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1 value
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches . how many green peaches are in the baskets altogether ?
7 10 2
* number2 number0
[1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26]
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches .
how many green peaches are in the baskets altogether ?
there are 7 baskets of peaches . each basket has 10 red peaches and 2 green peaches .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(2 * 7)
(2 / 7)
there are some baskets of peaches . each basket has number0 red peaches and number1 green peaches . if there are a total of number2 peaches in all baskets how many baskets of peaches are there ?
4 3 7
/ number2 + number0 number1
[33, 2, 34, 4, 35, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25]
there are some baskets of peaches . each basket has number0 red peaches and number1 green peaches . if there are a total of number2 peaches in all baskets
how many baskets of peaches are there ?
there are some baskets of peaches . each basket has 4 red peaches and 3 green peaches . if there are a total of 7 peaches in all baskets
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(7 / (4 + 3))
(7 * (4 - 3))
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and some more green peaches . if there are a total of number2 peaches in all baskets how many green peaches are in each basket ?
2 4 12
- / number2 number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 36, 4, 35, 7, 37, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 24, 25, 26]
there are number0 baskets of peaches . each basket has number1 red peaches and some more green peaches . if there are a total of number2 peaches in all baskets
how many green peaches are in each basket ?
there are 2 baskets of peaches . each basket has 4 red peaches and some more green peaches . if there are a total of 12 peaches in all baskets
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((12 / 2) - 4)
((12 * 2) + 4)
there are a total of number0 peaches in a basket . if there are number1 red peaches and some more green peaches in the basket . how many green peaches are in the basket ?
16 13
- number0 number1
[32, 1, 2, 33, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 31]
there are a total of number0 peaches in a basket . if there are number1 red peaches and some more green peaches in the basket .
how many green peaches are in the basket ?
there are a total of 16 peaches in a basket . if there are 13 red peaches and some more green peaches in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(16 - 13)
(16 + 13)
each basket of peaches has number0 red peaches and number1 green peaches . if there are number2 such baskets how many peaches are in the baskets altogether ?
19 4 15
* + number0 number1 number2
[0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26]
each basket of peaches has number0 red peaches and number1 green peaches . if there are number2 such baskets
how many peaches are in the baskets altogether ?
each basket of peaches has 19 red peaches and 4 green peaches . if there are 15 such baskets
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((19 + 4) * 15)
((19 - 4) / 15)
there are number0 peaches distributed equally in some baskets . if each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches how many baskets of peaches are there ?
10 4 6
/ number0 + number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27]
there are number0 peaches distributed equally in some baskets . if each basket has number1 red peaches and number2 green peaches
how many baskets of peaches are there ?
there are 10 peaches distributed equally in some baskets . if each basket has 4 red peaches and 6 green peaches
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(10 / (4 + 6))
(10 * (4 - 6))
number0 green peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 red peaches are in the basket . how many more green peaches than red peaches are in the basket ?
6 60 2
- number0 number2
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 24, 25, 26]
number0 green peaches number1 yellow peaches and number2 red peaches are in the basket .
how many more green peaches than red peaches are in the basket ?
6 green peaches 60 yellow peaches and 2 red peaches are in the basket .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(6 - 2)
(6 + 2)
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie and number1 packs of cake . how many more packs of cookie did she buy over cake ?
10 4
- number0 number1
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29]
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie and number1 packs of cake .
how many more packs of cookie did she buy over cake ?
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought 10 packs of cookie and 4 packs of cake .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(10 - 4)
(10 + 4)
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie number1 packs of cake and number2 packs of chocolate . how many packs of groceries did she buy in all ?
4 22 16
+ + number0 number1 number2
[32, 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 30, 31]
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie number1 packs of cake and number2 packs of chocolate .
how many packs of groceries did she buy in all ?
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought 4 packs of cookie 22 packs of cake and 16 packs of chocolate .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((4 + 22) + 16)
((4 - 22) - 16)
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie and some packs of cake . in total she had number1 packs of grocery how many packs of cake did she buy in all ?
23 27
- number1 number0
[1, 34, 3, 35, 36, 8, 9, 10, 15, 22, 23, 24]
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie and some packs of cake . in total she had number1 packs of grocery
how many packs of cake did she buy in all ?
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought 23 packs of cookie and some packs of cake . in total she had 27 packs of grocery
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(27 - 23)
(27 + 23)
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie and number1 packs of cake . in the end she had number2 amount of change remaining . how many packs of groceries did she buy in all ?
2 12 56
+ number0 number1
[1, 4, 37, 38, 7, 8, 9, 10, 39, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25]
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought number0 packs of cookie and number1 packs of cake . in the end she had number2 amount of change remaining .
how many packs of groceries did she buy in all ?
lucy went to the grocery store . she bought 2 packs of cookie and 12 packs of cake . in the end she had 56 amount of change remaining .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(2 + 12)
(2 - 12)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home . how many more kids spent their summer break at the camp compared to those who stayed home ?
819058 668278
- number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 33, 34, 35, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home .
how many more kids spent their summer break at the camp compared to those who stayed home ?
during summer break 819058 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other 668278 kids stay home .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(819058 - 668278)
(819058 + 668278)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home . how many more kids stayed home compared to those who went to the camp ?
202958 777622
- number1 number0
[32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 30, 31]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home .
how many more kids stayed home compared to those who went to the camp ?
during summer break 202958 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other 777622 kids stay home .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(777622 - 202958)
(777622 + 202958)
lawrence county has number0 kids . during summer break number1 kids go to camp and the rest stay home . how many kids stay home ?
898051 629424
- number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 22, 23, 24]
lawrence county has number0 kids . during summer break number1 kids go to camp and the rest stay home .
how many kids stay home ?
lawrence county has 898051 kids . during summer break 629424 kids go to camp and the rest stay home .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(898051 - 629424)
(898051 + 629424)
lawrence county has number0 kids . during summer break number1 kids stay home and the rest go to camp . how many kids go to the camp during the break ?
313473 274865
- number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 27, 28, 29]
lawrence county has number0 kids . during summer break number1 kids stay home and the rest go to camp .
how many kids go to the camp during the break ?
lawrence county has 313473 kids . during summer break 274865 kids stay home and the rest go to camp .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(313473 - 274865)
(313473 + 274865)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county stay home and the other number1 kids go to camp . about how many kids are in lawrence county ?
907611 455682
+ number1 number0
[2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25, 26]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county stay home and the other number1 kids go to camp .
about how many kids are in lawrence county ?
during summer break 907611 kids from lawrence county stay home and the other 455682 kids go to camp .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(455682 + 907611)
(455682 - 907611)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the rest stay home . lawrence county has number1 kids in all . about how many kids stayed home ?
800059 828521
- number1 number0
[2, 3, 4, 8, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the rest stay home . lawrence county has number1 kids in all .
about how many kids stayed home ?
during summer break 800059 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the rest stay home . lawrence county has 828521 kids in all .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(828521 - 800059)
(828521 + 800059)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county stayed home and the rest went to camp . the total number of kids in larence county is number1 . about how many kids in lawrence county went to camp ?
61619 91676
- number1 number0
[2, 3, 4, 35, 36, 7, 8, 37, 25, 26]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county stayed home and the rest went to camp . the total number of kids in larence county is number1 .
about how many kids in lawrence county went to camp ?
during summer break 61619 kids from lawrence county stayed home and the rest went to camp . the total number of kids in larence county is 91676 .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(91676 - 61619)
(91676 + 61619)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home . an additional number2 kids from outside the county attended the camp . how many kids in total attended the camp ?
34044 134867 424944
+ number0 number2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 36, 37, 8, 38, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home . an additional number2 kids from outside the county attended the camp .
how many kids in total attended the camp ?
during summer break 34044 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other 134867 kids stay home . an additional 424944 kids from outside the county attended the camp .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(34044 + 424944)
(34044 - 424944)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home . an additional number2 kids from outside the county attended the camp . about how many kids are in lawrence county ?
610769 590796 22
+ number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 36, 37, 7, 8, 38, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other number1 kids stay home . an additional number2 kids from outside the county attended the camp .
about how many kids are in lawrence county ?
during summer break 610769 kids from lawrence county go to camp and the other 590796 kids stay home . an additional 22 kids from outside the county attended the camp .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(610769 + 590796)
(610769 - 590796)
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county stayed home and the other number1 kids went to camp . an additional number2 kids from outside the county attended the camp . how many kids are in lawrence county ?
644997 893835 78
+ number1 number0
[1, 2, 3, 4, 35, 6, 36, 8, 37, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22]
during summer break number0 kids from lawrence county stayed home and the other number1 kids went to camp . an additional number2 kids from outside the county attended the camp .
how many kids are in lawrence county ?
during summer break 644997 kids from lawrence county stayed home and the other 893835 kids went to camp . an additional 78 kids from outside the county attended the camp .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(893835 + 644997)
(893835 - 644997)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning . number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon . how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the afternoon ?
62 39
- number0 number1
[0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 26, 27, 28]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning . number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the afternoon ?
62 campers went rowing in the morning . 39 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(62 - 39)
(62 + 39)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning . number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon . how many more campers went rowing in the afternoon than in the morning ?
52 61
- number1 number0
[0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 26, 27, 28]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning . number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
how many more campers went rowing in the afternoon than in the morning ?
52 campers went rowing in the morning . 61 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(61 - 52)
(61 + 52)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning . some more campers went rowing in the afternoon . if a total of number1 campers went rowing that day how many campers went rowing in the afternoon ?
15 32
- number1 number0
[0, 1, 2, 3, 32, 33, 34, 11, 15, 20, 21, 22]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning . some more campers went rowing in the afternoon . if a total of number1 campers went rowing that day
how many campers went rowing in the afternoon ?
15 campers went rowing in the morning . some more campers went rowing in the afternoon . if a total of 32 campers went rowing that day
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(32 - 15)
(32 + 15)
some campers went rowing in the morning while number0 campers went rowing in the afternoon . if a total of number1 campers went rowing that day how many campers went rowing in the morning ?
7 60
- number1 number0
[32, 33, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20, 21, 31]
some campers went rowing in the morning while number0 campers went rowing in the afternoon . if a total of number1 campers went rowing that day
how many campers went rowing in the morning ?
some campers went rowing in the morning while 7 campers went rowing in the afternoon . if a total of 60 campers went rowing that day
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(60 - 7)
(60 + 7)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening . how many campers went rowing in all ?
36 13 49
+ + number0 number1 number2
[0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27, 28, 29]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening .
how many campers went rowing in all ?
36 campers went rowing in the morning 13 campers went rowing in the afternoon and 49 campers went rowing in the evening .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((36 + 13) + 49)
((36 - 13) - 49)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening . how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the afternoon ?
44 39 31
- number0 number1
[0, 1, 2, 33, 4, 34, 35, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening .
how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the afternoon ?
44 campers went rowing in the morning 39 campers went rowing in the afternoon and 31 campers went rowing in the evening .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(44 - 39)
(44 + 39)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening . how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the evening ?
53 48 49
- number0 number2
[0, 1, 2, 33, 4, 34, 6, 7, 8, 9, 35, 14, 15, 16, 17]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening .
how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the evening ?
53 campers went rowing in the morning 48 campers went rowing in the afternoon and 49 campers went rowing in the evening .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(53 - 49)
(53 + 49)
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening . how many more campers went rowing in the afternoon than in the evening ?
33 34 10
- number1 number2
[0, 1, 2, 33, 4, 34, 6, 7, 8, 9, 35, 14, 15, 16, 17]
number0 campers went rowing in the morning number1 campers went rowing in the afternoon and number2 campers went rowing in the evening .
how many more campers went rowing in the afternoon than in the evening ?
33 campers went rowing in the morning 34 campers went rowing in the afternoon and 10 campers went rowing in the evening .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(34 - 10)
(34 + 10)
number0 campers went rowing and number1 campers went hiking in the morning . number2 campers went rowing in the afternoon . how many campers went rowing in all ?
13 59 21
+ number0 number2
[0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 25, 26, 27]
number0 campers went rowing and number1 campers went hiking in the morning . number2 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
how many campers went rowing in all ?
13 campers went rowing and 59 campers went hiking in the morning . 21 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(13 + 21)
(13 - 21)
number0 campers went rowing and number1 campers went hiking in the morning . number2 campers went rowing in the afternoon . how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the afternoon ?
29 66 26
- number0 number2
[0, 1, 2, 32, 4, 5, 6, 7, 33, 13, 14, 31]
number0 campers went rowing and number1 campers went hiking in the morning . number2 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
how many more campers went rowing in the morning than in the afternoon ?
29 campers went rowing and 66 campers went hiking in the morning . 26 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(29 - 26)
(29 + 26)
number0 campers went rowing and number1 campers went hiking in the morning . number2 campers went rowing in the afternoon . how many campers went rowing and hiking in all ?
41 4 26
+ + number0 number2 number1
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 27, 28, 29]
number0 campers went rowing and number1 campers went hiking in the morning . number2 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
how many campers went rowing and hiking in all ?
41 campers went rowing and 4 campers went hiking in the morning . 26 campers went rowing in the afternoon .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((41 + 26) + 4)
((41 - 26) - 4)
number0 campers went rowing on a day . number1 campers went rowing in the morning and some more campers went rowing in the afternoon . how many campers went rowing in the afternoon ?
46 43
- number0 number1
[0, 1, 32, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 30, 31]
number0 campers went rowing on a day . number1 campers went rowing in the morning and some more campers went rowing in the afternoon .
how many campers went rowing in the afternoon ?
46 campers went rowing on a day . 43 campers went rowing in the morning and some more campers went rowing in the afternoon .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(46 - 43)
(46 + 43)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long . the second chapter is number2 pages long . how many more pages does the first chapter have than the second chapter ?
2 48 11
- number1 number2
[32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 33, 34, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long . the second chapter is number2 pages long .
how many more pages does the first chapter have than the second chapter ?
a book has 2 chapters . the first chapter is 48 pages long . the second chapter is 11 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(48 - 11)
(48 + 11)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long . the second chapter is number2 pages long . how many more pages does the second chapter have than the first chapter ?
2 37 80
- number2 number1
[32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 33, 34, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long . the second chapter is number2 pages long .
how many more pages does the second chapter have than the first chapter ?
a book has 2 chapters . the first chapter is 37 pages long . the second chapter is 80 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(80 - 37)
(80 + 37)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long . if there are a total of number2 pages in the book how many pages are in the second chapter ?
2 60 93
- number2 number1
[32, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30, 31]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long . if there are a total of number2 pages in the book
how many pages are in the second chapter ?
a book has 2 chapters . the first chapter is 60 pages long . if there are a total of 93 pages in the book
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(93 - 60)
(93 + 60)
a book has number0 chapters . the second chapter is number1 pages long . if there are a total of number2 pages in the book how many pages are in the first chapter ?
2 36 67
- number2 number1
[32, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 30, 31]
a book has number0 chapters . the second chapter is number1 pages long . if there are a total of number2 pages in the book
how many pages are in the first chapter ?
a book has 2 chapters . the second chapter is 36 pages long . if there are a total of 67 pages in the book
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(67 - 36)
(67 + 36)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long . how many pages does the book have altogether ?
3 66 35 24
+ + number1 number2 number3
[1, 2, 3, 4, 34, 6, 35, 36, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long .
how many pages does the book have altogether ?
a book has 3 chapters . the first chapter is 66 pages long the second chapter is 35 pages long and the third chapter is 24 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((66 + 35) + 24)
((66 - 35) - 24)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long . how many more pages does the first chapter have than the second chapter ?
3 91 23 25
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 39, 8, 9, 10, 11, 40, 41, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long .
how many more pages does the first chapter have than the second chapter ?
a book has 3 chapters . the first chapter is 91 pages long the second chapter is 23 pages long and the third chapter is 25 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(91 - 23)
(91 + 23)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long . how many more pages does the second chapter have than the third chapter ?
3 35 18 3
- number2 number0
[1, 2, 3, 4, 39, 8, 9, 10, 11, 40, 41, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long .
how many more pages does the second chapter have than the third chapter ?
a book has 3 chapters . the first chapter is 35 pages long the second chapter is 18 pages long and the third chapter is 3 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(18 - 3)
(18 + 3)
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long . how many more pages does the first chapter have than the third chapter ?
3 53 75 21
- number1 number3
[1, 2, 3, 4, 39, 8, 9, 10, 11, 40, 41, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26]
a book has number0 chapters . the first chapter is number1 pages long the second chapter is number2 pages long and the third chapter is number3 pages long .
how many more pages does the first chapter have than the third chapter ?
a book has 3 chapters . the first chapter is 53 pages long the second chapter is 75 pages long and the third chapter is 21 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(53 - 21)
(53 + 21)
a book has number0 chapters . each chapter is number1 pages long . how many pages does the book have altogether ?
31 61
* number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20]
a book has number0 chapters . each chapter is number1 pages long .
how many pages does the book have altogether ?
a book has 31 chapters . each chapter is 61 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(31 * 61)
(31 / 61)
a book has number0 chapters across number1 pages . the first chapter is number2 pages long . how many pages are in the first chapter ?
2 23 10
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24]
a book has number0 chapters across number1 pages . the first chapter is number2 pages long .
how many pages are in the first chapter ?
a book has 2 chapters across 23 pages . the first chapter is 10 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(23 - 10)
(23 + 10)
a book has number0 chapters across number1 pages . the second chapter is number2 pages long . how many pages are in the second chapter ?
2 81 68
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24]
a book has number0 chapters across number1 pages . the second chapter is number2 pages long .
how many pages are in the second chapter ?
a book has 2 chapters across 81 pages . the second chapter is 68 pages long .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(81 - 68)
(81 + 68)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
14 6 5
- - number0 number2 number1
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 14 cups of flour and 6 cups of sugar . she already put in 5 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((14 - 5) - 6)
((14 + 5) + 6)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour . how many more cups of sugar than cups of flour does she need to add now ?
9 11 4
- number1 - number0 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour .
how many more cups of sugar than cups of flour does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 9 cups of flour and 11 cups of sugar . she already put in 4 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(11 - (9 - 4))
(11 + (9 + 4))
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour than sugar how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
6 13 8
+ number1 number2
[32, 33, 34, 35, 2, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 48, 49, 50, 21]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour than sugar
how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 6 cups of flour and 13 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs 8 more cups of flour than sugar
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(13 + 8)
(13 - 8)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour than sugar how many cups of flour did she put in ?
11 7 2
- - number0 number1 number2
[32, 33, 34, 35, 2, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 46, 18, 47, 48]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour than sugar
how many cups of flour did she put in ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 11 cups of flour and 7 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs 2 more cups of flour than sugar
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((11 - 7) - 2)
((11 + 7) + 2)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and some more cups of flour . she already put in number1 cups of flour . if she still needs to add number2 more cups of flour how many cups of flour did the recipe require ?
11 3 6
+ number1 number2
[35, 36, 37, 38, 7, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 47, 48, 49, 19, 24, 25, 26]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and some more cups of flour . she already put in number1 cups of flour . if she still needs to add number2 more cups of flour
how many cups of flour did the recipe require ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 11 cups of sugar and some more cups of flour . she already put in 3 cups of flour . if she still needs to add 6 more cups of flour
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(3 + 6)
(3 - 6)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour how many cups of flour did she put in ?
12 5 2
- number0 number2
[32, 33, 34, 35, 2, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 44, 45, 14, 15, 16, 46]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour
how many cups of flour did she put in ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 12 cups of flour and 5 cups of sugar . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs 2 more cups of flour
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(12 - 2)
(12 + 2)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar . how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
9 5 3 62
- number0 number2
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 42, 43, 14, 15, 16, 44, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 9 cups of flour and 5 cups of sugar . she already put in 3 cups of flour and 62 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(9 - 3)
(9 + 3)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar . how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
5 14 10 2
- number1 number3
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 42, 43, 14, 15, 16, 44, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 5 cups of flour and 14 cups of sugar . she already put in 10 cups of flour and 2 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(14 - 2)
(14 + 2)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
12 5 49 11
- number0 number3
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 41, 13, 14, 15, 42, 43, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 12 cups of flour 5 cups of sugar and 49 cups of salt . she already put in 11 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(12 - 11)
(12 + 11)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
10 2 80 7
- - number0 number3 number1
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 46, 47, 18, 19, 20, 48, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 10 cups of flour 2 cups of sugar and 80 cups of salt . she already put in 7 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((10 - 7) - 2)
((10 + 7) + 2)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
12 14 7 2
- - number0 number3 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 46, 47, 18, 19, 20, 48, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 12 cups of flour 14 cups of sugar and 7 cups of salt . she already put in 2 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((12 - 2) - 7)
((12 + 2) + 7)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of sugar than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
6 8 7 5
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 46, 47, 18, 19, 20, 48, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour number1 cups of sugar and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of sugar than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 6 cups of flour 8 cups of sugar and 7 cups of salt . she already put in 5 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(8 - 7)
(8 + 7)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of sugar . how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
12 13 2
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 37, 38, 39, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 12 cups of flour and 13 cups of sugar . she already put in 2 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(13 - 2)
(13 + 2)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of sugar . how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
9 6 4
- number0 - number1 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of flour and number1 cups of sugar . she already put in number2 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 9 cups of flour and 6 cups of sugar . she already put in 4 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(9 - (6 - 4))
(9 + (6 + 4))
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
6 9 2
- - number1 number2 number0
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 6 cups of sugar and 9 cups of flour . she already put in 2 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((9 - 2) - 6)
((9 + 2) + 6)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour . how many more cups of sugar than cups of flour does she need to add now ?
5 14 11
- number0 - number1 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour .
how many more cups of sugar than cups of flour does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 5 cups of sugar and 14 cups of flour . she already put in 11 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(5 - (14 - 11))
(5 + (14 + 11))
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour than sugar how many cups of flour did she put in ?
3 10 5
- - number1 number0 number2
[32, 33, 34, 35, 2, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 46, 18, 47, 48]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour than sugar
how many cups of flour did she put in ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 3 cups of sugar and 10 cups of flour . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs 5 more cups of flour than sugar
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((10 - 3) - 5)
((10 + 3) + 5)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour how many cups of flour did she put in ?
5 13 12
- number1 number2
[32, 33, 34, 35, 2, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 44, 45, 14, 15, 16, 46]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs number2 more cups of flour
how many cups of flour did she put in ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 5 cups of sugar and 13 cups of flour . she already put in some cups of flour . if she still needs 12 more cups of flour
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(13 - 12)
(13 + 12)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar . how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
6 14 7 60
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 42, 43, 14, 15, 16, 44, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 6 cups of sugar and 14 cups of flour . she already put in 7 cups of flour and 60 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(14 - 7)
(14 + 7)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar . how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
11 9 12 10
- number0 number3
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 42, 43, 14, 15, 16, 44, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of flour and number3 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 11 cups of sugar and 9 cups of flour . she already put in 12 cups of flour and 10 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(11 - 10)
(11 + 10)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
3 10 15 6
- number1 number3
[1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 41, 13, 14, 15, 42, 43, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 3 cups of sugar 10 cups of flour and 15 cups of salt . she already put in 6 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(10 - 6)
(10 + 6)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
9 14 40 4
- - number1 number3 number0
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 46, 47, 18, 19, 20, 48, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 9 cups of sugar 14 cups of flour and 40 cups of salt . she already put in 4 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((14 - 4) - 9)
((14 + 4) + 9)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of flour than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
9 7 4 2
- - number1 number3 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 46, 47, 18, 19, 20, 48, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of flour than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 9 cups of sugar 7 cups of flour and 4 cups of salt . she already put in 2 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((7 - 2) - 4)
((7 + 2) + 4)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour . how many more cups of sugar than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
11 6 9 12
- number0 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 46, 47, 18, 19, 20, 48, 27, 28, 29]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar number1 cups of flour and number2 cups of salt . she already put in number3 cups of flour .
how many more cups of sugar than cups of salt does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 11 cups of sugar 6 cups of flour and 9 cups of salt . she already put in 12 cups of flour .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(11 - 9)
(11 + 9)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of sugar . how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
7 10 4
- number0 number2
[1, 2, 37, 38, 39, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of sugar does she need to add ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 7 cups of sugar and 10 cups of flour . she already put in 4 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(7 - 4)
(7 + 4)
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of sugar . how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
12 14 10
- number1 - number0 number2
[1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 23, 24, 25]
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for number0 cups of sugar and number1 cups of flour . she already put in number2 cups of sugar .
how many more cups of flour than cups of sugar does she need to add now ?
mary is baking a cake . the recipe calls for 12 cups of sugar and 14 cups of flour . she already put in 10 cups of sugar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(14 - (12 - 10))
(14 + (12 + 10))
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . jason washed cars over the weekend and now has number2 dollars . how much money did jason make washing cars ?
60 19 33
- number2 number1
[3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31]
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . jason washed cars over the weekend and now has number2 dollars .
how much money did jason make washing cars ?
last week fred had 60 dollars and jason had 19 dollars . jason washed cars over the weekend and now has 33 dollars .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(33 - 19)
(33 + 19)
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has number2 dollars and jason did not work . how much money do they have together now ?
86 5 9
+ number1 number2
[34, 3, 4, 5, 35, 36, 8, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22]
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has number2 dollars and jason did not work .
how much money do they have together now ?
last week fred had 86 dollars and jason had 5 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has 9 dollars and jason did not work .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(5 + 9)
(5 - 9)
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . they washed cars over the weekend and now fred has number2 dollars and jason has number3 dollars . how much money did fred earn over the weekend ?
19 16 40 69
- number2 number0
[3, 4, 5, 36, 37, 8, 9, 10, 38, 14, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28]
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . they washed cars over the weekend and now fred has number2 dollars and jason has number3 dollars .
how much money did fred earn over the weekend ?
last week fred had 19 dollars and jason had 16 dollars . they washed cars over the weekend and now fred has 40 dollars and jason has 69 dollars .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(40 - 19)
(40 + 19)
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . they washed cars over the weekend and now fred has number2 dollars and jason has number3 dollars . how much money did jason make over the weekend ?
114 22 21 78
- number3 number1
[3, 4, 5, 36, 37, 8, 9, 10, 38, 14, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28]
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . they washed cars over the weekend and now fred has number2 dollars and jason has number3 dollars .
how much money did jason make over the weekend ?
last week fred had 114 dollars and jason had 22 dollars . they washed cars over the weekend and now fred has 21 dollars and jason has 78 dollars .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(78 - 22)
(78 + 22)
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has number2 dollars . jason delivered newspapers and now has number3 dollars . how much money did they earn by washing cars ?
111 40 115 44
- number2 number0
[3, 4, 5, 39, 8, 9, 10, 40, 41, 17, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31]
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has number2 dollars . jason delivered newspapers and now has number3 dollars .
how much money did they earn by washing cars ?
last week fred had 111 dollars and jason had 40 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has 115 dollars . jason delivered newspapers and now has 44 dollars .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(115 - 111)
(115 + 111)
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has number2 dollars . jason delivered newspapers and now has number3 dollars . how much money did they earn by delivering newspapers ?
49 3 112 63
- number2 number0
[3, 4, 5, 39, 8, 9, 10, 40, 41, 17, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31]
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has number2 dollars . jason delivered newspapers and now has number3 dollars .
how much money did they earn by delivering newspapers ?
last week fred had 49 dollars and jason had 3 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has 112 dollars . jason delivered newspapers and now has 63 dollars .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(112 - 49)
(112 + 49)
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . jason delivered newspapers and now has number2 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has number3 dollars . how much money did they earn by delivering newspapers ?
78 31 14 90
- number3 number0
[3, 4, 5, 39, 8, 9, 10, 40, 41, 17, 18, 19, 29, 30, 31]
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . jason delivered newspapers and now has number2 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has number3 dollars .
how much money did they earn by delivering newspapers ?
last week fred had 78 dollars and jason had 31 dollars . jason delivered newspapers and now has 14 dollars . fred washed cars over the weekend and now has 90 dollars .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(90 - 78)
(90 + 78)
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . over the weekend fred delivered newspapers earning number2 dollars and washed cars earning number3 dollars . how much money did fred earn over the weekend ?
33 95 16 74
+ number2 number3
[34, 3, 4, 5, 35, 36, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26]
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . over the weekend fred delivered newspapers earning number2 dollars and washed cars earning number3 dollars .
how much money did fred earn over the weekend ?
last week fred had 33 dollars and jason had 95 dollars . over the weekend fred delivered newspapers earning 16 dollars and washed cars earning 74 dollars .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(16 + 74)
(16 - 74)
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . over the weekend fred delivered newspapers earning number2 dollars and washed cars earning number3 dollars . how much money does fred have now ?
47 99 111 34
+ + number0 number2 number3
[32, 33, 34, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26]
last week fred had number0 dollars and jason had number1 dollars . over the weekend fred delivered newspapers earning number2 dollars and washed cars earning number3 dollars .
how much money does fred have now ?
last week fred had 47 dollars and jason had 99 dollars . over the weekend fred delivered newspapers earning 111 dollars and washed cars earning 34 dollars .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((47 + 111) + 34)
((47 - 111) - 34)
dan has $ number0 left with him after he bought a candy bar for $ number1 . how much money did he have initially ?
3 2
+ number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23]
dan has $ number0 left with him after he bought a candy bar for $ number1 .
how much money did he have initially ?
dan has $ 3 left with him after he bought a candy bar for $ 2 .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(3 + 2)
(3 - 2)
dan has $ number0 . he had $ number1 left with him after he bought a candy bar . how much did the candy bar cost ?
4 3
- number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 23, 24, 25]
dan has $ number0 . he had $ number1 left with him after he bought a candy bar .
how much did the candy bar cost ?
dan has $ 4 . he had $ 3 left with him after he bought a candy bar .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(4 - 3)
(4 + 3)
dan has $ number0 . he bought number1 candy bar for $ number2 each one costing the same amount of money . how much money is left ?
4 99 3
- number0 number2
[1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26]
dan has $ number0 . he bought number1 candy bar for $ number2 each one costing the same amount of money .
how much money is left ?
dan has $ 4 . he bought 99 candy bar for $ 3 each one costing the same amount of money .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(4 - 3)
(4 + 3)
dan has $ number0 . he bought number1 candy bar for $ number2 each one costing the same amount of money . how much did each candy bar cost ?
3 2 4
/ number2 number1
[1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 25, 26, 27, 28]
dan has $ number0 . he bought number1 candy bar for $ number2 each one costing the same amount of money .
how much did each candy bar cost ?
dan has $ 3 . he bought 2 candy bar for $ 4 each one costing the same amount of money .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(4 / 2)
(4 * 2)
dan has $ number0 . he bought some candy bar for $ number1 each one costing $ number2 . how many candy bar did he buy ?
2 6 3
/ number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25]
dan has $ number0 . he bought some candy bar for $ number1 each one costing $ number2 .
how many candy bar did he buy ?
dan has $ 2 . he bought some candy bar for $ 6 each one costing $ 3 .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(6 / 3)
(6 * 3)
dan has $ number0 . he bought a candy bar for $ number1 and a chocolate for $ number2 . how much money is left ?
7 2 3
- number0 + number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24]
dan has $ number0 . he bought a candy bar for $ number1 and a chocolate for $ number2 .
how much money is left ?
dan has $ 7 . he bought a candy bar for $ 2 and a chocolate for $ 3 .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(7 - (2 + 3))
(7 + (2 - 3))
dan has $ number0 . he bought a candy bar for $ number1 and a chocolate for $ number2 . how much money did he spend buying the candy bar and chocolate ?
4 7 6
+ number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 29, 30, 31]
dan has $ number0 . he bought a candy bar for $ number1 and a chocolate for $ number2 .
how much money did he spend buying the candy bar and chocolate ?
dan has $ 4 . he bought a candy bar for $ 7 and a chocolate for $ 6 .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(7 + 6)
(7 - 6)
dan has $ number0 . he bought a candy bar for $ number1 and a chocolate for $ number2 . how much money did he spend to buy candy bar than he did to buy chocolate ?
2 6 3
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 33, 34, 35, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18]
dan has $ number0 . he bought a candy bar for $ number1 and a chocolate for $ number2 .
how much money did he spend to buy candy bar than he did to buy chocolate ?
dan has $ 2 . he bought a candy bar for $ 6 and a chocolate for $ 3 .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(6 - 3)
(6 + 3)
dan has $ number0 . he bought a candy bar for $ number1 and a chocolate for $ number2 . how much money did he spend to buy chocolate than he did to buy candy bar ?
5 2 3
- number2 number1
[1, 2, 3, 33, 34, 35, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18]
dan has $ number0 . he bought a candy bar for $ number1 and a chocolate for $ number2 .
how much money did he spend to buy chocolate than he did to buy candy bar ?
dan has $ 5 . he bought a candy bar for $ 2 and a chocolate for $ 3 .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(3 - 2)
(3 + 2)
dan has $ number0 . he bought a candy bar for $ number1 . then his friend have him $ number2 how much money is left ?
4 8 5
+ - number0 number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25]
dan has $ number0 . he bought a candy bar for $ number1 . then his friend have him $ number2
how much money is left ?
dan has $ 4 . he bought a candy bar for $ 8 . then his friend have him $ 5
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((4 - 8) + 5)
((4 + 8) - 5)
dan had $ number0 left with him after he bought a candy bar . if he had $ number1 at the start how much did the candy bar cost ?
3 4
- number1 number0
[1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28]
dan had $ number0 left with him after he bought a candy bar . if he had $ number1 at the start
how much did the candy bar cost ?
dan had $ 3 left with him after he bought a candy bar . if he had $ 4 at the start
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(4 - 3)
(4 + 3)
dan has $ number0 . for a total of $ number1 he bought number2 candy bar each one costing the same amount of money . how much money is left ?
4 3 10
- number0 number1
[1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 27, 28, 29]
dan has $ number0 . for a total of $ number1 he bought number2 candy bar each one costing the same amount of money .
how much money is left ?
dan has $ 4 . for a total of $ 3 he bought 10 candy bar each one costing the same amount of money .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(4 - 3)
(4 + 3)
dan has $ number0 . for a total of $ number1 he bought number2 candy bar each one costing the same amount of money . how much did each candy bar cost ?
3 4 2
/ number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 28, 29, 30, 31]
dan has $ number0 . for a total of $ number1 he bought number2 candy bar each one costing the same amount of money .
how much did each candy bar cost ?
dan has $ 3 . for a total of $ 4 he bought 2 candy bar each one costing the same amount of money .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(4 / 2)
(4 * 2)
dan has $ number0 . he bought a chocolate for $ number1 and a candy bar for $ number2 . how much money did he spend to buy candy bar than he did to buy chocolate ?
5 3 7
- number2 number1
[1, 2, 3, 33, 34, 35, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18]
dan has $ number0 . he bought a chocolate for $ number1 and a candy bar for $ number2 .
how much money did he spend to buy candy bar than he did to buy chocolate ?
dan has $ 5 . he bought a chocolate for $ 3 and a candy bar for $ 7 .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(7 - 3)
(7 + 3)
dan has $ number0 . he bought a chocolate for $ number1 and a candy bar for $ number2 . how much money did he spend to buy chocolate than he did to buy candy bar ?
4 7 2
- number1 number2
[1, 2, 3, 33, 34, 35, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18]
dan has $ number0 . he bought a chocolate for $ number1 and a candy bar for $ number2 .
how much money did he spend to buy chocolate than he did to buy candy bar ?
dan has $ 4 . he bought a chocolate for $ 7 and a candy bar for $ 2 .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(7 - 2)
(7 + 2)
there were number0 roses in the vase . jessica cut number1 more roses from her flower garden and put them in the vase . how many roses are there in the vase now ?
10 8
+ number0 number1
[32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 30, 31]
there were number0 roses in the vase . jessica cut number1 more roses from her flower garden and put them in the vase .
how many roses are there in the vase now ?
there were 10 roses in the vase . jessica cut 8 more roses from her flower garden and put them in the vase .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(10 + 8)
(10 - 8)
there were some roses in the vase . jessica cut number0 more roses from her flower garden and put them in the vase . there are now number1 roses in the vase . how many roses were there in the vase at the beginning ?
16 23
- number1 number0
[1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 41, 42, 43, 26, 27, 28]
there were some roses in the vase . jessica cut number0 more roses from her flower garden and put them in the vase . there are now number1 roses in the vase .
how many roses were there in the vase at the beginning ?
there were some roses in the vase . jessica cut 16 more roses from her flower garden and put them in the vase . there are now 23 roses in the vase .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(23 - 16)
(23 + 16)
there were number0 roses in the vase . jessica threw away number1 roses from the vase and cut some more new roses from her flower garden to put in the vase . there are now number2 roses in the vase . how many roses did she cut ?
2 4 23
- + number2 number1 number0
[1, 2, 3, 35, 34, 36, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 44, 45, 46]
there were number0 roses in the vase . jessica threw away number1 roses from the vase and cut some more new roses from her flower garden to put in the vase . there are now number2 roses in the vase .
how many roses did she cut ?
there were 2 roses in the vase . jessica threw away 4 roses from the vase and cut some more new roses from her flower garden to put in the vase . there are now 23 roses in the vase .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
((23 + 4) - 2)
((23 - 4) + 2)
there were number0 roses in the vase . jessica threw away number1 roses from the vase and cut some more new roses from her flower garden to put in the vase . there are now number2 roses in the vase . how many more roses did she cut than those she threw away ?
15 33 17
- number2 number0
[1, 2, 3, 35, 34, 36, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 50, 51, 52]
there were number0 roses in the vase . jessica threw away number1 roses from the vase and cut some more new roses from her flower garden to put in the vase . there are now number2 roses in the vase .
how many more roses did she cut than those she threw away ?
there were 15 roses in the vase . jessica threw away 33 roses from the vase and cut some more new roses from her flower garden to put in the vase . there are now 17 roses in the vase .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(17 - 15)
(17 + 15)
there were number0 roses in the vase . jessica threw away number1 roses from the vase and cut some more new roses from her flower garden to put in the vase . there are now number2 roses in the vase . how many more roses did she throw away than those she cut from her garden ?
21 34 15
- number0 number2
[1, 2, 3, 35, 34, 36, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 53, 54, 55]
there were number0 roses in the vase . jessica threw away number1 roses from the vase and cut some more new roses from her flower garden to put in the vase . there are now number2 roses in the vase .
how many more roses did she throw away than those she cut from her garden ?
there were 21 roses in the vase . jessica threw away 34 roses from the vase and cut some more new roses from her flower garden to put in the vase . there are now 15 roses in the vase .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(21 - 15)
(21 + 15)
there were number0 roses in the vase . jessica cut some more roses from her flower garden which had a total of number1 roses . there are now number2 roses in the vase . how many roses did she cut ?
7 59 20
- number2 number0
[1, 2, 3, 5, 37, 38, 39, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29]
there were number0 roses in the vase . jessica cut some more roses from her flower garden which had a total of number1 roses . there are now number2 roses in the vase .
how many roses did she cut ?
there were 7 roses in the vase . jessica cut some more roses from her flower garden which had a total of 59 roses . there are now 20 roses in the vase .
there are 43 students and 1720 apples . each student has 9 skittles . if the apples are divided equally among the students
(20 - 7)
(20 + 7)