Personally, I like the manga book version better than the cartoon. Just curious what other fans think. :)
Definitly the Manga. It had lilke a dark story line to it. The anime was sort girly girly but was fairly good itself. I prefer the Manga. I also like Tokyo Mew Mew a la mode too, but it only had two volumes. When is 4kids TV going to get new episodes and is Tokyo Mew Mew a la mode going to be made into another season of Mew Mew Power?
I recently copied & then changed (sent the text thru a 'ebonics' translator) someone's (Y! ID: worlds_of_thomas_lance) blog entry & made it my blog entry. The entry was a story, the Y! member is a writer & the story was preceeded with a warning not to infringe the his copyright. It's obvious parody & was not even meant to be 'mean spirited', just funny in a stupid way. I even left a message on their 360 page directing them to my 360. People got bent outta shape about it so I'm asking...Did I break the law? Did I violate Y! rules? (haven't really checked those out to be honest) How thin skinned can people be?
Obvious parody. If they don't get the hunour then they are wound too tight. Fair use says you can parody anyone's work without their permission. You aren't passing his work off as your own. What a bunch of dips**ts.
I actually live in Romania, and the tv show ai 3 years old: on some channels you can watch re-runs, but no more than season 3. i searched te net, a lot, and all I got was that they didn't have enough funds to start filming season 4. But some sites said that it will come...soon. When will that be, exactly???? Is it the end of "The Lost World"? And if season 4 will start filming, when will I be able to see it?
This show was cancelled at the end of its third season. The last episode was originally shown in May of 2002. It is unlikely that they would make any more episodes. You can get information on The Lost World and other American TV programs on Here is a link to The Lost World's page : \n
I have read that to build muscle mass do lower rep. is sugessted. How could I build muscle if i do less rep. I thought the more rep. being done more muscle is gain. can u clear the confusion?
You need to lift heavier loads which means you'll not get much reps out of it, but it will help you bulk up.\n\nLighter load w/ high reps makes the cuts and definition for muscles.
my brth date is 20th april 1981
huh.. what does ur bday have to do with ur name being current. no ones name is current becuz all these names have been around forever.
daywatch is the sequel to night watch which rocked by the way!
It looks like it came out already, but isn't out on DVD yet and only had a limited theatrical release. I don't see anything on the hideous cesspool of flash and no search box that is the distributor's website, so I'm guessing they don't have a DVD date set yet.
He could not know anything he has not planned for it would not exists. How could it exists if God has not planned it? Nothing can exists without God. Plans do not come into being apart from a planner, namely God. Therefore His knowledge of all is based upon his planning of all. Like a builder and his plan for a building. he knows al about it because he has it in his plans.
If you believe God exists then you have accept that He knows everything and therefore everything is His divine plan. This means that Hitler was His divine plan, cancer is part of His plan, and people who are born disabled are all part of His plan.
Hello last year in November 2005 my wifes immigration petition was approved. We filed from with in the country for a petition and adjustment of status. In May 2006 we received a letter stating that our check (that we submited to them a year ago in March 2005) was returned and because of this and since we did not pay in a timely manner that they denied our application. At this time my wife has already received her Permanent Residence Card and SS# the whole nine yards. We are looking for advice on how to handle this has there been anyone whos check didnt clear or bounced that was paid to immigration. We didnt receive any notice from them saying so which Im not blaming them for but they say they gave us a 15 day period to pay this but we never received anythign saying so.\n\n\nThank you
welcome to the run around
hell damned drama teachers i tell ya you cant please any of them i dont get why she doesnt like me \ndo you have to be an in your face pantomime character to be noticed in the acting world?
She does like you, she just might critisize you because the other person in your group!\nYou don't look at all the other actors e.g. Magnus Sheving, etc all the famous people....
best answer gets 10 points
check out was on there the other day and they had world cup apparel. also look at they should have a store that offers licensed apparel.\n\nhope this helps
can't they find their own style..
easiest act to follow. no they can't, obviously...
I’m sitting for my exam right now as I’m going to take Swedish tomorrow. So much left to brush up!!! Sounds weird but some day I hope I’ll speak Swedish fluently… But now… afraid I won’t get the highest mark. Will you please wish me Good Luck! Tnx.
good luck I wish I can say it in Swedish for you but I am sure you can.
Jesus says, “Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace on earth! No, rather a sword lf you love your father, mother, sister, brother, more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. “The real beauty of this verse is that Jesus demands people truly love him more then they love their own family. I ask you how can we love someone that we can not see or interact with? Love is an emotion pertaining to physical existence not to faithful ideologies, yet God threatens you with Death just because your love for your mother maybe stronger than your love for him. Matthew 10:34
oh, of course, no ALLEGORIES in the you are a, thousands of years and millions of misguided people at last corrected by you believe in anything other than your own, uh, BULLSHIT?
You would think that we were the KKK or something. The rediculous answers that I read tend to show a generally severe lack of knowledge of the Bible's teachings. I believe that before someone criticizes they should first try to understand what it is that they are criticizing. Is it that the Bibles teachings offer a way to live a decent life and that's not what you want? Do you hate the idea of trying to understand? What are you trying to save me from with your comments anyway?
Are you talking about Catholics and the new pope or all Christians?\n\nI think its probably cuz people are ignorant. And I personally am starting to get very annoyed with peoples stupid and ignorant comments.
Alright I loaded it up this afternoon and I get the message file is missing or corrupt please insert the orriginal windows install disk and press r at the first screen.. Simple enough I think so I pop it in and wait for a while then finally press r but the problem is there is a list of commands and I don't know which to choose. Please help! ps: best and fastest help gets 10 points :-) \n\nAdditional Details\n\n22 minutes ago\nerror message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: /windows/system32/config/syste...\nYou can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original setup cd-rom select r at the first screen to strart repair\n\n17 minutes ago\nok so i press r and it sais which windows installation would you like to log onto(wtheck) so i press a random button for fun like 1and commands are:\nAttrib\nBatch\nBootCGF \nCD\nCHDIR\nCHKDSK\nCLS\nCOPY\nDEL DELETE\nDIR\nDISABLE\nDISKPART\nENABLE \nEXIT\nEXPAND\nFIXBOOT\nFIXMBR\nFORMAT
Not that simple. to resolve, you can try running chkdsk\nat the command prompt (the flashing icon on the screen) type chkdsk /?\nthis will tell you what to do.\nalternatively try running the system in safe mode or last known good.\ntop do this instead of booting from your CD, boot from your C drive and instead of pressing r press F8 (the key labeled F8 and not as some have been known to do press F 8). Sorry but some people don't have a clue.\nif you can't boot do last known good, then reboot again and instead of last known good, select safe mode with networking (this also installs the drivers for your CD drive, safe mode on it's own does not support CDs.\nonce you are able to sign in normally. in windows select start, and scroll around untill you find "system restore" now select from the options a restore point prior to the time the error occured.\nonce you have restored your PC in this fashion, insert your original microsoft XP CD now brows around the cd untill you find the backup utility (this is a little known hidden utility supplied with XP) that once installed will enable you to back up your PC in Full in case of a virus ort hardware failure wiping out your system. you are best advised to back up to en external hard drive and or a set of DVD's once your system is at a basic level of usability (o/s installed, all your frequently used hardware and software installed including your anti virus and firewall utilities are fully installed and before you get online properly)\nOnly once you have installed all your software and run a complete virus scan should you consider making a backup of your hard drive.\nonce a week or everytime you have upgraded software installed anti-malware updates make a new backup set only after you have installed the updates and your system successfully boots.
other doing streches and taking vitamins e
Drink lots of water and never work out the same muscles 2 days in a row. The reason for the soreness is because when you work out your muscle fibers tear and the anabolic metabolism produces lactic acid. The acid that builds in your muscles is what causes the soreness. Working out the same muscles 2 days in a row gives your muscle no time to heal and only produces more lactic acid and, thus, more soreness. Also, drinking water will help to flush out the lactic acid and lessen some of the soreness.
i really need to know.
I do, that's an additional points if they have nice hair.
LOL i kno its a unmature Q but seriosuly what if they hav to go?
Hmm...maybe they just let it out in the field while running. Coz at the end of the game some or most of their shorts are wet. With sweat or with... LOL
I am hoping to strip at a club soon (but that's another question) and I want to plan my act. If you have a favourite stripper, please tell me about her. What do you like her to wear at the start of her act? Does she end up naked? What are her special tricks that appeal to you?
i really like the sort of Vaudeville/Betty Page/50's retro wave that is going through strippers land nowadays. \nI'd say Ditta von Teese is my favourite. (although Betty Page remains my ultimate favourite)
I received a drawing from another user. I want to change the scale in a viewport in paperspace. However, when I go to modelspace and try to do anything with the viewport I get the message... "Viewport is view-locked. Switching to Paper space."\n\nI've never needed to "lock" a viewport, much less know how to unlock one. I erased his viewport and drew in a new one as a work around. But I thought someone might be able to shed some light on this for me.
go to paperspace.\n\ntype "mview" into the command line\n\nthere should be an option for lock (L). type "L"\n\nnext, there should be an option for Lock (ON/OFF). Type "off" and click on the viewport you want to unlock.
Im 19 going to be 20, she is around 30. Im a student worker, she is a counselor. We are both single. We work in the same office in college. I really started to like her, but what should I do? Should i avoid these feelings or go for it? Will she laugh at me or be intersted? What to do because I dont know
she will not laugh at you, Im nearly 40 and if some guy hit on me that was 20, Id be flattered. Give her a flower, tell her you think shes gorgeous. If she is single and not involved, she may like you as well. You are a legal adult now, and age is onyl a number...go for it! you never know the results :)
I am browsing through all these books, but none of them say age requirement. Is it legal to be 21 and have your own business?
No age requirement. But you can't sign legal documents if you are not of legal age - 18 or 21 depending on the state. Minors need to have their parents or legal guardians sign legal documents for them suxh as business registration.\n\nI recommend the following books on entrepreneurship geared for the young people:\n\n- The Young Entrepreneur's Edge : Using Your Ambition, Independence, and Youth to Launch a Succesful Business (Princeton Review Series) -- by Jennifer Kushell\n- The Young Entrepreneur's Guide to Starting and Running a Business : NEW: Use the Internet to jump-start your company; Find out where the money is... and ... ideas, from pet care to public relations; -- by Steve Mariotti\n- Upstart Start-Ups!: How 34 Young Entrepreneurs Overcame Youth, Inexperience, and Lack of Money to Create Thriving Businesses by Ron Lieber\n- Better Than a Lemonade Stand: Small Business Ideas for Kids (Kid's Books By Kids) by Daryl Bernstein\n- How to be a Teenage Millionaire by T.R. Adams\n- Whiz Teens In Business by Danielle Valle'E
...the meaning of theory/hypothesis...\n...and also the mening of impact extinction hypothesis...
A hypothesis is a suggested explanation of a phenomenon or reasoned proposal suggesting a possible correlation between multiple phenomena. The term is derived from the ancient Greek, hypotithenai meaning "to put under" or "to suppose." A scientific hypothesis must be testable and generally will be based upon previous observations or extensions of scientific theories.
aslo why do there paint their face in name of make-up?
Why would you not want women to wear mini skirts? That is sexy? Are you gay? Makeup defines a womans face, and fills in lines and wrinkles, so that they look prettier. Trousers? Who cares. What are you wanting to do anyways? You want women to wear a vail and a burkha? Go to Palestine.
its not like he is pressuring me to do physical things, we are just really really happy now. my mom has a slight problem with the age difference but my dad is ten yrs older than her anyway!\n\nits not unusual around here either for there to be a one -two yr age diffference between teens in relationships, i dunno, im just wondering if the world thinks that its a problem...\nhe is a great guy, he's hilarious, lots of fun, doesnt smoke, he has only been wasted once, and then again, so have i, lol\ni dont think its a problem, do you???
I think age has nothing to do with a relationship. They say that boys are 2 years younger than girls when it comes to maturity, so it works out. That is totally normal girl. Two years isnt anything, I know it feels like that, but out of high school, a few years doesnt mean much. Have fun with ur bf- he sounds like a cool guy.
We are planing to have our wedding out at the lake and, we are planning to go with a Hawaiian theme! I was wondering do I get a formal dress and what does the groom wear to match? I don't want a big dress.
That type of wedding is perfect for a "destination" gown. If you desire something simple, sleek, and elegant without being cumbersome, then check that genre of gowns out. If you don't want to spend an arm and a leg, check out the line of destination gowns from Dessy, Kathryn LaCroix, and Mori Lee Voyage. If you require and elegant and luxurious silk fabric, Winnie Couture and have some wonderful silk gowns. the brides I have put in an L. Virginia all comment about the simple elegance and the fact they feel like they would love to curl up and go to sleep in them! (note: Virginia's gowns can be found in her "a-line" and "sheaths" section.) As far as the groom, a nice linen pair of slacks topped with a light, flowing linen shirt (untucked) would be a great touch.
should we set an example for other countries or do we need a deterence program, before answering please think about the question
Sorry, I'm not a Brit, and couldn't resist answering.\nPlease, we (U.S.) are still your friends. Don't aim it at us, aim it at the French.
What effect will a combination of expansionary fiscal policy and\ncontractionary monetary policy have on the exchange rate?
If by expansionary you mean investing in other currencies, it would probably drive the domestic rate downwards. If a country doesn't trust its own currency why should the people?\n\nA contractionary money policy? You got me on that one. Not familiar with what that term means.
Just curious about how this came about and why it means what it does. Makes no sense to me.
"Three sheets to the wind" is indeed a term for drunkenness that is derived from a sailing term. But the "sheets" in question are not the sails, but the lines (ropes).\n\nThe "sheet" is the line that controls the sails on a ship. If the line is not secured, the sail flops in the wind, and the ship loses headway and control. If all three sails are loose, the ship is out of control.
With Angelina Jolie and Antonio Banderas. I just bought it yesterday because it was on sale. Is it good? let me know, ok! thanx!
I thought it was pretty hot at the time I watched it. I even had my new boyfriend ( now my husband) watch it, so that made twice for me, and it was still hot.
He says that often when the patient is passed out, that the Dr. performs undecent things (works over his rear end with his own tool like he rented it). The thing that concerns me is, leppy seems excited to do this. Does this make him gay or just bisexual?
That depends. When was the last time that your friend "Leppy" did it with a girl? \n\nMost likely he's just bisexual, though.
does it protect adults too from being tempted online ? Is free trial available ?
Have a big dude stand next to you when you're online... Everytime you try to look at porn he'd be instructed to beat you over the head with a baseball bat. Works like a charm.
l have just asked this question but l forgot to say lm in Victoria Australia as most of the answers came from the usa and we are not allowed to do reverse searches here "bummer"any help would be great thanks all
Do you got operator? Or even 411. or even a phone directory to call?\n(IN your country)
that are formatted in very rough slang? I was trying to read one question and I thought my mind was going to blow up. How can you understand what the heck they are saying? I hope that is not the way they write or type in school.
I don't think it is as much rough slang as it is poor grammar and poor spelling. \n\nAnd sometimes the questions are worded in such a bizarre, non-sensical way, that it is not possible to comprehend what the person is trying to ask. And some are asking for 600 pages worth of explanation in a paragraph i.e. What is the meaning of life, and what is the entire history of the theory of evolution vs. creationism.
i no i am too young but i am 10 and i like this boy!!!!!!i talk to him alot on yahoo!messenger! i loves him lot plz help me!
if your 10 how old is he, but you really are too young. its jus best to tell him
your help will clear up an argument between co-workers who should be working.
I'll answer with examples.\n\nYou turn in to a driveway when you get home.\nto turn in to... to drive in the direction of something, like a driveway or a parking lot\nIf you're terribly tired, maybe you'll turn into a zombie.\nto turn into... to become
I was going out with an old classmate we had a renuion after 10 years and we started dating. The thing is that we broke up in August of 2005, which was understabdable because we lived so far apart, and this and that. Only his mother and some other people talked to him and I guess you could say it got the best of him. Anyway, when we broke up I can never stop thinking about him because he is someone that I don't think I could ever find again. Well... anyway just recently I found out that he is dating someone else..... I know I should accept the way things happened.... but I feel so hurt that I feel that if I do I will loose for what I have inside.... but never on the outside because we are friends forever. I just don't know how to handle this.
The View that Star Jones is quitting in July, have an opinion on that, with the exception of I don't care, what is your opinion?
I don't care either. I like Meridith, but the rest can all quit!
what about the higher levels of math?
10 years old... and 13 years old respectively.
Looking mostly for Chris Isaak's videos -baby did a bad bad thing & wicked game.
Look in a porn site. I've found many in advertisements.
How far, do you think, they will go? Iran, Saudi Arabia, Japan and Republic of Korea.
they should fare well. Korea has a pretty good team, as well as Iran. I would say that Korea would go the farthest of all of them
I need a big band to play shows with us let me know of any place where i can find prices and numbers to contact bands.
You don't mention where you needed the bands to play, such as what city, so I can't recommend any specific booking agents in your area, but here's how to find them.\n\nGo to, put in your zip code and then search for "Big Band" You should get a list of big bands in your area, and maybe a booking agency to call to book them for your event.\n\nAlso, I found a booking agency that is nationwide:
1> How come if wizards (and witches if you are feminist) can transfigure things into something else, They don'tturn stones into buns and water into wine ? That way Weaselys won't have to pay for their food, and won't be poor?\n\n2> Do you think the "R.A.B" who destoyed the horcrux in cave could be Regulus Black, Sirius' brother who might have joined the deatheaters to trick them into revealing their secrets, but was killed when Voldemort guessed what he was up to?\n\n3>Who would wina war between Eragon and Voldemort? \n\n4> And who would win a war b/w Gandalf thewhite and Voldemort?
1. I don't think that they are able to transfigure so easily or else they would all just transfigure things into galleons and knuts.\n\n2. Yes, I think RAB was Regulus \n\n3. Do you mean Aragorn as in LOTR or Eragon as in Eragon by Chris Panolini? Either way my money is on Voldemort because he is magic\n\n4. Gandalf could kick Voldemort's butt. Gandalf started as the "grey" meaning he was second in command (Sauron was white if you remember) but in #2 Gandalf is white meaning he is the supreme sorcerer.
i mean after all that critiques craps, he still scored 2 and hes now the record holder along with the other guy.
Yeah, he did alright. But knowing him and Ronaldinho, they could have done it WAY better. but something is something. they won after all :-p
And which city has the lowest crime rate in the United States?
dallas, texas has the highest crime rate in the u.s. according to FBI statistics for robberies and burglaries mostly. new york has the lowest crime rate according to FBI statistics.
Just curious. But then again, I am white, so that will be held against me.
of course not, as long as you are a U.S. citizen, have good credit rating and a clean criminal record, and are well qualified for the job, you have a good chance of bagging the job, all you have to do is apply
I want a very simple one, I like to write, I´m trying to finish a book now but I have more than 100 handwritten pages (both sides) a computer will be faster and more organized, I want something cheap, with enough memory to store my pictures, no internet.
Nowadays, I believe computer basic skills are typing letters/book, spreadsheet, email, and Internet. If you have a computer that can do all of them, you should be good to go.\n\nFrom your description, I would say get a basic to medium kind of laptop. The reason is you want to buy a laptop that can last for at least several years...and more important thing is RELIABILITY factor.\n\nAbout the internet, even though you don't need it right now, I would say consider to have it in your laptop. Maybe next year you decide to have one, and you dont have to upgrade your laptop. Just a thought...\n\nKeep in mind, when you buy a laptop, you want something that:\n\n1. has good support --> very important\n2. dependable --> very important\n3. has capability to perform typing letters, budgeting (using spreadsheet), and email/internet. Photo viewing is optional.\n\n\nYou can shop around based on the following spec as starting point:\n\nPentium 4 or Pentium Centrino (if you want wireless internet capability or be mobile)\nRam min 512 MB (I have seen some sell for 256 MB for less price, do not fall into it. 256 MB is just way too slow)\nHD min 20 GB\nEthernet port (this is for wired internet, definetely you want to have it for future use)\nScreen min 14 inch (feel sorry for your eyes if they have to stare at small screen while you are typing 100 or more pages)\n\nHope it helps...
How often do you use it very important to be strong at math for this type of job???
As far as nursing school is concerned, yes, algebra is helpful, but the algebra used is fairly simple/basic. It is mostly solving for x, or filling in a formula with values, but you will need to know how to set up an equation based on a information provided. \n\nMost nursing schools will test prior to admitting a student, and then to move on each semester, some schools will test again. My school drops a student from the program if the student does not pass the test with at least 95% the second time.\n\nAs far as on the job, algebra is also utilized, however, as a safety measure, pharmacy and/or other nurses are always around to provide assistance when one needs to verify medication dosage. If you work in an ER, you need to be good with your skills, because there may not always be someone around to assist you in math.\n\nHope that helps.
I did....noting happen just the same error message. Whats wrong with it?
You have corrupt system files, or boot files, which OS is this ? 2000 or NT ? In some cases you can use the emergency repair disk, otherwise you can try a reinstall over the existing OS, or a completely new install which I recommend..
Okay, sorry peoples, this is my 10 yr old sisters question. I know its stupid.
What game show? Jeopardy? Fear Factor? The Price is Right? Lingo? Dog Eat Dog? The Wheel of Fortune?\n\nI would have to guess the karate group as they would tend to be better focused and not a bunch of hatemongerers like Euro soccer is filled with.
Australian pop singer Kylie Minogue has had numerous hits in the UK, Australia and Europe! She has also had slight fame in the US! Who knows what hits and what chart positions?
"The loco-motion" 3 \n"I should be so lucky" 28\n"It's no secret" 37\n"Love at first sight" 23\n"Can't get you out of my head" 7\n"Come into my world" 91\n"Slow" 91
what is the law for heating government buildings
68 winter 75 summer uh huh
where do you live? i would like to sneak into your home, and when i get there, you are responsible for feeding me and my twenty children. you are going to educate them, and you are going to give us shelter. how do you like that?
HA HA HA I love it. Hey maybe that is what all of us should do.\n\nDEPORT ILLEGAL ALIENS\n\nENGLISH ONLY IN AMERICA
The very concept that the flag embodies protects your right to burn it (if you are dumb enough to want to)...
"I disapprove of what you say. I disagree with what you say. And I defend your right to say it."\n\nThis is the essence of free speech in a free society. I am very sad reading the posts here from people born and raised in America who still can't understand this basic concept.
I saw lake house, thumbs up!!
i saw that too, i liked it alot!!
pls help me to ease this burden of mine, what will i do now. i cant use my i.d and password because of this.
make another id and do not tell her. use this id for your personal stuff. and if she is not your very close friend change your previous password and tell her that one of your friend saw it so you had to change it. if she demands for new password then say that this time i m not giving it to any one, just because you don't trust if it will be secured with her. i mean she might leak accidently to others.
in a simple supported beam. solid rectangle beam and i beam.
The deflection of a simply supported beam is given by (5/384)*(wL^4)/EI\n\nWhere w is the distributed loading, l is the beam length, E is the youngs modulous a material property and I is the moment of inertia also known as the second moment of Area. (Slope has a similar equation but is dependent on L^3)\n\nIf both cross sections are made of the same material then the only variance in the two deflections is the moment of inertia I.\n\nBecause the I beam is designed to resist moment it has most of its mass in the flanges where it is furthest away from the centre of mass of the section and will therefore contribute most effectivly. Engineered materials often take advantage of this property of I beams to save materials, you can reduce the amount of material needed to satisfy strength and deflection requirements by using an I beam over a solid rectangle.\n\n\nSo for the same area an I beam will deflect less, resist more moment and be effecient where as a solid section will deflect more have a greater slope, resist less moment and be very inefficient
My Boyfriend broke up with me, and i don't know why. He says different things about our relationship to everyone. Fyi: He didn't even give me the same answer twice. He says mean things about me behind my back, and then my faithful friends tell me. I never did anything to him.
Get him back like what? Revenge or to be your boy friend again? To be your boyfriend don't even think about it. He is a liar.He is no good. If he talks bad about you behind your back hes hot even worth your time not even your thoughts. Girl I recomend you find your self a new boyfriend thats how you get revenge and make sure the other guy looks 3 times better than him
This process is used to cure certain types of illnesses.
It is a filtering of the blood with calcium? or other substance(s) that is supposed to bind to heavy metals/toxins in your blood and take it out. There is not a lot of fact to back up the health claims made about it, except for heavy metal poisening, which it is accepted as a treatment for.
I mean it's been like 3/4 of a year or something like that. What's the deal?
It's funny because everyone thinks it is coming out so late because of the politics and what not, but no, movies come out in accordance with how many people went to see them in the theatre and how well they did.... if it was based on politics and what not wouldn't you think Brokeback Mountain wouldn't have come out right away?
I'm an atheist and every time I debate with a Christian and they dont have a comeback, they just say "I have faith", It's like an escape route. If they didn't use the "faith" get away thing, the truth will began to surface about how stupid their belief really is. What's the point in have faith? To force yourself to believe in something that has no evidence or logic to back it up? Why else would you have faith? It's not like having confidence. I never heard a Christian say "I have confidence in god".
Faith was intended for the primitive folk in Christ's era because they were too primitive in their education, thinking and mindset to understand what was behind his message. This 'unquestioning belief' was designed to sustain the message of Christ over the centuries until the arrival of the Apocalypse (Revelation or 'to reveal') which would demystify the 'mystery of the ages'.
What do you think of North Korea aiming their missile at the USA to test it out??? Ya, they are really going to do this.
Okay first of all don;t worry there missiles are not that sophisticated to actually reach the US yet. Yet even if they do fire a missile at the US that does have a nuclear war head we would be able to shoot it down before it gets to our shores.\n\nLet me explain there are two types of nuclear missiles \n\n1. NK has just a regular missile, this will reach a certain altitude maintain that altitude until it reaches it's destination.\n\n2. The US has are what are called ICBM, these missiles go into the subspace and then come down which make them almost impossible to shoot down. This was the big scare during the Cold War. \n\nSo I wouldn't worry about NK they are just looking for attention.
if goverment is so concerned about our health then i smoke but i would be more in favor of banning completely.\nits so hipotrical to sitill take the taxes and say we are concerned.\nthey know if they do that then the black market would flurish and there revenue would be the loser. whats next peanut butter and peanuts.
If our government was "truly" concerned about the health and safety of the US, then they would enact laws about how much alcohol you can consume in one hour. As more people are killed by drunk drivers every year compared to the number of people who are killed by second hand smoke (if there has been any).\n\nAs far as that is concerned why doesn't the government tax alcohol sales like they have additional taxes on cigarettes. If they are concerned about the health of our nation, then why don't they enact laws about the consumption of this drug as well?\n\nIt appears to me that smokers are being discriminated by the majority of non-smokers. Cigarettes are more heavily taxed than any other consumer item in history.
I say Cars no doubt...that movie rocks! My names Mater like Tuh-Mater without the Tuh!
Omg i saw Cars yesterday and it was AMAZING!!! i loved it. i would probley say that was the best. okay i am a red neck (like the rest of my family) and when bill the cabel guy (Mater) said Gitter Done i screemed!!
I have been following up with Marat Safin's games since he came back to court from his knee injury. Saddly, he seems loosing his touch on the court...
Hmm, I always he had potential, but maybe his injury did more damage than expected. That's a shame, I quite like him actually. \nWe need more players to compete with Federer ... otherwise he'll keep adding numbers to his winning streak. \n\nI'm hoping Andy Roddick can play well this time at Wimbledon ...
Love or Faith? more specifically - Love for another human being or Love for God? so love or faith? (with a secret option of hope)
Faith and Hope will eventually be fulfilled. But Love is forever. Love is truly the greatest thing that we can aspire to.
what is it? what's the big idea?
In most ways Jehovah’s Witnesses are like everyone else. They have normal problems—economic, physical, emotional. They make mistakes at times, for they are not perfect, inspired, or infallible. But they try to learn from their experiences and diligently study the Bible to make needed corrections. They have made a dedication to God to do his will, and they apply themselves to fulfill this dedication. In all their activities they seek guidance from God’s Word and his holy spirit.\n\nIt is of vital importance to them that their beliefs be based on the Bible and not on mere human speculations or religious creeds. They feel as did the apostle Paul when he expressed himself under inspiration: “Let God be found true, though every man be found a liar.” (Romans 3:4, New World Translation) When it comes to teachings offered as Biblical truth, the Witnesses strongly endorse the course followed by the Beroeans when they heard the apostle Paul preach: “They received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.” (Acts 17:11) Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that all religious teachings should be subjected to this test of agreement with the inspired Scriptures, whether the teaching is offered by them or by someone else.\n\nJehovah’s Witnesses believe in the Bible as the Word of God. They consider its 66 books to be inspired and historically accurate. What is commonly called the New Testament they refer to as the Christian Greek Scriptures, and the Old Testament they call the Hebrew Scriptures. They rely on both of these, the Greek and the Hebrew Scriptures, and take them literally except where the expressions or settings obviously indicate that they are figurative or symbolic. They understand that many of the prophecies of the Bible have been fulfilled, others are in the course of fulfillment, and still others await fulfillment.\n\nJehovah’s Witnesses? The way they refer to themselves. It is a descriptive name, indicating that they bear witness concerning Jehovah, his Godship, and his purposes. “God,” “Lord,” and “Creator”—like “President,” “King,” and “General”—are titles and may be applied to several different personages. But “Jehovah” is a personal name and refers to the almighty God and Creator of the universe. This is shown at Psalm 83:18, according to the King James version of the Bible: “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.”\n\nThe Scriptural account that Jehovah’s Witnesses draw on for their name is in the 43rd chapter of Isaiah. There the world scene is viewed as a courtroom drama: The gods of the nations are invited to bring forth their witnesses to prove their claimed cases of righteousness or to hear the witnesses for Jehovah’s side and acknowledge the truth. Jehovah there declares to his people: “Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, and my servant whom I have chosen; that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am Jehovah; and besides me there is no saviour.”—Isaiah 43:10, 11, American Standard Version.\n\nSome 6,000,000 persons today who are telling the good news of Jehovah’s Kingdom by Christ Jesus in over 235 lands feel that they properly refer to themselves as Jehovah’s Witnesses.\n\nWith Bible Studies, we will use any Bible that the person may have, King James, America Standard, Catholic, etc, etc, you may have heard that we have our own Bible, and that it is the only one we will use, that is not true, the TRUTH can be found in any Bible, I personally have a King James Bible with me at all times in the Ministry because many people prefer that version of the Bible.
I think that i changed the font the other day when i was using my mouse, but now i cant figue out how to change it back
Hold CTRL & scroll up or down with mouse wheel.
I don't know about now, but awhile ago, Quebec wanted out of Canada. If they separated, likely, they'd soon figure out that being sovereign was not easy. Would you in the USA accept them into your country?
Good God, NO! We'll take the sane English-speaking provinces, not the lunatic French one. Those people are insufferable and have nearly ruined Canada.\n\nI'm just trying to figure out why so many non-Quebecois want to keep those loonies as part of your country? I'd have let those deranged semi-frogs loose long ago.
I'm not very savvy with computer use so please keep answers as simple as possible. Thanks!
Simply put, they should be removed.
ive done 8 hrs with fag breaks in between and occasional shot lol
almost 17 with the breaks
I sit next to him and I like him a lot!! He always stares at me and talks to me. Does he like me??
why are you asking us....ask him!!!
My wife wants to get her RN but we are both in the Navy and gone a lot. The only way we can get to schooling is through internet. How far can she get without physically attending school?
I don’t want to break bad news to you but she can’t physically go to get her RN degree without attend a “Bricks and mortar school” unless she holds a LPN or LVN degree. Here she can get into contact with Indiana State University. They have a bridge program that will allow her to get her RN. Otherwise, she is stuck. \n\nHowever, as a nursing professor in a program, I would recommend that she contact her local nursing school program. Here have her find out what relateds (the classes she needs to complete to get either her ADN or BSN such as English classes, math classes, etc.). From here she can take the list because any good faculty member would provide her with a list of these classes. She can then go onto an online program. Make sure that it is accredited by the six accreditation programs recognized by the US Department of Education. Also make sure that the nursing program will recognize these classes. While I think that online classes are a good thing, you have to contend with state boards of nursing. The boards will not recognize online programs except in a few cases. How hard would it be for her to attend a program where you are stationed? Even if it is in one of the US territories there are still programs there. I do wish you best of luck in this career avenue. There is such a shortage of nurses today and it won’t get any better soon. \n\nAlso, please have her talk with her immediate superior. Let her explain to him or her current career aspirations. There might be a way that she could explore training through the navy. I worked at VA system with a naval trained RN and he indicated that he got this through the navy. It can’t hurt. It might be uncomfortable for her to do this as I am not sure of the chain of command in navy. I was in army after I got my RN and I taught LVNs in the army. Many have gone onto get their RNs. Does the navy have such a program?
It is not Da Vinci because when translated, that means "of Vinci"(Vinci was the place where Leonaro grew up).
Leonardo IS the first name. DaVinci is the last. Many Italian names have "Da" or "De" in front of them, it is like English names like London or York, we just left off the "Of". Leonardo was illegitimate, and in those days the illegitimate did not take their Moms names, they could not take their Dads, so they generally took place names.
I heard of stories of men who got a vasectomy and still manage to get their wives pregnant. Can this happen if a female got a tubeligation? I don't want to be pregnant 10 years later.
Technically it is possible, but the chances are literally like one in a million.\n\nMost of the time the stories about men who get a vasectomy and end up getting their wife pregnant stem from the fact, that there are still some sperm left in the vas deferens after the procedure, and it can take a while before they are all cleared out or dead before it is truely "safe" to have sex without a condom. A lot of people probably think that once it's done pregnancy is impossible and have sex without a condom as soon as they get home.
I have to take both of these classes and my current location doesn't offer them in a face-to-face atmosphere.
Good luck finding an accredited school that will offer you A&P without a lab. This a class that would be very difficult to obtain without a lab portion. You might get one that is an intro, but you would be hard pressed to find a college that would accept it if it not earned with a lab.\n\nI hope you find one though.
OK I know that all humans are programmed with self-preservation forefornt in their minds, but what I want to know is, in your opinion, does this equate with cowardice. \n\nFor instance; you are walking home and see someone being mugged in an alleyway- your self-preservation kicks in and you walk away (calling the cops from a safe distance) rather than wading in and dealing out the beats...does this make you a coward?\n\nLikewise a soldier during battle...if the soldier runs instead of fighting this obviously means they have high self-preservation...but does this define them as a coward?\n\nThanks for you answers!\n\nPS, let's not be having any bitching here please!
Yes, its just a positive and a negative view on the same thing
Is it wrong or right or shall i say okay, for a women to ask a man for his hand in marriage, and how long do you think she hould wait until she proposes marriage to him???? I mean we are in the 2006's these days!!1
There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking a guy to marry you...just make sure, like a man does, that there is a 99% chance you will get a "yes" to the question. And, be prepared to say C ya in the small chance that he says "no, not at this time." I assume you have been going together for a long period of time, that all is well, and it is time to get married. Go for it. It has been done for 100's of years, not just today.
My brother got arrested for possesion of marijuana. He had less than an ounce and it was his first time in any kind of trouble, but they still make him go to court. How can I find a public defender to help him out in court? This is in NYC. \n\nTHANKS!!!
Laws vary by state. If he is entitled to a public defender, the court will appoint one.\n\nMany times, misdemeanor offenses are not considered "crimes" and the state is not required to provide a public defender.\n\nCall a local attorney or the court and they should be able to advise you regarding this specific situation.
who r they? have we found them?
Using mathematics to determine the chances of life elsewhere in the universe, one estimate determines that there are approximately 10^75 advanced societies. If true, then it is very likely that there is life beyond earth – even advanced life forms.
Mine was a doll I called Wiggle Worm
Well when I was growing up I had eight siblings...six older than myself. I didn't have anything long enough to hold as my favorite toy. I started collecting little things..tiny figures from a cracker jack box...the toys in a Frito bag...little stuff. Those were my day I found a little flat rock...I drew a face on it..with my collection of "toys" I invented a family of sorts..The rock was gramps. I eventually lost all my collection except for this day I still have him. It's been about 40 years...gramps is still with me.
my best friend wrote me this letter.we've been best firneds for years but i dunno i think its time she leave my life..heres the letter:\n"Dear Kat,\nim in d period social confused the "accidently" tolfd me my scheduale made me clean up jessicas mess.i dont want to ruin our friendship but you aint being you think its fair?for me to choose between my bestest friend and my boyfriend?specially when my bestest best friend keeps breinging me dow?! dude,for the entire year you've wanted act sad about everything i used to too then i learned i dont need to being depresed wont give you the attrention you need or deserve.being happy and making somethin out of nothing gets peoples attention.look im sorry but i've put up with this and i've seen the kat you are at the malli like hanging out with her but when you act sad and depressed you become "ugly" to pple they dont want to be with someone depressed and upset/kat you are the coolest in the world in my mind as a great friend cheer up and lovve you and everyone will love you.\n \nwith all the love in me,\nkayla m. emmett\n \np.s. please forgive me after this tear bringing letter\np.s.s. i never felt the tension between us\npp.s.s. write back just as long as you are my friend "
Do you think you should, she told you off in the letter and that is not what a friend should do. if she had a problem with you she should've done it in a nicer way. dont let her bring you down find a new friend. GOOD LUCK!!!
...I asked a RHETORICAL question about Bush being in a "PRETEND" election with Hillary...and I get lectured on the damn 22nd admendment!
Didn't you know, we've had pretend elections for the last 6 years.
1. President\n2. Senate\n3. Congress\n4. Federal Reserve Board\n5. Media\n6. Foreign Powers
4. The Fed...they control the monetary policy of the country, or how much money is in the market. By controlling interest rates and how much money is printed at any given time, this has a great affect on how much people pay for loans and the value of the dollar.\n\n1. The President not only implements the budget and policy, but he also gets to appoint governors of the Fed Board and also other economic advisors. Even if Congress passed a budget, he or she would not have to spend the money.\n\n2 & 3. Congress passes the budget and has the ultimate power of the purse. While government spending is a fraction of the GDP, it is still a large share and the amount of money people pay in taxes is less money for the market. Also, a large national debt could crowd out private borrowing, in turn jacking up interest rates. We'll just put the Senate in this answer since they are part of Congress.\n\n5. The media has no control over the economy, but they have the ear of the people. By spinning or telling stories of how well or poorly the economy is doing, this could in turn influence people's spending patterns.\n\n6. Foreign powers have very little to do with the economy, as the GDP is measured by the domestic production levels. One thing foreign powers can do is regulate the cost of goods if we import something important from a country, but that effect is limited and often not as shocking as a domestic price jacking.
does anybody know any ways to loose weight quick and healthy
Healthy weight loss is never quick. If you lose weight too fast, you will regain all of it and then some. You should never lose more than 2 pounds per week. You haven't much weight do you want to lose?\n\nAvoid fried, fatty foods. Stick with lots of vegies and fresh fruit. Avoid regular sodas and fast foods. Drink lots of water and be sure to exercise at least 3 times a week. Eat smaller meals (smaller portions) but eat something every 3 hours to prevent hunger pangs..for example: breakfast, snack (piece of fruit), lunch, snack (piece of fruit or fresh vegies), dinner, snack.
as a solo artist....he was my Favorite New Kid.....he is an amazing talent......a VERY nice person...I have met him when I was a teen & chasing the group....& I have been to 42 of his performances since he has had his solo career......sell out or still hot?.....ur opinion....& be nice to me....everyone is entitled to their own tastes.....
I have only heard of one of his songs and it was alright. It would have been good if he could be more publicised a bit more. Joey McIntyre had a good run when 'Stay the same' was released. "Give It To You" by Jordan was awesome. Made my heart melt all over again.
The girl that I love and was going out with for nearly a year moved. though we promised that we would end back up together, she now has a new boyfriend that I know I can't compete with. any suggestions on how to get her back?
If she really meant what she said about her promise then you should have no problem at getting her back. But if she doesn't want to get with you now just move on and forget her because that promise that you two made to each other probably didn't mean crap to her.
Are they finally going to win a game tonight?
Like the names of concert clubs and music venues in Myrtle Beach
There's a ton of them, House of Blues being the biggest. The Beachwagon is pretty good for country music. HD Spokes has a lot of outdoor shows. For a complete list, check out the web site below. Shows are listed under the entertaniment section. Have fun!
i tried it long long ago as a kid, but boy did it work! Am interested in the paranormal and would like to recaputure the excitement I experienced when we did it as children. But am now a little more scared to try it again - probably because it was effective.
A true ouji board is NOT a toy, its not to be used by people who would not be able to protect themselves. IF you were to use 1 then i suggest you have a medium with you so that if you get a bad spirit come through to you then they would be able to remove the spirit, if you really wanted to get that sort of excitement from spirit why don't you go to a open circle at a spiritualist church? you get the same effect but its safer for you and your friends and they sit in a circle so really there's not alot of difference except you will be safe
is it normal for a 13 year old to take hormones?
NORMAL? No, it's definitely not "normal"! It's normal for a 13-year-old to experience hormonal changes, but not to get pumped!
I'm the most happiest when I roll over, looking at the clock, and it's 8:00 am Saturday morning! :)
Great question!\n\nI'm the happiest at about 2 a.m., I'll usually wake up (bathroom needs ya know lol) and walk around the house, just making sure. I'll stand in their dark room and listen to my little girls peaceful breathing in their sleep and hear how clear and healthy it sounds. When the moonlight kisses their cheek and I see the roundness of their little faces, I remember the babies they were, and I am happy.\n\nEach of them is a unique and wonderful gift from God, for like the biblical Sarah, I had to wait, past the point of hope. Seeing their little faces reminds me of when that gift was new and precious, when I thought I couldn't love them, or God, more. And I smile because I see now how wrong I was. I love them and God even more today. :)
does any body know the first ever website published on the internet
the first ever web site was
someone figured out that we should kill a shark and squeeze the oil out of its liver and shove it up our butt.\nWho invented preperation h with shark liver oil?\nWhat kind of person?
a very crazy one indeed! all crazy people are just genuises
I imagine it would help if you were already masturbating so that you were familiar with your anatomy.
I think I know why you're asking. Maybe you have a young girlfriend and you're asking for her.\n\nI am talking now of personal experience.\n\nI started masturbating as a child, many years before my period started. When I got my period, I discoverd it while I was masturbating....\n.... that was very disgusting....\nJust as a proof that many girls also masturbate at a young age.\n\nIf a girl masturbates, she knows her body better than a girl that doesn't. I heard many questions like "where to put the tampon" - this is just weird. I also just read a question about that here.... and I answered this girl that she should masturbate to learn more about her body.\n\nBut really, using a tampon has nothing to do with masturbation itself. Using a tampon has in general no pleasing factor. It's not really great to use tampons, you just have to.\n\nThe first time, it could hurt a little, but the girl should carefully read the instructions in the box of the tampons.\nThen it will be alright.
I feel this long standing spiritual love for Jesus as my husband in the spiritual sense...not sexual in the physical...I feel this love for Him and my soul fills up with words for Him from the Song of Solomon...etc..........
you should turn the lights down low, light some candles, turn on some good worship music and really worship the Lord... it is awesome... tell Him everything... and of course listen too.
Metaphorical Music by Nujabes released in Aug 2003. Looking to buy anywhere in So Cal or online.
Hi there,\n\nhere you go:\n\nGood luck - it was only released in Japan in 2002, so it's in Japanese.
Hello all, \nPlease check this short article: \n ,and tell me what do you think about,first of all sorry for my english,but I'll do my best \nto fix the errors soon after I launch the entire first place. \nWith many thanks, \nBob
the only way to get a high ranking in google is if a lot of sites link to yours.
what soccer team does David Beckham play for?? isnt it Brazil or Italy??
you twerp it is England. His club is Real Madrid