Which trip id had the longest duration and the start station is in Redwood City?
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name;
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
mean temperature in Fahrenheit refers to mean_temperature_f; on 8/29/2013 refers to date = '8/29/2013';
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
started on the days with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Townsend';
the station with the most borrowed bikes refers to MAX(start_station);
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
installed on refers to installation_date; installation_date = '8/16/2013'; customers refers to subscription_type = customers;
ended in refers to end_station_name;
Calculate the average duration travelled by subscribers that both started and ended their trip in Mountain View City Hall and indicate the date when the station was first installed.
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriptions'; started and ended their trip at Mountain View City Hall refers to start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall' and end_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; subscriber refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber';
installed on refers to installation_date; installation_date = '8/16/2013'; customers refers to subscription_type = customers;
the station with the most borrowed bikes refers to MAX(start_station);
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
started at station refers to start_station_name; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; year that had the most number of trips refers to MAX(year(start_date));
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
In 2006, how many trips ended at stations in Mountain View?
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
mean temperature refers to mean_temperature_f; mean temperature of 20 degree Celsius refers to DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.8) = 20; in 2014 refers to date LIKE'%2015%';
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
started refers to start_date; the hottest day refers to max_temperature_f;
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
South Van Ness at Market refers to start_station_name; subscriber refers to subscription_type; start_date = '12/1/2013'; the shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); which station was the bike returned to refers to end_station_name;
total number of bikes that can be hold = MAX(dock_count); before 2014 refers to year(installation_date)<2014;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
no available bike to borrow refers to bikes_available = 0; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
Which year experienced the most rain?
events = 'Rain'; year refers to YEAR(date);
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
37.331415 and -121.8932 are latitude (lat) and longitude (long) coordinates indicating location; returned at refers to end_station_name; the date the bike was borrowed refers to start_date;
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
customer refers to subscription_type = 'Customer'; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; difference = SUBTRACT(SUM(subscription_type = 'Subscriber' t), SUM(subscription_type = 'Customer')); trip in June 2013 refers to start_date BETWEEN '6/1/2013 0:00'AND '6/31/2013 12:59';
installed on refers to installation_date; installation_date = '8/16/2013'; customers refers to subscription_type = customers;
station refers to name;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
Does the bike with Id number 16 making any intercity trip? If yes, calculate the total travel duration during all the intercity trip. Convert the duration to hour.
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
customer refers to subscription_type = 'Customer'; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; difference = SUBTRACT(SUM(subscription_type = 'Subscriber' t), SUM(subscription_type = 'Customer')); trip in June 2013 refers to start_date BETWEEN '6/1/2013 0:00'AND '6/31/2013 12:59';
number of bikes a station can hold refers to SUM(dock_count); Evelyn Park and Ride refers to name = 'Evelyn Park and Ride'; started on the station refers to start_station_name; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriber';
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name;
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
Powell Street refers to start_station_name; bike 496 refers to bike_id = '496'; start_date = '8/29/2013';
mean temperature refers to mean_temperature_f; mean temperature of 20 degree Celsius refers to DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.8) = 20; in 2014 refers to date LIKE'%2015%';
Redwood City is the name of the city; trips in August 2013 refers to start_date like '8%2013%';
time = '11/3/2013'; which stations are empty refers to bikes_available = '0';
Among the rides during the rainy days, which ride was the longest? List the start station, end station, and duration of this ride.
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
started on the days in September, 2013 refers to date LIKE'9%'AND date LIKE'%2013' hottest temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit refers to max_temperature_f>70;
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
started on the days with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Townsend';
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
South Van Ness at Market refers to start_station_name; subscriber refers to subscription_type; start_date = '12/1/2013'; the shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); which station was the bike returned to refers to end_station_name;
List the name and city of starting stations which has an above-average duration trips.
starting stations refers to start_station_name; above average duration trips = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(main_trip.id))<duration;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; difference = SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, min_temperature_f); date = '8/29/2013'
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Folsom';
ended in refers to end_station_name;
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
the station with the most borrowed bikes refers to MAX(start_station);
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
started on the days with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Townsend';
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
What is the average coldest temperature for the zip code of 94301 and what stations are within the zip code? Include the latitude and longitude as well.
coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; average coldest temperature refers = AVG(min_temperature_f); stations refers to name; latitude refers to lat; longitude refers to long;
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name;
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); starting on a day with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013';
number of bikes a station can hold refers to SUM(dock_count); Evelyn Park and Ride refers to name = 'Evelyn Park and Ride'; started on the station refers to start_station_name; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriber';
no available bike to borrow refers to bikes_available = 0; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
time = '11/3/2013'; which stations are empty refers to bikes_available = '0';
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name;
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; subscriber refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber';
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014';
started refers to start_date; the hottest day refers to max_temperature_f;
What is the difference between the hottest temperature and the coldest temperature in in Fahrenheit on 8/29/2013 for the area where the zip code is 94107?
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; difference = SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, min_temperature_f); date = '8/29/2013'
bike is borrowed from refers to start_station_id;
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
day in the month of November, 2014 refers to start_date between '11/1/2014' and '11/30/2014'; foggy weather refers to events = 'Fog'; subscriber refers to subscription_type; all of the stations bikes were borrowed from refer to start_station_name;
time = '11/3/2013'; which stations are empty refers to bikes_available = '0';
events = 'Rain'; year refers to YEAR(date);
the hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f;
Redwood City is the name of the city; trips in August 2013 refers to start_date like '8%2013%';
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
Name the city of the station that trip ID 585842 borrowed a bike and indicate when that station was first installed.
when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name;
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
rain of more than 0.8 inches refers to events = rain where precipitation_inches>0.8; average ride duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
ended on a foggy day refers to end_date where events = 'fog'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; DIVIDE(COUNT(id where subscription_type = 'Subscriber'), COUNT(id)) as percentage;
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
started refers to start_date; the hottest day refers to max_temperature_f;
What is the maximum humidity in Powell Street BART when bike 496 was borrowed from the station on 8/29/2013?
Powell Street refers to start_station_name; bike 496 refers to bike_id = '496'; start_date = '8/29/2013';
day in the month of November, 2014 refers to start_date between '11/1/2014' and '11/30/2014'; foggy weather refers to events = 'Fog'; subscriber refers to subscription_type; all of the stations bikes were borrowed from refer to start_station_name;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
final station refers to end_station_name where MAX(end_date);
time = '11/3/2013'; which stations are empty refers to bikes_available = '0';
37.331415 and -121.8932 are latitude (lat) and longitude (long) coordinates indicating location; returned at refers to end_station_name; the date the bike was borrowed refers to start_date;
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
List out all stations name that having a mean temperature 20 degree Celsius in year 2014.
mean temperature refers to mean_temperature_f; mean temperature of 20 degree Celsius refers to DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.8) = 20; in 2014 refers to date LIKE'%2015%';
starting stations refers to start_station_name; above average duration trips = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(main_trip.id))<duration;
started at station refers to start_station_name; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; year that had the most number of trips refers to MAX(year(start_date));
when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriptions'; started and ended their trip at Mountain View City Hall refers to start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall' and end_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
start and end station are similar refers to start_station_name = end_station_name; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
total number of bikes that can be hold = MAX(dock_count); before 2014 refers to year(installation_date)<2014;
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); starting on a day with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013';
What is the total trip duration made within Palo Alto city? Convert the duration to hour.
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
least used bike refers to bike_id with MIN(COUNT(main_trip.id)); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; total duration in hour = DIVIDE(duration, 3600) AS hour;
ended on a foggy day refers to end_date where events = 'fog'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
started on the days in September, 2013 refers to date LIKE'9%'AND date LIKE'%2013' hottest temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit refers to max_temperature_f>70;
Powell Street refers to start_station_name; bike 496 refers to bike_id = '496'; start_date = '8/29/2013';
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
no available bike to borrow refers to bikes_available = 0; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
Which year had the most number of trips that started at stations in San Francisco?
started at station refers to start_station_name; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; year that had the most number of trips refers to MAX(year(start_date));
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; average coldest temperature refers = AVG(min_temperature_f); stations refers to name; latitude refers to lat; longitude refers to long;
in 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013; rain and fog ocurred together refers to events = 'Fog-Rain'; id of bikes refers to biked_id;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
South Van Ness at Market refers to start_station_name; subscriber refers to subscription_type; start_date = '12/1/2013'; the shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); which station was the bike returned to refers to end_station_name;
customer refers to subscription_type = 'Customer'; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; difference = SUBTRACT(SUM(subscription_type = 'Subscriber' t), SUM(subscription_type = 'Customer')); trip in June 2013 refers to start_date BETWEEN '6/1/2013 0:00'AND '6/31/2013 12:59';
in 2015 refers to end_date like '%2015%'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(events = 'Rain'), COUNT(events));
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Folsom';
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
What is the mean temperature in Fahrenheit on 8/29/2013 for the area where the zip code is 94107?
mean temperature in Fahrenheit refers to mean_temperature_f; on 8/29/2013 refers to date = '8/29/2013';
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
the maximum dew point in Fahrenheit degree refers to max_dew_point_f; date = '7/15/2014';
Powell Street refers to start_station_name; bike 496 refers to bike_id = '496'; start_date = '8/29/2013';
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
installed after August, 2013 refers to year(installation_date)>2013; in San Jose refers to city = 'San Jose';
number of bikes a station can hold refers to SUM(dock_count); Evelyn Park and Ride refers to name = 'Evelyn Park and Ride'; started on the station refers to start_station_name; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriber';
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name;
start and end station are similar refers to start_station_name = end_station_name; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
On the day with the hottest temperature ever in 2014, how many bike trips started from the station 2nd at Folsom?
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Folsom';
ended in refers to end_station_name;
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
starting stations refers to start_station_name; above average duration trips = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(main_trip.id))<duration;
when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
started on the days in September, 2013 refers to date LIKE'9%'AND date LIKE'%2013' hottest temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit refers to max_temperature_f>70;
no available bike to borrow refers to bikes_available = 0; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
What is the average duration of a bike trip made on the day with the hottest temperature ever in 2014?
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014';
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
Powell Street refers to start_station_name; bike 496 refers to bike_id = '496'; start_date = '8/29/2013';
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
in 2015 refers to end_date like '%2015%'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(events = 'Rain'), COUNT(events));
subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; DIVIDE(COUNT(id where subscription_type = 'Subscriber'), COUNT(id)) as percentage;
mean temperature refers to mean_temperature_f; mean temperature of 20 degree Celsius refers to DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.8) = 20; in 2014 refers to date LIKE'%2015%';
Please give more detailed information about the first three books that sell the best.
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; bestseller means with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
French publisher means publisher in France where country = 'France'
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
publisher name refers to pub_name
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
order happened on refers to ord_date
name the publisher refers to pub_name
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
Massachusetts is a state; business books refers to type = 'business'
What's on the notes for the order happened on 1994/9/14?
order happened on refers to ord_date
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl)
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
job level refers to job_lvl
publisher name refers to pub_name;
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
Massachusetts is a state; business books refers to type = 'business'
Marketing manager is a job description which refers to job_desc; US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA'; non-US publishers refers publisher not in the US where country! = 'USA'; job level refers to job_lvl; average level = AVG(job_lvl)
Name the title and publisher for title ID BU 2075. Provide all the royalty percentage for all ranges.
name the publisher refers to pub_name
publisher name refers to pub_name;
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sold more than average refers to qty > AVG(qty); california refers to state = 'CA"
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl)
Massachusetts is a state; business books refers to type = 'business'
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
store name refers to stor_name
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
List the title name, type, and price of the titles published by New Moon Books. Arrange the list in ascending order of price.
Eric the Read Books is a publisher which refers to pub_name;
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
Marketing manager is a job description which refers to job_desc; US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA'; non-US publishers refers publisher not in the US where country! = 'USA'; job level refers to job_lvl; average level = AVG(job_lvl)
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
published by refers to pub_name
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl)
business title refers to title under business where type = 'business'
publisher name refers to pub_name
What is the average quantity of each order for the book "Life Without Fear"?
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
Life Without Fear is book title
Eric the Read Books is a publisher which refers to pub_name;
qty is abbreviation for quantity; bestseller means with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
Massachusetts is a state
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl); hired the earliest refers to MIN(hire_date)
Chief Financial Offer is a job description which refers to job_desc
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
order happened on refers to ord_date
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
For each publisher, state the type of titles they published order by the publisher name.
publisher name refers to pub_name
US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
name the publisher refers to pub_name
Life Without Fear is book title
French publisher means publisher in France where country = 'France'
business title refers to title under business where type = 'business'
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
are over $15 refers to price>15
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl); hired the earliest refers to MIN(hire_date)
Which title is about helpful hints on how to use your electronic resources, which publisher published it and what is the price of this book?
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
name the publisher refers to pub_name
order happened on refers to ord_date
store name refers to stor_name
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl)
Massachusetts is a state
job level refers to job_lvl; YEAR(hire_date) between 1990 and 1995
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
French publisher means publisher in France where country = 'France'
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; on contract refers to contract = 1
State the royalty percentage for the most year to date sale title within the 20000 range.
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
publisher name refers to pub_name
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
name the publisher refers to pub_name
job level refers to job_lvl; YEAR(hire_date) between 1990 and 1995
job level refers to job_lvl
Marketing manager is a job description which refers to job_desc; US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA'; non-US publishers refers publisher not in the US where country! = 'USA'; job level refers to job_lvl; average level = AVG(job_lvl)
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
published by refers to pub_name
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
publisher name refers to pub_name;
Tell me about the information of the French publisher.
French publisher means publisher in France where country = 'France'
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
Massachusetts is a state
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
are over $15 refers to price>15
Chief Financial Offer is a job description which refers to job_desc
name the publisher refers to pub_name
published by refers to pub_name
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
List all titles which have year to date sales higher than the average order by pubisher name.
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; average order = AVG(ytd_sales)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sold more than average refers to qty > AVG(qty); california refers to state = 'CA"
publication date refers to pubdate; payment terms refers to payterms; payterms = 'ON invoice'
job title means job description which refers to job_desc
name the publisher refers to pub_name
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl)
French publisher means publisher in France where country = 'France'
publisher name refers to pub_name
published by refers to pub_name
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
are over $15 refers to price>15
What is the publisher that has published the most expensive book?
most expensive book refers to MAX(price)
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
sold on refers to ord_date
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
business title refers to title under business where type = 'business'
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
Eric the Read Books is a publisher which refers to pub_name;
publisher name refers to pub_name
Life Without Fear is book title
job level refers to job_lvl; YEAR(hire_date) between 1990 and 1995
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
Name all the authors for all business titles.
business title refers to title under business where type = 'business'
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
name the publisher refers to pub_name
Massachusetts is a state; business books refers to type = 'business'
sold on refers to ord_date
Chief Financial Offer is a job description which refers to job_desc
are over $15 refers to price>15
qty is abbreviation for quantity; bestseller means with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl)
Calculate the average level difference between the Marketing editors hired by the US and non-US publishers?
Marketing manager is a job description which refers to job_desc; US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA'; non-US publishers refers publisher not in the US where country! = 'USA'; job level refers to job_lvl; average level = AVG(job_lvl)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sold more than average refers to qty > AVG(qty); california refers to state = 'CA"
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; average order = AVG(ytd_sales)
most expensive book refers to MAX(price)
publication date refers to pubdate; payment terms refers to payterms; payterms = 'ON invoice'
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
job level refers to job_lvl
Which employee has the lowest job level. State the first name, last name and when he /she was hired.
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
qty is abbreviation for quantity; bestseller means with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
at least 10% royalty refers to royalty > = 10; minimum range is synonym for low range which refers to lorange; without minimum range amount refers to lorange <> 0
Marketing manager is a job description which refers to job_desc; US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA'; non-US publishers refers publisher not in the US where country! = 'USA'; job level refers to job_lvl; average level = AVG(job_lvl)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sold more than average refers to qty > AVG(qty); california refers to state = 'CA"
publication date refers to pubdate; payment terms refers to payterms; payterms = 'ON invoice'
Massachusetts is a state
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
hired before year 1990 refers to YEAR(hire_date)<1990
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
In which country is the publisher of the book "Life Without Fear" located?
Life Without Fear is book title
most expensive book refers to MAX(price)
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
are over $15 refers to price>15
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; on contract refers to contract = 1
at least 10% royalty refers to royalty > = 10; minimum range is synonym for low range which refers to lorange; without minimum range amount refers to lorange <> 0
Chief Financial Offer is a job description which refers to job_desc
order happened on refers to ord_date
Among the publishers in the USA, how many of them have published books that are over $15?
are over $15 refers to price>15
store name refers to stor_name
publisher name refers to pub_name;
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
job title means job description which refers to job_desc
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; on contract refers to contract = 1
order happened on refers to ord_date
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; average order = AVG(ytd_sales)
Eric the Read Books is a publisher which refers to pub_name;
Who are the employees working for publisher not located in USA? State the employee's name and publisher name.
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
Massachusetts is a state
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
Eric the Read Books is a publisher which refers to pub_name;
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
at least 10% royalty refers to royalty > = 10; minimum range is synonym for low range which refers to lorange; without minimum range amount refers to lorange <> 0
are over $15 refers to price>15
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl)
name the publisher refers to pub_name
What is the highest level of job to get to for the employee who got hired the earliest?
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl); hired the earliest refers to MIN(hire_date)
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
order happened on refers to ord_date
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
Life Without Fear is book title
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; average order = AVG(ytd_sales)
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
name the publisher refers to pub_name
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
Massachusetts is a state
What's Pedro S Afonso's job title?
job title means job description which refers to job_desc
Chief Financial Offer is a job description which refers to job_desc
at least 10% royalty refers to royalty > = 10; minimum range is synonym for low range which refers to lorange; without minimum range amount refers to lorange <> 0
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
published by refers to pub_name
qty is abbreviation for quantity; bestseller means with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
job level refers to job_lvl; YEAR(hire_date) between 1990 and 1995
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; average order = AVG(ytd_sales)
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
What is the title that have at least 10% royalty without minimum range amount.
at least 10% royalty refers to royalty > = 10; minimum range is synonym for low range which refers to lorange; without minimum range amount refers to lorange <> 0
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
job title means job description which refers to job_desc
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
French publisher means publisher in France where country = 'France'
qty is abbreviation for quantity; bestseller means with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
sold on refers to ord_date
Life Without Fear is book title
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
Which job level is O'Rourke at?
job level refers to job_lvl
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
order happened on refers to ord_date
store name refers to stor_name
qty is abbreviation for quantity; bestseller means with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sold more than average refers to qty > AVG(qty); california refers to state = 'CA"
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
business title refers to title under business where type = 'business'
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
For all authors from CA who are not on contract, which title of his/hers has the most year to date sales.
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; on contract refers to contract = 1
most expensive book refers to MAX(price)
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; average order = AVG(ytd_sales)
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
sold on refers to ord_date
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
store name refers to stor_name
publication date refers to pubdate; payment terms refers to payterms; payterms = 'ON invoice'
French publisher means publisher in France where country = 'France'
hired before year 1990 refers to YEAR(hire_date)<1990
Name the title with the highest price published by 'Binnet & Hardley'.
published by refers to pub_name
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
Life Without Fear is book title
are over $15 refers to price>15
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sold more than average refers to qty > AVG(qty); california refers to state = 'CA"
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
order happened on refers to ord_date
US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
Chief Financial Offer is a job description which refers to job_desc
most expensive book refers to MAX(price)
Massachusetts is a state; business books refers to type = 'business'
Name all employees who were hired before year 1990.
hired before year 1990 refers to YEAR(hire_date)<1990
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
Marketing manager is a job description which refers to job_desc; US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA'; non-US publishers refers publisher not in the US where country! = 'USA'; job level refers to job_lvl; average level = AVG(job_lvl)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sold more than average refers to qty > AVG(qty); california refers to state = 'CA"
published by refers to pub_name
order happened on refers to ord_date
job level refers to job_lvl
publication date refers to pubdate; payment terms refers to payterms; payterms = 'ON invoice'
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
Among the stores that have ordered the book "Life Without Fear", how many of them are located in Massachusetts?
Massachusetts is a state
most expensive book refers to MAX(price)
published by refers to pub_name
Massachusetts is a state; business books refers to type = 'business'
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
name the publisher refers to pub_name
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
job level refers to job_lvl; YEAR(hire_date) between 1990 and 1995
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sold more than average refers to qty > AVG(qty); california refers to state = 'CA"
Life Without Fear is book title
List the title, price and publication date for all sales with 'ON invoice' payment terms.
publication date refers to pubdate; payment terms refers to payterms; payterms = 'ON invoice'
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
store name refers to stor_name
Marketing manager is a job description which refers to job_desc; US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA'; non-US publishers refers publisher not in the US where country! = 'USA'; job level refers to job_lvl; average level = AVG(job_lvl)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
name the publisher refers to pub_name
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; on contract refers to contract = 1
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
publisher name refers to pub_name
are over $15 refers to price>15
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
What is the price of the book that sells the best?
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl)
sold on refers to ord_date
Marketing manager is a job description which refers to job_desc; US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA'; non-US publishers refers publisher not in the US where country! = 'USA'; job level refers to job_lvl; average level = AVG(job_lvl)
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
job level refers to job_lvl; YEAR(hire_date) between 1990 and 1995
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
at least 10% royalty refers to royalty > = 10; minimum range is synonym for low range which refers to lorange; without minimum range amount refers to lorange <> 0
US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
How many levels are there left for Diego W Roel to reach if he/she could go to the max level for his/her position?
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
most expensive book refers to MAX(price)
Eric the Read Books is a publisher which refers to pub_name;
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
sold on refers to ord_date
hired before year 1990 refers to YEAR(hire_date)<1990
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; average order = AVG(ytd_sales)
publisher name refers to pub_name
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
How many sales did the store in Remulade make?
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
job level refers to job_lvl
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sold more than average refers to qty > AVG(qty); california refers to state = 'CA"
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
Eric the Read Books is a publisher which refers to pub_name;
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
Please list the stores that ordered the book "Life Without Fear".
store name refers to stor_name
US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
sold on refers to ord_date
Massachusetts is a state
business title refers to title under business where type = 'business'
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; bestseller means with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
order happened on refers to ord_date
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl); hired the earliest refers to MIN(hire_date)
job level refers to job_lvl; YEAR(hire_date) between 1990 and 1995
How many books on business have the bookstores in Massachusetts ordered?
Massachusetts is a state; business books refers to type = 'business'
published by refers to pub_name
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl); hired the earliest refers to MIN(hire_date)
business title refers to title under business where type = 'business'
most expensive book refers to MAX(price)
job level refers to job_lvl; YEAR(hire_date) between 1990 and 1995
publisher refers to pub_name; about the title refers to notes
What's the royalty for the bestseller book?
qty is abbreviation for quantity; bestseller means with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
are over $15 refers to price>15
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
job title means job description which refers to job_desc
publisher name refers to pub_name;
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
store name refers to stor_name
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
name the publisher refers to pub_name
business title refers to title under business where type = 'business'
List the type of the book for the order which was sold on 1993/5/29.
sold on refers to ord_date
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; bestseller means with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
job level refers to job_lvl
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl)
Chief Financial Offer is a job description which refers to job_desc
most expensive book refers to MAX(price)
US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sold more than average refers to qty > AVG(qty); california refers to state = 'CA"
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
Name the top five titles that sold more than average and list them in descending order of the number of sales in California stores?
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sold more than average refers to qty > AVG(qty); california refers to state = 'CA"
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
most expensive book refers to MAX(price)
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
publisher name refers to pub_name;
Chief Financial Offer is a job description which refers to job_desc
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
French publisher means publisher in France where country = 'France'
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; average order = AVG(ytd_sales)
Marketing manager is a job description which refers to job_desc; US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA'; non-US publishers refers publisher not in the US where country! = 'USA'; job level refers to job_lvl; average level = AVG(job_lvl)
Life Without Fear is book title
List all titles published in year 1991. Also provide notes details of the title and the publisher's name.
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
job title means job description which refers to job_desc
order happened on refers to ord_date
hired before year 1990 refers to YEAR(hire_date)<1990
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
Massachusetts is a state; business books refers to type = 'business'
published by refers to pub_name
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
lowest job level refers to MIN(job_lvl)
US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
Name the publisher which has the most titles published in 1991.
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
name the publisher refers to pub_name
publisher name refers to pub_name;
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
qty is abbreviation for quantity; bestseller means with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
business title refers to title under business where type = 'business'
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
at least 10% royalty refers to royalty > = 10; minimum range is synonym for low range which refers to lorange; without minimum range amount refers to lorange <> 0
Which publisher had the highest job level? Give his/her full name.
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl)
hired before year 1990 refers to YEAR(hire_date)<1990
sold on refers to ord_date
Marketing manager is a job description which refers to job_desc; US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA'; non-US publishers refers publisher not in the US where country! = 'USA'; job level refers to job_lvl; average level = AVG(job_lvl)
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
Massachusetts is a state
publisher name refers to pub_name; publication date refers to pubdate; published in year 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
Name the Chief Executive Officer and when he/she was hired.
Chief Financial Offer is a job description which refers to job_desc
Life Without Fear is book title
publisher name refers to pub_name
French publisher means publisher in France where country = 'France'
published by refers to pub_name
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
qty is abbreviation for quantity; average quantity order = AVG(qty)
US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
most year to date sales refers to MAX(ytd_sales); range limit means high range which refers to hirange; the 20000 range refers to hirange<20000
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; on contract refers to contract = 1
publisher name refers to pub_name;
Find and list the full name of employees who were hired between 1990 and 1995. Also, arrange them in the descending order of job level.
job level refers to job_lvl; YEAR(hire_date) between 1990 and 1995
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
publisher name refers to pub_name;
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
name the publisher refers to pub_name
hired before year 1990 refers to YEAR(hire_date)<1990
Massachusetts is a state; business books refers to type = 'business'
US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; average order = AVG(ytd_sales)
Chief Financial Offer is a job description which refers to job_desc
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl); hired the earliest refers to MIN(hire_date)
In the books published by US publishers, which book has the highest royalty? List these books in the descending order of royalty.
US publisher refers publisher in the US where country = 'USA';
Massachusetts is a state
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; on contract refers to contract = 1
order happened on refers to ord_date
sold on refers to ord_date
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
publication date refers to pubdate; payment terms refers to payterms; payterms = 'ON invoice'
most title published refers to MAX(count(title_id); published in 1991 refers to YEAR(pubdate) = 1991
Life Without Fear is book title
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl)
job title means job description which refers to job_desc
State the publisher name for publisher ID 877? Calculate its average year to date sales.
publisher id refers to pub_id; publisher name refers to pub_name; average year to date sales = AVG(ytd_sales)
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl)
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; on contract refers to contract = 1
publication date refers to pubdate; payment terms refers to payterms; payterms = 'ON invoice'
store name refers to stor_name
at least 10% royalty refers to royalty > = 10; minimum range is synonym for low range which refers to lorange; without minimum range amount refers to lorange <> 0
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
highest job level refers to MAX(job_lvl); hired the earliest refers to MIN(hire_date)
business title refers to title under business where type = 'business'
are over $15 refers to price>15
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sold more than average refers to qty > AVG(qty); california refers to state = 'CA"
Provide a list of titles together with its publisher name for all publishers located in the USA.
publisher name refers to pub_name;
at least 10% royalty refers to royalty > = 10; minimum range is synonym for low range which refers to lorange; without minimum range amount refers to lorange <> 0
not located at USA refers to country! = 'USA'
publication date refers to pubdate; payment terms refers to payterms; payterms = 'ON invoice'
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
job title means job description which refers to job_desc
Life Without Fear is book title
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
business title refers to title under business where type = 'business'
publisher name refers to pub_name
Of the titles, which title is about the Carefully researched study of the effects of strong emotions on the body, which state-based publisher published this book, and what is the year-to-date sale?
year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; about the title refers to notes
qty is abbreviation for quantity; bestseller means with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
Remulade is a city; sales in the store refers to ord_num
Massachusetts is a state
Massachusetts is a state; business books refers to type = 'business'
job title means job description which refers to job_desc
publisher name refers to pub_name;
Life Without Fear is book title
qty is abbreviation for quantity; sells the best mean with the most sales quantity; MAX(qty)
max level for his position refers to max_lvl; job level refers to job_lvl; level left to reach the max = SUBTRACT(max_lvl, job_lvl)
order happened on refers to ord_date
List all the titles of the Spanish books published by Alfaguara.
"Spanish" is the language_name; 'Alfaguara' is the publisher_name
book with the most pages refers to Max(num_pages)
"Fantasmas" is the title of the book; customer names refers to first_name, last_name
ordered at 6/29/2020 7:40:07 PM refers to order_date = '2020-06-29 19:40:07'; shipping method refers to method_name
customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))
book purchased by less than 1 dollar refers to price < 1; books with less than 500 pages refers to num_pages < 500; greater than 500 pages refers to num_pages > 500; Difference = Subtract (Count(book_id where num_pages < 500), Count(book_id where num_pages > 500))
"Žirovnica" is the city; country refers to country_name
books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages)
"ADV Manga" is the publisher_name; books refers to title
"Priority" and "Express" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))
"Ace Book" is the publisher_name; English book refers to language_name = 'English'; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id)) * 100
In books published by Ace Book, what is the percentage of English books published?
"Ace Book" is the publisher_name; English book refers to language_name = 'English'; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id)) * 100
ordered at 6/29/2020 7:40:07 PM refers to order_date = '2020-06-29 19:40:07'; shipping method refers to method_name
delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'
"[email protected]" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13
"The Prophet" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)
"Orson Scott Card" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title
"Žirovnica" is the city; country refers to country_name
order updated in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'; has been returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; percentage = Divide (Count(status_value = 'Returned'), Count(status_value)) * 100
books in English refers to language_name = 'English'
publisher have the word 'book' refers to publisher_name LIKE '%book%'
shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name
Indicate the ISBN13 of all the books that have less than 140 pages and more than 135.
ISBN13 refers to isbn13; less than 140 pages and more than 135 refers to num_pages > 135 AND num_pages < 140;
under 300 pages refers to num_pages < 300; 'HarperCollins Publishers" is the publisher_name
delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'
"The Prophet" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)
name of publisher refers to publisher_name
"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)
most order refers to Max(Count(order_id)); customer refers to first_name, last_name
number of pages refers to num_pages
"Brava" is the publisher_name; in 2006 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2006'
"The Servant Leader" is the title of the book; book in 2003 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2003'
"El plan infinito" is the title of the book; language refers to language_name
Indicate the complete address of customers located in Lazaro Cardenas.
complete address refers to street_number, street_name, city, country; "Lazaro Cardenas" is the city
"The Prophet" is the title of the book: who wrote refers to author_name
"Anleitung zum Zickigsein" is the title of the book
"Arabic" is the language_name; book refers to title
full name refers to first_name, last_name; last name begin with the letter 'K' refers to last_name LIKE 'K%'
books cost 19 dollars and above refers to price > = 19
number of pages refers to num_pages
"Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Filming of the Douglas Adams classic" is the title of the book; publisher refers to publisher_name
"A.R. Braunmuller" is the author_name
publisher have the word 'book' refers to publisher_name LIKE '%book%'
delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'
Give the author's name of the books that cost 19 dollars and above.
books cost 19 dollars and above refers to price > = 19
priority method refers to method_name = 'Priority'
order returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'
under 300 pages refers to num_pages < 300; 'HarperCollins Publishers" is the publisher_name
"O Xará" is the title of the book
"Priority" and "Express" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))
"AK Press" is the publisher_name
published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name
average spend on book orders = AVG (price)
country refers to country_name
full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'Baiyin' is the city
How many orders were delivered in 2021?
delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'
"The Little House" is the title of book; cheapest order price refers to Min(price)
full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city
"O Xará" is the title of the book
most order refers to Max(Count(order_id)); customer refers to first_name, last_name
"The Servant Leader" is the title of the book; book in 2003 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2003'
Iran as their destination refers to country_name = 'Iran'; orders in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'
"Girls' Night In" is the title of the book; publisher is the publisher_name
"Costa Rica" is the country_name
book with cheapest price refers to Min(price); who order means name of customer which refers to first_name, last_name
average spend on book orders = AVG (price)
Which books were released by Orson Scott Card in 2001?
"Orson Scott Card" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title
"The Servant Leader" is the title of the book; book in 2003 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2003'
shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100
book with the most pages refers to Max(num_pages)
publisher refers to publisher_name;  oldest book refers to Min(publication_date)
"British English" is the language_name of the book
"British English" is the language_name of the book
"Priority" and "Express" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))
most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))
order returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'
"Girls' Night In" is the title of the book; publisher is the publisher_name
Identify by their id all the orders that have been cancelled.
have been cancelled refers to status_value = 'cancelled'; id refers to order_id
language written in refers to language_name;
"Dallas" is the city; streets refers to street_name
books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages)
"Birlinn" is the publisher_name; books have pages around 600 to 700 refers to num_pages BETWEEN 600 AND 700; in 2008 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2008'
"A.R. Braunmuller" is the author_name
shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name
ISBN13 refers to isbn13; less than 140 pages and more than 135 refers to num_pages > 135 AND num_pages < 140;
in 2021 refers to substr(order_date, 1, 4) = '2021'; priority shipping method refers to method_name = 'Priority'
"ADV Manga" is the publisher_name; books refers to title
"Girls' Night In" is the title of the book; publisher is the publisher_name
Which customer has the most addresses?
customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))
ordered at 6/29/2020 7:40:07 PM refers to order_date = '2020-06-29 19:40:07'; shipping method refers to method_name
international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100
total price refers to Sum(price)
"2398" is the order_id; time =   Subtract(strftime('%Y', status_date), strftime('%Y', order_date)) AS "year" , Subtract(strftime('%m', status_date), strftime('%m', order_date)) AS "month", Subtract (strftime('%d', status_date), strftime('%d', order_date)) AS "day"
"The Servant Leader" is the title of the book; book in 2003 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2003'
books cost 19 dollars and above refers to price > = 19
"O Xará" is the title of the book
returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'
address refers to street_name, city; received the most orders refers to Max(count(dest_address_id))
"Akira Watanabe" is the author_name
What is the address that received the most orders?
address refers to street_name, city; received the most orders refers to Max(count(dest_address_id))
shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name
books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages)
ISBN refers to isbn13;
customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))
author named 'George' refers to author_name = 'George%'
"Costa Rica" is the country_name
"23755004321" is the isbn13; language refers to language_name
published at least 30 books refers to Count(book_id) > = 30
"The Prophet" is the title of the book: who wrote refers to author_name
"Seaward" is the title of the book; pages refers to num_pages
Name the streets in Dallas.
"Dallas" is the city; streets refers to street_name
street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)
"2398" is the order_id; time =   Subtract(strftime('%Y', status_date), strftime('%Y', order_date)) AS "year" , Subtract(strftime('%m', status_date), strftime('%m', order_date)) AS "month", Subtract (strftime('%d', status_date), strftime('%d', order_date)) AS "day"
complete address refers to street_number, street_name, city, country; "Lazaro Cardenas" is the city
language written in refers to language_name;
"Hirohiko Araki" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100
number of pages refers to num_pages
books cost 19 dollars and above refers to price > = 19
"Girls' Night In" is the title of the book; publisher is the publisher_name
"Hirohiko Araki" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title
book with cheapest price refers to Min(price); who order means name of customer which refers to first_name, last_name
List all of the books that were published in 1995.
published in 1995 refers to publication_date LIKE '1995%'; ; list of book refers to title
delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'
"Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Filming of the Douglas Adams classic" is the title of the book; publisher refers to publisher_name
most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))
average spend on book orders = AVG (price)
number of pages refers to num_pages
cost greater than $10 refers to price > 10; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where price >10), Count(book_id)) * 100; full name refers to the composition of first name, lastname
current address refers to address_status = 1; address refers to street_number, street_name, city
English book refers to language_name = 'English'; 'Carole Marsh Mysteries' is the publisher_name; average = Divide (Count(language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id))
"Girls' Night In" is the title of the book; publisher is the publisher_name
"Zilpha Keatley Snyder" is the author_name; average number of book pages refers to AVG(num_pages)
What is the percentage of books that cost greater than $10 and were ordered by customer Ruthanne Vatini?
cost greater than $10 refers to price > 10; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where price >10), Count(book_id)) * 100; full name refers to the composition of first name, lastname
books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5
"Akira Watanabe" is the author_name
shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100
full name refers to first_name, last_name; last name begin with the letter 'K' refers to last_name LIKE 'K%'
average spend on book orders = AVG (price)
"Dallas" is the city; streets refers to street_name
"Hirohiko Araki" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title
"[email protected]" is the email of customer; full name refers to first_name, last_name
"Anleitung zum Zickigsein" is the title of the book
"The Prophet" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)
What is the publisher name of the book titled The Illuminati?
"The Illuminati" is the title of book
delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'
"First Things First" is the title of the book; author refers to author_name
returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'
average spend on book orders = AVG (price)
book purchased by less than 1 dollar refers to price < 1; books with less than 500 pages refers to num_pages < 500; greater than 500 pages refers to num_pages > 500; Difference = Subtract (Count(book_id where num_pages < 500), Count(book_id where num_pages > 500))
under 300 pages refers to num_pages < 300; 'HarperCollins Publishers" is the publisher_name
"The Prophet" is the title of the book; highest price refers to Max(price)
"[email protected]" is the email of customer; ISBN refers to isbn13
"El plan infinito" is the title of the book; language refers to language_name
"Žirovnica" is the city; country refers to country_name
How many books were published by Brava in 2006?
"Brava" is the publisher_name; in 2006 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2006'
international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100
shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name
English book refers to language_name = 'English'; 'Carole Marsh Mysteries' is the publisher_name; average = Divide (Count(language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id))
number of pages refers to num_pages
"The Little House" is the title of book; cheapest order price refers to Min(price)
book with cheapest price refers to Min(price); who order means name of customer which refers to first_name, last_name
priority method refers to method_name = 'Priority'
number of pages refers to num_pages; average = Divide (Sum(num_pages), Count(book_id))
"Anleitung zum Zickigsein" is the title of the book
"Fantasmas" is the title of the book; customer names refers to first_name, last_name
How many orders does the book "O Xará" have?
"O Xará" is the title of the book
have been cancelled refers to status_value = 'cancelled'; id refers to order_id
books cost 19 dollars and above refers to price > = 19
"Agatha Christie" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)
"The Prophet" is the title of the book; highest price refers to Max(price)
full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city
ISBN refers to isbn13;
address refers to street_name, city; received the most orders refers to Max(count(dest_address_id))
"Kensington" is the publisher_name;
international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100
"Dallas" is the city; streets refers to street_name
Which publisher published Barry Eisler's book?
"Barry Eisler" is the author_name; publisher refers to publisher_name
book purchased by less than 1 dollar refers to price < 1; books with less than 500 pages refers to num_pages < 500; greater than 500 pages refers to num_pages > 500; Difference = Subtract (Count(book_id where num_pages < 500), Count(book_id where num_pages > 500))
book with the most pages refers to Max(num_pages)
"British English" is the language_name of the book
International shipping order refers to method_name = 'International'; orders on 2022/11/10 refers to order_date LIKE '2022-11-10%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(order_id  where method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100
international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100
ISBN13 refers to isbn13; less than 140 pages and more than 135 refers to num_pages > 135 AND num_pages < 140;
book with cheapest price refers to Min(price); who order means name of customer which refers to first_name, last_name
full name refers to first_name, last_name; last name begin with the letter 'K' refers to last_name LIKE 'K%'
"A.J. Ayer" is the author_name;
total price refers to Sum(price)
List all the names of the books written by Danielle Steel.
"Danielle Steel" is the author_name; name of books refers to title
in 2021 refers to order_date LIKE '2021%'
country refers to country_name
English book refers to language_name = 'English'; 'Carole Marsh Mysteries' is the publisher_name; average = Divide (Count(language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id))
number of pages refers to num_pages; average = Divide (Sum(num_pages), Count(book_id))
priority method refers to method_name = 'Priority'
"British English" is the language_name of the book
full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city
cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'
via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'
international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100
What is the average number of pages of David Coward's books?
number of pages refers to num_pages; average = Divide (Sum(num_pages), Count(book_id))
"Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Filming of the Douglas Adams classic" is the title of the book; publisher refers to publisher_name
most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))
"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)
"Orson Scott Card" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title
name of publisher refers to publisher_name
"Priority" and "Express" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))
English book refers to language_name = 'English'; 'Carole Marsh Mysteries' is the publisher_name; average = Divide (Count(language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id))
placed on 04/10/2022 refers to SUBSTR(order_date, 1, 10) = '2022-04-10'; status of order refers to status_value
Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)
number of pages refers to num_pages
In which cities are the customers of Costa Rica located?
"Costa Rica" is the country_name
books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5
International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book
ISBN refers to isbn13;
"Seaward" is the title of the book; pages refers to num_pages
published at least 30 books refers to Count(book_id) > = 30
"Hirohiko Araki" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title
books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages); published from 1990 to 2000 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; 'Free Press' is the publisher_name
customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))
"A.R. Braunmuller" is the author_name
"Dallas" is the city; streets refers to street_name
Please list the titles of all the books in British English.
"British English" is the language_name of the book
"Abrams" is the publisher_name; author's name refers to author_name
customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))
authors named Adam refers to author_name LIKE 'Adam'
"Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Filming of the Douglas Adams classic" is the title of the book; publisher refers to publisher_name
full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city
most order refers to Max(Count(order_id)); customer refers to first_name, last_name
street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)
books over $13 refers to price > 13; percentage = Divide (Sum (order_id where price > 13), Count (order_id)) * 100
"Danielle Steel" is the author_name; name of books refers to title
"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)
Among the books published in 2004, list the name of the publisher of books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages of all books.
published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name
name of publisher refers to publisher_name
full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' is the title of the book
"Costa Rica" is the country_name
Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)
"O Xará" is the title of the book
"The Illuminati" is the title of book
complete address refers to street_number, street_name, city, country; "Lazaro Cardenas" is the city
"The Prophet" is the title of the book: who wrote refers to author_name
publisher have the word 'book' refers to publisher_name LIKE '%book%'
book purchased by less than 1 dollar refers to price < 1; books with less than 500 pages refers to num_pages < 500; greater than 500 pages refers to num_pages > 500; Difference = Subtract (Count(book_id where num_pages < 500), Count(book_id where num_pages > 500))
List all books published by ADV Manga.
"ADV Manga" is the publisher_name; books refers to title
number of pages refers to num_pages
"9780763628321" is the isbn13
full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' is the title of the book
"A.J. Ayer" is the author_name;
cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'
published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name
full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city
"Orson Scott Card" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title
"Anleitung zum Zickigsein" is the title of the book
full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'Baiyin' is the city
How many books were published by publisher "Thomas Nelson"?
"Thomas Nelson" is the publisher_name
full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' is the title of the book
street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)
oldest book refers to Min(publiation_date)
books over $13 refers to price > 13; percentage = Divide (Sum (order_id where price > 13), Count (order_id)) * 100
order returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'
"Orson Scott Card" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title
"Girls' Night In" is the title of the book; publisher is the publisher_name
cancelled refers to status_value = 'Cancelled'; in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'
"Ace Book" is the publisher_name; English book refers to language_name = 'English'; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id)) * 100
complete address refers to street_number, street_name, city, country; "Lazaro Cardenas" is the city
Provide the email of the customers that purchased books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars.
books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5
average spend on book orders = AVG (price)
international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'; orders in 2020 refers to order_date = '2020%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100
have been cancelled refers to status_value = 'cancelled'; id refers to order_id
"O Xará" is the title of the book
full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city
Iran as their destination refers to country_name = 'Iran'; orders in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'
International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book
number of pages refers to num_pages
complete address refers to street_number, street_name, city, country; "Lazaro Cardenas" is the city
cost greater than $10 refers to price > 10; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where price >10), Count(book_id)) * 100; full name refers to the composition of first name, lastname
Write the full name of the customers whose address is at 55 Dorton Pass, Huangqiao.
full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city
"Priority" and "Express" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))
shipping method preferred the most by customers refers to method_id where Max(Count(method_id)); which shipping method refers to method_name
books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages); published from 1990 to 2000 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; 'Free Press' is the publisher_name
delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'
in Japanese refers to language_name = 'Japanese
International shipping order refers to method_name = 'International'; orders on 2022/11/10 refers to order_date LIKE '2022-11-10%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(order_id  where method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100
"The Little House" is the title of book; cheapest order price refers to Min(price)
average spend on book orders = AVG (price)
book purchased by less than 1 dollar refers to price < 1; books with less than 500 pages refers to num_pages < 500; greater than 500 pages refers to num_pages > 500; Difference = Subtract (Count(book_id where num_pages < 500), Count(book_id where num_pages > 500))
complete address refers to street_number, street_name, city, country; "Lazaro Cardenas" is the city
Which country does Malina Johnson live in?
country refers to country_name
in 2021 refers to order_date LIKE '2021%'
ordered at 6/29/2020 7:40:07 PM refers to order_date = '2020-06-29 19:40:07'; shipping method refers to method_name
"British English" is the language_name of the book
average spend on book orders = AVG (price)
in Japanese refers to language_name = 'Japanese
ISBN13 refers to isbn13; less than 140 pages and more than 135 refers to num_pages > 135 AND num_pages < 140;
"Priority" and "Express" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))
shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'
"Hirohiko Araki" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100
returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; in the year 2020 refers to status_date LIKE '%2020%'
Which customer has made the most orders? Show his/her full name.
most order refers to Max(Count(order_id)); customer refers to first_name, last_name
"Bite Me If You Can (Argeneau #6)" is the title of the book; most expensive price refers to Max(price)
"Akira Watanabe" is the author_name
"9780763628321" is the isbn13
delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'
"Dallas" is the city; streets refers to street_name
"Orson Scott Card" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title
"Žirovnica" is the city; country refers to country_name
"Hirohiko Araki" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100
total price refers to Sum(price)
in 2021 refers to substr(order_date, 1, 4) = '2021'; priority shipping method refers to method_name = 'Priority'
How much time does it take to update the status of order "2398"?
"2398" is the order_id; time =   Subtract(strftime('%Y', status_date), strftime('%Y', order_date)) AS "year" , Subtract(strftime('%m', status_date), strftime('%m', order_date)) AS "month", Subtract (strftime('%d', status_date), strftime('%d', order_date)) AS "day"
"Seaward" is the title of the book; pages refers to num_pages
"Hirohiko Araki" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100
"Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Filming of the Douglas Adams classic" is the title of the book; publisher refers to publisher_name
"A.J. Ayer" is the author_name;
total price refers to Sum(price)
"9780763628321" is the isbn13
shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'
most order refers to Max(Count(order_id)); customer refers to first_name, last_name
"Orson Scott Card" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title
street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)
Provide the ISBN and price of the book with book ID 7160.
ISBN refers to isbn13;
"The Prophet" is the title of the book: who wrote refers to author_name
"Zilpha Keatley Snyder" is the author_name; average number of book pages refers to AVG(num_pages)
publisher have the word 'book' refers to publisher_name LIKE '%book%'
book with cheapest price refers to Min(price); who order means name of customer which refers to first_name, last_name
International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book
"Akira Watanabe" is the author_name
under 300 pages refers to num_pages < 300; 'HarperCollins Publishers" is the publisher_name
full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'Baiyin' is the city
"El plan infinito" is the title of the book; language refers to language_name
Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)
Provide the title of the books published in British-English.
"British English" is the language_name of the book
International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book
"Alan Lee" is the author_name; publisher's name refers to publisher_name
authors refers to author_name; more than 3000 pages refers to num_pages > 3000
"Arabic" is the language_name; book refers to title
"Agatha Christie" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)
"The Little House" is the title of book; cheapest order price refers to Min(price)
"9780763628321" is the isbn13
"The Prophet" is the title of the book: total price refers to Sum(price)
"British English" is the language_name of the book
full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city
List all books written in Arabic.
"Arabic" is the language_name; book refers to title
book with cheapest price refers to Min(price); who order means name of customer which refers to first_name, last_name
"Hirohiko Araki" is the author_name; on 6/6/2006 refers to publication_date = '2006-06-06'; which book refers to title
"Ace Hardcover" is the publisher_name
"Agatha Christie" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)
oldest book refers to Min(publiation_date)
current address refers to address_status = 1; address refers to street_number, street_name, city
"Anleitung zum Zickigsein" is the title of the book
"Danielle Steel" is the author_name; name of books refers to title
Japanese book refers to language_name = 'Japanese'; earliest published refers to Min(publication_date)
delivered refers to status_value = 'Delivered'; in 2021 refers to status_date LIKE '2021%'
Among the books ordered by Lucas Wyldbore, what is the percentage of those books over $13?
books over $13 refers to price > 13; percentage = Divide (Sum (order_id where price > 13), Count (order_id)) * 100
in Japanese refers to language_name = 'Japanese
order updated in 2022 refers to SUBSTR(status_date, 1, 4) = '2022'; has been returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'; percentage = Divide (Count(status_value = 'Returned'), Count(status_value)) * 100
"Anleitung zum Zickigsein" is the title of the book
"Akira Watanabe" is the author_name
published in 1995 refers to publication_date LIKE '1995%'; ; list of book refers to title
"Orson Scott Card" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title
"The Prophet" is the title of the book: who wrote refers to author_name
shipping cost refers to cost; ordered in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%'
published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name
"Ace Book" is the publisher_name; English book refers to language_name = 'English'; percentage = Divide (Count(book_id where language_name = 'English'), Count(book_id)) * 100
What is the language of the book with ISBN 23755004321?
"23755004321" is the isbn13; language refers to language_name
"Agatha Christie" is the author_name; name of publisher refers to publisher_name; first book refers to Min(publication_date)
published at least 30 books refers to Count(book_id) > = 30
authors refers to author_name; more than 3000 pages refers to num_pages > 3000
"Danielle Steel" is the author_name; name of books refers to title
authors named Adam refers to author_name LIKE 'Adam'
most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))
"Seaward" is the title of the book; pages refers to num_pages
"ADV Manga" is the publisher_name; books refers to title
"British English" is the language_name of the book
via international shipping refers to method_name = 'International'
How many pages does 'Seaward' have?
"Seaward" is the title of the book; pages refers to num_pages
"Barry Eisler" is the author_name; publisher refers to publisher_name
"ADV Manga" is the publisher_name; books refers to title
International shipping order refers to method_name = 'International'; orders on 2022/11/10 refers to order_date LIKE '2022-11-10%'; percentage = Divide (Sum(order_id  where method_name = 'International'), Count(order_id)) * 100
book with cheapest price refers to Min(price); who order means name of customer which refers to first_name, last_name
author named 'George' refers to author_name = 'George%'
street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)
"Danielle Steel" is the author_name; name of books refers to title
books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5
"El plan infinito" is the title of the book; language refers to language_name
"[email protected]" is the email of customer; full name refers to first_name, last_name
Indicate the last number of each street.
street refers to street_name; last number of each street refers to Substr (street_number, -1)
"76092025986" is the isbn13
"Costa Rica" is the country_name
order returned refers to status_value = 'Returned'
"Alan Lee" is the author_name; publisher's name refers to publisher_name
books with the most number of pages refers to Max(num_pages)
customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))
name of publisher refers to publisher_name
most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))
"23755004321" is the isbn13; language refers to language_name
"Fantasmas" is the title of the book; customer names refers to first_name, last_name
List the author's name of the books published by Abrams.
"Abrams" is the publisher_name; author's name refers to author_name
complete address refers to street_number, street_name, city, country; "Lazaro Cardenas" is the city
International Standard Book Number refers to isbn13; 'The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains' is the title of the book
country refers to country_name
author named 'George' refers to author_name = 'George%'
in Japanese refers to language_name = 'Japanese
"Hirohiko Araki" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100
books with a price range of 3 to 5 dollars refers to price BETWEEN 3 AND 5
language written in refers to language_name;
customer refers to first_name, last_name; the most address refers to Max(count(address_id))
authors named Adam refers to author_name LIKE 'Adam'
Who is the publisher of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Filming of the Douglas Adams classic?
"Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Filming of the Douglas Adams classic" is the title of the book; publisher refers to publisher_name
full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'Baiyin' is the city
full name refers to first_name, last_name; last name begin with the letter 'K' refers to last_name LIKE 'K%'
most common domain for the email refers to Max(Count(SUBSTR(email, CHARINDEX('@', email) + 1, length(email) - charindex('@', email))))
under 300 pages refers to num_pages < 300; 'HarperCollins Publishers" is the publisher_name
published at least 30 books refers to Count(book_id) > = 30
full name refers to first_name, last_name; 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' is the title of the book
"Akira Watanabe" is the author_name
"Orson Scott Card" is the author_name; released in 2001 refers to publication_date LIKE '2001%'; books refers to title
"Hirohiko Araki" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100
"Priority" and "Express" are both method_name; cost difference = Subtract (Sum(cost where method_name = 'Express'), Sum(cost where method_name 'Priority'))
How many books were published by Ace Hardcover?
"Ace Hardcover" is the publisher_name
"Anleitung zum Zickigsein" is the title of the book
oldest book refers to Min(publiation_date)
authors refers to author_name; more than 3000 pages refers to num_pages > 3000
ISBN13 refers to isbn13; less than 140 pages and more than 135 refers to num_pages > 135 AND num_pages < 140;
shipped by international method refers to method_name = 'International'; percentage = Divide (Sum(method_name = 'International'), Count(method_name)) * 100
published in 2004 refers to publication_date LIKE '2004%'; books with number of pages greater than 70% of the average number of pages refers to num_pages > Multiply(Avg(num_pages), 0.7); name of publisher refers to publisher_name
"Žirovnica" is the city; country refers to country_name
"Kensington" is the publisher_name;
address refers to street_name, city; received the most orders refers to Max(count(dest_address_id))
"23755004321" is the isbn13; language refers to language_name
Who is the author of First Things First?
"First Things First" is the title of the book; author refers to author_name
books in English refers to language_name = 'English'
"Hirohiko Araki" is the author_name; 'Viz Media' is the publisher_name; percentage = Divide (Count(author_name = 'Hirohiko Araki'), Count(book_id)) * 100
"A.J. Ayer" is the author_name;
author named 'George' refers to author_name = 'George%'
oldest book refers to Min(publiation_date)
"Girls' Night In" is the title of the book; publisher is the publisher_name
"Costa Rica" is the country_name
published at least 30 books refers to Count(book_id) > = 30
full name refers to first_name, last_name; '55' is the street_number, 'Dorton Pass' is the street_name; 'Huangqiao' is the city
current address refers to address_status = 1; address refers to street_number, street_name, city