2 values
1 value
native-country is Mexico. capital-gain is 0. age is 20. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 40. capital-loss is 0. marital-status is Married-spouse-absent. education-num is 3. fnlwgt is 221955
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. fnlwgt is 187711. age is 35. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 2559. marital-status is Never-married. hours-per-week is 50. fnlwgt is 205246. education-num is 9. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. age is 60
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. age is 57. fnlwgt is 69884. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. workclass is State-gov. age is 46. education-num is 12. hours-per-week is 38. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 27802. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. workclass is State-gov. capital-loss is 0. age is 21. hours-per-week is 20. marital-status is Never-married. fnlwgt is 173324. education-num is 10
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 224498. workclass is Self-emp-inc. marital-status is Divorced. age is 30. education-num is 9
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 7298. native-country is United-States. fnlwgt is 34419. education-num is 10. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. age is 45. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 15024. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 75. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 56701. age is 33. education-num is 13. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 25. education-num is 13. fnlwgt is 245361. age is 39. marital-status is Divorced. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 45. age is 58. education-num is 13. workclass is Self-emp-inc. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 329793
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 7298. native-country is United-States. workclass is Self-emp-inc. hours-per-week is 55. age is 54. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 357596. education-num is 13. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 5178. native-country is United-States. fnlwgt is 135388. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. workclass is Private. age is 54. education-num is 9. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 1409. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. age is 66. education-num is 9. fnlwgt is 293114. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. education-num is 9. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. age is 37. fnlwgt is 186434. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is Poland. capital-gain is 2829. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 55. capital-loss is 0. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 356838. education-num is 10. age is 35
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 9. hours-per-week is 45. fnlwgt is 161572. age is 30. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. age is 47. fnlwgt is 72896. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. age is 40. fnlwgt is 149466. hours-per-week is 35. education-num is 9. marital-status is Divorced. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 4865. native-country is United-States. workclass is State-gov. education-num is 13. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 55. marital-status is Divorced. fnlwgt is 154246. age is 34
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is ?. capital-gain is 0. hours-per-week is 45. marital-status is Never-married. education-num is 13. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 263307. age is 34
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. fnlwgt is 203761. capital-loss is 0. capital-gain is 0. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 40
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. workclass is Private. age is 54. fnlwgt is 210736. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. age is 38. fnlwgt is 283293. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. workclass is State-gov. capital-loss is 1977. native-country is United-States. age is 43. fnlwgt is 33331. hours-per-week is 70. education-num is 15. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 12. hours-per-week is 40. workclass is Private. age is 27. fnlwgt is 236246. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 491000. education-num is 11. age is 35. workclass is Private. marital-status is Divorced
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. education-num is 13. capital-loss is 1887. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 159755. workclass is Private. age is 52. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. workclass is State-gov. capital-loss is 0. age is 32. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 13. fnlwgt is 190577. marital-status is Never-married
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 7298. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 241431. education-num is 14. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 29
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. education-num is 10. capital-loss is 1977. hours-per-week is 50. fnlwgt is 139671. workclass is Private. age is 52. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 15024. native-country is United-States. fnlwgt is 287306. workclass is Private. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 60. age is 41. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. education-num is 12
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. age is 37. fnlwgt is 126675. education-num is 13. workclass is Self-emp-inc. marital-status is Never-married
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 179875. education-num is 7. marital-status is Divorced. workclass is Private. age is 41
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. fnlwgt is 76625. workclass is Private. age is 41. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. age is 63. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 106551. education-num is 9. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 13. fnlwgt is 208591. age is 25. workclass is Private. marital-status is Never-married
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 30. workclass is Private. marital-status is Widowed. fnlwgt is 221167. education-num is 13. age is 31
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. workclass is Federal-gov. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 48. age is 57. fnlwgt is 97837. education-num is 10. marital-status is Divorced
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 13. workclass is Private. age is 32. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 316589
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. education-num is 9. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. workclass is Private. age is 55. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 234125
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is ?. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. capital-gain is 0. fnlwgt is 218490. hours-per-week is 50. capital-loss is 2415. education-num is 15. age is 39. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 27828. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 60. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 233511. marital-status is Divorced. education-num is 14. age is 47
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. workclass is Private. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 35. age is 20. marital-status is Never-married. fnlwgt is 122971. education-num is 10
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 7298. native-country is India. hours-per-week is 40. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. education-num is 14. age is 54. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 225599
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Self-emp-inc. hours-per-week is 60. education-num is 16. age is 49. fnlwgt is 94606. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is Italy. capital-gain is 0. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 141807. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 3. age is 58. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 1977. capital-gain is 0. hours-per-week is 45. education-num is 9. fnlwgt is 133503. workclass is Private. age is 33. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 69132. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 40. marital-status is Never-married. education-num is 13. age is 27
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 22418. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 53
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 7298. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 60. education-num is 9. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 203635. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 54
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 1485. education-num is 7. hours-per-week is 58. fnlwgt is 189123. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 47
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 46. fnlwgt is 52795. education-num is 10. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 47
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. education-num is 15. hours-per-week is 45. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 205643. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 62
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 30. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is ?. fnlwgt is 277390. age is 41. education-num is 13
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 13. hours-per-week is 32. workclass is Private. age is 35. fnlwgt is 98948. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 50. education-num is 13. marital-status is Divorced. fnlwgt is 133963. age is 38. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. fnlwgt is 207301. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. workclass is Federal-gov. education-num is 9. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 31
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Local-gov. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 409505. education-num is 13. marital-status is Divorced. age is 44
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. marital-status is Never-married. hours-per-week is 32. workclass is Private. education-num is 9. fnlwgt is 176137. age is 28
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 89. fnlwgt is 288154. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. education-num is 10. age is 42
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. age is 44. hours-per-week is 55. fnlwgt is 138975. education-num is 9. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. education-num is 15. fnlwgt is 130126. hours-per-week is 45. marital-status is Divorced. age is 44
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. age is 60. hours-per-week is 42. education-num is 9. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. fnlwgt is 376973. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 1485. native-country is United-States. hours-per-week is 37. education-num is 12. fnlwgt is 97933. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 30
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. fnlwgt is 185647. capital-loss is 0. capital-gain is 0. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 50. education-num is 9. age is 27. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 25. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 97306. age is 34. education-num is 13. marital-status is Divorced
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. capital-gain is 0. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 251487. education-num is 4. marital-status is Widowed. age is 51
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is Puerto-Rico. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 9. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 40. marital-status is Separated. fnlwgt is 151087. age is 47
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 15024. education-num is 13. hours-per-week is 40. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 203488. age is 34. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. workclass is State-gov. age is 47. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 47. education-num is 14. fnlwgt is 80914. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 29. fnlwgt is 177380. workclass is Private. marital-status is Divorced. education-num is 9. age is 55
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 60. education-num is 13. fnlwgt is 194698. age is 46. workclass is Private. marital-status is Never-married
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 9. hours-per-week is 50. workclass is Private. age is 34. fnlwgt is 260560. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. age is 59. workclass is State-gov. hours-per-week is 50. education-num is 14. fnlwgt is 186308. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 2174. native-country is England. fnlwgt is 223342. hours-per-week is 40. age is 47. workclass is Private. capital-loss is 0. marital-status is Widowed. education-num is 9
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 60. education-num is 13. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 46. fnlwgt is 251474
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 37. marital-status is Separated. fnlwgt is 113654. education-num is 9. workclass is Private. age is 25
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 50. workclass is Private. marital-status is Never-married. fnlwgt is 416338. education-num is 13. age is 43
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. education-num is 13. capital-loss is 1902. hours-per-week is 55. age is 33. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 236396. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 9. fnlwgt is 165930. age is 38. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 40. marital-status is Never-married. age is 29. fnlwgt is 173611. education-num is 10
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 27828. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 35. workclass is Private. education-num is 14. fnlwgt is 182108. age is 41. marital-status is Never-married
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 70. education-num is 9. fnlwgt is 755858. age is 44. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Private
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. education-num is 11. workclass is Private. native-country is Puerto-Rico. hours-per-week is 40. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 56352. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 35
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 13. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. age is 50. fnlwgt is 167065
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. education-num is 10. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 192230. workclass is Self-emp-inc. age is 77. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. education-num is 10. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 35. workclass is Self-emp-not-inc. fnlwgt is 190078. age is 73. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 1721. capital-gain is 0. hours-per-week is 20. age is 22. workclass is ?. marital-status is Never-married. education-num is 10. fnlwgt is 236330
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 195584. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 12. workclass is Private. age is 42. marital-status is Separated
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. workclass is State-gov. education-num is 10. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 35. age is 40. marital-status is Divorced. fnlwgt is 141583
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. fnlwgt is 76127. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 35. education-num is 12. age is 60. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. education-num is 8. hours-per-week is 40. age is 33. fnlwgt is 102821. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 170148. marital-status is Divorced. education-num is 9. workclass is Private. age is 56
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is ?. capital-gain is 0. hours-per-week is 35. capital-loss is 0. marital-status is Never-married. age is 22. workclass is Private. fnlwgt is 341610. education-num is 10
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. workclass is Private. hours-per-week is 60. marital-status is Never-married. age is 29. fnlwgt is 122000. education-num is 10
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. fnlwgt is 199900. capital-loss is 1848. workclass is Private. age is 40. education-num is 12. hours-per-week is 55. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. fnlwgt is 197919. workclass is Private. education-num is 12. marital-status is Divorced. age is 40
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
capital-gain is 0. native-country is United-States. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 40. education-num is 13. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. workclass is Private. age is 44. fnlwgt is 230478
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no
native-country is United-States. capital-gain is 0. capital-loss is 0. hours-per-week is 35. age is 20. workclass is Private. marital-status is Married-civ-spouse. fnlwgt is 50397. education-num is 10
Predict whether the given person earns a salary >50k USD based on their description. Answer only as yes/no