2 values
1 value
capital-gain is 0. workclass is State-gov. native-country is United-States. age is 44. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 13. hours-per-week is 44. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
workclass is Private. capital-gain is 0. marital-status is Never-married. hours-per-week is 25. capital-loss is 0. native-country is El-Salvador. fnlwgt is 70568. education-num is 2
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 30. workclass is Private. marital-status is Never-married. fnlwgt is 166153. age is 19
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 1902. workclass is Local-gov. education-num is 13. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 188291. age is 42
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. marital-status is Never-married. fnlwgt is 35917. hours-per-week is 50. age is 26. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 62. fnlwgt is 187830. age is 50. education-num is 14
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 1902. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. age is 31. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 182177. education-num is 9
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. workclass is Private. age is 68. fnlwgt is 211162
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 45. education-num is 13. age is 25. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 3103. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 52. workclass is Private. education-num is 9. fnlwgt is 31432. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 99179. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 7. workclass is Private. marital-status is Widowed
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 3325. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 9. marital-status is Never-married. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 397346. hours-per-week is 40
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. workclass is Federal-gov. education-num is 15. capital-loss is 0. age is 61. hours-per-week is 50. fnlwgt is 151369
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is England. capital-gain is 0. hours-per-week is 20. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 339767. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. education-num is 10
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is England. hours-per-week is 40. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 113823. education-num is 14
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is Mexico. capital-gain is 0. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 24. marital-status is Never-married. education-num is 5. fnlwgt is 363053. capital-loss is 0
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 45. fnlwgt is 156926. education-num is 11. workclass is Private. marital-status is Divorced
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. age is 32. workclass is State-gov. hours-per-week is 50. education-num is 14. fnlwgt is 159247
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 4787. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 48. fnlwgt is 298400. age is 61. education-num is 13. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Local-gov. hours-per-week is 40. age is 40. education-num is 9. fnlwgt is 33155
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 50. education-num is 13. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 36
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Local-gov. hours-per-week is 50. fnlwgt is 137232. marital-status is Divorced. education-num is 9
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 4386. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 11. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 144995. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 99999. capital-loss is 0. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. hours-per-week is 50. fnlwgt is 44000. education-num is 14. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. workclass is Federal-gov. education-num is 4. hours-per-week is 30. capital-loss is 0. native-country is Puerto-Rico. age is 64. marital-status is Widowed
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 50. education-num is 10. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 228320. age is 42
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. age is 63. fnlwgt is 176696. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. age is 20. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. marital-status is Never-married. fnlwgt is 164922. education-num is 9
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 95519. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 42. education-num is 9. age is 53
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 4386. native-country is United-States. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. hours-per-week is 13. age is 57. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 13. fnlwgt is 291529
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 16. fnlwgt is 202483. workclass is Private. education-num is 9. age is 80
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 287480. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. education-num is 10. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. workclass is Local-gov. capital-loss is 0. age is 41. hours-per-week is 50. education-num is 14. fnlwgt is 67671
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. workclass is Local-gov. capital-loss is 0. age is 29. hours-per-week is 50. education-num is 14. fnlwgt is 289991
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 43. fnlwgt is 162643. marital-status is Never-married. workclass is Private. education-num is 9
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. fnlwgt is 84774. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. age is 56. hours-per-week is 40. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 45. education-num is 9. age is 50. fnlwgt is 29231. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. workclass is State-gov. capital-loss is 0. age is 39. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 13. fnlwgt is 114055
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 282023. education-num is 14. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is Vietnam. workclass is Federal-gov. hours-per-week is 40. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 110188. education-num is 13. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 61270. age is 51
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 45. fnlwgt is 53513. education-num is 13. marital-status is Never-married. age is 23
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. age is 53. fnlwgt is 36327. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 55. education-num is 12. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 175714. age is 52
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 55. fnlwgt is 150057. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Private. education-num is 10
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is Canada. capital-gain is 0. hours-per-week is 30. workclass is Private. marital-status is Never-married. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 10. fnlwgt is 190418
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 45. education-num is 13. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 33
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 60. education-num is 10. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 96249. age is 44
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. fnlwgt is 172307. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 48. workclass is Federal-gov. education-num is 9. age is 42
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 8614. native-country is United-States. age is 22. education-num is 13. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. marital-status is Never-married. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 30. education-num is 12. workclass is Private. age is 60. fnlwgt is 114413
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. workclass is State-gov. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. age is 42. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 11. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. fnlwgt is 27763. workclass is Local-gov. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 24. fnlwgt is 171889. workclass is Private. education-num is 15. marital-status is Never-married
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. age is 17. capital-gain is 0. hours-per-week is 8. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. marital-status is Never-married. fnlwgt is 170455
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. capital-gain is 0. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. hours-per-week is 35. fnlwgt is 231105. education-num is 10. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. education-num is 4. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 128230. hours-per-week is 50
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Federal-gov. fnlwgt is 94937. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 13. age is 43
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 99999. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 45. education-num is 15. age is 52. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. fnlwgt is 64045
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. marital-status is Separated. education-num is 10. fnlwgt is 554986. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 37. marital-status is Separated. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 244572. education-num is 9
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 50. education-num is 9. fnlwgt is 144778. workclass is Private. age is 43
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. hours-per-week is 14. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. education-num is 10. age is 19. marital-status is Never-married
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. workclass is Federal-gov. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. age is 57. education-num is 10. fnlwgt is 414994
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 15024. native-country is United-States. hours-per-week is 50. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 13. fnlwgt is 127728. workclass is Private. age is 57
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 30. marital-status is Never-married. fnlwgt is 465974. education-num is 7. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 45. education-num is 13. age is 35. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Self-emp-inc
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. workclass is State-gov. hours-per-week is 40. marital-status is Divorced. fnlwgt is 31352. education-num is 10
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. education-num is 9. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. age is 37. hours-per-week is 60. fnlwgt is 126675
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. workclass is Private. marital-status is Never-married. fnlwgt is 149342. education-num is 13
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 45. education-num is 9. age is 52. fnlwgt is 217663. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 15024. native-country is United-States. fnlwgt is 175697. hours-per-week is 60. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. education-num is 13. age is 33
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 3103. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. education-num is 12. age is 51. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 30. fnlwgt is 276456
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 13. hours-per-week is 60. age is 37. fnlwgt is 99146. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 102147. education-num is 11. marital-status is Divorced. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 50. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. education-num is 13. age is 53. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. marital-status is Never-married. hours-per-week is 60. education-num is 9. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 131298
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 45. education-num is 13. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Private. age is 36
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 60. fnlwgt is 156257. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. education-num is 10
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 60. marital-status is Divorced. fnlwgt is 67125. workclass is Private. education-num is 9
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. workclass is Private. marital-status is Divorced. age is 43. education-num is 5
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. workclass is Federal-gov. capital-loss is 0. age is 25. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 27142. education-num is 10
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. age is 34. fnlwgt is 153927. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 3. fnlwgt is 53833. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 60. age is 46. workclass is Private. education-num is 11. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
workclass is Private. capital-gain is 0. education-num is 13. hours-per-week is 40. capital-loss is 0. marital-status is Never-married. native-country is El-Salvador. fnlwgt is 346034
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 10. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 269323
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 50. education-num is 13. age is 50. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. fnlwgt is 186565
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. workclass is Local-gov. capital-loss is 0. age is 26. hours-per-week is 40. marital-status is Never-married. education-num is 13
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 10. workclass is Local-gov. hours-per-week is 18. fnlwgt is 236415. age is 34
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is ?. capital-gain is 7298. fnlwgt is 113806. hours-per-week is 40. workclass is Private. age is 46. capital-loss is 0. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 1887. fnlwgt is 184321. capital-gain is 0. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 40. age is 43. education-num is 6
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Local-gov. age is 20. hours-per-week is 40. marital-status is Never-married. fnlwgt is 194630
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. age is 19. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. marital-status is Never-married. fnlwgt is 199441
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 25. fnlwgt is 141003. marital-status is Never-married. age is 24. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 147206. workclass is Private. education-num is 8. age is 41
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 60. education-num is 13. age is 40. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 209547
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. hours-per-week is 25. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 12. fnlwgt is 321709. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. marital-status is Never-married
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is Guatemala. workclass is Federal-gov. capital-gain is 7688. hours-per-week is 40. capital-loss is 0. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 352094. education-num is 10
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 99999. hours-per-week is 40. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 15. fnlwgt is 294913. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no