeks community service on
sanitation duty.
[KIRA] Just make sure he scrubs that wall clean before Shakaar gets
here. I don't want him to see it.
[ODO] Right.
(Quark enters.)
[QUARK] I'd like to file a complaint.
[ODO] Not now, Quark.
[QUARK] A noise complaint against you.
[ODO] We are conducting station business.
[QUARK] My quarters are right below his. You wouldn't believe the racket
he makes.
[ODO] Quark.
[QUARK] Do you know what it's like to hear someone practice
shape-shifting? Last night, it sounded like a Takaran wildebeest was
tromping around up there.
[ODO] That was for all of five minutes. Once you complained, I took the
form of a Rafalian mouse.
[QUARK] Yeah, little tiny feet skittering across the floor. Back and
forth, back and forth.
[KIRA] You could hear that?
[QUARK] Hello? Sometimes I can even hear him oozing around.
[KIRA] Maybe you should change quarters.
[QUARK] Maybe he should have a little more consideration. Shape-shifting
in the middle of the night. There ought to be a regulation against it.
[ODO] Come back in half an hour, I'll be happy to take your complaint
[QUARK] Oh, I'll be back. You can count on it.
(Quark leaves.)
[KIRA] It's just Quark's luck that you would be assigned quarters right
above his.
[ODO] Luck had nothing to do with it.
(Dress uniform to meet the First Minister)
[BRIEN] I don't see why Captain Sisko insists on having me here. I'm
not a senior officer.
[BASHIR] Maybe he just wanted to see you in your dress uniform. It does
show off your figure.
[BRIEN] Why, thank you.
(Dax arrives last.)
[SISKO] Good of you to make it, old man. Shakaar's transport just
[DAX] Sorry. There were so many people on the Promenade it was hard to
get through.
[KIRA] I hope Shakaar's gotten better at speaking in front of groups. He
used to mumble his way through mission briefings. Everyone in our
resistance cell had to learn to lip read.
[SISKO] Welcome to Deep Space Nine, Minister.
[SHAKAAR] Thank you, Captain. I've been looking forward to visiting the
station and meeting the Emissary.
[SISKO] This is part of my senior staff. Lieutenant Commander Jadzia
Dax, Chief of Operations Miles O'Brien, Doctor Bashir, and, of course
you know Major Kira.
[SHAKAAR] Nerys.
[KIRA] Good to see you again, Edon.
[SHAKAAR] Well, I guess I should introduce my senior staff. There he is.
[SARISH] Sarish Rez, the First Minister's adjutant.
[SISKO] A pleasure. Come this way. There's quite a crowd waiting for you
on the Promenade.
[SHAKAAR] Can't wait.
(As they move off down the corridor.)
[DAX] Why didn't you tell me?
[KIRA] What?
[DAX] He's so good looking.
(There certainly is a crowd around the airlock
[SISKO] The guards will escort you to the podium whenever you're ready.
[SARISH] Don't forget to mention the transit subsidies you just
allocated. Tell them they can expect the price of transport to Bajor to
start dropping within a few months. And remember, enunciate.
[SHAKAAR] Let's go.
[KIRA] Good luck.
[ODO (OC)] Odo to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead, Constable.
[ODO (OC)] I've just
(Security office)
[ODO] Received a disturbing communication. I have
reason to believe someone is planning to assassinate First Minister
(Captain's office)
[ODO] As far as I'm concerned we should've gotten
the First Minister off that podium as soon as we received the
[SARISH] If Shakaar cancelled his public appearances every time someone
threatened his life, he would never leave his office.
[ODO] We're not talking about some disgruntled shopkeeper who writes a
letter threatening Shakaar for raising taxes, we're talking about a
Cardassian extremist group that's already succeeded in assassinating
two Bajoran officials.
[SARISH] I know all about the True Way and what they're capable of.
[ODO] My sources in the Cardassian Civilian Government believe the True
Way already has an operative in place aboard the station. I suggest you
cancel the First Minister's conference and reschedule it at another
[SARISH] Absolutely not. Nothing is going to keep Shakaar from meeting
those delegates tomorrow. Bajor's effort to join the Federation hinges
on what happens over the next few days.
[SISKO] Shouldn't the decision be up to the First Minister?
[SARISH] It will be. But I already know what he's going to say.
[KIRA] So do I. Shakaar knows better than anyone you can't capitulate to
terrorists. He used to be one, and the day the Cardassians started to
negotiate with him was the day he knew they'd been beaten. He'll stay.
[SISKO] I suppose if I were in his position I'd do the same. Constable,
I want station security stepped up for the duration of Shakaar's visit.
[ODO] The First Minister will have round-the-clock protection. I'd like
to deploy Starfleet security personnel in addition to my own deputies.
[SISKO] Of course. Commander Eddington is on leave. I'll ask Mister Worf
to head up Starfleet Security while he's gone.
(Security office)
[ODO] I've cleared the rooms above, below and to
both sides of the First Minister's quarters.
[WORF] I would recommend clearing that entire section of the Habitat
[ODO] I'm afraid that isn't feasible. There are over twelve hundred
people living there.
[WORF] Providing security was difficult enough aboard the Enterprise. It
appears to be next to impossible on this station.
[ODO] It isn't easy.
[WORF] I prefer a more orderly environment.
[ODO] We have that in common. My people have an innate need for order.
[WORF] How do you tolerate living here?
[ODO] I make order where I can. For one thing, I have a daily routine
which I follow unwaveringly. Shopkeepers on the Promenade joke that
they can set their clocks by me.
[WORF] Unfortunately, I have found it difficult to establish a routine
[ODO] There are other ways to create order in your life. Your quarters,
for example. Everything in mine has its specific place and it's all
arranged just so.
[WORF] Yes, mine too. Even with my eyes closed I would still know where
everything was.
[ODO] Exactly.
[WORF] I would not tolerate it any other way.
[ODO] I'll tell you what else to do. Make sure everyone knows they can't
just drop by your quarters to say hello. If someone does, whatever
happens, don't make them feel welcome.
[WORF] Of course not. That would only invite subsequent visits.
[ODO] Precisely.
[WORF] So far, the only person who has a tendency to drop by is Chief
[ODO] That's probably because he knows you from the Enterprise.
[WORF] Perhaps if I am more inhospitable, he will stop.
[ODO] Good luck.
[ODO] Odo to Worf.
[WORF (OC)] Go ahead.
[ODO] The guards are in position. The corridors between Shakaar's
quarters and the wardroom have been cleared.
[WORF (OC)] Acknowledged.
[ODO] The First Minister is scheduled to leave for the reception
(Security office)
[ODO (OC)] In half an hour.
[WORF] The wardroom will be scanned and secured well before then.
(Shakaar and Sarish come out of a room.)
[SHAKAAR] You must be Odo.
[ODO] First Minister.
[SHAKAAR] I was hoping I'd get to meet you. I just wish it wasn't under
these circumstances. We're ready to go.
[ODO] Well, the reception doesn't start for another
[SHAKAAR] I know. I want to stop by the Promenade and visit the Temple
[ODO] Why wasn't I told about this?
[SARISH] I didn't know myself until a moment ago.
[SHAKAAR] Is there a problem?
[ODO] I would have posted extra security on the Promenade.
[SHAKAAR] We'll just slip in, I'll stay for a few minutes, and then
we'll slip out.
[ODO] With all due respect, sir, now that you're First Minister you
can't slip in or out of bed without people noticing.
[SHAKAAR] Maybe not, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stay in bed all
[ODO] Odo to Worf. There's been a change of plans.
(Promenade - upper level)
[SHAKAAR] I understand you used to work for the
Cardassians when they were running the station.
[ODO] I was in charge of keeping order on the Promenade.
[SHAKAAR] They could've given that job to one of their own people. They
must have thought very highly of you. I know Kira does. She once told
me she trusted you with her life.
[ODO] Well, I'm gratified to hear that.
[SHAKAAR] I've always found her to be a good judge of character, so I'll
trust you with mine too.
(As the group comes down the steps by the
[MAN] It's him.
[WOMAN] Really?
[MAN] First Minister.
(The handshakes begin.)
[SHAKAAR] Gentlemen. How are you. Hi. (to a little girl) How are you
[WORF (OC)] Worf to Odo. We have secured the Temple.
[ODO] I'll try to get him inside as soon as I can.
[SHAKAAR] Welcome. It's a pleasure to see you here. How do you do?
[WOMAN 2] It's nice to meet you.
[SHAKAAR] I appreciate you being here. Thank you.
[MAN 2] It's a great pleasure, Minister.
[SHAKAAR] Nice to see you.
(Odo spots an older woman making her way through the crowd. She ducks
down out of sight for a moment, then appears carrying a little boy. Odo
relaxes. Shakaar finally makes it to the Temple.)
(At the reception, complete with buffet table and
Quark serving drinks.)
[KIRA] Is it always like this?
[SARISH] It's not often that people get a chance to talk to the First
Minister. Besides, have you ever met a Bajoran who didn't have a
fervent opinion about everything from Prophetic interpretation to farm
[KIRA] I guess not.
[SARISH] Is that Vedek Tonsa?
[KIRA] Yes, it is.
[SARISH] I hear he's an excellent springball player.
[KIRA] Oh, the best on the station. Why?
[SARISH] I think I'll see if we can arrange a game.
[KIRA] You'd better be good.
[SARISH] I'm terrible. But it will give me a chance to talk to him about
supporting Shakaar in the Vedek Assembly.
(Sarish moves off and Kira goes over to Odo.)
[KIRA] Do you have to stare like that? I think it's making people
[ODO] Good.
[KIRA] I've been meaning to ask you. Why don't you wear that belt
[ODO] I don't know. It didn't really serve a purpose. It's not as if I
needed it to hold my pants up.
[KIRA] I just thought it looked good on you, that's all.
[ODO] Really?
[KIRA] Really.
[ODO] Well, if you say so.
(Odo creates the belt.)
[ODO] Better?
[KIRA] Much. I guess I'll turn in.
[ODO] Of course. Good night, Major.
[KIRA] Good night.
[SHAKAAR] Will you excuse me? Nerys. Where are you going? You haven't
even said hello.
[KIRA] You were so busy, I didn't want to bother you.
[SHAKAAR] You wouldn't be bothering me, you'd be rescuing me.
[KIRA] That bad?
[SHAKAAR] You have no idea.
[KIRA] Then I suppose now wouldn't be a good time for me to give you my
opinion on how Bajor should be dealing with the Klingons.
[SHAKAAR] Actually, it would. But not here.
[KIRA] I was joking.
[SHAKAAR] Fine. We'll talk about something else.
[QUARK] (to Odo) Care for some hasperat?
[ODO] No. I don't eat.
[QUARK] Have some. I'm charging by the head for this little function and
you do have a head, for the moment.
[SHAKAAR] Let's take a walk.
[KIRA] Okay.
[ODO] Minister?
[SHAKAAR] We're going to take a stroll.
[ODO] If you tell me where you're going, I'll secure your route.
[SHAKAAR] If I knew where we were going, it wouldn't be a stroll, would
[ODO] I suppose not. I'll escort you.
[SHAKAAR] Fine, but just you. Oh, and don't stay too close.
(As Kira and Shakaar talk and laugh together, Odo
gradually falls back)
(Outside the wardroom)
(The meeting inside is breaking up.)
[SHAKAAR] Let's go.
[ODO] Where?
[SHAKAAR] Back to my quarters.
[ODO] This way.
[ODO] I take it the negotiations aren't going all
that well.
[SHAKAAR] How'd you know?
[ODO] The truth is, the Bajorans are even less successful than most
humanoids at hiding their emotions.
[SHAKAAR] So you're saying it's as plain as the nose on my face?
[ODO] I've been working with the Federation for a number of years. They
claim to be open and understanding, but somehow they're always
convinced that they're right. It can be exasperating at times.
[SHAKAAR] I've been trying to get them to cut the timetable for Bajor's
admittance into the Federation by half. But every time I think I've
made them understand my reasons, they remind me that every member of
the Federation has gone through the same admittance process.
[ODO] And why should Bajor be any different?
[SHAKAAR] I can't think of a single reason.
[ODO] Unless of course, you take into account the effect that fifty
years of occupation might have on a society.
[SHAKAAR] Thank you.
(Shakaar's quarters)
[SHAKAAR] You know, I've been a soldier and I've
been a politician, and I have to say I'm starting to think that being a
soldier was easier.
[ODO] Well, I'm afraid I don't know much about politics.
[SHAKAAR] Well, you agree with me. As far as I'm concerned, that makes
you an expert.
(Shakaar gestures Odo to sit.)
[SHAKAAR] I realise I haven't been making your job any easier the past
few days.
[ODO] Well, I can't argue with that.
[SHAKAAR] Well, I want to you to understand that I appreciate your
[ODO] Thank you.
[SHAKAAR] Yeah. Odo, I know that you and Nerys are friends, and I was
wondering. Does she ever talk to you about me?
[ODO] Of course. She's spoken about you on more than one occasion.
[SHAKAAR] What I mean is, has she ever said anything to you that might
indicate that she thought of me as more than a friend?
[ODO] Ah. Well, let me think. No.
[SHAKAAR] Oh, I see. I've known Nerys for over ten years. I've trusted
her with my life on more than one occasion.
[ODO] So have I.
[SHAKAAR] She always knew how to follow orders. She never complained
when things got rough. She was a good soldier and a good friend. But
now it's different.
[ODO] Is it? She's still your friend.
[SHAKAAR] I know. I think I'm falling in love with her. Sometimes I get
the sense that maybe, just maybe, she feels the same way. But I could
be wrong. I'm afraid to say anything because it might ruin our
friendship. But if I don't, I could be letting something precious slip
through my fingers.
[ODO] It's a difficult situation.
[SHAKAAR] Yeah. Well, for all I know, I've gotten myself all twisted up
over nothing. I mean, if she hasn't said anything to you, then this
whole thing is probably just inside my head.
[ODO] Frankly, I think she's still grieving for Vedek Bareil.
[SHAKAAR] Of course. It's only natural. Maybe I should just be patient.
[ODO] That's what I would do.
[SHAKAAR] On the other hand, maybe I should let her know how I feel. It
might help her get over her loss if she knew that there was somebody
who really cared about her. What do you think?
[ODO] I'm afraid I know even less about relationships than I do about
[SHAKAAR] Well, then, I understand. I don't mean to burden you with my
problems. Talking about humanoid relationships can't be that
interesting to you.
[ODO] For the most part, no.
(Quark is topping up the punch bowl as Odo scans
one of his waiters.)
[QUARK] You don't have to bother, Odo, I can personally vouch for every
one of my employees who had access to that food.
[ODO] Huh. I can't tell you how relieved that makes me feel.
(Odo comes over and scans the fruit bowl.)
[ODO] I'm reading some sort of power signature.
(A little thing on a banana.)
[ODO] Ah. A Ferengi eavesdropping device. I don't suppose you know
anything about this?
[QUARK] There it is. I've been looking for that all day.
[ODO] You admit it's yours?
[QUARK] I must have misplaced it.
[ODO] I take it you were hoping to peddle information about Shakaar's
[QUARK] Odo, you know as well as I do that it's illegal to listen to
someone's conversation without their consent.
[ODO] Why else would someone like you own such an expensive listening
[QUARK] I use it to monitor Rom's sleep. You see, ever since he was a
boy, my brother's had this condition where he sometimes stops breathing
in the middle of the night. The fact is, I can't sleep unless I know
he's all right.
[ODO] Very touching.
(Odo drops it in the punch bowl. There's an expensive fizzle.)
[ODO] How clumsy of me.
[QUARK] You are in a bad mood today.
[ODO] I don't have moods.
[QUARK] Of course not. You're an unfeeling changeling. All you care
about is order.
[ODO] That's right.
[QUARK] Oh, please. I know what's going on. You don't have to pretend
with me.
[ODO] I have no idea what you're talking about.
[QUARK] You're in love with her.
[ODO] Who?
[QUARK] Kira.
[ODO] That's ridiculous.
[QUARK] And what's more, you're worried she's falling in love with
[ODO] Is that a fact.
[QUARK] It's the truth. Why can't you just admit it? It's nothing to be
ashamed of. Look, Odo, I know this can't be easy for you
[ODO] I don't want your sympathy, Quark, and I don't need your advice.
Just stay out of my business.
(Security office)
(Everything is laid out as in the teaser.)
[ODO] Computer, time.
[COMPUTER] Oh eight twenty one hours.
[KIRA] I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't realise what time it was. So what do
we have?
[ODO] Nine items.
[KIRA] So far it's all fairly routine. Something wrong?
[ODO] Your raktajino?
[KIRA] Oh, I had one this morning with Shakaar.
[ODO] I didn't see you in the Replimat.
[KIRA] No, it was in his quarters. He asked me to look over a proposal
he's going to make to the Federation delegates.
[ODO] Ah. There's an interesting story behind item four.
[KIRA] And I would love to hear it, but I'm a little pressed for time
right now.
[ODO] Of course.
[KIRA] I promised Shakaar I'd give him a tour of the station.
[ODO] I'll make sure security is in place.
[KIRA] Thank you. See you later.
(Upper pylon)
(Our viewpoint is Odo.)
[KIRA] The upper pylons have the best view of the wormhole.
[SHAKAAR] I've never seen it, actually.
[KIRA] Why don't we stay a few minutes. May a ship will go through. You
can see it open.
[SHAKAAR] You're the First Officer, can't you order a ship through?
[KIRA] Well, you're the First Minister, you should be able to order a
whole fleet through.
[SHAKAAR] The other day I heard someone say that if you happen to see
the wormhole open, you get to make a wish.
[KIRA] That's been going around the station for a while now.
[KIRA] Look. Did you make a wish?
(They both lean in for a kiss then remember Odo is standing nearby,
carefully looking the other way.)
[KIRA] We should get going. There's a lot more to see.
[ODO] Odo to Worf.
[WORF (OC)] Go ahead.
[ODO] We're heading back down to the Docking Ring.
[WORF] Acknowledged.
(Security office)
[WORF] Your route has been secured.
[ODO] Level two D.
[COMPUTER] Please enter security code.
(Odo taps it into the panel)
[SHAKAAR] You know I haven't had a meal outside the wardroom or my
quarters since I got here.
[KIRA] Well, there are some pretty nice places to eat on the Promenade.
[SHAKAAR] You have a favourite?
[KIRA] There's a new Bolian restaurant that's pretty good.
[SHAKAAR] I've never had Bolian food.
[KIRA] This isn't going to sound very appetizing, but the meat they use
is sort of aged.
[WORF (OC)] Worf to Odo, a turbolift is stuck on level forty one. We're
going to have to re-route you.
[ODO] Verify your security code and I'll release the controls to you.
[KIRA] You don't want to know.
[SHAKAAR] Why don't we go there tonight?
[KIRA] I'd love to.
[SHAKAAR] Great. How does nineteen hundred hours sound?
(Odo puts his code in)
[SHAKAAR] We can
[KIRA] We're falling! Kira to Worf. Someone cut our comm. links.
[ODO] Controls aren't responding.
(Odo morphs his arms into steel piledrivers which push out the
turbolift sides so it starts to rub against the side of the shaft and
eventually comes to a halt.)
[SHAKAAR] Well, I guess this means my tour is over.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] You're telling me someone overrode the
station's comm. system, faked Worf's voice, and then sent one of our
turbolifts into a free fall?
[ODO] I'm afraid so, sir. Apparently they tapped into the comm. system
with a voice synthesizer.
[SISKO] What I want to know is how they got Worf's security code.
[ODO] We don't know that they did that, sir.
[SISKO] What do you mean?
[ODO] I turned over control of the turbolift without verifying his code.
[SISKO] They say to err is human, But you're not human, Odo. You're not
even humanoid. And this is not the sort of mistake that I'd expect from
[ODO] I was distracted.
[SISKO] Distracted?
[ODO] A personal matter, sir. I prefer not to discuss it.
[SISKO] Constable, whatever this personal matter is, don't let it
interfere with your job again.
[ODO] I won't, sir.
[SISKO] That's all I need to hear. Now, no ships have been allowed to
leave since this incident occurred. That means that whoever was
responsible is still on the station. I want them found.
[ODO] Yes, sir.
(Security office)
[WORF] It appears that they accessed the turbolift
control system through the ODN relays.
(Odo isn't paying attention)
[WORF] There might be a trace of the access signal left in the relays.
If we can isolate it, we might be able to follow it back to the source.
Odo. Are you listening?
[ODO] I've heard every word.
[WORF] Your mind does not appear to be on its work.
[ODO] With all due respect, Commander, you don't know me well enough to
gauge my state of mind.
[WORF] When someone fails to ask for a security verification, their
state of mind is obvious.
[ODO] Is it.
[WORF] And with all due respect, I do not see how sitting in a chair
staring at a wall is going to help apprehend Shakaar's would-be
[ODO] You're right. It won't. I'm going to go talk to Major Kira.
[WORF] Why? She already gave us her statement.
[ODO] You follow your leads, Commander, I'll follow mine.
[ODO] Jimenez? What are these men doing here?
[JIMENEZ] First Minister Shakaar is in Major Kira's quarters, sir.
[ODO] How long has he been there?
[JIMENEZ] Since they finished dinner about three hours ago.
[ODO] All right, Ensign, you're relieved.
[JIMENEZ] Sir, I'm not scheduled to go off duty
[ODO] I said you're relieved. I'll take the rest of your shift.
[JIMENEZ] Yes, sir.
(Odo stands in the middle of the corridor until the door opens. Kira is
in casual clothes.)
[KIRA] Let's have dinner.
[SHAKAAR] Great. I'll see you then.
[KIRA] Good morning.
[ODO] May I ask where you're going, First Minister?
[SHAKAAR] To my quarters and then to the meeting in the Wardroom.
(Shakaar leaves with his guards.)
[ODO] Major, I was wondering if you had a moment to answer a few
questions about what happened in the turbolift.
[KIRA] Sure. Come on in.
(Kira's quarters)
[KIRA] Lights.
(An empty champagne bottle in a bucket. Two glasses. Candles. The sound
of a breaking heart if Odo had one to break.)
[ODO] Did I do something amusing?
[KIRA] No, it's just. Edon and I.
[ODO] I understand.
[KIRA] Odo, if someone had told me a year ago that this was going to
happen, do you know what I would've said? You're crazy. Yes, I respect
him. Yes, he makes me laugh. But we know each other too well. He's seen
me go weeks without a bath. We've spent long, cold nights huddled
together for warmth. There's no mystery left between us. We're friends,
that's all. I guess I was wrong.
[ODO] I'm happy for you.
[KIRA] This must seem so silly to you.
[ODO] No, not in the least.
(Kira hugs Odo.)
[KIRA] You're such a good friend to me. I'm so glad you're the first
person to know. Now, you wanted to ask me something about what happened
in the turbolift.
[ODO] Yes, but we can talk about it later.
[KIRA] Oh, no, are you sure?
[ODO] Yes. I have an appointment.
[KIRA] All right.
(Security office)
(An alien has been arrested.)
[WORF] Take him to a holding cell.
[ODO] What'd he do?
[WORF] He was responsible for the attack on First Minister Shakaar.
[ODO] What?
[WORF] He has admitted to being a True Way operative. They provided him
with an isolinear interface to access station systems. He was
attempting to use it to depressurise Shakaar's quarters by sabotaging
the environmental controls.
[ODO] I see.
[WORF] When he tried to access them, I traced the signal path back to
him. He was operating out of an abandoned cargo hold on level thirty
[ODO] Why didn't you call me before you made the arrest?
[WORF] It was not necessary. Your deputies assisted me quite capably.
They are well trained. You are to be commended.
(Odo's quarters)
(Odo trashes his room to relieve his anger and
frustration, including throwing the bucket of flowers against the wall,
then sits in the mess for a while.)
[QUARK (OC)] I know you're in there. I heard you.
[QUARK] Fine. We'll do this the hard way.
(Quark picks the lock.)
(Odo's quarters)
[QUARK] I knew it would come to this. You take the
form of an animal, you're going to end up behaving like one. What was
it? A Klingon targ, a Trellan crocodile? I tell you, this time you
crossed the line. I've had it. Odo. Odo! Are you okay?
[ODO] You were right.
[QUARK] Oh. I take it Major Kira and Shakaar are? You really are in
love. I must say, I really didn't think you had it in you. It takes
passion to do something like this, and I always thought you were colder
than a Breen winter.
[ODO] What was I thinking? How could I have fooled myself into believing
she could ever love someone like me?
[QUARK] Look, the last thing I want to do is interfere with your
personal life but this, this just isn't any good, for either of us.
[ODO] I'll try to keep my problems more quiet next time.
[QUARK] I'm not talking about the noise, I'm talking about business. I'm
losing my shirt in the manhunt pool.
[ODO] The what?
[QUARK] Anytime there's an unusual crime committed on the station, I run
a pool so that people can bet on how long it'll take for you to catch
the perpetrator. It's very popular. Frankly, I don't care whether you
and Major Kira end up living happily ever after or not. I just want to
see the situation resolved. The way I see it, you've either got to tell
her how you feel, or forget about her and get on with your life.
Concentrate on the essentials. Because you can't keep going like this.
It's interfering with your job. And my profits.
[ODO] Your profits?
[QUARK] Unless you do something about the situation, I'm going to have
to stop running the pool.
[ODO] I'm devastated.
[QUARK] You should be. The fact that that pool exists says something
about you, about who you are. People see you as the guy who always gets
his man. Now you're becoming the guy who tears up his quarters and sits
alone in the rubble. And no one's going to want to place bets on how
long someone's going to sit around in the dark. Well, I've said my
piece. Sorry for butting in. But I'm just looking out for my business.
[ODO] Funny. For a minute there I thought you were talking to me as a
[QUARK] (big pause) Nah.
{Kira's quarters)
(Kira is working at her computer console when the
doorbell rings.)
[KIRA] Yes.
[ODO] Good morning, Major.
[KIRA] Come in. What brings you here?
[ODO] I wanted to talk to you about something.
(Odo has dispensed with the belt.)
[KIRA] What is it?
[ODO] I don't quite know how to say this, but I've given it a lot of
thought, and er
[KIRA] Go on. Just say it.
[ODO] I'm afraid I won't be able to make our Tuesday morning meetings
[KIRA] Oh. Why not?
[ODO] I've decided to schedule additional training exercises with my
[KIRA] Maybe we could have our meetings at another time?
[ODO] My schedule is rather tight. And lets face it, the Criminal
Activity reports speak for themselves. There's really no reason we have
to review them together.
[KIRA] Maybe not, but I kind of enjoyed doing it. I thought you did too.
[ODO] Of course.
[KIRA] Odo, is something wrong?
[ODO] It's just a matter of using my time more efficiently.
[KIRA] I understand.
[ODO] Well.
[KIRA] Hey. No belt?
[ODO] I'm just trying to keep to the essentials, Major.
[KIRA] See you.
[QUARK] They're upstairs.
[ODO] Who?
[QUARK] Kira and Shakaar. They're in holosuite three, practicing the
speech he's going to give tomorrow before he leaves. I hear he's going
to announce that the Federation has agreed to cut the timetable on
Bajor's admittance.
[ODO] Where did you hear that?
[QUARK] Just a rumour.
[ODO] Are you sure you haven't been listening in on your holosuites
[QUARK] Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. I don't have the right
[ODO] Not anymore.
[QUARK] By the way, I dropped by your quarters this morning.
[ODO] Oh?
[QUARK] I heard some noise, and when I went to complain, I found a work
crew installing soundproofing in the floor. I have to say, Odo, I'm
touched that you would do something like that for me.
[ODO] I'm having the floor reinforced. The fact that they're
soundproofing it as well is incidental. If you think I'd put up with
three days of construction for your sake, think again.
[QUARK] I guess I should've known. Thanks, anyway.
[ODO] Don't mention it.
(Kira and Shakaar come down the stairs and sit at a table.)
[KIRA] What?
[SHAKAAR] That's what she said.
[KIRA] No. I don't believe it. Okay, from the beginning. Tell me the
whole thing.
[SHAKAAR] They're either going to do it or they're not. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e82", "title": "Crossfire"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Return To Grace
To Grace
Original Airdate: 5 Feb, 1996
(Kira is sitting on a bed getting her jabs.)
[KIRA] Is all this really necessary?
[BASHIR] The Klingon invasion has all but destroyed the Cardassian
health system. They're suffering outbreaks of all kinds of diseases and
in epidemic proportions. Besides, you've only got twelve more
inoculations to go.
[KIRA] Twelve?
[BASHIR] Sorry, but if you want to go to the conference.
[KIRA] I don't want to go. I'm no diplomat. Going to some obscure
Cardassian outpost to share Bajoran intelligence about the Klingons
isn't exactly something I'm good at. I don't know why I even agreed to
go in the first place.
[BASHIR] You agreed to go because it was a personal request from the
First Minister of Bajor.
[KIRA] Oh, it was a personal request all right. Shakaar took me to my
favourite restaurant in Jalanda City, poured me glass after glass of
spring wine, then took me to his home, and gave me a massage with
Kolaish spice oil.
[BASHIR] Well, nice to know he's keeping in touch with his constituents.
[KIRA] It wasn't fair. I mean, I would have said yes to anything at that
(Kira gasps and lies down on the bed.)
[BASHIR] What is it?
[KIRA] I'm seeing spots.
[BASHIR] Big green, swirling ones?
[KIRA] The size of Alvinian melons.
[BASHIR] And is the room beginning to spin?
[KIRA] Yes.
[BASHIR] Good. It means the vaccine's beginning to work. Everything'll
settle down in a moment.
[WORF] Major, may I speak with you?
[KIRA] I'm not going anywhere.
[BASHIR] This one might make you a little queasy. If you have something
to say to the major, you'd better make it fast.
[WORF] The Federation has some concerns about your upcoming meeting with
the Cardassians.
[KIRA] So do I.
[WORF] There are certain technological advances that we have shared with
both Bajor and the Klingons that we prefer to keep out of Cardassian
[KIRA] Such as?
[WORF] Photon torpedo guidance systems, long-range sensors, enhanced
warp core overdrives. This is a complete list.
(Kira tries to focus on the PADD.)
[KIRA] Oh. Well, I think the Cardassians are going to be a little
[WORF] Undoubtedly.
[KIRA] Is that all?
[WORF] Yes.
[KIRA] Oh good. I'll be right back.
(Kira exits rapidly)
[BASHIR] I'm glad I'm not going to Cardassia.
(Kira's quarters)
(Kira is packing.)
[KIRA] Come in.
[DUKAT] Hello, Major.
[KIRA] Dukat? What are you doing here?
[DUKAT] I'm to escort you to your meeting on Korma.
[KIRA] You're commanding the Groumall?
[DUKAT] Thanks to you. If you had not convinced me to bring my
half-Bajoran daughter back to Cardassia, I'd still be Chief Military
Advisor to the Detepa Council.
[KIRA] They demoted you.
[DUKAT] Exactly one week after my mother disowned me and my wife took
our children and left.
[KIRA] You still did the right thing, Dukat.
[DUKAT] And as a reward for following your advice, I have been relegated
to ferrying freight. And, occasionally, various foreign dignitaries
such as yourself.
[KIRA] Look, if it makes you feel better to blame me, go right ahead.
[DUKAT] No, no, no. I blame no one but myself. I was indiscreet. I
compromised myself and have been punished accordingly. If someone under
my command had behaved so outrageously, I would do the same to him.
Besides, I assure you, this is only a temporary setback. Everything I
have lost, I will regain. It's only a matter of time. Now, may I take
your bags? Please?
(When the doorbell rings, Kira puts PADDs she's
been working on into the wall safe.)
[KIRA] Come in. Ziyal! I didn't know you were on board.
[ZIYAL] Hello, Major.
[KIRA] Oh please, call me Nerys. So, I take it living on Cardassia
didn't work out very well.
[ZIYAL] I wasn't exactly welcomed with open arms. There were some
Cardassians who could see past the Bajoran ridges on my nose, but not
[KIRA] I'm sorry. I know it must have been very difficult for you.
[ZIYAL] The only good thing about living on Cardassia was being with my
[KIRA] I'm glad you two are getting along.
[ZIYAL] He's been wonderful. And so brave. He never tried to hide me
away. He never acted like he was ashamed of me. We'd go out to dinner
together, take long walks.
[KIRA] And now that he's been exiled?
[ZIYAL] Wherever he goes, I go. He's the only family I have. And this is
the only home I need.
[KIRA] Your father isn't the only one who's brave.
[KIRA] What's that?
[ZIYAL] It's a battle drill.
[KIRA] On a freighter?
(Freighter Bridge)
[DAMAR] Target at four hundred thousand kilometres
and closing.
(Kira and Ziyal enter)
[DUKAT] Shields at maximum. Maintain scan.
[DAMAR] Engineering and Tactical, ready. Waiting on weapons, sir.
[DUKAT] What's taking so long?
[DAMAR] The phaser banks are still charging.
[DUKAT] I want those weapons online now!
[DAMAR] Phasers ready.
[DUKAT] Lock on target.
[DAMAR] Target set.
[DUKAT] Fire!
(An asteroid is blown up.)
[DUKAT] Time?
[DAMAR] Three forty seven.
[DUKAT] That's pitiful. A crew of Ferengi scrap peddlers could do better
than that. Select another target. We'll do it again.
[DAMAR] Aye, sir.
[DUKAT] This may be a lowly freighter, Major, but it's still a military
vessel and will be run in a military manner.
[KIRA] You know, you could speed up your phaser recharge time by routing
power through an anodyne capacitor.
[DUKAT] Thank you, Major. That's very helpful. And if we had an anodyne
capacitor, we would use it. But we don't. Major, please forgive me. I
do appreciate your suggestion. Any anger I may have expressed was due
to my frustration over the complete inadequacy of this vessel. I hope
you'll allow me to make it up to you.
[KIRA] What did you have in mind?
[DUKAT] I was hoping we might have dinner together. After all, it is
Cardassian tradition for the commanding officer of a ship to entertain
his guests.
[KIRA] Far be it from me to stand in the way of tradition.
[KIRA] This is Bajoran Spring Wine.
[DUKAT] My last bottle. It's one of the things I miss most about Bajor.
[KIRA] I talked to Ziyal. She's a lovely girl.
[DUKAT] I'm very glad that you convinced me not to kill her.
[KIRA] Despite everything that's happened?
[DUKAT] You may not believe this, Major, but when it comes to Ziyal I
regret nothing.
[KIRA] It's good to hear that.
[DUKAT] By the way, Major. What is this I hear about you and Shakaar?
[KIRA] I don't know what you've heard.
[DUKAT] First it was Vedek Bareil, and now it's the head of the Bajoran
government. You do like powerful men, don't you?
[KIRA] First of all, Shakaar's an old friend. Second of all, what
business is it of yours?
[DUKAT] Let's just say it's further incentive for me to regain my former
[KIRA] It's good to see you haven't lost your sense of humour.
[DUKAT] I must say, I've always admired Shakaar's success with women.
The intelligence file I kept on him during the occupation is filled
with reports of his conquests. In fact, if you remember correctly, you
were the only female in his resistance cell that he didn't charm. At
least until now.
[KIRA] Is that what you kept track of during the occupation? No wonder
you lost.
[DUKAT] More wine, Major?
[KIRA] Another drill?
[DUKAT] I didn't schedule one.
(Freighter Bridge)
[DAMAR] Sir, we're approaching the outpost on Korma,
or what's left of it.
[DUKAT] What are you talking about?
[DAMAR] From what we can tell, it's been attacked. The planetary defence
systems have been disabled. Every building has been destroyed.
[KIRA] How many casualties?
[DAMAR] There are no life signs.
[DUKAT] Then we have to assume that everyone at the outpost, including
the Cardassian and the Bajoran dignitaries, is dead.
[DAMAR] Sir, I'm reading a subspace distortion bearing zero zero one
mark one five.
[DUKAT] On screen.
(A Klingon Bird of Prey decloaks)
[DUKAT] Klingons.
[DAMAR] They're scanning us, sir.
[DUKAT] Full power to forward shields.
[KIRA] At this distance your shields won't mean much.
[DAMAR] Sir, they've stopped scanning us.
[DUKAT] What are they doing?
[DAMAR] Nothing, sir. They don't seem to be in a hurry to do anything
about us.
[KIRA] They don't think we're a threat, Dukat.
[DUKAT] Then why were they cloaked when we arrived?
[KIRA] They detected an incoming vessel, they didn't know what it was,
so they hid. Now they know and they're unconcerned.
[DAMAR] The Klingon ship has lowered its shields. They're moving off at
one quarter impulse.
[DUKAT] They'll pay for their arrogance. Charge phaser banks.
[KIRA] What are you doing, Dukat? You can't go up against a bird of
[DUKAT] Must I remind you, Major, they just murdered your people as well
as mine?
[KIRA] I know that, but getting all of us killed isn't going to change
[DUKAT] We're the only Cardassian ship in the area. I'm not going to let
these Klingons escape unchallenged.
[KIRA] You attack them and all you're going to do is give them a little
target practice. They're going to blow us to pieces with their first
[DAMAR] Phaser banks charged.
[DUKAT] Lock phasers on target.
[DAMAR] Phasers locked.
[KIRA] Dukat! At least lock onto the underside of their hull. It's their
weakest spot.
[DUKAT] You heard the Major.
[DAMAR] Target set.
[DUKAT] Fire!
(The shot barely scratches the paint)
[DAMAR] Their shields were down and we didn't penetrate their hull.
(The Klingon ship turns towards them.)
[DUKAT] Divert all power to forward shields.
[DAMAR] Aye, sir.
(The Klingons sail serenely overhead.)
[DAMAR] They've gone to warp.
[DUKAT] Well, it would seem we're not worth destroying.
[KIRA] Lucky for us.
[DUKAT] I suppose from their point of view, there's no honour in
destroying a worthless freighter. I have to inform Central Command.
These Klingons have been operating behind our lines with impunity.
Somebody has got to stop them. Someone else.
[KIRA] How close is the nearest Cardassian warship?
[DUKAT] Probably in the Dopa System somewhere.
[KIRA] That's almost three days away. By the time they get here, the
Klingons'll be long gone.
[DUKAT] That's true, but what can we do about it?
[KIRA] We can go after the Klingons.
[DUKAT] A few moments ago, you were advising caution.
[KIRA] That's because a moments ago we were in no position to fight
back. I have no intention of letting them get away with what they did.
Now, you said scanners showed that the outpost disruptors were disabled
not destroyed, right?
[DAMAR] Correct.
[KIRA] Dukat, do you think you'd be able to repair one of those
[DUKAT] What would be the point? I doubt we can lure the Klingons back
to the outpost.
[KIRA] Maybe not. But there's no reason we can't make a few alterations
to your ship.
[DUKAT] What kind of alterations?
(Cargo hold)
[DUKAT] Here? In the cargo hold?
[KIRA] Why not?
[DUKAT] Because the outpost's planetary defense weapons are system five
disruptors. They were never designed to operate aboard a moving
spacecraft, and this cargo bays were never designed to hold them.
[KIRA] Dukat, you are going to have to stop thinking like a Cardassian
military officer.
[DUKAT] And more like you?
[KIRA] More like a resistance fighter. You have got to make use of what
you have. If you need a hammer and you don't have one, use a pipe.
[DUKAT] And you really think we can make those weapons operational on
this ship?
[KIRA] It's worth a try.
[DUKAT] I suppose if we disable the tractor beam, we could reroute
enough power to operate one of the disruptors. But those weapons are
huge. What do we do with all this cargo?
[KIRA] Get rid of it.
[DUKAT] All of it?
[KIRA] I realise it's traditional for a Cardassian captain to take a
percentage of the haul, but you are going to have to shed a lot of
traditions if you are serious about fighting the Klingons.
[DUKAT] Some traditions are hard to break.
[KIRA] You'll get used to it.
[DUKAT] You never cease to impress me, Major. I've got a lot to learn
from you.
(Freighter Bridge)
[DAMAR] Target at five hundred thousand kilometres.
[KIRA] System five disruptor's online.
[DUKAT] Open the cargo bay doors.
[DAMAR] Doors opening.
[KIRA] Telemetry lock confirmed.
[DUKAT] Are you ready? Diverting all power to your station.
[DAMAR] Two hundred thousand and closing.
[DUKAT] Fire!
(The ship shakes and the asteroid goes KaBOOM!)
[DUKAT] Very impressive, Major.
[KIRA] Don't be too impressed yet, Dukat. We still have some problems.
Firing the disruptor ruptured power relays and plasma circuits all over
the ship.
[DAMAR] We have small plasma leaks on levels two, four and five.
[DUKAT] I want those leaks fixed immediately.
[SOLDIER] Aye, sir.
[KIRA] We're going to have to do something about that recoil.
[DUKAT] Major, I'm confident you'll have that disruptor running so
smoothly it wouldn't wake a sleeping child.
[KIRA] Why is it when you smile, I want to leave the room?
[DUKAT] I suppose it's because of my overwhelming charm. But you must
admit it is rather amusing. When we do destroy that bird of prey, it
will no doubt go a long way toward restoring my reputation. And I have
you to thank for it.
[KIRA] I'm trying not to think about that.
[DUKAT] Major, why are you so reluctant to face the obvious? We make an
excellent team.
[KIRA] We are not a team, Dukat, and we have nothing in common. The only
reason I'm helping you is because those Klingons killed fifteen Bajoran
[DUKAT] There were Cardassians at that outpost too.
[KIRA] Maybe. But all you care about is redeeming yourself in the eyes
of the Cardassian government. You have seen an opportunity for
advancement and you are grabbing it.
[DUKAT] You judge me too harshly, Major. Maybe I am seeking to regain my
former position. One which I earned through hard work, dedication and
sacrifice. But redemption is not my sole motivation. I care about my
people and I don't intend to allow the Klingons to get away with
murdering them. I'm a much more complicated man than you give me credit
[KIRA] If that's true, I suppose I prefer simpler men.
[DUKAT] Like Shakaar? It amazes me that a woman as intelligent and
sophisticated as you could be attracted to such a lumbering, simplistic
field hand. I mean, what could the two of you possibly talk about?
[KIRA] That lumbering field hand is the First Minister of Bajor. And he
knows more about how to talk to me than you ever will.
[DUKAT] How can you be so sure? After all, you don't know me well enough
to make a comparison.
[KIRA] I don't want to know you well enough. And if you want to keep
working with me, I suggest you stick to business.
[DUKAT] I'm sorry, Major. I didn't mean any harm. I was only making
conversation. Damar, set another target. We'll test our new weapon as
soon as the Major's ready. Let's see if we can't work out our problems.
At least the ones we're having with the disruptor.
(Ziyal is learning to shoot)
[KIRA] This is a standard issue, Cardassian phase-disruptor rifle. It
has a four point seven megajoule power capacity, three millisecond
recharge two beam settings.
[ZIYAL] How do you know so much about Cardassian weapons?
[KIRA] We captured a lot of them during the occupation. It's a good
weapon, solid, simple. You can drag it through the mud and it'll still
fire. Now this. (Federation phaser rifle.) This is an entirely
different animal. Federation standard issue. It's a little less
powerful, but it's got a more options. Sixteen beam settings. Fully
autonomous recharge, multiple target acquisition, gyro
stabilised, the works. It's a little more complicated, so it's not as
good a field weapon. Too many things can go wrong with it.
[ZIYAL] I can see why my father likes having you around.
[KIRA] I think you should stick with the Cardassian rifle. It's smaller,
easier to use, and if we get boarded I don't want you to have to think
too much about the weapon you're using.
[ZIYAL] You don't like my father much, do you?
[KIRA] No. I don't.
[ZIYAL] I understand. He did some very bad things during the occupation.
[KIRA] Yes, he did.
[ZIYAL] It bothers him, you know.
[KIRA] Does it.
[ZIYAL] Very much. He talks about it sometimes. He'd never admit it to
anyone else, but he thinks the occupation was a mistake.
[KIRA] Somehow I don't think he'd say that if the Cardassians had won.
[ZIYAL] Maybe not. But maybe losing made him a better person.
[KIRA] Then a lot of innocent people died for his education.
[ZIYAL] I know. I think about that a lot. But when I look at my father,
I have a hard time seeing a murderer.
[KIRA] And when I look at him, I have a hard time seeing anything else.
You're his daughter.
[ZIYAL] My father says that the two of you have a lot in common. That
you both did things during the war that you regret. That's why he cares
so much about what you think of him.
[KIRA] Ziyal, what your father wants from me is forgiveness. That's one
thing I can never give him. Now, I think we should concentrate on
getting you comfortable with this weapon.
(Freighter Bridge)
[KIRA] What about the Cardassian base on the fourth
moon of Rakal?
[DUKAT] It's subterranean, much too fortified to be a viable target for
a bird of prey. It would take a Vor'Cha class cruiser to do any real
damage. How about the station on Amleth Prime?
[KIRA] The Amleth system's located inside an emission nebula. The
Klingon cloaking device would be useless.
[DUKAT] I know where they'll go next. Loval.
[KIRA] That's on the other side of the sector.
[DUKAT] A long way from the Cardassian fleet.
[KIRA] From what it says here, Loval is mainly a civilian outpost with a
small subspace relay station. The Klingons have been going after a lot
bigger prizes.
[DUKAT] What it says there is not exactly true. Loval is also a weapons
research installation, which is supposed to be a closely guarded
secret. Now considering the targets the Klingons have hit so far, I
think we've underestimated their intelligence network.
[KIRA] Sounds like a choice target.
[DUKAT] Loval it is. The question is, even if we're right, can we stop
[KIRA] All we need is one good shot with the new disruptor.
[DUKAT] Which won't be easy to get considering they'll be cloaked.
[KIRA] We don't have to find them. We have to make them come to us.
[DUKAT] Lure them in. Make them think that we're a helpless freighter.
[KIRA] We have to make them think that we have valuable cargo aboard.
[DUKAT] How does refined dilithium crystal sound? I can get Damar to
modify the subspace transceiver array to emit a false dilithium signal.
Now if I know the Klingons, they'll lock their tractor beam on us and
try to take our cargo.
[KIRA] And we'll have a little surprise waiting for them.
[DUKAT] Yes.
[KIRA] Not bad.
[DUKAT] I told you we make a good team, Major. You are as insightful a
woman as you are intriguing.
[KIRA] I thought we agreed to keep this strictly business.
[DUKAT] Major, is it my imagination, or do you have a hard time
accepting compliments?
[KIRA] I have a hard time accepting compliments from you.
[DUKAT] Well, I'll try to restrain my enthusiasm, but I can't make you
any promises.
[KIRA] We'd better get to Loval before the Klingons do.
[DUKAT] Damar.
[DAMAR] Sir?
[DUKAT] Set a course for Loval. Maximum warp.
[DAMAR] Aye, sir.
[DAMAR] Loval system within scanning range, sir.
[DUKAT] Any sign of them?
[DAMAR] No, sir.
[KIRA] If they're not there now, they'll be there soon enough.
[DUKAT] Begin modifications to the subspace transceiver array.
(Orbiting the planet.)
[DUKAT] We soldiers spend a lot of time waiting, don't we, Major? It's
not easy to keep your mind from drifting.
[KIRA] I don't usually have any trouble concentrating, unless I'm being
[DUKAT] Lately, when my mind wanders, I find myself thinking more and
more about Gul Marratt. Do you know him? Very dashing. One of
Cardassia's rising stars. Graduate of the Cardassian Military Academy,
smooth-talking junior member of the Detepa Council, and like your
friend Shakaar, quite a lady's man. Especially with other officer's
[KIRA] Including yours?
[DUKAT] Mmm. A year ago he wouldn't have dared, but now? I think the
first thing I do when I'm returned to power is to demote him. Assign
him to the Cardassian Embassy on Breen. I hear it's bitter cold on
Breen. And we Cardassians do despise the cold.
[DAMAR] Sir, I've got something.
[DUKAT] On screen.
(A bird of prey decloaks)
[DUKAT] Well, Major, it seems fate has smiled on our little plan.
[DAMAR] They're scanning us.
[DUKAT] Good. Let's hope they take the bait.
[DAMAR] Sir, they've locked their disruptors on us.
[DUKAT] They haven't fired. Which means they could be interested in our
[DAMAR] They're hailing us, sir. Demanding our surrender.
[KIRA] They're interested. Now let's see if you can make them bite.
[DUKAT] On screen.
[TEMANG (on viewscreen)] Identify yourself.
[DUKAT] I'm Gul Dukat, Commander of the Cardassian freighter Groumall.
Who are you?
[TEMANG (on viewscreen)] What is your cargo and destination?
[DUKAT] We are carrying replicator and transporter parts to the Dopa
[TEMANG (on viewscreen)] You're lying!
[DUKAT] I assure you, Captain.
[TEMANG (on viewscreen)] I'm confiscating your ship and its cargo.
[DUKAT] On whose authority?
[TEMANG (on viewscreen)] On the authority of the Klingon Empire and
the disruptors I have pointed at your vessel.
(Transmission ends.)
[DUKAT] Convincing, wasn't I?
[KIRA] I'll let you know.
[DAMAR] They've locked their tractor beam on us.
[DUKAT] Wait for my signal. Wait. Open the cargo bay doors.
[KIRA] Doors opening.
[DUKAT] Fire!
[DAMAR] We've breached their hull! Their impulse engines are down.
They're adrift.
[DUKAT] Excellent.
[DAMAR] They're re-locking their disruptors on us.
[DUKAT] All power to forward shields.
(BANG and lots of consoles explode in showers of sparks.)
[DUKAT] Damage?
[DAMAR] Both shields are down to twenty percent. We can't sustain
another hit.
[DUKAT] I think it's time to improvise.
(Klingon bridge)
[TEMANG] I want all power to the disruptors now!
You. Get down to the weapons room and find out what's taking them so
(Klingon corridor)
(Kira and Dukat beam in behind a repair team, shoot
two and beat up the others.)
[DUKAT] Major!
[KIRA] Just give me a minute.
(Kira works at a console.)
[DUKAT] Hurry, Major.
[KIRA] Quiet. I need to concentrate.
(Klingon bridge)
[TEMANG] Lock target. Prepare to fire.
(And all the Klingons are beamed off their bridge and onto the
Groumall. Dukat and Kira enter.)
[DUKAT] You are a magician, Major.
[KIRA] There's nothing magical about it. Not when you know Klingon
transporter codes.
(Kira checks internal sensors.)
[KIRA] It worked. All our people are here and all thirty six Klingons
are on the freighter. I can just imagine that Klingon Captain
explaining this to his superiors.
[DUKAT] He won't get the opportunity.
(Dukat fires the disrupters, the Groumall goes KaBOOM!)
[KIRA] Was that necessary?
[DUKAT] You're the terrorist. You tell me.
(Damar, Ziyal and two others enter.)
[DAMAR] Weapons secured, sir.
[DUKAT] Excellent.
[ZIYAL] So is Engineering.
[DUKAT] Well done. Well, Major, quite a prize we've taken. The first
Klingon bird of prey ever to be captured by Cardassia.
[KIRA] I think I just found a bigger prize. It looks like we've got the
target priorities of all Klingon raiders in Cardassian space.
[DUKAT] I'll contact Central Command and inform them of our success. I
think I'll request my Legate title be reinstated, effective
immediately. Get me Central Command. No, on second thought, this is too
important for them. I want to speak to the Chairman of the Detepa
Council himself on a secure channel.
[DAMAR] I can't do that from here, sir. The communication terminals on
the bridge are down but I could re-route it to the Captain's quarters.
[DUKAT] Good. Do so. Then make the repairs. I want this ship fully
operational as soon as possible.
[DAMAR] Aye, sir.
[KIRA] Ziyal, do you see the phase compensator in the backup plasma
[ZIYAL (OC)] What's it look like?
[DAMAR] Perhaps I should go help her. Klingon technology is
[KIRA] Odd. Good idea. Hang on, Ziyal. Help's on the way.
(Damar leaves)
[ZIYAL (OC)] Understood.
[KIRA] You know something, Dukat? These computer logs are even more
valuable than I thought. They contain status reports from Klingon ships
and outposts throughout Cardassian space. With information like this,
Cardassia could launch a major counterattack against the Klingons.
[DUKAT] They could, but they won't.
[KIRA] Why not?
[DUKAT] The Detepa Council has something else in mind. They've ordered
me not to engage the Klingons in any further conflict. The Council is
looking for a diplomatic solution. They've ordered me to return to
Cardassia Prime to resume my post as Military Advisor.
[KIRA] I thought that's what you wanted.
[DUKAT] It was. But what is the point of being a Military Advisor to a
government that won't fight.
[KIRA] You can change their minds. Convince your fellow Cardassians to
go on the offensive.
[DUKAT] No, I'd be wasting my breath. They wouldn't listen to me. No one
wants to fight. There was a time when the mere mention of my race
inspired fear. And now we're beaten people, afraid to fight back
because we don't want to lose what little is left.
[KIRA] That's not the Cardassians I know.
[DUKAT] What Cardassians? Don't you see, Major? They're paralysed.
They're beaten and defeated. I am the only Cardassian left. And if no
one else will stand against the Klingons, I will.
[KIRA] Look, Dukat, I know you're angry, but maybe you ought to think
about what you're proposing. I mean, you can't go to war against the
whole Klingon Empire with one bird of prey.
[DUKAT] Why not? Your people fought against us for fifty years with much
less sophisticated weaponry than this. And you beat us.
[KIRA] It's not the same. The Bajoran people were united. We were all
fighting for the same goal. You and your crew would be out there alone.
[DUKAT] Maybe at first, but perhaps our actions would inspire others to
join the struggle.
[KIRA] It's not that easy, Dukat.
[DUKAT] I know. Which is why I need you.
[KIRA] Me?
[DUKAT] Who else? You know how to organise a resistance cell. You're an
expert in terrorist tactics. You have close ties with Bajoran and
Federation officials. And besides all that, it would give you a chance
to do what you were meant to do.
[KIRA] No, thanks. I've already got a job.
[DUKAT] What do you mean? On that space station? We both know your
talents are being wasted there. Coordinating docking assignments and
leading training exercises. On Deep Space Nine, you're nothing but a
bureaucrat, an administrator. If you come with me you can be a soldier
again. Think about it, Major. The chance to fight against a superior
foe in a righteous cause, to protect a defeated and broken people from
a cruel aggressor. You know as well as I do that if Cardassia falls,
Bajor is next. Help me stop the Klingons before you become their next
[KIRA] You're really serious about this.
[DUKAT] Absolutely. Look, Major, I'm not asking you to like me or to be
my friend. I'm asking you to join me. To fight at my side. You know
what I'm doing is right, and it's what you want to do as well. I know
that our past makes it difficult for you to accept me as an ally. I
also know that every fibre of your being is telling you to say no, no,
no, but somewhere I know there's a yes. You need to listen to that yes.
Not for my sake, not for Cardassia's, not even for Bajor's, but for
your sake.
[DAMAR] We've completed the repairs on the navigational system and the
cloaking device.
[DUKAT] Good. We'll leave as soon as you have it online. Think about it,
Major. Think about the possibilities.
(Klingon corridor)
[ZIYAL] Nerys! I want to show you something.
(Ziyal hands Kira a Klingon dagger.)
[ZIYAL] Go ahead, attack me.
[KIRA] What are you talking about?
[ZIYAL] It's okay. I know what I'm doing. Damar showed me a good trick.
Try to stab me with the knife.
(Ziyal turns into the stab and tries to throw Kira, but gets her feet
kicked out and ends up on her back with the dagger at her throat.)
[ZIYAL] I guess it wasn't such a good trick.
[KIRA] The best way to survive a knife fight is to never get in one.
[ZIYAL] If I'm going to help my father, I have to be prepared for
anything. Show me what you did again. Please. I know I have a lot to
learn. I've been practicing with the disruptor rifle but I need to know
how to defend myself in hand-to-hand combat. I was lucky not to have to
fight when we boarded this ship. I may not be so lucky next time.
[KIRA] Chances are you won't be. Fighting the Klingons is going to take
more than knowing how to fire a rifle or use a knife. You have to learn
how to be ruthless. You have to learn to hate the Klingons even more
than you hated the Breen.
[ZIYAL] Whatever it takes, I will do it. But I'm going to need your
[KIRA] You're right. You do need my help.
(Klingon bridge)
[DUKAT] I am disappointed, Major.
[KIRA] But not surprised.
[DUKAT] Tell me, were you even tempted?
[KIRA] Not really.
[DUKAT] I thought I was so eloquent.
[KIRA] You had your moments. But the fact of the matter is I've already
been where you're going. I've lived the life you're choosing. Fighting
hit and run, always outgunned, living on hate and adrenaline. It's not
much of a life, and it eats away at you so that every day a little bit
of you dies.
[DUKAT] Very inspiring, Major. But I don't have any choice in this. No
more than you had when you fought against us.
[KIRA] No, I don't suppose you do.
[DUKAT] Well, all that's left is for you to wish me luck.
[KIRA] That's not quite all. There's still Ziyal.
[DUKAT] What about her?
[KIRA] The life you're choosing isn't for her. She deserves better.
[DUKAT] She deserves to be with her father. You taught me that. I love
[KIRA] I know you do. And that's why you've got to let her go.
[DUKAT] Go? Where? She's not welcome on Cardassia or Bajor. This is the
only place she belongs.
[KIRA] That's not true. She could come to Deep Space Nine with me.
[DUKAT] Are you serious?
[KIRA] She's a remarkable young woman. I'll make sure she's okay.
[DUKAT] Why? Why do you care so much?
[KIRA] Because she reminds me of myself, and I don't want her to go
through what I went through. And neither do you.
[DAX] Captain, a Klingon bird of prey just decloaked
off the station.
[SISKO] On screen.
[BRIEN] They're hailing us.
[SISKO] Let's find out what they want.
[BRIEN] Sir, it's Gul Dukat.
[SISKO] On a Klingon ship?
[BRIEN] He's asking permission to dock.
(Klingon bridge)
[DUKAT] When this is all over, I'll come back for
you. I promise you that.
[ZIYAL] I know you will.
[DUKAT] Major.
[KIRA] I'll take good care of her.
[DUKAT] I know. Well, Major, it appears that whether you like it or not,
our lives have become deeply intertwined.
[KIRA] That really pleases you, doesn't it?
[DUKAT] Pleases me? Major, it gives me reason to live.
(Promenade - upper level)
(The Bird of Prey turns away and cloaks)
[KIRA] Come. I'll show you to your quarters.
[ODO] Welcome back, Major.
[KIRA] Odo, this is Tora Ziyal.
[ODO] Gul Dukat's daughter.
[ZIYAL] That's right.
[KIRA] She's going to be living here on the station with us for a while.
[ODO] Ah.
[KIRA] I'll tell you all about it.
[ODO] I certainly hope so. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e83", "title": "Return To Grace"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Sons of Mogh
Sons of Mogh
Original Airdate: 12 Feb, 1996
- caves)
(Dax and Worf are fighting. Worf is using a
semi-bat'leth the length of his forearm. He breaks Dax's bat'leth and
puts his weapon to her neck.)
[WORF] E-cha!
[DAX] Movek. Okay. I see your point. The mek'leth definitely have its
advantages. But I still think the bat'leth, with its longer reach, is
usually the deciding factor.
[WORF] That is a classic argument. However, I find using a large and
intimidating weapon like a bat'leth often leads to overconfidence.
[DAX] So you think that I was overconfident?
[WORF] You were overconfident. You thought by distracting me with your
outfit you would gain an advantage.
(Her exercise suit has a low neckline. Décolletage is on display.)
[DAX] My outfit?
[WORF] Er, I thought that. I mean, I only assumed that
[DAX] You thought I wore this for you? Talk about overconfidence.
(Dax walks away, smiling, then returns straight-faced to put the broken
bat'leth against his throat.)
[DAX] Worf. Gotcha.
[WORF] Movek.
[DAX] But in my own defence, you do try your own tactics of distraction
with all that shouting and growling you do.
[WORF] I am only vocalising my
[ODO (OC)] Odo to Worf.
[WORF] Worf here.
[ODO (OC)] Please report to airlock five, Commander. There's an
intoxicated Klingon here who's demanding to see you.
[WORF] I'm on my way. Computer, exit.
(The drunken Klingon has a dagger.)
[KURN] Stay back! You miserable koruts.
(Everyone say Hi! to Tony
Todd, back under the latex.)
[ODO] Easy. None of us koruts is going to hurt you.
[WORF] Kurn!
[KURN] Worf. I knew you would come.
[WORF] He is my brother.
[KURN] The sons of Mogh reunited one last time.
[WORF] Where have you been? I have tried to contact you for months.
[KURN] Well, I'm here now, but not for long. Soon there will be only one
son of Mogh. I have come for Mauk-to'Vor.
[WORF] What?
[KURN] Yes, brother. I want you to kill me.
(Worf's quarters)
(Kurn is on Worf's settee, twitching, then suddenly
he wakes.)
[KURN] Guard! Something for my head. Guard!
[WORF] You are not in the holding cell. You're in my quarters.
(There is a glass with green liquid on a table by the settee.)
[WORF] For your head.
[KURN] Soft, comfortable, just like the rest of these quarters. No one
would ever suspect a warrior lives here.
[WORF] It serves me.
[KURN] Always defending the Federation. Tell me, Worf, does Starfleet
ever make mistakes even in their furniture?
[WORF] Kurn, where have you been? It has been four months since your
last message.
[KURN] I've been overseeing the end of a once-proud house. Perhaps
you've heard of it. It was called the House of Mogh.
[WORF] I know what has happened. I regret that by opposing Gowron I have
brought disgrace to our family.
[KURN] You regret? What's next, Worf? Do you want to apologise to me?
Express your sympathy? How many human weaknesses will you display?
[WORF] I do not apologise for what I have done. I could not join Gowron
in his war with Cardassia or the Federation. It would have been
[KURN] Oh, so in avoiding dishonour for yourself, you brought it on the
rest of your family. What a noble act. How selfless.
[WORF] I will not debate this with you, Kurn. What is done is done.
[KURN] For you, it's done. You and your comfortable Federation life,
your glorious Starfleet career. But not for me. Our family had a seat
on the High Council. We were feared by our enemies, respected by our
friends. It was even said that if Gowron died the leadership of the
Council might be passed to someone from the House of Mogh. Then you
chose to side with the Federation against the Empire. Gowron took our
ships, our land, our seat on the Council, everything.
[WORF] Kurn, I know this has been difficult for you.
[KURN] What do you know? Did you watch as Gowron's men seized our land
and stripped our family of its name? Did you have to endure the
humiliation of being ejected from the High Council in front of the
Emperor himself? No. You chose to stay here, safe, comfortable, secure.
You have everything you want and I have nothing, not even my honour.
But you can give that back to me.
[WORF] By killing you?
[KURN] I'm already dead to our people, and so are you, but you don't
care. I have never asked you for anything, but you took away my honour
and only you can give it back. So now, I am asking you for Mauk-to'Vor.
Is an honourable death too much to ask from my brother?
Operations log, stardate 49556.2. Major Kira and I
are returning to the station after completing our inspection tour of
the Bajoran colonies along the Cardassian border.
(Runabout Yukon)
(Kira is asleep, feet up on a console.)
[BRIEN] This is the Federation runabout Yukon, requesting permission
to enter Bajoran space.
[BAJORAN (OC)] This is Bajoran Control. Please transmit your
identification code and flight plan.
[BRIEN] Acknowledged. Major. Major!
[KIRA] Yes! What?
[BRIEN] Sorry, Major. It's just we're almost home.
[KIRA] Oh. Thanks. Almost home? How long have I been asleep?
[BRIEN] Seven hours.
[KIRA] I don't get seven hours sleep at the station.
[BRIEN] Must be the company.
[BAJORAN (OC)] Bajoran Control to Yukon. You are cleared to enter the
system and proceed to Deep Space Nine.
[BRIEN] Thank you.
[KIRA] I am so hungry I could even eat Quark's food.
[BRIEN] Let's not get crazy. If you really want some good
(Big flash outside)
[KIRA] What was that?
[BRIEN] Some kind of high energy discharge. It was pretty close. Only
five thousand kilometres from here.
[KIRA] Just outside Bajoran space. Elevated tachyon readings, subspace
shockwaves. Looks like a cloaked ship exploded.
[BRIEN] There's no debris, no residual warp fields.
[KIRA] Something exploded. Let's take a closer look. Bring us to five
hundred metres from those coordinates.
[BRIEN] Approaching the coordinates. I'm not seeing any signs of. Wait
a minute. I'm picking up another tachyon surge. A ship's decloaking
directly ahead of us.
(A Klingon Bird of Prey decloaks)
[KLINGON (OC)] Federation vessel. This is the Imperial Klingon Ship
Korinar. We are engaged in military exercises in this area. You will
alter course and return to Bajoran space immediately.
[KIRA] This is Major Kira Nerys. We're investigating an explosion which
happened at these coordinates.
[KLINGON (OC)] You have been given a warning according to interstellar
agreements. You will not receive another.
[BRIEN] They've locked their disruptors onto us, Major.
[KIRA] Take us home, Chief. But keep scanning the coordinates of that
explosion. There's a lot more going on out here than just military
[DAX] Quark, have you seen Worf? He was supposed to
meet me in the holosuite five minutes ago.
[QUARK] As if you're never late.
[DAX] Worf is never late. In fact, he grumbles at me if I'm two minutes
behind schedule.
[QUARK] Well, I haven't seen him since this morning. And if he can't at
least be civil, I don't care to see him in my bar again.
[DAX] It's just his way. It's nothing personal, Quark.
[QUARK] No, this was more than his standard rudeness. He came in here,
ordered some Klingon incense and nearly threw me across the bar when I
tried to give him some replicated incense.
[DAX] What kind of Klingon incense?
[QUARK] Something called adanji.
[DAX] Why would he want adanji?
[QUARK] Why? Is there something special about adanji?
(Dax walks away)
[QUARK] That's it. I'm going to stop talking to the customers.
(Worf's quarters)
(The ceremony is in full swing. Worf lifts the mug
of burning incense.)
[WORF] You have been wronged in this life. There is nothing left here
for you. No honour, no future.
[KURN] I wish to reclaim my honour in the next life. I am ready to cross
the river of blood and enter Sto'Vo'kor.
[ODO] Commander.
[DAX] Odo. Yesterday you called Worf to the airlock to see some Klingon.
[ODO] That's right.
[DAX] Who was it?
[ODO] His name is Kurn. It turns out he's Worf's brother.
[DAX] Worf's brother. Oh my god. Dax to Worf. Computer, locate Commander
[COMPUTER] Commander Worf is in his quarters.
[DAX] Is he alone?
[COMPUTER] Negative. Captain Kurn is with him.
[DAX] Come on.
(Worf's quarters)
[WORF] May this blade speed you on your journey.
(Worf holds the two-pronged dagger above his head. Kurn opens his
[WORF] Goodbye, my brother.
[KURN] Goodbye.
(Worf plunges the dagger into Kurn. Kurn looks down then falls
backwards. Dax and Odo rush in. Odo grabs Worf.)
[DAX] Dax to Ops. Emergency transport. Two to the infirmary.
[WORF] This is not your concern! It is a private matter!
(Dax and Kurn beam out)
[ODO] I doubt Captain Sisko would agree. You'd better hope he lives,
Commander. If not, you'll be charged with murder.
(Captain's office)
(The bloody dagger is on the desk.)
[DAX] Kurn's going to make it. Julian said he'll be up on his feet by
tomorrow morning.
[SISKO] Good. Mister Worf, I want you to tell me why I shouldn't put you
on the next transport out of here.
[WORF] You are well within your right to do so.
[SISKO] I didn't ask you about my rights. Answer my question.
[WORF] Captain, I do not have an answer. Sir, I realise my actions were
in violation of Starfleet regulations, but
[SISKO] Regulations? We're not talking about some obscure technicality,
Mister Worf. You tried to commit premeditated murder.
[DAX] Benjamin, it wasn't murder. Worf and Kurn were performing a
Mauk-to'Vor ritual. It's part of Klingon belief that when
[SISKO] At the moment, I don't give a damn about Klingon beliefs,
rituals or custom. Now I have given you both a lot of leeway when it
comes to following Klingon traditions, but in case you haven't noticed,
this is not a Klingon station, and those are not Klingon uniforms
you're wearing. There is a limit to how far I'll go to accommodate
cultural diversity among my officers and you've just reached it. When
your brother is released from the infirmary, you better find another
way to settle your family problems. Is that clear?
[WORF] Captain, it may not be possible to
[DAX] It's clear. There are definitely other possibilities for Kurn.
This will never happen again.
[SISKO] You're damn right it won't. Now both of you, get out!
[SISKO] What do you make of it, Chief?
[BRIEN] From these magnetic flux readings, the energy discharge we
detected could've been caused by the destruction of a cloaked target
[KIRA] Which would support their story about conducting military
[BRIEN] On the other hand this type of explosion could also have been
caused by an accidental warp nacelle inversion.
[KIRA] Or a blown plasma conduit, or a dozen other things. The bottom
line is, there's no way to be certain from these readings.
[SISKO] The larger question is, what are these Klingons up to?
[KIRA] Whatever it is, they're doing it awfully close to Bajoran space.
[BRIEN] And they're very touchy about it.
[SISKO] One thing I've had enough of is tiptoeing around Klingons. Take
the Defiant and run a sensor sweep of those coordinates.
[KIRA] And if I run into the Klingons?
[SISKO] Tell them that the ship is conducting military exercises
according to interstellar agreements.
[KIRA] Understood. Should I take Worf?
[SISKO] I don't want Worf anywhere near other Klingons right now. Keep
him informed of what's going on, but under no circumstances is he to
accompany you. Is that clear?
[KIRA] Yes, sir.
(Kira leaves)
[BRIEN] Sir.
[SISKO] Don't say it, Chief. I've already got one officer defending
Worf. I don't need two.
(Kurn is in a Cardassian life-support unit.)
[BASHIR] He's stabilised. I can revive him at any time.
[WORF] Wake him.
[BASHIR] I'll be just outside if you need me.
[KURN] I am alive?
[WORF] Yes. Commander Dax realised what we were doing and she had you
beamed to the Infirmary.
[KURN] I was looking forward to being in Sto'Vo'kor. I was hoping to see
father there.
[WORF] He still awaits you, but it is not yet time for you to join him.
[KURN] And I suppose you will decide when that time has come?
[WORF] It is not for me to make that choice.
[KURN] Why not? You chose not to complete the Mauk-to'Vor ritual.
[WORF] It was not my decision. It was Dax and Odo that prevented
[KURN] Did you fight them? Did you threaten to kill them both if they
interfered? And are you standing here now with the mevak dagger ready
to slit my throat and bring me the death I deserve? No. For a moment in
your quarters during the ritual you were Klingon. But your Federation
life has claimed you again and now it is claiming me as well. I have no
life. I have no death. whatever is to become of me is up to you.
(Worf's quarters)
[WORF] Enter. What can I do for you, Commander?
[DAX] I wanted to apologise. I interfered in a family matter, and if I
caused you and your brother any further dishonour, I'm sorry.
[WORF] You were following your conscience. That is an honourable motive.
[DAX] Not from a Klingon point of view.
[WORF] You are not Klingon.
[DAX] Is there anything I can do to help?
[WORF] No.
[DAX] Okay.
[WORF] Commander, there is the question of what to do next.
[DAX] Right. Do you have any ideas?
[WORF] None.
[DAX] Well, in the short term, there's no reason why your brother can't
stay here on the station.
[WORF] If Kurn is to remain on the station, he will need tasks to
perform. A job.
[DAX] What about security? It worked for one Klingon officer I know.
[WORF] Yes, but I doubt Kurn would be interested in joining Starfleet.
[DAX] Well, there is another security force on the station.
(Security office)
[ODO] Your brother's had an interesting career with
the Klingon Defence Forces, Mister Worf. I just have one question. Does
he know how to use the stun setting on a disruptor?
[WORF] Non-lethal skills are not valued in the Empire.
[ODO] They are among my deputies. And if your brother is going to be a
member of my detachment, he's going to have to make some adjustments in
his thinking.
[WORF] He will.
[ODO] You're certain of that?
[WORF] I would not be asking you to consider him if I were not.
[ODO] I can appreciate how difficult it must be for you to be asking for
a favour, especially from me. Very well. Have Kurn report here tomorrow
[WORF] I am indebted to you.
[ODO] Yes, you are. And Mister Worf? You'll find I'm a man who collects
on his debts.
(A group of deputies are supervising the unloading
of cargo)
[KURN] This container is not on your manifest.
[TILIKIA] It must be a clerical error. I apologise.
[KURN] Open it.
(Odo approves of the approach. Worf enters.)
[WORF] This is a message from Starfleet Command requesting an update on
our defence systems.
[ODO] I'd say your brother's doing well, Commander. He's been on the job
six hours and he's only killed four Boslics so far. Kira's right. You
do need a sense of humour. He's quite good, actually. A little stern,
but he never steps over the line. I'm finding him to be a pleasant
[WORF] I am gratified to hear that.
[ODO] I'm sure you are. Well, thanks for the report, Commander. I'll
give it my immediate attention.
[KURN] Brother.
[WORF] Kurn.
[KURN] I hate this uniform.
[WORF] I understand. The transition will probably be difficult for some
[KURN] That's not what I mean. I have accepted the transition. I am a
Bajoran security officer. The uniform is simply uncomfortable.
[WORF] I see.
[KURN] But I will get used to it. You need not concern yourself with me,
brother. I won't disgrace you.
[WORF] I never doubted it. Carry on.
[BRIEN] The same thing, Major, High concentrations
of tachyons, subspace distortions and magneton traces. Some cloaked
ships definitely passed through this area in the last twenty four
[KIRA] They're getting close to violating Bajoran space but they're
never crossing the line.
[BRIEN] I've never known Klingons to be this fastidious when it comes
to respecting borders.
[KIRA] Especially when they're cloaked. Something's wrong here.
(BOOM and a Klingon ship decloaks, on fire.)
[BRIEN] That's a Vor'cha-class cruiser.
[KIRA] Stand by shields and phasers.
[BRIEN] They've been damaged. There's a massive hull breach in their
port quarter. Main power's failing.
[KIRA] Casualties?
[BRIEN] It's hard to tell through all this radiation.
[KIRA] Open a channel.
[BRIEN] Channel open.
[KIRA] This is Major Kira Nerys on the USS Defiant to unidentified
Klingon vessel. Do you require assistance?
[KLINGON (OC)] This is IKS Drovana to USS Defiant. We do not require
assistance at this time. Do not approach us.
[KIRA] Understood, Drovana. Defiant out.
[BRIEN] They're losing emergency power.
[KIRA] Why aren't the other Klingon ships helping them?
[BRIEN] Maybe they don't want to give away their positions.
[KIRA] Maybe they're busy doing something that can't be interrupted.
Something that blew a hole the size of a house in a Vor'cha-class
[BRIEN] Incoming transmission.
[KLINGON (OC)] Drovana to Defiant. We need access to your medical
[KIRA] Our medical facilities are extremely limited. If you wish, we can
tow you to Deep Space Nine.
[KLINGON (OC)] Stand by. Defiant, your offer is accepted.
[ODO (OC)] Odo to Worf.
[WORF] Worf here.
[ODO (OC)] We need you in the Infirmary, Commander. Your brother's been
seriously injured.
[WORF] On my way.
[WORF] What happened?
[ODO] Kurn found a container of contraband in the lower hold of the
Boslic ship. When he confronted their Captain, the man pulled out a
disruptor pistol, and then Kurn let himself get shot.
[WORF] Let himself?
[ODO] Kurn is a trained Klingon warrior. He could have disarmed the
Boslic without breaking a sweat, but he just stood there, let the man
pull out his weapon, aim, and fire. The only thing that saved him was
the man was so frightened, his hand was shaking.
[BASHIR] He'll be all right. Again.
[ODO] Good. A man with a death wish is a danger not only to himself, but
to the rest of his team. Kurn's days as a security officer are over.
(Odo leaves)
[BASHIR] Would you like to see him?
[WORF] Yes.
(Bashir shows him to the surgical ward.)
[WORF] Thank you, Doctor. How do you feel?
[KURN] Like a man who's tired of waking up and seeing a human doctor's
[WORF] I thought we had agreed that you would try to make
[KURN] Worf. I don't want to talk anymore. It's not Klingon. You're the
elder brother. You tell me what to do, and I'll do it. My life is in
your hands.
[BASHIR] So far, there's nothing unusual about any
of their casualties. I've treated fifteen cases of severe radiation
burns, seven thoracic perforation traumas caused by shrapnel and twenty
three decompression related injuries. All just what you'd expect
following an explosion on a starship.
[SISKO] Do you have any idea what caused the explosion?
[BASHIR] Well, the radiation burns were the result of exposure to gamma
rays. My guess is they were hit by a photon torpedo.
[SISKO] A torpedo?
[BRIEN] From the fracture pattern of the damage, I'd say something
exploded about ten kilometres off their port quarter.
[DAX] But torpedoes leave ion trails, and the Defiant didn't pick up any
in the vicinity.
[KIRA] And the Drovana was cloaked. Even Klingon torpedoes can't track
vessels operating under cloak.
[WORF] Mines. They hit a mine.
[BRIEN] That's why there weren't any ion trails.
[DAX] And cloaked mines can't be detected by any known sensor array.
[KIRA] But there have been at least a dozen ships moving in and out of
the system since that explosion. Why haven't they struck any mines?
[WORF] The type of mine currently used by the Klingons remains dormant
until it is armed by a coded subspace signal.
[BRIEN] The mine that damaged the Drovana must've malfunctioned or
been set off prematurely.
[DAX] If we're right, there could be thousands of mines out there right
now and we'd have no way of knowing it.
[BASHIR] Mining a star system is an act of war. I didn't think the
Klingons were ready for that.
[SISKO] At the moment we can't even prove these mines exist. But if war
comes, the Klingons would be able to cut off Deep Space Nine and the
entire Bajoran system.
[KIRA] How do we find these mines?
[DAX] Unless we know their coordinates, there's no way to find them
until we run into one.
[BRIEN] Then we'd better get those coordinates.
[KIRA] The place to get them is docked at upper pylon three right now.
The only question is how?
[WORF] I have an idea.
(Worf's quarters)
[KURN] You want me to turn against my own people?
Will my dishonour never end?
[WORF] It is their actions that are dishonourable. Secretly mining star
systems is not the act of warriors. They behave like, like Romulan
[KURN] Is that how you rationalise this? By calling your people cowards
so you can be a hero?
[WORF] Kurn, let me ask you this. Do you agree with what has happened
between the Empire and the Federation?
[KURN] It is not my place to criticise.
[WORF] Answer the question!
[KURN] No. I opposed the decision to break the treaty but I was
overruled in Council.
[WORF] Why did you oppose the decision?
[KURN] Because Gowron underestimates the Federation. He thinks they're
soft, weak, and he is wrong. Sooner or later there will be war.
[WORF] A war the Empire may lose.
[KURN] Yes.
[WORF] You know that mining this system is just the beginning. If we do
nothing, it will only encourage Gowron to continue thinking of the
Federation as weak. Eventually he will attack, and that will be the end
of the Empire. That is why you must join me on this mission. Not for my
honour, and not for the Federation, but to prevent the Empire from
being destroyed in a war they cannot win. Our people have turned their
backs on us but we have not turned our backs on them. Let it be the
Sons of Mogh, side by side, saving our people. Do this with me.
(Worf and Kurn are being disguised as wounded
[BASHIR] There. Very ugly. Uglier, that is. A joke.
[WORF] I got it.
[BASHIR] This will temporarily alter your DNA signature to match one of
our friends over there. It should be good enough to pass a cursory
[WORF] How long will it last?
[BASHIR] About four hours.
[WORF] That should be sufficient.
[BASHIR] Kurn. Kurn?
[KURN] Yes, Doctor?
[BASHIR] Please, take a seat.
(Klingon Corridor)
(Worf and Kurn beam in, and go to a doorway. Worf's
modified DNA lets them in.)
(Computer room)
[KURN] The deployment plan for the mines should be
in the defence system database.
[WORF] I have found the main file directory.
[KURN] No, no, ignore it. It's a security procedure the High Council
instituted three months ago. False directories, files, entire databases
of disinformation designed for spies to steal. Here's the real
[WORF] Can you access the deployment plan?
[KURN] My security codes have been changed, but not all of them. Yes.
(A Klingon enters.)
[OFFICER] You two. What are you doing?
[KURN] We're running a diagnostic on the computer core. There have been
power fluctuations in the navigational control system.
[OFFICER] I've not been informed of any computer problems.
[WORF] Perhaps you have not been tending to your duties.
[OFFICER] I do not know you. What is your name?
[WORF] I am Commander Sorval, son of M'tokra.
[OFFICER] How long have you been aboard, Commander?
[WORF] I will not be questioned by a Lieutenant who should be cleaning
my quarters. Leave us, or I shall have you stripped of rank and sent
home in a transport!
[OFFICER] My words were ill-chosen, Commander. Perhaps I can help in
your investigation.
[WORF] That will not be necessary. All that we require is
(Kurn pulls Worf out of the way and kills the Klingon.)
[WORF] You did not have to do that. He was backing down.
(Kurn picks up a small knife.)
[KURN] He was going to kill you.
[WORF] We must hurry. The disruptor blast will alert the security
[KURN] He was a warrior doing his duty defending the Empire, and I
killed him. My dishonour is complete.
(The data is up on the wall monitor, showing a near
complete ring around the plane of the Bajoran system but nothing above
or below.)
[WORF] Since we now have the detonation codes for each mine, we can set
them off individually or all at once.
[SISKO] Thank you, Commander. Major?
[KIRA] We'll take care of it.
(Kira and O'Brien leave.)
[SISKO] Congratulations, Mister Worf. You did an excellent job. That
goes for your brother too.
[WORF] Thank you, sir.
(Sisko leaves.)
[DAX] You don't seem very pleased.
[WORF] I am still troubled by the death of that Klingon officer.
[DAX] Your report said it was self-defence.
[WORF] That us not the point. I should have seen what he was going to
[DAX] What do you mean? From the way you described it, he was standing
so close to you, you couldn't have seen the knife in his hand.
[WORF] He decided to kill me while I was looking him right in the eyes
and I never saw it. But Kurn did, and he was three metres away.
[DAX] Worf, I don't think you can tell someone's going to kill you by
looking at them.
[WORF] A Klingon can. It is an instinct. The ability to look someone in
the eyes and see the decision to kill. An instinct I no longer have.
Kurn was right. I have lived with humans so long I no longer think like
a Klingon. For a long time I have tried to walk the line between the
Empire and the Federation. I told myself I could live in either world,
that it was my choice. But the truth is, I cannot go back to the
[DAX] Do you want to go back?
[WORF] I had always hoped that one day the House of Mogh would reclaim
its rightful place and that I would return. But now I know that even if
I did, I have no place there. This is all I have.
[DAX] Is that enough?
[WORF] It will have to be. But my brother does not even have this. For
him there is no future without the Empire. No life.
[DAX] Sounds like you're thinking of carrying out the Mauk-to'Vor ritual
[WORF] No. I was able to do it once by telling myself it was an
honourable Klingon ritual. But now I cannot help but think of it as
humans do. As murder.
[DAX] What if there was a way for you to kill your brother without
killing him?
[BRIEN] We're ready, Major.
[KIRA] Open a channel. This is the USS Defiant to all Klingon vessels
near the Bajoran system. We are preparing to destroy your minefield. I
suggest you leave immediately. This is your only warning. (big pause)
[BRIEN] Nothing. If they're out there, they're keeping quiet.
[KIRA] Oh, they're out there all right, and I think we'll be seeing them
fairly soon. Prepare to detonate the mine in grid twenty one alpha.
[BRIEN] Ready, sir.
[KIRA] Send out the code.
[BRIEN] Still nothing, Major.
[KIRA] We can't say we didn't warn them. Detonate all the mines in grids
twenty two alpha through forty seven gamma.
[BRIEN] Aye, sir.
(Fifteen BOOM!s and two Klingon ships decloak and run.)
[BRIEN] Just like flushing quail. They're setting course three two
seven mark two one five. Back to the Klingon Empire.
[KIRA] Let's see how many other birds we can flush out of here.
(Worf's quarters)
(Kurn has a bottle and a gun. Worf walks in as Kurn
is pointing the gun at his head.)
[KURN] Why is it that suicide is considered a dishonourable death, Worf?
Shouldn't a warrior have the right to decide when his time has come?
[WORF] If you die by your own hand you will not travel across the River
of Blood and enter Sto'Vo'kor.
[KURN] Even if I got cast down into the Underworld, at least I'd be with
other Klingons, even though they are the dishonoured dead.
[WORF] Put down the disruptor.
(Kurn does.)
[KURN] Do you know what my one regret is, Worf? That we weren't raised
together. In the Empire, on Earth, it wouldn't have mattered, but the
Sons of Mogh should have never been separated.
[WORF] On that we both agree.
[KURN] But that is the past, and a warrior should look to the future.
(Worf takes the gun before Kurn can get it again.)
[KURN] And in the future you should not be burdened by my dishonour.
[WORF] You are not a burden.
[KURN] I have never understood you, Worf. But I do know this. In your
own way you are an honourable man.
(Kurn passes out.)
[WORF] And you will be an honourable man again, but not as my brother.
(Kurn is on an operating table)
[DAX] How long will the procedure take?
[BASHIR] Well, wiping his memory is relatively simple, say an hour. But
changing his genetic coding, combined with surgically altering his
features will take at least another five hours.
[WORF] What will he remember?
[BASHIR] He'll know he's a Klingon, and how to speak the language, and
virtually everything he needs to know in order to survive, except who
he is. And that's the first question he'll ask. Who am I? Do you have
an answer?
[WORF] There is a man named Noggra, a friend of our father's. He will be
arriving in a few hours. He has agreed to provide Kurn with a new
identity and a new family. He will supply Kurn with all the answers he
[BASHIR] Are you absolutely certain about this, Worf? Once I've erase
his memory engrams it'll be almost impossible to restore them. He won't
remember you or anything about his real life.
[WORF] It is the only way. You may begin.
(Worf and Dax leave)
[BASHIR] Prep him for surgery.
(Hours later, a grizzled old Klingon has arrived.)
[NOGGRA] Rodek? Can you hear me? Rodek!
[KURN] Where? Where am I?
[NOGGRA] On a Federation space station. Our shuttle was damaged. You
were hit by a plasma discharge.
[KURN] I, I don't remember being on a shuttle. In fact, I don't remember
[BASHIR] The plasma discharge damaged your hippocampus. You're suffering
from a severe form of amnesia. I'm afraid you may never regain all of
your memory.
[KURN] Who am I?
[NOGGRA] Your name is Rodek. You are my son. You're part of the House of
Noggra, a small but proud family. So don't worry. I will teach you all
that you have forgotten when we get home.
[KURN] I understand, father.
(Kurn sees Worf standing with Dax, and walks over to him.)
[KURN] Who are you?
[WORF] I am Worf.
[KURN] Are you part of my family?
[WORF] I have no family.
(Worf walks out and along the promenade, a man alone.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e84", "title": "The Sons of Mogh"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Bar Association
Original Airdate: 19 Feb, 1996
(The Defiant docks at DS9.)
[WORF] Department heads, prepare reports for tomorrow's briefing. All
hands, dismissed.
[DAX] I'd say that was successful mission. Five days in the Gamma
quadrant and no sign of the Jem'Hadar.
[WORF] Commander, during our manoeuvres through that asteroid belt in
the Kar-telos system, I noticed the Defiant felt a little sluggish when
turning hard aport.
[DAX] The inertial dampening generators may need to be realigned.
[WORF] I'll begin drawing up a schedule immediately. And while we're at
it, we should recalibrate the targeting scanners and check the EPS
[DAX] O'Brien's going to be a little disappointed. He thought he finally
had the ship running smoothly.
[WORF] Chief O'Brien has done an excellent job. This is a fine ship. But
it is my duty to keep her functioning at peak proficiency.
[DAX] Mister Worf, you're in love. With the Defiant.
[WORF] You exaggerate, as usual.
(Leeta picks up a dropped piece of latinum as two
Irish warriors enter. She laughs.)
[BASHIR] I feel silly.
[LEETA] I like it. It shows off your legs.
[BRIEN] There, you see. Your public has spoken.
[LEETA] Have fun.
[BASHIR] What do you call this holosuite programme of yours called
[BRIEN] The Battle of Clontarf. You and me and a thousand stalwart
Irish warriors against a ravening hoard of Vikings. It's like the
Battle of Britain, only with swords.
[BASHIR] How come you get to be the High King?
[BRIEN] I am a direct descendant of King Brian Boru. Besides, it's my
[BASHIR] I suppose that's only fair.
(They go upstairs. An alien dabo girl is vainly trying to get people to
play. Rom is whining whilst mixing a drink.)
[QUARK] I know exactly how you feel. The Bajoran Time of Cleansing.
Could someone explain to me why the Bajorans need to abstain from
worldly pleasures for an entire month? I mean, it's not like they're a
bunch of hedonistic holosuite-obsessed drunkards to begin with. (Rom
groans) No use moaning about it.
[ROM] It hurts.
[QUARK] Who's that for?
[ROM] Me. It's one of Moogie's home remedies.
[QUARK] Your ear? Again?
(Rom pours the liquid into his ear.)
[QUARK] That's disgusting! You want to drive away all the rest of my
[ROM] I feel dizzy.
[QUARK] What else is new? Go wait on table seven.
[LEETA] Rom, you look terrible. I think you'd better lie down.
[QUARK] I don't pay you to think. I pay you to spin the dabo wheel. So
get spinning.
[LEETA] But nobody's gambling.
[QUARK] How can they when you're not at the wheel?
[ROM] I really don't feel good.
[LEETA] Can't you see he's sick? He needs to lie down.
(From Rom's point of view, voices are getting fuzzy and the room is
starting to spin.)
[QUARK] Just because you happen to be intimately acquainted with Doctor
Bashir's bedside manner doesn't make you a medical expert.
[ROM] Brother, am I still standing?
[LEETA] What I do during my time off is no business of yours.
[QUARK] If you don't get back to work this instant, you're going to have
more time off than you know what to do with. The same goes for you.
[ROM] Yes, brother.
(And Rom falls gently backwards)
[LEETA] Aren't you going to do something?
[QUARK] Of course I'm going to do something. I'm going to dock his pay.
Broik, clean up this mess.
(Bashir is using a light-emitting gizmo on the
cavern which is the Ferengi ear.)
[BASHIR] This is one stubborn infection. How long have you had it?
[ROM] A couple of weeks.
[BASHIR] You mean to tell me you've been walking around with a seeping
infection of the tympanic membrane for two weeks?
[ROM] More like three, actually.
[BASHIR] Rom, you could have died! Another forty eight hours and you'd
have been bidding for a new life in the Divine Treasury.
[ROM] I guess it's a good thing I fainted when I did.
[BASHIR] Why didn't you come and see me sooner?
[ROM] I couldn't. I was busy.
[BASHIR] I'm sure your brother could have spared you for half an hour.
[ROM] It would've been a violation of my contract. Paragraph seventy
six, subsection three. Employees of Quark's Bar and Holding Company are
strictly prohibited from leaving the work environment during business
hours unless ordered to do so by their employer. Any failure to comply
with this provision will result in severe fines and possible dismissal.
It's a standard provision in all Ferengi labour contracts.
[BASHIR] You mean you don't get time off even if you're sick?
[ROM] It's all part of our generous employee compensation package. No
sick days, no vacations, no paid overtime.
[BASHIR] It sounds to me like you need a better contract.
[ROM] There's no such thing. All Ferengi labour contracts are the same.
[BASHIR] Well, that should do it. But I want you to see me first thing
in the morning for a follow-up.
[ROM] It'll have to be before the bar opens.
[BASHIR] What you people need is a union.
[ROM] A what?
[BASHIR] You know, a trade guild, a collective bargaining association. A
union. Something to keep you from being exploited.
[ROM] You don't understand. Ferengi workers don't want to stop the
exploitation. We want to find a way to become the exploiters.
[BASHIR] Suit yourself. But I don't see you exploiting anyone.
[LEETA] Rom, how'd it go?
[ROM] I'm okay.
[LEETA] Julian's a wonderful doctor. Your brother should have let you
see him weeks ago.
[ROM] It's not Quark's fault that I got sick. I forgot to get my
bimonthly ear scan. And besides, I've probably been getting too much
[LEETA] Really? Who's the lucky female?
[ROM] No female. Just me.
[LEETA] I'm sorry.
[ROM] Sorry enough to do something about it?
[LEETA] I don't think Julian would approve.
[ROM] We could ask him.
[QUARK] All right, everyone. Gather around.
[LEETA] (sotto) What now?
[QUARK] I have an announcement to make. I've just been going over
today's receipts and it's not good. The only thing this Bajoran
Cleansing Ritual has cleansed is my profit margin. So, starting
tomorrow, everyone's salary gets cut by a third.
[ROM] No, no, it's not fair. I'll talk to him.
[LEETA] It's ridiculous.
[QUARK] It was either that or fire half the staff. Don't bother thanking
[LEETA] I can't afford a pay cut.
[QUARK] It's either a pay cut or a layoff. You decide. All right
everyone, get back to work. I want this place cleaned up and the lights
off in ten minutes.
[ROM] Brother, this isn't right. You can't just cut people's salaries
without warning.
[QUARK] Actually, I can. And I have. Now why don't you concentrate on
keeping your hands off your lobes and leave the business matters to me.
[ROM] But once the Cleansing Ritual is over you'll restore everyone's
salary, right?
[QUARK] That depends on next quarter's fiscal summation.
[ROM] Brother, I'm asking you as a personal favour to reconsider this
pay cut.
[QUARK] Anything for you. (thinks) There. I've reconsidered it. My
decision stands.
[ROM] But, brother
[QUARK] Don't brother me. In this bar you're not my brother. You're my
employee. And employees have no right to question the management's
[ROM] I'm warning you, if you don't rescind the pay cuts you're going to
regret it.
[QUARK] The only thing I regret is not being an only child.
(Dax and Worf are in their exercise clothes.)
[DAX] You know, I think I'm finally getting the hang of this mek'leth.
Don't you think?
[WORF] It would seem so.
[DAX] Then why haven't you told me?
[WORF] A Klingon warrior does not need the praise of his teacher.
[DAX] I'm not a Klingon warrior. I'm a beautiful and sensitive young
woman who thrives on.
(Worf holds up his hand.)
[DAX] What is it?
[WORF] Listen.
(A thumping noise in the ceiling. Worf opens the panel with his
bat'leth and a thief falls out. Small items scatter everywhere.)
[WORF] Do not move.
[DAX] Isn't this your tooth sharpener?
(Security office)
[WORF] This p'tak just robbed my quarters.
[ODO] (to deputy) Take him to a holding cell.
(The thief is hauled off)
[ODO] I'll need a statement.
[WORF] And you will have one. But I want to know why such a security
breach was allowed to occur in the first place.
[ODO] Unfortunately, these things happen.
[WORF] They did not happen on the Enterprise.
[ODO] Really? Now let me see. Stardate
46235.7, Ferengi privateers led by DaiMon Lurin boarded and
seized control of the Enterprise using two salvaged Klingon birds of
45349.1. Berlinghoff Rasmussen, a petty criminal
impersonating a scientist, committed numerous acts of theft against the
crew of the Enterprise. Shall I continue?
[WORF] That will not be necessary.
[ODO] I know these incidents are the exception rather than the rule, but
if security breaches like these could happen on the flagship of the
Federation, imagine the difficulty of maintaining security at an open
port such as DS Nine.
[WORF] I understand. It is just that I find it irritating.
[ODO] So do I, but I'm afraid you're just going to have to get used to
(Rom's quarters)
(Quark's employees are gathered.)
[ROM] Attention please. Thank you all for coming. I know that in the
past I've always defended my brother whenever he's taken a stance
that's proven unpopular with the staff. But I'm not going to do that
[GRIMP] You're not?
[ROM] No. I'm not. Quark's just using the Cleansing Ritual to increase
his profits at our expense. It isn't fair, and we're not going to take
[GRIMP] Since when?
[ROM] Since right now.
[LEETA] So what are we going to do about it?
[ROM] We're going to fight back in the only way we can. We're going to
form a, a
[FROOL] A what?
[ROM] We're going to form a union.
(Consternation. The Ferengi are shocked, the others are delighted.)
[GRIMP] Are you insane? You've just destroyed the lives of every Ferengi
in this room. When the FCA finds out we've even been talking of a, a
[LEETA] A union.
[GRIMP] Don't say that word again. We're in enough trouble as it is.
[FROOL] The Ferengi Commerce Authority doesn't have to hear about this.
If we all go back to work now, no one else has to know this ever
[GRIMP] No, no, it's too late for that. The FCA has ears everywhere. And
as soon as their lobes get wind of this, we're all doomed.
[ROM] All right. So we're doomed. FCA Liquidators will probably haunt us
for the rest of our lives. But I say if they're going to come after us,
let's give them a good reason. Every one of you, Ferengi and
non-Ferengi alike, knows that the way Quark treats us is unfair. Frool,
don't you deserve a day off when your back starts acting up?
[FROOL] Well, I suppose.
[ROM] And Grimp, wouldn't you like to take a paid vacation?
[GRIMP] You're being ridiculous.
[ROM] Answer the question.
[GRIMP] It's not going to happen.
[ROM] It won't happen unless you make it happen. We're Ferengi. And when
a Ferengi sees an opportunity, what does he do?
[FROOL] He seizes it.
[ROM] That's right. And I for one intend to grab it. We've been
exploited long enough. It's time to be strong, take control of our
lives, our dignity and our profits.
[ALL] Yes!
[ROM] Strike a blow against Quark.
[LEETA] Yes.
[ROM] Strike a blow against the FCA.
[ALL] Yes.
[ROM] Strike a blow against exploitation.
[ALL] Yes!
[ROM] Are you with me?
[ALL] Yes! Union! Union! Union!
(Bashir is checking the back of O'Brien's neck.)
[BASHIR] What you have there is a sebaceous cyst.
[BRIEN] I know it's a cyst. But it's getting bigger.
[BASHIR] It's nothing to worry about. Dermatologically speaking, you're
perfectly healthy.
[BRIEN] I'm perfectly healthy except I've got a disgusting cyst on the
back of my neck. Now either I paint a nose, eyes and mouth on it and
pretend I've got two heads, or you take it off.
[BASHIR] I'll get you some paint.
[BRIEN] Julian, get it off of me!
[BASHIR] All right, all right. But you know what they say, two heads are
better than one.
[BRIEN] Julian, I'm waiting.
[ROM] Doctor Bashir, I'm glad you're in. I need your help.
[BASHIR] That ear acting up again?
[ROM] My ear's fine. I need some advice about unions.
[BASHIR] Unions?
[ROM] You said the other day I should form a union, so I did.
[BASHIR] Rom, I was speaking theoretically.
[ROM] And I put your theory into practice. All of Quark's employees have
joined. We're going to force Quark to treat us better. I hope.
[BRIEN] A union, huh? Good for you.
[ROM] You know about unions?
[BRIEN] Who do you think led the Pennsylvania coal miners during the
anthracite strike of nineteen oh two?
[ROM] I have no idea.
[BRIEN] Sean Aloysius O'Brien.
[BASHIR] I didn't know that.
[BRIEN] There're lots of things about my family that you don't know.
Eleven months those mines were closed, and they didn't open again until
all the miners' demands were met.
[ROM] You mean we should force Quark to close the bar?
[BASHIR] Only as a last resort. If he's reasonable about your requests,
there's no need to strike.
[BRIEN] Quark reasonable? Ha! Unlikely. You'll have to strike, mark my
words. And when you do, you'll have to be strong.
[ROM] Just like Sean O'Brien.
[BRIEN] Exactly. You know, he had the biggest funeral in all of
western Pennsylvania.
[ROM] Funeral?
[BRIEN] They fished his body out of the Allegheny river a week before
the strike ended. Thirty two bullets he had in him. Or was it thirty
[BASHIR] (finishing removing the cyst.) Well, he died a hero.
[BRIEN] He was more than a hero. He was a union man.
(O'Brien is under a console.)
[BRIEN] I see the problem now. You've got a bad ODN relay here. We'll
have to replace the whole unit.
[WORF] How long will it take?
[BRIEN] Two or three hours. But after that, it'll work like a charm.
[WORF] Until the next time it breaks down.
[BRIEN] That's the problem when you combine Cardassian, Bajoran and
Federation technology. None of it was meant to work together.
[WORF] How do you tolerate working in this environment?
[BRIEN] It's a lot easier than working on the Enterprise.
[WORF] Easier? The Enterprise never had these kind of problems.
[BRIEN] Tell me about it. Have you have any idea how bored I used to
get sitting in the Transporter room waiting for something to break
down? Here, I've a half dozen new problems every day. This station
needs me. Oh, do me a favour. Hand me the coil spanner.
[QUARK] (passing the shrine) Happy Cleansing.
(The staff are gathered to greet him.)
[QUARK] If this is a surprise birthday party, you're a month late.
[ROM] It's not a party. We're the Guild of Restaurant and Casino
Employees and we're here to present our demands.
[QUARK] The Guild of Restaurant and Casino Employees? What's that
supposed to be?
[ROM] What does it sound like?
[QUARK] It's sounds like, like a union.
[ROM] Exactly. So you'd better take our demands seriously.
(Rom hands over a PADD.)
[QUARK] Increased pay. Shorter hours. Paid sick leave. (laughs)
[ROM] This is no joke.
[QUARK] Yes, it is. And the fact that you don't know that is what makes
it so funny. Now get back to work before I fire the lot of you.
[ROM] You can't fire us.
[QUARK] Why not?
[ROM] Because as of right now, we're all on strike.
[ALL] Yeah!
(Quark stops laughing as his staff leave.)
(outside Quark's)
(There's a picket line, and Rom is paying people
not to go inside.)
[ROM] Thank you for not patronising Quark's. Thank you very much. Thank
you for not patronising Quark's. Thank you for not patronising Quark's.
Thank you for not patronising Quark's. Thank you for not patronising
[LEETA] I hope Rom's voice holds out.
[GRIMP] I hope our latinum holds out.
[ROM] Thank you for not patronising Quark's.
(Odo comes down the stairs to be met by Quark
holding a tray of glasses.)
[ODO] You wanted to see me.
[QUARK] May I take you're order, sir?
[ODO] Quark, I'm in no mood for games.
[QUARK] There seems to be an opening at the dabo table. Or perhaps I
might interest you in some time in the holosuites?
(Quark vanishes and the tray hangs for a moment then drops with a
[QUARK] Not again.
(There's another Quark with a Pakled at the dabo table too. A Quark
comes downstairs.)
[QUARK] Are you carrying a tricorder or anything with a portable energy
[ODO] What are you talking about?
[QUARK] I'm still working out the bugs in these holographic waiters. The
Lissepian who sold me the programme neglected to mention that certain
energy sources can interfere with the imaging system.
[ODO] Sounds like there's no end to the problems you're facing.
[QUARK] I can take care of the Lissepian. I need you to get those
traitors away from my front door. They're blocking access to my place
of business, causing a disturbance on the Promenade, and they're
probably a fire hazard. They belong in a holding cell, every last one
of them.
[ODO] Well, I hate to admit this, but I agree with you. From what Chief
O'Brien tells me about strikes, they sound like trouble. I don't like
mobs. In my opinion, if you need one to get what you want, it's not
worth getting.
[QUARK] Good. Then you'll haul them away.
[ODO] I'll do nothing of the sort.
[QUARK] But you said
[ODO] I know what I said. But I have strict orders from Captain Sisko
not to impinge on your employees' freedom of expression. As long as
they stay peaceful and allow your customers access through the second
level entrance, I'm not allowed to interfere.
[QUARK] In that case, would you mind serving some drinks?
(A Quark walks past with a tray. Odo huffs and leaves.)
[QUARK] I didn't think so.
(There's another crash)
(Promenade - upper level)
(Across the way from Quark's upper cafe entrance,
two boys are playing a game.)
[BASHIR] What about that Vulcan?
[BRIEN] With their sense of ethics? Definitely on the side of labour.
(The Vulcan crewwoman passes by.)
[BASHIR] I'd say this one's an Enter.
(Two Pakleds go in.)
[BRIEN] Lucky guess.
(Along comes Worf)
[BRIEN] Pass. He barely set foot in the place when there wasn't a
[BASHIR] Quark isn't exactly his favourite person.
(Worf goes in)
[BASHIR] Wait a minute. I can't believe it! He's an Enter.
[BRIEN] Not for long.
[BASHIR] Where are you going?
[BRIEN] To talk some sense into him. Commander! Hold on!
(Holding area)
[SISKO] I cannot believe what I'm seeing.
(Bashir, O'Brien and Worf all in a cell.)
[WORF] Sir, if I could explain.
[SISKO] Mister Worf, do I look like I'm ready for an explanation? Three
of my senior staff brawling on the Promenade.
[BRIEN] With all due respect, sir. We weren't brawling.
[SISKO] Maybe you should take a closer look at Doctor Bashir's forehead.
(There's a cut on it.)
[BRIEN] He shouldn't have got in the way.
[BASHIR] I was trying (to Sisko) I was trying to stop the fight.
[WORF] We were not fighting.
[SISKO] Then what were you doing?
[BRIEN] We were
[WORF] Having a difference of opinion.
[BRIEN] I suppose towards the end there, we might have done a bit of
[SISKO] According to Odo, Doctor Bashir was shoved over a table.
[WORF] Now that was an accident.
[BASHIR] It was just, things just got a little out of hand.
[SISKO] Things got more than a little out of hand. I suppose I'm going
to have to talk to Quark myself, find a way to settle this strike, get
things back to normal around here.
[BRIEN] Captain? Can we leave now?
[SISKO] I'll tell Constable Odo to let you go (pause) in the morning.
(Sisko leaves)
[BASHIR] I hope you're proud of yourselves.
(Captain's office)
[QUARK] Captain, believe me, I want this strike
settled as much as you do.
[SISKO] Then settle it.
[QUARK] It's not that simple.
[SISKO] Make it simple. Sit down with your brother and hammer out an
agreement today.
[QUARK] Captain, I'm afraid you don't understand what a delicate
situation this is. Even talking with strikers would be a violation of
the most sacred precepts of Ferengi culture.
[SISKO] Maybe I don't know much about Ferengi culture but I do know who
holds the lease on your bar.
[QUARK] The Federation. And I couldn't ask for better landlords.
[SISKO] That's because we don't ask you to pay your rent, or to
reimburse us for your maintenance repairs, or the drain on the
station's power supply.
[QUARK] You're a very generous people.
[SISKO] Until today. Let's see. Five years of back rent, plus power
consumption, plus the repairs. Do you know how much latinum that is?
[QUARK] A lot.
[SISKO] That's right.
[QUARK] I'll talk to my brother.
[SISKO] I'm glad we're in agreement.
(Rom's quarters)
(Rom is working on PADDs.)
[ROM] Labour. Where's wages? Wages are here. Wages.
[ROM] Come in.
(Quark enters)
[ROM] What do you want?
[QUARK] Here.
(Quark hands Rom a PADD)
[ROM] What's this?
[QUARK] It's the amount of latinum I'm willing to transfer into your
private account if you'll just end this strike.
[ROM] Are we talking about slips, strips, or bars?
[QUARK] Slips. All right, strips.
[ROM] It wouldn't matter if it were bars. I'm not going to end the
strike unless you meet our demands.
[QUARK] Rom, we shouldn't be fighting. We're brothers.
[ROM] Not when it comes to business. We're nothing but employer and
employee. You said so yourself.
[QUARK] I was wrong.
[ROM] No, you weren't.
[QUARK] Rom, can't we talk about this?
[ROM] There's only one thing I have to say to you. (reading) Workers of
the world, unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains.
[QUARK] What's happened to you?
(Quark unlocks the main door and enters.)
[BRUNT] Ah. It's about time you got back.
[QUARK] Brunt.
[BRUNT] That's Liquidator Brunt to you. I see you remember me.
(Brunt is accompanied by two Nausicaans.)
[QUARK] Who could forget. What do you want?
[BRUNT] Quark, don't worry. I'm here to help. The Ferengi Commerce
Authority has ordered me to end this nasty little labour dispute of
[QUARK] How do you propose to do that?
[BRUNT] By any means necessary.
(Rom's quarters)
[FROOL] I hear Quark had only fourteen customers all
[LEETA] And he'll have even less tomorrow. I've been talking to people
all over the station and support for our cause is growing.
[FROOL] Quark will have to settle. Either that or go out of business.
[GRIMP] I don't know. Quark can be awful stubborn. I think he'd rather
lose the bar than give in to us.
[ROM] Don't be such a pessimist. Remember Rule of Acquisition two sixty
three. Never allow doubt to tarnish your lust for latinum.
[GRIMP] Your brother can quote the Rules of Acquisition, too. I think
his favourite is two eleven. Employees are the rungs on the Ladder of
Success. Don't hesitate to step on them.
[ROM] My ex-brother wasn't quoting the Rules of Acquisition when he came
to see me yesterday.
[LEETA] What did he say?
[ROM] He offered me a bribe if I would end the strike.
[GRIMP] Did you take it?
[ROM] No, I didn't take it. Don't you see what that means? He's getting
desperate. A few more days and we'll get everything we want.
(The door is opened by someone phasering the lock.)
[BRUNT] Brunt, FCA.
[FROOL] It's not my fault. They made me do it. It was all his idea.
Forgive me.
(Frool falls to his knees.)
[BRUNT] If this was Ferenginar, I'd have you all taken to the Spire of
the Tower of Commerce, displayed to the crowds in the Great Marketplace
below, then shoved off, one by one. Small children would bet on where
you would land, and your spattered remains would be sold as feed mulch
for gree-worms.
[FROOL] Spare me. I'm old, I'm fragile. I'll push the rest of them off
[GRIMP] I thought you said you weren't afraid of the FCA.
[FROOL] I lied.
[ROM] Don't let him intimidate you. We're not on Ferenginar.
[BRUNT] Lucky for you. But the FCA understands that living on this
station has (looks at Leeta and gets distracted) corrupted you. You've
been tempted by unwholesome Bajoran ideals, exposed to the twisted
values of the Federation. And because of that, we are willing to
[FROOL] Really?
[BRUNT] But don't confuse our mercy with weakness. If you are not back
at your jobs tomorrow morning, your financial accounts on Ferenginar
will be confiscated, your families fined and your trading permits
revoked. You'll be ruined, reduced to utter destitution. Am I
understood? Good. I thought so. Don't bother getting up.
(Brunt and Co leave)
[GRIMP] Would you get up? Come on.
[ROM] Let him stay there. That's where he belongs. The question is,
where do we belong? On our knees, like Frool, or standing tall like
Sean O'Brien?
[LEETA] Who's Sean O'Brien?
[ROM] He was a union man. A man who gave his life to earn a decent wage
for his fellow workers. Brunt wouldn't have intimidated him, and he
won't intimidate me.
[GRIMP] What about our accounts on Ferenginar?
[ROM] If your accounts on Ferenginar were worth anything, you wouldn't
be working as a waiter. I'm telling you, nothing has changed. Victory
is within our grasp. All we have to do is take it. Now are you with me?
[LEETA] Yes.
[ROM] I said, are you with me!
[ALL] Yes!
[ROM] Then let's get back on that picket line and show Quark what we're
made of.
[ALL] Yeah!
(Frool is still on his knees when everyone else has left)
[FROOL] Can I get up now?
(The general is addressing his troops.)
[ROM] Look sharp now, no slouching. Remember, in unity there is
strength, so be strong.
(Promenade - upper level)
(Rom and O'Brien swap thumbs-up)
[WORF] Chief, may I speak with you?
[BRIEN] Sure. What's on your mind?
[WORF] I feel I owe you an apology. I allowed our argument in Quark's to
get out of hand.
[BRIEN] I think there was plenty of blame to spread around.
[WORF] Nonetheless, we are Starfleet officers, and Starfleet officers do
not brawl with each other.
[BRIEN] It wasn't much of a brawl, really. I grabbed you, you shoved
me, and Julian was tossed over a table.
[WORF] It never should have happened. And under normal circumstances, it
never would have. But there is something about this station I find
[BRIEN] You'll get used to it.
[WORF] Perhaps. But in the meantime, I think I've found a solution. I'm
going to move my quarters to the Defiant.
[BRIEN] You're going to live on the Defiant?
[WORF] I have already discussed it with Captain Sisko.
[BRIEN] And he said yes?
[WORF] As long as it doesn't interfere with my duties.
[BRIEN] But you'll be living out there all by yourself.
[WORF] (bliss) I know.
[LEETA] That was pretty impressive, standing up to
Brunt the way you did.
[ROM] Who'd have thought I had such natural leadership skills?
[LEETA] I knew it all along.
[ROM] Really?
[ROM] I didn't think so.
[LEETA] Well, you surprised a lot of people, including me. I've got to
get ready. I'm having dinner with Julian.
[ROM] He's a lucky man.
[LEETA] And almost as brave as you are.
(Leeta kisses Rom's forehead and goes into her quarters. Quark appears
from around the corner.)
[QUARK] Psst! Rom!
[ROM] She kissed me!
[QUARK] There's no accounting for taste. Rom, we have to talk.
[ROM] Are you ready to give in to our demands?
[QUARK] Of course not.
[ROM] Then there's nothing to talk about.
[QUARK] There's plenty to talk about. The FCA's involved now, and those
Nausicaans working for Brunt aren't just for show.
[ROM] I'm not going to let Brunt intimidate me.
[QUARK] Don't you see, Rom? You should be intimidated. There's no
telling what Brunt might do, and I don't want you to get hurt.
[ROM] You never cared what happened to me before.
(Quark slams Rom up against a bulkhead.)
[QUARK] I always cared about you. I tried to protect you, save you from
[ROM] How? By telling me I was an idiot my whole life?
[QUARK] I had to be tough on you. I was trying to make you a better
[ROM] What you were trying to do was make yourself feel important.
Making me feel dumb made you feel smart. But I'm not dumb and you're
not half as smart as you think you are.
[QUARK] Rom! You have to listen to me! The FCA doesn't have to answer to
anyone, and if Brunt decides to get rid of you I won't be able to stop
[ROM] Look at it this way. If Brunt gets rid of me, then all your
problems are solved. You always said you wanted to be an only child.
(After hours, Brunt is doing sums and the
Nausicaans are playing darts, with each other as the dart board.)
[QUARK] Doesn't that hurt?
[BRUNT] I'm sure it does. Most Nausicaan games do. Speaking of pain. Did
you talk to your brother?
[QUARK] We talked.
[BRUNT] And?
[QUARK] I need more time.
[BRUNT] Time, like latinum, is a highly limited commodity.
[QUARK] Look, you're here to help me, right?
[BRUNT] Wrong. I'm here to enforce Ferengi law and to protect Ferengi
traditions. And that means ending this strike. Now I can see we are
going to have to make an example of someone.
[QUARK] What kind of example?
[BRUNT] Oh, I'm sure that we'll come up with something that will get
people's attention.
[QUARK] I don't want my brother hurt.
[BRUNT] I wasn't thinking of him. Attack the leader of a movement, you
risk creating a martyr. No, Rom must not be touched. Our target must be
someone unexpected, someone he cares about. Like that dabo girl.
[QUARK] Leeta? But she's not even Ferengi.
[BRUNT] I know. That's what makes it so memorable. But she has such
delicate lobes. I'm afraid I couldn't bring myself to give the order.
Let's see. Who else does Rom care about? Boys.
(The Nausicaans come over.)
[QUARK] Me? But I'm on your side.
[BRUNT] Ironic, isn't it.
(Quark is on a bed with a device on his forehead.)
[QUARK] I thought I wasn't allowed to have any visitors.
[ROM] Doctor Bashir made an exception. He said you were almost killed.
[QUARK] It's nothing to smile about. Those Nausicaans shattered my left
eye socket, broke two of my ascending ribs and punctured my lower lung.
If Odo hadn't come along when he did.
[ROM] Does it hurt?
[QUARK] Of course it hurts.
[ROM] Too bad.
[QUARK] If you're going to stand there and gloat, you can leave right
[ROM] I'm not done gloating.
[QUARK] Don't you get it? This was a message for you.
[ROM] It's not going to work.
[QUARK] I wish Brunt had known that.
[ROM] Odo has him and the Nausicaans in a holding cell. He says it's an
open and shut case.
[QUARK] It's an open and shut case all right, but I'm not going to press
[ROM] You're not?
[QUARK] Of course not. I'm in enough trouble with the FCA as it is.
[ROM] But then Odo will have to let them go.
[QUARK] Either way, the FCA will just send another Liquidator. And that
one will make an example of you.
[ROM] Then you'll be the one gloating.
[QUARK] I don't want to gloat. I want to end the strike.
[ROM] So give us what we want.
[QUARK] Rom, I can't. I'm not going against ten thousand years of
Ferengi tradition.
[ROM] You're just afraid of the FCA.
[QUARK] Of course I'm afraid of the FCA. They crushed my eye socket. And
if you had any sense, you'd be afraid of them too. If this strike
doesn't get settled soon, we're both going to find ourselves tossed out
of the nearest airlock. You have to dissolve the union. (idea) At least
[ROM] What do you mean?
[QUARK] I mean, I mean you dissolve the union, make it look like I've
won, and I'll give you everything you want.
[ROM] You'll meet our demands?
[QUARK] That's what I just said, you idiot.
[ROM] Even sick leave?
[QUARK] Even sick leave. And six months from now, when the FCA isn't
watching my books so closely, you'll get your raises.
[ROM] Six months!
[QUARK] It's the best I can do.
[ROM] No, it's not. All you have to do is make up one of your fake
business ledgers for the FCA. They'll never know the difference.
[QUARK] Shush! All right, you'll get your raises by the end of the week.
But the union dies here. Today. And that's my final offer.
(Worf's cabin)
(Worf takes the mattress off a Defiant bunk bed)
[DAX] Better?
[WORF] Much.
[DAX] I thought about getting you a plant, but somehow it didn't seem
[WORF] A wise decision.
[DAX] So I brought you this instead.
(Dax gives him an isolinear chip.)
[DAX] It's a collection of my favourite Klingon operas. Think about it.
You can lie in bed and pipe them through the Defiant's comm. system.
Play them as loud as you like.
[WORF] A thoughtful gift.
[DAX] You know, Worf, in the end living on the Defiant isn't going to
change anything. You're still going to have to get used to life on the
[WORF] I am not sure I agree.
[DAX] Sooner or later you're going to have to adapt.
[WORF] Perhaps in the end it will be all of you who that have to adapt
to me.
(Leeta and Quark are greeting the customers.)
[QUARK] Come in. Come in. Welcome back.
[LEETA] Why don't you try your luck at dabo wheel? Remember, every
Bajoran gets one free spin.
[QUARK] You're in a good mood.
[LEETA] I just got a raise.
[QUARK] Major. I must say, you are looking particularly cleansed today.
[KIRA] Just get me two mugs of synthale, a double order of hasperat, and
hold the conversation.
[QUARK] No wonder I missed you.
(Rom enters in Bajoran workers overalls)
[QUARK] Ah, Rom, there you are. Why aren't you in your waiter's uniform?
[ROM] I'll have a large snail juice, please. Straight up.
[QUARK] You know there's no drinking on the job.
[ROM] That's no way to talk to a customer.
[QUARK] You're not a customer. You're an employee.
[ROM] Not anymore. I've wiped my last table and mixed my last Blackhole.
Starting today, I'm one of the station's diagnostic and repair
technicians. Junior grade, night shift.
[QUARK] You're quitting?
[ROM] Effective immediately.
[QUARK] I gave you everything you wanted.
[ROM] I know. But if the strike taught me anything, it's that I do a lot
better when you're not around. Don't worry. I'll keep your holosuites
running and fix your replicators when they're broken. I think this'll
be really good for our relationship.
[QUARK] I don't.
[ROM] Think about it from my point of view. If I keep working for you,
all I have to look forward to is waiting for you to die so I can
inherit the bar. Well, I don't want you to die. And besides, I deserve
to have a life of my own now.
[QUARK] But without me looking after you
[ROM] I'll do fine.
[QUARK] I suppose you will. I'll miss you.
[ROM] No, you won't. I'll be here all the time. Only I'll be a paying
customer. Now get me my snail juice, brother.
[QUARK] Coming up. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e85", "title": "Bar Association"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Accession
Original Airdate: 26 Feb, 1996
(The Battle of Britain has been won again, but the
room is a total pit)
[BASHIR] I thought you said you'd started straightening this place up.
[BRIEN] You should've seen it before.
[BASHIR] Keiko's shuttle will be here before we know it. We should have
left the holosuite hours ago.
[BRIEN] What, and let the Jerries cross the channel? Never.
[BASHIR] It is sort of a shame to pack all this stuff away
[BRIEN] I wish we didn't have to.
[BASHIR] It's like sculpture. A monument to your year as a bachelor.
[BRIEN] I suppose it is.
[BASHIR] Who are we to dismantle this piece of art?
[BRIEN] I don't know. But if we don't, Keiko will dismantle me.
(The transport has unloaded)
[MOLLY] Daddy!
[BRIEN] Hi, sweetie!
(Molly gets a hug, Keiko gets a long, lingering kiss.)
[KEIKO] The one good thing about going away is coming home.
[BRIEN] I never want to be apart like that again.
[MOLLY] Daddy! Daddy! I have a little brother!
[BRIEN] Really? Is that him?
(O'Brien points to Molly's doll. Molly points to Keiko's tummy.)
[MOLLY] No. He's in there.
[KEIKO] Surprise.
[BRIEN] A baby?
[KEIKO] Yeah. I thought you'd be happy. I mean, we talked about it and
decided we'd start trying.
[BRIEN] Oh, I know. But your last visit, you were only here the one
night. I thought it'd take a couple of nights. To be honest, a lot more
[KEIKO] I guess we just got lucky this time.
[BRIEN] I guess so.
(An impressive old man comes up on the turbolift
with a man and woman.)
[KIRA] Vedek Porta.
[PORTA] Nerys. So this is where you are when you're not at the Temple.
Very impressive.
[KIRA] Haven't you ever been to Ops?
[PORTA] What business would an old monk have here except maybe helping a
young couple to meet the Emissary. Are you sure this is a good time?
[KIRA] I think he'll be able to fit you in.
[LATARA] (the bride) Thank you so much for doing this, Major.
[KIRA] Oh, I'm glad to.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] They can take the Rubicon.
[SISKO] Come in.
[KIRA] Vedek Porta's here with a young couple that just got married.
They're hoping to get the Emissary's blessing.
[SISKO] Bring them in.
[DAX] You remember the words?
[SISKO] The marriage blessing? I think so.
[LATARA] Emissary. We're very grateful to you for seeing us.
[SISKO] Not at all. Now, if you'll just join hands. Zhia'kala, tareh anu
suur. Tevon akalu rez kavor. Matana kel.
[LATARA] Thank you. Thank you very much.
(The couple leave.)
[PORTA] Your accent is getting much better, Emissary.
[SISKO] I'm glad to hear it.
(Kira and Porta leave.)
[DAX] It isn't that bad, is it, being the Emissary? A few ceremonies, an
occasional blessing.
[SISKO] I didn't say it was that bad. It's just hard getting used to
being a religious icon.
[DAX] Really? I think I'd like it.
[KIRA (OC)] Kira to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[KIRA (OC)] You'd better get out here. There's something coming through
the wormhole.
(A battered solar sail ship, like the one Sisko
built, is arriving.)
[SISKO] A lightship.
[KIRA] I don't know where it came from. According to remote sensors it
never entered the wormhole.
[DAX] From these readings I'd say that ship's about three hundred years
[SISKO] Lifesigns?
[DAX] There's someone on board. A Bajoran.
[SISKO] Try hailing them.
[KIRA] No response.
[DAX] Whoever's in there could be injured.
[SISKO] Tractor the ship into transporter range and beam the passenger
directly to the infirmary.
(A middle-aged man with a goatee beard and drab
clothes is lying on a bed.)
[BASHIR] He's a little disoriented.
[SISKO] I'm Captain Benjamin Sisko. You're aboard a Federation Space
Station near Bajor. This is Kira Nerys, my First Officer.
[KIRA] Who are you?
[AKOREM] I am the Emissary.
(After the credits)
[AKOREM] I was headed back to Bajor. My lightship was caught in an ion
storm. It nearly tore it apart. A girder came loose from the bulkhead
and impaled me through the shoulder here. I remember thinking I was
going to die, alone in space, when a strange opening appeared in the
sky. I was terrified at first, and then I realised what was happening.
The Prophets were opening the gates of the Celestial Temple and drawing
me to them.
[SISKO] What happened then?
[AKOREM] It's difficult to describe. They took the form of people that I
know, my grandfather, my brother, so that they could communicate with
[SISKO] You spoke to them?
[AKOREM] I didn't have to. I could sense their understanding, their
grace. I've never felt such bliss. And then they healed me. A light
washed over me and then my wound was gone. They gave me back my life. I
felt reborn.
[SISKO] When exactly did you leave Bajor?
[AKOREM] Oh, it couldn't have been more than a few days ago.
[SISKO] What was the year?
[AKOREM] Ninety one seventy four.
[KIRA] That was over two hundred years ago.
[AKOREM] Two hundred years? My wife, my parents, they're gone.
[BASHIR] If you give us your name, maybe we can contact your
descendants, let them know you're alive.
[AKOREM] Akorem. Akorem Laan. But I have no descendants. My brother died
last winter and my wife and I never had children.
[KIRA] Akorem Laan, the poet?
[AKOREM] I'm a poet, yes.
[KIRA] You wrote Kitara's Song and The Call of the Prophets.
[AKOREM] You know my work?
[KIRA] You're considered one of the greatest poets of Bajor. Every
schoolchild can recite Gaudaal's Lament from memory.
[AKOREM] People still read my work after all this time? Perhaps that's
part of the Prophets' plan for me.
[SISKO] Their plan?
[AKOREM] It's not clear to me yet why they made me their Emissary, but I
know that they gave me back my life for a reason.
[SISKO] Akorem, a great deal has happened since you've been gone. Maybe
Major Kira can spend some time filling you in.
[AKOREM] Major Kira?
[KIRA] That's right.
[AKOREM] But your family would be part of the artist D'jarra.
[BASHIR] D'jarra?
[KIRA] Bajor used to have a strict caste system. A person's work was
dictated by what family they were born into.
[AKOREM] You no longer follow your D'jarras?
[KIRA] When the Cardassians occupied Bajor we gave up the D'jarras so
that we could fight them. We all became soldiers.
[AKOREM] The Cardassians occupied Bajor?
[KIRA] For over fifty years.
[AKOREM] It seems you're right, Captain. A great deal has happened since
I've been gone.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] If you look at the prophecies about the
Emissary, a lot of them make more sense with Akorem in the picture.
[DAX] Really?
[SISKO] Every text I've read says the Prophets will name their Emissary
by calling him to them, that he would find the Celestial Temple, that
there the Prophets would give him back his life.
[DAX] Go on.
[SISKO] They didn't give me back my life.
[DAX] Not literally, but they did help you get your life back together.
[SISKO] True enough. But I wasn't the first one to find the wormhole, or
to meet the Prophets. Akorem was.
[DAX] Benjamin, I thought you didn't believe in the prophecies.
[SISKO] I don't.
[DAX] Then why are you using them to justify giving up your position?
[SISKO] I guess I was looking for something to convince me that I was
making the right decision.
[DAX] So your mind's made up. You're going to step aside.
[SISKO] Akorem will make a far better Emissary than I ever was. He's
Bajoran, he's a revered poet, and he wants the job. Besides, Starfleet
will be thrilled. They never liked the idea that the Bajorans saw me as
a religious figure.
[DAX] How do you know the Bajorans will accept Akorem as their new
[SISKO] I talked to Vedek Porta. He seemed to think that as long as I
make it clear that I'm stepping aside voluntarily, they will.
[DAX] So you're off the hook. How does it feel?
[SISKO] It feels good. No more ceremonies to attend, no more blessings
to give, no more prophecies to fulfill. I'm just a Starfleet officer
again. All I have to worry about are the Klingons, the Dominion and the
Maquis. I feel like I'm on vacation.
[BASHIR] Chief! Congratulations, dad.
[BRIEN] You heard.
[BASHIR] Great news, my friend. Come and have a drink. Celebrate.
[BRIEN] I really should be getting home.
[BASHIR] Oh, just one.
[BRIEN] All right.
[BASHIR] Quark, did you hear? Chief O'Brien is
having a baby.
[QUARK] I thought your females carried your young.
[BRIEN] My wife. My wife is having the baby.
[QUARK] Congratulations. I remember when my nephew Nog was a baby.
Cutest thing you ever saw. You know babies. Every little thing they
pick up goes straight into their ears. I used to love reading to him.
You know, See Brak acquire. Acquire, Brak, acquire.
(Quark hands over a mug of ale.)
[BASHIR] Just think, soon there'll be two little O'Briens scampering
about underfoot.
[BRIEN] Hard to believe, isn't it.
[BASHIR] Mind you, they do say the second one is easier. Since you've
already been through the diapers and the endless crying and the
sleepless nights.
[BRIEN] Yeah.
[BASHIR] Cheers.
[BRIEN] Oh, cheers.
[BASHIR] Something wrong, Chief?
[BRIEN] No. Nothing at all. Couldn't be happier.
[QUARK] Did you hear? Keiko's going to have another baby.
[WORF] Now?
[BRIEN] No, seven months.
[WORF] I see.
Worf delivered Molly, you know.
[BASHIR] Really?
[BRIEN] The Enterprise was damaged. Keiko and he were trapped together
when her time came.
[BASHIR] Oh, well I'll be sure and call you when she's ready to deliver.
You can lend a hand.
[WORF] Seven months? Unfortunately, I will be away from the station at
that time. Far away. Visiting my parents. On Earth. Excuse me.
(Worf leaves)
[BASHIR] I don't know who's more anxious about this baby, you or Worf.
[BRIEN] The thing is, Julian, now that Molly's a little older, I was
hoping to being able to spend some time with Keiko again. I thought we
could, I don't know, go out at night. Don't get me wrong, I know once
I'm hold my little baby in my arms I'll be the happiest man in the
world, but I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon. How about a game of
[BASHIR] Don't you have to get home?
[BRIEN] Yeah.
(Promenade - upper level)
[ODO] Major. Come to see Akorem speak?
[KIRA] The Emissary's first public appearance? I wouldn't miss it.
[ODO] I'm surprised to hear you call him that.
[KIRA] Why? Akorem Laan was, is a great man. He's been with the Prophets
for over two hundred years, and now they've sent him back to us.
[ODO] Yes, but two days ago you believed Captain Sisko was the Emissary.
[KIRA] Well, he made it clear he wants to step aside.
[ODO] Does that mean he never really was the Emissary?
[KIRA] No.
[ODO] But they can't both be.
[KIRA] I don't know. What do you want from me, Odo?
[ODO] Forgive me, Major, I don't mean to be difficult, but your faith
seems to have led you to something of a contradiction.
[KIRA] I don't see it as a contradiction.
[ODO] I don't understand.
[KIRA] That's the thing about faith. If you don't have it, you can't
understand it, and if you do, no explanation is necessary.
(Akorem and Porta come out of the Temple below, to a lectern set up for
the occasion.)
[AKOREM] Ever since the Prophets returned me to my people, I've asked
myself the same questions over and over again. Why did they keep me
with them for so long? Why did they return me to my
(Captain' office)
AKOREM (on monitor} People now? I now know the
answers. Bajor suffered a great wound while I was with the Prophets.
The Cardassian occupation. The Bajor I have returned to has lost its
way. People no longer follow the path the Prophets have laid out for
them. They no longer follow their D'jarras. Artists have become
soldiers. Priests have become merchants. Farmers have become
[AKOREM] We must heal the wounds of the occupation.
We must return to our D'jarras. We must reclaim what we were and follow
the path the Prophets have laid out for us. It is their will that the
farmers return to their land, painters to their canvasses, priests to
their temples. If we do this, if we follow our D'jarras, then Bajor
will flourish again and become the green and peaceful land I remember.
It will be as if the occupation never happened. By returning to our
D'jarras, we will have erased it forever.
(He gets polite applause, but there are many unhappy faces, including
Kira and Sisko.)
[SISKO] I wanted to talk to you before you left for
[AKOREM] Of course.
[SISKO] I was surprised by your speech. I had no idea you were going to
advocate change on such a massive scale.
[AKOREM] It's what the Prophets want for Bajor. It's why they sent me.
[SISKO] Are you sure of that?
[AKOREM] Absolutely.
[PORTA] The Emissary knows that what he's proposing will be difficult
for some people to accept. He doesn't expect things to change
[SISKO] So, you're going to ask First Minister Shakaar to step down and
go back to farming?
[AKOREM] No, of course not. But, frankly, by the next election, I doubt
very many people will left on Bajor who would elect a farmer to
political office.
[PORTA] We hope that eventually the people will support enforcement of
the D'jarras by legal sanction.
[SISKO] So if someone defies their caste?
[AKOREM] Society will have appropriate remedies at it's disposal, such
as deportation.
[SISKO] You realise that caste-based discrimination goes against the
Federation charter. If Bajor returns to the D'jarra system, I have no
doubt that its petition to join the Federation will be rejected.
[AKOREM] Kai Winn and I have already discussed it. We're willing to make
that sacrifice in order to follow the will of the Prophets.
[SISKO] I had a feeling Winn would see it that way.
[PORTA] Well, the Emissary's transport leaves shortly.
[SISKO] As a Starfleet Officer, I am bound by oath not to interfere with
Bajoran affairs. But, as a friend to Bajor, I have to say giving up
Federation membership would be a mistake.
(Akorem takes hold of Sisko's right ear)
[AKOREM] Your pagh is strong. I see now why Kai Opaka believed you were
the Emissary, and why Winn fears you. Goodbye, Captain.
[SISKO] Goodbye Emissary.
(All the seats are taken.)
[SISKO] Morning.
[KIRA] I guess I'll have to take my raktajino with me.
(A Bajoran woman stands up.)
[JIA] Please, sit here.
[KIRA] You're not finished.
[JIA] I'll find someplace else to sit.
[KIRA] You don't have to get up for me.
[JIA] You're Ih'valla. I'm Te'nari.
(And she leaves.)
[SISKO] It's been going on all morning whenever someone with a higher
ranking D'jarra comes in.
[KIRA] I guess I'll have to start getting used to being treated like
[SISKO] I remember when I got promoted to lieutenant. It took me a while
to get used to being called sir by my friends who were still ensigns.
[KIRA] That's different. You'd earned the right to be treated with
respect. I haven't done anything.
[SISKO] Sounds like you have some reservations about bringing back the
[KIRA] I have some questions, sure. The Emissary is asking something
very difficult of us, but we have to have faith that he's guiding us
toward something.
[SISKO] Even if what he's guiding you towards doesn't include the
[KIRA] It's not our place to question the Emissary.
[SISKO] No matter what?
[KIRA] Maybe you never realised this, Captain, but we would've tried to
do whatever you asked of us when you were Emissary, no matter how
difficult it seemed. I'd better get to Ops.
(Sisko's quarters)
(Sisko wakes from a bad dream.)
(Everywhere is closed and quiet. There's the sound
of a wind then it goes dark.)
[OPAKA] Who are you?
[SISKO] Kai Opaka.
[OPAKA] Who are you?
[SISKO] What are you doing here? How did you
(Now she's behind him)
[OPAKA] Who are you?
[SISKO] Don't you know me?
(Behind him again.)
[OPAKA] Know you? How can I know someone who doesn't know himself?
(She vanishes and the lights come back on.)
[BASHIR] I think you had what the Bajorans call an
Orb Shadow. Sometimes people who've been exposed to the Orbs of the
Prophets experience hallucinations weeks, even months later.
[SISKO] What triggers them?
[BASHIR] An excess of neuropeptides. I can give you an inhibitor to make
sure it never happens again. Of course, if I do, you risk never finding
[SISKO] Finding out what?
[BASHIR] The Bajorans believe you only have a Shadow experience when you
ignore what the Prophets have been trying to tell you during an Orb
[SISKO] Interesting.
[BASHIR] So, any idea what they might have been trying to tell you?
[SISKO] Sure. That I have too many neuropeptides rolling around in my
(Kira's quarters)
(Kira is exploring her artistic side, but the
result is not satisfactory and she takes out her frustration on the
hapless piece of clay, which then takes its place on the table with a
load of other misshapen lumps.)
[PORTA] A bird is a difficult thing to sculpt. Maybe
you should have started with something simpler. Come in, come in.
Services are about to begin.
[KIRA] But I can tell I have no aptitude for it.
[PORTA] That's because you didn't give yourself over to what you were
[KIRA] How can you say that? I was up half the night. I have a flock of
flightless birds in my quarters.
[PORTA] But you're still wearing that uniform. You're still clinging to
a false life. You must do what the Emissary has asked and follow your
D'jarra with all your heart. Because if you give yourself over to the
Prophets, they will guide you along the path they've chosen for you.
And you'll know more joy than you ever thought possible.
(O'Brien's quarters)
(Miles and Molly are playing magnetic darts.)
[BRIEN] Attagirl! Good shot, Molly.
[MOLLY] Did I win?
[BRIEN] We're just practicing. We'll play a game later. Try another
(Keiko enters with Mile's Irish warrior costume.)
[KEIKO] Miles?
[BRIEN] Oh. That's mine. Don't worry, I only wear it in the
[KEIKO] I suppose Julian has one, too. You two certainly spent a lot of
time in the holosuites.
[BRIEN] Well, you should be glad. It kept me out of trouble.
[KEIKO] Remind me to thank Julian next time I see him.
[BRIEN] Want to try for twins?
[KEIKO] I don't think it works that way. You'd better brush up on your
[BRIEN] Teach me.
[MOLLY] Look, I drew a pony.
[BRIEN] Oh, let's see. Does your pony have a name?
[MOLLY] I don't know.
[KEIKO] Miles, I still have a lot of specimens I've got to catalogue for
the survey.
[BRIEN] Go ahead. I'll play with Molly.
[KEIKO] Oh, Miles, it's good to be home.
[BRIEN] Come on, Molly. Let's play darts. Now, remember what I said
about the right way to stand? Let's try again.
[MOLLY] I don't want to.
[BRIEN] Can daddy colour, too?
[MOLLY] I'm colouring.
(O'Brien looks at his Irish warrior costume with sadness and longing.)
(Captain's office)
[KIRA] The four-shift rotation also seems to be
improving performance. Less mistakes due to fatigue.
[SISKO] Fine, let's make the change permanent. Anything else?
[KIRA] I was wondering if in the next few days you would have the time
to meet with Major Jatarn.
[SISKO] Sure.
[KIRA] Is something wrong, sir?
[SISKO] I'm sorry. I just received a communiqué from Starfleet Command
responding to my report on the Bajoran situation.
[KIRA] That bad?
[SISKO] Not yet. But I can read between the lines. I was sent here to
help bring Bajor into the Federation. That doesn't look like much of a
possibility anymore. As far as Starfleet is concerned, I have failed my
[KIRA] That's not fair. It's not your fault.
[SISKO] It is from where they're sitting. The irony is Starfleet was
always trying to get me to distance myself from this Emissary business.
And now that I have
[KIRA] Maybe I could talk to First Minister Shakaar about sending
Starfleet a communiqué
[SISKO] Thanks, it'll blow over. It's not that. I guess I'm just feeling
I did fail.
[KIRA] Sir.
[SISKO] Anyway, why did you want me to meet Jatarn?
[KIRA] We can talk about that another time.
[SISKO] What is it, Major?
[KIRA] I think he'd make an excellent First Officer. As soon as you find
someone to take my post, I'm going to resign my commission.
[SISKO] To follow your D'jarra.
[KIRA] I'm planning to move back to the Dahkur province, There are a lot
of artists who live in the capital and I have a friend there who's
willing to apprentice me. I'm sorry. The last thing I want to do is add
to your problems, but this is something I have to do. If you don't hit
it off with Major Jatarn, I can think of a few other people. It
shouldn't be that hard to find someone to replace me.
[SISKO] I don't doubt I can find someone to fill your post. But to
replace you?
[BRIEN] Computer, time.
[COMPUTER] Nineteen twenty-one hours.
[BRIEN] Where's Doctor Bashir?
[COMPUTER] Doctor Bashir is in Quark's bar.
(Julian is playing darts with Morn.)
[BASHIR] Well, I'm chasing a triple seventeen and a bull, Morn. You've
got some catching up to do. Chief! Excuse me.
[BRIEN] Julian.
[BASHIR] How've you been?
[BRIEN] Not bad. You?
[BASHIR] Oh, you know. All right.
[BRIEN] I was heading home, thought I'd stop in for a quick pint.
[BASHIR] It's been a while, eh?
[BRIEN] Seems like weeks. I see you found someone to play darts with.
I've set up a board in my quarters so Molly and I can play.
[BASHIR] Well, Morn's er, he's pretty good.
[BRIEN] So's Molly.
[BRIEN] It's not the same.
[BRIEN] I mean, Molly's just a kid. We've been playing with magnets.
[BASHIR] Morn couldn't hit a Yridian yak at five paces.
[BRIEN] You and I were evenly matched.
[BASHIR] We had a good rivalry going on.
[BRIEN] Kept us sharp.
[BASHIR] Exactly.
[QUARK] You're late.
[BRIEN] What do you mean?
[QUARK] It's Thursday. I've got your usual holosuite reserved.
[BRIEN] Didn't you cancel?
[BASHIR] Actually, I was hoping maybe
[BRIEN] No, no, I've got to get home.
[QUARK] What about you, Doctor? The Battle of Britain awaits. And you
know my policy on cancellations. No refunds.
[BRIEN] Go ahead. Maybe Morn's better in the cockpit of a spitfire
than he is at darts.
[BASHIR] Wouldn't be the same.
[BRIEN] You're right. Morn probably doesn't even know where England
is. I'll see you.
(Captain's office)
[ODO (OC)] Odo to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[ODO (OC)] You'd better get down to the Promenade. Someone's been
[SISKO] What happened?
[KIRA] I don't know yet.
(A monk is lying on the ground.)
[ODO] He fell from the second level. His neck was broken on impact.
[SISKO] Did anyone see it happen?
[PORTA] I did.
[ODO] Was it an accident?
[PORTA] I pushed him. His family name is Imutta. Their D'jarra is
[KIRA] They prepare the dead for burial.
[PORTA] I asked him to set the proper example and resign from our order.
He refused.
[SISKO] You killed him because of his D'jarra?
[PORTA] I had to. If a Vedek can't do what the Emissary has asked of us,
how can we expect anyone else to?
[SISKO] Get him out of here.
[AKOREM] I regret what happened here today as much
as you do, but change is never easy, and the road that the Prophets
have asked us to walk won't always be a smooth one.
[SISKO] And forcing people to follow their D'jarras won't make it any
smoother. What happened on the Promenade was just the beginning.
[AKOREM] Must I remind you, Captain? I am merely fulfilling the will of
the Prophets.
[SISKO] How do you know that?
[AKOREM] I'm the Emissary.
[SISKO] And what you've done with the position has made me wish I had
never given it up.
[AKOREM] But you did, and it was the right decision. You never truly
accepted the role in the first place.
[SISKO] I'm willing to accept it now.
[AKOREM] You're challenging my claim?
[SISKO] You've left me no choice.
[AKOREM] If we went to the people and asked them to choose between us,
it would be chaos.
[SISKO] I don't want to divide Bajor any more than you do.
[AKOREM] It wouldn't be divided for long. because in the end the people
would choose me. My claim was foretold in the ancient texts. I was the
first to find the wormhole. I was the first to be with the Prophets.
They gave me back my life.
[SISKO] We're not going to settle this by arguing over ancient texts.
[AKOREM] Then how?
[SISKO] There's only one way to be sure which one of us is the Emissary.
We have to go to the wormhole and ask the Prophets.
(WHOOSH into the wormhole)
[SISKO] Going to half thrusters.
[AKOREM] Now what?
[SISKO] We wait.
(Time passes, then they go into the white Limbo)
[KIRA] You are the Sisko.
[BASHIR] This is the one that was injured.
[AKOREM] Yes, I was. And you gave me back my life, just as the texts
[PORTA] Why are you here?
[AKOREM] To prove to this nonbeliever that you sent me to put Bajor back
on the right path. Please, tell him you chose me to be the Emissary.
[AKOREM] Tell him that I fulfilled the ancient
Prophecies. That I was the first to find the Celestial temple. I was
the first to meet with you. He came to you centuries later.
[BASHIR] First. Later.
[KIRA] They have no meaning to us.
[SISKO] The Bajorans believe you are their Prophets,
that you've chosen one of us to be your Emissary.
[ODO] We are of Bajor.
[SISKO] Go on.
[ODO] They are linear.
[KIRA] It limits them.
[PORTA] They do not understand.
[SISKO] But we want to understand. That's why we're
here. You saved his life. Why?
[KIRA] He was injured.
[BASHIR] We kept him with us.
[AKOREM] So that I would be spared the occupation so
that I could bring the D'jarras back to Bajor.
[SISKO] Is that true? Is that what you want?
[PORTA] The D'jarras are part of what the Sisko would call the past.
[KIRA] The Sisko taught us that for you, what was,
can never be again.
[AKOREM] If the D'jarras belong in the past, why did you send me into
the future?
[ODO] For the Sisko.
[SISKO] For me?
[AKOREM] You're saying that he's your Emissary?
[BASHIR] He is the Sisko.
[AKOREM] Then I've been wrong about everything. You should have let me
[KIRA] We still can.
[PORTA] We can return him to the moment we found him.
[ODO] Allow him to die.
[SISKO] No. Why not return him to his own time as he is now, uninjured,
so that he can get back safely to Bajor?
[ODO] He would remember nothing of what has happened.
[AKOREM] I could be with my wife my family. I'm ready to go home.
(Akorem vanishes.)
[OPAKA] Why? Why do you stay here?
[SISKO] Because I still have questions.
[OPAKA] We are of Bajor.
[SISKO] What does that mean?
[OPAKA] You are of Bajor.
(Sisko is on his own in the middle of the
(O'Brien's quarters)
[BRIEN] You know, Molly really loves that book
Jake gave her. She made me read it to her three times before she fell
[KEIKO] I'm going to be working another few hours.
[BRIEN] That's okay I'll, er, I'll read.
[KEIKO] If you want to go do something
[BRIEN] No, I'm fine. (big sigh)
[KEIKO] Miles, I promised I wouldn't say anything, but it's about
[BRIEN] What about him?
[KEIKO] I ran into him the other day and he seemed depressed. He'd never
admit it, but he really misses you.
[BRIEN] Poor guy. No family to come home to every night.
[KEIKO] Maybe you should go find him, you know, cheer him up a little.
[BRIEN] Depressed, is he?
[KEIKO] Very.
[BRIEN] Maybe I should go spend an hour with him.
[KEIKO] Maybe two.
[BRIEN] I'm a lucky man.
[KEIKO] Keiko to Doctor Bashir.
[BASHIR (OC)] Go ahead.
[KEIKO] Julian, it's about Miles.
[KEIKO (OC)] I promised I wouldn't tell anyone, but
he's been really depressed lately.
(Kira puts a clay 'bird' on Sisko's table)
[KIRA] I want you to have this. It's an original Kira Nerys. Could be
very valuable one day.
[SISKO] I hear she didn't make many.
[KIRA] I thought your speech went very well yesterday. It was the right
thing to do.
[SISKO] I wanted everyone to know what happened to Akorem, and that the
Prophets said nothing about returning to the D'jarras.
[KIRA] Just about everyone was relieved to hear it.
(O'Brien and Bashir come down the stairs in Irish warrior costume.)
[BASHIR] It's your own fault.
[BRIEN] I can't believe you didn't cover me.
[BASHIR] How was I to know you were going to insult the King of Leinster
in his own keep?
[SISKO] I was just reading one of Akorem's poems, The Call of the
[KIRA] Oh, that's one of my favourites. It's a shame he never finished
[SISKO] He did. Look.
[KIRA] This is confusing. The last time I read this poem it ended after
the twelfth stanza. If the timeline's been changed, then why do I
remember things the way they used to be?
[SISKO] The Prophets work in mysterious ways.
[ONARA] (a man) Excuse me, sir.
[SISKO] Yes?
[ONARA] I'm sorry to bother you but tomorrow, after evening services in
the Temple we're having my daughter's ih'tanu ceremony. She's turning
[SISKO] Happy Birthday.
[ONARA] We were wondering if there's any chance you could come and give
her your blessing. It would mean so much to us.
[SISKO] I'd be happy to.
[ONARA] Thank you, Emissary.
[SISKO] (genuinely) You're welcome. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e86", "title": "Accession"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Rules of Engagement
of Engagement
Original Airdate: 8 Apr, 1996
(The scene is 'unreal' with slanted camera angle
and slightly out of focus. It is Red alert and Worf is running with his
bat'leth. A badly injured crewman reaches out for help. The bridge crew
are dead. A group of Klingons are celebrating their victory. Worf
enters the bridge to see dead Klingon children at the stations instead
of Federation personnel.)
(Holding cell)
(Worf wakes from his nightmare.)
[ODO] Are you all right?
[WORF] What time is it?
[ODO] Oh four hundred. Your hearing starts in four hours. I suggest
trying to get some sleep. You've got a big day ahead of you.
(Admiral T'Lara (a Vulcan female) strikes the
ship's bell six times.)
[LARA] This hearing will come to order. We are here to consider the
request of the Klingon Empire that Lieutenant Commander Worf be
extradited for trial on charges of murder. Advocate Ch'Pok, you may
present your charges.
[POK] The Klingon Empire makes the following allegations against
Lieutenant Commander Worf. That on Stardate 49648, while commanding the
Starship Defiant, he knowingly fired upon and destroyed a Klingon
civilian transport ship near the Pentath system. That as a result of
that action, four hundred forty one Klingon civilians were killed. It
is my intention to prove that Mister Worf was grossly negligent in his
command of the Defiant. That his lust for combat overrode his good
judgement. I ask only that he be returned to us to face the judgment of
his own people. Thank you.
[SISKO] The Advocate neglected to mention in his opening statement that
at the time in question, the Defiant was under attack by two Klingon
warships. This was a combat situation with hundreds of lives at stake.
It was at that moment, when suddenly the transport ship decloaked in
front of the Defiant. Worf gave the order to fire, not because he was
reckless or negligent, but because he believed he was firing on a
warship. We intend to show that the destruction of the transport was a
tragic, but unavoidable, accident.
[LARA] I will hear formal evidence beginning tomorrow afternoon at
fifteen hundred hours.
[SISKO] I want to know everything there is to know
about the Klingon who was commanding that transport ship.
[ODO] You suspect that he wasn't just on an innocent passenger run.
[SISKO] I'm going to argue that he saw the battle and then decided to
join it. That he decloaked in order to attack the Defiant.
[ODO] Not the smartest decision he ever made.
[SISKO] That's where you come in. Use your contacts in the Empire and
find out something about this captain I can use. Was he reckless, did
he have a reputation for drinking, did he have a death wish? Something.
[ODO] I'll see what I can do.
(Odo gets onto the turbolift.)
[POK] Captain. (hands over a PADD) The witnesses I intend to call.
[SISKO] Thank you.
[POK] A remarkable station, Captain.
[SISKO] Thank you. We don't get many Klingon visitors anymore.
[POK] After this case is over, you might be seeing a lot more of us.
[POK] When Worf is extradited, the Federation will be forced to admit
that one of its officers committed a massacre. That will put you on the
defensive throughout the quadrant. And while you're busy trying to
repair a badly damaged reputation, we'll find ourselves with certain
[SISKO] An opportunity to annex more Cardassian space and set up
additional military bases in this sector?
[POK] Possibly. But in any case, Worf is about to present us with
something we never could have won in battle. Sympathy. Any move we make
against you will be seen as a legitimate response to an outrageous
[SISKO] You're presuming an awful lot. Worf maintains his innocence.
[POK] And you are about to remind me that the burden of proof is
mine. It's an interesting system of justice you have, Captain. It does
have its flaws, however. It emphasises procedure over substance, form
over fact.
[SISKO] I'm sorry if you feel it puts you at a disadvantage.
[POK] On the contrary. I look forward to fighting on your terms.
[SISKO] This is not a fight. It's the search for the truth.
[POK] The truth must be won. I'll see you on the battlefield.
[POK] I have studied Commander Worf's report, the
Defiant's sensor logs, and the reports of the other officers on the
Bridge. And I believe every word of it. It's a point of pride for the
Federation that Starfleet officers never lie or commit fraud, so I will
accept the facts of the case as they have been submitted.
[SISKO] Admiral, if there are no facts in dispute, then this hearing
would appear to be at an end.
[POK] We Klingons are not concerned with matters of fact and
circumstance. What matters to us is what was in Worf's heart when he
gave the order to fire. Was he just a Starfleet officer doing his duty
or was he a Klingon warrior revelling in the battle? That is why I am
here. Because if he was a Klingon lost in the bloodlust of combat, only
we can judge him, not you.
[SISKO] We can't put a man's heart on trial. It's a subjective issue
that cannot be reasoned in a court of law. I ask that the advocate be
limited to arguing the evidence in this case.
[POK] Someone told me this was a search for the truth. Should we not
follow that search wherever it takes us?
[LARA] The question of Commander Worf's motive is relevant. I will
allow you to explore this issue, but only as far as logic permits.
[POK] I bow to your judgement.
[LARA] You may call your first witness.
(The first witness is Dax.)
[POK] You're something of an expert on Klingon society, aren't you,
[DAX] My previous host, Curzon, would have called himself an expert. I
tend to think of myself as having a passing familiarity with your
[POK] In your opinion, as someone with a passing familiarity with our
culture, wouldn't you say the Klingons are a violent, warrior race?
[DAX] Yes, there is that aspect to your people.
[POK] Would you agree that one of the things that makes a Klingon
warrior so formidable is his predatory instinct, his bloodlust, if you
[DAX] I'd agree with that.
[POK] Now, when Worf was on the Defiant, engaged in combat, don't you
think his predatory instinct took over?
[DAX] I think that instinct was present, but I've seen Mister Worf
restrain it before.
[POK] How do you know so much about how he behaves in battle?
[DAX] In the holosuite. We've fought many times.
[POK] You mean you practiced with Mister Worf. You played with him.
[DAX] Oh, no. When we fight, we fight.
(Holosuite caves)
(As she remembers a workout similar to that from
Sons of Mogh)
[DAX (OC)] I've made it very clear to Mister Worf that I never want him
to take it easy on me because I'm a woman or a Trill.
[POK] Have you ever been injured?
[DAX] A few bruises here and there. A broken finger once. Nothing
serious. And I've given him a few lumps of his own.
(Holosuite caves)
[POK (OC)] So you're not afraid of Mister Worf?
(Worf gets his blade against her neck.)
[DAX] I'm no fool. I can see the killer instinct in his eyes, and I know
he could kill me if he wants to. But that look always goes away. He
knows when to stop. Ja'cht.
[POK] Admiral, at this time I would like to enter
into evidence files I obtained from the defendant's private database
this morning.
[SISKO] Objection. There's been no search order issued for those files.
This is a violation of Mister Worf's privacy.
[LARA] The captain is correct. Without a properly executed search
order, or the permission of the defendant, any information you have
accessed from his private database may not be admitted into evidence.
[POK] Ah. I see. Well, I obviously have no search order, so I'll ask
you, Worf. May I enter this files into evidence? Or do you have
something to hide?
[SISKO] Don't play his game.
[WORF] I have nothing to hide. Use whatever you wish.
[POK] Commander Dax, are you familiar with a holosuite programme
known as The Battle of Tong Vey?
[DAX] Yes. It's one of the programmes Mister Worf brought with him from
the Enterprise.
[POK] Describe it for us.
[DAX] It's an historical re-enactment of one of the epic Klingon
battles. Ten thousand warriors under the command of the Emperor Sompek
conquered the city of Tong Vey after a long siege.
[POK] A glorious battle. When Worf recreates it in the holosuite,
what role does he play?
[DAX] Sompek.
[POK] Of course. The conqueror's role. One of our greatest heroes.
Tell me, Commander, what was the final order Sompek gave to his men
once they had conquered the city of Tong Vey?
(Dax doesn't want to answer.)
[POK] Commander?
[DAX] He told them to burn the city to the ground and to kill everyone
in it.
[POK] Everyone? Not just the soldiers, but the people of the town
too? Civilians? Women? Children?
[DAX] Yes.
[POK] Now, Commander, when Mister Worf runs this programme, does he
give the final order to destroy the city and kill all of the
[DAX] It's not the same thing. It's a simulation.
[POK] Answer the question.
[DAX] That's the way the programme is supposed to end. You have to give
that command
[POK] Admiral, I ask that the witness be instructed to answer the
question yes or no.
[LARA] Yes or no, Commander?
[DAX] Yes.
[POK] Of course he does. Because he is a Klingon warrior. He doesn't
have the same moral code as a Starfleet officer. He is one of us. A
killer, a predator among sheep.
[SISKO] Objection!
[LARA] Restrain yourself, Advocate.
[POK] I only have one more question for this witness, Admiral.
Commander Dax, when was the last time Worf used that programme?
[DAX] (reading the diary PADD) The day before he left on the convoy
[POK] The day before. The day before. I have nothing further.
(Sisko's turn to be questioned)
[POK] Captain, you ordered Worf to command the Defiant on the mission
in question, did you not?
[SISKO] That's right.
[POK] How did you describe the mission to Worf?
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] An outbreak of Rudellian plague has struck
the Cardassian colony on Pentath Three. The Cardassians are preparing
several convoys of medical supplies and relief workers, but the Pentath
system borders Klingon territory and the Cardassians are worried about
[WORF] Well, Pentath is a strategically important system. The Klingons
will try to stop them.
[SISKO] Now the problem is the Cardassians don't have enough warships
available to protect the relief convoy. They've asked for Starfleet
protection, and because of the humanitarian nature of the request,
we've agreed. There will be seven convoys headed for Pentath Three in
the next week, each of them protected by a Federation starship. The
Defiant has been assigned to escort convoy six, and I've chosen you to
be in command.
[POK (OC)] Why did you select Worf for this mission?
[SISKO] (to camera) I felt he was an experienced officer who was ready
to take on greater responsibilities. He had a distinguished record and
obviously understood the Klingons.
[POK] Weren't you a little worried, Captain, that
Worf, a famed Klingon Warrior, might jump at the chance for battle and
forget about the plague victims?
[SISKO] If I were, I wouldn't have given him the assignment.
[POK] And you're sure you made your instructions perfectly clear?
That Commander Worf knew he was on a humanitarian relief mission. That
he was not being sent out to seek combat?
[SISKO] Yes.
[POK] Thank you, Captain. I have nothing further for you.
[LARA] Captain, since you are also acting as defence counsel, if you
wish to add anything to the record, you are free to do so.
[SISKO] Not at this time, Admiral.
[LARA] Call your next witness.
[QUARK (to camera)] It was about seventeen hundred
hours. I was doing some cleanup work. Doctor Bashir was at the bar
talking to Etheria, one of the dabo girls.
[BASHIR] Have you ever seen the wormhole open?
[QUARK] No, wait. It wasn't Etheria. It was Glidia.
[BASHIR] Have you ever seen the wormhole open?
[QUARK] Or was it Midia?
[POK (OC)] Mister Quark, is this necessary?
[QUARK] No, no, no. It was Ralidia and she was with Morn. And he was the
one who turned to her and said
[POK] Can we return to the matter at hand,
[QUARK] Oh, right. Well, as I said, I was cleaning up and I saw Mister
Worf come in.
[POK (OC)] Was there anything unusual about that?
[QUARK] No, he comes in here all the time. But he was in a good mood.
[POK (OC)] And that's unusual?
[QUARK] Well, he's a Klingon, and you people are
rarely in what I would call good moods. Not that you're anything but a
pleasant, charming race.
[POK] Let's get back to Mister Worf. Describe what happened next
[QUARK] He came in, he ordered a drink, prune juice, I believe, and we
started to talk. I'd heard about the convoy mission so I asked him
about it and he said he was going to be commanding the Defiant.
[POK] What was his attitude?
[QUARK] Hard to say. He's a very private man. He doesn't share a lot
with his bartender.
[POK] Did he seem afraid of the mission?
[POK] Did he seem excited by the mission?
[QUARK] Not excited, exactly.
[POK] Then what, exactly?
[QUARK] I just remember asking him. What happens if
the Klingons go after the convoy? And then he got this funny look on
his face. He put down his prune juice, looked me right in the eyes, and
then he said.
[WORF] I hope they do.
[POK] I hope they do. Well, it would appear
Commander Worf's hopes were answered. I have nothing further.
(Security office)
[SISKO] What do you have for me, Constable?
[ODO] Background on the Klingon transport captain. He'd never been in
the military and he was known to his family and friends as a quiet,
efficient man who was content in his position.
[SISKO] Doesn't sound like a man who'd suddenly decide to take on the
[ODO] No.
[SISKO] What about this story of theirs that the transport ship just
wandered off course into a combat area?
[ODO] I checked the flight plan the captain filed and the projected
course was near the border. It would've taken only a very slight error
in navigation for the ship to stray into the fight.
[SISKO] But why did he drop his cloak right in front of the Defiant?
[ODO] Ah, that's the question no one seems able to answer.
[SISKO] No one seems able, or no one seems willing?
[ODO] They're too willing to answer questions. That's the problem. I'm
always suspicious of people who are eager to help a police officer.
[SISKO] Start looking into the passengers on that ship. Maybe someone
with a grudge against Worf or the Federation was aboard. Someone who
could have seized control of the ship and taken it into the battle. I'm
reaching, I know. But at the moment it's all we have.
[ODO] I'll keep looking.
[BRIEN] (to camera) There were two Klingon ships.
A bird of prey and an old battle cruiser. One would engage us while the
other went after the convoy, then they'd switch, the first ship going
after the Cardassians while the second ship came after us.
[KIRA] We've lost the number three starboard shield.
[WORF] Come about. The cruiser is taking us too far away from the
convoy. Try to keep our portside to the Klingons.
[BRIEN] Aye, sir. This went on for, I don't know, maybe five minutes.
They'd come at us, try to draw us away from the Cardassians, we'd head
back. Then the bird of prey came toward us off the port bow.
[KIRA] I have phaser lock.
[WORF] Fire!
(They hit the ship and it cloaks.)
[KIRA] We damaged them, but not much.
[BRIEN] We'd seen them do this cloak and run manoeuvre a few times,
and Commander Worf thought he saw a pattern.
[WORF] We have them now. Come to course one eight five mark two seven
eight. Stand by quantum torpedoes, full spread.
[KIRA] Aye, sir.
[BRIEN] I ran a quick sensor sweep and then I reported. I'm picking up
a tachyon surge directly ahead.
[WORF] Fire!
(The ship is still decloaking when it goes KaBOOM)
[SISKO (OC)] When did you realise it wasn't a bird of prey?
[BRIEN] As soon as it exploded.
[KIRA] Oh my God.
[BRIEN (OC)] We were all stunned.
[BRIEN] I scanned for survivors, but there were
[SISKO] Chief, do you believe Worf was correct in giving the order to
[BRIEN] I stand by his decision.
[SISKO] Is there any question in your mind about his motives?
[BRIEN] No, sir. I've known Commander Worf for nine years. He's an
honourable man. He would never intentionally fire on an unarmed ship.
[SISKO] Thank you, Chief.
[POK] I'm curious, Chief. You said you stand by Commander Worf's
decision. Do you agree with it?
[BRIEN] I completely support him.
[POK] That's not my question. Do you agree with his decision?
[BRIEN] I wasn't in command. It's not my place to question his
[POK] What if you were in command? What would you have done?
[BRIEN] I don't know.
[POK] Chief, how many years have you been in Starfleet?
[BRIEN] Twenty two.
[POK] And how many combat situations have you been in?
[BRIEN] I couldn't even guess.
[POK] Try.
[BRIEN] A hundred, hundred and fifty?
[POK] For the record, Chief O'Brien has been in two hundred and
thirty five separate engagements and Starfleet has decorated him
fifteen times. I would like to have him declared an expert in the area
of starship combat.
[LARA] Any objection?
[SISKO] None.
[POK] Chief O'Brien, if Mister Worf had been injured could you have
taken over command of that ship?
[BRIEN] I would have.
[POK] Let's say that happened. You're in command.
(O'Brien in the chair, a crewman at the helm.)
[POK (OC)] You're chasing the bird of prey, it cloaks. You anticipate
your opponent's manoeuvre, so you give the order.
[BRIEN] Come about to one eight five mark two seven eight. Stand by
quantum torpedoes, full spread.
[POK (OC)] The crew obeys. The ship comes about, and then your helm
officer tells you.
[HELM] I'm picking up a tachyon surge, directly ahead.
[POK (OC)] Now stop right there.
[POK] Freeze that moment in time. Everything
rides on your next decision.
[POK (OC)] Do you give the order to fire?
[BRIEN] This isn't a fair question. It didn't really happen this way.
I wasn't in command.
[POK (OC)] I'm not interested in whether you think it's a fair
question or not. You're in command. There's a ship out there
decloaking. You don't know what it is.
[POK] Do you fire?
[BRIEN] No. But that's just my opinion now, after the fact. I wasn't
in command that day. Things look a lot different when you're sitting in
that chair.
[POK] I'm sure they do.
[POK] Captain Sisko. Mind if I sit down? (sits) I
understand you're going to put Worf on the stand this afternoon.
[SISKO] That's right.
[POK] May I make a suggestion? Concede. Let me take him back to the
Empire and I'll make sure he's not put to death. In fact, I'll defend
him myself.
[SISKO] You?
[POK] What matters to me is the thrill of the fight, not which side
I'm on. And I think we both know the extradition fight is over.
[SISKO] You're not making this offer out of kindness. You want the
Federation to concede so the convoys will stop and the Klingons can
move in on the Pentath system.
[POK] As humans would say, that would be icing on the cake.
[SISKO] I wouldn't try eating that cake just yet, if I were you. But you
have told me one thing I needed to know. You're worried about what Worf
might say on the stand.
[POK] I'm not worried, but you should be.
[ODO] Captain.
(Worf goes into the wardroom.)
[SISKO] Good news or bad?
[ODO] Bad. I checked the backgrounds of every passenger on that
transport. None had any connection with Worf, or grudge against the
Federation, or any motive for seizing control of the ship and attacking
the Defiant. But I'm still not giving up.
[SISKO] I appreciate that. But I get the feeling that at this point the
only one who can help Worf is Worf.
[WORF] (to camera) The escort mission had proceeded
smoothly for two days. We detected several subspace distortions which
might have been cloaked ships, but nothing definite.
[SISKO (OC)] So what was the first sign of trouble, Mister Worf?
(Boom, Red alert!)
[WORF] There was no warning.
[KIRA] A bird of prey just decloaked off the port quarter.
[WORF] Raise shields, arm phasers.
[BRIEN] Commander, another ship's decloaking. It's an older battle
cruiser. She's going after the convoy.
[WORF] Bring us about.
[SISKO] How did you feel when the Klingons attacked?
Were you excited?
[WORF] Of course. I am a Klingon. We live for battle.
[SISKO] So that's all that mattered to you? The chance to fight?
[WORF] No, sir. Whatever my personal feelings may be, I do not allow
them to interfere with my duty or my professional judgement.
[SISKO] Chief O'Brien says that he disagrees with your decision to fire.
How do you respond to that?
[WORF] I respect the Chief's opinion. He and I have served together for
many years, and I consider him a friend. However, he was not in command
that day.
[SISKO] What difference does that make?
[WORF] It makes all the difference. He is looking back at a decision,
analysing it weeks later. As the commanding officer of the Defiant, it
was my duty to look forward, to anticipate every possible situation.
[SISKO] Did you anticipate encountering a civilian ship on this mission?
[WORF] I knew that our convoy would be passing through civilian shipping
lanes, but, in my judgement, the chances of a civilian vessel
decloaking in the middle of a battle were remote. I decided that if I
were engaged in combat I would not hesitate to fire at a decloaking
[SISKO] Mister Worf, I want you to think about the civilians who died on
that transport ship and answer one question. Under the same set of
circumstances, would you do it again?
[WORF] Yes, sir. If I had hesitated, I would have been negligent. I
would have been risking my ship, my crew and the entire convoy.
[SISKO] Thank you.
[POK] Worf, why are you considered an outcast among Klingons?
[WORF] I sided with the Federation during the invasion of Cardassia. For
that, Chancellor Gowron stripped me of my name and my family honour.
[POK] So, you acted out of conscience and you were punished for it.
How do you feel about that? Angry? Bitter?
[WORF] I am angry about the treatment I have received. I felt it was
[POK] Of course you are. Who wouldn't be? What happened affected your
entire family. The House of Mogh was brought down. Your brother was
ejected from the High Council in disgrace, your lands seized, and now
your son Alexander has to bear the stigma of being the son of a
traitor. Did I miss anything?
[WORF] No.
[POK] In your opinion, what do they think of you in the Empire, Worf?
[WORF] I am hated.
[POK] Why? Because of what you did?
[WORF] Yes.
[POK] Are you sure it's not something more basic?
[WORF] What is that supposed to mean?
[POK] Isn't it obvious? You were raised by humans, on Earth. And now
you wear their uniform. Haven't you really always been a traitor in
your heart?
[WORF] No.
[POK] Are you telling us that you live with humans but your heart is
[WORF] Yes.
[POK] But if your heart is Klingon, how could you fire upon your own
[WORF] They fired the first shot. And when that happened, they became my
[POK] Then why aren't you glad you destroyed that transport? It was
filled with your enemies and their children.
[WORF] There is nothing honourable about killing those who cannot defend
[POK] Are you telling me that you would never attack a defenceless
[WORF] No, I would not.
[POK] Maybe I've been wrong about you. Maybe you aren't really
Klingon in your heart. A true Klingon rejoices at the death of his
enemies. Old, young, armed, unarmed. All that matters is the victory.
Tell me, Worf, did you weep for those children?
[WORF] I grieve for them.
[POK] Grieve for them? A Klingon doesn't grieve. They died in a
glorious battle! They are with the honoured dead in Sto-Vo-Kor! They do
not want your grief. You dishonour their memories!
[SISKO] Objection!
[LARA] Advocate.
[WORF] You will say anything. You have no honour!
[POK] I say this. You live with humans because you're afraid to live
with Klingons.
[WORF] I fear nothing. And if you would like to pick up a bat'leth and
face me with weapons instead of words, I will prove it to you.
[POK] You'd like that, wouldn't you, Worf? You'd love to prove that
you are as strong and courageous as any Klingon warrior.
[WORF] I am a Klingon warrior.
[LARA] Advocate, you are stepping well beyond the bounds of protocol.
[POK] And that is why you told the Ferengi you hoped the Klingons do
come for you. You wanted to prove yourself in the eyes of the only
people that matter to you. Other Klingons.
[LARA] This will stop or I will hold both of you in contempt.
[POK] I apologise, Worf. Actually, I pity you. But the person I pity
most is Alexander. Because one day he will come to you and ask, Father
who am I? And you will have to tell him that he is the son of a small,
frightened man who destroyed a ship full of children just to prove his
own courage.
(Worf hits Ch'Pok several times, knocking him down.)
[SISKO] Worf, no!
[POK] I thought you said you'd never attack an unarmed man. Perhaps
you should have said, not unless I get angry, not unless I have
something to prove. I rest my case.
Captain's log, stardate 49665.3. The hearing is in
recess and Admiral T'Lara has retired to her quarters to begin
deliberations. I wish I could be more optimistic about her decision.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Constable?
[ODO] Good news.
(Odo gives Sisko a PADD)
[SISKO] If he objects, I know what to do.
(T'Lara enters.)
[LARA] Captain Sisko?
[SISKO] Admiral, I apologise for interrupting your deliberations, but I
have some new evidence I'd like to present.
[LARA] Very well.
[SISKO] I'd like Advocate Ch'Pok to evaluate the evidence as an expert
witness on the Klingon Empire.
[LARA] I will not compel you to testify, Advocate.
[SISKO] Care to step onto my battlefield?
(Ch'Pok takes the stand.)
[SISKO] Advocate, how would you describe the current relationship
between the Federation and the Klingon Empire?
[POK] There is no formal relationship between our two governments.
[SISKO] What would you call us? Informal friends? Informal enemies?
[POK] I would say there is potential for either label, but at the
moment neither is entirely accurate.
[SISKO] Hmm. Interesting. Would you agree that at the moment, it is
difficult for us to trust each other?
[POK] Difficult, but not impossible. There are things that transcend
our differences. For example, we trust that this case can be decided
fairly. We have faith in Admiral T'Lara's judgement.
[SISKO] I'm glad to hear you have such a profound respect for the
Admiral. But would it be fair to say that outside this hearing you do
not entirely trust us?
[POK] Well, it is only prudent that we question your motives now that
we are no longer allies.
[SISKO] Of course. And it is only prudent of us to question your
motives. After all, aren't there times when you feel it's in your best
interest to deceive us?
[POK] I object to the question. It is vague and hypothetical.
[SISKO] Well, can you imagine any circumstance in which the Empire would
deceive the Federation?
[POK] I have a poor imagination.
[SISKO] Let's see what we can do to spark it.
(Sisko gives Ch'Pok a PADD)
[SISKO] Do you recognise these names?
[POK] These are the people who were killed on board the transport.
[SISKO] You're positive? There are four hundred and forty one of them.
[POK] The names and faces of these people are seared into my heart.
This is a list of heroes who died at the hands of a coward. It is a
list I can never forget.
[SISKO] They are an interesting group of people aren't they? From every
walk of life. Merchants, soldiers, artists, shopkeepers.
[POK] Children.
[SISKO] Children. We've done some checking in their backgrounds, and in
our opinion they all appear to be a random group of people who shared
only one thing in common. They travelled on the same ship. Is that your
conclusion as well?
[POK] Yes.
[SISKO] And it was just fate that led these particular people to board a
doomed ship?
[POK] Fate is a human concept. They simply boarded the wrong ship at
the wrong time.
[SISKO] And then they did it again.
[POK] I don't think I understand your line of
[SISKO] Three months ago a Klingon transport ship crashed in the
mountains of Galorda Prime. Of course, everyone assumed the worst, that
the passengers and crew had all been killed. But then, miraculously,
everyone survived. Do you know anyone who was on that ship?
[POK] No.
[SISKO] Are you sure? You have the names of the survivors right there. I
can understand your confusion. The names in front of you are identical
to the names on this list. The people who were killed in the Defiant
incident. So, what does this mean? Four hundred and forty one people
somehow survived a crash on Galorda Prime and then a few weeks later
they all decide to take another trip, on the same day, on the same
transport ship, under the same captain and crew, and then that ship is
destroyed, too. This is a very unlucky group of people, wouldn't you
[POK] I am not an expert on luck.
[SISKO] No. You are an expert on the Klingon Empire. So, tell me,
Advocate. Isn't it possible that there were no civilians on the
transport Worf destroyed? Isn't it possible that the ship he saw was
sending out false sensor images and that this whole affair was staged
so that the only Klingon officer in Starfleet would be accused of a
massacre and the Federation would be forced to stop escorting the
convoys? Tell me, Advocate, isn't it possible?
[POK] Yes.
(Worf's cabin)
[WORF] Captain.
[SISKO] I thought you should know O'Brien and Bashir are throwing a
party for you at Quark's. It looks like quite a bash.
[WORF] I am aware of it, but I have much on my mind. Ch'Pok was right. I
did have something to prove when I took command of the convoy and I did
not realise it until I stood there looking down at him, blood trickling
from his mouth. In that moment I remember thinking finally he had given
me what I really wanted. A reason to attack him. And I had that same
feeling when the Klingon ships first attacked. Finally, a chance for
vengeance. I should not have accepted the mission.
[SISKO] I'm glad you realise that. That was your first mistake. What was
your second?
[WORF] When the ship decloaked, I should have checked the target before
I fired.
[SISKO] You're damned right you should've checked. You knew there were civilian ships in the area. You fired at
something you hadn't identified. You made a military decision to
protect your ship and crew, but you're a Starfleet officer, Worf. We
don't put civilians at risk or even potentially at risk to save
ourselves. Sometimes that means we lose the battle and sometimes our
lives. But if you can't make that choice, then you can't wear that
[WORF] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] At ease, Commander. Now, all that being true, the reality is no
harm has been done. There are no dead children on your conscience. You
got lucky.
[WORF] I do not feel lucky.
[SISKO] And that's why despite everything that's happened you're going
to make a hell of a captain some day. Now, let's go. They'll all be
waiting. Look, this party isn't for you as much as it is for them.
Things got a little tense there for a while. They need a release, a
chance to celebrate.
[WORF] But I do not feel like celebrating.
[SISKO] Part of being a captain is knowing when to smile, make the
troops happy even when it's the last thing in the world you want to do.
Because they're your troops and you have to take care of them.
[WORF] Life is a great deal more complicated in this red uniform.
[SISKO] Wait till you get four pips on that collar. You'll wish you had
gone into botany. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e87", "title": "Rules of Engagement"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Hard Time
Original Airdate: 15 Apr, 1996
(A lighting unit in the ceiling sends a grid
pattern onto the sandy floor where a wizened and tattered old man is
sitting drawing a pattern with his fingers. A klaxon sounds.
[ARGRATHI (OC)] All offenders prepare for decontamination.
Decontamination will proceed immediately.
(The prisoner curls up tight as a green light sweeps the room, erasing
his pattern and making him groan with pain. Once it is passed, he
starts again. The door unseals and opens. The prisoner stands. The
Prison governor enters with an armed escort.)
[RINN] Miles Edward O'Brien. The Argrathi Authority has been conducting
a review of your case. Do you wish to add anything to the official
(O'Brien shakes his grizzled, bearded head.)
[RINN] No matter. Your correction is completed. You are free.
[BRIEN] Free?
[RINN] The crime of espionage requires a minimum of fifteen cycles of
correction. You've been here for twenty. It's time for you to go.
[BRIEN] Go? I can't leave. Where would I go to?
[RINN] That's not my concern. Remove him.
(The guard uses his cattle prod and throws the screaming O'Brien into
the bright light outside the cell.)
(Argrathi treatment room)
(A uniformed and clean-shaven O'Brien is strapped
down and screaming. An Argrathi removes electrodes from his head and
unfastens him.)
[RINN] There. It's done.
[BRIEN] Major?
[KIRA] It's me, Chief.
[BRIEN] It can't be. It's been twenty years. You haven't changed at
[RINN] Only a few hours passed during your correction.
[BRIEN] I don't understand.
[KIRA] Chief, I know this is going to be hard for you to accept, but you
haven't been in prison. What you experienced was an artificial reality,
an interactive programme that created memories of things that never
actually happened.
[BRIEN] What?
[RINN] The Major is correct. We punish our offenders by giving them
memories of incarceration modelled to fit each offender's personality.
It's more efficient and much more effective than maintaining an
extensive prison system.
[KIRA] Which means that what you think you experienced in prison, the
things you remember, didn't happen. It wasn't real.
[BRIEN] It's real to me, Major. It's real to me.
(O'Brien's quarters)
[SISKO] He apparently got curious about some
Argrathi technology and asked a few too many questions. The Argrathi
security arrested him and charged him with espionage.
[KEIKO] But Miles would never break the law intentionally.
[SISKO] I know that. But by the time the Argrathi told us what had
happened, they had already carried out his correction.
[KEIKO] Can the memories that they implanted be removed?
[SISKO] The Argrathi claim it's impossible, but Doctor Bashir will do
his best.
[KEIKO] When can I see him?
[SISKO] As soon as Doctor Bashir gives the okay.
[BRIEN] I used to dream about this. Being on in runabout, coming
through the wormhole, seeing the station again. Now I keep expecting to
wake up and find myself back in the cell.
[KIRA] Being in your cell was a dream. This is the reality.
[BRIEN] I'd forgotten how beautiful it was.
[KIRA] Come on. Let's get you home.
[BASHIR] Chief.
[BRIEN] Julian. Is it really you?
[BASHIR] It's me.
[KIRA] He's all yours.
[BRIEN] Never thought I'd see you again.
[BASHIR] I was pretty worried about you, too.
[BRIEN] Keiko?
[BASHIR] She'll see you in a little while. I want to run some tests
first, see what we're up against. As for everyone else, they send their
best. They would have been here, but I didn't want you to get
overwhelmed. You should take things easy for a while, get used to this
place again. All right?
[BRIEN] Doctor's orders?
[BASHIR] Oh, absolutely.
[BASHIR] I can't imagine what it would have been
like. Twenty years in that cell.
[BRIEN] It was bad.
[BASHIR] In all that time, were you able to talk to anyone? See anyone?
[BRIEN] I was alone.
(Argrathi cell - memory)
(When O'Brien is first thrown from the light into
the cell, an alien drips fruit juice on to his lips.)
[CHAR] Here.
[ARGRATHI (OC)] All offenders refusing to comply with dormancy period
will be subject to habitat reprogramming.
[CHAR] Eat this. It'll help you feel better. It's chee'lash fruit.
[BRIEN] Thanks.
[CHAR] I'm the one who should be thanking you. I've been alone in
here for six cycles.
[BRIEN] Six years?
[CHAR] I know. It's a wonder I'm not insane. But you find ways to
survive. Let me guess. Sedition?
[BRIEN] Espionage.
[CHAR] It looks like we're going to be in here together for a long
time. My name is
[BRIEN] Miles. Miles O'Brien.
[CHAR] Hello, Miles. Welcome to hell.
[BRIEN] Completely alone.
(Promenade - upper level)
[BASHIR] The bottom line is, there isn't much I can
do. The Argrathi didn't just install memory implants. They ran Miles
through a highly realistic time-compressed simulation of the prison
experience. In his mind, he lived those twenty years. He reacted to
everything that happened. He felt pain, fear, hatred. He made choices
and decisions that affected the outcome. As a result, those memories
are real. The only way I could rid him of the memories would be to wipe
his entire memory clean, and clearly that isn't an option.
[KEIKO] I understand.
[BASHIR] Listen, Keiko, he's been through some terrible things in his
life, as you know. During the war on Setlik Three. That time he was
taken prisoner by the Paradans. During his trial on Cardassia Prime.
And he's always survived. In the long run, he's going to be okay. It's
just going to take some time.
[BRIEN] Computer. A piece of chee'lash fruit
[COMPUTER] Requested pattern for requested fruit is not available.
Please provide specifications.
[BRIEN] Well, it's sort of. I don't know the specifications. Cancel
the request.
[BASHIR] Chief?
(Ee'Char is with Bashir, then it is Keiko.)
[KEIKO] Miles? Oh, Miles.
(They embrace.)
[KEIKO] Miles, what's wrong?
[BRIEN] You're pregnant?
[KEIKO] That's right.
[BRIEN] It's been so long I'd forgotten.
[KEIKO] Oh, Miles. It's all right. Everything's going to be all right.
(O'Brien's quarters)
(O'Brien is cutting his food up very small and
dividing it into two piles on his plate.)
[MOLLY] I'm done. Can I go colour?
[KEIKO] Sure. Make sure to put your plate in the replicator, sweetie.
[MOLLY] Okay. Do you want to come colour with me?
[BRIEN] Maybe in a little while.
(Molly leaves)
[KEIKO] It must be strange to suddenly have a family again.
[BRIEN] It's just, I've been alone for so long.
[KEIKO] Talking about it with Counsellor Telnorri should help. Julian
says you'll be seeing him for a while.
[BRIEN] Three counselling sessions a week. I can hardly wait.
(O'Brien is putting food into a napkin)
[KEIKO] Miles?
[BRIEN] Mm-hmm?
[KEIKO] What are you doing?
[BRIEN] Nothing.
[KEIKO] I mean, with your food.
[BRIEN] It's just a habit I picked up in prison. The guards didn't
care much whether I lived or died. Sometimes they wouldn't deliver food
for days, weeks even. When they did feed me, I ate as little as
possible and save the rest.
[KEIKO] That's horrible.
[BRIEN] You get used to it.
(Argrathi cell - memory)
(Ee'Char wraps food in a piece of cloth and buries
it. O'Brien has got a beard already.)
[ARGRATHI (OC)] All food rations will be suspended until further notice.
Any offenders caught with rations will be disciplined.
[CHAR] For later.
[BRIEN] How did you manage? Six years in here all by yourself.
[CHAR] Oh, you find ways. I'd exercise, tell myself stories, draw
eseekas on the ground.
[BRIEN] Eseekas?
[CHAR] Geometric patterns. Drawing them is a way to relax your body
and occupy the mind.
[BRIEN] That helps?
[CHAR] Helps me.
[BRIEN] Show me.
[CHAR] It's not easy.
[BRIEN] I have plenty of time to learn.
[CHAR] Here. This is a good spot. Start by drawing a circle.
(O'Brien copies him)
[CHAR] Now gaze into the circle. You want to learn or not?
[BRIEN] I'm gazing.
[CHAR] Relax your mind. Imagine that the circle encompasses your
whole existence. Let it become a part of you. Now without thinking,
allow your hand to make a mark inside the circle. Now expand on the
mark. Let it grow organically until it becomes a pattern.
[BRIEN] What are you laughing at?
[CHAR] You look like a reeta-hawk picking at a corpse. Awk! Awk!
[BRIEN] How do you do that?
[CHAR] What, awk?
[BRIEN] No, laugh after six years in here.
[CHAR] Well, after six years in a place like this, you either learn
to laugh or you go insane. I prefer to laugh.
[ARGRATHI (OC)] All offenders prepare for dormancy period. Any offender
still active during the dormancy period will be disciplined.
Illumination will be suspended in twenty seconds.
(They lie down on the sandy floor. Ee'Char uses the stone that hides
his stash as a pillow.)
[CHAR] Sleep well, Miles. And if you feel like laughing in the middle
of the night, go ahead. I'm a heavy sleeper.
[ARGRATHI (OC)] Dormancy period initiated.
(O'Brien's bedroom)
(Keiko wakes in the middle of the night to discover
O'Brien isn't in bed)
[KEIKO] Miles?
(He's sleeping on the floor, so she gently puts the duvet over him.)
(O'Brien is playing darts with Worf)
[WORF] Your throw.
[BRIEN] Do I need one seventeen, or two?
[WORF] I am not sure.
[BRIEN] No, neither am I.
[WORF] We could start again.
[BRIEN] Nah, that's all right. I know darts isn't really your game. To
be honest, I don't feel much like playing myself.
[WORF] We could go kayaking in the holosuite.
[BRIEN] You're a good friend, but
(O'Brien sees Ee'Char looking in from the Promenade.)
[BRIEN] Hold on a second.
(Ee'char is gone.)
[WORF] Is everything all right?
[BRIEN] It's fine. I just thought I saw someone I used to know.
(Cargo bay)
(Irony of ironies, Jake is showing O'Brien a box
full of tools.)
[BRIEN] Interphasic coil spanner. ODN recoupler.
[JAKE] You got it.
(O'Brien picks up a fancy perspex tube, possibly with a light bulb in
the end.)
[JAKE] It's a
[BRIEN] No, no, d on't tell me. I'll get it. A quantum flux regulator,
mark three.
[JAKE] Perfect.
[BRIEN] Let's go through it again.
[JAKE] Chief, you know this stuff. You don't have to worry about it.
[BRIEN] I don't want to be embarrassed in front of the repair crews.
[JAKE] Even if you get one wrong, no one'll think anything of it. You
may be a little rusty, but you're still the Chief.
[BRIEN] Oh, well if I'm still the Chief, I say we go through it again.
(O'Brien is using one of the light bulb gizmos on a
large printed circuit.)
[BRIEN] All done here.
[MUNIZ] That was quick.
[BRIEN] I reconfigured the magnetic waveguides. Saved us the trouble
of replacing the whole unit.
[MUNIZ] Good as new. We're about done here. If it's all right with you,
I was going to dismiss the crew for lunch.
[BRIEN] You go ahead. There's a couple of things I want to look at
down here. Brush up a little more.
[MUNIZ] Keep up the good work, crewman. Another week or two, you'll be
running the place.
[BRIEN] Don't you forget it.
(The work crew leave, and Bashir comes down the ladder.)
[BASHIR] Ah, there you are, Chief.
[BRIEN] Hello, Julian. Come to check up on me?
[BASHIR] To be honest, yes. Counsellor Telnorri says that you haven't
been in to see him in ten days.
[BASHIR] So, you're supposed to see him three times a week.
[BRIEN] What for? All Telnorri ever wants to do is sit and listen to
me tell stories of what it was like to be in an Argrathi prison. How
often did they beat me? Was I distressed by the lack of toilet
facilities? If you ask me, he's the one with the problem.
[BASHIR] You can talk to a different counsellor. Someone you might like
[BRIEN] Julian, I don't want to talk to a counsellor. I just want to
forget about what happened on Argratha and get on with my life.
[BASHIR] Just like that?
[BRIEN] Yes, just like that. I don't need counselling or relaxation or
time to adjust. I just want to be left alone.
[BASHIR] I'd have thought after being alone for twenty years, you'd want
someone to talk to.
[BRIEN] If there's one thing I haven't missed in the last twenty
years, it's your smug, superior attitude. Now I have told you I want to
be left alone and I meant it. So if you know what's good for you you'll
stay the hell away from me.
[BRIEN] Promenade.
(Argrathi cell - memory)
(It's years on and O'Brien has gone grey.)
[CHAR] Tell me about Keiko again. About how much you like her eyes.
[BRIEN] I've told you about her a hundred times. What more is there to
[CHAR] Well, I like hearing about her. If I had a beautiful wife I'd
talk about her, believe me. Besides, talking about her always relaxes
you, and your pacing is getting a little distracting.
[BRIEN] Oh, yeah?
[CHAR] Yeah.
[BRIEN] Well, your drawing is bothering me.
[CHAR] Since when?
[BRIEN] Since now.
(O'Brien kicks the sand painting)
[CHAR] You didn't need to do that.
[BRIEN] Don't tell me what I need.
[CHAR] Miles.
[BRIEN] Don't Miles me. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of this place, I'm
sick of your drawings, and most of all I am sick of you!
[CHAR] Try to be calm.
[BRIEN] I don't want to be calm. I've had it with this place. I don't
belong here.
(His shouting starts up the other prisoners.)
[BRIEN] Do you hear me? I don't belong here. I didn't do anything
wrong. I know you're listening.
[CHAR] Miles!
[BRIEN] I don't belong here! Let me out of here! I don't do anything
wrong and you know it!
[ARGRATHI (OC)] All offenders in detention area four. If you do not
cease this disturbance immediately, you will be disciplined.
[BRIEN] Discipline this!
[CHAR] Miles!
(Ee'Char grabs Miles and slams him against the wall, covering his
[CHAR] Listen. Be quiet!
[ODO] Chief, how are you doing?
[BRIEN] I wish people would stop asking me that. I'm sorry, Constable.
Everything's fine. I've just had a tough day.
[QUARK] That's one Black Hole straight up, right?
[BRIEN] A synthale please.
[QUARK] Be right with you, Chief.
(Quark mixes the Black Hole.)
[BRIEN] Quark, what about that synthale?
[QUARK] Just another minute.
[BRIEN] Quark.
[QUARK] Look, Chief, I'm a little busy right now.
(O'Brien grabs Quark's wrist and twists it back.)
[BRIEN] I'm in no mood for games, Quark, so why don't you give me my
drink now or I'll break every bone in your worthless little body.
[QUARK] Chief, just because your life's in shambles right now. Ow! One
synthale coming right up.
(O'Brien lets him go. Quark pours him the drink and O'Brien heads for a
table in a quiet corner.)
[CHAR] Miles.
[BRIEN] Ee'char. What are you doing here?
[CHAR] I've never really been gone, have I?
[BRIEN] You're not real. You're just in my head.
[CHAR] That's all I ever was. But I'm real to you and that's all that
[BRIEN] Go away.
[CHAR] I can't. I'm your friend. You need me.
[BRIEN] You are the last thing I need.
[CHAR] You're wrong, Miles. You need me now more than ever.
(Odo and Quark watch O'Brien.)
(O'Brien's bedroom)
(O'Brien is getting dressed when he sees Ee'Char's
reflection in the mirror.)
[CHAR] What are you doing?
[BRIEN] I'm going to work.
[CHAR] Miles, as your friend, I have to tell you I'm worried about
[BRIEN] Don't be. I'm home, I'm working, and for the first time in as
long as I can remember, I feel good.
[CHAR] Then why am I here?
[SISKO (OC)] Sisko to O'Brien. Please report to my office.
[BRIEN] On my way. Look, I don't know why you're here. And I don't
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Have a seat. (they go to the settee) I
understand you had a confrontation with Doctor Bashir yesterday.
[BRIEN] That, sir? That was nothing.
[SISKO] Not according to Doctor Bashir.
[BRIEN] We had a little argument. Julian and I are always arguing.
[SISKO] According to Constable Odo, you also had an incident with Quark.
[BRIEN] Did that little? Look, sir, I may have let things get a little
bit out of hand, but it won't happen again.
[SISKO] Doctor Bashir also tells me that you've stopped seeing your
[BRIEN] Sir, I've been a little busy lately
[SISKO] The agreement was that you were going to see a counsellor on a
regular basis.
[BRIEN] You're right. I'll make an appointment to go see him tomorrow.
[SISKO] You'll see him today. Immediately.
[BRIEN] I've a lot of work to do today, sir.
[SISKO] The work can wait. As of now, you're relieved of duty. I want
you to report to Counsellor Telnorri and begin attending daily
counselling sessions for as long as he thinks it's advisable.
[BRIEN] Sir, you're blowing this all out of proportion.
[SISKO] You know that's not true. What happened on Argratha affected you
a lot more than you're willing to admit. And it's not going to get
better overnight, no matter how much you want it to. You need help.
[BRIEN] Please, Captain. I'm asking you as a personal favour to me,
give me one more chance.
[SISKO] I wish I could. But right now, in the judgement of this
station's Chief Medical Officer, you're unfit for duty. Which means
you're on medical leave effective immediately. And if you don't begin
attending counselling sessions on a regular basis, and cooperating in
every other way with your physician, I will have no choice but to have
you confined to the infirmary. Is that clear?
[BRIEN] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] Dismissed.
[DAX] Chief, I was just about to head down to the
Replimat and I was wondering
[BRIEN] Not right, Commander.
[BRIEN] (throwing down his comm. badge) Promenade.
[BRIEN] What the hell did you say to him?
[BASHIR] I take it you talked to Captain Sisko.
[BRIEN] I talked to him all right. He relieved me of duty.
[BASHIR] It's for the best, Miles.
[BRIEN] How do you know what's best for me? You have no idea what I've
been going through.
[BASHIR] You're right. You were alone in that cell. I wasn't there with
you. I didn't see what they did to you. But I do know you suffered and
that you're still suffering right now. And I'm trying to help.
[BRIEN] I never asked for your help.
[BASHIR] You didn't need to ask. I'm your doctor and your friend.
[CHAR] You should listen to him, Miles. He cares about you just like
I did. Don't make the same mistake with him you did with me.
[BRIEN] Don't you get it. You're not my friend. Not anymore. The
O'Brien that was your friend died in that cell.
[BASHIR] He's not dead. He just needs a little help, that's all.
[BRIEN] Stay away from me. I don't want your help, I don't want your
friendship. I just want to be left alone.
[CHAR] Where are you going?
[BRIEN] I told you to go away.
[CHAR] Miles, please, don't do this. Go back there and talk to him.
He wants to help you.
[BRIEN] Like you did?
[CHAR] That's right. We're both your friends.
[BRIEN] Yeah. And look what happened to you.
(Ee'Char is left behind)
[BRIEN] Habitat ring.
(Ee'char is waiting for him.)
[CHAR] You know sooner or later you'll have to tell someone about me.
[BRIEN] Like hell I will.
(Ee'char is waiting round the corner.)
[CHAR] You can't run from me forever.
(Ee'char is in the next corridor)
[BRIEN] You're dead. So why don't you go away and leave me alone.
[CHAR] You want me to leave? I'll leave. Send me away. Don't you see?
If I keep coming back, it's because some part of you keeps bringing me
(And when O'Brien turns around, Ee'char is gone.)
(O'Brien's quarters)
[KEIKO] Miles, Julian's been trying to contact you
for an hour. Where have you been?
[BRIEN] Walking, thinking.
[KEIKO] I know, I heard. I'm sorry. I know how much your work means to
[BRIEN] Try telling that to Julian.
[MOLLY] Daddy, come see what I drew.
[BRIEN] Not now, honey, okay?
[KEIKO] I'm sure its only temporary. You'll be back at work before you
know it.
[MOLLY] Daddy. You have to come see.
[BRIEN] Look, can we talk about this later?
[MOLLY] Daddy, come on.
[BRIEN] Not now.
[MOLLY] Please, Daddy, please.
[BRIEN] I said not now, right! I said
[KEIKO] Miles, what are you doing?
(Keiko picks up the crying Molly.)
[BRIEN] I didn't mean to. I'm sorry.
(Cargo bay)
(O'Brien takes his anger out on defenceless crates
and barrels with a giant spanner until he notices wall unit 47 -
Weapons locker. Authorised personnel only. He taps in the code, takes
out one of the six hand phasers, winds the power level to the red and
puts it under his chin.)
[BASHIR] Chief?
[BRIEN] Get out of here, Julian.
[BASHIR] You don't want to do this, Chief.
[BRIEN] The hell I don't.
[BASHIR] Look, I don't claim to know what you're going through, but
whatever it is, it's not worth dying for.
[BRIEN] You don't understand at all. I'm not doing this for me. I'm
doing this to protect Keiko, and Molly and everyone else on the
[BASHIR] Protect us from what?
[BRIEN] From me. I'm not the man I used to be. I'm dangerous. I nearly
hit Molly today. All she wanted was a little attention and I nearly hit
[BASHIR] But you didn't. You're a good man, Miles Edward O'Brien. And
whatever it is you think you've done wrong, you don't deserve to die.
[BRIEN] You sound like Ee'Char.
[BASHIR] Who's Ee'Char?
(Ee'Char appears)
[BRIEN] He's not real. He's just a memory, that's all.
[BASHIR] A memory from Argratha? Who was he? Another prisoner? A guard?
[BRIEN] He was my cell mate.
[BASHIR] You told me you were alone in that cell. Twenty years with no
one to talk to.
[BRIEN] I was at the end. A week, two maybe. But the rest of the time
there was Ee'char.
[BASHIR] What happened to him?
(Argrathi cell - memory)
(O'Brien looks like he did in the teaser, and he is
finishing a lovely sand painting. Then he erases it in annoyance.)
[CHAR] Why did you do that?
[BRIEN] It wasn't helping.
[CHAR] You need to concentrate more.
[BRIEN] It doesn't matter how much I concentrate. I'm still starving.
[CHAR] So am I.
[BRIEN] You're sure there's nothing left?
[CHAR] Not unless you have a hiding place I don't know about.
[BRIEN] We ate the last of the food I put away a week ago. We should
have stockpiled more. We should have planned for this.
[CHAR] They've never let us go this long without food before.
[BRIEN] Maybe they've forgotten about us, or just decided to finally
let us die.
[CHAR] Then we die.
[ARGRATHI (OC)] All offenders prepare for dormancy period. Any offender
still active during the dormancy period will be disciplined.
Illumination will be suspended in twenty seconds.
[BRIEN] What are you doing?
[CHAR] I'm going to sleep.
[BRIEN] How can you sleep at a time like this?
[CHAR] Maybe I'll dream about food.
[BRIEN] You're crazy.
[CHAR] No. Just hungry.
[ARGRATHI (OC)] Dormancy period initiated.
(Later, Ee'Char wakes and goes to a hidden hole in the wall. But
O'Brien has seen him. He picks up a stone, creeps up behind and hits
[BRIEN] You pretended to be my friend and all the time you were
holding out on me.
[CHAR] Now who's acting crazy?
(They fight.)
[CHAR] After all I've done for you. You ungrateful
(O'Brien throws sand in Ee'Char's eyes and gets his hands round his
throat. They roll around on the floor until we hear a cracking noise.
O'Brien goes to the rag full of food and looks at it.)
[BRIEN] You were saving it for both of us. Ee'char? Ee'char, wake up.
Ee'char. Ee'char.
(Cargo bay)
[BASHIR] You killed him?
[BRIEN] And the worst part of it was, the next day the guards began
feeding me again. I'd killed him for nothing, for a scrap of bread he
was going to share with me.
[BASHIR] But it was a mistake. You didn't mean it.
[BRIEN] I meant it. I wanted him to die. I keep telling myself it
doesn't matter. It wasn't real. But that's a lie. If it had been real,
if it had been you instead of him, it wouldn't have made any
difference. He was my best friend and I murdered him. When we were
growing up, they used to tell us humanity had evolved, that mankind had
outgrown hate and rage. But when it came down to it, when I had the
chance to show that no matter what anyone did to me, I was still an
evolved human being, I failed. I repaid kindness with blood. I was no
better than an animal.
[BASHIR] No, no, no, no. An animal would've killed Ee'char and never had
a second thought, never shed a tear. But not you. You hate yourself.
You hate yourself so much you think you deserve to die. The Argrathi
did everything they could to strip you of your humanity. And in the
end, for one brief moment, they succeeded. But you can't let that brief
moment define your entire life. If you do, if you pull that trigger,
then the Argrathi will have won. They will have destroyed a good man.
You cannot let that happen, my friend.
(O'Brien lets Bashir take the phaser and reduce the power level.)
[CHAR] Miles. Be well, Miles.
(Ee'Char walks away and vanishes.)
[BASHIR] Thirty milligrams twice a day. Take it
religiously for a month, and if all goes well we'll experiment with a
lower dosage.
[BRIEN] You sure this'll work?
[BASHIR] It's a treatment, not a cure. It'll prevent hallucinations,
take the edge off the depression. But that's all it'll do. It won't
take away the memories or the feelings.
[BRIEN] You mean the guilt.
[BASHIR] Well, that'll take time.
[BRIEN] Now's the part where you tell me I have to start seeing
Counsellor Telnorri again.
[BASHIR] Unless you want to talk to me.
[BRIEN] Telnorri'll be fine. Thanks, Julian. For everything.
[BASHIR] What are friends for?
(O'Brien's quarters)
[MOLLY] Daddy's home! Daddy's home!
(Molly hugs his legs.)
[BRIEN] That's right, Daddy's home. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e88", "title": "Hard Time"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Shattered Mirror
Original Airdate: 22 Apr, 1996
- upper level)
(Jake is at the old place, gazing into nothing.)
[ODO] Enjoying the view?
[JAKE] I'm stuck on this new story I'm working on, and coming here helps
me focus.
[ODO] No need to explain, Mister Sisko.
[JAKE] I just thought
[ODO] You just thought what?
[JAKE] I thought you were going to ask me to leave.
[ODO] Why would I do that?
[JAKE] You always used to chase me away.
[ODO] I never chased you away. I chased Nog. You just happened to be
with him. So, unless you're planning on flicking sand peas at the
passing throng, you're welcome to stay here as long as you like.
[JAKE] I don't have any sand peas.
[ODO] You miss him, don't you?
[JAKE] Nog? Maybe a little.
[QUARK] A little? There isn't a day goes by that I don't see him
standing here, pining away for that no-good nephew of mine.
[JAKE] I'm not here every day.
[QUARK] No, just four or five times a week. If you ask me, Nog should
never have gone off to the Academy. You lost a friend, and I lost a
good waiter.
[JAKE] Nog'll be back, and he'll be wearing a Starfleet uniform. I'm
proud of what he's doing.
[QUARK] Remember that the next time you try to play dom-jot by yourself.
[JAKE] You don't want me hanging around here? Fine. I'll do my thinking
someplace else.
(Jake leaves.)
[QUARK] Poor kid. I suppose that's what you get for having friends.
[ODO] Meaning what?
[QUARK] Just that when you think you can count on them, they go off and
leave you. No. You're much better off without them.
[ODO] I imagine that's why you don't have any friends.
[QUARK] Look who's talking.
(Sisko's quarters)
[JAKE] Dad, I'm home.
(Sisko is sitting on the settee with Jennifer Sisko, his dead mother)
[JAKE] Mom?
(After the credits, when Jake has picked his jaw back up off the
[JENNIFER] I'm afraid I'm not your mother, Jake.
[SISKO] This is the woman I told you about. The one I met in the
parallel universe.
[JAKE] So you're Jennifer Sisko, but you're just not my mom.
[JENNIFER] That's right.
[JAKE] You look exactly like her.
[JENNIFER] And I was married to a man who looked exactly like your
father. It's all a little confusing, isn't it?
[JAKE] More than a little. Did you tell her?
[SISKO] Tell her what?
[JAKE] Ever since my dad told me about you I've been wanting to meet
[JENNIFER] Well, here I am.
[JAKE] You even sound like my mother.
[KIRA (OC)] Ops to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[KIRA (OC)] Minister Gettor's shuttle has docked.
[SISKO] Give me a few minutes. Offer him a tour of the station.
[KIRA (OC)] I already have. His time here is limited and he's anxious to
meet with the Emissary.
[SISKO] I'll be right there.
[JAKE] So why are you here?
[JENNIFER] I came here to see your father.
[JAKE] Really? That's great.
[SISKO] Jennifer came to give me some good news. The Terrans have won an
important victory.
[JENNIFER] We've driven the Alliance off of the space station.
[JAKE] Then the rebels control Terok Nor.
[JENNIFER] I see your father has told you all about us.
[SISKO] I guess I'd better get to my meeting.
[JENNIFER] I understand. It's not like you were expecting me.
[JAKE] You're not leaving, are you?
[JENNIFER] Is it all right if I visit with Jake for a while?
[SISKO] I don't think Jake would have it any other way.
[JENNIFER] Maybe the three of us can have dinner together.
[SISKO] That depends on how long my meeting lasts.
[JENNIFER] We'll wait.
[SISKO] Okay.
(Sisko leaves)
[JAKE] Would you like another raktajino?
[JENNIFER] Thank you. That would be nice.
[JAKE] That's amazing.
[JAKE] I never thought I'd hold these hands again. They feel just like
my mother's. I'll get you that raktajino.
(Captain's office)
(The Minister and his entourage leave through Ops.)
[KIRA] That went well. I think you made it clear to the Minister why the
Emissary can't endorse his land reform programme.
[SISKO] It only took three hours.
[KIRA] If you like, we can go over the weekly personnel reports.
[SISKO] In the morning. I've got someone waiting for me in my quarters.
(Sisko's quarters)
(Empty room)
[SISKO] Jake? Jennifer?
[SISKO] Computer, locate Jake Sisko.
[COMPUTER] Jake Sisko is not on the station.
(Sisko spots the mirror transporter adapter.)
[BRIEN] Are you sure this is what Smiley used to
transport you to the alternate universe?
[SISKO] Looks like it.
[DAX] And you're convinced Jake's gone over there?
[SISKO] He's not on the station and neither is Jennifer.
[KIRA] Maybe he convinced her to take him over there for a visit.
[SISKO] Without asking me?
[DAX] It could be she left that behind as an invitation to join them.
[SISKO] And I accept. But only to get Jake back.
[KIRA] Want some company? I can think of safer places to visit.
[SISKO] Major, you and the Chief come with me. Commander, you have Ops.
(Kira gets phasers for all)
[BRIEN] Expecting trouble, Major?
[KIRA] Just want to be prepared.
(Sisko waves the mirror gizmo over the transporter controls.)
[SISKO] Energise.
(But only Sisko beams out)
(Terok Nor Ops)
[BRIEN] Welcome back, Captain.
[SISKO] What happened to the others?
[BRIEN] They weren't invited.
[SISKO] Where's my son?
[BRIEN] He's with Professor Sisko. She's showing him the station.
[SISKO] The tour's over. I'm taking Jake home.
[BRIEN] Then I'm afraid we have a problem.
[SISKO] What kind of problem?
[BRIEN] Jake's not going anywhere.
(Armed men arrive, and Sisko's phaser is taken off him.)
[BRIEN] and neither are you.
(Intendant's office)
[BRIEN] Terok Nor in rebel hands. It just shows
what people can do when their cause is just.
[SISKO] Save the speeches, Smiley. Right now, I don't care too much for
you or your cause.
[BRIEN] You've every right to be angry. We haven't exactly played fair
with you.
[SISKO] You kidnapped my son.
[BRIEN] Kidnapped? An ugly word.
[SISKO] But accurate.
[BRIEN] Tell me, Captain. If we had come and asked for your help in
fighting the Alliance, what would you have said?
[SISKO] I'd have said no.
[BRIEN] Which is why we had to use your son to lure you over here. We
need your help, Captain. No one else will do.
(Brings up an image on the viewscreen.)
[BRIEN] Recognise her?
[SISKO] Wow. The Defiant.
[BRIEN] During our last encounter, when I visited your station, I took
a moment to download as many of your computer files as I could. I
figured they'd come in handy some day. And they have. You see, captain,
taking Terok Nor was one thing. Keeping it, that's the tricky part. The
Alliance fleet is already on its way. When they get here, I want to
have a proper welcome ready for them.
[SISKO] These schematics look complete. Why do you need me? If you want
to build another Defiant, why do you need my help?
[BRIEN] We've already built it. The problem is, when we power up its
engines, the whole ship damn near shakes itself apart.
[SISKO] We had the same trouble. It's a powerful ship.
[BRIEN] Well, right now it's a little too powerful for its own good.
How did you solve it?
[SISKO] We had to overhaul the structural integrity field grids.
[BRIEN] How long did it take?
[SISKO] Two weeks.
[BRIEN] We have four days.
[SISKO] I'm not sure that's enough time.
[BRIEN] It'd better be. Otherwise the Defiant won't be ready, and you
and your son will die along with the rest of us. Or worse still, spend
the rest of your lives working in the ore processing centre under the
tender mercies of an Alliance overseer. Help us, Captain, and I promise
we'll get you and your son out of here before the fireworks begin. The
Defiant's at docking port five. I think you know the way.
[SISKO] I want to see my son first.
[BRIEN] I knew you would.
[BASHIR] Is he with us?
[BRIEN] You remember Captain Bashir.
[SISKO] Captain?
[BRIEN] Captain Bashir, Captain O'Brien, Captain Sisko. We may not
have enough troops or ships or weapons, but we have plenty of captains.
[BASHIR] Is he going to help us or not?
[BRIEN] You must have missed that cheery face. Relax. The Captain has
found it in his heart to aid us once again.
[BASHIR] Good.
(Bashir punches Sisko.)
[BASHIR] I owed you that. I let you hit me once because I thought you
were our Captain Sisko. Now I know better.
[SISKO] We're even now.
(Sisko leaves)
[BRIEN] If I were you, I'd keep out of his way.
(Terok Nor Quark's)
[NOG] You and I friends? I don't think so.
[JAKE] Why not?
[NOG] You're too tall. I don't trust tall men. Tall women, that's a
different story. Here. See for yourself.
(Nog passes one of his statuesque dabo girls over to Jake.)
[JENNIFER] Jake, isn't she a little old for you?
[NOG] Who are you, his mother?
[SISKO] Jake!
[JAKE] Dad. I'm sorry, but I had to come. Somehow, talking to Jennifer,
telling her all about the past nine years, about all the things that
happened to me, what I've done, what I've been thinking about. It's
like telling Mom.
[SISKO] In a lot of ways she's nothing like your Mom.
[JAKE] Yeah, but in some ways, she's just like her. And not just
physically. She listens like Mom. And it's the exact same smile.
[SISKO] Okay, Jake.
[JAKE] This place is unbelievable. Chief O'Brien, Doctor Bashir, Dax,
they're all here. I know, it's not really them but, look here's Nog.
This is my father.
[NOG] He's tall, too.
[SISKO] Sorry. Look, Jake-o, I have to talk to Jennifer alone for a
[JAKE] She likes you.
[SISKO] Jake, whatever you're thinking, whatever plans you're making,
forget about them.
[JAKE] I'm not making any plans.
[SISKO] (to Jennifer) Outside.
(Terok Nor Promenade)
[SISKO] I just want to know one thing. Whose idea
was this?
[JENNIFER] Does it matter?
[SISKO] It does to me.
[JENNIFER] It was mine. We needed you to help us complete the ship.
Smiley told me all about you. About your wife's death, about your son.
I knew that Jake would want to meet me, that I'd remind him of his
[SISKO] You're nothing like his mother.
[JENNIFER] I think Jake would disagree.
[SISKO] Of course he would. In his mind, the three of us are already
living together.
[JENNIFER] Ben, you're the one that convinced me to join the rebels, to
fight the good fight for my people.
[SISKO] It's not your cause that I have a problem with, it's your
[JENNIFER] I'm sorry if Jake's feelings get hurt, but that's a small
price to pay if it means success against the Alliance.
[SISKO] All right, I'm here and I'm going to help you. But I want you to
leave my son alone.
[JENNIFER] I can't.
[SISKO] Why not?
[JAKE] Jennifer!
[JENNIFER] Because he won't leave me alone.
(Klingon Bridge)
(This ship is big, really big. It dwarfs it's
Cardassian Galor-class escorts. Garak is lead in by a chain attached to
a collar around his neck.)
[KLINGON] Bow before the Regent!
[GARAK] I can't think of anything I'd rather do.
(The chain is handed to the Regent.)
[WORF] Ah. So this is the p'tak who lost Terok Nor to the rebels.
[GARAK] It's not exactly
[WORF] Are you calling me a liar?
[GARAK] I was merely observing that as one of many officers under the
Intendant's command, it would be an overstatement to imply that I alone
was responsible for our defeat.
[WORF] But you are the only officer who managed to escape.
[GARAK] Perhaps I should have surrendered to the rebels, grovelling on
the floor, begging for my life like the Intendant.
[WORF] You are attempting to shift blame away from yourself.
[GARAK] Am I succeeding?
[WORF] This time I will deal with the rebels myself. You will be at my
side, redeeming yourself in battle.
[GARAK] Your fairness and good judgement are everything I've heard it to
be. Believe me, my Regent, it will take the blood of many rebels to
quench the thirst of my revenge.
[WORF] Spoken like a Klingon.
[GARAK] I'm trying. Now, if you could just remove this insufferable
[WORF] No. The collar stays until every rebel on Terok Nor lies dead at
my feet.
(Defiant Bridge)
(There's a construction gantry around the ship and
a lot of work going on inside.)
[SISKO] (to com) Sisko to Smiley. I'm about to put the deuterium
injector back online.
[BRIEN (OC)] Go ahead.
(Engine room)
[BRIEN] I've got the flow regulators shut off.
(Defiant Bridge)
[SISKO] Injectors are operational. You can
recalibrate the regulators now.
[BRIEN (OC)] Will do.
[DAX] I heard you were back.
(She slaps him)
[DAX] That's for making love to me under false pretenses. I was
suspicious of you from the start.
[SISKO] You hid it well.
[DAX] If you ever try to touch me again. (She produces a dagger) Do yet
my point?
[SISKO] I hope not.
(There's a frizz and someone screams.)
(Kira is on the floor gasping in pain, Bashir
standing over her with an agoniser)
[SISKO] What happened?
[BASHIR] Ah. You remember the Intendant, don't you? I was taking her to
an interrogation session when the vile little tyrant tried to escape.
(She gets another agoniser jolt.)
[BASHIR] Oops.
[SISKO] Pick her up.
[BASHIR] Leave her. She's not through with her lesson.
[KIRA] If this is supposed to teach me a lesson you might want to turn
that little toy of yours to a higher setting.
[BASHIR] Gladly.
(And does so.)
[SISKO] That's enough.
[BASHIR] Whose side are you on?
[SISKO] There's a difference between interrogation and torture.
[BASHIR] The Alliance never made that distinction.
[SISKO] But you should.
[BASHIR] Take her back to her cell.
(Dax caresses Bashir.)
[KIRA] Well done. Now I have to admit, the last time you were here you
had me completely fooled. I really thought you were my Benjamin Sisko.
[SISKO] That was the idea.
[KIRA] (sotto) Help me escape and I promise I'll be grateful. Very
[SISKO] (sotto) I'm sure you would be. But don't count on it.
[KIRA] Well then perhaps you'll find Marani and have her sent to my
holding cell.
[SISKO] Marani?
[KIRA] One of my servants. I am a touch sore. And she does give the most
exquisite massages.
(Intendant Kira is hauled away laughing.)
(Klingon Bridge)
[WORF] A ship? What kind of ship?
[KLINGON] According to our reports, it's of unknown classification and
carries an impressive weapons array. Some kind of improved photon
torpedoes, multi-targeting phaser banks.
[WORF] How long until it is operational?
[KLINGON] Within two days.
[GARAK] I know it's none of my business but perhaps it would be prudent
to increase our speed to warp nine.
[WORF] Quiet!
[GARAK] I was merely trying to be of service.
[WORF] If it was not for your incompetence, the rebels would have been
[GARAK] I thought we had agreed that it was the Intendant who was
incompetent. I was merely following her orders.
[WORF] And for following those orders you deserve to die.
[GARAK] Then why don't you kill me? The Intendant was bad enough. She
was irrational, accusatory, unappreciative. But at least
[WORF] At least what?
[GARAK] At least I was able to please her now and then.
[WORF] You are not my type.
[GARAK] I never said I was.
[WORF] Increase speed to warp nine.
(Jennifer's quarters)
(Dinner for two.)
[JAKE] So, what do you think?
[JENNIFER] It was delicious. What do you call it?
[JAKE] Chicken a la Sisko.
[JENNIFER] How did you learn to cook like this?
[JAKE] Well, all Sisko men have the cooking gene. You should try my
Dad's shrimp Creole.
[JENNIFER] Maybe one day I will.
[JENNIFER] Come in.
[SISKO] Jake, it's time to call it a day.
[JENNIFER] How about some chicken a la Sisko? Jake made dinner. It's
[SISKO] I am too tired to eat. Jake-o.
[JAKE] In a minute, Dad. I don't want to leave a mess.
[JENNIFER] Oh, that's really not necessary.
[JAKE] No, I want to.
(Jake clears the plates.)
[JENNIFER] How's the work on the Defiant coming?
[SISKO] Slowly.
(Jennifer massages his shoulders.)
[JENNIFER] Does that feel better?
[SISKO] Yes, but I don't know what you expect to gain by it.
[JENNIFER] I don't expect to gain anything. I just want to remind you
that I am not your enemy. I don't know why you're being so hard on me.
After all, you pretended to be my husband and I've forgiven you. By the
way, you have done a good job with him. Jake, I mean.
[SISKO] You're not making that job any easier.
[JENNIFER] Oh, he'll get over me.
[SISKO] Maybe.
[JENNIFER] I wish I could say the same. Is it really a surprise? Think
about it. My Ben Sisko is dead. I look at Jake and all I see is the son
that I'll never have. Maybe bringing him here wasn't such a good idea
after all.
[SISKO] For any of us.
[JENNIFER] Come in?
[BRIEN] I just got word. The Alliance fleet is less than eight hours
away. I guess we've run out of time.
(Engine room)
[SISKO] You concentrate on getting the weapons array
online. I'll calibrate the SIF generators.
[BRIEN] Eight hours. It's not a lot of time, is it?
[SISKO] It's all we have.
[BASHIR] Smiley! Your assembly crew won't let me into the torpedo bay.
[BRIEN] That's because they're trying to get the torpedo chambering
mechanism online.
[BASHIR] Great. So what am I supposed to do with these torpedoes?
[BRIEN] I have a few suggestions.
[BASHIR] Do you now?
[DAX] This isn't getting us anywhere. We need to buy ourselves some more
[SISKO] Any ideas?
[BASHIR] How many raiders have we got left?
[BRIEN] Only one. There's no way we can stop the Alliance attack.
[BASHIR] Maybe not, but I might be able to buy more time before they get
[BRIEN] You'll never make it back.
[BASHIR] Is that what you're worried about? I thought it was because I
was going to reap all the glory.
[BRIEN] What good is glory when you're dead?
[BASHIR] Who said anything about dying?
[DAX] When are we leaving? I never liked staying in one place for very
[BASHIR] Then it's settled.
[SISKO] Before you go, we'd better make damn sure you can get us that
extra time.
(Holding cell)
[KIRA] Me help you fight the Alliance? What a
perverse idea. I have a better one. Why don't I cut your throat? A
quick death. Much less painful than anything the Regent will do to you.
[SISKO] I think you'd better worry about what the Regent is going to do
to you.
[KIRA] The Regent has no reason to question my loyalty.
[SISKO] It's not your loyalty he'll be questioning. It's your
effectiveness. After all, he wouldn't have to retake Terok Nor if you
hadn't lost it in the first place.
[KIRA] I didn't lose anything. It was Garak and the rest of those
Alliance fools with their excessive brutality. I could never make them
to understand violence is a precision instrument. It's a scalpel, not a
[SISKO] Garak was smart enough to escape.
[KIRA] Garak is a coward. He ran at the first sign of danger.
[SISKO] Probably straight into the Regent's arms, where he no doubt laid
the blame for the loss of this station entirely on you.
[KIRA] You have a point.
[SISKO] Good. Then I'll ask you again. Is there any weakness in the
Alliance fleet? Something we can exploit?
[KIRA] It's a possibility. Why don't you lower this forcefield and join
me in here? It might help stimulate my thought process.
[SISKO] I should think self-preservation would be stimulation enough for
[KIRA] That's not a very friendly attitude, especially when you want my
help. Oh, it's Professor Sisko, isn't it. Well, she's very attractive
but I've known Breen icicles that are warmer than she is.
[SISKO] This has nothing to do with her.
[KIRA] If you say so. Still, I've never been able to resist anyone named
Benjamin Sisko. The Alliance ships are quick and powerful, but they do
have one weakness. Their targeting systems can be fooled. They've been
known to chase warp shadows.
[SISKO] How do I know I can believe you?
[KIRA] You're just going to have to trust me.
(Klingon Bridge)
(Garak is being thrown around.)
[WORF] The key. Where is it?
[GARAK] You're not listening, I didn't take the key.
[WORF] You are lying.
[KLINGON] I'm telling you. He stole it from me while I was feeding him.
[WORF] Don't make me ask you again.
[GARAK] What good would the key do me? Even if I were to unlock this
collar, where could I go? I can't get off this ship. And besides,
you've searched me three times already. Where could I possibly be
hiding it?
[WORF] Perhaps you swallowed it.
[GARAK] Impossible. I'm very particular about what I eat.
[WORF] We will see about that.
(Worf stabs Garak in the abdomen.)
[KLINGON] Regent!
[WORF] What is it?
[KLINGON] The key, sir. Somehow it fell into my boot.
[GARAK] Now do you believe me?
[WORF] (to Klingon) If he dies, you die.
[HELMSMAN] Six Rebel raiders are approaching, bearing three five four
mark zero zero eight. Their sensors have detected us. They're fleeing.
[WORF] Wise choice. But they will not get far.
(Rebel raider)
(Basically, a runabout)
[DAX] I hope these warp shadows we're emitting are going to fool them.
[BASHIR] Well, we'll know as soon as they start firing.
(The little ship dodges the torpedo blasts.)
(Defiant conduit junction)
[JENNIFER] You look like you could use another pair
of hands.
[SISKO] Smaller ones might help.
[JENNIFER] Here, let me.
[SISKO] I'm trying to calibrate the torque sensors.
[JENNIFER] Yes, I know. To control the inertial dampers. It's Professor
Sisko, remember?
[SISKO] Sorry.
[JENNIFER] For what it's worth, you should know that I've told Jake the
truth. About my visit to you, why I brought him here, everything.
[SISKO] And?
[JENNIFER] And he said that it doesn't matter. That he's still glad to
have met me. Funny thing is, I know he means it.
[SISKO] He has a forgiving nature.
[JENNIFER] It's more than that. I don't think he could be angry with me
even if he wanted to. I remind him too much of his mother.
[SISKO] He loved her very much.
[JENNIFER] No one has ever cared about me like that before. So, if it's
all right with you, I will see to it that he is sent back to Deep Space
[SISKO] When?
[JENNIFER] Right away.
[SISKO] What's Smiley going to say about that?
[JENNIFER] He trusts you to finish your job. And so do I. Would you like
to say goodbye to him?
[SISKO] I'd better finish here. Tell Jake I'll see him soon.
[JENNIFER] Ben? When we first met there was a connection between us. And
now, because of what I've done, it's gone, isn't it?
[SISKO] I'm not sure it was real to begin with.
[JENNIFER] I'd better go get Jake home.
(Terok Nor Promenade - upper level)
(Yup, it's at that location again.)
[NOG] Hey! What are you doing there?
[JAKE] Nothing. I'm just thinking.
[NOG] Well, think somewhere else. You're making me uncomfortable.
(Jake laughs.)
[NOG] What's so funny?
[JAKE] Where I come from, it's you and I that would hang out here, and
it's your uncle that would chase us away.
[NOG] Am I suppose to be impressed by that? I don't care about some
parallel universe. I only care about this one. And in this one, I run a
bar and you do your thinking in your quarters.
[JAKE] All right, you made your point.
[NOG] I'm waiting.
[JAKE] I'm going.
[NOG] Good. You're a long way from home, human.
[JAKE] I guess I am.
[JENNIFER] Jake, I need to speak with you. In private.
[JAKE] Sure.
(Holding area)
[KIRA] Tell me something. Are you as bored as I am?
(The guard does not reply.)
[KIRA] I'll take that as a yes. You know, I bet if we put our heads
together, we could create a little excitement for ourselves.
[GUARD] You sentenced my wife to death.
[KIRA] Isn't that a coincidence? I was hoping you weren't married.
(Nog enters with a tray)
[NOG] I've prepared the Intendant's dinner.
[GUARD] Show me.
(Nog hits the guard with the tray until he's out cold then takes his
weapon to shoot the holding cell lock. )
[KIRA] Nicely done.
[NOG] Thank you. I have a ship waiting for you at landing pad C.
[KIRA] I'm going to need that more than you will. I wasn't aware we were
on the same side.
[NOG] You killed my father and my uncle. Thanks to you, I own the bar.
(Defiant conduit junction)
(BOOM. Klingon ships are strafing the station.)
(Defiant Bridge)
[BRIEN] Jettison the docking scaffold. Captain. I think it's time for
you to go. I believe that was the agreement.
[SISKO] I'm on my way. I just wanted to wish you luck.
[BRIEN] Thanks. You've given us a fine ship. I only wish I could have
gotten to know her before taking her into battle. Still, there's
nothing like a little on the job training to get the adrenalin pumping.
(Sisko rolls his eyes and turns back from the door.)
[SISKO] Get out of that chair, Smiley.
[BRIEN] What do you mean?
[SISKO] Just do it. Seal the airlock, release docking clamps. Aft
thrusters at one quarter impulse. What are you standing there for,
[BRIEN] Captain, you never cease to amaze me.
[SISKO] Sometimes I even surprise myself.
[SISKO] How long do you think the station's shields can withstand the
Alliance assault?
[BRIEN] Long enough for us to see just how tough this ship of yours
really is.
[SISKO] Let's find out. Take us out of here.
(Terok Nor Corridor)
[NOG] You're sure you want to leave now?
[KIRA] I'm hoping this new rebel ship keeps the Alliance busy while I
get to Bajor. I have friends there who'll hide me.
[NOG] Well, don't worry, about me. I won't tell anyone where you are.
[KIRA] Nog?
(She shoots him)
[KIRA] You're right. You won't tell anyone.
(Another Corridor)
[JAKE] I don't see why you can't come to Deep Space
Nine with me.
[JENNIFER] Believe me, Jake, It's better in the long run if I don't. For
all of us.
(And they walk round the corner to see the Intendant and her weapon.)
[KIRA] Jennifer. You look as beautiful as ever.
(Defiant Bridge)
(The Klingons are still concentrating on the
station when one goes KaBOOM and the Defiant flies through the
resulting fireball. Then they chase after another.)
[BRIEN] A bird of prey has locked onto us.
[SISKO] Evasive manoeuvres. Pattern Delta.
[BRIEN] Pattern Delta? What's that?
[SISKO] Rock her.
[BRIEN] Rock her?
[SISKO] Port to starboard, hard.
[BRIEN] Got it. Can't lose her.
[SISKO] Hard to port.
(They dodge round a pylon and get behind the bigger ship.)
[SISKO] Fire!
[BRIEN] I must remember that one.
(Terok Nor Corridor)
(Jennifer and Jake have been taken prisoner.)
[KIRA] You know, I really have to thank you, Jennifer. Not only do you
guarantee me safe passage off the station, but you'll make the perfect
gift for the Regent as well.
[JENNIFER] You want me to go with you, fine. But leave the boy here.
[KIRA] Why is he so important to you?
[JENNIFER] That doesn't matter. You're not taking him.
[KIRA] I've never seen you so passionate. It gives you a lovely glow.
All right, he doesn't have to come.
(Kira makes to shoot Jake.)
(Jennifer is shot instead.)
[KIRA] Now that was unfortunate.
[JAKE] She needs a doctor.
[KIRA] I'm afraid it's too late. For both of you. Just out of curiosity,
why was she protecting you?
[JAKE] She's my mother.
[KIRA] Your mother? You're Sisko's son. From the other side? Well, in
that case, give your father a message from me. Tell him I spared your
life. That's a debt I intend to collect.
(Defiant Bridge)
[BRIEN] Shields are down to forty percent. That
cruiser has us in weapons' range. Do we make a run for it?
[SISKO] We run all right. Right at it.
[BRIEN] Ah. Pattern Suicide.
(Klingon Bridge)
[WORF] Concentrate your fire on that ship.
[HELMSMAN] It's changing course. It's headed directly toward us.
[WORF] Good. That should make things easier. Terok Nor will soon be ours
again. Then you can spend the rest of your life contemplating your
failure as you labour alongside the other slaves in the ore processing
[GARAK] It's nice to have something to look forward to.
(Defiant Bridge)
[BRIEN] Shields down to twenty-five percent. One
more hit could finish us.
[SISKO] Then we'll have to make sure we don't get hit. I'll take the
helm. Nothing personal, I just know this ship better than you do.
[BRIEN] She's all yours.
[SISKO] Hold on.
(Defiant skims along the massive ship's underside, firing and causing
(Klingon Bridge)
(Consoles are exploding.)
[WORF] I want that ship destroyed now!
[HELMSMAN] They're flying too close. I can't target them.
(Defiant Bridge)
[BRIEN] We put a hole in their forward shields.
[SISKO] Nice shooting, Smiley.
[BRIEN] Hold on. A bird of prey just locked on to us.
[SISKO] Secondary power to aft shields.
[BRIEN] What secondary power? You've got to get us out of here.
[SISKO] We can't risk giving the cruiser a clear shot.
[BRIEN] I was just starting to like this ship.
(KaBOOM - the attacking Klingon has been taken out by)
(Rebel raider)
[BASHIR] Yeah! Bashir to Defiant. Aren't you going
to welcome me back?
(Defiant Bridge)
[BRIEN] I never thought I'd be happy to hear your
(Rebel raider)
[DAX] You'll get over it.
[SISKO (OC)] Sisko to Bashir.
(Defiant Bridge)
[SISKO] Concentrate your fire on their forward
[BASHIR (OC)] With pleasure.
(Klingon Bridge)
(Girders are coming down, knocking out the crew.)
[GARAK] Forgive me, my Regent, but perhaps the moment has arrived to
remove your august presence from the
[WORF] You mean retreat?
[GARAK] I hope I'm not out of line?
(Defiant Bridge)
[BRIEN] The cruiser's changing course. They're
going to warp.
(Defiant Bridge)
[BRIEN] The other Alliance ships have broken off
their attack on the station. We've won.
[SISKO] You sound surprised.
[BRIEN] Surprised? I'm astonished. Not that I'm complaining.
(Klingon Bridge)
[WORF] I have been betrayed! There can be no other
explanation for my defeat.
[GARAK] I certainly can't think of any.
[WORF] The traitor must be found and punished.
[GARAK] She will. It is the Intendant we're talking about, isn't it?
[WORF] The Intendant. Of course.
[GARAK] All I ask is that when the moment comes, that you allow me, your
humble servant, the honour of administering her punishment. I promise
you, she will regret her disloyalty before she dies.
[WORF] And while you dispose of the Intendant, I will dispose of the
rebels. Make it so!
(Terok Nor Infirmary)
[JAKE] Dad. See, I told you he'd come.
[SISKO] How is she?
(Jake shakes his head. Sisko goes over to Jennifer's bed.)
[SISKO] Easy.
(He holds her hand.)
[JENNIFER] I knew we were still connected.
[SISKO] Always.
(Jennifer dies.)
[JAKE] Dad.
(Father and son hold each other in grief.)
[SISKO] Let's go home. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e89", "title": "Shattered Mirror"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Muse
Original Airdate: 29 Apr, 1996
- upper level)
(People are arriving through the airlock below and
being met.)
[MAN] Here they are. Welcome.
[WOMAN] Thank you.
[PADD] Recording.
[JAKE] Character sketches for possible stories. A Bolian tries to
impress a dabo girl by wearing a toupee. A thief disguises himself as a
Monk so he can swindle a Ferengi. A woman travelling alone. She's come
a long way.
(The woman looks up at Jake. Their eyes meet. Jake looks away and she
walks off.)
(Security office)
(A woman in a purple dress is waiting for Odo,
[ODO] Lwaxana?
[LWAXANA] Oh, hello, Odo.
[ODO] You've been crying.
[LWAXANA] I can't help it.
[ODO] Why?
[LWAXANA] Because.
(She stands up to show off her big belly.)
[LWAXANA] I'm pregnant.
(After the titles, Odo has picked his jaw up off the floor.)
[LWAXANA] It's a miracle. I never thought I could have another baby.
[ODO] Then those were tears of happiness?
[LWAXANA] I won't let him do it, Odo.
[ODO] Who? What?
[LWAXANA] My husband, Jeyal. He wants to take my baby. That's why I ran
[ODO] Please, Lwaxana, try to be calm. Now tell me, why would your
husband want to take your baby from you?
[LWAXANA] He's Tavnian.
[ODO] And?
[LWAXANA] They believe in strict separation of the sexes. Boys are
raised by men, girls by women. Why, those poor children aren't even
told the other sex exists until they're sixteen.
[ODO] And your child is male?
[LWAXANA] And the day Jeyal found out, he said that he was going to take
my baby away from me as soon as he was born. Well, I told him that that
isn't what we'd agreed, that he had said it was going to be different
with us because I wasn't Tavnian.
[ODO] But he changed his mind.
[LWAXANA] During our wedding ceremony, he spoke so beautifully about why
he wanted to marry me, but afterwards it was as if I had become a piece
of property in his eyes.
[ODO] So you ran away.
[LWAXANA] And it wasn't easy, believe me. Toward the end, I was
practically a prisoner in my own house.
[ODO] Well, now that you've shown your husband how determined you are to
be part of your boy's life, perhaps he'll reconsider his position.
[LWAXANA] Oh, no. Not Jeyal. He's the most wilful man I've ever met. I'm
so tired. I've never needed a friend more than I do right now.
[ODO] I appreciate your situation, and I would like to help.
[LWAXANA] I knew you would. You're such a dear, sweet man.
[ODO] Unfortunately, I'm also a very busy man.
[LWAXANA] Oh believe me, Odo, the last thing I want is to become a
burden to you. I know how you value your privacy. All I want is a quiet
place where I can have my baby in peace.
[ODO] I was about to suggest the very thing. I'll find out when the next
transport leaves for Betazed.
[LWAXANA] Oh, I couldn't possibly go there. That's the first place Jeyal
will look for me. I know him. He won't give up. Not until he finds me
and gets his son back. That's why I came to you. Because I knew you'd
protect me. You will protect me, won't you, Odo?
(The alien woman enters and sits at the table next
to where Jake is working. She opens a book. Those amazing pale blue
eyes belong to
Meg Foster.)
[ONAYA] You're a writer. I could see you were somewhere else. Some place
you were inventing.
[JAKE] I'm working on a story.
[ONAYA] I can spot a creative soul a galaxy away. My name is Onaya.
[JAKE] Jake Sisko.
[ONAYA] Do you live here?
[JAKE] Yes.
[ONAYA] I love Cardassian architecture, the way things flow together.
Kell used to say that every element had to be of a piece, yet have a
beauty all it's own.
[JAKE] Tavor Kell the architect?
[ONAYA] I knew him when he was in exile.
[JAKE] What was he like?
[ONAYA] He was shy, unsure of himself and his talent. Most people would
never notice someone like him, but I have a weakness for artists.
[JAKE] You wouldn't think he was shy from his designs.
[ONAYA] When I first met him, they were as timid as he was. I was always
telling him to stop censoring himself.
[JAKE] He must've listened to you.
[ONAYA] I've found artists have a weakness for me as well. At least, I
hope they do.
[JAKE] I, er, I've always wondered what Kell would have designed if he'd
lived to be older.
[ONAYA] He accomplished more in the years that he had than most people
could in a dozen lifetimes. His name is known throughout the quadrant.
His buildings will stand for centuries to come. Isn't that what an
artist wants, to be remembered? Isn't that why you write?
[JAKE] I don't know. I think it's mostly because I like to tell stories.
[ONAYA] There's no reason to hide your ambition, Jake. It's nothing to
be ashamed of. I think it's what makes artists so compelling.
[JAKE] All right. I guess I do want to be remembered.
[ONAYA] So what are you doing to make sure you will be?
[JAKE] Well, I'm thinking of going to the Pennington School, on Earth.
[ONAYA] You already have the talent inside you. I can see it. You just
need someone to help you bring it to the surface.
[JAKE] How?
[ONAYA] There are ways. Exercises. Techniques.
[JAKE] Can you show them to me?
[ONAYA] Come to my quarters tonight.
[JAKE] I'll be there.
(Sisko's quarters)
(On PADD 4747, Jake is reading The Commodore by C S Forster,
[SISKO] Are you packed? Kasidy's ship is going to be here any minute.
[JAKE] Dad, I was thinking about staying home.
[SISKO] Staying home? This trip was your idea.
[JAKE] I know.
[SISKO] You really want to pass up three days in the Bajoran outback?
[JAKE] I thought maybe you and Kasidy would have a better time without
[SISKO] Oh, lay off the matchmaking, Jake. Kasidy and I are doing fine.
[JAKE] It's not just that. I'm also working on this story and I don't
want to lose my concentration.
[SISKO] You can write on the trip. Look, I'm not trying to talk you into
anything. I don't get leave often, and I was looking forward to the
three of us spending time together.
[JAKE] Me too, but I really need to focus on this.
[SISKO] All right. Good luck with it. See you in a couple days.
[LWAXANA] My marriage was a sham. What I'd mistaken
for love was nothing more than a prison.
(Dax and Kira are medieval maidens, Worf is in his mok'bara gear and
Lwaxana has talked them into melancholia.)
[LWAXANA] So, tell me, where are you girls headed?
[KIRA] Oh. A holosuite.
[DAX] King Arthur's Court.
[LWAXANA] Camelot. Love betrayed. Dreams shattered.
(At the bar.)
[QUARK] Look at them. You'd think somebody died. I don't know if it's
because she's Betazoid or what, but her mood is contagious. As soon as
she walked in here, things started getting quiet.
[ODO] What do you want me to do about it?
[QUARK] Either cheer her up or get her to leave. Because if you don't,
I'm going to throw her out.
(Odo goes over to the table with the black cloud over it.)
[ODO] Ahem.
[LWAXANA] Odo. Won't you join the party?
[ODO] Actually, I have some free time and I was wondering if you wanted
to take a walk.
[WORF] I would.
[ODO] I meant Lwaxana.
[LWAXANA] I'd love to. Sorry. Maybe next time.
(Odo and Lwaxana leave)
[DAX] I'm so depressed.
[LWAXANA] Kestra was six years old when she
died. My sweet little girl. I lost my parents, a sister, a
husband. But nothing, nothing compared to losing her. I didn't mean to
carry on like that. I'm sorry.
[ODO] No, don't apologise. I think I finally understand why you're so
determined not to let your husband take the baby from you.
[LWAXANA] These are your quarters, aren't they?
[ODO] Yes. Right next to yours.
[LWAXANA] My replicator is acting up. Would you mind terribly if we
popped in so I could get a cup of Gavaline tea?
[ODO] Of course not.
(Odo's quarters)
[ODO] The replicator is right over here. I'll let
Chief O'Brien know about yours.
[LWAXANA] Oh, I already did. He said he'd get to it as soon as he could.
[ODO] Gavaline tea.
[LWAXANA] Is this for shape-shifting?
[ODO] Yes. Actually, most people think it's a sculpture.
[LWAXANA] Well, what do most people know? Thank you. May I ask you
something, Odo? Are you over her? Don't worry, I'm not going to throw
myself at you if you say yes.
[ODO] Major Kira and First Minister Shakaar are involved now.
[LWAXANA] How sad.
[ODO] Not at all. I'm happy for her.
[LWAXANA] Well, just don't go do what I did. Look for someone to fix
your broken heart then end up pregnant and on the run.
[ODO] I don't think there's too much danger of that happening.
[ODO] What is it?
[LWAXANA] The baby kicked. May I sit down for a minute?
[ODO] I don't have any furniture.
[LWAXANA] The floor'll do.
[ODO] How are you feeling now?
[LWAXANA] Like a changeling who's had to hold his shape too long.
[ODO] Ah. Well I think I know how that feels.
[LWAXANA] He's moving. Here, you want to feel? There!
[ODO] Yes!
[LWAXANA] Oh, I'm so tired, Odo. I don't think I've had a decent night's
sleep in weeks. Sometimes, with Betazoid babies, you can actually sense
their thoughts. Such contentment.
[ODO] Yes, I can feel it, too.
[LWAXANA] Someone once said life is a search to find the peace you once
had when you were safe inside your mother.
[ODO] I didn't have a mother.
[LWAXANA] Don't worry, it's all right. You'll find your peace, just the
[ODO] Lwaxana? Your replicator isn't really broken, is it?
[ODO] I'm sorry if I made you feel unwelcome. It's just my way. Lwaxana?
(She's fallen asleep on him so he morphs his lower half into a pillow
for her and his arm into a blanket.)
(Jake rings a doorbell)
[ONAYA (OC)] Yes?
[JAKE] It's Jake. Jake Sisko. Remember me?
(The door opens.)
[ONAYA] Come in.
(Onaya's quarters)
(Lots of drapery and candles, very romantic.)
[JAKE] I brought some of my stories for you to read.
[ONAYA] I don't need to.
[JAKE] Oh. I thought maybe
[ONAYA] It's what you're going to be writing next that interests me. You
seem nervous, Jake.
[JAKE] Maybe a little.
[ONAYA] That's understandable. You should be nervous when you start
something new. Although maybe not this nervous. Haven't you ever been
alone in a woman's quarters before? Whatever you're thinking, put it
out of your mind. You're here to work.
(She settles him on the settee)
[ONAYA] Now, what's the most ambitious story you ever wanted to tell?
[JAKE] I have an idea for a novel. It's sort of autobiographical. The
main character's mother dies. It's not about that really. It's about a
lot of things.
[ONAYA] So many it all seems so big to you right now. You're afraid that
you can't do it justice?
[JAKE] Yeah.
[ONAYA] But I'll bet you know what the first line is.
[JAKE] How'd you know that?
[ONAYA] I have something I want to show you something.
(She hands him a case. He opens it.)
[ONAYA] Revalus used it when he wrote The Wait.
(It's a pen.)
[JAKE] You knew him?
[ONAYA] I told you I have a weakness for artists. I want you to have it.
[JAKE] I don't know what to say. Thank you.
[ONAYA] There's more.
(She moves the PADD aside and replaces it with stack of paper.)
[ONAYA] Here.
[JAKE] Paper. I've never worked on paper before.
[ONAYA] Revalus used to say that a writer should put pen to paper as if
he were a painter putting brush to canvas. It's part of what he called
visceral writing.
[JAKE] What's that?
[ONAYA] It's one of the techniques I told you about.
[JAKE] Can you teach it to me?
[ONAYA] That's why you're here.
(Onaya goes behind Jake and puts her hands on his shoulders.)
[ONAYA] Isn't it? The opening line of your novel. Write it down.
(Jake writes - From my window it looked like the )
[ONAYA] Now keep going.
[JAKE] What do you mean, keep going?
[ONAYA] Write whatever comes to you. The idea is to create a stream of
consciousness and see where that takes you. You can edit later. Just
write the first thing that comes to mind. I won't look.
(She starts to stroke the back of his neck and head.)
[ONAYA] Let the words tumble out of you. Don't censor them. Feel the pen
in your hand, the texture of the paper. Let yourself fall into a
rhythm. You feel where my thumbs are? That's your foramen magnum. It's
a focal point of the body's bioelectric field. There's another one
here. (his temples) The Vulcans call them qui'lari. The Indians of
ancient Earth called them shakras. I know how to stimulate them to make
you feel restful or energised or even creative.
(Jake has written - succumbed, letting the feelings engulf me. Images
flooded my )
[JAKE] This isn't bad.
[ONAYA] I told you I could help you. Let the words flow, Jake.
(He goes onto another page.)
[ONAYA] Let them flow.
(She gathers golden energy from Jake's head in her hands.)
[ONAYA] Yes, that's it. Let them flow.
(Odo's quarters)
(Lwaxana is checking the objects in the room,
looking for something. She arrives at a fine metal mesh.)
[LWAXANA] There you are!
(Odo oozes off his big piece and sits on top of it.)
[ODO] Ah, ha. Got you that time.
[LWAXANA] That's not fair. I didn't know you could do surfaces.
[ODO] Well, now you do.
[LWAXANA] Shall we try again?
[ODO] Are you sure you're up to it?
[LWAXANA] Oh, absolutely, I haven't had so much fun in months.
[ODO] Really? Neither have I.
[COM (OC)] Security to Odo.
[ODO] Go ahead.
[SECURITY (OC)] A transport just arrived from the Umani sector. The man
you asked us to look out for was on it.
[ODO] Acknowledged. You know what to do.
[SECURITY (OC)] Aye, sir.
[LWAXANA] It's my husband, isn't it?
[ODO] Stay here. I'll handle this.
(Security office)
[JEYAL] You'd better have a good reason for dragging
me in here.
(Everyone say Hi! to Michael
Ansara, not playing a Klingon this time.)
[ODO] I'm Chief of Station security. That's all the reason I need.
[JEYAL] Well, well. You're the changeling. Odo, if I remember correctly.
[ODO] And what of it?
[JEYAL] Lwaxana told me all about you. How you broke her heart. Strange
she'd come running to you for protection. The pregnancy must have her
confused, poor woman.
[ODO] I find her remarkably clear-headed. She doesn't want to see you so
you might as well turn around and go home.
[JEYAL] I've come a long way, I'm not going to leave here empty-handed.
[ODO] She is not going back with you.
[JEYAL] I am not talking about her. I am talking about my son. I intend
to see that he is raised by men, not by the pampering foolishness of
[ODO] I hate to disappoint you, but Lwaxana has no intention of giving
him up to you.
[JEYAL] Her intentions do not concern me. As her husband, I have a legal
right to my son.
[ODO] I've been familiarising myself with Tavnian laws. It's well
established that the male child is considered the property of the
mother's husband.
[JEYAL] Exactly.
[ODO] Not the child's father, the mother's husband. By the time Lwaxana
gives birth, you won't be her husband.
(Odo's quarters)
[LWAXANA] We're getting married?
[ODO] If you take me as your husband in a legal Tavnian ceremony, your
marriage to Jeyal will be automatically annulled and he'll lose his
claim to the baby.
[LWAXANA] I don't quite know what to say. I'm just touched by your
willingness to do this for me.
[ODO] It's not so much, really. We'll remain husband and wife for a few
months, long enough to satisfy Tavnian law, and then get an annulment
of our own. It's not as if I was planning to marry someone else.
[LWAXANA] Even so, thank you.
[ODO] There is one thing I don't understand. Jeyal insisted on staying
to witnessing the ceremony.
[LWAXANA] He did?
[ODO] Is that a problem?
[LWAXANA] In a Tavnian wedding, the groom must stand before the bride
and tell her why he wants to marry her. And then, in front of his
family and friends, he must proclaim his love for her and convince her
to accept him as her husband.
[ODO] Well, I trust I can count on you to accept me even if I just stand
there and read last week's Criminal Activity Report.
[LWAXANA] No, no, you don't quite understand. If anyone present doubts
the groom's sincerity, they can challenge the validity of the marriage.
[ODO] You mean I have to convince Jeyal that I want to marry you? Ah.
(Onaya's quarters)
(The first person singular narrative continues
[JAKE] I've never been able to write like this. Ideas are coming so fast
I can barely keep up with them.
[ONAYA] It's amazing, isn't it?
(Onaya is blissed out on his creative juices.)
(A drop of blood falls onto the paper. Onaya stops what she's doing.)
[ONAYA] Jake.
[JAKE] It's okay. It's just a nosebleed.
[ONAYA] You should rest.
[JAKE] I'll be all right. It's already stopped. Where was I?
(And he starts writing again.)
(Odo's quarters)
[BASHIR] Did I miss something? I didn't know Odo was
getting married till this morning.
[KIRA] I'm not sure he knew either.
[BRIEN] Who's he?
[KIRA] I think that's Lwaxana's husband.
[BRIEN] Good of him to come.
(Odo enters in a plain blue robe and goes to Jeyal.)
[ODO] So glad you could make it.
[JEYAL] I'm sure you are. It's not too late to call this off. Your
dignity is important to you. I understand that. I would not want anyone
to see me go through a charade like this.
[ODO] If you don't mind, this is a very special moment for me.
(Lwaxana enters, also in blue and carrying a lit globe. She stands on a
podium in front of the window.)
[ODO] In keeping with Tavnian tradition, I stand before you, here in my
home, among my worldly possessions and declare my wish to add this
woman to that which is mine. She is as kind as she is beautiful, and I
want her to be part of my life from this day on. Marry me, Lwaxana.
[JEYAL] Am I the only one finds this little more than a pale declaration
of love? He could be talking about any woman.
[ODO] Lwaxana is not just any woman. Not to me.
[JEYAL] Then prove it to us.
[ODO] Before I met her, my world was a much smaller place. I kept to
myself. I didn't need anyone else and I took pride in that. The truth
is, I was ashamed of what I was, afraid that if people saw how truly
different I was they would recoil from me. Lwaxana saw how different I
was and she didn't recoil. She wanted to see more. For the first time
in my life, someone wanted me as I was. And that changed me forever.
The day I met her, is the day I stopped being alone. And I want her to
be part of my life from this day on. Marry me, Lwaxana. Let me into
your light. Lwaxana?
[LWAXANA] I give myself to you, forever and always.
[ODO] I say for all to hear that this woman is mine. If anyone
challenges my claim to her, let them do so now. (nothing) I present to
you my beloved wife.
(They come down from the podium.)
[BRIEN] Odo, congratulations.
[DAX] Congratulations.
(Kira and Bashir hug Lwaxana. Quark shakes Odo's hand. Kira kisses
[KIRA] Congratulations.
[BASHIR] Well done, Odo.
(Lwaxana puts the light globe in a box.)
[JEYAL] I cherished you, Lwaxana. You were my most treasured possession.
Take care of our son. When he asks, speak well of me.
(Jeyal leaves.)
[QUARK] Ladies and gentlemen, please do me the honour of accompanying me
to my humble establishment. I'm throwing a party for the happy couple.
[DAX] Quark!
[QUARK] What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic.
(The witnesses leave.)
[ODO] Are you all right?
[LWAXANA] We did it. He's really leaving.
[ODO] It would appear so.
[LWAXANA] Oh, Odo, you were wonderful. You know, for a minute there, I
really believed you wanted to marry me. I suppose that we should tell
them the truth. But let's wait till after the party.
(Onaya's quarters)
(Jake is still writing and Onaya is near sated on
his creativity.)
[ONAYA] Jake, you should rest.
[JAKE] Not now. I'm onto something.
[ONAYA] Your father will be home soon. You should be there.
[JAKE] I'll see him later.
[ONAYA] Enough.
(She takes the pen from him.)
[JAKE] What'd you do that for?
[ONAYA] You're pushing yourself too hard.
[JAKE] No, I'm not. My mind has never been so clear. Everything is
coming together. At this rate, I can finish this novel in a few days.
[ONAYA] And you will. I promise you. But if you rest now, your work will
be even better.
[JAKE] All right, I'll go home. Maybe get some sleep.
[ONAYA] You'll come back later?
[JAKE] Of course. I need you.
[JAKE] Promenade.
(Jake feels dizzy.)
(Jake nearly trips over the step.)
[JAKE] Orange juice.
(Jake takes his drink to a table, goes to sit down and misses.)
(Jake is on a bed with the forehead device on.)
[BASHIR] Something has stimulated Jake's brain functioning in a way that
I have never seen. The capillaries in his cerebral cortex have dilated
twenty percent. Neurotransmitter production is up by at least that
amount, and neural activity is off the scale.
[SISKO] Do you have any idea what caused it?
[BASHIR] Not yet, but it's a good thing we got him here when we did. His
cortex was on the verge of synaptic collapse.
[SISKO] But he is going to be all right?
[BASHIR] I'd like to keep him in a neural stabilisation field for a
[JAKE] Onaya.
[SISKO] Jake.
[JAKE] Where is she?
[SISKO] Jake, what happened? I'm going to go talk to Odo, see if he
knows anything about this Onaya.
[BASHIR] I'll let you know if his condition changes. (to nurse) I'll be
in the lab.
(Later, as Nurse Patricia Tallman is tending to Jake, a golden glow
comes through the wall, solidifies into Onaya and knocks her out.)
[ONAYA] Come with me, Jake. It's time to finish what we started.
(Later again, CSI O'Brien is scanning the wall)
[BRIEN] I'm picking up concentrated traces of some sort of psionic
energy on the bulkhead.
[BASHIR] The tests I ran indicated that Jake's mental activity was
stimulated by some kind of psionic phenomenon, possibly telepathic in
[SISKO] Then this entity Nurse Tagana saw could have been responsible.
[BASHIR] We have to find it, then get Jake back in the neural
stabilisation field before it's too late.
[BRIEN] I'll tell Odo to have his search parties reconfigure their
tricorders to scan for psionic energy.
[BASHIR] That'll help, but only for a while. Psionic residue decays
within minutes.
[SISKO] Then we'd better get moving.
(Conduit junction)
(Jake is still writing, giving off energy for
[ONAYA] Keep going, Jake. The moment I saw you, I knew you were worthy
of what I could give you. But I can't stay with you forever. This is
your chance to create something that will live on, long after you're
(Jake's nose starts bleeding again, so Onaya gives him a handkerchief.)
[ONAYA] There. It will stop in a minute.
[SISKO] (to crewman) I'm getting something about
twenty metres in this direction. I'll go this way. You swing around and
take tunnel sixty one G.
(Conduit junction)
(Jake drops the paper, exhausted.)
[ONAYA] What's wrong?
[JAKE] I can't.
[ONAYA] Let me help you.
(She holds the paper and his right hand for him.)
[ONAYA] That's better, isn't it?
(She goes back to taking his golden energy. Sisko jumps through the
upper hatch.)
[SISKO] Get away from him.
[JAKE] Dad, don't interfere.
[SISKO] I said get away.
(Onaya does.)
[SISKO] Sisko to Ops.
[KIRA (OC)] Go ahead.
[SISKO] Lock on to my signal and stand by to beam Jake directly to the
[KIRA (OC)] You're too close to the reactor core. There's so much
interference I can't get a lock.
[SISKO] Get a medical team down here immediately.
[KIRA (OC)] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] What are you?
[ONAYA] It's not what I am that matters, it's what I do. You don't know
the minds I've touched.
Catullus, Tarbolde,
Keats. a hundred others. I
unlocked their potential.
[SISKO] Is that what you did to Jake? Look at him!
[ONAYA] They all die in the end, but look what I gave them in return.
Immortality. Their names will live on forever.
[SISKO] And you, what do you get out of it?
[ONAYA] What I need to survive so I can go on, find others and unlock
their talents as well. He was the youngest I ever found. So eager,
ready to give everything he had in one great burst. What a waste. I
will never forget you, Jake.
(Onaya starts to turn into golden energy.)
[SISKO] You're not going anywhere.
(Sisko's phaser has no effect. The ball of energy flies through the
bulkhead and off into space.)
(Security office)
[LWAXANA] I have wonderful news. There's a transport
for Betazed leaving this afternoon. I'm going home.
[ODO] I thought you were planning on having the baby here?
[LWAXANA] If I did, I'd end up staying for months and that wouldn't be
fair. I've imposed on you enough.
[ODO] Lwaxana, you could deliver at any time now, and it's a long way to
Betazed. You really should stay.
[LWAXANA] I'll miss you, too.
[ODO] Then why leave?
[LWAXANA] You've gotten used to having me around, haven't you? Oh, you
dear, sweet man. Don't you see? What you want is company, someone to
take care of.
[ODO] Is that so wrong?
[LWAXANA] No, of course not. The problem is I want much more than that
from you. You see, I can't help it. I'm still in love with you. And as
much as I wish that you were in love with me, I know you're not. I
could stay, I try to make you fall in love with me, but we both know
that won't happen. Then I'd end up resenting you, and our friendship is
far too important for me to let that happen. That's why it's better for
both of us if I leave now.
(Lwaxana kisses Odo.)
[LWAXANA] Goodbye, husband.
[ODO] Goodbye, wife.
(Sisko's quarters)
(Sisko enters with Jake's manuscript.)
[SISKO] How are you feeling?
[JAKE] Okay, I guess. You've read it?
[SISKO] I just finished.
[JAKE] What'd you think?
[SISKO] You've got a good start on a novel here, Jake. The dialogue is
sharp, the story's involving, the characters are real. The spelling is
terrible. I especially liked the father.
[JAKE] Remind you of anyone?
[SISKO] A bit. It's really good.
[JAKE] I know. I just wish I wrote it.
[SISKO] You did.
[JAKE] How can I be sure? I mean, without Onaya.
[SISKO] Listen to me. You wrote these words, not her.
[JAKE] But she got them out of me.
[SISKO] And that means they were somewhere inside you. And all you have
to do is learn to find them for yourself.
[JAKE] You're right. But I got to tell you, I don't feel up to writing
just yet.
[SISKO] That's understandable. Take it easy for a while. You'll get back
to it. And then, someday, when you're ready, maybe you'll finish it.
[JAKE] Sounds like a plan.
[SISKO] I've got to get to work. I'll check in on you in a couple hours.
[JAKE] I'll be here.
(Sisko leaves, then Jake picks the pen. We see the title of the novel, Anselm, and
under it he writes by Jake Sisko.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e90", "title": "The Muse"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - For The Cause
The Cause
Original Airdate: 6 May, 1996
(Kasidy wakes, kisses Sisko and gets out of bed.)
[SISKO] Kasidy Yates, where are you going?
[KASIDY] Down to my ship. I have a meeting with my engineer. Go back to
[SISKO] You're the captain. He'll wait.
(Sisko pulls her back into bed and starts kissing her neck.)
[KASIDY] Oh, is that how you treat your staff? Let them wait around
while you sleep in?
[SISKO] That's right. In fact, there are days when I never get out of
[KASIDY] You're not making this easy.
[SISKO] That's the general idea.
(Kasidy gets up to get dressed.)
[KASIDY] You are evil.
[SISKO] I am a Starfleet officer, the paragon of virtue.
[KASIDY] You're more like a parody of virtue. But we'll have to continue
this debate another time.
[SISKO] I can't wait.
[KASIDY] See you later.
(Sisko pulls her pillow over and inhales her perfume, then swaps it for
his own.)
[EDDINGTON] This briefing will contain information
considered extremely sensitive by Starfleet Command. Please, do not
share it with anyone who doesn't have a level seven security rating. It
seems that during their recent invasion of Cardassia, the Klingons
inflicted far more damage than we've been led to believe. Two weeks
ago, the civilian government on Cardassia Prime secretly contacted the
Federation Council and made an urgent request for industrial
replicators. And that request has been granted.
[DAX] How many replicators are we talking about?
[EDDINGTON] Twelve, all class four.
[KIRA] The Federation only gave Bajor two CFI replicators.
[EDDINGTON] With all due respect, Bajor is just one planet. The Klingons
have destroyed the industrial base of literally dozens of Cardassian
worlds. With twelve CFI replicators, they can at least start building
new power plants and factories.
[DAX] Why all the secrecy?
[EDDINGTON] Starfleet Intelligence believes the Maquis may try to stop
the shipment or even seize the replicators for themselves.
[SISKO] It makes sense. The Cardassian military has been so busy fending
off the Klingons, they've basically given a free hand to the Maquis in
the Demilitarised zone. The last thing the Maquis are going to want to
see is a shipment of replicators on its way to Cardassia.
[EDDINGTON] Intelligence also reports that the Demilitarised zone
between Cardassia and the Federation has become a hotbed of increasing
terrorist activity in the past month. We suspect the Maquis have built
several new bases in the Badlands, and the Cardassians in the DMZ are
getting worried.
[WORF] They should be. Without the Cardassian military to stop them, the
Maquis have a perfect opportunity to drive the Cardassians out of the
DMZ permanently.
[SISKO] I take it this shipment is going to pass through Deep Space
[EDDINGTON] Yes, sir. In three days.
[SISKO] All right. Let's tighten security on the station. Step up random
checks of incoming and outgoing cargo for weapons or explosives, more
deputies on the Promenade. You know the drill.
[ODO] Understood.
[SISKO] Mister Worf, tomorrow I want you to take the Defiant and patrol
the Badlands. Show the flag. Let the Maquis know we're ready for any
[WORF] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] Mister Eddington, I want daily briefings on this until the
replicators are in Cardassian hands.
[EDDINGTON] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] Dismissed.
(Dax, Worf and Kira leave.)
[ODO] The Commander and I would like to have a word with you.
[SISKO] Something wrong?
[EDDINGTON] Captain, it's come to our attention that there may be a
Maquis smuggler here on the station.
[ODO] It's just a theory at this point and frankly, our suspicions are
based on purely circumstantial evidence.
[SISKO] Who is it?
[EDDINGTON] Again, we're still not certain.
[SISKO] I understand that. Who? Gentlemen?
[ODO] Kasidy Yates.
(After the titles, when this stunning piece of news has sunk in.)
[SISKO] Kasidy? Working for the Maquis? That's impossible.
[ODO] I certainly hope so. Smuggling with intent to supply a terrorist
organization is a serious offence.
[SISKO] Where's your evidence?
[ODO] Five months ago, Captain Yates was hired by the Bajorans to carry
cargo to their outlying colonies. One of her regular runs is from Bajor
to a colony on Dreon Seven. It's a twelve hour run for most ships, but
she always takes eighteen. The six hour difference is just enough time
to allow her to make a side trip into the Badlands, rendezvous with a
Maquis ship and then continue on to the Dreon System.
[SISKO] That's your evidence? That she was slow in one of her
[EDDINGTON] There's more. Starfleet Intelligence has infiltrated one of
the Maquis cells and obtained a partial list of their contacts in the
Bajoran Sector. They all had cover names, of course, but one of their
contacts started living aboard Deep Space Nine in the last six months.
[ODO] And Captain Yates has been living aboard the station for just
under six months.
[SISKO] That's damned slim evidence to base an accusation.
[ODO] We haven't made accusations. I said we have suspicions.
[SISKO] That's right. You did say that.
[ODO] Captain, I realise this is an awkward situation for you, but if I
could step up my surveillance of Captain Yates?
[SISKO] Odo, she's a Federation citizen. You can't just invade her
privacy based on your suspicions. You'll have to show me some real
evidence before I authorise what you're proposing.
[EDDINGTON] If she's really a Maquis, then she's no longer a Federation
[SISKO] The answer is no.
[EDDINGTON] Understood, sir.
(Odo and Eddington head for the door.)
[SISKO] Gentlemen. There are times we have to search vessels docked at
the station. If you can find a reason.
[ODO] We'll let you know.
(Springball court)
(There's quite a crowd watching an energetic game.
A player thumps the opponent into the wall then scores the winning
[BASHIR] Yeah, Nerys! There you go! Did you see that? The way she gave
him the tiniest head fake and then boom, checked him into the wall.
[GARAK] Yes, it was quite effective.
(But Garak is watching Ziyal, not the match.)
[BASHIR] Stop watching her.
[GARAK] Oh, I thought the whole point was to watch.
[BASHIR] The point is to watch the game, not the spectators. Especially
not that spectator.
[GARAK] What does she expect? She's the only Cardassian woman on this
station. She must know she's bound to attract some attention.
(Kira ends up in the wall this time.)
[BASHIR] Some, yes. Yours, no. (Kira get's tripped.) Oh, come on! That
was a foul!
(Still on the floor, Kira catches the ball in her hand.)
[GARAK] Perhaps I should say hello after the game.
[BASHIR] That's Gul Dukat's daughter, and I can't think of anyone in the
galaxy who hates you more than he does. Besides, Ziyal is a friend of
Kira's. I wouldn't play around with her if I were you.
[GARAK] I simply thought it would be polite to say hello. But clearly,
you think I'm incapable of conducting any kind of pleasant discourse
without some kind of nefarious ulterior motive.
[BASHIR] That's not what I meant. I just think you should leave well
enough alone. Why stir up
[GARAK] Yes! Well played! Brava, Major!
[BASHIR] What happened?
[GARAK] A brilliant move on the part of the Major. You should have been
paying attention.
(Sisko's quarters)
(Dinner is being cooked. It's green.)
[SISKO] Come in.
[KASIDY] Did you know you could smell that all the way down the
[SISKO] It's an experiment. Bajoran ratamba stew over spinach linguine.
[KASIDY] Don't your neighbours ever complain?
[SISKO] Sometimes, but usually it's only an excuse to get a taste of my
[KASIDY] Oh, how sneaky of them.
[SISKO] Yes, they're a duplicitous bunch.
(Jake walks in on a kiss.)
[JAKE] All right, you two, break it up. I've got a problem. Do either of
you know what a Kavarian tiger-bat smells like? It's for a story I'm
working on. The computer database has plenty of pictures, but no
olfactory information.
[SISKO] You're a writer. Make something up.
[JAKE] I'm going for a real 'you are there' feeling. The details have to
be right. Kas, haven't you been to Kavaria?
[KASIDY] Not me. Sorry.
[SISKO] Don't you make a regular cargo run to a neighbouring system?
[KASIDY] No, Kavaria's out toward the Badlands. I try to stay away from
there. You should ask Quark. I bet he knows someone who's been out that
[SISKO] I thought you made deliveries to Dreon Seven. That's near the
Badlands, isn't it?
[KASIDY] I guess it depends on how you define near. On my ship, Dreon's
a long way from the Badlands.
[SISKO] What route do you take to the Dreon System? I imagine you go
around the Rolor Nebula.
[KASIDY] If you're really this interested in my flight plans, why don't
you look them up. You are the Commander of the station, after all.
[SISKO] Forget I brought it up. Okay, everyone grab a plate and prepare
to be dazzled.
[JAKE] You first.
(Kasidy shakes her head.)
(Most of the passengers get off, leaving Garak and
Ziyal alone together.)
[GARAK] You're not going to hurt me, are you? Normally I would simply
make a strategic withdrawal at the first sign of trouble, but there
doesn't seem to be a way out of here.
[ZIYAL] You could always call security.
[GARAK] Oh, true. But it would take them a few minutes to arrive, and by
then it might be too late.
[ZIYAL] I don't think I'll hurt you.
[GARAK] I'm gratified to hear that.
[ZIYAL] In fact I think it's safe to say you have nothing to fear from
(They arrive at the Promenade.)
[GARAK] And you, my dear, have nothing to fear from me.
(Cargo bay)
[BRATHAW] (a Bolian) This is ridiculous. We have
perishable goods in the hold and we cannot allow
[KASIDY] What is going on here?
[ODO] Captain, we need to make a class two inspection of your cargo
before we can allow you to leave the station.
[KASIDY] Inspection? For what?
[ODO] Temecklian virus. There've been some reports of an outbreak on
Bajor, so we're scanning all ships and cargo before they leave the
[KASIDY] None of my cargo came from Bajor.
[ODO] I'm afraid the rules are very strict. No exceptions.
[KASIDY] How long will this take?
[ODO] Six hours.
[KASIDY] Six hours?
[BRATHAW] We'll miss the rendezvous.
[KASIDY] We'll see about that.
(She goes to a wall monitor)
[SISKO (on monitor)] Kasidy?
[KASIDY] I'm sorry to bother you, Ben. Normally, I wouldn't do this, but
[SISKO (on monitor)] What is it?
[KASIDY] It's this health inspection. They're telling me it's going to
take six hours, but I need to make a rendezvous with a Tholian
freighter in nine hours and you know how they are about punctuality.
[SISKO (on monitor)] If it weren't the health concern, maybe, but in
this case
[KASIDY] Ben, please. I promise to flood the entire cargo hold with
baryon radiation as a precaution, but I need to go now or I'll lose
(Captain's office)
[KASIDY (on monitor)] The entire consignment.
[SISKO] Stand by. Is there any way we can make a shorter inspection?
[EDDINGTON] Not if they're going to search for contraband while they
make it look like a health inspection. They need time to look for
camouflage fields, false cargo manifests, computer records.
[SISKO] We probably shouldn't bother at this point. If Kasidy's in a
hurry, she'll going to be standing over their shoulders the whole time.
They won't be able to make much of a search.
[EDDINGTON] Captain, I strongly recommend that we at least try.
[SISKO] You are clear to leave the station. Just remember to irradiate
that cargo.
[KASIDY (on monitor)] Thanks, Ben. I owe you one. See you tomorrow.
[SISKO] Do you have something to say, Commander?
[EDDINGTON] No, sir.
[SISKO] Good. Now, get down to the Defiant and tell Worf he has a change
of orders. I want you to follow the Xhosa.
[EDDINGTON] Aye, sir. What are our orders if we observe Captain Yates
meeting a Maquis ship?
[SISKO] Right now your orders are to observe and then report directly to
me. Is that clear?
[EDDINGTON] Perfectly.
[BRIEN] The Xhosa's altering course, Commander. Now on heading one
five eight, mark three two five.
[EDDINGTON] The Badlands.
[WORF] Stay with her, Chief.
[BRIEN] Aye, sir.
(A little later the Xhosa goes into the plasma storms of the Badlands.)
[BRIEN] Say what you will about the Maquis, they're not stupid. Using
the Badlands as their base of operations was a pretty smart move. Not
to mention gutsy one.
[WORF] They are terrorists, little more than criminals. And criminals
always make mistakes.
[BRIEN] They're just fighting for something they believe in.
[WORF] They should be hunted down and destroyed.
[BRIEN] What for? Defending their homes? Look at what's happened to
those people. One day they're trying to eke out a living on some
godforsaken colonies on the Cardassian border, the next day the
Federation makes a treaty handing those colonies over to the
Cardassians. What would you do?
[WORF] I would not become a terrorist. It would be dishonourable.
[BRIEN] I wouldn't say that around Major Kira if I were you. How about
you, Commander? How do you feel about the Maquis?
[EDDINGTON] I don't have any feelings about them one way or the other.
[BRIEN] Oh, but you must have an opinion.
[EDDINGTON] I do my job, Chief. Starfleet says to find the Maquis, I'll
find the Maquis. They tell me to help them, I'll help them. My opinion
is irrelevant. What matters to me is doing my job like a Starfleet
officer. Anything else is an indulgence.
[BRIEN] I think I've got something. An impulse signature off the
starboard bow.
[WORF] Bring us within visual range.
[BRIEN] Aye, sir.
(The Xhosa has met another vessel.)
[BRIEN] That's a Maquis raider.
[EDDINGTON] And the Xhosa's beaming over her cargo.
(Garak's shop)
[ZIYAL] Hello.
[GARAK] Hello.
[ZIYAL] This is your shop.
[GARAK] Yes.
[ZIYAL] It's very nice.
[GARAK] Thank you.
[ZIYAL] You do good work.
[GARAK] How kind. Is there something I can do for you?
[ZIYAL] I got this holosuite programme from Quark. It's a reproduction
of a Cardassian sauna, like the ones they have back home.
[GARAK] Yes?
[ZIYAL] I was wondering if you might be interested in trying it out with
[ZIYAL] I mean, we're the only Cardassians on the station, and, well,
the temperature's too hot for almost anyone else.
[GARAK] I see. When were you thinking of?
[ZIYAL] Maybe the day after tomorrow, say twenty one hundred?
[GARAK] I'd be delighted.
[ZIYAL] Great. I'll see you there.
[GARAK] I look forward to it.
(Sisko's quarters)
[JAKE] Morning.
[SISKO] Morning.
[JAKE] Raktajino, extra sweet. Makapa bread, no crust.
[SISKO] What happened to juice and oatmeal?
[JAKE] Kasidy introduced me to this. It's great. When's she due back?
[SISKO] Tonight.
(Jake dips the bread into the drink and it foams up, alarming Sisko.)
[JAKE] Don't worry, it's supposed to do that. The foam tastes like a
weird peppermint, and the bread, I don't know what it tastes like. You
want some?
[SISKO] I think I'll pass.
[JAKE] Dad, is something wrong?
[SISKO] I'm a little tired. Didn't sleep much last night.
[JAKE] I guess you're not used to sleeping alone anymore. Oh, what I
mean is, you miss her companionship. You miss talking and sharing
insights about command and duty
[SISKO] All right. That's enough.
[JAKE] I was just kidding.
[SISKO] I know. I've just got a lot on my mind.
[JAKE] Something happen between you and Kasidy?
[SISKO] Not exactly.
[JAKE] If you want to talk.
(Sisko puts his hand on Jake's arm.)
[JAKE] What?
[SISKO] This is important. You and I. Things change, but not this.
Forget it. I'm just having a bad day.
[EDDINGTON] After the cargo was beamed aboard the
Maquis raider, the Xhosa took this route out of the Badlands and
resumed its course to Dreon Seven.
[DAX] Do you know what cargo was transferred to the Maquis ship?
[BRIEN] From the residual transporter signature, it was approximately
eighty percent organic. I'd say food or possibly medical supplies.
[DAX] Well, at least we're not dealing with weapons. It sounds like
she's only providing
[SISKO] Where is the Xhosa now?
[WORF] Captain Yates is on her way back to the station. She should
arrive at nineteen hundred hours.
[SISKO] Thank you. Dismissed.
(Dax turns to say something.)
[SISKO] Dismissed, old man.
(Sisko's quarters)
(The doorbell brings Sisko back from his thoughts.)
[SISKO] Come in.
[KASIDY] Miss me?
[SISKO] Were you gone?
[KASIDY] Admit it. Without me, you cried yourself to sleep.
[SISKO] So, did you make your rendezvous with the Tholian freighter?
[KASIDY] Right on time. And thank you for bending the inspection rules
for me. We'd have never made it without you.
[SISKO] Just don't make a habit of it.
[KASIDY] I promise.
[SISKO] Where'd you meet the Tholians anyway? The Dreon system?
[KASIDY] Yeah. Why?
[SISKO] It just seemed odd that they would travel that far just for some
medical supplies.
[KASIDY] They really needed them. They've got some kind of viral
infection on one of their colonies. In fact, I can't stay long. I'm
supposed to make a run tonight. But I promise you can inspect the cargo
ahead of time.
[SISKO] That'll make Odo very happy.
(Jake enters)
[JAKE] Hey, you're back.
[KASIDY] Looks like it to me.
[JAKE] Are you guys doing anything right now? I just got a new holosuite
programme that Nog sent me. It's a baseball game between the nineteen
sixty one Yankees and the nineteen seventy eight Red Sox.
[KASIDY] I'll buy the hot dogs.
[SISKO] I'll have to pass. I have to get back Ops. Anyway, Yankees will
bury them. You two have fun.
[KASIDY] But I'm only here for a few hours.
[SISKO] Duty calls. I'll see you when you get back.
[KASIDY] Okay.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] She's going on another run tonight. She
seemed prepared for a cargo inspection this time, so I doubt you'll
find anything.
[ODO] Captain, Mister Eddington and I have discussed this at length, and
we both feel that if the Xhosa makes another rendezvous with a Maquis
raider, we should seize both vessels and arrest everyone aboard.
[EDDINGTON] For all we know, the Xhosa may not make another run for
months. We shouldn't let this opportunity pass us by.
[SISKO] Agreed.
[EDDINGTON] Yes, sir. And that does bring up another point I'd like to
discuss. In private, if I may.
(Odo leaves)
[EDDINGTON] Sir, the CFI replicators are due to arrive here tomorrow
afternoon. I'd feel better if I were here to supervise the security
[SISKO] Lieutenant Reese can handle it.
[EDDINGTON] Yes, sir, he can, but
[SISKO] Just say it, Commander.
[EDDINGTON] Sir, if the Maquis put up a fight the Xhosa might get caught
in the crossfire. If that happens, I can't guarantee the safety of
Kasidy Yates. And to be blunt, I don't want that responsibility.
[SISKO] I can't say I blame you. The security of the CFI replicators is
your priority. I'll take command of the Defiant.
[EDDINGTON] Thank you, Captain.
(Cargo bay)
[BRATHAW] The inspection team just left.
[KASIDY] Any problems?
[SISKO] Kasidy.
[KASIDY] I'll be right there.
(Brathaw goes into the ship.)
[SISKO] How was the game?
[KASIDY] Good. Seven three Yankees. Did you come all the way down here
for the score?
[SISKO] No. I was just thinking. Why don't we drop everything and go to
Risa. Just the two of us.
[SISKO] We won't even pack a bag. We'll walk straight out of here, get
in a runabout and go.
[KASIDY] What about your station?
[SISKO] I have a great crew. They can handle things around here for a
few days. Neither of us is doing anything so important that it can't
wait a few days.
[KASIDY] I'm not sure the Tholians would agree.
[SISKO] Let your first officer handle it. Or better yet, tell the
Tholians they won't be getting this shipment at all.
[KASIDY] I don't think I can do that, Ben. I have a commitment to
fulfill. But if you want to take a runabout and wait for me on Risa,
I'll meet you there.
[SISKO] Forget about it. It was just a crazy idea. Have a good trip.
[KASIDY] Thanks. It as a tempting idea, Ben. I wish I could take you up
on it.
[SISKO] So do I.
[BRIEN] They're reducing speed.
[SISKO] Match their velocity, Chief.
[WORF] These are the same coordinates they used for the last rendezvous.
[SISKO] Any sign of another ship?
[ODO] Not yet. But our sensors are extremely limited in the plasma
[BRIEN] They're turning again. Looks like a holding pattern to me,
sir. Either the Maquis are late or the Xhosa's early.
[SISKO] Either way, we wait with them.
(Garak's shop)
(Quark is having a fitting.)
[QUARK] Can't you do something about these lapels?
[GARAK] Such as?
[QUARK] I don't know, I'm not a tailor. Just make them look good.
[GARAK] Oh, make them look good. And all this time I thought you wanted
me to try to make them look bad. I wish you'd said that before. It's so
much simpler when the customer explains what he wants.
[QUARK] Rudeness will get you nowhere. I don't need another waiter. Now,
I want more room in the shoulders and these cuffs are completely
[KIRA] Garak, can I talk to you for a minute?
[GARAK] Of course, Major. Excuse me.
[QUARK] Sure.
[GARAK] Now, what can I do for you, Major?
(Kira slams Garak into the wall)
[KIRA] Listen closely. I don't know what kind of sick game it is you're
playing with Ziyal, but it'd better stop and it better stop right now.
[GARAK] I can assure you, Major, I have
[KIRA] I don't want to hear any of your lies. Now, that girl is here
under my protection and I swear if you do anything to hurt her, I will
make you regret it. Is that clear?
[GARAK] As Tabalian glass.
[KIRA] Good.
(Kira leaves)
[QUARK] You told her. The pants are about a metre too long. So, are you
cancelling your date with Ziyal?
[GARAK] It's not a date. And how do you know about that?
[QUARK] You're a man, she's a woman, it's a date. And they are my
holosuites, after all.
[GARAK] I was going to cancel. I've had visions of Ziyal presenting my
head to her father as a birthday gift.
[QUARK] That's a little paranoid, wouldn't you say?
[GARAK] Paranoid is what they call people who imagine threats against
their life. I have threats against my life. But after my little chat
with Major Kira, I feel much better.
[QUARK] You do?
[GARAK] Isn't it obvious? If Ziyal planned to kill me, Kira would not be
trying to warn me away. On the contrary, the good Major would also
welcome my untimely demise, and do nothing to interfere.
[QUARK] Unless that's part of the plan.
[GARAK] What do you mean?
[QUARK] Oh, you know. Kira acts like she doesn't want you to go so
you'll feel everything's okay, and then you go anyway. Nah, it's too
[GARAK] Of course.
[QUARK] Now they're too short.
[GARAK] What?
[QUARK] The pants.
[ODO] This is wrong. Terrorists don't work this way.
If your contact doesn't show up for a rendezvous, you leave. You don't
stay in the Badlands going in circles for five hours.
[WORF] Perhaps. But it is also possible that her cargo is so valuable to
the Maquis that she will wait as long as it takes to make the delivery.
[ODO] I think she's already made her delivery, and you were the cargo.
Think about it. If anyone but Kasidy Yates was on the Xhosa, would you
be commanding this mission yourself?
[SISKO] You're saying someone wanted me here. Why?
[ODO] I'm not sure, but one thing's certain. We're not going to find the
answers sitting here staring at the viewscreen.
[SISKO] You're right. The answers are over there. Let's go. Mister Worf,
you have the Bridge.
(Xhosa Bridge)
[BRATHAW] Still nothing.
[KASIDY] This is getting ridiculous. All right, let's send a coded
message to
[BRATHAW] Tachyon surge. A ship's decloaking.
(The Defiant appears on the viewscreen.)
[KASIDY] Oh my God.
(Sisko, Odo and two security beam in.)
[KASIDY] Ben, what are you doing here? We've been
[SISKO] Don't say it. I know that you're a smuggler. I know that you've
been working with the Maquis, and right now I don't care. But I need to
know what your orders were. Were you told to draw me out here so the
Maquis could attack the station?
[SISKO] Jake's back there. And whatever your feelings are for me, I
can't believe you would put him in danger.
[KASIDY] I was supposed to meet a Maquis ship at these coordinates. I
don't know anything about an attack on the station, and I doubt the
Maquis would try. I didn't know you were following me, but after our
last talk, I suspected that you might be out there.
[ODO] If that's true, why didn't you abort the mission?
[KASIDY] I was told that these medical supplies were urgently needed and
that I had to be here no matter what. I tried to tell them that I'd
made too many runs in the past few days, that I was just asking to get
caught, but they wouldn't listen.
[SISKO] They knew you were going to be caught. That's why they didn't
send a Maquis ship here to meet you. Everything's been building to
this. They needed to draw me away from the station. Why? If they aren't
planning an attack, what other reason could there be? What could be
happening (penny drops) Happening on the station?
(Eddington is briefing a security detachment.)
[EDDINGTON] I've received new orders from Starfleet Command. The CFI
replicators in cargo bay seventeen are to be transferred aboard a
Vulcan freighter which should arrive at any moment. This operation is
to be carried out in complete secrecy. No one aboard the station is to
know about it.
[REESE] Does that include the Bajoran security detachment, sir?
[EDDINGTON] Absolutely. Also, as of this moment, we're observing
communications silence. No comm. traffic in or out of the station for
the next nine hours. Understood?
[REESE] Aye, sir.
[EDDINGTON] Dismissed.
(Security leave, Kira enters.)
[KIRA] You wanted to see me?
[EDDINGTON] Yes, Major. I'm afraid I need to take command of the station
for the next few hours.
(And he shoots her, then locks the wardroom behind him.)
[BRIEN] We've cleared the plasma field, Captain.
[SISKO] Get us back to the station, Chief. Maximum warp.
[BRIEN] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] Any response from our hails, Commander?
[WORF] No, sir. Deep Space Nine seems to be under a communications
[SISKO] Keep trying.
[ODO] You realise we'll probably never see the Xhosa or Captain Yates
[SISKO] It's a possibility.
[ODO] I'd say it's more than that. If I'd been allowed to leave a
security detail behind
[SISKO] Our priority is to get back to the station, Constable. Captain
Yates is my responsibility and I will thank you to leave it at that.
[ODO] As you wish.
(At an upper pylon.)
[REESE] The replicators have been secured in the ship's hold, sir.
[EDDINGTON] Very good. We'll be departing in five minutes and I'm
leaving you in command until Captain Sisko returns.
[REESE] Me, sir?
[EDDINGTON] You have a problem with that, Lieutenant?
[REESE] No, sir. It's just that it's unusual for a junior officer to be
left in
[EDDINGTON] If you're not up to the job, I'll find someone else who is.
The safety of this station may depend on you and I need to know if you
can handle it.
[REESE] You can count on me, Commander.
[EDDINGTON] Good. Now go to Ops and take command.
[REESE] Yes, sir.
(Reese leaves the airlock. Eddington takes off him comm. badge and puts
it on the bulkhead before the door seals behind him.)
Captain's log, supplemental. The Defiant has
returned to the station but it seems that Commander Eddington is still
one step ahead of us.
[BRIEN] All Federation Starships near the Badlands
have been alerted to look for the Vulcan freighter.
[ODO] I doubt they'll find it. Eddington anticipated every contingency.
I'm sure he had his escape route well planned.
[KIRA] What do we tell the Cardassians?
[SISKO] The truth. He fooled me. And he got away with it.
[KIRA] He fooled all of us.
[SISKO] Everything that happens on this station is my responsibility,
[BRIEN] Incoming message for you, Captain. It's from Commander
[SISKO] Put it through. In my office.
(Captain's office)
(Sisko switches on a wall monitor.)
[EDDINGTON (on monitor)] Captain.
[SISKO] Mister Eddington. I have just one question. Why?
[EDDINGTON (on monitor)] Will knowing my personal motivation change
anything at this point?
[SISKO] No, I don't suppose it will.
[EDDINGTON (on monitor)] Then let's table that for now. The only reason
I've contacted you is to ask you to leave us alone. Our quarrel is with
the Cardassians, not the Federation. Leave us alone and I can promise
you you'll never hear from the Maquis again.
[SISKO] Unless you see another shipment you want to hijack.
[EDDINGTON (on monitor)] You keep sending replicators to Cardassia and
you're going to have a lot more to worry about than hijackings.
[SISKO] I don't respond well to threats. I thought you would know that
by now. But I'm beginning to see that you don't know me at all.
[EDDINGTON (on monitor)] I know you. I was like you once, but then I
opened my eyes. Open your eyes, Captain. Why is the Federation so
obsessed about the Maquis? We've never harmed you, and yet we're
constantly arrested and charged with terrorism. Starships chase us
through the Badlands and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed.
Why? Because we've left the Federation, and that's the one thing you
can't accept. Nobody leaves paradise. Everyone should want to be in the
Federation. Hell, you even want the Cardassians to join. You're only
sending them replicators because one day they can take their rightful
place on the Federation Council. You know, in some ways you're worse
than the Borg. At least they tell you about their plans for
assimilation. You're more insidious. You assimilate people and they
don't even know it.
[SISKO] You know what, Mister Eddington? I don't give a damn what you
think of the Federation, the Maquis, or anything else. All I know is
that you betrayed your oath, your duty, and me. And if it takes me the
rest of my life, I will see you standing before a court-martial that'll
break you and send you to a penal colony, where you will spend the rest
of your days growing old and wondering whether a ship full of
replicators was really worth it.
(Holosuite - Cardassian sauna)
(A lady lizard is basking fully clothed on the hot
rocks when the door opens.)
[ZIYAL] Garak.
[GARAK] Hello.
[ZIYAL] Doesn't it feel good? The station can be so chilly sometimes.
[GARAK] Yes. It's quite pleasant.
[ZIYAL] Aren't you going to lie down?
[GARAK] Not just yet. I have a question I'd like answered first. Why am
I here?
[ZIYAL] Excuse me?
[GARAK] Why am I here? Am I to believe that you've invited the sworn
enemy of your father simply to enjoy the heat?
[ZIYAL] You really think I asked you here to kill you? Well, it did
occur to me. Kira and my father both told me that you used to be an
agent of the Obsidian Order. That you had my grandfather tortured and
killed, and that you could easily kill me without a second thought.
[GARAK] Although I seldom credit the Major or your father with being
entirely trustworthy, in this case they're both telling the truth.
[ZIYAL] You know what else is true? I don't care. I'm half-Bajoran and
that means I'm an outcast back home. I can't go back and neither can
you. So we can either share some time together or we can ignore each
other. I spent five years in a prisoner of war camp by myself. I don't
need your company. But if you'd like to stay and share the heat with
me, maybe tell me something about home that I don't know, then I would
welcome your company. And I get the feeling you would welcome mine.
Either way, it's up to you.
[GARAK] Well, it seems I won't be needing this anymore.
(He puts his weapon down by the door, goes to the rocks and lies down.)
[GARAK] So, what shall we talk about first?
(Cargo bay)
[SISKO] Just you?
[KASIDY] I dropped my crew off at a Maquis base. I had to come back, but
I didn't see any reason to drag them here just to face a prison
[SISKO] You didn't have to come back either.
[KASIDY] Yes, I did. And I think we both know that's why you left us
alone out there. To see if I would. I'm not going to stand here and
apologise for what I did. You had your duty, I had mine.
[SISKO] I still have my duty.
[KASIDY] I know. And I know I'll probably going to prison. But I came
back because of us. Because despite all that's happened, I still love
you, Ben. I don't want to throw that away. Do you?
(They hug, hard and long.)
[SISKO] Lieutenant Reese.
(Reese and two security enter.)
[KASIDY] I'll be back.
[SISKO] I'll be here. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e91", "title": "For The Cause"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - To The Death
The Death
Original Airdate: 13 May, 1996
Captain's log, stardate 49904.2. After driving away Breen privateers
from the Bajoran colony of Freehaven, we are returning to Deep Space
(Mess hall)
[DAX] When I was Leela Dax, I went through the same
thing. Every night I'd tuck in my son Ahjess, and two hours later he'd
crawl into bed with me. I don't think I slept through a night for
[BRIEN] Weeks? Molly's been doing this for two months already.
[DAX] She just needs a little attention.
[BASHIR] Dax is right. I'd say she's jealous. She knows that you and
Keiko are going to have a baby soon.
[BRIEN] What makes you such an expert on children?
[BASHIR] First in my class in paediatric medicine.
[DAX] I wouldn't sit there if I were you.
[BASHIR] Why? Miles spill something again?
[BRIEN] It's Worf's seat. He'll be here in a minute.
[BASHIR] Just because Worf lives on the Defiant full time doesn't give
him proprietary rights in the mess hall.
[DAX] No one says it does. He just likes that seat.
(Worf enters and goes to the replicator.)
[WORF] Prune juice, extra large.
(Worf turns and walks over to the table, and just stands there.)
[BASHIR] Have a seat, Commander.
(Bashir moves.)
[WORF] Thank you.
(And as Worf sits, red alert sounds.)
[SISKO (OC)] All senior staff report to the bridge, immediately.
[SISKO] You'd better have a look at this.
(On the viewscreen, DS9 is missing half an upper
pylon, and there is debris floating.)
(The immediate aftermath of whatever happened.)
[KIRA] (injured arm) Concentrate on the fires in section thirteen. We
have to keep them away from the plasma conduits.
[QUARK] Has anyone seen my brother Rom? He told me he was going to be
working in one of the upper pylons today.
[KIRA] He's fine. I saw him with one of the damage control teams on
level five.
[QUARK] What a relief. Wait till I find him. I'll kill him for scaring
me like that.
[ODO] Major, here's a preliminary list of the stolen equipment.
Bashir, Dax and Sisko arrive on scene.)
[SISKO] Report, Major.
[KIRA] It was a Jem'Hadar strike team. They beamed aboard from a
civilian transport, disabled communications and weapons, set off an
explosive device in upper pylon three, fought a number of small
(Bashir is doing triage.)
[BASHIR] This one's gone. Spinal fracture and severe trauma to the
cranial meninges.
[KIRA] They raided the science lab, the reactor control facility and
several cargo bays.
[SISKO] (reads Odo's PADD) Microfusion initiators, photonic amplifiers,
EPS power stabilisers.
[KIRA] They were out of here and through the wormhole before we knew
what hit us.
[BASHIR] Constable, how many casualties do we have?
[ODO] So far, eighteen confirmed dead, thirty one missing and over a
hundred wounded.
[DAX] How long ago did the Jem'Hadar leave?
[KIRA] Forty five minutes at the most.
[DAX] That means their ion trail hasn't decayed yet. We could follow
[SISKO] I intend to do more than that. Sisko to Defiant, prepare for
[BASHIR] I'm going to stay here, take care of the wounded. That includes
[SISKO] The station's yours, Major. Contact Starfleet. Tell them to get
some ships out here just in case this is a diversion.
[KIRA] Understood.
[SISKO] Constable, you're with us. Sisko to Defiant. Three to beam out.
(Dax, Odo and Sisko are beamed away. The Defiant undocks. WHOOSH.)
[SISKO] What do you see, Dax?
[DAX] Nothing good. Their ion trail is getting fainter. The Jem'Hadar
must be emitting a magneton pulse to cover their tracks.
[SISKO] Keep on them. I want that ship.
[ODO] Frankly, I'm surprised that something like this hasn't happened
sooner. Being at the edge of the wormhole makes Deep Space Nine a
tempting target.
[SISKO] Sometimes I wish we could have the Defiant standing guard over
the station twenty six hours a day.
[WORF] Restricting the Defiant to guard duty would be a serious mistake.
[BRIEN] You wouldn't say that if you had family living on the station.
[WORF] Perhaps, but adopting a siege mentality is ultimately
[DAX] I've got something. Bearing oh five seven mark zero zero nine.
[SISKO] Red Alert. On screen.
(A damaged Jem'Hadar ship.)
[WORF] A Jem'Hadar warship. This can't be the vessel we're looking for.
Major Kira said the Jem'Hadar strike team that attacked the station
used a transport ship.
[BRIEN] Captain, that warship's in pretty bad shape. It looks like
someone's been using it for target practice.
[DAX] They're transmitting a broad-band distress signal.
[ODO] It could be a trap.
[SISKO] How many crewmembers aboard?
[DAX] I'm reading seven life signs.
[BRIEN] You won't be reading them for long. The reactor's about to go
[SISKO] Chief, have a security detail report to the transporter bay.
Odo, Commander Worf, you're with me.
(Transporter bay)
(Six armed security take up position.)
[SISKO] Transporter protocol five. Sisko to Bridge. Drop cloak. Engage.
(Six Jem'Hadar come in unarmed.)
[SISKO] Reinstate cloak. If you're looking for your weapons, they were
removed in transport.
[IKLAN] Even without weapons, we're more than a match for you.
[WORF] I would not be so certain of that.
[TORAX] A Klingon.
[KARA] And the traitor. The Founders will be pleased.
(A Vorta comes through the phalanx carrying a box. Everyone say Hi! to
Brunt, er, I mean,
Jeffrey Combs.)
[WEYOUN] Omet'iklan, control your men. These people saved our lives.
[IKLAN] And for that we shall take advantage of their mistake.
[WEYOUN] You'll do nothing without my approval. My apologies, Captain.
I'm afraid the Jem'Hadar are sadly deficient in the social graces.
[SISKO] Two hours ago, my station was attacked by a Jem'Hadar strike
[WEYOUN] I know. They attacked us too.
[ODO] Why would your own people attack you?
[IKLAN] Tell them nothing. This is not their concern.
[WEYOUN] Your next allowance of white will be in two hours. If you want
it on time, you will be quiet and do as you're told. Captain, you and I
should talk in private.
(Mess hall)
[SISKO] If you have something to say to me, make it
[WEYOUN] Captain Benjamin Sisko. I feel honoured. Your psychographic
profile is required reading for Vorta field supervisors. I probably
know things about you you don't know yourself.
[SISKO] If you're trying to impress me, you can forget it.
[WEYOUN] What would you say if I offered to make you absolute ruler of
the Federation? No President, no Starfleet Chief of Staff, just you.
[SISKO] I'd say your psychographic profile of me isn't as good as you
[WEYOUN] Just doing my job. Trying to build a bridge between the
Dominion and a potential ally. After all, wouldn't it be much simpler
if the Dominion and the Federation could reach some mutual beneficial
understanding without resorting to the unpleasantness of military
[SISKO] I want to know how to find the Jem'Hadar who attacked my
station. If you want to build a bridge, why don't you start there?
[WEYOUN] I can lead you to them. But there's something I need in
[SISKO] What's that?
[WEYOUN] I want you to help me eliminate them. The Jem'Hadar that
attacked your station are renegades. They've turned their back on their
oath of allegiance to the Dominion and it's my job to see to it that
they're punished.
[SISKO] Why do you need my help? You could send a whole fleet of
Jem'Hadar warships after them.
[WEYOUN] I'm afraid we don't have the time. Captain, are you familiar
with the Iconians?
[SISKO] They controlled a vast interstellar empire about two hundred
thousand years ago.
[WEYOUN] What's important is how the Iconians controlled that empire.
[SISKO] The Gateways.
[WEYOUN] Exactly. Sophisticated transporters that allowed them to move
instantaneously from one planet to another, from one solar system to
another, without the use of starships.
[SISKO] What does any of this have to do with me?
[WEYOUN] Dominion scientists recently discovered a Gateway on one of our
outlying worlds. We sent a team of scientists to restore it, but their
Jem'Hadar guards rebelled and are now trying to complete the Gateway
[SISKO] These renegade Jem'Hadar stole some equipment from my station.
EPS power stabilisers, microfusion initiators, photonic amplifiers.
[WEYOUN] I would say it's very possible they're going to use that
equipment to help them complete the Gateway. You understand the nature
of our dilemma?
[SISKO] If the Jem'Hadar are able to make the Gateway operational,
they'll become virtually invincible.
[WEYOUN] Our experts predict the renegades would gather support from
other Jem'Hadar units, launch a general insurrection, and effect a
complete takeover of the Dominion in less than a year.
[SISKO] None of which is my problem.
[WEYOUN] That's very shortsighted of you, Captain. Think about it. If
the Jem'Hadar seize control of the Dominion, there'll be no stopping
them. Even shutting down the wormhole won't protect the Alpha Quadrant.
With the Gateway, they could put a million Jem'Hadar warriors on any
Federation planet instantaneously. Would you care to see our
projections of Federation casualties?
[SISKO] Couldn't the Founders just order them to surrender? From what I
know, the Jem'Hadar have been genetically conditioned to obey them.
[WEYOUN] The Founders' ability to control the Jem'Hadar has been
somewhat overstated. Otherwise we never would have had to addict them
to the white.
[SISKO] Sounds like the Dominion isn't quite as stable as you'd like us
to believe.
[WEYOUN] The Dominion has endured for two thousand years, and will
continue to endure long after the Federation has crumbled into dust.
But we'll leave that to history. Right now, we have a more pressing
concern. The Gateway must be destroyed. Agreed?
[SISKO] Agreed.
[DAX] Let me get this straight. We're going to work
with the Jem'Hadar to fight the Jem'Hadar.
[SISKO] I don't relish this idea either, but we don't have much of a
[WORF] I was on the mission that discovered the Iconian homeworld. We
were forced to destroy the Gateway we found there rather than let it
fall into the hands of the Romulans, and Starfleet Command supported
our decision.
[DAX] If they didn't want the Romulans to get a hold of it, I'm sure
they won't want the Jem'Hadar to have it either.
[BRIEN] What are we supposed to do? Give Omet'iklan and his men their
weapons back and then hope they don't point them at us?
[SISKO] They're not going to get their hands on any weapons until we
reach our target.
[ODO] How do we know these Jem'Hadar can be trusted? They must realise
that controlling the Gateway would mean freedom for their people.
[SISKO] According to Weyoun, they don't know anything about the Gateway.
They think that this is just a routine search and destroy mission. Find
the renegade Jem'Hadar, eliminate them and their base.
[WORF] You're asking us to lie to them about our mission. It is not
[BRIEN] There's a lot of things about this mission that bother me, but
lying to the Jem'Hadar is not on top of my list.
[ODO] If the Jem'Hadar find out that we've deceived them.
[SISKO] They're not going to find out anything.
[DAX] Well, they won't hear it from me.
[SISKO] There'll be a joint briefing session at nineteen hundred hours.
[BRIEN] Followed by a get-to-know-you buffet at nineteen thirty.
[DAX] And I forgot my dress uniform.
(Sisko's cabin)
[SISKO] Enter.
[IKLAN] You requested my presence.
[SISKO] It seems we're going to be working together.
[IKLAN] So I am told. Luckily for you, the only thing I despise
more than the Federation is a Jem'Hadar soldier who breaks his vow of
[SISKO] I'm glad you see it that way. Now, I have a few things I want to
make clear. First, this is my ship and my command. which means I give
the orders, not you and not Weyoun. What's more, I'm holding you
personally responsible for the actions of your men. If I have a problem
with them, you're the one who's going to have to answer for it.
[IKLAN] That's as it should be. After all, I'm the First.
[SISKO] As far as I'm concerned, on this mission, I'm the First.
They lock eyes, and neither blinks.)
[IKLAN] Until the traitors are found and terminated. After that, we
shall see. Am I dismissed?
[SISKO] For the time being.
(Mess hall)
[SISKO] According to Dominion intelligence, the
Jem'Hadar have established a base camp here.
(Sisko points to the wall monitor, tactical scan O-47 or D-47, I can't
quite make it out.)
[SISKO] The interior of the structure is riddled with a network of
corridors and interlocking chambers.
[SISKO] our primary objective is to destroy the Jem'Hadar arms and
supply cache in this chamber. The trick will be getting there. We can't
beam directly into the structure, which means we'll have to fight our
way in.
[IKLAN] Jem'Hadar tactics dictate at least twenty seven soldiers
are stationed inside the base camp at all times. Nine will patrol the
perimeter. Additional troops are deployed throughout the city.
[WORF] How many renegades are there all together?
[IKLAN] A hundred and sixty two in the original garrison. We killed
at least twelve during the initial rebellion.
[BRIEN] That still leaves a hundred and fifty.
[DAX] Just between you and me, Captain, I think we're a little
[BRIEN] Wouldn't it be simpler to take out the base from orbit? A
couple of quantum torpedoes should be enough to level the entire area.
[SISKO] Unfortunately, that's not an option.
[WEYOUN] The central structure is composed of solid neutronium. Even a
direct hit from a quantum torpedo wouldn't necessarily destroy our
[SISKO] Which means we have to go in ourselves.
[TORAX] As it should be. It is our duty to punish those who would
break their vow of loyalty.
[ODO] Are you accusing me of something?
[IKLAN] It is not for us to accuse a god of betraying heaven. The
gods themselves will sit in judgement over you.
[ODO] I'm no god, and neither are the Founders. The sooner you realise
that, the better off you'll be.
[SISKO] We've chosen a beam-in site here, in this wooded area. That'll
give us a chance to evaluate the situation before proceeding. Our first
objective will be to secure the main entrance to the ziggurat.
[WORF] Neutralising nine guards before one of them can raise an alarm
will be difficult.
[KARA] It's as you said. The Klingon will to fight pales in
comparison to our own.
[TORAX] Yes. He has the look of a warrior but the heart of a
[WORF] If you would like to test my courage, I
[SISKO] All right, that's enough.
[TORAX] One day the Klingon Empire will fall before the Jem'Hadar.
And when that day comes, and piles of Klingons lie dead at my feet, I
will think of you standing here impotent and weak, and I will laugh.
(Worf grabs the Jem'Hadar around the neck while Toman'torax grabs
Worf's throat.)
[SISKO] All right! I said that's enough. Worf, let him go!
[IKLAN] Second! Release the Klingon or I will kill you where you
(They let go of each other.)
[SISKO] Now, the two of you, as you were. I promise, you'll both have
more fight than you can handle before this is over.
(Defiant Corridor)
(Worf decks a patrolling Jem'Hadar.)
[WORF] Let's go.
[BRIEN] I'm right with you.
(Engine room)
(Worf shoots the soldier guarding the warp core)
[DAX] Worf.
(Worf shoots down the other Jem'Hadar shimmering into view.)
[WORF] Go.
(O'Brien primes the bomb he was carrying.)
[BRIEN] Ready.
[DAX] Wait. The room's not secure. We have to find the third guard.
[WORF] I do not see him.
[DAX] He's here somewhere.
[WORF] I know.
[BRIEN] We're supposed to be on our way out by now.
[WORF] Where is he?
[ODO] We're running out of time, Commander.
[WORF] The third Jem'Hadar guard. He is still here somewhere.
[ODO] Look for a slight rippling effect.
[DAX] We know what we're looking for. We just can't find it.
(Lights up, along with the Jem'Hadar. Sisko, Weyoun and Omet'iklan come
onto the upper level balcony.)
[BRIEN] We're dead.
[IKLAN] That's correct.
[WEYOUN] The Jem'Hadar defence grid is now in operation. Automated
weapons systems have killed everyone in this room.
[IKLAN] Your crew failed in their mission.
[DAX] Well you might as well tell us. Where's the other one?
[IKLAN] There was no third guard.
[SISKO] I don't understand. You told me the Jem'Hadar soldiers always
operate in teams of three.
[IKLAN] In battle, nothing is certain. You should have armed the
explosives as soon as you were in position.
[WORF] We had to be sure the room was secure. otherwise someone could
have disarmed the explosive the moment we left.
[IKLAN] If you couldn't secure the room, you should not plan on
leaving it.
[BRIEN] You want us to blow the place up while we're still in it?
[IKLAN] This is a waste of time. They'll never succeed as long as
they value their lives more than victory.
[WEYOUN] There's something to be said for soldiers who aren't afraid to
[SISKO] I don't know. I've found nothing keeps me alert quite like a
healthy fear of death. Keep practicing. The two of you, with me.
(Defiant Corridor)
[SISKO] One of the reasons for these drills is to
help our crews learn to work together. Constantly showing contempt for
my people isn't making it any easier.
[IKLAN] Would you prefer I lied?
[SISKO] What I'd like is for you to at least maintain the pretence that
we're on the same side.
(Defiant Turbolift)
[WEYOUN] Captain, I understand your concerns, and so
does Omet'iklan.
[SISKO] Deck five, section one.
[IKLAN] The only way my troops can come to respect your crew is to
fight alongside them. Mixed teams in every aspect of the mission.
[WEYOUN] That's not practical.
[IKLAN] Why not?
[WEYOUN] Are you questioning my decision?
[IKLAN] You fool. My men and I, we know all about the Gateway.
[SISKO] Halt turbolift. Looks like your secret's out.
[WEYOUN] How do you know about the Gateway?
[IKLAN] It doesn't matter how we know. The point is, we know. You
think you have to lie to us and use the white to ensure our loyalty.
But the fact is, we are more loyal to the Founders than the Vorta ever
will. It is the reason for our existence. It is the core of our being.
[WEYOUN] There's an entire company of Jem'Hadar down on Vandros Four who
would disagree with you.
[IKLAN] And for that, they will die.
[SISKO] Mixed teams it is. But let's get one thing straight. This isn't
going to be a suicide mission. As far as I'm concerned, everyone who
goes in, comes back out. Starfleet and Jem'Hadar alike.
[IKLAN] Your concern for life is touching. Let's hope it doesn't
stop us from achieving our objectives.
[SISKO] Computer, reactivate turbolift.
[DAX] Am I really that interesting? You've been
standing there staring at me for the last two hours.
[KARA] You are part of my combat team. I must learn to understand
your behaviour, anticipate your actions.
[DAX] There must be something you'd rather do. Maybe get some sleep?
[KARA] We don't sleep.
[DAX] How about getting something to eat?
[KARA] The white is the only thing we need.
[DAX] Don't sleep, don't eat. What do you do for relaxation?
[KARA] Relaxation would only make us weak.
[DAX] You people are no fun at all. Glad I'm not a Jem'Hadar woman.
[KARA] There are no Jem'Hadar women.
[DAX] So what do you do? Lay eggs?
[KARA] Jem'Hadar are bred in birthing chambers. We are able to
fight within three days of our emergence.
[DAX] Lucky you. So let me get this straight. No food, so sleep, no
women. No wonder you're so angry. After thirty or forty years of that,
I'd be angry too.
[KARA] No Jem'Hadar has ever lived thirty years.
[DAX] How old are you?
[KARA] I am eight.
[DAX] I would've guessed at least fifteen.
[KARA] Few Jem'Hadar live that long. If we reach twenty we are
considered Honoured Elders. How old are you?
[DAX] I stopped counting at three hundred.
[KARA] You don't look it.
[DAX] Thank you.
(Mess hall)
[BRIEN] No women? I'm not surprised.
[ODO] Personally, I envy them. I mean their ability to go without sleep.
I'm sure I could be more productive if I didn't have to regenerate
every day.
[WORF] What is the point of doing battle if you cannot enjoy the fruits
of victory?
[BRIEN] You mean sleep?
[WORF] No, I mean spending long nights singing songs of your deeds. Good
food, good drink.
[DAX] And good women.
[WORF] We consider Klingon women our partners in battle. They are the
mothers of our children.
[DAX] And a lot of fun at parties too.
[WORF] True.
[ODO] Why does he keep staring at us?
[BRIEN] I don't think it's us he's staring at. I think it's you.
[DAX] The Vorta probably consider the Founders gods just like the
Jem'Hadar do.
[ODO] I am not a Founder.
[DAX] Well, you're a changeling. That's close enough. To them.
[BRIEN] I wonder what would happen if you went over to him and ordered
him to stand on his head?
(The Jem'Hadar troop in with the box and place it on Weyoun's table.)
[IKLAN] It's time.
[WEYOUN] It is time when I say it's time. Oh, very well. (to box)
Prepare six phials. Unlock. First Omet'iklan, can you vouch for the
loyalty of your men?
[IKLAN] We pledge our loyalty to the Founders from now until death.
[WEYOUN] Then receive this reward from the Founders. May it keep you
(The phials of white are handed out and inserted.)
[BRIEN] I guess that's one way to ensure loyalty.
[WORF] Loyalty bought at such a price is no loyalty at all.
[IKLAN] Resume your training.
[TORAX] Human, come with me. It is time to resume our battle
[BRIEN] In a minute.
[TORAX] I'm ready now.
[BRIEN] Well, I'm not.
[TORAX] They stuff themselves with food but have no appetite for
[WORF] When the time comes, you will find us more than ready.
[TORAX] Ready to flee at the first sign of danger. Let's go. You
can practice running away.
(Toman'torax grabs O'Brien's shoulder so Worf hits Toman'torax.)
[TORAX] I've always wanted to kill a Klingon.
(And a general brawl breaks out. Sisko enters)
[SISKO] That's enough! The next one who throws a punch will have to
answer to me. Now, I want to know who started this.
[WORF] I did.
[TORAX] And I.
[IKLAN] You again. You knew my orders.
[TORAX] And I defied them. I deserve punishment.
[IKLAN] And you shall have it.
(Omet'iklan stands behind Toman'torax and kills him.)
[IKLAN] Why are you waiting? Kill him and be done with it.
[SISKO] Mister Worf, when not on duty, you are confined to quarters for
the remainder of this mission.
[WORF] Yes, sir.
(Worf leaves)
[SISKO] All right, let's break this up. Get back to your stations or go
to your quarters. Either way, I want this room cleared. Now!
(The crew leave.)
[IKLAN] You call that discipline?
[SISKO] A dead man can't learn from his mistakes. I don't get the same
joy out of killing as you do.
[IKLAN] You think I enjoyed it? Toman'torax was my Second. He
served under me three years. I valued him.
[SISKO] You have a funny way of showing it.
[IKLAN] I did what had to be done, what any First would do. I
placed the good of the unit above my personal feelings. Any soldier who
cannot follow orders is a danger to his unit and must be eliminated.
[SISKO] Mister Worf is not a danger to my command. But if I eliminate
him for a simple breach of discipline, then I would be. My men would
stop trusting me, and I wouldn't blame them.
[IKLAN] You are weak. You should die in his place. And when this
mission is over, I will see that you do.
(Defiant Corridor)
(Weyoun comes out of his cabin.)
[WEYOUN] Odo, may I speak with you for a moment?
[ODO] A moment.
[WEYOUN] You know I've been watching you.
[ODO] I've noticed.
[WEYOUN] I have to admit I find it somewhat disturbing seeing you
working for these Federation people, letting them order you around. You
are a Founder. You should be the one giving the orders to them, to the
Jem'Hadar, even me.
[ODO] So if I order you to leave me alone, you will?
[WEYOUN] Of course. But before you do, please, hear what I have to say.
Your people want you to come home, Odo. No matter what differences you
may have with them, no matter what mistakes you may have made, they
still love you.
[ODO] Well maybe they do, but I don't love them.
[WEYOUN] You're lying. And you're not very good at it. I, on the other
hand, am an expert on lies. Both in telling them, and in spotting them.
So you may as well admit the truth. More than anything in your life,
you want to return to your people. And I can make that possible.
[ODO] How?
[WEYOUN] Let me worry about the how. All I need to know is, are you
ready to go home?
[ODO] No. But I am ready to end this conversation.
[WEYOUN] Then it's over. After all, you are a Founder. I live to serve
(O'Brien enters with an isolinear chip.)
[BRIEN] Commander?
[DAX] For Keiko?
[BRIEN] It's my eleventh goodbye message since we've been married. I
average almost two a year.
[DAX] Does she know you do this?
[BRIEN] What would I tell her? You know, honey, every time I'm about
to go into battle I record a message for you and Molly telling how much
I love you, just in case.
[DAX] She'd probably think it was sweet.
[BRIEN] It'd probably scare the hell out of her. To be honest, it
scares the hell out of me. Every time I record one of these I think,
this is it. This is the one they're going to end up hearing.
[DAX] It'll never happen.
[BRIEN] What makes you say that?
[DAX] Because when you've lived eight lifetimes, you develop certain
instincts. And my instincts tell me that you, Miles Edward O'Brien, are
going to live to be a hundred and forty and die in bed, surrounded by
family and friends.
[BRIEN] Do you really believe that?
[DAX] Do you?
[BRIEN] I'd like to.
[DAX] That's all that matters.
[BRIEN] Well, just to be on the safe side, maybe you'd better enter
this in the ship's log anyway.
[DAX] I'll put it right alongside my message to my mother.
[BRIEN] You record these, too?
[DAX] Doesn't everyone?
(Engine room)
(A progress report is handed over.)
[SISKO] Well, it looks like the upgraded reactant injectors are working
better than we thought.
[WORF] Captain.
[SISKO] Mister Worf. Battle drills ended ten minutes ago. You should be
in your quarters.
[WORF] I'm on my way.
[SISKO] It looks like you got a little lost.
[WORF] There is something I wish to discuss with you.
[SISKO] Go on.
[WORF] It has come to my attention that First Omet'iklan has threatened
to kill you.
[SISKO] I didn't know that was public knowledge.
[WORF] You told Commander Dax.
[SISKO] Well, that explains it.
[WORF] She's concerned about you, and for good reason. As your executive
officer, I recommend that you remain on the ship during the away
mission. That way, Omet'iklan will have no opportunity to carry out his
[SISKO] I appreciate the concern, but do you really think I'm going to
follow that recommendation?
[WORF] No, sir, I do not. But I hope you will take some advice. Do not
turn your back on him.
[SISKO] I won't.
[WORF] Good. I also want you to know if somehow he does carry out his
threat, he will not live to boast about it.
[SISKO] That's very reassuring, Mister Worf.
[DAX (OC)] Dax to Sisko.
[SISKO] Sisko here.
[DAX (OC)] We're approaching Vandros Four, Captain.
[SISKO] On my way.
(Arms locker)
(O'Brien hands out phaser rifles to the Starfleet
people, then the Jem'Hadar queue up.)
[IKLAN] I'm waiting.
(Sisko nods)
[BRIEN] Don't worry. These aren't like the ones we gave you during the
drill. They're fully charged.
[KARA] The weapon's set on stun.
[IKLAN] Deactivate safeties. Reset weapons to maximum power.
[WEYOUN] Well, this is a momentous occasion. The first joint operation
between the Federation and the Dominion. I can't wait to see how it
turns out.
[SISKO] Prepare to transport.
[IKLAN] Wait. I am First Omet'iklan, and I am dead. As of this
moment we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we
do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember. Victory is life.
[HADAR] Victory is life.
(The Jem'Hadar march off.)
[WEYOUN] Such a delightful people.
(O'Brien turns to the Starfleet crew.)
[BRIEN] I am Chief Miles Edward O'Brien. I'm very much alive and I
intend to stay that way.
[SISKO] Amen. Let's get it done.
(Planet surface)
(The landing party are taking cover behind trees.
Sisko waves them out.)
[IKLAN] You betrayed us.
[SISKO] What are you talking about?
[IKLAN] Our rifles have been sabotaged.
[BRIEN] Hold on. Mine's dead too.
[WORF] Something must be interfering with our equipment.
[DAX] The Gateway. It's probably generating some kind of dampening
[ODO] If that's the case, we'd better come up with a new plan.
(Six renegade Jem'Hadar shimmer in and attack with blade weapons. Worf
stabs one with his mek'leth before he can kill Sisko. Soon after, the
fight is over and Sisko is checking for pulses.)
[ODO] We lost Ramirez, too.
[WORF] It would appear we no longer have the element of surprise.
[IKLAN] I suppose you want to call off the mission.
[SISKO] Guess again.
(Ziggurat entrance)
(This time, our Jem'Hadar shimmer in and start the
fight. Then Starfleet join in too. They get inside.)
(Ziggurat vestibule)
[DAX] Worf.
[WORF] This way.
[DAX] Go ahead. We'll hold them off.
(She and her group fight the incoming guards.)
(Ziggurat corridor)
(Another guards are dispatched.)
[WORF] Keep moving.
(Ziggurat vestibule)
[DAX] Virak'kara, you still there?
[KARA] For a little while longer at least.
[DAX] Don't worry. You'll make Honoured Elder yet.
(Ziggurat corridor)
(More fighting, and Worf is on his own.)
[HADAR (OC)] Quick, down that way. Look down that hall. Over there.
[WORF] I think we have waited long enough.
(Worf puts down his satchel, which morphs to knock down the entering
[SISKO] You're sure the explosives won't be affected
by the Gateway?
[BRIEN] The primary detonator might not work, but the chemical backup
should do the trick.
[IKLAN] The way is clear.
[SISKO] Let's move.
(Gateway chamber)
(As in Contagion, the Gateway shows a steady stream
of images of it's destinations. The guards are taken out so O'Brien can
set the explosives. We see various backgrounds including either the
Eiffel Tower or the Blackpool Tower - they are nearly identical -
Bajor, Kronos. A cloaked fighter wounds Sisko as he gets between it and
[IKLAN] I threatened to kill you, but you were still willing to
sacrifice yourself to save my life.
[SISKO] Looks that way.
[IKLAN] Why?
[SISKO] If you have to ask, you'll never understand.
[BRIEN] Gentlemen, I think it's time we were leaving.
(Ziggurat vestibule)
[ODO] Let's go, Dax.
[DAX] (to downed renegade) If I were you, I'd run like hell.
(Planet surface)
[SISKO] What about Dax and the others?
[WORF] Here, Captain.
[BRIEN] So much for the Gateway.
[ODO] It looks like we got out just in time.
[KARA] Our weapons are working again.
(Starfleet put down the blades and get out their hand phasers as Weyoun
beams in with the white.)
[WEYOUN] The Defiant's sensors registered a powerful explosion in the
vicinity of the Gateway. I trust your mission was a success?
[DAX] The Gateway's been destroyed, if that's what you mean.
[WEYOUN] Well done, Captain. You've all done quite nicely. Now, if you
don't mind, I'd like to inspect the wreckage.
(Omet'iklan vapourises Weyoun.)
[IKLAN] That was for questioning our loyalty. I think there's been
enough killing for one day.
[KARA] The Vorta will have no further use of this. (the white)
[IKLAN] My men and I will remain here. There are still disloyal
Jem'Hadar on this planet. They must be hunted down and eliminated.
[SISKO] Good luck.
[IKLAN] You fought well. But the next time we meet, we'll be
[SISKO] I'll keep that in mind.
(The Jem'Hadar shimmer away)
[BRIEN] I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd like to get out of
[SISKO] Sisko to Defiant. Begin transport. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e92", "title": "To The Death"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Quickening
Original Airdate: 20 May, 1996
[BRIEN] Looks like he used some sort of encryption
program to bypass the access protocols.
[KIRA] Unbelievable. The nerve.
(Odo enters, bringing Quark.)
[QUARK] Major, you wanted to see me?
[ODO] Don't pretend you don't know what this is about.
[KIRA] Maybe this'll jog your memory. Engage monitor.
(And an advert for Quark's comes up.)
[QUARK] Come to Quark's, Quark's is fun, come right now, don't walk,
run! Oh, I love the part where my name rotates around.
[ODO] Tampering with the station's comm. system is a class three
[QUARK] It's just a little advertisement. I didn't put one up in Ops.
[ODO] I'm sure the magistrate will take that into consideration when he
calculates your fine.
(Worf enters, with a mug in his hand.)
[WORF] You!
[QUARK] As you can see, we're very busy here. Station business.
[WORF] How did you do it?
[BRIEN] Do what?
[WORF] I ordered a glass of prune juice from the replicator in the
Defiant's mess. This is what it came in.
(The mug is emblazoned with Quarks. Free refill. Limit one per
customer. When tilted, the jingle plays.)
[KIRA] If all your little advertisements aren't purged from our systems
by the time I get back from the Gamma Quadrant, I will come to Quark's,
and believe me, I will have fun.
(Kira leaves)
[QUARK] Er, let me help you with that, Chief.
(WHOOSH! Through the wormhole.)
[BASHIR] According to Chief O'Brien the scan resolution on the new
sensors is amazing. We could practically do the entire bio-survey from
[KIRA] Suits me. The sooner we get out of the Gamma Quadrant, the
[BASHIR] How can you say that? Those little points of light out there
are the great unknown, beckoning to us. I wish I could visit every one.
[KIRA] You might want to skip the ones with Jem'Hadar bases on them.
[BASHIR] Is it my imagination or are the stars a little brighter in the
Gamma Quadrant?
[DAX] Is it my imagination, or has Julian lost his mind?
[KIRA] Setting course for the Gavara system.
[KIRA] I'm picking up some kind of emergency signal. It's fragmented.
They say their homeworld's been attacked. Massive destruction, heavy
casualties. They're asking any passing vessel for assistance.
[DAX] Looks like the signal's coming from somewhere in the Teplan
[BASHIR] That's just outside Dominion space.
[KIRA] Let's hope the Jem'Hadar know that. Setting new course.
(Ruined town)
(Bashir and Dax beam down onto a hillside near a
wrecked town. They walk along the main 'street'. The civilisation has
gone back to pre-industrial, but the locals don't really bother about
the strangers.)
[BASHIR] What happened here?
(A woman with red prominent facial veins staggers out and collapses.)
[NORVA] Help me. Don't let me die here. Take me to Trevean.
[BASHIR] Trevean?
[NORVA] Hospital.
[DAX] I'll try to find out where it is.
[BASHIR] I'm going to give you something for the pain.
[EPRAN] (a young man) You're not from this world.
[EPRAN] The Blight's quickened in her. There's nothing you can do. You
should leave here. now. Go back to where you came from and forget about
this place.
(After the credits, Dax returns with her hair loose.)
[BASHIR] The painkiller I gave her isn't having much effect. But their
physiology's so different from ours, I doubt this blight is any danger
to us.
[DAX] I got us transportation to the hospital.
[BASHIR] How did you manage that? These aren't exactly the friendliest
people I've ever met.
[DAX] I gave her my hair clip.
(More like a hotel lounge or restaurant, with
soothing music, dimmed lights, people sitting around in groups.)
[DAX] This is a hospital?
[ATTENDANT] She's quickened. Take her to Trevean. You're from another
(Another attendant carries Norva away.)
[DAX] Yes.
[ATTENDANT] Well, don't worry. We'll take care of her now.
[DAX] I haven't seen a single person that doesn't have lesions on their
[BASHIR] His look inflamed. So do that woman's over there.
[DAX] Like the woman we brought in.
[PATIENT] Trevean. Thank you for this.
[TREVEAN] You deserve nothing less.
[TAMAR] Yesterday, when I woke up, I saw that it had finally happened.
I'd quickened. I always thought I'd be afraid but I wasn't, because I
knew I could come here. Last night I slept in a bed for the first time
in my life. I fell asleep listening to music. This morning I bathed in
hot water, dressed in clean clothes. And now I'm here with my friends
and family. Thank you, Trevean, for making this day everything I
dreamed it could be.
(Tamar toasts the doctor with his goblet and drinks deeply.)
[TREVEAN] You brought Norva here?
[DAX] How is she?
[TREVEAN] It was too late for her. If only she'd come sooner, I could
have helped.
[BASHIR] Then there is a treatment for the Blight?
[TREVEAN] There is no cure. It's always fatal.
[BASHIR] I'm sorry, I don't understand. I thought you said you could
have helped her.
[TREVEAN] Why are you here?
[DAX] We received a distress call. We're here to help in any way we can.
[BASHIR] I'm a doctor, and I have access to sophisticated diagnostic
[TREVEAN] We had sophisticated equipment once. Do you think our world
was always this way? Two centuries ago, we were no different from you.
We built vast cities, travelled to neighbouring worlds. We believed
nothing was beyond our abilities. We even thought we could resist the
Dominion. I see you've heard of them. Then take care not to defy them
or your people will pay the same price we did. The Jem'Hadar destroyed
our world as an example to others. Bring me Milani's child. More than
anything, the Dominion wanted my people to bear the mark of their
defiance. So they brought us the Blight.
(The baby has blue veins.)
[TREVEAN] We're all born with it. We all die from it. When the Blight
quickens, the lesions turn red. Death soon follows. Some in childhood.
Most before they can have children of their own. Only a few live to be
my age.
[BASHIR] Trevean, if you tell us what you know about the Blight, we may
be able to help.
[TREVEAN] No. You should go. If the Jem'Hadar find you here
[DAX] We're willing to take that risk.
(Tamar has a seizure.)
[TREVEAN] Don't.
[BASHIR] Make some room. I'm a doctor.
[ATTENDANT] Leave him alone. You don't understand.
[BASHIR] Can't you see he's dying?
[TREVEAN] Of course he's dying. He came here to die. People come to me
when they quicken. I help them leave this world peacefully, surrounded
by their families and friends.
[BASHIR] What are you saying?
[TREVEAN] The herbs I give them causes death within minutes.
[DAX] You poison them?
[TREVEAN] The Blight kills slowly. No one wants to suffer needlessly.
Not like that woman you brought me.
[BASHIR] You killed her?
[TREVEAN] I did what she asked.
[BASHIR] I thought this was a hospital and that you were a healer.
[TREVEAN] I am. I take away pain. Now you've disrupted Tamar's death.
I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
(Ruined town)
(People trundle wrapped bodies along on carts. A
young girl is staring at Bashir who is sitting on his own.)
[DAX] I found the distress beacon in an abandoned building not far from
here. It has its own power source. My guess is it's been repeating the
same message for over two hundred years.
[BASHIR] Well, there's nothing for us to do here. We should go.
[EKORIA] (pregnant girl) Are you really a doctor?
[EKORIA] I've never met a doctor before. They say there's a woman in
Nykalia who makes a medicine that helps people withstand the pain of
quickening so they can live longer. I'd go there, but Nykalia's so far
[BASHIR] When are you due?
[EKORIA] Not for another two months.
[DAX] That's not very long.
[EKORIA] We never know when the quickening will come.
[BASHIR] I'm Julian. What's your name?
[EKORIA] Ekoria.
[DAX] I'm Jadzia.
[EKORIA] Did you come here to help us?
[BASHIR] Nobody around here seems to want our help.
[EKORIA] I do. And I know others who would welcome it too.
[KIRA (OC)] Kira to away Team.
[DAX] Go ahead.
[KIRA] The sensors just picked up two Jem'Hadar
ships headed this way.
(Bashir and Dax beam back up during the break.)
[KIRA] The Jem'Hadar are leaving the Kendi system and looks like they're
heading for the Obatta cluster.
[DAX] Sounds like they're on a patrol route which means this system is
probably next.
[KIRA] We'd better go. Stand by to get underway.
[BASHIR] Hold on, Major. We can't just leave these people. They need our
[KIRA] And they'll get it. As soon as we get back we'll notify Starfleet
so they can put together a relief mission.
[BASHIR] But that could take weeks, maybe even months. We're here, now.
Remember the plague on Boranis Three? People were dying by the
thousands and nobody there knew why. It took us one hour to identify
the pathogen, and three days to dose the watertable and inoculate the
entire population.
[DAX] We might be able to do the same thing here.
[KIRA] All right, it's worth a try. We can't risk the Jem'Hadar
detecting the runabout. I'll take it to the Jenkata Nebula.
[BASHIR] Come back for us in a week. With any luck, we'll have a cure by
[CHILD] They're here. They're coming.
(Ekoria leads Dax, Bashir and their equipment to a curtained-off area
of the communal room.)
[DAX] Thanks.
[EKORIA] (to curious children.) Go. Go on. I'm sorry I can't offer you
more space.
[BASHIR] Oh, don't be. This is fine. Can I use this table to set up my
[EKORIA] Whatever you need.
(Dax picks up a painting.)
[DAX] Did you do this?
[EKORIA] My husband did. He died last winter. It's what he imagined our
world used to be like. He painted a mural similar to that on a building
near here. He traded a good pair of boots for the paint he needed. He
wanted to show people the way things were, he thought it might give
them something to work toward.
[DAX] Maybe later you can take us to see it.
[EKORIA] All right.
[DAX] Well, it looks like we have ourselves a clinic.
[BASHIR] The first thing I need to do is run a complete biospectral
analysis on an asymptomatic individual.
[DAX] Loosely translated, that means he needs a volunteer. Great. Now,
if you'll just have a seat, the doctor will be with you in a moment.
They love to keep you waiting. It makes them feel important.
[BASHIR] How would you like to see a picture of your baby?
(Later, samples are being tested and analysed.)
[BASHIR] There it is!
[DAX] Let me see.
[EKORIA] What's happened?
[DAX] We've isolated the virus.
[EKORIA] Is that a good thing?
[BASHIR] It means we can start analysing its molecular structure, look
for binding sites so we can tailor an antigen.
[DAX] In other words, yes, it's a very good thing.
[BASHIR] I'm going to start mapping nucleotides. Can you run a protein
[DAX] I think so.
[EKORIA] I hope you two are hungry.
[BASHIR] Starving.
[EKORIA] Good.
(Ekoria takes jars from a case she had kept in the sideboard.)
[DAX] That looks like a feast.
[EKORIA] It was supposed to be.
[DAX] What do you mean?
[EKORIA] Nothing. Do you like Takana root tea?
[DAX] Ekoria, where did you get all this food?
[EKORIA] I've been saving it for the hospital, for my death. Something
tells me I'm not going to need it anymore.
(Ruined town)
(Bashir is failing to get red-vein people to help
his research.)
[BASHIR] Well, thanks anyway. She's not interested either. I hope Dax is
having better luck.
[EKORIA] I don't understand why you need people who've quickened to make
your cure.
[BASHIR] Well, I need to chart the progression of the viral (the young
man bumps into him) I'm sorry.
[EPRAN] (red veins) Oh, you're still here.
[EPRAN] I see the Blight has spared you. Maybe it doesn't like the taste
of your blood.
[BASHIR] Unfortunately it seems to like yours.
[EPRAN] I'd invite you to my death, but we don't know each other that
[BASHIR] What if I told you there was a chance you didn't have to die?
I'm a doctor.
[EPRAN] Don't tell me. You have a cure.
[BASHIR] I'm working on one.
[EPRAN] Yeah? What will it cost me? A good coat? A tilo of oil?
[BASHIR] It won't cost you anything.
[EKORIA] He can help us. Listen to him.
[BASHIR] I need volunteers, people who have quickened.
[EPRAN] What will you do? See how loud we scream when the Blight burns
through us?
[BASHIR] I have medicines that can dull the pain. I have equipment
unlike anything on your world. (to a boy) How would you like me to fix
that arm so you can play with your friends over there? I'm not going to
hurt you. (gets out the tricorder) You have got a fracture right here.
I bet it hurts.
(Bashir runs a bone knitter over it and removes the sling.)
[BASHIR] Better?
(The boy flexes his arm, grabs the sling and runs over to his friends.
The crowd are impressed.)
[EPRAN] How did you do that?
[EKORIA] Does it matter? He can find a cure for us if we help him.
[TREVEAN] Fixing a broken bone and curing the Blight are two different
[BASHIR] I know that.
[TREVEAN] Others have come here with promises of a cure. They stirred up
hope, took food and clothing in exchange for their elixirs. But their
promises were always lies. And all those who believed them always came
to me in the end, begging for release.
[BASHIR] I just want to do what I can to help. I'm not making any
[TREVEAN] Take care that you don't. Because we've dealt with those who
give false hope before. Believe me, their deaths make the Blight look
like a blessing.
[EKORIA] What's wrong?
[BASHIR] I'm trying to chart the life-cycle of the virus. It would be a
lot easier if I'd gotten more tissue samples.
[EKORIA] Maybe you should go home. Maybe my people don't deserve your
[BASHIR] They've just been suffering so long they've lost hope that
things can be better.
[EKORIA] It's more than that. We've come to worship death. I used to
wake up and look at myself in the mirror, and be disappointed that I
hadn't quickened in my sleep. Going to Trevean seemed so much easier
than going on living.
[BASHIR] But you don't feel that way anymore.
[EKORIA] Not since the baby. My little boy. Can your machines tell me
what he's going to look like when he grows up?
[BASHIR] Oh, no, not really.
[EKORIA] Maybe he'll look like his father. I want to be here for him. To
hold his hand when he takes his first step. Kiss his knee when he
scrapes it in a fall.
[BASHIR] Well, with any luck, you'll see him have children of his own.
[DAX] Julian. There are some people here who'd like to see you.
(Epran has brought two other quickened people.)
[EPRAN] I suppose you're going to want to bleed me?
[BASHIR] Oh, a little.
[EPRAN] I cancelled my death for you. I was really looking forward to
(Time passes. It is night and the divisions in the room have come down
to make a full scale ward)
[BASHIR] All right, everyone gets three milligrams, including you.
(Ekoria injects herself.) Perfect.
(Epran is in great pain, so Dax puts the device on his forehead.)
[DAX] There this'll dull the pain.
[EPRAN] I like your spots.
[DAX] You told me that yesterday.
[EPRAN] I still like them.
[DAX] Julian. Epran has stopped responding to the cordrazine. I had to
put him in an inhibitor field.
[BASHIR] He's further along than everyone else. I'm hoping he'll be the
first to respond to the antigen. Think of it. She may well be holding
the cure in her hands. Do you think we should tell her what she's
giving them?
[DAX] She's nervous enough about using the hypo. It's better if we wait
until we're positive.
[BASHIR] I suppose.
[DAX] You should take a break. You've been working non-stop for days.
(Outside the house)
(Bashir warms his hands at a brazier.)
[EKORIA] Doctor?
[EKORIA] Dax wanted me to tell you that Epran's white blood count is up
another twelve percent.
[BASHIR] That's great news.
[EKORIA] It is?
[BASHIR] Trust me.
[EKORIA] I do. I did from the start. I don't really know why.
[BASHIR] Well, I'd like to think it's my bedside manner. Doctors and
nurses are supposed to project an air of caring competence. You were
doing it in there.
[BASHIR] I was watching you. You're very good with patients.
[EKORIA] I was just trying to be kind.
[BASHIR] Well, some people don't like to be around the sick. It reminds
them of their own mortality.
[EKORIA] It doesn't bother you?
[BASHIR] Sometimes. I prefer to confront mortality rather than hide from
it. When you make someone well, it's like you're chasing death off,
making him wait for another day.
[EKORIA] But death comes to everyone in the end.
[BASHIR] Except Kukalaka.
[EKORIA] Kuka-who?
[BASHIR] My first patient. A teddy bear.
[EKORIA] What's that?
[BASHIR] Oh, it's a sort of a soft puppet. Anyway, when I was a boy I
took him everywhere I went. After a few years, he became a little
threadbare until eventually his leg tore and some of the stuffing fell
out. My mother was all set to throw him out, but I wouldn't have it,
because at the tender age of five, I performed my first surgery. I
re-stuffed him and sewed his leg closed. From that day on, I did
everything I could to keep Kukalaka in one piece. I must have sewn and
stitched and re-patched every square inch of that bear.
[EKORIA] Why were you so determined to keep him together?
[BASHIR] Well, I wouldn't be much of a doctor if I gave up on a patient,
would I?
[EKORIA] Where's Kukalaka now?
[BASHIR] Oh, in a closet somewhere. (the truth) On a shelf in my room.
[DAX] Julian! Something's wrong.
(Epran is in agony.)
[DAX] Julian.
[BASHIR] Something's causing the virus to mutate.
[DAX] Could it be a reaction to the antigen?
[BASHIR] I don't see how. I need a micro-cellular scanner.
[EPRAN] Help me, Bashir.
[EKORIA] He's going to take care of you. You're going to be all right.
(The scanner makes the red veins spread.)
[BASHIR] My God! It's the EM fields from our instruments! (a woman
screams) Shut everything down! Now!
(Patients start crying out.)
[DAX] All right, everything's off.
[BASHIR] The mutation rate hasn't slowed. The effect must be cumulative.
Give everybody four milligrams of cordrazine.
(Epran fits, then stops.)
[EKORIA] His heart stopped. His heart stopped!
[BASHIR] (giving CPR) Come on breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
[DAX] Julian. Julian.
[BASHIR] Breathe!
[DAX] Doctor!
(Bashir stops.)
[TREVEAN] What have you done?
[LATIA] Help me! Trevean, please.
[TREVEAN] Get out of my way.
[LATIA] Trevean!
[TREVEAN] She's asking for me. You have no right to interfere.
[LATIA] Thank you.
(Trevean gives her a vial of poison.)
[MAN] Trevean. Trevean, help me.
(More people call for the quick and easy way out of their pain, and
Trevean obliges them. The dawn rises on a ward full of shrouds.)
[BASHIR] I remember running a haematology scan on Epran the other day.
There were changes in the viral base-pair sequence, and I didn't know
[DAX] There's no way you could've known it was because of our
[BASHIR] I should have put it together.
[DAX] That's not fair.
[BASHIR] Isn't it? I'm going to tell you a little secret, Jadzia. I was
looking forward to tomorrow, to seeing Kira again and casually asking,
how was the nebula? And oh, by the way, I cured that Blight thing those
people had.
[DAX] It's not a crime to believe in yourself, Julian.
[BASHIR] These people believed in me and look where it got them. Trevean
was right. There is no cure. The Dominion made sure of that. But I was
so arrogant I thought I could find one in a week.
[DAX] Maybe it was arrogant to think that. But it's even more arrogant
to think there isn't a cure just because you couldn't find it.
(Ruined town)
(Bashir walks through the street, and the people
are not pleased to see him. Eventually he arrives at the mural.)
[EKORIA] I'm glad you got a chance to see it before you left.
(She's quickened)
[BASHIR] Ekoria.
[EKORIA] I thought I'd make it. I really did.
[BASHIR] I'm sorry.
[EKORIA] Don't be. You gave me hope. I haven't felt that since before my
husband died. Goodbye.
[BASHIR] Ekoria, wait.
(Bashir and Dax have beamed up. Kira stays sitting
down to hide her growing
bump. Nana is visibly pregnant with Sid's child by now.)
[KIRA] You're sure about this?
[BASHIR] I can't leave these people. Not now.
[KIRA] Whenever you're ready, contact the station. We'll have a runabout
here within days.
[DAX] You know what worries me, Julian, is that without me you won't
have anyone to translate for you. Good luck.
[BASHIR] Major.
(Ruined town)
(Bashir beams down with three cases of supplies.)
(Ekoria is bedridden and Bashir is doing things the
old-fashioned way with bubbling beakers and a
Bunsen burner .)
[EKORIA] What is it?
[BASHIR] There isn't a trace of the antigen I gave you in your
bloodstream. Your immune system must've rejected it.
(Ekoria gasps with pain.)
[BASHIR] Is it bad? I can give you another hypo, but you've so much
cordrazine in your system already it might be hard on the baby's
[EKORIA] I'll wait.
(And one morning.)
[EKORIA] What is that smell?
[BASHIR] I'm making a salve.
[EKORIA] As long as I don't have to drink it.
[BASHIR] How do you feel?
[EKORIA] I've been better.
[BASHIR] Can you sit up?
(He uses a tube to listen to her chest.)
[BASHIR] Breathe. Again? Now let's see how the baby's doing. His head's
over here now.
[EKORIA] I'm not surprised. Feels like he's turning somersaults in
[BASHIR] His heart's getting stronger every day. I'd say another six
[EKORIA] I'll never make it that long.
[BASHIR] Well, I can induce labour in two weeks. The baby will be old
enough by then.
[EKORIA] Two weeks.
(And later, one night, Trevean is painting the salve on her lesions.)
[EKORIA] Trevean. Am I dead?
[TREVEAN] Is that what you want? I can end your suffering. Your child
will have known nothing but peace.
[EKORIA] No. He deserves a chance to live.
[TREVEAN] The Blight will take him in the end.
[BASHIR] Trevean. I didn't realise you made house calls.
[TREVEAN] I was concerned that she might be too weak to come to me.
[BASHIR] I don't understand why you're so obsessed with death. From what
I've heard, you've lived with the Blight longer than anyone.
[TREVEAN] Yes, and I've seen more suffering than anyone else. Goodbye,
Ekoria. I hope you live long enough to see your baby.
(Trevean leaves.)
[EKORIA] Trevean means well. He's a kind man, in his own way.
(And now Ekoria is giving birth.)
[BASHIR] Push! Good. Good. Now breathe. Don't stop breathing. Don't stop
breathing. Breathe. I can see his head. And push! Push! Yes, push. Yes.
(New life has arrived, crying, and with no lesions.)
[BASHIR] My God. That's why there's no antigen in your system. It's all
been absorbed through the placenta. Ekoria, he doesn't have any
lesions. He doesn't have the Blight.
(Bashir gives her the child. She looks at him and dies.)
(Bashir shows the baby to Trevean and his
[TREVEAN] You found a cure.
[BASHIR] It's not a cure, it's a vaccine. Every pregnant woman should be
inoculated with it as soon as possible. It won't help them, but it will
protect their babies.
[TREVEAN] Our children won't have the Blight?
[BASHIR] The vaccine isn't difficult to make, but seeing that everybody
gets it will be a huge task.
[TREVEAN] Oh, not a task, a privilege. Can you show me how to make it?
[BASHIR] I was hoping you'd ask that.
(Bashir hands the child to Trevean.
(Ruined town)
(The people run to see their newborn saviour.)
[COMPUTER] Nucleotide sequencing complete. Viral
reproduction normal.
[BASHIR] Let's try an A to C base pair reshuffling.
[SISKO] Doctor. I read your report. Good work.
[BASHIR] Thank you, sir.
[COMPUTER] Nucleotide sequencing complete. Viral reproduction normal.
[BASHIR] People are still dying back there.
[SISKO] Yes, but their children won't.
[BASHIR] That's what I keep telling myself, sir.
(Sisko leaves.)
[BASHIR] Initiate reshuffling sequence. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e93", "title": "The Quickening"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Body Parts
Original Airdate: 10 Jun, 1996
[BRIEN] I never should have let her go. Not in her
[WORF] Chief, I'm certain Doctor Bashir and Major Kira are taking good
care of your wife.
[DAX] And besides, you know there's no way you could have kept Keiko
from going. She's been talking about the botanical mysteries on Torad
Five for a long time. You're lucky she agreed to limit the trip to
three days.
[BRIEN] Three days in the Gamma Quadrant. Do you know what she wanted
to do last week?
[DAX] What?
[BRIEN] She wanted to go back to Bajor and rappel down the cliffs of
Undalar to get a fungus sample. Rappel to get fungus! It's as if I have
to remind her that she's pregnant.
[DAX] Yeah, I guess the extra weight, the morning sickness, the mood
swings, the medical examinations, they aren't reminders enough.
[BRIEN] I've work to do.
(A cheerful Quark enters.)
[QUARK] Hey!
[CROWD] Dabo!
[GIRL] Very good, we have a winner.
[QUARK] Rom, my brother! (hugs him) I'm glad to see you. Let me pour you
a snail juice.
[ROM] Okay. But only one. My shift starts in thirty three minutes.
[QUARK] I'll make it a tall one and it's on the house. We're
[ROM] Celebrating? What?
[QUARK] My return from two weeks on Ferenginar. Didn't you miss me?
[ROM] I suppose.
[QUARK] And I missed you. That's two reasons for celebrating. Enjoy.
[ROM] Thanks.
[QUARK] Just the way you like it?
[ROM] Perfect. So, how was your trip? Did you close the vole belly deal?
[QUARK] The what? Oh, yeah. Closed it on the first day. Fifteen percent
profit margin.
[ROM] Great. Did you see Moogie?
[QUARK] Mother's fine. She sends her love.
[ROM] What else did you do?
[QUARK] Well, let's see. Closed the deal. Told you that. Did some
shopping. Made a pilgrimage to the Great Marketplace. And, er, oh, yes,
I found out (shouts) I'm dying!
(Stunned silence and open mouths in the bar.)
[QUARK] what are you all looking at? Haven't you ever seen a dying man
[ROM] You're dying?
[QUARK] I got my results from my annual insurance physical. All the
tests came back negative except for one. I have Dorek Syndrome.
[ROM] But that's incurable.
[QUARK] That's right. Which explains the dying part.
[ROM] But Dorek Syndrome? It's so rare.
[QUARK] It strikes only one out of every five million Ferengi. I finally
beat the odds.
[ROM] How long do you have before?
[QUARK] According to Doctor Orpax, six days, maybe seven.
[ROM] Is he sure?
[QUARK] Oh, of course he's sure. He's one of the most expensive doctors
on Ferenginar. He charges two strips of latinum just to walk into the
waiting room.
[ROM] This is terrible! I don't want you to die, brother. Maybe you
should get a second opinion. Have Doctor Bashir examine you when he
gets back from the Gamma Quadrant.
[QUARK] Bashir? How good can he be? He doesn't even charge. Besides what
could a human doctor know about Dorek Syndrome?
[ROM] You're going to die.
[QUARK] I have six days to take care of everything. My will, Moogie's
pension, I have to make funeral arrangements, pay off my debts.
[ROM] That's a lot of debts, brother.
[QUARK] Yeah, but half are to humans, Bajorans, a couple of Klingons.
[ROM] Rule of Acquisition seventeen. A contract is a contract is a
contract. But only between Ferengi.
[QUARK] Exactly. But you're right. It's still a lot of debt.
[ROM] You can always sell the desiccated remains of your corpse on the
Ferengi Futures Exchange.
[QUARK] Who'd want to buy a disk of desiccated Quark? I'm nobody. Just
some bartender with a domineering mother and an idiot brother.
[QUARK] I won't get any cheers for that.
[ROM] You were the Grand Nagus.
[QUARK] For a week. If I'm lucky, I'll be a footnote in some Ferengi
financial almanac.
[ROM] You anticipated the change of administrations here on the station.
[QUARK] And as a reward I'm inextricably linked to the Federation. I'm a
joke on Ferenginar. Starfleet's favourite bartender. The Synthehol
King. What a legacy.
[ROM] You're not a joke here. You're a respected businessman, a pillar
of the community, a man with many friends.
[QUARK] Friends? Community? You sound like some sniveling human. The
only opinions I care about are those of my peers. Ferengi businessmen.
In their eyes, I'm a second-rate, small-time operator.
[ROM] Stop it! Stop it, brother! You are somebody. You'll see. You march
right over to that comm. link and offer your vacuum-desiccated remains
for sale on the Futures Exchange. You'll see. Bids'll come flooding in
from all over the Ferengi Alliance. Everyone will want a disk of Quark
on their desk. In fact, there may not be enough of you to meet the
[QUARK] You're a liar. but I love you.
[ROM] Just wait. When you see how much your body is worth you're going
to wish you'd died years ago, or something like that.
[DAX] Captain, something's coming through the
[SISKO] On screen. Magnify.
(A runabout trailing flames. Neat trick in vacuum.)
[WORF] The Volga. It's been damaged. Doctor Bashir is requesting
emergency transport to the Infirmary. Two patients. Major Kira, Keiko
[BRIEN] Major?
[KIRA] Keiko's still in surgery but she's going to be just fine.
[BRIEN] The baby? Oh, my God.
[KIRA] No, no, Chief. The baby's fine.
[BRIEN] Are you sure?
[KIRA] Positive. Everything's okay. The baby just had a change of
address, that's all.
[BRIEN] What do you mean?
(Nana pushes down the blanket to show off her real life pregnancy.)
[KIRA] Your son's living here now.
[BASHIR] Kira almost had us clear of the asteroid
field, and then the deflectors became overwhelmed. We were side-swiped
by a rock the size of this room. A fuel pod exploded and Keiko was
thrown against the bulkhead. She had a concussion, broken ribs,
internal haemorrhaging. I managed to stabilise her but the baby's
autonomic functions were failing. I had to find another womb for the
baby, and the only two people available were Major Kira and me.
[SISKO] I think you made the right choice, Doctor.
[BRIEN] But the Major's Bajoran. How can she carry a human child?
[BASHIR] I had to stimulate Kira's estrogen and progesterone production,
and administer high doses of tesokine to enable the baby to metabolise
Bajoran nutrients.
[SISKO] But the bottom line is it worked, right?
[BASHIR] Right.
[BRIEN] So, when will Keiko will be strong enough to take the baby
[BASHIR] Well, Keiko should be up on her feet in a day or two. However,
the baby
[BRIEN] What?
[BASHIR] Major Kira will have to carry the baby to term. You see, Chief,
Bajoran women carry their children for less than five months. Because
they have such a short gestation period, they vascularise very quickly.
Mother and child form a complex interconnecting network of blood
vessels. In order to transfer the baby back to Keiko, I would have to
sever those ties, which would likely cause massive internal haemorrhage
in Kira and a severe respiratory trauma for the baby.
[BRIEN] So, what you're telling me is that Major Kira's going to have
my baby?
(Quark's quarters)
(Quark is checking his listing on Ferengi eBay when
the doorbell chimes.)
[QUARK] What is it?
(Rom enters)
[ROM] Hello, Brother. You wanted to see me?
[QUARK] Come here.
[ROM] Did you get lots of bids?
[QUARK] I wouldn't say lots.
[ROM] How many?
[QUARK] Let me count. One.
[ROM] Oh? Seventeen bars, three strips and five slips of latinum for the
entire collection. It's a generous opening bid.
[QUARK] It's an insultingly low offer. Oh, and it also happens to be
exactly the sum total of your life savings.
[ROM] Oh? What a coincidence.
[QUARK] Stop it. I don't want your charity.
[ROM] It's not charity. I want to have something to remember you by when
you're gone.
[QUARK] I knew this was a mistake.
[ROM] But Brother, you've got to give it time. Your body's only been on
the Exchange for
[QUARK] Oh, forget the bidding. This has all been a mistake. My life,
coming here, putting a bar on this Cardassian monstrosity of a station.
What was I thinking?
[ROM] Brother, come here quick. It's a bid.
[QUARK] A bid.
[ROM] A huge bid.
[QUARK] Five hundred bars of latinum for the entire set.
[ROM] That's ten thousand strips.
[QUARK] That's one million slips.
[ROM] That sounds even better.
[QUARK] It doesn't say who the bidder is.
[ROM] It's not me.
[QUARK] No kidding.
[ROM] You think it's Moogie?
[QUARK] Nah, she doesn't like me that much. She might buy one disk but
all fifty two? No. Who could it be? Who could afford to spend five
hundred bars of latinum on me? Grand Nagus Zek.
[ROM] The Nagus?
[QUARK] Of course. It makes perfect sense. He always liked me.
[ROM] He used you when it suited his needs. I don't think it's the same
[QUARK] Don't you see? He used me because he liked me. He couldn't admit
that in public, so he made this anonymous bid as a gesture of his
appreciation and gratitude.
[ROM] That doesn't sound like the Nagus I know. But it doesn't matter
who made the offer. The important thing is this could stimulate further
[QUARK] Well, let's not be foolish, Rom. If we wait, the Grand Nagus
might just change his mind. Going once, going twice, sold!
[ROM] Congratulations, brother.
[QUARK] Yeah. It took me all my life, but I'm going to die a winner.
(O'Brien's bedroom)
(Keiko is in bed. Kira enters.)
[KIRA] Hi.
[KIRA] How are you feeling?
[KEIKO] Like I've been hit by a ten ton rock. Julian says I'll be on my
feet tomorrow. How are you?
[KIRA] Fine. Though I think I've put on a little weight.
[KEIKO] You carry it well. You know, what you're doing for me, for us, I
don't know how to thank you.
[KIRA] Keiko, this is your baby.
[QUARK] That will pay off Moogie, leaving one
hundred and ninety six bars to pay off Uncle Gorad and Cousin Gaila. Is
that clear?
[ROM] I think so.
[QUARK] Good. Now on to my funeral arrangements. First, I want
[BASHIR] Quark.
[QUARK] I want my eulogy to take place in the holosuite. We'll charge
admission, two slips a head.
[ROM] I don't know about that.
[QUARK] You're right. Make it three.
[BASHIR] Quark! I just received an odd message from a Doctor Orpax of
Ferenginar. He wants me to tell you he's very sorry but you don't have
Dorek Syndrome. Does that make any sense to you?
[ROM] You don't have Dorek Syndrome?
[QUARK] You know what that means, Rom?
[ROM] It means you're going to live!
[QUARK] It means I get to sue Doctor Orpax for malpractice! And I'm
going to live.
(Quark's bedroom)
(Insistent doorbell.)
[QUARK] I'm coming. I'm coming.
[QUARK] I'm coming!
(Quark's quarters)
[QUARK] Computer, lights. (doorbell, doorbell) Come in already.
[BRUNT] Brunt. FCA.
[QUARK] Don't tell me this is a surprise audit.
[BRUNT] Not this time. I'm here to check on my merchandise.
[QUARK] What are you talking about?
[BRUNT] I'm talking about you. I paid five hundred bars of latinum for
your desiccated remains and I'm here to collect.
[QUARK] You're the anonymous buyer?
[BRUNT] Who did you expect? The Nagus?
[QUARK] The Nagus? Of course not. I'm just a little surprised it was
you. I guess you haven't heard the news.
[BRUNT] You mean that you don't have Dorek Syndrome? I know all about
[QUARK] But then I don't understand. What are you doing here?
[BRUNT] I'm here to get what I paid for. The contract calls for fifty
discs of
vacuum-desiccated Quark available within six days. I'm here to make
sure you deliver the merchandise.
[QUARK] Maybe I wasn't clear. I'm not dying.
[BRUNT] Maybe I wasn't clear. I don't care. I want my merchandise. I
have a thousand ideas of how to defile your remains. Want to hear my
[QUARK] Oh, I see. How foolish of me. I forgot to mention that on top of
your full refund, you'll also be receiving an additional five bars of
latinum for your troubles. Did I say five? I meant ten. You drive a
hard bargain. Twelve. That's my final offer. Look, it's late, you've
come a long way. Why don't we stop this haggling and you just tell me
how much you want.
[BRUNT] What I want is fifty two disks of vacuum-desiccated Quark.
Nothing more, nothing less.
[QUARK] But I'm not going to die just yet! What do you expect me to do?
Kill myself?
[BRUNT] Of course not. You can have someone do it for you. I recommend
strangulation. It leaves the body relatively unmarked for desiccation.
[QUARK] You can't be serious?
[BRUNT] A contract is a contract
[QUARK] Is a contract. I know that! But you don't collect on contracts
under these circumstances. We're not Klingons. We're businessmen.
[BRUNT] This is not business, Quark. This is personal.
[QUARK] Why? What have I ever done to you?
[BRUNT] Done to me? And you call your brother an idiot? Nothing you've
ever done to me has been more than a minor inconvenience. No.
Protecting your mother from an FCA audit, and secretly settling with
your striking employees were nothing more than symptoms of a vile and
insidious weakness. A weakness that makes me loath you, not for what
you've done but for who you are, what you are.
[QUARK] A bartender?
[BRUNT] A philanthropist.
[QUARK] I am not!
[BRUNT] You give your customers credit at the bar. You only take a
thirty percent kickback from your employees' tips, and you sold food
and medicine to Bajoran refugees at cost!
[QUARK] That's not true. It was just above cost.
[BRUNT] Close enough. It was still a generous, humanitarian gesture.
You've gone Starfleet. You might as well be wearing one of their
uniforms. It's people like you that give honest Ferengi businessmen a
bad name.
[QUARK] I can reform. I'll start gouging the customers again. I'll
revoke all my employees' vacation time.
[BRUNT] You gave them vacations?
[QUARK] I didn't give them anything. They contributed to a central fund
which I manage.
[BRUNT] You disgust me.
[QUARK] Look, I understand your anger. You're absolutely right about me,
but there must be some accommodation we can make? Something other than
me killing myself.
[BRUNT] Of course there is. You can break the contract.
[QUARK] Me, break a Ferengi contract? Never.
[BRUNT] Never? I wonder if there's enough Ferengi left in you to stick
to that. Part of me hopes you will break it because then everything you
and your family own on Ferenginar will be confiscated and sold to the
lowest bidder. Your mother will be forced to live in the streets,
begging for scraps of food and of course no Ferengi will do business
with you, or even talk to you. You'll be cut off from all contact with
your own people.
[QUARK] I like Ferengi. I feel comfortable around them.
[BRUNT] Well, we don't feel comfortable around you. You're a disease,
Quark. A festering tumour on the lobes of Ferengi society. And it's my
job to cut you off.
(O'Brien's quarters)
(Keiko is out of bed.)
[BRIEN] One step at a time. Yeah. We're almost there. Prepare for
docking. Thrusters back to half. Yes.
(Keiko sits)
[BRIEN] Nice landing, Captain. Let me know when you want to get
underway again.
[KEIKO] I think I'll sit here a week. Did you see Kira today?
[BRIEN] Yeah. I saw her in Ops.
[KEIKO] I was thinking of inviting her to dinner.
[BRIEN] Good idea. Maybe she could come by every evening.
[KEIKO] Even if she came every evening, it wouldn't be enough. I know
I'm being selfish. I should be grateful that my baby's alive and well,
but I shouldn't have to make appointments to be with my own child.
Miles, what are we going to do?
[BRIEN] I don't know.
[ROM] I know what you're thinking, brother. That you
can't break a sacred Ferengi tradition. But the truth is, defying
Ferengi tradition isn't so bad. I did it. I formed a union. Everyone
said I was crazy, that no Ferengi would have anything to do with me.
[QUARK] They didn't want anything to do with you before you formed the
(Garak's shop)
(Morn is the customer)
[GARAK] If you try on the trousers first you'll see I've added some
extra padding to the seat which should make swivelling on your barstool
much more comfortable.
(Morn goes into the changing room.)
[GARAK] I'm afraid your pants won't be ready until next week, Quark.
[QUARK] That's not why I'm here.
[GARAK] Ah. And what can I do for you?
[QUARK] I want to hire you, not as a tailor, as an assassin.
[GARAK] I don't know what you're talking about.
[QUARK] Oh, yes, you do. You weren't always a tailor.
[GARAK] You're right. I used to be a gardener. Now if you have something
you want weeded, you let me know.
[QUARK] Not something. Someone.
[ROM] You're going to have Brunt killed? I didn't think you had it in
you, brother. What a bold, uncompromising move.
[QUARK] Would you be quiet? I don't want you to kill Brunt. I want you
to kill me.
[GARAK] You want me to kill you? Well, that's different.
[QUARK] Something swift and painless and preferably bloodless, though I
imagine that's not always possible.
[ROM] Wait a minute. You can't do this. I thought you were going to
break the contract.
[QUARK] What are the key words there? You thought.
[ROM] But brother
[QUARK] Don't brother me, Rom. I'm not like you or Nog or Moogie or the
rest of our pathetic family. I'm a Ferengi businessman and I made a
contract. And a contract is a contract is a
[ROM] Don't quote the Rules of Acquisition to me. This is your life
we're talking about.
[QUARK] That's right. My life. What's the most important thing in my
[GARAK] Business.
[QUARK] That's who I am. That's what I do. I'm a businessman. And more
than that, I'm a Ferengi businessman. Do you know what that means? It
means that I'm not exploiting and cheating people at random. I'm doing
it according to a specific set of rules. The Rules of Acquisition. And
I won't disregard them when I find them inconvenient.
[ROM] Inconvenient? You're going to die!
[QUARK] Yes. And when I arrive at the gates of the Divine Treasury, the
Registrar will accept my bribe and usher me inside. And do you know
why? Because I died exactly the way I lived. As a Ferengi. Garak, let's
talk about death.
(O'Brien's quarters)
[KIRA] He's kicking so hard. Do you think he's all
[KEIKO] It's a good sign. Molly, I thought she was going to kick her way
out of me.
(Kira shifts uncomfortably.)
[BRIEN] The lower back, huh? Hold on. I have just the thing.
(O'Brien exits to the bedroom.)
[KEIKO] It was so thoughtful of you to share this with us. Thank you,
[KIRA] Please. Nerys.
[KEIKO] So, any morning sickness?
[KIRA] What's that?
[KEIKO] Well, I don't know how it is for Bajorans, but typically human
mothers wake up feeling nauseous.
[KIRA] It doesn't work that way for Bajorans. Typically, we start
sneezing. Uncontrollably. But this is a human baby. I don't know what
to expect.
(O'Brien comes back with a special support cushion with arms.)
[BRIEN] Here we go. Slide that in there. Better?
[MOLLY] I'm hungry.
[KIRA] Much.
[BRIEN] Put your feet up.
[KIRA] Oh, no, no, that's fine.
[BRIEN] It is about that time. I'll get dinner started.
[KIRA] And I should be going back to my quarters.
[KEIKO] Why? Have dinner with us.
[KIRA] I don't want to impose.
[KEIKO] Nerys, you're having our baby. You're family now.
[BRIEN] That's right. In fact, Keiko and I have been talking about
something. We have an idea that we'd like you to consider.
[KEIKO] It's just an idea. We don't want to pressure you.
[KIRA] I understand. What is it?
[KEIKO] Go ahead.
(Holosuite - Quark's bar)
(Quark is enjoying a meal when Garak sneaks up
behind him and snaps his neck. Quark falls face first into the plate.)
[GARAK] How's that?
[QUARK] Awful. Did you hear that sound of bone snapping? I don't want
that to be the last thing I hear.
[GARAK] It wasn't that loud.
[QUARK] You don't have these ears. Snapping vertebrae is out.
[GARAK] We're running out of options, Quark. You don't want to be
vaporised because you need a body. The disruptor ruined your clothing.
The knife was too savage. The nerve gas smelled bad. Hanging took too
long, and poison. What was wrong with poison?
[QUARK] It doesn't work. If I know the food is poisoned, I won't eat it.
Could you get rid of this? The sight of it makes me sick.
[GARAK] Computer, remove corpse. For a man who wants to kill himself,
you're strangely determined to live.
[QUARK] I am going to die, don't you worry about that. I just want to
find the right way.
[GARAK] Right way?
[QUARK] I don't want to see it coming, or hear it, or feel it, or smell
it. I just want to go on with my life and then, I'm dead.
[GARAK] Ah. You want to be surprised.
[QUARK] Exactly. I want to wake up in the Divine Treasury and have no
idea how I got there.
[GARAK] I see. Perhaps that can be arranged.
[QUARK] Really?
[GARAK] You have my word. You'll never know what hit you.
(Now Quark is alert and looking for Garak
(Quark's quarters)
[QUARK] Computer? Lights.
(And he ducks, just in case.)
(Quark's bedroom)
[QUARK] Garak, if you're here I'm not going to be
(But he's not, so Quark lies on the bed.)
(Divine Treasury waiting room)
(And wakes up in a golden room decorated in the
height of Ferengi bad taste and then some.)
[QUARK] Where am I? (reads the notice over the door) Please have your
profit and loss statement ready for inspection before entering the
Divine Treasury. I'm dead. Garak, you're good.
(Quark checks the place out during the break.)
[QUARK] I'm really dead.
(The door opens and an ancient Ferengi enters. Quark kneels.)
[GINT] You're not just dead, Quark. You're an idiot.
[QUARK] Who are you?
[GINT] I am Gint, the first Grand Nagus.
[QUARK] You look like, like my brother, Rom.
[GINT] That's because this is a dream, you imbecile.
[QUARK] So, I'm not dead.
[GINT] What a clever boy. Always thinking.
[QUARK] I'm asleep. That explains why this place looks so tacky. I mean,
The Divine Treasury? Please.
[GINT] Don't blame me for your limited imagination. Now, I'll make it
simple. You have to break the contract with Brunt.
[QUARK] You got to be joking. You're Gint. You wrote the Rules of
Acquisition. The sacred precepts upon which all Ferengi society is
based. You of all people can't expect me to break them.
[GINT] Why not? They're just rules. They're written in a book, not
carved in stone. And even if they were in stone, so what? A bunch of us
just made them up.
[QUARK] Are you saying they don't matter?
[GINT] Of course they matter. That's why they're a best-seller. But
we're talking about your life here. The Rules are nothing but
guideposts, suggestions.
[QUARK] Then why call them Rules?
[GINT] Would you buy a book called Suggestions of Acquisition? Doesn't
quite have the same ring to it, does it?
[QUARK] You mean it was a marketing ploy?
[GINT] Shh. A brilliant one. Rule of Acquisition two hundred and thirty
nine. Never be afraid to mislabel a product.
[QUARK] I've based my entire life around these rules. How can I just
walk away from them?
[GINT] Because I'm telling you to.
[QUARK] But you can't do that. You're not Gint. This is just a dream.
[GINT] Exactly. And I wouldn't be here if you didn't want to break the
Rules. You just need someone's permission. So I'm giving it to you.
[QUARK] I suppose if the First Nagus Gint came to me in a vision and
told me to break the Rules, that would be all right.
[BRUNT] Quark, hold it right there. Brunt, FCA.
[QUARK] What are you doing here? This is a private vision.
[BRUNT] I'm here to remind you of the consequences of disregarding the
Rules. Poverty, destitution, exile.
[QUARK] I know, I know. But look. Gint himself has come to me in a
vision. He's telling me to break the contract.
[BRUNT] That is not Gint. Gint was a lot taller. You listen to that
fraud, you'll regret it for the rest of your miserable life.
[GINT] I say we kill him right now.
[BRUNT] This is a dream. You can't kill me. However, people have been
known to die in their sleep.
(Brunt starts choking Quark.)
[QUARK] Come on, Rom, Gint, whatever your name is. Help me!
[GINT] He's got a point, Quark. It's a dream. I can't really do
anything. But if you want to live, break the contract. It's your only
(Quark's bedroom)
(Quark wakes to find he's been strangling himself.)
[QUARK] I'm alive.
(Brunt is chatting up a dabo girl.)
[BRUNT] I find it surprising that someone with such long, slender and
nimble fingers has never practiced oo-mox.
(Quark comes up and she leaves.)
[BRUNT] Come to beg for your life? What is this?
[QUARK] I'm returning your five hundred bars of latinum. Plus interest.
[BRUNT] I told you I wasn't interested in a refund.
[QUARK] I know. I'm breaking the contract.
[BRUNT] Ah ha. I knew it. You're just like the rest of your family.
Weak-lobed degenerates. Another loser in a long line of failed
[QUARK] Look, I've broken the contract, so do your job. Take my assets,
revoke my Ferengi business licence. Do whatever you have to do then get
out. And if I ever see you walk into my bar again
[BRUNT] Yes?
[QUARK] You won't walk out.
[BRUNT] May I have your attention, please! Brunt, FCA. As of this
moment, no further Ferengi commerce may be conducted in this bar. No
Ferengi may be employed by this bar. No Ferengi may eat or drink in
this bar. And no Ferengi, no Ferengi, may do business with that man!
(Brunt slaps the notice up by the door.)
[BRUNT] Confiscation of assets will begin immediately.
[QUARK] Ladies and gentlemen, this bar is closed until further notice.
Thank you for your patronage.
(O'Brien's quarters)
(Keiko is playing with Molly when the doorbell
[BRIEN] Come in.
(Kira enters with a duffel bag.)
[BRIEN] I'll take that, Major. Oh, Nerys. Is this it?
[KIRA] Oh, I travel light.
[KEIKO] Would you like to see your room?
[KIRA] Sure.
(Kira's room)
(Lots of flowers.)
[KEIKO] Welcome to your new home.
[KIRA] At least until the baby's born.
[MOLLY] Are you my aunt?
[KIRA] Well
[BRIEN] Sounds right to me.
[KIRA] Aunt Nerys.
[MOLLY] Aunt Nerys, can I play in your room?
[KIRA] Any time you want.
(Just one chair left and FCA stickers everywhere.)
[ROM] How are you, brother?
[QUARK] How am I? I'm broke. Ruined. Destitute. A pariah. How are things
with you?
[ROM] Not bad.
[QUARK] Glad to hear it.
[ROM] They took everything?
[QUARK] Including this shirt. I'm supposed to send it to Brunt in the
[ROM] Don't worry. I have some old clothes I was going to throw out.
[QUARK] I'd rather be naked.
[ROM] Okay. Brother, the way you stood up to Brunt? Well, I want you to
know that I'm very proud of you.
[QUARK] Well, then, I guess throwing my entire life away was worth it.
[ROM] I wouldn't go that far. So what are you going to do now?
[QUARK] Well, Rom, I've been thinking long and hard, and you know what?
I don't have a clue.
(Bashir enters with a case of bottles.)
[BASHIR] Quark, where do you want this?
[QUARK] What is it?
[BASHIR] A case of Alvanian brandy. A patient sent it as payment but I
can't accept it.
[QUARK] Nice try, Doctor, but I don't want your charity.
[BASHIR] Oh, it's not charity. I find it undrinkable. So do you want it
or shall I dump it?
(Quark takes the case.)
[DAX] Quark. My sister sent me these. (a box of glasses) I thought you
might want them but they're really ugly.
[ROM] They're not as ugly as the old ones, but they're pretty bad.
[QUARK] This is all very amusing, but I can't start a bar with a case of
bad brandy and a set of ugly glasses.
[SISKO] Quark!
[QUARK] Yes, Captain?
[SISKO] We're doing some structural repair work on level two of the
Habitat ring. We need a place to store some extra furniture for the
next few months and it looks like you have the room.
(Crew walk in with assorted chairs etc.)
[ODO] Captain, where do you want me to put all this furniture?
[SISKO] We have three levels, Constable. Use them all.
[ODO] Understood.
[QUARK] Captain, you can't do this! Not without paying a storage fee. A
minimum storage fee. Practically nothing.
[SISKO] Send me the bill.
[QUARK] All right. Don't just stand there, Odo. Move it all in.
(Morn has already brought a chair and claimed his place at the bar.)
[ROM] Look at them, brother. And you thought you had no assets.
[QUARK] Sisko, Dax, Bashir, Morn? They're my assets?
[ROM] To name a few.
[QUARK] I guess you're right. I need a drink.
(Quark goes to the bar to make a speech, but words fail him.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e94", "title": "Body Parts"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Broken Link
Original Airdate: 17 Jun, 1996
[ODO] You wanted to see me, Garak?
[GARAK] Ah, Constable. How good of you to stop by.
(Garak glances towards the changing room.)
[ODO] A shoplifter?
[GARAK] Excuse me?
[ODO] Is something wrong?
[AROYA (OC)] Here I come.
(A Bajoran woman comes out, trying on a new dress.)
[AROYA] What do you think?
[GARAK] A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
[AROYA] Oh, well then, put it on my account. I'll wear it to work.
[GARAK] A splendid idea. Ah, Security Chief Odo, I'd like to introduce
you to Chalan Aroya, one of my best customers.
[AROYA] I own the Celestial Cafe, the new Bajoran restaurant overlooking
the Promenade.
[ODO] I'm familiar with it.
[AROYA] I watch you walk by every morning when you're on patrol. Oh nine
thirty seven. You're very precise.
[ODO] How nice of you to notice.
[AROYA] I was hoping one day you might stop in when you're not working.
[ODO] I don't eat.
[AROYA] I do, and I hate to eat alone. Think about it. Oh, and next time
you're on the second level, don't forget to say hello.
(Aroya leaves)
[ODO] The next time you call me, it'd better be to report a crime.
[GARAK] Now that you mention it, I've just witnessed a crime. Letting
Aroya walk out of here without arranging a date. You should be locked
away for that.
[ODO] You humanoids. You're all obsessed with these convoluted mating
[GARAK] True. But do you think we'd waste so much time on something that
wasn't worthwhile? I'll never understand you. You're such a sensitive
man, yet there are so many aspects of humanoid life that you simply
refuse to explore.
[ODO] I have no desire to become a slave to humanoid obsessions.
[GARAK] But you have to admit, she is quite lovely.
[ODO] Well, she is, isn't she?
(Odo has a dizzy spell.)
[GARAK] Odo, what's wrong?
[ODO] I don't know.
(Odo fits and goes semi-goo before collapsing completely.)
[GARAK] Garak to Doctor Bashir. I need a medical emergency team sent to
my shop immediately.
[ODO] Doctor, this is a waste of time. You don't
know enough about changeling physiology to diagnose what's wrong with
me. No one does.
[BASHIR] Actually, I do have some idea what's going on. I've compared
your current medical scans with ones I've made over the last four years
and there are noticeable differences. Normally when you're in humanoid
form, you have a specific density of one point four which is constant
throughout your body. Your mass and density only vary when you change
shape. Right now, your mass and density are in a state of fluctuation.
[ODO] Do you know what's causing it?
[ODO] Well, do you know how to prevent it from happening again?
[BASHIR] Not yet.
[ODO] Then tell me when you do.
[BASHIR] I'm afraid I can't let you leave just yet. Moving seems to
increase the fluctuations and may bring on another attack.
[ODO] Are you saying that I have to stay here until you discover a cure?
[BASHIR] Or until the fluctuations stop on their own. For all I know,
this could be a normal biological process. The changeling equivalent of
puberty, or menopause.
[ODO] That's an interesting theory, Doctor. One I suggest that you keep
to yourself.
[BASHIR] Don't worry. This could just as easily turn out to be a virus
or a bacterial infection. Now, lie back and I promise I'll do
everything I can to get you out of here as soon as possible.
[GOWRON (on monitor)] We find the Federation's
demands that we return the captured Cardassian colonies insulting and
provocative. Klingon blood was spilled to conquer those worlds. They
are now part of the Klingon Empire and we will never give them up.
Furthermore, if the Federation still harbours any hope of peaceful
coexistence with the Klingon Empire, it must abandon all Starbases and
military installations in the Archanis Sector. Our claim to Archanis
Four and the surrounding territory is ancient and indisputable. We
advise the Federation to leave Archanis, or prepare to face the
consequences. Long live the Empire.
(end of speech)
[SISKO] This recording was sent to the Federation Council three days
[WORF] If Gowron is willing to go to war over the Archanis sector, then
he has become even more dangerous than I thought.
[KIRA] I don't get it. The Klingons relinquished their claim to Archanis
Four a hundred years ago.
[DAX] I guess they've changed their mind.
[SISKO] I don't think Gowron gives a damn about Archanis. He's just
looking for an excuse to rattle his sabre. The question is why?
[DAX] Yesterday I talked to an old friend of Curzon's from the
Diplomatic Corps. She says that representatives from Federation worlds
near the Klingon border are already urging a preemptive strike.
[KIRA] Sounds like war may be inevitable.
[SISKO] I hope you're wrong, Major. But right now there's not much we
can do about it either way. Archanis Four is a long way from here.
(Kira sneezes repeatedly.)
[DAX] Two, three. I say she stops at seven.
[SISKO] I say eight. Mister Worf?
[WORF] Ten.
(Kira stops at eight.)
[KIRA] I hate being pregnant.
[SISKO] I win.
[KIRA] My nose hasn't stopped itching for weeks.
[DAX] We've noticed.
[SISKO] Is there anything Doctor Bashir can do about it?
[KIRA] I'm Bajoran. Human women get nauseous. We sneeze. Besides, I
think Doctor Bashir's hands are full right now.
[SISKO] How is the Constable?
[KIRA] No news yet. I was thinking of going to visit him.
[WORF] I doubt that he would wish to be seen in such a weakened state.
[DAX] What if he wants some company? Someone to take his mind off his
[WORF] That is doubtful. Odo values his privacy. He does not like to
[DAX] I think it's all an act.
[WORF] It is not an act. He told me so himself.
[DAX] But you were socialising with him when he said it.
[WORF] Captain, was Dax's last host as argumentative as this one?
[SISKO] Worse.
[DAX] Thank you, Benjamin. I think.
[SISKO] Hopefully Odo will get back on his feet soon. In the meantime, I
want him left alone to rest. Agreed? (A-Choo!) Agreed.
[KIRA] May I come in?
[ODO] If you're looking for Doctor Bashir, he's not in right now.
[KIRA] Actually, I came to see you.
[ODO] To be honest, Major, I really don't feel like company right now.
[KIRA] I didn't plan on staying. I just came to bring you this.
[ODO] Ah. Today's criminal activities report.
[KIRA] I figured you might be getting tired of staring at medical
consoles all day.
[ODO] That was very thoughtful of you, Major.
[KIRA] If there's anything else you need, you let me know.
[ODO] Yeah, I'll do that.
(Kira leaves. Odo spots something in the report and sits up)
[ODO] What?
(Cargo bay)
[RIONOJ] (female) Keep moving. I'll feel a lot
better once we're off this station.
[ODO] Too bad, because you're not leaving.
[RIONOJ] Security Chief Odo. I heard you were indisposed.
[ODO] You heard wrong. Now you and I need to talk about those missing
Falangian diamonds.
[RIONOJ] I told you before, I don't know anything about them.
[ODO] Well tell me again.
(She makes for the airlock)
[ODO] Oh no you don't.
(But he collapses into a puddle instead.)
[RIONOJ] Let's go.
(Odo's bed is now has lips round the edges.)
[BASHIR] How are you feeling?
[ODO] See for yourself.
(He's only partially solid)
[BASHIR] It's gotten worse.
[ODO] Very observant, Doctor. It's been more and more difficult for me
to maintain humanoid form.
[BASHIR] The latest test results aren't encouraging. The destabilisation
of your molecular structure is increasing at an alarming rate.
[ODO] How much longer before I totally lose my ability to stay solid.
[BASHIR] One week, maybe two. After that, if the destabilisation
continues. I sent my findings to Doctor Mora. Frankly, he was as
baffled as I am, but he wants you to come to his laboratory on Bajor
for further tests.
[ODO] Seven years of playing lab rat for him was quite enough. Besides,
you have complete access to his data. If the answer was there, you'd
have found it by now.
[BASHIR] I don't suppose you'd agree on a trip to Starfleet Medical?
[ODO] Doctor, I think we both know where I have to go.
[BASHIR] I was hoping it wouldn't come to that.
[ODO] There doesn't seem to be much choice. You have to take me back to
my people. The only ones who can help me now are the Founders.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Once we enter the Gamma Quadrant, we'll
begin transmitting a subspace signal explaining the purpose of our
mission. Then we'll enter Dominion space and try to locate the
Founders' new homeworld.
[KIRA] Odo's only got a few weeks at best. Do you think we can locate
his people in time?
[BASHIR] If we go into Dominion airspace without cloaking, we'll get
their attention.
[SISKO] You can be sure of that.
[KIRA] I'd like to come along.
[SISKO] I don't think so, Major. I know Odo's your friend, but I need
you here. Besides
[KIRA] (A-choo!) I know, I know. When will you leave?
[SISKO] Doctor?
[BASHIR] As soon as possible.
[SISKO] We'll prepare the Defiant. You prepare the Constable.
[BRIEN] All systems are ready for departure.
[SISKO] Thank you, Mister O'Brien.
[BASHIR] The medical bay is all set, but it'll take a little while to
get Odo on board.
[WORF] Why not use the transporter?
[BASHIR] Well, his molecular structure is scrambled enough as it is. The
last thing he needs is a trip through a transporter buffer.
[DAX] Benjamin, someone's asking permission to come aboard.
[SISKO] Who is it?
[DAX] Garak.
[WORF] Tell him the ship is off limits to Cardassian spies.
[BASHIR] Sir, if Garak is asking to come aboard, I'm sure he has a good
[SISKO] Have Mister Garak escorted to the mess hall. I'll meet him
(Mess hall)
(Garak is talking to his two security guards.)
[GARAK] Personally I think Starfleet should allow their officers more
latitude in accessorizing their uniforms. You'd be surprised what a
nice scarf can do.
(Sisko enters.)
[GARAK] Ah, Captain. How good of you to see me.
[SISKO] Make it brief, Garak.
[GARAK] I'd like to accompany you on your mission. There are some
questions I'd like to ask the Founders.
[SISKO] Such as?
[GARAK] The Cardassian Empire lost a number of ships during their
aborted attack on the Dominion. I want to know what happened to the
[SISKO] I was under the impression that those ships were destroyed with
all hands.
[GARAK] Oh, we don't know that for a fact. As I recall, when the Defiant
left the scene of the battle, there were a number of Cardassian
warships still fighting.
[SISKO] Ah. And you think some of their crewmembers might have been
taken prisoner?
[GARAK] I live in hope. Besides, if you do take me along, I think you'll
find me quite useful. I'm a man of many talents.
[SISKO] I have no need for a tailor on this mission, let alone a spy.
But maybe there is something you can do for me. This is going to be a
long trip for Odo. I need someone to occupy his attention, take his
mind off his condition.
[GARAK] You want me to keep him company?
[SISKO] No. Anyone can do that. Dax, Bashir, myself. And what would we
have to offer him? Kindness? Sympathy? That's the last thing he wants.
[GARAK] But where you offer kindness, I offer mystery. Where you offer
sympathy, I offer intrigue. Just give me a seat next to Odo's bed and I
promise you I will conjure up enough innuendos, half-truths, and
bald-faced lies about my so-called career in the Obsidian Order to keep
the Constable distracted for days. If there's one thing Cardassians
excel at, it's conversation.
[SISKO] You've got yourself a job. But all questions for the Founders
will have to wait until after Odo gets the help he needs.
[GARAK] We share the same priorities, captain.
[SISKO] Make sure you remember that.
(Kira and Bashir are helping semi-liquid Odo to
walk out of the Infirmary.)
[QUARK] Odo.
[ODO] Not now, Quark. I'm busy.
[QUARK] I hear you're taking a little trip to the Gamma Quadrant.
[ODO] Care to come along?
QUARK Are you kidding? I expect to own this station by the time you get
back. With you gone, profits from smuggling alone should go up sixty
[ODO] Well, don't get used to it. I'll be back before you know it,
making your life miserable.
[QUARK] Then you are coming back?
[ODO] Count on it.
[QUARK] I will.
[KIRA] Take your time. I promise the Defiant won't leave without you.
[BASHIR] Would you like me to have the Promenade cleared?
[ODO] That won't be necessary.
(The crowd stand aside in respect as he makes his slow way to the
[DAX] We've just cleared the wormhole.
[SISKO] Begin transmitting a request for assistance, then set a course
for the Dominion.
[DAX] Aye, sir.
[BRIEN] It's funny. I've served on a half a dozen ships, and none of
them've had cloaking devices except the Defiant. Now that we're not
using it, I feel naked.
[WORF] It is disconcerting, to say the least.
[SISKO] Gentlemen, I feel the same breeze you do.
[BRIEN] What're you smiling at?
[DAX] I don't know. I guess it's just being in the same room with so
many naked men.
(Medical bay)
[GARAK] Ah, yes. The assassination of Proconsul
Merrok of Romulus. Such a tragedy. I met him once, a few weeks before
he died. I was working as a gardener at the Cardassian embassy during
[ODO] You were a gardener on Romulus?
[GARAK] My specialty was Edosian orchids. Beautiful but highly toxic.
[ODO] As I recall, Proconsul Merrok was poisoned.
[GARAK] Funny, I don't remember that. But then again, so many Romulan
dignitaries died unexpectedly that year.
[BASHIR] It must be hard to keep them all straight.
[GARAK] You can't imagine.
[BASHIR] Maybe we should let the Constable get some rest.
[ODO] I'll let you know when I need rest, Doctor. A gardener at the
Cardassian embassy on Romulus? Fascinating.
[BRIEN] So I get off duty the other night, and I
walk into my quarters and there're Keiko and Major Kira talking.
[DAX] Go on.
[BRIEN] As soon as I walked in, they stopped. It was like turning off
a holosuite programme.
[WORF] They did not want you to hear what they were saying.
[BRIEN] Exactly. I think they were talking about me.
[SISKO] Come on, Chief. You have no way of knowing that.
[BRIEN] I may not have the proof, but I know one thing. Molly was
there, and when she saw me she started giggling. Laugh all you want.
I'm thinking of asking Julian to come live with us. Even things up a
[DAX] Hold on. I'm reading warp signatures headed our way. Looks like
our signal's finally getting a little attention.
[SISKO] Full stop. On screen.
(A squadron of Jem'Hadar warships.)
[SISKO] Make that a lot of attention.
[DAX] We're being hailed. They want to beam someone aboard to discuss
our request.
[WORF] I would advise against allowing Dominion representatives aboard
this ship.
[BRIEN] It might be better to negotiate over the viewscreen.
[SISKO] But I don't want to give them any reason to think that we're
hiding something. Odo needs their help and I'm going to make sure he
gets it. Commander, tell the Jem'Hadar that I'll meet their
representative in the transporter bay.
[DAX] Aye, sir.
(The female shape-shifter and four guards beam onto the Bridge. One
Jem'Hadar grabs O'Brien as he reaches for a weapon.)
[FOUNDER] That's enough. Let him go. Please, everyone, lower your
weapons. There's no need for violence.
[DAX] Are you okay?
[BRIEN] I've felt better.
[FOUNDER] I've come for Odo.
[SISKO] Can you help him?
[FOUNDER] Only the Great Link can help him. Leave him with me and you
may return home unharmed.
[SISKO] I can't do that.
[IGAN] A Founder has given you an order. You will obey it.
[FOUNDER] I'll let you know when I need you. I understand your concern
for Odo. I feel it too.
[SISKO] Then let's not stand here and argue. Just tell us where we need
to take him. The faster we get moving, the better off he'll be.
[FOUNDER] Your loyalty to Odo is commendable. I will not stop you from
accompanying him on the rest of his journey. However, I'm sure you
understand my reluctance to reveal the location of our new home.
Commander, I must ask you to surrender the helm. Amat'igan will guide
your ship for the remainder of the voyage.
[DAX] Captain?
[FOUNDER] My terms are not open to negotiation.
[SISKO] Commander, give him your seat.
(Amat'igan shows Dax a small device.)
[IGAN] This will prevent your navigational computers from retaining
any record of our journey.
[WORF] Sir.
[SISKO] Not now, Mister Worf.
(The viewscreen goes static.)
[FOUNDER] There, that's better. Now, Captain, if it's not too much
trouble, I would like to pay Odo a visit.
(Medical bay)
[GARAK] How do I look, Doctor?
[BASHIR] Does it matter?
[GARAK] Of course it matters. I'm here as a representative of the
Cardassian Empire and I want to make a good first impression.
Constable, what do you think?
[ODO] I think the Romulans poisoned Proconsul Merrok and you were the
one responsible for the transporter accident that killed Subcommander
[GARAK] You're getting warmer. But how do I look?
(The door opens.)
[FOUNDER] May I come in?
[ODO] You'll pardon me if I don't get up.
[FOUNDER] Poor Odo. Look what's become of you.
[ODO] Not a pretty sight, am I?
[FOUNDER] Pretty? I wasn't aware you applied such value to your outward
appearance. Such concerns are more fitting for solids.
[BASHIR] Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt, but is there anything you
can do for him?
[FOUNDER] Odo, give me your hand. Don't be afraid.
(They Link. Odo goes completely liquid, then resolidifies looking
rather better.)
[GARAK] Amazing.
[FOUNDER] Feeling better?
[ODO] Yes. Though I still have to concentrate to hold my form.
[BASHIR] Your molecular structure is still fluctuating, but it's nowhere
near as unstable as it was.
[FOUNDER] Leave now. I wish to speak to Odo in private.
[BASHIR] Odo is my patient.
[ODO] It's all right, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Then I'll be right outside. It can wait, Garak.
[GARAK] Of course.
(Garak and Bashir leave.)
[FOUNDER] What we have to say is not for your ears. Wait for me outside.
(The Jem'Hadar guard leaves, then the Starfleet one.)
[FOUNDER] I wish this meeting were under better circumstances.
[ODO] I'm not exactly thrilled with the circumstances myself.
[FOUNDER] I'd hoped you'd return to us on your own. After all, that
Bajoran woman you were so fond of seems to have taken an interest in
someone else.
[ODO] You know about Major Kira and First Minister Shakaar.
[FOUNDER] Despite your rejection of us, we still take an active interest
in your well-being.
[ODO] And just how do you keep so informed about my well-being?
[FOUNDER] There's very little that escapes our attention.
[ODO] Are you saying that you knew I was sick even before we left the
[FOUNDER] What do you think?
[ODO] I think you did this to me. You caused my illness so that I'd be
forced to come home.
[FOUNDER] As I said, I wish the circumstances of this meeting were
different. You killed a changeling, Odo.
[ODO] He was trying to kill my friends. I had no choice.
[FOUNDER] Of course you had a choice, and you chose to side with the
solids. To protect them, you were willing to violate the most sacred
law of our people.
[ODO] No changeling has ever harmed another.
[FOUNDER] Until you. That's why we forced you to return home to enter
into the Great Link and be judged.
[ODO] What does that mean, I'm going to be judged?
[FOUNDER] You will join us in the Great Link, open your thoughts, allow
us to understand you. Only then will we be able to decide if your
actions were justified.
[ODO] And if you decide that they weren't?
[FOUNDER] You will be punished.
[ODO] Punished? How?
[FOUNDER] You have to understand that nothing like this has ever
happened in the entire history of our people. We have never had to sit
in judgement over one of our own. That's why we took so long to bring
you home. There was disagreement in the Link over what to do with you.
[ODO] I'm sorry I've caused you so much trouble.
[FOUNDER] Perhaps we are to blame. We sent you away.
[ODO] But I'm the one who's going to be punished.
[FOUNDER] That remains to be seen.
[ODO] What if I refuse to cooperate? What if I refuse to join the Link?
[FOUNDER] I stabilised your condition temporarily. Only the Link can
heal you. If you refuse to join with us, you will die.
(The Founder steps into the corridor.)
[FOUNDER] You may go in now, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Thank you.
[FOUNDER] Try not to disturb him. He needs his rest.
[BASHIR] I'll bear that in mind.
[GARAK] Excuse me, madam. May I have a moment of
your time?
[FOUNDER] You are Cardassian.
[GARAK] That's right. And on behalf of my people, I'd like to learn if
there were any survivors after our attack on your homeland.
[FOUNDER] Cardassian survivors?
[GARAK] Yes.
[FOUNDER] There were no Cardassian survivors.
[GARAK] You mean, they're all dead?
[FOUNDER] They're dead. You're dead, Cardassia is dead. Your people were
doomed the moment they attacked us. I believe that answers your
[GARAK] It was a pleasure meeting you.
(Mess hall)
[BRIEN] I don't suppose there's any way Odo could
hide a communicator on him when he's in the Link with the Founders?
[WORF] I do not think he'll be able to hide anything from the Founders.
[BRIEN] There must be some way we can keep a transporter lock on him
while he's in the Link.
[SISKO] What about injecting him with radio-nuclides?
[BRIEN] That would give the transporter something to lock on to, but
there's no way to be sure the nuclides won't disperse throughout the
Link. If he's in there for more than a few hours, we could end up with
a transporter pad full of
[ODO] I wouldn't worry about that, Chief.
[SISKO] Constable, shouldn't you be in bed?
[BASHIR] He insisted on coming to see you himself.
[ODO] I thought you might be trying to help me and I wanted to say,
don't bother.
[BRIEN] Odo, surely you don't really expect us to just stand by while
they do God knows what to you?
[ODO] That is exactly what I expect. Captain, I want to be judged. I'm
the only changeling who's ever harmed another. I've spent most of my
life bringing people to justice. Now that it's my turn, how can I run
[SISKO] Are you sure that's what you'll find in the Great Link? Justice?
[BRIEN] I've heard a lot of stories about the Dominion and the
Founders, and justice seems to be the last thing on their minds.
[ODO] Nevertheless, they're my people and I intend to accept their
[SISKO] Report.
[DAX] Everything's status quo. If you want more details than that,
you'll have to ask our navigator.
[SISKO] How much longer?
[IGAN] You'll be informed when we reach our destination.
[FOUNDER] We will be within transporter range of my world in less than
one hour. After we have achieved orbit, Odo and I will transport to the
[SISKO] Doctor Bashir and I will be joining you.
[FOUNDER] If you wish. But Odo may be in the Link for days.
[SISKO] We'll wait.
(They beam down onto a solitary rock in an endless
sea of shape-shifters.)
[FOUNDER] Come, Odo. It's time.
(She walks into the sea and merges with the others. Sisko nods to Odo,
who smiles and follows.)
(And they wait.)
[BASHIR] How long has it been?
[SISKO] I've lost track.
[BASHIR] So have I.
[SISKO] Doctor.
(Bashir was about to throw a stone into the sea.)
[BASHIR] Oh. Right.
(Defiant corridor)
(Worf and two security march along.)
[WORF] Wait here.
(Jefferies tube junction.)
[WORF] Garak. Just as I thought.
[GARAK] Don't tell me. I overlooked one of the security monitors.
[WORF] You were trying to override the launch controls for the quantum
[GARAK] I was hoping to gain control of the phasers as well. I just
hadn't got around to it yet. Don't you see? We have an opportunity
here. A chance to end the Dominion threat once and for all. We have
enough firepower on this ship to turn that planet into a smoking
cinder. Personally, I think that would be a very good thing.
[WORF] And what about Odo, and Captain Sisko and Doctor Bashir?
[GARAK] They'll die. And once the Jem'Hadar ships realise what we're
doing, so will we. But what are our lives compared to saving the entire
Alpha Quadrant?
[WORF] We are not here to wage war.
[GARAK] I'm not talking about war. What I'm proposing is wiping out
every Founder on that planet. Obliterating the Great Link. Come now,
Mister Worf, you're a Klingon. Don't tell me you'd object to a little
genocide in the name of self-defence?
[WORF] I am a warrior, not a murderer.
[GARAK] What you are is a great disappointment.
(They fight. Worf finally gets the upper hand.)
[WORF] You fight well for a tailor.
(And even later, Bashir has fallen asleep.)
[SISKO] Doctor.
(The sea is churning. Odo is tossed around then dumped naked onto the
[SISKO] Odo, are you all right?
[BASHIR] Captain, I'm getting some strange readings.
[SISKO] What have you done to him?
[FOUNDER] He has been judged.
[BASHIR] Captain, I'm reading a heart, lungs, and a digestive system.
It's as if he were human.
[FOUNDER] We gave him what he wanted. We made him a solid. He's one of
you now. Oh, poor Odo. Perhaps we should have killed you. It would have
been far less cruel. He's yours. Take him and go.
[SISKO] Sisko to Defiant.
[DAX (OC)] Go ahead, Captain.
[SISKO] Three to beam up.
(Medical bay)
(Bashir takes a blood sample from Odo.)
[ODO] Staring at it isn't going to make it change shape.
[BASHIR] It's blood, all right. Not a trace of changeling protoplasm in
your entire system. Type O negative, if you were wondering.
[ODO] I'll be sure to remember that.
[BASHIR] Physiologically, you're completely human.
[ODO] Except for my face.
[BASHIR] Yes, I was wondering about that. Why they left it unchanged.
[ODO] They left it this way on purpose. To make sure I'd never forget
what I was. And what I've lost.
Captain's log, stardate 49962.4. After leaving our
Jem'Hadar escorts at the edge of Dominion space, the Defiant has
returned home. But for Constable Odo, I'm afraid the journey has just
(Garak's shop)
(Odo is having to get a uniform.)
[GARAK] How does it feel? You comfortable? Not too tight?
[ODO] It's fine. Though it does make me feel a bit
[GARAK] Itchy? That's the Inkarian wool. You'll get used to it. Unless
of course you're allergic to Inkarian wool.
[ODO] It's not the uniform. I think I'm hungry?
[GARAK] You know, I envy you. Think of all the wonderful foods you'll
get to enjoy for the first time.
[ODO] I can hardly wait. Well, you've done your job. Now I have to do
[GARAK] yes, I suppose you do. Six months in a holding cell? The thought
is unattractive, to say the least.
[ODO] Well, if you ask me, Captain Sisko let you off lightly. Sabotage,
assaulting a Federation officer, attempting to incite war between the
Federation and the Dominion.
[GARAK] Yes, but my heart was in the right place.
[AROYA] There you are, Odo. I've been looking all over for you. I heard
about what happened. I'm so sorry.
[ODO] Thank you.
[AROYA] I know it won't be easy, but eventually you'll see how being a
humanoid has its advantages. If there's anything at all I can do, just
let me know.
(Aroya leaves)
[GARAK] What a generous offer.
[ODO] Let's go, Garak.
[SISKO] Constable, are you all right?
[ODO] It's nothing. It's just a headache. Every once in a while I still
get flashes of memory from the Great Link. A jumble of images or a
word, but I can't quite make sense of it.
[SISKO] You know, there's no reason to rush things. You don't have to go
back to work right away.
[ODO] Yes, I do. When I joined with the other changelings in the Great
Link, I felt something I've never felt before. In that moment, I knew I
was home. For the first time, I felt that I understood my people. Their
distrust of the solids, their willingness to do anything to protect
themselves. And then in an instant it was all snatched away. I'm
trapped in this body. I can never rejoin the Great Link. My job is the
only thing I have left. Besides, I'm still the best law enforcement
officer on this station.
[SISKO] You're the best law enforcement officer in this sector. Maybe
the whole damn quadrant.
[ODO] Maybe. What's that all about?
[SISKO] I have no idea.
[GOWRON (on monitor)] The Klingon Empire is tired of words, of
negotiation, of the endless delaying tactics of the Federation.
Therefore, as of today, a Klingon task force has been dispatched to the
Archanis Sector. Starfleet has ten days to abandon their bases and
withdraw their forces from the Sector.
[KIRA] It's coming in on all frequencies.
[GOWRON (on monitor)] Any Starfleet vessels found in the Sector after
that time will be considered the enemy and fired upon.
[SISKO] Major, put the station on combat alert. Notify the Bajoran
[ODO] Captain. It's him.
[SISKO] Gowron? What about him?
[ODO] During the Link, I sensed that the other changelings were trying
to hide things from me. Faces, names. One of them was him.
[KIRA] What are you saying?
[ODO] I'm saying that he's one of them. Gowron, the head of the Klingon
Empire, is a changeling.
[GOWRON (on monitor)] No misinterpretation of my words. Archanis is ours
and we will take it back. Resist us in any way, and there will be war! | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e95", "title": "Broken Link"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Apocalypse Rising
Original Airdate: 30 Sep, 1996
time on Star Trek Deep Space Nine
[GARAK] Odo, what's wrong?
[ODO] I don't know.
(Odo fits and goes semi-goo.)
[ODO] I think you did this to me.
[FOUNDER] You killed a changeling, Odo. That's why we forced you to
return home to enter into the Great Link and be judged.
(Odo is tossed naked from the Link onto the atoll.)
[SISKO] What have you done to him?
[FOUNDER] We made him a solid. He's one of you now.
[BASHIR] Captain, I'm reading a heart, lungs, and a digestive system.
It's as if he were human.
[GOWRON (on monitor)] Will be considered the enemy and fired upon.
[ODO] Captain. It's him.
[SISKO] Gowron? What about him?
[ODO] During the Link, I sensed that the other changelings were trying
to hide things from me. Faces, names. One of them was him.
[KIRA] What are you saying?
[ODO] I'm saying that he's one of them. Gowron, the head of the Klingon
Empire, is a changeling.
[WORF] Where are they? They should've been back
hours ago.
[BRIEN] Maybe the meeting with Starfleet Command took longer than they
thought it would.
[KIRA] Then why haven't Sisko or Dax contacted us?
[BRIEN] Well, the whole area they're travelling through is crawling
with Klingon ships. The second they use their subspace transmitter,
they become a target.
[WORF] I never should have let them leave in a runabout. I should have
insisted that they take the Defiant.
[KIRA] You did. But the Captain's orders were clear. As long as we're at
war with the Klingons, we need the Defiant here to help protect the
[BRIEN] All I know is that I'd hate to be dodging Klingon raiding
parties in nothing but a runabout.
[WORF] It would take a fleet of Klingon ships to breach the station's
defences. I say we take the Defiant and go looking for them.
[BRIEN] I'm with Worf.
[KIRA] I'm glad the two of you are in agreement. But with the Captain
gone, I am in charge of the station and I say we stay.
[WORF] You may be in charge of the station, Major, but I command the
[KIRA] Mister Worf, the Captain has given us our orders and I intend for
us to follow them until he issues new ones.
[BRIEN] Hold on a minute. I'm reading a warp signature approaching the
[WORF] It is the Rio Grande.
[KIRA] On screen.
(A damaged runabout, trailing flames in vacuum. Where have I seen that
miracle before?)
[BRIEN] Looks like they had a run in with some Klingons. Weapons
systems, shields and comm. system are all pretty shot up.
[KIRA] Life signs?
[BRIEN] Two. One human, one Trill.
[WORF] Permission to welcome the Captain back on board.
[KIRA] Permission granted.
(Worf and O'Brien leave.)
(A short time later Dax and Sisko come up on the turbolift.)
[KIRA] Glad you made it back in one piece.
[SISKO] So are we.
[KIRA] How was your meeting with Starfleet Command?
[SISKO] I'm afraid the war's not going very well. The Klingons are
throwing everything they have at us. Starfleet's been able to slow them
down, but that's about all.
(Captain's office)
[KIRA] It's hard to believe one changeling could
cause so much chaos.
[DAX] He can if he's impersonating the leader of the Klingon Empire.
[KIRA] So is Starfleet going to do something about Chancellor Gowron or
[DAX] Oh, they're going to do something.
[SISKO] Starfleet's sending an infiltration team to Klingon territory.
Their orders are to do whatever it takes to prove that Gowron's a
[KIRA] Tough assignment. Who are they sending?
(The Writ of Accountability on the wall and no
Ferengi staff.)
[QUARK] Captain, you're just in time for happy hour.
[SISKO] Do I look happy, Quark?
[QUARK] Do you think any of these people looked happy when they walked
in here? How could they? There's a war going on. But they come because
they know I'll do everything in my power to help them forget their
troubles. For a reasonable fee, of course. Now, what can I do for you?
[SISKO] I'm looking for Odo.
[QUARK] Oh, Captain, we all have our failures, and he's mine. Every
since he lost his shape-shifting abilities, I haven't been able to get
a smile out of him.
[SISKO] Where is he?
[QUARK] I'm telling you, Captain, that's one depressed ex-changeling.
He's upstairs at his usual table. Just follow the black cloud.
(Quark's cafe)
[SISKO] Constable.
[ODO] Listen, Captain. Do you hear it?
[SISKO] You mean the bubbles?
[ODO] Soothing, isn't it? You know, before I became a solid I never
heard that. I didn't have a sense of taste so I never paid much
attention to food or drink. I had no idea how seductive they could be.
(tops up the glass) Would you like me to get you a glass?
[SISKO] I'm on duty.
[ODO] I'm not.
[SISKO] I thought you were always on duty.
[ODO] You know, at first I found the whole process of ingestion
disgusting. But now that I've gotten used to it, I find eating and
drinking to be quite comforting. It's one of the few things that you,
that we humanoids have control over.
[SISKO] Not necessarily. There's always the temptation to eat too much,
to drink too much.
[ODO] One has to find something to do with one's time. For some reason,
my work isn't as fulfilling as it used to be.
[SISKO] I might be able to do something about that. Starfleet has
ordered us to try to expose the Gowron changeling. I want you to come
with us.
[ODO] Maybe it would be better for you to take Deputy Yndar. There's
nothing I can do that he can't.
[SISKO] I don't need Yndar. I need you.
[ODO] What you need is someone who can turn into Gowron's pet targ. I
can't do that anymore.
[SISKO] What I need is my Chief of Security. There will be a staff
meeting at sixteen hundred hours. I expect you to be there.
[SISKO] According to Starfleet intelligence,
Chancellor Gowron has relocated Klingon military headquarters to
[WORF] That will make our job more difficult. Ty'Gokor is located in an
asteroid field deep in Klingon space. It is probably the most heavily
fortified installation in the Empire.
[SISKO] There are at least thirty warships stationed there at any given
time and the entire asteroid field is protected by a tachyon detection
[BRIEN] Which means there's no way we can get a cloaked ship within
transporter range.
[WORF] Even if we do find a way inside, getting close to Gowron will not
be easy. He is guarded around the clock by his personal security force,
the Yan-Isleth.
[DAX] The Brotherhood of the Sword.
[KIRA] Look, I don't want to sound negative, but even if you do get to
Gowron, how are you going to prove to the Klingons he's a changeling?
[ODO] I doubt he's going to stand still and let us take a blood sample.
[BASHIR] The Klingons are obsessive about blood screenings. If he's
lasted this long, the changeling impersonating Gowron must have already
found a way around them.
[WORF] There is another option. We could kill him.
[BRIEN] Dead changelings do revert to their gelatinous state.
[SISKO] Our orders are to expose Gowron, not assassinate him. Which is
why Starfleet has given us these.
(Four baseball sized devices.)
[BASHIR] Very impressive. What are they?
[DAX] They're modified polaron emitters.
(Prototype X-47 according to the wall monitor Dax switches on.)
[SISKO] Starfleet Science thinks that exposure to polaron radiation will
have a destabilising effect on changeling physiology.
[ODO] In other words, if we use these on Gowron and he is one of my
people, he won't be able to retain his humanoid shape.
[SISKO] That's the theory.
[DAX] The problem is, for it to work properly, you have to activate all
four emitters at once.
[SISKO] (holding the remote) With this.
[BRIEN] I hate prototypes.
[DAX] Plus, too much polaron radiation can be fatal. Which means we can
only expose a person once. Any more than that, changeling or not, and
they could die from radiation poisoning.
[SISKO] The plan is to smuggle these into Ty'Gokor. Once they're set up,
they can cover about twelve thousand cubic metres.
[BRIEN] So let me get this straight. All we have to do is get past an
enemy fleet, avoid a tachyon detection grid, beam into the middle of
Klingon headquarters and avoid the Brotherhood of the Sword long enough
to set these things up and activate them in front of Gowron.
[WORF] If we succeed, there will be many songs sung in our honour.
[BRIEN] Let's hope we're there to hear them.
[KIRA] The first problem is how to get you safely to Ty'Gokor.
[SISKO] That's one I think I can solve.
(A Klingon ship decloaks and docks.)
[DUKAT] Major, I must say I'm shocked. You use my daughter to lure me
here, you're asking me to risk my ship on some fool's errand into the
Klingon Empire, and you're pregnant. I hope First Minister Shakaar
appreciates what a lucky man he is.
[KIRA] Shakaar's not the father.
[DUKAT] Then who is?
[KIRA] Chief O'Brien.
(Kira gets into the turbolift while Dukat's jaw bounces on the floor.)
[KIRA] Promenade.
[DUKAT] Well, at least there's one good thing about
your condition. You won't be going on this suicidal mission.
[KIRA] It may not be as hopeless as you think.
[DUKAT] How can Sisko be so deluded to think he and three of his crewmen
can infiltrate Klingon military headquarters? They'll be caught in a
[KIRA] Maybe.
(Sisko, Odo and O'Brien have been surgically to
look like Klingons.)
[KIRA] Maybe not.
[SISKO] What's wrong, Dukat? Haven't you ever seen a Klingon before?
(Ducat's Bridge)
(Worf has also been disguised somewhat.)
[SISKO] I see we're all here.
[WORF] The ship is ready for departure, sir.
[SISKO] At your convenience, Gul Dukat.
[DUKAT] Captain, I insist we make a holographic record of the four of
you. Consider it payment in full for the use of my vessel.
[BRIEN] Maybe after the mission.
[DAMAR] After the mission you'll all be dead.
[DUKAT] Damar, let's not spoil this special moment with predictions of
doom. Even you have to appreciate the audacity of Captain Sisko's plan.
[DAMAR] Personally, I think we'd be better off launching an orbital
assault on Gowron's command centre. A full spread of photon torpedoes
would take care of him, the Klingon High Command and everyone else
within a few hundred kilometres.
[ODO] You should ask Dukat for some shore leave. I think you've been in
space too long.
[DAMAR] Why? Because I'm willing to spill a little Klingon blood to get
the job done?
[BRIEN] Shelling Ty'Gokor won't get the job done. You'd be lucky to
launch one torpedo before they shot you down. Besides, even a dozen
won't penetrate the shielding around the command centre.
[SISKO] Thank you for the input, Mister Damar, but we'll stick to the
original plan. Are you making any progress with our Klingon identity
[DUKAT] Oh, don't worry, Captain. By the time we get to Ty'Gokor, we'll
have something suitably impressive to plant in their central computer
[WORF] Our names should be added to the list of candidates for the Order
of the Bat'leth.
[DUKAT] The Order of the Bat'leth? Don't you think you might be
overdoing it?
[SISKO] They'll be inducting some new members in a few days, and
Chancellor Gowron will be presiding over the ceremony.
[DUKAT] That should make for a very interesting evening.
(Captain's office)
[BASHIR] Here are the results of the crew physicals.
[KIRA] Anything interesting?
[BASHIR] Lieutenant Vilix'pran is budding again.
[KIRA] You're kidding. How many will this make?
[BASHIR] Let's see now. He had two from the last litter, four before
that. Could be anywhere from eight to eighteen.
[KIRA] He'll need bigger quarters again.
[BASHIR] He said the request will be on your desk in the morning.
[KIRA] Eighteen? I just hope I can survive one.
[BASHIR] You're doing great.
[KIRA] I don't feel great.
[BASHIR] You're positively glowing.
[KIRA] Oh, really?
[BASHIR] I think so, but then, I suppose my opinion really doesn't
[KIRA] It counts. But don't forget, this is still your fault.
(In real life, Sid is the father of the child Nana was carrying at the
time, remember.)
[BASHIR] My fault?
[KIRA] You performed the transfer from Keiko to me.
[BASHIR] After you volunteered.
[KIRA] After you put the idea in my head.
[BASHIR] After you flew the runabout into an asteroid field.
[KIRA] After you insisted we check on those anomalous bio-scans.
[BASHIR] That was Keiko.
[KIRA] That's right, it was. But I'd rather blame you!
[BASHIR] Whatever makes you happy. I never argue with my patients or my
commanding officer. You think they'll make it?
[KIRA] They'll make it. Question is, will you be able to give them their
old faces back?
(Dukat's ship - room)
(Worf has the pseudo-Klingons lined up. He stops in
front of Odo.)
[WORF] We shall start with you. I am waiting.
[ODO] I don't understand.
[WORF] I am not interested in excuses. Are you a Klingon warrior or an
Alverian dung beetle?
[ODO] I really don't see the point
[WORF] Do not look away from me. I called you a dung beetle.
[ODO] I heard you.
[WORF] And what is your response?
[ODO] You should have your eyes examined.
(O'Brien sniggers.)
[WORF] This is not going to work. It is not enough to look like a
Klingon. One must act like one. Perhaps it is better if I went
(Sisko hits Worf.)
[SISKO] Are you questioning the validity of my plan?
[WORF] Very convincing, Captain. But was it your intention to challenge
me to a battle to the death?
[SISKO] No, not at all.
[WORF] The next time, do not strike me with the back of your hand. Use
your fist.
[BRIEN] This is more complicated than I thought.
[WORF] You should think twice before insulting a Klingon like that.
[BRIEN] What did I do?
[WORF] Look at you. You stand so far away from me. You speak so softly.
Are you afraid of me or just disgusted by my presence?
[SISKO] Klingon warriors speak to each other proudly. They do not
whisper or keep their distance.
[BRIEN] Sorry! I'll do better next time.
[WORF] Keep practising.
(Meanwhile, Odo is leaving, so Sisko follows him.)
(Dukat's ship - another room)
[SISKO] Constable?
[ODO] Captain, I have no business being on this mission. I'm not a very
convincing Klingon.
[SISKO] Then you'd better work on becoming one. Because like it or not,
you are on this mission.
[ODO] I'd hate to be the reason it fails.
[SISKO] Let me worry about that. Odo, I know this has been a difficult
time for you. That you never would've chosen to become a solid. But
what's done is done. Brooding isn't going to change anything, and
shirking your responsibilities isn't going to make you feel better
about yourself.
[ODO] No, I don't suppose it will.
[SISKO] Then I suggest you get back in there and do your job.
(Then an alarm goes off.)
(Ducat's Bridge)
[SISKO] What's going on, Dukat?
[DUKAT] We're being hailed by another bird of prey.
[ODO] What are you doing about it?
[DUKAT] We're hailing them back. I wouldn't worry. This happens all the
[DAMAR] Sir, they're requesting visual contact.
[DUKAT] By all means. It's a shame you can't see the holo-image I'm
projecting over the comm. system. I make quite an imposing Klingon.
[DAMAR] Sir, the holofilter's not working.
[DUKAT] What do you mean it's not working?
[BRIEN] Let me take a look at it.
[DAMAR] Sir, they're repeating the request.
[BRIEN] The optronic relays are fused.
[ODO] Maybe Worf should speak to them.
[WORF] I might be able to convince them that
[DUKAT] I have a better idea.
(And fires a spread of torpedoes. KaBOOM!)
[WORF] You should have let me speak to them!
[SISKO] Was that really necessary?
[DUKAT] It was either that or trust in Mister Worf's ability to lie. And
frankly, I have more faith in my weapons. Get us out of here, Damar. I
want to put as much distance between us and that wreckage as possible.
(They arrive at Ty'Gokor, a planet surrounded by space stations and
space ships.)
[BRIEN] (with an emitter) I hope I remember how to set this thing up.
[WORF] If that is a joke, I am not amused.
[BRIEN] It's not easy being funny wearing these teeth.
[DUKAT] Well, Captain, I've enjoyed your company as always, but it
appears it is time we said goodbye. I don't envy your assignment.
[BRIEN] Orbiting this place for the next day or so won't be the safest
job in the galaxy either.
[DUKAT] Which is why we'll be leaving as soon as you beam down.
[ODO] Leaving? For how long?
[DUKAT] I really don't see any pressing need to come back.
[SISKO] That's not what we agreed to.
[DUKAT] I realise that. But how long do you think we can stay here
undetected without the holofilter? Besides, if you succeed, the war
will be over and you won't need us. And if you fail.
[WORF] Did you add our names to the Commendation List?
[DUKAT] I haven't survived this long by being sloppy, Mister Worf. (to
Sisko) And now Jodmos, son of Kobor, your medal awaits you.
(Ty'Gokor corridor)
(Sisko, Worf, Odo and O'Brien beam in.)
[SISKO] Cho'Ghos!
(Hall of Warriors)
(A huge room with plenty of statues, a brazier,
racks of medals, a raised central stage and plenty of Klingons eating,
drinking, singing and headbutting each other. One headbutts O'Brien as
the group enters.)
[ODO] You all right?
[BRIEN] I'm fine. I just wish they'd stop ringing that bell.
[SISKO] The Hall of Warriors.
[WORF] You can smell the blood of history in these stones. Come, we must
celebrate. T'kah!
[ODO] Now what?
[SISKO] Now we celebrate!
(Promenade - upper level)
[BASHIR] How's the view?
[JAKE] You know, you can tell a lot about people's moods just by
watching them walk on the Promenade. When things are going good, people
take their time, window shop and talk to their friends. Then there's
days like today.
[BASHIR] Everybody's in a hurry.
[JAKE] They can feel the Klingons breathing down their necks.
[BASHIR] Well, I shall have to remember to walk a little slower. Show no
fear, that's my motto.
[KIRA (OC)] Ops to Doctor Bashir.
[BASHIR] Go ahead, Major.
[KIRA (OC)] Report to the Infirmary. The Armstrong and the Drake were
ambushed by a Klingon battle group and they took heavy casualties.
They'll be docking in a few minutes.
[BASHIR] I'm on my way. Your father's going to be all right, Jake.
[JAKE] I suppose. But sometimes I wish that he wasn't so good at his
job. That way, maybe every once in a while they'd give someone else the
tough assignments.
[BASHIR] He goes where he's sent. It's all part of wearing the uniform,
and I doubt that's ever going to change.
(Hall of Warriors)
(The group fill their tankards from a barrel of
[BURLY] I was the first to board their starship. With one blow from my
bat'leth, I beheaded their helmsman, a Tellarite. The pig didn't even
have time to raise his weapon. Well then I turned my attention to the
Captain, a Benzenite named Laporin. Ah. He put up a valiant struggle,
but in the end I ripped the breathing tubes from his head and (slit
throat gesture)
(Sisko punches him out)
[SISKO] Brag all you want, but don't get between me and the bloodwine.
(The boasters move away, cheering.)
[BRIEN] You knew Captain Laporin?
[SISKO] We went to the Academy together.
[ODO] How long before Gowron gets here?
[WORF] Many hours. He will not appear until tomorrow morning at the
earliest. This is an endurance test as much as it is a celebration.
It's part of the initiation rite for the Order of the Bat'leth. The
idea is to eat, drink, stay awake all night and still be clear-eyed
when Gowron arrives for the ceremony.
[BRIEN] So when do we set up the emitters?
[SISKO] Not until morning. I don't want to take the chance of anyone
spotting them once they're in place.
[ODO] In that case, we might as well drink up. it's a pity it doesn't
have any bubbles.
(The bloodwine in the barrel is now a lot lower. Sisko is having an
arm-wrestling match with one of the drunks.)
[BRIEN] You know, I think I'm actually beginning to like bloodwine.
[ODO] It's really not too bad, except for the taste.
[BRIEN] Just be thankful the anti-intoxicant we took is still working.
[WORF] Or you would be so drunk you would not be able to stand.
(Sisko wins his match)
[BRIEN] Not bad.
[SISKO] Captain of the Academy wrestling team. Twenty two years ago. Ow.
(Sisko massages his aching arm.)
[KLINGON] General Martok!
[WORF] Captain.
[SISKO] I see him.
(The crowd cheer Martok as he walks through the hall.)
[BRIEN] What if he recognises us?
[ODO] We'll have come a long way for nothing.
[SISKO] Q'apla!
[ODO] Q'apla!
[BRIEN] Q'apla!
[MARTOK] Q'apla.
(And walks on to the wine barrel)
[WORF] If Martok is here, Gowron will not be far behind.
[SISKO] Let's get it done.
(The four head off to place their emitters on various statues. A hand
falls on O'Brien's shoulder.)
[MARTOK] Hold on there. Don't I know you?
[BRIEN] I would be honoured to think so.
[MARTOK] I know we have met.
[BRIEN] I am Pahash of the House of Konjah.
[MARTOK] The name is not familiar to me, but there is something about
[BRIEN] Perhaps we met on the battlefield. My regiment fought at
[MARTOK] Mempa! Many noble deeds were done on that dark day.
[BRIEN] And yours have become legend.
[MARTOK] Mempa. Yes, that must be it.
[BRIEN] After the ceremony would you honour me with a drink?
[MARTOK] We will salute the fallen. There is something very familiar
about this face.
(Martok walks off, the group relaxes slightly and the emitters get
placed, except - )
[DRUNK] Hey, where's Gowron?
(Odo's emitter falls to the floor and rolls to the boot of - )
[KLINGON] What is this?
[ODO] Get away from me or you won't live to see Gowron. (he elbows the
drunk) I'll take that.
[KLINGON] This looks like some sort of weapon.
[WORF] Kodrak, my brother. Ah, you found it.
[KLINGON] Found what?
[WORF] It's a tinghamut.
[KLINGON] A what?
[WORF] A Vulcan toy for children.
[ODO] The spoils of war from the raid on Archanis.
[WORF] If you want one, you will have to find your own.
(Worf takes the emitter from the Klingon and hands it to Odo.)
[WORF] Give this to your son.
[ODO] I'll make sure he gets it.
(Drums start up. Enter Gowron and guards, to great jubilation. As
Gowron stands on the stage, Odo goes to set up his emitter.)
[MARTOK] Long live Gowron! Long live the Empire!
[GOWRON] Klingon Warriors, I salute you. At least, those of you still on
your feet!
(The comatose drunks are being dragged from the hall.)
[GOWRON] This is a great day for the Empire, a day when we honour you
who have brought us glory, whose deeds of valour will live on in song
and story. And so now, here in this hallowed hall, under the watchful
gaze of our greatest heroes, you will receive the highest honour that
can be bestowed upon a Klingon. The Order of the Bat'leth!
(A young warrior takes a vantage point just where Odo wants to put his
[MARTOK] Come forward, H'Ta, son of Kahmar.
[GOWRON] Glory to you and your house.
(Gowron pins the medal on H'Ta.)
[ODO] This is my place. Step down.
[YOUNG KLINGON] Find another.
[MARTOK] Come forward, T'vis, son of Barot.
[ODO] That won't be necessary.
(Odo tosses the lad of his pedestal)
[GOWRON] Glory to you and your house.
[MARTOK] Come forward, Huss, daughter of A'trom.
(The last emitter is in place.)
[GOWRON] Glory to you and your house.
[MARTOK] Come forward, Jodmos, son of Kobor.
(Sisko puts the remote away, Worf puts his hand on his disruptor
[GOWRON] Glory to you and your house.
(Sisko receives the medal and walks away to trigger the emitters, when
Martok hits him from behind with a bat'leth.)
[MARTOK] Captain Benjamin Sisko. I knew I recognised that face. Seal the
room! It seems we have some uninvited guests.
(Prison cell)
(Sisko, Odo, O'Brien and Worf are in the same cell)
[MARTOK] Captain, you have no idea how much I've looked forward to
killing you in battle. And now your foolishness has cheated me of that
[SISKO] I'm sorry to disappoint you.
[MARTOK] Leave us. You heard me!
(The guards leave)
[MARTOK] Don't you understand you've thrown your lives away for nothing?
Or did you really think you could fool us into believing that
Chancellor Gowron was a Dominion spy?
[ODO] Gowron is the one who's fooling you. And as long as you follow
him, the Empire will be nothing but a pawn of the Founders.
[MARTOK] Where's your proof?
[WORF] You want proof? Take our polaron emitters and use them on Gowron.
[MARTOK] Gowron had your equipment destroyed.
[BRIEN] Of course he did. He had to make sure he couldn't be tested.
[MARTOK] Captain, your mission was a failure. For that, you deserve to
[SISKO] Would you be happier if we'd succeeded?
[MARTOK] I am a loyal officer of the Empire.
[SISKO] You think we're right, don't you? You believe Gowron's a
changeling too.
[MARTOK] That would be treason.
[WORF] Since when is it treasonous to act in the best interests of the
[SISKO] How long have you suspected?
[MARTOK] Months. I've known Gowron a long time. And it is no secret that
we have not always agreed on the way he runs the Empire. He is a
politician, too eager to compromise, too eager to talk. Last year, he
stopped the attack on Deep Space Nine instead of going to war with the
Federation. And then he changed. Suddenly he was the one calling for
[BRIEN] I would have thought that would make you happy.
[MARTOK] At first it did, but after the war began he started ignoring
the counsel of his generals, throwing aside all wisdom in his pursuit
of victory. Our losses continue to mount and still he listens to no
[ODO] No one but the Founders.
[MARTOK] There is only one certain way to expose Gowron for what he
really is, to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a changeling.
Gowron must die.
[ODO] Once he's dead, he'll revert to his natural form and all doubt
will be eliminated.
[WORF] You could challenge him to honourable combat.
[MARTOK] There will be no honourable combat, no formal challenges. I
will release you and help you reach the Hall of Warriors, and then you
will kill him.
(Ty'Gokor Corridor)
[MARTOK] The prisoners will come with me for further
[GUARD] General, I have strict orders from Gowron himself. The prisoners
are not to leave this cell.
[MARTOK] I see. Well, we wouldn't want to disobey the Chancellor.
(Martok turns then disintegrates the guard. Sisko knocks out the second
[MARTOK] Follow me.
(Hall of Warriors)
[GOWRON] What? Another toast? Then let us salute
Rurik the Damned, conqueror of the Zora Fel, liberator of Vrax.
(outside the Hall of Warriors)
(Martok stabs the two sentries, and they all get
their weapons ready)
[MARTOK] For the Empire.
[SISKO] Let's go.
(Martok stops Odo with his disruptor.)
[MARTOK] Not you. There's no telling where your loyalties lie.
(Hall of Warriors)
[GOWRON] What is this?
[WORF] It is your death.
(Gowron and Worf duel. Sisko shoots a Klingon who aims a gun at Worf.
Gowron knocks out another who gets up on the stage to help.)
[GOWRON] No. Lower your weapons. If this traitor wants a fight, I will
give him one. You want to kill me, Worf? You're welcome to try.
[MARTOK] What are they doing? Why doesn't Sisko just
shoot him?
[ODO] I have a better question. Why isn't Gowron letting his bodyguards
kill Worf? I'll tell you why. Klingon honour. A concept you should be
very familiar with. My people, on the other hand, don't care about
honour. How did you put it? There will be no honourable combat, no
formal challenges. Hardly the words of a Klingon. Tell me, General, did
Gowron destroy the polaron emitters or did you?
(Hall of Warriors)
(Worf breaks Gowron's bat'leth and is about to
deliver the death blow when)
[ODO] Worf, stop!
(Odo and Martok are fighting.)
[ODO] Martok's the changeling.
(Martok morphs a tentacle to strangle Odo. Sisko fires his disrupter.
The others join in and Martok turns into goo then explodes.)
[SISKO] Well, looks like we found our changeling after all.
[GOWRON] So the Founders mislead Odo into thinking I was a spy, hoping
that you'd eliminate me and pave the way for that thing imitating
Martok to take over the Empire.
[SISKO] That way the war between the Federation and the Klingons would
continue until both sides were destroyed.
[GOWRON] Leaving the Alpha Quadrant wide open for a Dominion invasion.
[ODO] That seems to have been their plan.
[SISKO] And we played right into it.
[GOWRON] But they sorely underestimated Odo here.
[ODO] Thank you.
[SISKO] If we really want to strike a blow against the Founders, we have
to find a way to end this war.
[GOWRON] That may not be possible.
[WORF] Why not? You told us that the Martok changeling was the one who
pushed for the attack on the Federation.
[GOWRON] True, but if your Klingon blood wasn't so thin you'd know that
once battle has begun, there can be no turning back. You want the war
to end, then the Federation must allow us to annex Archanis and the
other worlds we've seized.
[SISKO] I wouldn't count on it. But if the fighting stops and the
negotiations begin
[GOWRON] Ah, yes. Talk.
[ODO] That's right. Talk. The last thing the Dominion wants.
[GOWRON] I will call a meeting of the High Council, advise a temporary
cease fire.
[SISKO] Where Gowron leads the Council will follow.
[GOWRON] Perhaps. I'll see to it that you're safely delivered back to
that space station of yours.
[SISKO] I'd appreciate that.
[GOWRON] You have done a great service to the Empire. For that I thank
you. As for you, (to Worf) you should have killed me when you had the
chance. I promise you won't get another.
(Sisko is back to human.)
[BASHIR] Now, that's better, isn't it?
[SISKO] I don't know. I could do without ridges but I kind of miss the
fangs. That leaves you, Odo.
[ODO] It's about time. I, for one, won't miss the fangs at all.
[BASHIR] You know, Constable, I could give you any face you like.
Bajoran, human, Trill.
[ODO] My old face will do very nicely, thank you.
[SISKO] You heard the man.
[BASHIR] Whatever you say. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e96", "title": "Apocalypse Rising"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Ship
Original Airdate: 7 Oct, 1996
Captain's log, stardate 50049.3. We're conducting a mineral survey of
Torga Four, an uninhabited planet in the Gamma Quadrant believed to
contain vast deposits of cormaline. Our mission is to determine the
feasibility of establishing a mining operation on the planet's surface.
(Desert planet)
(Clambering over rocks, O'Brien picks up a small
[BRIEN] Hey, Muniz. What do you think of this?
[MUNIZ] It's a class five pyroclastic debris and ash. Same morphology
we've seen all the way up, sir.
[BRIEN] How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me sir.
I'm not an officer.
[MUNIZ] No, you know more than they do.
[BRIEN] I wouldn't go that far. But I know more than you. So listen to
me while I try to teach you something. This
morphology is not exactly the same. These deposits are more highly
[BRIEN] So, they're different, that's all. I just thought I'd point
that out to you.
[MUNIZ] I see. I thought maybe you just stopped to catch your breath.
[BRIEN] Me, out of breath? I was climbing mountains in Ireland before
you were born.
[MUNIZ] You mean hills, don't you? They have gently sloping hills in
Ireland. No mountains. But what do I know? After all, you're the
mountain man. An old mountain man.
[BRIEN] You know something, Muniz? You're due for a transfer. How does
waste extraction sound?
(Base camp)
[SISKO] How's it going, Chief?
[BRIEN] Fine, sir. We finished the survey of the south slope.
[SISKO] What do you think, old man? Is this place worth mining?
[DAX] Absolutely. The cormaline is only a few hundred metres below the
surface, and my readings are correct, it's one of the richest veins
I've ever seen.
[SISKO] Mister Worf?
[WORF] Strategically, the planet's location would make it difficult to
maintain adequate supply lines, but not impossible.
[HOYA (OC)] Hoya to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[HOYA] (female Benzite without a breather) Sir, our
sensors have detected a ship dropping out of warp.
(Base camp)
[SISKO] What kind of ship?
[HOYA] I'm not sure, sir.
[HOYA] I can't get a good reading on it. Plasma
leaks from its warp nacelles are disrupting our sensors.
(Base camp)
[HOYA (OC)] Whatever it is, it's fallen into the
gravitational pull of the planet. It should enter the atmosphere near
your position.
(Something streaks through the atmosphere.)
[HOYA (OC)] Sir, the ship withstood the impact.
[SISKO] Survivors?
[HOYA (OC)] I can't determine that.
[HOYA] We're having trouble penetrating the hull
with our sensors.
[SISKO (OC)] Beam us directly to the crash site.
(Crash site)
(A big ship has rammed itself into the cliff face,
belly up, leaving a trail of burning behind it.)
[WORF] A warship. A Jem'Hadar warship.
(The group looks round the ship during the opening credits.)
[DAX] No hull breach. The only damage I could find is a crushed guidance
thruster, if that's what it is.
[BRIEN] (on the top of the wreck) Captain. I think we have an access
[SISKO] I'll be right there.
[BRIEN] So my young friend, what do you think we're looking at?
[MUNIZ] An upside down ship.
[BRIEN] An airlock? A maintenance hatch?
[MUNIZ] Maybe, but this is a warship, and on a warship you want a big
access point on the belly to land troops.
[BRIEN] There's hope for you yet, Muniz.
[WORF] Can you open it, Chief?
[BRIEN] I think so.
(A ramp swings open.)
[SISKO] Mister Worf, take the point. T'Lor, you stay put.
(Jem'Hadar ship corridor)
(It's dark, smoky and rather a mess. Broken pipes
spew vapour everywhere. They head into the ship.)
[SISKO] Commander, secure the area.
(O'Brien opens what would have been a floor hatch and climbs up into.)
(Jem'Hadar ship Command centre)
(O'Brien walks into a Jem'Hadar hanging from what
is now the ceiling. The rest join him. All the former crew are dangling
[DAX] These men didn't die in the crash. They've been dead for hours.
[SISKO] What killed them?
[DAX] Massive osteonecrosis. Every bone in their body's been shattered.
[BRIEN] Sounds like inertial damper failure. The ship accelerated and
people were thrown into the bulkheads. Nobody was alive when this ship
hit the planet, yet it survived the impact. Whoever designed this baby
knew what they were doing.
[DAX] No viewscreen. No chairs.
[BRIEN] No EPS conduits, no microfusion initiators. No power
converters, at least none that I can find.
[SISKO] I suppose getting this ship up and running won't be easy.
[BRIEN] I can't even determine if it has a warp drive.
[DAX] I wonder if this is what all the Jem'Hadar ships are like?
[SISKO] The bigger question is what's a Jem'Hadar ship doing all the way
out here? We're at least three weeks from the nearest Dominion outpost.
(Muniz enters)
[MUNIZ] Captain, there are twenty nine other bodies. No survivors.
[SISKO] Can we use the runabout's tractor beam to haul this thing into
orbit? This would be the greatest intelligence find in the last ten
years. We're not going to leave it here to rust. What do you say,
[BRIEN] We're not going to haul it out with a runabout.
[SISKO] Then we need something with a little more muscle.
(Quark and Bashir are coming up on the turbolift
with Odo.)
[BASHIR] Will you let the Major be the judge of that.
[QUARK] What I'm saying is, if you're going to prosecute me I demand
that you prosecute my co-conspirator.
[BASHIR] I'm not a conspirator.
[ODO] What would you call yourself, Doctor?
[BASHIR] An idiot.
[QUARK] I'll buy that.
[BASHIR] For asking your help in the first place.
(Captain's office)
[KIRA] Would someone please tell me what's going on
[ODO] Quark brought aboard a shipment of Regalian fleaspiders without an
import permit.
[QUARK] He asked for them!
[BASHIR] The spiders were for you, Major. I can synthesise a drug from
their venom that should improve your circulation. But I didn't know I
needed a permit to import them.
[KIRA] So what's the problem? Fill out the paperwork.
[ODO] It's not that simple any more. It seems that Quark took the
opportunity to import illegal Regalian liquid crystals along with the
fleaspiders. The crystals are a highly intoxicating and sometimes
dangerous aphrodisiac.
[QUARK] What's love without danger?
[KIRA] I don't have time for this. I just spoke with Captain Sisko. They
found a crashed Jem'Hadar ship in the Gamma Quadrant. They need the
Defiant right away. I'll be back in about a week.
[BASHIR] When do we leave?
[KIRA] I'm leaving right away. I'd say you have some legal problems to
work out.
(Kira leaves)
[ODO] Gentlemen.
(Crash site)
(The wreck has been cleaned of loose material.)
[BRIEN] It's embedded about ninety metres into the rock. If I can
shake it loose by firing the main thrusters, hauling it out of here'll
be a lot easier.
[SISKO] There's a problem.
[BRIEN] Well, to fire the main thrusters, I need to calibrate the
plasma injectors. So far, I can't get a grip the ion regulator.
[MUNIZ] Want to try a hyper-spanner above the matrix? It might open it
up a bit.
[BRIEN] Maybe we won't send you to waste extraction after all, Muniz.
[WORF] Captain, we buried the bodies on the other side of that ridge.
The DNA readings. Forty two Jem'Hadar. One Vorta.
[HOYA (OC)] Hoya to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[HOYA (OC)] A Jem'Hadar warship
[HOYA] Has just dropped out of warp.
[SISKO (OC)] Break orbit and get out of sight
[HOYA] They've locked phasers on us. Hard to port.
[HOYA] Shields are down! Engage warp
(Crash site)
(There's a short fiery streak in the bright sky.
Then Jem'Hadar unshroud and attack.
T'Lor is killed.)
[SISKO] Inside. We don't stand a chance in the open.
(Muniz is shot in the stomach as they all scramble into the crashed
ship and shut the hatch.)
(Jem'Hadar ship corridor)
[DAX] We may not be safer in here. The Jem'Hadar can
transport through just about anything.
(There are footsteps on the hull overhead.)
[WORF] Why do they not come?
[SISKO] Give them time. Watch our backs, Commander. We're moving to the
Command Centre.
[BRIEN] Can you walk?
[MUNIZ] Faster than you can.
(Jem'Hadar ship Command centre)
[SISKO] Let me take a look at this.
[MUNIZ] I'm all right, Captain. I've had worse transporter burns.
[SISKO] Where's the medkit?
[DAX] T'lor had it.
[MUNIZ] I don't need it, sir. I'll be all right.
[SISKO] We have to stop the bleeding.
[BRIEN] I'll take care of that. Transporter burn. I'm all right,
Captain. Always kissing up to the officers, aren't you, Muniz?
[MUNIZ] Just following your example. You're my hero. Hey!
[BRIEN] I have to get to the wound.
[MUNIZ] But this is my best uniform. It's the only one that fits right.
[BRIEN] Don't worry, when we get back, we'll have Garak make you a new
[MUNIZ] How long 'til the Defiant gets here?
[BRIEN] Two and a half days.
[MUNIZ] Don't worry, jefe. I'll get you through this.
[BRIEN] I feel better already.
(Later. Dax enters with a battery pack for O'Brien.)
[DAX] We've only got one portable generator. The rest are at the base
camp. Looks like you need a new bandage, Enrique.
(Lights come up.)
[SISKO] Ah. Thanks, Chief.
[BRIEN] I'll take it from here, Commander. Quique, do me a favour.
Please, stop bleeding before I run out of clothes.
(O'Brien is using his sleeves as bandages.)
[MUNIZ] I'll do the best I can.
[SISKO] What do you make of this, old man?
[DAX] My guess, it's some kind of virtual sensory display. The Jem'Hadar
equivalent of our viewscreen?
[SISKO] There are only two headsets. One for the Vorta and one for the
Jem'Hadar First.
[DAX] I guess they're the only ones that get to see what's going on
[KILANA (OC)] (female voice) Captain Sisko. My name is Kilana. I'm the
Vorta in charge of the Jem'Hadar troops surrounding you. If you touch
the triangular green panel on any of the control consoles, you'll be
able to speak to me.
[DAX] They know your name.
[SISKO] They always seem to be one step ahead of us. This is Captain
[KILANA (OC)] Captain, I'm so happy to hear your voice. I heard there
were some casualties among your crew and I feared you may have been one
of them.
[SISKO] Thank you for your concern. What do you want?
[KILANA (OC)] To talk. I think it would be in everyone's best interest
if you and I met face-to-face and discussed the situation, like
reasonable people.
[SISKO] I can be reasonable.
[KILANA (OC)] So I've heard. One escort each. Agreed?
[SISKO] Agreed.
(Crash site)
[KILANA] Your photograph doesn't do you justice.
You're quite striking in person.
[SISKO] Look, I'm a little busy, so let's skip the flattery.
[KILANA] Weyoun's report on you was right. You are direct. I like that.
So let me cut to the chase. I believe that is the correct expression.
This is our ship. We want it back.
[SISKO] Was your ship. Now it's mine.
[KILANA] Captain, I'm a little disappointed. That's the attitude of a
thief, not a Starfleet captain with a reputation for integrity. This is
clearly our property. What gives you any claim to it?
[SISKO] An old legal tradition. Salvage rights. We found a wrecked ship
and a dead crew, and we found it first.
[KILANA] A very interesting position. But I'm afraid the Dominion
doesn't recognise that tradition. What may be even more to the point,
we have you completely surrounded and outnumbered. Would you like
something to eat, Captain? Or maybe something to drink?
(Jem'Hadar ship corridor)
(A Jem'Hadar beams in and shrouds himself.)
(Crash site)
(A Jem'Hadar brings a small tray with nibbles and a
cup and a flask on it.)
[KILANA] These are q'lavas. A personal favourite. They're not poisonous,
if that's what you're thinking.
[SISKO] Not to you, anyway.
[KILANA] I hope you're not teaching Jake to be this suspicious,
Benjamin. Or do you prefer Ben?
[SISKO] Captain will be fine.
[KILANA] I'm sure it's my fault that we seem unable to establish an
understanding between us, Captain. I'm sorry I'm not more experienced
in these matters. This is my first mission outside the Dominion and my
very first dealing with anyone from the Federation. I know you have no
reason to trust me, but I hope you'll at least try to consider my offer
with an open mind.
[SISKO] I'm listening.
[KILANA] If you'll leave our ship, I'll take you and your crew back to
your space station unharmed. Our accommodations may not be lavish, but
I promise you'll all be well cared for, especially your wounded.
[SISKO] If you think I'm going to deliver my people into your hands
without a fight then this really must be your first mission.
(Jem'Hadar ship Command centre)
[DAX] I'd love to know how the Captain's doing. Any
chance you can get this thing working?
[BRIEN] Not right away. I'm still trying to get the main power grid
[DAX] What's that?
(Jem'Hadar ship corridor)
(O'Brien spots a device fastened to a bulkhead.)
[BRIEN] That wasn't here before.
[DAX] You sure?
[BRIEN] Positive.
[DAX] (off tricorder) Some kind of sensor device.
[BRIEN] Whatever it is, it doesn't look too friendly.
(The Jem'Hadar attacks them.)
(Crash site)
[WORF] Captain, they're in the ship!
(Kilana and her escort beam away.)
(Jem'Hadar ship corridor)
(The Jem'Hadar finally knocks out Dax and is about
to stab O'Brien when he gets shot)
[BRIEN] I knew it. You've been goldbricking all along.
[MUNIZ] Like I said, you taught me everything I know.
(Jem'Hadar ship Command centre)
(O'Brien has the alien device)
[BRIEN] Whatever this sensor was supposed to do, it did it and then
shut down.
[DAX] Probably a surveillance device to find out how many of us there
are, how many weapons we have.
[SISKO] I don't think so. They seem to know all that already.
[DAX] It doesn't make sense. If he had a rifle, O'Brien and I would be
dead. But all he had was a knife.
[WORF] And why send only one Jem'Hadar?
[SISKO] There's something about this ship. Something so important they
won't risk destroying it in a full-on assault.
[WORF] If that is true, then we must find out what it is.
[DAX] Captain, the first thing we need to do is make a structural scan
of the ship. Make our own blueprints.
[SISKO] Get started.
[MUNIZ] I'm leaking like a ruptured plasma conduit aren't I, sir?
[BRIEN] It's not that bad.
[MUNIZ] You're lying.
[BRIEN] What makes you say that?
[MUNIZ] I called you sir and you didn't even flinch. I must be dying.
[BRIEN] Now you listen to me, Quique. You're not dying unless I say
you're dying. And I say you're going to make it.
[SISKO] How are you doing, Muniz?
[MUNIZ] We seem to be having a difference of opinion on that one, sir.
But I would like to file a complaint. The nurses around here are all
[BRIEN] You watch it or I'll tighten this bandage like a tourniquet.
[MUNIZ] And as for bedside manner, I've known nicer voles. Certainly
prettier ones.
[BRIEN] You keep moving around, you won't need any nurse.
[SISKO] Listen to the Chief, Muniz. Save your strength.
(O'Brien and Sisko leave Muniz in the corner.)
[BRIEN] I'm worried about him, Captain. I can't stop the bleeding.
[SISKO] Maybe it's a side effect of the Jem'Hadar weapons. They must
leave some kind of anti-coagulant.
[BRIEN] If I don't get him to a medical bay soon he's not going to
make it.
[SISKO] None of us are going to make it if we don't get this ship
operational. I need to get the power grid functioning and the aft
turret weapon online. You're the only one who can do that. I'll take
care of Muniz.
[BRIEN] Captain
[SISKO] You have your orders.
[BRIEN] Yes, sir.
(Jem'Hadar ship corridor)
[DAX] Chief, structurally, a lot about this ship's
design matches the other Jem'Hadar warships we've seen.
[WORF] But there are significant differences. There are many systems
that we are completely unfamiliar with.
[BRIEN] I can start to restore power to the systems one at a time.
That'll give us a chance to test them and establish their functions.
But it's going to take a while.
[WORF] How long?
[BRIEN] I wish I knew.
[DAX] Well, you can do it, Chief. I don't think a ship's been invented a
ship that you can't figure out. Muniz is strong. He'll make it.
[WORF] No, he will not. He will not see tomorrow.
[BRIEN] You keep that to yourself. I don't want him to hear that kind
of talk.
[WORF] It does no good to shield him from the truth. Let him prepare for
[BRIEN] The hell I will. His only hope is to keep fighting. If he
gives up, it's over.
[WORF] It was over the moment he was shot by the Jem'Hadar.
[BRIEN] Now you listen to me. That boy's life is in our hands and I
won't let anybody give up on him.
[DAX] Worf, what do you say we go take a look at that ion exchange
matrix we found. And on the way maybe we can discuss some of the finer
points of diplomacy.
(Jem'Hadar ship Command centre)
(Muniz is shivering, going into shock.)
[KILANA (OC)] Captain Sisko. Captain, you're annoyed with me. I
understand. You feel betrayed, and with good reason. But I really think
we should talk. If it will make you feel better, I'll come unarmed and
without an escort but I won't hold you to the same restrictions.
(Crash site)
(Sisko keeps a phaser rifle pointed at her.)
[SISKO] You have something to say, say it.
[KILANA] Sending the Jem'Hadar into the ship was a mistake and I
apologise. I trust no one was hurt? But what choice did I have? Just
like you have to protect the lives of your men I have to protect our
(pause) property. But I do hope we can put that behind us and move on.
[SISKO] Move on to what?
[KILANA] I'm sure it's obvious by now there's something on the ship we
want. You allow me and my men to retrieve the item, we'll leave. You
can keep the ship.
[SISKO] How about this? You tell me what it is you want and I'll bring
it out to you.
[KILANA] I'm afraid I can't do that.
[SISKO] Don't you trust me?
[KILANA] I'd like to, Captain, But I can't. Not under these
circumstances. There's simply too much at stake for us.
[SISKO] We've got a lot at stake, too. I won't risk the lives of my
[KILANA] It seems we're approaching an impasse.
[SISKO] We've already arrived.
[KILANA] How unfortunate. Then negotiations have ended.
(Kilana beams out. Sisko runs back to the hatch just before the first
whumph! The shells keep falling at regular intervals now.)
(Jem'Hadar ship Command centre)
[DAX] I take it things could have gone better.
[BRIEN] All the ship's systems are shutting down, Captain.
[SISKO] I need to know what's going on out there. Chief, get me some
sensor readings. Dax, take care of Muniz.
[MUNIZ] I can't feel my legs.
[DAX] Don't worry, they're there.
[BRIEN] I've managed to bypass the virtual display interface and hook
up a tricorder to the ship's sensor array. Those are ultritium
concussion shells they're detonating.
[DAX] Without shields, a direct hit would destroy us.
[WORF] I do not believe they're trying to hit us. Their targeting
systems cannot be that ineffective.
[BRIEN] They're trying to rattle us.
[SISKO] And we're not going to let them do that. The Vorta doesn't want
the ship, she wants something aboard it.
[BRIEN] Any idea what?
[SISKO] Could be anything. Encoding device, guidance system.
[DAX] Maybe she lost an earring.
[SISKO] Whatever it is, it's keeping us alive. Find it. Chief, I need
that weapon.
[BRIEN] I still have to charge the emitter arrays.
[SISKO] Stay on it.
[BRIEN] You have your weapon, sir.
[SISKO] Nice work, Mister O'Brien.
[BRIEN] But the bad news is, the turret is stuck. It can only fire in
one direction.
[SISKO] Maybe we'll get lucky and the Jem'Hadar will pick that place to
[BRIEN] Easy, Quique. There's nothing to be afraid of.
[MUNIZ] I'm not afraid, Papa. It's beautiful. Precioso. Better than last
year, don't you think? Los cuehetes, the fireworks of the carnival,
they're terrific, aren't they?
[BRIEN] Easy, Quique.
[MUNIZ] The colours, like a thousand shooting stars. (boom) That was a
good one.
[BRIEN] Yeah, that was a good one.
[DAX] I'll say one thing for the Jem'Hadar, they travel light. No cargo,
no storage compartments. I did find these data crystals in one of the
computer rooms. There may be some encoded information on them but the
crystal structure has been randomised.
[SISKO] In other words, they're blank.
[DAX] As far as I can tell. It would help if we knew what we were
looking for.
[SISKO] But we don't.
(Muniz is still watching the fireworks with his papa when Worf enters
with a piece of equipment.)
[WORF] Commander.
[DAX] What is it?
[WORF] It may have been the Vorta's computer console. I found it in one
of the upper compartments, but the power grid is offline in that part
of the ship.
[DAX] So you ripped it out of the wall. Very nice. So what do we do with
it now? Use it for a doorstop?
[WORF] I do not care what you do with it.
[DAX] Worf I was kidding. It was a good idea. We'll hook it up and see
if we can get it working. You'd think they'd be tired of playing this
game with us by now.
[WORF] I have a game I would like to play with them. If only I could
leave this prison and meet them face-to-face on a field of battle.
[DAX] Right now that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Chief, could you
take a look at that console?
[WORF] That is no way for anyone to die.
[BRIEN] I told you, he is not going to die.
[WORF] It is only a matter of time.
[BRIEN] So we might as well kill him, right?
[WORF] If you truly are his friend, you would consider that option. It
would be a more honourable death than the one he's enduring.
[BRIEN] I'm not some bloodthirsty Klingon looking for an excuse to
murder my friend.
[SISKO] That's enough.
[WORF] No. You're just another weak human afraid to face death.
(O'Brien takes a swing at Worf which is easily stopped)
[SISKO] I said, that's enough! You're Starfleet officers. Now start
acting like it!
[DAX] Tough guys. A little pressure and they buckle.
[SISKO] Dax! Maybe you haven't noticed, but no one's laughing. Now I
know it's hot, we're filthy, tired, And we've got ten isotons of
explosives going off outside, but we will never get out of this if we
don't pull it together and start to act like professionals. Chief, I
want that power grid up and running.
[BRIEN] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] Commander Worf, see if you can get that turret to rotate.
[WORF] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] Dax, search the ship again and again until you find what the
Vorta wants.
[DAX] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] And you, Mister Muniz. Your orders are to stay alive.
Captain's log, supplemental. The Jem'Hadar barrage
has continued on and off for ten hours. Chief O'Brien has restored main
power and helm control. If we can bring the ship's engines online we
may be able to lift off and escape from here.
(Jem'Hadar ship Command centre)
[BRIEN] As soon as we finish calibrating the
induction reactors, we can fire up the main core.
[SISKO] Good. Because unless there are any objections, I'd like to get
the hell off this planet.
[BRIEN] I'm for that.
[DAX] Ready, Chief.
[BRIEN] I could use a couple more hours to fine tune the magnetic flux
couplers but under the circumstances, now's as good a time as any.
[SISKO] Then let's do it. Everyone brace yourselves. This is going to be
a rough ride. Commence launch sequence.
[WORF] Ion thrusters fully charged.
[SISKO] Ventral impellers, one quarter.
[WORF] Plasma compensators, online.
[SISKO] Thrusters to one half.
(The ship starts to shake and rumble.)
[DAX] Chief, I'm getting some low frequency resonance in the main
reactor housing.
[BRIEN] That's all right. Just keep compensating with the inertial
[DAX] Dampers are at maximum.
[WORF] We need more power.
[SISKO] Ventral jets to one half.
[DAX] It's working, captain. These engines just might shake us loose.
[SISKO] Increase power to one half.
[DAX] Main reactor housing destabilising.
[WORF] Reactor containment fields overloading.
[BRIEN] Induction dampers disintegrating. Captain, if we don't cut
power now we'll have a core breach.
(A console explodes.)
[SISKO] Disengage thrusters. Power down all systems.
(The explosions outside continue.)
[SISKO] How bad?
[BRIEN] Main power grid is completely fused. Structural integrity
field has collapsed.
[SISKO] We'll have to wait until the Defiant gets here. She'll be able
to pull us out of here with a tractor beam. Which means we have thirty
six hours to make repairs. You all know what to do.
[BRIEN] I could really use your help now, Quique.
(But Muniz has died. Bummer. Later, Dax comforts Sisko.)
[SISKO] I told Muniz he was going to make it.
[DAX] That's what a captain's supposed to say.
[SISKO] I have got to get this ship back to the station, old man. Five
people have died on this mission. I want to be able to tell their
families why.
[DAX] Ben.
(A drop of liquid falls from the ceiling. Then another. A piece of
equipment morphs.)
[SISKO] It's a changeling.
(It tries to attack them but can't manage it. It oozes down and
[DAX] It can't hold its shape. It's dying.
[SISKO] Then we're in trouble. That's what the Vorta's been looking for,
a Founder. No wonder the Jem'Hadar wouldn't attack.
[DAX] They couldn't risk killing one of their gods.
(The groans are heard outside by Kilana and the Jem'Hadar.)
[DAX] The bombing's stopped.
[SISKO] Prepare for an assault. Tell Worf to man the
(Kilana beams in alone)
[SISKO] Where are your soldiers?
[KILANA] They're dead. They killed themselves.
[DAX] Why?
[SISKO] Because they allowed a Founder to die.
(Dax leaves)
[KILANA] You should've trusted me.
[SISKO] How could I? The first word out of your mouth was a lie. This
isn't your first mission outside the Dominion, is it?
[KILANA] I regret saying that, but my offer was genuine. All that
mattered to me was the Founder.
[SISKO] Then you should have told me about him.
[KILANA] You might have killed him or made him a hostage.
[SISKO] No. All I wanted was the ship.
[KILANA] And I was willing to let you take it. So, this is how it ends.
[DAX] It's true. The Jem'Hadar died by their own hands.
[SISKO] Muniz, the runabout crew, your soldiers, they'd all still be
alive if we had trusted each other.
[KILANA] I have no way of stopping you from taking the ship. All I ask
is that you allow me to remove some of the Founder's remains.
[SISKO] Of course.
(Kilana puts some Founder ash into a vial.)
[KILANA] Do you have any gods, Captain Sisko?
[SISKO] There are things I believe in.
[KILANA] Duty? Starfleet? The Federation? You must be pleased with
yourself. You have the ship to take back to them. I hope it was worth
[SISKO] So do I.
(Mess hall)
[DAX] What did Starfleet have to say about our
[SISKO] They're pleased.
[DAX] That's all? Just pleased?
[SISKO] Very pleased. They're giving us all medals.
[DAX] I'll add it to my collection.
[SISKO] Starfleet Command is waiting for my official report, but every
time I try to get it started, I find myself staring at the casualty
list and reading the same five names over and over again. T'Lor,
Rooney, Bertram, Hoya, Muniz.
[DAX] It may sound cruel, but we both know that ship out there was worth
it. Those five deaths may save five thousand lives, or maybe even five
[SISKO] And if I had to make the same trade all over again, I would. But
five people are dead. Fine men and women who deserved a lot more than
to die on some lonely planet fifty thousand light years away from home.
When you were at the Academy, was Professor Somak teaching?
[DAX] Moral and ethical issues of command.
[SISKO] I remember her favourite speech. Always maintain emotional
distance between yourself and those under your command.
[DAX] It's good advice.
[SISKO] And I try to follow it. But it's a lot more complicated outside
of the classroom. Did you know that Jake and Muniz have the same
birthday? That I performed the ceremony at Hoya's wedding? And Rooney,
he could play the trumpet. I heard him at Quark's once and he had the
people dancing in the aisles.
[DAX] I remember. And you know something else I remember about him? How
proud he was to wear his uniform. And how proud he was to serve under
you. The same as Hoya, T'Lor, Bertram and Muniz. They chose a life in
Starfleet. They knew the risks and they died fighting for something
that they believed in.
[SISKO] That doesn't make it any easier.
[DAX] Maybe nothing should.
(Defiant Cargo bay)
(O'Brien is sitting talking to a torpedo casing.)
[BRIEN] We used a phase-conjugate graviton emitter in the tractor
beam. That baby came out of the rock first time. You would've loved it,
[WORF] I did not mean to interrupt.
[BRIEN] It's all right.
[WORF] You are performing ak'voh for your friend.
[BRIEN] I am?
[WORF] Yes. It's an old Klingon tradition. When a warrior dies in
battle, his comrades stay with the body to keep away predators. That
allows the spirit to leave the body when it is ready for the long
journey to Sto'Vo'Kor.
[BRIEN] That's a fine tradition. (Worf sits.) What are you doing?
[WORF] We will both keep the predators away.
[BRIEN] I'm sure Quique would like that. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e97", "title": "The Ship"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Looking for Par'Mach
In All The Wrong Places
for Par'Mach In All The Wrong Places
Original Airdate: 14 Oct, 1996
(Bashir hears raised voices from the O'Brien's
quarters, but when he stops to listen, Quark appears.)
[QUARK] Doctor?
[BASHIR] Oh! Hello, Quark.
[QUARK] Let me guess. Eavesdropping on the battling O'Briens?
[BASHIR] Don't be ridiculous.
[QUARK] Such language. I hope Molly's not around.
[BASHIR] You can hear what they're saying in there?
[QUARK] How could I not?
[BASHIR] What are they saying?
[QUARK] Let's use a little discretion, shall we? He's done something.
She's outraged. He thinks she's overreacting. She thinks he's trying to
run her life. Pretty boring actually, but to hear them you'd think it
was a matter of life and death.
[KEIKO] Hello, Julian.
[BASHIR] Oh. Hello.
[KEIKO] Quark.
[QUARK] Mrs O'Brien.
(Keiko goes into her quarters.)
[BASHIR] I thought you said the O'Briens were arguing in there.
[QUARK] Not Miles and Keiko. The other O'Briens, Miles and Kira.
[BASHIR] What do they have to argue about?
[QUARK] Miles hid Kira's springball racket because she's carrying his
baby and he doesn't want her taking any risks, and she doesn't want him
controlling her
[BASHIR] What?
[QUARK] Keiko made them stop. Now they're in the 'let's talk this out
and share our feelings' part of the fight. Show's over.
[BASHIR] Oh, well. I mean, good.
[WORF] It is the power of his voice, the strength of
his intonation that make Barak-kadan a great singer. There are none
like him.
[DAX] None as boring anyway. He never varies his performance, by even a
[WORF] I prefer traditional opera performed in the traditional manner.
[DAX] You know, for a Klingon who was raised by humans, wears a
Starfleet uniform and drinks prune juice, you're pretty attached to
tradition. But that's okay. I like a man riddled with contradictions.
(Worf sees Grilka (from House
of Quark) and her entourage come out of the airlock onto the
[DAX] That's a welcome sight. The peace talks must be going well if the
Klingons are back on the station. Worf?
[WORF] Did you see her?
[DAX] The Klingon woman?
[WORF] She was glorious.
(Grilka and co go into Quarks)
[DAX] Her? She's okay.
[WORF] I have never seen such a woman. Who is she? What house is she
from? I do not recognise her family crest.
(Grilka goes over to Quark, makes a pretence of going for her dagger,
then they embrace.)
[WORF] She's a friend of the Ferengi.
[DAX] Now I remember who she is. Her name is Grilka. And she's not just
Quark's friend. She's his ex-wife.
[QUARK] Maparian ale with just a hint of pazafer, as
I recall.
[GRILKA] You remember. I'm honoured.
[QUARK] How could I forget? You're the only Klingon I know who drinks
something besides bloodwine, or prune juice.
[GRILKA] Prune juice?
[QUARK] Forget it. To the House of Grilka. May it continue to be as
strong and proud as its lady is beautiful.
[GRILKA] You may not have been the ideal husband but you are an
excellent bartender.
[QUARK] I know of no greater compliment. So, what brings you to my
humble establishment? Business or pleasure?
[GRILKA] The recent hostilities between the Federation and the Empire
have been very costly to my family. We have suffered great losses in
ships, lands, warriors.
[QUARK] War. What is it good for? If you ask me, absolutely nothing.
[GRILKA] The financial cost was significant.
[QUARK] I have got an idea. Why don't I take a look at your financial
records? I know that's not why you're here. I'm sure it's simply a
social visit, but maybe I could help.
[GRILKA] Very well. If it pleases you, I will allow you access to the
[QUARK] Thank you.
(Grilka and Tumek leave, then Thopok puts his hands on Quark's
[THOPOK] Hear this, Ferengi. Help Grilka and you live. Fail and I will
kill you myself.
(This is Phil
Morris, who was in Miri and ST3)
[DAX] And even though it was an accident, Quark took
credit for killing Grilka's husband.
[WORF] Why?
[DAX] As a way of boosting business at the bar. And it worked. But then
Grilka kidnapped Quark and took him back to the Klingon Homeworld and
married him.
[WORF] Why?
[DAX] I'm getting to that. As a woman, Grilka was forbidden to lead her
House. By marrying Quark she was able to retain control through him.
Eventually, she convinced the Council to give her control and she
divorced Quark on the spot. As far as I know, that's the last time they
saw each other.
[WORF] A marriage of convenience.
[DAX] Certainly for Grilka. I'm not sure how convenient it was for
[WORF] His opinion is of no consequence. He is unworthy of such a prize
as she.
[DAX] Worf, it sounds like you have got a bad case of par'Mach.
[SISKO] Is that contagious?
[DAX] Par'Mach is the Klingon word for love, but with more aggressive
[SISKO] Love? Worf?
[DAX] Stranger things have happened.
[SISKO] Especially around here.
[BASHIR] This should alleviate Kira's sneezing.
[BRIEN] Should?
[BASHIR] Bajoran women have been sneezing their way through pregnancy
for over a hundred thousand years. You can't expect me to cure it
overnight. You know, I heard a rumour the Jerries may trying to cross
the Channel this evening. Maybe we should have a surprise waiting for
(O'Brien sniffs the respirator and sneezes.)
[BASHIR] Serves you right.
[BRIEN] I can't go to the holosuite tonight. Kira and I have some
things to work out.
[BASHIR] Still fighting, huh?
[BRIEN] Who said we were fighting?
[BASHIR] Word gets around. It's a small station.
[BRIEN] It's a huge station.
[BASHIR] Obviously not huge enough.
[BRIEN] Well, for your information, we're not fighting.
[BASHIR] Glad to hear it. Bajoran takeo herbs for Kira's swollen ankles.
She'll need to dissolve them in some kind of fruit juice before
ingesting them.
[BRIEN] I hope they taste better than those makara herbs you gave her.
[BASHIR] Are you sampling all her medications?
[BRIEN] No. Kira didn't like the taste. Oh by the way, I almost
forgot. She er, she has a rash on the back of her thighs. Do you have a
salve or something?
[BASHIR] How long has she had it?
[BRIEN] Well, I noticed it yesterday when I was helping her out of the
bathtub, so she's had it at least a day.
[BASHIR] Helping her out of the tub?
[BRIEN] She's living in my house. She's having my baby.
[BASHIR] So did you look?
[BRIEN] What? Oh, please. I was holding a towel up in front of her.
[BASHIR] How does Keiko feel about you helping Kira out of the tub?
[BRIEN] Keiko feels fine about it. You see, we are adults. We've
developed a close, mature relationship.
[BASHIR] I'm sure that Keiko and Kira have. But you?
[BRIEN] What about me?
[BASHIR] I bet you looked.
(Grilka, Tumek and Thopok are at a table. Worf goes
over to Morn, who is signalling for a refill.)
[WORF] I will apologize for this at another time. You are in my seat!
(Worf throws Morn off his seat and sits down)
[WORF] Bartender! Bloodwine! What is that smell? Is there a pile of
rotting forshak in here?
(Worf glowers at Thopok.)
[WORF] Or is it you. Stand when I talk to you. Do you think it is funny?
(Worf goes to the table, throwing chairs out of his way.)
[TUMEK] Mev'Yap! Worf, Son of Mogh. Come, join me.
(Tumek leads Worf to a quiet corner.)
[TUMEK] Challenging Thopok to a fight is a waste of time. Grilka cannot
mate with you, now or ever. Your House is dishonoured. Your name is a
[WORF] I meant no disrespect.
[TUMEK] You showed none. I'm sure your motives were honourable. Do not
let it trouble you too much. In truth, I doubt it would've been a good
[WORF] Why?
[TUMEK] Have you ever pursued a Klingon woman?
[WORF] No.
[TUMEK] There's no shame in that. You were raised by Humans, you wear
their uniform, you accept their values. How could you know anything
about our women?
[WORF] You'd be surprised what I know.
[TUMEK] Perhaps. But we will not find out here. It is the wish of the
Lady Grilka that you leave us now, son of Mogh, and do not return.
(That cracking sound is a breaking heart.)
(Mess hall)
[WORF] I am a fool.
[DAX] You're in love. Which I suppose is the same thing. You're making
too much out of this, Worf. Tumek said Grilka wasn't offended. She was
probably flattered.
[WORF] There is no flattery in a great lady being courted by a traitor.
[DAX] Is that what's really bothering you? Or is it that Tumek said that
you didn't know anything about Klingon women, and you're afraid he's
(Quark enters)
[WORF] What do you want?
[QUARK] I want to talk to Dax if that's all right with you. I need help.
Grilka invited me to dinner and I need to brush up on Klingon manners
and protocol and all that.
[WORF] She invited you to dinner?
[QUARK] In her quarters. A private dinner. A very private dinner.
(Worf gets up and stands by the bulkhead, sulking.)
[QUARK] What's wrong with him?
[DAX] He's having a bad day.
[QUARK] That's a shame. Well, when Grilka and I were married there
wasn't a lot of affection involved. So what does a Klingon woman expect
from a man? Are there any secret Klingon phrases I should know, or do
we just leap on each other like a pair of crazed voles?
[DAX] Quark, Klingon mating rituals are very involved. It's not just a
one night affair.
[QUARK] Two nights. Whatever. Look, I'm serious. Grilka and I, we have
something. I'm not sure what, but I want to pursue it.
[DAX] For sex?
[QUARK] No. Well, that too. But there's more. She's glorious.
[DAX] So I hear. Look, if you're serious about this, then you have to go
slow at dinner. No innuendo, no staring at her cleavage.
[QUARK] So what do I do?
[DAX] You talk. You ask her about her family's history and their
accomplishments. She'll consider this a great sign of respect.
[QUARK] Respect? Okay, okay, I can do that. Anything else?
[WORF] Grilka is from the Mekro'vak region. It is customary among her
people that the man to bring a leg of a lingta to the first courtship
dinner. Make sure it's fresh, as if you had just killed it. Then use
the leg to sweep aside everything on the table and declare in a loud
voice, 'I have brought you this. From this day, I wish to provide food
for you and your House. All I ask is to share your company and do
honour to your name.'
[QUARK] Then what?
[DAX] Well, either she accepts your offer or she has her bodyguard
shatter every bone in your body.
[QUARK] Sounds reasonable.
(Kira's room)
(Kira is getting an ankle massage.)
[KIRA] Did your father just sit you down one day and say, right, Miles,
it's time to teach you about massaging pregnant women.'
[BRIEN] It's an O'Brien survival technique. My mother hated being
pregnant. My father's massages were the only things that kept her from
killing everyone.
[KIRA] Sounds like me.
[BRIEN] Pretty much. She didn't swear in Bajoran but she did like to
use what she called descriptive phrases.
(Keiko enters with some clothes and a pair of boots.)
[KIRA] Are those my uniforms?
[KEIKO] Garak finished the alterations and sent these along. He
guarantees the insoles will help your feet.
[KIRA] Ow! Ow! Ow!
[KEIKO] That wasn't very convincing. I think she's actually enjoying it,
Miles. You'd better press harder if you want her to suffer.
[BRIEN] Harder it is.
(Keiko leaves as O'Brien moves onto Kira's lower back.)
[KIRA] Ow. You're a sadist, Miles Edward O'Brien. Was your father this
cruel to your mother?
[BRIEN] Worse. I'd swear sometimes you'd hear her screams halfway
across Ireland. The neighbours didn't know whether to be worried or
(And onto the shoulders.)
[KIRA] Here. You miss Ireland?
[BRIEN] You know, if you'd asked me that a year ago, I would have said
no. But lately, I don't know why, I've been daydreaming about home.
Maybe I'm getting nostalgic in my old age.
[KIRA] You've got leave coming. Take three weeks and go.
[BRIEN] If I left, who'd give you foot massages?
[KIRA] Take me along. I can think of worse things than spending three
weeks in Ireland with you.
[BRIEN] Me too.
(The massaging stops. Keiko enters again and now they're embarrassed.)
[KEIKO] Don't stop on my account.
[BRIEN] Oh. Right.
(Klingon opera is playing through the comm.
system, and Worf is singing along with the male lead)
[FEMALE (OC)] BOOOOW-cha-daaay
[MALE] KEEEY-cha-daaay
[FEMALE (OC)] Me-YO-ca-BEEN-evaaa-kaa-MOOOOR
[MALE] LIIING-tomaaa
(Quark enters)
[FEMALE (OC)] Oh-ma-do-VEE-kos ZOOOOOOO!
[MALE] Oh-ma-do-VEE-ko ZOOOOOOO!
[QUARK] Ahem.
(Worf turns off the music.)
[QUARK] I'm not going to ask. Look, I came here to thank you for last
night. Grilka loved it. All of it. Everything I did, everything I said
it was perfect.
[WORF] So, I don't know anything about Klingon women.
[QUARK] She said I had the heart of a Basai Master, whatever that is.
[WORF] It is a poet.
[QUARK] A poet? I guess I can live with that.
[WORF] What else happened?
[QUARK] She spent about an hour talking about her family history. A
rather long and bloody tale, but what else is new? Then we ate the
lingta, which tasted really bad, listened to some noise which she
called Klingon music, and I left.
[WORF] A perfect evening.
[QUARK] Almost. Her bodyguard was giving me threatening looks all night.
[WORF] That is to be expected. The idea of a Ferengi courting a great
lady is offensive.
[QUARK] You know, it's attitudes like that that keep you people from
getting invited to all the really good parties.
[WORF] The heart of a Basai Master. She said that?
[QUARK] Could I make that up? I'm telling you, Worf, she responded
perfectly. You really have the key to this woman's heart. The question
is, can you help me unlock it?
[WORF] Yes. I can. We have work to do.
(Holosuite - Hall of Warriors)
(Quark and Dax are playing Kahless and Lukara, and
fighting enemies whilst Worf paces around. Dax
dispatches her foe but Quark is about to be killed.)
[DAX] Quark!
(The programme freezes. Dax signals an upward thrust. Quark takes the
hint and kills his opponent on the resume.)
[DAX] MoVas ah-kee rustak!
[WORF] (prompting) Kosh tomah.
[QUARK] Kosh tomoh I mean tomah ehpaq Lukara kaVeir.
[DAX] Ish-tovee chuCH thling nuq?
[QUARK] Besh besh-opar gree uchan argh. Besh opar gee urchun omaH te,
te, te-doQ maugh-shta.
[WORF] Enough. You say the words, but there is no feeling behind them,
no passion.
[QUARK] Having to learn all this Klingonese isn't helping my
[WORF] Do not think of it as a performance. Believe in where you are.
Put yourself in this time, in this place. A thousand years ago, the
dawn of the Empire, five hundred warriors storm the Great Hall at
Qam-Chee. The city garrison fled before them. Only the Emperor Kahless
and the Lady Lukara stood their ground. It was here that they began the
greatest romance in Klingon history.
[QUARK] This is ridiculous! I'm surrounded by corpses, my shoes are
dripping with blood, and you want me to feel romantic? Why am I putting
myself through this?
[DAX] Because later that night, Kahless and Lukara jumped on each other
like a pair of crazed voles. Grrr.
[QUARK] Yeah? One more time.
(Security office)
[ODO] This is the fourth theft of equipment from
upper pylon three this month.
[KIRA] I don't know how they keep doing it. We've changed the security
protocols three times now.
[ODO] It's not the security arrangements that are at fault here. It's
our friend the Chief of Operations.
[KIRA] Miles? What did he do?
[ODO] It's what he's not doing. He still hasn't finished upgrading the
structural integrity field on upper pylon three, so half the bulkheads
are torn open. A child could find a way into those cargo bays.
[KIRA] Look, Miles is a very busy man. He can't be everywhere at once.
[ODO] Sometimes it seems as though he's not anywhere at all.
[KIRA] He's doing a superb job under very difficult circumstances.
[ODO] Oh. Growing fond of the Chief, are we?
[KIRA] What are you talking about? I've always liked Miles.
[ODO] You've always liked the Chief, but Miles is a different story.
[KIRA] Look, I am living with him. I am carrying his baby. Don't you
think that might change things a bit?
[ODO] How so?
[KIRA] We're closer. It's like I'm part of his family.
[ODO] Which part?
[KIRA] What?
[ODO] Which part of his family are you? Sister? Daughter? Cousin?
[KIRA] Could we concentrate on the criminal activities report?
[ODO] Of course. And I'll refrain from making any further disparaging
remarks about the Chief. I mean, Miles.
[THOPOK] This consorting with a Ferengi is
[TUMEK] You forget yourself, Thopok. You are the commander of the Lady's
guard, nothing more. Do not presume to judge her.
(Quark and Grilka come downstairs in the costumes, laughing.)
[GRILKA] Tumek. Maparian ale for two.
[TUMEK] Mistress.
[GRILKA] You are an interesting man.
[QUARK] I've always thought so.
[GRILKA] Not much of a fighter, of course. Fortunately for you they were
only holo-warriors.
[QUARK] Well, it's the thought that counts.
[GRILKA] Yes, it is. And what are your thoughts, Quark? Why play out one
of the most romantic scenes in Klingon literature for me? Why learn to
speak Klingon and observe our customs? Why do you pursue me?
[QUARK] I only pursue those things I wish to acquire.
[GRILKA] Acquire? Now you sound like a Ferengi again.
[QUARK] I am a Ferengi. That means I have a talent for appreciating
objects of great value. And I believe you may be worth more than all
the latinum in the quadrant.
[GRILKA] My Kahless.
[QUARK] My Lukara.
(Thopok throws the table over and Quark with it.)
[GRILKA] Mev'Yap Thopok!
[THOPOK] Forgive me, mistress, but I cannot watch this any longer. I
will not protect a House where you are welcome, Ferengi. You are a
coward and a liar and you have no honour. So tomorrow you will kill me,
or I will kill you.
(O'Brien's quarters)
[KEIKO] Home two hours early? You'd better watch it.
I'll get used to this.
[BRIEN] Yep, they don't need me anymore. Home at seventeen hundred
every evening.
[KEIKO] You're such a bad liar.
(Kira enters and breaks up a kiss.)
[KIRA] Hi.
[KEIKO] Hi. Sit down. You look exhausted. Bad day? Miles, I think this
woman needs one of your famous neck massages.
[BRIEN] Er, my hands are pretty cold.
[KIRA] I'm not in the mood anyway.
[KEIKO] I can see the tension in your muscles from here.
[KIRA] No thanks, really. Oh. I'm going to Bajor tomorrow, just for a
few days.
[KEIKO] Bajor?
[KIRA] Yes. I thought I'd take the time and relax. A friend of mine has
a house in Musilla Province. It's quiet, remote. No distractions.
[BRIEN] Perfect. When do you leave?
[KIRA] First thing in the morning.
[KEIKO] Wait a minute. You can't go alone. What if you go into labour?
[KIRA] Well, Julian doesn't think that's going to happen for another
[KEIKO] But he doesn't know for sure. Miles, maybe you should go with
[BRIEN] What?
[KEIKO] I can't go. I have a botanical pathology seminar tomorrow. But
you said yourself things are slow in Ops.
[KIRA] I don't think that's such a good idea.
[BRIEN] Me neither.
[KEIKO] Miles Edward O'Brien, are you going to let the woman carrying
your unborn child go on a trip all by herself?
(Kira and O'Brien look panic-stricken.)
[KEIKO] Are you two fighting again?
[KIRA] Not at all.
[KEIKO] Good. Then it's settled. Miles, let's pack your bag.
(Mess hall)
[QUARK] What if I just do what I did the last time a
Klingon wanted to kill me? I throw my sword away, kneel down in front
of him and dare him to execute me. Yeah. He'll be humiliated and slink
away like a scalded targ.
[WORF] The only reason that worked was because Gowron stepped in and
restrained your opponent before he was able to kill you. No one will
stop Thopok. Dax and I aren't even able to attend.
[QUARK] So my choices are to not show up, be branded a coward and lose
Grilka, or die?
[WORF] Yes.
[QUARK] Oh, come on now! There has to be another way out of this! You
people have rituals for everything except waste extraction. You must
have a ceremony or a secret handshake or something I can do.
[DAX] I have an idea.
(Quark and Dax fighting with bat'leths. Notice
Quark is wearing one of those Ferengi head bands now. Worf is also
fighting, on his own, wearing a VR device. Dax is defeated.)
[DAX] Oh, congratulations. How do you feel?
[QUARK] Like a puppet. And I have some complaints for the puppeteer. You
nearly wrenched my arm out of its socket.
[WORF] The movement would not have hurt if you were in better physical
[QUARK] Exercise makes me sweat.
[DAX] You need to get some sleep.
(She turns of a device under his head band.)
[DAX] If your body's tired tomorrow, Worf won't even be able to save
[QUARK] Bedtime.
(Quark leaves)
[WORF] I cannot believe the lengths I am going to for that Ferengi. I'm
practically giving him Grilka.
[DAX] What is it you see in her, anyway? I mean, she's attractive, but
other than that?
[WORF] It is everything about her. The way she carries herself,
confident and strong. She commands those around her. The proud tilt of
her head. The way her face betrays none of her true feelings. The power
of her voice. And her eyes, as hard as separ gemstones and twice as
[DAX] It sounds like you're describing a statue. What would you do with
a woman like that? Put her up on a pedestal and clean her every week?
[WORF] You do not understand.
[DAX] If I were in your shoes, I would be looking for someone a little
more entertaining, a little more fun, and maybe even a little more
[WORF] You are not in my shoes.
[DAX] Too bad. You'd be amazed at what I can do in a pair of size
eighteen boots.
(Holosuite - Hall of Warriors)
(Grilka, Thopok and Tumek are waiting when Quark
(Next door Worf is wearing the VR device and has a
[DAX] He's in position.
(Holosuite - Hall of Warriors)
[TUMEK] Quark, son of Keldar, why are you here?
[QUARK] To, to answer the
(Worf takes control and swings the bat'leth.)
[QUARK] To answer the Challenge of Thopok, to prove my honour, and to
win the favour of the Lady Grilka.
[TUMEK] The challenge has been given and accepted. Let no one interfere.
(Thopok thrusts and Quark/Worf parries)
[THOPOK] Where did you learn to fight with a bat'leth?
[QUARK] I'm a man of many talents.
('Quark' goes on the offensive.)
(But as he does some fancy twirling, the tip of
Worf's bat'leth catches an eyepiece on his device and it breaks.)
(Holosuite - Hall of Warriors)
(Quark is on his own.)
[QUARK] No! Wait!
[DAX] You damaged the optronic relay.
[WORF] Can you repair it?
[DAX] I don't know.
(Holosuite -Hall of Warriors)
[THOPOK] Well?
[QUARK] I claim the Right of Proclamation.
[TUMEK] I've never heard of the Right of Proclamation.
[QUARK] It is a Ferengi custom.
[THOPOK] It has no place here!
[QUARK] I beg to differ! I am as proud of my heritage as you are of
yours and I will not be denied the opportunity to express myself
according to Ferengi custom.
[GRILKA] He has shown respect to our traditions. We will do the same.
What do you need to do?
[QUARK] I must make a speech.
[GRILKA] About what?
[QUARK] About you!
[THOPOK] Get on with it.
[WORF] (scanning the bulkhead.) I do not know how,
but he is still alive. You must work faster.
[DAX] I'm going as fast as I can.
(Holosuite - Hall of Warriors)
[QUARK] To this end my blade soars through the
aquarium of my soul, seeking the kelp of discontent which must be cut
so that the rocky bottom of love lie in waiting with fertile sand for
the coming seed of Grilka's affection. And yet, does this explain my
need for her? No. It is like a giant cave of emptiness waiting for the
bats of love to hang by
(Worf regains control)
[QUARK] Well, I guess that's enough talking . Now back to the fighting.
[DAX] No showing off this time, Worf. Just get it
over with.
[WORF] I was not showing off.
(Holosuite - Hall of Warriors)
(Thopok is disarmed and open)
[THOPOK] End it!
[QUARK] If you insist.
(But Worf can't make the kill)
[QUARK] Maybe not. Maybe I'll pick up your sword.
(He kneels in front of Grilka, puts down his own bat'leth and Thopok's
to Grilka.)
[QUARK] And give it to you I guess.
[GRILKA] Thopok, your honour is satisfied. I return your weapon and
discharge you from my House.
[TUMEK] My lady.
(Thopok and Tumek leave. Grilka takes Quark by the lapels)
[GRILKA] Do-MACH ah chee ghos eh-PAGH?
(Quark/Worf grabs her throat. She starts to throttle him in return.)
(Dax disconnects Worf.)
(Holosuite - Hall of Warriors)
(Quark falls backwards with Grilka on top of him,
looking very aroused.)
[DAX] Congratulations. You did it.
[WORF] What does she see in that parasite?
[DAX] Who knows? But they're on the same wavelength, and at least Quark
can see an opportunity when it's standing in front of him.
[WORF] He would have to be blind not to see it.
[DAX] MoVas ah-kee rustak. Computer, bat'leth. MoVas ah-kee rustak!
[WORF] Kosh tomah ehpaq Lukara kaVeir.
[DAX] Ish-tovee chuCH thling nuq?
[WORF] Meklo boH ka Mech.
[DAX] Te-doQ roos ka Mech-TOH.
(Worf gets the bat'leth off Dax but she throws him to the floor. They
start to throttle each other, then he pulls her down onto him.)
[BRIEN] So I guess we're going.
[KIRA] Looks like it.
[BRIEN] Tell me about this house we're going to.
[KIRA] It's a gorgeous two hundred year old cottage filled with
antiques, sitting in the middle of a deep, dark forest. It's got three
fireplaces, two balconies
[BRIEN] I see.
[KIRA] It's twenty kilometres to the nearest neighbour, thirty to the
nearest town.
[BRIEN] Why am I not surprised?
[KIRA] It gets worse. There's a view.
[BRIEN] Of what?
[KIRA] Of the Holana river. You can see it from every room in the house.
At night, when the stars are out and you can only hear rushing water,
it may be one of the most romantic spots in all of Bajor.
[BRIEN] That's it. I'm not going. I don't care what Keiko says, I'm
not going. You go. I'll wait an hour and then I'll, I'll tell her that
you left without me, that there was a miscommunication about the
departure time.
[KIRA] You think she'll buy it?
[BRIEN] She'll probably accuse us of having another fight, of behaving
like children, but I can handle that. The important thing is that we
don't go anywhere near that place together.
[KIRA] You're absolutely right. In fact, I'm going to go to the capital
and see Shakaar.
[BRIEN] That's the best idea you've had all week.
(They hug.)
[BRIEN] Have a good trip.
[KIRA] Thanks.
[BRIEN] It would've been nice.
[KIRA] In another life.
[BRIEN] Let's not even think about it.
[KIRA] All right, let's not. Miles?
[BRIEN] Yes, Nerys?
[KIRA] Get out.
[BRIEN] Right.
(Quark is battered, bruised and happy)
[BASHIR] A compound fracture of the right radius, two fractured ribs,
torn ligaments, strained tendons, numerous contusions, bruises and
scratches. What have you been doing?
[QUARK] You mean, what have we been doing?
[BASHIR] Never mind. I don't need that particular image running around
in my head. I'll just treat you.
(Dax and Worf enter. His hair is dishevelled and they both have
[BASHIR] What happened to you two?
[WORF] We, er.
[DAX] Well, er, if you must know
[BASHIR] No! No, er, I don't need that image either. In fact, I'm going
to stop asking that question altogether. People can come in, I will
treat them, and that's all. Please, have a seat. I'll be with you in a
(Worf and Dax limp to a biobed.)
[WORF] You do realise that according to Klingon tradition
[DAX] According to tradition, we have to get married.
[WORF] But as you keep insisting, you are not a traditional woman.
[DAX] The truth is, Worf, at heart, you're not much of a traditional
[WORF] You might be right. How do you wish to proceed?
[DAX] I don't know.
[WORF] You must have some idea. You were the
[DAX] Aggressor?
[WORF] Yes. And now there are questions that must be answered.
[DAX] I don't feel like answering questions. Why don't we just take it
one day at a time and see what happens?
[WORF] I do not like the uncertainty of that arrangement.
[DAX] One thing's for certain. You've stopped thinking about Grilka. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e98", "title": "Looking for Par'Mach"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Nor The Battle To The
The Battle To The Strong
Original Airdate: 21 Oct, 1996
[BASHIR] I knew that my paper was controversial, but
I had no idea it would turn the entire conference upside down. Believe
me, Jake, panel discussions between doctors are usually a lot more
civilised than that.
[JAKE] I don't know. They seemed polite enough to me.
[BASHIR] Oh, that was just a veneer. That paper stepped on quite a few
toes, I can tell you. It's heresy to even consider the possibility that
prion replication could be inhibited by quantum resonance effects.
Aren't you going to take any notes?
[JAKE] Good idea.
[BASHIR] According to the so-called experts, it's all a matter of amino
acid re-sequencing and disulfide shuffling. Quantum dynamics has
nothing to do with it.
[JAKE (OC)] I have absolutely no idea what he's talking about.
[BASHIR] (underneath) But how can that be? After all, peptide bonds can
be reconfigured on a
[BASHIR] Quantum level. Ah, now get this. This is very good. A few
months ago
[JAKE (OC)] If I don't find a way to get out of doing this article, my
first writing assignment is going to be my last. Maybe if I write to
The Journal and explained. Dear editors, thank you for the confidence
expressed in my by accepting my proposed profile of Doctor Bashir.
[BASHIR] (underneath) I was running a neural scan and noticed some
anomalous protein readings. I thought there must be some mistake, so I
ran an at the Journal and amino acid sequence to be sure. But there it
was again, the prion mutation rate had spiked. I couldn't believe it.
It meant the anomalous proteins had to have a strong quantum resonance.
[BASHIR] Do you follow?
[JAKE] Sort of.
[BASHIR] Good. Because that's the key. The protein anomalies. They
indicate a correlative
[JAKE (OC)] Who cares about anomalies? People want stories about things
they can relate to. Life and death, good and evil. An outbreak of
Cartalian fever would be just the thing. The brave doctor battles the
deadly virus. Listen to me, I'm actually rooting for a plague.
[BASHIR] (underneath) Increase in prion replication. And that can only
mean one of two things either the peptide bonds are unstable, or some
other factor is causing the mutations. Rather than start the labourious
process of running
[BASHIR] Quantum scanning each and every peptide bond, I thought I'd
begin to make some kind of
(Comm. beeps)
[BASHIR] It's a distress call from the Federation colony on Ajilon
Prime. They're under attack. The Klingons have landed troops.
[JAKE] So much for the cease fire.
[BASHIR] The main hospital's been damaged. They're short on doctors and
running low on supplies.
[JAKE] What are we waiting for? Let's go.
[BASHIR] It's risky. The hospital's only fifty kilometres away from the
front line.
[JAKE] You put yourself into dangerous situations all the time.
[BASHIR] Maybe, but that's not the same as putting you into one.
[JAKE] Don't worry about me.
[BASHIR] You're too young to die, Jake.
[JAKE] I'm eighteen. You know what I mean. I've been on the station when
it was under attack plenty of times. I can handle myself. I'm a Sisko.
There are lives at stake. These people need you.
[BASHIR] I hope I don't regret this. We'll be there in just under an
hour. I can only imagine what your father's going to say.
[JAKE] He'll understand.
[BASHIR] I'll get you out of there as soon as reinforcements arrive.
Besides, I wouldn't want you to miss the deadline on your story. Do you
think they want a picture of me? Anyway, about those quantum scans I
was telling you about.
[JAKE (OC)] Surgery Under Fire. Now we're talking.
[BASHIR] (underneath) Instead of scanning each peptide bond, it occurred
to me that I could scan for irregularities in the
[ODO] What is it, Quark?
[QUARK] The Chief asked me to come up with a decaffeinated raktajino for
Kira. I'm thinking of marketing it.
(Kira takes a mouthful.)
[KIRA] Ugh, ugh, ugh that's awful.
[BRIEN] Give it a chance. Let me taste.
(A long mouthful then)
[BRIEN] Quark!
[QUARK] I did the best I could. The removal of caffeine from beverages
has plagued bartenders and restauranteurs for centuries. You can't
expect me to solve it overnight.
[BRIEN] I'm not paying for that.
[ODO] So much for Quark-tajino.
[BRIEN] I want to get her off caffeine, not poison her.
[KIRA] You make me sound like some kind of addict.
[DAX] She has maybe two raktajinos a day.
[BRIEN] Look, I just don't want my son to be born with a caffeine
habit, that's all.
[DAX] You're being ridiculous. Why does pregnancy always make men
[BRIEN] Excuse me, this is not the first baby I've had.
[KIRA] Excuse me. Keiko had Molly.
[DAX] It's not up to you to tell Kira what she can and cannot do.
[WORF] She is carrying his child, he should have some say.
[QUARK] As the lessee, he does have certain rights. Back home, pregnancy
is considered a rental.
[DAX] Rental?
(Sisko enters from his office)
[ODO] Something wrong, Captain?
[SISKO] I just talked to Doctor Bashir. He's on his way to Ajilon Prime
to answer a request for medical assistance.
[KIRA] Jake's with him.
[SISKO] According to the latest reports, Klingon ground troops have
captured two settlements in the northern hemisphere.
[WORF] Half the colonists are still trapped on the planet. There are no
ships in the area to evacuate them.
[BRIEN] We're three days away at best.
[SISKO] The Farragut will get there the day after tomorrow. Bashir says
that he and Jake will leave as soon as the relief teams are in place.
[DAX] That means they'll be home by Thursday. Doesn't give you much time
to snoop through Jake's things.
(They arrive in orbit.)
[JAKE] Ready to beam down?
[BASHIR] No, we can't leave the runabout in orbit, not with the Klingons
around. Besides, the colonists moved what was left of the medical
equipment underground when the hospital was destroyed and there's
magnesite in the rock face. There's no way to transport through it.
[JAKE] I guess we'll have to find a place to set down.
[BASHIR] Looks like there's a clearing about a kilometre away from the
main settlement. Jake, things could get a little rough down there.
They've got a lot of wounded.
[JAKE] I'll be all right.
(Cavern - Triage area)
[BOLIAN] We've got more wounded coming in.
[NURSE] I'll need that plasma!
[KALANDRA] (a woman) Are you Bashir?
[BASHIR] We got a distress call.
[KALANDRA] Resource said you were on your way.
[KIRBY] Watch it! Watch it! This is the last IP.
[NURSE] His pulse is thready. He must be bleeding somewhere.
[KIRBY] We are losing him!
[NURSE] Doctor Kalandra.
[KALANDRA] Bashir, jump in. Standard triage. Give him fifteen mils
[JAKE] What should I do?
[BASHIR] Just keep out of the way, please.
[KALANDRA] Get this man into surgery!
(Jake moves away from Bashir, viewing the controlled chaos of dealing
with war wounds.)
[BOLIAN] The artery's severed. Her BP's bottomed out.
[NURSE] Oh two, three litres. Run full saline.
(Jake finds a person slumped by the doorway.)
[JAKE] Somebody! This man needs help!
[ENSIGN] (limping in.) Help me! Somebody help me! I've been hit. Took a
disruptor blast real close.
[BOLIAN] I need that blood plasma!
[BASHIR] (to Ensign) Let's get you up on the table.
[KALANDRA] (to Jake) There's nothing we can do. He's too far gone.
[BASHIR] It doesn't look that bad.
[ENSIGN] I was stepping over a Klingon. I thought he was dead. He got me
right in the foot. You people better get out of here while you still
can. The Klingons, there's no stopping them.
[BASHIR] This is a phaser burn.
[ENSIGN] What are you talking about?
[BASHIR] Just sit tight. We'll get to you as soon as we can.
[ENSIGN] It's not a phaser burn! (to Jake) It was a Klingon. You weren't
there. You don't know what it's like. The Klingons had us pinned down.
We were done for. We all knew it. Hendriks and Pajal, they got scared.
They ran. They ran! Then Sully got hit in the leg and the medics pulled
him off the line. And all I could think was, I wish I were him. And I
took my phaser. Oh, God! What did I do to myself? What did I do?
[BOLIAN] Find someplace else to stand.
[JAKE] No problem.
[JAKE (OC)] Triage, the sorting of the wounded, forces decisions that. I
got to get a grip. Focus. Decisions that test what it means to be a
[KIRBY] Hey, you! Give me a hand. Come on! Come on! I've got to get some
plasma for this guy. Keep an eye on him for me. I'll be right back.
(The wounded man grabs Jake's shirt and tries to sit up. Now he's got
blood on him.
(Cavern - main ward)
(Jake is at one end of the stretcher, Kirby at the
[KIRBY] Wait, wait, wait. This way. Over there. Watch it! Watch it! Nice
catch. Here you are, sir. A nice private room with a view. One, two,
(The patient is dumped onto the bed.)
[KIRBY] Well, you can count. You're hired. Let's get you dressed.
(Cavern - Triage area)
[BASHIR] I'd like to try an aortal graft.
[KALANDRA] All right. There's an extra surgical table in the back.
[JAKE] He's dead.
[KIRBY] Come on. Let's get him out of here.
(Kirby and Jake carry the body to the morgue. It is packed with filled
body bags.)
(Cavern - main ward)
(And so they continue moving patients around,
living and dead.)
[JAKE] One, two three.
(And more and more blood stains on Jake's scrubs.)
(Cavern - Triage area)
(Until finally there are no more people to move.
The medics are slumped against the wall.)
[NURSE] Party's over.
[KIRBY] So soon?
[BOLIAN] And we were just starting to have fun.
[BASHIR] Since you two aren't busy, would you mind carrying me to the
nearest replicator so that I can get something to eat?
(Captain's office)
(Odo limps in and sits carefully.)
[ODO] You wanted to see me, Captain?
[SISKO] Yes, I hear you took a little trip to the Infirmary.
[ODO] I'll be fine. The only permanent damage was to my pride.
[SISKO] What happened?
[ODO] Quark wanted me to keep an eye on two Yridians who he suspected
were cheating at dabo. Turned out he was right. I could see from the
second level that one of them was using a miniature gravimetric scanner
to predict where the ball would land on the wheel, and signalling the
information to his partner.
[SISKO] Ingenious. Go on.
[ODO] I started down the stairs to make the arrest. One of them spotted
me. They bolted, I pursued. I'm afraid I got a bit carried away.
[SISKO] And jumped off the stairs.
[ODO] I was planning to change form in mid-air and become a Tarkalean
[SISKO] That would have been impressive.
[ODO] I thought so.
[SISKO] It's an understandable mistake. You've been a changeling longer
than you've been a solid.
[ODO] Solid. I wonder why my people use that term. Humanoid bodies are
so fragile.
[SISKO] Yes, they are. And there are a lot of ways you can get hurt.
[ODO] You're worried about Jake. I'm sure that Doctor Bashir is looking
after him.
[SISKO] It seems just yesterday he was five years old, clinging to me
because he'd just scraped his knee and I was the only one in the world
who could make it better. I remember sometimes getting up in the middle
of the night and slipping into his room just to make sure he was all
right, and I'd sit there and watch him sleep. And I'd think to myself
that no matter what, I
wasn't going to let anything bad happen to this child. Now he's a
sector away in a war zone, and there's nothing I can do to protect him.
[ODO] Try not to worry, Captain. It won't do you or Jake any good.
[SISKO] Can't help it. It comes with the territory.
[ODO] But Jake is eighteen years old. Does your father still worry about
[SISKO] Oh, all the time.
[ODO] Ah. I never realised how stressful it is to be a parent. I have to
say, I don't think it's for me.
[SISKO] That's your choice, but you don't know what you're missing.
[SISKO] Yes?
[DAX] We just got word. The Klingons have destroyed the Farragut near
the Lembatta cluster.
[ODO] What about Ajilon Prime? Without reinforcements
[SISKO] Dax, you're with me. We'll leave as soon as the Defiant is
(Cavern - staff room)
(Bashir brings a couple of trays of food to a
[BASHIR] Here you go.
[JAKE] Thanks.
[BASHIR] How are you holding up?
[JAKE] Okay.
[BASHIR] You handled yourself well today. I'm impressed.
[JAKE] I'm starved.
[BASHIR] Think I'll start with a lateral incision across the thigh
joint. Uh oh. Hang on. Out we go. Come on.
(Bashir rushes Jake out to be sick.)
[NURSE] First day?
[KIRBY] Yeah.
[BOLIAN] Pass the salt.
(Cavern - tunnels)
[BASHIR] How do you feel?
[JAKE] Fresh air did me good. You remember that ensign, the one who shot
[BASHIR] How could I forget?
[JAKE] What's going to happen to him?
[BASHIR] Oh, he'll probably be court-martialed.
[JAKE] He said that some of the people in his squad got scared and ran.
[BASHIR] It happens.
[JAKE] But they're Starfleet. They've passed psych-tests. They've spent
hundreds of hours in battle simulations.
[BASHIR] Simulations can't prepare you for the real thing. Nothing can.
[JAKE] Some people say that you don't know what you're really made of
until you've been in battle.
[BASHIR] Well let me tell you, Jake. There are plenty of situations in
life which test a person's character. Thankfully, most of them don't
involve death and destruction.
(Cavern - staff room)
[KIRBY] Doctor Kalandra's looking for you. Something
about that aortal graft you did.
[BASHIR] Oh, thanks. I'll see you later.
[KIRBY] I put your tray back in the replicator. I didn't know how long
you'd be gone.
[JAKE] Me neither. I think I could handle some soup.
(Cavern - main ward)
[BASHIR] How is he?
[KALANDRA] The graft's holding. Blood throughput is almost a hundred
percent. Nice job.
[BASHIR] Thanks. You have a good team. My OR Nurse was sharp as they
[KALANDRA] We do the best we can, considering the circumstances. So, are
things any better for us? Last I heard Starfleet had pulled out of the
Arcanis sector.
[BASHIR] Well, the fleet's regrouping for a counterattack.
[KALANDRA] Do you have any idea what ships are involved? We don't get
much news here. The Klingons have been jamming the subspace traffic.
[BASHIR] I think the Rutledge and the Tecumseh are heading things up.
[KALANDRA] The Tecumseh. My husband's the science officer.
[BASHIR] Well, believe me, Captain Raymond is one of the best there is.
He saw the Tecumseh through the Cardassian wars. I don't think he's
planning on losing her now.
[KALANDRA] No, I don't suppose he is.
[NURSE] Doctor? They've prepped the spinal trauma. We're ready for you
in surgery.
[KALANDRA] I'll be right there.
[BASHIR] They're keeping you busy.
[KALANDRA] Yes. It helps keep my mind off things.
(Cavern - staff room)
[KIRBY] It's good to see you've got your appetite
[JAKE] I have a pretty strong stomach, most of the time.
[KIRBY] Don't worry about it. Same thing happened to me my first day.
You know what I heard? That ship Starfleet sent, the Farragut? The
Klingons intercepted it.
[JAKE] Starfleet'll send another one, won't they?
[KIRBY] It won't be here for days, and in the meantime we're looking at
a ground war which is just what the Klingons want. According to a
lieutenant I talked to, they've got so many transport scramblers online
that we can't beam troops anywhere.
[JAKE] What about using hoppers?
[KIRBY] He says the Klingons have been shooting them out of the sky left
and right. Unless something changes, he figures the Klingons'll take
the settlement the day after tomorrow. Did you see all the bat'leth
wounds today? Klingons get mad, they forget about their disruptors, go
hand to hand. If you ask me, they're looking to get even for what
happened on Ganalda Four.
[JAKE] What happened?
[KIRBY] They had to retreat. Klingons hate that.
[JAKE] At least we don't have to worry about them in here.
[KIRBY] Don't be so sure. Medical personnel are fair game as far as
Klingons are concerned. They'll even kill wounded right in their beds.
They think they're giving them an honourable death. So, how'd you wind
up here?
[JAKE] I, er, I'm writing an article about Doctor Bashir.
[KIRBY] You're a journalist?
[JAKE] Not exactly.
[KIRBY] What does that mean?
[JAKE] I write stories mostly. You know, fiction.
[JAKE (OC)] I wonder if Kirby knew that the whole time we were talking,
all I could think about was how close the Klingons were.
(It's later, everyone else is asleep and Jake is writing.)
[JAKE (OC)] He didn't seem that worried. No one else seems to be losing
sleep over it, so why is it the only thing I can think about? I've been
on the station when it was under attack plenty of times, but somehow
the danger never seemed as real as it does here. Maybe it's because I
spent all day seeing firsthand what the Klingons are capable of, or
maybe it's because for the first time in my life, my father's not here
to protect me.
[NURSE] What was that?
[BOLIAN] The Klingons. They must've taken out the reactor.
(Cavern - main ward)
[BASHIR] She's fibrillating!
[BOLIAN] If we don't get power back soon, we'll lose half the ward.
[KIRBY] Kidney failure. He's going into renal shock.
[KALANDRA] I just talked to Resource. It's going to be at least three
hours before we have power.
[JAKE] There must be some portable generators we could use.
[KALANDRA] They're using them to keep the shields up around the
[BASHIR] The runabout. There's a portable generator on the runabout.
[KALANDRA] Where is it?
[BASHIR] About a kilometre south of here. I'll need help carrying it
[KALANDRA] You won't be able to beam through the shields. You'll have to
take the east tunnel.
[KIRBY] It lets out beyond the perimeter. I'll show you.
(Planet surface)
(Jake and Bashir come out of a cave in their
'normal' clothes into bright sunlight.)
[BASHIR] We set down just over that ridge.
[JAKE] Yeah, it looks familiar.
(BOOM! A shell explodes nearby.)
[BASHIR] Get down!
[BASHIR] Stay close. And keep your head low.
(More explosions. Bashir gets to a large rock before Jake manages to
move himself.)
[BASHIR] Whatever happens, one of us has to get that generator. Stick
with me.
(Bashir goes first, trying to keep large rocks between them and the
source of the shelling.)
[BASHIR] Come on, Jake!
(Explosions between them, so Jake retreats to the previous cover.)
[BASHIR] Jake!
(Bashir is knocked out by an explosion. Jake beats a rapid retreat. He
keeps on running until he trips and lands on the corpse of a Klingon.
There are Starfleet dead nearby too. He's found a battlefield, so he
runs again. Over a ridge and tumbling down the other side to -)
(As Jake slides into the rocky hole, he gets
punched. His attacker is a wounded human. The explosions have stopped.)
[BURKE] Medkit. Over there. Now.
(Jake grabs the kit.)
[BURKE] Hypo. Sit me up. Do it. I'm not going to die with my face in the
dirt. Okay.
(Burke gives himself a shot.)
[BURKE] How's your head?
[JAKE] Hurts.
[BURKE] You're lucky I didn't kill you. I thought you were a Klingon.
Have you seen any?
[JAKE] What?
[BURKE] Klingons. Are there any patrols around? What about Starfleet?
[JAKE] No.
[BURKE] It's just you and me then. What are you doing out here? Why'd
you leave the settlement?
[JAKE] I was outside when the shelling started. I guess I got lost
looking for cover.
[BURKE] Lucky me. I could use the company. Here. Water.
[JAKE] What about you?
[BURKE] Go ahead.
[JAKE] Thanks.
[BURKE] Probably would've leaked out of me anyway. Don't let me fall
over. I want to go out looking up at the sky, not at the ground.
[JAKE] Don't worry.
[BURKE] You didn't see a crashed hopper around here, did you?
[JAKE] No.
[BURKE] They made it!
[JAKE] Who?
[BURKE] My platoon. The Klingons had us pinned down. We couldn't beam
out because they had a transport scrambler running. We called for a
hopper. As soon as it set down, the Klingons came after us. CO ordered
me and Brice to lay down cover so the squad could get up the ramp. By
the time Brice got in, the Klingons were practically on top of us. The
hopper was taking such a pounding, I didn't think it would make it off
the ground.
[JAKE] You stayed behind on purpose, so they could get away.
[BURKE] The hypo, where is it?
[JAKE] It's empty.
[BURKE] Figures.
[JAKE] I'll get you out of here. I'll make a stretcher
[BURKE] With what?
[JAKE] Then I'll carry you.
[BURKE] Kid, you try carrying me, my guts are going to spill all over
your shoes.
[JAKE] But I have to do something. I've got to try.
[BURKE] Forget it.
[JAKE] But I have to. That way this'll all make sense. Maybe I ran for a
reason, so I could find you and save your life.
[BURKE] Ran?
[JAKE] From the explosions. We had to get to the runabout for the
generator, and the shelling started and I couldn't see Doctor Bashir
and the explosions, they kept getting closer. I had to get out of
there, so I ran. I ran and I kept running until I found you.
[BURKE] The doctor. You left him.
[JAKE] It was a mistake.
[BURKE] That's what you call it.
[JAKE] I didn't mean for it to happen.
[BURKE] And now you think bringing me back is going to make everything
all right. Sorry, kid. Life doesn't work like that.
(Burke dies coughing up blood, and Jake flees the crater.)
(Engine room)
[DAX] Benjamin?
[SISKO (OC)] I'll be right out.
(Sisko comes out of a Jefferies tube.)
[DAX] What have you been doing in there for three hours?
[SISKO] I was just tweaking the pattern buffers in the replicator
[DAX] Great. I always thought the coffee could be a little hotter.
[SISKO] I'm just trying to keep busy.
[DAX] Is it helping?
[SISKO] No, not really.
[DAX] I wish there was something I could do, some way I could promise
you that everything is going to be okay.
[SISKO] But you can't. No one can.
[DAX] I know what it's like to worry about a child. Raifi put Tobin
through hell. When Neema was six, she came down with Rugalan fever.
Audrid spent two weeks in the hospital with her, never left her side.
It was hundreds of years ago. I still remember how helpless I felt. I
read her all seventeen volumes of Caster's Down the River Light, even
though I knew she couldn't hear me. It made me feel like I was doing
something, that we were still connected. It wasn't until much after
that that I realised that I was doing it as much for me as I was doing
it for her.
[SISKO] Just to keep busy. So, how did it turn out with Neema?
[DAX] She pulled through.
[SISKO] Phew. I was hoping you were going to say that. Because if this
story had an unhappy ending, I would have never forgiven you.
[DAX] Of course, by the time she was twenty one, she wouldn't even speak
to me.
[SISKO] For how long?
[DAX] About eight years.
[SISKO] Do me a favour. Tell me about it some other time. Right now, all
I care about is seeing Jake.
[DAX] You will, tomorrow, when we get to Ajilon Prime. You know, Ben,
coffee can never be too hot. Are you sure you got the replicator
buffers synchronised?
[SISKO] You want to check for yourself?
[DAX] I think I will. Can I borrow your decoupler?
[SISKO] Get your own. I have to check the sonic shower relays.
[DAX] Good idea.
(Cavern - main ward)
(The power is back on)
[KIRBY] (to a patient) How are you feeling? Jake! Jake, we thought you
[JAKE] I'm okay.
[KIRBY] This is great. What happened?
[JAKE] I got knocked out when we were trying to get to the runabout. Did
Doctor Bashir make it back all right?
[KIRBY] He's in IC for the night. He's got plasma burns on his arm and
shoulder. I don't know how he managed, but he carried the generator
back here by himself. We went looking for you right after the shelling
stopped. There was hardly anything left of the runabout. The whole
place was nothing but bomb craters and smoke. We had pretty much given
up hope.
[JAKE] I must've wandered off in the wrong direction when I came to.
[KIRBY] You're lucky you didn't get picked up by the Klingons. Word is,
they're massing to attack the compound. You want to see him?
[JAKE] I should let him rest.
[KIRBY] He's awake, I was just in there. Go ahead, he'll be glad to see
you're okay.
(Cavern - Intensive care)
[BASHIR] Jake! Oh, thank God. I thought you'd been
killed. Once the shelling had stopped and I couldn't find you, I
assumed the worst. I am so sorry.
[JAKE] It's all right.
[BASHIR] No. No, it isn't. I should never have brought you here in the
first place. Now we're stuck here, the Klingons are massing to attack.
What was I thinking!
[JAKE] Forget it, okay! What's done is done.
[JAKE (OC)] I couldn't stand hearing him apologise to me like that. Not
after what I'd done to him.
[KIRBY] All right, you two. Visiting hours are over. Let me have a look
at that.
(Kirby checks where Burke hit Jake.)
(Cavern - staff room)
[JAKE (OC)] I keep turning it over in my head. The
shelling, losing sight of Bashir, running, and I keep trying to make
sense of it all, to justify what I did. But when it comes down to it,
there's only one explanation. I'm a coward. Part of me wishes Bashir
had seen me run away and told everyone the truth. They deserve to know
what I am. They should know they can't count on me. That if the
Klingons attack, I'll run and hide just like I did before.
(Cavern - main ward)
[JAKE] Doctor Kaladra asked me to give this to you.
[NURSE] Oh, thanks Jake. Would you take this to the patient in G-four?
[JAKE] Sure.
[NURSE] Thanks.
(G4 is the self-mutilation Ensign. Jake offers him the tray of food.)
[JAKE] Here you go.
[ENSIGN] Maybe I'll get a job as a cutter. Could be interesting work.
[JAKE] What's a cutter?
[ENSIGN] You know, on a mining team. They're the ones who split the
asteroids up with phasers so the excavators can get at what's inside.
You've got to have good aim. No matter what else you can say about me,
you can't say that I don't have good aim. If I hadn't hit my foot just
right, I would've taken my whole leg off. It's funny. One minute your
life's moving along just like you always thought it would, and the next
you do something that changes everything, that makes you realise you're
not who you thought you were. At the Academy, I did really well in the
battle simulations. I never had any problems. But when you're out there
and the live shells are detonating all around you, it's a whole
different thing.
[JAKE] All you can think about is getting away from the explosions.
[ENSIGN] Yeah. That's pretty much it. You know something? You're first
person I've talked to since I got here who hasn't made me feel like I'm
taking up valuable bed space. The way everyone looks at me. I can't
stand it. After the court martial, I'm definitely signing up for the
next mining expedition to the Gamma Quadrant.
[JAKE] Maybe there won't be a court martial.
[ENSIGN] You're right. None of us may get out of here alive.
[JAKE] No, I mean Starfleet could decide to send you to counselling
[ENSIGN] I won't go. I don't deserve to be in Starfleet. Therapy won't
change what I did. Nothing will. I just wish I'd aimed that phaser a
little higher.
(Cavern - staff room)
(Jake is resting on a bunk.)
[NURSE] I saw the report on Doctor Kalandra's desk. According to
Resource, it's just a matter of time before the Klingons reach the
[KIRBY] I guess that means I have to decide.
[NURSE] Decide what?
[KIRBY] Whether I'd rather get hacked to bits or blasted by a disruptor.
[NURSE] Disruptor, no doubt about it. Every molecule in your body
vaporised in a flash. No time to feel pain.
[BOLIAN] Don't be so sure about that. Some people think it's like being
boiled alive.
[KIRBY] Decapitation has its virtues. Nice clean blow with a sharp
[BOLIAN] The brain lives on for five, ten seconds at least. In theory,
your headless corpse could be the last thing you see.
[NURSE] You're so negative.
[BOLIAN] I'm just telling you what I've heard.
[KIRBY] What do you think, Jake?
[JAKE] I think it's not funny.
[KIRBY] Of course not. There's nothing funny about having your throat
[JAKE] Cut it out!
[KIRBY] I was just kidding.
[JAKE] You think this is some joke. It's not. People are dying! It's all
so stupid. This whole stupid war is such a waste. In ten years, no
body's going to remember what anybody did here.
[BASHIR] Jake.
[JAKE] Maybe you saved a hopper full of people. Maybe you shot yourself
in the foot. No one's going to remember!
[BASHIR] Jake! Let's take a walk.
(Cavern - tunnel)
[JAKE] I'm sorry.
[BASHIR] Look, I know you're scared. We all are.
[JAKE] No, it's not that. I
[BASHIR] What, Jake? What is it?
[JAKE] I just didn't think what they were saying was funny.
[BASHIR] Come on. That's not what set you off. Something's eating at
you, I can see it.
[JAKE] I don't know what you're talking about.
[BASHIR] Ever since you came back you've been walking around looking
[JAKE] Leave me alone.
[BASHIR] Jake.
[JAKE] Leave me alone.
[BASHIR] All right, if that's what you want. But if you want to talk you
know where to find me.
(Bashir leaves. Jakes sits down and finally cries. Then he falls asleep
until BOOM! Shelling starts and rocks start falling.)
(Cavern - staff room)
[NURSE] What's going on?
[KIRBY] Are they inside the compound?
[KALANDRA] Everybody listen. Listen! We're evacuating. We're taking the
patients out through the north tunnel to the surface. A hopper will
take us down the peninsula to the base at Tananda Bay.
[KIRBY] That tunnel is almost two kilometres long. We have over seventy
patients to move. Do you know how long that's going to take?
[KALANDRA] Resource is sending a security detail to defend the hospital
and give us time to evacuate. We can do this.
[BASHIR] We have to keep calm. Focus on our jobs. Those people out there
need us.
[KALANDRA] Yes. Let's move. Come on. Go.
(As the medics move out, Jake stands there wincing at every
(Cavern - main ward)
(Organised chaos.)
[BOLIAN] Give me a hand.
[KALANDRA] Keep moving.
[KIRBY] Two guards, is that it?
[BASHIR] The others are out defending the perimeter.
[KIRBY] Great, one's leaving.
[NURSE] We're going someplace safe, all right?
(Cavern - staff room)
(Jake is hiding under the table until a falling
girder prompts him to move.)
(Cavern - main ward)
(Jake runs into security's phaser rifle.)
[MALE GUARD] They're coming! Let's go. Move. Move!
[FEMALE GUARD] Come on, let's go! Let's go.
[KIRBY] Anyone left back there?
[JAKE] No.
[KIRBY] Go! Go!
(The guard is shot and the Klingons are in the ward.)
[FEMALE GUARD] Get down!
(Jake takes cover behind a bed. The female guard is shot. Jake crawls
to an equipment console and picks up her weapon. Then he starts
shooting wildly without looking. Rocks fall from the roof landing on
Jake and the Klingons. The other passageway is now blocked.)
[BASHIR] Jake, looks who's here.
[JAKE] Dad?
[SISKO] Don't move, let Doctor Bashir check for injuries.
[JAKE] What happened?
[BASHIR] I came back for you when I realised you weren't on the hopper.
[SISKO] The cease fire has been reinstated. The Klingons are pulling
out. It's over.
[BASHIR] The timing could have been a little better, but he seems to be
all right.
[SISKO] Sealing the entrance way was a risky thing to do. You nearly
brought the whole ceiling down on yourself.
[BASHIR] We never would have got these patients out alive if you hadn't
done it. You're a hero.
[JAKE (OC)] More than anything, I wanted to believe what he was saying.
But the truth is, I was just as scared in the hospital as I'd been when
we went for the generator.
(Defiant - Bashir's cabin)
(Bashir is reading Jake's article.)
[JAKE (OC)] So scared, that all I could think about was doing whatever
it took to stay alive. Once it meant running away, and once it meant
picking up a phaser.
(Sisko's quarters)
(Sisko is reading.)
[JAKE (OC)] The battle of Ajilon Prime will probably be remembered as a
pointless skirmish, but I'll always remember it as something more. As
the place I learned that the line between courage and cowardice is a
lot thinner than most people believe.
[JAKE] I wasn't sure whether to show it to you or not.
[SISKO] Anyone who's been in battle would recognise himself in this, but
most of us wouldn't care to admit it. It takes courage to look inside
yourself and even more courage to write it for other people to see. I'm
proud of you, son. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e99", "title": "Nor The Battle To The"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Assignment
Original Airdate: 28 Oct, 1996
[QUARK] You know, Morn, there's nothing more
invigorating than breakfast in a bar. Where else can you get raw slug
liver first thing in the morning?
(Rom comes in, sits at the bar, and Quark puts a bowl in front of him.)
[ROM] What's this?
[QUARK] What do you mean, what's this? It's puree of beetle.
[ROM] I didn't order it.
[QUARK] Of course you didn't order it. You don't need to order it. You
have it after work every morning.
[ROM] Well, I'm not having it this morning. I'd like two eggs over easy,
three strips of bacon and a side of corned beef hash.
[QUARK] What kind of breakfast is that?
[ROM] It's Chief O'Brien's breakfast of choice.
[QUARK] That's the problem with working alongside humans, you pick up
their disgusting habits. Bacon. Corned beef hash. What's next, Rom?
Orange juice and coffee?
[ROM] That might be nice.
[QUARK] I don't understand. You gave up a perfectly good job with me to
work on the station's waste extraction system?
[ROM] A good waste extraction system is important. Imagine where we'd be
without one.
[QUARK] Of course it's important, but my point is, you're not getting
the choice assignments. O'Brien's got you on the night shift, doing all
the work nobody else wants to do.
[ROM] I like my work.
[QUARK] You like standing all night long, knee-deep in waste, fixing
some broken flow regulator, when you could be here staring at
half-naked dabo girls?
[ROM] I have a good job. I'm proud of the work I do. And I know that one
day Chief O'Brien will recognise my efforts and reward me with a
position of respect and responsibility. And why? Because that's just
the way things are in Engineering.
[QUARK] I'm sorry I brought it up.
(O'Brien's quarters)
(The bonsai have died.)
[BASHIR] They don't look so fine now.
[BRIEN] I can't understand it. I been followed Keiko's instructions to
the letter.
[BASHIR] They were dry as a bone when I came by for you yesterday. I
mean, I gave them water, I just don't think it wasn't enough.
[BRIEN] You watered them? These are Idran hybrids. Too much water rots
their roots.
(Molly comes in and sees the devastation.)
[MOLLY] Mommy's going to be mad.
[BRIEN] I can't believe it. Keiko's gone for five days and we killed
her plants.
[BASHIR] She'll understand, won't she? After all, they're just plants.
[BRIEN] They're not just plants. These are her bonsai trees. She's
cared for them and nurtured them, and carefully sculpted their growth
for months, years.
[MOLLY] You're in trouble.
[BRIEN] Listen, Molly, I think you and I should both go to the airlock
and welcome Mummy back. And then after we've hugged and kissed, you can
tell her what happened.
[MOLLY] Not me.
[BASHIR] Well don't look at me.
[BRIEN] Well you killed her plants.
[BASHIR] We killed them. But I think you're overreacting to the
situation. I mean, Keiko will forgive you. It's your birthday today,
isn't it?
[BRIEN] So far it's one I'd like to forget.
[BASHIR] Well, she's been away on Bajor. She's missed you. Bring her a
gift. What kind of chocolates does she like?
[BRIEN] Tellurian mint truffles. But I still think you should be with
[BASHIR] You don't need me there. I've seen you handle your wife
thousands of times. Just say you're sorry and that you take full
responsibility. You'll be fine. Besides, I have to be in surgery,
[BRIEN] On who?
[BASHIR] I'll find someone.
(Upper pylon)
(Keiko is eating chocolates as the wormhole opens
and closes again.)
[BRIEN] It was Julian. He was trying to be helpful. He over-watered
them. It's not his fault, but you know how he is. Sometimes he doesn't
even know what he's doing. I'm sorry, sweetheart. We'll buy some new
[KEIKO] Forget it, Miles. They're just plants.
[BRIEN] Exactly.
[KEIKO] It's not as if something happened to Molly or the baby.
[BRIEN] Right, right, right. Everybody's fine. No problems.
[KEIKO] Good. What about Kira? Is she back yet?
[BRIEN] No, she's still with Shaakar travelling around Dahkur
Province. I thought you were going to visit them.
[KEIKO] I didn't get a chance.
[BRIEN] So, how were the Fire Caves?
[KEIKO] Fine. And now it's time for me to tell you some news. I'm not
[BRIEN] No? Who are you?
[KEIKO] Listen carefully, Miles. I have taken possession of your wife's
body. I will hold it hostage until you do everything I tell you do
accurately, and without question.
[BRIEN] Everything?
[KEIKO] If you don't do precisely what I ask, I'll kill your wife.
[BRIEN] Are you all right? Maybe there's been an outbreak of Rudellian
brain fever on Bajor. We should go see Julian
[KEIKO] I see I'm going to have to give you a demonstration of my
(Keiko convulses and collapses.)
[BRIEN] Keiko! Keiko! (no pulse) No!
(Keiko grabs his hand before he can hit the comm. badge.)
[KEIKO] No, Miles, you're not telling anyone. If you do, I'll stop her
heart forever.
[BRIEN] If you're really in control of my wife's body, let me speak to
[KEIKO] She can hear whatever you have to say.
(Keiko has a nosebleed)
[BRIEN] Not good enough. I want to talk to her. I want her to talk to
[KEIKO] You're in no position to bargain, Miles. Strange, these
corporeal bodies of yours. So fragile. Burst even a tiny blood vessel
in the brain and every memory, every passionate emotion, gone forever.
You shouldn't let me eat all of these by myself, Miles.
[BRIEN] I'm not hungry. Look, why don't you just tell me what you want
me to do so we can get this over with.
[KEIKO] Very well.
[BRIEN] But let me make one thing clear I will not do anything to
jeopardise this station or the people on it.
[KEIKO] Don't worry, Miles. All I want you to do is reconfigure some of
the communication and sensor relays on the station.
[BRIEN] Why?
[KEIKO] I can't tell you.
[BRIEN] You'll have to be patient. The
communications and sensor relays are distributed throughout the entire
[KEIKO] You know your wife well, Miles, but she knows you even better. I
know you're just playing for time until you can get to your friends.
Julian, Dax, Captain Sisko, I know they'll all want to help you. The
Captain may even allow you to do what I'm asking. At least until
someone figures out a way to trap me in some sort of stasis field or
some other clever device you're already dreaming up. And you know what?
It might work. You might be able to stop me. But I promise you one
thing. If you do, Keiko will die. All I need is a split second to cause
a massive brain haemorrhage and she's gone. I know this is a difficult
adjustment for you to make, but we don't have a lot of time.
[BRIEN] What do you want me to do?
(O'Brien's quarters)
(Looking at station schematic 4747 on a PADD)
[KEIKO] How long is this going to take?
[BRIEN] In order to keep the polarity shift invisible to security
checks, I'll have to tap into the optronic integrator on level five.
[KEIKO] You're the engineer. What is it, Miles? What do you want to ask
me? You always tighten your brow just a tiny bit
whenever you're about to ask a question. It's something only a wife
would notice.
[BRIEN] Why Keiko? Why take control of her? Why not me? I'm the one
who can do the work. It'd be more efficient.
[KEIKO] Come in.
(Bashir bearing a plant.)
[BASHIR] Hope I'm not interrupting anything.
[BRIEN] Yes, you are. We're busy.
[KEIKO] Miles! Don't be so rude. Ah, Bajoran spiny basil. How
[BASHIR] It's the least I can do after er
[KEIKO] It's all right, Julian. I forgive you. Now, you are coming to
the party tonight, aren't you?
[BASHIR] I'll be here. I guess it's not a surprise anymore.
[KEIKO] I can't believe I did that. I arranged a birthday dinner for you
tonight, but I wanted it to be a surprise.
[BRIEN] That's okay. I don't like surprises.
[BASHIR] Well, I'd better going. I left a patient on the operating
table. I'll see you later.
[KEIKO] Thanks, Julian. This was so sweet.
[BASHIR] No problem.
(Bashir leaves)
[BRIEN] A party? Tonight?
[KEIKO] It is your birthday.
[BRIEN] We can't have all those people here. We'll have to cancel.
[KEIKO] And raise suspicions? It's better if the dinner goes on as
planned. Besides, Keiko went to a lot of trouble to arrange it for you.
Now, you'd better get back to work. You don't want to be late for your
shift briefing. And I've got a lot of cooking to do.
(Two humans, an alien and a Bajoran woman.)
[ROM] Diagnostic and repair technician junior grade Rom reporting.
[WHATLEY] Right. You're Duarte's replacement. Have a seat.
[ROM] I'm on the swing shift?
[WHATLEY] For a day or two.
[TEKOA] (Bajoran woman) What's the matter with Duarte?
[WHATLEY] Sick as a vole.
[ROM] Is this where Duarte sits? So, what are you drinking?
[WHATLEY] Raktajino.
[ROM] Great. Is that what we drink on the swing shift?
[WHATLEY] You can drink anything you want.
[ROM] I'll have a raktajino. It's not like this on the night shift. We
don't drink raktajino. We really don't drink anything.
[WHATLEY] Fascinating.
[BRIEN (on monitor)] Change of plans today, people. I need to
recalibrate the optronic integrator on level five. What is it, Rom?
[ROM] I volunteer. I like phase-shifting reconfigurations.
[BRIEN] Thank you, but I'll take care of that myself. I want the rest
of you to concentrate on the new inertial couplings. I want all sixty
four couplings done today. Whatley, you and Tekoa cover the docking
ring. Abdon and Nori, the cargo bays. Rom the upper pylons. Any
questions? Good. Now, since I'll be working alone today, I'm going to
be very busy. So I don't want to be interrupted by anything
unimportant. Is that clear?
[WHATLEY] Yes, sir.
(Level five crawlway)
[BRIEN] Computer, locate Keiko O'Brien.
[COMPUTER] Keiko O'Brien is in her quarters.
[BRIEN] Computer, initiate full identity scan of Keiko O'Brien and
note inconsistencies with any existing medical records.
[COMPUTER] Scan complete. No inconsistencies found. Identity confirmed.
[BRIEN] How long would it take for a level three stasis field to
render Keiko O'Brien unconscious?
[COMPUTER] All cognitive reflexes would cease in two point one seconds.
[BRIEN] Too long. Calculate the time if anesthetine gas were used.
[COMPUTER] One point four seconds.
[BRIEN] What about a phaser set to stun?
[COMPUTER] Zero point nine seconds.
[BRIEN] God help me.
(He opens a panel and gets to work)
(O'Brien's quarters)
(The party is on and the buffet table is loaded.)
[JAKE] There you are, Chief. I was beginning to think you were going to
miss your own party.
[BRIEN] I'm sorry I'm late. Had a few odds and ends to tie up. Have
you seen Keiko?
[BASHIR] Oh, she's in the bedroom, helping Molly put on different shoes.
A little fashion crisis. But as usual, your wife has handled
everything. You're a lucky man, Miles.
[SISKO] Keiko has really outdone herself this time. Take it from an old
cook, q'parol is a very time-consuming dish.
(Molly and Keiko come in with the cake)
[MOLLY] Happy birthday, daddy.
[ALL] (sing) He's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for
he's a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny.
[KEIKO] Happy birthday, sweetheart.
[JAKE] Make a wish.
(O'Brien blows out the candle.)
[KEIKO] Single malt Irish whiskey. Neat. Molly wanted to wear her new
purple shoes for you. Doesn't she look pretty?
[BRIEN] Very pretty.
[KEIKO] Now, all the food's set out on the table, so just relax with
your friends and I'll pass these around.
[BRIEN] I want to talk to you.
[KEIKO] Not right now, Miles. We have guests.
[DAX] Sorry I'm late.
[KEIKO] Dax! I was afraid you weren't coming.
[DAX] I heard you were serving q'parol and how could I miss it?
[SISKO] What's the matter, Chief? You look a little preoccupied.
Everything all right?
[BRIEN] There's something I forgot to tell Keiko. Would you excuse me
for a moment?
[SISKO] Of course.
[JAKE] Did you see any Pah-wraiths?
[KEIKO] Pah-wraiths?
[JAKE] In the Fire Caves. Odo was telling me the caves were haunted by
some sort of weird supernatural beings.
[KEIKO] Don't tell me you believe in wraiths?
[ODO] Well, I may have mentioned the Bajoran legends about creatures
living in the caves, but I never said I believe in them.
[KEIKO] Well, the only thing I saw in the caves were some beautiful and
botanically fascinating fungi.
[JAKE] Well, maybe next time you go to the Fire Caves, I could come
along. I've always wanted to meet a Pah-wraith.
[KEIKO] Maybe you will. You never know.
[BRIEN] I've done what you asked.
[KEIKO] That's terrific, Miles. We'll talk later.
(O'Brien breaks the glass he's holding.)
[KEIKO] Miles, are you bleeding?
[BRIEN] No, it's nothing.
[BASHIR] Let me take a look.
[BRIEN] I said I'm all right! I'm sorry. Sorry, everybody. Excuse me.
(O'Brien's bedroom)
[KEIKO] Get a hold of yourself.
[BRIEN] Look, I've done everything you asked me to do. Just give me
back my wife.
[KEIKO] You've done well, Miles.
(She stops the bleeding)
[KEIKO] But recalibrating the optronic integrator was only a test. I had
to be sure I could trust you. Tomorrow the real work begins. Now it's
time to get back to our guests. We don't want to raise suspicions, do
(O'Brien's quarters)
(The party is over and there's half the cake left,
but it gets disposed of anyway.)
[KEIKO] Is Molly asleep?
[BRIEN] Yes.
[KEIKO] The q'parol was a big success.
[BRIEN] Look, no more tests, no more games. Just tell me what you want
[KEIKO] We'll talk about it in the morning. It's late and you're working
a double shift tomorrow.
[BRIEN] I want to talk about it now!
[KEIKO] Miles, I make the rules. Now relax. Everything's going to be
fine as long as you do what I ask.
[BRIEN] I'll sleep on the couch.
[KEIKO] Don't be childish. What if Molly has one of her nightmares and
comes running in? You'll sleep in bed with me, just like you always do.
[BRIEN] I'll be there in a minute.
[KEIKO] Don't be too late. You've got a busy day tomorrow.
(Keiko goes into the bedroom.)
[BRIEN] Computer, give me the record of all Bajoran legends concerning
the Pah-wraiths.
[COMPUTER] There are six thousand, four hundred twenty-seven entries in
the data banks that reference that subject. Please specify.
[KEIKO (OC)] Miles.
(O'Brien's bedroom)
[KEIKO] Sleep well.
(And by next morning he has slept so well he has his hand on her
[KEIKO] Another weakness of you corporeal lifeforms. Your need for
physical intimacy. It's especially irritating in your young.
[BRIEN] I have to get Molly ready for school.
[KEIKO] I'll do it. You have a big day ahead of you.
[BRIEN] Molly's going to sleep at the Davis' tonight and she's staying
there until this is over.
[KEIKO] Do you really think that's wise? A little girl needs her mother.
Molly would be lost without hers.
[BRIEN] You stay away from her.
[KEIKO] Miles, I'd never do anything to hurt your daughter, unless you
forced me to. These are your instructions. Follow them precisely.
[BRIEN] Computer, locate Captain Sisko.
[COMPUTER] Captain Sisko is in Security.
(O'Brien steps out of the turbolift and heads
toward Sisko and Odo coming out of Security.)
[KEIKO] Miles!
(Keiko falls from the upper level.)
[ODO] And you didn't see anyone near her before she
[BRIEN] Nobody. But I was passing underneath the walkway and I had my
back toward her.
[SISKO] What were you doing on the Promenade?
[BRIEN] What?
[ODO] Weren't you supposed to be working on optronic circuitry on level
[BRIEN] I was going to the Replimat for lunch.
[BASHIR] Keiko's going to be all right. She's lucky that she landed the
way that she did. It distributed the impact. Otherwise a fall from that
height could easily have killed her or left her paralysed.
[BRIEN] Is she conscious?
[BASHIR] Yes, but she's still in shock. She has a broken femur and a
hairline fracture of the right parietal bone.
[BRIEN] Can I see her?
[BASHIR] Maybe in a couple of hours. Right now she needs to rest.
[BRIEN] Julian, I really need to see her now.
[SISKO] Doctor.
[BASHIR] All right. But only for a few minutes. Don't excite her.
[BRIEN] Keiko.
[KEIKO] You were going to tell them about me.
[BRIEN] How did you know?
[KEIKO] I know everything your wife knows and she knows you. I told you
we have to trust one another. You violated that trust. Now look where
it's led us.
[BRIEN] I want my wife back, do you hear me? I want her back.
[KEIKO] Then stop trying to fool me. How much more damage do you think
this body can take? Now, no more tricks, agreed? Say it.
[BRIEN] Agreed.
[KEIKO] Good. You know what you need to do. You should get back to work.
[BRIEN] I'll have everything completed in thirty six hours.
[KEIKO] You have thirteen and not a minute more.
[BRIEN] I can't do it that fast.
[KEIKO] You're a very resourceful man. I'm sure you can find a way, for
Keiko's sake.
[BRIEN] You bloody
[BASHIR] She does need to rest, Chief.
[KEIKO] Tell Molly I'll be home soon. Tell her Mommy's fine. Don't scare
her. Miles? Give me a kiss.
(She pulls his head down.)
[KEIKO] I'm counting on you.
[BASHIR] She'll be back on her feet soon, I promise.
[BRIEN] Computer, begin a thirteen hour countdown
starting now.
[COMPUTER] Clock activated.
[WORF] Chief. I heard about Keiko's accident. How is she?
[BRIEN] Julian said she'll be home soon.
[WORF] That is good. If there is anything I can do.
[BRIEN] I wish there was. I really do. I'd better get going. I'm
falling behind schedule.
(Conduit junction)
[BRIEN] Computer, time remaining?
[COMPUTER] Eight hours, twenty two minutes, three seconds.
[ROM] Chief! Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.
[BRIEN] Rom, what are you doing here?
[ROM] Reporting for my next assignment. I've completed calibration tests
on the inertial coupling ports on all three upper pylons.
[BRIEN] Already?
(Rom hands over a rod. The display says he's done it.)
[BRIEN] How did you finish so quickly?
[ROM] I just did the work. I didn't allow myself to get caught up in any
of the distracting discussions the other workers engage in. Ferengi can
be very focused, especially when no one bothers to talk to them.
[BRIEN] I see.
[ROM] Not that I mind. I'm used to being ignored. Is something wrong,
Chief? I can work slower if you want me to.
[BRIEN] Rom, I need your help, and I need you to keep your mouth shut.
Can I count on you?
[ROM] Is that a trick question?
[BRIEN] Rom, this is serious.
[ROM] You can depend on me, Chief.
[BRIEN] We're going to make some modifications to several of the
station's systems. I don't want you to breathe a word of this to
anyone. That includes Dax, Odo, Captain Sisko, Worf.
[ROM] They don't know?
[BRIEN] Of course they know. At least, some of them do. But they have
to pretend that they don't. This is a top secret Starfleet operation.
[ROM] Culpable deniability. I understand. Don't worry about me, Chief.
My lips are sealed. Nobody will get anything out of me. Not even my
[BRIEN] Rom, everybody on the station knows your name.
[ROM] Right. But I won't confirm it. Where do we start?
(Cargo bay)
[BRIEN] Computer, time remaining?
[COMPUTER] Six hours, forty one minutes, twenty six seconds.
(O'Brien is working in the pit.)
[DAX] Chief.
[BRIEN] Commander, what are you doing up at this hour?
[DAX] I want you to have a look at something. I couldn't sleep so I got
up and decided to scan the wormhole for radiometric anomalies.
[BRIEN] At three in the morning?
[DAX] I've always found anomalies to be very relaxing. It's a curse. I
was using the wideband filter protocols and when I ran the primary
calibrations check I found this.
[BRIEN] Oh, they're slightly off spec.
[DAX] Yes. I thought it might be a fused matrix inverter until I ran a
level three diagnostic. Have a look. We'd better wake the Captain. We
have a saboteur on the station.
[SISKO] All right, what have you got?
[DAX] Computer, display diagnostic. Chief?
[BRIEN] We've identified nine hundred and forty three tiny
fluctuations in the primary communication relays and several power
distribution junctions.
[DAX] Fluctuations that can't be attributed to anything except external
[SISKO] Someone's gained access to our systems and is altering them. For
what purpose?
[BRIEN] We're working on that. At this point, it's hard to even call
it sabotage. There's been no real damage. The systems are just a little
off spec. So far, these alterations don't seem to pose any threat to
the station.
[SISKO] So far. But this might be just the tip of a very large and
dangerous iceberg. Is there any way to trace how this was done, and by
[ODO] It has to be someone familiar with the station's systems.
[DAX] Maybe someone who worked on the station under the Cardassians.
[ODO] I'm running extensive security checks on all recent visitors, but
so far, I haven't found anything.
[DAX] It could be someone who's been on the station a long time. Someone
with a lot of access. Maybe even someone on the maintenance crew.
[SISKO] Chief?
[BRIEN] Yes.
[SISKO] Yes, what? Do you think it's someone on your staff?
[CREWMAN (OC)] Chief O'Brien, I have a call from your daughter.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[BRIEN] Molly, honey, what is it?
[MOLLY (on monitor)] Hi, Daddy. Mommy told me I could call you.
[KEIKO (on monitor)] (brushing Molly's hair) I hope we didn't interrupt
anything important.
[BRIEN] It's all right, Molly. I'm glad you called. What are you doing
[KEIKO (on monitor)] She missed her mommy. Isn't that sweet?
[MOLLY (on monitor)] When are you going to come
(The hairbrush tugs.)
[MOLLY (on monitor)] Ow! Mommy, that hurt.
[KEIKO (on monitor)] Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie.
[BRIEN] Are you all right, Molly?
[KEIKO (on monitor)] She's fine, Miles. She wants to know when you'll be
finished. I told her you had to work another two hours, twenty two
minutes and thirteen seconds.
[MOLLY (on monitor)] How long is that, Daddy?
[BRIEN] Soon. I'll be home very soon.
[KEIKO (on monitor)] Good. We both miss you.
(Transmission ends and O'Brien goes back to the main group.)
[SISKO] Everything all right?
[BRIEN] Fine. I'm sorry about the interruption.
[SISKO] You were saying you thought you knew who the saboteur might be.
[BRIEN] I think I have an idea.
Rom has a big wall panel open.)
[ROM] Hello, Constable. Hello, Chief.
[ODO] What are you doing, Rom?
[ROM] I can't talk about it.
[ODO] Oh, yes you can. And you will.
(O'Brien winks at Rom as he is led away by security.)
[ODO] Coming, Chief?
[BRIEN] I'd better see what he's been up to here. I'll take care of
(Holding cell)
[SISKO] Has he said anything?
[ODO] Not much. For the first forty minutes, it was like pulling teeth
even getting him to admit his name.
[SISKO] You think he's working alone?
[ODO] I don't know. Rom admits to nothing. Now he's asking to see Chief
O'Brien. He won't talk to anybody else.
[SISKO] Then get the Chief down here. I want to know what's going on.
[ODO] Security to Chief O'Brien.
[BRIEN (OC)] Go ahead, Constable.
[ODO] We need you in Security right away.
[BRIEN] I'm still trying to figure out what Rom
did to these systems.
[ODO (OC)] That'll have to wait. I have Captain's orders to get you down
here immediately.
[BRIEN] On my way. Computer, time remaining?
[COMPUTER] Thirty six minutes, nine seconds.
[BRIEN] Computer, locate maintenance technician Rom.
[COMPUTER] Maintenance technician Rom is in Security holding cell number
[BRIEN] Initiate security override and scramble surveillance channels
four A, B, C and D. Authorisation O'Brien seven one two.
[COMPUTER] Specified security channels scrambled.
[BRIEN] Now, begin recalibration of gravitic sensors at access panel
three seven nine as indicated. I'll be back in ten minutes.
(Holding cell)
[ODO] The Chief is here, Rom. Now what do you want
to say?
[ROM] Alone. I'll only talk if we're alone.
(Odo leaves.)
[BRIEN] What is it, Rom? It's okay. I've disconnected Odo's
eavesdropping devices.
[ROM] I haven't told anyone anything, just like you said.
[BRIEN] You're a good man. Now why did you call me? I told you we're
under very tight time constraints.
[ROM] Captain Sisko is really angry. If I didn't know he was pretending
[BRIEN] Rom.
[ROM] Don't worry, I can hold out until you say otherwise, but there is
one thing I have to know.
[BRIEN] Go ahead.
[ROM] Why are we focusing a chroniton beam at the wormhole?
[BRIEN] What?
[ROM] The new frequency of the deflector grid is set to turn the station
into a massive chroniton array aimed directly at the wormhole. So I
just wanted to know. Why are we trying to kill the wormhole aliens?
[BRIEN] What are you talking about? A chroniton beam is harmless.
[ROM] To us, but its temporal disruption would kill a wormhole alien
[BRIEN] Of course. Why didn't I think of that. She has me so on edge I
haven't been able to see the forest for the trees.
[ROM] Who's she?
[BRIEN] I don't have time to explain now. The question is, why would
anyone want to kill the wormhole aliens?
[ROM] Everyone has enemies, even the Prophets.
[BRIEN] That's right. They're not just wormhole aliens, they're
Prophets, part of Bajoran mythology just like the Pah-wraiths of the
Fire Caves. So, what have those wraiths have to do with the wormhole
[ROM] Koss'moran.
[BRIEN] What?
[ROM] It's a Bajoran legend. From the verb kosst, meaning 'to be' and
amoran 'banished'. Leeta's been telling me all about Bajoran legends.
She can go on for hours. She says I'm a good listener.
[BRIEN] I'm sure you are. Now's the time to be a good talker. Go on.
[ROM] Well, according to Leeta, the Pah-wraiths used to live in the
wormhole. They were part of the Celestial Temple.
[BRIEN] They were Prophets?
[ROM] False Prophets. They were cast out of the Temple, exiled to the
caves where they were imprisoned in crystal fire cages and forbidden to
ever return lest they face the wrath of the true Prophets.
[BRIEN] So if these false Prophets were to return to the Celestial
[ROM] I don't think they'd be welcomed.
[BRIEN] Unless she kills all the wormhole aliens first. Rom, I'm going
to have to leave you in a tough spot.
[ROM] Captain Sisko, Odo, they don't know about any of this, do they?
[BRIEN] No. No, they don't. And I want you to help me keep it that way
for a little while longer.
[ROM] I have to stay here and play the idiot?
[BRIEN] I'm afraid so. No matter what Odo asks you
[ROM] I'm Quark's brother. I know the role.
[BRIEN] Computer, time remaining?
[COMPUTER] Twelve minutes, twenty two seconds.
(Back to work on the big panels, but )
[ODO] Ahem. Sorry to disturb you, Chief. A couple of things are still
bothering me. Rom couldn't have done all this sabotage alone. There
were too many changes for any one person to make.
[BRIEN] Maybe so. Right now I've got a frequency problem in the
cascade feeder.
[ODO] I checked with the repair logs. I was hoping to match someone's
movements to the locations where the alterations were made, but I
couldn't do that.
[BRIEN] We had a matrix system failure yesterday. Those files were
lost. Sorry.
[ODO] We've had a lot of system failures recently, haven't we, Chief?
[BRIEN] Really? I hadn't noticed. I've been too busy repairing things.
[ODO] Like the surveillance channels in the holding cells? You
authorised a security override. What was wrong with them?
[BRIEN] The fibre optic relay was out of sync. The isolinear chip
junction was
[ODO] Enough, Chief. You didn't cover your tracks very well. Why?
[BRIEN] I didn't have time. I still don't.
(O'Brien punches Odo's lights out and takes his badge.)
[BRIEN] Sorry, Odo. Chief O'Brien to Keiko O'Brien.
[KEIKO (OC)] This is Keiko.
[BRIEN] I'm finished, but we have to move quickly. This place is going
to be swarming with security. Meet me at runabout pad C now.
[KEIKO (OC)] How did you know I'd want a runabout?
[BRIEN] Because I know what you're planning to do. But don't worry, I
don't give a damn about the Celestial Temple, or your non-corporeal
feuds. I just want my wife back. Now you still need me to pilot you to
the wormhole, so let's stop wasting time. Agreed?
[KEIKO (OC)] I'll meet you there.
[BRIEN] That's correct, Commander. I want to test
some new magnetic constrictors on the runabout's impulse thrusters.
[DAX (OC)] Very well, Chief. You're cleared for departure. But before
you go, there's one thing I'd like to ask you.
[BRIEN] What's that?
[DAX (OC)] Did you enjoy your birthday?
[BRIEN] It was full of surprises.
[DAX (OC)] Good. Those are always my favourites.
(And the runabout takes off for the wormhole.)
[KEIKO] Hold position here.
[BRIEN] Computer. Initiate modifications O'Brien seven three one and
enable remote
comm. link.
[COMPUTER] Comm. link enabled.
(Electricity is crackling around the station.)
(Red alert sounds.)
[DAX] What the hell?
[KEIKO] Target the centre of the wormhole.
[BRIEN] Target coordinates set.
[KEIKO] Have us face the Temple. The blast'll last only a fraction of a
second. They'll all be dead before they even see it.
[KEIKO] Oh, you have no idea how many centuries I've waited for this.
[BRIEN] Let's get on with it.
[KEIKO] Miles, you have a lot to learn about patience. Proceed.
[SISKO (OC)] Chief, what's going on out there? I'm ordering you to
return to the station. Now!
[KEIKO] Activate.
(The beam from DS9 hits the runabout.)
(The beam zaps straight into Keiko instead of going
on to the wormhole. She screams and finally collapses.)
[BRIEN] Keiko? Keiko.
[KEIKO] Miles?
[SISKO] Chief. You have some explaining to do.
(O'Brien's quarters)
[KEIKO] It was more like having something coiled
around inside my head. I could see and hear through it, but any time I
tried to do anything, it was like being stuck in sand and squeezed.
[BRIEN] Yeah. Could you sense any of its thoughts?
[KEIKO] Just feelings sometimes. Kind of a cold rage. I don't think it
had any intention of leaving either one of us alive.
[BRIEN] You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
[KEIKO] It feels better to talk about it. Besides, I don't want to
forget how hard you fought for me.
(Breakfast time and Rom is exhausted.)
[ROM] Hello, brother.
[QUARK] You look horrible. I'm telling you, Rom, working the night shift
is driving you to an early grave.
[ROM] I wasn't working.
[QUARK] What do you mean you weren't working?
[ROM] I'm not on the night shift anymore.
[QUARK] I knew it. O'Brien fired you.
[ROM] No, brother. In appreciation of my work the chief has promoted me
to the day shift. He says I have a promising future in Engineering.
[QUARK] Then why do you look so tired?
[ROM] I was out celebrating.
[QUARK] With who?
[ROM] My crewmates. I think they like me.
[QUARK] Do they.
[ROM] Especially Litana. She's always finding excuses to talk to me.
[QUARK] Well, Rom, I'm glad things are going so well for you.
[ROM] No, you're not. But thanks anyway, brother.
[QUARK] I guess you'll be wanting the Chief's Special again?
[ROM] Actually, no. I've discovered that bacon doesn't agree with me.
[QUARK] What a surprise.
[ROM] Instead, I'll have a short stack of pancakes, dripping with
butter, side of sausage and pineapple.
[QUARK] Pineapple?
[ROM] That's the breakfast of choice on the day shift.
[QUARK] Pineapple. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e100", "title": "The Assignment"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Trials and
and Tribble-ations
Original Airdate: 4 Nov, 1996
(A pair of dour pin-striped bureaucrats arrive on
the turbolift.)
[KIRA] Welcome to Deep Space Nine. I'm Major Kira.
[DULMUR] I'm Dulmur.
(An anagram of Muldur, and yes - )
[LUCSLY] Lucsly. Department of Temporal Investigations.
[KIRA] We've been expecting you.
[DAX] I guess you boys from Temporal Investigations are always on time.
[DULMUR] Where's Captain Sisko?
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Are you sure you don't want anything?
[DULMUR] Just the truth, Captain.
[SISKO] You'll get it. Where do you want to start?
[DULMUR] The beginning.
[LUCSLY] If there is such a thing.
[DULMUR] Captain, why did you take the Defiant back in time?
[SISKO] It was an accident.
[LUCSLY] So you're not contending it was a predestination paradox?
[DULMUR] A time loop. That you were meant to go back into the past?
[SISKO] Erm, no.
[DULMUR] Good.
[LUCSLY] We hate those. So, what happened?
[SISKO] This may take some time.
[DULMUR] Is that a joke?
[LUCSLY] Good.
[DULMUR] We hate those too. All right, Captain. Whenever you're ready.
[SISKO] Two weeks ago the Cardassian Government contacted me and wanted
to return an Orb to the Bajorans.
[LUCSLY] They're devices of alien origin that are considered sacred
objects by the Bajoran people.
[SISKO] Each has a unique property, like the Orb of Prophecy, or the Orb
of Wisdom. The one we received from the Cardassians was the Orb of
Time, although we didn't know that at first.
[SISKO (OC)] When the Defiant arrived at Cardassia Prime, we weren't
sure if we were dealing with a genuine Orb or one of the fakes that
have cropped up over the years.
(Defiant Corridor)
[SISKO (OC)] I had it secured in one of the crew
quarters so we could bring it back to Bajor for authentication. But
before we left Cardassia, we took on a passenger.
(Mess hall)
(Does this guy look familiar? It's
Charlie Brill.)
[WADDLE] Humans! I never thought I'd see another normal face again.
[WORF] This is Mister Waddle.
[WADDLE] Barry. Call me Barry.
[WORF] We are taking him back to the Federation. He was trapped on
Cardassia when the Klingons attacked.
[WADDLE] I'm a merchant. I deal in gemstones, kivas and trillium mostly.
May I?
[BRIEN] Help yourself.
[WADDLE] You know what Cardassians drink in the morning? Fish juice. Hot
fish juice. Raktajino. After six months, I was hoping the Klingons
would invade. At least they know how to make coffee, even if they are
foul-smelling barbarians. Sorry.
[BRIEN] I wouldn't take it personally, Worf.
[BASHIR] I rather like the way you smell.
[BRIEN] Yeah, sort of earthy, peaty aroma.
[BASHIR] With a touch of lilac.
[SISKO (OC)] With the Defiant under cloak we left
Cardassian space and managed to avoid being detected by the Klingons.
We were halfway home, and I was just starting to breath easy.
[BRIEN] Trust me. Next time you see him, just sniff the air and go 'is
that lilac?'
[DAX] Find somebody else. I have my own ways of torturing Worf.
[SISKO] Don't look at me.
[BRIEN] I'm picking up a massive surge in chronoton radiation around
(Consoles flicker, the picture goes overexposed in gold then back to
[SISKO] What happened?
[DAX] I don't know, but we've dropped out of warp.
[BRIEN] Sensors are coming back online.
[DAX] Benjamin, something's very wrong. According to the navigational
computer we're over two hundred light years from our last position.
[BRIEN] We're decloaking!
[DAX] Someone's activated the transporter.
[SISKO] Deactivate it and get us back under cloak.
[BRIEN] I'm picking up another ship dead ahead.
[SISKO] Can you identify it?
(Cloaked again.)
[DAX] Not yet. But it's close. Very close.
[SISKO] Chief, I need that viewscreen.
[BRIEN] I think I've got it.
(The static clears to reveal a starship with registration number
NCC1701, no **** A B C or D)
[DAX] That's
[SISKO] The Enterprise.
(Captain's office)
[DULMUR] Be specific, Captain. Which Enterprise?
There've been five.
[SISKO] This was the first Enterprise. Constitution class.
[DULMUR] His ship.
[LUCSLY] James T Kirk.
[SISKO] The one and only.
[LUCSLY] Seventeen separate temporal violations. The biggest file on
[DULMUR] The man was a menace. What was the date of your arrival?
[SISKO] Stardate 4523.7.
[DULMUR] A hundred and five years, one month, and twelve days ago.
[LUCSLY] A Friday.
[DULMUR] What was the Enterprise doing?
(Orb cabin)
[SISKO (OC)] She was orbiting one of the old Deep
Space stations. K-seven, near the Klingon border. Security reported
that just before we were thrown back in time, someone stunned the
deputy who was guarding the orb and broke into the cabin. It didn't
take us long to realise who it was.
(Mess hall)
[WORF] His real name is Arne Darvin. He is a Klingon
altered to look human.
[DAX] His surgeon does nice work.
[ODO] We're assuming that he came aboard the Defiant for the express
purpose of gaining access to the Orb.
[BRIEN] Any idea why he brought us back to this point in time?
[WORF] We have a theory. This is Darvin as he appeared during that time
period. At this moment he is aboard space station K-seven, posing as a
Federation official.
[BASHIR] So you're saying he's a spy?
[ODO] The younger Darvin's mission was to derail Federation colonisation
efforts by poisoning a shipment of grain which was, which is being
stored aboard the station. However, eighteen hours from now, James Kirk
will expose him and he will be arrested.
(That's the plot of Trouble
with Tribbles, so here's the link for
you. Now, let's just enjoy our 30th anniversary Trek show.)
[WORF] That arrest will end his career. Klingon Intelligence will turn
their back on him and he will become an outcast.
[ODO] From what we've been able to piece together, he spent the next
hundred years eking out a meager living posing as a human merchant.
Then in a final indignity, he was trapped in Cardassian space by the
Klingon invasion.
[SISKO] Ah. Until he heard rumours about an Orb capable of taking him
back in time.
[BASHIR] So what's he planning to do? Contact his younger self and warn
himself about Kirk?
[DAX] He could be planning to kill Kirk.
[SISKO] The bottom line is, we have to find Darvin and stop him before
he has a chance to alter history. Do we know where he beamed to?
[WORF] No. He wiped the transporter logs when he beamed out.
[BRIEN] So he could be on the Enterprise or the station.
[SISKO] We'll have to search both without arousing suspicion or altering
the timeline ourselves. The last thing I want is a visit from Temporal
Investigations when we get home.
[BASHIR] I suppose we ought to find a way to blend in.
(So uniforms are changed and Dax's spots are 'removed'. Old style
tricorders and communicators, and a beehive hairstyle.)
(Defiant corridor)
[BASHIR] Captain.
[SISKO] Lieutenant, actually. I didn't want to push my luck.
[BRIEN] (Engineering red, of course) Looks good on you, sir.
[SISKO] Thank you, Ensign.
[BASHIR] Wait a minute, aren't you two wearing the wrong colour?
[BRIEN] Don't you know anything about this period in time?
[BASHIR] I'm a doctor, not an historian.
[SISKO] In the old days, operations officers wore red, command officers
wore gold.
[DAX] And women wore less.
(Dax pirouettes. The red skort suits her legs.)
[BASHIR] I think I'm going to like history.
(Transporter bay)
[BRIEN] The original Enterprise used an old-style
duotronic sensor array. If we wait for just the right point in the scan
cycle, we can decloak the Defiant for almost three seconds without
being detected.
[SISKO] Is that enough time to transport us aboard?
[BRIEN] Barely.
[DAX] Chief, here are the coordinates. The Captain and I will start on
deck four and work our way aft. You and Julian should start on deck
twenty one
[BRIEN] And work our way forward.
[SISKO] What about the station?
[WORF] Little of it is habitable. Most of K seven consists of storage
areas and industrial fabrication facilities.
[ODO] It shouldn't take long to search. Security isn't as tight as it is
on a starship.
[SISKO] Remember, try to avoid contact with people of this time period.
[BRIEN] We're coming up on a bandshift in the scan cycle.
[SISKO] Dax.
(Enterprise corridor)
(Dax and Sisko come out of turbolift seven to a
busy corridor.)
(Enterprise turbolift)
(Bashir and O'Brien beam into the turbolift.)
[BASHIR] Ready?
[BRIEN] Deck twenty one. Deck twenty one. I said, Deck twenty one.
[BASHIR] Maybe if you said please.
[BRIEN] What's wrong with this thing?
[BASHIR] Don't look at me. I don't know anything about this time period.
[BRIEN] Maybe it's jammed. Help me get this wall panel off.
(A crewwoman enters and turns one of the wall handles)
[WATLEY] Deck fifteen.
[BASHIR] I won't tell anyone if you don't.
(Enterprise corridor)
[DAX] They really packed them in on these old ships.
[SISKO] What about over there?
[DAX] Perfect. An auxiliary communications juncture.
[SISKO] I'll pretend to do repairs. You scan for Darvin.
[DAX] I used to have one of these. I love classic twenty third century
designs. Black finish, silver highlights.
[SISKO] Dax.
[DAX] Sorry.
(K-7 bar)
(Odo enters, finds an empty table and starts using
a bajoran tricorder. Chekov and Uhura enter and go to the bar.)
[BARTENDER] I don't want any more Spican flame gems. Thanks to you I
already have enough Spican flame gems to me a lifetime.
[JONES] How sad for you, my friend. You won't find a finer stone
[WAITRESS] What's your pleasure?
[ODO] I'll have a raktajino.
[WAITRESS] You're the second person today who's ordered that. What is
[ODO] Klingon coffee. The second person? Who was the first?
[WAITRESS] An older man. A human.
[ODO] Where is he now?
[WAITRESS] I don't know. He left about an hour ago. I think he said he'd
be back. We don't have any Klingon beverages. Would you like something
[ODO] Tarkalean tea.
[JONES] I have something from the far reaches of the galaxy. Surely you
(From a pocket he produces a trilling tribble.)
[BARTENDER] Not at your price.
[UHURA] Oooh. What is it? Is it alive? May I hold it? Oh, it's adorable.
What is it?
(Enterprise corridor)
(O'Brien has a panel open and Bashir is scanning
with a medical tricorder.)
[BASHIR] Chief, you're supposed to be working
[BRIEN] I'm afraid to touch anything. It's all cross-circuited and
patched together. I can't make heads nor tails of it.
[BASHIR] Sounds like one of your repair jobs. Well, there's no sign of
Darvin in this section. I'm going to widen the scan radius. If I can
figure out how.
[BRIEN] Keep the scan field below twenty milliwatts, otherwise you'll
set off the internal sensors.
[BASHIR] Thank you, Chief. I was listening during the mission briefing.
[ENGINEER] What are you two doing here? Scotty told me to do this.
[BRIEN] Oh, you were going to do this?
[ENGINEER] It's on the duty roster.
[BASHIR] Must have been some mix-up.
[ENGINEER] Isn't that a medical tricorder?
[BASHIR] Yes. Yes, it is. I'm a doctor.
[ENGINEER] Why do we need a doctor to repair a power relay?
[BASHIR] You don't, obviously. No, I'm doing a study. It has to do with
work-related stress.
[BASHIR] Why don't you two go on? Pretend I'm not here.
[ENGINEER] So, where should we start?
[BRIEN] Well obviously the first thing we should do is to take this
transtator here, and
(The lights go down)
[BRIEN] And leave it exactly it is.
[BASHIR] The job pressure's been getting to him. Why don't you take
over? All right, Ensign, I think I've seen enough. Let's get you back
to Sickbay.
[BRIEN] Oh, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't mention this to anyone.
[ENGINEER] No problem. Hope you feel better.
(K-7 bar)
(Odo has changed tables and has something purring
on his lap when Worf enters)
[WORF] I have completed my search of the primary habitat levels and.
What is that sound?
[ODO] Soothing isn't it? The bartender called it a
(Odo shows him his new pet, which promptly starts screeching)
[WORF] A tribble.
[ODO] Sit down. You're drawing attention.
[WORF] Where did you get that thing?
[ODO] From a man named Cyrano Jones. He told me tribbles like everyone,
but this one doesn't seem to like you.
[WORF] The feeling's! The feeling's mutual. They are detestable
[ODO] Interesting. It's been my observation that most humanoids love
soft, furry animals especially if they make pleasing sounds.
[WORF] They do nothing but consume food and breed. If you feed that
thing more than the smallest morsel, in a few hours you'll have ten
tribbles then a hundred then a thousand.
[ODO] Calm down.
[WORF] They were once considered mortal enemies of the Klingon Empire.
[ODO] This? A mortal enemy of the Empire?
[WORF] They were an ecological menace, a plague to be wiped out.
[ODO] Wiped out? What are you saying?
[WORF] Hundreds of warriors were sent to track them down throughout the
galaxy. An armada obliterated the Tribbles' homeworld. By the end of
the twenty third century they had been eradicated.
[ODO] Another glorious chapter of Klingon history. Tell me, do they
still sing songs of the great tribble hunt?
(Red alert)
(Enterprise corridor)
[DAX] What should we do?
[SISKO] Get to battle stations.
(Enterprise turbolift)
[SISKO] Deck seven.
(Sisko stops the lift.)
[SISKO] Let's see if we can find out what's going on.
(He taps his embroidered shirt badge.)
[SISKO] Sisko to Defiant.
(Gets the flip-top communicator out)
[SISKO] Sisko to Defiant.
[KIRA (OC)] Defiant here.
[SISKO] Report.
[KIRA] A Klingon D-7 battlecruiser just dropped out
of warp. It's approaching the station.
(Enterprise turbolift)
[SISKO] Have they locked weapons?
[KIRA] Not yet.
(Enterprise turbolift)
[DAX] Kira, can you identify the Klingon vessel?
[KIRA] The IKS Gr'oth.
(Enterprise turbolift)
[DAX] That's Koloth's ship.
[SISKO] Curzon's old friend?
[DAX] Yes. And he isn't going to attack. I remember Koloth telling me he
once traded insults with Kirk on a space station near the Federation
border. He always regretted never getting the chance to face him in
[KIRA (OC)] The Klingon ship just transported two people
[KIRA] To the station manager's office, Captain.
(Enterprise turbolift)
[DAX] That's Koloth. Maybe we should beam over to
the station and help Odo and Worf. We know that Darvin was there a few
hours ago.
[SISKO] I think it might be better if Chief O'Brien and Doctor Bashir
[DAX] But if we went, we might run into Koloth.
[SISKO] Exactly.
[DAX] It's not as if he would recognise me. I'd love to see him at his
[SISKO] Dax. Major, beam the Chief and the Doctor to K-seven and fill
them in.
[KIRA (OC)] Aye, sir.
(Sisko starts the lift moving.)
[DAX] It would've been fun.
[SISKO] Too much fun.
(Enterprise corridor)
[SISKO (OC)] Dax was right about the Klingons. They
were only interested in shore leave, and Captain Kirk allowed them to
beam aboard the station in small groups. When the Enterprise stood down
from Red Alert, we all resumed our search for Darvin.
[KIRA (OC)] the next bandshift in the Enterprise scan cycle will be in
three minutes.
[BRIEN] We'll be ready, Major. O'Brien out.
[BASHIR] We should find a turbolift.
(Enterprise turbolift)
(Number seven, again.)
[WATLEY] Hello again.
[BASHIR] Hello.
[BRIEN] Deck ten.
[WATLEY] Your flap's open.
[BASHIR] Excuse me?
[WATLEY] On your tricorder. You're draining power.
[BASHIR] Oh. Thank you.
[BRIEN] He's always doing that.
[WATLEY] You're a doctor?
[WATLEY] I just transferred here from the Lexington last week.
[BRIEN] Welcome aboard.
[WATLEY] I'm coming into Sickbay tomorrow for my physical. Fifteen
hundred. Lieutenant Watley.
(Watley leaves)
[BRIEN] You realise, of course, she just using you to get to me.
[BASHIR] Watley? That was my great grandmother's name.
[BRIEN] Funny.
[BASHIR] I think she was in Starfleet.
[BRIEN] It's a common enough name.
[BASHIR] But what if that was her?
[BRIEN] Do you realise the odds?
[BASHIR] No one ever met my great grandfather. This could be a
predestination paradox. Come on, Chief, surely you took elementary
temporal mechanics at the Academy? I could be destined to fall in love
with that woman and become my own great grandfather.
[BRIEN] You're being ridiculous.
[BASHIR] Ridiculous? If I don't meet with her tomorrow, I may never be
[KIRA (OC)] Chief, are you ready for transport?
[BRIEN] Are we ever.
[KIRA (OC)] Stand by.
[BASHIR] You saw the way she looked at me. You can't just dismiss this.
[BRIEN] I can try.
[BASHIR] All right, fine. But I can't wait to get back to Deep Space
Nine and see your face when you find out that I never existed.
(Enterprise corridor)
[SISKO (OC)] Dax and I resumed our search for
[DAX] Benjamin, look.
(Kirk and Spock are walking along when the comm. whistles)
[CHEKOV (OC)] Bridge to Captain Kirk.
[KIRK] Kirk here.
[CHEKOV (OC)] Mister Baris is waiting on channel E to speak to you, sir.
[SISKO] Keep working. We're a maintenance crew just doing our job.
[CHEKOV (OC)] Mister Baris is coming on.
[KIRK] Yes, Mister Baris. What can I do for you?
[BARIS (OC)] Kirk, this station is swarming with Klingons.
[KIRK] I was not aware, Mister Baris, that twelve Klingons constitutes a
[BARIS (OC)] Captain Kirk, I consider your security measures a disgrace.
In my opinion, you have taken this entire
[DAX] I had no idea.
[SISKO] What?
[DAX] He's so much more handsome in person. And those eyes.
[SISKO] Kirk had quite the reputation as a ladies' man.
[DAX] Not him. Spock.
[BARIS (OC)] Free and complete access to the station to that man who
just walked out of here.
[SISKO] Let's go.
[KIRK] Mister Baris, I have guards around the grain. I have guards
around the Klingons.
[DAX] I can't believe you don't at least want to meet Captain Kirk.
[SISKO] That's the last thing on my mind.
[DAX] Oh, come on, Benjamin. Are you telling me you're not the tiniest
bit interested in meeting one of the most famous men in Starfleet
[SISKO] We have a job to do.
[DAX] But it's, it's James Kirk!
[SISKO] Look, of course I want to meet him. I'd like to shake his hand,
ask him about fighting the
Gorn on Cestus Three, but that's not why we're here, old man.
[DAX] You're right. I guess the difference between you and me is I
remember this time. I lived in this time and it's hard to not want to
be part of it again.
(K-7 bar)
(Bashir and O'Brien join Worf and Odo at their
[BASHIR] Clearly we've been going about this search business all wrong,
[BRIEN] You're right. Why bother searching thirty decks, when you can
just plonk yourself down at a bar and wait for Darvin to come to you.
[ODO] We have reason to believe that he'll return to this area.
[BRIEN] Ah, yes. The raktajino.
[BASHIR] A vital clue that others might've missed. How fortunate it is
that it has kept you stuck at this bar for the past three hours having
drinks while we've been crawling through conduits.
(Scott, Chekov, and Freeman enter.)
[BRIEN] My God, that's him.
[ODO] Who?
[BRIEN] Kirk.
[WORF] Where?
[BRIEN] On the left, in the gold, just sitting down.
[BASHIR] That's Kirk?
[WORF] It would be an honour to meet him.
[BRIEN] Let's buy him a drink.
[ODO] Gentlemen, no one's buying anyone a drink.
[BRIEN] He's right. We can't risk altering the timeline.
[WAITRESS] What'll it be, boys? And don't ask for raktajino. If I have
to say we don't carry that one more time
[ODO] Who ordered raktajino?
[WAITRESS] The Klingons.
[ODO] Klingons?
[WAITRESS] Over there, and over there.
[BASHIR] Those are Klingons?
[WAITRESS] All right. You boys have had enough.
[ODO] Mister Worf?
[WORF] They are Klingons, and it is a long story.
[BRIEN] What happened? Some kind genetic engineering?
[BASHIR] A viral mutation?
(A line that was used eventually to create an entire
episode of
[WORF] We do not discuss it with outsiders.
[KORAX] Delusions of god-hood.
[SCOTT] Take it easy, lad. Everybody's entitled to an opinion.
[KORAX] That's right. And if I think that Kirk is a Denebian slime
devil, well that's my opinion too.
[SCOTT] Don't do it, mister, and that's an order.
[CHEKOV] But you heard what he called the Captain.
[BRIEN] Look at the way Kirk is ignoring that Klingon. He's letting
the security officer handle it.
[BASHIR] Chief, are you sure that's Kirk?
[BRIEN] Absolutely.
[BASHIR] Why is he wearing lieutenant's stripes?
[ODO] I think we've got bigger problems than a case of mistaken
[KORAX] Garbage scow. Half the quadrant knows it. That's why they're
learning to speak Klingonese.
[CHEKOV] Mister Scott.
[SCOTT] Laddie, don't you think you should rephrase that?
[KORAX] You're right, I should. I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise
should be hauling garbage. I meant to say that it should be hauled away
as garbage.
(Scott gets up, punches Korax across a table and the brawl begins.
Bashir and O'Brien stand.)
[ODO] What are you doing?
(The three are attacked by 'Klingons'. Only Odo stays out of trouble,
along with a few bystanders and Jones who helps himself to drinks.
Finally security run in and Jones gets his stolen drink taken back by
the bartender. Odo spots a familiar face outside the door and helps
[ODO] It's Darvin!
(O'Brien and Bashir are rounded up by Enterprise redshirts.)
(Captain's office)
[DULMUR] Your men could've avoided that fight,
[LUCSLY] Regulation one fifty seven, section three, paragraph eighteen.
Starfleet officers shall take all necessary precautions to minimise any
participation in historical events.
[SISKO] All right. It was a mistake. But there were no lasting
[DULMUR] How do you know that? For all we know, we could be living in an
alternate timeline right now.
[SISKO] If my people had caused any changes in the timeline, we would
have been the first to notice when we got back.
[LUCSLY] Why do they all have to say that?
[DULMUR] So, your men were arrested.
{Enterprise briefing room)
[SISKO (OC)] That's right, but instead of being
taken to the brig, they were brought in for questioning.)
[KIRK] I want to know who started it.
(O'Brien and Bashir are merged nicely into the line of crewmen.)
[KIRK] I'm waiting.
(Kirk stops in front of O'Brien, who has replaced Freeman from the
[KIRK] Who started the fight?
[BRIEN] I don't know, sir.
[KIRK] All right. Chekov, I know you. You started it didn't you?
[CHEKOV] No, sir. I didn't.
[KIRK] Well who did?
[CHEKOV] I don't know, sir.
[KIRK] I don't know, sir. I want to know who threw the first punch. All
right, you're all confined to quarters until I find out who started it.
(Enterprise corridor)
[BASHIR] That was close.
[BRIEN] Me. Of all the people in the lineup, he asks me who threw the
first punch.
[BASHIR] And you lied to him.
[BRIEN] I lied to Captain Kirk. I wish Keiko could have been here to
see it.
(Bashir steps on something that squeaks.)
[BASHIR] I'm sorry about that, little fellow. Who left you out here all
[BRIEN] He's not alone.
(The tribble infestation has already begun)
(Transporter bay)
(Odo, Worf, and old Darvin are beamed in.)
[ODO] Welcome back, Mister Darvin.
[DARVIN] The pleasure is all mine.
[ODO] Worf, hold on. I hope you realise you'll be facing some very
serious charges when we get back.
[DARVIN] You wouldn't dare put one of the greatest heroes of the Klingon
Empire into the brig.
[WORF] You are no hero to the Empire.
[DARVIN] I will be. I've been thinking about my statue in the Hall of
Warriors. I want it to capture my essence. Our statues can be so
generic sometimes, don't you think?
[ODO] I take it whatever your plan is, you've already set it in motion.
[DARVIN] I see myself standing with Kirk's head in one hand and a
tribble in the other.
[WORF] What have you done? Did you hire someone to kill him? Did you
sabotage the Enterprise?
[DARVIN] Nothing so mundane. Let's just say that Kirk's death will have
a certain poetic justice to it.
(Enterprise corridor)
[SISKO] He put a bomb in a tribble?
[ODO (OC)] It's his revenge. Originally, Kirk saw how a tribble reacted
(Transporter bay)
[ODO] To Darvin and realised he was a Klingon. He
wouldn't say us where this
tribble was, but he did say that it was set go off within the hour.
(Enterprise corridor)
[SISKO] It could be anywhere.
[DAX] Benjamin, I think we should risk going to the bridge. If we can
use the internal sensors, we can scan the entire ship for explosives in
a matter of seconds.
[SISKO] Dax and I will take care of the Enterprise. The rest of you beam
over to K-seven and start searching over there.
(Transporter bay)
[ODO] Understood. But I think Mister Worf should
remain here. It seems he's allergic
(Enterprise corridor)
[ODO (OC)] To tribbles.
[SISKO] All right.
[BRIEN (OC)] Captain
(Transporter bay)
[BRIEN] I'm not sure we can get to K-Seven's
internal sensors.
(Enterprise corridor)
[SISKO] Then you will have to manually scan every
tribble on the station.
(Transporter bay)
[BRIEN] There must be thousands of them by now.
[BASHIR] Hundreds of thousands.
(Enterprise corridor)
[DAX] One million, seven hundred and seventy one
thousand, five hundred and sixty one. That's starting with one tribble
with an average litter of ten every twelve hours. After three days
[SISKO] Thank you. You have your orders, people. Sisko out.
(Enterprise Bridge)
(Sisko is at a spare console near the viewscreen
when Kirk enters. Dax is by the main Engineering station.)
(Kirk sits on a tribble. Dax meets his eyes and shrugs.)
[KIRK] Doctor McCoy, would you mind coming up to the bridge.
[DAX] I re-routed the sensor interface.
[SISKO] It worked. I'm scanning the Bridge. Nothing up here.
[DAX] That's a relief. When Kirk sat on that tribble, I half expected it
to go off.
[SISKO] Nothing on the first six decks.
(McCoy enters.)
[MCCOY] Did you want to see me, Jim? Well, don't look at me. It's the
tribbles who are breeding.
[DAX] I know him.
[SISKO] That must be McCoy, the ship's doctor.
[DAX] McCoy. McCoy.
[MCCOY] Well, the nearest thing I can figure out is that they're born
pregnant, which seems to be quite a timesaver.
[DAX] Leonard McCoy. I met him when he was a student at Ol' Miss.
[SISKO] Who met him, Curzon?
[DAX] No, my host at the time was Emony. She was on Earth judging a
gymnastics competition. I had a feeling he'd become a doctor. He had
the hands of a surgeon.
[SISKO] I've scanned every deck. The bomb's not aboard the ship.
[DAX] Then it must be somewhere on K-seven.
(K-7 grain storage hopper)
(We zoom onto one still, large brown tribble in the
quadrotritikale store. Dum-dum-daaa!)
(K-7 bar)
(O'Brien, Bashir, and Odo are frantically scanning
tribbles then tossing them away. The bartender's face can just be seen
amid a pile of them on the bar.)
[ODO] Odo here.
[SISKO (OC)] The bomb's not
(Enterprise turbolift)
[SISKO] On the Enterprise. It must be over there.
(K-7 bar)
[ODO] We've only been able to get through two decks.
We're running out of time.
(Enterprise turbolift)
[SISKO] I can send more teams from the Defiant.
(K-7 bar)
[ODO] It's not a question of manpower, it's a
question of multiplication.
(Enterprise turbolift)
[ODO (OC)] The tribbles are breeding so fast we
can't keep up with them.
[DAX] Benjamin, maybe we could narrow things down a little. Presumably,
Darvin put the bomb somewhere he knows Kirk
(K-7 bar)
[DAX (OC)] Is going to be in the next half an hour.
So if we stick
(Enterprise turbolift)
[DAX] Close to Kirk
[SISKO] He might lead us right to it.
(K-7 bar)
[ODO] It's worth a try, but there's no reason for us
to stop searching over here.
[SISKO] Keep at it
(Enterprise turbolift)
[SISKO] For now, Constable. Deck five.
(Enterprise Rec room)
(Dax and Sisko are at a table near the door when
Kirk and Spock enter.)
[KIRK] This is my chicken sandwich and coffee. I want these things off
the ship. I don't care if it takes every man we've got, I want them off
the ship.
(Scott enters with an armful of tribbles.)
[SCOTT] Aye, they're into the machinery, all right. And they're probably
in all the other food processors too.
[KIRK] How?
[SCOTT] Probably through one of the air vents.
[SPOCK] Captain, there are vents of that type on the space station.
[KIRK] And in the storage compartments.
[SISKO] Storage compartments. Storage compartments!
[KIRK] Have him meet us near the storage compartments. We're beaming
(K-7 grain storage hopper)
(Dax and Sisko climb down into a hopper. The
tribbles have eaten almost all the grain.)
[SISKO] Most of these are dead. The grain's poisoned.
[DAX] I'm picking up a faint tricobalt signature. The bomb's under here
(Sound of a lock being undone)
[SISKO] What's that?
(We know, don't we children)
(K-7 grain storage corridor)
[SECURITY] It's not working, sir. It seems to be
[KIRK] Here, let me try.
(K-7 grain storage hopper)
[DAX] Someone's trying to open the bay door.
(K-7 grain storage corridor)
(Kirk gives up on the lower hatch and opens an
overhead hatch instead. He gets deluged by tribbles.)
(K-7 grain storage hopper)
[DAX] Benjamin, it's right here in front of us.
(Sisko scans a white tribble then throws it away.)
(K-7 grain storage corridor)
(Where it hits Kirk.)
[SPOCK] They seem to be gorged.
[BARIS] Gorged?
(K-7 grain storage hopper)
[BARIS (OC)] On my grain? Kirk, I am going to hold
you responsible. There must be thousands of them.
(K-7 grain storage corridor)
[KIRK] Hundreds of thousands.
[SPOCK] One million, seven hundred seventy one thousand, five hundred
sixty one.
(K-7 grain storage hopper)
(Dax and Sisko look at each other. She told you
[SPOCK (OC)] That's assuming one tribble multiplying with an average
litter of ten producing a new generation every twelve hours over a
period of three days.
[SISKO] I found it. Sisko to Defiant.
[KIRA] Go ahead, Captain.
[SISKO] I found the bomb.
(K-7 grain storage hopper)
[SISKO] Lock onto my tricorder signal and beam it
into space.
[KIRA (OC)] Acknowledged
(Sisko puts the tribble on his tricorder. It's beamed out and BOOM.)
[KIRA] Kira to Sisko. It worked.
(K-7 grain storage hopper)
[KIRK (OC)] And as captain I want two things done.
(Dax tosses out the tribble she is holding.)
(K-7 grain storage corridor)
[KIRK] First, find Cyrano Jones.
(Yup, it's that visual joke again.)
[KIRK] And second, close that door.
(K-7 grain storage hopper)
[SISKO (OC)] After the bomb was detonated, history
continued uninterrupted, and thanks to the tribbles
(Station manager's office)
[SISKO (OC)] Kirk was able to uncover the truth
about Darvin.
[KIRK] They don't like you, Mister Darvin. I wonder why? Bones?
[MCCOY] Jim, this man is a Klingon.
(Orb cabin)
(Kira opens the Orb case.)
[SISKO (OC)] By the time we returned to the Defiant, Major Kira had
discovered how to use the Orb to bring us back to our own time.
(Captain's office)
[DULMUR] And that's when you returned the present?
[SISKO] Well, not exactly. Before we left, I realised there was one last
thing I had to do. Something I'd been thinking about ever since I saw
that ship on the viewscreen.
(Enterprise Bridge)
[SISKO] Excuse me, Captain. Here's tomorrow's duty
roster for your approval.
(This is from
Mirror, Mirror, and Sisko has replaced
[KIRK] Lieutenant, er, Lieutenant?
[SISKO] Benjamin Sisko, sir. I've been on temporary assignment here.
Before I leave, I just want to say it's been an honour serving with
you, sir.
[KIRK] All right, Lieutenant. Carry on.
[SISKO] Thank you, sir.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Now, if you want to put a letter of
reprimand in my file for that, then go ahead.
[LUCSLY] We'll have to review the case before making any
[DULMUR] However, I don't think there was any harm done. Probably would
have done the same thing myself.
[DULMUR] You'll be receiving our report in about a
month. But based on what you've told us, I don't think you have
anything to worry about.
[SISKO] I'm glad to hear it.
[DULMUR] Goodbye, Captain.
[SISKO] Goodbye.
[LUCSLY] Docking port seven.
(Dulmur and Lucsly leave on the turbolift)
[DAX] It went well?
[KIRA] Good. The Constable wants to see us on the Promenade.
[ODO] Did you tell them?
[SISKO] They didn't ask. I'm open to suggestions, people.
[DAX] We could build another station.
(Quark has a tribble on his head, the place is full of them. The final
homage shot for the 30th anniversary show.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e101", "title": "Trials and"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Let He Who Is Without
He Who Is Without Sin
Original Airdate: 11 Nov1, 1996
(Breakfast time and love is in the air. Morn brings
flowers to a woman and they go off together.)
[ODO] So, what do you think of the O'Brien's plan to name their baby
[SISKO] Well, I kind of like it. Sean. Has a nice ring to it.
[ODO] Except that in Bajoran, Sean means swamp.
[SISKO] Do the O'Briens know that?
[ODO] I doubt it.
[SISKO] Someone should tell them.
[ODO] I nominate you.
[DAX] Morning.
[ODO] Neck bothering you again?
[DAX] It's just a muscle pull.
[SISKO] What is that, the eighth muscle pull this month?
[ODO] Actually, I believe Commander Dax has been treated for seven
muscle pulls, two contusions, and three cracked ribs. The only person
who's spent more time in the Infirmary in the past few weeks is
Commander Worf.
[SISKO] Isn't there any way the two of you could, er, you know
[DAX] Make love?
[SISKO] Without injuring yourselves?
[DAX] Interspecies romance isn't without it's danger. That's part of the
fun. Maybe we'll have better luck on Risa.
[SISKO] Risa? I thought you and Worf were taking your vacation on Earth.
[DAX] That was his suggestion. I changed his mind.
[ODO] From what I hear, Risa makes the Hoobishan Baths look like a
[SISKO] I hope they have a good hospital. I can't believe you actually
convinced Worf to go to a pleasure planet. He must really be loosening
[ODO] I hadn't noticed it.
[SISKO] Come to think of it, neither have I.
[DAX] Oh, no, he's still the same old Worf.
[WORF] Prune juice, extra large.
[DAX] See what I mean? Worf.
[WORF] Captain, Constable, Commander.
[SISKO] Dax said you were going to Risa.
[WORF] Did she?
[DAX] It's no secret.
[WORF] Apparently not.
[ODO] You must be looking forward to it.
[WORF] I am looking forward to spending some time alone with Lieutenant
Commander Dax.
[DAX] Isn't he sweet?
[WORF] We have much to discuss.
[SISKO] About what?
[WORF] It is a private matter.
[DAX] Worf's upset because I had lunch with Captain Boday.
[ODO] The Gallamite?
[WORF] His skull is transparent.
[DAX] And if you couldn't see his brains, would it make you feel any
[WORF] It is not proper for you to have lunch with an ex-lover while we
are together.
[DAX] We were just talking. You have to learn to trust me a little more.
[WORF] I do trust you. I do not trust Captain Boday.
[ODO] Well, I can see it's going to be quite a trip.
[SISKO] The two of you have to tell us all about it when you get back.
[WORF] I am sure she will.
(Sisko and Odo leave.)
[WORF] I do not see why you feel the need to talk about our personal
lives to other people.
[DAX] And I don't see why you feel the need to control my every move.
And they're not other people. Benjamin and Odo are my friends.
[BASHIR] Jadzia.
[DAX] Hey.
[BASHIR] Worf. We've been looking for you. I've been thinking about this
trip you're taking to Risa.
[DAX] He's a friend too.
[LEETA] Julian and I were talking it over and we'd like to come along,
if that's all right.
[DAX] Actually, we were hoping to spend some time alone together.
[BASHIR] Oh, you'll have it.
[LEETA] Oh, once we get to Risa, you won't even see us.
[DAX] There's no harm in sharing a runabout.
[WORF] I suppose not.
[LEETA] Oh, thank you so much. I'm going to go pack.
(Leeta leaves)
[BASHIR] Commander.
[WORF] Do not hug me.
[BASHIR] I promise we will keep out of your hair.
[WORF] Good. Because we have much to discuss.
[SISKO] I really wish I was going with you. Dax and
I had some great times on Risa. Curzon Dax.
[WORF] Curzon. Of course.
[SISKO] Have fun.
[QUARK] It's about time you got here. The rest of us
were ready to leave an hour ago.
[WORF] What is he doing here?
[QUARK] I've always wanted to go to Risa and this seemed like a perfect
[LEETA] He wouldn't give me any time off unless we promised to take him
with us.
[BASHIR] I hope this isn't going to be a problem.
[QUARK] Why should it be a problem? We're going to have a wonderful
time. Now, if you don't mind, Risa awaits.
[LEETA] Sorry.
[WORF] Jadzia.
[DAX] I know, I know. We have much to discuss.
[LEETA] Let's see. That's a Tarkalean tea for you, a
raktajino for you, and an extra large prune juice.
[DAX] Leeta, you're on vacation, not at Quark's. You don't have to serve
[LEETA] Oh, it gives me something to do. Space travel's so dull. Have
you ever noticed how all the stars look the same?
[QUARK] Excuse me, but I believe I ordered a snail juice, hand-squeezed.
[LEETA] Get it yourself. I'm on vacation.
[QUARK] How much longer until we get there?
[DAX] Another six hours.
[QUARK] Six hours.
[WORF] Tell the Ferengi to return to his cabin.
[QUARK] You call that a cabin? It's a cot and a waste disposal unit.
It's so small even I can't stand up in there. Look. I'm developing a
[WORF] Tell the Ferengi to return to his cabin now.
[DAX] Quark.
[QUARK] What's he going to do? Turn around and take me home? Ruin
everyone's vacation?
[WORF] Coming about. Setting course for Deep Space Nine.
[QUARK] Okay, okay, you made your point. I'm going. But first, I have a
little present for everyone.
(Quark hands out horga'hns)
[QUARK] One for you, and one for you, and one for you. (to Worf) And
none for you.
[LEETA] What's this?
[BASHIR] It's a horga'hn. A Risian fertility symbol.
[QUARK] Displaying one to the locals indicates you're seeking jamaharon.
[LEETA] What's jamaharon?
[BASHIR] I'll show you later.
[LEETA] Oh. Look, they like each other.
[QUARK] I think I'm going to be sick. All right, I'm going.
(Quark leaves)
[DAX] Me too.
[WORF] Going? Where?
[DAX] I'm going to change into something more comfortable. You don't
think I'm going to beam down to Risa dressed like this, do you?
[LEETA] That's a good idea.
[BASHIR] When in Rome.
(Risa - lawn)
(Our group beam down to a lush green area in their
beachwear, except for Worf who is still in uniform.)
[LEETA] Oh! I can't believe we finally made it.
[BASHIR] Well, enjoy your vacation.
[LEETA] We will.
(Bashir and Leeta leave.)
[QUARK] Time to test these babies out. Ladies.
(Quark waves two horga'hn)
[RISIAN 1] You seek jamaharon?
[QUARK] I seek whatever you've got.
[RISIAN 2] All that is ours is yours.
[QUARK] I'll take it.
(Quark leaves with a woman on each arm.)
[DAX] Aren't you uncomfortable in that uniform?
[WORF] Starfleet uniforms are designed for comfort in even the most
extreme environments.
[DAX] Well, you look out of place. I mean, look around you. Isn't it
[WORF] It's an artificially created paradise, maintained by the most
elaborate weather control system in the Federation. In it's natural
state, Risa is nothing more than a rain soaked, geologically unstable
[DAX] Maybe so, but the only dark cloud I see around here is you.
[WORF] I did not come here to admire the scenery.
[DAX] If you say so. I guess we should just go home.
(Dax removes her sarong.)
[WORF] Well maybe. I would not be so hasty.
[DAX] I take it the scenery has improved?
[WORF] A few months ago, when I was commanding the Defiant on a scouting
mission in the Gamma Quadrant, we encountered a protostar cluster, a
swirling mass of colour set against a background of glowing clouds and
burning sky. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, until
[DAX] I've got to take you on vacation more often.
[ARANDIS] Dax? Is that you?
[DAX] Arandis. I was wondering if you were still here.
[ARANDIS] Not only am I still here, I have been promoted. I'm Chief
Facilitator for the entire Temtibi Lagoon.
[DAX] Worf, this is Arandis.
[WORF] A friend of Curzon's.
[DAX] She and Curzon spent a lot of time together on his last trip here.
[ARANDIS] We had a wonderful time together, until I killed him.
[WORF] Killed him?
[ARANDIS] Death by jamaharon. I suppose there are worse ways to go.
[DAX] Trust me, he died happy.
[ARANDIS] He was such a sweet old man.
[WORF] I will take your word for it.
[ARANDIS] It's so good to see you again, Dax. Your new host is very
[DAX] Thank you. I'd like to think so. You haven't aged a day.
[ARANDIS] Risa's been very kind to me. Come, let me show you around.
[WORF] Maybe later.
[ARANDIS] Of course. All that is ours is yours.
[WORF] Thank you. But we have everything we need.
(Arandis leaves.)
[DAX] That wasn't very nice.
[WORF] Why? Is there something of hers you want?
[DAX] Arandis was Curzon's lover, not mine.
[WORF] I hope you remember that.
[DAX] You're still angry about Captain Boday.
[WORF] If I am angry, it is because you do not take our relationship
[DAX] Worf, we just got here. Do we have to start arguing again?
[WORF] If you were a Klingon woman, we would already be married.
[DAX] In case you haven't noticed, I'm not a Klingon woman.
[WORF] That's no excuse. I have been loyal to you, and I expect you to
be loyal to me in return.
[DAX] I have been loyal to you, but I'm not going to let you run my
[WORF] I'm not trying to run your life.
[DAX] Then I'm going to go have a big glass of icoberry juice.
[WORF] That is a mistake. You are allergic to icoberry juice. It makes
your spots itch.
[DAX] But I like the taste.
[WORF] Fine. Have as much icoberry juice as you like. But it is still a
[DAX] But it is my mistake to make. Now why don't you go up to our room
and put on your bathing suit so we can swim in the lagoon.
[WORF] As you wish.
(Dax and Worf's room)
(Worf is holding up a small pair of gold lame
trunks when the doorbell rings.)
[WORF] Enter.
(A fully dressed man comes in.)
[FULLERTON] I hope I'm not disturbing you, Lieutenant Commander. My name
is Pascal Fullerton. I'm the Chairman of the New Essentialists
[WORF] I'm not familiar with that organisation.
[FULLERTON] We're dedicated to restoring the moral and cultural
traditions of the Federation. This is a statement of our principles.
But if you'd like to hear more, we're holding a rally later this
[WORF] On Risa?
[FULLERTON] What better place? This world revels in the kind of
self-indulgence that's eroding the foundations of Federation society.
We intend to shut it down.
(Worf is still in uniform, and reading the tract)
[DAX] I really wish you'd stop reading that.
[WORF] I would not dismiss Fullerton so quickly. His analysis of recent
Federation history is both insightful and disturbing.
[DAX] What's really disturbing is that you're still wearing your
[WORF] It would not hurt you to read this.
(In a curtained area, Leeta is getting a sonic
massage from a handsome man.)
[LEETA] Mmm. The truth is, not everyone can be a dabo girl. First of
all, you have to be able to wear the clothes, and believe me, that's
not easy. You have to be able to calculate odds in your head very
quickly, and most importantly, you need a very supple wrist. Like this.
[DAX (OC)] Worf, people have been predicting the end of the Federation
since the day it was founded. Trust me, I know.
(Worf and Dax enter)
[LEETA] Oh, hi.
[DAX] Leeta, what a surprise.
[LEETA] Care to join us? We were just about to take a reyamilk soak.
[DAX] Maybe later. Worf. Worf!
[WORF] That was not Doctor Bashir.
[DAX] It's none of our business.
[WORF] Are you defending her actions?
[DAX] I am not defending anything, but it's not my business or yours.
Now what do you say we go sign out a couple of floaters and take in the
[WORF] I cannot. The Essentialists are having a rally and I plan to
[DAX] You're kidding. You're not kidding.
(It's quite a crowd, outside near the geodesic
[DAX] Don't these people have anything better to do?
[WORF] Perhaps you underestimate the power of Fullerton's message.
[DAX] The plot thickens.
(Julian is kissing a Risian woman.)
[DAX] And you were worried about Julian.
[WORF] Why are he and Leeta not together?
[DAX] I don't know, but don't jump to conclusions. I'm sure there's a
reasonable explanation.
[WORF] This place is a bad influence on people.
[ARANDIS] Here for the show?
[WORF] I would not call it a show.
[ARANDIS] Really? I find Mister Fullerton very entertaining.
[DAX] He seems pretty determined to discourage people from coming here.
[ARANDIS] Risa receives millions of visitors every year. And all of them
leave happier than when they've arrived. I don't see how one man, no
matter how determined, can change that.
[WORF] Kahless fought off an entire army at Three Turn Bridge, and he
was only one man.
[ARANDIS] Fullerton and his Essentialists have been here for about a
month. And no matter how many speeches he gives, the water's still warm
and the wind still smells sweet. But if he's enjoying himself, who are
we to discourage him?
(A group of overdressed puritans arrives.)
[FULLERTON] That's right. Take a good look. I can only imagine what you
must think of me. A middle-aged ponderous academic, sweating under the
hot Risian suns, wasting his time telling you things you don't want to
hear. But you know what I see when I look at you? Children. Pampered,
spoiled children. For some reason the citizens of the Federation have
come to believe that they are entitled to lives of ease and privilege.
[BASHIR] I may be wrong, but didn't he just insult us?
[FULLERTON] If you want something to eat, you get it from a replicator.
If you want amusement, you go to a holosuite. And if you need
protection, you call for Starfleet. But someday, someday soon, you're
going to have to learn to take care of yourselves. Because if I see you
as helpless children, then how do you think the Borg see you? Or the
Romulans, or the Klingons or the Dominion? These empires look at the
Federation and they see a prize, a prize that we have forgotten how to
protect. And if we don't change our ways, they're going to take it from
[ARANDIS] Mister Fullerton has quite a flair for the dramatic.
[BASHIR] Does he really believe that?
[DAX] I think he does.
[FULLERTON] The way I see it, we've got two options. We can either turn
our backs on childish things and re-embrace the hard work that built
the Federation in the first place, or we can lie here napping in the
sun, until we wake up with Jem'Hadar guns to our heads. The choice is
ours. Heaven help us if we make the wrong one.
(Worf, Dax and Bashir are sitting at a low table)
[BASHIR] What are you talking about? Come on, Worf. This sounds like
[WORF] I am merely observing that the Klingons never would have attacked
if had they not believed the Federation vulnerable. Even now, since the
changeling was discovered on the Klingon High Council, most of my
people continue to call for war because they think they can win.
[BASHIR] None of this has anything to do with Risa.
[WORF] You cannot be certain of that.
[DAX] All I know is I've spent lifetimes defending the Federation, and I
deserve a vacation every now and then.
[LEETA] Julian? Oh, there you are. I am so glad we came here. I'm having
the most wonderful time.
[BASHIR] I told you this was just what we needed. Something wrong?
[DAX] It's nothing.
[WORF] The two of you dishonour each other with your actions.
[LEETA] Do you know what he's talking about?
[BASHIR] You mean, we didn't tell you why we came here? We're conducting
the Rite of Separation.
[LEETA] It's an old Bajoran custom. When a couple separates, they spend
several days celebrating their parting. It's a way to remember all the
good times, and to seek out new opportunities.
[BASHIR] A very wise and ancient culture.
[LEETA] You know, Julian, I don't think I've completely gotten you out
of my system yet.
[BASHIR] I know exactly what you mean. Excuse us. We have a few details
to work out.
(Leeta and Bashir leave)
[WORF] Terminating a relationship should not be taken so frivolously.
[DAX] Not every relationship has to end like a Klingon opera.
[WORF] Oh, no. no. Just the ones that are important.
(There's a commotion outside. A group of Essentialists with phaser
rifles threaten guests and tear down curtains.)
[BOLIAN] Stay where you are.
[DAX] On three. One, two
[WORF] Wait.
[FULLERTON] That's enough. Well, I hope we've proved our point.
(Dax snatches the Bolian's weapon.)
[DAX] The power cells are empty.
[FULLERTON] We have no intention of harming anyone.
[DAX] I don't understand.
[FULLERTON] You think you're safe here in this paradise of yours, but
you're not. What if we had been Jem'Hadar or Klingons or Romulans.
You'd be dead now. Even you Starfleet officers were lulled into a false
sense of security. If you could be taken unaware, what chance do the
rest of us have? The sad truth is the galaxy is a hostile place. Forget
that, even for a moment, and you risk losing everything. Just something
for you to think about while you wait for your desserts.
[BOLIAN] Demonstration's over. Move along, move along.
[DAX] As a Starfleet Officer, I have the authority to arrest you for
what you just did.
[FULLERTON] But that would be a waste of time. We both know the Risians
won't prosecute. They don't have the courage for it. Believe me, I wish
they did. Commander Worf, what did you think of our little
[WORF] I cannot condone what you have done.
[FULLERTON] Maybe not, but I do think you understand it.
(Dax and Worf's room)
[DAX] I don't know about you, but it's past my
[WORF] We need to talk.
[DAX] About the Essentialists?
[WORF] No. About us.
[DAX] Oh, I suppose you have another list of things I'm doing wrong.
[WORF] I did not say you were doing anything wrong. It's just that some
of your behaviour
[DAX] What about my behaviour?
[WORF] At times, you are too impulsive. You act without thinking. You
have no self-control.
[DAX] And you think I need you to control me?
[WORF] Jadzia, you are my par'Machkai. And that means everything you do
reflects on me.
[DAX] I'm sorry if I embarrass you.
[WORF] I just need to know that you take this relationship as seriously
as I do.
[DAX] And I just wish you'd relax a little and let yourself enjoy what
we have together. Worf, I'm not going to change who I am.
[WORF] Nor am I.
[DAX] Well, at least we agree on something. Why don't we go to bed?
[WORF] You go. I will be there shortly.
(Next morning, repairs are almost done.)
[DAX] This place looks a lot better than it did last night. I guess
Risians aren't as lethargic as the Essentialists would like everyone to
[ARANDIS] The Essentialists are wrong about many things. What that
Mister Fullerton could use is a little jamaharon. No, a lot of
[DAX] I'd buy him a horga'hn myself if I thought held take it.
[ARANDIS] It looks like he's not the only one that could use some
cheering up.
[DAX] I've had better vacations.
[ARANDIS] Better than Risa?
[DAX] I've never known a Klingon who had a tougher time enjoying
[ARANDIS] That's no reason for you not to have a good time. Risa is
famous for its diversions.
[DAX] I wish it was that simple.
[ARANDIS] It was for Curzon Dax. And I can tell there's more than a
little Curzon in you.
[DAX] He loved this planet.
[ARANDIS] And Risa loved him.
[DAX] Why don't I help you clean up?
[ARANDIS] All that is ours is yours.
(Bashir and Leeta are kneeling in front of each
[LEETA] Our paths have grown apart.
(She drinks from a bowl.)
[BASHIR] What was one is now two.
(He drinks.)
[LEETA] The time of sharing is over. (breaks the bowl) May the Prophets
guide you toward the path of happiness.
[BASHIR] And may they walk with you always.
(They lean in as if to kiss then turn their faces away at the last
[QUARK] That's it?
[LEETA] That's it.
[BASHIR] What were you expecting?
[QUARK] I was expecting fireworks. Where's the anger, the vicious
name-calling, the irrational accusations? I never would have agreed to
be a witness if I knew you were going to be so civil. It's disgusting.
[BASHIR] Personally, I think it was admirable. No incriminations, no
hurt feelings. I don't think I've ever felt this good about the end of
a relationship.
[LEETA] Oh, I agree. Now I can finally be honest about my feelings.
[BASHIR] What does that mean?
[LEETA] It's just in the past few months I've been thinking a lot about
another man.
[QUARK] Let me get this straight. While you were still dating Julian
here, you were having fantasies about someone else?
[LEETA] I'd rather not discuss it now.
[BASHIR] Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You brought it up. You might as well
tell me who it is.
[QUARK] Yes, do tell.
[LEETA] It's
[LEETA] Your brother, Rom.
[QUARK] My brother Rom?
[BASHIR] His brother Rom?
[LEETA] He's so cute. And very sexy.
(Leeta leaves)
[BASHIR] Cute?
[QUARK] Sexy?
[QUARK] Rom?
[QUARK] Here. (horga'hn) You need this more than I do.
(Worf finds Dax working with clay, and Arandis has
her arm around her.)
[ARANDIS] You just close your eyes and let all the tension drain away.
Doesn't the clay feel good?
[DAX] Wonderful.
[ARANDIS] Now pour your emotions into it. Begin to mold it. Feel the
texture in your hands.
[DAX] I do. I feel it. I really do.
[ARANDIS] I knew you'd get it.
[WORF] Dax.
[DAX] Worf?
(Worf walks away.)
[DAX] Worf!
(Dax and Worf's room)
(Worf picks up the horga'hn and throws it against
the wall.)
(Fullerton's room)
[FULLERTON] I'm tired of giving speeches. It's time
we took action.
[BOLIAN] We've taken action, the raid on the Solarium.
[FULLERTON] It'll be forgotten by tomorrow.
(Worf enters)
[FULLERTON] Mister Worf?
[WORF] You want to make people leave Risa. I think I know a way.
(Dax and Worf's room)
[BASHIR] I probably would've reacted the same way
Worf did. I know Arandis is Curzon's lover, not yours, but if I'd
walked in on the two of you together? Well, trying to figure you out at
any given time isn't easy.
[QUARK] I like that about her.
[BASHIR] So do I. It's the reason why I chased after her so long.
[DAX] Would you two please stop talking about me like I'm not here.
[BASHIR] It's also why I stopped chasing after her. You're too much
[DAX] Worf is the one who's too much work.
[QUARK] What you need is a Ferengi.
[DAX] Maybe, but what I want is Worf.
[DAX] Because he has the courage of a berserker cat and he has the heart
of a poet.
[QUARK] And the brain of a pigheaded idiot.
[DAX] Yeah, sometimes.
(Arandis enters)
[ARANDIS] Jadzia.
[DAX] Any luck?
[ARANDIS] I'm afraid not. None of the staff can find him, but I'm sure
he'll turn up.
[QUARK] Well, no sense waiting around here for him. I say we take some
floaters up into the hills and go skinny dipping in the hot springs.
[BASHIR] I never thought I'd say this, but I'm with Quark.
(Flash, bang!)
[DAX] What was that?
[QUARK] Great. Just what we needed.
(It rains, hard.)
[DAX] I thought it wasn't supposed to rain in this part of Risa.
[ARANDIS] It's not. Something must be wrong with the weather grid.
(It's a proper storm, and wet people are
[ARANDIS] May I have your attention please. Obviously the weather grid
is experiencing some type of malfunction, but I'm sure we'll be able to
repair it soon.
[FULLERTON] No, you won't.
[DAX] You're responsible for this.
[FULLERTON] I authorised it, but it was not my idea.
[WORF] It was mine.
[BASHIR] Are you serious?
[DAX] He's serious. Worf, what did you do? Build an uplink so you could
take control of the weather grid?
[WORF] The grid has been deactivated. It will take three or four days to
restore the system to normal operation. During that time, the
inhabitants of Risa and their guests will experience the planet's
natural weather cycle.
[ARANDIS] And for most of Risa that means rain, and plenty of it.
[QUARK] But why are you doing this?
[FULLERTON] Because Risa is an illusion created by weather control
systems, industrial replicators, seismic regulators. If the Federation
is going to survive, we're going to have to stop wasting our time with
toys and get back to the essentials.
(Fullerton and his group leave.)
[ARANDIS] I'm beginning to think there's no hope for that man. Or for
you either, Mister Worf.
(Arandis leaves)
[BASHIR] Commander, with all due respect, are you out of your mind?
[WORF] I think you will find me quite rational.
[QUARK] As rational as Klingons get, anyway.
[DAX] Worf, this is wrong.
[WORF] I disagree. If Federation citizens cannot handle a little bad
weather, how will they handle a Dominion invasion?
(Later, the thunder and lightning continue. Quark comes back inside.)
[QUARK] I have seen drier days on Ferenginar, and we have a hundred and
seventy eight different words for rain. Right now it's glebbening out
there. And that's bad.
[DAX] If you're so miserable, why don't you take your horga'hn and go
find some company.
[QUARK] Have you taken a good look at the Risians lately? They're even
more depressed than the guests.
[ARANDIS] I'm trying to organise a game of hoverball. Would either of
you like to join us?
[QUARK] In the rain?
[ARANDIS] No, on one of the indoor courts.
[QUARK] Indoor hoverball. That's just wrong.
[DAX] I'll play.
[ARANDIS] Good, that makes one.
[DAX] Having trouble keeping the guests happy?
[ARANDIS] I've never heard so much complaining in my life.
[QUARK] Nobody came here to sit around in the rain.
[ARANDIS] It's not just the weather. People are starting to complain
about everything. The rooms, the entertainment, the food.
[DAX] What's wrong with the food?
[ARANDIS] Nothing, as far as I can tell. But the guests say it just
doesn't taste right.
[QUARK] It's the humidity. It dampens the food, makes everything mushy.
Trust me. There's no word for crisp on Ferenginar.
[ARANDIS] Maybe Mister Fullerton is right. Maybe we have forgotten how
to deal with adversity.
(Fullerton's room)
[BOLIAN] According to our figures, the guest
population has declined by thirty percent in the last three days.
WORF And you can be sure the guests that have stayed are taking what
you have to say seriously.
[FULLERTON] It's a start.
[WORF] One that you can build on.
[FULLERTON] You're leaving?
[WORF] I have had my fill of Risa.
[FULLERTON] Mister Worf, you've been an inspiration to us all.
[WORF] Good luck.
[FULLERTON] Thank you.
(Worf leaves.)
[FULLERTON] You still have the uplink to the weather control grid?
[BOLIAN] Right here.
[FULLERTON] By tomorrow, the weather grid will be restored to normal and
no one here will remember this ever happened. But I intend to send a
message they won't forget.
(Dax and Worf's room)
[DAX] You must be feeling pretty good right now. The
weather's terrible, the guests are miserable, and more and more people
are leaving Risa every day.
[WORF] Their response only proves my point.
[DAX] Oh, I see. Ruin the vacations of a few hundred thousand people to
bolster the moral fibre of the Federation.
[WORF] I do not expect you to understand.
[DAX] I understand even better than you do. What you did had nothing to
do with Risa, or the Essentialists, or even the Federation. It's about
you and me.
[WORF] You give yourself far too much credit.
[DAX] Do I? You think I'm irresponsible, frivolous. That I care more
about pleasure than I do commitment. What do you think is going on
between me and Arandis?
[WORF] You know what I think.
[DAX] That's right, I do. And you know what? You're wrong. Did it occur
to you to ask me about it? Or trust, just a little?
[WORF] A Klingon woman would not have given me grounds for suspicion.
[DAX] And how would you know? Curzon spent more time with Klingons than
you ever did.
[WORF] You may have lived among my people, but you are not a Klingon. I
[DAX] Maybe so, but you're not like any other Klingon I've ever met.
What happened to you, Worf? You're a paragon of Klingon honour and
discipline, but when it comes to the Klingon passion for life, the
exuberance, the enjoyment of the moment, you are constantly holding
yourself back. Why?
[WORF] That's not the issue here.
[DAX] I think it is.
[WORF] I do not wish to lose you, Jadzia.
[DAX] Then talk to me, please.
[WORF] You know from the age of seven I was raised by humans on the
farmworld of Gault? It was a sparsely populated world, no more than
twenty thousand inhabitants. It often seemed as though everyone knew
everyone else. But one thing was for certain, everyone knew me. I was
the Klingon child, the uncontrollable one. I was the biggest, the
strongest, most fearless child on the entire planet. I fought hard,
played hard, I did as I pleased.
[DAX] What changed?
[WORF] When I was thirteen, I was captain of my school soccer team. We
had made the championships, and I was determined to win. Near the end
of the second half, with the score tied, my team got a corner kick. The
ball sailed up high. Both I and one of my opponents, a human boy named
Mikel, leaped up to head the ball. He had position, but I was
determined to score. I remember laughing with excitement as I threw
myself at him.
[DAX] Go on.
[WORF] The next thing I knew, the ball was sailing into their goal. I
roared with triumph and turned around to Mikel to gloat, only to find
him lying on the grass bleeding. Our heads had collided when we both
went up for the ball. I had not feel the impact, but I had broken his
neck, and he died the next day.
[DAX] It was an accident.
[WORF] Which only makes it worse. Compared to Klingons, humans are
fragile creatures. I realised at that moment to live among them I must
practice restraint.
[DAX] That must have been difficult for you.
[WORF] At first. In time it became part of who I was, who I am.
[DAX] And you're still afraid that if you lose control
[WORF] Someone I care about might get hurt.
[DAX] That explains a lot. But you have to realise there are some things
in life you can't control, and one of them is me. But what you can do
is trust me. I care about you, Worf, and I would never do anything to
hurt you.
[WORF] Nor would I do anything to hurt you.
[DAX] Who knows, I might have more self-control than you give me credit
(Rumble. Ornaments fall off side tables and break.)
[DAX] That felt like an earthquake. So did that.
[WORF] The Essentialists.
(Fullerton's room)
[FULLERTON] You should see them all run. I think
they've finally realised that the party's over. Increase the feedback
in the tectonic stress regulators.
[BOLIAN] If I do, there won't be a building left standing on this part
of Risa.
[BOLIAN] It might be a good idea to head to the spaceport. Or at least
get out of this room.
[FULLERTON] Very well. I think our work is done here.
(Worf and Dax enter)
[WORF] The uplink. Give it to me.
[FULLERTON] Mister Worf, I suggest you all get off this planet as soon
as possible. I have no wish to see you or your friends harmed.
[DAX] Give us the uplink or the only person who will be harmed is you.
[FULLERTON] I thought you were one of us.
[WORF] Perhaps I was for a time. But I believe the Federation will
survive the Dominion, the Borg and people like you.
(Worf uses the uplink and the shaking stops)
[FULLERTON] Mister Worf, if you walk out of here now, you'll be turning
your back on the Federation. Don't you see? Over-indulgence, lack of
self-control, they'll destroy everything we hold dear, and you will be
[WORF] You say that we have to return to traditional Federation values.
Well, I agree, but one of those values is trust. It is essential that
we remember that.
[FULLERTON] Don't you walk away from me.
(Fullerton slaps Worf across the face. Worf picks Fullerton up by the
[WORF] I will do as I please.
(And throws him across the room.)
[BOLIAN] Are you all right?
[FULLERTON] Yes, yes.
[WORF] I am on vacation.
[QUARK] Figures. The weather improves the day we
[LEETA] I can't wait to get home. Not that I didn't enjoy myself.
[QUARK] I'd better go find Bashir. He brought a horga'hn down to
breakfast and that's the last I saw of him.
[ARANDIS] I hope the two of you enjoyed Risa and will come again.
[WORF] I did not think that I would be welcome.
[ARANDIS] Well, you still have a lot to learn about our people. I never
got a chance to say goodbye to Curzon Dax.
[DAX] And you're not saying goodbye to me either. I'll be back.
[ARANDIS] And Risa will be waiting.
(Arandis leaves)
[DAX] So what do we do now?
[WORF] Now we watch the suns set.
[DAX] I have a better idea. Why don't we go swimming.
[WORF] I didn't bring a bathing suit.
[DAX] I won't tell if you don't. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e102", "title": "Let He Who Is Without"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Things Past
Original Airdate: 18 Nov, 1996
[GARAK] If I'd known what I was walking into, I
never would have gone.
[DAX] It was your idea to attend the conference in the first place,
[GARAK] I thought the Bajorans would be grateful to hear someone provide
them with an opposing philosophical view.
[DAX] Opposing view? Garak, you were trying to defend the military
occupation of their world. How grateful did you think they would be?
[GARAK] My understanding of this conference was that it was supposed to
be an examination of the occupation from a dispassionate historical
perspective. Instead, everyone went out of their way to dismiss
virtually everything I had to say.
[SISKO] I thought the Bajorans bent over backwards to be polite to you,
[GARAK] Giving me a name tag that read, 'Elim Garak, former Cardassian
oppressor' was hardly polite.
[DAX] And what did you want it to say? Former spy?
[GARAK] What I would have liked was less posturing and more debate. It's
clear to me now that the Bajorans aren't really interested in
discovering historical truth as much as they are in promoting the myths
and legends of the glorious Resistance.
[DAX] Well, Odo wasn't a member of the Resistance and he managed to
attract a fair amount of attention.
[GARAK] Yes, it seems you have quite a fan club on Bajor. I half
expected you to be signing autographs at the end.
[DAX] Don't let him get to you, Odo. You should be proud of what you did
during the Occupation.
[ODO] I've nothing to be proud of. I tried to bring order to a chaotic
situation, that's all.
[SISKO] You need to give yourself more credit, Constable. Keeping order
during the Occupation would be a tough job for anyone, but you not only
did it, you did it by earning the trust of both sides.
[DAX] What was it the Moderator said? That you may have worked for the
Cardassians, but your only master was justice.
[SISKO] And a legend is born.
[OKALA] Sir, Captain Sisko's runabout is approaching
the station.
[WORF] Very well. Clear them for docking on landing pad one.
[OKALA] Aye, sir. Commander, something's wrong. They're not responding,
and sensors show unusual EM signatures along their hull. The runabout's
on auto-pilot
[WORF] Lifesigns?
[OKALA] Four, very weak.
[WORF] Disengage the auto-pilot. Bring the runabout to within
transporter range. Doctor Bashir to transporter room five. Medical
(Worf, Bashir, and Security beam in. Everyone is
unconscious in their seats.)
[WORF] Check the aft compartment.
(Bashir scans Sisko.)
[BASHIR] He's alive, but there's an excess of neural energy in his
cerebral cortex.
[WORF] What does that mean?
[BASHIR] I'm not sure of that.
[WORF] Can you revive them?
[BASHIR] I'm not sure of that, either.
(Terok Nor Ghetto)
(Sisko wakes up back in the Cardassian occupation,
wearing a Bajoran miners overall. Odo, Dax and Garak are nearby.)
[CARDASSIAN (OC)] All prisoners return to your quarters.
(Sisko is pulled to his feet.)
[BELAR] Show some dignity. Look at you. No wonder the Cardassians think
we're animals. Get up! Get up! If you're going to spend the night
taking chemicals, stay off the Promenade. We don't need another
cleansing today.
[DAX] What happened?
[SISKO] Not here.
[GARAK] I couldn't agree more.
(They help Odo to his feet and set off along the Promenade.)
[CARDASSIAN (OC)] All bio-organic materials must be disposed of
according to regulations.
[BASHIR] There's a high level of neural activity
which suggests that their conscious minds are active, and yet there's
no response to any external stimuli. What's the word on the runabout?
[WORF] We have found preliminary indications that the ship encountered a
class two plasma storm which irradiated the vessel.
[BASHIR] Computer, are current neural readings for subjects Odo, Sisko,
Dax and Garak consistent with the effects of encountering a class two
plasma storm?
[COMPUTER] There are no recorded causal relationships between plasma
storms and specified neural readings.
[BASHIR] None? Computer, how many medical records are there on space
plasma phenomena?
[COMPUTER] Five thousand twenty one.
[BASHIR] Well, it would appear that a common phenomena has had an
uncommon effect on our people.
[WORF] Well, the runabout is still being analysed. We should have more
information soon.
[BASHIR] Good. In the meantime I have some reading to do.
(Terok Nor Ghetto)
[SISKO] This is Terok Nor. DS Nine during the
[DAX] Time travel?
[GARAK] No, it's more than that. Our clothes have changed.
[ODO] Could we be in a holosuite?
[SISKO] Computer, end programme. Let's assume that's a no for the
[DAX] Benjamin, we're not attracting any attention.
[SISKO] And we should be. Humans, Trills and changelings didn't just
stroll through Terok Nor unnoticed.
[GARAK] Then I should be getting some attention as well. We are in the
Bajoran sector, and Cardassians weren't exactly welcome here.
[SISKO] I don't think they see you as a Cardassian. I'm beginning to
think they don't see any of us as who we really are.
[GARAK] The clothes we're wearing are Bajoran. They're treating us like
[SISKO] Maybe they see us as Bajorans. Any theories, old man?
[DAX] Some kind of cross-dimensional transfer? Our conscious minds
might've been moved through time and space into the bodies of four
Bajorans on Terok Nor.
[GARAK] But then why are we still seeing each other as we really are
instead of as Bajorans?
[DAX] I just ran out of speculation.
[SISKO] The last thing I remember was sitting in the runabout.
[DAX] There was a plasma anomaly on the sensors, and then there was this
[GARAK] No, not a sound. More like a strong vibration
[SISKO] I remember. Odo?
[ODO] I don't recall. But whatever's happened, we have to leave this
place. Get off the station.
[GARAK] Then I suggest we go directly to the authorities and explain our
[ODO] Garak.
[GARAK] I have knowledge of certain security codes that would be
sufficient to prove that I am in fact a Cardassian, even if their eyes
say otherwise. I could always say I'm an undercover operative posing as
a Bajoran and
[ODO] Captain, the authorities on Terok Nor will not be looking for
reasons to help us. They will be looking for a reason to interrogate
us, and believe me, you do not want to be interrogated by the
[SISKO] I tend to agree with the Constable. If they should discover that
we're actually from the future
[DAX] Gul Dukat's on the second level.
[SISKO] Let's move on.
(Odo bumps into a man with a phaser burn on his chest.)
[SISKO] Odo? (the man vanishes) Who was that?
[ODO] I don't know.
[GARAK] You should. It was your predecessor.
[ODO] My predecessor? Oh, yes. The man talking to Dukat. His name is
Thrax. He was in charge of security on the Promenade before me.
[DAX] That means we've gone back at least nine years.
[SOLDIER] You. Come with us.
(They grab Dax.)
[SISKO] What's she done?
[SOLDIER] Nothing. Yet.
[GARAK] Perhaps there's been some misunderstanding. If I may be so bold,
you may find something which will bring you infinitely more profit than
the arrest of a Bajoran woman.
[SOLDIER] Latinum?
[GARAK] Two strips.
[SOLDIER] Where is it?
[GARAK] Ah. But our friend is still in your custody.
(Dukat is watching so the soldier hits Garak, making his nose bleed.)
[SISKO] Don't move.
[SOLDIER] Tempting offer. Maybe next time. This one's been selected.
[DAX] I'll be all right.
[WORF] Doctor.
(Garak's nose is bleeding.)
[BASHIR] Garak's septial capillaries burst at this point. The pattern of
his delta waves shows some unusual activity at the same moment. The
bleeding might be the result of some kind of psychosomatic response.
[WORF] You mean he thought he was injured?
[BASHIR] Under certain conditions, people have been known to alter their
blood pressure, lower their body temperature, even manifest a tumour as
a result of psychological stimuli.
[WORF] Could these stimuli cause more serious injuries?
[BASHIR] I don't think he could spontaneously break a bone, but he could
certainly stop his heart or break a key blood vessel in his brain.
[WORF] But what is causing all of this?
[BASHIR] At the risk of repeating myself, I just don't know.
(Terok Nor Ghetto)
[CARDASSIAN] Step back from the gate.
[SISKO] He said she's been selected. What the hell does that mean?
[ODO] A random interrogation, forced labour relocation. It could be
[SISKO] That's not good enough. I want to know where they've taken her.
[GARAK] But before we can help Commander Dax, we need to find out who we
are in this reality.
[SISKO] If we could get to a computer terminal, we could ask for a
simple ID scan.
[ODO] Computer access was extremely limited on Terok Nor.
[GARAK] What about a Cardassian comp-link? I took the liberty of
borrowing this from the gentlemen who thought my nose needed
[ODO] I see I'm going to have to add the word pickpocket to your resume.
[GARAK] It's only a hobby.
[ODO] Interesting that a simple tailor should just happen to have a
high-level security code.
[GARAK] Yes, isn't it? And if my nose didn't hurt so much, I'd tell you
with a fascinating story about how I came to possess it. Ah, yes.
Captain, you are actually a Bajoran electronics engineer. You're thirty
eight years old, you have no criminal record, your family resides in
Rakantha province and your name is Ishan Chaye. Lucky me. I'm an
artist. I'm fifty five, I've been arrested three times for disturbing
the peace. I must be incorrigible. I also reside in Rakantha and my
name is Jillur Gueta.
[SISKO] And the Constable?
[GARAK] Ah, yes. His profession is
[ODO] I'm a bookkeeper. Forty six years old. I have a wife and two sons
in Rakantha Province, and my name is Timor Landi.
[GARAK] That's right.
[SISKO] How'd you know that? Odo?
[QUARK] Congratulations, gentlemen. You get to work today. And you'll be
labouring in the finest establishment on the station. My establishment.
Twelve hours of work, two five minute breaks, one slip of latinum each.
Let's go. Didn't you hear me? I'm offering you work. What are you
waiting for?
[SISKO] Nothing. Just show us the way.
[QUARK] Open it. Start by stepping through the gate that the nice man
has opened for you. Very good. You three must be warp engineers. Now
we're going to walk down the Promenade to the bar. Would you like me to
hold your hands or can you manage it?
[SISKO] We'll manage.
[QUARK] I'm so glad.
[ODO] How much damage would it do to the timeline if Quark were to
suffer a mysterious accident?
[SISKO] I'm not sure. But maybe we should conduct a little experiment
and find out.
(Dukat's office)
(Dax is brought in, keeping her eyes down.)
[DUKAT] Name?
[DAX] Leeta.
[DUKAT] Look at me when I speak to you, Leeta.
(He gestures for her to turn around.)
[DUKAT] She'll do.
(The soldier leaves)
[DUKAT] Kanar.
(Dax pours a glass)
[DUKAT] For two. Have you ever had kanar?
[DAX] No.
[DUKAT] Well, then this is an occasion. You're trembling. Despite what
you may have heard, I'm a fair man, Leeta. Rest assured, you have
nothing to fear from me. I did not bring you here to be abused.
[DAX] Then why am I here?
[DUKAT] It may surprise you to hear this, but my position is a lonely
one. I'm isolated from the people who live under my protection. I
require someone to talk with. In short, a friend.
[DAX] You want me to be your friend?
[DUKAT] Ironic, isn't it, that I should choose a simple Bajoran girl to
share my inner thoughts with. But as you get to know me, Leeta, I think
you'll find that I'm a complicated man.
[DAX] You're different than I imagined.
[DUKAT] To the beginning of your education.
(Terok Nor - Quark's)
(After hours, and our gang are cleaning up half
eaten meals.)
[GARAK] I never knew we were such messy conquerors. I remember the
occupation being a little more tidy than this.
[SISKO] Everything's tidy when someone else is doing the cleaning.
[GARAK] The Bajorans were much more suited for this sort of thing than
we were. Servile work is in their nature.
[SISKO] I'll remember to mention that to Major Kira when we get back.
[GARAK] There are exceptions to every rule.
(Odo sees three Bajorans with chest wounds walk along the Promenade.)
[SISKO] You all right?
[ODO] The smell's making me sick.
[SISKO] How did you know your name would be Timor Landi in this, this,
whatever this is.
[ODO] I recognised the other two names from the security files kept
during the Occupation. Timor, Ishan and Jillur were the names of three
Bajorans who were accused of attempting to assassinate Gul Dukat on the
[SISKO] Half the resistance tried to kill Dukat.
[ODO] These three were innocent. However, no one knew that at the time
and Dukat wanted to make an example of them, so he had them led out
onto the Promenade and publicly executed.
[GARAK] If we're them
[SISKO] If we're them, we'd better find a way out of here before Dukat
makes an example out of us.
(Thrax, the Cardassian Security chief, enters)
[THRAX] Quark. I understand you had a visit from a Talavian freighter
captain this morning. A Captain Livara, I believe.
[QUARK] I had a lot of visitors this morning. It was a busy day.
[THRAX] I'm surprised you're being so indiscreet. Captain Livara is a
known smuggler.
[QUARK] You don't say? Such a nice, friendly man, too. I guess you can
never tell what some people are really like.
[THRAX] Rumour has it that the Obsidian order has had him under
surveillance for several months.
[QUARK] The Obsidian Order?
[THRAX] Rumour also has it that they're planning on bringing in all of
Livara's co-conspirators for questioning.
[QUARK] Well, you know how rumours are.
[THRAX] Yes. They're usually true. So when the Order asks me for a list
of all of Livara's known associates on board the station
[QUARK] He was here for ten minutes. He wanted to unload a shipment of
maraji crystals, but I wasn't interested. I can't move maraji crystals.
The Cardassians don't like them and the Bajorans can't afford them, so
I sent him on his way, all right?
[THRAX] And that's all?
[QUARK] That's all.
[THRAX] I hope so. Because if I find out that you've been dealing in
illegal crystals, I'll hand you over to the Order myself.
(Thrax leaves)
[QUARK] Always a pleasure.
[SISKO] I see you're not the first man around here to keep Quark on his
[ODO] Yes.
(Garak uses the stolen ID device.)
[GARAK] Something's wrong. Thrax talked about a Captain Livara.
[SISKO] Does that name mean something to you?
[GARAK] Livara wasn't just another smuggler. He was a Romulan spy and he
didn't begin working in this sector until seven years ago. But seven
years ago, Thrax wasn't on Terok Nor, you were, Odo. Odd contradiction.
So I checked the date. This is seven years ago. Thrax shouldn't be
here. You should be the Security Chief.
[ODO] None of this makes any sense, Garak. Now I suggest we concentrate
on finding a way out of here. That's our priority.
[SISKO] I tend to agree.
[GARAK] Well, you'll get no argument from me. But how?
[SISKO] We need to contact the Bajoran resistance. They might be able to
get us off the station, maybe even to the Federation. Kira once told me
about a prearranged signal the resistance used on Terok Nor to set up a
meeting. Once we're finished here, we'll head back to the Bajoran
sector and I'll make the signal.
(Terok Nor Ghetto)
(Sisko picks up a vase from a trader's shelf, looks
it over then puts it back. They go to the soup kitchen, get a ladle of
gruel and sit down.)
[CARDASSIAN (OC)] All recreation passes are suspended for alpha unit
personnel until further notice.
[GARAK] The Bajorans never did have a sense of style. Turn the vase over
and the resistance appears.
[ODO] It's simple and effective.
[SISKO] And they did it for years, right under the Cardassian's noses.
[GARAK] Not under my nose, Captain. Under his.
(Dukat enters the ghetto, followed by Dax.)
[SISKO] At least Dax is all right
[GARAK] Look at him. The Commander of Terok Nor. Just another
swaggering, self-important Gul with too much vanity and not enough
[SISKO] Maybe, but he's no fool.
(Odo starts to drink his soup but his hands are covered in blood and he
drops the spoon in panic.)
[SISKO] Are you all right?
[ODO] (the blood is gone) Yes. Just slipped out of my hand.
[BELAR] You wanted a meeting? Don't look at me, eat your soup.
[SISKO] I didn't think you would come while Dukat was here.
[BELAR] Everyone's watching our gentle dictator stroll the Promenade
with his new girlfriend. Now, I hate soup and I have no intention of
finishing this entire bowl, so whatever you want, let's hear it.
[SISKO] We need to get off the station.
[BELAR] Why?
[GARAK] Does it matter?
[BELAR] Yes, as a matter of fact, it does. We're not a commuter service.
If you're running from a dispute over chemicals or women or smuggling,
you're on your own. If you've killed one of the spoonheads
[GARAK] Spoonheads?
[SISKO] Garak!
[BELAR] That's a different matter.
[SISKO] We're not who we seem to be.
[BELAR] I hope not, because you seem to be wasting my time.
[SISKO] Let's just say we're involved with the Federation.
[BELAR] Let me guess. You're Starfleet agents operating under cover,
posing as indigent Bajorans who happen to be
(Flash! BOOM! Dukat and Dax are injured.)
[SISKO] Dax!
[ODO] Captain, no!
(Belar and Garak go the other way)
[CARDASSIAN (OC)] Secure all exits on floor alpha.
[ODO] Captain, we can't stay. They'll take care of her but we must go
[SOLDIER] Don't move.
(Sisko, Odo and Garak are arrested violently.)
(Terok Nor - Holding cell)
(The cells are crowded and noisy)
[GARAK] You'd think they'd put us in our own cell block, instead of with
the common criminals. After all, we are accused of attempting to
assassinate the station commander. That deserves some respect.
[SISKO] Maybe they'll salute when they execute us.
[THRAX] Quiet down. Quiet down. Quiet. Quiet please! Quiet please! Kara
Polus, Brin Tusk and Marat Kobar. Your sentence is five years hard
labour. Trial to confirm this sentence will take place at seventeen
hundred hours. Benten Vek, your fine has been paid and you'll be free
to go within the hour. Lobo, Horis, Romara, Pelin and Gramm. You are
being transferred to Cardassian authorities on Bajor for interrogation.
[WOMAN] No, no, please.
(The guards start removing prisoners)
[THRAX] Timor, Ishan, Jillur. You came aboard the station two days ago
from Rakantha Province. Yesterday you paid a visit the chemist shop and
then fell asleep on the Promenade. Last night you were hired as a
cleanup crew by the Ferengi, and after you were paid, you went back to
the Bajoran sector and attempted to murder Gul Dukat with a chambered
plasma grenade.
[SISKO] We were sitting at a table eating when the grenade went off.
There are witnesses.
[THRAX] None of which have come forward.
[ODO] Why would the witnesses risk their lives for three strangers?
They're out there, but you have to go look for them.
[THRAX] Epidermal scans revealed the presence of trinitrogen chloride on
your hands and clothing. TNC is one of the components used in plasma
[ODO] TNC is also a cleaning solution, which is what we were using in
[THRAX] Or you used the opportunity of working at Quarks to obtain the
TNC in the first place. You all have ties to the Bajoran underground.
(Garak) You have three cousins who are known Resistance members.
(Sisko) Five of your friends are suspected sympathisers.
[ODO] After fifty years of occupation, is there anyone left on Bajor who
doesn't have some tie to the resistance?
[THRAX] Quiet! That may be true. But you were seen rushing toward Dukat
after the explosion. Everyone else was running away.
[SISKO] I wanted to help my friend. She was injured in the blast.
[THRAX] The report of the Cardassian guard states that you were found
over the body of Gul Dukat, attempting to strangle him.
[GARAK] That's a lie.
[ODO] Interrogate the troops yourself, don't just take their report at
face value.
[THRAX] I don't interrogate members of the Cardassian military.
[ODO] Then run a ballistic analysis of the explosion. If you examine the
fragmentation dispersal pattern, you'll find that we couldn't have
thrown the grenade from our position at the table. It had to have come
[THRAX] Quiet! Quiet down! There is sufficient evidence for a
[ODO] All of which is circumstantial. Go beneath the surface. Conduct a
real investigation.
[THRAX] This investigation is over. Your case is going before a special
tribunal this afternoon. You will be informed of the sentence just
before it meets.
[ODO] No! Wait! I need to talk to you! Let me talk to you alone for just
a moment! Please, listen to me!
(Dukat's office)
[DUKAT] That's enough.
(The medic leaves. Dax is eating well)
[DAX] How do you feel?
[DUKAT] Better than last time.
[DAX] Last time?
[DUKAT] This is the fourth assassination attempt I've survived.
[DAX] Maybe you should find another job.
[DUKAT] Maybe I should. I'm glad to see you have your appetite back.
[DAX] I don't get to eat like this very often.
[DUKAT] I've wanted to increase rations in the Bajoran sector for some
time now, but the resistance makes it almost impossible to show any
sort of kindness to your people.
[DAX] You really want to help my people, don't you?
[DUKAT] Yes, of course. The Bajorans are, well, they're like my
children, I suppose. And like any father, I want only what's best for
[DAX] And you still feel like that now after some of your children have
tried to kill you?
[DUKAT] Bad manners are the fault of the parent, not the child. My
weakness is I'm too generous, too forgiving. My heart is too big.
(Dax goes up behind him and knocks him out.)
[DAX] And so is your ego.
(She starts using the computer)
(Terok Nor - Holding cell)
[GARAK] Yes, I know I don't look Cardassian. You
see, I was surgically altered to appear Bajoran. But what if genetic
scans show no cardassian DNA in my cellular structure? In that case,
I'll suggest
[SISKO] Tell me about Thrax.
[ODO] What do you want to know?
[SISKO] Something about his background. He seems unusual. Doesn't have
that casual brutality I've come to expect from Cardassian security
officers. What makes Thrax different?
[ODO] I wouldn't know. He was gone by the time I came aboard the
[SISKO] That brings up a good point. Why is he here now? Garak said that
you were the security chief during this time.
[ODO] You're implying that I should know the answers, that I'm holding
back information?
[SISKO] I'm saying that maybe you know more than you think you do. You
lived here, on Terok Nor. You're supposed to be out there now instead
of Thrax. Think, Odo. There might be some connection between you and
what's happening here.
[ODO] I don't know!
(A hole is blown in the cell wall)
[DAX] Miss me?
[ODO] It doesn't have to happen again
(Terok Nor - Corridor)
[DAX] Dukat's personal shuttle is in docking bay
[SISKO] What about the station defence system?
[DAX] I've got their computer tied up in knots. I don't think they'll be
able to
[THRAX] Halt!
(Dax whirls and shoots the guard behind them, then gets shot herself.
Odo fights that guard, Sisko fights Thrax. Garak shoots the guard who
is throttling Odo is fighting. Sisko and Thrax trade blows, then Thrax
morphs into goo and goes into a vent. They all help Dax up.)
[GARAK] A changeling?
[SISKO] We'll figure that out later.
(Terok Nor - Airlock)
[DAX] Here it is.
(They step inside, Sisko closes the door and)
(Terok Nor - Holding cell)
(There's no hole in the wall.)
[SOLDIER] We just got the word. Your execution's been scheduled for
nineteen hundred. That's two hours from now.
[ODO] We've got to find another way out of here.
[DAX] We tried that. Escape doesn't seem to be the answer.
[SISKO] How could Thrax be a changeling? In this time period, the
Founders didn't know about the wormhole.
[ODO] I don't know.
[GARAK] Putting aside the newest shape-shifter in town for the time
being, how did we end up back in this cell?
[ODO] I don't know.
[DAX] Care to guess?
[ODO] What makes you think I have the answers?
[SISKO] You've been acting strangely ever since we first woke up on the
Promenade. Continually distracted, depressed and agitated.
[GARAK] And you knew the names of the people we're supposed to be.
[SISKO] You knew the details of their case like you were there.
[GARAK] But you couldn't have been there because it happened before you
came aboard the station.
[SISKO] Everything seems to lead back to you and I want to know why.
[THRAX] You said you wanted to see me?
[ODO] Yes. It's urgent.
(Thrax lets Odo out)
(Terok Nor - Security office)
[THRAX] I'm listening, but I don't have much time.
[ODO] You're about to make a very serious mistake.
[THRAX] Because you're innocent, of course. All of you.
[ODO] That's right, and I can prove it. Compare this attack to recent
bombings on Bajor. You'll find a similarity to four incidents in
Musilla Province, none of which we could have done.
[THRAX] That proves nothing. And under Cardassian law, the accused must
prove his innocence. Since the evidence in this case is sufficient to
warrant conviction, the investigation is over.
[ODO] Your job is to find the truth, not obtain convictions.
[THRAX] Truth? You want the truth? All right. The truth is that none of
you would be accused, none of you would even be here if the Bajorans
weren't fighting the Cardassians. It's futile. The occupation has
lasted for fifty years and it will probably last another fifty.
[ODO] I wouldn't be too sure about that.
[THRAX] Why not accept it? If the Bajoran people would accept their
place in history, none of this would be happening.
[ODO] We're talking about the attempt on Gul Dukat's life, not the
socio-political ramifications of the resistance.
[THRAX] It's all part of the same problem. When your people resort to
terrorism and violence, they're fighting against order, against
stability, against the rule of law, and this must be stopped.
[ODO] There is more to life than the rule of law.
[THRAX] It has been my observation that only the guilty make that kind
of statement.
[ODO] I didn't want to tell you this. I don't know what the consequences
will be, but we're not terrorists. We're not even Bajorans. There's
been a temporal displacement of some kind. We don't belong in this
time. We're from the future.
[THRAX] I know.
[ODO] You know? Then what are you going to do about it?
[THRAX] What I am supposed to do, nothing more, nothing less. The
question is, what are you going to do, Odo?
(Terok Nor Promenade - upper level)
(Blink and Odo is watching Sisko, Dax and Garak
lined up against the railing for execution.)
[THRAX] It's too late for them now. It's out of my hands.
[ODO] Why aren't I with them?
[THRAX] There were only three terrorists, Odo. You know that.
[DUKAT] This the price for taking up arms against those who would
protect you, who have only your best interests at heart.
[ODO] They haven't done anything. They don't belong here.
[THRAX] It's already happened, Odo.
[ODO] But this isn't what happened. It wasn't these people.
[THRAX] Proceed with the execution.
(A soldier levels his gun at Sisko.)
[ODO] No! I'm not going to let this happen again! Not again!
(Odo knocks the gun out of the soldier's hands.)
[ODO] You can't execute them. You don't even belong here. I do.
(Suddenly everyone is back in their proper clothes, and there is weapon
fire nearby. The executions are taking place on another crossover
bridge, with another Odo watching. Their eyes meet then the historical
characters vanish.)
[SISKO] Constable?
[ODO] That's exactly how it happened seven years ago.
[SISKO] It was you all along.
[ODO] Yes. I was Chief of Security on the Promenade. I was the one who
charged those men with a crime they didn't commit, and I was the one
who turned them over to Dukat. Three days after the executions there
was another bombing on the Promenade, identical to the one that almost
killed Dukat. Timor, Ishan and Jillur were innocent. All the evidence
was there. The inconsistencies in the reports of the soldiers who
arrested them, a pattern of bombings, the ballistics. It was all there
from the beginning but I was too busy, too concerned
with maintaining order and the rule of law. I thought of myself as the
outsider, the shape-shifter who cared for nothing but justice. It never
occurred to me that I could fail, but I did. And I never wanted anyone
to know the truth. That seven years ago, I allowed three innocent men
to die.
(Sisko, Dax and Garak disappear.)
[BASHIR (OC)] Constable?
(Everyone is waking up.)
[BASHIR] Whatever it is you've been through has taken its toll.
(Security office)
[BASHIR] As far as I can tell, the four of you were
locked into some version of the Great Link.
[ODO] The Link? How is that possible? I'm a solid now.
[BASHIR] Well, it seems you're not as solid as you think. When I ran a
neurochemical scan of your brain, I found residual traces of
morphogenic enzymes which I've only detected before in changelings.
[ODO] When the plasma storm hit the runabout it activated the enzymes
and initiated a telepathic response.
[BASHIR] Your mind reached out to find other changelings to form the
Link, but all it could find was Sisko, Dax and Garak.
[ODO] And just before the accident, I was thinking about the executions.
Somehow being in the Link must have forced me to relive it, and admit
the truth about what I'd done.
[BASHIR] It would make a fascinating paper. (gets a Look) Although I
don't intend to write one.
(Kira enters)
[BASHIR] If you have any questions, you know where to find me.
(Bashir leaves)
[KIRA] When I first read your report I didn't know what to think. So I
said to myself, that's all right, Nerys You're stunned. You need to let
it sink in a little. But it's been two days, Odo. I still don't know
what to think.
[ODO] I'm guilty. What more is there to say?
[KIRA] Maybe nothing. Maybe a lot. I believed in you. A lot of people
did. You were special. You were the one man who stood apart from
everyone else, the one man who stood for justice. Now what?
[ODO] Now I'm just another imperfect solid.
[KIRA] Okay. The Prophets know I'm not perfect. I guess the truth is
that anyone who lived through the occupation had to get a little dirty.
But I need to know that no other innocent people died on your watch,
Odo. That this was the only time.
[ODO] I'm not sure. I hope so. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e103", "title": "Things Past"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Ascent
Original Airdate: 25 Nov, 1996
(Jake is loading up a suitcase.)
[SISKO] Don't you think you might be overpacking?
[JAKE] It'll close.
[SISKO] You don't have to take everything at once. It's not like you're
moving to Bajor. One G twelve is practically right next door.
[JAKE] I know, but I'm not moving to one G twelve. I found some great
quarters over in section M.
[SISKO] That's all the way on the other side of the habitat ring.
[JAKE] Dad, don't get all sentimental on me.
[SISKO] Wait until your son moves out on you.
[JAKE] I don't have a son.
[SISKO] Ha, ha. Go ahead, Jake, make jokes. One day you'll be standing
where I am, and believe me, you won't like it any more than I do.
[JAKE] Yeah, maybe, but right now I'm standing here and I can't wait to
spend my first night in my own place.
(Slams the case shut.)
[JAKE] See? I told you it'd close.
[SISKO] Now wait, wait, let me get this straight. I can visit any time I
want, but I have to call first. You won't be available for breakfast or
lunch, but I can count on one dinner a week.
[JAKE] Yeah, well some weeks maybe even two.
[SISKO] Ah. I have raised a very generous son. You and Nog moving in
together. I can remember when I didn't even want you talking to him.
[JAKE] Yeah, well, things change.
[SISKO] They sure do.
(Rom's quarters)
(Rom is arranging the room just so when the
doorbell rings.)
[ROM] Come in.
(Quark enters with two trays of bottles.)
[ROM] Oh. It's you?
[QUARK] Who'd you think it was?
[ROM] Nog.
[QUARK] How could it be Nog? His ship hasn't even docked yet.
[ROM] I guess I wasn't thinking.
[QUARK] What else is new?
[ROM] Can I help it if I'm excited? My son is coming home. Root beer?
His favourite. I don't know how to thank you, brother.
[QUARK] Ten slips of latinum ought to do it.
[ROM] You think he'd mind if I had one for myself?
[QUARK] I'd mind.
(So Rom opens a bottle and knocks it back.)
[QUARK] My own brother drinking root beer. It's so human.
[ROM] Mmmm. And bubbly.
[ROM] That's him! That's him! Come in.
(Odo enters)
[QUARK] Wrong again.
[ROM] Constable. Care for a root beer?
[ODO] No. But you have something I do want.
[QUARK] Whatever it is, I didn't do it.
[ODO] Don't tell me. Tell the Federation Grand Jury on Inferna Prime.
[ROM] Federation Grand Jury? Brother, what have you done now?
[QUARK] I haven't done anything. What do they want to talk to me for?
[ODO] Oh, I think you know.
[QUARK] Odo, I have no idea what this is all about.
[ODO] Well then, you'll have eight days to try to guess. We leave
[ODO] I've been waiting ten years for you to get what you deserve. Now
that the big moment is finally here, I wouldn't miss it for anything.
Let's go.
[ROM] Brother.
[QUARK] What?
[ROM] I'll say hi to Nog for you.
(Runabout Rio Grande)
[QUARK] So, how much longer till we reach Inferna
[ODO] Oh, I'd say one hundred and ninety one hours and seventeen
minutes, give or take a day.
[QUARK] In that case, we'd better find something to occupy our time.
Care for a game of
[ODO] I don't play cards.
[QUARK] I'll teach you. It's a very simple game.
[ODO] Let me put it another way. I don't want to play cards. And even if
I did, I wouldn't want to play with you.
[QUARK] Afraid you'd lose? You know, Odo, I used to think all your
problems stemmed from the fact that you were a changeling, isolated
from your own kind, forced to live among strangers who didn't
understand you. You couldn't eat, you couldn't drink, you couldn't
sleep, you couldn't make love. Was it any wonder you had such a bad
disposition? But you're not a changeling anymore. You're one of us.
Life is yours for the taking. All you have to do is reach out and grab
it. But do you? No. Because solid or changeling, you're still a
miserable, self-hating misanthrope. That's who you are
and that's who you'll always be.
[ODO] I'm still not playing cards with you.
[QUARK] Fine. Then we'll just sit here for a week in silence. What are
you reading?
[ODO] Nothing that would interest you.
[QUARK] Don't be so sure.
(Quark grabs the PADD)
[ODO] Quark, give me that.
[QUARK] What are you going to do, arrest me? (reads) He walked toward
her, the wooden deck heaving to and fro beneath his booted feet. Her
hands moved to the brooch at her throat. She unclasped it and the cloak
fell from her shoulders, her wet skin glistening in the moonlight.
Lightning flashed and heaven's thunder roared in rhythm with the
beating of their hearts.'
[ODO] All right, enough.
[QUARK] Odo, I take it all back. You're obviously a lot more complicated
than I thought. If you like that kind of thing I might be interested in
selling you my first edition of 'Vulcan Love Slave.'
[ODO] This is work, not recreation. Books like this give me insight into
the criminal mind. It is a well known fact that a high percentage of
homicides are motivated by romantic obsession.
[QUARK] Well, no one gets killed in 'Vulcan Love Slave,' but it's still
a hell of a read.
[ODO] Give it up, Quark. You can annoy me, bait me, question my very
existence, but in the end, we both know I've won. Because when all is
said and done, I'll be heading back to Deep Space Nine and you'll be
spending the rest of your life in a Federation penal colony.
[QUARK] I'm not there yet. Look, Odo, give me a chance. At least tell me
what the charges are.
[ODO] I'm afraid I can't do that. This is a high security investigation.
I'm not allowed to discuss the specifics with anyone. Now, if you'll
excuse me, I have some reading to do.
(Captain's office)
[NOG] Cadet Nog reporting for duty, sir.
[SISKO] At ease, Cadet.
(Sisko gestures to the chair.)
[NOG] Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
[SISKO] I remember my sophomore year. Field studies Starbase one thirty
seven. When I first got there I was a little apprehensive. But it
turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life.
[NOG] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] Now, the key to field study is simple. Keep your eyes and ears
open, follow orders and try not to get in the way.
[NOG] Yes, sir. Very good, sir. I won't let you down.
[SISKO] I'd like to say on a personal note, I'm glad that you and Jake
are going to be roommates.
[NOG] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] I'm sure the two of you are going to have a lot of fun together.
[NOG] Yes, sir. Time permitting, sir. I mean, if I'm not too busy. After
all I am here to work. Don't worry, sir, I'll look after him for you.
Set a good example. Keep him out of trouble.
[SISKO] You inspire me with confidence, Cadet. Dismissed.
[KIRA] How'd it go?
[NOG] I inspire him.
[KIRA] Congratulations. Now don't let him down.
[NOG] You can count on me, sir.
(Jake + Nog's quarters)
[JAKE] Lights! So, what do you think?
[NOG] I think I've died and gone to the Divine Treasury. After living in
cadet barracks for the past year, this is going to be paradise.
[JAKE] Yeah, I know what you mean. We're on our own now. No one to tell
us what to do.
[NOG] Well, before we unpack, we should call maintenance to clean this
[JAKE] They were here yesterday.
[NOG] If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. I'll
do the cleaning on the odd numbered days, and you'll do it on the even
[JAKE] We're going to clean every day?
[NOG] No, just the odd and even ones. I'd better start bringing in my
things. I don't want to be up too late unpacking.
[JAKE] So what do you want to do tonight? Dom-jot? Holosuites?
[NOG] I wish I could. But once we eat and unpack, it'll be time for bed.
Lights out at twenty two hundred.
[JAKE] I haven't gone to bed that early since I was twelve.
[NOG] Go to sleep whenever you want. But don't forget, we're hitting the
gym at oh four thirty.
[JAKE] The gym?
[NOG] Muscles, Jake. You know, those things that're supposed to go
between your bones and your skin?
[JAKE] I've heard of them.
[NOG] Good. Because by the time I'm done with you, you'll have some of
your very own.
(Runabout Rio Grande)
(Days have passed. Quark is throwing the round
fizzbin cards onto a seat and Odo is eating soup.)
[QUARK] You're doing it again.
[ODO] Doing what?
[QUARK] Smacking your lips.
[ODO] No I'm not.
[QUARK] There. Don't you hear that?
[ODO] The only thing I've heard for the last four days is you
[QUARK] This whole runabout is alive with annoying little noises.
[ODO] To what?
[QUARK] That buzzing noise.
[ODO] I don't hear a thing.
[QUARK] It started over an hour ago.
[ODO] If you don't like the noises in here, why don't you go into the
[QUARK] Because it's even colder back there than it is up here.
[ODO] Quark, leave the temperature controls alone.
[QUARK] I will, when I get it right. There it is again.
[ODO] What?
[QUARK] That buzzing noise. Don't you hear it?
[ODO] With all this lip-smacking, how could I hear anything?
[QUARK] Where is it coming from?
[ODO] Inside your head.
[QUARK] Shhh.
[ODO] Bzzzzzzzzz.
[QUARK] I said be quiet! It's coming from here.
[ODO] It's probably a defective anodyne circuit.
[QUARK] Defective anodyne circuits make a hissing sound. This is a buzz.
We'd better open up this hatch.
[ODO] If this is some kind of convoluted plot to escape.
[QUARK] Stop being so suspicious. That's odd. The buzzing's changed
[ODO] It's gotten louder too. I can hear it now. What could it be?
[QUARK] Let's find out.
(Odo unlocks the floor emergency access panel at a console. There's
something alien blinking in the circuitry.)
[QUARK] Don't tell me. Let me guess.
[ODO] It's a bomb.
[QUARK] Next time I tell you I hear something, maybe you'll listen.
[ODO] Let's hope there is a next time. I'm going to get a transporter
lock on this thing and beam it out of here.
[QUARK] What if it's set to go off if someone tries to transport it?
[ODO] What do you suggest? We wait for it to explode?
[QUARK] Fine. Beam it out. But at least try and channel the explosion
through the transporter buffer.
[ODO] I hope this works.
(The transporter beam starts and BOOM! Quark and Odo are sent flying
and red alert sounds. Monitors are all static.)
[QUARK] We did it. We're safe.
(BOOM! And the power goes out)
[ODO] Don't be so sure about that. Comm. system's down, navigational
array's failing, environmental controls are badly damaged. We're losing
[QUARK] What now?
[ODO] Now we find someplace to land.
[QUARK] Land? You mean crash.
[ODO] It's either that or wait for our lungs to explode in the vacuum of
space. I'm picking up a class-L planet on long range scanners.
[QUARK] Barely habitable.
[ODO] More habitable than this thing's going to be in a few minutes.
[QUARK] How close?
[ODO] Close enough. I hope.
(The planet looks okay, blue oceans and white clouds.)
[ODO] If we live through this, whoever planted that bomb is going to
regret it.
[QUARK] Believe me, you don't want to get anywhere near the Orion
[ODO] The Orion Syndicate? Is that who the Grand Jury's investigating?
[QUARK] I thought you knew.
[ODO] If I knew you were involved with the Orion Syndicate, you'd be on
the Defiant right now, surrounded by half my deputies.
(They dive into the atmosphere.)
[QUARK] Let me guess. You pretended to know more than you did so I'd
think I had nothing to hide and say something to incriminate myself.
[ODO] Something like that.
[QUARK] This is all your fault.
[ODO] You're the one who's a member of the Orion Syndicate.
[QUARK] I'm not a member. I just know people who know people who know
some other people. And besides
(They hit the tree canopy. Blackout, then a little later we see the
runabout is perched on a rocky outcrop.)
[QUARK] Will someone adjust the temperature. It's freezing in here.
[ODO] Actually, it's freezing out there.
[QUARK] Out there? Oh, yeah. Now I remember. You were apologising for
almost getting us both killed.
[ODO] If that's how you remember it, you must've hit your head harder
than I thought you did.
[QUARK] I guess there's nothing we can do now except send out a distress
signal and wait to be rescued.
[ODO] Good plan, except we lost the comm. system in the explosion.
[QUARK] That's not good.
[ODO] It gets worse. The replicator's been destroyed. From what I can
tell the local plants are poisonous.
[QUARK] Then I guess we're stuck with field rations.
[ODO] That's right. One package for you. One package for me. The rest
[QUARK] I know, I know. Destroyed in the explosion. So now what?
[ODO] Now we either freeze to death or starve to death. Take your pick.
(Jake + Nog's quarters)
(Nog is bench-pressing dumbbells when Jake staggers
out of his bedroom.)
[NOG] It's about time you woke up. I thought you were going to sleep all
day. You should stretch a little before you start your workout.
[JAKE] I think I'll pass this morning.
[NOG] You pass every morning.
[JAKE] You can work out for the both of us.
[NOG] You don't know what you're missing. Healthy body, healthy mind.
[JAKE] Please, Nog, no clichés before breakfast. Orange juice, extra
large. A healthy way to start the day.
[NOG] A writer and a poet.
(Jake picks up a PADD as Nog goes onto bicep curls.)
[JAKE] What's this?
[NOG] Past Prologue.
[JAKE] What's it doing here?
[NOG] I found it while I was cleaning up. Really, Jake, is it that hard
to keep this place clean?
[JAKE] You read my story? What did you think?
[NOG] Disposal is spelled with an i.
[JAKE] That's it? That's all you have to say?
[NOG] I didn't really read it for content. I mostly corrected your
spelling and grammar.
[JAKE] You changed my words?
[NOG] Just a few. A preposition here, some punctuation there.
[JAKE] You can't change a writer's words without his permission. That's
[NOG] All right. Next time, I'll let you make the changes.
[JAKE] There won't be a next time. From now on, if you see my stories
lying around here, don't read them. Don't even touch them. Just leave
them right where they are.
[NOG] No problem. Just put them away when you're not working on them.
Time to hit the shower. Duty calls. Remember, start with the lighter
weights and work your way up.
(Runabout Rio Grande)
(Loud metallic noises from the rear as Odo tries to
repair something.)
[ODO] Quark? What are you doing back there? You need any help?
[QUARK] You want to help? Here.
(Odo takes the huge piece of equipment. It's heavy)
[ODO] I thought you were supposed to be repairing the subspace
[QUARK] I was.
[ODO] What's it doing out here?
[QUARK] The signal booster's completely shot. Which means there's no way
we can transmit a distress signal through a planetary atmosphere.
[ODO] I see. So you tore it out of the wall in frustration.
[QUARK] Actually, I came up with a way to save our lives. All we have to
do is haul this transmitter up to higher ground. More altitude, less
atmosphere. Go high enough, and we might be able to get a signal out.
[ODO] How much higher do we have to go?
[QUARK] Er, carry the seven, take the square root, times pi. I'd say
that high.
(The local Everest looms ahead of them. Later, Odo is trying to make a
poncho out of a blanket when Quark enters wearing thermals way too big
for him.)
[QUARK] I'm ready when you are.
[ODO] Where'd you find that?
[QUARK] In the back. It's pretty cozy.
[ODO] Great. Then I won't need this. I'll just get a suit for myself and
we can be on our way.
[QUARK] Don't bother. This is the only one that wasn't destroyed in the
[ODO] You mean there's only one survival suit left and you're going to
wear it?
[QUARK] Finders keepers. Besides, carrying this transmitter up the
mountain should keep you warm.
(Mountain forest)
(Odo is in the jacket, Quark is wearing the
trousers and the blanket poncho, with the transmitter on his back. They
cross a mountain stream.)
[ODO] Here we go. How can it be so cold when the sun is shining?
[QUARK] It isn't much of a sun and this isn't much of a planet. And
you've got a lot of nerve complaining about being cold when you're the
one wearing the jacket.
[ODO] Well, you agreed to take turns.
[QUARK] Under duress.
[ODO] Oh, I hate this. You know, f I were still a changeling, I could've
shapeshifted into a Vorian pterodactyl and flown that damn transmitter
to the top of the mountain hours ago.
[QUARK] You're the one who wanted to be a solid.
[ODO] I never wanted to be a solid.
[QUARK] Oh, please. I used to see you coming into the bar, watching Morn
eat, eyeing my customers as they gambled and flirted with the dabo
girls, wishing you were one of them. Not to mention your platonic
friendship with a certain Bajoran Major.
[ODO] If that's the kind of psychological insight you dispense with your
drinks, it's a wonder you have any customers.
[QUARK] Deny it all you want, but the fact is your people gave you what
you wanted. You're one of us now and I finally can sit on a chair and
know with absolute certainty that it isn't you.
(Quark slips on a rock and falls.)
[ODO] Quark? Quark!
[QUARK] What?
[ODO] If you've damaged that transmitter
[QUARK] I'm fine, thank you very much. And so's the transmitter.
[ODO] Here, let me help you up.
[QUARK] No, thanks. I think I'll just lay here and freeze to death.
[ODO] All right, all right, you've made your point. I'll carry the
transmitter for a while.
[QUARK] And I get to wear the jacket.
[ODO] But I get the trousers.
[BRIEN] You did a good job today, Nog. You've an
excellent grasp of mechanical engineering.
[NOG] Ferengis have a natural talent for figures, sir.
[BRIEN] So what's your posting tomorrow?
[NOG] Cargo bay six. Customs inspection.
[BRIEN] Ah. Well, that could be interesting.
[NOG] If you're planning on being a customs inspector.
(Jake + Nog's quarters)
(It's a tip, with clothes even hanging out of the
[JAKE] Hey, Nog.
[NOG] Not again. When I left this morning, this place was spotless.
[JAKE] Yeah, that was nine hours ago.
[NOG] You can't keep our quarters clean for one day?
[JAKE] A man's got to live, and sometimes living is messy.
[NOG] But it doesn't have to stay messy. I'm going to the Replimat to
get something to eat and when I come back I expect to see this place
straightened up.
[JAKE] I'm working on a story right now. I'll do it in the morning.
(Nog snatches the PADD.)
[NOG] This isn't a story. It's computerised dom-jot.
[JAKE] Sometimes when I get stuck, I play dom-jot. It clears my mind.
[NOG] Well while you're at it, how about clearing a path to the bedroom?
[JAKE] I told you, I'm busy.
[NOG] Jake, this isn't what we agreed to.
[JAKE] We didn't agree to anything. You've been shouting orders ever
since you moved in here. I'm not in Starfleet.
[NOG] Lucky for you. You wouldn't last a day at the Academy.
[JAKE] You're right. I'd die of embarrassment wearing those pajamas.
[NOG] I don't have to take that from an undisciplined jerk like you.
Enjoy your dom-jot.
[JAKE] Where are you going?
[NOG] Anywhere but here. I'll get my things in the morning.
[JAKE] I'll pack them for you.
[NOG] Don't bother. You couldn't fold a shirt if your life depended on
(Mountain forest)
(Odo is carrying the pack, Quark is wearing the
[QUARK] What's that over there?
[ODO] It's just another stone.
[QUARK] I can't believe it. I've been walking for three days and I
haven't seen a single beetle. I could really go for a beetle right now.
Any kind of beetle, just as long as it had a little meat on it.
[ODO] There are no beetles, Quark.
[QUARK] A nice slug would do.
[ODO] There're no slugs, either. No slugs, no beetles, no worms, no
snails. Nothing but rocks and trees and we can't eat any of it.
[QUARK] If I collapse from hunger, you've got to carry me and the
[ODO] You are not going to collapse. We're almost to the tree line.
After that, we've only got a few more hours of climbing left before we
can set up the transmitter.
[QUARK] A few hours? You mean like three?
[ODO] More like six.
[QUARK] I could do six. Seven might be pushing it, but six I could do.
[ODO] Come on.
(But they've reach a ridge and see there's at least one more ridge and
valley between them and their goal.)
[ODO] Forget about six hours. It's more like six days.
(Heading down)
[QUARK] Ten thousand seven hundred and fifty one. Ten thousand seven
hundred and fifty two.
[ODO] Quark.
[QUARK] Ten thousand seven hundred and fifty three.
[ODO] Quark!
[QUARK] I just want to know how far we're going. Every step down means
an extra step up.
[ODO] Fine. Then count to yourself. I don't want to hear it any more.
[QUARK] Fine. But don't talk to me. It's hard keeping track.
[ODO] By the time the Grand Jury gets through with you, you'll be
counting years instead of steps.
[QUARK] You know what's going to make all this worthwhile? The look on
your face when they let me go.
[ODO] Let you go? I don't think so.
[QUARK] And you call yourself a detective. The Orion Syndicate tried to
kill me. They never kill their own. They don't need to. Any one of them
would take their own life before they'd testify against the Syndicate.
Don't you get it? I'm not a suspect. I'm a witness. Now you made me
lose count.
[ODO] Ten thousand seven hundred and eighty five.
[QUARK] Thank you.
[ODO] Now let me get this straight. You were never a member of the Orion
[QUARK] I hate to disappoint you.
[ODO] But you must have tried to join?
[QUARK] I don't want to talk about it.
[ODO] Now, if I remember correctly, the Orion Syndicate has a membership
fee. Quite a substantial one. And the Ferengi Commerce Authority did
seize all your assets. Oh it's even worse than that, isn't it? You
never could afford to join, could you? All those years of scheming and
lying and cheating and you're still too small-time for the Orions.
Well, I guess you're not as successful a businessman as you think you
[QUARK] Which means you've spent the last ten years of your life trying
to catch a nobody. Without little success, I might add. So you tell me,
which one of us is the bigger failure. Ten thousand seven hundred and
eighty eight. Ten thousand seven hundred and eight nine. Ten thousand
seven hundred and ninety. Ten thousand seven hundred and ninety one.
[ROM] Snail juice. Extra shells. Make it a double.
Captain, may I join you?
[SISKO] Be my guest.
[ROM] I wanted to ask you about Nog. You know, my son?
[SISKO] I think I've met him.
[ROM] Have you noticed anything strange about him lately?
[SISKO] He seems fine to me. He's just more dedicated than when he left.
[ROM] I've noticed.
[SISKO] A year at the Academy will do that to people.
[ROM] You think it's the Academy?
[SISKO] What else could it be?
[ROM] I was afraid he might be a changeling. So while he was asleep, I
drew some blood, just to make sure.
(Rom shakes the vial.)
[ROM] It's been eight hours. So far, so good.
[SISKO] Rom, he's still your son. He's just taking his duties very
seriously, that's all.
[ROM] Nog's moved back in with me, you know. It's horrible. He put me on
report the other day. Said my tool kit was untidy. That's the exact
word he used. Untidy.
[SISKO] I wouldn't worry about it. He's just going through a phase,
that's all.
[ROM] I was hoping living with Jake would relax him.
[SISKO] I'm afraid Jake's going through a phase of his own. I don't know
what's so difficult about putting a dirty dish back into the
[ROM] Nog says Jake is a slovenly, undisciplined, unfocused writer.
[SISKO] Not an unfair assessment. You know, I sometimes wish Jake had a
little more of Nog's self-discipline.
[ROM] And I wish Nog had Jake's ability to enjoy himself. Those two
could learn a lot from each other.
[SISKO] If we could only get them in the same room.
(Odo and Quark have slept by some rocks.)
[ODO] Quark, wake up. We've got a mountain to climb. Quark! Quark?
Quark! Quark. Wake up. Wake up. Wake, wake, Quark.
[QUARK] Stop hitting me!
[ODO] I thought you were dead.
[QUARK] So you saw that as an opportunity to vent years of hostility
towards me? Towards me. Towards me. Hostility.
[ODO] What's wrong?
[QUARK] What?
[ODO] I said what's the matter.
[QUARK] I'm deaf. I'm deaf in my right ear. I can't hear anything.
Hello, hello, hello? Hello, hello, hello?
[ODO] Would you stop doing that?
[QUARK] You don't understand. A one-eared Ferengi is only half a man.
We've got to get out of here. My body's shutting down. It's too cold.
There's not enough to eat. I'm dying. We both are.
[ODO] We're not dying. Here, here. You can have the rest of my rations.
[QUARK] These aren't rations. These are crumbs. You can't climb a
mountain on crumbs.
[ODO] Fine. I'll go by myself.
[QUARK] You're going to leave me?
[ODO] What do you want me to do? Stay here and trade insults until we
both starve to death? I'd rather take my chances on the mountain.
[QUARK] Whose turn is it to carry the transmitter?
[ODO] Yours.
[QUARK] Figures. Figures? Figures!
(And further on, it is Odo doing the carrying. And nearly falling
backwards under the weight too.)
[QUARK] I hate this transmitter and I hate this mountain and most of all
I hate the Orion Syndicate for stranding us here.
[ODO] I think we both know who's really to blame.
[QUARK] Don't try and blame this on me, Constable. It was your job to
get me to Inferna Prime safely.
[ODO] You never told me the Orion Syndicate was after you.
[QUARK] You never asked.
[ODO] If I had, would you have told me the truth? Or would you have lied
like you lie about everything?
[QUARK] Have I ever told you how much I hate that smug, superior
attitude of yours?
[ODO] Have I ever told you how much I hate your endless whining, your
pathetic greed and your idiotic little schemes?
[QUARK] Well I hate
[ODO] What do you hate?
[QUARK] You.
[ODO] Well that's fine with me, because I hate you too. You're nothing
but a petty thief.
(Odo puts down the transmitter.)
[QUARK] You are an arrogant prude.
[ODO] Lecher.
[QUARK] Freak.
[ODO] Fraud.
[QUARK] Fascist.
[ODO] Failure.
(They start to wrestle each other, shouting Fascist and Failure until
they fall down the slope.)
[ODO] Quark?
[QUARK] What?
[ODO] Are you all right?
[QUARK] I'm fine.
[ODO] I'm not. My leg is broken.
(Yes, it really shouldn't be bent like that. Quark manages to splint it
with branches and also make a travois.)
[QUARK] That should it hold together. Now we just have to get you on it.
[ODO] Stop looking at the leg. You'll pass out again.
[QUARK] Not looking at it doesn't help. I still know it's there.
[ODO] I should be the one struggling to stay conscious. I'm the one
who's in excruciating pain.
[QUARK] Speaking of pain, this is probably going to hurt.
(Quark gets Odo onto the travois.)
[ODO] Quark, there's no way you're going to be able to drag me up that
[QUARK] Just watch me.
[ODO] Stop trying to be a hero. You'll get to the top faster if you
leave me behind.
[QUARK] Don't you get it? I'm not trying to rescue you. I'm taking you
along as emergency rations. If you die, I'm going to eat you.
[ODO] You're joking.
[QUARK] Waste not, want not. Comfortable?
[ODO] Not really.
[QUARK] Join the club.
(Quark struggles on, over rocks, one step at a time, getting closer to
the tree line. Quark tries the transmitter.)
[QUARK] Higher.
(Off they go again.)
[QUARK] Hold on, Odo, hold on. Hold on.
(The tree line is still above them, mainly because they are filming in
a very small area. Eventually Quark collapses.)
[ODO] Quark?
[QUARK] It's over.
[ODO] What do you mean, it's over?
[QUARK] I can't move. We'll have to set up the transmitter here.
[ODO] We're not high enough. You have to leave me here and go on by
[QUARK] Don't you understand? I can't do it. I'm half frozen. I haven't
eaten for days. My muscles won't work anymore. Odo? Say something.
[ODO] What is there to say? If we stay here, we're dead.
[QUARK] I can't go any further.
[ODO] If Sisko were here, do you think he'd give up? Or Worf? Or Dax?
[QUARK] They're not here.
[ODO] That's right. It's just us. Give me the transmitter.
[QUARK] What for?
[ODO] Just give it to me.
[QUARK] What are you doing?
(Odo has crawled off the travois and is pushing the transmitter along
the ground.)
[ODO] What does it look like?
[QUARK] You'll never make it.
[ODO] Maybe not.
[QUARK] You're trying to embarrass me, aren't you? You're trying to
shame me into carrying that thing the rest of the way on my own. Well
it's not going to work. You might as well accept the inevitable and die
with dignity. That's what I'm going to do. I'm just going to lie here
and die.
(Odo can't go any further.)
[QUARK] My brother will get the bar. My nephew will be completely
corrupted by the Federation and become a Starfleet captain. And my
bones will lie here and freeze unsold and unmourned.
(Quark gets up.)
[QUARK] Try not to break your other leg while I'm gone.
[ODO] I'll do my best.
(Quark picks up the transmitter and staggers off.)
[ODO] Good luck.
(Jake's quarters)
[JAKE] Come in. Dad? I though you were going to call
[SISKO] Well, we've got a problem.
[JAKE] What's wrong?
[SISKO] According to station regulations, these quarters require two
occupants or more. I'm afraid you're going to have to move out.
[JAKE] Smaller quarters. All right, if I have to.
[SISKO] Well, that's the problem. There are no smaller quarters
[JAKE] So where do I go?
[SISKO] I guess back home with me.
[JAKE] You're kidding.
[SISKO] Unless we can find you another roommate. Cadet!
[NOG] Sir, I really must protest.
[SISKO] Cadets don't have that privilege. Neither do you. Now, I know
the two of you are very different people, but you're still friends, and
somehow, some way, you'll make this work.
[JAKE] I don't know.
[NOG] Neither do I.
[SISKO] Well I do. And I'm your Captain. And I'm your father. And what I
say goes. Good day, gentlemen.
(Sisko leaves)
[NOG] Well, the place hasn't changed much, has it?
[JAKE] I guess not. Are you going to start cleaning again?
[NOG] No. I've got to study.
[JAKE] Good, because it'll take a long time to clean up this pigsty.
[NOG] It's not that bad.
[JAKE] It's bad.
[NOG] Yeah.
[JAKE] You want to go to the gym? Healthy body, healthy mind.
[NOG] I have a better idea. How about a game of dom-jot? I'll let you
[JAKE] You're on.
(More rock than tree, and the wind has picked up as
Quark crawls upwards, ever upwards. Meanwhile, lower down.)
[ODO] Quark? Quark!
(Odo activates his comm. badge)
[ODO] Begin recording. Chief of Security's log, final entry. It looks
like Quark didn't make it. I can't say I'm surprised. You'll find his
body farther up the slope. No doubt he'd want you to vacuum-desiccate
his remains and auction them off. Not that they're worth much. As for
myself, cremate me, stick my ashes in my bucket, and shoot me through
the wormhole. I might as well end up where I began. Or better yet
(Odo gets beamed away)
(Transporter bay)
[BASHIR] Bashir to infirmary. Prepare an IV drip of
poly-nutrient solution.
MEDIC (OC) Aye, sir.
[ODO] I'm alive.
[BASHIR] Yes. I'm going to see you stay that way.
[ODO] Quark?
[WORF] We found him on top of the mountain, slumped over a subspace
[ODO] You mean he made it?
[DAX] If it wasn't for his signal, we never would have found you. Looks
like he saved both of your lives.
[ODO] I was afraid you'd say that.
(Medical bay)
[QUARK] Odo? Odo? Are you awake?
[ODO] I am now.
[QUARK] We survived.
[ODO] We did.
[QUARK] I bet you were surprised I actually made it all the way to the
[ODO] Astounded.
[QUARK] You remember back there when I told you I hated you, and you
told me you hated me?
[ODO] Vividly.
[QUARK] I just wanted you to know I meant every word of it.
[ODO] So did I. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e104", "title": "The Ascent"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Rapture
Original Airdate: 30 Dec, 1996
(A painting of an obelisk stands in an ornamental
water feature in a town. We pull back to see our Starfleet people in
the new uniforms as seen the movie 'First Contact'.)
[DAX] That's it?
[SISKO] That's it. The City of B'hala, painted nearly twenty thousand
years ago.
[DAX] Hmm.
[KIRA] Jadzia, you're looking at the most important Bajoran icon ever
painted. The only known proof that B'hala actually existed, and all you
have to say is hmm.
[DAX] No, it's just that you both gave it such a build up I thought it
would be a lot bigger.
[KIRA] We've been trying to force the Cardassian government to return
this to us since the end of the Occupation. It's good to have it back.
[DAX] I thought you said it was going to be returned to the State Museum
in Ilvia.
[SISKO] It will be. Tomorrow. But I couldn't let it pass without
stealing a look. Sometimes being the Emissary isn't such a bad thing.
You see this? (the obelisk) It's a Bantaca spire. Ancient Bajoran
cities were built around them. They were all about eleven metres high,
made from hundreds of stones carved and fitted together so tightly they
didn't need mortar.
[KIRA] It's said they mark the city's place in the cosmos.
[DAX] Beautiful markings.
[SISKO] Supposedly, they're coordinates of the lost city. But because we
can't see the markings on the other two sides, they're impossible to
[KIRA] Which is why B'hala is likely to remain lost.
[SISKO] Before you pack it up, have it scanned into the computer.
(The Bajoran security guards nod.)
[DAX] You're going to study it? Maybe see if you can find the lost city?
[KIRA] I was just thinking about Zocal's third prophecy. It said only
someone who had been touched by the Prophets could find the ruins of
[DAX] No pressure.
(Captain's office)
(The scan of the picture is on the monitor)
[SISKO] Computer, magnify grid C four.
(It zooms in on the obelisk and the waterfall behind it.)
[SISKO] It's a reflection. Magnify D two.
[SISKO] Computer. Process Sisko image file three
seven six. Reduce in size seventy five percent.
(The obelisk appears)
[SISKO] Oh. Ah, yes. Superimpose grid D two. Reverse image and enhance.
(Later, Quark enters.)
[QUARK] Sorry to disturb you, Captain, but
[SISKO] But what?
[QUARK] It's after three in the morning.
[SISKO] Three, already?
[QUARK] Time flies when you're having fun.
[SISKO] Quark I want you to save this programme for me.
[QUARK] What is it?
[SISKO] An ancient puzzle.
[QUARK] You know, Captain, if you like puzzles I have a wide assortment
of pleasure mazes. And they all come with a surprise in the centre.
[SISKO] Never mind, Quark. I'll save the programme myself.
(Sisko goes to get his rod from the console and gets zapped with
[QUARK] Computer, Quark to Infirmary. Medical emergency in holosuite
(Security office)
(Odo marches Quark in.)
[QUARK] You said yourself the Captain's all right.
[ODO] Lucky for you.
[QUARK] Then why am I being arrested? I already told you it was an
accident. A minor technical difficulty. You can't arrest somebody for a
minor technical difficulty.
[ODO] No, but I can arrest you for negligence. Your own records show
your holosuites are in desperate need of maintenance.
[QUARK] Which is what I've been telling Chief O'Brien for the past week.
I begged him to have Rom fix them, but you know what he said? Rom's too
busy upgrading the sensor array. Can you believe that? Anyone can fix
the sensor array but no one can fix the holosuites like that idiot
brother of mine. So you see, if anyone should be arrested for
negligence, it's Chief O'Brien.
[ODO] Tell it to the magistrate.
[BASHIR] Well, there are no signs of any permanent
neural damage, although I am reading some odd synaptic potentials. Let
me ask you something, does my uniform look any brighter to you?
[SISKO] Yes, everything does. Colours seem more intense and shapes more
[BASHIR] It's called post-neural shock syndrome. Your neural pathways
were overloaded by the plasma burst. All external stimuli are going to
seem more pronounced. It's going to take a while for things to settle
down though, so I'm going to put you on restricted duty for the next
three days. And if you experience any other side effects such as
headaches, dizziness, even nausea, let me know immediately.
[SISKO] Yes.
[BASHIR] In the meantime, enjoy the show.
(Sisko's quarters)
[JAKE] So, did dinner meet with the Sisko stamp of
[SISKO] Grandpa would be so proud of you.
[JAKE] I was a little worried I overcooked the lingta roast, but I'm
glad you liked it anyway. Can I get you anything else?
[SISKO] Oh, no, I'm fine.
[JAKE] I guess you'll be cooking tomorrow night.
[SISKO] Why's that?
[JAKE] To welcome back Kasidy Yates to the station. Maybe cook some of
that jambalaya that she likes so much.
[SISKO] We'll see.
[JAKE] Dad, Kasidy's spent the last six months in prison for helping the
Maquis. She's paid the price for what she did.
[SISKO] I suppose so.
[JAKE] I just hope you give her a chance that's all. You two had
something together.
(Sisko is arranging his plate of fruit and cheese.)
[JAKE] Dad? Dad, what is it?
[SISKO] These shapes. I know what they are.
(They're the images on the side of the obelisk.
Sisko has completed the missing fourth side.)
[DAX (OC)] Ops to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[DAX (OC)] Sorry to disturb you, Captain, but I have Admiral Whatley
calling from Starfleet Headquarters.
[SISKO] I'll take it in here.
[WHATLEY (on monitor)] Hello, Ben.
[SISKO] Admiral.
[WHATLEY (on monitor)] How've you been?
[SISKO] Never better.
[WHATLEY (on monitor)] Glad to hear it. I know you've been waiting for
this news for a long time. I'm glad to be the one who tells you.
Bajor's petition to join the Federation has been approved.
[SISKO] It's about time.
[WHATLEY (on monitor)] Congratulations, Ben. You've done a hell of a job
out there.
[SISKO] Thank you.
[WHATLEY (on monitor)] And we're not the only ones who think so. The
Bajorans requested that the signing ceremony take place on your
station. So make sure you spruce up that floating bicycle wheel of
yours. Count on me and a lot of other brass showing up for this one,
(Quark hushes the customers.)
[QUARK] Computer, spotlight.
(On two dabo girls on the upper level.)
[QUARK] Drum roll.
(The girls unfold a banner.)
[WORF] Welcome Klingons.
[QUARK] Not that one.
(Quark reaches behind the bar and unfurls a UFP banner. Applause.)
[DAX] I see you're prepared for anything.
[QUARK] Never hurts.
(Her glass also has the UFP logo on it.)
[DAX] I take it you think the Federation membership is going to be good
for business?
[QUARK] Of course it is. This station is going to get busier than an
Alvanian beehive. I'm expecting to do five times the volume in root
beer alone. You see, it's all about foot traffic. The more people come
in, the more they drink. The more they drink, the more they talk. The
more they talk, the more they let slip things that I shouldn't know,
And that, that always leads to latinum.
[WORF] Perhaps so. But there is one problem.
[QUARK] What's that?
[WORF] There is an ancient Klingon proverb that says, You cannot loosen
a man's tongue with root beer.
[KIRA] It is wonderful news, Vedek Mera. I'll see you at the signing
ceremony. Enjoying the celebration?
[DAX] As far as I'm concerned, the Federation should accept a new member
every week.
[WORF] And you, Major? Are you celebrating?
[KIRA] You know, five years ago I wouldn't have been. I didn't think
Federation membership was right for Bajor. It hadn't been that long
since the occupation and I thought it was important for us to learn to
stand on our own two feet.
[WORF] And what changed your mind?
[KIRA] A lot of things. My time on the station, my dealings with
Starfleet, but mostly the captain.
[DAX] He can be very persuasive.
[KIRA] No doubt about it. He made me a believer.
[DAX] Well I'll drink to that.
[KIRA] Where is the Captain? I'd like to congratulate him.
[DAX] Well, he was here for a little while, but I think he went back to
the holosuite.
[QUARK] Don't worry. I fixed it.
(Sisko is contemplating the obelisk when Kira
[KIRA] Captain. Sir? Is something wrong? Captain! Benjamin!
[SISKO] Major.
[KIRA] Are you all right?
[SISKO] I was there.
[KIRA] Sir?
[SISKO] B'hala. It was the eve of the Peldor Festival. I could hear them
ringing the temple chimes.
[KIRA] You were dreaming.
[SISKO] No, I was there. I could smell the burning bateret leaves, taste
the incense on the wind. I was standing in front of the obelisk and as
I looked up, for one moment I understood it all. B'hala, the Orbs, the
occupation, the discovery of the wormhole, the coming war with the
[KIRA] You could see the future as well as the past?
[SISKO] For one moment, I could see the pattern that held it all
[KIRA] You were having a pagh'tem'far, a sacred vision.
[SISKO] Hell, I don't know what I had, but it felt wonderful.
[KIRA] The Prophets chose well when they made you their Emissary. So how
does it all fit together?
[SISKO] I wish I knew. Someone woke me up.
[KIRA] I was worried about you.
[SISKO] I understand. If I found you in the middle of a pagh'tem'far,
I'd be worried about you, too.
[BRIEN (OC)] O'Brien to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[BRIEN (OC)] Sir, I've just received word that Kai Winn is on her way
to the station. She should arrive in less than two hours.
[SISKO] Thank you, Chief. Major Kira will greet her at the airlock. Make
my apologies. Tell the Kai that I am busy today but I'll meet with her
tomorrow. Make something up.
[KIRA] Where are you going to be?
[SISKO] Right here. The answer is in this spire. I know it.
[KIRA] Kai Winn.
[WINN] Greetings, my child. You look very sweet.
[KIRA] Looks can be deceiving. But you don't need me to tell you that.
[WINN] Why isn't the Emissary here to greet me?
[KIRA] I'm afraid Captain Sisko's busy at the moment.
[WINN] Still basking in the adulation of Starfleet Command.
[KIRA] Something like that.
[WINN] I'm sure the Federation is very pleased with the job he's done.
[KIRA] I thought everyone was.
(They set off along the corridor, slowly.)
[WINN] Well, not everyone. You know, our culture has had only five short
years to recover from the occupation. Only five years of freedom. It
hardly seems enough time, does it?
[KIRA] Well, Bajor's still going to be free. Joining the Federation
isn't going to change that.
[WINN] I see working beside Captain Sisko all these years has had quite
an influence on you.
[KIRA] I have to give you credit. You just never give up. I'm sure the
Emissary will consider everything you have to say, and then Bajor's
admittance can go forward unobstructed.
[WINN] I await the will of the Prophets.
(Maps, sextants and starcharts are scattered
[KASIDY] Hello, Ben.
[SISKO] Kasidy.
[KASIDY] Jake said I could find you here.
(Sisko kisses her.)
[SISKO] Something wrong?
[KASIDY] Er, no, not at all. I'm just a little surprised. I didn't know
you'd be happy to see me.
[SISKO] What are you doing for the next few hours?
[KASIDY] I don't know. I just got here.
[SISKO] Why don't you come to Bajor with me?
[KASIDY] Right now?
[SISKO] I think I know where to find B'hala, the sacred lost city of
Bajor. You see these markings here? They're a coordinate system keyed
to mark the position of the stars at a certain time of night. You don't
have the faintest idea what I'm talking about, do you?
[KASIDY] Not a clue.
[SISKO] Well, why don't you come to Bajor and I will show you.
[KASIDY] I'm not even sure where I'm staying yet.
[SISKO] You can have your old quarters, if you want them.
[KASIDY] They're still available?
[SISKO] Everything is just as you left it. I have some pull with the
station's CO.
[KASIDY] Ben, I've missed you.
[SISKO] I'm glad you're back. Now what do you say we go find B'hala?
[KASIDY] Somehow I don't think you'll take no for an answer.
(They beam into darkness and turn on their
[SISKO] This way.
(They walk along tunnels.)
[KASIDY] Oh, we must be two hundred metres underground. I don't want to
be negative, Ben, but this doesn't look like a lost city to me.
[SISKO] You're looking at twenty thousand years of sediment here. Come
on, stay close. We're not far from
[KASIDY] Oh, what's the matter?
[SISKO] It's nothing. I'll be all right in a second. Julian said that
headaches might be a side effect of the accident.
[KASIDY] Or obsessing over an ancient Bajoran city? Is that a side
effect, too?
[SISKO] You're being negative again. Come on, it's just around the bend.
[KASIDY] What is it?
[SISKO] B'hala.
[KASIDY] Ben, it's a wall of stone.
[SISKO] But what's behind the wall?
(Sisko fires his phaser and the stone dissolves to reveal that they are
looking down on the obelisk.)
(Security office)
[WORF] Those quarters are not appropriate for
Admiral Colti. She outranks Admiral Veta.
[ODO] Well then we'll put her in H two, Veta in D nine, and Rifkin in K
[WORF] That will not do. Rifkin commands a starship. Protocol requires
he be given equal quarters.
[ODO] But he's only a captain.
[WORF] It is naval tradition.
[ODO] So is keelhauling, but right now we should focus on
accommodations. Don't you agree, Major? Major?
[KIRA] Hmm?
[ODO] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your reverie.
[KIRA] I was just thinking about Captain Sisko finding B'hala. Bajoran
archaeologists have been searching for the sacred city for ten thousand
years. He found it in just a few days.
[WORF] Your gods have granted the Captain a powerful vision.
[ODO] Or else he made a very lucky guess.
[KIRA] It's a sign. A sign from the Prophets.
[ODO] I wonder if the Prophets can help us find quarters for Captain
(Kai Winn enters)
[WINN] I hope I'm not interrupting. I was wondering, could I have a word
with you, Major?
[KIRA] Of course. Good luck.
[ODO] I was about to say the same to you.
(Promenade - upper level)
[WINN] My child, you and the Emissary are close, are
you not?
[KIRA] I consider Captain Sisko a friend.
[WINN] So you know his mind, how he thinks, how he reacts in certain
[KIRA] I'm not really sure what you're asking.
[WINN] I'm asking if you think the Emissary will forgive me.
[KIRA] Forgive you?
[WINN] For doubting him. He must have been aware that I never truly
believed he was the Emissary.
[KIRA] I'm sure it crossed his mind.
[WINN] I was wrong, I know that now. Only someone touched by the
Prophets could have found B'hala.
[KIRA] Does that mean you're not going to try to block Bajor's
admittance into the Federation?
[WINN] I'm going follow the path the Emissary has laid out for us.
[KIRA] I must admit I'm surprised to hear that. It takes a lot of
courage to admit you're wrong.
[WINN] And you think I lack courage?
[KIRA] I didn't say that.
[WINN] But it is what you think. Those of you who were in the
Resistance, you're all the same. You think you're the only ones who
fought the Cardassians, that you saved Bajor singlehandedly. Perhaps
you forget, Major, the Cardassians arrested any Bajoran they found
teaching the word of the Prophets. I was in a Cardassian prison camp
for five years and I can remember each and every beating I suffered.
And while you had your weapons to protect you, all I had was my faith
and my courage. Walk with the Prophets, child. I know I will.
(A formal archaeological dig is underway, and Sisko
is still contemplating the obelisk.)
[SISKO] Hello, Admiral.
[WHATLEY] Ben. So this is the ancient city of Balla.
[SISKO] B'hala.
[WHATLEY] Missing for twenty thousand years and you found it. Pretty
impressive. Sure as hell impressed the Bajorans. How'd you know where
to look?
[SISKO] You might say it came to me in a vision.
[WHATLEY] I know that's what the Bajorans think. But just between you
and me, what really happened?
[SISKO] I know it's hard to understand, but it really was a vision. For
the past few days, I've had these moments of insight, flashes of
[WHATLEY] And they started after that accident. I don't know, Ben. This
is a little strange.
[SISKO] You didn't come here to see B'hala, did you, Admiral?
[WHATLEY] No, I came to see you. I was surprised you weren't on the
station when I arrived.
[SISKO] I'm sorry about that.
[WHATLEY] Not sorry enough to return my comm. signals. All three of
them. That could get an officer in a lot of trouble. Look, Ben, I need
to know that I can count on you. Now, Bajor's admission is only the
beginning. Now comes the hard part. Federation council members have to
be chosen, the Bajoran militia has to be absorbed into Starfleet. There
are thousands of details that have to be overseen and you're our point
man here. That means we need to depend on you more than ever.
[SISKO] Don't worry. I won't let you down.
[WHATLEY] I'm glad to here that. Now, what do you say we get back up to
the station?
[SISKO] I can't go back to the station. Not just yet.
[WHATLEY] Why not? I'm sure the Bajorans can take it from here. Or were
you thinking of digging up this entire city all by yourself?
[SISKO] Charlie, I just need a little more time.
[WHATLEY] For what?
[SISKO] For answers. There's clarity here. I wish I could explain it
better, but I can't.
[WHATLEY] You're scaring me with this, Ben.
[SISKO] I'm a little scared too, Admiral.
[WHATLEY] All right, I'll give you some time. But I want you back on the
station by zero seven hundred hours tomorrow. You're to report to
Doctor Bashir for a complete physical.
[SISKO] I'll be there.
[WHATLEY] It's oh seven fifteen. Where the hell is
[BASHIR] His runabout only docked twenty five minutes ago, sir. I'm sure
he's on his way.
[WHATLEY] When he gets here, I want you to give him a full work-up.
[BASHIR] I examined him before he left for Bajor. He didn't complain of
any new symptoms, but my scans still showed the same odd synaptic
potentials. I was hoping the problem would have cured itself by now.
[WHATLEY] But it hasn't. Isn't there something you can do to help?
[BASHIR] I could try neuro-polaric induction. But that's a very serious
operation, and I'd rather not do it unless it were absolutely
[WHATLEY] So in the meantime he's going to keep having visions. I knew
we were headed for trouble the minute he allowed the Bajorans to call
him Emissary.
[BASHIR] He didn't have much choice. The Bajorans are deeply committed
to their spirituality, not to mention incredibly stubborn. They believe
that Captain Sisko is the Emissary and nothing's going to change their
[WOMAN (OC)] Here he comes!
[BASHIR] I told you held be here, sir.
(Sisko goes over to a couple.)
[SISKO] There's no need to worry. The katterpod harvest will be much
better this year. (to another) You don't belong here. Go home.
(A headache hits, hard.)
[BASHIR] Captain?
[WHATLEY] What's wrong?
[SISKO] I'm fine. Admiral.
[WHATLEY] What is it, Ben?
[SISKO] Your son. You can stop worrying about him. He forgives you.
(Sisko goes into the Infirmary.)
[WHATLEY] How the hell did he know that Kevin and I weren't getting
[BASHIR] He's the Emissary.
[BASHIR] That should do it. I'll have the test
results in a few minutes.
[WHATLEY] Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?
[KIRA] Captain?
[SISKO] Cardassia.
[KIRA] Sir?
[SISKO] That's where it was going. The cloud.
[WHATLEY] What cloud?
[SISKO] I was on Bajor. B'hala had been rebuilt. The people were in the
streets, celebrating. But then a shadow covered the sun. We looked up
and saw a cloud filling the sky. It was a swarm of locusts, billions of
them. They hovered over the city, the noise was deafening, but just as
quickly as they came, they moved on. Now I know where they were going.
[KIRA] What do you think it means?
[SISKO] I don't know.
[KIRA] At least the swarm was moving away from Bajor. That's a good
sign. Isn't it?
[SISKO] But what do these locusts represent? And why Cardassia?
[WHATLEY] You were dreaming. And dreams don't always make sense.
[SISKO] This was no a dream.
[BASHIR] Captain, why didn't you tell me about these headaches of yours?
[SISKO] I guess I was too busy.
[BASHIR] Well, if you'd stayed busy much longer you could have died. The
area of unusual neural activity has increased another eight percent. As
a result, your basal ganglia are starting to depolarise. I'm going to
have to operate, try to repolarise your neural sheaths.
[SISKO] How will that affect my visions?
[WHATLEY] That's not really the issue here, is it?
[SISKO] It is to me. Doctor?
[BASHIR] Well, there's no way to tell for sure. But I assume if I can
complete the procedure, your brain activity will return to normal and
the visions will stop.
[SISKO] Then you can't do it.
[WHATLEY] Ben, that's ridiculous.
[BASHIR] If I don't operate, sir, you could die.
[SISKO] I understand that. But something is happening to me. Something
extraordinary. I have to see it through.
(Sisko's quarters)
[JAKE] What do you mean you're not going to let
Doctor Bashir operate on you? You have to.
[SISKO] Don't you see? These visions are gifts. I can't refuse them.
[KASIDY] I cannot believe what I'm hearing. Listen to yourself, Ben.
Sitting there, telling us that this mystical journey of yours is more
important than watching your son grow up.
[JAKE] Dad, please think about what you're doing. These visions, they're
not worth dying for.
[SISKO] I remember the first time I held you in my hands. You were only
a few minutes old and when I looked down at your face, it was almost as
if I could see your whole life stretched out in front of you. All the
joys it would bring, and the bruises. It was all there, hidden in that
scrunched up little face. The baby that I'm holding in my hands now is
the universe itself. And I need time to study its face.
[KASIDY] Look at the face of your son now and then tell me you're doing
the right thing.
[SISKO] Come in.
[WINN] It's time, Emissary, if you're ready.
[SISKO] I am.
[KASIDY] Ready for what?
[WINN] The Emissary has asked for help in his journey. I'm providing it.
[JAKE] And you trust her? Since when?
[SISKO] Jake, it'll be all right. I love you. Both of you.
[KIRA] I've never seen the Temple so crowded. Seemed
like every Bajoran on the station was there to pray for the Emissary.
[DAX] Glad to hear it. He going to need all the help he can get if he's
going to survive this.
[KIRA] The Captain is not going to die. He is the Emissary. The Prophets
will take care of him.
[BRIEN] With all due respect, Major, I'd rather see Julian take care
of him.
[KIRA] Chief, I know you're worried, but the Prophets are leading the
Emissary on this path for a reason.
[WORF] Do not attempt to convince them, Major. They cannot understand.
[DAX] Since when did you believe in the Prophets?
[WORF] What I believe in is faith. Without it there can be no victory.
If the Captain's faith is strong, he will prevail.
[DAX] That's not much to bet his life on.
[KIRA] You're wrong. It's everything.
[BRIEN] I hope you're right, Major. I hope you're right.
(Guest quarters)
(Sisko is in front of an Orb, and Winn is praying
in front of a shrine.)
[WINN] He asks for your guidance. Let him see with your eyes. Lift the
veil of darkness that obscures his path. Emissary?
[SISKO] I'm ready.
(A vicious headache hits him.)
[WINN] The Orb of Prophecy is very powerful. It taxes even the healthy.
Are you sure you want to go through with this?
[SISKO] I have to. I need to bring the visions into focus, tie them
together. I can't do it alone.
[WINN] But you're very weak. Perhaps it would be better to wait until
after the signing.
[SISKO] I may not have time. I need to do this now.
[WINN] As you wish. May the Prophets reveal their wisdom to you,
(Kai Winn leaves and Sisko opens the doors of the Orb case)
(It's a proper signing with pens and paper.)
[WHATLEY] He's already an hour late.
[WINN] He's still consulting the Orb of Prophecy.
[WHATLEY] How long do these Orb experiences last?
[WINN] Minutes. Hours. Sometimes days.
[WHATLEY] Then maybe we shouldn't wait for him. Do you have any
objections to proceeding without Captain Sisko?
[WINN] I'm sure the Emissary would want to be here, but under the
[WHATLEY] May I have your attention. I've been looking forward to this
day for many years, as I'm sure all of you have. Welcoming a new planet
to the Federation is the happiest assignment an Admiral could hope for.
The Federation is not just a union of planets, it's much more.
(An exhausted Sisko stumbles)
[WINN] Emissary!
[WHATLEY] Get him to the Infirmary.
[SISKO] No! I have to tell them.
[WINN] What is it, Emissary? Have the Prophets revealed something to
[SISKO] Locusts. They'll destroy Bajor unless it stands alone.
[WHATLEY] Ben, what the hell are you talking about?
[SISKO] It's too soon! Bajor must not join the Federation. If it does,
it will be destroyed.
(And he collapses, having a fit.)
[BASHIR] His entire central nervous system is
depolarising. We have to operate immediately.
[WHATLEY] Then what are you waiting for?
[KIRA] Captain Sisko made it clear he didn't want surgery.
[KASIDY] What are you suggesting, Major? We stand around and let him
[KIRA] It isn't about what I want or what you want, it's about Captain
Sisko. And he told us he doesn't want anything interfering with his
[WHATLEY] Major, these visions may be important, but I think we're all
in agreement here that they are not as important as Captain Sisko's
life. Start the procedures.
[BASHIR] It's not that simple. Captain Sisko refused surgery and I can't
go against the decision of my patient. Not without the express consent
of his closest relative.
[JAKE] I guess that means it's up to me. Dad, I know you want to see
this thing to the end, but I need you. I'm sorry. Do what you have to
[BASHIR] Prepare for surgery. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you
all to leave. Nurse.
(At the Temple entrance.)
[WINN] Any news about the Emissary?
[KIRA] He's still in surgery.
[WINN] I hope the Prophets will forgive us. We never should have allowed
the Federation to interfere with the Emissary's visions.
[KIRA] It wasn't the Federation. It was his son and he had every right
to make that decision.
[WINN] It was a selfish act.
[KIRA] He's an eighteen year-old boy who doesn't want to lose his
father. What would you have done in his place?
[WINN] I would trust the Prophets.
[KIRA] Maybe we're the ones who need to trust the Prophets. For all we
know, this is part of their plan. Maybe they've told Captain Sisko
everything they want him to know.
[WINN] Perhaps. I suppose you heard that Bajor will not join the
Federation today. The Council of Ministers has voted to delay
acceptance of Federation membership.
[KIRA] You must be very pleased.
[WINN] I wish I were. But things are not that simple. Not anymore.
Before Captain Sisko found B'hala, my path was clear. I knew who my
enemies were. But now? Now nothing is certain.
[KIRA] Makes life interesting, doesn't it?
[SISKO] No. No! You took them away.
[BASHIR] We had no choice. You were dying.
[SISKO] I almost had it. Almost understood it all. Now it's gone.
(Captain's office)
(Sisko is looking at the scan of the picture on a
wall monitor when the doorbell chimes.)
[SISKO] Yes.
[WHATLEY] How are you feeling?
[SISKO] I'm fine, Admiral.
[WHATLEY] Look, Ben, it's not too late. You could contact the Chamber of
Ministers. Tell them you were wrong. Convince them to accept Federation
[SISKO] I can't do that. The visions may have faded, but everything I
said, everything I did, still feels right. When I said that Bajor
should wait before it joins the Federation, I have never felt so
certain about anything in my life.
[WHATLEY] I was afraid you would say that, Ben. I could have your
commission for this.
[SISKO] I know.
[WHATLEY] But considering how the Bajorans feel about you, if I pulled
you from this post we'd probably lose Bajor forever.
[SISKO] Admiral, for what it's worth, I wish things had turned out
[WHATLEY] So do I.
[SISKO] But it's not over. One day Bajor will join the Federation. That
I'm sure of.
[WHATLEY] Are you speaking as a Starfleet Captain or as the Emissary of
the Prophets?
[SISKO] Both.
[WHATLEY] In that case, I'll keep the champagne on ice.
(Sisko's quarters)
(Jake is cooking and Kasidy setting the table when
Sisko enters.)
[JAKE] Just in time, Dad.
[SISKO] What's this all about?
[KASIDY] It's about jambalaya.
[JAKE] We never had that welcome back dinner for Kasidy.
[KASIDY] Welcome back. To both of us. Ben, I can't say I understand what
you've gone through. I know you feel you've lost something important
and maybe you have. But believe me, you've held on to something
important as well.
(And they all join hands.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e105", "title": "Rapture"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Darkness And The
Darkness And The Light
Original Airdate: 6 Jan, 1997
(Six monks are meeting.)
[LATHA] I am Vedek Latha Mabrin and I welcome you to the Calash Retreat.
Today we begin prayer and meditation as preparation for our Days of
Atonement. May the Prophets walk with us as we begin our journey.
(They sit around a large ornamental lamp. Latha lights it from a candle
and sits. The lamp sends a beam of light out to each monk, then five go
out, leaving the one on Latha. Then a weapon beam from the lamp shoots
[BASHIR] Have you been taking your makara herbs?
[KIRA] Absolutely. Mostly.
[BASHIR] Kira, you have to take them. Your progesterone levels are way
too low.
[KIRA] But if I take the herbs, then the sedatives you gave me don't
[BASHIR] Yes, the herbs do act as a counteragent, but I thought you said
you weren't having any trouble sleeping and that you didn't need any
[KIRA] I don't. But Julian, those herbs taste like something that
crawled out of Quark's ear.
[BASHIR] Just take them.
[KIRA] All right.
[ODO] Major, may I have a word with you?
[BASHIR] We're finished here.
[KIRA] Sure.
(Bashir leaves.)
[ODO] I'm afraid I have bad news. One of the former members of your
resistance cell has been killed on Bajor. Latha Mabrin.
[KIRA] How?
[ODO] It appears a small hunter probe was hidden inside a ceremonial
candle and fired a disruptor blast.
[KIRA] Do they have any suspects?
[ODO] Too many. Before he became a Vedek, your friend was involved in
some very questionable activities.
[KIRA] Latha was a violent man, but then he found the Prophets, and the
last time I talked to him, he'd changed, really changed.
[ODO] I don't doubt that, Major. But it would appear that the violence
of his past finally has caught up with him.
[KIRA] Let me know if you hear anything else.
[ODO] Of course.
(Kira's room)
(Kira walks through the O'Brien's living room to
her own bedroom. She is about to pray in front of her shrine when )
[COMPUTER] Major Kira, there is one message waiting for you.
[KIRA] Play back message.
[VOICE] (over a picture of Latha) That's one.
[KIRA] Replay audio.
[VOICE] That's one.
[KIRA] Again.
[VOICE] That's one.
(Security office)
[VOICE] That's one.
[ODO] As you might have guessed, there's no point of origin listed in
the computer log.
[SISKO] When did we receive this message?
[KIRA] It came over the primary subspace antenna at thirteen forty one
hours. Almost the same moment Latha was killed on Bajor.
[SISKO] And you think that this is a threat against all the former
members of the Shakaar resistance cell?
[ODO] That's my working theory, but I'm not ruling anything out.
[SISKO] Did anyone else receive this message?
[KIRA] Not that we know of. So obviously there's some connection to me,
but I don't know what it is. I haven't even spoken to Latha in two
[ODO] I'm waiting for the preliminary crime scene report from the
authorities on Bajor before I begin my own investigation. But I'd like
to increase security here on the station and initiate random checks on
all incoming cargo.
[SISKO] Agreed.
[KIRA] I've contacted most of the surviving members of the Shakaar and
warned them to take precautions, just in case.
[SISKO] I'm sorry about your friend.
[KIRA] He died serving the Prophets. They'll take care of him.
[SISKO] I'm sure they will. Keep me informed.
[BRIEN] How you feeling?
[KIRA] Fine. Exhausted. I didn't sleep much and Julian's got me back on
those herbs again.
[BRIEN] I know. I heard you pacing all night.
[KIRA] I'm sorry.
[BRIEN] Don't be. I would've gotten up and kept you company, but I
figured you wanted to be alone.
[KIRA] I couldn't stop thinking about Latha. All those fire fights and
bombings he lived through just to be killed during a religious
ceremony. You know, if I wasn't pregnant I would be down on Bajor right
now trying to narrow down the suspects.
[BRIEN] You're safer on the station.
[KIRA] That's what's driving me crazy. I'm sitting here eating breakfast
while someone may be hunting down my friends. I'm a Major in the
Bajoran militia. I should be down there trying to protect them.
[BRIEN] Right now you're needed here, protecting someone else.
[KIRA] Yeah, right. I guess I do have my hands full at the moment.
[ODO (OC)] Ops to Major Kira.
[KIRA] Go ahead, Odo.
[ODO (OC)] There's another incoming message for you, Major, and they
refuse to give either their name or location.
[KIRA] I'm on my way.
[ODO] We're having trouble tracing the signal.
[SISKO] They're running it through some kind of scrambler and using a
phase-divergent carrier wave. Try to keep them talking.
[KIRA] This is Major Kira Nerys. Who am I speaking to?
[FALA (on monitor)] Nerys? Is that really you?
[KIRA] Fala?
[FALA] Are you alone? I don't want anyone to hear me. I think, I think
someone's trying to trace my signal.
[KIRA (on monitor)] Stand by. She's a friend. Her name's Trentin Fala.
[SISKO] One of the members of your cell?
[KIRA] No.
[ODO] Then why is she hiding her location?
[KIRA] I'd rather not talk about it here, but trust me, she's no threat
to anyone. Let me talk to her alone and see what's going on.
(Kira goes to an upper level console.)
[KIRA] I'm alone, and no one here will trace your signal.
[FALA (on monitor)] You heard about Latha? They killed him. As he knelt
in prayer, they killed him!
[KIRA] I know. And the authorities are investigating that right now.
[FALA (on monitor)] They're going to kill me too, Nerys. They've been
watching me.
[KIRA] Who's been watching you?
[FALA (on monitor)] I don't know, but I feel it. I need to get out of
here, go somewhere safe. Please, Nerys, you've got to help me. You
always promised that you'd help.
[KIRA] All right, calm down. I'll protect you. You can stay here at the
station until all of this is over. Two of our officers are returning
this afternoon from Starbase sixty three. I'll reroute them to Bajor
and have them pick you up. Okay?
[FALA (on monitor)] Okay.
[KIRA] Their names are Worf and Jadzia Dax. They'll contact with you
within the hour.
[FALA (on monitor)] I knew I could count on you.
[KIRA] I'll see you soon.
[DAX] You've been smirking ever since we left the
[WORF] I do not smirk. But if I did this would be a good occasion.
[DAX] How was I supposed to know that Captain Ramirez was a three-time
tongo champion?
[WORF] You might have asked before mocking him and then allowing him to
up the stakes to a no-limit game.
[DAX] I didn't lose that much.
[WORF] Two bars of latinum. I hope you have it.
[DAX] I have it. Most of it. Worf?
[WORF] No.
[DAX] Fine. I'll borrow it from Quark. He likes me.
[WORF] Major Kira's friend is ready for transport. Quark may lend you
the money, but remember Rule of Acquisition number one hundred and
eleven. Treat people in your debt like family, exploit them.
[DAX] You know the Rules of Acquisition?
[WORF] I am a graduate of Starfleet Academy. I know many things.
[DAX] Energising.
(Fala starts to beam in then her image begins to warp)
[DAX] There's a power surge in the buffer!
[WORF] Something is interfering with the integration matrix.
[DAX] I'm transferring her pattern to the secondary buffer.
[WORF] Boost the gain on the energising coils.
[DAX] It won't go any higher. I'm losing her!
(Fala writhes in the beam, and a smoking corpse finally solidifies.)
(Later, docked at the station, Sisko and Odo watch as Bashir and a
medic scan the remains. Kira enters.)
[BASHIR] I'm sorry, Nerys.
[KIRA] I'm hearing that a lot lately. Can I have a moment?
[BASHIR] Of course.
(Kira picks up Fala's earring.)
[SISKO] I wish there was something I could say, Major.
[KIRA] Just tell me it was an accident.
[SISKO] The Constable thinks otherwise.
[ODO] I believe she was killed by a remat detonator. It's a device
programmed to scramble a transporter beam during rematerialisation.
They're typically no more than two cubic millimetres in size. It could
have been hidden in her clothing or injected into her skin.
[WORF] The device is typically used by the Romulans. However, it is sold
on the black market.
[KIRA] Why didn't the transporter security system detect the device?
[DAX] We're not sure. The system is programmed to scan for remats, so
whoever did this has a sophisticated understanding of our security
[KIRA] And a vendetta against the Shakaar resistance cell.
[SISKO] I thought you said that Trentin Fala wasn't a member of the
[KIRA] She wasn't, at least not officially. Fala spent the occupation
cleaning floors in a Cardassian records office in Dahkur Province. She
passed us information for years without anyone catching on. But she was
always so afraid. Afraid that she'd be caught and executed. But she
never stopped. I once told her that I thought she was braver than all
of us, because she had to live with her fear every day. Even after the
occupation was over, she didn't want anyone to know that she was
secretly helping us. She was worried that someone would come looking
for her for revenge.
[SISKO] Looks like her fears were well founded.
(Just before Kira walks into the Temple.)
[VOICE] That's two. That's two. That's two. That's two. That's two.
(She crosses over to the bar where Quark is hitting a PADD.)
[QUARK] Hello, Major. I was just about to call you.
[KIRA] Quark, what is that?
[QUARK] I just found this PADD in a shipment of Saurian brandy that I
just received. It was coded for you, but somehow I accidently activated
[KIRA] Give that to me.
(A picture of Fala)
[VOICE] That's two. That's two. That's two That's
(Security office)
[ODO] Since she was an informant, it stands to
reason that Fala was killed because she was providing information to
the resistance. Information that the Shakaar used to plan an attack on
a Cardassian target. The killer is probably someone who was either
injured or who lost a family member or a friend in that attack.
[KIRA] We planned dozens of attacks based on Fala's information. It
could be any of them.
[ODO] Not any. We're dealing with an operation in which you played a
prominent part. Now perhaps you could make a list of all the attacks by
the Shakaar that you participated in?
[KIRA] That's a long list.
(All Odo's monitors start flashing.)
[ODO] Someone is accessing the security database.
[KIRA] Can you trace it?
[ODO] No.
(A picture of a Bajoran man appears)
[VOICE] That's three.
[KIRA] Mobara. He was in the Shakaar.
[ODO] Where does Mobara live?
[KIRA] Er, Musilla Province, at the university. Engineering school.
[ODO] I'm sending an emergency message to the authorities in Musilla.
Maybe it's not too late. Are you all right?
[KIRA] No, I'm not all right! I haven't slept in three days, someone is
killing my friends, and my back! Sorry.
[ODO] No apology necessary, Major. They haven't been able to contact
Mobara, so they're sending a search party to the university right now.
They'll let us know what happens. Major, if I may make a suggestion?
Why don't you return to your quarters and rest for now? It may be
several hours before they're able to make a complete search.
[KIRA] Maybe you're right. But let me know the moment you hear
[ODO] You have my word.
(A security guard escorts Kira. There's Starfleet
security outside the O'Brien's quarters.)
(O'Brien's quarters)
(The guard goes in first, then beckons Kira in.)
[KIRA] I'm going to lie down. Help yourself to the replicator if you're
[BRILGAR] Thank you, Major.
(Kira's room)
(Kira sits on her bed and hears a thump, then
another one. She takes a weapon from her chest of drawers, listens,
turns out the lights and opens the door.)
(O'Brien's quarters)
(Someone moves.)
[KIRA] Don't move!
[FUREL] Hold it!
[KIRA] Furel?
[FUREL] Nerys?
(Lights up.)
[KIRA] You're lucky I didn't shoot you.
[FUREL] I could say the same about you. What are you doing creeping
around in a dark room with a phaser.
[KIRA] I live here!
[LUPAZA] What about him?
[KIRA] This is Lieutenant Brilgar. He's station security. He's here to
protect me.
[LUPAZA] Oh. Sorry.
[BRILGAR] You know these people, Major?
[KIRA] I'm afraid so. This is Furel and Lupaza. We were in the same
resistance cell.
[FUREL] Brilgar, worry about the
(He must have hit Brilgar on the back of the head.)
[BRILGAR] Yeah, yeah. I'll be outside if you need me.
[KIRA] Thank you.
(Brilgar leaves)
[KIRA] How did you get in here? We just installed a new security system.
[FUREL] And a pretty good one it is, too, but they have not yet invented
the security system that Lupaza cannot beat.
[LUPAZA] It took some work, but I managed to retune the transporter
[KIRA] You beamed in? From where?
[LUPAZA] We stowed away aboard a transport ship making a run from Bajor.
Just before it docked, I accessed the station personnel records.
[FUREL] We beamed into the bedroom about five minutes ago. We heard
somebody moving around in here. I thought it was you
[LUPAZA] But it turned out to be a man with a phaser
[FUREL] And I tried to tell her that we should contact you before we
[LUPAZA] You did not.
[KIRA] I should have you both thrown in the brig. But I'm glad to see
[FUREL] It's good to see you.
[LUPAZA] (sotto) Go get it.
(Furel goes into the other bedroom.)
[LUPAZA] Can I? How much longer?
[KIRA] A couple of weeks.
[LUPAZA] Been sneezing?
[KIRA] Off and on. The doctor's giving me something. But before we get
too deep into baby talk. I had another message today. This time it's
[FUREL] Dead?
[KIRA] We don't know yet. There's a search party out right now looking
for him.
[LUPAZA] Do you have any suspects?
[KIRA] No.
[FUREL] When you do, you let us know.
[LUPAZA] That's why we're here, to find out who's doing this and take
care of it.
[KIRA] I can't send you out like some assassination squad.
[LUPAZA] You don't have to send us anywhere.
[FUREL] You just give us the name. We'll take care of the rest.
[KIRA] The occupation is over. We can't go around fighting private wars.
Times have changed. We have got to change with it. Leave this for the
[FUREL] Authorities.
[LUPAZA] Maybe you feel that way now, but trust me, when you find out
who killed Latha and Fala, and maybe now Mobara, you're not going to
want to leave it to someone else. You're going to want him dead and
you're going to want us to do it.
[KIRA] Maybe so. But we're not at that point yet. What's in the box?
[LUPAZA] It's for you.
[KIRA] For me?
[FUREL] A gift.
(Kira opens the box.)
[KIRA] Makara herbs.
[FUREL] You're supposed to take them during your pregnancy.
[LUPAZA] She knows what they're for. We thought you might have trouble
getting fresh herbs on the station, so we picked them last night.
[KIRA] Thanks. Really, thank you. Well, if you're staying, I'd better
find you some quarters.
[LUPAZA] We're staying right here where we can keep an eye on you. On
both of you.
[FUREL] We'll sleep out here. The couch is a little short, but it's
probably as comfortable as our bed.
[KIRA] Well, since Keiko's visiting her parents with Molly, I guess
there's room.
(The door opens.)
[FUREL] Hold it!
[KIRA] It's all right!
(Furel and Lupaza lower their weapons.)
[KIRA] Miles, we have houseguests.
(Captain's office)
[ODO] They found his body about two hours ago. Or at
least what was left of it. Mobara had a micro-explosive implanted just
behind his right ear.
[SISKO] How could someone get close enough to implant something behind
someone's ear and not get caught?
[ODO] I doubt he was ever near Mobara. The killer's shown a pattern of
using remote-controlled devices. He was probably using some kind of
hunter probe and injected Mobara as he slept.
[SISKO] What are we dealing with here, a professional assassin?
[ODO] Well, that was my initial thought. But a professional would never
be sending anonymous messages. No, our killer is someone with a very
personal stake in this. Someone who is trying to make a point to Major
[SISKO] And once he drives his point home?
[ODO] He'll try to kill her, too.
(Dax, Nog and Kira are working on the voice prints)
[VOICE] That's one. That's two. That's three.
[NOG] It doesn't sound natural.
[DAX] No kidding.
[NOG] I mean, I know they're using some kind of scrambler to disguise
the voice, but there's something else. The rhythms don't sound natural.
More like a composite of words from different speeches put together.
[KIRA] You can tell that through all that distortion?
[NOG] It's the lobes. The intonation and phrasing are slightly off.
[DAX] I made it a policy never to argue with someone's lobes.
[KIRA] All right, let's say these are composite messages. Does that help
[DAX] Maybe. Since the first word of all three messages is the same,
let's assume that it's simply been copied three times. That gives me a
reference to begin screening out the electronic interference.
[VOICE] That's. That's. That's. That's. That's.
[NOG] It's a female. And it's not Cardassian
[KIRA] You're sure? (gets a Look) All right, all right.
[NOG] It's Bajoran. I know that voice. Can I hear the rest of the words?
[KIRA (OC)] That's one. That's two. That's three.
[KIRA] It's me. He's using my voice.
(Console alarm)
[DAX] There's been an explosion in the habitat ring.
[KIRA] Location?
[DAX] Level five, section twenty one alpha. The O'Brien's quarters. Go
to Red alert. Stop all incoming and outgoing ships until further
[NOG] Aye, sir.
[DAX] Dax to Infirmary. Doctor Bashir report to Habitat ring level five,
section twenty one alpha. Medical emergency.
[SISKO] Report.
[DAX] There's been an explosion in O'Brien's quarters. There's a hull
breach. The compartment is venting air into space.
[SISKO] Casualties?
[DAX] No word yet. I'm having trouble scanning through the debris.
[ODO] Where's Kira?
(She's running down the corridor.)
[GUARD] Major! You can't go in. There's a hull breach and
[KIRA] Get out of my way!
(Kira punches the guard.)
[GUARD 2] Major, please.
(She fights past the guard and gets to the door.)
[BRILGAR] Major, no! You'll vent the whole corridor!
(Kira punches him too, but the baby intervenes and brings her to her
knees. Then she passes out.)
[BASHIR] Nerys. Nerys, can you hear me?
[KIRA] Julian.
[BASHIR] You're in the Infirmary.
[KIRA] The baby?
[BASHIR] He's fine. You suffered a placental laceration and then you
began to haemorrhage. But I've repaired the damage. You're going to be
all right.
[KIRA] Lupaza and Furel. They're dead, aren't they?
[BASHIR] I'm afraid so.
[KIRA] Miles?
[BASHIR] He wasn't there when it happened.
[KIRA] Did they die quickly?
[BASHIR] Instantly.
(Kira takes off her earring.)
[ODO] Doctor, may I?
[BASHIR] I'll be right outside.
(Bashir leaves)
[KIRA] I was thirteen when I joined the resistance. I'd been hanging
around the Shakaar base camp for a couple of weeks, running errands,
cleaning weapons, that kind of thing. Then one night they had an ambush
planned and they were a man short, so I volunteered. But everyone
thought I was too young, too small. Lupaza stuck up for me. She said I
had the heart of a sinoraptor and they didn't have much choose. Furel
made some kind of joke. I don't remember what it was, but I do remember
that Lupaza hit him. She was always doing that. They loved each other
in some way. But it was up to Shakaar and he stared at me for a long
time before he decided I was big enough to carry a phaser rifle after
all. So we set up the ambush up along a ridgeline that night and
waited. It was so cold my hands were shaking. I was so afraid that one
of them would look at me and think that I was nervous, that I kept
biting my fingers to keep the blood flowing. We must have waited there
three or four hours before the skimmer appeared and set down right
where Furel said it would. And when that hatch opened and that first
Cardassian stepped out, I just started firing. And I didn't stop till
I'd discharged the entire power cell. When it was all over, I was so
relieved that I didn't let anyone down that I was almost giddy. Furel
kept telling me to stop grinning, that it made me look younger, but I
couldn't help it. I was one of them. I was in the Resistance. Lupaza
made me this (her earring) out of some of the metal from that skimmer.
How were they killed?
[ODO] Someone attached a small hunter probe to the hull of a Talavian
freighter. When the ship docked at the station, the probe detached
itself and then began a visual scan of every room in the Habitat ring.
Once the probe found its assigned targets, it attached itself to the
window and exploded.
[KIRA] Do you have any leads?
[ODO] My sources on Cardassia have given me a list of possible suspects.
They all have the computer skills, the opportunity and the motive to
carry out these attacks.
[KIRA] You must have called in a lot of favours.
[ODO] One or two.
[KIRA] How many people are on the list now?
[ODO] Twenty five.
[KIRA] Can I see it?
[ODO] Not just yet. I'd like to narrow it a little.
[KIRA] You're afraid I'm going to take the names and go charging off
after them.
[ODO] Something like that.
[KIRA] You're right. I probably would.
[ODO] I'm going to find the person that's done this. I promise you that.
[KIRA] I know you will, Odo. Keep me informed.
[ODO] Absolutely.
(Odo leaves. Kira gets up and goes to a console.)
[COMPUTER] Emergency transport standing by. Enter command code
[KIRA] Authorisation Kira one five seven alpha.
[COMPUTER] Initiating transport.
(Security office)
(Kira beams in then uses Odo's computer, putting
the information onto a PADD.)
[KIRA] Computer, initiate emergency transport programme Kira two.
[COMPUTER] Initiating transport.
(Kira beams out and Odo walks in to see his chair has been moved.)
[ODO] Computer, locate Major Kira.
[COMPUTER] Major Kira is no longer on the station.
[ODO] Damn.
(En route, Kira gets a weapon and tricorder from
the locker.)
(Captain's office)
[ODO] She's obviously going after the suspects on
the list, but she erased the names from my computer file when she got
them so there's no way to know where she's headed.
[SISKO] Prepare the Defiant. I want to leave in ten minutes. See if we
can pick up her ion trail.
[WORF] It will be difficult. Our sensor logs show that Major Kira masked
her engine emissions with a polaron field. The runabout's particle
[SISKO] I know what the difficulties are. You have your orders.
[WORF] Aye, sir.
Kira Nerys, personal log, stardate 50416.2. I've
eliminated three of the suspects from Odo's list. I'm satisfied that
none of them could've committed the murders. The fourth name is Silaran
Prin, a Cardassian living on a planet near the DMZ.
(Silaran's house)
(A converted cargo container on a dusty, windy
world. Kira beams in and starts scanning the place. A Cardassian comes
up behind her. She fires but the beam goes through him and he
disappears. Then someone stuns her. The mystery person puts Kira onto a
recliner chair and holds her there with a force field. She wakes.)
[SILARAN] A creature born within the comforting anonymity of darkness,
awakens in the harsh truth of daylight. It squirms in the glare, afraid
of the light that pins it to the chair like a needle through its heart.
Its heart beats faster.
[KIRA] Who's there? Silaran, is that you?
[SILARAN] Panic starts to creep into its soul. Does it understand? Or is
it so blinded by the light that it can think only of returning to the
velvet cloak of darkness? No matter. Perhaps it is better that it
doesn't realise how close death has come. But make no mistake, there is
no escape. It has reached the end, and soon it will die.
[KIRA] What's the matter, Silaran? Are you so afraid of a pregnant woman
in a restraining field you have to hide in the dark?
[SILARAN] It bares its tiny fangs, hoping for a chance to strike, to
sink its teeth deep into the flesh of its tormentor. But that chance
will never come.
[KIRA] You'd better hope I don't get that chance.
[SILARAN] And somewhere beneath the gleam of hatred in those eyes lurks
the certain knowledge of its impending death. And it begins to know
[KIRA] I'm not afraid of you. I'm not some coward who's been sending
anonymous messages and bombs to murder innocent people.
[SILARAN] No, Kira! I didn't murder anyone. You did! You killed them
[KIRA] There. That wasn't so hard, was it? Now we can talk.
[SILARAN] Talk and lies won't help you. You're in the light and the
light reveals the truth. And the light shows me no regret in those
eyes, no compassion.
[KIRA] You want me to feel compassion for you? You murdered five people.
What compassion did you show to them?
[SILARAN] Unrepentant. How unfortunate. I thought you might have
changed, might have found a path out of the darkness.
[KIRA] What am I supposed to be repentant for? What're you talking
[SILARAN] That is part of your guilt. You did this to me.
(Finally we see that Silaran is a badly mutilated Cardassian.)
[SILARAN] And you don't even know who I am.
[KIRA] So you were wounded during an attack I carried out when I was
part of the resistance, and I'm supposed to feel guilty? We were at
war, Silaran. Fifteen million Bajorans died during the occupation and
you want me to feel sorry for you?
[SILARAN] No, I wasn't part of your war. I was an innocent. I wasn't
even in the military. You know what I did on Bajor? I was a servant. I
cleaned uniforms for Gul Pirak.
[KIRA] Gul Pirak. Commander of the weapons depot at Hathon.
[SILARAN] I'm glad that you remember. Now, do you remember what you did?
How you put a plasma charge outside his bedroom window in the middle of
the night?
[KIRA] I remember he executed fifteen Bajoran farmers because they
refused to display the Cardassian banner outside their homes.
[SILARAN] Trentin Fala showed you how to circumvent the defence system.
Latha Mabrin built the plasma charge. Furel and Lupaza stood guard
outside while you crept up to the house.
[KIRA] None of us liked killing. We were fighting for our freedom
[SILARAN] You vaporised the entire east wing! Twelve Cardassians were
killed, including Gul Pirak's entire family. Twenty three others were
crippled. Don't you feel guilty? Don't you feel ashamed of what you
[KIRA] None of you belonged on Bajor. It wasn't your world. For fifty
years you raped our planet and you killed our people. You lived on our
land and you took the food out of our mouths, and I don't care whether
you held a phaser in your hand or ironed shirts for a living. You were
all guilty and you were all legitimate targets!
[SILARAN] And that's what makes you a murderer. Indiscriminate killing.
No sense of morality. No thought given to the consequences of your
actions. That's what makes us different.
[KIRA] I was a soldier. You're just a bitter old man out for revenge.
[SILARAN] I am bringing the guilty to justice. And unlike you, I take
care to protect the innocent. I could have killed every monk in that
cavern or everyone on the runabout, or half the population of Deep
Space Nine, but I didn't. Only the guilty have died. And that is why,
although though your actions have condemned you, the life of your child
will be spared.
[KIRA] What does that mean? What does that mean?
[SILARAN] The creature's diseased mind cannot understand its plight. Its
imagination is too limited to perceive the truth. It cannot be saved.
But there is still hope for its child. It can be taken from the womb
and raised in the light.
[KIRA] Listen to me, Silaran. The child I'm carrying, it isn't Bajoran,
it's human. It has unique medical needs. If you force me to give birth
now you risk
[SILARAN] The creature's cries grow louder, but no one can hear them.
All that remains is to bring the child into the light and discard the
diseased carcass of the mother before it can infect it's offspring.
[KIRA] You can't bring it into the light! Not yet! Doctor Bashir said if
I don't have
at least three more weeks
[SILARAN] It's time.
[KIRA] We both agree this baby's an innocent. Don't put him at risk,
please, Silaran.
[SILARAN] Don't worry. I promise that I'll take care of the child and
that I'll teach him the difference between darkness and light.
(He lights up a laser scalpel.)
[KIRA] Wait. Please, I'm begging you. At least give me a sedative. Show
some compassion. Don't just cut me open.
[SILARAN] All right. I'll show more mercy than you have. Take a good
look at my face, Kira. I want it to be the last thing you see.
(He gives her a hypo.)
[SILARAN] The creature slept, dreaming its dark dreams and happy to be
out of the light. The innocent life it held would awaken in brilliance,
and never know darkness again.
(He turns off the forcefield and Kira kicks him away. She gets the
phaser and shoot him.)
(Some time later, Sisko, Bashir and Odo beam in.)
[ODO] Are you all right?
[BASHIR] She's fine. There's a large amount of merfadon in her system.
[SISKO] Merfadon?
[BASHIR] It's a sedative, but the makara herbs she's been taking have
counteracted the effect.
[SISKO] I take it this is our assassin?
[ODO] Why did he give you a sedative?
[KIRA] He wanted to protect the innocent and separate the darkness from
the light. But he didn't realise the light only shines in the dark and
sometimes innocence is just an excuse for the guilty. Let's go home.
[SISKO] Sisko to Defiant.
[CREWMAN (OC)] Four to beam up. Energise. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e106", "title": "The Darkness And The"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Begotten
Original Airdate: 27 Jan, 1997
(Odo enters, walking very carefully, and groaning.)
[BASHIR] Good morning, Constable. And what can I do for you today?
[ODO] It's my back.
[BASHIR] Let's take a look.
[ODO] It happened this morning when I got out of bed.
(It's painful to sit on the bed.)
[ODO] I have Alvanian spine mites, don't I?
[BASHIR] Actually
[ODO] I'll be in pain for the rest of my life.
[BASHIR] Odo, you have a pinched nerve.
[ODO] Really?
[BASHIR] It comes from bad posture.
[ODO] Me? Ridiculous. You've never seen anyone sit so straight.
[BASHIR] Exactly. You carry yourself too rigidly.
[ODO] This is how I've always carried myself.
[BASHIR] You haven't always have a spinal column. You're not a
changeling anymore. Now that you're a humanoid, you have to learn to
[ODO] That's what you said last week.
[ODO] And it helped. That and the prune juice.
[BASHIR] There, you see? I know what I'm talking about.
(Bashir gives Odo a hypo in the lower back.)
[QUARK] Back trouble?
[ODO] It's none of your concern, Quark.
[QUARK] Bad posture.
[ODO] Will you get out of here.
[BASHIR] What you need is a stretching regimen. Worf's morning exercise
class should be just the thing.
[QUARK] Forget that. I've got a holosuite programme that'll take care of
him. Three Orion slave girls strap you
[ODO] Quark.
[QUARK] Go ahead, suffer.
[ODO] What do you want?
[QUARK] A Yridian I've been dealing with sold me something that might
interest you.
[ODO] I don't think so.
[QUARK] You don't even know what it is.
[ODO] I know I don't want it.
[QUARK] In that case, can you tell me how to get in touch with the
Founders? I know they'll want it.
[ODO] What are you talking about?
(Quark takes out an elaborate bottle of blue goo.)
[QUARK] It's a changeling. Or it was, anyway. Since it's dead I'll let
you have it for five slips of latinum.
[ODO] It's not dead.
[QUARK] In that case make it ten.
[ODO] It's sick.
[QUARK] Eight and we'll call it even.
(Quark taps a sale into his PADD and gets Odo's thumbprint.)
[QUARK] It's a pleasure doing business with you.
(Quark leaves.)
[BASHIR] If that is a changeling, maybe we should get it into a security
[ODO] That won't be necessary.
[BASHIR] If it gets out of that container, it could be dangerous.
[ODO] It's not going anywhere, Doctor. It doesn't know how. It's just a
(After the opening credits, the blue goo is on top of a pulsing devise,
and just a bit is now orange.)
[SISKO] A baby changeling?
[ODO] Centuries ago, my people sent a hundred of us out into the galaxy
so we could learn about other races. When I was found, I looked very
much like this.
[SISKO] You were this small?
[ODO] Like a humanoid child, it'll grow. Its mass will increase as its
shape-shifting abilities develop.
[BASHIR] As far as I can tell, it was exposed to a massive amount of
tetryon radiation. I'm going to have to purge the isotopes with an
electrophoretic diffuser.
[SISKO] Get on it. Are you sure it's no danger to us, Constable?
[ODO] When I was first discovered, I didn't know what I was. I had no
memory of where I was from. I didn't even know I had the ability to
mimic other forms.
[SISKO] Why would the Founders send such helpless creatures out into
[ODO] To find out if the species they encountered posed any threat. What
better way to gauge another race than to see how it treats the weak and
[SISKO] I see your point. How long before it is able to take humanoid
[ODO] Several months. Why?
[SISKO] Well, there's still a lot we don't know about your people. The
changelings could provide Starfleet with invaluable information about
the Dominion.
[ODO] Well, that being the case, I'd like to be allowed to work with it,
to teach it how to shape-shift.
[SISKO] Oh, I can't think of anyone better qualified. You might just
want a little help. Maybe you should contact Doctor Mora?
[ODO] Mora? Why?
[SISKO] Well, he managed to find a way to communicate with you. He
obviously knows what he's doing.
[ODO] Maybe so, but I'd prefer to do this alone.
[SISKO] It's your call. But it's always nice to have someone around to
help change the diapers.
[ODO] I'll keep that in mind.
(And later again, the goo in the cylinder is orange.)
[BASHIR] The purge was almost a hundred percent effective. The
concentration of isotopes is nearly negligible.
[ODO] It certainly looks healthier.
[BASHIR] Well, I'd better go and check on Kira. Did you hear? She's in
[ODO] Mm-hm.
[BASHIR] But I guess you have your own baby to think about. There is
still a small degree of instability in its morphogenic matrix. I'm
hoping it'll level out. I've set the computer to monitor for biomimetic
fluctuations just in case.
[ODO] Thank you, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Good luck.
(Bashir leaves.)
[ODO] How do you feel? Better? I realise you can't understand a word I'm
saying, but that doesn't matter. I know you're aware of me. You see, I
was once like you. I spent months in a lab being prodded and poked by a
scientist who didn't recognise I was a lifeform. He thought I was a
specimen, a mystery that needed to be unravelled. He never talked to
me. It didn't occur to him. I didn't know what I was, or what I was
supposed to do. I was lost, alone, but it's not going to be that way
with you. No, I'm not going to make the same mistakes that were made
with me. Come on, I want to show you something.
(Birthing room)
(Bajoran birth is more of a ceremony than an
operation. Kira is semi-reclined, Y'Pora
the midwife holds a round rattle, Keiko has a gentler cylinder rattle
that she spins by rubbing the stem between her palms, and O'Brien has a
small gong. Each plays them in turn. Like everyone else, Bashir wears a
stole. O'Brien sneezes.)
[KEIKO] I'm sorry.
(They start again.)
[BRIEN] Something's wrong. Kira said this would only take about an
[BASHIR] For Bajoran women, giving birth is all about being relaxed.
[KEIKO] He's right, Miles. That's why it's important for us to keep the
[BRIEN] She's not going to relax until Shakaar gets here. I called him
almost six hours ago. It takes half that time to make the trip from
[KEIKO] He's the First Minister of Bajor. He's a very busy man.
[BASHIR] And so am I. I have three surgeries scheduled this afternoon.
I'll try and pop by later.
(Bashir leaves.)
[KIRA] Y'Pora, the baby, he's moving.
[PORA] Relax. Breathe. It won't be long now.
(Shakaar enters.)
[SHAKAAR] Sorry I'm late. How are you?
[KIRA] All right.
[SHAKAAR] I threw you off, didn't I?
[KIRA] It's all right, I'll get back on track. I'm glad you're here.
(Odo is talking to orange goo in a mug.)
[ODO] This is the Replimat. Humanoids come here to eat. They, we rather,
need to ingest nutrients. This is my home. It's a space station. People
of many different species live here together. After you've learned to
take humanoid shape, I'll show you everything. You can live here too,
if you want. It's a fascinating place.
[WORF] Constable. Why are you talking to your beverage?
[ODO] It's not a beverage. It's a changeling. Excuse me, Commander.
(Odo leaves, and Worf looks at his drink suspiciously.)
(Science lab)
(Odo pours baby into a large dish.)
[ODO] There we go. Now, doesn't that feel better? Nothing like spreading
yourself out after being cooped up in a jar, eh? You have no idea of
the marvels that are in store for you. Do you know what you are? You're
a changeling. A shape-shifter. You can be anything. A Tarkalean hawk
soaring through the sky, or a Filian python burrowing deep beneath the
ground. It's all yours for the taking. I was never a very good
shape-shifter. If you could see the face I'm stuck with, you'd know
what I mean, but I think I can be a good teacher. You'll be better than
I ever was. And I promise I'll never treat you the way I was treated.
[MORA] Odo!
[ODO] Doctor Mora. What are you doing here?
[MORA] Well, I heard about the changeling. I came to help. Remarkable.
You know, it's much larger than you were. What is that, about a quarter
of a litre?
[ODO] I suppose so.
[MORA] You didn't measure it?
[ODO] What difference does it make how large it is?
[MORA] It could make a great deal of difference. Size could be an
indication that it's already exercised its ability to shape-shift.
[ODO] I thought you were on Earth, working with Starfleet on new ways to
detect changeling infiltrators.
[MORA] Fortunately I was visiting my parents on Bajor when I got news of
your find. How are you, Odo? I've been worried.
[ODO] Worried?
[MORA] I heard that your people took away your ability to shape-shift.
[ODO] Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine.
[MORA] I knew you were going to say that. You never want to give
anything away even though it's all right there in your face. Well,
let's get started, hmm? We have a lot of work ahead of us.
[ODO] Actually, Doctor
[MORA] I told Starfleet that I won't be coming back for a couple of
[ODO] That may have been premature.
[MORA] No, it'll take at least that long to get the changeling to
(Mora points a device at the baby.)
[ODO] Don't do that!
(Odo takes the device and turns it off.)
[MORA] Well, I see you still have trouble controlling your temper. I was
just trying to determine its mass.
[ODO] Doctor Mora, I understand that you want to help, but I'm going to
do this alone.
[MORA] Alone? Odo, you don't know the first thing about teaching a
changeling how to shape-shift.
[ODO] Well then I'll just muddle through somehow. You did.
[MORA] It's too warm in here. You know, a changeling's morphogenic
matrix is most malleable at seventeen degrees Celsius.
[ODO] I used to be able to change shape in almost any temperature.
[MORA] That's true. But why not make it easy for the changeling. It took
me weeks to figure out the optimal temperature, the humidity, even the
light levels. Now don't you think that's information you could use?
[ODO] Well, I suppose I could take a look at your reports.
[MORA] Oh, feel free to, of course. Except I was never one to keep
extensive records. I always wanted to move on to the next test.
[ODO] Oh, believe me, I remember your tests very well.
[MORA] Oh, so that's what this is about. You still resent the things I
did to you in order to induce you to shape-shift. Well I know they
weren't pleasant for you, but really, Odo, I would hope that you would
get past that by now. I am disappointed.
[ODO] I have my own ideas about how to teach the changeling.
[MORA] I imagine they're less invasive.
[ODO] Exactly.
[MORA] Huh.
[ODO] You don't think I can do it, do you?
[MORA] I didn't say that. As a matter of fact, I'd be fascinated to see
what you have in mind.
[ODO] Well, in that case, why don't you stay and observe?
[MORA] If you insist.
(Birthing room)
(Kira gasps.)
[KEIKO] What's wrong?
[KIRA] I don't know. It's like a cramp or something.
[PORA] You shouldn't be feeling any pain. Well, it appears you're not
going to be having the baby today.
[KIRA] What?
[PORA] You were in labour too long.
[BRIEN] I wonder why.
[PORA] For whatever reason you weren't able to fully relax. Your
system had to stop producing endorphins before they accumulated to
toxic levels.
[SHAKAAR] When will she have the baby?
[PORA] It could be a few more days, or a few more weeks.
[KIRA] Weeks? If I don't have this baby soon, I'm going to go out of my
[PORA] If you want, you can go see Doctor Bashir and have him
[KIRA] No, no, I want to have this baby the traditional Bajoran way.
[KEIKO] We're a hundred percent behind you, Nerys. Right, Miles?
[BRIEN] Absolutely.
[KIRA] Can you stay?
[SHAKAAR] I'll have to rearrange my schedule, but I think so.
[PORA] Nerys, return to your quarters and rest. I'll come by and see
you later. (to Shakaar) You. Be punctual next time or don't come at
all. (to O'Brien) And you? Practice.
(Science lab)
(Mora is watching Odo trying to coax baby into
shifting, and shaking his head.)
[ODO] This is a sphere. It's one of the most basic forms in nature.
(Odo puts the marble into the baby's dish and sends it rolling around
the edge.)
[ODO] See how it rolls? Interesting, isn't it? You're in my light. Now,
this won't hurt a bit. Here we are. Here we go. Yeah, yeah.
(Odo pours baby into a spherical glass.)
[ODO] Now, this is also a sphere. Feel its symmetry, the softness of its
shape, the sameness. Now you try.
(After a moment, he pours baby into the dish again.)
[ODO] There we are. I understand that you prefer to remain shapeless.
Believe me, I remember how relaxing it could be. But you have to learn
to take other forms. That's what changelings do. It can be immensely
rewarding. I remember the first time Doctor Mora here coerced me into
taking the shape of a cube with one of his electrostatic gadgets. Once
I did it, and he turned the infernal thing off, I was perfectly content
to stay a cube for hours. It was fascinating, all those right angles.
Of course, he had other plans. Before I knew it, he had me spinning
around in a centrifuge. Well, if you're not interested in a sphere
right now, we can always try a cube. What do you think? All right, now,
this is a pyramid. It's one of the most mysterious shapes in nature.
(Time passes. Odo is pouring baby from cube to pyramid.)
[ODO] Now Mister Pyramid, here comes Mister Cube.
(And later still, Odo scans baby in a cylinder, and lying flat. He
shows the cylinder itself in a mirror, then starts introducing other
shapes such as a spiral. Odo lifts the cylinder off and baby spreads
out but with a small edge. Later, Mora is scanning baby when Odo
[ODO] What are you doing?
[MORA] I'm measuring its volume. It's been here a week and it's only
grown seventeen percent. After three days in my lab, you were twice
that size.
[ODO] Well, maybe I was anxious to grow up so I could get out of there.
[MORA] My point is, you've made no progress. By this time I'd already
gotten you to mimic half a dozen simple forms.
[ODO] I'm trying to gain its confidence, not teach it tricks.
[MORA] It's a shame you're not a changeling anymore. You could link with
it and teach it everything it needs to know.
[ODO] You make it sound like it's my fault.
[MORA] It might very well be. Let's face it, Odo, your shape-shifting
ability was somewhat limited. Maybe that's why your people were able to
force you to take a humanoid form.
[ODO] That is pure speculation.
[MORA] Let's run a few tests and find out.
[ODO] Oh, you are just dying to get me into one of your contraptions,
aren't you?
[MORA] I'm trying to help.
[ODO] I am not about to submit myself to another round of your
[MORA] Everything I did to you was for your own good.
[ODO] Ha!
[MORA] True, some of the tests that I subjected you to proved
[ODO] The vacuum chamber springs to mind. The cytoplasmic separator.
Come to think of it, the protein decompiler as well.
[MORA] How could I know until I tried? By the Prophets, Odo, I wasn't
even sure you were a lifeform.
[ODO] I wasn't sure about you either.
[MORA] Once I realised you were sentient, the Cardassians wanted to know
everything about you. I was under enormous pressure to come up with
results, and I did. My technique worked. The fact that you are standing
here whining about it proves it.
[ODO] You enjoyed watching me suffer.
[MORA] You really believe that? How pathetic. If it wasn't for me, you'd
still be sitting on a shelf somewhere, in a beaker labeled unknown
[ODO] If it wasn't for me, you'd be a nobody. Starfleet wouldn't hire
you to judge a science fair.
[MORA] I'm getting a little tired of standing around watching you, but I
can't seem to pull myself away. I can't wait to see what next
preposterous thing you're going to try. Who knows, maybe in a couple
months, it may get so tired of your incessant chatter that it might
actually do something.
[ODO] You'd love to get your hands on it, wouldn't you? You could sell
tickets on the Promenade. Doctor Mora's Chamber of Horrors open for
business. Right this way.
(Sisko is in the doorway.)
[ODO] Captain.
[SISKO] How's it going, gentlemen?
[ODO] Making progress, sir.
[SISKO] I'm glad to hear it. I was just talking with Starfleet Command.
They want you to establish communication with the changeling as soon as
[MORA] At the rate we're going, that is still a long way off.
[SISKO] Better not be too long, otherwise Starfleet is going to want to
take over the project.
[ODO] Sir.
[SISKO] As long as you're making progress, there's nothing to worry
about. Oh, by the way. Starfleet wants you to file daily reports for
their review.
[ODO] Understood, sir.
[SISKO] Carry on.
(Sisko leaves.)
[MORA] Now you understand the kind of pressure I was going through. I
brought my old equipment from Bajor. Maybe it's time we started
(And now Mora's equipment is set up.)
[MORA] Any time you're ready.
(Odo pours baby into the big dish.)
[ODO] Don't worry. You're going to get through this all right.
[MORA] Oh, no, no, no. I'm just an observer here.
(Odo works a control panel and a wide blue circle appears on the bottom
of the dish.)
[MORA] Odo, the changeling won't respond to anything less than six
[ODO] There must be some other way.
[MORA] Spare the rod, spoil the child. Odo, without discomfort the
changeling will be perfectly comfortable to remain in its gelatinous
state. It'll just lie there, never realising it has the ability to
mimic other forms, never living up to its potential. Odo, six
millivolts is not going to hurt it. Once it realizes there's no charge
in the centre, the procedure will be finished.
(Odo ups the voltage and baby starts moving, searching for somewhere
more comfortable.)
[MORA] Checking to see if I'm enjoying myself?
(Baby moves into the small circle in the middle.)
[ODO] That's it. You've found it.
[MORA] I smiled the first time you did that. Little did I realise you'd
end up hating me for it. Well, shall we move on?
[ODO] Why not?
(Kira's room)
(O'Brien is giving Kira an ankle massage when
Shakaar enters.)
[KIRA] Edon.
[SHAKAAR] How're you feeling?
[KIRA] I'm all right. My feet are a little swollen.
[BRIEN] A little? They've never been this bad.
[SHAKAAR] There's a zero-grav tumbling performance on the Promenade
tonight. Do you want to go?
[KIRA] Well, maybe.
[BRIEN] You can't go standing around for an hour.
[SHAKAAR] Chief, would you mind leaving us alone for a minute?
[BRIEN] I'm almost done.
[SHAKAAR] I'll take over.
[KIRA] I think it's time.
[BRIEN] You got to do it harder.
[SHAKAAR] I know what I'm doing.
[KIRA] It's time.
[BRIEN] And you've to work up the legs.
[KIRA] It's time!
(The men take an arm each and pull her to and fro. Kira shakes them off
and carefully gets off the bed on her own.)
(Science lab)
[ODO] Now if I were you, I'd hold this shape.
Otherwise you'll be in for a little shock.
(Odo lifts off the cylinder and baby relaxes.)
[ODO] Wait a minute.
(Baby goes back to being a cylinder.)
[MORA] I had to try that three times before you caught on.
[ODO] Actually, the first two times I didn't hold my shape on purpose.
[MORA] You're not serious.
[ODO] I suppose I didn't want to give you the satisfaction.
[MORA] Well someday, if you're very lucky, this changeling will give you
the satisfaction of saying, thank you very much, you did so much for
me. Then again, it may leave the way you did. It will announce that
it's striking out on its own and you will never hear from it again. I'm
going to get something to eat.
(Baby stretches up, then makes an Odo face on the end of it. They look
at each other before it returns to being a cylinder)
(Security office)
[MORA] I mean, the eyes!
[ODO] When he rose up.
[MORA] The eyes are incredible.
[ODO] For a minute there, I thought he was going to say something.
(Odo picks up a PADD)
[MORA] Oh, put that down. We're celebrating.
[ODO] Oh, er, it's just that I've fallen behind in my security reports
over these last few days.
[MORA] Well you can catch up later. Aren't you excited about what
[ODO] Of course I'm excited.
[MORA] Tomorrow, we can expose the changeling to simple life-forms so it
can mimic them. Some algae, some fungus. In a few more days, maybe even
an invertebrate.
[ODO] I can't wait until I can actually communicate with it. There's so
much I want it to see, so much I want to share.
[MORA] Well, you may get that chance sooner than you think. The
changeling is developing far faster than you did. I didn't mean that as
a criticism. If anything, it's a compliment. I mean, I was wrong. Your
approach to communicating to the changeling was sound. I mean, don't
you see? It's reaching out to you. It's curious about you. The first
time you ever did anything like that was when you formed a tentacle to
slap my hand away from the control panel.
[ODO] I remember. I wanted you to stop zapping me.
[MORA] You formed a connection with this changeling. That is something I
was never able to do with you.
[ODO] That's not true. I respected you.
[MORA] You feared me.
[ODO] You didn't know what I was. You were experimenting on what looked
like a lump of organic residue. That's what I'd still be if it weren't
for you.
[MORA] You don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that. I'm
sorry, I know this sort of talk makes you uncomfortable. I suppose it's
all my fault. If I hadn't poked and prodded you so much, you may have
grown up with a less forbidding disposition.
[ODO] Something tells me no matter what we do to that changeling, it's
going to have a more pleasant disposition than mine. It's just the way
I am.
[MORA] I'll leave you to your work.
[ODO] Doctor Mora? (to replicator) Two glasses of champagne, please.
We're celebrating.
(Birthing room)
(O'Brien finally gets the rhythm right.)
[PORA] The baby has turned. It's time. Awake, child.
[KEIKO] We await you with love.
[SHAKAAR] And welcome you into the world.
(O'Brien tries to move but)
[SHAKAAR] Why don't you stay there?
[BRIEN] I can't see from here.
[SHAKAAR] Exactly.
[BRIEN] It's my baby.
[PORA] Shh.
[SHAKAAR] I think it would make Nerys uncomfortable.
[BRIEN] What are you talking about? She's been living in my home for
the last five months.
[KEIKO] Be quiet.
[SHAKAAR] What's that supposed to mean?
[BRIEN] Look, I missed Molly's birth, I am not going to miss this one.
[KIRA] I'm trying to have a baby. I am sick of this ridiculous little
competition between the two of you. Now, if one of you says one more
word, you're going to have to leave.
[BRIEN] Fine, tell him to let me to
[SHAKAAR] Just tell him to stay where
[KIRA] Right, that's it. Out, both of you.
[BRIEN] Kira.
[SHAKAAR] Nerys.
[KIRA] Go.
[BRIEN] You're joking.
[KEIKO] Does it look like she's joking? Out!
[BRIEN] Nice going.
[SHAKAAR] Oh, do me a favour. Next time you have a baby, leave my
girlfriend out of it, huh?
(After hours)
[QUARK] Comes to three hundred and twenty four. I'm going to have to
start watering the drinks again
(Odo is taking bottles from a shelf.)
[QUARK] Constable?
[ODO] Quark!
[QUARK] What are you doing back there?
[ODO] What does it look like I'm doing?
[QUARK] We're closed.
[ODO] Have a seat.
[QUARK] You're in a good mood.
[ODO] Yes, I am.
[QUARK] Which means you're probably about to arrest me on some trumped
up charge.
[ODO] Not at all. I am buying you a drink.
[QUARK] Why?
[ODO] Doctor Mora has gone to sleep, and I still feel like celebrating.
[QUARK] What are you up to?
[ODO] I am happy, Quark. Can't you just accept that?
[QUARK] No. It doesn't fit. If you're happy, something's very wrong in
the world. The centre cannot not hold.
[ODO] There we go.
[QUARK] I've got it. You're getting back at me for selling you that sick
[ODO] Actually, I should thank you.
[QUARK] If you want the money back, just say so.
[ODO] It changed my life. Here's to you, Quark.
[QUARK] All right, all right, I confess. I don't know what I did, but I
did it. Just stop. I can't take it anymore.
[ODO] Do you ever think about having children?
[QUARK] Huh?
[ODO] You see, I never did. It seemed like too much trouble. But then
fate dropped one into my lap and now I couldn't be happier. Cheers.
It's strange. Over the past few months, I came to accept the fact that
I'd never have any contact with my people again. They rejected me, they
turned me into a humanoid. A part of me was lost forever. But that
little ball of goo back in the lab changed everything. I feel as if I'm
experiencing what it is to be a changeling again. And somehow, being a
solid doesn't seem so bad anymore.
[QUARK] Fill me up.
[COMPUTER] Computer to Security Chief Odo. Please acknowledge.
[ODO] Go ahead.
[COMPUTER] The lifeform being monitored is displaying biomimetic
fluctuations beyond stated parameters.
[ODO] Have Doctor Mora meet me in the science lab.
[COMPUTER] Acknowledged.
(Science lab)
(Baby is small and mostly blue again.)
[ODO] What's happened?
[MORA] It's morphogenic matrix is destabilising. It's dying.
[BASHIR] Its lifesigns are fading. The radiation may
have damaged its cytoplasm in a way we weren't able to detect.
[ODO] There must be something you can do.
[MORA] You might try an enzymatic induction. That might stabilise the
biomimetic fluctuations.
[BASHIR] It's worth a shot.
[ODO] It has to work, it has to.
[MORA] Odo, please, wait outside. We'll do everything we can.
(Birthing room)
[KIRA] I feel so good.
[KEIKO] You're doing great, Nerys.
[PORA] Here he comes.
[KIRA] Keiko, would you do me a favour?
[KEIKO] Kira said you can both come back in if you
promise to behave.
[BRIEN] After you.
[SHAKAAR] Oh, no. After you.
[BRIEN] Please.
[KEIKO] Will you two get in here! You're going to miss everything.
(Shakaar and O'Brien try to go through the doorway together)
(Birthing room)
[PORA] That's it, Nerys. Relax. Let it come.
That's right. Breathe.
[KEIKO] Oh, look at him, Miles.
[BRIEN] He's beautiful.
(Anxious father Odo is pacing)
[BASHIR] There's nothing we could do. I'm sorry, Odo. It won't be very
long now.
(Mora hands Odo the baby's cylinder. It's deep
green now. Odo pours it out into his hand.)
[ODO] Please, don't die. There's so much I want to show you. I was going
to teach you how to become a Tarkalean hawk, remember?
(Baby soaks into Odo's hands.)
[MORA] What happened? Where did it go?
[BASHIR] It somehow integrated itself into Odo's body
(Odo staggers.)
[BASHIR] Odo, what's wrong?
[ODO] It can't be.
[MORA] What?
(Odo walks out of the Infirmary, morphs into a hawk and flies along the
Promenade, leaving his clothes on the floor. Then he lands on the upper
level and turns back into fully dressed Odo.)
[SHAKAAR] This might be a good time to take some
leave and come down to Bajor.
[KIRA] Maybe in a few weeks. Right now I feel like staying around here.
[SHAKAAR] So you can be close to the baby. He's a good-looking boy.
[KIRA] He is, isn't he?
[CREWMAN (OC)] Shuttle four seven zero nine for Bajor now departing.
[KIRA] You'd better go.
[SHAKAAR] I have a few minutes left.
(Just away from the airlock)
[MORA] So how does it feel to be yourself again?
[ODO] I just wish it hadn't happened the way it did.
[MORA] I am sorry. If it helps, think of it as a gift. Something the
changeling wanted you to have.
[ODO] I think I finally understand how much I meant to you and what you
must have gone through when I left.
[MORA] You had to find your own way in the world.
[ODO] I should have included you in my life.
[MORA] You still can. (they embrace) Take care of yourself, Odo
(Mora goes into the airlock and Kira comes out.)
[ODO] I thought the O'Briens were having a party.
[KIRA] Shakaar and I stopped by. I didn't feel much like celebrating.
[ODO] Oh?
[KIRA] I got into this because the O'Briens' needed my help. I never
wanted a baby. But now? I just wish I could hold him in my arms and
never let him go.
[ODO] I think I know how you feel, Nerys.
[KIRA] Want to take a walk?
[ODO] Yeah. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e107", "title": "The Begotten"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - For The Uniform
The Uniform
Original Airdate: 3 Feb, 1997
Captain's log, stardate 50485.2. I've come to Marva Four, a planet near
the Badlands, to rendezvous with an informer who claims to have
information on the whereabouts of the Maquis leader and former
Starfleet officer Michael Eddington.
(Refugee camp)
(A sorry bunch of people are living in a cave lit
by florescent tubes. Sisko enters in civilian clothes.
[SISKO] Looking for a friend of mine. His name is Cing'ta.
(A man looks up from his welding and points to a curtained off area.)
(Rough furniture but no person visible.)
[SISKO] Cing'ta?
(Sisko reaches for his phaser, but a disrupter is put to his head.)
[EDDINGTON] Throw it on the ground. Turn around. Hello, Captain.
[SISKO] Eddington.
[EDDINGTON] Mister Cing'ta won't be joining us. His shuttle had an
accident on the way to this rendezvous.
[SISKO] Is he dead?
[EDDINGTON] You just don't understand the Maquis, do you, Captain? We're
not killers. Mister Cing'ta's accident has marooned him on a
particularly nasty planet in the Badlands, but I assure you he's very
much alive.
[SISKO] How merciful. You condemned him to a slow death.
[EDDINGTON] It's more than he deserved. He was going to sell us out to
you. He betrayed us.
[SISKO] Now there's a subject you know a lot about.
[EDDINGTON] You've been on my tail for eight months and now that we're
face-to-face that's all you have to say to me?
[SISKO] I will say the rest at your court-martial.
[EDDINGTON] Tell me, Captain. What is it that bothers you more? The fact
that I left Starfleet to fight for a higher cause, or the fact that it
happened on your watch?
[SISKO] You didn't leave Starfleet. If you had, I wouldn't be here. You
betrayed Starfleet. You used your position as security chief to feed
the Maquis information about us. And at the same time, you misled us
with false information about them. There is a word for that. Treason.
[EDDINGTON] Look out there.
(Sisko looks out into the main cave again.)
[EDDINGTON] Those people, They were colonists on Salva Two. They had
farms, and shops, and homes, and schools, and then one day the
Federation signed a treaty and handed their world over to the
Cardassians. Just like that. They made these people refugees overnight.
[SISKO] It's not that simple and you know it. These people don't have to
live here like this. We've offered them resettlement.
[EDDINGTON] They don't want to be resettled. They want to go home to the
lives they built. How would you feel if the Federation gave your
father's home to the Cardassians?
[SISKO] I'm not here to debate Federation policy with
[EDDINGTON] I didn't tell you to turn around. Look at them, Captain.
They're humans, just like you and me, and Starfleet took everything
away from them. Remember that the next time you put on that uniform.
There's a war out there and you're on the wrong side.
[SISKO] You know what I see out there, Mister Eddington? I see victims,
but not of Cardassia or the Federation. Victims of you, the Maquis. You
sold these people on the dream that one day they could go back to those
farms, and schools, and homes, but you know they never can. And the
longer you keep that hope alive, the longer these people will suffer.
Go ahead, shoot me.
[EDDINGTON] Someday I may take you up on that. For now, let me leave you
with one piece of advice. Don't come after me. You'll regret it.
(Eddington beams out, and Sisko taps his comm. badge.)
[SISKO] Sisko to Defiant. Eddington just beamed out. Trace his
transporter signal.
[KIRA (OC)] We've got it, Captain. He's on a Maquis raider. They're
breaking orbit and heading out of the system.
[SISKO] Beam me aboard and lay in a pursuit course. All hands to battle
[KIRA (OC)] Aye, sir.
[KIRA] He's headed for the Badlands, all right.
Course is zero mark two one three.
[SISKO] Commander.
[DAX] Changing course now to zero mark two one three. We're on his tail,
[SISKO] Maximum warp. How long until we're in firing range?
[WORF] Twenty two minutes.
[SISKO] Major?
[KIRA] Not good enough. He'll reach the plasma fields two minutes before
we're in range.
[SISKO] We need some help. What's the position of the starship Malinche?
[WORF] They're on patrol in the DMZ, near the Gamma seven outpost.
[SISKO] Perfect. Is the new holo-communicator ready?
[KIRA] The Chief's had it online for six hours now. I think he's eager
to have someone give it a try.
[SISKO] Always like to please the Chief. Open a channel to Captain
Sanders on the Malinche.
(A hologram of Sanders appears inside a marked area behind the
Captain's chair.)
[SANDERS] Are you receiving my image, Captain?
[SISKO] Yes. And you?
[SANDERS] You appear to be sitting on my bridge. It may take me a while
to get used to this. I'm not fond of uninvited guests.
[SISKO] I'll try not to overstay my welcome but at the moment I need
your help. We're in pursuit of a Maquis raider headed for the Badlands.
Can you intercept?
[SANDERS] You seem pretty eager, Captain. What did this Maquis raider
[SISKO] It's not what they did, it's who's in command. Michael
[SANDERS] Everyone's favourite traitor.
[SISKO] Captain, if you don't mind.
[SANDERS] You want him in your brig. We'll cut him off, you can grab
him. Sanders out.
(Transmission ends.)
[KIRA] The Malinche is moving to intercept.
[SISKO] Prepare to target the Maquis ship. I want to disable them but I
want them alive.
[WORF] Understood.
[SISKO] Send a security detachment to the Transporter room. Have them
prepared to receive prisoners.
[DAX] Captain, Eddington's dropped out of warp.
[SISKO] Go to impulse. Raise shields.
[KIRA] What is he doing?
[DAX] He's changed course. Now he's headed directly for us.
[WORF] He has locked his weapons on us.
[KIRA] He's no match for the Defiant. Is this some kind of suicide run?
[SISKO] Not Eddington. He's up to something. Let's not give him a chance
to make his move. Mister Worf, fire phasers.
(And everything shuts down.)
[SISKO] Report.
[KIRA] We've got a massive computer failure. Every computer system is
down. And all the backups. We're losing control over everything.
[DAX] Weapons, navigation, helm, propulsion.
[SISKO] Bridge to Engine room. Commander, get down there. Find out
what's going on.
(Worf leaves)
[SISKO] Try to route the auxiliary controls through the
(A hologram appears)
[EDDINGTON] Before you waste a lot of time running around trying to
restore computer control, let me save you some trouble. You can't.
You'll find that your memory cores are completely wiped and will have
to be reprogrammed from scratch. These work remarkably well. Glad we
were able to procure one.
[SISKO] You left a cascade virus in the Defiant's computers.
[EDDINGTON] Sounds simple, doesn't it? But I assure you, it took a great
deal of time to devise one that wouldn't be detected by Odo or Chief
O'Brien. I'm really quite proud of it.
[SISKO] I'll add it to the list of charges against you.
[EDDINGTON] Well, as long as you're making a list, why don't you add
(And the raider attacks. BOOM, BANG)
[EDDINGTON] You know what your problem is, Captain? You've made this
personal. It didn't have to be. It wasn't with me. I have no animosity,
no harsh feelings toward you.
[SISKO] I wish I could say the same.
[EDDINGTON] Does it really pay to risk yourself, your ship, your crew,
on a personal vendetta? And would Starfleet approve?
[SISKO] I don't need any lectures about Starfleet from you. And no
matter what happens here today it's not over between us.
[EDDINGTON] I'm the one in control here, Captain. Your ship is
defenceless. I could destroy you right now, but I won't. Like I said,
the Maquis aren't killers. Our quarrel is with the Cardassians, not
you. Leave us alone and we'll leave you alone. Cease fire.
[SISKO] Am I supposed to thank you?
[EDDINGTON] No. I'm not going to make you grovel for your life. Unlike
you, Captain, I know when to walk away. Maybe you should think about
that on your long trip home.
Captain's log, stardate 50488.2. The Defiant has
returned to the station, but not under its own power. The starship
Malinche had to tow us home.
[BRIEN] We've got our work cut out for us.
Eddington's cascade virus disabled every memory circuit on the Defiant.
We have to reload and reprogramme the entire database.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] How long?
[BRIEN] Well, if we were at a shipyard with a spacedock and a crew
[SISKO] We're not. How long?
[BRIEN] Two weeks. And that's working with three shifts round the
[SISKO] Get started. If there's any way you can speed things up.
[BRIEN] I'll do what I can.
(O'Brien leaves)
[ODO] I've removed two similar cascade viruses hidden on the station's
main computer. By transmitting a signal, Eddington could have disabled
our entire defence system.
[SISKO] How long until you've eliminated all of Eddington's handiwork?
[ODO] It's a good question. I can't guarantee we've found all of them.
Eddington was DS9's chief of Starfleet security for eighteen months. He
had the opportunity to infiltrate and compromise every system on the
[SISKO] Then check every system on the station.
[ODO] I intend to. Sir, have you ever reminded Starfleet command that
they stationed Eddington here because they didn't trust me?
[ODO] Please do.
(Odo leaves.)
[SISKO] What word do you have from Starfleet Intelligence?
[WORF] Two Bolian freighters have disappeared near the Badlands. They
believe the Maquis are responsible.
[SISKO] What were the freighters carrying?
[WORF] Several thousand tons of selenium and rhodium nitrite.
[SISKO] That's not very valuable cargo. What would they want with it?
[WORF] Commander Dax is analysing the possibilities.
[SISKO] Good. In the meantime, help Chief O'Brien get the Defiant back
online. I want to get out there as soon as possible.
(Sisko gestures Sanders to come in)
[WORF] Aye, sir.
(Worf leaves)
[SISKO] What can I do for you, Captain?
[SANDERS] I don't know quite how to tell you this so I'll just say it.
Starfleet Command has given me a new assignment. They want me to bring
in Eddington.
[SISKO] Oh, you mean you've been ordered to help me bring him in, don't
[SANDERS] No. Your mission orders have changed. Eddington is no longer
your responsibility.
[SISKO] Did they give you a reason?
[SANDERS] You've been after him for eight months. Not to put too fine a
point on it, but you haven't gotten the job done. Look, Captain, I
understand how you feel. If one of my officers had fooled me the way
Eddington fooled you, I'd take it personally, too. Bad choice of words,
I didn't mean fooled.
[SISKO] No, you're exactly right. I was fooled. But it won't happen
[SANDERS] That's not the issue. Starfleet also believes that where
Eddington is concerned, you're vulnerable. He just knows you too well,
Captain. So maybe it's time for someone he doesn't know to go after
[SISKO] Good hunting.
[SANDERS] Thank you, Captain.
(Sisko is taking his frustration out on a punch
[DAX] The good news is Starfleet Intelligence is making progress
breaking the Maquis communication codes.
[SISKO] The bad news is it won't do us any good. We're out of the game.
But what the hell, right? You win some, you lose some.
[DAX] You always had problems with the lose some part of that.
[SISKO] What can I say, old man? In twenty five years of duty, I have
never been taken off an assignment until now.
[DAX] Right. This is about being taken off the assignment. It has
nothing to do with a certain ex-security officer we both know.
[SISKO] He worked under me for a year and a half. I saw him almost every
day, read his reports, had him for dinner. I even took him to a
baseball game in the holosuite once. And I never saw it. It's my job to
be a good judge of character and what did I do? Not only did I not see
it, I put him up for a promotion.
[DAX] He played his hand well.
[SISKO] He played me all right, and what is my excuse? Is he a
changeling? No. Is he a being with seven lifetimes of experience? No.
Is he a wormhole alien? No. He's just a man, like me. And he beat me!
[DAX] It's good.
[SISKO] Good?
[DAX] It's good you're working it out on the bag, Benjamin. Because
you're going to have to let go of this one. Eddington is someone else's
problem now, and you're going to have to live with that.
[KIRA (OC)] Ops to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] What is it, Major?
[KIRA (OC)] Sir, you'd better get up here. There's news and it's about
[SISKO] Report.
[KIRA] Eddington just upped the ante. He attacked the Cardassian colony
on Veloz Prime with a biogenic weapon.
[SISKO] What?
[WORF] He launched three stratospheric torpedoes at the planet and
spread cobalt diselenide throughout the biosphere.
[DAX] A nerve agent that is harmless to most humanoids but it is deadly
to Cardassians.
[WORF] The Cardassians are already evacuating. And Eddington has
announced that the Maquis intend to reclaim the planet once they are
[KIRA] What I don't understand is where the Maquis got the materials to
make a biogenic weapon.
[DAX] I do. I should've seen it earlier. The selenium and rhodium
nitrites they hijacked can be reformulated, and with some work,
synthesised to produce cobalt diselenide.
[SISKO] Where's the Malinche?
[KIRA] On the other side of the Badlands. They're headed for Veloz Prime
now, but by the time they get there.
[SISKO] Eddington will be long gone.
[KIRA] Given the amount of chemical compounds Eddington stole, how many
of these weapons will he be able to make?
[SISKO] Enough to poison every Cardassian colony in the DMZ.
[DAX] There must be something we can do. Worf, are there any other
starships near Veloz Prime?
[WORF] The Malinche is our only ship in the sector.
[KIRA] So unless they stop Eddington, the Maquis have turned the tide.
[SISKO] There is another ship in the area. It's moored at docking bay
(They all step onto the turbolift.)
[SISKO] Defiant.
(Engine room)
[BRIEN] It's going to be tricky, Captain. Only
half the systems are back online and most of those are not operating at
full capacity.
[SISKO] What about the warp drive?
[BRIEN] We can go to warp six, but the inertial dampers haven't been
fully repaired so don't expect a smooth ride.
[DAX] The weapons are also online but the targeting scanners have to be
manually calibrated. We can shoot, but God knows what we'll hit.
[SISKO] What about communications?
[BRIEN] The Defiant's comm. system is fried. And I do mean fried.
[DAX] Well, we still have our comm. badges.
[BRIEN] I'm afraid not. They won't work either, not with all the
interference from the unshielded EPS conduits.
[DAX] Well, what do we use? Cups and a long string?
[BRIEN] We'll have to improvise. Let me introduce you to your new
comm. system. Cadet.
[NOG] Cadet Nog, reporting as ordered, sir.
[SISKO] Stand easy.
[BRIEN] With most of the bridge control functions offline, all orders
to Engineering have to be relayed. In the interests of clarity I
thought it best that those messages be relayed with one voice, Mister
Academy here. I figured you'd want someone who could hear you while the
bridge is exploding all around you.
[NOG] Exploding?
[SISKO] We may be going into a combat situation. Do think you're ready
for that, Cadet?
[NOG] Sir. Yes, sir. Absolutely, sir.
[SISKO] I'm glad to hear it. Report to the bridge.
[NOG] Aye, sir. (as he leaves) Exploding?
[BRIEN] Let me give you all the bad news at once, sir. We have no
cloak, no transporters, no replicators, and the stabilising gyros are
at only fifty percent. So don't ask for any sharp turns, unless you
want to end up doing barrel rolls.
[DAX] That could be fun.
[SISKO] Do you have any good news, Chief?
[BRIEN] The new holo-communicator I installed it works perfectly.
[SISKO] Let's be thankful for small favours. Prepare for departure.
[SISKO] All right, say it.
[DAX] What?
[SISKO] That I have lost all perspective. That I'm turning this into a
vendetta between me and Eddington, and that I'm putting the ship, the
crew and my entire career at risk, and if I had any brains at all I'd
go back to my office, sit down and read Odo's crime reports.
[DAX] I wasn't going to say that.
[SISKO] But that's what you were thinking, right?
[DAX] No. Actually, what I was thinking is, you're becoming more like
Curzon all the time.
[SISKO] I don't know how to take that.
[DAX] Consider it a compliment. And the next time I go off half-cocked
on some wild-eyed adventure, think back to this moment and be a little
more understanding.
[WORF] Recalibrate phaser banks one and two.
[DAX] Initialise starboard and port thrusters.
(Nog gets a message over his special hand-held communicator.)
[NOG] Captain. Ops has cleared us for departure.
[SISKO] Very well. Engine Room, stand by impulse power.
[NOG] Engine Room, Bridge.
(Engine room)
[NOG (OC)] Stand by impulse power.
[BRIEN] Stand by impulse power. Stand by to increase deuterium
injection rate. Configure driver coils for impulse speed. Set EPS taps
at level three.
[SISKO] Ops, seal the airlock and release docking
[KIRA] Close exterior hatches, depressurise the airlock. Detach
umbilicals, clear all moorings.
[SISKO] Thrusters at station keeping.
[DAX] Initialise deflector field.
[KIRA] Docking clamps released.
[SISKO] Helm, ease us out.
[DAX] Port and starboard thrusters at one quarter. Bearing one eight
zero mark zero.
[KIRA] Distance from docking ring, fifty metres. Sixty, seventy, eighty.
[SISKO] Bring us about, old man.
[DAX] Hard to port. Ten degrees pitch. Minimal power to the aft
thrusters. Let the momentum bring us around.
(Defiant does a one-eighty but keeps turning to a three sixty.)
[DAX] Hold at five degrees pitch.
[KIRA] We're coming around too fast.
[DAX] I see it. Ease off on the port thrusters. Pitch back to zero
[KIRA] We're starting to roll.
[DAX] Pulse the starboard thrusters. Point five second bursts.
[SISKO] Engine Room. Helm control is sluggish. Re-align the navigational
[NOG] Engine Room, bridge. Helm control is sluggish. Re-align the
navigational gyros.
[DAX] Port thruster, two second burst. Double pulse port thruster two
second burst.
[SISKO] Helm, I hope you see that pylon.
[DAX] Bow thrusters, pitch up sixteen degrees. Full power to port
thrusters. Half roll, now!
(Defiant scrapes past the lower pylon and heads out.)
[SISKO] Engine Room. One quarter impulse power.
[NOG] Engine Room, bridge. One quarter impulse power.
[SISKO] Helm, lay in a course for the Badlands. Engine Room. Stand by
for warp speed.
[DAX] Set intermix to point zero one. Initialise warp chamber on my
mark. Three, two, one, mark.
[KIRA] Warp one, sir.
[SISKO] Engine Room, increase speed to warp six as soon as possible.
[NOG] Engine Room, increase speed to warp six as soon as possible. Sir,
Engine room reports we could go to warp seven.
[SISKO] Well done, people. Mister Worf, I think we should start running
battle drills.
[WORF] Aye, sir.
Captain's log, supplemental. After completing a
series of readiness drills, we've entered the plasma fields of the
Badlands and begun our search for Eddington.
(Sisko walks around the various stations.)
[DAX] Steady as she goes. Watch those gyros.
[WORF] Check the status of torpedoes three and four. We have an energy
variance reading on the plasma warheads. Transfer power
[KIRA] Forward scanners are still not functioning. Engine room, where
are those field stabilisers?
[NOG] Engine Room, bridge. Where are those field stabilisers? Major,
Engine room reports field stabilisers should be online in fifteen
[KIRA] I've got something. It's a small neutrino signature, bearing two
one eight mark one three five. Distance approximately nine hundred
kilometres. It's moving. It's a Maquis raider.
[SISKO] Helm, set intercept course. Engine room, three quarter impulse.
[NOG] Engine Room, three quarter impulse.
[KIRA] Incoming transmission from the Maquis raider. It's Eddington.
[SISKO] Put him through. Well, well, Mister Eddington.
[EDDINGTON] (hologram) You just couldn't resist the temptation to come
after me, could you, Captain.
[SISKO] I like to finish what I start.
[EDDINGTON] Well, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed, again. You
won't get me, Captain. But I do have a consolation prize for you.
Actually it's more of a gift.
[KIRA] Incoming transmission. Sending over a document.
[EDDINGTON] It's a book. One of my favourites. Les Miserables.
[SISKO] Thank you, but I've read it.
[EDDINGTON] Recently? If not, you should read it again. Pay close
attention to the character of Inspector Javert, the French policeman
who spends twenty years chasing a man for stealing a loaf of bread.
Sound like anyone you know?
[SISKO] Why don't you beam over and we'll discuss it.
[KIRA] Captain, closing on the Maquis ship. Seven hundred kilometres.
[SISKO] Ready weapons.
[WORF] Phaser banks charged.
[SISKO] Lock target.
[WORF] Locked.
[SISKO] It's over, Eddington. Why don't you surrender your vessel and
prepare to be boarded.
[EDDINGTON] It's a tempting offer, but I have other plans. Enjoy the
(Transmission ends)
[KIRA] Sir, the neutrino readings are dissipating. It's not a ship. It's
an unmanned probe set to transmit a false warp signature.
[SISKO] He wanted to lure us here. Why?
[KIRA] He's up to something outside the plasma fields.
[SISKO] Helm, bring us about. Get us out of here. Engines at full
[NOG] Engine Room, bridge. Engines to full impulse.
[DAX] Hard to port. Full thrusters. Course one eight zero mark zero.
[NOG] Sir, Chief O'Brien doesn't recommend increasing velocity through
the plasma fields.
[SISKO] Objection noted. Now get me more speed!
[NOG] Engine Room, bridge. More speed.
(Out of the plasma streams into clear space)
[KIRA] Sir, picking up a distress call. It's the starship Malinche.
They've been ambushed by the Maquis. It's dead in space.
(Later, at the Malinche, Sanders' hologram has definitely been in the
wars. )
[SISKO] How can we help you, Captain?
[SANDERS] Our warp core matrix compositor is fused, our navigational
systems are disabled. If you could spare some micro-power relays, we
should have the engines back online in a day or two.
[SISKO] Engine room, beam a damage control team to the Malinche. Tell
them to take along a dozen micro-power relays.
[SANDERS] Wee got a distress signal from a Cardassian freighter.
[NOG] (underneath) Engine Room, bridge. Transport a damage control team
to the Malinche with twelve micro-power relays.
[SANDERS] They'd just been attacked by the Maquis. Suffered some
casualties. Our sensors confirmed what we were being told, but when we
lowered our shields to transport the wounded
[SISKO] The sensor readings had been faked.
[SANDERS] There were no Cardassians on that freighter. The Maquis had
rigged it with a focused particle beam that punched through our gyro
shielding and we lost helm control, and by the time we got back on our
feet again, three Maquis raiders came out from the plasma field. Well,
it seems I couldn't get the job done either, Captain.
[SISKO] It's not over.
[SANDERS] I figured you'd be going after him. We have something that
might be useful to you. We intercepted a coded message from one of
Eddington's raiders. Maybe you can decode it. Our computers are still
[SISKO] I appreciate it.
[SANDERS] Do me a favour?
[SISKO] Of course.
[SANDERS] Save me a seat at his court-martial.
[SISKO] Count on it.
[SANDERS] Good hunting, Captain.
Captain's log, supplemental. With the Defiant's
computers still not fully operational, we're relying on Odo back at
Deep Space Nine, to decipher the Maquis message. In the meantime, we're
combing the DMZ in the hopes of a chance encounter with Eddington. But
with each passing hour, our hopes are fading.
[KIRA] Sir, incoming transmission. It's Odo.
[ODO] (hologram) Captain.
[SISKO] Odo, we need some good news around here. Tell me that you have
[ODO] Possibly. I've analysed the Maquis message.
[SISKO] And?
[ODO] It appears to be a simple Breen nursery rhyme. A heterophonic,
five line verse. Quite a catchy one, too.
(Odo plays the song.)
[SISKO] What's it mean?
[ODO] Metrical analysis shows an alternating tetrameter and pentameter
structure, but the computer could find no meaningful pattern in the
words. They appear to be just what they are, nonsensical phrases strung
together because they rhyme. At least, to the Breen.
[SISKO] And the music?
[ODO] It's written on a Lyxian scale. I ran it through the computer too.
No meaningful pattern.
[SISKO] So we're nowhere?
[ODO] I wouldn't say that. You see, I remembered something that
Eddington once said to me. The best place to hide something is in plain
sight. And since this is a Breen nursery rhyme
[SISKO] So you think that Eddington is using the music as a signal for a
rendezvous in the Breen system?
[ODO] Or a Breen settlement like the one on Portas Five, which isn't far
from the DMZ. The biogenic components of the weapons Eddington's been
using are very bulky and very unstable. They need to be kept in a
large, sophisticated cold storage unit.
[SISKO] And if anyone knows how to keep things cold, it's the Breen.
Thank you, Odo.
[ODO] Captain.
(Transmission ends.)
[SISKO] Mister Worf, do we have a series of sensor relays near Portas
[WORF] Yes, sir. Two class five intelligence drones.
[SISKO] Pull their sensor logs. I want to see who's been visiting the
Breen system.
Captain's log, supplemental. Odo's hunch has proven
accurate. Our intelligence drones detected a Maquis freighter entering
Portas Five three hours ago. The freighter was last seen headed into
the Dorvan sector of the DMZ.
[DAX] Considering the freighter's range, velocity,
and heading Eddington's next target is one of four Cardassian colonies.
But these targets are unlikely.
[WORF] Their defence systems were recently upgraded by the Cardassians.
[SISKO] Eddington isn't looking for a fight. That leaves only Quatal and
[WORF] Quatal has a lucrative mining operation and their weapon systems
are in the process of being upgraded, but they're not fully
[SISKO] A tempting target.
[DAX] Not as tempting as Panora. The Maquis attacked them two months ago
and most of their defence systems were severely damaged. They're almost
[KIRA] And there are constant ion storms in that system. Good places to
hide if you want to mount a surprise attack.
[WORF] A tactic Eddington knows well. Panora is a more logical target
than Quatal.
[SISKO] Then Eddington will attack Quatal.
[WORF] Sir?
[SISKO] He likes being unpredictable.
[DAX] Approaching Quatal Prime
[SISKO] Slow to impulse power. Full scan.
[NOG] Engine Room, bridge. Slow to impulse.
[KIRA] Activate parabolic sensor array. Initiate lateral scanners. We're
too late, Captain. Eddington's detonated his weapon. The nerve agent is
already spreading through the planet's atmosphere.
[DAX] Which means the Cardassians don't have much time to get away.
Eddington's always one step ahead of us.
[KIRA] Maybe not this time. I'm reading residual neutrino levels. Looks
like one maybe two Maquis raiders behind the fourth moon. They're on
the run.
[SISKO] Go after them. Full impulse.
[NOG] Engine Room, Bridge. Full impulse.
[DAX] Onscreen. Shields up. Charge phaser banks.
[CREWWOMAN] Aye, sir.
(Two raiders appear on the viewscreen.)
[SISKO] How long to intercept?
[KIRA] Fifteen seconds.
[SISKO] Prepare to lock targets.
[WORF] Targeting sequence online.
(The two ships split up.)
[SISKO] Hard to port. Stick with this one, old man.
[DAX] Full power to aft thrusters.
[KIRA] They've locked phasers on us.
[SISKO] Power to forward shields.
[KIRA] Forward shields online.
[WORF] At maximum.
[DAX] Restabilise port and starboard
[SISKO] Lock target.
[WORF] Targeting scanners synchronised.
[SISKO] Fire!
[SISKO] Helm, bring us about. One more to go.
[KIRA] Sir, this one's making another run for the planet. I don't get
it. They've already poisoned the atmosphere.
[SISKO] More speed.
[NOG] Engine Room, bridge. More speed.
[KIRA] They've locked phasers on one of the transport ships evacuating
the Cardassians.
(The Maquis fire.)
[KIRA] They've disabled the transport. It's losing power. It's going
[SISKO] Can we beam the crew off?
[KIRA] We're out of transporter range. Incoming transmission.
[EDDINGTON] (hologram) Well, Javert, let's see how deep your obsession
with me is. You've got me. I can't outrun or outfight the Defiant. But,
if you come after me you'll have to pay a price. You'll have to let all
those helpless Cardassians spiral down to their deaths. The choice is
[SISKO] How long do they have?
[KIRA] Two minutes to impact.
[EDDINGTON] Not much time. Probably take you at least a minute to get
back to the planet. They're just Cardassians.
[SISKO] Helm, bring us about. Prepare to engage tractor beam.
[WORF] Initialising tractor beam. Aligning induction field.
[CREWWOMAN] Alignment complete.
(Mess hall)
(Miserable Sisko is reading a PADD.)
[DAX] We've towed the transport ship out of the planet's gravitational
[SISKO] Once our repair team is back onboard, release the tractor beam.
The Cardassians can limp their way home in a day or two.
[DAX] Les Miserables.
[SISKO] You know it?
[DAX] I can't stand Victor Hugo. I tried reading The Hunchback of Notre
Dame, but I couldn't get through it. It was so melodramatic and his
heroines are so two dimensional.
[SISKO] Eddington compares me to one of the characters, Inspector
Javert. A policeman who relentlessly pursues a man named Valjean,
guilty of a trivial offence, and in the end Javert's own inflexibility
destroys him. He commits suicide.
[DAX] You can't believe that description fits you. Eddington is just
trying to get under your skin.
[SISKO] He did that eight months ago. What strikes me about this book is
that Eddington said that it's one of his favourites.
[DAX] There's no accounting for taste.
[SISKO] Let's think about it. A Starfleet security officer is fascinated
by a nineteenth century French melodrama, and now he's a leader of the
Maquis, a resistance group fighting the noble battle against the evil
[DAX] It sounds like he's living out his own fantasy.
[SISKO] Exactly. And you know what? Les Miserables isn't about the
policeman. It's about Valjean, the victim of a monstrous injustice who
spends his entire life helping people, making noble sacrifices for
others. That's how Eddington sees himself. He's Valjean, he's Robin
Hood, he's a romantic, dashing figure, fighting the good fight against
insurmountable odds.
[DAX] The secret life of Michael Eddington. How does it help us?
[SISKO] Eddington is the hero of his own story. That makes me the
villain. And what is it that every hero wants to do?
[DAX] Kill the bad guy.
[SISKO] That's part of it. Heroes only kill when they have to. Eddington
could have killed me back in the refugee camp or when he disabled the
Defiant, but in the best melodramas the villain creates a situation
where the hero is forced to sacrifice himself for the people, for the
cause. One final grand gesture.
[DAX] What are you getting at, Benjamin?
[SISKO] I think it's time for me to become the villain.
[SISKO] Commander, prepare two quantum torpedoes.
Have engineering attach a cargo pod with two hundred kilograms of
trilithium to each torpedo.
[WORF] Yes, sir, but
[SISKO] But what?
[WORF] The extra mass of the cargo pods will make the torpedo less
effective. Maquis Raiders are small and manoeuvrable.
[SISKO] I'm not planning to fire at any ships, Mister Worf. Major, what
is the nearest Maquis colony.
[KIRA] Solosos Three. Less than an hour away.
[SISKO] Helm, set a course for Solosos Three.
[DAX] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] Major, I want you to send the following message on all Maquis
frequencies. To all the members of the Maquis resistance. This is
Captain Sisko of the USS Defiant. In response to the Maquis's use of
biogenic weapons in their recent attacks, I am about to take the
following action. In exactly one hour, I will detonate two quantum
torpedoes that will scatter trilithium resin in the atmosphere of
Solosos Three. I thereby will make the planet uninhabitable to all
human life for the next fifty years. I suggest evacuation plans begin
immediately. What are you waiting for, people? Carry out your orders.
(Later, orbiting Solosos Three.)
[WORF] Set torpedo targets to fifty kilometres above ground level.
[CREWWOMAN] Aye, sir.
[WORF] Lock. Ready, Captain.
[SISKO] Time?
[KIRA] One minute left. And still no transport ship activity or any
other sign that they're beginning to evacuate.
[SISKO] Commander Worf, prepare to fire torpedoes on my mark.
[WORF] Detach safeties on torpedoes one and two.
[KIRA] Incoming message. It's Eddington.
[EDDINGTON] (hologram) What are you really up to, Javert? Do you expect
me to believe that a decorated Starfleet officer, the pride of the
service, is going to poison an entire planet?
[SISKO] That's exactly what I'm going to do.
[EDDINGTON] You're bluffing.
[SISKO] Am I? Commander, launch torpedoes. Commander, I said launch
[WORF] Aye, sir.
(Two lights impact the atmosphere, and it starts turning yellow.)
[KIRA] The trilithium resin is dissipating throughout the biosphere. The
Maquis are scrambling their transport ships. They're starting to
[EDDINGTON] Do you realise what you've done?
[SISKO] I've only just begun. I'm going to eliminate every Maquis colony
in the DMZ.
[EDDINGTON] You're talking about turning hundreds of thousands of people
into homeless refugees.
[SISKO] That's right. When you attacked the Malinche you proved one
thing, that the Maquis have become an intolerable threat to the
security of the Federation, and I am going intend to eliminate that
[EDDINGTON] But think about those people you saw in the caves, huddled
and starving. They didn't attack the Malinche.
[SISKO] You should have thought about that before you attacked a
Federation starship.
(Sisko turns his back on the Eddington hologram)
[SISKO] Helm, lay in a course for Tracken Two, warp six. Commander,
prepare two more torpedoes.
[NOG] Engine Room, bridge. Warp six.
[DAX] Set course zero five zero mark one seven nine.
[WORF] Unlock safeties on torpedoes three and four.
[EDDINGTON] Can't you see what's happening to you? You're going against
everything you claim to believe in, and for what? To satisfy a personal
[SISKO] You betrayed your uniform!
[EDDINGTON] And you're betraying yours right now! The sad part is, you
don't even realise it. I feel sorry for you, Captain. This obsession
with me, look what it's cost you.
[SISKO] Major, shut that thing off! Commander Worf, prepare to launch
[EDDINGTON] Wait! If you call off your attack I'll turn over all our
biogenic weapons.
[SISKO] Not enough.
[EDDINGTON] All right, Javert. I'll give you what you want. Me.
(Transmission ends)
Captain's log, supplemental. Resettlement efforts
in the DMZ are underway. The Cardassian and Maquis colonists who were
forced to abandon their homes will make new lives for themselves on the
planets their counterparts evacuated. The balance in the region will be
restored, though the situation remains far from stable.
[ODO] Captain. Commander. Welcome home.
[SISKO] It's good to be back.
[ODO] I gather your trip was productive?
(Eddington is escorted out of the Defiant.)
[SISKO] Constable.
[ODO] This way.
(Odo takes Eddington away)
[DAX] Benjamin, I'm curious. Your plan to poison the Maquis planets. You
didn't clear it with Starfleet first, did you.
[SISKO] I knew I'd forgotten to do something.
[DAX] Big gamble.
[SISKO] That's what it takes to be a good villain.
[DAX] You know, sometimes I like it when the bad guy wins. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e108", "title": "For The Uniform"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - In Purgatory's Shadow
Purgatory's Shadow
Original Airdate: 10 Feb, 1997
memory of Derek Garth
(Odo's quarters)
(Kira carries in a box.)
[KIRA] Where do you want me to put this?
[ODO] Wherever you can find room.
[KIRA] I bet you can't wait to get all this put together so you can
start shape-shifting around the room again.
[ODO] I suppose. Though I did enjoy sleeping in a bed.
[KIRA] There's nothing to stop you from sleeping in a bed if you want
[ODO] Except that now when I'm asleep I tend to revert to my gelatinous
state and slide onto the floor. No, the bed goes. I'm a changeling, not
a solid. There's no use pretending otherwise.
[KIRA] I guess we can put all this in storage. What about these PADDS?
Finding and Winning your Perfect Mate by Doctor Jennings Rain?
[ODO] I'll take that. I thought I was going to be a humanoid for the
rest of my life. There were certain things
[KIRA] You don't have to explain, Odo.
[ODO] I only read the first three chapters.
[KIRA] Maybe you should finish it.
[ODO] Why waste my time? Romance is for solids.
[KIRA] You are a solid, eighteen hours a day. I'm sure there are plenty
of woman on this station who would be very interested in you if you
gave them a chance.
[ODO] I'll keep that in mind, Major. Right now I'd be satisfied just
getting this room in order.
[DAX (OC)] Dax to Kira and Odo.
[ODO] Go ahead, Commander.
[DAX (OC)] There's something we'd like you to take a look at in Ops.
[KIRA] We're on our way.
[SISKO] One of our listening posts in the Gamma
Quadrant picked this up a few minutes ago.
[DAX] It looks like a Cardassian military code, but the computer doesn't
recognise it.
[KIRA] Oh, it's Cardassian all right. But I didn't think there were any
Cardassians in the Gamma Quadrant.
[SISKO] None that we know of.
[ODO] Not Elgol-red or Fifth Order military encryption.
[KIRA] Try courier code five nine.
[ODO] Strange. Most Cardassian codes use a recursive encryption
algorithm, but this has a completely different coding system.
[KIRA] Bajoran Intelligence has a lot of experience breaking Cardassian
codes. Why don't you send it to them?
[DAX] We did, as soon as it came in. We still haven't heard from them.
[ODO] It might take some time.
[SISKO] If someone's sending coded Cardassian messages from the Gamma
Quadrant, I want to know what they're saying. Now.
[ODO] We do have an expert in Cardassian codes living on the station.
[SISKO] You're right. Dax, get me Mister Garak.
(A woman has been greeting Bashir, who is sitting
with Tora Ziyal.)
[BASHIR] It's good to see you again, Carrie.
[GARAK] I'm sorry for the interruption.
[ZIYAL] Well, how did it go?
[GARAK] I'm afraid I disappointed them. I think they were hoping that
message they picked up would contain the key to defeating the Dominion.
You should've seen the looks on their faces when I explained to them
that it was a five-year old planetary survey report.
[BASHIR] A planetary survey report?
[GARAK] That's the look exactly.
[BASHIR] I would have thought you'd be a little disappointed, too. After
all, it could have been from one of the survivors of the Cardassian
fleet that was lost in the Gamma Quadrant.
[GARAK] Oh, I'd given up hope of ever finding any trace of them long
[ZIYAL] Really? I never saw you as the giving up type.
[GARAK] There comes a time when one must face reality, my dear. Those
people are gone and are never coming back. Well, my young friends, I'd
like to stay here and chat all day, but I have dresses to make,
trousers to mend. It's a full life, if a trifle banal. And do tell
Captain Sisko that I'd be more than happy to decode any Cardassian
laundry lists that come across his desk. My dear.
(Garak leaves.)
[ZIYAL] My father would be furious to hear me say this, but there's
something about Garak I find fascinating.
[BASHIR] Yes, he has his moments.
(Garak breaks into a docked ship.)
(Bashir is waiting for him with a phaser.)
[BASHIR] Going somewhere?
[GARAK] I really must remember to stop underestimating you, Doctor. How
did you know?
[BASHIR] You mean that you were lying about the contents of the message?
You said you'd given up on the Cardassian survivors who were lost in
the Gamma Quadrant. Well, Ziyal was right. You're not the giving up
[GARAK] Very good, Doctor. You've come a long way from the naive young
man I met five years ago. You've become distrustful and suspicious. It
suits you.
[BASHIR] I had a good teacher. What did the message really say, Garak?
[GARAK] It was a call for help from Enabran Tain.
[BASHIR] Tain? But you said you'd seen his ship destroyed by the
[GARAK] I did. But Enabran Tain was the head of the Obsidian order for
twenty years. If he can survive that, he can survive anything. I have
to find him, Doctor. I owe it to him.
[BASHIR] You don't owe Tain anything. He had you exiled from Cardassia.
[GARAK] Yes, but aside from that, we were very close. He was my mentor,
and I'm not going to turn my back on him. If it'll make you feel
better, you can come with me. All you have to do is come up with an
excuse why you need the runabout and we could leave immediately.
[BASHIR] So let me get this straight. You want me to lie to my
commanding officer, violate Starfleet regulations, and go with you on a
mission into the Gamma Quadrant which will probably get us both killed?
[GARAK] I'm ready when you are.
[BASHIR] In that case, let's go. To Captain's Sisko's office.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] How do you know that the message isn't a
fake? That it was really sent by Tain?
[GARAK] The code sequence was personally designed by Tain and myself. No
one else knows it. Now somehow he got that message out, and I have to
follow it back to its source.
[SISKO] Did the message contain any coordinates?
[GARAK] No. Most of it was identification code. The rest was just one
word, alive, repeated over and over again. So it should be easy enough
to triangulate the source. Captain, Tain might not be alone. There
could be others. Troops from the Cardassian-Romulan fleet, survivors
from the Dominion attack on New Bajor, and even crew members from the
Federation ships that disappeared in the Gamma Quadrant. This is a
mission of mercy. You can't ignore it.
[SISKO] I'm still not totally convinced that it's a genuine message. But
I suppose there's only one way to find out.
[BASHIR] Captain, you can't let him go. It's too dangerous.
[GARAK] Your concern is touching, Doctor, but I assure you I can take
care of myself.
[SISKO] Maybe you can, but you're still not going alone.
[GARAK] Doctor, I think you've just volunteered.
[SISKO] Doctor Bashir isn't going anywhere. But I do have someone else
in mind.
(Worf's cabin)
(Worf is sharpening his bat'leth with a laser.)
[DAX] I don't know what makes me angrier, That you agreed to go into the
Gamma Quadrant with Garak or that I had to hear it from Sisko.
[WORF] I was going to tell you.
[DAX] When? On your way out the airlock?
[WORF] A Klingon warrior does not have to explain why he chooses to face
danger, not even to his par'machkai.
[DAX] So in other words, you were afraid I'd make a scene, that I'd
embarrass you. Maybe even cry.
[WORF] You are capable of anything.
[DAX] Don't worry, Worf. I won't be shedding any tears over you.
[WORF] Then you came to wish me a good death in battle.
[DAX] No. I came for these.
(Dax takes some rods out of a drawer.)
[WORF] My Klingon operas.
[DAX] Well, you won't be using them for the next few days. Somebody
might as well enjoy them. What? Something wrong?
[WORF] You have a tendency to misplace things.
[DAX] And you're afraid that I might lose your precious operas?
[WORF] Yes.
[DAX] It's a distinct possibility. If I were you, I'd hurry back. That
is, if you want to keep your collection intact.
(They kiss.)
[DAX] Have a glorious death. Or don't. It's up to you.
(Quark's cafe)
[ZIYAL] The Gamma Quadrant? You can't go to the
Gamma Quadrant.
[GARAK] Oh, I can and I will. I have to.
[ZIYAL] But if something were to happen to you, I don't know what I'd
[GARAK] Oh, I'm sure you could find someone else to eat your meals with.
Not that you'd have to. I fully intend to return.
[ZIYAL] It's not just the meals.
[GARAK] Yes, I know. I'm the only other Cardassian on the station.
[ZIYAL] It's not that either. You know that. It's just that you're
intelligent and cultured and kind.
[GARAK] My dear, you're young, so I realise that you're a poor judge of
[ZIYAL] Why do you always make fun of my feelings for you?
[GARAK] Perhaps because I find them a but misguided.
[ZIYAL] If that's what you think, why do you spend so much time with me?
[GARAK] Because I'm exiled and alone, and a long way from home. And when
I'm with you it doesn't feel so bad.
[ZIYAL] I'm glad I could help.
[GARAK] Ziyal, no matter what happens, no matter how bleak things may
look, I promise you I will come back. You have my word.
[ZIYAL] I believe you.
[DUKAT] Take your hands off her!
(Dukat grabs Garak and leans him over the railing.)
[ZIYAL] Father, no!
[DUKAT] You touch my daughter again, I'll kill you.
[ZIYAL] Father, let him go. Please.
[GARAK] Go ahead, kill me. She'll never forgive you, you know.
[QUARK] Gentlemen! Gentlemen. I don't know what's going on here, but I'm
sure it's no excuse to act like a pair of Klingons.
[DUKAT] I'll act as I please, Ferengi.
[QUARK] Then you'll excuse me while I call security. I'm sure Odo will a
big thrill out of having you locked up in one of his holding cells.
[ZIYAL] Father, please.
[GARAK] Public opinion seems to be running against you. (Dukat pulls him
up again.) You know, I think that actually helped my back.
[QUARK] Let's go, Garak. I'll buy you a drink.
[GARAK] A pleasure as always, my dear. You do have a lovely daughter.
She must take after her mother.
(Garak leaves.)
[ZIYAL] You're wrong about Garak, Father. He's a good man.
[DUKAT] You have no idea how it pains me to hear you say that. It is
good to see you again, Ziyal.
[ZIYAL] It's good to see you, too, Father. What are you doing on the
[DUKAT] Oh, I had a little skirmish with a Klingon battle cruiser. My
ship was damaged, so I came here for repairs and to spend some time
with you. And I can see we have a lot to talk about.
[SISKO] Remember, this is a reconnaissance mission.
You are to avoid Dominion ships at all cost. I want you back in one
[WORF] What about Garak?
[SISKO] I want him back too. I don't suppose I have to tell you to keep
a close eye on him.
[WORF] At the first sign of betrayal, I will kill him. But I promise to
return the body intact.
[SISKO] I assume that's a joke.
[WORF] We'll see.
[WORF] You want me to sponsor your application to
Starfleet Academy?
[GARAK] What do you think?
[WORF] I think it is a bad idea.
[GARAK] I'd write the actual letter myself. I just need you to sign it.
[WORF] Find someone else.
[GARAK] Why? Because I'm a Cardassian? You're a Klingon, Nog is a
Ferengi. Starfleet Academy is a very accepting place.
[WORF] You are not just a Cardassian. You are a spy, an assassin and a
[GARAK] I know I've done some unfortunate things in the past, and I
regret them. That's why I want to join Starfleet. Why I need to join
Starfleet. I'm looking for a fresh start, a way to make up for all the
damage I've done. I need to prove to myself that I can be better than I
am, but I need your help, your support, to start me on my way to
[WORF] If that is how you feel, I will consider your request.
[GARAK] That's all I ask. Frankly, I think I can be quite an asset to
Starfleet. With my extensive experience I could skip the lower ranks
entirely and begin my career as a Commander. Maybe you should suggest
that in your letter? Tell them you'd be honoured to serve under me.
[WORF] Do not play games with me. You have no desire to join Starfleet,
do you?
[GARAK] No, I'm afraid I don't.
[WORF] Then why all of this deception?
[GARAK] Because lying is a skill like any other, and if you want to
maintain a level of excellence, you have to practise constantly.
[WORF] Practise on someone else.
[GARAK] Mister Worf, you're no fun at all.
[WORF] Good.
[DUKAT] Major, you and I have to talk.
[KIRA] Dukat, I've had a busy day. I just want to drink my coffee and
[DUKAT] I left my daughter in your care. You promised me you would look
after her. I trusted you.
[KIRA] Listen, if this is about taking Ziyal to services at the Bajoran
[DUKAT] I'm not talking about exposing her to your backward
superstitions. She's half-Bajoran. That's part of her cultural
heritage. I understand that. I'm talking about Garak.
[KIRA] What about him?
[DUKAT] She's in love with him.
[KIRA] I wouldn't call it love.
[DUKAT] So you've known about this all along, and you've done nothing to
stop it?
[KIRA] She was lonely. The last time I checked, he's the only other
Cardassian living on the station.
[DUKAT] The man is a heartless, cold-blooded killer.
[KIRA] Like I said, he's a Cardassian. Your daughter is a grown woman,
capable of making her own decisions. I'm not fond of Garak, and I may
even think that their friendship is a mistake, but the way I see it,
that's her prerogative.
[DUKAT] You did this on purpose, didn't you?
[KIRA] Did what?
[DUKAT] Allowed my daughter to associate with a man you knew was my
enemy. Stood by while he whispered poison in her ear. And all under the
guise of doing me a favour.
[KIRA] Dukat, let's get one thing straight. I didn't bring Ziyal to the
station for you. I did it for her. Because I knew it'd be better for
her to be here than being a soldier fighting in your private little war
with the Klingons.
[DUKAT] Save your excuses, Major. You've betrayed me, and I promise I
won't forget it.
[KIRA] If that's a threat, I'm not impressed.
[DUKAT] There was a time when Bajorans took Cardassian threats very
[KIRA] Not anymore.
[DUKAT] Good day, Major.
[KIRA] Good day.
[GARAK] I don't see why these runabout replicators
can't provide a more varied menu. I would like to get my hands on that
fellow Earl Grey and tell him a thing or two about tea leaves. We've
just dropped out of warp. Is there something wrong?
[WORF] We can go no further.
[GARAK] What do you mean?
[WORF] My readings indicate the source of that coded signal is deep in
Dominion space. I have strict orders to avoid unnecessary risk. We must
turn back.
[GARAK] Well I certainly don't want to take an unnecessary risk, but our
sensors show no sign of Jem'Hadar warships in this area.
[WORF] True. But the likelihood of contact will increase from this point
on, and my orders were very clear.
[GARAK] But we've come all this way. To turn around without an answer it
seems so un-Klingon.
[WORF] I am also a Starfleet officer.
[GARAK] Why don't we go through this nebula? We can avoid detection and
get light years closer to the source of the transmission.
[WORF] Our shields would be useless in that nebula.
[GARAK] But so would Jem'Hadar sensors. The answer is out there,
Commander. We just have to have the courage to find it. And remember,
it's not just Tain we're looking for. The Maryland, the Proxima, the
Sarajevo. Starfleet ships that have been lost in the Gamma Quadrant for
years, and their crews, brave soldiers, warriors of the Federation
unaccounted for. We owe it to them to do everything in our power to
find them and bring them home. It's the honourable thing to do.
[WORF] You use that word, but you have no idea what it means.
[GARAK] Maybe not, but you do.
[WORF] Setting course for the nebula.
(Into the big purple thing.)
[GARAK] There's a pocket of toh-maire gas ahead.
[WORF] Bringing her to zero three one mark three five five.
[GARAK] Steady as she. Now what could that be?
[WORF] Whatever they are, they are coming straight at us.
(Oops, it's a Jem'Hadar fleet.)
[GARAK] Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.
(Evasive manoeuvres during the break.)
[GARAK] You still haven't lost them.
[WORF] I know that.
[GARAK] There are four more Jem'Hadar ships in close pursuit, and at
least two ahead of us on an intercept course.
[WORF] We must warn the station. There is only one reason for the
Dominion to hide such a large fleet this close to the wormhole.
[GARAK] You think they're planning to attack the Alpha Quadrant?
[WORF] I'm certain of it.
[GARAK] Your message is transmitting, but it's hard to tell if it's
getting through all this interference.
[WORF] We've got to get clear of the nebula.
[GARAK] What happened? We've just come to a dead stop.
[WORF] They have us in a tractor beam.
[GARAK] Re-polarise the hull. Try to shake us loose.
(Four Jem'Hadar beam in)
[GARAK] Ah, are we glad to see you. Could one of you point us in the
direction of the wormhole?
(So Garak gets smacked in the face with a rifle butt.)
[KIRA] I'm telling you, he knows exactly who I am.
Kirayoshi already recognises me.
[DAX] Nerys, the O'Brien's baby is less than a month old. He doesn't
recognise his own fingers.
[KIRA] He spent seven months inside my belly, listening to my heartbeat,
hearing to my voice. There's a connection there.
[KIRA] Every time I walk into the room, he smiles.
[DAX] It's probably gas.
[KIRA] Thanks. You always know just the right thing to say.
[BRIEN] So how's my baby boy?
[KIRA] He recognised me.
[BRIEN] Did he?
[DAX] Hold on. I'm receiving a priority one distress signal from the
Gamma Quadrant. Dax to Sisko. You'd better come out here.
[SISKO] What is it?
[DAX] I've got a message from Worf, but it's badly garbled.
[BRIEN] Maybe I can clean it up. It says Jem'Hadar, and then some
coordinates I can't make out. Build up and then
[SISKO] Go on, Chief.
[BRIEN] It ends with imminent.
[SISKO] Imminent?
[KIRA] We've just lost contact with two of our listening posts in the
Gamma Quadrant.
[DAX] The Dominion. They're coming.
[SISKO] Notify Starfleet Command. Put the station on Yellow Alert. Make
sure everyone knows this is not a drill. Major, I want you to take the
Defiant into the Gamma Quadrant. Locate Mister Worf. Find out what the
hell's going on there.
[KIRA] And if an invasion fleet is on the way?
[SISKO] Then get back here as soon as possible and God help us all.
(Internment centre)
(A sealed area on an asteroid.)
[GARAK] Ah, good. You look like the man in charge. I was just trying to
explain to your colleagues here that this is all an unfortunate
[IKA] Cardassians are all alike. You talk too much.
[WORF] Let him go.
[IKA] I give the orders here. Release me or die.
[GARAK] Worf. Do as he says.
[IKA] This is Internment camp three seven one. You are here because
you are enemies of the Dominion. There is no release, no escape, except
[SISKO] Another listening post has gone dead, and
the one closest to the wormhole is detecting an incoming ship.
[BRIEN] I'm picking up an increase in neutrino levels. Something's
coming through.
[DAX] Shields fully charged.
[BRIEN] Weapons ready.
[DAX] The wormhole's opening.
[SISKO] On screen.
[BRIEN] It's the Defiant.
[DAX] We're being hailed.
[SISKO] Put it through. Major, what have you find?
[KIRA] Trouble.
(Dukat is waiting for Ziyal to leave the shrine)
[ZIYAL] Father, have you been waiting long?
[DUKAT] Not long.
[ZIYAL] You should have come into the Shrine.
[DUKAT] No, I don't think so.
[ZIYAL] So, where would you like to have dinner?
[DUKAT] Forget about dinner. I want you to go to back your quarters and
pack your things. There's a ship leaving for Cardassia in the morning.
I want you on it.
[ZIYAL] You're sending me to Cardassia?
[DUKAT] I've just learned there's a Dominion fleet headed for the
wormhole. This place is not safe any longer.
[ZIYAL] Father, I'm not sure that I want to go.
[DUKAT] Ziyal, there's nothing to discuss. I'm not going to let any harm
come to you. Now, I think you'd better get ready to leave.
(Internment centre)
[GUARD] They have been scanned. They have no weapons
and their identities have been confirmed.
[IKA] Very well. You will be sheltered in barracks six. You are
free to move about the compound. But remember, beyond the atmospheric
dome there is nothing but airless vacuum and barren rock. Leave the
dome, even for an instant, and you die.
[GARAK] We'll keep that in mind.
[IKA] I've been waiting for another Klingon.
(In the central of the association area is a fight ring. Jem'Hadar
versus a Klingon.)
[WORF] General Martok.
(Martok gets thrown. He gets up and hits a light then carries on being
[IKA] Enough. It's over. But for you, it's just beginning.
(The Jem'Hadar leave the prisoners.)
[MARTOK] Do I know you?
(Martok is missing his left eye.)
[WORF] I am Worf, son of Mogh.
[MARTOK] Yes, I've heard of you.
[GARAK] How long have you been here?
[MARTOK] Two years.
[GARAK] Aren't you Klingons supposed to kill yourselves when you're
taken prisoner?
[WORF] Not when there are still enemies to fight.
[MARTOK] Or hope of escape. If you are Worf then you must be Garak. He
said you would come.
(Steel walls, metal bunk beds, two Romulans, one
Breen and someone on a bunk)
[MARTOK] There.
[GARAK] Tain.
[WORF] What is wrong with him?
[MARTOK] It's his heart.
[GARAK] Really. There are many people who'd say he doesn't have one.
[MARTOK] He was convinced that you would come.
[GARAK] He knew I had no choice. Tain. Tain, I'm here.
[TAIN] My message. It got through?
[GARAK] It did.
[TAIN] Where are the others?
[GARAK] There are no others. Just Commander Worf and me.
[TAIN] You allowed yourselves to be taken prisoner? I taught you better
than that. Living on that station has dulled your wits.
[GARAK] That's it? After I've come all this way, after all I've been
through, that's all you have to say to me?
[TAIN] What do you want me to say?
[GARAK] I want you to say thank you, Elim. Your loyalty is most
gratifying. I knew I could count on you.
[TAIN] But I couldn't count on you, could I? All you've done is to doom
us both.
[DUKAT] Sorry I'm late.
[KIRA] What's he doing here?
[DUKAT] Captain Sisko invited me.
[SISKO] A Dominion invasion of the Alpha Quadrant will affect Cardassia
every bit as much as it's going to affect us. Besides, we need all the
help we can get. The Dominion picked a perfect time to invade. The
Cardassian fleet is in shambles, the Romulans are not much better off,
and between the Klingon War and the recent Borg attack,
Starfleet's spread pretty thin.
[KIRA] Then we're going to have our hands full. There're at least fifty
Dominion ships headed our way. For all we know, that could be just the
first wave.
[DAX] How soon can we expect reinforcements to get here?
[SISKO] At maximum warp, two days.
[KIRA] Not soon enough.
[BRIEN] What help can we expect from Cardassia?
[DUKAT] My ship and my crew are at your disposal.
[BASHIR] One ship. Things are looking brighter.
[SISKO] Right now, there's no way we can beat the Dominion. Our only
hope is to prevent their fleet from entering the Alpha Quadrant.
[KIRA] You're going to destroy the wormhole?
[SISKO] It's always been a final option. I'd hoped to never use it.
[KIRA] But the Celestial Temple, the Prophets
SISKO Professor Kahn of the Trill Science Ministry has come up with a
way to seal the wormhole without damaging it or harming the Prophets.
[KIRA] But Bajor will be cut off from the Celestial Temple.
[SISKO] History has shown whenever the Prophets want to communicate with
Bajor, they find a way.
[KIRA] But
[SISKO] It's either that or Bajor becomes the first Dominion target.
[BRIEN] We'll have to remodulate the deflector grid frequencies and
rig a phase-conjugate graviton beam.
[SISKO] You and Dax start working immediately.
[DAX] What about Worf?
[ODO] If we close the wormhole, he and Garak will be trapped in the
Gamma Quadrant.
[DUKAT] Casualties of war.
[SISKO] They have thirty six hours to find their way home. Let's hope
they can make it. Dismissed.
[MARTOK] Before this asteroid was converted into a
prison, the Dominion used to mine ultritium here. There was no dome.
Each of these barracks had its own life support system embedded in the
[GARAK] And Tain was able to modify that life support system and create
a subspace transmitter?
[MARTOK] Yes. There's a crawl space just behind those panels. He spent
hours in there working every day for months on end. Cardassians.
They're clever people. Especially that one. But in just a few days at
best, he'll be dead.
[WORF] Then it is up to us to be clever.
[ROMULAN] (woman) They're releasing him from isolation.
[MARTOK] Good.
[WORF] Who?
[MARTOK] A friend.
(Martok and the Romulans leave, Worf and Garak follow)
(Internment centre)
[GUARD] Move!
(A Federation officer in old style Starfleet blue uniform is thrown out
into the light. Doctor Julian Bashir.)
(Bashir uses a sharp piece of metal to draw his
blood. It stays red.)
[BASHIR] B negative, in case you were wondering.
[MARTOK] Well, it appears we are all who we seem to be.
[WORF] If the blood screenings can be trusted.
[BASHIR] It's all we've got.
[GARAK] What about the others? Have they been tested?
[BASHIR] Everyone except that Breen. No blood.
[GARAK] When were you brought here?
[BASHIR] Over a month ago. I was attending a burn treatment conference
on Meezan Four. I went to bed one night and woke up here.
[MARTOK] The same thing happened to me, except I was hunting sabre bear
out on Kang's Summit. Little did I know I was being stalked as well.
And now I'm told the changeling that replaced me has caused the death
of countless Klingons. It is a grave dishonour.
[WORF] You are not to blame.
[BASHIR] I can only imagine what my replacement is up to on the station.
[WORF] We must escape and warn Captain Sisko before that changeling
carries out his mission.
[BRIEN] Creating a precisely modulated graviton
field to seal the wormhole isn't going to be as easy as Lenara thought.
[DAX] She was always a lot stronger on theory than execution. But we'll
get it.
[BASHIR 2] I'm sure you will.
[BRIEN] Julian. What are you doing up this early?
(The changeling Doctor has brought a tray.)
[BASHIR 2] You've been working for sixteen hours straight. I thought you
could do with some sandwiches.
[DAX] That's very thoughtful.
[BRIEN] You're a gentleman and a scholar.
[BASHIR 2] Truer words were never spoken. Oh, if you need anything,
anything at all, let me know.
[DUKAT] Ah, it's about time. You almost missed your
transport. Where's your baggage? Never mind. I'll have it sent to you.
[ZIYAL] That won't be necessary, Father. I'm not leaving.
[DUKAT] Ziyal, I know we haven't spent much time together, but I think
you know me well enough to realise that when I give an order, I expect
to be obeyed.
[ZIYAL] I'm not one of your soldiers.
[DUKAT] No, you're my daughter.
[ZIYAL] I'm Tora Naprem's daughter too. I'm half Bajoran. I don't belong
on Cardassia. You know I will never be accepted there.
[DUKAT] Ziyal, you have to trust me. Things are going to change on
[ZIYAL] What things?
[DUKAT] I don't have time to explain. You're leaving now.
[ZIYAL] I can't go.
[DUKAT] It's him, isn't it? That despicable tailor. You don't want to
leave because you're waiting for him?
[ZIYAL] Garak promised me that he would come back.
[DUKAT] Listen to me, Ziyal. He's never coming back. He's probably dead
already, and even if he isn't, the Federation is going to seal the
wormhole. Garak will be trapped on the other side.
[ZIYAL] He made a promise and so did I. I said I would wait for him and
I will.
[DUKAT] Is a promise to an enemy of your family more important than
obeying your father? (silence) So be it. Stay here if that's what you
want. Stay here and be damned.
(Internment centre)
[GARAK] I should never have come here. I should have
let that monster die forgotten and alone.
[BASHIR] Frankly, I'm glad you came. Misery loves company.
[GARAK] All my life I've done nothing but try to please that man. I let
him mold me, let him turn me into a mirror image of himself, and how
did he repay me? With exile. But I forgave him. And here, in the end, I
thought maybe, just maybe, he could forgive me.
[BASHIR] From what I've seen of him over the last month, he doesn't come
across as the forgiving type.
[GARAK] I've been a fool. Let this be a lesson to you, Doctor, perhaps
the most valuable one I can ever teach you. Sentiment is the greatest
weakness of all.
[BASHIR] If that's true, it's a lesson I'd rather no learn.
[MARTOK] I thought you might want to know. If you wish to speak to Tain
do it now, before it's too late.
[TAIN] Elim? Elim, is that you?
[GARAK] It's me.
[TAIN] Everything's gone dark. I can't see you. Are you alone?
[GARAK] Yes. There's no one else but you and me.
(Liar, Bashir is there.)
[TAIN] Surjak, Memad, Brun. They can't be trusted. They must be dealt
[GARAK] I've already taken care of it.
[TAIN] What about Gul Vorlem? Were you been able to contact him?
[GARAK] Years ago.
[TAIN] The Romulan ambassador?
[GARAK] he's gone. All your enemies are dead.
[TAIN] Good. A man shouldn't allow his enemies to outlive him.
[GARAK] Then you can die happy. Unless you still consider me your enemy.
[TAIN] Elim, promise me one thing.
[GARAK] I'm listening.
[TAIN] Don't die here. Escape. Live.
[GARAK] Let me guess. So I can make the Dominion pay for what they've
done to you.
[TAIN] You wouldn't deny an old man his revenge, would you?
[GARAK] I'll do as you ask on one condition. That you don't ask me this
favour as a mentor, or a superior officer, but as a father asking his
[TAIN] You're not my son.
[GARAK] Father. Father, you're dying. For once in your life, speak the
[TAIN] I should have killed your mother before you were born. You have
always been a weakness I can't afford.
[GARAK] So you've told me, many times. Listen, Enabran. All I ask is
that for this moment, let me be your son.
[TAIN] Elim, remember that day in the country? You must have been almost
[GARAK] How can I forget it? It was the only day.
[TAIN] I can still see you on the back of that riding hound. You must
have fallen off a dozen times but you never gave up.
[GARAK] I remember limping home. You held my hand.
[TAIN] I was very proud of you that day.
(Tain dies.)
[BASHIR] Garak.
(Garak covers Tain's face, and Worf and Martok enter.)
[GARAK] Gentlemen, I don't know about you, but my business here is done.
[WORF] Then I suggest we find a way out of here.
Captain's log, supplemental. A full scale Dominion
invasion appears imminent. Still, I remain confident in my crew's
ability to face this crisis as they have so many others, with
dedication and with courage.
[KIRA] Our last listening post in the Gamma Quadrant
just went dead.
[DAX] That one was right on the other side of the wormhole.
[SISKO] Which means the Dominion fleet is minutes away. Chief?
[BRIEN] Nearly ready.
[DAX] Worf.
[BASHIR 2] Is a Klingon warrior. He'd understand.
[KIRA] Neutrino levels in the wormhole are rising.
[SISKO] If we're going to do this, it's got to be now.
[BRIEN] Ready.
[BASHIR 2] Here goes nothing.
[SISKO] Activate graviton emitters.
[KIRA] May the Prophets forgive us.
(Three beams go from DS9 to the wormhole, and it opens. Then a panel in
the pit explodes. The beams stutter.)
[DAX] We're losing it.
(The beams go out and the wormhole closes.)
[SISKO] What happened?
[BRIEN] Someone sabotaged the emitter array.
[KIRA] Captain, the wormhole's opening.
(WHOOSH - and out come the Jem'Hadar fleet.)
[SISKO] Battle stations.
To Be Continued... | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e109", "title": "In Purgatory's Shadow"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - By Inferno's Light
Inferno's Light
Original Airdate: 17 Feb, 1997
time on Star Trek Deep Space Nine.
[SISKO] One of our listening posts in the Gamma
Quadrant picked this up a few minutes ago.
[DAX] It looks like a Cardassian military code, but the computer doesn't
recognise it.
[GARAK] It was a call for help from Enabran Tain.
[WORF] We must warn the station. There is only one reason for the
Dominion to hide such a large fleet this close to the wormhole.
[GARAK] You think they're planning to attack the Alpha Quadrant?
[SISKO] There's no way we can beat the Dominion. Our only hope is to
prevent their fleet from entering the Alpha Quadrant.
[KIRA] You're going to destroy the wormhole?
[DUKAT] You have to trust me. Things are going to change on Cardassia.
[ZIYAL] What things?
[DUKAT] I don't have time to explain. You're leaving now.
[ZIYAL] I can't go.
[DUKAT] It's him, isn't it? That despicable tailor. You don't want to
leave because you're waiting for him?
[IKA] This is Internment camp three seven one. You are here because
you are enemies of the Dominion.
[TAIN] You're not my son.
[GARAK] Father, you're dying. For once in your life, speak the truth.
[WORF] General Martok.
[MARTOK] The changeling that replaced me has caused the death of
countless Klingons. It is a grave dishonour.
[BASHIR] I can only imagine what my replacement is up to on the station.
(They try to destroy the wormhole, but)
[DAX] We're losing it.
[SISKO] What happened?
[BRIEN] Someone sabotaged the emitter array.
(WHOOSH - and out come the Jem'Hadar fleet.)
[SISKO] Battle stations.
And now the conclusion.
[KIRA] Release docking clamps.
[DAX] Clamps released.
[KIRA] Shields up. Power to phasers and quantum torpedoes.
[DAX] Weapons ready.
[KIRA] Bring us around.
(The Defiant is joined by two Runabouts and Dukat's Klingon Bird of
[DAX] Dukat's bird of prey is in position.
[KIRA] Maintain communications blackout. Nobody fires until we have our
orders from Captain Sisko.
[DAX] There sure are a lot of them.
[KIRA] That'll just make it harder for us to miss.
[BRIEN] They're still not responding to our
[SISKO] I think they're trying to intimidate us.
[BRIEN] It's working. I don't believe it. The Dominion ships are
turning away from the station. They're laying in a new course.
[SISKO] Heading?
[BRIEN] Straight for Cardassia.
[DAX] Dukat's ship is breaking formation. He's going
after the Dominion fleet.
[KIRA] Open a channel. Dukat, stop trying to be a hero. Get back to the
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] Your concern is touching, Major, but I think you
misunderstand me. I'm not attacking the Dominion fleet I'm joining it.
[KIRA] What are you talking about?
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] I'm afraid I have a confession to make, Major.
For the past few months, I've been conducting secret negotiations
between the Dominion and Cardassia. And as of last week, Cardassia has
agreed to become part of the Dominion.
[KIRA] You can't be serious.
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] Goodbye, Major. You and I on the same side. It
never seemed quite right, did it?
[KIRA] Lock phasers. open fire.
[DAX] Too late. He's gone.
(The Romulan woman is keeping a watch at the
barrack door.)
[ROMULAN] All clear.
[WORF] The transmitter Tain used to contact the station. Where is it?
(Bashir gets a piece of metal from under Tain's bunk and uses it as a
key to open a lower section of the wall.)
[BASHIR] You have to crawl through that hole and kind of slide your way
up into the wall.
[MARTOK] It took him over a year to modify the old life-support system
into a transmitter.
[WORF] How did he operate it?
[MARTOK] He wired the message and the transmission coordinates directly
into the system circuitry. That way all he had to do was connect the
transmitter to the power grid and let it run.
[WORF] Could the coordinates and the message be changed?
[GARAK] You're planning to contact the runabout.
[WORF] We could activate the transporter and beam ourselves onto the
[BASHIR] And run like hell.
[GARAK] Re-encoding the transmitter won't be easy. We'd have to
reconfigure the array one circuit at a time.
[BASHIR] Can you do it?
[BASHIR] I'm no engineer and neither is Mister Worf here. You, on the
other hand, my dear Mister Garak, are a man of many hidden talents. If
you can't do it, nobody can.
[GARAK] It's nice to feel needed.
[GUARD (OC)] All prisoners assemble immediately. I repeat. All prisoners
assemble immediately.
(Internment centre)
[WORF] Who is that?
[MARTOK] Deyos. The Vorta who runs this camp.
[IKA] No talking.
[BASHIR] Touchy, aren't they?
[DEYOS] All Cardassian prisoners step forward. (seven of them) I am
pleased to announce that the hostilities between our peoples have
ended. As of today, Cardassia has joined the Dominion. Therefore,
you're all being sent home. Congratulations on your new status as
Dominion citizens. Not you, Mister Garak.
[GARAK] Excuse me?
[DEYOS] You're staying.
[GARAK] Well there must be some of misunderstanding. The last time I
checked, I was a Cardassian.
[DEYOS] But not a very popular one, I'm afraid. At least not with the
head of the new Cardassian government.
[GARAK] And who would that be?
[DEYOS] Gul Dukat.
[DUKAT] (on viewscreen) You might ask, should we
fear joining the Dominion? And I answer you, not in the least. We
should embrace the opportunity. The Dominion recognises us for what we
[DUKAT] (on monitor) The true leaders of the Alpha
Quadrant. And now that we are joined together, equal partners in all
endeavours, the only people with anything to fear will be our enemies.
My oldest son's birthday is in five days. To him and to Cardassians
everywhere, I make the following pledge. By the time his birthday
dawns, there will not be a single Klingon alive inside Cardassian
territory or a single Maquis colony left within our borders. Cardassia
will be made whole. All that we have lost will be ours again, and
anyone who stands in our way will be destroyed. This I vow with my
life's blood. For my son, for all our sons.
[DAX] Somebody tell me this is a bad dream.
[SISKO] It's no dream.
[KIRA] Well, I've got a vow to make too. Next time I see Dukat I'm going
to kill him.
[SISKO] Right now we have a more immediate concern. Such as who
sabotaged our graviton emitters?
[BRIEN] I don't know who it was, but they did a pretty thorough job.
The emitters had the exact opposite effect to what we'd intended. They
were supposed to collapse the wormhole's spatial matrix and close it
forever. Instead, they made the matrix even more stable. Not even
trilithium explosives could destroy it now.
[DAX] So the Dominion can send reinforcements through the wormhole
whenever they want.
[BASHIR 2] Looks like it's time for another round of blood screenings.
Obviously we have a changeling infiltrator on the station.
[DAX] What makes you think it's a changeling?
[BASHIR 2] That's who I'd send.
[KIRA] I think Julian's right. Odo tells me that a Bajoran maintenance
engineers has been missing ever since the Dominion fleet arrived in the
Alpha Quadrant.
[BASHIR 2] And if that was our changeling, he's either gone or assumed a
new identity.
[SISKO] We can't afford to take any chances. I want blood screenings and
phaser sweeps. If he's out there, we've got to find him.
[MARTOK] He's taking too much time.
[BASHIR] How long has he been in there?
[WORF] Close to an hour.
[BASHIR] Garak? How's it coming along?
[GARAK] I only wish I were still a member of the
Obsidian Order. This would make a wonderful interrogation chamber.
Tight quarters, no air, bad lighting, random electric shocks. It's
[BASHIR (OC)] Sounds like you're enjoying yourself.
[GARAK] If you'd like, I'd happily trade places with you.
[BASHIR] I suppose you could give me a crash course
in Cardassian field engineering. I should be ready to take over from
you in what, five or six weeks?
[ROMULAN] Visitors.
[BASHIR] Quiet.
(They close up the wall just before the Jem'Hadar enter.)
[IKA] It's time.
[WORF] I am ready.
[IKA] I've been looking forward to this.
[WORF] So have I.
(Worf, Martok and the Jem'Hadar leave.)
[BASHIR] Give me a hand.
(The male Romulan helps move the bunk.)
[BASHIR] Hold on, Garak.
[ROMULAN] Wait. The guards are still too close.
[BASHIR] Just a little while longer, Garak.
(Internment centre)
(Worf is in the ring, preparing to fight, and
Martok is his second.)
[WORF] I thought I would be fighting Ikat'ika.
[MARTOK] I would not be so eager if I were you. This (his missing eye)
is his handiwork.
[WORF] He has much to answer for.
[MARTOK] His time will come. Now remember, every time you hit the
ground, you must touch one of those posts or else you forfeit the
[IKA] Today, we train against a worthy adversary. Observe, analyse,
remember. Soon we will face his people in combat. The lessons you learn
here will ensure victory. Victory is life.
[HADAR] Victory is life.
[IKA] Begin.
(Worf is the first to hit the floor, but he soon gets his own back.)
[BASHIR] Come on.
(Finally the guard walks away to watch the match.)
[ROMULAN] Clear.
(Bashir opens the panel and Garak is quickly out.)
[GARAK] That was thoroughly unpleasant.
[BASHIR] Are you all right?
[GARAK] I am fine. It's just much hotter in there than I thought. I got
a little lightheaded. Give me a minute and I'll go back in there.
[BASHIR] No, you need more than a minute. Your pulse is racing. I don't
want to think about your blood pressure. Maybe you should wait until
[GARAK] Do you want to get off this hellhole or not?
[BASHIR] You know I do.
[GARAK] Then let me get back to work.
[BASHIR] Rest for five minutes. And from here on in you can take a
fifteen minute break every hour. Doctor's orders.
(Internment centre)
(Worf finally pummels his opponent into the
[WORF] Was that the best you have to offer?
[IKA] He was our youngest and least experienced. I promise your
next opponent will provide more of a challenge.
(Promenade - upper level)
[KIRA] The view's even better from upper pylon two.
[ZIYAL] I keep hoping the wormhole will open, that Garak's runabout will
come through and everything will be all right again.
[KIRA] Maybe it will.
[ZIYAL] My father says Garak's dead.
[KIRA] Right now I wouldn't believe your father if he said rain was wet.
[ZIYAL] I used to think my father was a hero. That even when he did
something bad, he had a good reason.
[KIRA] Everyone has their reasons. That's what's so frightening. People
can find a way to justify any action, no matter how evil.
[ZIYAL] You think my father is evil?
[KIRA] I think you can't judge people by what they think or say, only by
what they do.
Captain's log, stardate 50564.2. A large contingent
of Klingon warships has arrived from Cardassian space, but its
intentions, at least for the moment, remain unclear.
[BRIEN] We're being hailed.
[DAX] It's Chancellor Gowron. He's requesting permission to dock.
They've got wounded.
[SISKO] Permission granted. I have the feeling the Klingons' war against
the Cardassians has taken a turn for the worse.
(The fake Bashir treats a burn on the Chancellor's
[GOWRON] This is a dark day, not only for the Klingon Empire, but for
the Alpha Quadrant itself.
[SISKO] So what are we going to do about it?
[GOWRON] I will do what must be done. Fall back. Pull my forces out of
Cardassian space, fortify the Klingon Empire and prepare for a fight to
the death.
[SISKO] Maybe there's a better way.
(Sisko offers a PADD.)
[GOWRON] The Khitomer Accords? The treaty between the Federation and the
Klingon Empire is dead.
[SISKO] But we can bring it back to life again. This is the most
fortified position between here and the Klingon Empire. There will be a
Starfleet task force will be here soon. If you could bring your fleet
[GOWRON] Then we could stand united against the Dominion. And if we do
[BASHIR 2] We might have a chance.
(Gowron puts his thumbprint on the Accords.)
[GOWRON] Think of it. Five years ago no one had ever heard of Bajor or
Deep Space Nine, and now all our hopes rest here. Where the tides of
fortune take us, no man can know.
[SISKO] They're tricky, those tides.
(Runabout Yukon)
(Fake Bashir is working on a panel)
(Internment centre)
(It's another match, another opponent for Worf. He
snaps the Jem'Hadar's neck and howls in victory.)
[MARTOK] Five matches and five victories. You truly have the spirit of
Kahless within you.
[IKA] Until tomorrow.
[WORF] I'll be waiting!
[BASHIR] You've got three broken ribs, maybe four.
[WORF] They will heal.
[BASHIR] Not if you keep fighting, they won't. You're lucky you didn't
puncture a lung. A body, even a Klingon body, can only take so much
[WORF] I will fight.
[MARTOK] It is the only honourable thing to do.
[BASHIR] He'll lose. And in this condition, he might even die.
[WORF] Then I will die. But I will not yield.
[MARTOK] You heard him. Bandage his ribs.
(The fibreoptic strands Garak is using as a light
source are flickering.)
[GARAK] I'm sorry, but that's absolutely unacceptable. I'm under enough
strain as it is, I can't have you quitting on me. Get a hold of
yourself, Garak. After all, you haven't had one of these attacks in
years. Yes, this is a tight enclosed space. Yes, there's not a lot of
room to move. But a disciplined mind does not allow itself to be
sidetracked by niggling psychological disorders like claustrophobia.
Besides, this isn't like Tzenketh. The walls won't collapse in on you.
Your friends are near by, there's plenty of air, so there's nothing to
be concerned about. Focus on the job. You're the only person who can
contact the runabout. People are depending on you. Ziyal is depending
on you. You promised her you'd come back, and that young lady has had
quite enough disappointments in her life without you adding to them, so
control yourself. You're stronger than this. A disciplined mind
(And the light goes out)
[BASHIR] I'm afraid that's the best I can do. Does
it feel any better?
[WORF] Much better.
[BASHIR] You're not a very good liar, Mister Worf.
(Bang, thump, thump.)
[MARTOK] What was that?
[WORF] It's coming from inside the wall.
[BASHIR] Garak.
[MARTOK] How long has he been in there?
[BASHIR] About half an hour. Garak? Garak, what is it?
[MARTOK] Tell him to stop before they hear him.
[BASHIR] Garak, the panel's open now. You can come out. We've got to get
him out of there.
[BASHIR] Garak. Garak, you have to stop. You're
making too much noise. Garak. Garak.
[GARAK] The light. The light went out.
[BASHIR] I know. Come on. I think you can take your break a little
(Garak is put to bed, eyes staring.)
[BASHIR] It would appear that he suffers from an acute form of
claustrophobia. It's a wonder that he lasted as long as he did.
[WORF] Then one of us will have to finish reconfiguring the transmitter.
[BASHIR] And who would you suggest could do that? (silence) Exactly.
[MARTOK] If Garak can't contact the runabout, we're not going anywhere.
[DAX] The last of Gowron's ships have arrived.
[BRIEN] I'll have a repair crew get to work on them right away.
[SISKO] Any word from Starfleet?
[DAX] Admiral Gilhouly's task force is less than four light years away.
[SISKO] I'll feel a lot better when they get here.
[BRIEN] You're not the only one.
[KIRA] Captain.
[SISKO] Yes, Major.
[KIRA] I just talked to Odo. Someone overrode the security blocks on the
industrial replicator on level seventeen.
[SISKO] Sounds like our saboteur. Did they catch him?
[KIRA] No such luck.
[DAX] Do they know what he replicated?
[KIRA] He wiped the memory core.
[SISKO] Tell Odo I want all security details to pull double shifts as of
now. If he wants more men, have him talk to Gowron. I'm sure the
Chancellor will be willing to assign some Klingon troops to guard key
[KIRA] Klingons helping to protect Deep Space Nine. What an interesting
[SISKO] These are interesting times, Major.
[DAX] Captain, incoming message. It's Gul Dukat.
[SISKO] In my office.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Dukat.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Please, Captain. Show a little respect. You are
talking to the head of the Cardassian government.
[SISKO] I don't recognise that government.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Your recognition is irrelevant.
[SISKO] Well, if that's what you think, why are we having this
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Because the fact is, Captain, I feel a certain
obligation toward you. After all, I freely admit you saved my life on
more than one occasion.
[SISKO] Don't remind me.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Oh, no, you should be glad you did. Because now I'm
going to return the favour and give you a chance to save your precious
Federation. All you have to do is convince them to follow Cardassia's
[SISKO] You expect us to join the Dominion?
[DUKAT (on monitor)] I expect you to behave rationally. Joining the
Dominion will save billions of lives and keep the Federation from
fading into the mists of history.
[SISKO] By allowing it to exist under Dominion rule? No thank you.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] I'm afraid you'll like the alternative even less.
[SISKO] Dukat, if you have something to say to me, say it.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Then I'll make it simple then A few days ago, I
swore all Cardassia had lost would be regained. That space station
you're so fond of was built by Cardassia.
[SISKO] Funny, I thought it was built by Bajoran slave labour.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Either surrender the station, or I'll take it by
force. The choice is yours.
[SISKO] If you want to retake this station, Dukat, you are welcome to
[MARTOK] Seven battles and seven victories. What
hero of legend have done as well?
[WORF] Heroes of legends don't ache so much.
[MARTOK] Your Federation friends have taught you modesty, but this is no
time for modesty. When we return to the Klingon Empire, I will seek out
Keedera himself and tell him of your glorious tale. He will write a
song worthy of you.
[BASHIR] Well, be sure to send me a copy.
[MARTOK] I'll do better than that. I can make sure that he mentions you,
the healer who bound the warrior's wounds so he could fight again.
[WORF] Right now, the only part of the song that I wish to hear is the
verse that tells of our escape. What good is defeating every Jem'Hadar
soldier in this compound if it does not bring us closer to our freedom?
[BASHIR] We have to come up with a new escape plan.
[GARAK] That won't be necessary. The original one will work. I just have
to finish what I started. After all, a verse about the Cardassian who
panicked in the face of danger would ruin General Martok's song.
[MARTOK] And would be unfortunate.
[GARAK] Now, if you'll excuse me, my dungeon awaits.
[MARTOK] There is no greater enemy than one's own fears.
[WORF] It takes a brave man to face them.
[BASHIR 2] What can I do for you, Chief?
[BRIEN] Wasn't Lieutenant Japar brought in here?
[BASHIR 2] The Klingon engineer? You just missed him. The plasma burns
weren't as bad as they looked.
[BRIEN] I'd better go find him. I can't make head nor tail of the
power relay systems on his bird of prey. We're never going to get all
these Klingon ships up and running.
[BASHIR 2] I have every confidence in you, Chief.
[BRIEN] Ah, that makes all the difference then, doesn't it.
[BASHIR 2] How are Keiko and the kids?
[BRIEN] They made it safely to Bajor, but I'm worried about Molly.
She's getting old enough to know when something's wrong. I think she's
[BASHIR 2] Well, it's only natural. It'll pass. Oh, by the way, I
ordered two new sets of those new duridium alloy darts I told you
about. They should be here next week.
[BRIEN] Darts? We're facing a major interstellar war and you're
thinking about darts?
[BASHIR 2] Well, life must go on. Besides, I have a feeling things are
going to turn out for the best.
[BRIEN] I hope you're right.
(Quark's cafe)
[QUARK] Your asparagus with yamok sauce. The last of
my fresh asparagus, I might add. Not that I'll need to stock it
anymore. Somehow I get the feeling there won't be much of a demand for
human food once the Jem'Hadar have finished with this place.
[ZIYAL] Aren't you being a little pessimistic?
[QUARK] Am I? The Jem'Hadar don't eat, don't drink, and they don't have
sex. And if that wasn't bad enough, the Founders don't eat and don't
drink, and they don't have sex either. Which, between you and me, makes
my financial future less than promising.
[ZIYAL] It might not be so bad. For all we know the Vorta could be
gluttonous, alcoholic sex maniacs.
[QUARK] I never thought of that. I wonder what their favourite food is?
[SISKO] Good news. The Starfleet task force under
Admiral Gilhouly has entered Bajoran space.
[KIRA] Hope they know what they're in for.
(Internment centre)
[WORF] First they demand we come out here, then they
make us wait.
[MARTOK] They are worthy fighters, but they have no sense of honour.
(The Vorta has arrived.)
[WORF] Is there no Jem'Hadar willing to face me?
[DEYOS] Fascinating. Even after all he's been through, the Klingon still
thirsts for battle. Doesn't he ever tire of it?
[IKA] I never do.
[DEYOS] You fight because that is what you were designed to do. All that
motivates him is some barbaric sense of honour.
[IKA] And that is something you will never understand. Prepare
yourself. I've found you a worthy opponent.
[WORF] Where is he?
[IKA] Right in front of you. Victory is life.
[WORF] Today is a good day to die.
(The lady Romulan is keeping a lookout, as the
Breen sits and Bashir worries.)
[GARAK] Tain, I don't know if you can hear me, but
if you can I just want you to know you may not have been much of a
father, but I really wish you were alive right now. That way you could
be in here instead of me.
(Internment centre)
(Ikat'ika knocks Worf down, eventually.)
[ROMULAN] Jem'Hadar.
[BASHIR] Can we get him out?
[ROMULAN] No time.
(Three Jem'Hadar enter.)
[HADAR] The Cardassian. Where is he?
[BASHIR] Outside, I suppose.
(Bashir gets knocked down.)
[HADAR] He is not outside.
(The search begins)
[HADAR] Move.
(The Breen stands up.)
[BASHIR] What do you want with him?
[HADAR (OC)] He is to be put to death.
[GUARD] Sir.
(He's found the key to the panel.)
[HADAR] If you wish to live, explain this.
[KIRA] The Bird of Prey Y'tem is in position.
[BRIEN] That's everybody.
[SISKO] Major, Commander, report to the Defiant.
[DAX] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] Good luck.
[KIRA] To all of us.
(Kira and Dax leave.)
[SISKO] Deploy the runabouts.
(Runabout Yukon)
[BRIEN (OC)] Runabout Yukon, prepare for
departure. Runabouts Rio Grande and Volga stand by.
[BASHIR 2] (woman's voice) Yukon ready. Engines engaged.
(The crew are laid out on the floor.)
[BRIEN (OC)] Good luck, Yukon.
[BRIEN] Sir, I'm picking up a large tachyon
buildup, multiple vectors. Ships decloaking.
(Big green meanies appear.)
[SISKO] Romulans.
[BRIEN] They're requesting permission to join the fleet.
[SISKO] I'll be damned. Permission granted.
[KIRA (OC)] Defiant to Ops.
[BRIEN] Go ahead, Major.
[KIRA (OC)] Sensors have just detected Dominion and Cardassian ships
entering Bajoran space. ETA ten minutes.
[HADAR] I'll ask you for the last time. What is
[BASHIR] It's either a self-sealing stem bolt or a reverse ratcheting
router, I'm just not sure.
(The male Romulan is vapourised.)
[HADAR] She is next.
[GUARD] Sir. If you'll allow me?
(He's moved Tain's bunk away from the panel.)
(Garak hears the panel being opened and turns off
the light.)
(Internment centre)
(Worf continues to be pummelled to the ground.)
[MARTOK] Worf, honour has been satisfied. Stay down.
(But Worf gets up)
[DEYOS] Finish this.
(Worf gets knocked down again)
(The soldier peers into the crawlspace.)
[HADAR] What do you see?
[GUARD] I see nothing. It's dark.
(The Breen takes the officer's gun and vapourises him with it. The
guard gets up and kills the Breen as he also gets shot. Meanwhile the
third Jem'Hadar is struggling with the female Romulan. Bashir stabs him
in the neck with the piece of metal.)
[ROMULAN] My people have a saying. Never turn your back on a Breen.
[GARAK] Doctor, would you keep the noise down? I'm
trying to work in here.
[BASHIR (OC)] Garak, how many transtator circuits have you got left?
[GARAK (OC)] Three.
[BASHIR] Well, work fast, because pretty soon we're going to be up to
our necks in Jem'Hadar.
(Internment centre)
(Ikat'ika stops Worf as he crawls to a post.)
[IKA] Enough, Klingon. You have proven your worth.
[MARTOK] Worf, you heard him. Enough.
[WORF] I will not yield.
[DEYOS] What are you waiting for? End this.
[IKA] It's over.
[WORF] It is not over.
[DEYOS] You heard him.
(Worf cannot stand, and Ikat'ika is breathing hard.)
[IKA] I yield.
[DEYOS] You what?
[IKA] I yield. I cannot defeat this Klingon. All I can do is kill
him, and that no longer holds my interest.
[DEYOS] Shoot them both.
[GARAK] Got it.
(Internment centre)
(Just as Ikat'ika is killed, our heroes are beamed
(Garak goes to the pilot's seat and Bashir checks
on Worf.)
[BASHIR] Take him to one of the cabins in the back. I'll be with you as
soon as I can.
[WORF] Garak, you did well.
[GARAK] So did you.
[BASHIR] Take us to maximum warp. We've got to get a message to the
[BRIEN] The Dominion fleet should be in visual
[SISKO] On screen. (empty space) Where are they?
[BRIEN] According to their warp signatures, they should be right
[SISKO] Some kind of cloaking device?
[BRIEN] I didn't know the Dominion had them.
[SISKO] Or the Cardassians, for that matter.
[BRIEN] I'm picking up additional warp signatures bearing one eight
three mark nine seven, two four four mark one two, three oh two mark
one three three.
[KIRA (OC)] Defiant to Ops.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[KIRA] According to our sensor readings, there are
Dominion ships all around us, but we can't see them or get any kind of
targeting lock.
[SISKO] We're reading the same thing.
[BRIEN] They're everywhere.
[DAX] What are your orders, Captain?
[SISKO] Chief, I need targets.
[BRIEN] I'm trying, but I can't get anything. We may have to wait for
them to open fire and then. Captain, I'm receiving a priority one
message from the Gamma Quadrant. It's Doctor Bashir.
[SISKO] Bashir? Computer, locate Doctor Bashir.
[COMPUTER] Doctor Bashir is not on the station.
[SISKO] What was his last known location?
[COMPUTER] Doctor Bashir's last known location was runabout pad E.
[SISKO] Sisko to Defiant.
[KIRA] Go ahead.
[SISKO (OC)] Major, you have new orders. I want you to find the Yukon
and destroy it
[SISKO] At any cost. Is that clear?
[KIRA] Yes, sir. Commander.
[DAX] The Yukon is headed straight for the Bajoran sun.
(Bashir 2 switches on a device on a console when
the ship shakes.)
[DAX] Its shields are holding.
[KIRA] How can that be?
[DAX] Looks like someone's been doing some modifications to the Yukon.
I'm also picking up large amounts of trilithium, tekasite, and
protomatter on board.
[KIRA] A bomb. If it explodes inside the sun
[DAX] It could trigger a supernova. Wipe out the entire fleet, the
[KIRA] And Bajor. We have to use the tractor beams.
[DAX] We're too far away.
[KIRA] Wanna bet? Take us to warp.
[DAX] Inside a solar system?
[KIRA] If we don't, there won't be a solar system left.
(Zoom and they grab the runabout, yanking it away from the sun then
letting go just before it goes KaBOOM.
[BRIEN] The runabout's been destroyed.
[SISKO] If the sun had gone nova, it would have wiped out the Dominion
fleet too. Chief, scan for those warp signatures again.
[BRIEN] Captain
[SISKO] They're gone, aren't they?
[BRIEN] All I'm reading is normal background radiation.
[SISKO] The warp signatures must have been faked. The Dominion's real
fleet never left Cardassian space. This was all an elaborate trap, an
attempt to destroy the station and Bajor and cripple the Federation and
Klingon fleets without ever firing a shot. Tell our friends out there
to stand down. Armageddon will have to wait for another day.
[GARAK] Ziyal? I told you I'd be back.
(She runs into his arms.)
[ZIYAL] I never doubted it.
[BRIEN] Four weeks? Are you telling me I've been
hanging around with a changeling for over a month?
[BASHIR] And you never even suspected it wasn't me?
[BRIEN] No. The worst part is, the clues were right in front of me.
[BASHIR] What clues?
[BRIEN] Well, for one thing, he was a lot easier to get along with.
(While in the surgery section.)
[DAX] So I suppose this means you want your Klingon opera collection
[WORF] Intact.
[DAX] More or less.
(Promenade - upper level)
[GOWRON] Then it's settled. In light of the new
treaty and the continued Dominion threat to the Alpha Quadrant, there
will be a permanent Klingon military presence on this station.
[SISKO] But I choose the commander.
[GOWRON] Agreed.
[SISKO] Mister Worf thinks very highly of you, General.
[MARTOK] I think very highly of him.
[SISKO] Then I can't think of a better man for the job, if you'll take
(Gowron nods.)
[MARTOK] I would be honoured.
[KIRA (OC)] Ops to Sisko.
[SISKO] Sisko here.
[KIRA (OC)] You're receiving an incoming message. It's from Dukat.
(Captain's office)
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Well, Captain, I must
congratulate you. If that protomatter device had gone off inside the
sun, well, the death toll would have been enormous.
[SISKO] And your daughter would've been one of the casualties.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Ziyal made her choice. As far as I'm concerned, she
is no longer my daughter.
[SISKO] You know, Dukat, I thought you'd changed in the last five years.
I see I was wrong.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] One man's villain is another man's hero, Captain.
You should see the monument they're erecting in my honour at the
gateway to the Imperial Plaza.
[SISKO] Is that why you sold out your people to the Dominion? For a
[DUKAT (on monitor)] What I did I did to make Cardassia strong again.
And mark my words, Captain, I succeeded. You may have escaped defeat
this day but tomorrow
[SISKO] We will see about tomorrow.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Yes, we will. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e110", "title": "By Inferno's Light"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Doctor Bashir, I
Bashir, I Presume
Original Airdate: 24 Feb, 1997
[LEETA] (at the dabo table) Okay, that's twelve
spins and not a single dabo so far. The pot is growing and someone's
going to be a big winner.
(We pull away as she gives a little wave to Rom at the bar.)
[ROM] Today's the day, brother. I'm really going to do it this time.
[QUARK] You've been saying that for weeks.
[ROM] I've been waiting for the right moment. And this is it.
[QUARK] Now?
[ROM] It's perfect. She's about to go on her break, and when she does,
she'll come over here to say hi, to me like she always does, and that's
when I'll do it.
[QUARK] Okay, let's hear it.
[ROM] I, er, Leeta, would you like, maybe, to one night, soon, to maybe?
[QUARK] Rom, you're a regular poet.
[ROM] I can do better.
[QUARK] Prove it.
[LEETA] Hi, Rom.
(She stands close, knees slightly bent so they can look straight into
each others eyes better.)
[ROM] Hello, Leeta. Bye.
[LEETA] I must be doing something wrong.
[QUARK] I don't know, Leeta. Maybe he's just not interested in you.
[LEETA] Well, I know he likes me.
[QUARK] Likes you, yes. But he's an engineer, a problem solver. He needs
a woman with a body and brains.
[LEETA] I have brains.
[QUARK] Of course you do, honey. That's why I hired you. Now eat up and
then take those brains back to the dabo wheel where the customers can
get a good long look at them.
[BASHIR] Triple twenty! He's back in the zone today.
[BRIEN] I never really left it. Just been giving you a chance to get
[BASHIR] Thank you, but I don't need your charity. Another game?
[BRIEN] Maybe one. I promised Molly I'd do some colouring with her
this afternoon. With all this attention focused on the baby, I don't
want her to start feeling that we've forgotten about her.
[BASHIR] A father's work is never done.
[BRIEN] You said it. Still, it's worth it. You should give it a try
[BASHIR] Me? No.
[BRIEN] Why not? I bet you'd make a great father.
[BASHIR] I'm not exactly the family type.
[ZIMMERMAN] Doctor Bashir, I presume?
(Everyone say Hi! to Robert
Picardo, this time playing the creator of the Voyager EMH.)
[BASHIR] That's me.
[ZIMMERMAN] I'm Louis Zimmerman, Director of Holographic Imaging and
Programming at the Jupiter Research Station. And I'm here to make you
(Captain's office)
(A ship that looks very like Voyager is leaving the
[ZIMMERMAN] You're familiar, of course, with the Emergency Medical
Holographic Programme?
[SISKO] I've heard of it. It's a hologram designed to provide assistance
during emergencies in Sickbay.
[ZIMMERMAN] It does much more than provide assistance.
[BASHIR] A holographic doctor can literally replace a starship's medical
officer during an emergency.
[ZIMMERMAN] I'm surprised you don't have one on the station.
[SISKO] The station facilities are Cardassian in origin. Most of our
equipment is incompatible with Federation technology.
[ZIMMERMAN] How unfortunate for you. In any case, the original EMH was
designed for short-term use only. But now Starfleet has requested a
programme designed to operate as full-time doctor.
[SISKO] Full time? You're not talking about replacing real doctors?
[ZIMMERMAN] No, no, of course not. Why is everyone so worried about
holograms taking over the universe?
[BASHIR] There are many situations where a holo-doctor could be more
beneficial than a humanoid. Research outposts, subspace communication
stations, long-range exploratory vessels.
[ZIMMERMAN] In short, anywhere that life-support or living space is at a
premium and where the primary mission does not require the doctor to
leave Sickbay.
[SISKO] I see. And they want to model this new EMH programme after
Doctor Bashir.
[ZIMMERMAN] Technically, it is a LMH. Long-term Medical Holographic
Programme. And yes, Starfleet Medical has selected Doctor Bashir to
provide the template.
[SISKO] Who was the template for the EMH?
[ZIMMERMAN] Me. It was my programme after all. It only seemed logical to
use myself as a model.
[SISKO] Of course. This must be quite an honour.
[BASHIR] Yes, it is quite a feather in my cap, sir.
[ZIMMERMAN] It is nothing less than a shot at immortality. The original
EMH programme will probably still be in use for decades to come. The
LMH will undoubtedly last far longer than that. That is, if I can work
out certain technical problems. Now, I'll need to remain here for at
least three weeks. I'll need quarters, access to your main computer, a
technician to install my equipment, a high-speed data link with my lab.
[SISKO] Doctor, my first officer, Major Kira, will see to all your
needs. Congratulations, Doctor. I know I speak for everyone on the
station when I say we're really very proud of you.
[BASHIR] Thank you, sir. Thank you.
[ZIMMERMAN] Let's go.
(O'Brien is up a ladder, putting holo-projectors in
the ceiling.)
[BASHIR] This is a long questionnaire.
[ZIMMERMAN] I pride myself on my attention to detail.
[BASHIR] Let's see. Compare and contrast your eating habits at age five
with those at ages ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty five?
[ZIMMERMAN] It will be necessary for the holo doctor to interact
naturally with patients for weeks, possibly even months. The doctor
will be expected to share amusing anecdotes, extend sympathy, swap
dirty jokes and even have culinary opinions formed by experience.
[BRIEN] You mean this programme is going to have all of his personal
likes and dislikes?
[ZIMMERMAN] That is why we bother to choose a human template in the
first place.
[BRIEN] Wow, think of it, Julian. If this thing works, you'll be able
to irritate hundreds of people you've never even met.
[ZIMMERMAN] If you two could suspend your oh so amusing banter for the
moment, I'd like to begin the optical parameter scans.
[BASHIR] What do you want me to do?
[ZIMMERMAN] Just stand there and look like a doctor. If you can.
(Quark's cafe)
(Looking down at the dabo wheel, and Leeta's
[LEETA] Dabo!
[ZIMMERMAN] We don't have anything like this on Jupiter Station. Or like
[BASHIR] She's beautiful, isn't she?
[ZIMMERMAN] Who is she?
[BASHIR] Her name's Leeta. My ex-girlfriend.
[ZIMMERMAN] Who broke it off?
[BASHIR] She did.
[ZIMMERMAN] Oh, I like her already.
(Leeta looks up, sees Zimmerman looking down and smiles.)
[ZIMMERMAN] I think I'll have to add her name to my list of interviews.
[BASHIR] Interviews?
[ZIMMERMAN] I'll be conducting in-depth interviews with your friends,
colleagues, family members, in order to build a more rounded
psychological profile for the LMH.
[BASHIR] I see. Well, regarding my family members, would you could
refrain from
[ODO] Excuse me for interrupting, Doctor, Doctor. The Antidean transport
wishes to leave the station a day early. Their cargo is still under
quarantine. If you could issue a health certificate.
[ODO] It would expedite matters.
[BASHIR] All right. I'll meet you in cargo bay three in ten minutes.
[ODO] Thank you, Doctor. Doctor.
(Odo leaves.)
[BASHIR] Well, duty calls. I wonder if you could do a favour and
consider not interviewing my parents?
[BASHIR] Well, to be blunt, we're not close, we haven't been for many
years, and I would consider it a personal favour if you would er, sort
of, leave my parents out of it.
[ZIMMERMAN] I see. Well, I certainly understand.
[BASHIR] Well, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow.
(Bashir leaves.)
[ZIMMERMAN] Note. Contact subject's parents immediately.
[ZIMMERMAN] Computer, activate LMH test program one.
Does it meet with your approval?
[BASHIR] Yeah, it looks all right. Except for the eyes. They seem a
little dead. They don't have that certain sparkle,
that zest for life that greets me in the mirror every morning.
[ZIMMERMAN] This is a test run. I can assure you that the final product
will be zesty.
[BASHIR] Does it talk?
[ZIMMERMAN] Not yet. First I have to load the LMH with the basic
database and software configurations of the original programme.
Computer, activate the EMH.
[EMH] Please state the nature of the medical emergency.
[ZIMMERMAN] This is a level three diagnostic.
[EMH] I understand.
[ZIMMERMAN] Diagnostics look good. Beginning data transferral.
[EMH] Data transferral? Am I being replaced?
[ZIMMERMAN] You're being supplemented by a new long-term programme.
[EMH] By him?
[ZIMMERMAN] There. Transfer's complete.
[BASHIR] Please state the nature of the medical emergency.
[EMH] Oh, that's original. He doesn't even look old enough to be a
[BASHIR] If you'd like my advice, you should delete this programme.
Now that I'm here, why would you need an archaic piece of software like
[EMH] Archaic?
[ZIMMERMAN] We can discuss this at another time.
[EMH] Listen.
(EMH is deactivated.)
[BASHIR] He doesn't sound like much me.
[ZIMMERMAN] I'm sorry. Too zesty for you?
[BASHIR] Actually, he sounds more like you.
[ZIMMERMAN] As I said, I've loaded the LMH with the basic EMH software
package. We'll have to build a new set of algorithms based on your
scintillating personality.
[BASHIR] I hope you're more interesting than you seem. I'd hate to
be boring.
[ZIMMERMAN] There may be no preventing that. But we'll see what his
friends have to say.
[ZIMMERMAN (OC)] What were your initial impressions
of Doctor Bashir? Good and bad.
[SISKO] Young, eager, ambitious. He was fresh out of medical school,
looking forward to his first taste of frontier medicine. Sometimes he
let that natural impulse override his sense of decorum.
[ZIMMERMAN (OC)] You mean he was difficult.
[JAKE] No. But sometimes he could give you way too much information.
[ZIMMERMAN (OC)] Could you elaborate on that?
[KIRA] Sometimes he just didn't know when to shut up.
[ZIMMERMAN (OC)] Are you implying that he harassed you with unwanted
[DAX] No. But he was very persistent.
[ZIMMERMAN (OC)] I see. Could you be more specific?
(Morn shrugs.)
[ZIMMERMAN (OC)] You're not being very helpful.
[WORF] I do not like doctors. Any doctors.
[ZIMMERMAN (OC)] You can rest assured that I will keep anything you say
in the strictest confidence.
[BRIEN] You're sure about that? I wouldn't want this to get back to
[ZIMMERMAN (OC)] You have my word.
[BRIEN] Well, the truth is he's an extraordinary person. A real sense
of honour and integrity, great sense of humour, warm, caring. You're
sure he's not going to read this?
[ZIMMERMAN (OC)] Positive.
[LEETA] So, is that all?
(Louis is gazing into Leeta's eyes)
[ZIMMERMAN] There is one other thing. Would you have dinner with me this
(Down in the bar, Rom sees Louis and Leeta up on
the next level. He aims his lobes at their table.)
[VOICES] Oh, I'm not going to tell you. Well, I think you should know.
Sometimes I think I'm the happiest person. Stroll along the Promenade,
maybe have a little.
[LEETA] You want a real game, try dom-jot. If I ran this place, we'd
have three dom-jot tables and two prayko alleys. And I'd make sure the
customers had a lot more fun. Quark is a lot of things, but he's not
fun. I'm fun.
[ZIMMERMAN] I bet you are. You're a fascinating woman, Leeta.
[LEETA] For a dabo girl.
[ZIMMERMAN] Not at all. You're charming, intelligent
(Quark's cafe)
[ZIMMERMAN] Witty and extraordinarily beautiful.
[LEETA] Thank you.
[ROM] Excuse me. I need to talk to you. It's very important.
[LEETA] All right. Will you excuse me?
[ZIMMERMAN] Of course.
(Rom and Leeta move away for some privacy.)
[LEETA] What is it, Rom?
[ROM] I want to ask you if. I want to. I, oh, I wanted to ask if
tomorrow morning would be good time for me to fix your replicator.
[LEETA] Oh. Sure. That would be fine.
[ROM] Okay. Tomorrow morning then. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
[LEETA] Thanks.
(Captain's office)
[BASHIR] I'm a little concerned about the amount of
argonite that's been seeping into the station's air supply.
[SISKO] Seventeen parts per million. That's well within safety margins.
[BASHIR] Yes. But it's on the rise and I'd like to
(Dax enters)
[DAX] I'm sorry to interrupt, sir, but there are a couple of visitors
here looking for Julian, and I thought he might want to see them right
[SISKO] Well, send them in.
(Enter a man and a woman of clearly Middle Eastern heritage.)
[BASHIR] Oh, my God.
[AMSHA] Hello, Jules
(They embrace a stunned Bashir.)
[BASHIR] Er, Captain, allow me to introduce Amsha and Richard Bashir, my
[SISKO] I'm Captain Benjamin Sisko. Welcome to Deep Space Nine.
[AMSHA] Thank you, Captain. It's a pleasure to finally see where Jules
[RICHARD] (British accent) We wanted to come before, but my schedule's
been so busy up until now. I'm sure you know what it's like.
[SISKO] All too well, I'm afraid.
[DAX] What is it you do, Mister Bashir?
[RICHARD] Oh, I've done many things. At the moment, I'm involved in
landscape architecture, designing public spaces, parks mostly. I love
the idea of working on projects that thousands of people will enjoy
long after I'm gone. They're my legacy, my gift to succeeding
generations. Aside from Jules here, of course.
[SISKO] You must be very proud of your son.
[AMSHA] Oh, yes.
[RICHARD] He's a very gifted young man. I hope you're putting all his
talents to good use, Captain.
[SISKO] We try.
[RICHARD] Well, sometimes you have to push him a little. It took quite a
while to talk him into taking up medicine, but he did.
[DAX] So you're the reason he went to Medical School.
[RICHARD] That's right. He wanted to become
[AMSHA] Perhaps we should save that until another time, Richard. I'm
sure the Captain is a very busy man.
[RICHARD] Oh. Of course. Maybe after our interviews are over.
[BASHIR] Interviews?
[RICHARD] Yes, with Doctor er, Zimmerman. Didn't he tell you?
[BASHIR] No, he didn't.
[AMSHA] He said it was urgent. That the two of you were working together
on a very important project and that we had to come here right away.
[BASHIR] Yes, well, why don't I see if I can find you some accommodation
for this evening.
[SISKO] It was a pleasure to meet you both.
[DAX] I hope we get a chance to see you again. I can't wait to hear some
stories about Julian as a little boy.
[RICHARD] Oh Lord, there are so many. You know, from the time he was
this high we knew he was destined for greatness.
[BASHIR] The Captain, father, is a very busy man.
[RICHARD] We'll talk later. (wink)
(Holo-Bashir keeps walking into walls, and O'Brien
is chuckling. Bashir enters.)
[BRIEN] We're just working out a few bugs.
(He switches off the hologram.)
[BASHIR] Chief, if you'll excuse us, I'd like a moment or two alone with
Doctor Zimmerman.
[BRIEN] Of course.
(O'Brien leaves.)
[BASHIR] You brought my parents to this station against my explicit
wishes that you keep them out of this project.
[ZIMMERMAN] I'm sorry it upsets you, but their input is
[BASHIR] You had no right to bring them here.
[ZIMMERMAN] I did not bring them here. I simply issued an invitation.
[BASHIR] You said it was urgent.
[ZIMMERMAN] It is urgent, to me. Like it or not, they're an important
part of your background and I need to interview them. Now, if you'll
excuse me, I have a delivery to make.
(Leeta's quarters)
(Doorbell rings just as Leeta has got out of the
[ZIMMERMAN] Have I caught you at a bad time?
[LEETA] It's never a bad time for flowers. Come on in. Could you find a
place for those while I change?
[ZIMMERMAN] Of course.
[LEETA] By the way, if you're trying to impress me, you've succeeded.
[ZIMMERMAN] I spoke to some of my colleagues at the Jupiter Station this
morning. It seems that the manager of our station cafe has decided to
[LEETA (OC)] Really.
[ZIMMERMAN] They're still looking for a new manager. Someone with
experience in both food service and entertainment. Someone like you.
[ZIMMERMAN] Yes. I've already taken the liberty of speaking to our
station's commanding officer and she's amenable to the idea. The cafe
is yours if you want it.
[LEETA] My own cafe? (she's naked) Oh. Sorry.
[ZIMMERMAN] Not at all.
(Leeta takes the bouquet and retreats to the bedroom again.)
[ZIMMERMAN] It's not very big. Less than half the size of Quark's.
[LEETA (OC)] Really?
[ZIMMERMAN] But here's room for a couple of dom-jot tables.
[LEETA] (dressed) But I've never run a restaurant or any kind of
business. I barely even know how to tend bar.
[ZIMMERMAN] That puts you one step ahead of our last bartender.
[LEETA] But where would I stay? I don't even know anybody there.
[ZIMMERMAN] You know me, and I was hoping you would consider staying
with me.
[LEETA] But Louis, I just met you. I mean, I like you
[ZIMMERMAN] You see? You're warming up to me already. Given time, you
might begin to feel more. Just as I do. Besides, you said you liked
cerebral men, and at the risk of sounding immodest, I have a towering
intellect. Come with me, Leeta, please. I promise that you won't regret
it. I know I won't.
[LEETA] I need to think about that.
[ZIMMERMAN] Take all the time you need.
(Guest quarters)
(Family dinner, and you can cut the atmosphere with
a blunt knife)
[AMSHA] Captain Sisko seems like a very nice man, Jules.
[RICHARD] Not like the captain of the transport that brought us here.
I've never met a ruder, more abrasive man in my life. I tell you, when
I used to run shuttles, I never would have tolerated that kind of
behaviour toward my passengers.
[BASHIR] Dad, you're talking to me now. You were a third class steward
for all of six months.
[RICHARD] That's right, and I was required to have daily contact with
the passengers. And you can bet that if I even looked at them the wrong
way, I would've been discharged on the spot.
[BASHIR] I thought you were.
[RICHARD] No. I resigned.
[AMSHA] Are you still doing research, Jules?
[BASHIR] Yes. Right now I'm working on two studies of prion replication
in ganglionic cell clusters.
[RICHARD] You could've done research back on Earth. I told you that five
years ago. But you insisted on taking this assignment because you
wanted to work in frontier medicine.
[BASHIR] On DS Nine, I can do both. So, you're doing landscape
architecture now.
[AMSHA] It's all he can talk about. You should see the stacks of
drawings in our house. It's like living in a drafting studio.
[RICHARD] Some very important people have expressed interest in my park
designs. I have some very good prospects on the horizon.
[BASHIR] You always had good prospects, and they were always just over
that horizon.
[AMSHA] Maybe you should tell us about the interviews we're doing
tomorrow, Jules. What kind of questions will they ask?
[BASHIR] Well, Doctor Zimmerman, as I understand it, is trying to build
a complete psychological profile of me. He's going to be asking you all
sorts of questions. Try to keep your answers as brief and to the point
as you can. You don't want to give him any openings to probe into any
awkward areas.
[RICHARD] I'm sure we can handle it.
[BASHIR] Try not to take this too lightly. He's going to be asking
detailed questions about my childhood and if you're not careful
[RICHARD] You don't trust us?
[AMSHA] He didn't say that, Richard.
[RICHARD] No, but that's what he meant, isn't it? You think we're going
to slip up, say the wrong thing, get us all in trouble.
[BASHIR] Look, I've got a lot at stake here. My whole career could be
destroyed if Doctor Zimmerman gets wind of our little secret.
[RICHARD] You've got a lot at stake? Well what about us? We could go to
prison, Jules. Have you ever thought about that?
[BASHIR] Of course I've thought about that! That's why I want you to
take this seriously.
[RICHARD] Oh, so now we're not taking it seriously. We're not as bright
as he is. We don't have your gifted intellect so we can't see the
perfectly obvious.
[BASHIR] This is exactly why I haven't been home in three years.
[AMSHA] Jules, please.
[RICHARD] No, let him go. He can barely stand to be in the same room
with us!
[LEETA] I haven't made up my mind yet. I mean, this
could be a big opportunity, but that's no reason to rush into anything.
What do you think I should do?
[ROM] I, I, I don't know.
[LEETA] If I had a reason to stay, I'd stay. Do I have a reason to stay?
[ROM] I, I don't know.
[LEETA] Well, I guess I'd better take the job.
[ROM] Great.
[LEETA] Is that all you can say?
[ROM] I, I, I
[LEETA] You don't know. Thanks. Rom. You've been a big help.
[ROM] You're welcome.
[BASHIR] Is there something I can do for you?
[AMSHA] Your father has something he wants to say. Richard?
[RICHARD] It's a stressful time for all of us and maybe I said some
things I shouldn't have.
[AMSHA] What he's trying to say is, we would never do anything to
jeopardise your career.
[RICHARD] And just so there's no misunderstanding, I give you my word
that at no time in our interview with Doctor Zimmerman will we ever
mention or even hint at the fact that you were genetically enhanced as
a child.
[AMSHA] Jules, you can trust us. Your father and I have kept the secret
of your DNA resequencing for almost twenty five years and we're not
going to let it out now.
[RICHARD] But I would just add that, despite what the authorities would
like us to believe, genetic engineering is nothing to be ashamed of.
You're not any less human than anyone else. In fact, you're a little
[AMSHA] We didn't come here to start another fight. Let's just try to
get through this, all right?
[BASHIR] All right.
(Amsha kisses him then she and Richard leave. Zimmerman and O'Brien
come in from another room)
[BASHIR] Who were those people?
(O'Brien switches the hologram off.)
(Bashir's quarters)
[BASHIR] I can't believe you set them up like that!
[BRIEN] We didn't set them up. They just happened to walk in when the
was running. Zimmerman thought it would be a idea to test the
programme's ability to cope with an unexpected situation.
[BASHIR] And you let it go on? You let them stand there and make fools
of themselves while the two of you sat in the back room and laughed?
[BRIEN] Look, I'm sorry about this. I wish it had never happened, but
it has and now we've got a problem.
[BASHIR] I don't want to talk about it.
[BRIEN] Julian, Zimmerman is going to file a report saying that Doctor
Bashir is unsuitable for computer modelling because of his suspected
genetically enhanced background. Do you know what's going to happen
when that report gets back to Starfleet Medical?
[BASHIR] There's going to be a formal investigation which will lead to
my eventual dismissal from the service.
[BRIEN] Then it's true? You're
[BASHIR] The word you're looking for is unnatural, meaning not from
nature. Freak or monster would also be acceptable. I was six. Small for
my age, a bit awkward physically, not very bright. In the first grade,
while the other children were learning how to read and write and use
the computer, I was still trying to tell a dog from a cat, a tree from
a house. I didn't really understand what was happening. I knew that I
wasn't doing as well as my classmates. There were so many concepts that
they took for granted that I couldn't begin to master and I didn't know
why. All I knew was that I was a great disappointment to my parents. I
don't remember when they made the decision, but just before my seventh
birthday we left Earth for Adigeon Prime. At first, I remember being
really excited at seeing all the aliens in the hospital. Then they gave
me a room and began the treatments, and my entire world began to
[BRIEN] What were the treatments? Some kind of DNA recoding?
[BASHIR] The technical term is 'accelerated critical neural pathway
formation.' Over the course of the next two months, my genetic
structure was manipulated to accelerate the growth of neuronal networks
in my cerebral cortex, and a whole new Julian Bashir was born.
[BRIEN] In what way did they change you?
[BASHIR] Well, my mental abilities were the top priority, of course. My
IQ jumped five points a day for over two weeks. Followed by
improvements in my hand-eye coordination, stamina, vision, reflexes,
weight, height. In the end, everything but my name was altered in some
way. When we returned to Earth, we even moved to a different city, I
was enrolled in a new school using falsified records my parents
obtained somewhere. Instead of being the slowest learner, I was the
star pupil.
[BRIEN] And no one ever suspected?
[BASHIR] Oh, there's no stigma attached to success, Chief. After the
treatments, I never looked back. But the truth is I'm a fraud.
[BRIEN] You're not a fraud. I don't care what enhancements your
parents may have had done. Genetic recoding can't give you ambition, or
a personality, or compassion or any of the things that make a person
truly human.
[BASHIR] Starfleet Medical won't see it that way. DNA resequencing for
any reason other than repairing serious birth defects is illegal. Any
genetically enhanced human being is barred from serving in Starfleet or
practising medicine.
[BRIEN] I don't there's been a case dealing with any of this in a
hundred years. You can't be sure how they'll react.
[BASHIR] Oh, I am sure. Once the truth comes out I'll be cashiered from
the service. It's that simple.
[BRIEN] There must be something we can do. We can't just give up.
[BASHIR] There is something I can do. Resign before Doctor Zimmerman
files his report.
[BRIEN] Oh, Julian.
[BASHIR] It's over, Miles. I always knew this could happen. Now it has.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to be alone.
(After hours, Rom is nursing a drink and Quark is
clearing up.)
[ROM] I should have told her how I felt.
[QUARK] Thank the Nagus that you didn't. Remember what happened with
Nog's mother? Yeah, don't want to think about her, do you. Let me
refresh your memory. You signed a standard five year marriage contract
with Prinadora's father because you wanted to have a child. A simple
everyday business deal. But then you fell in love with your wife and
wanted to extend the contract. And you were so in love that you never
bothered to read the extension before signing it. So in the end, her
father swindled you out of all your money. Prinadora left you for a
richer man and you got stuck with Nog. Hooray for romance.
[ROM] Leeta is not Prinadora.
[QUARK] She's a female, Rom. And the one constant in the universe is,
females are trouble. Look, if you're lonely I've got a new holosuite
programme. Vulcan Love Slave part two, The Revenge. Give it a try.
After a couple of hours you'll forget all about Leeta.
(Bashir's quarters)
[RICHARD] We're not going to just take this lying
down, that's for sure. I'll arrange for legal counsel. We're going to
fight this all the way to the Federation Supreme Court.
[BASHIR] We can't fight this.
[RICHARD] You'd better change that attitude right now if you want to
hang on to your career.
[AMSHA] Jules, listen to your father. He's trying to help you.
[BASHIR] Neither of you is listening to me. I don't want to drag this
through the courts.
[RICHARD] We're a little beyond worrying about your wants, Jules. We
have a serious problem here. We have to stop the whining and
concentrate on coming up with a new plan.
[BASHIR] A new plan. Yes, let's come up with a new plan. That's the way
we do things in this family, isn't it? We don't face our problems, we
come up with new plans. Don't like your job? Well move along to the
next one. Don't like the law? Well, find a way to get around it. But
whatever you do, do not accept responsibility.
[RICHARD] All those gifts, all those accomplishments, and you still want
to behave like a spoiled child. Well you'd better grow up right now or
you're going to lose everything!
[BASHIR] You mean you're going to lose everything. You're going to lose
your only real accomplishment in this life. Me. You said before, I'm
your legacy, your proud gift to the world. Well, father, your gift is
about to be revealed as a fraud, just like you.
[RICHARD] I'm still your father, Jules, and I will not have you talk to
me like that.
[BASHIR] No, you used to be my father. Now, you're my architect. The man
who designed a better son to replace the defective one he was given.
Well, your design has a built-in flaw. It's illegal.
[RICHARD] You're so smart. You know so much that you can stand there and
judge us. But you're still not smart enough to see that we saved you
from a lifetime of remedial education and underachievement!
[BASHIR] You don't know that. You didn't give me a chance.
[RICHARD] You were falling behind.
[BASHIR] I was six years old. You decided I was a failure in the first
[RICHARD] You don't understand, Jules. You never did.
[BASHIR] No, you don't understand. I stopped calling myself Jules when I
was fifteen and I'd found out what you'd done to me. I'm Julian.
[RICHARD] What difference does that make?
[BASHIR] It makes every difference, because I'm different! Can't you see
that? Jules Bashir died in that hospital because you couldn't live with
the shame of having a son who didn't measure up!
[AMSHA] That's not true! We were never ashamed of you. Never.
[BASHIR] I'm sorry, mother, but the truth is
[AMSHA] You don't know. You've never had a child. You don't know what
it's like to watch your son. To watch him fall a little further behind
every day. You know he's trying, but something's holding him back. You
don't know what it's like to stay up every night worrying that maybe
it's your fault. Maybe you did something wrong during the pregnancy,
maybe you weren't careful enough, or maybe there's something wrong with
you. Maybe you passed on a genetic defect without even knowing it.
[AMSHA] No, this is important. You can condemn us for what we did. You
can say it's illegal or immoral or whatever you want to say, but you
have to understand that we didn't do it because we were ashamed, but
because you were our son and we loved you.
(Bashir and Amsha hug.)
[AMSHA] What do you want us to do?
[BASHIR] Nothing. I'm going to visit Captain Sisko in the morning to
explain the situation to him and tender my Starfleet resignation.
[AMSHA] Are you certain this is what you want?
[BASHIR] Yes. I just want to leave the station quietly.
(Captain's office)
(Bashir enters to join his parents and an Admiral
on the holo-comm.)
[SISKO] Come in, Doctor. We were just talking about you. Admiral, allow
me to introduce Doctor Julian Bashir. Doctor, this is Rear Admiral
Bennett, Judge Advocate General.
[BASHIR] Admiral.
[BENNETT] Doctor.
[BASHIR] May I ask what's going on?
[SISKO] Your parents came to me this morning. They explained the
situation about your genetic background. I contacted Admiral Bennett a
short time ago.
[BENNETT] We've just reached an agreement that will allow you to retain
both your commission and your medical practice.
[RICHARD] I'm going to prison.
[BASHIR] What?
[RICHARD] Two years. It's a minimum security penal colony in New
[BASHIR] You can't do this.
[BENNETT] It was your father's suggestion, Doctor. He pleads guilty to
illegal genetic engineering and in exchange you stay in the service.
[BASHIR] Well, I want no part of it. I'm not going to just stand by
while my father
[RICHARD] Jules. Julian. Listen to me. This is my decision. I'm the one
who took you to Adigeon Prime. I'm the one who should take
responsibility for it.
[AMSHA] Let him do this, Julian.
[BASHIR] Two years? Isn't that a bit harsh?
[BENNETT] I don't think so. Two hundred years ago we tried to improve
the species through DNA resequencing, and what did we get for our
trouble? The Eugenics Wars. For every Julian Bashir that can be
created, there's a Khan Singh waiting in the wings. A superhuman whose
ambition and thirst for power have been enhanced along with his
intellect. The law against genetic engineering provides a firewall
against such men and it's my job to keep that firewall intact. I've
made my offer. Do you accept?
[BENNETT] Then report to my office at Starfleet Headquarters once you
arrive on Earth.
(Transmission ends.)
[SISKO] Take your time.
(Sisko leaves the family alone.)
[AMSHA] Goodbye, Julian.
[BASHIR] Goodbye, Mother.
[RICHARD] I guess I'll see you in a couple of years.
[BASHIR] I'm sure they have visiting hours at your facility. Maybe I
[RICHARD] That would be most welcome.
[BASHIR] Father. Thank you.
[RICHARD] Here, just think. I may usher in a new renaissance in
landscape architecture. I'll certainly have time to work on my designs.
(The Bashirs leave as Zimmerman and Leeta get off the turbolift.)
[ZIMMERMAN] Do you hear that?
[LEETA] What is that?
[ZIMMERMAN] It's getting closer.
[ZIMMERMAN] We heard you the first time.
[ROM] Leeta, don't go.
[LEETA] Why not?
[ROM] Because I love you, and I want you to stay.
[LEETA] I love you too, Rom. (they kiss) Oh. Doctor, I'm sorry.
[ZIMMERMAN] No, don't be. True love should always win. I'm happy for
you. Really.
[LEETA] You're a sweet, wonderful, and brilliant man. There's someone
out there for you, Doctor. I know it.
[ZIMMERMAN] I don't think so. Perhaps I'm better suited to a life of
solitary research.
(An alien lady walks past, taking his eyes with her.)
[ZIMMERMAN] and dedication to my chosen field of study. Don't worry
about me, I'll be fine. Goodbye.
[LEETA] Bye.
[ZIMMERMAN] (to alien, going through the airlock) Excuse me are you
familiar with the ancient text known as the Kama Sutra? You remind me
of an etching
(Rom and Leeta are at the wheel.)
[CROWD] Dabo!
(The never ending darts tournament continues.)
[BASHIR] Not my day.
[BRIEN] Not your week.
[BASHIR] You know what, Chief? I never got a chance to thank you for
what you said when
[BRIEN] Uh-uh. None of that. Especially not in the middle of a game.
Ooo, yes!
[BASHIR] Looks like it's your game again.
[BRIEN] What's that, five in a row?
[BASHIR] At least.
[BRIEN] Wait a minute. You haven't been letting me win, have you?
[BASHIR] What makes you think that?
[BRIEN] You said your hand-eye coordination had been genetically
[BASHIR] Well, maybe I have been letting you win a little bit.
[BRIEN] I don't believe it. I don't need you to patronise me. I can
play at your level.
[BASHIR] I never said you couldn't.
[BRIEN] Well play then. Really play.
(Bashir throws three quick bull's-eyes. O'Brien collects the darts and
takes Bashir back to double the ockey distance.)
[BRIEN] All right. From now on you play from over here. I play from up
here. And if that doesn't work, we'll try a blindfold. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e111", "title": "Doctor Bashir, I"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - A Simple Investigation
Simple Investigation
Original Airdate: 31 Mar, 1997
[TAUVID] Computer, time.
[COMPUTER] Eighteen twenty one hours.
(The doorbell rings. He takes a pen-like thing out of a satchel and
slips it up his sleeve, then opens the door.)
[TAUVID] Can I help you?
[TRAIDY] I think so.
(The tall, thin alien pushes Tauvid back into the room.)
[TAUVID] What are you doing?
(Sorm, his shorter companion, punches Torvid in the abdomen.)
[TRAIDY] Where is it?
[TAUVID] Where is what? I don't even know what you're looking for.
[TRAIDY] Yes, you do. (to Sorm) Well?
[SORM] (scanning) It's not here.
[TRAIDY] That's not good. Is it possible we have the wrong man?
[SORM] It's starting to look that way.
[TRAIDY] This is very embarrassing. Now listen to me. We know why you're
here, we know who you came to meet, and we know what you were going to
give her. So for the last time, where is it?
[TAUVID] All right, I'll take you to it.
[TRAIDY] You see? It was him all along.
(Tauvid pulls his weapon but Sorm vapourises him)
[SORM] I thought it was on stun.
[TRAIDY] Look what you did to the carpet.
(Scorch marks where Tauvid was kneeling when he died.)
[SORM] What do we do now? We don't have time to search the whole
[TRAIDY] We wait for the woman. She might know where he hid it
(Quark's - upper level)
[ODO] You wanted to see us?
(Bashir presents an isolinear rod)
[DAX] Is that the new holosuite programme?
[BASHIR] Queen's Gambit. It came in this morning.
[BRIEN] Finally. That friend of yours promised to send it two months
[BASHIR] According to Felix, it's worth the wait. He said it's the most
elaborate programme he's ever designed.
[DAX] What parts do we get to play?
[BASHIR] You get to play Lady Wantsomore, a beautiful socialite who's
brainwashed to assassinate the Queen of England.
[DAX] Ooo, somebody stop me.
[BRIEN] What about me?
[BASHIR] Odo plays Nigel Dunlop, a former agent who comes out of
retirement to help me foil this diabolical plot.
[DAX] Perfect.
[BASHIR] I play
[BRIEN] Julian, we know who you play. What about me?
[BASHIR] You're Falcon, of course.
[BRIEN] Falcon? Again? I'm tired of being the bad guy.
[DAX] But you do it so well.
[BASHIR] So, is everybody all right for Saturday?
[DAX] Fine.
[BRIEN] No problem.
[ODO] What do you want me to do again?
[DAX] Save the Queen.
[BASHIR] Not only that, you get to drive around in fancy automobiles,
and go to posh parties and steal her (picture on PADD) away from
[BRIEN] He steals my girl?
[ODO] Er, maybe you'd better get another Nigel Dunlop.
[BASHIR] Are you kidding? Look at her.
[ODO] I'm, I'm busy on Saturday.
[DAX] We'll do it when you're not busy.
[ODO] I don't think so. I'm sorry. I never should have agreed to be a
part of this in the first place. Sorry.
(Odo heads downstairs)
[BASHIR] Well, looks like we'll have to find someone else to play Odo's
(O'Brien takes another look at the lissome blonde character in
holosuite programme 5547.)
[BRIEN] I'll do it.
(Quark's got a Bolian bar assistant.)
[ARISSA] I've already told you, I don't want to play dabo, I don't want
a holosuite, and I don't want anything to eat.
[QUARK] Can I interest you in my collection of Risean tapestries?
[ODO] Why don't you leave her alone, Quark. Can't you see she's not
[QUARK] How do I know she's not interested unless I ask?
[ARISSA] Maybe you should spend less time bothering your customers, and
more time keeping an eye on your business.
[QUARK] Don't worry, I can keep my eyes on more than one thing at a
[ARISSA] Really? What about him?
(An alien up the upper level is fiddling with a ring)
[ARISSA] He's got a graviton emitter hidden in his ring. He's
manipulating the table for his friend over there.
[CROWD] Dabo!
(Quark dashes away.)
[ODO] You're very observant.
[ARISSA] Thanks.
[ODO] Are you waiting for someone?
[ARISSA] You. Where have you been all my life?
[ODO] Pardon me?
[ARISSA] Isn't that what you were hoping I'd say?
[ODO] It's just that you keep glancing at the door.
[ARISSA] I'm waiting for someone.
[ODO] That's all I meant.
[ARISSA] Sorry. I thought you had other things on your mind. Must be
those bedroom eyes of yours.
[ODO] Bedroom eyes?
[ARISSA] You probably get that all the time.
[ODO] Not really. If anyone bothers you again, let me know. I'm Security
Chief Odo. My office is just across the Promenade.
[ARISSA] I'll be all right.
[ODO] Well, I have to go. To work. In my office.
[ARISSA] Across the Promenade.
[ODO] Exactly.
(Odo nearly walks into the wall. He leaves and we see the assassins
sitting at a nearby table.)
(Cargo bay)
[KIRA] Look at this. I was checking the contents of
one of those crates. A tentacle grabbed my hand.
[ODO] Gagh. The Klingons have been getting regular shipments of it since
the day they were posted here.
[KIRA] I can't believe they eat that stuff.
(Odo is looking at his reflection in the side of a crate.)
[KIRA] What are you doing?
[ODO] Nothing.
[KIRA] What are you looking at?
[ODO] Well, I'm. Actually I'm. I'm never mind.
[KIRA] What?
[ODO] It's embarrassing.
[KIRA] Would you just tell me.
[ODO] Last night, a woman in Quark's told me I have bedroom eyes. I'm
trying to see if it's true.
[KIRA] Tell me about this woman.
[ODO] She thought I was trying to seduce her. It was all just a
[KIRA] If you say so. You going to see her again?
[ODO] I have no idea. Why?
[KIRA] Obviously she's very perceptive.
[ODO] Meaning what?
[KIRA] Meaning you should see her again.
(Security office)
[ARISSA] Hello again.
[ODO] What's this all about?
(The deputy hands over a PADD and leaves.)
[ODO] You tried to break into the station computer. Why?
[ARISSA] My friend never showed up last night. I wanted to check the
passenger manifests to find out if he came aboard.
[ODO] Why didn't you come to me? I could have checked the manifests for
[ARISSA] When you grow up on Finnea Prime, you learn not to trust
[ODO] Dataport bothering you?
(It's just behind her left ear.)
[ARISSA] The security protocols protecting your computer generated some
nasty feedback.
[ODO] I know. I designed them that way.
[ARISSA] Nice job. I couldn't stay interfaced long enough to break past
the encryption lockouts.
[ODO] That was the idea. Tell me, Arissa, what's a nice woman like you
doing with a dataport?
[ARISSA] They're not illegal.
[ODO] They ought to be. People tend to use them to access information
other people don't want them to access.
[ARISSA] I've heard that.
[ODO] This Idanian you were waiting for in Quark's, Tauvid Rem. What
were you meeting him about?
[ARISSA] A personal matter.
[ODO] Well, I suppose I could just go to his quarters and ask him.
[ARISSA] I'd rather you didn't. It's a delicate situation.
[ODO] I'm listening.
[ARISSA] Tauvid's well known for finding people. People who don't
necessarily want to be found. He's helping me locate my daughter. I
gave her up when she was born fifteen years ago.
[ODO] I see.
[ARISSA] He told me he had information about her. That's all I know.
I've been looking for her a long time. Please, let me talk to him.
[ODO] All right. I'll take you to him. We'll sort the rest out later.
[ARISSA] Thank you.
(No answer to the doorbell.)
[ARISSA] Maybe he's not in.
[ODO] According to the access log, he's inside.
(Odo opens the door)
(Guest quarters)
[ODO] It's Security. Hello?
(Arissa checks the bedroom. Odo spots a dent in the carpet, moves the
chair and finds the burn marks)
[ARISSA] He's not here.
[ODO] Oh, yes he is. What's left of him.
(Security office)
[ODO] The residue we found contains Idanian DNA. I
think it's safe to assume it came from Tauvid Rem. Do you have any idea
why someone would want to kill him?
[ARISSA] No, but considering what he does for a living, he probably had
dealings with all sorts of marginal characters. Maybe it was a robbery.
[ODO] What makes you say that?
[ARISSA] I didn't see any personal belongings in his quarters. Did your
deputies find anything?
[ODO] No.
[ARISSA] Well, whatever happened, I doubt it had anything to do with me
or my daughter.
[ODO] That depends. It's possible that someone doesn't want you to find
your daughter.
[ARISSA] Tauvid didn't give me any indication of that when we spoke.
[ODO] When was that?
[ARISSA] About three days ago. I can't believe this. I was so close to
finding her and now I'm going to have to start all over again. That's
if you'll let me.
[ODO] If?
[ARISSA] In case you'd forgotten, I'm facing charges for trying to break
into your computer.
[ODO] Considering you weren't able to access any secured information,
I've decided to drop those charges.
[ARISSA] I appreciate that very much.
[ODO] You're free to go.
[ARISSA] Thank you. You're a very kind man.
[ODO] I hope you find your daughter.
(Arissa plugs herself into a panel and accesses the
Assay office records for Tauvid Rem.)
(Quark is closing up the bar when there's a knock
from inside.)
[QUARK] Morn! We're closed.
(Morn comes out of the bar.)
[QUARK] Go home.
(We follow Morn along then pick up Arissa coming out of somewhere.)
[ODO] I'm afraid the Assay Office is closed for the evening. If you want
to secure any valuables, you'll have to come back in the morning.
[ARISSA] Thanks, I'll do that. I didn't realise I tripped an alarm.
[ODO] You didn't. You're good.
[ARISSA] I still got caught.
[ODO] I've been following you.
[ARISSA] I didn't know.
[ODO] I'm good, too. So, did you find anything in Tauvid's locker?
[ARISSA] Would you believe me if I said no?
[ODO] Actually, I'd have you strip-searched.
[ARISSA] That might be fun, but in the interest of saving time.
(She holds out a data crystal.)
(Security office)
[ODO] I've never seen a data crystal quite like
this. It looks like it has a phase inverter embedded inside it. It's
not going to be easy to decode. Given that all it contains is
information about a missing girl, Tauvid went to great lengths to
secure it.
[ARISSA] You know how Idanians are. They're a secretive race.
[ODO] You realise it would be a simple matter for me to have a Doctor
examine you to determine if you've ever been pregnant.
[ARISSA] You keep threatening to have me stripped down and examined. I'm
trying not to read too much into that.
[ODO] You don't have a daughter, do you?
[ODO] That's probably the first true statement I've heard you make.
[ARISSA] Not quite. I meant what I said about your eyes.
[ODO] What's on the crystal?
[ARISSA] I don't know, but I need to find out.
[ODO] Why?
[ARISSA] Because if I don't, I'm dead.
[ODO] Maybe you'd better start at the beginning.
[ARISSA] I work for a man named Draim. I see you've heard of him.
[ODO] He's with the Orion Syndicate. If I'm not mistaken, he specialises
in blackmail and extortion. Where do you fit in with his organisation?
[ARISSA] I access computer systems and steal information for him,
government data, business plans, whatever he asks for.
[ODO] I hope you're well paid. It's a dangerous line of work. Trigger
the wrong security protocol, you could end up with permanent brain
[ARISSA] I think about that from time to time, but there's not much I
can do about it. You don't quit the Orion Syndicate unless they say you
[ODO] Do you want to quit?
[ARISSA] That's why I came to meet Tauvid.
[ODO] Who was he?
[ARISSA] I don't know.
[ODO] Then why did you come meet him?
[ARISSA] He told me he had information. Information I could use to break
away from Draim, free and clear.
[ODO] What made you believe that he was telling the truth?
[ARISSA] I don't know. I just did. I'm not even sure how he knew I
wanted to get out.
[ODO] Did he tell you what this information was?
[ARISSA] No. But for some reason I decided to trust him. I know this
sounds insane. I guess I was desperate.
[ODO] Did you tell anyone you were coming here?
[ARISSA] No, but Draim must have monitored my communications. How else
could he have gotten his people here before I arrived.
[ODO] So you think Draim had Tauvid killed to stop you from getting this
[ARISSA] And whoever he hired is probably still on the station. You can
be sure that Draim wants to know what's on that crystal as much as I
[ODO] What are you smiling about?
[ARISSA] Oh, I'm just picturing myself trying to explain all this to the
authorities back on Finnea. Not that they'll listen. They'll just send
me to prison.
[ODO] I'm not turning this over to the Finneans.
[ARISSA] You're not?
[ODO] I'm placing you in protective custody while I have someone try to
access the crystal. In the meantime, I want you to have a look at
security recordings made at the airlocks. Draim was probably careful
not to send anyone you'd recognise, but you never know.
[ARISSA] Why are you doing this?
[ODO] Doing what?
[ARISSA] Helping me.
[ODO] Why not?
[ARISSA] You mean you're just doing it out of the kindness of your
[ODO] I don't have a heart.
[ARISSA] You could've fooled me.
(Cargo bay)
(Traidy brings in takeaway food.)
[SORM] What'd you get?
[TRAIDY] It's called hasperat.
[SORM] Where is she?
[TRAIDY] She's with that changeling security chief.
[SORM] Spicy.
[TRAIDY] They have the crystal. We've got to make sure she doesn't
access it.
[SORM] She's so pretty. I was hoping we wouldn't have to kill her.
[TRAIDY] You'll get over it.
(Guest quarters)
[ARISSA] Nice room.
[ODO] Don't get too used to it. You're not staying here. Odo to
Security, begin transport.
(Odo's quarters)
(Odo and Arissa beam in)
[ODO] There. Now, if anyone was watching, they'll think you're still in
the other quarters.
[ARISSA] Good trick. I hope it works. Interesting furniture.
[ODO] I use these things to practise shape-shifting.
[ARISSA] These are your quarters?
[ODO] I thought this would be the last place anyone would look for you.
There's a bed in the other room. I was planning to stay out here so I
could keep an eye on you, if that's all right.
[ARISSA] I could use the company.
[ODO] I have two deputies stationed outside in the corridor, posing as a
maintenance crew doing repairs.
[ARISSA] And where are you going to sleep?
[ODO] I don't need a bed. I regenerate by reverting to a gelatinous
[ARISSA] Sounds relaxing.
[ODO] It is, actually.
[ARISSA] I'm so tired I wouldn't mind being in a gelatinous state
[ODO] I understand you haven't been able to identify anyone from the
security recordings.
[ODO] I haven't had much luck identifying Tauvid either. It's not his
real name. He took three different transports to get to the station,
used a different identity each time. I've transmitted a picture of him
to the Idanian authorities. I'm not sure we'll get a reply. As you said
before, they're a very secretive race.
[ARISSA] What about the crystal?
[ODO] Dax and Chief O'Brien are still trying to get past the encryption
[ARISSA] I could try to interface with it.
[ODO] That's not a good idea. The first time they attempted to access
it, the feedback shorted out the computer. I'd hate to see what that
would do to your dataport.
[ARISSA] I can't believe what I got myself into. Walking out on Draim to
meet someone I don't even know? I must have been out of my mind.
[ODO] You said you were desperate.
[ARISSA] Why do you think I got involved with Draim in the first place?
[ODO] I know life on Finnea isn't easy, but you must have had other
[ARISSA] Have you ever been there?
[ODO] No.
[ARISSA] It's not like a Federation world where everything is handed to
you. You know how I ended up with this? I was a netgirl. I told myself
I wasn't selling my body since there was no actual contact. But I was.
I let men into my mind for money. Draim was one of them. That's how we
first met. Before I knew it, I was working for him. He paid me more
than I'd ever seen before. I was so far removed from the consequences
of what I was doing, it was easy to pretend that I wasn't hurting
anyone. I'd hear things now and then. Some businessman Draim had me
investigate would disappear. I tried to convince myself it had nothing
to do with me. But after while I couldn't pretend anymore. I wanted
out. I guess I'm finally going to get my wish. Only problem is, I'll be
dead. I don't want to cry. The dead don't cry.
[ODO] Arissa, look at me. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. You have
to trust me.
[ARISSA] I do trust you. But you can't protect me forever. Sooner or
later, Draim will get to me. I've got to find out what's on that
[ODO] I don't think you can count on whatever's on that crystal to get
you out of this.
[ARISSA] If that's true, then I don't have a chance.
[ODO] Yes, you do. If you testified against Draim, you could put him in
prison for the rest of his life. You could get immunity for any past
crimes you may have committed, start a new life.
[ARISSA] Testify against Draim? I would never make it to the witness
[ODO] I will take personal responsibility for your safety. I don't care
how long it takes. If I have to ask for a leave of absence, I will.
[ARISSA] You'd do that for me? Why?
[ODO] I've done things in my life I'm not proud of, too. You worked for
Draim, I worked for the Cardassians. I never had the courage to walk
away. You did. I admire that.
[ARISSA] Wait a minute. You're going to have to give me a minute to get
used to this. I've never been admired for anything other than the way I
[ODO] Most people can't see past the surface, especially when what they
see is so beautiful. I'm, I'm sorry, I merely meant
[ARISSA] Don't apologise.
[ODO] Well, I'm going to see if they've made any progress decoding the
crystal. Make yourself comfortable. I'll check in on you later.
[ARISSA] I'm not going anywhere.
(Holosuite limousine)
(JB, 006 3/4, is helping the lovely woman from the
PADD out of her parachute harness.)
[BASHIR] Let me help you with that. Extraordinary. You just jumped out
of an aeroplane at twenty thousand feet, and yet there's not a hair on
your head out of place.
(Although the car appears to be in motion, there's a knock on the
window. Bashir draws his gun and winds down the window.)
[ODO] I'm sorry to interrupt. I need to talk to you. Alone.
(Odo opens the door to get in.)
[BASHIR] Driver, stop the car. We'll just be a minute.
(The woman gets out.)
[ODO] Isn't that the woman I was supposed to steal away from Falcon?
[BASHIR] Well, yes, but since you didn't show up
[ODO] You swept her off her feet.
[BASHIR] Sort of.
[ODO] Tell me, how did you know she was interested?
[BASHIR] Well it's that kind of programme. What is this all about, Odo?
You didn't come here to talk about women, did you? Ah. This is about
bedroom eyes, isn't it?
[ODO] Who told you about her? Kira?
[ODO] Dax.
[BASHIR] Actually it was Miles. If people are talking, it's only because
they care. You put on a good front, but anyone who really knows you can
tell that you're lonely. If you're interested in this woman, you have
to let her know.
[ODO] I can't.
[BASHIR] Why not?
[ODO] What if I? What if she?
[BASHIR] Rejects you? She might. But you can't go through life trying to
avoid getting a broken heart. If you do, it'll break from loneliness
anyway. So you might as well take a chance. If you don't, she'll move
on and you'll never know what you might have had. And living with that
is worse than having a broken heart, believe me.
(A knock on the other window.)
[BASHIR] We're nearly finished, darling.
(A gun jabs the back of Bashir's head.)
[BRIEN] Car trouble, Mister Bashir? Hi, Odo.
[ODO] I should go. Thank you, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Odo. This isn't fair, Chief. Odo and I were talking.
[BRIEN] Didn't anyone ever tell you, you shouldn't stop for
(Odo's quarters)
[ARISSA] Hello.
[ODO] Hello. I didn't expect to find you awake.
[ARISSA] I couldn't sleep.
[ODO] If the bed isn't comfortable, I
[ARISSA] The bed is fine. I guess you have no news for me.
[ODO] Chief O'Brien is going to run a quantum scan on the crystal in the
[ARISSA] I'd like to be there. I might be able to help.
[ODO] I'll arrange it.
[ARISSA] I'm not in your way, am I?
[ODO] No. No, not at all. I, er, I usually read for an hour or two.
[ARISSA] What are you reading?
[ODO] It's a detective novel.
[ARISSA] Have you figured out who did it yet?
[ODO] By the third page.
[ARISSA] Well, I should let you get back to your book.
[ODO] I don't really feel like reading. Perhaps we could talk for a
[ARISSA] What do you want to talk about?
(Odo kisses her.)
[ARISSA] Tell me more.
(Odo's bedroom)
(In the afterglow.)
[ARISSA] I could swear that when we first met, your nose had a little
curve right here.
[ODO] I tend to look a little different every day
[ARISSA] But you always manage to make these the same.
[ODO] I pay special attention to my scowl. An air of stern suspicion is
very important in my line of work.
[ARISSA] What? Why are you looking at me that way?
[ODO] I'm just trying to figure something out.
[ARISSA] Tell me. Maybe I can help.
[ODO] You're the first woman I've ever been close with. I've never been
able to let down my guard. I was just wondering what makes you
[ARISSA] Wait a minute. Have you never been with anyone else before?
[ODO] Not with a humanoid. Once, on my homeworld, I had an experience
that you might consider sexual.
[ARISSA] But you've never been with a woman before?
[ODO] Could you tell?
[ODO] Good. I don't ever want to leave this room. Can we stay here
[ARISSA] I wish we could.
[ODO] Arissa? Everything is going to work out.
[ARISSA] I want to believe that, but I know what the Orion Syndicate
does to people who turn against them. I don't want to spend the rest of
my life looking over my shoulder. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought
it up. Let's just be together.
[ODO] All right.
[ARISSA] Tell me more about this encounter you had on your homeworld.
[ODO] It was with another changeling. Our bodies became intermingled.
[ARISSA] Sounds nice. Too bad I'm not a changeling.
[ODO] We shouldn't let that stop us.
[DAX] She spent the night in his quarters.
[KIRA] He had her under protective custody.
[DAX] Come on, Nerys. He could have put her somewhere else.
[KIRA] You know how Odo is. He likes to be thorough.
[DAX] It was more than that.
[WORF] Commander.
[KIRA] What makes you say that?
[DAX] Instinct.
[WORF] Jadzia.
[DAX] What?
[WORF] You asked to be told when the sensor array became available.
[DAX] Thank you. Odo and a woman. It was bound to happen sooner or
later, right?
[KIRA] I suppose.
[WORF] You can begin your experiment at any time.
[DAX] I'm talking to Kira.
[WORF] You are not talking, you are gossiping. And besides, Odo is
capable of taking care of himself.
[DAX] Don't shout across the room. If you want to gossip with us, then
come down here.
(Sisko enters)
[SISKO] Where's Odo? He asked me to arrange a conference with Starfleet
Intelligence at oh eight hundred.
[DAX] I guess he's running late.
[SISKO] He's never late.
[DAX] He never spent the night with a woman before.
[SISKO] A woman? That's nice. Isn't it?
(Odo enters)
[WORF] Constable.
[ODO] Good morning.
[SISKO] Starfleet Intelligence is ready when you are.
(Odo and Sisko got into the office.)
[DAX] Did you see the look on Odo's face? I'm telling you, something
(Odo's quarters)
(Arissa is using Odo's computer. On the screen we
see Draim, let's talk. Arissa. Transmitting. Identification code
(Cargo bay)
[TRAIDY] I talked to Draim. The woman asked to make
a deal. She gives us the crystal, Draim lets her go.
[SORM] So we don't have to kill her.
[TRAIDY] Don't be stupid. As soon as we've got the crystal, she dies.
[SORM] Oh. Makes sense.
(Security office)
[ODO] You can release the Talarian as soon as he's
sober, but tell him to stay away from raktajino. It obviously doesn't
agree with him. I'll be in science lab four.
(The Deputy leaves and an Idanian enters.)
[ODO] Can I help you?
[IDANIAN] You're Security Chief Odo?
[ODO] Yes.
[IDANIAN] I'm here about the communication you sent to the Idanian
[ODO] Go on.
[IDANIAN] Where's Arissa? Is she safe?
[ODO] You know her?
[IDANIAN] Better than she knows herself.
[ODO] What does that mean?
[IDANIAN] She's not who she seems to be. She's an intelligence agent
with my government. She was sent to infiltrate Draim's organisation.
[ODO] That's impossible. She would have told me.
[IDANIAN] She doesn't know.
[ODO] I don't understand.
[IDANIAN] We gave her a new identity before we sent her in. All her
previous memories were removed and stored on the datacrystal. If you
take me to her, I'll explain the rest.
(Science lab)
(O'Brien is on the floor, groaning. A deputy is out
[ODO] Chief, are you all right?
[IDANIAN] The datacrystal, where is it?
[ODO] Forget about the crystal. We have to find Arissa.
[IDANIAN] That crystal is Arissa.
[BRIEN] She took the crystal. I don't know where she went.
[IDANIAN] It generates a distinctive signal. We might be able to track
(Cargo bay)
[ARISSA] Is anyone here?
[TRAIDY] Just me.
(Liar, liar, pants on fire.)
[ODO] What's wrong?
[IDANIAN] I've lost it. The crystal's quantum signature starts to fade
after a few minutes.
(Cargo bay)
[TRAIDY] Do you have it?
[ARISSA] Maybe.
[TRAIDY] I thought we had a deal. Your life for the crystal.
[ARISSA] I just want to make sure that you live up to your end.
(Traidy shows that he has nothing in his hands, up his sleeves, or
tucked into his waistband.)
[TRAIDY] Your turn.
[ARISSA] Do you really think I'd be stupid enough to come here with a
[TRAIDY] Indulge me.
(So she goes through the same moves.)
[TRAIDY] Very smart.
(Arissa hands over the crystal.)
[TRAIDY] Do you have any idea what's on this?
[ARISSA] No. You're going to have to figure that out for yourself.
[TRAIDY] Oh, don't go yet. You haven't met my associate.
(Sorm steps out.)
[ARISSA] How are you?
[SORM] Fine, thank you.
[ARISSA] Draim and I had a deal.
[TRAIDY] He was in a very emotional state when he agreed to it. The
truth is, you really hurt his feelings when you left.
[SORM] He liked you. Maybe you should close your eyes.
(A door opens, Sorm turns. Then a second opens, and a third as Odo
trickles through a ceiling grill.)
[TRAIDY] You were supposed to secure the doors!
[SORM] I did.
(Odo lands solidly on Traidy. Arissa takes Sorm.)
[IDANIAN] Don't move.
(Odo hits Sorm anyway.)
[ODO] Are you all right?
[ARISSA] Yes. I just wish I knew what this is all about.
(Arissa's dataport is activated.)
[BASHIR] The memory transfer will take a few minutes.
[SISKO] How long was she undercover?
[IDANIAN] She volunteered for the operation two years ago. After we
altered her memories, we placed her on Finnea. She woke up the next
morning believing she was a different person.
[SISKO] With no memory of her former life as an intelligence agent?
[IDANIAN] That was crucial to the plan. Draim employs telepaths to scan
everyone who works for him. It was the only way to get past them. We
left her in place long enough to become a trusted member of Draim's
organisation. When we were ready to recall her, we had Tauvid make
contact. We'd imprinted a trace memory designed to make her feel she
could trust him. That way, she'd agree to meet. With what she knows
about Draim, we're going to be able to cripple his entire organisation.
As soon as she's debriefed, we plan to issue the indictments.
[ODO] You make it sound as if it all went according to plan. She was
nearly killed.
[IDANIAN] She knew the risks when she volunteered. We did everything we
could to minimise them. Every stage of this operation was meticulously
[ODO] Including what just happened in the cargo bay?
[SISKO] Why didn't you tell us what was going on when you found out
Tauvid had been killed?
[IDANIAN] If Draim's people had monitored the transmission, it would
have compromised the entire operation. We couldn't risk it. All that
matters is that she's safe and that Draim is going to prison for a long
[BASHIR] The transfer's complete. I'm going to take her to surgery.
(Odo's quarters)
[ODO] Yes.
(Arissa the Idanian enters.)
[ODO] Arissa? That's not even your name, is it?
[ARISSA] There's something you need to know. I'm married. I have a
[ODO] I see.
[ARISSA] I'm so sorry.
[ODO] Don't be. You didn't know. It's not your fault. I fell in love
with a woman who never really existed.
[ARISSA] She did exist. She was real. And she loved you. In a way, she
still does.
[ODO] Will I ever see you again?
[ARISSA] I don't know. I'll never forget you, Odo. Never. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e112", "title": "A Simple Investigation"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Business as Usual
as Usual
Original Airdate: 7 Apr, 1997
(An after hours tongo game.)
[DAX] I risk eight strips, with a purchase at six and a sale of ten.
(Quark is not paying attention.)
[DAX] Quark, it's your move.
[QUARK] Just a moment. (checking a PADD) I can't believe it.
[DAX] You beg me to play tongo with you, and then you don't pay
attention to the game.
[QUARK] I'll be right there.
[DAX] Let me put it another way. If you don't finish this hand, I'm
going to call it a night.
[QUARK] Okay, okay! Who'd have dreamed they'd strike feldomite on
Parsion Three? The Sepian Commodities Exchange is in chaos. Everybody's
selling, prices falling. Evade.
[DAX] Are you sure?
[QUARK] You heard me, evade!
[DAX] Okay. Confront. You owe me fifteen strips of latinum.
[QUARK] Take it. That's all I've got left. My antimonium options, my
quadrotriticale futures, my powdered newt supplements all wiped out.
That's it, I'm finished.
[DAX] It can't be as bad as all that.
[QUARK] It can and it is. I'm up to my lobes in debt. I put the bar up
as collateral to three different brokers. The loans are due in a week.
If I don't come up with the latinum there'll be nothing left of me but
a greasy spot on the Promenade.
(The Bolian barman whispers in his ear.)
[QUARK] Here? Now? Tell him I'm gone.
[GAILA] If that's the best lie you can come up with, no wonder you're
[QUARK] Gaila! What a pleasant surprise.
[GAILA] I doubt it. A clothed female. How titillating.
[DAX] Isn't this the cousin that tried to kill you?
[GAILA] I see you've heard of me. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to
talk to my dear cousin. Alone.
(Dax leaves.)
[QUARK] If you've come for your latinum you've come a long way for
nothing, because that's all I can give you. Nothing.
[GAILA] Spare me the sad story. I'm well aware of your financial
situation and I'm here to help.
[QUARK] What are you going to do, loan me some exploding latinum?
[GAILA] I can understand your scepticism, but I know a way that can help
the both of us. I'm offering you a job.
[QUARK] You'd defy the FCA ban on doing business with me?
[GAILA] What's family for? Besides, I won't tell if you don't.
[QUARK] You want me to sell weapons, don't you?
[GAILA] That's what I do. Now I know you've had reservations about
entering this lucrative field. It's dangerous, it's too technical, it's
not a people business. But let me tell you something, cousin. Nothing
could be further from the truth.
[QUARK] I've told you before, I can't smuggle weapons through this
station. Odo would be on to me in a second.
[GAILA] Who said anything about bringing weapons here?
[QUARK] Then what do you need me for?
[GAILA] I need you, Quark, to do the things you do best. Public
relations, showing our clients a good time, providing an atmosphere
conducive to closing deals.
[QUARK] I can do that.
[GAILA] Of course you can. And you'll earn five percent off every sale.
[QUARK] Ten.
[GAILA] You'll take five.
(Shows him a PADD.)
[QUARK] I had no idea.
[GAILA] Weapons is a growth industry. In a month, all your debts will be
paid. In six months, the Ferengi Commerce Authority will be begging to
reinstate you. In a year, you'll have your own moon.
[QUARK] My own moon.
[GAILA] Success or failure? What's it going to be, cousin?
[QUARK] What have I got to lose?
(O'Brien's quarters)
(The place looks like a toy shop. Miles is walking
the baby.)
[BRIEN] (sotto) Come in.
[JAKE] Morning, Chief.
[BRIEN] Shh. Quiet. You'll wake him. He only dropped off about an hour
[JAKE] You look terrible.
[BRIEN] I didn't get much sleep. He woke up every hour or two. Every
time I tried to put him back in his crib he started crying again. He
misses his mother.
[JAKE] When is Professor O'Brien due back from Bajor?
[BRIEN] I don't know. A week, maybe two. However long it takes to get
that blight under control.
[JAKE] That long?
[BRIEN] On top of that, Annel had some kind of family emergency, so
I'm stuck without a babysitter.
[JAKE] Don't worry about it, Chief. Everything's going to be fine. I'll
take care of Yoshi.
[BRIEN] Huh?
[JAKE] Absolutely.
[BRIEN] You sure you're up to it?
[JAKE] Absolutely. I've babysat Ensign Pran's hatchlings a couple of
times, made sure their little wings didn't get tangled.
[BRIEN] Kirayoshi doesn't have wings.
[JAKE] Even better.
[BRIEN] I think he's worn himself out. He should sleep now. If he
wakes up, give him one of his bottles. There's diapers in the bag over
[JAKE] Don't worry, Chief, I know the drill. Now go to work. You need
the rest.
[BRIEN] I'll be fine. I went through the same thing with Molly. It's
just a phase. He'll grow out of it sooner or later. Gently now.
(O'Brien passes baby over. Yoshi gurgles.)
[JAKE] You see, no problem.
[BRIEN] I'll check in with you at lunch. If you need me, I'm just a
comm-line away.
(Yoshi starts crying.)
[JAKE] He, he
[BRIEN] Give him to me. Shh. There, there, there. Shh, shh, shh.
(Yoshi goes quiet.)
[JAKE] You're good.
[BRIEN] He feels safe with me. Give me the bag. I'm taking him with
[JAKE] To work?
[BRIEN] What choice do I have?
(Quark is rattling the chairs.)
[GAILA] Would you stop doing that!
[QUARK] Shh. Just being careful. Odo could be anywhere or anything.
[GAILA] Quark, we saw him walk down the Promenade five minutes ago.
[QUARK] He's very tricky.
[GAILA] There he is.
[QUARK] Where?
[GAILA] How good to see you again.
[HAGATH] The pleasure's all mine.
(Yes, that is the wonderful Steven Berkoff.)
[GAILA] Quark, this is my associate, Hagath.
[HAGATH] Quark. And my companion, Talura. Your cousin speaks very highly
of you.
[QUARK] I've always said my cousin is an excellent judge of character.
[HAGATH] I admire confidence in a man. In fact, I demand it of my
salesmen. But in business, one must be careful not to grow too
[QUARK] That can be a fatal mistake.
[HAGATH] I believe the phrase you used to bring me here was an
opportunity of a lifetime.
[GAILA] An accurate description.
[HAGATH] Show me.
(Various weapons on display stands.)
[HAGATH] Very nice.
(He hefts a rifle.)
[HAGATH] Its weight and balance appears just right.
[QUARK] We have a wide range of targets for you to choose from.
[HAGATH] That won't be necessary.
(He fires at Quark. No damage done.)
[HAGATH] A perfect replica. It even pulls a little to the right, just
like the real ones.
[QUARK] These are the finest holosuites in the sector.
[HAGATH] I believe it. Remember we sold a hundred and fifty thousand of
these to the Manchovites.
[GAILA] And we sold another hundred thousand to the other side. Now
there was a beautiful little war.
[HAGATH] Too bad about the armistice.
[GAILA] Well, all good things must come to an end.
[QUARK] You sell weapons to opposing sides?
[HAGATH] On occasion. It's very dangerous. If either side realises what
you're doing, it could be most unpleasant.
[GAILA] But as they say, the riskier the road, the greater the profit.
[HAGATH] True. Well, I'm glad I came. This solves many of our problems.
[GAILA] It certainly does. No actual weapons coming in or out, so we
don't break any local laws. All shipping happens outside Federation
space, so Starfleet can't touch us. And since all we're demonstrating
are holograms, we can even show off the specialty items.
[HAGATH] Gaila, well done.
[GAILA] It was all Quark's idea.
[HAGATH] Quark. You really are a find. I'm sure we're going to
accomplish great things together.
[QUARK] I can't wait.
[HAGATH] Just one thing. Don't cross me, Quark. Don't ever cross me.
[QUARK] Completely.
[HAGATH] Right. Now, if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to see my
(Hagath leaves.)
[GAILA] If he were a bit shorter and his teeth were a little sharper,
he'd make a perfect Ferengi.
[QUARK] Why'd you tell him this was my idea?
[GAILA] I want him to like you.
(Holosuite Weapons range)
(Quark is showing a customer a bazooka.)
[QUARK] The Breen CRM one-fourteen works equally well against moving
vessels or surface emplacements. It's guaranteed to cut through
reactive armour in the six to fifteen centimetre range, and shields to
four point six gigajoules.
[CUSTOMER] It's light.
(He blows up a Dopterian interceptor)
(He disintegrates a big robot.)
[QUARK] The quick recharge is one of its most popular features.
[CUSTOMER] I'll take two thousand.
[QUARK] It's a pleasure doing business with someone who appreciates a
fine weapon.
(The customer leaves.)
[QUARK] How'd I do?
[HAGATH] You're a natural salesman.
[QUARK] I am, aren't I? It's no different than selling sandwiches.
[GAILA] What did I tell you?
[HAGATH] I always like to celebrate a job well done. To Quark.
(Gaila hands over a glass of bubbly.)
[GAILA] Quark.
[QUARK] I'm going to like doing this job.
(Hagath's quarters)
(Hagath is watching the stock market.)
[QUARK] You wanted to see me?
[HAGATH] Just a moment. Who would have thought that so much money can be
made from Andarian glass beads. How did things go with the Proxcinians?
[QUARK] He purchased seven thousand tritanium plated assault skimmers.
[HAGATH] Good. And he'll be back for more. The Proxcinian war is just
heating up.
[QUARK] Lucky us.
[HAGATH] I suppose you're wondering when you'll start seeing your share
of the profits.
[QUARK] It had crossed my mind.
[HAGATH] I'm afraid it won't be soon.
[QUARK] I don't understand.
[HAGATH] I took the liberty of transferring your earnings directly to
your creditors. You'll be happy to know they were most appreciative.
[QUARK] I would have paid them their money.
[HAGATH] I don't doubt your intentions, but money does strange things to
people and I can't afford to have an associate distracted with
financial difficulties. So, until your debt is paid, you won't be
seeing any profit.
[QUARK] And once my debts are paid?
[HAGATH] Your earnings will be yours to do with as you will, as long as
you remain solvent. Quark, do forgive me. You see, my associates are
like family to me and I feel it's my duty to keep them from getting
into trouble, and to shower them with affection. (gives him a box) Go
on, open it.
[QUARK] Andarian glass beads. These must be worth
[HAGATH] An absolute fortune. A small token of my esteem.
(To Hagath's companion, who is doing her nails.)
[QUARK] Look!
(A darts match.)
[BASHIR] Go ahead. Beat that, Chief!
(O'Brien is still cradling Yoshi)
[BRIEN] Come on, Yoshi. It may not seem fair forcing the good Doctor
to throw from farther away, but he is genetically engineered.
[BASHIR] Chief, don't you think you should put the baby down?
[BRIEN] I haven't put Yoshi down for a week. If I can carry him at
work, I can carry him here.
[BASHIR] There must be some babysitter on the station that can pacify
[BRIEN] You want to bet?
[BASHIR] But you can't hold him forever. You've already got one bad
[BRIEN] Okay. You want me to put the baby down? Fine. I'll put the
baby down.
(He puts Yoshi down and he starts crying.)
[BRIEN] Happy?
[BASHIR] That's amazing.
[BRIEN] No, this is amazing.
(O'Brien picks Yoshi up and he stops.)
[BRIEN] Yes. Now, if you'll excuse me, it's my throw.
(Hagath's quarters)
(Talura is giving Quark oo-mox.)
[QUARK] That's right, keep going. Ah ha. Don't stop until you see smoke.
[QUARK] Ahhh. Come in.
(Odo enters)
[ODO] I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I believe you know the way
to the Security Office.
(Security office)
[QUARK] None of these charges are going to stick. I
haven't broken any laws. I have a license to run holosuites.
[ODO] But you don't have a license to sell weapons, do you?
[QUARK] I defy you to prove that I brought a single weapon onto the
[ODO] It's a mere technicality. We both know what you're doing. And I
promise you, you're going to face the consequences.
[SISKO] Not today, he isn't.
(Sisko and Kira enter.)
[SISKO] Let him go.
[ODO] Let him go?
[SISKO] Major, tell the Constable what you told me.
[KIRA] The Bajoran government insists that Deep Space Nine not interfere
with the lawful transactions of Hagath or his associates. Hagath
supplied arms to the Resistance. Without him, or people like him, we'd
all be dead. The Cardassians would still be in power. We owe him.
[ODO] Captain!
[SISKO] I don't like it any more than you do.
[QUARK] Better luck next time.
[SISKO] You better hope there isn't a next time, mister. I have cut you
a lot of slack in the past. I even looked away once or twice when I
could have come down hard on you. But those days are over. Now, we may
not be able to get you for selling weapons but you so much as litter on
the Promenade and I will nail you to the wall.
(Sisko leaves.)
[KIRA] Something to look forward to.
(Hagath's quarters)
[GAILA] I'll never forget how many people told us we
were making a mistake. Sell weapons to the Bajorans?
[HAGATH] What chance do they have? Invest in a winner, sell to the
[QUARK] But why did you sell weapons to the Bajorans? They couldn't have
had much money.
[HAGATH] My dear Quark, not every deal is about making money. Sometimes,
you have to look at the big picture, and at times gaining a friend is
more important than making profit.
[GAILA] I admit it's not the Ferengi way, but it's good business
[HAGATH] I knew the Cardassians would eventually lose, and you know why?
[QUARK] Because they were overly confident.
[HAGATH] Exactly. They underestimated the Bajoran thirst for freedom. I
[GAILA] You want me to handle this?
[HAGATH] No. Come in.
(Its a human male.)
[HAGATH] Ah, Farrakk. How nice of you to join us.
[FARRAKK] What was so important that you had to see me in person? I was
about to close that deal with the Verillians.
[HAGATH] Oh really? I heard they had no longer any need of our services.
[FARRAKK] Since when?
[HAGATH] Since they signed an agreement with Metron Consortium. I also
heard that you hadn't even opened negotiations with the Verillians.
[FARRAKK] That's a lie.
[HAGATH] And that instead of doing your job, you were off enjoying
yourself on Risa.
[FARRAKK] I can explain.
[HAGATH] I don't want any explanations. I put my faith in you and you
let me down. As from now, our relationship is terminated.
[FARRAKK] Hagath, can't we just talk this over? I made a mistake.
[HAGATH] An expensive mistake. Goodbye.
(Farrakk pauses in the doorway. Gaila waves.)
[HAGATH] Are you still there?
(Farrakk leaves.)
[HAGATH] Now, that was a most unpleasant experience. Shall we get back
to what we were talking about?
(Quark is polishing glasses and Morn is asleep at
the bar.)
[GAILA] Evening, cousin. Business always this good?
[QUARK] I haven't had a single Starfleet customer all day. Come to think
of it, nobody from the Federation has come through those doors. I must
be off limits.
[GAILA] Quark, as long as we keep the holosuite busy, you've got nothing
to worry about. Which reminds me, we have a very special client
arriving next week. The Regent of Palamar.
[QUARK] Never heard of him.
[GAILA] He's very, very wealthy.
[QUARK] Can't wait to meet him.
[GAILA] He's also very particular about how he's treated.
[QUARK] As well he should be. After all, he's a Regent.
[GAILA] I have to say, cousin, you've done well. And it couldn't have
come at a better time for both of us.
[QUARK] Why's that?
[GAILA] I'm thinking about stepping back, taking it easy for a change.
You could take my place, run things with Hagath. You'd be earning a
bigger share of the profit.
[QUARK] Have you spoken to Hagath about that?
[GAILA] He likes you, Quark.
[QUARK] And I like him. I'd also like a bigger share of the profits.
[GAILA] Then everyone's happy. Except for Farrakk.
[QUARK] What about Farrakk?
[GAILA] Didn't you hear? His ship blew up shortly after he left the
station. Warp core breach. That Hagath, what a temper.
[QUARK] Are you saying Hagath killed him?
[GAILA] You heard what he said, cousin. He doesn't like to be crossed.
Just make sure you don't forget that.
[QUARK] Double snail juice, extra smooth. Good
morning, Commander. Mind if I join you?
[DAX] Actually, I do.
[QUARK] That's okay, I won't take it personally.
[DAX] Quark, I'm busy.
[QUARK] I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed in you. I thought
you, of all people, would understand.
[DAX] Understand what? That you've finally shown how despicable you
truly are? That you don't care how many people die as long as you make
a profit.
[QUARK] Who said anything about people dying? The weapons I sell are
strictly defensive. To be well armed is a deterrent to war. Don't you
know anything about the balance of power?
[DAX] Quark, you don't really believe any of that, do you?
[QUARK] Jadzia, there was nothing else I could do. I was drowning. The
waters were closing over my head and just as my lungs were about to
burst, my cousin threw me a lifeline. How could I possibly refuse?
[DAX] Feeling a little guilty, Quark?
[QUARK] Guilty? Me? I don't have anything to feel guilty about.
[DAX] Then why come to me asking for forgiveness?
(Dax walks out.)
[BASHIR] I've got good news, Chief. Your son is
[BRIEN] Except that he cries constantly unless I'm holding him.
[BASHIR] I've given him every imaginable test. Eyes, ears, digestive,
pulmonary and nervous systems. There's nothing medically wrong with
[BRIEN] What are you telling me, my baby's just sad?
[BASHIR] Perhaps he's become prematurely aware of life's existential
[BRIEN] You sure it's not a rash?
[BASHIR] Look on the bright side. He'll probably be a great poet.
There's nothing I can do for you, Chief.
[BRIEN] Yes, there is.
[BASHIR] What's wrong?
[BRIEN] My neck.
[BASHIR] Hold on, I'll get a neural modulator.
(Hagath's quarters)
(Dishes are being presented and explained to
[QUARK] Palamarian sea urchin, lightly sautéed in garlic and moon grass.
Matopin rock fungi tossed on a bed of tartoc and seasoned with clavisoa
berries. And for the main course, stuffed Wentlian condor snake. All
the Regent's favourite dishes. I obtained the recipes through his
palace chefs in exchange for a small gratuity.
[HAGATH] Quark, may I ask you a question?
[QUARK] Go ahead.
[HAGATH] Are you trying to ruin me on purpose, or is this sheer
[QUARK] Ruin you? I don't want to ruin you.
[HAGATH] Here we are, about to open negotiations with an important new
client and this is the welcome you're prepared to give him?
[QUARK] They told me he'd like it.
[HAGATH] This? He's going to like this?
[QUARK] Yes.
(Hagath tries one of the dishes.)
[HAGATH] Well, he should. It's delicious. We had you going there, didn't
[GAILA] Oh, you had him, you definitely had him.
[HAGATH] Quark, I love you. It's magnificent, all of it.
[QUARK] So glad you approve.
[HAGATH] Well, that's enough fun for now. The Regent will be here
shortly, and tonight we are going to make some money.
(Later, the food has been decimated. The Regent is a Godfather or
Sidney Greenstreet type.)
[REGENT] Nassuc was the best officer I ever had. I took her out of the
ranks and made her a general. In time, she would have inherited my
entire empire. And how did she pay me back? By declaring independence
for her homeworld.
[HAGATH] Betrayal. It's the one unforgivable sin. Especially when it's
committed by someone you trusted implicitly.
[REGENT] Most arms dealers wouldn't understand such considerations. They
have no ideals, no passions except for lining their own pockets. I
always felt you were a man of honour. You're all men of honour.
[GAILA] How very perceptive of you, Regent.
[QUARK] Now, how can we help you?
[REGENT] I want to make an example of Nassuc and her followers. I intend
to eradicate her entire city.
[GAILA] What kind of casualties are you looking for?
[REGENT] Seven or eight million.
[HAGATH] We can help you there.
[REGENT] But that's just the beginning. Over the next couple of months,
I would like the death toll to rise slowly but steadily.
[GAILA] Can you give us a figure?
[REGENT] About twenty million.
(Quark is shocked at this idea.)
[HAGATH] Now, what would be most effective? Prions?
[GAILA] Either that or a mutagenic retrovirus. What do you think, Quark?
[QUARK] Twenty eight million dead? Can't we just wound some of them?
[REGENT] I am here to buy weapons. Are you here to sell them?
[HAGATH] Absolutely. Quark was just trying to make a little joke, but
unfortunately Ferengi humour doesn't translate too well. So let's forgo
any further attempts at jocularity, shall we? And get down to the
(Promenade - upper level)
[GAILA] Quark, maybe I didn't make myself clear.
I've been in the weapons business forty years. I want to retire.
[QUARK] I don't blame you.
[GAILA] But I'm not going to be able to retire if my hand-picked
successor can't control his conscience.
[QUARK] The Regent is insane.
[GAILA] Stop being so judgmental. It's his bank account, not his mental
health you should be concerned with.
[QUARK] But twenty eight million people. That just seems wrong.
[GAILA] If Hagath heard you talk that way he would toss you out the
nearest airlock. Look out there. Millions and millions of stars,
millions upon millions of worlds. And right now, half of them are
fanatically dedicated to destroying the other half. Now, do you think
if one of those twinkling little lights suddenly went out, anybody
would notice? Suppose I offered you ten million bars of gold pressed
latinum to help turn out one of those lights, would you really tell me
to keep my money?
(Quark comes in from the Promenade to see Sisko
with a big wound in his chest.)
[SISKO] Hello, Quark.
[QUARK] You don't look so good.
[SISKO] That's because I'm dead.
[JAKE] Way to go, Quark. I had my whole life ahead of me.
[QUARK] I didn't do anything.
[DAX] You killed us all.
[QUARK] Now hold on. You can't blame me.
[KIRA] Deny it all you want. You're responsible.
[SISKO] I hope it was worth it.
[DAX] How much latinum did they pay you?
[KIRA] Enough to buy a new conscience?
[BRIEN] Why, Quark? Why did you kill my baby?
(Suddenly everyone is standing round a dabo loaded with money.)
[QUARK] This isn't my fault.
(The wheel stops.)
[SISKO] You lose.
[QUARK] No, no, no!
(Quark wakes from his nightmare.)
[QUARK] What have I done?
(Everyone is whispering, and looking down onto a
carry cot.)
[SISKO] Chief, why is the baby in the pit?
[BRIEN] It's kind of hard to explain, sir.
[SISKO] Try.
[BRIEN] As soon as I took him down there with me, he fell asleep.
Could be the pattern of the lights, the hum of the optronic emitters,
the vibrations of the ODN relays, I'm not sure. But the point is, he's
not crying.
[SISKO] Yes. Chief, why don't you take off for a few days off until
Keiko gets back? I think we can manage without you for that long.
[BRIEN] That won't be necessary, sir. I have the situation well in
[SISKO] What I'm trying say is that keeping Kirayoshi in the pit is not
an acceptable solution. Find another one.
[BRIEN] Yes, sir. Sir?
[SISKO] Yes, Chief?
[BRIEN] Could we wait till he wakes up before we move him? He only
just dropped off.
[SISKO] Very well. And then I want him out of there.
[BRIEN] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] Don't you people have work to do?
(Dax's quarters)
(Quark has brought the tongo wheel.)
[DAX] What the hell are you doing in here?
[QUARK] I want you to have this.
[DAX] You broke into my quarters to give me a tongo wheel? Get out
before I call Security.
[QUARK] I'm going.
[DAX] And take that thing with you.
[QUARK] I can't. It's a gift.
[DAX] Think you can buy back my friendship?
[QUARK] It's not a bribe. Chances are I won't be needing it anymore.
Goodbye, Dax.
[DAX] Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
[QUARK] Don't you want to know where it is I'm going?
[DAX] Not really.
[QUARK] What if I said it was dangerous?
(Dax goes into the bedroom and closes the door.)
[QUARK] Figures. Doesn't matter. Where I'm going you can't follow. What
I have to do, I have to do alone. One man who's had enough, who's going
to stand up and say
[DAX] Goodbye, Quark.
[QUARK] Nervous? The worst Hagath can do is kill
you. What's one life compared to the lives of twenty eight million
(Hagath's quarters)
[HAGATH] What do you mean you can't get your hands
on the mutagenic retrovirus?
[QUARK] Our supplier sold all he had to the Minnobia for their war
against the Vek.
[HAGATH] This isn't good. I've just been telling the Regent that his
shipment will be delivered within a week. He's leaving right now. He is
not going to be happy, Quark.
[QUARK] I know. He'll be stuck with twenty eight million people and no
way to kill them.
[HAGATH] I'm glad you're amused, Quark.
[QUARK] Lucky for us, I can get hold of some Varaxian LM Seven.
[HAGATH] Never heard of it.
[QUARK] It's a new biogenic weapon, still in the experimental stage.
[HAGATH] Is it effective?
[QUARK] They'll be dropping like flies. Only trouble is, I don't know
how much of it I can get. You think the Regent would be satisfied with
only seventeen million people killed?
[HAGATH] Well, seventeen million, it's better than nothing.
[QUARK] Then what you have to do is tell him there's been a change of
plans. Tell him we have something new to show him. It might take a
little longer to get the results he wants, but we'll give him a twenty
percent discount. In the meantime, I'll have a sample of Varaxian LM
Seven sent here and we'll arrange for a small demonstration. We'll find
a planet with some low-level lifeforms on it nobody will miss.
[HAGATH] I'll speak to the Regent, try to keep him from leaving. You
make sure you get this sample here as soon as possible. Don't fail me,
[QUARK] Believe me, I want this deal to go through more than anybody.
I'm finally out of debt. These are the first profits I get to keep.
[HAGATH] Get going.
(Quark and Gaila are running.)
[QUARK] Stop looking so unhappy. The dabo tables will still be there
when you get back.
[GAILA] But I was winning. What could be more important than that?
[QUARK] I told you there's somebody I want you to meet.
(Quark's quarters)
[QUARK] Gaila, meet General Nassuc, head of the
Palamarian Freedom Brigade.
[GAILA] Pleased to meet you. We need to talk.
[QUARK] Will you excuse us for just a moment?
[GAILA] What is that female doing on the station?
[QUARK] I invited her.
[GAILA] Are you crazy? She's the Regent's mortal enemy. Does he know
she's here? Does Hagath?
[QUARK] Of course not.
[GAILA] You are scaring me, cousin.
[QUARK] Relax. I know selling weapons to opposing sides is dangerous,
but as you said yourself, The riskier the road.
[GAILA] Don't quote The Rules of Acquisition to me. If Hagath finds out
we're doing this behind his back, we'll wind up as dead as Farrakk.
[QUARK] Only if we fail, and we're not going to fail. we're going to
sell Varaxian LM Seven to both the Regent and the General.
[GAILA] Is she interested?
[QUARK] Oh, she jumped at the chance. She's as crazy as the Regent. Both
sides will poison each other, we'll double our profits, and Hagath will
be very happy.
[GAILA] But what if they see one another, realise what we're doing?
[QUARK] It's a busy station. We'll keep them far apart. Just think of
all that latinum.
[GAILA] What do you want me to do?
[QUARK] Keep the General occupied for twenty minutes, then take her to
cargo bay five. I'll meet you there.
(Cargo bay)
(Quark is kneeling by a container.)
[REGENT] Open it.
[HAGATH] You heard him.
[QUARK] That's odd.
[REGENT] What's wrong?
[HAGATH] Nothing. Right, Quark?
[QUARK] The code sequencer isn't working.
[HAGATH] Then fix it.
[QUARK] Right away. I just need to get a descrambler. And then while I'm
at it, I'll get a bottle of champagne to celebrate.
[HAGATH] Forget the champagne. Just get here as quickly as possible.
[QUARK] Whatever you say.
[HAGATH] He'll be back shortly.
(Outside the Cargo bay)
[GAILA] Quark, where are you going?
[QUARK] I'll be right back. I just have to get a descrambler.
[GAILA] After you.
(Gaila and the General enter the cargo bay.)
[REGENT] Hagath, what's she doing here?
[MALE] It's a trap!
(Weapons fire. Quark runs away.)
(Quark comes through the airlock as Security starts
rushing around.)
[ODO] Attention all personnel. There are reports of phaser fire in cargo
bay five. Seal the area.
[SECURITY] You're with me. Double time!
(O'Brien's quarters)
[BRIEN] Good afternoon, Commander.
[WORF] Chief, my schedule shows you were supposed to begin modifying the
deflector array aboard the Defiant today.
[BRIEN] I'm sorry, sir. The Captain thought I could use a few days
leave so I decided to take him up on it.
[WORF] To care for your son.
[BRIEN] Looking after a baby can be a full time job. Here, do me a
favour. Just hold him for a minute. I have to get his bottle. He may
cry for a bit, but it's okay, there's nothing wrong with him.
[WORF] Chief, I need to
[BRIEN] Just be a minute.
(Worf holds Yoshi while O'Brien goes into the bedroom. O'Brien comes
out with a bottle.)
[WORF] What is the matter?
[BRIEN] The baby. He's not crying. He's not crying!
(O'Brien takes Yoshi and gives Worf the bottle.)
[BRIEN] Here.
(O'Brien puts Yoshi in the carry cot and sits down.)
[WORF] I never saw my son when he was this age. It is something I will
always regret. You are a fortunate man. Chief. Chief?
(O'Brien is asleep.)
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] You're facing some serious charges here,
Quark. Incitement to riot, endangering the public safety, disregard
[QUARK] How was I supposed to know everyone was going to start shooting?
I just wanted them to cross paths so that the deal would fall through.
[SISKO] It fell through, all right. Hagath and Gaila barely managed to
get off the station alive.
[QUARK] I hear General Nassuc sent a purification squad after them.
[SISKO] I wouldn't count on seeing your former business partners again.
[QUARK] I can live with that.
[SISKO] What about the Regent's death?
[QUARK] The Regent's dead?
[SISKO] A purification squad caught up with him this morning.
[QUARK] I can live with that, too. And I can think of twenty eight
million other people who won't mind either.
[SISKO] Twenty eight million and one.
[QUARK] So, about those charges. Surely we can come up with some sort of
[SISKO] That depends.
[QUARK] On what?
[SISKO] This is what it's going to cost to repair the cargo bay.
[QUARK] That much?
[SISKO] That much.
[QUARK] Well, maybe we could come up with some sort of installment plan?
[SISKO] Works for me.
(Dax's quarters)
[DAX] Retreat.
[QUARK] Acquire.
[DAX] Confront.
[QUARK] Evade.
(Quark wins.)
[QUARK] The risk is at ten, with a purchase of seven and a sale of
[DAX] Nice move. But then you always had a knack for getting out of
tight spots.
[QUARK] It's a gift. Now, about my tongo wheel.
[DAX] It's not your tongo wheel. You gave it to me, remember?
[QUARK] I know that I gave it to you, but at the time
[DAX] I'm not giving it back, and that's final. Confront.
[QUARK] Retreat. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e113", "title": "Business as Usual"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Ties of Blood and Water
of Blood and Water
Original Airdate: 14 Apr, 1997
[KIRA] Now remember, I want him treated like a
visiting head of state. Full communications and computer access, any
assistance he may need from the station's crew.
[DAX] You should have told us know he was coming sooner. I think we have
a red carpet in storage somewhere.
[KIRA] Dax, this is important. Tekeny Ghemor led the dissident movement
against Cardassia's Central Command. And now that Dukat and the
Dominion have taken over, there is no one better qualified to lead the
[DAX] Besides, he's practically your father.
[WORF] Your father? Ghemor is a Cardassian.
[KIRA] It's a long story.
[DAX] The Cardassians once kidnapped Kira and surgically altered her to
look like Ghemor's missing daughter. (link to Second Skin)
[KIRA] It was part of a plan to expose him as the leader of the
dissident movement.
[WORF] Cardassian politics are very complex.
[DAX] I think they like it that way.
[KIRA] Ghemor may be the only hope left for Cardassia. He deserves our
(Kira has her back to the airlock.)
[GHEMOR] That's a lot of faith to put in one man.
(Kira spins round.)
[GHEMOR] I hope I won't prove too great a disappointment.
[KIRA] Legate Ghemor. It's good to see you.
[GHEMOR] How many times must I tell you, Nerys? If you won't call me
father, Tekeny will do.
[KIRA] Welcome to Deep Space Nine, Tekeny. This is our science officer,
Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax, and our strategic operations officer,
Lieutenant Commander Worf.
[GHEMOR] That's quite a reception for an old man. Ah, I see you're
wearing the bracelet I gave you.
[KIRA] Not exactly permitted under the uniform code, but
[GHEMOR] It looks good on you. It was a pleasure meeting both of you,
but if you don't mind, I'm afraid the journey here was a little
[KIRA] Oh, I'll show you to your quarters.
(Kira and Ghemor leave.)
[WORF] Major Kira, friends with a Cardassian. It seems wrong.
[DAX] You should've known her five years ago. Back then, I never thought
she'd be friends with anyone.
(Ghemor's quarters)
[KIRA] I've had the replicator programmed with a
complete Cardassian menu. You've got twenty six hour a day computer
access, a private subspace comm. channel, and if there is anything else
you need, you just ask me.
[GHEMOR] I wish I had your energy.
[KIRA] I am sorry. I just wanted you to feel at home.
[GHEMOR] You've been very kind.
[KIRA] I thought you should know. I checked with Bajoran Security. There
are still no leads on your daughter.
[GHEMOR] She's dead, isn't she?
[KIRA] We don't know that. Now, if Iliana is still alive, she's been
undercover on Bajor for over a decade now. It's very hard to find
someone who's been hiding that long.
[GHEMOR] I know you're trying to keep my hopes up, but it's time I faced
the facts. I'm alone. You're the closest thing to family that I have
[KIRA] Bajoran Security has not given up hope. Neither should you. You
just have to be patient.
[GHEMOR] I'm afraid patience is for the young. But what about you,
Nerys? How is life treating you?
[KIRA] Oh, I've got no complaints. Now, did you read the proposal I sent
[GHEMOR] It was very ambitious, but I'm afraid you'll have to find
another person to lead the effort.
[KIRA] No, you are the perfect person for the job. You're still popular
on Cardassia. The people respect you. They'll listen to you.
[GHEMOR] It's not that simple.
[KIRA] We can make it work. We'll set up a government in exile here on
the station. You could make regular transmissions into Cardassia, issue
corrections to their propaganda, mobilise your old friends in the
dissident movement.
[GHEMOR] Nerys, it's a good plan, but I can't help you.
[KIRA] Why?
[GHEMOR] I have Yarim Fel syndrome. It's terminal, Nerys. I'm dying.
[BASHIR] I'm afraid the prognosis isn't good. The
disease has already spread throughout your digestive tract, your
circulatory and respiratory systems, and your cartilaginous tissue.
[GHEMOR] How much time do I have left?
[BASHIR] I'm not sure. There are still some treatments we can try.
Hexadrin therapy or neuroregeneration procedures.
[GHEMOR] I appreciate anything you can do. I'm sorry, Nerys. I'm afraid
this isn't going the way you planned.
[KIRA] Oh, don't worry about me. The important thing is to get you well.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Begin Captain's log, stardate
[BRIEN (OC)] Ops to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[BRIEN (OC)] You've got an incoming
[BRIEN] Message from Cardassia. It's from Gul
(Captain's office)
[BRIEN] He's demanding to speak to you.
[SISKO] Put him through.
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] Ah, Captain Sisko. Always a pleasure.
[SISKO] Still calling yourself Gul? I'm surprised you haven't promoted
yourself back to Legate by now.
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] I prefer the title Gul. So much more hands-on
than Legate. And less pretentious than the other alternatives,
President, Emperor, First Minister, Emissary.
[SISKO] How about Dominion Puppet?
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] Captain, such comments only reveal a deep
misunderstanding of the intricacies of the Dominion political system.
Under our new administration, Cardassia enjoys unparalleled autonomy
[SISKO] You can justify yourself later, Dukat. I'm a busy man.
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] Very well. We have reason to believe you have
one of our citizens aboard your station. A certain Tekeny Ghemor,
formerly a Legate in the Cardassian Central Command.
[SISKO] And if we do?
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] Well, we want him back. To put it mildly, he has
a lot to answer for.
[SISKO] I will take your request under advisement. But considering the
Federation doesn't recognise your government, and that Cardassia has
never agreed to an extradition treaty with Bajor or the Federation, you
shouldn't get your hopes up.
(Ghemor's quarters)
(Ghemor is cradling Kirayoshi.)
[GHEMOR] What a beautiful baby you are. Yes. You must be very proud.
[KIRA] He's Miles and Keiko's baby. I just carried him to term for them.
(Ghemor winces.)
[GHEMOR] Maybe you'd better?
[KIRA] Yeah. (takes Yoshi) Are you?
[GHEMOR] It'll pass. It's silly, but I almost feel like a grandfather.
After all, you're the closest thing I have to a daughter.
[KIRA] Yoshi's the closest thing I have to a son. You'd make a terrific
[GHEMOR] And what about you, Nerys? Have you ever thought about having
one of your own? Maybe with that Shakaar fellow of yours?
[KIRA] You know about me and Shakaar?
[GHEMOR] I've been keeping an eye on you. It made me feel like I still
had family.
[KIRA] What did you do, hire someone to follow me around?
[GHEMOR] Credit an old man with some restraint. I just had people let me
know when they heard anything about you. Like it or not, you're a
public figure, Nerys. First officer of one of the most important
military installations in the quadrant. Your feud with Kai Winn has
become already something of a legend. Did you know that you have your
own section in the Cardassian Central Archives? You've made an
impression on people, Nerys. A good one. You should be proud of
everything you've accomplished. I am.
[KIRA] You know, I've kept my ears open for news about you too. I was
worried about you. Opposing the Cardassian government is dangerous
[GHEMOR] I enjoyed it, while it lasted. I have a fondness for hopeless
causes. It runs in the family.
[KIRA] Dukat called the station. He wants you extradited to Cardassia.
[GHEMOR] I'm not surprised. He knows that as long as I'm alive, I'm a
threat to him.
[KIRA] We won't let him get his hands on you.
[GHEMOR] Nerys, I know more about the Cardassian government than anyone
alive. Names, alliances, plots. Things that could do a lot of good in
the right hands. There's a Cardassian tradition, shri-tal. The dying
give their secrets to their family to use against their enemies. But I
have no one left to carry my secrets. No one but you.
[KIRA] Me?
[GHEMOR] Be my daughter one last time, Nerys. Hear what I know and use
it as you see fit.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] I hate to sound callous, but we have a
tremendous opportunity here. Ghemor is basically volunteering to give
us more intelligence on Cardassia than we've been able to gather in
five years.
[KIRA] That's exactly what he's doing.
[SISKO] It's quite a responsibility he's handing you.
[KIRA] I know. I can't help wondering if he's chosen the right person.
What if I get too involved or I don't ask the right questions? Maybe I
can convince Ghemor to talk to a counsellor or Constable Odo. I mean,
he questions people every day.
[SISKO] Maybe. But Ghemor just doesn't want to be debriefed. He wants
someone to talk to. Someone to be with until the end.
[KIRA] And that someone is me.
(Bajoran resistance)
(Kira remembers a time before Furel lost his arm.
Injured are being brought into the cave hideout.)
[FUREL] Nerys!
(A badly hurt man is on the stretcher.)
[KIRA] Father. Father, can you hear me?
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Are you up to it?
[KIRA] I have no choice. I'm all he's got.
(Ghemor's quarters)
(It looks more like an intensive care or hospice
room than guest quarters.)
[BASHIR] If Ghemor's pain gets too severe, push this. It'll administer a
small dose of triptacedrine. If you want to replenish the medication,
be sure and turn this valve, disconnect it from here, and replace it
with a new supply. If you don't want to do it yourself, you can always
call for a nurse to help.
[KIRA] I can manage.
[BASHIR] I hope you're right. Looking with someone with a terminal
condition isn't easy, especially in this case where you'll be acting as
Ghemor's only source of emotional support.
[KIRA] I know what I'm getting myself into.
[BASHIR] I'm sure you do. Well, let me know if you need anything.
(Bashir leaves.)
[KIRA] Tekeny.
[GHEMOR] Nerys.
[KIRA] No, don't try to move.
[GHEMOR] Mouth's dry.
[KIRA] I'll get you some water. Careful.
(But it dribbles down his chin.)
[KIRA] Oh, damn it. I'm sorry.
[GHEMOR] It's all right. You're doing fine. Maybe we should get started.
(Kira gets a dictaphone.)
[KIRA] Session one, stardate 50712.5. Whenever you're ready.
[GHEMOR] Probably Dukat's most powerful enemy is Gul Trepar, the head of
the Fourth Order. He's
[KIRA] What is it?
[GHEMOR] Button.
(Kira triggers a dose of painkiller.)
[KIRA] Better? You know, maybe I can ask Doctor Bashir to get you
something stronger.
[GHEMOR] No. Anything stronger and I'd be unconscious. And you and I
have a lot to talk about. Where were we?
[KIRA] Trepar.
[GHEMOR] Trepar. Trepar used to outrank Dukat and he's not happy to be
taking orders from one of his former subordinates. Trepar's aide is a
man named Glinn Borven, a political opportunist with all the loyalty of
(Bajoran resistance)
[KIRA] Medic! We need a medic! What the hell's
taking them so long!
[TABAN] Nerys! Nerys, don't leave me. I was such a fool. When the
Cardassians started setting fire to the village, I tried to talk to
them, to reason with them. Look what they've done to me.
[KIRA] I'm going to make them pay for this, I promise you.
[TABAN] They burnt my garden, set fire to everything. I worked for years
planting it, caring for it, and now it's gone.
[KIRA] We'll plant another one, together, you and I.
[TABAN] I wish I had your strength, Nerys, your confidence. I'm so
[KIRA] Where's that damn medic?
[TABAN] Don't go. Stay with me. The medic can wait. I don't want to be
(Ghemor's quarters)
[KIRA] The subject is asleep. I'm concluding the
interview for the day.
[GHEMOR] (muttering and twitching) Cold, cold.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] It's a good start. Starfleet Intelligence
will be very pleased.
[KIRA] There's more where that came from. Ghemor seems to know every
politician and bureaucrat on Cardassia.
[SISKO] You look tired.
[KIRA] I've been up for thirty hours straight.
[SISKO] You should get some rest.
[BASHIR (OC)] Bashir to Major Kira.
[KIRA] Go ahead.
[BASHIR (OC)] Please report to Ghemor's quarters immediately.
(Ghemor's quarters)
[BASHIR] He's not responding to the hexadrin therapy
[GHEMOR] Nerys.
[KIRA] I'm here.
[GHEMOR] Ask me questions, Nerys. We don't have much time.
[KIRA] You were talking about the Supreme Tribunal.
[SISKO] Status report.
[WORF] A Jem'Hadar battleship is approaching the station.
[DAX] Its weapons are armed and its targeting systems are active.
[SISKO] Red Alert. All crewmembers report to battle stations.
[BRIEN] They're hailing us.
[SISKO] On screen.
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Gul Dukat. What's the meaning of this?
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] You said you'd take my request for Ghemor's
extradition under advisement.
[BRIEN] They've locked weapons on the station.
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] I eagerly await your decision.
(Captain's office)
[DUKAT] Captain Sisko. Thank you for the kind
invitation. This is one of my Dominion advisors, Weyoun.
[SISKO] We've met. I saw you die.
[WEYOUN] That wasn't me. At least not exactly.
[DUKAT] The Vorta are experts at cloning.
[WEYOUN] It tends to mitigate the risk involved in so much of our work.
My predecessor was the fourth incarnation of our noble progenitor. I am
the fifth.
[SISKO] Immortality.
[WEYOUN] Of a sort. Interested?
[SISKO] Dukat, you said you wanted to talk to me. Now is your chance.
[DUKAT] Then I'll make it simple, Captain. Tekeny Ghemor is not a well
man. He would be better off under the care of his own people. We want
him to know he can come home.
[SISKO] To attend his own execution.
[DUKAT] No, not at all. Ghemor's case has been reviewed by the new
judicial system and he's been cleared of any wrongdoing.
[WEYOUN] Dominion courts are renowned for their honesty and equanimity.
[DUKAT] So, as you can see, there's no reason Ghemor can't return to
[SISKO] I don't think he would agree with you.
[WEYOUN] Perhaps we should find out.
(Ghemor's quarters)
[GHEMOR] Dukat, I have a week to live, maybe less.
Do you really expect me to trade my silence for a few short days under
the Cardassian sun?
[DUKAT] It is where you belong, Ghemor.
[GHEMOR] And it's where I'd be this very moment if you hadn't betrayed
our people to the Dominion. Good day, Dukat.
[WEYOUN] He doesn't seem to like you very much. We're going to have to
do something about your public image.
[KIRA] Gentlemen.
[DUKAT] You haven't heard my entire offer. We do have something else I
think might interest you. Your daughter, Iliana.
[GHEMOR] Iliana? I
[KIRA] Don't listen to him.
[DUKAT] Your daughter is alive. I know where to find her.
[GHEMOR] I want to believe you, Dukat, but even if I did, let's just say
I don't like the company you're keeping. You and I might have come to
an agreement, one Cardassian to another. But now dealing with you means
dealing with them, and that makes the price too high.
[KIRA] All right, you have your answer.
[DUKAT] My ship will be docked here few days longer.
[WEYOUN] In case you change your mind.
[GHEMOR] I won't.
(Time passes. More painkiller is given, more information recorded but
nothing we didn't know from what I could hear under the music. Kira
sleeps, mops his brow and Ghemor talks, and shivers.)
(Quark's cafe)
[QUARK] What can I get for you, Major? A frosty
Bajoran ale perhaps? Or something stronger? How about a Black Hole?
[KIRA] Whatever.
[QUARK] You look terrible. Not that I mind. I like my women a little
[KIRA] Quark, just get me my drink.
[QUARK] I know just the thing. Warm Enyak's milk. It'll help you sleep.
(Kira's quarters)
[KIRA] Come in.
[DUKAT] Major. Sorry to disturb you.
[KIRA] Sorry enough to leave?
[DUKAT] Your defense of Ghemor is admirable. But did it ever occur to
you, you may be fighting the wrong battle? Do you recall the massacre
at the Kiessa Monastery?
[KIRA] Kiessa. What's that got to do with Ghemor?
(Dukat hands over a PADD)
[DUKAT] See for yourself. That is his official military record. You can
verify anything on there with Bajoran Intelligence if you like.
[KIRA] You are really enjoying this, aren't you? Huh? All your sick
little games.
[DUKAT] I must admit, I do get a certain perverse pleasure out of it.
Read it or not, it's up to you.
(Kira throws a cup at Dukat.)
[KIRA] I promise you, Dukat, I will make you pay for all of this one
[DUKAT] Maybe. But not today.
(Dukat leaves, and Kira reads the PADD.)
(Ghemor's quarters)
[GHEMOR] Nerys.
[KIRA (OC)] I'll be right there.
(Ghemor has knocked over a glass of water.)
[KIRA] Now what?
[GHEMOR] I was thirsty.
[KIRA] Just sit back. You're all tangled up.
[GHEMOR] I'm sorry.
[KIRA] It's a little late for that now, isn't it?
[GHEMOR] Nerys, is something wrong?
[KIRA] Yes there's something's wrong. You lied to me.
[GHEMOR] About what?
[KIRA] About everything. But let's start with Kiessa Monastery.
[GHEMOR] Kiessa.
[KIRA] You were there, weren't you?
[GHEMOR] Dukat told you.
[KIRA] The Cardassian army burned Kiessa to the ground. Seventeen monks
were killed.
[GHEMOR] But they were hiding weapons for the Resistance. Weapons that
were being used to kill my friends. It was war. It was easy to despise
you. But you weren't the monsters, we were. I wish I'd never joined the
military, never volunteered for duty on Bajor. But I did. And I can't
change that, no matter how much I might want to.
[KIRA] So instead you hid the truth from me.
[GHEMOR] No, Nerys. I didn't want you to hate me.
[KIRA] It's what you deserve.
[GHEMOR] Nerys!
(Kira gives him a glass of water and leaves.)
(Weyoun is playing dabo)
[WEYOUN] Dabo! That is dabo, isn't it?
[DUKAT] I don't know why you insist on playing this ridiculous game.
[WEYOUN] I like games.
(Sisko enters.)
[DUKAT] Ah, Captain. Can I help you?
[SISKO] I thought we should talk. I realise I haven't been much of a
(He has brought a bottle of kanar, and glasses. They go to a table
under the watchful gaze of Security.)
[SISKO] Here, have some kanar.
[DUKAT] No, thank you. I'm not particularly thirsty right now.
[SISKO] I insist.
[DUKAT] I said no thank you. I never touch Kanar on an empty stomach,
Captain. It's bad for the digestion.
[SISKO] In this case, that's something of an understatement. Because in
that bottle is enough voraxna poison to kill at least a dozen
Cardassians. It was delivered to Tekeny Ghemor less than twenty minutes
[DUKAT] Fascinating.
[SISKO] What's wrong, Dukat? Are you afraid Ghemor's going to say
something that might undermine your cosy new position?
[DUKAT] Tread with care, Captain. You're coming dangerously close to
accusing the head of the Cardassian government of attempted murder.
[SISKO] Is that what I'm doing?
[WEYOUN] How delightful. The mysterious plots, the subtle innuendos, the
veiled threats. It's all so entertaining.
(Weyoun drinks the kanar.)
[DUKAT] What?
[WEYOUN] Oh, my. That is quite toxic, isn't it?
[DUKAT] Are you insane?
[WEYOUN] Vorta are immune to most forms of poison. Comes in handy when
you're a diplomat.
[SISKO] Especially when you're working with the Cardassians. You can
keep the kanar, Dukat. Ghemor won't be drinking it.
(Odo is pacing as Kira leaves the shrine.)
[ODO] It's a little late for services, Major.
[KIRA] I needed a quiet place to think. If you've got something to say
to me, Constable, say it.
[ODO] I understand you've stopped visiting Ghemor.
[KIRA] He lied to me. I thought he was different, but he's just like the
rest of them.
[ODO] Is he? Really. I've seen his file, too, Major. He was nineteen
when Kiessa was destroyed. He'd been in the military for less than a
year and was only one of four hundred soldiers at the monastery.
There's no way of knowing if he even fired a shot.
[KIRA] He shouldn't have been there at all.
[ODO] This isn't about Ghemor's war record. If it really mattered, you
wouldn't have waited for Dukat to hand it to you. You would have looked
it up yourself.
[KIRA] What are you trying to say? That I should go back down there?
[ODO] Ah. No, I wasn't saying that at all. Are you?
(Bajoran resistance)
(Taban is writhing in agony.)
[KIRA] Father? Father. Father, hold still. You'll tear your bandages.
[TABAN] My garden. They burned my garden.
[KIRA] I know. I know.
[TABAN] I can hear the Prophets calling me, Nerys. I can feel my pagh
slipping away.
[FUREL] Nerys. We found them. It's a Cardassian heavy weapons unit.
Third assault group, ninth order.
[KIRA] Hold on. I'll be right back. How far?
[FUREL] Just outside of Tempasa.
[KIRA] I'll go with you.
[FUREL] Are you sure?
[KIRA] I know the area.
[FUREL] So does Gantt.
[KIRA] They didn't shoot Gantt's father. They shot mine.
[FUREL] All right. Go.
[KIRA] We found the soldiers that did this to you. I'm going to make
them pay, just like I promised.
[TABAN] The others. Let them. You don't have to go.
[KIRA] Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I won't be long. Let's go!
(Kira's quarters)
(Kira is putting candles in front of her shrine
when the doorbell rings.)
[KIRA] Come in.
[BASHIR] I thought you should know that Ghemor's condition has
deteriorated. He'll be dead within the hour.
[KIRA] Thank you for the information, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Is that it? Thank you for the information? Ghemor is dying.
[KIRA] I heard you.
[BASHIR] Major, he wants to see you.
[KIRA] Well, I don't want to see him.
[BASHIR] Major, please, it's almost over. There's no more questions to
ask, no more work to be done. Just go to his quarters and sit with him.
[KIRA] I said no. Don't ask me again.
[BASHIR] Fine. You must do what you want. But I think you're making a
mistake. Regardless of what Ghemor's done in the past, he doesn't
deserve to die alone. Nobody does.
(Bajoran resistance)
(The fighters have returned from their mission,
[FUREL] All four mortar rounds right in the central compound. And the
way they ran, it was like kicking over a mound of barrowbugs.
[KIRA] What was the count?
[FUREL] Five skimmers, and at least, at least fifteen Cardassian dead.
Now that's not a bad day's work. We should celebrate.
[KIRA] Yeah. They kill us, we kill them. It's nothing worth celebrating.
[GANTT] Nerys. Your father.
(He's dead.)
[GANTT] He died calling your name.
[KIRA] Get another raiding party together. I want to hit those
Cardassians again as soon as we have a chance.
(Outside the cave)
(Kira is digging the grave.)
[FUREL] Would you like me to call everyone together? Have Prylar Quen
say a few words?
[KIRA] There's nothing left to say.
(Ghemor's quarters)
[GHEMOR] I didn't think you would come.
[KIRA] Well, for a while there, neither did I.
(She takes his hand and rests her head on his chest.)
[BASHIR] Cause of death was CNS failure brought on
by Yarim Fel syndrome. One witness was present, a Major Kira Nerys of
the Bajoran Militia. Witness's statement is attached. Major, we're done
[KIRA] That's it? A quick postmortem, a statement from the witness and a
little paperwork. It seems so straightforward.
[BASHIR] It never is.
[KIRA] He got so quiet toward the end. I could hear him whispering
things. His wife's name, Iliana's, even mine. Then the pain just got
too much for him and he just lay there, breathing. And at the end of
every exhale, there was this pause, and I thought that's it. It's over.
Then he'd force another breath, and another. I started counting them.
One hundred, two hundred, three hundred. He was fought for every last
second. I don't even think he knew I was there.
[BASHIR] He knew. You gave him what he needed. He didn't die alone.
[KIRA] Maybe he gave me something I needed. I missed my father's death
by less than an hour. Did you know that? Less than an hour. I always
told myself that it was bad luck, bad timing, the will of the Prophets.
But the truth is, I didn't have to go when I did. I could have stayed a
while longer. I saw my chance to get out and I took it. I saw so much
death during the occupation, I felt so much pain. But my father, he was
my strength, and I couldn't stand to see that strength slipping away.
So I ran.
[BASHIR] Just like you tried to run from Ghemor.
[KIRA] He reminded me so much of my father. Going through it again, I
just couldn't face it.
[BASHIR] But in the end, you did. You were there for Ghemor.
[KIRA] I owed it to him. I owed it to my father to get it right this
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] You wanted to see me?
[DUKAT] Yes. I understand Legate Ghemor has passed away.
[SISKO] You must be very relieved.
[DUKAT] Oh Captain, such cynicism does not suit you. All of Cardassia
will mourn the passing of Tekeny Ghemor. He was a great man.
[SISKO] I'm surprised to hear you say that.
[DUKAT] Not at all. It takes a great man to admit he's wrong, and that's
what Ghemor did. I'm speaking of his last minute change of heart. His
deathbed decision to embrace the new Dominion government.
[SISKO] That's very moving, except for one small problem. It never
[WEYOUN] As you said, it's a small problem.
[DUKAT] I would like his body transferred to my ship. We'll take him
home and bury him with full state honours.
[SISKO] I'm afraid that's going to be impossible. Legate Ghemor's
funeral arrangements have already been taken care of.
(Bajoran resistance)
(Kira has buried Ghemor next to her father.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e114", "title": "Ties of Blood and Water"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Ferengi Love Songs
Love Songs
Original Airdate: 21 Apr, 1997
(Quark is pacing outside his bar. Inside we see
security personnel and flashes of phaser fire.)
[VOICES (OC)] Over this way.
[DAX] Who's winning the war?
[QUARK] It's too early to tell.
[DAX] It's been three days.
[QUARK] Don't remind me. They found a nest.
[DAX] That's good.
[QUARK] It's not the main nest.
[DAX] That's not so good. I thought Chief O'Brien trapped the last vole
on the station months ago.
[QUARK] Well, obviously he missed a couple. A married couple. They breed
like tribbles.
[DAX] But they're not as cute.
[QUARK] They're disgusting, hairy little creatures with ravenous
appetites and I want them gone.
[DAX] Oh, Quark.
[QUARK] I know, I know. This is just a temporary setback. The bar will
open again and I can get back to my life.
[DAX] I'm glad you realise that.
[QUARK] The only trouble is, I hate my life.
(Quark's quarters)
[QUARK] Come in.
[ROM] Hello, brother.
[QUARK] What do you want?
[ROM] You have every right to be depressed, brother. Ever since you were
blacklisted by the Ferengi Commerce Authority it's been one thing after
another. But I have some news that's going to cheer you up.
[QUARK] I doubt it.
[ROM] Trust me on this one, brother. I'm about to make you very, very
[QUARK] Really?
[ROM] Really. Come on in.
(Leeta enters.)
[QUARK] What's she doing here?
[ROM] We're getting married.
[QUARK] Oh, I wish I was dead.
[ROM] He's been a little depressed lately.
[QUARK] I don't want to live.
[LEETA] I think you need someone to talk to, someone to pamper you.
[QUARK] I think I need to be alone.
[ROM] You know who I talk to when I'm feeling a little low?
[QUARK] Yeah, me.
[ROM] Not when it's something really important.
[QUARK] Let me guess. Chief O'Brien?
[ROM] That's not a bad guess.
[QUARK] Rom, just tell me who it is, then you can leave and I can go
back to my brooding.
[ROM] There's only one person in my life who's always there for me,
who's never too busy to listen, who reassures me when I'm scared,
comforts me when I'm sad, and who showers me with endless love without
ever asking anything in return.
[LEETA] I'd like to meet this person.
[QUARK] So would I.
[ROM] You already know her. And she'll always be there for you, brother,
with open arms.
(Ishka's house)
(It's raining, of course. Ishka looks through the
peep hole.)
[ISHKA] Quark?
[QUARK] Mother?
(She lets him in.)
[QUARK] Moogie, hold me.
(Rom is wearing a Bajoran earring.)
[ROM] Of all the Bajoran Prophecies, I think my favourite is Horran's
Seventh. The one that starts, He will come to the palace, carrying a
[DAX] Bearing no malice.
[ROM] Overflowing with sweet Spring wine.
[BRIEN] Someone's been studying the Ancient Texts.
[ROM] It's important to Leeta. She wants a traditional Bajoran wedding.
[DAX] And you've agreed to it? Oh, that's very sweet, Rom.
[BRIEN] Is she doing the same for you? I mean, learning to be a
Ferengi woman? Memorising the Rules of Acquisition and
[DAX] Not likely. Leeta's not the type of woman to quit her job, stop
wearing clothes, and never go out in public again.
[ROM] That's okay. I just want her to be happy.
[DAX] That's a very enlightened attitude, Rom.
[BRIEN] Rom is not your traditional Ferengi male.
[ROM] I guess not.
[DAX] You're probably the least Ferengi-like Ferengi I've ever met.
[ROM] I guess so.
[DAX] Oh, that's not a bad thing, Rom. No traditional Ferengi male could
ever marry a non-Ferengi and be happy. He could never trust her.
(Ishka's house)
[QUARK] So you see, Moogie, the voles aren't the
real problem. They're just a symbol for everything that's gone wrong in
my life.
[ISHKA] You've had a tough year, Quark.
[QUARK] That's an understatement. I see all these great opportunities
out there and I can't do anything about them. Without a Ferengi
Business Licence it's like I don't exist.
[ISHKA] I understand why you felt the need to escape for a while, but
why come here?
[QUARK] I had no place else to go.
[ISHKA] Are you sure about that? Oh, now don't give me that look. You
and I both know we've never really gotten along. You disapprove of me,
Quark. You always have. Moogie, stop wearing clothes. Moogie, stop
earning profit.
[QUARK] You have stopped, haven't you? I mean earning profit. Wearing
clothes is bad enough, but profit.
[ISHKA] You see what I mean?
[QUARK] I know the two of us living under the same roof isn't going to
be easy. But you're my mother and I love you.
[ISHKA] And I love you too, Quark. But when you say living together what
are we talking about? A day? A week? Two weeks?
[QUARK] I don't know. I guess until I start feeling better. Unless, of
course, you don't want me.
[ISHKA] You're my son. How could I refuse you?
[QUARK] Then you'll remove all that unnecessary clothing?
[ISHKA] Don't push your luck. Where are you going?
[QUARK] To my room. I'm exhausted.
[ISHKA] What you need is some of your mother's cooking. Some nice, juicy
tube grubs.
[QUARK] I never liked your tube grubs.
[ISHKA] I'll pre-chew them for you.
[QUARK] Maybe later.
(Quark's bedroom)
[QUARK] Hello, room. Where's all my stuff? If she's
thrown out my Marauder Mo action figures.
(Quark opens the wardrobe. Zek and Maihar'du are in there. Quark hands
over his bag and shuts the door. Then his brain registers what his eyes
saw and opens it again.)
[QUARK] Grand Nagus?
[ZEK] Quark, what are you doing here?
[QUARK] I'm visiting my mother.
[ZEK] That's no excuse. You've been banned by the FCA. You must leave
Ferenginar at once.
(Ishka's house)
[QUARK] Got to go. The Nagus, he knows I'm here.
Wait a minute. What's the Nagus doing in my closet?
[ISHKA] The Nagus?
[QUARK] Moogie?
[ISHKA] Zekkie! You might as well come out.
[QUARK] Zekkie? What's going on?
[ISHKA] The next time you visit, I'd really appreciate it if you called
[QUARK] That doesn't answer my question.
(Zek and Maihar'du enter)
[ZEK] Sometimes, the only thing more dangerous than a question is an
[QUARK] Rule of Acquisition two oh eight. You're in trouble again,
aren't you? What have you done now? Whatever it is, I had nothing to do
with it. Tell him, Moogie. Tell him I'm innocent.
[ISHKA] Relax, Quark. I'm not in any trouble.
[QUARK] You're not?
[ZEK] Why would she be in trouble?
[QUARK] I don't know. I just thought since you were here. I don't know
what I thought. I'm so confused.
[ZEK] About what? It's all really quite simple. You see, Quark, your
mother and I are in love.
[QUARK] How did you two meet?
[ISHKA] We met at the Global Tongo Championships.
[ZEK] That's right. I was playing in the Golden Masters Division.
[ISHKA] And I was tucked away in the sub-basement playing in the Female
Division. Anyway, word leaked down to us that the Grand Nagus was
having a little difficulty with his game.
[ZEK] For some reason my purchases kept exceeding my sales.
[ISHKA] So I wrote him a note offering some helpful pointers on to firm
up his play.
[ZEK] And they worked! I made a spectacular comeback and won the
tournament for the twenty seventh year in a row.
[ISHKA] Zekkie sent me a very nice thank you note. Before I knew it, we
were corresponding regularly.
[ZEK] Your mother's letters became the highlight of each day. It was
clear we had to meet.
[ISHKA] Imagine his surprise when he found out I was a female and your
mother, no less.
[ZEK] I almost had a stroke. But I recovered.
[ISHKA] And we've been seeing each other ever since.
[QUARK] Does anybody know about this?
[ZEK] Of course no one knows. And you're going to keep it that way.
[QUARK] My lips are sealed.
[ZEK] They'd better be.
[ISHKA] Jellied gree worms? Maihar'du, you are too good to me. He treats
me like a queen.
[ZEK] That's because you deserve no less.
[ISHKA] Zekkie, they don't come sweeter than you.
[QUARK] I don't believe it.
[ZEK] What's that, Quark?
[QUARK] Nothing. I've never seen you looking happier.
[ZEK] That's because I've never felt happier. Well, my dear, time to get
back to running the empire. Try not to miss me too much.
[ISHKA] I miss you already.
[ZEK] That's my girl.
[ISHKA] Oh, Lobekins. Don't forget your appointment calendar.
(She gives him a PADD)
[ZEK] Thank you, my prize. Your mother is a rare jewel, Quark. Worship
her as I do.
(Zek and Maihar'du leave.)
[QUARK] Incredible.
[ISHKA] Quark, if you're going to give me a hard time about this.
[QUARK] Give you a hard time? You and the Nagus? I couldn't be happier
for all of us.
[BRIEN] No sign of a single vole. I think we got
them all.
[ROM] Chief, is it all right if I take a slightly longer lunch than
usual? I need Leeta to sign this.
[BRIEN] The Waiver of Property and Profit?
[ROM] Ferengi females aren't allowed to own property or earn profit. The
WP and P states that in the event the marriage ends, the female gives
up all claim to her husband's estate.
[BRIEN] And you expect Leeta to agree to this?
[ROM] I agreed to wear the earring. So either Leeta signs this or the
wedding's off. I may not be a traditional Ferengi but I'm still a
[BRIEN] It's your life, but I think you're making a big mistake.
[ROM] I think I'd be making a bigger mistake if I didn't. Besides, Leeta
loves me. You'll see, Chief. She'll sign it.
(Rom's quarters)
[LEETA] Are you crazy? I'm not going to sign this.
[ROM] Why not?
[LEETA] Because a marriage is about sharing everything, including money.
[ROM] Not on Ferenginar.
[LEETA] We're not on Ferenginar.
[ROM] But I'm a Ferengi.
[LEETA] And I'm not.
[ROM] Females and finances don't mix. Rule of Acquisition ninety four.
[LEETA] That's a stupid rule.
[ROM] It's true. You're just like her. You're after my money.
[LEETA] Like who?
[ROM] My first wife. Pretending that you care about me but all the time
it's my profits that you really care about.
[LEETA] Rom, I love you, not your latinum.
[ROM] Then prove it. Sign the WP and P.
[LEETA] Never.
[ROM] Then the marriage is off.
(Rom removes his earring.)
[LEETA] You bet it is.
(Ishka's house)
(After dinner.)
[ZEK] My dear, you reek of tube grubs.
[ISHKA] So do you, lobekins.
[ZEK] Are your ears tingling? Mine, too.
[QUARK] So tell me, Nagus, how was your day?
[ZEK] Oh, you know how it is. Arcybite ore futures are continuing to
increase, and the Bolians have finally agreed to allow the Ferengi
Gaming Commission to take over their gambling emporiums, and er, er,
oh, I have decided to allocate extra funds for research on a new breed
of Hupyrian beetles. Those little fellows are going to revolutionise
the entire beetle snuff industry.
[ISHKA] Now that's what I call a busy and productive day.
[QUARK] No wonder the Ferengi economy is growing at a record pace. Costs
are down, profits are up.
[ZEK] And opportunity is around every corner.
[ISHKA] Zekkie, you've done quite a job.
[QUARK] And your people love you for it. Your business acumen, your
negotiating skills, your kindness and generosity.
[ZEK] Forget it, Quark. I'm not going to reverse the FCA's decision.
They revoked your Business Licence and they're the one's who are going
to have to reinstate it.
[QUARK] But you're the most powerful man on Ferenginar. You can do
whatever you want.
[ZEK] True, but contracts are the very basis of our society and you
broke a contract with another Ferengi. If I were to intervene on your
behalf, I would be encouraging others to violate the law! And that, I
will not do!
[QUARK] Moogie, talk to him.
[ISHKA] He makes a very good point, Quark. What you did was wrong.
[QUARK] Thanks. I knew I could count on you.
[ZEK] And I'd watch my tone of voice if I were you. Well, my dear, shall
we take a stroll in your garden? Oh, and Quark, will you do me a
favour? Help Maihar'du clear the table. He's not as young as he used to
(Quark's bedroom)
(There's the sound of a transporter inside his
wardrobe. He opens the door to reveal - )
[BRUNT] Brunt, FCA.
[QUARK] What are you doing in my closet?
[BRUNT] Conducting official FCA business.
[QUARK] In my closet?
[BRUNT] I didn't want the happy couple to see me.
[QUARK] Happy couple?
[BRUNT] Don't play innocent with me. I know all about their perverted
little love affair.
[QUARK] I had nothing to do with it. They met playing tongo. I only
found out about it today.
[BRUNT] She's your mother, Quark, and that makes you responsible. And
right now, she's endangering the very foundation of Ferengi society. I
can see her, whispering in the Nagus' ear, contaminating his thoughts
with her twisted, female philosophies. I'm telling you, Quark, if we
don't put an end to their relationship, you're going to see clothed
females walking down the streets of Ferenginar in broad daylight. If I
had my way, I'd climb to the top of the Tower of Commerce and denounce
your mother to the crowd below. But we must spare the Nagus even a hint
of public disgrace. We've got to put an end to their relationship, but
privately. Quietly.
[QUARK] So what are you going to do?
[BRUNT] I'm not going to do anything. You are.
[BRUNT] Who else? She's your mother and the Nagus, for reasons that
elude me completely, likes you. You're in the perfect position to
poison their relationship.
[QUARK] Why should I help you? You revoked my business licence.
[BRUNT] I'll give you a new one.
[QUARK] You've got a deal.
(Chamber of Petitioners)
(High in the Tower of Commerce, Zek holds court.)
[LECK] Once again, Nagus, you have proven that you have the wisest lobes
in all of Ferenginar.
[ZEK] That's what they pay me for.
(Leck puts his money in the slot and backs out, bowing obsequiously.
Zek settles for a nap when Quark enters and is stopped by Maihar'du.)
[QUARK] I need to speak to the Nagus. It's a personal matter. Nothing
for you to worry about.
[ZEK] What do you want, Quark?
[QUARK] I just dropped by to pay my respects.
[ZEK] Well, in that case, pay them.
(A slip of latinum in the slot.)
[ZEK] Feel better? Now go.
[QUARK] Before I do, I just want to say how proud I am that you consider
my home your home. My mother is a very lucky woman.
[ZEK] And I am a very lucky man. I guess the only one around here who
isn't lucky is you, Quark.
[QUARK] I just think it's great that she's found someone who cares for
her so deeply that he can ignore all those vicious rumours about her.
[ZEK] You mean the rumours about her earning profit? I know that whole
story. The FCA made her give up every strip of latinum she made.
[QUARK] I'm talking about the other rumours. The ones that say she
hasn't given it all back.
[ZEK] Nonsense.
[QUARK] Of course it is. And the wildest rumour has to be about what she
plans to do with her fortune. That she's going to fund a political
revolution to end the male domination on Ferenginar.
[ZEK] You mean equal rights for females?
[QUARK] It's crazy, isn't it? I mean, so what if she wears clothing, or
that she's managed to worm her way into the heart of the most
influential Ferengi alive. Those aren't crimes, are they?
[ZEK] Absolutely not.
[QUARK] And what if she's as cunning and ruthless as any male. That
doesn't mean that she's not to be trusted, does it? The important thing
is that she loves you and that you're not some pawn in her plans for
world domination.
[ZEK] World domination? By a female?
[QUARK] It's a horrifying thought. Luckily, they're just rumours.
[ZEK] Rumours.
[QUARK] Well, time to go. I'll see you tonight, Nagus. I know Moogie can
hardly wait.
[ZEK] For what?
[QUARK] For you to get home.
(Quark leaves.)
[ZEK] Now that he mentions it, she really has no business wearing
clothes in front of her Nagus.
(Ishka's house)
(Quark puts a phaser to his head just before Ishka
enters, humming.)
[ISHKA] I should start dinner. Zekkie'll be here any minute. What do you
say to some nice slug steaks?
[QUARK] I'm not hungry.
[ISHKA] Quark, the power cells are empty.
[QUARK] I must've been too depressed to notice.
[ISHKA] It's the FCA ban, isn't it?
[QUARK] It's awful. You don't know what it's like to be denied the
opportunity to earn profit.
[ISHKA] Oh, yes I do. I know exactly what it's like.
[QUARK] It's worse for a male.
[ISHKA] Is it?
[QUARK] Moogie, I'm in no mood to argue politics right now. I'm too
[ISHKA] All right, Quark. I'll talk to the Nagus. I'll see if I can
convince him to intercede on your behalf.
[QUARK] Oh, Moogie.
[ISHKA] You're a manipulative, self-centred, conniver.
[QUARK] Thank you.
[ISHKA] Zek'll be here any minute.
[QUARK] I'll make myself scarce. Good luck. I'm counting on you.
[ODO] Commander, I'm sorry if the Klingons are
unhappy, but station rules are station rules.
[WORF] I am well aware of station rules, but General Martok is a great
warrior and he has no business being in a holding cell.
[ODO] He threw one of his men off that crossway.
[WORF] That was a disciplinary measure. Besides, K'retok was not
injured. He was barely shaken up.
[ODO] As opposed to the Bolian Ambassador. K'retok only missed her by a
[WORF] But he did miss her.
[SISKO] Constable, release General Martok.
[ODO] Sir.
[SISKO] Mister Worf, tell the General that this is not a Klingon space
station. If he can't abide by the regulations, I'm sure Chancellor
Gowron will send us someone who can.
[WORF] Understood.
(Worf leaves.)
[SISKO] Constable?
[ODO] Understood.
[SISKO] Do you hear that?
(Behind a pillar, Rom is working and crying.)
[SISKO] Rom, are you all right?
[ROM] I'm fine, Captain. Thanks for asking.
[ODO] The wedding is off.
[SISKO] I'm sorry.
[ROM] Don't be, Captain. These are tears of joy.
[SISKO] Carry on.
(Promenade - upper level)
[LEETA] I hate him.
[KIRA] No, you don't.
[LEETA] All he loves is latinum.
[KIRA] No, he doesn't.
[LEETA] Cancelling that wedding was the best thing that ever happened to
[KIRA] No, it isn't.
[LEETA] I am so glad he's out of my life.
[KIRA] No, you're not.
[LEETA] Major, you haven't been listening to me.
[KIRA] Yes I have. That's how I know you love him.
(Leeta bursts into tears.)
(Ishka's house)
(Ishka is crying.)
[QUARK] Moogie, I'm home. So, how'd it go? Am I reinstated? What's
wrong? Did the Nagus say no?
[ISHKA] Don't you think about anyone but yourself?
[QUARK] Of course I do. I just think about myself first. Now tell me,
what's wrong?
[ISHKA] He left me. All I asked him was to reinstate your licence, and
the next thing I know he's accusing me of plotting to overthrow the
[QUARK] That's ridiculous.
[ISHKA] He said I didn't really love him, that I was just using him.
That I was a scheming, profit-hungry female who couldn't keep her
clothes off.
[QUARK] The nerve.
[ISHKA] Oh, Quark. I don't know what I'm going to do without him. I
don't know what he's going to do without me.
[QUARK] Moogie, I'm sorry, but these things happen. It's probably better
this way.
[ISHKA] No, it isn't. It's a disaster, for all of us.
(Ishka leaves and Quark goes to the comm. panel.)
[BRUNT] Brunt, FCA.
[QUARK] I hope you've had a productive day. I certainly have.
[BRUNT] You're smiling, Quark. Therefore, I assume you mother is not.
[QUARK] It's hard to smile when you have a broken heart. Now, about my
business licence.
[BRUNT] As of this moment, it's as valid as my own. Congratulations,
Quark. You're a Ferengi again.
(Transmission ends.)
[QUARK] I always was.
(Next morning.)
[QUARK] Breakfast.
[ISHKA] I'm not hungry.
[QUARK] Moogie, you have to eat something.
[ISHKA] Why?
[QUARK] Because life goes on. There are other slugs in the sea.
[ISHKA] You're leaving, aren't you? You're going back to Deep Space
[QUARK] How did you know that?
[ISHKA] You spent all morning jellying gree worms, which tells me that
your conscience is bothering you. You feel guilty about leaving me
alone. Well, don't. I don't need you. I don't need anyone.
[QUARK] Okay. Then I'll go pack.
(The comm. beeps)
[QUARK] Who could that be?
[ZEK (on monitor)] Hello, Rom.
[QUARK] It's Quark.
[ZEK (on monitor)] Quark, that's what I said. I want to see you in the
Tower of Commerce right away. Don't keep me waiting.
[ISHKA] Why is the Nagus calling you?
[QUARK] I have no idea.
[ISHKA] I bet it's about me.
[QUARK] I doubt it. But then, it could be. Either way, I'll do all I can
to straighten things out between the two of you. That's a promise.
(Chamber of Petitioners)
[QUARK] You want me to be First Clerk to the Nagus?
[ZEK] That's right, Quark. My own personal financial assistant. What do
you say?
[QUARK] Why me?
[ZEK] Consider it a reward for saving me from that wretched mother of
[QUARK] What about my bar?
[ZEK] You want to be a bartender all your life? I'm offering you
something more. A chance to participate in the major decisions that
shape this glorious financial empire of ours.
[QUARK] Well, when you put it that way.
[ZEK] Good. Now you can start by briefing me on today's petitioners.
(Zek throws Quark a PADD.)
[QUARK] I need your access code.
[ZEK] Three, seven, four, slash, one, five, five.
[QUARK] It's not working.
[ZEK] You must have put them in wrong.
[QUARK] Three, seven, four, slash, one, five, five. Nope.
[ZEK] Maybe it's one, five, four.
[QUARK] No, that isn't it either.
[ZEK] But I don't understand. What did I say those first numbers were?
[QUARK] Three, seven, four.
[ZEK] Three, seven, four. Are those right? You're confusing me.
[QUARK] I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
(Maihar'du takes the PADD, taps in the code and give it back to Quark.)
[QUARK] Oh, it was a six.
[ZEK] What was?
[QUARK] The last number.
[ZEK] Well isn't that what I just said? A lifetime of numbers. You can't
blame me for forgetting a few. Let's get down to business who's the
first petitioner?
[QUARK] DaiMon Igel. He wants to know whether he should sell his
duranium interests on the open market or on the Futures Exchange.
[ZEK] An interesting question. Well, don't just stand there. Let's see
how duranium's been doing.
[QUARK] Over the last three trading cycles there's been an increase of
seven and three quarters, a decrease of two and an eighth, and another
increase of eleven and three eighths.
[ZEK] Oh. That's a gain of eighteen points.
[QUARK] Actually, that's seventeen.
[ZEK] What are you talking about? Seven and three quarters minus two and
one ninth is seven. Oh, who cares about duranium anyway?
[QUARK] DaiMon Igel.
[ZEK] DaiMon Igel? Who's he? Do I like him?
(Rom's quarters)
(Rom is staring at his latinum when the doorbell
[ROM] Come in. Hello, Chief.
[BRIEN] I need that phase calibrator I lent you the other day.
[ROM] It's in my tool kit by the door.
[BRIEN] Rom, what are you doing?
[ROM] These are my profits, Chief. My entire fortune. It may be small
but it's mine.
[BRIEN] Why the two piles?
[ROM] I'm thinking of giving this pile to Leeta. That way maybe she'll
sign the WP and P.
[BRIEN] You're offering her a bribe?
[ROM] Bribes can be very effective.
[BRIEN] But if she signs the waiver she can't own anything, so she'd
have to give it all back to you.
[ROM] Right. That's not going to work, is it?
[BRIEN] Rom, I don't think there's any way you're going to convince
Leeta to sign that waiver.
[ROM] Have you ever looked at latinum? I mean really looked at it. It's
so beautiful. Not to mention smooth to the touch.
[BRIEN] Do you want Leeta back or not?
[ROM] Latinum lasts longer than lust. Rule of Acquisition two twenty
[BRIEN] Maybe, but lust can be a lot more fun. Now answer the
question. Do you want her back or not?
[ROM] I'd give anything to hold her in my arms again.
[BRIEN] (picking up a strip) Anything?
(Leeta is selling jumja sticks and other
[ROM] One jumja stick, please.
[LEETA] What flavour?
[ROM] Actually, I don't like jumja sticks.
[LEETA] Then what do you want, Rom?
[ROM] I want you to marry me.
[LEETA] I'm not signing that waiver.
[ROM] You don't have to, not anymore. I don't have any profit left to
[LEETA] I don't understand.
[ROM] I gave all my latinum to Major Kira for the Bajoran War Orphans
Fund. She kissed me.
[LEETA] Oh, Rom. You did that for me?
[ROM] I did it for us. Now we have nothing but our love.
[LEETA] That's all we need. That and my salary from Quark's.
(They kiss.)
(Promenade - upper level)
(Watching the happy reunion.)
[BASHIR] Well done, Chief. Or should I call you Cupid?
[BRIEN] What can I say? I'm just an incurable romantic.
(Ishka's house)
[ISHKA] Quark, where have you been all day?
[QUARK] With the Nagus. He made me his First Clerk.
[ISHKA] I see. Well then you've had a miserable day, haven't you?
[QUARK] The worst day of my life. How did you know?
[ISHKA] The market exchange is down a hundred and ninety nine points.
[QUARK] I don't know if I should tell you this but I have to tell
someone. The Nagus, he isn't
[ISHKA] I know. His memory isn't what it used to be. Did you try
stroking his lobes?
[QUARK] No, I didn't stroke his lobes!
[ISHKA] It helps focus him. It's also not a bad idea if you repeat what
you say to him. Sometimes it takes two, even three times before he'll
retain it.
[QUARK] You two weren't just lovers, you were helping him run things.
You're the power behind the throne?
[ISHKA] Well, I wouldn't go that far. I just helped him a little, guided
him. A leveraged buyout here, some momentum investing there.
[QUARK] Why didn't you tell me? If I'd known what was going on, I never
would have
[ISHKA] Never would have what? Oh, Quark. You turned Zek against me,
didn't you? You filled his head with all those lies about me.
[QUARK] I didn't know.
[ISHKA] Who put you up to this?
[QUARK] Who do you think?
[ISHKA] Brunt. What did he offer you? Your business licence back?
[QUARK] A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all. You taught me
[ISHKA] The Rules of Acquisition aren't going to help you now, Quark.
[QUARK] A hundred and ninety nine point slide.
[ISHKA] And that's just the beginning. Congratulations, Quark. You've
not only destroyed my life and Zek's life, you may have triggered the
destruction of the entire Ferengi economy. I hope it was worth it.
(Chamber of Petitioners)
(Quark is surrounded by PADDs.)
[BRUNT] My, aren't we early today. But I suppose, after yesterday's
fiasco, we have no alternative. A hundred and ninety nine point
plummet. Haven't seen that steep a market slide since Grand Nagus
Smeet. And you know what happened to him?
[QUARK] The only Grand Nagus to be assassinated while in office.
[BRUNT] What was the name of his First Clerk? I believe they buried them
[QUARK] I'm sure we'll do better today.
[BRUNT] No, you won't. The Market Exchange will remain closed today. The
FCA Board of Liquidators has called an emergency meeting with the Grand
Nagus. We have some questions to ask him. And by the time we're through
you'll both be out of a job.
[QUARK] Why are you picking on me? I've done everything you've asked,
haven't I?
[BRUNT] Everything.
(Brunt sits on the throne.)
[BRUNT] Grand Nagus Brunt. Daddy will be so proud.
[QUARK] You knew the truth about the Nagus all along, didn't you?
[BRUNT] You mean about Zek's failing memory? Let me think. Well, you
know, now that you mention it, yes, I did.
[QUARK] That's why you wanted to destroy his relationship with my
mother, not to protect him, but to expose him.
[BRUNT] I couldn't have done it without you. I feel almost grateful.
Which is why I'm going to let you keep your new business licence. Now,
put down those PADDS, pack your things, and scurry on back to that
little bar of yours.
(Ishka's house)
[ISHKA] So how come you're still here, Quark? After
all, Brunt is right. You should be back on Deep Space Nine, celebrating
your victory. You've proven yourself a true Ferengi. You've betrayed
friends and family for personal gain.
[QUARK] It sounds so good when you say it.
[ISHKA] But?
[QUARK] I think I've been hanging around humans too long. I think I'm
developing a
[ISHKA] Conscience?
[QUARK] It's been coming for a long time. I've fought against it, I
really have. But living with those people day in and day out, being
exposed to their ethics, their morality. It's like I've been
[ISHKA] You poor boy.
[QUARK] Moogie, I'm serious!
[ISHKA] Oh, I know you are. And I know how important your problems are
to you. But frankly, Quark, right now I don't give a damn about them!
We've got much bigger problems to deal with. Do you want Brunt to
become Nagus?
[QUARK] Of course not. He was willing to throw our entire economy into
chaos just so he could grab power.
[ISHKA] Sounds like a true Ferengi to me.
[QUARK] A Ferengi, maybe, but not a Nagus. A Nagus has to be better than
that. His personal greed has to reflect the public's greed.
[ISHKA] Like Zek.
[QUARK] Exactly.
[ISHKA] So what are we going to do about it?
(Chamber of Petitioners)
[ZEK] Did you see their faces? They thought they had
me, but we showed them. I answered all their questions, didn't I?
[QUARK] You certainly did.
[ZEK] The state of the trade negotiations with the Breen, why I dumped
our lokar bean investments, why I insisted we buy up every bit of
jevonite we could get our hands on.
[QUARK] You were brilliant. You know, for a moment there I actually
thought that Brunt's head was going to explode with frustration.
[ZEK] By the time I'm finished with him, he'll wish it had. Blam! Blam!
He underestimated me. And he underestimated you, too.
[QUARK] Me? I did nothing.
[ZEK] Nonsense. I might have fooled those Liquidators, but I'm not
fooling myself. I'm becoming forgetful. At times my memory betrays me.
[QUARK] I hear the Vulcans have been very successful at treating memory
[ZEK] Vulcans? Never liked them. No appreciation of profit. But they do
make good doctors, don't they. (to Maihar'du) Make an appointment for
me. I'll never forget what you did for me, Rom.
[QUARK] It's Quark.
[ZEK] Gotcha! I may have lost my memory, but not my sense of humour. As
far as I'm concerned, you're still my First Clerk.
[QUARK] I'm honoured, oh, shrewd one, but I'm afraid your confidence in
me is misplaced. Maihar'du?
(Maihar'du leaves.)
[ZEK] Quark, I must say I find your newfound modesty very annoying. I
need a financial advisor, and you're it.
[QUARK] If you insist. But first, let me introduce to you my financial
(Maihar'du returns with a small, hooded figure.)
[ZEK] Don't tell me.
[ISHKA] Zekkie.
[ZEK] Why'd you bring that female here?
[QUARK] Because the Nagus deserves to have the best financial advisor
there is, and that's my Moogie. All the advice I gave you today came
from her.
[ISHKA] I'm not going to lie to you, Zekkie. I believe in equal rights
for females. And someday, I hope you will too. But I'd never do
anything to hurt you.
[ZEK] But what about all those rumours that Quark told me?
[ISHKA] They were lies. Tell him, Quark.
[QUARK] I guess I stretched the truth here and there.
[ZEK] Quark, you're fired! Now the question is, what am I going to do
with you?
[ISHKA] Anything you want.
[ZEK] What man could resist an offer like that?
[ISHKA] Let's go home and I'll make dinner.
[ZEK] No, you won't. Maihar'du will make dinner. I've got other plans
for you.
[ISHKA] Oh, Zekkie.
(Maihar'du hugs Quark.)
(Quark's bedroom)
(Quark is packing his bag.)
[ISHKA (OC)] Quark, dinner's on the table.
[QUARK] I'll be right there.
[ISHKA] Leave some room.
[QUARK] For what?
[ISHKA] For these.
[QUARK] Oh, my Marauder Mo action figures. I thought you'd thrown these
[ISHKA] All these years I've been keeping them in storage for you. I
figured you'd want to take them back to Deep Space Nine with you.
[QUARK] I sure do. Do you have any idea how much these are worth?
[ISHKA] Not as much as if you'd kept them in the original packaging,
which is what I told you at the time.
[QUARK] Even then you were handing out sound financial advice. Thanks,
[ISHKA] No. Thank you, Quark.
(Ishka kisses him and leaves. Someone transports into the wardrobe.)
[BRUNT] Brunt, FCA.
[QUARK] But for how much longer?
[BRUNT] Don't worry about me, Quark. I'm a survivor. So, the happy
couple are back together. If the people only knew.
[QUARK] But they don't, and you're not going to tell them.
[BRUNT] Really? Why shouldn't I?
[QUARK] Because the Nagus is ready for you. If you go against him you'll
lose and you know it.
[BRUNT] I hate losing.
[QUARK] What Ferengi doesn't?
[BRUNT] I may not be able to destroy the Nagus but you are a different
[QUARK] You're going to revoke my licence? I don't think the Nagus will
like that.
[BRUNT] On the contrary. I want you back in business. It gives me an
opportunity to keep my eye on you, because one day you are going to
make a mistake, and on that day you're going to lose more than your
[QUARK] But that day is not today. Now, back in the closet where you
[BRUNT (OC)] It's not over, Quark.
[QUARK] Don't make me come in there after you.
(Transporter sound.)
[ISHKA (OC)] Quark, your tube grubs are getting warm.
[QUARK] Coming, Moogie.
(And starts playing with his toys instead.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e115", "title": "Ferengi Love Songs"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Soldiers of the Empire
of the Empire
Original Airdate: 28 Apr, 1997
(Martok has a shoulder wound.)
[BASHIR] Another three centimetres to the right and you would've severed
the brachial artery. Autosuture, please. And if that had happened, you
would have bled to death right there in the holosuite.
[MARTOK] The human fascination with what might have been is tiresome,
doctor. The artery was not severed and I am not dead.
[BASHIR] Oh, well, forgive me for boring you. Let me get straight to the
point. You're acting like a fool.
[MARTOK] Your observation is noted. But spending two years in a Dominion
prison camp has dulled my reflexes. This only proves that I need
further training.
[BASHIR] Turning off the holosuite safety protocols during a battle
simulation is at best dubious. For a man with only one eye it's
positively idiotic. Now, if you would consider ocular
[MARTOK] I do not want an artificial eye!
[BASHIR] Then you must accept the fact that you have a disability and
stop acting like
[MARTOK] There are limits as to how far I will indulge you, Doctor.
[CREWWOMAN (OC)] General Martok, there is a priority message for you
from the Klingon High Council.
[BASHIR] We're done here.
[MARTOK] Route the message to my quarters.
[CREWWOMAN (OC)] Acknowledged.
[MARTOK] Doctor, thank you.
[BASHIR] If you really want to thank me, don't walk in here dripping
blood anymore. It takes days to get it out of the carpet.
(Worf is working under a console)
[WORF] Check it now.
[NOG] Still no increase in phaser relay efficiency, sir. The throughput
reading is steady at one four eight point seven.
[WORF] Have you initialised the interface program?
[NOG] Yes, and then I charged the prefire chamber and recalibrated the
emitter stage. This thing just doesn't work! Sir.
[WORF] Very well. We'll start over. Go to the Engine Room and download
the operating system into the computer core, but this time do it one
file at a time.
(Nog mimes throttling Worf.)
[NOG] Aye, sir.
(Martok enters and Nog cannot get past him.)
[NOG] Good evening, General.
[MARTOK] Cadet.
[WORF] General. I did not expect you until twenty two hundred hours.
[MARTOK] I must cancel our appointment. I've received new orders from
the High Council, a mission of some importance. I must prepare.
[WORF] Of course. May glory and honour follow you on your journey.
[NOG] Excuse me, sirs? Could I just slip by?
(Martok lets Nog leave.)
[WORF] How is the shoulder?
[MARTOK] Oh, Doctor Bashir made the necessary repairs. I told him it was
a holosuite accident. He would not understand the need to draw blood in
a warrior's training exercise.
[WORF] Few humans would. However, I do apologise again for the
inconvenience. I did not intend to cause so much damage.
[MARTOK] I was the one who did not parry the blow in time. A simple,
foolish mistake. One that I would not have made two years ago.
[WORF] Can you discuss the mission?
[MARTOK] Three days ago, the battle cruiser B'Moth began a patrol along
the Cardassian border. They have not been heard from since. They are
now reported as missing.
[WORF] It is possible she was destroyed by the Dominion. The Jem'Hadar
attacked a Federation starship near the border less than a week ago.
[MARTOK] That is our assumption as well, but we must be sure. So I have
been given command of a Bird of Prey, the Rotarran, to conduct a search
for the B'Moth. This is the first time I will have led troops in the
field since my confinement by the Dominion.
[WORF] It must be an exciting prospect.
[MARTOK] I tell you, Worf, without shame, there were days in that prison
camp when the thought that I would never again set foot in a Klingon
vessel made me weep like an old woman.
[WORF] I envy you the days ahead. It will be a glorious adventure.
[MARTOK] An adventure that we could share, my friend. I need someone I
can trust at my side. Someone whose loyalty I can count on. Worf, son
of Mogh, I ask you to join me on this mission as my friend and as my
First Officer.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] I told the General that I'm inclined to
grant his request for your services, Commander. I can certainly
understand why he wants you along. You're a fine officer. But I'm not
sure why you want to go on this mission.
[WORF] It is a great honour to be asked to serve under General Martok.
And he saved my life in the Dominion prison camp.
[SISKO] Oh? You didn't put that in your mission report.
[WORF] It was a personal matter, not something that belongs in an
official report.
[SISKO] Go on.
[WORF] You know that I was forced to fight the Jem'Hadar guards in the
camp. Each day they would call me to the ring and each day I would
fight. But, then there came a day when I wavered.
[SISKO] You mean you didn't want to go back into the ring.
[WORF] No. I mean I considered letting them kill me. It seemed like the
only way out. Just before I went into the ring, Martok turned to wish
me success and then he saw what I was planning. He saw it in my eyes.
It was a moment of tova'dok.
[SISKO] Of what?
[WORF] There is no human word for it. It is a moment of clarity between
two warriors on the field of battle. Much is said without the need for
words. In that moment, he knew what was in my mind. Once I realised
that he saw my intention to give up, I could no longer go through with
it. I went back into the ring and fought once more. He had given me his
warrior's heart. Perhaps it is something a human cannot understand.
[SISKO] As of this moment you are be relieved of all Starfleet
obligations and placed on detached service to the Imperial Klingon
Defence Forces.
[WORF] Thank you, sir.
[SISKO] Mister Worf. Q'apla!
[WORF] Q'apla!
[KIRA] The revised duty roster. Read it and weep.
[BRIEN] Small arms recalibration? Does that mean all the small arms on
the station?
[KIRA] Afraid so. And I need an experienced combat officer to do it.
Worf has already set up the parameters. All you need to do is make sure
it gets done.
[BASHIR] I'm the new Intelligence officer?
[KIRA] It has to be a Starfleet officer with a level four security
clearance. That means either you or Dax, and I need Dax to take over as
Fleet Liaison Officer.
[BRIEN] Beats retuning phaser rifles.
[BASHIR] Well, I certainly hope Worf's enjoying himself while we're
stuck here taking over his duties.
[DAX] Julian, have you ever been on a Klingon ship? If you think the
Defiant is cramped and uncomfortable, try spending a week on a bird of
prey. Worf isn't exactly taking a luxury cruise.
[BRIEN] Serving on a Klingon ship is like being with a gang of ancient
sea pirates. You advance in rank by killing the people above you, so
everywhere you turn you're surrounded by potential assassins.
[KIRA] but that's crazy. How can a ship function like that?
[DAX] It's not quite that chaotic. The social and military hierarchy of
a Klingon vessel's very strictly enforced. A subordinate can only
challenge his direct superior and only under certain conditions.
[BASHIR] What sort of conditions?
[DAX] Dereliction of duty, dishonourable conduct, cowardice.
[BRIEN] Cowardice? A Klingon?
[DAX] It's been known to happen. The Klingons are as diverse a people as
any. Some of them are strong, and some of them are weak.
[BASHIR] I'd say that those two definitely fall into the strong
(A young, short-haired Klingon in a sleeveless tunic and an older
companion wearing a necklace have entered. Odo isn't far behind.)
[KIRA] Trouble?
[ODO] Not yet.
[KIRA] I can see why they caught your attention.
[BRIEN] Are they off Martok's new ship?
[ODO] Just docked.
[BRIEN] They seem quiet enough.
[ODO] For the moment, maybe. But do you see the one on the left wearing
the necklace?
[ODO] Those are neck bones. Cardassian neck bones.
[DAX] Decided not to wear the sash after all?
[WORF] Officially, there is no House of Mogh in the Empire, so I saw
little point in wearing its emblem on a Klingon ship.
[DAX] How do you think the crew's going to feel about serving under a
man without a House?
[WORF] How they feel is unimportant. All I require from them is
DAX Spoken like an uncaring, hard-nosed, autocrat. The quintessential
First Officer.
[WORF] I do not wish to have a lengthy goodbye.
[DAX] I wasn't planning on having one.
[WORF] Good.
(Worf enters the airlock, Jadzia follows.)
[WORF] Jadzia.
[DAX] Yes.
[WORF] I think it would be better to part company here on the station.
[DAX] Oh, I'm coming with you.
[WORF] What?
[DAX] The Rotarran is short-handed and I still have four month's leave
coming. I've already cleared it with Martok and Benjamin. I'm your new
Science Officer.
[WORF] Why did you not tell me?
[DAX] It's more fun this way. And after getting a good look at a couple
members of the Rotarran's crew, I don't think we're going to be having
a lot of fun on this mission.
(Klingon Bridge)
(The two Klingons are staring at Dax. She gets up
and walks towards them.)
[DAX] Boo!
(A red-headed female Klingon laughs.)
[TAVANA] Ros-te-ka cha'Domak ootha Trill?
[TAVANA] I am Tavana, Engineering Officer.
[DAX] I'm Jadzia Dax, Science Officer.
[TAVANA] Dax? Are you related to the great Curzon Dax?
[DAX] Curzon was the last host for my symbiont. I carry his memories.
[TAVANA] My mother met the great Curzon on the Homeworld once. She said
he was very taken with her.
[DAX] Curzon was very taken with many people.
[TAVANA] So was my mother.
(Worf enters.)
[WORF] I am Worf, son of Mogh. I now take my place as First Officer. I
serve the Captain, but I stand for the crew. Who brings the record of
battle for this ship?
(The young Klingon gets nudged by Tavana.)
[KORNAN] I, Kornan son of Shovak, weapons officer of the ship Rotarran,
present the glorious record of our honour and hope that you may find us
worthy of your leadership.
(He hands over a PADD.)
[LESKIT] If you're looking for our victories, you won't find any. Not
for the last seven months.
[WORF] I do not need help recognising a list of failures. It is clear to
me that none of you are worthy of my blood or my life. But I will stand
for you and together we will restore honour to this ship and bring
glory to the Empire.
(Martok enters.)
[WORF] I have accepted the crew's battle records, and on their behalf I
pledge you our lives and ask you that you lead us as commander of this
[MARTOK] I accept your lives into my hands. De-lak DOH!
[WORF] Clear all moorings. Release docking clamps.
[LESKIT] Docking clamps released.
[WORF] Bow thrusters ahead one half.
[LESKIT] We have cleared the docking ring.
[MARTOK] Ahead one quarter impulse.
[WORF] Helmsman, plot a direct course to the last known position of the
B'Moth, maximum warp.
[MARTOK] No. That would take us into the Tong Beak Nebula. I want to go
around the nebula.
[WORF] General, that will add a full day to our journey.
[MARTOK] I'm aware of that. There are reports of the Dominion operating
ships in the Nebula. I would like to avoid a fight with the Jem'Hadar.
[LESKIT] You wish to avoid a fight?
[MARTOK] Your tone does not sit well with me, helmsman. Our mission is
to find the B'Moth, not satisfy your warrior's pride.
[LESKIT] My apologies, sir. I meant no disrespect.
[WORF] Then carry out your orders and lay in the course. Maximum warp.
[LESKIT] Yes, Commander. Maximum warp. Around the Nebula. Helm ready.
[MARTOK] Mahk-cha.
(Worf sets up a rhythm by hitting a console, then begins to sing.)
[WORF] Qoy qeylIs puqloD. (Dax joins in) Qoy puqbe'pu'. yoHbogh
matlhbogh je SuvwI'
(Dax hits Leskit to join in.)
[LESKIT] Say'moHchu' may' 'Iw.
(The rest join but it's not enthusiastic.)
[ALL] maSuv manong 'ej maHoHchu'. nI'be' yInmaj 'ach wovqu'. batlh
maHeghbej 'ej yo' qIjDaq vavpu'ma' DImuv. pa' reH maSuvtaHqu'.
mamevQo'. maSuvtaH. ma'ov.
(Klingon Mess hall)
(Dax enters, and pulls an officer from his seat
near the head of the table.)
[DAX] Maybe you didn't read the crew roster, but my name is Dax, and I'm
the new science officer on this garbage scow. You were in my seat. I'm
glad we understand each other. Now get down to the other end where you
[TAVANA] Stewed bok-rat liver?
[DAX] It's not very fresh. With a little bloodwine, it might be
[LESKIT] There's been no bloodwine on this ship for six months.
[DAX] Really? Then I'm glad I brought three barrels aboard before we
left Deep Space Nine.
[KORNAN] Three barrels?
(Klingon Ready room)
(Dirty, uncared-for room like the rest of the ship
and crew)
[MARTOK] Dishonourable conduct. Dereliction of duty. Inattention to
orders. Unmotivated. Insufficiently aggressive. These personnel reports
read like prison records.
[WORF] We should remember that the Rotarran has been beaten again and
again by the Jem'Hadar. It is not surprising that crew morale has
[MARTOK] It's more than a case of low morale, Worf. This crew has been
beaten so many times they expect defeat. And that is dangerous.
[WORF] They need a victory. One decisive battle against the Jem'Hadar
would do much to lift their spirits.
[MARTOK] And mine. No one hungers for a victory over the Jem'Hadar more
than I do. No one. But we must be cautious. We cannot risk taking this
crew into combat before they're ready.
[WORF] They will be ready. I will see to that.
[MARTOK] I know you will, my friend. Together we will make the Rotarran
an honourable ship again. A ship worthy of the Empire. You may return
to your station.
(Klingon Mess hall)
(The bloodwine is flowing.)
[TAVANA] The Cardassians were trapped between us and the asteroid field.
It was perfect. Their power was failing, they had no other ships nearby
and our weapons were fully charged.
[KORNAN] And we were still denied a victory.
[TAVANA] Three Jem'Hadar ships appeared from out of the asteroid field.
[DAX] Three to one are long odds. I'd say you did well just getting away
with your ship in one piece.
[LESKIT] Getting away is something we've become very good at. The
Rotarran can run away from battle faster than any ship in the quadrant.
[TAVANA] You never could handle your bloodwine, Leskit. You sound like a
snivelling Ferengi crying about lost profit.
[LESKIT] That's supposed to wound my pride, but Tavana has forgotten
that no one serving on the Rotarran has any pride left.
[DAX] Does that include me?
[LESKIT] I do not wish to insult someone who brought me wine, but one
does wonder why the successor to the great Curzon Dax would consent to
serve on a ship like this.
[ORTAKIN] It's no mystery. She's the parMach'kai of our new First
Officer. I heard it on the space station before we left.
[DAX] Worf is only part of the reason I'm here. I think it is an honour
to serve under General Martok.
[LESKIT] You mean the one-eyed giant?
[DAX] I wouldn't let him hear you say that.
[LESKIT] He won't. Unless Worf is not the only one you're sharing a bed
this trip.
[DAX] On this trip, my bed is as empty as yours, Leskit. Except mine is
empty by choice.
(Everyone laughs.)
[TAVANA] Now that is a sound I haven't heard on this ship for a long
[KORNAN] It won't last. This ship is made for tears, not laughter.
[DAX] You're really not much fun at parties are you, Kornan?
[KORNAN] Make your jokes. Hold off fate for another day if you can, but
this ship and all the souls within its hull are cursed. Death and
dishonour walk these corridors like members of the crew.
[TAVANA] You talk too much, Kornan.
[KORNAN] Tell me you don't believe it too.
(The lights dim.)
[LESKIT] We've cloaked.
[WORF (OC)] Alert status one. A Jem'Hadar patrol ship is directly ahead.
Prepare for combat operations.
[KORNAN] Now you will see. Either death or dishonour will visit us this
day and there will be nothing that you or I or any of us can do about
(Klingon Bridge)
[MARTOK] What are they doing here, this far from the
Cardassian border?
[DAX] They're conducting active polaron scans of this sector. It's
likely they're on some kind of reconnaissance mission.
[MARTOK] Can their scans penetrate our cloak?
[DAX] I'd say there's less than a three percent chance of detection.
[MARTOK] What's our weapons status?
[KORNAN] Torpedo bays are loaded, warheads are armed. Disruptors are
locked on target.
[LESKIT] They've increased speed. They're beginning to pull away. Shall
I match velocity?
[MARTOK] No. Take us back to our original course.
[LESKIT] Forgive this unworthy officer's poor hearing, but what was your
[MARTOK] Take us back to our original course. Our priority is to find
the B'Moth.
[WORF] Sir, we have them in our sights. They cannot escape
[MARTOK] No, Worf.
[WORF] But letting the ship go
[MARTOK] Do not question me! Is the course laid in?
[LESKIT] Yes, Captain. I await your next command.
[MARTOK] Engage. Stand down from Alert Status. You have the bridge.
(Martok leaves.)
[DAX] Commander.
(Worf and Dax whisper at her station.)
[DAX] That was a mistake. We shouldn't have let them go.
[WORF] Our orders are to find the B'Moth, not seek combat. It was a
prudent decision.
[DAX] To hell with prudence. This isn't a Federation starship, this is a
Klingon bird of prey. We could have had an easy victory, and in case
you haven't noticed, this crew could use a victory.
[WORF] Enough. You may be my parMach'kai, but that does not give you the
[DAX] I am an officer on this ship and I am trying to warn my superior
that a dangerous situation is developing, and that he'd better do
something about it.
[WORF] What do you mean, dangerous?
[DAX] Take a good look around you, Commander. Maybe it's just me, but I
think we're in trouble.
(Klingon Ready room)
[MARTOK] I brought you here to support me, not to
undermine my authority!
[WORF] I am simply trying to point out that we had an opportunity to
destroy an enemy ship with little risk to ourselves.
[MARTOK] Little risk. What if they had gotten off a distress call before
we destroyed them? They could have given away our position, called in
reinforcements. We would have spent the next three days avoiding
Jem'Hadar ships instead of carrying out our mission! No, my friend, no.
This was not the right time for battle. You question my judgment in
this matter?
[WORF] No.
[MARTOK] Good. Without your support I cannot command this ship. Tell me
that I have not made an mistake in making you my First Officer.
[WORF] You have my full support, General.
[MARTOK] I knew you would not fail me, Worf. And you can rest assured I
will not fail you.
(Klingon Mess hall)
(Dax enters and gets a drink.)
[LESKIT] Two years I spent on the Cardassian border. Two years fighting
Guls and Legates and Glinns. They were cunning enemies. Always had us
chasing holo-projections and sensor ghosts. Everything was a game with
them. Always had a plan within a plan within a plan leading into a
trap. It was an honour to kill them.
[ORTAKIN] The Cardassians.
[LESKIT] Ah, but you can respect a Cardassian because he fights for his
people and he follows a code just like we do. But not the soldiers of
the Dominion. Not the Jem'Hadar. No, they don't fight for anything.
They fight because they're designed that way, because they're
programmed to fight.
[ORTAKIN] They have no honour.
[LESKIT] You're right. That's why they're better than us.
[DAX] That's enough. You're on duty in an hour and you should
[LESKIT] The Trill doesn't want you to know the truth, my young friend,
but you deserve to know the Jem'Hadar are smarter, they're faster, and
they're stronger than we are!
[ORTAKIN] How can you say these things?
[DAX] He's drunk, ignore him.
[LESKIT] No! Listen! Listen and maybe learn something. The Jem'Hadar are
the future!
[DAX] Shut up, Leskit!
[LESKIT] You know why? Because they can break any of us. Just like they
broke Martok.
[DAX] That's enough!
[LESKIT] She doesn't want you to hear the truth. Martok fears them!
That's why we didn't attack them! Martok fears them!
(Kornan attacks Leskit, Ortakin tries to break it up so Kornon tries to
throttle him. Dax stuns Kornan with her phaser.)
(Klingon Corridor)
[WORF] Dax. Dax! What happened? Are you all right?
[DAX] I had to take Ortakin to surgery. Kornan almost killed him.
[WORF] Why?
[DAX] Because Leskit was drunk.
[WORF] I do not understand.
[DAX] No, you don't understand because you're too busy worrying about
Martok while the crew is falling apart! Kornan needed to attack someone
and he lost control. But this is only the beginning. This crew has lost
half a dozen separate actions to the Jem'Hadar. The casualty list is as
long as my arm. And now they're serving under a man who seems to have
left behind more than just an eye in that prison camp.
[WORF] Do not speak of the Captain in that manner, not while I am First
[DAX] Look, I like Martok, but this crew needs a leader. Someone who'll
remind them of their duty as soldiers of the Empire. And they need that
leader right now, or I promise you they will explode.
[WORF] It will not come to that. I know Martok. He is a great man. He
will not fail us, but we must give him time.
[DAX] Time may be the one thing we don't have, Worf. What happened in
that mess hall could happen all over this ship. And if you think the
blood looks bad on my uniform, wait until the decks are dripping with
(Klingon Bridge)
[DAX] Commander, I'm picking up a Klingon distress
call. It's very faint but I might be able to. It's the B'Moth. They
were attacked by the Jem'Hadar and lost main power. Heavy casualties,
at least thirty survivors. In need of assistance. Emergency power's
failing. The message repeats.
[WORF] Location?
[DAX] The signal is coming from zero five five mark three four two.
Distance at least seven light years.
[WORF] Helm, alter course to zero five five mark three four two.
[LESKIT] Understood.
[WORF] I will inform the General. Engineer, you have the bridge.
(Worf leaves.)
[TAVANA] I want to thank you for what you did in the mess hall.
[DAX] Is Ortakin your parMach'kai?
[TAVANA] Things are coming to a head on this ship. When the fighting
breaks out, stay with me. I'll protect you.
[DAX] I was still hoping there wasn't going to be any fighting.
(Kornan enters.)
[TAVANA] Station! Station!
(Klingon Ready room)
[MARTOK] Something is wrong here, Worf. I can feel
it. If the B'Moth was attacked by the Jem'Hadar, why would there be
[WORF] Since we do not know any details of the battles it is difficult
to speculate.
[MARTOK] We both know the Jem'Hadar do not leave a task half-finished.
If they left the ship intact and part of the crew alive, they did it
for a reason.
[WORF] There could be many explanations. The B'Moth could have inflicted
heavy damage on the Jem'Hadar vessels, forcing them to withdraw. The
Jem'Hadar ships could have been recalled during
[MARTOK] How is it I have only one eye, but I can see more clearly than
anyone around me? They deliberately left survivors on that ship. Why?
Because they want someone to try to rescue them. Oh, do not take this
personally, my friend. I spent two years with the Jem'Hadar. I do not
expect you to have the same insight into them that I do. They're
soulless creatures, Worf, fighting for no goal, no purpose except to
serve the Founders. They take no pleasure in what they do. Nothing is
glorified, nothing affirmed. To the Jem'Hadar, we are nothing more than
targets to be destroyed. I must not allow them to destroy us, Worf. I
must not
[WORF] With all due respect, General, we do not know the tactical
situation of the B'Moth yet. We should guard against making any
premature judgements.
[MARTOK] Of course. Dismissed.
[WORF (OC)] Rotarran combat log. The fifty third day
in the year of Kahless nine ninety nine. We have reached the Cardassian
border and begun our search for the B'Moth.
(Klingon Bridge)
[MARTOK] Helm, keep us at least five million
kellicams from the border.
[LESKIT] Understood.
[DAX] I think I've got something. It's hard to make out through all the
interference, but the thermal signature looks like a ship. It's bearing
direct to starboard at an elevation of twenty five degrees. It's coming
into visual range.
[WORF] On screen.
(The static clears to show a heavily damaged ship.)
[TAVANA] The B'Moth.
[DAX] Confirmed.
[WORF] Helm, lay in a course to bring us alongside.
[TAVANA] Bridge to Medical Ward, prepare to receive casualties.
[WORF] Assemble an armed boarding party in transporter room one. Make a
complete search of all the habitable areas
[MARTOK] Hold! Commander Dax, what side of the border are they on?
[DAX] They're five hundred thousand kellicams inside Cardassian
territory, sir. They must have drifted across a couple of days ago.
[MARTOK] There are probably five Jem'Hadar warships out there right now
just waiting for us to cross the border.
[WORF] General, if they are nearby, they do not care what side of the
border we are on. They will simply attack.
[MARTOK] I have explicit orders from the High Council not to enter
Cardassian territory.
[WORF] I am certain the Council will not object under these
circumstances. There are survivors still aboard the B'Moth.
[MARTOK] We do not know that. All that we know is there is an automated
distress call. They could all be dead by now.
[WORF] And if they are not?
[MARTOK] Then there is nothing we can do for them.
[TAVANA] General, you don't intend to just leave them there?
[MARTOK] I will not throw away the lives of this crew in a futile rescue
[WORF] They are Klingon warriors, we just cannot
[MARTOK] I have made my decision! We will not cross the border! From
this moment, anyone who questions that, anyone, will be charged with
treasonable disobedience. Worf, you have the Bridge.
(Martok leaves. Leskit laughs.)
[WORF] Stations! Stations!
[DAX] We can't just leave those men out there to die.
[WORF] No.
[DAX] So what are you going to do?
[WORF] The only thing I can do. Challenge Martok for command of this
[DAX] I agree. But you realise he may not step aside willingly.
[WORF] I know. But if the General will not step aside I will have to
kill him.
(Later, Kornan and Leskit are talking quietly. Tavana takes out her
disruptor pistol and puts it on her console, ready. Kornan and Leskit
approach Worf.)
[KORNAN] Martok must die.
[WORF] That is not your decision.
[LESKIT] He is a coward. While he commands, he dishonours us all.
[WORF] I shed no tears for your dishonour, Leskit.
[LESKIT] Today would be a bad day to die, son of Mogh. Take your Trill
and go.
(Dax is tapping at her console. Worf looks at her and she nods.)
[WORF] Unlikely.
[LESKIT] I was hoping you would say something like that.
(Ortakin enters with a disruptor rifle and two security.)
[WORF] Alert status one. All hands to battle stations. We are going to
rescue the B'Moth survivors.
(Martok enters.)
[MARTOK] Who gave the order to? What's going on here?
[WORF] As First Officer, I say that you are unfit to serve as Captain.
[MARTOK] You what?
[WORF] You are a coward and I challenge you for command of this ship.
[MARTOK] I never would have expected this from you, Worf.
(They draw knives and start the fight. Worf gets first blood. The crowd
urges him on. Worf is close to killing Martok, but Martok pushes him
away. Finally, Martok stabs Worf in the abdomen.)
[CREW] Martok! Martok! Martok! Martok! Martok!
[TAVANA] Tactical alert! Tactical alert! There is a Jem'Hadar warship
bearing one eight zero mark two one five. They will be within weapons
range in nine minutes.
[MARTOK] The Jem'Hadar will soon learn to regret this day. Who is with
[DAX] Sometimes I think I know why I love you. Let's go to the Medical
[KORNAN] Shields and weapons ready.
[WORF] Wait.
[LESKIT] Intercept course laid in.
(Tavana starts singing the Warrior's Anthem, and the rest join in with
feeling this time.)
[ALL] Qoy qeylIs puqloD. Qoy puqbe'pu'. yoHbogh matlhbogh je
SuvwI' Say'moHchu' may' 'Iw. maSuv manong 'ej maHoHchu'.
[MARTOK] Mahk-Cha!
[ALL] nI'be' yInmaj 'ach wovqu'. batlh maHeghbej 'ej yo' qIjDaq
vavpu'ma' DImuv. pa' reH maSuvtaHqu'. mamevQo'. maSuvtaH. ma'ov.
[DAX] Now, we go below.
[ALL] Qoy qeylIs puqloD. Qoy puqbe'pu'. yoHbogh matlhbogh je SuvwI'
Say'moHchu' may' 'Iw. maSuv manong 'ej maHoHchu'. nI'be' yInmaj 'ach
wovqu'. batlh maHeghbej 'ej yo' qIjDaq vavpu'ma' DImuv. pa' reH
maSuvtaHqu'. mamevQo'. maSuvtaH. ma'ov.
(Bashir arrives on the turbolift, reading a PADD.)
[BRIEN] How's the Intelligence business?
[BASHIR] Oh, I can't talk about it. All I can do is read these
fascinating reports and analyses, and analyses of analyses, and then
keep it all to myself. Because no one else has a need to know. So I
have to walk around this station feeling like I, er. You don't really
care, do you?
[BRIEN] No. A vessel's decloaking fifteen kilometres off the station.
It's the Rotarran.
[KIRA] Martok's ship.
[BRIEN] Yes, sir. And there's an incoming transmission.
[KIRA] On screen.
[MARTOK] Major, we've rescued thirty five survivors of a disabled
Klingon battle cruiser. Request permission to beam them directly to
your Infirmary.
[KIRA] Permission granted, General. You're also cleared to dock at bay
[MARTOK] We'll need an engineering team to repair our battle damage. And
one other thing. Arrange to have fifteen barrels of bloodwine waiting
for us in the airlock so we can celebrate the first victory of the
Rotarran over the Jem'Hadar!
(Quark's cafe)
[MARTOK] Worf.
[WORF] General.
[MARTOK] The High Council has issued a commendation for the entire crew
of the Rotarran. It would seem that you were right. They view the
destruction of a Jem'Hadar ship and the rescue of thirty five warriors
as ample justification for crossing the Cardassian border. Your actions
on the Rotarran, at the time I thought they were disloyal, but I have
come to realise that your intention was to remind me of my duty as a
soldier of the Empire and as a warrior. For that I am grateful.
[WORF] You did the same for me once.
[MARTOK] Worf. On the bridge during the fight, when you dropped your
guard. How did you know I would not kill you?
[WORF] I did not know.
[MARTOK] I see you're still wearing the crest of the House of Mogh.
[WORF] Yes. Jadzia calls it a sentimental gesture.
[MARTOK] Ah. Perhaps you would consider replacing sentiment with the
symbol of a new beginning.
(He takes his crest from his sleeve.)
[MARTOK] The House of Martok would be honoured to welcome the Son of
Mogh into our family as a warrior and a brother.
(Worf changes the badge on his sash.)
[MARTOK] Q'apla! | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e116", "title": "Soldiers of the Empire"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Children of Time
of Time
Original Airdate: 5 May, 1997
Captain's log, stardate 50814.2. The Defiant is returning to Deep Space
Nine after a weeklong reconnaissance mission in the Gamma Quadrant.
(Mess hall)
[DAX] I can't wait to get home and sleep in my own
bed. The bunks on this ship are so uncomfortable.
[KIRA] You know what I could use? A weekend at the Golian Spa.
[DAX] Maybe you and Shakaar can slip away when we get back.
[KIRA] We're not seeing each other anymore.
[ODO] When did this happen?
[KIRA] Last week.
[DAX] No wonder you've been so down lately.
[KIRA] I miss him. But last time we were on Bajor, we went to the Kenda
Shrine and we asked the Prophets if we were meant to walk the same
[DAX] And?
[KIRA] We're not.
[DAX] You make it sound so cut and dry.
[KIRA] The way I see it, people are either meant to be together or
they're not.
[DAX] I guess I'd rather believe that any relationship can work as long
as both people really want it to.
[ODO] I'm not sure I have an opinion on the subject. Excuse me. I need
to regenerate.
(Odo leaves.)
[KIRA] Is he all right?
[DAX] You know Odo. This sort of talk makes him uncomfortable.
(Coffee is being offered around by a crewman.)
[SISKO] No, thanks. I'm trying to cut down.
[BRIEN] I'm making Molly a dollhouse for her birthday. Thank you. The
house itself was easy, but the furniture? Even with a microlathe, I'm
not sure I'm going to get it all finished in time.
[KIRA] I guess her dolls are going to have to rough it for a while.
[DAX] Interesting. I'm getting some unusual readings from a nearby solar
[WORF] What kind of readings?
[DAX] There's some sort of energy barrier surrounding the fourth planet.
[KIRA] It's hard to tell from the interference, but there could be
lifeforms on the surface.
[DAX] If there are, I'd be interested to see how they've adapted to the
quantum fluctuations in the barrier.
[BRIEN] Can't we check it out the next time we come this way?
[DAX] It'll be too late. At the rate the interference is intensifying,
in few weeks we won't even be able to send a probe through it.
[SISKO] Dax.
[DAX] I know everyone wants to go home, but if we're going to take a
look at this planet, it'll be our only chance.
[SISKO] Are you sure it's safe to pass through the interference?
[DAX] A few shield modifications and it should be smooth sailing.
[SISKO] All right, we'll make a quick survey. But if all we detect is
some fungus, we're not beaming down.
[DAX] What if it's smart fungus?
(At the planet.)
[KIRA] We're approaching the barrier.
[SISKO] All right, old man, take us in.
(It's bumpy.)
[DAX] Adjusting shield harmonics to compensate.
[BRIEN] Quantum fluctuations are intensifying.
(Bang! Red Alert. Energy runs over all the consoles and enters Kira.
For a moment there are two of her.)
[DAX] We're through.
[SISKO] Are you all right?
[KIRA] I think so.
[SISKO] Doctor Bashir to the Bridge.
[KIRA] Oh, no, I'm fine.
[BRIEN] The inertial dampers are offline, and the gyromagnetic
stabilisers are depolarised. We're going to be here for a few days.
[SISKO] Smooth sailing.
[WORF] Sir, we are being hailed from the surface. There are several
scattered settlements across the southern peninsula. I am reading
approximately eight thousand inhabitants. They appear to be human.
[SISKO] On screen.
[MIRANDA] (a red-headed woman) Welcome to Gaia, Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] You know my name.
[MIRANDA] We've been expecting you.
[YEDRIN] It's a long story, Benjamin. Why don't you come down and we'll
talk about it over some raktajino. Oh, I forgot. You're trying to cut
(Town square)
(In a lush green valley with a wind farm on one
side and a ploughed field nearby is a small town. O'Brien, Worf, Dax
and Sisko beam down.)
[MIRANDA] Miranda O'Brien.
[YEDRIN] Yedrin. Yedrin Dax.
(He is clearly a Trill.)
[DAX] What a coincidence.
[SISKO] Would one of you mind telling us what's going on?
[MIRANDA] This settlement was founded by the crew of a Starfleet vessel
that crashed on this planet two centuries ago. I realise this is going
to be hard for you to accept but that ship was the Defiant. Two days
from now, when you leave here and try to pass through the energy
barrier, you'll be thrown back in time two hundred years. You'll be
stranded here and become the founders of this settlement. We are your
(After the opening credits.)
[YEDRIN] Go ahead, Jadzia, scan me. You'll find the Dax symbiont right
[DAX] It's true.
[YEDRIN] The symbiont has been passed down to Jadzia's descendents for
three generations. I remember all of you like it was yesterday. If you
scan Miranda, you'll find that her DNA is substantially similar to that
of the Chief's.
[DAX] She's an O'Brien, all right.
[MIRANDA] And a Tannenbaum, too.
[BRIEN] You mean Ensign Tannenbaum? From Engineering?
[YEDRIN] You and Rita were married ten years after the Defiant crashed.
You were trapped here, Miles, two hundred years in the past. There was
no going home. There was no chance of ever seeing your family again.
You were the last to give up hope, but eventually you had to make a new
life for yourself here. I know that face, Benjamin. You're still not
convinced that we're telling you the truth. All right. If you want, I
could tell you something that only Curzon would know. Do you remember
that dancer that you met on Pelios station? The one who
[SISKO] The one? That'll do. Thank you.
[GABRIEL] (a boy) Are you the son of Mogh?
[WORF] I am.
[GABRIEL] Is it true you can kill someone just by looking at them?
[WORF] Only when I am angry.
[MIRANDA] Why don't we go inside? You can meet some of the others later.
We still have a lot to talk about.
(Meeting hall)
(A ships viewscreen and a fireplace. A virtual
Quark is giving maths lesson 916 on the viewscreen to two young girls.)
[QUARK] Ready for the next problem? Say you have twenty seven tessipates
of land you want to plant with nice juicy yelg melons.
[MIRANDA] This is our meeting hall, which as you can see, we sometimes
use as a schoolroom.
[QUARK (on viewscreen)] If each melon needs one square kerripate to grow
in, what is the total number of melons you can plant? Let me know as
soon as you have an answer.
[YEDRIN] Jadzia designed it as an educational programme. She took
Quark's image from the security logs of the Defiant. I've always
thought that Quark would make a great math teacher. He's so good with
[DAX] I like your spots.
[LISA] (dark skinned) Most people don't have them because our ancestors
were mostly human. My mom says they make me special.
[MOLLY] (another red-head) It's just genetics, Lisa. Like Torvin's
[LISA] You're just jealous, Molly.
[BRIEN] Molly?
[YEDRIN] Oh yes. You'll find a lot of them here. The name has been
passed down through the O'Brien line.
[MIRANDA] Molly, this is your grandfather's great great great
[MOLLY] Hello.
[BRIEN] Hi. How much were we, were you able to salvage from the
[YEDRIN] A portable generator, a replicator, a few phasers, tricorders.
Things of that sort.
[WORF] Did anybody ever try to send out a distress signal?
[YEDRIN] To who? It was two hundred years ago. The wormhole hadn't even
been discovered yet. There was no way back to the Alpha Quadrant.
[LISA] Our ancestors decided to make this their new home.
[MOLLY] And they needed a shelter quickly before the winter came.
[LISA] This is it. This is the oldest building there is. At first,
everyone had to sleep here. All forty eight of them.
[SISKO] Forty eight?
[YEDRIN] Um. Kira died a few weeks after the crash. The energy discharge
that struck her on the Bridge damaged her neural pathways. The Defiant
didn't have the medical equipment that Julian needed to treat her.
[LISA] You want to see where she was buried?
[DAX] Maybe later.
[MIRANDA] Girls, why don't you run along and help your parents? It's
almost time for planting and there's a lot of work to be done.
[LISA] Bye.
[MOLLY] Bye.
(The girls leave.)
[SISKO] Obviously we need to get Kira back to the station for treatment
as soon as we can repair the Defiant.
[YEDRIN] Of course.
[SISKO] I don't quite know how to say this, but now that we know about
the accident that sent the ship back in time, we should be able to
avoid it.
[WORF] But if we do that, your timeline will collapse and everything
here will cease to exist.
[YEDRIN] Not necessarily. I have a plan, and the key is what happened to
Kira on the Bridge. This energy discharge caused a subspace doubling
effect. For an instant, every molecule in her body had a corresponding
quantum duplicate. There were literally two Kiras.
[SISKO] Go on.
(Temporal amplification simulation 73205 on a wall monitor.)
[YEDRIN] If we make certain modifications to the Defiant's systems, we
should be able to amplify this doubling effect and create a quantum
duplicate of the entire ship. When you encounter the temporal anomaly,
the duplicate will be thrown back into the past, and the original, you,
will pass through the barrier unaffected.
[BRIEN] So you're saying we go home, and your timeline is preserved.
[YEDRIN] Exactly.
[SISKO] What do you think?
[DAX] It might work.
[YEDRIN] According to the logs I retrieved from the wreckage, the
Defiant encountered the anomaly thirty nine hours after it arrived in
[WORF] If your plan is to work, we must do the same.
[YEDRIN] There are almost eight thousand people living on this planet.
This is the only chance they have.
[SISKO] Dax, I want a full evaluation as soon as possible. If the plan
is sound, start making the modifications immediately.
[YEDRIN] Thank you, Benjamin.
[SISKO] Anything for you, old man.
(Kira is on a bed and Odo is in a perspex bucket.)
[BASHIR] Apparently the planet is crawling with Bashirs.
[KIRA] Maybe I'll stay up here. How's Odo?
[BASHIR] He's resting comfortably. He can't hold his shape because of
the quantum fluctuations inside the barrier.
(Bashir puts Odo into a stasis container.)
[BASHIR] Sweet dreams, Odo. But he'll be as right as rain as soon as we
leave orbit. You, on the other hand, are going to have to undergo a
complete neural pathway induction as soon as we get back to the
[KIRA] If you say so. I feel fine.
[BASHIR] That's because your neural tissue hasn't begun to deteriorate
yet. But rest assured, you'll be on my operating table eventually.
[KIRA] Hey. Where are you off to?
[BASHIR] I have to get down there, meet some of those Bashirs.
(Bashir leaves and an Odo enters, but with better defined human
[ODO] Hello, Nerys.
[KIRA] Odo?
[ODO] I came up from the surface as soon as I heard you were here.
[KIRA] How are you holding your shape? I thought
[ODO] I learned to counter the barrier's effects a long time ago. It's
good to see you.
[KIRA] You look different.
[ODO] I've gotten better at shape-shifting over the years. You're as
beautiful as I remember. You can't know how I've longed to hear your
voice, see your smile.
[KIRA] Odo, what's gotten into you?
[ODO] There's something I want you to know. Something I've wanted to
tell you for two hundred years. I love you, Nerys. I've always loved
[KIRA] What do you mean, you love me?
[ODO] Is it so hard to believe?
[KIRA] I never knew you felt that way about me.
[ODO] I did everything I could to make sure you wouldn't find out.
[KIRA] It worked. Why didn't you ever say anything?
[ODO] I didn't think you could possibly care for me the way I care for
you. I suppose I was afraid of ruining what we had. Our friendship
meant everything to me. It still does. Maybe I shouldn't have said
[KIRA] It's not that. I was just thinking about all the times I came to
you for advice about Shakaar and Bareil. It must have been very hard
for you to listen to me go on about another man.
[ODO] No, I can't say I enjoyed it, but I wanted to be a good friend to
[KIRA] You were.
[ODO] Nerys, I didn't come here expecting you to throw yourself in my
arms. But you're leaving here in two days. I'm never going to see you
again. All I'm asking is that you spend some time with me. Gaia is a
very beautiful place. I'd love to show it to you.
[KIRA] I'd like that.
(Meeting hall)
(Sisko is being introduced to his latest
descendant, a baby sucking his thumb.)
[MIRANDA] He has your eyes.
[SISKO] You think so? You think so?
[DAX (OC)] Dax to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[DAX (OC)] Good news, Benjamin.
(Engine room)
[DAX] I've gone over the sensor logs from the crash.
It looks like Yedrin's plan to create a duplicate Defiant is going to
(Meeting hall)
[SISKO] Did you hear that? Yes. Everything's going
to be all right.
(Engine room)
(They can hear the baby's happy gurgles.)
[YEDRIN] Sounds like you have your hands full down there, Benjamin.
(Meeting hall)
[SISKO] Oh, yes, you could say that.
[DAX (OC)] We'll keep you posted.
(Town square)
(Worf is examining the pumps at the well.)
[BASHIR] Thirsty?
[WORF] The captain asked me to make a survey of the settlement's
infrastructure so we can leave behind the appropriate supplies.
[BASHIR] I've just been doing the same thing at the clinic. I met one of
my descendents there. My great great great great granddaughter, the
doctor. She made quite a fuss over me. Apparently my healing touch is
something of a legend around here.
[GABRIEL] They're here! They're here!
[WORF] Who?
[GABRIEL] The Klingons!
(A group of people with varying amounts of ridges, including none.)
[BROTA] Q'apla.
[WORF] Q'apla.
[BROTA] We are the Sons of Mogh.
[WORF] You are my descendents.
[BROTA] Some by blood, some by choice. Our hearts are Klingon. We live
as warriors, just as you taught our ancestors long ago.
[GABRIEL] I'm going to be one of them someday. I'll ride a wild torga
and go hunting, and only come to the settlement to trade furs for the
things I need.
[PARELL] (a human woman) When you're older, you'll have the chance to
prove yourself. If you are worthy, you can take a Klingon name and live
among us.
[BROTA] The Sons of Mogh are gathering to celebrate your return. It
would honour us greatly if you would feast with us tonight.
[WORF] I look forward to it.
[BROTA] We'll come for you at nightfall.
[BASHIR] Well, it would appear I'm not the only legend around here.
(Engine room)
[DAX] Once the emitter array is recalibrated, we can
start synchronising the shield generators.
[YEDRIN] Oh, good. We're ahead of schedule.
[DAX] What? Tell me.
[YEDRIN] You just reminded me of something. The summer after the crash,
it was so hot Jadzia cut her hair short. Worf hated it. I remember
promising to grow it back in time for the wedding.
[DAX] We got married?
[YEDRIN] The next fall. Benjamin performed the ceremony. I'll never
forget Worf's voice as he said the vows. It was shaking.
[DAX] Were we happy together?
[YEDRIN] He's a good man, Jadzia.
[DAX] I know. It's just, sometimes, he's so hard to get along with.
[YEDRIN] Don't worry. You'll learn to handle him.
(Town square)
(O'Brien is working on the well pump.)
[BASHIR] Did I mention she was a doctor?
[BRIEN] Twice.
[BASHIR] She showed me pictures of the family going all the way back to
me. You know who I ended up with after the crash? Angie Kirby.
[BRIEN] Who's that?
[BASHIR] Yes, that's what I said. Apparently she transferred aboard last
week, but she's gorgeous.
[BRIEN] Congratulations.
[BASHIR] I think I'm going to ask her out when we get back. We obviously
got along well here. So, you and Rita Tannenbaum.
[BRIEN] I don't want to hear about it, Julian. I have a wife and kids
back home.
[BASHIR] Sorry. I didn't mean anything. You know, I'm going to let you
get back on with your work.
(Molly and Lisa are watching O'Brien.)
(Kira's gravesite)
(On the top of a hill, under a tree. Kira is
[KIRA] Praying over your own grave. That's got to be a new one.
[ODO] If the Prophets were listening, they're probably very confused.
[KIRA] Well, I wouldn't blame them. I've got to tell you that this whole
quantum duplicate two Defiants thing has me feeling a little strange.
[ODO] Why? Thanks to Yedrin's plan our timeline is being preserved.
You're going back to the station for the treatment you need.
[KIRA] I know. It's just that I've always believed that we're all given
one destiny, one path, and now we're using technology to get around
that. I'm not sure how it makes me feel.
[ODO] I know exactly how it makes me feel. You can't know how much it
means to me to know you're going home, Nerys. It won't change anything
for me. I lost you two hundred years ago. But for the other Odo, up on
the ship, it changes everything. He doesn't have to lose you. And
somehow, knowing that makes me feel better. Does that make any sense?
[KIRA] You've changed so much, Odo. I don't just mean the way you look.
You used to be so closed off.
[ODO] I have changed. And the Odo you know will change too, if you're
patient with him.
[KIRA] Why don't we head back?
(Town square)
(Baseball practice with Gabriel and another boy.)
[SISKO] Nice catch. Dax.
[DAX] We need to talk. I was going over the sensor logs from the crash
and I came across something odd. The quantum fluctuations in the
barrier factored out to zero. The chances of that must be a billion to
[SISKO] What are you getting at?
[DAX] That Yedrin faked the logs.
[SISKO] Why would he do that?
[DAX] So we'd think his plan was going to work. It's not. There was
never going to be a duplicate Defiant. Just one. And Yedrin wanted to
make sure it went back in time.
[SISKO] So that history would repeat itself.
[DAX] If I hadn't realised what he had done, we would have ended up
stranded here and Kira would have died.
(Meeting hall)
[DAX] You betrayed us. You betrayed me! You call
yourself Yedrin Dax, but I don't recognise you.
[YEDRIN] Now that you know, what are you going to do about it?
[SISKO] What do you think?
[YEDRIN] Damn it, Ben. If you don't take the Defiant back in time, the
eight thousand people on this planet will cease to exist.
[SISKO] You think I don't care? Oh, come on, you know me better than
that. What am I supposed to do, recreate the accident and deliberately
maroon my crew?
[YEDRIN] It's what would have happened. Who's to say it's not what's
supposed to happen?
[SISKO] I'm not going to stand here and argue philosophy with you. I
have a duty to protect my people.
[YEDRIN] Look around you, Benjamin. Think of the things that you've seen
since you got here. This is what your crew and their descendents will
build if you let history play itself out. I'm not saying that it won't
be hard at first, but they will have good lives here. Happy lives.
[DAX] What about Kira? If we don't get her back to the station, she'll
[YEDRIN] Is one life too much to ask if it saves eight thousand?
[SISKO] Who are you to decide who lives or dies? Who are you to make
that call?
[YEDRIN] I have to make that call because I'm responsible for what
happened here! Jadzia knows what I'm talking about. She's the one who
insisted that the Defiant investigate this planet. You know as well as
I do that you should have been more careful. You should have seen that
the barrier was unstable when you scanned it.
[DAX] But I didn't. I was so bent on making some great discovery that I
missed it.
[YEDRIN] And because of you, because of me, Kira died and forty eight
people were stranded here. You don't know what it was like to live with
that. For years, Benjamin, every time I looked at you all I could think
of was Jake and how because of me, he would never see his father again.
Eventually I had to accept the fact there was nothing I could do to
change things. I couldn't bring Kira back. All I could do was look to
the future, Benjamin, and make sure that we survived here no matter
what. This community is my responsibility. For two centuries, I have
watched it grow into something to be proud of. For generations these
people have worked to make a life for themselves here. They deserve a
chance to hang on to it.
[SISKO] I'm not denying that. I wish there was a way we could help you,
but my people have the right to go home to their families. And I will
not ask Kira to sacrifice her life for eight thousand people, for eight
million. No one has the right to ask that. I'm sorry, old man, but
there is nothing I can do.
(Town square)
(Evening, and children are playing catch nearby.)
[KIRA] Look at them. They have no idea what's going to happen.
[WORF] It is for the best. They are children. They would not understand.
[KIRA] I'm not sure I understand. Eight thousand people, Worf. They have
to die because I have to go back to the station to be treated for some
condition I can't even tell I have.
[WORF] That is not the only reason we are going back. Do not blame
yourself, Major.
[KIRA] I'm going up to the ship.
[MIRANDA] It would've been a good crop this year. Spring came so early.
[GABRIEL] Miranda, is something wrong? Everyone's so quiet.
[MIRANDA] It's nothing you need to worry about.
(Worf is by a fire.)
[PARELL] We came to tell you. There will be no feast tonight.
[WORF] I understand. This is not a time for celebration.
[BROTA] Tomorrow we will see the sun rise again, but no one here will
see it set.
[WORF] Join me. There is something I wish to say. It is a great honour
to know that my legacy has thrived on your world for so long. I can see
the Klingon heart beats strong here.
[BROTA] You honour us with your words. We have tried to live as you
taught us to.
[PARELL] We've never plowed fields or milked chattel. We've lived as
warriors, hunters.
[BROTA] Last year, I slew a yarbear three metres tall. Your mek'leth was
my only weapon. The beast maimed me, and for a time it seemed I would
die from my wounds. Now I wish I had. It would have been a warrior's
[PARELL] He could have taken his place among the honoured dead in
[WORF] Perhaps he will yet.
[BROTA] No. Ceasing to exist because my parents were never born? That is
not a death worthy of Sto'Vo'Kor. Kill me, Worf. I have no enemies to
fight, no glory to be won. Give me an honourable death.
[PARELL] Don't make us wait for the end like farm animals waiting for
[WORF] I will come to you tomorrow and do what you ask.
(Kira's gravesite)
[ODO] Why did you want to come back here?
[KIRA] I had to see it again so I could be sure.
[ODO] Sure about what?
[KIRA] That this is where I belong. The path the Prophets laid out for
me ends here.
[ODO] But not this time, Nerys. The Captain's taking you back to DS
[KIRA] I can't let him do that. Not if it's going to cost eight thousand
lives. No, we have to let history take its course, even if it means I
have to die here.
(Mess hall)
[BRIEN] What? Have you lost your mind?
[BASHIR] Kira, if we don't go back to the station you'll die within a
few weeks. There's nothing I can do for you here.
[KIRA] I know that, Julian. I've accepted it. We've got to take the
Defiant back in time, otherwise we're cheating fate.
[BRIEN] Yeah, well, I wouldn't mind cheating fate all the way home to
the station.
[DAX] Neither would I. But if we go home, eight thousand people are
going to cease to exist.
[BRIEN] I don't know those people. But I have a wife and kids back
home who need me.
[KIRA] Your family will be fine, Miles. The Prophets will take care of
[BRIEN] No offence, but I don't believe in your Prophets.
[WORF] All Major Kira is saying is our families will survive no matter
what we do. The colonists will not. If she is willing to sacrifice her
life to save them, I am willing to remain here.
[BRIEN] That's easy for you to say. You hardly see your son.
[WORF] And you are afraid to face your destiny.
[BRIEN] We can sit here arguing destiny until we're blue in the face,
but the bottom line is, nobody has the right to tell me I can't go home
to my family.
[SISKO] I want to go home as much as you do, Chief. I'm just listening
to what everyone has to say.
[BRIEN] So we're not actually considering this?
[SISKO] No, we're not.
[KIRA] Captain.
[SISKO] Major, you've made your position clear. All right, people.
(Town square)
(Sunrise on the final day.)
[WORF] By sunset this will all be gone.
[DAX] Taking a last look around?
(Gabriel runs through the group. Sisko grabs him.)
[SISKO] Whoa. Gabriel, where are you going in such a hurry?
[GABRIEL] To the fields. It's time for planting.
(They walk on to where everyone is getting the young plants ready for
the ground.)
[MIRANDA] Come on, Gabriel, there isn't much time. Put some of this on
your face. The sun's strong today.
[YEDRIN] Planting day has always been important here. It brings everyone
together. Somehow it feels right to see it through.
(Most of our people help with the planting. Pushing
a motorised hand-plough, making planting holes. Compost goes in the
bottom and the plant on top. Kira is scattering seed. Miranda is
handing out the rooted plants.)
[MIRANDA] Here's one for you. Molly, take that from the bottom.
[MOLLY] Thank you.
(Molly takes it to Bashir.)
[BASHIR] Thank you.
(Then the plants are watered in.)
[BRIEN] The status report you asked for, sir. The repairs are
finished. The Defiant's ready to leave orbit.
(Sisko reads the PADD.)
[MOLLY] Aren't you going to help?
[BRIEN] I'm busy.
[MOLLY] You don't look busy.
[SISKO] She's an O'Brien, all right. Better get to it, Chief.
(Sisko hands over his trowel. Worf and the Sons of Mogh arrived.)
[BROTA] You said there was an enemy for us to fight.
[WORF] They are attempting to plant their fields before the sun sets.
Time is their enemy. We should help them defeat it.
[BROTA] Bring the others.
(And the sun sweeps on in its course. Molly brings O'Brien a plant.)
[BRIEN] Ah, great. You know, I have a little girl named Molly, too.
[MOLLY] Really? Can I meet her?
[BRIEN] We'll see.
[MOLLY] By summer, this plant will be taller than you. After the
harvested, I'll help my mother make gelm bread with it.
[WOMAN] Molly?
(Molly runs off, O'Brien goes over to Sisko and Kira.)
[SISKO] Is something wrong?
[BRIEN] We can't do it.
[SISKO] What?
[BRIEN] We can't let these people die.
(Town square)
(Evening, and the tired workers return.)
[YEDRIN] The navigational logs from the original crash. Download them
into the ship's autopilot and it'll match the original trajectory. That
should send the Defiant back to the right point in time.
[MIRANDA] I don't know how to thank you for what you're doing.
[DAX] We'd better go, Benjamin. There isn't much time.
(Silent farewells.)
(Defiant Corridor)
[ODO] You can't do this.
[KIRA] Please don't make it any harder than it already is.
[ODO] You have to go home, Nerys. You have to.
[KIRA] This isn't about me. This is about the eight thousand people down
on that planet, and their children and grandchildren.
[ODO] What about the children who'll never be born because the Defiant
doesn't return to DS Nine?
[KIRA] They don't exist yet. These people do.
[ODO] Nerys, just tell me one thing. If you'd known how I felt about
you, if I'd said something years ago, do you think things might have
been different?
[KIRA] Maybe.
(They kiss, and she leaves Odo crying.)
[SISKO] Has everyone had a chance to record a
message to their families?
[BRIEN] I've downloaded the recordings into a class four probe. It'll
start transmitting a location signal as soon as it clears the barrier.
[SISKO] Launch the probe, Chief.
[KIRA] It's time.
[SISKO] Transfer helm control to autopilot.
[DAX] Autopilot engaged.
[SISKO] Raise shields.
[DAX] Aye, sir.
[WORF] We are breaking orbit.
[DAX] Coming around to four two mark seven.
[BRIEN] I'm picking up an unusual temporal signature.
[KIRA] It's the anomaly. We're headed straight for it.
[DAX] Ten seconds to impact. Eight, seven, six, five, four
[KIRA] We're veering away from the anomaly!
[SISKO] Try to override the autopilot.
[DAX] I can't.
[BRIEN] We're clearing the barrier.
[SISKO] What happened?
[BRIEN] Someone changed our flight plan. It wasn't me.
[SISKO] Scan the surface.
[KIRA] No sign of the settlement or the inhabitants. Everything's gone.
(Defiant corridor)
[SISKO] Whoever changed our flight plan knew their
way around the computer system. They bypassed our security protocols
without leaving a trace.
[DAX] It must have been someone from the crew.
[SISKO] Or someone who used to be.
[DAX] Yedrin? But all he cared about was the settlement. What could have
changed his mind?
[SISKO] Seeing us again. Perhaps he decided he couldn't let us go
through with it.
[DAX] Everyone we met, they never existed.
[SISKO] They existed. As long as we remember them, they always will.
(Kira's cabin)
(Kira is lying on her bunk when the doorbell
[KIRA] Come in. Odo.
[ODO] There's something you should know. The other Odo, the one from the
planet, came to Sickbay before he left the ship.
[KIRA] Oh?
[ODO] He linked with me. Now I know everything that happened.
[KIRA] The other day, when I told you about Shakaar and me not seeing
each other anymore, you seemed so uncomfortable.
[ODO] I'd come to accept the fact that you were involved with someone
else, then suddenly everything changed.
[KIRA] I don't know what to say. I'm still trying to sort everything
[ODO] So am I. I think we both need time. There's something else the
other Odo wanted you to know. He was responsible for changing the
Defiant's flight plan.
[KIRA] Why?
[ODO] So that you wouldn't have to die.
[KIRA] I can't believe it. Eight thousand people!
[ODO] He did it for you, Nerys. He loved you.
[KIRA] That makes it right?
[ODO] I don't know. He thought so. I'll see you in the morning. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e117", "title": "Children of Time"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Blaze of Glory
of Glory
Original Airdate: 12 May, 1997
(Dinner time.)
[NOG] Squid. My favourite human food. Mmm. Delicious, sir.
[JAKE] Terrific as always, Dad.
[SISKO] I'm glad you like it.
[NOG] Sir, if I may say so, this sauce tastes very familiar.
[SISKO] Well it should. It's puree of tube grubs.
(Jake vomits into his napkin.)
[JAKE] Tube grubs?
[SISKO] I figured if Nog is willing to eat squid, it's only fair that we
try tube grubs. Besides, you said it was terrific.
[JAKE] That was before I knew what it was.
[SISKO] Eat. You need more meat on your bones. So, tell me, Nog. How do
you like working security?
[NOG] It's very interesting, sir.
[JAKE] That's not what you told me.
[NOG] Jake.
[SISKO] Something wrong?
[NOG] No, sir. Everything's quite satisfactory. Thank you, sir.
[JAKE] Could've fooled me.
[SISKO] Cadet, if there's a problem, I want to hear about it.
[NOG] Well, sir, it's the Klingons, sir.
[SISKO] What about them?
[NOG] It's their attitude, sir. It's bad.
[SISKO] Bad?
[NOG] They're loud, obnoxious, and if I may say so, sir, generally
intoxicated. They walk around the station like they own the place, and
whenever a station security officer tries to talk to them, say to ask
them to keep the noise level down on the Promenade, they ignore him.
[JAKE] You mean they ignore you.
[NOG] They never look me in the eye when I try to talk to them, sir.
They just stare over my head and pretend I'm not even there. I hate it
when they do that.
[SISKO] I can see how that might be annoying.
[JAKE] Not as annoying as listening to him complain about it all the
[SISKO] Here is what I suggest, Cadet. The next time the Klingons refuse
to acknowledge your presence, do what a Klingon would do. Confront them
about it. If you stand up to them, you'll earn their respect.
[JAKE] Or get your butt kicked. One or the other.
[SISKO] Either way, they'll never ignore you again.
[SISKO] Enter.
[MARTOK] Captain, I need to speak to you. Alone.
[NOG] That does it.
[SISKO] Not now, Nog.
[NOG] But sir.
[JAKE] Come on, Nog, let's go.
(Jake drags Nog out.)
[MARTOK] Captain, my crew and I were patrolling the Cardassian border.
We intercepted a very disturbing message.
(Martok hands over a PADD.)
[SISKO] This is a Maquis code.
[MARTOK] I was as surprised as you. I thought the Maquis were wiped out
by Cardassia and their new Dominion allies, but it would appear I was
[SISKO] Were you able to decode it?
[REBECCA (on PADD)] Michael, I hope you get this message. We've launched
the missiles. They should reach Cardassia in thirteen days. It may not
bring back our dead, but at least they'll have a lot of company.
[SISKO] Did you detect any missiles?
[MARTOK] No. But that proves nothing. A few months ago, the Klingon High
Council decided to aid the Maquis in their fight against Cardassia. We
provided them with thirty class four cloaking devices. It was our
understanding they would use them on their ships.
[SISKO] But they could have been mounted on the missiles instead.
[MARTOK] You see the problem.
[SISKO] The Maquis had access to tricobalt explosives, biogenic weapons,
antimatter warheads.
[MARTOK] The death toll could be in the millions.
[SISKO] I knew the Maquis were desperate, but I didn't believe that they
would resort to something like this.
[MARTOK] A sabre bear is most deadly when it is trapped with no hope of
[SISKO] Cardassia is under Dominion protection. If millions of their
citizens are killed by human terrorists, they'll demand revenge.
[MARTOK] And their Dominion allies will see that they get it. They'll
launch a counterstrike against the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and
the entire Alpha Quadrant.
[SISKO] And start a war that could destroy us all.
(The Defiant has just returned to the station)
[SISKO] Report.
[DAX] Do the words needle in a haystack mean anything to you?
[WORF] We spent over fifty hours searching the Badlands for signs of the
Maquis missiles, without success.
[DAX] We would have stayed longer, but we had a hard time avoiding the
Jem'Hadar patrols.
[BRIEN] Let me guess. They homed in on your plasma wake.
[DAX] Even though we were cloaked, they were still able to track us.
[BRIEN] The Defiant's warp engines are too powerful. They ionise the
nebular gases in the Badlands.
[DAX] It's like a Ligorian mastodon moving through the forest. You may
not be able to see it, but it definitely makes the leaves rustle.
[SISKO] I need answers, people. If those missiles do exist, they're only
eleven days from their target. I want to know where they are and how to
stop them.
[WORF] We need more information, a way to narrow our search.
[SISKO] I think I know someone who can help.
(Starbase brig)
[SISKO] Eddington, wake up.
[EDDINGTON] I'm dreaming, right? This is a nightmare.
[SISKO] This is a nightmare, all right, but you are wide awake.
[EDDINGTON] I was wondering when you'd show up. I expected to see you
here weeks ago.
[SISKO] I've been busy.
[EDDINGTON] But now you're here. So enjoy yourself. Savour the moment. I
know you've been wanting to gloat over my defeat for a long time.
[SISKO] I'm not here to gloat.
[EDDINGTON] You deserve to. You won. I betrayed Starfleet by joining the
Maquis. You swore you'd track me down and you did. You got your
[SISKO] Actually, that's what I'm here to talk to you about. Revenge.
[EDDINGTON] One of my favourite topics.
(The cell forcefield is lowered for Sisko to throw the PADD in)
[SISKO] I believe that was intended for you.
[REBECCA (on PADD)] Michael, I hope you get this message. We've launched
the missiles. They should reach Carda
[SISKO] Don't you want to hear the rest of it?
[EDDINGTON] Why should I? It has nothing to do with me. Michael is a
very common name.
[SISKO] True. But somehow I think you're the right one.
[EDDINGTON] Guess again.
[SISKO] If those missiles hit Cardassia, it could start a war. Billions
of people will be killed.
[EDDINGTON] If you expect me to shed a tear, you're going to be
disappointed. I used up all my tears when the Dominion slaughtered the
Maquis. I sat here in this cell for three days and listened to the
reports as they came in. In those three days, everyone and everything I
cared about was wiped out.
[SISKO] I heard the same reports. It was a tragedy.
[EDDINGTON] Your generosity of spirit touches me. But you don't give a
damn about what happened to us, and I don't give a damn about what
happens to you.
[SISKO] You may have taken off the uniform, but you're still a Starfleet
officer. And you don't want a war between the Federation and the
Dominion any more than I do.
[EDDINGTON] What you want and what I want doesn't really matter. There's
nothing you can do to stop those missiles from hitting their targets.
They're cloaked, highly manoeuvrable, programmed to change course at
random. You'll never find them.
[SISKO] Maybe we can't locate the missiles, but that doesn't mean we
can't stop them. You must have programmed in an abort code, some way to
deactivate the missiles by remote.
[EDDINGTON] Even if there was such a thing, you'd have to transmit it
from the launch site. And I don't think you're going to find that
either. No code, no launch site. I'm afraid you're out of luck,
Captain. Looks like everyone's out of luck.
[SISKO] That's it? You're just going to lie there and do nothing.
[EDDINGTON] That's what you do when you're in prison. Nothing. Just sit
back and wait for the next counselling session, the next psychological
evaluation, the next rehabilitation seminar.
[SISKO] What if I could get you out of here? Arrange a pardon in
exchange for your helping me?
[EDDINGTON] You like this, don't you, Ben? You like deciding the fate of
others. It makes you feel important.
[SISKO] It's not about me. Do you want your freedom or not?
[EDDINGTON] Freedom, huh? Tell me. If they did release me, where would I
go? What would I do?
[SISKO] Anything you want.
[EDDINGTON] What about bringing the Maquis back from the dead? Can I do
that? Can you? Can anyone? No, I didn't think so. In that case, I'll
tell you what I want. I want to lie here until the Jem'Hadar blow this
place to pieces and me along with it.
(Quark has an injury above his eye.)
[QUARK] Careful, that hurts.
[BASHIR] I haven't done anything yet.
[QUARK] Well, what are you waiting for? I told you it hurts.
(Odo and Kira enter.)
[ODO] You'll survive.
[QUARK] Did you catch him?
[ODO] We caught him. Or rather I should say Major Kira caught him.
[KIRA] I didn't really do anything. I was in the Bajoran shrine,
meditating, and he burst in stark naked, and fell to his knees crying
out to the Prophets for protection.
[BASHIR] Morn, of all people. Who would have thought he'd just snap like
[ODO] Certainly not me. Which makes me wonder what could've pushed him
over the edge?
[QUARK] Why are you looking at me? I'm the victim here. He hit me with a
[KIRA] Why did he hit you?
[QUARK] I don't have the faintest idea.
[KIRA] Think harder.
[ODO] Witnesses say you were talking to him right up to the second he
went berserk.
[QUARK] Of course I was talking to him. That's what bartenders are
supposed to do, talk to their customers.
[KIRA] What exactly was it that you were talking to him about?
[QUARK] All I said was that the military personnel on this station were
starting to look a little nervous. When they get nervous, I get
[ODO] And that's all you said?
[QUARK] Basically. I might've done a little harmless theorising.
[BASHIR] About what?
[QUARK] Oh, something like it was only a matter of time before the
Dominion launched a full-scale assault against the Federation and when
that happened the station would undoubtedly be their first target. And
I might've idly suggested that there wasn't a chance in hell that any
of us would get out of here alive.
[ODO] And that's when Morn hit you with a barstool and ran out onto the
Promenade screaming, 'We're all doomed.'
[QUARK] Some people just don't react well to stress. Ow!
[DAX (OC)] Ops to Major Kira.
[KIRA] Go ahead.
[DAX (OC)] There's an incoming transmission from Captain Sisko.
[KIRA] I'll be right there. Probably wants to warn us that the first
wave of Jem'Hadar is on the way.
(Kira leaves)
[QUARK] Ha, ha, ha. Very funny. She's joking, right?
[BASHIR] Hold still.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO (on viewscreen)] My plan is to go into the
Badlands, find the launch site, and deactivate those missiles.
[KIRA] You make it sound so easy. You sure you don't want me to send the
[SISKO (on viewscreen)] The Defiant would just attract unwanted
[KIRA] Maybe, but I'd feel a hell of a lot better if you weren't out
there alone.
[SISKO (on viewscreen)] Don't worry, Major. I'm not alone.
(Michael Eddington is not a happy handcuffed bunny)
[SISKO] Dinner.
[EDDINGTON] What about these?
[SISKO] What about them?
[EDDINGTON] It makes it a little difficult to eat.
[SISKO] You'll manage.
[EDDINGTON] Replicator entree number one oh three. Curried chicken and
rice with a side order of carrots. Or at least that's what they want us
to believe. But you and I both know what we're really eating.
Replicated protein molecules and textured carbohydrates.
[SISKO] It's not that bad.
[EDDINGTON] It may look like chicken, but it still tastes like
replicated protein molecules to me.
[SISKO] If you don't want it, don't eat it.
[EDDINGTON] Remember that Thanksgiving dinner you cooked for the senior
staff last year? How many months did it take you to grow all those
vegetables in the hydroponic garden? Every ingredient fresh, real.
Though you did put too much tarragon in the stuffing.
[SISKO] I wasn't aware that you were a food critic.
[EDDINGTON] I wasn't, until I joined the Maquis and started eating real
food. Food that I'd grown with my own hands. Fresh corn, sweet as a
baby's smile. And tomatoes. Do you know how hard it is to grow
tomatoes? There's always too much rain or not enough. It's too hot,
it's too cold. I wonder what happened to those tomato plants? Probably
burned to the ground along with everything else.
[SISKO] If we don't stop those missiles, a lot of things are going to
burn to the ground. And not just on Cardassia.
[EDDINGTON] You never give up, do you, Ben? Here we are, having a
pleasant conversation about food, and all you're thinking about is the
mission and how to get me to cooperate. You're wasting your breath. As
far as I'm concerned my life is over. I'm dead.
[SISKO] For a dead man, you talk a lot.
[EDDINGTON] Then why didn't you leave me in prison?
[SISKO] Because I have a job to do and I can't do it without you.
[EDDINGTON] You're going to have to. I told you when you dragged me out
of my cell that I wasn't going to help you. I meant it then and I mean
it now.
[SISKO] I am trying to prevent a war.
[EDDINGTON] You're the one who set the ground rules when you came after
me, Ben. You're the one who made it personal. You could've looked the
other way. You could've left the Maquis alone, but you didn't do it.
You hunted us, hounded us, fought us every chance you got. And in the
end, you set us up for the slaughter. I expected better of you than
that. So did a lot of people. People like Cal Hudson. I bet you haven't
heard that name in a while.
[SISKO] You're right about that.
[EDDINGTON] He told me the two of your were friends at the Academy.
[SISKO] And a long time after.
[EDDINGTON] Until he joined the Maquis.
[SISKO] He betrayed his oath to Starfleet.
[EDDINGTON] If it makes you feel any better, he paid for his sins. He
was killed in a skirmish with the Cardassians.
[SISKO] He was a good man.
[EDDINGTON] He felt the same about you. He thought you were wrong about
the Maquis, but he forgave you, which is ironic considering you never
forgave him. You can't forgive any of us. And not because we betrayed
Starfleet or the Federation, but because we betrayed you. That's what
this is all about. Your ego. Where Benjamin Sisko leads, all must
[SISKO] Is that what you really believe?
[EDDINGTON] It's the truth, isn't it? The Maquis were never much of a
threat to the Federation, but we were a threat to you. We were a stain
on your record and you couldn't have that. Not when you were so busy
measuring yourself for an admiral's uniform.
[SISKO] You want to blame me for what happened to the Maquis? Fine. Go
ahead, blame me. Blame Starfleet. Blame the Federation. Blame everyone
except Michael Eddington.
[EDDINGTON] The Maquis won its greatest victories under my leadership.
[SISKO] Your leadership. Your shining moment of glory. Michael Eddington
gets to take off his gold uniform and play hero. That's what you always
wanted, to lead troops in a glorious cause. Well, you had your chance
and look where you led them. Right into their graves.
[EDDINGTON] They died because I wasn't there when they needed me most.
Because you put me in jail.
[SISKO] They died because you filled their heads with false hopes. Sold
them dreams of a military victory when what they needed was a
negotiated peace.
[EDDINGTON] We had the Cardassians on the run.
[SISKO] And they ran right into the arms of the Dominion. End of story.
[EDDINGTON] Not quite the end.
[SISKO] That's right. A few survivors of your noble crusade have decided
to launch a pointless retaliatory strike against Cardassia.
[EDDINGTON] It's not so pointless. If you can't have victory, sometimes
you just have to settle for revenge.
[SISKO] Is that what you want? To be remembered as the man who helped
bring about the worst war in Federation history?
[EDDINGTON] Not quite the legacy I had in mind, but I can live with it.
[SISKO] Can you?
(Two Klingons are having a head-butting contest.)
[MARTOK] No, no, no. You can do better than that. You're barely making
contact. Again! More wine!
(Nog and Jake are at a table)
[JAKE] I don't care what anyone says. That's got to hurt.
(Nog has his chair tilted on it's back legs, like Henry Fonda.)
[NOG] They're at sixty five decibels. Loud, but not loud enough.
[JAKE] What are you talking about?
[NOG] Five more decibels and they'll be legally disturbing the peace.
[JAKE] And then what?
[NOG] And then I'm going to escort them to a holding cell.
[JAKE] You're going to arrest General Martok for disturbing the peace?
[NOG] I am.
[JAKE] Aren't you going to at least call for backup?
[NOG] Jake, you heard what your father said. They won't respect me until
I stand up to them, alone.
[JAKE] Personally, I think respect is overrated.
(Loud laughter.)
[NOG] That's it. Seventy decibels. They're mine.
(But his chair tips him backwards instead.)
[NOG] Whoaaa!
(The Klingons laugh at him)
[JAKE] You okay?
[NOG] I'm fine. Just tell me when everyone leaves.
[JAKE] Why?
[NOG] Because I'm not getting up until they do.
(Into the plasma storms of the Badlands.)
[SISKO] Eddington.
[EDDINGTON] (waking) Are we there yet?
[SISKO] Where?
[EDDINGTON] That's the question, isn't it?
[SISKO] There's something here I want you to see.
[EDDINGTON] I'll pass, thanks.
[SISKO] Suit yourself. Maybe it's nothing. It is hard to get an accurate
sensor reading in the Badlands. But unless I'm mistaken, two Jem'Hadar
warships are headed our way.
(Eddington looks at the console he's been sleeping on.)
[EDDINGTON] Yeah, those are Jem'Hadar warships all right. You've got a
[SISKO] We both do. They're getting closer. One AU away. Point nine AU.
You said you wanted to be blown to bits by the Jem'Hadar? Well, it
looks like you're going to get your wish.
[EDDINGTON] I have faith in you, Captain. You'll get us out of this.
[SISKO] Not me, Mister Eddington. I don't know the Badlands that well.
(Unfastening his handcuffs) But you do.
[EDDINGTON] Where are you going?
[SISKO] To get a raktajino.
[SISKO] Throat's a little dry. One raktajino.
[EDDINGTON] You're crazy. They're almost on top of us.
[SISKO] One thing I will say about these replicators. They sure know how
to make Klingon coffee.
[EDDINGTON] They're scanning us.
[SISKO] They should be in firing range any minute now.
[EDDINGTON] Very clever, Captain, but it's not going to work. I am not
going to take the helm.
[SISKO] Suit yourself.
[EDDINGTON] That is what you're trying to do, isn't it?
[SISKO] I'm trying to see how serious your death wish really is. I'm
betting that it doesn't even exist. Just like I'm betting you won't be
able to sit back and let your friends start a war that could destroy
the Alpha Quadrant.
[EDDINGTON] That's an awfully big bet.
[SISKO] I don't think so. Point seven AU.
(Eddington goes to the pilot seat and starts violent evasive
[SISKO] Can you lose them?
[EDDINGTON] I plotted a spiral course around a plasma filament. It
should dissipate our warp signature.
[SISKO] Very fancy.
[EDDINGTON] You can take over now.
[SISKO] No, I don't think so.
[EDDINGTON] Let's get one thing straight, Captain. I'll get you to the
launch site and I'll help you deactivate those missiles. But then you
and I are going to have it out once and for all.
[SISKO] You want a fight, mister? I will give you one.
[EDDINGTON] I don't intend to fight you, Captain. I intend to kill you.
(Later, and Eddington is still piloting.)
[EDDINGTON] Captain, when I joined the Maquis, I left some personal
items behind on the station.
[SISKO] As far as I know, all your things were put in storage.
[EDDINGTON] You didn't happen to see an old Earth coin, about this big
with a bird on the front?
[SISKO] A bird?
[EDDINGTON] A loon, actually. My lucky looney. It's an old Canadian
coin. Been in the family for over two hundred years.
[SISKO] It's probably in some locker in the Assay Office, along with the
rest of your things.
[EDDINGTON] I hope so. I'd hate to think I'd lost it.
[SISKO] Speaking of things you thought you'd lost.
[EDDINGTON] There's no way those Jem'Hadar ships could have tracked us.
[SISKO] Obviously there is. Can we lose them again?
[EDDINGTON] Dissipating our warp signature didn't work.
[SISKO] Don't tell me the Maquis didn't have plan B.
[EDDINGTON] You're not going to like it.
[SISKO] Half an AU and closing. If you do have a plan, I guarantee I'll
learn to love it.
[EDDINGTON] We're going to have to realign the impulse flow regulators.
[SISKO] You mean shut down the engines? They'd be on us in a second.
[EDDINGTON] Who said anything about shutting down the engines?
[SISKO] You're thinking about realigning the emitter while the engines
are engaged? One wrong move and the flow regulators will blow up in
your face.
[EDDINGTON] You mean, in your face. I'll be piloting the ship. When you
finish, we can use the impulse exhaust to detonate the plasma field
behind us. Even if the Jem'Hadar survive the blast, the shockwave
should wipe out any trace of our ion wake. Point four AU and closing.
You'd better get started.
[SISKO] All right. But hold the ship steady. I don't want any accidents.
[EDDINGTON] I'll do my best.
[SISKO] Hmm.
(Runabout Jefferies tube)
[COMPUTER] Warning. Attempting to access impulse
flow regulators while engines are engaged is not recommended.
[SISKO] Tell me something I don't know. Disengage safeties.
Authorisation Sisko A four seven one.
[COMPUTER] Acknowledged. Safeties disengaged.
(Sisko takes off the panel and starts disconnecting fibre optic cables.
Bang. Red alert.)
[SISKO] Damn it, Eddington, I told you to hold this ship steady.
[EDDINGTON] Sorry, captain. We ran into a pocket of
boron gas.
(Runabout Jefferies tube)
[SISKO] Don't do it again.
[EDDINGTON (OC)] You still there, Captain?
[SISKO] Disappointed?
[EDDINGTON (OC)] Just checking. Captain, I hate to rush you
[EDDINGTON] But things are going to get very
unpleasant if we don't get out of here soon.
(Runabout Jefferies tube)
[SISKO] I'm aware of the problem. (big bang)
[EDDINGTON] That wasn't me. They're firing at us.
(Runabout Jefferies tube)
[SISKO] In that case, let her rip.
(The exhaust streams out, the plasma ignites, and
Sisko gets slammed against the tube wall and the Jem'Hadar get slammed
by the shockwave.)
[EDDINGTON] Well, that got the adrenaline pumping. No sign of the
Jem'Hadar. Looks like we lost them, Captain. Captain? Computer, locate
Captain Sisko.
[COMPUTER] Internal sensors are offline.
[EDDINGTON] Of course they are.
(Sisko shoves Eddington against a console. He has a nasty graze on his
[SISKO] I told you to keep the ship steady.
[EDDINGTON] You're alive. What a pleasant surprise.
[SISKO] I'm sure. Now, get us to the launch site!
[JAKE] I understand, but all I'm saying, Nog, is
next time you know I have a girl over, just call me before you come
[NOG] The two of you were only talking.
[JAKE] Well, you never know.
[NOG] Jake, I know your track record. You never get past talking.
[JAKE] Now that's a scurrilous lie.
[NOG] Scurrilous? Is that worse than a regular lie?
[JAKE] Look, I don't know what the big deal is. Just check before you
come home, okay?
[NOG] Okay. And you do the same.
[JAKE] Nog, you haven't had a date since you left the Academy. Unless
you're counting holosuites.
[NOG] Now who's being scurrilous?
(Martok and some Klingons are in Nog and Jake's favourite place on the
upper level.)
[NOG] I don't believe this.
[JAKE] What's wrong?
[NOG] They're loitering on the Promenade in our old spot.
[JAKE] I guess they know a good view when they see one.
[NOG] Jake, don't you get it? They know I'm territorial about that spot.
They're purposely doing this to insult me.
(They go upstairs)
[JAKE] Nog, you are definitely getting stranger as you get older.
(Promenade - upper level)
[NOG] I can't let them do this to me. Stay back,
Jake. This could get ugly.
(Nog walks up behind Martok.)
[NOG] All right, it's time for you to move along.
[MARTOK] We will decide when it is time to move.
[NOG] Station regulation eight two slash seven B clearly states that
loitering on the Promenade is prohibited.
[MARTOK] Is that so?
[NOG] It is. Now either move or I'm going to have to place you under
(Martok bends down to look Nog right in the eye)
[MARTOK] You are either very brave or very stupid, Ferengi.
[NOG] Probably a little of both.
[MARTOK] (smiles) Indeed. Courage comes in all sizes. But don't tempt
fate. Khi-gosH.
(The Klingons leave.)
[JAKE] Nog, I'm impressed.
[NOG] Klingons. You just have to know how to handle them.
(They arrive at a planet.)
[EDDINGTON] Next stop Athos Four, a grim little fogbound piece of rock
in the middle of nowhere.
[SISKO] What better place to hide a missile launching site?
[EDDINGTON] We thought so.
[SISKO] The sensors aren't detecting anything.
[EDDINGTON] That's the general idea. There's too much interference to
detect anything, but it's there.
[SISKO] We'll never get a transporter through all this static.
[EDDINGTON] We don't need to. There's a shuttle pad not far from the
launch site.
[SISKO] Then take us down.
(Underground, of course.)
[SISKO] How far?
[EDDINGTON] A few kilometres. This tunnel will take us most of the way.
[SISKO] These tunnels are man-made.
[EDDINGTON] I know. I helped dig them myself.
(Maquis settlement)
(It's a proper pea-souper in the town square, guv,
and no mistake. Eddington and Sisko climb out of the well.)
[SISKO] Now where?
[EDDINGTON] Give me a minute to get my bearings. It's been a while.
[SISKO] You hear something?
(Jem'Hadar soldiers walk past in the fog. A gunfight starts. Eddington
and Sisko dive for cover behind convenient barrels and crates.)
[SISKO] These barrels are made of duridium. That should hold them off
for a while. I thought you said the Jem'Hadar would never find this
[EDDINGTON] I didn't think they would. I was wrong. I say we rush them.
In this fog, they'll have as much chance of hitting each other as
hitting us.
[SISKO] Too risky.
[EDDINGTON] You never would've made it in the Maquis with that kind of
[SISKO] It's not me that I'm worried about, it's you. If you get killed,
there'll be no way to stop those missiles.
(Sisko gives Eddington the phaser.)
[SISKO] Take this. I'll go around and try to draw their fire. You should
be able to catch them off guard when they come after me.
[EDDINGTON] I can barely see two metres in front of me. How will I know
what I'm aiming at?
[SISKO] I'll be the one holding the pipe.
[EDDINGTON] Attacking two Jem'Hadar soldiers with a pipe? That's a
brilliant plan.
[SISKO] It could be worse.
[EDDINGTON] I know. It could be me holding the pipe.
[SISKO] Exactly.
(The shooting stops. Tapping sounds divert the Jem'Hadar one way then
Sisko hits one around the head from the other side and wrestles the
second for his rifle. Eddington shoots the first one and watches until
Sisko is on the floor. Then he shoots the second Jem'Hadar.)
[SISKO] You've got sharp eyes.
[EDDINGTON] Not really. I just waited to see which of you was knocked
down first, and then I shot the one still standing.
[SISKO] Thank you for your vote of confidence.
[EDDINGTON] Now help me drag these bodies over to the well. Maybe that
way the other Jem'Hadar will look for their friends and not us.
(They chuck the bodies down the well.)
[SISKO] In a couple of minutes this entire settlement is going to be
crawling with Jem'Hadar. I suggest you get us to the launch site now.
[EDDINGTON] That way.
[SISKO] Are you sure?
[EDDINGTON] Reasonably.
(They make their way through various streets and alleys lit with lamps
on the sides of the buildings.)
[EDDINGTON] We're close.
[SISKO] Then let's keep moving.
(They advance a few steps.)
[SISKO] Wait.
(There's a body on the ground.)
[SISKO] You knew him?
[EDDINGTON] He was a shuttle pilot, and a friend.
[SISKO] There are more.
(There are corpses lying across barrels and crates, and all down the
next alley.)
[EDDINGTON] This wasn't supposed to happen. We were winning. The
Cardassian Empire was falling into chaos. The Maquis colonies were
going to declare themselves an independent nation.
[SISKO] Eddington, listen to me. This is not the time.
[EDDINGTON] It's over.
[SISKO] It's not over. We still have to stop those missiles.
[EDDINGTON] That's all you care about? The missiles?
[SISKO] It's too late for us to help these people. But if we don't stop
the missiles, this'll just be the beginning.
[EDDINGTON] I was their leader. I was responsible for them and I failed.
I failed them all.
[SISKO] Maybe we all failed them. Maybe we could've prevented this from
happening. I don't know. It's going to take a long time and a lot of
soul-searching before I find the answer, but right now we have a
mission to complete.
(Eddington points the rifle at Sisko.)
[EDDINGTON] I wish I knew for certain that killing you would make me
feel better. But I suppose that can wait for another time.
(Outside the Command Centre)
[EDDINGTON] That's it.
[SISKO] You're sure.
[EDDINGTON] You want to stand here and argue about it? Come on. It looks
[SISKO] Wait.
(Sisko opens fire with the Jem'Hadar rifle. Two shrouded Jem'Hadar
appear and fall.)
[EDDINGTON] I'm glad one of us remembered they can do that.
(At the door, Eddington's code doesn't work. Sisko makes to blast it.)
[EDDINGTON] No, wait. I don't want to damage any of the equipment. Let
me try something.
(He works the inside of the panel and the door opens.)
(Command Centre)
(There is a group of people inside.)
[REBECCA] Michael, I wondered when you'd get here.
[EDDINGTON] I came as soon as I could. Captain Sisko, I'd like you to
meet Rebecca Sullivan. My wife. All right, we're getting out of here.
We've got a runabout hidden at the landing site. We can still access
the tunnels through the old well. Stick together. Try not to lose each
other in the fog.
(Eddington gives Rebecca his Jem'Hadar rifle.)
[SISKO] Wait a minute. What about disarming the missiles?
[EDDINGTON] Look around you, Ben. Does this look like a launch site?
[SISKO] Eddington, I want the truth. Now.
[REBECCA] There never were any missiles, no retaliatory strike against
Cardassia. It was all a ploy, a way to let Michael know that we'd made
it here.
[EDDINGTON] This was our fall back position. But I needed your help to
evacuate these people.
[SISKO] What would you have done if I hadn't forced you to come with me?
[EDDINGTON] I would have volunteered. You should be smiling, Ben. That
Dominion counterstrike you were so worried about, it's not going to
[SISKO] Yes, you're right. That is good news. But I still don't like
being lied to.
(And he hits Eddington. Hard.)
[EDDINGTON] I hope you're ready to finish what you started.
[REBECCA] Michael, we don't have time for this.
[EDDINGTON] We'll finish this later.
[REBECCA] All right, you heard what Michael said. Stick together.
(Maquis settlement)
[SISKO] You should've told me the truth. If I had
known the Jem'Hadar were going to be here, I would have brought more
[EDDINGTON] The Jem'Hadar weren't supposed to be here. No one knew about
this base but us.
[REBECCA] They landed three days ago. We tried to fight.
[EDDINGTON] I know. I saw the bodies. I thought for a while there
[REBECCA] I didn't think I'd make it either, but they kept all the
leaders alive. They were going to make a present of us to the
Cardassian government. Now I guess we'll end up in a Federation prison.
[EDDINGTON] No, we're not going to prison. Not if I have anything to say
about it.
[SISKO] Right now, I suggest you concentrate on getting off this planet.
We can worry about the rest later.
[EDDINGTON] There's nothing to worry about. You're not going to put us
in prison. Not this time.
[SISKO] Damn it, you never give up, do you, Mister Eddington?
(One of the Maquis gets shot in the back.)
[SISKO] Move!
(They run. Eddington takes up a defensive position behind yet more
handy barrels.)
[EDDINGTON] Go. Whatever happens, don't stop until you get to the
runabout. (to Rebecca) You, too.
[REBECCA] I'm staying with you.
[EDDINGTON] I'll be right behind you. Now get going.
(Rebecca leaves. Sisko joins Eddington and they hold back the
[SISKO] I didn't know you were married.
[EDDINGTON] We held the ceremony two weeks before you captured me.
[SISKO] Not much of a honeymoon. I suggest we fall back now.
[EDDINGTON] For once, you'll get no argument from me.
(Eddington is shot.)
[EDDINGTON] You'd better get to the runabout.
[SISKO] What about you?
[EDDINGTON] I'd only slow you down. Just get Rebecca and the others to
[SISKO] I'm not going to let you just
[SISKO] Mister Eddington, you are one stubborn, headstrong son
[EDDINGTON] I told you only one of us would be coming back from this
[REBECCA] Where's Michael?
[SISKO] He's not coming.
[REBECCA] What do you mean, he's not coming?
[SISKO] Rebecca, we have to go. Now.
(Maquis settlement)
(The Jem'Hadar prepare to storm his position.)
[EDDINGTON] Okay, Crenshaw, Yuen, circle around to the left. Try to hit
'em from behind. Stiles, Dimitris, watch our right flank. Right. Seems
like a perfect time for a song. Wish I could think of one. Does anyone
know a good song? Something rousing? Too bad.
(He stands up and gets thoroughly shot.)
[EDDINGTON] Rebecca.
(Sisko gets the survivors away safely.)
[NOG] Major.
[KIRA] My earring clip. Where'd you find it?
[NOG] In maintenance conduit thirty three A. I guess it fell off when
you were doing the deflector grid inspection.
[KIRA] You must've searched every crawlspace in the central core.
[NOG] Just doing my job.
[KIRA] And doing it with style.
[NOG] Glad to be of help.
(Martok steps off the turbolift and nods to Nog.)
[MARTOK] Cadet.
[NOG] General. Now that's better.
[KIRA] What was that all about?
[NOG] Respect.
(Sisko's quarters)
[DAX] I'll say this for him, he was a complicated
man. If you ask me, Eddington couldn't have picked a better way to go,
at least from his point of view. He was a romantic, and what is more
romantic than a glorious death in defence of a lost cause.
[SISKO] He died fighting for what he believed in. I called him a traitor
once, but in a way he was the most loyal man I ever met. He was a
Maquis, right up to the bitter end.
[DAX] Is that what this is? The end of the Maquis?
[SISKO] Who knows? There could still be more of them out there, hiding
from the Dominion, biding their time.
[DAX] You almost sound hopeful.
[SISKO] There is something attractive about a lost cause.
[DAX] Maybe you have more in common with Eddington than you want to
[SISKO] Maybe.
[DAX] Good night, Benjamin. Get some rest.
(Dax leaves, Sisko goes to the window and stares at the stars. The Delta Quadrant, where the last of the Maquis are?) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e118", "title": "Blaze of Glory"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Empok Nor
Original Airdate: 19 May, 1997
(Fully staffed, but the only customer is Morn until
Dax, Kira and Worf enter.)
[QUARK] Welcome, welcome, welcome.
[DAX] It's a little quiet in here.
[QUARK] Oh, you just beat the rush. Let me get your order before, er,
before I get swamped.
[DAX] I'll have a Til'amin froth.
[KIRA] And I'll have a
(Drilling starts up. They have to shout over it.)
[WORF] What was that?
[QUARK] What was what? Oh, that? It's just my nephew and Chief O'Brien
repairing some conduit. You'll get used to it.
(Drilling again.)
[WORF] The Klingon restaurant?
[DAX] It would be quieter.
(Worf, Dax and Kira leave. Nog appears.)
[QUARK] When are you two going to be done in there?
[NOG] When the conduit is repaired and brought back up to safety specs.
[QUARK] Well, hurry up, before I lose all my customers.
[NOG] I need to get something.
[QUARK] What?
[NOG] Two root beers?
(The drilling makes Quark's ears hurt.)
(O'Brien the surgeon and scrub nurse Nog are
[BRIEN] Hyper spanner.
(Nog hands it over.)
[BRIEN] Optronic coupler.
(Likewise, then is ready with the next item.)
[BRIEN] How did you know I was going to ask for a phase decompiler?
[NOG] I was paying attention, sir.
[BRIEN] That you were, Cadet.
[NOG] My father says that I can learn a lot from you. He says you can
fix anything.
[BRIEN] I'm an Engineer. That's what we do. There. Good as new.
[NOG] Amazing.
(Bang. They disappear in a cloud of something.)
[BRIEN] Damn!
(Walking through.)
[BRIEN] We repaired the leak right away. The problem is worse than I
thought. The entire plasma distribution manifold is shot.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Can you replicate a new one?
[BRIEN] No. Cardassian manifolds use a beta-matrix compositor which
can't be replicated.
[ODO] I suppose we could contact Gul Dukat and ask if he has any spare
manifold systems lying around.
[SISKO] I'm sure he'd jump at the chance to help us. Any other ideas?
[BRIEN] We could send a salvage team to the abandoned Cardassian
station in the Trivas System.
[SISKO] Empok Nor?
[BRIEN] It's the same design as this station. The Cardassians pulled
out about a year ago, but there's a good chance that the plasma
manifold system is still operational.
[SISKO] What about Dominion activity in the area?
[BRIEN] There hasn't been any for several months. Strategically, they
seem to have lost interest in that sector.
[ODO] But there is one problem. It's standard Cardassian procedure to
booby-trap a facility before abandoning it, and a lot of the surprises
they leave behind are specifically keyed to attack non-Cardassians.
[SISKO] Sounds like you should take a Cardassian along.
[BRIEN] So what did Captain Sisko do to persuade
you to come along?
[GARAK] How do you know I didn't volunteer?
[BRIEN] He threatened you, didn't he?
[GARAK] Nothing so coarse. The Captain bribed me. He offered to help me
procure a larger space for my workshop. The latest dressmaking
equipment is surprisingly bulky.
[BRIEN] Well, whatever he did, I'm glad you're
here. What's the matter?
[GARAK] It's just that lately I've noticed that everyone seems to trust
me. It's quite unnerving. I'm still trying to get used to it. Next
thing I know, people are going to be inviting me to their homes for
[BRIEN] Well, if it makes you feel any better, I promise I will never
have you over.
[GARAK] I appreciate that, Chief.
[BRIEN] Don't mention it. Anything to return the favour. Disarming
Cardassian booby traps
is my least favourite kind of engineering.
[GARAK] I can certainly understand that, but don't worry. I have some
experience in that area.
[TA] (Bolian) Booby-traps? I can't believe I let
you talk me into volunteering for this.
[PECHETTI] Well, it beats working on the waste extraction system.
Besides, how often does an engineer get to wear a phaser?
[STOLZOFF] (Female security) Hate to disappoint you, Pechetti. But the
only thing you'll be using that for is shooting voles. Empok Nor's been
abandoned so long, they're going to be hungry.
[AMARO] (Male security) Don't worry, you play with your wrenches, we'll
watch your back.
(Nog follows the group in carrying a rifle.)
[AMARO] Can I help you, Cadet?
[NOG] I'm reporting for duty, sir.
[BRIEN] Welcome aboard, Cadet.
[NOG] Thank you, sir. And may I say it's a privilege to be here, sir.
[BRIEN] You've earned it. But one more sir and I'll leave you behind.
[NOG] Very well, s. Chief.
[BRIEN] Let's get going. Next stop, Empok Nor.
(Later, en route. Garak and Nog are playing a board game. Boq'ta is at
[GARAK] What are you doing?
[NOG] Regrouping.
[GARAK] But you're losing.
[NOG] That's why I have to protect my assets.
[GARAK] This is not a financial transaction. Protecting your assets is
what got you into trouble in the first place. You have to go on the
offensive. You have to attack.
[NOG] Your move.
[GARAK] This is maddening. Asking a Ferengi to play a Cardassian game is
like asking a Klingon to chew with his mouth closed. Kotra is not about
regrouping or hoarding assets. It's about bold strategy and decisive
action. Chief, would you like to take on the winner? I'd love to play
Kotra against the hero of Setlik Three.
[BRIEN] What is that supposed to mean?
[GARAK] Oh, we all know your distinguished war record. How you led two
dozen men against the Barrica encampment and took out an entire
regiment of Cardassians. If you play Kotra with half that brazenness,
we'd have quite a match.
[BRIEN] I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.
[GARAK] I see. So when you and Doctor Bashir go into the holosuites for
hours at a time you're just repairing them?
[BRIEN] What's your point, Garak?
[GARAK] I'm just curious. Why do you and Doctor Bashir spend hours in
the holosuites dressed as fighter pilots, reliving ancient battles?
[BRIEN] We do it for fun. It's a game.
[GARAK] So is Kotra. And I'd love nothing more than to play against a
man like you.
[BRIEN] Maybe some other time.
[PECHETTI] Chief, here's the wish list you wanted. Three categories.
Must Have, which includes the manifolds and the plasma recoilers. Could
Use, things like EPS matrix converters and Would be Nice. Bypass
displacers, polarity maximisers, that sort of thing.
[BRIEN] Cardassian emblems and insignias?
[PECHETTI] A low priority, but if we happen to find some.
[BRIEN] This is a salvage operation, Pechetti, not an opportunity to
indulge your collecting obsession.
(Later still. Now Nog is at helm.)
[NOG] Approaching Empok Nor, sir.
[BRIEN] Take us out of warp. Run a full scan. I'll take the helm.
[NOG] The station's main power supply and life support systems are
offline. No lifesigns.
[BRIEN] I'll take us into transporter range.
[GARAK] Oh, I don't think we can risk beaming aboard. There are probably
pattern scramblers rigged to go off if they detect a non-Cardassian
transporter signal.
[BRIEN] That could be messy. We'll have to dock. Landing pads are
sealed. We'll have to try an upper pylon.
[NOG] Won't the airlock have booby-traps?
[GARAK] You can count on it. And someone's going to have to disarm them
before we dock.
[NOG] I volunteer, sir.
[GARAK] The scanner in the airlock might mistake your enthusiasm as
Cardassian, but not your DNA. No, I'm afraid I'm the only one who as a
chance of getting through.
(Empok Nor Airlock)
(Something is banging. Garak, in a spacesuit, pulls
a lever and the gravity comes on. A few buttons and the whole station
starts to wake up and come back to life, including the Infirmary. In
here are three stasis chambers from Voyager's The Thaw, and one
occupant is now awake. The runabout docks. The lighting is lower than
usual and our people use flash lights to get around and see what they
are doing.)
[GARAK] Ah. Welcome to Empok Nor.
[BRIEN] Thanks for having us.
[GARAK] Take whatever you need. My house is your house.
[BRIEN] All right, listen up. We're going to break up into three
teams. Nog and Stolzoff, you're with me. We're going to do the Must
Haves. Pechetti and Amaro, you'll do Could Use. Boq'ta and Garak, Would
Be Nice.
[BRIEN] Garak has disabled the central security net, but there could
be booby-traps anywhere. Don't move into an area until you've scanned
it. If you see something that isn't right, don't touch it. Call for
help. All right, let's go.
(Empok Nor Promenade)
(Garak starts to follow Boq'ta up the stairs, when
he touches some blue gel on the
[TA] It's a biogenic compound.
[GARAK] I wonder where it came from. Follow me.
(Empok Nor Infirmary)
(Two chambers are lit and open, one is dark and
shut. A falling girder smashed the cover.)
[TA] These look like stasis tubes.
(Garak lifts off the girder and opens the chamber. A skeleton is
[TA] Cardassian. He's been dead for about a year. Hey, look at this.
[GARAK] Interesting.
[TA] A regimental badge.
[GARAK] Third Battalion, First Order, if I'm not mistaken.
[TA] This is going to make Pechetti's day.
[GARAK] Both these tubes have been activated recently.
(Empok Nor corridor)
(Surgery is underway in a panel.)
[BRIEN] Coil spanner. Flux-coupler.
[NOG] Uh-oh.
[BRIEN] Flux-coupler!
[NOG] I left it on the runabout. I'll go get it right away, sir. I mean,
[GARAK (OC)] Garak to O'Brien.
[BRIEN] Go ahead.
(Empok Nor Infirmary)
[GARAK] Could you come down to the Infirmary?
There's something you should see.
(Empok Nor corridor)
[BRIEN] On my way.
(Empok Nor Airlock)
(The runabout is drifting away from the station.)
[NOG] That's not right.
(Empok Nor Infirmary)
[BRIEN] A runabout doesn't disengage from its
docking clamps and blow up all on its own.
[GARAK] Which leads me to believe that the former occupants of these
chambers are up and about.
[PECHETTI] If you're telling me that there are two Cardassian soldiers
from the Third Battalion loose on this station, we're in trouble. Death
to All. That was their motto.
[GARAK] Three simple words, and they certainly sum up their credo
[NOG] Why would the Cardassians abandon the station and leave behind a
few soldiers in stasis tubes?
[STOLZOFF] Why do you think? To guard it. The tubes were probably rigged
to wake them up as soon as someone came aboard.
[BRIEN] That's possible, but one thing's for sure. They're out there
somewhere, and considering what they did to the runabout, I don't think
they're too friendly.
[STOLZOFF] Maybe they're upset because we haven't introduced ourselves.
[AMARO] We should find them, say hello. (tricorder) This thing's not
[BRIEN] Neither's mine. They must've set up a dampening field.
[TA] We've got to get out of here. Let's call for help.
[PECHETTI] How? The station's subspace transceiver was ripped out when
the Cardassians evacuated.
[AMARO] Well, we could always try sending smoke signals.
[BRIEN] That's not a bad idea. The deflector grid is still relatively
intact. If we could modify the field coils to emit a series of
covariant pulses.
[PECHETTI] We could use the station like an old-fashioned telegraph and
tap out an SOS.
[BRIEN] For the pulses to be strong enough to reach Deep Space Nine,
we'd have to boost power to the induction grid. Pechetti, you go down
to the Habitat ring and bring the microfusion reactor back online.
Stolzoff, you go with him. Boq'ta, realign the magnetic flow field in
conduit G-four. Amaro will watch your back. Nog and Garak, you're with
me. We'll set up the signal generator in cargo bay four.
[NOG] Aye, Chief.
[BRIEN] Use your communicators as little as possible. We don't want to
give away our positions. Any questions? Let's go.
(Empok Nor Cargo bay)
[GARAK] I'm not convinced Stolzoff was right about
our Cardassian friends. Why would anyone voluntarily seal themselves
into a stasis tube, perhaps for years, just to guard an abandoned
station? Even the Third Battalion isn't that fanatical. Something else
is going on.
[BRIEN] Maybe so, but I don't intend to be here long enough to find
out what it is.
[GARAK] That's the trouble with humans. You don't know how to appreciate
a good mystery.
[BRIEN] I love a good mystery, the kind I can read in bed, not the
kind that's trying to kill me.
[GARAK] Don't get me wrong, Chief. I want to get off this station as
much as you do, but I just know if I don't figure this
out it's going to nag at me for days.
(Meanwhile Nog is sweeping the bay, rifle ready, whilst a Cardassian is
sneaking up behind him.)
[BRIEN] Right now, let's concentrate on finishing this signal
modulator so we can get out of here. You have the whole trip home to
sort out the mystery. Nog? I need your help with the phase
[NOG] On my way, Chief.
(The Cardassian ducks back into the shadows.)
(Empok Nor Promenade)
(Work is in progress.)
[PECHETTI] Do you mind not aiming that at me?
[STOLZOFF] Don't worry, the safety's on.
(The turbolift arrives on the upper level.)
[STOLZOFF] Tell me you did that.
(The turbolift comes down the ground floor. They take up position
either side. The doors open.)
[STOLZOFF] (silent) On three. One, two three.
(It's empty)
[PECHETTI] Maybe I did activate the turbolift without realising it.
(There's a door noise overhead.)
[STOLZOFF] I'm going up.
(Pechetti sees an insignia in a glass case. As he admires it he gets
grabbed by a Cardassian.)
[STOLZOFF] Pechetti! Stolzoff to O'Brien. A Cardassian
(The second one hits her then throws her over the railing.)
(Empok Nor Cargo bay)
[BRIEN] Stolzoff? Stolzoff!
(Empok Nor Promenade)
(They find Stolzoff's body, the glass and then
Pechetti's remains too. Boq'ta and Amaro arrive during the break and
the bodies are covered with sheets.)
[TA] The Cardassians must've surprised them. They're probably using
the internal sensors to track us.
[BRIEN] Take it easy. We're going to get out of here, you can count on
that. But we've got to stay focused. It looks like Pechetti was almost
done getting the microfusion reactor back online. I'll finish that and
then I'll go back down to the cargo bay. How are you doing with the
[TA] I'm done.
[BRIEN] Good. You and Amaro get down to auxiliary control and
reconfigure the pulse generator.
[TA] We're going to split up?
[BRIEN] We have to. If we don't send out a signal, we're never going
to get off this station.
[TA] But Chief, what if we can't
[BRIEN] I need you, Boq'ta. You can do this.
[AMARO] Don't worry. I'll watch your back.
[TA] Stolzoff was supposed to be watching Pechetti's back. Look what
happened to them.
[BRIEN] What if I send Garak with you too? Would that make you feel
[GARAK] I'm flattered, but I'm afraid I have other plans.
[BRIEN] What are you talking about?
[GARAK] I don't intend to stand around waiting to be killed.
[BRIEN] Meaning what?
[GARAK] Meaning, I'm going after those two Cardassian soldiers and
neutralise them. Besides, all this whining is giving me a headache.
[AMARO] You're going to have more than a headache if you don't do what
the Chief wants.
[BRIEN] Amaro.
[GARAK] You'd like to shoot me, wouldn't you? You're dying to kill a
Cardassian. Any Cardassian.
[BRIEN] Let him go. If he thinks he can neutralise the Cardassians,
let him try. He'll be doing us all a favour.
[GARAK] That's the spirit. Why don't you come with me, Chief? Kill a few
Cardies. It'd be like old times. Wouldn't you like to avenge their
[BRIEN] No. I just want to get everyone home.
[GARAK] You're fighting your instincts, I can see it. But the hero of
Setlik Three is still inside there somewhere.
[BRIEN] If you're going to go, go. Nog, you go with Boq'ta and Amaro.
[NOG] Aye, sir.
[TA] It's all right, Chief. He can stay with you. For some reason,
knowing Garak's going after those Cardassians makes me feel better.
(Empok Nor Infirmary)
(Garak is trying to work a console.)
[GARAK] Access denied. Access denied. Don't you know how to say anything
else? Apparently not.
(There's a door sound outside.)
[GARAK] Access denied.
(Empok Nor Promenade)
[GARAK (OC)] Access denied. Access denied. Access
denied. How monotonous.
(A soldier comes down the stairs and goes into the Infirmary.)
(Empok Nor Infirmary)
(The place is empty. The soldier looks around then
is about to leave when the third chamber opens.)
[GARAK] Looking for me?
(He kills the soldier.)
[GARAK] That felt good.
(Empok Nor Cargo bay)
[NOG] Chief, why does Garak keep bringing up Setlik
[BRIEN] Because he wants to get under my skin.
[NOG] But you were a hero, weren't you?
[BRIEN] That doesn't mean I like thinking about what happened then. I
was a soldier, Nog. Sometimes soldiers have to kill.
[GARAK] Come now, Chief, don't be so modest. You did a lot of killing.
[NOG] How'd you get in here? Both doors are secure.
[GARAK] Secure is such a relative term, wouldn't you agree? I've brought
you something, if you don't mind.
(Another Third Battalion insignia.)
[GARAK] I'm sure Pechetti would have appreciated it more, but
[BRIEN] Where did you get this?
[GARAK] From its former owner.
[NOG] You killed one of the soldiers?
[GARAK] One down, one to go. By the way, I took a tissue sample from the
soldier's body. The analysis was rather fascinating, in a grim sort of
way. It seems the unfortunate soul had been given a massive dose of
psychotropic drugs.
[BRIEN] Why?
[GARAK] I'm not sure, but I can tell you one thing. It wasn't to make
him amicable. The drug's protein structure seems designed to amplify my
people's xenophobic tendencies. My guess is that the soldiers that were
left here were part of a Cardassian military experiment. The High
Command was probably looking for a way to further motivate their
[BRIEN] So they gave them a drug to make them hate anybody but
[NOG] Then why did they attack you?
[GARAK] That's a good question.
[BRIEN] Maybe it's an experiment that went wrong. That's why they were
left in stasis. They were uncontrollable.
[GARAK] I'd love to stay and hypothesise all afternoon, but once I've
set my mind to a task, I hate to leave it unfinished. What is it,
[BRIEN] You look different.
[GARAK] How so?
[BRIEN] That's not the face of a tailor.
[GARAK] I'm not a tailor. Not for the moment, anyway.
(Empok Nor corridor)
[TA] You know, I once bought a suit from Garak.
Turns out the sleeve was a little long. I remember being angry when I
brought it in to be fixed.
[AMARO] Is there a point to this story?
[TA] If I had known he was so dangerous, I never would've
complained. You think he'll get the other Cardassian?
[AMARO] I hope not. I want to get him myself.
[TA] I don't blame you.
(Garak is watching them.)
[AMARO] Stolzoff was my friend. We were at the Academy together.
(Garak spots the second soldier and slides into the shadows)
[AMARO] She was my sparring partner. The first time we faced off I
remember thinking I ought to take it easy on her. She ended up taking
me down so hard it knocked the wind out of me. That was the last time I
ever pulled a punch with her. She had this one two combination, a feint
to the right and a chop to the neck, faked me out every time. If that
spoonhead gives me the chance, I'll just try it out on him. I think
Stolzoff would have liked that.
[TA] I can't get this loose. Give me the coil spanner, would you?
(Amaro puts down his rifle and rummages in the tool box.)
[AMARO] What does it look like?
[TA] It's got two pointy things on the end.
(Boq'ta screams. Amaro turns and hears a crack as the soldier breaks
Boq'ta's neck. Then Garak shoots the soldier in the back.)
[AMARO] He asked me to get a coil spanner for him. I just turned my back
for a second.
[GARAK] That's a shame. And the worst part of it is, this isn't a coil
(Garak stabs Amaro with it.)
[GARAK] It's a flux coupler.
(And he slides off into the shadows.)
(Empok Nor Cargo bay)
[BRIEN] That should do it. O'Brien to Boq'ta.
Boq'ta, come in. Amaro, what's going on up there?
(Empok Nor corridor)
[AMARO] He's out there.
[BRIEN] Easy now. Easy. Who's out there?
[AMARO] Garak. He stabbed me.
(Amaro dies.)
[NOG] Chief, why would Garak do this?
[BRIEN] Come on. He may still be close by.
(Empok Nor Infirmary)
[NOG] It doesn't make any sense. Garak's on our
[BRIEN] Not anymore. The psychotropic drug. He must've been exposed to
it. It's the only explanation. I should've seen it earlier. The way he
accused Amaro of wanting to kill him. The way he insisted on going
after those Cardassians.
[NOG] He's coming after us, isn't he?
[BRIEN] Yes.
[NOG] Maybe we can reason with him. Get him to try to understand that
the drug is affecting him.
[BRIEN] You saw what he did to Amaro and the others. He's not going to
listen to us.
[NOG] Then we have to finish setting up the deflector grid. We've got to
get a distress signal out.
[BRIEN] Garak knows what we've been trying to do. He'll stop us.
[NOG] Don't we have to try?
[BRIEN] Forget it! I've already lost four crewmen trying to send out
that bloody signal. Garak was right. We should've gone after those
Cardassians as soon as they attacked us. You don't wait for the enemy
to come to you, you go to him. Come on. We're going after Garak.
[NOG] You mean, to kill him?
[BRIEN] If that's what it takes to stop him, yes.
(Empok Nor Commander's office)
[GARAK] I know you're hiding somewhere. Ah, there
you are.
(Finds a kotra game piece and puts it on the board.)
[GARAK] Garak to Chief O'Brien. You'll never guess what I found. A kotra
board. The Station Commander left one in his office.
(Empok Nor corridor)
[GARAK (OC)] The pieces were scattered all over but
I found the last one hiding under his desk.
(Empok Nor Commander's office)
[GARAK] I can't help thinking what a perfect
metaphor this game is for our present situation. Two players, two
minds, two strategies.
(Empok Nor corridor)
[GARAK (OC)] Each trying to outmanoeuvre the other,
testing the enemy's defences. Advancing, retreating.
[BRIEN] We split up. Enter Ops through the main corridor. I'll go
through the Captain's office. Wait for my signal.
[GARAK (OC)] The only difference is, in the game we're playing
(Empok Nor Commander's office)
[GARAK] The stakes are life and death, which makes
it so much more interesting.
(Empok Nor corridor)
(Nog is outside Ops.)
[GARAK (OC)] I haven't had this much fun in years. My heart's pounding.
(O'Brien is outside the office. He taps his comm. badge twice.)
[GARAK (OC)] The blood's racing through my veins. I feel so alive. And
I'd wager so you do.
(Empok Nor Ops)
(Nog enters Ops, O'Brien enters an empty office.
The kotra game is on the main ops table.)
(Empok Nor Commander's office)
(The doors close, and O'Brien is stopped by a
forcefield. In Ops, Garak tackles Nog.)
(Empok Nor Ops)
[GARAK] It looks like I've captured your last piece,
Chief. If you want it back, you're going to have to take it from me.
(Garak takes Nog away. Once he's gone the forcefield switches off and
O'Brien comes out to overturn the
kotra board.)
[GARAK (OC)] It's your move, Chief. What are you going to do? Attack?
Retreat? Surrender?
[BRIEN] Listen to me, Garak. It's the drug. It's affecting you. You've
got to fight it.
(Empok Nor Corridor)
(Garak has tied Nog up, and his comm. badge on his
[GARAK] Fight it? But I'm enjoying myself. This is the most exciting
game I've played in years.
[BRIEN (OC)] It's not a game!
[GARAK] Oh, but it is. And the best thing about it is that it brings out
the player's true nature.
[BRIEN (OC)] Where are you, Garak?
[GARAK] I saw the look in your eyes when I took the Ferengi away from
you. You wanted to kill me.
(Empok Nor Ops)
[GARAK (OC)] You wanted to strangle me with your
bare hands.
[BRIEN] I just want my crewman back, that's all.
[GARAK (OC)] You're a killer. Admit it.
(Empok Nor corridor)
[GARAK] We both are. Behind your Federation mask of
decency and benevolence, you're a predator
(Empok Nor Ops)
[GARAK] Just like me.
[BRIEN] No, I'm nothing like you.
(Empok Nor corridor)
[GARAK] Oh, but you are. You proved that on Setlik
Three. How many Cardassians did you kill? Ten? Twenty?
(Empok Nor Ops)
[GARAK (OC)] A hundred?
[BRIEN] I don't remember.
[GARAK (OC)] Oh, but you remember how you felt.
(Empok Nor corridor)
[GARAK] The Cardassians were killing your men. You
had to stop them. You had to make them pay. Blood for blood. You
enjoyed killing them, didn't you. You enjoyed watching the life drain
from their eyes.
(Empok Nor Ops)
[BRIEN] All right, Garak, you want to finish this
game? Fine. Let's finish it.
(Empok Nor corridor)
[BRIEN (OC)] You and me. Face to face.
[GARAK] Nothing would give me greater pleasure. We'll meet on the
(Empok Nor Ops)
[BRIEN] No weapons.
[GARAK (OC)] No weapons.
(Empok Nor corridor)
[GARAK] You have no idea how hard it is to keep from
pulling this trigger. But I need you alive.
(Empok Nor Promenade)
(O'Brien enters, using his rifle flashlight
sparingly. He walks into Stolzoff's corpse hanging from the wall.
They're all there.)
[GARAK] They've come to cheer you on, Chief. Your loyal team. Apparently
they've forgiven you for getting them all killed.
(The dead Cardassian soldiers are there too. Nog and Garak are at the
entrance to the Infirmary.)
[GARAK] My supporters may be fewer in number, but they're no less loyal.
I thought we agreed no weapons.
[BRIEN] What's that in your hand?
[GARAK] Well, how did this get here? But we won't be needing these, will
we. Put yours down.
[BRIEN] You first.
[GARAK] Put it down, or say goodbye to the Ferengi.
[NOG] Don't do it, Chief.
[GARAK] He has nothing to worry about. I'm not going to shoot an unarmed
man. What fun would that be?
(O'Brien puts the rifle down.)
[GARAK] You wouldn't happen to have another one, would you?
(A hand phaser and a tricorder.)
[GARAK] Naughty, naughty.
(As O'Brien puts them down, he activates the tricorder.)
[BRIEN] Your turn.
[GARAK] I admit I'm tempted to end this right now, But that would be
depriving myself of too much enjoyment.
(Garak sets down his rifle. They exchange punches and O'Brien goes
[GARAK] I'm disappointed, Chief. I expected to see the bloodlust in your
eyes but all I see is fear.
(O'Brien gets up to be knocked down again.)
[GARAK] Maybe it's true. Maybe you're not a soldier anymore.
[BRIEN] You're right. I'm an engineer.
(He taps his comm. badge, the tricorder triggers the phaser to overload
and BOOM! Garak is knocked out by the blast.)
[BRIEN] Are you okay, Nog?
[NOG] I'm all right, sir.
(O'Brien walks over to Garak.)
[NOG] Is he dead? Did you kill him?
[BRIEN] No. I didn't.
[BASHIR] He should be all right in a few days. I've
neutralised the psychotropic compound that was affecting his nervous
[BRIEN] He looks so peaceful. It's hard to believe he's the same man
who attacked us.
[BASHIR] In a way, he's not. The drug brought out the worst parts of him
and allowed them to take over. He wasn't in control of his actions.
[BRIEN] Can I talk to him?
[BASHIR] For a minute.
[BRIEN] I thought you might want to know that we salvaged the plasma
manifold. It's being installed right now.
[GARAK] Mission accomplished.
[BRIEN] I guess it didn't exactly go the way any of us expected. You
know there's going to be an inquest.
[GARAK] Yes, I've been told that. Chief, I was hoping to ask a favour.
[BRIEN] Don't worry. Once they know the facts
[GARAK] It's not about that. I'd like you to express my deepest regrets
to Amaro's wife. I'd talk to her myself, but I'm not sure she'd welcome
[BRIEN] I'll tell her.
[GARAK] I'd appreciate it.
[BRIEN] Julian tells me the blast broke a couple of your ribs.
[GARAK] Well, it could have been worse. If I'd been any closer to that
phaser, it would have killed me.
[BRIEN] Don't take this the wrong way, but that was the plan.
[GARAK] I understand.
[BRIEN] I'll see you around. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e119", "title": "Empok Nor"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - In The Cards
The Cards
Original Airdate: 9 Jun, 1997
(The aftermath of a sombre dinner party. Most
people are hitting the scotch (or equivalent) bottle as Jake and Nog
clear the table.)
[BRIEN] Did you hear about the Tian An Men? She was reported missing
last night bear the Cardassian border.
[KIRA] That's three in the last three weeks.
[BASHIR] At this rate we're going to run out of ships.
[KIRA] Well that's not funny.
[BASHIR] It wasn't meant to be. Unless Starfleet Command actually starts
doing something about the Dominion threat, the situation's only going
to get worse.
[KIRA] What do you want, Julian, a war?
[SISKO] What I want is to talk about something else. Chief, what about
Kirayoshi? Is he walking yet?
[BRIEN] No, not yet. No.
[SISKO] Odo, I understand you're going to Bajor next week. Do you plan
to see Doctor Mora?
[ODO] Actually, I've cancelled my trip. There's been a seventy five
percent jump in the theft of medical supplies and food rations on DS
Nine. I haven't seen such an increase since
[BRIEN] Since?
[ODO] Since just before the Cardassians were forced to abandon the
[BASHIR] On that note, I think I'll turn in.
[BRIEN] Me, too. Thank you for dinner, Captain. It was wonderful.
[SISKO] It was my pleasure.
[ODO] Sir.
[SISKO] Goodnight, everyone.
(They leave, except a large figure closely examining an African
[SISKO] Mister Worf? You've been paroled. The party's over.
[WORF] Thank you, sir. Goodnight.
(Now it's just Jake and Nog.)
[SISKO] Don't bother. I'll clean up the rest up later. I want to be
alone for a while. Go on.
[JAKE] Okay
[NOG] Goodnight, sir.
[CREWWOMAN (OC)] Ops to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[CREWWOMAN (OC)] We just received a message from Bajor, Sir. Kai Winn
will be coming to the station tomorrow morning and she'd like to meet
with you.
[SISKO] Acknowledged.
[NOG] Thanks for the invitation, Jake. That was a
lot of fun.
[JAKE] Did you see how down my dad was? He tried to hide it, but I could
tell he was depressed.
[NOG] He's not the only one. Look around. There's something in the air.
People are scared.
[JAKE] Yeah, but he's usually the one who tries to lift everyone's
spirits. I mean, people go to him for encouragement. Where does he go
when he needs it?
[QUARK] I hope I'll be seeing the two of you tomorrow at twelve hundred
[NOG] Why?
[QUARK] Why? Haven't you heard? There's going to be an auction of some
of the galaxy's rarest and most valuable antiquities. Here. Find
something you like and make a bid with all that latinum you've got
stashed under your bed.
[NOG] Shh!
[QUARK] Oh, Nog. You don't really keep it under your bed?
[NOG] No, of course not.
[JAKE] Where'd you get all this stuff, Quark?
[QUARK] I'm just conducting the auction, for a modest commission. The
items up for sale were all aboard an old derelict freighter that the
Bajorans found adrift about a light year from here. The cargo hold was
crammed with valuable items of every description. Antiques, paintings,
[NOG] It's all a bunch of junk. Listen to some of this stuff. A mid
twenty fourth century ceramic Romulan water basin, slightly cracked. A
pair of Tellarite shoes, date unknown. A mid-twentieth century human
baseball card. A Tholian pedestal of
[JAKE] A baseball card? A mint condition nineteen fifty one Willie Mays rookie card! Nog,
this is it!
[NOG] What do you mean?
[JAKE] It's perfect. This is how I can cheer up my Dad. You know how
much he loves baseball. He'll go nuts when he sees this.
[QUARK] Tell him to be here at twelve hundred hours and he can bid along
with everyone else.
[JAKE] No. I'm going to bid on this. He's always doing things for me, I
want to do something for him for a change. And this is it. All I have
to do is get him this card. How hard can that be?
(Jake + Nog's quarters)
[JAKE] Come on, Nog.
[NOG] No.
[JAKE] Why not?
[NOG] It's my money, Jake. If you want to bid at the auction, use your
own money.
[JAKE] I'm human, I don't have any money.
[NOG] It's not my fault that your species decided to abandon
currency-based economics in favour of some philosophy of
[JAKE] Hey, watch it. There's nothing wrong with our philosophy. We work
to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.
[NOG] What does that mean exactly?
[JAKE] It means. It means we don't need money.
[NOG] Well if you don't need money, then you certainly don't need mine.
[JAKE] How much latinum do you have? How much?
[NOG] Five bars.
[JAKE] Five bars!
[NOG] Look, it's taken me a lifetime to save up that much money, and I'm
not going to just throw it away for some baseball card.
[JAKE] Not even for my father, the man who made it possible for you to
enter Starfleet Academy.
[NOG] Oh no, that's not fair.
[JAKE] The man who believed in you when no one else would.
[NOG] Oh, this is so low.
[JAKE] I can't believe you would rather keep your filthy money locked
away in a box under a bed than use it to give him endless moments of
[NOG] Argh! All right, all right. I'll do it.
[JAKE] That's very generous, Nog. I'm proud of you. Now let's get that
[NOG] Humans.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Come in.
(Kira escorts Winn in while her two aides wait outside, on guard.)
[SISKO] Welcome back to Deep Space Nine, your Eminence.
[WINN] Thank you, Emissary. You may go now, child.
[KIRA] Thank you.
(Kira leaves)
[WINN] Why don't we take a walk?
[SISKO] A walk?
[WINN] Yes. Would you mind?
(Promenade - upper level)
(The guards trail along discreetly.)
[SISKO] Something wrong, Eminence?
[WINN] No, nothing wrong, but there was a shop down there as I recall. A
woman who sold Bajoran tapestries and antiques.
[SISKO] Ah. Kandra Vilk.
[WINN] Yes.
[SISKO] I believe she moved to a neutral world near the Coridan system
about two months ago.
[WINN] So many people have left Deep Space Nine in the last few months.
I'm sure there are times when you must feel as if you're being
abandoned here.
[SISKO] Forgive me Eminence, but I have a very busy day ahead of me.
[WINN] I'm here to meet with a representative of the Dominion.
[SISKO] To what end?
[WINN] I don't know. This meeting is being held at their request. You
[SISKO] I'm concerned. The Dominion is notorious for its political
[WINN] I have some experience in that area as well. This is a delicate
moment for Bajor. This conflict between the Federation and the Dominion
could escalate into open warfare at any moment. A misstep now could
result in the destruction of our world.
[SISKO] For once I am in complete agreement with you. You have my word I
will do whatever it takes to safeguard Bajor.
[WINN] Walk with the Prophets.
(It's the auction, and an abstract sculpture is
being bid on.)
[QUARK] the bid is to you, sir one bar, three strips. Don't let the lady
steal this fine example of post-eventualistic, pre-Matoian, bronze and
triptin sculpture for such a pittance.
(A Bolian bids.)
[QUARK] One bar, three strips. One bar four strips, and it's all yours.
An honourable addition to any Klingon household. Remember, all the
proceeds from this auction go to the Bajoran War Orphans' Fund, minus a
modest commission. Think of those poor, lonely children and how much
your latinum will mean to them. Looks like the kids'll have to make do
with one bar, three strips Sold to the blue man in the good shoes.
(Desultory applause as a lidded box is brought out.)
[QUARK] Lot forty-eight. An Andorian chest containing a pre-Surak Vulcan
bracelet, a sixth century Bajoran mandala, a twenty-third century ion
transtator, a Willie Mays baseball card from Earth dated nineteen fifty
one. Who'll start the bidding with one bar of gold-pressed latinum?
[JAKE] One bar.
[QUARK] One bar. Do I hear one bar, five strips?
(A vedek bids.)
[QUARK] One bar, five strips. Do I hear one bar, ten?
[NOG] Don't worry. He'll drop out at two bars.
[JAKE] How do you know that?
[NOG] I'm still a Ferengi. One bar, ten.
[QUARK] One bar, ten. One, fifteen? (yes) One, fifteen. One, twenty?
(yes) One, twenty. One, twenty-five?
[GIGER] Two bars.
[QUARK] The bid is two bars. Do I hear two bars five? Vedek, are you in?
[NOG] I told you.
[QUARK] Two bars, five.
[GIGER] Three bars.
[JAKE] Four bars!
[NOG] Jake!
[GIGER] Ten bars.
[QUARK] The bid is ten bars of gold-pressed latinum. Is there another
[JAKE] What do we do now?
[NOG] Nothing. We're out of money.
[QUARK] Jake? Do you want to make another bid? Sold to the gentleman
sitting in the aisle.
[QUARK] Lot forty nine. A rare example of a twentieth century human art
form, acrylic on black velvet. This image was the inspiration for the
flag of the Martian colonies in the twenty second
(Jake + Nog's quarters)
[NOG] I know you wanted that card, but we lost it,
okay? So let's come up with something else to cheer up your dad. Like a
new pair of shoes.
[JAKE] Shoes?
[NOG] What's wrong with shoes?
[JAKE] Nothing, except it's stupid. I want to give my dad something
that'll bring a little joy into his life. Something special. I'm
telling you, that baseball card is the answer. It's kismet.
[NOG] Kiss you?
[JAKE] Kismet. Fate, destiny. I was meant to give that card to my
[NOG] Jake, I think you're taking this whole baseball card thing way too
[JAKE] It's not the card, it's my dad. This is very important to me. My
father has never let me down. He's always been there for me when I
needed him. And right now he needs me. I don't want to let him down.
Nog, please, let's get that card.
[NOG] All right. What do you want to do?
(The boys wait for the auction winners to come out
of Quarks. Morn got the bullfighter on black velvet picture.)
[NOG] Sir.
[JAKE] Excuse me, sir. Could we talk to you for a minute?
[GIGER] Who sent you?
[JAKE] No one.
[NOG] We wish to discuss a business transaction.
[GIGER] Not interested.
[JAKE] You don't even know what it is yet.
[NOG] We just want to buy the baseball card.
[GIGER] Listen to me. I haven't done anything wrong and I won't be
hounded by you and your soulless minions of orthodoxy. I haven't broken
any laws, except perhaps the laws of nature. So stay away from me. (to
turbolift) Habitat ring.
[WEYOUN] Captain Sisko, I can't tell you how happy I
am to see you again.
[SISKO] I wish I could say the same.
[WEYOUN] How delightful. You feel comfortable enough around me to make
jokes. I'm so pleased to see our relationship evolving beyond the stale
adversarial stage.
[SISKO] No it's not. But before you twist that into a compliment, let me
be blunt. I don't like the Dominion, I don't like what it stands for,
and I don't like you. So let's dispense with the hollow pleasantries
and stick to business.
[WEYOUN] I can't tell you how it pains me to hear you say that, Captain.
You see, I really like Deep Space Nine and I like you. And after this
meeting with Kai Winn, I think you and I will be seeing a lot more of
each other.
[NOG] Jake! Jake! He wants to see us!
[JAKE] Who?
[NOG] Doctor Giger, the man who bought the baseball card. He wants us to
come to his quarters, He says he's willing to make a deal.
[JAKE] You're kidding.
[NOG] No. He left a message for us about an hour ago. It said to meet
him at eighteen hundred hours.
[JAKE] That's in ten minutes. Let's go!
[NOG] Remember let me do the talking.
[JAKE] You?
[NOG] You had your chance on the Promenade. Now stand aside and let a
professional handle this.
(Giger's quarters)
(It is full of bizarre bleeping machinery, and a
strange pod by the window.)
[GIGER] Step out of the doorway, please. And don't touch anything. This
is very sensitive equipment. I did some checking on you two. It turns
out that you are the station commander's son and you are the nephew of
the man who owns the bar.
[NOG] That's right.
[GIGER] Since you are not, in fact, working for the soulless minions of
orthodoxy that have hounded my work and plagued my existence, I have
decided to open negotiations regarding the sale of a mint condition
nineteen fifty one Willie Mays rookie card, without the original
packaging or chewing gum.
[NOG] Excellent. We would like to open the negotiations with a bid of
[GIGER] The card is not for sale.
[JAKE] What?
[NOG] But you just said that
[GIGER] I am willing to trade the card in exchange for the following
(Nog takes the PADD.)
[JAKE] Two litres of anaerobic metabolites suspended in a hydrosaline
solution? A neodymium power cell? Where are we supposed to get all this
[GIGER] Surely the station commander's son and a promising young cadet
have access to a wide variety of equipment and supplies that would not
be available to someone like myself.
[JAKE] It's a very long list. It'll take some doing.
[NOG] Wait a minute. What are you planning to do with these things?
[JAKE] Nog?
[NOG] Look, we can't start delivering equipment and medical supplies to
you without knowing what you're going to do with them.
[GIGER] Very well, young man. Let me ask you both a simple question. Do
you want to die?
[NOG] No.
[JAKE] Not really.
[GIGER] Of course you don't, so why should you? Why should any of us end
up as putrefying corpses in wooden boxes stuck in the ground, or
vaporised into subatomic particles and vented into the cosmos like a
bad case of gas? No reason that I can think of. I have devoted my life
to the study of death, and do you know what I found? Death is nothing
more than the result of cellular boredom.
[JAKE] Boredom?
[GIGER] Think about it. The cells in your body have been doing the same
job, the same dull monotonous routine, every day since you were
conceived. Metabolise, divide, metabolise, divide. Wouldn't you get
bored? Of course you would. So at some point, the cells just say,
'that's it', and you, the unwary victim of cellular ennui, are quite
literally bored to death.
[NOG] I never thought about it that way.
[GIGER] Doctor Bathkin of Andros Three was the first to come up with the
answer to solving the puzzle of death. Keep the cells energised. Keep
them in the game by teaching them new mitochondrial tricks.
Unfortunately, before he could finish his work, Doctor Bathkin died in
a shuttle accident. Or so they say. And while the soulless minions of
orthodoxy refuse to follow up on his important research, I could hear
the clarion call of destiny ringing in my ears. And now, after fifteen
years of tireless effort, after being laughed at and hounded out of the
halls of the scientific establishment, after begging and scrounging for
materials across half the galaxy, I have nearly completed work on this.
The Cellular Regeneration and Entertainment Chamber.
[JAKE] What does it do?
[GIGER] I'm glad you asked. It is specially designed to transmit
biogenic energy on a chromoelectric wavelength and send uplifting and
entertaining messages to the nuclei of every cell in your body. Spend
eight hours a day in this machine and your cells will never get bored.
You will never grow old, and most important, you will never die. That
is the goal of my work, nothing less than immortality itself.
[JAKE] Excuse us for a moment.
[GIGER] Of course.
[JAKE] (sotto) What do you think?
[NOG] (sotto) I don't know. I'm no expert in cellular chemistry but his
theory sounds a little odd to me.
[JAKE] (sotto) He had me going there for a minute, but a Cellular
Entertainment Machine?
[NOG] (sotto) He's crazy, isn't he?
[JAKE] (sotto) Completely. But he does have the baseball card.
[NOG] (sotto) So?
[JAKE] (sotto) So that means we've got to help him.
[NOG] (sotto) I'm not so sure this is such a good idea.
[JAKE] (sotto) Nog, I can't let my father down.
[NOG] (sotto) Let him down? Your father doesn't even know this card
exists. I don't know which of you is crazier.
[JAKE] (sotto) I'm not crazy. I'm just a little obsessed.
[NOG] (sotto) A little?
[JAKE] Okay, Doctor. We're in.
(Jake holds out his hand.)
[GIGER] Do you know how many germs are transmitted by a handshake? You
want to kill me? Just nod if we have a deal. Him too.
(Cargo bay)
[JAKE] Hey, Chief, we need a neodynium power cell
from a Cardassian phase coil inverter. You think you could help us out?
[BRIEN] That's an unusual piece of equipment. What do you need that
[NOG] We have to trade it for a
[JAKE] It's kind of a secret.
[BRIEN] I'm sure there's an old cell lying around here somewhere, but
I don't have time to scrounge around for it at the moment.
[NOG] What's the matter with you? Just tell him you're trying to give
your father a gift.
[JAKE] No. I want it to be a surprise. You know you can't keep a secret
on this station. If I tell the Chief, he tells Keiko, Keiko tells Dax
[NOG] But you're not giving him any reason to help us. Okay. Let me show
you a little something about incentive-based economics. Chief, may I
ask you a question? Wouldn't you rather be doing something else right
[BRIEN] Almost anything.
[NOG] But isn't there something specific you'd rather be doing? Like
going to the holosuites, maybe?
[BRIEN] Sure.
[NOG] I bet you'd rather be kayaking right now, wouldn't you? You
probably haven't shot those rapids in weeks. No interruptions, no
maintenance schedules. Just you and the river.
[BRIEN] That's what I'd be doing right now if Decker hadn't gotten
sick. But I have to recalibrate all these EPS regulators so they don't
interfere with the station's artificial gravity grid.
[NOG] What if someone else recalibrated the regulators for you? Someone
like us?
[BRIEN] You'd do that for me?
[JAKE] Absolutely.
[NOG] Don't give it a second thought. Just go shoot those rapids.
[BRIEN] Thanks. Thanks a lot. I owe you one.
[NOG] Our pleasure. And Chief? About that power cell?
[BRIEN] Oh, yeah. I think I know where there's one. I'll have it sent
up to your quarters.
[JAKE] Thanks, Chief.
[NOG] Come on. You calibrate, I'll scan.
[BASHIR] Five litres of anaerobic metabolites
suspended in hydrosaline solution? What could you possibly want with
[NOG] We can't tell you. It's a surprise for someone.
[BASHIR] They're not going to drink it, are they?
[JAKE] Oh, no. At least, I don't know. Is he?
[BASHIR] I don't have time for this.
[JAKE] Can I ask you one question? Wouldn't you rather be doing
something else right now?
[JAKE] No?
[BASHIR] No. This is the first chance I've had to get any research done
on my prion project in five months. You couldn't drag me away from
[JAKE] Oh.
[NOG] What Jake is trying to say is that you seem unhappy.
[BASHIR] I suppose I have been feeling a little down, now that you come
to mention it.
[NOG] Just out of curiosity. If you had to name one thing that would
make you happy right now, what would it be?
[BASHIR] I don't know.
[NOG] Humour me. One thing. Anything at all.
[BASHIR] Kukalaka.
[JAKE] Excuse me?
[BASHIR] That's what I want. Leeta borrowed him, said he was cute, but
she never brought him back.
[NOG] Kuka-what?
[BASHIR] Kukalaka. You bring him to me and you'll have earned yourselves
five litres of anaerobic metabolites suspended in hydrosaline solution.
[JAKE] Done. Just one thing, Doctor. What's a Kukalaka?
(Leeta's bedroom)
(Leeta is sleeping with Bashir's teddy bear in her
arms. Nog reaches in and she takes hold of his arm. he blows gently in
her ear, she whimpers and he manages to swap the bear for a pillow
without being trapped again. Nog leaves through an access panel.)
(Captain's office)
[WINN] Weyoun has made a startling proposal. The
Dominion wishes to sign a non-aggression treaty with Bajor.
[SISKO] They're trying to split Bajor from the Federation.
[WINN] Forgive me, Emissary, but you've already done that. It was your
advice six months ago that kept Bajor out of the Federation. How did
you put it? Bajor must stand alone. Well, we are very much alone now.
[SISKO] Even though you're not a member of the Federation, Starfleet is
committed to the protection of your world. We're not going to stand
idly by and watch the Dominion conquer Bajor.
[WINN] Can you promise me that you will not let one Jem'Hadar soldier
set foot on Bajor? Can you promise me that you will use your entire
fleet to protect our planet, even if it means sacrificing other worlds
like Vulcan or Andor or Berengaria, or perhaps Earth itself?
[SISKO] I can't make that kind of promise.
[WINN] I wouldn't believe you if you did. So you see my predicament. If
we ally ourselves with the Federation against the Dominion, we risk
becoming the first casualty of the next war.
[SISKO] And if you ally yourselves with the Dominion, you risk becoming
the next conquered world.
[WINN] A most unhappy choice. I have asked the Prophets to guide me, but
they have not answered my prayers. I even consulted the Orb of Wisdom
before coming here and it has told me nothing. So I come to you,
Emissary. You have heard the voice of the Prophets. You were sent here
to guide us through troubled times. Tell me what to do and I will do
it. How can I save Bajor?
[SISKO] You want my advice? Then this is it. Stall. Tell Weyoun you have
to consult with the Council of Ministers, or that you have to meditate
on your response. Anything you want, but you have to stall for time.
[WINN] Time for what?
[SISKO] I don't know. But I do know the moment of crisis isn't here yet,
and until that moment arrives we have to keep Bajor's options open. I'm
aware that this is difficult for you, given our past, but this time you
have to trust me.
(Winn holds Sisko's left ear.)
[WINN] Very well, Emissary. We put ourselves in your hands. May we all
walk with the Prophets.
(Giger's quarters)
(Jake enters with a cart of stuff as Giger climbs
out of the Chamber.)
[GIGER] Refreshed, regenerated, mildly entertained. I still get a little
bored after the first five hours.
[JAKE] I've got half the things you wanted.
[GIGER] Good. Good. Where's the hydrosaline solution?
[JAKE] We should have it soon. Nog just got the bear. Don't ask.
(Giger puts a rod into another machine and green and blue lights come
on along with a thrumming noise.)
[GIGER] You know what that is? It's the sound of immortality.
(Weyoun's quarters)
(Weyoun is listening to the noise from room below
as the Jem'Hadar scan it.)
[WEYOUN] What's going on down there?
(Jake + Nog's quarters)
(Nog is playing Klingon music as Jake works on a
PADD. Sorry, my resolution isn't good enough to read it. The soprano's
top note goes through his skull.)
[JAKE] Nog! Turn that down! Nog! I'm working out here!
[NOG] So am I! I have to listen to all of Worf's opera recordings and
filter out the sub-harmonic distortions!
[JAKE] Can you turn that down? I'm trying to add a little humour to
Kira's speech to the Agricultural Delegation.
[NOG] No! I have to listen at precisely eighty two decibels because
that's the volume Worf listens at! Of course, if I could've simply told
him why I needed two metres of electro-plasma conduit from the Defiant,
he probably would've just given it to me and things would be a lot
quieter around here!
[JAKE] We can't tell anybody, Nog! (mutes the sound) Now, listen to this
for a second. (reads) Thank you for that kind introduction, and thank
you for inviting me to address you here today. I've always thought it
odd that the topic of water reclamation was usually treated as such a
dry subject. Is that funny?
[NOG] No.
(Music back on.)
[JAKE] I didn't think so either.
(Another delivery is being made)
[JAKE] Would you watch it with that thing.
[NOG] Try staying out of the way.
(No reply at Giger's door.)
[NOG] He's probably sleeping inside his Cellular Entertainment thing
again. It's not locked.
(They open the door to a completely empty room.)
(Security office)
[ODO] No, there is no record of a Doctor Giger being
assigned to those quarters.
[JAKE] He was there, Odo.
[NOG] Maybe the soulless minions of orthodoxy finally caught up with
[ODO] The who?
[JAKE] We don't know who they are, but they were after Doctor Giger's
Cellular Regeneration and Entertainment Chamber.
[ODO] His what?
[JAKE] It's a device used to keep the cells in your body from getting
bored. You see, he was going to transmit messages to people's cells to
keep them entertained so they wouldn't die off and as a result these
people would live forever.
[NOG] Do you think he's really going to charge us
with filing false reports, obstructing justice and being public
nuisances? I can't have that on my Academy record.
[JAKE] I think he was just trying to scare us. Nog, look.
[NOG] It's Kai Winn.
[JAKE] Do you see who she's talking to? That's the Vedek who was bidding
against us at the auction.
[NOG] Jake, I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm sure I'm not
going to like it.
[JAKE] Don't you see? The Vedek was bidding on that lot because there
was an old Bajoran mandala in it. He must have been working for the
Kai. When they lost, the Kai must have gotten angry. And we all know
how dangerous she is when she's angry.
[NOG] What are you saying? That in order to get the mandala she
kidnapped Giger?
[JAKE] It all makes sense now.
[NOG] Jake, I'm really starting to worry about you.
[JAKE] Come on.
[NOG] Where're we going?
[JAKE] Let me introduce you to a new human expression. We're going to
beard the lion in its den.
[NOG] Lions, Gigers, bears.
[JAKE] Oh my.
[WEYOUN] I hope you've found our talks as rewarding
as I have, your Eminence. May I enquire if you plan on giving the First
Minister a positive recommendation regarding the non-aggression pact?
[WINN] I'm afraid I cannot reveal my recommendations to the First
Minister. You understand.
[WEYOUN] Of course, of course. Forgive me for even asking. It is enough
to know that you and I have found so many common interests. I feel that
we are very much alike.
(Winn holds his ear.)
[WINN] No. We are nothing alike. Nothing at all.
(Winn goes around the corner and meets Jake and Nog.)
[WINN] What is it, my children?
[JAKE] We need to talk.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] You accused the Kai of burglary and
[JAKE] We didn't really accuse her of anything.
[SISKO] Oh, I see. You just implied it.
[NOG] Exactly.
[SISKO] Are you trying to be funny, Cadet? Because I'm not laughing.
[NOG] No, sir.
[SISKO] I want an explanation and I want it now.
[NOG] Well, sir, it all began in my uncle Quark's bar when we saw this
list of various
[JAKE] We were in the bar and I guess we got a little drunk.
[NOG] Jake!
[JAKE] It won't do any good to lie about it, Nog.
[NOG] What? Captain, I would like to separate myself from
[SISKO] As you were, Cadet! Drunk. I see that my faith in the two of you
has sadly been misplaced. You both are confined to quarters until
further notice. Dismissed!
[NOG] What did you say that for?
[JAKE] I didn't want him to know about the baseball card.
[NOG] Of course not. If you tell him about the card, he might forgive
us. He might even be grateful for all the effort we've gone through
just to make him happy. And we certainly wouldn't want that. Habitat
[JAKE] Once we get the card, everything'll be fine.
[NOG] Jake, as your friend, I think I should tell you that you're
starting to go over the edge. You need some perspective on all this.
You need to get away, clear your head.
(They are suddenly beamed away)
(Jem'Hadar interrogation room)
[NOG] This isn't what I had in mind.
(Two Jem'Hadar appear, then Weyoun enters. They are on the ship, not
the station.)
[WEYOUN] Do you think I'm a fool? Let's start at the beginning. What is
the nature of your relationship with Doctor Elias Giger?
[JAKE] We barely know him. He had a baseball card that I wanted to give
to my father to cheer him up. My father's the Station Commander, by the
[WEYOUN] I know who your father is. Go on.
[JAKE] That's it. We wanted the card, and so we agreed to help him get a
few things for his research. We got all the equipment, but he
disappeared about three hours ago and we haven't seen him since.
(Weyoun looks at a Jem'Hadar, who leaves.)
[WEYOUN] Do you really expect me to believe that everything you've been
doing for the last twenty two hours has been perfectly innocent? That
it was merely a coincidence that Doctor Giger has been running
experiments with highly charged polaric particles directly below my
quarters? I suppose there's also an innocent explanation to the secret
meetings you've been having with virtually the entire senior staff of
Deep Space Nine, or that Kai Winn met with you immediately after
leaving me? I suggest that you stop playing games with me and tell me
the truth. Quickly.
[JAKE] This is all just a misunderstanding. Nothing's going on, and
we're certainly not involved in some secret plot against
(A Jem'Hadar enters with Giger and the Andorian chest.)
[GIGER] You betrayed me. You turned me over to these soulless minions of
orthodoxy. Well, they won't discover the secret of my work without a
(Another Jem'Hadar takes the chest.)
[GIGER] Fight.
[WEYOUN] So, there are secrets after all. There shouldn't be any secrets
between friends, Jake. I do want to be your friend.
(Weyoun opens the chest and takes out the baseball card in it's
[NOG] Do something.
[JAKE] All right. We'll tell you the truth.
[WEYOUN] I'm listening.
[JAKE] We weren't supposed to divulge this, but since you left us no
choice. We're working for Starfleet Intelligence.
[NOG] Oh, no.
[JAKE] Forget about it, Nog. We have to tell him. We've been
investigating the man whose picture is in your hand right now. Until
yesterday, that man, one Willie Mays, did not exist in any historical
documents. Then, in the blink of an eye, that card appeared on the
station, and at that same moment a bust of Willie Mays appeared at the
Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. There's only one explanation. We
suspect that this man is from the future.
[WEYOUN] A time traveller?
[JAKE] That's right. And so far that card is the only link we have to
him. We must to find out what he's planning to do in the past, or what
he may have done already. We need that card. The entire future of the
galaxy may depend on us tracking down Willie Mays and stopping him.
[WEYOUN] I believe you.
[NOG] You do?
[WEYOUN] Yes. That is, I believe your first story. That you're two
innocent boys trying to give a gift to Captain Sisko.
[JAKE] You are very wise.
[WEYOUN] Which still leaves the question of what you were doing beneath
my quarters.
[NOG] He's harmless. He's just working on a way to become immortal.
[WEYOUN] Really? I have a background in, shall we say, creative
genetics. I'd be most interested in hearing your theories.
[GIGER] Well, it may take some time to explain. Let me ask you a simple
question. Do you want to die?
[NOG] Excuse me? Can we go?
[WEYOUN] Of course.
[NOG] Thank you.
[WEYOUN] Aren't you forgetting something?
Captain's log, stardate 50929.4. Two days ago, this
station felt like a tomb. I'd never seen so many of my crew depressed
at the same time. But for some reason, it now seems as though a new
spirit has swept through the station, as if someone had opened a door
and let a gust of fresh air blow through a musty old house. Why this is
happening, frankly, is a mystery to me. After all, nothing has really
changed. The Dominion is still a threat, the Cardassians are still
threatening to take the station, and I can still see the clouds of war
gathering on the horizon. So why do I sense a new-found optimism in the
air? But maybe I'm over-thinking this. Maybe the real explanation is as
simple as something my father taught me a long time ago. Even in the
darkest moments, you can always find something that'll make you smile.
(O'Brien has been kayaking.)
(Bashir is placing Kukalaka on a shelf.)
(Leeta is puzzled by the missing bear.)
(Kira gets a great round of applause for her speech.)
(Worf is listening to his opera with a look of bliss on his face.)
(Weyoun is trying out Giger's chamber.)
(Sisko has his baseball card. Nog gets a handshake and Jake a big hug.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e120", "title": "In The Cards"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Call To Arms
To Arms
Original Airdate: 16 Jun, 1997
(A PADD shows a design for a Risian traditional
wedding dress. Quark and Ziyal wait for a decision.)
[ROM] What do you think?
[LEETA] I don't know. What do you think?
[ROM] I like it. Don't you?
[LEETA] Rom, it's two handkerchiefs and a loincloth.
[ROM] I suppose we could lose the handkerchiefs.
[LEETA] Ferengi tradition or no Ferengi tradition, I am not going to be
naked at my wedding.
[ROM] Who said anything about naked? You'll still have the loincloth.
[LEETA] Please show us something else.
[GARAK] There is nothing else. I've shown you one hundred and fifty
three different wedding dresses, from
Tellarite modern to Risian traditional, and you've hated them all.
[LEETA] I liked number thirty eight.
[ROM] Number thirty eight? It had more layers than a Baduvian tapestry.
[LEETA] It was elegant.
[ROM] It was bulky.
[ZIYAL] I like sixty four.
[LEETA] Sixty four?
[ROM] Eeeesh.
[GARAK] Well, at least they agree on something.
[ZIYAL] Why don't you just let Garak design a dress on his own? You know
whatever he comes up with will be beautiful.
[GARAK] My dear, I find your blind adoration both flattering and
disturbing, but she does have a point.
[QUARK] Leeta, that fifteen minute break you asked for was up an hour
[ROM] Brother, what do you think of this dress?
[QUARK] I don't want to think about it. All I know is that any marriage
where the female is allowed to speak and wear clothing is doomed to
failure. Your dabo table awaits.
(Sisko and O'Brien walk past on the upper Promenade.)
[LEETA] There he is. Let's talk to him.
[ROM] Now?
[LEETA] Now, Rom.
(Promenade - upper level)
[BRIEN] Keiko and the kids will be a lot safer on
Earth than they are here. They've only been gone two days and I miss
them already.
[SISKO] Still, don't you feel better knowing they're out of harm's way?
I wish I could convince Jake to visit Earth for a while.
[LEETA] Captain, can we speak to you for a moment?
[ROM] If you're not too busy.
[SISKO] Oh. Go ahead.
[ROM] Would you marry me? I mean, us. I mean, would you perform our
wedding ceremony?
[LEETA] It would be a great honour to be married by the Emissary.
[ROM] It's not for another two weeks, so you'll have plenty of time to
get ready.
[SISKO] I guess I'll have to start brushing up on my Bajoran.
[ROM] Me, too.
[BRIEN] Captain.
[SISKO] If you'll excuse me.
(A crowd is watching for the wormhole.)
[BRIEN] Maybe they're not coming.
[SISKO] That would be a nice surprise.
(WHOOSH - and a load of Dominion ships come through)
[SISKO] I'll say one thing for the Dominion, they're punctual.
[BRIEN] That's the fifth convoy headed to Cardassia in the last five
weeks. I can only imagine how many Jem'Hadar soldiers are stationed
there by now.
[SISKO] Too many.
[BRIEN] I wish they'd just attack and get it over with.
[SISKO] I have the feeling you're going to get your wish.
(Sisko's quarters)
[JAKE] Thanks for the invite, Dad. I haven't had a
home-cooked meal since
[SISKO] Since the last time you were here.
[JAKE] Sounds about right. So, what's for dinner?
(Sisko hands over a PADD.)
[JAKE] Ah. Can I get some salsa with that?
[SISKO] Read the headline.
[JAKE] Bajorans continue negotiations with Dominion.
[SISKO] Go on.
[JAKE] Station Commander opposes non-aggression pact.
[SISKO] And the byline.
[JAKE] By Jake Sisko.
[SISKO] You should've warned me.
[JAKE] I was waiting for the right moment.
[SISKO] The right moment was before you published the article.
[JAKE] I know. I'm sorry. But aren't you glad I got a job?
[SISKO] You mean this isn't a one-time thing?
[JAKE] Nope. I'm now an official correspondent for the Starfleet News
[SISKO] What about your novel?
[JAKE] I'm not giving up on it. But this way I get to see my work in
[SISKO] And apparently I get to see everything I say in print too.
[JAKE] You're a public figure, Dad. You're the Captain of the most
important space station in the entire Federation. You're news.
[SISKO] Don't remind me. I guess I can't stop you from doing your job.
[JAKE] Can I quote you on that? I guess not.
(Cargo bay)
[KIRA] Yamok sauce. Who'd bother to smuggle in ten
thousand wrappages of Cardassian yamok sauce? Oh. Quark. That little
worm, he thinks the Cardassians are going to retake the station.
[DAX] He's a Ferengi. You can't blame him for hedging his bets. But it
is a lot of yamok sauce. What is a yamok, anyway?
[ODO] What would you like me to do with it?
[DAX] Major?
[KIRA] I don't care. You decide.
[DAX] Dump it.
[ODO] Very good.
[DAX] Would you mind telling me what's going on?
[KIRA] What do you mean?
[DAX] You and Odo. You've been avoiding each other for weeks.
[KIRA] Ah, it's a long story.
[DAX] Those are the best kind.
[KIRA] Odo has feelings for me.
[DAX] What kind of feelings?
[KIRA] The kind that aren't easy to talk about.
[DAX] Since when?
[KIRA] Since I don't know. Years. I just found out about it last month.
[DAX] That explains a lot.
[KIRA] It does?
[DAX] Not really. It just seemed like the right thing to say. I had no
[KIRA] Neither did I.
(Captain's office)
(Nog brings in a mug.)
[NOG] Sixty degrees Celsius. Just the way you like it. Sir, is it true
what they're saying about the Romulans?
[SISKO] What do they say?
[NOG] There were some Orion free traders in Quark's last night, and they
heard from a Vulcan diplomat that the Romulans signed a non-aggression
pact with the Dominion.
[SISKO] A lot of rumours float around at a time like this, Cadet. Just
don't forget the one hundred ninetieth Rule of Acquisition.
[NOG] Hear all, trust nothing. Good advice, sir.
(Nog leaves.)
[SISKO] The Romulans. Sisko to Dax.
[DAX (OC)] Dax here.
[SISKO] Put me through to Starfleet Intelligence.
[WORF] The Romulans! I always knew they were without
honour. Now they have proven it.
[BASHIR] When did they sign the treaty?
[SISKO] Yesterday.
[BRIEN] They must be desperate to side with the Dominion.
[SISKO] Technically they're not siding with anyone. It's a
non-aggression pact.
[KIRA] Which means if the Dominion attacks, they just sit by and do
[ODO] The Romulans, the Miradorn, the Tholians. The Dominion is making
impressive inroads in the Alpha Quadrant.
[DAX] And the Bajorans are still talking to them?
[KIRA] My people will never sign that treaty, or any other agreement
with the Dominion.
[BRIEN] Meanwhile, more Jem'Hadar ships come through the wormhole
every week.
[WORF] It must stop.
[SISKO] It's going to stop. I've talked to Starfleet Command. They've
agreed that no more Dominion ships can be allowed into the Alpha
[BRIEN] How do we keep them out?
[SISKO] We're going to mine the entrance to the wormhole, prevent the
Dominion from bringing any more reinforcements to Cardassia.
[ODO] If we try to stop those convoys, it may very well start a war.
[SISKO] Maybe so. But one thing is certain. We're losing the peace,
which means a war could be our only hope.
(Dax's quarters)
[BRIEN] What about pulse mines? We could equip
them with variable geometry detonators.
[DAX] Not good enough. Dominion ships can wait at the mouth of the
wormhole and pick them off one by one.
[BRIEN] What if we cloaked them?
[DAX] Cloaking doesn't always work against the Dominion.
[BRIEN] Maybe cloaked ships don't, but I'm thinking a lot smaller.
Each mine no more than a metre across.
[DAX] Mines that small don't have a lot of power. It would take dozens
of them to disable a warship. We'd run out of mines before they ran out
of ships. Rom, are you here?
[ROM] Cloak. Small. Dozens. I heard every word.
[BRIEN] Well, something's wrong. You haven't touched your food.
[ROM] It's my stomach. Ever since Captain Sisko agreed to officiate at
our wedding, I haven't had much of an appetite.
[BRIEN] I thought you wanted Captain Sisko to marry you.
[ROM] I did. But now that he's said yes, it's become so real. I'm going
to get married!
[DAX] Not for another two weeks. And in the meantime, we have work to
[ROM] But what if Leeta turns out to be just like Nog's mother? What if
I can't make her happy? What if this is the biggest mistake of my life?
What if
[BRIEN] Rom.
[ROM] Self-replication. That's the only answer.
[DAX] Self-replication?
[ROM] If the mines are going to be small, we'll need a lot of them. And
we'll need a way to replace them quickly if the Jem'Hadar try to blast
their way through. And, uh-oh. I forgot to request new quarters. Mine
are too small. Where are Leeta and I going to live?
[DAX] Rom, I think you're on to something.
[ROM] I know I am. I've measured them three times. There's nowhere to
put her prayer mandala.
[BRIEN] We could equip each mine with a replicator unit.
[DAX] No matter how many the Jem'Hadar destroy, there'd always be more.
[BRIEN] We'll program them to swarm detonate. Twenty or thirty mines
to each ship.
[ROM] The only problem is you'll have to wait until the entire minefield
is deployed before you activate it. Otherwise the proximity sensors
could cause premature detonation. Where's Leeta going to put all her
clothes? I don't have enough closet space.
[DAX] I'd better go talk to Sisko.
[BRIEN] I'll go draw up some specs.
[ROM] I've got to go to waste extraction.
[KIRA] What did Starfleet Command say?
[WORF] How many reinforcements will they be sending us?
[KIRA] And how soon will they get here?
[SISKO] We're not getting any reinforcements. We'll have to make due
with what we've got.
[KIRA] What we've got isn't enough.
[WORF] Sir, as Strategic Operations Officer, I cannot guarantee the
safety of this station if a Dominion fleet attacks.
[SISKO] Your concerns are noted, Commander.
[KIRA] What's Starfleet thinking? They must have given you a reason for
denying your request.
[SISKO] They did.
[KIRA] And?
[SISKO] And I'm not at liberty to discuss it. Let's just say Starfleet's
resources will be needed elsewhere.
[KIRA] What could be more important than defending this station?
[WORF] That is not for us to decide. What are our orders, Captain?
[SISKO] Deploy the minefield and prepare for a Dominion attack.
[KIRA] And when the attack comes?
[SISKO] Then we are to defend the station until the mines are in
position and the field has been activated.
[WORF] The Defiant will be unable to raise shields or cloak while
deploying the mines. She will be an easy target.
[SISKO] Then it's up to DS9 to defend her. If the Dominion wants to stop
the Defiant, they'll have to come through us.
(Security office)
[KIRA] You wanted to see me, Constable?
[ODO] Major, I'd like your permission to terminate all outgoing subspace
[KIRA] You really think that's necessary?
[ODO] This is no time for security leaks. I've prepared a number of
false messages we can transmit at random intervals so there won't be
any noticeable drop in our outgoing subspace traffic.
[KIRA] I'll see what I can do.
[ODO] I'd appreciate that. Major, there's something you ought to know.
[KIRA] What's that?
[ODO] I've been thinking about asking out you to dinner.
[KIRA] I've been expecting something like this.
[ODO] I could tell. You've looked a little uncomfortable around me
[KIRA] You've looked a little uncomfortable yourself.
[ODO] Which is why I wanted you to know I'm not going to do it. No
dinner invitations, no flowers, no attempts at changing the nature of
our relationship. Until the current crisis has passed, we both need our
minds to be clear, to be free of any unnecessary distractions.
[KIRA] That's probably a good idea. So, for now, all we need to concern
ourselves with is deploying the minefield, maintaining station security
and preparing ourselves for a possible invasion.
[ODO] Well, I don't know about you, but I feel more comfortable already.
Captain's log, stardate 50975.2. The next Jem'Hadar
convoy is due in five days, but our efforts to mine the wormhole have
already provoked a response from the Dominion, who have sent their
Vorta Ambassador, Weyoun, to speak with me.
[SISKO] What can I do for you, Weyoun?
[WEYOUN] Captain Sisko. I'll make this brief. We know all about the
[SISKO] I assumed you'd find out sooner or later.
[WEYOUN] As I see it, you have two choices. Either you remove the mines
or we will take this station from you and remove them ourselves.
[SISKO] I appreciate your directness. Now let me be direct with you. The
mines stay. I will not allow any more Dominion reinforcements through
the wormhole.
[WEYOUN] You will not allow?
[SISKO] You heard me.
[WEYOUN] I can see how that might be your first reaction. But you and I
are reasonable men, and surely reasonable men can come to some sort of
mutually acceptable compromise.
[SISKO] I didn't think the Dominion believed in compromise.
[WEYOUN] It saddens me to see how deeply you misunderstand us. All the
Dominion wants is to peacefully co-exist with its neighbours.
[SISKO] Then why the continued military buildup? Why the weekly convoys
of troops and ships from the Gamma Quadrant?
[WEYOUN] It's the Cardassians. Don't get me wrong. I'm pleased to call
them allies, but as you know they've just been though a terrible war
with the Klingons. I'm afraid it's left them somewhat jittery. So
they're understandably concerned with insuring the sovereignty of their
borders. And since they're now members of the Dominion, their concerns
have become our concerns.
[SISKO] I would think by now you have more than enough ships to defend
[WEYOUN] You may think that, and I may think that, but the Cardassians
[SISKO] Oh, yes, I know. They're jittery.
[WEYOUN] You see our dilemma.
[SISKO] I'm beginning to.
[WEYOUN] What if we agreed to limit our convoys to cargo ships,
construction units, civilian aid? Things that will help them get their
economy back on its feet. Did you know when we arrived, children were
starving on Cardassia Prime? It was heartbreaking.
[SISKO] I had no idea things were so bad.
[WEYOUN] The Cardassians are a very proud people. They don't want to
admit to outsiders how dire their situation really is. So, are we
agreed? You remove the mines and we restrict our convoys to medical and
economic assistance.
[SISKO] That sounds reasonable. I'd have to discuss it with Starfleet
first, of course.
[WEYOUN] I'm sure they'll do whatever Benjamin Sisko recommends. For my
part, I will personally speak to the Founders to secure our end of the
[SISKO] What about Gul Dukat?
[WEYOUN] Ah. He'll be furious, at first. But we've developed a fine
working relationship, and I'm sure I can help him to see the wisdom of
our decision.
[SISKO] I will leave it in your capable hands.
[WEYOUN] You won't be disappointed. This is a momentous day. You and I
have just taken the first step towards insuring peace between our
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] They're going to attack.
[BASHIR] Are you sure?
[SISKO] I am positive. The moment I mentioned that we weren't going to
remove the mines, we both knew there'd be war. Everything else was just
words, a feeble attempt to lull the other side into a false sense of
security. I didn't buy it, and I'm sure Weyoun didn't either.
[WORF] How soon?
[SISKO] As soon as they can get their fleet from Cardassia. I'd say as
early as tomorrow. Which means we have to finish the minefield today.
[DAX (on monitor)] We need more time.
[SISKO] You don't have it.
[DAX (on monitor)] We'll do all we can. Dax out.
[SISKO] General, take your ship and patrol the border. At the first
sight of the Dominion ships
[MARTOK] I will sound the alarm.
[SISKO] Don't engage the enemy. Get back to the station as soon as you
can. We're going to need you here.
[MARTOK] Captain, fighting at the border or fighting them here at the
station makes no difference to me.
(Martok leaves.)
[BASHIR] You don't think Starfleet could be persuaded to send us a few
more ships? Say fifty?
[SISKO] I'm afraid not, Doctor. We're on our own.
[BASHIR] In that case, I'd better go and get the Infirmary ready.
(Bashir leaves.)
[SISKO] Mister Worf, see to the weapons array and issue combat
[WORF] Aye, sir.
(Worf leaves.)
[SISKO] Major.
[KIRA] I'll contact the Bajoran Militia, see if they can spare a few
[SISKO] Forget the Militia. I need you to contact the Council of
Ministers. Tell them I need to meet with them immediately.
[KIRA] As a Starfleet Captain or as the Emissary of the Prophets?
[SISKO] Both.
[KIRA] That'll get their attention.
[SISKO] Remember the non-aggression pact the Dominion offered Bajor a
few weeks ago?
[KIRA] They're still debating it in the Council of Ministers. It'll
never pass.
[SISKO] It'll pass if the Emissary endorses it.
[KIRA] You want Bajor to sign a treaty with the Dominion? Why?
[SISKO] Major, when I came here, my orders were to protect Bajor and
help your people rebuild from the Occupation.
[KIRA] We've succeeded.
[SISKO] And I refuse to see everything we've accomplished torn down
again. The sad truth is, Major, if there is a war now, the Federation
can't guarantee the safety of Bajor. Which means Bajor must be kept out
of the fighting. I don't like this any more than you do, Major, but
it's Bajor's only chance for survival.
Captain's log, supplemental. Bajor has signed the
non-aggression pact with the Dominion. All Bajoran personnel have been
ordered to evacuate the station. As someone once said, these are the
times that try men's souls.
[ZIYAL] You're sure you won't come with me?
[GARAK] I don't think I'd be very welcome on Bajor.
[ZIYAL] I'm not going to be very popular there, either.
[GARAK] My dear, you're half-Bajoran, so at least half of you is going
to be accepted. I'm sure that Major Kira's friends will take good care
of you.
[ZIYAL] Well, what's going to happen to you?
[GARAK] Well, let me tell you a story. I once knew a Cardassian, a
dashing, handsome young man with a promising career. But one day,
through no fault of his own, he found himself exiled and alone, with
nowhere to turn. But did he give up? No. He struck upon a brilliant
plan. Rather than fleeing for the rest of his life, he sought shelter
in the one place no one expected him to go. In a stronghold of his
people's most hated enemies. There, surrounded by hostile strangers, he
built a life, and there, against all odds, against the merciless logic
of the Universe itself, he thrived.
[ZIYAL] By becoming the greatest tailor in the galaxy.
[GARAK] And the moral of the story, my dear, is to never underestimate
my gift for survival.
(They kiss, then she joins the rest of the Bajorans going through the
(It's the wedding day, and the happy couple are
both in their normal clothes. Quark, Nog and an emotional dabo girl are
the witnesses.)
[SISKO] Boray pree hadokee. Tolata impara boresh. Preeya Rom, preeya
Leeta. Abrem varo atel. You may kiss the bride.
[NOG] Congratulations, Father! Moogie.
[LEETA] Thank you, Nog.
[SISKO] Well, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to.
(Sisko leaves.)
[QUARK] Well, that was the most pathetic excuse for a wedding ceremony
I've ever seen. No bridal auction, no latinum dances, and the bride?
The bride was severely overdressed.
[ROM] Nevertheless, you're very happy for us, aren't you, brother.
[QUARK] Overjoyed. I give it two months.
(Quark leaves with his dabo girl.)
[LEETA] Oh, Rom!
[ROM] No time for that. Nog, are Leeta's bags packed?
[NOG] They're already on the shuttle.
[LEETA] You mean, we're leaving?
[ROM] No. You're leaving. First Minister Shakaar was very clear. All
Bajorans must leave the station for their own safety.
[LEETA] But what about you?
[ROM] My job is here with Chief O'Brien.
[LEETA] Then I'm not going either.
[ROM] You see that, Nog. We've barely finished saying our vows and we're
already having our first fight. We're really married! You've got to go,
Leeta. The problems of two newlyweds are but a small thread in the
tapestry of galactic events. You might not understand that today, or
even tomorrow, but some day you will. So get on that shuttle and don't
look back. Nog, take your Moogie to the docking ring.
[NOG] Nice speech, Dad.
(Nog and Leeta leave.)
[ROM] I thought so.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Computer, what's the status of programme
Sisko one nine seven?
[COMPUTER] All necessary modifications have been completed. Programme
Sisko one nine seven ready for implementation on your command.
[NOG (OC)] Ops to Captain Sisko. Sir, we're receiving a message from the
Cardassian border. It's General Martok.
[SISKO] On screen.
[NOG] Aye, sir.
[MARTOK (on viewscreen)] Captain, we just detected a large force of
Dominion ships headed your way. They should be there within the hour.
[WORF] Someone is jamming his transmission.
[DAMAR (on viewscreen)] Contact established.
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] Captain Sisko. I don't suppose you would like to
surrender and avoid unnecessary bloodshed.
[SISKO] Absolutely not.
[DUKAT (on viewscreen)] I was hoping you'd say that.
(Transmission ends.)
[SISKO] Battle stations.
(Later, everyone is at their station.)
[SISKO] How much longer?
[WORF] The Dominion fleet should be in weapons range in twenty minutes.
[SISKO] Are all the Bajorans off the station?
[NOG] The last transport just left.
[SISKO] Let's hope the Dominion honours the non-aggression pact. Cadet,
put me through to the Defiant.
[NOG] Yes, sir. On screen.
[DAX (on viewscreen)] Benjamin
[DAX] I know what you're going to say, but we've got
at least another hour of work before we can activate the minefield.
[SISKO (on viewscreen)] You don't have an hour, old man. The Dominion is
going to be here in less than twenty minutes. You're going to be a
sitting duck.
[DAX] Then I hope you can buy us some more time. Dax out. Dax to
(Defiant Launch bay)
[BRIEN] I know, I know. Work faster.
(Jake is handing out bags.)
[JAKE] Medical tricorder, hypospray, dermal regenerator and battlefield
trauma kit. Medical tricorder, hypospray, dermal regenerator and
battlefield trauma kit.
(That's the last one.)
[JAKE] That's everyone. Now what?
[BASHIR] Now we wait until the casualties start coming in. Are you sure
you're all right?
[JAKE] I'll be fine. Besides, my father won't let me stay in Ops and I
promised the Federation News Service a first-hand account of the
[BASHIR] You'll get it. Just remember, Bashir is spelled with an I.
(Promenade - upper level)
(Troops are taking up defensive positions.)
[GARAK] I must say, Constable, I admire your composure. You're an island
of tranquility in a sea of chaos.
[ODO] What I am is useless. My entire staff has been evacuated to Bajor.
[GARAK] I'm not feeling too terribly useful myself at this moment, but
if it'd make you feel any better, you could always deputise me.
[ODO] Ha. I'm sure if the Jem'Hadar board the station, you'll make
yourself useful.
[GARAK] It's ironic. When the Klingons attacked the station, Gul Dukat
and I were fighting side by side. At one point he turned his back to
me, and I must to admit that, for a moment, he made a very tempting
[ODO] You'd shoot a man in the back?
[GARAK] Well, it's the safest way, isn't it? But then I thought, 'oh,
no, I can't fight all these Klingons by myself.' So I let him live.
[ODO] And now you regret it.
[GARAK] Ah, my dear Constable, before this day is over everyone on this
station is going to regret it.
[QUARK] Rom, I always said you were an idiot, but I
never believed it more than I do at this moment.
[ROM] Brother, if you want to insult me, it's going to have to wait till
later. I'm busy.
[QUARK] Busy doing what?
[ROM] Preparing perimeter defences for the attack.
[QUARK] There are dozens of engineers that could be doing that.
Starfleet engineers. Humans. You should be on Bajor with your new wife.
[ROM] That's what Leeta said.
[QUARK] Well, she's right. This is not your fight.
[ROM] It's not your fight either, but I don't see you leaving.
[QUARK] I have to look out for my bar.
[ROM] And I have to look out for you.
[ROM] You're my brother. Whatever happens, we belong together.
[QUARK] Well, like I said, you're an idiot.
[NOG] On screen, Captain.
[SISKO] General Martok, take a defensive position near the Defiant. They
have to finish deploying those mines no matter the cost.
[MARTOK (on viewscreen)] And they will. You have my word on it, Captain.
[SISKO] Mister Worf, activate the weapons array.
[WORF] Aye, sir.
(The station sprouts offensive nodules. Kira arrives on the turbolift.)
[KIRA] Captain, as a Major in the Bajoran Militia, I must officially
protest Starfleet's refusal to turn over this station to my government.
[SISKO] Your protest is duly noted.
[KIRA] Good. Now that that's over with, Kira Nerys reporting for duty.
(Jem'Hadar battleship)
[DAMAR] Weapons range in one minute.
[DUKAT] I've been waiting for this moment for five years.
[DAMAR] First, we reclaim Terok Nor, then on to Bajor.
[WEYOUN] Let's not get ahead of ourselves, or must I remind you the
Dominion just signed a non-aggression pact with Bajor.
[DUKAT] The Dominion might've. I never did.
[WEYOUN] The Dominion will honour its treaty. And as a member of the
Dominion, you will honour it as well.
[DUKAT] Where the Dominion leads, I will follow.
[WEYOUN] I never doubted it.
[DUKAT] Attack wings one through five head for the Defiant. Remaining
ships, target the station.
[DAMAR] We're within weapons range.
[DUKAT] Well, then by all means, fire.
(The station is rocking under the impacts.)
[SISKO] Mister Worf, all weapons fire at will.
(Photon torpedoes find their targets, but nothing blows up. Phasers cut
through a ship that explodes against the shield.)
[NOG] Enemy ships are closing on the Defiant.
[SISKO] Mister Worf?
[WORF] Got them.
(Jem'Hadar battleship)
[DAMAR] Sir, the station's shields are holding.
[WEYOUN] Impossible. Federation shields have always proven useless
against our weapons.
[DUKAT] I've found it wise to never underestimate the Federation's
technical skill or Captain Sisko's resourcefulness. Damar, bring us
around for another pass.
[DAX] Chief? How much longer?
[BRIEN (OC)] Just another couple of minutes.
(Defiant Launch bay)
[BRIEN] Take us to our final set of coordinates.
[DAX] Helm, set course
(BOOM. Three more ships bearing down on them.)
[DAX] Chief, I'm going to have to take evasive
(Defiant Launch bay)
[DAX (OC)] Manoeuvres.
[BRIEN] If you do, you risk setting off every mine on this ship.
(Exploding consoles.)
[DAX] And if I don't, we may not have a ship left.
(A ship appears out of nowhere. KaBOOM)
[MARTOK (on viewscreen)] You may continue your work, Commander. I will
handle the Jem'Hadar.
[DAX] Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one?
[NOG] Shields at thirty-five percent.
[KIRA] They're preparing for another attack.
[SISKO] Mister Worf, make every shot count.
(Jem'Hadar battleship)
[DUKAT] Attack wings and batteries, concentrate your
fire on section seventeen of the outer docking ring. We have to
penetrate their shields.
(So they do, losing at least two ships in the
[NOG] We've lost main power to the shields.
[WORF] Switching to auxiliary power. But I do not know how long it will
(BOOM! We have our first 'dead' extras in Ops.)
[DAX (OC)] Defiant to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Dax, go ahead.
[DAX] We've set the last mine.
[SISKO] Activate the field and return to the
[DAX (OC)] Yes, sir. Dax out.
(The little bombs vanish.)
(Jem'Hadar battleship)
[DAMAR] Sir, the minefields
[DUKAT] I have eyes, Damar.
[WEYOUN] This isn't turning out quite the way I'd planned.
[DUKAT] It's a minor setback, Weyoun. Once we take the station, we'll be
able to dismantle the minefield without interference.
[WEYOUN] Let's both hope your confidence is justified.
[DUKAT] Damar, signal the reserves to prepare for a final assault.
[KIRA] The Dominion fleet is regrouping. And I'm
detecting another wave of enemy ships entering Bajoran space.
[WORF] What are your orders, Captain?
[SISKO] We've done all we can here. Notify all remaining Starfleet
personnel. We're evacuating the station.
[MAN] Report to the staging area.
[DAX] Worf.
[WORF] Jadzia. You should be on the Defiant.
[DAX] I heard you're not coming with us. That you've been assigned to
Martok's ship.
[WORF] It might be some time before we see each other again.
[DAX] Worf, we might never see each other again.
[WORF] This is war. We must put aside our personal feelings and focus on
the task at hand.
[DAX] I've been through my share of wars. I know what I have to do. But
before you leave, I want you to know that the answer is yes.
[WORF] Yes? Yes to what?
[DAX] Yes, I will marry you. That's what you've wanted from the very
beginning, isn't it?
[WORF] Yes. Yes it is.
[DAX] Then as soon as this is over, we'll get married. And if that
doesn't give you a reason to survive, I don't know what will.
(Dax kisses him and leaves.)
(Sisko is in front of the Temple, addressing the
residents, including Morn, Quark, Odo, Kira and assorted aliens.)
[SISKO] When I first took command of this post, all I wanted was to be
somewhere else, anywhere but here. But now, five years later, this has
become my home and you have become my family. And leaving this station,
leaving you, is one of the hardest things I've ever
[SISKO (on viewscreen)] Had to do. But this war
isn't over yet. I want you to know while we were keeping the Dominion
occupied, a Starfleet-Klingon task force crossed the border into
[SISKO] and destroyed the Dominion shipyards on
Torros Three. Your sacrifices, our sacrifices, made that victory
possible. But no victory can make this moment any easier for me. And I
promise I will not rest until I stand with you again, here, on this
place where I belong. Sisko to Defiant.
[BRIEN (OC)] Standing by, sir.
[SISKO] One to beam aboard.
[BRIEN (OC)] Aye, Captain.
(Transporter bay)
[SISKO] Are we ready?
[BRIEN] As soon as you give the word, sir.
[SISKO] Mister Garak?
[GARAK] I'd like to come along, if you don't mind. You never know when
you might need a good tailor. And the simple fact is, I have nowhere
else to go.
[SISKO] Welcome aboard.
[DAX (OC)] Dax to Sisko. The Dominion fleet is coming around for another
[SISKO] Release docking clamps. Prepare for departure.
(Escorted by the Rotarran, the Defiant heads out then cloaks.)
(Kira and Odo return to an empty room.)
[ODO] The Defiant's away.
[KIRA] Contact the Dominion fleet. Tell them the Bajoran government
welcomes them to Deep Space Nine.
[ODO] Message acknowledged.
[KIRA] Good. That's the last message this station will be sending out
for a while. Computer, initiate programme Sisko one nine seven.
[COMPUTER] Program initiated.
(Electricity runs across all the consoles and wall panels, and blows
them all up.)
[KIRA] Dukat wanted the station back, he can have it.
(Morn is on his barstool.)
[QUARK] I don't want to see a drop of root beer left in this place.
Break out the kanar and find me some yamok sauce.
[ROM] Rom, Assistant Manager for Policy and Clientele, reporting for
work, brother.
[QUARK] What, did you think you could just walk back in here and get
your old job back?
[ROM] (sotto) Actually, I'm a spy working for Starfleet, but don't tell
[QUARK] (sotto) The Federation's more desperate than I thought. (loud) I
knew one day you'd come crawling back to me. Now get to work.
[ROM] Yes, brother.
(Over in a dark corner of the bar.)
[ROM] Jake? Aren't you supposed to be on the Defiant?
[JAKE] I changed my mind. There's a war going on and I'm a reporter.
This is where I belong.
[ROM] But you're not safe here.
[JAKE] The Dominion knows I'm the Emissary's son. If they hurt me they
risk alienating their new friends, the Bajorans.
[ROM] I hope you're right.
[JAKE] So do I.
(Sisko has just read Jake's note)
[SISKO] What the hell is Jake thinking?
[BRIEN] Do we go back for him?
[SISKO] I can't risk the entire crew for one man, even though he is my
son. Whether I like it or not, he is a man, capable of making his own
choices. Maintain current course.
[DAX] Aye, Captain. We should rendezvous with the Federation task force
in forty eight hours.
[BASHIR] And then what?
[NOG] And then we make the Dominion sorry they ever set foot in the
Alpha Quadrant.
[SISKO] Cadet, you took the words right out of my mouth.
(Jem'Hadar force open the airlocks, and escort
Dukat, Damar, and Weyoun.)
[DAMAR] This is a great victory for Cardassia.
[DUKAT] And the Dominion.
[WEYOUN] Over fifty ships lost, our spacedocks on Torros Three
destroyed. A victory perhaps, but a costly one.
[DUKAT] We'll discuss the repercussions later. Right now, I'm going to
enjoy this moment.
(Kira, Odo and Quark approach.)
[KIRA] Gentlemen. On behalf of the Bajoran government
[QUARK] And the Promenade Merchants' Association
[KIRA] I officially welcome you to Deep Space Nine.
[DUKAT] You mean Terok Nor, don't you?
[WEYOUN] Founder, we're honoured by your decision to remain with us.
[ODO] I'm not here as a Founder. I'm the station's Chief of Security.
[WEYOUN] Whatever you say. Nevertheless, having a god walk amongst us is
most gratifying.
[DUKAT] I agree. You, me, the Major, together again. It should be most
interesting. Now if you'll excuse me. I'll be in my office.
[WEYOUN] It would appear Captain Sisko was most
efficient in disabling the station.
[DUKAT] It can be repaired. And it will be.
[WEYOUN] But your first priority is to dismantle that minefield. Until
we can bring in reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant, our position
here is vulnerable.
[DUKAT] I'll deal with the minefields.
(Captain's office)
[WEYOUN] I assume Captain Sisko removed or destroyed
everything of value?
[DUKAT] Not everything.
(Dukat picks up Sisko's baseball.)
[WEYOUN] What is that?
[DUKAT] A message from Sisko.
[WEYOUN] I don't understand.
[DUKAT] He's letting me know he'll be back.
(The Defiant and the Rotarran meet up with the fleet.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e121", "title": "Call To Arms"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - A Time To Stand
Time To Stand
Original Airdate: 29 Sep, 1997
memory of Brandon Tartikoff
Last time on Star Trek Deep Space Nine.
[BRIEN] More Jem'Hadar ships come through the
wormhole every week.
[WORF] It must stop.
[SISKO] It's going to stop.
[BRIEN] How do we keep them out?
[SISKO] We're going to mine the entrance to the wormhole, prevent the
Dominion from bringing any more reinforcements to Cardassia.
[WEYOUN] Either you remove the mines or we will take this station from
you and remove them ourselves.
(DS9 is attacked.)
[SISKO] Mister Worf, all weapons fire at will.
[DUKAT] I've been waiting for this moment for five years.
[NOG] We've lost main power to the shields.
[WORF] What are your orders, Captain?
[SISKO] We've done all we can here. Notify all remaining Starfleet
personnel. We're evacuating the station.
[DAX] I heard you're not coming with us. That you've been assigned to
Martok's ship.
[WORF] It might be some time before we see each other again.
[DAX] Worf, we might never see each other again.
(Kira runs the sabotage programme.)
[KIRA] Dukat wanted the station back, he can have it.
And now, the continuation.
(The fleet has been reduced and battered by war. An
Excelsior class is being towed. Many still have fires raging.)
[SISKO] Cadet.
[NOG] Long range scanners show no sign of Jem'Hadar ships. Looks like
they've broken off their pursuit.
[BRIEN] I guess they got tired of looking at our backs. Three months
of bloody slaughter and what have we got to show for it? Not a damn
thing. Engage, retreat, engage, retreat. Just once I would've liked to
have gotten a look at their backs.
[SISKO] Chief, that's enough.
[BRIEN] Sorry, sir. Nothing a little sleep won't cure.
[DAX] We could all use some sleep. What has it been, seventy eight
[NOG] Shouldn't we have heard something from the Seventh Fleet by now?
[DAX] I wouldn't worry just yet. The Tyra system is far enough away that
it'll be a day or two before we get any message.
[NOG] You think they can stop the Dominion?
[BRIEN] Damn right they can. Somebody has to.
(Medical supply room)
[GARAK] Ah, there you are. I'd just about given up
hope, Doctor. I would think that all those lunches we've shared
would've entitled me to preferential treatment.
[BASHIR] Look, I have twelve wounded officers and crewmen out there, all
of whom are in a lot worse shape than you, Garak.
[GARAK] Well, if you're trying to cheer me up, it's working. I feel
better already.
[BASHIR] What happened?
[GARAK] I was studying some star charts for Captain Sisko during the
last assault when I had a sudden and rather violent encounter with a
[BASHIR] You'll live.
[GARAK] I wish I shared your confidence. I'm sure my head will heal, but
the way this war is going I wouldn't bet on any of us living to a ripe
old age.
[BASHIR] I admit the odds are not good, but they could be worse.
[GARAK] Let me guess. You've used that genetically enhanced brain of
yours to calculate our chances of survival.
[BASHIR] It really wasn't that difficult. I simply started with a
[GARAK] I'm really not interested, Doctor. Ever since it's become public
knowledge that you're genetically engineered, you've used every
opportunity to show off.
[BASHIR] I have nothing to hide anymore. I might as well use what I
[GARAK] Well, what are our chances? Over fifty percent?
[BASHIR] Thirty two point seven.
[GARAK] I'm sorry I asked. You're certain about that figure?
[BASHIR] Do you want me to take you through the entire set of
[GARAK] Not really. Genetically engineered, indeed.
[BASHIR] Excuse me?
[GARAK] Well look at you. You act as if you haven't a care in the world.
It's exactly that kind of smug, superior attitude that makes people
like you so unpopular.
[BASHIR] Are you trying to insulting me?
[GARAK] A thirty two point seven percent chance of survival. I call that
[BASHIR] Don't take it so personally, Garak. It's strictly a matter of
[GARAK] No, it's strictly a matter of our lives. You're not genetically
engineered. You're a Vulcan.
[BASHIR] If I'm a Vulcan, then how do you explain my boyish smile?
[GARAK] Not so boyish anymore, Doctor.
(Mess hall)
[DAX] So where do you think Starfleet will be
sending us next?
[SISKO] I don't know. But if I have anything to say about the matter,
we'll be going right back to the front lines.
[MARTOK] Well said, Captain. And my ship will be at your side.
[DAX] Worf!
(She leaps into his arms for a kiss.)
[MARTOK] Tell her.
[DAX] Tell me what?
[WORF] It can wait.
[MARTOK] No, it cannot. Raktajino. It's been weighing heavily on his
[DAX] What is it, Worf? What's wrong?
[WORF] It is about our wedding.
[DAX] You're getting cold feet?
[WORF] You have scheduled the ritual sacrifice of the targ to occur
after the wedding feast has been served.
[DAX] We haven't seen each other for five weeks and that's the first
thing you say to me?
[WORF] We agreed it would be a traditional ceremony.
[DAX] Okay, have it your way. First we'll shed blood and then we'll
[WORF] As it should be.
[MARTOK] He has been unable to talk about anything else for days.
[DAX] He's such a worrier.
[SISKO] Take my advice, old man. A small wedding is the way to go.
[DAX] You get married the way you want, and I'll get married the way I
want. I'll see you later, Captain
[SISKO] Try not to break any bones.
(Dax and Worf leave.)
[MARTOK] Now that that's settled, I'm going to take care of this.
Klingons make great warriors but terrible doctors.
[BASHIR] Captain.
[MARTOK] Just the man I wanted to see.
[BASHIR] We've been ordered to report to Starbase three seven five for
[SISKO] Something else, Doctor?
[BASHIR] I have news of the Seventh Fleet.
[SISKO] Go on.
[BASHIR] Only fourteen ships made it back to our lines.
[MARTOK] Fourteen out of a hundred and twelve.
[BASHIR] We can't keep taking these kinds of losses, sir, not if we
expect to win this
[SISKO] Thank you, Doctor. That will be all.
[BASHIR] I'll take a look at that arm now.
(Bashir and Sisko leave. Sisko thumps the table, shattering it's glass
Permanent Documentation File, Dukat, SG. Each day
brings reports of new victories. The war continues to go well. The
enemy is retreating on almost all fronts. It's only a matter of time
before the Federation collapses and Earth becomes another conquered
planet under Dominion rule. All in all, it's a good time for Cardassia,
and the Dominion.
[WEYOUN] My dear Major Kira, you have no idea how it
pleases me to hear you say that. Dukat, the Major has just given me the
most wonderful news. Bajorans are returning to the station.
[DUKAT] I'm well aware of it.
[WEYOUN] Then I'm sure you share my delight in knowing that life here is
returning to normal. The shops are reopening, the Promenade is abuzz
with activity once again. The Habitat ring echoes with the laughter of
happy children.
[DAMAR] I've doubled security patrols throughout the station.
[WEYOUN] Are such precautions really necessary?
[DUKAT] I've found that one can't be too careful when dealing with the
[KIRA] What's wrong, Dukat? Afraid we'll take the station away from you
[DAMAR] You're welcome to try.
[WEYOUN] Come now, come now, there's no need for this petty bickering.
We're all friends here.
[KIRA] Are we.
[WEYOUN] Of course we are. And if you have any suggestions, Major, feel
free to bring them to me at any time.
[KIRA] Fine. We'd like the station's Bajoran security force reinstated.
[DAMAR] I suppose you want us to give them back their weapons as well.
[KIRA] That's right.
[DUKAT] The station no longer requires a Bajoran security force. Our
troops can handle any problems that might arise.
[KIRA] The Federation and Bajor always shared equal responsibility for
station security. I thought you said that we would have the same
arrangement with the Dominion. After all, we are all friends here,
aren't we?
[WEYOUN] Perhaps you should reconsider your decision.
[DUKAT] The order stands. You may trust the Bajorans, but I don't. And
until they earn my trust, I prefer to keep them unarmed. And if you
were in my position, Major, you would do exactly the same thing.
[WEYOUN] Perhaps it would be best to let the matter rest for a while.
I'm sure in time, We'll be able to resolve all these minor problems to
our mutual satisfaction.
[KIRA] I'll remember you said that.
[WEYOUN] I'm sure you will. One last thing. Odo.
[KIRA] What about him?
[WEYOUN] Is he aware that I'm doing everything I can to strengthen the
bond between the Dominion and the Bajoran people?
[KIRA] Why don't you ask him yourself?
[WEYOUN] No, no, I wouldn't want to bother him. Good day, Major.
(Kira leaves.)
[DUKAT] She's a fascinating woman, isn't she?
[WEYOUN] I wouldn't know. But I do know we need her as an ally.
[DAMAR] The Bajorans will never be our allies.
[WEYOUN] Out. Don't look at him. I'm telling you to leave. Now!
(Damar takes his signal from Dukat and leaves.)
[DUKAT] I find him useful.
[WEYOUN] In the future, it might be prudent for you to include me in all
decisions relating to station policy. Now, what about the wormhole? You
assured me that you would be able to dismantle the minefield within a
month. That was two months ago.
[DUKAT] Well, I admit the work is proceeding more slowly than expected,
but as you know, these are not ordinary mines. Every time we deactivate
or destroy one of them, its neighbour replicates a new one.
[WEYOUN] We have to take down that minefield and reopen the wormhole.
[DUKAT] And we will. But there's no need for panic. We are winning the
[WEYOUN] For the moment, yes. But to defeat the Federation, we're going
to need reinforcements and new supplies of ketracel-white. Soon.
[DUKAT] Weyoun, I said I will deal with the minefield, and I will.
(Cardassians using the facilities, Jem'Hadar just
sitting around. Quark goes over to one group.)
[QUARK] Good evening, gentlemen. Once again I see you're at your usual
table. It's amazing how many of my customers think of Quark's as their
second home. I only wish I had a holo-imager so I could preserve this
warm and wonderful moment of camaraderie. Something you could hang on
the wall of your barracks. (no response) Have you tried the dabo
tables? I'm sure one of my lovely hostesses would be happy to teach you
the game. (zilch) I know. A complimentary hour in one of our
state-of-the-art holosuites? Whatever your desires, I'm sure we can
satisfy them. (a Look) Perhaps another time. Enjoy the evening.
(Moving away)
[QUARK] Tough crowd.
[KIRA] I'm telling you, Odo, Dukat has only one thing on his mind, and
that's revenge. He can't stand the thought that Bajor defeated
[ODO] You think he wants to reopen the labour camps?
[KIRA] Eventually.
[ODO] Well then, I suppose we should be grateful that he has Weyoun
looking over his shoulder.
[KIRA] Maybe. Weyoun's a hard one to figure out. I don't really trust
him but I trust him more than Dukat.
[ODO] Weyoun knows that it's in the Dominion's best interest to honour
its treaty with Bajor. They want to prove to the rest of the Alpha
Quadrant that they're true to their word.
[KIRA] Weyoun asked me about you. He seemed very concerned about what
you thought of him.
[ODO] I try not to think of him.
[KIRA] He'd be hurt to hear you said that. I'll have to mention it to
[ODO] I'm glad you can still smile.
[KIRA] Only when I'm with you.
[ODO] That's kind of you to say.
[KIRA] No, it's true. When I talk to you, things don't seem as bad. When
I think of Dukat in the Captain's office, or the fact that the
Federation seems to be losing this war and we're here doing nothing.
[ODO] I share your frustration, Major, but right now there's really
nothing we can do but bide our time. It's like Captain Sisko said.
Bajor must be kept out of the fighting.
[KIRA] And who am I to argue with the Emissary.
[QUARK] (bringing a drink) Thanks for waiting. Things have been a little
busier than expected. This one's on the house.
[KIRA] What do you want, Quark?
[QUARK] The usual. Peace, love and understanding. Not to mention a
generous profit margin, which I'm happy to say is looking more and more
likely. You know, I never expected to say this, but as occupations go,
this one's not so bad.
[KIRA] No, I suppose that's true if all you're worried about is a
monthly balance sheet.
[QUARK] I'm not just concerned with profit, Major. Look around. Do you
see any ghetto fences dividing the Promenade? Or exhausted Bajoran
slave labourers sprawled on the ground after a gruelling day in the Ore
Processing Centre? Do you hear the cries of starving children? I don't.
Now don't get me wrong, I miss the Federation too. All I'm saying is,
things could be a lot worse.
[ODO] I hate to say this, but he's right. The Dominion seems determined
to prove that it can be a friend to Bajor.
[KIRA] If it's such a good friend, why are no Bajoran security officers
on the station?
(Sisko's office)
(At Starbase 375.)
[ROSS] I'm glad to see you made it back in one piece, Ben.
[SISKO] I was lucky. We lost a lot of good people.
[ROSS] Yes, we did. And we're going to lose a lot more before this is
over. I hope you'll find this office satisfactory.
[SISKO] Office? I wasn't aware I'd be needing an office. I thought I was
here for an assignment briefing.
[ROSS] I'm afraid you're going to be here longer than you think,
Captain. As of right now, you're no longer in command of the Defiant.
[DAX] Relieved of command? Why?
[SISKO] Admiral Ross didn't say. He did say we'll be getting our new
assignment at sixteen hundred hours.
[DAX] Well at least the crew's staying together. We are staying
together, aren't we?
[SISKO] You can count on it.
[DAX] So what do you plan on doing the next couple of hours?
[SISKO] I hadn't given it much thought.
[DAX] Maybe now would be a good time to contact your father.
[SISKO] Maybe.
[DAX] Benjamin, you haven't spoken to him for months. And Jake is his
[SISKO] How do I explain that I evacuated every Federation citizen off
Deep Space Nine except his grandson.
[DAX] You'll think of something. You always do.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] You did what?
[SISKO] Dad, it's not quite as bad as it sounds.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] You mean you didn't leave my grandson at the mercy
of a vicious, bloodthirsty enemy?
[SISKO] Well, no, I did.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] Then it's certainly just as bad as it sounds.
[SISKO] Dad, it was not my decision. It was Jake's choice to stay
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] Oh, so now you're going to blame this on Jake.
[SISKO (on monitor)] I'm not blaming Jake. But he's not a child anymore.
He's responsible
for his own actions.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] I don't care who's responsible. It's wrong and I
want him back.
[SISKO] And so do I.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] You think he's all right?
[SISKO] I hope so. I'll bring him back, Dad. I promise.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] When?
[SISKO] That I don't know. It might be a while. I'm about to be given
new orders, and I don't know where they're going to send me.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] Tell them you want to go get your son.
[SISKO] It's wartime. It's not up to me. I go where I'm sent. How's the
restaurant doing?
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] All right. It's been three weeks since I've
poisoned anyone. Are things really as bad as the news service claims?
[SISKO] Maybe worse.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] Well you certainly know how to comfort a
frightened old man.
[SISKO] You didn't raise me to be a liar.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] I raised you to be a chef, for all the good it did
me. You know, there's something I just don't understand. You're always
telling me that space is big, that it's an endless frontier filled with
infinite wonders.
[SISKO] It's true.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] Well if that's the case, you would think it would
be more than enough room to allow people to leave each other alone.
[SISKO] It just doesn't work that way. It should, but it doesn't.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] I'd better be going. The lunch crowd's coming in.
You watch yourself, Ben. And bring me back my grandson.
[SISKO] I will.
[JOSEPH (on monitor)] I love you.
[SISKO] I love you too.
(Weyoun is greeting the plebs, with a Jem'Hadar
[WEYOUN] Hello.
[JAKE] Excuse me, Mister Weyoun.
(Weyoun stops a Jem'Hadar beating Jake up.)
[WEYOUN] Oh, please. I prefer just Weyoun.
[JAKE] That's the kind of detail people like to know. Would this be a
good time?
[WEYOUN] For what?
[JAKE] For the interview we talked about. You know, for the Federation
News Service.
[WEYOUN] Oh, I'm afraid that will be quite impossible.
[JAKE] Why?
[WEYOUN] Because I've read your previous articles and they left me with
one inescapable conclusion. You are biased against the Dominion.
[JAKE] What gave you that idea?
[WEYOUN] You keep referring to us as the station's, quote, occupying
force, unquote.
[JAKE] What's wrong with that?
[WEYOUN] It has a negative connotation. All your articles are filled
with pejorative terminology, which is why I've been forced to withhold
their transmission.
[JAKE] Are you telling me that no one in the Federation read my reports?
[WEYOUN] If I don't send them, they don't read them.
[JAKE] What about freedom of the press?
[WEYOUN] Please tell me you're not that naive.
[JAKE] The only reason I stayed here was to report on the occupation.
[WEYOUN] You see, there you go again. This is not an occupation. This is
a Cardassian station, Jake, and I'm sure you're aware that there are no
Dominion troops on Bajor. And why should there be? We have a treaty
with them. They're our friends.
[JAKE] All right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it.
[WEYOUN] If you want me to send your articles to the Federation, you're
going to have to provide a more balanced perspective.
[JAKE] I won't write Dominion propaganda.
[WEYOUN] I would never dream of asking you to. All I want is for you to
keep an open mind.
[JAKE] All right, my mind is open. Now can we do the interview?
[WEYOUN] All in good time. You keep writing, I'll keep reading. Let's
leave it at that for now. Good day, Jake.
(Sisko's office)
(The big wall screen shows stellar cartography map
4747, which includes DS9 at 207 mark 89.)
[ROSS] Starfleet Intelligence has discovered what we believe to be their
main storage facility for ketracel-white in the Alpha Quadrant. Right
(345-447, 254 mark 220, past Cardassia at 357 mark 220)
[ROSS] Deep in Cardassian space. We need to destroy it.
[BASHIR] Without the White to sustain them, the Jem'Hadar won't be able
to function.
[ROSS] Without the White, the Jem'Hadar will die.
[DAX] I won't shed any tears, not if it helps end this war.
[ROSS] It may be our only way we can end this war, short of
[BASHIR] How do you expect us to infiltrate Cardassian territory without
the Defiant and its cloaking abilities?
[SISKO] I was wondering the same thing.
[ROSS] You won't need a cloaking device. We have something even better.
(The screen switches to live feed of a dry dock.)
[DAX] It's a Jem'Hadar attack ship.
[ROSS] It's the one you captured last year, Captain. Now you get a
chance to see what it can do.
[BASHIR] Do you even know how to fly that thing?
[SISKO] Not yet. But I intend to learn.
(Jem'Hadar ship control room)
[DAX] Guidance matrix, check. Aft parabolic
thrusters, check. Sensor feed, check. Chief.
[BRIEN] Reactor core, check. Induction stabilisers, check. Phaser
coils, check.
[DAX] Nog.
[NOG] Resonance emitters, check. Subspace field grid, check. Signal
subprocessors, check. I think.
[BRIEN] You think? We've been training on this ship for two weeks now.
[NOG] I would like to put a Jem'Hadar soldier on the Defiant and see how
well he does after two weeks. These controls are very different. They
take time to get used to.
[BRIEN] We don't have any more time. We're about to take this ship
into enemy territory. We don't want any slipups.
[NOG] I don't intend to make any, Chief.
[BRIEN] Good.
[NOG] I still don't see why we couldn't install a few chairs on the
[BRIEN] Because this ship wasn't designed for chairs.
[NOG] Well, my feet aren't designed to stand for long periods of time.
They get tired.
[BRIEN] Maybe we should leave you behind.
[NOG] My feet might like that, but I wouldn't.
[BRIEN] It's not your feet that you need to worry about, it's your
stomach. Have you noticed? There isn't a single food replicator
anywhere on this ship.
[NOG] That shouldn't be a problem. Captain Sisko says there'll be plenty
of field rations.
[BRIEN] Try eating nothing but field rations for three weeks and then
tell me it isn't a problem.
[DAX] You want to know what is a problem? No viewscreen. Who builds a
bridge without a window?
[BASHIR] The same people who build a ship without an Infirmary. Here's a
list of all the medical supplies I brought on board. They're in my
quarters, for want of a better place.
[DAX] Don't worry, we'll try not to have any medical emergencies while
you're sleeping.
[BASHIR] I'm so glad that you find the lack of proper medical facilities
amusing. But if trouble breaks out, it's not a viewscreen or a chair or
even a sandwich you'll be wanting. It's a bio-bed with a surgical
tissue regenerator.
[DAX] Maybe. But right now I would settle for a viewscreen.
[NOG] Or a chair.
[BRIEN] Or a sandwich.
[SISKO] All right, people. Prepare for departure.
[DAX] All systems ready, sir.
[BASHIR] Garak, come to see us off?
[GARAK] Not quite.
[SISKO] I invited Mister Garak to join us. Considering we're heading
into Cardassian territory, I thought he might prove useful.
[GARAK] Well, it's been known to happen.
[BRIEN] Pull up a chair.
[NOG] We're cleared for departure, sir.
(Sisko puts on the headset with virtual viewscreen eyepiece.)
[SISKO] Take us out, old man.
[DAX] Aye, Captain. Aft thrusters at one half.
[SISKO] Bring us about.
(The ship makes a sudden lurch to the right.)
[DAX] Just wanted to make sure everyone was awake.
[SISKO] We are now. Just take it nice and easy, all right?
[DAX] I can try.
[SISKO] Set a course for the Cardassian border, heading zero five four
mark zero nine three. Warp six.
[DAX] Yes, sir.
(Captain's office)
(Kira rings the bell and Dukat puts the baseball
back on it's stand.)
[DUKAT] Come in.
[KIRA] You wanted to see me?
[DUKAT] I always want to see you, Major. And therein lies the problem.
It's been three months since my return to this station and you and I
have barely spent any time with one another. Oh, I know you can point
out the various meetings we've attended together, but they never seem
to offer us the opportunity to venture beyond station business.
[KIRA] I don't have time for this.
[DUKAT] Major! I haven't dismissed you yet.
[KIRA] What do you want from me, Dukat?
[DUKAT] Come now, Major. Have the last three months been that bad?
[KIRA] Is that what you want? Is that why I'm here? To flatter you? To
tell you know what a good job you've doing and how happy we all are to
have you back?
[DUKAT] Sarcasm doesn't become you, Major. It's your directness that
I've always found most appealing.
[KIRA] Dukat, I've got better things to do than to stand here and help
you play out one of your little fantasies.
[DUKAT] You feel I've betrayed you.
[KIRA] Not just me, everyone. Even your own people.
[DUKAT] Cardassia was on the edge of an abyss, Major. The war with the
Klingons left us into a third-rate power. My people had lost their way.
I've made them strong again.
[KIRA] At what price? You sold Cardassia to the Dominion.
[DUKAT] Yes, a high price, to be sure. But look what we're getting in
return. The Alpha Quadrant itself.
[KIRA] We'll see about that.
[DUKAT] Yes, we will. Oh, I could make things very pleasant for you
here, Kira.
[KIRA] You could start by doing something about your breath.
[DUKAT] I'm a patient man. I can wait.
[KIRA] Wait for what? What do you think is going to happen here, Dukat?
That you're going to wear me down with your charming personality? That
I'm going to be swept off my feet by that insincere smile? Are you
really so deluded that you actually believe that we're going to have
some kind of intimate relationship?
[DUKAT] Oh, we already do. Good day, Major. I have work to do.
(And he goes back to spinning the baseball on the desk.)
(Jem'Hadar ship control room)
[BASHIR] There. I wish I had had more time to study
the side effects of wearing that headset.
[SISKO] At least we know one side effect. Headaches.
[BASHIR] Well, the headsets were designed to be worn by the Vorta and
the Jem'Hadar, not humans.
[GARAK] Captain, may I make a suggestion?
[SISKO] Only if you talk softly.
[GARAK] We saw Dukat wearing one of these headsets during the attack on
Deep Space Nine. Perhaps Cardassian physiology is more compatible.
[SISKO] Are you volunteering?
[GARAK] I suppose I am. This ship is equipped with two of them. If I
wore one, then you wouldn't have to. At least, not all the time.
[BASHIR] I agree with Garak, Captain. The less you wear it, the better.
(Sisko hands over the second headset.)
[SISKO] Garak.
[GARAK] It's like having a viewscreen inside your brain.
[NOG] Sir, there's a Federation ship off our starboard bow, bearing one
five seven mark zero nine five. It's the USS Centaur.
[SISKO] That's Charlie Reynolds' ship.
[GARAK] I see it.
[SISKO] Cadet, open a channel to the Centaur.
[NOG] I can't. Our comm. system's down.
[GARAK] Perhaps we should consider returning fire.
[BASHIR] We can't do that. They're Starfleet.
[GARAK] Well, you tell them, not us.
[BRIEN] We better do something.
[SISKO] Dax, get us across the border, maximum warp. I hope Charlie
Reynolds knows better than to follow us into Dominion territory.
[SISKO] How long before we cross the border?
[DAX] We just did.
[NOG] The Centaur's still with us.
[SISKO] Charlie never did know when to quit.
[BRIEN] I hope he knows what he's doing.
[GARAK] The question is, do we know what we're doing?
[DAX] Captain, that last hit damaged one of our guidance thrusters.
[SISKO] Drop us out of warp. Come about. Prepare to return fire.
[BRIEN] Yes, sir.
[DAX] The Centaur has followed us out of warp.
[SISKO] Target their weapons array. Avoid their engines. I don't want to
leave Charlie out here stranded on the wrong side of the border.
[DAX] We're coming about for another pass.
[SISKO] Charlie likes to swing for the fences so stay in tight. Attack
pattern Omega.
[DAX] The Centaur is going to warp. It's heading back to Federation
[NOG] Yes!
[GARAK] Nice work, Chief.
[BRIEN] I didn't know I'd scored a direct hit.
[DAX] Maybe you didn't. I'm picking up three Jem'Hadar ships headed this
[SISKO] He must have seen them.
[NOG] They went right by us.
[DAX] Without even bothering to say hello.
[BRIEN] They're too busy chasing the Centaur.
[BASHIR] You think Reynolds will outrun them?
[SISKO] Charlie's been in tight spots before. He'll make it.
[DAX] I wish we could help.
[SISKO] We can't. Chief, get our comm. system back online. Return to
course. Warp seven.
[DAX] Yes, sir.
(Security office)
[KIRA] You should have seen the arrogant, smug look
on his face. He was in control and there was nothing that I could do
about it. The war isn't over yet, but as far as Dukat is concerned,
he's already won. I'd love to show him he's wrong.
[ODO] For the moment at least, I'm afraid he has won. Look at me. I
don't know why I bother to sit here every day. I don't even have a
security force to patrol the Promenade.
[KIRA] Then ask for one. Demand that they reinstate your Bajoran
[ODO] Dukat will never agree to that.
[KIRA] Forget about Dukat. Go to Weyoun. He'll listen to you. As far as
he's concerned you're a god, and that gives you power. But what good is
power if you're not willing to use it?
(It's meal time for Weyoun's Jem'Hadar escort.)
[HADAR] We pledge our loyalty to the Founders from now until death.
[WEYOUN] Then receive this reward from the Founders. May it keep you
(The Jem'Hadar take their White and leave.)
[DUKAT] You enjoy that, don't you? That constant reminder that you're
their master.
[WEYOUN] The Founders are the masters. I am merely their servant, as are
the Jem'Hadar. And you.
[DUKAT] That may be. But even amongst servants, someone has to be in
[WEYOUN] That is exactly the kind of observation I've come to expect
from you, Dukat. Interesting, yet somewhat petty.
(Damar enters with Odo.)
[DAMAR] Forgive the interruption, but he insisted on seeing you
[WEYOUN] Founder, I'm honoured by your visit. Is there someway I can be
of service?
[ODO] I want my Bajoran security officers reinstated.
[WEYOUN] Consider it done.
[ODO] From now on, they'll be responsible for security on the Promenade.
[WEYOUN] I don't see any problem with that.
[DUKAT] I do.
[WEYOUN] This is between me and Odo. I'll thank you to keep out of it.
[ODO] I'll have my officers report to the armoury within the hour.
[WEYOUN] Now that I've done something for you, perhaps there's something
you'd consent to do for me.
[KIRA] A member of the station's Ruling Council.
[ODO] Along with Weyoun and Dukat. Now I'll have a voice in station
[KIRA] You're sure this is a good idea?
[ODO] Dukat thought it was a terrible idea. You should have seen his
face when Weyoun offered me the position.
[KIRA] Don't you see that Weyoun's using you? Your presence on the
Council validates the Dominion control of the station.
[ODO] I thought we were using him. I know the danger, Major. I've had to
walk this line before during the Cardassian occupation. I can do it
again, but this time I won't be alone. I'll have you to help me.
[KIRA] That's right, you will.
[ODO] Then this is a victory after all.
[KIRA] I suppose it is. But for some reason, it just doesn't feel like
(Jem'Hadar ship control room)
(In orbit of an asteroid.)
[GARAK] The ship ahead just transmitted a message to the asteroid
storage facility. They're requesting to be resupplied with
[DAX] Looks like we've come to the right place.
(A forcefield is lowered and the ship moves closer.)
[GARAK] The ship beamed down a hundred and ten empty canisters. Mow the
storage facility is beaming up a hundred and ten full ones.
[SISKO] Everything ready, Chief?
[BRIEN (OC)] I've got eighty three empty canisters standing by, and
one not so empty.
(Jem'Hadar cargo bay)
[BRIEN] Ninety isotons of enriched ultritium
should take out the entire storage facility and everything else within
eight hundred kilometres.
(Jem'Hadar ship control room)
[SISKO] Which means we have to be nine hundred
kilometres away before the bomb goes off.
[GARAK] The other ship is leaving orbit.
[SISKO] Dax?
[DAX] The entire exchange took ninety two point three seconds.
[GARAK] I've asked for eighty four canisters of ketracel-white.
Excellent. They're acknowledging my request.
(Our ship moves into delivery range.)
[SISKO] Chief, set the detonator for three minutes.
[BRIEN (OC)] Detonator set.
[BASHIR] Three minutes? If it takes us ninety two point three seconds to
make the exchange that doesn't give us much time, sir.
[SISKO] That doesn't give the Jem'Hadar much time to detect the
explosive either. Commander, beam down the canisters.
[DAX] Canisters away.
[NOG] I hope whoever's in charge down there hasn't taken a lunch break.
[BASHIR] The Jem'Hadar don't eat, Nog.
[NOG] That's good. How do we know they're Jem'Hadar?
[DAX] Relax, Cadet, everything's on schedule. They've just beamed eighty
four canisters of White into our cargo hold.
[GARAK] I've acknowledged receipt and requested clearance for departure.
[SISKO] Good. Prepare to go to warp.
[DAX] Standing by.
[GARAK] Captain, I think we have a problem. They've just raised the
security net.
[SISKO] Repeat our request for clearance.
[GARAK] They're not responding.
[BASHIR] If they don't drop the net before the bomb goes off, we don't
stand a chance.
[DAX] One minute and thirty seconds to detonation.
[NOG] Do you think they found the bomb?
[BRIEN] I doubt it. Not this fast.
[BASHIR] Then why aren't they letting us go?
[SISKO] That's a good question.
[GARAK] Captain, they're responding. They're ordering us to stand by.
[SISKO] For what?
[GARAK] They're not saying.
[DAX] One minute fifteen seconds.
[SISKO] Chief, can we punch a hole in the security net?
[BRIEN] Sure. It'll take a couple of minutes.
[SISKO] We don't have a couple of minutes. What if we disable the net's
power generator?
[NOG] The explosion will do that.
[GARAK] Well that won't do us much good.
[DAX] One minute.
[SISKO] Maybe it will. When the generator's destroyed, the net'll come
down. All we have to do is to time it so that we're moving fast enough
at the moment of detonation to avoid getting caught in the explosion.
[DAX] But not so fast that we smash into the net before it's
[BRIEN] It's tricky.
[SISKO] Not if we time it right.
[DAX] Let's see. A radial geodesic in a thirty nine Cochrane warp field
contracts normal space at a rate of
[BASHIR] We have to go to full impulse one point three seconds before
the bomb detonates.
[SISKO] Dax?
[DAX] The computer agrees with Julian.
[GARAK] Of course it does. They think alike.
[DAX] Turning over piloting controls to the main computer. Set.
[SISKO] Time?
[DAX] Twenty two seconds until the explosion.
[NOG] Twenty-two seconds. That's plenty of time.
[BRIEN] See, Cadet? There was nothing to worry about.
(KaBOOM! goes the installation.)
[BRIEN] It must've gone off early.
[SISKO] Dax, get us out of here!
(Consoles explode as they get away on the edge of the shockwave.)
[GARAK] Well, not quite according to plan, but I'm sure Starfleet will
be quite satisfied with the results.
[SISKO] I agree, Mister Garak. Well done, old man. How bad is it, Chief?
[BRIEN] It doesn't look good. I'm going to have to switch to auxiliary
life support. Deflectors are down, guidance system's shot, and
[SISKO] And what?
[BRIEN] The core matrix is fried. We don't have warp drive.
[GARAK] Forgive my ignorance, but if we don't have warp drive, how long
is it going to take us to reach the closest Federation starbase?
[SISKO] A long time, Mister Garak.
[GARAK] How long?
[BASHIR] Seventeen years, two months, and three days. Give or take an
hour. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e122", "title": "A Time To Stand"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Rocks And Shoals
And Shoals
Original Airdate: 6 Oct, 1997
Captain's log, supplemental. O'Brien needed three days to restore main
power to our commandeered Dominion ship, but he's not going to get
them. Sensors have detected two Jem'Hadar fighters heading our way, and
without main power our chances of survival are slim to none.
(Jem'Hadar control room)
(Dax hits a control panel.)
[BRIEN] Try it now. Re-route the damned gyrodyne to the damned
thruster array.
[NOG] Got it.
[SISKO] Garak, where are those ships now?
[GARAK] Bearing three one zero mark two one five. Still closing.
[BRIEN] Nog, did you re-route the damned gyrodyne?
[NOG] I'm trying, but the damned thruster array won't take the input.
[BRIEN] Try the lateral impulse thrusters and watch your mouth. (to
Dax) Access the auxiliary core through the starboard engineering
[DAX] I've already tried that. Still no power to weapons or shields.
[SISKO] Dax, there's a dark matter nebula sixty degrees above the bow.
Can we reach it?
[DAX] Yes. But that nebula's never been charted. We don't know what's in
[GARAK] The Jem'Hadar ships are entering weapons' range.
[SISKO] Dax, get us into the nebula. Full impulse!
(But Dax's console blows up, throwing her back and bringing down a
[SISKO] Sisko to Bashir. Medical emergency.
[BRIEN] Helm control's gone.
(Our ship goes into the purple nebula, and the pursuers fly off.)
[BASHIR] Okay, all right. You'll be feeling better any second now. She's
got a puncture of the right abdominal cavity. It looks as though the
symbiont may have been injured.
[BRIEN] Sensors are gone. Impulse engines offline. In fact,
everything's offline. Emergency power's holding for now.
[SISKO] Mister Garak, take a look outside.
[GARAK] Just a moment.
[SISKO] Chief, what happened?
[BRIEN] I don't know. We must have been hit by some kind of
gravitational spike in the
[GARAK] Oh, no.
[SISKO] Mister Garak?
[GARAK] Hold on!
(They are falling through the atmosphere of a planet.)
(There be Jem'Hadar here on a cliff above a sandy
[SON] We have established a defence perimeter around the entrance
to the cavern. I have sent out two patrols to reconnoiter the shoreline
in both directions. The Vorta's condition has worsened. He will die
[KLAN] What about the First and the Second?
[SON] I vaporised their bodies myself, and redistributed their
equipment to the rest of the men. You are now the First.
[KLAN] No. I questioned the Vorta's orders. He will not forget
that. As long as he lives, I will remain Third.
[SON] You were right to question him. If he had not ordered us
into the nebula two days ago we would not have crashed.
[KLAN] It was not my place. Remember, Obedience Brings Victory.
[SON] And Victory is Life.
[KLAN] Until we re-establish communications, we will hold this
world for the Dominion.
[SON] And if we cannot re-establish communications?
[KLAN] Then we will hold this world for the Dominion until we
(Nog dog-paddles ashore and coughs water out of his
[GARAK] Cadet, this is no time to lie down on the job.
(Further along, a raft full of supplies and injured Trill is being
dragged ashore.)
[SISKO] Heave! One more now. Heave! All right. How is she?
[BASHIR] She's stable for now. Garak! I need a hand.
(The wrecked ship sinks in the bay. Bashir and Garak carry Dax away.)
[BRIEN] Oh, no.
[SISKO] What?
[BRIEN] I don't believe it!
[SISKO] What?
[BRIEN] I tore my pants.
[SISKO] You tore your pants?
(Hysteria sets in.)
[BRIEN] Yeah, I tore my pants. I guess, I guess I'm really in trouble
now, huh?
(Kira's quarters)
[COMPUTER] The time is zero five hundred hours.
(Kira gets up and dressed. The turbolift to work is full of Jem'Hadar
and Cardassians.
(Kira relieves a Cardassian at her console, and
another brings her a mug of drink.)
[KIRA] Thank you, Mavek.
(Jem'Hadar cavern)
(The Vorta is lying on a ledge as the Jem'Hadar
tend the camp fire.)
[KEEVAN] This must be quite gratifying for you. But I've decided not to
give you the pleasure of watching me die in this foul-smelling cavern.
I intend to live.
[KLAN] I understand.
[KEEVAN] How long until we re-establish communications?
[KLAN] Seventh Yak'Talon estimates that it will take at least ten
days before we can attempt a low-power test.
[KEEVAN] Ten days.
[KLAN] It is time for the White.
(The box is brought over and Keevan opens it.)
[KEEVAN] Third Remata'Klan, can you vouch for the loyalty of your men?
[KLAN] We pledge our loyalty to the Founders from now until
[KEEVAN] Then receive this reward from the Founders. May it keep you
(He hands over one vial.)
[SON] Only one?
[KLAN] Keep your place.
[KEEVAN] This case of White must last until we're rescued. At least ten
days, possibly more. I will ration the supply. Don't worry. I am the
Vorta. I will take care of you all.
(Starfleet cavern)
(A boulder is heated up by phaser fire in place of
a camp fire, with the wet clothes laid over it. Garak is assessing the
damage to O'Brien's uniform.)
[GARAK] Lucky for you, it ripped on the seam.
[BRIEN] Can you fix it?
[GARAK] Unlucky for you, my sewing kit went down with the ship.
[NEELEY] (Crewwoman) Maybe someone could go get it? The ship's only
about five hundred metres below the surface by now.
[BRIEN] How long can you hold your breath, Cadet?
[SISKO] Madam, your pants are ready. Your boots and vest will take a
little longer. While you wait, I might suggest that you browse through
the hotel's gift shop.
[DAX] No, thank you. But I would like to lodge a complaint. This bed is
as hard as a rock.
[SISKO] I will make a note of that. What's the prognosis?
[BASHIR] Guarded, but good. The bleeding's stopped and I've repaired all
the internal injuries. The damage to the symbiont is a little harder to
diagnose. Given enough rest, I think they'll both make a full recovery.
[DAX] In other words, I'm going to be staring at this cave ceiling for
the rest of my stay.
[SISKO] Lucky for you they have twenty four hour room service.
(Laughter hurts.)
[SISKO] I will get you out of here, old man. I promise.
[DAX] I'm going to hold you to that one, Benjamin.
(Nog and Garak are surveying the area. Nog is
keeping behind Garak at all times.)
[GARAK] What are you doing?
[NOG] Following orders. The Captain told us to scan the area for fresh
water and vegetation
[GARAK] You know precisely what I mean. You're deliberately staying
behind me and I want to know why. Does this have anything to do with
that unfortunate business between you and me last year?
[NOG] You tied me up and threatened to kill me.
[GARAK] There were extenuating circumstances.
[NOG] It happened. So you can either stay in front of me or walk beside
me, but I won't turn my back on you again.
[GARAK] Cadet, there may be hope for you yet.
(A few steps on, Garak's tricorder beeps.)
[NOG] What is it?
[GARAK] I'm not sure but
(Three Jem'Hadar unshroud.)
[GARAK] Now I'm sure.
(Jem'Hadar cavern)
[KEEVAN] How many others are there in your unit?
[NOG] Nog. Cadet Third Class. Serial Number CX dash nine three seven
[GARAK] Shut up. As I tried to explain to your men, my name is Kamar and
I'm a member of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau, what used to called
the Obsidian Order. A week ago, as I was performing my duties in the
glorious service of the Founders, I was captured by the USS Centaur. I
was held aboard one of their shuttles when we were forced
[KEEVAN] Excuse me, Mister Kamar, if that's really your name, but if
you're one of our allies, why were you wearing this?
(A Starfleet comm. badge.)
[GARAK] Ah. I was hoping you weren't going to ask me about that.
[KEEVAN] I only have one further question for you. Is there a doctor in
your unit?
[GARAK] Yes.
[NOG] Garak!
[KEEVAN] Don't be too hard on him, young man. He just saved your life.
Take them to a secure area. Third, I have a mission for you. I want you
to find the Starfleet unit. But do not engage them. Locate them, assess
their strength, and then report back to me.
[KLAN] I understand.
[KEEVAN] No, you don't. But that's all right. It's not important that
you understand, only that you carry out my instructions precisely.
[KLAN] Obedience Brings Victory.
[KEEVAN] Yes. Yes, it does. Go.
(Security office)
[JAKE] I understand that a decision's been made to
send four thousand Dominion facilitators down to Bajor. Would you care
to elaborate?
[KIRA] It's only four hundred and how did you hear about that? The
official announcement isn't scheduled until tomorrow.
[JAKE] I hear things. So could you elaborate? My readers want to know
what's going on.
[ODO] You don't have any readers. Weyoun is still blocking the
transmission of your stories.
[JAKE] For now. But what if he changes his mind? Don't you want to
explain what's going on here to the outside world?
[KIRA] Ever since the war started, Bajor's been completely cut off from
all outside trade. We've had nowhere to turn for things like spare
parts or medical supplies. Nowhere, except the Dominion. So a group of
Facilitators is going to Bajor for a few months to provide some
technical assistance.
[JAKE] How do you respond to critics like Vedek Yassim who say that by
welcoming a group of Vorta to Bajor you're taking the first step toward
Dominion occupation?
[ODO] I have been assured that the Facilitators will be unarmed and
unaccompanied by any Jem'Hadar soldiers.
[JAKE] Odo, do you have any concerns that by joining the Ruling Council
here on the station, you're validating the occupation?
[ODO] The Dominion doesn't need my validation. They're here and they're
not leaving. Not without a fight, at least.
[KIRA] Are you finished?
[JAKE] Almost, almost. Will either of you be attending the demonstration
[KIRA] The what?
[JAKE] Vedek Yassim has organised a demonstration on the Promenade
tomorrow afternoon to protest the Dominion occupation of the station.
[ODO] That's all the excuse Dukat will need to order a new security
[KIRA] I'll talk to Yassim.
[JAKE] So, you're going to abolish the right to protest here on the
station? Hey, I'm not trying to accuse you personally of anything. I'm
just asking questions.
[KIRA] I think this interview is over.
[ODO] I couldn't agree more.
(Kira leaves.)
[JAKE] Wrong question, Jake.
(Starfleet cavern)
[BRIEN] I might be able to hardwire one of our
comm. badges into this sensor array. That would give us a crude
transmitter, but no power source.
[SISKO] What about draining one of our phasers?
[BRIEN] I thought about that, but I'd need a converter to bridge the
two power cells, and I can't build a converter without an ion exchange
[GORDON] (crewman) Captain, I think we may have a problem. Garak and Nog
haven't reported in yet and they're not answering my hails.
[NEELEY] Captain, there's a group of lifeforms up on
the cliffs. Range seventy five metres, elevation thirty metres.
[SISKO] That's where I'd be. Are they Jem'Hadar?
[NEELEY] I think so.
[SISKO] Well, let's not make it easy for them. Tell the Chief to head
for that large outcropping of rocks at ten o'clock. Walk, not run.
(Neeley catches up with O'Brien.)
[NEELEY] Chief, we need to make for those rocks up ahead.
(Up behind the rocks, a Jem'Hadar is jittery from lack of White.)
[SON] I can't take it.
(He starts firing. Our people dive for cover and return fire.)
(Remata'Klan arrives.)
[KLAN] Terminate fire! Terminate!
(Limara'Son turns his weapon on a colleague.)
[SON] You have been ordered to stop firing!
[KLAN] Your orders were clear. You were not to engage the enemy.
Who fired first?
[SON] I did.
[KLAN] You are reduced to Sixth. You will shroud and return to
base camp.
[SON] I am no longer able to shroud myself.
(Another Jem'Hadar shakes his head.)
[KLAN] You, you. Provide suppression fire as we withdraw.
[SON] Understood.
[KLAN] Withdraw!
[SON] Remata'Klan, I regret my disobedience.
[BRIEN] Are they pulling out?
[SISKO] Looks that way.
[BRIEN] Why aren't they camouflaged?
[SISKO] That's a good question. Let's hope the answer is something in
our favour. Cease fire.
(Jem'Hadar cavern)
[KEEVAN] Why were my orders disobeyed?
[KLAN] Lack of White produces anxiety among us. One man could not
restrain himself when he saw the enemy.
[KEEVAN] Which man?
[KLAN] I have dealt with the matter.
[KEEVAN] I asked for his name.
[KLAN] He is my responsibility.
[KEEVAN] His name!
[KLAN] I may not be First, but I am the unit leader. You can
discipline me, but only I discipline the men. That is the order of
[KEEVAN] Very well. I'll leave him to you.
[KLAN] Dismissed.
[KEEVAN] You've done well, Third. You may yet become First. Now, I have
a new task for you.
(Kira's quarters)
[YASSIM] (older woman) The Dominion is evil, and the
Prophets tell us that evil must be opposed.
[KIRA] You'll get no argument from me there, Vedek. But protests and
demonstrations aren't going to change anything. They're just going to
cause trouble for everyone.
[YASSIM] Then what would you have us do to oppose the Dominion?
[KIRA] I don't think there's anything you or the other Vedeks can do
right now.
[YASSIM] I see. Then as a Bajoran liaison officer, what will you be
doing to fight the Dominion?
[KIRA] Fighting isn't an option. This is different than the Cardassian
[YASSIM] Is it? The Cardassians are in control of this station. Bajoran
freedoms are being curtailed one by one. And soon the first wave of
alien troops will be landing on our world.
[KIRA] We're talking about unarmed Vorta facilitators. They come in,
they do their job, and they're gone.
[YASSIM] Can't you see what is happening to you? You're becoming an
apologist for them, a defender of evil. What will it take to make you
act, Kira? To stop accepting them and start fighting back?
[KIRA] Vedek, you just don't understand.
[YASSIM] You are right. I don't. Maybe tomorrow we will both understand.
(Starfleet cavern)
[SISKO] We'll set up three defensive positions. You
and Ensign Gordon on the south ridge, Lieutenant Neeley near the lava
tube, Bashir and I are in the dunes.
[DAX] I'll stay here and guard my clothes.
[NEELEY (OC)] Neeley to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[NEELEY (OC)] A Jem'Hadar soldier has just approached my position, sir.
He says he wants to talk to you, alone.
(Starfleet cavern)
(Sisko sends her back out to guard.)
[SISKO] I'm Captain Benjamin Sisko.
[KLAN] Third Remata'Klan. Two members of your unit are being held
at our base camp. We'll exchange them for you and your doctor.
[SISKO] Why do you need a doctor?
[KLAN] The Vorta has been severely wounded.
[SISKO] And why me?
[KLAN] The Vorta wishes to speak with you.
[SISKO] Sounds like he wants to trade two low-ranking prisoners for two
more valuable ones. Would you make a deal like that?
[KLAN] No.
[SISKO] Then why should I?
[KLAN] You shouldn't.
[SISKO] You're not a very good negotiator, are you.
[KLAN] I was not sent to negotiate. I was instructed only to
deliver the terms.
[SISKO] I see. Well then, I want to talk to someone who can negotiate. I
want to speak with your First.
[KLAN] There is no First.
[SISKO] I take it there's no Second either.
[KLAN] I command the unit.
[SISKO] Under the Vorta. It must be hard for a soldier to take orders
from a Vorta.
[KLAN] The Vorta command the Jem'Hadar. That is the order of
[SISKO] Obedience Brings Victory. I was on a mission with the Jem'Hadar
once. Before the war, of course. They were good. Tough, professional.
It was an honour to serve with them. But their Vorta, he was something
different. Manipulative, treacherous, trusted by neither side. In the
end, he was killed by the Jem'Hadar First. Surprised?
[KLAN] Such things have been known to happen. But they are rare
and only occur in units that have lost discipline.
[SISKO] Oh, you mean like a unit marooned on the shores of a deserted
[KLAN] The Vorta has instructed me to give you his assurance that
neither you nor your Doctor will be harmed and you'll both be free to
leave at the end of your meeting. What is your response?
[SISKO] The word of a Vorta carries very little weight with me. Can I
have your assurance that we'll be free to go, Remata'Klan?
[KLAN] I have been ordered to let you go free after your meeting.
You can be assured that I will obey that order.
[SISKO] Very well. We'll make the trade in one hour.
[KLAN] Agreed.
(Remata'Klan leaves.)
[DAX] Sounded like you were actually getting through to him for a minute
[SISKO] You can't break through all that Dominion conditioning in just
one conversation.
[DAX] Do you really think you can turn him against his Vorta?
[SISKO] I don't know. But there were at least seven Jem'Hadar soldiers
up on that ridge this morning. Say at least two more at their
base camp guarding the prisoners and their Vorta. Without Nog and
Mister Garak on our side, that gives them almost a two to one
[DAX] I think I'd like to check out now.
[SISKO] So would I, old man.
[KLAN] You may go.
(Garak and Nog set off as Sisko and Bashir approach.)
[GARAK] Now don't get too far ahead, Nog. We don't want to startle
anyone. Ah, good afternoon, Captain. Doctor.
[SISKO] Are you two all right?
[GARAK] Perfect. How are you?
[BASHIR] I've felt better.
(Outside the Shrine)
[KIRA] Anything yet?
[ODO] Not yet. There are two Vedeks inside, but we've seen no indication
they intend to leave the shrine.
[KIRA] What about Yassim?
[ODO] She hasn't shown up.
[KIRA] Let's hope she doesn't. The last thing I want to do is start
arresting Bajoran civilians here on the Promenade.
(Jake arrives with his PADD.)
[KIRA] I don't think there's going to be any story here for you today,
[JAKE] You sure? I got a message from Vedek Yassim saying the protest
was starting at exactly fourteen hundred.
[KIRA] Well, it certainly doesn't look like it.
[MAN (OC)] What's she doing?
(Yassim is standing on the upper level, on the wrong side of the rail,
a rope around her neck tied to the railing.)
[YASSIM] Evil must be opposed.
(And she steps into the air.)
(Jem'Hadar cavern)
(Bashir goes straight to Keevan and starts scanning
whilst lifting the bandages around his middle.)
[KEEVAN] Captain Sisko, my name is Keevan. We have a lot to talk about.
[BASHIR] Not for a while, you don't. He needs immediate surgery.
[SISKO] Now?
[BASHIR] I don't think I have any choice.
(The Jem'Hadar push forward.)
[BASHIR] I am a doctor. I'm not going to harm him.
[KEEVAN] They're not here to protect me. They've just never seen what
the inside of a Vorta looks like.
(Kira's quarters)
(Kira is already awake, if she ever slept last
[COMPUTER] The time is zero five hundred hours.
(Again the packed commuter turbolift.)
[KIRA] Thank you, Mavek.
(She is about to take a drink when she looks around at the Jem'Hadar
and Cardassians she is working with, and leaves.)
(Jem'Hadar cavern)
(Surgery is complete.)
[SISKO] How was the show?
[KLAN] Informative.
[KEEVAN] Ah, I am alive.
[BASHIR] No self-diagnoses, please. I'm the doctor here. Your internal
haemorrhaging has stopped, your free collagen levels are dropping,
tissue growth factors have stabilised nicely and there's a fifty
percent rise in cell oxygenation. You are alive. Careful. Your insides
are being held together by cellular micro-sutures and a lot of hope.
[KEEVAN] Leave us, and take your men with you.
(The Jem'Hadar leave.)
[KEEVAN] May I have that case, please?
(Bashir brings the Ketracel White box.)
[KEEVAN] There are ten Jem'Hadar soldiers on this planet, Captain.
(Keevan opens the box.)
[KEEVAN] And that is the only vial of Ketracel White we have left. When
it's gone, my hold over them will be broken and they'll become nothing
more than senseless, violent animals. They'll kill everyone they can.
Me, you, the rest of your men, and finally turn on each other.
[SISKO] Why are you telling us this?
[KEEVAN] I'm ordering the Jem'Hadar to attack your base camp in the
morning. But I will provide you with their precise plan of attack. You
should be able to kill them all.
[BASHIR] They're your own men.
[SISKO] You still haven't answered my question. Why are you doing this?
[KEEVAN] That's a communications system. It needs repair, but I'm
willing to bet that you've brought one of those famed Starfleet
engineers who can turn rocks into replicators. He should have a lot
more success at repairing it than a Jem'Hadar suffering from
withdrawal. Once you've take care of the Jem'Hadar, I'll give you the
comm. system and surrender to you as a prisoner of war.
[BASHIR] And you spend the war resting comfortably as a Starfleet POW
while your men lie rotting on this planet.
[KEEVAN] I see we understand each other. I'm going to order the
Jem'Hadar to attack your position tomorrow regardless of whether you
agree to my terms or not. So you can either kill them or they'll kill
you. Either way, they're coming.
(Starfleet cavern)
(Sisko draws the map in the sand.)
[SISKO] And when they've reached this point, we'll have them in a
[GORDON] They won't have a chance.
[GARAK] That is the point. In case, you've forgotten we're in a war.
[BRIEN] There are rules, Garak, even in a war.
[GARAK] Correction. Humans have rules in war. Rules that tend to make
victory a little harder to achieve, in my opinion.
[GORDON] So we just shoot them down?
[NEELEY] They wouldn't hesitate if the situation was reversed.
[NOG] But we're not the Jem'Hadar. It is our duty to
[SISKO] This isn't a vote. The decision's mine. And Mister Garak is
right. We are at war. Given the choice between us or them, there is no
choice. Let's move out.
[DAX] I'd say good luck, but I don't think you're going to need it.
[SISKO] Say it anyway, old man. I'm still hoping there's another way out
of this.
[DAX] In that case, good luck, Benjamin.
(Promenade - upper level)
[ODO] Damar has been trying to contact you for the
past five hours.
[KIRA] I keep going over it and over it in my mind, and I can't believe
that I stood down there ready to use force to stop a protest against
the Dominion. Me. When I was in the Resistance I despised people like
me. I'm a collaborator, Odo.
[ODO] That's not true. You're doing exactly what Captain Sisko wanted
you and the rest of Bajor to do. Remain neutral and stay out of the
[KIRA] We used to have a saying in the Resistance. If you're not
fighting them, you're helping them. Half the Alpha Quadrant is out
there right now, fighting for my freedom, but not me. What am I doing?
Eating a full meal every day, sleeping in a soft bed, I even write
reports for the murderers who run this station.
[ODO] This are difficult times for everyone. Do you think it's easy for
me to sit down with Dukat and Weyoun every day while they plot the
destruction of the Federation?
[KIRA] Odo, I'm not pointing a finger at you. I'm the one who told you
to get more involved in the first place. No, this is about me. This is
about being able get up in the morning and look in the mirror every
morning and not feel nauseated by what I see. Yassim was right. I have
to do something. I have to start to fight back.
[ODO] That would be a mistake. Active resistance will trigger a
[KIRA] Odo, I don't want to end up fighting you, too, but if I have to,
I will.
[ODO] All right. But let's find a more discreet place to plan the new
(The Jem'Hadar are walking into the trap.)
[SISKO] Remata'Klan! I want to talk!
[KLAN] Agreed! Hold this position. Do not fire unless they do.
[SON] Understood.
(Sisko and Remata'Klan meet.)
[SISKO] There's no way out of this canyon and we have phasers locked on
every one of you.
[KLAN] It appears you have a decisive advantage.
[SISKO] To fight a battle under these circumstances would serve no
purpose. I'm prepared to offer terms. Hear me out. I know that need
more Ketracel White. My doctor can sedate your men and keep them alive
until we're rescued. After that, we can put you into medical stasis
until we secure a new supply.
[KLAN] The Vorta did not give me the option to surrender.
[SISKO] Keevan's betrayed you! He gave us your entire plan of attack
last night.
[KLAN] It was obvious that approaching your position from this
canyon was a deliberate tactical error on his part.
[SISKO] You knew?
[KLAN] I suspected. Despite what Keevan may think, the Jem'Hadar
are often one step ahead of the Vorta.
[SISKO] You can still stay one step ahead. Surrender.
[KLAN] I have my orders.
[SISKO] Keevan doesn't deserve the unwavering loyalty you're giving him.
[KLAN] He does not have to earn my loyalty, Captain. He has had
it from the moment I was conceived. I am a Jem'Hadar. He is a Vorta. It
is the order of things.
[SISKO] Do you really want to give up your life for the order of things?
[KLAN] It is not my life to give up, Captain. And it never was.
(Each returns to his men.)
[BRIEN] What did he say?
[SISKO] All the wrong things.
[KLAN] Our death is glory to the Founders.)
(The Jem'Hadar run forward, firing, leaving themselves easy targets.
It's over in seconds, but Gordon is also dead.)
[BRIEN] Captain?
(The Vorta has arrived carrying the comm. unit.)
[KEEVAN] You know, Captain, if I'd had just two more vials of White you
never would have had a chance.
[SISKO] Chief, get this. Take him back to base camp and then get to work
on that comm. system.
[BRIEN] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] Lieutenant Neeley.
[SISKO] Form a burial detail.
[NEELEY] Aye, sir. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e123", "title": "Rocks And Shoals"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Sons And Daughters
And Daughters
Original Airdate: 13 Oct, 1997
- Worf's quarters)
(Dax and Worf are having a passionate encounter.)
[SISKO (OC)] Sisko to Dax.
[DAX] Yes, Captain.
[SISKO (OC)] We arrive at Starbase three seven five in five minutes.
[DAX] I'll meet you in the transporter room. Dax out. Oh, now that's
what I call really bad timing. I have to go.
[WORF] Jadzia, there is just one more thing
[DAX] As long as it's not about the wedding.
[WORF] When we exchange vows, you must remember to present your d'k tahg
to General Martok as a formal request for him to accept you into our
[DAX] But I don't want to join his House.
[WORF] What?
[DAX] I don't want to get caught up in all those blood feuds. Every time
a member of the House of Martok gets dishonoured or killed, I'll have
to drop whatever I'm doing and rush off on some quest for vengeance.
It's boring, Worf.
[WORF] If you refuse, it will be a grave dishonour. General Martok will
not understand.
[DAX] Worf, I'm joking.
[WORF] So you will join our House?
[DAX] Of course I will.
[WORF] I can see our lives together will not be easy.
[DAX] True. But they'll be fun.
(Rotarran Bridge)
[MARTOK] This is General Martok of the IKS.
Rotarran, requesting permission to dock.
[STARFLEET (OC)] General, you're cleared for docking at bay eleven.
[BASHIR] Thank God.
[BRIEN] I never thought I'd miss Starfleet field rations. Give me some
freeze-dried peaches, or some powdered carrots, anything so long as it
isn't moving.
[BASHIR] It's not the food, it's the singing.
[BRIEN] Till all hours of the night.
[BASHIR] If I'd have to listen to another ballad about the honoured
dead, I'll go stark raving mad.
[STARFLEET (OC)] Captain Sisko, Admiral Ross extends his compliments for
a job well done and requests that you and your senior staff beam to his
conference room for debriefing immediately.
[SISKO] Tell the Admiral we're on our way.
[STARFLEET (OC)] Starbase out.
[SISKO] Once again, thank you for rescuing us, General.
[MARTOK] Try not to get too comfortable lounging around the starbase. We
need you back in the fight.
[SISKO] Are you a betting man, General?
[MARTOK] One of my many pleasures.
[SISKO] Then a barrel of bloodwine says that I set foot on Deep Space
Nine before you do.
[MARTOK] Done.
(Rotarran Mess hall)
[WORF] General, I've just received word the
reinforcements from the Vor'nak are here.
[MARTOK] Good. Look at this. Barely moving. I'd give my good eye for a
plate of fresh gagh. How many replacements?
[WORF] Five.
[MARTOK] Five? I requested fifteen.
[WORF] General Tanas could only give us five.
[MARTOK] We keep falling back. The Dominion keeps pushing forward. I
tell you, Worf, war is much more fun when you're winning. Defeats make
my wounds ache. Ah, the replacements.
(Two teenagers, two women and a pensioner.)
[MARTOK] I am General Martok. Welcome to the Rotarran. May you prove
worthy of this ship and bring honour to her name. This is a glorious
moment in the history of the Empire, a chapter that will be written
with your blood. Fight well, and our people will sing your praises for
a thousand years. Fail, and there will be no more songs, no more
honour, no more Empire. Who among you hears the cry of the warrior
calling you to glory?
[ALL] Qapla'!
[WORF] Who offers their life for the Empire?
[GAREN] N'Garen, daughter of Tse'Dek!
[KATOGH] Katogh, son of Ch'Pok!
[KOTH] Koth, son of Larna!
[DORAN] Doran, daughter of W'Mar!
[ALEXANDER] Alexander Rozhenko.
[WORF] Alexander.
[MARTOK] Rozhenko? Of what house is Rozhenko?
[ALEXANDER] Of no House, sir. My honour will be my own.
[MARTOK] Well, there will be plenty of honour for the taking on this
ship. Enough for all of you. I accept your lives into my hands. Glory
to you and to the Empire!
[WORF] Yih-Ghom-HAH!
(The new crew file out.)
[MARTOK] This Alexander Rozhenko, you know him?
[WORF] He is my son.
(Quark's cafe)
[KIRA] The next thing we need is a secure way to
communicate with our contacts on Bajor.
[ODO] The Cardassians are extremely adept at locating the source of any
illicit subspace transmission.
[KIRA] Well, we'll just have to be smarter than they are.
[JAKE] Hi. Mind if I join you?
[ODO] You already have.
[JAKE] I want in.
[ODO] In on what?
[JAKE] Your resistance cell.
[KIRA] What cell?
[JAKE] Come on, Major. I have my sources.
[ODO] How reassuring.
[JAKE] I can help.
[ODO] How?
[JAKE] As a reporter, I hear things. People talk to me.
[KIRA] About what?
[JAKE] Major, all I'm asking for is a chance.
[QUARK] It's time, Major.
[KIRA] Already?
[QUARK] Fourteen fifty seven hours. The shuttle will be docking in three
[KIRA] I better get going. Don't want to keep him waiting.
[JAKE] I see Gul Dukat's still having you meet him every time he returns
to the station. Like I said, I hear things.
[QUARK] Shouldn't you be wearing your dress uniform? (gets a Look) You
look lovely just the way you are.
(Kira leaves)
[JAKE] So, am I in or not?
(Odo leaves)
[QUARK] You don't want to get involved in this, but if you are looking
for something to do, I could use another waiter.
[DUKAT] Ah, Major Kira. So good to see you again.
[DAMAR] You're out of uniform, Major. Bajorans could use a lesson in
[DUKAT] Damar, please. This is a happy occasion. Let's not spoil it. I
have a surprise for you.
[ZIYAL] Nerys!
KIRA Ziyal!
(They hug.)
[ZIYAL] I am so glad to see you.
[KIRA] What are you doing here? You're supposed to be on Bajor.
[DUKAT] I talked her into taking a little sabbatical from the
[KIRA] Talked her into it?
[ZIYAL] It didn't take much convincing. Why don't you and I have dinner
tonight, and I'll tell you all about it.
[KIRA] All right.
[DUKAT] Splendid! We'll dine in my quarters at twenty two hundred hours.
[KIRA] Wait a minute, I didn't
[ZIYAL] I can't tell you how much I've missed you.
[DUKAT] Come along, Ziyal.
[ZIYAL] I'll see you tonight.
[KIRA] All right.
(Rotarran Ready room)
[WORF] You sent for me, General.
[MARTOK] Orders at last. We are to escort a convoy to Donatu Five.
[WORF] The last three convoys that were sent there were destroyed by the
[MARTOK] Which is why this one must get through.
[WORF] How many ships will form the escort?
[MARTOK] The Rotarran is all the High Council can spare. A vital
mission, impossible odds and a ruthless enemy. What more could we ask
for? I tell you Worf, I feel young again. Here is the briefing. Start
battle drills immediately. Train them hard.
[WORF] By the time we join the convoy, they will have the reflexes of a
Norpin falcon.
[MARTOK] I expect nothing less. Worf, one moment.
[MARTOK] We have shed blood together, escaped from a Jem'Hadar prison
together. You have pledged yourself and your life to my House. Yet in
all this time, you have never once mentioned that you had a son.
[WORF] It is a difficult subject to discuss.
[MARTOK] That much is obvious.
[WORF] Alexander and I were never close. His mother was only
half-Klingon and was disdainful of our ways.
[MARTOK] I see. So you allowed her to raise the boy.
[WORF] No, General. She was killed when he was very young. He spent a
short time with me aboard the Enterprise, but after that I sent him to
live with my foster parents on Earth.
[WORF] He showed no interest in becoming a warrior. It was difficult,
but I learned to accept it and, in time, encouraged him to follow his
own path.
[MARTOK] Then why has he joined the Klingon Defence Forces?
[WORF] I do not know. I have not spoken with him.
[MARTOK] This is not good, my friend. When a father and son do not
speak, it means there's trouble between them.
[WORF] General, I prefer to handle this my own way.
[MARTOK] Then do so.
(Rotarran - Worf's quarters)
(Worf is looking at a picture of him and Alexander
in the Enterprise days when the doorbell
[WORF] Enter.
[ALEXANDER] Bekk Alexander Rozhenko reporting as ordered, sir.
[WORF] You have grown.
[ALEXANDER] So I've been told.
[WORF] How are your grandparents?
[ALEXANDER] Your parents were in good health when I last saw them.
[WORF] Do they know you are here?
[ALEXANDER] They weren't pleased about my decision, but when they
realised I was determined to enlist they supported me as they always
[WORF] I know we have not seen each other for some time, but let us talk
as father and son.
[ALEXANDER] I am not here to call you father. I am here to serve the
[WORF] Serving the Empire was not one of your priorities when last we
[ALEXANDER] As you say, that was some time ago.
[WORF] Did you think enlisting would please me?
[ALEXANDER] Pleasing you did not enter into my decision. With all due
respect, sir , does this conversation have any bearing on my duties
aboard this ship?
[WORF] Stop pretending to be a warrior. We both know you do not belong
here. You heard what I expect from the rest of the crew. Twice that I
expect from you. Do we understand each other?
[ALEXANDER] Perfectly.
[WORF] You may go.
(Dukat's quarters)
(Best china and crystal for dinner.)
[ZIYAL] Come in. Nerys, you're early. I've just started the ramufta.
[KIRA] Ziyal, I'm not having dinner with you tonight.
[ZIYAL] Oh. It's because of my father, isn't it?
[KIRA] That's right.
[ZIYAL] I thought you might change your mind. I was hoping I was wrong.
[KIRA] Ziyal, what are you doing back on the station?
[ZIYAL] Please don't be upset with me. I know how hard you worked to
arrange things for me on Bajor. I tried, I really tried.
[KIRA] I'm not upset with you. I'm a little confused. What happened?
[ZIYAL] It wasn't any one thing. The students at the university,
everybody was polite. But then I'd see them whispering in the hallways,
staring at me. I'm the daughter of Gul Dukat. My father is leading a
war against the Emissary of the Prophets. I don't know what made me
think I belonged there. This station is the closest thing I have to a
home. You're here. My father is here.
[KIRA] But the last time you defied him, he left you here to die.
[ZIYAL] We talked about that. He admits he overreacted, but family
loyalty is important to my father and he felt I betrayed him.
[KIRA] You betrayed him? I think it's the other way around.
[ZIYAL] He misses me, and I've missed him. I have to give him a chance.
He's all I have except for you. I was hoping you would have dinner with
us tonight because there's something special I wanted to share with
both of you. But I guess that's impossible.
[KIRA] All right, I'll be here. But I won't guarantee it's going to be
any fun.
[ZIYAL] I promise my father will behave.
(Rotarran Mess hall)
(As the Rotarran arrives at the convoy.)
[ALEXANDER] Is this seat taken?
[TARGH] Alexander Rozhenko. We were holding it just for you.
[ALEXANDER] I am honoured.
[TARGH] The honour is ours. (dusts the seat) Please. Bregit lung. An
excellent choice. Would you care for some grapok sauce?
[ALEXANDER] No, thank you.
[TARGH] Oh, you must try some. It brings out the flavour.
(And pours the whole bottle onto Alexander's food.)
[ALEXANDER] That's enough, thank you.
[TARGH] Some bloodwine to wash it down?
[ALEXANDER] Why are you laughing?
[TARGH] Or perhaps the son of our illustrious First Officer would
prefer an Earth beverage. A glass of root beer with a lump of ice
(Everyone is in hysterics.)
[ALEXANDER] Are you mocking me?
[TARGH] Now why would I mock you, son of Worf?
[ALEXANDER] I am called Rozhenko.
[TARGH] I will call you whatever I please and you will learn to like
(Alexander gets up.)
[TARGH] Does the son of Starfleet's finest think he is too good to
eat with us?
[ALEXANDER] No. Have some lung.
(Alexander pushes his plate into Ch'Targh's face, sending him flying
[TARGH] I do not like your smile. Perhaps I will cut you a new one.
(Knife fight, but Alexander is nervous and unskilled)
[TARGH] He fights like a Ferengi.
(Worf enters and the crowd goes quiet. Alexander gets lucky and cuts
Ch'Targh's arm.)
[TARGH] Shakk-TAH!
(Ch'Targh leads him in then knocks him flying into the wall.)
[TARGH] Your combat training has been sadly neglected, little one. I
will teach you a new lesson.
One you will not soon forget.
(Worf takes Ch'Targh's arm.)
[WORF] Enough.
(Ch'Targh struggles so Worf knocks him down.)
[ALEXANDER] You have no right to interfere!
[WORF] You will both report to the medical ward immediately. And when
they have finished with you, you will remain in quarters until your
next watch. The rest of you, back to your stations. Now!
[TARGH] Are you going to fight the Jem'Hadar for him as well?
(Dukat's quarters)
(Looking at a simple, elegant drawing of a flower.)
[ZIYAL] Vedek Nane taught me to focus intently on the image that I want
to evoke, to allow it to fully form in my mind before I even pick up
the brush. Well, what do you think?
[KIRA] They're very good.
[ZIYAL] You think so?
[KIRA] They remind me of Vedek Topek's early work.
[DUKAT] How ironic. I was about to say that they're similar in style to
Nanpart Malor, the founder of the Valonnan school on Cardassia.
[ZIYAL] The director of the Cardassian Institute of Art said the same
[DUKAT] You spoke with the director?
[ZIYAL] I sent him some of my drawings.
[DUKAT] You should have told me, Ziyal. I could have arranged for you to
meet him in person.
[ZIYAL] I know. I wanted to do this on my own. He said I have a real
gift. The Institute is having an exhibition of new artists next month.
He might want to include my work.
[DUKAT] Wonderful!
[ZIYAL] It's a chance to show that both Bajorans and Cardassians look at
the universe the same way. That's what I want to do with my work, bring
people together. I guess it sounds a little silly.
[DUKAT] On the contrary, my dear. You're quite eloquent.
[ZIYAL] Are you ready for dessert?
[DUKAT] Yes.
[KIRA] I'm not going anywhere.
[ZIYAL] Good.
(Ziyal leaves them together.)
[KIRA] I don't believe the change. I have never seen her so
[DUKAT] Happy? Neither have I, Major.
[KIRA] She's finally found something, a talent, a direction.
[DUKAT] I'm reluctant to admit it but you were right to send her to
[KIRA] I'm glad it worked out.
[DUKAT] We seldom see eye to eye, Major, but I know you care about my
daughter, and for that, I'm grateful.
(Rotarran Ready room)
(Under cloak.)
[MARTOK] There's only one thing I hate about convoy duty. It's the
waiting. You'd think after all these years I'd be used to it. But
nothing breaks the tension better than a tankard of warnog. Except
maybe a good brawl.
[WORF] You heard about the fight in the mess hall.
[MARTOK] Yes, but not from my First Officer. I lost him the moment his
son stepped aboard this ship.
[WORF] You think I acted improperly.
[MARTOK] It is not an easy thing to stand aside and watch someone injure
your son.
[WORF] Alexander was no match for Ch'Targh. He would have killed the
[MARTOK] Ch'Targh might have cut him a little and maybe broken a few
bones, but nothing more. You told me Alexander never wanted to be a
warrior. Clearly he has changed his mind. Worf, you are his First
Officer. Teach him to survive. The Jem'Hadar will be less forgiving
than Ch'Targh.
[COMM (OC)] Battle stations. Alert status one. Captain to the bridge.
(Rotarran Bridge)
[MARTOK] Report.
[ALEXANDER] Jem'Hadar attack ship bearing one seven zero mark zero four
five. Estimated weapons range in twenty two seconds.
[MARTOK] On screen. (blank) Where is it?
[GAREN] I have no target on my sensors. Switching to manual.
[WORF] Reroute primary sensors to weapons control.
[ALEXANDER] Aye, sir. The Jem'Hadar has launched two torpedoes.
[WORF] At us or the convoy?
[ALEXANDER] At us. Impact in ten seconds.
[MARTOK] Drop cloak, raise shields. Evasive action.
[ALEXANDER] Torpedoes still locked onto us. They will hit in four
seconds. Three.
[MARTOK] Brace for impact.
[ALEXANDER] Two, one.
(Nothing happens. Worf checks a console.)
[WORF] Reinitialise primary sensors.
[ALEXANDER] Sensors reinitialised. The Jem'Hadar ship is gone!
[WORF] Of course it is gone. You forgot to erase the battle simulation
programme from the sensor display.
[MARTOK] Stand down from alert status. Resume course. Reactivate cloak.
[TARGH] Keep a close watch. There may be more hostile simulation
programmes out there.
(The crew laugh. Worf starts forward but Martok stops him.)
[MARTOK] Wait. He'll never make that mistake again. It's better that we
should be too ready than not ready enough.
[TARGH] At least you're keeping us on our toes.
[MARTOK] You see, they have accepted him.
[WORF] They have accepted him as the ship's fool.
(Dukat is enjoying the sound of his own voice to an
audience of Bajoran and Cardassian officials.)
[DUKAT] In closing, let me emphasise again that Cardassia's gift of
fifteen industrial replicators to Bajor ushers in a new age of
cooperation and understanding between our two peoples. Hand in hand,
we'll march into a new era of peace and prosperity as Dominion allies.
(polite applause) Thank you, thank you. That will be all. Ah, Major
Kira, may I have a word with you, please? Have you heard? The
Cardassian Institute of Art has decided to exhibit three of Ziyal's
[KIRA] Really? Oh, that's wonderful. She must be excited.
[DUKAT] I'm hosting a celebration for her in my quarters tonight. I hope
you'll join us.
[KIRA] What time?
[DUKAT] Twenty one thirty. Unless I'm unavoidably delayed.
[KIRA] Ah, the busy life of an interstellar despot.
(Rotarran Training room)
[WORF] This is a kar'takin, a weapon favoured by the
Jem'Hadar. Defend yourself.
(A straight blade on a short pole, like a pike. Alexander is using a
[WORF] No, that is not the proper grip. The thumbs must be opposed so
that twisting motions will not
[ALEXANDER] I understand.
[WORF] Then proceed.
(The metal clashes.)
[WORF] No. Do not try to shove my blade away. Deflect it and then use
your momentum to counter.
[WORF] Then do it.
(Another clash.)
[WORF] No. Do not try to fight force with force. You will lose every
((Alexander's bat'leth goes flying across the room.)
[WORF] What did I tell you? Well, pick it up! If you had kept practicing
what I taught you when you were a boy this would be second nature to
you by now.
(Alexander swings at Worf, and they go at it briefly before Alexander
is disarmed again.)
[WORF] What is wrong with you?
[ALEXANDER] I knew it would be like this.
[WORF] Like what?
[ALEXANDER] You must be pleased. Now you can tell me what a failure I am
as a Klingon.
[WORF] Alexander
[ALEXANDER] Or are you just going to send me away again?
[WORF] We are not playing in holosuites now. This is war. The Jem'Hadar
will cut you to pieces.
[ALEXANDER] Then I will be dead and you will be happy. Now leave me
(Kira's quarters)
[KIRA] Come in.
(Damar bearing a gift.)
[KIRA] What do you want?
[DAMAR] From Gul Dukat. For some reason he thought you would enjoy
having me deliver it to you.
[KIRA] What is it?
[DAMAR] A gift. For the party tonight.
(Damar leaves. The package holds a lovely, simple evening gown.)
[KIRA] What the hell am I doing?
(Dukat's quarters)
(Dukat is admiring Ziyal's drawings when Kira rings
the doorbell.)
[DUKAT] Come in. Ah, Major Kira, what a pleasant surprise. Come in, come
(Kira drops the package on a table.)
[DUKAT] You don't like the dress?
[KIRA] The dress is fine. I don't like you.
[DUKAT] Major, that's just not true. There's a bond between us.
[KIRA] No. Only in your mind. You're an opportunistic, power hungry
dictator and I want nothing more to do with you.
[DUKAT] Ziyal would be very disappointed to hear you say that.
[KIRA] She'll get over it.
[DUKAT] Please, Nerys, let's sit down, We'll talk about it.
[KIRA] No, we won't.
[DUKAT] Nerys. Nerys!
(Kira leaves and Ziyal come in from another room.)
[ZIYAL] Who was that?
[DUKAT] A delivery. It's a little something for you to wear to the party
tonight. Do you like it?
[ZIYAL] It's beautiful! You can be so thoughtful.
[DUKAT] I try.
(Rotarran Training room)
(Alexander is practising alone, and still managing
to drop his bat'leth, when Martok enters.)
[MARTOK] Continue.
(Alexander tries the 'passing from hand to hand' movement, and the
bat'leth goes flying again. Martok picks it up.)
[MARTOK] Fine blade, well balanced. But in the end, it is only as good
as the warrior who wields it.
[ALEXANDER] I need more practice.
[MARTOK] Tell me, Alexander Rozhenko. Why are you on my ship?
[ALEXANDER] To serve the Empire, General.
[MARTOK] That is a slogan, not an answer. Say what is in your heart.
[ALEXANDER] Do you ask every new crewman this question?
[MARTOK] I have no need to. I look in their faces and I know why they
are here. They are Klingon warriors. They have answered the call of
[ALEXANDER] Well, so have I.
[MARTOK] Lie to yourself if you must, but not to me. You do not hear the
warriors' call. I ask again, why are you here?
[ALEXANDER] I'd rather not say.
[MARTOK] What?
[ALEXANDER] It's a private matter.
[MARTOK] You're as tight lipped as your father.
[ALEXANDER] I am nothing like him.
[MARTOK] Both stubborn, tiresome qu'vatlh. The only difference is I need
him. I do not need you.
[ALEXANDER] All I ask is a chance to prove myself.
[MARTOK] I just gave you one and you failed. Your father has requested
that you be transferred off this ship.
[ALEXANDER] He has no right.
[MARTOK] He has every right, both as your superior officer and as your
father. At twenty three seventeen, you will transport to the cargo
vessel Par'tok. Collect your gear. Now.
(Rotarran Mess hall)
(Alexander stabs his dagger into the table by
Worf's plate.)
[WORF] You are fortunate that I am your father. If you had challenged
anyone else in that manner, you would be dead right now.
[ALEXANDER] If you want me off this ship you're going to have to kill
[WORF] Alexander, I do not want to hurt you. I want to help you.
[ALEXANDER] By getting rid of me? All you've ever done my whole life is
send me away.
[WORF] I am a Klingon warrior. I lead a warrior's life. That is not the
path for you. You told me this yourself. And I have come to accept it.
[ALEXANDER] You call yourself my father but you haven't tried to see me
or talk to me in five years. I wasn't the kind of son you wanted so you
pretended that you had no son. You never accepted me. You abandoned me.
[MARTOK (OC)] Battle stations. Alert status one.
(Rotarran Bridge)
(KaBOOM goes a Jem'Hadar ship as another attacks
the Rotarran from astern.)
[ALEXANDER] Aft thruster compartment fire now contained. Shields at
sixty percent.
[GAREN] ELN and TRC offline.
[MARTOK] And the Jem'Hadar?
[ALEXANDER] Which one, sir?
[WORF] The one shooting at us!
[ALEXANDER] His aft shields are down to twenty-five, no twenty percent
and he's losing antiprotons from his starboard nacelle.
[MARTOK] Weapons, lock onto that nacelle. Fire at will. Full pattern.
(Alexander's console blows up in his face. Ch'Targh looks shocked.)
[GAREN] We've lost target lock. Switching to manual.
[MARTOK] Helm, bring us to three one seven mark zero four five. Weapons,
can you hit him?
[GAREN] Negative. He's out of range.
[ALEXANDER] We've lost internal communications.
[MARTOK] Come to course zero two zero mark seven
[ALEXANDER] There's plasma venting from the primary impulse injector on
deck five. Subspace
transceiver array offline.
[MARTOK] Worf, get that plasma leak under control before we lose that
entire deck!
(Another console explodes, another Klingon is down.)
[MARTOK] Status.
[GAREN] Impulse injector temperature approaching critical. Injector
breach imminent.
[ALEXANDER] I can seal the leak. I'm of no use to you here.
[TARGH] I will go with him. It will take at least two of us to secure
the injector before it explodes.
[WORF] Go.
(Alexander and Ch'Targh leave.)
[MARTOK] Engineering, reroute all auxiliary power to the disrupters.
Disengage overload suppressor. Worf, put us off the Jem'Hadar's
starboard quarter. Weapons, continue to target his damaged nacelle.
(Finally, the nacelle is blown off and KaBOOM!)
[MARTOK] Helm, on my command, reduce impulse power to one third. Bring
us to course three five five mark zero nine zero. Weapons, be ready for
him to pass in front of us.
[WORF] Course laid in.
[GAREN] Weapons standing by.
[MARTOK] Well done.
[WORF] Captain. Permission to leave the bridge.
[MARTOK] Go. Stand down from alert status. N'Garen, take the helm.
(Rotarran Corridor)
[WORF] Report.
[TARGH] We sealed the impulse injector, Commander.
[WORF] Where's my son?
[TARGH] Trapped in that corridor, sir. After we secured the injector,
I sent him in there to put away the tools and somehow he tripped the
emergency lockdown. We are trying to override it now.
(The bulkhead slides aside and out Alexander comes, coughing.)
[WORF] You locked yourself in?
[ALEXANDER] Yes, sir.
(The crew laugh until Worf looks at them. Then he puts his hand on
Alexander's shoulder.)
[WORF] Come.
[ZIYAL] Nerys. You didn't come to the party last
[KIRA] I'm sorry. I couldn't. I think you know why.
[ZIYAL] Please don't ask me to choose between you.
[KIRA] I'm not. There's no choice. He's your father.
(Rotarran - Worf's quarters)
[WORF] I cannot change the mistakes I have made, but
from this day forward, I promise will stand with you.
[ALEXANDER] We'll see if you mean It.
[WORF] Yes, we will. What you are about to do entails a grave
obligation. Do not accept it lightly.
[ALEXANDER] I understand and I accept.
[WORF] Good. I will teach you what you need to know to be a warrior, and
you will teach me what I need to know to be a father. Come.
(Rotarran Ready room)
(Lots of big fat candles. Martok takes his House
insignia from a box and puts it into a bowl.)
[MARTOK] Martok degh, to-Duj degh, bat-LEH degh, mat-LEH degh.
[WORF] Martok degh.
[WORF] Alexander, vih-nob dok-tog.
(Alexander offers Martok his dagger. Martok uses it to draw blood from
his own palm, then mixes it with oil in the bowl and sets fire to it.)
[ALEXANDER] Mat-LEH gih-Hegh.
(Alexander picks up the insignia, looks at it then puts it on his left
[MARTOK] Welcome to the House of Martok, Alexander, son of Worf. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e124", "title": "Sons And Daughters"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Behind The Lines
The Lines
Original Airdate: 20 Oct, 1997
Captain's log, stardate 51145.3. The Defiant has been operating out of
Starbase three seven five, conducting forays into Dominion controlled
space. While the missions have taken a toll on my people, they remain
determined to do whatever it takes to win this war, as do I.
(Mess hall)
(Nog is running an impromptu bar)
[NOG] Here you are.
[SISKO] Where did you get your hands on Saurian Brandy?
[BASHIR] In the middle of a war, no less.
[NOG] It's a busy Starbase. I may be a Cadet, but I'm still a Ferengi.
[DAX] Lucky for us.
(O'Brien enters with a metre long canister.)
[BRIEN] Excuse me, Captain. The power cell from the phaser array. We
used it up on the last mission.
(Sisko takes the canister.)
[SISKO] Take a good look at this, people. It says something about this
ship. It says that we will fight and we will keep on fighting until we
can't fight anymore.
[ALL] Yes, sir!
[SISKO] You don't just throw something like this away.
[ALL] No, sir!
(Sisko places it against the bulkhead, on some pipework, with six other
canisters. Cheers and applause.)
[NOG] Admiral on deck.
[ROSS] As you were. Ben.
[SISKO] Admiral.
[ROSS] Let's take a walk.
(Defiant corridor)
[ROSS] What was going on in there?
[SISKO] Just a little ritual we fell into. Kind of helps the crew
[ROSS] Well, they deserve it. They did a hell of a job.
[SISKO] Thank you, sir. But you didn't come here to tell me that, did
[ROSS] No, I didn't. Ever since this war began, the Dominion's been able
to outmanoeuvre us at every turn. No matter where we send our ships,
they seem to be there waiting for us.
[SISKO] I've noticed that.
[ROSS] It's enough to make you think they were smarter than we are. But
they're not. They just had an edge that we didn't know about until
yesterday. Starfleet Intelligence located a massive sensor array hidden
on the periphery of the Argolis cluster. Damn thing's capable of
monitoring ship movements over five sectors.
[SISKO] That's how they've managed to stay one step ahead of us.
[ROSS] They've had an enormous tactical advantage. I want you to take it
away from them.
[SISKO] Gladly, sir.
[ROSS] It won't be easy. The array is heavily defended. This is the
intelligence report. Look it over. I want an attack plan on my desk by
oh eight hundred.
[SISKO] You'll have it.
(Quark's cafe)
(Kira and Rom are observing the bar area.)
[ROM] There he is.
[KIRA] Damar's a creature of habit, all right. After a hard day at work,
he deserves his glass of kanar. Why are the Jem'Hadar always in here,
he asks himself. They don't drink, they don't eat, they don't gamble.
All they do is take up space. Damar asks his bartender if he found a
PADD he was working on the other day.
[ROM] My brother tells the truth. He hasn't seen it.
[KIRA] Damar doesn't like that. The PADD contained a draft copy of a
secret memorandum he was working on concerning the shortage of White.
In it he speculates that without the drug, the Jem'Hadar will run amok,
killing everyone and everything in their path. Damar recommends that if
the Cardassians can't bring down the minefield and re-open the supply
line from the Gamma Quadrant, they should poison the last ration of
White, eliminating the Jem'Hadar before it's too late. How did you get
a hold of Damar's PADD anyway?
[ROM] I'm good with my hands. Here we go. They've seen him.
(A Jem'Hadar goes over to Damar and flourishes something at him.)
[KIRA] The missing PADD.
[DAMAR] Where'd you find that?
[KIRA] Damar accuses them of stealing it.
[ROM] They say they found it outside their quarters, right where I left
[DAMAR] Have your whole race thrown off this station!
[KIRA] I knew this was going to work. The Cardassians and Jem'Hadar can
pretend to be allies, but they hate each other.
(Quark tries to intervene and gets thrown over the bar.)
[DAMAR] Get out of my way!
[ROM] Ow.
(A deadly bar room brawl breaks out, including knives and disruptors,
and backs being broken with appropriate sounds. Kira disappears into
the shadows.)
(After the opening titles, Odo and his deputies
have separated the armies. There are at least three Cardassian corpses,
and plenty of injured bystanders.)
[HADAR] That's not true!
[DAMAR] I confronted them, they attacked me.
[DUKAT] I don't care what they did. You should never have let this
situation get out of hand. Get out!
(Damar leaves, Weyoun comes over.)
[WEYOUN] How could Damar have been so stupid as to leave such an
inflammatory document lying around for anyone to find?
[DUKAT] Your men stole it from him.
[WEYOUN] Jem'Hadar are not thieves.
[DUKAT] And Damar is not a liar.
[WEYOUN] Keep your voice down. Our men need to see that we're still
allies. Smile. Dukat.
[DUKAT] I'm smiling.
[ODO] Gentlemen, I suggest we get everyone out of here as soon as
[WEYOUN] Odo's right. Tell your men they're confined to quarters pending
disciplinary hearings. I'll do the same. And keep smiling. (to
Jem'Hadar) Come.
(Admiral Ross' office)
[SISKO] according to Intelligence, the array is
capable of detecting cloaked ships as far away as two light years. By
the time the Defiant goes around the Argolis Cluster, the Dominion will
already know we were coming.
[ROSS] You'll have a dozen Jem'Hadar ships on you before you even got
[SISKO] That's why we need to have the element of surprise on our side.
It's the only way.
[ROSS] What are you suggesting?
[SISKO] That I take the Defiant through the Argolis.
[ROSS] You can't take a ship through there. You'd be cut to pieces by
the gravimetric shear.
[SISKO] That's exactly what the Dominion thinks. But if we come at them
from the Argolis, they wouldn't know what hit them.
[ROSS] What makes you think you can get through?
[SISKO] Dax says she can navigate around the gravimetric distortions.
She's studied proto-star clusters, she knows what to look for. It's a
gamble, but it's one I'm willing to take.
[ROSS] All right. Let's give it a shot. When can you leave?
[SISKO] As soon as we finished repairs on the Defiant.
[ROSS] Keep me posted, Captain.
(Security office)
[KIRA] You wanted to see me?
[ODO] Well? Don't you have something to say to me?
[KIRA] About what happened at Quark's? It worked better than I expected.
[ODO] I knew you were behind it.
[KIRA] Of course you did. We discussed it at our last resistance
[ODO] And I said it was a bad idea.
[KIRA] Yes, you did. And then you walked out of the room like there was
nothing left to say. But Rom and Jake stayed and we discussed it, and
you know what? I decided it was a good idea.
[ODO] So you went ahead and did it behind my back?
[KIRA] Why are you taking it so personally?
[ODO] How do you expect me to take it? I spend my days sitting on the
Council with Dukat and Weyoun, doing whatever I can to make sure Bajor
survives this war intact. The last thing I need is to have you running
around causing mayhem. Do you have any idea what Dukat would do if he
found out you were behind it? It's all the excuse he would need to
throw every Bajoran off this station.
[KIRA] The Federation is losing this war. We can't sit by and do
[ODO] There are limits to what we can do.
[KIRA] I'm beginning to think you shouldn't have agreed to sit on that
Council. It's as if you're so invested in making sure the station runs
smoothly, you've forgotten there's a war going on.
[ODO] Are you questioning my loyalties, Major?
[KIRA] I need you, Odo. The resistance needs you.
[ODO] Answer me. Are you questioning my loyalties?
[KIRA] No, of course not. That's not what this is about.
(The female shape-shifter walks in)
[FOUNDER] Hello, Odo. It's good to see you again. Leave us. I need to
speak with Odo.
[KIRA] Do you?
[ODO] It's all right, Nerys. I may as well hear what she has to say.
[KIRA] Are you sure?
(Odo nods and Kira leaves.)
[FOUNDER] You called her Nerys.
[ODO] What of it?
[FOUNDER] Well, you used to call her Major. Using the name of a solid
denotes intimacy.
[ODO] You're a long way from home. Here to keep an eye on the war
[FOUNDER] I'm content to leave the details of the war to the Vorta.
[ODO] Then what brings you to Deep Space Nine?
[FOUNDER] You. I was trapped in the Alpha Quadrant when Captain Sisko
mined the entrance to the wormhole. I have spent too much time with
solids. I came because I felt the need to be with one of my own.
[ODO] Well, that's ironic, considering what happened the last time we
crossed paths.
[FOUNDER] You caused the death of a fellow changeling, Odo. Turning you
into a solid was the only punishment severe enough for your crime.
[ODO] And now that I'm a changeling again, you come here as if nothing
ever happened?
[FOUNDER] We have forgiven you.
[ODO] Well, I haven't forgiven you.
[FOUNDER] It is time to put the past behind us, Odo.
[ODO] What about the present? You're waging a war against my home.
[FOUNDER] This is not your home. You belong with your own kind, as part
of the Great Link.
[ODO] I'm quite content here, thank you.
[FOUNDER] You say that because you don't know what you're capable of
becoming. Perhaps if we spend some time together, you might begin to
(Admiral Ross' office)
[SISKO] Admiral, you wanted to see me?
[ROSS] I just got word. Captain Bennet's promotion has come through. At
my recommendation, Starfleet's putting her in charge of Seventh
Tactical Wing. She's one of the best adjutants I've ever had, strong
grasp of strategy and an ability to see the big picture.
[SISKO] Sounds like it's not going to be easy to find someone to take
her place.
[ROSS] I already have. You.
[SISKO] Sir?
[ROSS] I've been very impressed with you these last few weeks. I think
we would make a good team.
[SISKO] Thank you, sir.
[ROSS] Your new assignment is effective immediately.
[SISKO] Immediately, sir? What about the Argolis mission?
[ROSS] Commander Dax will captain the Defiant. She is up to it, isn't
[SISKO] Oh, absolutely, sir. I guess I'd just gotten used to the idea of
commanding the mission myself.
[ROSS] Look over these tactical reports. I want your thoughts on the
Bolian operation. We'll meet here at oh six hundred. Ben?
[DUKAT] Legate Krim will be arriving in the morning.
[ODO] I'll have a security detail escort him to your office. Now, if
that's all.
(Odo gets up to leave, and the Founder enters.)
[WEYOUN] Founder, you honour us with your presence.
[FOUNDER] I understand the war is going well.
[WEYOUN] Only because I've followed the plan the Founders laid out for
[DUKAT] Welcome to Terok Nor. I'm glad we're finally getting a chance to
meet. As leaders of our respective worlds, you and I will
be taking our people into a future that I'm quite confident
[FOUNDER] What about the minefield? Why hasn't it been deactivated?
[WEYOUN] Yes, Dukat. This delay is intolerable. There are thousands of
Jem'Hadar ships stranded on the other side of the wormhole, waiting to
come through and join the war effort.
[DUKAT] Maybe you haven't read the latest reports, but even without
those ships, I'm still winning this war.
[WEYOUN] You're winning? I assure you I'm intimately involved in all
military decisions.
[FOUNDER] See to it the minefield is brought down.
[WEYOUN] Of course. We've imposed our presence on you long enough.
(Weyoun leaves.)
[DUKAT] If you need you anything while you're here, please let me know.
(Dukat leaves.)
[FOUNDER] Do they always compete with each other like that?
[ODO] As a matter of fact, they do.
[FOUNDER] You have to interact with them often. It must be trying for
[ODO] It hasn't been easy. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to
do in my quarters.
[FOUNDER] May I walk with you?
(Odo's quarters)
(The founder is checking out the driftwood in the
[ODO] To become a thing, is to know a thing.
[FOUNDER] To assume its form is to begin to understand its existence.
[ODO] You tried to teach me that when I visited our homeworld.
[FOUNDER] I remember.
[ODO] I didn't understand what you meant by it at first, so when I
returned the station, I got rid of all the furniture I used to have in
my quarters and replaced it with these objects. I've assumed every
shape in this room. I suppose if it weren't for you, I never would have
known the simple pleasure spending time existing as a stone or a
[FOUNDER] I'm glad you learned something from your visit. Your arrival
was a time of great joy for the Link, and your departure a time of
great sadness. If only you'd stayed with us, Odo.
[ODO] I couldn't.
[FOUNDER] You chose the solids.
[ODO] And I haven't regretted it.
[FOUNDER] Not even a little?
[ODO] I do think about the Link from time to time.
[FOUNDER] It's there for you.
[ODO] I can't.
[FOUNDER] Why? Because of Kira? You still have feelings for her, don't
you? But she doesn't share them. I'm sorry.
[ODO] Aren't you going to tell me I shouldn't waste my time with a
[FOUNDER] You love her.
[ODO] I wish I didn't. I'm so vulnerable to her. All she has to do is
smile at me and I'm happy beyond reason. A minor disagreement between
us and I'm devastated. It's absurd. Sometimes I wish I could reach
inside myself and tear out my feelings for her. But I can't.
[FOUNDER] Poor Odo.
[ODO] I don't want your pity.
[FOUNDER] I'm not offering pity.
[ODO] What I need is some peace.
[FOUNDER] What you need is clarity. I can give you that.
(And they start to Link.)
[FOUNDER] Do you want me to stop?
(Security office)
[DAMAR] That'll be all.
(A Cardassian leaves and Kira enters.)
[KIRA] What are you doing here, Damar? Did Dukat demote you to security
[DAMAR] What can I do for you, Major?
[KIRA] I'm looking for Odo.
[DAMAR] Well, he's not here.
[KIRA] Do you know where he is?
[DAMAR] Yes.
[KIRA] That's good. It's good to know where your boss is.
[DAMAR] He's in his quarters. (pause) With the other shape-shifter.
Jealous, Major?
[KIRA] Try to stay out of trouble, Damar. You don't want to end up on
sanitation duty.
(Odo's quarters)
(Odo is sitting gazing out of the window.)
[ODO] Come in.
[KIRA] Odo?
[ODO] Nerys.
[KIRA] I dropped by your office and Damar told me you were here with
[ODO] She was here but she's gone now.
[KIRA] You all right? What did she want?
[ODO] She didn't want anything.
[KIRA] Then what was she doing here?
[ODO] I know how you feel about her, Major, but there's no reason to be
[KIRA] You don't know how much I wish I could believe that. You didn't
Link with her, did you?
[ODO] Actually, I did.
[KIRA] You did? What were you thinking?
[ODO] She didn't find out about the resistance, if that's why you're
[KIRA] It's not.
[ODO] The Link isn't about exchanging information. It's about merging
thought and form, idea and sensation.
[KIRA] It sounds like a perfect way to manipulate someone.
[ODO] She's not manipulating me.
[KIRA] Ever since the day you two crossed paths, she has lied to you,
tricked you, stood in judgment of you. I don't trust her. I don't
understand how you can.
[ODO] I Linked with her. If she had some hidden motive, I would have
sensed it. She's just trying to teach me about myself, about what I'm
capable of becoming.
[KIRA] An Intergalactic Warlord, maybe? Because that's what she is.
[ODO] Who knows? By Linking with her I might be able to make her
understand that the Federation doesn't pose a threat to her people.
[KIRA] You believe you can convince her to call off the war?
[ODO] If you could experience the Link, you'd understand the effect it
has on my people. You'd realise that anything is possible. I'm only
beginning to understand it all myself. I still have so many questions.
Now that she's here, I have a chance to find some answers.
[KIRA] Odo, this isn't the time to go off on some kind personal quest.
There's too much at stake. After the war is over, do whatever you need
to do. If you feel you need to go and join the Great Link, I'm not
going to stop you. But for right now, I need you here, focused. Please
promise me that you're not going to Link with her again. Not until this
is over.
[ODO] All right. I won't. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to
work. I'll see you at the resistance meeting.
(Kira leaves, and he goes back to staring out of the window.)
[DAX] Are you two ever going to be finished?
[NOG] Just a few more minutes, Commander.
[BRIEN] That's Captain. It's an old naval tradition. Whoever's in
command of a ship, regardless of rank, is referred to as Captain.
[NOG] You mean if I had to take command, I would be called Captain too?
[BRIEN] Cadet, by the time you took command, there'd be nobody left to
call you anything.
[NOG] Good point.
(Sisko enters.)
[DAX] Come to take a last look around?
[SISKO] Not a last look, I hope. How are the repairs coming?
[DAX] Almost done.
[SISKO] I wouldn't get too comfortable in that chair, old man. When this
war is over, I'm going to want my ship back.
[DAX] Fine. When this war is over, I'm going on a honeymoon.
[BRIEN] All done here, Captain.
[SISKO] Very good.
[DAX] All right. Plot a course to the Argolis Cluster and prepare to
[CREWWOMAN] Aye, Captain.
[DAX] Benjamin? I wish you were coming with us.
[SISKO] You'll do fine.
(Sisko watches Defiant leave from an office window.)
(Morn is still in position, still drinking, when
Damar enters.)
[QUARK] Pardon our appearance. We're renovating.
[DAMAR] Kanar.
[DAMAR] Not that one. The twenty seven.
[QUARK] Twenty seven? Expensive.
[DAMAR] I can afford it on a Gul's salary.
[QUARK] Wait a minute. You started a fight in my bar and now you're
getting a promotion? What kind of way is that to run an army?
[DAMAR] Dukat wasn't happy about what happened. I had to find a way to
make it up to him.
[QUARK] I hope it was something big.
[DAMAR] Let's just say it will change the course of history.
[QUARK] As a businessman, I'm very interested in the course of history.
This one's on me.
[DAMAR] That's very kind of you, Quark, but I can't talk about it.
[QUARK] Of course. I understand. Here, let me pour you another.
(And one for himself.)
(Kira's quarters)
[JAKE] There's obviously a lot of bad blood between
the Cardassians and the Jem'Hadar. It wouldn't take much to get them to
go at each other again.
[KIRA] I'm not sure we want to do that.
[ROM] But it worked so well.
[KIRA] What do you think, Odo?
[ODO] I'm not sure it's a good idea.
[KIRA] Then we'll do something else.
[JAKE] Major.
[KIRA] Something that we can all agree on.
[ROM] Who could that be?
[KIRA] We're just sitting here enjoying each other's company.
[ROM] Right.
[KIRA] Come in.
(A drunken Quark sways in)
[ROM] Brother, are you all right?
[QUARK] No, I am not all right. I just shared a bottle of kanar with
Damar. That rhymes.
[JAKE] You're drunk.
[QUARK] Of course I'm drunk. I wouldn't risk coming in here and
associating myself with your little resistance cell if I wasn't drunk.
[KIRA] Well, then maybe you'd better leave before someone sees you.
[QUARK] I tried. I tried my best to run my establishment under this
occupation. But you know what? It's no fun. I don't like Cardassians.
They're mean and arrogant. And I can't stand the Jem'Hadar. They're
creepy. They just stand there like statues, staring at you. That's it.
I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing business with these
people. I want the Federation back. I want to sell root beer again.
[KIRA] All right, you made your point. Relax.
[QUARK] How can I relax when there are thousands of Jem'Hadar ships are
sitting on the other side of the wormhole, waiting to come through?
[JAKE] Don't worry about it. They're stuck there.
[QUARK] Not if what Damar told me is true.
[KIRA] What are you talking about?
[QUARK] He said he came up with a way to deactivate the mines. Dukat
wants him to start field tests right away.
(During the break they start pouring coffee into Quark.)
[KIRA] Come on, Quark, think. Did Damar say anything about how he was
planning to deactivate the mines?
[QUARK] Yes. He said something about the station's defector.
[ODO] Defector?
[KIRA] That's impossible. The only person on the station who knows
anything about the mines work is
[ROM] Me.
[QUARK] Defector. That doesn't sound right. Maybe it was deflector?
Yeah, that's it. He said something about using the station's deflector
[KIRA] What do you think, Rom?
[ROM] I'm glad it wasn't me.
[KIRA] About the deflector array. Is there any way to use it to
deactivate the mines?
[ROM] No. I designed the mines to be self-replicating. The only way to
keep them from replacing themselves is to isolate them in an
anti-graviton beam. The deflector array can't do that. Unless you
reconfigure the field generators and re-focused the emitters which
would turn the deflector array into one big anti-graviton beam.
[QUARK] Why didn't you think of that when you set up the minefield?
[ROM] I don't know.
[QUARK] He doesn't know.
[KIRA] Quark. How can we disable the deflector array?
[ROM] All you have to do to is access the EPS feed and overload the
[KIRA] Let's do it.
[ROM] But there's no way to get to the EPS feed. It's in a secured
conduit rigged with alarms.
[KIRA] Odo, can you disable those alarms?
[ODO] I can take them offline for about five minutes if I run a security
[KIRA] Will that give you enough time?
[ROM] I think so.
[ODO] I'll run the diagnostic as soon as I get to my office in the
[KIRA] All right. You and I will meet here. At exactly oh eight hundred,
you will begin the diagnostic.
(Admiral Ross' office)
[WORF (on wallscreen)] Has there been any news, sir?
[SISKO] None.
[WORF (on wallscreen)] The Defiant has been gone over sixteen hours.
[SISKO] Mister Worf, I know this is difficult for you.
[WORF (on wallscreen)] Yes, sir. But I sense it is more difficult for
you. The Defiant is your ship.
[SISKO] Dax'll bring her home. Besides, there's no way she's going to
miss her own wedding.
[WORF (on wallscreen)] No, I suppose not.
[SISKO] As soon as I hear something, I'll let you know.
[WORF (on wallscreen)] Thank you, sir. Captain, you should get some
[SISKO] Not tonight, Mister Worf. Not tonight.
(Transmission ends. Ross is passing, sees Sisko and enters.)
[ROSS] Ben?
[SISKO] Admiral.
[ROSS] It's late.
[SISKO] I know. I was just waiting to see if there is any news.
[ROSS] Ben, we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow. I want to nail
down the details on the Bolian operation. I need you focused.
[SISKO] I will be.
[ROSS] I know how you feel about your crew, but you and I are
responsible for an entire tactical wing. Thousands of lives depend on
the decisions we make tomorrow. You can't afford to be awake all night
worrying about one ship.
[SISKO] Admiral, you can order me to my quarters, but there's no way I'm
going to sleep. Not as long as the Defiant is out there.
[ROSS] All right, as you wish. But you should understand one thing. With
any luck, we'll be sending the Defiant on a lot of missions, and you're
going to have to get used to it. Good night.
(Odo's quarters)
[ODO] Have our people always been shape-shifters, or
was there a time when we were like the solids?
[FOUNDER] Eons ago we were like them, limited to one form, but then we
[ODO] On the homeworld, are you always in the Link, or do you sometimes
take solid form?
[FOUNDER] We prefer the Link, but on occasion it is interesting to exist
as something else. A tree perhaps, or a cloud in the sky.
[ODO] A cloud. How many of us are there?
[FOUNDER] Oh. So many questions, Odo.
[ODO] I'm sorry. But there's still so much that isn't clear to me yet.
[FOUNDER] If you Link with me again, everything will be made clear to
[ODO] You have to understand that the Link is very overwhelming for me.
Right now, it's easier to talk.
[FOUNDER] But words are so clumsy, so imprecise.
[ODO] Even so.
[FOUNDER] As you wish.
[ODO] You haven't told me your name.
[FOUNDER] What use would I have for a name?
[ODO] To differentiate yourself from the others.
[FOUNDER] I don't.
[ODO] But you are a separate being, aren't you?
[FOUNDER] In a sense.
[ODO] When you return to the Link, what will happen to the entity I'm
talking to right now?
[FOUNDER] The drop becomes the ocean.
[ODO] And if you choose to take solid form again?
[FOUNDER] The ocean becomes a drop.
[ODO] Ah, yes. I think I'm beginning to understand.
[FOUNDER] Then you can answer your own question. How many of us are
[ODO] One. And many. It depends on how you look at it.
[FOUNDER] Very good. You are beginning to understand. But there's so
much you don't know.
[ODO] Tell me.
[FOUNDER] Words would be insufficient. Link with me again. It is the
only way I can give you the understanding that you seek.
[ODO] I can't.
[FOUNDER] Why not?
[ODO] I promised Kira.
[FOUNDER] She is a solid. This has nothing to do with her. This is about
you, about what you want.
(Rom is bringing a fruit basket. Kira's door
[ROM] Am I early?
[KIRA] A little. I hope there's more than just fruit in that basket.
[ROM] I needed a place to hide my tools. In case anybody asks, I'm
making a delivery.
[KIRA] Right.
(Two Cardassians come round the corner)
[ROM] Here's your fruit!
(The Cardassians stop outside the door opposite.)
[KIRA] I didn't order any fruit. Oh, your brother sent this, didn't he?
[ROM] Er.
[KIRA] If he is trying to win me over, tell him it's just not going to
work. Better yet, I'll tell him myself.
(Kira marches Rom off down the corridor. In another area...)
[KIRA] Odo should be in his office by now. Now remember, he's going to
interrupt the sensor alarms at exactly eight hundred hours.
[ROM] I'll be ready.
(Rom crawls into a conduit.)
[KIRA] If there's a problem I'll contact you. Good luck with your
(Conduit A51)
(Restricted area, big red notice on the panel)
[ROM] Computer, time.
[COMPUTER] Seven hundred hours fifty eight minutes.
[ROM] Two minutes to go.
(Security office)
(It's empty.)
[KIRA] Odo! Kira to Odo. Please respond.
(Odo's quarters)
(Odo is Linking.)
[KIRA (OC)] Kira to Odo. Odo, answer me.
(Security office)
[KIRA] Computer, time.
[COMPUTER] Seven hundred hours fifty nine minutes.
[DAMAR] Hello, Major. Just the person I was looking for.
[KIRA] Congratulations on your promotion, but we'll have to discuss the
personnel report some other time.
[DAMAR] We'll discuss it now.
[KIRA] I don't think so.
[KIRA] Kira to Rom. Don't open that hatch.
(Conduit A51)
[ROM] I already did.
[KIRA (OC)] Get out of there!
(Rom dives head first back through the conduit.)
[DAMAR] Intruder alert. Come with me.
(Rom bursts out of the bulkhead.)
[DAMAR] Well, well. What do we have here?
Captain's log, tactical update stardate 51149.5.
The Defiant has returned to Starbase three seven five after its
successful attack on the Dominion sensor array. Admiral Ross and I have
recommended that Commander Dax and the entire Defiant crew be cited for
exceptional performance of their duties.
(Mess hall)
[NOG] Admiral on deck!
[ROSS] Carry on.
[DAX] Nog, Saurian brandy for the brass.
[BASHIR] Dax, could you tell Ensign Kirby how I took over the conn when
Lieutenant Haj was injured? She doesn't believe me.
[DAX] Frankly, I'm not sure I believe it happened myself.
[BASHIR] Sir. Sir.
[ROSS] Congratulations, Captain.
[DAX] Thank you, sir. Will you excuse me a minute. Julian needs me.
[ROSS] Certainly.
[NOG] Here you are.
[SISKO] Don't ask where he got it.
[ROSS] Don't worry. I don't want to know.
(O'Brien enters with a canister.)
[BRIEN] Here's another one, Captain.
[DAX] Take a good look because this says something about us. That we're
willing to fight and that we'll keep on fighting until we can't fight
[ALL] Yes, sir!
[DAX] You don't throw something like this away.
[ALL] No, sir!
(Dax starts a second row against the bulkhead with it.)
[ROSS] They're a good crew.
[SISKO] The best.
[ROSS] What do you say we get back to work?
(Kira thumps the doorbell as if she is trying to
break in through the hapless panel.)
(Odo's quarters)
[KIRA] What the hell happened? Why didn't you
disable that alarm?
[ODO] It's difficult to explain.
[KIRA] Rom is sitting in a holding cell being interrogated! He was
counting on you. I was counting on you!
[ODO] I know.
[KIRA] You know? Do you realise what you just did? You just handed the
Alpha Quadrant to the Dominion.
[ODO] I was in the Link.
[KIRA] Are you saying you forgot?
[ODO] I didn't forget. It just didn't seem to matter.
[KIRA] A lot of people are going to die. Don't you care?
[ODO] It has nothing to do with me.
[KIRA] How can you say that?
[ODO] If you could experience the Link, you'd know why nothing else
[KIRA] The last five years, your life here, our friendship, none of that
[ODO] It did once. I wish I could make you understand. But you can't.
You're not a changeling.
[KIRA] That's right. I'm a solid.
(Kira leaves the Link addict and the founder comes out of the other
[FOUNDER] You look troubled, Odo. Did she upset you?
[ODO] No, not really.
[FOUNDER] Ah. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e125", "title": "Behind The Lines"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Favour The Bold
The Bold
Original Airdate: 27 Oct, 1997
(Defiant is adrift, and damaged.)
[DAX] Cadet.
[NOG] Continuing to emit distress signals on all frequencies, sir.
[DAX] Chief?
[BRIEN] We're still venting plasma. Any ship within a hundred million
kilometres will know we're here and that we're not going anywhere.
[NOG] We have company, Captain. Two Dominion ships heading this way,
bearing one nine seven mark one three five.
[BRIEN] They'll have us in weapons range in twenty two seconds.
[DAX] Shields?
[NOG] Shields at thirty percent.
[DAX] Phaser banks?
[BRIEN] The entire weapons array is offline.
[DAX] Now we find something to hold onto.
(The Jem'Hadar attack.)
[NOG] Shields are down to twenty percent.
(A Bird of Prey decloaks and KaBOOM!)
[BRIEN] Now?
[DAX] Now. Shields up. Engines at full impulse. Power to main phasers.
[BRIEN] Target locked.
[DAX] Fire.
[DAX] Cadet, are there any other Dominion ships out there?
[NOG] None that I can see.
[DAX] This is the Captain speaking. All hands, stand down. Good job,
[NOG] We're being hailed by the Rotarran. Commander Worf wants to speak
to you.
[DAX] On screen.
[WORF] Well done, Captain. You were a very effective decoy.
[DAX] How about next time we switch roles? That way I can rescue you.
[BRIEN] You may have to wait a while, Captain. We've just received
orders from Starfleet Command. All ships in this sector are to fall
back to Starbase three seven five.
[DAX] Fall back again.
[BRIEN] Engage, retreat, engage, retreat. I tell you, that's becoming
our favourite tune.
[BASHIR] Well, we'd better think of a new tune fast or the only song
we're going to be singing is Hail the Conquering Dominion.
[DAX] I wouldn't start learning those lyrics just yet, Doctor. Worf,
we'll see you at Starbase three seven five.
[WORF] I will be waiting.
[DAX] Set a course for these coordinates. Warp seven.
(Sisko's office)
[DAX] I don't know what all you brass hats in
Starfleet Command are thinking, but take it from a simple field
officer, we're not going to win this war by running away from the
[SISKO] I know that.
[DAX] Benjamin, troop morale is at an all-time low. Even the Klingons
are starting to wonder if we can defeat the Dominion. We need a
victory, a big victory, and we need it soon.
[SISKO] I couldn't agree with you more.
[DAX] Then do something about it.
[SISKO] I already have. In fact, I'm presenting a plan to Starfleet
Command at oh eight hundred tomorrow.
[DAX] What plan?
[SISKO] We're going to retake Deep Space Nine.
(Mess hall)
[BASHIR] Everything seems to be perfectly normal.
I'm sorry, Garak.
[GARAK] Keep looking, Doctor. Whatever Starfleet put in there is very
well hidden.
[BRIEN] Ridiculous!
[GARAK] That's easy for you to say, Chief. You don't know them as well
as I do. These are desperate people.
[DAX] Garak, you're not going to get any of us to believe that Starfleet
Intelligence has implanted some kind of neural transponder in your
brain to monitor your thoughts.
[GARAK] I would have, if I were them. In fact, when I was conducting
interrogations for the Obsidian Order, I did a lot worse.
[BASHIR] I'm sure you did.
[WORF] They're not interrogating you, Mister Garak, they are debriefing.
There is a difference.
[GARAK] Not from where I'm sitting.
[DAX] Oh, I'll have a raktajino, Julian.
[BASHIR] And a raktajino.
[BRIEN] Look, Garak we are at war with the Dominion. Cardassia is part
of the Dominion. You are a Cardassian. And at one time, a fairly
important one. Of course Starfleet Intelligence is going to press you
for specifics. They need to know everything you know.
[WORF] Any small detail could prove extremely important.
[GARAK] Well, take it from me, it's a lot more fun asking questions than
answering them. All things considered, I'd rather be on the Defiant
with all of you.
[BRIEN] Oh, believe me, you haven't been missing much.
[DAX] Hopefully, all of that's about to change.
[BASHIR] You think Starfleet Command will approve Sisko's plan?
[DAX] We'll find out soon enough. He's in there presenting it now.
[BRIEN] Here's to retaking the castle.
[BASHIR] And planting our flag on its battlements once again.
[DAX] You two spent too much time in the holosuites.
(Sisko's office)
(The wall screen display is Federation task force
17740, centred on DS9.)
[SISKO] By putting together a task force comprised of elements from the
Second, Fifth and Ninth fleets, I believe that we can retake Deep Space
Nine, the most important piece of real estate in the quadrant.
[SITAK] (Vulcan lady Admiral) Your plan, Captain Sisko, is not without
merit. However, I remain sceptical. The Dominion will undoubtedly send
a large fleet to stop you.
[SISKO] And it will divert their forces and slow their advance into
Federation territory.
[ROSS] As well as leave their flank vulnerable.
[SISKO] Which will give us a chance to be on the offensive for a change.
[COBURN] (human male Admiral) There's one thing that still concerns me.
[SISKO] What's that, Admiral?
[COBURN] Earth. You've left it a very tempting target.
[ROSS] Earth will still be defended by the Third Fleet.
[COBURN] But what if you're wrong, and the Dominion doesn't commit its
forces to protect Deep Space Nine? What if instead they launch a
full-scale assault on Earth? If we follow the plan you're proposing,
we'll never be able to get reinforcements there in time.
[SISKO] The Dominion won't attack Earth.
[SITAK] How can you be sure?
[SISKO] Because Earth isn't the key to the Alpha Quadrant. The wormhole
is. And whoever controls Deep Space Nine controls the wormhole.
(Quark is reading a PADD)
[QUARK] Unbelievable. Amazing. What nerve. Morn, you do have a problem,
but lucky for you the solution is simple. You're a grown man. If you
don't want to attend your mother's birthday party, you don't have to.
And if she keeps whining about it, just remind her there's a war on and
you have things to do. Another ale?
(But Quark spots Kira walking past and gives Morn his empty glass
[QUARK] Here, it's on the house.
[QUARK] Major, you ready?
[KIRA] Now?
[QUARK] Right now.
[KIRA] All right, but I don't think it'll do any good.
[QUARK] I keep telling myself that Odo never meant
to have Rom to get arrested. It was all a mistake. Bad timing, bad
[KIRA] I thought that too, at first.
[QUARK] I have known Odo a long time. He's not a collaborator.
[KIRA] Then why is your brother still in a holding cell?
(They round a corner and speak to the guards.)
[QUARK] We're here to see Odo.
[HADAR] The Founders are not to be disturbed.
[QUARK] Odo will make an exception for us.
[HADAR] There are no exceptions.
[KIRA] I'd like to hear that from Odo.
[BAJORAN] I'm sorry, Major, but you're wasting your time. His orders
were quite clear. He doesn't want to see anyone. Not until his guest
has left.
[KIRA] And how long has his guest been visiting?
[BAJORAN] As far as I know, the female changeling has not left his
quarters for three days.
[HADAR] Step away from the door, Ferengi.
[KIRA] Hey! hey!
[BAJORAN] Perhaps it would be best if you left. My colleague over here
takes his duties very seriously. I promise to tell Odo you were here.
[KIRA] Let's go, Quark.
(Odo's bedroom)
(They are sitting, fully clothed, on either side of
the bed.)
[FOUNDER] So, that is how solids experience intimacy.
[ODO] Not all solids. Humans, Bajorans.
[FOUNDER] I really must thank you, Odo.
[ODO] For what?
[FOUNDER] For giving me new insight into the solids.
[ODO] And what have you learned?
[FOUNDER] That what they consider intimacy is only a shadow of what we
experience in the Great Link. You don't agree?
[ODO] I didn't say that.
[FOUNDER] You've done this before?
[ODO] Not often.
[FOUNDER] But when you have, you enjoyed it?
[ODO] Yes.
[FOUNDER] And you regret not having experienced it with Major Kira.
[ODO] I'd rather not discuss Major Kira.
[FOUNDER] I don't see why not. When we link, your feelings for her are
made very clear.
[ODO] Then why do you insist that we talk about it?
[FOUNDER] Because talking is still very important to you. But one day it
won't be. One day, the Link will be all you need. And that day is
coming soon.
[ODO] Is it?
[FOUNDER] It's amazing that you have survived this long without it. It's
only now, after I've been away from the Great Link myself, that I
understand how painful it must have been for you.
[ODO] It hasn't always been easy.
[FOUNDER] Odo, you never have to be alone again.
[ODO] Well, I'd better be going. There's a meeting of the station's
Ruling Council. Dukat and Weyoun are expecting me.
[FOUNDER] That meeting was held three days ago.
[ODO] Three days? Three days. How could I have lost track of that much
[FOUNDER] Does that bother you?
[ODO] Yes, it does.
[FOUNDER] Well, don't let it. You've been living with the solids'
concept of time for too long. Let them worry about their meetings,
their schedules, their obligations. None of that has anything to do
with you. You are a changeling. You're timeless. As am I.
(And they start to Link. Again.)
(Weyoun is peering very closely at one of Ziyal's
paintings when Kira enters.)
[WEYOUN] You asked to see me, Major?
[KIRA] That's right. I
[WEYOUN] First, tell me something. What do you think of this?
[KIRA] It's one of Ziyal's paintings.
[WEYOUN] I know who the artist is. Her father gave it to me. He claims
it won some sort of prize on Cardassia.
[KIRA] Gul Dukat must be very proud.
[WEYOUN] I suppose. Is it any good?
[KIRA] I think so. Why, don't you?
[WEYOUN] I don't know how to judge it. You see, my people lack a sense
of aesthetics.
[KIRA] That's too bad.
[WEYOUN] I sometimes think so as well. But if aesthetics were truly
important, the Founders would have included it in our genetic makeup.
[KIRA] Or they made a mistake.
[WEYOUN] Gods don't make mistakes. Though sometimes I think it would be
nice to be able to carry a tune. So, what can I do for you, Major?
[KIRA] It's about Rom.
[WEYOUN] Oh yes, the Ferengi saboteur.
[KIRA] He has been in a holding cell for over a week.
[WEYOUN] Has it really been that long?
[KIRA] And I was hoping you would consider releasing him.
[WEYOUN] Impossible. You can't release a man and then execute him. It
makes no sense.
[KIRA] Execute Rom?
[WEYOUN] He committed an act of terrorism against the Dominion. Not only
did he try to interfere with our efforts to take down the minefield,
but, as I understand it, he was also the diabolical genius who came up
with the idea of self-replicating mines in the first place. I'm afraid
there's no getting around it, Major. He must be made an example so that
others think twice before they act against us.
[KIRA] He is married to a Bajoran citizen.
[WEYOUN] I'm well aware of that. And I'm willing to believe, for now,
his wife is not a co-conspirator. Otherwise, treaty or no treaty, she
would share her husband's fate. I'm sorry, Major. The Dominion takes a
dim view of terrorism. Your friend must pay the price for his crime.
[KIRA] We'll see what the Bajoran government has to say about that.
[WEYOUN] I'm afraid their pleas will fall on deaf ears. Major. Would
this be more aesthetically pleasing if it were blue?
(Holding cell)
[ROM] I'm going to die.
[LEETA] Stop saying that.
[ROM] I didn't say it, he did.
[QUARK] What I said is, they're planning to execute you. It's not the
same thing.
[ROM] It is to me.
[LEETA] Rom, we are not going to let them hurt you. Kira has gone to the
Bajoran Council of Ministers. She's asking them to lodge an official
[ROM] That's sweet, but I doubt it'll do any good.
[QUARK] And I've talked to Grand Nagus Zek himself and he has offered to
buy your freedom from the Dominion.
[ROM] I don't think Weyoun cares much for latinum. I'm a dead man.
(Leeta starts to whimper.)
[QUARK] Will you stop upsetting Leeta?
[ROM] Sorry.
[QUARK] Besides, you think your big brother will let anything happen to
[ROM] What can you do?
[QUARK] I'm not sure. But I'll think of something. No matter what it
takes, no matter what I have to do, I'm going to get you out of here.
[LEETA] You do that and I'll work your dabo tables for free.
[QUARK] For how long?
[LEETA] An entire year.
[QUARK] Make it two.
[ROM] Brother!
[QUARK] Shh. (Leeta nods) Isn't your life worth two years? Now, sit
tight and trust your older brother.
[ROM] But I don't want you to try to save me.
[LEETA] What are you talking about? They must have done something to his
[QUARK] What mind?
[ROM] I'm serious. Brother, you have more important things to worry
[QUARK] The bar's doing fine, but thanks for caring.
[ROM] I'm not talking about the bar.
[LEETA] What could be more important than your life?
[ROM] Destroying the anti-graviton beam to prevent the Dominion from
taking down the minefield. You've got to finish what I started. The
fate of the entire Alpha Quadrant rests in your hands. Billions and
billions of people are counting on you.
[QUARK] Boy, are they going to be disappointed.
[ROM] Brother, you can do this. You have to do this. You will do this.
[QUARK] What happens if I get caught?
[ROM] Then we'll die together. Side by side, heads held high, knowing we
did our best.
[LEETA] Oh, Rom.
[QUARK] But I don't want to die.
[ROM] If that's what's written, then that's what's written. Now get
going, brother. You have a lot of work to do.
(Quark leaves and a Jem'Hadar comes in.)
[ROM] So, tell me, Leeta what else is new? Have they fixed the sonic
shower in our quarters yet?
(Ziyal is working on an etching.)
[KIRA] Ziyal.
[ZIYAL] Nerys. I haven't seen you in weeks.
[KIRA] Do you have a minute?
[ZIYAL] Sit down.
[KIRA] I need you to talk to your father for me.
[ZIYAL] About what?
[KIRA] Rom.
(Captain's office)
[ZIYAL] Father.
[ZIYAL] I need to talk to you.
[DUKAT] Is something wrong, my dear?
[ZIYAL] Nothing that you can't fix.
[DUKAT] Name it.
[ZIYAL] I want you to free Rom.
[DUKAT] You're joking.
[ZIYAL] Not at all.
[DUKAT] I can't free Rom, Ziyal. He's been sentenced to death by the
[ZIYAL] You can pardon him. Don't you see, Father, this is your chance
to show the Bajoran people, to show Major Kira who you really are. A
forgiving, compassionate man. A great man.
[DUKAT] Tell me something, Ziyal. Were you involved in any way with the
plans to sabotage this station?
[ZIYAL] No, I wasn't involved.
[DUKAT] You're sure of that? I can't help you unless you tell me the
[ZIYAL] I am telling you the truth. The question is, have you been
telling me the truth.
[DUKAT] About what?
[ZIYAL] That the Bajorans are wrong about you. That you regret the
horrible things you had to do during the occupation.
[DUKAT] I do regret them, Ziyal. Deeply.
[ZIYAL] Then this is your chance to prove it to everyone, including me.
Show us that you're capable of mercy.
[DUKAT] Rom is an enemy of the state, and enemies of the state do not
deserve mercy.
[ZIYAL] Spoken like a true Cardassian.
[DUKAT] I am a Cardassian. And so are you.
[ZIYAL] No, I'm not! I could never be like you.
[DUKAT] Ziyal.
(Sitting on the spiral staircase.)
[KIRA] You can't trust them.
[QUARK] I trust latinum, and so do they. Five bars will buy me five
Nausicaans, a fast ship and very few questions. Breaking Rom out of the
holding cell will be child's play compared to the things they're used
to doing.
[KIRA] Forget about it, Quark. Freeing your brother's going to take
careful, precise planning. It's not the Nausicaan way. They're thugs.
They'll come strutting onto the station, look at a Jem'Hadar the wrong
way and before you know it there's blood on the Promenade.
[QUARK] Think I can get my money back?
(They go down to the bar proper.)
[DAMAR] Major, a freighter loaded with Tammeron grain is due within the
hour. See to it that Cargo bay five is ready to receive it.
[KIRA] I'll take care of it. I'll have a
[DAMAR] Yes, you will. Now. That attitude of yours, Major, it won't be
tolerated forever.
[KIRA] You don't like my attitude, Damar? You're welcome to try to
change it.
(Kira leaves.)
[DAMAR] I don't know what Dukat sees in that woman.
[QUARK] Then you need to get your eyes examined. One kanar. Want me to
leave the bottle?
[DAMAR] Maybe I should have you taste it first. Make sure it isn't
[QUARK] Poisoning customers is bad for business.
[DAMAR] True. But some people may place a brother's revenge above
[QUARK] Not this Ferengi.
(Quark makes to taste the kanar. Damar takes the glass from him.)
[DAMAR] You're a credit to your race, Quark. Unlike your brother, you've
chosen to back the winning side.
[QUARK] All right, are you going to tell me or do you want me to guess?
[DAMAR] Tell you what?
[QUARK] Oh, don't be coy with me. Either someone you don't like has died
or your promotion came through.
[DAMAR] It's better than that.
(Damar looks at a Bajoran, who moves away.)
[DAMAR] It's about the minefield.
[QUARK] What about it?
[DAMAR] It's coming down.
[QUARK] Oh, I've heard that before.
[DAMAR] Remember those field tests I was telling you about? They were
successful. We've begun to deactivate the mines.
[QUARK] Well, you've got your work cut out for you. What's it going to
take a couple of months? A year?
[DAMAR] One week.
[QUARK] A week?
[DAMAR] That's right. One week, and the Alpha Quadrant is ours.
(Sisko's office)
[SISKO] Gentlemen, this mission cannot succeed
without the involvement of the Klingon Defence Forces.
[WORF] We agree, Captain. Chancellor Gowron does not.
[SISKO] Then you will have to change his mind.
[MARTOK] The Chancellor is reluctant to commit such a large fleet to a
single engagement.
[WORF] He believes it would leave the Empire vulnerable.
[SISKO] Starfleet Command had the same concerns about Earth. But after
careful consideration, they decided it was worth the risk.
[WORF] General, perhaps you should return to Kronos and make your plea
in person. The Chancellor has great respect for you. If you cannot
persuade him, no one can.
[MARTOK] I will go see Gowron and you will come with me.
[WORF] No. The Chancellor no longer considers me a friend.
[MARTOK] I know. But what could be better? An ally and an enemy both
telling him the same thing. He'll have no other choice but to agree.
[SISKO] Gentlemen, I need those ships.
[WORF] And you shall have them.
[KIRA] A week? Are you sure about that?
[QUARK] That's what he said. Believe me, this was no idle boast.
[KIRA] We have to stop them.
[QUARK] And end up in a holding cell with my brother? No, thanks. If we
could only get to Odo, make him see what's going on. Then maybe he
could help us.
[KIRA] Forget about Odo. First, we can't get to him. Second, even if we
did he wouldn't help us.
[QUARK] Then what we have to do is warn Starfleet.
[KIRA] And how do you suggest we get a message to them?
[QUARK] You're asking me? You're the terrorist, I'm just a bartender.
[JAKE] There you are. From the look on your faces I can see you haven't
had much luck getting Rom out of jail.
[QUARK] And the news just keeps getting worse.
[JAKE] It's not all bad.
[KIRA] Trust us, Jake, it is.
[JAKE] Not for me. I'm getting a message out to my Dad.
[KIRA] How?
[JAKE] I'm a reporter. I have my ways.
[KIRA] Come on, Jake, this is no time for games.
(Jake points at Morn, who is wrapping a present. Probably for his
[KIRA] Morn?
[JAKE] He's going home for his mother's birthday or something. He has an
encrypted message for my Dad in one of her presents.
(Kira goes over and helps Morn tie the pink ribbon into a bow.)
(Sisko's office)
(Sisko and Admiral Ross have the ribbon that was on
Morn's present.)
[ROSS] Are you sure this is reliable?
[SISKO] I've known the courier for five years. I trust him.
[ROSS] Then we have a problem. According to this, the minefield's coming
down in three days. The Ninth Fleet won't be here for at least four.
[SISKO] Then I suggest we go without them.
[ROSS] What about the Klingons?
[SISKO] Looks like we go without them too. We've run out of time,
[ROSS] If those Dominion reinforcements come through the wormhole we'll
have lost everything.
[SISKO] We take the ships we have, fight our way to Deep Space Nine and
destroy that anti-graviton emitter. It's our only hope.
[ROSS] Do it.
(Looking out of the windows, a light blinks.)
[DUKAT] There.
[WEYOUN] Where?
[DUKAT] Over there. That flash of light was the anti-graviton beam
hitting a mine.
[WEYOUN] And disabling its replication unit.
[DUKAT] Exactly. Didn't you see it?
[WEYOUN] I'm afraid not.
[DUKAT] For months you've been demanding that I take down those mines
and now that it's finally happening, you can't even see it?
[WEYOUN] Weak eyes.
[DUKAT] Excuse me?
[WEYOUN] My people have poor eyesight. It's something we've learned to
live with. Jem'Hadar, on the other hand, excellent vision. I suppose
they need it more than we do.
[DUKAT] Ah, there's another one.
[WEYOUN] I'll have to take your word for it.
[DUKAT] Once we disable the replication units in all the mines, we can
detonate the entire minefield. And I guarantee you, weak eyes or not,
that explosion you will see.
[WEYOUN] When will you be ready to proceed?
[DUKAT] Approximately seventy eight hours. Three more days and we can
start to bring the Jem'Hadar reinforcements through the wormhole.
[WEYOUN] Excellent. I knew you could do it, Dukat.
[DUKAT] Did you?
[WEYOUN] I never doubted you for a moment.
(Damar enters.)
[DAMAR] Sir, I have new information on enemy fleet movements.
[DUKAT] Go ahead.
[DAMAR] The Second Fleet has fallen back past the Kotanka System, while
the Fifth Fleet has pulled out of the fighting along the Vulcan border.
Both fleets have converged here, Starbase three seven five.
[DUKAT] Isn't that where Captain Sisko is stationed?
[DAMAR] He's been made an adjutant to Admiral Ross.
[WEYOUN] Good for him. Now why have those fleets gathered there?
[DAMAR] I'm not sure.
[WEYOUN] You're not sure? Two large enemy fleets break off from the
front lines and rendezvous at a starbase and you have no idea why?
[DUKAT] Well, we'll have to find out, won't we?
[WEYOUN] See that you do.
(Weyoun leaves.)
[DAMAR] He should speak to you with greater respect.
[DUKAT] Some day, I'll let you teach him that lesson. But right now,
there's something more pressing I need you to do. It's of a personal
nature, a matter of some delicacy. It's about my daughter.
[DAMAR] Ziyal?
[DUKAT] We've had a misunderstanding. I want you to go and convince her
to speak with me.
[DAMAR] Sir, I really feel I would be more valuable tracking the enemy
[DUKAT] I've given you an order, Damar. We're on the verge of a great
victory, and when it comes I want my daughter at my side. Is that
(Cargo bay)
[ZIYAL] I really believed my father had changed.
That he wanted to be a man of peace.
[KIRA] I think he believes that too, when it suits his purpose.
[ZIYAL] Everything he's ever said to me has been a lie
[KIRA] Not everything. He really does care about you.
[ZIYAL] I don't care. I am not going back to him. You don't believe me,
do you?
[KIRA] Right now you're angry and hurt, but that's going to pass. And
then you'll have to decide what to do.
(Damar enters)
[DAMAR] Ziyal, I need to speak to you.
[ZIYAL] You and I have nothing to talk about.
[DAMAR] Maybe not, but you and your father do. He wants to see you.
[ZIYAL] Well I don't want to see him.
[KIRA] You heard her.
[DAMAR] Stay out of this, Major. Ziyal, listen. Your father is a great
man, a man of destiny, but he also carries great burdens. He knows our
alliance with the Dominion is a dangerous one. If we show any sign of
weakness, our allies will turn on us. That's why we must all help him
remain strong. So I ask you to be a true daughter of Cardassia and
stand beside him.
[ZIYAL] It should be obvious, even to you, Damar, that I am not a true
daughter of Cardassia.
[DAMAR] What's obvious to me is that your father should have left you to
rot in that Breen prison camp. But he didn't. He took pity on you and
it's your duty to repay him. Now come with me.
[KIRA] Let her go.
[DAMAR] And if I don't, what happens then?
[KIRA] I was hoping you'd ask.
(And she thumps him into oblivion)
[ZIYAL] Did you kill him?
[KIRA] No, but I thought about it.
[ZIYAL] What are you going to do when he wakes up?
[KIRA] That's up to him.
(Sisko's office)
[ROSS] I just came to wish you luck.
[SISKO] Thank you. My father says you can never have too much good luck.
[ROSS] Your father sounds like a wise man.
[SISKO] And he makes a fierce jambalaya.
[ROSS] What's this?
[SISKO] Ancient Bajoran texts.
[ROSS] The Emissary looks for guidance on the eve of battle.
[SISKO] Guidance, insights, loopholes. I'll take anything I can get.
[ROSS] And what do the Prophets tell you?
[SISKO] That I have a long way to go before I can make any sense of
their prophecies.
[ROSS] Maybe when this war is over you can look at them closer.
[SISKO] That would be a change. Spend a week or two down on Bajor. Visit
the Dakeen Monastery.
[ROSS] I've never been on Bajor. I hear it's quite nice.
[SISKO] Nice? That hardly describes it at all. There are parts of the
Eastern Province that are like Eden itself. Lush green valleys covered
in wild flowers that seem to spring up overnight. Hundreds of small,
crystal clear ponds interconnected by waterfalls.
[ROSS] All right, all right, I'm convinced. I'm already planning my next
R and R down there. You know, it sounds like when your assignment on
Deep Space Nine is over and Bajor is welcomed into the Federation,
you're going to have a tough time saying goodbye.
[SISKO] I don't plan to say goodbye. I plan to build a house on Bajor.
[ROSS] And what if Starfleet assigns you to a different sector?
[SISKO] I will go wherever they send me, but when I go home, it will be
to Bajor.
(Defiant Corridor)
(Nog is in a proper uniform, Engineering gold.)
[NOG] Chief, I was just coming to see you. Can you believe it? They made
me an Ensign.
[BRIEN] I hadn't realised things were going so bad.
[NOG] Scary, isn't it? If my classmates at the Academy could only see me
[BRIEN] They'd be surprised, would they?
[NOG] Amazed is more like it.
[BRIEN] What do they know.
[NOG] Anyway, I just want to say thanks for all your help.
[BRIEN] My help?
[NOG] I've learned a lot from you and not just about engineering. You've
shown me what it takes to be a good soldier.
[BRIEN] Don't let that uniform go to your head. You've got a lot to
learn yet. And you will. Congratulations, Ensign. Wear it with pride.
[NOG] I intend to, Chief.
[NOG] Captain on the Bridge.
[DAX] I've kept it warm for you, Ben.
[SISKO] Ensign, alert all ships. We're moving out.
[NOG] Aye, sir.
(Captain's office)
[DUKAT] Our initial intelligence reports have been
verified. The Federation fleet is on the move.
[WEYOUN] Do we know their destination?
[DUKAT] Yes. It appears they're headed here.
[WEYOUN] Here? Oh. He knows we're taking down the minefield. Someone
must've got a message out.
[DUKAT] So it would seem.
[WEYOUN] No matter. We'll crush them.
[DUKAT] Yes. Yes, we will. But in order to do that, I'm going to have to
pull a significant number of our ships off the front lines.
[WEYOUN] Do it.
[DUKAT] Come in.
(Battered and bruised Damar enters.)
[WEYOUN] Once the minefield comes down we'll have more than enough ships
to take their place.
[DUKAT] I understand. One moment, please.
(Dukat pushes Damar to the far end of the office.)
[DAMAR] I want your permission to arrest Major Kira.
[DUKAT] Kira? What about Ziyal? Did you talk to her?
[DAMAR] She doesn't want to see you. When I insisted, the Major
[DUKAT] What did you do to Ziyal?
[DAMAR] I did nothing to her.
[DUKAT] Then why did the Major attack you? You must have done something,
threatened my daughter in some way. Damar, I told you to be tactful.
[WEYOUN] Excuse me. Don't you think resolving family squabbles can wait
until after we've won this war? Weak eyes, good ears.
[DUKAT] Yes, of course. You're quite right.
[WEYOUN] Then you're clear on what must be done.
[DUKAT] I'm going to call back enough ships to destroy the Federation
fleet and hold this station.
(Weyoun leaves.)
[DAMAR] The Federation is moving against us?
[DUKAT] That's right. Now I want to know exactly what went on between
you and Ziyal.
(Promenade - upper level)
[ODO] It's odd. I've stood here countless times, and
yet somehow it all looks different.
[FOUNDER] It's the solids. They look small, don't they? Insignificant.
[ODO] It's not their fault.
[FOUNDER] I'm not placing blame.
[ODO] They're trapped.
[FOUNDER] Confined to a single shape.
[ODO] A single perspective.
[FOUNDER] It's so limiting.
[ODO] I feel sorry for them.
[FOUNDER] They need our guidance, Odo, not our pity.
[ODO] They cherish their freedom.
[FOUNDER] We'll have to break them of that.
[ODO] Break them?
[FOUNDER] In a manner of speaking. Oh, this language of the solids. It's
so imprecise.
[ODO] What exactly do you plan to do?
[FOUNDER] The solids are no longer your concern, Odo. What must be done,
will be done. It's as simple as that.
[WEYOUN] Forgive me for intruding but I have important news about the
[FOUNDER] Why don't you return to your quarters, Odo. I'll join you
there shortly. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. I promise.
(Odo leaves.)
[WEYOUN] I must say, you're doing a wonderful job with Odo.
[FOUNDER] Meaning what?
[WEYOUN] Meaning that he's always posed a potential threat to our plans,
but you seem to have neutralised him quite nicely.
[FOUNDER] Neutralise Odo? Is that why you think I'm here? Odo is a
changeling. Bringing him home, returning him to the Great Link, means
more to us than the Alpha Quadrant itself. Is that clear?
[WEYOUN] I meant no disrespect.
[FOUNDER] Well of course you didn't. You are what you are, a loyal
subject of the Dominion. Come, walk with me. You said you had important
(Downstairs, Odo spots Kira and runs after her. She
steps into a turbolift.)
[ODO] Major!
[ODO] Kira. Kira, wait, please.
[KIRA] I have nothing to say to you.
[ODO] I understand that you're angry.
[KIRA] Oh, you bet I am angry. Do you have any idea what's going on?
[ODO] Yes, somewhat. I've been occupied.
[KIRA] Dukat is bringing down the minefield, the Federation is about to
be overrun by Dominion reinforcements and Weyoun has ordered Rom's
execution and you have been occupied.
[ODO] This is so difficult to explain.
[KIRA] If you're going to talk me about the Link, don't bother. I'm a
solid, remember? I won't understand.
[ODO] Nerys. I'm sorry.
[KIRA] Sorry? That's what you wanted to tell me? You're sorry?
[ODO] Yes.
[KIRA] Well let me tell you something, Odo. We are way, way past sorry.
[BRIEN] Sir, incoming message from the Cortez.
They're still having trouble stabilising the guidance thrusters on
their port nacelle.
[SISKO] Tell them to drop back and make repairs. Bring up the Sarek to
take its place.
[BRIEN] Will do.
[GARAK] That's the eleventh ship to fall out of formation.
[DAX] Nice of you to keep track, Garak.
[BASHIR] He can't help being negative. It's in his nature.
[GARAK] On the contrary. I always hope for the best. Experience,
unfortunately, has taught me to expect the worst.
[BRIEN] I'm picking something up. It's a large Dominion fleet bearing
zero zero four mark zero zero nine.
[SISKO] How large?
[BRIEN] Twelve hundred and fifty four ships.
[BASHIR] They outnumber us two to one.
[GARAK] Now who's being negative.
[SISKO] Ensign, on screen. Maximum magnification.
[NOG] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] To all ships, this is Captain Sisko. Assume attack formation
Delta two. There's an old saying, fortune favours the bold. Well, I
guess we're about to find out.
To Be Continued... | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e126", "title": "Favour The Bold"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Sacrifice of Angels
of Angels
Original Airdate: 3 Nov, 1997
time on Star Trek Deep Space Nine.
[SISKO] The Dominion won't attack Earth.
[SITAK] How can you be sure?
[SISKO] Because Earth isn't the key to the Alpha Quadrant. The wormhole
is. And whoever controls Deep Space Nine controls the wormhole.
[BRIEN] Target locked.
[DAX] Fire.
[KIRA] Execute Rom?
[WEYOUN] He committed an act of terrorism against the Dominion.
[ROM] You've got to finish what I started. The fate of the entire Alpha
Quadrant rests in your hands.
[QUARK] What happens if I get caught?
(Odo and the female shape-shifter Link.)
[ROSS] If those Dominion reinforcements come through the wormhole we'll
have lost everything.
[SISKO] We take the ships we have, fight our way to Deep Space Nine and
destroy that anti-graviton emitter. It's our only hope.
[KIRA] Dukat is bringing down the minefield, the Federation is about to
be overrun by Dominion reinforcements and Weyoun has ordered Rom's
[ODO] I'm sorry.
[KIRA] We are way, way past sorry.
[BRIEN] It's a large Dominion fleet. Twelve hundred and fifty four
[BASHIR] They outnumber us two to one.
[SISKO] There's an old saying, fortune favours the bold. Well, I guess
we're about to find out.
And now the conclusion.
[SISKO] Sisko to all ships. Cruiser and Galaxy
wings, drop to half impulse. You too, Commander.
[DAX] Half impulse.
[GARAK] I feel sorry for the Klingons. They're going to miss a very
interesting fight.
[BRIEN] I have a feeling we're going to miss having them.
[SISKO] Forget the Klingons. Our job is to get to Deep Space Nine and
prevent the Dominion reinforcements from coming through the wormhole,
and that's what we're going to do. Attack fighters, tactical pattern
Theta. Concentrate your fire on the Cardassian ships, and then split
off into squadrons and run like hell.
[NOG] Why is he only targeting the Cardassian ships?
[GARAK] He's hoping to get them to break formation and so they'll after
the Federation fighters. He knows the Jem'Hadar will stand their
ground, but the Cardassians just might get angry enough to take the
[NOG] Which would open a hole we can punch through.
[GARAK] You're getting quite an education.
[NOG] Attack fighters in Theta formation. Cruiser and Galaxy wings at
half impulse.
[SISKO] Sisko to attack fighters. Prepare to engage on my command.
[CREWMAN (OC)] Aye, sir.
[BRIEN] Cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them,
cannon in front of them, volley'd and thunder'd.
[BASHIR] Storm'd at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well into
the jaws of death. Into the mouth of hell rode the six hundred.
[NOG] Whatever it is you two are reciting, I wish you'd stop.
[BRIEN] Steady, Ensign. It's just a poem.
(Here's the full text, if you need
[NOG] It's not the poem that's bothering me.
[BRIEN] Stop worrying about those ships. Focus on your work. That's
what I do.
[BASHIR] You should listen to him, Ensign. He's a professional.
[SISKO] Attack fighters full impulse. Fire at will.
(And so it begins. The battle continues during the opening titles.)
[BRIEN] They're not taking the bait.
[SISKO] Ensign, send in the second wave. Tell them to keep targeting the
[NOG] Aye, sir. Second wave on its way. Third and fourth waves on hot
[SISKO] Mister O'Brien, have Destroyer units two and six move in closer.
They need more cover fire. And tell Captains Diego and Reynolds to stay
alert. They may try to outflank us.
(Dukat and co are watching the battle on the Ops
[DUKAT] It's very clever strategy. But I'd expect nothing less from
Captain Sisko.
[WEYOUN] The Captain is a very clever man.
[DUKAT] You do see it, don't you?
[WEYOUN] Of course I do.
[DUKAT] Well then, perhaps you'd like to explain Captain Sisko's
strategy to the Founder yourself.
[WEYOUN] I could never hope to match your eloquence.
[DUKAT] True. Sisko is trying to provoke us into opening a hole in our
lines. He's determined to get here and stop us from taking down this
minefield. Now I plan to give Sisko his opening and then close it on
[WEYOUN] What about the minefield? Are we still on schedule?
[DUKAT] We should be able to detonate the mines in eight hours.
[WEYOUN] Eight hours. I'll hold you to that, Dukat.
(The Founder and Weyoun leave.)
[DAMAR] I'd like to toss that smug little Vorta out the nearest airlock.
And his Founder with him.
[DUKAT] Now, now, Damar, that's no way to talk about our valued allies.
Not until this war is over, anyway.
[DAMAR] Sir, there is one other thing.
[DUKAT] Make it brief.
[DAMAR] I'm concerned about further attempts to sabotage this station.
The enemy knows if they don't act soon, it'll be too late.
[DUKAT] By enemy, I assume you're referring to Rom's associates?
[DAMAR] I doubt he was working alone when he tried to sabotage the
station. He must've had help. His wife Leeta, Jake Sisko, Major Kira.
[DUKAT] What are you proposing?
[DAMAR] That we arrest them. Keep them in custody, at least until the
wormhole is reopened.
[DUKAT] It's a wise precaution. But our Bajoran allies might object to
an arrest without cause. If anyone asks, we're merely holding them for
questioning. And Damar, make sure they're not harmed in any way. Major
Kira is important to my daughter. And to me.
[DAMAR] Sir, about your daughter. Perhaps it would be better, for her
own sake, if Ziyal were confined to quarters.
[DUKAT] For what reason?
[DAMAR] To be perfectly honest, sir, I don't completely trust her. And
neither should you.
[DUKAT] Are you accusing my daughter of being a saboteur?
[DAMAR] I'm not accusing her of anything. But she is quite friendly with
Major Kira.
[DUKAT] That will be all, Damar.
[DAMAR] She doesn't appreciate what it means to be Cardassian or to be
your daughter.
[DUKAT] But she is my daughter. That may mean nothing to you, but it
means everything to me.
[LEETA] I heard the Federation fleet has been
[QUARK] I heard two Cardassian soldiers saying the fleet was completely
[JAKE] Don't believe everything you hear.
[KIRA] Jake's right. Sisko'll get here. The question is, will he get
here soon enough?
[QUARK] He's only got seven hours before they detonate the minefield and
start bringing the reinforcements through the wormhole.
[JAKE] We've got to stop them.
[LEETA] How?
[KIRA] What if we cut off the power supply to the main computer? Shut
down the whole station.
[QUARK] Oh great. That would put me out of business altogether.
[JAKE] It would also keep them from detonating the mines.
[QUARK] Okay, so we shut down the main computer. How?
[KIRA] A bomb.
[QUARK] A bomb? What kind of bomb?
[KIRA] Leave that to me. It'll be crude, but effective.
[QUARK] The main computer is in the central core. It's too heavily
guarded. You'll never be able to smuggle a bomb into there.
(Quark leaves)
[KIRA] I'll plant the bomb. All we need to do is distract the guards.
[DAMAR (OC)] In here. Secure the doors.
(Kira turns around to see Damar with some guards.)
[DAMAR] Ah, Major, here you are. How nice of you to gather your friends
for us.
[KIRA] I'm off duty, Damar. What do you want?
[DAMAR] I want you to come with us. All three of you.
[KIRA] Where?
[DAMAR] To the security office. We have to ask you a few questions.
[JAKE] What kind of questions?
[DAMAR] You'll find out when we get there. Go ahead, Major, try
something. Nothing would make me happier.
[KIRA] Don't worry. It'll be all right.
[DAMAR] Of course it will. You have nothing to hide, do you? (to Leeta)
You certainly don't.
[DAMAR] I'll say this for Captain Sisko, he is
persistent. That's the ninth wave of Federation fighters he's sent
against us.
[DUKAT] Well, his persistence is about to pay off. Let's give him his
reward, shall we? Have a half dozen squadrons break formation and go
after those fighters.
[DAMAR] Yes, sir.
[BRIEN] Captain, two squadrons of Cardassian
attack ships are breaking formation. They're going after our fighters.
[GARAK] They're taking the bait. We've opened a hole in their lines.
[SISKO] Have we?
[DAX] Sir, do you see those Galor class destroyers?
[SISKO] I see them.
[BASHIR] It's a trap.
[SISKO] It is also an opportunity and we may not get another one.
Ensign, have Galaxy wings nine one and nine three engage those
destroyers. All other ships, head for that opening. Anyone who gets
through doesn't stop until they reach Deep Space Nine.
(In they go, Galaxy-class firepower helping make the gap wide enough
for the Defiant and her companions.)
[GARAK] Congratulations, Captain. You wanted them angry, they're angry.
[SISKO] The Magellan and the Venture are supposed to be protecting our
starboard flanks. They're in too tight. Ensign, tell fighter squadrons
six, seven and eight to
[NOG] Sir, I can't get through to anybody. Communications are down.
[BRIEN] They're jamming our signals by generating a rotating EM pulse.
[SISKO] Can you clear it?
[BRIEN] I'm trying.
(Captain's office)
[DUKAT] War is such thirsty work. Don't you agree?
[WEYOUN] Perhaps if you didn't talk so much, your throat wouldn't get so
[DUKAT] Cardassians do like to talk. I suppose it can be a failing at
(Dukat offers Weyoun a glass of kanar.)
[DUKAT] To the conquerors of the Federation.
[WEYOUN] Aren't you being a bit premature?
[DUKAT] I don't think so. Not with twenty eight hundred Dominion ships
waiting to come through that wormhole.
[WEYOUN] Those ships aren't going to be here for another five hours, and
need I remind you a lot can happen in that amount of time.
[DUKAT] Tell me, Weyoun, have you ever been diagnosed as anhedonic?
[WEYOUN] You think I'm incapable of experiencing joy just because I'm
[DUKAT] We didn't defeat the Federation by being cautious.
[WEYOUN] We haven't defeated it yet. And even if we do, it's only the
beginning. Holding on to a prize as vast as the Federation isn't going
to be easy. It's going to require an enormous number of ships, a
massive occupation army and constant vigilance.
[DUKAT] I look forward to it.
[WEYOUN] I'm sure you also looked forward to occupying Bajor and we all
know what a disappointment that was.
[DUKAT] On Bajor I merely implemented policy, I didn't make it. If I
had, things would have turned out quite differently.
[WEYOUN] If you ask me, the key to holding the Federation is Earth. If
there's going to be an organised resistance against us, its birthplace
will be there.
[DUKAT] You could be right.
[WEYOUN] Then our first step is be to eradicate its population. It's the
only way.
[DUKAT] You can't do that.
[WEYOUN] Why not?
[DUKAT] Because! A true victory is to make your enemy see they were
wrong to oppose you in the first place. To force them to acknowledge
your greatness.
[WEYOUN] Then you kill them?
[DUKAT] Only if it's necessary.
[WEYOUN] I had no idea.
[DUKAT] Perhaps the biggest disappointment in my life is that the
Bajoran people still refuse to appreciate how lucky they were to have
me as their liberator. I protected them in so many ways, cared for them
as if they were my own children. But to this day, is there a single
statue of me on Bajor?
[WEYOUN] I would guess not.
[DUKAT] And you'd be right. Take Captain Sisko, an otherwise
intelligent, perceptive man. Even he refuses to grant me the respect I
(Dukat drops the baseball onto the floor.)
[DUKAT] You find that amusing?
[WEYOUN] Not at all. I find it fascinating.
[DUKAT] Laugh all you want. History will prove me right.
(Odo's quarters)
[FOUNDER] I have news, Odo. Our battle with the
Federation fleet is going well.
[ODO] There are people out there fighting, dying. People who used to be
my friends.
[FOUNDER] They're solids, Odo. You must remember that.
[ODO] I know, but they still mean something to me.
[FOUNDER] The Link means more.
[ODO] That's what I keep telling myself, but somehow I can't quite
believe it.
[FOUNDER] You asked me for clarity, Odo. I gave it to you. Now you must
accept it. It's Major Kira, isn't it? You still have strong feelings
for her. She doesn't deserve your loyalty, Odo. You cannot allow a
solid to deny you your rightful place in the Great Link. I couldn't
permit it.
[ODO] What are you saying?
[FOUNDER] The Major has been arrested.
[ODO] On what charge?
[FOUNDER] That hardly matters. What matters is she will be found guilty
and sentenced to death.
[ODO] No!
[FOUNDER] Her death is be your salvation. Link with me. Embrace the
clarity. It is the only thing that will give you peace.
[ODO] No.
[FOUNDER] You cannot help her, Odo. You cannot help any of the solids,
no matter how much you may want to. It's too late for them.
(Starfleet ships are being ripped apart. Defiant is
under constant bombardment.)
[DAX] Sir, we've just lost the Sitak and the Majestic. We're on our own,
[BRIEN] Comm's back online.
[NOG] Four enemy ships directly ahead.
[SISKO] Evasive manoeuvres, pattern Omega. We're going through.
(Defiant weaves between the big Cardassian ships, pursued by Jem'Hadar
[DAX] That's one down.
[SISKO] Can you shake the other three?
[DAX] I'm trying.
[BASHIR] We've lost aft shields. Forward shields are down to fifteen
[GARAK] Wouldn't this be a good time to cloak?
[BRIEN] The cloaking system's fried.
[SISKO] Auxiliary power to weapons. We're going to fight our way out of
(KaBOOM, KaBOOM, KaBOOM as the Klingons arrive.)
[NOG] It's the Klingons, sir. They're here. We're being hailed by
Commander Worf.
[SISKO] On screen.
[WORF (on viewscreen)] Captain, I am sorry we were late. It was not easy
to convince Chancellor Gowron to spare us any ships.
[SISKO] I'm just glad you could join us, Commander.
[BRIEN] Captain, the Klingons have broken a hole in the Dominion
[SISKO] Dax, can you get us through?
[DAX] I'd love to try.
(Their Klingon escort is demolished as Defiant weaves through the enemy
to clear space beyond.)
[SISKO] Any other ships make it?
[NOG] No, sir.
[SISKO] We only have three hours before the minefields are detonated.
Set a course for Deep Space Nine. Maximum warp.
[DAMAR] The Defiant has broken through all our
lines. It's on its way here. Shall I order a pursuit?
[WEYOUN] At once.
[DUKAT] (fondling the baseball) The Defiant is no match for this
station. If Sisko wants to commit suicide, I say we let him.
(Ziyal's quarters)
(Ziyal enters and is grabbed from behind by Quark.)
[QUARK] Don't scream. I won't going to hurt you.
(She nods and he releases her.)
[QUARK] I just have one question.
[ZIYAL] What's that?
[QUARK] Do you know how to make hasperat soufflé?
(Security office)
(Quark and Ziyal enter with tray of food.)
[QUARK] Lunch for Major Kira.
[CARDASSIAN] Major Kira has already been fed.
[QUARK] And I can only imagine the slop you served her. What I have here
is hasperat soufflé, just the way the Major likes it.
[CARDASSIAN] This is a jail, not a hotel. The Major will eat what the
other prisoners eat.
[ZIYAL] Do you know who I am?
[CARDASSIAN] Gul Dukat's daughter.
[ZIYAL] That's right. Now I suggest you allow us to deliver this food.
[CARDASSIAN] I can't do that. However, I will take the tray to her.
After I examine it.
[QUARK] Er, is that really necessary?
[CARDASSIAN] Lift the lid.
[QUARK] If you insist. You see? Hasperat soufflé, just as I said. Stop
poking it. It's very delicate.
(The Cardassian leans in closer and continues spearing the food. Ziyal
gives him a hypospray and he lands face down in it.)
[QUARK] Now you've ruined it.
(Holding area)
(Kira and Leeta in one cell, Rom and Jake in the
other. Jem'Hadar are standing guard.)
[ROM] How much longer before they detonate the minefield?
[KIRA] I wish you'd stop asking that.
[ROM] Sorry.
[JAKE] I'd say about ninety minutes.
[ROM] My time grows short.
[LEETA] Don't say that.
[ROM] The only reason they haven't killed me yet is that I'm part of
their victory celebration. Seven o'clock, Dukat makes a speech. Eight
thirty, cake and raktajino. Eight forty five, execute the Ferengi.
(Quark enters brandishing disrupters. The Jem'Hadar spread out.)
[QUARK] All right, no one move!
[ROM] Brother! I knew you would come.
[QUARK] It's a surprise to me. Now, just keep calm and stay where you
are. Understand? Don't move. You, open the holding cells. I said, open
the holding cells.
[ZIYAL] You just told them not to move.
[QUARK] Right. Nobody moves except you. Now open the cells.
(The Jem'Hadar look at each other then tense up. Quark kills them both
in total surprise.)
[KIRA] Quark.
[QUARK] Yes?
[KIRA] Take down the forcefields.
[QUARK] Forcefields?
(Ziyal takes a disrupter from Quark and blasts the control panel.)
[KIRA] I'd kiss you, Quark, but there isn't time. We have to find a way
to shut down the power to the main computer.
[ROM] I can do that.
[LEETA] Oh, Rom.
[ROM] That is, if we can make it to the central computer core without
being killed.
[KIRA] Right, Rom, you're with me. The rest of you, find someplace to
stay out of sight.
[JAKE] Will do.
(Quark is still stunned by what he did. Jake drags him out.)
(Odo's quarters)
[FOUNDER] I know you're confused, Odo, but you don't
have to be. All the answers you seek are in the Link.
[ODO] Come in.
[WEYOUN] Forgive the intrusion, but Major Kira, the Ferengi saboteur and
the rest of their terrorist group have escaped from the holding cells.
For your own protection, I must ask you to come with me.
[FOUNDER] I want them caught.
[WEYOUN] They will be. But in the meantime, you'd both be safer in Ops.
[FOUNDER] Very well. Odo?
[ODO] I'll be fine here.
[FOUNDER] You're sure?
[ODO] Yes.
(It's a running battle with barrels providing
convenient cover.)
[KIRA] Get out of here.
(Cargo bay)
(Jem'Hadar come in through the other door. They
hide behind crates.)
[ROM] Do you hear that? That's Bajoran phaser fire.
[KIRA] Why would Dominion troops be using Bajoran weapons?
(There's a final thud, the firing stops and they look out to see dead
Jem'Hadar and a live Bajoran security detail.)
[ODO] Never underestimate the element of surprise.
[ODO] You have less than forty minutes to shut down
the main computer.
[ROM] I hope that's enough time.
[KIRA] It'll have to be. Can you keep the Dominion patrols off our
[ODO] I'll head down to Security, create enough false alarms to keep
them occupied. Any questions?
[KIRA] I could ask why.
[ODO] I don't think there's time to explain it. Besides, I think you
know the answer.
(Rom heads off down a conduit. Kira starts to climb in too.)
[KIRA] What about the Link?
[ODO] The Link was paradise. But it appears I'm not ready for paradise.
Good luck.
[KIRA] You too.
[SISKO] Dax, what's our ETA?
[DAX] Eleven minutes.
[BRIEN] That's cutting it close.
(Conduit junction)
[KIRA] How's it going, Rom?
[ROM] I wish you'd stop asking that.
[KIRA] Sorry, sorry.
[ROM] I'm not going to make it.
[KIRA] All right then, concentrate on cutting off the power to the
station's weapons array. Without weapons they won't be able to detonate
the minefield.
[ROM] Not for a while anyway.
[DAMAR] Sir, the Klingons have outflanked us. Our
lines are beginning to crumble.
[DUKAT] There's nothing to worry about. In exactly four minutes,
thousands of Dominion ships will come pouring through that wormhole. I
just hope the Defiant gets here in time for Sisko to see it.
[DAX] Ben, if I were you, I'd start coming up with a
plan B.
(Conduit junction)
[ROM] Almost there. I just need to decouple the ODN
[DAMAR] The last mines have been neutralised. We're
ready to detonate the minefield, sir.
[DUKAT] Fire.
[ROM] Done.
(The minefield begins to explode.)
[ROM] Uh-oh.
[KIRA] What is it?
[ROM] We were too late.
(On the viewscreen is DS9 with a background of
flashes of light. Silence.)
[DAX] What do we do now, Captain?
[SISKO] Take us into the wormhole.
[BRIEN] What the hell. We're only going to meet a couple of thousand
Dominion ships.
[DAX] One ship against an entire fleet? That's a hell of a plan B.
[GARAK] Chief, how does that poem end?
[BRIEN] You don't want to know.
[FOUNDER] Send a message to our listening posts in
the Gamma Quadrant. Tell the reinforcements that the Alpha Quadrant
awaits them.
[DAMAR] Sir, the Defiant. It's heading for the wormhole.
[WEYOUN] Destroy it.
[DUKAT] What's wrong, Damar?
[DAMAR] Our weapons, they're offline. They've been sabotaged.
[WEYOUN] How can that be?
[DUKAT] Major Kira.
(Inside the wormhole.)
[SISKO] Full stop. Chief, divert all power to forward shields and
[DAX] Captain, I'm reading multiple warp signatures ahead.
[SISKO] On screen. Maximum magnification.
(Here comes the enemy fleet, but no more than three abreast in the
narrow tunnel.)
[SISKO] Lock phasers. Prepare to launch quantum torpedoes.
[SISKO] Why have you brought me here? Show
yourselves. What do you want?
[ODO] The Sisko has returned to us.
[JAKE] He arrives with questions.
[KIRA] There are always questions.
[SISKO] I didn't ask to come here.
(Captain's office)
[DUKAT] You desire to end the game.
[SISKO] What game? I don't understand.
[WEYOUN] You seek to shed your corporeal existence.
[DAMAR] That cannot be allowed.
[ODO] The game must not end.
[SISKO] The game? You mean my life? Is that what this is about? You
don't want me to die?
(Captain's office)
[DUKAT] The game must continue.
[WEYOUN] You are the Sisko.
[SISKO] Believe me, I don't want to die, but I have to do everything I
can to prevent the Dominion from conquering the Alpha Quadrant. If that
means sacrificing my life and the life of my crew, so be it.
[JAKE] We do not agree.
[KIRA] We find your reasoning flawed.
[ODO] Insufficient.
[SISKO] I'm flattered you feel that way, but it doesn't change anything.
Now send me back to my ship.
[SISKO] This isn't what I meant. I want to return to
my reality.
[DAMAR] You are the Sisko.
[SISKO] I am also a Starfleet captain. I have a job to do and I intend
to do it.
[WEYOUN] The Sisko is belligerent.
[DUKAT] Aggressive.
[DAMAR] Adversarial.
[SISKO] You're damn right I'm adversarial. You have no right to
interfere with my life.
[KIRA] We have every right.
[SISKO] Fine. You want to interfere, then interfere. Do something about
those Dominion reinforcements.
[ODO] That is a corporeal matter.
[DUKAT] Corporeal matters do not concern us.
[SISKO] The hell they don't. What about Bajor? You can't tell me Bajor
doesn't concern you. You've sent the Bajorans orbs and Emissaries.
You've even encouraged them to create an entire religion around you.
You even told me once that you were of Bajor. So don't you tell me
you're not concerned with corporeal matters. I don't want to see Bajor
destroyed. Neither do you. But we all know that's exactly what's going
to happen if the Dominion takes over the Alpha Quadrant. You say you
don't want me to sacrifice my life? Well, fine, neither do I. You want
to be gods, then be gods. I need a miracle. Bajor needs a miracle. Stop
those ships.
[WEYOUN] We are of Bajor.
[DAMAR] But what of the Sisko?
[ODO] He is intrusive.
[DUKAT] He tries to control the game.
[JAKE] A penance must be exacted.
[WEYOUN] It is agreed.
[DUKAT] The Sisko is of Bajor, but he will find no rest there.
[KIRA] (touches Sisko's left ear) His pagh will follow another path.
[SISKO] What path is that?
(Back to reality.)
[BRIEN] Phaser banks fully charged.
[NOG] Forward shields at a hundred percent.
[BRIEN] Torpedoes ready. Targets locked.
[DAX] Here they come.
[SISKO] Fire on my command.
[NOG] There must be thousands of them.
[GARAK] And half of them have locked targets on us.
[SISKO] Steady, people. Make every shot count.
[DAX] Benjamin.
(Energy crackles in the wormhole and the Dominion fleet vanishes.)
[BRIEN] They've cloaked.
[DAX] I'm not picking up any neutrino emissions.
[GARAK] Then where did they go?
[SISKO] Wherever they went, I don't think they're coming back.
(The ultimate Deus ex Machina cop-out.)
[DAMAR] Sir, the wormhole is opening.
[DAMAR] The Defiant.
[DUKAT] Our reinforcements must be right behind.
(The wormhole closes.)
[DAMAR] No, sir. There's no sign of them.
[WEYOUN] That's impossible. Check our listening posts in the Gamma
[DAMAR] They're not there either.
[DUKAT] But they entered the wormhole. Where are they?
[DAMAR] I don't know.
[DAMAR] The Defiant has opened fire on us.
[WEYOUN] Obviously.
[DUKAT] Can you get our weapons back online?
[DAMAR] Not for a while. Sir, two hundred enemy ships have broken
through our lines. They're headed this way.
[WEYOUN] Time to start packing.
[FOUNDER] Contact our forces in the Alpha Quadrant. Tell them to fall
back to Cardassian territory. It appears this war is going to take
longer than expected.
[WEYOUN] We'll meet you at airlock five.
(The Founder and Weyoun leave. Dukat's jaw is still on the floor.)
[DAMAR] Sir?
[DUKAT] Victory was within our grasp.
[DAMAR] We have to evacuate the station, sir.
[DUKAT] Bajor, the Federation, the Alpha Quadrant, all lost.
[DAMAR] We have to go now, sir.
[DAMAR] The Federation ships, they'll be here soon. We have to get back
to Cardassia.
[DUKAT] I have to find my daughter.
[DAMAR] I'll send someone for her.
[DUKAT] That won't be necessary.
[DAMAR] You're wasting your time.
[DUKAT] Promenade.
[DAMAR] She won't go with you.
[BRIEN] Sir, the Dominion forces are leaving the
[SISKO] Let them go. We're in no shape to stop them.
[BASHIR] Captain, we're getting a message from the Cortez. The Dominion
fleet has broken off the fight. They're in retreat.
[SISKO] Tell the Cortez and the rest of our fleet to rendezvous at Deep
Space Nine.
(Dukat stumbles along, searching for Ziyal.)
[COMPUTER] All Dominion personnel proceed to airlocks four, seven and
twelve for evacuation. This is a first priority order. Repeat. All
Dominion personnel proceed to airlocks four, seven and twelve for
[COMPUTER] This is a first priority order.
[WEYOUN] Out of the way, out of the way. Step aside. Make way for the
Founder. What about Odo? Is he coming with us?
[FOUNDER] No. But he will join us one day. It's only a matter of time.
[ZIYAL] Father!
[DUKAT] Ah, Ziyal.
[ZIYAL] I've been looking for you. I heard about the evacuation.
[DUKAT] You're all I have, all I care about.
[ZIYAL] No matter how much I try to hate you, I can't.
[DUKAT] I couldn't live with myself if you hated me. Come, we'll talk on
the way home.
[ZIYAL] Home?
[DUKAT] Cardassia. We have to leave here, Ziyal, before the Federation
[ZIYAL] I'm not leaving.
[DUKAT] These people are our enemies.
[ZIYAL] They're not my enemies. I'm one of them.
[DUKAT] That's not true.
[ZIYAL] Father, I helped Major Kira and the others escape from the
holding cells.
[DUKAT] Do you know what you're saying?
[ZIYAL] Yes, I do. I belong here. Goodbye, Father. I love you.
(Ziyal is shot.)
[DAMAR] You heard her. She's a traitor.
(Dukat takes Ziyal in his arms.)
[DUKAT] Ziyal, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right. Ziyal, I
forgive you. It's all right.
[DAMAR] We're out of time, sir. The last ship is waiting for us.
(Dukat snarls at Damar. Damar runs off.)
[DUKAT] Ziyal, please hear me. I love you. I love you, Ziyal.
(Ziyal dies.)
[DUKAT] No! No! Ziyal.
(A cheering crowd greets the returning heroes at
the airlock.)
[SISKO] Jake-o.
[ODO] Welcome back, Captain.
[SISKO] Good to see you, Constable. It's good to see you all.
[MARTOK] Captain, it would appear I owe you a barrel of bloodwine.
[SISKO] We'll drink it together.
[DAX] Worf!
[WORF] Jadzia.
[DAX] I guess the wedding's still on.
[BRIEN] Quark, are the holosuites still working?
[QUARK] Ready and waiting, Chief.
[BRIEN] Julian, did you hear that?
[BASHIR] The Battle of Britain. I'll meet you there in an hour.
[ROM] You've been promoted?
[NOG] I'm an engineer.
[ROM] We'll be working together.
[NOG] Actually, you'll be working for me.
(Garak is looking for someone.)
[JAKE] I really missed you. It's good to have you back, Dad.
[SISKO] So, where's Major Kira?
[JAKE] She's in the Infirmary, with Ziyal.
[KIRA] She loved you.
[GARAK] I could never figure out why. I guess I never will.
(Holding area)
[DUKAT] We'll go back to Cardassia, Ziyal. We'll be
safe there. You'll live with me. Everything will be fine.
[SISKO] Maybe Doctor Bashir can do something for him.
[DUKAT] We'll both be very happy together. I know you forgive me. After
all, I am your father and I forgive you.
(Odo enters the cell.)
[DUKAT] My precious girl.
[ODO] Easy. Easy now.
(Odo helps Dukat out of the cell.)
[DUKAT] I forgive you, too.
(Dukat gives Sisko his baseball back.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e127", "title": "Sacrifice of Angels"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - You Are Cordially
Are Cordially Invited
Original Airdate: 10 Nov, 1997
Captain's personal log, stardate 51247.5. It's been a week since our
return to Deep Space Nine, but the mood of celebration continues. We're
still at war, and the station's been designated Headquarters for the
Ninth Fleet. That, plus our strategic position guarding the wormhole,
makes DS Nine one of the most tempting targets in the entire quadrant.
But for now at least, the war seems very far away.
(Sisko has just been watching the busy Promenade
from the upper level. Morn kissed a woman, and a crewwoman smiled up at
[SISKO] Morning. Good morning. Morning, Major.
[KIRA] Good morning, Captain.
[SISKO] Do you know how much I missed hearing you say that.
[KIRA] Do you know how much I hated saying, Good morning, Dukat.
[SISKO] I can imagine. What's on the agenda?
[KIRA] USS Potemkin has completed her repairs and is rejoining the fleet
later today. Exeter, Sutherland and Akagi have submitted resupply
requests, and there are about a thousand messages from Starfleet
Command awaiting your eyes only attention.
[SISKO] Anything else?
[KIRA] General Martok is waiting in your office.
[SISKO] Ah. I'll start with the General.
[KIRA] Thought you would.
[SISKO] Have I mentioned that it's good to be home?
[KIRA] Once or twice.
(Captain's office)
[MARTOK] You knew about this, didn't you?
[SISKO] I had a pretty good idea.
[MARTOK] And you did nothing to stop it?
[SISKO] No. In fact, I recommended you for the position myself. Allow me
to offer my congratulations to the new Supreme Commander of the Ninth
[MARTOK] Do you have any idea how much paperwork a Supreme Commander has
to do?
[SISKO] You're welcome. May I arrange quarters for you on the station?
[MARTOK] No, I'll keep my flag aboard the Rotarran. It may be cramped,
but at least I'll feel like I'm still in the war. By the way, I'd like
Worf to continue functioning as my principal Intelligence Officer.
[SISKO] I don't see any problem with that. He's the only officer I know
who can never get enough work.
[MARTOK] At least if he's busy he'll stop going on about this wedding of
his. There were times aboard the Rotarran he nearly drove me mad. Until
his son arrived, it was all he could talk about. Then Alexander became
all he could talk about. The man is nothing if not
[SISKO] I haven't met Worf's son yet. What's he like?
[MARTOK] He's a fine boy. Dedicated, eager. He has the heart of his
father, but he's not the best soldier I've ever seen.
[ALEXANDER] But when he ordered me to bring the
system back online I thought he was still talking about the hydrostatic
system, so
[DAX] You didn't engage the pumps while the check valves were open?
[WORF] He did.
[ALEXANDER] I flooded the entire deck with superheated hydraulic fluid.
It took me three days to clean it up, but I swear it still smells like
burnt dog hair in there.
[DAX] Remind me to keep you away from the Defiant. You're a menace.
[ALEXANDER] The Rotarran's crew actually thinks of me as a good luck
charm. You know, the more mistakes I make, the safer they feel. I hope
the Ya'Vang's crew feels the same way.
[WORF] The Ya'Vang?
[ALEXANDER] I got new orders this morning. The battle cruiser Ya'Vang
took heavy losses in their last engagement so most of the Rotarran's
crew are being transferred there at the end of the week, including me.
More bloodwine?
[DAX] Why not?
[WORF] No, not for me.
(Alexander leaves the table with Dax's mug.)
[QUARK] Handsome young man. He must get his looks from his mother's
[WORF] What do you want?
[QUARK] Have you had a chance to reconsider my offer?
[WORF] We are not getting married in this bar. The ceremony will take
place on the Klingon homeworld after the war.
[DAX] Worf, let's do it here. This week, before Alexander leaves.
[QUARK] Perfect. I'll handle all the arrangements.
[WORF] Wait. I thought we had agreed.
[DAX] We did, but I would hate for Alexander to miss his father's
wedding. It would mean so much to him, and besides, it may be a long
time before you see him again.
(Alexander returns with the drinks.)
[ALEXANDER] What's going on?
[WORF] Our wedding plans have changed. We are getting married here on
Deep Space Nine. And I want you to be my Tawi'Yan.
[DAX] Sword-bearer. It's sort of like a best man.
[ALEXANDER] Me? Really? Oh, that's great!
(He throws out his arms and hits a waiter's tray which crashes onto a
[QUARK] I'll put that on your tab.
[DAX] it doesn't leave much time to make all the
arrangements, but fortunately there isn't that much left to do. Worf's
been planning the ceremony for the last three months. He has everything
figured out, right down to the colour of my shoes.
[KIRA] No offence, Jadzia, but it seems like this wedding is all about
what Worf wants. Habitat ring, section fifty one gamma. What about you?
[DAX] A traditional Klingon wedding with all the trimmings is something
Worf's been thinking about since he was a boy. It probably has
something to do with being raised by human parents. In any case, when
it comes to Klingon tradition, Worf is very sentimental.
[KIRA] Worf?
[DAX] All men are sentimental. They just cover it up with scowls and
clenched jaws. There are times when Worf literally gets misty-eyed
talking about Klingon rituals.
[KIRA] So that's why you're letting him make the
plans for the wedding?
[DAX] Mostly, but the truth is, I've gone through five Trill ceremonies
three as a bride, two as a groom, and I'm a little bored with it.
(Odo swerves down a side corridor.)
[DAX] Is it my imagination, or did Odo just try and avoid us?
[KIRA] I didn't notice. We've been avoiding each other ever since the
Dominion left the station. I think we're both afraid of talking about
what happened during the occupation.
[DAX] What do you mean?
[KIRA] To tell you the truth, it's nothing I want to talk about right
now either.
(Briefing room)
(Smaller than the wardroom, with just a table,
chairs and big wall screen.)
[WORF] Thank you for coming. As you probably know by now, Jadzia and I
will be married here on the station in six days.
[BASHIR] There's nothing more romantic than a wedding on DS Nine in
[BRIEN] When the neutrinos are in bloom.
[WORF] By tradition, the Klingon man spends the four nights before his
wedding on a mental and spiritual journey. It is called Kal'Hyah, the
path of clarity. And he is accompanied by his closest male friends.
[MARTOK] You cannot imagine the experience that awaits us. Four long
nights filled with song and fellowship. A time of unbridled pleasures.
[BRIEN] Are we talking about a bachelor party?
[WORF] It is a similar ritual.
[BASHIR] That's good enough for me.
[BRIEN] Me too.
[SISKO] Count me in.
[WORF] We will meet in the holosuite tomorrow night at twenty one
hundred hours.
[MARTOK] I advise you all to get plenty of rest.
[BASHIR] Four nights at a Klingon bachelor party. Just think of the
[BRIEN] Thank God Keiko's not here.
(O'Brien and Bashir leave.)
[SISKO] I wonder what Dax will be doing while we're travelling down
[MARTOK] She will be taking a different journey with my wife.
[SISKO] Your wife?
[MARTOK] By marrying Worf, Dax will be joining the
House of Martok. Since the Mistress of a Great House must approve all
marriages, Sirella will spend the next four days evaluating Jadzia.
(The airlock opens and a stately Klingon woman comes out.)
[MARTOK] My Lady.
[SIRELLA] You've put on weight and your hair is going grey.
[MARTOK] My deterioration is proceeding apace.
[SIRELLA] I thought you would be in your grave by now.
[MARTOK] I shall endeavour to die this year, if possible. Allow me to
present Captain Benjamin Sisko, Commander of Deep Space Nine. Captain,
may I present the Mistress of the House of Martok, my wife and the
mother of my children, Sirella, daughter of Linkasa.
[SISKO] Welcome to Deep Space Nine.
[SIRELLA] Thank you, Captain. Where is she?
[MARTOK] Jadzia's quarters are in the Habitat ring, section twenty five
alpha. Shall I escort you? It's quite far away.
[SIRELLA] I'll find my way. If you'll excuse me.
(Yup, they're deeply in love. I'm thinking Benedick and Beatrice from Much Ado About
[MARTOK] Magnificent, isn't she?
(Dax's quarters)
[WORF] Are these real var'Hama candles?
[DAX] Yes, Worf. I travelled to Kronos, I captured three targs in the
Hamar Mountains, made the ritual sacrifice at dawn, came back to the
station, asked Quark to boil their shoulders into tallow. Then I spent
two days molding them into candles with my own hands.
[WORF] I was just asking.
[DAX] You were criticising. Again. Relax. She's not going to reject a
prospective daughter because the var'Hama candles in her welcoming
display were replicated.
[DAX] Come in.
(Sirella enters.)
[DAX] Tuq son bosh mok A'Beh Sirella koh. E'Gagh vet moh.
[SIRELLA] What is he doing here?
[WORF] I meant no disrespect.
[SIRELLA] Then leave.
(Worf leaves.)
[SIRELLA] Your worthiness to join our House will now be judged according
to the traditions of my family.
[DAX] I am prepared, my lady.
[SIRELLA] I doubt that. A Klingon woman would find it difficult to gain
my favour. For an alien, it will most likely be impossible.
[DAX] I like a challenge.
[SIRELLA] I will not have my authority challenged by you.
[DAX] That's not what I meant.
[SIRELLA] If you cannot say what you mean, say nothing at all. The
evaluation will begin tomorrow morning. Have the traditional meal
prepared before I arrive. And in the future, if you cannot trouble
yourself to make real var'Hama candles, try not to use such obvious
(Rotarran ready room)
[WORF] You never told me that your wife was opposed
to this marriage.
[MARTOK] Sirella is a woman of strong convictions. She believes that by
bringing aliens into our families we risk losing our identity as
[WORF] That is a prejudiced, xenophobic view.
[MARTOK] We are Klingons, Worf. We don't embrace other cultures, we
conquer them. If someone wishes to join us, they must honour our
traditions and prove themselves worthy of wearing the crest of a great
[WORF] Jadzia is worthy.
[MARTOK] Of course she is. She is an honourable woman and a formidable
[WORF] You should say that to Sirella.
[MARTOK] That's not such a good idea. I don't want her to think that I'm
interfering in her domain.
[WORF] Perhaps I should speak with her. Coming from me, it would not
seem like a challenge to her authority.
[MARTOK] I wouldn't do that if I were you.
[WORF] Why?
[MARTOK] Well, the truth is, she doesn't like you that much either.
[WORF] Me.
[MARTOK] Don't let that bother you I had every right to bring you into
the family and she's accepted the fact that there's nothing she can do
about it.
[WORF] How comforting.
[MARTOK] And they say that you have no sense of humour.
(Holosuite cave)
(Dark, with a central fire and lit by flaming
[BASHIR] I could do without the heat. I can't say much for the decor
[BRIEN] Well, it can't be all fun and games. I'm sure there has to be
some sort of ritual we have to go through before the party begins.
There is going to be a party, isn't there?
[ALEXANDER] You're asking me? I can barely say my name in Klingon.
[MARTOK] Prepare yourselves, my friends, for a journey you won't soon
[WORF] These are Ma'Stakas.
(Worf hands out staves with big balls on the end.)
[BASHIR] What do we do with them?
[MARTOK] At the conclusion of the wedding ceremony, you will use them to
attack Worf and Dax.
[BRIEN] Obviously. Don't you know anything?
[WORF] The tradition dates back to the wedding of Kahless and Lukara,
who were nearly killed by Molor's troops moments after they were
married. Until the ceremony, you should keep them with you at all
[SISKO] I trust that this combat is non-lethal?
[MARTOK] It is a symbolic attack only.
(Alexander has found the buffet table.)
[WORF] The food is not to be eaten.
[ALEXANDER] Then what is it for?
[WORF] It is here to tempt us into breaking our fast.
[SISKO] Fast?
[WORF] There are six trials we must face on the path to Kal'Hyah. This
is the first, deprivation. We now begin a fast that will continue until
the day of the wedding.
[BASHIR] That's four days away.
[MARTOK] It is a short time, I know, but we must make the best of it.
[SISKO] What are the other five trials?
[WORF] Blood, pain, sacrifice, anguish and death.
[BASHIR] Sounds like marriage all right.
[BRIEN] How would you know?
[WORF] It is time to begin.
(The bar is being redecorated Klingon-style and the
breakables removed)
[QUARK] More flowers up the banister.
[FERENGI] We're ready with the banner, boss.
[QUARK] Raise it. You're up early. I thought writers slept late.
[JAKE] Not always. I sold my first book today.
[QUARK] Really? How much did you get for it?
[JAKE] It's just a figure of speech. The Federation News Service is
going to publish a book of my stories about life on the station under
Dominion rule.
[QUARK] And they're not paying you?
[JAKE] No.
[QUARK] Well then, you have my sympathies and the first round of drinks
is on the house.
[JAKE] Really?
[QUARK] No. It's a figure of speech.
[JAKE] Look, I want to tell my Dad about the book. Is he still in the
[QUARK] Oh, yeah, they're still up there.
[JAKE] What are they doing?
[QUARK] It's a Klingon bachelor party. You're a writer, use your
(Holosuite cave)
(Alexander has passed out.)
[BASHIR] Alexander?
[ALEXANDER] Grandma?
[BASHIR] Guess again.
[ALEXANDER] We're still on the
[BASHIR] The road to Kal'Hyah, day five hundred.
[BRIEN] Maybe we should turn down the heat, you know, for Alexander's
[ALEXANDER] No, it's okay. I just need some water.
[BASHIR] Now you don't want to push yourself too hard. You know, turning
down the heat might be a good idea.
[MARTOK] The whole point is to push yourself to the limits of your
[ALEXANDER] I will. I want to travel the entire path to Kal'Hyah. Stoke
the fire again!
[WORF] As you wish.
[MARTOK] Of course, we cannot expect you non-Klingons to have the same
stamina as we do. If you wish to quit, no one will think any less of
[BASHIR] Who said anything about quitting?
[SISKO] Not me.
[BRIEN] I like the heat.
[MARTOK] That's the spirit! (sings) Kavek ko lee ko
[WORF] Eh to che mah lo Tah oo-wah kah esh to pah deh ah re!
Yah bosh-ah! Yah bosh-ah!, Yah bosh tomah!
(Dax's quarters)
(Dax is under physical stress, holding two heavy
smoldering buckets out from her side at arms length.)
[DAX] Al'Qoch mensah t'lang cho.
(She puts them down onto pedestals.)
[SIRELLA] Again.
[DAX] I've done it three times already.
[SIRELLA] You continue to rush through the ceremony, your body position
is poor and the placement of the braziers on their pedestals is sloppy.
[DAX] Do you know how heavy those things are?
[SIRELLA] A Klingon woman would not complain.
[DAX] You wouldn't make a Klingon woman do it three times in a row.
[SIRELLA] I wouldn't have to. She'd have done it correctly the first
time. End this now, Jadzia. Go back to your own people. They will
tolerate your weaknesses and your failings in a way that a Klingon
family never will. In our House, you would always be an alien, an
outsider. At best, you'd be an object of pity. But you'd never be
accepted, never an equal, because you can never truly be one of us.
(Dax lifts the braziers again.)
[DAX] Ko'ma tlang'goS ak-bay. Hava'dak croosh tovah. Ko'ma Kahless.
Ko'ma Kahless. Ko'ma Kahless. (Much later, with the fake candles
burning on the table.)
[DAX] But the second Dynasty ended when General K'Trelan assassinated
Emperor Reclaw. For the next ten years, the Empire was ruled by a
Council elected by the people. Modern-day Klingon historians refer to
this as The Dark Time, but it's interesting to note that this first and
only experiment in Klingon democracy actually produced several reforms
[SIRELLA] You are straying from the saga.
[DAX] Am I?
[SIRELLA] Your task is to recite the complete chronicle of the women in
my family.
[DAX] I just thought I'd provide you with a broader historical
perspective along the way.
[SIRELLA] I am familiar with Klingon history. Now, return to the story
of my twenty third maternal grandmother, Shenara, daughter of Emperor
Reclaw in the Second Dynasty.
[DAX] Well, that's where we run into a little bit of a problem. You see,
I did some research and when Emperor Reclaw was killed all the members
of the Imperial Family were also put to death. Including Shenara. When
the Third Dynasty was founded ten years later, a new group of Klingons
were given the titles and the names of the original Imperial Family to
create the illusion of an unbroken line. So the woman that you think of
as your twenty third maternal grandmother isn't related to you at all.
Your real ancestor's name was Karana, a concubine living outside the
Imperial stables.
[SIRELLA] My grandmother's name was Shenara.
[DAX] That may be what's been passed down from generation to generation,
but it has no basis in fact. But who cares about facts? The chronicle
says that you have imperial blood in your veins and that's exactly what
we'll telling everyone.
[SIRELLA] Continue with the saga.
[DAX] My pleasure.
[JAKE] Hey, Major. Is it true Dax is having a party
tomorrow night?
[KIRA] News travels fast.
[JAKE] Well, is it by invitation or?
[KIRA] I'm sure you're welcome, and you can tell Nog the same goes for
him too.
[JAKE] Great.
[KIRA] Oh, I understand congratulations are in order to our newest
published author.
[JAKE] Thank you.
(Odo comes out of his office. They both look at each other then Kira
turns around and Odo heads off across the Promenade.)
[JAKE] What was all that about?
[KIRA] Nothing. There they go.
(Bashir, Alexander, Sisko and O'Brien with staves and robes.)
[KIRA] They look so serious.
[JAKE] It's all an act. They don't want the rest of us to know what kind
of debauchery they're up to.
[KIRA] Like what?
[JAKE] It's a Klingon bachelor party. Use your imagination.
(Holosuite cave)
[WORF] Now begins the trial of blood.
[MARTOK] Let rivers flow from our veins.
[WORF] Who will be the first?
(Sisko, O'Brien and Alexander all take one step back to leave someone
who is almost asleep on his feet.)
[WORF] I did not expect it to be you, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Neither did I.
[WORF] Do not worry. The pain will last for only a moment.
(Dax's quarters)
(Party time with a Samoan band and fire-dancer.
He's superb.)
[KIRA] Isn't that great?
(Dax is on bongos.)
[KIRA] He's unbelievable!
[WOMAN] He's something.
[DAX] Lieutenant Manuele Atoa from the starship Sutherland!
[ROM] I've never seen anything like that.
[LEETA] Neither have I.
[ROM] Let's get something to eat.
[JAKE] A woman of many talents.
[QUARK] It's a shame she's about to waste them all on that walking frown
she calls a
fiancé. She's too good for him. I've said that from the beginning.
[JAKE] Are you jealous?
[QUARK] There's no profit in jealousy.
[JAKE] That's not a denial.
[QUARK] It's not to be quoted either.
[JAKE] Don't worry. So when did you first realise you had these feelings
for Dax? Quark, wait.
(Holosuite cave)
(Bashir and O'Brien are hanging in manacles from a
rope stretched across the cave.)
[BASHIR] Miles?
[BRIEN] Yeah?
[BASHIR] It's working. I've had a vision about the future. I can see it
so clearly.
[BRIEN] What is it?
[BASHIR] I'm going to kill Worf. I'm going to kill Worf. That's what I'm
going to do. I can see it clearly now. I'm going to kill him. Kill him.
[BRIEN] Kill Worf. Kill Worf.
(Dax's quarters)
(Leeta is dancing on a tabletop and the drum beat
is insistent. Kira and Nog are doing a Ferengi dance which is like cats
pouncing. Odo enters with two deputies.)
[ODO] I have been getting complaints about the noise. Someone even
mentioned a fight?
[KIRA] Oh, there was a scuffle between Morn and one of the Bolians, but
they worked it out.
(Morn and the Bolian are doing a chest-butting dance.)
[ODO] How long will this party continue?
[KIRA] This party will continue until further notice, on the personal
authority of the station's First Officer, who just happens to be me.
[ODO] You're in a good mood.
[KIRA] Yeah, well, it's a good party.
[ODO] Well.
[KIRA] Odo. Odo, I think we have a lot to talk about.
[ODO] I agree.
[KIRA] So let's talk.
[ODO] Now?
[KIRA] Don't you think we've put it off long enough?
[ODO] (to the deputies) Enjoy yourselves.
[KIRA] Let's find someplace a little quieter.
(Another fire dance has finished.)
[DAX] Thanks for the show.
[ATOA] Thanks for getting me the day off.
[DAX] Captain Shelby owed me a favour. Actually, he owed me several. In
fact, how would you like to have another two days off?
[ATOA] Two? What do I have to do?
[DAX] Not much. Just give me something fun to look at for the rest of
the evening.
[ATOA] Anything else?
[DAX] I'll let you know.
[SIRELLA] You! Leave her or I'll cut your head off and hang it from my
[DAX] I'll take care of this. You weren't invited.
[SIRELLA] It is time for the Bre'Nan ritual.
[DAX] I'm busy.
[SIRELLA] Busy acting like a Risian slut.
[DAX] I'm only going to ask you to leave once.
[SIRELLA] You will come with me now and perform the Bre'Nan ritual to my
satisfaction or I will cancel your wedding.
[DAX] Toruk-DOH!
(Sirella draws her dagger but Dax disarms her and hits her.)
[NOG] Ladies, please!
(Dax pushes Nog aside.)
[SIRELLA] Mok'Ta vor, kash a'VEH!
(Sirella spits and leaves)
[DAX] Why is everyone standing around? The party's just getting started.
Play something.
(Dax dances with Nog as Quark and Jake look at each other. Next
morning, Dax steps carefully over the wreckage.)
[DAX] Double raktajino, extra sweet.
(Atoa and Morn are behind a couch.)
[ATOA] What time is it?
[DAX] Ten thirty hours.
[ATOA] Come on.
[DAX] Wrong door.
(Atoa and Morn totter to the main door. It opens to reveal Worf.)
[ATOA] Excuse me, sir.
(Atoa and Morn leave.)
[WORF] Jadzia, we need to
(Dax gestures shush and sips her coffee.)
[DAX] You're mad.
[WORF] I am concerned.
[DAX] Yeah, well, I'm hung over. Can we talk later?
[WORF] We have a very serious problem. Sirella has cancelled the
[DAX] She doesn't waste any time, does she?
[WORF] She said you attacked her.
[DAX] She pulled a knife.
(Dax's bedroom)
[WORF] You are forbidden to join the House of
(Dax gets into bed.)
[DAX] So I won't get invited to the family picnics. I'll live.
[WORF] I cannot believe how you're taking this so lightly.
[DAX] Do you hear that?
[WORF] What?
[DAX] It sounds like voices.
(She opens her closet to reveal)
[KIRA] Hi.
[DAX] Hi.
[ODO] Is the party over?
[DAX] You could say that. It's ten thirty.
[KIRA] In the morning? I'm on duty.
[ODO] So am I.
[KIRA] It was a great party.
[DAX] Thanks.
(Kira and Odo leave. Dax goes back to bed.)
[WORF] We must deal with the situation now.
[DAX] Stop yelling. My head hurts.
[WORF] You must go to Sirella and beg her forgiveness.
[DAX] I don't beg.
[WORF] You are allowing your pride blind you.
[DAX] Look who's talking. You want me to go crawling to some old hag
just so you can have your traditional Klingon wedding.
[WORF] This is about more than just tradition. You and I have embarked
on a spiritual journey, one that will bind us together through this
life and into the next. You cannot turn back now.
[DAX] Maybe you're on a spiritual journey, Worf, but I just want to get
married. So why don't you go back to sweating and bleeding with your
friends in the holosuite and when you're done, meet me in Benjamin's
office and he'll perform the ceremony.
[WORF] If that is your attitude, perhaps Sirella was right about you.
There should be no wedding.
[DAX] That's fine with me.
(The Klingon stuff is being taken down.)
[BASHIR] What's going on?
[QUARK] Haven't you heard? The wedding's off.
[BRIEN] Off? Why?
[QUARK] She says it's because he's a pigheaded, stubborn man who puts
tradition before everything else. He says it's because she's a
frivolous, emotional woman who refuses to take him or his culture
seriously. You can see the problem.
[BRIEN] They're both right.
[QUARK] Exactly.
[BASHIR] Well, there's only one thing for it.
[BRIEN] Dinner.
[QUARK] I'll get the menu.
(Worf's cabin)
[WORF] Enter.
[MARTOK] Worf, you've made a grave error.
[WORF] Perhaps.
[MARTOK] Do you still love her?
[WORF] Of course. However, in this case, that may not be enough. Anyone
can see that we are hopelessly mismatched. She is a Trill, I am a
Klingon. She has had five marriages, this would be my first. When she
is laughing, I am sombre. When I am happy, she is crying. She plays
tongo with the Ferengi bartender. I can barely stand him. She mocks
everything, while I take everything seriously. She is nothing like the
woman I thought I would marry.
[MARTOK] We are not accorded the luxury of choosing the women we fall in
love with. Do you think Sirella is anything like the woman I thought
that I'd marry? She is a prideful, arrogant, mercurial woman who shares
my bed far too infrequently for my taste. And yet I love her deeply. We
Klingons often tout our prowess in battle, our desire for honour and
glory above all else. But how hollow is the sound of victory without
someone to share it with. Honour gives little comfort to a man alone in
his home and in his heart.
(Dinner is served.)
[QUARK] One steak with mushrooms, baked potato, sour cream and chives.
[BRIEN] I should've had that.
[QUARK] One double Altair sandwich, no mustard, two bowls of linguini,
Bajoran shrimp and extra cheese. One loaf of mapa bread.
[BASHIR] Quark, where's the kava juice?
[QUARK] They're still squeezing the roots. Unless you want replicated?
[BASHIR] We'll wait.
[SISKO] What do you think you're doing?
[BRIEN] The wedding's been called off.
[SISKO] It's back on.
[MARTOK] Worf is apologising to Jadzia at this very moment.
[SISKO] Quark, take it all away. No food for those on the path to
[QUARK] No refunds for those on the path to Kal'Hyah as well. Sorry.
(Worf enters.)
[ALEXANDER] Father, what happened?
[WORF] She refused to not change her mind. The wedding is still off.
(The decorations start to come down again.)
[SISKO] Where is she?
[WORF] In her quarters.
[SISKO] I'll go talk to her. Just keep them away from the food.
(Dax's quarters)
(Dax is displacing her anger by rearranging items
on a shelf.)
[DAX] Come in. Save your breath. Worf went too far and now it's over. Do
you know what he wanted me to do? He wanted me to go crawling on my
hands and knees to Sirella to beg her forgiveness. Beg her! Me! I was
once the Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire. I negotiated the
Khitomer Accords before Worf was even born.
[SISKO] Curzon negotiated the Accords. And I've got news for you, old
man. You're not Curzon anymore.
[DAX] And what the hell is that supposed to mean?
[SISKO] It means that you can't expect Sirella to treat you like Curzon
just because you carry his memories. To her, you're just a young woman
who decided to marry into her family. If it means you have to bow down
and kiss her boots, that's exactly what you have to do. And you knew
that. The moment you decided to marry Worf, you knew that sooner or
later you'd have to bow down and show her the respect that she's due.
[DAX] This is Worf's fault. Worf and his traditional Klingon wedding.
[SISKO] Well, he may have let this wedding business go to his head, but
you are three hundred fifty six years old. Compared to you, Worf is
just a kid. And if you can't abide by Klingon traditions, then you
never should have let yourself fall in love with him in the first
place. And you are in love with him.
[DAX] I wasn't looking to fall in love. I was perfectly happy by myself.
I had friends, a career, adventure. Then one day this Klingon with a
bad attitude walked into my life and the next thing I know, I'm getting
married. After three hundred fifty six years and seven lifetimes, I
still lead with my heart.
[SISKO] You know, that is what I have always loved about you. And I
think that's why Worf loves you, too.
[DAX] Whatever happened to that young, callow Ensign I used to know? The
one who used to turn to me for advice all the time? You know, the one
with hair?
[SISKO] I grew up.
[DAX] I guess it's time I grew up, too.
(The decorations are back and kettledrums are
booming from the upper level. The lighting is deep red. Sirella walks
onto a stage lit by four braziers.)
[SIRELLA] With fire and steel did the gods forge the Klingon heart. So
fiercely did it beat, so loud was the sound, that the gods cried out,
'On this day we have brought forth the strongest heart in all the
heavens. None can stand before it without trembling at its strength.'
But then the Klingon heart weakened, its steady rhythm faltered and the
gods said, 'Why have you weakened so? We have made you the strongest in
all of creation. And the heart said
[WORF] I am alone.
[SIRELLA] And the gods knew that they had erred. So they went back to
their forge and brought forth another heart.
(Enter Dax in her red leather wedding dress and broad smile. Alexander
brings two bat'leths.)
[SIRELLA] But the second heart beat stronger than the first, and the
first was jealous of its power.
(Worf and Dax cross bat'leths, and she puts hers against his neck.)
[SIRELLA] Fortunately, the second heart was tempered by wisdom.
[DAX] If we join together, no force can stop us.
(They give the bat'leths back to Alexander.)
[SIRELLA] And when the two hearts began to beat together, they filled
the heavens with a terrible sound. For the first time, the gods knew
fear. They tried to flee, but it was too late. The Klingon hearts
destroyed the gods who created them and turned the heavens to ashes. To
this very day, no one can oppose the beating of two Klingon hearts. Not
even me. Worf, son of Mogh, does your heart beat only for this woman?
[WORF] Yes.
[SIRELLA] And will you swear to join with her and stand with her against
all who oppose you?
[WORF] I swear.
[SIRELLA] Jadzia, daughter of Kela, does your heart beat only for this
[DAX] Yes.
[SIRELLA] And do you swear to join with him and stand with him against
all who would oppose you?
[DAX] I swear.
[SIRELLA] Then let all present here today know that this man and this
woman are married.
(Worf kisses his bride.)
[MARTOK] Not yet.
(Sirella embraces Worf.)
[MARTOK] Patience.
(Dax curtseys to Sirella.)
[DAX] My lady.
[SIRELLA] Welcome to the House of Martok, my daughter.
(Sirella and Dax embrace.)
[MARTOK] Now, Doctor!
(Blackout for the blood-curdling screams and thumping sounds.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e128", "title": "You Are Cordially"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Resurrection
Original Airdate: 17 Nov, 1997
[DAX] What about Captain Boday?
[KIRA] Captain Boday? You want me to bring Captain Boday to your
quarters for dinner?
[DAX] It's just a suggestion.
[KIRA] It's a bad suggestion. Number one, you used to go out with
Captain Boday. Number two, Worf hates him. And number three, and we
have discussed many times, Captain Boday has a transparent skull.
[DAX] And you don't like to see a man's brains.
[KIRA] Ops.
[DAX] What about Doctor Trag'tok? He's intelligent,
he has a good physique, and he has a very opaque cranium.
[KIRA] True. But his eye bothers me.
[DAX] Which one?
[KIRA] The middle one.
[DAX] Really, you are obsessed with appearances.
[KIRA] And sometimes your taste in men frightens me.
[DAX] I'll make sure to tell Worf you said so.
[WORF] Tell me what?
[DAX] Don't be so nosy. You can always invite Odo.
[KIRA] I'm not ready for that. Odo's not ready for that. Let's just
forget that you brought that one up. Two raktajinos, extra strong, and
a kava roll. I'm coming to dinner alone, got it?
[DAX] I got it. Three place settings.
[KIRA] I'll bring the wine.
[BRIEN] Captain, you'd better get out here.
[SISKO] What is it?
[BRIEN] I'm showing a power buildup in the transporter buffer.
[DAX] Someone's attempting to beam into Ops.
[SISKO] From where?
[DAX] I don't know. There are no ships within transporter range.
(A crouching man beams in.)
[KIRA] Are you hurt?
(The man turns and points a disrupter at Kira. OMG look who it is!)
[BAREIL] No, but you'll be unless you do exactly what I say.
[KIRA] It can't be.
(After the opening titles, Bareil is holding Kira as a shield, but
she's staying as limp as possible.)
[SISKO] What do you want?
[BAREIL] A fast ship would be nice.
[SISKO] Security, we have a hostage situation. Clear a path to landing
pad A. Authorisation Sisko seven one green.
[ODO (OC)] Seven one green acknowledged, Captain.
[SISKO] Your runabout's waiting.
[BAREIL] Let's go.
[SISKO] If you hurt her you will never leave this station, I promise you
[BAREIL] Follow me and she dies. I promise you that.
(At Kira's desk)
[BAREIL] Hold it.
(He picks up her roll and eats it.)
[BAREIL] Not the turbolift. Someone might cut the power and we'd be
trapped inside.
[KIRA] Then we walk.
[BAREIL] Your uniform, I've never seen one like it.
You're not with the Alliance, are you?
[KIRA] There is no Alliance here.
[BAREIL] Then I have crossed to the alternate universe. Tell you one
thing, the food's better.
[KIRA] So I take it you're running from the Alliance.
[BAREIL] Now you know the story of my life.
[KIRA] So once you get your ship, what then?
[BAREIL] Believe me, wherever I end up is going to be a lot better than
where I've been.
[KIRA] I can believe that. I've spent some time in your universe.
[BAREIL] I'll bet you were glad to leave it. Now which way?
[KIRA] That way.
[BAREIL] How many levels before we reach the landing pad?
[KIRA] Fifty seven.
(Kira leads the way up the ladder.)
(Upper pylon)
[KIRA] Here we are. Landing pad A.
[BAREIL] (gasping) Open it.
[KIRA] I've got a better idea. Why don't you hand over that disruptor?
[BAREIL] Oh, you've been so cooperative up to now. I'd hate to have to
kill you.
[KIRA] You're not going to kill me.
[BAREIL] Oh, you sure of that?
[KIRA] You're not going to kill anyone. Not with that disruptor. Power
cell's cracked.
[BAREIL] How long have you known?
[KIRA] Since we left Ops.
[BAREIL] Then why did you come with me?
[KIRA] I needed the exercise.
[BAREIL] And I have to get away.
(He raises the weapon to hit her, and she tosses him over her shoulder
onto the floor. The airlock door opens.)
[ODO] Are you all right, Major?
[KIRA] I'm fine.
[ODO] The resemblance to Vedek Bareil is remarkable.
(Holding cell)
[BAREIL] This is the cleanest interrogation chamber
I've ever been in, and believe me, I've been in quite a few.
[KIRA] I'm glad you're comfortable. Now, you mind telling me where you
got hold of this?
[BAREIL] A Terran rebel gave it to me.
[KIRA] A multidimensional transporter device. Nice gift.
[BAREIL] We were very close. So, when do I get to meet myself?
[KIRA] Meaning what?
[BAREIL] Well, this is the alternate universe, correct? Everything's the
same but different. Which means there's another Bareil Antos here.
[KIRA] There was.
[KIRA] He's dead.
[BAREIL] You knew him, didn't you? Then that's why you seemed to
recognise me. What was he like?
[KIRA] Does that matter?
[BAREIL] He was someone you cared about. Major, I know I have no right
to ask this but you could do me a big favour. Destroy that device.
[KIRA] Why?
[BAREIL] Because then they can't send me back.
[KIRA] Sorry, I can't do that.
[BAREIL] Please, Major. You've been there. You know what it's like. Put
me in prison, in a labour camp, whatever you want. Just let me stay.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Now let me get this straight, Major. You're
refusing to press charges.
[KIRA] That's right. I don't think Bareil ever intended to hurt me.
[SISKO] I suppose we should just send him back where he came from.
[KIRA] No. He doesn't want to go back to that universe and I don't blame
[SISKO] I know what you're going through, Major. When I met the other
Jennifer Sisko it was very confusing, to say the least. I knew she
wasn't my wife, but sometimes she would smile at me a certain way and
then the light would hit her eyes, and it was my Jennifer. At least,
that's what I wanted to believe.
[KIRA] Captain, I know this man is not Vedek Bareil. He doesn't talk
like him, he doesn't act like him. He's a totally different person.
[SISKO] But you still feel this connection with him that you can't
explain, don't you?
[KIRA] It's not a problem.
[SISKO] Good. Just make sure it doesn't become one.
(Bareil is getting curious looks from passing
[BAREIL] Major. I just wanted to say thank you for putting in a good
word for me.
[KIRA] What are you going to do now?
[BAREIL] I'm not sure. I've been reading up on your world, and it's very
different from the Bajor I know.
[KIRA] Is that where you intend to go?
[BAREIL] Well, I'm thinking about it. Did you see that? People keep
staring at me.
[KIRA] It's because the man that you look like was loved and respected
by a lot of people. He was a Vedek.
[BAREIL] A Vedek?
[KIRA] A religious leader.
[BAREIL] Imagine me a religious leader
[KIRA] Glad you find it funny. I'm going to be late for services.
[BAREIL] Wait. I didn't mean to offend you. It's just the kind of life
I've led hasn't been very spiritual. In fact, I don't think I've ever
been inside a temple.
[KIRA] Well, now's your chance. You're welcome to join me.
[BAREIL] In there? I don't think so. Besides, if I go in there, people
are going to start believing I really am Vedek Bareil. That's something
I'd like to avoid.
[KIRA] I can understand that.
(The acolytes process in with the incense and
Bareil sneaks in afterwards. A woman moves over to let him kneel next
to Kira.)
[KIRA] What are you doing here?
[BAREIL] I figured I could use a little spiritual guidance.
[KIRA] That's not funny.
[BAREIL] It wasn't meant to be. I plan on making a new life for myself
here. I'm going to need all the help I can get.
[OSSAN] Tolata impara no takash. With humility and gratitude, we accept
this gift.
(The Orb box is carried in.)
[OSSAN] Veshanoo yavar ha iktasho.
[BAREIL] What's in the box?
[KIRA] The Orb of Prophecy and Change.
[KIRA] A gift from the Prophets. It can foresee the future, or a
possible future anyway.
[BAREIL] Who are the Prophets?
[KIRA] Our gods. You do have gods, don't you?
[BAREIL] Of course we do.
[KIRA] You don't sound too sure.
[BAREIL] That's because I leave them alone, they leave me alone.
(They are shushed from across the aisle.)
[KIRA] So, what did you think?
[BAREIL] I'm not sure. It was an interesting ceremony, but
[KIRA] But what?
[BAREIL] Everyone seemed to take it so seriously.
[KIRA] What's wrong with that?
[BAREIL] I suppose it must be nice to have that kind of faith. I've
always preferred to believe in nothing. That way I'm never
[KIRA] That doesn't sound like much of a life.
[BAREIL] Maybe not, but it's all mine. Anyway, I'm glad I had this
chance to see you again. It was very enlightening. Thank you, Major.
[KIRA] Bareil. Do you like Klingon food?
(Dax + Worf's quarters)
[BAREIL] An hour later, the Klingon guard returns to
my cell. He puts down what's supposed to be my last meal, I slip his
mek'leth out of its scabbard and hide it in my shirt. That night, I
used the blade to deactivate the sensor alarm, my earring to open the
cell door. By the time they realised I was gone, I was halfway to the
Ventar system.
[DAX] That's one hell of a story.
[WORF] And that is all it is, a story.
[BAREIL] Excuse me?
[WORF] It was well told but there was no truth to any of it.
[BAREIL] Oh, you're sure of that?
[WORF] You want us to believe that you stole a mek'leth from a Klingon
[DAX] Worf, it's not polite to accuse a guest of lying.
[BAREIL] No, it's all right. Obviously, I was exaggerating.
[DAX] Would you like to do the honours?
(Dax brings a cake and hands Worf a knife to cut it with. Bareil
[BAREIL] Allow me.
(Bareil produces a mek'leth and cuts the cake into four even pieces.)
[BAREIL] I believe this is yours?
[KIRA] What do you think now, Worf?
[WORF] Obviously Bareil is a better thief than I gave him credit for.
More bloodwine.
[BAREIL] Why not.
[BAREIL] You are a lucky woman.
[KIRA] Why is that?
[BAREIL] You have good friends.
[KIRA] They liked you.
[BAREIL] You think so?
[KIRA] Why do you sound so surprised? You must have had friends back
[BAREIL] I can think of one.
[KIRA] If you'd rather not to talk about it.
[BAREIL] There's not much to say. She died.
[KIRA] I'm sorry.
[BAREIL] It's all right. Happened a long time ago.
[KIRA] This is home. I'm sorry the evening has to end on such a sad
note. Would you like to come in? Have a raktajino?
(Kira's quarters)
[BAREIL] Her name was Lisea. I first saw her on the
street in Ilvia. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She had the most
attractive little money sack hanging from her waist.
[KIRA] Don't tell me you stole it?
[BAREIL] She should've known better than to carry her money so
carelessly in Ilvia. It's a very dangerous place. Turns out she'd just
arrived from one of the mining camps in the hills of Dahkur Province.
[KIRA] I come from Dahkur Province, only here it's all farmland.
[BAREIL] When I met her she was working in an Ilvian pleasure centre.
[KIRA] And you decided to take her away from all that.
[BAREIL] I taught her how to be a thief. The funny thing is, she was so
grateful. She felt I saved her life.
[KIRA] Maybe you did.
[BAREIL] If anyone was saved it was me. We were having dinner in a bar
one night. A fight broke out. A drunken Cardassian pulled out a
disruptor and started firing. We were together five years, and in all
that time I never told her how much she meant to me.
[KIRA] I know what it's like to lose someone.
[BAREIL] When I activated that transporter device I had no idea where
I'd end up. I never thought I'd be sitting here with you.
[KIRA] Two days ago, all I wanted was to be alone.
[BAREIL] Major.
[KIRA] Don't you think it's time you called me Nerys?
(And they kiss)
(Kira's bedroom)
(Next morning, bare-chested Antos is eating
something in bed.)
[BAREIL] What did you say these are called?
[KIRA] Alvas. They grow all over Bajor.
[BAREIL] Not my Bajor.
[KIRA] I can't believe you're still hungry. After a big Klingon meal, I
usually don't eat for two days.
[BAREIL] Ever since I got here I can't stop eating. What is it?
[KIRA] Nothing.
[BAREIL] This must be very strange for you. You and I here together, me
looking like him.
[KIRA] Fortunately, you're not anything like him.
[BAREIL] You mean he didn't eat in bed?
[KIRA] Antos was very disciplined. He had a strict routine he never
deviated from. He only ate two meals a day. Simple food. He used to
say, when you overindulge the body
[BAREIL] You starve the soul.
[KIRA] How did you know that?
[BAREIL] I did a little research. Enough to know that when he died,
Bajor suffered a great loss.
[KIRA] I would've given my life to save his. But all I could do was
stand there and watch his slip away.
[BAREIL] Are you tired?
[KIRA] Not any more.
[BAREIL] Want to get an early breakfast?
[KIRA] Sounds good.
[BASHIR] My medical requisitions.
[DAX] Why didn't you just download them into the computer?
[BASHIR] I don't know. Thought I might stretch my legs, see what was
happening in Ops.
[DAX] Kira hasn't shown up yet.
[BASHIR] Kira?
[DAX] You are so transparent.
[BASHIR] What are you talking about?
[WORF] Your guilt is quite clear, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Guilt? About what? About medical requisitions? Don't be
[DAX] Julian, Kira's personal life is her own. We're her friends. We
should respect her privacy.
(Kira gets off the turbolift.)
[DAX] Good morning, Nerys. How'd it go last night?
[KIRA] You mean dinner? We had a great time. Why?
[BASHIR] She means after dinner, but you don't have to answer that
because we don't want to invade your privacy.
[DAX] But if you want to tell us about it, we'll listen.
[KIRA] It went well.
[DAX] I told you.
[WORF] I never doubted it.
[BASHIR] Well, I think I should be getting back to the Infirmary. Unless
there are any more details forthcoming.
[KIRA] Goodbye, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Goodbye.
(Bashir leaves)
[KIRA] Worf, any news from General Martok's scout ships?
[WORF] They report no Dominion activity along the border.
[KIRA] Let's hope it stays that way.
[DAX] Are you seeing him tonight?
[KIRA] At the Bajoran Shrine.
[DAX] That doesn't sound very romantic.
[KIRA] He's going to have his first Orb experience.
[DAX] Your idea, I suppose?
[KIRA] No, actually it was his. He's curious about Bajoran spirituality.
It's a new concept for him.
[DAX] Well, it's not a midnight swim in the holosuites, but if it makes
you happy.
[BAREIL] So where is this Vedek?
[KIRA] He'll be here. Now stop pacing. This is an Orb experience, not an
[BAREIL] I just don't want to disappoint anybody.
[KIRA] That's sweet, but I'm not going to judge you.
[BAREIL] I know that. I meant the Prophets. What do I say to them?
[KIRA] You don't have to say or do anything.
[BAREIL] I just stare into the Orb.
[KIRA] Actually, it's more like the Orb stares into you.
[OSSAN] Welcome, my child. Are you ready to proceed?
(Ossan holds Bareil's left ear.)
[OSSAN] Your pagh is strong. You are ready to face the will of the
Prophets. Come.
(Ossan taps in a code and puts his palm on the scanner. The forcefield
drops. Bareil kneels and opens the Orb box.)
[BAREIL] Thank you. Not hungry.
[KIRA] Well that's a change.
[BAREIL] When you had your first Orb experience, did you understand it?
[KIRA] I don't know that anyone fully understands an Orb experience. Not
at first, anyway. You have to live with it for a while, absorb it.
[BAREIL] And then?
[KIRA] And then one day it becomes a part of you. A part of who you are.
[BAREIL] I thought I would get a glimpse of the future. It was more than
that. It changes you. There were so many images I couldn't track of
them all. He was there, Vedek Bareil. We were together, talking, but it
was all mixed up. I was him, he was me. It's all very confusing.
[KIRA] I don't think we should be talking about this.
[BAREIL] If I can't tell you about it, who can I tell?
[KIRA] No one. An Orb experience isn't meant to be shared.
[BAREIL] I feel as if I could sleep for days.
[KIRA] That's a very common reaction. Why don't you get some rest.
[BAREIL] I will. Nerys?
[KIRA] It's all right. (kiss) I'll see you tomorrow.
(Bareil's quarters)
(Bareil enters and sits on a recliner chair. He's
just about to nod off when)
[INTENDANT] I was wondering when you'd get back.
[BAREIL] What are you doing here?
[INTENDANT] I know, I'm early. But my curiosity got the better of me.
Besides, the thought of you pining away for me was too much to bear.
Now, tell me. How's our little plan progressing?
[BAREIL] Couldn't be better. Right on schedule.
[INTENDANT] That's just what I was hoping to hear.
(And she kisses him passionately. They come up for air after the
[INTENDANT] Now, tell me everything that's happened since you got here.
[BAREIL] Later. I'm too tired. Right now all I want to do is go to bed.
[INTENDANT] Even better.
[BAREIL] I said I was tired.
[INTENDANT] You've never been tired before.
[BAREIL] It's been a long day.
[INTENDANT] I don't think you're pleased to see me. It's her, isn't it?
The Major's gotten to you.
[BAREIL] Don't be stupid.
[INTENDANT] Oh, I'd be very disappointed if you didn't find the Major
intoxicating. I mean, after all, she is me, or the next best thing to
me. So, what do you think of her?
[BAREIL] You're crazy.
[INTENDANT] Oh, we know what I'm like. What about her?
[BAREIL] I am not going to discuss this.
[INTENDANT] Oh, please, please. I really want to know.
[BAREIL] She's wonderful.
(Bareil stops the Intendant from hitting him.)
[INTENDANT] I knew it. She's too good for you. We both are. I mean,
you're nothing but a petty thief.
[BAREIL] I know what I am.
[INTENDANT] That's it? That's all you have to say?
[BAREIL] I said I was tired.
[INTENDANT] Oh? Major Kira must be very
[BAREIL] This has nothing to do with the Major. I looked into the Orb
[INTENDANT] You did? How very exciting. So, how soon can we get our
hands on it?
[BAREIL] The Vedeks are holding a twenty six hour vigil in the Shrine.
Now, I cannot get near the place until tomorrow night. The Orb is
behind a forcefield keyed to a decryption matrix.
[INTENDANT] Which you can bypass.
[BAREIL] That's what thieves do.
[INTENDANT] Today you're a thief, but tomorrow, once we bring our prize
home, you'll be Bearer of the Orb. The holy man who unites the Bajoran
people in a war against the Alliance.
[BAREIL] Just call me Vedek Bareil.
[INTENDANT] Think of it, the wealth, the power. You'll be like a god.
[BAREIL] You're putting a lot of faith in that Orb.
[INTENDANT] So will every other Bajoran. We're going to have such fun. I
can hardly wait. You do look tired. You should get some rest. And
tomorrow when you see the Major (kiss) give her that from me. Sleep
[BAREIL] One more.
[QUARK] Coming right up.
[BAREIL] What are you two staring at? Same goes for the rest of you. I
am not Vedek Bareil. I just want to be left alone.
[QUARK] You heard the man. Now leave him be. Sorry about that. People
can be so rude. You know, I used to see the Vedek all the time, walking
down the Promenade with Major Kira. Never came in here, though. I guess
dabo wasn't his game. It's an amazing resemblance. Put you in a Vedek's
robe and nobody would know the difference.
[BAREIL] Believe me, there's a difference.
[QUARK] But not to the paying public.
[BAREIL] You have a business proposition for me? Spit it out.
[QUARK] Picture this. You seated here wearing robes. A long line of
Bajorans waiting patiently to pay good money just to meet Vedek Bareil,
maybe touch his hand.
[BAREIL] Like I said, I'm not Vedek Bareil.
[QUARK] A mere technicality. You're the closest thing to Vedek Bareil
they're ever going to see. Which is why they're going to love you.
[BAREIL] I wouldn't know what to say.
[QUARK] The less, the better. Just nod every once in a while and smile
benignly. It's very simple. Later on, once you get the hang of it, you
might even throw in a blessing or two. What do you think?
[BAREIL] I've known people like you my whole life. Nasty, greedy little
minds willing to do whatever it takes to make money. I know just how
you think.
[QUARK] That's because you think the same way.
[BAREIL] I suppose I am a lot more like you than I'll ever be like Vedek
[QUARK] Perfect. Then we have a deal?
[BAREIL] I'm afraid not.
[QUARK] Why?
[BAREIL] Because right now I don't like either one of us.
(Bareil leaves.)
[QUARK] It's a shame to see such a perfect opportunity go to waste.
(Bareil stands staring at the Shrine entrance.)
(Cargo bay)
[QUARK] Major, any idea where they put my shipment
of Saurian brandy?
[KIRA] Over there.
[QUARK] (to waiters) You heard her. Your new boyfriend came into my bar
[KIRA] Did he?
[QUARK] He's a little different, isn't he.
[KIRA] From what?
[QUARK] From some of your previous choices. Don't get me wrong, I had
nothing against Vedek Bareil or Shakaar, but they were a little too
controlled, a little too controlling. They lacked fire, excitement. But
this Bareil? He's different. He's full of surprises.
[KIRA] So I take it that you like him.
[QUARK] Let's just say I like the idea of you with him. But let me tell
you something, Major. You'd better brace yourself. You're in for a
rough ride.
[KIRA] What are you talking about?
[QUARK] I've been a bartender for a long time. I've seen all sorts of
customers. Sad ones, happy ones, complicated ones.
[KIRA] And Bareil, where does he fit in?
[QUARK] He's one of the tormented ones.
[KIRA] Tormented? No, I don't think so. Quark, you've had an Orb
experience. You know what it's like.
[QUARK] He had an Orb experience? Interesting.
[KIRA] Meaning what?
[QUARK] After he left the bar, I saw him hanging around the Bajoran
Shrine. He must've been there a couple of hours.
[KIRA] He has a lot on his mind. He probably went there to think things
[QUARK] Either that or he was figuring out a way to rob the place.
What's this, a union meeting? Let's get going. Nice chatting with you,
Major. I hope you two are very happy together.
(Bareil's quarters)
(The Intendant is wearing a Bajoran Major's
[INTENDANT] Well, what do you think?
[BAREIL] Even I'd have trouble telling you apart.
[INTENDANT] Wearing the Major's clothes, it feels so intimate. Oh, admit
it. You've never found me more exciting. It's like having the best of
both worlds.
[BAREIL] Let's try to stay focused, all right? We both have jobs to do.
[INTENDANT] You're right, we'll celebrate later. Did you get the comm.
badges? Oh what nimble fingers. Contact me the minute you have the Orb.
[BAREIL] Right.
[INTENDANT] You're going to look so good wearing a crown.
(By the light of the sanctuary candles, Bareil
starts to work on the lock.)
[INTENDANT] Everything quiet?
[SECURITY] Yes, Major.
[SECURITY] I'm sorry, I need your level six authorisation code.
[INTENDANT] Oh, is that really necessary?
[SECURITY] It's the new protocol. The war.
[INTENDANT] Of course.
(She clutches her shoulder.)
[SECURITY] Is everything all right?
[INTENDANT] I must have pulled a muscle exercising in the holosuites.
It's been bothering me all day. Would you mind massaging my shoulders
for me? I could make it an order.
(So he obeys)
[INTENDANT] A little harder, please. Oh, such strong hands. If only we
had some warm Somata oil. That would be nice, wouldn't it?
[SECURITY] I guess.
(Elbow to stomach, chop to neck.)
[INTENDANT] You have a lot to learn about giving a massage.
(Cargo bay)
(She drags the body in, takes the interdimensional
gizmo out of her left boot and waves it over the cargo transporter.)
(The forcefield comes down and Bareil puts his
hands on the Orb box.)
[KIRA] What's that old saying? Once a thief?
[BAREIL] What are you doing here?
[KIRA] The question is, what are you doing here?
[BAREIL] Nerys. How did you know?
[KIRA] I didn't. You had me completely fooled. The thief in search of
redemption, who could resist that? Obviously not me. Luckily, Quark
didn't fall for your little act. Now step away from the altar.
[BAREIL] I wish I could, but I can't. I've come too far.
[KIRA] Then you came a long way for nothing.
[INTENDANT] Nerys! Oh, you look as beautiful as ever.
(Bareil takes Kira's weapon.)
[KIRA] You're just full of surprises, aren't you?
[INTENDANT] It's only fair. You had your Bareil, I have mine.
[BAREIL] You're suppose to wait for me at the transporter pad.
[INTENDANT] Don't worry, I have the transporter keyed to this control.
All I have to do is tap this key and we're on our way home. Besides, I
couldn't leave without saying hello to myself. The transporter sensors
showed that you weren't alone in the shrine and I was hoping it was
you, Nerys. Bareil's smart but you're smarter. We really are alike,
aren't we?
[KIRA] You can't let her have the Orb. It's too dangerous.
[INTENDANT] Will you stop wasting your breath. Antos and I are a team.
We're destined to do great things together.
[BAREIL] If we're going, let's go.
[KIRA] You don't have to do this.
[INTENDANT] Isn't that sweet? She is still trying to save your soul. Of
course, you don't have one.
[BAREIL] She's right. I'm not worth saving.
[KIRA] You sound pretty certain of that.
[INTENDANT] Look at him. Really, look at him. It's important that you
see him for what he truly is.
[KIRA] I do. So you were just using me to get to the Orb? Is that what
I'm supposed to believe?
[BAREIL] Believe anything you want.
[INTENDANT] Please, Nerys, don't embarrass yourself. You made a mistake.
You let Bareil make a fool of you. That's bad enough. Don't make it
worse by denying what happened. Just accept it and move on.
[KIRA] Why should I? It's not true. You know that as well as I do. You
may have come here for the Orb, but you found something else.
[INTENDANT] And people say that I have a large ego. Tell her, Antos.
Tell her how you were using her, that everything you told her was a
lie. That every time you touched her all you could think about was me.
(Bareil shoots the Intendant.)
[BAREIL] When she wakes up, I'll have a lot of explaining to do.
[KIRA] And if you don't have the Orb, she'll kill you.
[BAREIL] Maybe. That will certainly be her first reaction, but I've
talked my way back into her good graces before. I'll be all right.
[KIRA] I guess this is goodbye.
[BAREIL] It's for the best. You know what I saw when I looked into that
Orb? You and me, together on Bajor. We had a life, a family.
[KIRA] What's wrong with that?
[BAREIL] Nothing. It might even work, for a while. But eventually I'd
find some way to ruin it. I'm a thief. I belong with her.
[KIRA] Then you should go.
(Bareil and the Intendant beam out.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e129", "title": "Resurrection"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Statistical
Original Airdate: 24 Nov, 1997
(The bay has been turned into quarters, with
private areas and a communal living
[JACK] (fast talking man) No. No. It's not fair. Am I alone here? Is
that it? Am I the only one who sees. And what is that incessant noise?
[LOEWS] Calm down.
[JACK] Why? Am I talking too fast, Doctor? Having trouble keeping up?
[LOEWS] I just don't want you to get upset.
[PATRICK] (round middle-aged man) Please don't leave us here, Karen.
[LOEWS] It's only for a few weeks, Patrick.
[JACK] You know why they brought us here, don't you? Why they carted us
halfway across the quadrant? They're going to experiment on us.
[LOEWS] Stop it, Jack.
[JACK] They want to find out what makes our genetically engineered
brains tick. They're going to cut our heads open and see what comes
(Patrick cries.)
[LOEWS] He's just trying to scare you. Don't listen to him. I told you
why I brought you here, remember? To meet that doctor, Doctor Bashir?
[LAUREN] (sultry siren lounging on a couch) You know, the handsome one.
[LOEWS] He was genetically enhanced when he was a boy, just like all of
[JACK] No, no. He's not like us. I never saw him at the Institute. He
wasn't locked away for being too smart. He's passed himself off as
normal. He's Mister Normal Starfleet man. Mister Productive Member of
Society. Well, maybe we can learn to be just like him. Wear little
uniforms. Yes, sir. No, sir. Thank you, sir.
[PATRICK] I don't like it here.
[LOEWS] It's going to be all right. Doctor Bashir is going to work with
you for a while, that's all. Just think of it as a little vacation from
the Institute.
[JACK] No. No. This isn't happening.
[LOEWS] It is happening, Jack, and you're going to have to try to make
the best of it.
[LAUREN] I'm going to make the best of it. See the way he's looking at
me? (Bashir's bio on a PADD) He's in love with me already.
[JACK] Give me that!
[PATRICK] I want to go home.
[LAUREN] It's him.
(Jack grabs the PADD and jumps on it.)
[JACK] See that? That's what I'm going to do to your boyfriend.
[LOEWS] Give me the PADD.
(He drags the broken plastic across her hand, cutting it.)
[JACK] Sorry.
[LOEWS] You're not sorry, we both know that. You did it on purpose
because you're upset. But there are better ways of dealing with being
[JACK] I'll work on it.
[LOEWS] All right. Well, I'll see you all in a few weeks.
(Patrick comes in for a hug.)
[LOEWS] Patrick, it's fine, it's fine. Go on.
(She goes over to a silent, ghost-like girl standing by the door.)
[LOEWS] Bye, Sarina.
(Sarina turns and examines the bulkhead.)
[BASHIR] You all right?
[LOEWS] It's nothing. Just another run in with Jack. Like I said in my
report, don't turn your back on him.
[BASHIR] Well, we'd better get you down to the Infirmary.
[LOWES] I'm fine. Go on in. They're about as ready to meet you as
they'll ever be. I just hope you have better luck getting through to
them than I've had.
(Cargo bay)
(Someone's turned the lights out, but there is
still just enough light to see.)
[BASHIR] Hello?
(A giggle in the darkness.)
[JACK] Funny. He doesn't look like a mutant.
[BASHIR] Is that you, Jack?
[JACK] He knows me. He knows my name. I didn't tell him my name.
[BASHIR] It's all right. I just read Doctor Loews's report, that's all.
[JACK] I knew that.
[BASHIR] Hello, Sarina.
[JACK] What is he talking to her for? He read the reports. She won't
answer. Didn't you read the reports?
[BASHIR] Would anyone mind if I turned on the lights?
[JACK] Would anyone mind if he turned on some lights? Go ahead. We're
not mole people, you know.
[BASHIR] Computer, lights.
[LAUREN] Hello.
[BASHIR] Lauren.
[LAUREN] I know what you're thinking, Julian, but I'm not that kind of
[JACK] Bashir, was it? Rings a bell. Bashir, Bashir, Bashir, Bashir. Ah
ha, got it! Fifteenth century poet Singh el Bashir. Any relation?
[BASHIR] Yes, actually.
[JACK] His work was totally derivative. He was a plagiarist. You knew
that. You had to know. Yet you came in here bragging about it anyway.
[BASHIR] You're the one who brought it up.
(Giggling off screen.)
[JACK] What was I supposed to do, just let you get away with it? That
[LAUREN] Tell me, Doctor, what kind of enhancements did your parents
have done to you?
[BASHIR] Mental abilities, mostly. But they had my hand eye
coordination, reflexes and vision improved as well.
(Jack does a back flip)
[JACK] Can you do that?
[BASHIR] I doubt it.
[JACK] What happened? Your parents couldn't afford the full overhaul?
[LAUREN] He turned out all right.
[JACK] You're not exactly known for being very discriminating.
[LAUREN] I turned you down, didn't I?
[JACK] And you're still regretting it. The cube root of three hundred
twenty nine. What is it?
[BASHIR] Six point nine zero three.
[LAUREN] Very good. And you didn't even use your fingers. He's a mutant,
just like the rest of us.
[JACK] No, no, no. He is not like us. No. He passed as normal.
[PATRICK] Is that true? Did you passed as normal? Is that true?
[BASHIR] My genetic status was discovered a year ago.
[LAUREN] How'd you manage to hide it for so long?
[BASHIR] I did my best not to exploit my abilities.
[JACK] So no one would suspect. Very clever. I'm impressed. That's not
right. There are reasons why DNA resequencing is illegal. There are
reasons why people like us are barred from serving in Starfleet. We
have an advantage. Normal people can't compete. It's not fair.
[BASHIR] Maybe you're right. Maybe I should have said something sooner.
[JACK] There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an
airlock when somebody's inside it. And don't lie about your genetic
status. No, no, no. You did, you lied. And then, when you got caught,
you cut a deal with Starfleet. You got yourself off the hook.
[PATRICK] If you'd told the truth, you could have lived with us at the
[JACK] He's right, you know. Then they would have put you away.
[BASHIR] They don't put people away for being genetically engineered.
[JACK] No, no, no, no they just won't let us do anything that's worth
doing. No, no. They are afraid that people like us are going to take
[BASHIR] It happened before. People like us did try and take over.
[JACK] Oh, no, no. I knew you were going to do that. I knew you were
going to trot out the Eugenics Wars.
[BASHIR] I'm not trotting anything out. All I'm saying is there's a
reason we've been barred from certain professions. But that doesn't
mean we can't be productive members of society.
[JACK] Here it comes. The we can still contribute speech. No. No, no,
no, no. I will not forget what was done to me. I will not be part of a
society that put me away for being too smart. No, no.
[BASHIR] All right, then. Since then you have all the answers already,
I'll spare you the speech. I'm having dinner with some friends.
[JACK] What, you think we don't eat? We eat. We're going to eat right
now. Yum yum.
[PATRICK] I'll go set the table.
(Bashir leaves.)
[JACK] Don't worry about us, we'll be fine.
[LAUREN] Thanks for scaring him off.
(Sisko's quarters)
(After dinner)
[BASHIR] All I kept thinking was, there but for the grace of God go I.
[DAX] How do you mean?
[BASHIR] My parents managed to find a decent doctor to perform the DNA
resequencing on me. These four weren't so lucky. They all suffered
unintended side effects. By the time they were five or six, their
parents were forced to come forward and admit that they'd broken the
law so that their children could get treatment.
[SISKO] Perhaps they waited too long.
[BASHIR] There was nothing the doctors at the Institute could do for
them. These cases are so rare there's no standard treatment.
[KIRA] I can't imagine it was a very stimulating environment for them.
[BASHIR] That's what Doctor Loews thought when she first came to the
Institute. She got permission to separate them from the other residents
so that she could work with them.
[ODO] Why did she bring them here?
[BASHIR] She thought they might respond to meeting someone like them,
who was living a normal life. She was also hoping that one day they
might be able to live on their own and be productive.
[BRIEN] Well, let's hope they don't become too productive. Might make
the rest of us look bad.
[WORF] It is not a laughing matter. If people like them are allowed to
compete freely, then parents would feel pressured to have their
children enhanced so that they could keep up.
[ODO] That's precisely what prompted the ban on DNA resequencing in the
first place.
[BASHIR] Giving them a chance to contribute doesn't necessarily mean
sanctioning what was done to them. They didn't ask to have their DNA
tampered with. They were only children. And why should they be excluded
just because their parents broke the law?
[SISKO] You're right. It's not quite fair. But even so, it seemed like a
good way to discourage genetic tampering.
[BRIEN] Besides, it's not as if we're trying to exclude them from
anything. We're just talking about limiting what they're allowed to do.
[BASHIR] Like joining Starfleet.
[WORF] Exactly.
[BASHIR] Are you saying that I shouldn't be allowed to wear this
[WORF] Well, you are an exception.
[BASHIR] An exception. I should be used to that, I've been one all my
life. First because of the DNA resequencing, and now because I've been
allowed to join Starfleet.
[WORF] Perhaps I should not have said anything.
[BASHIR] No, it's all right.
[SISKO] Well, does anyone care to speculate about what Gul Damar is
going to say in his speech?
[BRIEN] Nothing we're going to like, I'll bet.
[KIRA] It should be starting any minute.
[DAX] If he's going to announce another new battle offensive, it's going
to spoil dessert.
[JACK (OC)] Can you hear me? Hello? Calling Doctor Bashir.
[BASHIR] Jack.
[JACK (OC)] Hello? Anybody there?
[KIRA] Did you give them access to the comm. system?
[JACK (OC)] Hello? Hello? Doctor Bashir?
[BASHIR] No, they must've broken in somehow. I'd love to stay and chat
about our impending doom, but
(Cargo bay)
[JACK] I can't take it! Would you do something about
that noise!
(They're all behaving as if they're in pain. Even Sarina is covering
her ears.)
[BASHIR] What noise?
[JACK] What kind of sick game are you people playing?
[BASHIR] What are you talking about?
[JACK] Can't you hear it?
[LAUREN] We complained and two very cute Engineers came by and said
there was nothing wrong.
[BASHIR] Wait. Is it a kind of a high pitched whine?
[JACK] Yes. Thank god! See, I told you we weren't crazy. (hugs Bashir)
You are a mutant. You are. (grabs Sarina) Now, do something about that
noise or I will snap her neck.
(After the break.)
[BASHIR] I called Chief O'Brien. Now let her go.
[JACK] Maybe I'll wait till he gets here.
[BASHIR] If you don't let her go, I'll tell the Chief the noise went
away by itself.
[JACK] You think I want to be doing this? I'm just making sure things
get done.
(Jack releases Sarina.)
[JACK] Unbelievable. This is the thanks I get.
[BASHIR] Are you all right?
[BASHIR] Come in. Miles, I wonder if you could find out what's making
that noise? I know you can't hear it, but it's there. Probably a
sympathetic vibration in a power coupling or something.
(O'Brien gets out a tricorder.)
[BRIEN] What do you know? You're right.
[JACK] Well, why don't you fix it, dear fellow, dear fellow, well why
don't you fix it before I go mad.
[BASHIR] He's married.
[LAUREN] Too bad.
[PATRICK] Sounds like the plasma flow's out of sync.
[BRIEN] You're right.
[PATRICK] Better realign it.
[BRIEN] I was thinking that.
[BASHIR] It's about to start.
[BRIEN] Almost finished. There.
[JACK] Finally.
[BASHIR] Much better. Thank you, Chief.
[DAMAR (on viewscreen)] Fellow citizens, these are great days for
Cardassia. Together with our Dominion allies, we have given our enemies
cause to fear us once more.
(His speech continues under the dialogue.)
[BRIEN] Can't argue with that.
[LAUREN] Who's he?
[BASHIR] It's Damar, the new head of the Cardassian government.
[DAMAR (on viewscreen)] The war with the Federation accomplished of our
goals. Cardassia is strong again, an empire to be feared. We are safe
behind secure borders, and no one will ever dare attack us again.
[JACK] Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.
[PATRICK] He's sad.
[LAUREN] Ashamed is more like it.
[BASHIR] Why do you say that?
[BRIEN] Shh.
[DAMAR (on viewscreen)] From this position of strength, we are poised to
take another bold step to insure our future. Peace.
[LAUREN] Looks like a man who doesn't sleep.
[DAMAR] It is time to bring an end to this war with the Federation. It
is time for us to rebuild on the foundation of strength we have laid.
The sons of Cardassia shed
[JACK] Methought I heard a voice cry, Sleep no
more! Damar does murder sleep!
[PATRICK] He's killed someone.
[LAUREN] Someone close to him.
[BRIEN] How could they know that?
[on viewscreen] Their blood to defend their home. Their sacrifice
must not be in vain. The peace we seek will honour their memory, and
preserve the gains for which they gave their lives. I challenge the
Federation to answer my call for peace. I am ready at any time to meet
with its representatives to discuss how we can bring an end to
hostilities. As your leader, I pledge that I will do everything in my
[JACK] Pretender! You don't belong on that throne and you know it.
[DAMAR (on viewscreen)] To protect Cardassia and allow us to
[PATRICK] Someone's making him say all this. He doesn't want to.
[DAMAR (on viewscreen)] Move forward into a new era. This I vow with my
life's blood for my sons, for all our sons.
(Transmission ends.)
[BASHIR] Did any of you know who Damar was before today?
[JACK] No, no, no, but it's obvious who he is. The Pretender who killed
the king and seized the throne.
[LAUREN] Not the king. He's still alive.
[PATRICK] The queen, maybe, or a princess.
[BASHIR] Yes, Ziyal. That's Gul Dukat's daughter.
[JACK] And now the Pretender finds himself in league with a, a Dark
Knight that he can't control.
[BRIEN] Weyoun?
[JACK] It's not a bad story. Epic, really. What else can you tell us?
[BASHIR] It was amazing. They pieced together the
entire story of how Damar came to power. Weyoun is the Dark Prince, Gul
Dukat is the deposed King, Damar is the Pretender to the throne, and
Ziyal is the innocent Princess he murdered. And now the Pretender is
wracked with guilt over what he's done.
[KIRA] And they got all this just from watching Damar's speech?
[BASHIR] Well, they were fascinated by the whole thing. They kept
bombarding me with questions about Cardassia and the war. I've never
seen them so engaged.
[DAX] And you want to keep them engaged.
[BASHIR] I'd like to try. I'm just running out of material.
[KIRA] What do you mean?
[BASHIR] They've already gone through everything the computer has on
Cardassia and the Dominion.
(Sisko comes out of his office.)
[SISKO] Roll out the red carpet.
[DAX] Visitors?
[SISKO] Starfleet has decided to listen to what Damar has to say. He and
Weyoun will be arriving in the morning. I am the lucky one who gets the
chance to sit across the table from them.
[BASHIR] That's great.
[KIRA] It's hard to believe that the Dominion really wants peace. I
wouldn't be surprised if they were just stalling for time in order to
[BASHIR] Sir, is there any chance I can get a transcript of the
[SISKO] You can do better than that. The Dominion has insisted on
recording the proceedings so that everyone can see that their desire
for peace is sincere.
[BASHIR] Perfect.
[DAX] You shouldn't have agreed to that, Benjamin. Now you'll have to be
on your best behaviour.
(Cargo bay)
[JACK] So the Pretender and his Dark Knight are
coming to the station?
[PATRICK] The story's not over.
[LAUREN] Peace talks. Could be interesting.
[BASHIR] I'd say so. And the best part is, we're going to have ringside
[WEYOUN] Ah, Major.
[KIRA] Welcome to Deep Space Nine.
[WEYOUN] How nice to see you again.
[KIRA] Can I give you a word of advice, Weyoun?
[WEYOUN] By all means.
[KIRA] You're welcome to play your little 'we're all friends here' act
with me, but I wouldn't try it with Captain Sisko. He's not in the
[DAMAR] We're on a mission of peace, Major. Maybe he should get in the
(Cargo bay)
(Damar is talking about a map on the wall screen,
Weyoun is sitting at a table.)
[DAMAR] This is the border as it existed before hostilities broke out.
This is the border we are now proposing.
(Patrick takes a close look at Damar.)
[WEYOUN] This arrangement would award disputed star systems to the side
that already has effective control over them. On the balance, we're
giving up more than you.
[DAMAR] As you can see
[JACK] Computer, freeze programme. Computer. (beep) Hi. Er, listen. Go
to native language mode and replay time code seven six one through
seven six nine.
[WEYOUN] Eee ja maa'na hoo'va baa'li jen'ku'rada sen'to.
[JACK] Got you. Did you hear that? He used the passive voice transitive.
[BASHIR] Since when could you speak Dominionese?
[JACK] Since this morning. That phrasing is only used to make a request,
not a statement. They are up to something.
[BASHIR] What is it, Patrick? Did you see something? You can tell us.
[PATRICK] They want the Kabrel system.
[BASHIR] How do you know?
[PATRICK] They kept avoiding it with their eyes.
[BASHIR] You're sure?
[PATRICK] They kept avoiding it.
[JACK] Told you they were up to something.
[BASHIR] End programme.
(The meeting room disappears.)
[BASHIR] All right, they want the Kabrel system. But why?
[LAUREN] I don't know, but they're willing to give up a lot to get it.
The mizinite deposits on Holna Four alone are enough to keep their
shipyards running for years.
[JACK] Yes, yes, yes. That's a typical Dominion strategy. They offer to
give up something valuable in order to hide the fact that they want
something even more valuable in the long term. See, that's how they
think. Big picture. They don't worry about what's going to happen
tomorrow, no, no, no, they're thinking long term. They're thinking
what's going to happen a year from now, a decade, a century. Yes, yes.
[BASHIR] There must be something special about the Kabrel system.
[LAUREN] Nothing on the first planet but some simple protozoids and
trinucleic fungi. The second planet has some cormaline deposits, but
they're common enough.
[JACK] Okay, okay, okay. Maybe there's another reason. Does it have any
strategic value?
(Bashir notices Sarina writing on a PADD.)
[LAUREN] Not that I can see. They wouldn't want to build a base there.
[JACK] Why not? Why not? Seems perfectly suitable.
[LAUREN] It's not an optimum situation. It's a binary system, there's a
lot of ionic interference.
(Bashir reads Sarina's PADD)
[JACK] All right, forget that.
[BASHIR] Does this have anything to do with what we're talking about,
Sarina? Can we take it?
[JACK] Think, think. Any evidence that Kabrel used to support an
advanced civilisation? Maybe they're looking to excavate something
valuable like an ancient technology.
[LAUREN] There's no evidence of anything like that.
[BASHIR] Any idea what this might mean?
(Captain's office)
(The PADD, analysis mode 47, shows a chemical
[SISKO] Chemistry was never my strong suit. What is it?
[BASHIR] It shows how you can break down tri-nucleic fungus to make
yridium bicantizine, one of the active ingredients in Ketracel White.
That's why the Dominion wants the Kabrel system, so that they can
manufacture the drug right here in the Alpha Quadrant. According to our
calculations, they'll be able to make enough White to supply the
Jem'Hadar indefinitely.
[SISKO] I was going to recommend that the Federation accept the proposed
border. It could have cost us the Alpha Quadrant.
[BASHIR] Actually, sir, we should give them Kabrel.
[SISKO] Why is that?
[BASHIR] If we don't, the Dominion will be forced to attack before their
stockpile of White runs out. Here are the casualty projections. As you
can see, an attack would result in devastating casualties for both
[SISKO] You're suggesting we stall?
[BASHIR] It'll buy us time to rebuild our defences and bring the
Romulans into the alliance.
[SISKO] The Romulans?
[BASHIR] According to our analyses, there it is, they'll vote to abandon
their non-aggression pact with the Dominion at next year's plenary
session. By which time, internal pressures between the Cardassians and
the Dominion will have erupted, and after three years six months and
twenty seven days, we predict that
[SISKO] Hang on a minute, Doctor. How'd you come up with all this? Two
days ago you said these people were impossible to deal with, now
they're turning out projections that it would take Starfleet
Intelligence months to come up with.
[BASHIR] We're mutants. I know, we're not exactly qualified for this
kind of work and it could be said that it is beyond the limits of what
people like us should be allowed to do. But I think if you allow me to
walk you through our analyses, you'll be impressed.
[SISKO] All right, Doctor. Go ahead.
[BASHIR] Thank you, sir. The way our statistical analysis works, the
farther into the future you go, the more accurate the projection. It's
based on a kind of non-linear dynamics, whereby small fluctuations tend
to factor out over time. The net result is
[SISKO] Just a minute, Doctor. Why don't we go back to the beginning and
take me through this step by step, nice and easy.
[BASHIR] Gladly, sir.
(Cargo bay)
(It's a champagne celebration for the would-be psychohistorians.)
[BASHIR] Captain Sisko said he would take our analyses to Starfleet
Command right away.
[JACK] Imagine that, Starfleet Command.
[LAUREN] All those admirals.
[PATRICK] It's a party!
(Patrick hands out party hats.)
[BASHIR] It is now.
[LAUREN] We need music.
[BASHIR] Computer, music. Make it grand.
[LAUREN] A waltz.
(The Blue Danube starts up, and Patrick dances with an imaginary
[LAUREN] Care to dance?
(Lauren actually gets up off her couch and dances with Bashir. Jack
goes over to Sarina, who walks away.)
[LAUREN] Coward.
[BASHIR] He tried.
[LAUREN] I meant her.
(Jack cuts in with Lauren then the doorbell rings.)
[BASHIR] Come in. Chief, what a pleasant surprise.
[BRIEN] I, er, I need to replace that power coupling.
[BASHIR] Don't mind us.
(Patrick tries to put a party hat on O'Brien.)
[BRIEN] No, thanks.
[PATRICK] It's a party.
[BRIEN] No. I need to get to work.
(Patrick cries.)
[BRIEN] I didn't mean to. It's just that I need to get this coupling
(Lauren ends up back on her couch.)
[BASHIR] What did you do, Chief?
[BRIEN] Nothing.
[BASHIR] What's the matter, Patrick?
[PATRICK] He doesn't like me.
[BRIEN] Sure I do. See?
(O'Brien puts the hat on.)
[LAUREN] The Chief doesn't like any of us, do you Chief?
[BRIEN] Julian, I
[JACK] He's just jealous you're spending so much time with us.
[LAUREN] His wife's away. He misses his friend.
[BRIEN] I do not.
[LAUREN] It's all right, Julian, go play with your friend. We'll be
[BASHIR] You want me to play with you, do you, Chief?
[LAUREN] Yes, you do.
[BASHIR] Come on. Let's go to Quark's.
(Patrick picks up O'Brien's tool box.)
[BRIEN] I'm going to need those.
[PATRICK] No, you don't. There's nothing wrong with that power coupling.
[BRIEN] Well, it's going to have to be replaced sometime.
[BASHIR] Ready?
[BRIEN] Ready, yeah.
(A darts match)
[BRIEN] I'm sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was upset them.
[BASHIR] It's all right. The only reason Patrick gets so emotional is
because he likes you.
[BRIEN] He does?
[BASHIR] Yeah, they all do.
[BRIEN] What, because I got rid of that noise?
[BASHIR] No, no, it's not just that. They fell comfortable be around
you. What was the word Jack used? Uncomplicated.
[BRIEN] Uncomplicated.
[BASHIR] Oh, yes, they're amazingly insightful. They have ways of seeing
things other people don't.
[BRIEN] And saying things other people don't.
[BASHIR] They are pretty candid, aren't they.
[BRIEN] They sure are.
[BASHIR] Funny thing is, I'm actually beginning to enjoy their company.
(Bashir steps up to the ockey for his throw.)
[BRIEN] Hey, what are you doing? Get back.
[BASHIR] You know, I was thinking Starfleet Command might do all right
to take them on as a team of advisors.
[BRIEN] Oh, I don't know. I can't imagine them in a room with a bunch
of admirals, unless they're going to teach them how to dance.
[BASHIR] We were celebrating.
[BRIEN] Yeah, whatever.
[BASHIR] They really are quite brilliant, though. I mean, once we
actually started working, it was incredible. We were all on the same
wavelength, talking in shorthand, finishing each other's sentences.
I've never had that with anyone else.
[BRIEN] After being with them, I can see how the rest of us must seem
a little uncomplicated.
[BASHIR] I wouldn't say that, exactly. More like slow.
[BRIEN] Ha, ha. Must very be frustrating for you.
[BASHIR] I don't mind. Makes me feel superior.
[BRIEN] Glad to be of service.
[BASHIR] I appreciate it. It's not always easy walking amongst the
common people.
[BRIEN] Yes, it's probably best to keep your expectations low.
(O'Brien throws the winning dart.)
[BRIEN] That way we can surprise you now and then. Another game?
[BASHIR] Sure. But do I have to stand so far back?
[BRIEN] I make one lucky throw and you're ready to come down to my
[BASHIR] I like to win, just like the next man.
[BRIEN] Get back there. Come on.
(Cargo bay)
[BASHIR] I've got good news. Starfleet Command was
so impressed with our analysis, they've agreed to let us have access to
classified information regarding Starfleet's battle readiness. Is
something wrong?
[JACK] We have new long term projections. You'd better take a look.
[LAUREN] You're not going to like it
[JACK] Well?
[BASHIR] Everything checks out.
[LAUREN] I was hoping you were going to find a flaw.
[JACK] So then you agree with our conclusion?
[BASHIR] It's inescapable. There's no way the Federation is going to be
able beat the Dominion. We have no choice. We're going to have to
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Surrender to the Dominion. Not on my watch.
[BASHIR] Sir, I understand how you feel. I don't like it any more than
you do, but it's the best option. We've run dozens of different
scenarios. Even if something unlikely were to happen tilting the scales
in our favour, such as an anti-Dominion coup on Cardassia, we'll still
lose this war.
[SISKO] But that doesn't mean we should just give up and roll over.
[BASHIR] If we fight, there will be over nine hundred billion
casualties. If we surrender, no one dies. Either way we're in for five
generations of Dominion rule. Eventually a rebellion will form,
centring on Earth. It'll spread, and within another generation, they'll
succeed in conquering the Dominion. The Alpha Quadrant will unite and a
new, stronger Federation will rule for thousands of years. Since we
can't win this war, why don't we save as many lives as we can? I know
it's difficult to accept.
[SISKO] I don't accept it. Your entire argument is based on a series of
statistical probabilities and assumptions.
[BASHIR] They're not just assumptions. If you want me to take you
through the equations, I will.
[SISKO] Even if I knew with a hundred percent certainty what was going
to happen, I wouldn't ask an entire generation of people to voluntarily
give up their freedom.
[BASHIR] Not even to save over nine hundred billion lives?
[SISKO] Surrender is not an option. Now I'm happy to hear your group's
advice on how to win this war, but I don't need your advice on how to
lose it.
[BASHIR] We can't win this war.
[SISKO] I don't care if the odds are against us. If we're going to lose,
then we're going to go down fighting so that when our descendents some
day rise up against the Dominion someday, they'll know what they're
made of.
[BASHIR] With all due respect, sir, aren't you letting your pride get in
your way?
[SISKO] All right, Doctor. You've made your recommendation. I'll pass it
on to Starfleet Command.
[BASHIR] Without add your voice to it, they'll dismiss it out of hand.
[SISKO] I'm counting on it.
[BASHIR] So we go down fighting. How terribly courageous of us.
(Bashir shows O'Brien the projections at the bar.)
[BASHIR] What do you think?
[BRIEN] It's pretty grim.
[BASHIR] It's not just grim, it's hopeless. We can't beat them, Miles.
[BRIEN] No, it doesn't look like it, does it?
[BASHIR] We have to avoid a long, drawn out war.
[BRIEN] You mean surrender?
[BASHIR] I know, it's an ugly word, but facts are facts.
[BRIEN] I don't know, Julian.
[BASHIR] Don't tell me you agree with the Captain.
[BRIEN] I suppose I do.
[BASHIR] Is there some part of the analysis you didn't understand,
because if there is I'd be happy to explain.
[BRIEN] I understood it perfectly. Believe it or not.
[BASHIR] That's not what I meant. All I'm saying is that you have to
look at the bigger picture.
[BRIEN] I'm trying. Maybe I'm too uncomplicated to see it.
[BASHIR] I didn't say that.
[BRIEN] You don't have to. The way you're acting, you'd think nobody
with half a brain could possibly disagree with you.
[BASHIR] Frankly, I don't see how they can.
[BRIEN] I can see two possible explanations for it. Either I'm more
feebleminded than you ever realised, or you're not as smart as you
think you are.
(O'Brien leaves Bashir with his drink. Later, at the dabo table.)
[VOICES] Dabo!
[QUARK] Looks like your lucky day.
[BASHIR] Please. You and I both know these games of chance are no such
thing. The odds are in the house's favour.
[QUARK] Shh. Don't say that. People are trying to have fun.
[BASHIR] Sooner or later, no matter how perfectly I play, no matter how
well I hedge my bets, I'm going to lose.
[QUARK] Why are you trying to spoil everyone's good time? Look around,
these people are enjoying themselves. Half of them know the odds are
against them, but they don't care. They're here because they want to
believe they can win. Is that so bad?
[BASHIR] They're fools.
[QUARK] Why don't you just take your winnings and call it a day?
[BASHIR] Because I'm trying to prove a point. There is no way to win.
[QUARK] Stop saying that.
(And he loses.)
[BASHIR] There, you see? We're all as good as dead.
[QUARK] Doctor, take it easy. It's just a game.
[BASHIR] You're right. It's not as if nine hundred billion lives were at
(Cargo bay)
[BASHIR] I just got word. Starfleet rejected our
[JACK] I knew it.
[LAUREN] It's kind of a relief, in a way. I mean, who wants to wave a
white flag?
[JACK] They're the cowards! They don't have the courage to see the
[BASHIR] You may be right, but there's nothing we can do.
[JACK] No, no, no. We can't just take this lying down. The stakes are
too high. We've got to take matters into our own hands.
[PATRICK] How, Jack? What can we do?
[BASHIR] We can't force Starfleet to surrender.
[JACK] If we can't head off the war, then there might be a way to make
it a lot less bloody.
[JACK] Look at this. Starfleet battle plans, fleet deployments. Do you
know what the Dominion could do with this information?
[LAUREN] They could take the Alpha Quadrant in a matter of weeks.
[JACK] With a lot fewer Federation casualties than in a drawn out war.
[LAUREN] There wouldn't be more than two billion casualties.
[JACK] That's a lot better than nine hundred billion.
[BASHIR] Wait a minute! It's one thing for us to try and avert a war,
but it's quite another for us to take it on ourselves to trigger an
invasion that's going to get a lot of people killed. It's not our place
to decide who lives and who dies. We're not gods.
[JACK] Maybe not, but we're the next best thing.
[BASHIR] Can you hear yourself? That's precisely the kind of thinking
that makes people afraid of us.
[JACK] I don't care. I'm willing to make this decision.
[BASHIR] It's not ours to make. We presented our case to Starfleet
Command. They rejected it. Case closed.
[JACK] Not closed! We're going through with this.
[BASHIR] I'm not going to be a party to treason.
[JACK] Call it what you want, but I am willing to do it if it means
saving billions of lives. So are you with us?
[BASHIR] No. Haven't you been listening?
[JACK] Fine.
(Jack knocks out Bashir. He lands in Lauren's lap and she caresses his
[LAUREN] So how do we contact the Dominion?
(Guest quarters)
[WEYOUN] Still at it, I see.
[DAMAR] I've been looking over Sisko's latest counter-proposal. We don't
seem to be getting anywhere with him.
[WEYOUN] Not very encouraging, is it?
[DAMAR] I don't know why you had me call for peace talks in the first
[WEYOUN] My, my, how quickly you've taken to your new role. And to think
only a short time ago you were nothing more than Gul Dukat's adjutant.
[DAMAR] I appreciate the faith you've shown in me.
[WEYOUN] Then show some faith in me. Don't be like your predecessor,
second guessing my every move. It should be clear to you by now that no
one is irreplaceable. Now, I just received a very interesting message
from an unidentified party claiming to have some information that could
be very beneficial to us.
[DAMAR] What sort of information?
[WEYOUN] I don't know but we're going to find out.
(Cargo bay)
(Bashir wakes up tied to a chair.)
[BASHIR] Computer. Computer, respond.
(He notices Sarina.)
[BASHIR] Sarina, where is everyone? Did they arrange a meeting with the
Dominion? Listen, we have to stop them before it's too late. Untie me.
Please, Sarina. You don't want the deaths of so many people on your
hands. It's Jack, isn't it? Are you worried what he'll think? I've seen
the way you look at him when you think no one's watching. I know how
much you care, but if you don't let me stop them, you know what's going
to happen? They're going to be arrested and charged with treason and
you're never going to see any of them again. You're never going to see
Jack again.
(Our trio meet a passer-by.)
[PATRICK] I'm Patrick.
[JACK] Patrick! Come on.
(They walk round a corner and meet security and ...)
[BASHIR] Hello, everyone.
[PATRICK] He's not supposed to be here.
[JACK] No, no, no he's not. I don't understand.
[BASHIR] Well, why don't we all go back to your quarters and I will
explain it to you.
[JACK] No, we've got to do this. Lives are at stake.
[LAUREN] Don't interfere, Julian.
[JACK] You have no right.
[BASHIR] You're in enough trouble already, Jack. Don't make it any
worse. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. It's up to you.
(Storage bay)
[DAMAR] Where are they?
[WEYOUN] They'll be here.
[DAMAR] This is ridiculous. Sneaking into a storage bay for a secret
meeting. I'm not some agent of the Obsidian Order, I'm the leader of
the Cardassian Empire.
[WEYOUN] Don't let it go to your head. You serve only at the Dominion's
pleasure. Besides, I think it's exciting.
(Door opens.)
[WEYOUN] They're here. Odo?
[ODO] Yes, I know. I honour you with my presence.
[WEYOUN] We seem to have gotten ourselves lost.
[ODO] They're not coming.
[DAMAR] Who's not coming?
[ODO] I had a feeling you were going to say that. Shall I escort you to
your quarters?
(Cargo bay)
[BASHIR] Captain Sisko has decided not to press
charges. You won't be going to prison.
[PATRICK] What are they going to do to us?
[BASHIR] Nothing bad. You'll be going back to the Institute together.
[JACK] It doesn't matter what happens to us. Don't you realise what
you've done?
[BASHIR] I kept you from committing treason.
[LAUREN] Are we supposed to thank you? Nine hundred billion people are
going to die.
[BASHIR] We don't know that.
[JACK] Didn't you sit here and go through the projections with us?
Didn't you?
[PATRICK] He was here, Jack. I remember.
[BASHIR] Maybe our projections were wrong.
[JACK] How can you say that? We factored in every contingency, every
variable. The equations don't lie. You. You ruined everything.
[BASHIR] What do you make of that, Jack? Why didn't you anticipate that?
Why didn't you factor her into your equation? Because you thought you
knew everything, but you didn't even know what was going to happen in
this room. One person derailed your plans. One person changed the
course of history. Now, I don't know about you, but that makes me think
that maybe, just maybe, things may not turn out the way we thought.
(Bashir is sitting in a quiet corner.)
[BRIEN] I heard what happened. It was a pretty close call.
[BASHIR] Yeah. Luckily I managed to intercept them in time.
[BRIEN] No, that's not what I meant. I was talking about when you had
to decide whether or not to meet with the Dominion. Can't have been
easy for you. I know you wanted to try to save as many lives as
possible. It's probably what makes you such a good doctor.
[BASHIR] Fortunately this doctor is also a Starfleet Officer. We thought
we were so smart. We thought we could predict the future. It's my
fault, not theirs. I should never have let things go so far. If I
hadn't been so bent on trying to prove to the world that they had
something to contribute.
[BRIEN] They did contribute. It seems to me we've become far too
complacent about the Dominion. We may have driven them back into
Cardassian space, but we've haven't beaten them yet.
[BASHIR] We can only hope.
[BRIEN] Well, the odds are stacked against us. All we can do is give
it our best shot.
(Later, Bashir is back at the dabo wheel.)
[QUARK] You're not going to cause any more trouble, are you?
[BASHIR] Not this time. I'll double down.
[QUARK] Risky.
[BASHIR] Maybe there's a better bet, but sometimes when the odds are so
stacked against you, you've just got to take a chance.
[QUARK] I admire your courage.
[CROWD] Dabo!
[QUARK] Well, what do you know. We have a winner.
[BRIEN (OC)] O'Brien to Bashir.
[BASHIR] Go ahead.
[BRIEN (OC)] You wanted to know when a certain transport was leaving.
[BASHIR] Oh, thanks.
[BRIEN (OC)] There is one problem, though. We've got some passengers
that are refusing to board unless you come see them.
(Cargo bay)
[BASHIR] I didn't think you'd want to see me again.
[LAUREN] Believe me, I wouldn't mind if our predictions turned out to be
wrong. Jack's still furious, but I didn't want to leave without saying
(She kisses Bashir.)
[PATRICK] Will you come visit us?
[BASHIR] What? Oh, yes, I'd like that. (to Sarina) You did the right
thing, you know. One of these day he'll understand that. So, you ready
to go?
[JACK] Not so fast. There's one thing I need to know, Doctor. If we can
come up with a way to beat the Dominion, will you listen?
[BASHIR] I can't think of anything I'd like better.
[JACK] Good, good, good. Let's go then. Let's go.
[BASHIR] Bashir to O'Brien. Four to beam out. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e130", "title": "Statistical"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Magnificent Ferengi
Magnificent Ferengi
Original Airdate: 29 Dec, 1997
(Leeta serving is behind the bar when Quark enters
with Bajoran Security, carrying boxes.)
[QUARK] Just set them on the bar. Morn, no touching. You know what this
is? Three cases of syrup of squill.
[LEETA] I love syrup of squill on my groatcakes, but I haven't seen a
jar in over a year.
[QUARK] No one has.
[ODO] Does that mean the drought on Balancar is over?
[QUARK] There never was a drought on Balancar. It was all a ploy by
their Agricultural Consortium. They've been stockpiling squill so they
could drive the price up.
[LEETA] That's dishonest.
[QUARK] I couldn't agree more. You see, I once did business with the
nephew of the cousin of the stepsister of a friend of the secretary to
the Consortium's chief accountant. Nephew, cousin, stepsister, friend.
Yeah, that's right. And he told me, in passing, that the accountant had
bought himself a very nice pair of Ferengi rain slippers.
[ODO] And if there was a drought, he wouldn't need rain slippers.
[QUARK] My thoughts exactly. So I set up a meeting with this accountant
and I told him that he either provide me with a shipment of syrup, or I
would expose their deception to the entire quadrant. Tomorrow morning,
we are having a special on groatcakes, topped with syrup of squill.
That is, for everyone who can afford it. What are you standing around
for? Get these crates in the storeroom. This stuff is worth its weight
in latinum. Which reminds me of another little economic episode of
mine. It happened, say, oh, eleven or twelve years ago, shortly before
I came on the station
(Dax, O'Brien and Bashir enter)
[LEETA] Dax, Julian! You're back! I was so worried.
[DAX] I told you we'd be okay.
[LEETA] Then why all the secrecy about your mission?
[BRIEN] We weren't supposed to talk about it.
[BASHIR] But now it's okay. The mission's over, we've been debriefed. We
took the Defiant behind enemy lines.
[BRIEN] We're the first reconnaissance mission into Cardassian space
since the Dominion's retreat. The first one to make it back, anyway.
[DAX] And if that isn't reason to celebrate, I don't know what is.
[BRIEN] Three synthales.
[LEETA] Coming right up.
[ODO] Something wrong, Quark?
[QUARK] Yes, something's wrong. A bunch of self-satisfied Starfleet
officers just stole my audience.
[ODO] They're not just Starfleet officers, they're heroes. Let's face
it, Quark, there's nothing heroic about earning profit.
[QUARK] There is on Ferenginar.
[ODO] We're not on Ferenginar.
(A waiter whispers to Quark.)
[QUARK] The Nagus calling me now? He must have found out about the
squill. I have to send him a jar. No, better make it a dozen. He loves
[QUARK] Oh, there you are. I've been looking all
over the station for you.
[ROM] Well, you found me. Now you go hide and I'll search for you.
[QUARK] Rom, brace yourself. I have bad news. Our mother's been taken
prisoner by the Dominion.
[ROM] Moogie? A prisoner?
[QUARK] It gets worse. The Nagus wants me to rescue her.
[ROM] You? Rescue Moogie? From the Dominion?
[QUARK] Yeah.
[ROM] Uh oh.
[QUARK] Uh oh is right.
(Crawling along after the credits.)
[ROM] So, how do you plan on rescuing Moogie?
[QUARK] You mean, how do we plan on rescuing Moogie.
[ROM] I don't recall you saying the Nagus wanted me to go along.
[QUARK] Maybe he doesn't, but I do. Besides, Ishka's your mother too.
[ROM] And I love her. But I can't go with you. I'm a married man. I have
responsibilities. And my responsibilities don't want me to die.
[QUARK] I don't want to die either. So let's just concentrate on the
reward the Nagus is offering.
[ROM] Reward?
[QUARK] Fifty bars of gold pressed latinum.
[ROM] Fifty bars! (bumps his head) Ow.
(Conduit junction)
[QUARK] Which I'm willing to share with you.
[ROM] An even split?
[QUARK] Absolutely. Thirty bars for me and twenty for you.
[ROM] That's not even.
[QUARK] It is when you include my finder's fee.
[ROM] Right.
(They've gone up a ladder and are now crawling
along again.)
[ROM] There's one thing I still don't understand. How did the Dominion
get a hold of Moogie?
[QUARK] They captured the transport ship she was on.
[ROM] But she's a female. They're forbidden to travel off of Ferenginar.
[QUARK] Moogie's an exception. The Nagus gave her special dispensation
to travel to Vulcan for her operation.
[ROM] What operation?
[QUARK] She wanted to have her ears raised.
[ROM] I had no idea.
[QUARK] That she was so vain?
[ROM] That the Nagus could be so generous.
[QUARK] He certainly is.
[ROM] But why is he being so good to Moogie?
[QUARK] Brother, there's something I need to tell you
[ROM] You mean that ten bars of latinum is an overly generous finder's
fee? I already know that.
[QUARK] It's about the Nagus and Moogie.
[ROM] What about them?
[QUARK] They're lovers.
[ROM] No.
[QUARK] It's been going on for over a year.
[ROM] No.
[QUARK] She's his secret financial advisor. She helps him run the entire
Ferengi Alliance.
[ROM] No!
[QUARK] Would you stop saying that.
(Captain's office)
(A panel opens in the wall.)
[SISKO] May I help you, gentlemen?
[ROM] I was following you.
[QUARK] We must have taken a wrong turn.
[SISKO] It looks that way.
[QUARK] Much better.
[ROM] You know, brother I've been thinking. We can't rescue Moogie from
a Dominion internment centre. Not alone, anyway.
[QUARK] You're right. We're going to need help.
[ROM] We could put together a commando team. Gather the toughest
mercenaries we can find. Nausicaans, Breen, Klingons.
[QUARK] Shh. We don't need Nausicaans, Breen or Klingon.
[ROM] Humans?
[QUARK] We'll just use Ferengi.
[ROM] Then we'll all die.
[QUARK] No, we won't. Ferengi can be just as tough as Klingons.
[ROM] They can?
[QUARK] Of course they can. They just need the opportunity, the
training, and a couple of bars of latinum as incentive.
[ROM] Coming out of my share, I suppose.
[QUARK] No, we'll split the reward with whoever joins us. All twenty
bars of it.
[ROM] But the Nagus offered fifty.
[QUARK] As far as anyone else is concerned, he said twenty.
[ROM] Twenty it is then.
[QUARK] Now the only question is, who's our first recruit?
(Promenade - upper level)
[NOG] Not me.
[ROM] But Nog, Moogie needs you!
[QUARK] Not to mention your Nagus.
[ROM] They need you, we need you. Say you'll join us. Please.
[NOG] I'm a Starfleet officer. I can't go running off with you on some
half baked rescue mission. I have duties to perform.
[ROM] But you know how to fire a phaser.
[QUARK] Forget it, Rom. Don't beg. Too bad, though. We were going to
make you Strategic Operations officer.
[NOG] You mean like Commander Worf?
[QUARK] Exactly like Commander Worf. Think of it, Nog. You'll devise the
tactics, come up with a plan of action.
[ROM] You can be the team's drill instructor. Put us through our paces.
Prepare us for combat.
[QUARK] Turn us into soldiers.
[NOG] That's a big job.
[QUARK] That's why we need you.
[NOG] How big is the team?
[QUARK] Right now?
(Quark holds up two fingers. Nog shakes his head and holds up three.)
(Quark's quarters)
(Quark is dialing a subspace number.)
[QUARK] Now remember,
Leck is not your typical Ferengi. His priorities are
different than ours.
[ROM] I understand, brother.
[QUARK] No you don't, but you will.
[LECK (on monitor)] I hope this is a secure channel.
[QUARK] I followed your instructions to the letter.
[LECK (on monitor)] Very good. Who do you want eliminated?
[QUARK] It's not that kind of job.
[LECK (on monitor)] Then why call an eliminator?
[ROM] What's an eliminator?
[QUARK] Shh. I'm putting together a little rescue mission and I'd like
you to be part of my team.
[LECK (on monitor)] I work alone.
[QUARK] You'll be paid in latinum.
[LECK (on monitor)] I don't care about latinum.
[ROM] You're right. His priorities are different.
[QUARK] All right, forget the latinum. I've been told you like the
opportunity to test your abilities.
[LECK (on monitor)] I enjoy a challenge.
[QUARK] Then you should know this. that the person we're going to rescue
is being held by the Dominion.
[LECK (on monitor)] The Dominion?
[QUARK] Should be quite a challenge.
(Transmission ends. That's four.)
(Holding cell)
(On a Starbase somewhere.)
[QUARK] How the mighty have fallen.
[GAILA] Cousin Quark.
[QUARK] I hear you were arrested on Thalos Six for vagrancy.
[GAILA] And it's all your fault. I was a thriving weapons merchant until I went into
business with
you. You ruined me. If I ever get out of here, cousin, I'll
make you pay for what you did to me.
[QUARK] Lower the forcefield. (Quark grabs Gaila's lapels) Now what
exactly is it you're going to do to me?
[GAILA] I don't understand.
[ROM] Quark paid your fine. You're a free man.
[GAILA] What do I have to do in return?
[QUARK] Earn some latinum.
[GAILA] Tell me more.
(That's five.)
[NOG] On the bar, you will find a PADD with a
schematic of a Dominion internment centre. You may now examine the
(Nog turns Gaila's PADD the right way up.)
[LECK] How can we be sure these schematics are accurate?
[NOG] Sir.
[LECK] No need to stand on formality here. Just call me Leck.
[NOG] No, I meant you should call me sir.
[LECK] Don't be ridiculous.
[NOG] You mean, don't be ridiculous, sir.
[QUARK] Gentleman, please. Let's not squabble. We're a team, Nog.
[ROM] We're a team, sir.
[QUARK] Stay out of this. Listen to me, Nog.
[NOG] That's it, I quit.
[QUARK] You can't quit. This is not a game.
[GAILA] How are we supposed to get to this internment centre anyway?
[ROM] By ship.
[GAILA] Do we have a ship?
[QUARK] We'll get one.
[LECK] We don't have a ship?
[QUARK] I said we'll get one.
[NOG] How?
[QUARK] We'll find one.
[LECK] Where?
[QUARK] I don't know. Think of it as a challenge.
(Someone applauds then steps into the light.)
[ROM] Liquidator Brunt.
[BRUNT] That's ex-liquidator Brunt. Thanks to your brother, I'm no
longer with the Ferengi Commerce Authority. A child, a moron, a failure
and a psychopath. Quite a little team you've put together.
[QUARK] What do you want, Brunt?
[BRUNT] I'm here to sign up. I'm going to help you rescue your mother.
[QUARK] What?
[ROM] How did you know about Moogie?
[BRUNT] I know a lot of things.
[QUARK] You think if you help save my mother, the Nagus will give you
your old job back.
[BRUNT] When do we leave?
[QUARK] We're not leaving. Not with you.
[ROM] That's one thing we can all agree on.
[LECK] No one likes Liquidators.
[NOG] Or even ex-liquidators.
[QUARK] The team has spoken.
[GAILA] Besides, there's a twenty bar reward to consider.
[NOG] Better to split it five ways than six.
[BRUNT] Fine. I'll just get in my ship and leave.
(Brunt heads for the door, and a knife thuds into the doorframe.)
[LECK] Did you say ship?
[BRUNT] That's right. Why?
[ROM] Now we are six.
(Ishka is being escorted by Jem'Hadar when Brunt
and Leck come out from behind rocks. Quark, Rom and Gaila are on the
other side)
[QUARK] Don't move! You're surrounded.
(The Jem'Hadar fire. Quark is shot in the leg, Gaila drops his weapon
and runs, Rom walks into a wall.)
[BRUNT] Don't shoot! I surrender!
(The Jem'Hadar shoot Brunt. Leck shoots Ishka.)
[NOG] No, no, no! Computer, freeze programme. Reset Jem'Hadar.
[ROM] I think we're getting better.
[NOG] No, you're not. This is the eighth run through and you haven't
been able to hit a single Jem'Hadar. And you shot Moogie.
[LECK] I saw we weren't going to rescue her so I put her out of her
[GAILA] Who invited him along?
[BRUNT] Maybe we should start off with something easier.
[NOG] Like what?
[BRUNT] Like ambushing a couple of Bolians.
[NOG] You couldn't ambush a Bolian if he was blindfolded and tied to a
[QUARK] That's enough! Get out of here, all of you. You heard me. Go.
[ROM] But, Brother, don't you want to keep practising?
[QUARK] We're wasting our time, Rom. We couldn't get
anywhere near Moogie, let alone rescue her.
[ROM] I guess we're not cut out to be heroes after all.
[QUARK] And to think, just a few short days ago I was sitting on top of
the world. The king of squill. You should've been there, brother. It
was a very delicate negotiation. It could've gone either way. But I
took my time, picked my moment, then went in for the kill. It was
beautiful to behold.
[ROM] Brother, I think we've been going about this the wrong way. We're
not commandos, we're negotiators. We make deals. That's what we're good
at. The Dominion has something we want, so we need to find something
they want.
[QUARK] And then we make a trade. That way, everyone goes home happy.
[ROM] Happy and alive. Now, what do we have to trade?
(Captain's office)
[QUARK] Captain, I can't thank you enough for all
your help.
[SISKO] Don't thank me, thank Major Kira. She's the one that convinced
me to talk to Starfleet on your behalf.
[KIRA] Consider it payback, Quark, for rescuing me from the
[SISKO] Breaking you out of the station's holding cell is one thing.
What you're planning to do is considerably more dangerous.
[QUARK] Every negotiation has its share of danger, Captain.
[SISKO] If you say so.
[QUARK] I guess it's time for me to pick up my prisoner.
[KIRA] Just be careful you don't turn your back on him, Quark. He's not
to be trusted.
[QUARK] Neither am I.
(Brunt's ship)
(Gaila pushes between Quark and Rom to a seat just
between Brunt and Leck, the two pilots.)
[GAILA] Excuse me.
[ROM] Sorry.
[LECK] This isn't a ship, it's a closet.
[BRUNT] You don't like it here, leave.
[GAILA] I'll go. That way there'll be more room for the rest of you.
Besides, this isn't a rescue mission anymore, it's a simple prisoner
exchange. I don't know why Quark needs any of us.
[LECK] Because he doesn't trust the Dominion. And neither do I.
[BRUNT] Why would the Dominion pick a deserted Cardassian space station
to make the trade?
[NOG] They didn't pick it, Quark did. I've been there. It's the same
design as Deep Space Nine, so we know the layout.
[LECK] Well, you have nothing to worry about. You'll have plenty of
places to run and hide.
(Quark enters with a manacled Vorta, the one
who had his Jem'Hadar killed by Sisko and co.)
[QUARK] Everyone, this is Keevan. We're going to trade him for
[ROM] Hi. I'm Rom. This is Nog, that's Brunt.
[QUARK] Rom, he doesn't care.
[KEEVAN] Truer words have never been spoken. I'll advise you all to send
final messages to your loved ones and make sure your wills are in
[ROM] Why?
[KEEVAN] Because the moment we leave this station, you'll have signed
your death warrants. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to take a nap.
(Empok Nor Promenade)
(Nog and Brunt come out of the airlock, and check
out the area, followed by Rom and Gaila.)
[NOG] All clear!
[QUARK (OC)] Are you sure?
[NOG] Tricorder indicates no other lifeforms on the station.
(Quark leads Keevan out.)
[NOG] All right, let's head for base camp.
[GAILA] Base camp?
[QUARK] He means the Infirmary. It's right over there.
[NOG] Come on, let's move it. On the double. Well, what are you waiting
[QUARK] Two slips of latinum for the first man who makes it to the
Infirmary. (off they run) I mean base camp.
[NOG] You don't pay your soldiers to do their duty.
[QUARK] You do if they're Ferengi.
(Empok Nor Infirmary)
[LECK] Great, another closet.
[NOG] We've chosen this spot for a reason. For one thing, it's a
confined area with only two ways in or out. This one, and the one in
there. Secondly, it's near the airlock which gives us access to our
ship. And third, it's on the Promenade where the prisoner exchange will
take place. Don't touch that.
[ROM] Some of this medical equipment is still functioning.
[GAILA] Anything for an upset stomach?
[LECK] What you need is a new backbone.
[GAILA] Hey, I'm a weapons dealer, not a soldier.
[QUARK] Cousin!
[NOG] Sir, may I suggest we set up our defence perimeter?
[QUARK] Good idea. How much is this going to cost me?
[NOG] Don't worry, no charge.
[QUARK] Starfleet has really corrupted you, hasn't it? You could start
by getting the external sensors back online. I want to know the minute
a Dominion ship gets within ten million kilometres of this station.
[ROM] I'll set up a transport jamming signal. That way, the Dominion
won't be able to beam our prisoner away without our say so.
[KEEVAN] We certainly wouldn't want that to happen, would we?
[LECK] You don't seem to be too happy at the prospect of being rejoining
your people.
[KEEVAN] Believe me when I tell you I have nothing to be happy about.
Vorta are supposed to commit suicide when they're captured. I failed to
follow that rather harsh policy.
[ROM] They're going to execute you?
[KEEVAN] After what is surely going to be a most unpleasant debriefing.
[QUARK] I'm sorry to hear about that, but it's not my problem. All I
want is my Moogie back.
[KEEVAN] By the time the Dominion is done with you, all you'll want is a
quick death.
[QUARK] Take him in the next room and see that he stays there.
[NOG] We'll post a guard on him at all times. Four hour shifts.
[LECK] You heard him, move. Perhaps you can help me clarify something.
What's the most vulnerable part of a Jem'Hadar's body?
[NOG] All right, you have your orders. Let's get to work.
[ROM] My son the soldier.
[QUARK] They've ruined him.
(Empok Nor Infirmary)
(The sleeping huddle is woken by a scream.)
[QUARK] What was that?
[NOG] Who's screaming?
[LECK] It's Gaila!
(They open the storeroom door.)
[QUARK] The Vorta, where is he?
[GAILA] I don't know.
[NOG] What do you mean, you don't know?
[BRUNT] You were guarding him.
[GAILA] He must've slipped away while I was sleeping.
[ROM] Sleeping? Who said you could sleep?
[GAILA] I couldn't help it. I was tired. I couldn't get any rest on the
[QUARK] The ship!
[NOG] If Keevan gets away, we're finished.
(Brunt's ship)
(Quark leads the chase along the Promenade, down
corridors and finally gets to the little ship. He's gasping for
[QUARK] Going someplace?
[KEEVAN] Apparently not. I couldn't get the impulse engines online.
[QUARK] That's because I had Rom disengage the induction matrix.
[KEEVAN] Then why did you bother chasing me?
[QUARK] Because sometimes my brother gets things wrong.
(Empok Nor airlock)
(Just as Nog and the others finally arrive.)
[QUARK] All right, everyone relax. No harm done. We still have our
(An alarm goes off.)
[GAILA] What's that?
[NOG] It's the alarm I set up. It means a Dominion ship is approaching.
[QUARK] To the Infirmary!
[NOG] Let's go!
(Empok Nor surgery)
(They run into the Infirmary, Nog shuts the doors
and they go into a rear surgical unit.)
[NOG] Now what?
[BRUNT] Someone turned the alarm off.
[GAILA] Maybe it went off by itself.
[ROM] Do you hear something?
[GAILA] Someone's out there.
[BRUNT] One of us should go check to make sure. I nominate Quark.
[NOG] I'll go.
(Empok Nor Infirmary)
(Nog manually cracks the main Infirmary doors and
peers through to see Jem'Hadar on the upper level.)
[HADAR] Firing line, take aim.
[QUARK] Anybody there?
[NOG] You could say that.
(Empok Nor surgery)
[ROM] I wonder what they're doing out there.
[QUARK] Shh.
[GAILA] I don't hear anything.
[QUARK] Quiet.
[NOG] Why are we hiding?
[GAILA] There are Jem'Hadar out there.
[NOG] Of course they're out there. We asked them to come.
[BRUNT] He's right. Everything's going according to plan. Now all you
have to do, Quark, is negotiate the prisoner exchange. Remember, be
firm, strong.
[GAILA] But don't get them angry.
[ROM] Good luck, brother. Say, hi to Moogie for me.
[QUARK] What if it's a trap?
[KEEVAN] Of course it's a trap. They're not here to negotiate. They're
here to kill us all.
[QUARK] You think?
[BRUNT] Don't listen to him. He's just trying to save his own neck.
[KEEVAN] I'm trying to save all our necks.
[YELGRUN (OC)] (the Vorta) Ferengi. Show yourself. We're here to trade.
[KEEVAN] Don't go out there. We must get back to the ship. Our only hope
is to escape.
[NOG] We're not going anywhere, not without Moogie. Right, uncle?
[QUARK] Right.
[YELGRUN (OC)] Ferengi, I don't like to be kept waiting.
[QUARK] I'm coming. I'm coming! And you two are coming with me.
[ROM] I was afraid he was going to say that.
[QUARK] Rom.
(Empok Nor Promenade)
(Quark, Rom and Nog step out. Yelgrun -
Iggy Pop - is standing with Ishka and two Jem'Hadar, while
the rest of the
battalion are on the upper level keeping them covered.)
[ROM] Moogie!
[ISHKA] My boys. I knew you'd come.
[ROM] You look beautiful.
[ISHKA] My lobes haven't been this firm in over a century.
[QUARK] I guess that makes this all worthwhile.
[ISHKA] Don't you start with me, Quark.
[YELGRUN] What a touching and heartfelt reunion. I'm glad I was here to
witness it. Now, where's Keevan? I wish to conclude this transaction.
[QUARK] All in good time. But first, I need some assurances.
[YELGRUN] What kind of assurances?
[QUARK] Well, for one thing, I don't want any Jem'Hadar soldiers on this
[YELGRUN] That would leave me in a very vulnerable position. One Vorta
against six Ferengi.
[QUARK] If it makes you feel better, these two can stay.
[YELGRUN] I feel safer already. Now where's Keevan?
[QUARK] Hold on, I'm not done yet. Then you're going to tell your
helmsman to head back to Dominion territory, warp nine.
[YELGRUN] That would leave me stranded here.
[QUARK] For a few days.
[YELGRUN] I see. And by the time they return, you'll be long gone.
[QUARK] That's the idea.
[YELGRUN] On the other hand, I could have my Jem'Hadar storm the
Infirmary and kill you all.
[ROM] I like our plan better.
[QUARK] You attack the Infirmary and Keevan will be the first to die.
[YELGRUN] Keevan's fate has already been sealed.
[QUARK] Maybe. But before he dies, I'll bet you'll want to know what
Dominion secrets he's revealed to the Federation.
[ISHKA] He's got you there, Yelgrun.
[YELGRUN] Your people have a reputation for cunning. I see that it's
well earned. Perhaps one day the Ferengi will take their place as
valued members of the Dominion.
[QUARK] Anything's possible.
[YELGRUN] I will begin to evacuate the Jem'Hadar at once.
[QUARK] We can exchange the prisoners in let's say, half an hour?
[YELGRUN] We'll be waiting.
[NOG] One more thing. How do we know that's really Moogie and not a
[ISHKA] I think that uniform is too tight on you, Nog. It's cutting off
circulation to your brain.
[ROM] Sounds like Moogie.
[NOG] Only one way to find out.
(The Jem'Hadar make to shoot Nog.)
[YELGRUN] Wait. This should be interesting.
(Nog quickly produces a big knife and cuts Ishka's hand.)
[ISHKA] Oww!
[QUARK] Yeah, that's blood all right.
[ROM] I knew it was Moogie.
[ISHKA] Now let's see if you're a changeling.
(Ishka pulls his lobes and hits him over the head.)
[NOG] Oww!
[ROM] That's no way to tell if he's a changeling.
[ISHKA] You're right. Give me that knife.
[QUARK] I don't think so. Family. You understand.
[YELGRUN] Not really. I was cloned.
[ROM] No parents? That explains a lot.
[ISHKA] No parents, no sweetheart, no investment portfolio.
[YELGRUN] And no patience. We'll meet back here in one half hour. Don't
be late.
[ISHKA] You heard him, Quark. Rom, I'm counting on you. Remember, Moogie
loves you.
(Empok Nor surgery)
[ROM] You should've seen my brother. He was
[NOG] In a half hour we'll have Moogie back and we can all go home.
[GAILA] Home to the torrential rains of Ferenginar.
[BRUNT] You know what I miss most? The rotting vegetation.
[QUARK] Yep.
[ROM] And the dampness.
[LECK] Oh, to stand once more in those rivers of muck.
[KEEVAN] I only wish I could be there with you.
[ROM] I can't believe it. We're actually going to get the reward money.
Fifty bars of gold pressed latinum.
[BRUNT] Fifty bars? You said the reward was twenty.
[QUARK] That's what Rom said, twenty.
[LECK] He said fifty.
[ROM] I thought you said you didn't care about latinum?
[LECK] I don't. I just don't to be cheated.
[NOG] Everyone calm down.
[GAILA] Calm down? When my dear cousin is trying to cheat me?
[QUARK] I'm not trying to cheat anyone.
[BRUNT] Then what about the other thirty bars?
[NOG] There are no other thirty bars. Are there?
[ROM] I, I, no, not really.
[LECK] He's lying. They're in it together.
[BRUNT] You're not going to get away with this, Quark.
[GAILA] I come here, risk my life and for what? You've had this coming
for a long time, cousin.
[NOG] No!
[ROM] Look out!
(Everyone dives to the side as Gaila shoots and Keevan gets a hole in
his chest.)
[KEEVAN] I hate Ferengi.
[LECK] You idiot.
(Later, the corpse is on a bed with those forehead things blinking)
[ROM] What are we going to do? We can't have a prisoner exchange without
a prisoner.
[BRUNT] If they find out Keevan's dead they're going to kill us.
[QUARK] Will you stop saying that.
[GAILA] Maybe if we surrender, they won't hurt us.
[BRUNT] I have a better idea. Let's sneak back to my ship and try to
[ROM] It's a big station, easy to get lost in. If we hide, maybe they
won't find us.
[QUARK] No one's hiding and no one's escaping, and no one's
surrendering. What's wrong with you people? Have you forgotten the
Battle of Prexnak?
[ROM] Who could forget the most important battle in Ferengi history?
[QUARK] Ten Ferengi stood alone against two hundred and seventy three
[GAILA] As I recall, all ten Ferengi were slaughtered.
[QUARK] The point is, we Ferengi are just as tough as anybody in the
galaxy. And this is our chance to prove it once and for all.
[LECK] Quark's right. Let's do it for Ishka. Let's do it for the Grand
Nagus. Let's do it for Ferengis everywhere.
[BRUNT] Let's do it for equal shares of fifty bars of gold pressed
[QUARK] It always comes down to profit with you people, doesn't it.
[GAILA] We're Ferengi.
[QUARK] And that's why I love you. Fifty bars it is, minus my usual
finder's fee.
[NOG] Well, there's no doubt about it. According to these readings, this
man is dead.
[QUARK] Thank you, Doctor Nog.
[NOG] I just wanted to be sure. I thought maybe we could revive him but
I guess not.
(Nog puts another blinkie on Keevan's head and the left arm jerks up
and hits him.)
[GAILA] He's alive!
[NOG] No, he isn't. It's just the neural stimulator. It caused a
reflexive impulse in his cerebellum.
[ROM] I never knew you studied medicine at the Academy.
[NOG] I didn't, but if you think about it, medicine isn't that different
from engineering. It's all about keeping things running, fixing broken
[QUARK] Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
[NOG] Find me more neural stimulators.
[YELGRUN (OC)] It's time, Ferengi. Bring out your prisoner.
[NOG] Stall them, Uncle.
[QUARK] I'll try.
(Empok Nor Promenade)
[YELGRUN] I've done as you asked. The Jem'Hadar are
on their way back to Dominion territory. We are alone on the station.
[QUARK] Wonderful.
[YELGRUN] Now bring out Keevan and we can conclude our business.
[QUARK] Keevan. Right. Absolutely.
[YELGRUN] I'm waiting.
[QUARK] He'll be right out. But first my brother has to run some sensor
scans to make sure the Jem'Hadar have really left.
[YELGRUN] That is unnecessary. The Jem'Hadar are gone. Now bring me
[QUARK] I will, in a few minutes.
[YELGRUN] No, not in a few minutes, now! Or maybe you've changed your
mind and you don't want your mother back. Kill her.
[ISHKA] Give them what they want, Quark.
[QUARK] I intend to.
[YELGRUN] Excellent.
[QUARK] As soon as my brother completes his sensor scans.
[YELGRUN] And I thought the Breen were annoying. Very well, five
minutes. But I will not tolerate any more delays.
[ISHKA] Neither will I.
[QUARK] That goes for me, too. You see, we're all in agreement. One more
[YELGRUN] Why am I not surprised?
[QUARK] The prisoner exchange. I'd like for it to take place outside
airlock three.
[YELGRUN] What's wrong with the Promenade?
[QUARK] Nothing, except my ship is docked at airlock three. You
[YELGRUN] Only too well. But I must say your lack of trust saddens me.
[QUARK] Ah, well, a sign of the times.
(Empok Nor surgery)
[QUARK] Nog, you've got five minutes.
[NOG] All right, here we go.
(Keevan sits up, a Vorta Frankenstein's monster.)
(Empok Nor corridor)
[YELGRUN] Seventy five hundred lots of hipicate
[ISHKA] The hipicate root is very versatile. It's used in certain
medicines, defractive optics, and even some beauty supplies. Here, feel
how smooth my head is. Cream of hipicate. I apply it twice a day. You
see, a diversified financial portfolio can mean greater profits and
healthier looking skin.
[YELGRUN] Fascinating. I'd love to hear more, but if your son doesn't
show up soon I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you.
[QUARK] Yelgrun, you ready?
(Quark and Keevan stand at the end of the corridor. Keevan's head is
tilted to the right.)
[YELGRUN] I've been ready for hours.
[QUARK] On a count of three, we release our prisoners. Agreed?
[YELGRUN] Agreed.
[QUARK] One, two three.
(Ishka gets the nod and starts walking. Keevan needs a little shove to
stagger forward, stiff-legged, under Nog's remote control.)
[YELGRUN] What have they done to him?
(Keevan starts veering right.)
[QUARK] Straighten him out, straighten him out.
[NOG] I'm trying.
(Ishka dodges Keevan and gets to Quark for a hug. Keevan bumps into the
bulkhead, repeatedly, like a tin soldier. Quark and Ishka run into the
[YELGRUN] Stop them!
A bulkhead opens and Leck downs a Jem'Hadar with a thrown knife.
Yelgrun drops to his knees, Rom shoots the other Jem'Hadar and Keevan
keeps bumping.)
[QUARK] Would you please turn him off?
[NOG] I can't. The transceiver is jammed.
[ISHKA] Oh Quark, the Grand Nagus is going to be so proud of you. I know
I am.
[ROM] Moogie.
[BRUNT] What do we do with this one?
[QUARK] We'll take him with us. He'll be our gift to Starfleet. They
gave us a Vorta, we'll give them one.
[YELGRUN] Ferengi.
[QUARK] I know, I know. You hate us.
[GAILA] All right you, get moving.
[LECK] This is the sloppiest, most amateurish operation I've ever seen.
If you ever do something like this again, count me in.
[QUARK] You'll be the first one I call. (to Nog) If I even think about
doing something like this again, shoot me.
[ROM] So, Brother, how does it feel to be a hero?
[QUARK] You tell me.
[ROM] It feels good?
[QUARK] You bet it does.
(Quark and Rom follow the others into the airlock, leaving the dead
Jem'Hadar and Keevan behind, still bumping into the bulkhead.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e131", "title": "The Magnificent Ferengi"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Waltz
Original Airdate: 5 Jan, 1998
Captain's log, stardate 51408.6. I've been aboard the Honshu for two
days now and I still haven't spoken to him, although the doctors have
assured me that he's made a full recovery. Maybe that's what I'm afraid
of. Maybe I prefer to think of him as a crazy man, a broken man. He'd
be less dangerous that way. As terrible as it sounds, there's a part of
me that wishes he were dead. But that's a thought unworthy of a
Starfleet officer. He lost an empire, he lost his daughter, and he
nearly lost his mind. Whatever his crimes isn't that enough punishment
for one lifetime?
(Honshu Brig)
(Sisko enters and the security guard leaves. Dukat
is kneeling in his cell, apparently meditating or praying.)
[DUKAT] I heard you were aboard. (he looks up) I was wondering if you'd
make an appearance.
[SISKO] How are you?
[DUKAT] Better. The doctors tell me I've made a remarkable recovery.
[SISKO] They told me the same thing.
[DUKAT] Good. I'd hate to think they were patronising me. So I'm a war
[SISKO] In the Federation, you're innocent till proven guilty.
[DUKAT] So I'm told. Do you believe I'm guilty, Benjamin?
[SISKO] I haven't seen all the charges.
[DUKAT] It's not like you to equivocate.
[SISKO] I'm trying to be fair. You won't be tried until the war is over.
Your appearance before the special jury is just a formality.
[DUKAT] And you'll be testifying for the prosecution.
[SISKO] I will tell them what I know.
[DUKAT] Care to elaborate?
[SISKO] Not really.
[DUKAT] I see.
[SISKO] I never got a chance to tell you how sorry I am about Ziyal.
[DUKAT] Do I detect the fine hand of Doctor Cox at work once again?
[SISKO] I told him I wanted to offer my condolences.
[DUKAT] I'm sorry. The good doctor encourages me to talk about Ziyal
whenever possible, since it was her (big pause) death that brought on
my momentary instability. I shouldn't be so suspicious.
[SISKO] It's all right. Well, we should be arriving at Starbase six two
one by noon tomorrow. I'll see you at the arraignment.
[DUKAT] Benjamin. About my daughter. You and Major Kira took care of her
for almost a year. I wanted to thank you for that. It was very
[SISKO] Ziyal was a very special young woman. It was a pleasure to have
her with us, even if it was only a short time.
[DUKAT] A short time is all she ever had.
[SISKO] Is there anything I can get for you?
[DUKAT] A bottle of kanar and an Orion slave girl would be nice.
[SISKO] I'll see what I can do.
(Boom. Red alert.)
[CREWMAN (OC)] Battle stations! Damage control teams report to level
five J.
(Kira and Odo come out of the Captain's office to
make an announcement.)
[KIRA] It's confirmed. USS Honshu was destroyed this morning at ten
thirty hours by an attack wing of Cardassian destroyers. Starfleet has
picked up the distress beacons from three escape pods and one
shuttlecraft, so there are survivors.
[ODO] The signals are coming from this area. The last reported position
of the Honshu was here, which means there could be survivors in any of
these adjacent star systems.
[BRIEN] That's a pretty large area. How many ships are in the search
[ODO] Two. The Constellation and the Defiant.
[DAX] Two? It could take days.
[KIRA] With all the Dominion activity along the border, it's all
Starfleet can spare at the moment. And the Defiant has another
appointment. In fifty two hours you need to be at this rendezvous point
outside the Badlands. You are the escort for a Federation troop convoy.
[WORF] It will take twelve hours just to arrive at the coordinates where
the Honshu was destroyed.
[KIRA] And twelve more to reach the Badlands, I know. But this convoy is
completely unprotected. They've been using the plasma fields in the
Badlands to hide their movements, and when they emerge they're helpless
without the Defiant.
[BASHIR] Can't they delay the convoy? I mean, if Captain Sisko is still
alive, we have to give him every chance to
[KIRA] I raised the same objection myself and the orders still stand.
Now, every minute spent arguing here is one less minute spent searching
for the captain.
[WORF] Prepare for immediate departure.
[KIRA] Worf, there are over thirty thousand Federation troops in that
convoy. You have fifty two hours, not one second longer. Understood?
[WORF] Understood. Defiant.
(There's a camp fire. Dukat hypo's Sisko awake.)
[DUKAT] Benjamin, can you hear me?
[SISKO] Dukat?
[DUKAT] Yes. Everything's all right, but don't try to move too quickly.
The left side of your body is covered with plasma burns.
(Sisko's left arm is in a metallic splint.)
[SISKO] We were in the brig and the ship went to Red Alert.
[DUKAT] We were attacked by a wing of Cardassian ships, ironically.
[SISKO] I was heading to Engineering.
[DUKAT] You didn't get very far. A plasma conduit exploded before you
got fifteen metres down the corridor. That's where Lieutenant McConnell
and I found you when the order came to abandon ship.
[SISKO] Where's McConnell?
[DUKAT] Dead. A piece of shrapnel hit him in the head just as we were
carrying you into the shuttle.
[SISKO] Any other survivors?
[DUKAT] I saw a few escape pods leaving the ship just before it
exploded, but I had my hands full just trying to keep us in one piece.
The engines were damaged from the shockwaves and I set us down here,
wherever here is. But that shuttle's never going to reach orbit again.
The shuttle's distress beacon was damaged, but I think I managed to
repair it.
(Lights are blinking and the small screen says System On-Line.)
[DUKAT] So now we have to do is wait for someone to pick up our signal.
[SISKO] Whose signal are you transmitting? Starfleet or the Dominion?
[DUKAT] It's a general distress call, Benjamin. Whoever gets here first
will find one comrade in arms and one prisoner. That's fair, isn't it?
[SISKO] Fair enough. Did you do this?
[DUKAT] You shattered most of the bones in your arm. There was a bone
regenerator in the medkit, but I'm afraid I'm not much of a doctor, so
I just put on the cast.
[SISKO] You did plenty. Thank you.
[DUKAT] We have enough field rations to last us a few weeks, but I'd
feel better if I could locate another source of food and water. The
surface is inhospitable to say the least, but I did manage to find some
firewood and kindling, so there's a good chance there's edible
vegetation out there. I just have to find it.
[SISKO] You could have left me behind. Why didn't you?
[DUKAT] I didn't want to. I'll be back within the hour.
[WEYOUN] What are you planning to do with him?
[DUKAT] The Captain and I have a lot to talk about.
[WEYOUN] Such as?
[DUKAT] It's of a personal nature.
[WEYOUN] I see. You're going to share your feelings of loneliness and
sorrow with your longtime adversary. Doctor Cox'd be so proud.
[DUKAT] Go away.
[WEYOUN] You should kill him now, while you still can.
[DUKAT] That won't be necessary. He's in no condition to challenge me. I
can afford to be patient.
[WEYOUN] You should kill him.
[DUKAT] I don't care for your tone.
[WEYOUN] Spare me your endless posturing. You're lucky I speak to you at
all after that pathetic display back at the hospital.
[DUKAT] That's enough.
[WEYOUN] Oh, I see. It's a sensitive topic. I wonder what Captain Sisko
would think if he'd seen you curled up in a ball, crying yourself to
sleep every night?
[DUKAT] Stop it!
[WEYOUN] I doubt held still have the same respect for you if he'd heard
you screaming and screaming and screaming like a madman till the nurses
came and the doctors had to sedate you!
(Dukat shoots at Weyoun but only blows a hole in the rock wall.)
(Dukat samples some liquid from a pan over a
camping stove, and spits it out.)
[SISKO] Is that breakfast?
[DUKAT] Possibly. Good morning.
[SISKO] Morning. What's it like outside?
[DUKAT] The wind has died down and the temperature's gone up twenty
degrees. I rather like it, but I think you'll be more comfortable in
here where it's cooler.
(Dukat shreds some leaves into the liquid.)
[SISKO] Too much.
[DUKAT] I'm doing the cooking here, thank you.
[SISKO] Pardon me.
[DUKAT] You're not the only officer who learned how to cook. How are you
[SISKO] A little better.
[DUKAT] Good. After last night, I was beginning to get worried.
[SISKO] Last night?
[DUKAT] You don't remember?
[SISKO] Now that you mention it I remember waking up and I was feeling a
little dizzy.
[DUKAT] You had a bout of nausea. Not exactly a little bout.
[SISKO] Oh, I'm sorry.
[DUKAT] That's all right. I've had to clean up a lot worse in my time.
Once, when I was a newly minted glinn on the Kornaire, I had to help
clean up a compartment where three men had gone through an explosive
decompression. I didn't sleep for a week after that.
[SISKO] Let's change the subject.
[DUKAT] The Emissary has spoken. Oh, come on, Benjamin. Have a sense of
humour about all this.
[SISKO] I'm not in much of a joking mood.
[DUKAT] Well that's a shame, because there's so much to laugh about. You
don't see it, do you? Benjamin, just a few hours ago I was a prisoner
on my way to trial and you were my old friend come to visit me in my
cell. Now look at us. I'm free and you're a prisoner of your own
battered body, and there's a good chance we'll be rescued by the
Dominion. You've got to laugh at a universe that allows such radical
shifts in fortune, Benjamin.
[SISKO] I will laugh when a Federation starship arrives and puts you
back in a cell.
[DUKAT] Whatever you say.
(Dukat starts to hand over a bowl then suddenly looks across the
[SISKO] What?
[DUKAT] Nothing. it's probably just the wind.
(He gives Sisko a bowl of liquid. Sisko takes a sip.)
[DUKAT] How is it?
[SISKO] Needs salt. There's probably some in one of the ration packs.
[DUKAT] You know, we didn't get much of a chance to catch up before the
attack. How is everyone on what I'm sure you're once again calling Deep
Space Nine? Odo, Kira, Quark?
[SISKO] They're all fine. And no, they don't miss you.
[DUKAT] Perhaps not. They never really did give me much of a chance.
They were too busy plotting my downfall.
[SISKO] Pepper. If you only want me to tell you what you want to hear,
just say so.
[DUKAT] Well I hope they at least told you that my policies toward the
Bajorans were most generous this time.
[SISKO] They told me Weyoun didn't give you much of a choice.
[DUKAT] Major Kira knows full well I made every effort to heal the
wounds between Cardassia and Bajor. Since the very beginning it was my
intention to rectify the mistakes of the past and begin a new chapter
in our relations.
[SISKO] Are you going to put that in my soup?
[DUKAT] Well?
[SISKO] Better.
[DUKAT] You're not going to give me the benefit of the doubt, are you,
[SISKO] Do you really care what I think?
[DUKAT] Don't you care what your old friends think of you?
[SISKO] Dukat, we're not old friends. You saved my life and I'm
grateful, but that's as far as it goes.
(Dukat suddenly looks across the cavern again.)
[SISKO] You keep hearing something. Are you sure there's nothing out
[DUKAT] It's just the wind, I'm certain, but I'm going to double check
just to make sure.
[DUKAT] No. I won't do it. Not yet.
[DAMAR] You're wasting time.
[DUKAT] It's my time to waste, Damar. Remember your place.
[DAMAR] I mean no disrespect, you know that. But without you the war
will be lost and Cardassia will lie in ruins. Don't let this one man
stand in the way of your final triumph.
[DUKAT] I have to know that he respects me. I think I've earned it.
[DAMAR] Of course you have. He's just trying to deny you the
satisfaction of hearing him say it. You know in your heart he secretly
admires you. Isn't that enough? Kill him and be done with it.
(Sisko leans on the comm. unit to get himself a
drink of water. A panel at the back falls open and a display on the
inside says System Off Line.)
[DAMAR] Think of it. The leader of Cardassia
bringing the dead body of the Emissary back to the Bajoran people.
They'll take it as a sign that the Prophets have abandoned them. The
Shakaar government will be overthrown and the Federation position on
Terok Nor will become untenable.
[DUKAT] Very tempting thought.
(Sisko puts the water bottle into a case then
notices the display in the comm. unit. He checks that the main one on
the front says online then closes the panel and goes back to his rock
to rest and think.)
(Dukat is talking to the empty air.)
[DUKAT] You've make some good points, Damar, but there will be time for
all of that later. It's all right. I know you have my best interests at
(Dukat returns to find Sisko lying on the floor
reaching for the case fastening.)
[SISKO] I wanted to get some water out of the kit.
[DUKAT] Ah. Here.
[SISKO] Thanks. Anything out there?
[DUKAT] Hmm? No, no. Some rocks slid down the cliff.
[SISKO] I think something's wrong with the comm. system.
[SISKO] It was beeping a second ago. It might need recalibrating.
[DUKAT] I'll check. Everything's fine. The unit's still online.
[SISKO] If you open up the casing, you'll be able to run a full
diagnostic. Better safe than sorry.
[DUKAT] You're right.
(Dukat opens up the back panel and presses buttons. It's still saying
Offline. He closes it back up.)
[DUKAT] Nothing to worry about. It's working fine.
[SISKO] That's all I wanted to know.
Ship's log, supplemental. We have picked up a total
of twelve Honshu survivors so far, but there is still no sign of
Captain Sisko. We have less than twelve hours before we must abandon
the search.
(Sisko is working on the comm. unit while Dukat is
away. He uses pieces of bent metal to get at a chip, then it switches
off completely.)
[SISKO] Damn.
(He taps it, and it comes back on again, System online. Transmitting
distress signal.)
[BRIEN] Commander, I'm picking up a distress
(Sisko hears a noise so he closes the unit up and
turns it around to it's former position then lies down. Dukat enters
carrying two foam pads.)
[DUKAT] Good evening. Pleasant dreams, I hope.
[SISKO] I don't remember. Is it still dark out?
[DUKAT] I do apologise for bringing you to such a gloomy latitude. The
nights seem to last eighteen hours, the days less than five. Sit up.
(He puts one of the pads between Sisko and the rock he uses to lean
[SISKO] Looks like you're planning on a long stay.
[DUKAT] No, not at all. Someone's bound to pick up our signal any time
now. But I see no reason why we shouldn't be comfortable in the
meantime. How's that?
[SISKO] Just fine, thank you.
[DUKAT] Good. (sits on the other one) Ah, much better. You know, when I
was out there in the shuttle just now, it occurred to me that the
Bajorans would be very confused if they could see us here, sharing the
same food, the same hardships. What do you think they would say if they
knew the Emissary of the Prophets and the evil Gul Dukat were sitting
here together, getting along like the two old friends that they really
are? Oh, I forgot. You don't think of me as your old friend, do you,
Benjamin. It's all right. There's no one here. Just the two of us. No
one to impress, no one to judge what you say. We can be honest with one
another. So tell me. What you really think of me?
[KIRA] I'll tell you what I think. You're an evil, sadistic man who
should've been tried as a war criminal years ago, put up against a wall
and shot.
[DUKAT] You probably agree with Major Kira, don't you, Benjamin? I am
the former Prefect of Bajor. An evil man who sent thousands of Bajorans
to their deaths to satisfy his own sadistic desires.
[KIRA] Of course he agrees with me. And it was millions.
[SISKO] I don't think there's any point in discussing this.
[DUKAT] I do. My name and reputation have been slandered and twisted
ever since the end of the occupation of Bajor. I have been vilified by
ignorant, small minded people throughout the quadrant for the past six
years. I just want to know if you're one of them, Benjamin.
[SISKO] I wasn't there during the occupation. I didn't see all the
things you had to struggle with day after day. I don't think I can pass
[KIRA] He's just doesn't want to anger you. He really thinks you're a
vicious, cold blooded killer, Dukat, and so do I.
[DUKAT] I don't care what you think so I suggest you keep your opinions
to yourself. (to Sisko) I don't think you're being entirely honest with
me, Benjamin. You're not a man who hesitates to make snap judgements
when the situation calls for it. It's one of the signs of a good
commander. Now I'm asking for your opinion of me and I find it hard to
believe you don't have one.
[SISKO] All right. I think you're right. You have been judged unfairly.
I've judged you unfairly. But I think you probably had good reasons for
everything you did on Bajor.
[DUKAT] Yes. Yes, that's it exactly. I had good reasons. Some of the
harsher actions I took were forced on me by Central Command. I wanted
to use entirely different tactics with the Bajorans. I wanted to rule
with a softer hand, but my superiors didn't see it that way.
[SISKO] You were a soldier and you had to carry out your orders.
[DUKAT] Precisely.
(Kira nearly falls over in hysterical laughter.)
[KIRA] You are such a fool.
[DUKAT] Leave us alone! This doesn't concern you!
[KIRA] He's patronising you. You were a soldier and you had to carry out
your orders. He doesn't believe that lame excuse any more than I do.
[DUKAT] This is growing tiresome.
[SISKO] Dukat. Dukat! I thought you wanted to talk to me.
[DUKAT] Yes, but Nerys won't leave well enough alone. She's always
interfering, always trying to upset me.
[SISKO] Maybe we should just ignore her. Let's pretend that the Major's
not even here.
[DAX] I'm picking up two humanoid lifeforms on the
[WORF] Bridge to transporter room.
[SISKO] There's no reason to get upset. We're just
talking. Two old soldiers talking around a campfire.
[KIRA] I'm going to enjoy watching this. He's going to beat you, Dukat.
He's going to escape and go back to DS Nine and his friends and we're
all going to have a good, long laugh at your expense.
[DUKAT] Enough!
(Dukat shoots at Kira, aka the edge of Sisko's rock, then the wall, and
down the tunnel.)
(Transporter bay)
[BRIEN] I've locked onto them.
(They beam up two women, one with her left arm in a sling.)
[BRIEN] Transporter room to bridge. We have the survivors on board.
Two women.
[BRIEN (OC)] An Ensign and a Lieutenant. Doctor
Bashir is checking them now.
(Dukat spots Sisko's fork sticking out from under
the blanket. He picks it up.)
[DUKAT] That must have been very uncomfortable, Benjamin. Look at that.
One of the tines is missing. Now did that happened? Did you break it
off? But why would you want a small thin piece of metal? Unless you
needed a tool.
(Dukat checks the back of the comm. unit.)
[DUKAT] I see you've been busy. A little repair work while I was gone.
Very thoughtful.
(He phasers the unit.)
(Dax is triangulating another signal when her panel
goes blank.)
[DAX] Worf.
[WORF] What is it?
[DAX] I thought I picked up another distress signal but now it's gone.
(Dukat gets a piece of metal piping.)
[DUKAT] You know, Benjamin, I thought we had established a level of
trust between us, but I was wrong. If there's one thing I can't abide,
it's betrayal.
(We hear the sound of metal on metal.)
(In orbit of a dull brown planet.)
[WORF] Our rescue effort has been delayed. If we could just have a few
more hours?
(It's a bad connection to DS9.)
[KIRA] The troop convoy will be completely unprotected when they emerge
from the plasma fields. They're under strict radio silence. No way they
can acknowledge our signal even if. Sorry, Worf, but you're going to
have to
(Transmission drops out.)
[BRIEN] I'm sorry, Captain. There's some kind of subspace interference
between us and the station. I'll keep trying.
[BASHIR] I couldn't understand a word Kira said. Too much interference.
Looks to me like we're on our own.
[DAX] I could understood what she was trying to say.
[BASHIR] What about you, Chief? Did you understand?
[BRIEN] No, I couldn't understand a word.
[DAX] Well it doesn't really matter what we think. Commander Worf is
captain here.
[WORF] We all know what Major Kira's orders were. It would be
dishonourable to ignore them.
[BASHIR] You will forgive me if I don't consider your honour to be worth
Captain Sisko's life.
[WORF] You may leave the bridge, Doctor.
(Bashir leaves.)
[WORF] Helm, lay in a course for the third planet.
[DAX] Aye, Captain.
(Sisko has been beaten up. Dukat is cleaning blood
from the metal pipe.)
[DUKAT] You brought it on yourself, you know.
[SISKO] Just like all your victims.
[DUKAT] All my victims. It always comes back to that, doesn't it? All my
crimes. I'm such a monster, such an evil man. Behold Benjamin Sisko,
supreme arbiter of right and wrong in the universe. A man of such high
moral calibre that he can sit in judgement on all the rest of us.
[SISKO] What the hell do you want from me? My approval? Is that what
this is all about? You want me to give you my permission to cause more
suffering and death? Well, if that's what you're after, you might as
well pull out that phaser and end this right now because I will never
give it to you!
[DUKAT] Good! Good, I like this. No more pretence, no games. Just you,
me and the truth.
[SISKO] What do you know about the truth? You bend the truth into
whatever shape suits you.
[DUKAT] Judge Sisko hands down another ruling. But where's his evidence?
[SISKO] All right. You really want to do this? Here? Now?
[DUKAT] Yes.
[SISKO] Okay. Okay, let's do it. You were Prefect of Bajor during the
occupation. True or false?
[DUKAT] True.
[SISKO] And you were responsible for everything that happened under your
command. True or false?
[DUKAT] True.
[SISKO] So that means that you are responsible for the murder of over
five million Bajorans on your watch. True or false!
[DUKAT] False. I tried to save lives during my administration.
[SISKO] Evidence?
[DUKAT] Evidence? He wants evidence. By the time I became Prefect, the
occupation had been going on for almost forty years, but the planet
still wasn't ready for full scale colonisation. Central Command wanted
the situation resolved and they didn't care how it was done. I was
convinced that a gentler hand was required to deal with the Bajorans.
[DAMAR] It was a noble, if misguided, vision.
[DUKAT] So in my first official act as Prefect, I ordered all labour
camp commanders to reduce their output quotas by fifty percent fifty
percent. Then I reorganised the camps themselves. Child labour was
abolished. Medical care was improved. Food rations were increased. At
the end of one month of my administration, the death rate had dropped
by twenty percent. Now how did the Bajorans react to all this? On my
one month anniversary they blew up an orbital dry-dock, killing over
two hundred Cardassian soldiers and workers.
[KIRA] We didn't want a reconciliation. We wanted to destroy you.
[DUKAT] So I had to order a response. But even then it was a carefully
tempered one. I ordered two hundred suspected members of the Resistance
rounded up and executed. Two hundred lives for two hundred lives.
That's justice, not malevolence. Justice.
[WEYOUN] The Dominion would never have been so generous.
[DUKAT] But did I give up my efforts to reach out to the Bajorans? No. I
tried again. And what did I get for my troubles? An assassination
attempt on my own space station! Another round of executions followed
once again, courtesy of the Bajoran resistance.
[KIRA] We never wanted peace. We hated you. We hated all of you.
[DUKAT] On and on it went, year after blood-soaked year. Time and again
I would reach out with the open hand of friendship, and time and again
they would slap it away.
[DAMAR] The Bajorans understand a clenched fist, not an open hand.
[KIRA] Being reasonable only made us bolder.
[WEYOUN] The Dominion would have killed every man, woman and child on
Bajor long ago.
[DUKAT] I hope you're listening to all this.
[SISKO] Oh believe me, you have my undivided attention. Now let me get
this straight. You're not responsible for what happened during the
occupation, the Bajorans are.
[DUKAT] Yes, yes, exactly.
[SISKO] So, why do you think they didn't appreciate this rare
opportunity you were offering them?
[DUKAT] Because they were blind, ignorant fools. If only they had
cooperated with us, we could have turned their world into a paradise.
From the moment we arrived on Bajor, it was clear that we were the
superior race. But they couldn't accept that. They wanted to be treated
as equals when they most certainly were not. Militarily,
technologically, culturally, we were almost a century ahead of them in
every way. We did not choose to be the superior race. Fate handed us
our role. And it would've been so much easier on everyone if the
Bajorans had simply accepted their role. But no, day after day they
clustered in their temples and prayed for deliverance, and night after
night they planted bombs outside of our homes. Pride. Stubborn,
unyielding pride. From the servant girl that cleaned my quarters to the
condemned man toiling in a labour camp to the terrorist skulking
through the hills of Dahkur Province. They all wore their pride like
some twisted badge of honour.
[SISKO] And you hated them for it.
[DUKAT] Of course I hated them! I hated everything about them! Their
superstitions and their cries for sympathy, their treachery and their
lies, their smug superiority and their stiff necked obstinacy, their
earrings and their broken wrinkled noses.
[SISKO] You should have killed them all.
[DUKAT] Yes! Yes! That's right, isn't it? (his companions nod) I knew
it! I've always known it! I should have killed every last one of them.
I should have turned their planet into a graveyard the likes of which
the galaxy had never seen! I should have killed them all.
(A metal bar crashes down on his head, and Dukat falls.)
[SISKO] And that is why you're not an evil man.
(Planet surface)
(Sisko totters out of the cavern and into the
violent winds. An electrical storm reveals the shuttlecraft and Sisko
heads for it.)
(Sisko closes the ramp but Dukat leaps on board
just in time. Sisko tries to fight one-handed but loses. Dukat opens
the ramp again and points the phaser at Sisko.)
[SISKO] Do it!
(Instead, Dukat throws him outside.)
(Planet surface)
[DUKAT] I'm so glad we had this time together,
Benjamin, because we won't be seeing each other for a while. I have
unfinished business on Bajor. They thought I was their enemy? They
don't know what it is to be my enemy, but they will. From this day
forward, Bajor is dead. All of Bajor. And this time, even their
Emissary won't be able to save them.
(Sisko kicks Dukat's knee, so Dukat punches him and crawls back into
the shuttle. As the ramp closes we see Kira, Damar and Weyoun with him
[DAX] It's time.
[WORF] Plot a course out of the system, full impulse. Once we've cleared
the outer planets, head for the rendezvous coordinates, maximum warp.
[DAX] Course laid in. Engaging impulse engines.
[BRIEN] Captain. I'm picking up a signal. It's from Gul Dukat.
Ship's log, stardate 51413.6. We have rescued
Captain Sisko, but we did not have time to locate Gul Dukat's shuttle.
We are now en route to our rendezvous with the troop convoy near the
Badlands, and the Captain is recovering in sickbay.
(Medical bay)
[DAX] Benjamin? I've notified Starfleet of Dukat's
last known position. They'll find him.
[SISKO] No, they won't. You know, old man, sometimes life seems so
complicated. Nothing is truly good or truly evil. Everything seems to
be a shade of grey. And then you spend some time with a man like Dukat
and you realise that there is really such a thing as truly evil.
[DAX] To realise that is one thing. To do something about it is another.
So what are you going to do?
[SISKO] I'll tell you what I'm not going to do. I'm not going to let him
destroy Bajor. I fear no evil. From now on, it's him or me. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e132", "title": "Waltz"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Who Mourns For Morn?
Mourns For Morn?
Original Airdate: 2 Feb, 1998
(Odo come in and confronts Morn at his usual place
at the bar.)
[ODO] Morn, if you're not too busy, I'd appreciate it if you did
something about that shipment of Livanian beets you have sitting in
Cargo Bay Three. It's been there for over two weeks. It's starting to
(Morn takes a drink from his glass.)
[ODO] Morn.
(Odo's hand goes through Morn.)
[QUARK] It's a hologram. Morn's been away on business for the last two
weeks. You're slipping, Odo. You should've caught on a lot sooner.
[ODO] You replaced Morn with a hologram? Why?
[BRIEN] Evening.
[BASHIR] Hello, Morn.
[QUARK] That's why. People love him. He's like a mascot. Everyone who
comes in here expects to see him, and if they don't, it doesn't feel
like home to them.
[ODO] And that's not good for business.
[QUARK] The last time he went away, my sales dropped almost five
[ODO] Why doesn't it talk?
[QUARK] Do you have any idea how much an interactive holoprojector
costs? Besides, it's a relief not to have to listen to him go on. You
know Morn. He never shuts up. I'd trade this for the real thing any
[ODO] I'm sure Morn would be very touched to hear you say that.
[DAX] Morn!
[ODO] It's just a hologram.
[QUARK] You look like you saw a ghost.
[SISKO] Turn it off.
[QUARK] Why?
[SISKO] We just got word. Morn's cargo ship was caught in an ion storm.
[BASHIR] Is he all right?
[BRIEN] Was he rescued?
[DAX] He's dead.
[BASHIR] (carrying a bottle) Did you bring anything?
[BRIEN] Huh?
[BASHIR] To the memorial service.
[BRIEN] I didn't know I was supposed to.
[BASHIR] Well, it's Lurian custom to bring gifts of food and drink for
the deceased so they have something to sustain them in the afterlife.
[BRIEN] Oh. Maybe I can get something in Quark's. I hate to think of
the big fellow going without.
[WORF] Morn was an excellent sparring partner. I will miss our weekly
combat in the holosuites.
[DAX] (basket of fruit) I can't believe he's really gone.
[WORF] I did not realise he was such a close friend.
[DAX] Well, I used to have a little crush on him.
[WORF] Morn?
[DAX] It was before we met. Besides, he wasn't interested.
[WORF] What do you mean, he wasn't interested?
[DAX] Forget I mentioned it.
[KIRA] (a bottle) Is that a bottle opener?
[ODO] For Morn. I thought it might come in handy.
[KIRA] Very thoughtful.
(The bar is piled high with food and drink,
including a roast turkey with trimmings. Morn's portrait is propped up
at the end. Quark is with his waiting staff.)
[QUARK] This is unbelievable. Look at all these people. If you see
anyone empty-handed
sell them a bottle of Yridian ale. Tell them it was Morn's favourite.
(The waiters disperse.)
[BASHIR] Very kind of you to do this, Quark.
[BRIEN] I'm sure Morn would have appreciated it.
[QUARK] It's the least I could do. I'll miss him. Sorry.
[BRIEN] Can I get you anything?
[QUARK] I don't ordinarily imbibe on the job, but maybe a Yridian ale.
It was Morn's favourite.
[BRIEN] Oh. Perfect.
(O'Brien has to thumbprint the tab. Quark turns and walks into Odo.)
[QUARK] What are you looking at?
[ODO] Your respect for the dead is heart-warming.
[QUARK] I'll have you know that Morn died without paying this month's
[ODO] Oh, how inconsiderate of him.
[QUARK] We're talking about a lot of money. The man had quite an
appetite. You know he had two stomachs to fill. Ever watch him eat? It
was a beautiful thing.
[ODO] Well, sometimes you don't truly appreciate what you have until
it's gone.
[QUARK] It's nice to know you're so worried about my welfare.
[ODO] You should be worried, too. Now that your mascot's gone, business
will suffer.
[QUARK] We'll see. You might be surprised.
[WORF] Jadzia.
[DAX] Can we please drop this?
[QUARK] Everyone. Thank you all for coming. It means a great deal to me
to see so many people cared about Morn as much as I did. I'll never
forget the first time he walked in here and sat down on that very
stool. It must have been almost ten years ago. He still had his hair
then. I thought he was just another customer passing through. Little
did I know he'd become such an important figure in my life, in all our
lives. Morn was always someone we could count on for a cheerful smile
and an entertaining story. Some of you might be thinking this place
won't be the same without him. And it won't. But this was his home. And
wherever he is, I'm sure he'd want to know that his favourite bar still
echoed with the laughter of his dear friends. This was his chair and I
think the greatest tribute we could ever pay him would be to make sure
that it's never empty.
(Quark gets Mark Allen Shepherd to sit on the
[QUARK] Keep it warm. For Morn.
[KIRA] Every now and then, Quark really surprises me.
[ODO] Me, too.
[SISKO] Excuse me, Quark.
(Quark is resting against the bosom of a dabo girl.)
[QUARK] Not now.
[SISKO] I'm sorry to intrude, but I thought you should know. I unsealed
Morn's will. He left everything to you.
[QUARK] Me? He left everything to me?
[SISKO] That's right.
[QUARK] Morn. Dear, sweet Morn.
(Security office)
[ODO] The poor fool actually believed you cared
about him.
[QUARK] I did. I was up for hours last night thinking about him.
[ODO] Calculating his net worth, no doubt.
[QUARK] We spent a lot of time together, Odo. We were obviously a lot
closer than I ever realised.
[ODO] His financial records.
(Odo hands over a PADD.)
[QUARK] Is this some kind of joke?
[ODO] What do you mean?
[QUARK] According to this, he was broke.
[ODO] No.
[QUARK] How can that be? He paid his bar bill at the end of every month.
That kind of money must have come from somewhere.
[ODO] Well, he did have his shipping business. Maybe all his assets are
tied up in inventory?
[QUARK] Of course. Inventory.
(Cargo bay)
[QUARK] I'll unload everything and use the profits
to (sniff) Pooh! What's that smell?
[ODO] Your inheritance. Livanian beets. Very ripe.
[QUARK] What's in the rest of these?
[ODO] More beets.
[QUARK] That's it? That's all he had?
[ODO] I'm afraid so. Except for the contents of his quarters. Maybe he
spent all his money on furnishings and works of art.
[QUARK] Objets d'art. Of course.
[ODO] Objets d'art, of course.
[QUARK] I'll hold an auction. People will pay a
premium to own something that used to be Morn's.
(Morn's quarters)
(There's a tub of bubbling hot mud and the picture
of a matador from In The Cards on the wall - and that's it.)
[QUARK] You sure these are the right quarters?
[ODO] I'm sure.
[QUARK] Figures. What's that?
[ODO] That, I believe, is a matador.
[QUARK] No, that.
[ODO] That's Morn's bed.
[QUARK] Morn slept in mud?
[ODO] I'm told it's excellent for the skin.
(Odo leaves.)
[QUARK] Thanks, Morn. Just what I always wanted.
(A woman pops up from the mud, gasping.)
[QUARK] What are you doing in my mud?
[LARELL] Oh, I couldn't resist. Morny and I had so many happy times
here, I just had to slip in. I'm sorry if I startled you. I heard you
coming in and I thought I'd better hide.
[QUARK] Who are you?
[LARELL] Larell. Morn's wife. Ex-wife.
[QUARK] Morn was married? To you?
[LARELL] For two wonderful years. You must be Quark. Morny and I kept in
touch after we were separated. He talked about you all the time.
[QUARK] That's nice.
[LARELL] He told me that if anything ever happened to him, he wanted you
to have everything that was ever his.
[QUARK] Everything?
(She stands up. The mud comes up to her waist.)
[LARELL] Everything.
[QUARK] I'm glad you came by, because Morny didn't leave me much of
anything else.
[LARELL] I find that hard to believe.
[QUARK] I'm as disappointed as you are.
[LARELL] I happen to know that he had quite a substantial retirement
fund. One that could make two people very comfortable.
[QUARK] If you're partial to mud, it's comfortable all right.
[LARELL] I'm talking about the thousand bricks of gold pressed latinum
that he won in the Lissepian lottery.
[QUARK] A thousand bricks?
[LARELL] Now that he's gone, it's all ours.
(Larell raises a leg out of the mud for Quark to stroke. After the
break, Quark is pumping the mud out of Morn's bed tub. Larell is
[LARELL] What are you doing?
[QUARK] What do you think? I'm looking for the latinum.
[LARELL] You must know where he kept it.
[QUARK] I didn't even know it existed until you told me.
[LARELL] Well, I'm sure it's somewhere on the station.
[QUARK] How do we know he didn't spend it already?
[LARELL] I told you, it was for his retirement. Poor Morn. He never got
a chance to enjoy it. But that doesn't mean we can't.
[QUARK] I know what you're doing.
[LARELL] What am I doing?
(She's giving oo-mox, that's what.)
[QUARK] Just so we're clear, the latinum's mine.
[LARELL] He may have left everything to you, but I was his wife. I could
contest the will and tie you up in court for years.
[QUARK] Maybe.
[LARELL] But there's no reason it has to come to that. After all, a
thousand bricks is plenty for both of us.
[QUARK] It is a lot of money.
[LARELL] And as soon as we find it, we'll take a nice long vacation
[QUARK] Morn would have wanted it that way.
[LARELL] Of course he would have.
(Playing after hours tongo with Dax.)
[QUARK] The latinum's not on the station. I looked everywhere. Evade. I
even had my brother scan for it with the internal sensors.
[DAX] Well, at least you have the painting.
[QUARK] Oh, forget the painting. I want that latinum.
[DAX] If you think it'll make you happy. Confront.
[QUARK] Believe me, it will. This is the break I've been waiting for,
and it's been a long time in coming. I want Morn's money, I need Morn's
money, I deserve Morn's money.
[DAX] Your move.
[QUARK] Beautiful, isn't it? And the way it picks up the light I wonder
who came up with the idea of suspending liquid latinum inside worthless
bits of gold?
[DAX] Probably somebody who got tired of making change with an
eyedropper. Are you going to play or not?
[QUARK] Where do you think Morn put it all?
[DAX] If you find it, are you really going to share it with this woman?
[QUARK] I agreed to pay her ten percent so she wouldn't tie me up in
[DAX] That's a hundred bricks.
[QUARK] What could I do? Retreat.
[DAX] I don't know, but there's something's I don't like about this
whole thing. I don't trust this woman.
[QUARK] Neither do I. But that doesn't mean I'm going to keep her away
from my lobes.
[DAX] Just keep your eyes open. Don't be fooled by a pretty face.
[QUARK] Not me.
[DAX] Of course not. Acquire.
(The pretty face has won the game.)
(Quark's quarters)
(The lights are down as he enters with the
painting. There's someone in the shadow by the window.)
[QUARK] What a pleasant surprise. Computer, lights.
(It's a mean looking alien, and another behind Quark.)
[KRIT] Tell me, you like surprises, Quark?
[QUARK] Only pleasant ones.
[KRIT] I like to think I'm pleasant. You think I'm pleasant?
[NAHSK] Absolutely.
[KRIT] Then I guess this qualifies as a pleasant surprise.
[QUARK] What are you doing in my quarters?
[NAHSK] Waiting for you.
[KRIT] My brother and I were business associates of Morn's.
[QUARK] If you've come for the memorial service, it was yesterday.
[NAHSK] Really? Was it nice?
[QUARK] It was lovely.
[KRIT] I understand you inherited Morn's estate.
[QUARK] That's right.
[NAHSK] We're business associates of Morn's.
[QUARK] Your brother mentioned that.
[KRIT] He borrowed some money from us, and we'd like the estate to repay
the loan.
[QUARK] How much money are we talking about?
[KRIT] One thousand bricks of gold pressed latinum.
[QUARK] I had a feeling you were going to say that. I need to see some
documentation regarding this loan.
[KRIT] We shook hands.
[NAHSK] We trusted Morn.
[KRIT] And I'm sure he'd want you to honour his word.
[QUARK] I'm sure he would. But you have to understand, Morn's assets are
all tied up in various enterprises.
[KRIT] I hope you're not saying you don't have the money.
[NAHSK] That wouldn't be good.
[QUARK] All I meant was that it'll take me a little while to get it.
[KRIT] So you do know where it is.
[QUARK] Of course. You're not the first creditors to make a claim
against his estate.
[KRIT] We're not?
[QUARK] Morn was expanding his business interests when he died. His
resources were stretched somewhat thin. As a result, the claims
against the estate are greater than its assets. Obviously you can't
expect full repayment.
[KRIT] What can we expect?
[QUARK] A percentage.
[KRIT] What sort of percentage?
[QUARK] Twenty.
[KRIT] We can't accept less than eighty.
[QUARK] I'll make it thirty, and I'll throw in a shipment of Livanian
[NAHSK] I don't like beets.
[KRIT] We'll take seventy.
[QUARK] Forty, and because I can see you both have fine taste, I'm
willing to part with this. One of Morn's most treasured possession.
Beautiful, isn't it?
[NAHSK] (taking the painting) Very nice.
[KRIT] We can't take less than sixty.
[QUARK] Forty's the best I can do.
[KRIT] Fifty.
[QUARK] Sorry.
(The painting ends up around Quark's neck.)
[QUARK] Fifty it is.
[KRIT] I'm glad we were able to come to an understanding.
[QUARK] Me too.
[KRIT] We'll be watching you, Quark. Don't try anything.
[QUARK] Me? Don't be ridiculous.
(Krit and Nahsk leave.)
(Quark spots something in the torn canvas - a computer chip.)
[QUARK] What do we have here?
[QUARK] Computer, what is this?
[COMPUTER] A claim slip for storage locker one three seven located in
the station Assay Office.
[QUARK] A storage locker! Thank you, computer. You've been very helpful.
Morn, wherever you are, I love you!
(Security office)
[QUARK] What do you mean I have to open it in here?
[ODO] Regulations. The contents of a deceased person's storage locker
have to be inspected by station security.
[QUARK] There's no such regulation. You just want to know what's inside.
You are so transparent. I can't wait to see your face when your
deputies wheel in my thousand bricks of latinum.
(A deputy carries in a small box.)
[ODO] Ah, here we are. Thank you.
(The deputy leaves.)
[QUARK] That can't be it.
[ODO] Storage locker one thirty seven.
[QUARK] Well, sometimes good things come in small packages.
(The box contains one single shiny brick.)
[ODO] Will that be enough to cover Morn's bar tab?
[QUARK] It's covered. There's more where this came from.
[ODO] What makes you say that?
[QUARK] Take a look. On the bottom. (Odo looks) Recognise Morn's
[ODO] The rest is in the Bank of Bolias.
[QUARK] Account number CJ5-74-36.
[ODO] This wasn't in Morn's financial records.
[QUARK] Who cares? Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to contact the
bank and let them know Morn's legal heir would like his latinum
delivered as soon as possible.
(With the brick snuggled up against his heart.)
[QUARK] Larell.
[LARELL] I've been looking all over for you.
[QUARK] I'm a busy man.
[LARELL] Not too busy to look for a certain something, I hope?
[QUARK] Actually, I haven't had much luck with that.
[LARELL] Sounds like you need a little motivation.
[QUARK] Oh, I'm motivated, believe me. It's just that it's going to take
some time to locate, that's all. I have an idea. Why don't you go back
to wherever you come from and I'll contact you as soon as I find it.
[LARELL] I think I'd rather wait here with you.
[QUARK] This is not a good time for oo-mox.
[LARELL] Why, don't you like it?
[QUARK] It's not that, it's just that the sooner I find that certain
something, the sooner we can take our little trip together.
[LARELL] You're so diligent. Most men don't know how to defer
[QUARK] You don't make it easy.
[QUARK] Good morning. Level seventeen.
(The brick has gone.)
[QUARK] You're good. But I'm the only one the bank's going to give the
money to. CJ5-74-36. CJ5-74
(Krit and Nahsk enter and grab Quark.)
[QUARK] This is my stop.
[KRIT] What's your hurry? My brother has something he wants to say to
[NAHSK] I'm sorry. About the painting.
[KRIT] He feels terrible.
[QUARK] No hard feelings.
[KRIT] That's nice of you to be so forgiving, Quark.
[QUARK] Don't mention it.
[KRIT] My brother has a nasty temper.
[NAHSK] I get upset.
[KRIT] It comes out when things don't go our way.
[QUARK] I noticed.
[KRIT] That's why I'm hoping things start to go our way soon. Do you
understand what I'm saying, Quark?
[QUARK] I think I do, yes.
[NAHSK] I don't like to get upset.
[QUARK] Don't worry, things are going to go your way soon.
[KRIT] That's good to hear.
[QUARK] I'll keep in touch.
[NAHSK] I really am sorry about the painting.
(Quark's quarters)
[QUARK] CJ5-74-36. CJ5-74-36. Bank of Bolias.
(A weapon is jabbed into his back.)
[HAIN] Making a withdrawal, Quark? Let me guess. A thousand bricks of
gold pressed latinum. Put your hands on your head. Turn around.
(Everyone say Hi! to Gregory Itzin, my favourite
villainous US President.)
[QUARK] All right, how much do you want? And don't ask for the full
thousand bricks, I already gave away more than half of it.
[HAIN] Attempted bribery. That should add a few years to your sentence.
[QUARK] What are you talking about?
[HAIN] Let's go.
[QUARK] Go? Where? Who are you?
[HAIN] Lurian security. I have a signed extradition order for your
arrest. As soon as your station's security chief approves it, we'll be
on our way.
[QUARK] What did I do? What's the charge?
[HAIN] Conspiracy to intercept government property.
[QUARK] Government property?
[HAIN] A thousand bricks of gold pressed latinum.
[QUARK] Wait a minute. Morn won that latinum in the Lissepian lottery.
He didn't?
[HAIN] It was his bequest from the Royal family of Luria.
[QUARK] Why would the Royal family of Luria give Morn that kind of
[HAIN] He was the Crown Prince.
[QUARK] Morn was a prince?
[HAIN] You didn't know?
[QUARK] Morn was a prince?
[HAIN] That's what I'm saying.
[QUARK] Morn was a prince.
[HAIN] Yes. But he renounced the throne when he came of age.
[QUARK] Well I always knew he was an idiot.
[HAIN] His family bequeathed him the latinum when he abdicated. Now that
he's deceased, it's legally theirs again.
[QUARK] He left it to me.
[HAIN] That will has already been nullified. He signed an agreement to
return the latinum in the event of his death.
[QUARK] Oh. Do me a favour. Don't tell his ex-wife. I'm going to need a
little oo-mox later.
[HAIN] His ex-wife?
[QUARK] Larell.
[HAIN] She's here?
[QUARK] I just saw her. Is something wrong?
[HAIN] Quiet! Let me think. Listen and listen carefully. Larell has been
trying to get her hands on the Prince's latinum for years. She's tried
blackmail, extortion, I wouldn't be surprised if she was behind his
[QUARK] She's always been nice to me.
[HAIN] The Royal family would like nothing better than to see her behind
bars. If you help me apprehend her, there'll be a substantial reward.
[QUARK] What do I have to do?
[HAIN] When are you going to see her again?
[QUARK] She'll turn up sooner or later. If not her, then those two
[HAIN] Brothers?
[QUARK] They said they were Morn's business partners. They claimed he
owed them money. Something tells me they were not exactly above board.
[HAIN] Whoever these brothers are, I promise you, I won't let them get
between the Royal family and its latinum.
[QUARK] And I won't let anything get between me and my reward.
[HAIN] Then we have an understanding. If I'm going to put these people
away, I have to catch them trying to get their hands on the latinum.
Call the Bank. Tell them to deliver it here.
[QUARK] Then what?
[HAIN] You stay out of sight and leave the rest to me.
(O'Brien is sitting on Morn's stool.)
[BASHIR] What are you up to?
[BRIEN] Trying to fix this optronic relay.
[BASHIR] Wouldn't you be better off working in a lab?
[BRIEN] I'm keeping Morn's chair warm.
[BASHIR] Ah, good man. Where's Quark? I'm in the mood for one of his
famous Til'amin froths.
[BRIEN] You'll have to settle for something else. He's in the back.
And from what Broik says, he's not coming out.
[BASHIR] Sounds like he's taking Morn's death pretty hard.
[BRIEN] He loved the guy. Well, I'd better go test this.
[BASHIR] I'll take over.
[BRIEN] Oh. Good man.
(Quark's quarters)
[QUARK] Anybody here?
[QUARK] What a surprise.
[LARELL] You've got to help me, Quark. Someone's following me.
[QUARK] Who?
[LARELL] Two men.
[QUARK] Brothers?
[LARELL] How should I know?
[QUARK] That could be them.
[LARELL] Don't answer it.
[QUARK] Believe me, I'm not planning to. Sounds like they're trying to
bypass the lock. Come on.
(Quark and Larell hide.)
Computer, dim the lights. Remind me to invest in a better lock.
(Krit and Nahsk enter.)
[QUARK] (mimes) Stay here.
(Quark goes to meet his guests.)
[QUARK] Gentlemen.
[KRIT] Quark. We've been looking all over for you.
[QUARK] The latinum's on its way. It'll be here tomorrow.
[KRIT] That's good news. We were getting worried.
[KRIT] Expecting anyone?
[QUARK] You never know who's going to drop by.
[KRIT] Don't answer it.
(Lock picking noises.)
[QUARK] Sounds like they're coming in anyway.
[NAHSK] You should invest in a better lock.
[KRIT] Whoever it is, get rid of them. We'll be over there.
[QUARK] You'd be more comfortable in there.
[NAHSK] We'll be back there.
(The brothers go into the back room and the door opens.)
[HAIN] Why didn't you answer the door?
[QUARK] I dozed off. It's been one of those days.
[HAIN] We need to talk.
[QUARK] What would we have need to talk about?
[HAIN] Are you all right?
[QUARK] What makes you ask that?
[HAIN] Well, you keep craning your neck.
(Krit and Nahsk come out.)
[KRIT] Well look what we have here.
[QUARK] I'll bet the Royal family sleeps soundly knowing you're on the
[KRIT] Royal family? What kind of lies you been telling him, Hain?
[HAIN] The usual.
[QUARK] You know each other.
[HAIN] It's been a long time.
[KRIT] Nine years.
[NAHSK] You know, it must be nine years.
[HAIN] I see you're still a step behind everyone else.
[LARELL] Leave him alone, Hain.
[NAHSK] Hey, it's Larell.
[KRIT] I can see that.
[QUARK] What's going on here?
[LARELL] We're having a little reunion. We used to work together. With
[QUARK] I guess that means he wasn't a Prince after all. And you're not
a security agent. And you're not really his ex-wife. Please, please
don't tell me Morn didn't have any latinum.
[HAIN] Oh, he had latinum, all right.
[QUARK] At least that part is true.
[HAIN] Ever hear of the Lissepian Mother's Day heist?
[QUARK] Who hasn't? While the whole planet was celebrating, someone
broke into the Central Bank and made off with one thousand bricks of
gold pressed latinum. Wait a minute. You expect me to believe that the
four of you pulled that off?
[NAHSK] There was five of us. Morn helped.
[KRIT] Yes, but then he ran off with the latinum.
[QUARK] Why did you take so long to come after him?
[HAIN] Because we knew he'd stashed it away somewhere to wait for the
statute of limitations to expire.
[LARELL] And it did, two weeks ago.
[NAHSK] You see, we can't be prosecuted anymore.
[LARELL] So here we are. The latinum's en route. Maybe we should just
split it up and go our separate ways.
[QUARK] The voice of reason.
[KRIT] Not you, us.
[HAIN] Krit's right, we don't need him anymore.
[LARELL] So, what do we do with him?
[KRIT] It should look like an accident. We don't want anyone asking
[QUARK] Wait a minute. You can't kill me. I'm the only one who can take
delivery of the latinum. You need my thumbprint.
[NAHSK] If you stand still this won't hurt as much.
(Nahsk takes out a knife and grabs Quark's hand. Quark starts
[HAIN] Wait a minute. What do you propose, Nahsk? That we walk into the
cargo bay with his bloody thumb and ask for the latinum? We need him.
The only question is what happens after he takes delivery?
[QUARK] We could split the latinum five ways. That's what you would've
gotten if Morn was still alive.
[LARELL] That's true.
[QUARK] Think of me as Morn. I can't believe I just said that.
[NAHSK] This isn't fair. We stole it. He had nothing to do with it.
[QUARK] Maybe not, but the bottom line is you need me.
[HAIN] A thousand bricks of latinum split five ways. What do you think?
[KRIT] It's still a lot of latinum.
[NAHSK] That's two hundred and fifty bricks each.
[QUARK] So, do we have a deal?
[HAIN] All right.
[QUARK] Okay. The Bolian transport arrives tomorrow at sixteen hundred.
We'll meet at the cargo bay.
[HAIN] We're staying together until it gets here.
[QUARK] We are?
[HAIN] I don't trust you, and I certainly don't trust them.
[QUARK] I see your point. But I have a bar to run.
[HAIN] All right.
[HAIN] To your hospitality.
[QUARK] Don't mention it.
[LARELL] So this was Morn's favourite place?
[QUARK] He used to sit right there.
[NAHSK] That's not very smart, sitting with your back to the door.
[QUARK] He was the trusting type.
[HAIN] Which one of you killed him, anyway?
[KRIT] It wasn't us.
[LARELL] Me neither.
[QUARK] Don't look at me.
[HAIN] Then it really was an accident.
[LARELL] Poor Morny. He always had such bad luck.
(Odo enters.)
[HAIN] Get rid of him.
[QUARK] We're closed.
[ODO] At this hour?
[QUARK] Friends of Morn. We're commiserating.
[ODO] I see. And how long are you going to be closed?
[QUARK] Oh, until about sixteen hundred hours tomorrow. We have a lot to
commiserate about.
[ODO] I see.
(Odo leaves.)
[QUARK] Where were we?
(Cargo bay)
(A large crate has been delivered.)
[QUARK] There it is, right on time. I believe that's for me.
(Quark puts his thumb on the manifest PADD and security leave.)
[HAIN] Open it.
(The front hatch springs up to reveal a large pile of gold bricks.
Quark leans in.)
[QUARK] I'll count it
(Behind him, Larell and Hain pull weapons on Krit and Nahsk, and vice
versa. Quark backs out until his head is between all four weapons.)
[QUARK] All right, somebody else count it.
[KRIT] Put it down, Hain. My brother may be slow, but if you pull that
trigger, he'll kill you.
[NAHSK] I'm not slow.
(Nahsk turns his weapon on Krit. Quark ducks.)
[KRIT] Nahsk? What are you doing?
(Krit backs away. Larell and Hain turn on each other.)
[KRIT] We're family. Just put the gun down.
(Nahsk fires at Krit who can now dive behind a barrel. Larell fires and
misses and everyone goes for cover. Quark dives inside the crate and
the hatch closes behind him.)
(We can see flashes of weapons fire through the
crate hatch.)
[QUARK] Go ahead, kill each other.
(A phaser beam cuts through the middle of the crate.)
[ODO (OC)] Security! Drop your weapons! This is your last warning. I
said drop them.
[LARELL (OC)] I surrender.
(Cargo bay)
(Odo picks up Larell's weapon.)
[ODO] Take her to a holding cell. Get the rest of them to the Infirmary.
(Odo opens the crate.)
[ODO] Ah, there you are.
[QUARK] Are they gone?
[ODO] From now on, you'll be commiserating alone. All your friends are
going to prison.
[QUARK] For how long?
[ODO] Assault with intent to kill? Long enough.
[QUARK] Then it's mine, all mine.
(Quark picks up two bricks.)
[QUARK] What you're about to hear is the most beautiful sound in the
(Quark taps the bricks together. They clunk. Quark smashes the bricks
and they crumble to dust.)
[QUARK] That can't be! There's no latinum in these bricks!
[ODO] What?
[QUARK] Someone's extracted all the latinum. There's nothing here but
worthless gold.
[ODO] And it's all yours.
[QUARK] No! No! No!
(Quark stops polishing the bar and tries to rip
Morn's stool out of the floor.)
[ODO] Quark. Quark!
[QUARK] What? What do you want?
[ODO] There's someone here to see you.
[QUARK] I thought you said they were all going to prison.
[ODO] You'd better sit down.
[QUARK] Morn?
[ODO] Alive and well. Apparently, he faked his own death. I'll let him
tell you all about it.
(Morn sits.)
[QUARK] Well? No! I don't want to hear it. Not one word. You set me up.
You left the latinum to me because you knew I
would do whatever it would take to get my hands on it. You figured I
could keep the four of them off balance long enough for them to turn on
themselves. This whole thing was a scam to get them off your back,
wasn't it.
(A nod)
[QUARK] I could have been killed, you know. And I thought we were
friends. I have to admit, I didn't suspect for a minute. To tell you
the truth, I didn't think you had it in you to pull off something like
this. I just have one question for you. What happened to the latinum?
(Morn looks around, picks up a glass and regurgitates a drop of
glistening mercury-like liquid.)
[QUARK] Of course. Your second stomach. You've been keeping it in your
second stomach all these years? That's a lot of latinum. No wonder your
hair fell out.
(Morn gives Quark the glass.)
[QUARK] For me? That must be a hundred bricks worth. I don't know what
to say. Thanks. Not that I didn't earn it after all you put me through.
If you ever want to set me up again, feel free. You know, you and I
should consider doing business together. Two enterprising gentlemen
like us could do all right for ourselves. Take that gold dust of yours.
It doesn't have to be a total loss. I hear there're some primitive
cultures who consider it quite valuable. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e133", "title": "Who Mourns For Morn?"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Far Beyond The Stars
Beyond The Stars
Original Airdate: 9 Feb, 1998
(Sisko's desk is covered in PADDs.)
[KIRA] The Defiant searched the area for almost six hours. We couldn't
find any sign of survivors.
[SISKO] The Cortez was a fine ship.
[KIRA] You knew Captain Swofford a long time.
[SISKO] I introduced him to his wife.
[KIRA] Patrolling the Cardassian borders is getting more and more
dangerous. You never know when you're going to run into a squadron of
Jem'Hadar fighters.
[SISKO] I guess we popped the champagne cork too soon, hey? Everyone
thought the war was over when we retook the station and pushed the
Dominion back into
Cardassian space.
[KIRA] I never believed that and neither did you.
[SISKO] A lot of good that did the four hundred people on the Cortez.
(Door opens.)
[KIRA] Ah, Mister Sisko. How do you like our station so far?
[JOSEPH] Well, it certainly is big.
(Kira leaves.)
[JOSEPH] I heard about Quentin Swofford. I'm sorry.
[SISKO] Look, Dad, I know I haven't been very good company the last few
[JOSEPH] I didn't come here to be entertained. I came to see you and
[SISKO] Well, you certainly picked an interesting time to take your
first trip away from Earth.
[JOSEPH] Well, I figured it was now or never. Besides, I've been worried
about you. Last couple of times we've talked it seemed like you were
carrying the weight of the entire Alpha Quadrant on your shoulders.
[SISKO] Sometimes it certainly feels that way. Dad
[JOSEPH] Just say it, son.
[SISKO] I don't know how much more I can take. I don't know how many
more friends I can lose. Every time I achieve a real victory, something
like this happens and everything seems to turn to ashes.
[JOSEPH] So what do you want to do?
[SISKO] Maybe it's time for me to step down, let someone else make the
tough calls.
[JOSEPH] I see. No one is indispensable, son. Not even you. Whatever
decision you make, I'll support. Of course, if Quentin Swofford was
here I'd bet he'd have a few things to say to you.
[SISKO] But he's not here, and that's the whole point.
[JOSEPH] I'd say you have some thinking to do, and I've got a dinner
date with my grandson, so you'd better get to it.
(A man in a 1950's suit walks past the door. It's Rene Auberjonois.)
[SISKO] Who was that?
[SISKO] Where'd he go?
[SISKO] The man who just walked by my door.
[DAX] I didn't see anyone.
[SISKO] I could've sworn.
[KASIDY] I don't know what you're so worried about,
Ben. I'm not taking my ship anywhere near the Cardassian border.
[SISKO] I realise that, but the Dominion is getting bolder and bolder,
and your freighter is no match for a Jem'Hadar attack ship.
[KASIDY] Ah, they've got to catch me first.
[SISKO] You're really not worried, are you?
[KASIDY] No. I'm fearless, and you know that. That's why you love me.
[SISKO] I think I follow that logic.
[WILLIE] Hey, Benny.
(A black New York Giants baseball player walks past.)
[WILLIE] (Michael Dorn) Catch the game?
(He goes into a room.)
[SISKO] What? Who was that?
[KASIDY] Who was who?
(Sisko heads to the same door.)
[KASIDY] Ben, where are you going?
(Sisko opens the door and walks through to)
(New York Street)
(Welcome to the 1950's as Sisko arrives in the
middle of the street, missed by a bus and car and gets knocked down by
a yellow cab. A crowd gathers.)
[WOMAN] Someone help him. Call an ambulance.
[BASHIR] He's awake now.
[KASIDY] Ben, are you all right?
[SISKO] I think so.
[JOSEPH] Thank God.
[JAKE] Hey, Dad, you scared us there for a minute.
[SISKO] What happened?
[BASHIR] I don't know. I'm reading some unusual synaptic potentials.
Your neural patterns are similar to those you experienced last year.
[SISKO] You mean when I was having those visions about Bajor?
[JOSEPH] Visions? Does this have something to do with those Prophets
you're always telling me about?
[KASIDY] He's not going to need surgery again, is he?
[BASHIR] I'm not sure yet, so I'd like you to remain overnight for
[SISKO] Is that absolutely necessary?
[BASHIR] Take a look at these readings.
(Sisko takes the PADD.)
(New York street)
(Sisko is in 1950s clothes looking at a pulp
magazine, Galaxy September 1953 edition, 35 cents.)
[VENDOR] (Aron Eisenberg) Are you going to buy that or not? Personally,
I don't see the attraction. Spaceships, flying saucers, men from Mars.
[BENNY] What's wrong with men from Mars?
[VENDOR] Nothing, except it's all make believe. Me, I like war stories.
Did you see From Here to Eternity? Burt Lancaster standing there in the
middle of Pearl Harbour, machine gun blazing, shooting down those
Zeros. If it had been flying saucers, forget about it. So you going to
buy that or not?
(He buys it.)
[ALBERT] (Colm Meany) Benny.
[BENNY] Hello, Albert.
[ALBERT] I thought you might be going to the office.
[BENNY] We could walk there together.
[ALBERT] Exactly.
(Albert puts his pipe in his mouth and searches for his matches. Benny
produces a book.)
[ALBERT] Oh, there they are. You're looking at the Galaxy, I see.
[VENDOR] Paper here. Paper.
(Magazine office)
(The Globe headline reads Reds Test H-Bomb. Some
past Incredible Tales editions are January 1953 - A Most Fortunate
[1001] First
Odyssey, Venusian Chronicles. March 1953 - The Cage by E W Roddenberry,
The Corbomite Maneuver, Journey to Babel, Metamorphosis, Where No Man
Has Gone Before. September 1953 - Far Beyond The Stars, A Wrinkle in
Space, Hazardous Images, Me Android, Loner In A Lonely World by Hugo
[KAY] (Nana Visitor) Voila. A pitcher of plain water instantly becomes a
pitcher of iced tea.
[JULIUS] (Siddig El Fasil) Incredible. White Rose Redi Tea. What an
appalling concept.
[KAY] Oh, H. G. Wells would've liked it.
[JULIUS] I doubt that. No self respecting Englishman would.
[HERBERT] (Armin Shimmerman) Pabst! Pabst! Get out here.
[PABST] (Rene Auberjonois) What's wrong now, Herb?
[HERBERT] I'll give you one guess.
[KAY] The battle of the doughnuts, round twenty eight.
[PABST] That's it? That's what you called me out here for, to complain
about the doughnuts?
[HERBERT] They're stale again.
[PABST] Delicious.
[HERBERT] Delicious, my eye. These are two days old and you know it.
[PABST] I have been eating doughnuts my whole life. These weren't baked
more than six hours ago.
[HERBERT] That's it, I quit. I'm going over to Galaxy.
[PABST] Ha! Galaxy, that rag?
[HERBERT] I bet that rag knows the difference between a doughnut and a
(Benny and Albert enter quietly)
[BENNY] Who's winning?
[KAY] A draw, same as always.
[PABST] You want to write Galaxy, go ahead, but they're not going to pay
you four cents a word for your stories.
[JULIUS] You're paying him four cents a word?
[ALBERT] Did you see where I put the er?
[BENNY] The matches? I gave them to you.
[JULIUS] If he's getting four, Kay and I should at least get three.
[HERBERT] For that fantasy crap you write, you're lucky to be getting
[JULIUS] I beg your pardon?
[KAY] What's that?
[JULIUS] The latest Galaxy.
[KAY] Benny has the new issue of Galaxy.
[HERBERT] Let me see that. Heinlein, Bradbury, Sturgeon. Quite a lineup.
Add Herbert Rossoff to them and it'd be complete.
[PABST] What if I promise you fresh doughnuts tomorrow?
[HERBERT] Why should I believe you?
[PABST] I'll even throw in a couple of crullers.
[HERBERT] Okay, I'll stay.
[JULIUS] Don't do us any favours.
[PABST] Good. Now that we've finished with the old business, onto the
new. Time to hand out next month's story assignments. Ritterhouse!
We're waiting.
(Enter the resident artist with paint stained smock.)
[ROY] (J G Hertzler) Okay, friends and neighbours. Let's see what Uncle
Roy has for you today.
[PABST] All right, I've titled this one 'Please, Take Me With You.' Who
wants it?
(A little girl standing in the woods near a picnic table, staring at
two aliens in space suits.)
[KAY] Hmm, what do you think, Jules?
[JULIUS] I think we can do something with that.
[HERBERT] Oh, I bet you can. I can see it now, the lonely little girl
befriended by empathetic aliens who teach her how to smile. It's enough
to make you go out and buy a television set. Next.
[ROY] This is Mister Pabst's favourite. Honeymoon on Andoras.
(A bug eyed monster climbing over the ledge of a building, where a
buxom beauty is sunbathing.)
[KAY] Oh, you've got to be kidding.
[ROY] What? So I had too much sauerkraut on my franks that night. What
can I say?
[HERBERT] Be that as it may, that is the worst piece of garbage I have
ever seen.
[ROY] Thank you.
[HERBERT] I'll take it.
[JULIUS] Of course you will. You have an affinity for garbage, don't
[HERBERT] The picture may be garbage, but the story? The story will be
(A picture of Deep Space Nine)
[PABST] All right, I haven't got a title for this one yet. Anybody got
any ideas?
[BENNY] I'll think of something.
[PABST] All right, next order of business. Some of our readers have been
writing in wanting to know what you people look like.
[KAY] Write back and tell them we look like writers. Poor, needy and
incredibly attractive.
[PABST] Well our publisher has a better idea. Mister Stone has decided
to run a picture of you in next month's issue.
[ALBERT] Is this absolutely
[PABST] Necessary? I'm afraid it is. Kay, you can sleep late that day.
[KAY] Of course I can. God forbid that the public ever finds out K.C.
Hunter is a woman.
[BENNY] I suppose I'm sleeping late that day, too.
[PABST] It's not personal, Benny, but as far as our readers are
concerned, Benny Russell is as white as they are. Let's just keep it
that way.
[HERBERT] Oh yes, if the world's not ready for a woman writer, imagine
what would happen if it learned about a Negro with a typewriter. Run
for the hills! It's the end of civilisation.
[BENNY] What about W E B du Bois, Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes,
Ralph Ellison, Richard Wright? Did you ever heard of Native Son?
[PABST] That's literature for liberals and intellectuals. The average
reader's not going to spend his hard earned cash on stories written by
[HERBERT] Would someone please shoot me and put me out of my misery?
[JULIUS] How I long for a gun.
[PABST] I'm sorry, Benny. I wish things were different, but they're not.
[BENNY] Wishing never changed a damn thing.
[PABST] Come on, Benny. It's just a photo.
[BENNY] I'll try to remember that.
[HERBERT] You're a dog.
[PABST] All right, enough standing around. Get back to work.
(New York Street)
(As Benny comes out of the Arthur Trill building,
1290 somewhere, the breeze takes the picture of DS9 down the street
where someone steps on it. Benny reaches down for it.)
[RYAN] (Mark Alaimo) Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. What's the hurry?
[BENNY] That's my drawing.
[RYAN] Is that so?
[MULKAHEY] (Jeffrey Coombs) Nice suit. Where'd you get it?
[BENNY] I bought it. Can I have my drawing back?
[RYAN] Hey boy, I'd watch that tone of voice if I were you.
[MULKAHEY] What are you doing around here?
[BENNY] I work here.
[RYAN] Yeah? Where?
[BENNY] In there.
[RYAN] What are you, the janitor?
[MULKAHEY] Awfully well dressed for a janitor.
[RYAN] How do we know that picture's yours?
[BENNY] It's the drawing of a space station.
[RYAN] Space station?
(Benny starts to bend down again.)
[MULKAHEY] Hey, hey, hey, hey. (he goes to pick it up.) Well, get off it
[RYAN] Okay.
[BENNY] See? It's not worth anything except to me.
[RYAN] I say we run him in, check him for priors.
[MULKAHEY] Nah. We've got to be uptown in fifteen minutes. Take your
drawing and get out of here.
[RYAN] Hey, hey. You're getting off with a warning this time. Next time,
not so lucky. Now get out of here.
[MULKAHEY] You heard him, move on.
[RYAN] I don't know, Kevin. Whole city's going to hell in a handbasket,
[MULKAHEY] Damn shame.
[RYAN] Come on.
(Harlem street)
(Benny comes out of the subway.)
[PREACHER] (Brock Peters) And he said to me, 'These words are
trustworthy and true.' And the Lord, God of the spirits of the
Prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take
place. Praise the Lord. Open their eyes. Help them to see.
[BENNY] Are you talking to me?
[PREACHER] Oh, that my words were now written. Oh, that they were
printed in a book. Write those words, Brother Benny. Let them see the
glory of what lies ahead.
[BENNY] Benny? How do you know my name?
[PREACHER] Go now and write the truth that's in your heart. The truth
that shall set them free! Praise be the word of the Lord. Praise to the
word of the Prophets.
(Benny's apartment)
(A small neat place, with an upright piano and
plenty of books. There's even a phases of the moon picture on the wall.
Benny gets a bottle of milk from the fridge then settles down at his
typewriter. He types 'Captain Benjamin Sisko sat looking out the
window'. Benny looks up raises the blind and sees Sisko reflected in
his own window. He rubs his eyes and he's gone, then he carries on
(Harlem coffee shop)
(Benny's got an envelope with him.)
[CASSIE] (Penny Johnson) Hey, baby. Have a seat. The usual?
[BENNY] How about scrambling those eggs today?
[CASSIE] Oh my, aren't we feeling adventurous.
[BENNY] I have just written the best story of my life.
[CASSIE] That's great, baby. I got some good news, too. I talked to Mrs
Jackson last night and she's serious about retiring in the next couple
of years. I asked her about selling this place to us and she said that
she would be willing.
[BENNY] Cassie, we have been over this. I have a job. I am a writer.
[CASSIE] And how much money have you earned doing that?
[BENNY] I've only been working at it for a few years.
[CASSIE] A few years? More like fifteen, if you count all those stories
you wrote in the Navy.
[BENNY] That was amateur stuff.
[CASSIE] Oh, baby, neither one of us is getting any younger. Can't you
see? This is our chance. We can make some money, we can get married.
You're always talking about writing for the future. Well, look around
you. This is our future.
(Willie enters with a couple of young ladies, and is greeted with
[WILLIE] Cassie, hear the game last night? Went two for four, robbed
Snider of a tater. Should have heard the crowd yelling and carrying on.
[BENNY] Sure they were yelling. They want to know why the Giants are in
fifth place.
[WILLIE] Would you please tell this fool to take his business someplace
[CASSIE] Well, I've thought about it. Trouble is, if he did leave, he'd
take my heart with him.
[WILLIE] Suit yourself. But if you ask me, it's a waste of a very pretty
[CASSIE] I don't think so.
[BENNY] Strike three. You're out.
[WILLIE] That's all right, I'll get another turn at bat. How about some
steak and eggs?
[CASSIE] Coming right up. But tell me something. How come you still
living uptown? I mean, s famous ballplayer like you, you can live
anywhere you want.
[WILLIE] The hell I can. They can hardly get used to the idea of me
playing alongside them. Living next to them? That's a whole other
story. Besides, around here, when people look at me, it's 'cause they
admire me. There, I'm just another coloured boy who can hit a curve
ball. Now, if you will excuse me, my public awaits.
(Willie goes to a table of four girls, and young lads come over for
[WILLIE] Ladies. Oh, hi guys.
[CASSIE] I'll see about those eggs.
[JIMMY] (Cirroc Lofton with hairy caterpillar on his upper lip) Hey,
Benny. You wanna buy a watch?
[BENNY] How did you get that?
[JIMMY] I found it. Nice, huh?
[BENNY] Jimmy, you got to turn this around or one days you're going to
find yourself in some serious trouble.
[JIMMY] Anything I can get into, I can get out of.
[BENNY] You keep thinking that way and watch what happens.
[JIMMY] Man, why you always trying to lecture me?
[BENNY] I'm not trying to lecture you, Jimmy, I'm just trying to help.
[JIMMY] You want to help me, you can buy this watch. I can use the cash.
[BENNY] Why don't you get a job?
[JIMMY] As what? A delivery boy or a dishwasher? No, thanks. I like
being my own boss, setting my own hours.
[BENNY] Sounds like a great life.
[JIMMY] Yours ain't no better. Writing stories about a bunch of white
people living on the moon. Who cares about that?
[BENNY] I'm not doing that anymore. I'm writing about us.
[JIMMY] What, coloured people on the moon?
[BENNY] Check out next month's issue.
[JIMMY] Coloured people on the moon. I just might do that. But first,
I'm gonna need to raise me some cash.
(Magazine office)
(Everyone is reading Benny's new story, passing the
pages around. The telephone goes unanswered.)
[DARLENE] (Terry Farrell) She's got a worm in her belly. Oh, that's
disgusting. That's interesting, but that's disgusting.
[ALBERT] And you are, if you don't mind me asking, you are?
[DARLENE] I'm Mister Pabst's new secretary. Darlene Kursky. Which one of
you's wrote this?
[BENNY] I did.
[BENNY] Surprised?
[DARLENE] It's just it's the best thing I've read since The Puppet
Masters. I read a lot of science fiction.
[HERBERT] Bless you, my child.
[KAY] The world needs more people like you.
[ALBERT] The story is really, it's, how should I put it? It's very
[DARLENE] Impressive?
[HERBERT] It's a damn fine piece of writing is what it is. And Deep
Space Nine is a very intriguing title.
[JULIUS] Very admirable.
[HERBERT] The master of understatement. What he really means is he
wishes he had half your talent.
[KIRA] You know what, Benny? I like this Major of yours. She's a tough
[KAY] Science fiction needs more strong women characters. I'm always
saying that, aren't I, Jules?
[JULIUS] Ad nauseam, dear.
[ROY] These Cardassians, I like the way you describe them, especially
the neck ridges. I'm going to do some sketches for you to take a look
at. Make a nice cover.
[PABST] Don't waste your time. You, back to work.
[DARLENE] Right away, Mister Pabst.
[PABST] You too, Roy.
[HERBERT] Douglas, you're not going to stand there and tell us you don't
like this story.
[PABST] Oh, I like it all right. It's good. It's very good. But you know
I can't print it.
[BENNY] Why not?
[PABST] Oh, come on, Benny. Your hero's a Negro captain. The head of a
space station, for Christ's sake.
[BENNY] What's wrong with that?
[PABST] People won't accept it. It's not believable.
[HERBERT] And men from Mars are?
[PABST] Stay out of this, Herb. Look, Benny, I'm a magazine editor, I am
not a crusader. I am not here to change the world, I'm here to put out
a magazine. Now, that's my job. That means I have to answer to the
publisher, the national distributors, the wholesalers and none of them
are going to want to put this story on the newsstand. For all we know,
it could cause a race riot.
[HERBERT] Congratulations, Douglas. That's the most imbecilic attempt to
rationalise personal cowardice that I've ever heard.
[KAY] Uh oh, he's angry now.
[PABST] Herb's been angry ever since Joseph Stalin died.
[HERBERT] What's that supposed to mean?
[PABST] You know exactly what it means.
[HERBERT] You calling me a red?
[BENNY] Easy, easy.
[JULIUS] Calm down, dear boy. We're writers, not Vikings.
[HERBERT] I'm not going to stand here and let some craven fascist call
me a pinko and get away with it.
[ALBERT] Douglas, what did you think of, of my story?
[PABST] I loved it. You see, Albert's got the right idea. He's not
interested in Negroes or whites. He writes about robots.
[HERBERT] That's because he is a robot. No offence, Albert.
[ALBERT] I like robots. They're very efficient.
[PABST] Here, write me a novella based on this picture. I'll print it in
next month's issue. You do a good job, you might even get the cover.
[BENNY] What about my story?
[PABST] The way I see it, you can either burn it or you can stick it in
a drawer for fifty years or however long it takes the human race to
become colour-blind.
[BENNY] I want people to read it now.
[PABST] Fine. You want me to print it? Make the captain white.
[BENNY] That's not what I wrote.
[PABST] It's your call.
(Harlem coffee shop)
[CASSIE] I'm sorry they didn't buy your story, baby.
Really I am.
[JIMMY] I told you you were wasting your time. A coloured captain. The
only reason they'll ever let us in space is if they need someone to
shine their shoes. Ain't that right, Cassie?
[CASSIE] I don't know, and to be honest I don't much care what happens a
hundred years from now. It's today that matters.
[JIMMY] Well, I've got news for you. Today or a hundred years from now,
it don't make a bit of difference. As far as they're concerned, we'll
always be niggers.
[BENNY] Things are going to change. They have to.
[JIMMY] You keep telling yourself that.
[CASSIE] Maybe all this is happening for a reason.
[BENNY] You mean maybe it's God's way of telling me that I should quit
writing and go into the restaurant business?
[CASSIE] Hey, it's possible. Baby, I know we can make this work for us.
We could be happy. Besides, you don't have to give up writing
altogether. Maybe you could write something for the Amsterdam News or
some other Negro newspapers.
[BENNY] I'm not a reporter, I'm a writer. I write fiction and the
Amsterdam News is not going to publish stories about a space station
four hundred years into the future.
[WORF] Hear the game last night?
(Benny starts up from his stool and knocks over a passerby.)
[WILLIE] I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. You don't look so
good. You sick or something?
[BENNY] Oh, no, I'm fine.
[CASSIE] You want to lie down in the back?
[BENNY] No, no, no, I just need some air.
[CASSIE] Are we still on for tonight?
[BENNY] I'll pick you up about ten.
(And escapes into the street.)
[WILLIE] What are you doing till ten?
[CASSIE] Whatever it is, I won't be doing it with you.
(Harlem street)
(Night time.)
[PREACHER] Hello, Brother Benny.
[BENNY] You again. I don't understand what you want from me.
[PREACHER] To follow the path of the Prophets. Walk with the Prophets,
Brother Benny. Show us the way.
[BENNY] What way? I don't know what you're talking about.
[PREACHER] Write the words, Brother Benny. The words that will lead us
out of the darkness onto the path of righteousness.
(Benny walks away)
[PREACHER] Write the words, Brother Benny. Write the words.
(Benny's apartment)
(Benny gets in and sits straight down at the
typewriter. Later, Cassie switches on the wireless. Benny is asleep
holding a manuscript.)
[CASSIE] Hey, baby. You forgot all about our date.
[BENNY] Our date? I'm sorry. I was working.
[CASSIE] Ben Sisko? Isn't that your coloured captain? Why are you
writing another one of those stories. You couldn't sell the last one.
What makes you think this one'll be any different?
[BENNY] It probably won't be, but it doesn't matter. It's what I've got
to do.
[CASSIE] Right now, what you've got to do is eat.
[BENNY] I'm not hungry. What time is it anyway?
[CASSIE] It's after midnight. I should be getting home to bed. But
before I go, what do you say we take a spin on the dance floor.
[BENNY] Okay.
[CASSIE] Mmm. Feels good, doesn't it?
[BENNY] I could stay like this forever.
(Sisko's quarters)
(Sisko and Kasidy are dancing. Sisko's in Benny's
clothes but Kasidy has a different dress on.)
[KASIDY] Me, too. It's times like these that I wish we'd never heard of
the Dominion.
(Benny's apartment)
[BENNY] The Dominion?
[CASSIE] What do you mean? You said something about the Dominion
(Sisko's quarters)
[KASIDY] What is it, Ben? What's wrong?
[BENNY] I don't know. I think I'm losing my mind.
(Benny's apartment)
(Benny falls against the piano.)
[CASSIE] Tell me. Tell me what's wrong.
[BENNY] I'm starting to see things things from my story. It's as if I'm
becoming this Captain Sisko.
[CASSIE] Okay, baby, you just need to get some rest. It's all right,
it's all right. I'm with you. I'm with you, baby. Just take it easy.
(Magazine office)
[PABST] Have you lost your mind?
[BENNY] Lately, I've been asking myself the same question.
[PABST] I give you a novella to write. I even offer you a shot at the
cover. Three weeks later, instead of a novella, you come back with six
stories. Six sequels to a story I refused to publish in the first
place. So I guess the answer to the question we've both been asking is
yes, you are certifiable!
[JULIUS] I think you should print your own stories. You know, through a
private publishing house. A nice, elegant, little volume. Fifty to a
hundred copies.
[PABST] That's a great idea.
[KAY] Might as well write it in chalk on the sidewalk. More people would
read them that way.
[ALBERT] I've got an idea. Why not make them, you know, a dream?
[BENNY] What's that?
[ALBERT] Just make the ending of your first story, Deep Space Nine, a
[BENNY] Would that make a difference?
[PABST] That depends.
[KAY] On what?
[PABST] On who's doing the dreaming.
[KAY] Well, obviously someone, er, someone without a lot of hope. A
shoeshine boy, a convict, someone dreaming of a better future.
[PABST] A Negro.
[DARLENE] Yeah well, I suppose he'd have to be if he was dreaming about
a Negro captain.
[HERBERT] Hold on. Making it a dream guts the story.
[PABST] Shut up, Herb.
[JULIUS] I think it makes it more poignant.
[HERBERT] What about the other Sisko stories? You can't make them all
[KAY] Let him get this one published first, then he can worry about the
[JULIUS] What do you think, Benny?
[BENNY] I think it's better than chalk on the sidewalk.
(Harlem street)
(Two girls are skipping on the sidewalk.)
[BENNY] Can I play? Hey, Jimmy, I got great news. We're headed for the
[JIMMY] Yeah, sure, whatever.
(Jimmy keeps looking around, nervously.)
[BENNY] Come on, I'll buy you lunch. I'll tell you all about it.
[JIMMY] Later. I got some business to take care of.
[BENNY] What kind of business?
[JIMMY] Big time. That's all I've got to say.
[BENNY] Hey, hey, hey, hold it, hold it. What are you talking about?
[JIMMY] Don't worry about it. It's cool, man. I got it under control.
I'll see you around.
(Harlem coffee shop)
[WILLIE] Bottom of seventh, I'm up again. Oh two
fastball, ham, into the left field bleachers. Had to be four hundred
[CASSIE] I know all about it, Willie. I read the newspaper.
[WILLIE] Oh, but you got to admit, they don't tell like I tell it.
[BENNY] Hey, Cassie.
[WILLIE] Hey, man, did you hear the game last night? I went two for
[BENNY] Yeah, Willie, that's great. But I just hit a grand slam. They
are publishing one of my Sisko stories at three cents a word. Three
cents a word!
[CASSIE] Good for you, baby.
[BENNY] That means tonight we are celebrating. Dancing, the works.
[CASSIE] I'll wear my red dress.
[BENNY] You're damn right you will. Three cents a word. Three cents a
(Harlem street)
(The jazz is hot and the traffic is slow outside
the Rendezvous.)
[BENNY] There you are.
[CASSIE] Oh, my poor feet. Baby, you better marry me soon. I'm not
getting any younger.
[BENNY] Yes, but you are getting more and more beautiful day by day.
(sings) I'd be happy just to spend my life waiting on your beck and
[PREACHER] Brother Benny.
[BENNY] I was hoping I'd see you again. I did it. My story's getting
[PREACHER] The light of the Lord is in his path. But, Brother Benny,
this is only the beginning of your journey, not the ending. And the
path of the Prophets sometimes leads into darkness and pain.
[CASSIE] Benny, what is he talking about? Who are you?
[PREACHER] I speak with the voice of the Prophets.
(He takes hold of Benny's left ear, and it comes away with blood on the
[PREACHER] And in their words, hope and despair walk arm in arm.
(The Preacher backs into the darkness.)
[CASSIE] Did you understand any of that?
(Three gunshots.)
[CASSIE] Is that gunfire?
(There's a young man with a moustache dead and bleeding in the road and
our 'bad' cops are standing over him. Benny tries to barge between
[MULKAHEY] Hey! Whoa! Whoa!
[RYAN] Get back.
[BENNY] What happened?
[MULKAHEY] What's it to you?
[BENNY] I know him.
[RYAN] Yeah? Then maybe you can explain what he was doing trying to
break into this car here.
[BENNY] Is that why you shot him? Because he was breaking into a car?
[MULKAHEY] He had a weapon.
[BENNY] A crowbar!
[RYAN] Yes, now step back.
[MULKAHEY] Let's go.
(Benny elbow Mulkahey and grabs at Ryan. Mulkahey hits him with a cosh.
Then they both keep punching Benny.)
[CASSIE] (held back by a policeman.) Stop it! Stop it! Let him go! Stop
it, please! Get off of me! Stop it! They're going to kill him. Look,
you're going to kill him. Stop it!
(Briefly our pair are Dukat and Weyoun, then the cops carry on kicking
Benny long after he is capable of defending himself.)
(Benny's apartment)
[CASSIE] I'm telling you, baby, you've been cooped
up in this apartment for weeks. Going down to the office will do you
[BENNY] I suppose you're right. I should be there when the first copies
of this month's issue are delivered.
[CASSIE] Absolutely. After all that work you did, you deserve to see
your story in print. Just no jumping up and down with excitement. I
wouldn't want you
to hurt yourself.
[BENNY] I will restrict myself to a proud grin.
[CASSIE] You're not having any more of those hallucinations, are you?
[BENNY] I'm fine.
(Dark glasses, walking stick and a bandaged hand, Benny leaves.)
(Magazine office)
[KAY] What about, It Came From Outer Space.
[JULIUS] It's a smashing title. Wish I'd thought of it.
(Benny is let in.)
[HERBERT] Hey, Benny. Long time no see.
[BENNY] Is it here?
[JULIUS] Not yet. Pabst is still at the printers.
[KAY] We're waiting for his return with baited breath.
[ALBERT] We heard that you were
[KAY] We heard they beat the hell out of you.
[BENNY] I'm okay.
[ALBERT] Glad to see that you're, you know, up and about.
[DARLENE] Tell him the good news, Albert.
[ALBERT] Oh, it's nothing.
[KAY] Nothing? He sells a novel to Gnome Press and he says it's nothing.
[BENNY] A novel. Albert, congratulations!
[ALBERT] Thank you.
[BENNY] Robots?
[ALBERT] What else?
(Pabst enters.)
[JULIUS] It's about time.
[HERBERT] Douglas? Magazine?
[PABST] There isn't any magazine. Not this month anyway. Mister Stone
had the entire run pulped.
[BENNY] He can't do that.
[PABST] Oh, he can and he did. He believes, quote, this issue did not
live up to our usual high standards, unquote.
[BENNY] What's that supposed to mean?
[PABST] It means he didn't like it. Which means the public will simply
going to have to get along without any Incredible Tales this month.
[BENNY] What exactly is it that he did not like? The artwork, the
layout? What high standards is he talking about?
[KAY] Take it easy, Benny.
[BENNY] No, it's about my story, isn't it? That's what this is all
about. He didn't want to publish my story and we all know why. Because
my hero is a coloured man.
[PABST] Hey! This magazine belongs to Mister Stone. If he doesn't want
to publish this month, we don't publish this month. End of story.
[BENNY] That doesn't make it right and you know it.
[PABST] Don't tell me what I know. Besides, it's not about what's right,
it's about what is. And I'm afraid I've got some more bad news for you,
Benny. Mister Stone has decided that your services are no longer
required here.
[BENNY] You're firing me?
[PABST] I have no choice, Benny. It's his decision.
[BENNY] Well, you can't fire me. I quit. To hell with you, and to hell
with Stone.
[JULIUS] Try to stay calm, Benny.
[BENNY] No. I'm tired of being calm. Calm never gotten me a damn thing.
[PABST] I'm warning you, Benny. If you don't stop this I'm going to call
the police.
[BENNY] You go ahead! Call them! Call anybody you want. They can't do
anything to me. Not anymore. And nor can any of you. I am a human
being, damn it. You can deny me all you want but you cannot deny Ben
Sisko. He exists! That future, that space station, all those people,
they exist in here. In my mind, I created it. And every one of you know
it. You read it. It's here. You hear what I'm telling you? You can pulp
a story but you cannot destroy an idea. Don't you understand? That's
ancient knowledge. You cannot destroy an idea. That future, I created
it, and it's real.
Don't you understand? It is real! I created it and it's real! It's
real! Oh, God.
(Benny collapses, sobbing.
(New York Street)
(Benny is wheeled out to a very old ambulance even by 1953 standards.)
[AMBULANCE MAN] One, two three.
(Benny is in Starfleet uniform. He puts on his
[PREACHER] Rest easy, Brother Benny. You have walked in the path of the
Prophets. There is no greater glory.
[BENNY] Tell me, please. Who am I?
[PREACHER] Don't you know?
[BENNY] Tell me.
[PREACHER] You're the dreamer and the dream.
(There are stars streaking past the rear windows.)
[KASIDY] Ben? Ben.
[SISKO] How long was I out?
[BASHIR] Only for a few minutes.
[JOSEPH] Seemed like forever to me.
[BASHIR] That's odd. Somehow, your neural patterns have returned to
[JAKE] That's good, isn't it?
[BASHIR] Oh, it's very good. I just don't understand how it happened.
(Sisko's quarters)
(Joseph enters.)
[JOSEPH] How're you feeling, son?
[SISKO] I'm okay.
[JOSEPH] I'm done packing. Transport leaves at eight in the morning.
[SISKO] I wish you could stay longer.
[JOSEPH] I've got to get back to the restaurant. My customers have never
gone this long without me. The question is, what are you going to do?
[SISKO] The only thing I can do. Stay here and finish the job I started.
And if I fail
[JOSEPH] I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course. I
have kept the faith.
[SISKO] I've never known you to quote from the Bible.
[JOSEPH] I'm full of surprises, aren't I? And so are you. Sounds like
that dream you had helped you sort things out.
[SISKO] I suppose it did. But I have begun to wonder. What if it wasn't
a dream? What if this life we're leading, all of this, you and me,
everything. What if all this is the illusion?
[JOSEPH] That's a scary thought.
[SISKO] I know, I know. But maybe, just maybe, Benny isn't the dream, we
are. Maybe we're nothing more than figments of his imagination. For all
we know, at this very moment, somewhere far beyond all those distant
stars, Benny Russell is dreaming of us.
(Benny is Sisko's reflection in the window.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e134", "title": "Far Beyond The Stars"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - One Little Ship
Little Ship
Original Airdate: 16 Feb, 1998
Captain's log, stardate 51474.2. The Defiant has been ordered to
investigate a rare subspace compression phenomenon recently discovered
in Federation space. This scientific assignment is a welcome change
from months of combat duty against the Dominion. Three of my officers
are taking a runabout into the anomaly's vortex. The runabout and it's
crew will be subjected to severe spatial distortion, so we have
activated a tractor beam to minimise the effect.
[KIRA] So, how small are they?
[NOG] The miniaturisation process won't begin until the runabout reaches
the edge of the accretion disc.
[KIRA] I see. And then they'll begin to shrink?
[NOG] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] Major, are you laughing at our investigation of this subspace
[KIRA] No, sir.
[WORF] The data collected here could provide Starfleet with the key to
creating transwarp corridors through space. It could give us a
substantial tactical advantage over the Dominion.
[KIRA] It's very important research. What? I'm not laughing. Just
because we are shrinking three people to the size of coffee cups.
(And collapses in hysterical laughter.)
[NOG] Smaller, actually.
[WORF] I do not see what is so humourous about being small.
[NOG] Neither do I.
(Comm. beep.)
[SISKO] On screen.
[NOG] Their visual signal's degrading, Captain. We have audio only.
[SISKO] Go ahead, Rubicon.
[DAX (OC)] We're about to enter the accretion disc.
[SISKO] I wish were with you, old man.
[DAX (OC)] (static starting to break in) I'll send you a postcard. Tell
Worf I look forward to hearing his poem. I'll bet it'll be inspiring.
We'll talk to you again once we've left the accretion disc and reversed
the effects of the compression. Rubicon out.
[SISKO] Good luck, Rubicon.
[NOG] We've lost their signal, Captain.
[SISKO] Thank you, Ensign. Mister Worf. Poem?
[WORF] It is an ancient Klingon tradition to commemorate an important
event with a poem. Jadzia asked me to compose one for this occasion.
[SISKO] Well, what have you got so far?
[NOG] They've penetrated the accretion disc.
[KIRA] Now is it my imagination, or did the kid just cover for him?
[SISKO] This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
[WORF] They are getting smaller.
[NOG] Even the space within their subatomic structure is shrinking.
[KIRA] I wonder what it feels like.
(Runabout Rubicon)
[BRIEN] I don't feel any smaller.
[BASHIR] Well, believe it or not, you're about a metre tall and
shrinking fast. In a few minutes, you're going to be half the size of a
comm. badge.
[BRIEN] There's a comforting thought.
[BASHIR] The gamma ray flux is increasing. We should close the blast
[DAX] Take a last look. We're on sensors from here on.
[BRIEN] Now you're certain we'll return to normal size once we clear
the anomaly?
[DAX] Our probes did. You saw the data. Something wrong?
[BRIEN] No, I'm fine. I'm just not in love with the idea of being
small. What are you smirking at? You're as small as I am.
[BASHIR] Actually, you're sitting one point one four metres closer to
the focal point of the anomaly, which means you've shrunk point zero
four percent more than I have.
(Weird noise and shudder.)
[DAX] What was that?
[BRIEN] The tractor beam's fluctuating. Something's wrong.
(Defiant is under sustained attack. An extra's
console blows up.)
[WORF] The Jem'Hadar are coming around for another pass.
[KIRA] Radiation from the vortex must have masked their warp signature.
[SISKO] Return fire, Mister Worf. Ensign, pull the Rubicon out of there.
[WORF] Phasers are offline.
[KIRA] We're a sitting duck as long as we're tethered to the runabout.
[SISKO] I'm not going to leave them in there if I can help it. Mister
Worf, go down to auxiliary control and target the phasers manually.
[WORF] Aye, sir.
[NOG] I'm losing the Rubicon, sir!
(Runabout Rubicon)
(The tractor beam switches off and the runabout
catapults forward into the purple haze. Bang!)
[DAX] If we're going to get out of here, I need warp power now!
[BRIEN] I'm on it.
(Bang! One helmsman out cold. Kira takes over.)
[SISKO] Report.
[KIRA] Shield generators and impulse engines are offline, sir. Warp
engines, too.
(Bang and Kira's knocked out. A squad of Jem'Hadar beam in.)
[RAX] Surrender or you will all be killed.
(Runabout Rubicon)
(The power is off.)
[DAX] Chief, you okay?
[BRIEN] I think so.
[DAX] Julian?
[BASHIR] I'm fine, but you're not.
(O'Brien thumps the power back on)
[DAX] Oh, that's better.
[BRIEN] That was the easy part.
[DAX] Well, the good news is we're alive, so we must have escaped the
[BRIEN] The bad news is the external sensors and the comm. system are
down. I can patch around most of the damage, but it'll take time.
[DAX] Better add the blast shutters to your list. I can't get them open.
(Bashir finishes treating Dax's head injury.)
[BASHIR] There you go. Good as new.
[DAX] I don't suppose that thing'll work on our communications system?
[BRIEN] I'm picking up the Defiant's transponder signal. We can home
in on that.
[DAX] Going to one quarter impulse. Chief, either open these shutters or
give me external sensors, whichever's quicker. I need to see where
we're going.
(Enter the Jem'Hadar First, who has bronze
overtones compared to the grey of the other one.)
[RAX] The bridge is secure.
[ETAN] Tactical report.
[RAX] The bridge officers are confined in the mess hall, other
survivors in the cargo bay. We will have impulse power back online in
thirty minutes, but it will take several hours to restore warp
[ETAN] It must be gratifying for an Elder to end his career with a
victory. I feel privileged to be here with you at such a moment.
[RAX] There is still much to do before we declare victory. Until
we leave Federation space, we are vulnerable
[ETAN] I am First. And I have declared victory.
[RAX] It is, of course, your prerogative.
[ETAN] Open a channel to the Vorta.
[HADAR] Yes, First.
[HADAR (OC)] We have the boarding party.
[GELNON (on viewscreen)] Ah, First. Your report?
[ETAN] The Defiant is ours.
[GELNON (on viewscreen)] Good. Very, very good. I must admit, I was
initially quite sceptical about you and the other new Jem'Hadar bred in
this quadrant, but this is a most impressive debut. Wouldn't you agree,
[RAX] The takeover of the ship was competently executed.
[GELNON (on viewscreen)] Do I detect a note of jealousy in your voice?
I'm sure it must be difficult for you to watch a new race of Jem'Hadar
beginning to supplant you and the other members of the old guard.
[RAX] I serve the Founders. If it is their will to create a new
race, then that is the order of things.
[GELNON (on viewscreen)] But?
[RAX] But the Jem'Hadar bred here in the Alpha Quadrant have not
proven themselves superior to those from the Gamma Quadrant. At least
not yet.
[ETAN] Not yet? It was the Alphas who made this victory possible.
If it were not for us, you would never
[GELNON (on viewscreen)] You two can argue about this on your own time.
First, how long until you restore warp power?
[ETAN] I will make a complete survey of the ship and give you a
report in one hour.
[GELNON (on viewscreen)] Very well. I await your report.
(Transmission ends)
[ETAN] Bring me Captain Sisko.
[RAX] I would suggest that his execution can wait until we have
completed repairs to the ship.
[ETAN] I'm not going to execute him. Are you about to question my
order, Second?
[RAX] No. Obedience brings Victory.
[ETAN] And Victory is Life.
(Ixtana'Rax leaves)
[ETAN] Find the ship's transponder and shut it down. I don't want
anyone tracking us.
[HADAR] Yes, First.
[ETAN] And get these chairs off the bridge.
(Mess hall)
(Nog is tending Kira's head wound.)
[KIRA] Thanks. That's enough.
[WORF] I should have foreseen this. I should have sent out
reconnaissance probes to scan for enemy ships. Or a shuttle. Or
recalibrated our sensors. If I had, Jadzia
[NOG] None of that would've done any good. The Jem'Hadar approached us
from the anterior angle of the
anomaly. Their warp signatures
[KIRA] He's just trying to tell you
[WORF] I do not need him to tell me anything.
[SISKO] Everybody settle. First of all, we don't know what happened to
the Rubicon. For all we know they got out of the anomaly on their own.
If they did, they're headed home and in much better shape than we are.
So let's hold off on analysing our mistakes for now.
[KIRA] If they restore warp power, we'll be analysing them from inside a
Dominion prison camp.
[SISKO] Restoring warp power might not be so simple for them. It took us
a week just to learn how to pilot one of their ships. We might have a
chance to retake the Defiant, but we can't do anything unless we can
get out of this room. Suggestions?
(Ixtana'Rax enters.)
[RAX] Captain Sisko, come with me.
[SISKO] Everybody sit tight. I'll be back.
(Runabout Rubicon)
[BASHIR] We've lost the Defiant's transponder
[DAX] Coming to full stop.
[BRIEN] The problem isn't at this end. They must have stopped
[DAX] I can't keep flying blind, Chief.
[BRIEN] Try the shutters.
[DAX] Nice work.
[BRIEN] Ask and ye shall receive.
(There is a sheet of metal in front of them.)
[BRIEN] What the hell is that?
[DAX] Some kind of wall?
[BRIEN] In the middle of nowhere?
[BASHIR] (craning his neck) Wait a minute, there's a symbol up there. It
looks like a large black circle.
[DAX] Anything else?
[BASHIR] Hold on. Chief, you're not going to like this.
(It's the Defiant, and compared to Rubicon, it is massive.)
[BRIEN] I thought you said we'd return to our normal size once we left
the anomaly.
[BASHIR] We should have.
[DAX] We didn't leave the anomaly by the same path at which we entered
[BASHIR] So the process failed to reverse itself.
[BRIEN] Are you telling me that I'm going to be this bloody tall for
the rest of my life? (five centimetres)
[BASHIR] This bloody tall, actually. (one centimetre) But don't worry.
All we have to do to regain our original size is re-enter the anomaly
and follow our original trajectory back out.
[BRIEN] In theory.
[BASHIR] In theory.
[DAX] I'll tell you what isn't a theory. We're going to need the
Defiant's help to re-enter the anomaly.
[BASHIR] With communications out, how do we get their attention?
[DAX] Fly up to a window and knock?
[BRIEN] Wait. If we're this big, that means the Rubicon is what, this
big? (ten centimetres)
[BASHIR] More or less.
[BRIEN] And the Defiant's aft plasma vent is this big? (double the
[DAX] Are you suggesting that we take the Rubicon inside the Defiant?
[BRIEN] Why not? Getting past the anti-backflow valve might be tricky,
but once we're inside we've a better chance of attracting someone's
attention than we do sitting out here.
[DAX] I love it. Let's go.
[UKAN] The engineering team reports that we
can restart the impulse engines in twelve minutes.
[ETAN] Good. Captain Benjamin Sisko. The one the Bajorans call the
Emissary. I am First Kudak'Etan. In a strange way, you are the reason I
exist. If you had not eliminated our fleet in the wormhole, there would
have been no need to breed Alpha Quadrant Jem'Hadar.
[SISKO] You didn't bring me here to say thank you.
[ETAN] No. The impulse engines sustained only minor damage in our
attack, but the warp drive was severely damaged. I need your technical
expertise in order to repair it. Bring Captain to the engine room so he
may begin necessary repairs.
[RAX] It's a mistake. Giving him access to the engine room will
only give him an opportunity to retake the ship. In fact, he's working
on a plan at this very moment.
[ETAN] I was not aware that telepathy was a Gamma characteristic.
[RAX] I know what he's thinking because it's exactly what I would
be doing in his position. You should kill him now, before he has a
chance to put his plan into motion.
[ETAN] You are the Second. I am the First. Do not presume to tell
me what to do.
[SISKO] I'm glad the two of you worked that out. Now, what makes you
think I'm going to help you?
[ETAN] Your choice is to repair the warp drive or watch me execute
your crew one at a time. Have Sixth Duran'Adar select one of the
prisoners for execution and bring him to the bridge!
[SISKO] I can't do this job alone. I'm going to need some of my crew.
[ETAN] How many?
[RAX] I strongly suggest that you refuse this request.
[SISKO] You have the weapons. Are you afraid you can't handle a few
unarmed prisoners?
[RAX] I won't be baited by a prisoner, and neither should you.
[SISKO] Okay. I'm in no hurry to reach a Dominion prison camp. if you
want me to teach your men how to repair the warp drive, that's fine
with me. We'll begin with primary command and control systems. That
should take about six hours. Then we will move up to basic engineering
theory for a class seven warp drive. Then
[RAX] Enough.
[ETAN] You may have the three other Bridge officers, but that is
all. And I am not interested in any more of your suggestions. Now take
him to the engine room.
(Runabout Rubicon)
(They're in a duct.)
[DAX] Where are we, Chief?
[BRIEN] We've just about reached the bi-polar flow junction, I think.
[BASHIR] You think?
[BRIEN] I'm not used to seeing things from this perspective. Once we
reach the flow junction we should be able to go up into the secondary
warp plasma feed and then exit via the diagnostic panel.
[BASHIR] This conduit's filthy, Chief. Don't you ever clean up in here?
[DAX] All right, all right. Let's not badger the Chief.
[BRIEN] Thank you.
[BASHIR] I'm sorry. It was very small of me.
(Ixtana'Rax takes Sisko by lapels.)
[RAX] Whatever it is you're planning, don't. I'll be watching
you, and at the first sign of treachery I will kill all your bridge
[SISKO] I'm a prisoner. I have no intention
[RAX] The First may be a fool, but I am not.
[SISKO] Then it is a pity for you that you are not the First.
[RAX] I was, until two days ago. If we had captured you while I
was in command we wouldn't be having this conversation. Deck two,
section five.
[SISKO] What happened?
[RAX] He is an Alpha, I am a Gamma. His DNA and psychological
profile are specifically designed for combat in this quadrant. The
Founders believe that makes him a better leader.
[SISKO] What do you believe?
[RAX] I believe I've given you enough information already.
[ETAN] We have restored impulse power, and the
warp drive will be operational in five hours.
[GELNON (on viewscreen)] Excellent. It's good to see my faith in you has
not been misplaced. The Founders will be pleased. If you require no
more assistance, I will resume our mission to Coridan. Let's hope the
Federation's dilithium miners will be as surprised to see us as the
Defiant's crew was.
[ETAN] Victory is Life.
[GELNON (on viewscreen)] Indeed.
(Transmission ends.)
[ETAN] Set course for the closest Dominion outpost. Engage impulse
(Runabout Rubicon)
(As the little ship whizzes along a conduit, the
walls start to glow red.)
[BRIEN] Uh oh.
[DAX] What is it?
[BRIEN] The magnetic plasma guides are heating up.
[DAX] They must have initiated the impulse prestart sequence.
[BASHIR] What does that mean, then?
[DAX] It means this entire conduit is about to be filled with
superheated plasma.
[BASHIR] When you say superheated?
[BRIEN] If I can't find another way out of here, we'll be vaporised.
Is that clear?
[BASHIR] Crystal.
(Plasma flame bursts into life behind them.)
[BRIEN] There's a distribution manifold coming up. Take the left
conduit, then make a quick right into the relays.
[DAX] Left, then right.
[BASHIR] I hope you know where you're going, Chief.
[BRIEN] So do I. Through the relays. There's an inspection hatch
coming up on the right. If we can figure out a way to open the hatch
[DAX] We're out of time.
[BASHIR] What about the hatch?
[DAX] We'll have to open it the old-fashioned way.
(Flames arrive as Rubicon rams the hatch.)
(Engine room)
(The hatch opens, Rubicon shoots out and the doors
automatically shut again with only a little wisp of plasma coming
(Runabout Rubicon)
[BASHIR] Let's not do that again.
[DAX] No promises. So where are we, Chief?
[BRIEN] We should be in the engine room near, the warp core.
[DAX] Right. There's the core. Looks like the warp drive is offline.
[BASHIR] Quite a mess. I wonder what happened?
(Engine room)
(On the opposite side of the core there is
[RAX] What are you doing?
[KIRA] Realigning the dilithium articulation frame.
[RAX] Instruct him on how to complete the realignment.
[KIRA] It'll take longer to explain, than just to do it my
[RAX] Then explain it quickly. Give him the tool.
[KIRA] All right. Start by decoupling the lateral microbrace.
(Runabout Rubicon)
(As the ship gains altitude, a Jem'Hadar working on
a console looms into view right next to them.)
[DAX] That's not good.
(They fly away and the Jem'Hadar around. Rubicon parks on some pipes by
the ceiling.)
[DAX] Chief, I need visual sensors as fast as you can give them to me.
[BRIEN] Right. Julian, give me a hand down here.
(They open a floor plate. Kira is using a tricorder on a console.)
[BRIEN] Okay, you should have visual sensors now. The comm. system's
back online.
[DAX] They're forcing our crew to repair the warp drive.
[BASHIR] Why's the Captain going along with this?
[DAX] Good question. But if I know Benjamin, he's up to something. Can
you give me a tight shot on the operations display?
[BRIEN] I think so.
(Magnification 979.85)
[DAX] Do you see what I see?
[BRIEN] Very clever.
[DAX] Problem is, it's never going to work.
[BRIEN] The bridge control lockouts.
[DAX] The security codes are hardwired through the encryption circuitry.
[BASHIR] Will someone please let me in on this conversation?
[BRIEN] The Captain's trying to take control of the ship from
Engineering. Kira is the only one actually working on the warp drive,
and it doesn't look like she's in any hurry to get it done.
[DAX] I think Worf's trying to cover their tracks. It looks like he's
sending false signals through the computer system.
[BRIEN] Nog is the key. He's trying to override the bridge control
lockout so he can release the command codes. If he can do that, the
Captain can control the entire ship from the operations console. Nog's
a smart kid, but it's going to take him weeks to release the codes from
[BASHIR] Can we do anything to help him?
[BRIEN] Not from engineering. If we could get to the bridge, we could
release the codes from there.
[DAX] Wait a minute. One thing at a time. First we need to get out of
the engine room without getting caught.
(Rubicon flies low over the bulkheads.)
(Engine room)
[RAX] Why is the Klingon working on the
plasma display subsystem?
[SISKO] Because I told him to.
[RAX] That system has nothing to do with warp drive operation.
[SISKO] Maybe not on Dominion ships, but I'll need to use the display to
monitor warp plasma stability. Pardon me.
(Defiant dodges between a Jem'Hadar's legs and hides behind a tool
[KIRA] Until I tell you to stop.
[HADAR] Yes, Major.
(Runabout Rubicon)
[BRIEN] Now what?
[DAX] Now we wait until someone walks out that door.
(Engine room)
[RAX] Sixth!
[SIXTH] Yes, Second.
[RAX] Relieve the Klingon. Take over the repair of the display
[SIXTH] Immediately, Second.
[RAX] Give the Klingon another task.
[SISKO] Why?
[RAX] Because I said so.
(The door opens.)
[ETAN] Why is the warp drive not online yet?
[RAX] He's stalling.
[SISKO] Stalling? Your Second is the one who's slowing down the work. He
countermands my orders, arbitrarily reassigns my crew. I can't get any
work done in here.
[ETAN] You were told to watch them, not to interfere with them.
[RAX] You're playing right into his hands. Don't you see that?
[ETAN] Captain Sisko, you have thirty minutes to restore warp
power, or I will kill her, (Kira) and another of your crew every
fifteen minutes until you do. And you, Second, will no longer interfere
with their work.
(Runabout Rubicon)
[DAX] Get ready. When he activates the door sensor,
(Do a bit of dodging as someone picks up tools right next to them.
Kudak'Etan leaves and Rubicon slides sideways through the gap just
before the door closes.)
[BASHIR] Nice bit of piloting.
[DAX] If you liked that, you're going to love what's coming up next.
(Engine room)
(Sisko has just run a gizmo over a circuit board.
Worf is by a display panel. Nog is round a corner working a PADD.)
[SISKO] Any luck, Ensign?
[NOG] Not yet, sir. The system's always three steps ahead of me. Every
time I get past the primary security net, the secondary always kicks me
back out and the codes are all reset, and I have to start all over
again. (beep) Like that. Do you have a backup plan in case this doesn't
[SISKO] Yes. I'll destroy the ship.
[NOG] There are still a few algorithms I haven't tried yet.
(A Jem'Hadar hands Kira a tool.)
[KIRA] Thanks. All right, I'm ready to connect the deuterium injector.
Go to the plasma relay and power it up, but slowly just like I showed
(The Jem'Hadar bows and moves away. Sisko comes over.)
[KIRA] I'm about ten minutes away from initiating the prestart sequence
on the warp drive. How's Nog doing?
[SISKO] Not good. You'll have to find another problem.
[KIRA] (beep) Too fast! Reinitialise the system and start again, but do
it at about half the speed this time. He's not stupid. He's already got
the entire command and control system committed to memory. I can't keep
him fooled forever.
[SISKO] In a battle of wits between you and him, I'll bet on you every
[KIRA] What kind of odds are you giving?
(Kudak'Etan thinks he can hear something, but can't
see it. Rubicon was right behind his head. He goes through another
[UKAN] First? I've realigned the targeting sensors. There were
errors in the tracking subroutines.
[ETAN] You were not ordered to check the targeting sensors.
[UKAN] Well, I thought it a wise precaution in case we encountered
an enemy ship on our way home.
[ETAN] Your initiative pleases me. It's a trait that the Gammas
[UKAN] Well, the Gammas have many flaws.
[ETAN] When we return from this mission there will be need for a
new Second. I will recommend you to the Vorta.
[UKAN] You will not be disappointed.
[ETAN] I'm sure that I won't. It'll be Alphas like us that
determine the future of this quadrant. That will be the new order of
(Rubicon is sitting on the ceiling, upside down to us.)
(Runabout Rubicon)
[BRIEN] Looks like we need another ticket into the
[BASHIR] So how long do we wait for someone to open the door?
[DAX] We don't.
(Engine room)
[WORF] I cannot access the autodestruct system
without drawing attention.
[SISKO] Plant a computer virus in the warp plasma subprocessor. Set it
to cause a core breach once the ship reaches warp one.
[WORF] Understood.
(Runabout Rubicon)
(They are hovering by the Bridge door control
[BRIEN] Don't hit it too hard. It could shatter the control panel.
[DAX] Don't worry. I have a light touch.
[BASHIR] Not according to Worf. (get a Look) What?
(Rubicon taps panel key 51 twice.)
(The door opens but no one comes in. A Jem'Hadar
investigates and Rubicon comes in and hides under a console.)
(Runabout Rubicon)
[BRIEN] Well we certainly can't release the
control lock while the First has his hand on it.
[DAX] Can we bypass it?
[BRIEN] I suppose I could reroute the encryption subprocessors
[DAX] But?
[BRIEN] But I'd have to leave the ship to do it. And I have to say I'm
not fond of the idea. I can think of about a thousand ways a one
centimetre man could get fried walking around inside a circuit housing.
[BASHIR] Relax, Miles. You wouldn't be able go out there even if you
wanted to. You wouldn't be able to breathe. The oxygen molecules
outside are almost two thousand times larger than anything your
haemoglobin could assimilate. You'd suffocate.
[BRIEN] Well, that takes care of that idea.
[DAX] Unless. Circuit housings are airtight. I could beam a bubble of
compressed air ahead of you and it would expand to fill the housing.
[BASHIR] It should work. The air would be thin, but you'd be able to
breathe for about twenty minutes.
[BRIEN] And then?
[BASHIR] You'd pass out.
[BRIEN] We'd pass out. You're coming with me.
(Optronic circuitry)
(Two little figures beam in amongst a colourful
forest of circuit chips.)
[BRIEN] This might take longer than I thought.
(He consults a PADD.)
[BRIEN] All right. If we beamed into the primary safeties junction, we
should see a cluster of heuristic subprocessors next to a rectilinear
expansion module. The question is, what does a rectilinear expansion
module look like when you're one centimetre tall?
[BASHIR] What? I haven't the faintest idea, but it's amazing. It's like
we're in the middle of an optronic forest.
[BRIEN] Looks like we need to go. Julian, stop!
(Bashir is about to sit down.)
[BRIEN] That chip behind you is carrying twenty microamps of electric
current. Now, that's not very much
[BASHIR] But it's enough to fry every synapse in my tiny body. Thanks
for the tip.
[BRIEN] All right, stay right behind me. And don't touch anything
without asking.
[BASHIR] Believe me, I won't.
(Lamat'Ukan enters with the Ketracel White.)
[UKAN] The White.
[ETAN] It is time.
(Runabout Rubicon)
[DAX] How's it coming, Chief?
(Optronic circuitry)
[BASHIR] We're making progress. Aren't we, Chief?
[BRIEN] I'm still trying to locate the security protocol interlink.
Shouldn't take much longer.
[DAX (OC)] Well
(Runabout Rubicon)
[DAX] The sooner the better. Things are getting a
little crowded up here.
(The First opens the box and hands out the vials
without ceremony.)
[UKAN] We pledge our loyalties to the Founders from this
[ETAN] Pah. We're all Alphas here. Our loyalty is demonstrated by
our actions, not our words.
(Optronic circuitry)
[BRIEN] All right. Now
[BASHIR] Miles, we're lost, aren't we?
[BRIEN] Yes, we're lost! I can draw these circuits in my sleep. I've
just never seen them from this perspective.
[BASHIR] Disorientation is one of the effects of hypoxia, lack of
oxygen. Need to focus on a landmark. There. That large isolinear chip,
number five eight nine six six stroke delta. What is it?
[BRIEN] Julian, there are two dozen six six delta's in the asymmetric
encryption circuits alone.
[BASHIR] All right, then what's this here at it's base?
[BRIEN] That's a four way interlink shunt.
[BASHIR] So that would mean that this chip is?
[BRIEN] I don't know. I told you, they all look the same to me.
[BASHIR] All right, don't look at it.
[BRIEN] What?
[BASHIR] Close your eyes, use your memory. Okay. There's a four way
shunt at the base of a eight five nine six six stroke delta isolinear
chip, which is where?
[BRIEN] The only four way shunt near a six six delta is at the base of
the master differential relay. That's got to be it.
[BASHIR] So the interlink we want has to be?
[BRIEN] That way.
(Engine room)
[SISKO] We've got trouble. They're cross-checking
the diagnostic protocols.
[KIRA] Has Nog made any progress?
[SISKO] Not yet.
(Optronic circuitry)
(O'Brien heaves a cable into a socket. Bashir is
trying to force another one.)
[BASHIR] It's stuck.
(O'Brien helps him pull it out. They're gasping for air.)
[BASHIR] Which one?
[BRIEN] That one. No, no, no. That one.
[BASHIR] You sure?
(Bashir puts the cable from R8-773 into a socket by his head. It falls
[BRIEN] Again. Julian.
(O'Brien uses his phaser to spot weld it in place.)
[BRIEN] (gasps) Rubicon. Mission complete.
(Engine room)
[NOG] Oh, I am good.
(A Jem'Hadar grabs him.)
[HADAR] Come with me.
[RAX] All of you, step away from the consoles. Right now!
[NOG] Captain. I did it. I don't know how, but I released the command
[SISKO] Well done. What we need now is a diversion before they go to
[RAX] Silence!
(Runabout Rubicon)
[BRIEN] All the Defiant's command functions have
been transferred to Engineering. But nothing's happening.
[BASHIR] Maybe the Captain doesn't realise he has control of the ship
[DAX] Or maybe he's in trouble. The First was called to the engine room
a few minutes ago.
(Engine room)
[ETAN] How long has the warp drive been
[RAX] At least one hour, maybe longer.
[ETAN] And they managed to conceal it from you?
[RAX] You ordered me not to interfere with them.
[ETAN] I also told you to watch them carefully.
[RAX] If we had assigned Jem'Hadar to do the repair, as I said
[ETAN] I am not interested in your excuses. Bring the warp drive
[RAX] Wait! Before we activate the warp drive we should check the
entire system for possible sabotage.
[ETAN] That would take hours. Every minute we spend in Federation
space exposes us to detection and attack. And I would hate for your
last mission to end in failure, Elder. Do it. And when you have
sufficient engine power available, bring us to warp four.
[KIRA] At least we're going to take them with us.
[ETAN] Secure these four with the other prisoners.
(The door opens and he actually sees Rubicon enter. He fires his weapon
and misses, then Rubicon fires a torpedo at a Jem'Hadar and kills him.
The rest of the Jem'Hadar are firing as our people dive for cover.
Sisko gets to a control panel and starts entering commands.)
(Runabout Rubicon)
[BRIEN] Dax, upper rail.
[DAX] I've got him.
(It's a miss. Kira gets a weapon from the corpse and Work breaks
Kudak'Etan's neck. Nog tries to take on another, but gets thrown into a
corner. Worf and a Jem'Hadar wrestle as the one on the upper level
fires at Sisko, who moves to another panel. )
[DAX] This guy's really starting to get on my nerves.
[BASHIR] I have got torpedo lock.
[DAX] Fire!
(The Jem'Hadar falls over the rail. Kira shoots Ixtana'Rax then the one
who is attacking Sisko, and Worf disposes of the last one.)
[SISKO] I'm flooding all compartments except the engine room with
anesthesine gas. Major, get that virus out of the computer before
somebody on the bridge engages the warp drive.
[KIRA] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] He should've listened to you and killed me when he had the
[RAX] He was a First. They don't need to listen. Obedience brings
Victory and Victory is (dies)
(Rubicon swoops down.)
[SISKO] Mister Worf, I think your wife is here.
(Rubicon hovers in front of Worf and Dax blows him a kiss.)
Captain's log, supplemental. After completing
repairs, we were able to return to the anomaly and successfully restore
our runabout and its crew to their normal size. The surviving Jem'Hadar
have been transferred to a Federation POW camp.
[DAX] Is that your poem?
[WORF] Yes. Bloodwine.
[DAX] Can I hear it?
[WORF] It is not finished yet.
[DAX] Please, just the first line?
[WORF] All right. But it is my first poem.
[DAX] I understand.
[WORF] And I have worked very hard and very long on this.
[DAX] I know.
[WORF] And I do not wish to be ridiculed.
[DAX] I promise.
[WORF] Very well. (declaims) This is the story of a little ship that
took a little trip. What do you think?
[DAX] It's, er, well, it rhymes. (takes the PADD) There's nothing on
this PADD!
(Odo enters and walks over to the bar where O'Brien and Bashir are
talking to Morn and a dabo girl.)
[BASHIR] We were just minding our own business when suddenly, right
there in front of us, was this immense Jem'Hadar.
[BRIEN] He looked as tall as a Seltan carnosaur. We were so close, you
could see the veins throbbing in his eyeballs. We swung around and
ducked behind the operations console. I knew we had to do was get our
sensors back online if we were going to be any help to the Captain and
the others. So I said to Julian
[BASHIR] Is there something wrong?
[ODO] Are you sure you've returned to your normal size?
[BRIEN] Of course.
[ODO] Well, you both appear to be a couple of centimetres shorter than
you were the last time I saw you. A changeling notices that sort of
(The dabo girl stands up straight. She is very tall.)
[QUARK] I didn't want to say anything, but you do look a little on the
petite side.
[BASHIR] Infirmary.
(Bashir and O'Brien leave quickly, and Odo and Quark step down from a
small platform.)
[QUARK] And they say you don't have a sense of humour. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e135", "title": "One Little Ship"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Honour Among Thieves
Among Thieves
Original Airdate: 23 Feb, 1998
(On an average industrial planet, in an average
slightly seedy bar, is the usual mix of aliens. A scruffy, casually
dressed O'Brien is leaning on the bar listening to the conversation
over at a table. The Bolian bartender is being discreetly deaf.)
[FLITH] (non-human) Raimus isn't going to be happy about this.
[KROLE] (very non-human) What are you going to do?
[BILBY] (looks human) I don't know. And don't you mean what are we going
to do?
(Everyone say Hi! to Nick
Tate, my favourite Eagle pilot.)
[KROLE] Raimus told you to get the merchandise.
[BILBY] I'll figure something out.
[FLITH] You'd better.
[BILBY] I said I'll figure it out. I'm hungry.
[FLITH] Let's have Krellan food.
[BILBY] No. Last time that gave me heartburn.
[FLITH] That's because you eat too fast.
[BILBY] I eat when I'm hungry. And when I'm hungry, I eat fast.
[FLITH] If you're not careful that appetite of yours is going to kill
you someday.
[BILBY] Don't get your hopes up.
(A Yridian approaches the bar's comm. booth.)
[BILBY] Hey, we're using that comm. booth. Go. Order some nozala
(Krole has a dataport fitted, and uses it to hack the system.)
[COMPUTER] Computer accessed.
[BILBY] Get them to deliver some extra vilm sauce.
[KROLE] Who should I bill this time?
[BILBY] I don't care who pays for it, just so as long as it isn't us.
[FLITH] How about the police?
[KROLE] No, we billed them for last night's dinner.
[FLITH] Municipal Sanitation. Do you have their account code?
[KROLE] I will, in a minute.
(O'Brien secretly points something at the comm. booth, and electricity
leaps to Krole's dataport.)
[BILBY] Krole!
[BRIEN] Don't! Don't touch him. He's being spiked.
(O'Brien reaches under the energy waves and disconnects the call.)
[BILBY] You all right? They spiked him. They spiked him over a free
lunch. What's this city coming to?
[KROLE] Look at this. Fused.
(The dataport attachment.)
[BRIEN] Too bad. That's an expensive piece of hardware.
[FLITH] What are we going to do?
[BILBY] Don't you mean what is Krole going to do?
[KROLE] I can't go to Raimus and ask him to pay for a replacement.
[BRIEN] Well, it might not be as bad as it seems.
[BILBY] Are you saying you can fix it?
[BRIEN] It depends.
[BILBY] On what?
[BRIEN] How much you're willing to pay.
[BILBY] Do you know who I am?
[BILBY] Well if you did, you wouldn't ask that.
[BRIEN] All right. Who are you?
[BILBY] Listen, Mister?
[BRIEN] Connelly.
[BILBY] I've seen you around here these last few weeks. You're always in
here, tinkering around with one piece of junk or another, which tells
me that things are not going too well for you. Now, here's my advice to
you. Give them to me. You take these. You bring them back tomorrow
morning fixed and polished.
[BRIEN] Tomorrow morning it is.
(A clandestine night time meeting.)
[BRIEN] Bilby asked me to fix these for him.
[CHADWICK] I'm impressed. I don't think anyone's managed to make contact
with the Orion Syndicate so quickly. How'd you do it?
[BRIEN] I spiked one of his men while he was interfacing.
[CHADWICK] That was a risky thing to do.
[BRIEN] Well, maybe. But I had to get noticed. I want to get this
mission over with and go home.
[CHADWICK] I realise you didn't exactly volunteer for this. Believe me,
I wish we hadn't been forced to turn to someone outside Starfleet
Intelligence for help.
[BRIEN] Me, too.
[CHADWICK] The Syndicate killed another one of our undercover operatives
last week.
[BRIEN] That makes five in the last year.
[CHADWICK] We need you to find out who their informant in Starfleet is.
Once you give me the name, I'll put you on the next transport home.
(Sound of breaking glass.)
[BRIEN] So, what do you want me to do now?
[CHADWICK] Bilby's going to check into your background. Whatever he
finds will confirm that you're a fix-it man down on your luck. Stick to
that cover. The Syndicate is always looking for people with your
skills. If Bilby offers you more work, take it. Get as close to him as
[BRIEN] Right.
[CHADWICK] O'Brien. Don't take any more unnecessary risks. These are
dangerous men. If they find out who you are, they'll kill you.
(Odo and Quark enter through different doors.)
[QUARK] Major, I'm sorry
[ODO] Excuse me, Major
[Odo] Go ahead.
[QUARK] There's something wrong with
[ODO] I need a
[KIRA] All right. You first, then you.
[ODO] I need an engineering crew to run a diagnostic on the internal
security sensors. There's been an unusual number of false alarms
[KIRA] I'll have someone take a look as soon as possible. Now, Quark.
[QUARK] There's something wrong with the fire suppression system in the
bar. Every time I serve a flaming cocktail, the system engages and
snuffs it out.
[KIRA] I'll put it on the list.
[QUARK] Please do. You have no idea what people are willing to pay for a
glass of burning alcohol.
[BASHIR] Excuse me. Major?
[KIRA] Oh, let me guess. There's a malfunction in the Infirmary.
[BASHIR] How did you know?
(The turbolift stops just below the floor level)
[WORF] Major, there is something wrong with the turbolift.
[KIRA] I can see that.
[DAX] We seem to be having a lot of system glitches.
[KIRA] It happens every time Chief O'Brien goes away.
[WORF] I do not understand why his staff cannot keep the station running
in his absence.
[QUARK] He must have left my idiot brother in charge.
[KIRA] The engineering crew are doing the best they can.
[DAX] The problem is no one knows how the Chief keeps all this
Federation and Cardassian technology working together.
[QUARK] We've got to do something. This can't go on.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Sorry, I can't discuss the Chief's
[BASHIR] I understand that, sir, but it's getting ridiculous, isn't it?
How much longer are we supposed to put up with these malfunctions?
[SISKO] You know, I wouldn't surprise me if Major Kira or Commander Worf
came in here demanding answers. But you? It's not your style.
[BASHIR] Apparently it is. Here I am.
[SISKO] I'm not buying it, Doctor. You didn't come in here to complain.
You came in here because you are worried about your friend and you want
me to set your mind at ease. I wish I could. But if it helps, I will
tell you this. The Chief can take care of himself about as well as
anyone I know.
[BASHIR] You're right about that, sir. You're right about that.
(Bilby, Krole and Flith are playing cards when
O'Brien enters.)
[BILBY] Did you fix it?
[KROLE] Any feedback?
[BILBY] Feedback gives him a headache.
[BRIEN] No, there's no feedback.
[KROLE] Well, we'll see, won't we?
(Krole plugs himself in.)
[BRIEN] I told you.
[BILBY] Very impressive. You know, if I was a suspicious man I might ask
myself how a tinkerer living in one room on Jinami Street managed to
fix such a complicated piece of hardware so quickly.
[FLITH] Good question.
[BRIEN] How do you know where I live?
[BILBY] I know a lot about you. Maybe more than you want me to. Come
with me.
[BRIEN] Where are we going?
[BILBY] For a walk.
(Bilby's apartment)
[BILBY] Have a seat. Not there.
(A cat leaps onto the chair. There's a picture of a woman and children
on a table.)
[BILBY] Chester doesn't like people sitting in his chair. Don't touch
(Bilby opens a safe and fetches a Klingon disruptor rifle.)
[BILBY] Something wrong?
[BRIEN] You tell me.
[BILBY] Did you think I brought you here to kill you? Why would I kill
somebody that can fix things for me? I guess a man that's been knocked
around as much as you have is always expecting the worst, huh?
[BRIEN] Well, I've pretty much had to get used to the idea that I've
got bad luck.
[BILBY] Yeah, that was a tough break on Dayos Four. Two years for
dealing in stolen goods?
[BRIEN] I didn't know they were stolen. I guess I should've asked the
guy I bought it from, huh?
[BILBY] Who's to say he'd have told you the truth. Take this, for
example. My employer asked me to get three Klingon disruptors for him.
Did the man I bought them from tell me they didn't work? No, he did
not. Have a look.
[BRIEN] The induction coil is burned out.
[BILBY] Can you fix it?
[BRIEN] Sure.
[BILBY] I'm glad to hear it. It's going to make my employer very happy.
[BRIEN] What does he want with Klingon disruptors?
[BILBY] I didn't ask him. When Raimus tells you to do something, you
just do it. You hungry?
[BRIEN] A little.
[BILBY] Have some cake. My wife sent it.
[BRIEN] No, thanks.
[BILBY] Go ahead.
(O'Brien takes a piece. It crunches when he bites into it.)
[BRIEN] (lying) It's good.
[BILBY] Yeah, she makes it herself. This is her. These are my children.
[BRIEN] Oh, great. Where are they?
[BILBY] They're in New Sydney. I'd love to have them here on Farius, but
considering the business I'm in, it's not a good idea. You got a
[BILBY] You should. It's the most important thing. I send them
everything. I pay my fare to Raimus, the rest goes straight to my wife.
[BRIEN] Your fare?
[BILBY] Yeah, to Raimus, every month. That's the way it works. He's
above me in the organisation. You do know what organisation I'm
referring to, don't you.
[BRIEN] I think so.
[BILBY] Good. Krole and Flith, the gentlemen you met earlier, they're
below me.
[BRIEN] Lucky them.
[BILBY] If you fix these disruptors for me, you could be lucky, too.
[BRIEN] That's good to know.
[BILBY] Don't misunderstand. I'm not promising anything. I just need to
be sure I can trust you first. Have some more cake.
[BRIEN] No, thanks.
[BILBY] I thought you said you were hungry.
[BRIEN] I'm all right.
[BILBY] What's the matter? Don't you like my wife's cake?
[BRIEN] I didn't say that.
[BILBY] So answer me. Do you like my wife's cake?
[BRIEN] To tell you the truth, it's a little dry.
[BILBY] You're right. It is. Had you wondering which way to jump, didn't
I? You know, Krole and Flith, they always act as if it's the best thing
they ever tasted. Hey, what do you make of that, Chester? I've found me
an honest man. Must be my lucky day.
[CHADWICK] The induction coils you asked for,
courtesy of the Klingon Ambassador to Farius.
[BRIEN] There's a Klingon Ambassador here? Gowron mustn't like him too
[CHADWICK] Do you have any idea why Raimus wants these disruptors?
[BRIEN] No. Bilby doesn't even know. Listen, is there any way I could
talk to my wife and let her know I'm all right?
[CHADWICK] We can't risk it. I'm sorry.
[BRIEN] I'd better be going.
(The disrupters are delivered outside opening
[KROLE] Flith, go stand over there.
[FLITH] Why?
[KROLE] I want to see if he really fixed this.
[FLITH] Very funny.
[BILBY] Contact Raimus. Tell him we have the disruptors. Good job.
[FLITH] I'm curious about something. How did you get a hold of
replacement parts? Klingon technology isn't easy to come by.
[BRIEN] Ah, you know, you have to know who to go to.
[FLITH] Why don't you enlighten us in case we need to procure something
[BRIEN] I've got a better idea. Why don't you stay out of my business?
[BILBY] Tell us where you got the parts. We can always use a good
[BRIEN] I can't.
[BILBY] Why not?
[BRIEN] Well, my supplier would rather remain anonymous.
[BILBY] I don't care about your supplier. I'm asking the question.
[BRIEN] I told him I wouldn't.
[BILBY] Where did you get the parts!
[BRIEN] I stole them.
[BILBY] You stole them?
[BRIEN] Yeah. From a warehouse down on Degora Street.
[BILBY] Why didn't you just say so?
[BRIEN] I thought it was better if you didn't know, you know, in case
the police caught up with me.
[BILBY] You lied to me because you didn't want me to be implicated?
[BRIEN] Yeah. I'm sorry.
[BILBY] Did you hear that? He's willing to protect me if he gets caught.
Try hard as I may, I can't imagine either of you willing to do that.
Hey, you know something? I think it's time we did something about the
way you look.
(Time passes and O'Brien shaved and in a new green suit. The silent
bartender is watching it all.)
[BILBY] Now that's more like it. I think you look great, Connolly. What
do you think, Krole?
[KROLE] He looks fine.
[BILBY] What are you talking about? I took him to the same tailor that I
[KROLE] You look fine, too.
[BRIEN] Nice handkerchief.
(An alien enters.)
[YINT] I understand you've been looking for me.
[BILBY] That's right.
[YINT] I take it you're in the market for something.
[BILBY] Well if I was, I wouldn't buy anything from a man that sold me
three useless disruptors.
[YINT] You know me better than that.
[BILBY] I thought I did.
[YINT] Those disruptors were working fine when I gave them to you. What
happened after that, I don't know. Perhaps you dropped them?
(Flith hands Bilby a disrupter.)
[BILBY] I want my money back.
[YINT] You know I can't do that. You took delivery.
[BILBY] Let me get something straight. You're telling me there was
nothing wrong with this when you sold it to me?
[YINT] That's correct.
[BILBY] Well, maybe I just don't know how to work it.
[YINT] That must be it.
(Bilby shoots Yint in the leg.)
[BILBY] What do you know? I figured it out.
(Bilby increases the power level.)
[BRIEN] Bilby!
[BILBY] Do you know what would've happened if I'd given Raimus three
useless disruptors? He'd have killed me.
[YINT] If you want your money back, you can have it.
[BILBY] Why would I want my money back? It works fine now.
(Bilby kills Yint.)
(Bilby's apartment)
(Thunder and lightning outside, but the cat doesn't
[BILBY] No one takes me for a fool. I'll do whatever it takes to protect
what I have. This life, it isn't for everyone. Sometimes I wish I could
just get away from it all. But what would I do with myself? I'm too old
to start over. Besides, who am I to complain? The organisation's given
me opportunities I never thought I'd have. Once you're part of it, once
you're accepted, there's no limit to what you can do if you're smart
about it.
[BRIEN] Smart and careful.
[BILBY] Glad you're paying attention. I mean, we've got people
everywhere. Even on Earth. Hell, we've even got a man in Starfleet.
[BRIEN] Come on. Starfleet?
[BILBY] That's correct. Hey, would you do me a favour? Would you remind
me to pick up a present for my daughter tomorrow? She's got a birthday
coming up.
[BRIEN] Sure thing.
[BILBY] I want to be there. Sure hope I can make it.
[BRIEN] How did you get to someone in Starfleet?
[BILBY] It wasn't me, it was Raimus. Hey, do you want to come to New
Sydney with me? Meet my family?
[BRIEN] If you go, yeah. How did he do it?
[BILBY] What's with all the questions?
[BRIEN] Nothing. I just find it hard to believe that someone in
Starfleet could be bought. Makes me wonder if he's a double-agent.
[BILBY] A double-agent? Then why would he have given us the names of all
their undercover operatives? Don't worry, he's the real thing. Raimus
met him when he was vacationing on Risa last year. Mister Starfleet was
in charge of the weather control system. Raimus offered him a very
substantial amount of money to make it stop raining.
[BRIEN] Well, everyone has their price, I guess.
(Comm. unit beeps. A text message comes up.)
[BILBY] It's Krole. Raimus wants to see me.
[BRIEN] What, in the middle of the night?
(The barman busies himself as three people beam in.
Two the same race, one very alien, and all in smart black suits.)
[RAIMUS] Bilby.
[BILBY] Raimus.
[RAIMUS] I've brought someone here to meet you.
(He steps to one side to reveal a hidden fourth person.)
[VORTA] I hope I didn't get you gentlemen out of bed.
[RAIMUS] Bilby, who is this?
[BILBY] He's someone I know.
[RAIMUS] I've never seen him before. How well do you know him?
[BILBY] I know him.
[RAIMUS] Then it's settled.
[VORTA] Is that the extent of your security precautions?
[RAIMUS] Bilby witnessed for him. That's all that's necessary.
[VORTA] If you say so. So, this is Bilby. He seems capable enough.
[RAIMUS] I told you.
[VORTA] I wanted to see for myself. You procured the disruptors for us.
[BILBY] That's right.
[VORTA] We're going to ask you to do something else. Something very
[BILBY] You can count on me.
[VORTA] I hope so. We'll contact you when it's time.
[RAIMUS] Don't let me down.
[BILBY] I won't.
[VORTA] Raimus.
[RAIMUS] My love to your family.
(And the visitors beam out.)
[BILBY] Do you know what I just did for you?
[BRIEN] I think so.
[BILBY] I witnessed for you. If anything happens, I'm accountable.
[BRIEN] I understand.
[BILBY] Good.
[CHADWICK] Nice suit.
[BRIEN] Bilby got it for me.
[CHADWICK] That was generous.
[BRIEN] He's like that. I found out who the informer is. Bilby told me
he was in charge of the weather control system on Risa about a year
[CHADWICK] It should be easy enough to figure out who that was.
[BRIEN] Yeah.
[CHADWICK] Something wrong?
[BRIEN] Raimus brought someone to meet with Bilby. A Vorta.
[CHADWICK] You're telling me that the Orion Syndicate is working for the
[BRIEN] Opens up a lot of possibilities, doesn't it?
[CHADWICK] None of them very pleasant.
[BRIEN] So do I get to go home now?
(Chadwick walks away quickly.)
[CHADWICK] Not until you find out what's going on.
[BRIEN] I was afraid you were going to say that.
(Krole is plugged into the comm. unit. The Bolian
barman is wiping tables.)
[KROLE] All right. I've accessed the bank's data files.
[BRIEN] I'm reading a three tier security protocol.
[KROLE] I see it.
[BRIEN] It looks like an isolation matrix is protecting the data.
You'll have to bypass the encryption lockouts.
[KROLE] You make it sound so easy.
[BRIEN] Watch out for recursive dataloops. You don't want to get
diverted into a backflow.
[KROLE] I'm past the lockouts.
[BRIEN] Sweep the matrix. Give me an access point.
[KROLE] Stand by. Go.
[BRIEN] Initiating data transfer.
[KROLE] Faster.
[BRIEN] I'm trying.
[KROLE] I can't hold the matrix open much longer.
[FLITH] Hurry!
[BRIEN] Got it. Get us out, Krole. Faster. They're tracing you.
[KROLE] The lockouts are closing.
[BRIEN] Move.
[BILBY] Come on!
(Krole disconnects himself.)
[KROLE] I'm out.
[BRIEN] We did it.
[FLITH] Gentlemen, we just robbed the Bank of Bolias.
[BILBY] I was thinking about opening an account there.
[BRIEN] Maybe you should go with a different bank.
[BILBY] One with better security.
(Bilby's apartment)
(There's a young working woman sitting on the bed.)
[BILBY] What do you think?
[BRIEN] Very nice, but, er
[BILBY] But what?
[BRIEN] I don't want to, you know
[BILBY] What do you mean, you don't want to? I brought her here for you.
[BRIEN] I appreciate that, but, but
[BILBY] But what? Don't tell me you don't like girls?
[BRIEN] I have a girlfriend.
[BILBY] Since when?
[BRIEN] A few days. A week. I don't know.
[BILBY] That's great. Why didn't you say anything?
[BRIEN] I don't know. It didn't come up.
[BILBY] Listen, I understand. But that's no reason to hurt this girl's
[BRIEN] Er, we've got some business to discuss so why don't you go on
ahead home and I'll call you in a couple of days. Okay?
(O'Brien pays her.)
[BRIEN] Thanks for coming over. It was really nice to meet you.
(He sees her out of the apartment.)
[BILBY] So who is she? This new girl?
[BRIEN] Her name's Kimiko.
[BILBY] Where'd you meet her?
[BRIEN] She works in a flower shop. Arranging flowers.
[BILBY] Well, bring her by sometime. I'd like to meet her.
[BRIEN] Yeah, I will.
[BILBY] A man your age, you should settle down and have a family. It's
the most important thing.
[BRIEN] I don't know if it's that serious yet.
[BILBY] You let me talk to her for three minutes, I'll let you know if
she's the marrying kind. I can read people right away. What's in their
hearts. You, for instance. I saw through you the first time I laid eyes
on you.
[BRIEN] Oh, yeah?
[BILBY] I don't think I've ever seen anyone so alone in my entire life.
I said to myself, that man, he doesn't have a friend in the quadrant.
Flith and Krole, they thought you were a snake.
[BRIEN] Really?
[BILBY] But I knew better. When you came back the next day with that
dataport repaired, that's when I knew we're going to do great things
together. I'm about to take a step up in the organisation. Raimus is
giving me an opportunity and I'm going to make the best of it.
Everything's changing. I can feel it. It all started when you came
along. You changed my luck.
[BRIEN] I thought you changed mine.
[BILBY] I'm going to take care of you. I don't forget my friends,
because friends, they're like family. Nothing's more important.
[CHADWICK] You're late. I was beginning to worry.
[BRIEN] Sorry.
[CHADWICK] That's all right. I imagine the Dominion is keeping you busy.
[BRIEN] Nah, nothing's happened with that yet. I was just doing
something with Bilby.
[CHADWICK] Anything worth reporting?
[BRIEN] We went to the races. We came out ahead.
[CHADWICK] Oh, I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying your assignment.
[BRIEN] Well, you told me to get close to him. He wanted to go, so I
went with him.
[CHADWICK] No need to explain. I've been under cover.
[BRIEN] Bilby's witnessed for me.
[CHADWICK] Sounds like you've really got your hooks in him.
[BRIEN] What's going to happen to him when you pull me out?
[CHADWICK] That's nothing that you need to think about.
[BRIEN] They're going to kill him, aren't they.
[CHADWICK] Listen. Bilby chose this life. Whatever happens to him is his
fault, not yours. Besides, if he's lucky we'll get to him before they
do. He'll be safe in a Federation prison. Just help us build a good
case against him.
[BRIEN] All right.
(Our gang of four enter, laughing.)
[BILBY] Good morning, Graife.
(Graife the bartender glances over to Raimus and the Vorta.)
[BILBY] Raimus. I didn't know you were coming.
[RAIMUS] I can see that.
[BILBY] Well, let me get you something. Graife, make us a strong pot of
[RAIMUS] Bilby, not right now. This isn't a social visit.
[VORTA] Which one is it? Wait. Don't tell me. Let me see if I can guess.
They say you can tell a traitor by looking in his eyes. Do you think
that's true, Bilby?
[BILBY] I wouldn't know. Raimus, what's this all about?
[RAIMUS] What does it look like?
[VORTA] If you ask me, none of them look particularly trustworthy.
[BILBY] Raimus.
[RAIMUS] Not now.
[BILBY] But.
[RAIMUS] I said not now.
[VORTA] Him. (pointing at O'Brien.)
[FLITH] I've been saying so all along.
[BILBY] Raimus, this is crazy. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
(The bartender shoots Flith in the back.)
[VORTA] He was going to be my second guess.
[BRIEN] What did he do?
[RAIMUS] Let's just say he conducted some business on the side and
neglected to pay his fare.
[BRIEN] I see.
[RAIMUS] It's a good thing you never witnessed for him or you'd be lying
there too, Bilby.
[BILBY] Yeah.
(Graife removes the corpse.)
[VORTA] Well, now that that's out of the way, shall we discuss the
matter at hand?
[RAIMUS] We mentioned we might ask you to do something for us.
[BILBY] Yeah, whatever you need.
[VORTA] So accommodating. He reminds me of a Jem'Hadar.
[RAIMUS] We want you to assassinate the Klingon Ambassador to Farius.
[BILBY] All right.
[VORTA] And you'll use the disruptors you procured earlier.
[BRIEN] You want it to look like he was killed by a rival House?
[BILBY] Connelly!
[VORTA] It's all right. Very astute. Do you know much about political
[BRIEN] Not really.
[VORTA] Well then, allow me to enlighten you. The Ambassador has been
advocating that the Klingons break off their alliance with the
Federation and concentrate on defending the Empire against the
Dominion. Chancellor Gowron, on the other hand, is adamantly committed
to the alliance.
[BRIEN] You're going to make it look like Gowron ordered the
[VORTA] Exactly. The Ambassador will be seen as a martyr and his cause
will gain strength. If all goes well, the Klingons will retreat into
their own territory and then all we'll have to deal with is the
[BRIEN] Makes sense.
[VORTA] I'm glad you think so. Needless to say, it is very important
that the Dominion's part in this remain secret.
[RAIMUS] If something goes wrong and you're captured, you never met our
friend here.
[BILBY] I understand.
[RAIMUS] I knew I could count on you.
[VORTA] I never realised how much the Dominion and the Orion Syndicate
have in common. It seems that in both organisations, loyalty is
[CHADWICK] How are they planning to get past the
Embassy's security?
[BRIEN] Bilby asked me the same thing. I figured out a way to
interrupt the power grid for a few seconds. Bilby and his men will be
able to beam in before the backup generator kicks in.
[CHADWICK] When is this supposed to happen?
[BRIEN] Tonight.
[CHADWICK] I'll contact the Klingons so they can be ready for them.
[BRIEN] What are you talking about? If the Klingons get their hands on
Bilby and his men, they'll kill them.
[CHADWICK] That's not really our business, is it?
[BRIEN] You're setting them up to be murdered?
[CHADWICK] You have things backwards. Bilby and his friends are the ones
that murder people. Not us.
[BRIEN] Oh yeah, we just get Klingons to do it for us.
[CHADWICK] All I'm doing is following procedures and warning our allies
about a possible assassination attempt. What happens after that is not
my concern. But believe me, if the Klingons go after Raimus and the
Orion Syndicate, I won't shed any tears.
[BRIEN] I'm sure you won't.
[CHADWICK] Miles, listen to me. You've lost perspective. You're starting
to sympathise with these people. It's good that we're pulling you out.
[BRIEN] Pulling me out?
[CHADWICK] We're putting you on the next transport home. Your
assignment's over.
[BRIEN] You told me we were going to make a case against Bilby. You
told me he was going to prison!
[CHADWICK] I'm sorry. I didn't want to mislead you, but you were
starting to waver. I needed to keep you on track. Come on. Let's get
you home.
[BRIEN] Chadwick.
(O'Brien knocks him out.)
(Bilby's apartment)
(Mealtime for the cat.)
[BILBY] Here you go, Chester.
[BILBY] Who could that be?
(Guess who.)
[BILBY] Did you come to see me off?
[BRIEN] We need to talk.
[BILBY] Have to wait. I was just leaving.
[BRIEN] You can't go.
[BILBY] What are you talking about?
[BRIEN] Look, just trust me. You can't go.
[BILBY] Why not?
[BRIEN] It's a trap. Listen to me. The Klingons know what you're
planning to do.
[BILBY] That's impossible.
[BRIEN] Someone traced my signal when I accessed the power grid.
[BILBY] I saw you access the grid. You cut off the trace.
[BRIEN] No, they just made me think I had.
[BILBY] You're panicking. Try not to worry so much.
[BRIEN] You're the one who should be worried. Do you have any idea
what the Klingons will do to you when they catch you?
[BILBY] They're not going to catch me.
[BRIEN] Yes, they will! Starfleet Intelligence will warn them you're
[BILBY] How do you know that? I suppose you work for them.
[BRIEN] What if I said I did.
[BILBY] Very good. You had me. I mean, just for a minute there I
actually thought you were working for Starfleet.
[BRIEN] I am.
[BILBY] Come on, That's enough. You had me. I admit it.
[BRIEN] I am working for Starfleet.
[BILBY] That's enough! I don't want to hear it. Do you understand me? I
don't want to hear it. Why'd you have to come here? Why'd you have to
tell me that?
[BRIEN] I couldn't just let you go. The Klingons will kill you.
[BILBY] I'm dead already. Can't you see that? I witnessed for you. Do
you have any idea what that means?
[BRIEN] What if I can get you off Farius, find you a place to hide?
[BILBY] There's no hiding from the Syndicate. You know that.
[BRIEN] Well then, turn yourself in. You'll be safe in prison.
[BILBY] No! They'd go after my family. They'd make an example of me.
Raimus may leave them alone if he thinks that I died not knowing about
[BRIEN] But you can't just let them kill you.
[BILBY] What choice do I have? How did I let this happen? I should have
known. You were too good to be true. I wanted so much to believe that
my luck had changed, I didn't see it. I didn't see it.
[BRIEN] I never meant for this to happen. I wasn't after you. I was
just trying to find out how the Syndicate compromised Starfleet.
[BILBY] I wasn't even your target. I suppose I'm not important enough.
I've always known something like this might happen. The smart thing
would be to kill you, but I guess I've already proved I'm not too
[BRIEN] I'm sorry, Bilby.
[BILBY] You'll never know how little comfort that is. If it's not too
much trouble, will you make sure Chester is looked after? Be good. Mind
I ask you something? Back home, wherever that is, do you have a family?
[BRIEN] Yeah.
[BILBY] Good. It's the most important thing.
(Bilby goes to meet his fate.)
O'Brien's quarters)
[BRIEN] I'll never forget the look on his face
when he found out who I really was.
[BASHIR] Well, you took an enormous risk by telling him. He could have
killed you.
[BRIEN] I knew he wouldn't.
[BASHIR] Well, all I can say is that you're lucky Chadwick decided not
to put everything in his report.
[BRIEN] Julian, don't you understand what I'm trying to tell you.
Bilby trusted me. He put his life in my hands and I killed him just as
surely as if I'd pulled the trigger myself.
[BASHIR] That's not fair and you know it. You did what you had to do.
Your duty.
[BRIEN] Is that what I'm supposed to tell myself?
[BASHIR] It is the truth. Look, I'm sorry that I don't have all the
answers. All I know for sure is that I'm glad you're back.
(Bashir leaves. Chester goes over to O'Brien and jumps onto his lap.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e136", "title": "Honour Among Thieves"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Change Of Heart
Of Heart
Original Airdate: 2 Mar, 1998
(After hours tongo with Quark and his staff.)
[DAX] Sell at twenty.
[QUARK] Is that a joke?
[DAX] Do I look like I'm joking?
[QUARK] Evade.
[DAX] Exchange at fifteen.
(Quark's cafe)
(Up on the first level, there are spectators.)
[WORF] She has him.
[BRIEN] She's down fifty strips.
[WORF] Not for long.
[BRIEN] What makes you so sure?
[WORF] Jadzia is playing a very deep game. Her strategy will become
apparent any moment now.
[BRIEN] I see. You have absolutely no idea how this game is played, do
[WORF] No. But I have developed a new appreciation for it.
[BRIEN] Since when?
[WORF] Since I married a tongo player. But one thing I am certain about,
she will defeat the Ferengi bartender.
[BRIEN] I don't know about that. Quark's on a roll. In the last month,
he's won two hundred and six straight games.
[WORF] Would you care to make a wager on the outcome?
[BRIEN] I wouldn't want to bet against a man's wife.
[WORF] If you are afraid, I
[BRIEN] Name your stakes.
[WORF] One bottle of bloodwine against one bottle of scotch whiskey.
[BRIEN] Done.
[DAX] A sale at fifty and a purchase at one hundred.
[QUARK] Pretty big talk for a woman who's lost fifty
[DAX] Are you afraid I can't cover my bets?
[QUARK] Perish the thought. I just hate to kick somebody when they're
down. I'll buy at a hundred and confront.
[DAX] Well, if you're going to kick me, I'm going to have to kick back.
(Dax lays down her cards.)
[QUARK] Unbelievable!
(Quark's cafe)
[WORF] Eshta, par'machkai. I like my bloodwine very
young and very sweet.
[QUARK] Is he a friend of yours?
[DAX] Just a fan.
[QUARK] I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint all your fans.
(Quark puts down his cards.)
[DAX] A full consortium?
[BRIEN] Two hundred and seven. A single malt, preferably something
from the Highlands.
[WORF] I will need some time.
[BRIEN] Oh, your credit's good. Two hundred and seven straight.
(Worf comes down the stairs.)
[QUARK] Thirty six strips of gold pressed latinum.
[DAX] Did you just lose a bet?
[WORF] It is of no consequence.
[DAX] I'm sorry about that.
[WORF] I would rather lose a bet on you than win on someone else.
[DAX] Ooo, good response.
(Worf + Dax's bedroom)
[DAX] Are you still running that drill tomorrow
[WORF] I was planning to. Why?
[DAX] Because I wanted to recalibrate the external sensors before the
nightwatch comes on duty.
[WORF] We should be done by sixteen hundred.
[DAX] I think that'll work. Oh, the Sutherland is going to be here the
day after tomorrow and
(Worf is praying in front of a shrine. But I thought the Klingons had
killed their gods?)
[WORF] What were you saying?
[DAX] Nothing.
(Dax throws her nightdress over him and she is now in bed.)
[DAX] I don't feel like talking anymore.
[KIRA (OC)] Kira to Worf.
[WORF] Worf here.
[KIRA (OC)] Sorry to bother you, Commander, but I need to see you and
Jadzia in the Captain's office immediately.
[WORF] We're on our way.
(Jadzia rolls over.)
[WORF] Jadzia, get up.
[DAX] I'm coming.
(Worf pulls off the bedclothes to show us the spots down her legs.)
[DAX] Hey!
(Captain's office)
[KIRA] We don't have a lot of time, so I'll get
right to it. For the last two months, Starfleet has been receiving
military intelligence from a Cardassian operative. That operative has
now sent an emergency signal indicating he needs to speak to someone in
a face to face conversation. In thirteen hours, he'll beam an encrypted
subspace transmission to these coordinates in the Badlands.
[DAX] Who is the operative?
[KIRA] Intelligence told me that his name is Lasaran, but that's all
they'd say about him. They did emphasise several times that he's very
important to them and we should send someone to the Badlands as soon as
possible. So, with the Defiant gone and most of the runabouts off on
exercises with the Ninth Fleet
[DAX] We just volunteered to take a trip to the Badlands.
[KIRA] Afraid so. The Shenandoah is prepped and ready to go on landing
pad A. Good luck.
(Runabout Shenandoah)
(Worf hands Dax a PADD.)
[DAX] No.
[WORF] No?
[DAX] No. I'm not going to spend two weeks hiking across Vulcan's Forge
in the middle of their summer.
[WORF] I thought you always wanted to see the Forge.
[DAX] See it, yes. Honeymoon there, no.
[WORF] Well, there's a mountain climbing expedition on Andor that caught
my attention.
[DAX] Worf, my love. Let me make this very clear. I do not want to spend
my honeymoon climbing, hiking, sweating, bleeding or suffering in any
[WORF] All right, what do you want?
[DAX] Room service.
[WORF] Room service?
[DAX] Room service. I want to be pampered. I want a staff to cater to
our every whim. I want to be embarrassed by the size of our room. I
want a balcony with a view that would make you want to break down and
cry from the sheer beauty of it all. And I don't want to spend one
moment of our honeymoon suffering from anything except guilt about our
complete self-indulgence.
[WORF] Risa.
[DAX] Not this time. Welcome to Casperia Prime. The vacation capital of
the Horvian Cluster.
(The PADD says Starfleet Bureau of Information. It should be the
Hitchhiker's Guide, methinks.)
[WORF] You have been planning this all along.
[DAX] Seemed fair. You did plan the wedding.
[WORF] Very well. Room service.
[DAX] Really?
[WORF] Really.
[DAX] Well that was easy.
[WORF] Did you want to fight over it?
[DAX] No. It's just I didn't expect you to surrender so quickly.
[WORF] Surrender?
[DAX] Bad word.
[WORF] Very bad.
[DAX] Okay. But you have to admit you've been unusually accommodating
[WORF] What is wrong with that?
[DAX] Nothing. It's just unusual. Are you feeling all right?
[WORF] I'm a married man. I have to make certain adjustments to my
[DAX] Adjustments? Worf, you're practically easygoing. What's next, a
sense of humour?
[WORF] I have a sense of humour. On the Enterprise, I was considered to
be quite amusing.
[DAX] That must've been one dull ship.
[WORF] That is a joke. I get it. It is not funny, but I get it.
[DAX] I don't know if I can get used to the new you. It's kind of eerie.
[WORF] Your problem is you cannot accept change.
[DAX] I can't accept change?
[WORF] That is correct.
[DAX] Oh, you've got to be kidding. I've changed bodies six times, Worf.
[WORF] Yes, but you are still very set in your ways.
[DAX] And look who's talking.
[WORF] Well, I do not have to sleep on the same side of the bed every
night, or brush my hair exactly fifty strokes every night, or eat the
same thing for breakfast every day, or read the last page of a book
before the beginning, or lift up the
[DAX] I get the point. I don't know how you can live with someone so
[WORF] It is not easy. That was a joke.
[DAX] This is going to be a very, very long trip.
(O'Brien's quarters)
[BRIEN] Come in.
[BASHIR] (in tuxedo) You're not dressed.
[BRIEN] Is it time?
[BASHIR] Seventeen hundred on the dot. We have a holosuite for the next
three hours and we're going to need every minute of it. Three British
agents have disappeared in West Berlin. Now, MI5 suspect the Soviets
were involved, of course, however Americans have intercepted a. Er,
what are you doing with a tongo wheel?
[BRIEN] I'm brushing up on my game.
[BASHIR] You play tongo?
[BRIEN] Sure. Well, I used to. That is, I played a game once, a long
time ago with a Ferengi privateer and a Romulan mercenary.
[BASHIR] Fascinating. Anyway, the Americans have intercepted a series of
messages from Istanbul to a remote island in the South Pacific which
might indicate that
[BRIEN] Let's play a hand.
[BASHIR] Miles.
[BRIEN] Just one hand.
[BRIEN] I need the practice. I want to beat Quark.
[BASHIR] Good luck.
[BRIEN] Luck has nothing to do with it. Tongo is a game of strategy
and calculated risk.
[BASHIR] I don't even know the rules.
[BRIEN] Here.
(O'Brien hands over his PADD.)
[BASHIR] All right, let's play.
[BRIEN] I'll deal.
[WORF (OC)] Shenandoah log, stardate 51597.2. We
have arrived at the designated coordinates near the Badlands and are
awaiting the transmission from Lasaran.
(Runabout Shenandoah)
(Static on the monitor.)
[DAX] This is it.
[WORF] A very sophisticated encryption matrix.
[DAX] Whoever he is, he's good.
(A Cardassian comes on the monitor)
[LASARAN (on monitor)] Who are you?
[WORF] I am Commander Worf, this is Commander Dax. Starfleet
Intelligence has sent us here to receive your transmission.
[LASARAN (on monitor)] A Klingon. Why did they have to send a Klingon?
[DAX] I'm a Trill. Does that make you feel any better?
[LASARAN (on monitor)] Are you trying to be funny?
[DAX] Not at all. He's the funny one.
[WORF] What is it you want?
[LASARAN (on monitor)] We'll get to that in a moment. First, I have
something that you want badly. Information about the Founders. I know
how many of them there are in the Alpha Quadrant, where they are and
what they're doing.
[DAX] We're listening.
[LASARAN (on monitor)] I'm sure you are. Now let's talk about what I
want. I want out. Now.
[DAX] You want to defect.
[LASARAN] The Vorta advisor here is getting suspicious, asking
questions, making a lot of routine security checks in my section. I
can't stay here any longer.
[WORF] Very well. We will relay your message to Starfleet Intelligence
and they will arrange to bring you out.
[LASARAN (on monitor)] I can't wait for them to make arrangements. In
fifteen minutes I am leaving here for the Dominion base on Soukara, and
I have a feeling this is going to be the last time that they let me
leave Cardassia Prime, so I need to take advantage of this opportunity.
[WORF] Soukara is inside Dominion controlled space. It will not be easy
to make a rendezvous near that planet without being detected.
[LASARAN (on monitor)] Don't work your brain too hard, Klingon, I've
taken care of everything. Three days from now, at exactly seventeen
thirty hours local time, I will leave the base and walk into the
jungle. It'll be at least two days before they know I'm missing. All
you have to do is get me off the planet. Now, there are transporter
scramblers protecting Soukara, so you can't beam me aboard your ship.
You're going to have to land and meet me at a rendezvous point on foot.
I'm sending you all the information you'll need to avoid the Dominion
sensors on the ground. Follow my instructions, meet me at the
rendezvous point and have a ship waiting.
[DAX] We've got the information. It looks pretty thorough.
[WORF] We will need time to study these plans.
[LASARAN (on monitor)] You haven't been listening. I don't have time.
Once I leave here, I can't contact you again. I have to know if you're
going to be there or not, and I have to know now.
[WORF] We will be there.
[LASARAN (on monitor)] How far I've fallen, risking my life on the word
of a Klingon. Three days. Don't be late.
(O'Brien's quarters)
[BRIEN] All right. I'll buy at thirty with sales
at thirty five.
[BASHIR] Buy at thirty five, sell at one fifty, and index the margin at
ten percent.
[BRIEN] Index the margin?
[BASHIR] Miles, give it up. This just isn't your game.
[BRIEN] We'll see about that. Evade. Do you realise that Quark has won
two hundred and seven straight games of tongo?
[BRIEN] So someone has to beat him.
[BASHIR] And that someone is you?
[BRIEN] Why not?
[BASHIR] Well, for one thing, you can't play tongo. Confront.
[BRIEN] Oh damn.
[BASHIR] Had enough?
[BRIEN] Not by a long shot.
[BASHIR] Miles, at this rate it's going to take you another twenty years
to be ready to take on Quark.
[BRIEN] One more.
[BASHIR] Why are you so determined to beat him?
[BRIEN] It's the challenge.
[BASHIR] The challenge?
[BRIEN] Isn't it enough? Why do you think I became an engineer? The
challenge. What do you think has kept me kayaking down the same river
week after week for the last seven years? The challenge. Why would I
keep playing darts against someone with a genetically engineered
hand-eye coordination?
[BASHIR] The challenge.
[BRIEN] Exactly. I have to do something to keep my mind off the fact
that Keiko's been away for six months. Hold on. Maybe I can't beat
Quark, but you can. You and that genetically engineered brain of yours.
[BASHIR] Me? I've only just learned to play the game.
[BRIEN] Yeah, in about ten seconds flat. We can do it, Julian. We can
beat him.
[BASHIR] We? You're talking about me.
[BRIEN] Yeah, well, you're good at calculation, but a little weak on
strategy. I'll be your coach.
[BASHIR] No, thank you.
[BRIEN] Think of it as a challenge.
[BASHIR] That's your obsession, Miles, not mine.
[BRIEN] Do it for the latinum.
[BASHIR] Nice try.
[BRIEN] Do it for the satisfaction of the look on Quark's face when
he's beaten at a game of tongo to a lowly human.
[BASHIR] Deal the cards.
(Runabout Shenandoah)
[WORF] We are approaching the Soukara system.
[DAX] Stand by to bring us out of warp. Now.
[WORF] There is an asteroid field directly ahead.
[DAX] That's what we want. The Dominion sensor grid in this system has
three gaps and they're all in that asteroid field.
(They dodge through the flying rocks.)
[DAX] Want me to slow down?
[WORF] No. Unless you think you should?
[DAX] Not at all. In fact I could go faster.
[WORF] By all means.
[DAX] Ooo. A man after my own heart.
(They exit the belt.)
[WORF] Most impressive.
[DAX] Nothing that any three hundred year old pilot couldn't do.
[WORF] We are being scanned from the surface.
[DAX] Taking evasive manoeuvres Did they get a fix on us?
[WORF] I do not think so.
[DAX] Good. We've come too long a way just to get shot down. If you take
the helm, I'll scan the surface for a landing site.
(On the monitor)
[DAX] There's the base, the rendezvous point, and the Dominion sensor
perimeter. There's a valley about twenty kilometres north of the
rendezvous point. It's a long way to go on foot in the jungle, but I
don't think we can risk taking the ship any closer to their sensors.
[WORF] Agreed.
(They land by the light of a moon.)
[WORF] We have less than two days to reach the rendezvous point
[DAX] About ten kilometres a day. That shouldn't be too bad.
[WORF] Do not underestimate the task ahead. We still have to penetrate
the sensor grid and avoid the Dominion patrols.
[DAX] I know. Find a man in the middle of an alien jungle, and then walk
him out without getting caught. Piece of cake.
[WORF] Ready?
[DAX] After you.
(Daylight. They are lying on the ground. Worf is
using a tool on a device and Dax is using a tricorder.)
[DAX] Okay, go to twenty five joules.
(An iguana walks across her arms.)
[WORF] Twenty five joules. Done.
[DAX] That's it, we're linked. Here, check my work.
(Dax strips down to her vest.)
[WORF] Dominion encryption lockouts are bypassed, tricorder linked to
their sensor grid, lifesigns masked. Nicely done.
[DAX] Thank you.
[WORF] Of course, our tricorders will be useless from now on.
[DAX] There you go again, looking for the cloud in the silver lining.
[WORF] I am not complaining. I look forward to walking through the
jungle without a map and no idea of what lies ahead.
[DAX] Well the funny thing is, you probably are.
[QUARK] This is a Ferengi only game, gentlemen.
[BRIEN] You let Dax play.
[QUARK] She's an exception. The only exception.
[BASHIR] You're afraid I'll clean you out.
[QUARK] I'm afraid you'll embarrass yourself and ruin the game for the
rest of us.
[BASHIR] I think I can keep up. The question is, can you keep up with
[QUARK] Don't try and scare me with that genetically engineered
intellect of yours, Doctor. Tongo is more than just number crunching.
They have yet to create the computer that can master this game.
[BASHIR] Then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
[QUARK] You realise we're not playing for drinks. This is a high stakes
[BRIEN] (holds up a case) We came to play.
[QUARK] Gentlemen? All right. The buy in is five strips, and you're
(There are only six strips in the case.)
[BRIEN] You better get off to a fast start.
[BASHIR] They won't know what hit them.
(Time passes, and it's down to three players.)
[BASHIR] Buy at three hundred, sell at three fifty.
(The last Ferengi waiter quits.)
[QUARK] You're a quick study, Doctor, I'll give you that.
[BASHIR] You mean quick for a human, don't you, Quark?
[QUARK] I would never say something so distasteful during a game.
[BASHIR] You'd wait until it was over.
[QUARK] Of course. Evade. Dax was a quick study too. She told me it only
took her two weeks to win her first match. That's practically unheard
[BASHIR] Dax specialises in the unexpected. Still buying at three
hundred, selling at four hundred. I'd like to index the margin at
twenty percent.
[QUARK] Interesting. She certainly did the unexpected when she married
Commander Boring.
[BASHIR] That's for sure.
[QUARK] When they first started seeing each other, I thought this can't
last. I give it two months. I'll buy at four hundred and sell at five.
[BASHIR] I had the same thought, although to tell you the truth, I only
gave it a month. Confront.
[QUARK] She's a real heartbreaker, that one.
[BASHIR] That she is.
[QUARK] Leverage the buy in and sell at five fifty. You know, you go
through a lot of ups and downs in my business. There are days when the
profits are down and the customers are scarce and you think you'll
never see another strip of latinum again. And then Jadzia comes in and
flashes that smile of hers. Suddenly things don't seem so bad after
[BASHIR] I know exactly what you mean exactly. You know, sometimes she
walks past the Infirmary and all she has to do is wink and somehow that
makes my whole day look a little brighter.
[BRIEN] Focus, Julian, focus.
[QUARK] Shh.
[BASHIR] I'll buy that five fifty and index the exchange at ten.
[QUARK] And now she's married.
[BASHIR] Married.
[QUARK] Out of reach. I'm converting my reserves and selling at six
hundred. You know what's really sad, what really keeps me awake at
night? She's out of reach because we let her go.
[BASHIR] I suppose so. But some things just weren't meant to be. Evade.
[BRIEN] Julian, are you sure you want to
[QUARK] Chief, please. You know the rules. No coaching during a round.
You're probably right. But what if that's a convenient rationalisation?
What if deep down in our heart of hearts we both know she's something
unique, something we may never see again. A chance at true happiness
and we let her slip through our fingers. What if fifty years from now
we each look back and say, what a fool I was. Confront. Doctor?
[QUARK] Confront.
[BASHIR] Oh. Sorry. Full consortium.
[QUARK] Total monopoly.
[BASHIR] What?
[QUARK] You seem to be out of money.
[BASHIR] Miles?
[BRIEN] We're busted.
[QUARK] Thanks for the game. Welcome back anytime.
[BASHIR] Wait. Quark, did you really mean all that? About Dax being my
one last chance for true happiness?
[QUARK] Doctor, you don't expect me to show you all my cards, do you?
(Quark goes off with his winnings.)
[BRIEN] You lost.
[BASHIR] Whatever happened to we?
[BRIEN] We weren't mooning over lost love with a Ferengi holding a
total monopoly.
[BASHIR] You mean all that about Dax was meant to distract me?
[BRIEN] Obviously.
[BASHIR] I can't believe I let him get to me.
[BRIEN] Not your fault. Genetically engineered or not, you're still
[BASHIR] I guess.
[BRIEN] Let's go get a drink.
(Worf and Dax walk through the plants to the
accompaniment of animal sounds. The sun climbs high in the sky. Dax
uses a PADD compass. Worf uses his mek'leth as a machete. Worf treats
an injury on Dax's leg. Evening falls and the frogs call. They make
camp with birdsong in the trees. Full night, and Dax puts a foil
blanket around Worf's shoulders.)
[DAX] Let's not stand on pride, shall we? Trills don't like the heat,
and Klingons don't like the cold. There's no shame in admitting it.
[WORF] Thank you.
[DAX] You're welcome. So, how are you enjoying your honeymoon? Are you
suffering enough?
[WORF] Almost.
[DAX] Is there anything I can get for you?
[WORF] More pain, less cold.
[DAX] I don't know why that's funny, but it is.
[DAX] Mating call?
[WORF] Five hundred metres that way.
(Another howl.)
[DAX] That didn't take long.
[WORF] Less than three hundred metres.
(Pair of howls.)
[DAX] Another happy couple.
[WORF] When I was a boy, my father used to take my brother and me on
camping trips in the Ural mountains. Every night we would listen to the
wolves howling in the distance. Nikolai was afraid of them, but I would
lay in my tent for hours just listening. I remember being seized by the
urge to just strip off my clothes and run into the night to live in the
forest and become something wild.
[DAX] He must have been rejected, he's moving away. She's not happy.
(twig break) What? They're getting farther away, aren't they?
[WORF] Yes, but it's because something is coming. And it is close.
(They throw everything behind a fallen tree trunk and take cover. Three
Jem'Hadar enter the clearing. Dax shoots the first and Worf the second,
shots are exchanged then Worf throws his mek'leth to kill the third.)
[WORF] Jadzia?
(Dax has been hit in the abdomen. She is whimpering in pain.)
[WORF] Lie still.
[DAX] I think I can do that.
(Worf scans her.)
[DAX] Can I have the good news first?
[WORF] No vital organs were damaged.
[DAX] Now the bad news?
[WORF] The disruptor burst left an anti-coagulant in your system.
[DAX] So you can't stop the bleeding.
[WORF] No.
[DAX] Well, I must not have taken the whole burst. I'm not haemorrhaging
that bad yet. Just keep me pumped full of painkillers and let's be on
our way.
[WORF] Moving could make the bleeding worse.
[DAX] Staying here isn't an option. Someone's going to come looking for
them when they don't check in. I'd rather take my chances on foot. You
ready? You ready?
[WORF] Ready.
[DAX] Let's go.
(Next day, Worf has been up a tree to get a better look around.)
[WORF] We are still twelve kilometres from the rendezvous point.
[DAX] And only twenty hours left. Well, I guess it's time we stop having
so much fun and pick up the pace, huh? Oh, more plasma? No, thanks. I'm
[WORF] Your blood pressure has dropped another twenty percent.
[DAX] Love that bedside manner. You know, you should have been a doctor.
[WORF] Your bandage will need to be changed soon.
[DAX] I think I'd like a blue chiffon bandage this time. Maybe some
rhinestones. Something with a little
[WORF] This is no joking matter. You are seriously injured and we have a
great deal of terrain to cover.
[DAX] Just trying to lighten the mood.
[WORF] This is neither the time nor the place.
[DAX] What happened to that new Worf? You know, the one with the sense
of humour?
[WORF] That was a mistake.
[DAX] What is that supposed to mean?
[WORF] It means if I had not been joking with you, I would not have
allowed the Jem'Hadar to get so close.
[DAX] So this is all my fault.
[WORF] No. It is mine. I was trying to be something I am not. By letting
down my guard, by ignoring my duty, I allowed my wife to be injured and
I put the entire mission in jeopardy. It will not happen again.
[DAX] That's not what happened. Without our tricorders there's no way
[WORF] I do not wish to debate this. We have a long way to go and very
little time.
[DAX] Fine. Let's go.
(More shots of them marching on, but Dax is starting to flag. She leans
against trees then shrugs off Worf's helping hand. They stop to rest
and he takes a sextant bearing.)
[WORF] Ready?
(Near a waterfall they clamber over a fallen tree, and she collapses in
[DAX] Hypo. There. Good as new.
[WORF] I have to change your dressing.
[DAX] That's four bandages in two hours. That's got to be some kind of
record. Oh, sorry. I forgot the new rules. Nothing funny. Got to be
serious. Life and death. We've got a job to do.
[WORF] Jadzia, I know you are tired, but we have to cover three
kilometres before nightfall. Can you do it?
[DAX] As long as you got those painkillers, I'll follow you through the
gates of hell, sir. That was almost a smile.
[WORF] When this mission is over, I will smile all you want.
[DAX] Oh, you promise?
[WORF] I promise.
[DAX] Then let's finish the mission and get out of here. Whoa. It's all
right, I can stand. Just help me get my balance. I got my balance.
Maybe not.
(Another scan.)
[DAX] Let me guess. Things aren't looking up.
[WORF] There has been another drop in your blood pressure and your
neural EDL readings are erratic.
[DAX] So what's your prescription, Doc?
[WORF] Surgery. At a Starbase.
[DAX] Can I get a second opinion? Worf, you have to go on without me and
I know that. I understand.
[WORF] My duty requires that I complete the mission regardless of my
personal feelings.
[DAX] Absolutely. You're a Starfleet officer. So am I. I understand.
[WORF] The information Lasaran has could be potentially invaluable to
the war effort.
[DAX] You don't have to explain yourself. I'm hurt, you're not. And
there's a job to do.
[WORF] I will be back tomorrow night.
[DAX] Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.
[WORF] I can have you in the stasis chamber on the runabout in forty
five hours.
[DAX] No problem.
[WORF] I will leave the medkit. Scan yourself with the tricorder every
half hour. The plasma hypospray will be set
[DAX] I took basic first aid. I know what I have to do. Worf, it's been
a great two months, hasn't it?
[WORF] Yes. Jadzia, I just want to tell you how
[DAX] Just kiss me and go.
(Worf obeys, gives her a rifle and leaves her crying. He runs through
the jungle, his heartbeat pounding and drowning out the animal sounds
until he stops. As the Klingon heart beats, he looks forwards and back
then throws his mek'leth into a tree. Jadzia is
unconscious when he reaches her, so he carries her on his shoulders.)
[SISKO] What's the word?
[WORF] She is still in surgery, but Doctor Bashir is hopeful she will
make a full recovery.
[SISKO] Lasaran's dead. Starfleet Intelligence intercepted a
transmission saying that he'd been killed trying to re-enter the base
at Soukara. Could you have made the rendezvous?
[WORF] Yes.
[SISKO] Yet you turned back to save Jadzia?
[WORF] Yes.
[SISKO] Were you aware that the information that man had could have
saved millions of lives?
[WORF] Yes.
[SISKO] So what happened?
[WORF] You may not understand.
[SISKO] Try me, sir.
[WORF] You were at my wedding. You heard the story of the first two
Klingon hearts and how nothing could stand against them, and how they
even destroyed the gods that created them. I have heard that story
since I was a boy but I never understood it, I mean really understood
it, until I was standing in the jungle with my heart pounding in my
chest and I found that even I could not stand against my own heart. I
had to go back and it did not matter what Starfleet thought or what the
consequences were. She was my wife and I could not leave her.
[SISKO] As your captain, it is my duty to tell you that you made the
wrong choice. I don't think Starfleet will file any formal charges.
Even a secret court martial would run the risk of revealing too much
about their intelligence operations. But this will go into your service
record, and to be completely honest, you probably won't be offered a
command on your own after this.
[WORF] I understand.
[SISKO] I have also issued new orders. You and Jadzia are not to be
assigned to a mission on your own ever again. And one last thing. As a
man who had a wife, if Jennifer had been lying in that clearing I
wouldn't have left her either.
(Worf is holding Dax's hand when she wakes.)
[DAX] Hey, I know you.
[WORF] We have met.
[DAX] Ah, you're joking again. That's a good sign. Did you make the
[WORF] No. I could not leave you there. Not for Lasaran, not for the
mission, not for anything else.
[DAX] Lasaran?
[WORF] Dead.
[DAX] Are you in trouble?
[WORF] I have been in trouble before.
[DAX] I'm sorry. I should've kept going.
[WORF] You have nothing to be sorry about.
[DAX] I know how much your career means to you.
[WORF] You come first. Before career, before duty, before anything. I do
not regret what I did. And I would do it again.
[DAX] I don't know what to say.
[WORF] You could say, thank you for saving my life.
[DAX] Thank you for saving my life.
[WORF] And you could say, I would do the same for you, Worf.
[DAX] Well, I'd have to think about that. My career is very important to
me, you know.
[WORF] And you could say I love you.
[DAX] I love you.
[WORF] And I love you. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e137", "title": "Change Of Heart"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Wrongs Darker Than
Death Or Night
Darker Than Death Or Night
Original Airdate: 30 Mar, 1998
[DAX] The Saratoga put in this morning.
[WORF] We are not having another party.
[DAX] I promise, not more than fifty or sixty
[WORF] I can see it now. Two hundred people jammed into our quarters,
eating, drinking, laughing.
[DAX] Sounds awful. What if I promise absolutely no laughing? No, I mean
it. You won't see a single smile the entire evening. It'll be the
grimmest party you've ever been to.
[WORF] When do you want to have this party?
[DAX] Next week. And I was thinking maybe this evening should have a
[WORF] What kind of theme?
[DAX] What if everyone came as their favourite Klingon? Bad idea.
[QUARK] Commander, your holosuite is ready.
[WORF] Good.
[DAX] Have fun exercising.
(Worf leaves.)
[QUARK] No party?
[DAX] I came this close.
(Quark hands Kira a bouquet of flowers.)
[KIRA] Thank you, Quark.
[QUARK] Don't mention it, Major. Glad to be of help.
[DAX] Bajoran lilacs. Is there something going on between the two of you
that I don't know about?
[KIRA] Don't be disgusting.
[KIRA] I ordered them for myself.
[DAX] Well that's nice. I thought you didn't like flowers.
[KIRA] I don't.
[DAX] I'm confused.
[KIRA] Jadzia, there's such a thing as privacy.
[DAX] Not between friends.
[KIRA] It's my mother's birthday. She would've been sixty today, and my
father always said that these were her favourite.
[DAX] That's a nice way to remember your mother.
[KIRA] I wish I did remember her. I was only three when she died at the
refugee centre.
(Kira selects and pays for a decorative thin pyramid glass something at
a stall.)
[DAX] Well, I'd bet she'd be proud of you and what you've done with your
[KIRA] I'd like to think so. I've always been proud of her. My father
always said she was the bravest woman he ever met.
(Kira's quarters)
(Kira is sleeping.)
[COMPUTER] Major Kira. You have an incoming transmission.
[KIRA] From whom?
[COMPUTER] Unable to identify.
[KIRA] Put it through.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Ah, Major, there you are. I'm sorry to wake you.
[KIRA] What the hell do you want, Dukat?
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Oh, don't bother, Major. I guarantee you won't be
able to trace this transmission.
[KIRA] Then why don't you just tell me where you are?
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Because that's not why I called. I want to help
you, Major, the way Captain Sisko helped me.
[KIRA] I have no idea what you're talking about.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Captain Sisko gave me the clarity to see beyond the
lies, the self-deceptions that were controlling my life. He helped me
see to the truth about myself. And now I'm going to do the same for
you. And what better day to do it than on your mother's birthday.
[KIRA] Is that suppose to upset me, that you know it's my mother's
[DUKAT (on monitor)] She was a striking woman, your mother. Although
when we first met, she was very self-conscious about that scar along
the side of her face. She used to try to cover it up with a strand of
[KIRA] Nice try, Dukat. But you never knew my mother. She died in the
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Singha refugee centre? I'm afraid not, Major. That
was something your father told you because he couldn't bear to face the
[KIRA] What truth?
[DUKAT (on monitor)] That your mother left him to be with me.
[KIRA] You're lying.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Your mother and I were lovers almost from the
moment we met, and we remained lovers until the day she died.
[KIRA] I've had enough of this.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] I see you have lilacs on your nightstand. Your
mother would have been touched. She loved Bajoran lilacs. There. I told
you the truth was liberating, Major. Now don't you feel better? I do.
(After the opening credits, Kira is dressed and at her computer.)
[KIRA] Computer, locate Cardassian occupation file, Singha refugee
centre. Find and display Bajoran identity profile Kira Meru.
(Up comes the data.)
(Kira enters Ops on the turbolift.)
[BRIEN] You're just going to have to take my word for it. The battle
of the Alamo would make a hell of a holosuite programme.
[BASHIR] All right, all right, let me get this straight. There are two
hundred of us trapped inside some crumbling old mission or whatever,
surrounded by two thousand enemy troops, is that right?
[BRIEN] That's right.
[BASHIR] Do we win?
[BRIEN] No, we lose.
[BASHIR] Why do you want to play a programme where we lose?
[BRIEN] You're missing the point. There's nothing more noble than a
heroic defeat, especially against overwhelming odds.
[BASHIR] In life, maybe, but not in the holosuite.
[KIRA] Chief, you were suppose to have finished recalibrating those
induction modulators yesterday.
[BRIEN] Yeah, we had a bit of a problem replacing some of the coil
[KIRA] Save the excuses. I want it done within the hour. Doctor, is
there a reason for your visit?
[BASHIR] What? Actually, Miles and I were chatting
[KIRA] I thought not. We're on duty here, if you don't mind.
[BASHIR] I don't want to interfere.
[KIRA] All right, everyone. We're not at the Replimat. We're not here to
drink raktajinos and catch up on the latest gossip. Let's get to work.
(Security office)
[KIRA] Odo, I've just been informed of the increased
criminal activity on the Promenade.
[ODO] It's not as bad as it sounds, Major. We're talking about a few
incidents of petty theft. I've already assigned two deputies.
[KIRA] I'd prefer that you handle the matter yourself.
[ODO] If you think it's necessary.
[KIRA] I do. And make sure that you keep me informed of your progress.
[ODO] Of course. Is there something else on your mind?
[KIRA] Meaning what?
[ODO] Meaning I talked with Doctor Bashir. He told me that you seemed
irritable. I see he's not exaggerating. Would you care to tell me
what's bothering you?
[KIRA] I appreciate the offer, Odo, but I don't think talking about it
is going to help.
[ODO] Sounds serious.
[KIRA] It is.
[ODO] Well, if you won't talk about it, perhaps you should consider
doing something about it.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] A transmission from Dukat? This is the first
I've heard of it.
[KIRA] That's because I didn't report it.
[SISKO] Why not?
[KIRA] It was of a personal nature. I tried to trace the signal, but
[SISKO] What did he want?
[KIRA] He said he knew my mother, that they were lovers.
[SISKO] You don't believe him, do you?
[KIRA] He knew certain things about her. Personal things.
[SISKO] Well, Gul Dukat is a very resourceful man. I'm sure he knows a
lot about your family, about all of our families.
[KIRA] I keep trying to tell myself that, but I need to know.
[SISKO] That may not be possible. Major.
[KIRA] There is a way. I can visit the Temple of Iponu on Bajor and
consult the Orb of Time.
[SISKO] Excuse me?
[KIRA] I need to know the truth.
[SISKO] Let me get this straight. You want to travel back in time to see
if Dukat and your mother were lovers?
[KIRA] That's right.
[SISKO] Major, the Federation has very strict regulations
[KIRA] This has nothing to do with the Federation. I need your help as
the Emissary, not as Starfleet captain. The Emissary can see to it that
I am allowed access to the orb. After that, it's up to the Prophets. If
they feel that my request is worthy, they'll send me where I need to
go. If not, I've made a trip to Bajor for nothing.
[SISKO] And if they do send you back, what then? What makes you so sure
you won't interfere with the timeline?
[KIRA] The Prophets will be guiding me. Nothing will happen without
their blessings. Please, Emissary, please, let me seek the will of the
(Temple of Iponu)
(Kira is escorted to a small, dimly lit chapel
where the orb box sits on an altar. She opens it.)
(Singha refugee centre)
(Kira is crouching in the corner by a rock wall.
It's dark and a child is crying somewhere. People are settling down to
eat a plate of food. She wanders past areas marked off by curtains. A
man comes in carrying a child and leading another by hand.)
[TABAN] Meru, I found Nerys.
(Kira looks over to a woman holding a baby.)
[MERU] Where was she?
[TABAN] Wandering over there, scrounging for food.
[MERU] Come here, sweetie, beside me. Here.
[TABAN] That's all? It's barely half a cup.
[MERU] They've cut everyone's rations.
[TABAN] It's not enough. How do they expect us to survive?
[MERU] The Cardassians don't care whether or not we survive. They won't
be happy until we're all dead. Come here, sweetie, come here. Have some
[MAN] Excuse me. That soup. It's ours.
[TABAN] What are you talking about? My wife stood in line all day to get
it. If you think you can just
(A second thug puts a knife to Taban's throat.)
[MAN] Just what?
[MERU] It's for the children. They're hungry.
[MAN] We are all hungry.
[KIRA] That's right, we are. And hunger can make people do stupid
[MAN] Like what you're doing now?
[KIRA] Cardassians are the enemy. We shouldn't be fighting amongst
ourselves. We should be trying to help each other.
[MAN] That's what we were doing. Helping ourselves to some soup.
[KIRA] Hey, you want soup, you go stand in line like everyone else.
[MAN] We may have to take orders from the spoonheads, but we don't have
to take them from you.
(Thug two goes for Kira. She disarms him and throws him at his friend
then picks up the knife. They both run off.)
[TABAN] Thank you. I wish we could repay your kindness somehow, but we
have so little food.
[KIRA] That's all right. I'm not hungry.
[MERU] I can't remember the last time I met a Bajoran who wasn't hungry.
I'm Kira Meru.
[KIRA] I'm just glad I could help.
[MERU] And this is my husband, Taban. My son Reon, my son Pohl, and my
daughter Nerys.
[KIRA] They're beautiful.
[NERYS] Mommy, mommy.
[MERU] What is it, honey? What is it? Tell me. (whisper) She wants to
know what your name is.
[KIRA] Me? I'm Luma Rahl. It's nice to meet you, Nerys.
(A Bajoran man comes in with a Cardassian escort.)
[BASSO] Attention! The new Cardassian Ore Processing Centre orbiting
Bajor is nearing completion. The Cardassian troops stationed
there will require comfort women to make their tour of duty less
stressful. Her.
(Basso gives a bundle to the woman's husband)
[BASSO] From now on you'll receive extra rations of food and medicine,
courtesy of our Prefect, Gul Dukat. Her.
(A Cardassian takes the baby from Meru.)
[BASSO] And her.
(Kira is dragged away.)
[MERU] But my children!
[BASSO] Your children will eat better than they have any right to.
[TABAN] Meru!
[REON] Mommy!
[MERU] I love you. Don't let them forget me.
[TABAN] Oh, no, no.
(Kira and Nerys look at each other.)
[CARDASSIAN] I said go!
(Up on Terok Nor, the women are being assigned
quarters in pair. Kira spots the pattern and changes places so she ends
up with her mother.)
[BASSO] Ladies, can I have your attention please. You will find food in
your quarters. Eat as much as you want and make sure you get a good
night's rest. You'll want to look your best tomorrow. Oh, and feel free
to linger as long as you want in the sonic showers. Cardassians value
(Basso unlocks all the doors and they go inside.)
(Kira + Meru's quarters)
[KIRA] Meru, listen to me. I know things look bad,
but don't give up just yet. We'll find a way to get out of here.
[MERU] How?
[KIRA] There must be a resistance cell operating here on the station.
We'll contact them. They'll help us get away.
[MERU] I don't believe this.
(A banquet is laid out on the table)
[MERU] Fresh moba. Do you know how long it's been since I've seen fresh
(They start eating.)
[KIRA] Nice.
[MERU] Nice? Look at this. Katterpod beans, hasperat, veklava, a pot of
deka tea. We could live on this for a year!
[KIRA] Easy, easy. You don't want to make yourself sick.
[MERU] Sick from too much food? That would be a change. If only Taban
and the children were here. The Cardassians said they would take care
of them, so maybe they will.
[KIRA] Don't count on it. We need to find a way to get off this station.
Once we do, we'll figure out a way to free your family.
[MERU] Then what?
[KIRA] We'll hide in the hills, we'll join the Resistance.
[MERU] I suppose that's possible.
[KIRA] Of course it is. Till then, we just need to bide our (Kira sees
the scar) I'm sorry.
[MERU] I failed to show a Cardassian soldier the proper respect.
[KIRA] We all have scars of one kind or another.
[MERU] Maybe. But most aren't quite so evident.
[KIRA] It's not so bad.
[MERU] Why do you keep doing that?
[KIRA] What?
[MERU] Helping me. First at the refugee centre and now here.
[KIRA] I don't have many friends.
[MERU] Well, you have one now.
(The women are dressed up in highly revealing
[BASSO] Well done. I can hardly believe that you're the same women I met
yesterday. In fact, you're not. Your old lives have ended. Your pasts
have been erased. You have one purpose and one purpose only. To provide
comfort and care to the Cardassian officers stationed here. Do that
well, and you'll want for nothing. Fail, and you and your family will
be sent to a labour camp. Now remember, ladies, you're all easily
replaceable. Make one mistake and I won't hesitate to
[DUKAT] Basso! That's enough. Welcome to Terok Nor. I hope your stay
here will be a pleasant one. I assure you, I will do everything
possible to make it so. I suspect that many of you must be feeling a
bit uneasy right now. I'm well aware that among the Bajoran population
there is a perception that all Cardassians are to be feared, that we
are a cruel and heartless people. I hope to change that. Not with
words, but with actions, in the hope that you will come to appreciate
the better part of our nature. I assure you we are capable of great
[MERU] What of our families? Are they all right?
[BASSO] Who said you could speak? Guards!
[DUKAT] Stay where you are. Your families will be well taken care of.
That, I promise you.
(Dukat discovers her scar.)
[DUKAT] What is this?
[DUKAT] Basso.
[BASSO] Forgive me, Prefect. I didn't notice the imperfection. I'll have
her removed at once.
[DUKAT] Get me a dermal regenerator.
[DUKAT] Now. I'm afraid to ask how you came by such a mark.
[MERU] It's nothing.
[DUKAT] On the contrary, it's an unfortunate reminder of the gulf that
exists between our two peoples. It must be removed immediately. Just
relax. It's all right. Relax.
(And Dukat heals the scar.)
[DUKAT] There. Beautiful. Carry on.
(Dukat leaves.)
[BASSO] Well, I'd say congratulations are in order. You've all passed
your first test.
(Later, there's a party with lots of drink and women being pulled down
onto Cardassian laps. Kira and Meru are the only wallflowers.)
[KIRA] Mind telling me what you're smiling about?
[MERU] The Prophets. I never realised they had such a sense of humour.
When I was a child, I dreamed of having enough food to eat and pretty
clothes to wear and now look at me. I have everything I ever wanted and
I feel horrible.
[KIRA] It is kind of funny in a horrible way.
[MERU] I suppose if I can survive starvation, I could survive this.
After all, we Bajorans can survive anything.
[GUL] You! Think you can stand there hiding in a corner all night?
(The Gul takes Meru away, leaving Kira clutching a kanar bottle for
[LEGATE] I don't remember seeing you before.
[KIRA] I just arrived yesterday.
[LEGATE] And I bet I know what you're thinking. You'd like nothing
better than to get us all drunk so you could kill us in our sleep.
[KIRA] Are you sure you're not part Betazoid?
[LEGATE] Come. Sit on my lap and tell me how much you hate Cardassians.
You Bajoran women, you're all so bony.
[KIRA] That's because you Cardassians eat all our food.
[LEGATE] You know, I could have you executed for that kind of insolence.
[KIRA] And that's one of the reasons we hate you so much.
[LEGATE] Clever girl. Now pour me some more of that kanar and let's see
if we can't work out our differences.
(Dukat enters with Basso and sees the Gul pawing Meru in a recess.)
[DUKAT] Let her go. I said, let her go.
[GUL] All I said to her was
[DUKAT] I don't care what you were saying. I don't like what you were
doing. Now get away from her. Are you all right? Basso, escort this
woman back to her quarters and see that her privacy is respected.
[BASSO] She will not be disturbed.
[LEGATE] (sotto) I only hope you won't condemn us all for the boorish
behaviour of one man.
[DUKAT] I only hope you won't condemn us all for the boorish behaviour
of one man.
(Meru and Basso leave.)
[KIRA] How did you know he was going to say that?
[LEGATE] Let's just say this is not the first performance I've seen of
this little melodrama. That woman should consider herself fortunate.
She's caught the Prefect's eye. As of now, she's off limits to the rest
of us. As for you
[KIRA] I know, I know. More kanar.
(Kira is helping the drunk Legate stagger along.)
[KIRA] Now, one foot in front of another.
[LEGATE] Don't tell me what to do. I'll put my feet wherever I want. I'm
a Cardassian.
[KIRA] Whatever you say. Just try not to stumble out of any airlocks on
your way home.
[LEGATE] I'm not going home. I'm coming in with you.
[KIRA] No you're not. You're going back to your quarters and you're
going to sleep.
[LEGATE] I want comfort and I want it now. You are a comfort woman,
aren't you? You're dressed like one.
[KIRA] Don't let appearances fool you.
[LEGATE] That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble someday.
Now, let's go get some sleep.
[KIRA] I have a better idea. You go sleep in your quarters, I'll go
sleep in mine, and tomorrow
[LEGATE] Tomorrow you'll be all mine to do with as I please.
(He totters away.)
[KIRA] I can hardly wait.
(Kira + Meru's quarters)
[KIRA] Meru, I'm back. I'm going to have to shower
for a week to get the smell of that legate off me.
(Basso comes out of Meru's bedroom with her clothes.)
[BASSO] I'll be sure to tell him you said that.
[KIRA] What are you doing here? Where's Meru?
[BASSO] Looks like you're going to have these quarters all to yourself,
at least for a little while.
[KIRA] I said where's Meru?
[BASSO] She's moving up in the world. Your friend must have hidden
talents I wasn't aware of. Our beloved Prefect has invited her to share
his quarters.
[KIRA] I want to see her.
[BASSO] Do you?
[KIRA] I said take me to her.
(A Cardassian grabs her, she thumps him and gets knocked down by the
second one.)
(Promenade - Ghetto area)
(Kira is thrown through the gate.)
(Weeks have passed during the break. Kira's got proper clothes again
and is queuing for soup like everyone else.)
[HALB] (serving the coloured water) So tell me, how's work going on the
ore processing centre?
[KIRA] You ought to join the work detail sometime, find out for
[HALB] All in good time. Once the centre is up and running, we'll all be
slaving away down there.
(Kira goes to a table and Halb follows her.)
[HALB] I have news for you.
[KIRA] About my friend?
[HALB] I know why you haven't heard from her in the last few weeks. She
hasn't been on the station.
[KIRA] What are you talking about?
[HALB] Word has it she's been off on a little vacation with Gul Dukat.
They just got back today. Why is that woman so important to you? She is
nothing but a collaborator.
[KIRA] She is not a collaborator.
[HALB] She's a comfort woman for the spoonheads, isn't she?
[KIRA] So was I.
[HALB] For a day. But I've been watching you. You have no love for the
[KIRA] Neither does my friend. Look, I told you already, I don't want to
join your resistance cell. Just leave me alone.
[HALB] I will, I promise. But first I need for you to draw a map for me.
[KIRA] A map of what?
[HALB] The Cardy side of the station.
[KIRA] Well, like you said, I was only there one day.
[HALB] Anything you remember will help. Quarters, corridors, meeting
[KIRA] Why? What are you planning?
[HALB] It doesn't concern you. Now are you going to help us or not?
[BASSO] You. Follow me.
(Kira is escorted to a section with a red security
[BASSO] You may enter.
(Dukat's quarters)
[MERU] Luma.
[KIRA] Are you all right? I've been worried about you since the night
they took you.
[MERU] I know. I wanted to get a message to you.
[KIRA] Has he hurt you?
[MERU] Who?
[KIRA] Dukat.
[MERU] Hurt me? No, he hasn't hurt me. I wish I knew how to explain to
you these past few weeks, make you understand.
[KIRA] Understand what?
[DUKAT] That I'm not the monster you think I am.
(Dukat carries a vase of lilacs.)
[DUKAT] You see? I told you I'd find a big enough vase. What do you
[MERU] They're beautiful.
(Meru and Dukat hold hands.)
[DUKAT] I don't think your friend approves of the flowers, or of me.
Meru, are you sure this is the woman you want as your companion?
[MERU] Yes.
[DUKAT] As you wish. The fact is, I've treated Meru with nothing but
kindness and consideration. If you don't believe me, ask her. I'll be
back as soon as this meeting is finished.
(Dukat kisses Meru and leaves. Kira looks like she's about to be sick.)
[MERU] It's true. He's very different from what I expected.
[KIRA] Don't let that smile fool you. He's still the enemy.
[MERU] It's not that simple.
[KIRA] Yes, it is. Meru, listen to me. While you're in here playing
parlour games, he's busy carrying out the extermination of our people.
[MERU] That's not true. He's written to Central Command urging them to
rethink their policy toward Bajor.
[KIRA] I don't care if he played you a holo-recording of him on his
hands and knees begging Central Command to end the occupation. It would
still be a lie. Like that first night, when he saved you from that Gul?
That wasn't real. He set the whole thing up to win you over.
[MERU] He told me. He tells me everything. You just don't know him.
[KIRA] I don't need to know him. I know the things he's done. Look what
he did to you. He took you away from your family, from your children.
[MERU] He's promised to help them. He's going to send them food and
medical supplies.
[KIRA] That still doesn't make it right. What about your husband? Taban
loves you. How can you forget him so quickly?
[MERU] I have not forgotten him. What do you expect me to do? Kick and
bite every time Dukat comes near me? How would that help Taban or the
[KIRA] Is that what you tell yourself? That you're doing it for the
children? The clothes, the food, the easy living, that you're doing it
all for them? Are you that deluded? It's not for them, it's for you.
You like it here. You enjoy playing house with that murderer. Don't you
see what you are, what you've allowed yourself to become? You're a
[MERU] A collaborator? Because I share Dukat's bed?
[KIRA] Nom because you like sharing his bed. Because you've fallen in
love with him.
[MERU] Where're you going?
[KIRA] Back where I belong.
(Promenade - Ghetto area)
[HALB] It's composed of ultritium resin (it's an
earring) which means it's doubtful the Cardassian sensors will pick it
up. Of course, there's always a chance.
[KIRA] You let me worry about that.
[HALB] You sound like you've done this before.
[KIRA] You'd be surprised.
[HALB] Remember, the bomb is set to go off three minutes after it's been
activated. And once it's activated, it cannot be disarmed. So make sure
you have enough time to get away.
[KIRA] How large of a blast radius are we talking about?
[HALB] Twenty metres. I suggest you plant it somewhere in Dukat's
[KIRA] I'll pick the right spot for it.
[HALB] What about that Bajoran mistress of his?
[KIRA] What about her?
[HALB] You cannot risk telling her what you're doing, not even to save
her life.
[KIRA] Why would I do that? Like you said, she's a collaborator. She
deserves whatever she gets.
(A little later, at the gate)
[BASSO] I'm beginning to find you very tiresome.
[KIRA] Yeah, I don't like you much either. Now I need you to take me to
see Kira Meru.
[BASSO] I have better things to do than to shuttle you around this
station. It's time you decided which side of this gate you want to be
[KIRA] I have. Now take me to Kira so that I can apologise to her.
[BASSO] Guard. A wise decision.
(Off they go with Kira wearing the bomb earring. It gets through the
security screen safely.)
(Dukat's quarters)
[MERU] I didn't expect to see you again.
[KIRA] I came because I owe you an apology. The things I said, they were
unfair. I'd like us to be friends again.
[MERU] So would I.
[DUKAT] Whatever makes you happy, my dear.
(Meru hugs Kira.)
[MERU] Can I get you something?
[KIRA] Maybe later.
[MERU] All right. First thing we do is get you some new quarters.
Something close by.
[KIRA] Sounds good.
[BASSO] I have a copy of that transmission you requested.
[DUKAT] Thank you, Basso. That'll be all.
[BASSO] What about her?
[DUKAT] Don't concern yourself with Luma. She's not going to cause us
any more trouble, are you?
[KIRA] That's not what I'm here for.
[DUKAT] No, it isn't. Well, Basso, you heard. Find her some quarters.
[BASSO] Right away.
(Basso leaves.)
[DUKAT] This is for you. I think you'll find it very interesting. I'll
be in my study if you need me.
(Dukat leaves. Kira activates the earring bomb and puts it into a pot
[KIRA] I'll see to my quarters.
[MERU] Okay, Luma.
(Meru puts the rod into a monitor.)
[TABAN (on monitor)] Meru, I hope the Cardassians aren't lying to me and
that they really will send this message to you. I know it's only been a
few weeks that we've been back home, but you should see the children.
It's like they've been transformed. Reon and Pohl are laughing and
playing together, they've never been happier. And I swear, little Nerys
must have gained five pounds. Of course, they keep asking for you. I've
told them that you're still at the refugee centre. I think that's best,
at least for the time being. I can't believe how much I miss you. I
think about you all the time. You've saved all our lives. I hope you
realise that. (Meru is crying) Never forget it, not even for an
instant. Every day I pray to the Prophets that you'll find some peace
in this new life of yours. I believe that even in the worst of times,
we can still find moments of joy and kindness. If you can find that
kindness, hold on to it. And remember, no matter what happens, I love
you, Meru. I'll always love you.
[KIRA] Come on, we've got to get out of here.
[MERU] Why?
[KIRA] Dukat, get out here now! Go!
[DUKAT] What?
[KIRA] There's a bomb.
[DUKAT] Meru!
[DUKAT] Get out of the way!
(Boom! and they go flying down the corridor.)
[DUKAT] Meru, Meru.
(Temple of Iponu)
(And so vision ends.)
(Captain's office)
[KIRA] I've always hated collaborators. I mean, what
could be worse than betraying your own people? During the occupation,
if I ever had doubt about what their fate should be all I would think
of my mother, how she gave her life for Bajor. She was a hero, they
were traitors. It was that simple. Or so I thought.
[SISKO] She did what she had to do to save her family. To save you.
[KIRA] It doesn't make it right.
[SISKO] Maybe not, but it was her decision to make.
[KIRA] I did some checking. She died in a Cardassian hospital seven
years after she met Dukat. Seven years. Do you know how many Bajorans
died in labour camps during that time? Died, while my mother sat
sipping kanar with Dukat.
[SISKO] Tell me something, Nerys. If you hate her that much, why did you
save her life?
[KIRA] Believe me, there's a part of me that wishes that I hadn't. But
the fact is, no matter what she did, she was still my mother. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e138", "title": "Wrongs Darker Than"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Inquisition
Original Airdate: 6 Apr, 1998
[BASHIR] Computer, download file to PADD F seven.
Come on.
[COMPUTER] Download complete.
[BASHIR] Thank you. Nurse.
[ODO] You're up late.
[BASHIR] Ah, yes, I've got a few things to finish up before I leave in
the morning. I'm presenting a paper at a medical conference.
[ODO] I see. Where is it? Risa, Casperia Prime?
[BASHIR] Casperia. How'd you guess?
[ODO] Well, Doctors always hold their conferences at sunny resorts.
[BASHIR] Ours is a grim profession. Don't you think we deserve a break
from all the illness and death?
[ODO] Well, don't forget to take plenty of sunscreen.
(O'Brien arrives in his kayaking wetsuit.)
[ODO] Oh, let me guess. You dislocated your shoulder.
(Odo leaves.)
[BASHIR] Not again.
[BRIEN] Afraid so.
[BASHIR] You promised me that you wouldn't go kayaking again until your
shoulder had a chance to heal.
[BRIEN] I know, but I can't stay away. It's like the river calls to
[BASHIR] Yes, it's saying, stay away. Don't come near me. I'll only hurt
you more!
(Pop, Argh!)
[BRIEN] Ow! Much better.
[BASHIR] It'll be tender for a few days, so go easy on it.
[BRIEN] Right.
[BASHIR] If the pain gets any worse, Nurse Bandee'll give you something.
[BRIEN] Thanks, Julian. Have a good time on Casperia.
[BASHIR] I'm going to a medical conference, not on a vacation.
[BRIEN] Whatever you say.
[BASHIR] And if the river calls you again, listen to it and stay away.
(Bashir's bedroom)
[COMPUTER] The time is oh seven hundred hours.
[BASHIR] What? You're joking. Computer, confirm time.
[COMPUTER] The time is oh seven hundred hours, eleven seconds.
[BASHIR] Something tells me I'm going to need a lot of raktajinos today.
(Bashir's quarters)
(Bashir puts a load of PADDs into a bag, and looks
at Kukalaka.)
[BASHIR] See you in a few days, old chum. Keep the home fires burning.
[SISKO (OC)] This is the Captain. All senior officers report to
Operations immediately.
[BASHIR] What now?
[BASHIR] This better be quick. I've got a shuttle to
catch. What's going on?
[BRIEN] Internal Affairs.
[BASHIR] What are they doing here?
[BRIEN] They're not saying.
[DAX] If they'd called ahead, we could have thrown them a party.
[KIRA] Yeah, well, something tells me it's not a social visit.
[WORF] Where's the captain?
[ODO] He's in there.
(Sisko is in his office talking to someone.)
[BASHIR] He doesn't look too happy.
[ODO] No, he doesn't.
(Sisko and his visitor come out.)
[SISKO] All right, people. This is Deputy Director Sloan of Internal
Affairs. He's here under the authority of the Federation Council. I
expect you all to give him your full cooperation.
[SLOAN] Starfleet Intelligence has reason to believe that there's been a
security breach aboard Deep Space Nine. It appears that someone has
been passing information to the Dominion.
[DAX] With all due respect, I think there's been some kind of mistake.
[SLOAN] I hope you're right, Commander. I really do. But until we
determine the source, we have to follow standard containment procedures
and isolate all members of the senior staff.
[SISKO] As of now, you're all relieved of duty and confined to quarters.
[KIRA] Confined to quarters?
[SISKO] I don't like it any more than you do.
[SLOAN] You'll be contacted shortly. I'll be conducting interviews with
each one of you. For the time being, you are not to discuss this matter
amongst yourselves. Any questions?
[BASHIR] How long do you think your investigation's going to take?
[SLOAN] That's difficult to say, Doctor, but don't worry. We've already
informed Starfleet Medical that you won't be attending your conference.
[BASHIR] Oh, that's very considerate of you.
[SLOAN] Take them to their quarters.
[CHANDLER] (female security) Would you come with me, please.
(Bashir's quarters)
[BASHIR] Hot buttered scones, moba jam, red leaf
(Nothing from the replicator.)
[BASHIR] Please. What's the matter with this thing? All right.
(He starts to unpack and knocks a stylus onto the floor. It rolls under
the couch. He goes to retrieve it when the doorbell rings.)
[BASHIR] Come in.
[CHANDLER] Would you please come with me, Doctor?
[BASHIR] Ah. Yes. Certainly.
[BASHIR] Where are we going?
[CHANDLER] To the wardroom. Director Sloan wants to ask you a few
[SECURITY (OC)] Stand clear!
(Chandler pushes Bashir to the wall as three armed security run past.)
[BASHIR] What's going on?
[CHANDLER] Nothing you need to worry about, sir. This way.
[CHANDLER] Doctor Bashir, sir.
[SLOAN] Thank you.
(Chandler leaves.)
[SLOAN] Doctor Bashir. Have a seat, please. I'm sorry you had to miss
your medical conference. It couldn't be helped. In a case like this, I
have to follow strict procedures.
[BASHIR] Yes, I understand.
[SLOAN] Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. The last time you tried to
attend a medical conference you were taken prisoner by the Dominion.
[BASHIR] An experience I wouldn't care to repeat.
[SLOAN] I'm sure you wouldn't. Five weeks in a Dominion prison camp? I
can't imagine what that must have been like.
[BASHIR] Not pleasant.
[SLOAN] I read your report. It made me ask myself how I would have held
up under those conditions. I guess you never really know until you go
through it.
[BASHIR] I'm sure you would have been able to cope. We do what we have
to to survive.
[SLOAN] I was just reading over some of your case reports. Fascinating
stuff. The work you did with those genetically enhanced patients. Very
[BASHIR] Thank you.
[SLOAN] Before you started working with them, Starfleet Medical
described them as alienated, uncommunicative and hostile. You were the
first doctor who managed to establish a dialogue with them.
[BASHIR] Well, actually I think the fact that I'm genetically enhanced
myself made them a little more open to accepting me.
[SLOAN] You spoke their language.
[BASHIR] Exactly.
[SLOAN] I envy your profession. You have a positive impact on people's
lives. You know, I considered becoming a doctor myself.
[BASHIR] You have a good bedside manner. Actually, when I came in here,
I half suspected that I would be interrogated under a very bright
[SLOAN] Not this time. Well, I see no need to trouble you any longer.
Thank you for your cooperation.
(Chandler enters.)
[BASHIR] My pleasure.
[SLOAN] Lieutenant Chandler will take you back to your quarters now. I'm
afraid I'm going to have to ask you to stay there until I've finished
with the rest of the interviews.
[BASHIR] Well in that case, maybe you could send someone to take a look
at my replicator. It's not working.
[SLOAN] Actually, we took them offline. To prevent anyone from trying to
replicate a communications device or a weapon.
[BASHIR] Oh. Well, I just wanted some breakfast.
[SLOAN] What would you like? I'll have it sent right to your quarters.
[BASHIR] Hot buttered scones, moba jam and some red leaf tea, please.
[SLOAN] Coming right up.
[BASHIR] Thank you.
[SLOAN] Doctor, one more thing. Those genetically enhanced patients of
yours. Did Starfleet Medical ask you to work with them, or did you
[BASHIR] Oh, I volunteered.
[SLOAN] I see. Very good.
(Bashir's quarters)
[BASHIR] Come in.
(Breakfast has arrived)
[KAGAN] (male security) Here you are, sir.
[BASHIR] Thank God. I'm famished. Cheers.
[KAGAN] Enjoy.
(Kagan leaves, Bashir takes the cover off the tray to find it's still
[BASHIR] Ugh. It's a little too early for gag'h.
(The name card says Lt Cmdr Worf, level 3 section 27 room 19.)
[BASHIR] I hope your enjoying my scones, Worf.
(Then he notices that the PADDs are back in his bag, but the stylus was
still under the couch. Kukalaka has been moved, too. The monitor
[BASHIR] Miles. Sloan said we aren't supposed to be talking to each
[BRIEN (on monitor)] I just wanted to make sure you were all right.
[BASHIR] I'm fine. Except I think someone's been snooping around my
[BRIEN (on monitor)] Wouldn't surprise me. Has Sloan questioned you
[BASHIR] We just finished.
[BRIEN (on monitor)] How'd it go?
[BASHIR] It went fine. He just asked me a few routine questions.
[BRIEN (on monitor)] Believe me, it's not fine. He grilled me for over
two hours.
[BASHIR] Two hours? About what?
[BRIEN (on monitor)] About you.
[BASHIR] You're joking.
[BRIEN (on monitor)] I only wish I were. Every single question was
about you. Look, I'd better go before they trace this transmission. I
just wanted to warn you to watch your back.
[BASHIR] Miles, wait. What did he want to know about me?
[BRIEN (on monitor)] Just be careful. I think they're
(Transmission ends, doorbell rings.)
[BASHIR] Come in.
[CHANDLER] Director Sloan wants to see you.
[BASHIR] Again?
[KAGAN] That's right.
[SLOAN] Did you get your breakfast, Doctor?
[BASHIR] Yes, I did.
[SLOAN] Good. I was going over my notes from our last conversation and
there are a couple of things I'd like you to clarify.
[SLOAN] Do you have a problem with that?
[BASHIR] Not at all.
[SLOAN] Let's go back to the time you spent with the Dominion.
[BASHIR] I wasn't with the Dominion. I was their prisoner.
[SLOAN] You were held at Internment Camp three seven one?
[BASHIR] That's right.
[SLOAN] Barrack six?
[SLOAN] And you were there five weeks?
[BASHIR] Thirty seven days, actually.
[SLOAN] You're absolutely sure about that?
[SLOAN] And General Martok was with you in barrack six?
[BASHIR] Correct.
[SLOAN] He said that the Jem'Hadar removed you from the barracks.
[BASHIR] I complained when they cut our rations, so they threw me in
[SLOAN] I see. And did you meet with anyone during that week?
[BASHIR] I was alone.
[SLOAN] Are you sure about that?
[BASHIR] Wait, let me think. Was I alone in solitary? Yes. I think I
[SLOAN] You didn't meet with a Vorta?
[SLOAN] Or a changeling?
[SLOAN] So, you're telling me that you spent seven days in complete
[BASHIR] it wasn't seven days, it was five. Five days.
[SLOAN] Now that's odd, because General Martok said you were gone for
seven days.
[BASHIR] He's wrong. It was five.
[SLOAN] Why would he lie about something like that?
[BASHIR] He wasn't lying.
[SLOAN] You can't both be right.
[BASHIR] He must have lost count of the days. He was under a great deal
of stress.
[SLOAN] And you weren't?
[BASHIR] Human beings are more adaptable to incarceration than Klingons.
[SLOAN] Especially when they're genetically engineered?
[BASHIR] Meaning what?
[SLOAN] Let's move on to the matter of your escape from the camp. I'll
quote from your own report. We constructed a transmitter using
components from the barracks' life support system. We used it to
contact our runabout and beam ourselves out of the camp. Forgive me,
Doctor. That sounds a little hard to believe.
[BASHIR] It's what happened.
[SLOAN] Why would the Dominion leave your runabout orbiting the camp
[BASHIR] They didn't think we'd be able to contact it.
[SLOAN] Why not? They left you everything you needed to build a
transmitter. Isn't it more plausible that the Dominion wanted you to
[BASHIR] Why? Why would they do that?
[SLOAN] So that you could start working for them.
[BASHIR] But I'm not working for them.
[SLOAN] How can you be sure?
[BASHIR] Excuse me?
[SLOAN] How can you be sure you're not working for them? Are you
familiar with the term engramatic dissociation?
[BASHIR] Vaguely.
[SLOAN] The theory holds that if a person's mind is sufficiently
disciplined, he'd be capable of compartmentalising contradictory
information, believing one thing while doing another. I think you
possess that kind of mind. I think the Dominion saw that and decided to
take advantage of it. I think they broke you and turned you to their
cause, and then had you suppress the memory of what happened.
[BASHIR] You're saying I'm a Dominion spy and don't even know it?
[SLOAN] What could be more perfect? There's no chance of your getting
caught because you don't even realise you're working for them. When
they want to debrief you, all they do is trigger your memory.
[BASHIR] That's ridiculous.
[SLOAN] Doctor, I am trying to help you, but I need your cooperation. I
need you to tear down the walls inside your mind and dredge up a
fragment of a memory, anything about your mission, your contacts. I
know it's not easy, but you've got to try.
[BASHIR] There are no memories to dredge up. I'm not suffering from
engramatic dissociation. I'm a loyal Starfleet Officer, and will not
answer any more questions unless I'm formally charged and can respond
with the benefit of counsel.
[SLOAN] I've had enough of your lies, Doctor. You think you're smarter
than the rest of us, don't you? You think you're smarter than the
millions of brave men and women who put their lives on the line for the
Federation. You want to do things the hard way, fine, but I'm going to
get the truth out of you, and when I'm done I'm going to take
whatever's left of you and lock it away. Guards!
(Bashir is in handcuffs and under heavy guard.)
[SISKO] Is it really necessary to drag a Starfleet Officer across the
Promenade in irons?
[CHANDLER] We have our orders, sir.
[KAGAN] Please stand aside.
[KIRA] We'll get you out of this, Julian.
[QUARK] I'm sure it's all a mistake. Isn't it?
(Security office)
[BASHIR] Where's Odo?
[CHANDLER] In his quarters. We'll be handling security for the time
[KAGAN] This way.
(Holding area)
(Kagan removes the handcuffs.)
[KAGAN] Too tight?
[BASHIR] A bit.
[KAGAN] You'll live.
[BASHIR] So nice to see you enjoying your work.
[KAGAN] I was with the Seventh Fleet when the Dominion attacked the Tyra
system. Ninety eight of our ships were destroyed in a matter of hours.
I lost a lot of friends.
[BASHIR] I lost a lot of friends, too.
[CHANDLER] I believe that, but yours were Jem'Hadar.
(Chandler takes Bashir's comm. badge)
[CHANDLER] You won't be needing this anymore. Step inside.
(After the break.)
[CHANDLER] With all due respect Captain, if you would just wait in the
Security office, Director Sloan should be here any minute and you can
discuss your request with him
[SISKO] There is nothing to discuss. I want ten minutes alone with my
officer, and I want them now.
[CHANDLER] Very well.
(Chandler leaves.)
[SISKO] I thought you should know Odo did some checking. Sloan had a son
in Starfleet. He was a transport pilot. He was killed by a Dominion
[BASHIR] Maybe he thinks I supplied them with the information that
helped them target his son's ship.
[SLOAN] That's exactly what I think. When my son's convoy dropped out of
warp to rendezvous with a Klingon bird of prey, they found three
Dominion attack ships waiting for them instead.
[SISKO] I'm sorry for your loss. But don't you think that your son's
death indicates a conflict of interest in your investigation?
[SLOAN] I think it gives me an added incentive to go after the truth.
Now what was it you wanted?
[SISKO] I need to talk to my Chief Medical Officer in private.
[SLOAN] I can understand that. But security protocol require that no one
talk to the prisoner without clearance from me.
[SISKO] Director Sloan, have you received orders from Starfleet to
relieve me of my command of this station?
[SLOAN] No, I haven't.
[SISKO] Well then, as long as I remain in command, I will see Doctor
Bashir whenever I please. Furthermore, from now on I will sit in on all
interrogation sessions to make sure his rights are observed. Do I make
myself clear?
[SLOAN] I believe so. Well, we'll see each other tomorrow. In the
meantime, enjoy your conversation.
(Sloan leaves.)
[BASHIR] I appreciate your help, sir.
[SISKO] We'll get this straightened out, I promise you.
(Sisko is also present for this interview.)
[SLOAN] Let's go back a few years to the incident at Bopak
Three. According to your report, you and Chief O'Brien crash
landed on the planet, where you then made contact with a group of
[BASHIR] We didn't make contact with them. They captured us.
[SLOAN] If that's the case, why didn't you attempt to escape?
[BASHIR] We didn't have a chance.
[SLOAN] According to Chief O'Brien, you were more interested in curing
the Jem'Hadar of their addiction to Ketracel White.
[BASHIR] I'm a doctor. They were suffering from withdrawal.
[SLOAN] They're the enemy. Genetically engineered killing machines.
[BASHIR] They're not machines, they're sentient beings, and I couldn't
just stand there and watch them die.
[SLOAN] Why? Because you felt sympathy for them, being genetically
engineered yourself?
[SISKO] This is irrelevant. We're talking about an incident that
happened before Doctor Bashir allegedly became a Dominion agent.
[SLOAN] It's not irrelevant, Captain. If anything, it shows that he was
already sympathetic to the Dominion. But let's move on. Doctor, we
spoke yesterday about a group of genetically enhanced patients
that you brought to the station. Why, exactly, did you decide to work
with them?
[BASHIR] They'd been institutionalised most of their lives. I thought I
might find a way to help them assimilate into society.
[SLOAN] A laudable goal, but what I find puzzling is the way you went
about it. These misfits had been sheltered from the outside world for
as long as they could remember, yet you chose to bombard them with
information about the war with the Dominion. Frankly, I'm surprised it
didn't scare them into a deeper isolation.
[BASHIR] I wanted to engage them, and it worked.
[SLOAN] Is that why you convinced Starfleet Command to give them access
to classified battle plans?
[BASHIR] Starfleet was interested in hearing our ideas on how to win the
[SLOAN] How to win the war? You recommended that the Federation
[BASHIR] We were looking for ways to save as many lives as we could.
Now, if you'd take the time to examine the findings
[SLOAN] Captain, you took the time to examine the findings, didn't you?
[SISKO] I did.
[SLOAN] Did you agree with them?
[SLOAN] Of course not. No loyal Starfleet officer could.
[SISKO] I won't deny that Doctor Bashir has made some questionable
decisions in his career, but that's a long way from convincing me that
he is a traitor. So far, your case is based on circumstantial evidence
and speculation.
[SLOAN] What other kind of case can I make against a man who covers his
tracks so well?
[SISKO] That's a circular argument and you know it.
[SLOAN] Captain, if Doctor Bashir had been involved in one or two
questionable incidents, I could understand how you might be able to
dismiss it, but the sheer number of incidents form a pattern of
behaviour that can't be ignored. I understand you want to be loyal to a
man who's served under you for so long. I understand you'd be inclined
to take his word over that of an outsider. But step back for a moment
and think about it. This man concealed the truth about his illegal genetic
enhancement for over thirty years. He lied to get his medical
licence. He lied to get into Starfleet. He lied to you when he came
aboard this station and he's been lying to you ever since.
[SISKO] He did eventually come forward and tell the truth.
[SLOAN] That's right, he did. Why? Why? What made you confess? Was it
because you realised that it was your duty to be honest with your
[SLOAN] Was it because you felt guilty about having lied to him for so
[SLOAN] Then why did you come forward?
[BASHIR] I was found out.
[SLOAN] And if you hadn't been found out, would you have come forward
and told your captain the truth, ever?
[BASHIR] I don't know.
[SLOAN] I see.
(Holding area)
[BASHIR] Sloan was right about one thing, sir. I
should have told you the truth from the beginning.
[SISKO] You're right, you should have. But lets put that behind us for
[BASHIR] How can I defend myself against this man? Whatever I say to
him, he either thinks I'm lying or repressing my memories.
[SISKO] I know you're not lying, Julian.
[SISKO] But, as a doctor, isn't it in the realm of medical possibility
that the Dominion did recruit you and that you have blocked it out of
your memory?
[BASHIR] Even if it is possible, it didn't happen. You don't believe me.
[SISKO] I don't think you're lying, Julian. It's late. Try to get some
sleep. We'll talk again in the morning.
(Later, Bashir is woken by the lights coming on full.)
[SLOAN] Sorry to interrupt your sleep, Doctor. It looks like you're
going on a little vacation after all.
[BASHIR] Where are you taking me?
[SLOAN] Starbase fifty three for further questioning.
[BASHIR] Does Captain Sisko know about this?
[SLOAN] It's none of his concern. Not anymore.
[BASHIR] You have no right to do this, Sloan.
[SLOAN] Oh, but I do. Starfleet Special Order six six seven one five
gives me the authority to neutralise security threats to Deep Space
Nine by whatever means necessary. Doctor, you're about to spend the
rest of this war in a maximum security cell. Unless you would care to
put your thumbprint on this confession. We can reword it if it doesn't
meet your exacting standards.
[BASHIR] You can take that confession and throw it out of the nearest
[SLOAN] I thought so. Take him to the shuttle.
(Chandler lowers the forcefield.)
[KAGAN] Would you put your hands in front of you, Doctor?
(A transporter beam engages.)
[SLOAN] He's beaming out! Stop him!
(Cardassian ship)
[WEYOUN] Good evening, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Weyoun?
[WEYOUN] Welcome home. It would appear we got you out just in time. It's
all right, you're among friends now. Did they mistreat you? I don't see
any bruises.
[BASHIR] Why did you bring me here?
[WEYOUN] What choice did I have? Starfleet discovered you were working
for us.
[BASHIR] I'm not working for you. I'm not a Dominion spy.
[WEYOUN] You actually believe that, don't you? That's why you're such a
good operative.
[BASHIR] You're lying.
[WEYOUN] Oh, here we go again. These little conversations of ours always
follow the same pattern. You start out confused, then you get angry,
then you deny everything until finally the walls inside your mind start
to break down and you accept the truth.
[BASHIR] What truth? That you broke me when I was in the prison camp?
[WEYOUN] We're not barbarians. There was no torture involved. We simply
helped you to see that there's no way Starfleet can defeat the
Dominion. And because you didn't want billions of Federation citizens
to lose their lives needlessly, you agreed to provide us with
information that would help us end this war quickly. You rose above the
petty question of whose side you were on and made a moral decision.
It's not
surprising, really. After all, you are a doctor.
[BASHIR] You're saying that I'm a traitor.
[WEYOUN] Traitor, hero, those are just words. Oh, your friends on Deep
Space Nine may vilify you, but history will judge you to be a great
man, a visionary who helped bring an end to one of the most devastating
wars the galaxy has ever seen.
[BASHIR] But I don't remember, I don't remember any of it.
[WEYOUN] Of course not. You suppressed the memories, compartmentalised
them. It's a remarkable ability, but it does make these initial
conversations a bit wearing. Have something to eat. You always
re-integrate better on a full stomach.
(Scones, jam and a cup of hot tea.)
[WEYOUN] Do you remember the first time I offered you scones back at the
[WEYOUN] Concentrate. Sensory details are the key. I had you brought in
from solitary. You were very hungry, but you refused to give me the
satisfaction of seeing you eat. Do you remember?
[BASHIR] I don't remember because it never happened.
[WEYOUN] You were almost there. Try again. With a little more effort you
can break through.
[BASHIR] I am not a Dominion spy!
[WEYOUN] I can see this is going to be one of our more difficult
[BASHIR] I'm innocent. I don't care what you or Sloan think. Wait a
minute. Why would you both be trying to convince me of the same lie?
Unless you were working together.
[WEYOUN] Please, Doctor. Listen to yourself.
[BASHIR] Sloan's the traitor.
[CARDASSIAN (OC)] Combat stations. Enemy ship approaching.
(It's the Defiant on Weyoun's monitor.)
[WEYOUN] Sisko. (Boom) I'm afraid we're going to have to continue your
debriefing later.
(Weyoun leaves.)
(Boom! Bashir and a Cardassian are thrown to the floor, then Worf and
Kira beam in. The Cardassian is killed.)
[BASHIR] Am I glad to see you.
[KIRA] Away team to the Defiant. We've got him.
[SISKO] I suppose you have a reasonable explanation
for why the Dominion broke you out of that holding cell.
[BASHIR] I understand how this must look, sir.
[SISKO] What did they want?
[BASHIR] Weyoun just tried to convince me that I was his operative. I
think he and Sloan are working together.
[SISKO] Now that's enough. You know you're not going to exonerate
yourself by casting suspicions on someone else.
[BASHIR] Well maybe he's not a traitor, maybe he's been replaced by a
changeling. All I'm saying is that both he and Weyoun are trying to
frame me.
[WORF] You have run out of excuses, Doctor.
[BASHIR] You have to believe me. I'm innocent.
[SISKO] I have had enough of your lies, Doctor.
[BASHIR] You can't just dismiss what I'm saying, because if I'm right
there's no telling what kind of damage Sloan
[SISKO] Get him off my bridge.
[KIRA] Let's go, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Jadzia, you believe me, don't you?
[DAX] Why did you do it, Julian?
[BASHIR] Miles? You?
(Bashir puts his hand on O'Brien's shoulder. O'Brien pushes it away
[BASHIR] Your shoulder. It's all right.
[BRIEN] Of course it's all right.
[BASHIR] But you dislocated it yesterday when (pause) we were playing
[BRIEN] So? It's better now.
[BASHIR] You didn't hurt it playing springball. You dislocated it
kayaking in a holosuite. You're not Miles. And you're not Captain
Sisko. He'd at least be willing to hear me out. This isn't real. It
can't be.
(The Bridge fizzes out to become)
(Sloan is in black leather, not a Starfleet
[SLOAN] You're right, Doctor. None of it was real. But I am. And this
isn't over. Congratulations, Doctor. It's not often that we're proven
[BASHIR] I take it you finally believe I'm not working for the Dominion.
[SLOAN] I'm leaning heavily in that direction. But to erase any
lingering doubts, what do you say we make one final test?
[BASHIR] I'm finished playing games with you, Sloan.
[SLOAN] I assure you, Doctor, this is no game.
(Sloan hands a device to a guard, who approaches Bashir with it)
[SLOAN] Don't be afraid. I have no intentions of hurting you. I just
need to remove an implant from behind your right ear. I tell you what.
Why don't you do the honours? Give it to him. Go ahead, Doctor. It's
only a neuro-synaptic relay.
[BASHIR] You've recorded my neuroelectric responses?
[SLOAN] That's correct. And now I'd like to check the findings in order
to confirm what I already believe. That you're an innocent man. Now
either you remove the relay or we will.
(Bashir takes a chip out from behind his ear.)
[SLOAN] Thank you. This'll only take a moment.
(Sloan puts the chip on a tricorder.)
[BASHIR] Take your time. I don't seem to be going anywhere.
[SLOAN] I'm glad to see your sense of humour's returning. That's a very
good sign.
[BASHIR] Of what?
[SLOAN] You're beginning to relax. We subjected you to high levels of
stress to ensure accurate test results. I'm glad to say the results are
in your favour. Your loyalty to the Federation appears to be above
[BASHIR] Why do I still detect a hint of doubt in your voice?
[SLOAN] Frankly, I would have preferred to have kept you under
observation a little longer. Unfortunately, we didn't know about Chief
O'Brien's injury or we would've incorporated that into the programme.
[BASHIR] So you beamed me out of my quarters into this holosuite when I
was asleep.
[SLOAN] I believe we allowed you a full hour.
[BASHIR] No wonder I feel so tired. I suppose you find your subjects
more malleable when they have been deprived of sleep.
[SLOAN] Not a new technique, I admit, but an effective one nonetheless.
[BASHIR] So, why don't you tell me who you are? Who you work for?
[SLOAN] I would think it's obvious. The same people you work for. The
Federation. Starfleet.
[BASHIR] You don't expect me to believe you're with Internal Affairs, do
[SLOAN] No, of course not. Internal Affairs is a competent department,
but limited.
[BASHIR] So which department are you with?
[SLOAN] Let's just say I belong to another branch of Starfleet
Intelligence. Our official designation is Section thirty one.
[BASHIR] Never heard of it.
[SLOAN] We keep a low profile. Works out better that way for all
[BASHIR] And what does Section thirty one do, apart from kidnapping
Starfleet officers?
[SLOAN] We search out and identify potential dangers to the Federation.
[BASHIR] And once identified?
[SLOAN] We deal with them.
[SLOAN] Quietly.
[BASHIR] So if I had been a Dominion agent, what would have happened to
[SLOAN] We wouldn't be standing here having this conversation.
[BASHIR] And Starfleet sanctions what you're doing?
[SLOAN] We don't submit reports or ask for approval for specific
operations, if that's what you mean. We're an autonomous department.
[BASHIR] Authorised by whom?
[SLOAN] Section thirty one was part of the original Starfleet charter.
[BASHIR] But that was two hundred years ago. Are you telling me you've
been working on your own ever since? Without specific orders?
Accountable to nobody but yourselves?
[SLOAN] You make it sound so ominous.
[BASHIR] Isn't it? Because if what you say to me is true, you function
as judge, jury and executioner, and I think that's too much power for
[SLOAN] I admit it takes exceptional people to do what we do. People who
can sublimate their own ambitions to the best interests of the
Federation. People like you.
[SLOAN] You have all the qualifications to be a very useful member of
Section thirty one.
[BASHIR] A few minutes ago, you were calling me a traitor and now you
want to recruit me?
[SLOAN] Well, you're intelligent, you're resourceful, you've always been
fascinated by covert operations. Why else would you spend so much time
in Quark's holosuites playing spy?
[BASHIR] You're serious.
[SLOAN] We're on the same team. We believe in the same principles that
every other Federation citizen holds dear.
[BASHIR] Yet you violate those principles as a matter of course.
[SLOAN] In order to protect them.
[BASHIR] No, I'm sorry, but the ends don't always justify the means.
[SLOAN] Really. How many lives do you suppose you've saved in your
medical career?
[BASHIR] What has that got to do with anything?
[SLOAN] Hundreds? Thousands? Do you suppose that those people give a
damn that you lied to get into Starfleet Medical? I doubt it. We deal
with threats to the Federation that jeopardise its very survival. If
you knew how many lives we've saved, I think you'd agree that the ends
do justify the means. I'm not afraid of bending the rules every once in
a while if the situation warrants it, and I don't think you are either.
[BASHIR] You've got the wrong man, Sloan.
[SLOAN] I don't think so. In time, you'll come to agree with me.
[BASHIR] Don't hold your breath.
[SLOAN] All I ask is that when you get back to Deep Space Nine, you
consider what I've said.
[BASHIR] What if I decide to expose you?
[SLOAN] Let's just say I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
(A guard hypo's Bashir.)
(Captain's office)
[ODO] I'll say one thing for this fellow Sloan, he's
clever. He timed the Doctor's abduction to coincide with his trip to
the medical conference. That way, he wasn't missed.
[BASHIR] Yes, he's clever.
[KIRA] We went over Julian's quarters but we couldn't find any residual
transporter signatures. So either they got him off the station some
other way, or they have transporter technology that we can't detect.
[BASHIR] Captain, is there any word from Starfleet about Sloan or
Section thirty one?
[SISKO] There's no record of a Deputy Director Sloan anywhere in
Starfleet. And as for Section thirty one, that's a little more
complicated. Starfleet Command doesn't acknowledge its existence, but
they don't deny it either. They simply said they'd look into it and get
back to me.
[BASHIR] When?
[SISKO] They didn't say.
[KIRA] That sounds like a cover up to me.
[BASHIR] I can't believe the Federation condones this kind of activity.
[ODO] Personally, I find it hard to believe they wouldn't. Every other
great power has a unit like Section thirty one. The Romulans have the
Tal Shiar, the Cardassians had the Obsidian Order.
[BASHIR] But what does that say about us? When push comes to shove, are
we willing to sacrifice our principles in order to survive?
[SISKO] I wish I had an answer for you, Doctor.
[KIRA] Maybe we should do some checking, try to track down this Sloan
[ODO] That won't be easy. If he's right and Section thirty one has
existed since the birth of the Federation, they've learned to cover
their tracks very well.
[SISKO] We don't have to find them. They'll come to us. You said that
Sloan tried to recruit you.
[BASHIR] I turned him down.
[SISKO] He doesn't strike me as a man who takes no for an answer. And
next time he asks you to join his little group, you will say yes.
[ODO] Well, congratulations, Doctor. Looks like you're going to get to
play a spy after all. Only this time, for real. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e139", "title": "Inquisition"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - In The Pale Moonlight
The Pale Moonlight
Original Airdate: 13 Apr, 1998
(Sisko is sitting on his couch, looking straight at
[SISKO] Captain's personal log, stardate five one seven, er, five one
seven four? Computer, what day is it?
[COMPUTER] Stardate 51721.3.
[SISKO] It's only been two weeks. I need to talk about this. I have to
justify what's
happened, what I've done, at least to myself. I can't talk to anyone
else. Not even to Dax. Maybe if I just lay it all out in my log, it'll
finally make sense. I can see where it all went wrong. Where I went
wrong. I suppose it started two weeks ago,
[SISKO (OC)] While I was posting the weekly casualty
list in the wardroom. Every Friday morning for the past three months,
I've posted the official list of Starfleet personnel killed, wounded or
missing in the war.
(Everyone looks for names they know. Don't look too closely, names are
repeated. Captain Margaret Clark is there six times.)
[SISKO (OC)] It's become something of a grim ritual around here. Not a
week goes by that someone doesn't find the name of a loved one, a
friend or an acquaintance on that damned list.
(Dax finds a name.)
[SISKO (OC)] I've grown to hate Fridays.
[SISKO] Who is it, Dax?
[DAX] Leslie Wong.
[SISKO] The skipper of the Cairo?
[DAX] She was an instructor at the Academy when I was a sophomore.
[BASHIR] Do you know what happened to the Cairo?
[SISKO] Just that she disappeared on patrol in the Romulan neutral zone.
I'll look into it.
[DAX] Don't bother. I'm sure it's the same old story. The Jem'Hadar
crossed the Romulan border and caught them by surprise. It's only about
the hundredth time it's happened.
[BASHIR] I can't believe the Romulans allow them to violate their
territory so brazenly. Why do they get away with it?
[SISKO] The Romulans have a treaty of non-aggression and friendship with
the Dominion, so they're willing to turn a blind eye to almost anything
in the name of friendship.
[BASHIR] What we need is to bring the Romulans into the war on our side.
With the combined forces of the Federation, the Klingons and the
Romulans we could finally go on the offensive.
[DAX] That's the last thing the Romulans want. Think about it. They're
in the perfect position. They get to sit back and watch as their
biggest rivals slug it out in a long, bloody war. No one's threatening
their interests. Why should they risk their necks? There's simply no
reason for them to get involved in our war. No reason at all.
[SISKO (OC)] That was the moment I made the decision. It was like I had
stepped through a door and locked it behind me. I was going to bring
the Romulans into the war.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] It's in their own best interest to join the
war, that's the key. That's the reason the Romulans will finally take
action. Not to do us any favours, but to protect themselves from the
[DAX] Okay. Let's say I'm the Romulan Proconsul. From where I'm sitting,
the Dominion isn't a threat to me. I have a non-aggression pact with
them. They're my allies.
[SISKO] You're not going to put your faith in some piece of paper, are
[DAX] Not at all. I've been watching them very closely since the
beginning of the war, and so far, they've kept their part of the
[SISKO] They're violating your territory almost every day. What kind of
an ally is that?
[DAX] So they're crossing my backyard to give the Federation a bloody
nose. I can't say that makes me very sad.
[SISKO] You can't be naive enough to think that the Dominion is going to
stop with the Federation. When they're finished with us, they're be
coming after you.
[DAX] That's speculation.
[SISKO] The Founders see it as their sacred duty to bring order to the
galaxy. Their order. Do you think they'll sit idly by while you keep
your chaotic empire right next to their perfect order? No. If you watch
us go under, then what you're really doing is signing your own death
[DAX] But before I plunge my people into a conflict that will kill
millions of loyal Romulan citizens, I need something more concrete than
the self-serving argument of a Starfleet officer. I need proof of
Dominion duplicity. Not more words, proof.
[SISKO] Very good, old man. You would have made a decent Romulan.
[DAX] I prefer the spots to the pointed ears.
[SISKO] Okay, you've convinced me. They're going to need evidence. But
if there is evidence of a Dominion plan to attack Romulus, it's
probably buried deep in the bowels of their headquarters on Cardassia
[DAX] Not exactly the most accessible place in the galaxy.
[SISKO] Not for us, maybe. But there is someone on this station who
specialises in gaining access to places where he is not welcome.
[GARAK] I must say I'm flattered, Captain. I had no
idea you held such a lofty opinion of me. Your faith in my ability to
retrieve classified information from my former homeland is most
[SISKO] Mister Garak, let's dispense with the usual repartee and
concentrate on the issue at hand. Can you do it or not?
[GARAK] No one wants to see the Dominion destroyed more than I do, but
to go to Cardassia Prime, penetrate one of the most heavily guarded
facilities in the quadrant, steal top secret war plans and then return
them safely to you is not just another job. It's more like a suicide
mission. And that is well outside my field of expertise.
[SISKO] I didn't say you had to go there yourself. I have to believe
that a man like you still has a few contacts at home. A colleague from
the Obsidian Order, an old friend, a reliable informant. Someone who
might owe you a favour.
[GARAK] Perhaps.
[SISKO] Then I'd say it's time to call in a favour.
[GARAK] It would mean calling in all my favours, Captain. To do what
you're asking would use up every resource I have left on Cardassia. And
it may be a very messy, very bloody business. Are you prepared for
[SISKO] I posted my fourteenth casualty list this morning. I'm already
involved in a very messy, very bloody business. And the only way I can
see to end it is to bring the Romulans into the war. I am prepared to
do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal, but I can't do it alone.
I need help. Now, are you in or out?
[GARAK] I'm in.
[SISKO (OC)] My father used to say that the road to hell is paved with
good intentions.
(Sisko's quarters)
[SISKO] I laid the first stone right there. I'd
committed myself. I'd pay any price, go to any lengths, because my
cause was righteous. My intentions were good. In the beginning, that
seemed like enough.
(Sisko's bedroom)
[SISKO (OC)] If there's one thing I've learned over
the years, it's that bad news invariably comes in the middle of the
[KIRA (OC)] Kira to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead, Major.
[KIRA (OC)] We just received a priority one communication from Starfleet
Command. The Dominion has invaded Betazed.
[SISKO] According to initial reports, the invasion
force must have come from somewhere in the Calandra Sector.
[DAX] Did Starfleet Intelligence know anything about the buildup?
[WORF] No. They believed Calandra was too far from the Dominion supply
lines to be a threat.
[SISKO] There's plenty of blame to go around. The Tenth Fleet was
supposed to be protecting Betazed and its outlying colonies, but it was
caught out of position on a training exercise. What's worse, Betazed's
own defence systems are obsolete and undermanned. The planet was theirs
in less than ten hours.
[KIRA] With Betazed in the hands of the Jem'Hadar, the Dominion is in a
position to threaten Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, Alpha Centauri.
[DAX] If we ever needed a new ally, it's right now.
(Garak's shop)
(Garak is working on a dress when Sisko enters.)
[SISKO] Mister Garak, it's been three days. Have you made any progress?
[GARAK] Well I suppose that depends on how you look at it.
[SISKO] This is how I look at it is. Betazed has just fallen to the
Dominion and we need to get this operation underway.
[GARAK] I share your desire for swift action, Captain. In fact, after
our last conversation, I made a few discreet inquiries among my former
associates still living on Cardassia. As I anticipated, they shared my
loathing for the current government and were willing to take on an
assignment aimed at its destruction.
[SISKO] That sounds like progress to me.
[GARAK] Doesn't it? Unfortunately, they're all dead now.
[SISKO] What?
[GARAK] Yes. All killed within one day of speaking with me. I suppose
that's a testament to the effectiveness of Dominion security. One
should admire such efficiency.
[SISKO] I'm sorry.
[GARAK] I hope you're not giving up that easily. After all, the stakes
are much higher than a few dead operatives. The fate of the entire
quadrant hangs in the balance. Or at least that's the case you made to
[SISKO] Do you have another plan?
[GARAK] As a matter of fact, I do. But I suspect you won't like it.
[SISKO] Try me.
[GARAK] If you want to guarantee that we obtain evidence of a Dominion
plan to attack the Romulans, I suggest that we manufacture that
evidence ourselves.
(Sisko's quarters)
[SISKO] Maybe I should have put a stop to it right
there. Maybe I should have said, thank you very much for your input,
Mister Garak. I will take your suggestion under advisement, and gone
back to my office and forgotten about the whole thing. But I didn't.
Because in my heart, I knew what he was saying made sense.
(Garak's shop)
[GARAK] His name is Vreenak. He's been a key member
of the Romulan Senate for the past fourteen years. He's Secretary of
the War Plans Council, Vice Chairman of the Tal Shiar, and one of the
most trusted advisors to Proconsul Neral.
[SISKO] He's also the man that negotiated the non-aggression pact with
the Dominion.
[GARAK] Since you're familiar with him, I'll skip the rest of his
biography. What's important is that he continues to be one of the most
ardently pro-Dominion voices in the Senate. If we can convince him that
the Dominion is a threat, the rest of the Senate will follow.
[SISKO] All right, how?
[GARAK] Ten days from now, Senator Vreenak will be making a trip to
Soukara for a diplomatic meeting with Weyoun. I am certain that he can
be persuaded to make a secret detour to DS Nine if he were invited by
one Captain Benjamin Sisko.
[SISKO] How do you know he'll be visiting Soukara?
[GARAK] There are some things I'd rather not discuss. May I continue?
[SISKO] Please.
[GARAK] When Senator Vreenak arrives, you will show him a holographic
recording of a secret meeting held at the highest level of the Dominion
in which the planned invasion of Romulus is being discussed. You will
tell the Senator that this information was obtained through various
covert means at great cost to the Federation. At least ten good men
lost their lives bringing it across the line, that sort of thing. He
will immediately suspect it's a forgery, but you will assure him that
such a thing would be impossible. You see, Senator, this is an official
Cardassian transcript. It was recorded on a one time optolythic data
rod used for official record keeping. These rods are manufactured only
as needed on Cardassia Prime. Information can only be transcribed on
them once, and then cannot be altered.
[SISKO] He'll want to examine it.
[GARAK] Of course. And he will discover to his amazement that it's
completely genuine. At least, so it will appear.
[SISKO] But in reality?
[GARAK] You will have handed him a genuine optolythic data rod, but it
will contain one of the most perfect forgeries ever fashioned. I'm
still working on obtaining the data rod, but I have located the man who
will create the holorecording.
[SISKO] You realise I can't authorise a thing like this on my own. I'll
have to clear it with Starfleet Command.
[GARAK] Of course. But I suspect that with the fall of Betazed, they'll
be ready to do whatever it takes to bring the Romulans into the war.
[SISKO] I'll let you know.
[GARAK] One last thing, Captain. The man we need to forge this
holoprogramme is currently sitting in a Klingon prison awaiting
execution. To save time and incidentally his life, I thought that
perhaps you could contact Chancellor Gowron today and arrange a pardon.
[SISKO] What's his name?
[GARAK] Grathon Tolar.
(Tolar is a pale blue reptilian with a head crest.
Rather pretty colour, actually.)
[TOLAR] I cannot tell you how grateful I am, Captain. The Klingons were
going to execute me tomorrow. Of course, they say that every day. It's
one of the little games they like to play.
[SISKO] You do understand the terms of your parole?
[TOLAR] Oh, yes. I have to promise to stay away from the Klingon Empire.
That'll be tough. And I have to create some kind of a special
holoprogramme for you. I can hardy wait. I've never worked for
Starfleet before.
[SISKO] Let's be very clear about this. You're not working for
Starfleet. This entire matter is off the record. As far as you're
concerned, you're working for me.
[TOLAR] Oh. A personal matter. Something special for your eyes only.
Something with, perhaps, five or six Orion slave girls and
[SISKO] Mister Tolar, I suggest you go wait in your quarters. Mister
Garak will provide you with all the information you need.
[TOLAR] Garak is here?
[SISKO] That's right.
[TOLAR] Oh. Oh. Well, that's different. I'll wait in my quarters.
[SISKO (OC)] Why I didn't listen to the voice in the back of my mind
telling me not to believe a word he said, I'll never know.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO (OC)] But it didn't take long for me to come
face to face with the fact that I'd made a mistake.
[ODO (OC)] Odo to the Captain.
[SISKO] Go ahead, Constable.
[ODO (OC)] I'm sorry to disturb you, but do you know a man named Grathon
[SISKO] Yes. Why do you ask?
ODO {OC): Because he just tried to kill Quark.
(Quark is shaking.)
[BASHIR] Sit still, Quark. You'll be fine.
[ODO] (to security) All right, keep an eye on him.
[SISKO] What happened?
[ODO] As I understand it, Mister Tolar over there came in about two
hours ago and ordered a bottle of Whelan Bitters. Fifteen minutes
later, he ordered a second bottle, then a third. Halfway through his
fourth bottle he decided to dance with M'Pella. She was otherwise
engaged running the dabo wheel and declined his invitation. He decided
to force the issue. A brief struggle ensued and Quark, in an
uncharacteristic display of
chivalry, attempted to intervene, so Tolar stabbed him. Normally, he'd
be sitting in a holding cell, but he claims he's a friend of yours.
[SISKO] He's no friend of mine, but he is working for me. It's an
extremely sensitive matter concerning Federation security. I can't have
any record of him being on the station.
[ODO] I see. I am certainly aware of the need for special security
measures during wartime, but as a matter of law, if Quark chooses to
press charges against Tolar, I have no choice but to make an arrest.
[SISKO] May I speak to Quark.
(Odo nods, Sisko goes over to Bashir and Quark.)
[SISKO] How is he?
[QUARK] How do I look? I'm a man who just had a brush with death.
[BASHIR] He'll be fine. His ribs deflected the knife from his major
organs. The bleeding was superficial.
[QUARK] Superficial? Do you know how much this shirt cost?
[SISKO] Will you excuse us for a moment, Doctor?
[BASHIR] I'll check on you tomorrow.
(Bashir leaves.)
[SISKO] Do you intend to press charges?
[QUARK] You bet I do.
[SISKO] What will it take, er, to, er, convince you otherwise?
[QUARK] Are you offering me a bribe? I knew it. Captain, I've always
liked you. I suspected that somewhere deep down in your heart of hearts
there was a tiny bit of Ferengi just waiting to get out.
[SISKO] What's your price?
[QUARK] Well, let's start with replacing my clothes and M'Pella's
[SISKO] All right.
[QUARK] I'm not finished. I think I should be compensated for the loss
of business I suffered today, which I calculate as no less than five
bars of gold pressed latinum.
[SISKO] Done.
[QUARK] I'm also having a problem with station security. They're holding
some cargo containers which I've been waiting for because of some
missing import licence or something.
[SISKO] I'll handle it. Anything else?
[QUARK] No. I think we can call it a bribe. And thank you, Captain.
Thank you for restoring my faith in the ninety eighth Rule of
Acquisition. Every man has his price.
(Sisko's quarters)
[SISKO] That was my first moment of real doubt, when
I started to wonder if this whole thing was a mistake. So then I went
back to my office and there was a new casualty list waiting for me.
People are dying out there every day. Entire worlds are struggling for
their freedom and here I am still worrying about the finer points of
morality. No, I had to keep my eye on the ball. Win the war, stop the
bloodshed. Those were the priorities!
[SISKO (OC)] So I pushed on. And every time another
doubt appeared before me, I just found another way to shove it aside.
[GARAK] Mind if I join you?
[SISKO] Be my guest.
[SISKO] Ops.
[GARAK] Hold. The less I'm seen parading through Ops, the better.
[SISKO] I couldn't agree more.
[GARAK] You seem angry.
[SISKO] Who's watching Tolar?
[GARAK] I've locked him in his quarters. I've also left him with the
distinct impression that if he attempts to force the door open, it may
[SISKO] I hope that's just an impression.
[GARAK] It's best not to dwell on such minutiae. In any case, we have
far more important matters to discuss. I've located a gentleman willing
to sell us a genuine optolythic data rod.
[SISKO] How do you know it's genuine?
[GARAK] I trust the source, but rest assured I will confirm the rod's
authenticity before I make payment. Which brings me to you.
[SISKO] How much does he want?
[GARAK] I'm afraid he's not interested in latinum. The gentleman in
question has requested to be compensated with two hundred litres of
biomimetic gel.
[SISKO] What?
[GARAK] I don't know why, exactly. One would assume it has something to
do with genetic experimentation.
[SISKO] Offer him something else.
[GARAK] Believe me, I wouldn't be relaying this request if I thought
he'd take anything else.
[SISKO] Biomimetic gel is strictly controlled by the Federation and not
for sale at any price. Find someone else who's willing sell us a rod.
[GARAK] I wasn't exaggerating when I told you about the near
impossibility of obtaining a genuine Cardassian data rod. It's
something of a minor miracle that I was able to locate this one source,
I'm virtually certain I won't find another. I'm afraid we either give
him what he wants or forget the whole enterprise.
[SISKO] Then let's forget about it. Ops. Hold. Two hundred litres is out
of the question. There's not that much gel in the entire sector.
[GARAK] I believe the quantity is open to negotiation.
[SISKO] Ops.
(Captain's office)
[BASHIR] Captain, biomimetic gel is an extremely
dangerous compound, as you know. I can't release it without at least
some idea of where it's going. In the wrong hands, it could be used to
make biogenic weapons, or for illegal replication experiments, or to
develop organic explosives
[SISKO] Perhaps I didn't make myself clear, Doctor. This is not a
request, it's an order. You will package eighty five litres of
biomimetic gel for interstellar transport and deliver them to cargo bay
three. Is that understood?
[BASHIR] Yes. I'd like this order in writing, please, sir.
[SISKO] I thought you might.
[BASHIR] You should know that I shall note this in my log and file an
official protest with Starfleet Medical.
[SISKO] That is your right. But I want the gel by the end of the day.
(Set up as a Cardassian conference room. Garak and
Sisko watch the play as Tolar works controls.)
[WEYOUN] The Founders have decided to implement stage two ahead of
[DAMAR] The invasion of Romulus? It's too soon. We're engaged in heavy
fighting all along the border with the Federation. The Klingons are
preparing to go on the offensive and
[WEYOUN] Fortunately, the Founders have better vision than you do. They
can see the opportunities before us even when you cannot. Consider. The
Romulans don't expect an attack from Cardassia. The bulk of the Romulan
fleet is still deployed along the Neutral Zone with the Federation. The
Founders estimate that we could be on Romulus itself in less than three
[DAMAR] Three weeks? I heard the same kind of estimates before we
attacked the Federation.
[WEYOUN] Those plans were ruined by the incompetency of your
[DAMAR] Gul Dukat is a great man.
[WEYOUN] Gul Dukat is a preening egotist and a fool. We offered him
unchallenged control of the Alpha Quadrant and all he could think about
was his daughter. Now, shall we get back to the business at hand?
[GARAK] That's it. Freeze programme. That's all the new material. The
rest of the programme plays exactly as you saw it before. What do you
[SISKO] It's better. They seem more real.
[GARAK] Yes, and all I had to do was add a little petty bickering and
mutual loathing.
[TOLAR] So, you are happy?
[SISKO] It's satisfactory.
[GARAK] You may record the programme onto the data rod now.
(The scenario vanishes.)
[SISKO] I've received a message. Senator Vreenak is on the way.
[GARAK] Excellent.
[TOLAR] Done. Who gets it?
[GARAK] Just put it in the case.
(The wooden case has a Cardassian emblem on it.)
[TOLAR] Well. It has been a pleasure doing business with you, gentlemen.
Call me again if you ever need
[SISKO] You're not going anywhere.
[TOLAR] What? What do you mean?
[SISKO] I mean you're not leaving until your work is accepted by our
[TOLAR] That isn't fair. You can't keep me here against my will! I
haven't done anything wrong. We had an agreement.
(Sisko pushes Tolar up against the bulkhead.)
[SISKO] I'm making a new agreement. If that programme passes inspection,
you walk free, but if there's even the slightest flaw, the I will send
you back to that Klingon prison and tell Gowron to take his time while
he executes you.
[TOLAR] All right. It will pass. You'll see. It will pass.
[GARAK] I sincerely hope so. Now why don't you go back to your quarters.
I'll be along shortly to say hello.
(Sisko's quarters)
[SISKO] Maybe I was under more pressure than I
realised. Maybe it really was starting to get to me. But I was off the
hook. Starfleet Command had given the plan their blessing and I thought
that would make things easier. But I was the one who had to make it
happen. I was the one who had to look Senator Vreenak in his eye and
convince him that a lie was the truth.
[GARAK] So while you're entertaining the Senator in
the wardroom, I'll take the opportunity to make a quick search of his
ship's database.
[SISKO] For what?
[GARAK] For any intelligence information he may have picked up on the
Dominion in Soukara.
[SISKO] What if you get caught?
[GARAK] Oh, I think that's highly unlikely. I doubt the senator will be
travelling with more than four bodyguards at the most. Two will stand
watch outside the wardroom and two will stay in the landing bay. I
assure you, they'll never know I was even near their ship.
[SISKO] Just make sure you don't get caught.
(Round a corner.)
[SISKO] Report.
[WORF] Sections fifty two Baker through sixty two Baker have been
secured. I have posted armed guards at every entry points and I have
personally scanned all compartments for signs of surveillance
[SISKO] Very good, Commander. Maintain current security measures until
further notice. No one is to enter this area except for Mister Garak
and myself.
[WORF] Aye, sir.
[GARAK] Always a pleasure to see you, Mister Worf.
[KIRA (OC)] Ops to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead, Major.
[KIRA (OC)] We've just received the coded subspace signal you were
waiting for. Should I reply?
[SISKO] No reply, Major. Sisko out.
(Sisko taps commands onto a wall panel. We watch as the landing pad
doors open, the pad itself goes up. More commands and the pad comes
down with nothing on it. Then a Romulan shuttle decloaks and the
embarkation tube extends to it.)
[GARAK] I'll take my leave of you now, Captain. Oh, and one last thing.
Vreenak believes he's on the winning side, so until you can prove
otherwise, you may have to put up with a certain acerbic attitude.
[SISKO] Mister Garak, after having spent a week with you, I have
developed a very, very thick skin.
[GARAK] Good luck.
(Garak leaves. The airlock opens and two Romulan guards come out,
followed by the Senator.)
[SISKO] Welcome aboard, Senator. I'm Captain Benjamin Sisko.
[VREENAK] So, you're the Commander of Deep Space Nine, and the Emissary
to the Prophets, decorated combat officer, widower, father, mentor, and
oh yes, the man who started the war with the Dominion. Somehow I
thought you'd be taller.
[SISKO] Sorry to disappoint you.
[VREENAK] To be honest, my opinion of Starfleet officers is so low that
you'd have to work very hard indeed to disappoint me.
[SISKO] If you'll come with me, I'll show you to your quarters.
[VREENAK] I look forward to seeing your station, while it's still here,
that is. The way the war's going with the Federation, it may not be
around much longer.
(Romulan ale is being imbibed.)
[VREENAK] A fair approximation. Somewhat lacking in aroma. Real kali-fal
should forcibly open one's sinuses well before the first sip.
[SISKO] We don't have much experience in replicating Romulan beverages.
Of course, all of that would change if we became allies instead of cold
[VREENAK] You are persistent, Captain, I'll grant you that, but dogged
determination isn't enough to change the reality of your situation.
Time is definitely not on your side. The Dominion shipyards are working
at one hundred percent capacity. Yours are still being rebuilt. The
Dominion is breeding legions of Jem'Hadar soldiers every day. You're
experiencing a manpower shortage. But most important, the Dominion is
resolved to win the war at any cost. You and I both know the Federation
has already put out peace feelers. Now, in all candor, if you were in
my position, which side would you choose?
[SISKO] I'd pick the side most likely to leave us in peace when the dust
settles. Maybe you're right. Maybe the Dominion will win in the end.
Then the Founders will control what we now call Cardassia, the Klingon
Empire and the Federation. So, instead of facing three separate
opponents with three separate agendas, you'll find yourselves facing
the same opponent on every side. There's a word for that. Surrounded.
[VREENAK] It really is a good replica. The aroma's starting to grow on
me. For a moment there I almost forgot that it wasn't the real thing,
but only for a moment. You make some very good points, Captain, but
it's still all speculation and theory. Nothing that would warrant
abrogating our treaty and plunging the Empire into war.
[SISKO] What if I told you that the Dominion is planning a sneak attack
on the Romulan Empire at this very moment?
[VREENAK] I'd want proof.
(Another part of the recording is running.)
[WEYOUN] And with the Cardassian Fourth Order protecting their flank,
the Twenty third Jem'Hadar division will begin its thrust across the
Glintara Sector. They should begin the invasion of Romulus itself on
the following day. Once we've taken the homeworld, organised resistance
will crumble when outlying systems and colonies begin looking out for
themselves. Consolidation of the entire Empire will take three months
at most.
[DAMAR] What if the Romulan fleet reacts faster than you're
anticipating? What if they pull all of their forces away from the
Federation border at the first sign of our attack?
[WEYOUN] I place my faith in the Founders. They say that the Romulans
are not ready for war and will not react fast enough once it begins.
Now, do you wish to dispute their judgment?
[DAMAR] No, of course not. I serve the Founders.
[WEYOUN] As do we all. Meeting adjourned.
(Up comes a Cardassian logo, then the room is empty except for the two
[VREENAK] I'd like to examine that data rod.
(Sisko's quarters)
[SISKO] So all I could do was wait and see how
masterful Tolar's forgery really was. So I waited. Tried to catch up on
my paperwork. But I found it very difficult to focus on criminal
activity reports, or cargo manifests, do I went back to pacing and
staring out of the window. I'm not an impatient man. I'm not one to
agonise over decisions once they're made. I got that from my father. He
always says worry and doubt are the greatest enemies of a great chef.
The soufflé will either rise or it won't. There's not a damn thing you
can do about it, so you might as well just sit back and wait and see
what happens. But this time the cost of failure was so high I found it
difficult to follow his advice.
[SISKO (OC)] If Vreenak discovered that the data rod
was a forgery, if he realised that we were trying to trick them into
war, it could push the Romulans even farther into the enemy camp. They
could start to openly help the Dominion. If worse came to worst, they
could actually join the war against us. I had the distinct feeling that
victory or defeat would be decided in the next few minutes.
(Sisko enters, Vreenak dismisses his guards.)
[VREENAK] It's a fake!
(Sisko's quarters)
[SISKO] So it blew up in my face. And all the lies
and the compromises, the inner doubts and rationalisations, all for
nothing. Vreenak was furious. I can't say I blamed him. I'd have
reacted the same way. After telling me in no uncertain terms that he
would expose this vile deception to the entire Alpha Quadrant, he got
back in his shuttle and headed home. There didn't seem to be anything
more to do.
[SISKO (OC)] So I went back to work. Two days later,
I got the news.
(It must be Friday.)
[BASHIR] No one for me today.
[DAX] I had one. Maria Tatalia, wounded in action.
[BASHIR] Friend?
[DAX] Friend of a friend. I actually only met her once. I don't think
she'd remember me.
[BASHIR] A friend of a friend between the two of us. Well, I know it
sounds a bit strange, but I'd say we're off to a pretty good start
[WORF] Captain, we just received word from Starfleet Intelligence that a
Romulan shuttlecraft carrying a high ranking senator has just been
[SISKO] Which Senator?
[WORF] Senator Vreenak. He was returning to Romulus from a diplomatic
mission to Soukara when his shuttle exploded. The Tal Shiar are
investigating, but preliminary report points to sabotage. They believe
that the Dominion is responsible.
[DAX] The Dominion assassinated a Romulan Senator.
[BASHIR] On a diplomatic mission.
[WORF] That changes everything. It could even bring the Romulans into
the war.
[SISKO] Excuse me.
(Garak's shop)
(Sisko the Thunder God storms in and hits Garak,
sending him flying.)
[SISKO] Get up. You killed him.
[GARAK] That's right.
[SISKO] That's what you planned to do all along, isn't it. You knew the
data rod wouldn't hold up to scrutiny. You just wanted to get him on
the station so you could plant a bomb on his shuttle.
[GARAK] It wasn't quite that simple. I did have hopes that the rod would
somehow pass inspection, but I suspected that Tolar may not have been
up to the task.
[SISKO] And what about Tolar? Did you kill him too?
[GARAK] Think of them both as tragic victims of war.
(Sisko punches Garak again.)
[GARAK] If you can allow your anger to subside for a moment, you'll see
that they did not die in vain. The Romulans will enter the war.
[SISKO] There's no guarantee of that.
[GARAK] Oh, but I think that there is. You see, when the Tal Shiar
finishes examining the wreckage of Vreenak's shuttle, they'll find the
burnt remnants of a Cardassian optolythic data rod which somehow
miraculously survived the explosion. After painstaking forensic
examination, they'll discover that the rod contains a recording of a
high level Dominion meeting at which the invasion of Romulus was being
[SISKO] And then they'll discover that it is a fraud!
[GARAK] No, I don't think they will, because any imperfections in the
forgery will appear to be a result of the explosion. So, with a
seemingly legitimate rod in one hand and a dead senator in the other, I
ask you, Captain, what conclusion would you draw?
[SISKO] That Vreenak obtained the rod on Soukara and that the Dominion
killed him to prevent him from returning to Romulus with it.
[GARAK] Precisely. And the more the Dominion protests their innocence,
the more the Romulans will believe they're guilty because it's exactly
what the Romulans would have done in their place. That's why you came
to me, isn't it, Captain? Because you knew I could do those things that
you weren't capable of doing. Well, it worked. And you'll get what you
want, a war between the Romulans and the Dominion. And if your
conscience is bothering you, you should soothe it with the knowledge
that you may have just saved the entire Alpha Quadrant and all it cost
was the life of one Romulan senator, one criminal, and the self-respect
of one Starfleet officer. I don't know about you, but I'd call that a
(Sisko's quarters)
[SISKO] At oh eight hundred hours, station time, the
Romulan Empire formally declared war against the Dominion. They have
already struck fifteen bases along the Cardassian border. So, this is a
huge victory for the good guys. This may even be the turning point of
the entire war. There's even a 'Welcome to the Fight' party tonight in
the wardroom. So I lied, I cheated, I bribed men to cover the crimes of
other men. I am an accessory to murder. But most damning thing of all,
I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again, I
would. Garak was right about one thing. A guilty conscience is a small
price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant, so I will learn to
live with it. Because I can live with it. I can live with it. Computer,
erase that entire personal log. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e140", "title": "In The Pale Moonlight"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - His Way
Original Airdate: 20 Apr, 1998
note - I can't be bothered to type out the lyrics to Vic's songs. I can
recommend the CD - This One's From The Heart - if
you want to listen to them. Peggy Lee does the best version of Fever,
in my opinion.)
(Las Vegas lounge)
(The wonderful
James Darren finishes crooning 'You're Nobody 'til Somebody
Loves You' to an appreciative 1960's audience, and a select C24
group. I'm in love.)
[VIC] Thank you. Hey, it's been four hundred years but that little
number still works for me.
[BASHIR] Isn't he terrific?
[WORF] I prefer Klingon opera.
[BASHIR] Come on, I'll introduce you.
[KIRA] To a hologram?
[ODO] Doctor, is this really necessary?
[BASHIR] Trust me, he's no ordinary hologram. Vic. You're terrific.
[VIC] Thanks, Doc.
[BRIEN] Wonderful.
[KIRA] Very nice.
[VIC] I know what you're thinking. He has pretty sweet pipes for a light
[DAX] Light bulb?
[VIC] That's what I am, right? A collection of photons and forcefields.
You know, your basic heuristic, fully interactive hologram.
[BRIEN] He knows he's a hologram?
[BASHIR] Felix designed him that way. He thought it gave him the right
attitude for the era.
[VIC] If you're going to work Vegas in the sixties, you'd better know
the score. otherwise, you're going to look like a Clyde.
[KIRA] A Clyde?
[VIC] A Harvey, you know.
[WORF] Harvey?
[VIC] A square. You know what a square is, right?
[BRIEN] It's one side of a cube.
[VIC] Well, I guess that answers my question. Where are your manners,
Julian? Aren't you going to introduce me to your entourage?
[BASHIR] I am so sorry. Commanders Dax and Worf, this is Vic Fontaine.
[VIC] How long you kids been married?
[WORF] How did you know we were married?
[VIC] When you sing in as many joints as I have, you become a student of
the human heart. (to O'Brien) Don't beat yourself up, pallie. Just
because you miss your wife, doesn't mean you've gone blind.
[BRIEN] What's that supposed to mean?
[VIC] It means there's a lot of very attractive ladies in the room and
it's all right to look at them as long as you don't touch.
[BRIEN] He's good.
[VIC] And as for you two.
[ODO] Yes?
[VIC] Never mind. Forget I brought it up. You have time for another
[BASHIR] Oh no, we've got to split, Vic.
[VIC] Well, you know where to find me. By the way, this is a high class
joint. That means coat and ties for the gents, dresses for the ladies.
You guys look like a trapeze act.
[BASHIR] Catch you later, baby.
[BRIEN] Come on, Julian. You told him about Keiko.
[BASHIR] I didn't say a word. So, why don't we all meet here tomorrow
night at twenty one hundred? We can listen to Vic's whole set, then
maybe hit the casinos, play a little blackjack, roulette.
[DAX] We'll be there. Right?
[WORF] I still prefer Klingon operas.
[KIRA] Well count me out. I'm leaving for Bajor in the morning.
[DAX] Oh, that's right. I forgot. Say hi to Shakaar for me. Sorry. I
forgot. Pretend you didn't hear that. She doesn't want anyone to know
that she's visiting the First Minister.
[BASHIR] Business or pleasure?
[KIRA] Now you see what you started?
(Kira leaves.)
[DAX] I said I was sorry.
(Worf and Dax leave.)
[BASHIR] So, what do you think?
[BRIEN] About what?
[BASHIR] About Vic. Clever, isn't he?
[BRIEN] Too clever.
[BASHIR] I tell you, I owe the man, Miles. If it wasn't for him, I
wouldn't be dating Ensign Walker.
[BRIEN] What are you talking about?
[BASHIR] She turned down three dinner invitations. I talked to Vic, he
gave me a few pointers and voila.
[BRIEN] Julian, are you telling me that you discussed your love life
with a hologram?
[BASHIR] He's not an ordinary hologram, Miles. He knows about life,
love, women.
[BRIEN] Three things you know nothing about.
[BASHIR] Now that's a little unfair.
[BRIEN] Well then, why are you asking for advice from a light bulb?
(Odo watches them hand over the programme rod and take their drinks to
a table.)
(Security office)
[QUARK] I don't know why you're so surprised. What
did you expect was going to happen?
[ODO] I wasn't expecting anything.
[QUARK] I see. How long has it been since Shakaar and Major Kira broke
[ODO] I don't know. About a year.
[QUARK] It's been over a year. You've had plenty of time to arrange a
merger with Kira. But in all that time, have you even tried to open
negotiations? No.
[ODO] It's not that simple.
[QUARK] Odo, the woman waited a year for you to make an offer, any kind
of an offer. Face it, you've had plenty of opportunities and you've let
them all slip away.
[ODO] Who asked for your opinion?
[QUARK] You did. I came here to talk about a missing shipment of groat
clusters. You're the one that started talking about the Major. You want
my advice?
[ODO] No.
[QUARK] Make it easy on both of us. Forget all about her.
[ODO] Is that the best you can do?
[QUARK] I'd like to see someone do better.
[ODO] So would I.
[QUARK] You're not exactly the most lovable person in the galaxy. You're
not even the most lovable person in this sector, or on the station. Or
even in this room. You're cold, rigid, remote. Can I leave now?
[ODO] Please do. Wait.
[QUARK] Odo, make up your mind.
[ODO] I need a favour from you. It's about Doctor Bashir's new holosuite
[QUARK] You're up late, Doctor.
[BASHIR] Yeah, can't sleep. Feeling a bit tense, actually.
[QUARK] I've got just the thing. One Warp Core Breach coming right up.
(He puts dry ice into a goldfish bowl, followed by coloured liquids.)
[QUARK] A few sips of this and you'll be relaxed for the next three
[BASHIR] I'm not that tense, Quark. Look, I think I'll just go up to the
holosuite for a bit and
[QUARK] The holosuite?
[BASHIR] Yes. If you could hand me my new programme
[QUARK] Sorry, Doctor, all the holosuites are in use.
[BASHIR] At this hour?
[QUARK] It's been that kind of a night. I'm afraid there won't be one
available for the rest of this evening.
[BASHIR] That's unfortunate. Maybe I'll go wake up Miles, play a little
(Las Vegas lounge)
(No audience, Vic in shirt sleeves.)
[VIC] I remember back in must've been fifty eight, I was playing the
Sands. One night,
Frank and
Dean dropped by. We ended up taking over one of the blackjack
tables. Between the three of us, we must've dropped fifteen big ones
and believe me, back then that wasn't chump change. So, Frank goes over
to the pit boss. What was his name?
[ODO] Look, Mister Fontaine, I
[VIC] Vic.
[ODO] Vic. These stories are all very interesting, but I didn't come
here to reminisce about your past. Yesterday, when my friends and I
were here, you seemed to know things.
[VIC] I've been around the block a couple of times.
[ODO] You seem to know specific things. For instance, Dax and Worf are
married, the Chief missed his wife.
[VIC] You don't have to be an Einstein to clue into any of that.
[ODO] At one point, you were going to make an observation about Major
Kira and myself.
[VIC] I thought about it but I didn't want to embarrass anyone you know,
give away any secrets.
[ODO] Exactly what secrets are you talking about?
[VIC] C'mon, do I really have to connect the dots? You're crazy about
the broad but you're afraid to do anything about it. And she? Well, you
[ODO] No. Go on.
[VIC] It's the oldest story in the book. She thinks of you as a friend.
[ODO] I wouldn't call that a secret.
[VIC] But women have been known to change their minds. You just have to
give them a reason.
[ODO] You make it sound so easy.
[VIC] That's because it's not that hard. The girl already likes you.
That means you're halfway home.
[ODO] She's aware of my feelings toward her, but the truth is she
prefers Shakaar.
[VIC] Who?
[ODO] The First Minister of Bajor. He's a leader, a hero, a man with
great charisma.
[VIC] I don't care if he's JFK. It's not the other guy you have to worry
about, it's you.
[ODO] Me?
[VIC] That's right. I mean, for starters you've got to lose this whole
Nanook of the North thing.
[ODO] I don't understand.
[VIC] Well, you've got about as much personality as an icicle. Cool is
one thing, but you're frozen solid.
[ODO] You think I have no emotions. Believe me, I do. I just don't
always show them.
[VIC] And therein lies the problem. Come with me.
[ODO] Where to?
[VIC] Look, pallie, if you want to win the girl, we got to thaw you out
a little bit. You know, turn up the heat, get those emotions you claim
to have bubbling to the surface. It's time to have some fun.
[ODO] What does fun have to do with Major Kira?
[VIC] I'll pretend I didn't hear that. First, let's lose those threads.
I mean, here's nothing like a tuxedo to make you feel like a million
[ODO] You mean something like this?
(Odo morphs his uniform into a tuxedo and bow tie. Very smart.)
[VIC] Very sharp. After you.
[ODO] Oh, I don't sing.
[VIC] Glad to hear it. I don't need the competition. What I do need is
someone to handle the black and whites. My piano player just threw ten
sevens in a row at the craps table and took off for Reno. So have a
seat, my friend, the crowd's getting restless.
[ODO] What crowd?
[VIC] That one.
(And there they all are. Odo sits at the grand piano on the stage. The
rest of the band have appeared too.)
[VIC] Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Vic Fontaine. And tonight
is going to be a gas. Hit it, Nanook.
[ODO] No, I don't play the piano.
[VIC] You want to bet?
(The piano plays 'Come Fly with Me' with and without Odo's help.)
[VIC] Stay with me, pallie.
[ODO] You don't need me. The piano's doing all the work.
[VIC] That's not the point. You've got to sell it. Style, baby, style.
Make 'em believe.
[ODO] Style.
(So we are treated to the whole song, and Odo settles into the role of
jazz pianist. At the end he gets a great round of applause.)
[ODO] No, it's nothing. Cool!
(Vic's hotel suite)
(Odo is still caught up with his new talent while
Vic pours them both a drink.)
[VIC] Bottoms up.
[ODO] No, I don't drink.
[VIC] Why am I not surprised? It's not real booze. You're in a
holosuite, remember? How'd you like being in the spotlight?
[ODO] Very bright.
[VIC] That's all you've got to say?
[ODO] The lights kept me from seeing the audience. I suppose that's why
I wasn't nervous.
[VIC] Nothing to be nervous about. You were too busy having fun.
[ODO] I suppose I was. I'm just grateful none of my friends saw me.
[VIC] There you go, tensing up again. Look at you. I mean, you're
standing there like a statue. I mean, the only things you're going to
attract are pigeons. Sit down. Relax. Take a couple of deep breaths.
You do that and everything you want will come to you.
[ODO] That's all it takes?
[VIC] Try it. Go on.
(A knock on the door.)
[VIC] See?
[ODO] Are you expecting someone?
[VIC] Let's find out.
(Two showgirls are there, blonde and brunette)
[GINGER] (Blonde) Surprise!
[VIC] Well for crying out loud. What are you two lovely ladies doing
[MELISSA] You invited us, remember?
[VIC] Oh, that's right. Come on in. Odo, we've got company.
[GINGER] Look, it's the piano player. We saw you perform tonight.
Melissa thinks you're adorable.
[MELISSA] Would you mind if I looked at your hands?
[VIC] Show her your hands.
[MELISSA] I knew it. They're so artistic.
[GINGER] You know, I once played on the same bill with Liberace. He has
the sweetest dimples.
[MELISSA] Are you classically trained?
[ODO] No, actually I. Vic taught me everything I know.
[MELISSA] Is he a good student?
[VIC] Head of his class.
[MELISSA] Maybe I can help you get your diploma.
[VIC] All right, ladies. The night is young and I have a table waiting
for us at the Dunes.
[GINGER] We're going to see Shecky?
[MELISSA] Shecky.
[ODO] Shecky who?
[MELISSA] Oh, you didn't tell me he had a sense of humour.
[GINGER] He plays the piano and he's funny. Kind of like
[ODO] Who?
[MELISSA] I think I'm in love.
[VIC] After you, ladies.
(Ginger and Melissa leave.)
[ODO] I don't think
[VIC] What are you worried about? Melissa's a very nice girl.
[ODO] Oh, I'm sure she is. It's just she's not Kira.
[VIC] Tell me something, how do you get to Carnegie Hall?
[ODO] I have no idea.
[VIC] Practice, practice, practice. Get it?
[ODO] No.
[VIC] Think of this evening as a trial run. Trust me, you're going to do
(Captain's office)
[ODO] Captain, here's the report on that smuggling
ring you requested. Should I forward the information to the Zevian
[SISKO] I'll let you know in a minute.
(As Sisko reads the PADD, Odo begins humming 'The Way You Wear Your
[ODO] (singing) No, no, they can't take that away from me. The way your
smile just beams.
(Sisko is clicking his fingers to the beat.)
[ODO] Yes, Captain?
[SISKO] Oh, don't stop on my account.
[ODO] Stop what?
[SISKO] You were singing.
[ODO] I was singing?
[SISKO] (sings) No, no, they can't take that away from me.
[ODO] You're right. I was singing. They can't take that away from me.
[ODO] We may never, never meet again on that bumpy road to love.
(Dax is calls for the turbolift. One arrives with Bashir already on
[DAX] Julian.
[BASHIR] Morning.
[DAX] Ops. I wonder, should you ask Kira about Shakaar or should I?
[BASHIR] Why don't you do the honours. But you'll have to wait. She's
staying on Bajor for two more days.
[DAX] She and Shakaar must be having a good time.
[BASHIR] That'd be my guess.
[DAX] Poor Odo.
[BASHIR] Odo? What's he got to do with it?
[DAX] Not a thing. That's the problem.
(A datarod is handed over to Odo.)
[QUARK] Have fun.
(Las Vegas lounge)
(Odo and Vic have just finished another number.)
[VIC] Thank you. Thank you for that kind applause. Keep clapping.
There's a fly buzzing the room and one of you is bound to nail him. Why
the long face, buddy boy?
[ODO] You still haven't told me what I'm supposed to do about Kira and
[VIC] Shakaar? Forget about that fink. I'll bet he doesn't look half as
good in a tux as you do.
[ODO] What difference does that make?
[VIC] You've been coming here every night for a week. Have I steered you
[ODO] No.
[VIC] Then trust your Uncle Vic. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very
special surprise for you tonight. If this babe doesn't raise your
temperature, you'd better check the obituary column, because chances
are you're in it, pallie. Let's have a nice warm round of applause for
Miss Lola Crystal.
(And a hologram dead ringer for Kira sings an abridged version of
[VIC] Remind you of anyone?
(Lola ends up draped over the piano.)
[VIC] Don't look now, but I think she likes you.
(Vic's hotel suite)
(A champagne fountain is being poured.)
[VIC] A toast. As Georgie Jessel once said, 'To
whatever makes you happy.'
[LOLA] My thoughts exactly.
[VIC] I'm going to turn in. You two lovebirds can live without me, I
[LOLA] We'll manage.
(Vic leaves, Lola lights a cigarette.)
[ODO] You have a beautiful voice.
[LOLA] And you have beautiful hands.
[ODO] So I've been told.
(Lola guides them to her bare shoulders.)
[LOLA] They feel good, too.
[ODO] So do you. I've been waiting to hold you like this for as long as
I can remember.
[LOLA] We just met tonight.
[ODO] I must have a short memory.
[LOLA] You're funny.
[ODO] Kind of like Victor Borge?
[LOLA] How'd you know?
(They nearly kiss.)
[ODO] I can't. I can't do this.
[LOLA] Why not?
[ODO] I'm sorry, it has nothing to do with you. Vic! Vic!
[VIC] What's wrong?
[ODO] This isn't working.
[VIC] I thought you two were getting along just fine.
[ODO] Of course we are. You programmed her to find me irresistible. I
could read her a criminal activities report, she'd think it was poetry.
[VIC] You want me to reprogramme her, make her play hard to get?
[ODO] She's nothing like Kira.
[LOLA] Who's Kira?
[VIC] Of course she's not Kira. She's a hologram.
[LOLA] A what?
[VIC] Sweetheart, please. Stay out of this. Do you know how difficult it
was for me to get a holographic image of Major Kira? Lucky for you,
Julian used her image in one of his spy programmes, though it did take
me an hour to get rid of the Russian accent.
[ODO] Look, I appreciate what you've done for me, but I'm afraid it's
all been in vain. I may be Romeo in the holosuite, but I know the first
time I see the real Kira, I'm going to turn back into Nanook of the
[VIC] At least you're starting to talk the talk.
[ODO] I was hoping for a bit more than that.
[VIC] Wait. Wait a minute. You can't give up now.
[ODO] I'm sorry, but I am tired of discussing my feelings with a
(Odo leaves.)
[LOLA] You're a hologram too?
[KIRA] Odo, hello.
[ODO] Major.
[KIRA] Anything interesting happen while I was gone?
[ODO] Interesting? No, no, nothing at all. As a matter of fact, it's
been rather dull.
[KIRA] I'm sorry to hear that.
[ODO] Well, I'd better get back to work.
(Holosuite caves)
(Kira is meditating, surrounded by a multitude of
big candles.)
[VIC] Hey, doll face. You asleep?
[KIRA] How the hell did you get in here?
[VIC] I'm performing next door for Dax and Worf. I'm between sets, so I
transferred my matrix from that holosuite to this one. Now, I don't
have much time.
[KIRA] What do you want?
[VIC] We have to talk.
[KIRA] About what?
[VIC] Odo, what else?
[KIRA] Odo.
[VIC] Come on, Major, don't be coy. We both know he's nuts about you.
[KIRA] He told you that?
[VIC] He tells me everything. We've been spending a lot of time
[KIRA] Odo spending time in a holosuite?
[VIC] And loving it.
[KIRA] I'm sorry. That's just not the Odo I know.
[VIC] Which tells you what? You don't know him as well as you think you
do. He's not the same stick in the mud anymore. The cat can swing.
[KIRA] Are we're talking about the same Odo?
[VIC] The one and only. But let me tell you, the only chick he wants to
swing with is you.
[KIRA] I take it that's a good thing.
[VIC] It's love, baby. Nothing better than that.
[KIRA] How did you get in here again?
[VIC] Don't try to change the subject. We're talking about you and Odo.
[KIRA] No, that's what you're talking about. I'm trying to meditate.
[VIC] And I don't mean to interrupt.
[KIRA] Good. Then leave.
[VIC] Talk about your cranky aliens. You two really are made for each
other. Which is why you've got to come to the holosuite tonight.
[KIRA] What for?
[VIC] So you and Odo can have dinner together.
[KIRA] If Odo wants to have dinner with me, then why doesn't he ask me
[VIC] Because I'm asking you for him, and neither one of us will take no
for an answer.
[KIRA] Then I better say yes.
[VIC] Crazy.
(Security office)
[VIC (OC)] Odo? Can you hear me?
[ODO] Vic? What are you doing on the comm. line?
[VIC (OC)] I need to talk to you. I want you to come to the holosuite
[ODO] Why?
[VIC (OC)] I've done a complete overhaul on the Lola hologram or should
I say the Kira hologram? I'm telling you, Odo, you're going to think
she's the real thing. She walks like Kira, she talks like Kira.
[ODO] Really? How did you manage to accomplish that?
[VIC (OC)] I don't have time to explain now. I'll see you tonight, nine
o'clock. That's twenty one hundred to you.
[ODO] I know.
[VIC (OC)] I'll see you then, pallie.
(Las Vegas lounge)
(There's just one table, set for a romantic dinner
for two. Kira is in a dress, Odo in his tuxedo.)
[VIC] I believe you two know each other.
[ODO] You look lovely.
[KIRA] Thank you. So do you.
[VIC] Mademoiselle. I'll be your server this evening. I'll try not to
spill anything. To begin, a little Dom Perignon fifty five and some
oysters Rockefeller. To be followed by Caesar salad, chateaubriand, and
cherries jubilee.
[KIRA] This is all very interesting, but don't you feel a little silly
being here in a holosuite?
[ODO] A bit.
[VIC] Let me know when you're ready for the salad.
[ODO] Bon appétit. It's French, an Earth language. It means enjoy your
[KIRA] I didn't know you spoke French.
[ODO] I don't. It's something I learned from Vic. French is ze language
of love.
[KIRA] Vic's a fountain of information.
[ODO] He's certainly a man of many talents. But we're really not here to
talk about Vic, are we?
[KIRA] I'm certainly not.
[ODO] I always wondered what this would be like.
[KIRA] The two of us having dinner together?
[ODO] It's certainly not the way I pictured it would be.
[KIRA] It is a bit unusual.
[ODO] Is something wrong? You haven't touched your food.
[KIRA] No, it looks delicious. I'm not hungry. The truth is, I'm a
little nervous.
[ODO] You? Nervous?
[KIRA] A bit. It is our first date, right?
[ODO] Right. Well, there's nothing wrong with being a little nervous as
long it doesn't get in the way.
[KIRA] Of what?
[ODO] Of enjoying yourself.
[KIRA] I thought the only thing you enjoy is your work.
[ODO] How'd you know that?
[KIRA] You told me yourself.
[ODO] Well done, Vic.
[KIRA] Vic?
[ODO] Never mind. I do enjoy my work, but I'm afraid I've used it as an
excuse to avoid the rest of my life.
[KIRA] I know the feeling.
(Vic sings 'I've Got You Under My Skin.')
[KIRA] It's a pretty song.
[ODO] It is, isn't it? You're sure you're not hungry?
[KIRA] Sure. What do we do now?
[ODO] Only one thing we can do. Dance with me.
[KIRA] I'm not sure I know how to dance to this kind of music.
[ODO] Just stay close.
(Kira keeps looking down at her feet.)
[KIRA] Sorry.
[ODO] No, that's good.
(They settle into it, and Odo throws her into a turn.
[KIRA] I had no idea you could dance.
[ODO] It's amazing what you can learn in a holosuite.
[KIRA] I can't believe we're having our first date in a holosuite. I
understand that you wouldn't feel comfortable at Quark's, but I know
one or two out of the way restaurants on the station.
[ODO] I don't think that's possible.
[KIRA] Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?
[ODO] No, no, I meant it would be difficult for you to leave the
[KIRA] Why?
(The song finishes.)
[ODO] It's complicated.
[KIRA] Complicated to leave a holosuite? You make it sound like I'm a
[ODO] Aren't you?
[KIRA] Is that what you think?
[ODO] Maybe you'd better tell her.
[VIC] There's nothing to tell. I'm good, pallie, but I'm not that good.
You've been dancing with the real McCoy.
[ODO] You tricked me.
[KIRA] And me.
[VIC] Hey, I brought you two lovebirds together. That was the whole
idea, wasn't it?
[ODO] Nerys. Kira. Major.
(Odo flees.)
[VIC] Don't say it. Computer end programme.
(Security office)
[VIC (OC)] Odo? Are you there?
[ODO] I have nothing to say to you.
[VIC (OC)] Look, I know you think I sold you down the river.
[ODO] You lied to me.
[VIC (OC)] It was for your own good. It was time for you to stop playing
around with holograms and start playing around with the real thing.
[ODO] You should have told me it was really Kira.
[VIC (OC)] Would you have shown up if I had? I don't hear an answer,
pallie. If you think about it, there's not much to be mad about. I saw
the way she looked at you while the two of you were dancing. The lady
digs you big time.
[ODO] She digs Shakaar. I can only imagine what she thinks of me. I kept
insisting she was a hologram.
[VIC (OC)] Odo, listen to me.
[ODO] No, I'm done listening to you. Computer, end transmission.
[DAX] Are you going to tell me what's wrong?
[KIRA] Oh, there's nothing's wrong. Have you ever had a moment of pure
clarity? A moment where the truth just seems to leap up and grab you by
the throat?
[DAX] I bet this has something to do with your visit with Shakaar.
[KIRA] This has nothing to do with Shakaar. Now tell me, have you ever
had a moment like that?
[DAX] One or two. Of course, that's over a span of seven lifetimes.
[KIRA] Only two moments of clarity in seven lifetimes?
[DAX] Nerys, total clarity is a very rare thing.
[KIRA] I guess so.
[DAX] And when it comes to you, it's important that you act on it,
because believe me, confusion and doubt will take over before you know
(Odo comes out of his office and hands a PADD to a security man.)
[ODO] Check this out.
[KIRA] You're absolutely right. It makes perfect sense.
[DAX] Don't tell me you're having another moment of clarity?
[KIRA] That's two in two days.
[DAX] That's amazing.
(Kira rushes off.)
[KIRA] Odo, wait.
[ODO] Major, if you don't mind, I'd like to forget all about the last
[KIRA] No, I don't think that's a good idea. We need to talk about what
[ODO] Very well. We can meet in my office in an hour.
[KIRA] No, let's discuss it over dinner.
[ODO] Dinner?
[KIRA] You can choose the restaurant. Anywhere but a holosuite.
[ODO] What about Shakaar? Do you think he'll approve?
[KIRA] I don't care if he approves or not. Shakaar and I are friends.
That's all, friends. The First Minister asked me to update him on the
war with the Dominion. My visit was strictly business. Now, are we
going to have dinner together or not?
(Their voices get louder and louder.)
[ODO] And if we do, then what?
[KIRA] I don't know. Maybe we could go dancing.
[ODO] And after that I suppose you'll expect me to kiss you.
[KIRA] Well, it's possible.
[ODO] Then who needs dinner? Why don't I get it over with and kiss you
right now?
[KIRA] Well why don't you?
(So he does, long and hard. Everyone gathers to watch. Quark, Morn,
Dax, passers-by. Somewhere a sax plays I've Got You Under My Skin.)
[KIRA] You're right. Who needs dinner?
[VIC (OC)] Cos I've got you under my skin. Cos I've got you under my
(And they kiss again.)
(Las Vegas lounge)
(Vic finishes singing 'I've Got You Under My
[VIC] Here in Vegas, there's only one way to make sure you don't lose
any money. The moment you step off the plane, you walk right into the
propellers. See you in a few minutes, folks. Odo. Hey, long time no
[ODO] Well, I've been busy.
[VIC] So I hear. Julian tells me that you and the Major are quite an
[ODO] Well, for the moment. Who knows how long it'll last.
[VIC] That's my Odo. Always ready to turn victory into defeat.
[ODO] I wanted to thank you for all your help.
[VIC] Anytime, pallie, anytime. Hey, you feel like sitting in on a
[ODO] Some other time.
[VIC] Say hi to the Major for me.
(Odo starts to leave.)
[VIC] Hey, do me a favour? Leave the programme running for a few minutes
after you leave. I feel like singing.
[ODO] Whatever makes you happy.
(Vic starts singing 'Come Fly With Me.') | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e141", "title": "His Way"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Reckoning
Original Airdate: 27 Apr, 1998
[SISKO] The Dominion has solidified its hold on the
Kalandra Sector. They're trying to establish a supply line running
through Betazoid space into the Argolis
[WORF] If they succeed, they will be able to launch an attack against
[SISKO] Starfleet's going to try to cut them off near the Tibor Nebula.
The Seventh Fleet will be engaging the enemy in the morning.
[DAX] The Seventh Fleet is still at half-strength. They took heavy
losses at Sybaron.
[SISKO] Well let's just hope they can get the job done. On a happier
note, I do have a bit of good news.
[BASHIR] That makes a welcome change.
[SISKO] The Romulans have forced the Dominion to retreat from the
Benzite system.
[ODO] That is good news. The question is, will the Romulans be willing
to leave Benzar after the war is over? Once they capture territory,
they very rarely give it up.
[SISKO] Right now, we need to concentrate on beating the Dominion. We'll
worry about the Romulans later. As some of you already know, Major
Kira, Jake and I will be leaving for Bajor at twenty two hundred.
[DAX] There's a war on. This is no time for a vacation.
[KIRA] The archaeologists excavating B'hala have found something they
want the Emissary to see.
[SISKO] We'll be returning tomorrow night. That's all, people.
(Everyone leaves except Kira and Odo.)
[KIRA] Will the Romulans leave Benzar? You love to bring up the
worst-case scenario in these meetings, don't you?
[ODO] Somebody has to. Besides, everyone expects me to be dour and
suspicious. I don't want to disappoint them.
[KIRA] If they only knew the real you.
[ODO] That is the real me. At least as far as everyone else is
[KORAL] (a monk) I can't tell you how pleased we are
by your visit, Emissary.
[SISKO] Glad to be here, Ranjen.
[KORAL] Oh, there's no need to keep calling me Ranjen. I'm a simple
monk. My order is quite informal.
[SISKO] You've certainly been busy. The last time I visited the ruins,
none of these tunnels had been cut yet.
[KORAL] It's been a great deal of work, but we do it gladly. Excavating
the Holy City is a privilege. Our efforts are an expression of our
faith in the Prophets and in the Emissary.
[SISKO] It's very inspiring to see.
[KIRA] Something wrong, Jake?
[JAKE] No. It's just that Dad seems to be taking his role as Emissary
very seriously these days.
[KIRA] You say that like you think it's a bad thing.
[JAKE] You have to admit, I mean, it's a long way to come to see some
old ruins.
[KIRA] They may have found some very important religious artefacts in
these old ruins.
[JAKE] Yeah, I hope so, otherwise I don't have a story.
[KIRA] Hey, try to look like you're enjoying yourself. Your father needs
this. It's good for him not to have to think about the Dominion for a
few hours.
(Further on, squeaking.)
[KORAL] Oh, don't let the bats bother you.
[KIRA] Don't worry, they rarely bite.
[JAKE] Rarely?
(And further still.)
[KORAL] We're directly below the Temple of B'hala. These walls predate
the ancient city by ten thousand years.
(They stop in front of the remains of a carving on the wall.)
[JAKE] Who built this place?
[KORAL] We don't know much about the original inhabitants, but it
appears they abandoned this site some twenty five thousand years ago.
Over time, sediment buried the ruins.
[JAKE] And then B'hala was built on top of them.
[KORAL] Precisely. In here.
(Koral switches on fluorescent tubes at knee height
and leads them past a square column to an oval recess carved like the
familiar Bajoran symbol.)
[KORAL] It's over thirty thousand years old.
[SISKO] These inscriptions. They look like ancient Bajoran, but I can't
quite make it out.
[KORAL] Neither can we, though we've been able to piece together a few
of the translations. The syntax is unusual, but all forms of Bajoran
share certain root ideograms. You may recognise this one.
[SISKO] Welcome.
[KORAL] Here's where it gets interesting.
(Kira comes in for a closer look as well, then looks at Sisko in
[KORAL] I see you recognise it.
[JAKE] What? I don't.
[KIRA] It says, Welcome, Emissary.
[KORAL] Now you know why I asked you here.
(Sisko reaches to touch the carving and promptly gets taken into a
(Limbo - chamber)
[KORAL] The Sisko has come.
[KIRA] The circle is complete.
[JAKE] The reckoning must begin.
[SISKO] The reckoning?
[KIRA] Much will depend on the Sisko.
[KORAL] He is corporeal.
[JAKE] Limited.
[KIRA] He is the Sisko. He will not waver.
[JAKE] He is of Bajor.
[KIRA] He will bring the reckoning.
[SISKO] What is it you expect of me?
[KORAL] It will be the end.
[JAKE] Or the beginning.
[SISKO] I don't understand.
[KIRA] The Sisko will know.
(The vision ends and Sisko goes flying back against
the wall. He's out cold for the opening titles.)
[JAKE] Dad, are you okay?
[SISKO] Yeah, right. The Prophets. They were here. They spoke to me.
[KORAL] You had a vision, Emissary? We saw nothing.
[KIRA] What did they say?
[SISKO] They mentioned something about a reckoning. Is that part of some
[KORAL] Not one that I know of.
[JAKE] Let's get out of here.
[SISKO] It's all right, Jake. We'll be leaving soon. I have got to find
out what these inscriptions say.
[KORAL] I wish we could translate them more quickly, but we don't have
the resources.
[SISKO] Fortunately, we do.
(Science lab)
(Dax is scanning the carving with a tricorder.)
[DAX] I had a pretty good idea what this was the minute I laid eyes on
it. That confirms it. It's a slab of stone with some writing on it.
[SISKO] Dax.
[DAX] What do you want me to say, Benjamin? I'm not picking up any
residual energy readings, certainly nothing that would explain how it
threw you across the room.
[SISKO] I want you to translate the inscriptions.
[DAX] I was afraid you were going to say that.
[SISKO] The Ranjen's translation programme. It's not complete, but at
least it's a start. Good luck.
(A Bajoran priest rings a small wind chime.)
[PRIEST] Services are about to begin. Captain, services are about to
(Sisko starts to enter the Temple when)
[WORF (OC)] Ops to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[WORF (OC)] We just received a communication from Bajor.
[WORF] Kai Winn is on her way to the station.
(Sisko leaves the Temple.)
(At the top of an upper pylon.)
[SISKO] Welcome to Deep Space Nine, your Eminence.
[WINN] Thank you, Emissary.
[SISKO] What brings you to the station?
[WINN] I should think that would be clear. You removed an artefact from
an archaeological site without consulting the Vedek Assembly.
[SISKO] I meant no disrespect.
(They walk and talk.)
[WINN] You can understand how we would be sensitive to such matters.
During the occupation, the Cardassians plundered Bajor's historical
treasures as if it were their right. I never imagined that you would
behave in the same manner.
[SISKO] I assure you that the artefact will be returned as soon as I've
finished studying it.
[WINN] I was not aware that you had expertise in Bajoran history.
[SISKO] I don't.
[WINN] Then why not leave the artefact in the hands of those who do?
There are scholars on Bajor who have devoted their lives to the study
of such things.
[SISKO] I understand, but I brought it here because I believe that's
what the Prophets want.
[WINN] I see. Then I take it this has something to do with your vision?
[SISKO] Exactly.
[WINN] Forgive me. I didn't realise that the Prophets told you to bring
the relic here.
[SISKO] Well, they didn't. Not in so many words.
[WINN] I see. Then exactly what did they say?
[SISKO] It's difficult to explain. The Prophets aren't always clear.
[WINN] Since they have never spoken to me, I'll have to take your word
for it.
[SISKO] All I know is, for now it belongs here.
[WINN] Who am I to argue with the Emissary of the Prophets?
(Science lab)
[SISKO] And then she contacted Starfleet and lodged
a formal protest.
[DAX] Is that why Admiral Ross wanted to talk to you? Well, how'd it go?
[SISKO] He told me to stop meddling in Bajoran affairs and return the
damn tablet.
[DAX] You know how Starfleet feels about this Emissary thing. It makes
them very uncomfortable that you've allowed the Bajorans to view you as
a religious icon. It used to make you uncomfortable, too.
[SISKO] Not anymore. I guess the Prophets have spoken to me one too many
[DAX] I remember when you used to call them wormhole Aliens.
[SISKO] Wormhole aliens or Prophets, it really doesn't matter. The fact
is, they exist out of time, and over the centuries they've given the
Bajorans glimpses of the future. Glimpses that the Bajorans have
written down to help them guide succeeding generations. If whatever is
written here can help me avoid mistakes, can help me make the right
decisions, then I'd be a fool to ignore it.
[DAX] Fair enough. But if you don't mind, I'm going to continue to think
of them as wormhole aliens.
[SISKO] All I know is that they have a relationship with Bajor that
stretches back over a thousand years. They care about what happens to
the Bajorans. They proved that when they kept the Dominion fleet from
coming through the wormhole.
[DAX] Didn't you have to talk them into it? Didn't they say they would
exact some kind of penance for helping you?
[SISKO] Yes, but they listened, and they saved Bajor and the rest of the
Alpha Quadrant. Now they're asking me for something in return. I don't
know what it is yet, but I'm not going to return the tablet until I do.
It's the key. I can feel it.
(Translation matrix Bajor 576 is up on a wall monitor.)
[DAX] I hope you're wrong about that, Benjamin.
[SISKO] What have you got?
[DAX] The computer has translated part of the inscription. It probably
lacks the eloquence of the original passage, but you'll get the gist of
it. Here it is in modern Bajoran.
[SISKO] The time of reckoning is at hand. The Prophets will weep. Their
sorrow will consume the Gateway to the Temple.
[DAX] Tell me I'm wrong, but isn't the Gateway to the Temple Deep Space
(Quark's cafe)
[WORF] I was just telling you what the translation
said. I did not say I believed it.
[BASHIR] Well, I'm not worried. If you look hard enough, you'll find a
Bajoran prophecy for just about anything. The Ancient Texts are a
tangle of vague contradictions.
[ODO] This one is anything but vague, and Bajoran prophecies have an odd
way of coming true.
[BASHIR] Don't say me you believe in this stuff, too?
(Quark brings their drinks.)
[QUARK] Odo believes in preparing for the worst.
[ODO] True.
[QUARK] He's as bad as the Bajorans. Business hasn't been this slow
since the Dominion was here. You know, I feel I have a civic duty to do
something about all this doom and gloom, which is why I want to tell
you that I've extended happy hour.
[BASHIR] Extended it?
[QUARK] From now on, every hour is happy hour. At least until business
picks up. Eat, drink and be merry.
[BASHIR] For tomorrow we die.
[ODO] So, what does the Captain say about this?
[WORF] He's reserving judgement until the computer has finished the
[BASHIR] Who knows? The rest of the tablet probably says go to Quark's.
It's happy hour.
[QUARK] I like the way you think, Doctor.
(Quark leaves.)
[BASHIR] Oh, this is ridiculous. Nothing's going to happen. Someday
we're going to look back on this and laugh.
(There's a rumble and the station shakes.)
[ODO] What was that?
(Across the upper Promenade, we see the wormhole goes WHOOSH through a
window. The station shakes again and the wormhole closes.)
[BASHIR] How did that Prophecy go again?
[KIRA] You don't have to do this, you know.
[ODO] Don't have to do what?
[KIRA] Sit here, watch me eat.
[ODO] I don't mind. In fact, I rather enjoy it. You eat with such gusto.
Most of the time.
[KIRA] Not today. I just wish that we knew more about the reckoning.
It'd give us a better idea of what the Prophets want from us.
[ODO] It seems to me that if the Prophets want the Bajoran people to
follow a given path, they should provide more specific directions.
[KIRA] It doesn't work like that.
[ODO] Maybe it should.
[KIRA] The Kai would say that you lack faith.
[ODO] And you would agree.
[KIRA] I just don't know how people make it through the day without it.
[ODO] We manage. Besides, I do have faith in some things.
[KIRA] Such as?
[ODO] You.
[KIRA] I'll try not to disappoint you.
(Captain's office)
[WINN] No doubt you've heard the latest news from
[SISKO] About the flooding in Rakantha Province, yes.
[WINN] There was also an earthquake in the Kendra Valley last night.
This morning a tornado struck Tamulna.
[SISKO] Our sensors indicate that Bajor has been affected by the
instability of the wormhole.
[WINN] How comforting. Tell me, do your sensors have an explanation for
the instability itself?
[WINN] Then I'll give you one. You've angered the Prophets by taking the
tablet from Bajor. As the spiritual leader of the Bajoran people, I'm
asking you to return it.
[SISKO] And as Emissary of the Prophets, I will ask you to give me more
time to study it. I believe it is the will of the Prophets.
[WINN] Well I disagree. This is a formal request from the First Minister
for you to turn over the relic to me.
[SISKO] You must have been very persuasive. This is the first time you
and Shakaar have agreed on anything.
[WINN] If you deny his request, I promise you it will damage relations
between Bajor and the Federation.
[SISKO] The tablet will be on its way to Bajor on the morning transport.
[WINN] As will I.
(Science lab)
[DAX] You're sending it back? And I was just
starting to have fun.
[SISKO] You're not off the hook, old man. I need these inscriptions
[DAX] I can work off the holo-recordings I took yesterday.
[SISKO] Have you made any more progress? Good news or bad?
[DAX] That depends.
[SISKO] On what?
[DAX] What this ideogram means. The computer has given me two
[SISKO] They are?
[DAX] During the reckoning, the Bajorans will either suffer horribly or
eat fruit.
[SISKO] Eat fruit?
[DAX] Given the tone of the rest of the inscriptions, I would bet on
horrible suffering.
[SISKO] What else do you have?
[DAX] You'll love this. It's about you. Once the reckoning begins, the
Emissary will
[SISKO] Go on.
[DAX] I was hoping you could tell me. The rest of the inscription's
[SISKO] That figures.
(Another rumble and shake.)
[DAX] Oh, I wish the wormhole would stop doing that.
[SISKO] So do I. Keep at it, old man.
[DAX] Just do me one favour. If you talk to the Prophets again, ask for
a dictionary. Please.
[SISKO] I'll see what I can do.
[DAX] Thank you.
[KIRA] Captain, I have a message for you from
General Martok.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[KIRA] He's dispatched three Klingon attack cruisers to bolster the
defence perimeter around the Dorala System.
[SISKO] Good. I just hope they can hold out until Starfleet sends in
[KIRA] The Klingons will hold out. Martok will see to it. Long day?
[SISKO] They seem to get longer.
[KIRA] You'll feel better in the morning. Once the Kai is off the
[SISKO] She may be the spiritual leader of millions of Bajorans, but she
is not an easy woman to like.
[KIRA] Well, if it's any comfort, I don't think she likes you either.
[SISKO] I've known that for a while. I guess I should have consulted her
before I brought the artefact up to the station.
[KIRA] She would've tried to stop you.
[SISKO] Ah. That's why I didn't ask her.
[KIRA] In a way, I feel sorry for her. She spends her whole life in
service to the Prophets. Then one day, after years of self-sacrifice
and commitment, she's gets her reward. She's elected Kai. It should
have been the greatest moment of her life.
[SISKO] But my being the Emissary spoiled it for her.
[KIRA] The Kai has always been the spiritual leader of Bajor, but Winn
has to share that role with you. And to make matters worse, you're an
outsider, a non-Bajoran. That's something she can never forgive you
[SISKO] I guess that's why she made such an issue of the whole thing.
[KIRA] She's jealous of you and of your relationship with the Prophets.
I'm a little envious myself.
[SISKO] Why?
[KIRA] You speak with the Prophets. They listen to you. That's a rare
[SISKO] It's certainly nothing I asked for.
[KIRA] I guess that's why I don't resent you, but the Kai does.
[SISKO] I'll keep that in mind.
(Promenade - upper level)
(Winn has just watched the wormhole shut again.)
[KIRA] Is something wrong, Eminence?
[WINN] What makes you say that, child?
[KIRA] You seem troubled.
[WINN] Not at all. I am quite relieved the Emissary has decided to do
the right thing.
[KIRA] You didn't leave him much choice, did you.
[WINN] I suppose you think I enjoyed forcing his hand. I assure you I
did not. I wish the situation had been resolved more amicably. Perhaps
the next time we have a disagreement, he'll consider my wishes more
[KIRA] The next time? You're anticipating more disagreements?
[WINN] I merely meant to express my hope that in the future, we can work
together for the good of Bajor.
[KIRA] Of course. After all, you are on the same side, aren't you?
[WINN] Naturally. We both serve the Prophets. There is no higher
(Sisko's quarters)
(WHOOSH and shake, then the doorbell.)
[SISKO] Yes. Jake-o.
[JAKE] You're up late.
[SISKO] So are you. What's on your mind?
[JAKE] I don't know. I guess I just wanted to see if you're all right.
[SISKO] I'm fine. Since when did you become a worrier?
[JAKE] I don't know. It's this Emissary stuff. It scares me a little.
Twice now, twice in one year, Doctor Bashir's called me down to the
Infirmary to tell me something was wrong with you. And there you were,
lying unconscious on a biobed, having visions or something. And all I
could do was stand there and wonder if you were going to wake up.
[SISKO] I know it hasn't been easy, Jake.
[JAKE] I don't want it to happen again.
[SISKO] You know, I didn't ask to be the Emissary. But for better or
worse, I guess that's what I am. Except for being your dad.
(Later that night, Sisko can't sleep so he gets up and goes to)
(Science lab)
[SISKO] Why do you always have to be so damn
mysterious? Answer me. I am tired of your riddles. If you need me to do
something, say so.
(Then Sisko picks up the tablet and throws it against a wall strut. It
smashes, and vapours rise from the fragments. Some are blue, some are
red. They fly off through the ceiling. Uh oh. Later.)
[DAX] Let me guess. You accidentally knocked it over.
[SISKO] Not exactly.
[DAX] I didn't think so.
[ODO] So what did happen?
[SISKO] I just had this uncontrollable urge to smash the tablet.
[DAX] Oh, I get those urges all the time. Of course, I never act on
them. I'm not reading any residual energy signatures.
[SISKO] That's impossible. Check the station's internal sensors.
[ODO] Nothing.
[SISKO] I tell you, I saw something.
[ODO] We believe you, Captain.
[SISKO] Oh, please, Constable, don't patronise me.
(The station shakes and the power dips and returns.)
[SISKO] Sisko to Ops. Report.
[WORF] We just experienced a stationwide power
drain. We are attempting to determine the source.
(Science lab)
[SISKO] Keep me informed.
[WORF (OC)] Aye, Sir.
[ODO] It's possible the power drain is related to this energy discharge
you saw.
[DAX] I'm starting to think the same thing.
(Sisko hefts a fragment of stone.)
[DAX] Benjamin, you're not getting another urge, are you?
[SISKO] No. I've done what I needed to do. I know this might sound
strange, but I think the Prophets wanted me to shatter the tablet.
[DAX] Try explaining that to Kai Winn.
(Captain's office)
[WINN] I can't believe that you'd be so petty as to
destroy the artefact rather than turn it over to me.
[SISKO] That's not why I did it.
[WINN] You expect me to believe that the Prophets wanted you to destroy
a priceless piece of Bajor's history?
[SISKO] That's exactly what you have to believe.
[WINN] And why would they do that?
[SISKO] I wish I had an answer for you.
[WINN] Well I'm sure you'll come up with something.
[SISKO] You and I haven't always seen things eye to eye, but we have one
thing in common. We both believe that the Prophets have a plan for
Bajor. Sometimes it's not easy to see the path they've laid out for us.
Right now, I don't know what they want from me, but I'm willing to take
a leap of faith and trust that they're guiding me, and I'm asking you
to take that leap with me.
[WINN] There's no need for a leap of faith, Emissary. The Prophets have
made it quite clear. Two thirds of the Rakantha wheat harvest has been
destroyed by floods. Earthquakes have devastated Kendra Province,
leaving hundreds homeless. Bajorans are suffering because of you.
They're paying the price for your act of sacrilege.
(Another power drain.)
[ODO (OC)] Odo to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[ODO (OC)] You'd better come down to the Promenade, sir.
[SISKO] Is there a problem?
[ODO (OC)] I'll let you be the judge of that.
(Kira is standing in the entrance to the Temple,
electricity crackling between her fingertips and the doorframe.)
[ODO] I think we've found the source of the power fluctuations. When I
tried to talk to her, she ignored me.
(Possessed Kira comes over to Sisko and Winn. A strong wind blows down
the Promenade. Lights flicker and glasses explode. When Kira speaks,
her voice has an echo.)
[KIRA] You are the Sisko.
[SISKO] Keep your hands off your weapons. It's a Prophet. Why have you
taken this woman's body?
[KIRA] This vessel is willing. The reckoning. It is time.
[SISKO] The reckoning, what is it?
[KIRA] The end. Or the beginning.
[SISKO] I don't understand.
[KIRA] I await Kosst Amojan.
[WINN] The Evil One. A Pah-wraith banished from the Celestial Temple.
[SISKO] You're saying a Pah-wraith will take corporeal form as well?
[KIRA] The battle will be joined.
[SISKO] This battle, is it to be fought here?
[KIRA] Bajor will be reborn.
[WINN] Shabren's Fifth Prophecy. The rebirth. If the Evil One is
destroyed, it will bring a thousand years of peace. The Golden Age of
[SISKO] If it is destroyed?
[WINN] Who will prevail is not known.
[SISKO] What do you want from me? Am I supposed to help you in some way?
[KIRA] The Sisko has completed his task.
[WINN] Forgive my blindness.
(Kira walks away.)
[WINN] Prophet, hear me. I am the Kai of Bajor. I offer myself to you as
your humble servant,
[KIRA] I await their vessel.
[WINN] Speak to me. Tell me what I should do.
[SISKO] We're evacuating.
[BASHIR] You can't be serious.
[SISKO] This battle could destroy the station.
[DAX] Then don't let it be fought here.
[SISKO] I don't have any choice.
[DAX] Yes, you do. We can flood the Promenade with chroniton radiation.
[WINN] Are you that suggesting we kill a Prophet?
[SISKO] I won't do that.
[BASHIR] You don't have to. If you ramp up the chroniton levels slowly,
it'll give the wormhole alien a chance to leave Kira's body without
getting hurt.
[DAX] We have everything rigged and ready to go. Just say the word.
[DAX] Benjamin.
[WORF] Deep Space Nine is critical to the defence of the Federation. We
cannot risk destroying it.
[SISKO] When the Dominion fleet was about to come through the wormhole,
I asked the Prophets for their help. They gave it to me. Now they're
asking for my help. They need to fight this battle here, now. I'm not
going to jeopardise my crew, but I'm not going to stand in the way of
the Prophets either.
[BASHIR] What if the Prophets lose? Are you willing to sacrifice Kira?
[SISKO] The Prophet said she was willing to be their instrument.
[WORF] And you believe that?
[ODO] I do. I know how important her faith is to her and I have no doubt
that she would allow the Prophets to use her as their instrument.
[SISKO] I'll notify Starfleet that we're abandoning the station. Begin
the evacuation immediately.
[ODO] Hurry along now, hurry along.
[WORF] Is this transport full?
[ODO] There's room. I'm going to check the Promenade for stragglers.
[WORF] Odo, you should have helped us persuade the Captain to end this.
[ODO] I had to respect Kira's wishes.
[WORF] If it were Dax, I am not sure I could have done the same.
[ODO] Just be grateful you didn't have to make that choice.
[WORF] For your sake, I hope the Prophets are victorious.
[ODO] They will be, if Kira has anything to do with it.
[WORF] Come on.
(Sisko comes out of his office.)
[SISKO] Report.
[DAX] We expect to be down to a skeleton crew within the hour.
[SISKO] Very well.
[DAX] What did Starfleet have to say?
[SISKO] I managed to convince them that we couldn't afford to defy the
[WORF] They are the only thing that's keeping the Dominion from coming
through the wormhole.
[DAX] The only problem is, there's no guarantee the Prophets will win
this battle.
[ODO (OC)] Odo to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead, Constable.
[ODO (OC)] Captain, there's a group of Bajorans on the Promenade who are
refusing to leave.
(By the motionless figure of possessed Kira is a
prayer meeting.)
[WINN] Teradak embah ihsehelm ran embrah.
[ALL] Daram tameen.
[WINN] Teradak ihsehelm ran embrah.
[ALL] Daram tameen.
[ODO] The last transports are standing by.
[WINN] Teradak ihsehelm ran embrah.
[ALL] Daram tameen.
[SISKO] Eminence.
[WINN] Emissary.
[SISKO] These people have to go.
[WINN] We are offering prayers for the Prophet's victory.
[SISKO] The Prophets will hear your prayers wherever you are. It isn't
safe here.
[WINN] Then why are you still here, Emissary? The Prophet told you your
task was done.
[SISKO] I am Captain of this station and I will do everything in my
power to save it. Now, are you going to tell these people to go, or
shall I?
[WINN] My children, the Prophets have heard your prayers. You must go.
[SISKO] Take them to the transports.
[ODO] All right, this way.
[WINN] Congratulations, Emissary. Thanks to you, the Prophets' victory
is at hand.
[SISKO] I hope you're right.
[WINN] Where is your faith, Emissary? You don't think the Evil One will
be victorious, do you? Rest assured, the Golden Age is upon us. The
Prophets and the people will be as one. Think of it. There will be no
need for Vedeks or Kais or even Emissaries.
(The power flickers.)
[KIRA] Kosst Amojan has chosen its vessel.
(On the upper level, a young man leans over the rail, electricity
sparking from his fingers. His voice is deep and croaky and his eyes
glow red.)
[JAKE] Let it begin.
(After the break, possessed Jake is down on the Promenade.)
[SISKO] Leave my son and take me instead.
[JAKE] Your Emissary offers himself to us. His faith wavers.
(Jake throws Sisko back along the Promenade with a wave of his hand.
Energy plays over the possessed bodies, blue for good on Kira, red for
bad on Jake. Then a stream of energy comes out of each of them and
collides midway. The battle is joined. Veins stand out on
both combatants foreheads under the effort.)
[WINN] Emissary, we must go.
(Kira's nose starts to bleed. Jake is suffering. Dax comes out of the
[DAX] Benjamin! Worf is standing by in Ops. He can trigger the chroniton
generator at your command. You can still end this, Ben.
[SISKO] No, I've got to play this thing out.
[DAX] That is your son out there!
[SISKO] Don't you think I know that? The Prophets will protect him.
[DAX] They're trying to kill him.
[SISKO] No, they're trying to destroy the Pah-wraith. The Prophets will
not let anything happen to him.
[DAX] How do you know that?
[SISKO] I know.
[DAX] We've got to get out of here. According to the sensors, the energy
building between them could explode any second.
[SISKO] I'm not going to leave Jake here.
[WINN] We must go, Emissary.
[DAX] Benjamin.
[SISKO] Get out of here. Get off the station, both of you! That's an
[WINN] Come, child. We must go.
[DAX] Dax to Worf.
[WORF] Go ahead.
Meet me at airlock eight. We're leaving.
(Dax and the Kai come out of a turbolift onto another corridor. There's
a woman and children scared by the exploding fittings.)
[DAX] Go on ahead. Airlock eight is down to the right.
[MAN] This way. Move quickly. Let's go. Come on.
(Winn goes in the opposite direction.)
[MAN] Hurry up.
[DAX] (picking up a child.) It's okay, it's okay.
(Electricity crackles over the outside of the
station as the runabouts leave. The two combatants are reaching the end
of their strength, but Jake looks the worse of the pair for wear. Then
something happens.)
[KIRA] No!
[COMPUTER] Chroniton levels at thirty seven percent
and rising.
[WINN] May the Prophets forgive me.
(The energy streams from the possessed pair fade
and die. The spirits leave Jake and Kira, who collapse. Kira wakes
quickly but Sisko cradles his son.)
[SISKO] Jake.
Captain's log, supplemental. The station's
population has returned and repairs are underway. Major Kira has
recovered from her experience but my son is still in the Infirmary.
[SISKO] Jake?
[BASHIR] He'll be laid up for a few days, but he'll all right.
[SISKO] May I see him?
[BASHIR] Oh, yes.
[SISKO] Jake.
[JAKE] Dad.
[SISKO] How are you feeling?
[JAKE] Could be worse.
[SISKO] You'll be up and about in no time. I don't know what to say.
[JAKE] Say you're happy to see me.
[SISKO] You know I am. Jake, I wish I. I want to explain what happened,
but I'm not sure that I can.
[JAKE] You don't have to explain. When the Pah-wraith was inside me, I
could feel its hatred and I knew that no matter what, it couldn't be
allowed to win. Even if it meant I had to die. You did the right thing.
(Kira comes out of the Temple.)
[ODO] How was the prayer service?
[KIRA] To tell you the truth, I didn't pay that much attention. I'm
still trying to make sense of everything that happened. Of all the
people on this station, the Prophets chose me. I'm not sure I know why
I deserve that honour.
[ODO] Perhaps that's why you were chosen. You have faith and humility.
[KIRA] I heard that you told the Captain that I was willing to give my
life to serve the Prophets. I appreciate that you respect my beliefs.
[ODO] Just the same, I wouldn't have minded if the Prophets had chosen
someone else.
[KIRA] I have to go. I'll drop by Security after I take the Kai to her
[WINN] The Emissary couldn't escort me himself?
[KIRA] He's with his son.
[WINN] I would think he'd want to thank me.
[KIRA] For what?
[WINN] I prevented the destruction of this station. I saved the
Emissary's life and the life of his son.
[KIRA] Don't pretend you did it for the Captain.
[WINN] I did it for Bajor. If you haven't heard, the floodwaters have
receded and the earthquakes have stopped.
[KIRA] And you're going to take the credit for that?
[WINN] I take it as a sign I did the right thing.
[KIRA] You defied the will of the Prophets, and you did it because you
couldn't stand the fact that a human, an infidel, had a stronger faith
than you. The Emissary was willing to sacrifice his own son to serve
the Prophets.
[WINN] My faith is as pure as the Emissary's.
[KIRA] I think you're confusing faith with ambition.
[WINN] I'm not confusing anything, child. You are. The Prophets chose
you as their instrument. That doesn't mean you can speak for them.
[KIRA] Because of your interference, the reckoning was stopped. The Evil
still exists, And I'm not sure if even the Prophets know what that will
mean for Bajor. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e142", "title": "The Reckoning"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Valiant
Original Airdate: 4 May, 1998
(It's a very busy day, and Quark can't keep up.)
[WOMAN] Can I have some service please? How long does it take? I've been
waiting forever.
[MAN] Quark, this isn't what I wanted. (storms out.)
[ODO] Having a bad day?
[QUARK] Like you care. (reads order) Fizz, froth, flip, finial, foam and
flare. What's going on at that table, anyway?
[ODO] I take it there's a problem with your drink replicator?
(Dax enters)
[QUARK] A problem? No. Can't be. If there were a problem, I would have
submitted an emergency maintenance request this morning. And if I had
done that, Chief O'Brien would have assured me that Rom would fix it
right away. Then, of course, Rom would have then promised me that Nog
would fix it before the end of the day. And since this is the end of
the day and there is no Nog in sight, we can only draw one conclusion.
That I don't have a problem.
[DAX] Is your drink replicator broken?
[QUARK] You're quick today.
[DAX] Do you want me to fix it or not?
[QUARK] You?
[DAX] That's right. Nog had a chance to take a trip to Ferenginar and I
told him that I would cover for him while he was away.
[QUARK] Why?
[DAX] Because he did a favour for me last week, so I owe him.
[QUARK] But that's work for a mechanic, a repairman, a lowly engineer.
[DAX] I'll tell Chief O'Brien you said that.
[QUARK] A Supernova and a silven surprise. She can't do this.
[ODO] Why not?
[QUARK] It's not right. She's above this sort of thing. Those hands
weren't meant to be poking around inside a filthy drink replicator.
(Dax pulls some green gunk out of the innards.)
[QUARK] They were meant for higher pursuits.
[ODO] You're in love.
[QUARK] That is the most ridiculous thing you've said this last year.
[ODO] Really?
[QUARK] Really.
[ODO] It must kill you that she's married to Worf.
[QUARK] I don't know what you're talking about. And since you're not
going to order something, would you please step aside so that I can do
my job.
[ODO] Of course. By the way, that's not a Silven surprise, it's a Silken
(Runabout Shenandoah)
(Nog enters with a box.)
[JAKE] Is that it?
[NOG] That's right.
[JAKE] Can I see it?
[NOG] No.
[JAKE] Nog.
[NOG] No. It's an official diplomatic message from the Federation
Council to the Grand Nagus. It's for his eyes only.
[JAKE] Yeah, but you know what's in it.
[NOG] Maybe.
[JAKE] It's a proposal for an alliance, isn't it? I mean, the Federation
sends the only Ferengi in Starfleet to personally deliver a diplomatic
message to the Grand Nagus? Something big is up.
[NOG] You told me you weren't coming on this trip as a reporter.
[JAKE] I'm not. I came to see Ferenginar. I've heard a lot about it. I
can't wait to see all the rain and the muck
[NOG] Good. Because while I'm delivering the message to the Grand Nagus,
you'll have plenty of time to play tourist.
[STARBASE (OC)] Shenandoah, this is Starbase two five seven. You've been
cleared to leave our defence perimeter. Remain at one half impulse
until you've passed the outer marker.
[NOG] Acknowledged.
[JAKE] I don't get to see the Nagus?
[NOG] Now why would you want to see the Nagus?
[JAKE] My father told me to say hello and to give the Nagus his best
[NOG] You're going to have to do better than that.
[JAKE] And because I told the editor of the Federation News Service that
I could get an exclusive interview with Zek.
[NOG] Jake, you promised me you weren't coming along as a reporter!
[JAKE] I didn't promise, okay? I just sort of, you know. Okay, I
promised, but this could be a really big story, Nog. The people have a
right to know!
[NOG] Forget it. You're not getting anywhere near the Grand Nagus. I
have no further comments.
[JAKE] What's it?
[NOG] I'm not sure. I'm having trouble with our long range scanners.
Looks like our sensors are being jammed.
(Alarm, Red alert)
[NOG] Uh oh.
(A squadron of Jem'Hadar fighters fly over them.)
[NOG] Hang on!
(Evasive manoeuvres.)
[JAKE] Where did they come from?
[NOG] I don't know, but it looks like they're heading for the starbase.
[JAKE] We're not sticking around are we?
[NOG] Not in a runabout we're not. We're no match for a wing of
Jem'Hadar fighters.
(So they go to warp.)
[NOG] See if you can open a channel to Deep Space Nine.
[JAKE] Something's wrong. I think they're jamming our comm. system. Now
why would they do that?
[NOG] Because one of them's turned around and now he's coming after us.
(After the opening titles.)
[JAKE] You do realise you're taking us deeper and deeper into Dominion
held space.
[NOG] We don't have much choice. Every time I try to change course, they
gain on us.
[JAKE] They're gaining on us anyway. We might as well try and head for
the Federation. If we keep going in this direction, we'll run into
Cardassia Prime, and that won't be much fun at all.
[COMPUTER] Warning. We are within range of enemy weapons.
[JAKE] Thanks for the warning.
[NOG] All right. When I go to impulse, raise the forward shields and
transfer auxiliary power to the phasers.
[JAKE] We're dropping out of warp?
[NOG] If we have to fight, I'd rather do it at impulse. At least we'd
have an edge in manoeuvrability.
[JAKE] You're a Ferengi, why don't you try making a deal or something?
[NOG] It doesn't seem they're very interested in talking. Stand by. Here
they come.
(Boom, bang! The tiny runabout tries to strafe the big fighter.)
[JAKE] Shields down thirty percent!
[NOG] I see it.
[JAKE] We're losing main power!
[NOG] Keep the weapons online. Everything else is expendable, including
life support.
[JAKE] There's another ship coming in, bearing one seven zero mark two
one five.
[NOG] Jem'Hadar or Cardassian?
[JAKE] It's er, it's the Defiant!
[NOG] What?
(It certainly looks like it.)
[NOG] It's not the Defiant. This ship's registry number is NCC seven
four two one zero. USS Valiant.
[JAKE] Valiant? Great name. I hope they tear that Jem'Hadar ship apart
piece by
(Boom! Jake is thrown to the floor.)
[NOG] Jake! Jake!
(They are beamed out.)
(Valiant Transporter room)
[COLLINS] Are you all right, sir?
(A teenaged girl.)
[JAKE] Yes. It's nothing serious, Cadet er, Chief?
[COLLINS] Acting Chief Petty Officer Dorian Collins. The Captain's asked
me to escort you both to the bridge. If you'll follow me?
(I'll let you play spot the NASA astronaut names on your own.)
(Valiant Bridge)
(The place has seen plenty of action.)
[FARRIS] (Another girl cadet.) Main power holding. Auxiliary power on
standby. Shields holding at eighty four percent.
[WATTERS] (The boy in the Captain's chair.) Helm, bring us about to
course two one five mark three one zero.
[SHEPARD] (boy) Two one five mark three one zero, aye sir.
[WATTERS] Set quantum torpedo warheads to maximum yield, full spread.
(Collins enters with Nog and Jake.)
[FARRIS] Maximum yield, full spread, aye sir.
[WATTERS] Helm, initiate attack pattern sierra four.
[SHEPARD] Sierra four, aye, sir.
[FARRIS] Shields now at seventy eight percent.
[WATTERS] Transfer auxiliary power to shields.
[NOG] This is Red Squad.
[JAKE] Red Squad?
[NOG] It was a group of elite cadets at the Academy. They were the best
of the best. Red Squad received special training, special quarters,
special everything.
[JAKE] They have their own ship?
[NOG] I've heard of Cadets getting command of a runabout or a shuttle,
but not a starship.
(Ka-BOOM! and cheers as they fly through the wreckage.)
[WATTERS] As you were. This is the Captain. Stand down from Red Alert.
All stations submit damage and casualty reports to the first officer.
Glad to see you made it in one piece. I'm Tim Watters, Commanding
Officer. Welcome aboard.
[NOG] Thank you. Sir?
[WATTERS] Sir, is correct, ensign. I was given a battlefield commission
and command of this vessel by the late Captain Ramirez. Using that
authority, I have commissioned and promoted other members of Red Squad
as needed.
[NOG] I see. Well. I'm Ensign Nog and this is Jake Sisko. We're from
Deep Space Nine.
[WATTERS] Sisko? You're Benjamin Sisko's son.
[JAKE] That's right.
[WATTERS] I've heard a lot about your father. I see you're not following
in his footsteps.
[JAKE] No. I'm a reporter.
[WATTERS] You should really get that looked at. Chief?
[WATTERS] Escort Mister Sisko to Sickbay.
[COLLINS] Aye, Captain. This way, sir.
(Collins and Jake leave)
[FARRIS] Preliminary damage report, sir.
[WATTERS] Oh, thank you. Ensign Nog, Commander Karen Farris, our first
[NOG] Commander.
[FARRIS] Ensign. Sir, the Engine Room also reports that we still have
power spikes cropping up all through the deuterium injector startup
[WATTERS] I thought we had that under control.
[FARRIS] I did too, sir.
[NOG] Have you recalibrated the lateral impulse control system?
[FARRIS] No. What does that have to do with the injectors?
[NOG] Well, the impulse system shares some of the same power relays used
in the injector startup routine.
[WATTERS] We'll try it. Mister Nog, why don't you wait in my ready room.
[NOG] Yes, sir.
(Valiant sickbay)
(Collins is tending a would on Jake's right wrist.)
[COLLINS] The training cruise was supposed to last three months. We had
seven regular officers and a crew of thirty five cadets. The plan was
for the cadets to run the ship while the officers observed and
critiqued our performance.
[JAKE] So this was a training ship. Like the other one, the, er, the
[COLLINS] Not quite. The Republic's an old ship. I don't think she's
left the Terran system in fifty years. The Valiant's a state of the art
warship. Our mission was to circumnavigate the entire Federation before
returning home.
[JAKE] The entire Federation? With a ship of cadets?
[COLLINS] Not just cadets, Mister Sisko.
(Valiant Ready room)
[WATTERS] We were transiting the Kepla Sector when
the war broke out. As you probably know, a Dominion invasion force
swept through that sector on the first day.
[NOG] So you were caught behind enemy lines.
[WATTERS] Correct. We were trying to make our way back to Federation
held space when we encountered a Cardassian battle cruiser near El
Gatark. That was our first taste of combat. In the first fifteen
minutes, four regular officers were killed. Three others were
critically wounded including Captain Ramirez.
[NOG] Is that when you took command?
[WATTERS] No. When I got to the bridge, the Captain was in pretty bad
shape, but he was lucid and he refused to go to Sickbay. We had lost
main power and we were adrift, but the Cardassian cruiser was no better
off. So it was a race against the clock. The ship that got main power
back online first would have a decisive advantage. The Captain, he was
amazing. He directed the entire damage control effort with a punctured
lung and massive internal injuries. He was a great man.
[NOG] And he won the race.
[WATTERS] We got weapons and impulse engines back online in three hours.
And then we destroyed that Cardie ship. The next day, just before he
died, the Captain ordered me to take command of the Valiant.
[NOG] It's unbelievable. You've spent eight months behind enemy lines.
[WATTERS] I didn't do it alone. The crew deserves the real credit. We
have cadets here as young as seventeen who are doing the jobs of
officers twice their age. But we're also seriously undermanned. I could
use another officer.
[NOG] I'd be happy to do whatever I can, sir.
[WATTERS] I see you're familiar with the operations of a class seven
warp drive.
[NOG] Very familiar, sir. The Defiant has an identical engine.
[WATTERS] Excellent. As of this moment, you are Chief Engineer.
[NOG] Chief Engineer?
[WATTERS] With rank of Lieutenant Commander. Your first assignment is to
figure out why we can't go above warp three point two. Mister Parton
believes it's
[NOG] Excuse me, sir. I, I don't think I'm ready for this.
[WATTERS] None of us were ready for the responsibility thrust upon us,
Commander. But each of us found a way to rise to the occasion, do the
job that had to be done. Ready or not, you are Chief Engineer. You can
do this, Mister Nog. Just have faith in yourself, faith in your
shipmates, and everything will be fine.
(Nog takes the Red Squad insignia.)
[NOG] Yes, sir. I will, sir.
[WATTERS] Good man. That's what I want to hear. Now if you can just fix
our warp drive problems, we can get on with our mission.
[NOG] Our mission? I don't understand.
[WATTERS] My orders are to collect technical data on a new Dominion
battleship operating in this sector. We keep picking up their comm.
traffic, so we know they're in the area, but because we can't go faster
than warp three point two, we're unable to get within sensor range.
[NOG] And Starfleet knows you're in command of the Valiant.
[WATTERS] No. We've had to maintain strict radio silence ever since the
war began. The orders were addressed to Captain Ramirez, but since he's
dead, the mission's now mine. Make no mistake, I will carry out that
mission. Or die trying. Dismissed.
(Valiant Mess hall)
[COLLINS] Coffee?
[JAKE] Raktajino, please.
(Everyone stares at him, even the Vulcan.)
[COLLINS] Here you go.
[JAKE] Thanks. So, where are you from?
[COLLINS] Me? Tycho City.
[JAKE] Oh, a Lunar Schooner.
[COLLINS] I haven't heard that in a long time.
[JAKE] I picked it up from my granddad. Of course, he still calls Luna
the moon like it's the only one or something.
[COLLINS] Well, nobody who's ever lived on the moon calls it Luna,
either. That's just something they say on Earth.
[JAKE] So what's it like?
[COLLINS] You're from Earth aren't you? You've never been to the moon?
[JAKE] Just never got around to it. Tell me about it.
[COLLINS] Well, people say it's so barren and harsh, but it's not. it's
beautiful. I mean Tycho City's just a city, but outside where the
gravity is still low and there's no air. You know, the sun only comes
up once a month on the moon. Every lunar morning, my father and I would
put on suits, hike out across the Sea of Clouds. We'd stop at this
collection of boulders on the western rim and just wait for the sun to
come up. Dawn is so shocking on the moon. One minute you're in the
darkest night you can imagine, and the next instant, the sun lifts up
and this glorious, pure light just explodes across the surface. I felt
like I met God every morning. (she's about to cry) I'm on duty. Excuse
(Valiant Engine room)
[WATTERS] What's your solution, Commander?
[NOG] I've taken the safeties off the plasma intercooler, the flux
moderator and the pressure control system. That should solve the
[FARRIS] You do realise you're violating about fifty safety regulations?
[NOG] Yes, sir, I do. But I also know that Chief O'Brien made the same
changes to the Defiant. She never had a problem.
[FARRIS] I don't know, Captain. This seems kind of risky to me.
[WATTERS] Mister Parton?
[PARTON] After spending seven months plodding along at warp three point
two, I'm willing to try anything, sir.
[WATTERS] Watters to Bridge. Prepare for warp speed.
[SHEPARD (OC)] Aye, sir.
[WATTERS] All right, Mister Nog. Take us to warp four.
(Valiant sickbay)
(Collins is tapping at a PADD and sniffling a
little when Watters enters. He goes straight to a cupboard.)
[COLLINS] Can I help you, sir?
[WATTERS] No. No, I've got it. Any problems with Sisko's arm?
[COLLINS] No, sir.
(Watters gets a box of tablets and takes one.)
[WATTERS] You got a problem, Chief?
[COLLINS] No, sir.
[WATTERS] Have you been crying?
[COLLINS] A little.
[WATTERS] About what?
[COLLINS] I was just thinking about home.
(Valiant Ready room)
(The door opens on Collins standing in front of
Watters and Farris. Jake has a security escort.)
[WATTERS] Come in. Chief, I think you can go now.
[COLLINS] Thank you, sir.
(Collins leaves as Jake enters.)
[FARRIS] Well, Mister Sisko. It sounds like you and the Chief had quite
a conversation this afternoon. Home and family and the glories of dawn
on the moon. Does that just about cover it?
[JAKE] That's about it. What's going on?
[FARRIS] What's going on, Mister Sisko, in case you haven't noticed, is
that we are in the middle of a war. We can't afford to have young
cadets thinking about mommy and daddy when they need to be
concentrating on their duties.
[JAKE] All I did was ask about her home.
[FARRIS] All you did was plunge a member of this crew into emotional
[WATTERS] Jake. May I call you Jake? You're a reporter. Your job is to
watch the way events unfold, not participate in them. Right now, you
need to stand back. Take a look at where you are and what's going on
around you. You're right in the middle of a great story. Maybe one of
the greatest stories in the entire Dominion War. This ship is special,
Jake. This crew is special. And whatever fates guide this universe,
they've have chosen us to achieve some purpose in this conflict. I know
that. Just as surely as I know your presence on this ship is no
coincidence. You're here to write the story, to tell people of the
Valiant and her crew. Don't interfere with the story, Jake. Don't
become a part of it. Just let it unfold around you. Observe, listen,
and then write it down. May I have your word you'll stay away from
Chief Collins?
[JAKE] Okay.
[WATTERS] Thank you, Jake. You're dismissed.
(Jake leaves.)
[FARRIS] I'm not sure we can trust him.
[WATTERS] We'll keep an eye on him.
[FARRIS] What about Mister Nog?
[WATTERS] Mister Nog wears the uniform. He'll do his duty. All right,
that'll be all, Commander. I'll see you at eighteen hundred hours.
[FARRIS] Yes, sir. Captain, are you all right?
[WATTERS] Yes. Why?
[FARRIS] I heard you were on the bridge during the midwatch again last
night. You haven't been getting much sleep lately, sir.
[WATTERS] None of us have, Commander.
[FARRIS] No, sir. I suppose not.
[WATTERS] Thank you for your concern, Karen, but I'm fine. Really.
[FARRIS] Yes, sir. I'm sorry I even brought it up.
[WATTERS] That's all right.
(Farris leaves and he takes another tablet.)
(Valiant Corridor)
[JAKE] Where've you been?
[NOG] Engine Room. I solved their warp problem.
[JAKE] What's that?
[NOG] My Red Squad insignia. Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, this
would be my new rank. Lieutenant Commander Nog, Chief Engineer. It has
a nice ring to it, don't you think?
[JAKE] You joined the crew?
[NOG] Something wrong with that?
[JAKE] It's a little fast. We just got here and Watters puts you in
charge of the Engine Room?
[NOG] Captain Watters is used to making quick decisions. He felt I was
the right man for the job, so he promoted me.
[FARRIS (OC)] Red Alert. All hands to battle stations. I repeat, all
hands to battle stations.
(Valiant Bridge)
[SHEPARD] Range, one point three two light years.
Speed, warp four point seven.
[NOG] What's going on?
[FARRIS] We've found our battleship.
[SHEPARD] Their course is one seven zero mark one three five. Speed warp
three point nine seven.
[CREWWOMAN] Bridge to phaser control, you've got a spike in your 3L
subsystem. Take care of it.
[CREWWOMAN 2] Sensors show a drop in gamma radiation.
[FARRIS] Phaser reserve is losing power.
[NOG] I'll reroute it through the auxiliary power interface.
[SHEPARD] They've changed course.
[WATTERS] Any sign they've detected us?
[FARRIS] Negative. I think we're still outside their sensor range.
[WATTERS] Maintain your distance, helm. Match their course and speed.
[SHEPARD] Aye, sir.
[WATTERS] Prepare a class three probe for launch.
[FARRIS] Aye, sir.
[JAKE] What happens now?
[NOG] We're going to launch a sensor probe to scan the battleship. That
way, the Valiant won't be picked up on their scanners.
[JAKE] Won't they detect the probe?
[NOG] Class three probes are designed to be virtually undetectable.
There's almost no chance of it being spotted.
[JAKE] Almost?
[FARRIS] I don't remember anyone inviting you to the bridge.
Captain's log, stardate 51825.4. We've been
shadowing the Dominion battleship for three hours. The data our probe
has gathered so far has not only been interesting but it may have given
us a golden opportunity to strike a blow for the Federation.
(Valiant Mess hall)
[SHEPARD] Attention on deck!
[WATTERS] Stand at ease. It's been a long eight months. A lot of hard
work, a lot of sacrifice. Now we've accomplished our mission. We found
the battleship and obtained a complete scan without being detected, and
we're free to go home. But that ship out there is a direct threat to
every Federation outpost and colony within fifty light years. That ship
must be destroyed. It can be destroyed. Commander?
[FARRIS] We've found a flaw in the design of their antimatter storage
system. The primary support braces are made of viterium.
[WATTERS] It's a very strong, very resilient metal alloy which just
happens to become extremely unstable when exposed to delta radiation.
[FARRIS] A single torpedo rigged with a radiogenic warhead could reduce
those braces to the consistency of wet pasta.
[WATTERS] And as a result, the entire antimatter storage system would
tear itself apart. Commander Nog, you don't seem convinced.
[NOG] Well, sir, in order to rig a torpedo to yield a delta radiation
burst I'll have to remove most of the guidance systems. We'll have to
target it manually.
[FARRIS] We've trained for that possibility. It shouldn't be a problem.
[NOG] We'll also have to get very close to the target.
[WATTERS] How close?
[NOG] Within three hundred metres.
[WATTERS] It's dangerous, there's no disputing that. And no one would
think any less of us if we just turn around and go home. But that means
that some other ship with some other crew would be asked to finish the
job that we started. I think we can do it. I think we should do it.
[JAKE] Can I say something?
[FARRIS] You are not a member of this crew.
[WATTERS] Let him speak.
[JAKE] You all probably know who my father is. Benjamin Sisko. So you
know I'm not exaggerating when I say that he's considered to be one of
the best combat officers in the fleet. And I'm telling you right now
that even with the entire crew of the Defiant with him, my father would
never try to pull off something like this. And if he can't do it, it
can't be done.
[WATTERS] We're Red Squad and we can do anything.
(And the room cheers.)
[ALL] Red Squad! Red Squad! Red Squad! Red Squad! Red Squad! Red Squad!
Red Squad! Red Squad! Red Squad! Red Squad! Red Squad! Red Squad! Red
Squad! Red Squad! Red Squad! Red Squad! Red Squad! Red Squad! Red
Squad! Red Squad!
(Valiant Engine room)
(Nog is working on the torpedo.)
[JAKE] This is suicide.
[NOG] No, it's not.
[JAKE] Nog, listen to me. We're in way over our heads here. Now someone
told me that ship out there is twice the size of a Galaxy class
starship and three times as strong.
[NOG] That's accurate.
[JAKE] And you really think we can go up against a ship like that?
[NOG] I think that Captain Watters
(Valiant Ready room)
NOG (on monitor) Knows what he's doing.
[JAKE (on monitor)] Oh, really? Well, did you know that Watters has been
taking cordafin stimulants for the past two months?
[NOG (on monitor)] Where did you hear that?
[JAKE (on monitor)] Dorian told me.
[NOG (on monitor)] You were ordered to stay away from her!
[JAKE (on monitor)] Will you forget about obeying orders for just a
[WATTERS] Watters to Shepard. Please report to my Ready room,
[NOG (on monitor)] That's not the way we do things in Starfleet.
(Watters turns off the monitor.)
(Valiant Engine room)
[JAKE] I can't believe you're buying everything that
Watters is selling.
[NOG] He's not selling anything. He's reminding us of our duty.
[JAKE] I feel like I'm having a conversation with one of the bulkheads.
[NOG] You don't understand because you've never put on one of these
uniforms. You don't know anything about sacrifice or honour or duty or
any of the things that make up a soldier's life. I'm part of something
larger than myself. All you care about is you.
[JAKE] That's right. All I care about is Jake Sisko and whether or not
he's going to be killed by a bunch of delusional fanatics looking for
[NOG] Get out.
[JAKE] I don't even know who you are anymore.
[NOG] I'm the Chief Engineer of the starship Valiant.
[JAKE] I'll have them put that on your tombstone.
(Valiant Corridor)
(Phasers are pointed at Jake's head.)
[SHEPARD] Mister Sisko. I'm afraid you'll have to miss all the fun.
You're going to spend the rest of this mission in the brig.
(A series of vignettes, Collins handing out phaser rifles, people
coming and going, including a Trill. Stuff being packed away, security
running down corridors.)
(Valiant Bridge)
(Nog goes to his bridge station.)
[FARRIS] All decks report ready, sir.
[WATTERS] This is the Captain. We are about to engage the enemy. For
eight months, I've told you to stay focused on one thing. Your duty.
But now I want you to step back from your duty.
(Valiant sickbay)
[WATTERS (OC)] Take a look around. And I don't mean
look at the walls. I want you to look at this moment
(Valiant Brig)
[WATTERS (OC)] In your life. Take it in. Appreciate
the fact that you are on this ship, with this group of people, at this
point in history.
(Valiant Bridge)
[WATTERS] But understand one thing above all else.
(Valiant Transporter room)
[WATTERS (OC)] This moment will never come again.
Hold on to it. Savour it far as long as you can. You're Starfleet,
you're Red Squad.
(Valiant Bridge)
[WATTERS] And you're the best. Now, let's get that
battleship and we can all go home. Captain out. Take us to warp six,
Mister Nog.
[NOG] Warp six, aye.
(After the break.)
[FARRIS] They've spotted us. They're dropping out of warp.
[WATTERS] Helm, go to impulse.
[SHEPARD] Aye, sir.
[FARRIS] We are in visual range.
[WATTERS] On screen.
(Thar she blows, and boy is she ugly.)
[WATTERS] Lay in a strafing course along their superstructure and make
it close. That way they won't get a weapons lock on us. I want to
scrape some of the paint off their hull, Lieutenant.
[SHEPARD] Aye, sir.
[WATTERS] Raise shields, charge phasers. Fire at any targets of
opportunity as we pass.
[FARRIS] Aye, sir.
[WATTERS] Torpedo status?
[NOG] Torpedoes ready, sir.
[FARRIS] Defence system, ready.
[SHEPARD] Helm ready.
[WATTERS] All right, Mister Shepard. Take us in.
(They fly in directly along it's course. The big ship fires first and
gets hits.)
[FARRIS] Shields holding.
[SHEPARD] Course stable.
[WATTERS] Fire at will!
(Bangs and deaths.)
[WATTERS] Helm, hard about! Tactical, get a target lock on those braces!
[NOG] Impulse engines at full thrust.
[FARRIS] They're trying to jam our sensors.
[WATTERS] Mister Nog, initiate countermeasures.
[NOG] I'm on it!
[FARRIS] I've acquired the target. Torpedoes locked.
[WATTERS] Full power to the forward shields. Helm, plot an escape course
down the z axis.
[SHEPARD] Ready.
[WATTERS] Engage.
[SHEPARD] They're turning to port.
[WATTERS] Match them, helm. Keep us on track.
[SHEPARD] Aye, sir.
[COLLINS] Hull breach on deck two. Emergency forcefields are in place.
[FARRIS] Steady our course, helm. I can't maintain targeting lock.
(Booms are ongoing. Another console explodes and the crewman next to
Ferris hits the floor. She's distracted.)
[WATTERS] Karen, it's all yours. Fire when ready.
[FARRIS] Understood. Just a little closer.
[SHEPARD] We're losing our port shields.
(Forward targeting scanner 4751 shows the lock. More booms.)
[FARRIS] Steady as she goes. Torpedoes away!
(Multiple explosions.)
[WATTERS] Aft view, on screen.
(The battleship is enveloped in a ball of flame. Cheers. Then it
reappears, solid as ever.)
[WATTERS] Did we miss the target?
[FARRIS] No, sir. It was a direct hit. It just, it didn't work.
[SHEPARD] Orders, Captain?
[WATTERS] Lay in a new course one two seven mark three
(BOOM! BOOM! The Captain's chair explodes and Watters is killed.)
[COLLINS] Hull breach on deck two. Deck three, deck four.
[FARRIS] Evasive manoeuvres! Bring us about to course one two seven mark
three two zero.
[SHEPARD] I've lost helm control.
[NOG] Main power's offline! I'm rerouting the
(The rest of the bridge consoles blow up. Farris and Shepard die. The
little ship is still taking a pounding.)
[COLLINS] Auxiliary power's offline. But I still have phaser control.
Shall I return fire? Sir?
[NOG] No, it's over.
[COLLINS] The Captain wanted us to
[NOG] The Captain is dead, Chief. They're all dead. The ship is lost.
There's no need for us to die here too.
[COMPUTER] Abandon ship. Abandon ship. This is not a drill. All hands
proceed to emergency escape pods.
(Valiant Brig)
[JAKE] Help! Somebody let me out of here! Help!
[NOG] Jake! Jake!
(Nog releases the fritzing forcefield on the second go.)
[JAKE] What happened?
[NOG] We failed.
(The first two are shot down. Two more set off then Valiant goes KaBOOM
destroying one of them. Number four heads off.)
[KIRA] Captain, I'm picking up a Starfleet distress
signal, bearing three one eight mark zero zero five. Range, ten light
[WORF] That location is inside Dominion held space.
[SISKO] Can you identify the ship sending the distress call?
[KIRA] Looks like it's from an escape pod. USS Valiant.
[WORF] The Valiant was reported lost over eight months ago. It could be
a Dominion ruse to lure us into their territory.
[SISKO] Then again it may be genuine. We have to find out. Cloak the
ship and lay in a course.
[KIRA] Aye, sir.
(Defiant corridor)
[SISKO] We scanned the area for any other escape
pods, but it doesn't look like anyone else made it.
[JAKE] It was a long shot. I just thought maybe
(Medical bay)
(Collins is hooked up to a drip. Nog is sitting on
a bed.)
[SISKO] How is she, Doctor?
[BASHIR] I've managed to repair her fractured skull, and with a little
rest she should be fine.
[SISKO] And Nog?
[BASHIR] Oh, a few bumps and bruises, but he's going to be fine as well.
[JAKE] Can I talk to him?
[BASHIR] I don't see why not.
(Sisko and Bashir leave. Nog has taken off the Red Squad insignia)
[JAKE] Are you okay?
[NOG] Yeah. You going to write a story about all this?
[JAKE] Probably.
[NOG] What are you going to say?
[JAKE] What do you think I should say?
[NOG] That it was a good ship with a good crew that made a mistake. We
let ourselves blindly follow Captain Watters and he led us over a
[COLLINS] That's not true. Captain Watters was a great man.
[JAKE] Dorian, he got everyone killed.
[COLLINS] If he failed it's because we failed him.
[NOG] Put that in your story too. Let people read it and decide for
(Nog goes over to Collins and gives her his Red Squad pin.)
[NOG] He may have been a hero. He may even have been a great man. But in
the end he was a bad captain. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e143", "title": "Valiant"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Profit And Lace
And Lace
Original Airdate: 11 May, 1998
[QUARK] I am truly impressed. And I'm not easily
impressed. In all my years as proprietor of Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming
House and Holosuite Arcade, I have never seen such a glowing employee
performance report. I mean, look at this. In three months, no customer
has filed a single complaint against you. You haven't spilled a drink,
mixed up a food order or short-changed a bill.
[ALUURA] I take my job very seriously.
[QUARK] And yet you always manage to wear a friendly smile.
[ALUURA] That's because I like my work. I'm happy to be here.
[QUARK] And it shows. The customers love you. Your fellow dabo girls
love you. Even the Ferengi waiters sing your praises. And you know why?
Because you're nice.
[ALUURA] I try to be.
[QUARK] You're nice to the customers. You're nice to the dabo girls.
You're nice to the Ferengi waiters. You're nice to everyone. Almost
[ALUURA] You mean I've offended someone?
[QUARK] Look closely, Aluura. Can't you see the pain in my eyes?
[ALUURA] But I'm always nice to you.
[QUARK] I think you could be nicer.
[ALUURA] How much nicer?
(Quark hands her a PADD.)
[ALUURA] Oo-mox for Fun and Profit?
[QUARK] It's a quick read.
[ALUURA] Oh. You want me to be nice.
[QUARK] Let's face it. The customers, the dabo girls, the Ferengi
waiters, they didn't hire you. And they can't fire you.
[ALUURA] You wouldn't. Would you?
[QUARK] Read the book.
(Rom enters.)
[ROM] Brother. We need to talk.
[QUARK] Go away. I'm in the middle of a meeting.
[ROM] But it's important.
[QUARK] So is this meeting.
[ROM] It's about our mother.
[QUARK] How many times have I told you not to mention Moogie when I'm
[ROM] Sorry. But I tried contacting her this morning and I couldn't get
[QUARK] She's probably off visiting the Grand Nagus.
[ROM] I tried the Tower of Commerce. There was no answer there either.
[QUARK] They're probably on vacation. Now leave me alone. I'm trying to
[ROM] Brother, you don't understand. I can't get a hold of anyone on
Ferenginar. Not Cousin Gaila, not Lek. I tell you, something's very
[QUARK] All right. We will continue this later. In the meantime, you
have some reading to do.
[ROM] Hello, Aluura. She's so nice.
[QUARK] We'll see.
[SISKO] A Dominion invasion of Ferenginar?
[ROM] Think of the terrible repercussions to the Alpha Quadrant.
[WORF] I cannot think of any.
[KIRA] How could the Dominion invade Ferenginar without first conquering
the surrounding systems like Clarus and Irtok?
[ROM] Brother, did you hear that? They've captured Irtok as well.
[KIRA] That's not what I said.
[WORF] There are no reports of Dominion activity anywhere near that
[QUARK] Why can't we get through to Ferenginar?
[ROM] Moogie, the Nagus, Cousin Gaila. They're all dead.
[QUARK] We don't know that, Rom. But something is definitely wrong on
[SISKO] We'll see what we can find out.
[DAX] Captain, a Ferengi ship is approaching the station requesting
permission to dock. It's Grand Nagus Zek. And your mother's with him.
[ROM] They're alive! Nice work.
[ZEK] Quark! Rom! It's good to see you, boys.
[QUARK] It's good to see you too, Nagus.
[ZEK] Come along, my dear.
(Instead of a loose dress, Moogie is in a figure revealing catsuit.)
[ROM] Moogie! I was so worried.
[ISHKA] You're a good son.
[QUARK] I was worried, too.
[ISHKA] And you're a good liar.
[ROM] Moogie, do you think it's a good idea to be wearing clothes in
[QUARK] He's right. What if one of my Ferengi waiters sees you?
[ISHKA] I hope they do. Tell them, Zekkie.
[ZEK] No, you go right ahead, my dear.
[ISHKA] It should really come from you.
[QUARK] Would somebody please tell me what's going on?
[ISHKA] It's one of those good news bad news type of things. Give them
the good news first.
[ZEK] If you insist. Three days ago, I added a new amendment to the
Ferengi Bill of Opportunities giving females the right to wear clothes.
[ROM] In public?
[ISHKA] Anywhere we want.
[QUARK] That can't be the good news. If Ferengi females can wear clothes
in public, then they can leave their homes. If they can leave their
homes, they can go to work. If they can go to work, they can make
[ISHKA] What's the matter, Quark? Afraid of a little competition?
[QUARK] You're sure that's the good news?
[ROM] It sounds good to me.
[ISHKA] Oh, now you see why I like him best.
[ZEK] Face it, Quark. It's good business. For thousands of years,
Ferenginar has allowed a valuable resource to go to waste.
[QUARK] Females? A valuable resource?
[ZEK] They make up fifty three point five percent of the population and
contribute virtually nothing to gross planetary income. I say it's time
they started pulling their own weight.
[QUARK] Better tell me the bad news. It might cheer me up.
[ISHKA] I doubt it.
[ZEK] The moment fully clothed females started appearing on the streets
of Ferenginar, financial chaos erupted all over the planet.
[ROM] That explains the communications blackout.
[ZEK] There was so much buying and selling throughout the Alliance that
the entire planetary communications grid shut down.
[QUARK] If there's trouble on Ferenginar, what are you doing here?
[ZEK] I've been deposed. I'm no longer Grand Nagus.
[QUARK] Then who is?
[ISHKA] Who do you think?
[QUARK] Brunt.
[ROM] Grand Nagus Brunt?
[ZEK] Acting Grand Nagus Brunt.
[ROM] Brother, we're in trouble now. Brunt hates us.
[ISHKA] Well, don't start panicking. The Ferengi Commerce Authority
hasn't confirmed him yet.
[ZEK] And they won't for three more days. Boys, together we're going to
reconquer an empire or die in the attempt.
(Quark's quarters)
[ISHKA] What lovely quarters you have, Quark. Small,
but lovely.
[ZEK] As of this moment, I declare this site to be the headquarters of
the sole legitimate government of Ferenginar.
[QUARK] I still can't believe it. Brunt is the new Nagus?
[ZEK] Acting Nagus.
[QUARK] For three more days. Then it becomes official.
[ZEK] I'm not worried. I have a secret weapon. Your mother. Now here's
the plan. One, we contact every FCA Commissioner and invite them to the
station for a meeting. Two, Ishka runs the meeting.
[QUARK] Oh, they'll love that.
[ZEK] Maybe not at first, but she'll win them over. Using her vast
financial knowledge and her keen instinct for profit, she'll prove once
and for all that allowing females to wear clothing is the first step
toward a healthier and more prosperous Ferengi economy. And three. What
was three again, my dear?
[ISHKA] The FCA Commissioners reinstate you as Nagus.
[ZEK] And who can ask for a happier ending than that.
[ISHKA] But that's only the beginning, lobekins. I predict that one day,
a female will enter the Tower of Commerce, climb the forty flights of
stairs to the Chamber of Opportunity, and take her rightful place as
Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance.
[QUARK] Don't look at me. It was your amendment.
(Rom enters with Nog and Leeta.)
[ROM] Nagus, you remember my son, Nog, don't you? He's the first Ferengi
to join Starfleet.
[ZEK] I'll try not to hold that against him.
[ROM] And this is my wife, Leeta.
[LEETA] I've heard so much about you.
[ZEK] Would you like to hear more?
[ISHKA] Remember, she's Rom's wife.
[ZEK] Meaning what?
[ISHKA] Meaning she's broke.
[ZEK] She doesn't look broke to me.
[ISHKA] Zekkie.
[ZEK] Just having a little harmless fun, my sweet. Now Quark, you and
your brother get rid of some of this furniture. And you, (Nog) get
three subspace transceivers off my ship and set them up in here. And
where's my beetle snuff?
(Maihar'du hands the box over.)
[ZEK] Grand Nagus Brunt. (sneeze)
(Later, everyone is making calls over subspace.)
[QUARK] Good afternoon, I'm calling on behalf of Grand Nagus Zek.
[ROM] The Nagus summons you to a meeting here on Deep Space Nine.
[NOG] He's counting on your support.
[QUARK] You'll be presented with some very interesting financial data.
[ROM] There's profit to be earned.
[NOG] And the Nagus wants you to share in these lucrative opportunities.
[ROM] Yes, I'm talking about the Grand Nagus.
[QUARK] No, not Brunt.
[NOG] Grand Nagus Zek.
[QUARK] Who said he was dead?
[ROM] Wait. Don't end the transmission.
[NOG] Hello? Hello? Where'd he go?
[QUARK] I know all about the ninety fourth Rule of Acquisition.
[NOG] I know. Females and finances don't mix. But that can be
interpreted in many different ways.
[QUARK] Hello? Hello?
[ROM] That's not a very nice thing to say about the Nagus.
[QUARK] I beg your pardon?
[NOG] There's no need to be insulting.
[ROM] Hello? Hello?
[QUARK] That female happens to be my mother! Hello?
[ZEK] Are you sure you contacted every Commissioner
on this list?
[QUARK] All four hundred and thirty two of them.
[ZEK] And you could only convince one of them to attend the meeting?
[ROM] Maybe if we made some follow up calls.
[ZEK] I helped every one of those people earn a fortune, and this is how
they repay me?
[NOG] What a bunch of ingrates.
[ISHKA] Well, the news isn't all bad. The Commissioner who's agreed to
come. It's Nilva.
[QUARK] The Chairman of Slug-o-Cola.
[ISHKA] He's a very powerful and influential voice within the FCA.
[ZEK] Unfortunately, he's a influential voice for the status quo.
[ROM] I don't think Slug-o-Cola has changed it's advertising slogan in
three hundred years. Drink Slug-o-Cola.
[ALL] The slimiest cola in the galaxy.
[QUARK] Why would Nilva agree to come to the meeting?
[ISHKA] I don't know. But if I can convince him to support Zek, other
Commissioners will follow.
[ZEK] Well, it's a start, at least.
[ISHKA] See? I told you it was too early to panic.
[BRUNT] Care to place a wager on that?
(Enter the new Nagus with his own Hupyrian servant.)
[ROM] Grand Nagus Brunt.
[ZEK] Acting Grand Nagus Brunt.
[ISHKA] Now you can panic.
(Quark goes up to Brunt to order him out.)
[BRUNT] I'll take an Eelwasser. No ice.
[ZEK] What are you doing here, Brunt?
[BRUNT] That's Grand Nagus Brunt.
[ISHKA] Acting Grand Nagus.
(Uri'lash and Maihar'du glare at each other.)
[BRUNT] Would someone please tell that female to take off those clothes.
It's disgusting.
[ISHKA] Get used to it, limp lobes. This is the future.
[BRUNT] Over my dead body.
[ZEK] If that's what it takes.
[ROM] I don't suppose you're here to reminisce about the time you helped
my brother and me rescue Moogie from the Dominion.
[BRUNT] You're right. That's not why I'm here. Though I find it ironic
that helping to rescue your mother was the first step on my road to
becoming Nagus.
[ISHKA] Don't remind me.
[ZEK] I never should have given you your job back with the FCA.
[BRUNT] But you did. And as a Liquidator, I was able to bribe my way
back into a position of power.
[ROM] That is ironic.
[BRUNT] Face it, Zek, it's over. You're finished. Bankrupt. I'm going to
liquidate you. Cancel that Eelwasser and get me a Slug-o-Cola instead.
On second thought, I'll just wait till Chairman Nilva gets here. I'm
sure he'll be happy to provide his new Nagus with all the Slug-o-Cola I
can drink.
[ROM] How did you know Nilva was coming here?
[BRUNT] Because it's my business to know. Go on, have your little
meeting. Whatever you offer Nilva, I'll double it.
[QUARK] That's it. Get out of my bar.
[BRUNT] You dare threaten your Nagus?
[QUARK] Acting Nagus. You may liquidate us tomorrow, but right now this
is still my establishment. Now get out before I kick you out.
[BRUNT] I'm going to make you a pauper. Uri'lash, we're leaving. Say
goodbye to these poor people.
[QUARK] Out.
(Brunt and Uri'lash leave.)
[ZEK] My boy, I'm proud of you.
[ISHKA] So am I.
[ROM] Me too.
[QUARK] I just kicked the Grand Nagus out of my bar.
[ALL] Acting Grand Nagus.
[QUARK] Whatever. I need to lie down.
(Rom's quarters)
[ISHKA] You busy, Quark?
[QUARK] Busy? Me? Nah. I'm just lying here wondering if it's not too
late for me to start a new life somewhere.
[ISHKA] Oh, Quark, there's nothing wrong with your life.
[QUARK] I'm sorry. I stand corrected.
[ISHKA] You're overreacting.
[QUARK] Whatever you say.
[ISHKA] Reminds me of when you were a lobeling. You were always such a
miserable child.
[QUARK] Moogie, leave me alone.
[ISHKA] I'm your mother, I can't leave you alone.
[QUARK] Try.
[ISHKA] Come on, on your feet. Zekkie's waiting for you in the bar.
[QUARK] Now what?
[ISHKA] He feels like playing a game of tongo.
[QUARK] We're all facing banishment from Ferengi society and he wants to
play tongo?
[ISHKA] He wants to play tongo, I want to have a late night snack, you
want to lie here feeling sorry for yourself. We all deal with stress in
different ways. Any fresh tube grubs around?
[QUARK] How can you eat at a time like this?
[ISHKA] It's simple. You put one end of the tube grub between your front
teeth, and you suck 'em right up.
[QUARK] You want tube grubs? Fine. Enjoy.
[ISHKA] These are minced. I wanted fresh.
[QUARK] You know, this is all your fault.
[ISHKA] It's my fault you don't have fresh tube grubs?
[QUARK] I'm not talking about tube grubs. I'm talking about Ferengi
females wearing clothes and earning profit. I'm talking about Grand
Nagus Brunt.
[ISHKA] Acting Grand Nagus Brunt.
[QUARK] You're not fooling me, Moogie. You've been plotting this all
along. Ever since you met Zek, you've been working on him, manipulating
him, whispering things in his ear. Things like equality for females.
[ISHKA] What's wrong with that?
[QUARK] I'll tell you what's wrong with that. You've ruined Zek's life,
your life, Rom's life.
[ISHKA] As if you cared about any of us. It's your life you're worried
[QUARK] You bet I'm worried. Nobody else seems to care what happens to
me. You come here to my station, take over my quarters, make me a part
of your subversive schemes.
[ISHKA] What's the matter, Quark? Are you afraid you picked the wrong
side? You can always go crawling to Brunt, beg his forgiveness.
[QUARK] I don't want anything to do with Brunt. I want my old Nagus
[ISHKA] Do you.
[QUARK] I want Zek to be the way he used to be, before he met you,
before you twisted his thinking with your feminine wiles.
[ISHKA] Before he met me, Zek was a lonely, unhappy man.
[QUARK] But he was rich. He was the most powerful Ferengi alive. Now
what is he? A puppet. And you're the one pulling the strings, making
him dance to your evil, feminist tune. You're the worst thing that ever
happened to Zek. You're the worst thing that ever happened to me. In
fact, you're the worst thing that ever happened to the entire Ferengi
[ISHKA] Maybe I am, but at least I'm not like you. A selfish, spineless,
[QUARK] Don't forget miserable.
[ISHKA] Miserable excuse for a son!
[QUARK] Is that the best you can do?
[ISHKA] I haven't even begun. You should be ashamed of yourself. Why,
you are nothing but a. Why, you are, you
[QUARK] Go ahead. Say it.
[ISHKA] You're a
[QUARK] I'm still waiting.
[ISHKA] You're a. You're a. You're a
[QUARK] A what!
(Ishka suddenly falls backwards onto the floor.)
[QUARK] Moogie. Moogie? Moogie! Moogie. Moogie. Moogie!
[ROM] Moogie, please don't die.
[QUARK] She's not going to die. She's going to get better.
[ZEK] I hope so, for my sake, for her sake, for the sake of the entire
Ferengi Alliance. And most of all I hope she gets better for your sake,
Quark. Because if she doesn't
[QUARK] What did I do?
[ZEK] That's exactly the question I keep asking myself. What did you do
to her?
[QUARK] I told you. She said she was hungry. I gave her some tube grubs.
She thanked me, and then she collapsed. I wish you'd stop making me
relive it.
[ROM] Are you sure you didn't do or say anything that might have upset
[QUARK] I don't want to talk about it anymore.
(Bashir is in the background, in red C24 scrubs.)
[ZEK] What's wrong, Quark? Your conscience bothering you?
[QUARK] I haven't done anything wrong!
[BASHIR] That's not what your mother says.
[ROM] Doctor, how's Moogie?
[QUARK] Will she live?
[BASHIR] Oh yes, she'll live. She needed a new heart and it's
functioning normally. But she's going to need a few days complete rest.
And she'll need to be kept far away from him.
[ZEK] And why is that, Doctor?
[BASHIR] I'm not sure exactly. All I do know is that she keeps repeating
the same phrase over and over. It's all Quark's fault. It's all Quark's
[QUARK] I wonder what she means by that?
[QUARK] And then I accused her of being the worst
thing that ever happened to the Ferengi Alliance and she clutched her
chest and collapsed. Moogie and I argue all the time. It's our way of
showing affection.
[ZEK] Well, if you ask me, Quark, the worst thing that ever happened to
the Ferengi Alliance is you.
[QUARK] I'm sorry.
[ROM] Well I suppose we should contact Nilva and tell him the meeting
has to be postponed.
[ZEK] We can't postpone the meeting! In two days, the FCA is going to
confirm Brunt as the new Grand Nagus.
[ROM] Boy, when things go wrong.
[BRUNT] The only thing to do is get down on your knees and beg for
mercy. Who knows? You might find me in a charitable mood.
[ZEK] By the time I get through with you, you're the one who's going to
need charity.
[BRUNT] Such brave words, yet so empty. I was very relieved to hear your
mother is going to be all right. Of course, it doesn't do you much
good. Nilva will be arriving tonight expecting to meet a brilliant
Ferengi female. Do you know any? I mean, besides Ishka? I certainly
(Maihar'du stops Zek from attacking Brunt.)
[BRUNT] How pitiful. One day you're the Grand Nagus of the Ferengi
Alliance, and the next you're nothing but a common barroom brawler. You
see what happens when you put your faith in a female?
(Brunt and Uri'lash leave.)
[ROM] What about Leeta?
[QUARK] What about her?
[ROM] Maybe she can meet with Nilva. She handles my finances and she's a
[ZEK] And a very beautiful one at that. But Nilva's expecting to meet
with a Ferengi female.
[QUARK] We'll never get one here in time.
[ROM] We're doomed.
[ZEK] No, we're not. You think if Ishka were here she'd give up?
[ROM] If she were here, we wouldn't have a problem.
[ZEK] That's not my point. Your mother would never accept defeat. If she
couldn't find another female, she'd, she'd, she'd
[ROM] She'd what?
[ZEK] She'd make one.
[QUARK] You mean a hologram?
[ZEK] Better than a hologram.
[QUARK] What could be better than a hologram?
[ZEK] You.
(Rom's quarters)
(Rom is putting ear decorations on someone.)
[ROM] Doctor Bashir certainly did a wonderful job on you. I'd call the
operation a complete success.
[LEETA] It must have been a very delicate procedure.
[QUARK] (soft voice.) Tell me about it.
[LEETA] There.
(Now Lady Quark is revealed.)
[QUARK] Well, how do I look?
[LEETA] You look nice.
[QUARK] Nice? That's all?
[ROM] Very nice.
[ZEK] You may look like a female but you have to do something about that
[QUARK] I'm trying! I mean, I'm trying.
[ZEK] Well, try harder.
[LEETA] And stop looking down.
[QUARK] I need to see what I look like. Someone get me a mirror.
(Maihar'du gets a cheval mirror from behind a curtain.)
[ROM] You see, brother? You look lovely.
(Quark bursts into tears.)
[LEETA] There go his hormones.
[ROM] You mean, her hormones.
[QUARK] Take it away, take it away. I'm sorry. I just feel so different.
[LEETA] Would you stop staring at your chest.
[QUARK] I'm not staring at my chest, I'm staring at my hips. Aren't they
too big?
[ZEK] Your hips are fine. Now let's get down to business. These are your
mother's notes for her meeting with Nilva. Study them carefully.
[QUARK] Female apparel for a new source of latinum for a new Ferenginar.
Hypicate cream for smooth skin and healthier profits. All these facts
and figures. They're too much for me to remember.
[ZEK] Oh, nonsense. You just need a little time to practice your
[LEETA] And while you're at it, we need to practice your walk.
[QUARK] What's wrong with my walk?
[LEETA] You're lumbering.
[QUARK] This is never going to work.
[ROM] Don't cry, Brother. Here, let me show you. Watch carefully. (does
a ladylike walk) You see? It's more of a glide.
[LEETA] That's good.
[ROM] And when you sit, make sure your knees are touching. And don't
forget to relax your shoulders, but keep your bottom tight.
(Leeta looks worried.)
[ROM] What?
[QUARK] He's the one who should be wearing the dress.
[ROM] Why me?
[LEETA] You're so adorable, and complicated.
[QUARK] Maybe it's not too late. Come on, brother, I'll take you to
Doctor Bashir.
[ZEK] Forget it, Quark. Rom may make a better female than you, but when
it comes to business, you're the better Ferengi.
[QUARK] Looks like your stupidity has saved you again.
[ROM] It comes in handy sometimes.
[QUARK] I can do this. Its only one meeting. I can be a female for one
meeting, can't I?
[LEETA] Not if you're lumbering.
[QUARK] I'll conduct the meeting sitting down.
[ROM] Tighten your bottom.
[ZEK] (stroking Quark's thigh) I think you're doing wonderfully, my
dear. I'm proud of you. (slap) I'm sorry. You know, you may walk like a
man, but you make a very attractive female. Confusing, isn't it?
[QUARK] Not to me.
(The door opens.)
[NOG] He's here. He's on the station.
[ZEK] Who is?
[NOG] Nilva.
[QUARK] But he's not supposed to arrive until tomorrow.
[ZEK] That Nilva, he's a tricky one. But he makes a good cola.
[ROM] What do we do?
[QUARK] I can't meet Nilva now, I'm still lumbering.
[NOG] You look very nice.
[ZEK] Nog, I want you to escort the chairman to his quarters. Tell him
I'll meet him for dinner tonight.
[NOG] What if he asks about Ishka?
[ZEK] Tell him that Ishka is sick, but that tomorrow he'll be meeting
with my other female financial advisor, er, er, Lumba.
[NOG] Right.
(Nog leaves.)
[QUARK] Lumba?
[ZEK] You'd better start memorising those notes.
[LEETA] First, we need to practice your walking.
[ROM] And your sitting.
[ZEK] And you'd better work on that voice.
[QUARK] Any other comments?
[ZEK] Has anyone ever told you that you have lovely eyes?
[NILVA] Here, have a Slug-o-Cola.
[NOG] Thank you. Welcome to Deep Space Nine, Chairman Nilva.
[NILVA] You drink Slug-o-Cola, don't you?
[NOG] The slimiest cola in the galaxy? Doesn't everybody?
[NILVA] Good boy. Now, take me to Zek.
[NOG] Zek wanted me to take you to
[NILVA] Don't argue with me. Drink your cola and lead the way.
(Nilva stalks off with Nog trying to catch him up.)
[NOG] You're sure you don't want to stop by your
quarters and freshen up?
[NILVA] Not before I meet this female advisor of Zek's.
(Around a corner.)
[BRUNT] Nilva! How nice to see you again.
[NILVA] Grand Nagus Brunt.
[NOG] Acting Grand Nagus Brunt.
[NILVA] Well, I had a feeling I might find you here.
[BRUNT] I thought after your meeting with Zek, we could have a little
[NILVA] Oh of course. But I've really come to meet this Ishka female.
[BRUNT] Haven't you heard? Ishka's in the Infirmary. She's in no
position to meet anyone.
[NOG] Which is why you'll be meeting with another one of Zek's financial
advisors. Her name is Lumba.
[BRUNT] Never heard of her.
[NILVA] Oh, Zek has two female advisors?
[BRUNT] I didn't know there were two Ferengi females on the station.
[NILVA] Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go meet this other female.
[NOG] You're sure you wouldn't like me to show you around the station
[NILVA] I want to meet Lumba.
[BRUNT] Lumba?
(Rom's quarters)
[LEETA] Let's try it again.
(Quark enters, glides across the floor and sits nicely.)
[QUARK] My name is Lumba. You must be Chairman Nilva. Zek has told me so
much about you. Ow.
[LEETA] What's wrong now?
[QUARK] It's these earrings. They're killing me. Do I have to wear them?
[ROM] No woman is complete without earrings. Why does everyone keep
looking at me?
[QUARK] I'm going to bed.
[ZEK] Now?
[QUARK] I'm exhausted. If I don't get any sleep I'll never make it
through tomorrow's meeting.
[LEETA] Who could that be?
[ROM] Come in.
(Nilva enters with Nog behind him.)
[ZEK] Nilva!
[NILVA] Zek. Here, have a Slug-o-Cola. Don't worry, I brought enough for
[NOG] He insisted on seeing you immediately.
[NILVA] Why, you must be Lunga.
[QUARK] Lumba.
[NILVA] Oh, a clothed Ferengi female. And with your approval, no less.
Either you've been inhaling too much beetle snuff or you're the
greatest visionary ever to sit atop the Tower of Commerce.
[ZEK] Well, why don't you and I have dinner tonight and try to figure it
out. We can go to Quark's and get some nice, juicy snail steaks. You
can meet with Lumba tomorrow.
[NILVA] I'm afraid that's not possible. You see, I have to leave first
thing in the morning. I'm due back on Ferenginar for an important
stockholders meeting. Oh, but those snail steaks do sound tempting. I
know. Why don't I have dinner with Lumba?
[QUARK] With me?
[ZEK] Won't you feel uncomfortable being seen in public with a clothed
[NILVA] Well of course I will, but you and I have made a lot of latinum
together over the years. That should be worth some small discomfort.
But Lumba better be all you claim she is, or I'll have to liquidate you
myself. Let's eat.
[ROM] Have fun.
(Quark and Nilva walk to a corner table. Quark is
still having problems in high heels. A waiter comes over.)
[NILVA] Two snail steaks, lightly seared. Now, tell me something.
Doesn't wearing all those clothes make you feel like a deviant?
[QUARK] Not really. And I'll tell you why. Because under all these
clothes, I know I'm totally naked.
[NILVA] I'll try to remember that. Now, you'd better explain to me how
allowing females to wear clothing is going to make me richer than I
already am.
[QUARK] I was hoping you were going to ask me that. You see this dress
I'm wearing? Have you any idea how much it would sell for on
(The rest of the gang are watching from the balcony.)
[LEETA] Would someone please tell me what they're saying.
[NOG] Shh.
(The meal is over.)
[NILVA] Let me see if I understand. Giving females the right to wear
clothes allows them to have pockets. Once they have pockets, they're
going to want to fill them with latinum.
[QUARK] Which means they're going to need jobs.
[NILVA] And once they start earning latinum, they're going to want to
spend it.
[QUARK] Which means Ferenginar will be expanding its work force and its
consumer base at the same time.
[NILVA] There will be plenty of profit for everyone.
[QUARK] When it comes to profit, I'm your girl. And I'm sure you could
use some extra latinum.
[NILVA] Meaning what?
[QUARK] I read the beverage trades. Sales of Slug-o-Cola have flattened
out and Eelwasser had a very impressive third quarter.
[NILVA] They were lucky, that's all.
[QUARK] I know a way you can increase sales of Slug-o-Cola by fifty to
sixty percent.
[NILVA] I'm all ears.
[QUARK] Target the new female consumer. Make Slug-o-Cola her drink.
[NILVA] Nothing's stopping her from drinking it now.
[QUARK] But you're not encouraging her either. The slimiest cola in the
galaxy. That kind of slogan doesn't appeal to women.
[NILVA] Well, what would?
[QUARK] Let me see. Slug-o-Cola contains forty three percent live algae,
[NILVA] In every bottle.
[QUARK] Well, how about something like, Drink Slug-o-Cola and keep your
teeth a sparkling shade of green.
[NILVA] Oh, Zek was right about you. You're very intelligent.
[QUARK] For a female?
[NILVA] I think it's time for dessert now.
[QUARK] Good idea. (Nilva stands and offers his hand.) I thought we were
going to have dessert?
[NILVA] Oh, we are. In my quarters.
(Nilva's quarters)
[NILVA] I never ever thought I'd find a clothed
female so enticing.
[QUARK] Enticing? Me? Don't be silly.
[NILVA] It's so good to finally be alone. Without all those people
staring at us.
(Quark takes off his heels, backing away.)
[NILVA] Although I must admit, I did find it someone stimulating.
(Nilva chases Quark round the table.)
[QUARK] Maybe a little too stimulating.
[NILVA] Can I help it if my lobes burn for you? If you don't believe me,
just touch them. Touch them.
[QUARK] I'll take your word for it.
[NILVA] You said you'd do anything for me.
[QUARK] I lied.
(Quark goes behind a curtain.)
[NILVA] Come to me, my little love slave.
(Nilva goes behind the curtain. Sounds of breaking ornaments, squeals
and lecherous laughter. Quark reemerges holding a chair for defence.)
[QUARK] Stay away! Stay away!
[NILVA] Marry me!
[QUARK] I don't think your wife would approve.
[NILVA] Who cares? She hasn't touched my lobes in months.
[QUARK] I can tell.
[NILVA] Oh, I need you.
[QUARK] What you need is a cold shower.
[NILVA] What a good idea. Why, you can scrub my back.
[QUARK] What if
[NILVA] Yes?
[QUARK] I told you
[NILVA] Yes?
[QUARK] I hate Slug-o-Cola.
[NILVA] So do I.
(Nilva gets the chair off Quark.)
[NILVA] Oh, you torture me.
[QUARK] Stay away.
(Quark climbs on a table.)
[NILVA] Stay away or what?
[QUARK] Or I'll jump.
[NILVA] I'll catch you.
(The table collapses, Quark grabs a ceiling brace and hangs on. Nilva
takes hold of his/her waist. Brunt and Uri'lash enter)
[BRUNT] Let go of that man!
[QUARK] I'm trying.
[NILVA] Would you please leave. You're making Lumba nervous.
[BRUNT] His name's not Lumba, it's Quark, and he's a male.
[NILVA] A male?
[BRUNT] How pitiful. Zek must be truly desperate.
[NILVA] Is this true? You're a man?
[QUARK] Do I look like a man?
[BRUNT] Nice try, Quark, but it's not going to work. He's the station's
[QUARK] Don't listen to him, hot lobes. I'm as female as they come and
I'll prove it to you.
(Quark kisses Nilva.)
[QUARK] Well?
[NILVA] Well, I'm not sure.
[QUARK] Oh, all right.
(With his back to us, Quark opens his dress to show Nilva his full
[QUARK] Now are you sure?
[NILVA] Oh, completely.
[BRUNT] I tell you that is not a female.
[NILVA] Well, she's close enough for me. Come, my dear. Let's go tell
Zek that I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure he remains
Grand Nagus.
[BRUNT] But why?
[NILVA] Because that's what Lumba wants.
(Quark blows Brunt a kiss.)
[BRUNT] His name's Quark!
(Quark is back to full male, but holding a ring.)
[ODO] Interesting ring.
[QUARK] It was a gift. Poor Nilva. Such a lovely man, but so lonely.
[ODO] Really?
[QUARK] There was a sweetness to him, and also a strength. Sometimes
he'd get this little glint in his eye. You know what I mean.
[ODO] Not really, but I'm glad you had a pleasant evening.
[QUARK] You're mocking me, aren't you?
[ODO] And you're being a little overly sensitive.
[QUARK] I've only been a male again for six hours. My hormones must
still be out of balance. My emotions are raging out of control.
[ODO] Is there anything I can do?
[QUARK] Would you mind giving me a hug?
[ODO] A hug?
[QUARK] Just a small one.
(Odo nods, Quark rushes into his arms, crying.)
[QUARK] Thank you.
(Odo spots Morn watching and breaks it up. Zek, Ishka, Rom and
Maihar'du enter.)
[ZEK] I hope we're not interrupting anything.
[ODO] Excuse me.
(Odo leaves.)
[ZEK] We just wanted to say goodbye before we go back to Ferenginar.
[ISHKA] Where the rivers run with muck and the streets are swarming with
happy females.
[ZEK] And where, if all goes according to plan, the FCA commissioners
will once again proclaim me Grand Nagus.
[ROM] That would be nice, but Brunt's going to fight you at every turn.
[ZEK] I wouldn't have it any other way.
[ISHKA] I'm glad we have Nilva on our side. And we have you to thank for
that, Quark.
[QUARK] Will you forgive me, Moogie?
[ISHKA] Of course I do. You may be a lousy son, but you made a wonderful
daughter. I hope the experience taught you something.
[QUARK] It made me more compassionate, more empathetic, more nurturing.
I feel like I'm trapped in my worst nightmare.
[ZEK] Don't worry. I'm sure it won't last. You'll be back to your old
self in no time.
(Zek, Ishka and Maihar'du leave.)
[ROM] You are so lucky. No man ever gave me a ring.
[ALUURA] Quark?
[QUARK] Aluura.
[ALUURA] I read the book.
[QUARK] What book?
[ALUURA] You know, Oo-mox for Fun and
[QUARK] You shouldn't be wasting your time reading that kind of trash.
[ALUURA] But you told me to.
[QUARK] Forget what I told you. It was wrong and I apologise. You are a
wonderful employee and I'm lucky to have you working for me. In fact,
as of today, I'm giving you a raise. Another two slips of latinum a
[ALUURA] Really?
[QUARK] It's the least I can do.
[ALUURA] That's too bad.
[QUARK] All right, make it three.
[ALUURA] No, it's not that.
[QUARK] Then what?
[ALUURA] It's just that Oo-mox sounded like fun. The tympanic tickle,
the eustachian tube rub, the auditory nerve nibble. But if that's the
way you feel about it.
[QUARK] That is exactly the way I feel about it.
(Aluura leaves him.)
[QUARK] What am I saying? Aluura? Wait. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e144", "title": "Profit And Lace"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Time's Orphan
Original Airdate: 18 May, 1998
(Molly runs in and jumps on her parents bed.)
[MOLLY] Wake up, it's time to go.
[KEIKO] Hi, honey.
[MOLLY] It's almost seven. Time to get ready.
[BRIEN] Time to get ready for what?
[MOLLY] The picnic!
[BRIEN] What picnic? Is that today?
[MOLLY] Yes. Don't you remember?
[BRIEN] Oh, well, we'd better get going then.
[MOLLY] I'm going to wear my blue jumper.
[KEIKO] Oh, good idea, sweetie.
(Molly runs out again.)
[BRIEN] I can't believe how much she's grown since I saw her last.
(Keiko pats Miles' stomach.)
[KEIKO] Look who's talking.
[BRIEN] What?
[KEIKO] What have you been eating since we've been gone?
[BRIEN] The usual.
[KEIKO] Well, say goodbye to the usual. I'm back and you're going to
start eating right.
[BRIEN] Can't it wait until after the picnic?
(O'Brien's quarters)
[MOLLY] Mommy, can you help me put this on?
(It's a bracelet.)
[KEIKO] Of course, sweetie.
[BRIEN (OC)] Where's the sunscreen?
[KEIKO] I've already packed it.
[MOLLY] This is where we're going, Yoshi. See?
(A group photograph in front of a tree.)
[MOLLY] Last time we went to Golana, you were inside Mommy's tummy.
[BRIEN] Better get down to the airlock. The shuttle leaves in twenty
[MOLLY] Can we bring Chester?
[KEIKO] I don't think that would a good idea, sweetie.
[BRIEN] He might get lost.
[KEIKO] On second thought. All right, let's go.
[MOLLY] Come on, Lupi. (a doll)
[BRIEN] (checks the hamper) No sausages?
(On the picnic blanket, Keiko is brushing Molly's
[MOLLY] I know what I'm going to be when I grow up.
[BRIEN] You do?
[MOLLY] Mm hm. I'm going to be an exobologist.
[BRIEN] An exobologist? What's that?
[MOLLY] Someone who studies animals from other planets.
[KEIKO] Like Chester.
[MOLLY] Daddy, if you send us away again, can we take Chester?
[BRIEN] Honey, I'm not going to send you away again.
[MOLLY] You're not?
[BRIEN] No, I'm not. I only did it because it wasn't safe for you to
be on the station.
[MOLLY] I know.
[BRIEN] We're never going to be apart again.
[MOLLY] Promise?
[BRIEN] I promise.
[MOLLY] You want to see me do some cartwheels?
[BRIEN] You bet.
(And she does.)
[BRIEN] Wow.
[KEIKO] Yay, good one.
(And off Molly runs to play.)
[BRIEN] And what about you, little fellow? What do you say?
(Contented gurgle.)
[BRIEN] I couldn't have said it better myself. Real sunshine, fresh
air, you and the kids. Life doesn't get any better than this.
[KEIKO] That was a pretty big promise you made, Miles, just a second
[BRIEN] I meant it.
[KEIKO] What if the war heats up again and the station isn't safe
[BRIEN] I'll put in for a transfer. I never want us to be apart again.
(They kiss, and there's a big scream.)
[KEIKO] Molly?
[BRIEN] Molly? Molly!
(O'Brien runs towards the screams. Keiko picks up Yoshi and follows.)
[BRIEN] Molly! Molly!
[KEIKO] Molly?
[MOLLY (OC)] Daddy, help!
[KEIKO] Molly!
(O'Brien goes into an outcrop of rocks.)
[MOLLY (OC)] Daddy, help!
[BRIEN] Molly, I'm coming.
[MOLLY] Daddy!
[BRIEN] Hold on, Molly. Hold on. Daddy's coming. Come on.
(O'Brien reaches down over the lip of an artificial hole in the ground.
Molly is hanging on by her fingertips above a swirly purple thing.)
[MOLLY] Daddy, help.
[BRIEN] Take my hand. Come on, just take my hand.
(Their fingers touch, then Molly falls into the purple, which then
vanishes to reveal the empty floor beneath.)
(Portal chamber)
(After the opening titles, Starfleet CSI has
arrived with all their tech to try and
solve the case. The portal is an irregular stone hexagon set at about
forty five degrees to the floor. There are other pieces of carved stone
around. Kira hugs Keiko and Yoshi.)
[KIRA] Keiko.
(Kira goes over to Dax inside the hexagon.)
[KIRA] Have you figured out what this thing is yet?
[DAX] It's some sort of time portal. From the chroniton signature, we
think it sent Molly about three hundred years into the past.
[KIRA] I wonder what this place was like three centuries ago.
[DAX] Odo contacted the Bajoran Archaeological Institute to see what he
could find out.
[KIRA] How do we get Molly back?
[DAX] Well, first we have to find a way to reactivate the portal. It's
been abandoned a long time and it was destabilised when Molly fell
through. The problem is, we're not sure how this technology works.
[KIRA] Well, something tells me the Chief isn't going to stop until he
figures it out.
[DAX] Something tells me you're right.
[KIRA] Assuming you can get this back online, what then?
[DAX] We punch a transport scanning beam through the portal and then we
try to lock on to Molly's DNA signature.
[KIRA] And pull her back into the present.
[DAX] That's the idea.
(O'Brien gets one thing working, then a second which promptly goes
[BRIEN] Oh, bollocks!
(Yoshi cries.)
[KEIKO] It's all right, sweetie. Shh, it's all right.
[BRIEN] Maybe you should take him up to the Defiant. It might be too
cold in here for him.
[KEIKO] I'm not going anywhere.
[KIRA] I'll take him. Come on.
[BRIEN] It's going to be all right, Yoshi. It's going to be all right.
[KEIKO] You're okay, sweetie.
[KIRA] Come on.
[BRIEN] Give me a hand here. Okay.
(Three men try to push the hexagon upright.)
(Ready room)
[KIRA] Yes, yes I know.
[ODO] You're very good with him.
[KIRA] He knows me. I had him inside of me for five months. Oh, I know.
I think I might want to have one of my own someday.
[ODO] According to the archaeologists I talked to, the portal was built
by a civilization that vanished two thousand years ago. Which means if
Molly survived the fall, she would have found herself all alone.
[KIRA] You're saying that the planet was uninhabited three hundred years
[ODO] The first Bajoran colonists didn't arrive till the turn of the
[KIRA] An eight year old girl stranded alone on a deserted planet. Poor
[ODO] With any luck, the Chief will be able to beam her out a few
minutes after she fell. She'll hardly know she was gone.
[KEIKO] Miles, I'm getting scared. You've been at it
all day. Just tell me you're getting closer.
[BRIEN] I think I've found a way to modulate the temporal field
generators. If it works, Molly'll be home in a few hours.
[KEIKO] She's just been looking forward to coming out here ever since I
told her we were coming back to the station. Where's our baby?
[BRIEN] Shh. Dear, come on, come on. We're going to get her back.
Everything's going to be all right
[DAX (OC)] Dax to O'Brien.
[BRIEN] Go ahead.
[DAX (OC)] The power convertor you asked me to reconfigure? It's ready
to go online.
[KEIKO] What? What does that mean?
[BRIEN] It means Molly's coming home. Come on.
(Portal chamber)
(Machinery is thrumming.)
[BRIEN] Transporter interface link.
[DAX] Synchronised.
[BRIEN] DNA acquisition sensors.
[BASHIR] Locked in.
[DAX] We're as ready as we're ever going to be, Chief.
[BRIEN] Okay, let's do it.
(The purple swirly appears in the now-upright portal.)
[DAX] The field's destabilising.
[BRIEN] We're losing power.
[DAX] Temporal field established.
[BASHIR] We've got a DNA lock. It's her.
(They beam in a ragged young woman wearing Molly's bracelet.)
[KEIKO] Molly?
(The young woman panics and tries to run.)
[BRIEN] It's all right. There's no need to be afraid.
(O'Brien tries to catch her but she bites him, then Bashir hypo's her)
(Medical bay)
[BASHIR] Well, there's no doubt about it. The DNA
sequences match. This is definitely Molly. My readings suggest that
she's eighteen years old.
[BRIEN] We pulled her out ten years too late.
[BASHIR] It's a miracle you managed to get her back at all, Miles.
[KEIKO] Maybe if you tried again you could pull her out when she was
still a little girl.
[BASHIR] If you do that, there'll be no one to grow up and become this
Molly. You'd be erasing her existence.
[BRIEN] Yes, but we'll have our Molly back.
[KEIKO] Miles, this is our Molly. Just because we missed the last ten
years of her life doesn't give us the right to take those ten years
away from her.
[BASHIR] She's been deprived of human contact for a long time. It's not
going to be easy for her to reassimilate. Her language skills are
rusty. In fact, you two are the best hope we have of helping her
recover them.
[KEIKO] She doesn't remember us.
[BRIEN] She was so scared I doubt she even got a good look at us.
[BASHIR] It's possible that she's blocked out all memories of her
earlier life in order to cope with her isolation.
[KEIKO] So what do we do?
[BASHIR] I'm going to keep her under sedation until we get back to Deep
Space Nine. I've asked Captain Sisko to create a safe environment for
her. He's having one of the cargo bays converted. I want you two to be
there with her when she wakes up.
[KEIKO] What happens then?
[BASHIR] A case like this, there are no rules. We'll just have to feel
our way through the process.
(Worf + Dax's quarters)
(Dax is babysitting Yoshi when Worf enters.)
[DAX] Hi. We have a little visitor. Come here.
[WORF] And what exactly is this infant doing in my home?
[DAX] Well, I offered to watch him so that the O'Briens could spend time
with Molly.
[WORF] I thought you said you were going to be working tonight.
[DAX] I was going to run a spectral scan of that comet that's passing
through the Denorias belt. But if I did that, who'd watch you?
[WORF] Me.
[DAX] That's all right. I want to stay with him.
[WORF] Jadzia, you have been waiting for this comet to come into sensor
range for weeks.
[DAX] There'll be other comets.
[WORF] Go. I will take care of Yoshi.
[DAX] Worf, that's very sweet, but let's face it. You're not very good
with babies.
[WORF] I raised Alexander.
[DAX] That's different. He was four years old when he moved in with you.
You didn't have to change diapers. Babies are a handful. I should know,
I've had nine of them.
[WORF] I know. Five as a mother, four as a father. I can handle a
fourteen month old child.
[DAX] I didn't say you can't.
[WORF] Fine. Go run your sensor scans.
(Worf picks up Yoshi and sits on the couch. Yoshi cries.)
[DAX] You're holding him wrong.
[WORF] Leave us.
[DAX] All right, all right. I'm leaving.
[WORF] AbomBhay mish! AbomBhay mish!
(Cargo bay)
(A clean and tidy Molly wakes up on a blanket next
to a rock. She sits up and looks round the rock to see)
[KEIKO] Hello, Molly.
(Molly gets into the tree.)
[BRIEN] It's all right, Molly. We're not going to hurt you.
(O'Brien picks up a plate of fruit.)
[BRIEN] Would you like something to eat? I bet you're hungry. Golana
melon. Mmm, it's delicious. It's for you.
(O'Brien puts the plate on the ground and backs away. Molly comes down
and tries the fruit)
[BRIEN] It's good, isn't it?
[KEIKO] Hi, Molly. Remember me? Mommy.
(Molly crouches down to look up at them.)
[KEIKO] What is she doing?
[BRIEN] I think she's trying to figure out who we are. Maybe she
remembers looking up at us when she was little.
[MOLLY 2] Ma. Ma.
[BRIEN] That's right. Mommy and Daddy.
[MOLLY 2] Ma. Ma.
[BRIEN] Show it to her.
[KEIKO] I brought you something. It's Lupi. She used to sleep right next
to you on your pillow every night. She's missed you. Go on, take her.
(Molly grabs the doll from Keiko.)
[KEIKO] You remember Lupi, don't you?
(Later, O'Brien and Keiko sitting cross-legged and throwing a football
between them.)
[BRIEN] This is a ball, Molly.
[KEIKO] May I have the ball?
(O'Brien throws it to her.)
[KEIKO] Would you like the ball, Molly?
(Keiko throws Molly the ball.)
[BRIEN] Molly, give me the ball.
(But Molly puts it with other balls and Lupi, behind the rock.)
[KEIKO] Julian said it would take a while.
(O'Brien gets another ball out of a bag)
[BRIEN] Yeah, well I hope she catches on soon. We're running out.
[KEIKO] This is a ball, Molly.
[BRIEN] Would you like the ball? I'll give you the ball, then you give
me the ball, huh?
(O'Brien tosses the ball to Molly.)
[BRIEN] Give me the ball, Molly. Molly, give me the ball. Please?
(Molly rolls the ball back to him.)
[BRIEN] Yes, that's it!
[KEIKO] Good girl!
(Smiles all round.)
[BRIEN] That's it. That's my girl. That's my Molly.
(Worf + Dax's bedroom)
(Worf enters, exhausted. Yoshi is crying in the
other room.)
[DAX] Is he all right?
[WORF] He is fine. He just will not go to sleep.
[DAX] Did you change him?
[WORF] I changed him.
[DAX] Did you feed him?
[WORF] I fed him.
[DAX] Did you read him a story?
[WORF] I read him a story.
[DAX] Did you sing to him?
[WORF] Until my throat was raw.
[DAX] Sounds like you tried everything. I'll take over from here.
[WORF] That is not necessary.
[DAX] Worf, you're exhausted. Get some sleep.
[WORF] No. I am a Klingon warrior and a Starfleet officer. I have
piloted starships through Dominion minefields. I have stood in battle
against Kelvans twice my size. I courted and won the heart of the
magnificent Jadzia Dax. If I can do these things, I can make this child
go to sleep.
[DAX] Talk about losing perspective. Listen to yourself. Why is this
baby-sitting thing so important all of a sudden?
[WORF] It is not important to me. It is important to you.
[DAX] What are you talking about?
[WORF] You are judging me on my fitness to be a parent. Don't deny it,
Jadzia. I can see it in your eyes. I have proven myself to be a worthy
husband to you, but you are not convinced I would be a good parent to
your children.
[DAX] Who said anything about having children?
[WORF] Go to sleep. I have work to do.
(Cargo bay)
(Molly is sleeping in the tree and Miles is
sleeping on a couch when Keiko comes in.)
[KEIKO] Sorry I'm late.
[BRIEN] Oh, hi. She went to sleep a couple of hours ago.
[KEIKO] How does she keep from falling?
[BRIEN] You got me.
[KEIKO] Dax said she'll look after Yoshi until your shift's over.
[BRIEN] Good. I've fallen behind on my repair schedule the last couple
of days.
(Keiko brushes her hair. Molly walks over to them.)
[KEIKO] Miles.
(Molly holds out her hand.)
[KEIKO] Do you want the brush, Molly? You can have it.
(Molly takes Keiko's hand and sits down to have her hair brushed.)
[BRIEN] More and more when I look at her, I can
see the little girl she used to be.
[BASHIR] Has she spoken yet?
[BRIEN] No, but I can tell she understands what we're saying.
[BASHIR] Has she responded to her name?
[BRIEN] Oh, absolutely. Look at this.
(O'Brien unrolls a piece of paper.)
[BASHIR] Interesting.
[BRIEN] She drew it. Not bad, eh?
(The trees have faces and there are two suns or moons.)
[BASHIR] She's anthropomorphised the landscape.
[BRIEN] Yeah, she loves to draw. Oh, did I tell you? She began eating
with a spoon. At this rate, she'll be reading and writing in a few
[BASHIR] Well, just be careful not to push her too hard. If she gets
frustrated, she might withdraw and relapse into her old behaviour
[BRIEN] Ah, don't worry. I'm not going to push her. I don't have to.
She's doing fine on her own.
(O'Brien's quarters)
(Worf is waving a rattle for Yoshi.)
[WORF] Waq Kor do goH Ya. Gung gung gung.
[BASHIR] Gung gung gung?
[WORF] I was instructing your son in hehh DUHPP.
[WORF] It's a Klingon exercise designed to teach children hand eye
coordination, so they will grow to become warriors.
[BASHIR] Oh, I get it. The rattle is like the baby's first bat'leth kind
of thing.
[BRIEN] How'd he do?
[WORF] He acquitted himself well.
[BRIEN] Thanks for watching him.
[BASHIR] Oh, Worf, you might want to leave the rattle just in case Yoshi
wants to practice his hehh DUHPPing.
(Cargo bay)
(Molly is running like a caged feline when O'Brien
[KEIKO] Molly, come on. Molly, Molly please.
[BRIEN] What's going on?
[KEIKO] She's been like this for over an hour.
[BRIEN] I'll try to calm her down.
[KEIKO] I have to go. I have to pick up Yoshi and take him home.
[MOLLY 2] Ho muh.
[BRIEN] Did you hear that?
[MOLLY 2] Home.
[KEIKO] Molly? What are you trying to say?
[MOLLY 2] Home.
[BRIEN] Home?
[MOLLY 2] Home. Molly.
[KEIKO] That's right. Molly.
[MOLLY 2] Molly home.
[BRIEN] You want us to take you home with us?
[MOLLY 2] Daddy home Molly.
[KEIKO] All right, we'll take you home.
[MOLLY 2] Mommy home Molly.
[BRIEN] Mommy and Daddy are going to take you home. Yes.
(O'Brien's quarters)
[BRIEN] Home, Molly. This is home.
(She looks around the living room then out of the window.)
[MOLLY 2] Starry stars.
[KEIKO] They're pretty, aren't they?
[MOLLY 2] Home?
[BRIEN] That's right. Would you like to see your room?
(Molly's bedroom)
(Molly gets a dress from the wardrobe then she
tears it and runs out.)
(O'Brien's quarters)
[KEIKO] Molly, Molly.
[MOLLY 2] Home!
(She picks up the picture of the picnic.)
[MOLLY 2] Home.
[BRIEN] No, this is your home.
[MOLLY 2] Home.
[KEIKO] Miles.
[BRIEN] Look, I know. You lived there a long time, but this is home
[MOLLY 2] Molly home.
[KEIKO] I know, sweetie. We can't go there right now.
[BRIEN] Maybe we can.
(Holosuite Meadow)
[KEIKO] Look, Miles, she's so happy.
[BRIEN] She has no idea it's a holosuite.
[KEIKO] It must be confusing to her. One minute she's on a space
station, the next minute she's running around outside.
[BRIEN] Well there's no reason we can't take her here for an hour or
two every day. I'll talk to Quark about scheduling some regular time.
(Molly hangs upside down from the tree.)
[MOLLY 2] Mummy, Mummy, Daddy.
(Then runs back and turns a cartwheel.)
[BRIEN] That's my girl!
[BRIEN] I'll be right back.
[KEIKO] Okay. Ooo, look at this.
(O'Brien opens the holosuite door. Quark is there with two Klingons.)
[QUARK] Sorry to interrupt, Chief, but your time is up. These gentlemen
have a reservation.
[BRIEN] I'll pay for their time if they can wait another half hour.
[QUARK] They seem to have their hearts set on some afternoon carnage
[BRIEN] All right. Give me a minute.
[QUARK] Let me buy you gentlemen a drink.
[KEIKO] Oh, pretty Molly.
[BRIEN] Molly, honey, we've got to go. Molly.
[BRIEN] Computer, end programme. We'll come back tomorrow.
[MOLLY 2] (distraught) Home!
[KEIKO] We have to go, honey.
(Quark's cafe)
(O'Brien almost has to drag Molly along.)
[BRIEN] It's okay, it's okay.
[KEIKO] Sweetie, we'll come back another day. I promise.
(Molly breaks away and heads back to the holosuite. Quark grabs her.)
[QUARK] I'm sorry, little lady.
(Molly bites Quark's arm then gets blocked by the Klingons.)
[BRIEN] Molly!
(Molly runs down the stairs, pushing people out of her way.)
(Chaos ensues as the young woman sends customers
flying over tables. Molly picks up a broken bottle and stabs an alien
as Odo arrives with his deputies.)
[BRIEN] Molly!
[ODO] On stun.
[KEIKO] Molly!
[ODO] Odo to Doctor Bashir. We have a medical emergency in Quark's.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] The Tarkalean she attacked is recovering in
the Infirmary. Doctor Bashir tells me he should be on his feet in a few
[ODO] He's filed charges against her. Assault with a deadly weapon.
[BRIEN] She wasn't trying to hurt him, she was just trying to get
[ODO] I tried to tell him that but he wasn't interested in hearing
excuses. As far as he's concerned, she's dangerous and should be
[BRIEN] Incarcerated?
[SISKO] I've talked to the Federation magistrate and explained the
situation. She wants Molly taken to a special care centre on Dalvos
Prime for evaluation.
[BRIEN] They're going to keep her there, aren't they?
[SISKO] We might be looking at a long term situation, yes. But it's the
best facility of its kind.
[BRIEN] Molly belongs with Keiko and me. If she's going to make a
connection with anybody it's going to be us, not some therapist she
doesn't even know.
[SISKO] I'm sorry, Chief. I wish there were another way.
[BRIEN] Captain, please. Don't let them take her away.
(Holding area)
(Molly is pacing in a cell.)
[BASHIR] Her body's flooded with adrenalin. I'm not sure how long she
can tolerate being confined like this. It might send her into shock. We
have to find a way to calm her down.
[BRIEN] Molly. Molly.
[MOLLY 2] Daddy, home.
[BRIEN] Molly, don't.
(Molly walks into the forcefield and is thrown back onto the bed. She
tries again.)
[KEIKO] Miles!
[BRIEN] Turn it off, damn it!
(The deputy does so just as Molly tries again.)
[BRIEN] Molly, Molly.
[MOLLY 2] Home.
(Bashir hypos her.)
[KEIKO] What are we going to do?
[BASHIR] It won't do any good to keep sedating her like this. The bottom
line is, she needs open spaces and plenty of it.
[BRIEN] She's not going to get that at a special care centre.
[BASHIR] I'll talk to the Captain about putting her back in a holosuite
for the time being.
[BRIEN] But what happens when they put her on a transport? What
happens then?
(Worf + Dax's quarters)
[DAX] Oh, what a day. I can't wait to get out of my
uniform. Where's Kirayoshi? I thought you were going to watch him this
afternoon. Worf, what's wrong?
[BASHIR] Kirayoshi took a little fall.
[DAX] Is he all right?
[BASHIR] Oh, yes. Just a small bump on the forehead. Happens all the
time, children his age. A little sleep, he'll be as right as rain.
[DAX] Thanks.
[BASHIR] Well, I've got to get back to the Infirmary.
(Bashir leaves.)
[DAX] You want to tell me what happened?
[WORF] We were playing. I was pretending to be a grint hound and chased
him. He was laughing so hard he did not look to see where he was going
and fell against the edge of the table.
[DAX] It was an accident. It could have happened to anyone.
[WORF] I was too rough with him. I was careless. You were right to
question my fitness as a father.
[DAX] Worf, I never questioned your fitness as a father. Don't put words
into my mouth.
[WORF] I failed Alexander, I failed Kirayoshi, and I would have failed
our children as well.
[DAX] Where are you going?
[WORF] I should not be here when he wakes up.
[DAX] Worf.
[WORF] Jadzia, I'm sorry I've failed to prove myself to you.
(O'Brien's quarters)
[KEIKO] We've got to do something. We can't let them
take her away.
[BRIEN] We don't have any choice. We just have to hope Molly can
[KEIKO] How can you say that? How can you just give up? You're planning
[BRIEN] What are you talking about?
[KEIKO] Miles, I've known you a long time. You are planning something
and you want to keep me out if it.
[BRIEN] The less you know, the better.
[KEIKO] Why?
[BRIEN] Because there's going to be consequences.
[KEIKO] So we'll face them together. She's my daughter too.
[BRIEN] Keiko, listen to me.
[KEIKO] Don't argue with me. I am as stubborn as you. Now, what are we
going to do?
[BRIEN] We're going to steal a runabout and take Molly back to Golana.
[KEIKO] But that's the first place they'll look for her. They'll find
her, unless. Unless we send her back through the portal into the past.
[BRIEN] Yeah. Once she's through we can destroy it. That way no one
will ever find her.
[KEIKO] But we'll never see her again.
[BRIEN] I wish there were some other way. Golana's been her home for
ten years. She knows how to survive there. She'll be all right.
(Holding area)
[BRIEN] How is she?
[PINAR] Doctor Bashir said she'd be unconscious for a few more hours.
We'll transfer her to a holosuite before she wakes up.
[BRIEN] There are no holosuites available. Odo said we should move her
back to the cargo bay.
[PINAR] He didn't mention it to me.
[BRIEN] Well, check the log. He said he made a note of it.
(The Deputy turns his back and O'Brien hypos him.)
(O'Brien is half-carrying Molly.)
[BRIEN] Did you get everything?
[KEIKO] It's all in here.
[JONES] Chief. Jones to Security. I've found them.
(After the break, Odo has arrived.)
[JONES] They were trying to steal a runabout.
[ODO] Find out if Deputy Pinar has regained consciousness. I'm going to
need his statement.
(Lieutenant Jones leaves.)
[BRIEN] Odo, please let us go.
[KEIKO] If you put her back in a holding cell, she'll die.
[ODO] I'm disappointed in you, Chief. If anyone could break a prisoner
out of a holding cell and get them off the station, I'd have thought it
would have been you.
(Odo opens the airlock door for them.)
[ODO] On your way.
[KEIKO] Thank you.
(Keiko kisses Odo.)
[KEIKO] Thank you.
[ODO] Go.
(Portal chamber)
(All the tech stuff is gone except for lights.)
[KEIKO] There's a knife and a blanket.
[MOLLY 2] Lupi.
[KEIKO] Yes, that's right, sweetie.
(And a hairbrush. O'Brien gets the portal working.)
[BRIEN] Everything's ready to go. I've recalibrated the temporal field
generator. We should be able to put her back at the same point in time
when we took her out. Molly, honey, Can I show you something?
(The purple swirly appears.)
[BRIEN] You're going home now, Molly. Home is right through there.
[MOLLY 2] Home?
[KEIKO] Mommy loves you, sweetie.
[BRIEN] I love you, too. Go on, honey. Home.
[MOLLY 2] Stars. Your home.
[BRIEN] That's right. When you look up at the stars, that's where
we'll be, watching you. Go on, honey.
[MOLLY 2] Molly loves you.
(Keiko cries and Molly steps through into the past, where the portal is
still lying at an angle. She hears whimpering. There's a grubby little
girl nearby who is wearing her bracelet.)
[MOLLY 2] Molly?
[MOLLY] I want my mommy and daddy.
[MOLLY 2] There.
(Meanwhile, in their future, O'Brien powers up a phaser. Molly 2 is
leading little Molly to the portal.)
[MOLLY 2] Mommy, Daddy there.
(Molly 2 hands Lupi over and Molly steps into the vortex.)
[MOLLY 2] Molly home.
(And she ceases to exist, because just as O'Brien raises the phaser,
little Molly steps out and runs to her parents.)
[KEIKO] Molly?
[MOLLY] Mommy.
[BRIEN] Oh, look at you. You okay?
(Worf + Dax's quarters)
[DAX] Hi. You can come in, he's gone. I dropped him
off at the O'Briens a few minutes ago. Oh, you should've seen his face
when he saw his sister again.
[WORF] Did you apologise to them for me?
[DAX] Yes, and they said not to worry about it. It isn't the first time
he's bumped his head. They invited us for dinner tonight to thank us
for watching him.
[WORF] What did you tell them?
[DAX] Well, I told them that we had a holosuite reservation, and that
I'd check you. By the way, what does gung gung gung mean?
[WORF] Why do you ask?
[DAX] Well, it was the strangest thing. I was taking Yoshi home and he
kept shaking his rattle, saying gung gung gung.
[WORF] He did?
[DAX] He seemed to get a bit kick out of it. So what does it mean?
[WORF] That is between Yoshi and me.
[DAX] Oh, I see. Well, you made a big impression on him. Maybe you're
not as bad with children as you thought.
[WORF] Or as you thought.
[DAX] All right, maybe I had my doubts. But I've never been happier to
be proven wrong. Oh, we'd better get going if we're going to make that
holosuite reservation.
[WORF] Holosuite? And insult the O'Briens?
[DAX] We wouldn't want to do that.
[WORF] He really said gung gung gung?
[DAX] Over and over again.
(O'Brien's quarters)
(Molly is colouring.)
[BRIEN] The Captain's volunteered to represent me at the hearing.
[KEIKO] If anyone can make Starfleet understand what you did, it's him.
[MOLLY] Mommy?
[KEIKO] Yes, sweetie?
[MOLLY] The girl who found me, can I see her again?
[KEIKO] Not for a while, honey.
[MOLLY] She was so nice.
[BRIEN] According to Dax, the recalibration didn't hold, so the portal
sent her back to the same point in time it sent little Molly.
[KEIKO] I wonder if she realised that the little girl she was looking at
was herself.
[BRIEN] I hope so. And I hope she realised that in a way she was going
home too.
[MOLLY] Look. It's where we had the picnic.
(In her picture, the trees and suns have faces, and so does the rock.)
[MOLLY] Don't you like it?
[BRIEN] It's beautiful.
[KEIKO] Ah, sweetie, it's lovely, just lovely. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e145", "title": "Time's Orphan"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - The Sound Of Her Voice
Sound Of Her Voice
Original Airdate: 8 Jun, 1998
(Quark has new barstools, which are just flat seats
with no back support.)
[ODO] All right, these barstools will have to be removed.
[QUARK] Do you know how much they cost?
[ODO] No, and I can't say I'm interested in learning. Station regulation
twenty five sixty two, paragraph four. All furniture intended for use
on the Promenade must not pose a danger to public safety.
[QUARK] What danger?
[ODO] Without a back on the stool, Morn could tumble from his perch at
any moment, shattering his upper vertebrae or puncturing three or four
of his lungs.
(Morn stands, Quark pushes him back onto the stool.)
[QUARK] Nonsense. His body weight is perfectly distributed across the
seat. He's also better able to enjoy the view of the lovely dabo girls
than he was before. And should he require another drink he need only
spin back.
[ODO] Which points out another danger. Vertigo.
[QUARK] This isn't going to give anybody vertigo.
(Quark sets Morn spinning on his stool.)
[ODO] Your appeal has been heard and rejected. I want the barstools
removed by the end of the day. Now, it's come to my attention that your
dabo wheel is in violation of station regulation forty seven twenty
one, which states
[KIRA] Odo?
[ODO] Nerys.
[KIRA] You busy?
[ODO] Not at all.
[KIRA] Then can I interest you in some lunch?
[ODO] Where shall we go?
[KIRA] I was thinking about the Klingon restaurant. I haven't been there
for ages and I have a craving for broiled krada legs.
(Kira and Odo leave.)
[JAKE] Too bad about the barstools. I kind of liked them.
[QUARK] Did you notice how he changed the minute she walked in the room?
[JAKE] They're in love.
[QUARK] And what's love?
[JAKE] Well, it's a
[QUARK] Love's a distraction. And a distracted policeman is an
Captain's log, stardate 51948.3. With the safe
arrival of convoy PQ One in the Vegan System, our escort duties are now
complete and I've set course for home.
(Mess hall)
[KASIDY] Well, my first and hopefully last, mission
report for Starfleet Command. You know, when I first agreed to be
convoy liaison officer, I thought sure, why not? I know most of the
freighter captains in the convoy, should be a piece of cake. I didn't
know I'd be making twenty log entries a day and filling out formal
reports every night.
[SISKO] Looks like you did a pretty good job.
[KASIDY] Well, if you're going to do something, do it right. That's what
my father used to say.
[SISKO] Every father says that. Even I say that.
(Bashir enters.)
[KASIDY] That's why you're a good parent. You know all the clichés by
heart. Well, hello stranger. Haven't seen you in days.
[BASHIR] I've been filling out reports for Starfleet Medical.
[KASIDY] I knew there was a reason why I didn't join Starfleet. I
couldn't do this paperwork.
[BASHIR] Smart.
[KASIDY] There was a time when you couldn't get him to shut up.
[SISKO] I think I like him better this way.
[KASIDY] That's mean.
[SISKO] I was just kidding.
[KASIDY] No, you weren't.
[WORF (OC)] Worf to Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Sisko here.
[WORF (OC)] Sir, can you come to the bridge? We have picked up a
distress call.
[SISKO] On my way.
[WORF] We have been unable to establish two way
communication so far, but we have determined that the signal is coming
from somewhere in the Rutharian sector.
[SISKO] Let's hear it, Chief.
[LISA (OC)] and Commander Gatsby is dead too. I didn't see any other
escape pods leave before the ship was destroyed so I may be the only
survivor. My pod was torn open on impact and the rain is pouring in.
I'll take the radio and a survival kit with me, but the environmental
suits were damaged in the crash, so I'll have to rough it. This is an L
class world and the atmosphere is barely breathable out there. Repeat.
This is a general distress call. I am a citizen of the United
Federation of Planets and a Starfleet officer. If you can hear me,
please respond. My government will reward you for any assistance you
can offer, and most of all, you'll be my personal heroes. Repeat. This
is a general
[SISKO] That's enough. How long will it take us to reach her?
[WORF] At maximum warp, six days.
[SISKO] Any other ships closer to that sector?
[WORF] No, sir.
[SISKO] Mister Worf, turn us around and set a course for the Rutharian
[WORF] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] Chief, I want you to establish a two way comm. link with this
woman. And when you do, tell her, tell her her heroes are on the way.
Captain's log, supplemental. The marooned Starfleet
officer, whose name we've learned is Lisa, continues to transmit her
call for help, but so far Chief O'Brien has been unable to establish
two way communications.
(Engine room)
[BASHIR] How's it going?
[BRIEN] Slow. For some reason, she's transmitting on a rotating
subspace frequency. I'm having a problem finding a way to send a return
[LISA (OC)] Barely edible.
[BASHIR] Do you have to keep that on all the time?
[BRIEN] No, not really, but she is all alone. The least I can do is
try and listen to her.
[LISA (OC)] This is a general distress call
[BASHIR] She doesn't know you're listening, Miles. You're not comforting
her by keeping the channels open and driving yourself crazy.
[BRIEN] It doesn't bother me. Sometimes it feels like she's actually
talking to me.
[LISA (OC)] or any assistance you can offer.
[BRIEN] It's true. Especially when she starts talking about her family
or her home. She reminds me of my cousin.
[LISA (OC)] Oh, no. I don't believe it. It's raining again. How can
there be so much water and so little life out there?
[BASHIR] I think I'll leave you two alone.
[LISA (OC)] I'm really starting to hate this place.
(Bashir leaves.)
[LISA (OC)] Repeat. This is a general distress call. Hello? Is anyone
paying attention? I know you're out there. I know you can hear me. So
just answer me. Tell me you're on your way. Tell me I'm going to be
rescued. Tell me I'm not going to die alone.
(The old barstools are back.)
[QUARK] I hope you're satisfied. I'm sure nothing gives you more
pleasure than stifling my creativity.
[ODO] Only you would consider barstools to be a form of artistic
[QUARK] Oh yeah? Let's see how creative you are. Have you picked out the
Major's gift yet?
[ODO] Gift?
[QUARK] For this Saturday. You do know what Saturday is, right?
[ODO] Saturday?
[QUARK] Yes. It's the one month anniversary of your first date with
Major Kira.
[ODO] Oh. I suppose it is.
[QUARK] And you haven't picked out a gift.
[ODO] Why should I?
[QUARK] The man's experienced unrequited love for the better part of
three years and now that he finally has her, he wants to know why he
should celebrate their anniversary.
[ODO] Whatever you're trying to sell me, it won't work.
[QUARK] You think I'm going to get involved? No, thank you. The last
thing I want to deal with is a panicked lover looking for a gift at the
last minute. There's a whole Promenade of shopkeepers out there if you
want to buy a gift.
(Quark goes back to serving.)
[ODO] A one month anniversary gift. Did you ever heard of anything so
(Odo looks at Jake, then leaves nonchalantly and starts shopping.)
[JAKE] Okay, so now you have him looking for a gift. What are you up to?
[QUARK] I tell you, you write it down, the next thing I know I'm in a
holding cell.
[JAKE] I won't write a word, I promise. This is just character research.
[QUARK] Right.
[JAKE] Quark, listen. I'm working on a crime novel but I've hit a wall
in my writing. It's not truthful anymore. Phony, artificial. I'm having
trouble creating real, flesh and blood characters, especially nefarious
ones. If you could just let me just watch and listen as you pull off
whatever it is you're going to pull off, it could really help me out.
You could give me insight. I could even model my lead character after
[QUARK] Lesson number one. No one involved in an extralegal activity
thinks of themselves as nefarious.
[JAKE] Sorry.
[QUARK] I'm a businessman, okay? Now, if you're interested in learning
more about my business, I think that could be arranged.
[JAKE] Great.
[QUARK] But nothing you see or hear turns up in print. And none of it,
none of it gets back to your father, understand?
[JAKE] Completely.
(Engine room)
[LISA (OC)] So there is a sun after all. Of course,
now that the sun's up, I can see how truly ugly my new little home is.
There's nothing out there but dirt, some rocks, some more dirt and some
more rocks.
[KASIDY] Chief? Can I ask you a personal question?
[BRIEN] Sure.
[KASIDY] Are you uncomfortable having me aboard the Defiant?
[BRIEN] No. Why should I be?
[KASIDY] I'm a civilian. Isn't it awkward having me aboard a warship?
[BRIEN] We've had civilians aboard before. It doesn't bother me.
[KASIDY] I was afraid you were going to say that.
[LISA (OC)] I can hear you!
[BRIEN] I'm sorry?
[LISA (OC)] Hello?
[KASIDY] Don't worry about it.
[BRIEN] Hold on a minute.
[LISA (OC)] This is Lisa Cusak receiving your transmission. Can you hear
me? Hello? Hello? I could hear you two talking! Can you hear me?
[BRIEN] Yes! Yes, we can hear you!
[LISA (OC)] Thank God!! Whoever you are, I love you!
(Sisko and Bashir arrived during the adverts.)
[LISA (OC)] My name's Lisa Cusak. Until a couple of days ago, I was the
commanding officer of the Olympia.
[SISKO] The Olympia.
[LISA (OC)] We left the Federation over eight years ago for a long range
exploration of the Beta Quadrant.
[SISKO] What happened to your ship, Captain?
[LISA (OC)] We were finally heading home, if you can believe that, then
we picked up some strange energy readings in a nearby star system, and
I decided to stop and investigate. We found an energy barrier around
the fourth planet that was unlike anything we'd ever seen, and when we
probed it with our scanners it triggered a quantum reaction. There was
an enormous surge of metrion radiation that disabled our engines. The
next thing I knew, we were spiraling in toward the surface. I gave the
order to abandon ship and the last thing I remember is a console
exploding in my face. I woke up in an escape pod on the surface and
I've spent the last day and a half sitting in this cave trying to raise
someone on subspace.
[BASHIR] Captain, Doctor Bashir, Chief Medical Officer. Your message
said that you were on a L class planet. Are you sure?
[LISA (OC)] Positive. And to answer your next question, yes, I've been
giving myself fifteen cc's of triox every four hours to compensate for
the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Just like it says in my
medical tricorder.
[BASHIR] How much triox do you have left?
[LISA (OC)] One hundred and fifty millilitres.
[BASHIR] Will you to decrease the dosage, Captain, to eight cc's every
six hours. We need to stretch your supply as long as possible.
[KASIDY] What happens when she runs out of the drug?
[LISA (OC)] That's a good question, Doctor. What happens then?
[BASHIR] You will begin to experience the effects of hypoxia. But before
that happens, the triox compound will have strengthened your
cardiopulmonary system, allowing you to better withstand the effects.
[LISA (OC)] Better withstand the effects. In other words, I'm going to
be gasping for air and turning different shades of blue by the time you
get here.
[BASHIR] Yes, I'm afraid so.
[LISA (OC)] Thanks for brightening my day.
[KASIDY] Is there anything we can do?
[LISA (OC)] There is, actually. I can't sleep. I think the injections
are keeping me awake and I haven't had anyone to talk to for two days.
[SISKO] We'll be able to help you with that, Captain. I'll have one of
my officers stay on the comm. line with you at all times.
[LISA (OC)] And order them to enjoy it, too.
[SISKO] Done.
[LISA (OC)] So, who's first?
[SISKO] I think I'd better start.
[LISA (OC)] Sounds good to me.
[SISKO] A lot has happened since you left, Captain.
(Ready room)
[SISKO] The Second Fleet hit the Dominion forces
occupying Betazed three times in the last month, but they keep sending
in reinforcements and fortifying their positions on the surface so we
find it
[LISA (OC)] Okay, okay, that's it. Please, no more war news. You're
depressing me.
[SISKO] Oh, sorry.
[LISA (OC)] No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for you and me and everyone in the
Federation. I can't believe we're at war. Let's change the subject. How
about some good news. Tell me there's still something to look forward
to when I get home. Tell me people still fall in love and get married
and raise families.
[SISKO] They do.
[LISA (OC)] Good. And what about you? Are you married?
[LISA (OC)] Seeing anyone? I mean I hate to pry, but I'd like to think
that there's still something positive in the life of a starship captain
these days.
[SISKO] I am seeing someone.
[LISA (OC)] Now we're talking. Tell me about her. What's her name?
[SISKO] Kasidy Yates.
[LISA (OC)] Kasidy? Is she the same Kasidy I spoke to earlier?
[SISKO] That's her.
[LISA (OC)] She one of your officers?
[SISKO] No, civilian. Freighter captain.
[LISA (OC)] Uh, oh. Sounds like you're having problems.
[SISKO] Why would you say something like that?
[LISA (OC)] There's no joy in that voice of yours, Ben. In fact, the
tension level went up when you said her name. You sounded more relaxed
when you were telling me about the war. Ben, are you still there?
[SISKO] Yes. Yes, I'm still here. You just caught me off guard, a
[LISA (OC)] I can tell. You know, back when I was a junior officer, I
dated a civilian for six years. Want to hear about it? Sure you do.
Why? Because it's a funny story and one of us needs to cheer up. So we
met on Andor. I was assigned to the Federation Embassy as an
attaché and he was working in the Andorian Agricultural Ministry. Now
at first I didn't want anything to do with him. He kept pointing his
antennae at me whenever I walked through his office and I found that
sort of rude.
[QUARK] Excuse me, coming through. Excuse me. Excuse
me. Odo?
[ODO] Well, this is it.
[QUARK] Can I see it?
(It's a necklace.)
[QUARK] Oh, very nice. The Major's going to love it. How are going to
give it to her? What sort of evening do you have planned?
[ODO] I don't have anything planned.
[QUARK] Fortunately for you, there's still time. (pulls out the box of
holosuite rods) Pick one.
[ODO] A holosuite programme?
[QUARK] It's your anniversary. You have to do something special.
[ODO] I bought her a gift.
[QUARK] Have it your way, but if it was me and I had found true love
after a lifetime of searching, every month would be worth celebrating.
[ODO] All right. Let me look at those programmes. Come on.
(Odo goes upstairs with the box.)
[QUARK] Looks like the Constable's going to be busy Saturday night. I
guess that means he won't be following me around the station, or
watching the airlocks for wanted criminals, or monitoring the cargo
bays for illegal transactions.
[JAKE] He has deputies.
[QUARK] Deputies I can handle. With Odo out of the way my biggest
problem will be deciding what to do with all the money I'm about to
(Medical bay)
[LISA (OC)] Both my sisters are teachers. I don't
know how they can do it. Personally, I can't stand children.
[BASHIR] Ah ha.
[LISA (OC)] I know, I know everyone loves children. Not me.
[BASHIR] Yeah.
[LISA (OC)] What about you? You like children?
[BASHIR] Oh yeah.
[LISA (OC)] Really?
[BASHIR] Yeah.
[LISA (OC)] You know, Doctor, I'm starting to think that maybe, just
maybe, you're not really paying attention to. Wait a minute. What's
that? There's something moving out there. It's getting closer.
[BASHIR] What?
[LISA (OC)] Stay back. No, don't hurt me.
[BASHIR] Captain, what's going on?
[LISA (OC)] Please, stay back. No, don't! No!
[BASHIR] Captain Cusak, can you hear me? Hello? Hello? God.
[VOICE (OC)] She's gone.
[BASHIR] Who is this? What have you done?
[VOICE (OC)] I have eaten her.
[BASHIR] What?
[VOICE (OC)] I've eaten her! What difference does it make to you? You
weren't even listening to her!
[BASHIR] You have my sincere apologies. I was carried away with my work.
[LISA (OC)] I'm a patient, aren't I? Doesn't that make me part of your
[BASHIR] You're right. You're absolutely right. I don't know what I was
thinking. You now have my complete attention.
[LISA (OC)] Well, I've got news for you, Doc. I'm all talked out. It's
time for you to cheer up one of your patients and take her mind off her
impending doom.
[BASHIR] You're not doomed.
[LISA (OC)] I feel better already. See how easy that was? Now keep
[BASHIR] Oh, what should I talk about?
[LISA (OC)] How did they let you out of medical school with this kind of
bedside manner? Are you sure you're a doctor?
[BASHIR] I graduated second in my class in fact.
[LISA (OC)] Oh, and we're especially proud of that, aren't we?
[BASHIR] I get the feeling it's going to take me some hours to crawl out
of this rather sizeable hole I've dug for myself.
[LISA (OC)] Not at all. It'll take you days.
(There's a Nausicaan on the bar monitor)
[QUARK] You have my personal assurance they're high quality crystals.
And you won't get them at this price anywhere else in the quadrant.
(Jake coughs as Odo comes down the stairs.)
[QUARK] Five days, cargo bay three. See you then.
[ODO] I'll take this one.
[QUARK] Ah. Paris, Nineteen twenty eight. Nice choice. Say what you will
about humans today, their past was certainly romantic.
[ODO] Book us four hours starting at twenty one hundred on Sunday night.
[QUARK] You mean Saturday.
[ODO] I mean Sunday.
[QUARK] But Saturday's the anniversary of your first date.
[ODO] Yes, but our first date ended badly. It's not something I want to
commemorate, so I've decided to celebrate the anniversary of our first
[QUARK] Your first kiss?
[ODO] Romantic, isn't it?
(Odo leaves and Quark tries his monitor.)
[QUARK] Come on. Come on.
[JAKE] What's going on?
[QUARK] My partner. I can't get him on the channel. He's changed his
comm. system protocols.
[JAKE] Already? You just talked to him.
[QUARK] He's a wanted man, Jake. He has to be very careful about how
often he uses subspace. The authorities might try and trace his signal.
I have no way of contacting him until he gets here Saturday night.
[JAKE] Can't you just explain to him that he'll have to wait a day.
[QUARK] Haven't you been paying attention? If he even sets foot on the
station while Odo's on duty, we'll both be in a holding cell faster
than you can say criminal conspiracy.
[JAKE] What are you going to do?
[QUARK] I think my best option is panic.
(O'Brien's cabin)
[BRIEN] When the fighting first broke out, I
thought to myself, all right, O'Brien,
you've done this before. Keep your head down, focus on the job, you'll
get through this just like you did in the last war. But this war's
different. Maybe I'm different. I have this growing sense of isolation.
I see people, I talk to them, I laugh with them, and. But part of me is
always saying they may not be here tomorrow. Don't get too close. I'm
sorry. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be putting this all on your shoulders,
[LISA (OC)] No, no, it's all right, Miles. I don't mind. It sounds like
you really need to talk with someone about this.
[BRIEN] I'm sure it's the last thing you need to hear. I should be
cheering you up.
[LISA (OC)] Forget about me. You're the one who needs cheering up.
[BRIEN] Now there's a sad state of affairs.
[LISA (OC)] Look, you've seen a lot of combat in the last year. That's a
heavy burden to carry around.
[BRIEN] You sure you're a Captain, not a counsellor?
[LISA (OC)] Oh, I'm sure. I'll let you in on a little secret, Miles. I
dislike the whole concept of a ship's counsellor.
[BRIEN] Me, too. I mean, I like some of them personally, but
[LISA (OC)] But sometimes they just get in the way.
[BRIEN] That's exactly how I feel. But saying it out loud is almost
heresy. And there's this assumption nowadays that only someone with a
diploma can listen to your problems or give you advice.
[LISA (OC)] Sometimes all you need are good friends.
[BRIEN] Exactly.
[LISA (OC)] So where are they?
[BRIEN] Excuse me?
[LISA (OC)] Where are your friends, Miles? Why aren't they helping you
through this?
[BRIEN] Well, we, er, I haven't spoken to them about any of this. You
know, it's not the kind of thing you talk about.
[LISA (OC)] Well, if you can't talk to your friends and you can't talk
to your wife, you know who that leaves?
[LISA (OC)] A ship's counsellor.
[BASHIR (OC)] Excuse me, but it's eighteen hundred hours.
[BRIEN] Already?
(Medical bay)
[BASHIR] Afraid so.
[BRIEN (OC)] But we're still talking.
[LISA (OC)] Boys, boys, don't fight over me.
(O'Brien's cabin)
[LISA (OC)] Miles, I'll talk to you in the morning.
Think about what I said.
[BRIEN] All right. And I will. Good night, Captain.
[LISA (OC)] Good night.
(Medical bay)
[LISA (OC)] Well, Julian, don't let me keep you from
your work. I know how busy you are.
[BASHIR] No work tonight.
[LISA (OC)] Oh, so you've decided to spend your valuable time conversing
with your patient again. That's three days in a row. You must be
swamped with paperwork by now. I feel awful keeping you from your
duties like this.
[BASHIR] I managed to catch up with all my paperwork this afternoon,
thank you very much.
[LISA (OC)] Let me guess. Thanks to your amazing, genetically engineered
brain, you not only did your work, you did the work of ten other
doctors at the same time.
[BASHIR] Well, you've answered the next question I was going to ask you,
which is, how are you feeling? I can hear that you're in your usual
acerbic good mood.
[LISA (OC)] Wrong again, my superhuman friend. As a matter of fact I'm
not feeling well at all.
[BASHIR] Tell me.
[LISA (OC)] The last injection didn't do the trick. I feel this heavy
weight on my chest. It's getting harder to breathe and every time I
move my head, the cave starts spinning.
(Ready room)
[SISKO] Come in.
(Bashir enters.)
[SISKO] What is it?
[BASHIR] Captain Cusak's run out of triox. She's beginning to feel the
effects of CO2 poisoning.
[SISKO] Already? I thought she had at least a day's worth of injections.
[BASHIR] So did I, but it apparently the last vial was tainted somehow,
probably in the crash.
[SISKO] How long does she have?
[BASHIR] No more than two days.
[SISKO] That's not good. We're still three days away.
[BASHIR] We need more speed.
[BRIEN] Speed's not the problem. I could increase the warp plasma
ninety seven gigahertz. That would increase our velocity to warp nine
point five and save us almost a full day.
[WORF] The problem on the Defiant is how to maintain structural
integrity when we go above warp nine.
[BRIEN] Exactly. At those kinds of speed the ship literally starts
tearing herself apart.
[SISKO] Is there any way to strengthen the structural integrity field?
[BRIEN] Not without bleeding power from some other source.
[SISKO] Such as?
[BRIEN] The phaser reserves.
[WORF] That would be unwise. If we empty the defence reserve, we could
find ourselves at an extreme disadvantage should we encounter a
Dominion ship.
[BASHIR] We're a long way from the front lines out here, Worf. The
chances of meeting a Dominion ship are negligible.
[WORF] We should not take that risk.
[BASHIR] She'll die if we do not get to her faster.
[SISKO] Use the phaser reserve, Chief. Give us all the speed you can.
[BRIEN] Aye, sir. Thank you, sir.
(Kasidy enters.)
[KASIDY] How's it going?
[SISKO] We're increasing speed. The Captain's condition is worsening.
[KASIDY] I see. Is there anything I can do?
[SISKO] I don't think so.
[KASIDY] Well. I guess I'll see you later.
[SISKO] Right.
[KASIDY] Right.
(Ready room)
[SISKO] Are you sure you want to hear about this?
[LISA (OC)] (weak and croaking) Trust me Ben, I'd much rather be
worrying about your love life than about my own problems right now.
[SISKO] Well, when Kasidy came to the bridge last night, all I wanted
her to do was leave. And I couldn't tell you why.
[LISA (OC)] She doesn't belong there Ben, that's why. She doesn't belong
in that part of your life and you know it. Off duty, I'm sure Kasidy is
exactly what you need. But on the Defiant, she's a random element, a
piece that doesn't fit anywhere in the puzzle.
[SISKO] She was the Convoy Liaison Officer on our last mission, and a
damned good one too.
[LISA (OC)] This isn't about her. This is about you. You're having
trouble doing your job when she's on the Defiant and that's a problem.
It's also affecting your relationship, and that's another problem.
Don't take it so hard. So you can't mix your personal life and your
professional life. Most people can't. I certainly can't. I once served
on the same starbase as my sister. Oh, what a nightmare that was.
[SISKO] I looking forward to meeting you, Lisa. And I know I'm not the
only one around here who feels the same way.
[LISA (OC)] If you ask me, everyone on that ship could use some R and R.
(Cargo bay)
(Quark opens a case containing large crystals.)
[QUARK] Beautiful, aren't they?
[JAKE] Gorgeous.
[QUARK] Do you know how much I was going to get for these? Almost two
hundred bars.
[JAKE] That's a lot.
[QUARK] No kidding that's a lot. Now, they're just a crate full of junk.
[JAKE] You know there's still a chance that Odo won't find out about any
of this.
[QUARK] No, he'll find out. Odo would love nothing more than to see me
in jail. And after all I did for him.
[JAKE] Like what?
[QUARK] Like helping him find true love. That's right. If it wasn't for
me, he and Major Kira would've never gotten together in the first
place. I was there for him during all the heartache and lonely nights
when he was wallowing in misery because she was still seeing Shakaar. I
told him to make his move. I told him not to give up. I was there for
him. And what did I get out of it? Nothing. He still spies on me, he
still bothers me about minor infractions of the law, and he still can't
wait for the opportunity to send me to prison. I should have remembered
the two hundred and eighty fifth Rule of Acquisition. No good deed ever
goes unpunished.
(Quark puts the case into a crate, and they leave. A pair of barrels
morph into Odo.)
[QUARK] To failure.
[JAKE] I'm not drinking to that.
[QUARK] Jake, in ten minutes my business partner's ship will dock. In
fifteen minutes, Odo will arrest him. In twenty minutes, my name will
come up, and in twenty five minutes Odo will walk in here with a
warrant. I think you should humour me on this one.
(Odo and Kira enter in 1920's evening dress.)
[ODO] Quark. I'd like that holosuite now after all.
[QUARK] You would?
[ODO] That's right. It turns out Nerys agrees with you. She wants to
celebrate the anniversary of our first date, not our first kiss, so
here we are. Is the holosuite still available?
[QUARK] It's, er, it's all yours.
[ODO] The programme?
[QUARK] Odo, have a good time.
[ODO] Thank you, Quark. I'm sure we will.
[QUARK] I don't believe it.
[JAKE] Neither do I.
[QUARK] I'm going to win this one, Jake. You know what the best part is?
I beat Odo. I finally beat him. Jake, I did it. I beat him.
(Going upstairs.)
[KIRA] Well, he looks happy.
[ODO] He should be. He's about to make his biggest profit of the year.
(Quark's cafe)
[KIRA] I don't know, Odo. You sure you want to let
him get away with smuggling Denevan crystals?
[ODO] I owe him one, so he'll get this one. But just this one.
[KIRA] Why is it every time I think I have you figured out you do
something to surprise me? Like tonight. Where did you get the idea to
celebrate our one month anniversary in Paris?
[ODO] Well, some mysteries are better left unsolved.
(Entering orbit.)
[SISKO] I want a complete scan of that barrier, but use passive sensors
only, gentlemen. An active scan is what triggered the destruction of
the Olympia.
[BRIEN] Aye, sir.
[WORF] It appears to be an exogenic field generated by the unstable
elements in the planet's core.
[BASHIR] Captain Cusak just lost consciousness. She's in the last stages
of CO2 poisoning. If she's got any chance at all, we have to get her to
Sickbay in the next forty five minutes.
[BRIEN] Captain, there's no way the Defiant can penetrate the barrier.
The energy's composed of subspace metrion radiation. If we get anywhere
near it, the dilithium matrix in the warp core will collapse and we'll
be pulled down onto the planet surface just like the Olympia.
[SISKO] Options?
[BASHIR] Could we beam through it?
[BRIEN] No. We can't get close enough to the barrier to initiate
[SISKO] What about a shuttle pod? Their impulse engines don't use
[WORF] It is unlikely that a shuttle could withstand the gravimetric
stresses that are within the barrier.
[BASHIR] Unlikely, but not impossible.
[SISKO] I didn't come all this way to give up. I'll take the risk.
Doctor, Mister O'Brien, you're with me. Mister Worf, you have the
[WORF] Aye, sir.
[SISKO] Sisko to Defiant. We're preparing to enter
the barrier.
[WORF (OC)] Acknowledged. Good luck, Captain.
[SISKO] Thank you, Commander.
(It's a bumpy ride.)
[BRIEN] Shields down to seventy three percent.
[SISKO] Primary power grid offline. Switching to backups.
[BRIEN] Shields at fifty percent.
[SISKO] We're losing the navigational computer.
[BASHIR] Secondary navcomp online.
[BRIEN] We're coming out of it.
[SISKO] Damage report.
[BRIEN] Some buckling in the starboard hull plating but otherwise,
we're fine.
[SISKO] Scan the planet, Doctor.
[BASHIR] I'm not showing any lifesign. Wait, I've found the crash site
and the cave.
[SISKO] Is there somewhere we can set down nearby?
[BRIEN] How are we for time?
[BASHIR] It's going to be tight. We've to get her in the shuttle and
back on the ship in twenty minutes.
(They land in a thunderstorm. Water is pouring
through the cave roof.)
[BASHIR] Still no life readings.
[SISKO] This has to be the only direction she could have been headed in.
(Further in, where it is dry.)
[BASHIR] Over here.
(It's a skeleton in a uniform)
[BASHIR] It was a human female. Fifty one years of age at the time of
death. Cause of death, carbon dioxide poisoning.
[SISKO] It can't be Lisa. That woman's been dead for years.
[BASHIR] Three years and two months. But all the evidence fits. Age,
rank, the way she died.
[SISKO] If she's been dead for three years, how has she been talking to
[BRIEN] It must have something to do with the energy barrier. When her
subspace radio signal passed through the metrion radiation in the
barrier, the signal somehow time shifted into the future.
[BASHIR] Then when you sent the return signal?
[BRIEN] It went through the barrier and travelled back in time in the
same way.
[SISKO] We've been talking to someone from the past?
[BASHIR] So what do we do now?
[BRIEN] We should bury her.
[SISKO] No, not here. Not alone in this cave. We'll take her back with
us. Give her a proper burial among friends.
(Drink, food, and the host in her flag-draped
torpedo case coffin.)
[DAX] It's called an Irish wake. It's a way to memorialise a death and
celebrate life at the same time.
[WORF] What are we supposed to do?
[DAX] Well, drink, sing songs, laugh, cry, talk about the deceased.
[WORF] It sounds almost Klingon.
(Kasidy is staring out of the window.)
[SISKO] Hey.
[KASIDY] Hey, yourself.
[SISKO] When this is over, I want to talk to you about something.
Something that's been on my mind.
[KASIDY] Okay. Is it about me?
[SISKO] Well, it's about me, actually.
[KASIDY] Ah, that's a relief.
[SISKO] I want to try to explain about my behaviour lately.
[KASIDY] Sounds good to me. But we'll talk about it over dinner. You
[SISKO] That's a deal.
[BASHIR] (slightly drunk) I just wanted to say that although I only
spoke with her for a very short time, I really admired Lisa Cusak. I
cared about her and I'll miss her. And another thing. Contrary to
public opinion, I am not the arrogant, self absorbed, god like doctor
that I appear to be on occasion. (pause) Why don't I hear anybody
objecting to that statement?
[BRIEN] Well, I will if you insist.
[BASHIR] I insist.
[BRIEN] Then I object.
[BASHIR] Thank you, Miles Edward O'Brien. No, I have a heart, and I
really care about all of you, even if sometimes it would appear that I
care more about my work. To the woman that taught me that it is
sometimes necessary to say these things. Lisa Cusak.
[ALL] To Lisa.
[BRIEN] I never shook her hand and I never saw her face, but she made
me laugh and she made me weep. She was all by herself and I was
surrounded by my friends, yet I felt more alone than she did. We've
grown apart, the lot of us. We didn't mean for it to happen but it did.
The war changed us, pulled us apart. Lisa Cusak was my friend. But you
are also my friends, and I want my friends in my life because someday
we're going to wake up and we're going to find that someone is missing
from this circle, and on that day we're going to mourn, and we
shouldn't have to mourn alone. To Lisa and the sweet sound of her
voice. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e146", "title": "The Sound Of Her Voice"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Tears Of The Prophets
Of The Prophets
Original Airdate: 15 Jun, 1998
[SAHGI] (little girl) Peldor joi, Emissary.
[SISKO] Peldor joi to you, too. Well, it looks like the festival was a
big success.
[KIRA] Oh, everyone seemed to enjoy it. Thank you, Captain.
[SISKO] For what?
[KIRA] For insisting that the festival take place in spite of the fact
that we're in the middle of a war.
[SISKO] War or no war, we have a lot to be grateful for, and we must
remember that.
[KIRA] Yes, we must. Shouldn't you be heading over to the wardroom for
the ceremony?
[SISKO] On my way. (to children) Let's go.
[SAHGI] Come on, you guys. Mommy, look. Isn't it pretty?
(Odo enters)
[ODO] Captain. Nerys, I've been looking for you.
[KIRA] Yeah, well I don't really feel like talking to you right now.
[ODO] Don't you want to hear my side of the story?
[KIRA] No.
[ODO] Somebody has to maintain order on the Promenade.
[KIRA] You arrested a Vedek.
[ODO] I'd hardly call it an arrest. He wasn't in the holding cell for
more than an hour. Besides, he broke the law. Fundraising on the
Promenade without a licence is strictly forbidden. Station regulation
fifteen twenty six, paragraph seven.
[KIRA] Vedek Solis was raising funds for Bajoran flood victims.
[ODO] A very worthy cause. Nevertheless, station regulations are quite
[KIRA] I don't care about station regulations.
[ODO] Is that the Orb of Contemplation?
[KIRA] Goodbye, Odo.
[ROSS] To Captain Benjamin Lafayette Sisko, in
recognition of your remarkable leadership and meritorious conduct
against the enemy, and in particular for personal acts of bravery
displayed during the battle to retake Deep Space Nine, Starfleet
Command is proud to present you the Christopher Pike Medal of Valour.
Congratulations, Ben.
[SISKO] Thank you, Admiral.
[DAX] To think I knew him when he was just a callow youth.
[BRIEN] Oh, I bet even then he showed signs of greatness.
[JAKE] I'm proud of you, Dad.
[ROSS] Now if you would all excuse us, I'd like a word with the Captain.
(Everyone else leaves.)
[ROSS] Good news, Ben. Starfleet Command has decided we've been waging a
defensive war long enough. They figure we're never going to win this
thing unless we take the fight into Dominion territory. Now, I know. I
know you've been saying that since the Romulans opened a second front
with the Dominion. It took a while, but your message finally got
[SISKO] When do we go?
[ROSS] That all depends on you.
[ROSS] That's right, Ben. Starfleet has chosen you to plan the invasion
of Cardassia.
(Worf and Dax come down from the holosuites
carrying bat'leths.)
[BASHIR] Oh, finally. I've been waiting twenty minutes for you two to
get out of that holosuite.
[DAX] I'm sorry, Julian. We lost track of time.
[BASHIR] Doing what? You were supposed to be up there exercising. I
don't see any sweat. Where are all the bruises, the broken bones, the
[WORF] We were talking.
[QUARK] For an hour and forty five minutes?
[WORF] It is a private matter.
[DAX] We're thinking about having a baby.
[WORF] It was a private matter.
[KIRA (OC)] Kira to Worf. Report to Ops immediately.
[WORF] Acknowledged.
(Worf leaves.)
[DAX] Well you two are awfully quiet.
[BASHIR] Look, I don't want to dampen your spirits, Jadzia, but I told
you before you were married that from a medical point of view it
wouldn't be easy for a Trill and a Klingon to have a child.
[QUARK] And I'm worried the kid'll end up looking like his father.
[DAX] Well I hope she does.
(Dax leaves.)
[BASHIR] A baby?
[QUARK] It's bad enough she married that Klingon psychopath.
[BASHIR] A baby. Do you have any idea what that means?
[QUARK] That their marriage is going to last a lot longer than we
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Five squadrons of Jem'Hadar attack ships. At
the moment, that's the entire Dominion fleet protecting the Chin'toka
[MARTOK] Only five squadrons. It appears you've found the weak spot
we've been looking for.
[SISKO] Now all we have to do is to convince the Romulans to join us.
[MARTOK] That will not be an easy task. They're an arrogant and
untrustworthy people.
[ROSS] Without their help, we have little chance of success.
[MARTOK] We will succeed! Mark my words. By this time next year, the
three of us will drink bloodwine in the halls of Cardassia's Central
(Dominion briefing room)
(Meanwhile, on Cardassia.)
[DAMAR] You're worrying about nothing.
[WEYOUN] Am I? It's a mistake to underestimate our enemy, Damar. You're
spreading our forces too thinly.
[DAMAR] Until we find a way to bring reinforcements from the Gamma
Quadrant, we have to make due with what we have. Besides, we needed new
ships on the Romulan front, so I sent them.
[WEYOUN] And in doing so, you left the Chin'toka system vulnerable.
[DAMAR] Not as vulnerable as you think. We don't need starships to
protect Chin'toka. Not anymore. These are our new unmanned orbital
weapon platforms. Their hulls are protected by regenerative forcefields
and their arsenals consist of a thousand plasma torpedoes.
[WEYOUN] I like them.
[DAMAR] I thought you would. I've already ordered their deployment.
(An aide enters.)
[GLINN] Legate Damar, excuse the interruption but we have a problem.
[DAMAR] What kind of a problem?
[DUKAT] Me. Well, isn't anyone going to welcome me home?
[WEYOUN] Heroes get welcomed home, Dukat, not failures. Or have you
forgotten that under your leadership the Dominion nearly lost this war?
[DUKAT] As I recall, Weyoun, you were standing right by my side agreeing
with every decision I made.
[DAMAR] If you're here because of what happened to your daughter.
[DUKAT] Damar, you disappoint me. I would have thought you, of all
people, would be glad to see your old mentor. I don't hold you
responsible for Ziyal's death. You may have fired the phaser, but it
was Benjamin Sisko who forced your hand. And that's why I'm here. The
time has come for me to take my revenge against the good captain.
[WEYOUN] We're in the middle of a life and death struggle for control of
the entire Alpha Quadrant, and all you care about is quenching your
petty thirst for revenge. You haven't changed a bit, have you?
[DUKAT] On the contrary, I'm a new man. I no longer have a need for
conquest or power. I'm far beyond all that. I exist in a state of
complete clarity. A clarity I intend to share with the universe.
[WEYOUN] You're right, Dukat, you have changed. You've gone from being a
self important egotist to a self deluded madman. I hardly call that an
improvement. I don't have time for this. Remove him.
[DAMAR] Wait. Why did you come?
[DUKAT] Isn't that obvious? To give you what you desire above all else.
The Alpha Quadrant. All I need is a certain Bajoran artefact. One of
the many the Cardassians appropriated during the occupation.
[WEYOUN] And how is this artefact going to help us?
[DUKAT] Let's just say it will make it possible for Dominion
reinforcements to come through that wormhole and destroy Captain Sisko
and the Federation once and for all.
(As green meanies keep cloaking and uncloaking
around the station.)
[LETANT] (Romulan) Really, Captain, I see no reason why I should sit
here and allow this Klingon jackal to call me a coward.
[MARTOK] Apparently, this jackal has more courage than the entire
Romulan Senate.
[LETANT] You see my point?
[WORF] General, you must try to remain calm.
[MARTOK] This is not the time for calm. It's time to strike the enemy
and strike them hard.
[SISKO] We found their weak point. Now we need to exploit it.
[MARTOK] But this p'tagh would rather sit home and count his dead.
[LETANT] If we invade Cardassia now, all we'll do is count our dead.
[SISKO] Gentlemen, please. We're allies, remember that.
[MARTOK] What good is an ally who'll stab you in the back?
[LETANT] (to aide) Notice the primitive rage in his eye, the
uncontrolled brutality. Klingons can be quite entertaining, can't they?
Every Romulan zoo should have a pair.
[SISKO] Sit down, General! Save your anger for the Dominion. Senator,
you've studied our invasion plans.
[LETANT] Yes, I have. And I continue to find them premature. Let the
Dominion continue to send its fleets against us and we will annihilate
them one by one.
[ROSS] And they'll continue to rebuild their ships and send more.
[WORF] The Dominion breed Jem'Hadar faster than we can destroy them.
[SISKO] The only way to achieve a lasting victory is to demolish their
shipyards, their weapon plants, to force them to retreat deeper and
deeper into their own territory until our ships can surround their
headquarters on Cardassia Prime and they will have no choice but to
surrender. I know it won't be easy. I know that we will pay a heavy
price for every system we take from them. But in the end, that's the
only way to drive the Dominion out of the Alpha Quadrant, and that is a
goal we all share. Klingons, humans and Romulans.
(Las Vegas lounge)
(Back to the 1960's where Vic Fontaine is singing
'Here's to the Losers.' Despondent
Quark and Bashir are at a table.)
[BASHIR] That was great, Vic.
[VIC] It's not one of the most requested songs in my repertoire, but I'm
glad you liked it. So, why the long face, pallie?
[BASHIR] It's a long story, friend.
[VIC] This wouldn't be about Dax's baby, would it?
[QUARK] What is he, a telepath?
[VIC] No, I'm a hologram.
[BASHIR] Yeah, a very smart one.
[VIC] It's simple. You take one beautiful, happily married filly, add
the possibility of her giving birth to a foal, and what's that leave
you? A couple of lovesick stallions that never got out of the starting
[QUARK] You have any idea what he's talking about?
[VIC] Hey, I've got news for you guys. It's time to move onto greener
[BASHIR] It's tough to lose a woman like Dax.
[VIC] I hate to break it to you, pallie, but you lost her a long time
ago. You both did. But lucky for you, space is big. There are a lot of
other nice girls out there, with or without spots. Capisce?
[QUARK] That's it? That's supposed to cheer us up?
[VIC] The truth shall set you free.
[QUARK] You feel any better?
[BASHIR] A little. How about you?
[QUARK] I guess.
[VIC] Good, because you were starting to depress the band.
[BASHIR] Well, thanks, Vic. We appreciate the advice.
[QUARK] I like this place. I may drop by more often.
[VIC] Anytime, pallie, anytime.
(Quark and Bashir leave.)
[VIC] Nice guys, but absolutely clueless.
(Sisko's quarters)
(Home-cooked dinner time.)
[JAKE] So, when do we leave?
[JAKE] I'm a journalist, Dad. Remember?
[SISKO] That may be true, but you're not going, Jake.
[JAKE] But, Dad, we're talking about the invasion of Cardassia. A savage
thrust into the very heart of the Dominion. That's not how I would
write it.
[SISKO] That's a relief. But you're still not going, son.
[JAKE] I have to go. It's my job. Now if you don't want me on the
Defiant, fine. I'll go with General Martok. Get the story from a
Klingon perspective.
[SISKO] All right, Jake, the Defiant it is.
[JAKE] So when do we leave?
[SISKO] Just keep your bags packed.
[JAKE] Yes, sir.
(Jake gets up from the table. Sisko takes hold of his arm then gets up
to hug his son.)
[JAKE] Don't worry, Dad. We'll watch out for each other.
(Jake leaves and Sisko goes into a Vision.)
[WORF] The Sisko is of Bajor.
[MARTOK] It is where he belongs.
(Captain's office)
[ROSS] It is where he is meant to be.
[SISKO] Are you telling me not to go to Cardassia?
[ROSS] The Sisko is of Bajor.
[MARTOK] It is dangerous to walk a different path.
[SISKO] Dangerous? In what way?
[ROSS] The Sisko must not leave the chosen path.
[WORF] The Sisko is of Bajor.
[LETANT] It is where he belongs.
[SISKO] Why is it dangerous to leave? And how will it affect Bajor? You
have to tell me.
(But that's where the Vision ends.)
[ROSS] The Cardassians call them orbital weapon
platforms. Intelligence reports indicate the Dominion has placed
hundreds of them throughout the Chin'toka system.
[SISKO] Are they operational?
[ROSS] No, not yet.
[MARTOK] How much time do we have before they are?
[ROSS] Two, maybe three days.
[LETANT] So, it would appear that your weak spot is about to become much
[MARTOK] Leave it to a Romulan to run at the first sign of trouble.
[LETANT] And leave it to a Klingon to leap to the wrong conclusion. The
Romulan Empire has agreed to join the invasion of Cardassia and we live
up to our agreements. The only question is, can the invasion be
launched before the defensive grid is activated?
[MARTOK] We'll have to leave first thing in the morning.
[ROSS] Then it's settled. Good luck, gentlemen. Good luck to us all.
[LETANT] Romulans don't believe in luck.
[MARTOK] All the better. It leaves more for the rest of us.
(Martok and Letant leave.)
[ROSS] You've been quiet, Ben. Those weapon platforms have you worried?
[SISKO] It's not about that, sir. It's about the Prophets, the wormhole
aliens. They spoke to me last night.
[ROSS] I hope they gave the mission their blessing.
[SISKO] They told me not to go to Cardassia. That I should stay here.
[ROSS] Did they give you a reason?
[SISKO] Nothing concrete. Just that it's too dangerous.
[ROSS] In what way? Dangerous to you, to the mission, to Bajor?
[SISKO] I'm not sure.
[ROSS] What is it you're telling me, Ben? You want permission to stay
[SISKO] It's not about what I want. It's about what the Prophets want.
[ROSS] That's not a good enough answer, not from a Starfleet captain.
[SISKO] The Prophets don't see me as a Starfleet captain. They see me as
their Emissary.
[ROSS] That's the problem, isn't it? For the past six years you've tried
to be both, and up to now I've been patient. I've indulged you, I've
gone out on a limb for you many times, but this is it. You've got to
make a decision. You are either the Emissary or a Starfleet captain.
You can't be both.
[SISKO] I'll be on the Defiant bridge at oh five hundred.
(Dominion briefing room)
[DAMAR] A combined fleet at Deep Space Nine?
[WEYOUN] Composed of Federation, Klingon and Romulan ships.
[DAMAR] You think they'll head for the Chin'toka system?
[WEYOUN] I would.
[DAMAR] Well then, we have nothing to worry about. The weapon platforms
will be operational in time to greet them.
[WEYOUN] That's a very comforting thought, if it's accurate.
[DAMAR] I'll make sure that it is.
(Dukat enters with his Jem'Hadar escort, carrying a box.)
[DUKAT] Gentlemen. I hope I'm not interrupting.
[WEYOUN] What is it now, Dukat?
[DUKAT] I've found it. Behold, the key to victory.
(He holds up the box.)
[DUKAT] Oh, I see you remain sceptical. Well, you won't be for long.
Over the past few months, I've immersed myself in the study of the
Bajoran Ancient Texts.
(Dukat takes candles from his knapsack during his speech and lights
[DUKAT] And I've come to realize that the wormhole is much more than the
gateway to the Gamma Quadrant. It's the Temple of the Prophets. It's
from there that they smile benevolently down on Bajor. It's from there
that they protect that world and its people. The sad truth is, we
wasted our time fighting the Bajorans when we should've been fighting
their gods.
(Dukat takes a wooden figure from the box.)
[DAMAR] How do you fight a god?
[DUKAT] I'll show you. You see, we have an ally we never knew we had.
You may want to step back. Dorrah tolka bretri pah'rahn, meedor. Dorrah
tolka ullkess pah'rahn.
(Dukat breaks the figure in two and red energy comes out of it. It goes
into his body, throwing him backwards to the floor.)
[DAMAR] Dukat!
(Dukat's eyes are red, and his voice is slightly echoing.)
[DUKAT] Your concern is touching, but unnecessary.
(Security office)
[KIRA] Busy?
[ODO] A little.
[KIRA] I'm leaving with the task force first thing in the morning.
[ODO] I heard.
[KIRA] And?
[ODO] And I'm sorry I arrested him. I was simply trying to do my duty,
but I can see how it might have seemed excessive.
[KIRA] What are you talking about?
[ODO] Vedek Solis. That's why you're here, isn't it?
[KIRA] No, but now I know why you've been avoiding me for the past few
[ODO] I haven't been avoiding you. I've been helping you to avoid me.
[KIRA] Why would I want to do that?
[ODO] Because you don't want us to be together anymore?
[KIRA] Is that what you've been thinking? Odo, we had an argument.
People have them all the time. Look at Dax and Worf. They love each
other, but they fight all the time.
[ODO] Are you saying that you love me?
[KIRA] Don't change the subject.
[ODO] Which is?
[KIRA] I don't even know anymore.
[ODO] But you're no longer angry at me?
[KIRA] No. But you were wrong to arrest the Vedek.
[ODO] I see.
[KIRA] And I thought that we could spend my last night on the station
[ODO] That's a wonderful idea.
[KIRA] Then I will see you later.
[ODO] I look forward to that.
[KIRA] Good.
[ODO] You know, Nerys, observing humanoid relationships and being in one
are very different things.
[KIRA] Like night and day.
[BRIEN] If you ask me, it's an ungodly hour to go
to war. You can quote me on that.
[JAKE] I will.
[BRIEN] Oh, Jadzia? Will you look in on Keiko and the kids while I'm
[DAX] You can count on it.
[BRIEN] And try to keep Julian out of trouble.
[DAX] Now that's pushing.
[SISKO] It's your station, old man.
[DAX] I'll take good care of her.
[DAX] Give my best to the Jem'Hadar. Oh, I'll do that. I said a prayer
at the shrine last night for the two of you.
[DAX] About having a baby?
[KIRA] The Prophets can be helpful in such matters.
[DAX] I hope they're listening.
(Kira leaves.)
[DAX] Did you hear that? We have the Prophets on our side.
[WORF] According to Doctor Bashir, we need all the help we can get.
[DAX] Just remember, when you get back, we have a lot of work to do.
[WORF] I don't consider that work.
[DAX] I wish I was going with you.
[WORF] You are. In here.
[DAX] I love it when you get romantic.
[NOG] Captain on the Bridge.
[SISKO] As you were.
[BRIEN] You got here early.
[GARAK] This is a momentous occasion. It's not every day I embark on a
journey to liberate my homeworld.
[BRIEN] That's one way to put it.
[MARTOK (OC)] This is General Martok to all ships. Assume tactical
formation. We are moving out.
[SISKO] Take us to Cardassia, Mister Nog.
[NOG] Aye, sir.
(Dominion briefing room)
[DAMAR] The enemy fleet is approaching the Chin'toka
[WEYOUN] What's the status of our weapon platforms?
[DAMAR] Still offline.
[WEYOUN] It pains me to say this, but you Cardassians are proving to be
quite a disappointment.
[DAMAR] I'll remind you that you said that.
[BRIEN] Looks like we're in luck, Captain. The
defensive grid's still offline.
[KIRA] Jem'Hadar fighters approaching, bearing zero five nine mark zero
three one.
[NOG] They must know they don't stand a chance against a fleet this
[WORF] That will not matter to the Jem'Hadar.
[SISKO] Sit down, Jake.
[JAKE] All right.
[MARTOK (OC)] Martok to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead.
[MARTOK (OC)] My attack wing is closest to those Jem'Hadar fighters.
Preparing to engage.
[SISKO] Good luck, General.
(The Jem'Hadar do kamikaze runs at the Klingons to destroy the ships.)
[NOG] I always thought the Jem'Hadar were crazy.
[GARAK] There's method to their madness. They're inflicting considerable
damage on the Klingons.
[WORF] And buying time to get their weapon platforms operational.
[SISKO] Sisko to Martok.
[MARTOK (on viewscreen)] The Jem'Hadar have managed to cripple or
destroy fifteen of my ships.
[SISKO] Do you need any assistance?
[MARTOK (on viewscreen)] That won't be necessary. Commence firing on the
weapon platforms.
(Ka-BOOM go a few platforms, then as the fleet move into the system,
the rest spring to life. They open their spider legs and start firing
at our ships, cutting big holes in hulls.)
(Dominion briefing room)
[DAMAR] I believe you owe me an apology.
[WEYOUN] I believe you're right.
[DAMAR] Now, if Dukat can get our reinforcements through the wormhole
[WEYOUN] I'm not sure how much faith I have in this, what did he call
[DAMAR] A Pah wraith.
[WEYOUN] Pah wraiths and Prophets. All this talk of gods strikes me as
nothing more than superstitious nonsense.
[DAMAR] You believe that the Founders are gods, don't you?
[WEYOUN] That's different.
[DAMAR] In what way?
[WEYOUN] The Founders are gods.
(More alliance ships are being crippled or
[WORF] We are unable to penetrate their forcefields.
[GARAK] Captain, I've just noticed something odd about those platforms.
[SISKO] Don't keep it to yourself, Mister Garak.
[GARAK] Not one of them seem to have a power generator on board.
[BRIEN] He's right. Each one seems to be getting its power from a
central source.
[KIRA] We've got to find that source and destroy it.
[SISKO] Chief?
[BRIEN] I'm on it.
(Promenade - upper level)
[BASHIR] According to the DNA scans I did this
morning, the ovarian resequencing enzymes I gave you appear to be
[DAX] You mean Worf and I can have a baby?
[BASHIR] It certainly looks that way. I must say, I didn't expect such
positive results so early. It's quite amazing, actually.
[DAX] Oh, thank you, Julian.
[BASHIR] It's all part of being a doctor.
[DAX] Oh no, it's more than that. You're a good friend. You always have
[BASHIR] And I always will be.
[DAX] I'd better get back to work. But first I'm going to stop by the
Bajoran shrine.
[BASHIR] What for?
[DAX] Kira said a prayer for me and Worf last night. She told the
Prophets how much we wanted a baby.
[BASHIR] I'd say they'd been listening. That is, if you believe in
[DAX] Oh, well I do today.
(Dax lights a couple of big candles then turns to
the Orb box.)
[DAX] I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly. I don't come here a lot.
And to be perfectly honest, I feel more comfortable thinking of you as
wormhole #
aliens, but Kira believes you're much more than that. Maybe she's
right, I don't know. But if you are Prophets, and you're listening, I
just want to say
(A wind blows through the shrine and puts out her candles. Dukat beams
[DAX] Dukat.
(Dax goes for her phaser but Dukat stretches out his arm and the red
Pah Wraith energy lifts her off the floor. Then he lets her drop. She
lies very still. Dukat goes through the protective forcefield and takes
hold of the Orb box. He opens it and the Pah wraith energy rushes into
it. The orb turns from gleaming crystal to dull black. He screams and
drops to his knees, no longer possessed. Outside the wormhole opens
then collapses in on itself.)
(Sisko staggers.)
[JAKE] Dad, what is it?
[KIRA] Captain?
[SISKO] I'm not sure. I think I felt the Prophets reaching out to me.
Something's wrong.
[BRIEN] Sir, I found it. There's a subspace power generator on a small
moon orbiting the far planet. It's transmitting energy to the weapon
platforms. Captain?
[KIRA] Take us there, Mister Nog.
[NOG] Aye, sir.
[KIRA] Get him back to his quarters. Don't worry, Captain. We'll get the
job done.
(Dukat checks on Dax.)
[DUKAT] I know this is small comfort, but I never intended you any harm.
(Dukat beams out.)
(The carnage continues outside. The Defiant, a
Klingon and another Federation ship are nearly through the defences.)
[NOG] Approaching the target.
[KIRA] On screen.
[WORF] Target locked.
[KIRA] Fire.
[WORF] We are unable to penetrate the moon's defensive grid.
[BRIEN] Sir, I have an idea.
[KIRA] Go ahead.
[BRIEN] Maybe we can't destroy that power generator, but I bet those
weapon platforms could.
[KIRA] Why would they fire on their own power source?
[GARAK] We'd have to fool the platforms' targeting systems into thinking
the generator's an enemy ship.
[BRIEN] We can use our deflector array to imprint a Federation warp
signature on the generator's energy matrix.
[WORF] It is worth a try.
[KIRA] Evasive manoeuvres, Mister Nog. Pattern Theta.
(The Klingon ship goes KaBOOM.)
[BRIEN] Induction stabilisers set. Booster modulators synchronised.
Ready to activate deflector.
[KIRA] Do it.
(Defiant swoops low over the moon. The platforms change target
instantly and the moon goes KaBOOM! No more shots are fired.)
[NOG] Yes! We did it!
(The remains of the fleet move through, taking revenge on platforms as
they pass.)
[MARTOK (OC)] Martok to the Defiant.
[KIRA] Go ahead, General.
[MARTOK (on viewscreen)] Well done, Major. We will begin transporting
ground troops to both planets immediately.
[BRIEN] Major, we're receiving a priority one transmission from Deep
Space Nine. It's from Julian.
(Dominion briefing room)
[WEYOUN] This is a disaster. Federation soldiers
have landed on Cardassian soil and now you're telling me the wormhole
is gone and with it any chance of getting reinforcements from the Gamma
[DUKAT (on monitor)] I'm well aware things didn't turn out quite the way
I planned, but I assure you we still achieved a great victory.
[WEYOUN] Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria.
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Well you should. The Bajoran people have been cut
off from their gods, perhaps forever.
[DAMAR] How does that help us?
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Because Sisko has been cut off from the Prophets as
well. And without the Prophets, he's just another Starfleet captain.
[WEYOUN] And that's supposed to make me feel better?
[DUKAT (on monitor)] Oh, believe me, it will.
(The Defiant has docked. Worf runs out of the
airlock, followed by O'Brien and Sisko, then Kira.)
[CROWD] Emissary, Emissary.
[SAHGI] Emissary! My mother says all the Orbs are dark, that the
Prophets have abandoned us. You have to find them, Emissary. You have
to ask them to come back.
[SISKO] I will try.
(Quark and Odo are pacing as Sisko, Kira and Jake
enter. Bashir comes out of the surgery in scrubs, with a nurse.)
[BASHIR] I managed to save the Dax symbiont. We have to get it to Trill
as soon as possible. There was nothing I could do for Jadzia.
(Sisko goes into the surgery area, where Worf is with Dax.)
[DAX] I'm sorry.
[WORF] Save your strength.
[DAX] Our baby would have been so beautiful.
(Worf does the death scream.)
[WORF] neH taH Kronos. Hegh bat'lhqu Hoch nej maH. neH taH Kronos. yay
je bat'lh manob Hegh.
(Cargo bay)
(Alone with the flag draped torpedo casing.)
[SISKO] The funeral service is due to begin in a few minutes, Jadzia but
I need to talk to you one last time. When I first met you, you told me
that my relationship with Jadzia Dax wouldn't be any different than the
one I had with Curzon Dax. Things didn't work out that way. I had a
hell of a lot of fun with both of you, but Curzon was my mentor. You,
you were my friend and I am going to miss you. I should have listened
to the Prophets and not gone to Cardassia. Then maybe you'd still be
alive. Damn it! Why aren't you still here, Jadzia? I need you to help
me sort things out. Something's happened to the Prophets, something
that's made them turn their backs on Bajor and I'm responsible. And I
don't know what to do about it, how to make it right again. I've failed
as the Emissary, and for the first time in my life I've failed in my
duty as a Starfleet officer. I need time to think, clear my head, but I
can't do it here. Not on the station, not now. I need to get away and
find a way to figure out how to make things right again. I have to make
things right again, Jadzia. I have to.
(Sisko comes out of his office carrying a bag.)
[SISKO] The station's all yours, Major.
[KIRA] She'll be here when you get back.
[BASHIR] This leave of absence you're taking, sir. How long do you think
you'll be gone?
[SISKO] I don't know exactly.
[ODO] We'll be waiting.
[BRIEN] Good luck, sir.
[SISKO] Thanks, Chief. My thanks to all of you. Let's go home, Jake.
(turbolift) Landing pad C.
(Captain's office)
[KIRA] I was afraid of that. He's not sure he's
coming back.
[ODO] What makes you say that?
[KIRA] His baseball. He took it with him.
(New Orleans alley)
(Sisko is scrubbing clams.)
[JAKE] Dad Grandpa's ready to close up the restaurant. He wants to know
when you're coming in.
[SISKO] In a little while. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e147", "title": "Tears Of The Prophets"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Image In The Sand
In The Sand
Original Airdate: 28 Sep, 1998
time on Star Trek Deep Space Nine.
[ROSS] Starfleet has chosen you to plan the
invasion of Cardassia.
(The destruction of the defences at Chin'toka.)
(Dukat freeing the pah-wraith and becoming possessed.)
(Pah wraith Dukat attacking Jadzia Dax.)
[BASHIR] I managed to save the Dax symbiont. There was nothing I could
do for Jadzia.
(Worf warning the afterlife that a Klingon warrior's soul is coming.)
(The Pah wraith leaving Dukat and the wormhole collapsing in on
[WEYOUN] Federation soldiers have landed on Cardassian soil and now
you're telling me the wormhole is gone and with it any chance of
getting reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant.
[SISKO] Why aren't you still here, Jadzia? I need you to help me sort
things out. Something's happened to the Prophets, something that's made
them turn their backs on Bajor and I'm responsible. And I don't know
what to do about it, how to make it right again. I've failed as the
Emissary, and for the first time in my life I've failed in my duty as a
Starfleet officer.
[SISKO] The station's all yours, Major.
[KIRA] She'll be here when you get back.
[SISKO] Let's go home, Jake.
And now, the continuation.
(Promenade - upper level)
(There's a vigil being held down below outside the
[ODO] Colonel.
[KIRA] I wish you'd stop doing that.
[ODO] Doing what?
[KIRA] Calling me by my rank. I was promoted two months ago. Besides, it
sounds so formal.
[ODO] Well, has Admiral Ross, or should I say Bill, arrived yet?
[KIRA] The admiral's ship is due in three hours, and I wish I knew what
he wanted to talk to me about.
[ODO] Maybe he's bringing good news. We could certainly use it.
[KIRA] Yeah, well don't get your hopes up. There was something about the
tone of his voice.
[ODO] Something ominous?
[KIRA] Something pleasant. It was like he was going out of his way to be
[ODO] I see.
[KIRA] Well, whatever he wants to tell me, he knows I'm not going to
like it.
[ODO] How can you be so sure?
[KIRA] It comes with the job. No, I'm serious. Sitting in the Captain's
chair, having that kind of responsibility, it focuses you.
[ODO] Well, I'll take your word for it.
[KIRA] How long have they been there?
[ODO] Three days.
[KIRA] I remember when the cult of the Pah wraiths was a joke. Now those
red armbands are appearing all over Bajor. It's like everyone's gone
[ODO] A lot of people feel abandoned by the Prophets.
[KIRA] Believe me, I know how they feel. That's no excuse to turn to
hate and fear.
[ODO] In times of trouble, some people find comfort in hate and fear. If
you'd like, I can charge them with loitering and have them removed from
the station.
[KIRA] Oh, what good would that do? I keep thinking if the Emissary were
here, things might be different.
[ODO] I would have thought we would have heard from Captain Sisko by
[KIRA] Not a word in three months.
[ODO] Nerys. I realise that things may seem bleak at the moment, but
there's always hope.
[KIRA] When did you turn into an optimist?
[ODO] Must have been that day in front of Quark's, when we kissed for
the first time.
[KIRA] That was some kiss, wasn't it?
[ODO] Changed my life.
(Defiant docks with DS9.)
[BRIEN] Gentlemen, we are home.
[BASHIR] There should be a law against convoy duty lasting more than ten
[NOG] I'll say one thing for guarding convoys, it's usually a lot safer
than being on the front lines.
[WORF] Is that the reason you joined Starfleet, Ensign? To be safe?
[NOG] I didn't mean that the way it sounded, sir.
[WORF] In wartime, it is the duty of every soldier fight.
[NOG] Yes, sir.
[WORF] The invasion of Cardassia has ground to a halt while our
casualties continue to mount. It is a time for warriors to do great
deeds, to triumph in glorious battle, not waste away protecting a
shipment of stembolts.
(Worf leaves.)
[NOG] I hope Commander Worf doesn't think I'm afraid to fight.
[BRIEN] Relax, don't take it so personally. Worf is just going through
a bad time at the moment.
[BASHIR] I think he needs to focus on something other than Jadzia, and I
hate to admit it but a little combat duty just might do the trick.
[BRIEN] Pretty soon the Defiant will be going into battle, Worf will
be happy and the rest of us will be miserable.
[NOG] It's not that I'm afraid to fight, I just don't want to die. I
wish Captain Sisko were here.
[BRIEN] So do I, Ensign. So do I.
(Sisko's restaurant)
(It's a busy night. Sisko is playing jazz piano,
Joseph is maitre d' and Jake is waiting on table.)
[JOSEPH] If I were you, I'd order the crawfish etoufee. And if it's good
enough for you, it's good enough for him. I think table five is ready
to order.
[JAKE] He's been at that piano since seven o'clock this morning.
[JOSEPH] Customers seem to like it.
[JAKE] Grandpa.
[JOSEPH] Look, I'm worried too, but he's got something to work out. Best
we leave him alone.
[JAKE] We've left him alone for three months. He said he came here to
figure out a way to contact the Prophets, to make things right. So far
he hasn't even left the restaurant.
(Sisko's baseball rolls off the piano and leans over to get it he goes
into a vision of himself digging in a desert to uncover the carved face
of a woman. The stone turns into dark skin and her eyes open. End of
[JAKE] Dad? What's wrong? Dad?
[SISKO] I had a vision from the Prophets. I was on Tyree, in the desert,
digging in the sand, and I uncovered a face. The face of a woman.
[JAKE] And?
[SISKO] And that's all.
[JAKE] Who was she?
[SISKO] I've never seen her before, but now I know why I came back here,
Jake. I have to find her. I have to.
(Captain's office)
(Kira is looking at biography 4774 on a PADD.)
[ROSS] Colonel, I really don't see anything for you to be concerned
about. I've met Senator Cretak and found her to be very cooperative.
[KIRA] For a Romulan.
[ROSS] Cretak's a strong supporter of the Alliance and we're going to
need that kind of support if we're going to win this war.
[KIRA] I wouldn't care if the Romulans were the only thing standing
between us and total annihilation. I would still think twice before
allowing them to establish a military presence here on the station.
[ROSS] We're just talking about a few offices for the senator and her
[KIRA] And a contingent of personal guards.
[ROSS] A dozen people at most. Besides, it's just a temporary
arrangement until the end of the war.
[KIRA] And when will that be?
[ROSS] Let's get one thing straight, Colonel. I came here as a courtesy
to you. This decision has already been made.
[KIRA] And I have to live with it.
[ROSS] That's right. You've done a fine job taking over for Captain
[KIRA] I'm just keeping his seat warm.
[ROSS] You still think he's coming back?
[KIRA] Don't you?
[ROSS] I'll be in touch.
(Dominion briefing room)
[DAMAR] As you can see, we've halted the Klingon
advance against Monac Four. We estimate their casualties to be at least
thirty percent.
[WEYOUN] They should've been higher. Nevertheless, congratulations,
Damar. The enemy remains bottled up in the Chin'toka system and that's
where they'll stay until we destroy them.
(Damar pours himself a drink.)
[DAMAR] I'd offer you a glass, but I know how much you dislike kanar.
[WEYOUN] I'm beginning to think you like it too much.
[DAMAR] I wouldn't trust a Cardassian that didn't enjoy a glass of kanar
every once in a while.
[WEYOUN] Tell me, Damar, when you're alone, do you even bother with a
glass, or do you just drink that swill directly from the bottle?
[DAMAR] Depends on my mood. And right now, I feel like celebrating. We
owe Gul Dukat a debt of gratitude.
[WEYOUN] Unfortunately, I agree. Somehow, releasing that Pah wraith into
the wormhole has shifted the momentum of the war into our favour.
[DAMAR] Do you ever wonder what goes on? Inside the wormhole, I mean.
[WEYOUN] Not really.
[DAMAR] The Prophets and the Pah wraiths locked in some form of
celestial battle. It's fascinating.
[WEYOUN] I never realised you had such a vivid imagination.
[DAMAR] There's a lot about me you don't know.
[WEYOUN] Just remember, too much imagination can be dangerous.
(Sisko's restaurant)
(After hours, Sisko is trying to put together a
photofit of the woman in his vision)
[JAKE] Dad, Grandpa and I are going to Armstrong Park to listen to some
music. You want to come?
[SISKO] You two go ahead.
[JAKE] What's that?
[SISKO] The woman in my vision. I don't want to forget her face. I'll
see you in the morning.
[JAKE] Hey, I've seen her before.
[SISKO] Where?
[JAKE] In a photograph. I'll be right back.
(Sisko keeps adjusting eyes and nose while Jake runs upstairs and comes
back with a small photograph.)
[JAKE] Here she is. I knew it. It's her, isn't it?
[SISKO] She's with Grandpa. I don't understand. Who is she?
[JAKE] Why don't you ask Grandpa?
[JOSEPH] Ask me what?
[SISKO] This woman.
[JOSEPH] Where'd you get that?
[JAKE] I found it last week when I was cleaning out the storage room. I
meant to ask you about it.
[SISKO] So who is she, Dad?
[JOSEPH] No one at all, you hear me? She's no one at all.
(Las Vegas lounge)
(Worf can't sleep.)
[VIC] Hey, pallie, where you been keeping yourself?
[WORF] Convoy duty.
[VIC] Doesn't sound very exciting.
[WORF] It was not.
[VIC] Well, if you're looking for some action, you've come to the right
place. What do you say we hit the craps tables, huh? Or maybe some
blackjack to get the blood pumping?
[WORF] Sing the song.
[VIC] I don't think that's such a good idea.
[WORF] Sing the song.
[VIC] C'mon, pallie, why rub salt in an open wound?
[WORF] You are a hologram. You are programmed to do as I say. Sing the
[VIC] It's your dime. Park it right there. And don't say I didn't warn
you. Which reminds me of a story Joey once told me (Link to Joey
[WORF] Sing!
[VIC] Son of a gun, I think he means it. Hey, you heard the man.
(My favourite James Darren song 'All the Way' ends with Worf smashing
up the joint.)
(Romulan command post)
(The new office is being set up.)
[CRETAK] This monitor is still offline. I want it operational within the
hour. I hope all the chairs on this station aren't this uncomfortable.
[KIRA] I'm afraid they are. But don't worry, you'll get used to them.
[CRETAK] I'm sure I will. You must be Colonel Kira.
[KIRA] I'm sorry I wasn't at the airlock to greet you when you arrived,
but I was
[CRETAK] No need to explain, Colonel. You must be quite busy.
[KIRA] I hope you find your accommodations satisfactory. Other than the
chairs, of course.
[CRETAK] I'm sure we'll be quite comfortable here. I trust that won't be
a problem for you.
[KIRA] Meaning what?
[CRETAK] My people have a reputation for arrogance. I'm afraid it's well
[KIRA] But you're different. Or so Admiral Ross tells me.
[CRETAK] The admiral and I have a good working relationship. I hope to
have a similar one with you.
[KIRA] I'd like nothing more.
[CRETAK] Then I look forward to working with you toward our common goal,
the destruction of the Dominion.
(Las Vegas lounge)
(Nothing is left in one piece, except a small
lampshade or two.)
[BASHIR] Worf did this?
[VIC] With his own two hands. And it's not the first time he's busted up
the joint. I don't care how much he threatens me, that's the last time
I ever sing 'All the Way.' If he wants to hear it again, let him buy a
Sinatra album.
[BASHIR] All the Way. That was Jadzia's favourite song. I'm sorry, Vic,
but you're going to have to forgive him. He's having a hard time
accepting her death.
[QUARK] So am I, but you don't see me busting up the joint.
[BASHIR] She wasn't your wife.
[QUARK] She should have been.
[BASHIR] There is something wrong.
[VIC] That's what I've been telling you.
[BASHIR] Klingons usually have a shorter mourning period than humans.
They accept death more readily than we do.
[VIC] Well, something is driving Worf cuckoo. Your buddy needs to get
some serious help and soon. The band is threatening to quit.
[QUARK] They can't quit. They're holograms.
[VIC] They don't know that.
[BASHIR] I'll see what I can do.
[VIC] Hang in there, pallie.
[BASHIR] I'll try, but I think Jadzia's death has made us all a little
(Sisko's restaurant)
[SISKO] Dad?
[JOSEPH] You should be in bed.
[SISKO] Not until you tell me what I need to know.
[JOSEPH] I already told you. She's no one.
[SISKO] You're going to have to do better than that.
[JOSEPH] Leave it be, Ben.
[SISKO] I can't. I saw her. The vision the Prophets sent me. She was the
woman in the desert.
[JOSEPH] That's impossible.
[SISKO] I'm telling you, I saw her.
[JOSEPH] You couldn't have.
[SISKO] Dad, please. Who is she?
[JOSEPH] I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk about it.
[SISKO] Dad.
[SISKO] You have to tell me. I need to know who she is!
[JOSEPH] Her name was Sarah. I met her in June of '31. It was in Jackson
Square. She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I'd ever
seen. Two months later, we were married.
[SISKO] Married? You had a wife before Mum?
[JOSEPH] It's a little bit more complicated than that, Ben. You see,
Sarah was your mother.
(During the break, Sisko makes hot drinks for them both.)
[JOSEPH] Sarah and I were married for two years. She seemed very happy.
I certainly was. Two days after your first birthday, she disappeared.
[SISKO] What do you mean she disappeared?
[JOSEPH] She left me.
[SISKO] Why?
[JOSEPH] I've asked myself that question a thousand times. I never did
come up with the answer.
[SISKO] And you never found out what happened to her?
[JOSEPH] It took me three years, but I found out. She was living in
Australia working as a holo-photographer.
[SISKO] Well, I have to speak with her.
[JOSEPH] You can't.
[SISKO] Damn it, Dad, I have to.
[JOSEPH] She's dead. She died in a hovercraft accident about a month
before I tracked her down. I loved that woman and she loved me. I know
she did.
[SISKO] Why didn't you tell me about her?
[JOSEPH] I wanted to, many times. But you were so young when she left.
[SISKO] I grew up.
[JOSEPH] I thought that might make it easier, but it didn't.
[SISKO] That's no excuse.
[JOSEPH] I know. I'm sorry. But you see, you and your stepmother were so
close. She made you laugh like nobody else, and I didn't want anything
to get in the way of that.
[SISKO] I loved Momma. Nothing would've changed that.
[JOSEPH] She said the same thing.
[SISKO] You should have listened to her.
[JOSEPH] Life is full of choices. You make them and hope for the best.
Sometimes you're right, and sometimes you're not. I made a mistake.
[SISKO] Yeah, you did.
[JOSEPH] I still don't understand why the Prophets would send you a
vision of Sarah.
[SISKO] I came back here to clear my head, to try to figure out what to
do next. Maybe learning the truth about my mother is the first step of
this journey.
[JOSEPH] Well, from here on out, I hope the Prophets keep their noses
out of my business.
[SISKO] Are there any other secrets I should know about?
[JOSEPH] Just my gumbo recipe, but I'm taking that to my grave.
[CRETAK] Colonel, I was just coming to see you. What
is it?
[KIRA] Nothing. I just never thought I'd see a Romulan eating a jumja
[CRETAK] I was curious.
[KIRA] And?
[CRETAK] It has a distinct flavour.
[KIRA] Personally, I can't stand them. Too sweet.
[CRETAK] Then you should try a Romulan osol twist. Very tart.
[KIRA] I'll do that.
[CRETAK] I wanted to let you know that a squadron of warbirds will be
arriving at the station tomorrow morning for refitting.
[KIRA] I'll tell Chief O'Brien to start replicating Romulan system
[CRETAK] Excellent. I had no idea Bajorans were so efficient.
[KIRA] Coming from a Romulan, that's quite a compliment.
[CRETAK] Oh, one more thing. It's about Bajor's fourth moon.
[KIRA] Derna?
[CRETAK] It's uninhabited, correct?
[KIRA] Last time I checked.
[CRETAK] Do you think your government would allow us to set up a
hospital facility there? Too many of our wounded are dying on the long
journey back to Romulus.
[KIRA] I'll ask the Council of Ministers.
[CRETAK] I'd appreciate anything you can do.
[BASHIR] You've got to get him talking. But whatever
you do, don't mention Jadzia. Let him do that.
[BRIEN] I don't think Worf wants to talk about her.
[BASHIR] He may not want to but he needs to, I think. Given the right
circumstances, he will.
[BRIEN] Well, we have one circumstance in our favour. Twenty three oh
one. A very good year for bloodwine.
[BASHIR] I'll let you do your work. You sure one bottle's going to be
[BRIEN] Good bye, Julian.
(O'Brien rings Worf's doorbell as Bashir leaves.)
[WORF] Chief.
[BRIEN] Can I come in?
[WORF] Why?
[BRIEN] Well, because it's been a long time since we shared one of
(Worf's quarters)
[BRIEN] Got any glasses?
[WORF] None that are clean.
[BRIEN] Oh well, who needs glasses, hey? Cheers. (swigs from the
bottle) Mmm. Warm the cockles.
[WORF] Very smooth. Good night, Chief.
[BRIEN] Hold on. You call that a visit?
[WORF] I enjoyed it.
[BRIEN] Come on, Worf. I came to talk.
[WORF] About what?
[BRIEN] Anything you want. Old friends, the Enterprise. Remember
what's his name, Lieutenant Barclay?
[WORF] Who can forget him?
[BRIEN] Those holosuite programmes of his.
The Three Musketeers.
[BRIEN] Geordi waving that sword around.
(Quark brings coffee and orange juice to Miles, who
is not at all well.)
[BRIEN] Ah, that's better.
[QUARK] So, what did you find out?
[BRIEN] That you should never try to match drinks with a Klingon.
[QUARK] Yeah, yeah, but what did you and Worf talk about?
[BASHIR] Why do you care?
[QUARK] Because some day that crazy Klingon may get tired of smashing up
a holosuite bar and decide to come down here and smash up a real one.
[BASHIR] What did you talk about?
[BRIEN] A lot of things. His son, Alexander. Growing up in Russia. The
proper way to eat gagh.
[QUARK] What does any of that have to do with Jadzia?
[BRIEN] Nothing. It wasn't until about oh four hundred, when we were
polishing off the third bottle of bloodwine that he even mentioned
Jadzia. You know, this could be a little sweeter.
[BASHIR] Miles, what did he say about her?
[BRIEN] She's not in Sto-vo-kor.
[QUARK] You mean Klingon heaven? What would she be doing there? She
wasn't a Klingon.
[BRIEN] As far as Worf is concerned, she was. She did join the House
of Martok.
[BASHIR] Then what makes him think she's not in Sto-vo-kor?
[BRIEN] For one thing, she never ate the heart of one of her enemies.
[QUARK] She always was a little squeamish.
[BRIEN] And secondly, she didn't die in glorious battle.
[QUARK] You mean being murdered by a Pah wraith in cold blood doesn't
[BRIEN] Do you want to know what's bothering Worf or not?
[BASHIR] There's more?
[BRIEN] Apparently there is a way for Worf to ensure that Jadzia gets
into Sto-vo-kor. He has to win a great battle in her name.
[QUARK] I could let him beat me at tongo.
[BRIEN] Not good enough. Unless he has to carve his way through a
hundred Jem'Hadar to get to the table.
[QUARK] Why does everything with Klingons have to involve bloodshed?
[BASHIR] No wonder he's been so frustrated with convoy duty. Maybe we
should talk to Admiral Ross.
[BRIEN] Oh, yeah, I can see it now. Admiral, could you please send the
Defiant on the most dangerous mission you can think of? Jadzia needs to
get into Sto-vo-kor.
[QUARK] Sounds good to me.
[BASHIR] Then you ask him.
[BRIEN] What about General Martok? He's due to arrive on the station
tomorrow morning.
[BASHIR] Good thinking. Who better than a Klingon to help a Klingon?
(Sisko's restaurant - alley)
(Sisko is scrubbing the clams.)
[JOSEPH] Beautiful night, isn't it?
[SISKO] I'm sure you're right.
[JOSEPH] You thinking about Sarah?
[SISKO] Actually, I was thinking about Jadzia. She always used to be
here to help me sort things out. I miss her.
[JOSEPH] I know you do. I came out to give you this. (a locket on a
chain) It was Sarah's. I want you to have it. I think she would have,
[SISKO] Thanks, Dad.
[JOSEPH] There's some kind of writing on the back.
(Sisko takes it under the door light to see.)
[JOSEPH] What's the matter?
[SISKO] This writing. It's ancient Bajoran.
[JOSEPH] What does it say?
[SISKO] I don't know. But I intend to find out.
(Sisko's restaurant)
(Breakfast time, and Sisko is trying to get a
translation with the help of PADDs.)
[JOSEPH] I still don't understand why Sarah would have a locket with
Bajoran writing on it. I don't recall her ever mentioning Bajor to me.
[JAKE] Maybe she didn't know it was Bajoran. Maybe it was a gift from
[SISKO] Finally, some progress.
[JOSEPH] What is it?
[SISKO] The inscription. It says Orb of the Emissary.
[JAKE] I never knew there was an Orb of the Emissary.
[SISKO] I've never heard of it either. At least, there's no mention of
it in the Bajoran Ancient Texts.
[JOSEPH] Sounds like you've reached a dead end.
[SISKO] Not necessarily. What if the Orb does exist? What if it didn't
go dark like all the others when the wormhole disappeared?
[JAKE] If you can find it, maybe you can find a way to contact the
[SISKO] Oh, I'm going to find it.
[JOSEPH] But it could be anywhere. Where do you begin to look?
[SISKO] Tyree.
[JAKE] Why there?
[SISKO] Because that's where I was in the vision the Prophets sent me.
(The casualty list is up on the wall.)
[CRETAK] Are these the latest casualty reports?
[KIRA] From the Dominion counterattack in the Chin'toka system. I'm
afraid that your people took the brunt of the assault.
[CRETAK] What matters is that we held our position. As for our
casualties, at least we now have the hospital complex on Derna to care
for the wounded. And we have you to thank, Colonel.
[KIRA] Oh, no. All I did was put in your request to the Council of
Ministers. They made the decision.
[CRETAK] Under your advisement, I'm sure. All of Romulus owes you a debt
of gratitude.
[KIRA] I'll keep that in mind.
[ODO] Do you have a moment?
[KIRA] I do for you.
[ODO] This morning, a Starfleet transport filled with wounded was denied
permission to dock at the Romulan hospital complex on Derna.
[KIRA] Well, the hospital may not be equipped to treat other species.
[ODO] I thought the same thing myself, until I noticed that most of the
wounded were Vulcans. Vulcans and Romulans share a common physiology.
[KIRA] And a mutual distrust of one another. That doesn't change just
because they're allies against the Dominion.
[ODO] True. But how do you explain these sensor readings?
[KIRA] High concentrations of trilithium isotopes.
[ODO] Which indicates the presence of Romulan plasma torpedoes.
[KIRA] I'll look into it.
(Holosuite caves)
(Worf is doing vigorous Mok'bara exercises with a
bat'leth when Martok enters.)
[MARTOK] Defend yourself, Worf.
(Clashes of steel on steel.)
[MARTOK] So, how do you like convoy duty?
[WORF] I don't.
[MARTOK] Good. I was afraid you might be getting soft. I need a first
officer for a dangerous mission.
[WORF] How dangerous?
[MARTOK] Dangerous enough to assure Jadzia a place in Sto-vo-kor.
(More blows, then Worf disarms Martok and knocks him down.)
[WORF] In that case, you have found your first officer.
[MARTOK] Excellent. It will be a great victory.
[WORF] I will make sure of it.
(Sisko's restaurant - alley)
(Taking out the trash.)
[JAKE] How many clams do you think you've cleaned since we got here?
[SISKO] A lot. That was going to be my last batch, but then I got to
thinking. Maybe I'll take a couple of sacks along with me tomorrow on
the runabout, give me something to do on the way to Tyree.
[JAKE] You're kidding, right?
[SISKO] Jake, if I never see another clam BOTH: It'll be too soon.
(Jake goes back inside. Sisko sees someone in a red cloak in the
[SISKO] Can I help you?
[BAJORAN] Emissary, I've come a long way to see you. This moment is
sacred, one that will be long remembered. Meeh rak Dorah Pah wran. Ee
toi Velah slah. Pah wran amar. Pah wran Evak to.
[SISKO] That's ancient Bajoran.
[BAJORAN] The Emissary is wise.
[SISKO] Thank you, but right now the Emissary has to get back to work.
[BAJORAN] Your work is finished. The Orb you are seeking, the Orb of the
[SISKO] What did you say?
(The Bajoran pulls a knife and slashes Sisko across the abdomen.)
[BAJORAN] You're never going to find it.
(Jake knocks the attacker out with a sack, presumably of clams.)
[JAKE] Grandpa! Grandpa!
(Sisko's restaurant)
(The lunchtime crowd is in.)
[JOSEPH] Today's special is shrimp creole. Ah, actually, it's barbecued
(Sisko and Jake enter.)
[JOSEPH] Excuse me. Where were you? They told me you were released from
the hospital two hours ago.
[SISKO] I had to give a report to Starfleet Security.
(They sit at a table in the patio area.)
[JOSEPH] And the Bajoran that attacked you, who was he?
[SISKO] He was a member of a cult that worships the Pah wraiths. They
believe that the disappearance of the Prophets will herald a new era
for Bajor.
[JOSEPH] I don't suppose I can talk you out of going to Tyree.
[SISKO] If you're worried about the cult
[JOSEPH] I figure you can handle them. But if the cult knows you're
looking for the Orb of the Emissary, chances are the Pah wraiths do as
well. And that does worry me.
(A Klingon ship is leaving.)
[BRIEN] Well, here's to Worf and the success of his mission.
[BASHIR] Qapla'.
[QUARK] I don't see why you two are so happy. An entire Klingon fleet
failed to destroy the Dominion shipyards at Monac Four. What makes you
think one ship will do any better?
[BASHIR] The element of surprise?
[QUARK] If you ask me, it's not a mission, it's suicide.
[BASHIR] You're beginning to depress me, Quark.
[QUARK] Why? You're not going.
[BRIEN] You can't be serious.
[BASHIR] I've never been more serious in my life. I'm going to help
Jadzia get into Sto-vo-kor.
[QUARK] What makes you think she wants to spend eternity there? I know I
certainly wouldn't. Imagine what it must be like, hoards of rampaging
Klingons fighting and singing, sweating and belching.
[BASHIR] Sounds like this place on a Saturday night.
[QUARK] Would you want to spend eternity here?
[BRIEN] That's a good point. What if Jadzia would prefer to go to, you
know, wherever it is that Trills go when their time is up.
[BASHIR] Miles, you don't understand. You weren't as close to her as I
was. This gives me a chance to honour her memory and I'm going to take
it. And that, my friend, is my final word on the subject.
[BRIEN] You know what this means, don't you?
[BASHIR] Yes. That I'm risking my life for a very dubious cause.
[BRIEN] No, it means I'm going to risk my life for a friend who's
risking his life for a very dubious cause.
[QUARK] You're going with him?
[BRIEN] Well somebody has to make sure he comes back in one piece.
[BASHIR] Miles, I don't know what to say. I'm touched.
[QUARK] You're both touched. You want to get Jadzia into Sto-vo-kor?
Fine, fine, I'm all for it. But can't you do something more sensible?
Make a donation in her name or bribe someone?
[BASHIR] It doesn't work that way, Quark.
(Bashir leaves.)
[BRIEN] Be nice if it did.
[ROSS] Third fleet has requested two more attack
wings of Romulan warbirds.
[CRETAK] That shouldn't be a problem.
[ROSS] Now, if we
(Kira enters.)
[KIRA] Senator, I have a message for you from the Bajoran Council of
[ROSS] We're in the middle of a meeting here, Colonel.
[KIRA] Sorry, sir, this can't wait.
(Cretak takes the PADD from Kira.)
[CRETAK] Apparently, we're no longer welcome on Derna.
[ROSS] They want to close down the hospital?
[KIRA] The hospital isn't the problem.
[ROSS] Then what is?
[KIRA] The seven thousand plasma torpedoes the Romulans have secretly
deployed there.
[ROSS] Is this true, Senator?
[CRETAK] The weapons are for defensive purposes only.
[KIRA] Well my government doesn't agree. You're to begin an immediate
[CRETAK] I'm afraid that's impossible.
[ROSS] Let's try to stay calm. I'm sure we can reach some sort of
[KIRA] Not this time, Admiral. My government considers the Romulan
presence on Derna to be a direct threat to Bajor.
[CRETAK] This is ridiculous. I regret not informing your government
about our weapon emplacements, but I didn't think it was necessary.
We're your ally.
[KIRA] Then remove the weapons.
[CRETAK] That would leave the hospital unprotected.
[KIRA] Bajor will guarantee its safety.
[CRETAK] I'm afraid that's not acceptable.
[KIRA] Either you remove those weapons, or we will.
(Dominion briefing room)
[DAMAR] See that Gul Yaltar of the Third Order
receives this immediately.
(Officer leaves, Weyoun enters.)
[WEYOUN] Have you heard? The Romulans have taken over a Bajoran moon and
heavily fortified it.
[DAMAR] My guess is that the Bajorans aren't happy about that.
[WEYOUN] Would you be? This is the sort of unfortunate situation that
could destroy an alliance.
[DAMAR] That would be a pity.
[WEYOUN] Romulans. They're so predictably treacherous.
(Sisko's restaurant)
(Sisko comes downstairs with his bag.)
[SISKO] What's going on? Why is the restaurant closed?
[JOSEPH] I am going on vacation. To Tyree.
[JAKE] We're coming with you, Dad.
[SISKO] Are you both lost your minds?
[JOSEPH] Apparently it runs in the family.
[SISKO] You've obviously already packed your bags.
[JAKE] Yes. I even brought my toothbrush.
(A knock on the door.)
[JOSEPH] Oh, nothing I hate more than turning away a customer.
(He pulls back the net curtain to reveal a petite brunette Trill
[JOSEPH] I'm sorry, we're closed.
[EZRI] That's all right, Mister Sisko, I'm not hungry. I'm here to see
[JOSEPH] Oh, you're in luck. (opens the door) Five more minutes and he'd
have been gone.
(Sisko is at the piano again.)
[EZRI] Hello, Benjamin.
[SISKO] Do I know you?
[EZRI] It's me. Dax. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e148", "title": "Image In The Sand"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Shadows And Symbols
And Symbols
Original Airdate: 5 Oct, 1998
time on Star Trek Deep Space Nine
[BASHIR] I managed to save the Dax symbiont. There
was nothing I could do for Jadzia.
(The Pah wraith leaving Dukat and the wormhole collapsing in on
[WEYOUN] Federation soldiers have landed on Cardassian soil and now
you're telling me the wormhole is gone and with it any chance of
getting reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant.
[SISKO] The station's all yours, Major. Let's go home, Jake.
[MARTOK] I need a first officer for a dangerous mission.
[WORF] How dangerous?
[MARTOK] Dangerous enough to assure Jadzia a place in Sto-vo-kor.
[SISKO] I had a vision from the Prophets. I was on Tyree, in the desert,
and I uncovered a face. The face of a woman.
[SISKO] You had a wife before Mum?
[JOSEPH] Sarah was your mother.
[KIRA] You're to begin an immediate evacuation.
[CRETAK] I'm afraid that's impossible.
[KIRA] Either you remove those weapons, or we will.
[EZRI] Hello, Benjamin.
[SISKO] Do I know you?
[EZRI] It's me. Dax.
And now, the continuation.
(Sisko's restaurant)
[SISKO] Dax? I can't believe it.
[EZRI] I can hardly believe it myself. But I'm Dax. I mean, I'm not
Jadzia Dax. I'm Ezri Dax. But I have all of Jadzia's memories. Not to
mention Lela's, Tobin's, Emony's, Audrid's, Joran's, Curzon's. Am I
forgetting anyone?
[SISKO] Torias.
[EZRI] Right. You're probably asking yourself who is this person? How
did she get the symbiont? Do I even want another Dax in my life? Does
she always talk this much? These are all very good questions and I wish
I had good answers for you.
[SISKO] The answers can wait. Right now, I'm just glad to see you.
[EZRI] Really? That is so nice of you to say. I'm not usually this
emotional. It must be the Emony in me. At least I think it's Emony Hi,
[JAKE] Hi.
[EZRI] You seem taller. Or am I shorter? You know, none of this was my
idea. I never wanted to be joined.
[JAKE] Then how did you get the symbiont?
[EZRI] It was an accident.
[JOSEPH] Some accident.
[EZRI] I was on the Destiny when they brought the Dax symbiont aboard to
be taken back to Trill. Halfway through the trip, the symbiont took a
turn for the worse and needed to be placed in a host immediately.
[SISKO] And you were the only Trill on board.
[EZRI] I laid down on that operating table one person and I woke up a
completely different person. Well, I should say eight different people.
I was not prepared for this at all. I mean, you're supposed to get
years of training and preparation before you get joined, and all I got
was a fifteen minute lecture from the ship's surgeon and he wasn't even
a Trill.
[SISKO] I'm starting to see the problem. Please.
(Ezri sits.)
[EZRI] You don't how much better I feel just being here with you, Ben.
[SISKO] What about the Symbiosis Institute? Weren't they able to do
anything for you?
[EZRI] I did meet with the Evaluation Board several times.
[SISKO] And?
[EZRI] They gave me some books to read, some counselling, but once a
host and symbiont are joined, there's really not very much they can do.
My parents, my friends, my crewmates, it's like they don't even know me
anymore. Which is understandable since I hardly even know myself.
That's why I took a leave of absence to come here. I knew that if there
is anyone who can help me through this, it would be you.
[SISKO] I'll do all I can, but the truth is, we're leaving for Tyree.
[EZRI] Fine. I'll come with you.
[JAKE] You don't even know why we're going.
[EZRI] It doesn't matter. When do we leave?
[SISKO] Today.
[EZRI] Great. It'll be just like old times. Except different.
(Klingon bridge)
(An altar of sorts has been set up.)
[WORF] Jadzia Dax Vond Shoo vwee Dun Mahh kekh HuhKo Vahm Jeh Yin Moj
Mah Mukh. Sto-vo-kor Pah Dahkh tin Baht leh el eegh cha yay moj.
(Worf is about to cut his palm when Quark enters.)
[QUARK] Quark, son of Keldar. Did I come at a bad time?
[BRIEN] What's he doing here?
[QUARK] Same thing you are. I'm volunteering for this mission.
[MARTOK] Why? You're a bartender, not a warrior.
[QUARK] True, but I loved Jadzia as much as anyone in this room. With
maybe one or two exceptions. And I am willing to pledge my life to see
that she gets into Sto-vo-kor.
[MARTOK] Perhaps there is some Klingon in you after all.
[QUARK] I wouldn't go that far. So why all the cutlery?
[MARTOK] We shed our blood to prove we are not frightened of death.
(Martok cuts his palm.)
[QUARK] Can't you just take my word for it?
(So Martok cuts Quark's hand for him)
[QUARK] Oww! That hurts.
[BRIEN] It's supposed to hurt.
[WORF] YuWee modge. Baht leh modge. Yay Dodge.
(Worf cuts his palm and places it on the bulkhead between the candles.)
(Ezri is having to be treated with a hypo.)
[EZRI] This is so embarrassing.
[SISKO] Don't worry, it's not your fault.
[EZRI] I'm a trained Starfleet officer. I've no business getting space
sick. But ever since I was given the symbiont, warp speed does make me
a little queasy.
[JAKE] A little queasy?
[JOSEPH] The main thing is the control panel's all cleaned up, so if one
of you would like to get back into the pilot's seat, it would sure make
me feel better. Not that I don't trust the computer.
[JAKE] You just prefer the human touch.
[JOSEPH] Do you need to lie down?
[EZRI] No, I'm fine, really.
[JOSEPH] Well, it's time for my nap.
(Joseph leaves.)
[JAKE] You're sure you're okay?
[EZRI] But I just wish I could stop thinking about Torias.
[JAKE] Torias Dax? He was one of the previous hosts, wasn't he?
[EZRI] He died in a shuttle accident. I still remember the last few
seconds before the crash. Maybe I don't belong in Starfleet anymore.
Aren't you glad you brought me along?
(Ezri goes to the replicator, and Jake follows.)
[JAKE] Actually, I am. My dad seems a lot happier ever since you showed
[EZRI] One iced raktajino. I know you've been worried about your father,
Jake, but he's going to be all right.
[JAKE] What makes you so sure?
[EZRI] Because I've known him a long time. Besides, it's my job to know
these things. I'm a ship's counsellor. Well, actually, an assistant
ship's counsellor.
[JAKE] You're a therapist?
[EZRI] Is it that surprising?
[JAKE] A little.
[EZRI] You know, I wasn't always this confused. Before I was joined I
was considered to be a very promising young officer. That is horrible.
I hate raktajino.
[JAKE] Then why'd you order it?
[EZRI] Because Curzon liked it.
[JAKE] So did Jadzia.
[EZRI] Well, I don't. I have to learn to control some of these urges.
(Captain's office)
[ROSS] I want you to know, Colonel, that I'm as
outraged as you are. The Romulans have no business placing weapons on
[KIRA] I'm glad we're in agreement. What are we going to do about it?
[ROSS] The Federation has already sent a formal protest to the Romulan
Senate condemning their actions.
[KIRA] Well that's a start. What happens next?
[ROSS] They've already sent a protest of our protest. Politics.
[KIRA] You still haven't answered my question.
[ROSS] I don't know, Colonel. Eventually, the Romulans will remove the
[KIRA] When? Are we talking about days, weeks, months?
[ROSS] I don't know but it will happen.
[KIRA] Now you sound like a politician, Admiral.
[ROSS] Maybe so. But facts are facts, Colonel. And there's no way the
Bajorans can drive the Romulans off Derna, not without help anyway, and
the Federation isn't going to provide that help. Not now. Is that
[KIRA] We're just not as important to the war effort as the Romulans.
[ROSS] That's a harsh way to put it.
[KIRA] The truth often is.
[ROSS] Colonel, I would like to help you, but my hands are tied.
[KIRA] Well, luckily, mine aren't.
[ROSS] Meaning what?
[KIRA] Our scans show that the weapons aren't fully operational yet.
They're still missing launch sequencers. I'm going to make sure that
those sequencers never reach Derna.
[ROSS] How?
[KIRA] I'm going to set up a blockade.
[ROSS] If you do that, Colonel, you'll have a fight on your hands. A
fight you can't win.
(In orbit of a brown, dry looking planet.)
[SISKO] We're entering orbit. Prepare to beam down.
[JAKE] Why don't we use the ship's scanners to find the Orb?
[EZRI] There's too much ionisation in the atmosphere. It'll interfere
with our sensors.
[SISKO] You sure you don't want to stay here and wait for us?
[JOSEPH] And miss all the excitement? Not a chance.
[SISKO] All right. Well sure you're carrying plenty of water packs. That
goes for both of you, too. It's dry down there.
[NURSE (OC)] Doctor Wykoff, please report to Isolation Ward Four. Doctor
Wykoff, please report to Isolation Ward Four.
[SISKO] Did you hear that?
[EZRI] Hear what?
[SISKO] Forget it.
(The landing party is sensibly dressed in loose,
light coloured clothing with hooded coats.)
[EZRI] If there is an Orb buried around here, my tricorder's not picking
it up.
[SISKO] I know it's out there someplace. That's why the Prophets sent me
[EZRI] Did they give you any hint which way to go?
[SISKO] That way.
[JAKE] The Prophets have spoken.
[EZRI] I hope he heard them right.
(Klingon bridge)
[BRIEN] Once we're close enough, we can fire an EM
pulse at the sun.
[QUARK] The sun? I thought we were trying to destroy a shipyard.
[BRIEN] We are.
[QUARK] Do you understand what he's talking about?
[BASHIR] Always.
[QUARK] Fine, then you explain it.
[WORF] We are going to fly toward the molten heart of the sun, so close
that our ship will glow like a flaming comet.
[BASHIR] Hopefully not that close.
[BRIEN] Just close enough to trigger a solar plasma ejection. The
explosion should be enough to incinerate everything within a hundred
million kilometres.
[MARTOK] Including the shipyard.
[WORF] It will be a glorious firestorm that will illuminate the gates of
Sto-vo-kor itself and provide a fitting welcome for Jadzia.
[QUARK] The things we do for love. Did you see that?
[BRIEN] See what?
[QUARK] The way he glared at me.
[BASHIR] He always glares at you.
[QUARK] Well I'm sick of it. We're risking our lives to help Jadzia get
into Sto-vo-kor. The very least Worf could do is show us some
appreciation. Is it so hard to say thank you?
[BASHIR] Thank you.
[QUARK] Nice try, Doctor, but I want to hear it from him.
[BRIEN] Don't do this, Quark.
[QUARK] Do what? All I'm asking for is two little words.
[WORF] Be quiet.
[QUARK] That's two words all right. Just not the two I was hoping for.
[WORF] Why should I feel any gratitude toward you? I owe you nothing.
You are not here to help Jadzia get into Sto-vo-kor. You are here
because you wish to convince yourselves that you were worthy of her.
But the truth is, none of you could ever hope to be worthy of her or
even understand the kind of woman she was. It is you who should be
thanking me, Ferengi, for allowing you to come on this mission and pay
honour to her memory.
[EZRI] Think we're getting close?
[SISKO] I have no idea.
[EZRI] But we're headed in the right direction?
[SISKO] I hope so.
[EZRI] Audrid loved to walk. Of course, she preferred the woods. Nice
shady glens, cool breezes, cold streams.
[SISKO] Dax, what are you trying to say?
[EZRI] We've been keeping a pretty fast pace. It might be a good idea to
give your father and Jake a chance to rest.
[SISKO] If anyone wants to take a break, they can go back to the
[EZRI] I think we should stick together.
[SISKO] Hey, Dad? How're you doing back there?
[JOSEPH] (gasping) Never better.
(Dominion briefing room)
[DAMAR] It's only a matter of time until we break
through enemy lines. When that happens, we can drive the Federation
Romulan Alliance out of Cardassian territory. A bit more kanar?
[SIANA] (a Cardassian woman) Please.
[DAMAR] To victory. On all fronts.
(Weyoun enters.)
[WEYOUN] Damar, have you
[DAMAR] Weyoun, this is Siana. We met at the dinner last night honouring
Legate Hovas.
[WEYOUN] Damar, you and I have things to discuss. Things that your guest
doesn't want to hear.
[DAMAR] And why is that?
[WEYOUN] Because if she does, I'll be forced to have her executed.
[SIANA] I really should be going.
[DAMAR] Until tonight.
(Siana leaves.)
[WEYOUN] What a pleasant woman. Now, it's imperative we increase
production at the Monac shipyard. We need more assault ships to retake
the Chin'toka system. Damar, are you listening to me?
[DAMAR] Increase production. Yes, I heard you. By how much?
[WEYOUN] Fifteen percent would be ideal.
[DAMAR] That won't be easy.
[WEYOUN] Oh, I'm sure you'll find a way. You're very resourceful.
(Kira's quarters)
[ODO] A blockade? How many ships are we talking
[KIRA] Twelve impulse ships. That's all the Council of Ministers could
spare right now.
[ODO] And how effective do you think those twelve ships are going to be
against even one Romulan warbird?
[KIRA] You sound like Admiral Ross.
[ODO] Well, I was hoping our relationship was going to be a long and
happy one, but I suppose I'm willing to settle for short and exciting.
[KIRA] What's that supposed to mean?
[ODO] I take it you're going to be commanding the blockade?
[KIRA] That's right.
[ODO] Then I'm going to be there with you.
[KIRA] You don't have to do that.
[ODO] Yes, I do.
[KIRA] Well, I wouldn't start writing our epitaphs just yet.
[ODO] All right, I'll wait until the first wave of Romulan ships decide
to run the blockade.
[KIRA] Don't worry, I've no intention of getting into a firefight with a
squadron of Romulan warbirds.
[ODO] You mean you're bluffing?
[KIRA] If the Romulans fire on us, they jeopardise their Alliance with
the Federation, and I'm hoping that's a risk they don't want to take.
[ODO] And I'm hoping they don't call your bluff.
(Going up a sandy incline.)
[JAKE] Grandpa, you sure you don't want to go back up to the runabout?
[JOSEPH] We started this together and we'll finish it together. I owe it
to Ben.
(On a steeper slope, Joseph stumbles.)
[JAKE] I got you.
(Near the top, under two midday suns, Sisko takes off his backpack and
just keeps the shovel and baseball. Ezri picks up the water pouches.
Jake and Joseph are so far behind they've lost sight of Sisko and
[JAKE] Let's go.
(Sisko walks down a slope by some rocks.)
[NURSE (OC)] Doctor Wykoff, please come to Isolation Ward Four
immediately. To Isolation Ward Four. Doctor Wykoff. Doctor Wykoff.
Please come to Isolation Ward Four immediately.
[EZRI] Benjamin? Benjamin. Is this it?
[SISKO] I think so.
[EZRI] You're not sure? Ben, that's not good enough. Ben.
(She takes the baseball and throws it away.)
[EZRI] Are you listening to me?
(Sisko remembers seeing the ball rolling off the piano in the
[SISKO] There.
[EZRI] Where?
[SISKO] That's where we start digging.
(Where the baseball landed.)
[EZRI] Why there? I wasn't even aiming at anything. Ben, maybe my
memories are playing tricks on me but have you gotten stranger?
[KIRA (OC)] Ship's log, stardate 52152.6. We've set
up a blockade around Derna. So far, no Romulan ships have tried to
challenge us.
(Bajoran ship bridge)
[KIRA] Kiss Me Deadly. Interesting title.
[ODO] And the book isn't bad either. I think you'll enjoy it.
[KIRA] I'm sure I will, but is this really the right time to start
reading a book?
[ODO] Maybe not, but I know how much you hate all this waiting and Mike
Hammer has certain qualities I think you'll appreciate.
[KIRA] Such as?
[ODO] He's as tough as they come and he hates waiting almost as much as
you do.
[KIRA] Oh, I like him already.
[CREWMAN] Colonel, there's a priority one transmission from Deep Space
Nine. It's Admiral Ross.
[KIRA] Put him through.
[ROSS (on viewscreen)] Colonel Senator Cretak has just informed me that
fourteen Romulan warbirds are on their way to Derna.
[CRETAK (on viewscreen)] They'll be arriving in eight hours with much
needed medical supplies for the hospital complex.
[KIRA] Since when did the Romulans start using warbirds to deliver
medical supplies?
[CRETAK (on viewscreen)] We want to make sure they arrive safely.
[KIRA] Well, if they try to get through the blockade, they're not going
to make it at all.
[ROSS (on viewscreen)] That kind of talk isn't going to help matters,
Colonel. I'd think you'd want to avoid a confrontation, not provoke
[KIRA] I wouldn't call those Romulan ships a peace offering.
[ROSS (on viewscreen)] I wasn't exactly happy to hear about that either,
but we only have a few hours to reach some kind of a compromise. After
that, people are going to start dying.
[KIRA] You can talk about compromise all you want. Any ship attempting
to break through that blockade will be fired on.
[CRETAK (on viewscreen)] Colonel, do you seriously believe that your
antiquated collection of impulse ships stand a chance against our
[KIRA] We'll find out soon enough, won't we? End transmission. How'd I
[ODO] Mike Hammer would have been proud.
[CRETAK] You're concerned.
[ROSS] Aren't you?
[CRETAK] Not really. The Colonel is brave woman, but she's not stupid.
She's bluffing.
(Jake and Joseph have finally arrived at Sisko's
dig site.)
[JAKE] Right over there in the shade.
(Ezri brings water packs.)
[EZRI] Here.
[JAKE] There you go, Grandpa.
[NURSE (OC)] Doctor Wykoff, please come to Isolation Ward Four. Doctor
Wykoff to Isolation Ward Four.
[SISKO] I wish he'd get there.
[EZRI] Who?
[SISKO] Doctor Wykoff. They're waiting for him in the isolation ward.
[EZRI] You have definitely gotten stranger.
(Klingon bridge)
[MARTOK] What about me, Worf? Would you rather I
hadn't come on this mission either?
[WORF] That is not what I am saying. With you, it is different. You are
a Klingon and Jadzia was a member of your House.
[MARTOK] And these men were her friends. They honour her with their
(The non-Klingons enter.)
[QUARK] I don't believe it. Gagh for breakfast, gagh for lunch, gagh for
dinner. Am I the only one who thinks Klingon menus need to have more
[BRIEN] You want to complain about the gagh, that's fine with me. But
don't complain about it when we're in the mess hall sitting at a table
surrounded by a dozen Klingons.
[QUARK] All right, all right, I get the point.
[BASHIR] Good.
[QUARK] But I'm telling you, I think some of those Klingons agreed with
[BASHIR] Look, Worf, if this has anything to do with what just happened
in the mess hall.
[WORF] No, no, it does not.
[QUARK] What's the matter? Come up with a few more insults to throw at
[WORF] I wish to apologize.
[QUARK] I'm listening.
[WORF] I know Jadzia meant a great deal to all of you, and you meant a
great deal to her. Many times, when we discussed our day, she would
repeat something amusing that you had told her, or describe in endless
details the intricacies of some new scheme of yours. She often talked
about all of you. It seemed as though that even when we were alone, one
of you was always with us.
[QUARK] I get it. You were jealous because she liked us better than you.
[BASHIR] Quark, would you please keep quiet.
[WORF] She was my wife, my par'machkai. I did not like having to share
her affections.
[BRIEN] That's why you didn't want us on this mission with you. You
wanted to get her into Sto-vo-kor without our help.
[WORF] I wanted it to be my gift to her.
[QUARK] Go on.
[WORF] There is nothing more to say. Except that I am pleased you're
[BRIEN] I have never heard Worf apologise to anyone.
[QUARK] I don't know about you, but I was hoping for something a little
more intriguing.
[BASHIR] Such as?
[QUARK] You know, like Jadzia used to call my name out when she slept,
or wanted to name her first child after me.
[MARTOK] Chief. The Monac shipyard.
(A huge collection of metal skeletons that goes on and on.)
[BRIEN] Impressive.
[MARTOK] Display our target.
[QUARK] How close do we have to get to that?
[MARTOK] Too close.
[WORF] Perfect.
(Dig, dig, thunk!)
[JAKE] What is it, Dad? Have you found something?
[SISKO] Stay back.
(It certainly looks like an orb box.)
[SISKO] The Orb of the Emissary.
[EZRI] What are you going to do?
[SISKO] Open it.
[WYKOFF (OC)] Mister Russell.
(Sisko is holding a pencil.)
[WYKOFF (OC)] Mister Russell, put it down.
[EZRI] Benjamin what's wrong? Benjamin.
(Isolation Ward)
Russell has been writing on the walls of his padded
[WYKOFF] I said, put down the pencil. Put it down, Mister Russell.
(Played by Casey Biggs, aka Damar.)
[BENNY] But I haven't finished my story yet. Captain Sisko has found the
Orb of the Emissary. But he hasn't opened it yet.
[WYKOFF] Mister Russell, you promised not to write on the walls.
[BENNY] No one will give me any paper.
[WYKOFF] I thought we agreed that you weren't going to write at all.
That you needed to rest.
[BENNY] No, I don't need to rest. I need to tell my stories.
[WYKOFF] You were doing so well, Benny. Making real progress. We were
all so proud of you.
[BENNY] I need to go home. I don't belong here.
[WYKOFF] We're going to send you home as soon as you're well.
[BENNY] I'm fine.
[WYKOFF] But you're not fine. People who are fine don't write on walls.
[BENNY] Then get me a typewriter.
[WYKOFF] You're not listening. The stories have got to stop, Benny.
They're too dangerous.
[BENNY] Too dangerous to whom?
[WYKOFF] To you. This world you've created, this Deep Space Nine.
Captain Sisko and Kira and the others. None of it is real.
[BENNY] Oh, it is to me. If I don't finish my story, if Captain Sisko
doesn't open the Orb box, then he cannot contact the Prophets.
[WYKOFF] It doesn't matter, Benny. The Prophets don't exist either.
They're all figments of your imagination. Get rid of them. It's the
only way that you're going to get well. Now give me the pencil, Benny.
[BENNY] But my story!
[WYKOFF] It's over. Just let it go.
(Sisko is sitting with his hands on the box.)
[EZRI] Benjamin, what are you waiting for? Open it. That's why we're
here, right?
[JAKE] He can't hear you.
(Jake puts his hands on his father's and is thrown backwards)
[EZRI] Jake! Jake, are you all right?
[JAKE] Yeah.
[KIRA (OC)] Ship's log, supplemental. Senator Cretak
said that the Romulan warbirds would be here in eight hours. She was
wrong. They're two hours early.
(Bajoran ship bridge)
[ODO] They'll be in weapons range in eight minutes.
[KIRA] Open a channel.
[CREWMAN] Go ahead.
[KIRA] This is Colonel Kira of the Bajoran Militia. Any ship travelling
within transporter range of Derna will be considered hostile and fired
[ODO] They're not responding.
[KIRA] Kira to all Bajoran ships. Prepare to engage.
[CREWMAN] Sir, Admiral Ross is asking to speak to you.
[KIRA] Put him through.
[ROSS (on viewscreen)] Colonel, I'm appealing to you one last time to
end this blockade.
[KIRA] You know I can't do that, Admiral.
[CRETAK (on viewscreen)] Be aware that I'm authorised to use whatever
force is necessary to see that our medical supplies reach their
destination. However, I'm also authorised to seek a negotiated
[KIRA] My government has made its position quite clear. There are to be
no negotiations as long as there are Romulan weapons on Derna.
[ROSS (on viewscreen)] Damn it, Colonel. If you open fire on those
ships, we all lose. The only way to beat the Dominion is to keep our
Alliance intact.
[CRETAK (on viewscreen)] Besides, I would hate to see you throw your
life away.
[KIRA] Your concern is touching, Senator. But I'm not dead yet. End
[ODO] At least not for another six minutes.
[ROSS] You still think she's going to back down?
[CRETAK] She has to, because I won't.
(Klingon bridge)
(The viewscreen is full of big glowing fusion
[QUARK] Take me out of the oven, Moogie. I'm cooked.
[BRIEN] General, I've found it. A magnetic instability near the sun's
[BASHIR] Excellent. Now, let's trigger that solar ejection and get out
of here.
[BRIEN] I'm afraid it's not that simple. We have to make sure the
ejection has the right trajectory to destroy the shipyard.
[MARTOK] Well, how do we do that?
[WORF] We have to get closer. Much closer.
[BRIEN] He's right.
[QUARK] Sto-vo-kor, here we come.
(Isolation Ward)
(The doctor is offering Benny a roller of white
[WYKOFF] Take it, Benny.
[BENNY] What for?
[WYKOFF] I'm offering you an opportunity few people ever get. You can
wipe away all your mistakes.
[BENNY] You want me to paint over my story?
[WYKOFF] They're only words. Meaningless words that no one cares about.
Get rid of them and you can walk out of here a free man.
(The last line on the wall says 'Sisko reaches for the Orb box and )
[WYKOFF] Go ahead. Save yourself.
(Benny holds the paint roller close to the writing.)
[EZRI] Ben?
[SISKO] Got to cover it up. Bury it.
[EZRI] Ben, what are you doing?
(Isolation Ward)
[WYKOFF] It's for your own good, Benny. Wipe away
the words. Destroy them before they destroy you.
[EZRI] Ben, stop.
(Bajoran ship bridge)
[ODO] The Romulans have powered their weapons. I
think they're calling your bluff.
[KIRA] Auxiliary power to forward shields. Kira to all ships. Hold your
[ODO] Nerys, if you're going to end this, I suggest you do it now.
[ROSS] Time to fold, Colonel.
(Klingon bridge)
(The consoles are hot enough to fry eggs.)
[BRIEN] Damn it. We're ready, General.
[MARTOK] Decloak and prepare to fire on Worf's command.
[WORF] Fire!
(Energy streaks from the ship's belly to the sun's surface.)
[MARTOK] It didn't work.
[QUARK] Oh well, we tried. Time to go.
[WORF] No. Not until we complete our mission.
[BRIEN] We'll have to increase the magnetic gradient. I'll recalibrate
the deflector.
[BASHIR] We might not have time. There are three Jem'Hadar ships are
approaching bearing zero zero five mark one nine zero.
[MARTOK] I suggest you work quickly, Chief.
Sisko raises his shovel to smash down on the box.)
[EZRI] No!
[SISKO] Get out of my way.
[EZRI] Ben, you came here to find the Prophets, remember?
[SISKO] Move!
[EZRI] No, listen to me. You promised Jadzia you would make things
right. Well now is your chance. Open the box, Ben.
(Sisko raises the shovel, Benny holds the roller. They both drop them.)
(Isolation Ward)
(Benny punches Wykoff and the male nurse, picks up his pencil and
writes 'Opens it.')
(Sisko obeys. The glow of the crystal orb shoots of
into space, then)
(Sisko watches the energy shoots past DS9 and
WHOOSH! the wormhole reopens.)
(Bajoran ship bridge)
[ODO] Do we stand down, Colonel?
[CREWMAN] Sir, we're getting a transmission from Deep Space Nine. The
wormhole. It's back!
[KIRA] On screen.
[ODO] Nerys?
(Red energy comes out of the wormhole and explodes.)
[KIRA] Open a channel to all Bajoran ships. Hold your position and
prepare to fire on my command. Lock targets.
[CREWMAN] Targets locked.
[KIRA] Still glad you came along?
[ODO] I wouldn't have missed it for anything.
[CRETAK] I'm afraid the Colonel has run out of time.
(Klingon bridge)
(Battle is joined with the Jem'Hadar.)
[MARTOK] Well, Worf, did I not promise you a glorious battle?
[WORF] It is everything I hoped for.
[BRIEN] EM pulse ready, General.
[QUARK] Then what are you waiting for? Fire!
[MARTOK] By all means, Chief. Fire!
(A ball of plasma builds on the sun's surface.)
[BASHIR] It's working.
[QUARK] Great. Now can we leave?
[WORF] Full impulse.
(The bird of prey flees ahead of the solar ejection which takes out the
Jem'Hadar and then the shipyard.)
[MARTOK] Qapla'!
[QUARK] I hope Jadzia appreciates all this.
[BASHIR] I'm sure she does.
[WORF] Lohm Ict lihj. posh Machh lodge Sto-vo-kor Jadzia Dax pailodge
pah dock Lih Dun. Shoo vwee vahm baht leh paolodge. Pailodge Poh Hokh
Vahd Sto-vo-kor.
(Bajoran bridge)
[ODO] Nerys, they're pulling back.
[CREWMAN] Colonel, Admiral Ross would like to speak with you.
[KIRA] Put him through.
[ROSS (on viewscreen)] You can blink now, Colonel. You've won. Senator
Cretak has agreed to remove the weapons from Derna.
[KIRA] What changed her mind?
[ROSS (on viewscreen)] I told her if she didn't remove them, I would.
[KIRA] And what changed your mind?
[ROSS (on viewscreen)] You did. Remind me never to play poker with you.
[SISKO] Show yourselves. I've come to speak with
(Sisko's restaurant)
(The baseball rolls off the piano and is picked up
[SARAH] The Sisko has completed his task.
[SISKO] Sarah?
[SARAH] The Kosst Amojan no longer threatens us.
[SISKO] You mean the Pah wraith? It's no longer in the wormhole?
[SARAH] I have cast it out.
[SISKO] Is that why the Prophets sent me to Tyree? To release you from
the Orb?
[SARAH] The Kosst Amojan tried to stop you with a false vision. But you
did not waver. You fulfilled your destiny.
[SISKO] My destiny? You talk as if my life was over.
[SARAH] The Sisko must still face many tasks.
[SISKO] I don't suppose you'll tell me what they are.
(Sisko's restaurant - alley)
[SARAH] The Emissary is corporeal. Linear.
[SISKO] Linear or not, I need some answers.
[SARAH] The Sisko is intrusive.
[SISKO] Are you Sarah Sisko? Are you my mother?
[SARAH] Sarah Sisko was corporeal. For a time, I shared her existence.
(Sisko's restaurant)
[SISKO] You took over her body, made sure she
married my father so that she'd give birth to me.
[SARAH] The Sisko is necessary.
[SISKO] And once you didn't need her anymore, you left her. No wonder
she walked out on my father. She didn't chose him, you did.
[SARAH] The Sisko would prefer different answers.
[SISKO] What you're telling me isn't easy to accept. You arranged my
birth. I exist because of you?
[SARAH] The Sisko's path is a difficult one.
[SISKO] But why me? Why did it have to be me?
[SARAH] Because it could be no one else.
(Sisko closes the Orb box.)
[EZRI] Benjamin? That must have been some Orb experience.
[SISKO] I'll tell you about it someday.
(Sisko, Ezri and Jake come out of the airlock to a
happy crowd.)
[WORF] Welcome back, Captain.
[BRIEN] We missed you, sir.
[KIRA] Thank you for bringing the Prophets back to us.
[SISKO] I heard you've all been pretty busy yourselves.
[EZRI] Odo! Nerys! Julian! It's so good to see you. Worf, we need to
[BASHIR] Who's that?
[JAKE] It's Dax.
[WORF] Dax?
[JAKE] That's right, Ezri Dax. Incredible, isn't it?
[WORF] It cannot be.
[QUARK] She's so much shorter.
[ODO] Just when you thought things couldn't get more interesting. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e149", "title": "Shadows And Symbols"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Afterimage
Original Airdate: 12 Oct, 1998
- upper level)
[EZRI] It's funny. Before yesterday, I'd never set
foot on this station but it's as familiar to me as the back of my hand.
Isn't that odd?
(Morn looks blank.)
[EZRI] You have no idea who I am, do you?
(Morn blinks.)
[EZRI] I didn't think so. Thanks for listening anyway..
(Ezri walks along, then stops outside the Shrine.)
(Ezri goes in, and walks slowly up to the Orb box.
Kira enters.)
[EZRI] I was killed here. I mean, Jadzia was.
[KIRA] I try not to think about that. If I did, I'm not sure that I
could come back here.
[EZRI] It's a strange sensation, dying. No matter how many times it
happens to you, you never get used to it. It must be a little
disconcerting for you, knowing that I have Jadzia's memories. No wonder
you're uncomfortable.
[KIRA] It's a lot to get used to.
[EZRI] Tell me about it. Well, I'll let you get to your prayers.
(Ezri looks dubiously into the mug Quark has served
to her.)
[EZRI] Bloodwine.
[QUARK] That's the good stuff. Same vintage I served when you and Worf
got married.
[EZRI] It smells awful.
[QUARK] It used to be your favourite.
[EZRI] I used to be right handed, too. A lot of things have changed
since I was joined.
[QUARK] I can imagine. Seven lifetimes worth of memories would mix up
anyone. Or is it eight?
[EZRI] Who knows anymore?
[QUARK] It'll be a lot easier once you get settled in. Have you picked
out your quarters yet?
[EZRI] I'm not staying. I'm going back to the Destiny to be an assistant
[QUARK] You're a therapist?
[EZRI] Why does everyone sound so surprised when they hear that?
[QUARK] Oh, it's just you're so young. Why are you in such a hurry to
leave? Why not stay for a while and get to know your old friends again.
[EZRI] I don't want to force things. People need time to get over losing
Jadzia. You know something, Quark? Besides Benjamin, you're the only
one of Jadzia's friends who doesn't seem uncomfortable around me.
[QUARK] She and I were close, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be
close too. Remember all those late night tongo games?
[EZRI] Who could forget? Wait a minute. You owe me ten slips of latinum
from our last game.
[QUARK] I don't think so.
[EZRI] I won with a Full Consortium. I remember.
[QUARK] Your memory's playing tricks on you.
[EZRI] Don't say that, Quark. I'm confused enough as it is.
[QUARK] Look who's here.
(Worf is in the doorway.)
[QUARK] I bet the two of you have a lot to talk about.
(Worf leaves.)
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] Come in.
(There's no one at door to Ops. The bell rings twice and he opens the
door to the corridor.)
[SISKO] Dax.
[EZRI] Are you alone?
[SISKO] Why are you sneaking in this way?
[EZRI] I didn't want to go through Ops in case Worf was there. We bumped
into each other last night in Quark's.
[SISKO] It didn't go well, I take it? You weren't expecting him to
accept you right away, were you?
[EZRI] Of course not. But he wouldn't even talk to me.
[SISKO] Perhaps he was just trying to respect your customs. He knows
that the joined Trill aren't supposed to get involved with people who
were married to their previous hosts.
[EZRI] But that doesn't mean we can't talk to each other. Worf knows
[SISKO] Are you sure?
[EZRI] I told him all about Trill traditions. Jadzia did. We discussed
them. They discussed them.
[SISKO] I understand.
[EZRI] These pronouns are going to drive me crazy.
(Worf is in Ops.)
[EZRI] Look at him, Benjamin. He's in pain.
[SISKO] How can you tell?
[EZRI] I was his wife. I can tell. I don't want to put him through any
more heartache than he's already going through. It's a good thing I'm
going back to the Destiny.
[SISKO] You're still planning on leaving.
[EZRI] I can't stay. I couldn't do that to him. Besides, I think it
might be easier for me on the Destiny. There are too many memories
[SISKO] I'm going to miss you, old man.
[EZRI] I'm going to miss you too, Benjamin.
(It's busy. There's quite a crowd milling around
the tables.)
[BASHIR] If you feel that strongly, Miles, you can be Crockett. I'll be
[ODO] And who am I going to be again?
[BASHIR] General Santa Anna.
[ODO] Santa Anna.
[BASHIR] When can our costumes be ready?
(Garak is too busy with a PADD to hear.)
[BASHIR] Garak?
[GARAK] Hmm?
[BASHIR] Our holosuite costumes. When can they be ready?
[GARAK] Oh, I'm afraid you're going to have to find them from somewhere
else. The shop's closed.
[BRIEN] Still?
[GARAK] Well, Starfleet Intelligence is keeping me quite busy these
[BASHIR] What if we let you be Crockett?
[BRIEN] Hey.
[GARAK] Even if I was interested, I don't have the time. Do you have any
idea how long it takes to decode a Cardassian military transmission? I
mean, I invented some of the basic encryption protocols when I was with
the Obsidian Order, but it still takes me several days to decipher the
simplest sentence.
[BASHIR] You've got to take a break sometime.
[GARAK] Well I intend to. Just as soon as the Dominion is driven off
Cardassia. Must you stand so close?
[BASHIR] That was a bit harsh.
[GARAK] Well, I don't like people looming over me. I have to get back to
work. Thank you for your company, gentlemen.
(Garak's shop)
(Garak is hard at work at his console when he comes
over hot and flushed. The only sound we hear is his heart pounding, Odo
enters and speaks, but we and Garak cannot hear him.)
[ODO] (silent) Starfleet intercepted another Cardassian military
transmission. Are you all right? Garak?
[GARAK] I can't breathe.
(Garak collapses.)
[ODO] Garak! Odo to the Infirmary. We have a medical emergency. Garak.
[ODO] He had a claustrophobic attack in his shop.
[SISKO] His shop? I don't understand. That's a good sized space.
[GARAK] I know. I've been claustrophobic for as long as I can remember,
but lately it seems to have gotten worse. Rooms that I once found
completely tolerable now suddenly feel alarmingly cramped.
[BASHIR] I wish I had an explanation, but I don't. He checks out fine.
[GARAK] Well, I don't feel fine. Would you gentlemen mind terribly if we
continued this conversation on the Promenade?
[ODO] Better?
[GARAK] A little.
[SISKO] Mister Garak, as much as I appreciate with your situation, I'm
not sure why you asked to see me.
[GARAK] I was hoping you'd be kind enough to express my regrets to
Starfleet Intelligence. When I get this way, my concentration isn't
what it should be. I'm afraid I won't be decoding any transmissions for
a while.
[SISKO] Can I tell them when to expect you back on the job?
[GARAK] I wish I could say. Believe me, I'm not happy about this either.
I want to see an end to this war just as much as you. And now, if
you'll excuse me, I'm going to go hem some pants. For some reason,
sewing seems to calm me down.
(Garak leaves.)
[ODO] Sewing?
[SISKO] We can't afford to lose Mister Garak right now. Is there
anything you can do for him?
[BASHIR] To be blunt, our friend Garak needs to have his head examined.
(Guest quarters)
(Ezri is standing on her head.)
[EZRI] Me? You want me to work with Garak?
[SISKO] You're a counsellor, aren't you?
[EZRI] Assistant counsellor. I'm still in training.
[SISKO] Oh, come on, Dax. What are you going to learn in the next few
months that you haven't already learned in the last three hundred
[EZRI] Oh, how to keep from breaking into tears for no reason. How to
resist the urge to stand on my head. Things like that.
[SISKO] Why are you standing on your head, by the way?
[EZRI] Emony used to do it.
[SISKO] The gymnast?
[EZRI] She found it relaxing.
[SISKO] Do you?
[EZRI] Actually, it's giving me a headache.
(She comes down and sits on the floor.)
[EZRI] Why can't Julian work with Garak?
[SISKO] Julian's a good doctor, but he's no counsellor. Not even an
assistant counsellor. And besides, he doesn't have eight lifetimes
worth of experience under his belt.
[EZRI] I bet he doesn't stand on his head for no reason, either.
[SISKO] That's a good point. Come on, old man, you can do this.
[EZRI] All right, I'll try. I just wish I had as much confidence in me
as you do.
[QUARK] So what do you think?
[BASHIR] About what?
[QUARK] About her.
[BASHIR] About who?
[QUARK] Dax.
[BASHIR] Oh, Ezri. She seems nice.
[QUARK] Meaning what?
[BASHIR] Meaning nice.
[QUARK] Oh, come on, Doctor. I know the way you felt about Jadzia.
[BASHIR] She's not Jadzia.
[QUARK] She's the next best thing. So, are you interested?
[BASHIR] Sounds to me like you're the one who's interested, Quark.
[QUARK] It's not every day you get a second chance with a woman.
[BASHIR] It's not the same woman.
[QUARK] She's still Dax, isn't she?
[BASHIR] More or less.
[QUARK] Well, that's good enough for me. Ready for a little competition?
[BASHIR] You're insane.
[QUARK] And you are going to lose.
(Garak's shop)
[EZRI] Am I interrupting?
[GARAK] Ah. You must be Ezri Dax. The Captain told me that you'd be
dropping by to counsel me.
[EZRI] Is that all right?
[GARAK] Oh, it all depends on what it involves. I'm a very private
[EZRI] I understand. So is it helping? The sewing. Is it making you feel
[GARAK] Thankfully, yes.
[EZRI] You're lucky, nothing helps me.
[GARAK] Are you claustrophobic too?
[EZRI] Why would you say that?
[GARAK] You just said
[EZRI] No, I get spacesick. Ever since I was joined. I'm very sensitive
to motion. I can even feel the station spinning.
[GARAK] Really?
[EZRI] It's because of what happened to Torias. He was killed in a
shuttle accident.
[GARAK] But why would that make you spacesick?
[EZRI] Because I blame myself for what happened.
[GARAK] You were piloting?
[EZRI] Yes. No. Depends on how you look at it. Torias was my fifth host.
Didn't I say that?
[EZRI] Well, he was. And I think the reason that his death has stayed
with me for so long is because I just can't seem to forgive him for
getting himself killed.
[GARAK] But you said it was an accident. So if he's not to blame, then
you're not to blame, either.
[EZRI] I know. But somehow I can't help but punish myself for it.
[GARAK] By getting spacesick.
[EZRI] Exactly.
[GARAK] Don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds to me as if you're
the one that needs to see a counsellor.
[EZRI] You're probably right. But I didn't come here to talk about
myself, I came to talk about you.
[GARAK] So you did.
[EZRI] Do you remember anything traumatic happening to you when you were
young. Something involving getting trapped in a confined space.
[GARAK] If I had been that careless, my father would have left me there
to teach me a lesson.
[EZRI] Sounds like he was strict.
[GARAK] He didn't get to be the head of the Obsidian Order without a
sense of discipline.
[EZRI] Did he discipline you?
[GARAK] He punished me when I misbehaved. What father wouldn't?
[EZRI] Tobin.
[GARAK] My second host. He could not bring himself to discipline his
children, no matter what they did. But that's another story. How did
you say that your father punished you?
[GARAK] He'd lock me in a closet.
[EZRI] Why didn't you mention that when I asked if you'd ever been
trapped in a confined space.
[GARAK] I wasn't trapped. I knew he'd let me out as soon as I learned my
[EZRI] Learned your lesson? Did you think you deserved to be locked in
that closet?
[GARAK] I could be very stubborn.
[EZRI] You blame yourself. Just like I blame myself for that shuttle
accident. Maybe you get claustrophobic for the same reason that I get
spacesick. We're both punishing ourselves for things that weren't our
fault. That's it. Don't you see? We both have to let go of all this
misplaced guilt.
[GARAK] And if we do, our problems will simply disappear?
[EZRI] Not overnight, but it's a step in the right direction.
[GARAK] Well, I'll certainly give your advice some thought.
[EZRI] Me too. Are you all right?
[GARAK] To tell the truth, I'm starting to feel a little claustrophobic.
[EZRI] Probably because we've been talking about it. Actually, I'm
starting to feel a little spacesick myself.
[GARAK] If it's all the same to you, I think I'll go back to my sewing.
[EZRI] Good idea.
[GARAK] Thank you for stopping by.
[EZRI] My pleasure.
(Ezri turns a corner and bumps into)
[EZRI] Hello, Worf.
[WORF] Ensign.
[EZRI] Ensign? That's all you have to say to me?
[WORF] What more is there to say?
[EZRI] I was your wife.
[WORF] You are not Jadzia. Jadzia died and went to Sto-vo-kor. I do not
know you. Nor do I wish to know you.
(Guest quarters)
[EZRI] Come in.
[SISKO] Dax?
[EZRI] Do you think the Chief could adjust the inertial dampers so the
station would spin a little slower?
[SISKO] I don't know. Why?
[EZRI] Never mind. To what do I owe the pleasure?
[SISKO] I'm not going to say I told you so, but Garak stopped by Odo's
office this morning to pick up the latest Cardassian transmissions for
[EZRI] Really?
[SISKO] It looks like Garak's claustrophobia is under control.
[EZRI] I guess our talk helped him.
[SISKO] I told you so.
[EZRI] I thought you said you weren't going to say that.
[SISKO] I couldn't resist.
[SISKO] Are you all right?
[EZRI] I talked with Worf. He doesn't want to have anything to do with
[SISKO] Perhaps I should have a talk with him.
[EZRI] Absolutely not. You intimidate him.
[EZRI] Don't tell him I told you.
[SISKO] I intimidate Worf, huh?
[EZRI] You like that, don't you?
[SISKO] Of course not.
[EZRI] Come on. I've been a man, I know.
[SISKO] Look, we're not talking about me and Worf, we're talking about
you and Worf. Now, I sympathise with what he's going through, but as
far as I'm concerned, you have as much right to be here as he does.
[EZRI] What are you getting at, Benjamin?
[SISKO] The war certainly has not been good for morale around here. I've
been thinking the station could use a good counsellor. I can't think of
anyone better suited for the job.
[EZRI] Thanks for saying that. But even if Worf wasn't an issue, I'm
still just an assistant counsellor.
[SISKO] I took the liberty of talking to Starfleet Medical. They're
willing to waive the rest of your training and give you a commission as
a full counsellor with the rank of lieutenant.
[EZRI] How'd you talk them into that?
[SISKO] I asked them what they thought you might learn in the next few
[EZRI] That I haven't already learned in the last three hundred years.
[SISKO] They saw my point. I hope you do, too.
[EZRI] It means a lot to me that you want me to stay, but I can't.
[SISKO] Because of Worf?
[EZRI] Mostly.
[SISKO] Well, you just say the word and I will intimidate him for you.
[EZRI] Idanian spice pudding. No, cancel that. I'll
have a kilm steak, rare. No, Tobin was a vegetarian. Give me
[BASHIR] Two Fanalian toddies, hot.
[EZRI] How'd you know?
[BASHIR] Lucky guess. Care to join me?
[EZRI] Sure.
[BASHIR] So here we are.
[EZRI] What was that?
[BASHIR] What was what?
[EZRI] That look.
[BASHIR] This might be the last thing you want to hear, but you have
Jadzia's eyes. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything.
[EZRI] Don't flirt with me, Julian. Please.
[BASHIR] I'm not.
[EZRI] I remember the way you used to flirt with Jadzia.
[BASHIR] It was just an observation.
[EZRI] Good. Because I'm not like her. She knew how to handle it.
Actually, she quite enjoyed it.
[BASHIR] Really?
[EZRI] You didn't know?
[BASHIR] I always suspected.
[EZRI] You can be very charming. You want to know something? If Worf
hadn't come along, it would have been you.
(Ezri takes Bashir's hand.)
[EZRI] You really miss her, don't you?
[BASHIR] Yes, I suppose I always will. But somehow, talking to you seems
to help.
(Worf sees them holding hands.)
[TALPET (OC)] Deputy Talpet to Doctor Bashir.
[BASHIR] Go ahead.
[TALPET (OC)] We have a medical emergency in airlock seven. It's Garak,
[BASHIR] I'm on my way.
(Bashir and Ezri arrive to see Garak trying to get
into the biggest open space available - space itself.)
[BASHIR] Garak! What's he doing in there?
[EZRI] Garak, open the door.
[GARAK] Let me out! Let me out!
(Holosuite - cliff)
(Ezri and Garak sit on a ledge, looking out over an
[EZRI] Breathe in, and out. In and out. Better? It's beautiful, isn't
it? Look at that sky. It just goes on and on.
[GARAK] But it doesn't. It's an illusion. There's a holosuite wall not
ten metres in front of us.
[EZRI] But you can't see it.
[GARAK] I can feel it.
[EZRI] We could call up another programme.
[GARAK] I can't believe the way I humiliated myself back there. I just
wanted to get out. I couldn't breathe.
[EZRI] If you were looking for fresh air, you sure were knocking on the
wrong door.
[GARAK] I have to get this situation under control. If I don't, I'm
going to be forced to leave the station, and then where will I go? I
can't go back to Cardassia. I doubt if I'd be welcome on Bajor.
[EZRI] You're not going to have to leave the station. I'll talk to Quark
and tell him to leave this holosuite available to you twenty six hours
a day. So the next time you feel like jumping out the nearest airlock,
come here instead. It's going to be all right. We're going to get this
under control. I promise.
[GARAK] If you don't mind, I'd like to sit here and be alone for a
[EZRI] I'll come and check in on you later.
(Quark is screaming as Bashir probes in his ear.)
[BASHIR] Hold still. I think I've got something.
(It's a feather.)
[QUARK] I knew it. Never get a tympanic tickle from an amateur.
[BASHIR] Tympanic tickle?
[QUARK] It's
[BASHIR] Never mind. I don't want to know. Hold still. I'm going to get
you some antibiotics.
(In the dispensary area, a hand lands on Bashir's shoulder.)
[WORF] We need to talk.
[BASHIR] About what?
(Worf pushes Bashir up against the bulkhead.)
[WORF] Do not toy with me, Doctor. I know how you felt about Jadzia.
[BASHIR] That was a long time ago.
[WORF] I saw you with her.
[BASHIR] Jadzia?
[WORF] You know who I'm talking about.
[BASHIR] No, you've got it all wrong.
[WORF] Stay away from her.
[BASHIR] Now wait just a minute. You have no right to tell me who I can
be friends with.
[WORF] If you dishonour Jadzia's memory, you will regret it. And that
goes for you too, Ferengi.
[QUARK] What did I do?
(Garak's shop)
(Ezri comes down the Promenade stairs to see Garak
ripping a dress apart.)
[EZRI] Garak? I thought you were going to stay in the holosuite for a
[GARAK] I got tired of staring at a fake landscape, pretending I was
outside. No,
no, no, work is the answer. My father always used to say that people
should throw themselves into their work. Do your chores, Elim. I told
you to do your chores.
[EZRI] And if you didn't? What would he do to you?
[GARAK] Oh, no, no, no. Please, don't start. Spare me your insipid
psychobabble. I'm not some quivering neurotic who feels sorry for
himself because his daddy wasn't nice. You couldn't begin to understand
[EZRI] I'd like to try.
[GARAK] Oh, I'm sure you would. You'd like nothing more than to pry into
my personal affairs. Well, I'm not interested in dissecting my
childhood. I only want to save my people from the Dominion. I don't
need someone to walk in here and hold my hand. I want someone to help
me get back to work. And you, my dear, aren't up to this task. I mean,
look at you. You're pathetic. A confused child trying to live up to a
legacy left by her predecessors. You're not worthy of the name Dax. I
knew Jadzia. She was vital, alive. She owned herself. And you? You
don't even know who you are. How dare you presume to help me? You can't
even help yourself. Now get out of here before I say something unkind.
(Distraught Ezri seeks sanctuary, and cries.)
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] What's this all about?
[EZRI] What does it look like? I'm resigning from Starfleet.
[SISKO] Why?
[EZRI] Because I can't do my job. Garak was right. How can I help other
people when I can't even help myself?
[SISKO] I know this has been a hard time for you, old man, but you see
[EZRI] Don't call me that! I'm not the old man. I'm not Curzon. Or
[SISKO] No, you're Ezri. Ezri Dax. And you've been given eight lifetimes
worth of experience. Now I know this is confusing for you right now,
but in time you'll see it's a wonderful gift.
[EZRI] It's a gift I don't deserve.
[SISKO] If that's the way you feel, then go back to Trill. Talk to the
Symbiosis Commission. Maybe you can convince them to take the symbiont
out of you.
[EZRI] I wish they could. But removing the symbiont would kill me, you
know that.
[SISKO] Well, if you're leaving Starfleet, you'll have to find something
to do. Let's see. Maybe you could be one of the people who takes care
of the symbiont pools? It's quiet in those caves. No one around. No one
expecting great things from you. You could spend the rest of your life
underground, in the dark, stirring mud. Eighty or ninety years of that
might be just what you need. And as for Dax? That symbiont had eight
amazing lives. So what if the ninth was a waste.
[EZRI] Stop it, Benjamin. I thought you of all people would understand.
[SISKO] I do understand. And you were right. You don't deserve the Dax
symbiont. Quite frankly, you don't deserve to wear that uniform. I'll
pass this on to Starfleet Command. Dismissed.
(Ezri uses the corridor exit, and leans against the bulkhead.)
(Worf's quarters)
(Worf is sharpening his bat'leth when the doorbell
[WORF] Enter.
(It's O'Brien, bearing bloodwine.)
[WORF] Oh, no. Not again.
[BRIEN] Compliments of Doctor Bashir.
[WORF] He sent you?
[BRIEN] No, that was my idea. Now, if you want to skip the drinking
and get right down to the talking, I'm game.
[WORF] What do you wish to discuss?
[BRIEN] Julian swears there's nothing going on between him and Ezri.
There's no reason for you to be jealous.
[WORF] This has nothing to do with jealousy! I know that Doctor Bashir
cared for Jadzia, but this woman is not Jadzia, and treating her as if
she were dishonours her memory.
[BRIEN] Wrong. Treating Ezri like a stranger dishonours Jadzia's
[WORF] It doesn't make sense. She is not Jadzia, yet she is. How can I
honour the memory of the woman I loved when she is not really dead?
[BRIEN] I don't have an answer for you, Worf. Let me ask you this. How
do you think Jadzia would wanted you to treat Ezri?
[WORF] There's no way to know.
[BRIEN] Yes, there is. And the person who can tell you is the person
you've been avoiding ever since she got here.
(Garak's shop)
(Garak is still sewing.)
[GARAK] Well, I didn't think you'd darken my doorstep again.
[EZRI] I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I wish I'd been able to help you.
[GARAK] So do I.
[EZRI] Well, you don't have to worry about me bothering you anymore.
I'll be leaving in the morning.
[GARAK] Yes, I'd heard that the Destiny was going to arrive tomorrow.
[EZRI] They're putting in for supplies before they head to the front.
But I won't be going with them. I've decided to go back to Trill.
[GARAK] How nice for you.
[EZRI] Actually, the Destiny's going to be joining the Seventh Fleet at
[GARAK] Kalandra?
[EZRI] Those transmissions you decoded last week must have convinced
Starfleet that it's a good place to launch a new offensive.
[GARAK] Yes, the transmissions did indicate that it was somewhat
[EZRI] If the offensive goes well, Starfleet will have you to thank for
[GARAK] That's most gratifying.
[EZRI] I just thought you should know.
(Garak can't even put a dress up on a clothes hangar.)
[EZRI] Are you all right?
[GARAK] Yes, of course I'm all right. That's very good news about
[EZRI] Let's just hope it goes well. The Cardassians will put up a
strong fight.
[GARAK] Oh, indeed they will. But in the end, they'll lose.
[EZRI] How can you be so sure?
[GARAK] Because they won't be expecting an attack. Because they have no
idea that I broke their code. All those Cardassians are going to die
because of me.
[EZRI] I suppose that's one way of looking at it.
[GARAK] What other way is there?
[EZRI] That by helping to end the war, you'll be saving lives.
[GARAK] Saving lives? And what lives would I be saving? Human? Klingon?
[EZRI] And Cardassian.
[GARAK] No, not Cardassians. They're going to fight to the bitter end.
The Dominion will see to that. Don't you understand? Don't you see? I
wanted to believe that I was helping my people, liberating them, but
all I've done is to pave the way for their annihilation. I'm a traitor!
I've betrayed every
(Garak collapses.)
[EZRI] Dax to Infirmary, I need a medical team.
[EZRI] How are you feeling?
[GARAK] Well I'm breathing much better now.
[EZRI] At least we found out what's been triggering these claustrophobic
attacks you've been having.
[GARAK] You know, when I first agreed to help Starfleet, I was convinced
it was the right thing to do. I didn't allow myself to doubt it, even
for an instant. I never realised how much it was gnawing at me. I
suppose I was looking for a way out and the claustrophobia gave me an
excuse to stop fighting my people.
[EZRI] Now that you know that, what are you going to do?
[GARAK] Get back to work. What else can I do? The Dominion must be
stopped. Even if it does mean the destruction of Cardassia.
[EZRI] The Captain will be glad to hear that you're back on the job.
[GARAK] Well, he has you to thank for it. And so do I. And what about
you? Are you still planning to go back to Trill?
[EZRI] No. I'm going to stay in Starfleet.
[GARAK] I'm sure the Captain will be glad to hear that as well.
[EZRI] The Captain!
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] What now?
[EZRI] It's my request to be reinstated into Starfleet.
[SISKO] I can't send this to Starfleet Command.
[EZRI] Why not?
[SISKO] Because I never submitted your resignation.
[EZRI] I had a feeling you didn't mean all those things you said to me.
You were just trying to rattle my cage.
[SISKO] You've done it to me often enough. I'm glad it worked. Mister
Garak has asked that the latest Cardassian transmissions be sent to the
Infirmary. Well done.
[EZRI] Thanks. Somehow I thought you'd be happier that I was staying in
[SISKO] I'd be happier if you would stay here at DS Nine.
[EZRI] Me, too. But you know I can't.
[SISKO] I hope Captain Raymer knows how lucky she is. She's getting one
hell of a counsellor.
(Guest quarters)
(Ezri is packing when the doorbell rings.)
[EZRI] Yes?
[WORF] May I come in?
[EZRI] Of course.
[WORF] I understand that you are leaving in the morning.
[EZRI] That's right.
[WORF] I am not certain that I have treated you the way that Jadzia
would have wanted.
[EZRI] You'll get no argument from me there.
[WORF] I loved her with all my heart.
[EZRI] And she loved you.
[WORF] Part of me is glad to know that she is not gone forever. But in
some ways it would be easier if she were.
[EZRI] I know.
[WORF] I have heard that the Captain offered you a position as station
counsellor. I would not want you to decline on my account.
[EZRI] Worf, I can't stay. I couldn't do that to you.
[WORF] Do you wish to stay?
[EZRI] Very much.
[WORF] Then do. Jadzia would not have wanted you to leave because of me.
[EZRI] Thank you.
[WORF] It will be a long time before I can accept what has happened.
Until then
[EZRI] You need your breathing room. I understand.
(Ezri gets her pip at a party.)
[SISKO] Congratulations, Lieutenant. I want you to take a good look
around. You have just agreed to take responsibility for the mental
health of everyone in this room. You have your work cut out for you.
[BASHIR] Well, I'm glad they made you a lieutenant. It would have been
hard taking advice from an ensign.
[BRIEN] Since when did you take advice from anyone?
[ODO] Why don't you join us for dinner tonight?
[EZRI] I don't want to put you out.
[KIRA] Oh, no, please come. It'll take the pressure off me. All he does
is sit there and counts how many times I chew.
[EZRI] I'll be there.
[JAKE] She is cute.
[SISKO] She's also about three hundred years too old for you.
[QUARK] I took the liberty of putting together a plate for you.
[EZRI] Thanks, Quark. Worf isn't here, is he?
[QUARK] Good question. Excuse me.
(Quark takes the plate back.)
[GARAK] It's quite a nice turnout. Congratulations.
[EZRI] I hope it isn't too crowded for you.
[GARAK] Oh, not at all.
(Worf raises his tankard to her across the room.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e150", "title": "Afterimage"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Take Me Out To The
Me Out To The Holosuite
Original Airdate: 19 Oct, 1998
note. Everything I know about baseball I learnt from Charles Schultz's
Peanuts comic strip. And this episode. So please forgive any errors.)
(Captain's office)
(There is a starship docked at a lower pylon.)
[KIRA (OC)] Kira to Sisko.
[SISKO] Go ahead, Colonel.
[KIRA (OC)] Captain Solok of the Starship T'Kumbra is here to see you.
[SISKO] Send him in.
(A Vulcan enters)
[SISKO] Welcome to Deep Space Nine, Captain.
[SOLOK] Your welcome is acknowledged.
[SISKO] Have a seat. It's been a long time.
[SOLOK] Ten years, two months, five days.
[SISKO] You mean you don't know it to the minute?
[SOLOK] Of course I do. But humans are often irked by such precision.
Especially the more emotional humans. Our repair list. I understand you
were recently honoured with the Christopher Pike Medal for Valour.
[SISKO] Thank you. And congratulations to you. I heard you received your
Medal last month.
[SOLOK] My second, actually. The T'Kumbra has been in combat for over
six months. Spending time behind the lines will be a welcome change.
[SISKO] This isn't exactly a safe harbour. We have seen our share of
[SOLOK] Of course you have.
[SISKO] We can upgrade your inertial dampers by the end of the day, but
to begin to overhaul your warp core would take at least a week.
[SOLOK] That is most inefficient.
[SISKO] War's an inefficient business.
[SOLOK] A somewhat unprofessional attitude. However, I have come to
expect a lack of professionalism and efficiency on starbases run by
human officers.
[SISKO] You're welcome to take your ship to a Vulcan station. I think
there's one about fifty light years away. If you're planning to stay
here with us behind the lines, my Chief of Operations will see to your
[SOLOK] Very well. There is another matter not listed on the formal
report. I need use of a holosuite. The T'Kumbra holodecks are currently
under repair.
[SISKO] To arrange holosuite time you have to go through Quark. He owns
the only ones on the station.
[SOLOK] Then I will speak to Quark. I have created a special programme
for my senior staff and they are quite eager to resume using it.
[SISKO] Really?
[SOLOK] Yes. In fact, you may find the programme of some interest. It is
based on an Earth game.
[SISKO] And what game would that be?
(Solok walks through, almost smirking. Sisko is
right behind him.)
[SISKO] Colonel, assemble the senior staff in the wardroom. Now.
[SISKO] As you probably know, the Starship T'Kumbra
is docked at our station. What you may not know is that their Captain
considers his crew, an all Vulcan crew by the way, to be the finest in
the fleet. I happen to think the people sitting at this table comprise
the finest crew in the quadrant.
[EZRI] You're not going to get much of an argument from this group.
[SISKO] I didn't think so. Which is why when their Captain challenged us
to a contest of courage, teamwork and sacrifice, I accepted on your
[WORF] We will destroy them.
[SISKO] I was hoping for that reaction.
[BASHIR] So, when is this clash of the titans?
[SISKO] Two weeks, in holosuite five.
[KIRA] What's the contest?
[SISKO] Baseball.
(There is a diagram of a baseball field on the big
table. Kira is reading aloud from a PADD, and Worf and Nog each have
their own.)
[KIRA] Chapter twenty five. The infield fly rule is invoked in instances
where, with both first base and second base occupied, or with first,
second and third base occupied
[WORF] What if there is a runner at home?
[NOG] There's never a runner at home.
[KIRA] Okay. And fewer than two outs, the batter hits a high fly.
(Worf looks it up on his PADD.)
[WORF] Fly. The term for a batted ball while it is in the air.
[KIRA] Oh, right. Er, fewer than two out, the batter hits a high fly
which in the judgment of the umpire can readily be caught by an
infielder or the pitcher or catcher inside fair ground. The batter is
then called out regardless of whether the ball is subsequently caught
or not.
[NOG] That seems simple enough.
[KIRA] An attempt to bunt, however, under the conditions noted above,
which results in a fair fly shall not be regarded an infield fly.
What's a bunt?
[BASHIR] A bunt. A ball which has been deliberately
tapped into the area between the pitcher and the catcher by the batter
in order to force the fielding side to throw out the batter and allow a
runner to advance.
[EZRI] (with the PADD) Right. Chief, what's a grand slam?
[BRIEN] Er, a home run hit when the bases are crowded.
[EZRI] Right, except it's bases loaded. Now, what's a Fancy Dan?
[BRIEN] A what?
[BASHIR] You're making that up.
[EZRI] I most certainly am not.
(Bashir checks her PADD as Leeta and Rom enter.)
[LEETA] Hi. Jake told us about the game against the Vulcans. It sounds
really exciting.
[EZRI] You should come watch.
[BASHIR] Fancy Dan. A fielder who puts an extra flourish on his
movements while making a play in hopes of gaining the approval of the
[LEETA] Actually we were thinking of doing more than watching.
[ROM] If we can. That is, if there's still room for other potential
players to possibly try and
[LEETA] We want to try out.
[ROM] Nog always talks about how Captain Sisko and Jake play baseball
and how it brings them closer together. Since Nog and I haven't seen
much of each other lately, I thought this might be a good way of
spending some time together.
[LEETA] And I decided to make it a complete family outing.
[EZRI] That is so sweet.
[LEETA] Isn't it?
[QUARK] Idiotic, is what it is. You're going to make a fool out of
[ROM] I will not.
[QUARK] And you can barely spin a dabo wheel, much less kick a ball
around a field.
[LEETA] Shows how much you know. You don't kick the ball. Do you?
(Ezri signs no.)
[QUARK] You won't make the team.
[ROM] At least we're trying out. What about you?
[QUARK] I don't have the slightest interest in this human game.
[LEETA] You know why? Jake said it's a game that takes heart, and you
sold yours a long time ago. Come on, Rom.
(Leeta and Rom leave.)
[QUARK] What time are tryouts?
[BRIEN] Thirteen hundred. Holosuite four.
(Sisko and Jake are running and passing a ball
between them until Sisko gets to the pitcher's mound.)
[SISKO] Hey, hey! All right. Yes. First day of practice! And it's an
exciting time. Am I right?
[ALL] Oh, yeah.
[SISKO] Yeah, there we go, there we go! That's the spirit! Now, first
let me introduce you to our pitcher and our secret weapon, Jake The
Slider Sisko.
[BASHIR] Good luck, Jake.
[WORF] Very nice.
[SISKO] Now, all of the other positions are open for tryouts. Every one
of you here today has seen at least one baseball game with me in a
holosuite. Now I know it looks simple. You throw the ball, you catch
the ball, you hit the ball. But it is not that easy. It's a difficult
game. It was a difficult game to play even for seasoned professionals
who spent their lifetime practicing, and now we have less than two
weeks to build a team and face the opponent. Now, I know what some of
you are thinking. How can we beat the Logicians? They're all Vulcans.
They're stronger and faster than any one of us, except for Worf and our
genetically enhanced doctor. But there is more to baseball than
physical strength. It's about courage, and it's also about faith, and
it is also about heart. And if there's one thing our Vulcan friends
lack, it's heart. I think we can beat them. I know we can beat them.
[JAKE] Yeah.
[SISKO] We are going to beat them. Am I right?
[ALL] Yeah.
[SISKO] I can't hear you.
[ALL] Yeah. Yes, sir!
[SISKO] I can't hear you. Are we going to beat the Vulcans?
[ALL] Yes, sir!
[SISKO] All right then, let's play some baseball! First I want you to
pair off. Spread yourselves about ten metres apart and play some catch.
Just a little throw and catch, nice and easy.
(It doesn't look good. Ezri throws to Quark who nearly bats it away
with the mitt clutched in his hand.)
[EZRI] You almost had it.
(Worf catches easily. Leeta looks scared but does okay. Rom stands then
turns and watches the ball bouncing behind him. Nog catches okay.)
[BASHIR] Don't throw it to her. You've got to throw it to someone who's
looking at you.
(Quark tries an underarm throw.)
[BRIEN] Oh, come on, Quark.
(Rom misses a throw straight at his mitt.)
[JAKE] This is going to be two long, hard weeks.
[SISKO] Jake, I don't care how hard and these two weeks are, but I'm not
going to lose to Solok in a baseball game. We're going to win.
(Security office)
[ODO] Umpire?
[SISKO] That's right. Will you do it?
[ODO] Well, wouldn't a holographic umpire be more accurate?
[SISKO] I don't want a computer programme calling a baseball game.
That's something Solok would do. I want a real person behind the plate,
not just some collection of photons and magnetic fields. I also want a
person who can be completely impartial, and I can't think of anyone I'd
trust more.
[ODO] Well, that's very flattering.
[SISKO] It's the truth. Will you do it?
[ODO] All right.
[SISKO] Outstanding. Here are the rules. If you have any questions, I'll
be with the team in the Infirmary.
[ODO] The Infirmary?
[SISKO] We had a few problems at practice today. Remember, the game is
in less than two weeks, so you better start to work on your moves.
(Sisko leaves.)
[ODO] My moves?
[EZRI] (injured knee) I can't believe this. I used
to be an athlete. At least I remember being an athlete. My third host
Emony was an Olympic gymnast. I keep expecting my legs to react like
hers did, but I fell all over myself. It's like I don't know my own
body anymore.
(Kira comes through checking her wrist.)
[QUARK] (lying on his stomach) I don't know what you're complaining
about. At least you didn't require major surgery.
[KIRA] Knitting together a couple of bones is not major surgery, Quark.
[QUARK] It is if the bones are in the back of your skull. I hope you've
learned your lesson.
[ROM] Always look behind you before swinging a bat.
[SISKO] So, how are my casualties doing?
[KIRA] We'll live.
[EZRI] If you believe Julian. Personally, I'm not sure I'm going to make
[SISKO] That's the spirit, old man. Don't lose your sense of humour.
(Ezri and Kira leave, Bashir and O'Brien come through)
[JAKE] How's the shoulder, Chief?
[BASHIR] He's out, I'm afraid. His rotator cuff was badly torn.
[SISKO] Can't you repair the damage? I need him on third and he's
anchoring the second half of the lineup.
[BASHIR] I've repaired the rotator cuff, but the ligaments need time to
knit together with the clavicular joint. I can't let him to play.
[SISKO] Damn!
[BRIEN] I'm sorry, sir. I was really looking forward to the game.
[SISKO] Well, there's an old saying. Those who can't, coach. As for now,
you are batting, pitching and first base coach.
[BRIEN] Great. Which one was first base?
[SISKO] We'll go over that again later. All right, practice tomorrow
morning at oh seven thirty. Don't be late.
[BRIEN] We'll be there.
(Sisko and Jake leave)
[BASHIR] Well, excuse me, I still have to realign Worf's zygomatic bone.
[ROM] Tell him I'm sorry.
[JAKE] We can move Ezri over to third
[SISKO] No, no, no. I need her in centre. Oh, I know who we can get.
I'll have to pull a some strings, but I think I can do it.
[JAKE] Who?
(A freighter is at an upper pylon and Sisko is
waiting with two bouquets of flowers, practising his swing.)
[SISKO] Welcome home.
[KASIDY] Oh, music to my ears. Does this mean you missed me?
[SISKO] Like a piece of my heart was missing.
[KASIDY] Sweet words and flowers too? Are you feeling all right?
[SISKO] Now that you're back, I feel outstanding.
[KASIDY] I could get used to this.
[SISKO] Well, you should. Are you going to be here long?
[KASIDY] As a matter of fact, my next three cargo runs have been
[SISKO] Really.
[KASIDY] Bureaucrats. Who knows why they do anything?
[SISKO] Who knows?
[KASIDY] So, what are we going to do with all my time off?
[SISKO] I have a few ideas.
[KASIDY] I bet you do.
[SISKO] So tell me, how's your throwing arm holding up?
(Sisko bunts to Kasidy, who touches base and throws
the ball to Worf at another base.)
[SISKO] There you go, Kas! That's what I'm talking about. All right,
heads up, people. There's a runner on first and one away.
(Sisko hits a high ball to the outfield.)
[ROM] I got it! I got it! I got it!
(It lands behind him. Shades of Lucy van Pelt.)
[SISKO] How many is that?
[NOG] Today? I think he's missed ten.
(Rom throws the ball part way to Kira, runs, picks it up, throws, runs,
picks it up etc.)
[SISKO] Damn. All right, batting practice.
(Everyone is limbering up in the dugout.)
[LEETA] What's he doing here?
[SISKO] He's scouting us.
(Solok is watching from the stand.)
[WORF] If he is taking the time to conduct reconnaissance, he must be
[SISKO] He should be. Next week on this field, that man is going to get
a painful lesson in humility.
(Jake throws a practise pitch to short stop Nog.)
[NOG] Batter up!
[ROM] Today I'm going to hit the ball. You just watch.
(Jake pitches, Rom misses.)
[SISKO] All right, Rom, remember what we talked about. Keep your eye on
the ball. Follow the ball from the pitcher's hand all the way to the
(Rom does a complete midair pirouette as he swings, landing hard on his
[ROM] Sorry.
[LEETA] You can do it!
[BASHIR] Hang in there, Rom!
[SISKO] All right, Rom.)
(Jake throws a gently underarm. The bat flies along the return
trajectory, just missing Jake.)
[ROM] Uh oh. Sorry.
(Solok leaves, with an un-Vulcan smirk on his face.)
[SISKO] That's it. You're done.
[ROM] I'll do better tomorrow, Captain.
[SISKO] No, you won't. You are finished, gone, off the team.
[NOG] Sir, can't you give him another chance?
[SISKO] Is anyone talking to you, Ensign?
[ROM] I can't play?
[SISKO] That's the smartest thing you've said all week. You can't play!
Now get your gear. Get out of here! Worf, you're up!
[ROM] Captain Sisko hates me.
[LEETA] He doesn't hate you, Rom.
[QUARK] Sisko was just blowing off steam. He'll get over it.
[NOG] That's right. I'll go talk with him in the morning. Maybe he'll
change his mind.
[ROM] No! I don't want him to kick you off the team too.
[NOG] I don't care about the team. If you can't play, I won't either.
[LEETA] Oh, that goes for me too.
[QUARK] And me.
[BRIEN] And us.
[EZRI] Benjamin was way out of line today, Rom.
[BRIEN] Yeah, this game is supposed to be fun, not a life or death
[BASHIR] So we've decided to quit unless he reinstates you immediately.
[ROM] No! Please!
[KIRA] Rom, we're on your side.
[ROM] I don't want to make the team like this. I had my chance but I
wasn't good enough. Let's face it, the Captain's right. I'm hopeless. I
don't deserve to be on the team. You play. You've earned it.
[NOG] Playing baseball doesn't mean anything to me.
[ROM] But it should. You're good at it. (to Leeta) So are you, and I
want to see you play. I want to see all of you play. I want to see our
team beat the Vulcans, even if I'm only watching from the, the er
[NOG] The stands?
[ROM] Right. Please?
[KIRA] If that's the way you feel about it.
[LEETA] Rom, there are moments when I know exactly why I married you.
[BASHIR] What are you eating?
[BRIEN] I'm not eating, I'm chewing.
[BASHIR] Chewing what?
[BRIEN] Gum. It's traditional. I had the replicator create me some.
[BASHIR] They just chewed it?
[BRIEN] No, they infused the gum with flavour.
[BASHIR] What did you infuse it with?
[BRIEN] Scotch. Here, try some.
[BASHIR] Mmmm.
(Strategy display 4577 with a series of alternative
playing field positions.)
[SISKO] All right, you got a runner on first, you got a runner on
second, one away. Ground ball hit to the second baseman. Kira, what do
you do?
[KIRA] I go for the double play, unless the runner on third is already
on his way home, in which case
(Bashir is getting tuition in batting technique.)
[KASIDY] Okay, relax. Keep your weight on the balls of your feet. Back
elbow up. Yeah, good.
(Quark's waiters are throwing mugs and cups down to
him from the cafe level.)
[QUARK] Faster! Come on, come on! Faster! Come on. Faster. Oh, yeah,
(Bashir and Ezri are running to the same place in
the outfield)
[EZRI] I got it!
[BASHIR] Mine!
(The ball lands exactly between them.)
[BASHIR] Well don't look at me. You called it. I was out of position!
[EZRI] That was yours all the way! Oh, come on, Julian!
(Bashir is examining Jake's throwing elbow.)
[ODO (OC)] Safe!
(Kira looks through the security office doors to see Odo practicing his
umpire moves.)
[ODO] Safe! You're out! You're out!
(Sisko's quarters)
(Sisko is getting a back rub.)
[KASIDY] Oh, that's quite a knot. Your back is like a minefield of
bruised muscles.
[SISKO] Yeah, you tell me something I don't know.
[KASIDY] Okay. You're lifting your foot at the plate.
[SISKO] What?
[KASIDY] Okay, take a swing.
(Sisko gets up and does as he's told.)
[KASIDY] Stop! Right there. Look. You're lifting your foot in the
backswing. It's been messing up your whole rhythm. Not that bad. I know
that look. It's the 'I'd really like to smash something but she'll
think I'm crazy' look. Well, don't let me stop you. They're your
quarters. Smash away if it'll make you feel better.
[SISKO] The only way I'll feel better is to beat Solok tomorrow.
[KASIDY] So, do I get to hear the Solok story now? And before you say no
you'd better consider the fact that if you don't tell me, you won't
have a third baseman.
[SISKO] We were in the same class at the Academy. One weekend I was with
some friends at a bar off campus, the Launching Pad. and Solok came in
with some Vulcan cadets. He said they were doing research on illogical
human bonding rituals. We didn't take kindly to that.
[KASIDY] And you'd had a few drinks
[SISKO] One or two. We got into a debate. Solok said that Vulcans were
naturally superior to humans and other emotionally handicapped species.
Of course I took the opposite position. So there I am, drunk and
debating logic versus emotion with a smug and very sober Vulcan. Well,
to make a long story short, I decided the best way to prove that humans
were every bit the equal of Vulcans was to challenge him to a wrestling
[KASIDY] Wrestling?
[SISKO] All I wanted to do was to wipe that arrogant look off his face,
so in the heat of the moment I challenged him.
[SISKO] I ended up in the Infirmary with a separated shoulder, two
cracked ribs and a very bruised ego.
[KASIDY] Oh, Ben, I don't mean to laugh, but what did you expect? A
Vulcan has three times the strength of a human.
[SISKO] And they're faster too. But you're right. I got what I deserved.
And if it had ended right there, it would have been fine. But it
didn't. Solok took every opportunity to remind me of the match. He used
to point me out whenever I walked across the campus. In fact he wrote
five psychology papers about our match. I became the living embodiment
of why Vulcans were inherently superior to humans.
[KASIDY] You don't mean he was gloating? A Vulcan?
[SISKO] That's exactly what I mean. He may have hidden it beneath that
Vulcan calm, but he loved every minute of it. And you'd think that once
we graduated it would have stopped, but it didn't. Over the years,
Solok wrote over a dozen papers on Vulcan human comparative profiles
and in the beginning of every paper is an analysis of that damned
wrestling match!
[KASIDY] And now he comes to your station and announces that he's put
together a baseball team.
[SISKO] He doesn't care about baseball. All he wants to do is rub my
nose in it one more time. But now he is using my game. My game!
[KASIDY] You should tell that to the Niners. They don't understand why
you're so caught up in this.
[SISKO] Oh, no. I'd rather they think I'm just caught up in some
baseball game than pursuing an adolescent rivalry.
[KASIDY] Just tell them the truth. They'll understand. They need to know
how personal this is to you.
[SISKO] Oh, no. No. I mean it. And you can't tell them either. I want
you to promise me.
[KASIDY] All right, I promise.
[KASIDY] He made me promise not to tell you, so you
have to keep this under your hats.
[EZRI] Curzon and Jadzia always wondered why Benjamin hated Solok but
he'd never talk about it.
[KASIDY] Well, he's embarrassed. He's calling it an adolescent rivalry,
but Solok's the one that's kept this thing going.
[BRIEN] And now he's trying to beat the Captain at his own game.
[WORF] It is a dishonourable motive.
[NOG] I'm beginning to hate him myself.
[QUARK] So, what are we going to do about it?
[KIRA] I'll tell you what we do. We go out there tomorrow and we put
that Vulcan in his place. We win it for the Captain.
[BASHIR] And for all our emotionally handicapped races.
[BRIEN] Now there's something worth fighting for. Right?
(O'Brien puts his hand on the table. Kasidy puts hers on top, then Ezri
and the rest.)
[KASIDY] Niners.
[ALL] Niners!
(The UFP anthem finishes, and the twentieth century
crowd plus Rom applauds.)
[BRIEN] Okay, Niners, let's go, let's go, come on. Show these guys.
[SISKO] Let's dispense with the crowd. My team has never played in front
of people before.
[SOLOK] If you wish. Computer, eliminate the spectators.
[ODO] Play ball!
(And looks around as it all goes quiet behind him. Rom is now alone.)
[ODO] Batter up!
(The Logicians bat first.)
[SISKO] All right, Niners, let's hear some chatter.
[KASIDY] Hey, batter, batter, batter, batter.
[LEETA] Hey, batter, batter, batter, batter.
[WORF] Death to the opposition.
[KASIDY] Strike him out.
(It's out of the park.)
[SISKO] Lucky swing. All right.
[NOG] Hey, don't worry, you'll get the next one. Okay? Okay?
[JAKE] Okay.
[NOG] All right. (The scoreboard moves up to Logicians 4, Niners 0. Note
- Kasidy has number 47 on her back, Kira is number 9. In the dugout.)
[SISKO] All right. You're making mental errors out there. Stupid
mistakes! You have to start thinking about what you're doing. Colonel,
you have to charge the ball, don't wait for it to come to you. Ezri,
you're playing too deep. (to Jake) They rattled you.
[JAKE] Yeah. They're pretty good.
[SISKO] What are you talking about, they're pretty good? You'd better
stop admiring them and start striking them out!
[ODO] Batter up.
[SISKO] Let's play ball.
(Bashir misses.)
[ODO] Strike three.
(Kira misses.)
[ODO] Strike three.
(Worf misses.)
[ODO] Strike three.
[SISKO] Let's go.
(In the fourth, the scoreboard reads - Logicians 4 1 1 1 - 7 runs, 9
hits, 0 errors. Niners 0 0 0 0 - 0 runs, 2 hits, 3 errors.)
(Sisko catches and throws to Kira who gets her foot on the plate before
the runner gets there and knocks her over.)
[ODO] Out!
[KIRA] (to the runner) You want to try that again?
[SISKO] Hey, hey, hey. Colonel, stay cool! Don't do anything to get
yourself thrown out.
[KIRA] I wouldn't dream of it, Captain. You're out, by the way.
[SISKO] Play ball.
(Back in the dugout.)
[NOG] Was that slide at second legal?
[KASIDY] Afraid so.
[BASHIR] Doesn't seem very sporting.
[JAKE] These guys are playing to win. Sporting doesn't enter into it.
(Kira gets a hit and makes it to second base.)
[ODO] Safe!
(The team are delighted.)
[SISKO] It's about time!
(Worf comes up to bat.)
[ODO] Strike one.
[SISKO] If you're not there, let it go, all right? Don't reach for it.
[ODO] Ball one.
[SISKO] Hey, now. Good eye, Worf, good eye.
[ODO] Ball two.
[SISKO] Remember what we talked about. Keep your eye on the ball.
(Kira is starting to steal.)
[ODO] Foul ball. Strike two.
[SISKO] Big stick. Good eye, Worf. Good eye.
[ODO] Ball three.
[WORF] Time.
[ODO] Time.
(Worf checks the scoreboard. The Logicians didn't get any runs in the
[ODO] Let's go, batter.
[WORF] Do not rush me.
[ODO] Strike three!
[WORF] What? What are you talking about? That ball was at least half a
metre! How could you call it a strike! Reverse the call! Reverse the
[SISKO] That was low and outside.
[WORF] That was clearly outside.
[SISKO] What the hell were you looking about? You can't tell me that
ball was over the plate. What were you doing, regenerating?
[ODO] It caught the outside corner.
[WORF] The outside corner?
[SISKO] Outside corner, my foot. That was a ball and you know it. We
have two men on! Two men on! Two men on!
[ODO] Gentlemen, you are trying my patience.
[SISKO] No way, no way. You stole the run from us. You stole it just as
if you'd reached up and tore it off the scoreboard!
(Sisko prods Odo.)
[ODO] You. You're out of here!
[SISKO] What?
[ODO] No player shall at any time make contact with the umpire in any
manner. The prescribed penalty for the violation is immediate ejection
from the game. Rule number four point zero six, subsection a, paragraph
four. Look it up, but do it in the stands. You're gone.
(In the dugout.)
[SISKO] (walking past.) It was a ball. It was no strike. I know it was a
[BASHIR] Chief?
[BRIEN] What?
[BASHIR] I think that means you're in charge now.
[BRIEN] You're right. What are you standing around for? You never seen
a man thrown out of a game? Come on, get your gloves and get on that
field. Let's go! Come on. Quark, wake up, you're in right. Julian,
you're on second, Leeta, you're in left. Come on, let's go, let's go!
We got a game to play. Come on, move it.
[ODO] Play ball. Ball one.
(Sisko joins Rom in the stands, but a few rows away.)
[ODO] Strike one.
[LEETA] Grab it, Ezri.
(Ezri gets the ball just before it clears the fence, doing a
[SISKO] All right!
[EZRI] Yeah.
[BASHIR] Now that is a Fancy Dan!
[ROM] All right!
(Ninth innings. Niners trail 0-10.)
[ODO] Batter up.
(The Vulcan batter runs, as does the one on first.)
[KASIDY] Home, Worf! Bring it home!
(Nog catches the ball as the Vulcan runs past him. We see that the
Vulcan's foot does not actually touch home plate. Odo says nothing.)
[NOG] What's wrong?
[BRIEN] He didn't touch home, Nog.
[NOG] Is that true? What do I do?
[WORF] Find him and kill him!
[BRIEN] Just tag him out! Jake, cover home!
(At the Vulcan dugout.)
[NOG] Which one?
[SISKO] Tag 'em all!
(Nog does, Odo shaking his head each time.)
[JAKE] Come on, Nog. Hurry up!
[ROM] No. Tag the next one.
(The last Vulcan runs out of the dugout.)
[NOG] Jake!
(Nog throws, Jake catches and tags.)
[ODO] You're out!
[BRIEN] Yay! Nog, well done.
[NOG] Great catch.
[SISKO] He's out. Did you see that? That's what I love about this game.
You never know what's going to happen next. Every situation is
[ROM] It looks like a lot of fun.
[SISKO] Rom, come here. Let's go.
[ROM] Where're we going?
(9th innings, Logicians 10 runs, 14 hits, 0 errors. Niners 0 runs, 6
hits, 4 errors).
(Nog slides into third?)
[ODO] Safe.
(Jake goes up to bat.)
[SISKO] Chief? Chief, Chief, call time out.
[BRIEN] Why?
[SISKO] You're making a substitution.
[BRIEN] What?
(Enter Rom in uniform.)
[BRIEN] Time!
[ODO] Time!
[BRIEN] You're up, Rom.
[QUARK] Oh, you've got to be kidding. We've got a man on third. We could
[BRIEN] Sit down, Quark. Go ahead, Rom.
[LEETA] You can do it.
[NOG] All right, Dad. Come on, you can do it.
[KASIDY] Okay, let's play ball.
[SISKO] Computer.
[ALL] Come on, Rom.
[ANNOUNCER] Your attention, please. Now pinch hitting for Jake Sisko,
number thirteen Rom.
(The crowd is back and they are roaring)
[NOG] Come on, Dad you can do it. (sotto) I hope.
[ODO] Strike one.
[NOG] Come on, Dad.
[LEETA] You can do it. Come on, Rom.
[ODO] Strike two!
[LEETA] It's okay, Rom.
[BRIEN] Julian. What was that thing called, you know, when you just
tap the ball down the baseline?
[BASHIR] A bunt?
[BRIEN] That's it, a bunt. We've to give him the sign. Rom!
(O'Brien and Bashir tap their arms and then their caps.)
[ROM] What? What?
(The ball bounces off Rom's bat. Nog runs.)
[ALL] Go!
(Nog gets to the plate before the ball.)
[ODO] Safe!
[EZRI] Rom, you did it!
(Logicians 10, Niners 1. Everyone runs out to congratulate Rom.)
[SOLOK] Umpire, this is completely improper. The game is not over.
(Odo turns away, and Solok puts his hand on his shoulder. Pops.)
[ODO] You're gone!
[SISKO] Hey, Jake that was a hell of a game! A hell
of a game!
[JAKE] I gave up ten runs.
[SISKO] They're Vulcans. If they were humans you'd have held them to
just two or three.
[JAKE] When you put it that way.
[SISKO] Yes. Now, pardon me. I owe you an apology.
[ROM] No. Unless you really want to.
[SISKO] I'm sorry.
[ROM] Apology accepted.
[SISKO] If you have some time one day, maybe you can teach me how to
[ROM] Sure. (to Leeta) What's a bunt?
[NOG] (to a Vulcan) That's my dad.
[SOLOK] I fail to see why you are celebrating. The Ferengi's bunt was an
accident. And you still lost the game.
[SISKO] You are absolutely right. And I couldn't be happier. Quark, a
round of drinks for the house on my tab.
[QUARK] I'm way ahead of you, Captain.
[SOLOK] You are attempting to manufacture a triumph where none exists.
[KASIDY] I'd say he succeeded.
[BASHIR] To manufactured triumphs.
[SISKO] Manufactured triumph. Hear, hear!
[NINERS] Hear, hear!
[SOLOK] This is a typical human reaction, based on emotionalism and
[SISKO] Did I hear irritation in that voice?
[SOLOK] Certainly not.
[BASHIR] That sounded positively defensive to me.
[BRIEN] With a hint of anger.
[QUARK] And just a touch of jealousy.
[KASIDY] And a lot of bitterness.
[EZRI] Are you always this emotional?
[SOLOK] I refuse to engage in this human game of taunting.
[EZRI] Human? Did I forget to wear my spots today?
[QUARK] All that intelligence and he still doesn't know what a human
looks like.
[KIRA] Captain. Here's something else for your desk.
(She throws him a baseball signed by the team.)
[SISKO] Well, will you look at that. Would you like to sign it?
(Solok leaves.)
(Sisko throws the ball up, which becomes DS9 as we fade out.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e151", "title": "Take Me Out To The"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Chrysalis
Original Airdate: 26 Oct, 1998
(Bashir is outside Quarks looking for company.)
[BASHIR] Miles. Fancy a drink?
[BRIEN] I can't. Keiko and the kids are waiting on me for dinner. Next
Thursday. Book a holosuite. They're going to Bajor.
(Kira and Odo are in evening dress.)
[KIRA] Hi, Julian.
[BASHIR] Hi. You going to Vic's?
[KIRA] Yes.
[BASHIR] Mind if I join you?
[ODO] Actually, we were looking forward to spending an evening alone.
[BASHIR] Great. Well, have a great time. I understand.
(Bashir's bedroom)
(Working on a PADD.)
[BASHIR] Cheeky virus. You've gone and mutated on me. Well, you can run,
but you can't hide. (he settles down to sleep.) Lights.
[NOG (OC)] Nog to Doctor Bashir.
[BASHIR] Go ahead.
[NOG (OC)] You're needed in the Infirmary, sir.
[BASHIR] It's three in the morning. Isn't Doctor Girani on duty?
[NOG (OC)] Not anymore. Admiral Patrick threw her out.
[BASHIR] Admiral who?
[NOG (OC)] He wants to see you immediately, sir.
[BASHIR] On my way.
[BASHIR] What's going on, Ensign?
[NOG] Sir, Admiral Patrick and his staff just arrived on the Farragut.
[BASHIR] What happened to Doctor Girani?
[NOG] The Admiral said she was asking too many stupid questions.
[BASHIR] Doctor Bashir reporting as ordered.
[PATRICK] Finally.
(It's our trio from
Statistical Probabilities in Starfleet uniforms.)
[BASHIR] Patrick!
[JACK] That's Admiral Patrick.
[LAUREN] Mind your manners, Doctor.
[BASHIR] What are you doing here?
[PATRICK] That's a stupid question.
[BASHIR] Where did you get these uniforms?
[PATRICK] That's a stupid question, too.
[NOG] Please excuse the doctor, sir. He just woke up.
[BASHIR] They're not Starfleet officers, Nog.
[NOG] They're not?
[JACK] We're mutants.
[LAUREN] Genetically engineered mutants. Can't you tell?
[BASHIR] Does anyone at the Institute know you're missing?
[PATRICK] That's a stupid question.
[BASHIR] Will you stop saying that!
[JACK] Why are you so upset? You wanted Sarina brought here. Well, here
she is!
(Sarina is sitting quietly on a biobed.)
[BASHIR] I was considering bringing Sarina here for treatment when I was
ready. But I still have to modify my surgical equipment before I can
begin the procedure.
[JACK] Well don't worry, we'll help you. And when we're through with
Sarina, she will be just like us.
[BASHIR] Do you have any idea how much trouble you could get into for
impersonating Starfleet officers?
[PATRICK] Jack, you didn't say anything about us getting in trouble.
[JACK] We didn't get caught, did we?
[BASHIR] Didn't anybody question you?
[JACK] Of course. But when they did, Patrick would say
[PATRICK] That's a stupid
[LAUREN] You'd be surprised how well it works.
[NOG] I'll say.
[PATRICK] What are they going to do to us?
[BASHIR] Oh, it's all right. I'll find a way to straighten this out.
Somehow. Hello, Sarina. Remember me?
[JACK] Of course she remembers you. She's not an idiot.
[LAUREN] She's just a little cataleptic.
[PATRICK] Are you really going to be able to make her better?
[BASHIR] I'm going to do everything I can. I promise.
(Captain's office)
[SISKO] They posed as an Admiral and his staff. If
you want me to convince Starfleet not to press charges, you're going to
have to give me a damn good reason.
[BASHIR] They wanted to bring Sarina here so that I could help her. They
meant well.
[SISKO] They meant well? That's the same excuse you gave me when they
were caught trying to pass military secrets to the Dominion.
[BASHIR] They were trying to save lives by
[SISKO] Doctor, I appreciate that you feel a connection to them because
you're genetically engineered yourself, but they have displayed a
consistent disregard for the rules that the rest of society lives by.
[BASHIR] Maybe that's because they're not allowed to live in society.
[SISKO] We are not here to debate Federation policy toward the
genetically enhanced. We are here to discuss what to do about these
people now that they're aboard.
[BASHIR] Of course. Well, with your permission, sir, I would like to
proceed with Sarina's treatment.
[SISKO] Well, I take it the Institute has given the approval to move
[BASHIR] A copy of the medical protocols I submitted. Doctor Loews,
Sarina's legal guardian, has given her consent.
[SISKO] It appears that this procedure's never been done before.
[BASHIR] There's no guarantee that it'll work, of course, but if it does
it could change everything for her. There's no reason to think that
she's suffering from the same type of behavioural disorders as Jack and
the others. Her problem is that she's trapped inside her own mind. This
could free her. There are still a few technical issues that I have to
work on, but I feel confident that I can iron them all out.
[SISKO] You've put in a lot of time on this, haven't you?
[BASHIR] I owe it to her, sir. I could have ended up the same way as
Sarina, but I was lucky. My DNA re sequencing didn't have any
unintended side effects.
[SISKO] All right, Doctor. I'll take care of Starfleet, you take care of
[BASHIR] Thank you, sir.
[SISKO] I'll arrange to have the rest of the people sent back to the
[BASHIR] Actually, I was hoping you'd allow let them to stay on for a
[SISKO] For what reason?
[BASHIR] Sarina's spent the last fifteen years with them. Now, assuming
the procedure works and she comes out of her isolation, I think it
would be helpful to have some familiar faces around.
[SISKO] Well, we'll arrange for quarters to be set up in a cargo bay.
[BASHIR] I appreciate it.
[SISKO] Just make sure they stay there. I don't want them to get out and
cause trouble like they did the last time.
[BASHIR] I'll see that it doesn't happen again.
[SISKO] I'll hold you to that. One thing more. Get them out of those
[BASHIR] Aye, sir.
(Cargo bay)
(Lauren is brushing Sarina's hair.)
[LAUREN] There. Don't you look pretty?
[JACK] Why are we doing this, anyway?
[PATRICK] Keep going.
[JACK] Here?
[PATRICK] A little to the left.
(They put down Lauren's couch.)
[PATRICK] That's not where it was last time.
[JACK] Oh, what difference does it make?
[LAUREN] He's right.
[JACK] Fine. (kicks it.) How's that?
[PATRICK] Much better.
(Bashir enters.)
[PATRICK] Here he is.
[JACK] Well, well? What did the Captain say?
[BASHIR] All systems are go.
[JACK] See? See? I told you it was a good idea to bring her here.
[PATRICK] That's right, Jack. I remember.
[JACK] So, when do we operate?
[JACK] You're going to need some help.
[LAUREN] Oh, so you're a surgeon now?
[JACK] How hard can it be?
[BASHIR] Thanks for the offer, but
[JACK] Oh, I get it. You want to take all the credit.
[BASHIR] It's not about credit, it's about what's best for Sarina, I
[JACK] Fine. I'm busy anyway. New project.
[BASHIR] Oh, glad to hear it. What are you working on?
[JACK] Wouldn't you like to know?
[BASHIR] Well, I'll leave you to it. But do me a favour and change out
of those uniforms. Sarina? I'd like to take you to the Infirmary and
run a few tests. Is that all right?
[LAUREN] She's afraid it's going to hurt.
[BASHIR] It won't hurt. I promise.
[LAUREN] You're in good hands. Very good hands. Don't get your hopes up,
Julian. It's over between the two of us. I have a new man in my life.
That gorgeous little Ferengi.
[LAUREN] Jealous? That's so sweet.
(Bashir takes Sarina's hand and she gets up. They walk out of the cargo
[PATRICK] Hurry back.
[BASHIR] Sarina's cerebral cortex was genetically
enhanced in order to accelerate the rate at which she can process
information. Now, the only problem is, her visual and auditory systems
can't channel the stimuli into the cortex fast enough. So because
they're out of sync, she can't focus on what's going on around her.
[BRIEN] Well, is there any way to get her sensory processes up to
[BASHIR] I need to stimulate the growth of new synapses in the thalamus.
Which means I have to manipulate neural proteins at a subatomic level.
[BRIEN] Then you've got a problem. This is the most advanced
neurocortical probe made, and it's not nearly that accurate.
[BASHIR] Now you know why I asked you down here.
[BRIEN] I wish I could help you, Julian, but at resolutions that
small, quantum fluctuations are impossible to control. And I can't make
this thing any more accurate.
[BASHIR] How can you say that before you've even tried it?
[BRIEN] I'm sorry, Julian. It can't be done. I'm sorry.
[BASHIR] Well sorry just isn't good enough, Miles. This is Sarina's only
chance at living a normal life.
[BRIEN] Julian, I can't break the laws of physics. Nobody can.
(Cargo bay)
[JACK] Your friend was right. You can't break the
laws of physics.
(They've augmented the medical probe with a tricorder fastened to it
and lots of wires.)
[ALL] But you can bend them!
[JACK] We recalibrated the imaging diodes. It is so accurate that you
could clip the wings of an angel dancing on the head of a pin. If you
wanted to.
(Sarina lying on the operating table with the probe
behind her. She's put to sleep. We see Bashir operating with red and
green lights going into Sarina's head. Later, it's all finished and
she's lying on a biobed, eyes wide open. The group are waiting in the
cargo bay.)
[BASHIR] Anything?
(The nurse shakes her head.)
[BASHIR] Sarina? Now just how am I supposed to know you understand me if
you don't give me some sign? Anything. it doesn't matter how small.
[BASHIR] It's been five days now, and she's as
unresponsive as she was before the procedure.
[EZRI] I know you're disappointed, Julian, but you did everything that
you could.
[BASHIR] Well, it wasn't enough.
[EZRI] I'm sorry. Obviously you want to punish yourself. Do you want
help? Because I'm really good at punishing myself. Let's see. If I were
you, I'd be kicking myself for making promises I couldn't keep. For
getting people's hopes up. For being arrogant enough to think that I
could help Sarina even though dozens of other doctors have failed.
Should I keep going?
[BASHIR] No, that just about covers it. Thanks.
[EZRI] Glad I could help. What is it?
(Bashir is looking towards the entrance.)
[BASHIR] I'm not sure.
(Sarina is standing, staring.)
[BASHIR] Excuse me. Sarina? What are you looking at?
[SARINA] (slowly) Everything. You heard me. I thought something and you
heard it.
[BASHIR] Sarina, you spoke.
(Sarina is walking around, looking at everything
and smiling.)
[BASHIR] Sarina, come and sit down. I need to run a few tests.
(Sarina smiles at the tricorder.)
[EZRI] What is it?
[SARINA] Listen. It's nice.
[BASHIR] You're right. I hadn't noticed that before. That's a little
odd. Her norepinephrine levels are slightly elevated.
[EZRI] What's causing it?
[BASHIR] I'm not sure.
[SARINA] It's probably due to limbic overcompensation. The levels should
drop when the new thalamic connections stabilise.
[BASHIR] You're right, I think.
[SARINA] I was listening when you were telling the nurses about the
procedure. I kept thinking that I wanted to thank you for what you were
trying to do for me, and now I finally can. Thank you.
(Cargo bay)
[PATRICK] Did you move this?
[JACK] Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't.
[LAUREN] Would you leave him alone. Patrick, it's where it's supposed to
(Bashir enters with Sarina.)
[SARINA] Hello, everyone.
[PATRICK] Did you hear what she said? Did you hear that?
[LAUREN] I don't think I've heard a more beautiful sound in my life.
[JACK] It was my idea to bring you here.
[PATRICK] We missed you.
[LAUREN] You look so different.
[JACK] Aren't you going to thank me?
[PATRICK] Did the surgery hurt?
[SARINA] There's so much I want to say to all of you.
[JACK] Why are you talking like that?
[LAUREN] Quiet.
[JACK] (mimics) There's so much I want to say to all of you. There's so
much I want to say to all of you.
[BASHIR] Jack!
[SARINA] No, he's right. I can hear the way I sound.
[BASHIR] Don't worry, it's only temporary. It just takes a little
[JACK] Practice! Ah, practice. Good idea. Listen to this, Sarina. (sings
a sol-fa scale) Do ray mi fa so la ti do.
[SARINA] (on one note) Do ray mi fa so la ti do.
[JACK] Are you tone deaf?
[LAUREN] You're the one who's tone deaf. (scale) Do ray mi fa so la ti
[SARINA] (almost correct) Do ray mi fa so la ti do.
[LAUREN] Much better.
[JACK] Do ray mi fa so la ti.
[LAUREN] Do ray mi fa so la ti.
[SARINA] Do ray mi fa so la ti.
[PATRICK] (bass) Do.
[JACK] Let's improvise. Lauren.
[LAUREN] Do ray me do ray me.
[JACK] Do ray me do ray me.
[LAUREN] Fa mi ray
[PATRICK] Fa mi ray do.
[SARINA] Do ray me do ray me fa
[LAUREN] Do ray me do ray me fa.
[PATRICK] Fa me ray do.
[JACK] Fa me ray do.
(Bashir applauds.)
[JACK] Molto allegro.
(And the group moves on into four part harmony and I give up trying to
transcribe it.)
[BASHIR] It was amazing. Within a few minutes,
Sarina's voice just took off. That kind of improvement usually takes
weeks of speech therapy.
[BRIEN] That is amazing. Julian
[BASHIR] So she was exhausted. I took her back to the Infirmary. I
needed to monitor her neural activity anyway while she sleeps. But I
still can't get over that transformation. Yesterday, she was silent as
a stone. Today, she's singing and laughing. You should've seen her,
[BRIEN] How could I? I've been sitting here all night.
[BASHIR] Is it Thursday?
[BRIEN] Why I else would I be sitting here all night?
[BASHIR] Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot.
[BRIEN] It's all right. Morn caught me up on how his seventeen
brothers and sisters are doing. I'd better head off. I've got an early
start in the morning.
[BASHIR] I'm sorry about the mix-up, Miles.
[BRIEN] It's all right. I'm happy for her. I'm happy for both of you.
(Bashir's quarters)
[BASHIR] Sarina, what are you doing here? How did
you get in?
[SARINA] It wasn't hard. Your access code only has six digits.
[BASHIR] Is something wrong?
[SARINA] I couldn't sleep.
[BASHIR] My nurse could have given you something.
[SARINA] I don't want to sleep.
[BASHIR] Why not?
[SARINA] What if I wake up the way I was? What if I can't
[BASHIR] It's not going to happen. Your life's going to be different
now. Your future is full of possibilities. You know, you're going to be
doing things that you haven't even dreamed of. There's really no reason
to be afraid. Sarina?
(She's fallen asleep on his shoulder, so he tries to sleep sitting up
on the couch. He wakes to discover her leaning against his chest
working a PADD.)
[SARINA] Good morning.
[BASHIR] Morning.
[SARINA] You didn't account for the L two codon.
[BASHIR] What?
[SARINA] That's why the virus mutated. You need to target the RNA
transcriptor. Hungry?
[BASHIR] The L two codon. Of course. Why didn't I think of that? Sarina,
you're amazing. I've been working on this for months.
[SARINA] You would've seen it sooner or later.
[BASHIR] I don't know about that. Thank you.
[SARINA] I'm glad I could do something for you. You've done so much for
[NURSE (OC)] Infirmary to Doctor Bashir.
[BASHIR] Go ahead.
[NURSE (OC)] Doctor Girani's asking for your assistance in surgery, sir.
[BASHIR] I'm on my way. Well, it looks like I'm going to be tied up for
the next few hours. What would you like to do in the meantime? Would
you like a tour of the station? I can ask Ezri to show you around.
[SARINA] That's all right. I think I'll go see Jack and the others.
[BASHIR] All right. I'll have someone take you to the cargo bay. And
when I'm finished with surgery, I'll join you there.
[SARINA] Oh, wait. You need your breakfast.
(A bread roll or similar in a napkin.)
[BASHIR] Thank you.
(Cargo bay)
(A big display screen with the title The End Is
[JACK] The fact is that the universe is going to stop expanding and it
is going to collapse in on itself. We've got to do something before
it's too late.
[PATRICK] How much time do we have left?
[JACK] Sixty trillion years, seventy at the most.
[PATRICK] Oh, no.
(Lauren has Nog's biography on a PADD.)
[LAUREN] Isn't Nog handsome?
[JACK] What are you doing? We are running out of time!
(Sarina enters.)
[JACK] Sarina, thank God! Nobody else around here ever listens to me.
[SARINA] What is it, Jack? What's wrong?
[JACK] There's too much matter. The universe is too heavy for its own
[LAUREN] You need to lighten the load.
[JACK] Yes, yes, yes, exactly. We have to find some way to decrease the
[SARINA] Of the entire universe?
[JACK] That's the whole point.
[SARINA] Is that possible?
[PATRICK] That's what we're trying to figure out, Sarina.
[LAUREN] What if we found a way to manipulate subspace?
[JACK] Change the cosmological constant.
[PATRICK] That would do the trick.
[SARINA] You can't change the cosmological constant.
[JACK] You know something, Sarina? We are trying to save existence as we
know it, and all you can do is criticise!
[SARINA] I'm sorry.
[JACK] Thank you. Now, where were we?
[PATRICK] Manipulating subspace.
[JACK] Right. Right.
(Later, Bashir arrives as promised to discover Sarina sitting staring
at nothing. The display title is now How To Avert Disaster...)
[JACK] Doctor! Glad you're here.
[BASHIR] Is she all right?
[JACK] Sarina, are you all right? She's fine. Listen, you have to talk
to Starfleet for us. We need subspace field generators, lots of them.
[BASHIR] Can we talk about it later?
[JACK] Later? There isn't going to be a later, later. (goes back to
work) Now, once we get the field generators
[BASHIR] Sarina?
[BASHIR] Is something wrong?
[SARINA] No. They're used to my being quiet. It's easier this way.
[LAUREN] Could be very messy.
[BASHIR] Some of my friends want to get together a little later on at
Quark's, and I was wondering if you'd like to come along.
[BASHIR] Do you want to?
[JACK] When should we be ready?
[LAUREN] Oh, we're not invited, Jack. Just her.
[JACK] Figures.
[PATRICK] That doesn't seem fair.
[LAUREN] It's all right. Come on, Sarina. Let's get you dressed.
(Bashir is pacing as the other men wait and watch him.)
[LAUREN] Sorry to keep you waiting. Come on out. Come on.
(Sarina comes out in a dress, with her hair fastened back a little.)
[LAUREN] Am I good, or am I good?
[SARINA] Look at all the people.
[EZRI] There they are.
[BRIEN] I didn't remember her being so
[ODO] Beautiful?
[BASHIR] Everyone, this is Sarina. Sarina, this is everyone.
[ODO] Odo.
[KIRA] Nerys.
[BRIEN] I'm Miles.
[SARINA] I remember you. You're Julian's best friend.
[BRIEN] Well, we get on all right.
[BASHIR] For the most part.
[SARINA] Why are you pretending that it's not true?
[EZRI] Because they're men. And men have trouble expressing their
[SARINA] You don't.
[KIRA] Oh, are you kidding? Odo never talks about his feelings.
[SARINA] He took your hand. He's showing you his feelings.
[ODO] Thank you.
[BRIEN] Julian, why don't you show everybody how much you love me and
order the next round.
[BASHIR] Hey, Broik.
(Promenade - upper level)
[SARINA] I liked your friends. All of them. If I had
to find someone to replace Atlas and hold up the world, it'd be Miles.
He'd do it with a smile, too. And Kira, she never doubts herself, which
is what Odo finds so fascinating because he doubts everything but her.
[BASHIR] What about Ezri?
[SARINA] The day she realises she's more than just the sum of her parts,
she's really going to be something.
[BASHIR] I can't believe you saw all that after just a few hours with
them. I'm going to have to start putting on my poker face.
[SARINA] Too late. You've already given yourself away.
[BASHIR] Is that right? And how would you describe me?
[SARINA] Compassionate. Brilliant. Lonely.
[BASHIR] Well, two out of three isn't bad.
[SARINA] Which two?
[BASHIR] Now that would be telling. I'm glad you liked my friends. I
know they liked you.
[SARINA] I felt so comfortable around them. I didn't have to worry that
someone was going to throw a tantrum, or break into tears all of a
[BASHIR] They only usually do that at staff meetings.
[SARINA] Jack's always talking about how we're better than normal
people. He says that's why they keep us locked up. But he's wrong. He
couldn't get by in the real world. He'd get himself into too much
trouble. So would Lauren and Patrick.
[BASHIR] That's why they belong in the Institute. In fact, Doctor Loews
wants me to get them back there as soon as possible.
[SARINA] I'm not going with them, am I.
[BASHIR] You don't belong there. Not anymore.
[SARINA] Do they know?
[BASHIR] Not yet.
[SARINA] They've been like a family to me for as long as I can remember.
[BASHIR] I know how much you care about them.
[SARINA] As difficult as they can be sometimes, I'm going to miss them.
We had our own little world, just the four of us. So, what's a
genetically enhanced girl supposed to do when she wakes up from a long
sleep? Point to one of those little specks of light out there, pack her
bag, and go make a life for herself?
[BASHIR] Why does she have to go anywhere at all?
(And Bashir kisses Sarina.)
(Cargo bay)
[BASHIR] Sarina isn't going back to the Institute
with you.
[PATRICK] She's not?
[BASHIR] No. She's staying here.
[LAUREN] Oh really? Huh. How nice for you.
[BASHIR] I've arranged for her to have her own quarters.
[PATRICK] We're never going to see her again.
[JACK] You have no right to do this. No right!
[BASHIR] Look, I know you're going to miss her, but it's the best thing
for Sarina.
[JACK] We did not help you so you could take her away from us!
[BASHIR] Stop thinking about yourself for a second, Jack, and think
about her. Face it. She doesn't belong with you anymore.
[JACK] Why? Because we're not normal? Because we're crazy?
[BASHIR] Oh, Jack.
[PATRICK] Couldn't you make us normal like you did for Sarina, and then
we could all stay together.
[LAUREN] Go on, Julian. Tell him. There's nothing you can do for us.
We're too far gone.
[JACK] Oh, who wants to be normal anyway? We're better than they are.
You don't see any of them trying to save the universe from collapsing,
do you? Let's get back to work.
[BASHIR] Well, they took it rather hard.
[SARINA] I should go talk to them.
[BASHIR] In the morning. Give them a little time to get used to the
idea. Come on, I've got just the thing to cheer you up.
[ALL] Dabo!
[BRIEN] She's unbelievable!
[BASHIR] Tell him how you do it. Go on.
[SARINA] It has to do with a series of binomial equations and
probability factors.
[BASHIR] Explain how you track the dependent variables.
[SARINA] It's really not that interesting.
[ALL] Dabo!
[QUARK] Well, hasn't this been fun. Why not take a seat and top off the
evening with a lovely bottle of spring wine?
[SARINA] Should we?
[BASHIR] He's just wants you to stop playing so he doesn't lose any more
[QUARK] Did I mention that the wine was on the house?
[EZRI] Julian, let's sit down.
[BASHIR] But she's winning.
[SARINA] I've played enough.
[QUARK] This way. This way. Excuse me please. Excuse me. Ezri, over
[ALL] Dabo!
(Behind Bashir and Sarina, a Klingon's arm sends a waiter's tray
flying. There's the sound of breaking glass. Sarina freezes.)
[BASHIR] Sarina? This way.
[SARINA] Julian, would you mind if we left?
(Outside Sarina's quarters.)
[BASHIR] I'm sorry. I thought you were having a good time.
[SARINA] Oh, I was. But there was so much commotion. Maybe I'm just
[BASHIR] I'll tell you what. Tomorrow night why don't we have a nice
quiet dinner in my quarters. I have a week's leave coming up. I thought
we might go to Risa together, get away from all the distractions around
here, spend a little time alone.
[SARINA] All right.
[BASHIR] I'll let you get some rest then.
(Closed for repairs.)
[BASHIR] She's wonderful, Miles. I've never met anyone like her. She's
brilliant, sweet, everything's new to her. Being with her is so
refreshing. She takes such delight in what she's experiencing. It makes
me appreciate things I usually take for granted.
[BRIEN] Like hot coffee?
[BASHIR] Like coffee. Music. The way the stars shine.
[BRIEN] What is wrong with this thing?
[BASHIR] Are you listening to me?
[BRIEN] Yes. Yeah. Coffee, music, stars.
[BASHIR] Well, don't you have anything to say?
[BRIEN] As a matter of fact, I do, Julian. I haven't seen you like
this for a long time, and I'm really happy for you. But don't you think
it's all happening a little fast?
[BASHIR] We're genetically engineered. We do everything fast.
[BRIEN] Julian, she's your patient.
[BASHIR] Not anymore. I've asked Doctor Girani to take over her care.
Miles, I don't think you understand what this means to me. All these
years I've had to hide the fact that my DNA had been resequenced. I'd
listen to people talk about the genetically engineered, saying they
were all misfits. I used to fantasise about meeting someone who was
like me, who could live a normal life. But it never happened. Until
Sarina. Don't you see? She's the woman I've been waiting for all my
[BRIEN] Good luck.
(Bashir's quarters)
(The classic romantic dinner for two - red rose,
candles, champagne on ice.)
[BASHIR] Computer, music. Something romantic.
(Violins play. Time passes, and the candles are out, but the champagne
is unopened.)
[BASHIR] Computer, locate Sarina Douglas.
[COMPUTER] Sarina Douglas is in her quarters on the Habitat ring
corridor H six section twenty seven epsilon.
(Bashir rings the doorbell.)
[BASHIR] Sarina, it's me. Computer, override door locks. Authorization
Bashir delta five seven alpha.
(Guest quarters)
(Sarina is just sitting staring out of the window.)
[BASHIR] I've been waiting in my quarters for you. Sarina? Is something
wrong? Sarina.
[BASHIR] Apparently the thalamic pathways I
generated are still functioning, but Doctor Girani's not detected any
neural activity in them.
[EZRI] Do you have any idea what's wrong?
[BASHIR] Not a clue. It's as if she were just slipping away and there's
nothing I can do but wait and hope she pulls out of it.
[GIRANI] You can go in now.
[BASHIR] Sarina? Don't be afraid. Everything's going to be all right.
I'm not going to give up on you. Ever.
(Cargo bay)
[BASHIR] I don't know what's wrong with her. I need
your help.
[JACK] Why should we help you? You just want to steal her away from us.
[BASHIR] Look at her. Do you really want her to spend the rest of her
life like this? I've been trying to find a way to reach her, but I
can't. Maybe there isn't one. All I'm asking is that you try. The three
of you know her better than anyone else. Please. I don't want to lose
[LAUREN] All right, Julian. Leave her here with us for a while. We'll
see what we can do.
[BASHIR] Thank you.
(Bashir's quarters)
(Bashir lays down on the couch. The red rose has
(Cargo bay)
[JACK] Are you sure?
[PATRICK] I'm sure.
[LAUREN] We have to tell him.
[JACK] Why? This way we can all stay together.
(Lauren gets the door open.)
[LAUREN] Let's go.
[JACK] This way.
[LAUREN] That way.
[PATRICK] I think we passed it.
[OFFICER] Can I help you?
[PATRICK] That's a stupid question.
(Bashir's quarters)
[BASHIR] Come in.
[LAUREN] We have to talk to you.
[BASHIR] About Sarina?
[JACK] Tell him.
[PATRICK] She can still talk, it's just that she's afraid to.
[BASHIR] I don't understand. What's she afraid of?
[LAUREN] We don't know.
[JACK] But we think it has something to do with you.
[BASHIR] I'm going to go talk to her. Stay here.
(Cargo bay)
[BASHIR] Sarina, talk to me. Please. I know you can.
What's wrong? Is it me? If it is, don't be afraid. I'm going to do
whatever it takes to make it right because I love you. I want us to be
together. Tell me, do you love me?
[SARINA] I don't know. I don't even understand what love is. I don't
understand anything.
[BASHIR] Sarina.
[SARINA] What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to feel? Tell me.
I want to make you happy. I owe you everything.
[BASHIR] Shh. No, you don't owe me. You don't owe me anything.
[SARINA] I'm sorry. I wish I could be the woman you want me to be.
[BRIEN] Morning. Is she gone?
[BASHIR] Her shuttle leaves in a few minutes.
[BRIEN] What about the others?
[BASHIR] They left for the Institute this morning.
[BRIEN] I understand you've arranged a position for Sarina at the
Corgal Research Centre.
[BASHIR] Yeah, an internship. She's going to work under one of the
scientists there, live with his family.
[BRIEN] You okay?
[BASHIR] How could I have been so blind? What was I thinking trying to
move things along so fast? She needed time. I didn't give it to her. I
came this close to driving her back inside herself. I'm supposed to be
a doctor. I'm supposed to put my patient's needs above my own.
[BRIEN] You didn't want to be lonely anymore. Nobody does. I have to
go to work. Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? Keiko's making
[BASHIR] No thanks.
[BASHIR] So here you are, on your way to one of
those tiny little specks of light out there.
[SARINA] I guess that's what a genetically enhanced girl should do when
she wakes up from her sleep. Go make a life for herself. I'm going to
miss you.
[BASHIR] I'm going to miss you.
[SARINA] You won't forget me?
[BASHIR] Forget you? Never.
[COMPUTER] Final boarding call.
[SARINA] Well, I'd better go.
(One last kiss, and she walks through the airlock. Bashir watches the
shuttle leave from an upper pylon.) | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e152", "title": "Chrysalis"} | startrek/chakoteya |
The Deep Space Nine - Treachery, Faith and
the Great River
Faith and the Great River
Original Airdate: 2 Nov, 1998
(Kira is having a lovely back massage.)
[KIRA] A little lower. Lower. Lower.
[ODO] How's that?
(He's morphed his hands into big paddles for better effect.)
[ODO] I hope this taught you a lesson.
[KIRA] What's that?
[ODO] Never play springball against a changeling.
[KIRA] Just for that, next time I'm not going to let you win a single
[ODO] Then you'd better work on your backhand.
[KIRA] Right now, all I want to do is sleep for two or three (ouch)
[ODO] Go right ahead, I should be back by the time you wake up.
[KIRA] Back? From where?
[ODO] I received a coded message from Gul Russol this morning.
[KIRA] Gul Russol? I thought he was executed when Cardassia joined the
[ODO] So did I, but apparently we were wrong. The message says he wants
to meet with me.
[KIRA] Why?
[ODO] I don't know, but he's my most reliable Cardassian informant.
[KIRA] You mean he was. What if Russol is dead and this is just a trap?
[ODO] I've thought about that, but I have to be sure. I owe him that
[KIRA] Want me to come with you?
[ODO] Russol insists I come alone. Don't worry, Nerys. I'll be careful.
[KIRA] Worried? Ha. This just gives me more time to work on my backhand.
(There are big cables everywhere.)
[QUARK] Chief, how much longer is the Promenade going to be closed? My
bar is empty, my waiters are bored and I'm losing money.
[BRIEN] Leave me alone, Quark or I'll feed you to one of those plasma
[QUARK] Are you threatening me?
[NOG] We're working as fast as we can.
[QUARK] As spokesman for the Promenade Merchant's Association, I'm going
to file an official protest with Captain Sisko.
[SISKO] Put it in writing, Quark.
[QUARK] I'll go find a PADD.
(Quark leaves.)
[SISKO] So, how much longer, Chief?
[BRIEN] Well, we should be through here by the end of the day, sir.
[SISKO] Oh, I'm not talking about the Promenade, I'm talking about the
Defiant. When is the gravity net going to be repaired? The last time I
stepped onto the bridge, I felt ten kilos heavier.
[BRIEN] I'm afraid it's going to take some time.
[SISKO] How much time?
[BRIEN] About three weeks. We have to replace the graviton stabiliser.
[SISKO] You have three days. I'm going to take the Defiant back out on
patrol and I don't want my crew getting queasy because the gravity
keeps fluctuating.
[BRIEN] But sir, the sector quartermaster said it would take three
weeks to get us a new stabiliser.
[SISKO] That is your problem, Chief. Now, I'm leaving for Bajor for a
conference and I want that stabiliser replaced by the time I get back.
Do I make myself clear?
[BRIEN] Yes, sir.
(Sisko leaves.)
[NOG] I don't want to sound negative, but I don't see how you're going
to get the Defiant ready in three days.
[BRIEN] Neither do I.
[NOG] This quartermaster you've been dealing with, what's his name?
[BRIEN] Chief, Chief, Chief Willoughby.
[NOG] I mean his first name.
[BRIEN] I don't know.
[NOG] Is he married?
[BRIEN] Married? What does that have to do with getting us a graviton
[NOG] Everything. This Chief Willoughby must get hundreds of supply
requisitions every day. He can't possibly fill them all, so he puts
everyone on a waiting list.
[BRIEN] I know how he feels. I do the same thing.
[NOG] Well, the secret is getting him to put you at the top of that
list. The best way to do that is to form a relationship with him. Get
to know the name of his wife, his children, find out what he likes to
[BRIEN] I don't have time to form a relationship with Willoughby.
[NOG] I do. I can get you that stabiliser, Chief.
[BRIEN] In three days?
[NOG] Leave everything to me.
[BRIEN] All right, butt don't do anything I wouldn't do.
[NOG] Chief, I can't operate under those kinds of restrictions.
[BRIEN] At least promise me you won't do anything to get us
[NOG] I'll try.
[BRIEN] Nog!
[NOG] Just kidding, Chief.
(The runabout is orbiting a cratered moon.)
[ODO] Russol? Russol.
[WEYOUN] I'm afraid he couldn't be here.
[ODO] Weyoun.
[WEYOUN] Founder. It is an honour to stand in your presence once again.
[ODO] Where's Gul Russol?
[WEYOUN] I'm afraid the Cardassian Central Command had him put to death
almost a year ago. I regret having to deceive you, but it was the only
way I could think of to get you here.
[ODO] Well, I'm here. What do you want?
[WEYOUN] To serve you. I no longer consider myself a member of the
[ODO] You're defecting?
[WEYOUN] Do with me as you wish. I place my fate entirely in your hands.
(And on that bombshell, the opening titles.)
[WEYOUN] You don't believe me, do you?
[ODO] I believe Gul Russol is dead. You say you're defecting from the
Dominion. Why?
[WEYOUN] Founder, please.
[ODO] I've told you before I'm not a Founder.
[WEYOUN] As you wish. Odo, I'll tell you everything you want to know but
first, we really should get aboard your runabout. The Jem'Hadar are
already hunting for me and if I'm found
[ODO] You haven't answered my question. Why did you decide to defect?
[WEYOUN] I realised my place is with you.
[ODO] You can do better than that.
[WEYOUN] Then let's just say I left Cardassia because my life was in
[ODO] From whom?
[WEYOUN] Everyone.
[ODO] Aren't you being a little paranoid?
[WEYOUN] Of course I'm paranoid. Everyone's trying to kill me.
[ODO] Why?
[WEYOUN] Because this war with the Federation was supposed to have been
won months ago.
[ODO] Well, things don't always turn out as planned.
[WEYOUN] Quite true. And when things go wrong, someone has to take the
blame. And this time, it's me. Now we really should be going. Think
about it, Odo. The information I possess could help the Federation win
this war.
[ODO] And you're willing to share that information?
[WEYOUN] All you have to do is ask.
[ODO] We've heard rumours that the Dominion has established a new
Ketracel White storage facility somewhere in Sector five zero seven.
[WEYOUN] The facility's located in the Pelosa system. I can supply you
with the exact coordinates.
[ODO] Odo to the Rio Grande. Two to beam up.
(Runabout Rio Grande)
[ODO] Sit here where I can keep an eye on you.
[WEYOUN] If it makes you feel better. But you should know I would never
harm a god.
[ODO] I'm not a god, I'm a security officer. As far as I'm concerned,
you're just another prisoner.
[WEYOUN] You have no idea how much it hurts me to hear you say that.
[NOG] I spoke to Edgar.
[BRIEN] Edgar who?
[NOG] Your new best friend, Chief Edgar Willoughby. He wanted me to
thank you for that bottle of Gamzian wine you sent him.
[BRIEN] I didn't send him any wine.
[NOG] I took the liberty of sending it for you. By the way, his wife's
name is Cynthia. They have a daughter, Melissa, age eight and a son,
Edgar junior, aged five.
[BRIEN] Did you get the stabiliser?
[NOG] Not quite.
[BRIEN] What do you mean, not quite?
[NOG] Unfortunately, he's out of stabilisers and won't be getting a new
shipment for another week.
[BRIEN] That's it. I'm doomed.
[NOG] Not necessarily. Eddie told me the USS Sentinel has an extra
[BRIEN] What makes you think they're going to give it to us?
[NOG] I didn't say they were going to give it to us. But they might be
willing to trade for it.
[BRIEN] Trade? For what?
[NOG] Depends on what they need and what we have.
[BRIEN] Well, I suppose it doesn't hurt to try. But remember, be
[NOG] Rule of Acquisition one sixty eight, whisper your way to success.
[BRIEN] Words to live by.
[NOG] Chief, one more thing. I need your authorisation code.
[BRIEN] What for?
[NOG] The shipping orders.
[BRIEN] Bring them to me and I'll authorise them.
[NOG] I just thought it would save time. When did you say the Captain
was going to be back?
(O'Brien signs the PADD with a sigh.)
[NOG] Stop looking so worried, Chief. I've got it all under control.
[BRIEN] I sure hope so.
(Runabout Rio Grande)
[ODO] I wish you'd stop doing that.
[WEYOUN] Doing what?
[ODO] Staring at me.
[WEYOUN] Was I? I didn't mean to.
[ODO] You've been doing it for the last ten hours.
[WEYOUN] I'm sorry. It's just such an honour to be sitting here with a
(gets a Look) security officer.
[ODO] We're being hailed.
[WEYOUN] Don't respond.
[ODO] It's a Cardassian transmission.
[WEYOUN] Scramble the comm. frequencies so they can't lock onto us.
[ODO] I'm trying.
(Too late.)
[WEYOUN7 (on monitor)] Founder. It's an honour to speak with you once
again. You look surprised to see me, Odo.
[ODO] I'm well aware the Vorta are all clones, but I'm not sure the
universe is ready for two Weyouns.
[WEYOUN7 (on monitor)] I couldn't agree more.
[ODO (on monitor)] So which of you is the Weyoun I've had the misfortune
of dealing with over the past few years?
[WEYOUN] Actually, neither of us.
[WEYOUN7 (on monitor)] That was Weyoun Five. Our illustrious predecessor
was killed a month ago.
[WEYOUN] And I had the honour of replacing him.
[WEYOUN7 (on monitor)] What a sad day that was
(Dominion briefing room)
[WEYOUN7] For the Dominion. Weyoun Five was a great
man. A true patriot. His death in a transporter accident was most
[WEYOUN (on monitor)] And still under investigation.
[DAMAR] A very thorough investigation that has found no evidence of foul
(Runabout Rio Grande)
[ODO] Interesting, So if you're Weyoun Six, you must
be Seven.
(Dominion briefing room)
[DAMAR] Clones. Keeping track of them is a full time
(Runabout Rio Grande)
[ODO] And why were you activated if he's still
(Dominion briefing room)
[WEYOUN7] Normally I wouldn't have been, but when a
clone is found to be defective
(Runabout Rio Grande)
[WEYOUN] I'm not defective!
[WEYOUN7 (on monitor)] Of course
(Dominion briefing room)
[WEYOUN7] You are. What other explanation is there
for your behaviour? Leaving your post. Defecting to the enemy.
(Runabout Rio Grande)
[WEYOUN] Are you calling Odo your enemy?
[WEYOUN7 (on monitor)] Absolutely not.
(Dominion briefing room)
[WEYOUN7] I was referring to the Federation, as
you're well aware.
[DAMAR] Enough bickering. Order him to trigger his implant.
[WEYOUN7] I was getting to that.
(Runabout Rio Grande)
[ODO] What implant?
[WEYOUN] Like all Vorta, I have a termination implant in my brain stem.
[WEYOUN7 (on monitor)] Prove your loyalty to the Founders. Activate it.
[WEYOUN] The only Founder I'm loyal to is Odo, and he wants me alive.
[DAMAR (on monitor)] I told you it was a waste of time to try to reason
with him. You're a dead man, whether you activate that implant or not.
That ship will never make it back to Deep Space Nine.
[WEYOUN7] Founder, there's really no need for you to be involved in this
petty dispute. If you'll just hold your position until one of our ships
can reach you
[ODO] I have no intention of releasing my prisoner to you.
[WEYOUN7 (on monitor)] If you don't, I can't be responsible for the
[WEYOUN] That's an empty threat. He wouldn't dare harm a Founder.
[DAMAR (on monitor)] Maybe he won't, but I will. Think it over, Shape
shifter. One of our attack ships is on the way.
(Transmission ends.)
[WEYOUN] Forgive me, Odo I should've told you the truth about myself.
[ODO] Well, it's not too late to start. Why did you defect?
[WEYOUN] It's simple really. From the moment I was activated, I felt
this war was wrong. Please don't misunderstand me, I still worship the
Founders, but I believe their obsession with conquering the Alpha
Quadrant is misguided. It's time they learned to live in peace with the
Solids. I know it's not my place to question the Founders. Maybe Weyoun
Seven is right. I am defective.
[ODO] On the contrary. What you're saying about the war, about the
Founders, makes perfect sense.
[WEYOUN] I want to thank you, Odo, for the way you stood up for me,
protected me.
[ODO] Well don't let it go to your head. I'd do the same for any
[WEYOUN] Of course you would. You're a god.
(Dominion briefing room)
[WEYOUN7] To think a Weyoun could be capable of such
[DAMAR] I knew there was something wrong with him from the moment we
met. He lacked your appetite for cruelty.
[WEYOUN7] He's a disgrace to me and all Vorta. Though I suppose he can't
be held completely responsible for his behaviour. The Vorta cloning
process is a very delicate one. Every once in a while a clone is found
to be defective. It's never happened to a Weyoun before, but it does
happen. And speaking of treachery, there is still the little matter of
the death of Weyoun Five.
[DAMAR] You really believe I had something to do with that?
[WEYOUN7] You were supposed to be on that transporter pad with him.
[DAMAR] I was called away. An urgent meeting with the Central Command.
[WEYOUN7] How convenient.
[DAMAR] I always was lucky. Are you sure I can't interest you in a glass
of kanar?
[WEYOUN7] I'm afraid our problems won't be washed away quite that
[DAMAR] I don't know what you're so concerned about. Odo couldn't
possibly hope to outrun a Jem'Hadar attack ship.
[WEYOUN7] But what if he refuses to hand over his prisoner?
[DAMAR] Then he'll die.
[WEYOUN7] He will not. We can't kill a Founder. I forbid it.
[DAMAR] Unless we stop them, Odo is going to take your predecessor back
to the Federation, where he will undoubtedly reveal all he knows, all
you know, about our strategic operations. You know what that means,
don't you?
[WEYOUN7] It means we could lose the war.
[DAMAR] That's right. And I will not allow that to happen. Cardassia has
risked too much, suffered too much. I will not stand by and let all of
our plans, all of our dreams for the future, end in defeat just to
spare the life of one Shape shifter.
[WEYOUN7] I don't believe the Jem'Hadar would want to fire on Odo, even
if they were ordered to.
[DAMAR] They don't need to know he's on board. You simply order them to
destroy the runabout.
[WEYOUN7] I suppose it could work. But if the Founders ever found out
that we were responsible for Odo's death.
[DAMAR] Who's going to tell them?
[WEYOUN7] Odo doesn't even consider himself a Founder.
[DAMAR] Then we agree. The runabout must be destroyed. Excellent. Now I
really think you should try a little kanar.
[BRIEN] Morning, Lieutenant.
[EZRI] I'd make myself scarce if I were you.
[BRIEN] Why?
[KIRA] Chief! In here now.
[EZRI] I tried to warn you.
(Captain's office)
[KIRA] Do you mind explaining this?
[BRIEN] Where's the Captain's desk?
[KIRA] Oh, you don't know? This is your authorisation code, isn't it?
[BRIEN] Nog.
[KIRA] What about him?
[BRIEN] Well, he must have traded the Captain's desk for the graviton
[KIRA] Excuse me?
[BRIEN] Don't worry, Colonel. I will get the desk back.
[KIRA] You're damn right you will. The Captain is returning from Bajor
in two days, and when he does, I want his desk sitting right here where
it belongs.
[NOG] Don't worry, Chief. I didn't give away the
Captain's desk. I just loaned it to someone.
[BRIEN] Who?
[NOG] Al Lorenzo.
[BRIEN] Who's Al Lorenzo?
[NOG] The Chief of Operations on Decos Prime.
[BRIEN] What does he want with the Captain's desk?
[NOG] He wants to take a picture of it.
[BRIEN] Why?
[NOG] He likes to collect holophotos of himself sitting behind the desks
of famous Starfleet captains. Usually he just sneaks into their
offices, but with the war on it's been hard for him to get away.
[BRIEN] Ha. Well that makes sense.
[NOG] He's got quite a collection. Captain DeSoto's desk, Captain
Picard's desk.
[BRIEN] Okay, fine. So once he has his picture, he's going to send us
the graviton stabiliser?
[NOG] No. He's giving us an induction modulator.
[BRIEN] But we don't need an induction modulator.
[NOG] But the USS Musashi does.
[BRIEN] Ah. So the Musashi's going to send us the stabiliser.
[NOG] No, they're giving us a phaser emitter.
[BRIEN] We don't need a phaser emitter.
[NOG] I know, but the USS Sentinel does, and they have the extra
[BRIEN] And they're willing to give it up for a phaser emitter?
[NOG] That's the rumour.
[BRIEN] Rumour? You've made all of these deals based on a rumour?
[NOG] From a very reliable source.
[BRIEN] But what if it turns out not to be true?
[NOG] You have to have faith, Chief.
[BRIEN] In a rumour?
[NOG] No, in the Great Material Continuum.
[BRIEN] Who are they?
[NOG] It's not a they, it's the force that binds the universe together.
[BRIEN] I must have missed that class in Engineering School.
[NOG] On Ferenginar, we learn about the Continuum while we still have
our first set of ears.
[BRIEN] This is no time for Ferengi fairy tales.
[NOG] The Continuum is real. You see, there are millions upon millions
of worlds in the universe, each one filled with too much of one thing
and not enough of another. And the Great Continuum flows through them
all like a mighty river, from have to want and back again. And if we
navigate the Continuum with skill and grace, our ship will be filled
with everything our hearts desire.
[BRIEN] Right now, I'd settle for a stabiliser and the Captain's desk.
[NOG] The river will provide.
[BRIEN] If it doesn't sink us first.
(Runabout Rio Grande)
(Weyoun is muttering and twitching.)
(Weyoun suddenly wakes.)
[ODO] What's wrong?
[WEYOUN] I think I was dreaming.
[ODO] Sounded more like a nightmare.
[WEYOUN] I was on Earth, Starfleet Headquarters. I was supposed to
report for my debriefing, but I couldn't find the right office. Then I
started calling your name, but you didn't answer. And then suddenly I
was being chased by some Jem'Hadar. Or were they Klingons? Silly, isn't
[ODO] Not at all. It isn't easy to turn your back on your own people.
Believe me, I know.
[WEYOUN] Odo, do you think Starfleet would allow you to conduct my
[ODO] Possibly.
[WEYOUN] It would make it much easier.
[WEYOUN] What is it?
[ODO] Trouble.
(BOOM as the Jem'Hadar start shooting.)
[WEYOUN] I can't believe they're firing on us.
[ODO] Trust me, they are.
[WEYOUN] But the Jem'Hadar would never obey an order to harm a Founder.
[ODO] Maybe they finally got it through their head that I'm not a
[WEYOUN] Or they don't know who they're firing at. We've got to let them
know you're on board.
[ODO] They're jamming all the frequencies. I can't get through.
[WEYOUN] They've been ordered not to communicate with us.
[ODO] Damar said he was determined not to let us get back to the
[WEYOUN] See if you can get above them.
[ODO] Why?
[WEYOUN] I'll explain later. Just do it.
(Rio Grande lets the Jem'Hadar pass underneath.)
[ODO] What now?
[WEYOUN] Lock phasers on their dorsal field junction. Their shields are
weakest there.
(A sustained phaser burst and KaBOOM!)
[ODO] Well, congratulations. You just saved our lives.
[WEYOUN] And murdered loyal servants of the Dominion. May the Founders
forgive me.
[ODO] Has it ever occurred to you that the reason you believe the
Founders are gods is because that's what they want you to believe? That
they built that into your genetic code?
[WEYOUN] Of course they did. That's what gods do. After all, why be a
god if there's no one to worship you?
[BRIEN] Rom, where's Nog?
[ROM] I don't know, Chief. Nog left the station a couple of hours ago in
a runabout.
[BRIEN] Who gave him permission to use a runabout?
[ROM] You did.
[BRIEN] I never should've given him my authorisation code. Did he say
when he'd be back?
[ROM] Not to me.
[BRIEN] How could he do this to me? How could he leave me adrift,
mid-river without a paddle?
[ROM] What river would that be?
[BRIEN] You know, the Great Material Continuum.
[ROM] Oh. That river. It can be very treacherous.
[BRIEN] Tell me about it. I suppose the good news is with Nog gone,
nothing else can go missing.
(Cargo bay)
[MARTOK] Where are my cases of bloodwine!
[WORF] I do not know, General. But I promise you I will find out.
(Dominion briefing room)
[DAMAR] I don't understand it. How could a runabout
destroy a Jem'Hadar fighter?
[WEYOUN7] Isn't it obvious? My predecessor must have helped Odo get past
the ship's defences.
[DAMAR] Then how do we stop them?
[WEYOUN7] How else? Send more ships. Send a whole battalion if
necessary, from our base at Olmerak.
[DAMAR] Consider it done.
[WEYOUN7] Remember to tell them to fire on sight.
[FOUNDER] Fire at whom?
[WEYOUN7] Founder, how may I serve you?
[FOUNDER] By answering my question.
[DAMAR] We spotted a Federation runabout spying on our base in the
Olmerak system.
[FOUNDER] Surely one ship shouldn't be much of a threat.
[WEYOUN7] We'll have it destroyed within the hour.
(Her face looks dry and wrinkled.)
[DAMAR] Are you feeling all right?
[FOUNDER] Why do you ask?
[DAMAR] Your face.
(She morphs the wrinkles away.)
[FOUNDER] I'm fine. But from now on, I want the temperature in these
rooms lowered by fifteen degrees. I do not share the Cardassians' love
of heat.
[WEYOUN7] Nor do I. Lower the temperature.
[DAMAR] As you wish.
[WEYOUN7] Is there anything else I can do for you?
[FOUNDER] Have you located Weyoun Six?
[WEYOUN7] It's only a matter of time.
[FOUNDER] So you keep saying.
[WEYOUN7] I assure you, Founder. He will be dealt with.
(She leaves.)
[DAMAR] Did you notice her face? How parched it looked?
[WEYOUN7] You heard her. These rooms are too hot.
[DAMAR] I wonder. I'm telling you she's not well.
[WEYOUN7] She's not the Founder you should be worried about. Contact
Olmerak and order those ships to intercept the runabout.
(Runabout Rio Grande)
(Weyoun uses a chopstick to spear a piece of salami
from a pizza.)
[WEYOUN] That was filling.
[ODO] I would hope so. You sampled the replicator's entire menu.
[WEYOUN] I enjoyed the different textures.
[ODO] You mean tastes, don't you?
[WEYOUN] Not at all. The Vorta sense of taste is quite limited. About
the only foods we really enjoy are kava nuts and rippleberries.
[ODO] Ah. I take it this is also a result of your genetic programming?
[WEYOUN] It's the Founders' way of making sure we remember our past. You
must know the story of how the Founders created the Vorta?
[ODO] No, but I have the feeling you're going to tell me all about it.
[WEYOUN] The Vorta used to be quite different from what we are today. We
were forest dwellers. Small, timid, ape-like creatures living in
hollowed out trees.
[ODO] Eating nuts and berries.
[WEYOUN] And living in fear of the many predators that would hunt us for
food. One day, a wounded changeling came stumbling through the forest
fleeing from a mob of angry solids.
[ODO] Why were they chasing him?
[WEYOUN] What does it matter? Solids have always feared and distrusted
shape-shifters, you know that. Well, a family of Vorta hid the
changeling from his pursuers. And in return for saving his life, the
changeling promised the Vorta that one day we would be transformed into
powerful beings. That we would become an important part of a great new
empire that would stretch across the Galaxy.
[ODO] And the changeling kept his word.
[WEYOUN] That's right. Imagine, Odo. My people were once little more
than apes, and look at us now. Look at what you've done for us.
[ODO] If the story were true, it would at least prove that my people are
capable of generosity and kindness.
[WEYOUN] You care about your people very much, don't you, Odo? In spite
of all that's happened between you.
[ODO] Maybe I do, but that doesn't change the fact that they're
responsible for a war that's killed millions.
[WEYOUN] Odo, there's something you need to know. A sickness has spread
throughout the Great Link. The Founders are dying. I was summoned to a
meeting by the female changeling. She wanted to discuss troop
deployments with me, and suddenly her hands began to shrivel. It lasted
only a second or two, but over the last few weeks, it's happened a
number of times. It's like she's withering.
[ODO] And you're sure the other changelings are also infected?
[WEYOUN] She said the entire Link is suffering from the disease.
[ODO] Everyone but me.
[WEYOUN] If they're unable to find a cure, you'll be the last of your
[ODO] Why didn't you tell me this earlier?
[WEYOUN] Because I knew how much it would hurt you. I'm sorry to bring
you such sad news. But at least you're not infected. The Dominion will
[ODO] Meaning what?
[WEYOUN] Think about it, Odo. You have an opportunity to rectify the
mistakes your people have made. To build a new Dominion based on
cooperation, not conquest. On peace, not war. A new order under your
[ODO] And what's your role going to be in this new order?
[WEYOUN] Whatever you want it to be. I wish only to serve you.
[ODO] All right, and you can start by telling me how one runabout is
going to survive an assault by four Jem'Hadar ships.
[WEYOUN] I'm sure you'll think of something.
[ODO] There's a Kuiper Belt not far from here. We might be able to hide
among the comet fragments. But we don't have much time. They're closing
(They dodge in amongst the icy boulders.)
[WEYOUN] These comet fragments are nothing but huge chunks of ice. The
Jem'Hadar will have no trouble finding us.
[ODO] Not if we become the ice.
(The runabout flies into a crevasse and through to a cave.)
[ODO] Well, with the power off and the runabout in thermal contact with
the ice, we won't generate enough of an energy signature for their
sensors to read.
[WEYOUN] We become the ice. Only a god could think of such a thing.
[ODO] Well let's just hope the Jem'Hadar give up their search before we
freeze to death.
[WEYOUN] My faith will keep me warm.
[ODO] Perhaps. But in an hour you may want to trade in that faith for a
thermal blanket.
(Captain's office)
(There's a desk, but)
[BRIEN] What do you think?
[BASHIR] It's white.
[BRIEN] I know it's white. I'm going to paint it.
[BASHIR] It's the wrong shape, it's the wrong height, the wrong width.
Other than that, it's perfect. The Captain will never suspect you
switched desks on him.
[BRIEN] Julian, I need help, not sarcasm.
[BASHIR] I'm afraid Nog's the only one who can help you now.
[BRIEN] If he gets back to the station before the Captain does.
[BASHIR] Maybe he's not coming back. Maybe he'd decided to make a run
for it.
(Kira enters.)
[KIRA] That isn't the Captain's desk.
[BASHIR] He's going to paint it.
[KIRA] Get it out of here.
(Martok enters.)
[KIRA] Can I help you, General?
[MARTOK] No. But he can.
(Cargo bay)
[BRIEN] Bloodwine?
[MARTOK] Sixteen cases, sent to me by my wife. Now where are they?
[BRIEN] How should I know?
[WORF] You authorised their removal. That is your authorisation code, is
it not?
[BRIEN] Nog.
[MARTOK] Chief, I want that bloodwine back here by tomorrow. Understood?
(Runabout Rio Grande)
[WEYOUN] Odo, when you said you were cutting power
to all systems did that include life support?
[ODO] I'm afraid so.
[WEYOUN] Ah. That explains it.
[ODO] Explains what?
[WEYOUN] Why I'm having trouble breathing.
[ODO] We should have enough oxygen left for another three hours. Of
course, by then we'll have probably frozen to death.
[WEYOUN] But you can't die. You have to survive to rebuild the Dominion.
[WEYOUN] They've found us.
(The Jem'Hadar are blowing up the proto-comets.)
[WEYOUN] What do we do now?
[ODO] We can't stay here.
[WEYOUN] You're not going to try to outrun those ships, are you?
[ODO] What choice do we have?
(Their hiding place goes Boom as they make their run.)
[WEYOUN] We're on fire.
[ODO] There's an extinguisher behind you. What are you waiting for?
[WEYOUN] I live only to serve you.
(Weyoun puts out the fire and goes to the central console.)
[ODO] What are you doing? Why'd you activate the comm. system?
(Weyoun 7 and Damar appear on the monitor.)
[WEYOUN] All right, call off those ships.
[WEYOUN7 (on monitor)] Why should I?
[WEYOUN] Because you don't need them anymore.
Weyoun Six places his index finger behind his ear and his thumb under
his chin, then applies pressure. He collapses.
[WEYOUN (on monitor)] I'm glad to see you've come to your senses.
[ODO] What have you done?
[WEYOUN7] I've saved your life and the Dominion's as well.
[WEYOUN (on monitor)] He's activated his termination implant and proven
himself to be a worthy Vorta at last.
[WEYOUN7] I obey the Founders in all things. (Boom) Now call off those
(Dominion briefing room)
[DAMAR] We don't know what he told Odo. He may have
revealed important tactical
[WEYOUN7] That's a risk we'll just have to take. I've ordered the
Jem'Hadar to break off the attack. I see your runabout has suffered
some battle damage. Will you require
(Runabout Rio Grande)
[WEYOUN7 (on monitor)] Any further assistance?
[ODO] I think you've done enough.
[WEYOUN7 (on monitor)] I sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have
caused you, Odo. Please have a safe and pleasant journey back to Deep
Space Nine.
(Transmission ends.)
[WEYOUN] They say voluntary termination is quick and painless. I'm
afraid it's not true.
[ODO] I'll get you a pain suppressor.
[WEYOUN] That won't be necessary but there is one thing you can do for
[ODO] What's that?
[WEYOUN] Give me your blessing.
[ODO] I can't.
[WEYOUN] Please, Odo. Tell me that I haven't failed, that I've served
you well.
[ODO] You have. And for that you have my gratitude, and my blessing.
[BASHIR] Miles, the Captain's back.
[BRIEN] I know. He sent for me.
[BASHIR] Good luck.
[BRIEN] Thanks.
(Captain's office)
(Sisko's desk is there, and Nog.)
[SISKO] Ah, Chief.
[BRIEN] Captain, your desk
[SISKO] Yes, it looks nice, doesn't it? I came in this morning and found
Ensign Nog polishing it.
[NOG] It was looking a little dull.
[SISKO] Well, here is the maintenance request from the Gettysburg. It
should be docking here later today. That'll be all.
[BRIEN] Yes, sir.
[SISKO] Oh, about the stabiliser.
[BRIEN] Captain, I can explain.
[SISKO] Don't bother. Ensign Nog told me you were able to get hold of
one this morning.
[BRIEN] I was? I mean I was.
[SISKO] How long before you can have it online?
[BRIEN] Er, eight hours.
[SISKO] I plan to take the Defiant out on patrol in two.
[BRIEN] Two it is, sir.
[BRIEN] I don't know how you did it, Nog
[NOG] I never lost faith in the Great Material Continuum.
[BRIEN] Like you say, the river will provide.
[MARTOK] Chief!
[BRIEN] The waters just got choppy again.
(Martok hands O'Brien a bottle of bloodwine.)
[MARTOK] I wanted you to have this. Consider it an apology.
[BRIEN] You found the bloodwine.
[WORF] Not exactly. Ensign Nog returned from his trip with sixteen cases
of twenty three oh nine. A very good year.
[MARTOK] An even better vintage than the one my wife sent me.
[BRIEN] Well, I'm glad you approve.
[NOG] And remember, anytime you're shopping for wines or spirits, my
cousin Gant is the man to see.
[WORF] We will keep that in mind.
[BRIEN] Your cousin Gant?
[NOG] Just another sailor on the Great River. By the way, Gant mentioned
that he's got ten cases of Saurian brandy. It's the Captain's
favourite, you know.
[BRIEN] Level Five. What does he want for them?
(Kira's quarters)
[ODO] I don't think I'll ever forget the look on his
face when he died. He seemed so content.
[KIRA] The last thing he saw was one of his gods smiling at him. If you
ask me, he was a lucky man.
[ODO] Nerys, please.
[KIRA] No, listen to me. I know to Starfleet the Prophets are nothing
more than wormhole aliens, but to me they're gods. I can't prove it,
but then again, I don't have tom because my faith in them is enough.
Just as Weyoun's faith in you was enough for him.
[ODO] Well, now it appears that the Vorta may have to learn to get along
without their gods.
[KIRA] I'm sorry. You're worried about your people.
[ODO] The changelings are dying and I can't help them. They're the
[KIRA] A very dangerous enemy, now more than ever, because they're also
desperate. This isn't easy for you, but you have to remember they
started this war, not you.
[ODO] That's true. But I know now that whichever side wins, one thing is
certain. I'm going to lose. | {"show": "Star Trek", "season": "DS9", "episode": "e153", "title": "Treachery, Faith and"} | startrek/chakoteya |